THE ROBERT E. COWAN COLLECTION I'RKSKNTKl) TO THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA C. P. HUNTINGTON c-lUNE, 18Q7. Recession N o v5^T 8 REPORTS on Arizona, pamphlets in single case 8 REPORTS on Vancouver Island, pamphlets in single case. 8 REPORTS on Colorado, pamphlets in single case 8 REPORTS on Sutro Tunnel and Comstock L,ode. pam- phlets in single case 8 REPORTS on Nevada, pamphlets in single case 8 REPORTS on Montana, pamphlets in single case 8 REPORTS on Idaho, pamphlets in single case . 8 REPORTS on Dakota, pamphlets in single case 8 REPORTS on Utah Territory, pamphlets in single case 8 RESEARCHES on the Solid Carbon Compounds in Meteor- ites. 1 876. pamphlet 5 RESERVOIR Dams. By David Gravell. lyondon, 1887. i vol. (thin) 3 RESTRAINING Dams on the Yuba, American, and Bear Riv- ers; Report of Government Engineers on the Cost of 3 RESTRAINING Dams. By R. I,. Dunn. MS 3 8-M 114 Catalogue of the Library of the RESOURCES of California. San Francisco, 1862. i vol 9 X RESOURCES of Dakota. 1887. i vol. *__ 8 RESOURCES of West Virginia. Wheeling, 1876. i vol 8 RESOURCES of the Pacific States and Territories. By J. R. Brown. 1869. i vol 1 RESULTS of Rain, River, and Evaporation Observations Made in New South Wales during 1888. Sydney, 1889. i vol 12 REYER, Dr. E. Ursachen der Deformation in der Gebirgs- bildung. Leipsic, 1892. pamphlet 10 REVIEW of the Iron Mining Industry of New Jersey. 1891. pamphlet 5 REVISED and Amended Rules of Practice in Cases and Pro- ceedings before the Interstate Commission. Washington, 1889. pamphlet 1 REVERBERATORY Furnaces, Economy of Fuel with Refer- ence to .__ 5 RICE, George. Southern California Illustrated. Los Angeles, pamphlet ._ 9 RICHARDS, John A. A Manual of Machine Construction for Engineers, Draughtsmen, and Mechanics. Philadel- phia, 1889. i vol. 3 RICHARDS, Jos. W. Aluminum; Its History, Occurrence, Properties, Metallurgy, and Applications, including Its Alloys. Philadelphia, 1 887. i vol 5 RICHARDS, Jos. W. The Aluminum Problem. Philadel- phia, 1891. pamphlet 5 RICHMOND, George. The Refrigeration Machine as a Heater. Philadelphia, 1886. pamphlet 4 RICHMOND Diatomaceous Earth. Richmond, pamphlet-- 5 RICKARD, T. A. The Bendigo Gold Field. 1891 5 RICKARD, T. A. The Mount Morgan Mine. Queensland, 1891. pamphlet 5 RIDGWAY, Robert. A Manual of North American Birds. Philadelphia, 1887. i vol 18 RIVER and Harbor Improvements, from 1789 to 1883. Washington, i vol. _ 1 RIVERS and Torrents, Treatise on. London, 1861. i vol. 3 RIVISTA del Servizio Minerario nel, 1888. Fiorenza, 1890. i vol 4 ROADS and Road Making, i case, 18 California State Mining Bureau. 115 ROASTING of Gold and Silver Ores, and the Extraction of Their Respective Metals without Quicksilver. Ity G. Kustel. San Francisco, 1 880. i vol. 3 ROBINSON, L. L. Remarks before the House Committee on Water Rights and Drainage. Sacramento, 1887. pamphlet 3 ROCK Blasting. By Geo. G. Andre. London, 1878. i vol. 4 ROD WELL, G. F. Dictionary of Science. Philadelphia, 1873. i vol. - 14 ROGAUME de Belgique Regneil Consulaire. Brussels, 1880. i vol 10 ROHRIG, Ernst. Worterbuch fur Berg und Hiittentichnik. Leipzig, 1881 4 ROLLAND, M. G. Les Gisements de Mercure de Californie. Extract du Bulletin de la Societe Mineralogique de France. 1878. pamphlet 5 ROLKER, Charles M. The Alluvial Tin Deposits of Siak, Sumatra. 1891. pamphlet __ 5 ROMANER, G. J. Jelly-Fish, Star-Fish, and Sea-Urchins. New York, 1885. i vol 2 ROSALES, Henry. The Origin and Distribution of Gold in Quartz Veins. Melbourne, 1 86 1 . pamphlet 3 ROSENBUSCH, H. Mikroskopische Physiographic der Massi- gen Gesteine. Stuttgart, 1887. i vol. 4 ROTHWELL, Richard P. Pyrites. From " Mineral Resources of the United States/' Washington, 1887 5 ROWAN, F. J. Boiler Incrustation and Corrosion. New York, 1876. i vol 4 ROYCE, Josiah. California. Boston, 1886. i vol. 9 RUDIMENTARY Treatise on Limes, Cements, Mastics, Mor- tars, Concretes, Plastering, etc. London, 1869. i vol. _ 5 RUDIMENTARY Treatise on Coal and Coal Mining. London, 1886 5 RUBIES, New Artificial. New York, 1886. pamphlet 5 RUSSELL (Stetefeldt) Process. In slips and engravings 4 RUSSELL Process, and Its Practical Application and Eco- nomic Results. By Ellsworth Daggett. Salt Lake, 1888. i vol _ 3 RUSSELL, Israel C. A Geological Reconnoissance of South- ern Oregon, i vol _ _ 8 116 Catalogue of the Library of the RUSSELL, H. C. Results of Rain, River, and Evaporation Observations Made in New South Wales during 1888. Sydney, 1889. i vol 12 RUTLEY, Frank. Study of Rocks. New York, 1884. i vol. 2 s SALT. From " Mineral Resources of the United States." Washington, 1 886-87-88 5 SAILING Directions for the West Coast of North America. London, 1868. i vol _ 8 SAMPLING Ores without Use of Machinery. 1891. pam- phlet 5 SAN FRANCISCO Blue Book. San Francisco, 1890. i vol.. 9 SAN FRANCISCO Directory. 1850. i vol 9 SANTA DOMINGO, Past and Present, with a Glance at Hayti. New York, 1873. i vol .-. 10 SAUZAY, A. Wonders of Art and Archaeology Glass Making. New York, 1885. i vol 5 SAVAGE, Thomas. Spanish- American Manual. San Fran- cisco, 1889. i vol 10 SAVIOTTI, Carlo. La Statica Grafice. Milano. pamphlet 3 SAWYER, Arthur R. Accidents in Mines in the North Staffordshire Coal Fields. New York, 1887. i vol 4 SAXON, Isabelle. Five Years within the Golden Gate. London, 1868. i vol 8 SCAMMON, C. M. The Marine Mammals of the Northwest Coast of North America. San Francisco, 1874. i vol.. 2 SCHAEBERLE, J. M. A Mechanical Theory of the Solar Corona. Sacramento, 1891. pamphlet 18 SCHLAGINTWEIT, Robert Von. California. Cologne, 1871. i vol 9 SCHMIDT, F. A. Mineralienbuch. Stuttgart, 1855. i vol. 4 SCHMIDT, J. A. Petrefactenbuch. Stuttgart, 1855. i vol. 2 SCHMUCKER, Samuel M. Life of J. C. Fremont. New York, 1856. i vol 9 SCHOOL of Mines. New York. 10 vols. and index 11 SCHOTT, Charles A. The Secular Variation of the Mag- netic Declination in the United States and some Foreign Nations. Washington, 1887. pamphlet 3 California State Mining Bureau. 117 SCHUCHARDT, Theodor. Chemische Fabrick. Goerlitz, 1881-82-83-84. pamphlet. _ 4 SCHWATKA, Fred. Report of a Military Reconnissance in Alaska, in 1883. Washington, 1885. i vol 8 SCHWKINFURTH, M. G. Sur une Recente Exploration Geo- logique de 1'Onadi Arabah le Caire. 1888. pamphlet 2 SCIENCE and Art of the Manufacture of Portland Cement. By Henry Reid. London, 1 877 . 5 SCIENCE of Money. London, 1 885. i vol. 18 SCIENTIFIC Results. By Louis Agassiz and his Traveling Companions. Boston, 1870. i vol 10 SCIENTIFIC International Directory. By S. O. Cassino. Boston, 1 892 4 SCIENTIFIC American and Supplement 14 SCIENTIFIC Society of San Antonio, Texas. 1892. pam- phlet 6 SCIENTIFIC Results of the United States Arctic Expedition Steamer Polaris. By C. F. Hall. Washington, 1876. i vol 8 SCIENTIFIC American Cyclopedia of Receipts, Notes, and Queries 2 SCIENTIST, West American. San Diego, periodical 10 SCOFFERN, J., TRURAN, Wm., CLAY, Wm., OXLAND, R., FAIRIRN, W., AITKIN, W. C., and PICKETT, W. V. The Useful Metals and their Alloys. London, 1857. i vol._ 3 SCOTT, Keltic J. The Statesman's Year Book. London, 1892 T _ 11 SECRETARY of the Interior, Report of. 1888. i vol 1 SECRETARY of War; Annual Report for the year 1888. Washington, pamphlet 1 SECULAR Variation of the Magnetic Declination in the United States and some Foreign Nations. Washington, 1887. pamphlet 3 SEISMOLOGICAL Documents. Japan. 