UC-NRLF lit, 71 GIFT OF The Language of the Rushworth Gloss to the Gospel of Matthew and the Mercian Dialect Part II. The vowels of other syllables than stem-syllables; Consonants; Inflection. Edward Miles Brown, Ph. D. Professor of English in the umvSrSif^of Cincinnati. Gottingen 1892. Druck der Dieterich'schen Universitats-Buchdruckerei. (W. Fr. Kaestner.) The Language of the Rushworth Gloss to the Gospel of Matthew and the Mercian Dialect Part II. The vowels of other syllables than stem-syllables; Consonants; Inflection. by Edward Miles Brown, Ph. D. Professor of English in the University of Cincinnati. Gottingen 1892. Druck der Dieterich'schen Universitats-Buchdruckerei. (W. Fr. Kaestner.) The Vowels of Medial and Final Syllables, and of Prefixes. Here are considered the vowels of suffixes, whether old or secondary and auxiliary (svarabhakti). Inflectional syllables will be treated under the head of Inflection. Many prefixes have been already considered in Part I. The arrangement of the material is, in the main, that of Zeuner in Die Sprache des Jcentischen Psalters . Vowel-Gradation. 1. In WS. the Germanic back vowel of suffixes ap- pears most commonly as 0, often weakened to a and e (cf. Oosijn, 114 ff.). R' has both u and (sometimes e), with the balance on the side of u. In Corpus Gl. u is in excess of (cf. Dieter, p. 45). The Ritual fluctuates between u and (cf. Lindelof, p. 46), while the Ps. has regularly u (cf. Zeu- ner, p. 56 ff.). a) ur-er (stems in -os, -es ; cf. Sievers, 288, Cosijn, II., 8 and 35, 10). The only forms in R' that show r are these: cechir (ac. pi.) 12. 1 (WS. has ear from *ahur, cf. Pt. I., p. 24); this -ir does not appear to be original ; & is probably due to the fol- lowing palatal; sigor (dat. sg.) 12. 20 and, with syncope, cildra 21. 16. The Ps. has -ur final, and -er before inflectional u (cf. Zeuner, p. 56); Hit. has -er, or syncope, before a back vowel, and umlaut in lemb, (cf. LindelSf, p. 46). b) ud-ed. R' has : heafud 14. 11 etc. (8) and -od (5) 6. 17; 10. 30; 14. 8; 21. 42; 27. 33; nacud 25.36.43; -ne 25.38 (for WS. cf. Cos. p. 127); e occurs only in somed 13. 29; hcemed (coitus) 15. 19; 19. 18; hamep 5. 32, with syncope hqmde 24. 38 (cf. Cos., p. 147 g); fremftnm appears only with syncope as in the Ps. (cf. Zeuner, p. 57). 1* Here may be mentioned: iugufte 19. 20 with loss of n before 8, and eorfepe 7. 14 from the stem arbaidi- (cf. Kluge, Stammb., 131a); WS. has both o and e in this word (cf. Cos., p. 137). c) Adjectives ending in original -ag, -ig. The suffixes -ag and -ig (from -ig) appear in 0. E. in the form -iy (oftener written -eg in O.WS. cf. Cos. 120; once -eg in Kit, and several times -eg, -ei, -ceg in Corp. GL, cf. Lindelof p. 47, Dieter p. 46). R' has regularly -ig (94), seldom -eg (7), once yg. The form -eg is found in: dysege 25. 8 (but 4 dysig 5. 22 etc.); monegu 25. 21. 23 (but 30 monige) ; monegta 8. 30; 24. 12 (monigra 24. 24); ntsnegum 17. 9; ncenegu 13. 38 (10 w 12. 19 etc.; -ne 17. 8); scyldyg 23. 16(7sey/- %). In all other cases -iy : e. g. hungrig , w&lig, stanig , ecte% etc. Forms having original -ag show no trace of umlaut in WS., in the Ps. (cf. Zeuner, p. 57), or in R', but Rit. has forms of monig and ha- lig both with and without umlaut (cf. Lindelof, p. 47). d) Abstract nouns in -nis, -nes (cf. Kluge, Stammb., 137 ff.). In O.WS. the form -nes appears almost without exception (cf. Sievers, 258, Cosijn, I., pp. 1,34135, II, p. 28.) In R' -nis prevails (139), -nes is found only 3 times: &spyrnes 16.23 (but -nisse 26. 31); gewitnesse 18. 16 (but 5 -nisse); gehernesse 13. 9 (but 4 -nisse 11. 15 etc.). In the Ps. -nis is the re- gular ending, -nes occurs only 14 times (cf. Zeuner, p. 57); Rit. and Corpus have only -nis (cf. Lindelof, p. 46 ; Dieter, p. 46) ; the charters have -nis : gewitnisse 48. 17. 18; hernisse 48. 3; the Minora have 3 -nis, 1 -nes: Bl. 6. 12; Mt. 50; CA. 7. e) Abstract feminine nouns in -ung , -ing (cf. Kluge, Stammb., 158 ff.). O.WS. has regularly -ung, occasionally -ing and -eng, once -ong (cf. Cos., II., p. 22 and pp. 23 25). R' has -ung^ only 1 -ing, aeldwgq 24. 48. In the Ps. -ing is found side by side with the more usual -ung, but -ing alone (1 exception) in the dat. pi. (cf. Zeuner, p. 58); Rit. has -ing (28), -eng (2), usually -ung, but -ing does not occur before back vowfls as in Ps. (cf. Lindelof, pp. 4748). f) Masculine nouns in -ing, -ling (cf. Kluge, Stammb., 22, 24 ff., 100) appear in O.WS. with i, sometimes e (cf. Cosijn, p. 141), but cyning has always i or syncope. R' has -ing: casering 17.24 (2); settling 17.27; -a 27. 3. 9; 26. 15; -as 27. 5. 6; lytlingan 19. 14; baclinc 4. 10; cyning (s. Pt. I. 4.1). g) The gradation and -end. Only -end occurs in R': fusend (6 times, s. I. 55); once fusenft 14. 21. So in 0. WS., in Ps., and in Rit. h) -end from -and appears in : olbend (Got. ulbandus) 19. 24; -u 23. 24; -ena 3. 4. i) Vowel -gradation before m. 0. WS. has o or . 26; Sendi 1. 20. Without auxiliary vowel appear: efn, afn (s. Pt. I. 15 b) ; frsegn 16. 13; 27. 11; ongjegn 8.28 etc. (6); raegn 7. 25; starfn 17. 5; Ssegn 20. 26; 23. 11, (so in WS. cf. Cosijn, 126). h) The gradation ul-el. WS. has both u and o, some- times e (cf. Cosijn, pp. 127 and 139; 127). R' has -el (== -il causing umlaut) in: (the loan-word) engel 2. 13; U. 10; foedel- 22. 4; oefel 13. 54. 57; micel 20. 29. etc. (16); -e 6. 30; -u 24. 21; -ne 27. 60 (often with syncope, s. Pt. I., p. 55); symbel 26. 5 ;27. 15; ftyrel 19, 24; yfel 5. 11 etc. (8); -e 15. 19; -ne 12. 33 (usually with syncope in obi. cas., s. Pt. I., p. 55). -il once in lytilra 18. 10 (in other cases syncope, s. Pt. I. p. 67); only with syncope, idla 5. 22. -ul (for -il causing umlaut, cf. Pog. 107, 260) in esules 18. 6; and 3 times with u- umlaut eosule 21. 5; -a 21. 7; 23. 4; M^/V- 7. 23; 26. 33; cildra 21. 16; kunyrig 21. 18; . In other cases, with two exceptions, it appears as i: iu- 5. 21, (but gu- 5. 27. 33); iungse 19. 20; -e 19. 22; iugutSe 19. 20 (cf. I. 38 e); ioc 11. 29; loc 11. 30; Iara (olim) 11. 21. This lack of pal. infl. seems to be a special characteristic of Mercian. Of course , /, occurs regularly in proper names of for- eign origin: iacob 8. 11 etc. iesus 4. 7 etc.; iohannes 9. 14 etc.; ionas 12. 41 etc.; iordane 4. 15 etc.: iudas 27. 3 etc.; iudeum 28. 15 etc.; Joseph 1. 19 etc. 17 b) Medial and final j. Medial j is preserved (as i, g, ig) in OE. only after short stems ending in r, and after stems ending in a vowel. R' has g (5 ig) in the following forms: After r : ferganne 5. 41; hergas 22. 7; herigas 26. 53; styrgan 23. 4; sweriga (opt. s.) 5. 36; -e (inf.) 26. 74; swerge (opt. p.) 5. 34., After f in the dialect forms (cf. Siev. 416 n. 2): lifgap 4. 4; lifgende 26. 63 (2); -a 16. 16; -ra 22. 32 (cf. Zeu- ner, p. 75). After vowels in: cegan 22. 3 ; cegende 8. 29 ; ceigde 20. 25 ; cegde 14. 30 etc., (s. I. 61); fiegap 24. 10; fiegse 5. 44; gefreoge 27. 43. 49; Kreiga (inf.) 16. 22 (cf. I. p. 75). But before i germ. ,; is lost, hence in pres. ind. 3 sg. : fiaS 6. 24; swserap 23. 18; swerap 23. 16 etc. (8 forms); leofap 9. 18; but csegep 15. 23 preserves/ Final j appears only in : h6eg 6. 30; 14. 19. For the vocalic i, ig of weak verbs (01. II.) see Inflection. The Liquids. r,l 10. In R,', as in WS., r occurs as an initial, medial and final consonant, also geminated and in combination with other consonants : e. g., rent 20. 4; lore 5.29; bser 8. 17; eorra 18. 34; feorr 15. 8; bryde 25. 1; dryge 12. 43; gegripan 21. 35; hrsepe 5. 25; treow 3. 10; Srymme 24. 30; awriten 4. 4 etc.; geard 21. 33; pserf 9. 12; eorpe 6. 10, etc. r is lost only in : foletende (= for-) 4. 20, (often lost in prefix for- in WS., cf. Cosijn, 143). The vb. sprecan 12. 34 etc. always preserves r (26 forms), as in Ps. and Kit. (cf. Zeuner 30; Lindelof p. 90), but in Kent r is early lost in this word (cf. Zupit. Kt. gl., p. 12); occasion- ally in WS. (cf. Siev. 180), but not in OWS. (cf. Cosijn, II., 94. 6). Rarely inorganic r is introduced by anticipation or analogy : gepriostra 27. 45, but peostra 25. 30 etc. (7); larward ( gear- wad) 20. 23; ge- 25. 41. 2 18 Substitution of I for r takes place (by dissimulation) in : bloprae 1. 2; of r for n in forlegernisae (= -ennisse) 19. 9. Metathesis of r occurs in R' not only when r precedes a vowel followed by nn or s + cons., as in WS., but also sometimes in the converse direction before ht , as in North, (cf. Siev. 179) : a) Before nn: arn 27. 48; urnon 8. 28; -en 8. 24; eornende 28. 8; beornende 13. 42; beornane 13. 30: beornaS 5. 15; forbernde 22. 7; -sern (in carkaern, berern etc.) 25. 36 etc. (cf. I., p. 14), once car- crsennse 25. 44; b) Before s -f cons.: toberst 27. 51; -ep 9. 17; but brustan 27. 51 ; (grses- 3. 4 before single s; WS. gars, cf. Cosijn I. p. 7 ; Siev. 79. n. 2). Metath. occurs before g in : tinterga 8. 29 (cf. Cosijn I. p. 45). In Sefra (= <5erfa) 26. 17 metath. may be due to the influence of the familiar comb. fr. c) Before ht: frohtade 14. 30; -un 27.54: frohtende 25. 25; but forhtige 28. 5; -ap 10. 31; forhtap 14. 27. d) In weleru(m) 15. 8 (got. wairilo) there is metath. of another kind, i. e. , exchange of place between r and I (cf. Paul, Princ. d. Sprachg., 2* ed., p. 59). Medial r in OE. often corresponds to Germ, e (cf. Siev., 181. 2). R' has: e. g., eare 10. 27; geheran 13. 15; forloren 15.24; reord 26. 73; mara 12. 6, etc. Gemination of medial r occurs in: cerrap 24. 18; cerre 10. 13; cerrede (by anal, of short stems) 13. 15, but (with simplification) cerde 2. 22 etc. (3); feorran 26. 58; 27. 55; -ne 23. 14; afirred 9. 15 etc. (3); afyrred 25. 29; fearras 22. 4; steorra 2. 2. 7. 9; -an 2. 10; 24. 29; eorra (rr = rz) 18. 34; -e 2. 16 etc. (3); wyrresta (by assimilation); and the compa- ratives: serran (= rz) 27. 64; erran 12. 45; diorre 6. 26; nserra 21. 31 ; ytterre 25. 30, -se 22. 13; with single r, only aftera 21. 31. Gemination of final r is simplified in: unfeor 8. 30; but feorr 15. 8; gecer 26. 52; rr is preserved in torr 21. 33. The breaking of a, e before r -f- cons, is the rule in R'. For exceptions see L, 5, 13, 19. 11. I occurs in R' in all positions: e. g., loc 5. 36; scale 6. 7; elne 6. 27; aid 9. 16; hsel 14. 30 19 etc.; also geminated and in cons, combinations: e. g., belle 5. 22; call 1. 22 etc.; blsecne 5. 36; clsene 5.8; flod 24. 39; hleonede 26. 20; pleagade 14. 6; slep 25. 5; wlitige 23. 27 etc. Methathesis of I occurs in: gyrdels (== isl) 3. 4 ; 10. 9; recils 2. 11 (cf. also II . 10 d). Inorganic I occurs by anticipation in: fluglas (= fuglas) 13. 32. Final vocalic I appears in: rsegl 28. 3; hrsegl 17. 2 etc. (12); spaSl 27. 30; tempi 12. 5. 6; 27. 5. 40; in other cases a vowel is developed, e. g., seetil 23. 6 (cf. II., 1. k). Gemination of medial I occurs, of course, before Germ, j which is then lost, e. g., elles 6. 1; belle 11. 23; sellap 5. 34, etc. Older gemination appears in : ealle 2. 3 etc.; gallan 27. 34; stalle 6. 5; fallen 15. 14 etc. (18 forms); fellen (skin) 3. 4; godspelles 4. 23 etc.; scilling 17. 27 etc.; fulle 14. 20 etc.; gefylled 12. 17, etc.; II for / by anal, with other forms is found in the pres. ind. 3 sg. of sellan, e.g., sellep 7. 11 etc. (8), see inflections. Before a consonant simplification of II to I usually takes place (cf. Cosijn 139) : e. g., alra 6. 32 etc.; fulne 10. 42 ; synfulra 26. 45; fultume 15. 25 ; but II remains in: fullra 11. 19; fullwiht (as comp.) 21. 25; gefylldsest 21. 16 (but fylde 15. 37; 27. 48); fyllnisse 9. 16. Final II is preserved in : call, all (52); gefeoll 7. 25. 27; bispell 21. 33 etc. (3); godspell 24. 14; but godspel 26. 13; WS. has often I for final U (cf. Cosijn, I. p. 185 ff.). Breaking of a before 1 -f~ cons, is not the rule in R'. The ratio of a to ea is 12 : 5 (cf. I., 6). The Nasals. m, n. 12. The labial nasal m occurs in all positions in IT, as in WS. : e. g., mon 9. 16; sumer 24. 32; cwom 4. 13 etc.; also medially in the combs, mp, mb aud before n: e. g., gelamp 11.1; cempa 8. 9; wombe 12. 40 etc.; to- somne 10. 1. 2* 20 mn for fn occurs in: stemn 3. 3. 17; 12. 19, but staefn 17. 5 etc. (5), s. I. p. 31. m is lost before f in : fif 16. 9 etc. (of. Siev. 186). Gemination of m before Germ, j appears in : fremme 19. 18 etc.; prymmes 25. 31 etc. Older Gemination in: grimme 8. 28; hwommes 21. 42; -urn 6. 5. Final mm is not found ; final m is preserved in the 1 sg. pres. ind.: beom 9. 21 etc. (3); dom 19. 16; 27. 22; gedom 4. 19 (so Ps and Kit., cf. Zeuner p. 92; Lindelof p. 101); but lost in: do 20. 13; 21. 24; also in prep, fro 27. 51 (cf. I. 4), probably only by omission of the abbreviation for m, common in the MS. n for final m (cf. Siev. 187) occurs in: !-, eldran 26. 47; 27. 12; m for final n by mistake in: gebohtum (pret. pi.) 27. 9. 13. n is the dental and also the guttural and palatal nasal in OE. As dental nasal it is common in all positions in K': e. g., Byte 7. 16; noma 1. 21; tune 26. 6; con 11. 27, etc. and in cons, combinations: cneht 2. 9; snottre 25. 2; gebond 14. 3 etc. As guttural and palatal nasal before c, #,: e. g., pencende 5. 25; sincan 14. 30; longe 25. 40; pinge 5. 32; breng 8. 4. Gemination of n before Germ. /: e. g., henne 23. 37; cynne 13. 47; synne 9. 5 etc. Older gemination: monnes 20. 18; onginnap 24.49; -panne- 27. 33; spinnap 6. 28; winnap 6. 28; innan 23. 28; binnan 23. 26; innope 1. 18. 23; hwanne (adv.) 13. 15 etc. and by syncope: minne 8. 8; pinne 5. 40 etc. Gemination is unjustifiable in : neowenne (adv.) 9. 16; ponne (ac. s. in.) 17. 27. Simplification of nn to n takes place often in the inflec. infin. (cf. Siev. 363): breccane 5. 17; cwepane 9. 5; bismerene 20. 19; eellane 22, 17; 21 healdene 16. 12; 28. 20; beornane 13. 30; cumene 24. 48; niomane 15. 33; nimene 24. 18. Occasionally in other forms: gebundene (ac. s. in.) 27. 2; we,stene 24. 26 (but 5 nn, s. I. 54); haeSene 6. 7; emirenisse (smer-) 26. 7. 12, (smerennis 2. 11); forlegenisse 19. 9; -Iseg- 21. 32; -legnisse 21. 31; cunun 20. 25 (but 7 nn) ; pone (conj.) 27. 64. Final nn is sometimes simplified, but is often preserved: conn 26. 72 (3 times con); -gonn 11. 20 etc. (3); -gann 4. 17 (5 -gon, -gan); monn 20. 1 etc. (31), but rnon (7); menn 12. 13 etc. (21); inn (adv.) 7. 13; 22, 11. 12; 23. 13; blan 14. 32; of course arn 27. 48. Final n is often lost, as in North, (cf. Siev., . 188 ; Lin- delof, 33) in : . Nouns and adjectives inflected weak (about 245); infinitives (38) ; opt. pi., pres. and. pret. (49, ten in vb. sie* for examples s. Inflec- tion); perf. part. (3); ge-, un-bunde 16. 