THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT IN ENGLAND BY THE SAME AUTHOR. OUTLINES OF AN INDUSTRIAL SCIENCE. Second Edition, crow ft 8vo, cloth , price 6s. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. "The dissatisfaction with the current doctrines of political economy is evidently on the increase. The number of attacks from different points of view is already considerable, and they are likely to be more numerous in future. The name and the thing are alike disagreeable to many writers, and both the method and the results pi former investigations are called in question. One of the most vigorous attacks made in recent years is that contained in this volume by Mr. Syme. It is a book which may be read with thorough enjoyment ; Mr. Syme is master of a clear, vigorous, and inci- sive style. No greater contrast could there be than between the transparent English ot this volume and the clumsy, lumbering sentences of many former writers on this, which Carlyle calls the dismal science. Mr. Syme's polemic is most enjoyable a healthy breeze of moral indignation breathes through the book ; nor do we think the indignation out of place when we consider the revelations which he makes. . . In attack, Mr. byme is often irresistible ... no more vigorous polemic have we read lor a long time than the attack on competition." Edinburgh Daily Review. 1' D P Klei " e ? u ? h tritt mit dem Gefuhl eines neuen ur.d Kiihnen Versuchs in durchweg polemischem Ton auf gegen die Englische National-okonomie. ... So muss man ihm zugeben dass er der Englischen National-okonomie gegeniiber durchaus neu und selbstandig dasteht. . . . Wiinchten wir auch dass dieses Euch recht bald m deutcher Uebersetzung crsddca^."AOg)fmfftte Zeitung. . " * . Svn ? e *? as written a treatise on what he calls Industrial Science, in which, m a sufficiently friendly spirit, he calls in question some of the most popular dogmas Cep AT e -n I En S llsh Poetical economists. On the whole he accords in spirit with Mr. Mill, but mostly on those sides of him on which he was least of a pure econo- mist _and most of a social philosopher. Mr. Syme's view is that among writers on political economy too much emphasis is laid on the narrower, coarser, and by no universal facts of man's nature and of the physical world, and not enough -." Av.elings to which these facts give me. _ Nevertheless, Mr. Syme is by no means a sentimental writer, and in fact his work is closely and aptly reasoned throughout, and in a mode which Mr. Mill of all others, would have admired." Westminster Review here T 1 ^ 6 n u^ on f P inion > th at he displays remarkably acute powers of ing, and shows himself perfectly competent to handle and make intelligible some of the abstruser questions connected with our industrial forces, and their rela- tion to the social well-being of the community." Liverpool Mercury. " We should advise the friends as well as the opponents of the modern school of economists to read this book attentively. It is thoughtful, full of suggestions, and worthy at least of fair consideration." Standard. " ' I regard political economy as a purely mental science.' Such is the startline statement which faces us on page 10 of this little volume, and which may be said to define the purpose of the author. To those who are accustomed to regard political economy as plutology, or the science of wealth, and who see in it only rules or the expression in theoretical terms of the modes in which wealth is distributed accord- ing to the dictates of self-interest, the sentence we have quoted will appear a paradox _ Is not wealth the most material of all things ? and if the science which treats of it be mental, where can there be found in any direction a science of material phenomena ? Yet Mr. Syme has a good deal to say for himself. ... We have not space to follow him in his expositions of 'principles ' and of the ' relations ' of industrial science to sociology, to ethics, and to art ; but we have said enough to show that we regard this little book as well worthy of careful study. It is full of freshness and Tv/ Ce o lhou h it contains only 'outlines,' they are suggestive; and we hope that Mr. Syme_will take an early opportunity of filling in the outlines, and giving us a complete view of industry as a mental science." British Quarterly Review. LONDON : KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH Co., i, PATERNOSTER SQUARE. REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT IN ENGLAND ITS FAULTS AND FAILURES BY DAVID SYME AUTHOR OF "OUTLINES OF AN INDUSTRIAL SCIENCE" SECOND EDITION LONDON KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH & CO., i, PATERNOSTER SQUARE 1882 (The rights of translation and of reproduction are reserved.) CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION PAGE Legislative remedies General character of British legislation Great expenditure of labour and time requisite to carry a measure through Parliament Questions now awaiting settle- ment How such slow progress is made ... ... xi.-xxvi. CHAPTER I. EARLY REPRESENTATIVE PARLIAMENTS. History of, divided into three periods I The Commons passive during the first period 2 Aggressive during the second 3 Insolent and tyrannical during the third ... 5 The Peers in no sense representatives 7 Earliest Parliaments at which representatives were present ... 8 The Parliament of 1295 10 Subordinate position of representatives in the early Parliaments 12 Usage with regard to the assembling of ... ... 