A NEW SYSTEM OF HAND-RAILING. CUT SQUARE TO THE PLANK, WITHOUT THE AID OF FALLING MOULDS, A NEW AND EASY METHOD OF FORMING HAND-RAILS. Containing a Large Number of Illustrations of Hand-Kails, with Full Instructions for Working Them. AN OLD STAIR-BUILDER REVISED AND CORRECTED EDITION NEW YORK: THE INDUSTRIAL PUBLICATION COMPANY. 1885. * * CVUFORN i A UAUBARA PREFACE. THE following method of getting out wreaths for hand-railing, while i! ! ii -w. is nut generallyknowu in this country, which is to be regretted. i;\ tlii.- method much time mid material arc saved, and the wreaths formed with mon; accuracy than cutting them out by the older methods, as any wreath whatever may be cut out square Iroin a plank of the same thickness as the diameter of a circle, described round a section of the mil. In the annexed cut, A B shows the thickness of the plank. But it is 1 . 1 1 ! for the learner to allow the plank 4 inch thicker, as it leaves more for squaring the rail. By this method the same bevel applies to both ends of the wreath an the square joint, for stairs with any number of winders in the well: tills ensures the ra ll rising equally all round the weU, and not quick in one part and flat in another. All wreaths are cut out square from the plank with square joints, and Boaoourate are the bevels and joints that the rail may he H,,med up ready lor polishing before it leaves the bench. Seven complete examples are RivRD, with ample illustrations and .le,eri|,livetext .; these examples IHn- qu j ( .. slim ,.j.. n) 1o ,, nnh j c tho R t.He,u to build a rail over any kind of a stair, no matter l,,,xv many winder* H.e.v may l>e or how they are arranged. New York, 1885. INTRODUCTION. BEFOBE proceeding to describe the method of obtaining the lines necessary for the correct formation of Hand-mils, it is deemed advis;ible to present for the student's use a rudimentary treatise on what is known as CAKPENTEK'S GEOMETKY, as it is felt that a knowledge of this will ma- terially aid the young beginner to a better understanding of the principles involved in the work. The following treatise, which is taken from "Practical Carpentry," is simple and easily understood. Let me add, however, that, although a knowledge of geometry will greatly help the student to understand the method herein described, such knowledge is not absolutely necessary, as the Art of Hand-railing, as here presented, may be efficiently acquired without it. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART I. PAG!? GEOMETRY. Straight Lines. Curved Lines. Solids. Compound Lines. Parallel Lines. Oblique or Converging Lines. Plain' l-'iirmv<. Angles. Right Angles. Acute Angles. Obtuse Angles. Right-angled Triangles. Quadrilateral Figures. Parallelograms. Rectan _ Squares. Rhomboids. Trapeziums. Trapezoids. Diagonals. Poly- gons. Pentagons. Hexagons. Heptagons. Octagons. Circles. Chords. -Tangents. Sectors. Quadrants. Arcs. Concentric and Ec- centric Circles. Altitudes. Problems I. to XXIX. Drawing of Angles, ('(instruction of (ieometrical Figures. Bisection of Lines.- Trisection of Lines and Angles. Division of Lines into any Number of Parts. Con>t ruction of Triangles, Squares and Parallelograms. Construction of Proportionate Squares. Construction of Polygons. Areas of Polygons. Areas of Concentric Rings and Circles. Segments of Circles. The u-e of Ordinates for Obtaining Arcs ot Circles. -Drawing an Ellipse with a Trammel. Drawing an Ellipse by means ot a String. Same by Ordin- ates. Raking Ellipses. Ovals. Sixty-two Illustrations. Tangents and Diagrams for Handrailing. -Three Illustrations, 7-34 PART II. Lines and Method for Making the Wreaths for Stairs with Four Winders in the Well. Four Illustrations and Diagrams. Lines and Method for Making the Wreaths for Stairs with Six Winders in the Weil. Three Illustrations and Working Diagrams. Lines and Methoi for Making the Wivatlis lor Stairs with Three Winders in Half the Well, and Landing in the Centre of the Well. Four Illustrations and Working Diagrams. Method of Making the Wreaths for Stairs with One Riser iu the Centre of Well. With Three Illustrations and Working Diagrams. How to Make the Wreaths for Level Landing Stairs, the distance between Centre of Rails across the Well being equal to the Tread of a Step, or nearly so. With Three Illustrations and Working Diagrams. How to Make the Wreath tor Quarter-landing Stairs, having One Winder in the Well. Three Illustrations and Working Diagrams. How to Make a Wreath for Quarter-landing stairs, with Itisers on the Line of Spring. Three Illus- trations and Working Diagrams. - - :i.')-65 HAND-RAILING. PART I.-GEOMETRT. 1EFORE a knowledge of geometry can be acquired, it will be necessary to become acquainted with some of the terms and definitions used in the science of geometry, and to this end the following terms and explanations are given, though it must be understood that these are only a few of the terms used in the science, but they are sufficient for our purposes : 1. A 'Point has position but not magnitude. Practically, it is represented by the smallest visible mark or dot, but geometrically understood, it occupies no space. The extremities or ends of lines are points; and when two or more lines cross one another, the places that mark their intersections are also points. 2. A Line has length, without breadth or thickness, and, conse- quently, a true geometrical line cannot be exhibited ; for however finely a line may be drawn, it will always occupy a certain extent of space. 3. A Superficies or Surface has length and breadth, but no thick- ness. For instance, a shadow gives a very good representation of a superficies : its length and breadth can be measured ; but it has no depth or substance. The quantity of space contained in any plane surface is called its area. 4. A Plane Superficies is a flat surface, which will coincide with a straight line in every direction. 10 HAND-RAILING. 5. A Curved Superficies is an uneven surface, or such as will not coincide with a straight line in all directions. By the term surface is generally understood the outside of any body or object; as, for instance, the exterior of a brick or stone, the boundaries of which are represented by lines, either straight or curved, according to the form of the object. We must always bear in mind, however, that the lines thus bounding the figure occupy no part of the surface ; hence the lines or points traced or marked on any body or surface, are merely symbols of the true geometrical lines or points. 6. A Solid is anything which has length, breadth and thickness ; consequently, the term may be applied to any visible object con- taining substance ; but, practically, it is understood to signify the solid contents or measurement contained within the different sur- faces of which any body is formed. 7. Lines may be drawn in any direction, and are termed straight, curved, mixed, concave, or convex lines, according as they corres- pond to the following definitions. 8. A Straight Line is one every part of which A B lies in the same direction between its extremities, Flg- I- and is, of course, the shortest distance between two pbints, as from A to B, Fig. i. 9. A Curved Line is such that it does not lie in a straight direc- tion between its extremities, but is continually changing by inflec- tion. It may be either regular or irregular. 