19; lore 5. 30; pret. ind. pi. (2): eet-eawde 13. 26; reordade 19. 4; adverbs in -an (6): binne 23. 25; innaj 24. 26; beniupa 2. 16; pende 17. 5. 22; -i 1. 20, the numeral twege 5. 41; 18. 20, (28 times -en). On the other hand inorganic final n occurs rarely (4) by anal, in the nom. sg. of weak nouns: cuman 25. 43; egan 20. 15; eagan 18. 9; lichoman 26. 26 (but 6 lichoma). Inorganic n is introduced, by anticipation in: constungae 6. 13 (cf. costunge 26. 41); by influence of pres. part, in fylgendun (pret. pi.) 4. 25; by influence of onettan in onretta 22. 6. n is lost in: assegdnisse 9. 13 (cf. aweg 16. 4 etc.); by error of scribe in wi- dende 27. 29 (= wind-). Before spirants, S, s (cf. Siev., 185) in : sop 3. 9 etc.; t6p 5. 38 etc.; oper 2. 12 etc.; swiSor 12. 12 etc; cuc5e 26. 74 etc.; muft 12. 34 etc.; supan 12. 42; ypum 14. 24 etc.; us 6. 11 etc. For the effect of m and n on preceding vowels s. I. 4, 12, 26, 36, 47. 22 2. Non-sonorous Consonants. Labials. 14. The surd labial stop p. Initial p is rare in words of Germ, origin, except in the comb. sp. R' has p in : panne 27. 33; plagadun 11. 17; pleagade 14. 6; sp in: spree 14. 27 etc.; -spell 11. 5 etc.; spittende 27. 30 etc., etc. Words of foreign origin : punde 10. 29; preoste 8. 4; pytt 12. 11; proper names: petrus 4. 18 ; pilatus 27. 58 etc. ; p seems to stand for b in prod-, prot-bore 11. 16; 20. 3 (of ON. or OCel. origin, cf. Oxford Die., Brod). Medial and final p is more common : e. g., ripes 25. 24; stopen 28. 9; wurpon 21. 39; gelimpep 18. 13; terapel 21. 12; slep 25. 5; wop 8. 12; gelamp 19. 1 etc., etc. In foreign proper names p sometimes stands for Lat. ph ; e. g., iosep 2. 13 etc. (6); -e 1. 16. Gemination occurs only in : graes - hoppa 3. 4 ; steppan (passus) 5. 41 (by anal, with vb. steppan ; WS. has staepas etc., cf. Cosijn , I. p. 25) ; and the foreign word tseppel 5. 35; -il 22. 44 (for tapped, cf. Pog., 73). Final pp appears in: upp 4. 16; 13. 5. 6: (prefix) 5. 45; 13. 48; 17. 27; up- 22. 23. 15. The sonant labial stop b. Initial b is common in R', as in WS.: e. g., bldu 14. 27 ; borg 5. 42; beorma 13. 33 etc.; brord 13. 26; blind 15. 14 etc. Medial and final b occurs geminated and in the comb, mb : e. g., hebbende 17. 8: habbaj) 14. 27 etc. (47 forms); once b for bb, hsebende 4. 24; sibb 10. 12 etc.; wombe 12. 40; 15. 17; adum- bede 22. 12; symbel 26. 5; 27. 15; getimbru 24. 1 etc.; dumb 9. 32 etc.; ymb 3. 4 etc. f regularly stands for single medial or final b in OE. R' has: e. g., hsefep 9. 6 etc.; ahofan 17. 8; deoful 4. 8 etc.; but also lifgap 4. 4 etc. (5 forms) for WS. libbap (cf. Cosijn. II. p. 193). 23 Older b is preserved in: olbend (got. ulbandus) 19. 24 ; -u 23. 24 ; -ena 3. 4 (WS. olfend, cf. Cosijn, I. p. 70). b, originally initial (cf. Siev., 43 n. 4), is preserved: in the comp. wibed 5. 24 etc. (5 forms), but with /: weofud 5. 23 etc. (o) s. I., 52. Proper names follow the Latin spelling: e. g., abeles 23. 35; iacobus 10. 2 etc., but sometimes simplify bb to b, e. g. barrabas 27. 16. 17. With the exception of prot-bore etc. (s. . 14) initial and final b seems to be stable. 16. f stands for the surd and for the sonant labio- dental spirant in OE. (cf. Siev., 192). Initial f (surd) is common. R. has: e. g., folc 4. 16; finde 18. 13 etc.; fleop 10. 23; freo 17. 26 etc. Medial f is a surd in the comb, ft : setter 17. 1 etc. kreftgu(m) 2. 16 etc.; and originally when medial or final /' corresponds to Germ, f: e. g., wulfas 7. 15; Searf 21. 3; fif 16. 9 etc. In other cases f is a spirant in R' in Germ, words: e. g., ofer 5. 45 etc.; hlafa 16. 12 etc.; ngefre 12. 7; yfle 15.22; efulsung 12. 31 etc.: hlaf 26. 26; bedself 25. 18 etc. mn for fn occurs in stemn (s. 12). u = f spirant is found in : wiue 1. 24 (but wife 19. 5 etc., 9 forms); always (= v cons.) in the proper name dauiS 12. 3 etc. (15); and in uiperana 23. 33. f = Lat. ph occurs in proper names : iosefae 1. 18 (oftener p, s. 14); filippes (Lat. pilippi) 16. 13; in other cases following the spelling of the Latin text: e. g., alfee,s 10. 3; caifan 26 57; fariseas 16. 1 etc. (28). ph = Lat. ph also occurs: philippus 10. 3; -es 14. 3; capharnaum 17. 24 (the Lat. has caf-). For the effect of f on preceding or following vowels s. I. p. 80, and 13, 20, 25, 27. 17. , the surd dental stop, is common in all positions in OE. (cf. Siev., 195). R' has: 24 e. g., tacen 16. 3; witan 24. 32; gemot 26. 59; treow 7. 17 ; twseni 2. 16: stondep 12. 26; eft 18. 19; nseht 28. 13 etc., etc. Gemination occurs: e. g., sceatta (cf. got. skatts) 25. 27; mittum 13. 33 etc.; nytte 20. 3; spittadun 26. 67 etc. Usually before r (cf. Siev., 229): bettra 10. 31; 12. 12; snotter 24. 45; snottre 13. 54 etc. (9); snyttro 12. 42, (but snytru 11. 19); wsettre 3. 1 1 etc. (5 forms) ; y tterre 25. 30, (but yterrse 22. 13). Occasionally before I: settlas 21. 12; -e 27. 19 (but 7 forms with single t, d, p, see below); By assimilation in the pret. of weak verbs : e. g., groette 1. 25; gemoette 18. 28 etc. (4); but, by an oppo- site change, abriodde 22. 7. Final tt is preserved: nett 13. 47 etc. (5), un-nytt 12. 36; pytt 12. 11. Simplification of tt to t occurs frequently: liceteras 6. 2 etc. (6); -urn 24. 51, (also 6 forms with tt 22. 18 etc.); nyte 7. 16 (3 nytte 20. 3 etc.); ondetu 7. 23 etc. (4 forms); haletep 10. 12, (but halettap 5. 47; roket-to 13. 35); gesete (1. sg. pres. ind.) 25. 23, (2 sette, 12. 18 etc.); setun (pret. pi.) 23. 2; 15. 35 (but settun 27. 29. 37). d + 8 gives #, as in WS. (cf. Siev., 359. 3) in : bit (3 sg.) 7. 8 (but biddep 7. 10); the comp. latuwas 23. 24 etc. (s. I., 23 b), but latteuw 2. 6. * + gives t, of course, after a cons, in : uuiltu 26. 17 ; wiltu 13. 28; 20. 21; (but arpu 11. 3; cf. earS 6. 9). Gemination is unjustified in : sittep (3 sg.) 19. 28. 29 (anal, with pi.); gesette (imp. s.) 9. 18; settep (3 sg.) 9. 16; 24. 47, (but setep 21.41 etc.); settnisse 15. 2.3.6 (3 set- 13. 35 etc.); gefsetted 13. 15; metta 26. 17, (7 mete 24. 45 etc.); Srittig 27. 9, (but pritig 13. 8. 23); geatt 7. 13, (but geate 7. 13. 14); ssett (pret. 3. sg.) 4. 16; 26. 55. 69; sett 15. 29 etc. (4), (but 3 sset 24. 3 etc.). tl becomes SZ, as -in North., (cf. Siev., 196. 2), in : spaSl 27. 30; sepel 5. 34, (but sgetil 23. 6, and 3 t, 4 d in obi. cases, see I. p. 31). t stands for final J5, th, (common in Corpus , cf. Dieter, 41) in : 25 the verbs: scyldigat 6. 12; swerat 23. 22; raeccet 2. 6: soecet 12. 39 (but 3 -ep 7. 8 etc.); neolicet 4. 17, (4 -ep 10. 7 etc.); ad- wsescet 12. 20: gehnyscet 21. 44; the proper name nazaret 4. 13. (but -ep 2. 23; 21. 11); for initial th (indicating the pronunciation): tomas 10. 3 ; taddeus 10. 3. C for final t (in WS.) in: ear 6. 9 (but 10 eart 14. 33 etc., cf. Siev. 427. 1). t stands for d, before and after surds (cf. Siev. 198. 4), in : sint 5. 12 etc. (6); prot-bore 20. 3 (but prod- 11. 16); bletsade 26. 26; ge- 25. 34; geblcetsad 21. 9; 23. 39 (but bledsade 14. 19? rniltsa 20.30 etc. (9 forms), but t is lost (cf. Siev. 196 n. 3; Zeuner 46. 2) in milsade 14. 14. Lat. t is preserved (cf. Lindelof, 38 anm.) in: lat(in) 27. 46, (WS. Lseden, cf. Cosijn, I. 63); but becomes d in: ecedes 27. 48 (cf. Pog. 319); of course rnynetrse 21. 12 etc., as regularly in OE. (cf. Pog. 318). 18. d is the sonant dental stop in OE. It is common in all positions. R' has : e. g., dure 6. 6 etc.; seda 13. 32; g6d 7. 11 etc.; drincande 20. 22; dwale 6. 24; stondep 12. 26; gebond 14. 3; hald 19. 17; geard 21. 33; adle 9. 35 etc. Geminated : biddan 6. 8 etc.; bedde 9. 2 etc.; bewedded 1. 18; midden- 16. 26 etc.; in the proper name taddeus 10. 3 (Lat. text thatheus). d -f- d = dd in the pret. of weak verbs: e. g., laeddon 26. 57; hydde 13. 33 etc., etc.; but t + d = dd in abriodde (cf. 17). Final dd is preserved in : bedd 9. 6. Simplification of dd to d appears in: bidap (pi). 20. 22 (8 biddap 21. 22 etc.); of course in sendon 22. 16 etc. (cf. Siev. 198. 5). Usage varies in the foreign word saducea 3. 7 etc. (3), but sadducea 16. 6 etc. (3), though the Latin text has a single d in every case. Gemination is unjustifiable in: togebgdd (pret. sg.). 8. 2; bedd (pret. sg.) 18. 26; following the present forms, (but 3 bed , 2 bsed , 1 gebgd, see I., p. 14) ; biddeth (3. sg.) 7. 10; bidde (imp.) 6. 6; gebiddes (2. sg.) 4. 9, these after anal, of the pi. 26 d for 8 in the following is probably due to neglect of the scribe in crossing d, scarcely to older usage (cf. Siev. 199. n. 1): eordu 23. 15; -an 18. 18 (but 38 forms with 3, p) ; dead (ab.) 2. 15; 10. 21; 26. 66; -e 4. 16; 20. 19 (but 9 forms with 3, p) ; creed (cantet) 26. 34. 75; geweorSaed (3. sg.) 13. 22; cymid (3. sg.) 24. 42; dsegne 5. 25 (but 8 forms with 3, p) ; nider (inn. of pider) 11. 23, (8 times with 3, p. dm for ftm in: eadmedap 18. A, eadmod 11. 29 is also found in LWS. (cf. Siev., 201. n. 3). dz for 8s occurs in: baedzere 16. 14; 17. 13 (but bsezere 11. 11 etc., cf. I., p. 28). On the other hand 6, p for (?, medial and final, is quite frequently found: In the perf. parts.: nemnep 5. 19; gensegep 23. 12, (cf. Linde- lof, 38); in the prets. without gramm. change: wyrfton (ind.) 10. 6; wyrcSe (opt.) 24. 22; in other words: pune 4. 8 (but 16 dune 5. 1 etc.); miS 9. 10 etc. (28), (but 53 mid 27. 66 etc.); hseinep 5. 32 (but 3 hseraed 15. 19 etc.); pusenS 14. 21 (but 6 forms with d) ; doubtful: gepo 7. 5 ; in the foreign proper name: dauiS 12. 3; -e 1. 17 ; -es 9. 27 etc. (9); dauipes 1. 20, (but dauid 22. 43. 45; -e 1. 17). d for Lat. t in: ecedes 27. 48 (cf. 17). For change of d to t before and after surds, e. g., sint, prot-, etc., see 17. Final d is often, but not always, lost in the proclitic on- (= ond-) in verbs: e. g. onfeng 25. 24 etc. (cf. I., p. 19, and II., 2). Id stands for older Ip, as regularly in OE., in: gold 2. 11 etc.; wuldor 4. 8 etc. (cf. Siev., 201. 2). dl for older $1 in: nedle 19. 24; adle 4. 23 etc., (cf. Siev., 201. 3); p is preserved ofter short vowels in: gestapulad 7. 25 (cf. Siev., 201. n. 2). 19. 3 and {> represent the interdental spirant in OE., 8 being most used in the best early MSS. and taking the place of older tli (cf. Siev., 199 and n.). R' shows a marked preference for |), but has th in a few cases. Our text is plainly distinguished in this particular from Lind., Kit., Ps., 27 Cura Past, Corpus, the Merc. Charters and the Minora. The relative frequency of p and ft in R' may be seen from the following analysis : Initial p, S: In the dern. pro. : pset, 62 p, 1 3; pses, 47 p, 2 6 ; psere, 37 p ; psem, 164 p, 28 S; pone, 59 p, 2 ; pa, 156 p, 8 6; para, 41 p, 1 ; all forms of pes, pis etc., 132 p, 5 3. In the second per. pro. 3 is more common than in the dem. pro.: pu, 81 p, 18 3; pe, 49 p, 38 3 ; pin, -es, etc., 84 p, 9 3; also in the advs. peer, 47 p, 8 5 ; pas, 6 p, 1 3 ; Only p have: pset (conj.), 70; psette, 23; ponne, 91; purb, 30. In nouns and adjectives initial (5 is quite frequent : 58 p, 35 "8 ; also in verbs: 49 p, 23 <5. But in some words 3 occurs as often as p, or oftener: e. g. Sreattari 20. 81 etc., 2 3, 2 p ; Surfun 6. 32 etc., 2 6, 2 p; Sjegnade 8. 15 etc., 4 , 2 p; Swog 27. 24 etc., 2 6, 1 p, (1 th); Syrstep 5. 6 etc., 2 t5, 1 p ; Srymrne 24. 30 etc., 3 t5, 1 p ; Srycnisse 24. 9 etc., 3 3 ; etc. There is differentiation of the verbs: Syncan , 6 8, 1 p; and pencan, 8 p, (s. I. 12, 41, 48). Again other words, which have surd th in Mod. E., are written always, or in most cases, with p in R' : psece (thatch) 24. 17 etc., 3 f) ; pornas 13. 7 etc., 4 p, 1 3; peof 6. 20 etc., 3 p, 2 3 ; pinge 5. 32 etc., 3 p, 1 S; prowiap 11. 12 etc., 16 p, 1 3, etc. Medial p, S : Usage varies in R' : e. g., broper 10. 2 etc., 37 p, 2 S ; oper 20. 21 etc., 53 p; hrsepe 5. 25 etc., 8 p, 4 ; swiSe 17. 23 etc., 9 3, 5 p; swiSor 12. 12 etc., 14 3, 5 p; eorSe 13. 5 etc., 24 3, 14 p; niper 7. 25 etc., 6 p, 2 S; eaSe 19. 26 etc., 2 8, 1 p ; wyrSe 8. 8 etc., 8 6, 5 p; warape 13. 2 etc., 1 p, 1 6; ypum 14. 24 etc., 1 p, 1 S ; byrSen 11, 30 etc., 1 S, 1 p; scape 26. 55 etc., 3 p; imbliSe 19. 22 etc., 2 6; frenrSum 17. 25 etc., 2 6; foe^e 14. 13; iuguSe 19. 20, etc. Final, p, t5 : In pres. ind. and in imp.: a) in strong verbs: 271 p, 57 "5; b) in weak verbs: 306 p, 76 S; but the ratio is different in bi3 16. 4 etc., 72 3, 30 p. In the pret. sg. of strong verbs: wearS 22. 2 etc., 8 5; but cwsep (pres. or pret., s. 46) 2. 8 etc., 197 p, 3 S. In other words S occurs oftener than f : a) in particles: wi"5 5. 11 etc., 29 , 5 p; mi 9. 11 etc., 28 S; for 13. 23 etc., 5 , 3 p; but op 18. 30 etc., 23 p, 8 3; b) in nouns: mut5 12. 34 etc,, 3 , 2 p; deaS 16. 28 etc., 6 S, 3 p ; fri 10. 12 etc., 3 3; sop 3. 9 etc., 28 30 p, 5 3; cyp-nisse 8. 4 etc., 5 p, 16; wrseft 8. 32; weorp (adj.) 27. 9 etc., 1 p, 1 "5. For OWS., Ps., Kit., Corpus, cf. Cosijn, L, 148; Zeuner, 38; Lindelof, 39; Dieter, 41. The Merc. Charters have initial 6 22; medial p 2, 6 29, (th 7, td 1, d 1); final 3 17, p 1, (th 1). The Minora have initial p 3, 3 141, (th 3, foreign names); me- dial 5 42 ; final 3 26. th stands for ^, S, in R' in : Germ, words: the 23. 17; thi 21. 42; thsem 7. 9; thuatS 15. 2; biddeth 7. 10; ripath 6. 26; foreign prop, names (following the Lat.): e. g., bethlem 2. 5.8. 16; bethania 26. 6; 21. 17; Matheus 9. 9 etc.; suarioth 10. 4; 26. 14, etc.; but p, <5, for Lat. th also occurs: <5arnar 1. 3; bepfage 21. 1; arimaSia 27. 57; golgopa 27. 33; ru3 1. 5 ; 5 stands for d in: dauiS 12. 3, -es 1. 1 etc. (s. 18). Gemination occurs : unsceppende 27. 24; -pt5- 12.7; oppe 5. 36 etc. (51); opp (= oppe) 12. 5; 19. 29; eppa 5. 17. 18; opSe 25. 39 (2). 44; hp for pp in the north, formniohpa 6.19. 20, (cf. Siev., 199. n.2; Eng. ed., 200 n.) ; gemination before r (cf. Cosijn, I., p. 200) is wanting, e. g., opre, hwepre (s. L, 2. 11). f + P = PP, Mn: seoppan 5. 13; 26. 16; seoSpan 4. 17. Simplification : siSet (= siS pset) 26. 29. The pres. ind. 3. sg. is usually pre- served without contraction and simplification (cf. Cosijn, I., p. 200) : weorpap 24. 21; -aS 21. 21; -aed 13. 22; gecypsep 26. 73; cwepap 12. 32 (2); but cwft 15. 5. S + d gives dd (cf. Siev., 201. 5) : cwiddun 11. 17; cyddun 14. 12 (but cySdon 8. 33). t + t gives tt: paette 8. 28 etc. (23); but t in: wiltu 13. 28 etc. (s. 17). Final d becomes S in rniS (11 times) before initial J5, t$, in next word: 13. 29; 18. 16; 25. 31; 26. 18 etc.; but also (14 times) rniS when the next word begins with a vowel or some other cons, than p, 6: e. g., 13. 56; 19. 26 etc. s + p (in next word) gives st, as in WS. (cf. Siev., 201. 