13 The qualifications required of representatives ... 14 Freedom of elections 16 The place and mode of election ... 17 Compulsory attendance of members 18 M314137 VI CONTENTS. PAGE And payment for services ... ... ... ... ... ... 19 Three different classes represented ... ... ... ... ... 20 And each by its own representatives ... ... ... ... 22 Representatives were agents or attorneys ... ... ... ... 24 Early electors familiar with parliamentary functions ... ... 25 Analogy of ecclesiastical assemblies ... ... ... ... 26 The residential qualification of representatives ... ... ... 27 Why two representatives were elected by each constituency ... 29 The duties of a representative ... ... ... ... ... 29 Why there are no instances of representatives having been dis- missed by their constituents ... ... ... ... ... 32 Representatives chosen by an indirect process ... ... ... 32 CHAPTER II. A NEW DEPARTURE. Abandonment of the residential qualification for members ... 37 Consequent increase in the number of candidates ... ... ... 38 Corresponding increase in the cost of elections ... ... ... 39 Bribery and corruption ... ... ... ... 40 Change in the character of the representative body ... ... 41 The substitution of Septennial for Annual Parliaments and its consequences ... ... ... 44 The Act for Preventing the Long Intermission of Parliaments ... 47 Abuse of the royal prerogative in summoning Parliament ... 47 The Triennial Act of 1694 48 The object of the Legislature in passing that measure ... ... 51 The Commons dissatisfied with ... .. ... ... ... 52 The Septennial Act brought in under false pretences ... ... 53 Pernicious operation of ... ... ... 55 Increase of bribery and corruption under ... ... ... ... 56 Tyrannical conduct of the Commons ... ... ... ... 57 Failure of subsequent attempts to repeal this Act ... ... 59 CONTENTS. vii CHAPTER III. GOVERNMENT BY PARTY. The organization of party ., ... ... 6l The unprincipled character of English political parties ... ... 63 Recent origin of Government by Party ... ... 67 Government by Party not government by. the majority ... ... 68 Party government and parliamentary government often antago- nistic ... ... 7 As under the leadership of Earl Grey ... ... ... ... 7 And Lord Palmerston ... ... ^l Parliamentary reform retarded in consequence of its having been made a party question .- 72 Government by Party at variance with representative institutions 74 Instances where the ministry of the day have overruled the majority in Parliament ... ... ... ... j6 The dogma of ministerial authority ... ... ... 78 Strong governments and how secured ... ... ... ... 78 The Walpole and Pitt administrations compared with those of Earl Grey and Mr. Gladstone 82 The danger of strong governments ... ... ... 84 The natural results of Government by Party exhibited in the political history of Italy 87 Singular position taken up by the advocates of party government 88 The general tendency of Government by Party ... ... ... 91 The system confined to political life ... ... ... ... 93 CHAPTER IV. OUTSIDE PRESSURE. A new force in politics '. 95 Public opinion what is it? ... ... ... ... ... ... 98 The Commons have repeatedly rejected measures approved of by the constituent body because public opinion had not endorsed them ... 99 Vlll CONTENTS. PAGE Lord John Russell's three Reform Bills 100 Mr. Edward Baines' Reform Bill ... ... ... ... ... 106 Mr. Gladstone's Reform Bill 108 The Commons have rejected measures approved of by the con- stituent body because public opinion was supposed to be adverse to them no The Church Rates question ... ... ... ... no The Commons have passed measures to which they were them- selves opposed when strong outside pressure was in favour of them ... ... ... 112 How the Derby Reform Bill was carried ... ... 113 The Lords and the Irish Church Disestablishment Bill 1 1 8 The danger of giving way to outside pressure ... ... ... 120 The platform and the press are valuable educational agencies ... 122 But unreliable as organs of public opinion ... ... ... ... 123 Public opinion made a convenience of ... ... 126 CHAPTER V. THE POLITICAL UNITY OF THE CABINET. What parliamentary government has degenerated into ... ... 130 Gradual introduction of the present system ... ... ... 132 The position of the cabinet relative to Parliament ... ... 135 The cabinet act first and ask the sanction of Parliament after- wards ... ... ... ... 136 Sir G. C. Lewis on government by departments 138 Earl Grey on popular assemblies ... ... 141 The fallacy of his views ... ... ... .. ... ... 142 Cabinet control over legislation inconvenient ... ... ... 146 And has to be abandoned on great emergencies 149 Lord Palmerston's India Bill ... ... ... 150 Mr. Disraeli's Reform Bill ... ... ... ... ... ... 151 No rule determining what is, or what is not, a cabinet question... 153 The incoming ministry do not always assume the responsibility of the policy on which they may have obtained office ... ... 154 CONTENTS. ix PAGE The Portland administration and the peace treaty ... ... 154 Lord Melbourne's administration and the Irish Church question 155 Absence of any rule determining the issue to be put to the country at a general election ... ... ... ... ... ... 156 CHAPTER VI. THE TRUE PRINCIPLES OF REPRESENTATION. Close relationship between representatives and their constituents in the early Parliaments 159 The true meaning of representation now lost ... ... ... 