10. A Mixed or Compound Line is composed of straight and curved lines, connected in any form. 11. A Concave or Convex Line is such that it cannot be cut by a straight line in more than two points ; the concave or hollow side is turned towards the straight line, while the convex or swell- ing side looks away from it. For instance, the inside of a basin is concave the outside of a ball is convex. 12. Parallel Straight Lines have no inclination, but are every- where at an equal distance from each other; consequently they can never meet, though produced or continued to infinity in either or both directions. Parallel lines may be either straight or curved, HAND-RAILING. II provided they are equally distant from each other throughout their extension. 13. Oblique or Converging Lines are straight lines, which, if con- tinued, being in the same plane, change their distance so as to meet or intersect each other. 14. A Plane Figure, Scheme, or Diagram, is the lineal representa- tion of any object on a plane surface. If it is bounded by straight lines, it is called a rectilineal figure ; and if by curved lines, a curvilineal figure. 15. An Angle is formed by the inclination of two lines meeting in a point : the lines thus forming the angle are called the sides ; and the point where the lines meet is called the vertex or angular point. When an angle is expressed by three letters, as A u c, Fig. 2, the middle letter u should always denote the angular point: where Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. there is only one angle, it may be expressed more concisely by a letter placed at the angular point only, as the angle at A, Fig. 3. 1 6. The quantity of an angle is estimated by the arc of any circle contained between the two sides or lines forming the angle ; the junction of the two lines, or vertex of the angle, being the centre from which the arc is described. As the circumferences of all circles are proportional to their diameters, the arcs of similar sectors also bear the same proportion to their respective circum- ferences; and, consequently, are proportional to their diameters, and, of course, also to their radii or semi-diameters. Hence, the 12 HAND-RAILING. proportion which the arc of any circle bears to the circumference of that circle, determines the magnitude of the angle. From this it is evident that the quantity or magnitude of angles does not de- pend upon the length of the sides or radii forming them, but wholly upon the number of degrees contained in the arc cut from the circumference of the circle by the opening of these lines. The circumference of every circle is divided by mathematicians into 360 equal parts, called degrees ; each degree being again subdi- vided into 60 equal parts, called minutes, and each minute into 60 parts, called seconds. Hence, it follows that the arc of a quarter circle or quadrant includes 90 degrees ; that is, one-fourth part of 360 degrees. By dividing a quarter circle; that is, the portion of the circumference of any circle contained between two radii form- ing a right angle, into 90 equal parts, or, as is shown in Fig. 4, into nine equal parts of 10 degrees each, then drawing straight lines from the centre through each point of division in the arc ; the right angle will be divided into nine equal angles, each containing 10 degrees. Thus, suppose B c the horizontal line, and A n the per- pendicular ascending from it, any line drawn from B the centre from which the arc is described to any point in its circumference, determines the degree of inclination or angle formed between it and the horizontal line B c. Thus, a line from the centre B to the tenth degree, separates an angle of 10 degrees, and so on. In this manner the various slopes or inclinations of angles are defined. 17. A Right Angle is produced by one straight line standing upon another, so as to make the adjacent angles equal. This is what workmen call " square," and is the most useful figure they employ. 1 8. An Acute Angle is less than a right angle, or less than 90 degrees. 19. An Obtuse Angle is greater than a right angle or square, oi more than 90 degrees. The number of degrees by which an angle is less than 90 de- grees is called the complement of the angle. Also, the difference between an obtuse angle and a semicircle, or 180 degrees, is called the supplement of that angle. 13 20. Plane Figures are bounded by straight lines, and are named according to the number of sides which they contain. Thus, the space included within three straight lines, forming three angles, is called a trilateral figure or triangle. 21. A Right-Angled Triangle has one right angle: the sides forming the right angle are called the base and perpendicular; and the side opposite the right angle is named the hypothenuse. An equilateral triangle has all its sides of equal length. An isosceles triangle has only two sides equal ; a scalene triangle has all its sides unequal. An acute-angled triangle has all its angles acute, and an obtused-angled triangle has one of its angles only obtuse. The triangle is one of the most useful geometrical figures for the mechanic in taking dimensions; for since all figures that are bounded by straight lines are capable of being divided into tri- angles, and as the form of a triangle cannot be altered without changing the length of some one of its sides, it follows that the true form of any figure can be preserved if the length of the s : des of the different triangles into which it is divided is kaown ; and the area of any triangle can easily be ascertained by the same rr.le, as will be shown further on. Quadrilateral Figures are literally four-sided figures. They are also called quadrangles, because they have four angles. 22. A Parallelogram is a figure whose opposite sides are parallel, as A B c D, Fig. 5. 23. A Rectangle is a parallelogram having four right angles, as A BCD, in Fig. 5. 24. A Square is an equilateral rectangle, having all its sidi-s equal, like Fig. 5. 25. An Oblong is a rectangle whose adjacent sides are unequal, as the parallelogram shown at Fig. TO. 26. A Rhombus is an oblique-angled figure, or parallelogram having four equal sides, whose opposite angles only are equal, as c, Fig. 6. 27. A Rhomboid is an oblique-angled parallelogram, of which the adjoining sides are unequal, as D, Fig. 7. HAND-RAILING. .28. A Trapezium is an irregular quadrilateral figure, having no two sides parallel, as E, Fig. 8. 29. A Trapczoid is a quadrilateral figure, which has two of its opposite sides parallel, and the remaining two neither parallel nor equal to one another, as F, Fig. 9. Fig. 7. Fig. 8. 30. A Diagonal is a straight line drawn between two opposite angular points of a quadrilateral figure, or between any two angular points of -a polygon. Should the figure be a parallelogram, the diagonal will divide it into two equal triangles, the opposite sides and angles of which will be equal to one another. Let A B c D, Fig. 10, be a parallelogram; join A c, then A c is a diagonal, and the triangles A D c, A B c, into which it divides the parallelogram, are equal. 