0(S?^10(0MM0'^^(^0^?^^ THURSDAY, 6th of DECEMBER. ^cJ^ TcL^^ 'Oec y. icj £3,000 FOR N0TE-B06K§: RELICS OF SHELLEY. AMERICAN ANNEXATION. By a merciful fate it was decreed that the Bod- leian and the British Museum should have been founded and established before America dis- coyered England, as, bit by bit and scrip by scrip, the available literary remains of our great men seem to bo going across the seas. One can render thanks that the national libraries hold in their secure keep- ing the- chief monuments of the mighty dead, as the relic-sportsman of the West is for ever angling with bis gilded bait. One day he catches a few Shake- spearian quartos, another a Burns manuscript or two; yesterday, at Sotheby's, ^a was out Shelley ^ing, and in the public contest which followed he won with the bifi-bait of £3,000. Mr. Sabin, who saved the Nelson memorandum for England, tried his best, but the American commissioner, Mr. Thompson, of the firm of Messrs. B. F. Stevens and Brown, was apparently out on a coQte que cofite deed. In a little room overlooking Trafalgar-square this firm transacts its conquering business, and if the Nelson Column is ever shipped to New York, it will not be possible to deny that the firm must have had its eye on it for a long time. The Shelley relics, which caused the commotion yesterday, have already been fully described in these columns, and are three rough note-books in the poet's hand, containing much published and unpublished matter in the shape of memoranda for poetic and dramatic schemes completed or projected. The University which expelled him cherishes in its library the other note-books left by Shelley. The three re- maining which were offered yesterday were^iven by the poet's widow, Mary Godwin, to their son, Sir Percy Shelley, who presented them to Dr. Qamett, Keeper of the Department of Printed Books in the British Museum. By the order of the executors of this famous litterateur, they appeared at auction, and when the time came yesterday in the Qamett sale for them to be offered the room was full of well- known Shelley lovers, including Mr. Buxton Porman and Mr. T. J. Wise, tiie owner of one of the finest libraries of modem literature in private possession. The 230 lota preceding were of comparatively little account. Everybody was alert for the note-books. The tension was somewhat relieved by the remark of a veteran frequenter of Sotheby's — fond of buying piles of books at a crown a lot. " Don't forget my five shillings for the next lot, please sir ! " and then Mr. Tom Hodge said, " We now come to the only important relics left for us by Shelley. Shall I offer them together or separately, gentlemen? " At oncp Mr. Thompson and Mr. Wise proposed and seconde* the en bloc arrangement, and with Mr. QTiaritch": lepresentativo's support, the motion was carried. " 1 should add then," said Mr, Hodge, " that the reserve i* only a small one, and if not exceeded, the three note-books will* be offered successively." At once Mr. Thompson bid £200, and the five- shillings veteran immediately capped it with £250. What is deecribed frequently afi " prolonged laughter " ensued, and Mr. Hodge smilingly askod for a fresh start. "Then £500," replied Mr. Thompson. The locum tenens of Mr. Quaj-itch im- mediately closed with his adversary, and the struggle lasted until £1,500, and then the American commis- sioner was alone in the field. But not for long. Mr, Sabin stepped up to him. At it they went, ding- dong. The contest was waged up to £2,000, and Mr. Thompson affected to be tired. " You can't possibly price these things," came the goad from the auctioneer, and the American champion found b-s second wind. Stolidly pegging away, Mr. Sabin was in front at £2,900. With assumed difficulty Mr. Thompson pronounced the words " Three thousand pounds." A few seconds seemed a long pause, and Mr. Sabin did not challenge more. " Come, now, that's a good starting point! " the wily auctioneer interpolated, but Mr. Sabin shook his head. Then, mindful of the Nelson memorandum, Mr. Hodge finally appealed, " Won't you keep them for this country ? " And Mr. Sabin, remembering the few thanks and even some opprobrium rwoeived by him for fulfilling his promise to sell the Nelson relic to a national representative without a shilling of profit, again shook his head, and Mr. Thompson hurrieJ away to cable the news of his victory. Some day, perchance, a rich American may start the pleasing custom of making gifts to the British Museum. Then, to quote from one of the notebooks, it may be truly said that there is not " a snake in the brake." CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBAEY OF THE LATE Dr. RICHAED GARNETT, C.B. late Keeper of the Printed Books, British Museum, and Trustee of the National Portrait Gallery), COMPRISING A laege collection of modern poetry, 'Boo\\5 S, Ipampblets rclatincj to tbeBritisb flDueeum, Bibliography, Astrological Books, and Works on Palmistry, APPLEDOEE AND OTHEE PRIVATE PRESSES, Biographical and Historical Works, Scientific Treatises, Cransarttona antr ^rna^tringa oi liartous Mamiitz, ^c. Dictionary OF National Biography, complete, 67 vol. 1885-1904; Grote's History of Greece, 10 vol. presentation copy, 1872 ; Lady Meux's Publi- cations ; Universal Anthology, 33 vol. edition de luxe, 1899 ; &c. WORKS BY PEECY B. SHELLEY, Several first editions, and THREE NOTE BOOKS containing AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT MATTER BY HIM of the utmost interest, a considerable portion being unpublished. WORKS BY DR. RICHAED GARNETT, A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF PAMPHLETS, Presentation Books with Autograph Inscriptions. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY. WILKINSON & HODGE. ^urtiottecra of ^Eiicrarg ^rnpfrly $c Morhs mnstrrttiJic of tijg |Ftttc ^rts, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On THURSDAY, the 6th of DECEMBER, 1906, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be Viewed Two Days prior. Catalogues may be had. DRYDEN PRKSS : J. DAVY & SONS, 8-9, FRITH-STREET, S0H0-8QUARE, W. SCHOOL CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shalli be immediately put up again, pro- vided the Auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above five pounds, 2s. 6d. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 10s. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase money; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. V. The lots to be taken away, at the buyer's expense immediately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default of which Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of One Week after the conclusion of the sale the books or other property are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expenses, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which the books were bought. Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge will have the option of reselling the lots uncleared either by public or private sale without any notice being given to the defaulter. VI, All the books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed : but if upon collating, any should prove defective, the purchaser will be at liberty to take or reject them, provided they are returned within One Week after the conclusion of the sale, when the purchase-money will be returned. VII. The sale of any book or books is not to be set aside on account of any worm holes, stained or short leaves of text or plates, want of list of plates, or blank leaves or on account of the publication of any subsequent volume, supplement, appendix, or plates. All the manu- scripts, autographs, all magazines ana reviews, all books in lots, and all tracts in lots or volumes, will be sold with all faults, imperfections and errors of description. The sale of any illustrated book, lot of prints or drawings is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or error of description. VIII. No Imperfect Book will be taken back, unless a note accompanies each book, stating its imperfections, with the number of lot and date of the sale at which the same was purchased. IX. To prevent inaccuracy in the delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the time of sale. X. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; and if any loss is sustained in the reselling of such lots as are not cleared or paid f) 38 Burns (Robert) Poetry, " Centenary Edition," edited by Vs. E. Henley and T. F. Henderson, 4 vol. portraits, limited issue, boards, tmcut Edinb. 1896-7 39 Burton (Sir R. F.) Vikram and the Vampire, illustrated by Ernest Griset, 1870 — Beal (S.) The Romantic Legends of Sakya Buddha, 1875— Lane (E. W.) Arabian Society in the Middle Ages, 1883 ; and others (13) 40 Burton (J. H.) History of the Reign of Queen Anne, 3 vol. first EDITION, with inscription : " To Richard Garnett, Esq. from the Author," original cloth 1880 41 Butler (S.) Alps and Sanctuaries of Piedmont, and the Canton Ticino, first edition, with numerous illustrations, presenta- tion copy from the author, original cloth, 1882 — Evolution, old and new, 1879 — Gavottes, Minuets, Fugues, by S. Butler and H. F. Jones {imp. 8vo), n. d. — Selections from previous Works, pi'esentation copy, 1884 — Sample Passages from a New Prose Translation of the Odyssey, presentation copy, n. d. (5) 42 Butler (S.) Unconscious Memory, 1880 — Luck or Cunning? 1887 — Ex Voto, illustrated, 1888 ; original cloth ; and others by Butler {unbound) (6) 43 Byron (Lord) Works : Poetry, 7 vol. Letters and Journals, 6 vol. edited by E. H. Coleridge, portraits, buckram, uncut, t. e. g. 1898 (13) 44 Cameo Series. Iphigenia in Delphi, and a Chaplet from the Greek Anthology, by Richard Garnett, Japan paper, 2 vol. frontispiece, first editions, only 30 copies of each work issued, parchment, uncut 1890-92 45 Cameo Series. Wordsworth's Grave and other Poems, by William Watson, FIRST edition, frontispiece, 1890 — Iphigenia in Delphi, by Richard Garnett, first edition, frontispiece, 1891 ; and others in the same series (10) 46 Camoens. Obras Completas de Luis de CamOes, por Barreto e Monteiro, 3 vol. in 1, half bound, 1834 — Obras de G. Vicenti, 3 vol. ivith MS. notes by Edward Quillinan, Wordsworth's son-in-law, half calf , 1834 — Araujo (J. de) On the Death of Anthero de Quental, Englished by E. Prestage, privately printed, 1893 — Bibliographia Antheriana, 1897 ; both pre- sentation copies ; and others by Araujo, mostly presentation copies ; etc. (24) B 2 8 OCTAYO 47 Camerarius (J. R.) Horarum Natalium Centuria una, with horo- scopes {sm. ito), 1607 — Vanini (J. C.) Amphitheatrum Aeternae Providentiae Divino-Magicum, some leaves stained, vellum, 1615 — Newton (J. F.) Three Enigmas attempted to be explained, 1821 ; and others (6) 48 Campbell (J. D.) S. T. Coleridge, a Narrative of the Events of his Life, portrait, 1896 — Yarnall (E.) ^Yordsworth and the Coleridges, 1899 — Correspondence of Robert Southey with Caroline Bowles, edited by E. Dowden, portrait, 1881 — Sharp (W.) Life and Letters of Joseph Severn, portraits, 1892 ; and others (8) 49 Carlyle (Thomas) New Letters, edited and annotated by Alex. Carlyle, 2 vol. 1904 — New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle, edited by Alex. Carlyle, 2 vol. portraits and illustrations, 1903, buckram, uncut, t. e.g. (4) 50 Carlyle (Thos.) Historical Sketches, temp. James I and Charles I, 1898— Macdonald (F.) Studies in the France of Voltaire and Rousseau, with portraits, 1895 — Stubbs (W.) Historical Introductions to the Rolls Series, by A. Hassall, 1902 ; and others (lO) 51 Catalogues of Books, Art Exhibitions, Auction Catalogues, Foreign Catalogues of rare Books relating to America, Grosvenor and New Gallery, Royal Academy Exhibition Catalogues ; etc. a parcel 52 Christie (R. C.) Etienne Dolet, le Martyr de la Renaissance, sa Vie, traduit par C. Stryienski, 1886 — Cordier (H.) Cen- tenaire de Marco Vo\o, facsimile engravings, 1896 — Beljame (A.) Le Public et les Hommes de Lettres en Angleterre [1660-1744], 1897 ;and others {unbound) a parcel 53 Gierke (A. M.) Popular History of Astronomy, 1885 — Newcomb (S.) Reminiscences of an Astronomer, portrait, 1903 — Crampton (J.) The Three Heavens, coloured and other illus- trations, 1876 ; and others (6) 54 Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy, growing out of the Campaign in Virginia, 1781, an exact reprint of six rare Pamphlets, com- piled and edited by B. F. Stevens, 2 vol. original cloth, un- cut, t. e. g. roy. 8vo. 1888 55 Coleridge (S. T.) Letters, edited by E. H. Coleridge, 2 vol. por- traits, 1895 — Morley (Henry) English Writers, vol. I and vol. n, part I, calf, g. e. and cloth, 1864-7 — Champneys (B.) Memoirs and Correspondence of Coventry Patmore, 2 vol. portraits, 1900 (6) 66 Coleridge (S. T.) Poetical and Dramatic Works, 4 vol. 1877— Landor (W. S.) Hellenics, enlarged and completed, 1847 — Poemata et Inscriptiones, 1847 ; and another (7) 67 Coleridge. Haney(J. L.) Bibliography of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, one of 3S0 copies, portrait on Japan paper, uncut, t. e. g. printed for private circulation, 1903 OCTAVO 9 58 Coleridge (Sara) Phantasmion, FIRST edition, 1837 — [Palgrave (F. T.)] Preciosa, 1852— Wells (C.) Stories after Nature, 1891 — ^Selections from Landor, by Sidney Colvin, 1882 ; and others (small) (18) 59 Colvin (Sidney) Keats, large paper, presentation copy, an in- teresting 4 page letter of Dr. Garnett to Mr. Colvin, inserted, 1887 — Hogg (Jas.) De Quincey and his Friends, portrait, presentation copy, half bound, 1895 — Hill (C.) Jane Austen, her Homes and her Friends, portraits and illustrations, 1902; and others (9) 60 Cook (K.) The Fathers of Jesus, 2 vol. 1886— Willis (R.) Ser- vetus and Calvin, 1877 — Hanson (Sir R. D.) Paul and the Primitive Church, 1875 — Braec (C. L.) The Unknown God, 1890; and others (13) 61 Corpus Poetarum Latinorum, ed. G. E. Weber, half morocco, 1833 — Corpus Ignatianum : complete collection of the Ignatian Epistles, .... translated, with Notes, etc. by W. Cureton, morocco, g. e. 1849 roy. 8vo. (2) 62 [Cory-Johnson (William)J lonica, first edition, Spanish calf, t. e. g. scarce, 1858 — Reprint of the same, cloth, Orpington, 1891 (2) 63 Courthope (W. J.) History of English Poetry, 5 vol. original cloth, uncut 1895-1905 64 Coutts (F. B. Money) King Arthur : a Trilogy of Lyrical Dramas, one of 200 cojnes, 1897 — Darley (George) Poems, n. d. — Adams (S. F.) Vivia Perpetua, 1893 — Heaven and Earth, n. d. all privately printed; and others, presentation copies (7) 65 Creighton (M.) History of the Papacy during the Period of the Reformation, 5 vol. original cloth 1882-94 66 Creighton (Bp. Mandell) Life and Letters, 2 vol. with portraits and other illustrations, 1904 — Martineau (James) Life and Letters, by Drummond and Upton, 2 vol. portraits, 1902 — Autobiography of Moncure D. Conway, 2 vol. portraits, n. d. (6) 67 Curtius (Ernst) ein Lebensbild in Brief en, heraus. von Fr. Curtius, portrait, 1903-;— Bolin (W.) Brief e von Lud>vig Feuerbach [1820-1871], 2 vol. in 1, portrait, 1904— Vatke (Dr. W.) von H. Benecke, portrait, 1883 (3) 68 Dante Alighieri. Dictionary of Proper Names and Notable Matters in the Works of Dante, by P. Toynbee, buckram, uncut, t. e. g. ito. Oxford, 1898 €9 Dante Alighieri. La Vita Nuova, diP. Fraticelli, 1892 — Another edition, illustrated by P. A. Traquair, 1902 — Another edition, illustrations by D. G. Rossetti, parchment, 1902 — The Vita Nuova and its Author, by C. S. Boswell, with MS. memoranda by Dr. Garnett, 1895 8vo and ito. (4) B 3 10 OCTAVO 70 Dante Alighieri. Tutte le Opere, da Dr. E. Moore, 1894 — Diviiia Commedia, col Comento di P. Fraticelli, portrait, calf gilt, 1892 — Canzoniere, 1887 — Essays on Dante, by Dr. K. Witte, 1898 ; and others, by and relating to Dante, including Dante Society Lectures, containing an Essay by Dr. Garnett, some are presentation copies (18) 71 Dante Alighieri. Traite de I'EIoquence Vulgaire, an exact fac- simile of the original MS. limited issue, uncut, Venise, 1892 — Arte, Scienza e Fede ai giorni di Dante, with facsimiles, 1901 ; and others relating to Dante (unbound) 8vo and ito. a parcel 72 Darwin (C.) Origin of Species, 1872— Hudson (W. H.) Intro- duction to the Philosophy of Herbert Spencer, 1894 — Buckley (A. B.) History of Natural Science, illustrated, 1879 —Coleridge (S. T.) Theory of Life, 1848 ; and others (17) 73 Dennis (George) The Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria, revised edition, 2 vol. with mxip, plans and illustrations, wiginal chth, uncut 1878 74 De Quincey (T.) Confessions of an English Opium-Eater, first EDITION, half morocco, uncut 1822 *** From this copy the edition in the "Parchment Series" (1885) was printed. — Note by Dr. Garnett. 75 De Tabley (Lord) Poems : Dramatic and Lyrical, both series, 2 vol. illustrated by C. S. Eicketts, first edition, 1893 — Orpheus in Thrace, etc. first edition, 1901 — Neill (Ross, i. e. Miss Harwood) Plays, 4 vol. presentation copies, 1871-9 ; and others, some of which are presentation copies (17) 76 Deutsche Rundschau, heraus. von ^Julius Rodenberg, 1875 to 1 901 {wanting several intermediate nos.) — Archiv fiir Papyrus forschung, heraus. von U. Wilcken, vol. I to HI, in 9 parts, 1900-5 4 parcels 77 Dickens (Charles) Complete Works, edited by Richard Garnett, "autograph edition," 30 vol. with Introductions by the Editor, and many etchings by Cruikshank, Landseer, Maclise, Doyle, and others, half crimson morocco, uncut, t. e. g. 1900 *** This edition, edited by Dr. Garnett, is not obtainable in Great Britain. 78 Dictionary of National Biography, edited by Leslie Stephen, 63 vol. — Supplement, 3 vol. and volume of Errata ; together' 67 vol. original cloth (Indexes to the first 14 vol. unbound, accompany the lot) 1885-1904 79 Dyer (T. H.) History of Modern Europe, from the fall of Con- stantinople in 1453 to the War in the Crimea, 4 vol. original cloth 1861-4 80 Edwards (E.) Memoirs of Libraries, etc. second edition, vol. I, issued for presentation, 1885 — Proceedings of the Philological Society, vol. I to III, 1844-48 — Bronte Society Publications: Reports [1895-1904], in 1 vol. — Inauguration of "Edward Edwards" Monument, an Address by Dr. Garnett, 1902 (6) OCTAVO 11 81 Emerson (R. W.) Complete Works, "Centenary Edition," edited by E. W. Emerson, 12 vol. portrait^ m'iginal cloth, uncut, t. e. g. ; and another relating to Emerson (1883) 1903-4 82 Emerson (R. W.) A Memoir, by J. E. Cabot, 2 vol. 1887— Emerson in Concord, by E. W. Emerson, portrait, j>resentation copy, with two interesting autograph letters of the author inserted, 1889 ; and another on Emerson (4) 83 English Miscellany (An), presented to Dr. Furnivall, portrait and plates, 1901 — Hirsch (Dr.) A Book of Essays, portrait, 1905 — Pater (Walter) Essays from the Guardian, 1901 — Jameson (Mrs.) Commonplace Book of Thoughts, Memories, etc. illustrations, 1854 ; and others (8) 84 Ettmiiller (Dr.) Altnordischer Sagenschatz, 1870 — Homer's Odyssea, von J. H. Voss, 1881 — Aristophanes Werke, von J. G. Droysen, 2 vol. in 1, 1869 ; and others a parcel 85 Farrar (F. W.) Darkness and Dawn : or Scenes in the Days of Nero, 2 vol. 1891 — Life of Christ, 2 vol. presentation copy, n. d. — Drummond (J.) The Jewish Messiah, 1877 ; etc. (6) 86 Garnett (R.) The Twilight of the Gods, and other Tales, first EDITION, a long and interesting autograph letter of Lord Lytton inserted, morocco, uncut, t. e. g. scarce 1888 87 Garnett (R.) Primula : a Book of Lyrics, first edition, proof copy, with numerous MS. notes and corrections hy the author, limp morocco (Dr. Garnett's first book, and exceedingly scarce) 1858 88 Garnett (R.) lo in Egypt, and other Poems, 1859 — Poems from the German, 1862 ; first editions, dark blue morocco, g. e. hy Hay day (2) 89 Garnett (R.) Poems, 1895— The Twilight of the Gods, and other Tales, frontispiece, augmented edition, 1903 — Dante : Pe- trarch ; Camoens, CXXIV Sonnets translated by Dr. Garnett, 1896 ; and others, uncut (6) 90 Garnett (R.) Poems, with MS. notes by the author, 1895 — The Poetry of S. T. Coleridge, edited by Dr. Garnett, portrait, with MS. notes hy Dr. Garnett, 1898 — Edward Gibbon AVakefield : the Colonization of South Australia and New Zealand, portrait and maps, an autograph letter of the author inserted, 1898— Burton (Capt. R. F.) Lord Beaconsfield : a Sketch, one of 25 copies, half morocco, n. d. ; and others, one ivith an original 3IS. Sonnet hy Dr. Garnett — E. G. Wake- field et sa Doctrine de la Colonisation Systematique, 1904 (8) 91 [Garnett (R.)] Notes on Stillingfleet, by S. T. Coleridge, one of 30 copies, 1875 — Library Journal, October 1899 (containing an article on Dr. Garnett, with portrait) — Memoir of Mathilde Blind, by Dr. Garnett, one of 25 copies struck off separately — A Chapter from Brunnhofer's Life of Giordano Bruno, privately printed ; and other Tracts, chiefly pi'ivately printed (lO) 92 Garnett. The Library Series, edited by Dr. Garnett, vol. I to V, 1897-99 — Tares, scarce, having been withdrawn from publi- cation, 1884 — William Shakespeare : Pedagogue and Poacher, a Drama, 1805 ; various Papers by Dr. Garnett, etc. a parcel 12 OCTAVO 93 Garnett (Rev. Richard, of the British Museum). Johnson (Dr. S.) Dictionary of the English Language, 2 vol. interleaved, with MS. notes hy the Rev. R. Garnett, 1820 — Philological Essays, edited by his Son {tvM copies), 1859 — The Protestant Guardian, vol. I and II, in 1 vol. {contains many contributions hy the Rev. R. Garnett), 1828 — Warburton (Bp.) Letters from a late Eminent Prelate {with MS. notes hy Dr. Whitaker and the Rev. R. Garnett), 1809 ; and others, with MS. notes hy the R«v. R. Garnett (7) 94 Germ (The), all puhlished, with etchings hy Holman Huntj J. Collinson and F. M. Brown, the names of writers have heen written in hy Dr. Garnett \T. Woolner, F. M. Brown, G. Patmore, D. G. Rossetti, etc.] {no title), Niger mxyrocco, g. e. (1850) 95 Giglioli (C. H. D.) Naples in 1799, with illustrations, 1903— Glover (T. R.) Life and Letters in the Fourth Century, 1901 — Chronicles of the White Rose of York, 1845 — Gooch (G. P.) Annals of Politics and Culture, 1901 ; etc. (9) 96 Goethe : sein Leben und seine Werke, von Dr. A. Bielschowsky, 2 vol. {not uniform), portraits, 1896-1904— Westostlicher Divan und Reineke Fuchs, in 1 vol. 1872 — Marchendich- tungen, 1879 — Brandes (G.) Moderne Geister, portraits, presentation copy from the author, 1897 ; and others (12) 97 Goethe. Iphigenia in Tauris, translated into English blank verse, by P. M. Ellis, one of 50 copies, privately printed, presentation copy, 1883 — Borgia: a Period Play, 1905 — Lee (Vernon) Ariadne in Mantua, 1903— Life of P. A. Motteux [1660- 1718], by H. van Laun, presentation copy ; and others (14) 98 Goethe. Werke, heraus. im Auftrage der Groszherzogin Sophie von Sachsen, vol. I to XXXI, XXXIII to XLIL part 1, XLIII to L ; also Tagebiicher, vol. I to XIII ; Briefe, vol. I to XVII, XIX to XXIX, XXXI and XXXIII {un- hound), Weimar, 1887-1905 (99) 99 Gosse (E. W.) On Viol and Flute, 1873— King Erik, 1876— Madrigals, Songs and Sonnets, by J. A. Blaikie and E. W, Gosse, 1870 ; first editions, presentation copies (3) 100 Gosse (E. W.) Life and Letters of John Donne, Dean of St. Paul's, 2 vol. with portraits, &c. 1899 — Newman (Cardinal) Letters and Correspondence, edited by A. Mozley, 2 vol. portraits, 1891 — Kingsford (Anna) Life, Letters, Diary, &c. 2 vol. with portraits, views and facsimiles, 1896 (6) 101 Gottschell (R.) Literarische Charakterkopfe, 2 vol. 1870 — Diintzer (H.) Goethe's Leben, illustrated, 1880 — Briefe von W. von Humboldt, 1874 ; and others (22) 102 Great Writers, edited by Prof. E. S. Robertson ; Browning, Dickens, Victor Hugo, Shelley, Thackeray and Voltaire, 6 vol. LARGE PAPER, chiejly presentation copies 1887, &c. 103 Green (J. R.) A Short History of the English People, " illustrated edition," edited by Mrs. Green and Miss Norgate, 3 vol. half hound, t. e. g. roy. 8vo. 1898 OCTAVO 13 104 Grote (George) History of Greece, fourth edition, 10 vol. with portrait, majys and plans, calf gilt, m. e. {presentation copy to Dr. Garnett, from Mrs. Grote) 1872 105 Guiney (L. I.) Nine Sonnets, written at Oxford, woodcut borders, 1895 — Sermon to the Birds, &c. translated by Miss Guiney, privately printed, 1898 — Limited editions, Confessio Aman- tis, by R. Le Gallienne, privately printed, 1893 — McCarthy (J. H.) Violets, 1881 — Ashe (T.) Songs of a Year, privately printed, 1888 ; and others, chiefly presentation copies (7) 106 Hakluyt Society's Publications : Letters of