160 Edmund Burke's view ... ... ... ... 161 Macaulay on the question of candidates giving pledges to the electors ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 166 A representative must represent opinions ... ... ... ... 169 And existing opinions ... ... ... ... ^iyd'') Important public questions arise during the interval between two _. general elections ... ... ... ... 172 The principle of the continuity of representation already re- cognized ... ... ... ... 173 Earl Derby on the influence of public opinion on Parliament ... 174 Objections to periodical elections ... ... ... ... .... 176 " How the difficulty may be obviated ... ... ... ... ... 178 The necessity of local organization ... ... ... 179 The old English borough system ... ... ... ... ... 179 Alderman Thompson and the livery of London (note) ... ... 182 Reconciliation of representative institutions with popular govern- ment 183 Objections answered ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 184 Plan proposed would secure continuity of representation ... 188 Prevent sudden changes of rulers 189 Reduce the cost of elections ... ... ... ... ... ... 190 And improve the composition of the House ... ... ... 191 X CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. THE FUNCTIONS OF MINISTERS. PAGE The relations of the cabinet to Parliament ... ... ... ... 195 Subordination of Parliament to the cabinet ... 197 Inconsistent with the principles of representative government ... 198 At variance with constitutional law ... ... ... ... ... 200 And established usage ... ... ... ... 203 Ministers responsible to Parliament alone ... ... ... ... 203 The case of Lord Palmerston and the Queen ... 205 Ministerial appointments practically made by Parliament ... 207 Cases in which the premier has been nominated by his colleagues 208 Objections answered ... ... ... 209 Advantages which would be gained by Parliament nominating ministers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 213 Recapitulation ... ,.. ... ... ... ... ... 217 INTRODUCTION. THE value of a remedy depends very much upon the facilities for obtaining it, and the promptitude with which it can be applied. A remedy which is obtain- able only by great effort, or at great expense, or after long delay, is a comparatively useless one ; and if this be true of a remedy in the ordinary sense, much more is it true in the legal or constitutional sense. A legal remedy is not only negatively useless, but, to all who cannot avail themselves of it, positively in- jurious. A remedy in the constitutional sense stands in the same relation to the nation as a legal remedy to the individual ; and if it be wrong to deprive an individual of his legal rights it is equally wrong to deprive a nation of its legislative rights. Nay, the nation, or the majority of a nation, which cannot apply a constitutional remedy for a social wrong, suffers an injustice greater in proportion as the Xll INTRODUCTION. aggregate f units composing that majority is greater than the individual unit. Whether laws are made for the people or by them, whether they are the ex- pression of the will of the select few or of the majority, there should be no difficulty in promptly providing them whenever they are required ; there should be no failure of justice by costly and tedious preliminary proceedings ; no friction in the legislative machinery, which should move smoothly, noiselessly, and ex- peditiously in the work of producing adequate measures for acknowledged national grievances. Wise legislation should be prompt, not dilatory; it should provide remedies for prospective as well as for existing evils ; it should, in fact, be preventive rather, than curative in its aim and tendency. Not so has legislation proceeded with us in the past. The history of British legislation is a record of wasted forces and disappointed hopes, of party wranglings and mangled measures. The work ac- complished has been in an inverse ratio to the time and labour expended upon it. There has been a maximum of friction and a minimum of results. Parlia- ment has responded languidly to the wishes of the nation. It has seldom acted promptly and decisively. It has never done to-day what it could put off till to-morrow ; and what it has done, it has done grudg- ingly. Piecemeal legislation has been the rule rather INTRODUCTION. xill than the exception. Reforms have come by instal- ments rather than in the lump. Questions have been compromised rather than settled. Nor can it be said that the country has been satisfied with the manner in which Parliament has done its work. No doubt there have been times when there was little or no demand for the redress of grievances, when there was no agitation for reforms. But it does not follow, that there were no grievances to be redressed, that no reforms were required. In periods of great pro- sperity we seldom hear of any kind of agitation. During the fifty years of Whig rule in the last century, and especially during the twenty-one years that Walpole held office, the country was quiescent. But quiescence is not contentment. Quiescence may be the result of indifference, of disappointment, or of despair. The nation was quiescent after the passing of the Reform Bill of 1832, but any one acquainted with the history of that period knows that the country was bitterly disappointed with the reformed Parlia- ment. The people were quiescent after