31. A plane figure, bounded by more than four straight lines, is called a Polygon. A regular polygon has all its sides equal, and consequently its angles are also equal, as K, L, M, and N, Figs. Fig. 11. Fig. 12. Fig. 13. 12-15. An i rre g u l ar polygon has its sides and angles unequal, as H, Fig. 1 1. Polygons are named according to the number of their sides or angles, as follows : 32. A Pentagon is a polygon of five sides, as H or K, Figs, u, 12. 33. A Hexagon is a polygon of six sides, as L, Fig. 13. 34. A Heptagon has seven sides, as M, Fig. 14. HAND-RAILING. 35. An Octagon has eight sides, as N, Fig. 15. An Enneagnt has nine, a Decagon ten, an Undecagon eleven, and a Dodecagon twelve sides. Figures having more than twelve sides are generally designated Polygons, or many-angled figures. 36. A Circle is a plane figure bounded by one uniformly curv I line, bed (Fig. 16), called the circumference, every part of which is equally distant from a point "within it, called the centre, as a. 37. The Radius of a circle is a straight line drawn from the centre to the circumference ; hence, all the radii (plural for radius) of the same circle are equal, as b a, c a, e a,f a, in Fig. 16. 38. The Diameter of a circle is a straight line drawn through the centre, and terminated on each side by the circumference; conse- X 4 ig. 16. Fig. }7 f quently the diameter is exactly twice the length of the radius ; and hence the radius is sometimes called the semi-diameter. (See b a c^ Fig. 1 6.) 49. The Chord or Subtens of an arc is any straight line drawn from one point in the circumference of a circle to another, joining the extremities of the arc, and dividing the circle either into two equal, or two unequal parts. If into equal parts, the chord is also the diameter, and the space included between the arc and the di- ameter, on either side of it, is called a semicircle, as bae'm Fig. 16. If the parts cut off by the chord are unequal, each of them is called a segment of the circle. The same chord is therefore common to two arcs and two segments ; but, unless when stated otherwise, it is always understood that the lesser arc or segment is spoken of, as in Fig. 1 6, the chord c d is the chord of the arc c e d. If a straight line be drawn from the centre of a circle to meet the chord of an arc perpendicularly, as af y in Fig. 16, it will divide the chord into two equal parts, and if the straight line be produced 1 6 ( HAND- RAILING. to meet the arc, it will also divide it into two equal parts, as cfjd. Each half of the chord is catted the sine of the half-arc to which it is opposite; and the line drawn from the centre to meet the chord perpendicularly, is called the co-sine of the half-arc. Con- sequently, the radius, the sine, and co-sine of an arc form a right angle. 40. Any line which cuts the circumference in two points, or a chord lengthened out so as to extend beyond the boundaries of the circle, such as g h in Fig. 17, is sometimes called a Secant. But, in trigonometry, the secant is a line drawn from the centre through one extremity of the arc, so as to meet the tangent which is drawn from the other extremity at right angles to the radius. Thus, vcb is the secant of the arc c e, or the angle c $ e, in Fig. 17. 41. A Tangent is any straight line which touches the circumfer- ence of a circle in one point, which is called the point of contact, as in the tangent line e b, Fig. 17. 42. A Sector is the space included between any two radii, and that portion of the circumference comprised between them : c e v' is a sector of the circle afc e, Fig. 17. 43. A Quadrant, or quarter of a circle, is a sector bounded by two radii, forming a right angle at the centre, and having one- fourth part of the circumference for its arc, as F/V, Fig. 7. 44. An Arc, or Arch, is any portion of the circumference of a circle, as c d e, Fig. 17. It may not be improper to remark here that the terms circle and circumference are frequently misapplied. Thus we say, describe a circle from a given point, etc., instead of saying describe the cir- cumference of a circle the circumference being the curved line thus described, everywhere equally distant from a point within it, called the centre ; whereas the circle is properly the superficial space included within that circumference. 45. Concentric Circles are circles within circles, described from the same centre; consequently, their circumferences are parallel to one another, as Fig. 18. 46. Eccentric Circles are those which are not described from the HAND-FAILING. iy same centre; any point which is not the centre is also eccentric in reference to the circumference of that circle. Eccentric circles may also be tangent circles ; that is, such as come in contact in one point only, as Fig. 19. 47. Altitude. The height of a triangle or other figure is called its altitude. To measure the altitude, let fall a straight line from the vertex, or highest point in the figure, perpendicular to the base or opposite side ; or to the base continued, as at B D, Fig. 20, should the form of the figure require its extension. Thus c D is the altitude of the triangle ABC. We have now described all the figures we shall require for the purpose of thoroughly understanding all that will follow in this book ; but we would like to say right here that the student who has time should not stop at this point in the study of geometry, for the time spent in obtaining a thorough knowledge of this useful Fig. 18. Fig. 19. Fig. 20. science will bring in better returns in enjoyment and money, than if expended for any other purpose. We will now proceed to explain how the figures we have de- scribed can be constructed. There are several ways of constructing nearly every figure we produce, but we have chosen those methods that seemed to us the best, and to save space have given as few examples as possible consistent with efficiency. PROBLEM I. Through a given point c (Fig. 18 a), to draw a straight line pat allel to a given straight line A B. In A B (Fig. 1 8 a) take any point equal to c e, join c D, and it will be parallel to A r. PROBLEM II. To make an angle equal to a given rectilineal angle. From a given point E (Fig. 19^), upon the straight line E K, to make an angle equal to the given angle ABC. From the angular point B, with any radius, describe the arc Insut , describe arcs cutting each other in c and D: a straight line drawn through the points of intersection c and D, will bisect the line A u in e. PROBLEM VII. To divide a given line into any number of equal parts. Let A B (Fig. 25) be the given line to be divided into five equal parts. From the point A draw the straight line A c, forming any angle with A B. On the line A c, with any convenient opening of the compasses, set off five equal parts towards c; join the extreme Fig. 25. Fig. 26. Fig. 27 points c B; through the remaining points i, 2, 3, and 4, draw lines parallel to B c, cutting A i; in the corresponding points, i, 2, 3, and 4 : A B will be divided into five equal parts, as required. There are several other methods by which lines may be divided into equal parts ; they are not necessary, however, for our purpose, so we will content ourselves with showing how this problem may be used for changing the scales of drawings whenever such change is desired. Let A B (Fig. 26) represent the length of one scale or