Columbus, Historie of Virginia, Discovery and Conquest of Guinea, &c. 8 vol. original cloth 1847-99 107 Hana, a Daughter of Japan, by Gensai Murai, coloured and other illustrations, Tokyo, 1904 — Cossack and Russian Fairy Tales, edited and translated by R. N. Bain, 2 vol. illustrations, presentation copies, 1892-4 — Yaman, its Early Mediaeval History, 1892 (4) 108 Hardy (Thos.) The Mayor of Casterbridge, 2 vol. first edi- tion, 1886 — Wessex Poems, illustrated, pi-esentation copy to Dr. Garnett, 1898 — Henley (W. E.) English Lyrics (Chaucer to Poe, 1340-1809), presentation copy, 1897 ; etc. (7) 109 Harries (Maud) The Secrets of the Hand, 1899— Spark (J. J.) Scientific and Intuitional Palmistry, plates, n. d. — Oxenford (Ina) Modern Palmistry, ilkistrations, 1900 — Eaves (A. 0.) Epitome of Modern Palmistry, n. d. ; and others on Palmistry (20) 110 Harris (G.) Life of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke, 3 vol. portrait, &c. 1847 — Foxcroft (H. C.) Life and Letters of Sir George Savile, 2 vol. poriraits, 1898 — The Francis Letters, 2 vol. portraits, n. d. ; and others, one a presentation copy (ll) 111 Hartwig (0.) Festschrift zum funfhundertjahrigen Geburtstage von Johann Gutenberg, engravings, 1900 ; and 4to vol. of facsimiles — Ziegler (J.) Ulf eldt Denkwiirdigkeiten, por^ra^'fc, 1871 — Duncker (Max) Geschichte der Arier in der alten Zeit, 1867 ; and another (5) 112 Hazlitt (W. C.) Memoirs of William Hazlitt, 2 vol. in 1, portraits, 1867 — Cottle (J.) Reminiscences of S. T. Coleridge and Robert Southey, portraits, calf, 1848 ; and others, three of which a7-e presentation copies (12) 113 Heliodorus (the Aethiopica), literally and completely translated from the Greek, with Introduction and Notes, half parchment, uncut, one of 250 copies Athens: privately printed, 1897 114 [Hogg (James)] The Poetic Mirror, or the Living Bards of Britain (contains contributions by Byron, Wordsworth, S. T. Coleridge, Southey, &c.) original boards, uncut 1816 115 Hogg (T. J.) Journal of a Traveller on the Continent, 2 vol. presentation copy from the author to Maria Gisborne, 1827 — Henderson (E.) Journal of a Residence in Iceland, map and engravings, 1819 ; and others (6) 14 OCTAVO 116 Holderlin (F.) Werke, heraus. von C. T. Schwab, 2 vol. in 1, 1846 — Strauss (D.F.) Voltaire, 1870 — Gesammelte Schriften, vol. I, 1876 — Heine (H.) Vermischte Schriften, 2 vol. in 1, 1854; and others (15) 117 Hood (Thos.) The Plea of the Midsummer Fairies, &c. fiest EDITION, uncut, 1827 — Eiddles, Charades and Conundrums, 1822 ; Fairburn's Universal Eiddler, 1832 ; the Masquerade, 2 vol. (1800), etc. in 1 vol. calf extra, by Tcmt—ThQ Devil's Progress, a Poem, with illustrations by R. Seymour, original v^rapper, 1830 ; and others (12) 118 Home (R. H.) Orion, an Epic Poem, second edition, half calf, 1843 — The Great Peace-Maker, a Submarine Dialogue, uncut, printed for private distribution, 1872 — Martin (Sir T.) Dante and Beatrice, with pencil notes by West land Marston, title defective, privately printed, n. d. — Gilbert (Wm.) The Hurricane, an Eclogue, with copy of a letter from R. Southey {the notes at end are very curious), morocco, t. e. g. 1796 ; and another (5) 119 Howard (H. L.) Joseph and his Brethren, a Scriptural Drama, in two acts, FIRST edition, half morocco, m. e. 1824 120 Hunt (Leigh) Correspondence, edited by his eldest Son, 2 vol. portrait, half calf, 1862— Hazlitt (W. C.) Memoirs of William Hazlitt, 2 \o\. portraits, 1867— Paul (C. K.) William Godwin, his Friends and Contemporaries, 2 vol. with pm'traits and illustrations, half calf, t. e. g. 1876, first editions (6) 121 Hunt (Leigh) The Liberal, 2 vol. in 1, calf, 1822-3— Chamber- layne (W.) Pharonnida, a Poem, 3 vol. uncut, 1820 — Scrapeana, calf, 1792 — Landor (R. E.) The Fawn of Ser- torius, 2 vol. FIRST EDITION, 1846 ; and others by Landor, etc. a parcel 122 Ireland (Alex.) The Book Lover's Enchiridion, illustrations, presentation copy, half bound, uncut, t. e. g. 1883 — Sharp (R. F.) Dictionary of English Authors, 1897 — Luce (M.) Handbook to the Works of Lord Tennyson, presentation copy, 1895 ; and others (12) 123 Jagor (F.) Reisen in den Philippinen, map and illustrations, 1873 — Scherzer (Dr. K. von) Statistisch-commerzielle Ergeb- nisse, maps, 1867 — Henglin. Reise nach Abessinien, map and plates, 1868; and others (5) 124 Jameson (Mrs.) Memoirs and Essays on Art, etc. 1846 — Beckford (Wm.) Biographical Memoirs of Extraordinary Painters, frontispiece, half mm'occo, t. e. g. 1834 — Solon (M. L.) Pottery Worship ; The Fallen Idols ; Detached Papers, half moo'occo, #. e. s'. 1898 ; and others (4) 125 JefFeries (R.) The Story of my Heart, interesting 31S. notes by H. H. von Sturmer inserted, half morocco, 1883 ; Red Deer, presentation copy from the author, 1 884 ; first editions — Holland (T. C.) The British Angler's Manual, numejvtis plates and woodcuts, 1848 — Harting (J. E.) Sketches of Bird Life, illustrated, 1883 ; and others (5) OCTAVO 15 126 Journal of the Society of Arts, The Book Lover, The Bookman, and The Bookman Illustrated, History of English Literature, International Monthly and Quarterly, Cosmopolis, The Printing Art, with Essay by Dr. Garnett (various nos.) and other Periodicals 8w and ito. 3 parcels 127 Keats (John) Poetical and other Writings, now first brought together, edited, with notes and appendices, by H. B. Forman, 4 vol. portraits, 1883 — Poetry and Prose by John Keats {forming a supplement to the preceding), 1890 ; buckram, uncut (5) 128 Keller (Dr. F.) The Lake Dwellings of Switzerland and other parts of Europe, second edition, greatly enlarged, translated and arranged by J. E. Lee, 2 vol. with numerous illustrations, original cloth, uncut 1878 129 Kentish Garland (The), edited by J. H. L. de Vaynes, with additional Notes and Pictorial Illustrations by J. W. Ebs- worth, 2 vol. original cloth, uncut, t. e. g. 1881 130 Kenyon. The Poems of Bacchylides, edited by F. G. Kenyon, 1897 — Keats (John) Poems, edited, with notes, by E. de Selincourt, frontispiece, 1904 ; Poetry and Prose, edited by H. B. Forman, portrait, 1890 — Davidson (John) Plays, frontispiece, 1894; and others, one a presentation copy, chiefly in the original cloth (8) 131 King (C. W.) Natural History of Gems, engravings, 1867 — Henfrey (H. W.) Guide to English Coins, edited by C. F. Keary, illustrated, 1885 — The Flora of Cheshire, by Lord de Tabley, presentation copy, portrait, 1899 ; and others a parcel 132 King and Fitz-Roy. Surveying Voyages of the "Adventure" and " Beagle," vol. I and II, maps, charts and engravings hy Landseer, original cloth, uncut, with autographs of Samuel Butler 1839 133 Kipling (Rudyard) Writings in Prose and Verse, edition de LUXE, 23 vol. poi'trait, Macmillan, 1897-1905; Depart- mental and other Verses, Thacker & (7o. 1898 ; silk binding, uncut, limited issue (24) 134 Lamson (Dr.) The Church of the First Three Centuries, 1875— Strauss (D. F.) The Old Faith and the New, 1874— Farrar (F. W.) Seekers after God, n. ^.—Abbott (E. A.) Philo- mythus, 1891 ; and others (24) 135 Landor (W. S.) Works, 2 vol. Moxon, 1846— Southey (R.) Poetical Works, portrait and vignette, half morocco, 1850 — Hunt (Leigh) Essays, Moxon, 1841 roy. 8vo. (4) 136 Lang. The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche, done into English by William Adlington, with a Discourse on the Fable by Andrew Lang, first edition, frontispiece, uncut, scarce 1887 137 Lee (Vernon) Studies of the Eighteenth Century in Italy, 1880 — Belcaro : Essays, n. d. — Attilie, an Eighteenth Century Idyl, 1883— Baldwin, 1886 ; and others by Vernon Lee (8) B 4 16 OCTAVO 138 Library (The), a Quarterly Review of Bibliography and Library Lore, edited by J. Y. W. Macalister, M. Dewey, Dr. Garnett, and others, new series, vol. I to V in half m&rocco, uncut, t. e. g. vol. VI in parts, and two parts of vol. VII ; por- traits, facsimiles and other illustrations 1900-6 139 Library Chronicle, a Journal of Librarianship and Bibliography, the Library Association Record, Catalogues of and Reports on Public Libraries, and Pamphlets relating to Libraries, etc. 8i70 and 4:to. 2 parcels 140 Linton (W. J.) Claribel and other Poems, woodcuts hy Linton, original cloth, uncut, 1865 — Poems and Translations, por- trait, half hound, uncut, t. e. g. 1889 ; first editions, pre- sentation copies from the author (2) 141 Locker (Frederick) London Lyrics [not published], half morocco, U7icut, t. e. g. very scarce 1868 *** With inscription: "Richard Garnett, from the author, August 11, 1868." 142 Lucretius de Rerum Natura, title damaged and some leaves stained, morocco, g.e. Venet.Aldtis, 1515 — Historiae Augustae Scriptores, 2 vol. calf, 1671 — Diodorus Siculus ed. Dindor- fius, 4 vol. 1826 ; and others a parcel 143 MacDonald (George) Within and Without, a Dramatic Poem, FIRST EDITION, calf gilt, g.e. by J. Clarke, 1855 — Meredith (Geo.) Jump-to-Glory Jane, edited and arranged by Harry Quilter, illustrated by L. Housman, Van Gelder paper, gilt vellum, t. e. g. 1892 — Selected Poems, uncut, 1897 (3) 144 Machiavelli (N.) II Principe, edited by L. A. Burd, half bound, uncut, 1891 — Giuoco degli Scacchi di J. da Cessole, with facsimile illustrations, half bound, 1829 ; and others (lO) 145 Mackay (R. W.) Progress of the Intellect, 2 vol. 1850— Hunt (Robert) Panthea, the Spirit of Nature, 1849 — The Poetry of Science, 1848 — Spencer (Herbert) The Data of Ethics, 1879; and others (ll) 146 [MacMichael (W.)] The Gold-Headed Cane, ivith engravings, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. 1827 147 Madox-Brown (Oliver) The Dwale Bluth, etc. 2 vol. portraits, presentation copy, 1876 — Gabriel Denver, 1873 — Dryden (John) Essays, selected and edited by Prof. Ker, 2 vol. 1900 — Jebb (Prof.) Growth and Influence of Classical Greek Poetry, 1893; and others, three are presentation copies (14) 148 Macray (W. D.) Annals of the Bodleian Library, Oxford [1598- 1867], 1868— Stevens (H.) Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition, 1877, presentation copy — The Library of James VI [1573- 1583J, edited byG. F. WarneT, facsimiles, presentation copy, one of 40 copies, 1893 ; and others (lO) 149 Major (R. H.) Discoveries of Prince Henry the Navigator, ivith portraits, maps, etc. 1877 — Fielding (H.) Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon, edited by Austin Dobson, portrait, limited issue, 1892; and others (5) OCTAVO 17 150 Mabinogion (The) from the Welsh of the Llyfr coch o Hergest translated, with Notes, by Lady Charlotte Guest, woodcuts, half morocco, t. e. g. imp. 8vo. 1877 151 Manning (Mrs.) Ancient and Mediaeval India, 2 vol. 1869 — Marx (Karl) The Eastern Question, presentation copy, 1897 — Kopes (J. C.) Story of the Civil War, 2 vol. with maps and plans, 1894 ; and others (8) 152 Manutio (Paolo) Lettere Volgari, some leaves stained, calf, g. e, Venetia, 1556 — Appiano Alessandrino delle Guerre Civili de Romani, title defective, ih. 1555 ; and others (6) 153 Marat (Jean Paul) Esprit Politique, avee sa Vie Privee, etc. par F. Chevremont, 2 vol. portrait on india paper, presentation copy from the author, half morocco gilt, m. e. 1880 154 Marston (P. B.) Song-Tide, and other Poems, first edition, presentation copy to Dr. Garnett, 1871 — Meynell (Alice) The Flower of the Mind, 1897 — Symons (Arthur) Days and Nights, FIRST EDITION, 1889 ; and others, some of which are pi'esentation copies (13) 155 Martineau (James) Essays, Reviews and Addresses, 4 vol. 1890 —Miscellanies, 1852— Tayler (J. J.) Letters, 2 vol. 1872— Channing (Dr. W. E.) Theological Works, 1854 ; etc. (14) 156 Masson (David) Edinburgh Sketches and Memories, 1892 — Jusserand (J. J.) English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages (XlVth century), illustrated, 1889 — Speight (H.) Upper Wharf edale, illustrations, 1900 (3) 157 Meehan (J. F.) Famous Houses, and more Famous Houses of Bath and District, 2 vol. with reproductions of original drawings and rare prints in the possession of the author, one of 500 copies, original cloth, uncut, t. e. g. roy. 8vo, Bath, 1901-6 ; and another relating to Bath (3) 158 Melville (Herman) The Whale, 3 vol. first edition, slightly soiled, uncut, 1851 — Clarel, a Poem, etc. 2 vol. New York, 1876 (5) 159 Meredith (George) Modern Love, and Poems of the English Roadside, first