u 17. C6 UC-NRLF B ^ E3I ma 't4t.^a^ vX.^^/4.-^ -' p^iy^^i^ S . f^ Mt>^dc4^ THE VAR BEPARTnENT AT THE Qept^ppial Exposition OF THE 0HI0 VALbEY AND CENTRAL STATES, ci3sroi3snsr-^'T'i, 023:10, Cif? U}^. ■i CATALOGUE OF THE EXHIBIT H D E OF THE OHIO MLEy L STftTES, CINCINNATI, OHIO, JULY I TO OCTOBER 27, 1888. ACT OF CONGRESS, MAY 28, 1888. THE HON. WILLIAM C. ENDICOTX, Captain a. H. RUSSELL, Ordnance Dept. U. S. A., War Department Representative. Lieutenant E. S. BENTON, 3d Artillery, Assistant. ^^0^ INDEX. PAGK CANiS'ON, ArMOK AKl) TolU'EDi IKS 1 Early Cannon 1 Trophy Cannon, Revolution '. 2 Tro])hy Cannon, Mexican War 3 U. S. Muzzle Loaders 3 Modern Breech Loaders 6 Largest European Guns 12 Depressing Carriages and Armored Turrets 14 Torpedoes 10 Volley Guns and Machine Guns 17 Hand Fire Arms 24 Match Locks 25 Wheel Locks 26 Muzzle Loaders — Flint Locks 27 Muzzle Loaders — Percussion Locks 28 Breech Loaders, Single Shot 29 Paper Cartridges 29 Metallic Cartridges 32 " (^uick Loaders " 38 Re])eating Arms 40 Early Forms 40 Revolving Arms 40 Magazine Guns — Tubular in Butt Stock 45 Magazine Guns — Tubular Along Barrel 47 Magazine Guns — " Box " Magazines at the Receiver 51 Review of Magazine Guns 58 Automatic Recoil Guns 59 Ajimunitkin 60 Fuzes 60 Primers for Cannon 63 Powder and Small Arm Ammunition 04 New Small Calibre Cartridges 68 i/90899 IV INDEX. PAGK Sl(iHTS, Al'l'KNDAlJES, EtC 71 Rasue Finuers 76 Fix«'(l Aiif^lc Iiistrumonts 77 Varialde Aii^lt* Iiistrmnents 80 Sny ])rivate jiarties. Attendants are always on hand ready to explain and illustrate the use of the various articles. No enlisted men are on duty m the War Department here. The following, all civilians, are em- ployed for this duty and instructed for the purpose : Charles Becht, Captain ist Regiment Infantry, O. N. G.; Edward Schlesinger, ist Lieutenant ist Regiment Infantry, O. N. (i.: Cieo. W. Vanduzen, Newport, Ky.; W. B. Hitchcock, National Armory, Springfield, Mass.; Kinney Lowe, Newport, Ky.; attendants. Albert H. Wendt, Newport, Ky., messenger. It is a noticeable fact that in recent years the greatest improve- ment in military weapons has been due to American inventors, but that the advantage of the inventions has been chiefly developed by foreign nations from the want of funds for carrying out public experiments in this country. This is true of powder, shot, cannon, machine guns and small arms; and many things of American inven- tion, now used in our service, have been re-im])orted. Witness : Rodman's perforated cake i)owder; the slotted l)reech screw for large guns, etc. In regard to fire arms, the very remarkable point is illustrated that the earliest arms made were breech-loaders, and that all nations have returned to this principle after long abandonment of it and use of muzzle loaders. The collection of carbines and rifles comprises nearly 150 varieties. It is shown that some very early forms were breech-loaders, but that it was only by the American invention of metallic shell ammunition that breech loaders, now general, became efficient. Magazine guns were also made practicable by the above improvement in cartridges, and the first effective gun of this class, the Spencer used in the War of the Rebellion, was an American invention. The more recent forms of magazine gun adopted by foreign powers — those fitted with detachable magazines, or with fixed magazines made to fill rapidly by prepared packages — also owe their inception to American inventors. In machine guns the influ- EXPLANATORY REMARKS. ence of American invention is very prominent, and automatic recoil guns were invented here, though develojjed abroad. The history of small fire-arms shows a decrease of calibre from 70-iooths of an inch to 291.4, but in big guns the opposite tendency is noticed. Our heaviest rifle shot weighs 800 pounds, while Krupp is making for Germany a gun to throw a projectile weighing 3,300 pounds. The frontispiece view of the exhibit shows the remarkable contrast in size of shot. In preparing this catalogue, great assistance has been derived from th# excellent catalogue, made by Captain Henry Metcalfe, Ordnance Department U. S. A., of the Ordnance Exhibit at the Philadelphia Centennial of 1876; and the descriptions of many of the instruments, and of most of the earlier cannon, machine guns, and small arms, have been condensed from those given there. The order of arrangement has been changed, however, particularly by classifying the repeating arms together, and grouping the true mag- azine guns according to the form and position of the magazine. The plates of the Mauser magazine gun, verified from the gun itself, together with much of the information regarding foreign tests of the new small calibre cartridges, have been taken from the " In- formation Series," published by the Office of Naval Intelligence at Washington, there being no corresponding office in the War De- partment. Lieut. E. S. Benton, 3d Artillery, Assistant, has charge of the transportation department, receiving and shipping stores. A. H. Russell, Captain oj Ordnance U. S. A? my, Represefitative of the War Department. CANNON, ARMOR, AND TORPEDOES. Field guns are the largest shown in the Exhibit, but by means of models and projectiles, the collection serves to indicate the pro- gress made in the construction of cannon from the earliest forms — breech loading smooth bore guns of light weight, of date of the 14th century — to the largest Krupp rifle guns of to-day. The forms of field gun carriage illustrate the progression of construction from the Gribeauval system, used in the Napoleonic Wars, and the stock trail system (wooden carriage) used during the Rebellion, to the steel gun carriage now used. Illustrations are also given of the revolving turrets and depressing gun carriages now deemed neces- sary in many positions for heavy guns, and of torpedoes for addi- tional defense. EARLY CANNON. 1. Chinese Cannon, Bronze. This gun was captured from the Coreans, June 10-11, 1871, by the U. S. Naval Squadron, commanded by Rear Admiral John Rodger.s, U. S. Navy. Presented to the Museum of the Artillery School, TT. S. Army, by Major W. F. Randolph, Third Artillery. It is a .short breech-loading wall-piece, two inches in calibre. The piece bears an inscription in Chinese characters. A translation made by the Chinese Minister shows that the piece was manufac- tured in 1312. The charge was contained in a hollow block, with a handle at the top, by which it was placed in position. This breech-block had projec- tions at the lower part of the rear end, and these, with the assistance of a key driven above them, through mortises in the side of the breech, held the block in place for firing. The guns of that period in Europe were made of wrought iron, like the next gun described, and cast guns were unknown. This gun, with other articles mentioned below, was contributed to the exhibit from the Artillery School, through the courtesy of Brevet Brigadier-General J. C. Tid- ball, commanding Fort Monroe. 2. Old Breech Loading Gun, 4-poiinder. Brought up by a dredging machine, from the bed of the Hudson river, at Albany, in 1879. Though the date of the manufacture of this piece is not known, its form is precisely that of the earliest English cannon of the V/- V War Department Exhibit. fourtecntl\ ^.t-jitinv^-, yml jt (loubtless dates back to that time. It is made of w:ouf;h't ir/lii; wiOi /.toj't'i'jing bands around the barrel. It has a short handle •yteiuliiip to ih« rwii- ^il.ih tlie cascabel. The bore runs from a calibre of two inclics at the breerh to four inches at the muzzle. The exterior increases in diameter towards the muzzle, but the iron is so badly rusted that the original dimensions can hardly be determined. The breech-closing arrangements were practically the same as in the Chinese gun described above. This gun. with many other articles mentioned behjw, was sent from the Museum at Governor's Island, through the courtesy of Major-General J. M. Schofield, President of tlie Military Service Institution, and Bvt. Brig. Gen. T. F. Uodciiliongh, Secretary. TROPHY CANNON OF THE REVOLUTION. 3. Revolulionary Gun and Carriafie. Heavy twelve-|)ounder, bronze gun, muzzle loading; mounted on a (iribeauval carriage; captured from the British in the Kevolutionary War, at the battle of Saratoga, October 17, 1777. From Governor's Island. 4. Bronze Gun ; calibre, three inches; English. Captured at Saratoga. From West Point. "). Two Bronze Guns of same pattern; English. Cai)tured at Saratoga; one bent in chase to render it useless. From Alleghany Arsenal. 0. Three Coehorn Mortars, Bronze. Two of 4:^4 and one of 5% inches calibre. Surrendered by British at battle of Saratoga. Coehorn mortars are light pieces, which can be readily carried for use in the trenches during siege operations. The 24-pounder Coehorn mortar of our service could be transported by two men, and it was particularly useful on account of its plunging fire for shelling points protected l)y em- bankments. From West Point. 7. Two Ooeiiorn Mortars, 4f inches calibre. Cajiturod from British at Stony Point. 8. Two I)roii/e Boat Howitzers, ■24-i)()un(lcr; English. Place of capture unknown. From Alleghany Arsenal. 9. Bronze Gun, G-pounder; English. Made in 17()1. Bearing inscription, "Surrendered by Cornwallis at capitulation of Yorktown, October 19, 1781." It is called the Ligonier gun, because it bears the initial of Ligonier, an Ejiglish field marshal, who was Master of Ordnance at the time it was made. Length, four feet ten inches. Weight, 64G pounds. From Fort Monroe. 10. Bronze Howitzer, "24 jxtunder; English. Surrendered by Cornwallis at Yorktown, October 19, 1781. War Dcpmimcut Exhibit. 11. Bronze Howitzer, 8 inches calibre; American. Made by I). King, Phihuk'lpliia, 170.]. From Alk-ghaiiy Ar.senal. 12. Tliree Bronze Howitzers, 2^ incites calibre; American. Two ix'aviii.t;- inscription, " D. Kin.t;-, Gerniantown." From Wi'sl Point. 13. Wall Howitzer, 4-pounder, cast iron, very old. Fort Marion, 8t. Augustine, Florida. From (iovernor's Island. 14. Old Spanish Piece, wroujiiht-iron, 4-i)<)under. Used at the siege of the Ahimo in 1830. Buried by the Mexicans on the evacuation of tlie phxce after the battle of San Jacinto, and found by workmen while digging a cellar. MEXICAN TROPHY CANNON. 15. Mexican Cannon, 8-pounder. Muzzle indented by cannon ball. Captured at the battle of Monterey, September 23. l.S-tC. From West Point. 16. Mexican Howitzer, 4-pounder. Captured at the battle of Monterey, September 23, 1846. U. S. MUZZLE LOADERS. , 17. Old Ship (iun, cast iron. Fitted with rings for carrying. 18. U. S. 12-pounder Field Gun and 24-pounder Howitzer. Model with carriage and limber. This illustrates the stock trail .system of wooden gun carriage, used during the war of the Rebellion. The 12-pounder gun here referred to was adopted in 1856, and modeled after the gun designed by Napoleon III. to take' the place of the variety of calibres used before in the French field service. It was used more extensively than any other field gun during the war of the Eebellion, and it was i)articularly effective where the character of the country required the fighting to be carried on at short range. Weight of gun, 1,226 pounds; weight of shot, 12 pounds; weight of charge, 2K pounds; velocity, 1,495 feet per second; extreme range, 2,090 yards; elevation 10 degrees; weight of carriage, 1,175 pounds; contents of chest, packed: .shot, fixed, 20; spherical case, 8; canister, 4; spare cartridges, 2; friction primers, 48; slow match, yards, 1.5; port-fire, 2. From Governor's Island. 19. Three-inch Wrouiiht-Iron Muzzle-Loading Rifle. Represented only by its projectile. This gun was used extensively during the war, and was one of the earliest of modern wrought-iron guns. (Jun made at Phcenixville, Pa., by wrapping boiler-plate around an iron bar, so as to form a cjiindrical mass. Tiie whole is brought to welding heat in a furnace, and then ))assed between rollers to unite the bar and layers solidly War Department Exhibit. toycllier. Tlie trunnions are then wcMod on, and tlio pieie is finished to the proper size. Tlie bar forniinp the core is hi rjie enough to leave some metal outside thelu.re. and add longitudinal strength to the gun. The projectile liere shdwn is a 10 pounder shell, lired. it has the Eureka saijot at the ba.se to take the rilling and give rotation. This sahot is a soft metal cup placed on the ha.se, concave side to the rear, fitted with a ring-lij) projecting forward over the sides of the i.rujectile, which is beveled 'iff to re('eive it. The gas pressure flattens the cui», jiressing the lij) forward and outward into the rifiing. With large shell ditliculty has been experienced from weakness at the base where the sabot is fastened by an a.xial screw. The fuze plug is fitted with the Laidley igniter (see fuzes) for starting the paper time-fuze. Shot loaned by Col. J. W. Abert, formerly of Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., now living in Newport. Ky. 20. M(m1.'1 of l:; iiirh Cast Iron Mortnr. and Bed. 21. Model ol' lo-iuch Mortar. A center pintle chassis replaces the old wooden platforn\ iirotected by iron i)lates formerly used with this mortar, and this saves much time in point- ing. 15y means of the eccentric axle at the center of the chassis the weight is thrown on the traversing wheels while pointing. Ik-fore firing, the chassis is thrown out of gear. Weight, 17,120 pounds; weight of shell, 200 pounds; weight of ma.ximum charge, 20 pounds; extreme length. 54 inches; length of bore, 2.7 calibre; range, 45 degrees elevation, maximum charge, 4,200 yards; time of fiighi, .SO'i. seconds; weight of chassis, 2,000 pounds; length of rail, I!K) inches. The mortar can be elevated and depressed, either by a single handspike working in the ratchet.s cut in the breech, or by two hand spikes fitted on to the arms attached to the trunnions. l'"rom Ordnance Office. 22. Model ol' 2UU pouiulei' i'arj-ott Jiiile. This was made from jiieces of the metal used in making the guns of Hie first Monitor. This is a cast-iron gun, re-enforced by a coiled wrought- iron jacket, shrunk on over the seat of the charge; 10,20,30, 1(X), 200 and 300 pounder I'arrott rifies were used during the war of the Rebellion. The larger calibres were cast hollow on the Rodman i)rinciple. Though never adopted as a jiart of the system of our artillery, they were largely used. They were the first high-power riMed guns used extensively in war, and they attained a range of over five miles. They are interesting as early examples of guns formed of two metals. Tlie larger calibres had but short life. The brass base-ring of the jirojectile for giving rotation by exjiansion into the rilling was liable to striji and tear olT. Moilcl presented by Mr. Howard S. Winslow, Cincinnati. 23. Cast Iron Killes, 12 and 12.25 iivdi calibre. Lined with a tube of steel or coiled wrought iron. These large calibre breech-loading guns are rein-e.sented by a Butler shot, weighing 700 lbs. for a I2.2iVincli gun. The Butler shot, invented by Captain J. G. But- ler, Ordnance Dci.artmcnt, has for sabot a soft metal ring screwed War Department Exhibit. on tlie base, the ring having a groove in the rear surfaces, forming a narrow- lip on the outer edge, and a wider one on tlie inner. Tlie powder gases acting 07i tlie outer lip force it out into the rifling to give rotation to the shot, and check the flow of gas past the shot, at the same time tending to press the inner lip more firndy on the shot, and prevent stripping of the sabot. It was the first base sabot fully answering the conditions for muz- zle-loading rifles of large calibre, as all others proposed before had w'orked irregularly, resulting in great variation of the powder pressures in the gun. Americans have taken the lead in inventions for giving rotation to a shot in muzzle-loaders by means of sabots. The English used studded projectiles (rej^resented in the exhibit by an Armstrong 8K-inch shell), and long after the sabot had been used, the U. S. adopted a sabot merely as gas check in addition to the studs, fiiKillj^ abandoning the studs and relying on the sabot alone. The Eureka sabot descrilied before is another form sometimes used with large guns. Muzzle-loading rifle guns of large calibre have been made in large num- bers in our service, by conversion from smooth bores of larger calibre, the old gun being bored out and lined with a tube of steel or coiled wrought iron. jMany of these guns are now in service, notably 8-inch rifles converted from 10-inch Rodman guns. Though extremely useful within certain limits, the bore is too sliort to give the best etrect demanded from guns of that calibre. 24. Model ol 12-incli Cast-iron Rifle. Mounted on Barbette Carriage. The upper carriage has two sets of wheels, front and rear, placed between the plates composing the cheeks of the carriage. The carriage starts in its recoil on sliding friction, and, after a distance of about one foot, finishes the remainder of its recoil on rolling friction, the rollers moving up wedge-shaped pieces, which form steeper in- clines toward the rear of the chassis. The gun is caught at the end of its recoil by couplings, and spring butters at the rear and front of the chassis relieve the shock if the top carriage strikes. The gun is loaded when drawn back, and when released runs promptly forward "into battery." The ordinary crane and differential pulley are used for loading. The muzzle of the gun is raised and lowered by means of two circular racks, fastened to the breech, and moved by cog-wheels on the carriage. Steps and rails are placed about the carriage, so as to make easy access to all parts. The points of special interest in this carriage are the arrangements for checking recoil. This is accomplished by means of a hydraulic buffer, 9 inches in exterior diameter, and long enough to secure a recoil of seven feet. The effect of the force of discharge, comnuinicated to the chassis through the butter, is borne by the pintle in front, and Ijy two sets of grooved wheels attached to forks sup- porting the rear end, thus distributing the strain over the entire extent of the foundations. The hydraulic buffer is composed of a strong cylinder, partly filled with glycerine and water, and attached at the front of the chassis, between the rails. A i)iston-rod projects from the rear, the outer end of the rod being attached to a fork, extending downward from the rear of the top carriage. Perforations in the piston head allow the flow of liquid as the pistoii is drawn out during recoil, or pushed in by running the gun for- ward. The resistance to rapid flow checks the recoil, and allows the use PFar Department Exhibit. of a shorter t-liassis than without the hnffer. It transmits the force to the ehassis, hut in a comparatively jrradual manner without severe ^^iiuck. In the Kn-h?^li Vavasseur ea.rriai,'C. two cylintlers are used, lilled with ii.|uiosed. On closing, the screw sets up firmly against the block, and transmits the strain to the walls of the breech. 27. Knipp Breech-Loading Steel RiHe ; calibre, 3.65. This gun has the earlier form of breech-block, made in two wcdgc-shapc parts, the whole lilock sliding at right angles to the axis of the bore in sockets in the breech. When the block is run in, turning a- screw at its end forces the two wedges together and tigiitly closes the breech, the reverse action loosening the block and allowing it to lie drawn out. The gas check is a copper ring of triangular section, fitting in a socket in tiie block and expanding luider the powder pressure to completely close the crack which may be left between the face of the block and the end of the barrel. From Ordnance Proving Ground, Sandy Hook. 28. Hotchkiss Breech-Loading' Steel Mountain Iville. Oalibre, l.On inches. This has a hreci-b-block sliding atright angles to the axis of the bore, after the manner of the later Krupp guns. It is locked, when closed, by a sectional screw within the block. Used in ojierations in a very rough, mountainous covuitry, im])assable to wheeled vehicles, as it can be packed on mule back or carried by two men. Calibre, 1.65; number of grooves, 12; depth, .075 inch ; width, .30; weight of gun, 110 pounds ; charge of powder, 269.5 grains*; weight of shot, about two pounds. Mounted on steel carriage, to which shafts can be attached for hauling by one animal. The powder is contained in a metallic cartridge case, either of wrapped metal or with a soldered joint. Through the center of the iron head of tliis case is a flame hole, closed by an internal valve, which is lifted by the Hame from the friction primer, but is closed by the pressure of the gas within the Inire when the cartridge is fired. A wide band of thin ])rass en- circles the projectile, and this is forced into the rifling to give rotation. Abijve the breech-block, in the liody of the gun, is a sliding extractor, worked by an oljlique groove in the upper surface of the breech-block, in which a stud on the lower surface of the extractor is engaged. Captain Frank D. Baldwin, Fifth United States Infantry, has devised an ingenious carriage for this gun. It is fashioned somewhat like a mortar bed, with cheek pieces, but no chassis. The lower parts of the cheeks can be turned outward, swing- ing on a horizontal hinge, to fit on an aparejo, so that gun and carriage can be packed together on a mule for transportation. 29. New Breech Loading Field Gun, U. S. Steel. Calibre, 3.2 inches. This gun is biult up witli a central tul>e, S5.2 incln's long, varying in exterior diameter from 6 inches to 4.0 inches near the muzzle ; and a jacket, length 25.9 inches, maximum diameter 9.56 inches, which is shrunk over the rear part of the tu1)e, a shoulder on which prevents the jacket from working forward. The rear end of the tube abuts against a 8 War DepafimeTii Exhibit. base ring, screwed inside of tlie jacket, which projects bej'ond the tube at the rear. The Frencii, or "slotted screw," breech-block, works in this base riiiK. In fn)nt of the jacket, and bound to it by an overlapping locking joint, is tlie trunninn hooj) shrunk on to the tube. Its width between rim ba.ses is !».r) inches, and its length S..S indies. In front of the trunnion-hoop, and iK'uring close against it, is the " sleeve," shrunk on to the tube— ma.xinnim diameter, ().