drawing, divided into the given parts A d, rf e, ef,fg, gh, and // B ; and D E the length of another scale or drawing required to be di- vided into similar parts. From the point B draw a line B C = D E, and forming any angle with A r, ; join A c, and through the points ^ ^/j C> an( l h, draw d k, el, ftn, g n, h e radius, describe the circle ABC, which will contain the given side A B six times when applied to its circumference, and will be the heA'agoiurequired. PROBLEM XVI. To describe a regular octagon upon a given sf might line. Let A B (Fig. 35) be the given line. From the extremities A and B erect the perpendiculars A E and B F; extend the given 2 6 HAND-RAILING. line both ways to k and /, forming external right angles with the lines A E and B F. Bisect these external right angles, making each of the bisecting lines A H and B c equal to the given line A B. Draw H G and c D parallel to A E or B F, and each equal in length to A B. From G draw G E parallel to B c, and intersecting A E in E, and from D draw D F parallel to A H, intersecting B F in F. Join E F, and ABCDFEGHis the octagon required. Or from D Fig 34. Fig. 35. Fig. 36. and G as centres, with the given line A B as radius, describe arcs cutting the perpendiculars A E and B F in E and F, and join G E, E F, F D, to complete the octagon. Otherwise, thus. Let A B (Fig. 36) be the given straight line on which the octagon is to be described. Bisect it in a, and draw the perpendicular a b equal to A a or B a. Join A l>, and produce a b to c, making b c equal to A b ; join also A c and B c, extending them so as to make c E and c F each equal to A c or B c. Through c draw c c G at right angles to A E. Again, through the same point f, draw D H at right angles to B F, making each of the lines c c, c D, c o, and c H equal to A c or c B, and consequently equal to one another. Lastly, join B c, c D, D E, E F, F G, G H, H A ; ABCDEFGH will be a regular octagon described upon A B, as required. PROBLEM XVII. In a given square to inscribe a given octagon. Let A B c D (Fig. 37) be the given square. Draw the diagonals A c and B D, intersecting each other in e ; then from the angular points ABC and D as centres, with a radius equal to half the diagonal, viz., A e or c e, describe arcs cutting the sides of the 27 square in the points/ g, h, k, /, m, ;/, o, and the straight lines of, g h, k /, and m n, joining these points will complete the octagon, and be inscribed in the square A u c D, as required. PROBLEM XVIII. To find the area of any regular polygon. Let the given figure be a hexagon; it is required to find its area. Bisect any two adjacent angles, as those at A and B (Fig. 38), by the straight lines A c and B c, intersecting in c, which will be the Fig. 37. Fig. 38. Fig. 39. centre of the polygon. Mark the altitude of this elementary tri- angle by a dotted line drawn from c perpendicular to the base A B; then multiply together the base and altitude thus found, and this product by the number of sides : half gives the area of the whole figure. Of otherwise, thus. Draw the straight line D E, equal to six times, /'. e., as many times A B, the base of the elementary triangle, as there are sides in the given polygon. Upon D E describe an isosceles triangle, having the same altitude as A B c, the elementary triangle of the given polygon ; the triangle thus constructed is equal in area to the given hexagon; consequently, by multiplying the base and altitude of this triangle together, half the product will be the area required. The rule may be expressed in other words, as follows : The area of a regular polygon is equal to its perimeter, multiplied by half the radius of its inscribed circle, to which the sides of the polygon are tangents. PROBLEM XIX. To describe the circumference of a circle tlirough three given points. Let A, B, and c (Fig. 39) be the given points not in a straight line. Join A Band B c; bisect each of the straight lines A B and B c by perpendiculars meeting in D ; then A, B and c are all e?,ui- HAND-RAILING. distant from n ; therefore a circle described from T), with the radius D A, DB, or DC, will pass through all the three points as required. PROBLEM XX. To divide a given circle into any number of equal or proportional parts by concentric divisions. Let ABC (Fig. 40) be the given circle, to be divided into five equal parts. Draw the radius A D, and divide it into the same Fig. 40. Fig. 41. Pig. 42. number of parts as those required in the circle; and upon the radius thus divided, describe a semicircle : then from each point of division on A D, erect perpendiculars to meet the semi-circumfer- ence in e,f,g, and h. From D, the centre of the given circle, with radii extending to each of the different points of intersection on the semicircle, describe successive circles, and they will divide the given circle into five parts of equal area as required ; the centre part being also a circle, while the other four will be in the form of rings. PROBLEM XXI. To divide a circle into three concentric parts, bearing to each other the proportion of one, two, three, from t/ic centre. Draw the radius A D (Fig. 41), and divide it into six equal parts. Upon the radius thus divided, describe a semicircle : from the first and third points of division, draw perpendiculars to meet the semi- circumference in e and/ From D, the centre of the given circle, with radii extending to e and/, describe circles which will divide the given circle into three parts, bearing to each other the same proportion as the divisions on A D, which are as i, 2 and 3. In like manner circles maybe divided in any given ratio by concentric divisions. RAND-RAILING. 29 PROBLEM XXII. To draw a straight line equal to any given are of a circle. Let A B (Fig. 42) be the given arc. Find c the centre of the arc, and complete the circle A D B. Draw the diameter B D, and pro- duce it to E, until D E be equal to c D. Join A E, and extend it so as to meet a tangent drawn from B hi the point F ; then B F will be nearly equal to the arc A B. The following method of finding the length of an arc is equally simple and practical, and not less accurate than the one just given. Let A B (Fig. 43) be the given arc. Find the centre c, and join A B, B c, and CA. Bisect the arc A B in D, and join also c D; then through the point D draw the straight line E D F, at right Fig. 43. Fig. 44. angles to c D, and meeting c A and c B produced in E and F. Again, bisect the lines A E and B F in the points G and H. A straight line G H, joining these points, will be a very near approach to the length of the arc A B. Seeing that in very small arcs the ratio of the chord to the double tangent or, which is the same thing, that of a side of the inscribed to a side of the circumscribing polygon, approaches to a ratio of equality, an arc may be taken so small, that its length shall differ from either of these sides by less than any assignable quantity ; therefore, the arithmetical mean between the two must differ from the length of the arc itself by a quantity less than any that can be assigned. Consequently the smaller the given arc, the more nearly will the line found by the last method approximate to the exact length of the arc. If the given arc is above 60 degrees, or two- thirds of a