. - ... ammtttmamitsmm THESIS MULTIPHASE ALTERNATING CURRENT TRANSMISSION H. T, CORY : ' . : .- ;i 1 : Xtbrarp |$ Ibarr^ ZL Cor^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES xv # TK. The transmission of power by multiphase alternating currents is an outcome of the strenuous efforts of late years made for the purpose of rendering inaccessible sourc^ of power accessible. In other w rds the attempt has been made to surpass Mohammed's great feat of bringing the Mountains to him, by another feat of greater difficulty, ow ing to the intangibility of the necessary components of it. How well this has been carried out the amazing growth and multiplication of power distribution plants will amply tes- tify. Especially is meant those installations which derive their power from remote sources where great quantities of energy were previously being wasted in waterfalls and rivers. The necessity for transmission is quite apparent when we consider the fact that manufacturing outers can- . not always be placed away off in the muuntains. The necessity being realized the question becomes how to obviate it. And in this case it has been f ounft that the only way in which power can be efficiently transmitted through long distances is by means of electricity. And at the present time the most satisfactory method which has yet presented itself is that of transmission by alternating cur- rents differing in phase. The economic transmission of power by electricity demands primarily high potential, both to save expense in copper and also at the same time to prevent excessive loss in heating effect due to the large currents which become -> r~ s a! e >t a oct ffo . -$ lo ^sel fe -;jjlIirfJsnB^ niB lllv/ aJn.^Iq rioij-j/oi-i^aib tewoq lo .a*;.: ea l a^om ei ji boj-gBv; ^nied . 81 0VX1 ^ t. ! ;., - :.t noJiaei^anxji-:* to'i ^iaEOoeii oriT -roso a-ioctvgi^c ^nii:; JoB^irm^r ^Brf;f ioe'i en'J iafoian-,o ;^ .an IB: noJCv^eeirp eri^ tosilBe'i gnied y.$s.kse$9n eriT aeecf 3Bri ^i es^o aixi^ nx JbrtA I^rtsloi^le ed n.. tsv.oq rfdiriw nx ,^^loxi^oXe ansoffl x^ * aarf dalriw fibff^eci- TI ;t . 2 necessary with the use of low potential. Since the power in watts of a current of electricity depends upon two factory, current and electro-motive force multiplied together, it follows that any given power may be obtained with Tfidely varying values of the two factors profiling their product is constant. Thus 1000 watts may be transmitted by a current of 1000 amperes at a pressure of 1 volt, or by a current of 1 ampere at 1000 volts, or by 500 amperes at 2 volts and so on ad infinitum, providing that the product E C equals always 1000. Since the size of a conductor depends upon the magnitude of the current flot- ing through it, it is clear that to save copper the current must be small and the pressure correspondingly *4ph. Fur- thermore, since the loss by hart ting variea as the square of the current another important reason for the use of small currents, that is high potentials, is evident. Thus we see the necessity for high tension transmission depends upon important commercial considerations* It becomes necessary in order to prevent great first cost and to do away with excessive losses in operation. Having established the important fact that hih voltages are absolutely necessary, the reason - or the use of alternating currents instead of direct currents will bear explanation. The reason in question is not so much a commercial one as a practical one. The main consideration upon whcih the use of alternating currents depends is that of the wonderful flexibility of its applications* For instance, , - 3efc iOt & w beniKodo ivotq t_^_ J i-^--^ ^ f:0 oa ^>n^'5J[ov'a ^6 wrf^^nw 002 o 0s is ,C< *iotoiil)noG a no-''- T T e:i^ tc .re ,r, rvr.a c:' ^F./^ "Bel-- si ^i t ^i rfsi/cyiffi anl -tJ .:; T ei''^'d sr:^ SB eer-sv .v;.:c> 'ex! va 32.^1 er oonia ? eioim^ 'to s;j e/f-j tol r!ORfi9' r i Ins^ofjni' i8;Llr. rts vtnemjro erf^ lo ..Insbivs ai t al:: t a B^i noia'!^ ifei/f tol ^tiaeeosn enM esa @w Si ni 8&330X 0vis0oxs rljiw ".CSVB ofe i3 bifB cfsoo ** ^ r rBd"*io'fr r x Q3JJ erii io'> noeije i &.-*+ t eia asr\^5-Iov . . ' if we have an alternator by the use of transformers con- taining no moving parts whatever it is possible to use \\e output of the generator at any potential whatever. And If the machine is a two or three phase one it is possible, and moreover practicable, to take from it currents of three or two phase no matter what the original current may have been. All of these transformations may be accomplished with small losses* The importance of being able to obtain a high volt- age from a low voltage machine is at once evident when we consider that the cost of transmission is lessened at high pressures, the cost of copper varying inversely as the square of the voltage, and moreover that it is practically impossible to build a dynamo that will stand high enough pressure to enable its output to be transmitted through great distances. It has been found that it is practically impossible to insulate the moving parts of generators giv- ing en output at a potential of more than 3500 volts and current greater than 30 to 50 amperes. This pressure is bad enough t o deal with in an alternator where the moving contacts are extremely simple; but when it comes to the construction of a commutator to withstand this potential the problem becomes impossible when the current is large. The current simply jumps from tear to bar all around that commutator forming an arc around it, with the result that that important part is soon ruined. Even suppose that it were possible to build direct current generators of high voltage, say 10000 for example, -r- to.le/rte -..' leverf^ q rini*. U3 Jienett artf to T* js c;l a* i..'. : - tq "tarosto? efiffq owj to VBRT ano * :* eaerf^ ^o XIA .nee ite:fw :ir?ei>tve ^or?o .-tfi a I. er'.t.n r OF.m S8*lov wol s ,-'s Denser;- si ;:1 noice 1 Yranst^ to ctaoo sri^ sattt .clHRTevi'-i i^tsv tsqqoo 1o ^aoo ;>rfja Iliv d'orfd' oraanvb s .f>I.ti/ci ..tl .aoo: OOSfi iiBrI.1 9^om 'io laivtneJoq a $B 1 3 '-i gat .8318 qr5i eri^ a*9rhr io^6rn^ljs ua nJt n'tiw Isei> o J il Jt aeriw ^jjcf i^Iqais ^Xgts>i^x frrta^arf^ttr Q* "fO^Bctjjrrjnjeo a to srfj 1101 ^ -IB IlB f^ 0^ If . 