« inches; minimnm, (i.d inches ; length, 13.3 inches— and in front of that is the key-ring, which is screwed on to the tube, and set firmly against the sleeve diameter of key ring, (i.5 iiu-hes ; length, 3 inches. In front of that the tube is unsupported for a length of -S-S.T inches to the muzzle. All the parts are thus bnunil securely together by shoulders and screw-threads, in a maimer which j.re.sents no greater ditHculty of construction than the shrinkage of i)lain, superposed cylinders usually offers. The powder chamber is elliptical; the .shot chamber, composed of two inclines and a straight surface, furnishes a place for the copper band at the rear end of the shot to rest, the forward end of the shot extending into the groove part of the bore, the iianiece is iW.7 inches; weight, S03 pounds; jireponderance at end of breech, 57 pounds. liirirli Mirhnii 1.11)1. ~T\\v breech-block, 0.4.5 inches long, by 4.47 inches in diameter, is threaded and slotted, three sections being plain and three with threads. The iiase ring in which it works is threaded and slotted cor- respondingly. One sixth of a turn, therefore, serves to lock or iiiiluik the block when in its i)hKe. Th(> last or rearmost thread on the block is not cut away, and this serves the puri>ose of closing the rear face of the breech against dirt and wet, and acts as a stop for the block when it is })resscd into place. The block is held in a swinging carrier ring, 1.2 inches thick, hinged at the left side, which allows the block to be swung to the left when drawn out, and guides the block in entering the breech on dosing, allowing the block to be freely turned. It serves, when closed, to fill the space between the jacket atid the block. This ring is autonmtically locked to, and unlocked, bj' the motion of the block acting on a key-pin. The lever handle for turning the block,^ anil the bronze handle for witlulrawing it, are fastened to its rear end. Most of the guns thus far nuide have been provided with the Frej're (Si)anisli) gas check, which was found to be effective in the experimental gun; but the length of space in rear of the chamber allows the use of the Dc Bange (F'rench) gas check, which is equally effective, and this is to be used in some of the guns. The Fni/rt obturator, or gas check, placed in front of the breech-block, terminates in a head shaped like a truncated cone, small end towards the rear. A gas check ring of highly elastic steel, formed to (it the cone surface on the insid<', but nearly cylindrical on the outside, surrounds this head ami rests against the breech-block. The head is not in contact with the bldck, but nearly so, and the distance can be increased or diminished by the nuts screwed on to the rear cml of a spindle which passes through the center of War Department Exhibit. the breech-})lock. A strong spring intervenes to keeiJ the head away from the face of the block, except when the great pressure of the powder gases presses it home, expanding the ehistic ring against the walls of the powder chamber, and effectually cutting otf all escape of gas. When the pressure is removed the spring forces the head forward and the ring is allowed to contract. The expansion of the gas-check can thus l)e regulated to suit the character of the steel in the gas-check ring. The Freyre gas-check closely resembles that used in the Williams gun above described. The latter differed only in having a split ring instead of a continuous ring, the conical rear surface of the head acting iii the same manner to expand tiie ring. The Freyre system may therefore be considered an American invention, as is the case with the slotted screw l)reech-block itself. The I)c Ba»ffc (jns-clin-k referred to works as follows: A breech-screw with an interrupted thread is used as described above. This is traversed in tlie direction of its axis by a spindle terminating in a head shaped like a mushroom. The head receives the pressure of the powder gases, and it is supported by a plastic ring surrounding the spindle and interposed between the head and the face of the breech-screw. This ring is composed of asbestos and tallow, contained in an envelope of cloth and sustained by two cni>-shaped copi)er rings. Tlie pressure of the head forces it out laterally against the walls of the gun chamber, so preventing the escape of gas. The record of the gun is as follows: Initial velocity of projectile, 1.635 feet; extreme range, about .S>^' miles ; charge of powder, 3^ to 3% pounds; weight of shell, 13 pounds; pressure of powder gases m gun, 29,116 pounds per square inch. The Hotchkiss base fuze, described under head of fuzes, is vised with the shell. The steel forgings for these guns were made at the Midvale Works, PJnladelphia. The parts were finished and assembled for the first five guns at Watertown Arsenal, Mass. ; for twenty made later, at the West Point Foundry, Cold Spring, N. Y. Future work of this kind will be done in the new gun shops at Watervliet Arsenal, West Troy, N. Y. From West Point. 30. Buffington Field-Giin Carriage. Tlia carriage for the gun above described, and on which it is mounted, is made of steel. The principal parts are the two flasks, connected by tran- soms, and the lunette ; the two axle-plates, upper and lower ; the axle-tree ; the wheel-brakes ; the wheels ; the elevating apparatus, and the seats and steps. Each flask is formed by riveting together two plates with curved margins. The cross-section of the margin from the vicinity of the trunnion- beds to the tool-box is approximately semi-circular, the center of the semi- circle being in the plane of the inner surface of the plate. The cross section varies for the inner and outer plates, as the margin of the latter is prolonged in a direction tangent to the circle until it envelops the margin of the former for a portion of its length. The formation of this curved margin by a single stroke illustrates a remarkable use by Col. Buffington of the drop-hammer for very heavy work. Two large cast-iron dies are used, shaped to give the outer and inner curves required. The plate, cut to proper shape and heated, is placed on one die, and the other is dropped upon it by means of a steam hammer. lo JVar Department Exhibit. Tlie truimioii-l>e(li^ arc- n-inforced liy bars of steel, which are inclosed be- tw.-L-a the iiiarf,'ins of the Hask plates and riveted to tlieni. There are three front transoms, npi-er, lower, and rear, in the vicinity of the trunnion-l)eds an.l axli-i>iates. and three trail transoms at intervals between the axle-phites and the lunette. The axle-plates, two in number, which envelop the axle-tree. are made from plates formed by dies under a steam hammer. To in.sure an accurate tit, these plates are planed, bolted tofiether. and bored out. The axle-tree havinj.' been turneil to a true cylinder, the plates are riveted abtiut it. The shouhler washers are oetafjonal in form; to each is (itt d a collar or iumd contuiniuK a stout eye. to which the brakes arc attached. These collars have projections that embrace the axle-plates above and below, to prevent turning,' of the axle within the plates. The )»rakes supplied with this carriaj^'c were formed like a double-bo.v ; priiifj. and furnished with a device for detachinj,' them if necessary, when the wheel is locked. The axle- seals are mounted on Hat si)rin<,'s and jirovided witli .steps. The elevating ai)paratus is that which was used with the carriage constructed at Water- vleit Arsenal. The elevating screw guide is secured to the under side of the upper front transom. A later form, introduced liy Col. Buttington, gives the elevation by means of lazy tongs operated by a vertical screw. This form does not require any i)rojection below the carriage, and the carriage is .so con- structed in other respects as to leave a clear space below the level of the axles, to pa.ss over obstrutrtions without touching. The total weight of the carriage complete, including steps, wheels, and brakes, is l.aOl lbs. Thv liiiihrrwUl have a steel body with wooden amnmnition chest, opening at the toj) like the present ammunition chests, steel chests opening in rear be- ing found by experiment to be midesirable. The inside dimensions of cliest are: Length, 42'K inches ; width, 21 inches; depth, inches. It is divided into three compartments, the end ones 10 inches wide, for 21 projectiles in each, the middle one for cartridges 42 in nuuibcr. Projectiles stand on their bases, in s' /'/(Y/r, made of dimensions to lit in this box, is shown in tlic exhibit in connection with the gun and carriage. Instead of tu'llows a blower is used, (ii)erated liy a crnidc. ("arringe from Natiunal .\rniiiiy. ol. Five-inch Steel I5reec]i I.oiidiiii:- Sieiic (Jnn. e.xperi- lueiital. This is represented by its shot, cast-iron, weighing 4:5 pounds. Tlic gun is built up after the manner of the ;i. 2-inch held gun. The whole length of the gini is 14.'i..'V) inches; weight, M.OiiO pounds ; ])re[)onderani'e at eml of breech, 27o,V2 pounds; rifling tuiiform ; twist, 1 turn in :^5 calibres, angle 5 (leg., 9 nun.; nundter of grooves and lands. .12. I'lic powder chamber is cylindri- cal, terminated in front by a curved surface. The shot chamber, composed of a cylindrical and a conical surface. The vent is axial, through the obtu- rator sjiindle. The French breech-screw is used, witli the DelJange obturator War Department Exhibit. descriliecl under steel field gun. The powder charge is 12^/^ i)Ounds ; velocity ob- tained, 1815 feet per sectmd. Tlie projectile, like that for the 8.2-inch ritle, has a copper band set in a groove cut near the base to give rotation, this band be- ing forced into the grooves in firing. This gun is intended to replace the. 434-inch muzzle-loading cast-iron siege rifie of the service. The new gun is mounted on a steel carriage designed by Capt. Chas. Shaler, Ordnance Dept., U. S. A. Shot received from Ordnance Proving Ground. 32. Eiij;ht-inch Breech- Loading Steel Kitie. This is represented l)y its cast-iron cored shot, weighing 285 pounds. Thf gun is built up after the manner of the 3.2-inch, and the 5-inch B. L. Steel Rifles before explained. (See 30-31 above). The gun is 30 cal- ibres, 20 feet long, and weighs 13 tons. It fires a projectile weigh- ing 285 pounds with a chai-ge of 100 pounds of slow-burning powder. The rifling has an increasing twist, beginning with one turn in 70 calibres at the origin, and increasing to one turn in 25 calibres, 16 inches from the muzzle, and thence a uniform twist, with the same pitch, to the muzzle. The number of grooves and lands is 45; width of grooves, 0.39; lands, 0.17. The volume of the powder chamber is 3,107 cubic inches. The French lireech-block is used, swinging to the right in opening. It has the DeBange gas check (see 30). The vent is axial, through the obturator spindle, as in the 5-inch rifle, diameter of vent, 0.2. The forward end is bushed with cop- per, and tapering to a diameter of 0.1 at the orifice. At first the ordinary primer was used, but it is now fitted to use the obturating primer, either friction or electric. The steel tube for this gun was made abroad. In firing this gun the new brown prismatic powder, made by Messrs. Du Pont, has been used, and trials have also been made with increased charges of German brown poM'der. With a charge of 110 pounds, a muzzle velocity of 1,878 feet per second is obtained, with a pressure in the chamber of .36,000 pounds to the square inch. The carriage used with this gun is the 10-inch proof-carriage, recently constructed at the West Point Foundry; it is adapted to the 8-inch gun by the insertion of the steel trunnion rings, which rest in the trvinuion beds. The projectile has a copper band set in a groove, cut near the Ijase, to give rotation ; this band being forced into the grooves in firing. The gun has been fired over 1,000 rounds with no trace of erosion of bore by the powder gases. The ballistic results from this gun, that is, the energy developed in the projectile, exceed the published results with any gun of like calibre extant. (See appendixes Nos. 17 and 20. Report Chief of Ordnance, 1886, and Report for 1887.) 33. The 12-ineh Cast-iron Breech-Loading Rifle. This is represented by its cast-iron cored shot, weighing 800 pounds. The gun is made of cast-iron, with a breech bushing of steel, and it is provided with the interrupted screw fermeture. The exterior outline conforms close! j' to the Rodman model. The weight of the gun complete is 54 tons. The projectile has a copper band similar to those previousl.y described. (See 30-1-2.) The powder charge is 265 pounds of brown prismatic powder. The total length of gun is 30 feet. Tlie rifling is polygroove, with an ecpial num- War Department Exhibit. her of lands and grooves; the twist is first increasing, and then uniform to the muzzle. The vent is axial and coincident with the axis of the spindle. A vent bushing is placed in the front end of the mushroom head of the spindle. Dummy cartridges are shown by the side of the shot. With powder pressures less tlian 3,owerful one yet completed. 34. Enosition. where it is held War Department Exhibit. 15 by friction due to its own weig'ht. When thrown "in gear," by turning the hand-wheels at the side of the top carriage, the weight of the gun coming upon the truck-wheels, the counterpoise overcomes the rolling friction and runs the gun up to the firing position. The gun is traversed in the ordinary manner, and the elevation is given l)y the hand-wheels above mentioned. One advantage of this system i.s that it can be constructed from tlie ordinary carriage by lowering the rear of the chassis, raising the front, and slightly modifying the sha])e of the top carriage. It is suited to guns of the largest calibre. Furnished with other niddcls from WMllet's Point, tln-ougb the courtesy of Major King. 37. Early forms oi" Iron Armor for l*rotection of Guns. Two very interesting models are shown illustrating devices of General J. G. Totten and GeiU'ral .Tohn Newton, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, and showing that armor for forts engaged the attention of the Engineer of- ficers of our arniy long l>efoi'e anything was adopted abroad. These arc shields for heavy guns, nuule up of horiz(mtal layers of wrought-iron bars, each of the upper layers set a little further back than the layer beneath. General Newton's device is a revolving turret, gun carriage and turret made to revolve about the same center. General Totten's device is a stationary shield with a revolving piece containing the embrasure, and intended for guns mounted on carriages made to swing on a pivot at the muzzle end. This may be regarded as a forerunner of the Krupp muzzle pivoted gun, fastened to the shield by a perforated spherical block which allows the gun to be pointed as desired. This system of armor was devised before practical methods of making thick plates of iron or steel had been found. Willct's Point. 38. Gruson Kevolviiiii Turret. Model of fort for land defense. This shows one form of the modern tur- rets for protection of guns. The part of turret projecting above the ground is of dome shape, presenting an inclined surface to the enemy's shot, instead of having vertical sides like the Ericsson Monitor turret. It rotates on a live roller running on a roller path fixed to the foundation. This dome is com- posed of thick plates of chilled cast iron, grooved and fastened together. The very complete working model shown was sent from the office of the Board of Engineers, U. S. Army, through the courtesy of its President, Gen- eral Casey (now Chief of Engineers). It was presented to the Board by .Tulius Von Schutz, Engineer of the Gruson works in Germany. The model shows two heavy breech-loading guns in position, and machinery is provided, concealed below the armor, for revolving the turret, raising and lowering the guns, etc. The especial peculiarity of the gun carriage here used lies in the arrangement for changing the elevation, leaving the muzzle nearly stationary, and allowing the use of a very small embrasure. This is accomplished by raising or lowering the guns at the trunnions, instead of simply turning them about the trunnions. 1 6 War Department Exhibit. STATIONARY AND MOVABLE TORPEDOES. As iiiiiiortiiiil acMiiioiis In tin- protection aflordcil In- lu-av}' guns, tor- pi'dtx'.s art- arraiifji'd in tliis class. oH. Slafioiiary Torpedoes lor Deleuse ol' Harbors. Moilclsof I inoyant torpedoes shown in a large tank to illustrate method ol' plaiiMf,' llieni in the water according to the system devised by General II. L. Ahhott, ("or))s of Engineers, U. S. A., in wliich the torpedoes arc tired fruni the shore liy means of an electric cable. They can be exploded in groups of three, each group iiaving a separate connection with tlie l)attery on sliore; the wire from each torpedo of any one group passes to a small box, wliere they unite and pass to a larger box, and in tlie latter the wires from the dirterent groui)s, though insuhited from each otlier, are formed into a single cable connecting with the shore. When a vessel touches a torpedo the shock causes electric connection to be made, sending a signal to the operator and warning him when to explode any group l)y jiassing a strong current through the wire. They can be made automatic, to explode at once. Loaded with dynamite, they play an important part in our defenses where they can be placed under range of the guns. Torpedoes serve as aids to other arma- ment, and delay hostile ships where the high power gun can reach them, but when unjjrotected by guns from the sliore the enemj^ have time to remove them and jtass in safety. Note the developments made in the torpedo since the war of the Rebellion, as shown by several rebel torpedoes described further on. Models made by Sergeant Nulty. Engineer Battalion. Furnished liy Major King, Willet's Point. 10. An S-iiu'li Dynamite Projectile lor the Pneumatic T)y- namite Torpedo Gun is shown as the most striking ex- anii)lc of movable torpedoes, others of this class moving througli the water, wliile this moves through the air. The special feature of this torpedo is the electric fuze invented by Capt. Zalinski, Fifth U. S. Artillery, to whose efforts is due the success of the gun, originally invented by Mr. MefTord, of Ohio. The fuze is concealed in the torpedo, and it becomes active only when wet by the submergence of the tor- pedo in the water. Though called a "'gun," it is not claimed that the great " an- gun " from which the torpedo is thrown has the power or range of pow- der guns, which will send projectiles weighing from eight hundred to thirty- three hundred pounds distaiu'cs of eight to twelve miles, nor that it can re- l>lace them, but that it will be a powerful adjunct in defense by affording means of thrt)wing a torpedo with considerable accuracy for a mile or two. A gun of fifteen inches calibre to throw six hundred pounds of explosive gelatitu', has recently been niadc. Kcccivcd through the courtesy of Capt. Zalinski. VOLLEY GUNS AND MACHINE GUNS. 'i'hough even in the days of matchlocks, examples are found in which several guns of small calibre were attached to the same stock and fired successively by the same man; the first employment of guns of this class in war was that of the French Mitrailleuse, now obsolete. It is illustrated in the exhibit by description and draw- ings. The machine gun possesses the advantage over volley guns of giving a constant succession of shots by automatic re-loading, and some guns combine the advantages of both systems. These guns are usually of comparatively small calibre, firing small arm cartridges, and they are either mounted as wall pieces or placed on carriages like field guns. They are here classed, there- fore, as intermediate between cannon and hand fire-arms. 1. P^rencli Mitrailleuse. Represented in the exhibit l)y de- scription and drawings received from the Ordnance Office. This gun had twenty-five barrels grouped in parallel rows of five, all ter- minating at the rear in one slot in the breech casing for the reception of a movable breech-block, having short cartridge chambers corresponding to the different barrels. Several of these blocks could be loaded up in advance, and after the shots were discliarged from one it would be removed and another substituted. Each barrel had a separate firing pin, and these pins were re- leased in succession by meclianism operated by a crank. 2. Yandenbnrgh Volley Gun ; obsolete ; weight, 663 pounds. Said to be of English nuinufacture, and to have been captured from the Confederates. It consists of eighty-five barrels, calibre .46 inch, grouped in a cylindrical casing of bronze. A breech piece, with corresponding muzzle-load- ing cartridge chambers, copper-lined, tits in rear, this piece being attached to a hinge and slide, and having an independent screw block at the outer end to screw into the casing from the rear. After firing, the block had to be un- screwed, pulled out and swung down. The chambers were then separately re-loaded, the breech closed, and all the charges fired at once by a percussion cap in rear. The copper-lining of the chambers projects a little from the block to fit into the barrels and serve as gas check. From West Point. i8 /r. Iic(iii;i HalttM-y (niii; «-:ilii»re, .53; obsolete. For siinultaDcuiis .lisclwirfXf ni' tweiity-tive barrels. The barrels are plaeed side by side in tlie same i>laiie. anlate. so that pulling the lever backward raises the plate over the supporting shoulder, and jjulls it to the rear. The breech plate and hingeil ]ilate cmistitute i>ra(tically a broad breech-ldock and lock- ing cam, like that used in the Springlichl lueech-loading rille, except that the breech i)late, instead of being hinged to the Ijarrels at the front, like the breech block of the Springlield. is made to slide backward and forward. The gun failed with ]>aper cartridges for want t)f a proper gas-check, but for me- tallic case cartridges the breech system would answer for guns of the type of the Nordenfeldt. The barrels can be brought together at the muzzle or spread ai)art as desired by a lever below. Used at the siege of Fort Wagner, f^outh Carolina. From .Springfield Armory. 