quadrant, it ought to be bisected, and the length of the 30 HAND-RAILINC,. semi-arc thus found being double, will give the length of the whole arc. These problems arc very useful in obtaining the lengths of veneers or other materials required for bending round soffits of door and window-heads. PROBLEM XXIII. To describe the segment of a circle by means of two laths, the chord and versed sine being given. Take two rods, E B, B F (Fig. 44), each of which must be at least equal in length to the chord of the proposed segment AC: join them together at B, and expand them, so that their edges shall pass through the extremities of the chord, and the angle where they join shall be on the extremity B of the versed sine D B, or height of the segment. Fix the rods in that position by the cross piece g /i, then by guiding the edges against pins in the extremities of the chord line A c, the curve ABC will be described by the point B. PROBLEM XXIV. Having the chord and versed' sine of the seg- ment of a circle of large radius given, to find any number of points i;i tJie curve by means of intersecting lines. Let AC be the chord and D B the versed sine. Through B (Fig. 45) draw E F indefinitely and parallel to A c; join A B, and draw A E at right angles to A B. Draw also A o at right angles to A c, or divide A D and E B into the same number of equal parts, and number the divisions from A and E respectively, and join the corresponding numbers by the lines i i, 2 2, 3 3. Divide also A G into the same number of equal parts as A L> or K B, numbering the divisions from A upwards, 1,2, 3, etc.; and from the points , 2 and 3, draw lines to B ; and the points of intersection of these, with the other lines at //, k, /, will be points in the curve re- quired. Same with r, c. Anotlier Method. Let AC (Fig. 46) be the chord and D B the versed sine. Join A B, B c, and through i; dra\v E F parallel to AC. HAND- RAILING. 3! From the centre B, with the radius B A or B c, describe the arcs A E, c F. and divide them into any number of equal parts, as i, 2, 3: from the divisions i, 2, 3, draw radii to the centre B, and divide each radius into the same number of equal parts as the arcs A E Fig. 46. and c- F ; and the points g, //, /, ///, //, o, thus obtained, are points in the required curve. These methods, though not absolutely correct, are sufficiently accurate when the segment is less than the quadrant of a circle. PROBLEM XXV. To draw an ellipse with the trammel. The trammel is an instrument consisting of two principal p.-irts, the fixed part in the form of a cross E F GH (Fig. 47), and the moveable piece or tracer kl m. The fixed piece is made of two rectangular bars or pieces of wood, of equal thickness, joined to- gether so as to be in the same plane. On one side of the frame so formed, a groove is made, forming a right-angled cross. In the groove two studs, k and /, are fitted to slide freely, and carry attached to them the tracer k I m. The tracer is generally made to slide through a socket fixed to each stud, and pro- vided with a screw or wedge, by which the distance apart of the studs may be regulated. The tracer has another slider ;//, also adjustable, which carries a pencil or point. The instrument is used as fol- lows : Let A c be the major, and H B the minor axis of an ellipse : lay the cross of the trammel on these lines, so that the centre lines of it may coincide with them ; then adjust the sliders of the tracer, so that the distance between k and /// may be equal to half the major axis, and the distance between / and >n equal to half the m'inr Fig. 47. 3 2 HAND-RAILING. Fig. 48. axis; then by moving the oar round, the pencil in the slider will describe the ellipse. PROBLEM XXVI. An ellipse may also be described by means of a string. Let A B ( Fig. 48) be the major axis, and D c the minor axis of the ellipse, and F G its two foci. Take a string EOF and pass it over the pins, and tie the ends, together, so that when doubled it may be equal to the distance from the focus F to the end of the axis, B; then putting a pencil in the bight or doubling of the string at H and carrying it round, the curve may be traced. This is based on the well known property of the ellipse, that the sum of any two lines drawn from the foci to any points in the circumference is the same. PROBLEM XXVII. The axes of an ellipse being given, to draw the curve by intersections. Let A c (Fig. 49) be the major axis, and D B half the minor axis. On the major axis construct the parallelogram AEFC, and make its height equal to D B. Divide A E and E B each into the same number of equal parts, and number the divisions from A and E respectively; then join A i, i 2, 2 3, etc., and their intersec- tions will give points through which the curve may be drawn. Th points for a " raking " or rampant ellipse may also be found by the intersection of lines as shown at Fig. 50. Let A c be the major and E B the minor axis : draw A G and c H each parallel to B E, and equal to the semi-axis minor. Divide A i), the semi- axis major, and the lines A G and c H each into the same number of equal parts, in i, 2, 3 and 4; then from E, through the divisions i, 2, 3 and 4, on the semi-axis major A D, draw the lines E //, E k, E /, and EOT; and from n, through the divisions i, 2, 3 and 4 on the line A G, draw the lines i, 2, 3 and 4 is; and the intersection of HAND- KAN. I Mi. Fig.. 49. Fig. 50. these with the lines E i, 2, 3 and 4 in the points h klm, will be points in the curve. PROBLEM XXVIII. 7o describe with a compass a figure resem- bling the ellipse. Let A B (Fig. 51) be the given axis, which divide into three equal parts at the points/^. From these points as centres, with the radius /A, describe circles which intersect each other, and from the points of intersection through /and g, draw the diameters CgE, c/n. From c as a centre, with the radius c D, describe the arc D F, which Fig. 51. Fig. 52. completes the semi-ellipse. The other half of the ellipse may be completed in the same manner, as shown by the dotted lines. PROBLEM XXIX. Another method of describing a figure ap- proaching the ellipse with a compass. The proportions of the ellipse may be varied by altering the ratio of the divisions of the diameter, as thus : Divide the major axis of the ellipse A B (Fig. 52), into four equal parts, in the points f g h. On/// construct an equilateral triangle /c //, and produce 34 HAND-RAILING. HAND-RAILING. 