2 cases - 16 SELECTIONS from the Works of Baron De Humboldt. London, 1824. i vol 10 SELF, Edw. D. Aluminum and its Alloys, with Experi- mental Investigations. 1 887. pamphlet 5 118 Catalogue of the Library of the SEINERS, or Franklin Institute System of Screw Threads. Correspondence. Philadelphia, 1 887. pamphlet. _ 4 SELWYN, A. R. C. Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection of the Economic Minerals of Canada. London, pam- phlet . 12 SEEKING the Golden Fleece. A Record of Pioneer Life in California. San Francisco, 1877. i vol 9 SENATE Report to the Navy Department of the United States, on American Coals. Washington, 1844. i vol._ 1 SEVEN Thousand Words often Mispronounced. New York, 1889. i vol.. - __. 14 SEWARD, W. H. Travels Around the World. New York, 1873. i vol 18 SHALL We Teach Geology? By Alex. Winchell. Chicago, 1889. i vol _ 2 SHAW, Simeon. Nature Displayed. London, 1823. i vol. 18 SHEPARD, Chas. U., Jr. Meteoric Collection from 1492 to 1880 5 SHEPARD, Chas. U., Jr. Aerolites. 1879. pamphlet 5 SHINN, Chas. H. Mining Camps. New York, 1885. i vol. 9 SHERIDAN, P. H., and SHERMAN, W. T. Report of the Inspection Made in the Summer of 1877, of the Country North of the Union Pacific Railroad. Washington, 1878. i vol. (paper) . 1 SHORT Course in Qualitative Analysis. By J. M. Crafts. Revised by C. A. Schaeffer. New York, 1886. i vol... 4 SHUCK, Oscar T. California Scrap-book. San Francisco, 1869. i vol. 9 SHUCK, Oscar T. Bench and Bar of California. San Fran- cisco. 3 vols. 9 SIEMASCHKO, Julien V. Meteoriten Sammlung. St. Peters- burg, 1882. pamphlet... 5 SIEMASCHE, J. V. Kinige Beobachtungen an dem Meteor- steine von Ochansk. Wien, 1890. pamphlet 2 SIERRA Nevada, Mountaineering in. Boston, 1886. i vol. 9 SIGNAL Service, Geological Survey, Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the Hydrographic Officer of the Navy De- partment; Testimony before the Joint Commission to Consider the Present Organization of. Washington, 1886. i vol. . 1 California State Mining Bureau. 119 SIGHTS in the Gold Region. New York, 1849. i vol. 9 SILVER Commission of 1876-77-79-87, Reports of. Wash- ington. 2 vols 1 SILLIMAN, Professor. A Description of the Recently Dis- covered Petroleum Region in California. New York, 1865. pamphlet __ 5 SIMONDS, George F. The Simonds Universal Rolling Machine. Philadelphia, 1888 4 SIMON, W. Manual of Chemistry. Philadelphia, 1891. 1 vol f _'. 4 SIMULTANEOUS Production of Tar, Ammonia, and Heating Gas. Discussion. 1892. pamphlet 13 SINKING Through Wet Gravel and Quicksand, near Nor- way, Michigan. 1891. pamphlet 5 SIOLI, P. History of El Dorado County, California. Oak- land, 1883. i vol. __. 9 SITGREAVES, Capt. L- Report of an Expedition Down the Zuni and Colorado Rivers. Washington, 1853. i vol 1 Six Lectures on Gold. London, 1 880. i vol 3 SIXTH Annual Report of the State Geologist of New York, for the years 1885 and 1886. Albany, 1887. pamphlets 6 SIXTY-FIFTH and Sixty-sixth Annual Reports of the Trus- tees of the New York State Library. Albany, 1883-84. 2 vols 6 SIXTY Bulletins, n paper, relating to the United States Geo- . logical Survey 1 SIXTY Years in California. 1831 to 1889. i vol 9 SKETCH of the Great Historic Mines of the Cerro de Pro- ano. Zacatecas, 1883. pamphlet 10 SKITADE Moraner. By J. H. L- Vogt. Christiania, 1881. pamphlet 2 SMEDBURG, James R., and ROBINSON, E. N. Report upon the Mindleheff Process for the Reduction of Metals. San Francisco, 1875. pamphlet 4 SMITH, J. L. Sur la Meteorite Tornbee, le 10 Mai, 1879. pres'd Estherville, Iowa, pamphlet 5 SMITH, J. L. Description d'uiie Masse de fer Meteorique en 1862. pamphlet 5 120 Catalogue of the Library of the SMITH, J. Lawrence. Memoir on Emery . Part I, Geology and Mineralogy of Kmery; from Observations made in Asia Minor. 1 850. pamphlet 5 SMITH, J. Lawrence. Note stir un Remarquable Specimen de Siliceure de Fer. Paris, 1878. pamphlet 5 SMITH, J. L. On the Composition of the New Meteoric Mineral Daubreelite, and its Frequent if not Universal Occurrence in Meteoric Irons. 1878. pamphlet 5 SMITH, J. L. Researches on the Solid Carbon Compounds in Meteorites. 1876. pamphlet 5 SMITH, J. L. The Progress and Condition of several De- partments of Industrial Chemistry. Washington, 1869. pamphlet _ 4 SMITH, J. L. Description des Pierres Meteoriques de Rochester de Warrenton et de Cynthiana. pamphlet 5 SMITH, Hamilton. Hydraulics. The Flow of Water through Orifices and Weirs. New York, 1886. i vol.. 3 SMITH, J. A. Report on the Development of the Mineral, Metallurgical, Agricultural, Pastoral, and other Resources of Colorado, for the years 1881 and 1882. Denver, 1883. pamphlet __. 8 SMITH, J. B. A Treatise on Cable or Rope Traction. Lon- don, 1887. i vol... __ 18 SMITH, H. L. Letter to M. J. Deby, on Diatomes. 1777. pamphlet 5 SMITH, H. P. Glossary of Terms and Phrases. New York, 1883. ivol .. 4 SMITH, James A. The Dictionary of Science and Techni- cal Terms. London, 1884. i vol 14 SMITH, K. C. The Determination of Rock- Forming Min- erals. Translated from the German of Dr. Eugene Hie- sack. New York, 1 886. i vol 4 SMITH, Edgar F. Electro-Chemical Analysis. Philadel- phia, 1 890. i vol 4 SMITHSONIAN Reports from 1849 to 1890. Washington. _4.6 vols 13 SMITHSONIAN Contributions to Knowledge. Washington. 2 1 vols 13 SMITHSONIAN Misce aneous Collections. Washington, 1862. 4 vols 13 California State Mining Bureau. 121 _____ . , < SMOCK, John C. A Review of the Iron Mining Industry of New Jersey. 1891. pamphlet 5 SMOCK, J. C. Building Stone in the State of New York. Albany. 1 888 5 SMYTH, Warington W. Rudimentary Treatise on Coal and Coal Mining. London, 1 886. i vol 5 SMYTH, R. B. Geological Survey of Victoria. Reports of Progress. Melbourne. 2 vols 12 SOCIETE Geologique du Nord. Lille, 1888. 2 vols. 16 SOCIETIES; Transactions of Miscellaneous. 3 cases 15 SOETBEER, Dr. Adolfe. Hdelmetall Produktion und Werthverhaltniss zwischen Gold and Silver. Gotha, 1879. i vol. (paper) 3 SOETBEER, Ad. Materialien zur Erlanterung und Beurteil- lung der wirtschaftlichen Edelmetallverhaltnisse und die Wahrungsfrage. Berlin, 1886. pamphlet 18 SOMAU Land, or the Eastern Horn of Africa. By J. S. Leigh. 1892. pamphlet 10 SOME Canadian Rocks Containing Scapolite, with a few Notes on some Rocks Associated with the Apatite De- posits. By F. D. Adams and A. C. Lawson. pamphlet. 2 SOME Account of the Work of Stephen J. Field. San Francisco, 1 88 1. i vol _ 9 SOME New South Wales and other Minerals. By A. Liv- ersidge. pamphlet 10 SOME Nickel Ores from Oregon. 1 888. pamphlet 5 SOME Experiments on Blast Furnace Gases. 1891. pam- phlet _ . . 5 SOME New Sedalia Trilobites. By A. W. Vodges. St. Louis, 1891 2 SOME Notes on Flint. 1882. pamphlet 5 SOME Ontario Magnetites. 1891. pamphlet 5 SOME Instances of Atmospheric Action on Sandstone. Boston, 1883. pamphlet 5 SORGE, Kent. Occurrence and Application of Natural Gas in Pittsburg. 1887. pamphlet 5 SOULIE, Emile. Les Gisements Metaux Precieux des Etats et des Territoires du Pacifique, United States. Paris, 1866. pamphlet . 