the collapse of the Chartist movement, but this was because they saw how utterly hopeless was the attempt, as Parlia- ment was then constituted, to carry any one of the numerous reforms that were required. The amount of labour required to carry a reform through Parliament is something enormous. No XIV INTRODUCTION. matter if the measure placed before it were obviously proper and necessary, every obstacle is put in the way of carrying it. There never was a subject that more urgently demanded the attention of the Legis- lature than parliamentary reform, before Earl Grey carried his Reform Bill. The evils complained of were notorious and scandalous. A majority of the seats were in the nomination of ministers of the Crown, of the territorial magnates, or of the resi- dent gentry. It was asserted that upwards of 97 members of the House of Commons were actually nominated, and 70 more indirectly appointed by peers and the Treasury, and that ninety-one com- moners procured the election of 139 more. The facts were not disputed ; they were almost uni- versally acknowledged to be indisputable. Yet to abolish this iniquitous state of things required an amount of outside pressure, of moral and physical display of force on the part of the people, that is difficult to comprehend at the present day. Parlia- mentary reform had been forced on the notice of the Legislature by long and persistent agitation out of doors, and from the day when the Reform Bill was introduced into the Commons till it passed the Lords, the whole nation was kept in the wildest state of ex- citement. Public demonstrations in favour of the bill were unprecedented in extent and unanimity. It would INTRODUCTION. XV have been impossible for the people to declare more emphatically for any measure than they did for this. Everywhere the country was unanimously in favour of it, and gave expression to its feelings in no half- hearted way. There were mass meetings, tumultuous J assemblies, and riotings all over the country. At Bir- mingham from 150,000 to 200,000 people assembled and declared unanimously in favour of the measure, and at other large centres of population public meet- ings were proportionately numerous, enthusiastic, and unanimous. A deputation, numbering 60,000, con- sisting of delegates from every parish in the metropolis, presented a petition to the king in favour of the bill ; the City council petitioned the Commons to refuse supplies till the bill was passed through the Lords ; the same prayer was received from Leeds, Birming- ham, Manchester, and almost every town in the kingdom. When the bill met with opposition in the Lords, public indignation vented itself in numerous acts of violence in various places. There were riots in Bristol, Derby, Nottingham, Bath, Worcester, Coventry, Warwick, and other places ; the military were called out, and many lives were lost before the riotings could be suppressed. But nothing could damp the enthusiasm of the country. For a while the Reform question occupied public atten- tion to the exclusion of almost everything else. b XVI INTRODUCTION. Business was at a standstill ; nothing was talked of but the prospects of the bill. Even women and children took up the question of reform. Every one felt as if a great national crisis were impending ; and Mr. Moles- worth, in his history of this period, has declared it as his conviction that if the Lords had rejected the Reform Bill, there would have been a revolution that would have changed the whole course of English history. Nor has legislation proceeded much more smoothly under a reformed Parliament. The Chartist agitation of 1838-39 caused nearly as great a ferment in England for a while as did the Reform Bill. The mass meetings, strikes, and riotings of 1832 were repeated, though on a somewhat smaller scale. The agitators were thoroughly in earnest, and showed by many acts that they were capable of self-sacrifice. There can be no doubt that the great majority of the people were on the side of the reformers, and the move- ment might have succeeded had it been in abler hands. The agitation suddenly collapsed, and not one of the many reforms demanded was advanced a single step by a movement which produced an amount of excitement unparalleled in recent times. Yet there was nothing ridiculous or even unreason- able in the demands of the Chartists. Four out of the six reforms which they demanded have since been conceded, wholly or partially, by Parliament, namely, INTRODUCTION. XV11 vote by ballot, the abolition of property qualification for members, equalization of electoral districts, and manhood suffrage ; and the shortening of the duration of Parliaments, or something equivalent thereto, will doubtless follow before the end of the century. But the expenditure of labour in abortive attempts at reform has been small when compared with the time wasted upon them. At the present rate of progress it is questionable, indeed, if the generation now living under the British Constitution will be able to enjoy the fruits of any great measure they may set their hearts upon carrying. It is certain, at all events, that very few of those eminent men who devoted their lives to some great reform, lived to see it embodied in law. This may seem small encouragement to patriotic men to labour in the public service, but it is true nevertheless. It took a whole generation to accomplish Catholic emancipa- tion. Mr. Wilberforce devoted a long life to