35 - ; the sides of the triangle c /, c // indefinitely, as to D and E. Then froiii the centres f and h, with the radius A f, describe the circles A D g, B E g; and from the centre c, with the radius c D, describe the arc D E to complete the semi-ellipse. The other half may be completed in the same manner. By this method of construction the minor axis is to the major axis as 14 to 22. The following problems, which relate more particularly to hand- railing, should be thoroughly mastered before passing to actual work. A tangent is a line touching a circle at right angles to the radius as shown at Fig. 55. To construct Fig. 53 : From the centre o with the radius o A, describe a quarter-circle A p c; draw tangents A B and c B; join A c; through the point B draw a straight line parallel to A c; with the centre B, with the radius B A, describe the arcs A D and c E; at the point E erect the perpendicular E F at right angles to n E to any desired height; in laying down a hand-rail this height will be the number of risers contained in the wreath; let F be the given height (this being one pitch); join F D; extend o B to G; draw GH at right angles to F D ; make G H equal to B i ; with the centre H and ra- dius D G describe arcs cutting D F at K and L; draw H L and H K, which are the tangents on the pitch, and which when placed in position would stand plumb over ABC. To construct Fig. 54, proceed as above until the height is located. It will be seen that here B G is lifted higher, making the pitch line and tangents F G and D G of unequal length. To obtain the angle, continue B G to H, making B H equal to E F ; from H draw the line H j to any distance at right angles to D G. With the centre G and radius G F, describe an arc cutting the line H J at i ; join i G and i D, and the angle is completed. An easy way to prove these problems is to draw them on com- mon thick paper ; then take a knife, and cut out the angle D E F, place it perpendicularly over ABC, bringing D over A, and E over c; then cut out the angle H L K, and if drawn correctly it will lie on the pitch lines and fit the sides exactly. To draw the curve line the quickest and most practical method HAND-RAILING. Fig. 54. HAND-RAILING. 37 is to take B as a centre, and with a radius of B p, describe an arc, touching the curve A p c, in the angle ABC, from H, as a centre, with the same radius, describe an arc cutting H G ai M ; then, take a thin flexible strip of wood of an even thickness, bend it until it touches the points KIM; mark around it with a pencil, and the curve is completed, and near enough to absolute accuracy tor ;ill practical purposes. Fig. 55. 38 HAND-RAIUNG. PART II. TO MAKE THE WREATHS FOR STAIRS WITH FOUR WINDERS IN THE WELL. FIGURE i. Strike the quarter circle ABC, which is the centre line of the rail, and also describe the inside and outside lines of rail b b l>, and mark the risers at A B and C. Draw the lines A D and CD. FIGURE 2. Draw the straight line B K equal to the tread of one step, and set up K A equal to the rise of one step. Draw the line A C, and make A D and D C equal to the length A D and D C in Figure i. Set up the height of two risers from C to F. Draw the line A B, and mark the point G at one third the distance from A to B, and draw the line F G. Continue C A to the point H, and from D draw the perpendicular line D J. Make the point at H square to G H, and ease off the rail from /to H, and draw the top and bottom side, by setting half the thickness of the rail each side the line / H. FIGURE i. Draw the line C I through the centre X, and make C I equal to D H in Figure 2, and draw HI. Set up C F equal to C F in Figure 2, and C J equal to D J in Figure 2. Join J I, and from the point fdraw the line f G parallel to J I, and join G H. Draw ordinate lines a b b b at any convenient dis- tance apart all parallel to G H, one of which to pass from D to X. From the point /draw the line IN, square to J /, and from G with the distance G H cut the line /, N at E, and draw G E. Draw the perpendicular lines a c and from the points c c c draw ordinate lines c d, all parallel to G E. Take the distance from a to b b b, and apply them from c to d t d, d t and draw the face mould HAND-RAILING. 39 Fig. L HAND-RAILING. Fig. 2. HAND-RAILING. 42 HAND-RAILING. through them. Take the distance X D, and mark it on the ordi- nate from c to k, and draw the lines E K and K F. Make the joint L M square to K F, and the end N O square to K E. From /, with the distance I P, describe the arc P Q, and draw Q If, and apply this bevel I Q Jf, to both ends of the wreath through the centre O, as shown at / Q H in Figure 4. Take the distance Q O in Figure 4, and apply it from / to ft in Figure i ; draw J? S parallel to / J, and cut it with the line /, S. Apply the distance R S from F\.o V, and F to IV; also from E to 7' and E to U, and make the face mould the length from 7" to W. FIGURE 3. The centre line E U F, and the joints are the same as E U F'\\\ Figure i. Set the compasses to half the thickness of of the plank C D in Figure 3^, and mark it each side the centre line E U F, and make another face mould to this (Figure 3), mark it on the plank, and cut it out square, and joint the ends square. Now apply the face mould Figure i on the top side of wreath, with the points V and T over the points Q Q at the ends of wreath, and mark both edges; apply it on the underside with the points W and U over the points H H, at the ends of wreath, and mark both edges. Work the inside of the wreath with a round plane to fit the rail on the plan, then work off the outside to the marks on the top and bottom, and the bevels at the ends. To work the top : At the mark K P on the face mould, take an equal por- tion off the top and bottom side of the wreath that will leave it the thickness of the rail, and work it to the bevels marked on the ends, gradually twisting from end to end. The bottom part can be gauged from the top side. HAND-RAILING. 43 TO MAKE THE WREATHS FOR STAIRS WITH SIX WINDERS IN THE WELL. FIGURE 4. Strike the quarter circle A C, which is the centre line of the rail, and also describe the inside and outside lines of rail, bob. Draw the lines A D, and D C. FIGURE 5. Draw the straight line B K equal to the tread of one step, and set up K A equal to the rise of one step. Draw the line A C, and make A D and D C equal to A D and D C in Figure 4; setup the height of 3 risers from C to F \ draw the line A B, and mark the point G at one-third the distance from A to B, and draw the line G F; erect the perpendicular line D J. Joint the rail square at If, (which eases the rail better than if jointed at the spring of the well at A). Ease off the rail from H to E, and draw If I parallel to A C. FIGURE 4. Draw the line C G through the centre X, and make C I equal to L H'\\\ Figure 2, and draw I H. Set up C F equal to I F in Figure 5, and C J equal to L J; join J /, and from the point ^draw the line F G parallel to J I, and join G H. Draw ordinate lines a b b b, at any convenient distance apart, all parallel to G H, one of which to pass from D to X. From the point /draw the line /^square to / J, and from G, with the dis- tance G H, cut the line I N z\. E, and draw G E. Draw the perpendicular lines a c, and from the points c c c, draw ordinate line c to d d d, all parallel to G E. Take the distances from a to b b ft, and apply them from c to d d d, and draw the face mould through them. Take the distance X D, and mark it on the ordinate from c to X, and draw the line E K and K F. Make the joint L M square to K F, and the end NO square to K E. From /, with the distance / P, describe the arc PQ, and draw Q If. Apply the bevel / Q H to both ends the wreath through the 44 HAND-RAILING. Kg. 4. HAND- RAILING. 45 Fitf. 5. HAND-P 'HUNG. HAND-RAILING. 