3 122 Catalogue of the Library of the SouLK, Frank, GIHON, J. H., and NISBET, I. The Annals of San Francisco. New York, 1854. i vol. 9 SOUTH African Diamond Mines, pamphlet 5 SOUTH Wales Institute of Engineers. Sydney, in num- bers 10 SOUTHERN Extension of the Appomattox. Formature. ByW. J. McGee. 1890. pamphlet 2 SOUTHERN Oregon, Geological Reconnoissance of. i vol. _ . 8 SOUTHERN California Illustrated. Los Angeles, pamphlet 9 SOVEL'S White Cement; Facilities for Making in Cali- fornia. MS. 5 SPANISH- AMERICAN Manual. San Francisco, 1889. i vol. 10 SPAIN and Mexico: a Collection of the Mining Laws of. i vol 10 SPECIAL Edition, Illustrated, Oakland Enquirer. Oakland, 1888. pamphlet 9 SPECIAL Report of the Character" of Food Adulterants. 1892 4 SPECIMEN of Quartz from Australia, and three Specimens of Oligoclase from North Carolina, Exhibiting Curious Optical Properties. London, 1888. pamphlet 5 SPECIMENS of Coke and Coal from the Tacoma Colliery. San Francisco, pamphlet . 5 SPEECH of the Hon. J. P. Jones, in the Senate of the United States, April 24, 1886. Resumption and the Double Standard. Washington, pamphlet 1 SPEECHES of W. M. Gwynn, in the United States Senate. Washington, 1851 9 SPELLING and Pronunciation of Chemical Terms; Report of the Committee on. Salem, 1891. pamphlet 4 SPEZIA, Gorgio Sulla. Flersibilita Dell' Itacolumite. To- rino, 1 885. pamphlet 2 SPIELIGIUM Quarundum Rerum Naturalium Subterra- nearum. Lypsia, 1769 4 SPILSBURY, E. G. Notes on a Novel Cable Transfer for Railroad Cars. 1892. pamphlet 13 SPIRALLY Welded Steel Tubes, pamphlet 5 SPRAGUE, C. E. Handbook of Volapuk. New York, 1888 9 SPROUL, Henry S. Structural Materials. Washington, 1886. pamphlet i 5 California State Mining Bureau. 123 SPROUL, Henry S. Clays. Washington, 1887. pamphlet 5 SQUIER, E. G. Honduras. Descriptive, Historical, and Statistical. London, 1 870. i vol 10 STATE Register and Year Book of Facts. San Francisco, 1857 and 1859. 2 vols 9 STATE, Territorial, and Coast Guide Book of the Pacific. San Francisco, 1866. i vol .. 8 STATEMENT Exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress of India during the years 1871-72. London, 1873. i vol. 3 STANSBURY, Capt. Expedition to the Great Salt Lake, in 1849. Washington, (imperfect) maps, i vol 1 STAPPF, F. M. Zur Diluvialfrage. 1890. pamphlet 13 STATISTICAL Account of the Seven Colonies of Australia. Sydney, 1891. i vol 12 STATISTICAL Register for 1889, and previous years. Sydney, 1 890. pamphlet 12 STATISTICAL Abstract of the United States, 1885-1888, in- clusive. Washington. 4 vols. (paper) 1 STATISTIC der Oberschlesischen Berg und Hiittenwerke fur das Jahr, 1889. Kattswig, 1890. pamphlet 3 STATISTICS of the Production of the Precious Metals. By C. King. Washington, 1 88 1. i vol _ 4 STAHL, A. W. Transmission of Power by Wire Ropes. New York, 1877. i vol __ .. 4 STATISTICS of Coal, including Mineral Bituminous Sub- stances. Philadelphia, 1855. i vol. 5 STEARNS, R. E. C. List of Papers. Contributions to Natural History. San Francisco, 1878. pamphlet 2 STEARNS, R. E. C. On Certain Parasites, Commensals, and Dorniciliaries in the Pearl Oysters. 1886. pamphlet 2 STEVENSON, David. The Principles and Practice of Canal and River Engineering. Edinburgh, 1886. i vol 3 STEWART, C. S. Eleven Reports on the Improvement of Harbors in California. 1875-1885. pamphlet 9 STETEFELDT, C. A. The Lixiviation of Silver Ores with Hyposulphite Solutions. New York, 1888. i vol 3 STETEFELDT, C. A. The Refining of Sulphides Obtained in the Lixiviation Process with Hyposulphite Solutions. 1891. pamphlet 5 124 Catalogue of the Library of the STETEFELDT, C. A. The Precipitation of Metals from Hyposulphite Solutions. 1891. pamphlet 5 STEFANI, C. De. Di Nuovo sui Lavori del Comitats Geolo- gico Nelle Alpi Apuare. 1 88 1 . pamphlet 2 STEREOSCOPE and Its Applications. By Chas. F. Himes. Philadelphia, 1887. pamphlet_ 4 STIBNITK from Japan. 1 885. pamphlet 5 STILLMAN, J. D. B. Seeking the Golden Fleece. A Record of Pioneer Life in California. San Francisco, 1877. i vol. 9 STOECK, H. H. Notes on the Iron Ores of Danville, Penn- sylvania, with a Description of the Longwall Method of Mining Used in Working Them. 1891. pamphlet 5 STONE Coal in the Lead Blast Furnace. 1891. pamphlet. 5 STONE. An Illustrated Magazine. June, 1892. periodical 12 STORER, Frank H. Dictionary of Solubilities. Cambridge, 1 864. i vol. _ .. 4 STOWELL, S. H. Petroleum. From " Mineral Resources of the United States." Washington, 1886. pamphlet 5 STOUT, Arthur B. Contributions to the History of the Aleutian Isles, of Aleutia. Kansas City, 1881. pam- phlet.... 2 STREETER, Edwin W. Precious Stones and Gems. Boston, 1887. i vol. 5 STRETCH, Richard H. Illustrations of the Zygaenidae Bomycidae of North America. San Francisco, 1872 18 STRONTIAN. From "Mineral Resources of the United States." Washington, 1887. pamphlet 5 STRUCTURE of a Portion of the Sierra Nevada in California. By G. F. Becker. 1891. pamphlet _ 1 STRUCTURAL Materials. Washington, 1886. pamphlet __ 5 STRUCTURAL Materials. Washington, 1887. pamphlet __ 5 STRUCTURAL Wrought- Iron and Steel, Tests and Require- ments of. 1891. pamphlet, maps. 3 cases 18 STUDENT'S Hand-book of Historical Geology. London, 1886. i vol. 2 STUDIES on the Stratification of the Anthracite Measures of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1887. pamphlet 5 STUDY of Rocks. By Frank Rutley. New York, 1884. i vol. .... 2 ST. MAURICE Forges. The Oldest Active Blast P\irnace on the Continent _ . _ . . . 5 California State Mining Bureau. 125 STUDIES of Blast Furnace Phenomena. Translated by I,. D. B. Gordon. Philadelphia, 1 874. i vol ._ 5 STUDY of Reservoir Vales. Translated from the French of J. B. Krautz. By F. A. Mahan. New York, 1883. i vol. 3 ST. LOUIS Academy of Sciences. Transactions. 3 vols. __ 15 SUFFICIENCY of Terrestrial Rotation for the Deflection of Streams. 1 884. pamphlet ... 3 SULPHUROUS Acid. Manufacture of Liquid in Upper Silesia. 1891. pamphlet 5 SUMMARY of the Comstock Lode and the Washoe District. i vol 8 SUMMARY of the Mineral Products of the United States. From " Mineral Resources of the United States." Wash- ington, 1888. pamphlet 5 SUMMARY of Progress in Mineralogy and Petrography in 1890. By W. A. Bay ley. 1891. pamphlet 3 SULLIVAN, Geo. M. Report on Parts of Jackson and Rock- castle Counties, Kentucky, with map. Lexington, 1891. pamphlet 7 SULPHUR. From " Mineral Resources of the United States." Washington, 1886-87-88 . _ 5 SUN, Total Eclipse of, Observed at Cayenne, French Guiana, South America, December 22, 1889, Report on the. pamphlet 13 SUPPOSED Fossil from the Copper-bearing Rocks of Lake Superior. By M. B. Wadsworth. 1884. pamphlet 2 SUR une Recente Exploration Geologique de 1'Onadi Arabah le Caire. 1888. pamphlet 2 SURGEON-GENERAL'S Office, United States Army. Index Catalogue, from 1880 to 1891. Washington. i2vols.__ 11 SURVEY of the Northern Boundary of the United States, from the Lake of the Woods to the Summit of the Rocky Mountains. By Archibald Campbell, Commissioner. Washington, 1878. i vol. __. 1 SUTRO, Adolph. Closing Argument on the Bill before Congress to Aid the Sutro Tunnel. Washington, 1872. i vol 8 SUTRO, Adolph. Sutro Tunnel. The Mineral Resources of the United States, with Special Reference Thereto. Baltimore, 1868. i vol _ . 