6): getwiodestu 14. 31; gesihstu 7. 3; cwepestu 7.. 4. 29 Final f is lost (of. Siev. 360. 2) in : wite ge (imp.) 24. 33. p takes the place of s 13 times (infl. of obi. cases) in: the nom. s. m. of the dem. pro.: pe (= se) 16. 3 etc.; Se 17. 27. J5, S experiences gram, change to d: cwsep, cwaedon ; wearS, wurdon, but (5 remains: 10. 6; 24. 22. For the changes: t for final , 3 ; 6 for final t; d + S = t (U); 31 for tl, see 17. For the changes: d for J5, 6, and the converse ; dm for 6m ; dz for S* ; /d, c?/ for Germ. $, pi, see 18. 20. s, originally a surd dental spirant, is common in all positions in OE. (cf. Siev., 202, 203, 204). R' has : e. g., sundor 14. 14; sincan 14. 30; scade 4. 16; slep 25. 5; smiSes 13. 55;.spa31 27. 30; stigas 3. 3; stream 8. 18; swina 8. 30; sweord 10. 34, dysig 5. 22; pyrstigne 25. 37; fseste 6. 17; fisc 17. 27 etc. Gemination occurs in: cysse 26. 48; cnyssap 7. 7; -ande 7. 8; the suffix-nisse 1. 1 etc.; the foreign word selmesse 6. 3; -isse 6. 2 (cf. Pog., 75); by assimi- lation, as for sr: lessa 11. 11 ; pisse 17. 20 etc.; -a 18. 6 etc. Gemination is unjustifiable in : fsess 9. 20; 14. 36; wsess 2. 18 (but 129 times with s) ; pisses 20. 12 etc. (3); -ere 21. 21; -urn 8. 9 etc. (9): passum 8. 32; Foreign proper names have ss for s occasionally, following the Lat. text: farisseas 23. 25; -seis 12. 2; -ea 16. 6; 23. 26 (but 24 forms with *); essaias 15. 7j -m 4. 14; 21. 4 (but 6 with s). ss is simplified to s in: cneoris 17. 17; cneuris 16. 4; selmes (s. above) 6. 4; the suffix -nis, Ws. -nes(s), (cf. Cosijn, II. p. 28 ff) : gemnis 22. 16; hreanis 16.3; hreornis 8. 24; be-hygdnis 13. 22; gelicnis 22. 20; smerennis 2. 11; styrennis 28. 2; gemsenes 27. 19; -spyrnes 16. 23; of course before a cons.: cyste 26.49; and after a cons.: wyrse 12.45 etc. (3), (cf. Siev., 180). Metathesis of sc (== hs, xs, x) occurs in: ahsadun 12. 10 etc. (5 forms); axsadun 22. 23; -e 22. 35; geax- ast 19. 17 (but 3 forms with sc ascaden 17. 10 etc.); ruxlende 9. 23; betwihs 21. 25; betwix 20. 26; 27. 56; without metath., ascan (ashes) 11. 21. 30 Grammatical change of s to r: geceaa 12. 18; gecuron 13. 48 etc.; forleoseS 10. 39 etc.; for- loren 15. 24. st arises from t + t (cf. Siev., 232 c) in: wast 15. 12; wiste 16. 8 etc.; mostun 14. 36. Final s is lost in : foedel- (= -els) 22. 4. Medial s is lost by assimilation in : ure (pro.) 6. 12 etc. (9); -u 21. 38; -urn 8. 17; 21. 42. Inorganic s appears in: asceorf 18. 8 (but aceorf 5. 30). 21. 8 is occasionally used in OE. to represent the sound ts (cf. Siev., 205 and n.). R' has z, dz (= fSs) in the Germ, word: bezeres 11. 12 etc. (5); bsedzere 16. 14; 17. 13 (cf. I. p. 28). With this exception 2 appears only in foreign proper names : e. g., zebedeaes 4. 21 etc. (5); zabulones 4. 13. 15; zacharias 23.35; belzebub 10. 25 etc. (3); chorazam 11.21; gezernani (Lat. gethsamani) 26. 36 ; nazaret 4. 13 etc. (5). Gutturals and Palatals. c (k, q), g, h (x). 22. c (k, q, x) is the surd stop, both guttural and palatal in OE. (cf. Siev., 206, 207; Sweet, HES. 535). It is common in all positions and before all vowels. R' has : e. g., carcern 5. 25; corn 17. 20; cuma 25. 35; ceke 5. 39; ceaf 3. 12; csestra 8. 34; cild 19. 13; cirm 25. 6; cyning 14. 9; clap 9. 16; cromum 15. 27; cnehtas 18. 3; cwern 18. 6; scua 4. 16; sceatta 25. 27; nacud 25. 36; fsece 25. 19; fisceras 4. 18; loc 5. 36; were 11. 2; hwelc 12. 48; unc 20. 30 etc. qu for ew occurs in: quartern 25. 39; quom 28. 9; -on 2. 1. (cf. 8). K for the guttural stop c occurs often (130 times) in R', (cf. Siev., 207, n. 2; Sweet, HES. 538): a) Initial: kennisse 1. 1. 18; a- 19. 28; kennep 1. 21. 23; akenned 1. 16 etc., 8 k; kende 1. 2 16; a- 19. 12; -u 1. 25; kgmpe 27. 27 etc., 31 2 k, 1 c; kining 2. 2 etc., 6 k, 16 c, (always c in cynn, 10 forms); ksegen 16. 19; kselic 20. 22 etc., 2 k, 3 c; kasere 22. 17 etc., 4 k; unklene 8. 16 etc., 2 k, 4 c ; kneorisse 1. 17 etc., 4 k, 9 c; kneu 27. 29, (cneu 17. 14); krseftgu(m) 2. 1. 7. 16; krist 2. 4 etc., 6 k, 11 c. Initial k occurs 28 times in chapters 1 and 2; after this only once or twice in a chap. (3 times in cb. 22), altogether but 20 times. b) Medial: gebroken 21. 44 (but 7 forms with c); bokera 8. 19 etc., 19 k, 3 c (always c in boc, 4 times); lokigsep 27. 24; lokende 19. 26 (3 forms with c); roketto 13. 35; sukendra 21. 16; ascakep 10. 14; taken 12. 39 etc., 2 k, 11 c; onsaekep 10.33 (3 forms with c) ; to-eke 25. 20; -an 15. 38; eknum 24. 19; eknisse 21. 19; ceke 5. 39; seoke 8. 33 etc., 5 k, 2 c ; ciken 23. 37; smikende 12. 20; folkes 2. 4 etc., 3 k, 20 c; wolken 17. 5; bilket-to 13. 35; arke, 24, 38; carkern 25. 43 etc., 2 k, 5 c ; inerkade 27. 66; besenked 18. 6. c) Final: ek 5. 39 etc., 31 k, 9 c; -sek 17. 15 etc. (2). Medial and final k is pretty evenly distributed throughout E' after ch. 3, (cb. 2 has but 1 case; chaps. 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, none); ch. 23 has the most (10), other chaps, not more than 5 or 6; altogether 82. Ps. and Kit. have only c, (cf. Zeuner, 41; Lindelof, 42); Corpus, 2 k, (cf. Dieter, p. 63). For k in WS. see Cosijn, I., 131. h for c appears always in: ah (conj.) 4. 4 etc. (74), (cf. Siev., 210. 3). g for c (sonant for surd) occurs in: galdes 10. 42. ng for nc in: pongunge 15. 36 ; pongade 26. 27, (but gepanc 16. 8). nc for ng occurs in : baeclinc 4. 10; twice, ngc: cyningc 21. 5; 27. 37 (cf. Sweet, HES. 533). Gemination occurs in : gemeccum 11. 16; loccas 10. 30; ticcen 25. 33 ; awseccan 3. 9 etc. ; before I (cf. Siev., 228): micclap 23. 5, (micladun 15. 31); miccles 8. 26; 14. 31; (-miclses 16. 8); micclan 5. 35; -urn 25. 19; iniccle 15. 33 etc. (9), (but 24 forms with c, 6. 23 etc). cc for eg (= gg) appears in : liccende 9. 36, and simplified licende 9. 2 (with eg, 5.28; 8. 14); Simplification of cc to c takes place in: waecep (imp. pi.) 25. 13; wa3cende 24. 43, (but 7 forms with cc); before a cons, in : ticnum 25. 32 ; when final : loc 5. 36. Gemination is unjustifiable in: breccane 5. 17 (cf. brecanne 5. 17); rseccet (3. sg.) 2. 6; arecce (imp. s.) 13. 36; 15. 15; geneleccende 4. 3, (but neolicep 10. 7 etc.). 32 c + t gives ht (cf. Siev., 232) in : wyrhte 27. 7 etc.; worhte 13. 58 etc.; pohte 1. 20 etc.; but ct in: geneolicte 9. 20, (cf. -lehte 21. 34); and hci in: nealehctun 21. 1. Final c is lost in: ewis- 21. 32; sewis- 21. 31; eawis 18. 17. x stands for cs in: axe 3. 10; exlan 23. 4; geaxast 19. 17 etc. ch (= Lat. ch, = k) occurs in proper names : e. g., chorazam 11. 21; rachel 2. 18; rachab (Lat. racab) 1. 5; hierieho 20. 29 etc. For metathesis of sc see 20. For the effect of c on preceding and following vowels see I., pp. 16, 25, 28, 36, 58, 69, 74, 78. 23. g is regarded by Sievers as a spirant in OE. (cf. gr., 212, 213), but Sweet considers it a stop (cf. HES., 546, 547). It is sonant, guttural or palatal according to position (cf. Siev., 206), and is common in all positions. K' has: e. g., gaste 12. 32; gallan 27. 34; gold 2. 11; guma 9. 15; grornadun 20. 11 ; grist- 13. 42; gsefel 22. 17; geard 21.33; geld 16. 26; gyrdels 10. 9; egan 20. 15; maegden 9. 25; endunge 13. 39; Ssegn 20. 26; belgas 9. 17; bseg 27. 29; senig 6. 24; onfeng 25. 18 etc. i stands for initial g in: iare 22. 8; -a 22. 4; iarwan 26. 17; larwede 26. 12 etc., 6 forms with t, 9 with g (s. I, 5. b) ; ierde 10. 10; ion-gap 10.5 (cf. -gangap 15. 9 etc.). g stands for medial w in: segun (pret. pi., cf. Siev., 391. n. 5) 11. 4 etc. (25 forms); higu 10. 36. g stands for medial h (indicating its spirant quality) in: dogter 15. 22 (but 7 dohter, 21. 5 etc.); ofslsegp 17. 23 (perhaps infl. of pret.). More frequently g stands for final h: betwig 24. 10 (2), (but 3 h, 1 he, 18. 15 etc.); gesaeg (pret. s. of seon) 3. 16 (but 18 times h, 3. 7 etc.; once gh, -seegb 4. 21); slag (imp.) 5. 21, (but pwah 6. 17; fleoh 2. 13; ateoh 18. 9); always, of course, slog (anal, with pi., as in WS., cf. Siev, 392. 2) 26.51 etc. (4) ; Swog 27. 24. 33 h and hg for final g (further indication of spirant g) occur in : burh 10. 11 (cf. burg 22. 7); astahg (pret. sg.) 5. 1 (but 7 stag, 7. 27 etc.). On the other hand g for c (indicating a stop) appears once : galdes 10. 42. For the interchange of ng (surd gut. stop, cf. Siev., 215) and nc see 22. Gemination of g is written eg (surd pal. stop, cf. Siev., 216), as in WS.: -licgan 5. 28 etc.; ssecge 8. 4 etc. bycgan 25. 10 etc., but gc in: sagce 23. 3; scegcap 23. 3; 27. 13, (cf. Siev., 216. n. 1); and cc in: liccende 9. 36; reduced to c in licende 9. 2. Gemination is unjustified in : ssecge (imp. s.) 18. 17. g occurs by erorr in: ingingende (incipiens) 20. 8. g is rarely lost in B/: After / (cf. Siev., 214 n. 11; Eng. ed., 213 n.): geoldun (= ge-algodun) 27. 66. Between cons. (cf. Siev., 214. n. 10; Eng. ed., n. 4): marne 6. 30 (but msergne 21. 18; mergenne 16. 3). Before n after a palatal vowel (cf. Siev., 214. 3): only ongsen 27. 32, (6 forms preserve g, 8. 34 etc. ; also frsegn 27. 1 1 etc. ; psegn 23. 1 1 etc.). Before ]> and d, g is always preserved : e. g., tsegpigap 23. 23; gebrsegd 26. 51; strsegde 25. 26 etc.; alsegde 27. 60; ssegde 14. 4 etc. Loss of g occurs once (probably a clerical error) in the prefix ge-: ewisade 12. 16. Medial g introduced from the 3d and 4th stems occurs in wrigan (= WS. wreon) 11. 27. Gram, change between h and g is interfered with by analogy; see above, slog etc. For g = Germ. ,; see 9. For the efiect of g on pre- ceding and following vowels see I., pp. 16, 25, 28, 58, 69,74, 78. 24. h represents the guttural and palatal surd spirant in OE. (cf. Siev., 170). 3 34 It is weakened to a mere breath as an initial cons. (cf. Siev., 217; Sweet, HES. 497), and often lost in the me- dial position. a) Initial h is common before vowels and ,,vowellike a consonants. R' has: e. g, hal 9. 22; herd 6. 20; hine 21. 33 etc.; hlisa 9. 26; hreof 8. 2; hwa 3. 7 etc. Initial h is occasionally lost in WS. (in Hatton MS., nach vocal oder d, cf. Cosijn, I. p. 181), in Kit. and North, (cf. Lindelof, 44; Bout, p. cxLiff.; Hilmer, p. 42), rarely in Ps. and Corpus (cf. Zeuner, 43. 1 ; Dieter, p. 66). This loss of h is rather more frequent in R': Before vowels (the preceding word often ending in a vowel or nasal, but also in c t, d, f, s, 3) : is 7. 24; 22. 24; 24. 46, (but 52 his); us 17. 25, (but 37 forms with h); eard 25. 24; eorta 6.21; -um 18. 35, (but 16 with h) ; eora 6. 15; 7. 16. 20; 8. 34; 9. 30; 10. 18; 15. 8; 23. 30; 24. 31, (but 75 heora) ; eo 16. 18, (16 heo, hio) ; sefdon 8. 33; seft5 13. 12, (76 forms with h; of course nsefS 8. 20; nsefdon 13. 5 etc., as regularly in OE.); ge-yrdon 19. 25, (63 with h, geherap 11. 5 etc.); yngrade 25. 35, (8 with h) ; and, less important, the foreign words: yinne 26. 30; erodes 2. 1, (but 13 with h). Before consonants: wilce 21. 24, (36 hw) ; segwilc 7. 17; 12. 36, (33 seghw-); werfe 18. 3; weorfe 10. 13; werfde 9. 22; 17. 17; wser- fende 21. 18; weorfap 6. 16, gewyrfep 6. 19. 20; (gehwerfsep 7. 6; -ad 16. 23); welpas 15 27; wilen 13. 21; wser 8. 20, (5 hwser); wa 22. 24, (20 hwa); rape 14. 31; 24. 29, (10 br) ; ruxlende 9. 23; rsegl 28. 3, (but 16 hr); read 11. 8, (but 4 hr, s. I. 62); reuwe 18. 10, (hreowep 15. 32); gensegep 23. 12(2); naescum 11.8(2). On the other hand inorganic initial h appears rarely in WS. , more commonly in Rit. and North, (cf. refs. above). R' has inorganic h: Before vowels: his (est) 3. 3; 5. 3; 17. 4 ; 22, 20, (but 72 is); heow 6. 14, (151 eow); ha3 5. 34. 36; hape 26. 72; -as 5. 33, (ap, 4 forms, s. I. p. 68); hoehtnisse 5. 10; hoehtende 5. 12; hehtende 5. 11, (but ehtende etc., 5 forms, s. I. 49); hefalsunge 15. 19; he- falsap 9. 3: -adun 27, 39, (but efalsade 26. 65); in foreign names, following Lat. text: hierusalem 21. 1 etc. (13); hiericho 20. 29. Before consonants: hwute27.49; hrsefnaS 6. 24 ; gehroefa 27.11; gehrefum 9. 11; -hroefe 9. 10, (but geroefe 28. 14 etc. 13 forms); hryft 5. 40, (but ryfte etc., 3 forms, s. I., 27. c); hripe,s 9. 38, (cf. npae 9. 38); gehreorde 15. 33; hreordep 12. 3; hreordun 22. 31, (but reordade 19. 4 etc., 5 forms). 35 b) Medial h and (original) liw are lost in R', as regularly in OE. (cf. Siev., 218), before a vowel: e. g., fere 6. 25; feo 28. 15; hea 17. 1; slau 24. 49; geseon 13. 17; teonde 13. 48; fleop 24. 16; ten 18. 24 etc., (cf. I. 10, 24, 48). But h (g) appears (by infl. of 2. 3. sg.) in: slsehp (pi.) 24. 9; ofslaegp 17. 23, (but sleep 5. 21; 23. 34). Of course h remains in foreign proper names : iohaimes 9. 14 etc.; israhel 9. 33 etc. Medial h is also lost between a vowel and one of the consonants 7, r, m. n, (cf. Siev., 222. 2) : e. g., fleam 24. 20 ; between 3. 9 etc. ; in the couaps. : heanisse 13. 5 etc. (5); hreanis 16. 3; nealehte 21. 34 etc. (9); and, before b, (f), in : wibed 5. 24 etc., (8 forms, s. I. 52). Medial h is preserved in the combs, ht, hs (x), (cf. Siev., 221), and is then usually a palatal spirant in R', (cf. I. 7, 21, etc.): e. g., cneht 2. 9 etc.; reht 20. 4 etc.; maehte 8. 28 etc. But with ct, hot, gt for ht: geneolicte 9. 20; nealehctun 21. 1; dogter 15. 22. Inorganic h appears before t in : wihtga 21. 46; 24. 15, (but 36 witga etc.). hs (written x) appears in: wexan 13. 30 etc.; sex 17. 1; sextig 13. 8 etc. For hs = sc see 20. h is lost before s in: western 3. 8 etc. (cf. Siev., 221. 2). h is preserved in WS. and Kt, but lost in North., in the collocation As, /$, due to vowel-syncope (cf. Siev., 222). R' fluctuates in this respect: in 2. and 3. sg. pres. ind. of contract verbs: onfoeS 10. 40 etc. (11); -foop 19. 29, (only once onfoehp 13. 20); sleep 5. 21, (but slsebp 10. 28; slsegst 23. 37); sis 7. 3; gese^s 7. 3, (but gesihst 7. 5 ; -u 7. 3); gesiS 6. 4 ; geseop (sg.) 6. 18, (but gesihS 5. 28; 6. 6). h always remains in the superl. ; nsehsta 20. 14 etc., (12 forms, cf. I. 45); (once a 1 *, nexstan 5. 43); and in the comps. : hehsynne 12. 5; -settle 27. 19; Gemination (ch for lih) appears only in : the North, form sechir 12. 1, (before r, cf. Sicv, 228). 3*. 36 c) Final h is a surd spirant in OE. (cf. Sweet, HES. 502), usually palatal in Ps. and North, (cf. Siev., 206. 4), and always preserved. R' has: e. g., genoh 6. 34 etc.; onfoh 1. 20; pwab 6. 17; ateoh 18. 9; neh 16. 27; heh 4. 5; purh 1. 22 etc. ch for "h appears in : gesech 8. 4, (cf. beseoh 18. 10). he for h in: betwihc 20. 26, (cf. betwih 18. 15; 26. 58). g for h in : betwig 24. 10 (2); slag (imp.) 5. 21, and the prets. slog, <5wog etc, (s. 23). h for c in : ah 4. 4 etc. (74). For h|> = medial J>]} see 19. For the effect of final li on a preceding vowel see t. 7, 13, 21, 60, 63. 