4 it would still b<3 impossible to run lights upon this cur- rent, and the apparatus for reducing this potential down to one not above the capacity of an incandescent lanip . r would involve the use of rotating parts requiring consider- able attention and subject to continual wear. At the same time the efficiency of such rotary converters is not equal : irat, at the si- _je to that of transformers. Of course if all the light and power to be supplied were situated immediately about the distribution center at the end of the fcine only one rotary converter would be needed. But in case the consumers wore scattered over a considerable area the economical distribution of light and power would demand high potentials, so high in fact as to be prohibitive of the use of incandescent lamps without the use of the apparatus Just mentioned. Exen then every con- sumer cannot afford to have such an expensive and trouble- some thing in his house as a rotary transformer, rotary con verter, motor-generator, motor-dynamo or dynamotor as it is variously called. However this disagreeable necessity will be spared him for a v/riile yet, since up to the present time no direct current dynamos have been constructed to run on so high a voltage of rijri| great power, ~ Briefly, the superiority of the alternating current for transmission of 11 - 1 ' and power depends upon the readi- ness with which we can transform it up or down to any po- tential whatever by means o^ inert apparatus which can be insulated to withstand any pressure denired. This instru- ItO no ':Jno enl* oiiu l oo a: 4 !; 1 9 3 BO ax ^ir3 . os ori^ BSTS ; ". i7-jiii' 03 t ulpi;*no^oq ; I bn.'-'.i-io ,i>Gf|OJ ^ bn: cvxanetpce ni5 rloifa evn/i orf Irtollfi cloairao f ia.TtoT:-afrf?i[? ^is^orj e a ea^orf aid nx J HJLw ^iaasoaii . airU ' - ' -)fli- effix^ j . mont , the transformer, moreover, suffers no loss from wear and ther3fore requires absolutely no attention whatever. It can be put out in the rain on a pole and bo left there for years without undergoing repair. An alternating current power transmission plant would in its chief essentials consist of the following parts. First, at the source of power, say a waterfall, there would bo an installation consisti|ngf of turbines or impact wheels running one or more alternators wound for a moderate difference of potential at the terminals. The cur rent thus generated would be converted to one of high po- curve. h& Q many tential by menns of step up transformers, and then trans- mitted to the distant point where it is to be utilized, Which .".;1vs oTf t but fron what we havo soon of them already it has been nnde evident that their use for the transmission , rt) Jtfq ed fiBO 1 . tc e9:[iaij;d "io f go|M e i ^ -: : noioBllBcfBril fifl od JDluo* "i D"L fjnirov* >,/3iri8*l o^.-'in 10 ano ^ninrtjrt eleert^/ t . slf.. -- ^-;-J9v.-ioo e-.f l:lr/ow B9tjB*i9nes ajj-.^ ~e. ' r c"x rto'tenr-i.-f qi; q^8 to arrrera ^tf Ifi OJ o it t !te;TfO^8rrf:*r.t nwo.o qa^s 'to ,3' f|o ^nior^oe ^n.-; iMivr 9 me ^.3 a evocta 9.1^ .l/ro wollol nl .aio^Oi ,nl,ti3iTtec?l4B lo Mo-jsioil^eni erftr ii js .a -o*t . of power through long distances is far more efficient and is attended with far better results than have ever been realized by any other means. In transmission work we have the choice of various .or ; systems, single phase, two phase and three phase. As is we well known, the simple alternating current is of a pultat- r- 5 ' "* ' r ;~ f ing character, the direction and intensity of the current varying regularily according to a well determined law. So that when we have a conductor moving in a magnetic field on the periphery of an armature the fluctuations of current and electro-motive force may be plotted in the form of a curve. The curve in many cases is sinusoidal* In a polyphase current generator we have a machine . 1 -. , -, .,*< ; , ; . f r '-, $* & i \ **'** which gives off several currents which pass through their zero values and attain their maxima at different times but still at regular intervals. In a three phase dynamo for instance, we have an armature with three windings each giving a current differ- ing 120 degrees in phase from the other. It is evident ; c v ' ai ; ..errs r -irtg curr*.- that in an ordinary alternating current the power at times hftVG *? ' ' ; is zero, it being also of a pulsating character. But in a polyphase current the power is prattically constant, as at V no time is the current flowingpO or anywhere near it. These three classes of currents of course necessi- tate different types of motors and generators. And the c nstruction of a successful motor involves the application of principles which were not understood for a long time. The early attempts to operate motors on alternating ftna 2n#*om -;s^ al aeo .:> -. ^fle 2/ioTiuj> ertt lo ^LjoIq ed YJWS ooto*? ..u evtifo rIT i G!\i uo'toV.- ii> .tn /^nixse" *;Jt8;:~ nia'ctB bn/j 83;jZv Of as .a! n sv^:" GW e^or.B-^ani 10! omi^n^& 9aB^i"{ oertrtj s ril ?!tl:J:) ^nerjijjc- ^fiiv.t^ riur> agnxbniw ^oir': .*< JB tevoq Oill cffiet ujo 3iitBrn:p^Ii} \fifl nift'io n .it :;-BSlj:;q s * ^0 849 f ^flB^anoo \jIlBo .tit&siq ax tewoq orftf ^neri;j ^, U89dH 98tvOO tO c . . currents were naturally far from being successful on this account. The first practical motors wre of the synchron- ous type, the first one of which was experimented with at North Foreland in 1884. All motors of any account whatever were of this type until the discovery in 1888 of the pro- perty of the rotating field as produced by two phase alter- nating currents. We are indebted to Prof. Ferraris and to Mr. Tesla for the first convincing experiments. These two experimenters reached practically the same conclusion, working independently and simultaneously. Since that time the three phase motor has been developed upon the same liaes and the two have been improved mechancially and theoretical- ly until now, as Dr. Bell has pointed out in a recent arti- cle, they are equal and in many points superior to the best direct current motors. Dr. Bell believea thst they will soon replace to a large