8 1 26 Catalogue of the Library of the SUTRO, Theodore. The Sutro Tunnel Company, and the Sutro Tunnel. New York, 1 887. i vol 8 SWAN, Jas. G. The Northwest Coast of the United States. Three Years at Shoal Water Bay. 1852. i vol cS SWANK, James M. The Iron and Steel Industries in the United States, in 1887 and 1888. Washington, 1888. pamphlet 5 SWANK, James M. The American Iron Trade. From " Mineral Resources of the United States." Washington, 1887. pamphlet 5 SWANK, James M. Twenty- one Years of Progress in the Manufacture of Iron and Steel in the United States. Washington, 1886. pamphlet 5 SYMONS, Thos. W. Report of the Examination of the Upper Columbia River. Washington, 1882. i vol 8 SYNOPSIS of the Flora of Colorado. 1874. i vol 1 SYNOPSIS of Report on Mining in California and Nevada. Melbourne, i vol 4 SYSTEMATIC List of the Fred. E. Edwards Collection of British Oligocene and Eocene Mollusca in the British Museum. By R. B. Newton. London, 1891 2 SYSTEMATIC Mineralogy. By T. Sterry Hunt. New York, 1892 . - 3 SYSTEM of Classification, International Exhibition. Phila- delphia, 1 876. pamphlet 13 SYSTEM of Mineralogy. By E. S. Dana. New York, 1892. i vol. (office) SZABO, J. Des Granat und der Cordierit Inden Trachyten Ungarns. Budapest, 1882 2 SZABO, J. Classification Macrographique des Trachytes Ungarns. Budapest, 1882 2 T TABLES for the Determination of Common Minerals. By W. O. Crosby. Boston, 1887 4 TABLES of Distances between Ports in all Parts of the World, pamphlet 5 TABLES for the Determination of Minerals. 1885. pam- phlet _ _ _ _ _ ---. - - 5 California State Mining Bureau. 127 TACONIC Question of Geology. By T. S. Hunt. Mon- treal, 1883. i vol. . 2 TALKS on Manures. By J. Harris. New York, 1885. i vol. 4 TANDEM Tanks for Hoisting Water from Flooded Slopes. 1891. pamphlet 4 TANKY County, Missouri, Meteorite. 1887. pamphlet 5 TARIFF of Imports into the United States, and the Free List, as Contained in the Act of March 3, 1888; also, the Hawaiian Reciprocity Treaty. Washington, 1883. pam- phlet 1 TAR, Ammonia, and Heating Gas; Simultaneous Production of. Discussion. 1892. pamphlet 13 TATHAM Dynamometer. Philadelphia, 1886. pamphlet. _ 4 TAYLOR, John. Selections from the Works of Baron De Humboldt. London, 1824. i vol 10 TAYLOR, J. N. Tables showing the Value of Silver and Gold per Ounce Troy. New York, pamphlet- 5 TAYLOR, R. C. Statistics of Coal, including Mineral Bi- tuminous Substances. Philadelphia, 1855. i vol 5 TECHNICAL Society of the Pacific, documents, case 15 TECHNOLOGICAL Dictionary, in Dutch, English, and French. Wiesbaden, 1877. 3 vols 14 TECHNOLOGICAL Museum of New South Wales; Report of the Curator of. 1 890. pamphlet 10 TEMESCAL Tin District; Report on. London, 1890. pam- phlet 5 TENTH Annual Report United States Geological Survej^. Parts i and 2. 2 vols _ 1 TENTH Census of the United States. Washington, 1885. 22 vols __ 1 TENNESSEE; Introduction to the Resources of. Nashville, 1874. i vol. - 6 TERRESTRIAL Rotation; Sufficiency of, for the Deflection of Streams. 1 884. pamphlet 3 TERRITORY of Dakota. Aberdeen, 1889. i vol. _ 8 TERRITORY of Dakota. First and Second Biennial Re- ports of Commissioner of Immigration. Bismarck. 2 vols. 8 128 Catalogue of the Library of the _ , , . TESTIMONY before the Joint Commission to Consider the Present Organization of the Signal Service, Geological Survey, Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the Hydro- graphic Officer of the Navy Department. Washington, 1886. i vol. 1 TESTIMONY of the Rocks. By Hugh Miller. Boston, 1860. i vol i 2 TESTS of a Compound Locomotive. Philadelphia, 1891.- 4 TESTS and Requirements of Structural Wrought- Iron and Steel. 1891. pamphlet .__ 5 TEST of Metals. Senate Report, 49th Congress', ist Ses- sion, 1 883-84. -2 vols 3 TEXAS; Geological Survey of. 1 889-90 6 TEXAS; Scientific Society of. San Antonio, 1892. pam- phlet 6 TEXT-BOOK of Geology. By Arch. Geike. London, 1885. i vol 2 TEXT-BOOK on the Mechanics of Materials. By M. Mans- field. New York, 1885. i vol 4 TEXT-BOOK of Mineralogy. By H. Bauerman. New York, 1881 4 TEXT-BOOK of the Materials of Construction for Use in Technical and Engineering Schools. New York, 1886. i vol . 5 TEXT-BOOK of Geology. By J. D. Dana. New York and Chicago, 1874. i vol. __. 2 THACHER, W.A. Mining in Honduras. 1891. pamphlet. 5 THE EARTH. A Descriptive History of the Phenomena of the Life of the Globe. By Elisee Reclus. New York, i vol - . 2 THE Nautilus. No. i, Vol. 3. Philadelphia, 1889. period- ical --- 2 THE Relative Economy of Hand and Machine Drilling. By H. A. Wheeler. St. Louis, 1887 4 THEORY of Ore Crushing. By Luther Wagoner. San Francisco. 1888. i vol. (thin) 3 THEORY of Ore Crushing. San Francisco, 1886. pamphlet 4 THERMODYNAMICS. By Professor De Volson Wood. Phil- adelphia, 1887. pamphlet 4 California State Mining Bureau. 129 THICKNESS of the Devonian and Silurian Rocks of West Central New York. By Charles S. Prosser. 1890. pamphlet 2 THOMAS, W. R. In the Early Days. Broken Hill, 1889. pamphlet 12 THOMPSON, Waddy. Recollections of Mexico. New York, 1846. i vol. 10 THOMSON, James. Illustrated Hand-book of Victoria. Melbourne, 1 870. i vol . 12 THOMSON, Thomas, Outlines of Mineralogy, Geology, and Mineral Analysis. London, 1 836. 2 vols 4 THREE cases of maps 18 THREE cases of catalogues 18 THREE cases containing Annales de la Societe Royal Mala- cologique de Belgiqtie 16 THREE Letters on Mining and Smelting. London, 1750. i vol 4 THREE masses of Meteoric Iron from Glorietta Mountain, near Cafioncito, New Mexico. 1885. pamphlet 5 THREE Years of Arctic Service. An Account of the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition. New York, 1886. i vol 8 THUREAU, G. Synopsis of Report 011 Mining in California and Nevada. Melbourne, i vol 4 THURSTON, Robert H. A Text-book of the Materials of Construction for Use in Technical and Engineering Schools. New York, 1886. ' i vol. 5 THURSTON, Robert H. A Treatise on Friction and Lost Work in Machinery, and Lost Millwork. New York, 1886. i vol 4 TIFFANY & Co. Collection of Rough Diamonds. 1885. pamphlet 5 TIFFANY & Co. Catalogue of a Collection of Precious and Ornamental Stones of North America, Exhibited at the Paris Exposition. 1 889 5 TIFFANY & Co. Diamonds, Pearls, and Precious Stones Taken from the Collection Known as the Crown Jewels. New York, 1887. large pamphlet 5 TIMCHRI. Being the Journal of the Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society of British Guiana. Demerara. periodical 18 9-M 130 Catalogue of the Library of the TIMBER, Dry Rot in, Treatise on. London, 1875. i vol. . 8 TIN Ore in the Black Hills, Discovery of. New York, 1883 5 TIN, Tungsten, Aluminum, and Platinum. Washington, 1887. pamphlet 5 TIN Mineral in the Black Hills. By T. Ulke. 1892. pamphlet ' 12 TIN. From " Mineral Resources of the United States." Washington, 1 888 ; also for 1 886. pamphlets 5 TITANIFEROUS Iron Ores of the United States. Discussion. 1892. pamphlet ' 13 TOBIN Bronze. Ansonia Brass and Copper Company. 1892. pamphlet 5 TONER, J. M. Dictionary of Elevations and Climatic Reg- ister of the United States. 1 874. i vol 1 TORNADO Circular, No. i. Signal Office, Washington. pamphlet 1 TOPOGRAPHICAL Drawing and Sketching. By Lieut. H. A. Reed. New York, 1888. i vol 3 To PREVENT Injury to the Navigable Waters of California. Letter from the Secretary of War. Washington, 1881. pamphlet TOURISTS' Guide. San Francisco, 1871. i vol 9 TOURMALINE. Boston, 1873. i vol 5 TOWNSEND, Charles H. Report upon the Pearl Fishery of the Gulf of California. Washington, 1891. pamphlet _. 