the abolition of slavery, and hardly lived to see it accomplished. The reform of our brutal criminal code was the work of more than a quarter of a cen- tury. It took half a century to carry the abolition of religious tests at matriculation and graduation, and to establish a national system of education. Purchase in the army was a public grievance for more than half a century before it was abolished, and its aboli- XV111 INTRODUCTION. tion was at last accomplished by a straining of the royal prerogative. A measure for legalizing mar- riage with a deceased wife's sister has been bandied between the two Houses of Parliament for over thirty years. Mr. Stuart Wortley's bill on this subject was introduced into the Commons in 1849, when ^ passed the same year ; it was again introduced and passed the Commons in 1851. A similar measure has since been repeatedly passed in one chamber and as often rejected in the other, although there can be no manner of doubt as to the wishes of the country with regard to it. Parliamentary reform was a prominent subject of public and parliamentary discussion for more than a century before the first instalment of it was carried in 1832. As early as 1766, the elder Pitt denounced the system of parliamentary corruption that existed in his day. Four years later, he stated in Parliament that " before the end of the century either Parliament will reform itself from within, or be reformed with a vengeance from without," but the century ended without the much-needed reform. The question of vote by ballot was under discussion in the House of Commons as early as 1708. The subject was again and again brought up, but was only carried in 1872. Not a single new fact was brought to light, or a single fresh argument was presented, at the time it was carried that was not known and applied when INTRODUCTION. xix the subject was first discussed, and yet the question occupied the attention of Parliament for more than a century and a half before it was finally settled. If we have made slow progress in the past, have we any reasonable grounds for believing that we shall proceed more expeditiously in the future ? One thing is certain, that the work of legislation is as much in arrear as ever it was. The measures await- ing settlement are as numerous and as important now as they were before the Reform Bill was passed. The country has been waiting a long time for the abolition of the law of primogeniture ; for the simpli- fication of the transfer of land ; for compensation for tenants' improvements ; for a reasonable settle- ment of the game laws. It still wants the abolition of church rates ; an equitable distribution of church funds ; an abatement of that public scandal, the sale of advowsons. We have made more than one effort to settle the Irish land question, and we have dis- established the Irish Church, but no attempt has yet been made to settle the land question in Great Britain, or to disestablish the English and Scottish Churches. Parliament has never yet set itself seriously to work to abolish sinecures ; to adjust the incidence of taxation ; to amend the patent laws ; to establish a national system of technical education, or to improve the condition of the agricultural XX INTRODUCTION. labourer, notwithstanding that all these questions have been long and prominently before the public. Does this state of things excite any surprise ? For an explanation we have only to look at the difficulties placed in the way of popular legislation by our present mode of parliamentary procedure. In the first place, any important scheme of reform must be adopted by the government of the day, and there is always a great difficulty in getting any government to commit themselves to any scheme of the sort, no matter how desirous they may be to secure popular favour. The reason of this is not far to seek. Why should ministers jeopardize their position by taking up a scheme that will be sure to alienate not a few friends, and give a rallying- point to their enemies, if they can manage to rub along without it ? It is more in their line To promise, pause, prepare, postpone, And end by letting things alone ; In short, to earn the people's pay By doing nothing every day. In the second place, a measure of this kind must have the unanimous approval of all the mem- bers of the ministry. Government by Party does not permit differences of opinion on the part of ministers on any great questions ; and the difficulty of finding unanimity on all the essential points of INTRODUCTION. XXI any important measure is enormous, has often proved insurmountable, and even when it has been overcome it has usually led to a break up and reconstruction of the government. Macaulay had once occasion to explain the difficulty I refer to. In 1839, when the Melbourne Cabinet, at a loss for something that might bring it popularity, agreed that the more liberal of its members might vote in favour of Mr. Grote's Ballot, Bill, the opposition took an obvious objection to such a proceeding. On that occasion Mr. Macaulay said, " I rejoice to see that we are returning to the wise, the honest, the moderate maxims, which prevailed in this House in the time of our fathers. If two men were brought up together from their childhood ; if they follow the same studies, mix in the same society, and exercise a mutual influence in forming each other's minds, a perfect agreement between them on political subjects cannot even then be