edition, original cloth, uncut, scarce 1862 160 Meredith (G.) Jump-to-Glory Jane, a Poem, presentation copy, oneof bO privately printed for friends, 1889 — Watson (Wm.) Hymn to the Sea, 1895 — The Purple 'East, frontispiece by G.F. Watts, 1896; first editions; and other small pieces, two of which are presentation copies (8) 161 Meredith (G.) Some Characteristics, by R. Le Gallienne, with a Bibliography of Meredith, portrait, 1890 — Garnett (R.) Edward Gibbon Wakefield, portrait and maps {one of the " Special" copies in gilt vellum, g. e.) 1898— Letters of John Keats to Fanny Brawne, presentation copy, 1878; and others, three of which are presentation copies (12) 162 Millais (Sir J. E. President of the Royal Academy) Life and Letters, by his Son, 2 vol. "Special" edition, with illustra- tions, photo, plates in tivo states, and facsimile letters, one of 360 copies, buckram, uncut, imp. 8vo, 1899 — A Series of Photogravure Illustrations to the Work, in portfolio (3) B 5 18 OCTAVO 163 Milner (J.) History and Survey of the Antiquities of Winchester, 2 vol. plates, n. d. — Eboracum, or History of the City of York, 2 vol. plan and plates, half bound, 1788 — The Man- chester Iris, 2 vol. in 1 (4#o), 1823 ; and others (9) 164 Milton (John) Poetical Works, edited, with Memoir, Notes, etc. by Prof. D. Masson, ^ -vol. poi-traits, original cloth, uncut 1890 165 [Milton (John)] Nova Solyma, the Ideal City, or Jerusalem Regained, edited by the Rev. W. Begley, uncut, t. e. g. 1902 — Beckford (Wm.) Vathek, edited by Dr. Garnett, limited issue, 1893 — Dumas (Alex.) The Black Tulip, with a Critical Introduction by Dr. Garnett, coloured plates and portraits, 1902 (4) 166 Miscellaneous Pamphlets, Reports, and Literary Papers, etc. a parcel 167 Modern Astrology, vols, for 1899 to 1904 {wanting two nos.) and a few odd nos. The Sphinx, The Horoscope, The Future, Theosophical and Occult Review, Star Lore {various nos.) and others, chiefly Astrological ^vo and ito. 2 parcels 168 Molesworth. Notices of the late Sir William Molesworth, Secretary of State for the Colonies, printed/or private circu- lation among his frietids (at end is a transcript of a Life of Molesworth, by Mrs. Grote, published anonymously, for private circulation, in 1866), half crimson morocco gilt, g. e. 1857 — Selected Speeches of Sir Wm. Molesworth, edited by H. E. Egerton, portrait, uncut, 1903 — Some Reminiscences in connection with Edward Gibbon Wakefield, by A. J. Allom, privately printed, presentation copy, 1898 (3) 169 Monteiro (J. J.) Angola and the River Congo, 2 vol. maj) and illustrations, 1875- — Seguin (L. G.) The Black Forest, maps and illustrations, presentation copy, n. d. — Quillinan. Journal of a Residence in Portugal, 2 vol. in 1, 1847 ; and another (6) 170 Morris (William) The Defence of Guenevere, and other Poems, FIRST EDITION, morocco gilt, g. e. scarce 1858 171 Morris (W.) Life, by J. W. Mackail, 2 vol. portraits and illus- trations, buckram, uncut 1899 172 Morris (W.) Love is Enough, a Morality, presentation copy from Mr. F. S. Ellis, 1873— Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs, translated by E. Magnusson and Wm. Morris, 1870 ; first EDITIONS, original cloth, tincut (2) 173 Morris (H. C.) History of Colonization, 2 vol. 1900— The Founders of Canterbury, New Zealand, vol. I, half morocco, m. e. 1868 — Addresses to Sir Geo. Grey on his leaving the New Zealand Parliament — Smith (R. B.) Carthage and the Carthaginians, illustrated, 1878; and others a parcel 174 Miiller (K. O.) History of the Literature of Ancient Greece, continued by Dr. J. W. Donaldson, 3 vol. portrait, original cloth, uncut 1858 OCTAVO 19 175 Myths of Plato, translated by Prof. Stewart, 1905 — Myths of the Odyssey in Art and Literature, by J. E. Harrison, nume- rous illustrations, 1882 — Longinus on the Sublime, edited by Prof. HohQTt?,, facsimiles, 1899 — On the probable author- ship and date of the 'Treatise on the Sublime," attributed to Longinus, by Dr. Garnett, n. d. — History of Pantheism, 2 vol. presentatio?i copy, 1878 ; and others (8) 176 Newton (C. T.) Essays on Art and Archaeology, 1880 — Thomas (W. Cave) Mural or Monumental Decoration, presentation copy from the author to Ford Madox-Brown, n. d. — Ruskin on Music, edited by A. M. Wakefield, frontispiece, 1894 ; and others (5) 177 Nonnus Panopolitain. Les Dionysiaques, ou les Voyages, les Amours, et les Conquestes de Bacchus aux Indies, frontispiece, fine copy in crimson morocco extra, g. e. 1625 178 O'Donovan (John) Grammar of the Irish Language, presentation copy to Dr. Garnett 1845 179 Omar Khayyjlm. Rubdiyat of Omar Khayyam, the Astronomer Poet of Persia, rendered into English verse, by Edward FitzGerald, second edition, limp morocco Quaritch, 1868 180 Omar Khayyam. Rubdiyflt, Multi- Variorum Edition, arranged in accordance with Edward Fitz Gerald's Version, edited by N. H. Dole, 2 vol. illustrated, white buckram, uncut, t. e. g. 1898 — Mrs. Cadell's Translation, edited by Dr. Garnett, 1899 ; and other editions — Life of Omar Al-Khayyami, by J. K. M.Shirazi, 1905 (6) 181 O'Neill (John) The Night of the Gods : an Inquiry into Cosmic and Cosmogonic Mythology and Symbolism, 2 vol. with nume- rous illustrations, original cloth roy. 8vo. 1893-7 182 O'Shaughnessy (A. W. E.) An Epic of Women, and other Poems, FIRST EDITION, with the curious frontispiece by J. T. Nettle- ship, original cloth, uncut, scarce 1870 183 O'Shaughnessy (A.) Music and Moonlight, first edition, pre- sentation copy from Eleanor O'Shaughnessy, 1874 — Blake (Wm.) Poetical Works, portrait, 1874 — Sapho, with literal translation by H. T. Wharton, portrait, presentation copy from Alice Zimmern, 1895 ; and others, some of which are presentation copies (13) 184 Page (H. A.) Thomas de Quincey, his Life and Writings, 2 vol. portrait, 1877 ; and others (6) 185 Palgrave(R. F. D.) Oliver Cromwell, the VvotQctor, p^-esentation copy from the author, 1890 — Harrison (F.) Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill, 1899 — Emma Marshall, by Beatrice Marshall, illustra- tions, presentation copy, 1900 — Coventry Patmore, by E. Gosse, presentation copy from the author, 1905 — James and Horace Smith, by A. H. 'Qed.xdiW, portraits, 1899 ; and others (12) 20 OCTAVO 186 Panizzi. Fagan (L.) Life of Sir A. Panizzi, 2 vol. illustration:', presentation copy, with MS. note by Dr. Garnett, 1880 — Spencer (Herbert) An Autobiography, 2 vol. portraits, 1904 — De Quincey Memorials, 2 vol. portraits, 1891 — Horatii Opera, presentation copy, with autograph of A. Panizzi, 1855 ; and others (9) 187 Panizzi. M^rimee (P.) Lettres a M. Panizzi, publiees par Louis Fagan, 2 vol. presentation copy, half calf, 1881 — Lettere ad A. Panizzi, pub. da L. Fagan, portrait, presentation copy, half morocco, 1880 — Chi era Francesco da Bologna? privately printed,one of 1^0 copies, wrapper, scarce, 1858; etc. (9) 188 Panizzi (Antonio) Dei Processi e delle Sentenze contra gli im- putati di Leva-Maest4 e di aderenza alle sette proscritte negli Stati di Modena : Notizie, half hound, rare Madrid, 1823 189 [Paradis de Moncrif] Les Chats, curious plates, title mended, half morocco, 1728 — Moutonnet. Le Chat de la Nature, duplicate frontispiece, one a proof before letters, 1798 — Champfleury, Les Chats, illustrations, 1869 ; and others (5) 190 Parchment Library. Chaucer, Milton, Swift, etc. 9 vol. {various), 1884, etc. — ^Muses Library, AVorks of Robert Herrick, edited by A. Pollard and A. C. Swinburne, 2 vol. 1891 ; Appendix of Epigrams, etc. {unbound) (12) 191 Parkes (Bessie R.) Poems, presentation copy to Dr. Garnett, 1855 — Gabriel, first edition, 1856 — Hake (T. G.) Poems, portrait by D. G. Rossetti, 1894 — McCarthy (J. H.) Serapion, 1883 — Horace Walpole's Notes to Pope, one of 300 copies, 1876 ; and others, some of which are presentation copies (17) 192 Pastor (Dr. L.) Geschichte der Papste, 4 vol. 1886-1906— Goethe's Brief e an Frau von Stain, 2 vol. portraits, 1883 — Steig (R.) Achim von Arnim und J. und W. Grimm, poj'- traits, 1904; a.nd others (unbound) a parcel 193 Patmore (Coventry) Poems, first edition, blue morocco extra, g. e. very scarce Moxon, 1844 194 Patmore (C.) Odes [not published], privately pointed for dis- tribution among a few friends, presentation copy from the author to Dr. Garnett, green morocco extra, g. e. (1868) *** "When the book had been less than two years in print, the author made a fire in the hall, and cast on it (as he thought) all the copies remaining on his hands, but a few copies were abstracted by his daughter Emily before the fire " — Basil Champneys. 195 Patmore (C.) The Unknown Eros, and other Odes : I-XXXI, original cloth, uncut, 1877 ; Odes LXLVI, with inscription : "Richard Garnett from Coventry Patmore, November 20, 1878," original half binding, uncut, t. e. g. 1878 (2) 196 Patmore (C.) Tamerton Church-Tower, and other Poems, 1854 — Faithful for Ever, 1860 ; first editions, uncut — Poems, 2 vol. 1886; and others by Patmore, including Florilegium Amautis, edited by R. Garnett, a short autograph note of Coventry Patmore inserted, n. d. (9) OCTAVO 21 197 Payne (John) The Masque of Shadows, and other Poems, 1870 — Intaglios: Sonnets, 1871 ; presentation copies — Songs of Life and Death, first edition, 1872 ; and others (5) 198 Peacock (T. L.) Works, edited by Dr. Garnett, 10 vol. large PAPER, one o/" 100 copies, portrait and frontispieces on india paper, buckram, uncut 1891 199 [Peacock (T. L.)] Rhododaphne : or the Thessalian Spell, a Poem, FIRST EDITION, With the cancelled leaf, uncut, 1818 ; and others by Peacock, one imperfect (3) 200 Peacock (T. L.) Works, 3 vol. portrait, 1875 — Treasure House of Tales by Great Authors, 4 vol. pwtraits, half parchment, 1891 — Douglas (R. K.) Chinese Stories, illustrations, 1893 — Grimm, German Popular Stories, illustrated by G. Cruik- shank, n, d. ; and others (23) 201 Pearce (A. J.) Text Book of Astrology, 2 vol. original cloth, scarce (1879) 202 Pearson (A.) Short History of the Renaissance in Italy, taken from the Work of J. A. Symonds, portrait, 1893 — Owen (John) The Skeptics of the Italian Renaissance, 1893 — Einstein (L.) The Italian Renaissance in England, illustrated, 1902 ; and others (6) 203 Pepys (Samuel) Diary and Correspondence, with Notes by Lord Braybrooke, and additional Notes by the Rev. Mynors Bright, 6 vol. numerous portraits, oi'iginal cloth, uncut 1875-9 204 Petits Chefs-d'CEuvres Antiques, etc. 12 vol. illustrations, 1878- 85 — CEuvres de Leconte de Lisle, Poemes Antiques et Bar- bares, 2 vol. n. d. — Les Trophees, par J. M. de Heredia, 1893 — Maeterlinck (M.) Aglavaine et Selysette, 1896 ; and others {unbound) (23) 205 Petrarca (Fr.) Epistolae de Rebus Familiaribus et Variae, 3 vol. half morocco, m. e. 1859 — Lucianus, ex recens. C. Jacobitz, 4 vol. half calf , 1836 — Aelianus de Natura Animalium, ed. F. Jacobs, 2 vol. half calf gilt, 1832 ; and others a parcel 206 Phillips (Stephen) Paolo and Francesca, a Tragedy, first edi- tion, with inscription : " Richard Garnett from Stephen Phillips," 1900— Poems, 1901— Herod, a Tragedy, 1901— Ulysses, a Drama, 1902 ; original cloth (4) 207 Pitt (Wm.) Topographical History of Staffordshire, /o/c?