37 Inflection, I. The Verb. Personal Endings of the Verb. The Present. 25. The singular pres. ind. First person : The regular ending in WS. (except for verbs in -mi) is -e, (cf. Siev., 355 ; Cosijn, II., 72) ; for weak verbs 01. II. , -ie, ige (cf. Siev., 414, n. 1; Cosijn, II., p. 181). In the Ps. the ending is -u (weak II., -iu, rarely -igu), occasionally -0, rarely -a and -e (cf. Zeuner, 47, I. b ; 53). Kit. has -o (weak II., -igo), sometimes -e and -a (cf. Lindelof, 46). R' has regularly -e (99), -ige (2), seldom -o (5), -io (1), -u (5), -a (2): a) in strong verbs: arise 26. 32 etc. (2); ripe 25. 26; drince 26. 29 (2); cwepe 8. 9 etc. (7); sprece 13. 13; bidde 26. 36; agefe 18. 26; but ageofu 18.29; cume 8. 7; -saece 10. 33; -sace 26. 35; forlete 18. 21; gange 21. 29; 26. 36; (altogether -e 21, -u 1). & for WS. ea occurs in the contr. vb. site 26. 31. b) in weak verbs : Cl. I., sette 12. 18 etc. (3); gesete 25. 23 ; cysse 26. 48; gereorde 11. 28; sende 10. 16; 11. 10; dyppe 3. 11; but depu 3. 11; geheele 8. 7; but Mo 13. 15; bilket-to 13. 35; roket-to 13. 35; on-tyno 13. 35; ondeto 10. 32; ondetu 7. 23; 11. 25; selle 4. 9 etc. (3); wyrce 21. 27 etc. (3); (-e 16, -o 5, -u 3). Cl. II, getimbre 16. 18; 26. 61; prowc 26. 33; but ftrowa 17. 17; ahsige 21. 24; somnige 25. 26; lialsio 26. 63; ehtu 11. 16; (-e 3, -ige 2, -io 1, -u 1, -a 1). This class has 38 -ig, -i, before the final vowel but 3 times in a total of 10. 01. III., ssecge 2. 13 etc. (59); scecga 5. 26. For the endings of verbs in -mi see 53. Second person: The ending in OE., for st. verbs and 01. I. weak, is -es (-is), later -est (-stf) ; for weak verbs, Cls. II. and IE., -a*, -ast (st5), (cf. Siev., 356). The Ps. has -es, seldom -est (in st. vbs. and Cl. I. wk.), ratio of -s to -st, 107 : 10; -as, seldom -ast (Cls. II. and III. wk.), ratio, 44 : 3, (cf. Zeuner, p. 94). In pit. -st is ziemlich selten; weak vbs., 01. II. have -as (-ast), sometimes -ias and -cs ; 12 forms (weak vbs. of all classes) have -e%, -afi , due to analogy , (cf. Lindelof, pp. 73, 74). In R' -st prevails. The ratio of -st to -s is 31 : 9. The endings are: (in st. vbs. and 01. I. wk.) -est 17, -st 1, -sest 1, -es 7, (contr. forms) -st 4, -s 2; (in 01. II. wk.) -ast 4; (in 01. III. wk.) -est 4, ej> 1. The following forms occur: a) Strong verbs: astigest 11.23; ripes 25. 24; bindes 16. 19 (2); frcegnast 19. 17; cumest 5. 24; cymest 3. 14; cwepest 12. 23; -u 7. 4; cwfost 27. 11 (syncope is frequent in WS. and Kt. , very rare in North., cf. Siev., 358. n.); agefes 5. 24; spreces 13. 10; gebiddes 4. 9; gesihst 7. 5; u 7. 3; geseqs 7. 3; sis 7. 3; onssecest 26. 34; slsegst 23. 37; ganges 8. 19; (-est 6, -aest 1, -es 7, contr. forms -st 4, -s 2). b) weak verbs: 01. I., geherest 21. 16; gehoerest 27. 13; laerest 22. 16; gemoe- test 17. 27; nemnest 1. 21; gestreonest 18. 15; stanest 23. 37; &wyr- dest 26. 62; wenest 18. 1 etc. (3); wircest 21. 23; (-est 11, -st 1). 01. II., somnast 25. 24; geaxast 19. 17; locast 22. 16; on'dsacast 26. 75. 01. III., stegest 26. 70; hafest 19. 21 (2); 22. 12, (these follow I. instead of II., as in WS., cf. also 3. per. below) ; haftf (habes) 25. 25, (cf. Lindelof, p. 74). Third person: The ending for WS., in st. vbs. and wk. L, is -et5 (older -ift, -id, -et, etc.) , often with syncope (cf. Siev., 3578); in wk. vbs. II. and III., -at$ (cf. Siev., 4145). The Ps. has -e% (-ed, -seft 2), and -aft (-ad), carefully distin- guishing the classes as in WS. (cf. Zeuner, p. 94). Bit. has -eft (-ift), -t5 , interchanging occasionally without regard to class, and (less commonly) -es, -as (cf. Lindelof pp. 746). 39 Syncope is almost unknown in Ps. and North., common in WS. and Kt. (cf. id. and Siev., 358, n.). R' has these endings: (in st. vbs. and wk. L), -ej>(8) 160, -al>(S) 44, i|> 6, -et 5, -sep 2, -at 1, "-red 1, -id 1 , with syn- cope 28 (+ 91 ?), contract vbs. 20 ; (in wk. vbs. II. and III.), -ai>(8) 37, -iap 3, -e|> 16, -sep 3, ej) 1, with syncope 6, contr. vb. 1. The following forms occur : a) In strong verbs : Cl. I., ariseS 12. 42 etc. (5); smitep 15. 11 (2); stigaft 17. 27; 24. 17; geuituft 17. 20; (e 7, -a 3.) Cl. IL, bebeodep 4. 6 ; forleoseS 10. 39 etc. (3); abreope3 21. 41. Cl. 01., gelimpep 18. 13; drincep 24. 49; findep 13. 44 etc. (2); yebindap 12. 29; onginnep 1. R. ; -ap 24. 49; swseltep 15. 4; geldep 6. 4 etc. (3); helped 16. 26; gewyrfep 6. 19. 20; awoerpep 12. 24; ut-weorpep 9. 34 etc. (2); geweorfiaft 21. 21; 24. 21; geweorftad 13. 22; werpeS 9. 16; with syn., gewyr* 13. 32, tobre.gdep 12. 29; (-ep 18, -ap 4, -sed 1, syn. 1). Cl. IV., cymep 25. 6 etc. (14); -id 24. 42; -op 23. 35; with syncope, cywp 13. 19; 24. 50; genimep 12. 11. 45; -ap 10. 38; berep 7. 17 etc. (9); brecep 12. 20; 27. 40; (-ep 27, -ap 2, -id 1, syncope 2). Cl. V., cwepap 12. 32 (2); with syn., cwift 15. 5, probably cwep (ait) 8. 32 etc. (14);(dicit) 7. 21; 8.26; ?(inquid) 14.8; cwsep (future) 25.34.40. 41; 21.25; 24. 48; cwaep 5.25. The following forms of this word are un- certain. There may be change of tense (pret. for pres.) as is most pro- bable, or a may stand for e (cf. I., . 12, b): cwsep (ait) 4. 7 etc. (66); cw ? p 11. 4 etc. (3); cwsep '(elicit) 8. 20 etc. (17); (dicente) 17. 26; (diceus) 25. 22 etc. (3); cwej) (dicit) 12. 44. etep 9. 1 1 ; agfep 16. 27 ; agefep 17. 11 ; ongeteS 13. 23; -op 13. 19; sprecap 10.20; spreocap 12.34; bit 7. 8; but biddeth 7. 10; ligep 8. 6; sitep 23.22; gesilap 25. 31; sittep 19. 28; ge- 19. 29; gefeap 18. 13'; gesihp 5. 28; 6. 6 ; getfo Q.lgeseop 6. 18; (-ep 9, -ap 5, -sep 1, syncope 25 + 91 ?). Cl. VI., ahefep 9. 16; 12. 11; dhafap 23. 12; slsehp 10. 28; sleep 5. 21; stondep 12. 25. 26; swerap 23. 16. 20. 21. 22; swcerap 23. 18; sweraep 23. 16; swerat 23. 22; wexep 13. 32; onsaekep 10. 33; (-ep 6. -ap 6, -at 1). Red. vbs., foehp 13. 20; -/oet5 10. 40 etc. (11); foof 19. 29; forletep 5. 32 etc. (6); gangeS 15. 17; fallep 17. 15 etc. (4); feallep 12. 11; slepep 9. 24; sauwep 13. 37; gesceadip 25. 32; with, syn., crd (cantel) 26. 34. 75; (-ep 14, -ip 1). b) In weak verbs : Cl. I., frrmmaf 19. 9 (2); 7. 24. 26; settep 9. 16; 24. 47; setep 21. 41 etc. (3); forbarnep 3. 12; cerrap 24. 18; gecypcep 26. 73; kennep 1. 21. 23; depfo 3. 11; 26. 23; dyppep 3. 11; ge- 40 dcelaf 24. 51; doemeS 12. 18; adicascet 12. 20; ondetep 10. 32; afsellep 18. 6. 8; fylgep 10. 38; foedep 6. 26; geherep 13. 20 etc. (7); -a3 12. 19; 18. 17 (2); 13. 19; gehselep 1. 21; ahydep 13. 44; hyngr$ 5. 6; gehnyscet 21. 44; gensegep 23. 12; Iserep 5. 19 (2); Isedep 5. 32 etc. (5); -ap 19. 9 ; lioraft 17.20; geliorep 5. 18 ; geleorep 5. 18 ; -ap 24. 34; tolesep 5. 19; gemoetep 16. 25 etc. (5); nemnep 22. 43. 45; regnep 5. 45; hrcefnaft 6. 24; sendep 12. 20 etc. (4); stencep 12. 30; wenap 24. 50; awerdaft 5. 13; irreg. vbs., bygip 13. 44 (2); rsecep 7. 9. 10; raccet 2. 6; soecep 7. 8; 16. 4; -op 2. 13; -et 12. 39; selep 16. 26 etc. (3); with syn. sefo 23. 20; sellep 7. 11; 25. 29; -af 10.21; 13.44; 23.18; 26.23.46; 5.25; pyncep 17. 25 etc. (3); Kincaf 18. 12 ; wyrcep 7. 17 etc. (6) ; wtergaS 5. 1 1 ; neolicep 3. 2 etc. (4) ; -et\. 17 ; herwep 6. 24; eawep 24. 27. 30 (cf. Siev , 408. 2); csegep 15. 23; (-ep 73, -ap 25, ip 5, -et 5, -sep 1, syncope 1). Cl. II., ariaS 15. 6; gearwep 11. 10; -ap 6. 30; eardap 23. 21; set-clifaS 19. 5; clsensaf) 3. 12; cliopap 12. 19 etc. (2); acolap 24. 12; eadrnedap 18. 4; hefal- sap 9. 3; endep 28. 20; eorsap 5. 22; 18. 21; hate]) 6. 24; halgap 23. 17; hongaS 22. 40; lufaS 10. 37 etc. (3); genyhtsumnp 24. 12 etc. (3); niSraS 12. 42; readap 16. 3; ascadrp 25. 32; asmorap 13. 22; sornnap 12. 30 etc. (3); sorgap 6. 34; kswarep 25. 45; aswicep 18. 9; getimbraS 27. 40; bepearfaS 16. 26; beparfep 5.29. 30; 15. 5; 18. 6-, 19. 10; apiostrap 24. 29; prowaS 13. 21; 17. 15; -iaf (infl. of pi.) 11. 12; 16. 26; weorSap 15. 8; purhwunap 10. 22; 24. 13; (-ap 35, -iap 3, -ep 11, -sep 1, -p 1). Cl. Ill, liafep 9. 6; 13. 21. 44; ~a$ 11. 18; heftef 5. 32; hasf* 1. 23; 13. 12 (3); 25. 28; nafb 8. 20 ; naefep 25. 29; sagef 12. 18; leofap 9. 18; fiaS 6. 24; (-ep 5, -a?p 2, -ap 1, syncope 6). Note 1. In the 3. per., as well as the 2., this class has assumed (with one exception) the endings of Cl. I., and therefore conforms to that class throughout the pres. ind. contrary to WS. usage (cf. the imp. sg. 29). Note 2. For certain cases of pres. 3. sg. in -e etc. see 27, and cf. Lindelof p. 76 if. 26. The plural pres. ind. The regular ending for the three persons in "WS. or Kt. is -ot5 (-ad, -at), often -e be- fore the pronouns we, ge, (cf. Siev., 360) ; weak vbs., Cl. II., have -%)at5, (cf. Siev., 414; Cosijn, II., p. 179 ff.). The Ps. has -afi, resp. -iaft (Cl. II. wk.), (cf. Zeuner, p. 95). Eit. has -at5 (-eft), less commonly -as (-es) ; in Cl. II. wk., -i(g)a8 (-at5 2, -eft 1), less often -as (-ias 1) ; farther a considerable number of forms in -a, or -e, probably ind., but doubtful, (cf. Lindelof pp. 77, 78). E' has these endings: (st. vbs., and Cls. I. and III. wk.), 41 -a]? () 153, -ep (3) 30, -sep 2, -e 1, contr. forms 23; (Cl. 11. wk.) -igaE (6) 20, -igaej) 1, -lap 5, -ap 6, -ep 2, -ao|> 1, -at 1, contr. vb. 1. These are the forms ID R': a) strong verbs: 01. I., arisap 24. 11 etc. (4); -ep 10. 21; gerisap 11. 12; astigaS 20. 18; ripath 6. 26; scinap 13. 43; besmitap 15. 20 (2); on-wreop 16. 17; (-ap 10, -ep 1, contr. 1). Cl. II., geotap 9. 17 (2); hreowep 15. 32; gelucap 23. 13; fleop 24. 16; fleap 23. 33; (-ap 3, -ep 1, contr. 2). Cl. III., drincap 6. 31; spinnap 6. 28; winnap 6. 28; 11. 28; bindap 18. 18 (2); 23. 4; swingap 10. 17; 23. 34; adelfap 6. 19. 20; geweorpaS 24. 34; for- 8. 25 etc. (4); awyrpep 12. 27; toberstep 9. 17; (h) weorfap 6. 16; beornaS 5. 15; -spurnap 24. 10; (-ap 19, -ep 2). Cl. IV., cumap 9. 15 etc. (5); cymep 23. 36; 7. 14; nirnap 19. 11; niomap 26. 52; forstelap 6. 19. 20; (-ap 9, -ep 2). Cl. V., cwepaS 17. 10 etc. (5); cwsepaS 11. 18 etc. (5); cweopap 1G. 13 etc. (4); etap 6. 19 etc. (6); ageofaS 21. 41 ; 12. 36; ongetap 13. 51 etc. (7); ongeotap 13. 13; begetap 5. 7; metap 7. 2; gesprecap 10. 20; geseop 24. 2 etc. (13); geseap 13. 14; 24. 30; yeseep 11. 5; buldap 7. 11 etc. (3); bidap 20. 22; sittap 26. 36; ge- 5. 5 etc. (3); (ap 41, contr. vbs. 16). Cl. VI., slsebp 24. 9; ofslsegp 17. 23; ofslap 23. 34; stondep 20. 7; -ap 12. 47; ahebbap 4. 6; waexap 6. 28; thuaS 15. 2; (-ap 3, -ep 1, contr. 4). Red. vbs., ondfooS 21. 22; foa 17. 25; onfoep 23. 14; hoap 23. 34; letap 23. 13; for- 18. 35; - 6. 14 (2). 15 (2); gangap 11. 5 etc. (3); fallef 15. 27; 24. 29; saweti 6. 26; ondredap 21. 26; wepap 24. 30; asceadep 13. 49; (-ap 7, -ep 8, contr. 4). b) Weak verbs : Cl. I., settap 5. 15; -fj5 23. 4; wemmap 12. 5; bergap 16. 28; brsedap 23. 5; cwelmap 10. 21; doemep 7. 2; 20. 19; oehtap 23. 34; fcestaf) 9. 14 (2); geheraS 13. 14 etc. (6); hcemep 22. 30; halettap 5. 47; byhtap 12. 21; forlarcep 24. 5; -ef 24. 11; gelefap 9. 28; 18. 6; -cep 27. 42; leoraS 24. 35 (2); tolesep 5. 19; moetap 7. 7. 14; -ep 2. 8; 21. 2; 11. 29; nemnap 1. 23; restap 8. 20; sendap 13. 50; ftyrstep 5. 6; woenap 6. 7; sellap 24. 9 etc. (6); -ep 10. 19; gesoecap 28. 5; soecep 6. 32; gettecep 28. 14; pencap 9. 4; 16. 8; wyrcap 7. 23; 23. 5; eawep 23. 27. 28; scyap 28. 14; (-ap 38, -ep 15, -sep 2). Cl. II., clsensigap 23. 25; costigaS 22. 18; dwaligaS 22. 29; eardigap 12. 45; 13. 32; ge-endigap 10. 23;/r^J5 23. 29; hatep 5. 44; hleo- nigap 8. 11; lufigap 5. 46 etc. (4); lokigap 27. 24; micclqp 23. 5; myngaft 16. 9; niSrigaS 12. 41; re or dap 12. 5; hrcordep 12. 3; som- niap 6. 26; soninigap 7. 16 etc. (3); gesomnap 24. 31; gescawaft 5. 8; sorgiap 6.28; scyldigatQ. 12; &swserigap 25. 37 etc. (2); ofer-swiSiap 42 16. 18; timbrap 23. 29 ; tsegpigap 23. 23 ; twigqp 21. 21 ; gepafigap 18. 19; prowigap 26.31 ; prowiap 5. 10; warniap 16. 6,- (for list of endings see above). Cl. III., habbap 27. 65 etc. (11); nabbap 14. 16. 17; 15. 32; habbe we 21. 38 (cf. Siev. 360. n.); fiegap 24. 10; lifgaf 4. 4; ssecgap 17. 9 etc. (4); secgap 11. 5; ssegeap 23. 3; 27. 13; (-ap 23, -e 1). Note 1. In the above collection of examples (both sg. and pi.), -S, op etc. in forms otherwise the same are reckoned together. An esti- mate of the relative frequency of final p and 3 in verbs may be found in 19. Note 2. For certain cases of pi. pres. ind. in -en, -an, -e etc. see 28, and cf. Lindelof, p. 78 E 27. The singular pres. opt. The WS. ending is -e (anciently -); for Cl. II. wk., -i(g)e, (cf. Siev., 361, 414; Cosijn, pp. 123, 181). The Ps. has -e, resp. -4e (Cl. II. wk.), once -ae, (cf. Zeuner, p. 96). In Kit the st. vbs. and CL I. wk. have -e and -a ; Cl. II. (and III), -za, -iga (-age 2, -ega 1, -ege 1, etc.), (cf. Lindelof, pp. 79, 80). R' has the endings: (st. vbs. and Cls. I. and III. wk.) -e 79, -se 7, 3 3, -a 2, contr. vbs. 2; (Cl. II. wk.) -ige 6, -igso 1, -e 2. In R' the opt. pres. is often used to translate the Lat. fut., fut. perf., and sometimes even the pres. ind. (cf. Hit., Lindelof, p. 76 if.)- The sentence is then usually conditional , or begins with sepe (qui) = whoever. Where necessary the Lat. verb will be given. The following forms occur : a) In strong verbs : Cl. I., aris$ 17. 9; astiga 27. 42; gehrine (si tetigero) 9.21 (this may be ind. as well). Cl. II., forleose 16. 25; (perdet) 10. 39; (h)reuwe 18. 10. Cl. III., drince 26. 42; finde 18. 13; weorpe 6. 10; ge- 5. 18; 18. 19; -a 23. 26; weorSe 5. 29; 18. 14; ge- 8. 13; 9. 29; 15. 28; wearpe 5. 30; werpe 24. 20; weorpe 15. 26; awearpa 8. 31; ut-wyrpe (si eicio) 12. 27. 28 (may be ind.); weorfe 10. 13; &spurne 4. 6. Cl. IV., cyme 10. 13; 8. 9; cume 6. 10; 10. 23; 27. 49; nime 19. 12; ge- 15. 26; bere 16. 24. Cl. V., cwsepe (dixerit) 5. 22; 21. 3; agefe 5. 26; &gete 24. 15; bidde (petit) 5. 42; (petierit) 7. 9; ge- (orabis) 6. 6; 4. 10; (adorem) 2. 8; licgce 5. 32. Cl. VI., &s8ec$ 16. 24; slae (percusserit) 5. 39; stonde 18. 16; swerigce (iuraveris) 5. 36. Red. vbs., foe 22. 24; onfoia 1. 20; forlete 27. 17; -ae (dimiserit) 5. 31; rq&$ (legit) 24. 15; sceade 19. 6. b) In weak verbs : Cl. I., fremine 19. 18; faille (scandalizat) 5. 29. 30; pu faeste (ieiunas) 6. 17 ; gecerre 10. 13; gehere 11. 15; 13. 9; gehosere 13.43; 19. 10; ahelde 8. 20; forlsere 24. 4; leore 26. 39; lihte 5. 15. 43 16; se pe gemoete (qui iuvenit) 10. 39; nede (angarizauerit) 5. 41; sende 9. 38; gestreone 16. 26; selle 5. 25. 31. 36; 24. 45; (exibebit 26. 53; wirce (fades) 6. 2; pynce (videtnr) 25. 29; 3- 21. 28; -CE 22. 17; wsecce 22. 