1 TRADE and Transportation between the United States and Spanish America. By W. E. Curtis. Washington, 1889. i vol. (paper) 1 TRAITE d'Hydraulique et de Geologie Agricoles. By A. Duponchel. Paris, 1 867. i vol TRAITE de Palseontologie ou Histoire Naturelle des Ani- maux Fossilles. By J. Pictet. Paris, 1844. 2 vols. Also, set of the same. 4 vols. Paris, 1853. 2d edition with atlas 2 TRANSACTIONS of the Edinburgh Geological Society. Edinburgh, 1887. i vol. --- 16 TRANSACTIONS of the American Institute of Mining Engi- neers. In separate numbers _ - - 6 California State Mining Bureau. 131 TRANSACTIONS of the American Institute of Mining Engi- neers. New York. 17 vols. and case of publications __ 16 TRANSACTIONS of the Colorado Scientific Society 8 TRANSACTIONS of Liverpool Geological Association, in numbers . 16 TRANSACTIONS of the Geological Society of Glasgow. 2 vols 16 TRANSACTIONS of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. 1891. pamphlet 12 TRANSACTIONS of Kansas State Historical Society. Vol. 4. Topeka, 1890 7 TRANSACTIONS of the Asiatic Society of Japan. Yoko- hama, 1891. i vol._'_ 10 TRANSACTIONS of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences. 01.6,1881-83. Madison, 1886. i vol. _. 15 TRANSACTIONS of California Agricultural Society, from 1859. 22 vols 14 TRANSACTIONS of the American Institute of Electrical En- gineers. New York, 1888. Vols. 5 and 7. pamphlets. 15 TRANSACTIONS of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters. 1892. pamphlet 6 TRANSACTIONS of the Academy of Sciences of St. Louis. 1861 to 1886. 3vols 15 TRANSACTIONS of the New York Academy of Sciences. New York. 8 vols 15 TRANSACTIONS of the Mining Institute of Scotland. Ham- ilton. 8 vols 16 TRANSACTIONS of the Kansas Academy of Sciences. To- peka. 6 vols 15 TRANSACTIONS of the Kansas Academy of Sciences. 1885-86. Topeka, 1890. i vol. 7 TRANSLATION of Van Cotta's Treatise on Ore Deposits. New York, 1 870. i vol 2 TRANSLATION of M. H. C. Landrin, Jr.'s, Treatise on Steel. Philadelphia, 1868. i vol. 5 TRANSLATION of Humboldt's Political Essay on the King- dom of New Spain. London, 1822. 4 vols 10 TRANSLATION of Vincent Restrepo's "A Study of the Gold and Silver Mines of Colombia." New York, 1886. ivol. 10 132 Catalogue of the Library of the TRANSLATION of F. De Lanoye's Rameses the Great. New York, 1885. i vol 10 TRANSLATION of Ulloa's Voyage to South America. Lon- don, 1 867. 2 vols. . . 10 TRANSLATION of J. J. Berzelius on the Blowpipe. London, 1822. i vol _ 4 TRANSLATION of Baron Inigo Bora's New Process of Amal- gamation of Gold and Silver Ores, and other Metallic Mixtures. By R. E. Raspe. London, 1791. i vol TRANSLATION of Ganot's Elements' on Physics. By E. Atkinson. London, 1 875. 2 vols. : 4 TRAITE de Chimie. By A. Pelouze and E. Frerny. Paris, 1 860. 4 vols 4 TRANSLATION of Bodman & Kearl's Treatise of Assaying of Lead, Copper, Silver, Gold, and Mercury. New York, 1865. i vol 3 TRANSMISSION of Power by Compressed Air. New York, 1878. i vol 4 TRANSMISSION of Power by Wire Ropes. New York, 1877. i vol. _. . . . 4 TRASK, J. B. Geology of California. Sacramento, 1856. i vol 9 TRAVELS in Mexico. San Francisco, 1884. i vol 10 TRAVELS in Peru and Mexico. London, 1860. i vol 10 TRAVELS on the Western Slope of the Mexican Cordilleras. San Francisco, 1857. i vol._ . 10 TRAVELS to the Equatorial Regions of America. London, 1884. i vol 18 TRAVELS Around the World. New York, 1873. ivol._. 18 TREATISE on Metalliferous Minerals and Mining. London, 1886. i vol 4 TREATISE on Primary Geology. By H. S. Boase. London, 1834. i vol 2 TREATISE on Ore Deposits. By J. A. Phillips. London, 1884. i vol.. 2 TREATISE on Cable or Rope Traction. London, 1887. i vol. 18 TREATISE on Diamonds and Pearls. London, 1871. i vol. 5 TREATISE on the Metallurgy of Iron. London, 1882. i vol. 5 California State Mining Bureau. 133 TREATISE on Dry Rot in Timber. London, 1875. i vol._ 18 TREATISE on Mine Surveying. London, i vol 4 TREATISE on Hydraulics. New York, 1 890. i vol 3 TREATISE on Rivers and Torrents. London, 1861. i vol. 3 TREATISE on Crystallography. By W. H. Miller. Cam- bridge, 1 839. i vol 4 TREATISE on Metallurgy. By Fred. Overman. New York, 1855. i vol . 3 TREATISE on the Origin, Nature, and Virtues of Chaly- beate Waters. London, 1755. i vol. _. 3 TREATISE on Mine Ventilation. By E. B. Wilson. New York, 1887 _. 4 TREATISE 011 PMction and Lost Work in Machinery and Millwork. New York, 1886. i vol. 4 TREATMENT of Silver Tailings in Nevada. By T. Egleston. London, i vol 4 TREATY, The Hawaiian Reciprocity. Washington, 1883. pamphlet 1 TREES and Shrubs of Massachusetts. Boston, 1878. 2 vols. 7 TRIMMER, Joshua. Practical Geology and Mineralogy. Philadelphia, 1842. i vol. 2 TRIPOLITE Deposits of Lilicur. Ballarat, 1886. pamphlet 5 TROWBRIDGE, W. F. Turbine Wheels. New York, 1879. i vol - 4 TSCHUDI, Juan Diego de. Antiguedades Peruanas. Vi- enna, 1851. i vol. 10 TUNNELING, Explosive Compounds, and Rock Drills. By H. S. Drinker. New York, 1882. i vol. 4 TURNER, George M. Novaculite. Washington, 1887 5 TURQUOIS from New Mexico. 1886. pamphlet 5 TURRILL, Charles B. First Volume California Notes. San Francisco, 1 876. i vol . 9 TUTHILL, Franklin. The History of California. San Fran- cisco, 1886. i vol. 9 TURBINE Wheels. New York, 1 879. i vol. 4 TURBINES. By Irving P. Church. 1887. pamphlet 4 TWELVE Annual Reports of the State Geologist of New Jersey 6 TWENTY-ONE Years of Progress in the Manufacture of Iron and Steel in the United States. Washington, 1886. pamphlet 5 134 Catalogue of the Library of the TWENTIETH Annual Report of the Deputy Master of the Mint. London, 1889. pamphlet 10 Two New Meteorites from Carroll County, Kentucky, and Catorze, Mexico. 1 887. pamphlet 5 Two cases of Seismological Documents. Japan 16 Two cases containing Documents relative to the Geological Society of Ireland 16 Two cases containing Societe des Sciences, Agriculture, et Arts de la Basse. Alsace __ 16 Two cases of Railroad Reports and Periodicals 17 Two cases relating to Microscopy _ '. 18 TYLER, Charles M. The Island World of the Pacific Ocean. San Francisco, 1 885. i vol. 8 TYSON, Philip T. Geology and Industrial Resources of California. Baltimore, 1851. i vol 9 u UEBER feinkorn und schlamm auf bereitung bei der verar- beitung guildischer oder keisebleiischer Krze. Freiberg, 1 890. pamphlet 4 ULKE, T. New Tin Material in the Black Hills. 1892. pamphlet . 13 ULRICH, G. H. F. Contributions to a Catalogue of Works, Reports, etc., of the Australian and Tasmanian Abo- rigines. Sydney, 1890. pamphlet 12 ULRICH, G. H. F. Notes and Observations on the Nug- getty Reef, Maldon. Melbourne, pamphlet 12 UivRiCH, E. O. Contributions to Micro-Palaeontology. Montreal, 1889. pamphlet 12 UNDERGROUND, or Life Beneath the Surface. Hartford, 1874. i vol .. . 18 UNDERGROUND Treasures. How and Where to Find Them. By James Orton. Philadelphia, 1881 . i vol. _ 4 UNWIN, George. Letters on the Tin Mines of Cornwall. London, 1790 5 UPPER Mississippi Lead Region, Report of a Geological Survey of. Albany, 1862 7 URE, Andrew. New System of Geology. London, 1829. i vol.. 2 California State Mining Bureau. 