expected. But governments are constructed in such a manner, that forty or fifty gentlemen, some of whom have never seen each others' faces till they are united officially, or have been in hot opposition to each other all the rest of their lives, are brought at once into intimate connection. Among such men unanimity would be an absolute miracle." And the difficulty is further increased by two circumstances. The first is that all ministers, as such are, for the time being, consciously xxii INTRODUCTION. or unconsciously, more or less under the influence of the Crown, which is always conservative ; the second is, that a large proportion of the members of every ministry, Liberal as well as Conservative, are more or less intimately connected with " the great governing families," and are, therefore, by family ties and associa- tions, naturally disinclined to any change in a popular direction. A popular scheme of reform, therefore, runs a great chance of being rejected, or at least mutilated, at the very outset, and by the very men to whom it has been entrusted, and who alone, accord- ing to the existing practice, can be permitted to take charge of it. But supposing the members of the ministry are unanimously in favour of a measure, and will zealously support it, they must, in the third place, be kept in office till it is carried. Of course a measure of this sort would only be introduced by a Liberal government, and if they were turned out of office there would be no likelihood of their successors taking up the bill. The ministry must therefore be retained in office till the measure is carried, and this involves a general support of their whole policy and all their acts of administration, as the government may be turned out on a variety of pretexts altogether unconnected with the measure in question. They may be defeated on a question of administration, or on their home, foreign, or colonial policy ; and their defeat may come INTRODUCTION. xxiii quite suddenly and from an unexpected quarter. They may have been carrying on negotiations with some foreign Power, for instance, and all the world may know the direction in which they are proceeding, and the opposition may apparently acquiesce in what ministers have done ; but no sooner have the govern- ment fairly committed themselves, than such are the ethics of party warfare the opposition, who never dropped a hint to put ministers on their guard, all at once discover that the whole negotiations are an atrocious blunder, a scandal and disgrace to the English nation, and a vote of censure or want of con- fidence is forthwith carried against them. Not only is the fate of the measure bound up with the ministry, but, in the fourth place, the very fact of the ministry having become responsible for it makes the measure itself the object of attack on the part of the opposi- tion. The whole forces of the opposition are at once concentrated on the bill which the government have introduced. Had the measure not been introduced by the government, it would have escaped all this ; but now it will receive support from one side only, some- times lukewarm enough, and the most strenuous opposition from the other. As a neutral vessel sailing under a belligerent flag draws upon itself the whole guns of the enemy, so a bill brought in under minis- terial auspices is exposed to a combined attack from XXIV INTRODUCTION. all sections of the opposition. Such a measure is never once discussed on its merits. If there is the smallest flaw in it, neither side will make any attempt to improve it ; its defects, whether few or many, trifling or serious, will be exaggerated by the one side and defended by the other with all the bitterness of party spirit. Then follow weeks or months in dreary debates, in first, second, and third readings, in post- ponements and adjournments without end, till the public become sick of delay, their enthusiasm dies out from sheer exhaustion, and the measure is left to be mutilated by the House at its leisure, or to be disposed of in a more summary fashion at the close of the session. So far I have only enumerated a few of the dangers which beset a popular measure in one branch of the Legislature only ; and if it was difficult to carry such a measure safely through the popular assembly, where it was amongst professed friends, what chance is it likely to have in the hereditary chamber, where it would be amongst avowed enemies, where a Liberal ministry is always in a minority, where even the principles of party government are not recog- nized, and where no responsibility attaches to any vote whatever, no matter what the consequence of that vote may be ? As a matter of fact, popular measures have always been treated with scant courtesy by the INTRODUCTION. XXV members of that House, and if they have not rejected them off-hand, or mutilated them beyond recognition, it was only the fear of evil consequences to them- selves that prevented them. Is it then to be wondered at that the work of legislation proceeds otherwise than slowly, or suddenly stops altogether, when attempted to be carried on under such conditions ? Perhaps enough has been said to show the practical working of our Constitution. We cannot say that results justify any extravagant amount of admiration. That it is such an exquisite piece of mechanism as Earl Grey pronounces it to be, 1 we confess we believe to be a delusion. It is at best a cumbrous and unwieldy piece of machinery. What little work it does, it does slowly and badly. In order to start it, there is sometimes required an amount of external force which is sufficient to overturn it. The machine moves, certainly, after a time, if sufficient force be steadily applied ; but the friction of its parts is enormous, and the work it produces is out of all pro- portion to the labour and time expended in putting it in motion. Whether the machine has been constructed on a wrong principle, or has simply got out of order, we shall discover when we come to examine the working of our early parliamentary institutions. 