24; tccerge (maledixerit) 15. 4; pu bringa (offe- ris) 5. 23. Cl. II., 6ewige (seruies) 4. 10; lufige (dileges) 19. 19; ge- dwalige (erranerit) 18. 12; firnige (peccauerit) 18. 15; syngige (id.) 18. 15; genihtsumige (habuudauerit) 5. 20; vyht-sunnya 25. 9; folge 16. 24; getriowe 27. 43. Cl. III., hsebbe 5. 23 etc. (5); (habet) 11. 15; 13. 9. 43; gefreoge 27. 43. 49; ssecge (dixeris) 8. 4; (-it) 24. 23; (dices) 19. 18. 28. The plural pres. opt. The ending in WS. is -en (-e), -an , (anciently -an) , later -on (-un) , (cf. Siev., 361 ; Cosijn, II., 77) ; Cl. II. wk., -i(g)en, etc., (cf. Siev., 414). The Ps. has -en (resp. -ien\ (cf. Zeuner, p. 96). In Kit. final -n is lost and the pi. becomes like the sg. ; the vowel is -e, -a, -<, (seldom -o, -u) ; Cl. II. wk., -?'#, -iga, etc. (cf. Lin- delof, p. 80). In R' -n is lost 23 times, preserved 22 times. The endings are : (st. vbs. and Cls. I. and III. wk.) -an 14, -en 5, -on 1, -e 12, -se 2, (contr. forms) -n 1, -n lost 2 ; (Cl. II. wk.) -ige 5. igso 2, -an 1. In a few cases -en (-an) appears to stand for -a, pres. ind. pi. The following forms occur: a) In strong verbs: Cl. I., toslite 7. 6; Cl. II, alucce 13. 29. Cl. III., git drincan (bibitis) 20. 23 (cf. fallen, cypan, etc. below); geicarpe 4. 3. Cl. IV., cuman 27. 64; cweopan 23. 39; cwsepan 5. 11; gecwefte (dixeritis) 21. 21; for-staelan 27. 64. Cl. V., etan 6. 25; on-geton 13. \-, ( sprece 10. 19; -an 10. 19; tredan 7. 6; geseo 13. 15; 16. 28; geseon 5. 16; ponne ge bidde eow (cum oratis) 6. 5 (perhaps ind., cf. Lindelof, p. 78); biddan 6. 8; ge- 18. 19. Cl. VI., Vfift-stonde 5. 39; swerge 5. 34. Red. vbs., gangan 26. 41; 28. 10; gehalden 4. 6; fallen (ca- dunt) 15. 14; swa swa we forleten (sicut nos remittiraus) 6. 12. The- reason for the opt. in these last two cases is not clear (cf. also cypan, faesten, below) ; these seem to be early examples of the ,,extension u of -en to the pres. ind. pi., which afterwards became ,,the characte- ristic feature of the Midland verb", (cf. Sweet, New Eng. Gr. 1230). b) In weak verbs: Cl. I., cypau (testificantur) 26. 62; faesten (cum ieiunatis) 6. 16, the scribe may have mistaken the Lat. ; (ieiunabunt) 9. 15; geheran 13. 15; moefe 22. 9; yehreorde 15. 33; gebycge 14. 15; gewyrce we (faciamus) 17. 4; (cf. Siev., 360, n.) Cl. II., (cwedun him wiltu we 44 gsen &) gesomnige (dixerunt ei uis imus et colligimus) 13. 28; iarwan 26. 17; gearwige 6. 25; geincfulliga 17. 27; firowige 26. 33; sorgige 6. 25; geteorige 15. 32; wuldriga 5. 16. Cl. III., ssecge (dixerint) 24. 26; (psem pe eowic hatep ve/) ./ 9. 30; biddap 7. 7; 9. 38; ge- 5. 44 etc. (3); gesittaS 25. 34; 26. 36. Cl. VI., fqrep 11. 3; ascdkep 10. 14. Red. vbs., ondredep 28. 10; -ap 10. 26 etc. (4); ond- fop 26. 26; gangap 28. 7 ; ion-gap 10. 5; gangan (1st per, or inf.?) 26. 46; haldep 23. 3; 27. 65; be- 6. 1. 26; 7. 15; 10. 17; behealdep 16. 6; letfp 13. 30; 19. 14; for- 15. 14; slepaS 26. 45. b) weak verbs: Cl. I., cnyssap 7. 7; cypap 11. 4; doemep 7. 1; gefyllap 23. 32; geheraS 13. 18 etc. (4); hahp 10. 8; hydep 6. 19. 20; haletef 10. 12; larep 28. 19; ledap 21. 2; lefaS 24. 26; ge- 24. 23; nemnap 23. 9; restaip 26. 45; sendep 22. 13; unsalep 21. 2; wenap 5. 17; 10. 34; sellap 25. 8 etc. (3); ge- 10.8; sel/a heom ge 14.16; wyrc<$ 12. 33 (2); wircap 3. 3 ; wernaS 19. \\ gebycgap 25. 9; pencap 10. 19; soecap 6. 33; 46 wseccap 26. 38; 24. 42; -ep 10. 8; 26. 41; wsecep 25. 13; bringap 17. 17; ge- 14. 18; eawaS 22. 19. Cl. II., ahsiaS 2. 8; ahsigap 10. 11; geblissiaS 5. 12; bodigaS 10. 7. 27; clcensigce]) 10. 8; cliopaS 22. 9; forhtaf 14. 27; -igap 10. 31 ; ne forhtige eow 28. 5; gearwigaS 3. 3; leorniaS 11. 29; leornap 24. 32; geleornigap 9. 13; lufigap 5. 44; sceawigap 6. 28; gesonmigap 13. 30; -tep 13. 30; sorgigap 6. 34; -aef 6. 31; war nap 16. 12; wynigap 10. 11. Cl. III., habbap 11. 29; 14. 27; ssecgap 21. 5 etc. (8); scgap 11. 3. 31. The uninflected infinitive. The regular "WS. ending is -an (rarely -a, older texts less commonly -on)] wk. vbs., Cl. II., -i(y)an , (cf. Siev., 363, 414; Cosijn, II., 69). The Ps. has -an (resp. -fan), (cf. Zeuner, p. 97). In Kit. final n of the infin. suffers apocope in all cases; the ending is -a, seldom -e, (resp. -za, -iga), (cf. Lindelof, p. 82). In K' -n is preserved 94 (96?) times, lost 25 times. The endings are : (st. vbs. arid Cls. I. and III. wk.) -an 78 (80?), -en 5, -on 1, -un 1, -e 17, -ige 1, -a 3, -ee 1, contr. vbs. -n 9, -n lost 3 ; (wk. vbs., Cl. II.) -igan 4, -ian 2 , -an I, -ige 5, -iga 1, -a 1, -e 1. These forms occur: a) Strong verbs: Cl. I., arisan 16. 21; astigan 14. 22; set-witan 11. 20; sethrinan 14. 36 ; onwrigan (s. 23) 1 1. 27 ; hriopan 12. 1 ; geflitan 5. 40. Cl. III., drin- can 20. 22 etc. (7); sincan 14. 30: sweltan 26. 35; delfan 24. 43; geweorSan 20. 26; weorfran 24. 6; aweorpan 17. 19; to- 26. 61; awearpe 7. 5 ; to-bregdan 12. 29. Cl. IV., cuman 22. 3 etc. (4) ; cume II. 14; 14. 28; 16. 24; nioman 19. 12; ge- 5. 40; nioma 5. 42; beoran 7. 18 (2). Cl. V., cwepan 4. 17 etc. (4); etan 14. 16 etc. (3); ete 15. 20; ageofan 27. 58; sprecan 12. 34; spreocan 6. 7; geseon 12. 38; 13. 17; hwute geseon (1st imp.?) 27. 49; biddan 26. 53; ge- 14. 23; gebidde 6. 5; forlicgan 5. 28; gesittan 14. 19; sitte 20. 23. Cl. VI., slan 24. 49; ofslan 21. 38; ofslean 12. 14; 14. 5; ofsl&an 10. 28; of slogan 10. 28; sla 10. 28; stonde 6. 5; swerige 26. 74; wexan 13.30; faran 8. 28; fseran 2. 22; 16. 21. Red. vbs., on foon 20. 10; and foa 11. 14; on/o 10. 14; letan 24. 43; for- 19. 3. 8; 23. 23; -en 1. 19; -e 15. 32 ; gangan 2. 22 etc. (3) ; (1st. imp. ?) 26. 46 ; ingangen 23. 13; gehaldan 27. 64; wepan 9. 15; heawan 14.2; gecnawan 16. 3. b) weak verbs: Cl. I., styrgan 23. 4; bebyrgen 8. 21. 22; doemc, 16.3; ge- 16. 3; atece 6. 27; gefyllan 3. 15; feran 8. 18; for3/er* 14. 22 ; heran 10. 14; 47 gehera 13. 17; gehcelen 17. 16; ge-heelun 27. 42; hcelon 12. 10; laeran 4. 17; gelaede 6. 13; leoran 26. 42; neiunan 23. 10; sende 27. 6; ge- andwyrdan 22. 46; wendan 12. 44; sellan 20. 14 etc. (5); yewirce 5. 36; bycgan 25. 10; be- 18. 25; bycgce 20. 1 ; soece 18. 12; awaeccan 3. 9; 26. 40; eawan 16. 21; cegan 22. 3. Cl. II., geascigan 22. 46; gelcl^nsiye 8. 2; -clcen~ 8. 3; folgian 8. 19; fretwan 25. 7; motdge 18. 23. 24; gesonmian 23. 37; stalle 6. 5; tinterga (= trega) 8. 29; 3eo- wigan 6. 24; -ige 6. 24; prowigan 27. 31; ge- 16. 21; kustriga 26. 74. Cl. III., secgan 28. 8; ftreiga 16. 22. 32. The inflected infin. The WS. ending is -anne, older -enne (-ene), -onne, (rarely -an); Cl. II., wk., of course, -ianne etc. (cf. Siev., 363; Cosijn, II, 70 and p. 178). The Ps. has -enne (occasionally -ende) ; -i is sometimes wan- ting in Cl. II., wk. (cf. Zeuner, p. 97 ff.; 53. 1). Kit. has -anne, sometimes -enne, (cf. Lindelof, p. 82 ff.). R' has the endings: -anne 18, -ane 5, -enne 11, -ene 6, (contr. vbs.) -nne 5, -ne 1 ; (Cl. II. wk. is without -i- and so is not distinguised from other classes). The forms are: a) strong verbs: Cl. III., swinganne 20. 19; beornane 13. 30. Cl. IV., cumene 24. 48; nioniane 15. 33; nimene 24. 18; genirnaime 24. 17; beranne 3. 11; breccane 5. 17; brecanne 5. 17. Cl. V., cwepane 9. 5; gecwe- panne 9. 5; etaune 12. 4; 26. 17; seenne 11. 9; ge- 11. 8; geseonne 11. 8; gebiddenne 2. 2; -anne 20. 20. Cl. VI., ofslceanne 2. 13. Red. vbs, to fone 26. 55; hoanne 20. 19 ; forletenne 9. 6; gangenne 14. 16; -ene 19. 24; sawenne 13. 3; healdene 28. 20; be- 16. 12; sceadenne 10. 35. b) weak verbs : Cl. I., bebyrgenne 26. 12; 27. 7; cypenne 1. R. ; delanne 10. 35; gefyllenne 5. 17; geheranne 12. 42; gehejanne 18. 11; Icedenne 5. 41 ; lioranne 19. 24; sendaime 10. 34; sellanne 20. 23; -ane 22. 17; ce- ganne 9. 13. Cl. II, bismerene 20. 19; ferganne 5. 41; to gitsanne (vel forlicgan) 5. 28; sceawenne 28. 1. Cl. III., habbanne 14. 4. 33. The present participle. The regular ending in OE. is -ende (older -cendi, seldom -indi), rarely -onde, (cf. Siev., 363. 2); wk. vbs., Cl. II, have -i(g)ende (cf. Cosijn, II., p. 181). The Ps. has -ende (-cende 1), -onde (only in contr. vbs.) ; in Cl. II., wk. , -i- is sometimes wanting , (cf. Zeuner, p. 98 and 53. 1). The normal ending in Rit. is 48 -ende (-cende 3) ; -ande is etwas haufiger in verbs of 01. II. wk., and in certain coutr. vbs. R' has the endings: (st. vbs. and Cls. I. and III. wk.) -ende 331, (- 1, -se 1, -ae 1, -a 1, -es 1, -u 3, -urn 6, -ra 4, -re 1, -end 2), -ande 11, (-ne 1), -eende 4, (contr. vbs.) -ende 6. (- 1), -onde 4, -aonde 1; (wk. vbs., 01. II.) -ende 18, (-es 1, -u 1, -um 1), -ande 3, -amde 1, -iende 1, -igende 1 ; (it is to be noted that -i-, -ig- appear in this class but once each in a total of 27). These forms occur, a) strong verbs : Cl. I., arisende 2. 14 etc. (5); riscende (rapaces) 7. 15; -stigende 9. 1 etc. (5) ; -um 17. 9 ; -ne 3. 16 ; asiend^ (excolantes) 23. 24. Cl. II., upp- teoude 13. 48; sukendra 21. 16. Cl. III., drincende 11. 18 etc. (3); -ande 11. 19; 20. 22; grindende 24. 41; ingingende (incipiens) 20. 8 (error of scribe); eornende 28. 8; beornende 13. 42; swelyande 11. 19. Cl. IV., cumende 8. 2 etc. (22) ; cyuiende 2. 8 etc. (3) ; -3 16. 28 ; nednimende 23. 25; genim- 16. 22 etc. (6); -ande 25. 3. Cl. V., cwepende 19. 3 etc. (56); cwe> 18. 1 etc. (3); cwseS- 18. .26 etc. (3); cwsep- 28. 9 etc. (55); -endum 22. 31; etende 24. 38 etc. (4); -ra 14. 21; -u(rn) 26. 21; ongetende 14. 35; 22. 18; sprecende 9. 33 etc. (3); geseonde 8. 18 etc. (3); geseende 5. 1 ; 8. 34; 9. 2. 4; 13. 13. 14; gesesende 2. 10; biddende 9. 28 etc. (3); ge- 26. 39; -ae 6. 7; licende 9. 2; lice- 9. 36 ; licg- 8. 14 ; sittende 11. 16 etc. (9); -u 22. 11 ; -um 4. 16; -ra 22. 10. Cl. VI., standende 20. 3. 6; stond- 6. 5 etc. (3); -ra 16. 28; fserende 25. 14; hebbende 17. 8; unsceppende 27. 24 etc. (2). Red. vbs., forletende 13. 36 etc. (7); -re 11. 22; (forletennse alt. to) -enda 11. 24; gongende 15. 21 etc. (15); ingang- 23. 13 etc. (4); ut- 8.32 etc. (7); to- 15. 12. 23; gangande 22. 15; gangande 15. 31 etc. (7); -ne 14. 26; fallende 4. 9; 2. 11; -fsell- 18. 26. 29; slepende 26. 43 etc. (3); haldende 27. 54; sawendes (sb.) 13. 18; wepende 2. 18. b) weak verbs: Cl. I., cnyssande 7. 8; fremmende 13. 41; ge- 18. 3; sett- 4. 18; apen- 8. 3 etc. (4); beg- 17. 14; 27. 29; boet- 4. 21; dypp- 28. 19; doem- 19. 28; heht- 5. 11; hoeht- 5. 12; eht- 10. 23; -uin 5. 44; oihtende 5. 44; ondent- 3. 6; fylg- 19. 28 etc. (2); -un 8. 10 ; fyl- gande 9.9; fdedendum 24. 19; fsestende 6. 18 etc. (3); glendr- 11. 19; 23. 24; hsel- 9. 35 etc. (3); (abrev.) 26. 49 etc. (3); (as sb. oft., see stems in -nd)-, hem- 24. 38; hoel- 5. 44; hroer- 27. 39; hyngr- 25. 37. 44; ruxl- 9. 23; Iser- 15. 9 etc. (5); gelsef- 21. 22; forelior- 27. 39; gemoetend (lacks -e, clerical error) 13. 46; sendende 2. 8 etc. (3); -u 26. 12; smikende 12. 20; swaenc- 2G. 10; woed- 7. 15; wid- 40 (= wind-) 27. 29; wserf- 21. 18; sell- 21. 12 etc. (5); -urn 21. 12; sellend (lacks -e, see above); bebycgendu(m) 25. 9; gebycgende 21. 12; soec- 21. 46 etc. (5); penc- 5. 25; 6. 27; wsec- 24. 43; wyrc- 7. 18 ; wircendum 6. 3 ; cegende 8. 29 etc. (6); genelecc- 4. 3. Cl. II., -t- is found in wundriende 8. 10; -ig~ in clipigende 21. 15; but clipende 11. 16. The rest lack -'-, -ig-: bifgende 8. 14; bod- 3. 1; 4. 23; boen- sendu 20. 20; costende 16. 1; -d 12. 25; doemed 7. 1; doemde 7. 2; gedroefed 2. 3; gedryfed 14. 26; gedrsefde 24. 6; adwsesced 25. 8; geeced 6. 33; gefylled 1. 22 etc. (14); -ad 27. 9; fylde 15. 37; befest (with syn.) 1. 18; afirred (auferetur) 9. 15; 13. 12; 21. 43; afyrred 25. 29; afirde (exterriti) 28. 4 seems due to a misunderstanding of the Latin; afyrde (eunuchi) 19. 12 (3); afroefred 2. 18; -ede 5. 4 (as in WS., cf. Siev., 406); gehered 6. 7; gehered 2. 18; gehoered 28. 14; geherde 15. 12; gehseled 8. 8 etc. (3); ge- hled 8. 13; ahyded 5. 14; ahyded 13. 35; ge- 13. 44; hsemde 22. 30; gehroered 24. 29; inhroered 21. 10. 30; genage]> (for -ed) 23. 12; hyngrede (as in WS.) 12. 1; gehwerfap 7. 6; -ad 16. 23; mis-werfde 17. 17; gelsered 13. 52; but for-lard (with syn.) 27. 63; gelserde (pi.) 28. 15; laded 4. 1; ladde (ductus) 27. 3 is evidently a mistake; ge- Isedde (pi.) 10. 18; 24. 24; alefed 12. 2; 14. 4; alefed 12. 12; Isefed 24. 2; ge- 12. 4; a- 20. 15; 22. 17; gemo&ed 1. 18; gernsered 28. 15; gemsenged 27. 34; nemned 4. 18 etc. (5); ge- 21. 13; nemde 23. 7.8; ge- 5. 9; nsemned 27. 8; ge- 27. 33; nemnad 26. 14; nemnep 5. 19; rsesed 8. 32; gerimde 10. 30; ge-onretta (for -orrette, 6rette) 22. 6; sended 18. 8 etc. (6); ge- 18. 9; a- 15. 24 etc. (3); sende 23. 37; asendun (= urn) 13. 47; gesaelde (alligatam) 21. 2; scynde 24. 22; scynde 24. 22; besenked 18. 6; to-stsenced 26. 31; astrfed 15. 13; ontyned 7. 7 etc. (4); ontynde 3. 16; 27. 52; wseled 15. 22; -id 8.6; gewselde 9. 36; awseged 2. 16; wepned 19. 4; awSested 12. 25; ge- wroeged 27. 12; se wcergad 13. 19,' awargede (without syn.) 25. 41; 56 beboht 26. 9; bohte 10. 29; ge-bohte (gen. sg. wk., with loss of n) 27. 9; broht 14. 11; 18. 24; ge- 12. 22; gereht 1. 23; said 7. 7 etc. (17); ge- 28 18; bepseht 6. 29; worht 11. 21. 23 (2); 14. 2; ge- 11. 21; gecseged (cf. Siev., 408. 3) 20. 16; gecsegde 22. 14. Note. 1. It may be seen from the above examples that the middle vowel is usually (only 2 exceptions) preserved in R' after stems in -d, -t, when uninflected, (as in North, and Kt., cf. Siev., 402), but is syncopated in inflected forms. Three inflected forms (stems in -lg t -rg, -rr) preserve -e- t Stems in vocalic r preserve the vowel as in WS. Cl. II., gebloetsad 21.9; 23.39; gebletsade 25. 34; gebeormad 13. 33; bodad 24. 14; 26. 13; geclensad 8. 3; costad 4. 1 ; adrugade 12. 10; geendad 7. 28 ; gefatted 13. 15; gefre.twad 12. 44 ; fullwihted 3. 14; ge- iarwad 22. 4; -larwad 25. 34; larward (= ad) 20. 23; ge- 25.41; ge- gearwad 11. 8; gegearwade 11. 8; ungegeradne 22. 11; ahsefgad 26. 43; gehalgad 6. 9; ofer- heowad 17. 2; ge-inc-fullad 11. 6; gelaSadum 22. 3. 4; gemyngad 2. 22; ncegled 27. 23. 26; genaeglad 27. 22; ge- nihtsumaS 5. 12; niSrad 12. 37; 27. 3; gesomnad 13. 40; -e 26. 3 etc. (5); -ede 25. 32; gestapulad 7. 25; gesoff tested 12. 37; -fe.st- 11. 19} Saegnad 20. 28; prowad 27. 44; ge-unrotsad 17. 23; -ed 14. 9; -ade 18. 31; 26. 22; bewedded 1. 18; weorpade 6. 2; ewisade 12. 16. Cl. in., ssegd 26. 13. Note. 2. The participles (strong and weak) might, perhaps, have been better placed under Tense-formation of the several classes (cf. Lindelof, 49), but have been collected here for convenience of reference. Tense- formation. A. Strong Verbs. 1. Ablaut Verbs. 