extent the old direct cur- rent motors in many important industrial applications. ( ( E. W. XXIV, 124) Transmission of power by alternating currents we have seen may he accomplished by the use of three different systems. (1) Single Phase, (2) Two Phase and (3) The Three Phase system. The latter two are extremely similar, each having its adherents and opponents^ It even seens that nost controversies upon the relative merits of the two and three phase currents are, in many respects due to commercial question* rather than engineering det 'ils. We will now consider the three methods of transmission or power by al- ternating currents. :q w* v'd Jbeoubotq 64 fclelT a**.t9$detttf ** $W , . j .? Je oST . ^I^neb, egi -/el., fiescf ar,-^ icJom aauriq 8*trf^ aKt en fisvotqmi nsr-d evaii ow^ 5jrfi bns IleR *tt ' .T' .a' jo Jostib i>lo er;- "no-J'xe e^cJ c o^ a-O'8i^dt nooa II iw 3: (MSI f vixx .w .a ) lo noiai^nSiU5*rT . . . SINGLE PHASE TRANSMISSION. Single phase currents are practically limited to the transmission of large units of pov/er. In such a case, at the generating station there is an ordinary single phase generator supplying current to step-up transformers per- haps, transmitting power to a motor station where there are step-down transformers to adapt the electro-motive force to the requirements of one synchronous motor. This motor is a machine exactly similar to the generator, being, like it, separately excited. A synchronous motor on a single phase circuit will not start itself, it being neces- sary to bring it up by some auxiliary apparatus, usually a self-starting motor running on the alternating current or else a direct current motor actu^fed by storage batteries * w> S M f r s " ^ a> charged by the exciter. This non-starting property of synchronous motors is the great cause for their inability to be used in power distribution. However, where it is desired simply to trans mit one large unit of power from one locality to a more favorable one the synchronous motor on account of its high efficiency and perfect regulation for varying loads be- comes a most valuable machine. For power distribution in small ".nits the synchronous motor possesses several serious defects other than the one mentioned. Taking all together, the following obstacles present themselves: (1) All synchronous motors must be saparately excited, unless a part of the current be com- atunicated; and this would necessitate ha addition of a 4-vm-iK1 . f 'slinij --.l^ssxe efilnsam B ai i@.toia o j x$ iJte ^ Ai;q9 t - - -,;/ i".Cfi.TS ^Ofl Ill r^:.7? ? /T? >llic?f. emoe ' j -'.p-ia-.ie ^cf bs^p/^ca to-tom ^..tr^tiro to*r tfe S ti af/ciief-riomsJi lo ^^etioiq g.rti.-ttJB.'Js-non i ja&8>/- et- :f ^jilidsni iisd^ *f ot ss tfi ensnw ,10-rcw s oct ^t S in.t'00t> ao 'to^ors ^oau'Sfi^rf^a rf^f to s3 1 iF.-j-Jftir JSOf^ is nor..- |i *i* sJiflJi' 4JBiB- -Hi . . 3^6 i trc ,')lesome commutator to all the oilier disadvantages. Bven then (2} The machine must be started before it will run. It must bo turned fast enough to approach the speed of synchronism before the main current is switched on. Of course this ^s of very small moment when a large plant is to be operated as the additional expense of a small motor would be insignificant; but such a necessary appendage pre- cludes the use of synchrAnous motors being used by small consumers. Moreover: (3) If the load exceeds a certain amount the not or is thrown out of step and stops immediate- ly | He ither will it start again when the overload is re- moved: but, unlike a steam engine, waterwheel or any other kind of motor the whole starting process must be repeated. (4) The current la^s behind the electro-motive force by an angle which is a maximum at no load and a minimum at full load. Thus under favorable conditions the motor nay be re- turning as much energy to the circuit alnost, as is being ,^iven to it. Still the same current is flowing and al- though it may not be doing any use full work all wires must be made large enough to carry it and the C R losses are ~:in on all the time. (5) All synchronous motors require to be designed not only for given voltage, speed -^nd output, but for a given frequency and therefore van be worked only on ^iven cirsv.its. (6) These motors all have dead points in each thus necessitating their application in such a man- ner that there will be no danger of stoppage at such points. (7) Synchronous motors can be ran at one speed only and that 31 I Ixw *i e, " 1 . T . ;> toirt 'Jo -' aJ: Jirart:io entaa erfJ D brtf:, ^.^ . 10 is the speed which would cause it n - ^ dynamo to ve a current of the same frequency as that supplied it. This of necessity limits its application to those cases v/here constant speed is either necessary or at least unobjection- able. There are many other motors adapted to run on sin- gle phase currents but few of them are efficient for moder- ate powers such as would be required in distribution work. There are, it is true, many cases v/here efficiency does not count for much and it is in such crses that these mot- ors find application. They are mostly, however, of minor importance, being confined to umimpoHant duties such as driving fans. Ordinary direct current shunt and series ipotors have been experimented with^with a view to their application!! en alternating currents, but with small success. The fields were carefully luminated to prevent loss by Poucault cur- rents. Owing to the difference in the co-efficients of self induction in armature and field of a shunt machine the two cfjtfflpfts flowing through each differ in phase thus the periods of minirrira and maximum magnetization in e ich do not coincide, with the result that the motor runs in a very unsatisfactory manner or even may not run at all. The series machine acts somewhat better but it is also vory unsatisfactory, the loss by hysteresis is sometimes con- siderable, the current is made to lag considerably, and the sparking at the brushes is distinctive owing to the self induction in the armature coils. In both types the outrnit per unit of weight is very mall. I -3 ei . ,ffQj$J9, d teartB^TCj;ifrl .sj 1 .aaso: ? i^sr *jjd ta^notTUO - --f;jo dl-vaoj/' vrf seol oiq 'to a^ncloi^le-oo <. erl^ encrfofift: ^rufrfa lo ftlsi^ fcrrB eiwiaflrtB nl rrot^c erf* ewrf* :>BJ3lq ni isl^ii) rfofie if^irotrf* ^jriwo b rlo e ni noi^BSi^ensiua mirmixflfr . :si a ni anxn iolon sri* Jsrtt .;.!".: - f>i - , ? . , . --.