4. (iiithrie and J.ee Machine (Jnn; calibre, .45; obsolete. Two barrels are ti.xed to the frame. At right a.igles to their length travels a breech-block, to which by the action of the hand-lever a horizontal recip- rocal motion is given. By this movement chambers in the block are brought first opposite the barrels and then opposite loading troughs Ijy the side of the barrels and in front of the block. Cartridges are i)laced singly by haid in these troughs, and pistons force the cartridges automatically into the cham- ber. When the chandjers come opposite the barrels, the charge is fired by a concealed lock. The loading troughs and pistons are interesting pieces of mechanism. No record of this gnu is accessible. From West Point. 5. riiioii lv('|K',ii jiii: Ivillc (inn. or CoU'ee 31111 (inn; .•single liaifcl: cilihre, .58; obsolete. Short, muzzle-loading barrel.'!, or chamber pieces, with an a.vial nipple at tlie rear, are used to hold the charges. A number of these are loaded and capped, and fed by means of a hopper u]Kin a fluted cylinder, which re- volves and brings the cViarges in succession in rear of the long barrel, paus- ing long enough to allow the charge to be fired. A wedge-shaped block, moving verticall.v in rear, forces each small chamber-piece in turn forward against the rear of the barrel to i>revent escape of gas, and serves to supjiort the recoil. But one lock is used, working through a slot in the block. After firing, the chand)er pieces arc carried round to an o})ening which allow.s then> to fall out. They can be re-loaded and used again indelinitely. A crank at the side operates the Ijrecch mechanism. This gun was used at the siege of Petersburg. From National Arniorj\ JVar Department Exhibit. 19 (J. Lowell ]\Iac]iiiie (iiiii; cnlihre, 0.4."). Cartridges arc fed from above by means of a vertical feed guide, grooves in the guide eatoliing tlie Hauge and leaving the rest of the cartridge free. They fall on a block revolving aliout an axis parallel to the barrel, and uslu's a cartridge in. The revolution of the barrels brings them suc- cessively opposite a solid jiart of the breech, which supports the base of the eartriilgc. During the pause of the barrel here, the cartridge is exploded by a firing pin working through tlie breech. The shell is carried on down oppo- site an extractor which draws it out aiul lets it fall to the ground. The opera- tions of loading, firing and extracting ai"e jxM-formed in different barrels at the same time, during the intermittent pauses, l\v a single set of parts answer- ing for all the barrels in succession. The gun fires about 150 sliots a minute. Tlic system is better suited to the longer calibres, as it is hardly rapid enough for the small. The solid support of the cartridge at the moment of firing is a great advantage, and the pause of the barrel at the same time insures greater accuracy. The five-barrel gun. calibre \^-^ inches, fires 60 to 80 times a min- ute, projectiles weighing l];. pounds. 10. The NofilcMifcIdl ."Mnrliiiu' \'()ll('y (niii. This is reprcsenlctl in the cxhiliil only by drawings and descrijitions. From two to seven barrels are arranged side by side on a frame, as in the llecjua battery above described. These barrels arc all loaded at once by means of breech plugs attached to a sliding plate in rear. This plate is moved J4^ar Department Exhibit. forward and back by a lever working- horizontally on the right hand side. Each breech plug contains a firing pin, and behind the plug is a hammer op- erated byas])ring. When the lever is drawn back and the breech plate is ])rougiit to the rear, the hammers engage in a sliding comb on the frame, and at the forward movement tliey are lield back and cocked. Wiien the breech is closed, the lever still moving forward secures the Ijreech piec'C by operating a swinging plate, which by means of cam surfaces pushes locking ])olts on the breech plate into mortises in the side frame. Further motion of the lever slides the comli wliiili holds the hammers, and releases them one after another. For each barrel a feed case is required, placed in rear and a little to the left. A slide plate carries the cartridges to the right, in front of the l>reech [)lugs when drawn liack, and a forward niotion of the plug pushes the cartridges into the barrels. All the barrels are l(>adc(l at the same time, but fired separately tboiigb in rapid succession, the interval of fire from the different barrels (h pciidiiig (in the rapidity of motion uf the lever. The effect is, therefore, inncticaliy that of a volley, but the shuck of recoil is not so great as if all the barrels were fired at once. Many of these guns are used in England, but none are used in this countrv^ 11. The Maxim Automatic Machine Gun. llepresented only by drawings and descriptions. This gun, by tbe efYect of its own recoil over a space of only three-quarters of an inch, compresses a spring, and this, when the pressure is released, operates mechanism which ejects the empty shell, draws a new cartridge to the front of the bolt, forces it into the barrel and fires it automatically, this operation continuing as long as cartridges are supplied. The cartridges are placed in pockets on a licit holding 333 cartridges, and sevei'al belts can be fastened end to end. The end of the belt is introduced into the breech casing from the side, and the belt is drawn in as the gun is fired, tiie breech bolt passing through the sockets and ])ushing the cartridges into the barrel. At tbe same time water is automat- ically injected into a casing around the liarrel to keep the metal cool. Si.x hundred shots per minute can be fired. This is an American invention de- veloped abroad. 12. Biiffiug'ton Steel C;)rria;i,e and Curved Shield lor Ma- chine (inns. The carriage is formed of steel {)lates, so arranged that the body forms a hollow a.xle between the wheels. This gives a"oom for storing a large supply of cartridges, instead of depending wholly on the sui>ply in the lindoer chests. The curved shape of the shield, e.xtendiug uiiwanls from the front of the car- riage, gives greater protection to tlic gunners, Init the especial feature is the arrangement by which the gun can be aimed as desired, though the shield is fi.xed to the carriage, without exposing the gunners through a wide ojien- ing for the muzzle. A square opeinng in the shield is covered in front liy a covered slide, free to move laterally, ;nul in tills .slide an opening the widtii of the muzzle extends from top to bottom. Tiiis oix'ning in the slide is cov- ered T)y two overlapping disks, pivoted centrally on either side of the open- ing, these disks having notches cut out where they overlap, the notches War Department Exhibit. iillowitit; r.H.m for tlio nmzzU- to i.r..lni(lp. Just eiiougli play i^s given to al- low siKhti.i- tl.roufrl. tl.o o|.,.niM- T1h> sli.l." all..vvs lateral n.ovenient of the iniizzlc ami the disks allow a vertical nioveiueiit in any imsilitin of the slide. It is intended to liave 'i steel tiap hinged to the under ]iait i> the carriage Fifi. 2. lilliiig the iiiK'nini: hclow, and to sheathe the wlieels if neeesssary. Though a ( iatiiii- -un is now nmiinted on this carriage, it is inteii(h'(l for any gun that needs t(i he pivoted on tlu' t'arriage. I'miii (he XaiiiPiial Armory- 13. New Liiiil)er for ^rachiiie Gtiiis. Constructed to use with the Ihithngton carriage and Williston liarness. The wooden chest is fastened inrmanently to the frame and axle of steel. War Department Exhibit. 23 The lid of the che;st, hin.i;-e(l in front, is made of steel, and it is intciidcd when raised to serve as a shielil to protect men at the chest. In front of the chest is a shelf with a low iron railing. A donhle-tree is used with single-trees at- tached. The pole has no permanent j^oke and no straps, but a projection a little in rear of the pole-pad prevents the ring of the neck yoke from slii)ping back. The interior of the chest is divided into three compartments, each V.'> inches deep, 1234 inches wide, and 21 inches long. The lind)er can be used as an ammunition wagon for distributing ammunition in the field. The shelf in front of the chest serves for holding sacks of cartridges. In the system df distributing cartridges it is intended to have the wooden bo.xes made to Imld 600 instead of 1,000, making a box that one man can readily handle, and giving handier .shape and size for packing on mule back when necessary. The paper bo.xes, each holding 20 cartridges, are strapped together in sort them in firing. 1. Matcli Lock ^[usket — Foniiosan. Captured from the Boutans and Kussikuts, of Ahoriginal Formosa, at the battle of tSeik Mon (Stone Doors) by the Japanese troops under General Saigo, May 22, 1874. This represents the earliest form of match lock referred to above. It has no trigger. It is of form and weight to he fired from the shoulder. From Natioind Armory 2. Match Lock ]Muskct fi-oni India; date tmkiiown. British coins on butt. The bands and mountings are silver. This lias a trigger for operating the cock. 'I'bc butt is bent downward ami then ui)ward, forming a curious curve. Tiic consl ruction of tiie gun and its general linish are of tlie most primitive character. 3. Match Lock Musket; calibre, .717 ; of XIV. Century. The trigger works an intermediate lever to bring the hghted end of the 26 JJur Di- part nun t Exhibit. match iiit.j coiitail witli tlu- i-aii. roduces the sparks that ignite the powder. The Hint is held in a clamp hinged in front. A ribbon spring round the arbor of the wheel is wound uj) i)y a key, and press- ing a trigger releases the wheel and allows it to revolve. Two of these guns are shown. All the early lire arms were so slow to load that in a battle as late as 1036 they could be lind only about once an hour. 1. Chinese Wheel Lock Pistol ; calibre, .492. This shows very line work. The stock is itdaid with ivory. 2. Wheel Lock (iiiii ; calihre, .707 : (late about 1520? Used in the held with a crutch to sujijiort the barrel. Stock lii,i;bly orna- mented. The barrel is marked Gottfried Flennng. Engraving of battle scene on lo(k-jilate. 'Jhi.s gun was )irobably used as a wall piece or with a lioitable (lulch in licld (iriTig. A slide covers th(> pan to keep the priming War Department Exhibit. 27 from faliiiig out. Winding up the spring slides the pan forward. The h ck lias a set trigger. It is remarkable for the fineness and force of its engrav- ing, and for the general beauty of its iov\\\ and finish. A detached wheel lock is also shown in working order. By pressing a knob outside the lock-plate, the pan cover shdes back and protects the prim- ing from wet or loss. The key is i>i'rniaiirntly atiacheil to the arbor wind- ing up the spring. FLINT LOCKS-MUZZLE LOADERS. The Hint lock was invented early in the Kith century. It was introduced into the French army in 16S0, and it continued to be used in all armies until about 18i2, when the percussion lock replaced it. The muzzle-loading guns of this type shown in the exhibit are as follows ; 1. Rifle Used l)y Minute Men of tlie Revolution in 177(1 2. Five Samples of Blunderbuss. Some with iron barrels and some with brass; cylindrical and bell- mouthed ; two with swivel for use ;s wall i)ieces. These date from t776 to 1S20. 3. Eight Guns Made tor U. kS. Army at Springfield or Harper's Ferry. These include models of 1799 (one of the first made), 1808, 1814, 1818, lSo7, and 1813, the latter from the last lot of flint locks made. These guns show changes in attaching the barrel to the stock, and in securing the bay- onet. In the earliest models the barrel had no bands. It was attached by keys to the stock. The Harper's Ferry model of 1814 is a rifle, calibre .53. The model of 1818 shows a magazine lock for reprlming the pan. The cal- ibre of the muskets varies from .69 to .70. 4. Arab Musket; calibre, .727. Barrel 4 feet 10 Indies long. Total lengtii, (! feet 1 inch long. Highly ornamented barrel and stock. The locking of the hammer draws the pan cover over the pan, and protects the priming from wet, etc. The fall of the hammer pushes this cover forward, and allows the sparks from the steel to fall into the priming and ignite the charge. Si.x bands of sheet brass hold the barrel to the stock. The butt plate is of bone, and is highly decorated on the sole. The length of guns of this class is probably due to the imperfect gun- powder manufacture of the period. This being used with a slow-burning mealed powder, the long barrel was necessary to allow complete combustion. 5. Albanian ^fusket ; calibre, .72. Silver mounted. Resembles very much in length, style of ornamentation, etc., the Arab musket, but it is bandeil and inlaid with silver. The hammer has a special dog outside the lock-plate for holding it oft the steel. The hand of the tirer is protected from abrasion by a leather Hap. The piece has no trig" ger guard. The butt is of brass and unc(inif(>rtat)ly narrow. 28 ^/'^A- Department Exhibit. PERCUSSION LOCKS MUZZLE LOADERS. 1. Aii>t ri.iii Siiiuotli IJoi'c ^Miisl^ct : calil)!"!', .70"). Tlii.s is I'viik-iitly ;i drtniKitiiij; ^nin, oi'fnited by (.'Xplixliiiy; a porcu-ssion (•a|>.siik' ill tin- pan. Tlio pan is ruvered liy a lid on the i)riiiciple of tlie flint lock, and a pin works tlirouffh tlii.s lid acting on (lie cu]isulc liclnw. The Iiaininer strikes tlie ]iin and e.\])lodes tlie cliaTfri'. •J. Spiiii-lifld Siiioolli Imipc ^fiisl-ict ; c-ililire, .(i*.>. Altered from tlie old inndel Hint lock to percussion in lSt;5. The bayonet lias a cla-sji. Many ly being insufficient, however. Hint locks were generally enii)|()yed. Haynnet has clasj). 1. ILnpci's I'\'i-i-y SliarpsliooterV Kille ; calihrc. .75; 1847. \—vi\ .111 tiipiMl. i'cc|i sight on trigger; glot)e sight on liarrel. ."). Slioft KilU', 1 la i-pi'r's Ferry ; calibre,;").'^."). Maiiufaiturcd ISf.s. Urnwneil liari'cl. Hrass mountings. Palcli box in stork. (). Double IJarrid Ivillc; caliltre, .."il ; Mmiich. Lock plate guard and butt plate engraved. No bauds. Ilamiod on left side of stock. Barrels sujteriiosed. 7. Sprinjifield Siiiootli Bore .Miisketooii ; calibre, .(59; iSol. IJrass butt jilate. (oiard and i>ands. Ilaniroil in swivel to prevent its loss on liorsebark. Long swivel bar. iS. Short, Heavy Sport ini^ Kille. Private luanufacturi' maile from stray ])arts. 0. Spriiiii-lield Kille Miiskel ; calibre, .58. Two leaf sights. 3i)(3 to 70u yai'ds. Manufacturt'd in 1.X5!). :Mnynard ])rimer. 10. Short Kille, llarjierV l-'erry ; calibiw .58. Manufactured \\\ LS59. Browned barrel. :Maynard ju-imer and sabre bayonet. Patch box in stock. 11. Spriiiiiliehl Kille Musket; calibre, .5S ; model, 18()1. This is the arm made in greatest numbers during the ^Var of the Pe IVar Department Rxhilnt. 29 Ix'llion. It differs nuiinly from the iiioilel 1855 in the change in the rear siiilit, and tlie (Hiiissinn dI' tiic Maynard primer. Tl\e necessity for tiie im- mediate pniduetidii of i;i'-is divl nut allow time for clianging tlie hiclv-plute tools, so as to r(>ilnc(' till/ I liickiH'ss of the lork-plate from tlie thickness re- (juired hy the Maynard pi'lmiT. Smni' of the minor defnils of the monntings are also altered. 12. En-lish Eiitield Rille Musket, with Sabre Bayonet ; cal- ibre, aS.T; model, 18()1. Has iii]>|ile pi-otector held hy chain on trigger guard. Man)- of these trnns were useil durinu' thr Itehellion. BREECH LOADERS. Breech haulers ihite hack to the time of King Ilein-y Vlir. The earliest forms of French and German nuike. in latt ".■ part of IGth century, had a ehamliered hrecch piece, similar in action to that descrihed for the early Chi- nese cannon. These were match lock guns. Son\e flint lock hrei'ch loaders in latterpartof 17th century used a sinular hlock, hut had a hariei turning on a hinge below, as in the modern Smith cV: Wesson revolver, or made to swing sideways to allow inserting the chamber piece. These removable idiainber pieces were really the first metallic case cartridges. During the Revolution a lireech loader was in nsc closed hy a screw turned in from helow across the rear of the barrel. This was the Furguson rifle. The tirst Amcr' ic;in breech loading gun was the Hall, and s])eciniens of this gun are the first shown in the exhibit . 1. i^reech Loa.liiiii', Flint l>o<-k Kitie I\Insket (ilalTs); {•alibre, 5 1.2. Ten thousand of these guns were issueil to U. S. troops in 1818. A muzzle loading chamber piece hinged at rear inline of barrel could be tilted ui> to allow the insertion of the paper cartridge. A catch underneath holds the breech piece down when closed. No provision for a gas check was made in these guns. A joint loose for one thickness of writing paper, but binding on two, being considered tiglit enough lo iirevent tlie escape of gas, and yet k)ose enough for free manipulation. 2. Same System, Flint Lock, Model of 1832; calibre, ~^.^X^. 8. IlalFs Carbine, Same System, Percussion Lock; caliber, 64.2, with Kamrod Bayonet ; 1832. 4. Hall's RiHe, Percussion ; calibre, .54; 1832. 5. Breech Loading; Xavy Carl)ine, Jenks ; calibre, .52 ; 1843. Paper cartridge, hammer on side of the barrel. Opened hy drawing hack •^o JJ^(7f Department Exhibit. to). lever. By means of a link this draws back a sliding breech-plug, and cx- j.uses a n.und hole in the top of the liarrei a little larger than the ball. The ball is inserted through this, and allowed to run forward to its seat. The powder is then jMiured in and pressed forwanl l>v ri'vcrsinir the movement of tlie IfVcr. 6. Sli;iri)"s Ciii-liiiH': cililuv, .."'i ; paper carlridiie. Closed hy a block sliding vertically aero.«;s rear of barrel, operated by a lever below. Percussion cap and nipple. Edge of block sharp to cut off rear of paper cartridge. Gas check formed by undercut .hollow in face of block. Sharps guns were used in the U. S. Army as early as ISifi, in the Mexican war, and during the Rebellion. 7. Sliai-p's Kitle; calilxM-, .58; paper cartruliie ; Mayiiard l)riiner. In this nmdcl tiic l)reccli i)lock is inclined (o axis of l)arrcl. S. I'nissiaii Xceille ( iim ; calibre. .(lO ; iiiveiiled 1»y Dreyse in 1S;5S. Presented by the Prussian (Jovernment to the United States in 1868. This gun was adopted by the Prussian Government in 1847. It fires a paper car- triilge, front ignition, the needle striking a pellet of fulminate in the base of the paper sabot which surrounds the ball. There is no gas check except that resulting from the mechanical fit of the bolt. This is the earliest self-primed cartridge adopted for military service, and the gnu is the first exami)le of the holt system now so common in Europe. The bolt is pushed in and turned, like a common door bolt, to secure it. 0. Carbine of Same System; calibre, ."^1. The front sight is protected by guards on either si(U> projecting above the l)arrel. These guards stand away from the sight far enough not to interfere with aim. This device would be useful where no sight cover is used. 10. .\lleii and ^\'lleel()(•lc Carbiiu"; calibre, .40; pai)er car- lridiie; made al Worcester, IS,")."). 1 1. (JreeiiV l^oll (inn ; calibre,..");)."); Paper Cartrida;e; 18,")7. Hammer un^lerneatli l)arrel. Hy depressing the spring in the rear of the linlt the handle of the liolt can he lifted and withdrawn. A i)iston, travers- ing tl'c length of the bolt and attached to the handle, serves to pass the cliarge forward ii^to place. Tlie piston being then withdvawn, the bolt is turned and locked in place hy two lugs at its forward end engaging with cor- resjionding recesses in the receiver. 12. TJndner (^irbine; calibre, .")S.2 ; paper carlridiie. 1."). Early Frenidi Breech Loading: Kille ; calibre, .58. War Depaiinicut Exhibit. 31 iSj'steni somewhat rcsriiihU's " Siiai-|i's " (no marks); probably used with Let'aucheux cartridge. 14. Merrill Musketoon, L.-itrolte and Thoinas '^ Keber" ; cal- ibre, .r)4; i)ai)er cartridtie. Altered from Harper's Ferry ritle. Manutaclurod is II). See Loek plate. Leaf rear sight l^'mm National Armory Tlie INIerrill rifle reser.ibled the Jenks, described above, except as to nian- ner of loading. It has a spring catch engaging with rear sight base. Also, an ordinary side lock meant for prepared paper or skin ammunition. No extractor used, as cartridge is all consumed. Breech plug faced with copper, probably to serve as gas check. 14,495 INIerrill carbnies were imrciiased for use of the army during the Civil war. 15. Starr's Carbine; calibre, .54; ])ai)er cartridiie ; Skele- tonized ((> show Breech Action. By depressing the lever the brace in rear of the breei-h-block is drawn downward by means of a link connecting it with breech-block. The breech- block is simultaneously caused to revolve downward and backward. The piece is fired by an ordinary side-lock. The face of the breech-block is coun- tersunk annularly so as to give a conical bearing against the l)ntt of the barrel, probably to serve as gas check. 25,603 of these arms were ijurcliascd for use in the army during the Civil war. IG. Smith Carbine; cali])re, .52; Paper Cartridge. Barrel connected with butt by a hinge below, and held above by a spring on the barrel, stretching across the joint and fitting over a scjuare lug on top of buttstock. Spring lifted by a lever underneath. 3,062 of these rifles pur- chased for use during the civil war. From Alleghany Arsenal. 