42. Class I. of ablaut verbs, (cf. Siev., 382). There are 16 simple verbs of this class in R'. a) The vowel of the present is i\ e. g. f ariseS 12. 42; astigest 11. 23 etc., (s. I., 51. a; II., 2533); but hriopan (for ripan) 12. 1 has a short vowel and it-, o- umlaut as in the North, (cf. Siev. , 382 , n. 3). Of contract verbs only these occur: asiendq (preserving , cf. Siev., 166. 4) 23. 24; -wreop (ind. pi.) 16. 17; and the infin. -wrigan 11. 27, with g from the 3d and 4th stems, and with *, as in North, (cf. Siev., 383 n. 2). 57 b) The vowel of the 1st and 3d pret ind. is a: gegrap 14. 31; hran 20. 34; set- 8. 3. 15; set-bran 9. 20. 29; 17. 7; oferlap 9. 1; ras 27. 64; geras 25. 27; a- 9. 7 etc. (8); a- 8. 15; scan 17. 2; slat 26. 65; stag 8. 23; a- 7. 27 etc. (3); astag 7. 25; 15. 39; a- 3. 16; astahg 5. 1; gewat 2. 14 etc. (7), (cf. I., 57. a). c) The vowel of the 2d sg. and of the pi. pret. ind. (R' wants the pret. opt) is i: e. g., onwrige 11. 25; cnidun 21. 35; etc., (cf. 34, 35). M-, o- umlaut of the stem (cf. Siev., 376) occurs in: wreogan 25. 38. 43; wriogan 25. 36. d) The vowel of the past part, is i: e. g., awriten 4. 7 etc. (cf. I., 27. a; II, 40). 43. Class II. of ablaut verbs, (cf. Siev., 3845). Thirteen verbs of this class occur in R'. a) The vowel of the present is eo (2 forms have 2), in certain verbs u\ e. g., bebeodep 4. 6; geotap 9. 17 etc. (cf. I., 62. a; II., 2533); eu occurs before w in reuwe 18. 10; (but hreowep 15. 32). H occurs in: gelucap 23. 13; alucse (opt. pi.) 13. 29; sukendra 21. 16. These forms of the contr. vbs. tdon, flfon, are found: -teonde 13. 48; ateoh 18. 9; fleap (ind. pi.) 23. 33; fleop 24. 16; (imp.) 10. 23; fleoh 2. 13. The 3d sg. (2d is wanting) does not have umlaut (B. 25, and cf. Cosijn, II., 81). An 2 appears in ligende 5. 11 ; smikende 12. 20, ^without apparent cause for umlaut* (cf. Siev., 165. note ; 384. note 1. a), but probably due to the following palatal, (s. I., 63, and cf. Lindelof, p. 87). b) The 1st and 3d sg. pret. ind. has ea: bebead 8. 4 etc. (11); for- 9. 30; geceas 12. 18; ageat 26. 7. c) The plural pret. ind. (2d sg. is wanting in R') , and the pret. opt. have the vowel u: e g-> gecuron 13. 48 etc., (s. 34); flugan 3. 7 is the only opt. form. Grammatical change (s r; h g) appears regularly as in examples cited. d) The past part has the vowel o: e. g., belocen 25. 10, (s. 40). Gram, change (s r) appears in: gecoren 20. 16 etc.; forloren 15. 24 etc. 44. Class III of ablaut verbs, (cf. Siev., 3869). There are 31 verbs of this class in R'. 58 a) The original vowel of the present is e, changed to i, eo , in WS. before certain consonants. There are three main cases. a) Verbs in nasal + cons, have *, as in WS. : e. g., gelimpep 18. 13; drincap 6. 31 etc., (s. 2533). Here belong the verbs run and burn which , after experiencing meta- thesis, have followed verbs in r + cons, in modifying e to eo , (cf. Siev., 386. note 2). These forms occur: eornende 28. 8; beornane 13. 30; beornende 13. 42; beornaS 5. 15. Kit. has iorna (cf. Linde- lof, p. 88). 0) Verbs in 1 + cons - ^ ave tne vowel e: e. g., helped 16. 26; delfan 24. 43; etc., (s. 25-33); CB for 6 occurs once (cf. I. 15), swaltep 15. 4; but sweltan 26. 35. y) Verbs in r + cons - ( y bs. in h + cons, are wanting) usually have the vowel eo as in WS., but sometimes ea, e (CB etc.). eo occurs in : e. g., weorpan 24. 6 ; weorp 18. 8; aceorf 5. 30 etc., (34 forms with eo), (s. I., 19. b; II., 2533). ea in: wearp (imp.) 21.21; awearpa (opt. s.) 8. 31; awearpe (inf.) 7. 5; gewearpap 7. 6 ; wearpe (opt s.) 5. 30. e (without apparent reason) in: awerp 5. 29; toerpe (opt. s.) 24. 20; but beryap (cauete) 16. 11 has e on account of the following palatal. Other variations are : gew&rpe (opt., pi.) 4. 3 ; awoerpep 12. 24; i-umlaut appears in utwyrpe (eicio) 12. 27. 28 ; also in awyrpep (ind. pi.) 12. 27, probably inflected weak. The 2d and 3d sg. pres. ind. are regularly without umlaut, e. g. werpeS 9. 16 (cf. Siev. 871. n.), but gewyrfep (demolitur) 6. 19. 20, gewyrS 13. 32. Hit. has o (a) after win the above verbs, (cf. Lindelof, p. 88). d) Other verbs of this class are irregular in the present, (cf. Siev., 389). R' has: toberstep (ind. pi.) 9. 17, where r + cons, is due to metath.j to-bregdan 12. 29; -br^gdef 12. 29; fragnast (WS. frignan) 19. 17; -spume (opt. s.) 4. 6; -spurnap 24. 10. b) The vowel of the 1st and 3d. sg. pret. ind. , origi- nally a, is also modified in WS. by following consonants. a) Verbs in nasal + cons, have a, o, (cf. L, 4): gelamp 11. 1 etc. (3); blan 14. 32; gebond 14. 3; ongan 16. 22; 26. 37; in-gann 4. 17; ongon 26. 74; in- 11. 7; 14. 30; -gonn 11. 20 etc. (3) ; bewand 27. 59. 59 Here belongs am (with metath.) 27. 48. (WS. orn, cf. Cosijn, II, 85. 2). /J) Yerbs in 1 + cons, have ea in WS. (cf. Siev., 387). R' has a (3), a (2) : S ald 17. 24; aswalt 22. 25. 27; (be-, go-) daelf 25. 18; 21. 33, anal, with bar, sat etc., (cf. I., p. 22). y) Yerbs in r -f- cons, have ea in WS. (cf. Siev., 388). R' has a (7), ea (6) : war-S 9. 22; ge- 7. 28 etc. (6); wearS 22. 2; for- 18. 11 ; wearp 21. 12; 27. 5; ut- 9. 33; a- 8. 16. d) Other variations of this class have chiefly ce, (cf. Siev., 389). R' has & (1 e): gebraegd 26. 51; frsegn 16. 13; 27. 11; ge- 22. 41; strayde (1. 8g.) 25. 26 is inflected weak as in WS., (cf. Siev., ibid, note); toberst 27. 51 has e for , (cf. !.,!. c). c) The vowel of the pret. ind. pi. (2d sg. is wanting) and of the pret. opt. is regularly u, as in WS. , but R' has several forms with umlaut, (20 w, 7 y) ; u in : e. g., funden 26. 60; sungan 11. 17; urnon 8. 28; wurdon 19. 12 etc. (s. 35. 36). y occurs (only after w) in the opt. (proper but rare, cf. Siev., 377): wyrfte 24. 22; gewyrde 26. 5; (swselte alt. to) swylte 22. 24; the following forms may, perhaps, be opt., though I have considered them ind., in which case y must be due to analogy: wyrdun 27. 45; -on 15. 24; wyrSon 10. 6; wyrpon 7.22. Gram, change (<5-d) is disturbed by infl. of the present in 2 cases out of 13. strceydun 21. 8 (2) is weak as in the sg. brustcen 27. 51 is without metath., (cf. the sg.). g is preserved in frugnon, 22. 23; -un 17. 10; but frugan 12. 10 wauts n, (s. 35). d) The vowel of the past part, is u before n + cons., o in all other cases : e. g., gebunden 18. 18 etc.; (of course urnen 8. 24); aswolten 9. 18; acorfen 3. 10 etc. (s. 40). The part, of Jrignan is wanting. Gram, change (5 d) is always observed in geworden 9. 10 etc. (15). 45. Class IY of ablaut verbs, (cf. Siev., 390). R' has 5 verbs of this class. a) The vowel of the present is e\ e. g., bere (opt. sg.) 16. 24; brecanne 5. 17; forstelap 6. 19 etc. One form has ^ r ar e irregular and often have -ede (-ode), (cf. Siev., 404, 405). R' is normal in the main, but occasionally introduces a middle vowel, and in some cases lacks umlaut. Regular forms of the sg. are : lde 25. 5; inbergde 27. 34; forbernde 22. 7; kende 1. 2. 16; gecerde 2. 22; 9. 22; cyste 26. 49; depte 3. 6; ge-fylde 27. 48; fsestse 4. 2; foerde 9. 27 etc.; afseldse 21. 12; groette 1. 25; geherde 2. 3 etc.; gehselde 4. 24 etc.; ahydde 25. 18 etc.; Iserde 5. 2 etc.; Isefde 22. 25; Jsedde 17. 1 etc.; -lihte 28. 1; gemette 20. 6 etc.; sende 18. 30 etc.; ontynde 5. 2 etc.; pyrste 25. 35 etc.; ondwyrde 11. 25 etc.; werfde 9. 22; awyrgde 27. 5; (for plural forms s. 38). The middle vowel appears in : bebyrgedun 14. 12; fylgedun (orig. Cl. III., cf. Siev., 416 n. 6) 19. 2; fylgendun (for -edun) 4. 25; (but fylgdun 9. 27); gleosede 28. 20; of course in: hyngrede (cf. Siev., 405. 5) 12. 3; 25. 42; -ade (as in North.) 4. 2; hingr- 21. 18; yngr- 25. 35; with loss of w\ waelede 27. 60; 28. 2; ungeredun 27. 31, (cf. Siev., 408. 1). The following are without umlaut: gernotte (prob. an error) 8. 10 (but 8, forms, sg. and pi., with ^, oe, s. I., 54. a); abriodde 22. 7 (fr. breoSan, st. vb. 01. II., infl. wk.) set-eawde (cf. Siev., 408. 2) 2. 13 etc. (7); -un 27. 53; -en (opt.) 24. 1; eaude 2. 19; leorde 11. 1; ge- 19. 1; Horde 9. 27; ge- 12. 9, (cf. Siev., 403. n. 1); steordon 19. 13; gestrionde 25. 20 etc. (4). Note, n is: lost in nemde 1. 25; -un 10. 25, (cf. Cosijn, II., p. 166). j is preserved in: cegde 14. 30 etc. (3); ceigde 20. 25 etc. (s. L, 61). y) Certain irregular verbs in Germanic add -de (-te) directly to the radical syl. without any middle vowel, and therefore want i-umlaut. R' has these forms: salde 10. 1 etc. (18); ge- 9. 8; getahta 3. 1, (cf. Siev., 407. n. 4); worhte 13. 58 etc. (6); ge- 11. 20; 19. 4; -se 25. 16; gebohte 13. 46; 20. 7; J>ohte 1. 20; sohte 13. 45; ge- 26. 16; a- 2. 16; brohte 17. 16 etc. (4). The pi. and opt. forms may be found in 38, 39. Note. In imitation of these is formed (cf. Siev., 407. b): -nealehte 21. 34; nealehctun 21. 1 ; but geneolicte 9. 20. (s. I, 58d.) 5 66 c) The past part, has been treated already at sufficient length in 41. 50. Class II. of weak verbs (cf. Siev., 411414). There are about 118 verbs of this class in R'. a) The characteristic middle vowel of the present, WS. -i- (-ig-), appears in R' chiefly in the form -ig- (about 63 ig, 15 i, 1 g), but is is often wanting altogether (56 times). The inflected inf. (4 forms) lacks this vowel (s. 32), and the pres. part, lacks it 24 times in 27, (s. 33). Rarely (3 times) the vowel i appears in the 3d sg. pres. ind. (after the analogy of the pi.) , but not at all in the 2d sg. or in the imp. sg. For all forms and full statistics see 25 33. Note. M-, o-umlaut appears in : hleonigap (ind. pi.) 8. 1 1 ; geteo- rige (opt. pi.) 15. 32; cliopaft (imp.) 22. 9; and even in the 3d sg. ind. (anal, of pi. forms), cliopap 12. 19; cleopap 27. 47. b) The preterit in WS. usually has the ending -od -f the personal endiogs -e, -est etc., sometimes -ad + -e etc., seldom -ude, -ede etc. (cf. Siev., 412). The Ps. has the middle vowel -a-, sometimes -e- (in sg., 173 a, 31 e; in pi. 55 a, 40 e), (cf. Zeuner, p. 115). Rit. has a, in very few cases e, (cf. Lindelof, p. 98). R' has in the sg., 86 a, 17 e; in the pi., 66 a, 8 e, I u. These verbs occur in the sg., 1 st and 3d, (for the 2d sg. s. 37, b): ahsade 2. 4 ; axsade 22. 35 ; biatadae 9. 30 ; bled-, bletsade, 14. 19; 26. 26; bodcde 9. 35 (may be for bodende); clsensade 11. 5; clio- pade 20. 32 etc. (4); costade 19. 3; gedsefnade 18. 33; -df- 23. 23; adumbede 22. 12; adrugade 21. 20; gedwalade 18. 12; eardade 2. 23; ge- 4. 13; efalsade 26. 65; ge-endade 19. 1 etc. (4); gefirinade 27. 4; folgade (cf. Siev., 416. n. 6) 9. 19 etc. (2); frohtade 14. 30; ge- gadrade 19. 6; larwede 26. 12; hleonede (cf. Siev., 416. n. 6) 26. 20; hlion- 9. 10; ge-iacfullade 15. 12; gelapede 22. 8; licade 14. 6; ge- 3. 17 etc. (4); geliornade 2. 7; miltsade 18. 33; milsade 14. 14; mo- nade 25. 19; ge- 14.8; pleagade (cf. Siev., 416. n. 6) 14. 6; ricsade 2. 22; ofer-scuade 17. 5; smorede 18. 28; gesomnade 2. 4; 22. 41; (ond-, and-, on-) swarade 24. 2 etc. (26); -ede 21. 21 etc. (7); ond- sweorede 16. 17; swigade (cf. Siev., 416. n. 8) 26. 63; timbrade 7.26; ge- 7. 24; 21. 33; "Ssegnade 8. 15; pongade 26. 27; Sreatade 17. 18; prowade 9. 20 etc. (3); for-wisnade 21. 19; witgade 15. 7; wunade 21. 17; gewunede 27. 15; wundrade 27. 1"4. For pi. forms see 38. 67 Note. -, 0-umlaut appears in 15 forms: cliopade , -un etc. (9); hleonede, -un, etc. (4); pleagade ; ondsweorede, (s. above and 38). c) The past part, has been sufficiently treated in 41. 51. Class III. of weak verbs (cf. Siev., 415, 416). K' has numerous forms of secgan, Jiabban] a few of lifgan, feogan; and the single forms: Sreiga (inf.) 16. 22; gefreoge (pres. opt. s.) 27. 43. 49. Other verbs originally belonging to this class, (cf. Siev., 416, note 6) may be found under Classes I. and II. a) The present. In WS. the 2d and 3d sg. pres. ind. and the sg. imp. of these verbs belong to 01. II., all other present forms to 01. I. In R' secgan conforms to 01. I. throughout the present as in Ps. The vowel of the radical syl. is ae (2 e). This may be due to the infl. of the pret. or, more probably, it is only CB for umlaut-e characteristic of this text, (s. I., 12. b). Rit. also has & (1 e) throughout (cf. Lindelof, p. 99). habban has in R': ind. 2d and 3d sg., hsefest (3), hsefep (il), but hefsep 5. 32; imp. s., hsefe (2); opt. s., hsebbe (8); pres. part., hsebbende (17), hse- bende 4. 24; but keeps a always in tbe ind. and imp. pi. and in the one inf., habbanne 14. 4. Rit. shows a like interchange of a and a, (cf. Lindelof, 53). The Ps. has only a in the pres. (cf. Zeuner, p. 117). For all forms of these vbs. see 2533. Note 1. lifgan has fg, instead of bb (cf. Siev., 416, note 2; Lindelof 53), in all forms of the pres. (5) except the 3d sg. ind., which has u-, o-umlaut, leofap 9. 18. Note 2. The few forms of feogan have the diphthongs ie, ia: fiat5 (ind. 3. s.) 6. 24; fiegap (pi.) 24. 10; fiegse (opt. pi.) 5. 44. b) The preterit adds -de etc. to the radical syl. without any middle vowel. R' has: ssegde 13. 31 etc. (5); ge- 13. 24; fore- 28. 7; hsefde 18. 25 etc. (8); hgfde 13. 5; nsefde 18. 25; 22. 25; lifde 27. 63. The 2d sg. is wanting; for the pi. see 38. c) The past part, adds -d to the radical syl. R' has only seegd 26. 13. C. Minor Groups. 52. The Preteritive Presents (cf. Siev., 417425). The following occur in R': 5* 68 a) wat (scio) 25. 24; 28. 5 ; (scit) 6. 32 ; 24. 36; without fusion with neg. (cf. Siev., 420) ne wat (neseio) 26. 70; (ignorat) 24. 50; wast (scis) 15. 12; ind. pi., witan 24. 32. 44; wutan (s. I., 33. d) 22. 16; 26. 2, (cf. Siev., 420. note; Lindelof, 54. 1); with negative, niton 21. 27; nytan 20. 22; opt. sg., wite 9. 30; with neg., nyte 6. 3; opt. pi. wite (sciatis) 9. 6; introducing a hortatory clause and followed by the inf., wutu 21.38; 26.46; hwute 27. 49; imp. pi., witap 24.43; wite ge 24. 33; pres. part., witende 12. 25; 26. 10; pret. ind. 3. s., wiste 12. 15; 16. 8; 27. 18; opt. s. 24.43; opt. pi, wiston 12. 7; ind. 2. s., wists 25. 26; past part., witen 10. 26. b) Pres. ind. pi., agun 20. 25; inf., agan 10. 9; pret. ind. 3. s., ahte 1. 6; past part, as adj., agene (ins.) 27. 31. conn (noui) 26. 72; con (nescio) 25. 12; (nouit) 11. 27 (2); const (sapis) 16. 23; ind. pi., cunnun 27. 65; -an 22. 29; 24. 42; 25. 13; cunun 20. 25; with sub- stitution of the regular ending of the pres. pi., cunnaft (nostis) 16. 3 (2); -ep (nostis) 7. 11 ; inf., gecunnan 13. 11 ; pret. opt. s., cupe 7. 23 ; cut5e 26. 74; past. part, as adj., ge-cuc5ne 12. 16. c) Searf (opus habet) 21. 3; pi., Surfun 6. 32; Surfe we 26. 65; pres. part., Jmrfende (with vowel of pi.) 5. 