47 centre O, as shown at / Q H in Figure 4. Take the distance Q O in Figure 4, and apply it from / 7? in Figure i, and draw R S parallel to G F, and cut it with the line / S. Apply the distance R .9 from Flo V, and F io W, also from E to rand E to U, and make the face mould from 7" to W. FIGURE 6. The centre line E U F and the joints at the ends, are the same as E U F in Figure i. Set the compasses to half the thickness of the plank CD in Figure 7, and mark it each side the centre line E U F. Make another face mould, (to Figure 6) mark it on the plank, cut it out square, and joint the ends square. Apply the face mould, Figure 4, on the top side the wreath, with the points T^and Fover the points Q Q at the ends of the wreath, and mark both edges. Apply it on the underside the wreath, with the points W and U over the points // H at the ends of the wreath, and mark it. Work the inside the wreath with a round plane to fit the inside curve on plan, then work off the outside to the marks on the top and bottom and the bevels at the ends. To work the top, at the mark K P on the face mould, take an equal portion off the top and bottom side the wreath, that will leave it the thickness of the rail, and work it from the bevels at each end, through K P, gradually twisting from end to end. The bottom part can then be gauged from the top side. 48 HAND-RAILING. TO MAKE THE WREATHS FOR STAIRS WITH THREE WINDERS IN HALF THE WELL, AND LANDING IN THE CENTRE OF THE WELL. (THIS is ONE OF THE MOST DIFFICULT RAILS THAT CAN BE MADE.) FIGURE 8. Strike out the semi-circle A B C, which is the centre of rail, and also describe the inside and outside lines of rail. Draw the lines C , A >, and D E. FIGURE 9 {See Folding Plate). Draw the straight line OK equal to the tread of one step, and set up KA equal to the rise of one step. Draw the line A E, and make A D D B and B E equal to A D D B and BE in Figure 8. Set up the height of 3 risers from E to M, and six inches more from M to C, (this makes the rail 3 feet high on the landing, or six inches higher than the rail is on the stairs, which should be 2^ feet plumb with the face of the risers.) Draw the line A O, and mark the point G about one-third the distance from A to O, and join C G. Make the joint at Zf which is a little above the spring of the well at A, and ease off the rail as shown at G. Draw the line H L /parallel to A B, and erect the perpendicu- lar lines L J and I F. Now from the base line H L I and the height L <7and If get the face mould and work the bottom wreath, as shown and described in Figure 5, from the base l : ne H L I and the heights L J"and IF. To work the top wreath proceed as follows, viz. : FIGURE 10. Lay down the plan of the rail, the centre line B C F, being the same as B C F, in Figure 8, and make the straight part about 5 inches from C to F. Draw the lines F A-A B-B E and E F. Take the height N C in Figure 9, and apply it from F to D, and join A D. Draw D G square to A D, and make D G equal to F E. HAND-RAILING. 49 fig. 10. . 8. 5 HAND-RAILING. M HAND-RAILING. 51 Draw ordinate lines a b b b parallel to A B, and draw the lines a c, and from c c, draw ordinate c d d d, parallel to G D. Apply the distance from a to b, b, b, on to the ordinates from c to d, d, d, and draw the face mould through them. Make the joints at H and D square, as shown. FIGURE n. Shows the ends of the wreath. Take the bevel F D A in Figure 10 and apply it at the top end of the wreath through the centre O at F D A, and mark the size of the rail on as shown. FIGURE 12. Is the face mould to cut the wreath out square; the centre line DIJf, and the joints are the saifie as the centre line D I H'm Figure 3; put half the thickness of the,plank each side the centre line D Iff, and cat out the wreath. Figure 8: Take half the thickness of the plank from A to Z, draw L M parallel to A D, and draw A M, apply the distance L J/to // J, and H K, and make the face mould from J to D. Apply Figure 10 face mould on the top side of wreath, wiih the points D and J, over the points D J in Figure n, and mark it. Apply it on the underside with the points D and .AT over the points A and K in Figure n. Work it as described in the preceding Figures 6 and 7,. to th bevels at the ends as shown, and work the part from D to /straight; then work the top gradually twisting from /to H in Figure 12. . t HAN iv RAILING. TO MAKE THE WREATHS FOR STAIRS WITH ONE RISER IN THE CENTRE OF WELL. FIGURE 13 (See Folding Plate}. Mark the plan of the rail as A B CD, and E F G the centre line, the straight part E F being the width of one step. Continue E F to H and draw G H. Draw D /paral- lel to E F, and draw the lines A J and F 0. Make K equal to the rise of one step, and draw J K, set up G L equal to the rise of two steps. From the point L make the line L /parallel to J K and join / E. Draw ordinate lines as i, 2, 3, 4, at any convenient distance apart all parallel to / E, draw the perpendicular lines i, 5, etc., to intersect the line I L. From the point J, draw the line J M, square to J K, and from 7, with the distance IE, cut J M at the point N, and draw / N; draw ordinate lines 5, 6, 7, 8, etc., all parallel to / N. Take the distances i, 2, 3, 4, and apply them from 5 to 6, 7, 8, etc., and draw the inside and outside and centre line of face mould through them. Take the length of the ordinate H, and apply it on the ordinate from P to Q, and draw the lines N Q, and L Q. Make the joint R 8 square to Q L, and the joint M N square to Q N. FIGURE 14. The centre line N 7 7 7 L, and the joints at ends, are the same as Figure 13. Set the compasses to half the thickness of the plank, (as shown at G D in Figure 15), and apply it on each side the centre line L 7 7 7 JV, and draw the inside and outside lines. Mark this face mould on the plank, and cut it out square, and joint Lhe ends square. To put the twist on the wreath, proceed as follows : In Figure 13 from the centre J, describe the arc T U, and draw U E. Continue the lines / E, and G H, until they meet at W. Take the length G L and apply it from G to V, and draw V W. From G draw G X square to V W, and describe the arc X Y, and draw YI. HAND-RAILING. 53 54 HAND-RAILTNG. Take the bevel U J E, and apply it on the bottom end of the wreath in Figure 15, at U J E, through the centre O, and mark half the width of the rail on each side U E, also mark the top and bottom line of rail square to U E. Apply the bevel H Y I'm Fig- ure i to H Y I, at the top end of the wreath in Figure 15, through the centre 0, and mark the size of the rail on as shown. Mark the line Q P on both sides the wreath. Take the distance U in Figure 15, and apply it from J to a in Figure 13, draw a b par- allel to J K, and draw J b, apply the distance a b from N to c and N to d. Apply the distance Y, in Figure 15, to X e in Figure 13, and draw ^/parallel to G V, and apply the distance X f to L g, ami L h. Make a face mould to Figure 13, the full length from c to h, and place it on the top of the wreath, with the point ^over the point Y, in Figure 15, at the top end of the wreath, and the point c over the point U, at the bottom end and mark both edges, then mark it on the underside the wreath, with the point h over the point / in Figure 15, and the point c over the^oint E. First work off the inside of the wreath with a round plane that will fit the rail on the plan, then work off the outside part. To work the top at the mark Q P, take an equal portion off the top and bot- tom side of the wreath that will leave it the finished thickness of the rail, then work from the bevels marked at each end, through the part taken off at Q P and the bottom part can be gauged from the top. HAND-RAILING. 