17. Gallagher Riiie Carbine ; calibre, .51. Barrel opened at breech by lever underneath, pushing it foiward. Used in Civil war. 18. Cosniox)olitan Rifle Carbine ; calibre, .50. By depressing the lever the fi'ont section of tfie breecli-lilock sHdi's inick until a cylindrical tenon on its face is clear of tlie chamber. It then re- volves about an axis in front and below it until the chamber is exposed. The strain of the discharge is transferred by the head of the lever to the abutment on the frame. The arm uses a paper or linen cartridge, ignited by a percussion cap. An apron above the block protects the parts from dust, etc., and helps to guide the cartridge in loading. Tscd in (ivd war. 19. Joslyn Carbine Rille ; calibre, .54. The breech is closed by a plug at the forward end of the strap running backward on to the small of the stock. The shape of the plug i.s conical; it is loose upon the strap, and contains a split ring designed to be exj)ande(l bv the force of the discharge against the sides of the seat of the mouth of the ■,2 JJ'(T7- Department ExJiibit. cliaiiil)er to art as gas chock. This oxpaiisimi is effected by means of a con- ical i.luiL', driven into tlie split ring by the discharge. Thi.s is similar to the gas check of the Williams gun described under cannon. The locking catch is soconnected with the rear that the hammer can not fall while the breech is open. The breech-block is locked wlien closed by the locking catch at its rear end. Used in Civil war. 20. Fi-ciitli Chassepot Carbiiie; caliljre, .45. Handle bent down to he out of the way. Paper cartridge. Bolt gun resemlding the Prussian needle gun in principle. The gas check is a rubber waslier on the end of the bolt. This is compresSed a.xially by the powder pressure and forced against the sides of the chamber, being sindlar in princi- ple to the Do Bangegas check now u.sed in heavy guns. In the above guns paper cartridges were used, bullet antitutcd, a.s the piece is used with central fire metallic cartridges. An extractor, working in a slot in left side of the shoe, is fastened to the holt, projecting forward. The ne.'dle gun had been much improved l)efore the change was made. The earlier ones re- (juired to be cocked by hand before the l)olt could be turned and drawn out. In later patterns the oi>erati(in of turning the liolt cocks the i)iece. The nose of till- Ixilt is held from turning, and this steadies the striking mechanisjo. ;{(). Austrian Wcrndl Rilie ; calibre, .45; 1872; sabre bayonet. Fired by side lork. The breech-ljlock swings on an axis below the line of the barrel hut parallel thereto. Tliis is turned by means of a thuinli-piece. A spiral groove in the shaft serves to work tlu- extractor. .■)1. Fiviich (iras Rille; callbri', A'^'^ ; model, 1874. This is the development of the ('liassepot as adapted to the metallic cart- ridge. The rubber washer, formerly used as gas check, is therefore omitted as unnecessary. aner edge it bears a rack into which meshes a series of similar teeth in a curved arm run- ning up from the front of the breech-block. A spring serves to draw it Ijack. The objection to this arrangement was its delicacy and the liability of the stock to being blown away through tlie cut made for the extractor in case the cartridge-head should burst. 45. Millbank's Alteration ol" Si)ringfield Muzzle Loader; calibre, .58 ; 1866. Block on side hinged in front, .swings to the right and forward. Block is locked by point of hammer. W^ar Department Exhibit. 37 46. Miller's Alteration of Springfield ^Iiizzle Loader; cal- ibre, .58; 1866. Tlie breech-block, which is hinged above the l)arrel, is made with an L- sliaped arm covering the mouth of tlie chamber, and provided with a tenon entering a mortise in the bottom of the receiver. This mortise is a Uttle longer than the tenon, and receives the lower end of a vertical bolt sliding in the back surface of the breech-block. When this bolt is down, the mortise is tilled and the breech can not be opened. When it is lifted sufficient space is given for the tenon to clear the end of the mortise in opening. A spring tends to keep the bolt always down. A projecting arm at its forward end moves a sliding extractor in the side of the barrel. 47. Springfield Rifle Musket; calibre, .50; model, 1866. Differs from Allin's alteration in the greater strength of its parts, and in the extractor, which consists of a U-shaped spring against the side of the re- ceiver. One point of this spring projects into the receiver, and catches against the rim of the cartridge as the cartridge is passed into the chamber, ('losing the breech-block compresses this spring, which is released on opening with sufficient force to throw out the empty shell. The calibre of this liarrel is reduced from .58 to ..30 by the insertion and brazing of a lining tube. 48. Springfield Rifle Musket; calibre, .50 ; model, 1868. The main point of the improvement over the last arm consists in the use of a separate receiver for the barrel and parts of the mechanism, and in the im- provement of the extractor, which is the same as that now employed, a lever turning on hinge pin and started positively by the block, the motion being completed by an ejector spring acting on the extractor. 49. Springfield Rifle Musket; calibre, .50; 1870; E. S. Allin's Improved Centre Lock. The essential feature of this consists in its dispensing with the number of ])arts forming the ordinary side lock. The main-spring in this case lies under the receiver. The other parts lie beneatli the tang of the breech-screw. 50. Springfield Rifle "Officers;'' model, 1873. Uetachable pistol grip, checked stock, peep and globe sight. 51. Springfield "Marksman's" Rifle; 1873. Pistol grip, peep and globe sight, covered front sight with level attached. 52. Twenty Springfield Carbine service ; model, 1884; BufF- ington sight. A description of this sight is given later on. 53. Twenty Springfield Rifles; service model, 1884; with Buffington sight. 38 IVaf Department Exhibit. 54. Two Springfield Eifles, with ramrod bayonets, one bay- onet round, latest model, 1886; the other triangular, 1873. See Hall's carbine fur note of very early form of ramrod bayonet. Tlie rod fits in the ramrod groove, and wbcn slii)])ed forward to serve as bayonet, it is lield l)y spring eatches. .■).'). Springfield Long Barrel Carbine; New model ; calibre, .45; experimental, 1887. Itarrel 1'4 inches long. Stock runs nearly whole length of i)arrel. Has iiu liiwer band. Buffington sight. 50. Springfield Breech Loading Shot (Jun; model 1881. This is a single barrel gun. Two are issued to each company in service, fur hunting i>uri)Oses. 57. Kclton's Ilammerle^H Spriiigiield Kitle ; 1887. In this model the lock is concealed in the breech-block. Opening the block compresses the firing spring l)y means of a side lever and arm, as Fig. 5. shown in figure 5. The sear projects below the block and catches in the trig- ger. For note of another hammerless device, sec Clemens' Magazine Spring- field Gun, under head of " Repeating Arms." The Kelton cartridge carrier block, shown below the gun in the figure, is the latest device proposed for supplying cartridges readily to the soldier's hand when armed with single loading guns. These devices, of which there are several shown, form an intermediate stage in the progress towards the magazine gun of the present day. They are usually called— (JlIt'K LOADERS. Some of these are fi.\ed to the stock, and others are detachable. War Department Exhibit. 39 58. Col. J. G. Benton's Quick Loader, Fixed; 1870. The cartridges are placed point down in holes in the stock, which is en- larged at the left of the receiver, tlie side of the breech-block having a pro- jecting ledge to cover them when it is closed. 59. General Hagner's Quick Loader, Fixed ; 1874. Fixed under butt stock. A perforated projecting block holds several cartridges, points to the rear. 60. Jas. B. Stillinan's Quick Loader, Fixed ; 1874. There are two forms, each consisting of a row of holes in the top of the butt stock. In one form the cartridges are protected by a cover swinging laterally. In the other by a cover turning \x\t on a horizontal hinge. 61. Ira Merriirs Quick Loader, Fixed; 1884. In top of butt stock like .Stillman's, but instead of a row of holes, a mortise is cut in top of the stock, and this is covered, except at the front end. A spring within presses a follower forward to hold any cartridges that may be put in, and to keep them near the opening ready to hand. 62. Col. Benton's Detachable Quick Loader; 1873. This is a perforated block which can be attached to catches on the right side of the stock near the receiver by means of a lever fastened to the block. This resembles the Krnka quick loader, which recently was highly com- mended in England. It is intended to be preserved and refilled. 63. Capt. Metcalfe's Detachable Quick Loader, and Cart- tridge Packing Block. This diflt'ers mainly from Col. Benton's in the method of attachment to the gun, having the block itself free from mechanism, and in making the block to serve for packing cartridges at the Armory for transportation. It holds eight cartridges. It is intended to be thrown away when emptied. 64. General Kelton's Detachable Quick Loader ; 1887. This is a block having two rows of holes, and made to attach below the stock at the receiver, instead of at the side. The flange ends of the cartridges are towards the right, near the right hand, for ease of withdrawal. Figure 5. PISTOLS. Thirty-six pistols are shown. These are on boards from the Ordnance Office and National Armory. They are of various kinds and sizes, muzzle and breech loaders, rifle and smooth bore. Some pistols, and revolvers also, are used with a detachable carbine-stock for firing from the shoulder. ^* 40 War Department Exhibit. REPEATING ARMS. Repeating anus here include revolving arms and magazine guns proper, the latter arranged in three classes, according to form and position of the \na.ga.7AnG:—txihnlnrm(t(jazinesinthe hutt-stock; tubular magazines under the biirrcl; and wliat are here called box magazines, placed under, or beside the receiver, with cartridges touching lengthwise instead of endwise. Still earlier forms of repeating arms are first shown. iVy. Ellis' Tlepeatinin tire ( Ijefancheux) cartridge. The stop operates against a series oi inclined ratchet teeth formed on the liody of the cylinder. The trigger folds up when not in use. The butt contains an oil cavity closed hy a screw stopper which has an internal stem to take ui> the oil one drop at a time. An eye is formed in the frame immediately in the rear of the ham- mer, by which the pistol is fastened to the person hy alangard. 01. 'J'liree Perrin Revolver!-; (French) ; calil)er, .44. The cartridges arc i)iserted through the gate in the rear of the cylinder on the i-ight. The tumlik'r is without any notch, the hammer falling at the moment that the " lift " of the trigger i.s accomplislied. It may be kept o^ the cai'tridgc by means of a wedge pressed in hy a spring so as to block its fall. The wedge is out of the way when the liamnuT falls in (iring. The pis- tol uses a central lire cartridge, instead of the pin lire Lefaucheux cartridge for whiy raising the barrel latch in the rear of anh'riiliaii .MamiCact iirin^; ("o.. ^Nferidian. The iiias^aziiie in butt stuck; barrel revolves on parallel axis beiieatli it until opposite nioutli of magazine, when it receives its charge. |(»-J. Clciiu'iis Maiiazine Rifle '' Springfield System;" 1S78. Tiie magazine in tlii.s gun is plaecd in a groove in tlie left side of the butt stoek, and it runs up to the side wall of the receiver, which has an opening to allow cartridges to slip obliquely from the magazine towards the firing chamber. A coiled spring at the side of the magazine works a flexible plunger to force the cartridges forward. Rather complicated mechanism, somewhat on the order of the first Allin model for the Springfield (No, 49 above), is needed to throw the empty shell clear of the magazine and draw a cartridge from the magazine to the chamber. This gun shows a hammeriess breech- lilock. \t is converted from the regular block with little exterior change. A side lever, as in the Kelton hammeriess gun above m|iresses a sjiring in the block, liut instead of hav- ing a sear beU)W, the tiring-i>in jirojccts from the rear of the block iis in the service moilel, and a shoulder there catches on a spring plate which is jiresscd out by nK)vement of the trigger, releasing the firing-pin. The description of this gun in Report of Chief of Ordnance for 1878 does not refer to the " ham- mciless" device. Other attem])ts to make a magazine gun of the Springheld are there noted. 10."). Hotchkiss Magazine Rille; calibre, ..4."). See Report of (,'hief of Ordnance for 1882. This gun was introduced about 1879. It is a bolt gun similar to the Mauser. The slot in the receiver is curved at its junction with the front and rear shoulders. The l)olt is hence gently checked just before it is pushed home, preventing sliock on the head of the cartridge, and making the oyieration more continuous than with s(|uare shoulders. The front curve also rams the bolt backward in beginning tf) o]>en, and so starts the shell, which can then be readily drawn out. This action, now used in other bolt guns, was claimed by Hotchkiss as his invention. The magazine, in the l)Utt-stock like the Spencer, runs under instead of over the breech piece, and brings the cartridge into the receiver through an inclined opening in the liottom. A spiral spring is used with fol- lower. Centre (ire cartridges are used. To insert them the bolt has to be oi>ened, and tliey are pushed in through the chamber, endwise, singly, butt end first. By a lever at one side the bnlt can be locked shut for security, and the hannner held from striking. .V lever at the other side shuts ufl' the nuigazine when necessary for use as a single loader. It is a remarkal)iy simi)le gun, and it avoids having an extra piece to serve as carrier for trans- Wiif Department Exhibit. 47 fer of cartridges from the magazine. A peculiar feature is a trigger with a hollow or curved stem where it passes round the magazine. Stops connected witli the trigger check and release cartridges in the magazine at the i)roi)cr time. 104. Chaffee Reece Magazine Rifle; calibre, .45; 1881. See Report of Chief of Ordnance 1882. The ])osition of the magazine is nearly the same as in the Hotchkiss, hut in jilace of having a spring in the magazine, the cartridges are forced forward by .studs on a bar at the side of the magazine tube. This bar is moved l)ack and forth by a projection on the bolt. Another bar, which does not move lengthwise, has corresponding studs, and it is kept pressed in by a spring, the studs on this bar keeping cartridges from slipping back when the first bar moves back. The recipro- cating bar thus draws the cartridges forward, by regular successive steps, dis- tances equal to their own length. Tlie front cartridge, before the breech is opened, lie.s in a hollow under the bolt, far enough forward to be pushed up and into the chamber as the bolt is pushed in after opening. A hinged gate in the butt plate can be thrown open to admit cartridges in filling the maga- zine tube. This gate in opening acts u))on the studded rods to force them out from the tube, and allow cartridges to be dropped clear in without striking the studs. TUBULAR MAGAZINES UNDF^R THE BARREL. 105. Henry Magazine Rifle — Sliding Carrier Block ; calibre, .42; old model. This system was invented about 1850, l)ut it was slow in conung into use, until developed about 1866 into the form of the Winchester gun next described. The gun is operated by a lever swinging forward below. This acts on an elbow joint which works the bolt back and forth. An arm connected with the lever causes a carrier-block to slide up and down, trans- ferring the cartridges from the level of the magazine to that of tlie barrel when the liolt is liack, and drop))ing the lilock when the bolt is forward, and a cartridge pusiied into tlie chambcT. Tlic magazine is charged from the front. The tube is in two sections, tlie muzzle part nuide to swing round to the side to clear the mouth of the magazine tidie; the spring being first pushed ui) into this part l)y means of a tliund)-i)iece attached to the follower, and projecting through a slot cut lengthwise in the magazine tube. Cart- ridges can then be dropped into the tube. A niagaziiH; under the barrel gives room for more cartridges than one in the butt-stock. 106. Winchester INfagazine Rifle ; calibre, .45 ; military model, 187G. This differs from the Henry gun, from which it was develojied, mainly in the method of filling the magazine. Instead of having a movable nmzzle section, the tube is continuous, and an opening at the rear covered by a spring ijlate allows the insertion of cartridges one at a time even when the 48 War Depatiinent Exhibit. gun is l(ja(ie«l. Xo otiier means of loading is provided than this method through the magazine This gun attracted mucli attention abroad when (irstmade, about 18(30, and it was adopted in Switzerland, where it was aft- erward displaced by the Vetterlin, next described, constructed on the same magazine principle. The Winchester is very popular for sporting purposes, where small cartridges can be used. Its operation depends on good work- mansliip, and it is a fine piece of meclianism. The length of tlie breech sys- tem j.revents its being used to best effect for long cartridges. 107. 8\\iss Vetterlin ^Magazine Rifle; calibre, .40 ; about 1868; adopted bj^ Switzerland for its Corps d'Elite. This is a simple bolt gun, the bolt operating a sliding carrier block like tiiat of the Winchester, from which magazine system it is derived. The same remarks as to filling the magazine and loading apply to this as to the Winchester. The bolt differs from the Mauser bolt in having the handle near tiie rear and bent down by the side of the stock, two lugs on the turning post of the bolt, near the rear, catching the shoulders in the breech frame. This rear position of the bolt is an advantage in magazine guns. The firing spring is spiral, as in the Mauser, but made large and heavy, though short, and ]jlaced in the rear instead of the front part of the bolt. Tliis makes an enlargement in rear and gives a clumsy look. 108. AVard Burton Magazine Rifle; calibre, .45; 1873; rocking carrier. The bolt meclianism of this gun is the same as that of tlie single loader above described (No. 28). Like that guii the handle is placed at the rear of the bolt, and a stop is provided to hold the handle half turned, thereby giving a half-cock. The magazine is a tube under the barrel with spring and fol- lower as above described, but instead of a sliding carrier block, a rocking car- rier of spoon-shape is used. This spoon is made to rock on horizontal bear- ings at tiie rear. Its front end is forced down by the bolt in moving forward, and up by the bolt in moving backward, striking projections at the rear end. The spooii when down receives a cartridge from the magazine, and when up it holds the cartridge inclined upwards towards the chamber, about at the ]>osition and slope of the front cartridge in tlie Hotchkiss, with the flange end raised snfHciently for the bolt to strike the upper edge in going forward, and so push the cartridge into the chamber. A side lever operates to hold the spoDH u]), and cut off the magazine when desired for use of gun as single Inailcr. Instead of loading the magazine from an outside opening in rear^ wliirh allows the magazine to be filled even when the gun is loaded, as in the Winchester and Vetterlin, cartridges have to be inserted through the receiver, and for this purpose the bolt must be drawn back, unloading the gun. Cartridges are put in endwise, singly, point first. The magazine mechanism is indicated in the cuts illustrating the new German and French magazine guns, next described, to which the remarks about loading, etc., also apply. IVar Dcfarlvievt F.xJiibii. 49 109. Mauser Maiiaziue (inn; new (liennari model; cal- ibre, .43. This is practically ilic Mauser single li)atliiiii- iiiccliaiiisni with a magazine* uf tlie Ward Burton typo, having a rocking carrier or spoon. This is com- monly known as the Kropatchcck system, which, however, was not known until aliout 1878, Miiile the Ward r.urto'ii was tried in this countrv in 1873. Fig. 10. Figure 9 shows tlie Mauser magazine gun in longitudinal section, with Ijolt drawn back and spoon up. Figure 10 shows the same with holt closed and spoon down. A projection below the nose of the spoon serves to prevent cartridges from slipping under the spoon from tlie magazine, and a detent operates when the spoon is down to prevent a second cartridge from follow- ing tlie first into the spoon. A cut-ofi' operates in a similar manner as in the Ward Burton gun. The rifle is 4-fcet :j inches long, and with the bayonet o feet 11 inches long. With the magazine empty the gun weighs about 10 pounds; witb it filled, about 11 pounds. The bayonet weighs 1.7fi pound.s. The trigger mechanism is so arranged that a gradual pull on tlie trigger finally disengages the tumbler and permits the firing pin to fly forward. The maga- zine holds 8 cartridges end to end. "J'he service cartridge weighs GG3 grains. It is 3.07 inches long. Later cartridges contain SOW grains of powder. Re- duction of calibre is now going on, and its advantages will be discussed under Anuuunition. The French gun next described is of reduced calibre. 5° JV(7/ Dcparttnent Exhibit. 110. The Lebel Magazine Gun ; new French model ; calibre, .304 ; represented only by drawings and description. Tliis is pruotically tlie Freiu-li Gras rille fitted with tlie Kropatoheck (or Ward Burton) magazine, and the same general remarks a])ply here as to tlie Mauser gun, just described. The new bolt has double lugs, as ia the Lee bolt, to take up the recoil on both sides the receiver. Fig. 12. Figure 11 shows the spoon down, with a cartridge lying in it received from the magazine. The bolt is partly pulled back, drawing out an empty shell, in the position just before tilting up the spoon with the new cartridge to the position shown in figure 12. For description of cartridge and results with it, see under Ammunition. 111. Spencer Repealing Sliot (iiiii; 12 bore; 1881. The breech-block in tliis gun resembles the Peabody, it lieing hinged in rear, and made to move up and down in front. Its special pecidiarity lies in the arrangement for operating the block by means of a .sliding handle on the magazine tube under the barrel. This handle is connected with fiat bars, which extend to the rear, into the receiver and along the breech-block. A stud on the inner side of one rod fits in an inclined groove in the side of the War Department Exhibit, 51 breech-block, so that sliding the handle back wedges down the block to open the breech. Immediately after this, an extractor is operated by the bar on the other side to remove the empty shell. When the handle is well back the block is thrown up by a sprin.a;. tossing the slu'U out above. While the block is up, a cartridge underneath, received fmin the magazine below the barrel, is pushed in by moving forward the slide, and the breech is closed. The magazine is filled from underneath the breech-block. 