1 Parliamentary Government, p. 67* CHAPTER I. EARLY REPRESENTATIVE PARLIAMENTS. THE history of representative government in England may be divided into three periods. The first extends from the assembling of the first representative Parlia- ment in 1295 to the close of the third quarter of the fourteenth century ; the second, from the beginning of the fourth quarter of the fourteenth century_to the Revolution ; the third, from the Revolution to the present day. In the first period, the representative body had little or no influence on the government, which was almost a pure despotism ; in the second period, the Commons had acquired great power, and we had government by king and Parliament ; in the third period Parliament was supreme, and we had Government by Party. During the first period the functions of the newly constituted Parliament were not clearly defined. The B 2 REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT IN ENGLAND. Commons appear to have been a consultative rather than a legislative body. They exercised little or no control over the administration. The sovereign was supreme. All legislative and administrative power centred in the Crown. The barons, and not the Com- mons, took the initiative in actively resisting the power of the Crown, which was often exercised in an arbitrary and despotic manner. The Commons were too weak to be aggressive. Their attitude towards the Crown was that of passive resistance. Their position as a third estate of the realm was, as yet, scarcely recog- nized by either king or barons. They had not yet made themselves a power in the State, and they could hardly have felt that they possessed any power. But although they did not at this time exhibit an aggressive spirit, the Commons showed that they were as tenacious of their rights as the sovereign was of his, or the peers were of theirs. Good Catholics and loyal subjects as they were, they nevertheless boldly resisted the encroachments of the Holy See ; they protested against "the men of the Church" mono- polizing the high offices of state to the exclusion of laymen ; they complained of the delay in the as- sembling of Parliament ; they evinced a dogged determination to uphold national independence and to maintain the legislative functions of Parliament by withholding aids from the Crown till their grievances EARLY REPRESENTATIVE PARLIAMENTS. 3 were redressed. But the Commons did not long remain in the subordinate condition assigned to them. A body of men who speak and act for others, speak and act boldly and with authority ; it is in the nature of things that a representative body should be aggres- sive, and this the Commons soon proved themselves to be. In the second period the Commons were no longer passive. Instead of being led by the Lords they became their leaders. The history of Parliament during the first and second periods is the story of a series of aggressions on the prerogatives of the Crown, first on the part of the Lords, and afterwards on the part of the Commons. In the first period the Commons were used by the Lords in order to restrict the power of the Crown ; in the second period the Lords were used by the Commons in order to extort further concessions from the sovereign. It was the Commons who, in the first Parliament of Richard II., demanded that the great offices of state should be appointed in Parliament, and they made three sub- sequent attempts, namely, in 1380, 1381, and 1383, to secure that object. They failed in their first attempts at administrative reform, it is true, but they did not despair. If they could not succeed in one way they might in another. If they could not appoint ministers, they might at all events punish them when they were 4 REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT IN ENGLAND. guilty of misconduct. It was the Commons who proposed impeachment as a remedy for misgovern- ment. It was the Commons who impeached Latimer, Neville, and the courtiers of Edward III. It was also chiefly through the action of the Commons that Parliament succeeded in controlling the alienation of crown land, in curtailing the expenses of the royal household, in diminishing the abuse of commissions of array, in restraining and ultimately abolishing the king's power of legislation, of purveyance, of the exacting of customs, and of the raising of loans, and in establishing checks on the appropriation of sup- plies. But they did not stop here. They had used the Lords in order to wrest power from the Crown, and now, with the aid of the Crown, they proceeded to restrict the influence of the barons. They suc- ceeded in passing laws against the abuse of livery, the maintenance of suits, and for the suppression of armed retainers. Thus gradually the Commons en- croached on the prerogatives of the Crown and the privileges of the barons ; step by step they forced their way to the front rank in the Legislature and to a predominant position in the State. An individual who is placed in a new posi- tion, and remains in that position till he becomes thoroughly acquainted with his duties, usually passes through three mental stages. At first he is awkward EARLY REPRESENTATIVE PARLIAMENTS. 