/w^ wap, half bound, uncut, 1817 — Garner (R.) Natural History of Staffordshire, illustrated. Van Voorst, 1844 — Channing (W. E.) Thoreau the Poet-Naturalist, portrait, 1902 ; and another (4) 208 Platzmann (J.) Aus der Bai von Paranagua, map, 1872 — Sachs (C.) Aus den Llanos, engravings, 1879 — Klunzinger (C. B.) Bilder aus Oberagypten, illustrated, 1877 ; and others (13) 209 Poe (Edgar Allan) Works, newly collected and edited, with Memoir, Notes, etc. by E. C. Stedman and G. E. Woodberry, 10 vol. with illustrations by A. E. Sterner, with inscription: "Dr. R. Garnett, with the kind and grateful regard of G.E. Woodberry," original cloth, uncut, t. e. g. 1894 22 OCTAVO 210 Poets (The) and the Poetry of the Century, edited by Alfred H. Miles (several of the Memoirs are by Dr. Garnett), 10 vol. edition limited to 110 copies, parchment, uncut, t. e. g. en- closed in an oblong box n. d. 211 Praeger (F.) Wagner as I knew him, 1892 — Extracts from the Letters and Journals of William Cory, portrait, 1897 — Letters and other Unpublished Writings of W. S. Landor, ivith portraits, 1897 — Morley (Henry) Jerome Cardan, 2 vol. in 1, half calf, 1854; and others, three of which are pre- sentation copies (17) 212 Pring (Daniel) General Indications which relate to the Laws of the Organic Life 1819 *^* Suppressed before publication. An interesting MS. note re- lating to the rarity of this curious work, occurs on the fly- leaf, and some cuttings are inserted at end. 213 Proctor (R.) Bibliographical Essays, p(w•#ra^Y, etc. 1905 — Wenck- stern (F. von) Bibliography of the Japanese Empire, pre- sentation copy, 1895 — Alciati and his Books of Emblems, 1872— Madan (F.) The Early Oxford Press [1468-1644], 1895 ; and others (8) 214 Prothero (G. W.) Memoir of Henry Bradshaw, portrait, 1888 — Gilchrist (Anne) her Life and Writings, edited by H. H. Gilchrist, illustrations, 1887 ; and others (7) 215 Raphael. The Familiar Astrologer, coloured plates and wood- cuts, 1849 — The Straggling Astrologer, nos. 1 to 21, wood- cuts, half calf , 1824 — Worsdale (John.) Celestial Philosophy (1828)— The Horoscope, edited by Zadkiel, 1843; and others (13) 216 Rawlinson (Prof.) The Seventh Great Oriental Monarchy, illus- trations, original cloth, uncut 1876 217 Relation of a Short Survey of Twenty-six Counties, made in 1634, edited by L. G. W. Legg, poi'trait, morocco, richly tooled, in imitation of one of the bindings made at Little Gidding, uncut, t. e. g. 1904 ; and others (5) 218 Robinson (A. Mary F. Madame Duclaux) A Handful of Honey- suckle, FIRST EDITION, presentation copy, 1878 ; Collected Voems,, pm'trait, 1901 — Tennyson (Alfred Lord) Early Poems, edited by J. C. Collins, 1900 — Tennyson (F.) Daphne and other Poems, 1891 — Browning (R.) Poems, edited by Dr. Garnett, illustrations, 1897 ; and others, some presentation co2nes; and two others by A. Mary F. Robinson (19) 219 Rowfant Library. Catalogue of the Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, Drawings and Pictures, collected by Frederick Locker-Lampson, one of 50 copies printed fm' pre- sentation, etched frontispiece by G. Cruikshank, half bound, uncut, t. e. g. roy. 8w. 1886 220 Sand (George) Correspondence, 6 vol. in 3, 1882 — Ulbach (L.) Les Pens^es d'une Reine, half morocco, 1882 — Valla (L.) La Donation de Constantin, uncut, 1870 — Carducci (G.) Poesie, portraits and facsimiles, 1902 — Nuove Poesie, por- trait, 1875 ; and others (22) OCTAVO 23 221 Schafer (L.) Werke, 12 vol. in 4, portrait, 1857 — Lessings Werke, 6 vol. in 3, 1869— Kleist (H. von) Schriften, 2 vol. 1859 ; and others (22) 222 Schenkel (Dr.) Bibel-Lexikon, vol. I to IV, and 6 parts {odd), 1869-75 — Schopenhauer-Lexikon, 2 vol. in 1, 1871 — Milliner (Dr.) Reden und Brief e Italienischer Humanisten, 1899 ; and others a parcel 223 Schiller's Leben, von H. Diintzer, j^rtj-aits and facsimiles, 1881 Goethe's Freundeskreise, 1868 — Ludwig Tieck, von H. F. von Friesen, portraits, 2 vol. 1871 — Frauenstadt (J.) Arthur Schopenhauer, 1863 ; and others (14) 224 Sette of Odd Volumes: Privately Printed Opuscula, no. 9, 14, 24, 29, 34, 36 and 47, 1885-99 — Ye Odd Volumes, 4 nos. (various), 1898-1905 — Leek Bijou Reprints, 2 nos. 1882; Reprints of two Children's Books, etc. (small) (21) 225 Shakespeare (W.) Works, New Variorum Edition, edited by H. H. Furness : Macbeth, The Tempest, a Midsommer Night's Dreame, Winter's Tale, Much Adoe about Nothing, Twelfe Night, and Loves Labours Lost, together 7 vol. presentation co23ies, original cloth, uncut, t. e. g. imp. 8m 1892-1904 226 Shakespeare. Collins (J. C.) Studies in Shakspeare, 1904 — Baynes (T. G.) Shakespeare Studies, 1894 — -Shakespeare Self-Revealed in his Soamets, 1904 — Saintsbury (G.) History of Elizabethan Literature, 1901 ; and others relating to Shakespeare (l2) 227 Shakespeare. The Bi-literal Cypher of Sir Francis Bacon, dis- covered in his Works, by E. AV. Gallup, portrait and facsimiles, 1900 — Penzance (Lord) on the Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy, porti'ait, 1902 — Stopes (Mrs.) Shakespeare's Ydivcaly, portrait, 1901 ; and another relating to Shakespeare, three are presentation copies (4) 228 Shakespeare (W.) Sonnets, edited, with Notes, by T. Tyler, portraits, 1890 — Shakespeare's Sonnets reconsidered, with a reprint of the original, by Samuel Butler, 1899 — Forshaw (C. F.) At Shakespeare's Shrine, 1904, all presentation copies ; and others relating to Shakespeare (5) 229 ShakesiDeare's Merchant of Venice, translated into Hindi Prose, by Arya, Benares, n. d. — Hindi and Sanscrit Grammar, by Aiya, 1 889, etc. — Shakespeare Memoranda, by J. 0. Halliwell- Phillipps, 1879 ; and another (5) 230 Shakespeare. Is it Shakespeare... by a Cambridge Graduate, ivith facsimiles, 1900 — Anders (H. R. D.) Shakespeare's Books, 1904 — Wyman (W.) Bibliography of the Bacon- Shakespeare Controversy, pi'esentation copy, 1884 — A No. of Baconiana, April 1904, containing an interesting autograph letter of Edmund Gosse ; etc. (6) 231 Shakespeare. Macbeth (1606) traduit par A. Beljame, presen- tation copy, 1897 — Elze (Karl) Notes on Elizabethan Dramatists, Halle, 1880 — Gaehde (C.) David als Shakespeare- Darsteller, 1904 ; and others, some presentation copies, chi^y unbound a parcel 24 OCTAVO 231* Sharp (Wm.) The Human Inheritance, &c. presentation copy from the author, 1882 — Another copy, with autograph of the author, 1882 — Earth's Voices, etc. presentation copy, 1884 — Ecce Puella, and other Prose Imaginings, 1896 ; and others by Sharp {two presentation) (8) 231**Sharp (Wm.) Dante Gabriel Rossetti, frontispiece, 1882 — Zimmern (Helen) G. E. Lessing, his Life and Works, 1878 — Bain (Prof.) James Mill, a Biography, pm'trait, 1882 — John Stuart Mill, 1882; and others, two of which are presentation copies (15) SHELLEY (P. B.) Three Note Books, containing Auto- graph Manuscript Matter of the utmost interest, a considerable portion being unpublished. *** These Note Books were given by Shelley's widow to her son Sir Percy Shelley, he and Lady Shelley gave them to Dr. Gar- nett. All the other Note Books are in the Bodleian Library. The contents are described as follows by Mr. W. M. Rossetti : — 232 NOTE BOOK I, beginning \^th the words "What think you the dead are 1 " contains Published Matter : 1 " And like a dying lady," etc. 2 Una Favola — begins near the beginning of published version, and goes on to end — -The real commencement of the pieces, "Cera un certo giovane," etc. comes later on in the note book. 3 Ode to West Wind — is written in faint pencil (from line l) across parts of No. 2 ; 3 lines are in ink — May possibly be complete. 4 "If I walk in Autumn even," etc. 5 And what art thou, presumptuous, who profanest? — Several additional but confused lines, and various important cor- rections of the printed text. 6 Prometheus Unbound — The first passage in the order of paging begins : "Thou Earth, calm empire of a happy soul " -—Gives the dialogue between Earth and Moon, and some other part of Act 4. 7 "These are two friends whose lives were undivided," etc. 8 Several lines, full of cancellings, beginning : " Oh my beloved, why have you sent sweet basil and mignonette ? " They are related to but greatly different from the printed lines be- ginning : " Madonna, wherefore hast thou sent to me." 9 Sensitive Plant — "It is a modest creed" to end. From this point one turns to the other end of the book, the top and bottom of page getting reversed. 10 To Night {but title not here written) "Swiftly walk o'er the western wave," etc. 11 "it was a winter such as when birds die," etc. OCTAVO 25 Lot 232 — Shelley, continued. 12 "a portal as of shadowy adamant," etc. 1 3 Lines against Southey — begin : ' If Satire could awake the slumbering hounds." This note book contains writings pi-oper to 1819, and on to 182L Unpublished Matter : 1 Memorandum as to Rome — " the burying-ground of Cestius," etc. 2 Memorandum "On Bonaparte, a Drama" — indicates that Shelley contemplated writing such a work — some words on opposite page, ' Perhaps in Egypt," etc. must belong to same memorandum. 3 "Time who outruns and oversoars whatever," etc. — 8 lines unfinished. 4 "0 time, night, day" — 9 lines, which seem rather like a translation from some primitive dirge. 5 10 lines headed "I pray ye hear," Many other Scraps {some published) ; a few Memoranda in Spanish, etc. ; Slight Sketches, especially a tree on the cover. 233 NOTE BOOK II, beginning with the words "A certain familiar style," contains Published Matter : 1 Part of the Preface to "Julian and Maddalo." 2 Preface to "The Cenci." 3 Note on Shakespear. 4 Masque of Anarchy — the large majority or perhaps the whole — 4 lines ("Men of England," etc.) appear detached on a separate page. 5 The fitful alternations of the rain, etc. (sets right the metre of 1. 2). 6 Passage from Preface to Prometheus Unbound ; "Didactic Poetry," etc.; also "Let me take this opportunity," etc.; also "It is impossible that anyone," etc. 7 Vision of the Sea. 8 Lines to a Reviewer. 9 " He wanders like a day-appearing dream," etc. 10 Ode to Heaven. 1 1 Lines on Wm. Shelley—^" My lost William," etc. 12 An Exhortation. 13 "Good Night." 14 'People of England, ye who toil & groan " — there any many lines not yet printed. The so-called fragment " What men gain fairly," etc. is close by and may be inferred to be part of the same composition. 15 Lines — "At the Creation of the earth," etc. 16 Lines — "In the cave which wild weeds cover," &c. 26 OCTAVO Lot 233 — Shelley, continued, 17 "To Sophia" (Thou art fair, etc.) stanza 1. 18 Lines beginning: "Follow to the deep wood, sweetest" (not " deep wood's weeds," as printed ; printed version very in- correct otherwise). 1 9 Prose fragment, ' Friendship " — the opening. 20 Lines — "Mighty eagle, thou that soarest," etc. Has been incorrectly printed. 21 The "Down, down" lyric from "Prometheus Unbound." 22 Lines — "Wake the Serpent not lest he" — have been imper- fectly printed — are neatly written in ink over scrawly pencilling of same lines. Name, "Lord Byron," occurs twice below the lines. This note hook contains writings proper to 1819, perhaps this year alone. Unpublished' Matter : 1 Abstract of Narratives concerning the Cenci family. 2 Two Distichs in Mrs. Shelley's writing, headed "Fior di Cent' Erbe." 3 Curious rather doggTcl lines, beginning : " A daughter, mother, and a grandmother " — seem to be intended as a skit upon the calumnious stories set going about Shelley himself. Some ensuing lines, beginning : " What hast thou done then ? " may perhaps be intended to form part of the same composition. 4 Lines against Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey ; they begin : " Proteus Wordsworth, who shall bind thee ? " 5 Two Pages of tabular comparison between Statements in the Four Gospels. 6 Quotations from the "Agamemnon of ^schylus," and re- marks interspersed. 7 Lines beginning : " One atom of golden cloud like a fiery star." 8 Lines on Wordsworth, beginning : " A poet of the finest water Says that Carnage is G-od's daughter." Hei^e turn to other end of book. 9 Fragment : " And yet I wear out life in watching thee," etc. is in pencil, and is preceded by another page of pencilling, probably same composition, could only be deciphered with difficulty. 10 In Mrs. Shelley's writing — a stanza of 5 lines, beginning: "a red mist like a stream of gore." These are written across a pencilling, "Exempli Gratia," in Shelley's writing. Perhaps a final stanza for "Masque of Anarchy." Several other Scraps of Verse, some Sketches of Heads and Trees, etc. one is a curious head with a sort of leafy head- dress. OCTAVO 27 234 NOTE BOOK III, beginning with the words " Alas if I would feign," contains Published Matter : 1 A Lament ("Swifter far," etc.), some variations from the printed version. 2 Translation of Caldei-on's ^^ Magico Prodigioso," complete, or practically so. Here turn to other end of book. 3 " Far, far away, ye," etc. 4 ''^The World's Wanderers." 5 "We meet not as we parted," etc. There are various pages seemingly belonging to this lyric, but very confusedly written. The words "We meet not," etc. do not seem to be the opening words. Tlie ivritings in this book are all of late date, 1822 or thereabouts. Unpublished Matter : 1 Four imperfect lines — "Alas if I would feign," etc. 2 Below this comes a list of the months, April to September, with nos. such as "August 30, Sept'" 31," suggesting that Shelley had a lax idea of the numbers of days in months. 