-^^ <. * - -r. -.-. A. 11 In the shunt type condensers have been resorted to to restore the difference in phase between the two cur- rents but great difficulties have beem encountered. The a action of the condenser is to cause the current tohave a lead over the electro-mot iv: force. In the first place the condenser must be designed for one given frequency and for a certain angle of advance. Just what angle of advance is necessary is very difficult, one might say impossible, to determine on account of the effect* of the armature reactions. Therefore it was found impossible to counteract the effect of self induction. Even could such a thing be done with entirely satisfactory results, the fact still remains that a condenser is a "white elephant" of considerable magnitude. In the first place it is expensive, and in the second place it is liable to get out of order and is susceptible to damaging effects from climate etc. These things will change its capacity and therefore at the same time will cause the angle ff ad- vance which it gains to be an unknown quantity. A more pratical motor than either of these is the induction motor. This depends upon the principle that a closed coil of wire when placed in an alternating field tends to move LSO that the magnetic flux through it is a minimum. If we take an ordinary armature and place in an alternating magnetic field, short circuiting each coil at the proper time, it will answer tho above conditions. An ordinary to pole motor will, by exciting its field with an alternating current and giving its brushes a forward lead of about -1-5 degrees fulfill all of these re- ofieis B ST.- . *ri3 lo ru luoele fien^teei) ad Jeiaii xeenelmo^ * tsfcjNr 3esi* niBoido TC*J biiii ^oii^pQTf^ si -r-jjs-sasoan si 0pn*vJ|^ -lo- tlgas- t*jiw 9 ;.;* !to Jri'-oooB no oniunsJefo o^t t 8lo[xs*oifni ^fis ^ff^i 8j ) .in ;toe'} re 9fl>t ^ojeie^mioo c ^;^o.t&i.-..:3.cjjia vio'iiJnc rivlv; onob 90 gcarfJ ay -:ean --LVIOD .ti>ncf aniiscioi 111 eta .0: eldmeMai 00 to " Xdi?.ll a! ~i ^ojj-, ; iinooe.a sad' ni Jb.n^ t ev.t-:ns ':. v oe'j Jo :^ 'i t ;:- ii) Oo oldijqaofsjja ai unii iei>io lo J .4>- iliv; bral.i 9mA8 3rI4 JB c-'iolaiqj :-.jia>; na a Ow arU^s :: J- -ioirtw 6rlt 81 32G:IJ 10 Id.l^Ld flBaJ lO^Oja IX50X ta ni beoBXq[ aeiiw 9fiw lo xirll c o^ 9vca o4 **- . 18 quirenents. Another way of doing it is to place tthortcircuited armature coils unsymmetrically with reference to the field That is, the number of poles in the field and the nuriber of coils in the armature must not have a common factor. A ,--,.-- motor built on this plan will not start of its own accord but will rotate in either direction in which it is started. It can however be made self-starting by winding the field coils in two sets of different windings, such that they hall possess different coefficients of self induction; tbe currents in each therefore differ in phase, and the machine is virtually a two phase motor and self- starting. The action of this motor is entirely similar to that of the multiphase motors and depends upon the same principle, that of the rotary field. A single phase cur- rent may be divided into two branches in which the current may be made to differ in phase by inserting capacity in one branch and self induction in the other. This method, however, leads to the use of the objectionable condenser again. This is virtually an encroachment upon the domain of multiphase currents, and having already alluded o the rotary field and to the self-starting induction motor, it will necessary in order to explain the principles of multi- phase transmission and multiphase motors, that is trans- mission by either two or three phase currents. . 'vrnta : sim $$ t i SjjwF? 9'fto' fll li oo ctl IoB^ tJ^'v ...rrs r ^e. r ;rf'; rti l * i:; (Bid ow^ ojf.i bs&iviij ed Yarn ^ > .tefiJt rfvl ai rol^o.Lriin.x llea fcmi lioiiBid eno :iJ o' 0a.biflli J^3:!ft:-^.$^ Ia erf^ ot bita Msil V^B^OT 13 MULTIPHASE TRANSMISSION. Synchronous motors for multiphase transmission are really synchronous induction motors but unlike single phase synchronous motors they are to a certain extent self-~r i**tiApg. However, what lends additional value to the multiphase system is that all the motors, large and small, are self starting and behave as well as, and often better, than their direct current brethern. For this we are indebted to the properties possessed by the rotary field several times mentioned. Prof. Ferrar- is in March 1888 discovered that when t\vo alternating cur* rents, differing in phase from each other by 90 degrees, were passed through two cur&ftts placed at right angles to each other they set up a magnetic field which rotated cnce for every cycle. Now if a closed coil be placed in this magnetic field it will turn so as to keep the magnetic flux through it a minimum as already stated. But since the magnetic field Is also moving it follows that the enclosed coil will revolve continually about its axis Just as long as the magnetic field rotates. The coil tries to move so that no currents will be induced i-- it, in accordance v/ith the well established ir which states that a conductor moving in a magnetic field v;ill have a crrrent set up in it in nuch a direction as to oppose the motion. In the care under consideration it is the magnetic fiold v; v ich moves primarily, thus inducing a current in the conductor which causes the conductor to 3 so as *,o stop the current. . : :.-: otrvofve Offl ttie e^ifil BTOJom erf Lie $aA3 Bi mes^-a _ ne.l'io bnr ,as IXev an- a-verted ^ns sn^^^- 8 ^^ Ha HP aet ;.-:.- --1 ( o.-^ oJ .be^'/.ebr:i' SIB w sirf^ to'? t' . -fU be^evcoi^Jb 88^1 iiDtBM * h ' ii^ .