5 in the discharge of his duties, diffident in appreciating his performance of them, and is content if he is barely tolerated ; when he has occupied his position some time he has a less modest opinion of his abilities, and begins to think himself extremely useful ; when he has been longer accustomed to his duties, and perhaps discharges them no better, he begins to believe that his services are really indispensable. At the time of the Revolution the Commons had arrived at this last stage. At first they were awkward and diffident. They were his majesty's "poor Commons;" they quietly submitted to the tutorship of the Lords ; 1 and they showed, in a variety of ways, that they had a due appreciation of the subordinate position which they occupied. On the assembling of each Parliament they commenced proceedings by a recital of their rights and privileges under various royal charters, a practice which they kept up long after it was necessary. They were quite content to hold what they had got without demanding more. So far from wishing any extension of their power, or the acquisition of new influence, they distinctly refused, on more than one occasion, to accept it when offered them. Gradually, however, their attitude changed ; their confidence in themselves increased with the acquisition of power, till at length 1 The Lords frequently appointed a few of their members to confer with the Commons, " for their better direction and information." 6 REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT IN ENGLAND. they began to think that they were really indis- pensable. In the third period the Commons threw off all restraint on their ambition. They were not content with being legislators ; they were not satisfied with merely exercising control over the administration. They wanted to be administrators themselves. They clamoured to have a division amongst them of all the lucrative offices of state. They encroached on the liberties of the people. They openly set their con- stituents at defiance. They became factious, self seeking, corrupt. They passed the Septennial Act, which made representatives practically independent of their constituents for seven years ; they claimed unheard-of privileges for themselves, individually and collectively ; they constituted themselves prosecutors and judges in their own actions against the people, and when they had condemned the offenders they executed their own judgment against them. Having emancipated themselves from all control, they gave themselves up to the pursuit of place and power, and there was then established that system of Government by Party which exists at the present day. Speaking of the House of Commons at the beginning of this period, Macaulay says that it had " abused its gigantic power with unjust and insolent caprice, browbeat the Lords and the constituent bodies, violated the rights guaranteed by the Great Charter, and at length EARLY REPRESENTATIVE PARLIAMENTS. / made itself so odious that the people were glad to take shelter under the protection of the throne and of the hereditary aristocracy, from the tyranny of the Assembly which had been chosen by them- selves." 1 Under the early Norman kings the representative elements found no place in the legislative and judicial assemblies of the realm. I assume, of course, that the peers were not in any proper sense a representative body. Curiously enough, however, they frequently asserted their claim to such a character. It had long been a matter of complaint with the Commons that the knights of the shires had not received their full wages for their attendance in Parliament, owing to the fact that many tenants of peers, and many towns over which the peers claimed manorial rights, had refused to contribute their share, having no doubt been put up to do so by their lords. To all these complaints the Lords invariably -replied that they were in Parliament " for themselves and their men " in proper person, and that therefore the latter should not be called upon to pay any share of the wages of the knights. In other words, the Lords claimed to represent their tenants, and the tenants claimed exemption from payment of wages because the knights were not their representa- 1 History of England, vol. v. p. 168. 8 REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT IN ENGLAND. tives. 1 It is true that the Lords sometimes made a grant to the Crown on behalf of their tenants as well as on their own behalf ; and that the claim of the former to be exempt from contribution was at length formally acknowledged by statute ; but as the tenants had no voice in the nomination of a peer, and there is no case on record of a peer ever formally appealing for advice or authority to his tenants, and as their claim to a representative character was never asserted except under the circumstances referred to, we have a right to assume that it was only put forward for the purpose of evading the just demands of the Commons. The first Parliament, constituted as it now is, dates from the famous Assembly which met at Westminster on the 3d. 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