112. Colt's Magazine Rille; calibre, .22; 1887. This gun is also operated by a handle sliding on the magazine tube under the barrel, but the breech action is a bolt system, instead of the falling block. A bar, attached to the slide, works a lever connected with a cam latch, which is hinged at its forward end to the under side of the bolt towards the rear. When the bolt is closed, the rear end of this cam latch drops into a depression under the bolt in the bottom of the frame, and abuts against a shoulder in the frame, securing the bolt. Drawing back the handle raises the cam latch over the shoulder and then pushes back the bolt so freed. Forcing the handle to the front draws the bolt forward and finally swings the cam latch down again, locking the bolt. A spring extractor on the bolt withdraws the empty shell. A sliding carrier block, moving like that in the Winchester and Vet- terlin, transfers cartridges from tlie magazine. The rear end of the magazine tube can be swung slightly to the right to insert cartridges, a spring plate sectiring them from springing out. This gun was used during the Exposi- tion, in the shooting gallery of the War Department, in determining prac- tically the velocity of projectiles. Loaned by B. Kittredge Arms Company, Cincinnati. BOX MAGAZINES NEAR THE RECEIVER. CARTRIDGES TOUCHING LENGTHWISE INSTEAD OF END TO END. These magazines are either detachable, so as to be readily replaced ; or fixed in place and arranged to be rapidly refilled by means of compact pack- ing cases. The Lee, is the best known of the box magazine guns. It has a detachable magazine, the only one shown of this type. The other type is now coming into prominence from its recent adoption in some form by several nations. One great advantage of the box magazine is that the bullet of one cartridge does not rest against the primer of another, and so the possibility is removed of exploding a cartridge in the magazine, or injuring the bullet, by shock from another cartridge. If necessary a spring plate can be placed front or rear to lessen all shock. In some, an opening at the side allows in- spection of the interior. They work without carrier-block or spoon, though some, like the Rubin, have a catch operated by the bolt to check and release cartridges. The chief advantage, however, is that it enables the supply of cartridges to be rapidly renewed. This becomes more and more apparent with the reduction of calibre and lengthening of the cartridge. While box magazines avoid the slow process of inserting cartridges one at a time end- wise, some even of these fail in a point covered in several tubular magazines —the power to refill when the gun is loaded— and require tlie refilling to be done through the receiver with the bolt drawn back. War Department Exhibit, 113. Lee Magazine Rifle ; calibre, .45 ; 1870. This is a bolt gun, with an opening the length of a cartridge in the l)()t- toni of the receiver, just hack of the barrel, and it has a detachable magazine which is inserted from below. Figure 13 is a longitudinal section showing the magazine in position. Figure 14 is a cross section of the gun, with the magazine removed, showing the opening through the stock nnder the receiver for the insertion of the magazine. Several of these magazines are carried on a belt. Tliev are each Fig. 13. Fig. U. provided with a spring and follower within to force the cartridges w\>. and they arc filled up in advance by the soldier, as it is intended that they should be saved. They have to be stron.s, and they must be made care- fully, as tliey form, when attacVied. a working part of the mechanism, and a slight deformation would interfere with their ojieration. When a magazine on the .gun is emptied, it is di'opped out by pressing a spring, and a new one already filled is inserted. A magazine holds five cartridges of our service model, calibre .45, but more of smaller calibre could be carrieil. The gun can be used as a single loader when the magazine is off, as a spring plate then covers the bottom of the receiver. A recent aening on the right hand side of the magazine allows cartridges to be inserted, and a hinged lid closes the ojiening. The shaft is turned by a spiral spring round the front end. The figure is a jierspective view of the gun, showing the lid of magazine open, and exposing the interior with its shaft, follower and spring. Figure 21 is a cross section, actual size, through the magazine full of (;art- ridges, as seen looking from the front. The lid is shown closed. Figure 22 is a cross section, reduced size, just in rear of the magazine, looking towards the front, showing that the lid in opening is made to re- IVaf^ Department Exhibit. 57 volve the shaft to a position where the follower clears the entrance. Closinj,' the lid releases the shaft and brings the pressure from the spring against the cartridges. The rartriihic ca.^rx described above are also used to rapidly lill the Schul- hoff magazine, but loose cartridges can be thrown in readily. " This magazine holds nine of the new small calibre cartridges. Like Xo. 115 above, it is un- necessary to unload the piece to till the magazine; but in the ScliulhotTit is necessary to make a separate motion to open the magazine for insertion of cartridges. This magazine might have an opening round the drum to show the number of cartridges in reserve. The gun is a natural development from the Swingle revolving gun. No. 98. The " cut-oif " for the magazuie is a slide, the handle of which is indicated in Fig. 24, on the side opposite the lid. It is bent to the outer surface of the drum, and pushing the handle, slips it round so that the end comes over the opening into the receiver. In the model here shown it seems to interfere with the extraction of the empty shell. Limiting the retraction of the bolt, as described above, would answer for this or anv other svstem of box magazine. IVat Depatiment Exhibit. Schulhoff Magazine Pistol. A pistol is constructed by Schulhotf with a magazine working on the same principle. It has a bolt mechanism, which is operated by the trigger. The trigger is double, and pressure on the forward part draws out the bolt, ejecting the old shell, and then closes the bolt, push- ing in a new cartridge. Further motion of this trigger causes it to strike the second trigger and tire the pistol. The same kind of cartridge case is used to fill the pistol magazine as is used for the rifle. The Schulhotf and Mannlicher guns, together with the Gras and Vctterlin, were obtained through the special efforts of Capt. Henry Metcalfe, Ordnance Dept. at the U. S. Military Academy. A form of box magazine, which has recently attracted much attention, is the Burton. It has a side hopper, extending above the barrel, feeding cart- ridges down by gravity. No model of this system could be obtained. REVIEW OF MAGAZINE GUNS. A progression is here shown from magazines requiring special carriers, or movable guides, to transfer the cartridges from the magazine to the barrel, — first, the spring guide of the Spencer, which often gave trouble ; next the sliding carrier of the Henry and Winchester, followed in the Vctterlin ; then the rocking carrier of the Ward Burton. Kropatcheck, and the new French and German Guns, — to systems requiring no special carrier, the Hotchkiss butt-stock magazine, and, lastly, the box magazines, which now operate universally without a carrier. A device has been patented, by which the carrier is dispensed with, even for a tubular magazine under the barrel, but of its success nothing is reported. Some tubular magazines run along the top or side of the barrel. One of the earliest box magazines — the Lccwe- — was placed at the side or wrapped round the stock at the receiver, with a rocking piece at the mouth to transfer cartridges. To fill the magazine the follower spring had to be compressed by hand, and the mouth-piece thrown back to admit cartridges. There was no automatic device to keep cartridges from slipping out. Both the butt stock and box magazines, on account of having cartridges nearer the shoulder, the point of motion, have advantage over the other in changing the balance less as the shots are fired away. The box magazine gives the best opportunities for inspecting the interior to see how raanj' cartridges remain. Different theories are held about the proper use of magazines, and even as to the propriety of their use at all. The Russian authorities have decided against a magazine rifle. Some hold that a simple breech loader is sufficient, with means for quickly finding and inserting a cartridge, taking the ground that with the possibility of firing more rapidly too much ammunition will be wasted, without the means of supplying it in sufiicient ([uantities. The re- duction of calibre makes it possible for the soldier to carry more cartridges, and they can be supplied in greater quantities with the same means of trans- portation as before. It is certainly true tliat the box magazine is the only one that can compete with the best single loaders in continuous firing, on account of the time required to replenish the otliers. It is rarely the case, how- War Department Exhibit. 59 ever, that it is necessary to keep up a rapid fire for more than a short inter- val ; and some advocates of the magazine, holding that it should only he used as a reserve in case of such emergency, think it unnecessary to provide for rapidly refilling it; but others recognize the possibility of a succession of emergencies demanding power of rapidly replenishing the magazhie, but not requiring it to be used for ordinary fire. The great problem seems to be to provide a means of controlling the use of the magazine. Detachable magazines and packing cases for rapid relilling seem to promise well for this purpose, and the advantage of being able to in- spect the magazine through open sides is recognized. The Mannlicher sys- tem would perhaps allow greatest control over the number of cartridges so used, as no means are provided for putting cartridges in singly, and the use of packages can be readily observed; but it may often be desirable to refill a partly emptied magazine, and the need to load singly is often imperative, for no system allows replenishing as quickly as a single shot can be put in, and the soldier would be at a disadvantage when his magazine was emptied if he must needs wait till the magazine was filled again. He should be able to fill his magazine by putting in cartridges one at a time or all together, and do either with his gun loaded or not. Great opposition was at first made to the simple breech loader, from the same fear that cartridges would be shot away too fast, but that result has not followed. Improved methods, too, have been devised for supjilying a fighting line of troops with cartridges, and small calibre cartridges now used abroad offer great advantages over the old in the number a man can carry. 102 Heb- ler cartridges, calibre, .31, weigh only as much as 80 Mauser cartridges of cal- ibre .43. It does not follow that trained troops are to shoot too fast because they can do so, but the power to reload rapidly gives the soldier confidence and enables him to aim more deliberately. For raw troops the danger is greater, and it is dout)tfal whether they should be sup])lied with magazine guns. AUTOMATIC RECOIL GUNS. What will result from the use of magazine guns operating by their own recoil remains tabe seen. Maxim, the inventor of the automatic recoil raa" chine gun, has also invented a musket acting on a similar principle, in the latest form practically adopting the system of feeding used in the Swingle re- volver gun above described ; and in an earlier form using a modification of the Winchester system operated by a spring butt plate. In the Freddi rifle the recoil pulls out the breech bolt for the insertion of a cartridge by haiid, and compresses a spring so that on pressing a button the breech closes again. In both systems the firing is controlled by a trigger, but in the Maxim, by keeping the trigger pressed back, all the shots in the magazine will be fired in rapid succession. The operation of refilling the magazine is, however, very slow. 6o IVar Department Exhibit. a:\[muxitiok Projectiles of larger calibre have been described under Cannon. This division includes fuzes, primers, powder and small arm ammunition. FUZES FOR SHELL AND SHRAPNEL. Those on exhibition are for the most part arranged on four boards from Frankford Arsenal. The collection embraces most of those that were used during the war. 1. Simple time, fuzes in wood, metal, and paper cases. These require the passage of flame over the outer end of the fuze to produce ignition. They are of wood, metal, or paper. In the wooden fuze the burning composition is driven into a cylindrical hole bored in a conical plug which can be cut off to allow the desired length of burning. The specimens shown are for the 6 and 12-pounder guns, 8-in., 12-in., and 13-in. mortar. In the vietal fuze the com])osition is packed in an annular slot in a thick metal disk screw plug. The specimens shown are the Austrian, Babbitt, Bor- mann, Laidley-Bormann, and the Wright. The paper faze consists of a conical paper case, formed by rolling a trian- gular strip of stout paper around a cylindrical' former, which when withdrawn leaves a cylindrical bore into which the fuze composition is driven. Some of the above fuzes have a priming of powder and quick-match to facilitate ignition. The specimens of U. S. i)aper fuzes shown are for 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 seconds, with two of Rebel make of 5 and 15 seconds. The paper fuzes have to be inserted in fuze phiga, hollow jilugs of wood or metal driven or screwed into the fuze hole of the shell. The wooden fuze plugs shown are for 6 and 12-pounder guns, 4>^ in. Siege rifle, 13 in. mortar, 3-inch rifle, 10-inch sea-coast gun, and 8-inch sea-coast mortar. The metal plugs are of Dyer, Hotchkiss, and Parrott patterns. 2. Special Time Fuzes and Fuze Plugs. These are fitted with special features, such as hoods to direct flame to the fuze, water caps to protect open fuzes from contact with water in burning, holes in fuze plugs to allow boring into paper fuze without removal, and ig- niters by which the shock of discharge sets fire to the time fuze without pass- age of flame over the projectile. The igniters are the most important. The following are the characteristic igniters, others differing rather in mechanical arrangement than in principle : Laidleifs iriniter, still used in 3-inch rifle, consists of a snuUl brass tube, closed at one end, filled with friction powder in which is embedded a rough- ened wire projecting at the open end and there weighted with lead. Two ig- niters are j)laced open end first in small holes bored in the front of the plug by the side of tlie time fuze hole, then, on the sudden forward motion of the shell at time of discharge, the lead weights hang back, drawing out the wires War Department ExhiMt. and igniting the friction powder. The fire is comnuuiicatecrto-thrHine fuze through small holes near the closed end of igniter tube. Stevens' igniter has a plunger, suspended by a loop in tiie front end. On tiring, the plunger hangs back, brciaks the loop and strikes a percussion com- position in rear, igniting the time fuze. To the Stevens' class belongs the Russian fuze, described p. 836 War Department Report on Die Centennial Ex- position of 1876, the plunger being held in front by an axial wire, whicli is twisted and pulled apart by the discharge. Armstrong's igniter contains a sphere of percussion composition wliicb is crushed by the discharge, so igniting the time fuze. The following fuzes of this class are shown: Parrot, with water cap; Hubbell, with water cap; Stevens, with igniter ; Rebel, with igniter, wooden plug; Laidley, with igniter and water cap; Laidley, with igniter; Ilotchkiss, with water cap; ITotchkiss, with igniter and w'ater cap; '3-inch gun. with water cap; Foreign, with igniter and water cap; Arick, with igniter; Taylor, with hood; Sea-Coast, with water cap; Navy, witli water cap; Navy, with water cap and bushing; Hotchkiss, with water cap and igniter; Navy, with water cap; Navy, w'itli water cap; Adams' Hand Grenade, with igniter. The following forms, though more strictly time fuzes, only, with special igniters, are placed on board 4 with combination fuzes : Sawyer's, Armstrong's, Shenkle's. 3. Impact fuzes — conrussion and percussion. Concussion fuzes are those that are ignited by the impact of the jirojectile at any point of its surface, and they are applicable to spherical jirojectiles. Percussion fuzes are especially suited to elongated projectiles, and they are fired by the impact when the projectile strikes head on. In general, percussion fuzes act by means of a plunger, whicli moves for- ward in the projectile on impact, and either strikes a percussion composition or draws a roughened wire through a mass of friction powder. Varieties of impact fuzes shown are the Absterdam, Butler, Curran, old pattern Hotclikiss, James, Janezeck and Simpson, Laidley, Parmtt, Patter- son, Shenkle, Petman, and several of Rebel pattern. The latest and most approved form of jiercussion fuze, shown on a se{)a- rate board prepared at Frankford Arsenal, is the new Ilotchkiss, which com- bines the following principles, illustrated by the different fuzes mentioned above. Before discharge of piece, the plunger can not be moved by any or- dinary shock, and can not come in contact with the primer. The shock of discharge forces the plunger l)ack, leaving it free to move forward and strike the can (Mi imoact. HOTCHKISS BASE PERCUSSION FUZE. This fuze consists of a brass screw plug, enclosing a plunger of lead sur- rounded by a brass band. A pin, slightly longer than the plunger, is em- bedded in the lead, with its point so far in, that it can not strike tlie cap in the front of the fuze. The sliock of discharge drives tiie i)lunger liack on the pin, leaving the point projecting to the front, the lead still holding it tiglit- On impact, the plunger is thrown forward and the projecting pin explodes the cap. This fuze is intended to be placed in the base of a shell, and it is made with a flange to act as a gas check and keep the powder gas from getting into 62 War Department Exhibit. the sliell past the fuze. A front fuze, liaving tlie same kind of plunger, is also used by Hotehkiss. 4. ('oinbinatioii Fnzex. This name is given to fuzes which, besides to the time fuze to explode the shell within a certain time, have a concussion or percussion device which will explode the shell on impact if the time fuze fails, or if the projectile strikes before the time fuze is burned tlirough. The following varieties are shown on board 4: Mclntire, Woodbridge, Drake, Treadwell-Splingard, Clapp, Tice, Belgian, etc. The Belgian illustrates the use of an annular time fuze in the condjination. TWO NEW FORMS ARE SHOWN ON SEPARATE BOARDS. 1st. New Armstrong Combination Fuze. (Received from New York Arsenal.) Tills consists of a brass fuze plug containing, at the front end, a cylin. drical metal plunger held in place liy a soft copper wire connecting it radiallj' on one side with the wall of the plug. A jirimer is placed in the base of the plunger. The shock of discharge shears ofl" tlie wire, throwing the plunger back and strikintr the primer against a ])r()jciliiig pin. (See Figure 2.'1) This Fig. 23. ignites a quick burning composition on the inner side of a movable ring, and (lame communicates through a small hole witlithe time fuze composition which is packed in an annular slot in the body of the plug. The ring can be turned to bring the h )le over any desired i)art of the time fuze, and give proper length of burning to 6 seconds. In the rear part of the plug is another plunger having a cap at the front end and a jierforation through to tlie rear filled with quick powder. This plunger is double, consisting of a plunger of lead within a ring of brass. Before firing, the inner plunger which holds the primer is kept well to the rear of the cavity by a spring which surrounds it and keeps the outer ring forward. The shock of discharge drives the ring War Depatiment Exhibit. 63 back, and on impact the wliole plunger moves forward, tlie primer .striking a pin projecting from tlie front of the cavity. 