~f Brief av.o lol Ji gnlvarc oals ai Jblsil ' vlove't IX ble 11 oiJrr^ij!S! B nt 5^ ' Q v*Bri* as^B^e . "14 Therefore the conductor tries to become stationary with reference to the magnetic field, which it can do only by revolving as fast as the field and in the same direction. It is plain enough to see why the conductor moves if we grant that the magnetic field rotates as has been said. The reason may be shown simply by means of a figure. We will take the case of two currents which differ 90 de- grees in phase. The figure represents an ordinary four pole field with two separate windings. The two windings are plac- ed so that the wires con- taining one current are wound on opposite poles. How since the two cur- rents differ 90 degrees in phase it follows that when one is a maximum the other is a minimum. Suppose current A 8 is a maximum at the time T, then at that instant there is a north pole at N and a south pole at S, while the other two possess no polarity whatever, but Just one quarter of a cycle after, circuit A B is and C B is a maximum with the resultf that the north pole has shifted to N 1 and the south pole to S f . And so the action continues, the next quarter cycle finds current A B a maximum but flowing in the reverse direction, so that the north pole is at 3 and the south pole at N. The final result is then a magnetic field revolving in space about an axis perpindicular to the plane of the diBgram. The closed coil in the practical .1 Oi$7 r. afc saivlo ai |X n*<> KB jrW J*'"- latllfr rfblKtf w^norxiSfe ow* 'to eao riJ rf-ilw il t-.^o $nxfil& > I)ri;:;o^ '^ eon is ?/o/t mu IB H ^B tX^q .rl; J a#t ctx;d v *xeve.jfw x- ^ ^iw cur^iixjsn a al d D !>n fti >^ i>aJtf{8 tad loq rf^* 3^"J *ri* erf-t t ai/nJ:^noo not\?oa an' 1 A *8 oi aloq r volt ^r s fl A ^ne-rtxrr v o IlOt) f; machine becomes simply a series of closed coils on an ar- mature core, revolving and trying to catch the magnetic poles but never doing so. The above machine is a rotarfr field two phase motor and must be supplied by a two phase current. A three phase motor is built on precisely the same principle. Now in the two phase motor for example, the total magnetizing force in the field, at any instant varies from 1 to 21 sin 46. (See Pig.) At t sum of currents i * * 1 sin 46 + 1 sin 40 -21 sin 46 - 1.4 i j*^ Showing that the magnetization varies from a function of i to a function of 1.4 1. This is a variation of 40^> but on account of armature reactions this figure is somewhat modi- fied, it having been shown that the variation is somewhat less than this figure. Thtis it is shown that the motor has not only a rotat- ing field but a pulsating one as well, therefore practice has shown, that, as one would naturally sxpect from above observations, the motor has a tendency to run synchronously. Hence it follows that when the motor is not running synchronously the power it is delivering must be the dif- ference between the"positive" power of the rotating field and the "negative" power of the pulsating field. It Is "negative power in this case of non-synchronous action on , . r s eiff Sliitt SSJSffq OWJ JE XJ:*Xy "o & ~$i ei;/Titt edf -100 ^ _ _ _ . . \ / \ / \ / v / i 021 \;rf sasnq Y , / \ : 05 rUa 1 S = ^ne^tirb 4- A ^ns*iTi?o 4 > j .1 A . 8 , 3B I^oos at . ;+ A o^. ,-xaxfT o fioua edj airni al. At t the absolute sum is 2 1 and at t'^the ab- solute sum is 1.7321. This is the maximum fluctuation, 21 and 1.7321 being the extreme limits. Therefore neglecting armature reactions the magnetization varies (2.00-1.73) 4 2. 14X> as againsfc 40$ for the two phase motor. As has already been stated the influence of the armature re- actions is to decrease somewhat the range of the pulsations but both motors are effected practically to the flame extent. Thus It appears that the two phase field pulsates almost three times more than the three phase field. The effect of this has already been described. It has been shown that In th ease of the three phase current differing 120 in phase the algebraic sum of the three currents Is always 0, therefore according to Kirch hoff's law, on current can be connected in series with or in parallel to the other two; this at once suggests a method of winding three phase generator armatures. The windings can be grouped into three series of coils in either of the two following manners. This method is called the open connection, HH 0* 1, E*nft 1$ while the other one is known as the closed connection, life The armature of a Thomson-Houston Arc machine can IS :v* ai 3.trfT 3A . X diraiuxe '%^ ) '> erf* 8. / fo Tysons erf* 'to eo.ne.ellni erf* b:te*a rtted vfcsailB MBf rf* to e^n^i e/f* ^rtwemoa 8Bfis-xo*A o^ el smsa e-^ o^ xUs^^-oBiq be^oBll n* eto^oai if^ocf ^ erf* serf* eiom .f)etfXToef> rtasrf vbeetla asr? 8lrf 4 i to nv f.n"? ":o eefj >i^ rJt Jaxfct rworia need a*rf "o .JLS oistue^Ifi arf^ ficBifq ni OSI anilettib ^ndiiiro eaariq t O TO K^iw ReiTos ni fca^oen^oc ed JTBO ^n9*ni/o no t wal a'llorf a 6ffT .aerirtfaipia to.tjrranoa sesrfq enrtt gni&niw lo ni alioo lo if eetr:* o*nl bqjjcn^ ed nso a^nifeniw erf* to te. si borf* O C neqo erf^ i_- .... noli- 3 mv -ano ta^o erf* "l (\ 31 nlrl oa0 OTA : by the addition of three collecting rings be made into a three phase armature. In the same manner any armature may be altered to give three phase currents with but little trouble ,. notary fir; Rotary field motors are extremely simple, there be- ing no sliding contacts, and the armature being wound with heavy bars of copper connected across the ends, making a of a rotary fi$ld " good mechanical structure, far excelling direct current armatures in point of durability and freedon from liabil- ity to heat. Dabrowalsky made careful and exhaustive tests with a three phase motor and found it absolutely devoid of syn- chronous ac 4 ion, and when compared with a good direct cur- natle slip is Oc rent motor os similar output, actually showed higher ef- fioience. He also f ound t hat they gave greater output for the same weight than ordinary motors, and this despite the lag produced in the exciting current and the "magnetic slip" When the current lags behind the electro-motive force the power in it expressed in watts is: E I* cos where (Ms the angle of lag. Cos f is what is called the ffpwer factor, the maximum value of which is 1. This cor- fesponds to an angle of 0for cos 1. Hence it becomes evident that the greater the power factor becomes the smaller the useless idle current becomes. That is we do not have to use large wire for a large current when on- ly a small part of it is useful. The maximum value of the power factor being unity, the cosine of the angle of lag expresses when multiplied Cv el :Jxe & . om &I$ :t -<; tB eri* I&lla on t afcn9 ert aiio*OB M^Oennoo ctoe'iife ^nxllaoxa tfit *&*' mo^l noMttt isns ^ilidstifl) lo ^n;oq ni .+B0ii ri'iw acfaecf evltfeizsrlxa .bna IcteiSD dlUH -HVQ lo biovob vle-rfx-IoedB ^i IwuioTr' 51 biw "to^om ee^lq -s erg in b tellma so 3 f>njjo"i eels eK , one i oil actiqeeb alrf^ Ijna ,8"ioJofn fenlrfeci rtf iswoq ^> add I f bellao ai crrfw i 4 .gal te elsnfl erf* -too irft *I e ixn arfct ^ seciooecf *i an9H .1 aoo tot0 to erfiT s s&t te 0w si JarfT . :d ^ne* '.Jt aselss; ntrfw by 10, percent directly. The power factor is therefore generally spoken of as so much per cent. As the load in- creases the la# decreases so that the power factor in- creases, a very good characteristic. Rotary field motors are now built v/ith power factors as high as 9(>X . Magnetic slip. It has bean shown that the armature of a rotary field tends to rotate fast enough to catch the magnetic field. As a matter of fact it never does. There is always a difference in the frequency of the dynamo. This difference is the "magnetic slip". Polyphase motors have a tendency to run in phase with the generator and when they are in step *&k the mag- netic slip is 0. flail ing *frwquency of generator ng and w " motor nri The slip becomes ng- nm, and the per cent of slip is: (ng- nni) 4 ng. The frequency and the magnitude of the armature cur- rent evidently depends upon the magnetic slip, for the rate of cutting of the lines of force in the field depends upon the difference betv^eon the speed of the fiold and the speed of the armature. Slip increases both the frequency and the current tin the armature, thereby weakening the resultant magnetic field and the counter electro-motive-force of the field winding, allowing more current to flow through it. The total magnetization decreases as the armature VA.T. Co>- ,01 Yd . -rr ' >1 iewc - ;,33se*io L > \;ifi*oH .oJt Jailed -tev & af; ss err dlitfd won eta erf* 3riJ aworie need sBr r il n"o3o o^ rf^uonQ .taal e^fltca o3 abne^ 1)1611 ^tj 0isrfT .aeof, isvsn ^i cfss3: ' lo^^sni B A .Mall eri^ nl eonetetlif) B ayawlB si -r B B neriw .0 si gila lo von in lo^ora " :GJL qjila "io ^nao t^q srl-i -bna t mn -gn aemoodd lei t qila oijanaiBm iid' nc-qu l)XJtl dn.' nl eo^o^ to aaaJtl sri,i lo siii^4^ to e-rf^ I)B blei'i eru 1 lo &-eqe s -vJeQ' er. B ' b srid" ' ^^ mi engsir. wo II ...I ell f 20 current increases there is therefore SCT.G condition^ of af- fairs during which the torque is a maximum, this condition is evidently not the one where the armature current is a m maximum, that is when the machine i& start ingt| Therefore we see it is impossible dfor these motors to exert their maximum torque on starting. middle of the &s*.. third collecting r: It ii* ablr. *.'V; . .'- .' - ,- v " prc "vor are inserts t to fnol tjBl i ftj . : ffW ' 1: :-:.' ... : ' .-." , .. ' ^ ai ^Briv t t!0mJ:3Uira ?iex o^ i 21 eel tumlxarn 21 MONOCYOLIC SYSTEM. Within the last few months there has been intro- duced a new (?) system of power distribution called by the inventors "Mono cyclic System* The generator is wound like . an ordinary single phase machine with the exception that a supplementary winding or "teaser* coil, connected In the middle of the main winding and the terminal brought to the rsist flown Ir it* i?o> thu- 5. t ^Mte bs J* third collecting ring. Prom this third collecting ring a Th* aMaf wire is run to those points, and those points only, whers power is needed. This system it is claimed possesses all $& wall * motor* *?':. -.d. ' of the advantages of a single phase system with regard to facility of regulation, with the additional advantage that it is able to carry polyphase motor loads. > rtntft 3*0 DIM y as they This third winding is so proportioned that the r- ' mieh wirt &i * pbaa* phas* and sultant e. m. f. is composed of the electfco-motive-forces differing 60 in ph^se. ill mtHni* di ' v /-.' ; ', -rsR* S'- Now if in the apparatus for transformation one of bution irtrolYir . tiro these e. m. f.s is reversed we have three currents differ- ing in phase by 120 ! However, it ic claimed that this sup- plemental coil as ordinarily used has no effect upon the voltage of the two outside wires, so that they may be used for lighting in the ordinary way. But when it is desired to run a motor two transformers are inserted between the power v/ire and each of the two cipher nnes, with the second- ary of one reversed so as to give throe currents 120apart. In this circuit may be inserted an ordinary three phase motor. . - } [ Jbnuov 8i ro^s'jf / B f ta ^tisnifyia rus erf;! Hi, fti^osnnoo ,Iioo "neajs* .isalqqjLra srtt c3 tfrfsjjoid iBnimed ertt fins $nlfeniw $i&iH a*# to %ffcf*tfT B an.hr j}ii-^3olloo .oii.-ij MOPI^ .gnli $xxjt.to.tJUL6t> firfJW^ terfw t Yino a^n?">q aaoif^ bits ,is4 i nlq eaoxfl o^ nxrt 1 otlw ,= i .11 rnfcSe^a aiiiT ,l>6^esn al ttwoq oj b'SB;e^ -i,tiw .^tva^s sasiiq slgnis s lo 83fi^fiBvl>jB dri^ to -^n.'itxno^ 9 rf^ ji^iv; t noi^sJj/seT to .acsol ic^oic ssarfq^Io 1 *r^^^o o? elds ai jTo-icnq[ 03 ai gnlJaniw f>ilri-j airif to beooqmoo ai .1 .m .e .OBBiiq nl 00 lo dno not^ar.nOiSnBt;? -ro'i arjus*XBqqa 8-i^ ni t l)02iovi>t ai s.1 .in .e que elrf^ ^Brfct JbsmxBlo ai ^i ,-xevewoH !021 '^d easxlq ni arfl noqir ^o0tl0 oa jsui besif vliisniino 3fi lioo d XB2I ^D/l^ ifarfr o f a*tiw ef)ia^jjo owct eriJ sab ai ^i ner^r iuH ,\;aw ^jsni^o eri^ ni ndewted i)t^i88ni eis aterr rwt Imooea erlt ^H9-t*tiro i l lq e*t ;, bd^teani ec ni .28 W Where the subsidary e. m. f. 4 generated is of small moment 5 ^ower may be generated by single phase generators and at the point where a motor is required the displaced e. m. f. may be generated by a synchronous motor, thus doing away with the third wire for great distances. The motors are designed so as to cause a counter $ ^ M. f. in the powr wire of such magnitxide tht no cur- rent flows in it, so that it fAy be disconnected entirely. The chief advantage of this system appears to be in central station distribution where a great many light* as well as motors are required. Z&wtOIl & '- It would seem from what has been said that for tran- mission of power through long distances three phase cur- rents are best particularly as they only require 15% as ach wire as the single phase phase and the two complete [\ i iP* ' '- w Vf circuit two phase system. The three phase system however is rather difficult to handlt in lighting, so for distri- bution involving lighting and power the two phase and mono- * !