3 Several lines beginning: "When wilt thou come?" obscurely written, but partly decipherable. 4 Abstract of Drama, " Charles I " — Begins with the words : "Act I, scene 1. The Masque — ^Bastwick and Citizens," etc. scenes set forth for Acts I and II, closing with the words : "The End, Strafford's death," but this probably only indicates end of Act II. 5 A rather long Composition of a bantering Fantasy — Begins : "Ye devils black and great, ghosts white," varying metres, some lines being very short, e. g. Not a snake In the brake." 6 Note as follows : "Modern Timon. 1st Act. Deserted by his Mistress — His Sensations — His Friend — His Plans of Happiness." Some other Scraps ; two Drawings of sailing-boats, one of a woman at a fountain, etc. Towards middle of book are various attempts at drawing or writing, must be by a child (1 the infant Percy Florence). 235 Shelley (Percy B.) Posthumous Poems, first edition, morocco extra, g. e. by Riviere & Son, fine copy 1824 236 Shelley (P. B.) Adonais, an Elegy on the Death of John Keats (an exact rep?'int of the first edition, Pisa, 1821), morocco gilt, uncut Cambridge, 1829 237 Shelley. Rambles in Germany and Italy in 1840, 1842 and 1843, by Mrs. Shelley, 2 vol. first ebition, original cloth, uncut Moxon, 1844 238 Shelley. Garnett (Dr.) Shelley and Lord Beaconsfield, one of 25 copies only, printed f 01' private circulation, original boards, uncut, very scarce 1887 28 OCTAVO 239 Shelley. Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to Jane Clairmont, privately printed {not for sale), with some MS. corrections by Dr. Garnett, morocco super extra, t. e. g. 1889 240 Shelley (Percy B.) Complete Poetical Works, the text newly collated and revised, and edited, with a Memoir and Notes, by G. E. Woodberry, 4 vol. in 8 parts, large paper, portrait, one of 250 numbered copies, original boards, uncut Cambridge, 1892 241 Shelley (Percy B.) Poetical and Prose Works, edited by H. B. Forman, 8 vol. FIRST EDITION, portraits, buckram, uncut 1876-80 242 Shelley. History of a Six Weeks' Tour through a Part of France, etc. presentation copy from A. Beynell, 1817 — The Shelley Papers, pi'esentation copy from Dr. Garnett' s friend May Dunn, 1833, first editions, original boards, uncut (2) 243 Shelley (Percy B.) Original Poetry, by Victor and Cazire (P. B. Shelley and E. Shelley), edited by Dr. Garnett, 1898— Prologue to Hellas, edited by T. J. Wise, now first separately ^vmtQd, portrait, 1886 — A.diOi\dt,h, frontispiece, 1821 {repi-int), uncut (3) 244 Shelley. Works, edited by Mrs. Shelley, portrait and vignette, half morocco, 1847 — The Complete Poetical Works of Shelley, edited, with Notes, by Thos. Hutchinson, portrait and facsimiles, 1904 ; and another edition of the Poems (3) 245 Shelley. Lexical Concordance to the Poetical Works of Percy B. Shelley, compiled by F. S. Ellis, half bound, t. e. g. 1892 — Photographs of Shelley Relics in the Bodleian Library, one of 6 copies, morocco, g. e. n. d. — Locock (C. D.) An Examination of the Shelley Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, 1903 ; and another 8i;o and ito. (4) 246 Shelley (Percy B.) Alastor, etc. 1816 — Rosalind and Helen, frontispiece, 1819 — CEdipus Tyrannus, a Tragedy, 1820 — Epipsychidion, 1821 — Hellas, a Lyrical Drama, 1822, edited, with Notes, by H. B. Forman {reprints of the rare originals), uncut (5) 247 Shelley. Life of Percy B. Shelley, by T. J. Hogg, vol. I and II {all published), portrait, with MS. notes by Dr. Garnett, and another, Moxon, 1858 — Life of Shelley, by Thos. Medwin, 2 vol. with transcribed MS. notes, wants facsimile of a letter, 1847 ; and others relating to Shelley (6) 248 Shelley. Life of Percy B. Shelley, by Prof. Dowden, 2 vol. FIRST EDITION, portraits, etc. original cloth, uncut, 1886 — Thomson (Jas.) Shelley, a Poem, one of 190 copies, privately printed, uncut, 1884 — Percy B. Shelley, von Helene Richter, 1898 ; and others relating to Shelley (7) 249 Shelley. Life and Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, by Mrs. J. Marshall, 2 vol. with portraits and facsimile, presen- tation copy from the author, 1889 — The Choice, a Poem on Shelley's Death, edited by H. B. Forman, printed for private distribution, 1876 — Mary Wollstonecraft : Letters to Imlay, portraits, 1879 — A Study of Mary Wollstonecraft, by E. R. Clough, 1898; and others relating to Mary Wollstonecraft (7) OCTAVO 29 250 Shelley Society's Publications, 9 nos. {various), 8vo and ito 1886-87 251 Shelley. Original Stories from Eeal Life, by Mary Wollstone- craft, calf gilt, 1791— Valperga, 3 vol. 1823— The Last Man, 3 vol. 1826 — Lodore, 3 vol. 1835, by Mary Wollstone- craft Shelley, first editions (10) 252 Shelley. Poetical Works, edited, with Notes, by W. M. Rossetti, 2 vol. portrait, some MS. notes added, 1870 — Adonais, edited by Rossetti, 1891 — Alastor, facsimile reprint, presentation copy, 1885; and others (ll) 253 Shelley. Magazine Articles, and other Publications containing interesting matter relating to Shelley (12) 254 Shelley. Essays, Letters from Abroad, etc. edited by Mrs. Shelley, 2 vol. in 1, first edition, half bound, Moxon, 1840 — Trelawny (E. J.) Records of Shelley, Byron, and the Author, 2 vol. portraits, 1878 — Shelley Memorials, edited by Lady Shelley, portrait, presentation copy, half hound, 1859 ; and others relating to Shelley (13) 255 Shelley. Poems selected from Percy Bysshe Shelley, frontispiece, 1880— Select Letters of P. B. ^]iq\\qy, frontispiece, 1882— Confessions of an English Opium Eater, by T. de Quincey, 1885, all edited with Litroductions, by Dr. Garnett, large PAPER, only 50 numbered and signed copies printed in a box 256 Short Histories of the Literatures of the World, edited by Edmund Gosse, vol. II to XII (comprising a History of Italian Literature by Dr. Garnett) 1897-1903 257 Simpson (H. T.) Archseologia Adelensis : a History of the Parish of Ad el, Yorkshire, with numerous etchings, 1879 — Cave-Browne (J.) History of Boxley Parish, portraits and engravings, 1892 — Lambeth Palace, with illustrations, 1882 ; and others (5) 258 Sladen (D. B. W.) Edward the Black Prince, an Epic Drama, with interesting MS. memoranda inserted (1886) — Aldrich (T. B.) Wyndham Towers, 1890— Marzials (F. T.) Death's Disguises, etc. presentation copy, 1889 — Southey (C. H.) Isolda, and other Poems, 1897 ; and others, some presentation copies a parcel 259 Spiller (Prof.) Die Urkraft des Weltalls, 1876— Brandl (A.) S. T. Coleridge und die englische Roman tik, 1886 — Kuhlen- beck (Dr. L.) Giordano Bruno's Dialoge, 1893 ; etc. some are presentation copies {unbound) a parcel 260 Spinoza. La Clef du Sanctuaire, presentation copy, old red morocco, g. e. 1678 — Barclaii (J.) Argenis, Lugd. Bat. Elzevir, 1630 — Castiglioni (B.) II Cortegiano, imperfect at end, 1562 — Tasso. Gerusalemme Liberata, 2 vol. {from the library of Ford Madox-Brown, with his awtograpK), 1829 ; and others {small) a parcel 261 Stanley (Dean) Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey, with illustrations, 1890 — Milman (Dean) Annals of St. Paul's Cathedral, portrait and illustrations, 1869 — Brown (G. B.) From Schola to Cathedral, illustrated, presentation copy, 1886, uncut (3) 30 OCTAVO 262 Stephen (Leslie) The English Utilitarians : Jeremy Bentham, James and John Stuart Mill, 3 vol. huckram, uncut, t. e. g. 1900 263 Stephen (Leslie) English Literature in the Eighteenth Century, 1904— Clarke (H.B.) Spanish Literature, 1893— Minto (W.) Manual of English Prose Literature, 1872 — Farrar (F. W.) Chapters on Language, 1865 ; and others, three of which are presentation copies (18) 264 Sterling (John) Essays and Tales, edited by J. C. Hare, 2 vol. 1848 — Dunlop (J. C.) History of Prose Fiction, revised by H. Wilson, 2 vol. 1888 — Darmesteter (J.) English Studies, 1896 ; and others, two are presentation copies (16) 265 Stevenson (R. L.) A Lodging for the Night, a Tale, one of 26 copies on Japanese vellum paper, initials from designs by Wm. Morris, hand-coloured, with inscription : " To Dr. Richard Garnett, with kindest regards, from his friend Julia Everson," blue calf gilt, t. e. g. Philosopher Press, Wisconsin, 1900 266 Swinburne (A. C.) Songs before Sunrise, 1871 — Erechtheus, a Tragedy, 1876 ; first editions, original cloth, uncut (2) 267 SyjVIONDS (J. A.) The Renaissance in Italy, 7 vol. portrait, ori- ginal cloth, uncut 1897-8 268 Symonds (J, A.) Studies of the Greek Poets, first edition, 1873 — Shakspere Predecessors in the English Drama, 1900 — J. A. Symonds : a Biography, compiled by H. F. Brown, frontispiece, 1903 ; original cloth, uncut (3) 269 Taylor (Isaac) History of the Alphabet, 2 vol. 1899— Brooke (S. A.) History of Early English Literature, 2 vol. 1892— Japp (A. H.) German Life and Literature, n. d. ; and others (7) 270 Tennyson (Alfred, Lord) Poems, mdcccxxx-mdcccxxxiii, un- cut, in the original blue paper wrapper privately printed, 1862 *n* Rare, having been suppressed. It is said to have been printed in Canada. This volume consists of those poems in the volumes of these dates, which were suppressed in the subsequent editions of Tennyson's Poems, together with the different readings of those that were altered. 271 Tennyson (Alfred, Lord) Poems : another copy {as the preceding), presentation copy to Dr. Garnett, from J. D. Campbell privately printed, 1862 272 Thomson (James) Poetical Workso edited by Bertram Dobell, 2 vol. portrait, presentation copy, from B. Dobell, 1895 — Keats (John) Poetical Works, edited by W. T. Arnold, por- trait, 1884 — Rossetti (D. G.) Poetical Works, pm'trait, 1903 ; and another (5) 273 Trelawny Correspondence : Letters between MyrtilJa and "PhW- ander [1706-1736] j3r/t'a^resentation copy, 1898 — Lytton (Earl of) King Poppy, frontispiece, 1892— Selected Poems, 1894 ; and others, some of which are presentation copies (16) 289 Weill (A.) Lois et Mysteres de I'Araour, 1880— Darmesteter (J.) La Legende Divine, 1890 — Essais de Litterature Anglaise, 1883— Petite Bibliotheque d'Art, 3 vol. 1886-90 ; and others {unbound) a parcel 290 Winslow (H. M.) Concerning Cats, numerous illustrations, 1900 — Weir (Harrison) Our Cats, portrait and engravings, 1889 — Ross (C. H.) The Book of Cats, illustrated, 1868 ; and others on Cats (8) 291 Wordsworth (William) Poems, reprint of the original of 1807, 2 vol. uncut, 1897 — Lyrical Ballads, reprint of the 1798 edition, uncut, 1890 — Coleridge (S. T.) Poems, facsimile reproduction, edited by J. D. Campbell, presentation copy, 1899 — Allingham (Wm.) Poems, 6 vol. half parchment; and others (12) OCTAVO 33 292 Wiilker (Prof.) Geschichte der Englischen Litteratur, /acsmi'V^s- and illustrations, 1896— Krumbacher (K.) Geschichte der Byzantinischen Litteratur [527-1453], 1897— Meyer (R.M.) Die Deutsche Litteratur, portraits and illustrations, 1900 ; half bound (3) 293 Yellow-Book (The), 13 vol. illustrated by Sir F. Leighton, Aubrey Beardsley, J. T. Nettleship, etc. (contains several important contributions by Dr. Garnett) original cloth, un- cut sm. ito. 1894-97 294 Zumbini (B.) Studi sul Leopardi, 2 vol. 1902— Petrarca (Fr.) Le Eime, da Giov Mestica, 1896 — Another edition, 1899 — Gabriele d'Annunzio, La Gioconda : Tragedia, 1899 ; and others (unbound) a parcel QUARTO. 