55 TO MAKE THE WREATHS FOR LEVEL LANDING STAIRS. THE DISTANCE BETWEEN CENTRE OF RAILS ACROSS THE WELL BEING EQUAL TO THE TREAD OF A STEP, OR NEARLY SO. FIGURE 16. A B C is the centre of tlie rail, A B being equal to the tread of one step. Strike out the inside and outside of the rail b b b b. Draw C D and D A. Set up E F equal to one riser, and draw D F to G, and draw the line C G. Draw ordinate lines a b b, at any convenient distance apart, and draw the lines tf, c. From the points c c draw ordinate lines c d. square to the line D G. Take the distance a b b, and apply them on the ordinates from c to d d, and draw the face mould through them. Take the thickness of the plank C A in Figure 18, and apply it from D to / in Figure 16, draw I H parallel to D F, and cut it with the line of D H. Take half of / H and apply it from K to L, and K to J. Make the face mould the length from J to G, and mark it on the top side' of the plank, and cut the two joints at J and G square. Take the bevel D J E in Figure 16, and apply it to the top joint at D F E, as shown in Figure 18. The bottom end will be square, as shown in Figure 17. Apply the face mould underside the wreath with the point L at the lower end of wreath. Cut it out bevel (as this kind ol wreath is less labor cut bevel than having to bevel it if cut out square). Take an equal portion off the top and bottom side of the shank- part of wreath to leave the rail the finished thickness as shown in Figure 17, at the bottom end, then gradually work the top side twisted to the bevel at the top end, so that when the wreath is put up to its proper pitch the top side is level across. Gauge the bottom from the top side. HAND-RAILING. Fig. 16. HAND-UALL1NG. 57 I HAND-RAILING. HAND-RAILING. 59 NOTE. The distance across the well between centre of rails should not exceed the tread of a step for level landing stairs, or the wreath has the appearance of dropping. If the distance is less than the tread of a step bevel ordinate lines would be required, after the manner shown in Figures 13, 14, and .15. 60 HAND-RAILING. TO MAKE THE WREATH FOR QUARTER-LANDING STAIRS, HAVING ONE WINDER IN THE WELL. FIGURE 19. From the centre strike the quarter circle A Jj, the centre of the rail, and draw the lines A B B C and A C, and draw the inside and outside curve of rail. FIGURE 20 (See Folding Plate). Make D E equal to the tread of one step, and-EA equal to one riser. Draw the line A B and make A B and B C equal to A B and B C in Figure 19. Set up the height of 2 risers from B to F, and draw the line F G, to pitch of the stairs. Join A D and mark the point H about one-third the distance from A to Z>, then mark the point / about one-third the distance from F to G, and draw the line I H. Draw the perpendicular line C J, and continue A B to K. Joint the end at K square to J K and ease off the rail at H. Joint the top length at the point L and ease off the rail at /. FIGURE 19. Make B K equal to C K in Figure 20. Make B J equal to C Jin Figure 20, and B M equal to B M in Figure 20. Draw the line J K, and from the point M draw M D parallel to J K. Draw K J* 7 square to J K, and from the point D with the distance D E cut it at the point G. Draw the ordinate a b b b parallel to D E, draw the lines a c, and from c draw ordjnates c d d d parallel to D G. Apply the distances a b b b, on to the ordinates from c to d a d, and draw the face mould through the points d d d. Mark the length of the ordinate C, on to the ordinate from c to H, and draw H G and H M. Joint the end at G square to GH. Take the distance M L in Figure 20, and apply it from M to T, and joint the end at T square to H T. Apply the bevel K I E to both ends the wreath as shown in Figure 22. HAND-RAILING. 61 \ Fiji. 19. 62 HAND-RAILING. The face mould Figure 21, is got from the centre line of Figure 19, as before described, and the joints at T and G are the same as in Figure 19. Apply the distance 7, in Figure 22 to K L in Figure 19, draw L N, and mark the length L N from G to P and G to Q, also from T to S and T to R. Make the face mould Figure 19, the length from P to R. Fig. n. Cut the wreath out square to Figure 21, face mould and joint the ends. Apply Figure 19 face mould on the top side of wreath with the points S P, over I 1 at the ends of wreath, then apply it underside with the points R Q, over E E at the ends. Work the inside the wreath first with a round plan to fit the rail on plan, and work the top side straight from T to M and d to G in Figure 21, and gradually work it twisted to the bevels at each end, and take an equal portion off the top and bottom side at c H to leave the rail the finished thickness. HAND-RAILING. 63 TO MAKE THE WREATH FOR QUARTER LAND- ING STAIRS, WITH THE RISERS AS SHOWN IN FIGURE 23. FIGURE 23. From the centre strike the quarter circle A /?, which is the centre of the rail, draw the lines A B B C and .1 C, ai:d draw the straight part each end about 3 inches long from A to D, and B to E, then draw the inside and outside lines of rail. FIGURE 24 (See Folding Plate] Make D E equal to one tread, and E A equal to one riser. Draw the line A B, the parts A C and C B, being equal to A C and C B in Figure i. Set up B F equal to one riser and from F draw the line G F H, to the pitch of the stairs, and draw (J G. Join A D, and mark the point /about half way between A and Z>, and draw / G. Make K J" equal to A D in Figure 23, and joint the end at J, square to 7 (7, draw the line J N. Make F L equal to E B in Figure 23, draw L M and joint the end at M square to F H. FIGURE 23. Draw the line D J, set up B F equal to G in Figure 24, and joint J F. Set up B G equal to N F in Figure 24, and from the point G draw G H parallel to J F. From J, draw J I square to J F, and from H with the distance // ft, cut J / at K, and draw If K. Draw the ordinates a b b If, parallel to H D, draw the lines a c, and from the point c, draw ordinate c d d d parallel to H K; apply the distance a b b b, on to the ordinates c d d d, and draw the face mould through the points d d d. Mark the length of the ordinate a C, on the ordinate c L, and draw L K and L , and the end at M square to L M. Get the level J D (or the bottom end, and jB # for the top end of wreath, as described in Figure 15, and apply them at the ends as shown in Figure 26. The face mould Figure 25, is. obtained from the centre line of Figure 23, as described in previous examples. Fig. 26. Apply the distance T U from K to V, and K to W, and the length E Y apply from M to g, and M to /, and make Figure 23, face mould the length from Fto/ Cut the wreath out square, to Figure 25, face mould, and joint the ends. Apply Figure 23, face mould on the top of wreath, with the points /and TFover the points S and at the ends of wreath, then mark it underside with the points g and V, over the point H and D at the ends of wreath. Proceed to work the wreath as before de- scribed, to .the bevels at the ends, and take as much of the top and bottom sides of the wreath at L a as will leave the rail the finished thickness. THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPEDJSELOW. 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