2nd Col. D. W. Flagler's Fuze. (Received from Frankford Arsenal.) This fuze IS like the Armstrong, in having two plungers, the time plunger in the front, and the impact iilunger in rear (as shown in figure 24), but the means of holding them differ, and the fuze comi)Osition is arranged differently. The front plunger is held in place by an axial wire at the forward end, similar to that described in the Russian time fuze? above. The rear plunger is mude on the principle described in the new Fig. 24. Hotchkiss percussion fuze. The fuze composition is contained in the movable ring itself, instead of in the liody of the plug, and the latter has only a pass- age filled with c^uick powder leading to the interior of the shell. The parts are arranged to increase the sensitiveness of both the time and percussion parts, and especially to make them uniforndy sensitive. A restraining disk protects the percussion igniter from the plunger when in the gun, and from pressures caused bj' the atmospheric retardation of the projectile during flight. This arrangement gives a verj' efficient and compact fuze, less than %ths the length of the Armstrong, enabling the point to be made more solid. It is graduated to burn up to 20 seconds. PRIMERS x^OR CANNON. The Service Friction Primer consists of a small tube drawn from a flat disk of copper, filled with rifle powder and fitted with a branch tube at the closed end. This branch contains friction jiowder, and a serrated brass wire passes through it, ending in a loop outside. To fire the gun the long tube is inserted in the vent, and a lanyard is hooked to the loop of the wire. Pulling on the lanyard draws out the ware, igniting the composition by friction, discharging the powder and communicating fire to the charge in the gun. An improved 64 PVar Department Exhibit. lanyard having a sliding handlf is shown. Tiie lanyard is held taut, and the slide is l>rought sharply up against a knot on the top. Electric Primers arc also shown in various stjdes of manufacture. In these the tube is enlarged at the toj> for the insertion of an electric fuze, with wire connections for exploding the primer by electric battery or magneto- electric exi)loder. Ohtirrntinij Primers are shown on the same board. These primers are so constructed that they prevent the escape of gas through the vent in firing. The tube is made of brass, larger in diameter than the old primer, and a screw thread near the closed end allows them to be screwed in to the vent, enlarged and tapped at the outer end for this jjiirpose. The gas pressure forces the mouth of the tube against the walls of the vent and prevents escape of gas, the action being similar to that of the metallic cartridge. They are of two kinds, friction and electric primers. A hole in the solid end admits the wire for tlie friction primer, or the insulated wires for the electric primer. In the friction primers the wire Ijas a swelling within the tube to prevent its being drawn completely out, and this fills the hole after ignition, preventing escape of gas. The electric wires of the electric primer pass through a disk of in- sulating material — vulcanized fibre — which covers the aperture from the in- side, and prevents escape of gas past the wires. POWDER AND SMALL ARM AMMUNITION. POWDER. Specimens of powder of various grain are shown, from that used for small arms to the large blocks used for heavy guns. Samples of large grain powder — hexagonal, sphero-hexagonal, mammoth and cubical — with some of the prismatic perforated grains, both of black and brown (" coco ") powder, were supplied through the courtesy of E. I. Dupout de Nemours & Co., Wil- mington, Delaware; and cartridges such as are used for the U. S. r2-inch rifle were exhibited, made up of wooden blocks representing the prismatic grains. The two cartridges shown form one charge together, weighing 2G5 pounds. ELONGATED BULLETS. Most of these are arranged on boards received from the Military Acad- emy, showing about 100 varieties, and embracing the French bullet for the caral)ine a tige, one of the earliest forms, made to rest on a pin projecting from the bottom of the bore, and forced into the rifling by blows of the ramrod ; the Minnie bullet, 1885, made with a hollow base to allow expansion by pressure of powder in firing; Jennings, containing powder charge in base; the Austrian explosive bullet for blowing up ammunition chests; also many others, showing steps of improvement to the present day. In addition to these bullets there is shown a steel bullet with a copper ring, like that on the Butler shot for heavy guns, to take the rifling. This was devised by Major Geo. W. Meker, Ordnance Department, to be fired from the .45 calibre service Springfield rifle in experiments on iron and steel plates of moderate thickness, for calculation of cIT'cct of large steel shot on heavy armor. War Department Exhibit. 65 A bullet coated with copper, made at Colt's Armory as early as 1884, is also sliown, with specimens of the new small calibre lead bullets sheathed with copper and steel, and one of very recent pattern wound with steel wire. An interesting revolver bullet of recent invention is shown in Figure 25. This is made up of two parts, one solid forming the base, and one split at the rear into three sections, but united at the point. The figure shows the scpar- Fig. 25. ate parts, and on their right the appearance of the whole bullet prepared for loading. In firing, the parts separate, and though the penetration is not very great, it is claimed that at short ranges it is very effective, particularly for mounted practice. This bullet is the invention of Capt. Henry T. Nowlan, 7th Cavalrj^, who claims that pistol practice should not be attempted by mounted men except at very short ranges. SMALL ARM CAllTRIDGES/ Fifty-six specimens of foreign and American cartridges are arranged on a board received from the Military Academy. These include, with many others, some of the earlier forms of self-primed cartridges : the needle gun cartridge ; Morse's American cartridge, with metallic shell and rubber base, 1858 ; Boxer cartridge, thin brass, wrapped, with iron head, for Martini-Henry rifle. Besides these there is a large collection giving an historical series, to show the progressive stages of manufacture from early cartridges for muzzle loaders to the latest cartridges for modern breech loaders. All but the new small calibre cartridges in this collection are from Frankford Arsenal. 1. Paper ammunition, not fixed. Round and elongated bullet and buckshot cartridges ; powder and bullet Avrapped in a paper cover. Twenty-five specimens. 2. Paper and linen ammunition, fixed. Wrapper round the powder inflammable. Could be inserted whole. I'sed both for muzzle-loaders and for tlie earlier breech-loaders. Cartridges for Merrit's, Hall's, Sharp's, Colt's, and Starr's arms are noted. Twenty-nine specimens. 3. Transition from inflammable wrapper to metallic cartridges. This includes the Gallagher foil cartridge; the Maynard brass shell cart- ridge, with a flange at rear, as in modern cartridges, but having no priming 66 War Department Exhibit. a central perforation in the base admitting Hame from a primer fired on a nipple outside the barrel; the Burnside copper shell cartridge, with flange at forward end, and central perforation at base; also some foreign gun cart- ridges. Thirty-seven specimens. 4. Early self-primed cartridges, rim-primed and center-primed cart- ridges. Pouliiey brass-foil, with iron base ; Crispin zinc-foil ; Hotchkiss solid head, pressed up from solid base; Remington-Martin base; Winchester (Milbank primer). The primer is a flanged percussion cap inserted in a pocket without anvil; United States Cartridge Company solid head, both inside and outside primed cartridges ; Berdan, early forms with outside pocket, and impressed shallow cup :• Mead's explosive bullet cartridge ; Spencer ; Ballard ; Morse ; Henry; various experimental cartridges, including Col. Laidley's; and sev- eral pistol cartridges by various makers, including inside and outside cap, teat and rim-primed cartridges. 5. Foreign and sporting cartridges, metallic, etc. English Boxer, Snyder ; English Boxer, Henry ; French chassepot and mitrailleuse, pasteboard, with metal base; Prussian needle gun, paper cylin- der, choked in front of bullet; Austrian " Werndl," with annular copper an- vil ; Dutch Beaumont, with solid brass head and pocket, cap with anvil prim- er; Swiss Vetterlin, rim-primed; and various sporting cartridges for shot, nearly all pasteboard with metal base, pocket and anvil primed. 6 Modifications made in the charge." (Cal. .50 cartridges.) Charges of Oriental, Hazard, and Du Pont musket powders, 70 grains. These show the various effects of compressing the charge, either from front, rear, or from both ends, and either perforating it from end to end, or leaving a conical rear cavity; Sleeper's chlorate powder is also shown in charges of from 15 to 30 grains, as is also Gomez's iron gun-powder. 7. Modifications in bullet and lubricant. These show the various effects of deepening the cannelures to hold more lubricant; use of two broad cannelures instead of three; use of lubricant with wad under the bullet, either alone or in addition to lubricant in the can- nelures ; use of a front lubricant ; patching bullet with bank-note paper ; and use of bullet hardened by the addition of tin. Various forms of bullets are also shown, the usual one being the frustum of a cone on a cylinder; various reductions in weight are also made, usually by conical cavity in base. 8. Center primed cartridges, disk and bar anvils. These show the center swell base, copper disk anvil, two vents, short case ; Martin straight bar reinforce, tinned iron, with reinforce copper cup held in by indents in wall of shell; various disk and bar anvils of copper or iron, held in by indents or re-entrant fold ; and the Martin pocket with re-en- trant fold. Ca])-primed cases are included. These show the solid nipple-head in War Departtnent Exhibit. 67 brass pocket in base of case ; various star and cup cap-receivers ; front igni- tion cases; the Laidley arch anvil; Treadwell cube anvil; Berdan anvil; and cup anvils. One of the earliest was the Benet, 1866. One of Berdan's early models was made on the same principle. They also comprise the tinned cup anvil, held in by crimps or indents ; side vent cup anvil; corrugated base, copper cup anvil ; copper cup anvils of various shapes ; Treadwell's open base, with double cup ; Berdan solid head teat anvil, and various cup anvil ammunition for pistols. 9. Modifications in calibre. Reductions. Nearly all the first bullets of .45 calibre are in bottle-shaped cases, either for 70 or 80 grains charge, weighing from 400 to 425 grains ; they are nearly all cannelured, with cases about 2.5 inches long. The bullets for the .42 cal. are used with from 70 to 80 grains of powder, and weigh from 350 to 385 grains. The early forms all appear in bottle-shaped cases, and are nearly all cannel- ured. The .40 cal., nearly all in straight cases, are used with from 65 to 80 grains of powder, and weigh from 290 to 350 grains. They nearly all have four or five cannelures. 10. Folded head, centre-primed cartridges; calibre, .75; non-re- loading, showing stages of manufacture. The shell is slightly tapering from flange to bullet, where it becomes cyl- indrical and extends to cover the cannelures. It is made from a thin plate of copper. First a disk is punched out and slightly cupped in a single ma- chine. The cup is then drawn out more and more, becoming of smaller and smaller diameter by successive operations. It is then trimmed to length, and the head is formed by a press which buckles out the metal at the sides of the closed end, forming a folded flange. A perforated cup anvil with a shallow pocket in the bottom is inserted and pushed down, being fixed in place by crimps made just in front of it at two oppo-site points in the wall of the shell. The bullet weighs 404 grains ; charge of powder for carbine, 55 grains ; for rifle, 70 grains, the same shell being used for both, with wads behind bullet in the former to fill the space and give the cartridge the same size. The bullet is made from round cast bars of lead and tin ; 16 parts lead to 1 of tin. These are rolled down to size, and then a single machine cuts to lengths and forms a bullet from each length between three dies, one die for the base and two for the sides. There are three shallow cannelures for lubricant. Samples are given of carbine, rifle and revolver shells and bullets, show- ing stages of manufacture. 11. U. S. service cartridge; calibre, .45. This differs from those just described^ in being made with a solid flange at the head, and arranged for the insertion of a primer from the outside, so that the shell can be reprimed and reloaded. It has usually been made of copper, but it is now made of brass. It is made from thicker metal than the folded head cartridge. The sheet from which the disks are punched is shown, with the various stages in development of the tube, primer and bullet. (See Figure 26.) Weight of bullet, 500 grains ; weight of powder, 70 grains. 68 War Department Exhibit. 12. T7ie Morse S/iell of service size. This has a movable base, with rubber packing. It is a folded head brass shell, with the centre of the base cut out for the insertion of a solid cup con- taining an outside primer. (See Figure 27.) A rubber ring inside covers the joint. With the solid head cartridge, expansion of the front part caused it to clamp against the wall of the chamber, the pressure on the base tending to pull it away from the front part so held. This caused breaking, particularly with copper shells. The Morse shell was designed to obviate this trouble, and it is now undergoing trial to see whether the complication of parts and form A tlj Fig. 26. Fig. 27 Fig. 28. Fig 29. of shell introduce other objections greater than the above, in reloading shells. Shells are reloaded by the soldier, and it is very important to have them last for many reloadings. NEW SM.\LL CALIBRE CARTRIDGES. The tendency to reduction of calibre has been constant from the old musket calibre, 70-lOOths of an inch, to the prevailing calibres of recent years. .45 (the U. S. calibre) to .40. To Professor Hebler, of Germany, and Major Eubin, of Switzerland, is War Department Exhibit. 69 due the credit of experiments within the last ten years which have led to recent reduction of caUbres in Europe. The limit of advantage in reduction seems to be about .295 inches, and a calibre of about .31 is regarded as the best. The object of reduction, besides the saving in weight of cartridges and of space occupied by them in packing, and the diminution of recoil, lies in the flatter trajectory obtained with a bullet of diameter so slight as compared with its length. Such a bullet in moving point on suffers less resistance from the air in projiortion to the weight, since the weight of projectile compared with resisting surface is greater. The retardation of the bullet is therefore less. Moreover, the area of the longitudinal section is greater in relation to the weight, and this increases the effect of the air in retarding the drop of the bullet. The result is that the velocity given it in the gun is maintained longer and the drop is less over a given range, as well as in a given time, making the path of the bullet straighter and increasing the "dangerous space," or the distance over which, for aim at any particular range, the bullet would keep within a man's height from the ground. This effect is augmented by greatly increasing the charge in comparison with the w'eight of the bullet, or by using a higher explosive, and so getting greater initial velocity; 1800 to 2000 feet per second, instead of 1300 to 1400 feet. To keep a long, thin bullet point on in its flight requires an increased rate of rotation, and the twist of the rifling is increased to 1 turn in 9 or 10 inches, while the twist in our ser- vice rifle is 1 turn in 30 inches. Lead bullets, unprotected, will not stand this under high charges without stripping, so the lead bullet is sheathed with copper or steel, and this covering assists too in penetration. A copper cov- ered bullet recovered from wood into which it had been fired is shown. It bears the marks of the rifling, but shows no deformation. The Ilcbler and Rubin cartridges differ in details as follows : 13. The Hebler cartridge. In one form of this cartridge the case is of steel, nickel-plated, with a copper head which contains the center-fire capsule and expands to serve as a gas check. The charge of powder, 83 grains, is compressed in the case, and has a central canal for the rapid ignition of the whole charge. It is arranged in layers of different densities, to give greater uniformity of pressure by in- creasing the rate of burning toward the end. The form shown in the exhibit, from the National Armory, represented actual size in figure 28, has a brass, solid-head, bottle-shape shell, with the usual flange. The Lorenz bullet, used with these cartridges, is covered with a thin steel jacket, nickel-plated. This jacket is drawn and pressed into shape, tinned inside, and filled with compressed pieces of soft lead slightly hardened by tin and antimony. The whole is then heated to melt the lead and cause it to unite with the wall of the cover, and the lead is afterwards compressed and solidified. The steel jacket is tenipereil at the point, but it is softer at the sides. Six thousand rounds have ])een fired from a rifle without i)erceptible 70 War Department Exhibit. wear or injury to the grooves, the bullet taking the grooves perfectly. The liullet has no cannelures. The following figures regarding the Hehlcr bullet, calibre, .2!Jo, are taken from various sources: Initial velocity, 1850 feet; weight of bullet, 224 grains; weight of charge, 83 grains ; weight of cartridge complete, 521 grains; length of bullet, 4.4G calibres. Penetration of Hebler at muzzle, 39.4 inches in pine; at distance of 2,500 metres, 2% inches. Of Mauser, at muzzle, 9.5 inches; at 1,600 metres, 2.16 inches. The LeheJ rifie rartridfir, of the Hebler pattern, is said to be as follows : Length of bullet, 1.32 inches; total length of case, 3.07 inches; calibre, .304; weight, 211.42 grains. Front lubricant is supposed to be used. This cartridge has a smokeless powder, but its composition it not defi- nitely known, and there is some doubt about its standing .storage and answer- ing the requirements of service. It is said that experiments on animals demonstrate that the wound caused by a Hebler bullet is much less serious than that from others, as the Hebler bullet makes a clean hole, while the others make ragged and splint- ered holes, producing wounds that remain serious for years even if vital parts are not struck. In one case, a man shot by a Hebler bullet in the upper left arm entirely recovered in three months, though he was hors de combat for two months. It is held to be better to wound than to kill. A dead man requires burial only ; a wounded man needs the assistance of two others, is an additional expense to the State, and can render no service for a long time. 14. The Rubin cartridge; lead bullet, copper covered. Two specimens are shown, of form indicated in Figure 29; one from the National Armorj', and one presented by Herr Schulhoff and Major Glent- worth, of the Austrian service. This is used in the Schulhoff magazine gun, shown in the exhibit, as well as in the Rubin rifle, of which a trial is now being made at the National Armory. This shell is of a novel pattern. It is made without a projecting flange, a groove for the extractor to engage in being cut round the base, which is made thicker to give room for it. The walls of the .shell are thick, and at the mouth this is increased by an inner ring, forming a shoulder round the bullet, and this, with the taper of the shell, prevents forcing the cartridge too far into the firing chamber. One advantage of this form of shell in box magazines is obvious, as no care has to be taken to keep the flanges of the cartridges from catching on each other to prevent pushing the top one forward in loading the piece. The Schulhoff gun is also made to fire the Hebler flanged cartridge. The following information regarding the Rubin cartridge, of form shown in Figure 29, is derived from experiments in this country with the Rubin rifle: Calibre, .29.5 inches. The charge is ordinary grain powder, compressed, with an axial perforation. Weight of powder, 69.48 graijis; weight of projectile, 216.16 grains; velocity, 50 feet from muzzle, 1800 feet per second; maximum penetration in soft pine, 17 inches at 500 yards ; 9.78 inches at 1000 yards ; ordi- nates in firing at 500 yard target, 100 yards, 2.97 feet ; 200 yards, 4.8 ; 300 yards, 5.19 ; 400 yards, 3.73 ; maximum ordinate firing at 1000 yard target, 34.226. 15. The Hurst accelerating cartridge ; calibre, .32. A cartridge invented by H. P. Hurst, of Mississippi, has recentl}'^ at- War Department Exhibit. 71 tracted considerable attention. (It is shown only by drawings and descrip- tion.) Remarkable results are to be expected from such a cartridge, with the weight of charge nearly double that of the projectile. The base of the cartridge shell has attached to it a strong central tube, which contains the initial charge of powder, and extends beyond it over nearly all of the cylindrical portion of the bullet. Outside of this case is dis- posed a second charge, composed of rings of compressed powder consideralily less in diameter than the chamber of the gun. The bullets are m.-de of steel, and are of various lengths. The firing of the central charge is eflected in the usual manner, and the bullet is driven fioni the tube, but the very instant it is clear, the flame is communicated to the second charge, and the projectile leaves tTie bore with a greatly accelerated velocity. A collection of cartridge primers and parts of primer is shown, embracing different varieties— Berdan, Orcutt, Sharp, Wesson, etc. SIGHTS, APPENDAGES, ETC. 1. Lorain telescope sight for heavy guns. Tliis is practically a surveyor's" field transit instrument, with vertical and horizontal limbs; the vertical for adjusting the angle of elevation, and the horizontal limb to give allowance for wind and drift. This sight is intended to be placed on the left trunnion, with the horizontal limb parallel to the plane passing through the axis of the trunnion and the axis of the piece, no allowance being made for inclination of the platform. When the horizontal limb is set at the zero mark, the vertical limb is parallel to the vertical plane of fire, and this adjustment being made, setting the vertical limb at the zero of its scale should bring the line of collimation of the tele- scope parallel to the axis of the piece. It is only wlien tiring at a target on a level with the gun that the elevation reading for any range will be the same as that required with the quadrant, as the reading gives the angle made with the axis of the piece and not with the horizontal. The vertical reading for the telescope sight will be greater than with the quadrant when the liring point is above the target, and less when the firing point is below. From Fort Monroe. Designed by the late Maj. Lorain, I'. S. Army. 2. Zalinski telescope sight for sea coast guns. This sight has an adjustment for want of level of the platform. The frame carrying the telescope and its vertical and horizontal liml)s has on the right side a round trunnion-bar, wliicb rests in bearings on the face of the left trunnion, the axis of this bar being parallel to the axis of the piece. A thumb-screw lower down on the frame bears against the face of the trun- nion to level the sight horizonlally. Fixed to the frame liy a hurizonlal axis. 72 War Departvient Exhibit. opposite the front end of the axis of the trunnion-bar, is a plate which holds the vertical limb, and attaciied to this at the front by a vertical pivot is a plate wliich revolves horizontally, and carries the telescope on Y's, the op- tical center of the object glass being over the vertical pivot. "Verniers allow setting the limbs to minutes of arc. Levels for adjustment arc placed, one longitudinally under the telescope, and one laterally on the frame which di- rectly su])ports the telescope. The bar is hollow to serve as an ordinary peep sight. Fixed and movable cross-hairs, the latter moved by a micrometer screw, serve to give a range finder by measuring the angular depression of the mark below the gun, or its elevation^ above, the distance being a func- tion of this angle and the known height of the gun above the water level. From Fort Monroe. Designed by Capt. E. L. Zalinski, 5th Artillery. 