295 Almack (Edward) Bibliography of the King's Book, or Eikon Basilike, vAtk facsimile illustrations, original cloth, uncut 1896 296 Apuleius. The Story of Cupid and Psyche, translated by C. Stuttaford, illustrated by J. Mothersole, parchment, uncut, 1903 — Recreations of the Rabelais Club, 1880-1881, printed for the member's, buckram, uncut — The Decadent : being the Gospel of Inaction, frontispiece and initial letters, privately printed for the author, uncut, one of 110 copies, 1893 (3) 297 Ashton (John) Chap-Books of the Eighteenth Century, with fac- similes. Notes and Introduction, large paper, one of 100 numbered copies, presentation from Mr. Ashton, uncut 1882 298 Ashton (J.) Humour, Wit, and Satire of the Seventeenth Cen- tury, with numerous facsimile illustrations, large paper, one of 10b numbered copies, uncut 1883 299 Bacon (Francis Lord) Essayes or Counsels, Civill and Morall, some II. wormed, sold not subject to return, half bound sm. 4:to. 1632 300 Begley (Walter) Biblia Cabalistica, presentation copy, with auto- graph letter to Dr. Garnett inserted, 1903 — Biblia Anagram- matica, a Literary Curiosity, presentation copy, privately printed, 1904, uncut, t.e.g. (2) 301 Bibliographica : Papers on Books, their History and Art, vol. I- III (contributed to by Andrew Lang, Austin Dobson, F. Madan, Dr. Garnett, Sidney Lee, etc.) ivith numerous beauti- ful facsimile illustrations, halfmwocco, uncut, t. e. g. 1895-97 302 Biblioteca Hispano-Americana, por J. T. Medina [1493-1810], 6 vol. {wanting vol. Ill), Santiago de Chile, 1898-1902 — Canto (Jose da) Collec^ao Camoneana, presentation copy to Dr. Garnett, Lisboa, 1895 ; unbound (6) 303 Binyon (L.) The Supper: a Lyrical Scene, presentation copy, one of 30, 7ione being for sale, uncut, 1897 — Harford (F. K.) Epigram matica, jyresentation copy, 2^(i^'chme)it, uncut, t. e. g. 1890 — Benson (A. C.) Ode in Memoriam W. E. G. privately printed, 1898 — The Thrush, 2 nos. with contributions by Dr. Garnett (8) 34 QUARTO 304 Blunt (^Y. S.) Esther : a Young Man's Tragedy, with the Love Sonnets of Proteus, numerous elaborate initial letters, parch- ment, uncut, 1895 — Yonge (A.) Fantasma, a Fairy Tale, presentation copy, Roycroft Press, uncut, t. e. g. 1903 — Lacy (E.) Plays and Sonnets, portraits, Autograph edition, one of 250 copies, morocco, uncut, t. e. g. 1900; and others (5) 305 Boiardo (M. M.) Sonetti e Canzone, large paper, presentation copy from Louis Fagan, one of 250 copies, olive morocco super extra, uncut, t. e. g. by Zaehnsdorf Milano, 1845 306 Bridges (Robert) Eight Plays, collected together, half morocco, n. d. — Sonnets of Three Centuries, edited by T. H. Caine, 1882— Mifflin (L.) Collected Sonnets, portrait, prese?itation copy, 1905 ; uncut (3) 307 Browning (Robert) The Pied Piper of Hameliii, set forth in a series of designs and decorated borders by Harry Quilter, presentation copy, 1898 — Longfellow (H. W.) Michael Angelo, a Poem, illustrated, presentation copy, n. d. — Die Galerie zu Cassel, etchings, half bound, 1872; and others (8) 308 Bruun (J. A.) Enquiry into the Art of the Illuminated Manu- scripts of the Middle Ages, part I, Celtic Illuminated MSS. facsimile illustrations, presentation copy, one o/" 140 copies printed on extra paper, buckram, uncut, 1897 — Reproduc- tions of the Woodcuts in the Dream of Poliphilus, printed at Venice in 1499, ^McA-ra7/i, 1893 sm. folio. (2) 309 Burchardus (J.) Diarium, sive Rerum Urbanarum Commentarii [1483-1506], 3 vol. 1883-5— Chronicon Galfridi le Baker de Swynebroke, edited by E. M. Thompson, 1889; and another ^to and imp. 8w. (5) 310 Cardanus (Hicron.) Opuscula, wnth tables, parchment, Noi'imb. 1547 — Spoletanus (Justulus) OT^era., parchment, Romw, 1510 — Herolt (J.) Sermones, qoW^it letter, stained copy, 1504; the lot sold not subject to return (3) 311 Cartularium Monasterii de Rameseia, edited by W. H. Hart and P. A. Lyons, 2 vol. half bound, 1884 — Calendar of State Papers: Spanish [1538-1542], 1890 ; and others itoandSvo. (13) 312 Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library, Manchester, 3 vol. presentation copy to Dr. Garnett, morocco super extra, uncut, t. e. g. 1899 313 Century Dictionary (The) an Encyclopaedic Lexicon of the English Language, prepared under the superintendence of Prof. W. D. AVhitney, "Times" edition, 8 vol. numerous engravings, half morocco, m. e. 1899 314 Clark (J. W.) The Care of Books, numeroits illustrations, 1901 — Catalogue of the Library of F. D. Mocatta, compiled by R. A. Rye, portrait, uncut, t. e. g. 1904 — Catalogue of the Helen's TowerlAhxsjvj, presentation copy, 1901 — The Ameri- can Catalogue \\^^Q-\%'db\ half morocco, 1896; and others (7) QUARTO 35 315 Clinch (George) Marylebone and St. Pancras, ivitk numerous illustrations, 1890; Bloomsbury and St. Giles's, illustrations, 1890 ; Antiquarian Jottings, illustrated, 1889 ; pi-esentation copies ; and another (4) 316 Clouston (W. A.) Hieroglyphic Bibles, their Origin and History, ivith facsimile illustrations, and a New Hieroglyphic Bible told in Stories by F. A. Laing, buckram, uncut, t. e. g. 1894 317 Cohn (A.) Shakespeare in Germany, in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, with two plates of facsimiles, original cloth 1865 318 Crawford Library. Bibliotheca Lindesiana : Catalogue of English Ballads of the XVHth and XYHIth Centuries, one of 100 copies, half parchment, uncut, t. e. g. 1890 — Hand-List of Proclamations [1509-1901] with Supplement to vol. I (the second Supplement printed separately), together 4 vol. one of 50 copies, 1893-1901 — Catalogue of Chinese Books and Manuscripts, one of 100 copies, 1895 — Catalogue of Engli.sh Broadsides [1505-1897], one of 100 copies, 1898— Hand-List of Oriental Manuscripts, one of 100 copies, 1898 ; etc. all privately printed Ato and sm. folio, (ll) 319 [Croxall (Rev, S.)] An Original Canto of Spenser, designed as part of his Fairy Queen, but never printed ; another Original Canto; uncut, 171A — SpenserRedivivuSjO/c^ca//", 8vo, 1687 (3) 320 Dalton (J. G.) Spherical Basis of Astrology : Table of Houses for Latitudes 22° to 56°, 1893^ayne (C. F.) String Figures, numerous illustrations, 1906; and others (4) 321 Daniel Private Press. Poems by Henry Patmore (son of Coventry Patmore), 07ie of 125 numbered copies, original wrapper, uncut Oxford, 1884 322 Daniel Private Press. Noontide Branches, a small Sylvan Drama, by Michael Field, one of 1 50 numbered copies, presen- tation copy, " Dr. Garnett, with all friendly greetings from Thames-side, Michael Field," original wrapper, uncut ib. 1889 323 Daniel Private Press. Poems by Laurence Binyon, presentation copy from the author, one of 200 numbered copies, original W7-apper, uncut ib. 1895 324 Daniel Private Press. Fancy's Following, owg o/* 125 numbered copies, original wrapper, uncut 8vo. ib. 1896 325 Darlow and Moule. Historical Catalogue of the Printed Edi- tions of Holy Scripture, in the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society, vol. I, English, presentation copty, limited issue, buckram, t. e. g. 1903 326 Dialogue or Communing between the wise King Salomon and Marcolphus, reprint, edited by E. G. DuiT, 1892 ; Informa- tion for Pilgrims into the Holy Land, reprint, edited by E. G. DufF, 1893 ; presentation copies — Sex quam Elegan- tissimae Epistolae, reproduction of Caxton's original of 1483, one of 350 copies, 1892 ; and another, all uncut (4) 36 QUARTO 327 Drayton (Michael) Selections from his Poems, edited by A. H. Bullen, one o/" 155 copies, privately printed, 1883 — The Book of Helen's Tower (contains contributions by Dr. Garnett, R. Browning, Lord Tennyson, etc.) presentation copy, one of 200, 1901 ; and others a parcel 328 Egypt Exploration Fund, Graeco-Roman Branch ; The Oxyrhyn- chus Papyri, in 4 parts, edited by Grenfell and Hunt, 1898- 1904: Fayum Towns and their Papyri, by Grenfell, Hunt, and Hogarth, 1900; The Tebtunis Papyri, edited by Gren- fell, Hunt, and Smyly, 1902 ; facsimiles and plates — Archaeo- logical Reports, etc. ito and Svo. (18) 329 Emerson. Ireland (Alex.) R. W. Emerson, a Biographical Sketch, presentation copy from the author, an interesting autograph letter of James Martineau inserted, portraits, 1882 — The Gillmans of Highgate, views and portraits, n. d. — Delepierre (J. 0.) In Memoriam, for friends only, portrait, n. d. — L'Enfer, presentation copy, 8vo, 1876 (4) 330 Encyclopaedia Biblica : a Dictionary of the Bible, edited by Prof. Gheyne and J. S. Black, 4 vol. engravings 1899-1903 331 Encyclopaedia Britannica : a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General Literature, with Index, ninth edition, 25 vol. en- gravings, half bound 1875-89 332 English Dialect Dictionary, edited by J. Wright, parts I to V, 1896-98 — Modern Language Quarterly, 15 nos. {various), 1900-4 — Gubernatis (A. de) Dictionnaire des Ecrivains du Monde Latin, parts I to V, 1905-6 — La Bibliofilia, diretta da L. S. Olschki, vol. I to VII {wanting several intermediate nos.) numerous facsimiles, 1900-6; etc. a parcel 333 English Historical Review (The) edited by the Rev. Mandell Creighton, S. R. Gardiner, etc. vol. I to X {contains several articles and contributions by Dr. Garnett) imp. 8vo. 1886-95 334 Firdusi. The Epic of Kings, stories retold from Firdusi, by Helen Zimmern, ivith two etchings by L. Alma Tadema, and a Prefatory Poem by E. W. Gosse, edition de luxe, one of 200 numbered copies, vellum gilt, uncut, t. e. g. {presen- tation copy, ^^ Richard Garnett, from his friend Helen Zim- mern ") 1882 335 Fliigel-Schmidt-Tanger. Dictionary of the German-English, and English-German Languages, 2 vol. 1896 — Vogt und Koch. Geschichte der Deutschen Litteratur, hxilf bound, 1897 (3) 336 Frangipani's Ring : an Event in the Life of Henry Thode, with illustrations, 1900 — Jackson (R.) Alfred the Great, 1901 — , Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, 1896 ; and another, all uncut (4) 337 Froude (J. A.) The Cat's Pilgi-image, illustrated, 1870 — Mind (G.) Der Katzen-Raphael, illustrations on india paper, 1876 — Janvier (C. A.) London Mews, coloured illustrations, pre- sentation copy, oblong, 1904 ; and others (7) QUARTO 37 338 Fulleylove (J.) and J. Kelman. The Holy Land, " edition de luxe," numerous coloured and othsr illustrations, buckram, uncut, t. e. g. 1902 — Menasseh Ben Israel's Mission to Oliver Cromwell, a reprint of Pamphlets [1649-1656], edited by L. Wolf, portraits, half morocco, uncut, 1901 (2) 339 Garnett (E..) William Blake, Painter and Poet, facsimile illus- trations, 1895 ; Richmond on the Thspccies, facsimile illustra- tions and etchings, 1896 ; in 1 vol. half bound — Garnett (Edward) The Art of Winnifred Matthews, an Essay, with 8 reproductions, one q/'300 copies, boards, uncut, 1902 (2) 340 Gemmel (L.) Die Perlenschuur, illustrations, 1898 — Schlegel (Fr.) Brief e, von Dr. Walzel, 1890 — Deutsches Dichterbuch aus Oesterreich, 1883 — Heldensagen von Firdusi, 1865; and others ito. and imp. 8vo. a parcel 341 Guaras {Antonio de) The Accession of Queen Mary, edited, with translation, notes, etc. by Dr. Garnett, with a contemporary Ballad in facsimile, two autograph letters inserted, one of 350 copies, 1892 — " Leycester's Commonwealth," 1641, reprint, edited by F. J. Burgoyne, 1904; and another reprint; all uncut (3) 342 Hart (H.) Notes on a Century of Typography at the University Press, Oxford [1693-1 794], with Annotations and Appendixes, one of \bQ copies, boards, uncut, t. e. g. Oxford, 1900 343 Heroic Romances of Ireland, translated into English prose and verse, by A. H. Leahy, 2 vol. 1905 — Monteiro (M.) Legends and Popular Tales of the Basque People, illustrated, presenta- tion copy to Dr. and Mrs. Garnett, 1887 ; and another ; uncut (4) 344 Hunterian Club Publications : No. 22 to 32, 1874-75 (ll) 345 Hystorie van die seuen wijse mannen van roraen, bewerkt door A. J. Botermans, reprint of the original, Haarlem, n. d. — Mandoemet der Keyserlijcker Maiesteit .... int laer xlvi, photographic facsimile, one o/" 100 copies, De Vinne Press, 1896 ; and another reprint, all uncut (3) 346 Ireland (Alex.) The Book-Lover's Enchiridion, presentation copy from the author, 1888— Blades (Wm.) The Enemies of Books, edited by Dr. Garnett, illustrated, 1896 ; and others (5) 347 Lang (Andrew) Oxford : Brief Historical and Descriptive Notes, with etchings and vignettes, 1880 — The Book of Trinity College, Dublin [1591-1891], numerous illustrations, 1892 — The Portfolio of Trinity College, Dublin, photogravure plates, oblong, n. d. (3) 348 Lick Observatory. Publications of the Lick Observatory of the University of California, edited by E. S. Holden, vol. I to V, numerous illustrations, 1887-1901 ; and others (7) 349 Manuscript. Dudley (Robert, Earl of) Sixteen Letters, chiefly of II Conte Luca Fabroni, relating to his I'Arcano del Mare, in 1 vol. morocco 1646, etc. 38 QUAKTO 350 Medina (J. T.) La Imprenta en Manila, facsimiles, 1896 — Another edition, 1904 — La Imprenta en Mexico [1539-1810], 1893 — Descubrimiento del Rio de las Amazonas, one of 200 copies, 1894 — Bulnes (G.) Ultimas Campanas de la Inde- pendencia del Peru [1822-1826], half morocco, 1897 ; and others a parcel 351 Meux's (Lady) Publications : — Manuscript No. 1. The Lives of Maha Seydn and Gabra Krestds : the Ethiopic Texts edited, with an English Translation, and a chapter