135 URE, Dr. Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. By Robert Hunt, assisted by F. W. Rudler. London, 1878. 4 vols _ 4 URSACHEN der deformation in und der gebirgsbildung. By Dr. E. Reyer. 1892. pamphlet 10 UNITED STATES Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, in 1849-50-51-52. Vol. I, Chile; Vol. II, The Andes and Pampas. Washington. 2 vols 10 UNITED STATES Annual Mining Review and Stock Ledger for 1879. i vol. 9 UNITED STATES Coast and Geodetic Survey; Reports of for 1878-1889. \Vashington. 12 vols 1 UNITED STATES Geological Survey. Tenth Annual Re- port. Parts I and II. 2 vols 1 UNITED STATES Geological Survey. Bulletins Nos. 62 to 81. 1 7 numbers. 1891 1 UNITED STATES Geological Survey. Clarence King. 16 vols 1 UNITED STATES Survey. Sixty bulletins relating thereto, in paper . 1 UNITED STATES; Natural Resources of. New York, 1888. i vol . 4 UNITED STATES; Statistical Abstract of the. 1885-1888, inclusive. Washington. 4 vols 1 UNITED STATES. Tenth Census. Washington, 1885. 22 vols _ 1 USE of Magnetic Concentration in the Port Henry Blast Furnace. 1891. pamphlet .. 4 USEFUL Metals and their Alloys. London, 1857. i vol.__ 3 UTILIZATION of Puddle and Reheating Slags for Paint Stock. 1891. pamphlet 5 UTILIZATION of Anthracite Waste by Gasification in Pro- ducers. 1891. pamphlet 5 UTAH; History of. San Francisco, 1890. i vol. 8 Y VALLEY of the Amazon. By Capt. Herndon. Washing- ton, 1 853. i vol., and 2 vols. maps 1 VANCOUVER Island and British Columbia. Facts and Figures Relating thereto. London, 1860. i vol. ._ ... 8 136' Catalogue of the Library of the VAN HISE, C. R. The Iron Ores of the Penokee-Gogebic Series of Michigan and Wisconsin. 1889. pamphlet __ 5 VAN HiSE, C. R. Origin of the Mica Schists and Black Mica Slates of the Penokee-Gogebic Iron-bearing Series. 1886. pamphlet 2 VAN HiSE, C. R. Enlargement of Hornblendes and Au- gites in Rocks. 1887. pamphlet :.. 2 VAN HiSE, C. R. An Attempt to Harmonize some Ap- parently Conflicting Views of Lake Superior Strati- graphy. 1891. pamphlet 2 VAN RENSSELAER, Jer. Lectures on Geology. New York, 1825. i vol 2 VANWAGENEN, T. F. Manual of Hydraulic Mining, for the Use of the Practical Miner. New York, 1880. i vol. (thin) 3 VARIOUS Forms in which Gold Occurs in Nature, pam- phlet 3 VESTIGES of the Natural History of Creation, roth edi- tion. London, 1853. i vol. 2 VEATCH, John A. Report to Borax Company of Cali- fornia. San Francisco, 1857. pamphlet 5 VIEWS of the Works of the Gould & Curry Silver Mining Company, Virginia City, Nevada, i vol. : 8 VICTORIA; Mineral Statistics of, for 1885-86-87-88 12 VICTORIA; Illustrated Hand-book of. Melbourne, i vol.- 12 VICTORIAN Organic Remains, Decades i and 2. Mel- bourne. 2vols 12 VICTOR, Francis Fuller. All over Oregon and Washington. San Francisco, 1872. i vol ViiyLEFOSSE, A. H. De la Richesse Minerale. Paris, 1810. 3 vols. VISITORS' Guide of the British Section of the Philadelphia International Exhibition. Philadelphia, 1875. i vol.._ 13 VIRGINIA. A Geographical and Political Summary. Rich- mond, 1876. i vol. 6 VOGDES, A. W. Notes on Palaeozoic Crustacese on Some New Sedalia Trilobites. St. Louis, 1891. pamphlet 5 VOGEL, Herman. The Chemistry of Light and Photog- raphy. New York, 1889. i vol. -. 4 California State Mining Bureau. 137 VOGT, J. H. L,. Skitade Moraner. Christiania, 1881. pam- phlet 2 VOLCANOES. What They Are and What They Teach. Boston, 1 88 1. i vol. 2 VOLCANOES and Earthquakes. By Samuel Kneeland. 1883. . i vol. 2 VOLCANOES of the United States Pacific Coast. 1877. i vol. (thin) 2 VOLCANO of Kilauea, Sandwich Islands, pamphlet 2 VOLTZ, Dr. H. Statistic der Oberschlesischen Berg und- Huttenwerke fur das Jahr, 1889; Kattswig, 1890. pamphlet 3 VOLTZ, H. Statistics of Upper Silesia Mining and Smelt- ing Works. Kattourtz, 1889 16 VON ALLERT and KARMERSGH, K. Technological Diction- ary in Dutch, English, and French. Wiesbaden, 1877. 3 vols. 14 VON COTTA, B. Geologische Bilder. Leipsic, 1876. i vol. 2 VON MULLER, Ferdinand. Observations on New Vegetable Fossils. Melbourne, 1874. i vol. 12 w WADS WORTH, M. E. The Relation of the Keweenawan Series to the Eastern Sandstone in the Vicinity of Torch L/ake. Michigan 5 WADSWORTH, M. E. Some Instances of Atmospheric Action on Sandstone. Boston, 1883. pamphlet. 5 WADSWORTH, M. C. The Evidence that the Earth's In- terior is Solid. 1 884. pamphlet 2 WADSWORTH, M. E. Classification of Rocks. Cambridge, 1879. pamphlet _ . _ _ . 2 WADSWORTH, M. E. The Fortieth Parallel Rocks and Some Points Relating to the Geographical Exploration Thereof. 1881 _ . _ 1 WADSWORTH, M. E. Notes on the Lithology of the Island of Jura, Scotland. Boston, 1883. pamphlet 2 WADSWORTH, M. E. On a Supposed Fossil from the Copper-bearing Rocks of Lake Superior. Boston, 1844. pamphlet _ . : 2 188 Catalogue of the Library of the WAGGONER, Luther. The Theory of Ore Crushing. San Francisco, 1886. pamphlet 4 WAGGONER, Luther. The Theory of Ore Crushing. San Francisco, i vol. (thin) 3 WAGMAN Collection of Archaeology, pamphlet 5 WALDRON Ridge, Tennessee, Meteorite. 1887. pamphlet 5 WALLACE, William. Laws which Regulate the Deposition of Lead Ores in Veins. London, 1 86 1. i vol 4 WALTON, Thos. H. Coal Mining Described and Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1883. i vol 5 WALTERS, M. Les Routesv des Kaux dans 1'Antiquite. Gand, 1887 16 WALTERS, M. Discourse le Regime des Eaux dans 1'Antiquite. Gand, 1888 16 WARD & HOWELL'S Catalogue of Geology and Lithology. Rochester, 1888; also of Minerals, 1878., and of Rocks, 1878. Rochester. 3 pamphlets 5 WARD, H. G. Mexico in 1827. London. 2 vols 10 WASHINGTON County, Pennsylvania, Meteorite. 1885. ( i sheet) 5 WASMUTH, Henry A. Studies on the Stratification of the Anthracite Measures of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1887 5 WATER Gas as Fuel. Boston, 1883. pamphlet 5 WATT, Alexander. Electro-Metallurgy Practically Treated. London, 1883. i vol. 3 WEDDERBURN, A. J. Special Report of the Character of Food Adulterants. Washington, 1892.. 4 WEEKS, Jos. D. Petroleum. From " Mineral Resources of the United States." Washington, 1 886-87-88 5 WEEKS, Jos. D. Manganese. From " Mineral Resources of the United States." 1887-88. 2 pamphlets . . 5 WEEKS, Jos. D. The Manufacture of Coke. From " Mineral Resources of the United States." Washington, 1886-87-88. 3 pamphlets 5 WEEKS, Jos. D. Natural Gas. From u Mineral Resources of the United States." Washington, 1887 5 WEIDNER, Frederick. Cerro de Mercado de Durango Con Su Corte Geologico. Mexico, 1878. pamphlet 5 WELLS, David A. A Study of Mexico. New York, 1887. i vol.. 10 California State Mining Bureau. 139 WKNDT, Arthur F. The Pyrites Deposits of the Alle- ghanies. New York, 1886. pamphlet 5 WEST American Scientist. San Diego, periodical 10 WEST Coast of North America, Sailing Directions for the. London, 1868. i.vol. ... 8 WESTERN America, including California and Oregon. Philadelphia, 1849 9 WESTERN Slope of the Mexican Cordilleras, Travels on. San Francisco, 1857 10 WESTERN Shore Gazetteer, Yolo County. Woodland, 1870. i vol. 9 WESTROPP, Hodder M. Hand-book of Pottery and Porce- lain. New York, i vol. _ 5 WETHERILL, Charles M. Experiments on Itacolumite (Articulite), with the Explanation of its Flexibility and its Relation to the Formation of the Diamond. 