> is gr$at cyclic systems are superior. , . *.,:& awv^i- t i .tr By mean* of transformers with suitably proportioned alA- i.;; windings it is practicable to convert from two phase and " vice versa. Consequently a Judicious admixture of the two systems would seem to offer an ideal solution of the i problem! The copper used by each system is easily calculated. Dr. Bell has secured the following results. Taking single phase system as the base: Single phase two wire- Copper 100.0 3 * 31.25 Iltes to si &e;t.8reft9 fe& .t ,ra ,0 .-ta&**lB-t*fl6?i <* MH t .ffl * rtafvts r iot silw bildcf ^.aoo B asyf;o o* BS oa f0n^t89i> et -mo on ^.^rf. 4 eb^t-trnoBm A&an lo *ilw tttwog &jf 4 Hi .t ,HI .^l9Ti.-.:j:o be -yanno?>jsitl> ed ^1$ rtJt ^jrf* :oa f *l ni ri ed Oc 'siseqq.o n!1aYS slrf 4 to 8:^B-tnjRv6*t .%0JtffO nis no^om as Haw rq PSI.I;> KftOfEBitaib ^itol ftrf,* 8S f bna es^rfq e* -itrUib -io*i OB t gniirfsll it.t Offptm BrtB aajs-fq owe? sd 4 ^9WO(I iiro<| lo b re o i 4 rc o q ot Q v I < ^ 1' we ri ^ I. w ess/iq ow 4 m6^t 4 ivnoo o 4 to eit:.txJt!Ut nol^ifloa Isebi n noJ: 4 iid eta amoa^a oxlo^o 1 o al o,- ainaifa^a bfteu -xa^qoo 23 Two Phase 4 wire Copper 100.0 Thret 3 " 75.0 Two i0-125 The three pnase system is therefore the most econom- ical of tfire for all of the practical systems. & - . . j. . With regard to the frequency of alternating currents we find in machines as now made quita a largo raage. In as much as the old standard of single phase system was 133 some companies manufacture motors still to run on that fre- quency. Now, however, the tendency is to lower this. Impedance depends upon raqu2rtcy^/R%(27rn A 'L) v where is the frequency. Thus we see that it is desirable to have the frequency as low as possible to make the impedance of the motors small, '^iien the impedance is great the an- gle of lag between a. in. f . and current is great, causing a large idle current to flow in the motor fialds. In other words the power factor is made small. But there is a limit to the lowness of the frequency and that is the minimum at which electtic lights will burn steadily. This minimum is about 35; below this lamps flick r noticeably. The usual practic no.v is to adopt a fre- quency of about 60, this being a^plicabla to both power and light. In plants where the transmission of power is the prim* factor and lighting is a minor consideration, n is often as low as 25. 3~~ * .: . ac. ?oi e . v io ^onoirpeil -erf* 6' tiW i.I. .eg: in ! votf an adi: ! ew n:c;o: ,.3 esprit: el^nia lc fc^fibiUi^tt bio aria a rioum ; JBA ilii-c .fc noqxr afcneq 01* clos'ilasi) si ^i .'fiiW ee v/ ai/flT . v;oni;psil erf^ ai xx or-J s^ferr? o^ I -Jieaoq GB wol C ^ 10 itr SI a IB f*rfq 1 o* a* fee;; tf ftfrriaJiqaK; .*3ft % it* t*. jfoxm 61 agfiit **! B 5^1A . a^navitfo snijjsn*ie*jta 911 e v lo a^v-ruo 8f\ r ^ ^eri^ i>* --tjrt *8H oos>^ vXtis&Io a^r ^i rfq *e"t;itf o6rf^ ^: votolt -ev adug .a froanrOJfT & neerf anlTs .-jofa^/jmjtioo tsd X HB uO';HiiG|a^'o^ be^-trvefe asw li sri* Ssstfciifi ca ot sd ^Xi/ow ^o^o 0tft m e9o ^rfj 01 biui tirii/f bns^ fclifot* ac j adif a i? o^ bdbiae:) a^ 3i eT^^Bimtfl e: ^i 01 r . . . dynamo hav ng frequency of 40, which it was possible to increase and having an elect ro-rootive force of 1000 volts. 4. k two phase alternating current dynamo of 5250 volts difference of potential. 5. A three phase alterriatirsg dynamo of 133 volts dif- ference of potential. The details of the armature are shown in the blue prints. The reason for making a machine of this character was that it was possible to combine in one machine a generator which could be used for a large nuribar of different purposes and it is believed that it will be a valuable adjunct to our electrical laboratory here. The machine is now in course of construction and will be completed within a very short time. The design of this machine will now be given. th& By reference to the blue prints *&& general dimensions and characteristic feature f tbe generator will be easily seem* . fen* e8gtc eaurCg ow* A , ^ soneiellifc f CI 3 oii!inJ> >aci^ setrfS A .$ laictrtetoe! to ; e^ia 9tir^8Art8 4^ lo ai--;:; lo ealiiaaal a ^.iaCBm iot if!ji'it a *'ii:iojR/i eo ni oqi^q -te'i ill io -f scf ; :>.;n s^^^ fi TO^ b8if *o bltio ifoi/lw .a* v^>.t ;v 3 ni.iJi ai *d JIlw to.-tBt^ri f^. to ASSUMPTIONS. The dynamo is designed to ive 40 amperes at a po- tential of 500 volts at- the brushes. The peripheral veloc- ity is to be rather high, 3600 ft per sec., because the machine i to be rather small for its output in volts. The deei^n is tc resemble a IS horse power Crocker-Wheeler raot- / or. ftAJkfttfr t> ' ' i-^wlll bf assumed as 72. 2$, thin i that of the 0-W machine, any two peles covering 130 on the armature. ' t> fei& V' v d?t ' ttV^f*-?li The armature will/ have a toothed core practically the ame rf teeth ' ' > ' ' - 'tf* size ad the C-W Aotor. That is 12" diameter and 8 long. The thickness of-' the ring will be 3". For high speed, multipolar, toothed ring armature / -i of 20 K. W. capacity an allowance of 6400 lines of force per fit-pnasc -cm. in the field is good practice (A. 8. Wiener, Blectric^al World) T & machine of thif ty?* a* mil*r / * . f ' mi ttet a different* * COMPUTATIONS. f 80 TOltl Total current 40 10 amperes = current 4 T / differ / in each conductor, since armature is divided t / / / into four parallel circuits. Size of Allow SOO circular nils per ampere, will re- Armature quire wire of cross section of Qenduo/fcor 000 circular mils 13 B <* S (5179) i Diam bare ^13 0.