on the illustrations of Ethiopic MSS. by E. A. Wallis Budge, tvith 92 coloured plates and 33 other illustrations, by W. Griggs, stamped morocco, m. e. {one of 300 copies), roy. Ato, 1898 — Manuscripts No. 2 to 5. The Miracles of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Life of Hanna (Saint Anne) and the Magical Prayers of 'Aheta Mlkael ; the Ethiopic Texts edited, with English Translations, etc. by E. A. W. Budge, with 111 coloured plates by W. Griggs, stamped morocco, m. e. {one oj 300 copies), imp. ito, 1900 — Manuscript No. 6. The Book of Paradise of Palladius, Hieronymus and others, the Syriac Texts, edited, with an English Translation, by E. A. AY. Budge, original cloth, t. e. g. {one of 500 copies), super imp. 8vo, 190i ; all printed for private circulation only (4) 352 Michiielius (Jonas) Manhattan in 1628 .... now first published with a review of the Letter, etc. by D. Versteeg, facsimile illustrations, presentation copy, Japanese paper, boards, un- cut, 1904 — Ford (P. L.) Thomas Jefferson, Japanese papei', two portraits, with the cancels, parchment, 1904 — Major (R. H.) Memoir of a Mappemonde, by Leonardo da Vinci, presentation copy, 1865 (3) 353 Middleton (J. H.) The Engraved Gems of Classical Times, with a Catalogue of the Gems in the Fitzwilliam Museum, illus- trations, uncut, t. e.g. 1891 — Strong (S. A.) Critical Studies and Fragments, portraits and numerous illustrations, imp. 8vo, 1905; and others (4) 354 Morley (Henry) Tables of English Literature, complete in 3 parts, 1868-70— Hyperion : Facsimiles of Keats's Autograph Manu- script, folio, 1905 — Description of the Original Bodleian First Folio of Shakespeare, 1905— Major (R. H.) The True Date of the English Discovery of the American Continent, and Further Facts relating to the same, 1870-73 ; etc. some are presentation copies {unbound) a parcel 355 National Portrait Gallery (The), edited by L. Cust, 2 vol. nume- rous illustrations, Cassell, 1901 — Imperial Gallery of Por- traiture (The) "Royal" edition, half morocco, t. e. g. 1902 ; and another (4) 356 Nicoll (W. R.) and T. J. Wise. Literary Anecdotes of the Nineteenth Century, 2 yo\. portrait and facsimiles, 1895 — Christie (R. C.) Etienne Dolet [1508-1546], 1899 ; and another (4) QUAKTO 39 357 Odes from the Greek Dramatists, translated into Lyric Metres, edited by A. W. Pollard, one of 50 large paper copies, parchment, uncut, t. e. g. 1890 — Fifty Rubaiyat of Omar Khciyyam, paraphrased by R. Le Gallienne, one of 200 numbered and signed copies, presentation from J. C. Young, uncut, 1901 — Magnussan (Eirikr) William M.ovvi% presenta- tion copy, morocco, 1896 ; and others (5) 358 Pageant (The) edited by C. H. Shannon and Gleeson White (contains contributions by Swinburne, R. Garnett, Henley, R. Bi'idges, etc.) illustrations by Rossetti, Whistler, Millais, and others, 1896-97 — The Knight Errant, vol. I, illustrated (contains a Song by R. Garnett), half bound, 1892 ; and others (6) 359 Palmistry. Cheiro's Language of the Hand, illustrations, 1897 — Oxenford (Ina) Life Studies in Palmistry, 27 plates, 1899 — Lawrence (E.) The Science of Palmistry, plates, 1905 (3) 360 Peach (R. E.) Historic Houses in Bath, 2 vol. illustrated, presen- tation copy, 1883-4 — Bogg (E.) Two Thousand Miles in Wharfedale, ivith 320 illustrations, 1904 — Mayo (C. H.) Bibliotheca Dorsetiensis, privately printed, 1885 — Wain- wright (J.) Memories of Marple, portraits and illustrations, privately printed, 1899 ; and others (7) 361 Peacock. The Last Day of Windsor Forest, "Thos. Love Pea- cock's MS." {two copies), with alterations — Transcript of Spence's Anecdotes of Books and Men {probably madefoi' the use of the Rev. W. Beloe), half vellum — Anecdotes of Literature, various extracts, 1808 — Manuscript Sermons, 1703 ; etc. (5) 362 Peacock (T. L.) The Philosophy of Melancholy, a Poem, etc. with 3IS. corrections, stained copy, half morocco, t.e. g. 1812 — Garnett (Dr. Thos.) Lectures on Zoonomia, portrait, stained, 1804: ; and others, ito and folio. (lO) 363 Pollard (A. W.) Last Words on the History of the Title-page, Avith Notes on some Colophons, and twenty-seven facsimiles of title-pages, one of 260 copies, buckram, uncut, 1891 — Middleton-Wake (C. H.) The Livention of Printing, with facsimiles, uncut, t. e. g. privately printed, 1897 ; and others (4) 364 Pollard (A. W.) An Essay on Colophons, with specimens and translations, and an Litroduction by Richard Garnett, uncut, one of 250 copies sup. imp. 8vo. Chicago, the Caxton Club, 1905 365 Reynard the Fox : his Family, Friends, etc. with Glossarial Notes, etc. written by F. S. Ellis, ivith devices by Walter Crane, presentation copy from the author, buckram, uncut, 1894 — HuefFer (0. M.) Love's Disguises : a Book of Little Plays, one of IbO numbered and signed copies, buckram, uncut, n. d. — Nobody and Somebody, privately printed, uncut, 1877 (3) 40 QUARTO 366 Eeynard the Fox : his Family, Friends, etc. written by F. S. Ellis, vnth devices by Walter Crane, presentation copy from the author, hncJcram, uncut, 1897 — Thompson (F.) Poems, frontispiece, uncut, 1893 — Dublin Verses, by Members of Trinity College, edited by H. A. Hinkson, autograph letter inserted, uncut, 1895 ; and another (4) 367 Rossetti (D. G.) The House of Life, woodcut initial letters, 1894 — Traherne (T.) Poetical Works, now first published, edited by B. Dobell, 1903— Blind (Mathilde) The Ascent of Man, portrait, 1899 ; and others ; all uncut (5) 368 Rye (W. B.) England as seen by Foreigners in the Days of Eliza- beth and James I, 1865— Chronicon Adae de Usk [1377- 1421], edited with translation and notes by Sir E. M. Thompson, imp. 8vo, 1904 — Corvo (F. B.) Chronicles of the House of Borgia, illustrations, 1901 ; and others, Hatton Correspondence, etc. (9) 369 Schlumberger (G.) L'Epopee Byzantine a la fin du Dixieme Siecle, 2 vol. with numerous illustrations, unbound sup. imp. 8vo. 1896-1900 370 Scriptorum Graecorum Bibliotheca, cum interpret. Latina, etc. the Greek and Latin Texts are in parallel columns, 20 vol. only, half morocco 1840, etc. 371 Seton-Karr (W. S.) Grant of Rothiemurchus, por^ra^Y, pr/ra^^/y printed, 1899 — Brushfield (T. N.) Life and Bibliography of Andrew Brice, privately printed, 1888 — Memoirs of the Camacs of Co. Down, edited by F. 0. Fisher (vol. I), for private circulation, 1897; and another, chiefly presentation copies, and mostly uncut (4) 372 Shakspere Quarto Facsimiles, produced by Charles Praetorius, edited by H. A. EA^ans, F. J. Furnival and others, half bound, 1886 ; etc. (21) 373 Simms (R.) Bibliotheca StafFordiensis: a Bibliographical Account of Books and other Printed Matter, relating to the County of Stafford, one of 200 numbered copies, uncut, t. e. g. 1894 374 Sindici (A.) XIV Leggende della Campagna Romana : Sonetti, numerous illustrations, parchment, t. e. g. 1901 — Margarita di Martino. Lettera a J. Savonarola, one of 200 copies, mo- rocco, 1898; and others (lO) 375 Transactions of the Hampstead Antiquarian and Historical Society [1899-1903], 4 vol. portrait and illustrations, limited issue, buch'am, uncut, 1900-5; and others relating to Hamp- stead a parcel 376 Transactions and Proceedings of the Conference of Librarians held in London [1877-1882], edited by E. B. Nicholson, H. R. Tedder, etc. 3 vol. 1878-81 — Second Liternational Library Conference, 1897 {tivo copies), 1898 (5) 377 Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England, vol. H to IV, 1896-1903 — Exchequer of the Jews, vol. I, 1905— Publications of the Huguenot Society of London, vol. VI, 1891 (5) QUARTO 41 378 Transactions of the Bibliographical Society, vol. I to VII, in 12 parts, 1893-1904 — Classified Index to the Serapeum, by R. Proctor, 1897— Robert Wyer, by H. R. Plomer, 1897— List of English Plays written before 1643, by AV. AV. Greg, with Supplement, 1899-1901 — - A Century of the English Book Trade, by E. G. Duff, 1905— Hand-Lists of English Printers [1501-1556], by E. G. Duff, in three parts, 1895-1905— Rules and Lists of Members, 1 900-6 ; etc. — Illustrated Mono- graphs issued by the Bibliographical Society, nos. I to XIII, 1894-1904 ; all in the original wrappers, uncut a parcel 379 Tuer (A. W.) History of the Horn-Book, 2 vol. with numerous facsimile and other illustratiojis, presentation copy from the author to Dr. Garnett, vellum, uncut 1896 380 Universal ANTHOLOCxY(The)a Collection of the Best Literature, Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern, with Biographical and Ex- planatory Notes, edited by Dr. Garnett, L. Vallee, and Alois Bi-andl, edition de luxe, 33 vol. ivith 2)ortraits and illus- trations, half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. 1899 381 Universal Review, edited by Harry Quilter, 7 vol. with numerous beautiful illustrations by Sir J. Millais, Leslie, Shannon, and others, and contributions by R. Garnett, S. Butler and others {vol. I, II and VII want the titles), half morocco ; and others 1888-90 382 Watson (William) Collected Poems, portrait, LARGE paper, one q/" 120 copies, presentation to Dr. Garnett from the authm', buckram, uncut 1899 383 Whistler (J. McNeill) The Gentle Art of Making Enemies, original boards, uncut sm. ito. Chelsea, n. d. 384 Whitaker (T. D.) History of the Original Parish of Whalley, and Honor of Clitheroe, fourth edition, revised and enlarged by J. G. Nichols and the Rev. P. A. Lyons, 2 vol. portrait and illustrations, original cloth 1872-6 385 AVhite (Gilbert) Natural History of Selborne, edited by Grant Allen, illustrated by E. H. Neio, buckram, uncut, 1900 — • Blunt (R.) The Carlyles' Chelsea Home, portrait and illus- trations, one o/" 100 copies only, half parchment, uncut, 1895 — The Carlyle Country, by J. M. Sloan, portraits and illus- trations, 1904 (3) 386 Yriarte (Ch.) Autour des Borgia : les Monuments, les Portraits : Alexandre VI, Cesar-Lucr^ce, etc. unth numerous beautiful portraits and' illustrations, half morocco 1891 FOLIO. 387 Account (Short) of the Worshipful Company of Stationers [1403- 1903], illustrated, half bound, t. e. g. 1903— Rosedale (H. G.) Queen Elizabeth and the Levant Company, portrait and facsimiles, Imlf parchment, uncut, t. e. g. roy. ito, 1904 — Reich (E.) A New Student's Atlas of English History, presen- tation copy, ito, 1903 ; and others (7) 42 FOLIO 388 Bibliotheca Lindesiana (Collection of Notes, No. 4), Autotype Facsimiles of Three Mappemondes {cii'ca 1536, 1546, and 1550), with Introduction by C. H. Coote, one of 100 copies 2)rivately 2)rinted, half bound, ito and atlas folio 1898 389 Anglo-Saxon (The) Review, edited by Lady Churchill, vol. Ill and VI, poi'traits (contains contributions by R. Garnett, Edmund Gosse, Andrew Lang, etc.) in elahoi-ately tooled mo- rocco to the pattern of old and rare bindings, uncut, t. e. g. 1899-1900 (2) 390 Cruikshank. A Series of Twenty-three beautiful Plates, mostly coloured, by George Cruikshank, comprising Napoleon I in his Coronation robes, Napoleon and Josephine, Napoleon on his celebrated charger, and plates of famous Battles under Napoleon, somewhat soiled oblong. 1823-26 391 Garran (Andrew) Picturesque Atlas of Australasia, our Country, as it was and as it is, from 1606 to 1888, 3 a-o1. maps, and numerous full-page and other illustrations, no titles, hut a few of the original wrappers are bound up, half mm'occo n.d. 392 Havard (H.) Les quatre derniers Siecles, illustrated, in portfolio, n. d. — Reymond (M.) Donatello, full-page and other illus- trations, stamped binding, 1898 — Benndorf (0.) Die Meto- pen von Selinunt, plates, 1873 — Codex S. Ceaddae Latinus, ed. F. Scrivener, 1887 ; and others (6) 393 Poole (R. L.) Historical Atlas of Modern Europe, from the De- cline of the Roman Empire, numerous coloured maps, half bound, t. e. g. 1902 — Johnston (A, K.) National Atlas, half bound, 1844 (2) 394 Rothenstein (W.) Oxford Characters, 24 lithographs, with Text, presentation copy, 1896 — Pietas Oxoniensis, in Memory of Sir Thos. Bodley, and the Foundation of the Bodleian Library, portraits, ito, 1902 — Etchings by W. B. Rye, ob- long, n. d. (3) 395 Sbelley (p. B.) A Collection of Prints, Drawings and Photographs relating to P. B. Shelley, \'2unframed (23) END OF SALE. Dryden Press : J. Davy & Sons, 8-9, Frith-street, Soho-square, W. 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