3. Two double-reflecting sights for heav}- guns. The reiiectors are fastened to the top of a graduated stem, which passes up and down through a socket attached to the breech. A lateral move- ment of the rear sight in front of the reflector gives allowance for wind, etc. The gunner stands behind the piece, sheltered by the parapet. 4. rhipps-Quinan sight for field guns. This is a tangent sight with its stem made to slide laterally on a hollow block, which turns round an axis parallel to the axis of the piece. The block rests in the curved top of a standard, which is set in a socket fastened to the rear of the piece. A level on the block serves to set the stem in a vertical plane passing through the top of the front sight, this point being so placed that the line joining it with the axis of rotation of the block is parallel to the axis of the piece. This makes it practicable to sight correctly whether the wheels are on the same level or not, and in this particular it serves the same purpose as the old pendulum hatissc, kept vertical by gravity. It is more stable in position than the latter, however, and it admits adjust- ment for wind and drift by the lateral movement. The sight-slide is moved up and down by a screw running the length of rlie si cm. From West Point. 5. Kelton's rear sight for rifles. This has a rear skeleton leaf, the inclination of which is regulated by a shaft turned by a milled head at the right. A slide on the leaf carries a wind gauge. The object of the arrangement is to give the means of getting the sight quickly for any elevation. 6. Sight of Lebel rifle. This sight has an inclined hinged leaf, with slide, and it seems to be sim- ilar to the old pattern sight of the U. S. service. The base is provided with live steps, against which leans the leaf, supported by the slide, for distances of from 400 to 800 metres. The leaf carries graduations of from 900 to 1,900 metres, and has on its top the notch for 2,000 metres, the highest contem- plated range. When the leaf is lowered, a short sight projecting from its face near the hinge is available for ranges up to 350 metres. War Departjuent Exhibit. 73 7 Sight for Mauser rifle. The rear sight consists of two siglit leaves hinged to the sight mass by a movable pin. The small leaf is just in rear of the long one. The latter is kept steady when vertical by a flat spring below. It is a skeleton leaf hav- ing side bars which are graduated up to 1,600 meters. A plate enveloping the long leaf slides up and down, its lower edge being brought to the required graduation on the leaf, and held there by a spring. The plate has a notch at the top for long-range sighting, and two sighting holes lower down. Be- sides the two leaves, there is a short standing sight, which is used for distances less than 270 metres when the two leaves are turned down. The small leaf serves for 350 metres ; the long one for distances from 400 up to 1,600 metres. The sights are kept dark dull to avoid any errors in the aim by deceptive light. There is no adjustment for wind and drift. 8 Buffington sight for service vSpringfield rifle and carbine This sight is shown in figure 30. It resembles the Mauser, in having a long hinged s^elecon leaf, held in an upright position by a spring below, and in having a slide plate ]ierforatcy Bauernfeind. Figure 3(! shows the Weldon Fig. 36. Fig. 37. mountmg, a brass frame covering the back and the upper and lower surfaces. A handle is placed below. Figure .37 shows the form of mounting devised in the U. S. Army. The top of the glass is left uncovered, so that the object seen over the instrument may come in close contact vertically with the image seen in the prism. Wings are placed on the frame to cut of!' unnecessary and confusing reflections from the outer surfaces, and to indicate the direction in wliich the observer should look into the prism. Weldon also used two plane mirrors, fixed at an inclinatinn wliich woidd give the same deflection. Following a suggestion made inofhcial imblications of the I'.S. Ordnance Fig. .S>*. Department, Weldon combined three prisms, one giving an anj^lc of f)lier is 20. Weldon seems to use .50 and ;-t0 as multipliers. ^VzT Z^'.^i.crt?nirft£ JExMiff^^ ^ .1 LXsTKOOyES- ■-.-?■ M! ami! X W? nzizr , , y. m^ F^s-ffl- War Department Exhibit. 8i that the angle may be varied by turning the ring A A on the end of the tube. The object is first observed with tlie mirrors at an angle of 45 degrees, and the observer then moves 30 metres back along tlje line of sight, and ro- tates the ring until the mark is reflected from the same point again. A grad- uated scale on the ring gives the desired distance at once. A cord 30 metres long is used to fix the base. A second instrument is shown, which has a tele- scope attached. Botli Lat)1)ez iiistniinents wt-n: furnisljed by Queen (V: Co.. Philadeljjhia. 5- The Gordon range finder. This consists of a horizontal plate, holding two vertical mirrors, and pro- vided with a short tube, which can be adjusted to the end of a field glass. The reflectors cover one-half the objective, and one eye only is used in sight- ing. One of the mirrors can be moved about a vertical axis Ijy means of a nut under the plate. This turns a cam operating on a lever, and a graduated disk attached to the nut gives the reading. The rotation of the plate being much greater than that of the mirror, the reading can easily be taken. Fig- ure 42 gives a perspective view and figure 43 shows the arrangement of the cam disk and levers from below. The second mirror is adjustable by rueans of the screw and lever shown in the latter figure. This instrument is the in- vention of Lieutenant W. B. Gordon, Ordnance Department. From Fort Monroe. 6. New reflecting instrument. A reflecting instrument with two plane mirrors is also shown, in which the angular movement of the mirrors Is twice the angle °^^««"'^^ "^^.^-^.^^ one-ha^ that angle, as in the ordinary sextant and other reflecting in- Etruments. 82 JV<7f Department Exhibit. SHOOTING GALLERY. This is in a slicd outside the building, near the ottice of the Navy Depart- ment. Tn it is shown a collection of ballistic apparatus for determining the pressure of powder in the bore of cannon, and the velocity and motion of projectiles. Also, the methods used in the army for reloading small arm cartridge shells, with the different targets in service. The early methods of obtaining the velocity of projectiles and determining pressures, were very la- borious and far from accurate. Velocity was determined by firing a shot against a pendulum suspended in front of the gun, noting the swing of the pendulum and then calculating what velocity the shot must have liad to pro- duce this swing. For obtaining pressures the same instrument was used with such an arrangement as the Bomford and Warde gun in the exhibit, con- structed as descril)ed below ; or the gun itself was suspended from a frame forming a pendulum. Its swing on firing the gun was noted, and then the pressure that must have been exerted to produce this swing was calculated. So many allowances had to be made for uncertain influences that poor re- sults followed. PRESSURE OF POWDER IX GFXS. 1. Bomford and Wade's experimental gun, 3 in. cast iron, illustrat- ing early methods of obtaining powder pressures. Used by these officers of ordnance in 1841 to determine the proper exte- rior form of cannon. It has screw holes through the sides at regular inter- vals between the chamber and the muzzle, with steel screw plugs to fill them. One of these plugs is perforated, and it can be set in any hole, tlie other holes being filled with solid plugs. Steel balls of standard weight were shot from this perforated plug at successive points along the line of the bore, being pro- jected by the force produced in the gun by firing it loaded in the usual man- ner. The balls were fired into a small ballistic pendulum. The tliickness of new cannon was proportioned to the observed velocity at any point. These experiments served to determine the form of the Columbiads, model 1842, which, with slight changes of form and the introduction of the Rodman method of casting, afterward became our standard patterns of heavy, smooth- bore ordnance. These exi)criments were repeated ui Europe by Cavalli in 1843. From West Point. 2. Rodman " cutting '' pressure gauge; American. This was the first device for measuring direct pressure. It consists of a hollow, cylindrical block, having a round pin or piston extending nearly War Department Exhibit. 83 tlirough a hole in one head, in which it fits closely, and carrying on the inner end a curved or wedge-shaped knife, which rests against a disk of copper within; the other head being closed by a screw-cap supporting the copi)er, and liaving a copper ring in the joint to keep gas from entering the cavity. A cup of copper fits in the hole on the outer end of the piston to act as gas check there. This instrument is placed in tlic bottom of the bore in rear of the cartridge, and in firing the gun the gas pressure forces in the piston and presses the knife into the copper. The knife is so shaped as to make the cut larger the deeper in it goes, so that measuring the length of cut gives the rela- tive pressures in difi'ereiit cases, by comparison with lengths of cut maile by static pressure. From New York Arsenal. 3. Noble's "crusher" pressure gauge. This instrument is of the same general construction as the Rodman, so far as piston and screw-cap are concerned, but a fiat head is substituted for a knife on the inner end of the piston, and small cylinders of copper for the disk. These cylinders are compressed ditforent amounts for different pres- svires, giving a means of comparison. A series of coppers for pressures from 15,000 to 50,000 pounds per square incli is shown. From New York .\r.senal. MEASUREMENT OF VELOCITY. Instead of the ballistic pendulum referred to above, electricity is now used, and the methods are illustrated practically in the shooting gallery. 4. Targets for velocity instruments. The target connections are the sauie for the two instruments used in the gallery. The bullet on leaving the gun cuts a small copper wire stretched across the muzzle, this wire being in an electric circuit connecting with the instrument. This is called the 1st target. At a distance of 21 feet in front of Fig. tl. the muzzle is placed an iron plate, here referred to as the iM target, and on the back of this plate, insulated from it, is a brass disk, fastened to which. 84 War Department Exhibit. but insulated from it at the fixed end, is a spring which presses at tlie free end against the disk. Dislc and spring are attached to the opposite poles of another battery, so that electric connection is made at the point of contact of the spring, for a second circuit passing also to the instrument. When the bullet strikes the plate the spring is jarred away from the disk, breaking the circuit. The arrangement of the 1st target is illustrated in figure 44. In carrying out this design, similar to but more compact than one put in use at Frankford Arsenal, much assistance was derived from Mr. Luke Lilley, elec- trician of the E.xposition. A block of vulcanite was perforated to fit over the end of the barrel, as shown in the figune, and at each side, projecting for- ward, is a brass spring, these springs being connected with opposite poles of the 1st circuit. A thin piece of vulcanite in shape of a horse-shoe, as indi- cated in front of the springs, has a fine copper wire passing from arm to arm, and wound round each arm in sockets which fit the springs, so that when this movable piece is pushed up close to the block, and held by the springs, the wire lies across the muzzle, and coming in contact with the springs completes the electrical circuit. Several of these connecting pieces are prepared be- forehand, and when the wire of one is broken, another piece is quickly sub- stituted. The spring at the 2d target re-makes the circuit automatically after breaking. The .22 calibre Colt Magazine gun, described above, is used for these ex- periments, as only small charges and bullets would be safe. The space passed over by the bullet is enclosed with a wire netting, which leaves a pas- sage down to the second target for inspection of the electric connection on the back. A fixed rest supports the gun. This is such as is used for testing at Frankford Arsenal, to secure steadiness of the piece. It consists of a heavy frame which can be turned about })oth vertical and horizontal axes at the front, and it has running lengthwise a slide, to which the gun is attached in such a manner that in recoil the plate moves back parallel to the axis of the piece, and does not disturb the aim. This rest is also used in testing the ac- curacy of the arm, and reduced targets are given, showing, from views ob- served in a camera obscura, the grouping of shots at 500 yards when the aim is kept on one point. In a group of ten shots the average distance of the shots from the center of tlie group is less than S inches for the Springfield rifle. The Benton double pendulum chroiiograiih, and the Le Boulcnge drop chronograph are used in the gallery for measuring the time of flight be- tween the two targets, which can be connected at will with either instrument. 5. Benton's Double Pendulum Chronograph. This was invented by the late Colonel J. G. Benton, Ordnance Dept., U. S. A. Two pendulums turning on bearings in line with each other are hung in front of the vertical face of a frame having a scale below curved to corres- pond to the motion of the lower ends of the pendulum. An electro-magnet on one side of the axis is connected with one of the target circuits, and a cor- responding electro-magnet on the opposite side is connected with the other circuit. These are placed so that when active each will hold one of the pendu- War Depart meni Exhibit. 85 lums horizontiil. The instrument is adjusted so tliat if both currents are broken at the same instant, the penduhiins will cross eacli other at the zero of the scale, when the instrument is leveled so that it is at the bottom jioint. Cross levels allow adjustment by means of screw feet running through three legs and resting on a solid foundation. The currents can be broken simul- taneously by a special disjunctor placed near the instrument. Wlicn the cir- cuits are broken by the passage of the shot, the pendulnms fall successively, and the number of degrees on the scale included between their point of pass- age and the lowest point, gives, by reference to previously calculated tai)lcs, the time intervening between the rupture of the first and second targets. To obtain the velocity, divide the space in feet between the targets by the fraction of a second it took the bullet to pass over the distance. The inner pendulum carries a bent lever, a point on the rear lever arm being stained with printer's ink, the arm on the other end projecting to the front so as to l)e struck by a pin projecting from the rear of the front pendu- lum. When the pendulums })ass, the lever is moved, and the inked point is thrown against the silvered scale, indicating the place of meeting. The instrument also has attachments, which allow the pendulums to be held up by Unit thrench, one extending to and across the muzzle, and the other to a swingmg plate, where it is clamped. The first thread is broken by the bullet and the second loosened by nu)vement of the plate when struck, so allowing the pendulums to drop. The arrangement for holding up a peiulu- lum is a lever turning a horizontal axis, a shallow notch at the bottom catching the end of the jjendulum when the thread fastened to the top arm is stretched. Fr.iTu Frankford Arsenal. 6. The Le Boulenge drop chronograph. This was invented by Major Le Boulenge, of the Belgian service. It was first introduced to the public here through descriptions translated by Capt. O. E. Michaelis, Ordnance Dept., U. S. A. Instead of two pendulums sup- ported by electro-magnets, two rods are used, which can drop freely when re- leased by demagnetization of the electro-magnets on breaking the currents. One rod is ({uite long and the other short. The magnet holding the long rod is connected with the first target, and the other with the second. The short rod in falling strikes one end of a rocking piece which on the other end has a hook holding back a spring, this spring moving horizontally when released by the jar, and a knife on its free end striking against the long rod as the latter is falling. The long rod is sheathed with a movaljle zinc tube, which receives the blow and becomes indented. A scale is used to measure the height of this indent above the indent which would be made by the knife if it struck while the long rod was still suspended, and this shows the distance the long rod falls before the knife strikes it. The time corresponding to this dis- tance of fall from rest can be readily calculated. If both currents are broken simultaneouslj', by means of a disjunctor like that used with the Benton ma- chine, this gives the time it takes the instrument to work, and adjustment is usually made to have this 15-lOOths of a second for convenieiu'e of reference. If the rods fall through rupture of the currents by the bullet, the time ob- tained is that occupied in the working of the instrument ami in tiie flight of the bullet. The difl'erence between the two times so olitained is the time of 86 War Departfnent Exhibit. fliglit. Tables are constructed for a disjunction mark of .15 second, corre- sponding to different distances between targets. There is anotlier pL-nduliun chronograpli in the exhibit, one of the earliest forms, the one pendulum Vignotti, not oonneoted with the target. The otliers, partifularly (he drop clironograph, liaving superseded it. 7. Vignotti one pendulum chronograph. This is a device invented about 1857. by Captain Vignotti, of the French army. The one pemhilum is suspended by an electro magnet, as in the two pendulum machine. The pendulum, hung in front of a vertical frame of vul- canite, has at its lower end a pointer projecting backwards, and in the frame, opposite the j)ath described by tliis pointer in the oscillation of the pendidum, is a curved slot covered by a movable metal plate, upon the face of which is stretched a ciu'ved strip of paper imj^regnated with potassium ferro-cyanide. The pendulum is connected with one end of tiie secondary wire of a Ruhm- korffcoil, and tlie plate, insulated from the pendulum, is connected with the other end, so tliat when tlie primary circuit, wliich passes to the targets, is broken, a spark passes between the pointer and the plate, piercing the "paper and discoloring it ])y action on the salt. By a curved scale, below the slot, the number of degrees distance of this mark above the zero can be read off. As originally designed, the pendulum was released by rupture of the first target, and the spark was used only for the second target, and for others in case more tlian two targets were used; but the late Col. Laidley, of the Ord- nance Department, arranged it so that tlie pendulum would drop an instant before, and connected tlie Riihmkorff coil with the first target as well, bring- ing the interval indicating the desired time lower down on the scale, where the motion of the pendulum would be more rapid. This instrument is an improvement on the Xavez machine, the earliest form that attracted general attention, in wliich a light arm on the pendulum was stopi)ed by an electro-magnet rendered active by rupture of second target ; the magnet being attached to the standard near the center of motion. The credit of first using the spark for an electro-chronograph is due to an American, Professor Henry, whose invention has not been recognized by foreign authors. He used a revolving cylinder having a motion of transla- tion, and a Ruhmkorff coil to make sparks on rupture of the targets ; in an earlier form, described in 1843, using galvanometer needles to make a mark on the cylinder. There are many other forms t)f chronograph not sb()wn, but the most practical forms for ordinary use, and especially for tit'ld tests, are those in operation here. In Europe, and especially in France, there are many new instruments of great interest, not yet imported, for obtaining velocities and pressures. One instrument, first described here in General Benet's " Electro Ballastic Ma- chines," to be found in the library of the exhibit, was brought from France — the Schutz chronoscope using the induction si>ark with a revolving cylinder IVar Department Exhibit. 87 to indicate tlie instant of rupture and measuring the time interval between the marks of the spark by sinuous trace made by a vibrating- tuning' fork on the revolving cylinder. Ft is too bulkv for exhibition here. 8. Re-loading tools. The re-loading of cartridge shells is practiced extensively by tlie U.S. troops at the different posts, and tools made at Krankft)rd Arsenal for the purpose are supplied. A set of hand re-loading tools, such as are issued to each company, is shown ; also a set of bench re-loading tools, as issued one to each post. The bench tools are shown in operation in the gallery, and tlie processes of de-capping, re-sizing, and re-capping the shell, charging with powder and lubricated bullet, and crimping in the latter, can be seen. An imitation of powder, made l)y mixing line hominy with bmii.