^72 Insulation 0,02 33Xov 005 "Jo _ ^ _ j .1 ^_ . ,* W .r* > * V %*>& u O.J c. i ^1 IIJ3.3IB ) I .10 aeiegma 01 0^ . IT - dt &f>ivJ:b <1 eiij^smB sonia ^ic^oubiioo rfo.se ni ax Birl* ( S.SY 3B bemnfe't* fd ,9-xi/; no Ool nitevco a.Ila OOX fxA to ,J : --VS * TT X 3 ta li^foiw V8-x;o g>j!'vj5 oonrs dX\ $ TS Iirrs Svtola Tsljj^riB^Dsi rijftw v : -t^jjiH atecf " and 0.184 diameter 2 15 wires. Can therefore wind two 2 No. 15 wires side by side. . 790 7'.9 a 94'.8 necessary length of wire in TOT each slot. 94,6 11+ say 12 wires in every 5T1 of arm. ) *ne* f ' ad jHMaftvfeftt ' Resisteuice Cir. Mils Of 10.6 X 3 X 800 X L 5180 Ie (Four il circuits) Armature = 0.311 ohms Drop in potential C R ln * 40 X .311 Potential , 12 . 4 Volt8 aeilw SI ,otf a owJ f>niw ni aiiw to rf*anai ?iBa&6dn 8. 9. % V o nJt ae*riw SI ' ! ht sa^iw S narf.t awts a StX I to ffjbw&*0. . a >ola to H^qaJb dl\6 Sc . to ,1 008 * '008 * to rf^fclw s^^^s^^ a^iBl mot 1 ? so el w l>njiow iad w ed lllw *09 lerf^onfi nJlw ba^oejsnoo ed lllw Ia;,,og S elfioa Qtf 3niwfi*jJb 'a 8,01 H elf?^ / X ' - to 661^ ciario !!*( . X Heat loss Loss ) B C V K 12.4 X 40 497.6 watts X * 497 2.48X loss 200OO ft Magnetic Circuit Air space By drawing to scale, allowing l/16"for clear- ance, 1/32 "for binding wires and somewhat over 1/2 (5/9) of length of tooth for space taken up by conduc- ts tors, A= 0*42 1.07 cm for one pole - Si H* 17*6 5400 X 2.14 Amp. turns 1.26 for Air space 9172 amp. turns for Air space From the sane drawing. Length of L. of mag. circuit is in wtt Fe 52 cm Iron Oirc. * * * "Ji " " ca>t Fe 86 cm Allowing Y 1.4 i.e. 40^ leakage ^c. . ; vSlS p t '' - Of m 58- X 4 Amp. turns 1,26 for Wrt Fe 155 amp. turns for wtt iron Between each wrt iron core there is a cast iron yoke 3"X 8".5 through which 1/2 of &,*<+, goes 1/2 area core TT d v 5.5 V f 12.6 8q. inches. t^4 sir* mils) 0* X .KI H a C'fN ; BO. . 7t aeol X ' t el&oa o* ani^rafiU? soaqe ilA to ($\3) S\I ^rero tBi*vao i>nB 8*ii*r j.d -oii>noo Yd 5# n^fBd' eaeq no -id sis V0, tot sf.^B tJtA -sot sm/j* .qmfif' SYl^ ' i' eofiqt eras eri^ a? Jiw nl ai jii/oiio .asw to .-I to mo ae e^ ^610 * I Y t . H e n: iilf ni 0009 ff 10^ . a i e f to . V | IT 6'tOO B; ~T"1T* . ; Area 5 Area yoke - 3 X 8.6 25.5 Sq. In. Hence Bc*s\fc 85*5 2 Bv.Kt SB 126 T Ampere turns Then B in oast iron will be 4500 For B 4500 in. oast iron H 7.5 And si= Hi 7-.5 X 55 for RO J,y0rg Cast Pe Size of Wire 1.26 a 340 Ampere* turns oast Fe Then total ampere turns on field will be : 9172 for air space 166 wrt iron circuit 340 for oast iron circuit TO7T total. It is now necessary to determine the size ef wire on the field Circular mils 10.8 si X 1' of average turn 125 In this formula 125 represents 1/4 of the total voltage as the four field coils are in series. Wire may be easily wound to the depth of 3 1/2 inches Hence diameter average turn is: 9" length is 28 "27 2135 Then: Circular milg 10.S X 9677 X 2.35 "lifts * 1965 *L7 B&S wire(2048 oir. mils) l .p8 ci.eSi 8.8 X 6 . ' * :i ^aflo ni S to-ii J&60 .ni 006* a to'S JK Rie JboA ae x .L erf j 1 177 bls-t'l rto arrrj^ s*ieqm IB^O^ nerfT ncni no-rJt ^ao 10! OKI to \.i" ni ei alioo fcleit iirot e/tt 86 asitea to rftqei) eri^ o^ f>niiow ^11 BBS ed YRt sti ae^onx S\I 5 :ai n*x JS VS?82 si a.a x vvae Y a.oi tot es.ti- ftrf^ t>r! :.crfeitel> o ^Beaeoen won ai dl to eslB bit? 11 erU o eiiw lo X X ia 3 01 * aliia Turns on Cores No. layers etc. Series Ooil 40 amperes Allowing 1000 circular mils per ampere this will carry 2 amperes. Then no. turns on each core is: 9677 4832 Diam bare 17 = OS045 Insulation 0*02 Total 3.5 53.8 m 54 No. layers of wire .065 4832 89.5 90 No. wires in layer JWK Hysteresis 0.065 X 90 5.8 length of core winding. The compounding coil will be wound out- side of this in a space 6 rt long. It must carry Allowing 10000 circular mils per ampere will require 40000 circular mils *4(4i743) Diam. bare* 4 0^20 Insulation0y02 Total Diam. 6 27 turns, This win give 1080 ampere turns to compensate for drop in potential in armature. Losses. (1) Armature (a) 0*R,. 497.6 watts (page S-4) (b) Hystersis Watts lst fcHcJ X vol. ou. cm Xcyc per sec Vol. ef armature. Mean depth ring- 3',' mean diam. 9", length * 8'' ft* no no wrxc/f 6OSO v an0 20*0 *" fl0-!d" S.SS a. -5 iS 1*4 al )80I evjtg III .snii^ VU " ! ni I*lj06^oq nl qtnb tol nWNdl (i) o u) Eie (d) i_ee leg . .pi ? 4^*ti -t^nel 8S W,"3 SBO.O .^.ol"< i a I aldl to 0AJt ^q el'iiff- TBitf&Tto 00001 TOT^ . . . Vol. *3X7XrX9 676.48 This neglects the preoLiae of the slots, so is too large; but the increased hysteresis in Hysteresis the teeth has also been neglected 678.48 X 2.64 3 11127 Cu. c. But 90 f> of this is iron on account of the lamination, paper etc. 11127 X .9 10014 Induction in armature ^"* Ay. w 1/2 tr (dlam. polej v 12.6 B? Xt^aKkfe m a 24 Hysteresis 24 practically 1 to 2 /. B^ 4500 Cycles per eec. Rev per min. 4 50 X ^ :,'-,- . *fr?, r -- " 1^00 2 40 -WT X For B = 4500, fnA m 1465 Hence Watts lost 1465 X 10000 X 40 = r 58>6 107 :> * l!!r Poucault (6) Poucault Currents Currents W lost - x^X B^X n v X 10*' W X vol. where x thickness of disc in mils 50 n cycles per sec if^.J^t - 40 Watts lost 2600 X 20250000 X 10000 X 1600 10'* * 61 watts Priction (d) Friction 2^ output 20000 X .02 400 watts (2) Field Loss . oc , -*s=i**t - at .nwecf OR Is ; . oJ ai * ertt to I^-iiT- 1 - w^ ft .*. ^ oj" 1 . irj teq vH ", ST" S 00&J K * f ^A *lf .5-1 * lib I | t OO^ > '^-. v.- v*".^:^ B< .Jov X 01 X n X'S X^x P ^aol W nl oaif) to S8x)r;>fsiriJ * x eteriw 0051 X OfXXJJ 7 so. x ooc a . . (i>) (2) Field Loss. Field IOBB (a) Shunt coll loss is S C 500 X 2* 1000 watts $b) Series coil I/ Of turn * ir X 12.75 * 3'.2 Loss in 12 Series 3.2 X 27 X 4 total aeries coil In ft 34s'.6 Coil R of 345 7 .6 .006 ohm Then C^R* 1600 X .086 m 137.6 watts OOMJAERCIAL 1PPICI8NCY Useful output M 38 amperes at 487.6 volts Total looses are: O!R 497.6 watts Hysteresis* $6.6 * fouoault Cur. 81.0 * Friction 400.0 Shunt PieldlOOO.O Series " 137.6 ' Efficiency "~X Efficiency 89. . r - >e 8.7SX * $&O, X d7- i d.7* i - f 0.1 -.t, 0.00^ O.OOOIMei* , . ; fs.r 6 v 4.^ v F* " nl ; T X SU HIT* . . .to a: xioo R '' TK I nfii cory - C81m Multiphase alternating current snii s s x 011 L^ This book is DUE on the last date stamped below