3; porfende 11. 5. Rit. has Sorfende, (cf. Lindelof, 54. 5); Lindis., Sorfendo Mt. 5. 3; 11. 5. d) durste (timuit) 2. 22; dy(r)ste (ausus fuit) 22. 46. e) Pres. ind. 1st' and 3d s., sceal 3. 14; 26. 54; seal .11. 14 (cf. Lindelof, 54. 6); 2d s., scealt 18. 28; scalt 11.3; pi., sculon 10. 9; 23. 10; 24. 6; 3. 15; ne scule ge (nolite) 6. 7; (without ge) 6. 8; opt. sg. scyle 17. 10; 26. 35; pret. ind. s., sculde 18. 28; scalde 18. 24; pi. sculdon 12. 14; 20. 10-, opt. s., scylde 16. 21, (cf. Siev., 423, note 1). f) Pres. ind. 2. s., gemynest 27. 63; pret. ind. 3. s,, gemunde 26. 75. g) Pres. 1st and 3d sg., maeg 19. 12; 10. 28 etc. (12); 2d s., maeht (s. I. 7. a) 5. 36; 8. 2; pi., magun 6. 24; 9. 15 etc. (6); -on 20. 22; opt. s., mcege 9. 28; 24. 24; 26. 39. 42. 53; pret. 3. s., msehte 8. 28; 22. 46; 26. 9; 2d. s., msehtest 26. 40; pi., maebton 17. 16. 19. h) Pres. 3. s. mot 12. 10; 27. 6; mot 19. 3; pret. pi. mostun 14. 36. 53. Verbs in -mi (cf. Siev., 426430). R' has the following forms: a) The substantive verb (cf. Siev., 427). a) Root es : pres. ind. 1. sg., earn 8. 9; 9. 21 etc. (13), (s. I., 26. b) with neg., nam 8. 8; nsem 3. 11 ; 2d sg., eart 14. 33 etc. (10); earS 6. 9; arpu 11. 3, (cf. LindelSf, 55, a); 3d sg., is 15. 8 etc. (72); with inorganic h, his 3. 3 ; 5. 3; 17. 4; 22. 20; neg., nis 18. 14 etc. (19); pi., arun 19. 28; sint 1. 17 (3); 5. 12; 6. 23; 24. 16; sindun 17. 26 69 etc. (48); -on 13. 56; 15. 14, 20; syndun 12. 48; -on 12. 5; 13. 38; sy(n)dun 13. 39; sendun 2. 18; 22. 14; 23. 27; -on 22. 30; opt. 1. sg., seo 16. 15; 2d sg., sie 4. 6; 5. 25 ; 6. 18; 18. 9; sice 4. 3; 18. 8; si% 14. 28; ay 26. 63; se 5. 25; 3d sg., sie 5. 13 etc. (14); siq 16. 13; 18. 6; site 24. 17 etc. (9); syce 27. 42; siae 10. 13 (2); sy 24. 2. 18; 27. 22; se 18. 6; pi., sie 6. 1. 2. 5. 7. 16; 5. 45; 17. 4; 20. 33; sice 23. 5; sy 24. 6; sien 24. 24; sin 7. 1. Kit. has sie, sg. and pi., about 210 times, se about 20 times (cf. Lind., ibid.). Ps. has sg., sie, pi., sien (cf. Zeuner, 56). /3) Root bheu: ind. l.sg., beom 9.21; 17. 17; 20. 22; 2d sg., bist 5.23; 11. 23; 12. 37 (2); 3d sg., bi 16.4 etc. (72); bip ^16. 3 etc. (27); bip 12. 25; beqp 6. 23. 34 (borrowed fr. pi.); pi., beoS 24. 40; 25. 32; -p 7. 2 etc. (18); biop 8. 12 etc. (7); -3 6. 33; beopan 4. 19; 5. 11; 12. 36; 18. 18; 19. 3tf; 25. 41; -t5- 16. 19; bition 16. 19; opt. 3. sg., beo 6. 9 ; 18. 17; 20. 26. 27; 23. 11; 26. 42; pi., beon 4. 3; 5. 6. 30; 18. 3; 25. 34; imp. sg., beo 5. 25. 42; pi., beop 6. 5. 16 etc. (5); biop 10 16; inf., beon 16. 21 etc. (18). Kit. has ind, pi., biSon, Ps. has bioS. y) Root wes: Imp. sg., wees 2. 13; 5. 25, (s. L, 15. b) ; pi., wesap 10. 16; inf., wesa 3. 14; pret. ind. 1. and 3., wses 14. 24 etc. (126); wsess 2. 18; ws 6. 29; 27. 32; was 26. 1; 2d sg., we.re 25. 21. 23; were 26, 69; pi., weron 15. 38 etc. (16); -un 4. 18 etc. (31); wserun (s. I., 43. b) 11. 20 etc. (6); -on 25. 10; wgron 12, 3; 18. 31; (wer)un 3. 6; opt. sg., wsere 26. 24 etc. (13); wre 8. 17; 13.35; were 27. 26. pi. with loss of -n, were 11. 23; wsere 24. 22; 26. 56. Kit. has inf. vosa, ind., wosa<5 etc. (cf. Lindelof, 55). b) The verb will (cf. Siev., 428): Pres. ind. 1. sg., wille 15. 32 etc. (9); neg., nyll ic 21. 30, (cf. Siev., 428, note 1); 2d sg. , wilt 8. 2; 19. 17. 21; 26. 39; wiltu 20. 21; 13. 28; uuiltu 26. 17; 3d sg., wile (with 1 I) 11. 27; 16. 25; 20. 27; but wille 5. 40; neg., nyle 10. 14; pi., willap 12. 38 etc. (4); -3 11. 14 etc. (3); neg., nyllep 23. 4; imp. pi., ne wellaS (without fusion) 3. 9; nellap 23. 8; opt. sg., wille 5. 42; 15.28; 16.24; 17.4; 20. 26; wile 27. 43; pret. ind. sg., wolde 1. 19; 14. 5; 18. 30; 23. 37; walde 1. 19; 2. 18; 18. 23; 24. 43 (2); neg., nolde 27. 34; pi. waldun 17. 12; neg., naldun 23. 37; noldan 22. 3; opt. pi., walden 27. 15. (s. I. 34. c). c) The verb do (cf. Siev., 429): Pres. ind. 1. sg., do 20. 13; 21. 24; dom 27. 22; ge- 4. 19; dom 19. 16; 2d sg., doest 21. 23 ; 3d sg., doep 5. 32 ; 8. 9 ; 21. 40; 24. 48; doep 5. 45; 18. 35; ind. pi., do3 23. 3; d6p 23. 15 (2); doap 5. 47 (2); 12. 2; 21. 21; ge- 9. 17; 28. 14; doep (faciunt) 5. 46; opt. sg., 70 do 19. 18 ; 20. 32; of- 7. 4; d6a 6. 3; opt. pi., doa 7. 12; doan 6. 1. 2. 7; imp. sg., do 8.9; gepo (for -do?) 7. 5; pi., doS 23. 3 (2); doap 4. 17; 7. 12; doep 3. 2 ; 5. 44; inf., doan 20. 15; for- 10. 28; gedoa 9. 28; 16. 25; to doanne 12. 2. 12; pres. part, ddnde 24. 46; doende 15. 36; pret. ind. 1. and 3. sg. , dyde 1. 24 etc. (7); ge- 13. 28; 2d sg, dydest 20. 12; ind. pi., dydun 25. 45 etc. (10); -on 11. 20 etc. (7); ge- 21. 13; opt. sg., dyde 23. 23; pi., fordydun 27. 20; past part., gedoan 18.31; ged6an 23. 15; gedoen 28.11, (with umlaut), (cf. Lin- delof, p. 102; Zeuner, p. 118). d) The verb go, (cf. Siev., 430): Pres. ind. 1. sg., fore-ga 26. 32; 2d sg., gses 5. 26; gsest 8. 19; 3d sg., gsep 8. 9 etc. (10); fortS- 15. 11; in- 15. 11; gsoS 15. 18; 26. 24; in- 15. 17; gaep 4. 4 ; gaep 7. 21 ; utgaep 12. 43; #a3 18. 12; ind. pi., gap 5. 20; 25. 46; oftener gsep 13. 49; 18. 3; 21. 31; ofer- 15. 2. 3; be- 20. 25; gp 23. 13; gaep 15. 19; opt. sg., ga 8. 8; pi., gsen 13. 28; ut- 10. 11; in- 10. 11 ; ingan 7. 13; imp. sg., ga 9. 5. 6; 8. 4. 9; ga 4. 10 etc. (7); gae 5. 24; pi., gap 7. 13; 10. 6; gap 20. 7; 22. 9; gaS 10. 14; 21. 2; oftener gsep 2. 8; 10. 5 etc. (10); gp 9. 13; 11. 4; gaeS 8. 32; infin., gse 18. 9; innga 19. 17; pret. ind. 1. and 3. sg., eode 13. 46 etc. (40); ut- 8. 34 etc. (5); ofer- 25. 5; eode 8. 5; eade 4. 23; 24. 38; fore- 2. 9; 2d. sg., eodest 22. 12; pi., eodun 14.15 etc. (34); -an 21.9; -en; 25.1; 26.50.55; ut- 27.32; opt. pi., eoden 26.55; 11. 7 (?), (B. I. p. 71. b, and 29). 2. Nouns. Declension of Nouns. I. The Strong Declension. Most nouns of the strong dec. in E' are inflected regularly as in WS. It will be sufficient, therefore, to give such varia- tions from standard WS. (cf. the paradigms in Sievers gram.) as have been noted. While in general R' is rather a trans- lation than a mere gloss, there are not wanting cases in which syntactical relations seem to be ignored. A. The o-Declension. This dec. embraces masculine and neuter nouns. There are three subdivisions : simple o-stems , ^'o-stems , and we- sterns (cf. Siev., 235). 71 54. Masculine nouns of the o-dec. a) Simple o-stems (cf. Siev., 238): ) Singular. Nom.-acc. No ending. Exceptions: eosula (ace.) 21. 7, probably weak (cf. 65), (but seosul 21. 2); gaste (nom.) 12. 43, (but 3 gast, 10. 20 etc.); caseringe (ace., as if fern.) 17. 24, (but casering, same verse). Gen. Ending -es. In certain words -as (-os), -&& occur, (cf. Siev., 237, note 1) : heofunas (gl. to caelorum) 18. 3 etc. (19); (caeli) 8. 20; 24. 30; 26. 64; -ses 11. 25; heofun (without ending) 13. 4. 32; 16. 3; pses aldor- sacerdas 26. 3; -ses 26. 58; -os 26. 51; -dsegas 28. 1, (but -es 12. 8; 20. 12); cselcses 23. 26, (but -es 23. 25); fiscses 7. 10. Isolated varia- tions, prob. errors of scribe: dryhten (doniini) 25. 18, (9 forms with -es); gode (dei) 12. 4, (31 godes); dead (mortis) 26, 66; deade (for deaSes) 4. 16 may be a form of the orig. u-dec. (cf. Siev., 273, and s. Dat. below). Dat.-ins. Ending -e. Rarely a (ft occurs (cf. Siev. 237. note 2): domse 12. 41. 42; (but 4 -e, 5. 21 etc.); wegse 21. 32, (but 11 -e, 21. 8 etc.); tun? 22. 5, (but -e 26. 6. 69); stane, 24. 2, (but 6 -e, 27. 60 etc.); fcemplse 26.55, (but 4 -e, 24. 1 etc.) ; deaSa 15. 4 is an old dat. of the u- dec. (but 7 forms have -e, 14. 2 etc.); -sceatta 25. 27 may perhaps be wk.; psem aldor-sacerdos (sg.) 26. 57 with Lat. nom. Without ending, disregarding syntax: win - geard minum 21. 28; of western 12. 33; bebead wind 8. 26 ; hlaferd rninne (gl. to domino meo) 22. 44 is ace., though the construction requires the dat. R' has to dsege 16. 3; 27. 19 etc.; formse dsege 26. 17; but Sridde dseg 16.21 etc.; oper dseg 27. 62; hwilc dseg 24.42; in forma dseg 28. 1 etc. /3) Plural. Nom.-acc. Ending -as. A few nouns have the weakened ending -es (12), -ses (4) ; one or two, the weak -a, (cf. Siev., 237. note 3; Lindelof, p. 104): gastes 12. 45, (but -as 8. 16); hlafes 4. 3; 14. 17. 19, (but 7 -as, 15. 36 etc.); stanes 4. 3; 27. 51 ; foxes 8.20; peofes 27. 44; Siofes 6. 19 (but -as 21. 13); earnes 24. 28; nodes 24. 38, (orig. u-dec., cf. Siev., 273); sacerdes 12. 5; principes sacerdotum is variously glossed : aldor(-ur)-sacerdas 21. 23. 45; 27. 6; -os 2. 4; 21. 15; -ses 26. 14. 59; 27. 1 ; -um 27. 20; -un 27. 41; alduras (-ses) sacerdas 26.3; 27. 62. Minor variations: riftra 13. 39; daga 12. 40, (perhaps gen., but cf. preo dagas, same verse); discipuli (after the Lat.) 5. 1 (but 3 -as, 12. 2 etc.); ficos 7. 16 (transfer of Lat. word, but cf. sacerdos above) ; winter, orig. of the u-dec. and mas. in WS., has ace. pi. winter 9. 20. 72 Gen. Ending -a. hlaferde 15. 27 has -e for -a; the weak -ana (cf. Siev., 237. note 4) appears in dagana 24. 29, (but daga 4. 2) ; without regard to case: gastas unclenra (spiritum immundorurn) 10. 1. Dot. Ending -um. Often abbreviated in the MS. (28 -um, 85 -um); rarely wanting: aldor sacerd 20. 18, (but 5 -um, 16. 21 etc.); gyrdels eowrum 10. 9. Note 1. For a in pi. of dceg etc. s. I., 2. b ; for syncope in words of more than one syl. s. II., 3. Note 2. Mas. proper names follow the o-dec. quite regularly. There are some variations: e. g. nom. sg. lone 12. 40, (but ionas 12. 41); pilatse 27. 58; -os 27. 13, (but 4 -us, 27. 17 etc.); iosepe (ace.) 1. 16, (but Joseph, nom. 1. 19 etc.); petre (nom.) 18. 21; 26. 33 (but 13 petrus); gen. sg., alfes 10. 3; zebedeaes 4. 21 ; -eses 27. 56; -ees 10. 2; -es 20. 20; (-eo 26. 37 may be an error); nouns in -as un- changed: esaias 13. 14; Ionas 12. 39. 41; Zacharias 23.35; barachias 23. 35; s is wanting in: herode 14. 6, (but -es 22. 16 etc.); kasere 22. 21, (but -es, same verse); neglecting case, petrus (petri) 8. 14; otherwise -es: abeles 23. 35 ; dauiSes 9. 27 etc. ; dat. sg., iosefae 1. 18; psem petra 16. 18 (but -e 26. 73 etc.); pylato 27. 2; otherwise regu- larly -e: criste 22. 42; daniele 24. 15; abrahame 1. 17 etc.; nom.-acc pi., fariseos 21. 45; 22. 34; -seis 12. 2; -ei 9. 11. 14. 34, (but 16 -as 23. 13 etc., and 3 saduceas 16. 1 etc.); gen. pi., saducese 16. 11, (but -a 3. 7; 16. 6; gomorringa 10.15; sodominga 10.15; gerasinga 8. 28 ; farisea 3. 7 etc.); dat. pi., iudeum 28. 15. A few follow the w-dec. : e. g., nom. caifas 26. 3; dat. caifan 26. 57; nom. and ace., barrabas 27. 16. 17; ace. -an 27. 20; gen. pi., iudeana 2. 2 etc. (7). b) jo-stems (cf. Siev., 2468) : a) Singular. Nom.-acc. The wk. ending -a appears in bokera 8. 19 (but -e 13. 52); se bezera 3. 1, (but 3 -e, 14. 2 etc.); other nouns in -ere are regular; pytt 12. 11 has gemination; orig. long stems have -e as in WS., e. g., hwete 13. 29; esne 10. 25; ende 24. 13 etc. Gen., s is wanting in: hwsete (tritici) 13. 36, (but -es 13. 25); leornere 10. 42; -as occur in : liceteras (hippochrissi) 23. 28 (mistake for licettunge) ; otherwise -es, e. g., laeces 9. 12 etc. Dat.-ins. is regular , e. g., esne 8. 9 etc. 0) Plural. Nom.-acc. A weak ending -a, -e (see above) appears in : bocera 7. 29; -e 15. 1; in 12. 38 quidam (pi.) de scribis is glossed, sumne bokere, as if ace. sg. ; -es appears in: bokeres 23. 25, (but 11 -as, 26. 57 etc.); fisceres 4. 19, (-as 4. 18); hiordes 8. 33; in other cases -as. 73 Gen. bokere 5. 20, (but -a 9. 3; esna 25. 19). Dat. -urn (6); abbrev., -urn (5). In 8. 21 de discipulis is glossed, of leornere ; to with ace. appears in 9. 37, to leorneras. c) wo-stems (cf. Siev., 249, 250): a) Singular. Nom.-acc. Besides snau 17. 2; 28. 3, only compounds of fteow occur: lareuw 19. 16 etc. (17 forms, 10 in -u, 1 in -uw a. I., 22 b); latteivw 2. 6; efn-peuw 18. 29. Gen. -bearwes 21. 1 etc. (3). Dat.- ins. Ending wanting: sefn-t5euw pinum 18. 33; <5eow minum 8. 9. ft) Plural. Nom.-acc. Ending wanting or weak (cf. Siev., 250 note 3) : efnpeu (conseruos) 24. 49; gfn-peuwe (conserui) 18. 31 ; lateuw (duces) 15. 14, (but latewas 23. 16; latuwas 23. 24; larewas 23. 8). Gen. sefn-para (for peowa?) 18. 28. 55. Neuter nouns of the 0-dec. a) Simple o-stems, (cf. Siev., as above, for all cases). ) Singular. Nom.-acc. No ending. The only exception noted is geate 7. 14 (should be nom.) ; in the phrase, purh naarwe geate 7. 13, geate must be taken as fern., if ace. Gemination is the rule: godspell, bispell (s. II. 11); even unjusti- fiable gem.: fsess, geatt, (s. II., 17. 20). Gen. Ending -es. These have -CBS (-gs) : huss 15. 24, (but -es 10. 6); hrip-stem, (cf. Siev., 263. n. 3). Dat, Ending -um : bendum 11. 2; stsengum 26. 47. 55. Note. s is mas. in R' so far as gender is indicated. The forms are: nom. sae 8. 27; gen. seses 18. 6 ; saes 4. 15; dat. p2e(m) s 8. 24; to s 17. 27; bi ssee 13. 1; on iniddu(m) sae 14.24; bi sae 4. 18; 15. 29; sae 8. 26; ace. see 16. 5; 21. 21;- see 23. 15; sae 8. 18. 28. 32; sao 4. 18; 13. 47; sae 14. 22; pone sae 14. 26; pone ssee 9. 1; pone ssee 14. 25. see 4. 13 is first part of comp. 60. Neuter nouns of the i-dec. (cf. Siev., 267). A few nouns originally of other declensions are so clashed by Sievers. R' has: gehseld (ace. s.) 27. 65, (cf. Siev,, 288. note 1); fullwiht (nom. 78 8.) 21. 25 (orig. fern., cf. Siev.. 267. b) ; fulluibte (dat. s.) 3. 7; this word and gepyld (ace. s.) 18. 26. 29 are undetermined in gender in R'; other nouns of this group show fern, forms, (s. 61). Here may be placed (cf. Cosijn, II., 23), -ryft (nom. s.) 27. 51 ; hryft (ace. s.) 5. 40; reade ryfte (ins.? or ace. f., a-dec.?) 27. 28; cf. 3y ryhte (= ryfte), (ins.) 27. 31. 61. Feminine nouns of the ?-dec. (cf. Siev., 2689). R' has only long stems. a) Singular. Nom. No ending : cwaen 12. 42; mseht 28. 18; ned 18. 7 ; tid (gend. undeter.) 14. 15; 26. 18; but pset tid 21. 34, (s. below, dat. and pi.); the comp. nawiht 18. 32 etc. (cf. Siev., 267, note 3); Seos forwyrd 26. 8, (cf. Cosijo, II., 23); onseone 28. 3 (wk.? cf. Siev., 269. note 4); ariste 22. 23. Acc. No ending in WS. In R' these nouns often take the -e of the a-dec.: sefeste 27. 18, (Lindis. has sefista alt. to sefist) ; maehte 9. 6. 8; 20. 25; -ae 10. 1, (but mseht 7. 29; 21. 23); scylde 18. 25. 32. 34, (but scyld 18. 27. 30); tide 20. 12, (but 9 tid, 12. 1 etc.); without ending: gemynd 26. 13; owiht 24. 17 etc. Gen. Ending -e: gebyrde 14. 6; weorulde 13. 22. 39. 40; 24. 3; 28. 20; but -es (cf. Siev., 269. note 5) 13. 49 ; 24. 14. Dat.-ins. Ending -e: seriste 22. 28 etc. (3); -ce 27. 53, (gender undetermined in R'); mcshti 8.e9 (cf. Siev., 252, note 1); but, in hwilcse (-e) msehte (ace.?) 21. 