-l.laek. is used in place of powder to avoid danger of explosion. 9. Motion of bullets. This is illustrated by a special device, which shows to the eye, without the need of diagrams, the following phenomena: Accuracy preserved with sight vertical, even if the liarrel is turned about its axis, as with a field gun on uneven ground. The deflection caused b;/ incliniiuj the sight to one side. The effect of varying charge. The influence of weight o\\ balls of the same size projected with equal ve- locity ; the heavier ball being less retarded by the air. The influence of size on Ijalls of equal weight: the small hall being less retarded. Tlie influence of form on projectiles of equal weight and volume; an elongated projectile, moving point on, suffering less resistance from the air, and carrying further than a round ball of the same weight and volume, or the elongated projectile moving sidewise. The influence of wings, front or rear, on equally balanced projectiles; the wings tending to keep the winged end to the rear. The influence of the balance of a long projectile, or the position of its cen- ter of gravity ; the projectile keeping point on if the front end is much heavier than the rear, but " tumbling" if the rear end is the heavier. The amount of '^drop" in a shot from the line of fire (the prolcmgation of the axis of the barrel) : when the axis is horizontal, a ball droj^ped from the muzzle of the barrel as the projected ball leaves it, reaching the level ground at the same instant as the other; and whatever the inclination of the line of fire, a ball dropped from any point on it meeting tlie other hall in its flight, — consequently reaching the ground at the same time, if the jtoint of suspension is over the point of ground .struck by the proj( etilc. The case of horizontal fire is a particular case of the other. The influence of Rotation, on an elongated projectile; the projectile keep- ing its point on when rotating around the longer axis even when the front end is lighter than the rear. The gyroscopic effect from the resistance of the air in turning the axis of a rotating projectile not perfectly balanced lengthwise; shown by a tiyinggyro- scope representing the projectile. War Department Exhibit. The injiiiencc of the air on rotating round halls; when the rotation is about a vertical axis, as in the " curved ball " of base ball pitchers, the ball moving to the right or left; when the rotation is about the line of tire giving a similar eifect ; and when it is about a horizontal axis perpendicular to the line of fire, giving an upward or downward tendency to the ball. The lateral presxKre of the air on rotating elongated projectiles, independent of the gyroscopic action ; a verj' great drop from the line of fire, as in high angle firing, tending to make this influence more important, so that it niay cause a deviation to the opposite side from that due totlie change of direction of the axis from the gyroscopic effect, this change of direction causing the projectile to slide of^, as it were, from the vertical plane of fire. 10. Targets used in U. S. service. Target A, elliptical, used at 100 and 200 yds., regular practice. Target B, elliptical, used at 400 to (500 yds.', regular practice. Target C, elliptical, used at 800 to 1000 yds., regiilar practice. Target D, front silhouette of man standing ready to fire; cloth and paper fastened to a steel frame, skir^nish practice. Target E, front silhouette of man kneeling ready to fire; cloth and paper fastened to a steel frame, skirmish practice. Target F, front silhouette of man lying down, sk!rinish practice. 11. Effect of bullets fired against glass. A large pane of glass perforated by bullets from Winchester rifles in the Cincinnati riots of 1884. From the windows of the Danbury Hat Store, Main street. RELICS AND MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. ANTIQUE AND CURIOUS WEAPONS. Straight sword from India. History unknown. Persian sword and scabbard, inlaid with silver. Blade covered with proverbs in Arabic, taken from the Koran. iScimiter, with scabbard. India. History unknown. Short sword, with scabbard, from India. Short sword, with scabbard, from India. Inlaid with silver. Japanese fan dagger. Lady's "Punch" (dagger), with scabbard. East Indian. Two Persian daggers, with scabbard. Inlaid with silver. Blade cov- ered with inscriptions in Arabic, probal)ly taken from the Koran. African assegai. East Indian chief's sword. Captured at siege of Delhi. Sword of pattern carried in 1610. History unknown. War Department Exhibit. gp Antique sword, corresponding with latter half ..f Kith Centiirv Japanese executioner's sword. Sword formerly worn bj' Japanese otiicial Japanese lances. A very full and interestiug c.llectio., „f diflercnt makes. Spanish pike. Presented by Col. Juan J. Marin. Roval Spanish Knuiuoer. Three European Lances. Modern. Halberd, a combination of jnlce and battle axe. rse.l princinallv in 1.5th and 16th Century. ' '' Anti(]uc fauchard. Bill. Used by foot soldiers of the time of Poitiers, 1.^5(!. French helmet. From battle-field of Sedan. Shows mark of sal.re .stroke French cuirass. From battle-field of Sedan. Pierced by a bullet from a Prussian needle gun. The above collection is from tlie National .\rinorv. MEMENTOES OF THE REVOLUTION AND WAR OF 1812. Badge of the Society of the Cincinnati, worn by Cien'l Wm. Burnet, Phy- sician and Surgeon Gen'l in the Army of the United States, with certificate of membership signed by George Washington. Loaned by Mr. Wm. Burnet, Cincinnati, Ohio. Certificate of membershi]) of Col. Oliver Spencer, Society of the Cincin- nati, signed by George Washington. Loaned by Mr. Wm. Williamson, New- port, Ky. British officer's gorget, picked up after the battle of Saratoga. Old sword, supposed to have been presentbd by Frederick IL, Landgrave of Hesse, to the commanding officer of his troops, sent against the new Re- public of the United States. Three shot dug up at Fort Montgomery, West Point, N. Y. Two bullets, American and British, found on the battle-ground at Lundy's Lane, Canada, after the battle fought between the American and British troops on the 25th day of July, 1814. Presented to Military Academy by Lucius D. Hill, late Col. N. Y. Tnft., Oct., 1884. MEMENTOES OF THE MEXICAN WAR. Mexican flag-staffs. Copy of a letter from General Scott accompanying the flag-staffs and de- scribing them : West Point, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1848. Sir— I ofier through you to the United States Military Academy sections of seven flag-statfs, taken by the gallant army of the United States in the campaign that commenced at Vera Cruz and terminated in the Capital of Mexico. Four other staffs captured with the strong works, viz., the intrenched X 90 War Department Exhibit. camp of Contreras, the Convent of Churubnsco, the bridge head of Churu- bnsco, and tlie Citadel of Mexico, were divided into small individual trophies by our officers and men, before my wishes on the subject had become gener- ally known. Of course all cai)tured flags, colors, etc., were, as national tro- phies, sent to Washington. Tlie following inscriptions have been placed on the respective objects : 1st. Part of the flag-staff of the Castle of Han Juan de Ulua, Vera Cruz, taken by the American army, March 29th, 1847. 2d. Part of the flag-staff of Fort San lago, Vera Cruz, taken by the American army, ^larch 29th, 1847. 3d. Part of the flag-staff of Fort Coiiception, Vera Cruz, taken bj- the American army, March 29tli, 1847. 4th. Part of the flag-staff of Cerro Gordo, taken hy the American army, April 18th, 1847. 5th. Part of the flag-staff of the Castle of Perote, taken liy the American army, April 23, 1847. 6th. Part of the flag-staff of the Castle of Chapultepec, taken ])y the American army, September 13, 1847. 7th. Part of the flag-staff of the National Palace of Mexico, taken by the American array, September 14, 1847. At the foot of each inscription this line is added : " The plates and caps (all brass) made of the mountings of captured muskets." It may be worth stating that the caps and plates were made in the Citadel of Mexico by the mechanics of our own army. As under Providence it was mainly to the Military Academy that the United States became indebted for these brilliant achievements and other memorable victories in the same war, I have a livelj' pleasure in tendering the seven trophies (serai-national) to the mother of so manj' accomplished soldiers and patriots. If acceptable, please give them such place of deposit in the Academy as you maj' deem appropriate. With high respect and esteem, I remain, yours faithfully, (Signed) Winfield Scott. Captain Henry Breweetox, Superintendent U. S. INIilitary Academy. The above articles, with numerous others from West Point, were furnished through the courtesy of Bvt. Major Gen. .1. G. Parke, Supt. of the ^lilitary Academy. Flag carried by Duncan\<< Battcnj through the Mexican War. Wheel from Duncan's Battery. The names of the following battles the battery was in are printed on the wheel: Battle of Churubusco, Aug. 20, 1847; battle of Vera Cruz, March, 1847; battle of Monterey, Sept. 21, 22, 23, 1846; battle of Resaca de la Palraa, May 9, 1846; battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846; battle of City of Mexico, Sept. 12, 13, 14, 1847; battle of Chapultepec, Sept. 12, 1847; battle of Molino Del Rey, Sept. 8, 1847. This wheel shows two of the spokes spread apart by the blow of a cannon ball. The battery flag is wrapped around the wheel. Two Mexican cannon balls of copper. JVar Department Exhibit. 91 MEMENTOES OF THE REBELLION. Seven John Brown I'ikc.^. " By far the larger proportion of John Brown's Pikes were sliipped oft" to the South by Floyd during Buchanan's administration, and during the latter days of the war, when the Confederates were out of arms, money, and eredit, these pikes and a quantity of scythes were used to arm a Texas regiment, from which they were captured and stored at :Mt. Vernon, Ala., Arsenal, which was burned above them. The Government then sent them to the Arsenal, Rock Island, 111., to be rolled into new iron, but as the rolling mill was not in operation, they were sold." — Newspaper extract. From National .Vrmory. Flag-staff i>f Fort Sumter. A piece fifteen feet long of the staO' that stood on Fort Sumter whei» sur" rendered. First shot fired at Fort Sumter. From West Point. First shot fired from Fort Sumter; April 13, 1861. Found in the quarters of Gen. Beauregard. From West Point. Model of SuHorip Aiujel Battcri/. The labor of constructing this battery was mostly performed at night, by Col. E. W. Serrell's regiment of N. Y. Volunteer Engineers. The 200-i>ounder Parrott, mounted in it, was transported by water to the creek landing, just in front of the battery. The battery was 7,000 yards distant from the nearest point of the city of Charleston. The gun was tired with a charge of 16 pounds of powder, at an elevation of 37 degrees, and some of the shells were charged with tubes of Greek tire. Froiu Governor's Island Museum, by permission of the owiu'r, (fen. W. W. H. Davis, of Philadelphia. Sketch of Swamp Angel Batter II. Showing mortars which replaced the 200-pounder Parrott rifle. The sketch was made and loaned by <'ol. .T. W. Abert, late of corps of engineers, U. S. Army, now living at Newport, Ky. Joined bullets. T\vo bullets, one Federal and one Confederate, which met in the air at the battle of Petersburg, and were found on the field joined togetluT. Pre- sented to Ordnance Office by Brevet Lieut. Col. E. Rice. Bullet. Entered the body of John M. Roberts, Co. F, SM Indiana Vol., at Vicksburg, Miss., May 19, 1863. Loaned by Mr. Rol)erts. Field office wagon, used by the late Maj. Gen'i George H. Tiiomas during the Atlanta campaign. Rifle musket from battle-field of the Civil War; barrel perforated by ludlet. Rifle musket from battle-field; bullet imbedded in barrel near front sight. /,'//(' musket from battle-field. Barrel burst by meeting of two bullets. Oak tree cut down by bullets at Spottsi/lvania. Section of an oak tree which stood inside the Confederate intrenchments at the battle of Spottsylvania Court House, May 12. 1864. It was cut down by musket balls during the attempt to recapture the works previously car- 92 War Department Exhibit. ried by the 2d Corps, Army of the Potomac, May 12, 18(U. Presented to the Ordnance Museum by Brevet Maj. Gen'l N. A. Miles, and transferred to Na- tional Museum in 1888. Returned from Sniitlisonian Institution for exhibit in the War Department section through the courtesy of Profess(jr Q. Brown Goode. Model of Fort Wagner, Morris Island, South Carolina. Scale 1" to 25', 1-300. Made by Col. J. W. Abert. Loaned by W. B. Carpenter, Esq., Presi- dent of Cincinnati Mercantile Library. .1 portion of Fort Wagner flag-mtaff. Rail twistedhii the ssoldiers of Gen'l Sherman's army in the campaign of 1864. Western and Atlantic R. R. Presented by Lt. Col. W. R. King, Corps of En- gineers, U. S. Army. To disable railroads the rails were placed over bonfires until red hot in the middle, and then the soldiers seized them by the ends and ran against a tree or telegraph pole to bend tlie rail. Model of a block-house. Devised by Lt. Col. Wm. E. Merrill, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., and used in the Department of the Cumberland for the defense of railroad bridges. Block-houses of this form were designed to be defended by musketry, and to withstand the effects of field artillery. They are square in form. They have two stories, tiie lower being formed of a double thickness of heavy logs, and loop-holed. The upper story is smaller, of lighter construction, and is intended to afford a look-out and more comfortable quar- ters when the garrison is not engaged, but to be aliandoned in action, the occu- pants retreating to the lower story. The block-house is surrounded by a ditch, from the bottom of which an embankment is run to the under side of the loop-holes. Colonel Merrill designed several other block-houses, for vari- ous purposes, descriptions and drawings of which may be found in the ap- pendix to Van Horn's History of the Army of the Cumberland. Confederate torpedo — tin. Intended to sink the U. S. gunboats on the blockade at the mouth of St. John's rivfer, Florida. Charge, 75 pounds pow- der. Presented to Military Academy by Lieut. Col. W. Burns. Confederate torpedo— tin. Fretwell's Percussion. Presented to Military Academy by Guy V. Henry, 1st Lieut. 1st Artillery, and Col. 40th [Mass. Volunteers— commanding U. S. forces at W^est Point, Va.,— since Major 9th Cavalry. Confederate torpedo — copper. A line of these torpedoes was stretched across the Louisville road, in front of the rebel works at Savannah, Ga. Presf^nted to Military Academy by A. Baird. Confederate keg torpedo. From light-house inlet, Charleston, S. C. Pre- sented to Military Academy by Lieut. Com. Geo. Bacon, V. S. N. Death of Lt. Cushing at battle of Gettysburg. Picture in frame, loaned by Mr. Alfred Holmes, in charge of Philii)poteaux's Cyclorama of the Battle of Gettysburg. Fonr teen swords, Confederate. Fnim National Arnmry Museum. Jefferson l)ari.'<' rifle. Taken at timcof his cai)ture. SHOT .\XD SHEI.L. These are from the collection made by Bvt. Brig. Gen'l H. L. Al)bot, after the war, and presented to the Military Academy. War Department Exhibit. 93 Shot with wire tlirouj^h renter, Confederate; winged shot, Confederate, from battle-field in Pennsylvania; two wrought iron shot. Confederate, Fort Fisher; Confederate shot, pierced with small holes; two ritle shot for breech loader, Confederate ; two case sliot, Confederate ; two shell (tired), Confederate ; shot with copper band. Confederate ; shot with copper cup and wooden sabot. Confederate; composition shot, hard rubber. Confederate; baj; of grape, cut links, Confederate; turbine shot, hole throufi:h center; Abljot's sliot; Cochran's diagonal shot, with two lead bands; Lawson's shot; two Ritner and Day's lead shot ; diagonal shot; 32-pounder shot (lired), lead base ; chain shot and case ; chain sliot, with two balls attached ; chain shot in four parts ; Huginin ; Sawyer ; 8-inch Armstrong.blind : Mclntyre's repeating ; Dini- mick; Stafford; 7-incli Sclicnkl; 10-inch mortar with handles; Sawyer ex- perimental and other shell ; 21 pdr. canister; 12 pdr. stand of grape; 12 pdr. stand of grape, quilted ; 21 pdr. stand of grape ; Wliitwortb sliort sliell ; .s-in(;h carcass ribbed ; light ball. Capt. McCarthy, (Commanding Battery B, 1st Regiment of Artillery 0. N. G., at Cincinnati, also loaned a nund>er of shot and shell, relics of the Rebellion. RELICS OF GREELY EXPEDITION. The Grcely Arctic fla'j; Lady Franklin P.iiy l^.xpedition, l,S.Sl-84. I^oaned by Mrs. A. W. Greely. This flag was made by Mrs. A. \V. Greely, and was intrusted to Octave Pary, M. D., and was carried by him to Greenland in a private Arctic Expedi- tion of 1880. Dr. Pary delivered it to Lieut. A. \\. Greely. 5th Cavalry at Rittenbenk. Greenland, in July, 1881. The flag was carried in May, 1882, by Lieut. Lockwood, 23d Infantry, to latitude 83 degrees, 25 minutes, longi- tude 40 degrees, 46 minutes; and was there unfurled by him at the nearest point to the North Pole ever attained by man. In the summer of 1882, the flag was carried by Lieut. Greely in to the interior of Grinnell Land, and was unfurled by him July 4th, froni the highest point in Grinnell Land, the sum- mit of Mt. Chester A. Arthur, 4,500 feet above the sea. In 1883. it was carried to the shores of the polar ocean north of Green- lan.l l)y Lieut. Lockwood ; taken again by Lieut. Lockwood southwest across Grinnell Land to the western polar ocean, where it was dis|)layed on the shore of Greely Fiord, May Kith. The flag was also displayed on the launch Lady Greely on a trij) made dur- ing the summer of 1882, into Weyprecht Fiord, to the head of Laily Franklin Sound, and down Kennedy Channel to Cape Craigcroft; and during the re- treat from Fort Conger to Cai)e Sabin in autumn of 18S4. The flag has been four years in the Arctic Cuxle, and has been unfurle.l nearer the North Pole than any other flag in the world. Loaned by permission of :Mrs. Greely, from the Museum at Covernor s Island. , r .1 IT vj w- Sraall block of wood from the sheeting next to the keel of the V. ^. S. Bear, of the Greely Relief Expe.lition of 1884. , , ,. Small block of wood from the keel of the F. S. S. 15ear. of the Greely Re- lief Expedition of 1884. 94 Wat Departinent Exhibit. Piece of ivood taken from the shoe over the propeller of the flagship Thetis, of the Greely Relief Expedition of 1884. Small block of wood from the keel of the U. S. S. Bear, of the Greely Re- lief Expedition of 1884. Wdotlen cane, made from the keel of the U. S. S. Bear, of the Greely Relief Expedition of 1884. Bottle of mm. taken from cache in Littleton Island hy Greely Relief Ex- pedition, 1884. Deposited by Beebe in 1882. Presented hy Lieut. 8. C. Lemly, U. S. Navy, to Capt. Geo. E. Pond, A. Q. M! U. S. Army, and loaned hy ('apt. Pond to Museum, at Governor's Island. Piece of leather: the last rations of the Greely Arctic Exploring Expe- dition, taken from Camp Clay hy Lieut. J. C. Colwell, U. S. Navy. TJiey had lived on this and rock lichen for about three months. MISCELLANEOUS MODERN ARMS, FLAGS, TENTS, ETC. Fourteen sword and sabre blades, heavy and light, nearly all of "Toledo" manufacture. Fourteen swords and sabres, old model, with brass or bone hilt, hearly all for light artillery. Board of sworils; showing cadet sword, staff and foot officers' swords, cavalry officer's sabre and their scabbards, in various stages of manufacture. Board of twenty-four trowel bayonets ; comprising wooden models of com- bination and trowel bayonet blades, by Col. .7. G. Benton, Ordnance Dept. , and Felix (Jhillingworth; Rice's trowel bayonets, and various bowie knives, hunting knives and intrenching tools, intended to be attached as a bayonet to the rifie ; one intrenching tool formed on bayonet scabbard. Breech Loadimj Rifle (Springfield); calibre, .50; model, 1868. Turned in from the field; stock broken, barrel broken and twisted; breech and lock mechanism perfect. Illustrates the serviceableness of Springfield breech action. Cadet fencing musket and bayonet. Common bayonets and suvrd bayonets. A large number fixed on boards and used for decoration. Prepared by Lieut. C. H. Clark, Ordnance Dept., National Armor^'. Flags of different nations, used for decoration, and supplied by the Navj' Department. United States flags. A large number hung from the walls for decoration. Supplied by the Q. M. Dept. Models of tents; hospital, wall, common and shelter tents, and Sibley conical tents, one made with vertical walls at the bottom. Furnished by the Qr. M. Dept. Locking rack for carbines and pistols. Will hold 20 guns and 20 revolvers securelj^ locked in place; revolvers above carbines. Rock Island Arsenal. Locking rack for rifles. Holds 18 Springfield rifles, with bayonets attached. Loaned by Capt. J. L. Tiernon, 3d Art'y, Newport Barracks, Ky. Settees and chairs were placed in the exhibit, loaned by thf Bromwell Brush and Wire Co., Cincinnati. War Department Exhibit. 95 UNIFORMS AND ACCOUTREMENTS. These are exhibited on hiy figures of men dressed in uniform, armed and equipped. All init the first lii>ure came from the (Quartermaster's Depot, Jettersonville, Indiana. The figures are scattered about the exhilMt. 1. Minute Man of the Revolution. Dressed in brown coat with cape, scarlet waistcoat, l Q Vt'-oc IS' -1. N. ■.. ■; -r. ^ ^J,e ,„ T , [a: iC. V... >vH.t i\' NNii.~t» >«..\; Gaylamount Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros., Inc. Stockton, Calif. T.M. Reg. U.S. Pat. Ofl. ,-:;f <;.-*!%'; / U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES ft^\ CD57fi037D0 '<■■•' •^-1 ^ H M90899 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY fflt^U:^... i> ^U~A ^^^#