1867. pamphlet 5 WHEATLY, H. B., and DELAMOTTE, P. H. Art Work in Porcelain. London, 1883. i vol 5 WHEATLY, H. B., and DELAMOTTE, P. H. Art Work in Gold and Silver. New York, 1882. i vol 5 WHEATLY, H. B., and DELAMOTTE, P. H. Art Work in Earthenware. London, 1885 ._ _ 5 WHEELER, Geo. M. Report upon the Third International Geographical Congress and Exhibition at Venice, Italy, 1 88 1, accompanied by Data Concerning the Principal Government Land and Marine Surveys of the World. Washington, 1885. i vol. _, 1 WHEELER, Geo. M. Facts Concerning the Origin, Organ- ization, Administration, Functions, History, and Progress of the Principal Government Land and Marine Surveys of the World. Washington, 1885. i vol. 1 WHEELER, Lieut. Geo. M. Report of the Geographical and Geological Surveys West of the looth Meridian. 1875-77-78-79-81. 7 vols 1 WHEELER, H. A. Machine Mining in the St. Louis Coal Regions. St. Louis, 1888. pamphlet 5 WHEELER, H. A., and LUEDEKING, C. Iodine in Blow- piping. St. Louis, 1886 8 140 Catalogue of the Library of the WHEELER, H. A. The Relative Economy of Hand and Machine Drilling. St. Louis, 1887. pamphlet 4 WHEELER, H. A. Pneumatic Hoisting. New York, 1890 4 WHITAKER, W., and D ALTON, W. H. The Geological Record for 1879. London, i vol. : 2 WHITE, C. A., and NICHOLSON, H. A. Bibliography of North America Invertebrate Palaeontology. 1878. i vol. (paper ) 1 WHITE, C. A. Fossil Oschidae of North America, Review of. Washington, 1883. i vol. *_ 2 WHITE, Chas. A. Report of the Geological Survey of the State of Iowa. Des Moines, 1870. 2 vols 7 WHITEAVES, J. F. Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada. Contributions to Canadian Palaeontology. Vol. i, Parts i and 2. Also, the same by K. D. Cope. Vol. 3, Part i. Montreal, 1891 : . 2 WHITEAVES, J. F. Contributions to Canadian Palaeontol- ogy. Montreal, 1 889. pamphlet 12 WHITEHOUSE, Cope. The Raiene Moeris, or Storage Reser- voir of Middle Egypt. 1886. i vol. (thin) 3 WHITING, Jasper. Some Experiments on Blast Furnace Gases. 1891. pamphlet 5 WHITNEY, J. D. Report of a Geological Survey of the Upper Mississippi Lead Region. Albany, 1862 7 WHITNEY, J. D. The Auriferous Gravels of the Sierra Nevada of California. Cambridge, 1880. i vol 9 WILCKENS, M. Beitrang zurr Kenntniss des Pferdigebisses mit Ruchsicht auf die Fossillon Equidem von Maragha in Persien. Halle, 1888. pamphlet 16 WILEY, H. W. Foods and Food Adulterants. Washing- ton, 1 892 . pamphlet 4 WILLCOCKS, W. Egyptian Irrigation. London, 1889. i vol. 3 WILKES, Charles. Western America, including California and Oregon. Philadelphia, 1849. i vol. 9 WILKP:S, Charles. Exploring Expedition during the Years 1838 to 1842. New York. 4 vols 10 WILKINSON, C. S. Notes on the Geology of New South Wales. Sydney, 1887. i vol 12 California State Mining Bureau. 141 WILLIAMS, Albert, Jr. Popular Fallacies Regarding Precious Metal Ore Deposits, pamphlet 4 WILLIAMS, Albert, Jr. Gold and Silver. Washington, 1885. pamphlet 3 WILLIAMS, Albert, Jr. Coal. From " Mineral Resources of the United States." Washington, 1885. pamphlet. . 5 WILLIAMS, Albert, Jr. Useful Minerals of the United States. Washington, 1888 .. 5 WILLIAMS, B. H. Practical Treatise on the Gases Met with in Coal Mines. New York, 1886. i vol. 5. WILLIAMS, Samuel G. Applied Geology. New York, 1886. i vol. 2 WILSON, Jos. M. An Inquiry into the Relative Value of Aluminum and its Alloys to the Arts. Philadelphia, 1888. pamphlet 5 WILSON, E. B. A Treatise on Mine Ventilation. New York, 1887. i vol 4 WINCHELL, Alex. -Shall We Teach Geology? Chicago, 1889. i vol. 2 WINCHELL, Prof. N. H. Address on the Crystalline Rocks of the Northwest. Salem, 1 885. pamphlet 2 WINCHELL, N. H., and WINCHELL, H. V. A Possible Chemical Origin of the Iron Ores of the Keewatin in Minnesota. Toronto, 1 889. pamphlet 5 WINCHELL, N. H., and WINCHELL, H. V. Iron Ores of Minnesota. Bulletin No. 6. Minneapolis, 1891. i vol. 7 WINCHELL, N. H. Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. 1872-82 . 7 WINGHAM, Arthur. Report 011 the Analysis of Various Examples of Oriental Metal Work, etc., in the South Kensington Museum and other Collections. London, 1892 3 WINKLER, Clemens. Die Untersuchung des Eisensneteor- otis von Rittersgrun. Halle, 1 878 16 WITHERING, William. An Arrangement of British Plants. London, 18 1 8. 4 vols 18 WISCONSIN Academy of Sciences. Transactions. Vol. 16. 1866. i vol. . 15 142 Catalogue of the Library of the WISCONSIN, Iowa, and Minnesota, Geological Survey of. 1852. 2 vols __. 6 WITWATESRAND Chamber of Mines. Annual Report. Cape Town, 1890 15 WOAKKS, Ernest R. A Compound Plunger Hydraulic Pump, pamphlet 4 WOOD, J. G. The Fresh and Salt Water Aquarium. Lon- don, i vol. 3 WOOD, Prof. De V. Thermodynamics. Philadelphia, 1887. pamphlet 4 WOOD, A. B. Electricity in Welding and Metal Working. 1891. pamphlet 4 WOOD, Harrie. Mineral Products of New South Wales. Sydney, 1 887 12 WOODWARD, H. R. The Geology of England and Wales. London, 1876. i vol. 2 WOODWARD, Arthur S. The Fossil Fishes of the Hawkes- burg Series at Gosford. Sydney, 1890. i vol. 12 WOOLMAN, Lewis. Artesian Wells and Water Horizon in Southern New Jersey. Trenton, 1891. pamphlet 3 WONDERS of Art and Archaeology. New York, 1885 5 WORKSHOP Receipts. By Robert Haldaiie. London, 1883. 3' vols 4 WORKS of Racine. Vol. 4. Paris, 1 850 18 WORKS of Tasso Firenze. 1 854. i vol 18 WORKS of Hubert H. Bancroft. San Francisco. 21 vols._ 18 WORLD'S Supply of Fuel. New York, 1889. pamphlet ._ 5 WORLD, Travels Around the. New York, 1873. i vol.__ 18 WRINKLES and Receipts. Compiled from the " Scientific American." By Benjamin Park. New York, 1889. i vol. 3 WURTLE, F. C. Historical Record of St. Maurice Forges, the Oldest Active Blast Furnace on the Continent of America. Quebec, 1 886. pamphlet 5 WURTZ, Prof. Henry. Eames Oil Fuel Process. New York, 1878. pamphlet 5 California State Mining Bureau. 143 YALE, Chas. G: Pacific Coast Harbors. San Francisco, 1879. pamphlet _ 8 YALE, Chas. G. List of Working Mines on the Pacific Coast. San Francisco, 1 882. i vol. 8 YATES, L. G. Fragments of the History of a Lost Tribe. 1891.. 9 YATES, Lorenzo G. Collection of Minerals. Santa Barbara, 1 886. pamphlet '. 5 YEAR-BOOK of Australia 10 YOSEMITE Guide Book. Published by authority of the Legislature. 1870. i vol 9 YOUMANS, Ed. L. The Correlation and Conservation of Forces. New York, 1876. i vol 18 YUBA Levee. Built to Protect the Farming Lands in Linda Township. San Francisco, 1877. pamphlet 3 z ZAHNER, R. Transmission of Power by Compressed Air. New York, 1878. i vol 4 ZINCKEN, C. F. Vorksmonender Naturalichen Kohlen- wassarstoff und der Anderen Krdgase. Halle, 1891. pamphlet 12 ZUR Diluvialfrage. F. M. Stappf. 