23. 27; in wilce mseh(t)e 21. 24; weorlde 12. 32; forwyrde 7. 13; tide 8. 13 etc. (9); but, without ending, paere tid 20. 3; 27. 45. 46. b) Plural. Nom.-acc. Ending -e : sehte 19. 22; gemynde 23. 29 ; scylde 6. 12 ; -te 6. 14; tide 16. 3. Dat. tidum 21. 41. Note, se (law) is indecl. : Nom. ae 22. 40; ae 7. 12; 11. 13; ace. ae 5. 17; gen. se 23. 23; dat. ae 5. 18; 22. 36; ae 12. 5, (cf. Siev., 269. n. 3). D. Thew-Declension. There are a few mas. and fern, nouns of this dec. in WS. and but a single neuter (cf. Siev. 270 5). 62. Mas. nouns of the w-dec. Most nouns, originally of this dec., have gone over to the o-dec. 79 R' has: deat5, flod, friS, ferh, hunger, had, seap, sumer, winter, (s. 54). The only form among these clearly of the w-dec. is deafia (dat. s.) 15. 4, (cf. Siev., 273, note 1). sunu alone preserves the old infl. pretty well, but has -e, -ce, -it, (1 -a) in obi. cases: a) singular. Nom.-voc., sunu 26. 2 etc. (43); -e 17. 12 etc. (11). Ace., sunu 23. 15, etc. (16). Gen., sun? 24. 39; -el. 1; 24. 30. 37; -u 1. 1; 23. 35; 28. 19. Dat., minurn sunse 2. 15; sunu 22. 2; (on, wip) sunu 21. 5; 12. 32 may be ace. b) Plural. Norn., suna 10. 21; -se 20. 21. Ace., sunu 18. 25; 20. 20; but with -as (-es) from the o-dec., sunas 26. 37; -es 21. 28. Gen. weak, sunena 27. 56; but sunu 20. 20. 63. Fern, nouns of the w-dec. (cf. Siev., 274). R' has the following : a) Singular. Nom., hond 5. 30; se hond 6. 3 ; se dure 25. 10, (these mas.? or se for seo, cf. sio 6. 3); cwern 18. 6. Ace., -flor 3. 12, (cf. Siev., 274. n. 1); hond 9. 18 etc. (6); but honde 26. 23; -a 12. 13; -a 12. 13, (with ending from a-dec. , or weak); dure 6. 6. Dat., honda 3. 12; but dure 26. 71; 27. 60; cweorne 24. 41. b) Plural. Nom., honde 18. 8; duru 16. 18. Ace. honda 8. 15; 22. 13 etc. (12); mid honde 26. 67. Dat. hondum 10. 10; 15. 20; -u(m) 4. 6; 26. 67; durum 24. 33. 64. The only neut. is feola 27. 19 etc. (6), (cf. Siev. 275). For feh. feoh, dat. feo, s. I. 21. a. II. The Weak Declension. Most nouns of this dec. are mas. or fern., very few neuter (cf. Siev., 276280). 65. Mas. nouns of the weak dec. (cf. Siev. , 277). Final -n of this dec. is usually lost in R', regularly in North, (cf. Siev., 276, note 2). a) Singular. Nom. Ending -a. Variations: -a weakened to -e, -a: doeme 5. 25; intinge 19. 10; ge-roefe 10. 3; -se 27. 15, (but -a 27. 11. 14. 21. 23). -an from the obi. cases appears in: lichoman 26. 26 (but 6 -a, 5. 30 etc.); cuman 25. 43, (-a 25. 35); willan 18. 14; but -se 26. 42, (-a 6. 10); other forms regular: noma 27. 32 etc. Acc. Ending -an. -n is lost (and vowel often modified) in: andwlitu 18. 10; ond- 80 wliotu 16. 3; 17. 6; 26. 67; witgu 4. H etc. (13); witga 21. 26; wihtga 21. 46, (-an 12. 17; 27. 9); ewyrdlu (detrimentum) 16. 26; wyrtryma 13. 21; wy(r)tryme 13. 6; wille 7. 21, (-an 12. 50; 21. 31); steorra 2. 2, (-an 2. 10); stsena fulle, 26. 7 (seems to be fern.); olbend (at.) 19. 24; but with -u 23. 24; noma 1. 21. 23. 25, (perhaps neglecting case); Ionia 9. 2; lichoma 10. 28; 14. 12; leafa 9. 2; ge- 8. 10; 17. 20; -u 23. 23; 21. 21; intinge 27. 37; hlisa 14. 1; fola 21. 7, (-an 21. 2); gefea 25. 21. 23; bryd-guma 25. 1; teane 20. 13. These have an: scetan 27. 59; cuman 25. 38. 44; cofan 6. 6. Gen. Ending -an. w is lost except once: geroefe 27. 27; steorra 2. 7; witgu 10. 41 (2); lamwyrhtse 27. 10; -e 27. 7; lichoma 6. 22; geleafa 8.26; 16. 8; -e 6. 30, (gelefan 14. 31); brydguma 9. 15. Dat.-ins. Ending -an. n is lost in : segsa 14. 26 ; 28. 4 ; egsa 28. 8; aeldra 21. 28 ; bearma 16. 6 etc. (4); doeme 5. 25; dwale 6. 24 (gedwolan 24. 24); gefea 13. 20 etc. (4); heage 21. 33, (cf. Lindis., Mark 12. 1); geroefe 28. 14; -se 27. 2; -a 20. 8; gehrSefa 27. 11; -geleafa 13. 58; 17. 20, (-an 9. 29); loma 9. 2 (-an 9. 6); lichoma 6. 25; intinge 19. 3; -a 5. 32; mytte 5. 15; noma 7. 22 etc. (6), (but 10 -an, 7. 22 etc.); scape 26. 55; scua 4. 16; swira 18. 6; wihtga 24. 15; andwliota 11. 10; -u 26. 39. 67; wyrtruma 3. 10; -eke 25. 20; (-an 15. 38). A few have -an: folan 21. 5; fruman 19. 4 etc. (3); gallan 27. 34; willan 24. 13; tosagan 1. rub. b) Plural. Nom.-acc. Ending -an. n is lost in: scape 27. 38; -hroefe 9. 10; ge- 5. 46; noma 10. 2; inyrSra 22. 7; hlisu 24. 6; grses-hoppa 3. 4; cempa 8. 9; kgmpe 27. 27; doeme 12.27; begengu 21.35.38; higu 10. 36; hiwse 10.25; (hiwen 10. 36); hine JO. 25. 36, (wk.?); seldre 27. 1; -u 26. 57; eldre 21. 23; aeldra 26. 3, (seldran 27. 20; eldran 27.3); nedniomu 11. 12; wyrhte 9. 38; -a 20. 1 ; -u 9. 37 ; andwliotu 6. 16; andwlitu 6. 17; gewitu 26. 60 (2); witga 5. 17 etc. (4); -u 11. 13 etc. (5), (-an 23. 31. 34); spearwas 10. 29. 31 has the st. ending -as. These have -an: foeran 23. 30; Ionian 4. 24; lytlingan 19. 14; telgran 21. 8; steorran 24. 29; pearfan 26. 11. Gen. Ending -ena. R' has also -ana (cf. Siev., 276, n. 1): witgana 16. 14 etc. (4); (ena 5. 12); worpana 6. 5; but scapena 21. 13; geroefena 11. 19; olbendena 3. 4; weolan 13. 22 lacks -a; seldra 15. 2 has the -a of the o-dec.; hina 13. 52; 20. 1. 11, (cf. Siev., 277, n. 1). Dat. Ending -um. 81 Weakened to -an in : seldran 26. 47 ; eldran 27. 12, (but 3 -urn 16. 21 etc.). In other cases -urn (13), -u(m), (4). Note, eawis firina (publicanus) 18. 17; (nom. pi.) ewis-firinse 21. 32; sewisfirine 21. 31 seems to be a weak noun. Lindis. has bsersynnig; the other texts, manfull. 66. Fern, nouns of the weak dec. (cf. Siev. 2789). -n is usually wanting as above ; vowel often -e. a) Sing. Nom.-voc. Ending -e. The borrowed -u of indecl. abstract nouns (cf. Siev., 279) appears in: eorftu 2. 6; 4. 15, (but 4 -e, 5. 18 etc.); -a in: eorta 6. 21, (-e 13. 15); mohpa 6. 19. 20; without the usual -esse (as if a ja-stem), selmes 6. 4. Others have -e: sunne 13. 6 etc. (4); fsemne 1. 23. Ace. selmesse 6.3; -isse 6. 2 (following the dec. of ja-stems,); n lost: ceke 5. 39; circae 16. 18; eorSu 5. 5; 2. 21; eordu 23. 15; eorSe 13. 5. 8. 23; -JB 5. 35; flega 23. 24; nedra 7. 10; sunne 5.45; spynge 27. 48; mintse 23. 23; murra 2. 11; tonica 5. 40, (tunican 24. 18); beman 6. 2 has -an. Gen., eorSu 5. 13 etc. (3); -e 11. 25 etc. (4); teoma 21. 5; heorta 12. 34. 35 (2), (-an 19. 8; 5.8 dat.?). Dat.-ins., eorSe 10. 15 etc. (10); -u 2. 20; (8 -an, 10.29 etc.); heorte 5. 28 etc. (7); -a 15. 19; (-an 22. 37); -an have: circan 18. 17 (2); beman 24. 31; ascan 11. 21. b) Plural. Nom.-acc. Without n: nedra 10. 16; 23. 33; eastra 26. 17. 18, (-an 26. 2. 19); lilia 6. 28 (prob. fr. Lai text) Secele 25. 1, (cf. Ett., p. 581); sperta 15. 37; 16. 10, (cf. Toll.-Bos., spyrte); tunica 10. 4 10. With -aw; culfran 21. 12; exlan 23. 4; femnan 25. 1. 7. 11 j en: ksegen 16. 19. Gen. only ana: nedrana 3. 7; 12. 34; widuwana 23. 14 ; uiperana 23. 33 (with Eng. in place of Lat. ending). Dat. heortum 9. 4; eortum 18. 35. Note. Indeclinable except in dat. pi. (cf. Siev., 279): mengu (nom.-acc.) 15. 39 etc. (25); msengu 21. 26 etc. (5); menigu 9. 8 etc. (5); msenigu 21. 36; to mengu 17. 14; to pse(m) menigu (turbas) 11. 7; pse(m) mengu (as if neut.) 15. 35 (Lindis. has Sseni rnenigo); mengum (dat. p.) -12. 46; maengum 13. 34 etc. Other nouns of this class are: btu (ace.) 20. 12; to lengo 6. 27; bldu (ace.) 14. 27; haelo (dat.) 12. 13; snytru (nom.) 11. 19; snyttro (ace.) 12. 42. 67. Neuter nouns of the weak dec. (cf. Siev., 280). R' has these forms: a) Singular. Nom., ege 5. 38 etc. (5); ge 5. 29. With -an from the obi. cases : eagan 18. 9 ; egan 20. 15. Ace., ege 18. 9 ; eare 10. 27 ; eara 26. 51 (as if m. or f. with loss of n); wonge 5. 39 (cf. Siev., 280, note 1). Dat., n lost, ege 7. 3. 4. 5. (6); 5. 38. b) Plural. 6 82 Nom.-acc. Most forms have -an: eagan 18. 9; egan 9.29. 30; 17. 8; egna (for-an) 20. 33; eagun (with -uri) 26. 43; but egu 13. 15; ege 13. 16; earan 11. 15; 13. 16. 43; eara 13. 9. Eat. egum 13. 15 etc. (3); earu(m) 13. 15; earan (= urn) 13. 15. HI. Minor Declensions. 68. Isolated consonant stems (cf. Siev. , 281 4). R' has only a few masculines and feminines. a) Mas. nouns (cf. Siev., 281. 1): u) Singular. Nom.-acc. monn 12. 12 etc. (29); mon 9. 16 etc. (4); (aldur-) 9. 18; (naenig-) 9. 30; an ace. monnu occurs, 9. 9. 32; 10. 35; 11. 8; 15. 11 (2); 22. 11, as in North, (cf. Siev., 281, note 1); tot5 5. 38. Gen., monnes 9. 6 etc. (33); -CBS 10. 23. Dot., menn 26. 24 etc. (9); men 26. 18; neglecting case: monn (homini) 20. 1; 22. 2; for t6p 5. 38, (Hatton has same; Lindis. fore totJe; Corp. for teS). p) Plural. Nom.-acc., menn 5. 19 etc. (12); (aldor-) 20. 25; monna 15. 38, (cf. Siev. ibid.); foet 18. 8 etc. (4). Gen. monna 16. 23 etc. (8); fota 5. 35; 22. 44; toSa 24. 51 etc. (6). Dat. monnuni 23. 13 etc. (23); -u(m) 19. 12 etc. (7); fotum 7. 6 etc. (4). b) Fern, nouns (cf. Siev., 2824). R' has only long stems: a) Singular. Ace. (now. wanting), boc 28. 20 ; boec (libellum) 5. 31; b6ec (librum) 19. 7 (perhaps pi. for sg., cf. boec 1. 1); burg 22. 7; burh 10. 11. Gen. nsehtes (cf. Siev., 284, note 4, end) 14. 25. Dat. (set) niht 25. 6; (on) 2. 14; (on) nseht 28. 13; (to pisse) niht 26. 34; nsehte 26. 31, (cf. Siev., ibid.). /?) Plural. Nom.-acc., niht 12. 40; ne.ht 12. 40; eae 7. 27; eae 7. 25, follows o-dec. (cf. Siev., ibid.); burgas 9. 35 with ending of o-dec. (Lindis. has same; Hatt. and Corp., burga). Gen., nsehta 4. 2. 69. Stems in -r (cf. Siev., 285). a) Mas. Nouns: a) Singular. Nom.-acc., feeder 25. 41 etc. (41) ; broper 17. 1 etc. (13); b(r)oper 5. 23. Gen., feeder 10.20 etc. (9); fader 13.43; (-es in: fsederes 21. 31); broper 7. 3. 5; 14. 3. Dat., fseder 5. 16 etc. (11); (dat. or ace.) 4. 21 ; 10. 29. 35; 13. 27; 15. 5; 20. 1; broper 5. 22 etc. (5). p) Plural. Nom.-acc., broper 12. 46 etc. (7); ge- 4. 18. 21; bropre 22. 25; 25. 40; ge- 23. 8; bloprse 1. 2; broefre (with umlaut) 1. 11. Gen. fsedera 23. 32; faedra 23. 30. Dat. broprum 28. 10; -u(m) 20. 24. b) Fern, nouns: ) Singular. Nom.-acc., moder 12. 50 etc. (22); dohter 10. 35 etc.- 83 (6); dogter 15. 22; swuster 12. 50. Gen. moder 19. 12. Dot. moder 14. 8. 11; 15. 5; 2. 11 (ace.?); dohter 21. 5. /?) Plural. Nom.-acc., swsester 13. 56; swust(er) 19. 29. Note. Only -er occurs in the above forms (cf. Siev., 285. note 1). 70. Stems in -nd (cf. Siev., 286). K' has: a) Singular. Nom.-acc., hselend 20. 30 etc. (about 106); helend 14. 27 etc. (8); helend 12. 1; abbrev. hsel(end) 17. 18 etc. (28); once, hselende (ieeus) 16. 20; freond 20. 13 etc. (4); fiond 5. 43; 13. 39; feond 13. 25; sawend 13. 3. Gen. haelendes 1. 1; 27. 58. 59; abbr. hel(endes) 26. 75; pses hselend 27. 57. Dat. helende 14. 29; without ending: pse(m) hselend 26. 71; 27. 1; to haelend 18. 1; 17. 4; 26.17; (prob. dat.) 8. 29; in other cases (4) abbrev., 26. 49 etc. /?) Plural. Nom.-acc. Only with -as from the o-dec. : feondas 22. 44; fiondas 5. 44; 10. 36. Gen. sukendra 21. 16. Dat. freondum 10. 21; ehten- dum 5. 44; -fogdendum 24. 19. 71. Stems in -os, -es (cf. Siev., 288290). The only forms in R' showing any trace of this dec. are: sechir (ace. pi.) 12. 1 (WS. gar); sigor (dat.-ins.) 12. 20 (cf. Siev., 289 and note 1). did has nom.-acc. pi., cild 19. 13. 14; gen. cildra 21. 16. Other words in R' originally belonging here are: hrife 1. 23 etc. ; gehseld 27. 65 ; scip 8. 24 etc., (s. z-dec., o-dec.). 3. Adjectives. Declension of Adjectives. 72. The strong dec. of adjectives (cf. Siev., 292303). a) Mas. and neut. adjectives: a] Singular. Nom. o-stems: no ending. Variations: gelice 20. 1 ; genyhtsume 5. 37 ; opre 27. 38 (9 oper) ; wiSerdune (angusta) 7. 14; most forms regular, jo-stems: short, un-nytt 12. 36; long, clsene 23. 26 etc.; excep., eorra 18. 34, (but -e 2. 16; 22. 7). we- sterns: naru 7. 14; excep., merwe (tener) 24. 32. Gen. Ending -es. Excep.: medmiclees 16. 8, (-es 8. 26; 14.31); ending wanting: sopfest 23. 35; 10. 41, (-es 10. 41). Dat. Ending -um (8): sengum 22. 16 etc.; -u(rn), (6); middu(m) 14. 24 etc.; neglecting case: micel (ace.?) 28.8; dysig 7. 26; oper 27. 62; yfle (ins.?) 12. 35. Ins.: miccle 2. 10; 24. 30 etc.; opre 26. 42. Ace. o-stems: Neuters, no ending; mascu- lines, -ne. Excep. alne, 24. 14, (3 -ne, 16. 26 etc.); neglecting case: untrum 25.44; dumb, deaf 9. 32; oper 2. 12; most forms (21) regular, -ne. Only long-stem neuters of thejo*cl. occur: neowe 26. 29 etc.; wyrpe 3. 8 etc. /3) Plural. Nom.-acc. Mas. o-stems: Ending -e. Excep.: -sekae 4. 24, (3 -e, 8. 33 etc.)j sopfeste. 23. 28, (-e 13. 17); 6* 84 godne (mere error) 7. 17; ealla 21. 12, (35 -e, 10. 30 etc.); without ending: dysig 23. 17; eadig 5. 3. 11; monig 24. 5; 27. 52; oper 15. 30; Jo-stems regular: unnytte 20. 3. 7; freo 17. 26; neowe 13. 52 etc.; wo-stems reg.: gearwe 24. 44; feawe 20. 16 etc. (4). Nent. o-si. Long monosyls., no ending: eall 24. 8 etc.; polysyls., -u (-e) : monegu 25. 21. 23; -ige 7. 22; 13. 58; 27. 55; nsenegu 13. 38; yflu 21. 41; eadige 13. 16; opre 25. 16. 20. 22, (Lindis. has oSero); with- out ending: micel 24. 24;/o-st.: eaSe 19. 26; Seostru 6. 23; wo-st.: iara 22. 4. Gen. o-st. Ending -ra: ealra 1. 17; blindra 15. 14 etc.; jo-st, unclenra 10. 1. Dat. Ending -um (29), -u(m), (14): allum 10. 22 etc. ; fremSum 17. 25 etc. ; feawum 25. 23 etc. Note. Foreign names with Eng. ending: cananisc 15. 22; naza- renisc 2. 23; cyreniscnse (ace. m.) 27. 32; iudiscne 23. 15. b) Feminine adjectives: a) Singular. Nom. a-stems : Long monosyls., no ending. Excep. : ealle 22. 40, (but eall 21. 10 etc.). Others have -u, -o in WS.; but polysyls. with short rad. syl. usually, no ending, (cf. Siev., 296, n. 1). E' has: micelu 28. 2; 24. 21, (but micel 8. 24. 26; 20. 29; 26. 47); with -e: yfle 16. 4, (yfel 12. 39). Sometimes long stems lack ending: oper 27. 61; 28. 1 (but operu 12. 13; 24. 41; -e 24. 41); woestig 14. 15. -se occurs in: un-geleaf-fullse 17. 17. -e for -M in wa-st.: iare 22. 8. Dat. ending -re, -ra: a curious fluctuation in gender is found in 22. 37, of alre heortan pines, of alra saule pinre, of alra mode pin(um). Neglecting case: halig 24. 15. In the gl. : miclae stsefnse 27. 46; miccle stsefne 27. 50, stcefn seems to be m. n., and the case, ins. A middle vowel appears in ja-st. middere 25. 6, (cf. Siev., 297 and 293, note 4). Ace. Ending -e: gode 13. 8 etc. Without ending: hen 4. 5; oper 13. 24. 31. 33; 19. 9 (-e 10. 23: 21. 33). @) Plural. Nom.-acc. Ending -e, not -a, in R': ealle 18. 34 etc. (3); monige 19. 22 etc. (6); snottre 25. 2; dysige 25. 2; hsefige 23. 4; dryge 12. 43 etc. wd-st.: gearwe 25. 10. Note. For the inflected forms of participles see 33, 40, 41. 73. The weak dec. of adjectives (cf. Siev., 304): a) Singular. Nom.-voc. Mas. Ending -a. also -e, -