1890. pamphlet 13 144 Catalogue of the Library .of the MAPS IN THE MUSEUM. San Joaquin Valley. San Francisco San Pablo Bay. Great Central Valley of Cali- fornia. Rancho San Joaquin. United States and Territories, with parts of Canada, Mex- ico, and the West India Islands. Oakland and Alameda. City of Oakland. Geological Map of Victoria, Australia. Detail Irrigation Map of Fresno and other Counties. California and Nevada. Alameda Countj r . Amador County. Butte County. Contra Costa County. Colusa County. Fresno County. Humboldt County. Inyo County. Kern County. Los Angeles Count} 7 . Merced County. Marin County. Monterey County. Mendocino County. Orange County. Placer County. Plumas County. San Benito County. Solano County. Sonoma County. San Diego County. Sutter County. Siskiyou County. San Mateo County. San Joaquin County. Shasta County. Santa Cruz County. San Francisco County. Santa Barbara County. Santa Clara County. San Bernardino Sacramento County. Stanislaus County. Tehama County. Tulare County. Tuolumne County. Yolo County. Yuba County. Bay counties. California State Mining Bureau. 145 MAPS IN THE LIBRARY. IN DRAWER 1. Geologico de Espaiia. 9 maps. Coast and Geodetic Survey. 7 maps. Norfolk Harbor, Va. Raritan River, N. J. San Diego Bay. 2 maps. Anacapa Island, Cal. Entrance to San Francisco Bay. Santa Barbara. Newport Entrance, Los Angeles County. San Francisco Peninsula. Suisun Bay. 3 maps. San Luis Obispo Bay. Monterey Bay. Monterey Harbor. Bodega Bay. Santa Cruz Harbor. San Pedro Anchorage. Entrance to Santa Barbara Channel. Boundary between United States and Mexico. Cape Mendocino and Blunt's Reef. Coast San Francisco to San Diego. Drakes Bay. Mare Island Straits. 2 maps. Point Pinos. Half Moon Bay. St. Georges Reef and Crescent City. 10-M San Pablo Bay. Petaluma and Napa Creeks. Coast San Francisco to Point Arena. Catalina Island Harbor and Cove. Cuylers, Prisoners, and San Clements Harbors. Point Pinos to Bodega Head. Mendocino Bay. Topographical Map of Lake Tahoe. Lower California. Trinidad Harbor. Humboldt Bay. Sacramento River near Free- port. West Coast from Umpqua River to boundary. Cordell Bank, off Point Reyes. San Francisco Bay. Central California. 3 maps. Coast Cerros Island to San Diego. Cape St. Lucas and Cerros Island. Tomales Bay. Chart of Twelfth District Lights. Hawaiian Islands. California, Nevada, and parts of Utah and Arizona. Arizona Territory. 146 Catalogue of the Library of the IN DRAWER 2. Alaska, Chart of. Amador County, Mother Lode. Alaska and Adjoining Territory. Bancroft's Pacific States. Brown Monster and Hirsch Mines. Bodie Mining District. California. Surveys in 1854. Mining Districts of Jackson County. Kern County. 1888. Great Central Valley of California. Irrigation map. San Diego County. 1862. San Pablo Bay. Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers. Geological Map of Southern California. Carquinez Straits. San Francisco. 1880. West Side Irrigation District, and Tulare Lake. 1877. Mariposa Grant and Josephine Mine. Ready Relief Mine and Mill. Chart of Santa Barbara Channel and Islands. San Francisco. 1849 (view). Entrance to San Francisco Bay. Chart of San Luis Obispo Bay. Equator Mine, El Dorado County. Swamp Lands, Sacramento County. San Rafael and Coleman's Addition. Los Angeles County. 1862. Plunias County (2). 1885. Grass Valley. Melville Attwood. Huber & Hough's Great Northwest. Mineral Map of California. Mary D. Gates. Parts of Inyo County. San 'Francisco. 1862. Suisun Bay. 3 rolls. Townships south of M. D. M., R. W. San Bernardino. Climatic map of the southern part of California. Coast .Chart.* Part of California'and Oregon. Chart of States, giving the area jn square miles. California State Mining Bureau. 147 Cariboo and Omineca. Map of Gold Fields. California and Nevada. Public Surveys, and Key to United States Reductions. Comstock Lode, Workings on. Finland Geologiska (map). Japan. Geological map of. Kentucky. Geological survey of. Reaching Plant. Russell process. Lixiviation Works, Plans of. Russell process. Leased Lines and Connections, C. P. R. R. Mineral Products of the United States. 1 886. Major Powell. Missouri, Geological Survey of. Atlas. Maps by United States Consuls. Mexico. Railroad map. Nevada, Holt's map of. New South Wales, Mineral map of. Nez Perces and Salmon River Gold Mines. Pacific States, Orographic chart of. Plan of a 3-stamp mill. Petroleum. Plans for burning on ferry-boats of S. P. R. R. Puget Sound. Morgan's map. Skagit River Gold Fields. Sonora and Chihuahua. Schultze. South Carolina. Geological map of. Sweden and Norway. Chart. Topolobampo and Pacific Railroad. United States hypsometric map. Yellow Pine Mines, Colorado. Navigation between Constadt and St. Petersburg. Map and report. San Francisco. Assembly and precinct map of the city and county. 148 Catalogue of the Library of the IN DRAWER 4. Topographical Map of the Yosemite Valley and Vicinity. Atlas Sheet. Parts of Eastern California and Western Nevada. 4 maps. Atlas Sheet. Parts of North Central California. 4 maps. Atlas Sheet. Parts of Northeastern California and Western Nevada. 4 maps. Atlas Sheet. Parts of Eastern California. 4 maps. Atlas Sheet. Parts of Southern California. 4 maps. Atlas Sheet. Parts of New Mexico, Sonora, and California. 4 maps. Atlas Sheet. Parts of Northern California, Northwestern Nevada, and Southern Oregon. 4 maps. Atlas Sheet. Parts of Southern California. 4 maps. Atlas Sheet. Parts of Southern Nevada and Eastern Cali- fornia. 4 maps. Atlas Sheet. Parts of Eastern California, Southeastern Nevada, Northwestern Arizona, and Western Utah. 4 maps. Atlas Sheet. Parts of Southwestern California. 4 maps. Country west of looth meridian. 4 maps. Expeditions of 1876-77, under Lieut. Wheeler. 2 maps. Rio Colorado, under Lieut. Ives. 2 maps. Topographical Map of Washoe. Map of Oakland. IN DRAWER 6. "Across the Sierras," showing the Pliocene rivers. Alaska. Chart of the southwest coast. Alaska. United States Coast Survey. Arizona and contiguous territory. American Flat, Gold Hill, Devils Gate, etc. Black Hills of Dakota. Atlas of the United States Survey. The Hoffman Geological Maps of Whitney Survey, i to 82, inclusive. San Francisco Bay. Whitney. 1867. Proof sheets of great State map. (Britton & Rey.) Twelve miles of the Mother Lode, Amador County. Township Map, Central. Mineralogical and Geological map. Kern County (State Engineer's office). California State Mining Bureau. 149 Clogan Gold Mine, North Wales. Comstock Mines, 1876, and some others in a tin cylinder. Comstock Lode, Sutro Tunnel, etc., in a tin cylinder. Tread- well map. Cottonwood District, Utah. C. P. R. R. Leased lines and connections. Colorado and adjacent Territory. Geological and Geograph- ical, i atlas. Canada, Geological survey of. Irrigation. Maps of San Joaquin Valley. Wm. Ham. Hall. Maps of the Central Valley of California. Maps of Los Angeles and San Bernardino. Wm. Ham. Hall. Detail Maps of Fresno, Kern, and Tulare. Wm. Ham. Hall. Japan, Mineralogical map of. King, Clarence. Geological atlas of the 4oth parallel. Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Washington. Los Burros Mining District. New Hampshire, Geological atlas of. C. H. Hitchcock. 1878. New Mexico and Arizona. Pacific States. Watson. Portion of Idaho, south of Salmon River. Sonora, Sinaloa, Chihuahua, Durango, and Baja California. Sinaloa, Mexico. Treasure Hill, White Pine. Tin Mines, Australia. United States Survey. By F. V. Hayden. 1877. United States, Geological map of. 4 rolls. Uintah Mountains, Geology of. Major Powell. Utah, High Plateaus of. Major Powell. Western Oregon. Metric System Chart. Washoe Mining Region. U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDDMlDMlOb tfM'i ,m. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY