sm LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class ^H JiV* %■'•&& m kr&tf IV. CAREPV HAZLITT BIBLIOGRAPHICAL COLLECTIONS AND NOTES ON earip Cngltsl) literature MADE DURING THE YEARS j 893— 1903 OF 1 UNJVERSIT\ , OF J LONDON BERNARD OUARITCH, PICCADILLY 1903 GENLRAL PRINTED BY R. FOMCARD AND SON", 22, DEVONSHIRE STREET, QUEEN SQUARE, BLOuMsmuY, London, w.c. PREFACE After a considerable delay, and with no slight hesitation, I launch a further volume, on the serial principle, of my Bibliography, which now looks back so far as 1867, when the Handbook appeared. Much of that pioneer has since been superseded by later discoveries ; but much yet retains its original value and authority. The present may be safely taken absolutely to represent my last essay in this direction. I cannot afford to spend any more money in printing my labours, and as I live in England, and not in Germany or Russia, it is useless to expect help from the Government even for a purpose of so national a character and compass. Mine is not a bare list of titles, but an account accompanied by literary notices, and in important cases quotations of prices. But the revolution in the book market of late years, owing to American competition, renders such particulars, as a rule, of doubtful utility. At the same time, the difficulty of obtaining certain classes of early literature may be treated as an argument in favour of what Charles Lamb, in a letter to Charles Oilier, terms " Books about Books." I have the pleasure and the honour of acknowledging myself indebted for assistance in my researches in London, at Oxford and Cambridge, at Manchester, Salisbury, Exeter, Peterborough, York, Edinburgh, and else- where, to a considerable number of gentlemen, no less than to the leading members of the book trade and auctioneers. I hope that the subjoined list is not very incomplete or (as it were) ungrateful : — London. The Staff of the Printed Book De- partment, British Museum, par- ticularly Mr. Fortescue, Mr. Mil- ler, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Barwick, Mr. Proctor, Mr. Davenport, and Mr. Pollard. Dr. Williams's Library, Gordon Square. The Librarian at Sion College. Mr. R. E. Graves (for Britwell). His Grace the Duke of Devonshire. Mr. J. E. T. Loveday. Dr. Furnivall. The late Mr. Samuel Sandars. Mr. Bernard Quaritch. Mr. Wilfrid Voynich. Messrs. J. Pearson & Co. Messrs. Pickering & Chatto. Messrs. Maggs Bros. Messrs. Sotheran & Co. Messrs. Ellis & Elvey. Messrs. Bull & Auvache. Mr. A. R. Smith. Mr. Bertram Dobell. Messrs. Sotheby & Co. Messrs. Christie & Co. Messrs. Hodgson & Co. Messrs. Puttick & Simpson. (i08 UNlVERf, PREFACE. Oxford. Bodley's Librarian (Mr. Nicholson). Mr. F. Madan (Sub-Librarian). Mr. C. R. Beazley, F.R.G.S. (Merton College). Mr. W. H. Stevenson (Exeter Col- lege). Rev. C. H. Daniel (Worcester Col- lege). Mr. G. Holden (All Souls). Dr. Bellamy and the Rev. C. F. Burney (St. John's). Mr. C. H. Thompson (Queen's Col- lege). Cambridge. University Library (Mr. F. Jenkin- son). Corpus College (Mr. C. W. Moule). Cambridge (continued). Trinity College (the Vice-Master). St. John's College (Mr. Bass Mul- linger). Magdalen College (Professor New- ton). Manchester. John Rylands Library (Mr. H. Guppy). Peterborough Cathedral. The late Dean Ingram and Canon Alderson. York Minster. Canon Watson. Salisbury and Exeter Cathedrals. The Canons in residence. Ireland. Mr. E. R. McClintock Dix, of Dublin. Since 1893, when my last contribution to this subject was published, many important libraries and parcels of books, notably the Ashburnham, have come into the market, and I may affirm that all have paid me toll. A speciality of the heavy and varied instalment here offered is the appreciable number of hitherto undiscovered works for the first time cata- logued from fragments more or less sufficiently adequate to the formation of a knowledge of the entire volume or tract. strictly limited to One Hundred The impression has been most and Fifty Copies. Barnes Common, May, 1903. W. C. HAZLITT. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL COLLECTIONS AND NOTES A. B. C. " The alphabet in large characters on a square block in four lines ; there is a handle with a pierced loophole for suspension." — Society of Antiquariet of London. See Tuer's Born- Book, 1897, p. 284. The ex- ample there engraved appears to be a re-issue of later date, with the letters worn by use, of a block originally made for Wynkyn de Worde the typo- grapher, as it has at the foot his cypher. A. B. C. In Latin and according to Sarum use. 8°., LlanhydrocJc. Printed on velliitn, 4 leaves, taken from the covers of another book. The text contains the alphabet, vowels, and Lord's Prayer, Ave Maria, Creed, 83. Sm. 8°, B— G in twelves: H, 6, and the title. ADAMSON. JOHN. Stoikeiosis Eloqviorvm Dei, sive Methodus Beligionis christians cateohetica. In uaurn Anademiffi [aoobi Regis, A Soholarum Edin- burgensium Conscripts Ab Joanne Adam- sono, AoademisB Moderatore Priinario. Edin- bvrgi, Exoudebanl Eoeredes Andreas Eart, Cum gratia APrivilegio. 1627. Sm.8°. f, 4 11: A (it in eights. ADDISON, JOSEPH. A Poem to His Majesty, Presented to the Lord Keeper. U> .Mr. Addison, of Mag. Coll. Oxon. London, Printed for Jacob Tonson. . . . mdcxcv. Folio, A — C, :> 11. each, and D, 1 leaf. ADDISON, LANCELOT, D.D., Dean of Lichfield. West Barbary, Or, A short Narrative of the Revolutions of the Kingdoms of Fez and Morocco. With an account of the present Customs, Sacred, Civil, and Domestick. By Lancelot Addison, Chaplain to His Majesty in Ordinary. Printed at the Theater in Ox- ford, and are to be sold by John Wilmot. 1671. 8°. A, 4 leaves, A 1 with label: a, 8 leaves : B— P in eights. Dedicated to Joseph Williamson Esquire. A Modest Plea for the Clergy; Wherein is Briefly considered, the Original, Antiquity, Necessity. Together with the Spurious and Genuine Occasions of their present Con- tempt. Honor Sacerdotix, firmamentum potent iae. London, Printed for William Crooks. . . . 1677. 8°, A, 4 leaves: B— M 2 in eights. ADDRESSES. Chymical, Medicinal, and Chyrurgical Ad- dresses Made to Samuel Hartlib, Esquire. . . . London, Printed by G. Dawson for Giles Calvert. . . . 1655. Sm. 8°. Title and Table, 4 leaves: Appendix, 12 leaves: B — I in eights, and a leaf of K. ADELARD OF BATH. Incipit prologus Adelardi Bathoniensis in sues questiones naturales perdifficiles. [Col.] Expliciunt questiones naturales Adelardi Bathoniensis. Laus deo & virgini marie. Amen. 4°, a — f in eights, a i blank. ADVENTURES, ENGLISH. See Boyle, Roger, Earl of Orrery. ADVICE. Advice to a Painter, So. [About 1680.] Folio, 2 leaves. In verse. Apparently a satire cm Shaftesbury and his friends. The last page is occupied by an address to Charlps II. Advice to a Painter. Being A Satyr upon the French King. "] ("Irish Camp at Havre I J de Grace. Admiral Tourvill. f ] Murmuring Jaco- J L bit es, &c. . . . London, Printed for Bands] Taylor near Stationers Hall, 1692. 4°, A— E 2 in fours, A 1 with Advertisements. In verse. New Advice to a Painter, &c. Folio, 2 leaves. In verse. The Second Advice to the Painter. Folio, 2 leaves. In verse. Advice to Parents; Or, Pales for the Edu- cation of Children. [Quot. from Pent. (>, 7.] London, Printed for \V. Boulter, at AZLFRICUS ABBAS. AITZEMA. the Angel and Bible, in the Poultry, 1704. Sm. 8°, A in eights. ^ELFRICUS ABBAS. A Saxon Treatise Concerning the Old and New Testament. Written abovt the time of King Edgar (700 yeares agoe) by .Elfricvs Abbas, thought to be the same that was afterward Archbishop of Canterbvrie. . . . Now first Published in Print with English of our times by William L'Isle of Wil- bvrgham, Esquier for the Kings Bodie : . . . And Herevnto is added ovt of the Homilies of the fore-said .Elfricus, a second Edition of A Testimnnie of Antiquitie, S(c. . . . London, Printed by Iohn Haviland for Henry Seile, . . . 1623. 4°. Title and alphabet of Saxon characters, 2 11 : If, 4 11 : a, 4 11 : To the Reader, b— f in fours: A— V in fours, V 4 blank. Dedicated to Prince Charles in 39 6-line stanzas. ^ESOP. Fabularum .ra iga. A >r- dingtothe Dutch copie collected and pub- lishedal the Haghe L651. . . . London, Printed by William Du-gard,bythe Appoint- ment of "the Council Of State, Anno 1653. Polio. Title and preface, 2 leaves : (a)— (e 2) in fours. B— 4 U 2 in four*. See Evelyn's Diary, ed. 1*5*, i., 19, Note. ALANUS AB INSULIS. Parabolarum Alani cum commenio. [The rest of ili<- page is occupied by a woodcut of a scholar seated before a bench with books. Col. Liber parabolarum Alani cum glosa gnitfeliciter [mpressum London. Perhones- tissinnim virum Iulianura Notary In tempell barre / moram trahentis ad intersig- nium triura Regum Anno incarnationis Domini Millesimo quingeutesimo quinto die vero prima mensis Junius. 4°. A 6 : B 4 : C 6 : D 4 . Tr-nify Coll. Cambr. Parabole Alani cum comento. . [This title is on a scroll over a common cut.] At the end occurs : Explicit Alanus de parabolis. . . . Londiniinedibus "VVinandi de Worde Anno M.D.xxv. Calen. augustis. 4°. A 6 : B 8 : C 6 . ALBERTUS MAGNUS. The boke of secretes of Albertus Magnus, of the vertues of Herbes, stones and certaine beastes. Also, a boke of the same author, of the maruaylous thinges of the world: and of certaine effectes, caused of certaine beastes. mdlxv. [Col.] Imprynted at London, fey me Wyllyam Copland. Sni. 8°, A— L 3 in eights. The Boke of secretes of Albertus Magnus, of the vertues of herbes, stones, and certajme beastes. Also, a boke of the same aucthor, of the maruaylous thinges of the Worlde. . . . [Col.] Imprinted at London in Poules churcheyarde by Wyllyam Seres. 8°, A — K4 in eights. (Jn the title occurs: Roberti Nieolsoni Londi- nentit liber. The Seciets of Albertus Magnus. Of the vertuesof Herbes, Stones and certaine Beasts. Wherunto i- newly added, a shorl discourse of the seven Planets governing the Nativities of Children. Also a Booke of the same Author, of the merveilous things of the world, and of certaine things caused of cer- taine Beasts, London. Printed by T. Cotes, and are to bo sold by Andrew Kembe, at bis shop at St. Margarets llill in Southwarke. 1637. Sm. 8°, A— H in eights. Douce Coll. ALBIUS, RICARDUS. s.-'- Win ri ( Kiobabd). ALCAFARADO. FRANCISCO. An Historical Relation of the First Dis- covery of the We of Madera. Written Ori- gnallv in Portugueze by Dom. Francisco Alcafarado (Gentleman of the Bed-Chamber to the Infant Dom. Henry younger Son of John the first King of Portugal;) Who was one of the First Discoverers ; thence translated into French, and now made English. — Barbaras has Segetes Impo- suit Tartar. . . . London, Printed for William Cademan. . . . 1675. 4 s , A — E in fours. ALCHEMY. A True Light of Alchymy. . . . London, Printed fori. Dawks for the Author, 1709. 8°, A — L 4 in eights, the Second Part (Marrow of Alchymy), with a new title on E 2. In verse. ALCOCK, JOHN, Bishop of Ely. An exhortacyon made to Relygyouse systers in the tynie of theyr consecracyon by the Reuerende fader in god Johan Alcok bysshop of Ely. [Col.] Here endeth an exhorta- cyon made to Relygyous systers. . . . En- prynted at Westmvnster by Wynken de Worde. 4°, A 6 : B*. Sotheby's, May 26, 1S93 (Bateman).No. 331, A 1 and R 4 deficient, the latter probably blank, as the printer's mark is on B 3 verso. ALCORAN. The Alcoran of Mahomet, Translated out of Arabique into French ; By the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and Resident for the King of France, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. [By Alexander Rosse ?] London, Printed Anno Dom. 1649. 8°. A 8 : * 8 : B— Ee in eights, Ee 7-8 blank, no and pp. 201-4 in duplicate. ALDERMAN. The Rampant Alderman, Or News from the Exchange. A Farce. London : Printed, and are to be Sold by Randal Taylor, near Sta- tioners-Hall. 1685. 4°, B— E 3 in fours, E 4 probably blank. ALEHOUSES. A Proclamation, with Articles of Direction thereunto annexed, concerning Ale-houses. London, Printed by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, . . . Anno 1618. 4°, A— C in fours, A 1 and C 4 blank. ALEXANDER DE HALES. [Expositio super tercium librum de anima. At the end:] Explicit sentenciosa atqj studio digna expositio venerabilis Alexandri sup terciu libri de anima. Impressum p me Theoderiou wod de Colonia in alma vniiisitate Oxofi. Anno inoarnaodnis dfioe. M.cccc. Ixwi.xi. die mensis Ootobris. Folio. afi : b— y in eights, y 8 blank : z, 8 11 : A— H in eights. B.M., Brottenote and Uriel Coll. Oxford. Xr. ALES JUS. ALLESTREE. The B.M. copy has been Archbishop Cranmer's, afterward Lord Lumley's and James I.'b copy. It has been unskilfully rebacked and lined. ALESIUS (OR HALES), ALEX- ANDER. Ad JDvos Et Triginta Articvlos de Doctrina Religionis Christiana?, editos a Theologis Louaniensib ; Breuis & moderata responsio. . . . Lipsiae, In Officina Michaelis Blum. Anno d. m. xlv. 8°, A — F in eights, F 8 blank. De Pavlina Argvmentatione, Capite Secvndo ad Romanos, . . . Dispvtatio sexta, Al. Alesii Theologiae D. Ad diem xii.. April. Anno mjxxlix. 8°, A— B 4 in eights. Epitome Expositions Catechismi D. Philippi Melanth. . . . Prancoforti ad Viadrvm. . . . M j). li. 8°, A — I in eights, and a leaf of K. Epistolaead Titvm Expositio, . . . Prselecta Lipsiae, ab Alexandre Alesio. D. Lipsiae, . . . m.d.lii. 8°, A — I in eights, I 7 with Errata, and I 8 blank. Diligens refutatio errornm quos sparsit nuper Andreas Osiander in libro. . . . De Vnico Mediatore Christo. Edita Witebergce, ex offiiina Iohannis Lufftij Anno 1552. 8°, A — E in eights. Omnes ] lispvtationes D. Alexandri Alesii de tota Epistola ad Romanos. . . . Cvm Praefatione Philippi Melancthonis. [Witem- bergse.] m.d.liii. 8°, A — Dd 3 in eights. Alexandri Alesii Scoti Eesponsio ad Cochlei Calvmnias. 8°, A — D in eights. ALEXANDER THE GREAT. [The Vowis or Avowis of Alexander. Edin- burgh, Alexander Arbuthnet, about 1675. 4» black letter, ?A— Pf 5 in eights.] In verse. Earl of Dalhousie. This copy wants the title page and sign. I, 8 leaves. No other is known. Reprinted for the Bannatyne Club, 4°, 1831, where the title applied is conjectural. See Laing's Adversaria, 1867, pp. 1 — 10, where the withdrawn preliminary matter to the Club-book is printed. The title above giveu is that under which the work appears to be cited in 1581 and in the stock of the contemporary stationer Henry Charteris, as valued after his death in 1599. ALEXANDER, ROBERT, Advocate.. The Earl of Envoi's Testament. In Scotish metre. Printed at Edinburgh some time after the year 1541, but not at present known. ALEXIS OF PIEDMONT. The Secrets of Alexis: Containing manj r Excellent Remedies. . . . INewly corrected and amended, and also somewhat more en- larged in certaine places, which wanted in the former Editions. London, Printed by Wil- liam Stansby for Richard Meighen and Thomas Iones, . . . 1615. 4°, A— Z 2 in eights. Dedicated to the Earl of Bedford. ALFRIDA OR ^ELFRIDA. Alfrede, Reyne D'Anglet rre. Novvelle Historiqve. A Lyon, . .. . m.dc.lxxviii.. Avec Privilege Dv Roy. Shi. 8°; A — I 4 in eights + title and privilege, 2 11.. more. ALGEBRA.. The Elements of that Mathematical Art Commonly Calhd Algebra, Expounded in Pour Books. By John Kersey. London : 1673-4. Polio. 2 vols. With a portrait of Kersey by Paithorne after Soust, 1672. ALGIERS. Relazione dell' Abbrvcciamento delle Galere' nel Porio di Algieri Patto dal Capitano Kic- ca?do Giffort Inglese. La Notte Del' Mar- tedi Santo, a di 13. di Aprile.. 1604.. In Pirenze, Nella Stamperia Sermatelli PAnno 1604. 4°; 4 leaves. A True Relation of the Victory And Happy Success of a Squadron of His Majesties Fleet In the Medeterranean, Against the Pyrates of Algiers : Taken as well out of Letters from Sir Thomas Allen, His Majesties Admiral in those Seas, and from Sir Wil. Godolphin, His Majesties Envoye Extraordinary to the Court of Spain : as also from a Relation made by the Heer Van Ghent, the Admiral of the Dutch Fleet, who assisted in that Action. Published by Authority. Printed by T. Newcomb in the Savoy, 1670. 4°, A— B in fours. ALLE, THOMAS. A Brief Narration of the Truth of some par- ticulars in Mr. Thomas Edwards his Book called Gangroena. Concerning one Nichols- an Anabaptist, some Opinions he mentioned to Master Greenhill, . . . London, Printed by T. R. and E. M.for Ralph Smith. . . . 1646. 4°, 4 leaves. ALLEN, W., Cardinal. Ad Persecvtores Anglos pro Catholicis DomL Forisqve, Persecvtionem Svfferentibus ; con- tra falsum, seditiosum, and contumeliosum Libelluni inscriptum: Iv-stitiu Britannica. . . . Scripta primum idiomate Anglicana, & deinde translata in Latinum. ... no place, &c. [ Circa 1 584] . 8°. + , 8 leaves-: A— T 4 in eights. Suthebys, June 23, 1893, No. 22. ALLEN, WILLIAM, late Adjutant- General of the Army in Ireland. A Faithful Memorial of that Remarkable Meeting of many Officers of the Army in England, at Windsor Castle, in the Year 1648.. As also, A Discovery of the Great goodness of God, in his gracious meeting of them, . . . London, Printed for Livewel Chapman, . . . 1659. 4°, 6 leaves. ALLESTREE, RICHARD. Allestree, 1642. A N ew Almanack and Prog- nostication, for the yeere . . . 1642. Being, ALLESTREE. ALMANAC. the second after Leap yeare. . . . Printed at London by R. Cotes, for the Company of Stationers. 8°, A— C in eights. ALLESTREE, THOMAS, of Ashow, Co. Warwick. A Funeral Handkerchief. In Two Parts. I. Part. Containing Arguments to comfort us at death of Friends. II. Part. Containing several Uses which we ought to make of such losses. To which is added, Three Sermons Preached at Coventry in December last, 1670. By Thomas AUestree, M.A., Rector of Ashow in the County of Warwick, . . . London, Printed for the Author, Anno Dom. 1671. 8°, A— V in eights, V 7-8 blank : A— F 4 in eights. Dedicated to Thomas, Lord Leigh. A 1 has the Imprimatur. A Funeral Handkerchief. In Two Parts. London, Printed for the Author, and Sold by Geo. Conyers, in Little-Britain. 1692. 8°, A — V 6 in eights, A 1 with Imprimatur : the Sermons, A — F -1 in eights. Dedicated to Lord Leigh and (the Sermons) to Mr. Thomas King and the Corporation and In- habitants of Coventry. The edition of itsu with a new title. ALLEY, WILLIAM, Bishop of Exeter (1560—70). The poor mans Librarie. Rapsodice G. A. Bishop of Exceter vpon the first epistle of saint Peter red publiquely in the Cathedrall church of saint Paule, within the Citye of London. 1560. . . . Imprinted at London by Iohn Day. [Col.] Imprinted at London, by Iohn Day, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate, be- neath Saint Martins. . . . 1565. Folio. A — Y in sixes + 2 leaves after title with verses : Aa — Zz in sixes : folios 271-292 under irregular signatures, 288 misprinted 287: Tomus Secundum, A — CCc 5 in sixes. Dedi- cated to the Earl of Bedford, whose arms are on the back of the title. In this copy, at. the toot of the third leaf after title, occurs the coeval signature of Juannes dowcjlai. ALLINGHAM, W., Master of the Mathe- matical-School in Channel-Bow, West- minster. Tin' New Method of Fortification. As Prac- tised by Monsieur i|e Vauban, Kngineer-Gene- ral of France. Together u ith a New Treatise of Geometry. The Third Edition. Care- fully Revised and Corrected by the Original. . . . The whole "Work Illustrated with 32 Copper Plates. London, Printed lor W. Freeman, . . . MDCCII. 8°, A--P 4 in eights + the plates. Dedicated to the Duke of Orraond, ALLTNGTON, JOHN, Bector of Up- ]>■',< .ham. T ktegal Proto-Martyr; Or, The Memorial of the Martyrdom of Charles the First. Iu a Sermon preached upon the first Fast of Publick Appointment for it. An Appendix to the Grand Conspiracy. London, Printed by J. W. for W. Gilbert, Bookseller at the Half-moon in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1672. 4°, A — E in fours. Dedicated to Sir Thomas Trevor, "from my Study in Leomington Hastang, Nov. 13, 1671." ALLISON, THOMAS, Commander of the Ship. An Account of a Voyage from Archangel in Russia, In the Year 1697. Of the Ship and Company Wintering near the North Cape in the Latitude of 71. Their Manner of Living, and what they Suffered by the Ex- tream Cold. Also Remarkable Observations of the Climate, Country, and Inhabitants. Together with a Chart, describing the place where they lay, Land in View, Soundings, &c. Published at the Request of the Russia Company; chiefly for the benefit of those who sail that way, as well as for the satisfac- tion of the Curious, or any who are concerned in that Trade. London, Printed for D. Brown ... and R. Parker. 1699. 8°, A — H in eights 4- two charts. Dedicated to Sir Benjamin Ayloffe, Governor of the Russia Company. ALLYNE, ROBERT. Fvnerall Elegies Vpon the Most Lamentable and vntimely death of the thrice illustrious Prince Henry, Prince of Wales, &c. By R. A. lam neque saxa silent. At London, Printed by T. P. for John Budge, and are to be sold at his Shop at Brittaines Burse. An 1613. 4°, A — B in fours. Dedicated to Sir Thomas Erskene Knight, Gentleman of the late Prince's privy Chamber. ALMANAC. The Owles Almanacke. . . . 1618. This hook was licensed to Laurence Lisle, 21 Jan , 1617 — 18, as Dicke Diuer-Deepe, or Otclet Alma- nacke. Arher, iii., 61s. The Treasvrers Almanacke: Wherein with necessary Tables of Interest, the Lenders gaine, and Borrowers losse, of 10, 8, 7, 6 in the 100, are easily composed and demonst rated for the Longitude and Latitude of all places whatsoever.' 1631. . . . This last Edition corrected and amended. London, Printed for Michael Sparke. 1631. Sin. 8°, A in eights. Bodleian. A perpetuall Almanack. [1670?] This loaf occurs as a frontispiece to The Ancient Lcual Course and Fundamental Con*titution of the Palace-Covrt »r Mar^hahea. 13°, 1663. Hut it seuins to ban no Immediate connection with it. 1(178. A Yea and Nay Almanack for the people call'd by the men of the World Qua- ked. < lontaining Many needful] and neees- ALMANAC. AMNER. sary observations. . . . Calculated for the Meridian of the Bull and Mouth within Al- dersgate, and may indifferently serve for any Meeting-house either in Wales or England. . . . London, Printed for the Company of Stationers 1678. 8°, A— C in eights. 1679. A Yea and Nay Almanack. . . . London, Printed for the Company of Sta- tioners. 1679. 8°, A— C in eights. This issue was to serve indifferently for any Meeting-house what or wheresoever. H680. A Yea and Nay Almanack. . . . The very fourth Edition. London, Printed for the Company of Stationers. 1680. Sm. 8°, A — C in eights. The City and Countrey Chapmans Almanack for the Year of our Lord 1691 London, Printed by Tho. James for the Company of Stationers, 1691. 8°, A— C in eights. The Chapmans and Travellers- Almanack For the Year of Christ 1695. Wherein all the Post-Roads ... are Alphabetically disposed. ... To which is added A Table of Accounts Ready Cast up,. For the Buying and Selling of any Commodity, . .. . With a Sun-Dial, and other Tables and Things Useful for All Travellers, Traders, or Chapmen whatsoever. London, Printed by Tho. James, for the Company of Stationers.. 1695. 8°, A— C in eights. There is no Sun-Dial, but merely instructions how to make one. An Almanack But for one Lay. Or, the Son of Man Reckoning with Man upon an High Account-Lay. . . . Printed for J. Clarke, W. Thackeray, and T. Passinger. 8°: Wood- eut on title. Puttiek & Simpson, Oct. 16, 1895, in lot 456, ending imperfectly on A 8. ALSOP, G-., Sometime of St. John's, Oxford. An Orthodox Plea < Sanctuary of God\ J Common Service, ( White Robe of the House. Being writ for the good of all r but more especially intended for the Common sort ; being composed; in a Stile fitted for their Capacities London, Printed for the Author, and sold by R. Reynolds at the Sun and Bible in the Postern. 1669. Sm. 8°, A — F in eights. With a portrait by Sherwin. Dedicated to Henry, Bishop of Chichester. ALSWORTH, DANIEL. Lanielis Alsvorti Angli Imitatio Theocritea. Qua Virgilij Eclog;e, ita Doricis versibus exprimuutur, Vt singulis Latinis Grseci fere respondeant. Romse, . . .1594. Supe- riorum perniissu. 8°, A— E 4 in eights. For the Dedicated to Cardinal Aldrobrandino from Rome, 1594. Lat. and Greek. B.M. ALPHONSUS DE VILLASANCTAy Frater. Problema indulgentiarum, quo Lutheri errata dissoluuntur, et theologorum de eisdem opinio hactenus apud eruditos vulgata adstruitur. [Col.] Londini in cedibus Pynsonianb, cum priuilegio a rege indulto. 4°, a — g2 iii fours, g 2 probably blank. Lambeth. Maitland's Cat., 1843, p. 232-3: The Lambeth copy, which is described as large paper, ends ort, g It The book is dedicated to Catherine of Arra gon on the back of the title : " Ex.cetlula nostra Granuchensi. 14. kalendas februarias. Anno a salute Christiana. 1523. calculo romano." ALURED, MATTHEW. The Case of Colonel Matthew Alvred ; Or, A short Account of his Sufferings, by long Imprisonment, and the loss of his Regiments- and Garisons ; for his faithfulnesse to the Par- liaments Cause, and his Countrey. Humbly offered, and submitted, to the consideration of the Parliament and Army. London, Prin- ted for L. Chapman, at the Crown in Popes- head-alley, 1659. 4°, A— C 2 in fours. AMADIS OF GAUL. This romanoe, in its various forms and ch'anges-, is attributed in its inception to V.asoo de Lobeira, a Portuguese, about 1830.; but no original copy in that language appears to-be preserved. AMBROSE, ISAAC, late Preacher aS Garstan-g, Lancashire. Redeeming the Time : A Sermon Preached, at Preston in Lancashire, January the 4th, 1657; At the Funeral of the Honourable Lady Margaret Houghton. Edinburgh : Printed by H. Galbraith, and sold at his- Printing-house, in the Bull close, opposite to* the Tron-church : . . . 8°, A— B in sixes : C...4. On the last page is "An Evening and. Morning Hymn." This discourse purports on the title to be " Re- vised and somewhat enlarged, and at the Importu* nity of some Friends, now published." AMES, WILLIAM. Cuiljelmi Amesij De Conscientia. Et Eivs, Ivre, vel Casibvs. Libri Qvinqve. . . . Amstelodami. Apud loan. Janssoniunu 1643. Sm. 8°, A— V in twelves. The title is engraved. AMNER, JOHN. Bachelor, of Music, Master of the Choristers and Organist of the Cathedral Church of Ely. Hymnes. Of 3. 4. 5. and 6 parts for Voyoea and Vyols. Newly Composed. . '. . Printed at London by Edw : Allde, dwelling neere Christ-Church. Cum Priuilegio Regali. 1615.. 4°. The title of each part is engraved. Cantut Primus, B— T) in fours, and the title: Cantu* SeoundUt, U— V. 2 in fours, and tbe title: AMOURS. ANGEL. Sextu; B in fours, besiuos title snd following leaf. Dedicated to WlllUm, Earl of Bath, Lord Lieu- tenant of Devon. AMOURS. The Amours of SolorO ("Cato of Utica. Socrates. I J D'Andelot. Julias Cfflsar. [ 1 Bu»-sy D'Am- j L boyse. Newly Translated out of French. London : Printed for H. Herringman, and John Star- key. . . . 1673. 8°, 13— S 7 in eights, S 8 probably blank, + title page. ANABAPTIST. The Leacherous Anabaptist : Or, The Dipper Dipt. A New Protestant Ballad. [In MS : On Francis Smith.] To the Tune of Pac- kingtonB Pound. [In MS : 5. Aprill. 1681.] London : Printed for Benjamin Harris, 1681. A folio leaf of verses. ANDERSON, ALEXANDER. Alexandri Andersoni Aberdonensis Svpple- mentvm Apollonii Redivivi. . . . Subnexa est variorum problematum practice, codem Auctore. Parisiis, Apud Hadrianvm Beys, via Iacobaea. Anno cio. ioc. xn. 4°, A — M in fours, A 1 and M 4 blank. Dedi- cated to Cardinal Perron. B.M. Alexandri Andersoni Aitologia. Pro Zeletico Apolloniani problemataa se iam pridem edito. . . . Parisiis, Apud Oliverivm de Varennes. . . . Anno, m.dc.xv. 4°, A — G, 2 leaves each. B.M. Ad Angvlarivm Sectionvm Analyticen. Theoremata. Katholikotera. A Francisco Vieta Fontenaeensi primum excogitata, . . . Opera & studio Alexandri Andersoni Scoti. Parisiis, Apud Oliverivm de Varennes. Anno, M.dc.xv. 4°, A — M, 2 leaves each. With diagrams. Dedicated to Charles, Prince of Wales. B.M. Vindioise Archimedts. Sive, Elenchvs Cyclo- metrise Novae, A Philippo Lansbergio nuper edit a;. Per Alexandrvm Andersonvm Sco- tuin. Parisiis, Apud loannem Laqvehay, . . . m.dc.xvi. 4". Title and dedication, 2 leaves : A — B, 2 leaves each. B.M. ANDERSON, HENRY, M.A., Vicar of Kingeambome, Ha u ts. A Loyal Tear Dropt on the Vault of the High and Might; Prince Charles II. of Glorious and Happy Memory. . . . London, Printed for Luke Meredith.'. . . 168R. 1", A — D in fours. Dedicated to the Bishop of Winchester. In prose. ANDERSON, JAMES, Minister of Christ's Evangel. Ane godly treat is, oalit the lirst and second oammiig of Christ, with the tone of the winters-niohl : shewing brieflie of our native blindne s. Edinburgh, Printed be Robert Smyth, dwelling at the Nether Bow, 1595. 8°, 16 leaves or A— B in eights. Dedicated " to the right godly worshipfvll and vigilant pastor in Christs kirke, Johne Erskin of Dun." [Ane godly treatis. . . . Edinburgh, by Andro Hart, about 1614.] 8°, A— B in eights. Sotheby's (Auchinleck), June 23, 1893, No. 64, imperfect. The Winter Night occurs as a head- line on A 4. It is a poem in 7-line stanzas. Hart's edition is also dedicated to John Erskine ot Dun, who is here described as " especiall planter and builder of the Reformed within the boundes of Angus, Merns, Stermouth, and Uorfrie." At the end is : " So bee it, euen, So bee it." ANDERTON, THOMAS. The History of the Iconoclasts, Dvring the Reign of the Emperors Leo Isavrievs, Con- stantine Copronimos, Leo the Fovrth, . . . Dedicated to the Qveen. Anno 1671. 8°, A— B in fours : C — M in eights : N, 4. The long epistle dedicatory to Catherine of Braganza refers to the Portuguese colonies and conquests in America. ANDREWE, EUSEBIUS. A True Relation of the Proceedings, Exami- nation, Tryal, and Horrid Murder of Col. Eusebius Andrewe. By John Bradshaw, President of the pretended High-Court of Justice, and others of the same Court. Pub- lished by Francis Buckley Gent. . . . Lon- don, Printed for Daniel Pakeman, at the Sign of the Rain-bow in Fleetstreet. 1660. 4°, B— L 3 in fours, L 4 probably blank, and the title. ANDREWES, JOHN. Andrewes Resolvtion: To return e vnto God by Repentance. . . . London, Printed for the Authors vse. 1630. 8°, A— B 4 in eights. Black letter. ANDREWS, WILLIAM, Student in Astrology. News from the Stars : Or, the Ephemeris for the Year, 1675. . . . London, Printed by S. S. for the Company of Stationers, 1675. 8°, A— C in eights. News from the Stars : Or, the Ephemei is for the Year, 1695. ... By William Andrews, Student in Astrology. Deus in adjtUoriwm. London, Printed by W. and J. Wilde, for the Company of Stationers, 1695. 8°, A— C in eights With diagrams. ANGEL. A Modest Enquiry into the Opinion Con- cerning a Guardian Angel. London, Printed and Bold by John Nutt. . . . 1700. 4°, A— G, t leaves each. The Post, Angel, Or, Universal Entertain- ment. London : printed, and to be sold by ANNIQUIL. ANTICHRIST A. Baldwin, near the Oxford Arms, in "War- wick Lane, 1702. 4°. 3 vols. This periodical (for my knowledge of which I am so far indebted to J. T. Smith's Book for a Saint/ Say, 1861, pp. 302—3) seems to have started in January, 1701, and to have been issued monthly. ANNIQUIL, JOHN. Copendiu toticj gramatice ex varijs autorib^ lauretio. seruio : potto, diligeter collectu. & versibo, cu eof interptatone coscriptu toti<^ barbariei destructoriu. & latle lingue orna- mentum no minus pceptoribus qua pueris necessarium. [Col.] Finit dauatrie Anno M.cccc.lxxxix. Per me Richardu pasreod. quarta die Maii. 4°. A — N 4 in sixes, N 4 with woodcut on v ., the r°. blank. Publ. Lib. Camb. On the back of the title occur : Carmeliani Poete in operis commgdationern Carmen, and Eiusdem in reuerendi domini Gulielmi Episcopi Vintonie Lau- dem carmen. ANNE OF AUSTRIA. Les Amours d'Anne d'Autriche, Epouse de Louis XIII. . . . Ensemble Avec la Reponse au Manifeste du Roy Jaques II. Traduit de l'Anglois d'un homme de qualite. A Cologne chez Guillaume Cadet. 1692. Sm. 8°. *, 10 leaves : A — H in twelves, H 12 blank. On F 1 occurs a half title : " Examen des Pre- textes de l'lnvasion des Francois Pourl'Instruction des Anglois." Dedicated to my Lord Lovelace. ANGELUS A. S. FRANCISCO, Friar Minor. See Mason (N.). ANNESLEY, ARTHUR, Earl of An- glesey. A Letter from a Person of Honour in the Countrey Written to the Earl of Castlehaven. Being Observations and Reflections upon his Lordships Memoires Concerning the Wars of Ireland. London, Printed for Nath. Ponder at the Peacock in the Poultry, 1681. 8°, A— E in eights, E 8 blank. In the present copy Lord A nglesey has written in his name at the end, where the subscription is left blank in the print. Memoirs of the Right Honourable Arthur, Earl of Anglesey, Late Lord Privy Seal. Intermixt with Moral, Political, and Histo- rical Observations by way of Discourse in a Letter. To which is prefixt a Letter Written by his Lordship during his Retirement from Court in the Year 1683. Published by Sir Peter Pett Knight, Advocate General for the Kingdom of Ireland. London, Printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultry, 1693. Sm. 8°, A— Z in eights, and a, 8 leaves. Dedicated by Pett to Lord Altham. ANONIMUS. Sanguis Naturae, Or, A Manifest Declara- tion of the Sanguine and Solar Congealed Liquor of Nature. London : Printed for A. R. and sold by T. Sowle. . . . 1696. 8°. A, 2 leaves : B — H in eights. ANONTMUS, otherwise EIREN^EUS PHILALETHA. Secrets Reveal'd : Or, An Open Entrance to the Shut-Palace of the King : Containing, the greatest Treasure in Chymistry, Never yet so plainly Discovered. Composed by a most famous English-Man, Styling himself Anonymvs, or Eirenseus Philaletha Cosmo- polite . . . Published for the Benefit of all English-men, by W. C. Esq. . . . London, Printed by W. Godbid for William Cooper in Little St. Bartholomews, near Little- Britain, 1669. 8°, A— I in eights, first and last leaves blank + a, 8 leaves. ANSWER. An Answeare to Certaine scandalous Papers. Scattered abroad vnder colour of a Catholicke Admonition. Quifacit viuere, docet orare. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, . . . Anno 1606. 4°, A— F 2 in fours, A blank. An Answer to a Pamphlet Intitvled The Lord George Digby His Apologie for him- selfe ; Plainly discovering the cunning un- truths, and implicit Malice in the said Pamphlet against the Just and Legall pro- ceedings of the Honourable the High Court of Parliament. London, Printed for Thomas Iohnson. Anno Dom. 1643. 4°, 4 leaves. A Fvll Answer to a Scandalous Pamphlet, Intituled, A Character of a London Diurnall. Published by Authoritie. London, Printed by F. P. for Francis Coles and Laurence Blaikeloke. . . . 1645. 4°, 8 leaves. (Cleveland) An Answer to Monsieur Talon's Plea, Pub- lished at Paris. . . . With Allowance. Lon- don, Printed, and Sold by Randal Taylor, near Stationers-Hall, 1688. 4°, A— E in fours. ANTI-CAVALLERISM. Anti-Cavalierisme, Or, Truth Pleading as well the Lawf ulnesse, as the Necessity of this present War. 4°. Without a regular title. The copy employed ended imperfectly on the 4th leaf. ANTICHRIST. Here begynneth the byrthe and lyfe of the nioost false and deceytf ull Antechryst / the whiche shall come in to y worlde as the pro- phesy of many prophetes recordeth / and is taken out of sondry bokes / With the tokens and signes that shall falle before the comynge of oure lorde Jesu cryst to the generall Jugement. [Col.] Thus endeth y byrthe & comynge of Antechryst. Enprynted at London in the Fletestrete at the signe of y ANTI-DUELLO. ARCANA. sonne by Wynkyn de Worde. 4°. A 6 : B< : C 6 : D 4 . With woodcuts. Sotheby's, May 26, 1893, No. 437. Commencing with the title on a headline as above. ANTI-DUELLO. Anti-Dvello: Or, A Treatise, In which is discussed the lawfulnesse and unlawfulnesse of Single Combats. Together with the forme of Beueral Dvels performed in the Kingdome vpon sundry occasions. London, Printed by Thomas Harper, for Beniamin Fisher, . . . m.dc.xxxii. 4°, B— I in fours, and the title. "With a plate. ANTONINUS,MARCUS AURELIUS. The Golden Boke of Marcvs Avrelivs Empe- rovrand Eloqvent Oratovr. Anno, m.d.xxxv. [Col.] Thus endeth the volume of Marke Aurelie emperour, otherwyse called the gol- den boke, translated out of Frenche into Englysshe by John Bourchier Knyghte lorde Barners, deputie generall of the kynges towne of Caleys and marches of the same, at the instant desyre of his neuewe syr Fran- cis Bryan knyghte, ended at Caleys the tenth day of Marche in the yere of the reygne of oure Soueraygne lorde kynge Heiirve the. VIII. the. XXIII. Londini In AEdibvs Thomae Bertheleti Regii Im- pressoris. Cvm Privilegio A Rege Indvlto. 4°. Title within an engraved border and Table, 4 11 : A— Uu 3 in fours, Uu 4 having been blank or with a device. The mark of Lucretia is on the back of last page of Table. Sotheby's July 30, 1894, in lot 1101, from Far- mer's Library, with his autograph and a long MS. note by him on fly leaf; it appears to have been RatclirT's. I have seen no other. The Golden Boke of Marcvs Avrelivs Emperovr and Eloqvent Oratovr. Anno. m.d.xlii. [Col.] Londini In Officina Thomce Bertheleti typis impress. Cum priuilegio. ... 4°. Title, &c, 4 11: A— Vv in fours, Vv 4 with the device, which is also on A 4 of the first gathering. Marcvs Avrelivs Antoninus. . . . His Medi- tations . . . The second Edition ; with a Table containing the Principall matters in the Booke. . . . London, Printed by M. Flesher, for Richard Mvnns. . . . U i >( ■ \ x x v. 4°, A— Qq in fours. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus the Roman Emperour, Eis Meditations concerning Him- Bellf: . . . The Fourth Edition. . . . Lon- don, Printed for, and are to be sold by Charles Harper. . . . 1673. 8°, A— X in eights. The Emperour Marcus Antoninus His Con- versation with Eimself. Together with the Preliminary Discourse of the Learned Gata- ker. As also, The Emperor's Life, written by Monsieur D'Acier, ... To which is added the Mythological Picture of Cebes the Theban, &c. Translated into English from the Respective Originals, by Jeremy Collier, M.A. London : Printed for Richard Sare, . . . mdcci. 8°. A, 6 leaves : B — S in eights, A 1 and S 8 blank. With a portrait of the emperor by van der Gucht. APOLLONIUS, WILLIAM, of Treves. The Supreme Power of Christian States Vindicated against the Insolent pretences of Guilielmus Apollonii ; Or A Translation of a Book Intituled, Grallce, seu vere Puerilis Cothurnus Sapientice, &c, Or, The Stilts, or most childish Chapin of Knowledge, upon which William Apollonius of Trever, and Minister of the Church of Middleburgh boasts, among such as are ignorant, in his patcht Rhapsodies, . . . Against the Book of the most famous Dr. Nicholaus Vedelius, Intituled Of the Episcopacy of Constantine the Great. Printed at London for George Whittington at the Blew Anchor. ... 4°. A, 4 11 : b— d 2 in fours : B— LI 2 in fours. APPARITIONS. Severall Apparitions seene in the Ayre, at the Hagve in Holland, upon the f y day of May last past 1646, about one of the clocke in the Afternoone. Whereunto is annexed the severall Apparitions seene in the Counties of Cambridge, Suffolk, and Norfolke, in and upon the same 21 day of May last past. . . . London, Printed by T. Forcet, dwelling in Old Fish street, in Heydon-court, 1646. 4°, 4 leaves. APPRENTICES. Relief of Apprentices Wronged by their Masters. How By our Law it may effec- tually be given and obtain'd, without any special New Act of Parliament for that pur- pose. With Allowance. London: Printed for W. Shrewsbury . . . 1687. 4°, A 2 : B*. C 2 . ARCANA. Curiosa Arcana : Being Curious Secrets, Artificial and Natural. In Three Parts. . . . From the last Edition in French; which contains near as much more as any other former Edition. To which is added, A Supplement of Divers Curiosities by the Translator. The Whole Illustrated with Copper Plates, adapted to the several Sub- jects. London : Printed for J.N. and Sold at the Ring in Little-Britain j where may be had Hartmans Preserver of Health. . . . Price Five Shillings. 1711. 8°, A— Aa in eights. With plates al pp. 86, 77. 82, 86, 87, 107, 125, and 13H. and a front ispieoa dated 1711. In two columns. Probably translated and oompUed by Thomas Trvnti. it embraoes Cookery, If edlotne, Gardening, Flatting, Wines, the Mechanical Aits, to. ARCANDAM. ARTHUR OF BRET AG NE. ARCANDAM. The Most excellent, profitable, and pleasant booke of the famous doctour and expert Astrologien Arcandam or Aleandrin, to fynd the fatal desteny, constellation, complexion, and naturall inclination of euery man and childe by his byrthe : with an addition of Phisiognomie very delectable to reade. Now newly tourned out of French into our vulgare tonge, by William Warde. Printed at Lon- don by lames Rowbothum and are to be solde at his shop in Chepesyde, vnder Bowe- churche. [About 1560.] 8°, A— S 4 in eights + *, 4 leaves. With cuts, including a folded one at B ii. Dedicated by Row- bothum to the Earl of Shrewsbury. U. L. Cambr. ARCHER, JOHN, one of his Majesty's Physicians in Ordinary. Every Man his own Doctor, Compleated with an Herbal : Shewing First, How every one may know his own Constitution and Complection. . . . The Second Edition, with Additions, viz. A Treatise of Melancholly and Distraction, . . . London, Printed for the Author, and are to be sold at his House, at the Sign of the Golden Ball in Winchester Street, near Broad Street, 1673. 8°, A— T 4 in eights, T 4 with verses to the author unsigned. ARDERNE, JAMES, Gentleman. The Kingdom of England The Best Com- monwealth. A Discourse Concerning Obe- dience to Kingly Government : Demonstra- ting from Common-Wealth Principles the Lawfulness and Excellency thereof, as it now stands Restored. London, Printed by J. H. for Matthew Keinton, at the Fountain in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1660. 4°. A, 2 leaves, B— F in fours. Dedicated to Sir George Booth, Baronet. ARIOSTO, LUDOVICO. Ariosto's Satyres, In Seven Famovs Dis- courses, . . . London Printed by Nicholas Okes, for Roger Iackson, . . . 1609. 4°, A — P 2 in fours. Sotheby's, Feb. 11, 1898, No. 499, the Osterley Park Copy. A reissue of the 4° of 1608. ARISTOTLE. Artistole's Art of Poetry. Translated from the Original Greek, according to Mr. Theo- dore Goulstone's Edition. Together with Mr. DAcier's Notes Translated from tbe French. — Vero nomine posna Non Honor est — Ovid. Metam. lib. 2. London : Printed for Dan. Browne, . . . and Will Turner. . . . 1705. 8 n . A, 8 leaves: a, 4 leaves : b, 8 leaves: B— Kk in ARMY. The Case of the Army Soberly Discussed. London : Written and Printed by Friends to Religion, and Well-wishers to the Army. July 1647. 4°, 4 leaves. IX Proposals by way of Interrogation, to the Generall, Officers, and Souldiers of the Army, Concerning the justness of their late proceedings in Law or Conscience against, and contrary to the Parliament tending to Reduce them to their former Loyalty and Obedience; . . . [London, 1647.] 4°, A— B2 in fours. AR[NAULD] A[NTOINE.J The Practise of Princes. Published by A. Ar. [Quot. from Prov. 29. 4.] Printed in the yeare 1630. 4°, A— C in fours, C 4 blank. ARNAULD, HENRI. Le Veritable Portrait de Guillaume-Henry de Nassau, n. p. & d. Sm. b°, A— L in sixes, A 1 with the half title. A satire on the King. There is no regular title- page. ARNOLD, RICHARD. Chronicle . . . [1503.] Revised Collation : A, 4 11. the first blank: A (repeated), 8 11: B, 4 : C— E, 8 11. each : F— Q, 6 11. each : R, 8 11. : S— T, 6 11. each : V, 5 leaves, V 6 having possibly had a colophon. Although this book is usually ascribed to John of Duisburg at Antwerp, the origin is thought by the latest authorities to be uncertain ; and Adrian van Berghen of Antwerp has been conjectured. ARRAN. An Account of the Solemn Funeral and In- tendment of the Right Honovrable the Coun- tess of Arran, As it was lately sent in a Letter or Narrative from Dublin Bearing Date, Aug. 21, 1668. In the Savoy-. Prin- ted by Tho. Newcombe, 1668. 4°, 4 leaves. ARRESTS. The Malady and Remedy of Vexatious and Vnivst Arrests and Actions. London, Prin- ted September 24. 1646. 4°, 4 leaves. ARTHUR OF BRETAGNE OR BRITTANY. Arthur of Brytayn [This is on a ribbon.] The hystory of the moost noble and valyaunt knyglit Arthur of tytell brytayne, translated out of frensshe into englysshe by the noble Johan bourgcher knyght lorde Barners, newly Imprynted. [Col.] Here endeth the hystory of Arthur of lytell Brytayne. Imprynted at London in Powles churche yeard at the sygne of the Cocke by Roberte Redborne. Folio. Title, Prologue, and Table, 6 leaves: A— Y in sixes: A— G in sixes. With a large cut on title of a knight and his squire on horseback and others in the volume. Bridgewater Rouse and Bylands Coll. (Althorp copy) A R THUR OF ERE TA GNE. 1 2 ASSIZE OF BREAD. Sotheby's, June 25, 1897, 153 ( Ashburnhara), the Uttereon and lHiss copy completed with eli-'ht leaves from a shorter copy. Only three perfect copies appear to be known. The third occurred at the Way sale in 1*81. The Historie of Arthur of little Britaine [thifl is a headline on B.] At the end occurs: Imprinted at London by Thomas i -\ [A— ]Nn in eights, Nn 8 blank or with device. With woodcuts. Sotheby's, June 25, 1897 ( Ashburnham), wanting all before B, t'ol. 217, and Nn 8; with the bookplate of Thomas Anson, Esq., of Shugborough. Great Britain's Glory : Being the History of King Arthur. . . . Printed by and for C. Brown, and sold by the Booksellers of Pye- corner and London-bridge. 4*, A — C in fours. With cuts. ARTICLES. Articles whereupon it was agreed by the Archbishops and By shops of both Prouinces. 1562. . . . Put foorth by the Queenes aucthoritie. Cum priuilegio. [Col.j Im- printed at London by Richard Iugge, Printer to the Queenes Maiestie. Cum priuilegio Regice Maiestatis. 4°, A— C in fours, C 4 with the colophon. The title in a compart- ment of pieces, with R. I. and Desvper Om- nia at the foot. ARTICULI. Articuli ad narrationes nouas pertiu fonnati. [Tudor rose crowned. At the end :] Londini in edibus Richardi Pynsoni regij impressoris Anno a Christi natu. 1525. quarto idus Octobris . . . Sm. 8° [A— D in eights.] Sotheby's, Dec. 2, 1898, No. 373, bound up with the Old Tenuret, same date and printer, and per- haps issued with it. ARTILLERY-MEN. A Schoole-Master for Yong Artillery Men : Or The Militia of the Kingdome in its Pos- ture of Warre. Whereunto are added the Orders meete to be observed upon any For- raigne Invasion, for the Shires that lye on the Sea-Coast. With a Direction to Iustices. And Also an Argument fitted to these times, in Regard Ireland is so Exemplary. Lon- don, Printed for Michael Sparke Senior, . . . 1642. 4°. Title and Preface, 2 leaves : B, 4 leaves: the Orders, with a separate 1 itle, A — B 3 in fours: Directions to Justices, A 2 — B 4 in lours. With two woodcuts on Bign B of first portion. ARUNDEL OF WARDOUR, HENRY LORD. oh. Jan. 11, L683— 4. Poems Written h\ the Bighl Eonourable Henry Lord Arundel of Warder, and Count of the Sacred Roman Bmpire.NoM Prisoner in the Tower. London, Printed, L679. By :i Copy under his own Hand. A folio leaf. ASCHAM, ANTHONY. [A Herbal.] At the end occurs : Imprinted at London in Flete-strete at the signe of the George neare to Saynte Dunstones Churche by Wyllyam Powell. In the yeare of our Lorde m.d.l. the twelfe day of Marche. 8°, A— K in eights, K 8 blank. Sotheby's, May, 1*93 (Bateman), in lot 1234, im- perfect, wanting title and other leaves. ASCHAM, ROGER. Apologia Doctissimi Viri Rogeri Aschami, Angli, pro oaena Dominica, . . . Excusum Londini pro Prancisco Coldocko An. 1577. 8°. f , 7 11. title on f 2. A— T4 in eights, [Colophon.] Londini, ex Typographia Hen- rici Middletoni, Anno 1577. Dedicated by E. G. to Robert Earl of Leicester. ASHE, THO., of Gray's Inn, Esquire. Le Primer [Et Second] Volvme del Promp- tuaire, ou Repertory Generall de les Annales, Et Plvsors Avters Livres del Common Ley D'Engleterre. . . . Imprinted at London by Iohn Beale. 1614. Folio. 2 vols. ASHMOLE, ELIAS. Sol in Ascendente : Or, The Glorious Ap- pearance of Charles the Second, upon the Horizon of London, in her Horoscopicall sign, Gemini. [Arms and Quotation.] London, Printed for N. Brook, at the Angel in Cornhill. 1660. 4°, 4 leaves. In verse. Bodleian (Ashmole), Htith Coll., &c. ASHWELL, SAMUEL. Ashwell. 1642. A New Almanacke and Prognostication for the yeare . . . 1642. . . . Exactly rectified for the Meridian and lati- tude of Ongar in Essex, . . . Printed at London by Rich. Cotes, for the Company of Stationers. 8°, A 8 : C 8 ': D', no B. ASINUS. Asinus Onustus. The Asse Overladen. To His Loving and Deare Mistresse, Elizabeth the Blessed Qveene of England. This Booke was delivered to Queene Eliz: being at None-Such, Iul. 27, Anno 1589. London. Printed for John Williams, . . . 1642. 4°. A— K 2 in fours. A plea for overladen Ministers. ASSHETON, WILLIAM, D.D., Domes- tic Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Ormond. A Seasonable Apology for the Honours and Revenues of the Clergy. . . . London,Prin- tedfor Richard Chiewell . . . Ib7d. 8°, A— H 4 in eights, title on A 2. Dedicated to the Duke of Ormond, ASSIZE OF BREAD. Herebegynnetb the booke named the Assise of bread," what it OUght to wey after the pryse of a quarter of Wheate. And also the ASSIZES. 13 AUSTEN. Assyse of / Ale, wyth all maimer of Wood and Cole, Latb, Bowrd, / and Tymbre. And the weyglit of Butter / and Cheese. 4° [A— D in fours ?] Sotheby's, May 14, 1897, No. 590, A 2 and D 3—4 wanting. The marks above-placed indicate the linear arrangement. An impression about 1570. ASSIZES. The Abridgement of the booke of Assises, lately perused ouer, and corrected, & nowe newely imprinted by Eichard Tottill the last day of September. Anno do. 1555. Cum priuilegio. [Col.] Imprinted at Lon- don in Plete-strete within Templebarre, at the signe of the hande and starre by Richard Tottell. ... 8°, A— X in eights. ASTELL, J. Pyrophilus. Liquor Alchahest, Or A Discourse of the Immortal Dissolvent of Paracelsus and Hel- mont. It being one of those two Wonders of Art and Nature, which radically dissolves all Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals. . . . London, Printed by T. R. and N. T. for W. Cademan . . . 1675. 8°, A— H in eights + 7 leaves of prefixes : Appendix, 12 leaves. Dedicated to the Honourable Robert Boyle. ATKINSON, THOMAS. The Christians Testimony against Tythes, In an Account of the great Spoil and Rapine committed by the Bishop of Chester's Tythe- Parmer at Cartmell in Lancashire ; upon the People there called Quakers, in the years 1677 and 1678. . . . Printed in the year 1678. 4°, A — B in fours. ATLAS. Atlas Coelestis Containing the Systems and Theoryes of the Planets the Constellations of the starres. Sold by Ben. Bragg in Pater Noster Row. [About 1678.] Sm. 8°, A— H in fours + engraved title by S. Moore, an extra leaf between G and H with Table of Break of Day, &c, and a series of folded plates (53 in this copy). The English Atlas. Volume I. [—IV.] Con- taining A Description of the Places next the North-Pole. As Also of Muscovy, Poland, . . . With a General Introduction to Geography, and a Large Index, . . . Oxford, Printed at the Theater, for Moses Pitt at the Angel in St. Pauls-Church- Yard, London, mdclxxx- lxxxiii. Large folio. Portraits of James Duke of York by Loggan, and of the Duchess by Vanderbanc, frontispieces, and the maps. 4 vols. Edited by William Nicholson, M.A. ATTERBURY, FRANCIS, Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. A Discourse Occasion'd by the Death of the Right Honourable the Lady Cutts. London Printed for Tho. Bennet, . . . 1698. 4°, A— G 2 in fours, G 1 — 2 with Advertisements, and A 1 with half-title. AUBREY, JOHN, F.B.S. Miscellanies . . . 1721. Aubrey's own corrected copy of the ed. of 1696 appears to hare been sold by auction July 26, 1720, and was probably employed in the preparation of that of 1721. AUDLEY, LADY ELEANOR. To the Kings Most Excellent Majestje. The humble Petition of the Lady Eleanor . . . 1633. A folio broadside. For publishing this "detestable" petition the authoress was to be summoned by the King's order before the ecclesiastical court. AUDLEY, LORD. See Touchet. AUGUSTINE, ST. S. Avgvstines Manvell. Conteining special, and piked meditations, and godlie praiers: Drawne out of the Word of God, . . . Cor- rected, translated, and laboured, by Thomas Rogers. . . . Cum priuilegio . . . 1581. [Col.] Printed by Henrie Denham, dwelling in Pater noster Row, at the signe of the Starre. . . . 12°, a — d in twelves : e, 10. The Kernell Or Extract of the Historicall Part of S. Avgvstines Confessions. Together with all the most affectuous passages thereof ; Taken ovt of that whole Booke, . . . Printed at Paris, m.dc.xxxviii. Sm. 8°. a, 4 leaves: A, 6 : B— D in twelves. S. Augustine's Confessions : With the Con- tinuation of his Life to the End thereof, Extracted out of Posidius, and the Father's own unquestioned Works. Translated into English. . . . Printed in the year 1679. 8°. A, 2 leaves: B— LI 6 in eights, LI 6 blank. At the end is a Latin Hymn of the Joys of Para- dise, with an English version. AURELIUS, F[RATER] LEONAR- DOS COQUGEUS, Eremita Angus- tinianus. Examen Praefationis Monitoriae, Tacobi I. Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae Regis. . . . Fribvrgi BrisgoiseApud loannemStrasservm. Anno clo.loc.x. Folio, A — Tt in sixes: Uu, 4, the last leaf blank. AURIFONTINA. Aurifontina Chymica : Or, A Collection of Fourteen small Treatises concerning the First Matter of Philosophers, For the dis- covery of their (hitherto so much concealed) Mercury. . . . London, Printed for William Cooper, . . . 1680. 12°, A— N 6 in twelves, A 1 blank. Dedicated to Charles II. by John Frederick Houpright. AUSTEN, RALPH. A Treatise of Fruit-Trees, . . . The second Edition, with the addition of many new Experiments, and Observations. . . . Oxford, Printed by Henry Hall Printer to the Uni- AUSTIN. B. I. versity, for Thomas Robinson. M.DCLVII. 4°, a — c in fours -t- a frontispiece : A — Cc in fours. Dedicated to the Worshipful Samuel Hartlib, Esq., his much honoured Friend. AUSTIN, HENRY. The Boovrge of Venvs. . . . Written by H. A. 1613. H. A. have been ascertained, on the authority of Thomas Heywood, to be the initials of Henry Austin. But the version or paraphrase was exe- cuted by Heywood. AVALE, LEMEKE. A Commemoration or Dirige of Bastarde Edmonde Boner. . . . 1569. This Avale Mas an Envoy to the English Lucreee ant Eurialu*, 8°, 1560. A John Avale is mentioned in Robert Underbill's Narrative of hit Examina- tion, Ac, 1553 (Arber's Oarner, iv. 88). AVERY, ELIZABETH. Scripture-Prophecies Opened, Which are to be accomplished in these last times, . . . London, Printed for Giles Calvert, . . . 1647. 4°, A— G in fours, A 1 blank. AVISOS. Iuly 6. Numb. 32. The Continvation of Ovr Weekely Auisoes, since the 30. of the last moneth to this present. . . . London. Printed by I. D. for Nathaniel Butter and Nicolas Bourne. 1632. 4°, A — B in fours. AWDELEY, JOHN. The Fraternitie of Vacabondes. As wel of rufling vagabonds, as of beg^erly, as wel of wemen as of men, and as wel of Gyrles, as of Boyes, with their proper names and quali- tyes. Also the XXV. Orders of knaues. otherwyse called a Quartten of Knaues. Confirmed thys yere by Cocke Lorel. . . . Imprinted at London / by John Awdely, dwelling in lytle Brittain streete, beyond Alders^ate. The 13. day of December. Anno do. 1565. 4°. Bodleian (Douce). The title page only. AYMON. The Four Sons of Aymon. London, W. de Worde, 1504. Folio. A single leaf was recovered some years ago, with other similar fragments, from the binding of a book received from abroad ; it is sign, p 1 ; and it Is at present in the library of the University of Cambridge. The material was not used till 1536, as two leaves of Byddell's edition of Adam Bel, dated that year, belong to the find. AYRES, JOHN. The Accomplist Clerk Or Accurate Pen-man. A New Copy Book Containing variety of vsefull Examples shewing y most Natural and Clerk-like way of Writing all the Vsual hands of England By John A} r res Master of y e Writing school Near St. Pauls free School In London Sould by y e Author at ye hand and Pen in Pauls Church yard [about 1682.] Obi. 4°, 26 leaves + title and portrait by R. White. The text engraved by J. Sturt. B B. B. The Exorbitant Grants of William the III. Examin'd and Question'd. . . . London, Printed in the ^vear. mdcciii. 4°. Titleand dedication to the Queen, 2 11: B— E 2 in fours. The Initials B. B. occur at the end. B. F. The Office of the Good House-Wife. With Necessary Directions for the Ordering of her Family and Dairy; and the Keeping of all such Cattle, as to her particular Charge the OTer-eight belongs. Also, The manner of Keeping and Governing of Silk-Wormes, and Honey-Bees ; both very delightsome and Profitable. London, Printed by T. Batcliffe, and N. Thompson, for Richard Mills. . . . 1672. Sin. 8°, A— K 4 in eights. B. G., M.A. Newes Out of France for the Gentlemen of England. A Stratagem most ventrously attempted, and valioualy atohiued by the French King, the 27. day of luly. Anno Domini 1591. Wherein is deciphered, what trust his royall Maiestie reposeth on the valour of the English, and their duetifull seruice vnto him at all assayes. Newes also touching 16. Shtppes taken nigh the Hauen of Deepe, . . . With a report of the princely meeting, and honorable oonioyning of the whole power of the French King the sixt day of this present Moneth of August, con- sisting of English, Germane, and his owne people. . . . Imprinted at London for Iohn Kid. ... 4°, A— C in fours, A 1 and C 4 blank. York Minster and Peterborough Cathedral (imprints of both copies muti- lated). B.I. The Booke of Thrift, containing: a perfiie order, and right methode to profite lands, and other things belonging to Husbandry. Newly Englished, and set out by I. B. Gentleman of Caen, in France. London Printed by lohn Wolfe. 1589. 8°. A, 3 leaves : B— E 1 in eights, E 4 (and probably B. I. B-.R. A 4) blank. Dedicated to Sir Francis Walsingham. B.I. A bryefe and plaine declaracion of oertayne senteces in this little boke folowiDg, to satisfie the consciences of them that bane iudged me therby to be a fauourer of the Anabaptistes : [On the 5th leaf follows:] A Brife and Faythfull declaration of the true fayth of Christ, made by certeyne men suspected of 'heresye in these articles folowyng. . . . Anno. m.d.xlvii. Per me J. B. 8°, a, 4 11: A — B 7 in eights. In this very rare little treatise the author gives a summary of the doctrine held by those of the " new learning," as they were called, more espeoially so tar as regards the two Sacraments. The tract has been attributed to Bp. Bale, but the language is too temperate, aud the statement of doctrine too moderate, for it to be likely that it proceeded from his pen. Being put forth when Henry VIII. 's Six Articles were in force, it is not surprising that the J. P. for the County Palatine of Lancaster, and Receiver for Cheshire. BENTLY, JOHN. A List of Woods, Under woods, Timber, and Trees felled, and sold out of the King, and Queen, their Majesties Forrests, Chases, Parks, Manors, and Lands : Within the Counties of Kent, Sussex, Surrey, Hamp- shire, Berks, and Middlesex, for the use and service of the Parliament, by Order of the Committee of the Revenue, in some years last past. Attested under the hands of Mr. John Bently, Surveyor of his Maiesties lands. Printed in the Yeer. 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. BERKSHIRE. A Trve and Impartiall Relation of the Bat- taile Betwixt, His Maiesties Army, and that of the Rebells neare Newbery in Berk- shire, Sept. 20, 1643. With the severall Actions of the Kings Army since His Maiesties removing it from before Glouces- ter. Sent in a Letter from the Army to a Noble Lord. Printed at Oxford by L. Lichfield. 1643. 4°, 4 leaves. The flute at the euU is : Newbery, 20 Sept. 1643. A Certain, Strange, and true Discovery of a Witch, Being taken by some of the Parlia- ment Forces, as she was standing on a small planck board and sayling on it over the River of Newbery: Together with the strange and true manner of her death. . . . Printed by John Hammond, 1643. 4°, 4 leaves. Woodcut on title. BERNARD, St. Medytacons of saynt Bernarde [This is over a standing figure of the Saint. At the end occurs :] Here we make an ende of this right prouffytable treatys: the Medytacyons of saynt Bernarde / whyche for very favour & charytable loue of all suche persones as haue not vnderstonding in latyn : hath be translated fro laten in to englissh by a deuout Student of the vniuersytee of Cam- brydge / And hath put it to be enprynted at Westmestre: by Wynkyn the Worth the. ix. daye of March: the yere of lorde [trie]. M. CCCC Lxxxxvi. 4°. As : B6: C — E in sixes, E 6 with the mark only, as in the Westminster edition of the Three Kings of Cologne. Bodleian (Tanner's books). Here begynneth a goodly treatyse / and it is called / a notable lesson / otherwyse it is called the golden pystle. Impressus. Anno domini. M. ccccc. xxx. [Col.] Impryted by me Wynkyn de Worde / dwellynge in London / in Flete strete / at the sygne of the Sonne The. xxiii. daye of Noueber. In y yere of our lorde god. M. ccccc. and xxx. 4°, 4 leaves. Exeter Coll. Oxford. BERNARD, RICHARD. A Key of Knowledge for the Opening of the Secret Mysteries of St. Iohn's Mystical] Revelation ... At London Imprinted by Felix Kyngston. 1617. 4°, A— Cc in eights. Dedicated to the Bishop of Bath and Wells, from Batcombe, March 14. The title is curiously engraved in compartments. The Isle of Man : . . . The Thirteenth Edition. London, Printed for Nathaniel Ranew, . . . 1659. Sm. 8°, A— N iu twelves, N 12 blank. BERNIER, FRANCOIS. The History of the Late Revolution of the Empire of the Great Mogol. . . . The Second Edition. London Printed, and Sold by M. Pitt . . . and S. Millar . . . 1676. 8°, A— Bb 3 in eights. With a map. The third and fourth volumes are of the first edition, 1671—2. A Continuation of the Memoires of Mon- sieur Bernier, Concerning the Empire of the Great Mogvl : Wherein is contained 1. An exact Description of Dehli ami Agra, the Capital Cities of the Empire of the BE VIS OF HAMPTON. -9 BIBLE. Great Mogvl, ... 2. The Enaperour of Mogvl's Voyage to the Kingdom of Kacheinire, in the Year 1664. 3. A Letter, written by the Author to M. Chapelle, touching his Design of returning, after all his Peregrinations to his Studies; . . . Tome III. and IV. Englished out of French by H. O. London Printed, and are to be sold by Moses Pitt, . . . 1676. 8°, A — D 4 in eights, A 1 with Imprimatur : A (repeated) M 3 in eights, M 1-2 not marked. Tome IV. with a new title, Aa or A— M, in eights + title. BEVIS OF HAMPTON. . [Sir Bevis of Hampton. At the end :] Emprynted by Rycharde Pynson in Flete- strete at thu sygne of the George. 4°. A 8 : B 8 : C — M in sixes. With fine woodcuts. Bodleian (Douce). The title wanting. Sir Bevis of Hampton Newly Corrected and amended. London Printed by Richard Bishop. 4°, A — I 2 in fours. With fine woodcuts. Bodleian (Wood). This copy is uncut. Syr Bevis of Hampton. London Printed by G. W. for W. Lee. 4°, A— I in fours. With woodcuts. Bodleian. The cuts in this edition differ from those in ' Bishop's, and are much ruder. Sotheby's (Ash- burnham), 1897, No. 395, no title-page. Vita E Morte di Buovo D'Antona . . . In Lucca Per Gio. Domenico Marescandvli 8°, A — D in sixteens : E, 8. In two columns. With coarse cuts. An edition printed about 1780. The Italian version lays the scene of these adventures in that country. BIBLE. The Byble / which is all the holy Scripture : In whych are contayned the Olde and Newe Testament truly and purely translated into Englysh by Thomas Matthew. Esaye i. JLearcken to y e heauens . . . M, D, xxxvu. Set forth with the Kinges most gracyous lycece. [Col.] The ende of the newe Testament / and of the whole Byble. To the honoure and prayse of God was this Byble prynted and fynesshed / in the yere of oure Lorde God a M- D. xxxvil. Polio. *, 6 leaves : **, 8 leaves : ***, 6 leaves : a — z in eights : AA — HH in eights, HH 8 occupied by title to the Prophets .- AA — LL in eights : MM, 6 leaves : Apocrypha, Aaa — Iii in eights : Kkk, 10 leaves, the last blank : New Testament, A — O in eights, O 8 with colophon. With page and other woodcuts and separate titles to the several parts within engraved borders. The Most Sacred Bible, Whiche is the holy scripture, conteyning the old and new testa- ment, translated into English, and newly recognised with great diligence after most faythful exemplars, by Eychard Taverner. . . . Prynted at London in Fletestrete at the sygne of the sonne by John Byddell, for Thomas Barthlet. Cvm Privilegio ad im- primendum solum. m.d.xxxix. Folio. Title, dedication, and Table, 16 11 : A— 3 P in sixes : Apocrypha, with a new title, Aaa — Mmm in sixes : Nnn, 4 11. the last blank : New Testament, with a fresh title, A — Q in sixes: R, 8 11. [Col.] The ende of the newe Testament / and of the hole Byble. To the honour and prayse of God / was this Byble prynted : and fynysshed / in the yere of our Lorde God / a m. d. xxxix. The Byble in Englyshe, that is to saye, the content of all the holye scrypture, bothe of the olde and newe Testament truly translated after the veryte of the Hebrue and Greke textes, by the diligent studye of dyuers excel- lent lerned men, experte in the foresayde tongues. Prynted at London by Thomas Pety t, and Roberte Redman, for Thomas Berthelet : Prynter vnto the Kynges grace. Cum Priuilegio. . . . 1540. Folio. +, 4 leaves, including title in an engraved border : A — Z in eights : aa — dd in eights : Aa — Zz in eights: Aaa — Eee in eights: Fff, 6 leaves: the New Testament with a new title, AAa — ]S Nn in eights : [Col.] Finisshed in Apryll. Anno. M. ccccc. xl. Imprynted at London by Robert Redman / and Thomas Petyt / for Thomas Berthelet: Prynter vnto the kynges grace . . . Second Edition of Cromwell's Great Bible of 1539. The Byble in Englysshe of the largest and gretest volume, auctorissed and apoynted. Printed by Rycharde Grafton. Cum priui- legio ad imprimendum solum. 1541. Large folio, black letter, in two columns, with a separate title to the New Testament. [Col. at end of N. T .-] The ende of the newe Testament : and of the whole Byble, Fy- nisshed in July. Anno. m. ccccc. xt. A Domino factum est illud. This is the Lordes doynge. Puttick & Simpson, July 18, 1894, No. 233, im- perfect, but in ane state, except defective first title, £35 The Byble in Englisshe, that is, the olde and new Testament, after the translacion appoyn- ted to bee read in the Churches. Imprynted at London in Flete-strete, at the signe of the Sunne, ouer agaynste the conduyte, by Edwarde Whitchurche. The. xxi. day of December, the yeare of our Lorde. m.d.xlix. Cum priuilegio. . . . Folio. Title, Prologue, Table, &c. 6 11 : a— 1 in eights : m, 10 11 : [a new title :] The seconde parte . . . A — R in eights : S, 6 : The thyrd parte, with a BIBLE. 30 BIBLE. new title, AA— SS in eights : TT, 4: Apo- crypha, Aaa — Mmm in eights : New Testa- ment, A — N in eights : O, 11 11. (perhaps 12 had the colophon) + title and table, 2 11. The Bible in Englishe according to the translation of the great Byble. 1553. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Richarde Grafton, printer to the Kinges highnes. An. m.d.liii. 4°. Title in an architectural compartment, 1 leaf : Names of Books, 1 leaf : a — z in eights. A — z in eights : 2 sheets of 8 and 4 under irregular signatures (folios wrongly numbered) : New Testament, A — M 7 in eights, with a separate title enclosed in same compartment. The byble in English, that is to say, the contente of all the holy scripture, bothe of the olde and new Testament, accordyng to the translacio that is appointed to be read in Churches. Imprinted at London by Edwarde Whytchurche. Cum priuilegio. . . . [m.d.liii.] Folio, A — L in eights + first title : Aa — Rr 6 in eights with Second Part : Third Part, A — T 6 in eights : Apocrypha, A — L 6 in eights : New Testament, with the separate title dated 1553, A — P 6 in eights + title and Table. In two columns. The holi bible [This is on a tablet, the rest of the page being engraved with a seated figure of the Queen attended by Mercy and Justice, &c. At the end occurs : Imprinted at London in powles Churchyarde by Richard Iugge, Printer to the Queenes Maiestie. Cum priuilegio Regise Maiestatis. 4°. Title, 1 leaf: Preface and Prayer, 3 leaves : Contents, 3 leaves : Calendar, Les- sons, &c. 10 leaves : Order of Morning and Evening Prayer, 2 leaves : A — Kk 6 in eights: third part, A — 3 N 6 in eights: New Testament, with a separate title dated 1569, A — Q in eights : Errata, 1 leaf. The holie Byble. [The rest of the page is occupied by the large woodcut of the queen enthroned, crowned by Mercy and Justice, with a quotation from John v. on a tablet] at the end of the New Testament occurs: Imprinted at London in Powles Church- yarde by Richard Iugge, Printer to the Queenes Maiestie. Cum priuilegio ... 4°. *, 6 leaves; «", 6 leaves: •r€T, 4 leaves: A — C in eights: A (repeated) — Ii 4 in eights: Third Part, A— V in eights, V 8 blank : Apocrypha, Aaa — Nnn 4 in eights : New Testament, dated 1673 on separate title, A— Q 6 in eights. The Holy Byble, Conteynyng the Old Testament, and the New. Set foorth by anothoritie. Wherevnto is ioyned the whole seruice vsed in the Churche of Englande. 1576. [Quot. from John 5. This title is within an engraved compartment. London, Richard Jugge.] 4°. *, 8 leaves : ***, 6 leaves : A— Ii 4 in eights (concluding with Job): Third Part, A— U in eights, U 8 blank : Apocrypha, Aaa — Nnn 4 in eights, a map of the Holy Land on 3 N 4 r°. Among the Ashburnham books was a copy of this edition — Genesis to Job only — on vellum. The Bible. Translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languages. With most profitable Annotations . . . "Where- unto is added the Psalter of the common translation . . . Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker. Cum gratia . . . Folio. ** # , 6 leaves, title on *** 2 : a — d in sixes : d, 4 : A— 3 P in sixes : 3 Q, 5 : 3 R, 4 11 : Apocrypha, A — N in sixes : New Testament, with a separate title dated 1578, Aa — Tt in sixes : Table, 9 leaves under * and **. The Holy Bible Faithfvlly Translated into English ovt of the authentical Latin, dili- gently conferred with the Hebrew, Greek, and other Editions in diuers languages : ... By the English Colledge of Dovvay. Printed by Iohn Covstvrier. Permissv Svperiorvm. M. DC. xxxv. 4°, A — 6 O 2 in fours, 6 2 with a Notice as to Tables : Second Tome, A — 6 K in fours : Tables, a — 6 in fours : ii, 2 11. : Third Tame or New Testament, a — 1 in fours : A — Xx in eights : Yy — Ccc 2 in fours, last leaf with Errata ; with an engraved title and portrait of St. Matthew. The Holy Bible, .Containing the Old Testa- ment and the New ; Newly translated out of the originall Tongues ; . . . London, Printed by the Companie of Stationers. 1651. Very Sm. 8°, A — Mm in twelves : Concordance, by John Downame, A — E in twelves. The title is an architectural compartment, and the three divisions of the volume have sepa- rate titles. The copy before me, sold in a bundle at Sotheby's in 1901, has on the fly-leaf the coeval mark of price —7/. It is in the original blue morocco binding excellently preserved and enclosed, apparently from the date of publication, in a leathern case. This is, it seems to me, the earliest English pocket Bible, and precedes the Pearl Bible, printed at Cambridge, by two years; the type is remarkably small and equally clear, and we have here the model, which suggested to the University printer his later under- taking. Editions of the Scriptures printed by the 8ociety of Stationers are as rare as those of the Psalnis are the reverse. But this was the Cromwell regime. An Biobla Naomhtha, ... A Lunnduin, . . . R. Ebberingtham, . . . 1690. 8°, A — LI 4 in twelves + title: Nt>ic Testament, with a fresh title, A— L in twelves. Edited by W. Bedell and W. Domvillc. BIBLE. BISHOPS. The Bible [and Psalms] in short hand, by W. Addy. 1687. [On a second leaf occurs : London Printed for the Author, and Peter Story, and sold by Tho : Fabian [and others] . Sm. 8°. With an engraved title to each of the three portions. [Old and N. Testament and Psalms] and a portrait of the author by Sturt. In two columns, pp. 396 + prefixes and plates. The Doctrine of the Bible: Or, Evles of Discipline. Briefelye gathered through the whole course of the Scripture, by way of Question and Answere. . . . London, Printed by Richard Bradocke, for Thomas Pauier, and are to be sold at his shop at the entring in of the Exchange. 1606. Sm. 8°, A— V in twelves, first and last leaves blank. Five Lookes over the Professors of the English Bible Wherein is shewed the infinite indiscreet Invention, or inconsiderate, invete- rate dissention, about the exaltation of the propagation of that Gospell, which we all say, wee doe Professe to beleeve. Where- unto is added, the English Protestants Resolution. Published by Levek Hunarry. Whilst we about nice poynts of Scripture strive, The Pope would us quite of the Scripture shrive. Novem. 9 [L]ondon Printed for George Lindsey, 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. Woodcut on title. The Resolution is in verse. The Historical Parts of the Old and New Testament, in Verse. With One Hundred and Twenty Cuts, being the best use of Poetry and Sculpture. London, Printed for Sam. Keble at the Great Turk's-Head, in Fleet-street, mdcxciv. Sm. 8°. With a stanza to each engraving + leaf of Adver- tisement, engraved and printed titles, 3 11. more. BILLINGSLEY, MARTIN. A Copy Book, containing Experimental Precepts . . London, Printed by H. Brugis, for Iohn Overton, and are to be sold at the White Horse without Newgate . . . 1669. Oblong 4°, A in fours + 19 plates. BINGHAM, CAPTAIN JOHN. The Art of Embattailing An Army. Or, The Second Part of JElians Tacticks. Con- taining the Practice of the best Generals of all Antiquitie, concerning the formes of Battailes. Wherein all Motions requisite to be vsed in a Battaile both for offence and defence are fully expressed. Necessary and vsefull for all Martiall Spirits, that desire to haue knowledge in the Art Military. En- glished and Illustrated with Figures and Obseruations vpon euery Chapter. London : Printed for Ralph Mab. 1631. Folio. A, 4 leaves. B — H in sixes. I, 4. With plates to caps 30, 31, 36 (2), 37, 38, 41-2-3-4-5-6-8-9, 50 (2). BIRKENHEAD, SIR JOHN. The Assembly-Man. Written in the Year 1647. . . . London, Printed for Walter Davis in Amen-corner, 1661. 4°, A— B in fours + a frontispiece. BISACCIONI, IL OONDE MAYO- LINO, Gentleman of the Chamber. Gverras Civiles de Inglaterra, Tragica In- verte de Sv Rey Carlos ; Escrita en Toscano . . . Traduxola en lengua Castellana D. Diego Felipe de Albornos Canonigo, . . . Con Privilegio : En Madrid, . . . Ano 1659 ... 4°. Title and prefixes, 7 leaves: A—Gg 4 in eights: Table, with colophon, 4 " BISHOP, JOHN. The Marrow of Astrology. In Two Books . . . The Second Edition with Additions. By John Bishop, Student in Astrology and Chymistry. London, Printed by J. Streater . . . and are to be sold by the Booksellers in London. mdclxxxviii. 4°. Title, dedication, &c, 4 leaves : b, 4 leaves : B — P in fours : Q, 6 : Second Part, with separate title, title-page, &c, 3 leaves : B — D, 2 11. each : E — O in fours : Appendix, Aa — Bb in fours. Bishop dates from his house in Virginia Street, East Smithfield, and Henry Coley subscribes an address from his house in Baldwin's Rent. BISHOPS. The Form and Maner of Making and Conse- crating Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. Im- printed at London by Robert Barker, . . . and by the Assignes of John Bill, Anno 1639. Folio. A, 8 : B, 6. A Decade of Grievances, Presented and approved to the Right Honourable and High Court of Parliament, against the Hierarchy or government of the Lord Bishops, and their dependant offices, by a multitude of people. Who are sensible of the ruine of Religion, the sinking of the State, and of the plots and insultations of enemies against both. Printed in the yeare, 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. With a woodcut on title. B. M. That the Bishops in England may and ought to Vote in Cases of Blood. Written in the Late Times upon occasion of the Earl of Straffords Case. By a Learned Pen. With some Answers to the Objections of the then Bishop of Lincoln, Against Bishops Voting in Parliament. London, Printed for Walter Davis, 1680. Folio, A— E, 2 11. each. BISSLE. BLOOD. BISSLE, ROBERT, of Pinchbeck, Lin- colnshire. Instructions for Jury-Men, on the Commis- sion of Sewers. Shewing 1. What they are to Surveigh and View. 2. What to Enquire and Present. 3. How. Delivered in a Charge to 3. several Juries, at a Session of Sewers, holden at Spalding in the County of Lincoln. To which is added, Two other Charges; The One concerning Lovell's Works. The Other touching the River of Glean, in the said County. Lon- don, Printed hy T. Leach, for Tho. Johnson, at the Golden Key in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1664. Sm. 8°, A— H in eights. JB. M. (2 copies.) The present copy belonged to Maurice Johnson, of Spalding, and has interesting MSS. additions by him. In an earlier handwriting the book is ascribed toBissle(orBishe?). BLACKWOOD, ADAM. De Conivnctione Religionis Et Imperii Libri Dvo, Quibus coniurationum traducuntur in- sidise fuco religionis adurnbratse. Ad Illvs- trissimam seremissimamque principem, D. Mariam Scotiae Reginam, & Gallise dotarium. Parisiis, Apud Michaelem de Roigny, in via Iacobsea, sub signo quatuor Elementorum. 1575. 8°. a, 4 leaves : A— Oiij in eights, Oiiij having perhaps been blank. Adversvs Georgii Bvchanani Dialogvm, De Ivre Regni apvd Scotos, pro regibus apo- logia. Per Adamum Blackvodoeum Sena- torem apud Pictauos. Pictavis. Apud Fran- ciscum Pagoeum Typographum Regium . . . 1581. 4°. Title, dedication to Mary Queen of Scots and her son, &c, 6 leaves : A— Tt in fours. BLAGRAVE, JOHN. The Art of Dyalling in Two Parts. The first shewing plainly, and in a maner mechanically to mak; dyals . . . The second how to performe the selfe same, in a more artificiall kinde, ... the whole differing much from all that hath beene heretofore written of the same Art . . . By Iohn Blagrave of Beading Gentleman, and Mathematician this yeare, 1609. At London, Printed by N. O. for Simon Waterson . . . 1609. 4 o ; A— U 3 in fours, U 4 probably blank. Dedicated to Sir Thomas Parry, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. BLANCKEN, GERRARD. A Catalogue of all the cheifest Rarities in the Publick Theater and Anatomie-Hall of the University of Leyden . . . Printed in Leyden, By Hubert vander Boxe, 1695. 4°, 6 leaves. BLAND, PETER, of Gray's Inn. An Argvment in Ivstitication of the five Members formerly, and so virtually clearing the four Men now, Accused by His Maiesty. Wherein is proved that the raising of this present Army by Authority of Parliament, is not Treason. By which it likewise appeareth, that never any King of England received losse or damage by any Parliament, from the first that ever was- called, to this present Parliament. London, Printed for John Field. 4°, A — B in fours. BLAU, ROBERT, Schoolmaster. Vocabularium Duplex: Sen Fraus Elusa. Containing A New and Curious Vocabulary English and Latine . . . The 2nd Edition enlarged . . . Edinburgh Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Ander- son, . . . 1698. Sm. 8°, A— P in fours + title and preface, 2 11 : A — B in fours without a title. BLITH, WALTER, a Lover of Antiquity. The English Improver, Or A New Survey of Husbandry. Discovering to the King- dome, That some Land, both Arrable and Pasture, may be Advanced Double or Treeble ; Other Land to a Pive or Ten-fold : and some to a twenty-fold Improvement : Tea, some- now not worth above One, or Two shillings per Acre, be made worth Thirty, or Forty, if not more. Clearly demonstrated from Principles of sound Reason, Ingenuity, and late, but moste certaine Reall Experiences-. . . . London, Printed for I. Wright at the Kings Head in the Old-Bayley. 1649. 4°, A — O 2 in fours + a, 4 leaves. Dedicated to the Members of Parliament, who have leisure to read the book. With two copies of verses by P. W. BLOME, RICHARD. An Essay to Heraldry. In Two Parts. The First Containing (in a Concise but Methodical Method, by Rules and Explana- tions of Bearings) the Body of Heraldry : The Second, Honour Civil and Military ; . . . The whole Llustrated with variety of Apt and proper Sculptures, for the better Expla- nation thereof. London, Printed by T. B. for Rich. Blome, and Sold by him at his Lodgings at Mr. Conines next the hanging Sword in Salisbury Court, 1684. 8°, A— R in eights + 4 prel. 11. under A. Dedicated to Sir Henry Goodrick of Ribston Park, Yorkshire. With separate plates at pp. 20, 22, 27, 29, 36, 43, 46, 49, 51, 53, 57, 62, 67, 70, 74, 81, 86, 91, 97, 101, 106, 113, US, 122, 128, 132, 139, 144, 147, 150, 155, 159, 165, 173, 181, 189, 195, 199, 227, 231, 233, 235, 236, 242, 244, 247, 248, 252, 255. BLOOD, THOMAS. The Narrative of Col. Tho. Blood, concerning the Design Reported to be Lately laid against the Life and Honour of His Grace George Duke of Buckingham. Wherein Colonel BLOOME. 33 BODENHAM. Blood is charged to have Conspired with Maurice Hickey, Philip le Mar, and several others to suborn the Testimony of Samuel Ryther and Philemon Codden . . . To- gether with a Copy of the Information exhibited in the Crown-Office against the said Colonel Blood, Hickey, Le Mar, and the rest. Published for General Satisfaction. London, Printed by R. Everingham at the Seven Stars in Ave-Mary-Lane. mdclxxx. Folio, title and Imprimatur, 2 leaves : B — I, 2 leaves each. BLOOME, HANS. The Booke of Five Collvmnes of Architectvre called Tuscu, Dorica, lonica, Corinthia & Coposita Drawne and counterfeited after the right semetry and cunning measure of Free-Masons : Gathered with great diligence by Hans Bloome out of Antiquities, for the benefit of Free-Masons, Carpenters, Gold- smithes, Painters, Caruers, In layers, Anticke Cutters, and all other that delight to practise with the Compasse and Squire. Translated out of Latine into English by I. T. London, Printed by Simon Stafford, for the Widow of Hans Woutnell, and are to be sold at her house in Paules Church yard. 1608. Folio. Title and Table, 2 11.: A— H, 2 11. each. Dedicated by Hans Woutnell to his especial and kind friend Mr. John Land, Merchant and true favourer of Art. B.M. A Description of the Five Orders of Columnes and Features of Architecture . . . By Hans Bloome. For the Use and Benefit of Free Masons, . . . London . . . Folio. Title and Table, 2 11 : A— Q, 1 leaf each: the Five Orders, 5 11. B.M. (imprint mutilated.) The whole is engraved except the title and table. The book appears to have been issued about 1670. BLOUNT, THOMAS. Boscobel : Or The Compleat History of His Sacred Majesties Most Miraculous Preserva- tion after the Battle of Worcester, 3 Sept. 1651. Introduced by an exact Relation of that Battle ; and Illustrated with a Map of the City. The Third Edition with Addition . . . London : Printed by M. Clark, and are to be sold by H. Brome and C. Harper, . . . 1680. 8°, A— M 4 in eights, M 4 blank, besides the engraved title to Claus- trum Regale Reseratum. With a portrait of Charles II. by Van Hove, a plan of Worcester, an engraving of the Carlis or Carlos arms, and another of the Royal Oak, Boscobel House, &c. Among the Royalists who met Charles at Pitchcroft, 23 August, 1651, occur Sir Walter Blount, Mr. Robert Blount of Kenswick, Mr. Peter Blount, and Mr. Edward Blount. The Claustrum Megale was written for Lady Wyndham by Colonel Bull en Reynes of Whaddon in Wilts, as appears from a MS. note in Lady W.'s copy. The frontis- piece describes it as by A. W.; but the printed title says merely : Published by A. W. In her dedication to the Queen her ladyship does not claim the authorship or otherwise. BLUNDEVILE, THOMAS. The Arte of Logicke ... By M. Blvnde- vile. London, Printed by William Stansby, and are to be sold by Matthew Lownes. 1619. 4°. IF, 4 11 : A— in fours. The copy used ended imperfectly on Bb i. BOAYSTUAU, PIERRE. Theatrum Mundi, The Theatre or rule of the World, Wherein may be sene the run- ning race and course of euerye mans life, as touching miserie and felicity, wherin is contained wonderfull examples, learned deuises, to the ouerthrowe of vice, and exalting of vertue. Wherevnto is added a learned, and marveilous worke of the excellencie of mankinde. Written in the Frenche & Latin tongues by Peter Boays- tuau, and translated into English by John Alday. Imprinted at London by H. D. for Thomas Hacket, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Churchyarde, at the signe of the Key. 8°, A— T in eights. Dedicated to Sir William Chester, Alderman of London. Theater Dv mond fef iw Gorsedd y byd, lie i gelliv gvveled trueni a lescui d noran y corph ai odida vgrvvydd o ran yr enaid, . . . Dynichwel yma. Nid oes o' v byd A. Breintvvyd yn Ninas Paris. 1615. Sm. 8°, A — Aa in sixes. A Welsh translation by Rosier Smith. BOCCALINI, TRAJANO, of Borne. I. Ragguagli di Parnasso : . . . The Second Edition. London, Printed for T. Dring, J. Starkey, and T. Basset, . . . mdclxix. Folio. Portrait and title, 2 11: a, — b in fours : B — 3 B in fours. BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI. De preclaris mulierib3 That is to say in Englysshe. Of the ryghte renoumyde Ladyes. Wherin he dothe excuse hymselfe why emongste theym that were moste ver- tuouse and honorable women, he dothe often put in theym that were vicyouse. / [This occurs as the heading of a preface on the third leaf.] Folio, 47 leaves, commencing with the dedication by the translator Sir Henry Parcare [Parker] Knight Lord Morley to Henry VIII. MS. on vellum, with ornamental initials, decorated with heads, beasts, birds, and a page-woodout : another sheel of 6: A — V in sixes: aa— gg in sixes: hh, «, the last leaf with woodcuts on r° and on v° Galliot du Pre's device. Les croniques Anuales des pays dangleterre et Bretaigne / contenant les faictz et gest< a des roys et princes qui ont regne ondit pays / et choses Dignes de memoire advenues durant leurs regnes puis Brutus iusques au trespas du feu Due de Bretaigne Francoys second du nom dernier decede . . . Aug- mentees et continuees iusques en L an Mil cinq cens. xxxi. Auec priuilege. On les vend a Paris . . . Mil. d. C. xxxi. Polio, a, 6: b, 4: A— RR in sixes: SS, 3. "With woodcuts. BOUHOURS. DOMINIC, 8. J. The Life of St. Ignatius, Pounder of the Society of Jesus. "Translated into English by a Person of Quality [John Drydeu]. Published by His Majesty's Command. London, Printed by Henry Hdls, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty, for his Houshold and Chappel. 168b. 8°, A — Cc in eights. The Life of St. Francis Xavier, of the Society of Jesus, Apostle of the Indies, and of Japan. Written in French by Father Dominick Bohours, of the same Society. Translated into English by Mr. Dryden. London, Printed for Jacob Tonson, . mdclxxxviii. 8°, A — Ccc in eights, in- clusively of a frontispiece by Burghers, + a, 4 leaves. Dedicated to the Queen. BOURIGNON, ANTONIA (or AN- TOINETTE), of Lille (1616—80). The Light of the World: A most True Relation of a Pilgrimess, M. Antonia Bourignon, Travelling towards Eternity. Published by Mr. Christian de Cort. . . . Written Originally in French, and Faithfully Translated into English. To which is added, A Preface to the English Reader. London : Printed in the Year 1696. 8°. A, 8 1- aves: a — c 4 in eights : B— N in eights : Part II., A — O in eights. The name of Bourignon is also given as An- thoinette and Anthonette. The Light Risen in Darkness, In Four Parts . . . By Antonia Bourignon. Dene out of the French. London, Printed for S. Manship, . . . 1703. 8°. A, 8 leaves: b 8: c, 2: B— Bb 7 in eights: Part iv. B_p 3 i n eights. BOURK, HUBERT. The Information of Hubert Bourk Cent, Touching the Popish Hot in Ireland. Carried on by the Conspiracies of the Karl of Tyrone. And others his Confederates, To deliver up that Kingdom to the French King, and Establish the Popish Religion 1 herein. . . . London, Printed for Randolph BOURNE. yj BO YLE. Taylor, . . . 1680. Folio, A— H, 2 11. each + title. Dedicated to Charles II. BOURNE. WILLIAM. A Regiment for the Sea : Conteyning most profitable Rules, Mathematical experiences, and perfect knowledge of Nauigation, for all Coastes and Countreys: most needefull and necessarie for all Seafaring men and Trauellers, as Pilotes, Mariners, Marchants, &c. Exactly deuised and made by William Bourne. Imprinted at London for Thomas Hacket, and are to be solde at his shop in the Royall Exchange, at the Signe of the Greene Dragon. 4°. A — C in fours : A— Q in fours. With woodcuts, including one of a Ship on back of title. Dedicated to Edward Earl of Lincoln. A Regiment for the Sea : Conteynyng most profitable Rules, . . . Exactly deuised and made, by William Bourne. Imprinted at London, nigh vnto the three Cranes in the Vintree, by Thomas Dawson, and Thomas Gardyner, for Iohn Wight. 4°, A — Q in fours. With woodcuts. B.M. This copy wants Q 4, perhaps a blank leaf. A Regiment for the Sea, . . . Newly Corrected and Amended by the Author. Where-vnto is added a Hidrographicall discourse to goe vnto Cathaj'-, fiue seuerall wayes. Written by William Bourne. Im- printed at London by T. East, for Iohn Wight. [Col.] 1580. Imprinted at London by T. East for Iohn Wight. 4°, f A— TT C in fours : A — V in fours. Dedicated to the Earl of Lincoln by Bourne. With wood- cuts, including one of a Ship on title and a second containing a portrait of the stationer Wight at end. A Regiment for the Sea, containing very necessary matters for all sorts of Sea-men and Trauailers, as Masters of ships, Pilots, Marriners, aud Marchants, Newly corrected and amended by the Author. Wherevnto is added a Hidrographicall discourse to go vnto Cathay, fiue seuerall wayes. Written by William Bourne. Imprinted at London by T. Este for John Wight. [At the end is added :] 1584. 4°. Dedicated to Edward Earl of Lincoln. BOYD, ALEXANDER. M. Alexandri Bodii Epistola? Heroides, Et Hynini. Ad Iacobvm Sextvm Regem. Addita est eiusdem Litervlarven Prima Cvria. Antwerpise. m.d.lxxxxii. 8°, A — N 4 in eights. BOTD, ZACHARY. Two Orientall Pearles, Grace and Glory, Published by Mr. Zacharie Boyd, Preacher of God s Word, at Glasgow . . . Edin- bvrgh Printed by Iohn Wreittoun. 1629. 8°, A— L 2 in eights, except D, which has only 2 leaves, one with a woodcut. Dedicated to the Marquis of Hamilton. On G 6 commences a new title: A Cordinll of Comforts . . . 1629. This has a separate epistle to William Scot of Ely, Knight. Two Sermons, For these who are to come to the Table of the Lord. With Diverse prayers fit for the necessities of the Saincts at Diverse occasions. Carefully digested by M r - Zach- arie Boyd . . . Edinbvrgh Printed by Iohn Wreittovn. Anno Dom. 1629. 8°, A — I 4 in eights. Dedicated to the In- dwellers of the Burgh and Barony of Glasgow. A cleare forme of Catechising, before the giving of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper. To this are subjoined two compends of the Catechisme for little Children. [Quot. from John xvii, 3.] By M. Zacharie Boyd, Preacher of Gods Word at Glasgow. Print- ed at Glasgow by George Anderson, 1639. 8°, A — G in eights : H, 4, or 60 leaves. Communicated by Mr. W. Brown of Edinburgh. BOYLE, FRANCIS, Viscount Shannon. Discourses Useful for the Vain Modish Ladies and Their Gallants, under these following Heads, ... By the Right Honourable Francis Lord Viscount Shannon. Printed for J. Taylor at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1696. 8°. Title, de- dication, and Contents, 10 leaves: B — N 4 in eights: Part 2, title, preface &c, 5 leaves : B, 8 11. C, 4 (C 4—8) : D— P 4 in eights. BOYLE, HON. ROBERT, F.B.8. Some considerations touching the Vsefvl- nesse of Experimental Natural Philosophy. Propos'd in Familiar Discourses to a Friend, by way of Invitation to the Study of it. Oxford Printed by Hen : Hall Printer to the University, for Ric: Davis. Anno Domini 1663. 4°. Label, half-title, and other prefixes, 10 leaves: B — S 4 in fours, S 4 with title to Part 2 : a 3 to 3 h 2 in fours, last leaf with Errata to Part 2. Tracts Written By the Honourable Robert Boyle ... To which is Praefixt, An Introduction to the History of Particular Qvalities. Oxford, Printed by W. H. for Ric. Davis, m.dc.lxx. 8°. With this is found a second piece : Three Tracts Written By the Honourable Robert Boyle. . . . Oxford, . . . 1671. Concludes with a genoral leaf of Errata. Tracts Written By the Honourable Robert Boyle, Containing New Experiments . . . An Hydrostatical Discourse . . . London, Printed for Richard Davis, Book-seller in Oxon. mdclxxii. 8°. An Essay About the Origine & Virtues of Gems. Wherein are Propos'd and Historic- BO YLE. BRATHWAITR. ally Illustrated some Conjectures about the Consistence of the Matter of Precious Stones, and the Subjects wherein their chiefest Virtues reside. London, Printed by William Godbid, and are to be sold by Moses Pitt at the White Hart in Little Britain, 1672. 8°. A, 4: B — M in eights : N, 4. New Experiments, and Observations, made upon the Lay Noctiluca. Imparted in a Letter to a Friend living in the Country. To which is annexed A Chymical Paradox. London, Printed by It. E. for B. Tooke, . . . 168i 8°, A— L in eights, A 1 blank and L 8 with Errata. BOYLE, ROGER, Earl of Orrery. English Adventures. By a Person of Honour. In the Savoy : Printed by T. Newcomb for H. Herringman. . . . 1676. 8°. Title, preceded by a blank, 2 leaves: B— I in eights : Errata, followed by a blank, 2 BOYS, WILLIAM. The Narrative of Mr. William Boys, Citizen of London : Faithfully Belating what came to his Knowledge concerning the Late Horrid Popish Plot, and the Death of Sir Edmund-Bury Godfrey, by his Acquaintance with, and Attendance upon Mr. Miles Prance, before, and after his being Taken and Im- prisoned. . . . London, Printed for Dorman Newman. . . . 1680. Folio, A— E, 2 leaves each. BRADWELL, SIMON. The Rasing of theFovndations of Brownisme. Wherein, against all the Writings of the principall Masters of that sect, those chiefe conclusions in the next page . . . are . . . purposely handled and soundly prooued. . . . Imprinted at London by Iohn Windet, . . . 1588. 4°. IT, 4 leaves: A — T in fours: V, 1 leaf. A 4 is blank. Dedicated to his very loving cousin, Mr. Thomas Hussey. BRADY, ROBERT, M.D. An Historical Treatise of Cities, and Burghs or Boroughs. . . . The Second Edition. London : Printed for A. L. and Sold by John Nutt. . . . mdcciv. Folio, A— L in fours : Appendix, A — E in fours. A has only 3 leaves in the copy employed. BRANDT, SEBASTIAN. The Shyppe of fooles of this worlde. [This is the whole of the title over a woodcut. On the second leaf follows:] Here after foloweth the prologue of thetranslatoureof thwpresenl booke Intytled the grete shyppe of fooles of this Wor'lde. [Col.] Thus endeth the shyppe of fooles of this worlde. Impryntcd at' London in flete strete by Wvkyn de Words, y yere of our lorde. M.CCCCC.&rvii. The n vnt'lii*' yere of y reygne of our soiuTivn.' lorde KyDge Henry y viii. The .xx. daye of June. 4°. Prologue, Prolude, and Table, 6 11: A— Ff in fours and eights: Gg, 6. With the printer's device on Gg 6 v°. With woodcuts. In prose. Douce Coll. (Herbert's copy) and Duke of Devonshire. At the top of A ii. occurs in the former: " William Crips, oeth. this, booke. indede;" and he has scribbled his name in other places. BRANDAN or BRANDON, ST. Hie hebt sich an sand Brandons Buch Mas er wunders / erfaren hat / Es was hye vor ein heyliger Apt der was geborn von dem land Yberniam. . . . [This is a headline on page 1, there being no other title. Augsburg, Anton Sorg, circa 1475.] Folio, 18 leaves. With 18 woodcuts, of which two are repeated. BRATHWAITE, RICHARD. The Good Wife: Or, A rare one amongst Women. Whereto is annexed an Exquisite Discourse of Epitaphs : Including the choisest thereof, Ancient or Moderne. Vxor bona chara supellex. Mvsophilvs. At London Printed for Richard Redmer, and are to be sold at his shop at the West end of S. Pauls Church. 1618. 8°. A, 4 leaves, A 1 blank : B — L 4 in eights, L 4 blank. In prose and verse. Bodleian, and Britwell (the Dering copy). The Remains after Death commence with a separate title on C 2, as follows :— Remains after Death: Including by way of introduction diuers memorable obseruations occasioned vpon discourse of Epytaphs and Epycedes ; their distinction and definition seconded by approued Authors. Annexed there be diuers select Epitaphs and Hearce-attending Epods worthie our obseruation. The one describing what they were which now are not: The other comparing such as now are with those that were. Dignum laude virum musa vetat mori. Mvsophilvs. Imprinted at London by Iohn Beale. 1618. Sotheby's, Nov. 29, 1897, No. 344, old calf, with the Dering arms in gold on sides, £62. This copy, as well as that at Oxford, 1ms on A I v u a catchword The, to which nothing on B 1 (the next leaf) corre- sponds ; possibly some matter was suppressed. I am informed by Mr. F. Madan that the Bodleian copy may have been in tho library ever since the date of publication. There is a second copy there slightly damaged, and a third containing only the Remains after Death. On L 3 v° occurs a table of Errata, applying only to the matter following sign. I! 1. The author states that the errors were occasioned by his absence from the press in consequence of some hurt or injury ; but he promises to amend the faults in the next impression. Britain* Bath. 1625. This work is mentioned in a marginal note to the dedication of the Survey of Hintory, lf»38, and seems to have been an elegy on the death of James I., accompanied by one on that of the Earl of Southampton. Uraithwaite rwers lo this work as " extant," but does not say that it was printed. ^UNIVERSITY j BRATHWAITE. BRETON. The Huntsmans Raunge. A treatise noticed as having been written before 1630, in a marginal note to the English Gentleman, 1630. Not known in type. See Hazlitt's ed. of Brathwaite's Barnabm Itinerarium, 1876, 89-90. An Excellent Piece of Conceipted Poesy; Divided into two Subjects: A Voice from the Vault; And An Age for Apes. With other exquisite Ayers, and select Fancies ; no lesse ingeniously than modestly des- canting on these times : And extracted from the choicest Wits of our Age. Opera nostra . . . London, Printed by E. Hodgkinsonne, and are to be sold by Tho. Vere, at the Angell without Newgate, 1658. An alternative or cancel title for The Honest Ohogt. Sotheby's, Dec. 4, 1900, No. 484. BREIRLY, ROGER, Minister of the Gospel at Grindleton in Craven. A Bundle of Soul-Convincing, Directing, and Comforting Truths; clearly deduced from diverse select Texts of holy Scripture, . . . Being A brief Summary of Several Sermons preached at large, by that faithful and pious Servant of Jesus Christ, . . . Edinburgh, Printed for James Brown, Book-seller in Glasgow: and are to be sold at his shope, about the middle of the south- side of the Salt-mercat-street, Anno Dom. 1670. 8°. A, 4 11 : B— Q in eights. With a Preface by J [ohn] C [heney] . B.M. BREMONT, S. Hastige, Ov Les Amours Dv Roy De Tamarau Nouvelle. A Cologne, Chez Simon L'Africain. l'an m dc lxxvi. Sm. 8°. Title and dedication to Henry Jermyn, Earl of St. Albans, 2 leaves : A — G in sixes : H,4. The copy here described, in the original red morocco with the Earl's cyphers covering both sides, was the one dedicated to the Earl of St. Albans, who is supposed to have privately married Queen Henrietta Maria. The book is said to contain the secret amours of Charles II. and the Duchess of Cleveland. Gallant Memoirs : Or The Adventures of a Person of Quality Written in French, By Monsieur S. Bremond. And Translated into English, By P. Belon. London, Printed for R. Bentley, and M. Magnes. . . . mdclxxxi. Sm. 8°, A — F in twelves, last three leaves with Advertisements. Dedi- cated to Her Grace the Duchess of Albemarle by S. Bremond. The Pilgrim. A Pleasant Piece of Gallantry : . . . Translated into English by P. Belon, Gent. London: Printed for R. Bentley, . . . 1684. Sm. 8°, A— G 6 in twelves, including a frontispiece : Part II, A, 6 leaves: B — M 6 in twelves. Dedicated to the Duchess of Albemarle. The present copy has the armorial bookplate of Charles De Laet of Lincoln's Inn. BREREWOOD, EDWARD. Tractatvs Ethici : Sive Commentarii in Aliqvot Aristotelis Librosad Niohomaohum, De Moribus: A Celeberrimo PhiloBopho Edvardo Brerewood . . . lam primuin ex authoris Autographo . . . castigal i . Per T[homam] S[ixesmith.] . . . Oxonias, Excudebat Guilielmus Turner, Impensis Edvardi Forrest. 1640. 4°. *, 4 leaves : A— Ii in fours, Ii 4 blank. Dedicated by t! Sixesmith of Brasenose College, Oxford, to James, Lord Strange. BRETON, NICHOLAS. The woorkes of a young wyt, trust vp with a Fardell of prettie fancies, profitable to young Poetes, preiudicial to no man, and pleasaunt to euery man, to passe away idle tyine witball. Whereunto is ioyned an odde kynde of wooing, with a Banquet of Com- fettes, to make an ende withall. Done by N. E. Gentleman. [Col.] Imprinted at London, nigh vnto the three Cranes in the Vintre, by Thomas Dawson, and Thomas Gardyner. 4°, A— K in fours. K 4 blank. The "Letter Dedicatorie, to the Eeader" is dated "from my lodgyng this xiiii. of May. Anno Domini. 1577," and is subscribed: " Your poore Countryman, N.B." Puttick & Simpson, May 4, 1896, No. 134*, presumably Sir John Fenn's copy, £81. I con- clude this to be the same, which is described by Herbert in his Typogr. Antiq. as then (1785) in Fenn's hands. A Solemne Passion of the Sovles Love. By Nicholas Breton. London, Printed by George Purslowe. 1622. 8°, A— B 4 in eights. Printed within borders. Sotheby's, June 23, 1893, in lot 64 (Auchinleck). The Arbor of Amorous Deuices: Wherein young Gentlemen may reade many pleasant fancies & fine deuices: And thereon medi- tate diuers sweete Conceites to court the loue of faire Ladies and Gentlewomen: By N. B. Gent. Imprinted at London by Richard Iones, at the Rose and Crowne, neere S. Andrewes Church. 1597. 4°, A— F in fours. Dedicated by the publisher to the Gentlemen Readers, to whom he wishes "health, wealth, and welfare." Britivell and Capell Coll. (imperfect). Beauclerc, in 1781, in lot 3241. Licensed in 1594:— "vii. Januarij 1593-4. Rich. Jones. Entred for his copie . . . The Arbor of Amarus delightes, by N. B. gent." But no edition prior to 1597 is at present known. A Trve Description of vnthankfulnesse : Or an enemie to Ingratitude. Compiled by Nicholas Breton Gent. At London : Printed by Thomas Este. 1602. 4°, A— B in fours. Printed within borders. Bodleian (Tanner). A Poste with a madde Packet of Letters. London Printed for Iohn Smethicke, and BRETON. B RE VI A. are to be sold at his Shop in S. Dunstons Churoh-yardinFleetstreet. 1602. 4°. A— F in fours, A 1 and F 4 blank. Advocates' Library, Edinburgh. A Post -with a Packet of Mad Letters. Newly Imprinted. London, Printed by E. Okes, for R. T. and are to be sold by Robert Boulter at the Turks Head in Bishopsgate- street, 1670. 4°, A— N 2 in fours. Wood- cut on title. "Wits Private "Wealth . . . London, Printed by Elizabeth All— de, and are to be sold by F. Groue dwelling vpon Snow-hill. 1629. 4°, A — D in fours, A 1 blank. Bodleian. "Wits Private "Wealth. Stored with Choise of Commodities to content the Minde. London, Printed by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet, for George Hvrlock, and are to be sold at his Shop neere St. Magnus-corner. 1639. 4°, A — C in fours. B.M. (Jolley's copy) "Wits Private "Wealth. Stored with choise of Commodities to content the Minde. London, Printed by Thomas Fawcet, for George Hvrlock, and are to be sold at his Shop neere St. Magnus-corner. 1642. 4°, A — C in fours. B.M. Wits Private Weaith : . . . London, Printed for Benjamin Hurlock, and are to be sold at his Shop over against St. Magnus Church, on London Bridge, near Thames-Street, 1670. 4°, A— C in fours, A 1 with a frontispiece. B.M. Old Mad-cappes new Gally-mawfrey. Made into a merrie messe of Minglemangle, out of these three idle-conceited Humours follow- ing. 1. I mill not. 2. O, the merry time. 3. Out upon Money. At London Printed for Richard Iohnes, neere St. Andrewes Church in Holborne. 1602. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— F 2 in fours. In verse. Dedicated to Mistress Anne Bre- ton, of Little Calthorpe in Leicestershire, apparently not a relative. B.M. A Merrie Dialogve betwixt the Taker and Mistaker. Imprinted at London for lames Shaw, and are to be sold at his shop neare Lud-gate. 1603. 4°, A— E 2 in fours. In prose. Dedicated to John Florio. B.M., Bodleian, and Britioell. Honest Counsaile. A merrie fitte of a Poeticall Furie : Good to read, better to follow. Imprinted at London by W. W. for William Iones, dwelling at the signe of the Gunne neare Holborne Conduit. 1605. 4°, A— Din fours, A I and D4blank. Dedi- cated to bis loving father James Daokham, of Steepleton, oo. Dorset, Esquire. Inverse. B.M. The Crossing of Proverbs. The second part. With Certaine Briefe Questions and An- swers. By B.N. Gent. London, Printed for Iohn Wright, and are to be sold at his shop without Newgate at the signe of the Bible. 1637. Sm. 8°, A— B 4 in eights : B 4 blank. Puttick & Simpson, June 21, 1894, No. 475, in a vol. apparently formed by John Aston, of Tixall, whose autograph is on the titles of two of the tracts, in or about 1648. Strange Newes out of divers Countries. Neuer discouered till of late, by a strange Pilgi-inie in those j>arts. London, Printed by W. Iones for George Fayerbeard, and are to be sold at his shop at the Royal 1 Exchange. J 622. 4°, A— D 2 in fours, A 1 blank. B.M, Bridge water House, Lam- beth, Ruth Coll. (imperfect), &c. Compare News under 1597. BRETTONO, FRANCESCO, S.J. Compendio della Vita di Jacopo II. . . . In Padova . . . m.dccxiv. . . . 12°, A — H in twelves + title, &c, 5 leaves. BREVIA. Natura breuium, newly & moost trewly cor- rected, with dyuers addicions. . . . Cvm Privilegio. . . . [Col.] Imprinted at London in Fletestrete : by Wyllyani Myddylton, . . . 8°, A— Z 4 in eights. Natvra Brevivm in French. In cedibus Richardi Tottell. 1566. Cum priuilegio. ... 8°, a— z in eights. [At the end:] 1567 Januarij vicesimo primo. La Vievx Natura breuium, . . . Londini. In cedibus Richardi Tottelli. 1580. . . . 8°, A — Z in eights. Registrum omnium breuium tarn originalium quam indicialium, nouiter Impressum et quam exacte correctum et emendatum. Ex- cusuni Londini, apud Richardum Tottelum. Anno Domini. 1553. Cum priuilegio. . . . Folio. Title and Table, 9 leaves: a— z in sixes: aa — fff in sixes: ggg — hhh in fours, last leaf blank : Table to the judicial writs, 4 leaves: A— N in sixes: O — P in fours. P 4 is occupied by the colophon : Thus endyth thys booke of the wryttes orygynall & iudycyall, pryntyd at London by Wyllyam Rastell, & fynysshed the • xxviii • day of Septeber in the yere of our lorde 153] and in the .xxiii. yere of y rayne of our souer- ayne lord Kyng Henry the eyght with the pryuylegeof oursayd souerayn lord grauntyd to the Bayd wyllyam / thai no person im- prynt the same in thys realme within the space of .vii. yen- nexle ensuyng. The present copy. a reissue by Tottell of the edition of 1631, has the autograph in two or three plans of William Booth, 1641— 2, who appears to have given 26*. for it- BREVIARIUM. 43 BRITAIN. BREVIARIUM. [Breviarium ad usum Sarum. At the end :] Breuiariu secundu vsum Sarum examinatu castigatu ac correctu / nouoruq3 festoru additionibus & Pice adornatii / madato et impensis serenissime principisse. due videlicet Margarete comitisse Richeraondie et derbie / ac matris illustrissimi / dni nostri Regis henrici septimi Arte quoq? & industria Ricardi Pynson eiusdem dni nostri Regis impressoris precipui ad signu sancti Georgij in fletestrete londoii. cSnioranti. xxv. die mensis August! Anno diii millesimo quin- gentesimoseptinioac [sic] laude omnipotentis dei finit feliciter. 4°. [Title, &c, wanting :] A. 8 11 : aa — gg in eights : A (repeated) H 4 in eights : a — e in eights = 16 11 : ii, 8 11 : kk, 4 11 : R (In dedicatide ecclie), 8 11 : ■ : a — q in eights. In two columns. Sotheby's, Nov. 26, 1900, No. 43, on vellum, imperfect. Comp. Portiforium. BREVINT, DANIEL, D.D. Missale Romanum, . . . The Third Edition. Oxford, At the Theater, m.dc.lxxiii. Sm. 8°. a, 6 11 : A— L 6 in twelves, L 6 blank. BRIDGES, JOHN, Dean of Sarum. A Defence of the Government Established in the Chvrch of Englande for Ecclesiasticall Matters Contayning an aunsvere vnto a Treatise called, The Learned Discourse of Eccl. Gouernment . . . Aunswered by Iohn Bridges Deane of Sarum ... At London, Printed by Iohn Windet for Thomas Chard. 1587. 4°. T and ^%, 5 leaves : A— 4 U in eights. BRIDGWATER, BENJAMIN, Gentle- man. Religio Bibliopole. In Imitation of Dr. Browns Religio Medici. With a Supplement to it. London, Printed for P. Smart, and are to be sold at the Raven in the Poultry. 1691. Sm. 8°. Title and Preface, 3 leaves : B — H 4 in eights. Left unfinished, as we are informed in the Preface, by the author, from insufficient leisure, and completed by another hand. BRIGGS, HENRY, Savile Professor in the University of Oxford. Logarithmicall Arithmetike. Or Tables of Logarithmes for Absolvte Nvmbers from an unite to 100000 ; as also for Sines, Tangentes and Secantes : . . . London, Printed by George Miller. 1631. Folio, A— G in fours : + +, 4 leaves : A— 3 R in sixes : 3 S, 4 11. BRIGGS, WILLIAM, M.D. Opthalmographia. Sive Oculi Eiusque par- tium descriptio Anatomica. Per Guilielmum Briggs, M.D. . . . Editio Secundaab Auctore recognita. Londini : Typis M. C. Impensis Ricardi Green, Bibliopolae Cantabngiensis, MDCLXXXVII. Sm. 8°. A, 8: a, 4: B— E in eights : G, 4. With a folded plate at end. Dedicated to Ralph Montagu Esquire. The present copy possesses the armorial book- plate of Wriothesley, Duke of Bedford, 1703. BRINSLEY, JOHN. Pueriles Confabulatiunculae, Authore Waldo Gallo A Mendis repurgatse. Dublinii, excu- debat B. Took, Cesarite Majestatis Typogra- phus, . . . 1686. Sm. 8°, A— D in eights. Communicated by Mr. McDix of Dublin This appears to be the book mentioned as Pueriles in Lyly's Pappe with an Satchet. Brins- ley, perhaps, as in other cases, and in common with others, as we see, after him, only re-edited it. The edition of 1617, the earliest which I have so far seen, may be that mentioned in the inventory of the stock of John Foster of York, 1616 (Davie% Turk Press, 1868, p. 360), as books were sometimes dated forward. BRISTOL. A Relation Strange and true, Of a Ship of Bristol named the Jacob, of 120. Tunnes, which was about the end of Octob. last 1621 taken by the Turkish Pirats of Argier. And how within flue dayes after, some English Youths did valiantly ouercome 1 3. of the said Turks, and brought the Ship to S. Lvcas in Spaine, where they sold nine of the Turks for Gally-slaues. London, Printed for Nathaniel Butter, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the Pide Bull. . . . [1622.] 4°, A— B in fours, A 1 blank. Woodcut of a ship on title. Sotheby's, June 18, 1896, No. 789, imprint mutilated. The Two State Martyrs, Or The Murther of Master Robert Yeomans, and Master George Bowcher Citizens of Bristoll. Committed on them by Nathaniel Eiennes (second son to the Lord Say) the pretended Governor of the City, and the rest of his conspiracie, whom some call a Councell of Warre. . . . Printed in the yeare. m.dc.xliii. 4°, A— E 2 in fours. BRISTOW, JAMES. An Elegy On the death of Mr. James Bris- tow, Late Eellow of All-souls. Immodicis brevis est (etas, ..)/. Gvilielini Hrvssii Scoti l>. Tariaris Diarivm. Ad lllvstrein Georgivm Talbottum Anglum Serenis8imi & optimi Prinoipis Guilielmi, Comitis Palatini Etheui, vtriusque Bavaria Duois &o. familiarem. Franooforti . . . M.D.xcvin. Folio, A in sixes. R.M. ERUEL. 47 BUFFORD. This forms the last item in a volume containing De Rebut Turcicis Commentarii, by Joachim Camerarius, &c. BRUEL. WALTER. Praxis Medicinal, Or, The Physicians Prac- tise: . . . The Second Edition newly corrected and amended. London, Printed by John Norton for William Sheares, . . . 1639. 4°. B— Ggg in fours + title and preface, signed J. A. BRUNO, VINCENZO, S.J. A Short Treatise of the Sacrament of Penaunce. With the manner of examination of Conscience for a general Confession. Wherunto is added another Treatise of confession, for such spirituall or deuoute persons as frequent that Sacrament. Sette foorth in Italian by the reuerend father Vincent Bruno of the Societie of Iesus. 1597. Sm. 8°, A— E in twelves. BUCER, MARTIN. Martini Bvceri Scripta Anglicana Fere Om- nia. . . . Basileae Ex Petri Pernse Officina mdlxxvii. Folio. BUCANUS, GUILIELMUS, Professor of Diuinity in the University of Lau- sanne. Institvtions of Christian Eeligion, framed out of Gods word, . . . published in English by Robert Hill, Bachelor in Diuinitie, and Fellow of Saint Iohns Colledge in Cam- bridge, for the benefit of our English Nation, . . . Printed at London, by George Snowdon, and Leonell Snowdon. 1606. 4°. A, 7 11: B— 3 L 4 in eights. Dedicated from St. Martin's in the Fields to the Earl of Essex, and Sir William Cecil, Lord Cran- borne, son of the Earl of Salisbury. B.M. Another copy, Sotheby's, July 2, 1901, No. 375, original calf, with the arms of James I. on the sides, gartered, but imperfect. BUCHANAN, DAYID. Truth Its Manifest, Or A short and true Relation of divers main passages of things (in some whereof the Scots are particularly concerned) from the very first beginning of these unhappy Troubles to this day. Pub- lished by Authority. . . . London, Printed in the yeer, 1649. Sm. 8°, A — I in eights + *, 8 leaves and the title. BUCHANAN, GEORGE. Rervm Scoticarvm Historia Avctore Georgio Bvchanano Scoto. Edinbvrgi Apud Alex- andrum Arbuthnetum Typographum Re- gium Anno M. D. lxxxii. Cvm Privilegio Regali. Folio. (*#*), 6 leaves with title, dedication to James VI., and verses by Andrew Melvin, Robert Rollock, and John Lindsey : A, 4 leaves : B — N in sixes : O, 4 11 : P, 4 11 : Q, 3 : R, 4 11 : S— Mm in sixes, Mm 6 blank : Nn— Zz in sixes, Zz 6 with Errata. A Detection of the Actions of Mary Queen of Scots, . . . Printed in the Year 1651. Sm. 8°, A — F in twelves, including an anonymous portrait in an oval, F 10 — 12 blank, and *, 6 leaves. A Detection of the Actions of Mary Queen of Scots, . . . Written in Latin by G. Buchanan. Translated into Scotch. And now made English. London, Printed and are to be Sold by Richard Janeway, in Queens-Head-Ally, near Pater-Noster-Row. 1689. 4°. A, 2 leaves: B— K in fours: L, 2. De Prosodia Libellvs. Avthore G. Bvcha- nano. Edinbvrgi Excvdebat Robertvs Walde-graue Typographic Regius. Cum Privilegio Regio. 8°, A — C 2 in eights. Edin. Univ. Lib. Georgii Bvchanani Scoti Franciscanvs Et Fratres Elegiarvm Liber I. Silvarvm Li- ber I. Hendecasyllabvm Liber I. Epigram- matvm Libri III. Quibus iam recens acce- dunt De Sphoera Libri V. Anno cb. lo. xcrv. 8°, A— R in eights. Georgii Bvchanani Scoti Opervm Poetico- rvm Pars Altera : in qua Tragoediae Sacrae et Exterae, apud Petrum Sanctandreanum. cio. io. xcvii. 8°, A — N 4 in eights. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. An Answer to a Letter from a Freeholder of Buckinghamshire, to a Friend in London : Concerning the Election of the Knights of the said County. A folio leaf. BUCKLER, EDWARD, and P. I. Certaine Queries Concerning the lawfnllnes of imposing, and taking of the Negative Oath, Propounded by some Ministers under restraint in the Garrison of Weymouth. And Answered f"E. B.] f Weymouth, By-j and j> Ministers of -j and [P. I.J tMelcomb-regis. London Printed for Rich. Royston, at the Angell in Ivy Lane, M DC xlvii. 4°, A — C 2 in fours. BUCKMASTER or BUCKMINSTER, THOMAS. A Newe Almanacke and Prognostication, for the yere of our Lorde God. m.d.lxxi. Exactly made for the Meridian & pole artike of the citie of London, & may serue for al Englande. By Thomas Buckmaster. Printed by Richard Watkins. 8°. A 8 : B 4 : C«. BUFFORD, SAMUEL, Gentleman. An Essay against Unequal Marriages. In Four Chapters. . . . London, Printed for T. Salusbury . . . 1693. Sm. 8°. BULKELEY. BUN VAN. B— E in twelves + title-page: F— G in sixes : H, 4. BULKELEY, EDWARD. An Answere to Ten friuolous and foolish reasons, set downe by the Rhemish Iesuits and Papists in their Preface before the new Testament by them lately translated in English, . . . Londini, Impensis Georg. Bishop. 1588. 4°, A— in fours. Dedicated to Sir Francis Walsingham, from Woodhull, April 9, 1588. BULL-FEAST. A True Description of the Bull-Feast. Printed in the Year mdclxxxiii. A folio broadside. BULLEIN, WILLIAM, M.D. Bulleins Bulwarke of defece againste all Sicknes, Sorenes, and Woundes, that dooe daily assaulte mankinde, whiche Bulwarke is kepte with Hillarius the Gardiner, Health the Physician, with their Chirurgian, to helpe the wounded soldiors. Gathered and practised fro the moste worthie learned, bothe old and newe : to the greate coinforte of mankinde : Doen by Williyam Bulleyn, and ended this Marche. Anno salutis. 1562. Imprinted at London, by Jhon Kyngston. Folio. ■',4 11: a or A — q in sixes : r, 4 11 : Aa — Hh in sixes : Ii, 4 : A (repeated) — O in sixes. With a few cuts and some original poetry by Bullein. Dedi- cated to Lord Hunsdon. BULLINGER, HENRY. The iudgement of the Reuerend Father Master Henry Bullinger / Pastor of the church of Zurick, in certayne matters of religion, beinge in controuersy in many countreys, euen wher as the Go [s] pel is taught. . . . 1566. 8°, A— C in eights. Attributed to the press of Embden. The con- tents are on the back of the title. BULLOKAR, WILLIAM. W. Bullokan abbreuiation of his Grammar for english extracted out-of hiz Grammar at-lar^ . . . [This is a headline on B i. At the end :] Im-printed at London, by Edmund Bollifant. 1586. Sm. 8°. [No regular title:] A, 4 11. with William Btd- lokar too the Rcedor, in verse : B 4 : C 4 : Ch 4 : D 4 : E 4 : E' 4 : F 1 : G' 4 : G 4 . Bodleian. BUNWORTH, R. Omobopia Natunv. A Physical Discourse, Exhibiting the Cure of Diseases by Signa- ture. . . . London, Printed by J. C. for the Author, and are to be sold by most Booksellers. 1656. Sm. 8°, A— G 2 in sixes : Man in Paradise, with a new title, A, 4 leaves, A 1 blank : B— I in sixes, I 5 With Errata and I 6 blank. The preface IB dated from the Sugar Loaf in Duck Lane, Sept. 1655; dedicated by Bunworth to Dr. George Bowie, of Oundle, co. Northampton. BULTEEL, JOHN. The Amorous Gallant : Or, Love in Fashion. A Comedie, In Heroick Verse, As it was Acted. London : Printed by J. C. for Wil- liam Crook, . . . 1675. 4°, A— H in fours, H 4 with Advertisements. BULWER, JOHN. A View of the People of the Whole World : Or, A short Survey of their Policies, Dis- positions, . . . For the Readers greater delight Figures are annexed to most of the Relations. Scripsit I. B. cognomento Chiro- sophus, M.D. London. Printed for the use and benefit of Thomas Gibbs, Gent. 1658. 4°. With portrait, &c. A reissue of the ed. of 1653 with a new title. BUNYAN, JOHN. Christian Behaviour ; Or the Fruits of true Christianity. Shewing the Ground from whence they flow, in their Godlike order in the Duty of Relations, as Husbands, . . . By John Bunyan, a Prisoner of Hope . . . London, Printed for F. Smith at the Elephant and Castle without Temple Bar. [1663.] Sm. 8°. A— F 10 in twelves. BM. Grace Abounding to the chief of Sinners : Or, A brief and Faitliful Relation of the Exceeding Mercy of God in Christ, to his poor Servant John Bunyan. . . . Where- unto is added, A brief Relation of his Call to the Work of the Ministry, of his Tempta- tions therein, as also what he hath met with in Prison. All Which was written by his own hand there, . . . London : Printed by George Larkin. 1666. Sm. 8°, A— G 4 in eights. Grace Abounding. To the Chief of Sinners : Or, A Brief and Faithful Relation of the exceeding Mercy of God in Christ, to His poor Servant John Bvnyan. Namely In his taking of him out of the Dunghil, . . . The Fifth Edition Corrected. . . London, Printed for Nath. Ponder, . . . 1680. Sm.8°. A, 4: B—F in twelves : G, 8. With a portrait. A Defence of the Doctrine of Iustification, By Faith in Iesus Christ, Shewing True Gospel-Holiness flows from Thence. Or, Mr. Fowler's Pretended Design of Chris- tianity, Proved to be nothing more than to trample under Foot the Blood of the Son of God ; and the Idolizing of Men's own Righteousness. . . . By John Bunyan. . . . Printed for Francis Smith, at the Elephant and Cattle, without Temple- Bar. 1673. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— Q in fours. Tlu> Prefoe Is dated from Prison, the 27 of tl»e 12 Month, 1071. BUNYAN. 49 BURNET. The Pilgrim's Progress. . . . 1678. 8° With a portrait by R. White (?), in which the City in the background is described as Vanity instead of Destruction, an alteration made for the third, if not for the second, edition. The impression of the print in the copy sold at Sotheby's rooms, May 9, 1901, for the totally unjustified price of £1475, though in indifferent state, was remarkably fine and clear, and does not seem to have been employed before. The presence of a portrait in the edition was a new bibliographical revelation, as all the other known copies are without it; but the defective condition of this one only shews the liability to disappearance in the case of so popular a book. In the copy belonging to the British Museum the leaf before title is a blank composed of the same paper, Mr. Wilson informs me, as the rest of the book, so that the print may not have been added, till a portion of the edition was sold. The Pilgrim's Progress . . . The Eighth Edition with Additions. . . . London, Printed for Nathanael Pod der . . . 1682. Sm. 8°. A, 6 leaves, including frontispiece : B — K in twelves, last two leaves with Ad- vertisements. The Pilgrim's Progress . . . The Tenth Edition with Additions . . . London, Printed for Nathaniel Ponder . . . 1685. Sm. 8°. A, 6 leaves, including frontispiece : B — K 8 in twelves, last 4 leaves with Ad- vertisements, &c. The Pilgrim's Progress . . . The Eleventh Edition with Additions, and the Cuts. . . . London, Printed for Nathanael Ponder, . . . 1688. Sm. 8°. A, 6 11: B— K 6 in twelves. With a portrait (making Al) and outs at pp. 1, 24 (2), 48 (2), 56, 64, 72 (2), 112, 136, 144, besides one with the letterpress on p. 116. The last impression during the author's life. The Pilgrim's Progress. . . . The Six- teenth Edition, with Additions of New Cuts. . . . London, Printed for N. Boddington, . . . 1707. Sm. 8°, A— D in twelves, A 1 with frontispiece : D (repeated) — I in twelves. The Pilgrims Progress . . . The Third Part . . . The Sixth Edition. Loudon : Printed by W. O. for A. Bettesworth, . . . 1705. Sm. 8°, A— H in twelves, including a frontispiece. This includes the Life of Bunyan. The Pilgrim's Progress. . . . And now done into Verse By Erancis Hoffman. . . . London: Printed by R. Tuckey, and are to be sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster. 1706. Sm. 8°, A— G 6 in twelves + a frontispiece. The Doctrine of the Law and Grace Un- folded : Or, A Discourse touching the Law and Grace. . . . Published by that Poor and Contemptible Creature, John Bunyan of Bedford. . . . London, Printed for Nath. Ponder . . . 1685. Sm. 8°, A— Y in eights, Y 8 blank. A Book for Boys and Girls: Or, Country Rhimes for Children. By J. B. Licensed and Entred according to Order. London, Printed for N. P. and sold by the Book- sellers in London. 1686. [12 May.] Sm. 8°, A— P in eights. S. M. (Narcissus Luttrell's copy.) The note of month is in the hand, perhaps, of the original purchaser. The Acceptable Sacrifice : Or The Excellency of a Broken Heart : Shewing the Nature, Signs and Proper Effects of a Contrite Spirit. Being the Last Works of that Eminent Preacher, and Faithful Minister of Jesus Christ, Mr. John Bunyan of Bedford. With a Preface prefixed thereunto, by an Eminent Minister of the Gospel in London. London, Printed for, and are to be Sold by George Larkin at the Two Swans without Bishopsgates. 1689. Price Bound One Shilling. Sm. 8°. A— L 6 in twelves. BURGIS (or BRUGIS), THOMAS, M.D. Vade Mecvm: Or, A Companion for a Chirvrgion. . . . Being amended, and augmented ... By Ellis Prat, M.D. The Seventh Edition. London, Printed for B. T. and T. S. . . . 1680. Sm. 8°. A, 12 11. including a portrait by Cross : a, 12 11 : B — S in twelves. Vade Mecum: Or, A Companion for a Chirurgion. Pitted for Sea, or Land ; Peace, or War. ... By Thomas Brugis, Doctor in Physick. Being amended, and augmented ... By Ellis Prat, M.D. The Seventh Edition. London, Printed for B. T. and T. S; and Sold by Fr. Hubbert, near the Crown Tavern in Duck-lane. 1689. Sm. 8°, A — S in twelves, a portrait by T. Cross (of E. Prat ?) on A 1 : a, 12 11. between A — B: Supplement by Prat, A— E 4 in twelves, E 4 blank. Dedicated by Prat to his ever honoured friend, Sir William Juxon, of Little-Compton, Co. Gloucester, Kt. and Baronet. BURLEY, WALTER. Incipit liber de vita et moribus philosophorii. [This title occurs on the left-hand column of the second leaf, the first being occupied by a catalogue of names. No place, &c] Folio, 58 leaves and 38 lines to a page. Sotheby's, May 12, No. 296, Philip V. of Spain'* copy, with his arms on sides. BURNET, THOMAS, Master of the Charterhouse. Telluris Theoria Sacra : . . . Editio Tertia, reoognita & contracta. Londini, Impensis BURNET. 5" BUTLER. Benj. Took, . . . mdccii. 4°. Title frontispiece, and dedication to the Earl of Wilton, 4 11. : a, 4 11 : B— Zz 2 in fours. With two folded maps. The Theory of the Earth. Containing an Account of the Original of the Earth, and of all the General Changes which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo, Till the Consummation of all Things. The Two Eirst Books Concerning the Deluge, and concerning Paradise. London, Printed by R. Norton, for Walter Kettilby, . . . 1684. Eolio. With a frontispiece and other engravings. A Postscript to a Book Published the Last Year, Entituled Considerations on Dr. Burnet's Theory of the Earth. [Col.] London: Printed, and are to be sold by Randal Taylor near Stationers Hall. 1691. 4°, 4 leaves. Without a title-page. Remarks upon an Essay concerning Humaine Understanding. London, Printed for M. Wotton, at the Three Daggers in Fleet- street. 1697. Price 3d. 4°, A— D, 2 leaves Second Remarks 1697. 4°, B— E \ Third Remarks MDCXCIX. 4°, A- . . . London, in fours + title. . . . London, -D 2 in fours. BURNEY, RICHARD, sometime Chap- lain to the Countess of Denbigh. Kerdiston Doron. King Charles the Second His most Sacred Majestie ; Presented to the Bight Honourable Houses of Parliament in their next Session. . . . Delivered in Eight distinct Sermons at St. Mildreds Canterbury, . London, Printed by I. Redmayne for the Authour. 4°, A— S in fours. With a portrait. Dedicated to the King. BURNYEAT, JOHN. The Truth Exalted in the Writings of that Eminent and Faithful Servant of Christ. London : Printed for Thomas North- co'tt in George-Yard in Lombard-Street. 1691. 4°. Title, preface, and verses on the book, 4 leaves : a— c 2 in fours : A— Kk 2 in fours. BURONZO, J. A. Practice of Meditating with Profit. Mack- lin, H. Jeay. 1613. 12°. PutUck s, April 20, 18K6, No. 561, Lord Petre's books. I omitted to take a more exaot account, and have failed to trace this copy or any other. BURRIDGE, E. Historia Nupene Rerum Mutationis in An- glia : In qua, Res a Jacobo Rege contra Leges Anglia), & Europsi Libertatem, & ab Ordinibus Anglia) contra Regem patratw, duobus Libris recensentur. Authore E. B. Londini, Sumptibus Sam. Buckley, . . . 1697. 8°. A, 6 : *, 2 : B— U in eights : X, 6. Dedicated to Charles, Duke of Shrewsbury. BURY, E., of Great Bales, Salop. A Buckler against the fear of Death ; Or, Pious and Profitable Observations, Medita- tions, and Consolations : By E. B. Printed by Roger Daniel, Printer to the University of Cambridge: And are to be sold by M. Spark junior, in the little Old-Baily in Lon- don. 1640. Sm. 8°. A, 411: B— I in eights. In verse. Dedicated to Mrs. Helena Phillips and Mrs. Agneta Gorges, grandchildren to the Marchioness of Northampton. A i and ii are occupied by an engraved title and metrical explanation. The engraved title reads A Bvckler Agaynst the feare of Death or Pyous and Proffitable Obserua- tions, Meditations And Consolations ou Mans Mortallity by E. B. minister in G. B. London Printed for Mi: Sparke Iunior 1640. BURTON, ROBERT. The Anatomy of Melancholy . . . The Seuenth Edition, corrected and augmented by the Author. . . . London Printed for H. Cripps and are to be sold at his Shop in Popes-head Allie and by E. Wallis at the Hors Shoo in the Old Baley. 1660. Folio. Engraved title, dedication, and verses, 4 leaves : A— Zzz in sixes : Aaaa, 4 leaves. The publisher on the last leaf recto states that since the last impression the author had died, leaving a revised copy in his hands. But Burton died in 1639 — 40 ; and toe same notice is appended to the edition of 1652. BUSCON. The Life and Adventures of Buscon The Witty Spaniard. Put into English by a Person of Honour. To which is added, The Provident Knight. By Don Francisco de Quevedo, A Spanish Cavalier. The Second Edition. London, Printed for Henry Her- ringman, . . . mdclxx. Sm. 8°, A— Q 4 in eights. Dedicated byJ[ohn] D[avies of Kidwelly] to his honoured friend T. P. BUTCHERS. A Proclamation Concernynge Bouchers. Tho. Berthelet. regius impressor excudebat. A broadside. BUTLER, CHARLES. Rhetorics! Libri Duo. . . . Autore Carolo Butlero, Magd. Artium Magistro. Londini, Ex Oilicina Guilielmi Bentley, . . . 1655. Sm. 8°. If, 4 11 : A— F in twelves : G, 8. BUTLER, JAMES, Duke of Ormonde. A Letter ... In Answer to . . . Arthur Earl of Anglesey . . . London, Printed for R. Baldwin, mdclxxxii. Folio. The Letter, 2 11: the Answer, Printed for N. P. H)S2. 4 11. With separate titles. BUTLER. c.y. BUTLER, JOHN, B.D. Agiastrologia. Or, The most Sacred and Divine Science of Astrology. 1. Asserted, In Three Propositions; Shewing the Ex- cellency and great Benefit thereof, where it is rightly understood, and religiously observed. 2. Vindicated, Against the Calumnies of the Reverend Dr. More . . . 3. Excused, Concerning Pacts with Evil Spirits, as not guilty, in humble Considera- tions upon the Pious and Learned Discourse upon that Subject, by . . . Joseph some- times Lord Bishop of Norwich. By J. B. B. D. A Protestant Minister of the True, Antient, Catholick and Apostolick Eaith of the Church of England. London, Printed for the Author ; And are to be Sold by William Bromwich, at the Three Bibles in Ludgate- Street. 8°. (a) — (e) in fours. (f) 1 leaf: B— G in eights, G 8 blank: Astrology Vindicated, &c, title and dedi- cation to Elias Ashmole, 3 leaves: (g) 4 leaves : Aa — Hh in eights. The former portion is dedicated to Sir Thomas Doleman Knight, one of the Clerks of the Privy Council. BUTLER, MARY. The Tryal and Conviction of Mary Butler, alias Strickland, At Justice-Hall in the Old- Baily, in London, on the 12th Day of October, 1699. For Counterfeiting a Bond of £10,000 as the Bond of Sir Robert Clayton, Kt. and Alderman of London London : Printed by F. C. in the Old-Baily 1700. 4°, A— D in fours, D 4 blank. BUTLER, SAMUEL. Hudibras. In Three Parts. Corrected, with several Additions and Annotations. London, Printed, and are to be sold by W. Rogersj . . . 1684. 8°, A— Cc in eights + general title : Part 3, A— Q in eights. Part III. is printed for Robert Home, and sold by Thomas Basset. The Privilege of our Saints in the business of Perjury. Useful for Grand Juries. By the Author of Hudibras. London, Printed for Benj. Tooke. 1681. A folio leaf of verses. BTGOD, SIR FRANCIS, Knight. A Treatyse concerning Impropriations of benefyces. [This is the running title, the title-page being lost. At the end occurs :] Printed at Lodon by Tho. Godfray. Cum priuilegio Regali. 8°, A 4 : B s : C s : D 4 . Lambeth. Probably printed about 1520, as in the dedication Bygod refers to the Queen and her daughter, who would be the Princess Mary, born 18 Feb., 1517-18. A later date scarcely suits the printer. c c. c. Sylla's Ghost: A Satyr Against Ambition, and The Last Horrid Plot. — Sejanus Ducitur unco . . . London, Printed by John Harefinch, in Mountague-Court, in Little Britain, mdccxxxiii. Folio, A — 0, 2 11. each + title and dedication to the Duke of Albemarle by C. 0. ? Charles Cotton. C. D. (Dv Cardonel) CD. Simo, Comoedia. [Quot. from Juv. Sat. 2, v. 23.] Londini, mdccii. 4°, A — I in fours. Dedicated to T. T., M.D. C. F. D., of Lyons. Histoire Des Larrons, Or The History of Theeves. Written in French, and Translated out of the Originall, By Paul Godwin. London, Printed by Iohn Raworth, and are to be sold by Thomas Slater, at the signe of the Swan in Duck-lane, 1638. Sm. 8°. A, 8 11., A 1 with Imprimatur: B — O in twelves : P, 2. C. G-., Practitioner in Physic. A Treatise of Mathematicall Phisicke, or briefe introduction to Phisicke, by Iudiciall Astronomy. Intreating very exactly and compendiously of the Natures and Qualities of all diseases incident to humane bodyes by the natural influence of the Coelestiall motions. Neuer before handled in this our Natiue language . . . Whereunto is added a most ready and perfect Table, of the Planetarie and vnequall bowers. ... At London, Printed by Thomas Purfoot. 1598. 4°. A, 2 leaves: B— K 2 in fours + the Table. With diagrams. C.G. Liberty of Conscience Asserted and Vindi- cated. By a Learned Country-Gentleman. Humbly offered to the Consideration of the Lords and Commons in this present Par- liament. London, Printed for Jonathan Robinson, . . . 1689. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— E 2 in fours. C. H., Philonomios. The Character of an Honest Lawyer. J?'t- titice Cultor, . . . London, Printed for Jonathan Edwin at the three Roses iu Ludgate Street. 1676. Folio, 4 leaves. C.J. An Elegie Upon the Death of the most D— 2 C L. 52 CALV£K. Incomparable, Mrs. Katharine Philips, The Glory of Her Sex. A folio leaf printed within a mourning border. "With two Epitaphs. C. L., Philomedico Chymicus. Fundamenta Chymica. Or A Sure Guide into the high and rare Mysteries of Alchymie : . . London Printed by William Godbid, for William Barlow, without Aldersgate, 1658. 8°, A— P 6 in eights, A 1 blank. Dedicated by Robert Turner of Holshot (the translator) to "the worshipful and truly worthy Patriot of his Family and Country, William Pitt of Hartly-Westpel in Hampshire Esqe. C. L. W. A very perfect Discourse and order how to know the Age of a Horse, and the Diseases that breed in him with the Remedies to cure the same: as also, The description of euery Vayne, and how and when to let him blood, according to the diuersitie of the Disease, as hath been prooued by the Author, L W. C. Imprinted at London by W. W. for Thomas Pauier. 1610. 4°, A— P 3 in fours, A 2 occupied only by a woodcut. C. T. The Ivst Mans Memoriall. Cvivs Memoria In Benedictionibvs. To the Pretiovs and Immortall Memory of the Right Honourable and truly Noble Lord, William Earle of Pembroke. As it was Delivered in a Ser- mon at Baynards Castle, before the inter- ment of the body. London, Printed by Elizabeth Allde, for Nathaniel Butter. An. Dom. 1630. 4°, A— P in fours. Dedicated to Philip, Earl of Pembroke and Mont- gomery. c. w. The Pirst Part of the Renowned Historie of Pragosa King of Aragon. Together with the strange fortunes and heroycall deedes performed by his three Sonnes, and the worthy president of Loue in his faire daughter Plermia. Right pleasant for the aged to driue away Melancholy thoughts, and profitable for the young to behold the often variations of the fickle world. London : Printed by B. A. and are to be sold by J. P- in the Poultry. 1618. 4°, black letter. Part I. A— I in fours, A 1 with signature- mark only : Part II. A— I [?] in fours. Sotheby's, July 2, 1895, No. 454, imperfect in both parts, part 2 ending on I 3. The Pirst Part of the Renowned Historie of Pragosa King of Aragon . . . Written by W. C. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, dwelling in Grub-street. 1646. (ii.) The Second Part . . . [With a new title] 1646. 4°. Part I., A— I in fours, A 1 blank : Part II., the same. B.M. CCEDMON. Coedmonis Monachi Paraphrases Poetica Genesios ac prseoipuarum Sacra; Pagina? Historiarum, ab hinc annos m.lxx. Anglo- Saxonice conscripta, & nunc primum edita a Prancisco Junio P.P. Amstelodami, . . . cIoIjclv. Prostant Haga>Comitum apud Adrianvm Vlacq. 4°. Title and preface, &c. 2 leaves : A — O in fours. CAIUS, JOHANNES. Joannis Caii Britanni De Canibus Bntanni- cis, liber unus ; De Rariorum Animalium & Stirpium historia, liber unus; De Libris propriis, liber unus; De Pronunciatione Grsecse & Latinse Linguae, cum scriptione nova, libellus ; Ad optimorurn Exemplarium fidem recogniti a S. Jebb, M.D. Londini : . . . m,dcc,xxix. 8°, A— R in eights. The tract De Libris propriis is of particular interest as a view of tiae author's literary history and work. CALDERWOOD, DAVEO. The Speach of the Kirk of Scotland To Her Beloved Children. . . . Imprinted in the yere 1620. 8°, A— H in eights. Parasynagma Perthense Et Ivramentvm Ecclesise Scoticanse Et A. M. Antitamicate- goria. Anno M. DC. xx. 4°, A— F in fours. An Epistle of a Christian Brother Exhorting an other to keepe himselfe vndefiled from the present corruptions brought in to the ministration of the Lords Supper. Printed Anno 1624. Sin. 8°, A— B in eights, B 8 blank. CALYER, EDWARD. Divine Passions. Piously and Pathetically expressed in three severall Bookes. Viz. 1. Being a Dialogue between Dives and Lazarus, with the Authors Epigram upon that Parable. 2. A Dialogue between the Prodigall Son, and the Pitifull Father, with Epigrams on that Parable also. 3. Contains first, an Argument against Atheisme, Secondly, an Admiration of Gods mercy towards mankinde. Thirdly, the care and cure of a wounded conscience. Written and Composed for private Consola- tion, and now thought not unlit to be pub- lished to all, and presented to certaine worthy Persons of this kingdome. By Edward Calver, Gent. London, Printed by T. H. for Richard Harper, and are to be sold at his shop in Smithfield, 1643. 4°, A— R in fours. In verse. Dedicated to Sir IVnnor Strut, Knight and Baronet, William Heveningham, M.P., Nicholas BaooD and Henry North, J.J.P., &c. With some lines on the back of the title In laudem A uthoris, by S.W. CALVERT. 5J CAMDEN. Each of the two latter Books has a separate title : The Prodigal Sonne, And the Pittifvll Father, and Breathinqs After Divine Ayre. CALVERT, THOMAS. The blessed Jew of Morocco : Or, A Black- moor made White. Being a demonstration of the true Messias ... By Tho. Calvert Minister of the Word at York . . . Printed at York by Tho : Broad. 1648. 8°, A— Ff in fours. CALVIN, JOHN. A Faythfvl and moste Godly treatyse con- cernynge the most sacred sacrament of the blessed body and bloude of our sauiour Christ, . . . Wher vnto is added the order that the church and eongregatio of Christe in Denmarke doth vse [by Miles Coverdale] . ... 8°, A— F 4 in eights. The Institvtion of Christian Religion, wryt- ten in Latine by maister Ihon Caluin, and translated into Englysh according to the authors last edition. Seen and Allowed . . . Imprinted at London by Reinolde Vvolfe & Richard Harison. Anno. 156 L. Cum Priuilegio . . . Folio, A — Mm 5 in eights, A repeated : A— Y 6 in eights. Ia the colophon is added to the date : The. 6. day of Maye. The Institvtion of Christian Religion . . . Imprinted at London by Anne Griffin, for Ioyce Norton and R. Whitaker. 1634. Folio. *, 6 leaves: A, 4 11: B— 4 G in sixes : 4 H, 4 11. An Abridgement of the Institvtion of Christian Religion, written by M. Iohn Caluin. ... By William Lawne Minister of the word of God. Faithfully translated out of Latine . . . Now againe corrected and in manie places augmented. . . . Printed at Edinburgh. 1587. 8°, A— Cc in eights. Translated by Christopher Fetherstone, who dedicates it to the Lady Judith Pelham and to Mr. Richard Martin, Master of the Mint, both from Mayfield in Sussex, under date 1586. The Catechisme, or maner to teache children . . . Made by . . . Ihon Caluin. . . . [Quot. from Ephes. ii. Col.] Imprinted at London by Iohn Kyngston. 8°, A — K in eights. The Catechisme, Or manner to teach children the Christian Religion . . . Middlebvrgh. Printed by Richard Schilders, Printer to the States of Zeeland. 1597. 8°, A— C in eights, C 8 blank. The Catechisme, or Maner to teich chyldren . . . Edinbvrgh. IT Prentit be Robert Smyth dwelland at the nether bow 1602 Cum Privilegio Regali. 8°, A— F in eights. B.M. A Catechisme of Christian Religion. Ap- pointed to be printed for the vse of the Kirke of Scotland. Edinbvrgh, Printed by Andro Hart Anno Dom. 1615. 8°, A— D 4 (?) in eights. Sotheby's (Auchinleck), June 23, 1893, in lot 64, ending on D 3. Iohn Calvine's Catechisme, Contayning at large the whole Grounds of Christian Reli- gion . . . Imprinted in Aberdene, by Edward Raban, for David Melvill. 1628. 8°, A— F in eights. A Little Booke of Iohn Caluines con- cernynge Offences, whereby at this daye diuers are feared, and many also quight withdrawen from the pure doctrine of the Gospell, a worke very needefull and profit- able. Translated out of Latine into Englishe by Arthur Goldinge. 8°. *, 8 11 : **, 4 11 : A— O in eights, O 8 probably with colophon (deficient in this copy). Dedicated from Warwick, 1 October, 1566, to Francis, Earl of Bedford. CAMBRIDGE. Academiae Cantabrigiensis Lachrymal Tv- mvlo Nobilissimi Equitis, D. Philippi Sidneij Sacratse Per Alexandrum Nevillum. [Quot. from Esai. 40.] . . . Londini Ex officina Ioannis Windet impensis Thomse Chardi. Anno salutis humanse, clo. la. Lxxxvij. Febr. xvj. 4°. a— h, 2 11. each: a leaf making i 1 : k, 2 11 : 1, 2 11 : A— I in fours : K, 2 11 : L, 4 11 : M, 2 11. Perhaps i 2 was blank. There is no apparent deficiency. Puttick & Simpson, July 6, 1898, No. 195, a copy once belonging to N. Crynes, with his name stamped in two or three places, having also the autograph signatures of the Editor Alexander Nevile, R. Stapylton, and Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, the two latter on the bottom or lower cover, ac- companied by the arms in trick, roughly executed, of Leicester's third wife, the Lady Lettice Knollis. On k 1 is a sonnet in English by James VI. of Scotland. Catalogus Plantarum Circa Cantabrigiam nascentium: In quo exhibentur Quotquot hactenus inventse sunt, quae vel Sponte pro- veniunt, velui agris seruntur; Una cum Synonymis selectiorlbus . . . Cantabrigise : Excudebat Joann. Field, . . . Impensis Gulielmi Nealand, Bibliopolse. Ann. Dom. 1660. Sm. 8°. * and **, 8 leaves each, the first blank :— A— S in eights, S 8 blank. Hymenseus Cantabrigiensis. Cantabrigian : Ex Officina Johannis Hayes, . . . 1683. 4°, A— T 2 in fours, but only 2 11. in B. Lachrymse Cantabrigienses In Obitum Serenissimse Reginte Marise. Cantabrigise, Ex Officina Johan. Hayes, . . . 169-f-. 4°, A— Dd 2 in fours. CAMDEN, WILLIAM. Britain, Or A Chorographicall Description of the Most flourishing Kiugdomes, England, CAMDEN. 54 CANES. . . . Beavtified with Mappes of the severall Shires of England. . . . Translated newly into English by Philemon Holland Doctour in Physick : Finally revised, amended, and enlarged with sundry Additions by the said Author. London, Printed by P. K. It. Y. and 1. L. for Andrew Heb. 1637. Polio, A— 5 B in sixes + title, &c. 7 leaves (1" 4 following % 2 in this copy) and the Maps of Scotland, &c. Bervm Anglicarvm Henrico VIII. Edwardo VI. Et Maria Begnantibus, Annales. Lon- diui, Apud Ioannem Billivm, Typographunt Begiuni, M.DC.xxvni. 4°. Title, Dedication, and Preface, 4 leaves: A— Hh in fours, HH 4 with colophon. Berum Anglicarum Et Hibernicarvm An- nales, . . . Qvinta Editio. Lvgd. Batavorvm, . . clo 10 cxxxix. 8°, *, 8 leaves, * 8 with a portrait of Elizabeth. **, 8 leaves : A— Kkk in eights, last leaf blank. Annales Berum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum Begnante Elizabetha Autore Gvil. Camdeno. Prostat Amstelodami apud Dan. Elzevir. Ao. m.dc.lxxvii. Sm. 8°. a, 7 : b, 8 : c, 7 : A — 3 N in eights. The History of the most Benowned and Victorious Princess Elizabeth, . . . The Third Edition, Bevised and compared with the Originall, . . . With a new Alphabetical Index. . . . London, Printed by E. Flesher, for Charles Harper, and John Amery, . . . 1675. Folio. Title and frontispiece, 2 leaves : a, 4 11 : A— G 2 in fours : D — 4 X 2 in fours. Camdeni Insignia. Oxonise. Excudebant Iohannes Lichtield, & Iacobvs Short, Aca- demise Typographi. 1624. 4°. Title and following leaf with verses in Latin : Acad. Oxon. De Camdeni Inriflti.: II, 4 leaves: ft, 3 leaves: 1FH1F, 4 leaves: A— G 2 in fours. CAMERARIUS, P. The Living Librarie, . . . The second Edition . . . London, Printed by Adam Islip, and are to be sould by I. Partridge. Anno 1625. Folio, A— Nn in sixes: Oo, 4: title on A 2. Dedicated by Bichard Baddeley to John, elect Bishop of Lincoln. CAMERONIANS. To His Highness the Prince of Orange, The Humble Address and Supplication of the Camornniaii Presbyterians in Sootlaud. Printed in the Year mdclxxxix. A broad- side in verse. CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD, Marquis a! Argyle. Instructions to a Son, . . . By Arohibald late Marquess of Argyle. London, Printed and Sold by Richard Baldwin. . . . 1689. Sm. 8°. A, 7 11, the first blank, A 4 marked A 5. B— H in twelves. The Ca«e of the Earl of Argyle. Or An exact and full Account of his Trial, Escape, and Sentence : . . . Whereunto is added An Appendix, in answer to a late Pamphlet, called, A Vindication of His Majestie's Government, and Judicatories in Scotland, — Especially with Belation to the Earl of Argyle's Process. In so far as concerns the Earl's Trial. Printed in the Year M. D. c. lxxxiii. Folio, A— T in fours + title, Preface, and Errata, 2 11. CAMPION. EDMUND. Histoire de la Mort Qve le B. P. Edmond Campion Prestre de la Compagnie du nom de Iesus & autres ont souffert en Angleterre pour la foy Catholique & Bomaine le premier iour de Decembre, 1581 . Traduict d'Anglois en Francois. A Paris, Chez Guillaume Chau- diere, . . . 1582. . . . Sm. 8°., A— D in fours, D 2 — 4 blank. CAMUS, J P., Bishop of Bellay. The Loving Enemy Or A famous true His- tory Written originally in the French Tongue, by the most incomparable Pen- man of the Age, J. P. Camus B. of Bellay. Made English by Major Wright, As his Becreation, during his Imprisonment. The Second Edition Bevised. London, Printed for Thomas Books, in Gresham Colledg, next the stairs, entering upon the Exchange, near Bishopsgate-street : who makes and sells the best Ink for Becords. 1667. Sm. 8°. A, 6 leaves: B— H in eights. Dedi- cated to Ladv Mannock, wife of Sir Fra: Mannock, of Giffords Hall in Suffolk. "N ith verses by J. Howell, T. May, Aug. Bivers, J. Shirley, &c. CANDIA. An Exact Account of the Late Engagement Between the French King's Forces and those of the Grand Seignior before Candia, On the 25th of June 1669. As it came in a Letter from the Duke de Navairres the French General. With a List of the Slain and Wounded. In the Savoy, Printed by Tho. Newoomb, 1669. 4°, A— B in fours. A True and Perfect List of All the Forces lent By His Most Christian .Majesty, Aboard His Men of Warr and Gallies, Upon the Expedition for the Relief of Candia This present Year, 1669. Published by Autho- rity. Printed by T. Newcomb in the Savoy, 1669. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. CANES. JOHN VINCENT. The Reclaimed Papist. Or The Process of a Papist Knight reformed bv a Protestant Lady with the asaistanoe of a Presbyterian Minister and his wife an Independent. And CANISIUS. 55 CARDS. the whole conference, whereby that notable reformation was effected. 1655. 8°. *, 8 11. : A— O in eights, O 8 probably blank. Dedicated by J. B. V. F. C. to his Noble and ever honoured Friend John Compton Esquire. CANISIUS, PETRUS. Ane Catechisme Or Schort Instrvction of Christian Religion drawen out of the scrip- tures and ancient Doctours compyled be the Godlie and lerned father Peter Canisius Doctour in Theologie. Vvith ane Kallen- dar perpetuale confining baith the awld and new Kallendar. Vvith dyuers vthere thingis pertining thairto verie profitable for all sort of men : maid be M. Adame king professour of Philosophic and Mathematikis at Paris. In the end ar adiouned certian godlie prayers and ane schort method Vvhairby euery man may exame his conscience howe he hes offendet the maiestie of God or his nicht- bour. At Paris. Imprented be Peter Hery. 1588. Sm. 8°, a— k 6 in eights, followed by two blanks besides a folded table of " the Fvll Sey at all the Costes of Scotland" : A— Ee in eights, Ee 7-8 blank: a— o in eights: Q, 6, u 6 with a woodcut ornament only. B.M. After the title follows an epigram, in Latin, by Adam King. K 4-5 have the Errata. CANUTE or KNUT, Bishop of Aar- huus in Jutland. Here begynneth a litill boke necessarye & behouefull a;enst the Pestilence. No place, &c. [W. de Machlinia, London, about 1480.] 4°, 8 leaves unsigned, with 24 lines to a full page. Sotheby's, March 17, 1902, No. 37. A large and perfect copy, £160, bought for the British Museum. Here bgynneth a litil boke the whiche traytied and reherced many gode thinges necessaries for the infirmite & grete sekenesse called Pestilence the whiche often times en- fecteth vs made by the most expert Doctour in phisike Bisshop of Arusiens in the realme of Denmark, &c. [London, W. De Machlinia, about 1480.] 4°, 9 leaves without catch- words and signatures. Sotheby's, June 25, 1897, No. 158 (Ashburnham). From the White Knights sale, where it fetched £9. £147 ; bought for John Rylands Library, Manchester. CAOURSIN, WILLIAM, Chancellor of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, and RHODEJA AFENDI, a Turk. The History of the Turkish War with the Rhodians, Venetians, Egyptians, Persians, and other Nations. . . . London, Printed for Will Whitwood, next to the George Inn in Little Brittain. 168[8?]. 8°. A, 4 loaves : B — Kk in eights, Kk 8 blank. CAPITO WOLFGANGUS. The Svmme or pith of the .150. Psalmes of Dauid reduced in a forme of prayers and meditations, with certayne other godlye orysons very necessary for all sortes of people to say dayly, translated by Richard Tauerner. Cum priuilegioad imprim.mium solum. [Col.] Imprynted at London in Fletestrete, at the Sygne of the Sonne by Jhon Byddell, the .v. daye of Apryll. m.d.xxxix. Sm. 8°, A— R 4 in eights. Lambeth (sheet B wanting). See an account of this volume in Maitland (Early Printed Eouks at Lambeth, 1842, p. 206-7). CAPRIATO, PIETRO GIOVANNI, Doctor at Law. The History of the Wars of Italy ^-{ the year }»-- In XVIII. Books. And rendered into English By Henry Earl of Monmouth. London, Printed by J. Macock, and are to be sold by J. Place, and Will. Place, at Furnivals and Grays-Inne Gate in Hol- borne. mdclxiii. Folio. Title and Epistle to Reader, 2 11: (a)— (b), 2 11. each: A — 5 H in fours. CARACCIOLI GALEAZZO. Newes from Italy of a Second Moses Or, The Life of Galeacivs Caracciolvs the noble Marquesse of Vico. Containing the story of his admirable conuersion from popery, and his forsaking of a rich Marquessedome for the Gospels sake. Written first in Italian, thence translated into latin by reuerend Beza, and for the benefit of our people put into English : and now pub- lished By W. Crashaw Batchelor in Diui- nitie, and Preacher at the Temple. In me- moria sempiterna erit Iustus. . . . Printed by H. B. for Richard Moore, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstans Church- yard in Fleetestreete. 1608. 4°. A, 4 leaves: C — M in fours, no B. Dedicated to Lord Sheffield, Lord President of the North, the Lady Douglas his mother, and the Lady Ursula his wife, under date of Jan. 12. 1603 [ — 4] and with a preface to the Reader, dated from the Temple, Sept. 30, 1608. CARDS. The Use [of] Gramaticall Cards, comprizing the General Rules of Lilley's Gramer in y 4 Principall parts thereof. Vizt. Orthographia, Etymologia, Syntaxis, Pro- sodia. Very TJsefull to all perBons \vli<> understand Latin, not only for recollecting their memories, but for the farther im- provement of such as have made some pro- gress in y* Language, whereby they may CARDS. 56 CARRE. easily perfect themselves therein. Sold by In Lenthall Stationer, at ye Talbot ag st St. Dunstans Church in fleet street. . . . 12°, 54 leaves, including preliminaries. With engravings and the text engraved throughout. The Scientiall cards ; or a new and ingenious knowledge grammatically epitomised, both for the pleasure and profit of schollers, and such as delight to recollect (without any labour) the rudiments of so necessary an art as grammer is, without hindering them from their more necessary and graver studies, offering them as a second course unto you. Which, in all points and suits, do represent your vulgar or common cards ; so that the perfection of the grammer principles may hereby be easily attained unto, both with much delight and profit. Together with a Key showing the ready use of them. Writ- ten by a lover of ingenuity and learning. And are to be sold by Baptist Pendleton at his house, near St. Dunstan's Church in the east, or by John Holden, at the Anchor in the New Exchange. 1651. Bedford's Coll. B.M. 5947. CARLELL or CARLYLE, LODO- WICK. The Deserving Favorite. A Tragi-Comedy. As it was presented before the King and Queenes Majesties at White-Hall, and very often at the Private house in Black-Friers, with great Applause. Written by Lodowick Carlell, Esq ; London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, . . . 1659. [May.] 8°, A— G 4 in eights. B.M. CARLETON, SIR DUDLEY. The Speech of Sir Dvdly Carlton Lord Ambassadovr for the King of Great Britaine, Made in the Assembly of the Lords the Estates Generall of the vnited Prouinces of the Low Countries. Being assembled at the Haghe. Tovching the Discord and Trovbles of the Church and Policie, caused by llie Sehisrnaticall Doctrine of Armmivs Exhibited the 6. of October. 1617. Set forth by Authoritie. London, Printed by William [ones by Nathaniel Browne, . . . Hi IK. 4°, A— B in fours, A 1 and B 4 blank. CARLETON, GEORGE, Bishop of Chichester. Astrologomania : The Madness of Astro- [ogers. Or An Examination of Sir Christo- pher Heyilons Booke, Intitvled A Defence of [udioiarie Astrologie, Written Deere \|mhi twenty yeares ago, by G C. Ami by permission of the Author set forth for the vt>e of such as might happily lie misled by the Knights Booke. Published by T. V. B. of D. . . . [Quot. from Esay. 44, 24.] London, Printed by W. Jaggard, for W. Turner of Oxford. 1624. 4°. A, 4 leaves : *, 4 leaves : IF, 4 leaves : B — R 2 in fours. Dedicated by Thomas Vicars to his cousin, Mr. Thomas Carleton, of Carleton Hall, co. Cumberland, J.P. for the County, in a long and curious Epistle. CARMINA. Carminvm Proverbialivm, . . . Loci Com- munes . . . Impressum Londini 1637. 8°, A — N in eights. Carminum Proverbialium, . . . Loci Com- munes; In gratiam juventutis selecti. . . . Edinbvrgi, Ex Tj^pographseo Georgii Mos- man, Anno Dom. 1701. Sm. 8°, A— O in sixes + title and To the Reader by S. A. I., in Latin verse. CARON, FRANCIS, and JOOST SCHOSTEN. A true Description of the Mighty King- doms of Japan and Siam. Written Origi- nally in Dutch by Francis Caron and Joost Schosten: And now rendred into English by Capt. Roger Manley. London : Printed by Samuel Broun and John de l'Ecluse, at the Sign of the Queens Arms, near the little North-Door of St. Paul's Chvreh, 1663. 8°. a, 4 leaves : A— K 4 in eights. With a map. Dedicated to "my dear Brother Major Francis Manley." A true Description. . . . London, Printed for Robert Boulter, . . . 1671. 8°. A, 4 leaves: A — K 4 in" eights. With the same map. Dedicated as before. CARPENTER, RICHARD. Astrology Proved Harmless, Useful, Pious. Being A Sermon Written by Richard Car- penter. [Quot. from Rom. 14. 10. and S. Clem. Ep. 1. ad Jacob.] London: Printed by Ja : Cottrel, for John Allen, at the Rising Sun, and Ioseph Barber at the Lamb in Paul's Church-yard. 1657. 4°. A— F in fours + the title. Dedicated to Elias Ashinole. CARPENTER, RICHARD. The Anabaptist Washl and washt, and shrunk in tlir washing: Or, a Soholastioal] Discussion of the muoh-agitated Contro- versie concerning Infant- Baptism. . . . London, Printed by William Hunt. 8°, A — Hh in eights. A disputation between Carpenter ami Mr. Gibs, Minister of Newport-Pagnell. CARRE. JAMES, Carre. 1698. An Almanacke and Prog- nostication for the yeare of our Redemption CARTA. 57 CAST //JO. mdxciii. . . . Imprinted at London by Richarde Watkins and lames Robertes. 8°, A — C 4 in eights. Woodcuts. CARTA. Paruus libellus continens formam multanu rerum, prout patet in Kalendario in fine in contento. Anno. 1546. [Col.] Explicit Carta feodi. Impressum Londini per Henri- cum Smyth. An. dni. m. ccccc. xlvi. Cum priuilegio. . . . Sm. 8°, A — F 4 in eights. [Magna Carta. On B 9 verso occurs.] Ad laudem et gloria. . . . Explicit London cum solerti cura ac diligetiaper Richard u Pynson / Regis impressorem. Anno Incarnationis dflice. Millesimo qingetesimo .xiiij. decimo sexto idus Marcius. Sm. fe° or 12°, agenda form. A with Calendar, 6 leaves : B, 11 leaves, B 10-11 [and ? 12] blank: A (re- peated) — R in twelves. CARTER, OLIVER. An Answere made by Oliuer Carter, Bache- ler of Diuinitie : vnto certaine Popish Ques- tions and Demaundes. . . . Imprinted at Lon- don, for George Bishop. 1579. 8°. IF, 4 leaves, first blank : * 8 11 : **, 8 11 : A— L 2 in eights. [Col.] Imprinted at London at the three Cranes in the Vine-tree, by Thomas Dawson, for George Byshoppe 1579. Pet. C.L. CARTIGNY, JEAN. The Voyage of the wandering Knight. De- uised by Iohn Carthenie, a Frenchman: and translated out of French into English, by "William Goodyear of South-hampton Mer- chant. If A Worke worthie of reading, And dedicated to the Right worshipfull Sir Frauncis Drake, Knight. Imprinted at London by Thomas East, the xxvij. of May. 1581. 4°, A— R in fours. Dedicated to Sir F. Drake, in the translator's absence, by Robert Norman. Pet. Cath. Lib. CARTWRIGHT, THOMAS. An Admonition [and a Second Admonition [ to the Parliament Holden in the 13. yeare of the Reigne of Queene Elizabeth . . . [Quot.] Imprinted, Anno 1617. 4°, A— K in fours, K 4 blank + title-page. A Replye to an answere made of M. Doctor Whitegifte, againste the Admonition to the Parliament. By T. C. [Quotations. No place, printer, &c. About 1570.] 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — Y in fours : Aa — Gg in fours. The second replie of Thomas Cartwright: agaynst Maister Doctor Whitgiftes second answer / touching the Churche Discipline. . . . Imprinted M. D. lxxv. 4°. )(, four times repeated in fours = 16 leaves : A — Z in fours : a — z in fours : Aa — Zz in fours : AA — 00 in fours. The rest of the second replie of Thomas Cartvuright : agaynst Master Doctor Vuit- gifta second ansvuer, . . . Imprinted m.d.lxxvii. 4°. )(, 4 leaves: a— z in fours : A — M in fours. The Answere to the Preface of the Rhemish Testament. By T. Cartwright. At Edin- bvrgh Printed by Robert Walde-graue, printer to the Kings Maiestie. 1602. Cum priuilegio Regio. 8°, A— N 4 in eights, N 4 blank. CARVING. The Booke of Caruing and sewing. And all the feastes in the yeere, for the sendee of a Prince or any other estate, as yee shall finde each Office, the seruice according in this booke following. London Printed by Ed. Alkie for Edward White, and are to be solde at the little North doore of S. Paules, at the Signe of the Gunne. Sm. 8°, A — C 4 in eights. CARYL, JOHN, created Lord Darlford by the Pretender. Sir Salomon; Or, The Cautious Coxcomb: A Comedy. As it is Acted at His Royal Highness the Duke of York's Theatre. London : Printed for H. Herringman, . . . 1671. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— N 3 in fours. In the Preface is a reference to Punchinello. CASAUBON, MERIC, D.D. A Treatise Concerning Enthusiasme, As it is an Effect of Nature : but is mistaken by many for either Divine Inspiration, or Dia- bolical possession. By Meric Casaubon. . . . London, Printed by R. D. and are to be sold by Tho. Johnson . . . 1655. 8°. 1, 8 leaves, the first blank: A— Q 2 in eights. Of Credulity and Incredulity in things Natural, Civil, and Divine. Wherein, Among other things, the Sadducism of these times, in denying Spirits, Witches, and Supernatural Operations, by frequent instances, and evidences, is fully confuted : . . . London, Printed for T. Garthwait, in St. Bartholomew's-Hospital, near Smith- field, 1668. 8°, A— X in eights, A 1 with Imprimatur, and A 8 with Errata. X 8 verso has a second list of Errata. A Treatise Proving Spirits, Witches and Supernatural Operations by Pregnant In- stances and Evidences. Together with other things worthy of Note. London, Printed for Robert Pawlet, at the Bible in Chancery- Lane, near Fleetstreet, 1672. 8°, A— X in eights, A 1 blank. CASTILIO, BALDASSARE. The Courtier of Count Baldesar Castilio, . . . London Printed by Iohn Wolfe, 1588. 4°. In three columns, Ital. French, and English. Title within engraved border, 1 leaf, with " Thomas Sackeuyll in com- C A ST I LI 0. 58 CA THOLICS. mendation of the worke To the Reader " on reverse : Dedication by the author " To the Right Honorable the Lord Henry Hastings, sonne and heire apparent to the noble Earle of Huntington," 2 leaves : Contents, 1 leaf: the work, A — Pp 7 in eights. At the end occurs : (i.) A briefe rehesirsall of the chicfe conditions and qualities required in a Cour- tier ; (ii) Of the chiefe conditions and qualities in a waiting Gentlewoman. This edition appears to have been issued in a triglot form for educa- tional purposes. The Covrtier of Covnte Baldessar Castilio. . . . London Printed by Thomas Creede. 1603. 4°. A, 4 leaves, A 1 blank : B— Y in eights. This important work was written at the Court of Urbino before 1524. The author was sent as ambassador to Spain by Clement VII. in 1525; he prepared his book for the press there, and published it in 1528, the year before his death. The copy of the English Translation, 1561, which belonged to Gabriel Harvey, is still extant, and has his MSS. notes. The edition of 1588 varies from those of 1561 and 1577, as mentioned. The first Spanish version was in 1534 by Juan Boscan ; it is rather a paraphrase. Hoby probably used the Italian. II Cortegiano, Or The Courtier: Written by Conte Baldassor Castiglione. And a new Version of the same into English. ... To which is prefix'd, The Life of the Author. By A. P. Castiglione, of the same Family. London, Printed by W. Bowyer, for the Editor, mdccxxvii. 4°. With a portrait of the Author by Vertue after Raphael. CATALOGUE. Catalogi Librorum Manuscriptorum Anglic Et Hibernise In Unum Collecti ; Cum Indice Alphabetico. Oxonise, E Theatro Sheldo- niano, An. Dom. mdcxcvii. Folio. * — ****, 2 leaves each + frontispiece with large three-quarter portrait of Sir Thomas Bod- ley, surrounded by busts of the Earl of Pembroke, Archbp. Laud, Sir Kenelm Digby, and John Selden : a — d, 2 11. each : A— B, 2 11. each, e— 3 K in fours : a— k, 2 11. each : 1, 1 leaf : Pars Altera, A — K in fours : L — LI, 2 11. each : Tomus Secundus, A— D in fours; E— 4 G, 2 11. each: Tomi Secundi Pars Altera, A — T, 2 11. each : Index of Cambridge MSS. a — b, 2 11. each. A Catalogve of the Nobility of England, Scotland, and Ireland. With an addition of the Baronets of England, the date of their Patents, their seuerall creations of the Knights of the Bath from the Corona- tion of King James to this present. Col- lected by T. W. London, Printed for Thomas Walkley. . . . 1630. 4°, A— F 2 in fours. A Compleat Catalogue of all the Stitoh Books and SiDgle Sheets Printed since the First Discovery of the Popish Plot, (September 1678.) to January 16|§. To which is Added a Catalogue of all His Majesties Pro- clamations, Speeches, and Declarations, with the Order of the King and Council, and what Acts of Parliament have been Pub- lished since the Plot. The Continuation is intended by the publisher. Printed in the Tear 168 i. 4°, A— D in fours. CATECHISM. A short Catechisme, By law authorised in the Church of England, for young Children to learne: Translated into Hebrew, By Thomas Ingmethorpe. London, Printed by M. Flesher for R. Milbovrne in Pauls Churchyard at the signe of the Greyhound. mdcxxxiii. Sm. 8°, A — C 3 in eights. A short Catechis — [sic] for Housholders with praiers to the same adioyning. . . . Printed by Tho. Cotes. 1634. 8°, A— C 4 in eights. The Town-Misses Catechism : By the Au- thor of the Ladies Catechism. London : Printed in the Year mdcciii. 8°, 4 leaves. Catechetical Versiones Varia?. Sive, Cate- chismus communis Quadrilinguis, tam Prosa. quam Carmine . . . The common Catechisme in foure Languages. London, Printed by M. F. for the Company of Stationers. 1638. 8°, 30 leaves. English, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. A Pattern of Catechisticall Doctrine: Wherein many profitable questions touching Christian Religion are handled; . . . London : Printed for William Garret. 1641. Sm. 8°, A— X in twelves, A 1 and X 11—12 blank. CATHERINE, ST. Here begynneth the lyf of Saynt katherin of senis the blessid virgin. Audi filia et vide. [Col.] Here endeth the lyf of that gloryous vyrgyn and Martyr saynt Katheryn off Sene / (ii.) Here begynnen the reuela- cios of Saynt Elysabeth the kynges doughter of hungarye / [Col.] Here enden the reuelacions of saynt Elizabeth the kyngea doughter of hungarye / [Westminster, W. Caxton, about 1491.] Folio, 5)6 leaves. a, 8 : b — p in sixes : q., 2. In two columns. Without a title-page. Grenr. Coll., Publ. Lib. Camb., "Royal Library Copenhagen, Winchester College, and Spenctr-Rylands library. Other copies exist, but imperfect, including that at Cliatsworth, formerly the Harlelau. In the King's Library, British Museum, is Ratcliff's copy, last loaf in facsimile; it was bought at his sale in 1776 tor £3. 3. 0. CATHOLICS. Martirii Svpplitii e Morte De Catholici [□glen per la Religioue Christiana. In CATHOLICS. 59 CA USE. Bologna per Alessandro Benacci. M d lxxxii. A broadside with three woodcuts, relating to the execution of Campion, Sherwin, Brian, &c. Remonstrance Tres-Docte Envoyee Avx Catholiques Francois, par les Catholiques Anglois. [Quot. from Psalm 7, La mes- chancete des pecheurs . . .] A Paris, Pour Anthoine du Brlieil, demeurant en la riie neufue nostre Dame, a l'enseigne du faul- cheur. 1589. Auec permission. 8°, A — D in fours, D 3 occupied by a sonnet, and D 4 hlank. A Trve Sincere and Modest Defence of English Catholiqves that svffer for their Faith both at home and abrode against a false, seditious and slaunderous Libel inti- tuled ; The Execution of Ivstice in England. 4°. *, 4 leaves : A — N in eights : O, 4, the last leaf with the Errata. Reqveste Et Svpplication Des Catholiqves Anglois, Au Roy d'Ancgleterre, leur souuer- ain Prince, pour la tolerance de la Religion Catholique, en son Royaume. A Paris, M. dciiii. 8°, A— B in fours, B 3^. blank. Copia D' Vna Lettera D' Vna Signora Inglese Catholica, Absente di Londra, Corte d'lnghil- terra. Scritta a suo Marito. Essortandolo, che anco con la perdita de suoi beni, e figli non lasci di Confessare d'essere Catholico. Tradotta dalla lingua Spagnola nell' Italiana. In Milano, . . . 1623. 4°, 4 leaves sub- scribed A. A. "Why are You not a Roman-Catholick ? A Discourse Occasioned by the Pamphlet, In- tituled, Why are You A Catholick ? Lon- don, Printed for H. Brome, . . . 1679. 8°, A — D in eights. The Catholick Gamesters Or A Dubble Match of Bowleing. London : Printed for William Marshall, at the Bible in Newgate- street, 1680. A large broadside with en- gravings. Sotheby's, Dec. 11, 1897 (Ashburnham), No. 2812, in a A Pastoral Letter from the Four Catholic Bishops to the Lay-Catholics of England. [Col.] Holy-Rood-House, Re-printed by Mr. P. B. Enginier, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty : for His Houshold Chappell and Colledge. 1688. 4°, 4 leaves. CATO. Here begynneth the prologue or prohemye of the book callid Caton / whiche booke hath ben translated / in to Englysshe by Mayster Benet Burgh / late Archedeken of Col- chestre and bye chanon of saint Stephens at Westmestre / which ful craftly hath made it in balade ryal for the erudicion of my lord Bousher / Sone & heyr at that tyme to my lord the erle of Estsex And by cause of late cam to my hand a book of the said Caton in Frenssh / Whiche reherceth many a fayr lernynge and notable ensamples / I haiie translated it oute of frenssh in to Englysshe / as al along here after shalle appiere / whiche I presente vnto the Cyte of london / [Col.] Here fynyssheth this present book whiche is saydo or calledo Cathon translated oute of Frensshe in to Englysshe by William Caxton in thabbay of Westminstre in the yere of oure lorde mccccc Lxxxiij / And the fyrst yere of the regne of kynge Rychard 3-4 blank. An Accovnt of the Kings Late Revenue and Debts Or A true Copie of some Papers found in the late Archbishop of Canterburies Studie (One of the Commissioners for the Exchequer An. 1634. and 1635.) Relating to the Kings Revenue, Debts, and the late Lord Treasurer Portlands Gaines by Suits, and Sales of Offices : Necessary to be knowne for the Common Good. London, Printed for Michaell Sparks 1647. 4°, 4 leaves. Wee have brought our Hogges to a Faire Market- With some Remembrances ot the Estates 'and Conditions of the Church, King, Kin^donie, Parliament, Annie, and Cittie ot London. And The one, and onely way to cure all our Miseries described. Printed at London, 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. A Copy of some Papers Lately passed be- twixt the Lord Fairfax on the one side, And The Lo: of Norwich, Lo : Capel, and Sir Charles Lucas, on the other, at Colchester. Printed in the Yeare, 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. Strange and Terrible Newes from the North, Concerning the Northern great Storm arose in those parts, to tin' great amazement of all the Inhabitants within the Eteahne of Eng- land ■ ■ With, An exact Relation of the late Fight, . . . Also, Another Fight in the West of England, betwirl the Parliaments Forces, and the Rebels in South Wales . . . London, Printed for R.G. anil are to be sold neare Temple-Barre, 164S. 4°, 1 leaves. A Declaration of the Northerns Army: With Instructions oonoluded at a Councell of Warre, concerning the Northern Forces. Also a Letter concerning the Countries resolutions in relation to the Scots. . . . Printed at York by Thomas Broad And Re-Printed at London . . . 1648. 4°, A— U in fours. A Dialogue Between Hampton-Covrt, and lh,. We of Wight : Vxbridge being Modera- tor. Impartially discoursing of the effects and defects of the Treaty. ... By Tom Tell troath, Clarke for his Majesty, in the Treaty Printed in the Yeare of expectation, of the peace or ruine of the Nation, 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. His Maiesties Most Gracious Message To both Houses of Parliament, October 11. 1648. Wherein He grants the Militia ot the Kingdom, and gives Answer to severall other Propositions concerning Bishops- lands, the Covenant, Church-Government Cum multis aliis. Published by speciall Order. London, Printed for Robert White. 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. The Royall Apologie: Or, An Answer to the Declaration of the House of Commons, the 11 of February, 1647. In which they expresse the Reasons for their Resolutions for making no more Addresses, nor receiving any from His Majesty. At Paris, Imprinted in the Yeere, 1648. 4°, A-F in fours. The Recall Apology : Or, The Declaration of the Commons, Feb. 11. 1647. Canvassed: Wherein Every Objection, and their whole Charge against His Majesty is cleared, and for the most part, retorted. . . . Printed m the yeare, 1648. 4°, A-M in fours, M 4 blank. The Returne of the People of England: Tendred to the Speaker of the House ot Commons; In Answer (after mature con- sideration had in our severall Parishes) to their Declaration of the 11. of February, 1647. Being read according to Order. Wherein all men may plainly see, what the successe of this Treaty would be, and to our wofull experience is justly come to passe. Printed in the Yeere m.dc.xlviii. 4°, A— E 2 in fours. A Proclamation for Tryal of the Kin- Pro- claimed by Bound of Trumpets and Drums in Westminster Hall, at the Exchange, and in Cheapside. With the Proceedings ot the Hijrh Court of Justice againsl bim. . London Printed by Roberl [bbiteon, in Smithfield, . . . L648. 4", 4 leaves. [/Estal de la Grande Breta-ne Kestably en Gloire, Ov La Ivste Esperance Conceve dans le Liure suiuant, eniellement t'm-tree. re- nouuelfe par les motifs oontenus dan- Le ,,.,!,. nt. Aueelestrois Tailles-douces re- nresentanl les trois Ohambres du Parlement 'l' Vn-leterre. . . . Ce discours quoy que CHARLES I. 67 CHARLES I. fait de bonne foy l'an 1648. par les circon- stances de Tan 1647. descouure quelques pre- textes plausibles qui ont serui a perdre le Boy & la Monarchie d'Angleterre. Le tout se vendra par l'ordre de l'Auteur rue [blank] a l'Enseigne de [blank] 4°, a — e in fours : A — E in fours, E 4 having on v° a shield surmounted by light in darkne.i lumiere dans let Tenebres, and an apparent mono- gram of the writer's name. A reissue of the Discoun du Bon et Lnial Sujet, l>i48, possibly never published Sotheby's, May 7, 1898, No. 639. The volume contains the three folded engravings and portraits of Henrietta Maria and her son Charles II. by Moncornet. Le Procez, L'Adiovrnement Personel, L'ln- terrogatoire, Et. L' Arrest de Mort dv Roy D'Angleterre. Aueo le procede dont il a este mis a mort : Et la Harangue qu'il fit sur Peohaffaut. Selon le rapport de plusieurs Gentils-hommes Anglois qui y assisterent, & meirent le tout sur des tabletes. Fidelement traduit de 1' Anglois, par le sieur de Marsys, Interprete & maistre pour la langue Fran- caise du Roy d'Angleterre. ... A Paris, . . . M. DC. xlix. 4°, A — D, 2 11. each, D 2 blank. Relation Generale et Veritable de tovt ce qvi c'est fait au Procez du Roy de la Grand' Bre- tagne. Son Arrest, et la Maniere de son Execution. Auec la Harangue faite par Sadite Majeste sur l'Eschaffaut. Tradvit D' Anglois en Francois, par I. Ango Inter- prete de ladite langue, sur l'imprime a Lon- dres, par Francois Coles. M. DC. xlix. 4°, A— D, 2 11. each. Les Dernieres Paroles Dv Roy D'Angleterre, Auec son Adieu aux Prince & Princesse ses Enfans. A Paris, . . . M : DC. xlix. Auec Permission. 4°, 4 leaves. La Deplorable Mort de Charles I, Roy de la Grand' Bretagne. [Col.] A S. Germain en Laye, le 18 Mars 1649. Avec Privilege. 4°, A — B, 2 leaves each. Without a regular title. Altra Relatione Delia morte barbara e crudele del Re d' Inghilterra, con maggior distintione di particolarita trouate piu vere, e con notitia delle resolutioni della Scotia & Irlanda. [Col.] Torino il 18. Marzo, 1649. Per Prancesco Perrosino. 4°, 2 leaves. Without a title- page. Exhortation de la Pvcelle D'Orleans A Tout les Princes de la Terre, de faire vne Paix generale tout ensemble, pour venger la mort du Roy d'Angleterre, par vne guerre tout particuliere. A Paris, . . . m.dcxlix. 4°, 4 leaves. Complainte et Lamentation Paite sur la Cruelle, & lamentable Mort, de Charle Stuart Roy d'Angleterre, d'Escosse, & d'Yr- lande. Execute en public dans lit Yillc de Londres le 30. Ianvier 1649. Imprime' en l'An mil six cents quarante & neuf. 4°, 4 leaves. In verse. L'Ombre Dv Roy D'Angleterre Apparve A la Reine de Prance. [Paris, 1649.] 4°, 4 leaves. Two Elegeis [tie]. The One on His late Majestie. The Other on Arthur Lord Capel. Printed in the Year, 1649. 4°, 4 leaves. An Epitaphe on the King, Who was be- headed at White-Hall, on Tuesday Ianuary 30. and was buried at Windsor on Saturday, February 17. A small broadside, with a few verses and a cut of the tomb, on which occurs : Sindone Candidius Corpus. Regii Sanguinis Clamor ad Coelum Adversus Parricidas Anglicanos. Hagse-Comitvm, Ex Typographia Adriani Vlacq. M. DC. HI. Sm. 8°. *, 8 leaves : A — G 2 in twelves. Sequiseculum Anglicanum Oder Kurtze iedoch grundliche Erzehlung was sich in Engeland von Regierung Henricum des Achtem bis Caroli Stuart Zugetragen. . . . Leipzig / . . . Anno mdcxlix. 4°, A — E 3 in fours + title and Geneah>gia: A — M 1 in fours. With portraits of Wentworth, Land, Charles I., Fairfax, and Cromwell, and plate of the execution of the King. An Exact and most Impartial Accompt of the Indictment, Arraignment, Trial, and Judgement (according to Law) of nine and twenty Regicides, the Mvrtherers of His Late Sacred Majesty. . . . London, Printed for Andrew Crook . . . and Edward Powel. . . . 1660. 4°, B— Oo in fours + title-page. The Great Memorial : Or, A List of the Names of those Pretended Judges who Sate, and Sentenced our late Soveraign King Charles the First, in the Place which they called the High Court of Justice, January 27. 1648. . . . London, Printed for Edward Thomas at the Adam and Eve in Little Britain. 1660. A broadside. With an en- graving of the execution. The Grand Memorandum : Or, A true and perfect Catalogue of the Secluded Members of the House of Commons, sitting 16. March, 1659. being the day of their Dis- solution. Also a perfect Catalogue of the Rumpers, some of them sitting with the Secluded Members the same day. Together with the Names of such as were the Kings [Judges], and condemned Him to death under their Hands and Seals . . . Lon- don, Printed for Edward Husbands, for- merly Printer to the Honorable House of Commons, and sold at the G olden Dragon in Fleetstreet, 1660. A broadside. A Catologue of the Names of such Persons E— 2 CHARLES I. 68 CHARLES II. as did actually Sit as Judges upon the Tryall of Charles the First, with the Councel and Attendants of the Court. Whereunto is added, the Names of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London, that per- sonally Proclaimed the Act for abolishing Kingly Government. [16G0.] A broadside. Major-General Skippon, to whom this copy belonged, has apparently erased his own name from the list. A True Copy of the Journal of the High Court of Justice, for the Tryal of K. Charles I. As it was Read in the House of Com- mons, and Attested under the hand of Phelps, Clerk to that Infamous Court. Taken by J. Nalson, LLD. Jan. 4. 1683. With a Large Introduction. London, Printed by H. C. for Thomas Dring, . . . 168-4. Folio. Frontispiece with metrical explanation, title-page, dedication to James, Duke of York, &c, Preface and portrait of Charles I., 7 11 : B— Mm, 2 11. each, last leaf with Advertisements. A Looking-Glass for the Times In the Tryal and Martyrdom of King Charles the I. of Glorious Memory. With His Excellent Speech on the Scaffold which was Erected before His Royal Palace at Whitehall. With the Charge of the Commons of England. London, Printed in the Year mdclxxxix. 4°, A — D in fours, D 4 blank. A Just Defence of the Royal Martyr K- Charles I. From the many false and malicious Aspersions in Ludlow's Memoirs, and some other virulent Libels of that Kind. . . . London, Printed for A. Roper, . . . and R. Basset, . . . and for W. Turner, . . . 1699. 8°, A— P in eights. Regia Civilis Perfldiae Victima, Seu Carolus I. Angliaj, Scotise, et Hibernioe Rex, A Pro- priis Rebellibus Subditis ad Mortem Dam- natus, in Publico Londini Foro Securi Percussus. Ludis Autumnalibus pro Solemni Praomiorum Distributione in Scenam Datus ab Illustrissima Ettalensi Academia Anno m.dcc.xli. die v. Septembris. Typis Monas- terii Tegerneensis. 4°, A — C in fours. Aldenham Library. CHARLES II. STUART (1660-85). Lettre Dv Prince de Galle Envoyee a la Reyne D'Angleterre. Auec les Regrets du mesme Prince sur la mort du Roy de la grand Bretagne, son Seigneur & pere. Ar- riuee d Amsterdam, le 20. Feurier 1649. A Paris, . . . m.dc.xlix. ... 4°. A- : B-. La Royavte" de Charles Second Roy de la Grand' Bretagne, &c. Reconnue an Parle- mont d'Ecosse, & proclamee par (out le Royaume. Envoyee a la Reine D'Angle- terre ... A Paris, . . . [fevrier] m.dc.xxxxix. 4°. 4 leaves. Lettres des Milords D'Angleterre A Levr Novveav Roy, Cy-deuant Prince de Galles, a present dans la ville de Bredan en Holande, . . . Traduit d'Anglois en Francois. A Paris, Chez Guillaume Sassier, m.dc.xxxxix. 4°, 4 leaves. At the end is the date, 12 Fevrier, 1649. Response Dv Novveav Roy d'Angleterre, Cy-deuant Prince de Galle, aux Millords d'Angleterre, touchant la mort de son pere. A Paris, Chez Robert Feuge prez le puits- Certain. M. DC. xlix. Auec Permission. 4°, 4 leaves. La Reception Dv Roy D'Angleterre A Sainct Germain En Laye, Et les souhaits des Fran- cois pour son etablissement dans son Roy- aume. • A Paris, . . . m. DC. xxxxix. 4°, 4 leaves. His Majesties Declaration To all His Loving subjects in his Kingdome of England and Dominion of Wales. Published with the advice of his Privie Councell. Dated in Castle-Elizabeth in the Isle of Jersey, the 31. day of October 1649. Hage, Printed by Samuel Broun English Bookeseller, Dwelling in the Achter-Om at the Signe of the English Printing house. Anno M. DC. xlix. 4°, 4' A Declaration to the English Nation, From Don John de Austria the 8 th King of Ger- many, &c. Lewis the ll tn King of France and Navarre. Philip the 5 th King of Spain & Arragon, &c. Christiern the third King of Denmark, Zealand, &c. Lodowick Duke of Lorain, And Adolphina Queen of Sweden, In detestation of the present proceedings of the Parliament and Army, and of their in- tentions of comming over into England in behalf of King Charls the second. Being Translated out of the true Copy. Imprinted at London, 1649. 4°, 4 leaves. The translator was apparently R. Clare, who adds at the end a mysterious Intimation, dated from the Hague, April 28, 1649, that be and his friends were prepared for all emergencies. The King of Scotland's Negotiations at Rome, For Assistance against the Common- Wealth of England, . . . Published to satisfie as manie as are not willing to be deceived. By Avtoritie. London, Printed by William Du-gard, Anno 1650. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. The Horrible and Bloody Conspiracy Ynder- taken by many Desperate Persons who to cry up ami introduce the [nterestSOf Charles Stewart would have destroyed & burned the City, made an attempt on the Tower, seised uponmanj honorable personages, and covered all things with Fire and Mood. The names of those speedily to be tryed by the High Court of J ustice, are CHARLES II. 6g CHARLES II. John Eussell Sir Richard "Willis John Mordan Sir Henry Slingsby Sir William Corapton Doctor Hewes The Names of those apprehended on Satur- day May the 15. and since, are, Sir William Leighton Mr. Topham, Mr. Brandone, Mr. Dean, Mr. Manly, Mr. Friar, Mr. Blunden, Mr. Smith, &c. Together, with the gallant Mustring of the Trained bands of the City on Friday May 21. London, Printed for Tho. Vere, and Wil. Gilbertson, without Newgate 1658 [May 24.] Sm. 8°, A in eights. Black letter. BM. A Message Sent from the King of Scots, And the Duke of York's Court in Flanders ; To the Lord Douglas, and Collonel Brown ; To be communicated to the rest of the Nobility and Gentry in the Scottish Nation. With Proposals and Overtures, for the com- posing of all Differences, the Submitting to Counsel, and the preventing of a Universal Desolation. Printed at Aberdeen, by David Straughan; And Translated out of the Original, for general satisfaction. [6 Nov. 1659.] 4°, 4 leaves. At the end occurs the signature of C. Culpepper and the date above given between brackets. Verbael in Forme von Journael, . . . In's Graven-Hage, By Adrian Vlack, m.dc.lx. Met Octroy . . . Folio, A— Kk, 2 11. each, + title and Printer to Reader, 2 11. With a large portrait of Charles II. and plates by Philippe at pp. 35, 39, 93, 103, 123, 125. Englands Triumph. A More Exact History of His Maiesties Escape after the Battle of Worcester, With a Chronologicall Discourse of His Straits and dangerous Adventures into France, and his Removes from place to place till His return into England, With the most Remarkable Memorials since, to this present September, 1660. London : Printed by J. G. for Nathaniel Brook, . . . 1660. 8°. A, 4 11 : B— I in eights. Certain Letters Evedencing the Kings Sted- fastness in the Protestant Religion: Sent from the Princes of Turenne, and the Ministers of Charenton, to some Persons of Quality in London. London, Printed by Thomas Newcomb for Gabriel Bedell, and Thomas Collins, and are to be sold at their Shop at the Middle Temple gate in Fleet- street. 1660. 4°, A— F in fours, F 4 blank. In two columns, being the original French accompanied by an English translation. Puttick & Simpson, Feb. 15, 1895, No. 867, in a volume -with other tracts, having the bookplate of " Gilbert Burnet Lord Bishop of Salisbury Chan- cellor of the most noble Order of the Garter." A Happy Handfull, Or Green Hopes in the Blade ; In order to a Harvest of the Several Shires, humbly Petitioning, or heartily De- claring for Peace. . . . London, Printed for John Williams . . . 1660. 4°. A, 2 leaves with title and the publisher's dedication to General Monk : B— M 2 in fours. A Proclamation [respecting the succession.] Tuesday, May 8, 1660. London, Printed by Edward Husbands and Thomas Newcomb Printers to the Commons House of Parlia- ment. A broadside. By the King. A Proclamation against the Rebels in Ireland. Edinburgh, Re-printed by Christopher Higgins, in Harts Close, over against the Trone-Church. 1660. A broadside. By the King. A Proclamation For the better Regulating His Majesties Royal Proceeding from the Tower of London to His Palace at Whitehall, the 22 th day of April next, being the day before His Majesties Coronation. London, Printed by John Bill, . . . 1661. At the King's Printing-House in Black- Friers. A broadside. To all and every the Constables of St. Clements Danes of the Dutchy Liberty, . . . [a proclamation respecting the coronation] London, Printed by John Bill, . . . 1661. A broadside. An Humble Representation of the Sad Con- dition of many of the Kings Party, AVho since His Majesties Happy Restauration have no Relief, and but Languishing Hopes. Together, with Proposals how some of them may be speedily relieved, and others assured thereof, within a reasonable time. Printed for A. Seile, in the Year, 1661. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. Treason Discovered ; Or, The Black Book Opened. . . . Published for general satis- faction to all loyal Subjects. London, Printed for Charles Gustavus, 1662. 4°, 4 leaves, besides a curious engraved frontispiece with portraits of Charles I., &c. By the King. A Proclamation For the Observation of the Lords day, and for re- newing a former Proclamation against Vitious, Debauched and Profane persons. London, Printed by John Bill and Christo- pher Barker, . . . 1663. A broadside on three sheets. An Essay: Or, A Narrative of the Two Great Fights at Sea between the English and the Dutch, on the 1. 2. 3. and 4. of June, and on the 25. and 26. of July, in the Year of our Lord 1666. London, Printed by E. C. for Henry Brome . . . 1666 Folio, A 2 : B 2 . In verse. A Narrative Or Journal of the Proceedings of their Excellencies, the Right Honourable the Lord Holies, and the Lord Coventry, Appointed by His Majesty of Great Britain to be his Ambassadors Extraordinary, and CHARLES II. 70 CHARLES II. Plenipotentiaries for the Treaty held at Breda ... By a Person of Quality, con- cerned in this Ambassy. In the Savoy, Printed by Tho. Newcomb, and are to be sold by Robert Pawlet . . . 1667. 4°, A— E 2 in fours. The Several Acts of Parliament made for Establishing, Ordering and Collecting of his .Majesties Revenue arising by Hearth- Money : ... In the Savoy, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, . . . 1668. Cvm Privilegio. Sin. 8°. A, 6 11 : B— D in twelves. A True and Perfect Relation of the Happy Successe & Victory Obtained against the Turks of Argeirs at Bugia, By His Majesties Pleet in the Mediterranean, under the Com- mand of S<- Edw. Spragge. As it is con- tained in a Letter from the said Admiral, of the Eleventh of May, 1G71. Together with an Exact List of the Turks Ships, Burnt and Destroyed, with the Names of their Com- manders : . . . Published by Command. In the Savoy: Printed by Tho. Newcomb. 1671. Polio, A— B 2 11. each, + a folded view of Bugia. Declaracion del Rey de Inglaterra, acerca de la libertad de conciencia de aquel Reyno, que se publico con el parecer de su Consejo de Estado, en 25. de Marco de 1672. [Col.] Con Licencia. En Madrid, por Bernardo Be Villa-Diego ano de 1672. Folio, 2 A Spanish version of the English original, and, according to the colophon, an officially authorized one. Instructions to be observed by His Majesties Officers and their respective Deputies, Iin- ployed for Collecting His Majesties Revenue arising from the Duty imposed upon Chim- neys, Krehearths and Stoves, by virtue of the Acts of Parliament made in that behalf. London, Printed in the Year 1672. Sm. 8°, A— C in sixes, A 1 and C 6 blank. At the Court at Whitehall, the Fifteenth of May, 1672. [A Notification of the Council respecting Dutch prizes.] In the Savoy, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker. . . . 1672. Polio, 2 leaves. A Treaty Marine Between the Most Serene and Mighty Prince Charles 11. . . . and the High and Mighty Lords the States (ieneral of the tJnited Netherlands, . . . Concluded at London the Firsl day of December L674. S.V. London, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Parker, . . . 1674. 4 , A— 1) in lours. His Majesties Commission for the Rebuilding of bhe Cathedral Church of S. Paul in Lon- don. London, Printed by the Assignee of John Bill and Christopher Barker, . . . 1674. Cvm Privilegio. Polio, A— K, 2 leaves each. Pereat Papa : Or Reasons why a Presump- tive Heir, or Popish Successor should not Inherit the Crown. Polio, 2 leaves. A Brief History of the Succession, Collected out of the Records, and the most Authentick Historians. Written for the Satisfaction of the Earl of H. Polio, A— E, 2 11. each. Without a title-page. A List of all the Conspirators that have been Seized, (and where Committed) since the Discovery of the Horrid and Bloody Plot, Contriv'd by the Phanaticks against the Lives of His Majesty and His Royal High- ness ... A folio leaf. By the King. A Proclamation for Pro- hibiting the Importation of Commodities of Europe into any of His Majesties Plantations in Africa, Asia, or America, which were not laden in England, and for putting all other Laws relating to the Trade of the Planta- tions, in effectual Execution. Given at Our Court at Whitehall the Twenty fourth day of November, In the Seven and twentieth year of Our Reign. London, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, . . . 1675. A broadside. By the King. A Proclamation [For security of Navigation & Commerce in time of War.] London, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, . . . 1676. Polio, 3 leaves. The Danger of Moderation. In a Letter to an Old Parliament- Man in the Country. 4°, 4 leaves. There is no title-page and no other indication of date, except that the piece is evidently about UiTo. There are some very curious allusions to London localities. The Tryals of George Wakeman Barronet, AVilliam Marshall, ) William Rumby, and > Benedictine Monks. James Corker > Por High Treason, Por Conspiring tho Death of the King. . . . At the Sessions in the Old-Baily, ... on Fryday the is"' of July 1679. Published by Authority. Lon- don, Printed for II. Hills [and others.] 1679. Polio, B— Y, 2 leaves each, and the title. An Exact Collection of All Orders, Votes, Debates, and Conferences in the House of Peers, and House of Commons, Both in the I,:,),-, and Present Parliament Relating to, and concerning Thomas Pari of Danby, And the oilier live Lords in bhe Tower. As also, All Voles, Debates, and Conferences con- cerning the Bishops Bitting, and Voting in Capital Oases. Faithfully Extracted out of CHARLES II. 7* CHARLES II. the Journals of both Houses, By a Careful Hand. London, Printed for Francis Smith, at the Elephant and Castle near the Royal Exchange. 1679. Folio, A— D, 2 leaves each. The Information of Eustace Comyne, Servant to Mr. Keadagh Magher Treasurer to the Papists in Ireland, of their Money to carry on this Horrid Plot ; who was Barbarously Murthered for Discovering the same, and turning Protestant. Given in Writing to the Honorable House of Commons, the 15 th of this present November, 1680. London, Printed for Thomas Fox, . . . 1680. Folio, A — C, 2 11. each, A 1 with Imprimatur. The Answers Commanded by His Majesty To be given by the Right Honourable The Earl of Nottingham L d H. Chancellour of England, Upon Several Addresses Presented to His Majesty in Council at Hampton Court, The 19th of May, 1681. [Col.] London, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill, . . . 1681. Folio, 2 leaves. The Annals of King James and King Charles the First, Both of Happy Memory. Con- tainining A Faithful History, and Impartial Account of the Great Affairs of State, and Transactions of Parliaments in England, From the Tenth of King James, M. .dc. xn. to the Eighteenth of King Charles, m.dc.xl.ii. Wherein Several material Passages, relating to the late Civil Wars, (omitted in former Histories) are made known. London. Printed by Tho. Braddyll, for Robert Clavel, . . . 1681. Folio, A— 5 Z in fours : 6 A— B, two leaves each, and Errata, 1 leaf, besides a — b, 2 leaves each after A 1. Plain Dealing is a Jewel, And Honesty the Best Policy. Both set forth in an Answer to a letter received by a Gentleman in Lon- don, from his Friend in the Countrey. By a Lover of Truth, and a hearty well-wisher to the Prosperity of the King, and his Three Kingdoms. London, Printed for the Author, 1681. Folio, B— G, 2 leaves each, and the title. Reflections upon the Conduct of the King of Great Britain in the late Wars. Contained in a Letter from a Subject of one of the Confederated Princes, to a Friend in Holland. Done into English. [Col.] London, Printed for H. R. 1682. Folio, 2 leaves. The History of Popish-Sham-Plots From the Reign of Queen Elizabeth to this Present Time. Particular^ of the Present Popish Plot . . . London, Printed for Richard Janeway, . . . 1682. 8°, A— N 4 in eights, A 1 blank. The Hue and Cry after J Duke of M[onmouth] Lord G[re]y, and Sir Tho. A[rmstron]g. [Col.] Printed for B. A. Anno Domini, 168.3. A folio leaf. A New Song Made by a Person of Quality, Sung before His Majesty at Winchester. To the Tune of, Cook Lau-rel. London : Printed in the Year, mdclxxxiii. A folio broadside with the music. A New Narrative of the Old Plot. Being A New Ballad. To the Tune of, Some say the Papists had a Plot, &c. London, Printed for Charles Corbet. . . . 1683. A folio broadside in verse. By the King. A Proclamation for the Ap- prehending of James Duke of Monmouth, Ford Lord Gray, Sir Thomas Armestrong Knight, and Robert Ferguson. Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty. 1683, A broadside. Copies of the Informations and Original Papers Relating to the Proof of the Horrid Conspiracy against the Late King, His Present Majesty and the Government: As they were Order'd to be Published by His late Majesty. In the Savoy : Printed by Thomas Newcomb, . . . and are to be sold by Sam. Lowndes . . . 1685. Folio, A— Nn, 2 leaves each, and the title. A Remonstrance, by way of Address from the Church of England to both Houses of Parliament, upon the Account of Religion. Together with some Remarks upon Dr. Sherlock's Sermon Preached the 29th May, 1685. Folio, 2 leaves. The Tryals of Henry Cornish, Esq.; For Conspiring the Death of the King, ... At the Sessions-House in the Old-Baily, Lon- don, . . . London : Printed by George Croom, . . . mdclxxxv. Folio, A — L, 2 11. each. John Fernley, William Ring, and Elizabeth Gaunt were also implicated. A Pindarick Ode Upon the Death of His late sacred Majesty King Charles the Second. At si non aliam centuro Fata Jacobo. Ox- ford, Printed by Leonard Lichfield Printer to the University, for Anthony Stephens Bookseller near the Theatre 1685. Folio, A— B, 2 11. each. Musa Prscfica. The London Poem, Or An Humble Oblation on the Sacred Tomb of our late Gracious Monarch King Charles the II. Of ever Blessed and Eternal Memory. By a Loyal Apprentice of the Honourable City of London. . . . Lon- don, Printed for T. M. and John Holford, . . . 1685. Folio, B— E, 2 11. each + title-page. An Answer to some Papers Lately Printed, concerning the Authority of the Catholick CHARLES II. 72 CHA UCER. Church in Matters of Faith, and the Refor- mation of the Church of England. [By B. Stillingfleet.] London, Printed for Eic. Chiswel, . . . 1686. 4°, A— K 2 in fours. A Reply to the Answer made upon the Three Royal Papers. Puhlished by Au- thority. London, Printed for Matthew Turner a1 the Lamb in High Holborn. mdclxxxvi. 4°, A — H in fours, A 1 with Imprimatur. Copies of Two Papers Written by the Late King Charles II. Together with a Copy of a Paper written by the kite Duchess of York. Published by his Majesties Command. Lon- don, Printed by H. Hills, . . . 1686. 4°, A — B in fours. Copies of Two Papers . . . London, Printed by H. Hills, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty for His Houshold and Chappel, 1688. 4°, A— B in fours. A Defence of the Papers written by the late King of Blessed Memory, and Duchess of York, against an Answer made to them. By Command. London, Printed by H. Hills, . . . 1686. 4°, A— R in fours, R 4 blank. A Vindication of the Answer to some Late Papers . . . London, Printed for Richard Chiswell, . . . mdccxxxvii. 4°, A — R in fours, A 1 with Imprimatur. Lettre D'Un Gentilhomme Anglois A Son Ami, Touchant les deux Ecrits trouvez dans le Cabinet du Roi Charles II. . . . Traduit de 1' Anglois. A Amsterdam, Chez Pierre Savouret Marchand Libraire. m.dc.lxxxvii. Sm. 8°, A, 12 : B, 6. State Tracts : Being a Collection of Several Treatises Relating to the Government. Pri- vately Printed in the Reign of K. Charles II. London: Printed in the Year, 1689. Polio, A — 6 C, 2 leaves each. The Character of Charles II. King of Eng- land. With a Short Account of his being Poyson'd. Written by a Person of Honour. With an Introduction exhibiting the Dif- ferent Characters given him by the several different Parties of Roman Catholicks, Churchmen, and Dissenters, &c. By Another Hand. London Printed, and are to be Sold by Richard Baldwin. . . . 1696. Price 6d. 8°, A— E in fours, A 1 with half-title, and E 4 blank. The first portion Is ascribed to the second Duke of Huckingham. [CHARLES OF VALOIS, Duke of Orleans^] Le Debat des heraulx darmes de fraoe el d engleterre. [This is in one line over a wood- cut occupying the rest of the page. At the end occurs :] Cy iinist le debat des heraulx darmes de f ranee & dengleterre autrement dit passe temps, nouuellement imprime a Rouen par Richard anzoult pour thomas laisne libraire demourant endit lieu. 4°, a — c in sixes : d, 4 : d 4 occupied by the device of the stationer, &c. B.M. This is the same as the Nobilisdma Digceptatio of 1517 printed at the expense of Sir Robert Wing- field. See C. $ N., ii., 276, under Henri/ VIII. Mr. Pyne (England and France in the Fifteenth Century, mo) considers that the tract was written between 1458 and 1461. CHARLETON, WALTER. Gualteri Charletoni Exercitationes De Dif- ferentiis & Nominibus Animalium. Quibus accedunt Mantissa Anatomica, Et quondam De variis Possilium generibus, Deque dif- ferentiis & nominibus Colorum. Editio secunda, duplo fere auctior priori, noviflque iconibus ornata. Oxonioe, E Theatro Shel- doniano, An. Dom. 1677. Folio, a — e, 2 11. each : A— Gg, 2 11. each : a* cc*, 2 11. each : dd*, 1 leaf : (Aa— Zz), 2 11. each, including W : (Aaa), 2 leaves : With numerous en- gravings, including two separate from letter- press at pp. 84 and 94. CHAUCER, GEOFFREY. [The Canterbury Tales. At the end the mark of Pynson on K 5 verso. There is no imprint: London, R. Pynson, about 1493.] Folio, a — v, Aa — Kk in eights : LI, 6 : A— K 5 in eights, K 6 having been probably blank. In large type and long lines, ex- cept the Tales of Chaucer and the Parson, which are in two columns and in smaller type. With numerous woodcuts and Pyn- son's mark on K 5 verso. The boke of Chaucer named Caunterbury tales. [Col.] Here endyth the boke of the tales of Caunterbury Compiled by Geffray Chaucer / of whoos soule Criste haue mercy. Emprynted at Westmestre by YYvnkin de Word y e yere of our lord. M.ccccc.Lxxxxviii. [This "is followed by a leaf with a woodcut of the pilgrims at table and the printer's device on verso, after which follow a on a headline below the cut of the pilgrims repeated:] Here folowyth the Interpret aeCm of the names of goddis and goddesses of this treatyse folowynge as poetes wryte. [Col.] Thus endeth this lytyll moralized treatyse compiled by dan John Lydgat somtyme monke of Hun /on whose soule god haue mercy. Folio, a — b in fours: c, 8: d, 8: e, 6 : f, 6 : g— q in sixes : r, 8 : s, 8 : t, 6: u, 5: x, 6: y, 4: z, 6: 3, 6: o, 6: . ' . , 4 : the Lydgate, A, 6 : B, 6 : C, 8. With the printers large mark below oolophon. C 1 — 2 form one leaf marked on both sides. The noble and amerous afioyenl hystoryof Troylus and Cresydfi / in the tyme of the CHEAPSIDE. 73 CHETHAM. syege of Troye. Copyled by Geffraye Chaucer. [Col.] Thus endeth the treatyse /of Troylus the heuy By Geoffraye Chaucer / compyled and done He prayenge the reders / this mater not deny Newly corrected / in the cyte of London In Flete strete / at the sygne of the sonne Inprynted by me / wynkyn de worde The. m.ccccc. and. xvii. yere of our lorde. 4°, A — Z in eights and fours, Z 8 occupied by a repetition of the cut on the title. With other woodcuts throughout the volume. B.M., Duke of Devonshire, and P.L. Cambridge. On the title of the Roxburgh and Bright copy is the old autograph of " George Burgoyne." Roxburghe, 1812, £43, resold Bright, 1845, £49. 10s., resold Ashburnham, 1897, £110, bought for the Br. Museum. The title is cut down and mounted, and the lower margins exhibit traces of worm-holes. Another copy, Sotheby's (Wilbra- ham), June 20, 1898, No. 140, several leaves stained in margins. CHEAPSIDE. The Crosses Case in Cheapside; Whether its Militia, the setting of it in a posture of defence, be according to Law. The Contrary is maintained by one, who hath little of that, we commonly call Law, against those, who have as little of that, we really call Reason. Notwithstanding, The Dispute is carried all along in a cool and orderly way, ... So as the Man in understanding may finde Strony Meate here, the Childe Milke. . . . Printed in the Climactericall Yeare of Crosses, and Crosse-Men. For T. V. 1642. 4°, A — K in fours. CHEMIST. The Sceptical Chymist : Or Chymico-Physi- cal Doubts & Paradoxes, Touching the Ex- periments whereby Vulgar Spagirists are wont to Endeavour to Evince their Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury, to be the True Principles of Things. To which in this Edition are subjoyn'd divers Experiments and Notes about the Producibleness of Chymical Principles. Oxford, Printed by Henry Hall for Pic. Davis, and B. Took at the Ship in St. Pauls Church-Yard. 1680. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a, 2 : B— Pf 4 in eights : Experiments and Notes, *, 8 11 : **, 4 11 : A, 4 ll - : B— S 4 in eights + Advertisement before title, 1 leaf. The Imprimatur is dated May 30, 1677, and the Advertisement states that the volume was ready for issue in 1679. CHESHIRE. A Pemonstrance, Against Presbitery. Ex- hibited by divers of the Nobilitie, Gentrie, Ministers and Inhabitants of the County Palatine of Chester ... By Sir Thomas Aston Baronet . . . Printed for Iohn Aston. 1641. 4°, A, 4: b, 4. Ioyfull Newes from Namptwich : Declaring, A happy Victory obtained by Sir Wil : Brewerton against the Irish and how he hath taken 900 prisoners, . . . With the cruelty of the Irish . . . The Plotters to be Wracked : With the Triall and Examination of Sir Basil Brook . . . Jan. 15. London, Printed for Andrew Coe. 1644. 4°, 4 leaves. The Late dreadful and most admired Calamity of a Parcel of Land, and many great Oaks, and other Trees sunk many yards under ground, into so deep a Water that the tops of the highest Oaks are not to be seen. To- gether : with a great quantity of Land, and other Trees that are daily falling, and the thundering noise, that is made at the time of their most terrible fall, neer unto the Parish of Bulkley, about nine miles from Chester: it being part of the Land of the Lord Cholmley. This strange accident hap- ned on the 8 day of Iuly 1657. London, Printed for Tho. Vere, and William Gilbert- son, without Newgate and in Giltspurr street. 1657. Sm. 8°, 8 leaves. B.M. A True Relation of the Great Fight, on Friday Morning last, at Willington Bridge, near Northwich. . . . Likewise the Summons of the Earl of Derby, and Sir George Booth, to the Trayned Band . . . London, Printed for William Pawlins, mdclix. 4°, 4 leaves. CHESS. A Letter from A Minister to his Friend, Concerning the Game of Chesse. London, Printed for Thomas Parkhurst, . . . 1680. A broadside. CHETHAM, JAMES. The Angler's Vade-Mecum : Or, A Com- pendious, yet full Discourse of Angling : Discovering The aptest Methods and Ways, exactest Rules, properest Baits, and choicest Experiments for the catching all manner of fresh-water Fish, perused and approved by many exquisite Anglers, . . . By a Lover of Angling . . . London, Printed for Tho. Bassett, at the George near S. Dunstans Church in Fleet-Street. 1681. Sm. 8°. A, 4 : B— M in eights : N, 4 : O, 4. The Preface is dated Nov. 17, 1680. The Anglers Vade Mecum : . . . The Third Edition, very much Enlarged. London, Printed for William Battersby, . . . 1700. 8°. A, 4 leaves: B— Y in eights + two leaves before title with a frontispiece and other engravings. The Preface is addressed to the Constious or Un- constious Reader. At the end of this copy is a broadside advertisement of John Harro,at the Pish and Crown, near Temple liar, servant to the late Mr. Hopkins, stating that he makes all sorts of fishing rods, flies, &c. CHETWIND. 74 CHRISTMAS. CHETWIND, EDWARD, B.D., Public Preacher at Bristol. Votivse Lachrymal. A Vow of Teares, For the losse of Prince Henry. In a Sermon Preached in the Citie of Bristol December 7, 1612. being the day of his Funerall. . . . At London, Printed by W. H. for William Welby, ... 8°, A— E 2 in eights, A and E 2 blank, and the outer pages in mourning. Dedicated to Charles, Duke of York. CHEVALIER, NICOLAS. Histoire de Guillaume III. Roy dAngle- terre, D'Ecosse, . . . Contenant ses Actions lea plus memorables, depuis sa Naissance jusques a son Elevation sur le Trone, & ce qui s'est passe depuis jusques a l'entiere Seduction du Royaume d'Irlande. Par Medailles, Inscriptions, Arcs de Triomphe, & autres monumens Publics. A Amsterdam. m.dc.xcii. Folio. Dedicatory plate and printed Epistle, engraved and printed titles, 4 11 : A— Ff in fours. With numerous plates of medals, &c, on the letterpress. CHEVY CHASE. The Famous and Renowned History of . . . Chevy Chase . . . London : Printed by and for W. O. and are to be sold by the Book- sellers. 4°, A — C in fours. With cuts. CHILD, MAJOR JOHN. New-Englands Jonas Cast up at London : Or, A Relation of the Proceedings of the Court at Boston in New-England against divers cruell and godly persons, for Pe- titioning for Government in the Common- wealth, "according to the Lawes of England, . . . London, Printed for T. R. and E. M. 1647. 4°, A— C in fours. CHILDREN. The Childrens Petition : Or, A Modest Re- monstrance of that intolerable grievance our Youth lie under, in the accustomed Severi- ties of the School-discipline of this Nation. Humbly presented to the Consideration of the Parliament. London, Printed for Richard Chiswel, at the two Angels and Crown in Little-Brittain, 1669. Sm. 8°, A— C in twelves, title on A 2 and C 12 probably blank. CH1LDREY, J. Histoire des Singvlaritez Natvrelles DAn- gleterre, D'Escosse, et Dv Pays de Galles : Auec des raisonnemens qui expliquent les causes naturelles des choses qui paroissent les plus prodigieuses. Ce qui fait auec l'Histoire natnrelle d'Irlande, que' Ton a donnee au Public depuis pen, vne Histoire naturelle entiere, . . . Traduite de l'Anglois de Monsieur Childrey par M. P. B. A Paris, . . . M. DC. lxvii. . . . Sm. 8°. a, 12 11 : e, 6 leaves, the last blank : A — N in twelves, N 12 blank. CHINA. The strange and Marveilous Newes lately come from the great Kingdome of China. London, T. Gardiner and T. Dawson. [? 1578.] 12°. CHINOIS. The Famous Chinois : Or the Loves of Seve- ral of the French Nobility, under borrowed names. With a Key Annexed. London, Printed by E. O. for Thomas Dring. . . . 1669. 8°. A, 4 11 : B— S in eights, S 8 blank. CHISENHALE, EDWARD, Esquire. Catholike History, Collected and gathered out of Scripture, Councels, Ancient Fathers, and modern Authentick Writers. . . . Occasioned by a Book written by Dr. Thomas Vane, Intituled, The Lost Sheep returned home. . . . London, Printed by J. C. for Nath. Brooks, . . . 1653. 8°, A— Mm in eights, A 1 with a frontispiece, A 8 blank, and Mm 7-8 occupied by Errata, &c. De- dicated to the Legal Clergy from Chisenhale, Feb. 11, 1651. CHISHOLM, WILLIAM, Scot, Bishop of Vienne in Dauphiny. Examen confessionis fidei Caluinianse quam Scotis omnibus ministri Examen confessionis fidei Caluiniani subscribendam et iurandam proponunt. . . . Avenione Apud Iacobum Brumereau. 1601. 8°. a, 8: e, 4: + +, 2 : i, 8 : A— R 4 in eights. With the title beautifully engraved. Dedicated to James VI. CHLORIS. A Song Upon the praise of Chloris her Dull Eye. In 5 4-line stanzas. A broadside. CHRISOSTOM, ST. JOHN. A sermo made by Jhon Chrisostome patri- arche of Constantinople, of patience, & y end of y world, and of y last iudgemet. Wherunto is added an other Homelie made by John Brentius of the vertue of Christes resurrectio traslated into Englishe by Thomas Sanson. Anno. do. 1550. [Col.] Imprinted at London, in S. Johns strete by Nicolas Hyll, for John Shefelde, dwelling in Pauls church yarde. Sm. 8°, A— E in eights. CHRISTIAN PIETY. Christianoc pietatis prima institutio, ad vsum soholarum Qr»ce& Latins soripta. Londini, Apud Ioannem Dayum. An. 1577. Cum Gratia & Priuilegio. Sm. 8°, A— Q in eights, Q 8 blank. CHRISTMAS. New Christmas Carrols. Being Fit also to be Sung at Easter, Whitsontide, and other Festival Days in the year. Newly Re- printed. Printed by T. H. for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thacke- CHRIST'S HOSPITAL. 75 CHURCH. ray, and T. Passinger. 1681. Sm. 8°, A— B4 in eights. Black letter. With a large cut on title. Puttick & Simpson, June 17, 1901, No. 129. CHRIST'S HOSPITAL. The Present State and List of the Children of His Late Majesty King Charles II. His New Royal Foundation in Christs-Hospital ; Presented in all Humility and Duty to His Most Sacred Majesty, King William. By the Lord Mayor of the City of London, with the President and Governors of the said Hospital, the Pirst Day of January, 169f. London, Printed by Fr. Leach, Prin- ter to Christs-Hospital, 1696. Polio, 6 CHRONICLE. A Breuiat Chronicle, contayning all the Kynges, from Brute to this day, and many notable actes, gathered out of diuers Chroni- cles, from Willyam Conqueroure, vnto the yeare of Christ.M.v.c.L.v. with the Mayors, and Shiryffes of the Citie of London, newly corrected and amended. [Col.] Imprynted at London, in Crede Lane by Jhon Kynge. 8°. Prefixes, 8 11 : A— P 4 in eights. Sotheby's, Feb 5, 1898, No. 804. A breuiat Chronycle, contayning all the Kynges, fro Brute to thys day, and many notable actes, gathered out of dyuers Chroni- cles, from Willyam Coquerour, vnto the yeare of Christ. M.rJ.c. lx. wyth the Mayors and Shiriffes of the Citie of London, newly corrected and amended. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Jhon Kynge in Paules Church yarde, sygne at the Swanne [sic] . 8°. Title and other prefixes, 8 11 : A — O in eights : P, 10. Sotheby's, June 20, 1898, No. 54 (Wilbraham). A Cronicle of yeres from the begynnynge of the worlde. . . . [Col.] Imprynted at Lon- don in Pletestrete at the sygne of the George, nexte to saynt Dunstones churche by Wyl- lyam Powell. In the yeare of our Lorde. m. ccccc. L. the .xii. daye of Marche. 8°, A — C in eights. Chronicon Saxonicum. Ex MSS Codicibus Nunc Primum Integrum Edidit, ac Lati- num fecit Edmvndvs Gibson. A.B. e Collegio Reginae. Oxonii, E Theatro Sheldoniano a.d. mdcxcii. 4°. First title, 1 leaf : b, 4 leaves : second title, 1 leaf : A — Uu in fours. CHUDLEIGH, JAMES. Sergeant Major lames Chvdleigh His De- claration to his Country-men. Printed, M. DC. xliii. 4°, 4 leaves. CHUDLEIGH, MARY, LADY. Poems on Several Occasions. Together with the SoDg of the Three Children Paraphras'd. By the Lady Chudleigh. London, Printed by W. B. for Bernard Lintott . . . 1703. 8°, A — P 4 in eights. Dedicated to the Queen. There are other editions. In Kyan's Poetry <$■ Poets, i. 170, it is said that some of Lady C's poetical remains are still preserved in the family in MS. CHURCH. Concertatio Ecclesise Catholicsc in Anglia, Adversvs Calvinopapistas & Puritanos, a paucis annis singulari studio quorundam hominum doctrina & sanctitate illustrium renouata. . . . Avgvstse Trevirorvm . . . 1583. 8°, A — Z in eights. Dedicated by the publisher to the archbishop of Treves. A Dialogve, Concerning the strife of our Churche: Wherein are answered diuers of those vniust accusations, wherewith the godly preachers and professors of the Gospell, are falsly charged ; ... At London, Printed by Robert Walde-graue, 1584. Sm. 8°, A — R 4 in eights, A 1 blank except signa- ture-mark. The dialogue is between a Divine, a Lawyer, a Bishop's Chaplain, and an Innholder. Belijdenisse ende eenuondige wtlegghinge des waerachtighen gheloofs / ende der alge- meynen articulenvan de suyuere Christe- licke religie / . . . Gheprint tot Nordwitz / by Antonium de Solemne. 8°, A — P 4 in eights. The dedication is dated March 1, 1566. This is an account of the Protestant Churches in Switzer- land and France. The True Grounds of Ecclesiasticall Regi- ment Set forth In a Briefe Dissertation. Maintaining the Kings spirituall supremacie against the Pretended Independence of the Prelates, &c. Together, with some passages touching the Ecclesiasticall Power of Parlia- ments, the use of Synods, and the Power of Excommunication. London, Printed for Robert Bostock. 1641. 4°, B— O 2 in fours, and the title. Considerations of present use concerning the Danger Resulting from the Change of our Church-Government. Printed in the Yeare, 1644. 4°, A— B in fours. An Answer to a Letter Written at Oxford, And superscribed to Dr. Samuel Turner, Concerning the Church, and the Revenues thereof. Wherein is shewed, how impossible it is for the King with a good conscience to yeeld to the change of Church-Government by Bishops, or to the alienating the Lands of the Church. Printed in the Yeere, mdcxlvii. 4°, A— G in fours. How the Members of the Church of England ought to behave themselves under A Roman Catholick King, with reference to the Test and Penal Laws. In a Letter to a Friend CHURCH. 76 CLARK. by a Member of the same Church. London, Printed and are to be sold by Randal Taylor, near Stationers-Hall. 1687. 8°. A, 3 leaves: B — P in eights. Puttick's, May 24, 1893, Robert Mylne's copy, 169a, with his autograph twice inscribed on title. A Short View of the Chief Points in Con- troversy Between the Reformed Churches and the Church of Rome. In two Letters to the Duke of Bouillon, upon his turning Papist. . . . Newly translated out of the French Copy, which was never Printed. London, Printed for Benjamin Tooke, . . . 1680. 8°. Edited by Du Moulin the younger. CHURCHYARD, THOMAS. A Sparke of Frendship and AVarme Good- will, That shewes the Effect of Trve Affec- tion and vnfoldes the finenesse of this world. "Whereunto is ioined, the commoditie of sundrie Sciences, the benefit that paper bringeth, with many rare matters rehearsed in the same : with a description & commen- dation of a Paper Mill, now & of late set up (neere the Towne of Darthford) by an high Germayn called M. Spilman, Ieweller to the Qu. most excellent Maiestie. Written by Thomas Chvrchyard Gent. . . . Printed at London. 1588. 4°, A— C 3 in fours. Dedicated to Sir Walter Raleigh. Bodleian (Selden). CIBBER, C. She wou'd, and She wou'd not, Or The Kind Impostor. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By Her Majesty's Servants. Written by Mr. Cibber. London: Printed for William Turner . . . and John Nutt. . . . 1703. 4°, A— L 2 in fours, L 2 with the 'Epilogue. The Careless Husband, A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal, By Her Majesty's Servants. Written by C. Cibber. . . . London, Printed for William Davis, . . . 1705. 4°, A— K 2 in fours + title and dedicatory leaf to the Duke of Argyll. Perolla and Izadora. A Tragedy, As it was Acted at the Theatre Royal ; By Her Majesty's Servants. Written by Mr. Cibber. . . . London : Printed for Bernard Lintott, . . . 1706. 4°, A— H in fours. Dedicated to Charles Earl of Orrery. The Comical Lovers, A Comedy. Acted by Subscription at the Queens Theatre in the Hay-Market, London : Printed for Bernard Lintott. . . . 4°. Title and half title, 2 leaves : B — K in fours. " Hy Mr. Oolley Olbbor" is written in a coeval hand both on the title and half-title. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Marci Tvllii Ciceronis Qva;stiones Tvscv- lanse. Per Erasmvm Roterodamum . . . emendatae. . . . Londini Ex Typographia Ioannis Kyngstoni. M. D. lxxvii. Sm. 8°, A— T 6 in eights. Tullius de Senectute Bothe in latyn and Englyssha tonge, Translated by Robert Whitinton poete Laureate. Cum priuilegio regali. [Col.] Imprynted at London in Fletestrete / at the sygne of the Sonne / by me John Byddell. 8°. A— D in eights: E, 6 : F, 4. With the printer's device on the title and on F 3 v°. with a dedicatory copy of verses by Whittinton to Henry VIII. The title is within an engraved border. Cicero's Three Books Touching the Nature of the Gods Done into English ; With Notes and Illustrations. Setting forth (from All Antiquity,) What Perceptions, Man, by the Only Light of Reason, may Entertain, con- cerning a Deity. London, Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh, at the Black Bull, in Cornhill. 1683. Sm. 8°. Title and Adver- tisement, 2 11 : a— f 10 in twelves : B— N 6 in twelves. CINQUE PORTS. The Services of the Cinqve Ports. London, Printed by T. B. for R. Mabbe. 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. CLAIN, JOH. THEOD. Historia Britannica Hoc est, De Rebus Gestis Britannise seu Anglian Commenta- rioli Tres : Nunc denuo excusi. Qvibvs Accesservnt praater generalem Anglinc de- scriptionem : Marginalia & Index rerum copiosus. Ambergse M. DC. in. Sm. 8°, A— I 8 in twelves + title and dedication. CLAPHAM, HENOCH. Bibliotheca Theologica : Or, A Librarye Theological containinge, 1. A generall Analysis or Resolution : 2. A breife Elvcidation off the most sacred Chapters off Elohim his Bible : Drawen for the vse of yonge Christians / specially off the poorer sorte, vnable to purchase Variety off holy-men theyr wry- tinges: By Henoch Clapham. Nihil pri- miim pi'rfechu-a. Imprinted at Amstelro- dam, Anno 1597. 4°. Title and Proem, 4 11 : A — in fours. The copy used ended Imperfectly on G 4. Put- tick's, March 2, 1898, No. 687. CLARK, WILLIAM. The Grand Tryal, Or, A Poetical Exercita- tion upon the Book of Job. . . . Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, .... mdciaxxv. Folio, A— 5 A. 2 11. each + a, 2 11. Dedicated to James Karl of Perth, Lord Chancellor of Scotland. CLARKE. 77 CLOSET. CLARKE, JOHN. PhraseologLi Puerilis, . . . The third Edition, Methodically digested, and very much en- larged by the Author, . . . London, Printed by P. D. for Francis Eglesfield, . . . 1655. Sim. 8°. *, 8 11 : title on * 2 : B— Cc in eights. CLARKE, SAMUEL. Golden Apples. Or Seasonable and Serious Counsel. ... By Sa. Clarke, Pastor in Bennet Fink. . . . London, Printed bv Tho. Eatcliffe, for Tho. Underhill at the Blue Anchor in Pauls Church-yard. 1659. 8°, A— O in eights + a, 8 11. A 1 blank and a 8 with Errata. Dedicated to Sir Henry Milduiay Knight and George Thompson Esquire. JS.M. A True and Full Narrative of Those two never to be forgotten Deliverances : One from the Spanish Invasion in 88. The other from the Hellish Powder Plot : November 5, 1605. Whereunto is added The like Narra- tive of that signal Judgment of God upon the Papists, by the Fall of the House in Black-Friers London, upon their fifth of November, 1623. . . . London, Printed for J. Hancock, . . . 1671. Sm. 8°, A— H in eights, A 1 and H 8 blank. With a frontis- piece in three compartments and a plate before the Blackfriars narrative. The History of the Glorious Life, Reign, and Death of the Renowned Queen Elizabeth. . . . Illustrated with Pictures of some considerable matters, curiously ingraven in Copper Plates. London, Printed for Henry Rodes, next door to the Bear Tavern, near Bride Lane, in Fleet-street. 1682. Sm. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— F in twelves : G, 6. With a frontispiece and three plates, each in three compartments. CLAUDIAN. Claudian Translated ovt of Latine into En- glish Verse By Leonard Digges Gent. Lon- don, Printed for Robert Allot, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Churchyard at the signe of the Black Beare. 1628. 4°, A— K in fours, A 1 and K 4 blank. CLEOPHIL [? W. CONGREVE]. Incognita : Or, Love and Duty Recoucil'd. A Novel. Licens'd Decemb. 22. 1691. London, Printed for Peter Buck, . . . 1692. Sm. 8°. A, 8 11 : B— F in twelves : G, 4. Dedicated by Cleophil to the Honoured and Worthily Esteem'd Mrs. Katharine Leveson. CLERGY. The Clergyes Bill of Complaint, Or Submis- sive suite in the behalf of all the Orthodox and great Sorrow-suffering Church-men through- out England. Exhibited to the most honour- able Houses of Parliament, Against Brownists, Anabaptists, and other Schismaticks. . . . At Oxford, Printed for Leonard Lichfield Printer to the Vniversitie, 1643. 4°, A— B in fours. A Vindication of the Clergy, From the Con- tempt imposed upon them by the Author of The Grounds. . . . With Some short Reflections Upon His Farther Observations. Facit Indignatio. London: Printed by Andr. Clark, for Hen. Brome, . . . 1672. 8°, A — K 4 in eights. Officium Cleri, Desiderium Populi : Or, Canonical Obedience Asserted and Proved, To be the Duty of Gospel Ministers and the Desire of all good Hearers : . . . London, Printed for Richard Baldwin, . . . 1691. 4°, A — I in fours. CLEROMBAULT, MONSIEUR. Conversations Written in French By Mon- sieur Clerombault, And put into English By a Person of Honour. London, Printed for Henry Herringman . . . mdclxxii. 8°, A— K in eights, K 7-8 blank. CLEVE or CLEVELAND. The Princess of Cleve. The most Famed Romance. Written in French by the Greatest Wits of France. Rendred into English by a Person of Quality, at the Request of some Friends. London, Printed for R. Bentley and S. Magnes. . . . 1688. 8°, B— S 6 in eights, S 6 blank, S 3-5 with advertisements + title and Imprimatur, 2 leaves, CLEVELAND, JOHN. Poems. By John Cleaveland. With Addi- tions, never before Printed. London, Printed by S. G. for John Williams . . . 1665. Sm. 8°, A— P in eights. A Character of a Divrnal-Maker. By J. C. London, Printed in the Year, 1654. Sm. 8°, 6 leaves under If. It seems doubtful whether this tract forms part of the collected edition of 1654. CLISSON, FRANCIS, and others. A Treatise of the Rickets : Being a Diseas common to Children. . . . Translated into English by Phil. Armin. London : Printed by Peter Cole, . . . 1651. Sm. 8°. Title, preface, and list of books, 4 11 : C— Cc in eights, no B. CLOSET. A Closet for Ladies and Gentlewomen, Or, The Art of preseruing, Consenting, and Candying. With the manner howe to make diuers Kinds of Syrups: and all Kind of banquetting stuffs. Also diuers soueraigne Medicines and Salues, for sundry Diseases. At London Printed for Arthur Iohnson, dwelling neere the great North dore of Pauls. 1608. Sm. 8°, A— M in eights. CLOSET. 73 COCKER. Printed within borders. There are no prefixes. A Closet for Ladies and Gentlewomen, . . . Corrected, Amended, and much Enlarged, by adding a very usefnll Table thereunto. London, Printed by R. H. 1651. 12°, A— H in twelves, A 1 blank. CLOWES, WILLIAM. A Briefe and necessarie Treatise, touching the cure of the disease called Morbus GaUicus, ... At London, Printed for Thomas Cad- man dwelling in Paules Churchyard, at the eigne of the Bible. 1585. 4°, A— Q in fours, A 1 blank and Q 4 with the colophon and the printer Thomas East's device of the Black Horse. CO AT- ARMOUR. , n By the Right Honorable the Lords Com- missioners for the Office of Earle Marshall of England. [16 James I. 10 November, 1618.] A broadside in regard to Coat- Armour. By the Lord Deputie and Councell. Printed at Dublin by the Society of Stationers, Prin- ters to the King's most excellent Maiestie. Anno Dom. 1634. A broadside regarding Coat-Armour. COCHLCEUS, JOHANNES, Germanus. De Matrimonio Serenissimi Regis Anglife, Henrici Octaui, Congratulatio disputatoria, Ad Pavlvm Tertivm Pont. Max. 1 535. [Col.] Lipsise excudebat Michael Blum Mense Feb- ruario. Anno Domini mdxxxv. 4°, A— O 2 in fours. Antiqva Et Insignis Epistola Nicolai Pape. I. . . Breuis historian! illius teporis come- inoratio, Ex Regnione Vetusto Chronographo Ad Regem Anglie Henricu viij. Defensio Ioannis Episcopi Roffen & Thome Mori, aduersus Richardum samsonem Anglu. per Ioannem Cochleum. Fragmenta quarunda Tho. Mori Epistolarum ad Erasmum Rot. & ad Ioannem Coc. Lipsiae mdxxxvi. Ex Officina Melchioris Lottheri. 4°, A— Cc in fours : Dd, 5 11. Dedicated by Cochloeus to the Bishop of Misnia or Meissen. Consyderatio Iohannis Cochlcei, de futuro concordia; in Religione Tractatu Vvormatiic habendo. . . . M. D. xlv. [Col.] In- golBtadij Excudebat AlexanderVueyssenhorn. Mense Ianuario. M. D. XLV. 4°, A— G 2 in fours. Dedicated to the Cardinal-Duke of Mantua. COCK, CHARLES GEORGE, of the Inner Temple,now Resident in Norwich. English-Law: Or, A Summary Survey of the HouBhold of God on Earth, ... To- gether with an Essay of Christian Govern- ment. . • • London, Printed hy Eoherl AVhite for T. G. and Francis Tyton, and are to be sold at the Three Daggers ueer the Inner-Temple-Gate. 1651. Folio. A, 4 leaves : (a), 6 leaves : B— Cc in fours, Cc 4 with a Postscript promising new and enlarged editions of the book, if approved. Mr. Cock describes hiintelf as " a Student of Christian Law." COCK, THOMAS. A Plain and Practical discourse Upon the First of the Six Non-Naturals, Viz. Air : With Cautionary Rules and Directions for the Preservation of People in this time of Sickness. Very necessary for the Gentry, and Citizens that are now in the Country, to peruse before they come into London. . . . London, Printed' by E. C. for Philem. Ste- phens Sen. . . . 1665. 4°, A-F2in fours. Dedicated to Sir Thomas Bludworth, Lord Mayor of London. COCKBURN, PATRICK. De Vvlgari Sacra Scriptvra phrasi, hbn duo- . . . Authore Patricio Cochumo, Scoto. Parisiis, . . . 1552. Cvm Privilegio. g 0) a _ n 4 in eights, n 3 with colophon and n 4 blank. Dedicated from Orleans, May 1, 1552, to James Stuart, Abbot of St. Andrews, son of James V. COCKER, EDWARD. Cocker's Arithmetick, . . . Perused and Published by John Hawkins. Wntmg- Master near St. George's Church in South- war k, by the Author's Correct Copy, . . . The Third Impression. London, Printed for Charles Passinger, . . . 1680. 8°. Portrait by Van Hove. Title, 1 leaf : Dedi- cation, Preface, and account by John Collins, dated 1677, of the- author, 4 leaves : B— P in twelves, P 12 with Advertisements. The Young Clerk's Tutor Enlarged : . . . The Fifteenth Edition, Purged from the Errors of all former Impressions. London. Printed for, and are to he sold hy Robert Battersby, . . . 1705. 8°, A— in eights, A 1 with half-title and O 8 with Advertise- ments, + 3 plates. The Preface is subscribed J.H. Cocker's English Dictionary: Interpreting the most refined and difficult words in Divinity, Philosophy, haw. Physiok, . . . Perused and Published from the Authors Correct Copy, Bv John Hawkins. London, Printed for A. Back . . . and A. Bettes- worth . . . 1704. 8°, A— Aa m sixes, reokoning a leal' with a portrait hy Van On sifjn. R. begins: An Hittorical Poetical Dictionary. COCKERAM, HENRY. The English Diotionarie: . . . The second Edition, reuised and enlarged. By H. C. Gent. London: Printed by Isaac laggard, for Edmund Weauer, . . . 1626. Sin. 8°. COCQUIUS 79 COLLECT/ON. A, 4 leaves: B — Y in eights, T 8 blank. Dedicated to Sir Eichard Boyle. COCQUIUS, GISBERTUS, Phil. D. and Divine. Vindicise pro Lege, Irnperio, & Religione, contra Tractatus Thomse Hobbesii, Quibus Tit. de Cive & Leviathan. . . . Ultra- trajecti, . . . clo lo clvin. Sm. 8°, A— I 6 in twelves, I 6 with Errata + 3 11. after title marked * COEFFETEAU, N., Le Reverend Pere. Response A L'Advertissement, Adresse par le Serenissime Boy de la grand e Bretagne, Iacqves I. a tous les Princes & Potentats de la Chrestiente. Demiere edition, reueue, angmentee de beaucoup, & corrigee par 1' Autheur. A Paris, . . . M. dcxv. . . . 8°, A — Z in eights + title and Approbation, 2 leaves : Aa, 4 : Bb, 2. CCELIUS, APICIUS. Apicii Coelii De Opsoniis et Condimentis sive Arte coquinaria, Libri Decern. Cum Annotationibus Martini Lister, e Medicis domesticis serenissimae Majestatis Reginse Annse. Et Notis Selectioribus . . . Lon- dini : Typis Gulielmi Bowyer. mdccv. 8°, A— P in eights : Q— T 2 in fours. With a frontispiece. COFFEE-HOUSE. The Humours of a Coffee-House : A Comedy. London, Printed and Sold by J. How, in the Ram-Head-Inn- Yard in Fanchurch-Street, 1699. Folio, 12 leaves. Title, 10 Numbers, May 10, 1699, to July 12, 1699 : Epilogues, 1 leaf. COKE, SIR EDWARD. Tbe Fift Part of the Reports of Sr Edward Coke. . . . London Printed for the Com- panie of Stationers. Anno Dom. 1605. Cum priuilegio. Folio. A, 8 leaves: B— L in fours : a blank leaf : B — X in sixes : Y, 8. In two columns. Engl, and Lat. La Dixme Part Des Reports de S r Edw. Coke Chiualier. . . . Printed for the Societie of Stationers, Anno Dom. 1614. Cum Priuilegio. Folio, A — S in sixes: T, 4 leaves : T— Z in sixes : Aa, 8 leaves, in- cluding a blank and the Errata. Vn General Table, a touts les seueral Liures de les Reports de le darreine tresreuerend Iudge, Sir Edward Coke Cheualier, . . . Compose per Tho. Ashe de Grais Inne. London. . . . 1618. 8°, A— LI in eights. COLCHESTER. The Remonstrance and Declaration of the Knights, Esquires, Gentlemen, and Free- holders, in Colchester, Now in Armes for the King and Kingdom. Printed in the Yeere 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. The Severall Fights neere Colchester in Essex. A List of the names of the Knights, Collonels, and chiefe Officers, taken and killed on both sides, . . . Also Major Gene- rail Lamberts Victories in the North. . . . Penrith and Braugham Castle taken, . . . London Printed for Richard Smithurst, and are to be sold neer Hosier-Lane, 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. COLES, ELISHA. An English Dictionary, . . . London : Printed for Peter Parker, . . . 1685. 8°, A — Qq 2 in fours. COLEY, HENRY. Clavis Astrologiao Elimata: Or A Key to the whole Art of Astrology New Filed and Polished. In Three Parts. The second Edition much Enlarged and Amended. By Henry Coley, Student of the Mathematicks and Astrology. . . . London, Printed for Benj. Tooke, and Tho. Sawbridge . . . 1676. 8°, A— 3 A in eights + title and portrait by R. White : 3 B, 12 leaves : Tabu- Ice Rudolphina, with a separate title, dated 1675, 48 leaves. Merlinus Anglicus Junior: Or the Starr}' Messenger For the Year of Our Redemption, 1695. ... By Henry Coley, Student in the Mathematicks, and the Celestial Science. The Pour and Twentieth Impression. . . . London, Printed by John Heptinstall, for the Company of Stationers. 1695. 8°, A — C in eights. COLLECTANEA. Collectanea Chymica: A Collection of Ten Several Treatises of Chymistry, concerning the Liquor Alkahest, the Mercury of Philo- sophers, and other Curiosities worthy the Perusal Written by Eir. Philaletha Anony- mus, Job. Bapt. Van-Helmont, . . . Rog. Bacon, ... Sir Hugh Piatt, . . . London, Printed for William Cooper, at the Pelican in Little Britain. 1684. Sm. 8°. General title, preface, and Contents, 3 leaves : A — N 3 in eights : Tomb of Semiramis, A — C 7 in eights. COLLECTION. A Collection of offices, Or Forms of Prayer Publick and Private Fitted to the needs of all Christian Assemblies In cases Ordinary and Extraordinary. Taken out of the Scrip- tures and the ancient Liturgies of several Churches, especially the Greek. . . . Lon- don, Printed by J. Flesher for R. Royston, at the sign of the Angel in Ivy-lane. 1658. 8°. A, 8 11. including a frontispiece : a, 8 : b, 8 : c, 6 : d— e in eights : B— X in eights : Tbe Psalter, with a new title, A— O 2 in eights. A Collection of Speciall Passages And Cer- taine Informations of all the most memo- COLLECTION. 80 COLVILL. rable Accidents, and Remarkable Truthes, From London, "Westminster, and divers other parts of this Kingdome. 4°. A Collection of Articles, Injunctions, Canons, Orders, Ordinances, and Constitutions Ec- clesiastical, with other Publick Records of the Church of England; Chiefly in the Times of K. Edward VP», Q. Elizabeth, and K. James. Published to vindicate the Church of England, and to promote Uni- formity and peace for the Same. And humbly presented to the Convocation. Lon- don, Printed by R. Norton for Timothy Garthwait . . . 1661. 4°. Arms of the Bishops as a frontispiece, 1 leaf: Sparrow's preface, title, and table, 6 leaves : A— 3 H in fours : 3 I, 7 leaves : (A)— (B) in fours : no C : D— E in fours : F, 2 : G— H in fours : 1,2. COLLETON, JOHN. A Ivst Defence of the Slandered Priestes: "Wherein the reasons of their bearing off to receiue Maister Blackwell to their Superiour before the arriuall of his Holines Breue are layed downe, . . . Newly imprinted. 1602. 4°, *, 4 11 : **, 4 11 : A— Pp in fours. COLLIER, JEREMY. A Short View of the Immorality . . . The Second Edition. London, Printed for S. Keble . . . R. Sare ... and H. Hind- marsh . . . 1698. 8°, A— T in eights. Animadversions on Mr. Congreve's Late Answer to Mr. Collier. In a Dialogue be- tween Mr. Smith and Mr. Johnson. With the Characters of the present Poets; And some Offers towards New-Modeling the Stage. [Quotation from Congreve's Old Bachelor.] London, Printed for John Nutt, near Stationers-Hall. 1698. 8°, A— G 4 in eights, A 1 blank, A 2 with half-title, + a, 8 11. Essays upon Several Moral Subjects. . . . By Jeremy Collier, M. A. The Fourth Edition. London: . . . mdcc. 8°. Mr. Collier's Dissuasive from the Play-House ; In a letter to a Person of Quality, Occa- sioned by the late Calamity of the Tempest. London: Printed for Richard Sare. . . . 1703. 8°, A— B 4 in eights. COLLOQUIA. Colloqvia Et Dictionariolvm Sex Lmgvarvm, Latinae, Gallicae, Hispanieae, Italicae, et Anglicae. . . . Colloques et Dialogues, . . . [Geneva).] Excudebat Iacobus Stoer. Anno. M. DC vm. Obi. sm. 8°, A— Gg in eights, Gg 8 blank. Colloqvia Et Dictionariolvm Octo Lingva- rvm; Latiiwe, . . . Anglica\ . . . Delphis, Ex Officina lohannis Petit Waelpot, Anno 1631. Obi. sm. 8", A— Aa in eights. The preface ia dated the Ides of November, 1580. COLMORE, MATTHEW, Somatochris- tianus. Oratio Fvnebris In Obstvm Clarissimi Viri et mvnificentissimi Collegii Corporis Chrisli Oxon. benefactoris Georgii Sanctpavl Equitis Aurati, habita in medijs epulis Decembris 9. 1613. . . . Oxonioe Excudebat Josephus Barnesius. 1613. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. COLOM, ARNOLD. The New Enlarged Lightning Sea Column, Or, Sea-Mirrovr : Discovering all the Coasts and Islands of Europa, Africa, America, and Asia. With a plain Description thereof; Being Furnished with divers Sea-Charts, . . . Besides a Star-Map of the Heavens, Wherein, In a short time may be Learned and Discerned the Signs and Runnings of the Heavens, ... At Amsterdam. Printed, Ingraved, and Sold by Jacob Robyn, Print and Map-Seller. Cum Previligio, Anno 168 . . Large folio. With numerous plates. The last figure of the date is left blank in this copy, probably to be filled in from year to year; but the Privilege is dated 1686. COLOMIES.PAUL, ofRochelle, English Priest, and Curator of the Library at Lambeth. Pauli Colomesii Rupellensis . . . Opera, Theologici, Critici & Historici argumenti. . . . Junctim edita curante Jo. Alberto Fabricio, D. & Prof. Publ. Hamburgi, . . . a.c.mdccix. 4°. Prefixes, 8 leaves under )( and )( : A— 5 V in fours. This volume comprises several interesting pieces already published separately during the 17th cen- tury at London and.elsewhere. COLSON, WILLIAM, Londoner. A General Tresvry, Perpetval Repertory. Or A Common Covncel-Place of accounts for all Countries in Christendome. ... At London, Printed with priuiledge Royal] and Archiducall by Nicholas Okes, at the ex- pences of the Author. 1612. 4°, A— Kk 2 in fours, A repeated : Aaa — Nun iu fours (with the Art of Arithmetic) : Nun and Nnn 2 repeated. Dedicated to the Lords of the Council. Bodleian. COLVILL, JOHN. The Palinod of Iohn Colvill, Wherein He Doth Penitently recant his former proud offences, especially that treasonable discourse latelie made by him against the vndoubted and Lndeniable title of his dread Soueraigne Lord, King lames the si\t, vnto the OTOWne of England, after decease of her Maiesty present. Edinbvrgh Printed by Robert Charteris. 1600. 8°, A— C 4 in eights. Julin. Unir. Lib. The Palinod Or Recantation of lohn Coluill, Wherein he dothe Penitently recant his former proud offences, specially that treason- COMBER. COMPANION. able discourse lately made by bim against the vndoubted and indeniable title of his dread Soueraigne Lord, King lames the sixt, vnto the Crowue of England after the de- cease of her Maiestie. Edinburgh Printed by Eobert Charteris, Printer to the Kings most excellent Maiestie : and are to be solde by Walter Burre, dwelling in Paules Church- yarde at the signe of the Crane. 1604. 4°, A — B in eights : C, 4. Bodleian. COMBER, THOMAS, D.D., Dean of York. Roman Forgeries In the Councils During the First Pour Centuries. Together with An Appendix Concerning the Forgeries and Errors in the Annals of Baronius. By Thomas Comber, D.D. Prebend of York. London, Printed by Samuel Roycroft, for Robert Clavell . . . 1689. 4°, A— Z in fours + a, 4 leaves, A 1 with Imprimatur. Dedicated to the Archbishop of York from York, Aug. 20, 1689. A Discourse on the Offices for the v th of November, xxx«i of January, and xxixt" of May. London, Printed by Samuel Roycroft, for Robert Clavell. . . . 1696. 8°, B— R 2 in eights, and the title. COMENIUS, JOHN A. Porta Linguarum. . . . [a second title :] The Gate of Tongues unlocked and opened. Or Else, A Seminary or Seed-plot of all Tongues and Sciences. That is, A short way of teaching and thorowly learning within a yeare and a halfe, at the farthest, the Latine, English, French, and any other tongue with the ground and foundation of Arts and Sciences, comprized under an hundred Titles, and 1058 Periods. In Latine first, And now as a token of thankfulnesse brought to light, in Latine, English, and French, in the be- halfe of the most Illustrious Prince Charles, and of Brittish, French, and Irish Youth. The Fourth Edition much Enlarged. Lon- don, Printed by Edward Griffin for Michael Sparke, dwelling at the Blew Bible in Green Arbor, 1639. 8°. A, 8 11 : f , 4 11 : B— N in eights : O, 4 11 : P — R in fours : S — X in eights. Dedicated to Prince Charles. On Q 4 occurs a new title : Clavis ad Portam : Or, A key fitted to open the Gate of Tongues. . . . Printed for Michael 8parks. This portion has a Latin dedicatory epistle by Wye Saltonstall. Naturall Philosophic Reformed by Divine Light : Or, A Synopsis of Physicks : . . . "With a brief Appendix touching the Diseases of the Body, Mind, and Soul; with their generall Remedies. By the same Author. London: Printed by Robert and William Leybourn, for Thomas Pierrepoint, . . . mdcli. Sm. 8°. Prefixes, 8 leaves: a, 8 leaves : A— R in eights. There is a blank before the title. An Exhortation of the Churches of Bohemia to the Church of England : Wherein is set forth The good of Unity, Order, Discipline, and Obedience, in Churches rightly now, or to be Constituted. With a Description pre- mised of the Order and Discipline us'd in the Churches of the Brethren of Bohemia. Written in Latin, ... By J. Amos Com- menivs, the onely surviving Bishop of the Remains of those Churches. London, Prin- ted for Thomas Parkhurst. . . . 1661. 4°. A, 4 11., title on A 2 : a— b in fours + a leaf of Advertisements. B— M in fours : B (repeated with the body of the Exhorta- tion) — H in fours, H 4 occupied by Books on sale by Parkhurst. COMMELYN, S. The Belgick, Or Netherlandish Hesperides. That is, The Management, Ordering, and Use of the Limon and Orange Trees, Fitted to the Nature and Climate of the Netherlands. Made English by G. V. N. London, Printed for J. Holford Bookseller, at the Crown in the Pall Mall, and are to be Sold by Langly Curtis, 1683. 8°, A— N in eights. Dedi- cated by the translator to the Right Honor- able Thomas Belasyse, Lord Viscount Fau- conberg, Baron of Yarome, Lord Lieutenant of the North-Riding of Yorkshire, and one of his Majesty's most Honorable Privy Council. COMMONALTY. A Lamentable Complaint of the Commonalty, By Way of Svpplication to the High Covrt of Parliament, For A Learned Ministery. In Anno. 1585. 8°, A— F 3 in eights (F 4 possibly blank or with an imprint). There are only 7 11. in C. Apparently printed in Holland. The copy used had contemporary corrections, possibly by the author. COMMONWEALTH. An Exercitation Concerning Usurped Power, Wherein the Difference betwixt Civil Autho- rity and Usurpation is stated. . . . Printed in the year, 1650. 8°, A— H 2 in twelves. An Act of General Pardon and Oblivion. London, Printed. 1651. Folio, A— C, 2 11. each : D, 1 leaf. A Perswasive to A Mutuall Compliance Un- der the Present Government. Together with a Plea for A Free State Compared with Monarchy. . . . Oxford, Printed in the Yeare, 1652. 4°. A? : B— F in fours, G, 2. Dedicated to Cromwell. COMPANION. The Pleasant Musical Companion : . . . Compos'd by Dr. John Blow, . . . The Sixth _ Edition, Corrected and Enlarged : Containing above 20 Catches. London : Printed by William Pearson, and Sold by F CO MP TON. 82 CONGREVE. John Young Musical-Iiistrument-Maker at the Dolphin and Crown at the West End of St. Paul's Church, London, 1720. Price 2*. 6d. Obi. 4°. Title and Preface, 2 11: a, 2 11: B— Aa, 2 11. each. COMPTON, SPENCER, Earl of North- ampton, OB. 1(542. An Elegy on the Death of the Right Honour- able Spencer, Earle of Northampton, who died a Conquerour At the Battaile of Hopton- heath. 4°, 4 leaves, the first (Al) being blank and in mourning. There is no regular title-page. COMYNE, EUSTACE. The Information of Eustace Coinyne, Servant to M r - Keadagh Magher Treasurer to the Papists in Ireland, of their Monyto carry on this horrid Plot, who was Barbarously Mur- thered for Discovering the same, and turning Protestant. Given in Writing to the Honor- able House of Commons, the 15 th of this present November. 1680. London, Printed for Thomas Eox, and are to be Sold at his Shop, at the Sign of the Angel in Westmin- ster-Hall, 1680. Folio, A— C, 2 11. each, A 1 with Imprimatur. A Good Pook, and fit for every Inglish and Irish-man to buy that will be good Subject to the King and Safety of the tree Nations. . . . London, Printed for the Author, and are to be sold by the Booksellers and Haw- kers of London and Westminster. 1682. Polio, 2 leaves. CONCORDS. Breve Compendivm De Concordantiis Gram- maticalibvs, cum regimine octo Partium orationis. Interloquutores Prseceptor & Discipulus. Edinbvrgi. Apud Iohannem Rossevni, pro Henrico Charteris. 1580. 8°, 4 leaves. CONCUBINAGE, &c. Concubinage and Polygamy Disprov'd : Or, The Divine Institution of Marriage betwixt One Man, and One Woman only, Asserted. In Answer to a Book, writ by John Butler, B.D. . . . London : Printed for R. Baldwin, in Warwick-Lane, 1698. Price 1/- Sm. 8°, A— P in eights : G— H in fours. CONEYHOOD. Questions, concernyng Conie-hood [1595.] 4°. Dedicated " To the right Worshipfull, S.S. Eiqulre," by E. B. under date of June 4, 1595. E. E. asserts that lie had found the Latin original among his law papers, that it was acted in Ger- many during his abode there, and that it was sent oyer into England to a friend. CONFESSION. A Confession of Faith Touching the Holy Trinity, According to the Scripture. . . . London, Printed in the Year 1648. 4°, A — C 2 in fours. The Confession of Faith, Together with the Larger and Lesser Catechismes. Composed by the Reverend Assembly of Divines, sit- ting at Westminster, Presented to both Houses of Parliament. Again Published with the Scriptures at large, . . . The fourth Edition, conform to the first original Copy diligently compared, all escapes corrected, and more exact and correct then any that has been printed since. Deut. 6, 6, 7. . . . Printed at London for the Company of Sta- tioners, Anno 1658. And re-printed at Glas- gow, by Robert Sanders, Printer to the City and University, and are to be sold in his shop. 1675. 4°. *, 4 leaves : A— Rr 2 in fours. An Harmony of the Confessions of the Faith of the Christian and Reformed Chvrches, which purelie professe the holy doctrine of the Gospell in all the chiefe Kingdomes, Nations, and Prouinces of Europe : . . . Newlie translated out of Latine into English. Also in the end is added the Confession of the Church of Scotland. Alowed by publique authoritie. Imprinted by Thomas Thomas, Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. 1586. 8°. f, 8 11: ff, 8 11; fff, 2 11: A — Mm in eights : Confession of Church of Scotland, A — C in fours : D, 1 leaf. CONFORMITY. A Serious Exhortation, With some Impor- tant Advices, Relating to the late Cases about Conformity, Recommended to the Present Dissenters from the Church of England. London, Printed by T. Moore, & J. Ashburue, for Fincham Gardiner, at the White-Horse in Ludgate-street, 1683. 4°, B— G 2 in fours, and the title. CONGREVE, WILLIAM. The Old Batchelour, A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal, By Their Majesties Servants. Written by Mr. Oon- greve. Quern tulit. . . . Horat. Epist. I., 2. London, Printed for Peter Buck, at the Sign of the Temple near the Temple-gate in Fleet- street, 1693. 4°, A— H in fours, and a, 2 leaves. Dedicated to Lord Clifford of Lanes- borough. Love for Love: A Coined}-. Acted al the Theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn Fields, By His Majesty's Servants. Written by Mr. Congreve. Nadus ayris. . . . Hor. Lon- don : Printed for Jacob Tonson, . . . 1695. 4°. A, 4 leaves, A 1 With half-title : a, 4 11 : 13 — N 2 in fours. Dedicated to the Earl of Dorset and Middlesex. A Pindarique Ode Humbly Offer'd to the KiiiL, r on llis Taking Naiuure. By Mr. Congreve. Pmsentl tibi. . . . Hor. ad CONGREVE. 33 CONWAY. Augiistum. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson. . . . mdcxcv. Folio, A — C, 2 11 each. The Mourning Bride. . . . Written by- Mr. Congreve. . . . The Second Edition. London, Printed for Jacob Tonson. . . . 1679 [sic for 1697.] 4°, A— K 2 in fours. The Judgment of Paris : A Masque. Writ- ten by Mr. Congreve. Vincis utramque, Venus, Ov. Art. Am. L. 1. Set severally to Musick, by Mr. John Eccles, Mr. Finger, Mr. Purcel, and Mr. Weldon. . . . London, Printed for Jacob Tonson . . . 1701. 4°, A — B in fours, B 4 blank, and the title. Comp. Cleophil. CONSTABLE, HENRY. Diana, Or, The excellent conceitful Sonnets of H. C. Augmented with diuers Quator- zains of honorable and learned personages. Deuided into viij Decads. Vincitur a faci- bus, qui iacet [sic] ipse faces. At London, Printed by lames Eoberts, for Eichard Smith, 1584 [1594.] Sm. 8°. Title and the Printer to the Eeader, and a Sonnet addressed "Vnto Her Maiesties sacred honorable Maydes," 2 leaves: B — P 6 in eights. Printed within bands. Bodleian (Malone). This copy wants nearly the whole of the imprint ; hut the latter is supplied from the imperfect copy, formerly Bindley's and Corser's. The Malone copy is in a volume which was sold at Dr. Bernard's auction in 1698, and was about 70 years later bought off a stall in Salisbury by Joseph Warton for a trifle. It was presented by his brother Thomas to Malone. CONSTABLE, JOHN, of London, M.A. Ioannis Constablii Londinensis et artium Professor is Epigrammata. Apud inclytam Londini urbem. M. D. xx. [Col.] Ex offi- cina Eichardi Pynsonis / nonis Septembris. Cum priuilegio a rege indulto. 4°, A — D in fours, Pynson's full-page device occupying D4v°. On C 1 commences a series of epigrams and epitaphs, the first being Ad auditorem. Others are addressed to Henry VIII., Catherine of Arragon, Our Lady of Barking, Our Lady of Walsingham, Thomas More, John Blunt, Ac. The epitaphs are on William Griffith of Oxford, Nicholas Langdon, Baker, the Byrds, William Rose, Latimer, and the writer's relations, Roger and Isabella Constable, his brother Richard, and his sister Martha. On D 4 recto occurs : Cviq; in Epigrammata Typography Thom;e Bercvke Epistola, in which the Vulgaria of Horman, 1519, are men- tioned. B.M. and Bodleian (both imperfect). Some account of this writer may be found in Myles Davies (Icon Libellorum, p. 55). CONSTANTINI, ANGELO, Player to the King of France, in the Italian Company of Comedians. A Pleasant and Comical History of the Life of Scaramouche. Translated by A. E. from the French Copy: Printed at Paris, 1G95. London, Printed for Eobert Gifford, and are to be sold at his Shop in Old Bedlam, without Bishops^ate. 1696. Price bound 1/. Sm. 8°, A — E in twelves, A 1 with a frontispiece by Van Hove, containing a small full-length of Scaramouche, cap in hand, holding a five- stringed guitar : F, 6. Dedicated by A. E. to the Honourable Charles Boyle, Esq. CONSTITUTIONES. Constitutiones legitime seu legatine regionis Anglicanse: cu subtilissima interpretatione dni Johannis de Athon : cum triplici tabella. summa accuratione recognite : annotate : et Parisiis coinpresse. [A large cut of arms beneath which is Fortuna opes. ... A second title :] Legatine seu Constitutiones legitime. ._ . . [This is enclosed in a border of pieces above the device or sign of the Trinity.] Venales habentur London, apud bibliopolas In Cimiterio sancti Pauli. In signo sanctissime Trinitatis / et sancte Anne matris maria). Folio. +, 6 leaves: + + , 6 leaves : A— K 6 in eights, K 6 blank : besides a leaf before the first title with a crowned shield. Sotheby's, June 27, 1898, No. 259. Constitutiones legitime ecclesie totiusqj regiois Anglicane ab legatis a latere sum- mon potificu collecte : et a do. Johane de Aton diligeter explanate. . . . [Col.] Clauduntur itaq3 constitutiones. . . soler- tissima accuratione atqj arte Magistri Wulf- gangi hopilij : impesis eiusdem : et pbissimi bibliopole Joanis cofluetini : in inclyta Par- shisiorum academia . . . Anno domini Millesimo quingentesimo quarto: ad idus Semptembris. Folio, a — o in eights : p, 6 : q, 8 : r — s in eights : t, 6 : v, 5 : A — B in eights. In two columns. CONVERT. The Amorous Convert. Being a True Eela- tion of what happened in Holland. London, Printed by E.E. for Eichard Tonson, . . . 1679. Sm. 8°, B— 1 10 in twelves, last five pages with Advertisements, a small slip of Errata pasted at foot of I 8 r°. CONWAY, SIR JOHN. Meditations and Praiers, gathered out of the Sacred Letters, and Vertuous Writers : Dis- posed in fourme of the Alphabet of the Queene her most excellent Maiesties Name. Whereunto are added Comfortable Consola- tions (drawen out of the Latin) to afflicted Mindes. . . . Imprinted at London in Fleetestreat by Henry Wykes. 8°. *, 4 11 : **, 4 11 : A — Kk in fours, Kk 4 with a repe- tition of the woodcut on * 2. Dedicated by Sir John Conway to the Queen. B.M. This edition is printed of a larger size than that of 1571. The Museum copy Is inlaid. V— 2 CONWA Y. 84 COOPER. The Pocsie of Floured Prayers. Containing sundrie Meditations and Prayers : gathered out of the Baored letters and vertuous Writers: Disposed in forme of the Alpha- bet, of the most vertuous Lady, the Lady Elizabeths name. Set forth by Sir Iolm Conway. Mvltco tribnlationes . . . Psal. 34. At London, % Printed by Va. Sims, and are to he sold by Ed : White. An. 1611. Sm. 8°. A, 6 leaves, A 1 blank : B- S in twelves: T, 6 leaves, T 6 blank. Dedicated to the princess Elizabeth by the printer. Printed within borders. Sotheby's, March, 1895. Maskell's copy, wanting 10 leaves in sign. H. COOKE, EDWARD. The Character of Warre, Or The Image of Martiall Discipline : contayning vsefull dine: inns for Musters & Amies, and the very first principles in Discipline, the ground postures, all the Military motions now vsed : . . . A worke fitt for all Noble, Generous and good Spirits, that lone Honour, or Honourable Action. By Edward Cooke . . . London, Printed by Tho : Purfoot, 1626. 4°, A— K in fours, K 4 blank + IF, 2 11. Dedicated to the Earl of Dorset. The Prospective Glasse of Warre, . . . 1628. A copy sold at Sotheby's, May 16, 1901, No. 114, is said to be printed by Roger Michell. COOKE, EDWARD, ofHighnam, Glou- cestershire, sometime Colonel of a Regi- ment under Oliver Cromwell. Certain Passages which happened at New- port, in the Isle of Wight, Novemb. 29. 1G48. Relating to King Charles I. Lon- don, Printed for Richard Chiswell, . . . mdcxc. 4°. A, 3 leaves, A 1 with half- title : B— E, 2 leaves each, E 2 with Adver- tisements. COOKE, JOHN. Greene's Tu quoquo, Or, The Cittie Gallant. As it hath beene diuers times acted by the Queenes Maiesties Seruants. Written by Io. Cooke Gent. Printed at London for Iohn Trundle. 1614. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— M 2 in fours. With a preface by Thomas Hoy- wood and two lines on the back of it signed \V illiam] R[owley], headed Tponthe death of Thomas Greene: on the title is a three- quarter portrait of Greene in the character Of Hubble. B.M. Sotheby's, May 21, 1897, No. 122, very fine copy in morocco, X'13. 10*. COOKE, JOHN. King <" : ... By John Cook, of Grays-Inn, Barrester. . . . i.nuden : Printed for J. 11. a Friend to Legal Monarchy, but an Enemy to Monarchi- cal Tyranny, in the Glorious Year 1714. Sm. 8°, A — F 2 in fours, F repeated, no E. Monarchy Asserted, To be the best, most Ancient and legall form of Government, . . . London, Printed by John Redmayne for Philip Chetwin, 1660. 8°. Title and to the Reader, 3 leaves : B — H in eights. The Tryall and Condemnation of Mr. John Cooke, Sollicitor to the late High-court of Injustice. And Mr. Hugh Peters, that carnal Prophet. For their sevcrall High- treasons, &c. . . . London, Printed lor John Stafford and Edward Thomas. 1660. 4°, A— B 3 in fours. COOKS' GILD. By the King. In the Confirmation and En- largement of the Incorporation of the Com- pany of Cooks in London, (Amongst sundry other Priviledges to them by His Majesty granted) is contained, as followeth. Six- teenth of February, Anno Dom. 1663. A broadside without imprint. COOPER, ANTHONY ASHLEY, Earl of Shaftesbury. Honesty's Best Policy; Or, Penitence the Sum of Prudence : Being a brief Discourse, in honour of the Right Honourable Anthony Earl of Shaftesbury's humble Acknowledg- ment. . . . [1677.] 4°, A— Bin fours: 0,1. A Brief Account of the Designs which the Papists have had against the Earl of Shafts- bury, occasioned hy his commitment, July 2. 1681. Printed for R. Baldwin. 1681. Folio, 2 leaves. Some modest Reflections upon the Commit- ment of the Earl of Shaftesbury, arising from the late Indictment against Mr. Ste- phen Colledge. [Col.] London, Printed for R. Baldwin in the Old-Baily, July 12, 1681. Folio, 2 leaves. Have you any Work for a Cooper ? Or, A Comparison Betwixt a Cooper's, and a Joyner's Trade, Wherein their Qualities are both dis- play'd : London. . . . 1681. A broadside in verse. The Last Will and Testament of Anthony King Of Poland. Printed for S. Ward, 1683. A folio broadside in verse. A Supplement to the Last Will and Testa- ment of Anthony Earl of Shaftshury; with his last Words, as they were taken in Hol- land, where be Died, January the 20th, 1682. [Col.] London, Printed for John Smith. Folio, - Leaves, in verse. COOPER, JOSEPH. The Art of Cookery lteiin'd and Augmented COOPER. 85 CORIDON. . . . The third Edition. London, Printed by J. E. for R. Lowndes. . . . 1665. Sm. 8°. A, 6 : B— I in twelves. COOPER, THOMAS. The Labovr of Love. Expressing the Trve Art of Giuing, and right vse of Charity. Approuing the Liuely Power of the Gospel. Admonishing to a wise Redeeming of the Season : and Aduising, to Reforme the spe- ciall Euils of the Time. ... 8°. Dedicated " To the Right Honourable, Right Worship- full, my worthy Patrones and Benefactors, the Religious Gouernour Mr. Alderman Holiday, together with the Paithfull De- putie, the Prouident Treasurers, and Graue Committes, and the Rest of the Noble Ad- uenturers of the Honourable Societie of the East-Indian Merchants. . . ." Trin. Coll. Canibr. (a fragment.) Sathan Transformed into an Angell of Light, expressing his dangerous Impostures vnder glorious shewes. Emplified Specially in the Doctrine of "Witchcraft, and such sleights of Satan, as are incident thereunto. Very necessary to discerne speci[al?] Plague raging in these da3 r s, and so to hide our selues from the snare thereof. London, Printed by Barnard Alsop. 1622. Sm. 8°. A, 12 11. A 1 and A 8-9 [?] blank : B, 8 11. B 8 blank: C — B b in eights. Dedicated to Alderman Holiday, Governor of the East Indian Mer- chants. COOPER, WILLIAM. The Philosophical Epitaph of W. C. Esquire. Por a Memento Mori on his Tomb-Stone. With Three Hieroglyphical Scutcheons, and their Philosophical Motto's, and Explanation, . . . Also, A Brief of the Golden Calf. . . . Also, The Golden Ass. . . . With Jehior [Aurora Sapientitr] Or, The Day- Dawning or Light of Wisdom, . . . All Published by W. C. Esquire. With a Catalogue of Chymical Books. London, Printed by T. R. and N. T. for William Cooper, . . . 1673. 8°. Double fron- tispiece, 2 leaves : A, 9 leaves : B — O in eights : Catalogue of Books, *, 4 leaves, in- cluding separate title : P — R in fours : Second Part, A — G in fours. With plates separate from text. COOTE, EDWARD. The English Schoole-Master : . . . now the seuenteenth time imprinted ; with cer- taine copies to write by at the end of this Booke added. London, Printed for the Companie of Stationers, 1627. 4°, A— M in fours. Bodleian (Burton). The English School-Master. . . . De- vised for thy sake that wantest any part of this skill, by Edward Coote Master of the Free school in St. Edmonds Bury. Perused and approved by publick Authority, and now the 26 time Imprinted with certain Copies to write by, at the end of this book added. London, Printed by R. k W. Leybourn, for the Company of Stationers, 1656. 4°, A — L in fours. A 2 is occupied by " The School Master to his Profession." In the colophon on L 4 recto the date is 1655. The English School-Master . . . now the 27 time Imprinted. . . . London, Printed by R. & W. Leybourn, for the Company of Stationers. 1657. 4°, A — Lin fours, L 4 with some of the engraved sen- tences. The English School-Master, . . . now the 30 time Imprinted. . . . London, Printed by William Leybourn, for the Com- pany of Stationers, 1661. 4°, A — L in fours. The date at the end is 1655. Sotheby's, July 20, 1894, No. 319. A Brit. Mus. duplicate. The English School-Master . . . now the 36 thue Imprinted: . . . Printed by A. Maxwell, for the Company of Sta- tioners. 1670. 4°, A — L in fours. COPE, ANTHONY. The Hystory of two the most noble Cap- taynes. ... At London Printed by WillyamHow. 1590. 8°, A— Hh in eights : Table, 4 leaves. CORBY, RLDOLFO, SJ. Copia D'Vna Lettera Intorno alia Felice Morte del P. Ridolfo Corby della Com- pagnia di Giesii, succeduta in Londra per la Fede Catholica 17. di Settembre 1644. Auuortendo che in questa relatione non si pretende altro che fede humana senza far grado a certezza di Santita, e morte qualificata reseruandosi in questo il giuditio alia Santa Sede Apostolica. Data in luce ad Istanza di Lucio Xiales. In Palermo, . . . 1645. . . . 4°, 4 leaves. Corby was born in Ireland of English parents. CORDIALE. The Boke Named Cordyale . . . [Westmin- ster, W. Caxton, 1479.] Folio. Sotheby's (Ashburnham), July, 1897, No. 1187, an imperfect copy with two of the fly-leaves occu- pied by A Balad mayde at London when my Lorde Prince Arthur teas met by a jlotte havyng moche money ... 31 lines with the refrain : " London, thou art the flower of Cities all." CORIDON. Coridon and Parthenia, The Languishing Shepherd made Happ} r . Or, Faithful Love rewarded. Being a most Pleasant and De- lectable New Play Song ... To the Tune of, When busie Fame. Printed for . . . Black Letter. A broadside in four columns, with two cuts. The copy employed was mutilated. CORNEILLE. 86 COTTON. CORNEILLE, T. Pornpey. A Tragoedy. Dvblin, Printed by John Crooke, Printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, for Samuel Dancer, next Door to the Bear and Ragged-Staff in Castle- street. 1663. 4°, A— K in fours : L, 1 leaf with Epilogue, besides title, preface, and Prologue. Le Comte D'Essex, Tragedie. A Paris, chez Jean Ribou, au Palais, . . . M. DC. lxxviii. Avec Privilege Dv Roi. Sm. 8°. a, 2 leaves : Acteurs, &c. 1 leaf : A — G 2 in eights and fours. CORNWALLIS, SIR CHARLES. The Life and Death of Ovr Late most In- comparable and Heroique Prince, Henry Prince of Wales. . . . London, Printed by Iohn Dawson for Nathanael Butter. 1641. 8°, A — G in eights, including a fron- tispiece of the Prince full-length as in the 4°. CORNWALLIS, SIR WILLIAM, the Younger. Essayes. By Sir William Corne-Waleys the younger, Knight. Printed for Edmund Mattes, at the signe of the Hand and Plowgh in Eleet-street. 1600. Sm. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— O 4 in eights, O 3-4 blank : A Second part of Essayes. . . . 1601 (a new title- page), N 2 (N 1 having probably been also blank), N 3 [-4, 5], 4 11 : O— Nn in eights. The first portion is dedicated by Henry Olney the stationer "To the Right vertuous and most Honorable Ladies, the Lady Sara Hastings, the Lady Theodosia Dudley, the Lady Mary Wing- field, and the Lady Mary Dyer " in an epistle, where he speaks of the numerous MSS. copies, which had got abroad by " often transcription," as if the Essays had lain by for some time, before they were printed. Cornwallis inscribes the second portion himself" To the Lady Hastings, Dudley, and the rest." CORPORATIONS. Considerations Offered to all the Corporations of England, Well worth their Observation, Containing seasonable advice to them in their future Elections of Burgesses to Serve in Parliament, Merely in Relation to, and so far forth only, as such Elections affect Trade, and are, as will appear hereby, the main cause of its present great decay. London, Printed for William Cademan, . . . 1681. Folio, A — B, 2 leaves each. COSBY, ARNOLD. The most horrible and tragicall murther of the right honorable, the vertuous and valor- ous Gentleman, Iohn Lord Bourgli, Baron of Castell Connell. Committed by Arnold Cosby, the fourteenth of lanuarie. To- geather with the sorrowfull sighes of a sad soule, vppou his fuuunill : written by W. R. a seruaunt of the said Lord Bourgh. Tem- pus,fortuna,flent. Printed by R. R. 1591. 4°, A — B in fours. Bodleian. The portion by W. R. is in 7-line stanzas. The Araignment, Examination, Confession and Iudgement of Arnold Cosbye: Who wilfvlly Murdered the Lord Burke, neere the Towne of Wanswoorth, on the 14. day of this present Month of Ianuary and was executed the 27 of the same moneth. 1591. At London Printed for Edward White, and are to be solde at the little North doore of Saint Paules Church, at the Signe of the Gunne. [Col.] London Printed for William Wright. 1591. 4°, A— B in fours. The manner of the death and execution of Arnold Cosbie, for murthering the Lord Boorke, who was executed at Wanswoorth townes end on the 27. of lanuarie 1591. With certaine verses written by the said Cosby in the time of his imprisonment, containing matter of great effect, as well touching his life as also his penitencie before his death. Imprinted for William Wright. 1591. 4°, 4 leaves. Bodleian. COSIN, RICHARD. Ecclesiae Anglicana; Politeia in Tabulas Digesta. Authore Richardo Cosin Legum Doctore, . . . Hagse-Comitis, Ex T3-po- grapheio Samuelis Broun, Bibliopohc Angli. cio. io. clxi. Obi. 4°. Title, 1 leaf : **, 1 leaf : ***, 1 leaf : A— 0, 2 leaves each. COSTN, JOHN. Musike of Six, and Pine partes. Made vpon the common tunes- vsed in singing of the Psalmes. London Imprinted by Iohn Wolfe. 1585. Cum priuilegio Regioe Maiestatis. Obi. 8°. Bassus, A, 4 leaves: B— C in eights: D, 6: [a new title:] Musike of Piue partes Made . . . 1585. D 7-8, 2 leaves: E, 8, E 7 with colophon, E 8 blank. Dedicated to Sir Francis Wal- singham. Sotheby's, April 25, 1895, No. 892, Batsus only. COTTON, CHARLES. Scarronides : Or, Virgile Travestie . . . London, Printed by E. Cotes for Henry Brome . . . M. DC. lxvii. 8°, A— K in eights, A 1 with Imprimatur, K 7-8 with Advertisements and label. Scarronides : Or, Virgile Travestie. . . . London, Printed by J. C. for Henry Brome, . . . 1670. Sm. 8°, A— K 4 in eights. Scarroindes, Or, Virgile Travestie. A Mock- Poem, On the First & Fourth Books of Vir- gil's .Emvis In English Burlesque. . . . The Eighth Edition. London, Printed for C. Brome, . . . 1700. 8°, A— K 4 in | eights. COTTON. S? COUNTRY. The "Wonders of the Peake. . . . The Fourth Edition. London: Printed for Charles Brome. . . . 1699. 8°, A— F in eights, A 1 and P 7-8 blank. With the coeval autograph of William Turton. COTTON, CLEMENT, of the Drapers' Co. The Mirrovr of Martyrs, The Pirst and Second Part : With their Prayers and pre- paration for their last farewell. . . London, Printed by E. A. for Eobert Allot, . . . 1631. 8°, A— Co in twelves, title on A 2. Dedicated to the Drapers' Company. The author appears to have been related to Sir Allan Cotton, Lord Mayor of London, whose in- fluence procured him admittance to that Gild. COTTON, JOHN. Gods Promise to His Plantation. [Quot. from 2 Sam. 7. 10.] As it was delivered in a Sermon, By Iohn Cotton, B. D. and Preacher of Gods word in Boston. [Quotations.] London, Printed by William Jones for John Bellamy, . . . 1634. 4°, A— D 2 in fours, A 1 blank. With a Pre- face by I. H. A Treatise of Mr. Cottons, Clearing certaine Doubts Concerning Predestination, Together with an Examination Thereof, written by William Twisse, D.D. Pastor of Newbury. . . . London, Printed by J. D. for Andrew Crook, . . . 1646. 4°, A— V 2 in fours : Aa — Pp in fours. Some Treasure Petched out of Rubbish : Or, Three short but seasonable Treatises (found in a heap of scattered Papers) which Provi- dence hath reserved for their service who desire to be instructed, from the Word of God, concerning the Imposition and Use of Significant Ceremonies in the Worship of God &c. . . . London, Printed in the Tear, 1660. 4°. A, 2: B— L 2 in fours. COTTON, SIR ROBERT. Warrs with Porreign Princes Dangerous to our Common-Wealth : Or, Reasons for Por- reign Wars Answered. With a List of all the Confederates from Henry the firsts Reign to the end of Queen Elizabeth. Proving, That the -Kings of England alwayes preferred Vnjust Peace, before the Justest Warre. London, Printed for Wil- liam Shears . . . 1657. 8°. Portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh and title, 2 leaves : B— G in eights : H, with a new title : The French Charity : Written in French by an English Gentleman, upon occasion of Prince Harcourt's coming into England : And trans- lated into English by F. S. J. E. London, . . 1655. 6 leaves. An Exact Abridgement of the Records in the Tower of London, From the reign of King Edward the Second, unto King Richard the Third, of all the Parliaments holden in each Kings reign, . . . Collected by Sir Robert Cotton Knight and Baronet. Re- vised, rectified in sundry mistakes, and supplied with a Preface, Marginal Notes, . . . By William Prynne Esquire, a Bencher of Lincolns Inne. London, Printed for William Leake Stationer, . . . 1657. Folio. A, 4 leaves : a, 4 leaves : aa, 3 leaves : aaa, 2 leaves : aaaa, 2 leaves : A — G, 2 leaves each : B — 5 A in fours : I — Mm, 2 leaves each. COUNCIL OF STATE. The Picture of the Councel of State, Held forth to the Free people of England By Lievt. Col. John Lilburn, Mr. Thomas Prince, and Mr. Richard Overton, now Prisoners in the Tower of London. Or, A full Narrative of the late Extra-judicial and Military Proceedings against them. To- gether with the Substance of their several Examinations, Answers and Deportments before them at Darby House, upon the 28. of March last. Printed in the Year 1649. 4°, A — F in fours and the title-page. COUNTER-BUFF. The Counter Buffe : Or, Certain Observations upon Mr. Edwards his Animadversions, touching a Pamphlet intituled Little Non- such, . . . London. Printed as formerly, for H. P. 1657. 4°, A— D 2 in fours. COUNTERPOISON. A Covnter-Poyson. Modestly written for the time, to make aunswere to the obiections and reprofes, wherwith the aunswerer to the Abstract would disgrace the holy Discipline of Christ ... At London; Printed by Robert Waldegraue. 8°, A— N in eights, N 6-8 blank. COURTENAT. Courtnay Earl of Devonshire; Or, The Troubles of the Princess Elizabeth. A Tragedy. Comprehending a great part of the Reign of Queen Mary, with the Death of Jane Gray. Quod non dat Hist or ia debit Histronia. London: Printed for Nicholas Cox at the Golden Bible without Temple- Bar. 4°, A— G in fours. Dedicated to the Duke of Devonshire, Lord Steward of the Household. COUNTRY. A Country Scuffle over a Pot of Ale. With Reflections on a Dissenting Corporation : Together with the Poet's Lamentation in the time of Adversity. Which may serve as a Second Part to the Counter-Scuffle. Lon- don, Printed for George Conyers, in Little- COURTS. 83 COX. Brittain, ... 4°, A— C in fours. In verse. COURTS. The Spirituall Courts epitomized, in a Dialogue betwixt two Proctors, Busie Body, and Scrape-all, and their discourse of the want of their former imployinent. Printed 16-il. 4°, 4 leaves. With an engraving on title representing two figures at a table and over them the words Bunne Lamb and Fly Duck. COVENANT, A Letter to a Noble Lord at London from a Friend at Oxford : Vpon occasion of the late Covenant taken by both Houses. Printed, 1643. 4°, A— B in fours. COYENT GARDEN. Covent Garden Drolery, Or A Colection, Of all the Choice Songs, Poems, Prologues, and Epilogues (Sung and Spoken at Courts and Theaters) Written by the refined'st Witts of the Age. And Collected by A. B. The Second Impression, with Additions. London, Printed for James Magnes neer the Piazza in Russel-Street, 1672. 8°. A, 2 11. the first blank : B— H in eights, H 8 blank. COYERDALE, MILES. Goostly psalmes and spirituall songes drawen out of the holy Scripture, for the coforte and consolacyon of such as loue to reioyse in God and his worde. [This is a headline on the first printed page, there being no regular title. At the end :] Imprynted by me Johan Gough. Cum priuilegio Regali. 4°. +, 4 11: A— O in fours. With the music. Queen's Coll. Oxford. On the verso of the first leaf occurs : " Myles Couerdale vnto the Christen reader." An exhortacion to the carienge of Chrystes crosse, wyth a true and brefe confutacion of false and papysticall doctryne. 2 Timo. 3. All, that wyll lyue godly ... No place, &c. Sm. sq. 8°, A— K in eights, K 7-8 blank. A confutacion of that treatise / which one John Standish made agaynst the protestacion of D. Barnes in the yeare. m.d.xl. Wheriny the holy scriptures (peruerted and wrested in his sayd treatise) are restored to there owne true vnderstonding agayne by Myles Couer- dale. Iacobi iij. Nolite gloriari, . . . 8°, a — n in eights, n 8 blank. Comp. Calvin. COYERT, ROBERT. A Trve and Almost Incredible Report of an Englishman, that (being cast away in the good Ship called the Assension in Cambaya, . . .) trauelled by Laud thorow many vnknowne Kingdomes and great Cities . . . London, Printed by I. N. for Uugh Perry, . . . 1631. 4°, blaok letter, A— K in fours, A 1-2 and K 4 blank, K 3 .with the colophon. COWELL, JOHN. The Interpreter : Or Booke Containing the Signification of Words . . . London, Printed for William Shcares. 1637. 4°. A— 4 C in fours + title, dedication to the primate, &c, 4 11. COWLEY, ABRAHAM. The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley, . . . London, Printed by J. M. for Henry Her- ringman, . . . 1681. 8°. A— C 7 in eights : Miscellanies, pp. 1-4,6 + title : The Mistress, pp. 1-82 + title: Pindarique Odes, pp. 1-104 4- title and Preface, 3 11 : Davideis, pp. 1-216 : same in Latin, Liber L, pp. 1-29 : Verses written on several occasions, pp. 30 and 1-196 (including several other pieces) pp. 195-6 blank: The Second Part of the Works {Juvenilia), London, Printed by Mary Clark for Charles Harper . . . 1682, with a separate title, a — K 6 in twelves, K 6 blank. With a portrait reduced from that in the folios, but anonymous. BM. Cutter of Coleman-street. A Comedy. As it is Acted at Their Majesties Theatre-Royal. The Scene London, In the year 1658. Writ- ten by Abraham Cowley. London, Printed for Henry Herringman. . . . mdcxciii. Polio, A — E 3 in fours, E 4 probably blank. In two columns. COWPER, WILLIAM, Bishop of Gal- loway. The Bishop of Galloway His Dikaiologie : Contayning a iust Defence of his former Apologie. Against- the iniust Imputations of Mr. David Hvme . . . London : Printed by Thomas Snodham for Iohn Budge, . . . 1614. 4°, A — A.a in fours, A 1 blank. COX, NICHOLAS. The Gentleman's Recreation: In Four Parts. . . . London : Printed by J. C. for N. C. and are to be sold by Tho. Fabian . . . 1677. 8°. Folded plate of Blowing the Horn : engraved and printed titles, 2 11 : A, 4 11 : sepai-ate title to Hunting, 1 leaf : pp. 1-158 : frontispiece and title to Hawking, pp. 159-254: An Abstract of such Statute-laws as concern Hawking, 1 leaf : frontispiece and title to Fowling, 2 11 : pp 1-95: the same to Angling and pp. 1-78 : Tables, 6 11. The Gentleman's Recreation : . . . The Fifth Edition. London: Printed by F. Collins, for N. Cox, and are to be Sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster, 1706. 8°. A (misprinted B) — Iff in eights, ig Erontispieoe : ( rg ■•. i Leaves : Hhh, i ,11. Willi the targeoul of the Blowing of the Horn and folded plates before the other three Sections. CRAIG. 89 CRISPIN. The Hunter. A Discovrse of Horsemanship : Directing The Eight way to hreed, keep, and train a Horse, for ordinary Hunting and Plates. Oxford, Printed by L. Lichfield, Printer to the University, for Nicholas Cox. 1685. 8°, A— G 2 in eights. CRAIG, THOMAS. Henrici Illvstrissimi Dvcis Albanian Comitis Eossiae, &c. et Marise Serenissima) Scotorum Eeginse Epithalamivm. Iinpressvin Edin- bvrgi Per Eobertvm Lekprevik. Anno 1565. 8°, A in eights, A 8 blank. In Latin verse. Reprinted by D. Laing, 8°, 1821. CRAIG, SIR THOMAS, of Biccarton. Jvs Feudale Tribus Libris Comprehensum. Quibus Non solum Consuetudines Feudales & Praodiorurn Iura, . . . continentur, sed Universum Ius Scoticum, . . . Edinburgi, Impressum Anno Dom. 1655. Polio, (a), 6 11 : B— 3 in fours. With the Nuncu- patory Epistle to James VI. found among the author's Adversaria. The Eight of Succession to the Kingdom of England, In Two Books ; Against the Sophisms of Parsons the Jesuite, . . . Written Originally in Latin . . . and now Faithfully translated into English. . . . London, Printed by M. Bennet, for Dan. Brown [and others.] 1703. Polio. Title and following leaf with dedication by T. G. to the Faculty of Advocates at Edinburgh : a — g, 2 leaves each: h, 1 leaf: B — 5 Y, 2 leaves each. CRANMER, THOMAS. Catechismvs, That is to say a shorte In- struction into Christian Eeligion for the synguler commoditie and profyte of childre and yong people. Set forth by the mooste reuerende father in God Thomas Archbyshop of Canterbury, Primate of all England and Metropolitane. Gualterus Lynne excudebat. 1548. [Col.] Imprynted at London for Gwalter Lynne, dwellyng on Somers kaye by Byllynges gate. Cum priuilegio . . . 8°. Title and dedication to Edward VI., 6 11 : A — M m in eights. Woodcuts. The impressions of the engravings are much worn. Defensio Verae et Catholicae Doctrinao de Sac- ramento corporis & sanguinis Christi . . . firmata a Eeuerendiss. in Christo Patre ac Domino D. Thoma Cranmero . . . Einbdae, apud Gellium Cremativm. m.d. lvii. 8°, A — Y 4 in eights, Y 4 blank. CRASHAW, WILLIAM, Pastor at Whitechapel. Londons Lamentation for her Sinnes : And Complaint to the Lord Her God. Out of which may bee pickt a Prayer for Priuate Families, for the time of this feerefull In- fection. . . . London, Printed for G. Fayerbeard at the Northside of the Eoyall Exchange. 1625. 8°, A— D 6 in eights. Chiefly black letter. CRATERUS, THEOPHILTJS. A Calme Consolatory View of the sad tem- pestuous Affaires in England. . . . Printed in the Yeare, 1647. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— G in fours : H, 1 leaf. CRAUFURD, DAVID. Love at First Sight. A Comedy, Acted at the New Theatre in Little Lincoln's-Inn- Fields. By Her Majesties Servants. Writ- ten by David Cravfvrd, Gent. Solum Primos da versions annos. London : Printed for E. Basset, . . . William Turner . . . and John Chantry ... 4°, A— K 2 in fours, A 1 with a half-title. In the Preface the author states that he wrote this piece four years ago at a vast distance from the theatre. On the title, beneath the imprint, is advertized his Ovidius Britannicm published in 1703. Courtship A-la-mode. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Eoyal in Drury Lane, By His Majesty's Servants. Written by Mr. David Crauf urd. Adspirat primo Fortuna labori. Virg. iEnei. Lib. 2. London, Printed for J. Barnes at the Crown in the Pall-Mall, . . . 1700. 4°, A— H 2 in fours. Dedicated to John Leneve Esquire by the author's friend William Pinkethman. CRAVEN, WILLIAM, Lord Craven. The Lord Craven's Case Briefly Stated. London, Printed by Tho. Newcomb, 1654. 4°, A — B 2 in fours. CREATURE. The dyenge creature. [This is the whole title over a large woodcut between two bands of detached ornaments. At the end :] Here endeth a lytell treatyse of the dyenge creature. Imprynted at London in y Fletestrete at the sygne of the Sonne / by me Wynkyn de Worde. 4°, A— D in fours. With the printer's device on D 4. Bodleian. CRESSENER, A. The Vindication of A. Cressener, School- Master in Long-Acre, From the Aspersions of A. Pulton, Jesuit and Schoolmaster in the Savoy ; Together with some Account of His Discourse with Mr. Meredith. London, Printed for Eic. Chiswell . . . mdclxxxtii. 4°, A — B in fours. CRISPIN. St. Crispins Triumph over Pope Innocent : Or the Monks and Fryers Eouted. A Tragi- comedy, As it was lately Acted with great Noise at Dantzick in Poland by the _ Ee- forming Shoemakers, and other Eelaincrs to St. Hugh. . . . Printed at Primrose- Hill for the special Edification of those New OF OF CRISTA NO VIC. 90 CROMWELL. Miracle-Mongers, who would perswade us, that after a man has been Strangled and Murthered, he can yet walk a Mile, and run himself through with his own Sword. Octob.17. 1678. 4°, A— B in fours. Inverse. CRISTANOVIC, STANISLAS, Juris- consult. Examen Catholicvm Edicti Anglicani, Qvod contra Catholicos est latum, Auetoritate Parlamenti Anglire. Anno Domini M. D.c. vi. Parisiis, Apud Franciscum Huhy, . . . M. d. c. vil. 8°. a, 4 leaves, the fourth blank : A — I 4 in eights. CROLLIUS, OSW., and PARACEL- sus. Philosophy Reformed & Improved in Pour Profound Tractates. The I. Discovering the Great and Deep Mysteries of Nature : By the Learned Chymist & Physitian Osw : Crollius. The other III. Discovering the "Wonderfull Mysteries of the Creation, By Paracelsus, Being His Philosophy to the Athenians. Both made English by H. Pinnell, for the increase of Learning and true Knowledge. London : Printed by M. S. for Lodowick Lloyd at the Castle in Cornhill. 1657. 8°. A, 7 11 : a, 4 11 : B— P 4 in eights : Aa — Ee 4 in eights. CROMWELL, OLIVER. Lieut : Generall Cromwells Letter to the Honorable "William Lenthall Esq ; Speaker of the House of Commons, of the Storming and Taking of Basins-House : . . . London, Printed for Edward Husband, . . . Octob. 16. 1645. 4°, 4 leaves. Besprachlied zwischendem Konigvon Enge- land und Cromweln. Erstliche gedrucht zu Hamburg / 1651. 4°, 2 leaves. In verse. A Declaration of Oliver Cromwell, Captain General of all the Porces of this Common- Wealth. London, Printed by William Du- Gard, 1653. A broadside. [April 30.] Sedition Scourged, Or A View of that Ras- cally & Venemous Paper, Entituled, A Charge of High-Treason exhibited against Oliver Cromwell, Esq ; for several Treasons by him committed. London, Printed by Hen. Hills, for Rich. Baddeley, within the Middle-Temple-Gate, 1653. 4°, 8 leaves. Reasons Why the Supreme Authority of the Three Nations (Por the time) Is not in the Parliament, But in the new-established Councel of State, Consisting of His Excel- lence the Lord General Cromwel, And his honourable Assessors. Written in Answer to a Letter from a Gentleman in Scotland to a friend of his in London. To which is added t lie Letter it self. Printed at London, and are to be sold by Rich. Mooue, . . . 1653. 4°, A— D in lours. Mr. Recorders Speech to the Lord Pro- tector Upon Wednesday the Eighth of Pebru. 1653. _ Being The day of His High- nesse entertainment in London. London, Printed by R. I. for Mathew Walbaucke, . . . 1653. 4°, 4 leaves. Ratio Constitutae nuper ReipublicDC Angliae, Scotia), & Hibernian, ... Ex Anglico in Latinum versa. Hagse-Coniitvm, Tjqris Adriani Vlacq. 1654. Sm. 8°, A— D in twelves : E, 4. Ratio Constitutae Nuper Reipublicac Angliae, Scotiae, & Hiberniae, . . . Penes D. Pro- tectorem & Parlamentum. ... Ex Anglico in Latinum versa. Hagae-Comitvm, Typis Adriani Vlacq. 1655. Sm. 8°, A— E 4 in twelves. His Highnesse the Lord Protector's Speeches to the Parliament in the Painted Chamber, The one on Munday the 4th of September ; The other on Tuesday the 12. of September. 1654. Taken by one who stood very near him, and Published to prevent mistakes. London, Printed by T. R. and E. M. for G. Sawbridge at the Bible on Ludgate-hill. 1654. 4°. A— E in fours, A 1 and E 4 blank : The Second speech with a new title, A — P in fours, A 1 blank. A highly interesting historical and biographical account, but not the official text. Other addresses of Cromwell appear to have been taken down by the same person, probably in short-hand. O. P. By His Highness: A Proclamation Prohibiting Horse-Races for Six Months. London, Printed by Henry Hills and John Pield, Printers to_His Highness, 1654. A broadside. A Copy of a Letter Concerning the Election of a Lord Protector. Written to a Member of Parliament. London, Printed by Tho. Newcomb, near Baynards-Castle in Thames- street, 1654. 4°, A — P in fours. Panegyrici Cromwel lo Scripti. Vnus a Legato Portugallici Regis. Alter a Quodam Iesuita. m. dc. liv. 4°, A— P in fours, P 4 blank. In prose. By the Protector. A Proclamation Com- manding a speedy and due Execution of the Laws made against the abominable sins of Drunkenness, Profane Swearing and Cursing, Adultery, Fornication, . . . London : Printed by Henry Hills and lohn Pield, Printers to His Highness. 1(>55. A broadside. A Letter from A True and Lawful] Member of Parliament, and One faithfully engaged with it, from the beginning of the War to the end. To one of the Lords of his High- ness Councell, upon oooasion of the last Declaration, shewing the Reasons of their proceedings for securing the Peace of the Commonwealth, published on the 31st of CROMWELL. 9* CROUCH. October 1655. Printed in the year 1656. 4°, A — I in fours, A 1 blank. Grundtliche Beschreivung der Neiien Regi- ments= Versassung in dem gemeinen Wesen Engelland / Schott= mid Irrland / samt den Jugeborigen Eyhtndern und andern Landschafften / under dem Heeren Protector und dem Parlament. Auszdem Englischen aufs fleiszigste verteutschet. Schaffhausen Bei Johann Kaspar Sutern. 1657. 4°. Title and prefixes, 4 leaves : A — L in fours. Politicus sine Exemplo, Oder Kurtzer Be- griff der Kriegs und Staats handlungen / . . . Nurnberg / . . . 1663. Sm. 8°, A — Z 10 in twelves + title-page. A Short Discovery of His Highness the Lord Protector's Intentions Touching The Anabaptists in the Army, and all such as are against his reforming things in the Church ; which was first communicated to a Scotch Lord, who is called Twidle ; but is now come to the ear of the Anabaptists. Upon which there is propounded 35 Queries for his Highness to answer to his own Con- science. By a "Well-wisher to the Anabaptists prosperity, and all the rest of the Separates of England. [Colophon :] Printed for the information of all such as prize the Liberty of their Consciences, for which so much Bloud hath been spilt. 4°, 4 leaves. Appended to this tract are two leaves consecu- tively paged and marked B and B 2, in reference to the grievances of the co-heirs of the manors of Davington and Norton, co. Kent. The first, en- closing the Petition of the parties to the Lord Chief Justice, is a letter to George Ellis, Esq., from Major Daniel Gotherson, Esq. A Proclamation By His Highness and the Parliament. Given at Westminster the 26. day of June, 1657. London Printed by Henry Hills and John Field, Printers to His Highness, 1657. A broadside. A confirmation of the title of Lord Protector. By the Protector. A Proclamation of His Highness, Prohibiting Horse-Races in Eng- land and "Wales for Eight Months. [April 8.] London, Printed by Henry Hills and John Field, Printers to His Highness, 1658. A broadside. The Cloud Opened ; Or, The English Heroe. By a Loyal and Impartial Pen. Quam facile Jit ccecus dux vita, . . . London, Printed A.D. 1670. 4°, A— F in fours. A True Catalogue, Or, An Account of the several Places and most Eminent Persons in the three Nations, and elswhere, where, and by whom Richard Cromwell was Proclaimed Lord Protector. . . . Printed in the First Year of the English Armies small or scarce beginning to return from their almost six years great Apostacy. 4°, A — K 2 in fours. CROSS, NICOLAS. Pious Reflections, and Devovt Prayers, On Several Points of Faith and Morality, from Man's Creation to his Consummation. By the very Reverend Father Nicolas of the Holy Cross, Exprovincial of the English Recollects, and Chapelaiae in ordinary to her Majesty of great Britain. Doway, By M. Mairesse. M. DC. xcv. 8°. a, 8 11: A— N 6 in eights. CROUCH, HUMPHREY. Loves Covrt of Conscience, "Written upon two severall Occasions, with new Lessons for Lovers. Whereunto is annexed a kinde Husband's advice to his Wife. By Humfrey Crowch. London, Printed for Richard Harper, and are to be sold at his Shop in Smithfield, at the Hospitall Gate. 1637. 8°, A— B 4 in eights. In verse. With woodcuts on title and last page. Bodleian. The Heroick History of Gvy, Earle of Warwick. Written by Hvmphery Crovch. London Printed for Jane Bell at the East end of Christ-Church. 1655. 4°. Large cut on title. B.M. (a fragment) This fragment of two leaves has been accidentally preserved by having been waste utilized to print another production on the blank reverse. The Welch Traveller : Or The Ynfortunate Welshman. If any Gentleman doe want a Man, . . . By Humphrey Crouch. London, Printed for William Gilbertson, 1657. Sm. 8°, A — B 4 in eights. Woodcut on title as in later edition. Bodleian. CROUCH, JOHN. A Mixt Poem Partly Historicall, Partly Panegyricall Upon the Happy Return of his Sacred Majesty Charles the Second, &c. And His Illustrious Brothers the Dukes of York and Glocester. With Reflections upon the late Rump, and their Appurtenances. Not Forgetting his Excellency the Lord General Monck. By J. C. Gent. London, Printed for Daniell White at the Seaven Stars in Pauls Church-yard, 1660. 4°, A — B in fours. Dedicated "To his most Beloved Brother Captain Gilbert Crouch." Portugallia in Portu, Portugall in Harbour : Or Englands Joy and Welcome to The Most Illustrious Infanta of Portugal Donna Katharina, Queen of England, &c. By John Crouch Gent . . . London, Printed for Richard Hall, at his Shop in Westminster- Hall, at the Signe of the Golden Ball. M. dc. lxii. Folio, 6 leaves. In verse. An Elegie upon the Death of Her Most Illustrious Majestie Heneretta Maria, Late Queen of England, Daughter to Henry IV. of France, &c. By John Crouch . . . London, Printed m dc lxix. Folio, 4 leaves. CROUCH. 92 CULPEPER. CROUCH, NATHANIEL. The English Hero: Or, Sir Fran. Drake Reviv'd. ... By R. B. The Fifth Edition Inlarged. London, Printed for Nath. Crouch . . . 1698. 12°, A— H in twelves, including Advertisements. With a portrait and woodcuts. Martyrs in Flames: Or, The History of Popery. Displaying the Horrid Persecu- tions and Cruelties exercised upon Pro- testants by the Papists . . . With several Pictures. By R. B. London, Printed by Nath. Crouch, . . . 1700. Sm. 8°, A — H in twelves. With a frontis- piece in compartments and other woodcuts. CROWLEY, ROBERT. A supplication of the poore Commons. Pro- uerbes .xxi. Chapiter. Who so stoppeth . . . Wherunto is added the Supplication of Beggers. Sm. 8°, a— d in eights. At the end of the first piece occurs: Anno. M. ccccc. XLvi. A Deliberat answere made to a rash offer, which a popish Antichristian Catholique, made to a learned protestant (as he saieth) and caused to be publyshed in printe : Anno Do. 1575. . . . Written by Robert Crowley in the yeere, 1587. London, Printed by I. Charlwood, . . . 1588. 4°, A— Y in fours, A 1-2 repeated. CROWNE, JOHN. The History of Charles the Eighth of France, Or The Invasion of Naples by the French. As it is acted by his Highnesses the Duke of York's Theater. Written by Mr. Crowne. Honestum est secundis tertiisve consistere. Qu. London, Printed by T. R. and N. T. for Ambrose Isted, at the Sign of the Golden Anchor, over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleet-street. 1672. 4°. Title, dedication to John, Earl of Rochester, Pro- logue, &c. 4 leaves : B — L in fours. The Ambitious Statesman, Or The Loyal Favourite As it was Acted at the Theatre Royal, By His Majesty's Servants. Written by Mr. Crowne. London, Printed for Wil- liam Abington, at the Black-spread-Eagle at the West end of St. Pauls 1679. 4°, B— N in fours + 3 leaves with title and dedication to the Duchess of Albemarle. Darius King of Persia. A Tragedy, As it is Acted by their Majesties Servants. Written by Mr. Crowne. London: Printed for R. Bcntley . . . 1688. 4°, A— K in fours + a, 2 leaves with title and dedication to Sir George Hevvytt Baronet, one of the Lieutenants of His Majesty's Horse Guard. Sir Courtly Nice: Or, It cannot Be. A Comedy. As it is Acted by His Majesties Servants. Written by Mr. Crown. Loudon, Printed by U. U.J un. for R. Bently . . . mdclxxxv. 4°, A — I 2 in fours. Dedi- cated to the Duke of Ormonde. Sir Courtly Nice : . . . London : Printed forB. Tooke, . . . 1703. 4°. A— I in fours. Dedicated to the same. The English Frier : Or, The Town Sparks. A Comedy, As it is Acted by Their Majesty's Servants. By Mr. Crowne. London: Printed for James Knapton, . . . 1690. 4°, A— H in fours, and a, 4 leaves. Dedicated to the Earl of Devonshire. The Countrey Wit. A Comedy, Acted at the Dukes Theatre. Written by Mr. Crown. London, Printed for Thomas Chapman, at the Golden-Key near Charing-Cross. 1693. 4°, A— I in fours. Dedicated to the Earl of Middlesex. Regulus: A Tragedy. As it is Acted by Their Majesties Servants. Written by Mr. Crown. London, Printed for James Knap- ton, at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1694. 4°. Title, Dramatis Persona, Pro- logue and Epilogue, 2 leaves : B — I in fours. The Married Beau: Or, The Curious Im- pertinent. A Comedy : Acted at the Theatre- Royal, By Their Majesties Servants. Writ- ten by Mr. Crowne. London : Printed for Richard Bentlev, at the Post-House in Russel- Street in Covent-Garden. 169-1. 4°. A, 4 leaves + Prologue : B — K 2 in fours, K 2 with Epilogue, "spoken by Mr. Dogged, who Acts Thorneback." With a long and curious dedication to the Marquis of Normanby. Caligula. A Tragedy, As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal, By His Majesty's Servants. Written by Mr. Crowne. London : Printed by J. Orme, for R. Willington, at the Lute in St. Paul's Church-yard, . . . 1698. 4°. Title, &c, 5 leaves : B— H 2 in fours. Dedicated to Henry, Earl of Romney. CRUSO, JOHN. Militarie Instructions for the Cavall'rie : According to the Modern Warr's. Cam- bridge : Printed by Roger Daniel printer to the Universitie. 1644. And are to be sold by W: Hope at the Unicorn in Corn hill near the Royall Exchange. Folio. A, 6 11 : B— D in fours : E, 6 11 : F, 4 : G, 6. With plates detached from letterpress at pp. 18 (4) and 46 (4 double plates). Dedicated by John Cruso to the Earl of Arundel and Surrey. The first title (as above) is engraved ; the second states that this work was " aooordlng to the present practise of the Low-Countrey Wanes." CULPEPER, WILLIAM, Esquire. An Heroiok Poem upon the King: Humbly Presented to the Queen. The Hero makes the Poet. London; Printed for Daniel Brown, at the Bible Without Temple-Bar. mdcxciv. Folio, A — D, 2 11. each. CULPEPPER. 93 CURRYCOMB. CULPEPPER, SIR JOHN. Sir Iohn Cvlpeper His Speech In Parliament. Concerning the Grievances of the Church and Common-wealth. Printed in the Yeare, 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. CULPEPPER, NATHANIEL. An Ephemeris for the year 1652. Being Leap-year, and a Tear of "Wonders. Prog- nosticating The Ruine of Monarchy through- out Europe; and a Change of the Law. Manifested by Rational Predictions : . . . By Nich : Culpeper, Gent. Student Astrol. . . . London, Printed for T. Vere, and N. Brooks, . . . 1652. 8°, A— E 6 in eights, including a portrait of the author. Culpepper dates his preface from " Spittle-Fields, next door to the Red Lion, August 14, 1651." The present copy is the one described in Sotheran <& Co.'s Cat. for February, 1899, as filled with MSS. notes by a contemporary possessor — 1 P. Warburton. A Directory for Midwives : . . . London : Printed, 1652. Sm. 8°, A— I in eights. With a small three-quarter portrait, having in the top left-hand corner the shield of arms. Pharmacopoeia Londinensis : Or The London Dispensatory. Eurther adorned by the Studies and Collections of the Eellows, now living of the said Colledg. ... By Nich. Culpeper Gent. Student in Physick and Astrology, living in Spittle-fields neer Lon- don. . . . London: Printed for Peter Cole, at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil neer the Royal Exchange. 1653. Eolio. Title and portrait by T. Cross: B — LI, 2 11. each. Dedicated to Edward Hall Esquire, J.P. for Surrey. The fourth impression augmented. Pharmacopoeia Londinensis. Or The London Dispensatory. Eurther adorned by the Studies and Collections of the Fellows, now living of the said Colledg. ... By Nich. Culpeper Gent. Student in Physick and Astrology, living in Spittlefields near Lon- don. . . . London, Printed by a "Well- wisher to the Common-wealth of England. 1654. 8°. A, 8 11 : B — S 10 in twelves. With a portrait having no engraver's name. Culpepper Revised. Being An Almanack for the Year of our Blessed Saviours Incarna- tion 1687. . . . Cambridge, Printed by John Hayes. . . . 1687. 8°, A— C 4 in eights. Calculated for the meridian of Cambridge. CUL VERWELL, NATHANIEL, M.A., lately of Emmanuel Coll. Cambridge. An Elegant, And Learned Discourse of the Light of Nature. With several other Trea- tises. . . . London, Printed by Tho. Roycroft, for William Grantham at the Black Bear near the little North dore in Saint Paul's Church-yard 1661. 4°, A— Dd 2 in fours, and a, 4 leaves. Dedicated by Wil- liam Dillingham to the Master and Eellows of Emmanuel. The Address to the Reader is dated from Cam- bridge, Aug. 10, 1652, and is unsigned, but was evidently written by the author, who refers to his Spiritual Optics as having then appearod. A farther preface to the reader is subscribed by tho writer's brother, Richard Culverwell. CUPID. Cupids Posies. Eor Bracelets, Hand kor- chers and Rings. . . . Printed at London for Iohn Wright, and are to be sold at his Shop in the Old-Baily, neere Newgate 1642. Sm. 8°, A— B 4 in eights. Black letter. Woodcut on title. In verse. Cupids Master-Piece: Or, The Eree-School of Witty and Delightful Complements. . . . London, Printed for John Andrews, at the White Lion at the Upper end of the Old- Baily. . . . Sm. 8°, A— B 4 in eights. Bodleian. The date is cut off. About 1657. Cvpids Messenger. A trusty Eriend stored with sundry sorts of serious, witty, pleasant, amorous, and delightful Letters. What Cupid blushes to discouer. Thus to write he learnes the Louer. Newly Written. London [Printed by M. Flesher.] 4°, A — H in fours. Black letter. With a large cut on title. Sotheby's, July 19—20, 1894, No. 330. Tho matter between brackets has been supplied from a notice of a second copy in Thorpe's Catalogue for 1829. CURIOSITIES. Curiosities of Nature and Art In Husbandry and Gardening. Containing Several new Experiments in the Improvement of Land, Trees, Fruits, &c. And also nice and useful Observations relating to the Vegetation and Propagation of Plants; with choice Secrets to make Plants, Flowers and Fruits larger, more beautiful, and to ripen earlier than usual. With several Copper Cuts. London : Printed for D. Brown, . . _ . 1707. 8°, A — Z in eights + frontispiece and en- gravings at pp. 30, 40 (2), 76, 78, 96, 192, 304, 311, 338, and 350-1. CURRYCOMB. A Cvrry-Combe for a Coxe-Combe. Or Pvrgatories Knell. In answer to a lewd Libell lately foricated by Iabal Rachil against Sir Edw. Hobies Covnter-Snarle : Entituled Purgatories triumph ouer Hell. Digested in forme of a Dialogue by Nick- groome of the Hobie-Stable Reginobvrgi. Cic. Canes aluntur in Capitolio. Esay 19. v. 5. J£t Fluuius exsiccabitur. London, Printed by William Stansby for Nathaniel CYDONIUS. 94 DALE, Butter, . . . 1615. 4°. If, 4 leaves, first blank : A— Oo in fours, Oo 4 blank. The Address to the Reader is subscribed Nick Oroome. There are some introductory Epigrams. CYDONIUS. R. P. ANDREAS EU- DEMON, S.J. R. P. Andresc Evdsomon. — Ioannis Cydonii E Societate Iesv, Ad Actionem Proditoriam Edouardi Coqui, Apologia Pro P. P. Henrico Garneto Anglo, eiusdem Societatis Sacerdote. Permissu Superiorum. Coloniae Agrippinae. . . . Anno m.dc.x. 8°. *, 8 11. the last blank : Miraculosa Effigies Henrici Gameli . . . , 1 leaf : A — Z4 in eights. Attributed to Cardinal Bellarmin. CYPRIAN, ST. Certein workes of blessed Cipriane the martyr, which was Bishop of Cartage in Affrica, the tytles and summe wherof thou shalt fynde in the beginning of euery worke : all faithfully and truly translated out of Latin into Englyshe, by John Scory the late B. of Chichester . . . Anno 1556. 8°, A — H 4 in eights. The Genuine "Works of St. Cyprian, Arch- bishop of Carthage, and Primate of all Africa; Who suffered Martyrdom for the Christian Faith in the Year of our Lord 258. Together with his Life written by his own Deacon Pontius. All done into English, from the Oxford Edition; And illustrated with Diverse Notes, ... By Nath. Mar- shall, . . . London: . . . mdccxvti. Polio. With a curious frontispiece repre- senting the execution. CYPRUS. The History of the War of Cyprus. Written Originally in Latin. With A New Map of the Island. London, Printed by J. Rawlins, and sold by Pandal Taylor, near Stationers- Hall, 1687. 8°. A, 4 11 : B— Cc in eights + a frontispiece and the map. Dedicated by Pobert Midgley the translator to George, Lord Jefferies. D D.J. The Mall: Or The Modish Lovers. A Comedy. Acted by His Majesties Servants. Inceptis nulla Potestas. London, Printed for William Cademan, . . . 1674. 4°, A — K 2 in fours, A 1 blank. Dedicated to William Whitcomb Jun r Esquire. D. MASTER. Master D. his Counsel, to All his well- willers, as also a Brief Lesson for all Es- tates. London, Printed, for Benjamin Bil- lingsley, at the Sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhill, 1672. A folio leaf. DADE, WILLIAM, Gentleman, Prac- titioner in Physic. Dade. 1616. A new Almanacke and Prog- nostication, with the Porraine Computation, in which you may behold the state of this yeare of our Lord God. 1616. Being Leape yeare. . . . London, Printed for the Company of Stationers. 8°, A — C 4 in eights, C 4 blank. Dado, 1624. A New Almanacke and Prog- nostication, with the Forraigne Computation . . . London : Printed for the Company of Stationers. 8°, A— C 4 in eights. Dade. 1642. A New Almanacke and Prog- nostication with the Forraigne Computation. In which you may behold the state of this yeere 1642. . . . London, Printed by K. O. & G. D. for the Company of Stationers. 8°, A— C 4 in eights. Dade, 1687. The Country-Man's Kalender, For the Year of Christ, 1687. . . . Cal- culated for the meridian of the Middle part of England, . . . and the Kingdom of Ireland. Printed by J. Millet, for the Company of Stationers. 1687. 8°, A in eights : A — B 4 in eights. Contains information beneficial to country farmers. DAFFORNE, RICHARD. The Apprentices Time-Entertainer Accomp- tantly; Or, A Methodicall meanes to ob- tain the Exquisite Art of Accomptantship : Digested into three parts, as is exemplified upon the next leafe. . . . Published for the generall Advancement of those that affect Commerce, by Bichard Dafforne, Author of the Merchants-Mirrour, . . . The Author is resident in Ab-church Lane towards Lumbard-street. . . . London, Printed by R. Young, for Nicolas Bourne, . . . 1640. 4°, A— Qq 2 in fours + 2 folded leaves in A. DAKINS, THOMAS. A Whippe for the Custome-house Curre: Or, A Survey of Ieremiah Watts his scurri- lous Pamphlet, called an Answer to Quarries, touching Beducement of the Excise to the Customes. London, Printed in the Year M. dc. Mil. 4°, A — C in fours. DALE, ROBERT, Gentleman. Blanch- Lion Pursuivant, and Deputy-Registrar of the College of Arms. An Exact Catalogue of the Nobility of D ALT ON. 95 DANGERFIELD. England, and Lords Spiritual. . . . Together with their Paternal Coats of Arms ; And also those of the Archiepiscopal and Episco- pal Sees in Blazon. . . . London, Printed, and are to he sold hy Geo. Grafton, . . . 1€97. 8°. Frontispiece hy Sturt and prin- ted title, 2 11 : dedication to the Duke of Gloucester, 3 11 : Preface, 5 11 : List of Knights, a folded leaf : B — Q 2 in eights. D ALTON, MICHAEL, of Lincoln's Inn, Esq. ; and one of the Masters in Chan- cery. The Covntrey Ivstice, Containing the practise of the Ivstices of the Peace out of their Ses- sions. . . . Newly collected and inlarged. By Michael Dalton of Lincolnes Inne, Gent. . . . London, Printed for the Societie of Stationers. An. Dom. m. dc xix. Cum Priuilegio. Polio. A, 8 leaves : a, 2 leaves : B — Kk in sixes. Dedicated to Sir Henry Montague Knight, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. The Countrey Justice : Containing the Prac- tice of the Justices of the Peace out of their Sessions. Gathered for the better help of Such Justices of Peace, as have not been much conversant in the Study of the Laws of this Realm. London: Printed by H. Sawhridge, [and others] 1682. Polio, B— Zz in sixes : Aaa, 4 leaves : Bbb, 3 leaves : Ccc — Pff, 2 leaves each + A — B, four leaves each, with title, dedication to Chief Justice Mountague, &c. DAMMAN A BISTERWELD, HA- DRIAN, of Ghent. Schediasmata Hadr. Dammanis A Bisterveld Gandavensis. I. De Nvptiis Serenissimi Potentissimiqve Scot. Regis Iacobi VI. Et Serenissimae Virginis Annae Priderici II. Daniae, Nordvegiae Et C. Regis P. II. De Tempestate quae sponsam Regiam naui- gantem repulit. III. In Atheos Elegia. IV. In Regis Nauigationem Danicam Em- blema. V. De Coronatione Reginae Sco- torum Annse. VI. De Introitu eius in pri- mariam Regni Vrbem Edinburgum. Edin- bvrgi Excvdebat Robertvs Waldegraue An. Dom. 1590. Cum priuilegio Regali. 4°, italic letter, A 4 : B 2 : B— H in fours : I, 2. B.M., Lambeth, Adv. Lib. Edinb., Sfc. DANCING MASTER. The Dancing-Master: Or, Directions for Dancing Country Dances, with the Times to each Dance for the Treble-Violin. The Tenth Edition Corrected ; with the Addition of several new Dances and Tunes never before Printed. Printed by J. Heptinstall, for H. Playford, . . . 1698. Obi. 8°. A, 4 11 : B— U 3 in sixes : Part 2, described on a separate title as the Second Edition. A, 2 11 : B— C, 6 11. each : D, 5 : D (re- peated), 6 11: noE: P,611. With the music. The Dancing-Master: Vol. the Pirst. Or, Directions for Dancing Country Dances, . . . The 17 th Edition, containing 258 of the Choicest Old and New Tunes now used at Court, and other Publick Places. The AYhole Work Revised. . . . London: Printed by W. Pearson, and Sold by John Young, Musical-Instrument-Maker at the Dolphin and Crown at the West End of St. Pauls Church Yard. 1721. ... [A fresh title:] Vol. the Second. . . . The 4th Edition, containing 360 of the Choicest Old and New Tunes. . . . London: . . . 1728. Obi. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— Hh 3 in sixes : Ii, 2 11 : Vol. 2, A — Hh in sixes. With an engraving on the title of each volume. DANESIUS, JO. Paralipomena Orthographise, Etymologic, Prosodise : vna cum Scholijs Ad Canones, de Genere Substantiuorum, de Anomalis, Prsc- terito, et Supinis verboru, Syntaxi, Car- minu ratione, et Piguris. . . . Londinij Typis G. L. Impensis Ph : Stephanii & Ch : Meredithii. . . . 1638. 4°. Mind of the frontispiece, frontispiece by Droeshout, title, •fee, 4 leaves : B, 4 leaves : A— 3 P in fours. Dedicated to John Barkham,Dean of Booking, Essex. DANET, MONSIEUR. A Complete Dictionary of the Greek and Roman Antiquities ; Explaining the Obscure Places in Classic Authors, and Ancient His- torians, Relating to the Religion, Mythology, History, Geography, and Chronology of the Ancient Greeks and Romans ; Compiled Ori- ginally in Prench, at the Command of the French King, for the Vse of the Dauphin, the Dukes of Burgundy, Anjou, and Berry : By Monsieur Danet. Made English, with the Addition of very Vseful Maps. London : Printed for John Nicholson, . . . mdcc. 4°. A, 3 leaves : 3 folded maps : B— 4 A 2 in fours, last leaf with Advertisements. Matt. Shortyng, D.D., Master of Merchant Taylors' School, and three other masters offer their testimony on a separate leaf to the excellence of the work. DANFORTH, S., M.A. An Astronomical Description of the late Comet or Blazing-Star As it appeared in New England in November, December, January, and in the beginning of February 1664. . . . Printed at Cambridge in New England, and now reprinted at London for Peter Parker, . . . 1666. Sm. 8°, A— B in eights. With a Preface by John Booker. DANGERFIELD, THOMAS. The Information of Thomas Dangerfield, DANIEL. 96 DARIEN. Gent. Delivered at the Bar of the Ilouse of Commons, Tuesday the Twentieth day of October, In the Year of our Lord 1680. . . . London, Printed by the Assignes of John Bill, . . . 1680. Polio, A— D, 2 leaves each, A 1 with the Speaker's Imprimatur. DANIEL OF JESUS or A JESU. Apologia Sanctao Sedis Apostolicse . . . Avthore Daniele A Iesv, Saorse Theologize Lectore: ex Anglico in Latinum fideliter conuersa . . . Editio Altera Emendatior . . . Audo-maropoli, . . . M. DC. xxxi. 8°. a— o in eights : *—**** in eights, last leaf blank : A— S in eights : T, 4 : V, 2. DANIEL, HUMPHRY. Daniel. 1654. An Almanack [and Prog- nostication] for the year of Mans Redemp- tion. 1654 . . . London, Printed by T. W. for the Company of Stationers, 1654. 8°, A— C 4 in eights. DANIEL, SAMUEL. "Works in Poetry . . . 1623. In a sale at Sotheby's, May 26, 1893, No. 595, occurred a copy of this volume with a dedication " To the Right Noble Lady, the Lady Marie, Countesse Dowager of Pembrooke," from the 4° of 1609, instead of the right one by John Daniel. Drammaticke Poems. Written by Samvell Daniell Esquire, one of the Groomes of the most Honorable Prive Chamber to Queene Anne. Aetas prima . . . London, Printed by T. Cotes, for Iohn Waterson, at the signe of the Crowne in Pauls Churchyard. 1635. 4°. A reissue of the dramas, from the unsold stock of 1623. Hodgson's, June 29, 1900, No. 1178, £i. 15s. Believed to be the only copy known, and to be identical with that mentioned in the Hand- book, 1867, which was once Halliwell's. Delia. / Containing / certaine Son / nets: with the / complaynt of Ro- / samond. / Mtas prima ca / nat Veneres postre- / ma tumul- J tus. J 1592. / At London, / Printed by J. C. for S. / Watersonne. / 4°. Title, 1 leaf : B, 2 11 : C— P in fours : G, 2 11 : H, 3 11 : with the separate title to Rosamond on H 3 v° : I — N 2 in fours. Bodleian (Tanner). The title is in an architectural compartment, and appears to have been inserted in the Tanner copy, ■which has no other preliminaries. Delia. / Contayning certayne / Sonnets : with the / complaint of / Rosamond. / Mtas prima canat Veneres / postrema tumultus. / At London, / Printed by I. C. for Si- / mon Waterson, dwelling in / Panics Church-yard at / the signe of the Crowne. / 1592. / 4°. A, 2 11 : B — M in fours. Malone Coll. A short list of Errata is on the back of the title. Dedicated to Mary, Countess of Pembroke. Tho marks above indicate the linear arrangement. Weighing tho ovidonce collected by Collior (Bibl. Cat. i. 170-1), I have ventured to come to a different conclusion from that eminent antiquary as to the sequence of the impressions of Delia (with Rosamond) in 1592. I incline to the opinion that the Malone copy is the earliest both of the Delia and the Rosamond, because the 23 stanzas added to the latter are retained in the reprints made during Daniel's life, and were therefore arguably added to the 4° in the Devonshire col- lection rather than withdrawn from the Bodleian one, formerly Malone's. I would place the three issues of the year thus : — 1. Malone copy. 2. Devonshire copy, with 50 Sonnets and tho title in an arabesque compartment. 3. Third 4», with title in an architectural compartment, and 54 Sonnets. The character of the corrections in No. 3 bespeaks it later than No. 2. Daniel not improbably borrowed the name Delia from Tibullus. But the Delie of the French poet Maurice Scave had appeared at Lyons, 8°, 1544. DARIEN. Information concernant 1' Affaire de Darien. 4°, 8 leaves. Huth Coll. Liters Patentes Seu Concessus, sub Magno Scotia; Sigillo, Societati in Aff ricam & Indias Commercium Agenti. Per Actum Parlia- ment! ejusdem Regni. Edinbvrgi: Excu- debant Hceredes Andrea; Anderson. . . . 1695. 8°, 10 leaves, including a frontispiece of Arms. The History of Caledonia: Or, The Scots Colony in Darien in the West Indies. With an Account of the Manners of the Inhabi- tants, and Riches of the Countrey. By a Gentleman lately Arriv'd. London : Prin- ted, and Sold by JohnNutt, near Stationers- Hall, mdcxcix. 8°, A— C in fours, C 4 blank. A Letter from the Commission, of the Gene- ral Assembly, of the Church of Scotland; Met at Glasgow, July 21, 1699. To the Honourable Council, and Inhabitants, of the Scots Colony of Caledonia, in America. Edinburgh, Printed by George Mossman, and are "to be sold at his Shop in the Par- liament-Closs. 1699. 4°, A— B in fours. An Exact List of all the Men, Women, and Boys that Died on Board the Indian and African Company's Pleet, during their Voy- age from Scotland to America, and since their Landing in Caledonia ; Together with a particular account of their qualities, . . . Edinburgh, Printed by George Mosman, in the Year 1699. A broadside. A Pull and Exact Collection of All tho Considerable Addresses, Memorials, Peti- tions, Answers, Proclamations, Declarations, Letters and other Publiok Papers, Relating to the Company of Scotland. . . . Printed in the Year 1700. 8°, A— U in fours and a, 2 leaves. DARIEN. 97 DA VENA NT. Scotland's Grievances, Relating to Darien, &c. Humbly offered to the Consideration of the Parliament. . . . Printed 1700. 8°, A — H in fours, A 1 and H 4 blank, A 2 with Errata. The Original Papers and Letters Relating to the Scots Company, Trading to Africa and the Indies: From the Memorial given in against their taking Subscriptions at Ham- burgh, by Sir Paul Eicaut, His Majesty's Resident there, to their last Address sent up to His Majesty in December, 1699. Faith- fully extracted from the Companies Books. Printed Anno 1700. 8°, A— G in half sheets. An Enquiry into the Causes of the Mis- carriage of the Scots Colony at Darien. Or An Answer to a Libel Entituled A Defence of the Scots Abdicating Darien. Submitted to the Consideration of the Good People of England. Paries cum proximo,. Glasgow. 17U0. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — H in eights. A New Darien Artifice Laid Open; In a Notable Instance of Captain Maclean's Name being used (in the Flying Post, February 11 and 13. ^) to Vouch for the Caledonian Company, after that Gentleman hath been Persecuted by them these Thirteen Months past for Vouching Against Them. Authore Anti Dariensi. . . . London, Printed for any Body, and Sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster, 1701. Price Three Pence. 4°, A — D, 2 11. each, title on A 2. DARIOT, C. Dariotus Redivivus : Or a briefe Introduc- tion Conducing to the Iudgement of the Stars . . . also hereunto is added a briefe Treatise of Mathematical Phisick. Written by C. C. Together with divers Observations both of Agriculture and Navigation, very usefull both for Merchants and Husband- men. By N. S. London : Printed for Andrew Kemb, and are to be sold at his shop at St. Margarets Hill in Southwark. 1653. 4°. Title and frontispiece, 2 11: A — Qq in fours. With numerous diagrams, including one at p. 37 with an Index hand. Dedicated by N. S. " To His honoured Father in Law, Master George Atwel lot' Cambridge, Mathematician." A copy of verses by Atwell follows. D'ATTBIGNY, THEOD. AGRIPPA. History, Translated by William Whiteway of Dorchester, and completed in May, 1631. A MS. not known to have been printed, or to exist. See Current Notes for May, 1*53, p. 50. DAUNCE, EDWARD. A Briefe Discovrse of the Spanish State, with a Dialogue annexed intituled Philo- basilis. At London, Imprinted by Richard Field dwelling in the Black-Friers neere Ludgate. 1590. 4°, A— H 2 in fours, H 2 blank. Huth Coll. DAUNOIS, MADAME. Memoirs of the Court of Spain. In two Parts. Written by an Ingenious French Lady. Done into English by T. Brown. Utile Dulci. London, Printed for T. Horn, . . . F. Sanders, . . . and T. Bennet . . . 1692. 8°. Parti, A, 5 leaves: B— P4 in eights : Part 2, B — P 3 in eights. Memoires de la Cour DAngleterre. Par Madame D . . . Premiere [et Seconde] Partie. A Paris, . . . M dcc xxvi. . . . Sm. 8°. l re partie, a, 4 leaves : A, 8 leaves : B — Kk in fours and eights : LI — Mm in fours : 2 de partie, A — Ee in eights and fours, Ff, 2 leaves, and the title-page. Histoire D'Hypolite Comte De Duglas. Par Madame D'Avlnoy. Nouvelle Edition, en- richie de Figures en taille douce. ... A Paris, Au " Palais, . . . m. dcc xiv. Sm. 8°. 2 vols. Sotheby's, July 28, 1896, No. 170, Count Hoym's copy. D'AUVERG-NE, EDWARD, M.A., Then Chaplain to his Majesties Regi- ment of Scots Guards. The History of the Campagne in Flanders, For the Year 1 697. Together with a Journal of the Siege of Ath, and a Summary Account of the Negotiations of the General Peace at Ryswick. London. Printed for Matt. Wot- ton, . . . and John Newton. . . . 1698. 4°, A— Y 2 in fours. The imprint announces as on sale by the same firms the Journals by this gentleman for 1692— 9G. DAYELOURT, DANIEL, Ecossois. Dictionaire Artillier Historiqve. Cest a Dire, Repertoire Alphabetique des noms Francois des pieces, meubles, oustils, vstan- siles, armes & munitions seruans au faict de l'artillerie & de la guerre, auec leurs etymo- logies & interpretations, tirees du Latin, Grec, & autres langues, & origiuaireraent de l'Hebrieu : Le tout enrichy de signalez dis- cours & histoires, & recite par vn Curieux & l'Autheur, Daniel Dauelourt, Escossois, Offi- cier & Deschargeur ordinaire en ladite Artil- lerie. A Paris, 1623. Auec Priuilege du Roy. 8°. a, 4 leaves, the first blank : A — T in fours, T 4 blank. Dedicated to the Marquis de Rosny, Grand Master aud Cap- tain General of Artillery, &c. This book seems from the terms of the imprint to have been sold by the author. DAYENANT, SIR WILLIAM. Certain / Verses / Written / By several] of the / Authours Friends ; / To be Re- Printed / With the / Second Edition / of / Gondibert. DAVENPORT. DA WSON With / Hero and Leander / the mock Poem : London, / Printed in the Year, 1653. Sm. 8°, A — B in eights. Hero and Leander, B— E 6 in eights + the title-page, which is not enclosed in a border. The marks denote the linear arrangement. DAVENPORT, ROBERT. A Crowne for a Conquerour ; And Too late to Call Back Yesterday. Two Poems, The one Divine, the other Morall By R. D. London : Printed by E. P. for Francis Con- stable, and are to be sold at his shop, under Saint Martin's Church, at Ludgate. 1639. 4°, A — C in fours, A 1 blank. Worcester Coll. Oxf. DAVID. Davids Troubles Remembred Infl. Absolons Sheep-shearing. Joab projecting. Bathsheba bathing. Israel rebelling. Ahitophel hanging. David returning. . . . London : Printed by Richard Hodg- kinsonne, and are to be sold by Daniel Prere, at the signe of the Bull in Little Britan. 1638. 8°. Title and verses by E. Willan, G. H., R. Sybthorp, &c. 3 leaves : B— H in eights: I, 4 leaves, I 4 with Errata. In verse. B.M. by Robert Aylet. DAVIDSON, JOHN, A Brother of the Church of Scotland. D. Bancrofts Rashnes in Ruling against the Chvrch of Scotland, noted in an Answere to a Letter of a worthy person of england, . . . Ex Moltis Pavca. At Edinbvrgh Printed by Robert Walde-Grave. Anno. 1590. 8°, A— B in eights. DAVIES, JOHN, of Hereford. The Mvses Sacrifice. [Col.] London : Prin- ted by T. S. for George Norton, and are to be solde at his Shoppe, vnder the Blacke-bell within Temple-barre. 1612. Sm. 8°. ***, 4 leaves : A — Z 4 in eights. Dedicated in a long series of quatrains, occupying several pages, " To the Most Noble, and no lesse deseruedly renowned Ladyes, as well Dar- lings as Patronesses, of the Muses. Lvcy, Countesse of Bedford, Mary, Countesse- Dowager of Pembrooke, and Elizabeth, Lady Cary, (Wife of Sir Henry Cary :) Glories of Women." Britwell (Heber's copy). The body of this volume consists of Dirine Meditations, and on 1' 8 occurs a balf-tltle to an Appendix to the same. The title-page is engraved by \V. Hole Bindley, 1818, £20, resold Lloyd, 1819, £21 10«„ resold Heber, 1834, part 1, No. 1902, £3. 108. One or two imperfect copies exist. The Writing Schoolemaster or the Anatomie of Faire Writing Wherein is exactlie ex- pressed each seuerall character Together with other Rules and Documents coincident to the Art of Faire and speedy writing. By John Dauies of Heref. Viuit post funera virtus. London Printed for Michaell Sparke sixtene edition enlarged. 1636. Obi. 4°, A— Hh, 1 leaf each, inclusively of title-page + a fine large portrait in an oval of the author inscribed The Lively Protraitvre of lohn Dairies of Here/or DAVIES, JOHN, of Kidwelly. Epictetvs Jvnior, Or Maximes of Modern Morality. In Two Centuries. Collected by J. D. of Kidwelly. London, Printed for T. Bassett, at the George in Fleet-street, near Cliffords-Inn, 1670. Sm. 8°. A, 6 leaves: B — G in twelves, last three leaves with Advertisements. Dedicated to the much honoured Francis Watson Esquire. DAVIS, SIR JOHN. Nosce teipsum. This Oracle Expounded in two Elegies. 1. Of Humane Knowledge. 2. Of the Soule of Man, . . . Where- unto is added, Hymnes of Astrsea in Acros- ticke verse . . By the same Author. London, Printed by George Purslowe, for Richard Hawkins, . . . 1619. Sm. 8°, A— G in eights, A 1, F 4, and G 8 blank, and F 5 with separate title to Hymns. On the v° of A 1 occurs : " To my loving and much esteemed Mrs. Hannah Jaye, at Hubbels in Norffolk," in a coeval hand, perhaps the author's. Sotheby's, July 20, 1899, No. 304, original vellum, with ties. On the recto of A 1 is : "Hannah Wilton 1644," probably the Hannah Jaye of the foregoing inscription. The Question Concerning Impositions, Ton- nage, Poundage, Prizage, Customs, &c. . . . London, Printed by S. G. for Henry Twyford, . . . 1656. 8°, A— M 4 in eights. DAVIS, WILLIAM, Student in the Mathematics. A New Almanack made in Wiltshire, After the Old Fashion fbr the Year of our Lord, 1687. . . . Calculated for the Meridian of the Ancient and Renowned (and once Famous) Burrough Town of Ludgershall, in the County of Wilts, . . . London : Printed by R. R. for the Company of Sta- tioners. 8°, A — C 4 in eights. DAVY, J. A Particular Answer to A Book Intituled, The Clergy in their Colours. . . . London, Printed by A. Miller for William Leigh at the Turks-head in Fleetstreet. mdcli. 4°, A — F in fours, F 4, blank. Dedicated to Mr. John Davy of Taunton Magdalen by his nepliew and apparent namesake. DAWSON. THOMAS. The Good 11 va \\i Fes [ewell . . . Newly set forth with additions. 1605. Imprinted DE A VELA. 99 DE BEY at London by I. W. for Edward White, dwelling at the little North doore of Paules, at the signe of the Gun. 8°, A— G 6 in eights. DE AVELA and SUMGA, DON LOUIS. The Coraentaries of Don Lewes de Auela, and Sumga, great Master of Acanter, which treateth of the great wars in Germany made by Charles the fifth Maximo Emperour of Rome, King of Spain, against John Frederike Duke of Saxon, and Philip the Lantgraue of Hesson with other gret princes and Cities of the Lutherans, wherin you may see how god hath preserued this worthie and victo- rious Emperor, in al his affayres against his enemy es traslated out of Spanish into English. An. Do. 1555. Londini in Aedibus Richardi Totteli. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Fletestrete within Temple barre, at the signe of the hande and starre, by Richard Tottel. Cum priuilegio. ... 8°, A — U 6 in eights, U 6 with colophon. Dedicated to Edward, Earl of Derby, by John Wilkinson. DE BAIF, I. ANTOINE. Chant de Ioie Dv Iovr des Espovsailles de Francois Roi Davfin et de Marie Ri-ine D'Ecosse. A Paris, Chez Andre Wechel, a l'enseigne du Cheual volant, rue S. lean de Beauais. 1558. Auec Priuilege. 4°, 4 leaves. In italic letter. DE BENSERADE, M. Svv L'Embrasement de la Ville de Londres Sonnet, (ii ) Incendivm Londinense, Ad Dominum D'Ormesson Adv. Reg. subscribed Santolius de 8. Victore. 4°, 2 leaves. Svr L'Incendie de la Ville de Londres Sonnet. (ii.) Bovts-Rimez contre Ben- serade Tirez de son Sonnet Svv L'Incendie de Londres. Dediez a Monsieur Marsollier, C.RD.S.V. 4 3-line stanzas subscribed /. Mi-ret P.M. The first item is another issue of No. 1. DE BEZE, THEODORE. The Treasure of Truth, touching the grounde worke of man his saluation, . . . newly turned into English, by Iohn Stockwood. Whereunto are added, these Godlie Treaties : One of the learned and Godly Father Maister I. Foxe . . . The other of Maister An- thonie Gylbie, . . . Imprinted at London for Thomas Woodcocke. 1581. 8°, A, 4 leaves : B — S in eights + a folded leaf after A 4. Dedicated from Tunbridge, 30 June, 1576, to Sir John Pelham. A briefe and Pithy summe of the Christian fayth, . . . London, Printed by Robert Walde-graue, dwelling without Temple- barre, neere Sommerset-house. 1585. 8°, A— Bbin " Sotheby's, June 26, 1x97, No. 417, with the bookplate of the Earl of Breadalbane and the autograph at foot of title : Dorothy Qreynvile : giuen by M. Web 1585. A briefe and pithie Summe of Christian faith made in forme of a Confession, . . Made by Theod. De Beza. Translated out of French by R. F. London. Printed by Roger Ward, dwelling on Lambert hill, neer olde Fish-street, mdlxxxix. Sm.8°,A — Bb in eights. Dedicated by Robert Fyll to the Earl of Huntingdon. Maister Beza's Hovshold Prayers. For the Consolation and Perfection of a Christian Life. London, Printed by Nicholas Okes, for William Iones dwelling neare Holborne Conduit at the signe of the Gun. 1607. Sm. 8°, A— N 6 in twelves. Printed within borders. Sotheby's (Tebbs), June 25, 1900, No. 19, £10. DE BOIS-ROBERT, LE SIEUR. Abbe de Chastillon. La Folle Gagevre, Ov Les Divertissemens de la Contesse de Pembroc. A Paris, Chez Avgvstin Covrbe, . . . m.dc.liii. Avec Privilege dv Roy. 4°. a, 4 leaves : e, 2 leaves: A — R in fours. Dedicated to the King's only brother. A dramatic interlocution. DE BOURDIGNE, JEAN. Hystoire Agregatiue des Annalles et cro- nicques Daniou / contenant le commence- ment et origine / auecques partie des che- ualereux et marciaulx gestes des mag- nanimes princes / consuh / contes et duc3 Daniou. Et pareillement plusieurs faictz dignes de memoire / aduenuz tant en France / Italie / Espaigne / Angleterre / . . . Recueillies et mises en forme par noble et Discret missire Jehan de bourdigne prestre / docteur es droict3 / . . . Auec priuilege. On les vend a Angiers en la boutique de Charles de boingne et Clement alexandre marchans libraires iurez de / uniuersite dudit lieu. [Col.] Fin des Annales . Nouuellement imprimees a Paris par An- thoyne couteau imprimeur. Pour honnestes personnes Charles de boigne / et Clement alexandre / marchans libraires Demourans a Angiers. Et furent acheuees de imprimer au moys de Januier. L an Mil cinq cens. xxix. Folio. Preliminaries, 4 11. under A : A (repeated) — X in sixes : AA — MM in sixes, last leaf with device only. Revised, with additions, by Le Viateur. DE BRY, THEODORE, and others. Voyages to America in Latin, French, and German, including those of Thomas Hariot, Thomas Cavendish, Sir Richard Grenville, Sir Francis Drake, John Smith, Ralph Hamor, and others. With maps and other engravings. Folio. G— 2 DE CHASSEPOT. DE GHEYN. A copious and minute account of these esteemed series will be found in the Huth Catalogue, 1880, The bibliography, from the number of variations in copies, and the different editions or issues, is rather intricate. DE CHASSEPOT. MONS. The History of the Grand Visiers, Mahomet, and Achmet Coprogli, Of the three last Grand Signiors, Their Sultana's and Chief Favourits; With the most secret Intrigues of the Seraglio . . . Englished by John Evelyn, junior. London, Printed for H. Brome, . . . 1677. 8°. A, 5 11. in- cluding Imprimatur : B — T 3 in eights. Dedicated by the original writer to the Due de Bouillon, which is followed by an address, probably by the translator, " To my Governess." DECKER, THOMAS. English Villanies, Eight severall times Prest to Death by the Printers ; But (still reviving againe) are now the ninth time (as at first) discovered by Lanthorne and Candle-light, . . . London, Printed by E. P. for Nicholas Gamage, and are to be sold at his shop at the eigne of the three Bibles on London-Bridge, next the Gate. 1648. 4°, A— M in fours. DE CLODERE, J. Relation de ce qui sest passe, dans les Isles & Terres Ferrnes de TAmerique, pendant la derniere Guerre avec TAngleterre, & depuis en execution du Traitte de Breda. . . . Par I. C. S. D V. Premiere [et Seconde] Partie. A Paris, . . . M. DC. lxxi. 8°. 2 vols. Part 1, a— e, 12 11. each : 1, 6 : A— Q in twelves : Part 2, a, 4 leaves : A — Z in twelves : Aa, 8. Dedicated by the publisher to the Due de Luynes. DE COSTES, GUALTIER, Seigneur de Calprenede. Ieanne Reyne DAngleterre, Tragedie, De M r - De La Calprenede. A Paris, Chez AntoinedeSommaville, . . . M.DC.xxxvm. Auec Priuilege du Roy. 8°. a, 6 leaves, title on a ij : A — I in sixes, I 6 blank. Dedicated to M. D'Armentiere. Cassandra: The Fam'd Romance. The Whole Work: In Five Parts. Written Originally in French, And Now Elegantly Rendred into English. By Sir Charles Cotterell, Master of the Ceremonies to His late Majesty of Blessed memory, and to our present Soveraign Charles II. . . . Lon- don, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, . . . 1661. Folio. Frontispiece, title, and To the Reader, 3 11 : a, 2 11 : B— 9 L 2 in fours. The Famous History of Cassandra : Con- taining many Admirable Adventures of the most Illustrious Persons of Either Sex. In Five Parts. London: Printed for Isaac Cleave. . . . 1703. 8°. Frontispiece, 1 leaf: title and preface, 3 11 : B— T in eights : Aa — Nn in eights : 3 A— 3 H in eights. DEFENCE. The Art of Defence In which the several sorts of Guards, Passes, Encloses & Dis- armes, &c. are represented by proper Figures with their respective Explications. Printed & Sold by H. Overton at the White Horse without Newgate London. W. Elder sculp. [About 1720.] Obi. folio, 12 leaves, in- cluding title. DE FLORES, JUAN. Historia Di Avrelio E Issabella ... A Paris, Par Gilles Corrozet, en la grand' salle du Palais, pres la Chambre des consultations. 1553. 8°, A— Q in eights. Ital. and Fr. [DEFOE, DANIEL.] The Compleat Mendicant: Or, the happy Beggar. Being The Life of an Unfortunate Gentleman : In which is a Comprehensive Account of several of the most Remarkable Adventures, that befel him in Three and Twenty Tears Pilgrimage. . . . London, Printed for E. Harris, . . . mdcxcix. 8°, A — L in eights, A 1 with an Advertise- ment of Part 2, besides a, 8 11. a 2 blank and a 8 with Errata. Dedicated to Lady Mary Charleton. DE OARENCIERES. The Famous Conclave, Wherein Clement VIII. was Elected Pope : With the Intrigues and Cunning Devices of that Ecclesiastical Assembly. Faithfully Translated out of an Italian Manuscript found in one of the Car- dinals Studies after his Death. London : Printed by E. C. and A. C. for Samuel Lowndes, . . ." 1670. 4°, A— E in fours. Dedicated by Garencieres to William Paw- let of the Middle Temple. DE GAYA, LOUIS. A Treatise of the Arms and Engines of War, Of Fire-works, Ensigns, and Military Instru- ments, both Ancient and Modern; With the Manner the}' are at present used, as well in French Armies, as amongst other Nations. Inriched with many Figures. . . . Trans- lated for Publick Advantage. London, Printed for Robert Harford, at the Sign of the Angel in Corn-hill, near the RVval Exchange; 1678. 8°, A — K in eights + a frontispiece. Dedicated to Sir Jonas Moore Knt. Surveyor General of the Ordinance. With plates at pp. 12, 1 !, is, 2 1, 25, 27, 28, 35, 39, 40, 46, 49, 56, 75, 94, 97, 117, 121, 125. DE GHEYN, JACOB. The Exercise of Amies For Calivres Mvs- kctlcs and Tikes. Alter the Order of his Excellence Maurits Prince of Orange Counte of Nassau etc. Gouernour and Captaine generall. ouer Geldreland. Holland Zeeland Vtreoht Overyssel etc. Sett forth in figures DE GRANADA. DE LA HIRE. by Jacob de Gheyn. With written Instruc- tions for the service of all Captains and Com- aundours. For to shewe hereout the better vnto their jong or vntrayned Souldiers the playne and perfect maner to handle these Arines. 1607. Printed at the Hage. With Priviledge of the Emperours Ma Ji « the King of Fraunce and the Noble and mightye Es- tates General of the vnited Provinces. Folio. Engraved title and two dedications, 3 leaves : A — B, A — B, and a — b, 2 leaves each with Instructions for the three exercises, and an extra leaf under a, including Priviledge and " A remembrance for the Bookebindere " : the plates, three series of 42, 43, and 32. In the Ashburnham copy the date was altered to 1608. This is the earliest English book printed at the Hague. DE GRANADA, LUIZ. A Memoriall of a Christian Life. . . . At Dovay, By John Heigham Anno Dom. 1612. 8°. A, 6 11 : B— Qq in eights : Aaa, 4 11., the last blank. There are no signs. Rr to Zz, and the text after 624 seems to be taken from another edition at the time. The title is engraved. [Col.] At Dovay, By Iohn Heigham, with Priuiledge of their Altesses for ten yeares. Granados Spiritual And heauenly Exercises. . . . Edinbvrgh, Printed by Robert Walde-graue. . . . 1600. . . . Sm. 8°, A— K 6 in twelves. B.M. DE GRAY, THOMAS. The Compleat Horse- Man, And Expert Ferrier. . . . The Second Edition cor- rected, with some Additions. London, Printed for Thomas Harper and Nicholas Fussell, 1651. 4°, a — c in fours, title on a 2. A — 4 S in fours. An equestrian portrait of Gustavus Adolphus by Stent is inserted in this copy. The Compleat Horse-Man, And Expert Ferrier. In Two Books. ... By Thomas De Grey, Esquire. The Fifth Edition corrected, with some Additions. London, Printed by J. R. and R. H. for Samuel Lowndes, . . . 1684. 4°. A, 4 leaves, first blank: (a) — (c 2) in fours: B — 4 K 2 in fours. Dedicated to James, Marquess Hamilton. DE GUEVARA, ANTHONIO. The Larum of the Court. Written in Spanish by Don Antonjo de Gueuara, Bishop of Mondonnedo in Spaine, and translated into English by Fr : Br: gent. 4°, 78 leaves. A MS. on paper of the time of James I., lent to me, April 27, lt<98, by Mr. A. Maurice. DE HERRERA, ANTHONIO. Historia de lo Svcedido En Escocia, e Ingla- terra, en quarenta y quatro aiios que biuio Maria Estuarda, Reyna de Escocia. Esorita por Antonio de Herrera, criado dal Rey nuestro Seiior. ... En Madrid, en casa de Pedro Madrigal. Afio de 1589. . . . 8°. 1", 8 11. first blank: A— Y in eights, Y 8 blank. DE HERRERA, FERNANDO. Thomas Moro. A Don Pedro Fernandez de Castro, . . . Con Licencia. En Madrid, Por Luis Sanchez. Ano m. dc. xvii. Sm. 8°, A— E in eights : T, 8 11 : ITU, 4 11., the last two gatherings with advertisements. The date on the title appears to be an error for 1747. DE JOCQUET. Les Triomphes Entrees, Tournois, Cere- monies, et Avtres Magnificences, faites en Angleterre, et au Palatinat, pour le Mariage & Reception de Monseigneur Prince Frideric V. ... A Lyon. Par Iaqves Mallet. mdcxtii. Avec Permission. 8°, 30 leaves. In prose and verse. Huth Coll. DE LA CHASTRE, CLAUDE. Discovrs Ample et Tres- Veritable Contenant les plus memorables faits aduenuz en l'annee 1587. Tant en l'Armee commandee par Monsieur le Due de Guyse, qu'en celle des Huguenots coduite par le Due de Bouillon, enuoye par vn Gentil-homme Francois a la Royue d' Angleterre. A Paris, Chez Guil- laume Bichon, rue S. Iacques, au Bichon. m.d. lxxxviii. Auec Permission. 8°. A — M 4 in eights, M 4 blank. DE LACROSE, a Priest of the Church of England, a native of that Kingdom. An Historical and Geographical Description of France. . . . London : Printed for T. Salusbury, . . . 1694. Sm. 8°. A, 6: B— 2 F 6 in twelves. Dedicated to William III. A Letter from Monsieur de Cros, (Who was an Embassador at the Treaty of Nime- guen, and a Resident in England, in K. Ch. the Second's Reign.) Which may serve for an Answer to the Impostures of Sir W ra - Temple, . . . Together with some Re- marks Upon his Memoirs, . . . London, . . . 1693. 8°, A— E 2 in fours. An Answer to a Scurrilous Pamphlet, Lately Printed, Intituled, A Letter from Monsieur de Cros, to the Lord . II n' point de plus courte vie que celle d'un mauvais livre. Mr- Vaugelas. London, . . . 1693. 8°. A — F in fours, A 1 occupied by an Adver- tisement. DELAHIRE, M , of the Royal Academy of Sciences. Gnomoniques, Or the Art of Drawing Sun- Dials of all sorts of Planes By Different Methods. With the Geometrical Demon- strations of all the Operations. Rendred DE LA MARTELIERE. DELAINE. into English and Illustrated by an Example in Numbers. By John Leek Professor of the Mathematicks. London, Printed for Richard Northcott. . . . 1685. Sm. 8°, A— K 4 in eights : A, 8 11. + a folded leaf in A. DE LA MARTELIERE, PIERRE. The Argvment of Mr. Peter de la Marteliere Aduocate in the Court of Parliament of Paris, made in Parliament, the Chambers thereof being assembled. For the Rector and Vniversitie of Paris, Defendants and Opponents, against the Iesuits Demandants, . . . Translated out of the French Copie set forth by publike Authoritie. Imprinted at London, and are to be sold neere S. Austins Gate. 1612. 4°, A— P in fours + title, dedication by George Browne to Sir Thomas Flemming Knight, Lord Chief Justice of England, and Preface, 4 11. more. The Argument of Mr. Peter de la Marteliere, . . . London, Printed for James Adamson at the Angel and Crown in St. Paul's Church- yard. 1689. 4°, A— K in fours + (a), 4 11. Translated by Gilbert Burnet, and still dedicated to Sir Thomas Flemming, Lord Chief Justice of England. DE LA MARTINIERE, B. A New Voyage into the Northern Countries Being a Description of the Manners, Cus- toms, Superstition, Buildings, and Habits of the Norwegians, Laponians, Kilops, Boran- dians, Siberians, Samojedes, Zemblans and Islanders. With Reflexions upon an Error in our Geographers about the scituation and Extent of Greenland and Nova Zembla. London Printed for John Starkey, . . 1674. 8°. A, 6 11 : B— G in twelves : H, 6. DE LA MILITIERE, M., Councillor in Ordinary to the King of France. The Victory of Truth for the Peace of the Church, To the King of Great Britan. To invite him to embrace the Roman-Cat holiek Faith. With an Answer there-unto, Written by the Right Reverend John Bramhall, DD. and Lord Bishop of London-Derry. Printed at the Hague, 1653. Sm. 8°, A— O 2 in eights, except E, which has only 4 11. The A nswer has a separate title. DELAMOTHE, G. The French Alphabeth, teaching in a very short time in a most easie way, in pronounce French naturally, to reade It perfectly, to write it, tniftly, and to speake it accordingly. Together with The Treasvre of the French tang, containing the rarest Sentences, Pro- uerbes, Parables, Similies, Apothegmes, and Golden sayinges, of the most excellent French Authoure, as well Poets as Orators. The one diligently compiled, and the other painfully gathered, and set in order, alter the Alphabetical! maner, for the benefite of those that are desirous of the French tung. By G. D. L. M. N. At London. Printed by E. Allde, and are to be sold by H. Iackson, dwelling in Fleetstreet, beneath the conduit, at the signe of S. John Kuan- gelist. 1595. 8°, A— P in eights. Dedicated to Sir Henry Wallop, Knight, Treasurer for Ireland. In an Advertisement to the Header, Delamothe states his readiness to be of service to him at the publisher's or at the sign of the Helmet in St. Paul's Churchyard. DE LA QUINTINYE, M. The Complete Gard'ner : . . . By Mon- sieur De la Quintinye. Now Compendiously Abridg'd. The Fourth Edition Corrected. London, Printed for Andrew Bell, . . . 1704. 8°. Frontispiece and other plates. DE LARREY, M., Conseiller d'Ambas- sade de son Altesse Electorate de Bran- debourg. Histoire D'Angleterre, D'Ecosse, et D'lr- lande; . . . Rotterdam, 1697-8. Folio. 2 vols. With a portrait of William III. and other plates. This work takes the period from Henry VII. to James I. DE LA RUE, Mr. Mr. De la Rue's Case: Humbly Offer'd to the Consideration of the Honourable the House of Commons. [About 1700.] A broadside. In relation to the writer's alleged share in the conspiracy of 1696. DE LAS CASAS, BARTHOLOME. The Spanish Colonie, Or Briefe Chronicle of the Acts and gestes of the Spaniardes in the West Indies, calld the newe World, for the space of XL. j'eeres : written in the Castiliau tongue by the reuerend Bishop Bartholomew de las Casas or Casaus, a Friar of the order of S. Dominicke. And nowe first translated into english, by M. M. S. Imprinted at London for William Brome. 1588. Col.] Imprinted at London at the three Cranes in the Vintree by Thomas Dawson, for William Brome. 1 583. 4°. 1", 4 leaves : Iff, 4 leaves : A — R 2 in fours. DE QUEROUAILLE, LOUISE, Du- ckets of Portsmouth. Articles of High-Treason and other Eigh- Crimes and Misdemeanors againsl the Dutches of Portsmouth. A folio leaf with- out imprint. DELAUNE. THOMAS. The Present Stale of London : . . . The Second Edition, with Additions. . . . London, Printed for John How, at the Seven Stars at the South-West Corner of the Royal Exchange in Cornhil, 16S3. Sm. DE LA V ALETTE. 103 DE MAISON-NEUVE. 8°. A, 4 leaves: B— Z in twelves. With a frontispiece, 6 plates between pp. 24-5, 6 between 168-9, and others with the text. DE LA VALBTTE, ROUSSEAU. The Life of Count Ulfeld, Great Master of Denmark, And of the Countess Eleonora his Wife : Done out of French. With a Sup- plement thereunto, and to the Account of Denmark formerly published. London, Prin- ted in the year, mdcxcv. 8°. A 4 : B — I in eights: K 4 : L 2 . Dedicated to the Due du Montausier, Governor to the Dauphin. DE L'ESPINE. JEAN. An Excellent and Learned Treatise of Apos- tasie made by the most reuerend and godly learned man M. Iohn de l'Espine Minister of the word of God in the Churche of Angers in the Dukedome of Anjou, directed against the Apostates in the Churches of France . . . now faithfully translated into English . . . Imprinted at London by Thomas Vautrollier dwelling in the Black-friers neare Ludgate. Anno 1587. 8°, A— M in eights: N, 12 11., the last two blank. Dedicated by the printer from his poor house in the Black- friars, to Master Thomas Bandolph, Master and Comptroller of her Majesty's posts, and Chamberlain of the Exchequer. DE L'OBEL. MATTHIEU, M.D. Matthi?e de L'Obel M.D. Botanographi Regii eximii Stirpium Ulustrationes. Plurimas elaborantes inauditas plantas, subreptitiis Joh: Parkinsoni rapsodiis (ex codice MS. insalutato) sparsim gravatse. Ejusdem ad- jecta sunt ad calcem Theatri Botanici Amartelama. Accurante Guil : How, Anglo. Londini, Typis Tho : Warren, Impensis Jos : Kirton, . . . 1655. 4°. A, 4 11., title on A 2 : a— d in fours : B — Z in fours. DELONEY, THOMAS. The Lamentation of Christopher Tomlinson . . . 1592. See Notes and Queries, 3rd s. i. 5 323. It seems from the communication to this periodical that the ballad exists in a very mutilated form, that it was to be sung to the tune of Fortune, and that the opening stanza is : — " Well may I greue and sighe For my most cruel crime ; My lifrt hath been awry, And I misspent my tyme." The Garland of Good Will. Diuided into three parts : Containing many pleasant Songs, and prety poems, to sundry new Notes. With a Table to finde the names of all the Songs. Written by T. D. Imprinted at London for Bobert Bird, at the Bible in Saint Lawrence Lane 1631. 8°, A — H in eights. Black letter. Bodleian (Burton's books). This copy wants sheet G. The Garland of Cod-Will . . . London, Printed for J. \\ light, at the sign of the Crown on Ludgate-hill. 1678. Sm. 8°, A — H in eights. Bodleian (Douce). The Gentle Craft. The Second Part . . . By T. D. Newly corrected and augmented . . . London, Printed by Elizabeth Pars- low, dwelling neere Christ-Church. 1639. 4°, A — L in fours. Woodcuts. Bodleian. The Gentle Craft. A Discoverie, Containing many matters of Delight, very pleasant to be read. . . . London, Printed for John Stafford, . . . 1652. 4°, A— I in fours, including a frontispiece. With woodcuts. Bodleian. The Most Pleasant History of Tom A Lin- coln That Ever Renowned Souldier The Red- Rose Knight. Printed by H. B. for W. Thackery, at the Angel in Duck Lane, 1682. 4°, A— I in fours. Woodcut on title. Bodleian (Wood) and Pepusian. DE L'HOPITAL, MICHEL. De Meti Vrbe Capta . . . Parisiis, Apud Federicum Morellum, . . . 1560. 4°, A — D in fours. The concluding sheet has a separate title ss follows: — In Francisci Illvstiiss. Francire Delphini, Et Mariae Sereniss. Scotorvm Reginae Nvptias. Ampliss. Viri M. H. Carmen. Pari-iis, Apud Federicum Morellum, . . . 156U. Cvm Pri- vilege Regis. DE LOQUE, BERNARD, ofDauphiny. Discovrses of W T arre and single Combat, Translated out of French by I. Eliot. London Printed by Iohn W r olfe, and are to be solde at his shop right ouer against tho great South doore of Paules. 1591. 4°, A — K 2 in fours. Dedicated by John Eliot to Robert, Earl of Essex, which is followed by the author's epistle to Henry IV. of France from Castel-galoux, the 5. of Octo- ber, 1590. DE MAISON-NEUVE, ETIENNE, Bordelois. lie Premier Livre de la Plaisante et delecta- ble Histoire de Gerileon d'Angleterre. Con- tenant les haults faicts d'armes, & chevale- reuses processes, auec les amours d'iceuiy, & plusieurs memorables aduentures. Nou- uellement mis en Fraueois par Estienne de Maisonnevfve Bordelois. A Paris, Par lean Borel, . . . m.d.lxxii . . . Sm. 8°. *, 8 leaves : A — X 4 in eights. The imprimatur or licence is dated May 7, 1572. The Gallant, Delectable and Pleasavnt His- toric of Gerileon of Englande : Containyng the haughtie Feates of Amies, and Knightlie Provvesse of the same Gerileon, with his Loues and other memorable Aduentures. Composed in the French Tongue, by Steuen de Maison .Neufue Bordelois. And now DE MEDICI. />/■: MONSTRELET. newly translated into English. Imprinted at London for Mjles Iennynges, Dwellyng in Paules Church-yarde at the Sygne of the Byble. Anno Domini, 1578. 4°, A— Ee in fours + title, dedication by publisher to Philip, Earl of Surrey and verses by Thomas Newton of Cheshire, 4 leaves more. Jenninges states that the translation was com- menced by "a certaine yonge man, more haniie and venturous in attempte, then luckie and For- tunate in atchieuance," and revised by him. DE MEDICI, CATHERINE. Ane Meruellous discours . . . Printed at Cracow. 1576, 8°, A— I in eight, I 6-8 blank. Ane Meruellous discours . . . Imprinted at Paris. 1576. 8°, A— L 5 in eights. DEMOCRITUS JUNIOR, or H. C. ? HUMPHREY CROUCH. Versatile Ingenium, The Wittie Com- panion, Or Jests of All Sorts. Prom J Citie and Countrie Wfth an Account \ Court and Universitie. of the Life of the laughing Philosopher Democritus of Abdera. . . . Amsterdam, Printed by Stephen Swart, at the crowned Bible, near the Exchange. Anno 1679. 8°. *, 4 leaves : A — P 4 in eights. On the back of the title are verses headed : Three RutHcg Talking, an alteration of the Ballad on a Wedding by Suckling. The account of Democri- tus is signed by H. C. DE MOLINOS, MICHEL, Priest. The Spiritual Guide, which Dis-intangles the Soul : And brings it by the Inward Way, to the getting of Perfect Contemplation, . . . Also, the Substance of several Letters sent from Italy, concerning the Quietists. Trans- lated from the Italian copy. Printed in the year 1699. Sm. 8° or 12°, A— H 6 in twelves. DE MONSTRELET,ENGUERRAND. Le premier [le second et le tiers] volume— de enguerran de Monstrellet Ensuyuant froissart na gueres imprime a Paris des cronicques de Prance / dangleterre / descoce / despaigne / de Bretaigne / de gascou^ne / de llandres Et lieux circonvoisins. [Col.] Cy finist le tiers volume denguerranl de in oust relet des croniques de f ranee ei. dan- gleterre . . . Imprimez a paris pour Anthoine verard/ libraire demeurant :i paris deuant la rue aeufue nostre dame a Lymaige Baincl Jehan leuageliste : ouaupalais deuant la, ohapelle on len ohante la messe de mes- seigneurs les presidens. Polio. Vol. I. — a, K) 11 : a — oo in eights, oo 8 blank + a sheet of 8 11. after z : Vol. 2— a— z in eights, fol- lowed liy three shifts of H and one of 10 (folios 177 202): Vol. 8.— AA, 6 11: BB — Bit in eights. B.M. (not uniform) Vols. 1 and 3 appear to have belonged to Henry, Prince of Wales, the first having on title in a monogram B.P., written like H.R, Le premier [second et tiers] volume de En- guerran de Monstrellet Ensuyuat froissart: nagueres imprime a paris des croniques de france: dagleterre: d'escosse . . . [Col.] Cy finist le tiers volume de Enguerran de monstrelet Auecques les grandes croniques des roys de france Loys xi. de ce no Et Charles, viii. son iilz . . . Le tout faict et adiouste auecques la cronique du dit de mSstrellet Lan de grace mil v. oene et douze le. iiii. ioue de decembre pour ielian petit et michel le noir libraires iurez en luniuersite de paris demeurant en la grant rue sainct iaques Polio, a, 8 leaves : a — z in sixes : a sheet of 6 leaves : aa — yy in sixos : Le .second volume, A — z in sixes : a sheet of 6 leaves : AA— PP in sixes, PP 6 with .loan Petit's mark : Le tiers volume, A, 8 ; B — X in sixes : A A — NN in sixes. Le premier volume de enguerran de mons- trellet Ensuyuant froissart / des croniques de Prance Dangleterre Descoce Despaigne / de Bretaigne / de Gascongne / . . . Hz se vendent a Paris en la grant rue sainct Iaques a lenseigne sainct Claude, (ii.) Le Second Volume ... Hz se vendent . . . Le Tiers volume . . . [Col.] Cy finist le tiers volume. . . . Imprime a paris Lan de grace mil cinq cens et. xviii. le xxviii r< > iour dauril Pour Prancoys regnau't libraire iure de luniversite de Paris . . . Polio. Vol. I_ — 5, 8 11 : a — z in sixes : a sheet of 6 11 : aa— oo in sixes : pp — qq in fours : Vol. 2— A— DD in sixes,. DD 6 blank, no Y— Z: Vol. 3— aaa— ffff in sixes, gggg— hhhh in fours + a sheet of 6 leaves. B.M. (Lord Lumley's copy.) Volvme Premier [Et Second] Des Chroniqves D'Engverran de Monstrelet Gentil-Homme Iadis Demevrant a Cambray en Cambresis. . . . Beueue & corrigee sur Texemplaire de la Librairiedu Roy & enrichie d'abbreg z pour I'introduotion d icelle, & de tables fort copieuses. A Paris, . . . M. D. lxxii. Auec Priuilege du Boy. Polio. 2 vols. Volvme Premier [Second et Troisieme] des Chroniqves D'Engverran de Monstrelet Qen- tilhomme iadis demovrant a Cambray en Cambresis. ... A Paris, Chez Pierre Methayer, . . . M.D.XCV. Polio. Title, dedication by Methayer to Henri IV. and nummary, 411 : e, 4 11: i, 4 11 : A— GGg in sixes: Hllh, 4 11 : Tome II.— + , 8 11 : A— LI in sixes: MM, 4 11: Tome III.— a, 4 11: e, 6 11 : A— X in sixes : Y, 4 11 : Prologue sur les Chroniquts. . . . A— V in sixes: X, 4 : a, 6 : A, 4. B.M. Molhayer's dedication to the King is dated February is, 15UG. DE MONTALVAN 105 DENNIS. ChroniqvesD'EngverrandeMonstrelet. . . . A Paris, Chez Marc Orry rue sainot Iacques au Lion rampant. 11 dchi. Folio. 3 vols. EM. A reissue of the impression of 1535 with :i new title. DE MO NT AL VAN, DON FRANCIS- CO BALTHEO. Cupid Stripp'd; Or, a Plain Discovery of the intrigues of Amorous Fops, And Hu- mours of Several other Whimsical Persons. Translated out of the Original, By W. M. M. D. DiOce. est dec i per e in loco. Loudon, Printed and Sold by A. Baldwin. . . . 1703. Sm. 8°, A — E 2 in sixes, A 1 occu- pied by verses to the translator by H. C. DE MONTALVAN, JUAN PEREZ, Native of Madrid. Vida, y Pvrgatorio de S. Patricio. A la Serenissirna Infanta Soror Margarita de la Cruz, . . . En esta septima impression emendado, . . . En Madrid en la Im- prenta del Reyno. Aho M. DC. xxxv. A costa de Alonso Perez, Librero de su Mag. Sm. 8°, A — K in eights, colophon on K 7, and K 8 blank + 8 11. of prefixes. DE MONTLUC, BLAISE, Marshal of France. The Commentaries of Messire Blaize de Montluc, Mareschal of France. Wherein are Describ'd All ihe Combats, Eencounters, Skirmishes, Battels, Sieges, Assaults, Scala- do's, the Taking and Surprizes of Towns and Fortresses ; as also the Defences of the As- saulted and Besieg'd : With several other signal and remarkable Feats of War, wherein this great and renowned Warriour was per- sonally engag'd, in the space of fifty or three- score years that he bore Arms under several Kings of France. . . . London, Printed by Andrew Clark for Henry Brome, . . . mdclxxiv. Folio. Portrait of Montluc, printed title, dedication by Charles Cotton the translator to Philip, Earl of Chesterfield, The Translator's Preface, and the French Printer, 7 leaves : verses by Charles Cotton, Thomas Flatman, and R. Newcourt, 1 leaf : Errata, 1 leaf : B— Fff in fours : Ccc [mis- print for Ggg] — Iii, 2 leaves each. DE MORNAY, PHILIPPE, Seigneur de Plessis-Mornay. The Mysterie of Iniqvitie : That is to say, The Historie of the Papacie. ... By Philip Morney, Knight, Lord du Plessis, &c. Englished by Samson Lennard. Lon- don Printed by Adam Islip, Anno Dom. 1612. Folio. A— 3 I in sixes, A 1 blank : 3 K in eights. Dedicated by Lennard to Prince Henry and (in a second epistle) to the Archbishop of Canterbury. DEMPSTER, THOMAS, of Mtiresk. Epithalamion In Nvptiis Generosissimorvm Iacobi Comilis Perthani, Domini Drom- mipdi, Baronis Stobhalise, &o. & [sabellae unicse Koberti Comitis Wlntonij, Domini Soionii &o. filie. Fvndebam Thomas Demp- stervs a Muresk. I. V. Doctor Scoto-Bri- tannus. Edinbvrgi Excvdebat llobertvs Charteris Typographic Regis, m. d. c. vm. 4°, 6 leaves. Univ. Lib. IE din. Antiqvitatvm Romanarvm Corpvs Absolv- tissimvm, . . . ExCriticis, Et Omnibvs vtriusque linguae auctoribus collectum : . . . Thoma Dempstero a Muresk, I. C. Scoto, Auctore. Editio Nova. Geneva), . . . M. dc. xx. 4°. *, 8 11 : **, 8 11 : A— I 6 in eights, I 6 blank: A— 3 V in eights. With a few cuts and two folded views. Dedi- cated to James I. Asserti Scotiae Cives Svi. S. Bonifacivs. Rationibvs. IX. Ioannes Dvns Rationibvs. XII. Authore Thoma Dempstero I. C. Barone A Muresk profess. Bononise. Hum. primario. Excerptum elibris de Scriptoribus Scotis eiusdem. Bononia?, Typis Nicolai Tebaldini. m. dc. xxi. Permissu Superiorum. 4°, A — G 2 in fours. Dedicated to Cardinal Barberini. Thoinse Dempsteri De Etruria Regali Libri VII. Nunc Primum Editi curante Thoma Coke. Florentise. M. dcc. xxiii — iv. The Paralipomena, Lucse, mdcclxvii. Folio, 3 vols. With portraits of Cosmo III. and Giovanni Gastone, Grand Dukes of Tuscany; to the former of whom the work itself is dedicated by Coke. DE MUSCRY, RIORDAN. Relation des Veritables Cavses,et des Conionc- tvres Favorables Qvi ont Contribve Av Re- establissement Dv Roy De la Grand Bretagne. A Paris, . . . M. DC. LXI. 8°. a, 4 leaves: A— M 4 in eights, M 4 blank. Dedicated to Monseigneur Foucquet, Superintendent of Finances. DENNIS, JOHN. Iphigenia. A Tragedy, Acted at the Theatre in Little Lincoln's-Inn- Fields. ... By M r - Dennis. London, Printed for Richard Parker, . . . 1700. 4°, A— 1 2 in fours + A 1-2 repeated. Dedicated to M r - John Freeman. The Comical Gallant: Or The Amours of Sir John Falstaffe. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-lane. By his Majesty's Servants. By M r - Dennis. To which is added, A large Account of the Taste in Poetry, and the Causes of the Degeneracy of it. London, Printed, and Sold by A. Baldwin, . . . 1702. 4°, A — G in fours + a, 4 11. Dedicated to the Hon. George Grenville Esquire. DENNYS. 1 06 DE S ALIGN AC. DENNYS, JOHN, Esquire. The Secrets of Angling : . . . Augmented with many approved experiments by W. Lawson. London, Printed for Roger lack- son. . . . Sm. 8°. Woodcut on title. G. Daniel's Cat., 18G4, No. 35, £2. 2«., bought by Lilly. The imprint was mutilated This was perhaps the first edition with Lawson's additions. DENTON, DANIEL. A Brief Description of New-York: "For- merly Called New-Netherlands. With the Places thereunto Adjoyning. Together with the Manner of its Scituation, Fertility of the Soyle, Healthfulnesse of the Climate, and the Commodities thence produced. Also Some Directions and Advice to such as shall go thither: An Account of what Commo- dities they shall take with them ; The Profit and Pleasure that may accrew to them thereby. Likewise A Brief Relation of the Customs of the Indians there. London, Printed for John Hancock, at the first Shop in Popes- Head-Alley in Cornhil at the three Bibles, and William Bradley at the three Bibles in the Minories. 1670'. 4°, A— D 2 in fours, title on A 2. B.M. Denton claims to have been an eye-witness of most that he describes. DE POQUELIN, J. B , dit Moliere. Tartuffe: Or the French Puritan. A Comedy, Lately Acted at the Theatre Royal. Written in French by Moliere ; and rendered into English with much Addition and Advantage, By M. Medbourne, Servant to His Royal Highness. . . . London : Printed by H. L. and R. B. for James Magnus. . . . M. DC. lxx. 4°, A — H in fours, A blank. Dedicated by Medbourne to Henry Lord Howard of Norfolk, Baron of Castlerising. Comp. Caryl. DE PRAISSAC, SEIGNEUR. The Art of Warre, Or Militarie discourses. . . . By the Lord of Praissac. Englished by I. C. Cambridge : Printed by Roger Daniel, . . . And are to be sold by John Williams. . . . 1639. 8°, A— O in eights, O 7-8 blank. Dedicated by Jo. Cruso to Henry, Lord Maltravers. With woodcuts. DE QUEVEDO, FRANCISCO. The Travels of Don Francisco De Quevedo, Through Terra Australis Incognita. Dis- covering the Laws, Customs, Manners and Fashions, of the South Indians. A Novel. Originally in Spanish. Omne tulit. . . . London, Printed for William Grantham, over against Exeter-Change, in the Strand. 1684. Sm. 8°, A— I in twelves: K, 2. With a frontispiece by Drapentier and a preface signed R. S. DERINO, SIR EDWARD. The Speeches of S r Edward Deering in the high Covrt of Parliament. Concerning th^ Arch-Bishop and divers other Grievances. London, Printed Anno Dom. 1641. 4", A — C 2 in fours. A most worthy Speech Of the truly Honour- able and worthy Member of the House of Commons, Sir Edward Deering Knight and Baronet. Spoken in Parliament. Con- cerning; the Lyturgy of the Church of England, and for a Nationall Synod. Lon- don, Printed for Iohn Franke, . . . 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. DE RIVO. GUILIELMUS URSINUS. Vindiciss Pro capite Regis Anglise contra Rebelles parricidas. Sive Qverela Nvllitatis de Impio et Injvsto Process v ac Sententia Mortis et Abdic'ationis contra Serenissimvm atque Potentissimvm Carolvm Primvm . . . Hagre Comitis, Ex Officina Samuelis Broun Bibliopole Anglici. vs.. dc. xlix. 4°, A— G in fours. The Author 8 dedication to Charles II. is in- scribed G.B. DE ROHAN, DUG Voyage Dv Dvc de Rohan, Faict en l'an 1600, En Italie, Allemaigne, Pays-bas Vni, Angleterre, & Escosse. A Amsterdam. Chez Louis Elzevier, 1646. Sm. 8°, A— K in twelves, L, 8, and the title. DESAINLIENS, CLAUDE. The French School e-Maister . . . Printed at London bv T. Bste, for Clement Knight dwelling in Paules Qhurch-vard at the signe of the holy Lambe. 1606! Sm. S°, A— V in eights, A 1 and V 8 blank. DE SALIGNAC, FENELON, FRAN- COIS, Archbp. of.Cambrai. The Adventures of Telemachus The Son of Ulysses. Translated from the French. London: Printed for Awnsham and John Churchilat the Black Swan in Pater-Noster- Row, mdcxcix. 8°. Title and Preface, 2 leaves : B— G in twelves, H, 4. In the Preface the authorship is mentioned as only a matter ot report. The Tales and Fables of the late Archbishop and Duke of Cambray, Author of Telemachus, in French and English. Written originally for the Instruction of a Young Prince: And now publish'd for the Use of Sohools. To which is pivfix'd, An Account of the Author's 1/iiV . . . By Nathaniel Gilford, of the Inner-Temple, Gent. Illustrated with Twenty-nine Copper-PlateB. Engraven by George Biekham, Junior. London . . . 1736. Sm. 8°. Title and dedication to Mrs. Martha Bellamy, 2 leaves: a— c in fours: B— M 2 in eights. DESCENTE. 10; DESPA UTERI US. On c 4 occur the terms of Mrs. Bellamy's school for young ladies at Kingston ; Gilford was her relative. DESCENTE. La Descente avx Enfers d'vn Frarujois qui demeuroit a Londres en Angleterre. Et des raccontres de quartier en quartier ausdits Enfers, & des nations, tant de France que d Angleterre, & autres nations qu'il a trou- uez. A Roven, Chez Iacques Cailloue . . . m.dc.xxvi. Sm. 8°, A— F in fours, F 4 blank. DE SCUDERY, GEORGES. Curia Politisc : Or, The Apologies of Severall Princes : Justifying to the World Their most Eminent Actions, by the strength of Reason, And the most Exact Rules of Policie. Written in French by the accurate Pen of Monsieur de Scvdery, Governour of Nostre- Dame. And now faithfully Render'd into English. With the Figures of many Em- perors and Kings. London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley . . . m. DC. liv. Folio. Frontispiece preceded by a blank, 2 11: A, 2 11: B— 1), 2 11. each: B (re- peated)— 3 B, 2 11. each. Dedicated to Charles II. With portraits of Charles V., Louis IV. of France, Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary, Mahomet, James I. of Gr. Britain, Henry VII. of England, Soly- man the Magnificent, Georgius Castriot, Tamerlane, and Gustavus Adolphus. The imprimatur is subscribed by Thurlow, Secretary to the Council of State. Quaritch, 1899, No. 1189, a dedication-copy to the Kin?, the inscription having been printed at the Res- toration. Cyrus Le Grand The Entire Story. Done into English by a Person of Quality and Dedicated to the late King. Printed for William Hope. Folio. Title engraved by W. Marshall with portrait of Sir Henry Holland the translator (Anno iEtatis 80. A 1654), and Holland's dedication to Charles I. 3 leaves: TT, 6 leaves with verses by Thomas Heywood, &c. and Contents : A — Dd in fours. Ibrahim, Or the Illustrious Bassa. The Whole Work. In Four Parts. Written in French by Monsieur de Scudery, And now Englished by Henry Cogan, Gent. London, Printed by J. R. and are to be sold by Peter Parker . . . and Thomas Guy . . . 1674. Folio, A— 3 D in fours + the title. Dedicated to the Duchess of Richmond and Lenox. DE SAINT GERMAIN, CHR. The dialogues in Englysshe / bytwene a Doctour of dyuynyte . . . [Col.] Im- prynted at London in Fletestrete at the sygne of the George nexte to Saynt Dun- stones church by Wyllyam Myddylton, in the yere of our Lord a M. ccccc. XLiii. Cvm Privilegio . . . 8°, A— Cc 4 in eights, Cc 4 with device, no Z. Here after foloweth :i lytell treatise calh-d the new addicions. [Col.] Thomas Ber- theletus regius impressor excudehat. Anno domini. m. d. xxxi. Cum priuilegio. s. a— d in eights. St. John's Coll. Cambr. (Dyson's copy), Huth Coll., &c. This is different from the Additions to the First and Second Dialogues. The secunde dyalogue I englysshe wyth new addycions . . . [Col.] Imprynted at London in Southwarke by Peter Treueris. 1531. 8°, A— Y 6 in eights. DE SOLLEYSELL, M. The Com pi eat Horseman : Or, Perfect Far- rier. In Two Parts. Abridged from tin- Folio done into English by Sir William Hope. With the Addition of several ex- cellent Receipts, by our best Farriers : Aid Directions to the Buyers and Sellers of Horses. Illustrated with several Copper- Plates. London, Printed for H. Bonwicke [and others.] 1702. 8°, A— P in eights: Aa — LI 4 in eights. With a frontispiece aud six folded plates. The Compleat Horseman : Discovering the Surest Marks of the Beauty ... of Horses : . . . The Second Edition Cor- rected from many Errors in the former Edition. London : Printed for R. Bonwick, . . . 1717. Folio. A, 4 leaves : b— f in fours : A (repeated)— Ss in fours : Second Part with separate title, title-page, 1 leaf : Contents, 8 leaves : B — Pp in fours : Qq — Rr, 2 11. each. With a portrait of the author and six plates. DE SORBIERE, M. Relation D'Un Voyage en Angleterre, Ou sont touchees plusieurs choses qui regardent l'estat des Sciences, & de la Religion & autres matieres curieuses. A Cologne. Chez Pierre Michel. M. DC. lxvi. Sm, 8°. a, 6 leaves : A — H in twelves, H 12 blank. Dedicated to Louis XIV. The present copy (Puttick's, Dec. 9, 1896, in lot 933) was interleaved, and accompanied by a partial translation into English. DESPAUTERIUS, JOANNES, Gram- marian. Ioannis Despavterii Niniuitse, de Accentibus & puctis Libellus, non minus vtilis q neces- sarius. [Col.] Excusum Londini, in edibus Vuinandi de Vuorde, anno. M. ccccc. xxx. Mense Februario. 4°, A — D in fours, loan. Despavterii Ninivitse Grammaticae In- stitutionis Lib. VII. . . . Adiecta nunc demum Scotica dictionum Interpretatione. Edinbvrgi, Apud Iohannem Rosseum, pro DESPA UTERIUS. 1 08 DEVEREUX. Henrico Charteris. Anno Do. 1579. 8°, A— L 4 in eights. Ioannis Despavterii Ninivitse, Gramroaticse Institvtionis Lib. VII. . . . Edinbvrgi, Excvdebat Andreas Hart, 1621. 8°, A— I in eights. Syntaxis Ioannis Dospavterii, . Edinburgi Apud Iohannem Rossevm, pro Henrico Charteris. 157!). Cvm Privilegio Regali. 8°. A— F 4 in eights. DERBYSHIRE. The Case of a Publique Business touching the Mynes in Darbv-shire, which concerns the Maintenance of Fourty Thousand poor People, and produces to the Common-wealth Two Hundred Thousand pounds per annum, in the Staple Commodity of Lead. [1652.] A broadside. DE SAINTE-MARTHE, ABEL, Le Sieur. VAine. Expeditio Rvpellana. Avspiciis Lvdovici Ivsti Eegis Chiiotiani-simi & inuicbiasimi confeota. Authore Abelio Sammarthano, Sccevolrc Filio. Parisiis, Apud Franciscvm Pomeray, . . . M. DC. xxix. Cvm Privi- legio Regis. 8°. a, 4 11., with title and dedication to Cardinal Richelieu : A — F in eights : G, 7 leaves : c, 2 leaves with verses on the King's return : H, 2 11., H 2 with Errata. Histoire de la Rebellion des Rochelois. Et de leur reduction a l'obeyssance du Roy. Tiree du Latin dv Sieur de Sainte-Marthe l'aisne. Par I. Bavdoin. A Paris, . . . M.DC.XXix. . . . 8°, a — e 4 in eights: A — L 4 in eights. Dedicated to the King. DE ST. EVREMOND, M. The Arguments of Monsieur Herard, Eor Monsieur the Duke of Mazarin, Against Madam the Dutchess of Mazarin, His Spouse. And the Pactum for Madam the Dutchess of Mazarin, against Monsieur the Duke of Mazarin, Her Husband. By Mon- sieur de St. Evremont. London: Printed for C. Broom, . . . 1699. 8°, A— L in eights. DE SERRES, JEAN. A Generall Historie of Prance, "Written by Iohn de Serres vnto the yeare 1598. Con- tynued by Peter Mathew, to the death of King Henry the fourth in the yeare 1610. And again continued unto the Peace con- cluded before Montpellier in the yeare 1622. By Edward Grimston Sariant at Armes. Imprinted by G. Eld & M. Flesher. 1624. Polio. Willi a portrait of Louis XIII. The title is engraved. Dedicated by Grimston to the Earls of Salisbury and Suffolk. DES FOURNEILLIS, M. A Discourse "Written to a Learned Frier; Shewing, that the Systcmeof M. Des Cartes, and particularly his Opinion concerning Brutes, does contain nothing dangerous, and thai all he hath written of both, seems to have been taken out of the First Chapter of Genesis. To which is annexed the Systeme General of the same Cartesian Philosophy Bj Francis Bayle, D'- of Physick at Tholose. Englished out of French. London, Printed, and" are to be sold by Moses Pitt. . . . 1670. 8°, A— I in eights. DE SILHON, M., Secretary to the late Cardinal Richelieu. The Minister of State. Wherein is shewn, The true use of Modern Policy. Englished by H. H. Tamdem didici, . . . Lon- don, Printed for Thomas Dring, . . . 1658. Folio, A— Bbb, 2 11. each + a, 2 leaves. Dedicated by II. H. [? Sir Henry Holcroft] to Viscount Scudamore. DETHICKE, HENRY. [Carmina im Ferias Sacras. This is the running title on A iii, the top of the title- page having been torn off in this copy. Col.] Excvsvm Londini per T. E. pro Hum f redo Toy. Anno Do. 1577. 4°. A, 6 11 :' B— R in fours. Dedicated to Lord Burghley. With commendatory verst-s by Laurence Humfrey, Christopher Jonson, Peter Fry, Jo. Williams, &c. JS.M. D'EUDEMARE, FR., Presire, et Cha- noine en VegUse nostre Dame de Rouen, Histoire Excel lente et Heroiqve dv Roy Willavme Le Bastard, Iadis Roy D'Angle- terre, Et Dvc de Normandie ; Mise en deux Liures, le premier narratif des actions Du- cales, & le second, des Royales, d'vn si grand Roy. Seconde Edition, reueue, corrigee, & augmentee de l'Autheur. A Roven, Chez la Vevve Orange, au Portail des Libraires. m. dc. xxix. Auec Permission, & Appro- bation. Sm. 8°, A— Ee in twelves: Ff, 1 leaf : + title, Errata, &c, 2 11. DEVEREUX, ROBERT, Earl of Essex. La Prision del Conde de Essex, y otros Condes y Caualleros En Inglaterra: y vando que echo la Revna contra los dichos, copiada de vna de Lon'dres de 22 De Febrero de 1601. Aiios. [Col.] Impresso en Seuilla. . . . Folio, 2 leaves. DEVEREUX, ROBERT. Earl of Essex. Two Proclamations By His Excellency Robert Earl of Essex; Captain General] of all the Forces raised, or to be raised for the defence of the King and Parliament, and Kingdom. Printed by the Command of His EiXoellenoie. Essex. March 8. 1642. London, Printed for Iohn Frank, and are to be sold at his shop next door to the Kings head Tavern in Fleetstreet. 4°, 4 leaves. A Remonstrance to Vindicate His Excellence Robert Earle of Essex From some false As- DEVEREUX, 109 DEVONSHIRE. persions cast upon His Proceedings, To the 17. of August. 16-43. Printed for T. W. 1643. 4°, A— B in fours. An Apologie and Vindication (Prom all false and malignant Aspersions) Por His Excellencie, the right Honourable, and most Noble, Robert D'Evreux, Earl of Essex, and Ewe, Viscount Hereford, . . . Inheritour of all His thrice Noble Fathers Honours and Vertues : Now Lord Generall of all the Porces in Arms in England and Wales, for the present High and Honourable Court of Parliament, in defence of the true Protestant Religion, Laws and Liberties of the Subject. With a true and briefe Chronologie of what successefull things have been done, since . . . Aug. 1642, untill this present year, 1644. London, Printed by Thomas Harper, and are to be sold at his house in Little Britaine, 1644. 4°, B— D in fours + the title-page. DE VIGO, JOHANNES. The whole worke of that famous Chirurgion Maister Iohn Vigo: Newly Corrected by men skilfull in that Arte. Wherevnto are annexed certain works, compiled and pub- lished by Thomas Gale, Maister in Chirur- gerie. At London Printed by Thomas East, 1586. 4°. IT, 10 leaves : A— 3 L in eights, 3 L 8 with the printer's device: Certaine Workes of Chirurgerie, . . . with a new title, IT, 8 leaves: A— P 5 in eights. With a preface in the first portion by George Baker, Gentleman. P 6 perhaps had a device, like the first part. DEVILS. The Doctrine of Devils, Proved to be the grand Apostacy of these later Times. An Essay tending to rectifie those Undue Notions and Apprehensions Men have about Daemons and Evil Spirits. London : Printed for the Author, and are to be sold at the Kings- Arms in the Poultry, 1676. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— O in eights, O 8 blank. DE VINCIOLO, FEDERIGO. New and Singular Patterns & workes of Linnen. Seruing for Paternes to make all sortes of Lace, Edginges, and Cut-workes. Newly inuented for the profite & content- ment of Ladies, Gentlewomen, & others, that are desirous of this Arte. London Imprinted by J. Wolfe and Ed. White. 1591. 4°, A— Q in fours, title on A 2. Dedicated " To the righte worshipfull Gen- tlewoman Mistres Susan Saltonstall, wife to the right worshipfull, M. Richarde Salton- stall, Alderman of the City of London," by Adrian Pointz. Oq L occurs a second title elegantly engraved : New and Singular Patterns & Workes of Linnen. Wherein are represented vnto vs the seauen Planets, and many other Figures seruine: for I'attcrnes to make all sortes of Lace. Newly inuented for the profite & contentment of Ladies, Gentilwomen, ho. W ith a portrait after Hollar and plates. The History of Imbanking and Drayning of Divers Fenns and Marshes, Both in Forein Parts, and in this Kingdom ; And of the Improvements thereby. Extracted from Records, Manuscripts, and other Authentick Testimonies. By William Dugdale Esquire, Norroy King of Arms. London : Printed by Alice Warren, in the Year of our Lord MDCLXli. Folio, A — 3 H in fours + Iii 1 with the Index. With plates at pp. 16-17, 110-11, 142-3, 150-1, 194-5, 218-19, 214-5, 374-5, 416-17, 418-19, and 422-3. The Baronage of England, Or An Historical Account of the Lives and most Memorable Actions of Our English Nobility in the Saxons time, to the Norman Conquest ; And from thence, of those who had their rise before the end of King Henry the Third's Reign. Deduced from Publick Records, Antient Historians, and other Authorities, by William Dugdale Norroy King of Arms. Nam genus Sf pruaoos, Sf qua' nonfecimus, Vix ea nostra voco. Ovid. London : Printed by Tho. Newcomb, for Abel Roper, . . . 1675. Folio. Two vols. A Perfect Copy of All Summons of the Nobility to the Great Councils and Parlia- ments of this Realm, From the XLIX. of DUG DALE. DUXCAN. King Henry the III' 1 - Until these present Times. With Catalogues of such Noblemen as have been summoned to Parliament in right of their "Wives, and of such other Noblemen as derive their Titles of Honour from the Heirs Female from whom they are descended ; and of such Noblemens eldest Sons as have been summoned to Parliament by some of their Fathers Titles. Extracted from Publick Records, By Sir William Dugdale, Kt. Garter Principal King of Arms. London, Printed by S. It. for Robert Clavell . . . mdclxxv. Folio, A— 4 E in fours : 4 F — i L, 2 11. each. Monasticon Anglicanum, . . . Editio Secunda auctior & Bmendatior. Cum altero, ao elucidiori Indice. Londini Impensis Christopheri Wilkinson, . . . 1682. Folio. Engraved title and plates. Mouastici Anglicani Volumen Secundum, De Canonicis Regularibus Augustinianis, . . Cum Appendice Ad Volumen Pnmum de Csenobiis aliquot Gallicanis, Hibernicis, & Scoticis: Necnon quibusdam Anglicanis antea omissis. . . . Per Rogerum Dods- worth Eboracensem, Gulielmum JDugdale Warwicensem. Londini, Typis A. W. Prostant apud R. Scott, . . . m.dc.lxxxii. Folio. Plates. Monastici Anglicani Yolumen Tertium et Ultimum: Additamenta Qusedam in Volu- men Primum, ac Volumen Secundum, Jampridem Edita : Necnon Fundationes, sive Dotationes Diversarum Ecclesiarum Cathedralium ac Collegialarum Continens; Ex Archivis Regiis, Ipsis Autographis, Ac diversis Codicibus Manuscriptis Decerpta, Et hoc congesta Per Will. Dvgdale War- wicensem Norroy Regem Armorum. Lon- dini Prostant apud Robertum Scott Biblio- polam, 1683. Folio. With plates. Dedi- cated to Charles II. Monasticon Anglicanum: . . . First Published in Latin by Sir William Dug- dale, K 1 - Late Garter Principal King at Arms. To which are now Added, Exact Catalogues of the Bishops of the several Dioceses, to the Year 1717. The Whole Corrected, and Supplied with many Useful Additions, by an Eminent Hand. London : . . mdocxviii. Folio. With a frontis- piece and plates. Monasticon Anglicanum, Or, The History of the Ancient Abbies, . . . Collected, and Published in Latin, by Sir William Dugdale, Knt. late Garter King of Arms. 1,, Three Volumes. And now Epitomized in English, Page by Page. With Sculp- tures of the several Religions Habits. . . . London: Printed for Sum. Keble at the Turks Head in Fleet-street. Hen. Rhodes at the Star the Corner of Bride lane in Meetstreet, mucxciii. Folio. A, 6 11: B— Vv in fours: Xx, 6 11. Dedicated bv J . W. (r James Wright) to William Brom- ley Esq. With plates. The History of the Antient Abbeys, Monas- teries, Hospitals, Cathedral and Collegiate Churches. Being Two Additional Volumes to Sir William Dugdale's Monasticon Angli- canum: . . . By John Stevens, Gent. London: . . . mdccxxii — in. Folio. With plates. A Short View of the Late Troubles in England: Briefly setting forth, Their Rise, Growth, and Tragical Conclusion. As also some Parallel thereof with the Barons- Wars in the time of King Henry III. But chiefly with that in France, called the Holy League, in the Reign of Henry III. and Henry l\ r . late Kings of that Realm. By Sir William Dugdale Kt. Garter King of Arms. To which is added, A Perfect Narrative of the Treaty at Uxbridge in aD. 1641. By the same Author. Oxford, Printed at the Theater for Moses Pitt at the Angel in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London, mdclxxxi. Folio. Advertisement, 1 leaf: Portrait of Charles I. 1 leaf : title, &c, on A, 3 leaves : B— F, 2 leaves each : G — Qqq in fours : Aaaa — 4 N 1 in fours: Index, 1 leaf: Bbbbb — Xxxxx in fours: Relation of the Treaty at Uxbridge, 5 Y— 6 F in fours: 6 G — 6 I, 2 leaves each. DU GEES, GABRIEL, of Saumur, Professor of French at Cambridge. Breve et Accvratvm Gramrnaticae Gallic* Compendivm, Qvo.Superfina Rescinduntur, & necessaria non omittuntur. Cantabrigise, Impensis Authoris amicorum gratia. M DC xxxvi. 8°. a, 4 11 : A — F in eights. A Week of Soliloquies and Prayers : With a Preparation to the Holy Communion. And other Devotions added to this Edition. In Two Parts. By Peter Du Moulin, D.D. London, Printed for H. Brome, . . . 1677. Sm. 8°, A, 6 : B— K in twelves : L, 6. A 1 has a frontispiece. DUNCAN, ANDREW. Latin* Grammatical Pars Prior, Sive Ety- mologia Latina in usum rudiorum. . . . Edinhvrgi Exovdebat Robertvs Walde-graue, Typographufl Regius. 1595. Cum Privi- legio Begio. 8°. A 8 : V : B— G in eights : H 4 . Xdin. Univ. Lib. Appendix Etymologiae, Ad copiam Exem- plorvm . . . Edinhvrgi. Excvdebat Robertus Walde-graue Typographus Regius. 1495 [1594] Cum Privilegio Regio. 8°, A — F in eights. Ibid. Rvdimenta Pietatis. . . . Edinbvrgi Excvdebat Robertus Walde-graue Typo- DUNCAN. 119 DU PLESSIS. graphus Regius. 1595. Cum Privilegio Regio. 8°, A— B 2 in eights. Adv. Lib. Edonb. Stvdiorvm Pverilivm Clavis, rairo quodam compendio ac facilitate, Latinse linguae ac Poeticae Rudimenta eomphctens. . . . E'iinbvrgi Excvdebat Robertvs Walde-graue Typographus Regius. Anno 1597. Cum Privilegio Regio. 8°, A— D 4 in eights. Mdinb. Univ. Lib. DUNOIS, COUNT OF. The Amours of the Count of Dunois Made English. In Amove twntur Diliciw hnmani- generis. London, Printed for William Cademan, . . . 1675. Sm. 8°. A, 6 leaves, A 1 blank, A 5-6 with Advertise- ments : B— G in twelves : H, 6, the last leaf blank. DUNSTALL, JOHN". Vegetabilium Liber, Animaliumque diver- sorum; delineatus et iu ses inoisus : per Johannem Dunstallum Londini. Or, A Book of Plowers, Fruits, Birds, Beasts, Flys and Wormes : Drawn and Composed into a new method with the addition of many things lately Jnveated, Etch'd, and Graven By John Dunstall. 1663. Printed and sold by Peter Stent at the White Horse in Giltspur Street London, [ii.] The second booke of Mowers Fruicts Beastes. . . . Newly printed with Additions by John Dunstall Anno 1661 : 4°. The First Book, 19 leaves including title : The Second Book, 20 leaves including title.' DUNTON, JOHN. The Post-boy rob'd of his Mail: Or, The Pacquet Broke Open. Consisting of Five Hundred Letters, To Persons of several Qualities and Conditions With Observations Upon each Letter. Publish'd by a Gentle- man concern'd in the Frolick. Licens'd and Entred, according to Order. London, Prin- ted for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultry, 1692. Sm. 8°. A, 6 11 : B— S in twelves: T, 6 11., T 5-6 with Advertise- ments. Dedicated by C[harles] G[ildon] to George Porter, Esqe. Athenian Sport: Or, Two Thousand Para- doxes Merrily Argued, To Amuse and Divert the Age : ... By a Member of the Athenian Society. London, Printed for B. Bragg in Pater-noster-Row. 1707. 8°. A — Mm in eights, and a, 8 leaves. The Athenian Gazette : Or Casuistical Mer- cury, Resolving all the most Nice and Curious Questions Proposed by the Inge- nious: From Tuesday March 17 th to [Octo- ber 17 th -] 1691. London, Printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultry. mdcxci. Folio. 3 vols. Vol. 1, 30 leaves + title, preface, and contents, 4 11 : Vol. 2, 30 leaves + title, preface and contents, 4 11 : Vol. 3, 30 leaves + title and contents, 3 11. DUNTON, JOHN, late Rector of Aston Clinton. The Pilgrims Guide From the Cradle to his Death-bed : With His Glorious Passage from thence to the New- Jerusalem. Represented to the Life In a Delightful new Allegory, . . . To which is added the Sick-Mans Passing-Bell, . . . Illustrated with Eight curious Copper Plates. . . . London, Printed for John Dunton. . . . mdclxxxiv. Sm. 8°, A — N in twelves + the engravings. Dedicated in a long epistle of some interest by the publisher (the writer's son) to his sisters and brother, Mary, Elizabeth, and Lake Dunton of Chiswick, near London, and to his uncle and aunt, M r - William Riding Senior of Dungrove, and M rs - Mary Chase, late wife of M r - Jeremiah Carter, both of Chesham, Bucks, and to other relatives and friends. The Hazard of a Death-Bed-Repentance, Fairly Argued, From the late Remorse of W[illiam] late D[uke] of Devonshire.] On his Adulterous Life — On his living so long in a known Sin — On that Latin Epitaph he order'd to be set on the Tomb- stone of Miss Campion — And upon his seeming Penitence in his last Sickness. . . . To which is added, Conjugal Perjury, or an Essay upon Whoredom; Address'd to the Husbands of Quality that keep Misses. London: Printed in the Year mdccviii. 8°, A — I in fours: The Hazard . . . Further Argued, with a new title. A — L in fours. DU PERRON, LE CARDINAL. Lettre de Monseignevr le Cardinal Dv Perron. Enuoyee au Sieur Casaubon en Angleterre. A Paris, . . . m.dc. xii. 8°, A — E in fours. The Reply of the Most Ulvstriovs Card i nail of Perron to the Answeare of the most Ex- cellent King of Great Britaine The First Tome. Translated into English. Imprinted at Dovay, by Martin Bogart, vmier the signe of Paris. 1630. Folio. Title and portrait of Cardinal Perron, 2 11 : a, 2 11 : e, 5 11 (no e in this copy) : A— Qq in sixes. Dedicated to Q. Henrietta Maria by the translator [Viscountess Falkland] who has added in her own hand verses to the Author under the portrait and to the Queen on the blank leaf following. Puttick & Simpson, March 21, 1901, No. 335. DU PLESSIS, ARMAND, Due de Richelieu. A Synopsis, Or Contract View, Of the Life of John Armand, Cardinall of Richelieu, DU PLESSIS. DURFEY great Favorite and Minister of State of Lewis the 13 th King of Prance. To bee Engraven on his Tombe. First written in Latine, and now verbatim rendered English. . . . Printed in the Yeare, 1643. 4", 4 leaves. A Christian Instrvction Composed Longe A Goe, By that Most Eminent Cardinall Armand Iohn de Plessis Card nail of Riobe- liev. And newly translated by Thomas Carre Confessour of the Religious Daughters <>f Sion. The 30. Edition. Printed at Paris, By L. De La Posse. M. D. [c.l lxii. Sm. 8°. a, 6 11 : A— T in twelves : V, 6. Dedi- cated to the Right Honourable and Most Rd Water Montague, Abbot of St Martins and Lord Almner of the Queen's Majesty of great Britany, &c. The Life of the Famous Cardinal-Duke De Richlieu, Principal Minister of State to Lewis XIII. King of France and Navarr. Vol. 1. London, Printed for M. Gilliflower, . . . 1695. 8°, A— Dd in eights + a, 8 11. a 8 with an Advertisement. "With a portrait of the Cardinal : Vol. 2, B — Bb in eights, Bb 8 blank. DU PLESSIS-MARLY, SEIGNEUR. The True Knowledge of a mans owne selfe. "Written in French by Monsieur du Plessis, Lord of Plessie Marly. And truly translated into English by A. M. At London, Printed by I. R. for William Leake, at the signe of the Grey-hound in Paules Churchyard. 1 602. Sm. 8°, A — L in twelves, first and last leaves blank. Dedicated by Anthony Munday to Master John Swinnerton, his wife, and family. DUREL, JOHN. Sanctse Ecclesise Anglicanse Adversvs Ini- quas atque inverecundas Schismaticorum Criminationes, Vindicia?. Authore Jobanne Durello, Sanctse Ecclesise Anglicanai Presby- tero, Regiae Magestati a Sacris. . . . Londini, . . . MDCLXIX. 4°. Impri- matur, title, dedication to Charles II., &c, 4 leaves : f , 4 11 : If , 4 11 : a— f 2 in fours : [*]— 6[*] in fours: B— 3 X in fours : 3 Y, 6 leaves. Sotheby's, June 30, 1898, No. 1044, larpe paper, the King's copy In old red morocco, with the crowned cypher on sides and down back. DURER, ALBRECHT. Albert Durer Revived: Or, A Book of Drawing, Limning, Washing, . . . Very Useful for all Handicrafts, and Ingenuous Gentlemen and Youths. London, Printed by II. Hills, Jun. for John Garrett at his Shop as yen go up the Stairs of the Royal Exchange. . . . 1685. Polio, 22 leaves, including the frontispiece and engravings. DURFE, HONORS. The History of Astrea. The First Pari. In Twelue Bookes: Newly Translated nul of French. London, Printed by N. Okes for Iohn Pyper. 1620. 4°, A-3H in lours, title on A 2. Dedicated to Philip, Earl of Montgomery. Bodleian DURFEY, THOMAS. Trick for Trick : Or, The Debaueh'd Hypo- crite. A Comedy, As it is Acied at the Theatre-Royal. By His Majesties Servants. Written by Too. Durfey, Gent. London, Printed for Langley Curtiss, in Goat-Court upon Ludgate-Hill, 1678. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — 1 in fours. With a Prologue " spoken by Mr. Haines in a Red Coat like a Common Souldier." An Elegy Upon the Late Blessed Monarch King Charles II. And Two Panegyricks Upon their Present Sacred Majesties, King James and Queen Mary. London : Pr.nted for Jo. Hindmarsh, at the Black Bull in Cornhill. mdclxxxv. Folio, A— D, 2 leaves each. The Fond Husband : Or, The Plotting Sisters. A Comedy: As it is Acted at his Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre. . . . London, Printed by R. E. for Rich. Bentley, and S. Magnes, . . . 1685. 4°, A— H in fours. Dedicated to the Duke of Ormonde. A Pindarick Poem on the Royal Navy. Most Humbly Dedicated to their August Majesties, K. William, and Q. Mary. Writ- ten by Mr. D'urfey. [Two quotations from Virgil] London: Printed, and are to be sold by Randall Taylor, near Stationers- Hall. 1691. Folia. A 2 : B*: C- : D 3 . The Songs in the New Play of Don Quixote, As they are Sung at the Queen's Theatre in Dorset Garden. Part the First. Sett by the most Eminent Masters of the Age. All Written by Mr. Durfe} r . Becies repttxta placebunt. London, Printed by J. Heptin- stall for Samuel Briscoe, at the corner of Charles-street, Co vent-Garden. 169*. Price Two Shillings. Folio, A — L, 2 leaves each, and a leaf of M. Dedicated by Durfey " To my Most Honoured and Ingenious Friends (Lovers of Musick) that frequent the Rose Chocolate-house, Coffee-houses, and other places of Credit, in and about Covent-Garden, Particularly, To the late Worthy Members of the Witty Club. . . .'' The Songs To the New Play of Don Quixote. . . . Part the Second. . . . London, Printed by J. Hepi install for Samuel Briscoe, . . . 1694. Price One Shilling Six Pence. Folio, B — G, 2 leaves each, and the title. The Modern Prophets; <>r. New Wit for a Husband. A Comedy. As it is Acted at DURFEY EACHARD. the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, By Her Majesty's Servants. Written by M'- Tho' D'Urfey. London: Printed for Bernard Lintott, . . . [c. 1704.] 4°, A— K in fours + a, 2 11. Dedicated in terms of gratitude for favours received to Sir W illiain Scawen Baronet. Wonders in the Sim, Or, The Kingdom of the Birds; A Comick Opera. With great Variety of Songs in all Kinds, set to Musick by several of the most Eminent Masters of the Age. Written by M 1 '- Durfey. Lou- don, Printed for Jacob Tonson, . . . 1706. 4°, A — K in fours, including half- title. Dedicated to the Kit-Kat Club. Sotheby's, July 2, 1x95, No. 464, orig. red morocco. On the fly-leaf occurs: " Imprimatur. Henrietta Somerset" in coeval MS. DURHAM or DERHAM, WILLIAM, M.A. The Artificial Clock-maker. A Treatise of Watch, and Clock-work: Wherein the Art of Calculating Numbers for most Sorts of Movements is explained to the capacity of the Unlearned. Also The History of Clock- work, Both Ancient and Modern. With other useful matters never before Published. London, Printed for James Knapton, at the Crown in St.-Pauls Church-yard, 1696. 8°. Title and Preface, 2 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B — S in fours, S 2-4 with Advertisements, &c, and with a folded leaf of music at p. 60. The Artificial Clock-Maker. . . . The Third Edition, with large Emendations and Additions. London, Printed for James Knapton, . . . 17L4. Sm. 8°. A 8 : B l =: C 1 -: D'2: E, 12: F, 12: G, 6 : H, 4. With a folded frontispiece and folded or tables at pp. 50, 126 (4.), and 140. DUTIES. The true and faithful Discharge of Relative Duties, Is a very great Honour and < >rna- ment to the Doctrine of the Gospel ; . . . London, Printed for Awnsham Churchill, 1683. A broadside. DUVAL, CLAUDE. The Life of Deval. Shewing How he came to be a Highway-Man ; and how he com- mitted several Robberies afterwards. To- gether with his Arraignment and Condem- nation. As also his Speech and Confession at the place of Execution. Printed by W. R. and are to be sold in Westsmithfield, next | Door to the Dolphin near Hosier-Lane-end, ! 1669. 4°, 4 leaves. DU VAIX, M. ! The Moral Philosophy of the Stoicks. J Written Originally in French by that In- j genuous Gentleman Monsieur du Vaix, first President of the Parliament of Provence. i Englished by Charles Cottou, Esq ; . . . ! London, Printed for Henry Mortlock. . . j 1667. b°, A — G in eights, including frontis- piece : H, 6. Dedicated by Cotton to his Friend and Kinsman John Ferrers Esqr | under date of February 27, 1663. The Moral Philosophy of the Stoicks. . . . ; London, Printed for Henry Mortlock. . . . ! 1 671 . 8°, A— H in eights, A 1 with frontis- piece of Zeno, and H 8 blank. DYER, SIR EDWARD. I The prayse of Nothing. Imprinted at Lon- ! don, in Fleete-streate, beneath the Conduite, i at the signe of S. Iohn Euangelist, by H. I Iackson. 1585. 4°, black letter, in prose. ! A 2 : B 2 : C 2 : D 2 : E 2 : F 2 : G 2 : H 1 . Bod- \ leian. Ascribed to Dyer; and there is the confirmatory story of him and the queen. E E.I. The Right and Ivrisdiction of the Prelate, and the Prince. Or, A Treatise of Eccle- siasticall and Regall authoritie. Compyled by I. E. Student in Divinitie . . . Im- printed with licence of Superiours. Anno Dom. 1617. Sm. 8°, A— V in eights. Dedi- cated " To the most renowmed and constant English Catho likes." B.M. E.I. Some Opinions of Mr. Hobbs Considered in a Second Dialogue Between Philautus and Timothy. By the same Author. London, Printed by J. Macock, for Walter Kettilby, . . . 1673. Sm. 8°, A— X 4 in eights, A 1 and X 4 blank. Dedicated to Gilbert, Archbish p of Canterbury. E. P., Dom., Monk of the Holy Order of St. Benedict, and of the English Con- gregation. The First Sermon Preach'd before Their Majesties in English at Windsor, on the First Sunday of October, 1685. London, Printed by Henry Hills, . . . 1686. 4°, A — E 2 in fours, A 1 blank and E 2 with Advertisements. [EACHARD, LAWRENCE.] An Answer to A Letter of Enquiry, Into EADMER. ELIZABETH. The Grounds and Occasions of the Contempt of the Clergy. London, Printed for Nath. Ranew, and J. Kobinson, . . . If 71. 8°, A — F 6 in eights + 7 leaves between A— A 2, the last blauk. EADMER. Eadmeri Monachi Cantva«-ensis Historia Novorvm Siue Sui Sseculi Libri VI. Res Gestae (Quibus ipse non modo spectator diligens sed comes etiam & actor plerunq ; interfuit) sub Guilielmis I & II & Henrico I. Anglia; Regibus, ah anno nempe Salutis silxvi ad mcxxii potissimum complexi. In lucem ex Bibliotheca Cottoniana emisit Joannes Seldenvs, & Notas porro adjecit & Spicilegiuni. Securus licet Mnewm . . . Londini, Typis & Impensis Guilielmi Stanes- beij, ex officials Richardi Meighen & Thomas Dew. M. DC xxiii. Folio. +, 4 11: +, 2 11 : A 8— A 6 : A (repeated), 2 11 : B— Ff 2 in four-, last le;if blauk. Dedicated to JohD, Bishop of Lincoln by Selden. E AST-NE W- JERSEY. A Brief Account of the Province of East: New : Jarsey in America : Published by the Scots Proprietors Having Interest there. For the Information of such, as may have a Desire to Transport themselves, or their Families thither. Wherein the Nature and Advantage of, and Interest in a Forraign Plantation to this Country is Demonstrated. Edinburgh, Printed by John Reid, Anno Dom. 1683. 4°, A — B in fours. EDWARD VI., King of England. An Epistle or exhortacion, to vnitie & peace, sent fro the Lorde Protector. & others the kynges moste honorable counsaill of England : To the Nobilitie, Gentlemen, and Commons, and al others the inhabitauntes of the Realme of Scotlande. [Col.] Excvsvm Londini, In jEdibvs Richardi Graftoni.Typographi Regii. Anno salutis humanaj. M.D. xlviii. Cvm Privilegio. . . . b°, A— C 4 in eights. C.C.C. Cambridge. Regias Maiest. Anglias &c. Mandatorvm Epitome ... Ex Auglico Sermone in Lai inum conuersa . . . m.d.xlviii. 8°, A in eights. EDGEWORTH, ROGER, D.D., Canon of Salisbury, Wells, and Bristol, &c. Sermons very fruitf'ull, godly, and learned, preached and sette foorth by Maister Roger Edgeworth . . . Exousum Londini in gedibos Roberti Caly, Tipographi, Mense Septemb. Anno. 1557. 4°. t, 4 leaves: A— Iiii in fours : 4 K, 5 leaves. [Col.] Im- printed at London by Robert Calye, within the precinct of Christes Hospitall. Cum priuilegio. EDWARDS, THOMAS, Minister of the Gospel. Gangnena: Or a Catalogue and Discovery of many of the Errours, Heresies, Blasphe- niie-, and pernicious Practices of the Sec- taries of this time, vented and acted in England in these four last years: . . . [Quot. from Scripture.] London, Printed for Ralph Smith. If. dc. xlvi. 4°. A, 4 lr.-iv s: a, 4 leaves: B— H, in fours: i — k, in f.iurs: I, 4 leaves: K, 2 leaves: no L or M : N- Gg in fours : [the Second part :] title and to the Reader, by James Cranford, 2 leaves: A— Ee 2 in fours: [the third part :] To the Reader, by James Cranford, and title-page, 2 leaves : Preface, 10 leaves : Table, 6 leaves : A — B, in fours : c — d, in fours: D— Hh, in fours: (Li) in fours: Ii *, in fours : Kk — Pp in fours. EGLISHAM, GEORGE. Prodromvs Vindictse . . . Auszdem Latein in das Teutsch obersetzt. Nachgedruckt zu Auzzpurg / . . . 1626. 4°, A— D 2 in fours. ELDER, W., Gentleman. Pearls of Eloquence: ... The Fifth Edition, with Amendments, . . . London, Printed for W. L. and are to be Sold by S. Walsall, at the Heart and Bible in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange. 1685. Sm. 8°. A, 6, besides the frontispiece: B— G in eights : H, 6. The Epistle to All Young Ladies and Gentle- women is subscribed T. W. ELI AS, JOHN, Esquire, an Eyewitness. A True and Strang* Relation of the Travels, Adventures, and great Persecution of Four eminent Quakers of Glocestershire Who in the Year 1673. Travelled through France, Italy, and Turkey, to promote their Religion. . . . With Allowance. Loudon, Printed for L. W. in White-cross street, 1674. 4°, 4 leaves. ELIZABETH TUDOR, Queen of Eng- land. Iniunctions giuen by the Queenes Maies- tie. Anno Dom. 1553. . . . Articles . . . [Col.] Imprinted at London by the Assignement of Robert Barker Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie. Cum Priuilegio Regise Maiestatis. Anno Dom. 1600. 4°. The Injunctions, A— D in fours: Articles, A B 3 in fours, B 4 having been probably blank. With titles to each part in an engraved border. Proclamation Contenant la declaration de lintention de la Bfaieste* dc la Efcoyne, sur lobservation de. la paix, aueoq les E&oyaumefl de France D Escos>-e : & aussi la maniere de proceder pour la seurete" de oes Uoyaumes. ELIZABETH. i=3 ELIZABETH. [Col.] A Londres. Par Rychard Iugge, & lehan Cavvood, imprimeurs pour la Mait'ste' de la Eoine. Lan. m,d,lx. Small 8°, 7 leaves or A in eights, A 8 blank. Sotheby's, Dec. 23rd, 1898, in lot 815. This piece was, it is stated, to lie pointed in EnglHi and French. Elizabeth here gives Mary credit for not being directly responsible tor the intrigues against her, and lays the blame on the house of Guise. By the Queene. [A Proclamation against pretended inquiries into matters concealed.] Yeuen at her hyghnesse pallaceat Westmin- ster, the thirteenth day of February, in the fourteenth yere of her Maiesties raigne. A broadside. A Declaration of the fauourable dealing of her Maiesties Commissioners appointed for the Examination of certaine Traitours, and of tortures vniustly reported to be done vpon them fur matters of religion. 1583. 4°, 4. leaves. Dels Inglesos. Edicte y Reale Pragmatica, ab la qual se prohibeiss, llecca, y ^ida lo commerci e tracte en lo present Regne de Valencia a tot[o]s los Inglesos, y de quales- cuol robes e mercaderes que de alia solien venir. En Valencia, en casa de la viuda de Piedro de Huete, a la plata de la Herba. M. r». lxxxvi. Polio, 2 leaves. The Examinations of Henry Barrowe, Iohn Grenewood, and Iohn Penrie, Before the High Commissioners, and Lordes of the Counsel. Penned by the Prisoners them- selues before their Deaths. Printed 1586. 4°, black letter, 16 leaves. The Examinations of Henry Barrowe John Grenewood and John Penrie / befor the high commissioners / and Lordes of the Counsel. Penned by the prisoners themselues before their deathes. [Quot. from Luke 12. 2 and Eccles.2.14. 1586.] 4°, black letter, A— D in fours. The Examinations of Henry Barrow, John Greenwood, and John Penry, before the High Commissioners and Lords of the Council. . . . London : Printed, for "William Marshall, at the Sign of the Bible in Newgate-street. [About 1680.] 4°. A — F in fours. A reprint of the Elizabethan edition. De Iezabelis Anglse Parricidio Varii Generis Poemata Latina et Gallica. 4°. A — B in fours : A (repeated) — I in fours : K, 1 leaf. "Without a title-page and with D.C.A.C.E. at the end. The above description occurs on the top of A 1 of the fust gathering. The poems are in Latin and Fiench, and relate to the episode of Mary of Scotland, executed in 1587. The copy employed has some corrections in a coeval hand. It was sold in Kovember, 1886, and again iu 1897. This extremely rare book is described as follows in the Libri Catalogue, 1859. " This work has totally escaped the notice of bibliographers, and was probably never published, as there is no title- page It was probably printed in I5s7 or 1688, as tbd various poems relate entirely to the execution of Mary Qu.-cn of Scots. The author, who is extremely bitter against Queen Elizabeth, affixes to several of the poems various initials." — tiotein Sotheby's Catalogue, May 14, 1897. Declaration Des Cavses Qvi ont esmev La Royne D'Angleterre, a donner secours pour la Defence Du peuple afflige & oppresse es pais bas. Imprime A Londres par Chris- tophe Barquer, Imprimeur pour la tres- excellente Maiestie de la Royne D'Angle- terre. 1585. 8°, A — C 4 in eights. Der Konigin von Engelland Declaration, dasNiedi-rlandische Kriegswesen belangend; ausz ffrantzosischer Sprachverdeutschet . . . Erstlich gedrucht zu Lunden . . . 1585. 4°, A — C in fours. Discorso Delia Gverra Bandita contro la B^gina D'Inghilterra. Dal lie di Scozia, e come egli ha preso la Villa di Baruich, e bruciato gran numero di Villa ggi appar- tenenti a detta Regina. La di 9 di Nouem- bre vltimo Sino a oggi. In Pirenze, Ad istanza di Francesco Dini da Colle. 1588. Con licenzia de' Superiori. 4°, 2 leaves. By the Queene. A Proclamation Against certaine seditious and schismatical Bookes and Libels. Giuen at her Maiesties Pallace of Westminster, the xiii. of Februarie, 1588. In the xxxi. yeare of her Highnesse reigne. God saue the Queene. Imprinted at Lon- don by the Deputies of Christopher Barker. . . . 1588. A broadside. Grenv. Coll. A Declaration of the Cavses, which mooved the chiefe Commanders of the Nauie of her most excellent Maiestie the Queene of Eng- land, in their voyage and expedition for Portingal, to take and arrest in the mouth of the Bauer of Lisbone, certaine Shippes of corne and other prouisions of warre bound for the said Citie : Prepared for the seruices of the King of Spaine, . . . Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, . . . 1589. 4°, A— C in fours. An Hvmble Motion With Svbmission vnto the Right Honorable LL. of Hir Maiesties Privie Covnsell. Wherein is laid open to be considered, how necessarie it were for the good of this Lande, and the Queenes Majes- ties safety, that Ecclesiasticall discipline were reformed after theworde of God: And how easily there might be provision for a learned Ministery. . . . Anno 1590. 4°. The copy employed ended imperfectly on O 4. Elisabethen Der Konigin inn Engellandt / vnd Irrlandt / &c. Edict / . . . Gedruckt ELIZABETH. 124 ELYOT. im 1593 Jar. 4°, A — Z in Tours: a— 111 2 in tours. By the Queene. A proclamation respecting the Essex conspiracy God pauetheQueeue. [mprinied ai London by Robert barker Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie. L690. A broadside. The Poores Lamentation for the Death of Ovr Late dread Soueraigne the High and Might in Princesse Elizabeth, late Queene of England, Frano- and Ireland. With their Prayers to God for the High and Mightie Prince lames by the grace of God King of England. Scotland, France and Ireland, de- fender of the Faith, imprinted at London for Thomas Pauier, and are to be solde at his shop in Cornehill, neere the Exchange, at the sigue of the Cat and the Parrets. 1603. 4°, A — B in fours, title on A 2 and B 4 presumably also blank. Bodleian. La Declaracion Qve hizo El Conseio de Estados de la Reyna Isabela de Inglaterra difunta. En favor de Iacobo quinto [.sic] Rey de Escocia, por heredero y sucessor de aquella Corona. A tres dias de Abril de lti03. [Col.] Impresso en Seuilla. . . . Afio de mil y se} r cientos y tres. Folio, 2 leaves. Q. D. B. V. Ex Historia proximi Seculi De Elisabetha Anglise Regina Ampliss. F'acult. Philosoph. indulto sub Proesidio Viri Excel- lentissimi atq; Clarissimi Dn. M. Jacobi Thomasii . . . publico disquirenda pro- ponit, quae hie exhibet, AVolff Christoph Pitterlin/. . . Lipsise; . . . [m. dc.lxxiv.] 4°, A — D in fours. Nouvelles D'Elisabeth Reyne D'Angleterre. Premiere [Et Seconde] Partie. Suivant la Copie imprimee A Paris, Chez Claude Bar- bin. M.WM.XXX. Sin.b Parti. A— E in twelves : Part II. A— E 7 in twelves + title-page. The History of the Most Renowned Queen Elizabeth, And Her Great Favourite The Earl of Essex. In Two Parts. A Romance. London: Printed by T. Norris, at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge. And sold by M. Deacon at the Horse-shoe in Guiltepur street. 4°, A— C in fours. With a woodcut of a vase of (lowers on title. The Secret History of the Ihikcof Alancon and Q. Elizabeth. A True History. London, Printed for Will with the Whisp, at the Sign of the Moon in the Ecliptic. 1691. Sin. 8°, A.— K 6 in twelves. ELLIS, EDMUND, Rector of East Arlington, co. of Dev it. An Epistle to theTruly EteligiouB and Loyal Gentry of the Churoh of England. . . . London, Printed in the \ ear MDCL xxxvii. 4°, -4 leaves subscribed at end Philntheus. ELLIS, JOHN. S. Avs'in Imitated: Or Retractations and Repentings In reference unto the late Civd and Ecclesiastical Changes in this Nation . . . In II. Books. . . . London, Piinti-d by W. ( rodbid, and are to be sold by Tim. thy Garthwait . . . m. do. lxii. *°, A — 3 B in fours, besides the frontispiece. A 1 has the Approbatio. Dedicated to the two Uni- vtr.-ities. ELSYNGE, HENRY, Esquire. The Ancient Method and Manner of Holding Parliaments in England. By Henry Elsynge, Esq; Sometime Clerk of the Parliament. The Third Edition Enlarged. London, Printed for S. S. and to be Sold by Tho. Dring, . . . 1675. Sm. 8°. A, 6 leaves : B— Q in twelves : R, 6. ELTON. RICHARD, Lieut. -Colonel. The Oompleat Body of the Art Military: ... By Richard Elton, Lieveteuant Collontl. Loudon, Printed by R. and W. Le.ybourn, in Monkswel-Street in Lambes Chappel neer Criplegate, 165y. Folio. Title and portrait by Droeshout, iEtatis Suae 3H, 2 leaves: dedication to Lord Fairfax and others, aud verses by various military and other friends, 6 leaves: B— Bb in fours: Cc— Dd, 2 leaves each. With folded plates at pp. 160, 162, 164, 170, 172, 174. ELY, HUMPHREY, L.L.D. Certaine Briefe Notes vpon a Briefe Apolo- gie set out vnder the name of the Priestes vnited to the Archpriest. Drawne by an vnpassionate secular Prieste friend to both partyes, but more friend to the truth. Wherunto is added a seuerall annsweare vnto the particularities obiected against certaine Persons. . . . Imprinted at Paris, by Peter Sevestre. With Priuiledge. yo_ ^ — C in fours: a, 4 leaves, with an Epistle signed II. E.: A— Cc in eights, Cc 7-8 blank : AnAnsvoere . . . A— C in fours: An Answtare, . . . A — E in fours, E 4 blank. ELYOT. SIR THOMAS. Bibliotheoa Bliotse Kliotis Librarie. This Dictionarie now Newly imprinted, Anno Domini, m. i). xiaiii. is augmented and inriohed with aboue, sxxiii. thousande wordes and phrases very aedefull for the Knowloge of 1 he Lit in.- tonge: besyde the descriueyng of the true Bignifioaoions of wordes, which were greatly amisse by oner muche folowyng of Calepin. Cum priuilegio. Polio. A, 7 leaves, A 2 repeated : B 1 B ;t in eighte, bul 1 B is probably wanting in this (Wil- braham) oopy, with the printer's ' ? Berthe- \ e \ b colophon, Dedicated to Edward VI., ENCHIRIDION. 125 ENGLAND. hut the original dedication to Henry VIII. reproduced. ENCHIRIDION. Enchiridion, pclare ecclesie Sarum: deuo- ti:-simis precationibus, ac venustissimis ima- ginib'i et iis quidem non paucis refertura. Pari.-ijs Ex officina libraria vidue spectabilis viri Thielmanni keruer. 1528. [i'ol.] Im- pressus est hoc orarium Parisiis in edibus vidue, spectabilis viri Thielmanni keruer . . . Expensis quidem probi viri Alaidi plomier Mercatoris Anno. 1528. die 11. septembris. Sm. 8°, a— z in eights: A, 4 11: B— G in eights. Woodcuts. Ruth Coll. (on vellum) Sotheby's, June 9, 1888, No. 659, on vellum (a different copy). ENDERBIE, PERCY. Cambria Trivmphans, Or Brittain in its Perfect Lustre, shewing the Origen and Antiquity of that Illustrious Nation. The Succession of their Kings and Princes from the First to King Charles of Happy Memory. The Description of the Countrey : The His- tory of the Antient and Moderne Estate. The manner of the Investure of the Princes, with the Coats of Arms of the Nobility. By Percie Enderbie, Gent. London, Printed for Andrew Crooke, and are to be sold at the Green Dragon in St. Paul's Church- Yard. 1661. Polio. Leaf with the Author's arms, the reverse blank : title, 1 leaf : Dedi- cation to Charles II., 1 leaf : Genealogy of Charles II., 1 leaf : To the Gentle Eeader, dated " from my Chamber at Lantarnam, in Monmothshire, 16. of May, 1661," 2 leaves: B — V 2 in fours, but P has 5 leaves : leaf marked * U 5 (no pp. 149-52) : X— Aa in fours : Bb, 6 leaves : the^Second Tome, with a fresh title, Aa — Oo in fours: three folding un- paged leaves of arms between LI (misprinted Mm) and LI 2 : Pp, 4 leaves : Pp 3 (repeated) — 4, 2 leaves (five unpaged leaves between pp. 278 and 285) : Qq — Zz in fours : Aaa, 6 leaves. A long account of this work will be found in Savage's Librarian, ii., 49 — 74. ENGLAND. [Fructus Temporum. A leaf unmarked with five woodcuts, including royal arms crowned and a Knight on horseback. On the verso top right hand column occurs:] Here be- gyneth a shorte and a breue table on the Cronycles / [On A i verso col. 2 occurs : Ex- plicit Prologus. Hie incipit Fructus tempore At the end.] Here endyth this present Cronycle of Englonde with the fruyte of tymes. compyled in A booke. And also newely Enprynted in the yere of our lorde god. M. ccccc. & xv. by me Julyan Notary dwellynge in Powlys chyrche yarde besyde y westedore by my hordes palyes. Folio. Leaf as above with cuts, Table (at the end of which the Description of Britain is men- tioned as coming at the end) and a second page of cuts, 4 leaves : a— z in sixes : a sheet of 4 leaves. "With woodcuts. The Dyscrypcyon of Englonde commences with a headline on y i (unmarked), below which fol- lows : " Here foloweth a lytell treatyse the whycho truateih of the descripcion of lhis lode whiche of old thyme wasname Albvon. And after Brytayne And nowe is called Englonde and speketh of y noblesse 4- in eights. On the top of leaf A 2 occurs in a coeval hand : " This was prepair'd Mav 09 Just before y rising of the last Sessions of parliament." England Fully Described in a Compleat Sett of Mapps of y County's of England and Wales, with their Islands, Containing in all 58 Mapps. Printed & Sold by Henry Over- ton at y white Horse without Newgate London. Polio. The 58 maps + title engraved by R. White and Table, 2 leaves. England Exactly Described Or a Guide to Travellers In a Compleat Sett of Maps of AH the Counties of England ; Being a Map for each County, Wherein every Towne and Village is Particularly Express'd. . . . Very'Usefull for Gentlemen and Travellers being made fit for the Pockett. Printed Coloured and Sold by Tho : Taylor at ye Golden Lyon in Fleetstreet where are Sold all Sorts of Mapps and fine French Dutch and Italian Prints. Obi. 8°. Title and Table, 5 11 : and the Maps. Les Conspirations d'Angleterre, Ov L'His- toire Des Troubles suscites dans ce Boyaume, De puis L'an 1600. Jusques a L'an 1679, Inclusivement. A Cologne Chez Jean Le Blanc. M. DC lxxx. Sm. 8°. Title, adver- tisement and Table, 3 leaves: A— Y in twelves: Z, 8. England* Grand Memorial : The Unparallel'd Plot to destroy his Majesty, subvert the Protestant Religion: And Sir Edimmdburie (Jo lfrev's Murder made Visible. Whereunto is added his Character. London, Printed by Tli. Dawks in Black-fryers, and at the Blew Anchor in Ludgate-atreet, 1680. A large broadside, with portraits of the Discoverers, Godfrey, and the King, and other engravings, and a letterpress narrative. A Declaration of the Libert yes of the English Nation, Principally with reaped to Forests. London, Printed for Richard Janeway, in Queens-head AllyinPater-noater-Eow, 1681. 4.o 5 c— F in fours i 8 11. including title and preface. The pagination and signatures are irregular. A new edition of the Oiarla de Forr,i*. A True and Exact History of the succession of the Crown of England : Collected out of Records, and the best Historians Written for the Information of such as have been deluded and seduced by the Pamphlet, called The Brief History of the Succession, &c. pretended to have been written for the Satisfaction of the Earl of H. London, Printed for Cave Pulleyne, in the Year MDCLXXXI. Folio, B — M 2 leaves each: a leaf of N, and the title. An Impartial Enquirv into the Adminis- tration of Affairs in England. With some Reflections on the Kings Declaration of July 27, 1683. . . . Printed Anno 1683. 4°, A — L in fours + the title. Memoires D'Angleterre. A la Have, Chez Henri van Bulderm, Marchand Libraire, . . . 1698. Sm. 8°. Engraved title, Preface, &c. 2 leaves : map of Great Britain and Ireland: A-R in twelves: S,10: T— V in eights. With folding plates at pp. 28, 34, 96 236, 254, 276, 280, 298, 304, 352, 360, 388, 390 (2), 402, 414 (2), 416, and 420. At the commencement of the hook occurs this headline: "Memoires et Observations Faites par un Voyageur Sur ce qu'il a trouve de plus curieux 3° ERASMUS. beate Marie Virginia. [Col.] Imprynted at Rouen / by Jhon prest / for Robert Valentin / dwellynge / be our Lady churche. 8°, A — K 4 in eights. Hodgson's, August 12, 1898, No. 1254. The Epistles and Gospelles, of euerye Sun- daye, & holy day thorow oute the whole yeare, after the church of Englande. If Cum priuilegio . . . [Col.] Imprinted at London by me Thomas Gaultier, for John Waley, dwelling in Foster lane Anno. 1551. the .19. daye of May. 8°, A-L in eights. EPISTOL^E. De Rebvs Iaponicis, Indicis, Et Pervanis Epistolse Recentiores. A Ioanne Hayo Dalgattiensi Scoto Societatis Iesv in librum vnum coacernatae. Antwerpise, Ex Officina Martini Nutij, . . . m. dc. v. 8°, Aa — Zz in eights repeated : Aaa — Ttt 2 in eights. Dedicated by Hay from Antwerp, to Michael de Monchy, Canon of the Cathedral of Rouen. Edited by John Hay of Dalkeith, of the Society of Jesus. ERASMUS, DESIDERIUS, of Rotter- dam. Erasmi Roterodami De ratione studij, ac legendi interpretandio, ; authores libellus aureus . . . Erasmi Concio de puero Iesv in schola Coletica Londini institute pnuntianda . . . [Col.] Argentorati, Ex Aedibus Matthias Schurerij, Mense Ianuanj, Anno m.d.xviii. 4°. A»: B 4 : C 4 : D 8 . D» has the mark and privilege. Vtriusq? lingue doctissimi Erasmi Rotero- dami de ineffabili Jesu puero concio eius- deq3 expostulatio Jesu cum homine suapte c\ilpa pereunte. [Col.] Impressum Nuren- berge per Fridericum Peypus. 4°, A 4 : B6. On A ij occurs as a headline : Concio de puero Jesu pronuneiata a puero in schola coletica nuper instituta Londini. E. R. auctore. An epystell of y famous / doctor Erasmo, of Roterdam / vnto the reuerende father & excellent Prince / Christofer bysshop of Basyle / cocernyng the forbedynge of eatynge of Hi— -ho /and lyke constitutyons of men, &c. [Col.] Printed at London by Thomas God- fray. Cu priuilegio regali. 8°, A — I 4 in eights. The epistle is dated from Basle on Easter Monday, 1522. A Sermon made: by the famous Doctor Erasmus of Roterodame. [This is within the border of naked women as in A Pore Jlelpe, &c. At the end :] Here endeth a 6ermon made : by the famous Doctor Eras- mus of Roterodame. Imprynted by me Robert Wycr / dwellynge at the sygne of ■aynt John euangelyste ; in saynt Bfartyoa parysfhe / besyde Charynge cros6e / in the bysshop of Norwytche rentes. Cum priui- legio regali. 8°, a— b in eights : o, 6. With "Wyer'8 large device on c 6 verso. A ryght frutefull Epvstle / deuysed by the moste excellent clerke Erasmus / in laude and prayse of matrymony / translated in to Englyshe / by Rychard Tauernour / which translation he bathe dedicate to the ryght honorable Thomas Cromwel most worthy Counseloure to our souerayne lorde kyn< Henry the eyght. Cvm Privilegio Regali. [Col.] Imprynted at London in Fletslrete at the sygne of the George by me Robert Redman. Cvm Privilegio Regali. 8°, A— D in eights. York Minster Library. De imraensa dei misericordia. A sermon of the excedynge great mercy of god made by the most famous doctour maister Erasmus Roterodamus / Translated out of Latin into eDglisshe at the reqst of y most honorable & vertuous lady the Lady Margaret Coute->e of Salysbury. [The rest of the page is occupied by a woodcut of Jesus enclosed in a border of pieces. At the end:] Thus endeth the sermo of thexcedyg mercy of god. Im- printed at London in Fletestrete / in y house of Thomas Berthelet / nere to y Cun- dite / at the signe of Lucrece. Cum priui- legio a rege indulto. 4°, A — L in fours : M, 6. Dedicated by Gentian Hervet to the Countess of Salisbury. On the back of the title is a woodcut of the Descent from the Cross. Sotheby's, June 20, 1901, No. 925. A deuoute treatise vpon the Pater noster, made fyrst in laty-n by the moost famous doctour mayster Erasmus Roterodamus, and turned into englishe by a yoge vertuouse and well lerned gentylwoman of xix. yere of age. [Col.] Thus endeth thexposicion of the Pater noster. Imprinted at Lodon in Flete- strete / by Thomas Berthelet / print it vnto the Kynges mooste noble grace / dwellynge at the sygne of Lucrece. Cum priuilegio. 4°, a — f in fours. The translator was the daughter of Sir Thomas More. Enchiridion militis Christiani, . . . newly corrected and amended. Cum priuilegio . . . [Col.] Imprinted at London in Poules Churchyard at the signe of the Bel by Robert Toy. Cum priuilegio . . . 8°, A — U in eights, l T 7 with colophon and U 8 probably blank. Bodleian. A short e Recapitulation or abrigement of Erasmus Enchiridion, brefely c-oinpivhen- dinge the summe and contentes therof. Very Profitable and necessary to be rede of all trcw Christen men. Drawne out by M. Couerdale Anno. 1545. . . . [Col.] Im- printed at Ausborch by Adam Anonimus In ERASMUS. ESSEX. the moneth of May. Anno. 1 545. 8°, A — E 4 in eights. Peterborough Cath. Lib. The first tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the newe testamente. En- printed at Loudon in Flete-slrete at the signe of the sunne by Edwarde Whitchurche, the last daie of Januarie. Anno Domini. 1543. Cum priuilegio . . . [Col.] The ende of the first Tome of the Paraphrasis, Printed at London by Edwarde Whitchurche . . . (ii ) The seconde tome or volume . . . Impriented at London in Flete-strete at the sigue of the Sunne by Edwarde Whit- churche, the xvi. daye of August. Cum priuilegio . . . Anno do. J 549. Folio. Vol. I. A— Q in eights, Q 8 blank : a— 1 in eights : m, 10 : A — PPp in eights ; but 9 leaves in last sheet: AAA — KKK in eights : LLL, 10 leaves, with the mark on the last page. Vol. II. ►£ , 6 leaves ; ►£< ►£ , 6 leaves : A — EEEEe 3 in sixes : *, 2 leaves : •T, 6 leaves: m B— m G in sixes: H, 6 leaves : «T I, 8 : «T«r A— mm F in sixes : «r*T G, 4, with the mark on last page. This work was executed by Nicholas Udall, Miles Coverdale, Thomas Key, wen to Thomas I hint of Boreatton Esq. and preface, 4 leaves: H 11 in twelves. With a portrait of Owen by Sutton Nicholls, an. »t. 51. EVELYN. JOHN, F.R.S. A Character of England . . . London, Printed for Jo. Crooke, . . . 1659. Sm. 8°, A — C in twelves. In this impression tho word Church In the im- print is also omitted. Sylva, Or a Discourse of Forest-Trees, . . . All which several Treatises are in this Third EVELYN. 133 EXPOSITIO. Edition much Inlarged, and Improved. By John Evelyn Esq ; Fellow of the Royal Society. . . . London, Printed for John Martyn, . . . MDCLXxrx. Folio. Title, 1 leaf : *, 4 leaves : A, 4 leaves : a — n, 2 11. each : B — 3 M 2 in fours, Inst leaf with Errata. With separate titles to Terra and Pomona, dated 1678, and a few cuts. Silva, Or a Discourse of Forest-Trees, And the Propagation of Timber in His Majesty's Dominions . . . All which several Treatises are in this Fourth Edition much Inlarg'd and Improv'd, By the Author John Evelyn, Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society. . . . London : Printed for Robert Scott . . . mdccvi. Folio, Portrait by Nanteuil, title and dedication, 3 11 : * — 4 * in fours : B — 6 N 2 in fours. With engravings. Sotheby's (Morris), Dec. 7, 1898, No. 523, with the following inscription on flyleaf: " Donum Carissiuii Joannis Evelyn Magni Autiris "Nepotis, patemse A avitae doctrinae semuli. A° Dnj 1706 Mense Augusto," in Thomas Rawlinson's hand- writing. Kalendarium Hortense : . . . The Sixth Edition, with many useful additions. Lon- doD, Printed by John Martyn, . . . mdclxxvi. Sm. 8°, A — M in eights, A 1 and M 4-6 blank. EVENKELLIUS, ACATIUS. Gymnasiarchon, Or, The Schoole of Poten- tates. Wherein is shewn. The Mutability of Worldly Honour. Englished, with some Illustrations and Observations, by T. N. Philonomon. [Quot. from Seneca and Psalms.] London, Printed by Richard Bishop. 1648. 8°, A— Ff in eights. With a preface by the translator and an Adver- tisement by the author " to such as are in grace and favour with princes." The translator was Thomas Nash of the Inner Temple, author of Quaternio, 1633. EVERARD, EDMUND, Esquire. Discourses on the Present State of the Pro- testant Princes of Europe : Exhorting them to an Union and League amongst themselves, Against all Opposite Interest, . . . Wherein the General Scope of this Horrid Popish Plot is laid down, and presented to Publick View. . . . London, Printed for Dorman Newman. . . . 1679. Folio, A— M, 2 leaves each, A 1 with Imprimatur by the Author. On the title Everard describes himself as " Kept four years close Prisoner in the Tower by the Contrivance of some English Subjects plotting against us in France, whom he five years since discovered; and was lately justified and released by his Majesty." EVERARD, ROBERT. An Antidote for the Newcastle Priests, to Expell their Poyson of Envy, which they vented in a Letter to the L. Generall Cromwell. And in their Articles which they exhibited against Capt. Everard. . . . Printed for the Author, and are to be sold by W. L. at the Black-Moore neer Fleet- Bridge. 1652. 4°. Title and to the Reader, 2 11 : B, 4 11 : B (repeated), 4 11 : C, 2 11. EVERINDEN, HUMPHREY. A Brothers Gift : Containing an Hvndred Precepts, Instructing all sorts of people to a godly, honest, and morall life. London, Printed for Iohn Wright, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Bible without Newgate. 1623. 8°, A— C 4 in eights. In prose, except a few verses at the end. Dedicated "To his Loving Cousin M. Thomas Smith," by Humphry Everinden. B.M. The author was a man of Puritanical opinions, and Mr. Fortescue of the British Museum tells me that his sentiments remind one of Colonel Everard in Scott's Woodstock. The Reward of the Wicked. Preached in a Sermon at Linfield in Sussex, . . . The fift Edition. . . . London, Printed for Robert Bird, . . . 1635. Sm. 8°, A in eights, A 8 blank. With a preface of Humphrey Everinden to the Reader. EXAMEN. Examen Legum Anglise : Or, The Laws of England Examined, By Scripture, Antiquity, and Reason. Cujus Author AnagrammatoiS est, 'Avofios 0Sa a)s £apu. . . . London : Printed by James Cottrel, 1656. 4°, A— Z in fours + Errata, 1 leaf. Examen Miscellaneum. Consisting of Verse and Prose. Of Verse, By The most Honourable the"} (M r - Waller. Marquis of Normanby. W M rs - Wharton. The late Lord Rochester. ) ( W- Wolseley. With Satires and Fables, and Translations from Anacreon. . . . London, Printed for B. L. and Sold by John Chantry, . . . 1702. 8°, A— N in eights + a, 8 11. The prose part is chiefly taken from the ancient writers. Dedicated by the anonymous editor to the Duke of Schomberg. EXPOSITIO. Expositio Hymnorum totius Anni Secundii vsum Sarum diligentissime recognitorum Multis elucidation ibus aucta. Impressa Antuerpie per me Michaelem hillenium Hoochstratanum. mdii. (ii.) Expositio sequentiaru totius anni secundu vsum Sar . . . [No imprint, but same place and date] 4°. The Hymni, A, 8 : B, 4 : C, 4 : D, 8 : E, 4 : F, 8 : G, 4 : H, 6 : I, 4. The Sequential, AA, 8 : BB— CC, 4 each : DD, 8 : EE, 4 : FF, 8 : GG, 4 : HH, 6 : II, 1 leaf (but apparently imperfect at end). Expositio Hymnorum totius Anni Secundum usum Sarum diligentissime recognitorum EXrOSITIO. 134 F. G. Multis elucidationibus aucta. Impressa Ant- werpie per me Michaelem hillenium Hooch- stratanurn. (ii.) Expositio sequentiarum totius aniii . . . Et venundantur in Oppido London In cemiterio sancti Pauli. 4°. The Hymns, 50 leaves : the Sequences, the same. Lambeth. Expositio hymnoty totius anni secundu vsii Saru diligetissime recognitor multis eluci- dationibus aucta. [This is over a common woodcut of master and pupils. Col.] Im- pressas londonij per winandu de worde . . . Anno dni mccccc secundo. septima die mensis octobris Deo sint gratias. Amen. 4°, A — I in eights and sixes. (ii.) Expositio sequentiarum secundum vsum Sarum Diligenter recognita et aucta. [same cut.] At the end : Sequentiarum seu prosarum sedm vsum Sarum in ecclesia Anglicana Londonii per winandum de worde impressarum . . . Anno millesimo quin- gentesimosecundo. die xxix. mensis decem- bris expositio finit. 4°, aa— hh in sixes : ii, 8 11. Expositio sequetiaru totius anni sciim vsum Sarum diligentissime recognitarum multis elucidationibus aucta. Impressa Lodini per wynadii de worde in parrochia sancte Brigide in vico anglice nuncupate (the fletestrete) ad signu solis comorantem : [This title is over a cut of the schoolmaster and pupils : at the end is added :] Anno dni Millesimo quingentesimo decimoquinto. Die vero 00 tauo mensis Junij. 4°. A 8 : B 4 : C 8 : D 4 : E8 : F 4 : G 8 : H 4 : I 4 . Sotheby's, May 25, 1898, No. 140, slightly im- perfect. It is even probable that there should be a device at end, making 1 5, perhaps followed by a blank. EXQUEMELIN, J. The History of the Bucaniers of America : . . . In this Second Edition is Added the Dangerous Voyages and Bold Attempts of Capt. Cook, and Capt. Sharp, in the South- Sea: With a Description of the Cities of Panama, Hispaniola, Tortuga, &c. A New mapp of the South-Sea and Sea-Coasts of America : Together, With the Effigies of the Bucaniers, Curioutdy done in Nineteen Copper-Plates. In IV Parts Compleat. London, Printed for William Whitwood ; And Sold by Anthony Feltham, in West- minster-Hall, 1695. 4°. Title, Advertise- ment to second edition, and preface, 6 11 : pp. 1-47. pp 1-80, pp. 1 84 + Table, 6 11 : Part 4, Preface, 7 11 : pp. 1-212 + Table and Advertisements, 11 leaves ; besides the portraits, plates and map. The plates are at part 2, p. 18, 32, 54 ; part 3, p. 14, 26 ; part 4, p. 98. The copy used had no title-page to part 4. The History of the Bucaniers of America; Prom their First Original down to this Time ; Written in Several Languages; and now Collected into one Volume. . . . The Whole newly Translated into English, and Illustrated with 25 Copper Plates. London : Printed for Tho. Newborough. . . . 1699[-8.1 8°. Title and Preface, 2 11 : B — Mm in eights : Journal of the Sieur Raveneau de Lussan and Voyage of the Sieur de Montauban, with a new title dated 1698— title and Certificate, 2 11 : A— N 6 in eights. With the 25 maps and engravings accompanying the letterpress. F. E. A Letter from a Gentleman of Quality in the Country, to his Friend, Upon his being chosRii a Member to serve in the Approaching Parliament, and desiring his Advice. Being an Argument Relating to the Point of Suc- cession to the Crown : Shewing from Scrip- ture, Law, History, and Reason, how Impro- bable (if not impossible) it is to Bar the next Heir in the Right Line from the Succession. Printed in the year 1679. Folio, A— E, 2 11. each. This epistle is addressed to A. B. F. E. S. [Edmund Lechmerb, D.D., alias Stratford.] Dispvtation of the Chvrch. Wherein the old Religion is maintained. By E. S. F. At Doway, By the widdow of Mark Wyon, at the signe of the golden Phoenix 1640. With Permission. 8°. Pp. 628 + 12 11. + 11. W. M. Voynich's Third List, 1901, No. 1244. Lechmere also seems to have written under the initials B. F. Hiberniae Sive Antiqvioris Scotia? Vindicia; aduersus Immodestam Pareabasim Thomae Dempsteri moderni Scoti nuper Editam In quibus currente calamo innumera ipsius Dempsteri impostunv, & mondacia detegun- lur, atq ; ipse leui penicillo depingitur, vt intelligat, - Quod Quiqua vult dicif. <]mr nan vult audit. His accessit Nomenclatura Scotorum & Scotia, &c. Authore G. F. Veridico Hiberno. Antverpia\ Apud Her- F. N. '35 FAIRFAX. mannvm Copman. M. DC xxi. 8°. a, 2 leaves: A — H 7 in eights. Dedicated to Francesco Barberini. F.N. The Husbandmans fruitfull Orchard. Shew- ing Diuers rare new secrets . . . Neuer before published. At London Imprinted for Roger Iackson and are to bee sold at his shop in Fleet-street neere the conduit. 1608. 4°. A, 2 : B— D in fours : E, 2. The running title is: The Fruiterers secret). F.J. A most breefe manner of Instruction, to the principles of Christian Religion. By J. F. [Quot. from Psal. 34 and 1 Peter 3. 11.] Imprinted at London by Hugh Singleton. 8°, A in eights. F. L. An Answer Returned to the Letter from Legorn, By a Merchant concerned in the Ship. Folio, 2 leaves. F. R. [? RICHARD FLECKNOE.] Epitaph upon The Honourable and Truly Noble Sir Kenelm Digby K*. Chancellour to Her Majesty the Queen-Mother. London, Printed for H. Herringman. 1665. A broad- side with two 4-line stanzas subscribed R. F. F. S. M r - Toland's Clito Dissected. And Fuller's Plain Proof of the True Mother of the Pre- tended Prince of Wales Made out to be no Proof. In two Letters from a Gentleman in the Country to his Friend in London. — Par Nobile Fratrum. London : Printed in the Year 1700. Price Sixpence. 8°, A— Ein fours. Remarks upon Fuller's full Demonstration, That the Pretended Prince of "Wales was the Son of M rs - Mary Grey, &c. In a Letter to a Friend. . . . London : Printed in the Year 1702. Price Six-Pence. 8°. A, 7 leaves : B— F in fours, no E. F. T. Newes from the North, Otherwise called the Conference between Simon Certain, and Pierce Plowman, faithfully collected and gathered by T. F. Student. Aut bibe aut A bi. Imprinted at London at the long shop adioyning vnto S. Mildreds Church in the Pultrie by Iohn Allde. 1579. 4°, A— Lin fours. Dedicated to Sir Henry Sidney Knight, K.G. Bodleian (two copies, one wanting title). On the back of the title-pape are two 4-line stanzas headed : " The Printer to Simon Certain and Pierce Plowman." With verses by W. M., Anthony Munday, Thomas Procter, and John Peterhouse. F.T. The Soveraigns Prerogative and the Subjects Priviledge Discussed betwixt Courtiers and Patriots in Parliament Th« Third and Fourth Years of the Reign of King Charles: To- gether with the Grand Mysteries of State then in Agitation. London, Printed for Martha Harrison 1657. Folio, IT and Hf in fours : A, 2 leaves : B — Tt in fours. F. V. V. and W. G. Priscianus Nascens Or A Key to the Gram- mar School. Serving much to the Exposition of the Grammatical Rules of Lilly, . . . London, Printed for William Garret, and are to be sold by Timothy Garthwait. 1660. 8°. t, 8 11 : a, 4 leaves : A — L in eights : (ii.) Priscianus Nascens, [the Second Part] with a new title, 1 leaf : Preface, 1 leaf : B 2 — K 6 in eights. With an engraving on each title of a Dame-School. FABER, JOHANN. Oratio De Origine, Potentia, ac tyrannide Thurcorum, Ad Serenissimum & potentissi- mum Heuricum Anglise & Francise Regem. &c. Eius nominis Octauum. Dicta Londini. . . . m.d. xxvui. 8°, A — C 4 in eights. FAGE, ROBERT, Esquire. Cosmography Or A Description of the Whole World, Represented (by a more exact and certain Discovery) in the Excel- lencies of its Scituation, . . . Very delightful to be read in so small a Volum. . . . By Robert Fage Esquire. London, Printed by S. Griffin for John Overton at the AVhite-Horse in Little Brittain, next door to Little St. Bartholomews-Gate 1667. Sm. 8°. Title, to the Reader, and blank leaf before title, 5 leaves : A 2— L 4 in eights. FAIRFAX, NATHANIEL, M.D., of Woodbridge. A Treatise of the Bvlk and Selvedge of the World. Wherein the Greatness, Littleness and Lastingness of Bodies are freely Handled. With an Answer to Tentamina de Deo, By S. P. D. D. London, Printed for Robert Boulter, . . . mdclxxiv. 8°. A, 7 leaves, title on A 2 : b, 8 : c, 4 : B— O in eights, last 2 11. with Advertisements. Dedi- cated to Sir William Blois, Knight. The Epistle, Preface, and Book generally, are pleasantly written. FAIRFAX, SIR THOMAS. New Propositions From His Excellency S«* Thomas Fairfax, Sent to the Kings most Excellent Majesty: With His Reasons, Why He did not conduct His Majesty to White-Hall, When His Excellency marched through the City. As also, the time When His Majesty shall come, and upon what tearmes and conditions. And the substance of the Armies new Proposals, to be signed by King and Parliament. [Portraits of Chartes I. and Fairfax, the latter holding FA1RLAMBE. 36 FARQUHAR. his hat in his hand] Printed at Oxford by Leonard Brown, and Reprinted at London for Robert AYilliarus, Anno Doin. 1647. 4°, 4 leaves. FAIRLAMBE, PETER. The Recantation of a Brownist. Or A Reformed Pvritan. Written by One that hath altogether, bin led in the same erronious oppinions for many yeeres together: and therevpon banished this Realme. And now since bis conuersion, hath and doth approue, the holy Discipline, by the Auneient Pastors, Doctors and Elders ... At London printed for Henry Gosson, and are to be sold at the signe of the Sunne, in Paternoster rowe. 1606. 4°, A— H 2 in fours, A 1 blank. Dedicated by Fairlambe from his house at Ratcliffe, 4 October, 1606, to the Earl of Effingham. EALDO, THOMAS, of Gray's Inn. Reformation of Proceedings at Law. By way of Petition, Dedicated to the Honour- able Committee of Parliament, for Reforma- tion of Courts of Justice, and Proceedings at Law. Nvllius addictus jurare in Verba Mag'stri. Printed by Hen: Hils, living over against St. Thomas's Hospitall in Southwarke. 1649. 4°, A— D 2 in fours. FALCONBRLDGE or FAUCON- BRIDGE. The Famous Historie of George Lord Fav- conbridge, Bastard Son to Richard Corde- lion, King of England. Begotten in his royal Tower, vpon the princely Clarabel, Daughter to Don Iohn Duke of Austria, sirnamed The Worldes faire Concubine Shewing his Knightly Aduentures, . . . Printed at London by I. B. and are to be sold by lames Dauies at his shop neere Fleet Conduit. 1616. 4°, A— F in fours, title on A 2. "Woodcut on title, repeated on F 4 verso. FALE, T. Horologiographia. The Art of Dialling: . . . At London Imprinted by Felix Kyngston dwelling in Pater noster-Row. 1626. 4°, A— T in fours. FALISCUS, GRATIUS. Gratii Falisci Cynegetioon, Cum Poematio Cognoiiiiiir M. A. Olympii Nemesiani Car- thagensis : Notifl perpetuis, variisq ; Lectio- nibus adornavil Thomas Johnson, M.A. Accedunt Hier. Fracastorii A Icon, Carmen Pastoritium : Jo. Cadi, Angli, De Canibus Libellus: . . . Londini : Impensis Car. Harper. . . . mdcxcix. Sm. 8°. A, 4 11: B — O in eights, last seven pages with Advertisements. FANNANT, THOMAS. Clerk. An Historical Narration of the Manner and Form of that Memorable Parliament, which wroughl Wonders. Begun at Westminster 1386, in the tenth yeare of Kins.'- Richard the Second. Related and published by Thomas Fannant, Clerke. Printed in the yeare 1641. 4°, A— E 3 in fours: F in fours, the catchword The occurring at the right corner of F 4 verso. Prefixed is a fine large portrait of Richard II. after Elstrack or Delaram with an inscription beneath. FANSHAWE, SIR RICHARD. Original Letters Of his Excellency Sir Richard Fanshaw, During his Embassies in Spain and Portugal: Which, together with divers Letters and Answers from the Chief Ministers of State of England, Spain and Portugal, contain the whoie Negotiations of the Treaty of Peace between those Three Crowns. London, Printed for A. Roper [and others]. . . . 1702. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— Kk in eights, Kk 8 with Adver- tisements. A short biography of Fansliawe is prefixed. FAREWELL, CHRISTOPHER. An East-India Colation ; Or, A Discourse of Trauels; Set forth in sundry Observations, briefe and delightfull; Collected by the Author in a Voyage he made unto the East Indies, of almost foure -\eares continuance. Written by C. F. [Quot. from Eccles. 34., 11.] London Printed by B. A. and T. F. 1633. Sm. 8°. A, 4 leaves: B— F 3 in eights : F (repeated)— G 4 in eights. With verses headed The Boole 1o the Reader on the back of the title. B.M. The coi cluuing portion is occupied by a Sermon to the Indians. The present copy is the (duplicate) Grenville, and was probably the Heber, one. FARNABT, GILES. Altvs. Canzonets to Fowre Voyces, With a Song of eight parts. Compiled by Giles Farnaby Bachilar of Musicke. London. Printed by Peter Short dwelling on Bred- street Ml at the signe of the Mar. m.d.xcviii. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — D in fours. Dedicated to Ferdinando Heaburn, Groom of the Queen's Chamber. FARQUHAR. GEORGE. Sir Harry Wildair : Being the Sequel of the Trip to the Jubilee. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, By Hi- Majesty's Servants. Written by Mr. George Farquhar. London : Printed for James Kuapton, . . . 1701. 4°, X— G in fours. Dedicated to the Earl of Albemarle. Love and Business ; In a Collection of Oo- cisional Verse, and Epistolary Prose, Not Hitherto Publish'd. A Discourse likewise upon Comedy in Reference to the English FA USTUS. 137 FESTEAU. Stage. In a Familiar Letter. By Mr. George Farqhuar. En Orenge il n'y a point d orange. Loudon, Printed for B. Linlott, . . . 1702 ... 8°, A— L in eights. On the flyleaf of the copy used occurs : " Minor Wrottesley Her Book 1702. Elinor Wrottesley." FAUSTUS. The History of the Damnable Life, and Deserved Death of Dr. John Faustus . . . London, Printed by W. H. for William "Whitwood, and are to be sold by the Book- sellers of London, 1690. 4°, A — K in fours. Woodcut on title. The History of the Damnable Life, and deserved Death of Dr. John Faustus. . . . London : Printed by C. Brown, for M. Hotham, at the Black Boy on London- bridge, and Sold by the Booksellers. 4°, A — K 3 in fours, K 4 probably blank. Woodcut on title. The second report, of Doctor John Faustus . . . London, Printed for Ralph Smith at the Bible in the Piazza under the Royal- Exchange in Cornhil. 1680. 4°, A — H in fours. Woodcut on title. FAVOUR, JOHN, LLD.,ofNew College, Oxford, Rector of Halifax. Antiqvitie Trivmphing over Noveltie : Whereby it is proved that Antiquitie is a true and certaine Note of the Christian Catholicke Chvrch and verity, . . . London, Printed by Richard Field dwelling in Great Woodstreet. 1619. 4°, A— Pp in eights: Qq, 5 leaves, including Errata. Dedicated to the Archbishop of York by the author his chaplain. FEAKE, CHR. The Oppressed Close Prisoner in Windsor- Castle, His Defiance to the Father of Lyes, in the strength of the God of Truth . . . London, Printed for L. Chapman, . . . 1655. 4°, A— Q in fours. FELL, JOHN, D.D., Dean of Christ Church, Oxford. The Life of The most Learned, Reverend and Pious D r - H. Hammond. London, Printed by J. Flesher for Jo. Martin, . . . mdclxi. 8°, A — Q 4 in eights. FELTHAM, OWEN. Resolves. Divine, Morall, Politicall. By Ow. Feltham. A Second Edition of the Firet Centvrie. London, Printed for Henry Seile, at the Tygers head, in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1628. 4°, A— G in eights, including engraved title, a separate title to the Second Century making G 8: *, 4 11: H— Bb in eights : Cc, 4 11. The First Century is inscribed to Lady Dorothy Crane, daughter of Lord Hobart, the Second to Lord Coventry. FENTON, EDWARD. So Shod a Catechi- in Wri- tinge ; and are to bee soulde at his house in Fetter lane, London, at the signe of the hande and golden Penne. Anno 1616. Obi. 4°, 27 leaves, all engraved. Sotheby's, April 26, 1898, No. 761, probably imperfect. Calligraphotechnia or The Art of faire wri- ting sett forth and newly enlarged by Ri : Gethinge M r - in the said Art dwelling in Fetter-lane at the hand and Penne and are to be soulde by William Humble at the white horse in Popes head alley ouer against the roiall Exchange in London Anno domini 1642. Obi. 4°, 36 leaves, the whole engraved, the first leaf having on the left hand side a portrait of the author (a native of Hertford- shire) Jit : 32. GIBBS, DR. A Consolatory Poem Humbly Address'd to His Royal Highness. Upon the much Lamented Death of His Most Illustrious Highness, William, Duke of Gloucester. London, Printed for John Hartley, . . . 1700. Folio, A— B, 2 11. each + the title. GIFT. A new yeres gift, or an Heavenly Acte of Parliament : Concerning how every true Christian should lyve : made and enacted by our Soveraigne Lorde God, and all the whole Clergie of Heaven conseutinge to the same. [Eccles. 6. Make no tarrying. . . .] Imprinted at London, in Fletestrete, by William How, for Richarde Johnes. Anno 1569. 8°. Collier's Bill. Cat., ii., 31. Jones the publisher states that he did not kDo-v the author, and that the tract seemed to have been written long ago. A New-Years-Gift, 1651. Being the yeare of Liberty, as in Levit. 25. 13. For all those that have laid out chearefully, or valiantly, their purses or persons, to Englands happy Parliament, for iniquity to have an end. . . . [No place, &c] 8°, A— B 4 in eights. The date has been altered at the time to 1650. GILBERT, ELEAZAR, Preacher to the Scots Congregation in Keydon. Newes from Poland. Wherein is declared the cruell practice of the Popish Clergie against the Protestants, and in particular against the Ministers of the City of Vilna, in the great Dukedome of Lithuania, under the Governement of the most Illustrious Prince, Duke Radzivill. . . . London : Printed by E. P. for Nathanael Butter, . . . 1641. 4°, A, 2 11 : B— E in fours. Dedi- cated from the writer's study in St. Mary Axe, London, to Robert, Lord Bruce, Baron of Kinloss, only son to Thomas, Earl of Elgin. E 4 verso is occupied by an anagram on Lord William Cavendish. Kinloss has been substituted in the present copy in coeval writing, perhaps by the Author, for the word originally printed. GILBERT, SAMFEL. The Florists Vade-Mecum. . . . The Second Edition corrected. By Samuel Gil- bert, Phileremus. London: Printed for J. Taylor . . . and J. Wyat. . . . 1693. Sm. 8°, A— H 6 in twelves. Dedi- cated in verse to Margaret, Lady Packington. The Florists Vade-Mecvm. . . . The Third Edition, Enlarged. London ; Printed for J. Taylor, . . . G. Coniers, . . . and T. Ballard, . . . 1702. Price One Shilling. Sm. 8°, A— G in twelves. GILBERT, WILLIAM, of Colchester. Tractatus, sive Physiologia Nova De Mag- nete, ... a Guilielmo Gilberto. . . . Omnia nunc diligenter recognita, & emenda- tiufl quam ante in lucem edita, aucta & figuris illustrata, opera & studio D. Wolfgangi Lochmaus. I.U.D. & Mathematici. . . . Sedini, . . • Anno M. DC. xxxiii. 4°, Title, Preface, and Verses, 4 11 : A— Mm in fours, Mm 4 with directions to the Binder for placing the plates separate from the letterpress. GILBERT, WILLIAM. The Young Anglers Companion : Containing GILDEN. 161 GL O UCES TERSHIRE. The whole Art of neat and clean Angling. . . . As also, The Method of Fishing in Hackney-River, ... By William Gil- bert, Gent. Printed by H. B. for C. Hussey, at the Sign of the Flower-de-Luce in Little Brittain 1682. Sin. 8°, A— D 4 in eights. With cuts. A separate title to the second part. GILDEN, G, Philomath. Gilden, 1624. A New Almanacke, and Prognostication, for the yeare of our Lord God, 1624. Being Bissextile, or Leape yeare. Calculated and composed according to Art for the Latitude and Meridian of the Towne of Shipstone vpon Stowre in the County of Worcester. And may well serue for all the South parts of Great Britaine . . . London, Printed for the Company of Stationers. 8°, A — C 4 in eights. GILDON, CHARLES. Poeta Infamis : Or, a Poet not worth Hang- ing. Being a Dialogue between Lysander Valentine, and Poet Pricket. With a Letter to the Author of \keMarriage-Hater matched, Written by his Friend. . . . London : Printed for B. C. and are to be sold by R. Baldwin, . . . 1692. 4°, C— E, 2 leaves each + title and dedication, 2 leaves, no B. The letter is subscribed Charles O [ildo~\n. The Patriot, Or The Italian Conspiracy. A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. [Two quot.] Lon- don: Printed for William Davis at the Black-Bull, and George Strahan at the Golden Ball, in Cornhill, 1703. 4°, A— H in fours, and. the title. Dedicated to the Queen. GIRAFFI, ALESSANDRO. An Exact Historie of the Late Revolutions in Naples ; And of their Monstrous Suc- cesses, not to be parallell'd by any Antient or Modern History. Published by the Lord Alexander Giraffi in Italian; And (for the rarenesse of the subject) Rendred to Eng- lish, By J. H. Esq. London, Printed for R. Lowndes. 1650. Sm. 8°, A— K 4 in eights, besides a frontispiece containing a full-length portrait of Masaniello. Dedicated to the Levant Company. An Exact Historie of the late Revolution in Naples ; And of their monstrous Successes Not to be parallel'd by any Ancient or Modern History. . . . rendred to English, By J. H. Esq 1- - . . . London : Printed by R. A. for R. Lowndes. 1650. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — O 7 in eights. Dedicated by J. Howell to the Levant Company. The Second Part of Massaniello, His Body taken out of the Town-Ditch, and solemnly Buried, with Epitaphs upon him. A Con- tinuation of the Tumult ; The D. of Guise made Generalissimo; Taken Prisoner by young Dom John of Austria. The End of the Commotions. By J. H. Esquire. Truth never look'd so like a Lie As in this modern Historie. London, Printed by A. M. for Abel Roper . . . and T. Dring . . . mdclii. Sm. 8°, A — O 4 in eights, including a fron- tispiece of portraits. Dedicated to the Levant Company. An Exact History ... In Two Parts. London, Printed for R. Lowndes at the White Lion in St. Pauls Church yard. 1664. 8°, A— K in eights + a plate in A : Part 2, A— H in eights, A 1 and H 8 blank. GLANVIL, JOSEPH. Sadducismus Triumphatus: . . . The Second Edition. The Advantages whereof above the former, the Reader may under- stand out of Dr- H. More's Account prefixed thereunto. With two Authentick, but won- derful Stories of certain Swedish Witches, done into English by Anth. Horneck D.D. Printed by Tho. Newcomb, for S. Lownds at his Shop by the Savoy Gate, 1682. 8", A — X 3 in eights : Part 2, Aa — Eee 3 in eights 4- a leaf with cuts and a second of Errata. With two frontispieces. Sadducismus Triumphatus : . . . The Third Edition with Additions . . . London Printed for A. L. and Sold by Roger Tuckyr, at the Golden Leg, the corner of Salisbury- street, in the Strand, mdcc. 8°, B— Ii in eights, Ii 8 with woodcuts and an Adver- tisement, preceded by 3 11. with frontispiece, title, &c. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. A True Narrative Concerning the Woods and Iron-Works of the Forrest of Deane, And how they have been disposed since the year 1635. As appears by Records. 4°, 4 leaves. A Particular Relation of the Action before Cyrencester (or Cycester) in Glocester shire. Taken in on Candlemas day 1642 by part of His Majesties Army, under the Conduct of His Highnesse Prince Rvpert. Written by an Eye-witnesse. Printed in the Yeare, 1642. 4°, A— C 2 in fours, C 2 blank. Palpable Evidence of Spirits and Witchcraft : In an Account of the Fam'd Disturbance by the Drummer, in the House of M. Mompes- son. With Another Modern and Certain Relation, In two Leteers [sic], One to the Right Honourable William, Lord Brereton ; The other, to the Learned D r ' Henry More, D.D. London, Printed by E. C. for James Collins, . . . 1668. 8°, A— L in eights. L GOD. 162 GODWIN. GOD. A Discretion of what God hath Predestinated concerning Man, In his ( Creation, -< Transgression, & (^ Regeneration As also an Answere to Iohn Robinson, touch- ing Baptisme. . . . Printed. 1620. 8°. A, 4 11 : B— M in eights. Pet. C. L Gods Love to Mankind. Manifested by Dis-prooving his Absolute Decree for their Damnation. . . . Imprinted, Anno, 1633. 4°. a, 4 leaves, a 1 blank : A— O in fours, O 4 blank. GODDARD, THOMAS, Esquire. Plato's Demon: Or, the State-Physician Unmaskt, Being a Discourse in Answer to a Book call'd Plato Redivivus. Si vnum Id spectamus, . . . Tacit. Ann. lib. 3. London, Printed by H. Hills for Walter Kettilby, . . . 1684. 8°, A— Aa in eights : Bb, 4: Cc, 2. Dedicated to James, Duke of York. GODDARD, WILLIAM. A Mastif Whelp with other ruff-Island-hk Currs fetcht from amongst the Antipedes. Which bite and barke at the fantasticall humorists and abusers of the time. Im- printed amongst the Antipedes, and are to be sould, where they are to be bought. 4°, A— L 2 in fours. Woodcut of the Whelp on title with a label issuing from his mouth : In earnest He but ieast. Dedicated by Goddard " To my very loving Prends G P. BN.WS.B6.IF.IG. Gentlemen of the Inner Temple. Bodleian (Burton's books). A Neaste of Waspps Latelie Fovnd out and discouered in the Law-countreys, yealding as sweete hony as some of our English beas. At Dort, Printed in the Low-countreyes. 1615. 4°, A— H 2 in fours, title on A 2. Printed between bands. Worcester Coll. Oxford. The running title of this collection of epigrams is Qodlards Waspes. From the mention of his " active pen " in some prefatory lines, it is to be concluded either that this work was posterior to the two others, or that he wrote other books not so far known or identified. GODFRIDUS. [The Book of Knowledge. . . . London, Printed for John Stafford ; 1660.] 8°, A— Q in eights, last two leaves with advertise- ments. With cuts. The copy used wanted first title. The Hutband- man'$ Practice and BhepkeariTi Prognoitication have separate ones. [The Book of Knowledge and], The Hvs- band-Mans Practice or Prognostication for Ever. . . . London printed for John Stafford, and are to be sold at the sign of the George at Pleet Bridge, 1664. Sm. 8°, black letter, A — R in eights. Woodcuts, including a separate one between B and C. Sotheby's, Aug. 5. 1896, No. 1103, imperfect and wanting all before B. The Knowledge of Things Vnknown. . . . Compiled by Godfridus, . . . Together with the Husbandmans Practice, . . . London, Printed by G. P. for George Saw- bridge. 1671. Sm. 8°,B— N 6 in eights + frontispiece and title. With woodcuts. GODOLPHIN, JOHN, J.C.D. The Holy Arbour Contayningy whole Body of Divinity or A Cluster of Spirituall Grapes. . . . London : Printed by John Field for Edmund Paxton, neer Doctors Commons; and William Roybould. . . . 1651. Polio. Printed and engraved titles, pre- ceded by verses headed : " The Curtain drawn: Or, The Pront-Door of the Holy Arbor Unlock'd and laid wide open" : a — b in fours; B— 3 D in fours: 3 E, 1 leaf. B.M. In the Br. Museum are other works by Godolphin. GODWIN, FRANCIS, Bishop of Llan- datf, &c. A Catalogve of the Bishops of England, since the first planting of Christian religion in this Island, together with abriefe History of their hues and memorable actions, so neere as can be gathered out of antiquity. By P. G. Subdeane of Exceter. . . . Londini, Impensis Geor. Bishop. 1601. 4°. A, 4 11 : B— Nn 2 in eights. Dedicated to Lord Buckhurst, K.G. Sotheby's, Dec. 6, 1897, No. 1758, a copy with MSS. notes and additions, fee., by John Gibbon, the Herald, and the arms of the Mauwoods of Kent on sides in gold. De Prsesvlibvs Anglise Commentarius : Om- ni vm Episcoporvm, Necnon et Cardinalivm Eivsdem Gentis, Nomina. Tempora, Seriem, . . . Per Pranciscvm Godwinvm, Episcopum Landauensem. Londini, Ex Officina Norto- niana, Apud Ioannem Billivm. M. DC. xvi. Cum priuilegio Regis. 4°, A — Vv 4 in eights : De Archiepiscopis Eboracensibvs [a head line], A— M 2 in eights. Ad Commentarivm De Prsesnlibus Anglise, Per Franciscvm Godwinvm, Episcopum tunc Landavensem, modo Herei'ordensem, editurn Anno 1616. Appendix. [1619.] 4°, A— B in fours. Sotheby's, Dec. 6, 1897, No. 1759, with the copy of 1616, with the autograph of John AnstU the Hemid, and his MSS. notes. A Catalogve of the Bishops of England, since the first planting of Christian Religion in this Island, Together with a briefe History of their lines and memorable actions so neere as can be gathered out of antiquity. Where- GODWIN. »6 3 GORDON. vnto is prefixed a discourse concerning the first conuersion of our Britaine vnto Christian Religion. By Francis Godwin now Bishop of Landaff. . . . London Printed for Thomas Adams. 1615. 4°. A, 4 leaves : If, 2 leaves : B — Yy in eights. Dedicated to the King. GODWIN, THOMAS, M.A. Synopsis Antiqvitatvm Hehraicarum, ad explicationem vtriusque Testamenti valde necessaria. Ad Faciliorem Intellectvm, Plv- rima svnt collata. Authore Thoma Godwino in Art. Magistro. Oxonise, Excudebat Jo- sephus Barnesius. 1616. 4°. IT, 4 leaves : A— Bb in fours. Dedicated to Dr. James Montagu, Bishop of Bath and Wells. Romanse Historise Anthologia Recognita et Aucta. . . . London, Printed by J. M. for Henry Cripps of Oxford, A. Dom. mdclv. 4.°, a in fours and A — Pp 2 in fours. The title is within an engraved border. GODWYN, MORGAN, sometime Stu- dent of Christ Church, Oxford. The Negro's & Indians Advocate, Suing for their Admission into the Church : Or A Persuasive to the Instructing and Baptizing of the Negro's and Indians in our Planta- tions. ... To which is added, A brief Account of Religion in Virginia. . . . London, Printed for the Author, by J. D. and are to be Sold by most Booksellers. 1680. 8°, A— Mm in eights, A 1 and M 8 blank. Dedicated to the Primate. GOFFE, THOMAS. The Careles Shepherdess. A Tragi-Comedy Acted before the King & Queen, And at Salisbury-Court, with great Applause. Writ- ten by T. G. Mr- of Arts. Pastorem Tittere Pingues. . . . London, Printed for Richard Rogers and William Ley, . . . 1656. 4°, B — L 2 in fours and the title. GOLDSMITH, JOHN. Goldsmith, 1677. An Almanack for the Year of Our Lord God, 1677. Being the first after Leap-Year. . . . With a De- scription of the Highways, Marts, and Fairs. . . . London : Printed by Andrew Clark, for the Company of Stationers. 1677. Very sm. 12°, A — B in twelves. Goldsmith, 1683. An Almanack for the Year of our Lord God, 1683. . . . Lon- don : Printed by Mary Clark, . . . 1683, Small 12°, A— B in twelves, B 12 blank. Goldsmith's Almanac continued in vogue down to the end of the last century. GOLDSMITHS' COMPANY. A Short Representation Performed before The Lord Generall Monck at Goldsmiths- Hall, Tuesday, Aprill lit*. By three per- sons, An English-man, a Welsh-man, and a Scotch-maa. London, Printed for Thomas Morgan, . . . 1660. 4°, 4 leaves. In verse. Probably by Thomas Jordan. GOMERSALL, ROBERT. The Tragedie of Lodovick Sforza Dvke of Millan. By Robert Gomersall. Imprinted at London in the yeare mdcxxviii. 8°, A — F 4 in eights, including frontispiece by Cecill, with metrical explanation and Errata. Dedicated by the author "To His Most Worthie Friend M r - Francis Hide Proctor of Oxford." The engraved title reads: Sforza by Rob Gomersall. London, Printed for Iohn Marriott. 1628. GONDOMAR, COUNT. XXIII. Punctilio's Or Caprichios of State among the present Grandees. Sed magis ingenue — By Count Gondomar. Printed at Madrid in the Year 1659. 4°, 4 leaves. GOODALE, JOHN. The Lyberties of the cleargy collected out of the lawes of this Realme both necessary for Vycars and Curates. Compyled by John Goodale. [Col] Imprynted by me Robert Wyer. Sm. 8°, A— D in fours. With the printer's usual device on title. Lambeth. GOODMAN, GODFREY. The Creatures Praysing God : Or, The Re- ligion of dumbe Creatures. An ( Example ] \ and h ( Argument, ( For the stirring up of our deuotion, ) j Bene _ For the confusion of Atheisme j dicite omnia opera Domini Domino ; laudate 8c superexaltate eum in secula. G. G. Lon- don, Printed by Felik [tie] Kingston. 1622. 4°. A 2 : B— E in fours : F 1 . Univ. Lib. Cambr. GOODWIN, PHILIP, of Watford, Herts. The Mystery of Dreames, Historically Dis- coursed ; In a Treatise ; Wherein is clearly Discovered, The secret yet certain Good or Evil, the inconsidered and yet assured Truth or Falsity, . . . of mans differing Dreames. ... By Philip Goodwin Preacher of the Word at Watford in Hartf ordshire. . . . London, Printed by A. M. for Francis Tyton. . . . 1658. 8°. A 8: (a)— (c) in eights: B 2 — Cc 3 in eights, A 1 with Imprimatur. GORDON, BERNARD. Bern. Gordonii Opvs Lilivm Medicinse In- scriptvm, de morborum prope omnium cura- tione septem particulis distributum. Vna cum aliquot aliis ejus libellis, . . . Lvg- dvni Apud Gulielmum Ruilium. m. d. mx. v l— a GORDON. 164 GO VERNAL OF HEALTH. 8°, a— z in eights: A — Z in mm 4 in eights : * 8 leaves with the Index, the 1 ast blank. The proem of Gordon Is dated from Montpellier, July, 1305, probably an error for 1505. He ap- pears to have studied or practised there. GORDON, PATRICK. The Fainovs Historie of the Renouned and Valiant Prince Robert sumamed the Brvce King of Scotland c&. & of Sundrie Other valiant knights both Scots and English. Enlarged with an addition of the Scottishe Kinges lineallie discended from him to Charles now Prince, together with a note of the beginninges of the most parte of the antiet and famous Nobilitie of Scotland. A Historye both pleasant and profitable set forthe and done in heroik verse by Patrick Gordon Gentleman. At Dort Printed by George Waters. 1615. 4°, A — Aa in fours. Dedicated " To the most Honorable and most Accomplished Erles, William Erie of Angus, and William Erie of Morton," in an epistle full of turgid adulation. On the back of the title is a curious notice : " At Adinburgh the twentie thrie day of decern ber 1613, This book seene and alloued and therefore may be published and put to the presse. Sanctandrous." [The arms of James VI. within a broad woodcut frame.] Below: " Their is sindrieErroursaskepd both in the Orthographe and want of single letters. But inspetiall their is two falts to my knowledge in the vears the first in the 2. cap. the 5. Line of the last vears to witt. Reed shotirt of blood in sindrie peart) hnd beene. The 2. is in the thrid cap the 1. vers and the 2. line to witt Wheir wat the tcounfed Loyaltie now gone. This sindrie vther falts as but aswhe at is teaine for without, (and vther Scots words which I haue rather chusd to pas, then loise a sound runing line) I dout not but the reader will excuse in respect that this book was printed in ane vther contrey wheir the setters did notonderstandtheLangage." From the date of the imprimatur above given, and the terms of the title, it may be perhaps assumed that there was an earlier (and perhaps Edinburgh) edition. GORDON, PATRICK, M.A. Geography Anatomized : Or, A Compleat Geographical Grammer. Being a Short and Exact Analysis of the whole Body of Modern Geography. . . . Illustrated with divers Maps. London, Printed by J. R. for Robert Morden and Thomas Cockerill. . . . 1693. 8°, A — Dd in fours + (a), 4 11. Dedicated to the Hon. Thomas Coventry, Esq ; Eldest son to the Right Honourable Thomas Lord Coventry, Baron of Alesborough in Wor- cestershire. GOSSENNE, G., M.D. A newe Almanacke and Prognostication, seruing for the yere of our Lord God M. D. lxxi. Wherein is shewed the varietie of the ayre through this present yeare, with apte and conuenient times to let bloud, to bathe, to set, to sowe, graffe and plant, with other such like, as ye may farther perceiue in the declaration thereof. Herevnto are annexed the principall Faires in England, with diuers other . . . and necessarie notes ; Calculated for the Meridian of the Citie of London, by G. Gossene Doctour in Physicke. Imprinted at London by H. Bynneman. 8°, A— C 4 in eights. With cuts. The Prognostication should have a separate title on B 1, wanting in the copy employed. GOULART, JEAN. Admirable and Memorable Histories Con- taining the wonders of our time. Collected into French out of the best Authors. By I. Govlart. And out of French into English. By Ed. Grimeston. The Contents of this booke followe the Authors aduertisement to the reader. Imprinted at London by George Eld. 1607. 4°. Title, 1 leaf : Dedication "To the Honorable Knight, Sir Walter Cope," 1 leaf : The Author's Advertisement and the Printer to the Reader, 1 leaf : Table, 2 leaves under b : the work, B — Ss in eights : Tt, 4 11., Tt 4 blank. In the epistle to Cope, Grimeston states that he had executed this work at leisure intervals taken from his employment at Court at the request of a Mead. Sotheby's (Hon. Percy Ashburnham), Nov. 8, 1897, No. 117, Jolley's copy, with his autograph, 1809, on flyleaf, £3. GOULD, ROBERT. The Rival Sisters; Or, The Violence of Love, A Tragedy 'As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal, By His Majesty's Servants. Written by M r - Gould. London, Printed for Richard Bently . . . 1696. 4°, A— H in fours. Dedicated to James Earl of Abingdon. GOULDMAN, FRANCIS, M.A. A Copious Dictionary in Three Parts: I. The English before the Latin, Enriched with about Ten Thousand Words more than any former Dictionary . . . II. The Latin before the English. . . . III. The Proper Names of Persons, Places, . . . The whole being a Comprisal of Thomasius and Rider's Foundations, Hol- land's and Holyoak's Superstructure and Improvements : . . . London, Printed by John Field, M.DC. Lxrv. 4°. [A] 4 leaves : a — d in fours : e — x in eights : y, 2 11: [a second title :] Dictionarium . . . —title and Catalogue of Authors, 2 11: A— D in fours : E— -4 N in eights : 4 O— 4 P in fours. B.M. GOVERNAL OF HEALTH. In this tretyse that is cleped Gouernayle of helthe : What is to be sayd wyth crystis GOVERNANCE. 165 GRAY. helpe of some thynges that longen to bodily helthe / . . . [Col.] Explicit medicina stomachi. [W. Caxton, c. 1489.] 4°. A 8 : B 10 . Bodleian and Ham Rouse. There is no imprint. GOVERNANCE. The gouernaunce of kyng3 & prynces. [Col.] Thus endeth the gouernaunce of kyngS & prynces. Imprynted at London in Plete strete at the sygne of the George / by Eycharde Pynson / Prynter vnto the kynges noble grace / the yere of our Lord. M. ccccc. xi. the .xvii. daye of Aprell. 4°. In verse. Bodleian (Douce). A fragment of two leaves. GOVERNMENT. Observations Concerning The Originall of Government. Upon f M r - Hobs Leviathan. M r - Milton against Salmasius. H. Grotius De Jure Belli. M r - Huntons Treatise of Monarchy. [Quot. from Arist. Pol. Lib. 4.] London : Printed for E. Eoyston, at the Angel in Ivie-Lane. 1652. 4°, A— G in fours : B— F in fours. GRADUALE. Graduale ad vsii ecclesie Sarisburiensis / ad veroru exemplariii fide diligetissime recog- nitu : et a mendis omnibus in_ cantu q in litera expurgatu. CrassioribS q antea notis (vt logius videri ac pcipi possint) solertissime Parisiis excusu. M. D. xxxij. Venundatur Londonij apud Eobertum Bedman. Et Parisiis apud Franciscum Begnault. Folio. ►p , 8 leaves with Calendar, &c : a — y in eights: z,10: a leaf of 10: Vigilia SanctiAn- dree, Src. A — F in eights : G, 10 : Commune Apostolorum, A — I in eights. With Sexto Ca- lendas Julias added to the title in the colophon and on I8 V0 - Begnault's device. Printed in red and black, with a few woodcuts. Sotheby's, Feb. 26, 1897, No, 1083, fine copy in the original oaken boards covered with stamped leather. GRAFTON, RICHARD. Graftons Abridgement of the Chronicles of Englande. Newly and diligently corrected, and finished the last of October. 1570. . . . In (Edibus Bichardi Tottyll. Cum Priui- legio. 8°. Title and Calendar, 8 11 : IF, 8 11: «T, 8 11 : the same repeated : the same with 4 11 : A— Cc 4 in eights, Cc 4 blank. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Fletestrete within Temple Barre at the signe of the hand and Starre by Bycharde Tottyl. 1570. Sotheby's, Dec. 6, 1897, the copy given by Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, 1572, to his godson, bound in modern velvet and gold, with a letter in the autograph of the Duke on the blank spaces of the prefatory matter, £70. A very interesting copy, having formerly be- longed to Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, who was beheaded (June 2nd, 1572) on Tower Hill, for supposed complicity in plots against Queen Eliza- beth in connection with Mary Queen of Scots. It has the following autograph letter written on the blank space of the reverse of the last leaf" To the Reader," and on the margin of the next. " Good frynd George, fare well ; I have no other tokens to send my frynde but my booke, and I know how soryfull you are amongst them for my hard hape ; whereoff I thanke God because I hope hys mercy- full chastisement will prepare me for a better world. Looke well thowrowe thys boke and you schall fynde the name of a duke verye unhappy. I pray God ytt may ende wt. me and others maye spede better hereafter. But yff I myght have my wysch, and weare in as good state as ever you knewe me, yeat I wold wyshe for a lower degre. Be kynd I praye you to myne, and do my hartye commendatyons to your good wyfe and to gentle M. Dennye. I dye in the faythe that you have ever known me to be off, farewell, good frynd. Yours dying as he was lyving T. Norfolkb. God blesse my god sone Amen. 1572." — IfiS. note in A»hburnham Catalogue. A litle treatise, conteyning many proper Tables and rules, . . . Collected by Bychard Grafton. 1572. [Col.] Londini, In edibus Bichardi Tottelli. . . . 1671. 8°, A— F in eights. GRAMMAR. Exact Bules of Grammar, Composed and published for the Instruction of all, in the Budiments of the Latine Tongue, that in- tend the attaining thereof : More exact than formerly. London : Printed for I. Streater, An. Dom. 1656. Sm. 8°, A— D in eights + a frontispiece. The title is within an en- graved compartment, with a view of London at the foot. GRAY, CAPTAIN, afterward SIR ANDREW. A Farewell to the Benowmed and valiant Captaine, Captayne Andrew Gray, going with the mighty Prince, the Duke of Hol- stein, to the Christian warres against the Turke. London, Printed by Simon Stafford, dwelling in Hosier lane, neere Smithfield. 1605. 4°, 4 leaves, the last blank. Four copies of verses by John Moray, William Bubb (2) and William Hill. This tract was shown to me at Sotheby's by one of the Cataloguers in the winter of 1893, and has not since come under my notice. I believe that it formed part of the library of Hugh Galbraith Reid, sold in May, 1894. GRAY, DIONIS. The Storehouse of Brevetie in Workes of Arithmetike, ... At London, Printed by Henrie Midleton for William Norton, and Iohn Harison. 1586. 8°. GRAY, ROBERT, Preacher of the Word of God. An alarvm to England, Sounding the most fearefull and terrible example of God's ven- GREA 7 BRITAIN. 1 66 GREENE. geance, that euer was inflicted in this world vpon mankind for sinne : Seruing generally as a warning for all people to eschew sinne, lest they partake of the like vengeance. . . . London. Printed by S. S. for Iohn Budge, and are to bee sold at his shop, at the great South dore of S. Paules Church. 1609. 8°, A— I in eights: K, 1 leaf. Univ. Lib. Cambr. There are only 7 11. In A ; one leaf In that sheet and K 2 were probably blank. GREAT BRITAIN. Schutz-Schrift und Verantworlfing Ihrer Koniglichen Majestaten in Grosz-Britan- nien / . . . Gedruckt im Jahr 1689. 4°, A — F in fours. A translation from the French. Historical Collections, Relating the Originals, Conversions, and Revolutions of the In- habitants of Great Britain to the Norman Conquest, In a Continued Discourse . . . London : Printed for John Wyat, . . . 1706. 8°, A— Gg 4 in eights, and a, 4 leaves. GREATOREX, VALENTINE. The Great Cures, And Strange Miracles, Performed by M r - Valentine Gertrux, who restoreth the Blind to sight, the Deaf to Hearing ; the Lame to strength, and Crip- ples to walk without Crutches. As also, He cureth all manner of Diseases, with a stroak of his Hand and Prayer : as is testified by Captain Haslell, Captain Lancaster, and divers others : . . . And the wonderful Performances of Remarkable Things on Sabbath-day last in the City of London, and on Monday Morning at the Charter- house. London, Printed for John Thomas, 1666. 4°, 4 leaves. A Brief Account of M r - Valentine Greatraks, . . . Dublin, Printed for Samuel Dancer Book-seller in Castle-street 1668. 4°, A— M in fours. GREAVES, JOHN, Late Professor of Astronomy in the University of Oxford. A Description of the Grand Signour's Seraglio or Tvrkish Emperours Covrt. London, Printed for Jo. Ridley, at the Castle in Fleet-street by Ram-Alley, 1653. 8°. Title, dedication to George Took Es- quire of Popes in the County of Hertford, and contents, 4 11 :— A (repeated) — M in eights. Greaves confesses that this work was substantially written by Mr. Kobert Withers, who had peculiar facilities for obtaining access to the Court. GREENE, ANNE. A Declaration from Oxford, of Anne Green, A young woman that was lately, and un- justly hanged in the Castle-yard ; but since recovered, her neck set strait, and her eyes fixed orderly and firmly in her head again. With her speech touching four Angels that appeared to her when she was dead ; . . . London, Printed by J . Clowes. 1651. 4°, 4 leaves. With a descriptive cut on title. GREENE, JOHN. A Briefe Vnvailing of God and Mans Glory. In which is, 1. A briefe rehearsall of Happinesse in generall. 2. How this Happinesse is manifested by Iesus Christ. 3. The Soules Love. By John Greene. London, Sold by Thomas Faucet in the Black Friers. 1641. 4°, A— D in fours. In verse. Sotheby's, August 1st, 1900, No. 1028, in a volume, sheet B dettcient. There are no pp. 7-10 : but catchword By on A 4 answers to first word on C 1. GREENE, ROBERT. Arbasto. The Anatomie of Fortune. Wherin is discouered by a pithie and pleasant Dis- course, that the highest state of prosperitie, is of times the first step to mishap, and that to stay vpon Fortunes lotte, is to treade on brittle Glasse. Wherin also Gentlemen may finde pleasaunte conceytes to purge Melan- choly, and perfite counsell to preuent mis- fortune. By Robert Greene Mayster of Arte. Omne tulit . . . Imprinted at London, in Fleete-streate, beneath the Con- duite, at the signe of S. Iohn Euangelist, by H. Iackson. 1584. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Iohn Windet and Thomas Iudson, for Hugh Iackeson. Anno 1584. 4°. A, 3 11 : B— H 3 in fpurs, A 1 and H 4 having probably been blank. B.M. (no title) and Britwell (Isham copy). A third, wanting G 3-4, is or was In private hands. See Notes and Queries, June 12, 1880. Greenes Mourning Garment, Giuen him by repentance at the funerals of Loue, which he presentes for a fauour to all young Gentlemen that wish to weane themselues from wanton desires. R. Greene. Vtriusq] Academise in Artibus Magister. Sero sed Serio. London Printed by I. W. for Thomas Newman. 1590. 4°, A— H in fours. Black letter. Univ. Lib. Camb. (imperfect.) Greenes, / Groats-worth / of witte, bought with a / million of Repentance. / Describing the follie of youth, the falshood of make- / shift flatterers, the miserie of the negligent,/ and mischiefes of deceuing Courtezans. / Written before his death, and published at his / dyeing request. / Falioem fuisse in- fauttum. London Imprinted for William Wright. 1592. 4°, A— F in fours, A 1 blank (?). Sotheby's (Frere), Fob. 14—18, 1896, in lot 701, Sir John Fenn's copy, device cutout of title, but inserted in Fenn's copy of Horbcrt's Ames. GREENE. 167 GREW. GREENE, THOMAS, Gentleman, of Stratford-on-Avon. A Poets Vision, And A Princes Glorie. Dedicated to the High and mightie Prince, James, King of England, Scotland, Prance and Ireland. By Thomas Greene Gentleman. *H Imprinted at London for William Leake. 1603. 4°, A— C in fours, title on A 2. Printed between bands without prefixes. In rhyming hexameters. Bodleian. GREENWOOD, JOHN. An Avnswer to George Giffords Pretended Defence of Read Prayers and Devised Lei- tourgies with the vngodly cauils and wicked sclanders comprised in the first part of his book entituled, A Short Treatise against the Donatists of England. By Iohn Greenwood Christs Poore Afflicted prisoner in the Fleete at London, for the trueth of the gospel. 1590. 4°, A— G in fours : H, 5. GREGORIUS. A Letter Relating the Martyrdome of Keta- ban, Mother of Teimvrasses Prince of the Georgians, & withall A notable Imposture of the lesuites vpon that occasion. Sent from Gregorivs Monke and Priest, Agent for the Patriarke of Antioch vnto the most high and learned Abbot Sophronivs. Written first in Greeke, and now done into English. Oxford, Printed by John Lichfield, An. D. 1633. 4°, A — D in fours, D 4 presumably blank. In the Inplis copy (1900), the last figure of the date was altered with a pen. GREGORY NAZIANZEN, ST. Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni In Ivlianvm Invectivse. . . . Etona;, in Collegio Re- gali, Excudebat Ioannes Norton, in Grecis, &c. Regius Typographus. 1610. 4°. %, 4 leaves: A — Y 2 in fours: a — 1 2 in fours, 1 2 blank. Dedicated by Richard Montagu to Archbishop Bancroft. A most Excellent and Pathetical Oration, or Declamation of Gregory Nazianzen's, stig- matizing, and condemning the Emperor Julian for his Apostasising from the Truth. . . . London, Printed by W. Godbid for H. Herringman. . . . >f . DC. lxii. 8°, B - K 6 in twelves + the title. GREGORY XV., Pope of Borne. Epistola Gregorii XV. Pont'if . Max. Ad Sere- nissimum Principem, Carolum, Jacobi Bri- tanniarum Regis Filium, Principem Wallise. Ad exemplum Parisiense recu^a. Cui recens accedit ejusdem Serenissimi Principis ad earn Responsio. Anno M. DC. xxiii. 4°, 4 leaves. GREGORY, FRANCIS, D.B., Rector of Hambleton, Bucks, one of His Sacred Majesty's Chaplains. The Gregorian Account, Or The Spiritual Watch. A Sermon Preached to the Society of the Gregories dwelling in and about the City of London, and assembled in the Church of St. Michael Cornhill, June 19. 1673. . . . London, Printed by E. Flesher, for Richard Royston, . . . mdclxxiii. 4°, A — E2 in fours. Dedicated to the Author's esteemed friends, Capt. Jeremie Gregory, Citizen and Gold-smith of London, and M r - Philip Gregory, Citizen and Mercer, Stewards of the Gregories Feast. With verses by Capt. Gregory. GRETSERUS, JOHANNES. Basilikon Doron Sive Commentarivs Exege- ticvs in Serenissimi Magnte Britanniae Regis Jacobi Praefationem Monitoriam ; Et in Apologiam pro Iuramento fidelitatis ; Anno M. DC. x. Ingolstadii, Ex Typographeo Adami Sartorii. 4°, A — Z in fours and a — p in fours, besides *, 4 leaves, with a dedication to Mary, Queen of Scots, " Nvnc Coeli Indigenae." GREW, NEHEMIAH, M.D., F.B.8. The Anatomy of Vegetables Begun. With a General Account of Vegetation Founded thereon. London, Printed for Spencer Hickman, Printer to the R. Society, . . . 1672. Sm. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a, 8 11 : B— O 7 in eights + a folded leaf of cuts. A 1 is occupied by an Imprimatur. Dedicated to the Royal Society and (ii.) to the Bishop of Chester. An Idea of a Phytological History Pro- pounded. Together with a Continuation of the Anatomy of Vegetables Particularly prosecuted upon Roots. And an Account of the Vegetation of Roots Grounded chiefly thereupon. By Nehemiah Grew . . . London, Printed by J. M. for Richard Chiswell . . . 1673. 8°. A, 8 11., the first blank : a, 4 11 : B — M in eights + 7 folded plates: dedicated to Viscount Brouncker. Anatomie des Plantes . . . Tradvite de lAnglois de Monsieur Grew de la Societe Royale [Par le Vasseur] . A Paris, . . . M.DC.LXXV. . . . Sm. 8°. a, 12 11: A— R in eights : S, 4 11 : T, 4 11 : V, 2 11. With several engravings separate from the letterpress. Experiments in Consort of the Luctation Arising from the Affusion of several Men- struums upon all sorts of Bodies . . . London, Printed for John Martyn, Printer to the Royal Society, . . . 1678. Sm. 8°. A, 6 11., A 1 with Imprimatur : B — F in twelves. New Experiments and Useful Observations Concerning Sea- Water made Fresh, . . . The Eighth Edition, May the 23 th London. Printed by John Harefinch in Mountagucr GREY. 1 68 GROVES Court in Little Britain. 1684. Sm. 8°, A, 8 : B, 4, B 4 blank : C, 4, C 4blank. GREY, LADY. A True Relation of a Strange Apparition which appear'd to the Lady Gray, com- manding her to deliver a Message to his Grace the Duke of Monmouth. London Printed for Benjamin Harris . . . 1681. A broadside. GRIFFIN, ANTHONY, Student in Astrology. An Astrological Judgement Touching Theft, Wherein is demonstrated most Incomparable Secrets according to the best Rules in Art. A Peice not before Extant. . . . Lon- don, Printed by Peter Lillicrap, 1665. Sm. 8°. A, 4 11 : B— G in eights, G 7-8 blank. Dedicated to M r - Anthony Chip. GRIFFITH, JOHN. The Case of M r - John Griffith Minister of the Gospel, and now Prisoner in Newgate. . . . London, Printed by George Larkin for the Author. 1683. A folio leaf. GRIME. The Life and Death of Sir Hugh of the Grime. Printed for P. Brooksby, at the Golden-Ball, ... A broadside containing 23 4-line stanzas. With a large cut. GRISELDA. An Excellent Ballad of Noble Marquess and Patient Grissel. To the Tune of, The Bride's Good-morrow, &c. Printed by T. Norris at the Looking-glass on London-bridge. And sold by J. Walter, in High Holborn. A broadside, forming two sheets, and containing 13 stanzas. GROSSETESTE, ROBERT, Bishop of Lincoln. The testament of Joseph whych was trans- lated oute of Greke into Latyne by a certayn bysshop of lyncoln called (by hys Syr name) Grosthede, and into Englishe, by Wyllyam Freloue. Reade thys prety & wholsome volume, that maye theach the to fie from the abhominable synne of adultery. Prynted by Rychard grafton and Edward whyt- church. 1539. Cum priuilegio ad impri- mendum solum. 8°, a, 4 11., a 4 blank : A — B 4 in eights. Peterborough Cath. Lib. The rest of the Testaments are promised, In case this specimen was favourably received. The Testaments of the twelue Patriarches, . . . Printed at London by Peter Short, for the Assignes of Richard Daye. 1601. 8°, A — L 4 in eights. With woodcuts. [The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs. At the end :] 1647. At London Printed for the Company of the Stationers. Sm. 8°, A— L 4 in eights. Black letter. With cuts and the device at the end of Henry Denham, as in the older editions. This copy wants the title. The Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs . . . London, Printed by E. C. for the Company of Stationers, 1667. Sm. 8°, A— K in eights. Woodcuts. The Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs, The Sons of Jacob, . . . London, Printed by E. C. and A. C. for the Company of Stationers, 1670. Sm. 8°, A— K 6 in eights. With cuts and the old preface by Richard Day. GROTIUS, HUGO. The Illustrious Hvgo Grotivs Of the Law of Warre and Peace. With Annotations. III. Parts. And Memorials of the Authors Life and Death . . . London, Printed by T. Warren, for William Lee, . . . mdcliv. Sm. 8°. Portrait by T. Cross, title, dedication to the English Gentry, &c, 8 leaves: *, 8 leaves: **, 8 leaves: # * # , 8 leaves : A— 3 B 4 in eights. Hugo Grotius, De Rebus Belgicis : Or, The Annals, and History of the Low-Countrey- Warrs. Wherein is manifested, That the United Netherlands, are Indebted for the Glory of their Conquests, to the Valour of the English ; . . . Faithfully Rendered into English, by T. M. of the Middle-Temple. London, Printed for Henry Twyf ord . . . and Robert Paulet . . . 1665. 8°. A, 4 11 : B— 3 S in eights : Tt, 4. Dedicated by Thomas Manley to Charles, Viscount Fitz- Harding, Earl of Falmouth. GROVE, MATTHEW. Wittie Proverbes, pithy sentences, and wise Similies, collected out of the golden volumnes of divers learned and grave phylosophers, by Matthew Grove, Gent. The second part. London printed by M. Parsons for H. Gosson. 1638. 8°. Black letter. Keir Library (imperfect). Sir W. Stirling-Maxwell's Catalogue, I860, p. 41. No copy of part I. seems to be known. GROVE, ROBERT. Roberti Grovii Carmen De Sanguinis Cir- cuitu, A Gulielmo Harveo, Primuin lnvento. Adjecta sunt Miscellanea Qucedam. Londini, Typis R. E. Impends Gualteri Kettilbv, . . 1685. 4°. Title and to the Reader, 2 leaves : B— F in fours. GROVES, ROBERT. Gleanings : Or, A Collection of some Memor- able passages, both Antient and Moderne. Many in relation to the late Warre. J 'arietas Delectat. Published by Authority. London Printed by R. I. and are to be sold bj Wil- liam Itaybould . . . 1651. Sm. 8°., A— M in eights, except A, which has only 3. GUARD A NO. 169 GUILD. GUARDANO, J. B. The Skilfull Mountebanke. Or, Come, and He cure you. It hath not so much power as Patience, yet tis a Playster for all Sores. By Ioannes Baptista Guardano Lodovico puncto. A Frenchified Italian, and borne in Bucklersberry. London: Printed by I. O. for Thomas Lambert and are to bee sold at his Shop neere the hospitall gate in Smithfield, at the Signe of the Horse-shooe. 1638. Sm. 8°, A in eights, A 1 blank. Black letter. GUAZZO, MARCO. Historie di Tvtte le Cose Degne di Memoria Qvai del Anno. M. D. xxmi. Sino A'questo presente sono occorse nella Italia, nella Prouenza, nella Franza, . . . nella In- ghilterra, . . . Opera Noua & nouamente con la sua Tauola stampata. Con gratie & Priuilegii. In Venetia. M. D. XL. [Col.] In Venetia per Nicolo d'Aristotele detto il Zoppino. . . . M. D. XL. Adi. VIII. di Aprile. 4°. >J< , 8 11., the last with a por- trait of Guazzo : A— Dd in eights, last leaf with device. B.M. There are later editions. This one contains inte- resting notices of Anne Boleyn, Bishop Fisher, Henry VIII., &c. GUAZZO, STEFANO. The Civile Conuersation of M. Steeuen Guazzo written first in Italian, and nowe translated out of French by George Pettie, deuided into foure bookes. In the first is conteined in generall, the fruites that may bee reaped by conuersation, ... In the second, the manner of conuersation, ... In the third is perticularly set foorth the orders to bee obserued in conuer- sation, ... In the fourth, the report of a banquet. IT Imprinted at London by Eichard Watkins. 1581. 4°. *, 2 leaves : j — ij — iij, 3 leaves : A — P in eights : Q, 1 leaf : Aa— Gg in eights. Dedicated by Pettie from his lodging, 6 Feb. 1581- [2] to the Lady N orris. At the end of the Preface Pettie mentions that he has not published the fourth book, although the latter is cited on the title-page. Sotheby's, May 21, 1897, No. 239. GUEZ, JEAN LOUIS, Sieur de Balzac. The Letters of Mounsieur de Balzac. 1. 2. 3. and 4*° parts. Translated out of French into English. By S r Eichard Baker Knight, and others. Now collected into one volume, with a methodicall table of all the letters. London, Printed for John Williams, and Francis Eglesfield. At the Crown, and Marigold in S. Pauls Churchyard. 1654. Sm. 8°. A — B 4 in eights, including an engraved title with portrait of Balzac, a portrait of Eichelieu, 1 leaf : B (repeated)— S 4 in eights : Supply to Second Part, Aa — li in eights : Aaa— Fff in eights. GUIBERT, PHILIBERT. The Chariteble Physitian With the Chari- teble Apothecary. Written in French by Philbert Guibert Esquire, and Physitian Eegent in Paris, and by him after many severall Editions, reviewed, corrected, amen- ded, and augmented. And now faithfully translated into English, for the benefit of this Kingdome, By I. W. London. Printed by Thomas Harper, and are to bee sold by Lawrence Chapman at his shop at Chancery lane end, next Holbourne, 1639. 4°. The copy employed ended incompletely on T 2 recto with the catchword The. A 2 has a separate title to the Charitable Physitian. GUICOIARDINI, F. The Historie of Gvicciardin : . . . The third Edition, diligently reuised, with Eesti- tution of a Digression towards the end of the fourth Booke, . . . London, Imprinted by Eichard Field, and are to be sold by Arthur Iohnson. 1618. Folio, A— 4 A in sixes. GUGLIELMA, SANTA. La Eapresentatione di Santa Guglielma. Nuouamente Eistampata. [Col.] In Fio- renza. Ad Istanza di Iacobo Chiti. mdlxxxi. 4°, 8 leaves. With three cuts. Ruth Coll. GUIDO DE MONTE-ROCHERIO. Manipulus curatorum. [This is the whole of the title; W. de Worde's device is be- neath. Col.] Explicit Libellus . _ . . Impressus in ciuitate London, per Vvinan- dum de worde comorante in vico vulgaris nuncupato de Flete strete. Anno dfii. M.ccccc.ii. Die vo. xxii. mensis Aprilis. 8°, A— Q in eights : E, 10. The printer's mark is of a very unusual type. GUIDOTT, THOMAS, M.D., of Bath. The Eegister of Bath, Or, Two Hundred Observations. Containing An Account of Cures performed, and Benefit received, by the Vse of the Famous Hot Waters of Bath, in the County of Somerset, . . . London, Printed for Hen. Hamond, Bookseller at Bath, 1694. 8°. A, 4 11; B— L 4 in eights. L 4 with Errata. This purports to contain the result of 27 years' experience, and mentions the patients by name. GUILD, WILLIAM, Minister at King- Edward. Levi His Complaint : Or, The Moane of the Poore Ministerie. [Quot. from Lament. 3. v. 39.] Edinbvrgh, Printed by Andro Hart, Anno 1617 By Authoritie. 4°, A— C in fours. With some lines at end signed A. D. Dedicated to James I. GUILLEMEAU 170 GURNALL. Three Rare Monuments of Antiquitie, Or I5ertram, Priest, A French-Man, Of the Bodie and Blood of Christ . . . JBlfriova, Arch-bishop of Canterburie, An English- Man, His Sermon of the Sacrament, . . . And Mavrvs, Abbot, a Scots-Man, His dis- course of the same . . . Printed at Aberdene, by Edward Raban, For David Melvill, 1624. 8°, A— K 4 in eights, A 1 blank, K 4 with device. GUILLEMEAU. JACQUES, Surgeon to the French King. A Worthy Treatise of the eyes, contayning the knowledge and cure of one hundreth and thirteen diseases, incident vnto them : . . . translated into English, together with a profitable treatise of the Scorbie ; and another of the Cancer, by A. H. Also next to the treatise of the eies is adioyned a work louching the preseruation of the sight, set forth by W. Bailey D of Phisick. Printed bv Robert WalJegraue for Thomas Man and William Brome. 12°, A— M in twelves, no B in this copy. The Ashburnham copy also had no B, and was similarly complete without it. A Treatise of One Hvndred and Thirteene Diseases of the Eyes, and Eye-Liddes. The second time published, with some profitable additions, ... by Richard Banister, M r - in Chyrurgery, Oculist, and Practitioner in Physicke. . . . Imprinted at London by Felix Kyngston, for Thomas Man, . . . 1622. 8°, (a)— (f 6) in twelves : A— P 6 in twelves, P 6 blank. Dedicated to the Earl of Rutland from Stamford, the last of June, 1621. With some curious verses on the Eyes and their Abusers, &c. GULIELMUS de SALICETO, &c. In hoc Libro hec continetur. Salus corporis Salus anime. Pius contra venereos yliada Homeri. [Col.] Impressum est presens opusculum londonijs in diui pauli semiterio sub virginei capitis signo. Anno salutis. Millesimo quingetesimo nono. Mensis vero Decembris die xij. [Below is the mark of Richard Fawkes.] Folio, a — c in sixes : d, 4. Bodleian. The greater part of the title is occupied by the shield of arms with the portcullis, Ac. The volume purports to have been edited and published by Pierre de Champaigne, squire of the royal body- guard, whose arms are on the back of the title. At the foot of tne last page occurs in an old, perhaps coeval, hand: "liber Johannis Thomsoni socij collegij baliolensis Oxon." GUMBLE, THOMAS, D.D., Chaplain to General Monk. La vie dv General Monk Dvc d'Albemarle, Ac. . . . Traduit de l'Anglois . . . A Londres, chez Robert Scot, mdclxxii. 12°. *, 6 11. with a portrait of Monk on * 6 : A — R in twelves. Dedicated by Guy Miege (the translator) to Christopher Duke of Albemarle. GUNTER, EDMUND. The W r orkes of Edmvnd Gvnter. . . . Much enlarged by the Authour. Together wiDh a new Treatise of Fortification. Where- unto is now added the further use of the Quadrant fitted for daily practice. By Sam. Foster late Professor of Astronomy in Gres- ham-College London. The third Edition. Printed for Fr : Eglesfeild And are to be Sould at the Marigold in Pauls Church yard. 1653. 4°. Diagram, frontispiece, printed title, and dedication to John, Earl of Bridge- water, 4 leaves : b, 4 leaves : B— 4 I in fours, besides a folded leaf at pp. 44-5, 72-3, 122-3 : Canon Triangulorum, with a separate title, A — O in fours. With diagrams and woodcuts. The Works of Edmvnd Gvnter : Containing the Description and Vse of the Sector, Cross- staff, Bow, Quadrant, And other Instruments. The Sixth Edition. Diligently Corrected, and divers necessary Things and Matters (pertinent thereunto) added, throughout the whole Work, not before Printed. By William Leybourn, Philo- math. London : Printed for Francis Egles- field. . . . mdclxxx. 4°. Title, half- title, frontispiece, and dedication to John, Earl of Bridge water, 4 leaves: B— 5 X in fours + a folded leaf after 5X4. At p. 64 is a revolving diagram. GUNTON, SYMON, late Prebendary of Peterborough. The History of the 1 Church of Peterburgh : Wherein The most remarkable Things con- cerning that Place, from the First Founda- tion thereof : With other Passages of History, not unworthy Publick View, are represented. Illustrated with Sculptures. And set forth By Symon Patrick, D D., now Dean of the same. Loudon, Printed for Richard Chis- well, . . . mdclxxxvi. Folio. Title, Imprimatur, and Preface, 4 leaves : B— Uu in fours : Xx, 6 leases. With four plates of the E. W. and N. Prospects, and the Old Altar piece. GURNALL, WILLIAM. The Christian's Labour and Reward ; Or, A Sermon, Part of which was Preached at the Funeral of the Right Houourable the Lady Mary Vere, Relictof Sir Horace Vere, Barou of Tilbury, on the 16 th of January, 1671. At Cast Le Heveuiugham in Essex. . . . By William Gurnall. . . . London, Printed by J. M. for Ralph Smith, . . . 1672. Sm. 8°, A— M L in eights, including a portrait by Van Hove and some verses at the end. Dedicated to the Countess Dowa- ger of Clare. G USTA VUS ADOLPHUS 1 7 1 HADDON. GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS, King of Sweden. The New Starr of the North, Shining vpon the Victorious King of Sweden. Multa dies, London, Printed by Avgvstine Mathewes for Robeft Milbovrne, and are to be sold at the Signe of the Greyhound in Pauls Church-yard. 1632. 4°. A, 2 leaves: B — G in fours. GUTHREY, JAMES. The True and Perfect Speech of M r - James Guthrey Late Minister of Sterling as it was delivered by himself immediately before his Execution, on June 1, 1661, at Edinbrough. Sent from Edenburgh, And printed for publick satisfaction, and to prevent the disperssing of false Copies. 1661. 4°, A — B in fours, B 4 blank. An Act for Securing M r - James Guthrie and others. At Edinburgh the 23. day of August, 1660. A broadside. GWIN, JOHN, of Cople, Co. Bedford. Articles Ministred By His Majesties Com- missioners. For Causes Ecclesiasticall. Pre- sented to the High Court of Parliament against John Gwin, Vicar of Cople in the County of Bedford. Wherein is discovered the lascivious wenching, Drunkennesse, and wanton life, and most wild, and unbecomming courses, most unfit for his Function. Lon- don Printed for V. V. 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. With a satirical cut on title, representing Gwin approaching a house, on the top of which is a cuckoo, with a ladder, &c, and Hush, Mush Cuckoo Gioin guin. GWYN, DAVID. Certaine English Verses, penned by Dauid Gwin, who for the space of eleueh Yeeres and ten Monthes: was in moste greeuous seruitude in the Gallyes vnder the King of Spaine, and now lately by the wonderfull prouidence of God, delivered from captiuite, to the ouerthrowe of many of the Spaniards : and the great reioycing of all true harted English-men. Presented to the Queenes moste excellent Maiestie : in the Parke at Saint lames, on Sunday the xviij. of August 1588. by Bauid Gwyn: as followeth. At London Printed by Edward Allde for Edward White, . . . 1588. 4°, 4 leaves. Black letter. With a woodcut of a ship on last leaf. York Minster Library. H H. B., A.M. Hie, & Vbique Venus Sive Opportunitas Fax Amoris. Subnexis Dissertatiunculis Quatuor, De Causis Naturalibus, Utrumq; Sexum in Amorem invitantibus. Londini, Impensis Authoris, 1667. Sm. 8°, A— D in twelves, A 1 and D 12 blank. H. I. Mercy & Trvth. Or Charity Maintayned by Catholiques. Bp way of Reply Vpon an Answere lately framed by X). Potter to a Treatise which had formerly proued, That Charity was Mistaken by Protestants : . . . Beuided into two Parts. . . . Permissu Superiorum, m.dc.xxxiiii. 4°, A — 3 T in fours. Dedicated to Charles I. by I. H. H. N., Merchant of London. The Compleat Tradesman: Or, The Exact Dealers Daily Companion. Instructing him throughly in all things absolutely Necessary to be Known by all those who would thrive in the World ; and in the whole Art and Mystery Of Trade and Traffick; . . . The Second Edition with large Additions. London, Printed for John Dunton, . . . 1684. Sm. 8°, A— H in twelves. Dedicated to the Merchants, Wholesale-men, Shop- keepers, and Handycraftsmen of London. H. T. A Cvrtaine Lectvre : . . . London, Printed for l6hn Aston, and are to be sold at his Shop at the signe of the Bulls Head in Cateaton-street. 1638. Sm. 8°. A, 6 11 : B— M in twelves. A 1 has the frontispiece. Sotheby's, Dec. 12, 1901, No. 417, misdated 1628. H. T. The History of the Civil Wars of England. From the Year 1640, to 1660. By T. H. The Second Edition. . . . Printed in the Year 1679. 8°, B— N in twelves and the title. HACKNEY-COACHES. The Rates and Prices of Hackney Coachmen within the City of London, and late lines of Communication, And Westminster, More- over the Stage Coaches of England, When they come and where they lodge in London and parts ajacent and when they return. Alphabetically laid down for the speedy finding them out. [About 1650.] 4°, 4 leaves. HADDON, WALTER. A sight of the Portugall Pearle, that is, The Avnswere of D. Haddon Maister of the requests vnto our soueraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God quene of England . . . HAKEWEL. 172 HALL. against the epistle of Hieronimus Osorius a Portugall, entitled a Pearle for a Prince. Translated out of lattyn into englishe by Abiaham Hart well, Student in the kynges colledge in Cambridge. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Wyllyam Seres. [1565.] 8°. A, 7: B, 8: C, 4: A (repeated)— E in eights : P, 6, F 6 having the colophon only. Bodleian. HAKEWEL, W., of Lincoln's Inn, Es- quire. Modus tenendi Parliamentum : Or, The Old Manner of holding Parliaments in England. Extracted out of our Ancient Records. . . . London, Printed for Abel Roper at the Sun in Pleet-street, 1671. 8°. Title and to the Reader, 3 leaves : B— E in twelves. HALE, SIR MATTHEW. A Short Treatise Touching Sheriffs Ac- compts. Written by the Honourable Sir Matthew Hale, Kt. sometime Lord Chief Justice of His Majesty's Court of King's Bench. To which is added, A Tryal of "Witches, at the Assizes held at Bury St. Edmonds, for the County of Suffolk, on the 10' h of March 1664, before the said Sir Matthew Hale, Kt. London, Printed, and are to be sold by Will. Shrowsbery, at the Bible in Duck-Lane. 1683. 8°. A, 4 11 : B— H in eights, H 8 blank : Tryal, B— E 6 in eights + title, dated 1682, and to the Reader. Dedicated to the Lord High Trea- surer and the Chancellor of the Exchequer. HALL, JOHN, M.D., of Stratford-on- Avon. Select Observations ... To which is now added, an hundred like Counsels and Advices, for several Honourable Persons : By the same Author. In the Close is added, Directions for drinking of the Bath water, and Ars Cosmetica, or Beautifying Art : By H. Stubbs, Physician in Warwick. London, Printed by J. D. for Benjamin Shirley, under the Dial of St. Dunstan's Church in Pleet-street, 1679. 8°, A— Z in eights, A 1 blank or with label and Z 8 with Advertise- ments. With a portrait of James Cook, an. set. 64 by R. White. Dedicated to Pulk, Lord Brook of Beauchamp Court. A book of the least possible value. HALL, JOSEPH, Bishop of Exeter. The Works of Joseph Hall B. of Exceter. With a Table now added to the same. Lon- don, Printed by Ph. Stephens and Ch. Meredith, at the Golden Lion in Pauls Church-yard. 1634. Folio. Pastorals. No longer known in print or in MS., but men- tioned by himself and others as having bis Satires. If they were not superior to the latter, their loss is little to bo rcgrottcd. The Kings Prophecie : or Weeping Joy. Expressed in a Poeme, to the Honor of Englands too great Solemnities. Jos : Hall. London Printed by T. C. for Symon Waterson. 1603. Sm. 8°, A— C 3 in eights, C 4 having been probably blank. In verse. There are 64 6-line stanzas, followed by two pages of Latin verse " Ad Leonem Anglo-Scoti- cum." Bright, 1845, imperfect, bought for Mr. Corser. Meditations and Vowes, Diuine and Moral! ; Seruing for direction in Christian and Ciuill practice: Diuided into two Bookes. By Ios. Hall. At London Imprinted by Hum- frey Lownes, for Iohn Porter. 1606. Sm. 8°, A— I 6 in twelves. Dedicated to Sir Robert Drury, " my singular good Patron," from " your Halsted, Decemb. 4." The Balm of Gilead : Or, Comforts for the Distressed; Both Morall & Divine. Most fit for these wofull Times. By Jos. Hall, D.D. and B.N. London, Printed by Will : Hunt. 1652. 8°, A— O in twelves, O 12 blank and A 1 with a portrait. The Great Mysterie of Godliness, . . . In three Books. By Jos. Hall, B. Norwich. London, Printed for John Place, . . . A. D. mdclii. Sm. 8°, A— Q 6 in twelves : a, 12 leaves between A 1 (? blank) and A 2. With a full-faced portrait dated 1650. Susurrium Cum Deo. Soliloqvies : Or, Holy Selfe-Conferences. . . . Together with the Souls Parwel to Earth, And Approaches to Heaven. The third Edition. By Jos. Hall, B. Norwich. London, Printed by Will: Hunt, 1-659. Sm. 8°. A, 6: B— R in twelves: S, 6. With a portrait, and at the end a list of Hall's works since his retirement. Resolutions and Decisions of Divers Practi- call cases of Conscience In continuall Use amongst Men, Very necessary for their In- formation and Direction in these evill Times. In foure Decades. The Third Edition, with some Additionalls. By Jos : Hall, B. Nor- wich. London, Printed by R. Hodgkinson, and J. Grismond, 1654. Sm. 8°, A— T in twelves, T 12 blank. With a portrait of Hall an a;t. 50, with 6 lines of verse beneath. The preface is dated from Higham, near Norwich, March 29, 1650. HALL, ROBERT, Gentleman. Heroologia Anglorvm. Or, An help to English History. . . . Loudon, Printed hvT. and R. Cotes, for Henry Seile, . . . 1641. Sm. 8°. A, 4 11 : B— Q 10 in twelves. Dedicated to Charles, Prince of Wales. With two title-pages. HALL, THOMAS. The Pulpil Guarded with XX Arguments proving the Unlawfulness, Sinfulness and HAMILTON. 173 HARE. Danger of suffering Private persons to take upon them Publike Preaching, The Third Edition, with addition of Argu- ments, . . . London, Printed by J. Cottrel, for E. Blackmore, at the Angel in Pauls Church-yard. 1651. 4°, A— P in fours, first and last leaves blank. HAMILTON, ANDREW, Rector of Kilsherrie. A True Relation of the Actions of the Innis- killing-Men, Prom the First Taking-up of Arms in December, 1688, for the Defence of the Protestant Religion, and their Lives and Liberties. London : Printed for Ric. Chiswell, . . . mdcxc. 4°, A— K in fours. A 1 with Imprimatur. HAMILTON, ARCHIBALD, Presbyter. Calvinianse Confvsionis Demonstrate, contra maledicam ministrorum Scotise responsionem. In Dvos Divisa Libros . . . Parisiis, m.d.lxxxi. 8°. a, 8 11 : e, 4 11 : A— Rr in eights. Dedicated to Mary, Queen of Scots and to her son, James VI. HAMILTON, JANET. An Account of the Particular Soliloquies and Covenant Engagements past betwixt M re Janet Hamilton, the defunct Lady of Alexander Gordon of Earlstoun ; which were found in her Cabinet among her papers, after her death at Earlstoun, Feb. 26, 1696. . . . Printed, Anno Dom. 1707. Sm. 8°, A— B 3 in eights. HAMILTON, JOHN, Archb. of St. An- drews. Ane Godlie exhortatioun maid and sett furth be the maist Reuerende Father in God Johane Archebischope of Sanctandrous. Primat of Scotland, Legat, &c. With the auyse of the Prouinciale counsale, haldin at Edinburgh the secund day of Marche, the 3eir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth fifty aucht 3eiris, to all Vicaris . . . [Edinburgh, by John Scot, 1559.] 4°, 2 leaves. The " Twa-Pcnny Faith." HAMILTON, JOHN, Lord Belhaven. A Speech in Parliament On the 10 th . day of January 1701, By the Lord Belhaven, On the Affair of the Indian and African Com- pany, and its Colony of Caledonia. Edin- burgh, Printed in the Year, 1701. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. Lord Beilhaven's Speech [and Second Speech] in Parliament, The Second [and 15th] Day of November 1706. On the Subject-matter of an Union betwixt the two Kingdoms of Scotland and England. 4°, A — B in fours. HAMILTON, W. O— Brazile, Or the Inchanted Island : Being A perfect Relation of the late Discovery and Wonderful Dis-Inchantment of an Island on the North of Ireland : With an Account of the Riches and Commodities thereof Com- municated by a Letter from London-Derry, to a Friend in London. London, Printed for William Crook, . . . 1675. 4°, 6 leaves. HAMPSHIRE. To the Right Honorable the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament: The humble Declaration and Resolution of the Deputy-Lievtenants, Colonel! s, Captains, and Officers, assented unto, and with great cheer- fulness approved of, by the Souldiers of the Trained Bands within the County of South- ampton, at the generall Musters begun the 21 day of June, 1642, . . . July 6. London, Printed for Joseph Hunscott. 1642. A broadside. HAMPTON, BARNABAS. Prosodia Construed And the meaning of the most difficult words therein contained plainly illustrated : . . . London, Printed by Roger Norton, 1672. 8°, A— B in eights. HAR, W. Epicedivm, A Funerall Song, vpon the ver- tuous life, and godly death, of the right wor- shipfull the Lady Helen Branch. Virtus sola manet, ccetera cuncta ruunt. London Printed by Thomas Creade. 1594. 4°, A in fours. In verse. B.M. (the B. A. P. copy) With the autograph of Tho. Hill on title and some MS3. memoranda respecting the family of the departed on margins and at end. Oq A 4 recto occurs in a coeval hand : " Inter honoratos dig naris habere Poetas. R. L. 1594." HARDOUIN DE PEREFIXE, Bishop of Bodez. The History of Henry IV. surnamed The Great, King of France and Navarre. Writ- ten Originally in French, by the Bishop of Rodez, once Tutor to his now most Christian Majesty; And made English by J[ohn] D[avies of Kidwelly.] London, Printed for John Martyn, and Henry Herringman, . . . 1672. Sm. 8°, A— Cc in eights. Dedicated to Charles II. HARDRES, SIR THOMAS, Knight, of Gray's Inn, Serjeant-at-Law to Charles Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of Exchequer, In the Years 1655, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659, and 1660. And from thence continued to the 21 st Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King Charles II. London, Printed by the Assigns of Rich, and Edw. Atkins Esquires, . . . 1693. Folio. HARE. A Songe of the huntinge and killinge of the Hare. Licensed to Richard Jones, June 1, 1577. HARM A R. 174 HARRIS. HARMAR. JOHN. Ianva Lingvarvm, . . . The sevpnth edition than the former I. More amended, II. More cleere, III. More complete, By ihe care and study of I H. London, Printed by R. Young, and are sold hy George Lathum . . . 1631. 4°, A— Dd 2 in fours, including a duplicate and varying title. HARPSFELD, NICHOLAS, Arch- deacon of Canterbury. Historia Anglicana Ecclesiastica A Prima Gentis Svsceptae Fidei Incvnabvlis ad Nostra Fere Tempora Dedvcta. Adiecta breui nar- ratione de Diuortio Henrici VIII. Regis ab uxore Catherina, & ab Ecclesia Catholica Romana Discessione, Scripta ab Edmvndo Campiano. Nunc primum in lucera pro- ducta Studio & Opera R. P. Richardi Gibboni Angli Societatis Iesv Theologi. Dvaci, Svmp- tibvs Marci Wyon, . . . Anno m.dc.xxii. Cum Gratia & Priuilegio. Folio, a — I in fours : A — 5 E in fours. Dedicated to the Archbishop and Prince of Cambrai. HARRINGTON, JAMES. The Oceana and Other Works of James Harrington Esq ; Collected. Methodiz'd, and Review'd, With an Exact Account of his Life Prefix'd, By John Toland. # To which is added, An Appendix, containing all the Political Tracts wrote by this Author, Omitted in Mr. Toland's Edition. . . . The Third Edition: With an Alphabetical Index . . . London: . . . m.dcc.xlvii. Folio. Frontispiece, title and Contents, 3 leaves : A, 4 leaves : a, 3 leaves : b — e 2 in fours : B — 4 L in fours : Index, 7 leaves. With a portrait of Harrington by Van der Gucht, and a plate at p. 113 of The Manner and Use of the Ballot. A Discourse upon This Saying : The Spirit of tbe Nation is not yet to be trusted with Liberty; lest it introduce Monarchy, or invade the Liberty of Conscience. London: Printed by J. C. for Henry Fletcher, at the three Gilt Cups in Paul's Church-yard. 4°, A— B in fours. At the end occurs: "Ja. Harrington. May 16, MDOLIX." A Model of A Democraticall Government, Humbly tendered to Consideration, by a Friend and Weil-Wisher to this Common- wealth. London, Printed for W. P. 1659. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. Idea Democratica, Or A Common-Weal Platform. London, Printed by Tho. Leach, 1659. 4°, 4 leaves. The two last pieces I ascrihe to Harrington. They are bound up In a volume formed at or near the time, containing uther tracts by him. Pour enclouer le Canon. [Col.] London, Printed for Henry Fletcher. 1659. 4°, 4 leaves, subscribed at the end J. Harrington. Without a title-page. The Rota : Or, A Model of a Free-State, Or equall Common- Wealth : Once proposed and debated in brief, and to be again more at large proposed to, and debated by a free and open Society of Ingenious Gentlemen. Ite fortes, ite fceliees. London, Printed for John Starkey. . . . 1660. 4°, A— D in fours. HARRINGTON, JAMES. The Grecian Story: Being An Historical Poem, In Five Books. To which is Annex'd The Grove: Consisting of Divers Shorter Poems upon several Subjects. By J. H. Esq ; . . . London, Printed for William Crook, at the Green Dragon without Temple Bar, near Devereux-Court. 1684. 4°, B — Rr in fours + title and frontispiece : A — C in fours + frontispiece, with the Grove. HARRIOT, THOMAS. Artis Analyticae Praxis, Ad sequationes Algebraicas noua., expedita, & generali me- thodo, resoluendas : . . . Londini Apud Robertvm Barker, Typographum Regium : Et Hsered. Io. Billii. Anno 1631. Folio, A— 3 B, 2 11. each, 3 B 2 blank. It appears that the researches and publications of Harriot, of which this was a posthumous one, had been patronized and encouraged by Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, to whom the volume is inscribed. HARRIS, BENJAMIN. The Protestant Tutor. Instructing Children to spel and read English, and grounding them in the true Protestant Religio. And discovering the Errors and Deceits of the Papists. London, Printed for Ben. Harris, under the Piazza of the Royal Exchange in Cornhil, 1679. Small 8°, A— C in sixteens : D, 8 : E, 16 : D (repeated as well as paging, p. 97 following p. 130) : by Benjamin Harris. 6 leaves : no E : F, 16 : G, 8. With cuts. Dedicated to James Earl of Doncaster and Dalkeith, eldest son of James Duke of Mon- mouth. HARRIS, JOHN, M.A., F.R.S. Lexicon Technicum : Or, An Universal English Dictionary of Arts and Sciences : Explaining not only the Terms of Art, But the Arts Themselves. London, Printed for Dan. Brown, Tim. Goodwin, . . . MDCCIV. Folio. With a portrait of Harris by White. Dedicated to His Royal Highness [? Prince George of Denmark.] There are oopies on large paper. Sotheby's, 23 Feb., 1897, large paper, Prince George's own OOpj in old morocco, with his device on sides. HARRIS. '75 HARVEY. HARRIS, ROBERT, B.J). The Drvnkards Cvp. By Master Harris, Pastor of Han well, and Batchelour in Diuinitie. ... At London : Printed by George Purslowe for Iohn Bartlet, and are to be sold in the Gold-smiths Bow in Cheap-side, at the signe of the Golden Cup. . . . 1626. 4°, A— E in fours. Dedicated to the Justices of Peace round about Han well in Oxfordshire. HARSNET, SAMUEL, Archbishop of York. A Declaration of egregious Popish Impos- tures, to with-draw the harts of her Maiesties Subiects from their allegeance, and from the truth of Christian Eeligion professed in England, vnder the pretence of casting out deuils. Practised by Ed mvnds, alias "Weston a Iesuit, and diuers Romish Priests his wicked associates. Where-vnto are annexed the Copies of the Confessions, and Examina- tions of the parties themselues, which were pretended to be possessed, and dispossessed, taken vpon oath before her Maiesties Com- missioners, for causes Ecclesiasticall. At London Printed by lames Roberts, dwelling in Barbican. 1603. 4°, A — Oo 2 in fours. Dedicated to the Seduced Catholics of Eng- land. HART, JOHN, Chester Herald. A Methode or comfortable beginning for all vnlearned, whereby they may bee taught to read English, in a very short time, with pleasure : So profitable as straunge, put in light, by I. H. Chester Heralt. Imprinted at London, by Henrie Denham. Anno. 1570. 4°, A — E 2 in fours, besides 2 leaves with " Epistle Dedicatorie to suche as vnder- stande howe the most auncient and greatest languages haue vsed, and to this day doo vse their letters." With woodcuts. JBritwell (Heber's copy) and B.M. (imperfect) The latter has been completed In facsimile from the former. Reprinted for the Early English Text Society. HARTLIB, SAMUEL. A Briefe Relation of that which hath been lately attempted to procure Ecclesiasticall Peace amongst Protestants. Published by Samuel Hartlib. London, Printed by I. R. for Andrew Crook, . . . 1641. 4°, A— P 2 in fours. An Essay Por Advancement of Husbandry- Learning : Or Propositions for the Erecting a Colledge of Husbandry: And In order thereunto, for the taking in of Pupills or Apprentices. And also Friends or Pellowes of the same Colledge or Society. London, Printed by Henry Hills, 1651. 4°, A— C in fours + the title-page. Samuel Hartlib His Legacie : Or An En- largement of the Discourse of Husbandry Used in Brabant & Flanders : . . . The second Edition augmented with an Appendix. . . . London : Printed by R. & W. Ley- bourn, for Edward Wodenothe, . . . 1652. 4°, A— T in fours and a leaf of V. Samuel Hartlib His Legacy of Husbandry. . . . With a Table shewing the general Contents or Sections of the several Augmen- tations and enriching Enlargements in this Third Edition. . . . London, Printed by J. M. for Richard Wodenothe, . . . 1655. 4°, A— Q 9 in fours + (a), 4 11. HARTMAN, G. Hartman's Curiosities of Art and Nature: Or, The True Preserver and Restorer of Health. Being Experienc'd Remedies for all Distempers. . . . The Second Edition. Printed for A. C. at the Ring in Little Britain, ... 8°, A— Ee in eights : A— B in eights with 8eUct Receipts. Dedicated to Anna, Countess of Sunderland. HARYEY, CHARLES. An Account of the Last Houres of the late Renowned Oliver Lord Protector : Wherein You have his frame of Spirit, expressed in his Dying Words, upon his Death-bed. To- gether with his last Prayer a little before his Death. Who died at Westminster the third of September. 1658. Drawne up and published by one who was an Eye and Ear- witness of the most part of it. Numb. 23. 10. Let mee die the Death of the Righteous, and let my last end bee like his. London, Printed for Robert Ibbitson, dwelling in Smithfield, near Hosier-Lane end: 1659. 40, A — D 2 in fours, A 1 and D 2 blank. HARYEY, CHRISTOPHER, Vicar of Clifton in the County of Warwick. Aphemastes: Or, The Right Rebel. A Treatise Discovering The true use of the Name by the Nature of Rebellion ; with the Properties and Practices of Rebels Appliable to all both old and new Phanatiques. Numb, xvii. 10. For a Token against the Rebels. Printed for R. Royston Bookseller to his Sacred Majesty. 1661. 8°, A— M in eights. Dedicated to Sir Geoffrey Palmer, Attorney- General. HARYEY, GIDEON, M.D. The Prench Pox. . . . London, Printed for James Partridge, and Sold at his Shop at the Post-House between Charing-Cross and Whitehall, mdclxxxv. 8° or 12°. A — K 6 in twelves. The running title is Little Venus Unmaik'd. The Conclave of Physicians. In Two Parts. Detecting Their Intrigues, Frauds, and Plots, against their Patients, and their destroying the Faculty of Physick. Also a Peculiar HARVEY. 176 HEAD. Discourse of the Jesuits Bark : . . . The second Edition with many Additions. By Gideon. Harvey, M.D. Physician in Ordinary to His Majesty. London, Printed for James Partridge, Stationer to his Poyal Highness George Hereditary Prince of Denmark . . . mdclxxxvi. 8°. Part I., A— F 3 in twelves, A repeated : Part II., A — F in twelves. HARVEY, WILLIAM, M.D. Exercitatio Anatomica De Motv Cordis et Sangvinis in Animalihvs, Gvilielmi Harvei Angli Medici Regii, & Professoris Anatomiae in Collegio Medicorum Londinensi. Franco- fvrti, Sumptibus Gvlielmi Fitzeri. Anno m.dc.xxviii. 4°, A — I in fours, including two leaves of engravings on A 3-4. Dedicated to Charles I. Exercitationes Duse Anatomicse De Circvla- tione Sanguinis. Ad Joannem Riolanum filium ; . . . Authore, Gulielmo Harveo Anglo, . . . Eoterodami, . . . 1649. Sm. 8°, A— F in twelves, F 12 with Errata. HATT, HANNAH. Satan His Methods and Malice Baffled. A Narrative of God's Gracious Dealings with that Choice Christian M rs - Hannah Allen, (Afterwards Married to M r - Hatt,) . . . London, Printed by John Wallis. 1683. Sm. 8°, B— H in eights, H 8 blank, H 7 with a colophon : London, Printed, and are to be Sold by Richard Baldwin near the Black Bull in the Old-Baily. There is no A. Dedicated by Hannah Hatt to the Lady B[aker.] HAWES, STEPHEN. The passetyme of pleasure. W. de Worde, 1509. 4°, A — T in fours (according to Lowndes), but more probably in eights and fours, as in ed. 1517, Ram House. Bound up with the Con\fort of Lovers, and said to be wormed. HAY, ARCHIBALD. Ad Reverendissimum in Christo Patrem D. Iacobvm Betovn, S. Andrese Archiprsesvlem, Scotise Primatem, ac Legatum Natvm, pro Collegij Erectione Archibaldi Hayi, Oratio. De Omnibus, Bene Merendum est. Anno a partu Virginseo, M. D. xxxvin. 4°. A — D in fours : E, 5. [Col.] Excussum Lutetie, Typis P. Vidouei, Anno a partu Virgineo m. d. xxxvm. die vero Septembris xm. York Minster Library. HAY, GEORGE. The Confutation of the Abbot of Crosraguels Masse, set furth by Maister George Hay. [Quot. from Matth. 15. and Cypr. lib. 3 Epist. 2] Imprinted at Edinburgh by Robert Lekpreuik, and are to tetania al his hous in the nether Bow. Cum priuilegio 1563. 4°, A— Bb in fours, Bb 4 with two lines of verse and a woodcut. The Address of the Printer to the Reader is on the back of the title. HAYTON. Here begynneth a lytell Cronycle / translated & imprinted at the cost & charge of Rycharde Pynson. by the comaundement of the ryght high and mighty prince / Edvrarde duke of Buckingham / yerle of Gloucestre / Staffarde / and of Northamton. [Col.] Here endeth a lytell cronicle translated out of frenche into englysshe at the cost & charge of Richarde Pynson by the commaudement of the right high and mighty prince / Edwarde duke of Buckyngham / erle of Gloucestre / Staffarde / & of Northamton. And imprinted by the sayd Richarde Pynson / printer vnto the Kinges noble grace. Cum priuilegio a rege indulto. Folio, A— E in sixes : F, 4 : G, 3 : H, 6 : I, 4. With a large woodcut on title and the printer's device and imprint only on 14. Sotheby's, Dec. 6, 1897 ( Ashburnham), No. 1903, £66. G 4 was probably a blank, and in the Ash- burnham copy was supplied by a spurious leaf. In an edition in Latin, 4°, Hagenau, 1529, this work is said to have been written by the author, an Armenian brother of the Premonstrant order. The translator Is thought to have been Alexander Barclay. In the Huth Catalogue a note says that the book was turned from the original French into Latin in 1307. HAYWARD, JOHN. The Sanctvarie of a trovbled Soule. Newly Enlarged, by I. H. Psalm III. Before I was troubled I went wrong. At London, Prin- ted by H. Lownes, for Cuthbert Burby, . . . 1604. 4°. IT, 4 11: (J), 4 11: ^,411: [ ], 2 11 : A — Oo in fours, Oo 4 blank. HAYWARD, SIR JOHN. Of Svpremacie In Affaires of Religion. By Sir Iohn Hayward, Knight, Doctor of Lawe. London, Printed by Iohn Bill, Printer to the Kings most excellent Maiestie. M. DC. xxim. 4°, A — M in fours. The Right of Succession Asserted, Against the False Reckonings and Seditious Insinua- tions of R. Doleman alias Parsons, And others. . . . London : Printed for Mat. Gillyflower, . . . 1683. 8°. A, 4 leaves, A 1 blank : B — N in eights. HEAD, RICHARD. Nuga) Venales : Or, A Complaisant Com- panion: . . . The Third Edition Cor- rected, With many New Additions. By Richard Head, Author of The English Rogue. . . . London, Printed for Edward Poole, at the Ship, over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhil. 1686. Sm. 8°. A S :B— O in twelves, with an engraving in sign. N, coun- ting in the sheet. H.M. HEATH. 177 HENRIETTA MARIA. HEATH, JAMES. The History of the Life and Death of Oliver Cromwell, the late Usurper and pretended Protector of England, . . . truly collected and published for a warning to all tyrants and Usurpers, by I. H. Gent. London, Printed for P. Coles, at the Lamb, in the Old Bailey, 1663. 4°, A— C in fours. HEGENDORFFINE, CHRISTOPH. The Seconde parte of the Domesticall or housholde Sermons, for a godly housholder, to his childre and familie : Compyled by the godly learned man Christopher Hegendorffine / doctor, most necessarye for all faythefull housholders: now first translated out of laten in to English by Henry Eeiginald. Anno. M.D.SLix. [Col.] Imprinted the last daye of February. Anno Domini, 1549. At "Worceter by Jhon Oswen. Cum priuilegio Eegali, ad imprimendum solum. Per Sep- tennium. 8°, A — E in eights. Sotheby's, July 13, 1901, No. 864, with the First Part (already described), both imperfect. HELDOREN, J. G. van A New and Easy English Grammar, Con- taining Brief fundamental Rules, usual Phrases pleasant and choise Dialogues con- cerning the present State and Court of England. Whereunto is added a Nomen- clature, English and Dutch. . . . t' Am- sterdam, . • • 1675. Sm. 8°. Title and preface by J. G. van Heldoren, 2 11 : A — L 2 in eights : A — C in eights : A Nomenclator, A — C in eights : Dictionary, A — in eights. HELIAS. The knyght of the swanne [This is on a ribbon] Here begynneth the hystory of the noble Helyas knyght of the swanne / newly translated out of frennshe in to englysshe at thinstygacyon of the puyssaunt & Illustryous prynce lorde Edwarde duke of Buckyngham. [Col.] Thus endeth the lyfe & myraculous hystorye of y moost noble and illustryous Helyas knyght of the swanne w y byrth of y excellent knyght Godfrey of Boulyon one of the nyne worthyest / & the laste of the thre crysten. Enprynted in the famous cyte of London in y Fletestrete at the sygne of the sonne by Wynkyn de worde. In the yere of grace. M. ccccc. xii. the .vi day of February The thyrde yere of y reygne of our moost dradde / and natural! souerayne lorde kynge Henry the .viii. 4°. Title, prologue of translator, and Table, 4 leaves : A— I in eights and fours : K, 4 : L, 6 : M, 2. "With a large cut on the title and others in the volume. On a scroll over the device at end occurs Bespice finem, and beneath the device an English paraphrase : — " Or thou ony euyll pretende, Beware alway how it shall ende." Christie's, July 11, 1899, No. 311, with the book- plate of Sir Paul Methuen and the gold stamp on the old calf binding of Edward Gwynn, £410. The copy is in good state, and quite complete, but has been cleaned. It is doubtless the same as that described by me in Handbook, 1867, from the circumstantial account given by John Bagford in one of the Harleian MSS. in the British Museum. A leaf of this edition, on paper, is in the Harl. MS. 5919. The late Mr. Henry Bradshaw had two leaves, now in the Cambr. Univ. Lib. HELWTS, THOMAS. A Short and Plaine proofe by the word / and workes of God / that Gods decree is not the cause off anye Mans sinne or Condemna- tion. And That all Men are redeamed by Christ. As also. That no Infants are Con- demned. . . . Printed 1611. 8°, A« : B 6 . Dedicated by Thomas Helwys to the Lady Bowes. Pet. C. L. HEMINGS, WILLIAM. The Fatal Contract, A French Comedy. . . . London, Printed for Richard Gammon over against Excester house in the Strand. 1661. 4°. Title and dedication to James Compton, Earl of Northampton, and to Isabella his virtuous Countess, 2 11 : B — K 2 in fours. HENNEPIN, F[RERE] LOUIS, now Resident in Holland. A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America, . . . With a Continuation Giving an Account of the Attempts of the Sieur de la Salle upon the Mines of St. Barbe, &c. . . . Both Illustrated with Maps, and Figures; and Dedicated to His Majesty King William. To which are added, Several New Discoveries in North- America, not Publish'd in the French Edition. London, Printed by for [sic] Henry Bonwicke, . . . 1699. 8°, A— Hh in eights, A 1 with a frontispiece. With two folded maps for Hennepin and de la Salle, and plates at pp. 22, 96; [continua- tion :] 9, 30, 92, and 150. HENRIETTA MARIA. Queen of Eng- land. LAdiev de la Reyne DAngleterre, A La France. A Paris, Chez lean Bessin rue de Reims pres le College, m.dc.xxv. 8°, A— B in fours. Lettre D' Vn Prince Anglois Envoyee A la Reyne DAngleterre. Sur les affaires pre- sentes du Royaume, pour l'attentat commis en la personne de son mary. Traduite par le sieur du Pelletier. A Paris, . . . m.dc. xlix. 4°, 4 leaves. Les Sanglots Pitoyables de l'afflige'e Reyne DAngleterre. Dv Trepas de son Mary. A Paris, . . . M.DC.XLix. 4°, 4 leaves. HENRIETTA MARIA. 7S HENRY VIII Remontrance de la Reine D'Angleterre A la Reine Regente, touchans la mort de son mary a l'estat present. A Paris, . . . m.dc.xlix. 4°, 4 leaves. Response De la Reine D'Angleterre Au Prince de Galles son fils. A Paris, . . . M. DC. xlix. 4°, 4 leaves. Les Nations Barbares a la Reine D'Angle- terre. A Paris. Chez Pierre Targa, . . . m.dc. xlix. 4°, 2 leaves. Le Veritable Entretien de la Reyne D'An- gleterre avec le Roy et la Reyne a S. Ger- main en Laye, en presence de plusieurs Seigneurs de la Cour, & autres personnes de consideration. Ensemble les Particularitez de ce qui s'est passe" de plus remarquable dans leurs Resolutions. Touchant les Af- faires pressantes pour la Paix Generale. A Paris . . . M.DC. HI. 4°, A 2 : B 2 . The Life and Death of that matchless Mir- rour of Magnanimity and Heroick Vertues Henrietta Maria de Bourbon, Queen to that blessed King and Martyr Charles the First : . . . London, Printed for Sam. Speed . . . 1669. Sm. 8°, B— F in twelves + the title. A portrait of the Queen " Sold by Nat. Brooke " is inserted in this copy. The last three leaves are occupied by advertisements. La Vie de Tres-Haute Et Tres-Puissante Princesse, Henriette-Marie de France, Reyne de la Grand Bretagne. A Paris, Chez Michel Guerout, . . . m. DC. lxxxx. Avec Privi- lege Du Roy. 8°. a, 8 : b, 2 : A— Y 2 in eights. Dedicated by C. C. to the Kong of Great Britain. HENRY II., King of England. [The] Pleasant History of the Miller of Mansfield, in Sherwood, and Henery the Becond, King of England, Shewing how the King was lodged in the Millers House, and the mirth and Sports he had there. Printed for William Gilbertson, dwelling in Guilt- Bpur-street without Newgate. 1651. Sm. 8°, A — B 4 in eights. With woodcuts, including two on B 4. Bodleian. The headline on A 2 is : The Miller and the King. HENRY VII., King of England. [Foedus Matrimonii inter Carolum Maxi- mil ni Imperat ris Filium & Mariam Henrci fmi Regis Ang lia > Filiam : Anno Dom. 1508. London, Richard Pynson, 1508.] 4°. A 6 : B 4 : C 6 : D 4 : E 4 , the printer's mark occu- pying the whole of E 4. Pepysian (A i mu- tilated). The title given above is In MS., the tract not having had one. A i presents a copy of Latin verses, beneath which occur the arms supported by angels, Ac. There is no colophon. HENRY VIH., King of England. These be the articles folovvynge the whiche the kynges grace hathe pardoned . . . [At the end :] And all these premysses haue relacyon to the .xxiij. daye of Apryle : the fyrste yere of the reygne of our sayd soue- rayne lorde kynge Henry the .viij. IT And by the same pardon his grace hathe graunted that it shall be interpretate and declared : and taken [hon] ourably : gracyously: and benefycyally to all his subgectes. IT God saue the kynge. [London, Richard Pynson, 1509.] A broadside. Univ. Lib. Cambr. Sensuyt le traicte de la paix faict & pmise entre le treschretien Roy de f ranee Loys xij. Et le trespuissant Roy dangleterre. Auec une balade f aicte sur les quatre estatz. [Paris, Guillaume Sanxon, 1514.] 8°. 4 leaves. Sotheby's (Ashburnham), May 10, 1898, in lot 32H. Assertio Septem Sacramentorum. . . . [Col.] Londini in sedibus Pynsonianis. An. M. D. xxn. XVII. Kalendas Februarij. Cum Priuilegio. ... 4°, a— s in fours : t, 6 11., the last blank. The title is in the common Holbein border. Assertio Septem sacrametorum aduersus Martin. Lutherum, . . . Romse Apud F. Priscianensem Florentinum M. D. XLIII. 4°, a — u 2 in fours. To this copy is annexed Henry VIII.'s tract: " Literarvm Qvibvs . . . Henricus VIII. . . . respondit ad quandam epistolam. . . . a— f in fours, apparently from the same press. Regis Angliae Henrici. . . Septem Sacramentorvm. . . . Lvgdvni, . . . M. D. lxi. 4°, bb — nn in fours : a — z in fours : A— B 2 in fours, last page with Errata. [Asseritvr Hie Invictissimi Angliae regis liber de sacramentis, a calumniis & impietatibus Ludderi. Ioanne Eckio Autore. [Col.] Excusum in alma urbe Rhoma. . . . Menso Maio Anno Salut. 1523. 4°, A— M in fours, A 4 blank, M 4 with Errata.'] Literaru, quibus inuictissirul princeps Heri- cusoctauus . . . respondit, ad quandam epistola Martini Lutheri, . . . Colonise, Anno domini M. D. xxvil. 4°. A, 4 : B, 4 : C,6. In the colophon the name of Peter Quontell occurs as the printer. A proclamation concerninge punyshment of transgrcssours and offenders agaynste the laves & statutes of this realme in this boke recyted as folowethe. [London, T. Berthelet, circa 1530.] Folio, A— C 3 in fours (C 4 having probably had the colophon). Sotheby's, Grant's sale, May 9, 1900, No. 27. HENRY VIII. 179 HERBERT. Gravissimae, atq3 exactissimse illustrissimaru totius Italise, et Gallise Academiaru censurse, efficacissimis etiam quorundam doctissimo- rum uiroru argumentationibus explicatse, de ueritate illius propositionis, Videlicet q ducere relictam f ratris mortui sine liberis ita sit de iure diuino et naturali prohibitum : ut nullus Pontifex super huiusmodimatriinonijs contractis, siue contrahendis dispensare possit. [Col.] Impress. Londini in officina Thome. Berthleti Eegij impress. Mense Aprili. An. Dni. m. d. xxx. 4°, a — b in fonrs : A — Q in fours. Original Latin version of the Determinations. Answere to the Petitions of the Traytours and rebelles in Lyncolneshyre. Anno. m.d. xxxvi. 4°, 4 leaves. [Col.] Lon- dini In AEdibvs Thomae Bertheleti Eegii Impressoris. Cvm Privilegio. Publ. Lib. Camb. (Humphrey Dyson's copy) Answere made by the Kynges Hyghnes to the Petitions of the rebelles in Yorkeshire. Anno, m.d.xxxvi. 4°, 6 leaves. [Col.] Londini In AEdibvs Thomae Bertheleti Eegii Impressoris. Cvm Privilegio. Publ. Lib. Camb. (Humphrey Dyson's copy) Illvs[t]rissimi ac Potentissimi Eegis, Sena- tus, Populiq? Anglise, sententia, & de eo concilio, quod Paulus episcopus Eom. Man- tuse futurum simulauit : & de ea bulla, quae ad calendas Nouembres id prorogarit. [Col.] Londini In AEdibvs Thomae Bertheleti Eegii Impress. An. m.d. xxxvii. Cvm Privilegio. 8°, A — C 4 in eights, C 3 with colophon and C 4 blank. A proclamacion, ordeyned by the kynges maiestie, with the aduice of his honourable counsayle for the Byble of the largest and greatest volume, to be had in euery Churche. Deuised the .vi. day of May the .xxxiii. yeare of the kynges moste gracious reygne. Excussum per Eichardum Grafton & Eduar- dum Whitchurch. Cum priuilegio ad im- primendum solum. A broadside. P.M. % A lamentation of the death of the moost victorious Prynce Henry the eyght late Kynge of thys noble royalme of England. ... IF Imprinted at London in Pater noster rowe by Ihon Turcke. Cum Priui- legio ad imprimendum solum. A broadside. Univ. Lib. Cambr. Histoire Du Divorce de Henry VIII. Eoy D'Angleterre, Et de Catherine D'Arragon. Avec La Defense de Sanderus. La Eefuta- tion des deux premiers Livres de l'Histoire de la Eeformation de M. Burnet. Et les Preuves. A Paris, . . . m. DC. lxxxviii. Sm. 8°. 2 vols. Histoire du Divorce ... A Paris, . . . m.dc.XCIII. Sm. 8°. 3 vols. HENRY TV., King of France and Navarre. The History of Henry IV. Surnamed the Great, King of France and Navarre. Writ- ten Originally in French, By the Bishop of Eodez, once Tutor to his now most Christian Majesty ; And made English by J. D. Lon- don, Printed for John Martyn, and Henry Herringman, . . . 1672. 8°. A— Co in eights. Dedicated to Charles II. by John Davies of Kidwelly. HENSHAW, JOSEPH. Horse Succisivse, Or, Spare-Hovres of Medi- tations . . . The Third Edition, corrected and much inlarged. By Ios. Henshaw. London, Printed for Ealph Mabb, 1632. Sm. 8°, A— H 6 in twelves, title on A 2 : [Second Part:] A ['] 6 leaves: B— I in twelves, A 1 blank. The First part dedicated to Lady Cottington, the second to the Bishop of London. This seems to be the first appearance of tha second part. The copy used wanted A 6. HENTZNER, PAUL. Itinerarivm Germanise, Gallise ; Anglise ; . . . Breslse, Apud Hoeredes Iohannis Eyeringii & Iohannem Perfertum. clo LOC xvn. 4°. Title and other prefixes, 8 11 : A— 3 I in fours : 3 K, 5 leaves, including Corrigenda^ Pauli Hentzneri, J. C. Itinerarium. . . . Lipsise, . . . Anno m. DC. lxi. 8°. Prefixes, 4 11; A— Ccc 2 in eights + a folding table before 3 A. HERBERT, EDWARD, Lord Herbert of Cherbury. De Eeligione Gentilivm, . . . Amste- lsedami, Typis Blaeviorvm, M DC LXIII. 4°, A — Gg in fours + the title. HERBERT, PHILIP, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery. The Tryal of Philip Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, Before the Peers in West- minster-Hall, on Thursday the 4* of April 1678. Printed in the Year 1679. Folio, A— G, 2 11. each : H, 1 leaf. HERBERT, SLR THOMAS. Th : Herberts Zee-en Lant-Eeyse. . . . Vyt het Engels in de Nederlandtsche Tale overgeset door L. V. Bosch. Tot Dordrecht, . . . 1658. 4°. *, 4 11. including fron- tispiece : **, 2 11 : A— Aa in fours. With engravings accompanying the letterpress. Memoirs of the Two last Years of the Eeign of that unparallel'd Prince, of ever Blessed Memory, King Charles I. By Sir Tho. Herbert, Major Huntington, Col. Edw. Coke, and M^ Hen. Firebrace. With the character of that Blessed Martyr, By the Eeverend Mr- John Diodati, M r - Alexander Henderson, and the Author of the Primely HERCULES OF GREECE. 1 80 HEROLT. Pelican. To which is added, The Death-Bed Repentance of M r - Lenthal, Speaker of the Long Parliament ; Extracted out of a Letter written from Oxford, Sept. 1662. London, Printed for Robert Clavell, . . . mdccii. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— V in eights. HERCULES OF GREECE. The Famous and Renowned History of the Life and Glorious Actions of the Mighty Hercules of Greece: . . . Printed for S. Bates, at the Sun and Bible in Pye-corner. 4°, A— C in fours. With a large cut on the title. HERDSON, HENRY, late Professor by public authority in the University of Cambridge. Ars Memoriae. The Art of Memory made plaine. London, Printed for William Shears at the Bible in St. Pauls Church yard, neer the little North-doore, 1654. Sm. 8°, A— G in eights, A 1 and G 7-8 blank. A Preface, dated October 21, 1651, states that anyone desirous of further information or instruc- tion might apply for the author at the Green Dragon over against St. Antholin's Church. The text is in Latin. HEREFORDSHIRE. A very Strange, but True Relation of the Raining a Shower of Blood at Shewall in the Parish of Stoake Idith in the County of Hereford, on the 16 th Day of this Instant July, 1679. . . . London, Printed in the Year, 1679. Folio, 2 leaves. ATrue Relation of a Horrid Murder Com- mitted upon the Person of Thomas Kidder- minster of Tupsley in the County of Hereford, Gent. At the White-Horse Inn in Chelms- ford in the County of Essex, in the Month of April, 1654. Together with A True Account of the Strange and Providential Discovery of the same Nine Years after; . . . London, Printed for H. Hills junior, . . . 1688. 4°, A— C in fours. HERESBACHIUS, CONRADUS. Fovre Bookes of Hvsbandrie, Collected by M. Conradus Heresbachius. . . . Newly Englished, and increased by Barnabe Googe, Esquire. ... At London, Printed by T. Este, for Thomas Wight. 1596. 4°, A— C in fours : A— Z in eights : a sheet of 8 leaves : Aa, 2. HERLE, CHARLES, Minister at Win- wick, Lancashire. Wisdomes Tripos, Or rather Its Inscription, Detur Sapienti, In Three Treatises, . . . London, Printed for Samuel Gellibrand, . . . 1655. 8°, A— H in twelves : B— M 4 in twelves, M 3 with a notice to the Reader and M 4 (in this copy) with a dupli- cate title. HERMETIC ART. A Short Enquiry Concerning the Hermetic Art. Address'd to the Studious therein. By a Lover of Philalethes. To which is Annexed, A Collection from Kabbala Dewu- data, and Translation of the Chyniical- Cabbalistical Treatise, Intituled, (Esch-Me- zareph ; or, Purifying Fire. London : Printed in the Year 1704. Sm. 8°, pp. 71-92 + title and preface: A— D 6 in twelves with the latter part. HERO AND LEANDER. The Famous and Renowned History of the Two Unfortunate, though Noble Lovers, Hero and Leander. . . . Printed by A. Milbourn, for J. Blare, at the Looking- Glass on London-Bridge. 4°, A — C in fours. With woodcuts. The Address to the Reader is subscribed J. S., i.e., John Shirley. The Famous and Renowned History of. . . . Hero and Leander, . . . Printed by E. M. for T. Norris, ... 4°, A— C in fours. With cuts. An Excellent Sonnet of the Unfortunate Loves of Hero and Leander. Printed by G. Lee, in Blue-Maid-Alley, near the Marshal- sea, Southwark. A broadside consisting of a series of stanzas. Puttick & Simpson, Dec. 13, 1901, in lot 339, from Joseph Haslewood's library. HERODIAN. Herodian of Alexandria His Historie of Twenty Roman Csesars, and Emperors (of his time.) Together with the most Solemne Deification of the Roman Emperors and Empresses. Interpreted out of the Greeke Originall. London, Printed for Henry Taunton, and are to bee sold at his shop in St. Dunstons Churchyard in Fleetstreet. 1635. Sm. 8°. A, 6 11. including a leaf of verses + frontispiece : B — T in twelves, T 12 blank. HEROLT, JOHN. Sermones discipuli de tempore de Sanctis: et quadragesimale eiusdem. Vna cum tabu- lis. . . . nouiter impressi : & non minimo labore reuisi et castigati. Venundantur (vbi impressi fuerunt) London in suburbis de Temple barre iuxta diui Clemeutis limina in edibus Juliani notarii impressoris ac bib- liopole rnorani suam trahentis sub signo trium regum Necnon venundari reperiutur in cimi- terio sati Pavli in cellula eiusdem cui sitj. appedet idem signum trium regum. [Col.] Expliciunt sermones. [Julian Notary's De- vice.] 4°, aa— cc in eights : a — z in eights, followed by a sheet of 8. Sermones discipuli de Sanctis : cum promp- tuario exemploru : et ruiraculis beate Marie HER TFORDSHIRE. 181 HE YDON. virginis. cum tabulis q nessariis [sic] . No- uiter impressi : et non minimo labore reuisi. [Col.] Finit opus. . . . Impressus London, in suburbiis vulgariter noiatis Temple barre per Julianu notarii impres- sore ac bibliopolam : ere & impensis eiusdem. Anno redeptionis nostre. M. quingentesimo decimo. die vero vicesima secunda mensis Junii. 4°, A — U 4 in eights. "With the large device on U 4 verso. B.M. HERTFORDSHIRE. A Full Eelation of the Proceedings at the Eendezvouz of the Brigade of the Army that was held at Corkbush field in Hartford Parish on Monday last. And A Letter from the Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons to Sir Thomas Fairfax, concerning the said Eendezvouz. With a Paper, Enti- tuled, Englands Freedoms, and Soldiers Eights. Also A Petition to his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, . . . London, Printed for Laurence Chapman, November 16. 1647. 4°, A— B in fours. The Hertford Letter: Containing Several Brief Observations on a late Printed Tryal, Concerning the Murder of M"- Sarah Stout. London Printed, . . . 1699. Price Two Pence. 8°, A — B in fours. A Eeply to the Hertford Letter : Wherein the Case of M re - Stout's Death is more par- ticularly Considered. And Mr- Cowper Vin- dicated from the Slanderous Accusation of being Accessary to the same. London, Printed; . . . 1699. Price Two Pence. 8°, 4" HEWETT, JOHN. Murther Eevealed : Or, A Voyce from the Grave Faithfully Eelating the Deplorable Death of D r - John Hewit, late of St Gre- gories, London: With Severall Queries Propounded to the Consciences of his Bloody Tryers. By a true Englishman. London: Printed in the yeare, 1659. 4°. A — B in fours. HEXHAM, HENRY. The First Part of the Principles of the Art Military, Practised in the Warres of the Vnited Netherlands, vnder the Commaund of his Highnesse the Prince of Orange our Captain-Generall. For so much as con- cernes the duties of a Souldier, and the Officers of a Companie of Foote, as also of a Troupe of Horse, and the exercising of them through their severall Motions. Eepresented by Figvre The Word of Commaund and Demonstration. Composed by Captaine Henry Hexham, Quartermaster to the Honourable Colonell Goring. . . . The second Edition newly corrected and amended. Printed at Delf in Holland, for the lovers of the noble Art Military. Anno 1642. Cum Privilegio. Folio. Title and dedica- tion to William, born Prince of Orange, &c, 2 leaves : A— K, 2 11. each : L, 3 : A (re- peated) with Brief e Instructions, Sfc. 6 11. or 12 pp : The Second Part . . . Printed at Delf in Holland, by Anthony of Heusden, Anno 1642. Cum Privilegio. Title and dedication to Lord Goring, 2 leaves : A — O, 2 11. each + folded tables or plates between E-F, F-G, G-H, H-I, K-L, L-M, N-O: The Third Part . . . Treating of Severall Peeces of Ordnance, . . . Eotterdam Printed by James Moxon. 1643. Title and dedication to Charles Lodowick, Count Palatine of the Ehine, 2 leaves : A— Q, 2 11. each + two folded plates between A and B : An Appendix . . . Printed in the Hagh by Isaac Burchoorn, cbloxLlil. Title and dedication to John Heydon Esquire, living at his Lordship of Oxie-hall neere Watford in Hartford-Shire, and Iohn Harvie Esquire, Justice of Peace and Coram at Wansey in the Countie of Essex, 2 11 : dated by Hexham from Delf, 30 January, 1643, stylo novo: A — E, 2 11. each. Folio. With numerous engravings on letterpress by Hondius. In the dedication to Appendix Hexham calls himself cousin to Heydon and Harvey. HEWES, LEWES, Minister of God's Word. Certaine Greevances, Well Worthy the Seriovs Consideration of the Eight Honor- able and High Covrt of -Parliament. Set forth by way of a Dialogue, or Conference betweene a Countrey Gentleman, and a Minister of Gods word; for the satisfying of those that doe clamour, and maliciously revile them that labour to have the errors of the Booke of Common Prayer reformed. Printed in the Yeare 1640. 4°, A— F in fours, A 1 and F 3-4 blank. HEYDON, JOHN. The Eosie Crucian Infallible Axiomata, Or, Generall Eules to know all things past, present, and to come. Usefull, pleasant and profitable to all, and fitted to the under- standing of mean capacities. London, Prin- ted in the Year, 1660. 8°, A— I 4 in eights. With a folded diagram and several copies of commendatory verses. Elhavarevna Or the English Physitians Tvtor In the Astrolobismes of Mettals Eosie Cruican, Miraculous Saphiric Medicines of the Sun and Moon, . . . Whereunto is added, Psonthonphankia For information and satisfaction of the world, . . .By John Heydon, Gent. Philenomos, A Servant of God, and Secretary of Nature. . . . London, Printed for William Gilbertson, at the Bible in Giltspur street. 1665. 8°, A— L in eights HEYLIN. 182 HEYWOOD. in second alphabet, besides title-page, no B in this oopy. "With a three-quarter portrait. Prefixed Is the Life of the Author, son of Francis and Mary Heydon, now of Sidmouth in Devonshire. HEYLIN, PETER. Cosmographie in f oure Books. . . . The 6 th Edition Corrected and Inlarged by the Author. London Printed for T. Passenger B. Tooke & T. Sawbridge 1682. Folio. With an engraved title. The History of the Sabbath. In Two Bookes. By Pet. Heylin. . . . London, Printed for Henry Seile, . . . 1636. 4°. A, 6 leaves : a, 8 : b, 4 : B— N 2 in eights : Aa— E-r in eights. Examen Historicum : Or A Discovery and Examination of the Mistakes, Falsities, and Defects in some Modern Histories. Occa- sioned by the Partiality and Inadvertencies of their Severall Authours. In Two Books. . . . London, Printed for Henry Seile and Richard Royston, . . . 1659. 8°, A— U 4 in eights, U 4 blank, + b, 8 11 : Part II. Title, Preface, &c, 4 11 : B— Q 4 in eights, Q 4 blank. Sotheby's, Dec. 6, 1897, No. 1946, large paper, old blue morocco, Charles the First's copy with his arms on sides, subsequently given by Karl Ludwig, Count Palatine of the Rhine to Samuel Cabogan at the Hague (14 Aug. 1644), as attested by the recipient. Certamen Epistolare, Or, The Letter-Com- bate. Managed by Peter Heylin, D.D. with 1. M r - Baxter of Kederminster. 2. D r Bar- nard of Grays-Inne. 3. M r - Hickman of Mag. C. Oxon. and 4. J. H. of the City of Westminster Esq; With 5. An Appendix to the same, in Answer to some passages in M r - Pullers late Appeal. . . . London, Printed by J. M. for H. Twyford, T.Dring, and J. Place, . . . 1659. 8°, A— Coin eights. Heylin dates a long preface from " Lacies Court in Abingdon, May 2, 1669." AJErivs Eedivivvs : Or, The History of the Presbyterians. Containing the Beginnings, Progress and Successes of that active Sect. Their Opposition to Monarchical and Epis- copal Government. Their Innovations in the Church: and, Their Imbroylments of the Kingdoms and Estates of Christendom in the pursuit of their Designes. Prom the Year 1536, to the Year 1647. By Peter Heylin D.D. And Chaplain to Charles the First, and Charles the Second, Monarchs of Great Britain. Oxford: Printed for Jo. Crosley, and are to be sold in London by Tho. Basset, . . . 1670. Folio. A, 6 leaves, besides (a), 1 leaf with a dedication to Parliament : B— 4 E in fours. Ecclesia Restavrata. The History of the Reformation of the Church of England. Containing the Beginning, Progress, and Successes of it; the Counsels by which it was conducted; . . . from the first Preparations to it by King Henry the VIII. untill the Legal Settling and Establishment of it under Queen Elizabeth . . . The Third Edition, . . . London, Printed by R. B. for H. Twyford, . . . 1674. Folio, A— 3 F 2 in fours + a, 4 leaves. Dedicated to Charles II. Keimelia Ekklesiastika : The Historical and Miscellaneous Tracts [IV.] of the Reverend and Learned Peter Heylin, D.D. Now Collected into one Volume ... To which are Added V. A Treatise de jure Paritatis iscoporum : And An Account of the Life of the Author : Never before Published. With an exact Table to the Whole. London, Printed by M. Clark, for Charles Harper . . . 1681. Folio. Title, 1 leaf: (A)— (D2) in fours: a— c 2 in fours : B— 6 F 2 in fours. The copy employed has the armorial bookplate of Peter Foulkes, D.D., Canon of Christ Church, Oxon, 1724. A Help to English History, ... By P. Heylin, D.D. And since his Death, continued to this present Year, 1680. With the Coats of Arms of the Nobility, Blazon'd. London : Printed for T. Basset, . . . 1680. Sm. 8°, A— Dd 6 in twelves. From the Advertisement on last leaf it appears that the first edition of this book came out in 1641 with the name of Robert Hall, q. v. HEYWOOD, JOHN. A mery play betwene the Pardoner and the frere / the curate and neybour Pratte. [Colophon :] Imprynted by Wyllyam Ras- tell, the .v. day of Apryll / the yere of our lorde. m. ccccc. xxxiij. Cum priuilegio. Small folio, A— B in fours = 8 leaves. Duke of Devonshire (the Dyson, Nassau, and Heber copy). No other known ; the present, with the autograph of Humphrey Dyson on title, came, no doubt, with many other rare items, to him from the library of Richard Smith, Secondary of the Poultry Comp- ter. Nassau, 1824, £21, resold Heber, 1834, £12. 5t. Reprinted by Mr. Child in " Four Old Plays," 1848, and in Hazlitt's Dodsley, 1S74, vol. i. The piece, though not apparently printed till 1533. was written in or before 1521, as the pontiff Leo X. is cited as living. A mery play betwene Johan the husbande / Tyb his wyie / & syr J ban the preest [This is a head line in four lines, there being no regular title. At the end :] Im- pryntyd by Wyllyam Rastell / the .xii. day of february the yere of our lord. M. cccco. and .xxxiij. Cum priuilegio. Folio, A— B in fours. Bodleian (Ashmole). HEYWOOD. 183 HJERON. Of Gentylnes & Nobylyte. A dyaloge be- twen the marchaut the knyght & the plow- man dysputyng who is a verey gentylman & who is a noble man and how men should come to auctoryte / compilid in maner of an enterlude with diuers toys & gestis addyd therto to make merry pastyme and disport. [Col.] Johes rastell me fieri fecit. Cum priuilegio regali. Folio, A— C in fours. Bodleian (Ashmole) and Univ. Lib. Camb. It is thought to be doubtful whether this is really by Heywood, though formerly attributed to him. He was not accustomed to publish anonymously. [The Play of Loue. At the end :] Printed at London in Farster Laen by John Waley. 4°, A — G in fours. Bodleian (title wanting) . The Play of the Wether. A new and a very mery enterlude of all maner Wethers made by John Heywood. The players names. Jupiter a god Mery Reporte the vyce. The gentlyman. The marchaunt. The ranger. The water myller. The wynde myller. The gentylwoman. The launder. A boy the lest that can play. [London, W. Rastell, 1533 ?] Folio, A 4 : B 4 : C 4 : D 6 [?] St. John's College, Oxford (last leaf wanting). This copy, the only one known, ends imperfectly on D 5, D 6 having had probably the conclusion and the colophon. In the Handbook, 1867, I gave the latter at second-hand— I forget from what source. The Oxford copy, formerly belonging to Nathaniel Crynes, may have once had the final leaf. No copy appears ever to have been sold by auction. Two hundred Epigrammes, vpon two hun- dred prouerbes, with a thyrde hundred newely added and made by John Heywood. Anno Christi. m.d.l.v. [London, in the House of T. Berthelet ?] Sm. 8°, A— E 2 in eights. B.M. This copy wants E 1-2, which are supplied in MS. from another edition. But the imprint appears to be wanting at the end, unless this and the next article were printed together, which scarcely seems probable. A fourth hundred of Epygrams, Newly inuented and made by John Heywood. Londini. Anno Christi. 1560. Sm. 8°, A— C 2 in eights. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Fleetestrete in the house late Thomas Berthelettes. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. B.M. Sotheby's, May 14, 1897, No. 574. On the back of the title is " To the Reader " in verse. HEYWOOD, THOMAS. If you know not me, . . . The Second Part . • . London Printed for Nathanael Bvtter, 1633. 4°, A— K in fours. Woodcut on title. HICKES, WILLIAM. Coffee-House Jests, Refined and Enlarged. By the Author of the Oxford Jests. The Fourth Edition, with Large Additions . . . London, Printed for Hen. Rhodes, . . . 1686. Sm. 8°, A— I 6 in twelves, A 1 with frontispiece. B.M. (Bliss's copy) Coffee-House Jests Refined and Enlarged. By the Author of the Oxford Jests. The Fifth Edition, with Large Additions. . . . London: Printed for Hen. Rhodes, . . . 1688. Sm. 8°, A— I 6 in twelves, A 1 with a frontispiece. B.M. (Sir W. Musgrave's copy.) Coffee-House Jests ; . . . London : Printed for A. Bettesworth, . . . 1711. Sm. 8°, A — H 6 in twelves, H 6 having in this copy on v° catchword To, apparently part of Advertisements. HIEROCLES. Hierocles Upon the Golden Verses of the Pythagoreans. Translated immediately out of the Greek into English. . . . London, Printed by M. Flesher for Thomas Fickus Bookseller in Oxford, 1682. 8°. A, 8: a — c 4 in eights : B — M 4 in eights, A 1 and M 4 blank. Dedicated by the unnamed translator "To my most worthy Friend F. B. of the Middle-Temple Esq;" The Golden Verses are usually regarded as spurious. HIERON, SAMUEL. A Defence of the Ministers Reasons, for Re- fvsall of Svbscription to the Booke of Com- mon prayer, and of Conformitie. Against the severall Answers. OfT. Hutton. . . . Devided into two partes. . . . Imprinted. 1607. 4°. * 4 11 : A— Dd in fours. The Second Parte of the Defence of the Ministers Reasons For refusal of Subscrip- tion & Conformitie to the book of Common prayer. . . . Imprinted. 1608. 4°. Prefixes, 8 11 : A — Nn 2 in fours, A 1 with a half-title. The Second Part of the Defence of the Ministers Reasons for refusal of Subscription to the Booke of Common praier, and of Conformity, &c. Imprinted in the yere 1608. 4°, A— Nn 2 in fours. The Second Parte of the Defence of the Ministers Reasons For refusal of Subscrip- tion & Conformitie to the book of Common prayer. . . . Imprinted 1608. 4°. First title and other prefixes, 8 leaves : A — Nn 2 in fours. B.M. A Dispvte vpon the Qvestion of Kneeling, In the Acte of Receiving the Sacramentall bread and wine, proving it to be unlawfull. Or A Third Parte of the Defence of the HIGHMORE. 184 HIND. Ministers reasons, for refusall of the Sub- ' scription and Conformitie requyred. Against the severall answers, Of 1. D. Spark, . . . 2. D. Covel, ... 3. Thomas Hutton, . . . 4. Thomas Rogers in his two Dialogues, printed this yeare 1608. . . . Printed. Anno 1608. 4°. 1", 4 leaves : A— D in fours : E, 2 leaves : F— X in fours. B.M. HIGHMORE, NATHANIEL, M.D., late of Trinity College, Oxford. The History of Generation. Examining The several Opinions of divers Authors, especially that of Sir Kenelme Digby, in his Discourse of Bodies . . . London, Printed by R. N. for John Martin, . . . 1651. Sm. 8°. IF, 8 leaves, first blank: A— I in eights, I 8 blank, + two folded plates. Dedicated to the Honourable Robert Boyle. HILL, THOMAS. A Most Briefe and pleasaunte treatise, teachying how to dresse, sowe, and set a garden : and what remedies also may be had and vsed agaynst such beastes, wormes, flies, and suche like, that noye Gardens, gathered oute of the principallest Aucthors which haue writte of gardening, as Palladius, Columella, Varro, Ruellius, Dyophanes, learned Cato, and others many moe. And nowe englished by Thomas Hyll Londiner. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Jhon Day for Thomas Hyll. 8°, A— E in eights. "With woodcuts. Dedicated by Hill to Thomas Constable Esquire. This book is noticed in Retrospective Review, 3rd S. ii, 40 et seqq., and the supposititious date 1563 assigned to it. A Most Briefe and pleasaunt treatyse, teachynge howe to dresse, sowe, and set a Garden, and what propertyes also these few herbes heare spoken of, haue to our como- dytie : With the remedyes that may be vsed against such beasts, wormes, flies and such lyke, that commonly noy gardes, gathered . . . by Thomas Hyll Londyner. [On the last leaf but two :] Anno. 1563. Mense Martii. [At end :] Imprynted at London in Flote strete neare to Sainete Dunstans Church by Thomas Marshe. 8°, A — I 4 in eights. Woodcuts. B.M . (the Banks copy.) This copy wants a leaf. The profitable Art of Gardening, now the third time set forth: to which is added muche necessarie matter, and a number of secretes, . . . Englished by Thomas Hill Londoner. Wherevnto is newly added a treatise of the Art of grading, and planting of trees. Jmprinted at London, by Henry Bynneman. Anno. 1579. 4°, A— 0[o] 2 in fours, no B (in this copy). Dedicated to Sir Henry Seamer. With verses entitled A friend to the Reader. The Art of Gardening ... At London ; Printed by Robert W T alde-graue. Anno. 1586. 4°, A — U in fours : Instruction for Ordering of Bees, &c, Aa — Oo 2 in fours. The Gardeners Labyrinth : Containing a discourse of the Gardeners life, in the yearly trauels to be bestowed on his plot of earth, for the vse of a Garden : with instructions for the choise of Seedes, apte times for sow- ing, setting, . . . Wherein are set forth diuers Herbers, Knottes and Mazes, cun- ningly handled for the beautifying of Gar- dens. Also the Physike benefit of eche Herbe, Plant, and Floure, . . . Gathered out of the best Approved Writers of Gar- dening, Husbandrie, and Physicke : by Dydymus Mountaine. Printed at London by Henry Bynneman. Anno. 1577. 4°. a, 4 11 : A— LI in fours, LI 4 blank. With woodcuts. Dedicated by Henry Dethicke to Lord Burleigh. Dethicke edited this posthumous volume for his friend Thomas HilL Natural and Artificial Conclusions : . . . now again published, with a new addition of Rarities, . . . London, Printed by A. M. and are to be sold by Edward Brewster, at the Sign of the Crane in St. Pauls Church- Yard. 1670. 8°, A— G in eights, title on A 2. Legerdemain : Or, Natural and Artificial Conclusions, and Hocus Pocus improved. ... By T. Hill. A German Artist. London : Printed, and sold by A. Baldwin, . . . Adorn'd with Cuts. Pr. 1/-. Sm. 8°, A — G in eights, including a frontispiece in two compartments. HILTON, CAPTAIN. The English Guzman : Or, Captain Hiltons Memoirs. The Grand Informer. [Col.] London, Printed for R. Oswel. 1683. Folio, 2 leaves. The English Guzman : Or, Captaine Hiltons Memoirs. With Several other of the Grand Informers. [Col.] London, Printed for R. Oswel. 1683. Folio, 2 leaves. A Letter to Hilton, The Grand Informer : In Answer to his Several late Printed Libels. London, Printed for R. Lee. 1682. A folio leaf subscribed Philoeusebias Misone- bulonides. A Second Letter to Hilton, The Grand In- former Against Religious Meetings : . . . London, Printed for R. Lee, ... A folio leaf. HIND, JAMES. The Pleasant and Delightful History of Captain Hind: Wherein is sot forth a more full and Oareful Relation of his several Exploits, Stratagems, Robberies, and Pro- HIND. 185 HOLKOT. gress, both in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Holland : . . . Published according to Order. London, Printed for George Horton, 1651. 4°, 4 leaves. Woodcut on title. The Delightful History of . . . Captain James Hind. York: Printed by Thomas Gent, near Stone-Gate. 4°. A, 2 11 : B— C in fours. With outs. No Jest, Like a true lest, Being a Com- pendious Eecord of the merry Life and mad exploits of Captain James Hind, . . . Printed for Tho. Vere and William Gilbert- son and are to be sold at their shops in the Old-Baily, and Giltspur-street. Sm. 8°, A — B 4 in eights. Black letter. HOBART, SIR HENRY, Knight and Baronet, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and Chancellor to Henry and Charles, Princes of Wales. The Reports of the Reverend and Learned Judge . . . Enlarged with the Addition of some Cases never Printed before . . . London, Printed by James Flesher, for William Lee and Daniel Pakeman . . . 1650. Polio. Title and **, 5 leaves : A— Yy in fours, Yy 4 with Errata. With a portrait of Sir H. Hobart by Pass. HOBBES, THOMAS, of Malmesbury. The History of the Civil Wars of England. From the Year 1640, to 1660. By T. H. . . . Printed in the Year 1679. 8°, B— V 4 in eights + title. At the foot of the title of this copy occurs in an early, if not coeval, hand: Printed in the Tear 1679 at London Sf Eccles. Elementa Philosophica de Cive. . . . Amsterodami ... A 1657. Sm. 8°. * 12 11: **, 6 11: A— E 10 in twelves. The title is engraved. Elementa Philosophica de Cive, Auctore Thom. Hobbes Malmesburiensi. Amstero- dami. Apud Danielem Elzevirium. A°. 1669. Sm. 8°, *, 12 leaves : **, 6 leaves : A— R in twelves, R 11-12 blank. The title is engraved. Dedicated from Paris, Nov. 1, 1646, to William, Earl of Devonshire. De Mirabilibus Pecci ... The fifth Edition corrected, &c. . . . London, Printed for William Crook, . . . 1683. 8°, A — C in twelves, C 5-11 with Adver- tisements, C 12 blank. The paging extends to 70 on C Uvo. The Wonders of the Peake . . . The Pourth Edition. London : Printed for Charles Brome at the Gun in St. Paul's Church-Yard. 1699. 8°, A— P in eights, A 1 and F 7-8 blank. With an engraving of a Gun on title. The Art of Rhetoric, With A Discourse of the Laws of England. By Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury. Dent Umbrae . . . Lon- don, Printed for William Crooke, . . . 1681. 8°. A, 4 leaves, title on A 2 : B— O in eights : P, 4. Hobbs's Tripos, In Three Discourses: The First, Humane Nature, . . . The Second, De Corpore Politico. ... The Third, Of Liberty and Necessity; . . . The Third Edition. London, Printed for Matt. Gilliflower, Henry Rogers, . . . and Tho. Fox . . . mdclxxxiv. 8°, A — X in eights, including a blank (A 1) and a general title. HOOHSTRATUS. Hochstratvs Ovans. Dialogvs Festivissimvs. Interlocvtores. Hochstratus, qui & Ero- stratus dicitur. Frater Lupoldus, huic in itinere comes. Eduardus Leus, ex homine commutatus nuper in Canem. Lege, 8r cum ouantibus Iwtaberis. 4°, A — F in fours, F 4 blank. HOCUS POCUS JUNIOR. Hocus Pocus Juinor [sic~\ . The Anatomy of Legerdemain . . . London, Printed by G. Dawson, and are to be sold by Thomas Vere . . . and Francis Grove, . . . 1658. 4°, A— H in fours, A 1 with a woodcut frontispiece. HOJAH EFFENDI. The Reign of Svltan Orchan Second King of the Turks. Translated out of Hojah Effendi, an eminent Turkish Historian. By William Seaman. London, Printed by T. R. and E. M. and are to be sold by John Sherley at the golden Pelican in little Britain 1652. 8°, A— I 4 in eights, pre- ceded by 4 11. with title and dedication by Seaman to the Lady Jane Merick. A 6 has the imprimatur. HOLDEN, HENRY. A Letter written by M r - Henry Holden Doctor of the faculty at Paris, touching the prohibition at Rome of M r - Blacklow's Book, intituled, Tabulae suffragiales. 8°, 8 leaves. Dated from Paris, Nov. 19, 1657. HOLDER, WILLIAM, D.D., F.B.S., late Sub-Dean of their Majesties' Chapel Royal. A Treatise of the Natural Grounds, and Principles of Harmony. The Second Edition. London, . . . mdcci. 8°. Title, Index, and Errata, 3 11 : B— O in eights + 2 plates of music at pp. 155 and 181. HOLKOT, ROBERT [or RICHARD DE AUNG-ERVILLE.] Incipit plogus in libru de amore libror[um] qui dicitur philobiblon. [Col.] Explicit I philobiblon • sci ■ liber de amore libroru Colo- HOLKOT. 1 86 HOLLAR. nie ipressus anno dni M cccc • Lxxiij • &c. 4°, 46 leaves without signatures and figura- tion. Sotheby's, April 26, 1893, No. 764. Phylobyblon disertissimi viri Richardi dil- melmen epi. de qrimonijs librorl omibl lrarl amatorib*! putil plogl Incipit. [Spirse, Johannes et Conradus Hijst, 1483.] 4°, 39 leaves, including one before the title with preface addressed to the printers, the ides of January, 1483. The Philobiblon was included in an octavo volume published at Frankfort: Fhilologicarvm Epittolarcm Centvria vna, &C. Heptalogus omni laude superior a morali doctore M. Ro. Holcoth Anglico Ploren- tissimi ordinis predicatorum de origine diffinitionibus et remediis peccatorum. [Parisiis, Regnault Chaudiere. 1517.] Sm. 8°, a— e in eights. With the printer's mark and name on title and place and date at end of preface. HOLLAND, HENRY. The Historie of Adam, or the foure-fold state of Man, Well formed in his Creation, Deformed in his Corruption, Reformed in Grace, and Perfected in Glory. By M. Henry Holland, late Preacher at Saint Brides Church in London. London Printed by T. E. for Thomas Man, . . . 1606. 40^ x — z z i n fours + II, 2 11. after the title. Dedicated by the Editor, Edward Topsell, from St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate, to Richard Neyle, Dean of Westminster. This posthumous publication was, it is stated, printed for the benefit of the author's widow and large family. HOLLAND, HENRY, the Younger. Baziliologia A Booke of Kings Beeing The true and liuely Effigies of all our English Kings from the Conquest vntill this present With their seuerall Coats of Armes, Im- preses and Devises : And a briefe Chrono- logie of their Hues and deaths. Elegantly grauen in Copper Are to be sould by Thomas Geele at the dagger in Lumbard street 1630. Polio, 30 leaves, including title. This reissue ends with Charles I., and has two portraits of Queen Elizabeth, that belonging to the first edition and a second published by Thomas Geele. HOLLAND, JOHN. A Short Discourse of the Present Temper of the Nation with Respect to the Indian and African Company; And of the Bank of Scotland. Also, of M r - Paterson's pretended Pund of Credit. By J. H. Edinburgh, Printed by John Reid, and Sold by M™- Beiglie, in the Parliament Closs, in the Year MDCXCVI. 4°. H, 3 leaves : A— C 3 in fours. Dedicated to the Lord Chancellor and other members of the Scotish Privy Council. HOLLAND, or DE HOLLANDE, SIR RICHARD, Priest and Notary Public. The Buik of the Howlat. [Edinburgh, by Walter Chepman and Andro Myllar, about 1520.] 4°, black letter. See Laing's Adversaria, 186 , p. 15, where a small fragment is introduced in facsimile ; it was recovered from the binding of another book ; and no more appears to be known. HOLLAR, WENCESLAUS. Theatrv Mvliervm sive Varietas atq. Diffe- rentia Habituum Poeminei Sexus diuersorum Europse Nationum hodierno Tempore vulgo in vsu a Wenceslao Hollar Bohemo deli- neatse et aqva forti seri sculptse Londini A 1643. London Printed by Peter Stent & are to bee sold by him at his shop at the Crowne in gilt-spur street. Sm. 8°, 67 plates and the title. One of the figures represents a Virginian woman. Theatrv Muliervm, sive Varietas atq. Diffe- rentia Habituum Poeminei sexus, diversorum Europse Nationum, hodierno Tempore vulgo in vsv a Wenceslao Hollar Bohemo delineatse et aqua forti seri sculptse Londini A 1643. Advertisement This Sett contains 48 Prints price 10 s - London Printed and sold by Henry Overton at the Wite Horse with out New-gate. [About 1690.] 8°. A reissue from the original plates. Sotheby's, Dec. 7, 1897, No 1992, mounted in an obi. 4° vol. and containing at end three original etchings by Hollar. The Kingdome of England & Principality of Wales, Exactly Described Whith euery Sheere & the small townes in euery one of them, in Six Mappes, Portable for euery Mans Pocket. The first beginning in Scot- land & one Sheere in Northumberland. Vsef ull for all Gentlemen and Travellors and all sorts of Persons that would be Informed of the Distance of Places neuer so Commo- diously drawne before this. Described by one that trauailed throughout the whole Kingdome for the purpose. Printed and sold by Iohn Garrett at the South-entrance of y Exchange W. Hollar fecit. Long 8°, 6 folded maps, a small one of the Isle of Man, and the title, the whole engraved. Popys mentions under 1C67 having the volume in his possession, and as intending to give his copy to Lord Berkeley. Some copies were sold coloured. The plates used for this volume were long lost or mislaid, but were at length recovered by Roque the cartographer, who reissued the scries in 1752 with the following Note In the right hand corner of the 6th map: "Carte do l'Angleterre et d'une Partle d'Ecosse Gravee par lo cclebrc Hollar. Cette Carte 5 et^ Reduite d'apres les Prouinees de Mr- Saxton Par ordre d'Oliver Cromwels Tour l'usago de Sos Armces, oe qui fait qu'ell est Rlputco pour ttre la HOLLAR. 187 HOOKE. meilleure de l'lsle: Toutes celles qui ont etc" pub- lieds depuis N'ent sont que des Copies. Elle est conniie sons le nom de Quarter Masters Map ou Carte des Quartiers Maitres ; les Planches ont et^ dans l'oubly pendant plusieurs Annies par le peu de connoissance de Celuy qui le Possedoit. Elles ont et6 acquises par le S""- J. Rocque Chorographe de 8. A. R. Monseigneur Je Prince de Galles, dans le Strand A Londres 1752. Le Prix est d'une demy-Guinge ou 12 *• Animalivm, Ferarvm, & Bestiarvm, Florvm, . . . A New and perfect Book of Beasts, Mowers Fruits, butterflies, & other Vermine. . . . Printed and are to be sould by Iohn Overton at the White Horse without New-gate. London, A. 1674. Obi. 4°, 23 leaves, including title. The imprint has been altered, and the copy seems to be made up from other sources, probably as usual. HOLLES, DENZIL. The Speech of Denzell Holies Esquire. De- livered at the Lords Barr, Wednesday the 15 th of Iune. Vpon the Impeachment of the Earls of North-hampton, Devon-shire, Monmouth, and Dover, and of the Lords Rich, Andever, Grey of Buthen, Coventry and Capell, for their contempt in departing from the Parliament, and not returning upon Summons. . . . London, Printed for Thomas Vnderhill at the Signe of the Bible in Wood-street, 1641. 4°, A— B in fours. B 4 blank. A Second Defence of King Charles I. By Way of Reply to an Infamous Libel, called, Ludlow's Letter to D r - Hollingsworth . . . London : Printed for S. Eddowes, under the Piazza's of the Boyal Exchange; . . . 1692. 4°, A — H in fours. A Letter to Monsieur Van — B — de M — at Amsterdam, written Anno 1676. By Denzil Lord Holies concerning the Govern- ment of England. 4°, 4 leaves. Without a title. Memoirs of Denzil Lord Holies, Baron of Ifield in Sussex, From the Year 1641, to 1648. London, Printed for Tim. Goodwin . . m.dc.xcix. 8°, A — Q 4 in eights, title on A 2. With a portrait of Lord Holies by White. Edited by John Toland. The volume is dedi- cated by him to John Holies, Duke of Newcastle, the writer's great-nephew. HOLY GHOST. A deuout treatyse called the tree & xij. frutes of the holy goost. [Col.] Here endeth the tree of y holy goost, Enprynted at London in the Eletestrete, at the sygne of the rose Garlande, by Robert Coplande. Anno dni. M. ccccc.xxxniJ. [R. Copland's Device] (ii.) The ,XII, fruytes of the holy goost. [Col.] Enprynted at London in y Fletestrete at the Rose garland, by Robert Copland & Myghell fawkes, A° dfii. m. v. c. xxxv The .xxix. day of Octobre. Folio. The Tree, A— F in fours, F 4 blank: the Fruits, title, &c. 4 11 : a — v in fours. Trin. Coll. Camb. This copy wants title to first portion. A second, sold at Sotheby's, July 1, 1885, No. 1201, wanted F 4 in first part, and ended on t 6, and may be a different impression. There was no mention there of M. Fawkes. HOLY LAND. The Way to the holy lande [This is on a scroll over a cut occupying remainder of page. At the end :] Here endeth the boke called the Informacyon for pylgreymes vnto the holy lande. That is to wyte to Rome to Jherusalem & to many other places. Im- prynted at London in the Fletestrete at the signe of y sonne by Wynky de Worde. The yere of god. M. ccccc. and .xxiiij. the .xxvi. day of Julij. Reg. H. viij. xvi. 4°, A 8 : B 4 : C 8 . St. John's Coll. Cambr. (Thomas Baker's copy.) Beneath the colophon is a MS. in the hand of Miles Blomefield of Bury St. Edmunds, stating that he was born in 1525, the son of John and Anne Blomefield. He was the original owner of the tracts, forming part of the volume, in which the above-named is found : namely, Thomas's Htiiory of Italy, 1549, which has at end of the Catalogue of Pontiffs on the blank fourth leaf: " Myles Blomefylde In Venice. A", 1568"; and Gesta Somanorum, printed by W. de Worde. HOLYOKE, THOMAS. A Large Dictionary In Three Parts : . . . In the whole comprehending whatsoever is Material in any Author upon this Subject. Together with very considerable and ample Additions . . . Whereby this Work is rendred the most Compleat and Useful of any that was ever yet extant in this kind. Performed by the great Pains and many years Study of Thomas Holyoke, D.D. London, Printed by W. Rawlins, for G. Sawbridge, . . . mdclxxvii. Folio. Dedicated to Fulke, Lord Brooke, Baron of Beauchamp Court, co. Warwick, from the Inner Temple, X. Kal. Aug. 1677. HOMILIES. Certaine Sermons appoynted by the Queenes Maiestie, . . . Newely imprinted . . . 1574. Cum priuilegio . . . [Col.] Im- printed at London by Newgate market, . . . A — N 4 in eights : Second tome, A — Qq 4 in eights. HOOKE, ROBERT, F.B.8. Lampas: Or, Descriptions of Some Me- chanical Improvements of Lamps & Water- poises. Together with some other Physical and Mechanical Discoveries. Made by Robert Hooke, Fellow of the Royal Society. HOOLE. 1 88 HORATIUS FLACCUS. London, Printed for John Martyn, . . . 1677. 4°, B— H 3 in fours + title. HOOLE, CHARLES. Sententise Pueriles Anglo-Latinae . . . Sentences for Children, English and Latin Dublinii, Excudehat Andr. Crook, . . . 1708. Sm. 8°, A— F in eights : G, 6. There is a later edition, Sm. 8°, 1741. HOOPER, JOHN, Bishop of Gloucester. An ouersighte and deliberacion vppon the holy prophet Jonas : made, and vttered before the kinges maiesty, and his most honorable councell, by Jhon Hoper in lent last past. Comprehended in seuen Sermons. Anno. M.D.L. Except t/e repent, ye shal al pearish. Lu. xiij. Imprinted at London, by Jhon Tisdale, dwelling in Knight Rider- strete. 8°. *, 8 leaves: A — Z in eights, Z 8 blank (wanting in copy used). Dedi- cated to Edward VI. Godly and most necessary Annotations in y. xiii. Chapyter too the Romaynes : Set furth by the right vigilant Pastor, Jho Hoper, by gods calling, Busshop of Gloucestre. Anno. Do. 1551. Mense Maij. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. [Col.] Imprynted the .xiii. Day of May. Anno. Do. 1551. At Worceter by Jho Oswen, Printer appoynted by y Kinges Maiestie, for y Principalitie of Wales, and Marches of y same. Cum priui- legio. . . . Sm. 8°, A — E 4 in eights. Sotheby's, Dec. 13, 1893, No. 494. HOPE, SIR WILLIAM. The Compleat Pencing-Master : In which is fully Described the whole Guards, Parades, and Lessons, . . . The Second Edition. By Sir W. Hope, Kt. London, Printed for Dorman Newman. . . . 1692. 8°. A, 6 leaves, title on A 2: * 4 11: B— M in eights: N, 4. With eleven folded plates. Dedicated to the young Nobility and Gentry of Scotland. The Sword-Man's Vade-Mecum : Or, A Pre- servative against the Surprize of a Sudden Attack with Sharps. Being A Reduction of the most essential, Necessary and Practi- cal Part of Fencing, ... As also, Some other Remarks and Observations not unfit to be known by Fencing Masters and Others. By Sir William Hope, K*- Author of the Compleat Fencing-Master. Londou : Prin- ted, and are to be sold by J. Taylor . . . and S. Holford. . . . 1694. Sm. 8°, A — G in eights, G 8 with label. A Supplement of Horsemanship To the First part of the Parfait Marcschal. Or A most Compendious and Excellent Treatise of Riding. Whereby all Kinds of Horses may be wrought according to Nature, and Per- fected by the Subtility of Art. Being a Collection, taken from the Best and most Modern Writers upon that Subject. The whole Collected and Methodized, By Sir William Hope of Kirklistoun, K l - Lieutenant Governour of the Castle of Edinburgh. . . . Printed at Edinburgh. Folio, A— Y, 2 11. each + title and Preface, 2 11. HOPKINS, CHARLES. Epistolary Poems. On Several Occasions: With several of the Choicest Stories of Ovid's Metamorphoses and Tibullus's Ele- gies. Translated into English Verse By Mr- Charles Hopkins. London : Printed by R. E. for Jacob Tonson, . . . mdcxciv. 8°. A, 7 leaves, A 1 with half-title : B— 1 4 in eights. Dedicated to Anthony Hammond Esq. HOPKINS, JOHN. Amasia, Or, The Works of the Muses. A Collection of Poems. In Three Volumes. By M r - John Hopkins. Sunt bona, . . . London, Printed by Tho. Warren for Benner Banbury, at the Blue-Anchor in the Lower- Walk of the New-Exchange, 1700. 8°, A — H in eights: Vol. 2, title and four leaves with dedication to the Duke of Or- monde, preface and woodcuts: K — S in eights : vol. 3, dedicated to Mr. Cook (Coke) of Norfolk, T, 6 leaves: V— Gg in eights. With a portrait of the author by van Hove. HOPTON, ARTHUR. A Concordancy of Yeares. Containing a new, easie, and most exact Computation of Time, according to the English Account. Also the vse of the English and Roman Kalender, with briefe Notes, Rules, and Tables, . . . Newly composed, digested, and augmented by Arthur Hopton, Gentle- man. . . . Printed by Nicholas Okes for Thomas Adams. 1615. 8°, A— R 7 in eights, A 1 blank and R 8 the same or with Okes's rebus as in the following impression. Dedicated to Sir Edward Coke. Speculum Topographicum : Or The Topo- graphicall Glasse. Containing The use of the ( Topographicall Glasse. ) Theodelitus. 1 Plaine Table, and (. Circumferentor. With many Rules of Geometry, Astronomy, Topography, perspective, and Hydrography. Newly set forth by Arthur Hopton Gentle- man. 4°, A — Ee 2 in fours, and a, 4 leaves. Dedicated to Thomas Lord Ellesmere. With verses by the author and others, and curious cuts and diagrams. Hopton was fifth son of Sir Arthur Hopton of Bath and grandson of Sir Owen Hopton. HORATIUS FLACCUS, QUINTUS. Selected Parts of Horace, Prince of Lyricks ; And Of all the Latin Poets the fullest fraught with Excellent Morality. Concluding with HORATIUS FLA CCUS. 189 HOWARD. a Piece out of Ansonius, and another out of Virgil. Now newly put into English. Dux Vita Ratio. London, Printed for M. M. Gabriel Bedell, and T. Collins, . . . 1652. Sm. 8°, B— N in eights + title and Errata. There is no prefatory matter. All Horace His Lyrics, Or His Four Books of Odes, And His Book of Epodes Englished. Horat. — Timui mutare modos, S( carminis artem. London, Printed for Henry Herring- man at the Anchor in the New Exchange. 1653. Sm. 8°. Title and To the Reader, 2 11 : B— L in eights, L 8 blank. HORDEN, H. Neglected Virtue : Or, The Unhappy Con- querour. A Play, Acted at the Theatre- Eoyal. By His Majesty's Servants. Lon- don : Printed for Henry Rhodes, . . . 1696. 4°, A— G in fours. Dedicated to Sir John Smith Baronet. HORN, GEORGE. GeorgI HornI Rervm Britannicarvm Libri Septem, Quibus Res in Anglia, Scotia, Hibernia, ab Anno cblocxLV bello gestae, exponuntur. Lvgd. Batav. . . . cblocxLVin. 8°. *, 8 11 : A — Z in eights. Dedicated to the Curators of the Academy or College at Harderwijk. HOROLOGIUM SAPIENTLE. &c. (i.) Orologium Sapientise : (ii.) Seven Profits of Tribulation: (iii.) Rule of St. Benet. [Westminster, W. Caxton, about 1490.] 4°, 148 leaves. A — M in eights: A — D in eights : aa — c 4 in eights. Each piece with a separate headline and signatures, but without a regular title. Pull. Lib. Camb. At the end of the first piece occurs : Thus endith this treatyse of the vij poyntes of true loue & euer- lastyng wysdom / drawen of of the boke that is wryten in laten named Orologiu sapiecie. Em- prynted at westmynstre. Qui legit emendet / [im] pressorem non reprehendat. Wyllelmu Caxton. Cui deao alta tradat. A copy nearly perfect is in the Spencer-Rylands library at Manchester. This is the volume which Blades rather misleadingly registers as the Book of Divers Ghostly Matters. The copy now at Manchester was bought by Lord Spencer at the Merly sale for £194. 5s. The second portion only occurred in Ashburnham sale, May 13, 1898, No. 3760. HORSEMANSHIP. The Horse-manship of England, Most par- ticularly relating to the Breeding and Training of the Running-Horse. A Poem Dedicated to His Grace the Duke of Mon- mouth. London : Printed for Thomas Park- hurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns at the lower end of Cheapside, near Mercers Chap- pel. 1682. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — C in fours. HORSES. A treatyse: Contaynynge the Orygynall causes, and occasions of the diseases, growynge on horses. And the very perfyte, soueraigne remedyes for the same. Collected, and gathered together, by a cunynge Horse may- ster, very longe vsyng, and practysynge the experience therof . Anno Domini, m.ccccc.lx. [Col.] Imprynted at London, in Paules churcheyearde, at the signe of the Swanne, by Jhon kynge. 4°, A — C in fours. HOTHAM, CHARLES. A True state of the Case of M r - Hotham, Late Eellow of Peter-House ; . . . Printed in the Year, 1651. 4°, A— F in fours. HOTHAM, DURAND, Esquire. The Life of Jacob Behmen Written by Du- rand Hotham Esquire, Novemb. 7, 1653. London Printed for H. Blunden, and Sold at the Castle in Corn-Hill 1654. Folio, B — K in fours + title and two plates on H 1 and between H 4 and Ii. On H 2 occurs a second title : Four Tables of Divine Revelation. . . . Written by Jacob Behm, and Englished by H. B. HOUDEN, JOHN. Carme rithmicu de passioe dfii deuotissimi doctissimiq viri nigri Joanis Houde Anglici Sacre Theologie pfessoris : . . . Prostat hoc Aureu opusculu gadani in ofificina Petri Cesaris bibliopole. ... 8°, A— M in eights. HOUGH, ROGER, a Lover of the Truth. A Wonder of Wonders: Or, Gods People the World's Wonder, Or They are Men wondred at: . . . London, Printed for T. Passenger. . . . 1666. Sm. 8°, A— B 4 in eights. Black Letter. [HOW, WILLIAM.] Phytologia Britannica, Natales Exhibens Indigenarum stirpium sponte Emergentium. Londini, Typis Ric. Cotes, Impensis Octa- viani Pulleyn, . . . 1650. 8°, A— K 4 in eights, first and last leaves blank, A 2 with Imprimatur. How, who had at one time served in the Army, was a noted botanist, and was a friend and corre- spondent of Sir Thomas Browne. HOWARD, THE HONOURABLE EDWARD. Carololades Redivivus: Or, The War and Revolutions in the Time of K. Charles the First. An Heroick Poem. By a Person of Honour. Virgil. Lib 2. Quis talia fando . . . London : Printed for George Chap- man, at the Golden-Key over against the Upper Mewse-Gate, near Charing-Cross, 1695. 8°. A, 4 leaves : A 2 (repeated) — A 8, 7 leaves : a, 4 leaves, with verses by Paul Rycaut, &c. : B — Aa in eights. Dedi- cated to the Princess of Denmark. HOWARD, HENRY, Duke of Norfolk. Bibliotheca Norfolciana: Sive Catalogus Libb. Manuscriptorum & Impressorum lu HOWARD. 190 H0WLET1. Omni Arte & Lingua, quos Illustriss. Prin- ceps Henricus Dux Norfolcise, &c. Regise Societati Londinensi Pro Scientia Naturali Promovenda Donavit. Londini, Excudebat Ric. Chiswel Permissu Regise Societatis. 1681. 4°, pp. 1-175 + title and prel. 3 11. more. Dedicated to Sir Christopher Wren by W. P. This valuable gift made in the interest of science was nobly and honourably sold by the Society for £100. HOWARD, SIR ROBERT. Poems on Several occasions. Written by the Honourable Sir Robert Howard. Lon- don, Printed for Francis Saunders at the Blue Anchor in the New Exchange in the Strand. 1696. 8°. A new title to the former edition. HOWELL, JAMES. Dendrologie, Ov La Forest de Dodonne. Par M. Iacqves Howel, Gentilhomme Breton- Anglois. — Sylum sunt consule dignce. Virg. A Paris, Aux despens de l'Autheur, Qui les fait vendre chez' Avgvstin Covrbe, Lib. & Imprimeur de Mons. Frere du Roy, au Palais, en la petite Sale, a la Palme. M. DC. xli. Avec Privilege Dv Roy. 4°. Title and woodcuts, followed by verses, 6 leaves: A— Ss 2 in fours: Clef, A— B in fours. Dendrologie, Ov Le Parler des Arbres . . . Seconde Edition. A Paris, mdcxlviii. 4°. Divers Historicall Discourses of the late Popular Insurrections in Great Britain, and Ireland, Tending all, to the asserting of Truth, in Vindication of their Majesties; By James Howell Esquire ; Some of which Discourses were strangled in the Presse by the Power which then Swayed, But now are newly retreev'd, collected, and Publish'd by Richard Royston. The first Tome. London, Printed by J. Grismond. 1661. 8°. A, 4 11 : B— Dd in eights, Dd 8 blank. Dedi- cated to Charles II. No more published, although more is an- nounced. This is the same book, which was issued same year as " Twelve Several Treatises." Epistolse Ho-Elianoe. . . . The Fourth Edition. . . . London, Printed for Thomas Guy at the Corner shope of little Lombard- street and Cornhill, near Woolchurch Market, 1673. 8°. a, 8 leaves + a frontispiece: A — LI 4 in eights, last leaf blank, Zaiijia Sheriff of London and Middlesex. (Voiture) Familiar Letters: Vol. I. . . . With Modern Letters, by Tho. Cheek, Esq ; Mr. Dennis ; and M r - Brown. The Fourth Edi- tion, with Additions. London : Printed for Rich. Wellington, . . . 1705. 8°. Vol. 1, A — P in eights : Vol. 2, Aa — Oo in eights, first leaf with list of Plays and Oo with bookseller's advertisements. The first volume is inscribed to Dr. Radcliff by T. Brown, the second to Sir Edwin Sadler by C. Gildon. LEVENS, PETER. A Right profitable Booke for all diseases, called The Path-way to Health . . . now newly corrected and augmented. . . . London. Printed by Iohn Windet for Edward White, and are to be solde at the little North dore of Paules Church, at the signe of the Gunne. 1608. 4°, A— Gg in fours. LEVER, THOMAS. A Sermon Preached y fourth Sudaye in Lente before the Kynges Maiestie, and his honorable Counsell, by Thomas Leauer. Anno Domini. M. ccccc. 1. [Col.] Imprynted at London by John Day dwellinge ouer Aldersgate, . . . Cum priuilegio. . . . Per septennium. 8°, A — F 4 in eights. LEVETT, JOHN, Gentleman. The ordering of Bees : Or, The Trve History of Managing them From time to time, with their hony and waxe, shewing their nature and Breed. As also what Trees, Plants, and Hearbs are good for them, and namely what are hurtf ull : together with the extraordinary profit arising from them. Set forth in a Dialogue, resolving all doubts whatsoever. By the late unparalell'd experience of Iohn Levett, Gent. London, Printed by Thomas Harper, for John Harison, 1631. 4°, Fron- tispiece, 1 leaf: Title, 1 leaf: dedication to M rs - Dorothy Kemp, wife of the Right Worshipful M r - Robert Kemp Esquire, one of his Majesty's Iustices of the Peace for Norfolk, 2 11 : *, 4 leaves : **, 4 leaves : A — 1 in fours. LEVI. Rabshakel Vapulans : Or, An Answer to the Tribe of Levi: In Vindication of the Clergy. A Poem. With a Preface, Re- flecting on the Wit and Civility of that famous Poem, and some late Pamphlets of the same Nature. London Printed, and are to be sold by Randal Taylor . . . mdcxci. 4°, A— C in fours : D— E, 2 11. each. LEWIS, JOHN. Contemplations upon these Times, or, The Parliament Explained to Wales. Digested into three Parts. . . . Written by a Gentleman, a cordiall Well-wisher of his Countries happinesse. London, Printed by R. W. for Nath. Webb, and W. Grantham, . . . 1646. 4°, A— E in fours. LEYBOURN, WILLIAM. Arithmetick : [Vulgar, I Decimal, j Instrumental, ' Algebraical. In Four Parts ... The Sixth Edition, corrected and enlarged. By William Ley- bourn. London, Printed for A. and J. Churchill, in Pater-Noster-Row. 1693. 8°. A — Qq in eights, Qq 8 with advertisements and title on A 2. LEYBURN, GEORGE, D.D., Chaplain to Queen Henrietta Maria. The Memoirs . . . Being a Journal of his Agency for Prince Charles in Ireland, in the Year 1647. Accompanied with Original Instructions and Letters to the Author, from Prince Charles, Queen Mother, the Duke of Ormond, Lord Digby, Lord Clanricard, the Pope's Nuncio, &c. Pub- lish'd without the least Alteration from the Original in the Author's own Hand. To which is prefix'd, An Account of the Author's Life . . . London: . . . mdccxxii. Sm. 8°, A — N 2 in fours + the title. LEYCESTER, SIR PETER, Baronet. Historical Antiquities, In Two Books. The First Treating iu General of Great Brettain and Ireland. The Second Containing Par- ticular Remarks Concerning Cheshire. Faith- fully Collected out of Authentick Histories, p LI BAM IN A. 226 LILBURNE. Old Deeds, Records, and Evidences, By Sir Peter Leycester Baronet. Whereunto is annexed A Transcript of Doomsday-Book, so far as it concerneth Cheshire, taken out of the Original Record. Frustra fit per plura, quod potest fieri per pandora. Lon- don, Printed hy W. L. for Robert Clavell, in Cross-Key Court in Little-Britain. M.dc.lxiii. Folio. Title, dedication to Charles II. and preface, 3 leaves : B— 3 K in fours, 3 K 4 with Errata. "With numerous cuts of arms in the letterpress. LIBAMINA. Libamina Junioribus Philologis degustanda, Or the Locutions of the Latine Tongue De- scribed and Illustrated. With other things relating thereto. . . . Edinburgh, Printed April 22. 1702. As sold by the Author, at his dwelling House within the foot of For- resters- Wynd. Together with his fourth Edition of his Rudimenta Etymologise & Syntaxeos. 2. With the second Edition of his Orthographical Vocables. ... 3. With the second Edition of his Orations, by way of a Comical Play. ... 4. With an Index Poeticus, ... 8°, A— K in fours and the title. LIBRARY. The Compleat Library : Or, News for the Ingenious. Containing an Historical Ac- count of the Choicest Books newly Printed in England, and in the Foreign Journal As also, The State of Learning in the World. To be Published Monthly: August [Sep. tember,] 1692. By a London Divine, &c London, Printed for John Dunton, . . 1692. 4°. With a curious engraving on each title. LIDDELL, DUNCAN, Scot. Viro Clarissimo D excellentissimo dn. Dvncano Liddelio Scoto Philosophise Et Medicinse Doctori & superiorum mathema- tum professori, gratulantur Collegse Et Familiares. Helmaestadii Excudebat Iaco- bus Lucius, Anno M. D. xcvi. 4°, A— B in fours. LIGHT. A Light for the Ignorant Or A Treatise shewing, that in the new Testament is set forth three Kingly States or Governments, that is, the Civill State, the true Ecclesias- ticall-State, and the false Ecclesiasticall- State. . . . Seene and allowed. Printed in the Yeare, 1638. 4°, A— C 2 in fours. LILBURNE, ELIZABETH. To the Chosen and betrusted Citizens, and Burgesses assembled in the Hi^h and Su- pream Court of Parliament. The humble Petition of Elizabeth Lilburne, Wife to Lieut. Coll : lohn Lilburue, who hath been for above eleven weeks by past, most unjustly divorced from him. . . . An undated broadside [1646]. LILBURNE, JOHN. A Worke of the Beast Or a Relation of a most vnchristian censure, Executed vpon lohn Lilbvrne, (Now prisoner in the fleet) the 18 of Aprill 1638. With the heavenly Speech vttered by him at the time of his suffering . . . Printed in the Year the Beast was Wounded 1638. 4°, A— D in fours. With a preface by F. R. A Pearle in a Dovnghill. Or Lieu-Col. John Lilburne in Newgate ... [at the end :] London Iune 1646. 4°, 2 leaves. Come out of her my people : Or An Answer to the Questions of a Gentlewoman (a pro- fessour in the Antichristian Church of England) about hearing the Publicke Ministers : ... By me John Lilburne. Close Prisoner in the Fleet for the Cause of Christ. . . . Printed in the yeare of hope, of England's purgation, & the Pre- lates dissolution. Anno 1639. 4°, A— E 2 in fours. A Copy of a Letter Written by John Lil- bvrne, Close Prisoner in the Wards of the Fleet, which he sent to lames Ingram and Henry Hopkins, Wardens of the said Fleet. [1640, October.] 4°, 4 leaves. A Plea made by Liev. Col. lohn Lilburne, Prerogative Prisoner in the Tower of Lon- don the 2. of Decern. 1647. against the present proceedings of the close and illegall Committee of Lords and Commons appointed to examine, those that are called London Agents. . . . [Tower of London, Dec. 2, 1647.] A broadside. To the Hoble the House of Commons now Assembled in the high Court of Parliament. The humble Petition of John Lilburne, Leif* Colonel. (ii.) To the Honorable House of Commons ... The humble Petition of John Lilburne, Prisoner in the Tower . . . [1647.] A broadside. Ionahs Cry out of the W T hales belly: Or, Certaine Epistles writ by Lieu. Coll. lohn Lilburne, unto Lieu. Generall Cromwell, and M r - John Goodwin: Complaining of the tyranny of the Houses of Lords and Commons . . . [1647.] 4°, A— B in fours. The Legall Fundamentall Liberties of the People of England Revived, Asserted, and Vindicated. Or, An Epistle written the eighth day of June 1649, by Lieut. Colonel John Lilburn (Arbitrary and Aristocratical prisoner in the Tower of London) to M 1 *- William Lenthall Speaker to the remainder LILBURNE. 227 LILY. of those few Knights, Citizens, and Bur- gesses that Col. Thomas Pride in his late purge thought convenient to leave sitting at Westminster . . . London, Printed in the grand yeer of hypocriticall and abomin- able dissimulation. 1649. 4°. A, 2 leaves : A (repeated)— K 2 in fours. "With a rhyming address by the Printer as to the Errata on last page. The Engagement Vindicated & Explained, Or the Eeasons upon which Lieut. Col. John Lilburne, tooke the Engagement. Published by a Well-wisher to the present Authority, on purpose to satisfie scrupulous minds in the lawfulnesse of taking the said Engagement. . . . London, Printed by John Clowes, and are to be sold at the Blew- Anchor in Corne-hill, and at the Black Spread-Eagle at the West end of Pauls. 1650. 4°, 4 leaves. The Prisoner's Most mournfull Cry Against the present Oppression and Tyranny that is exercised upon him. Or, An Epistle written by John Lilburn Esq; prisoner in New- gate, July 1. 1653. Unto the Eight Honor- able John Fowke Lord Mayor of London. 4°, 4 leaves. Without a regular title. See Notes and Queries, Feb. 18, 1888, for a bibliography of Lilburne's tracts and broadsides. LILY, PETER, of Cambridge. Condones duse : Vna inscripta, Pax Liliana, Altera, Colvmba Ecclesiae : Ad pacem Ec- clesiae seruandam tuendamque: Authore, Petro Lilio doctissimo & integerrimo viro, Theologise Doctore, Cantabrigiensi. Lon- dini, Excudebat Thomas Snodham. 1619. 4°, A — P 2 in fours. LILT, WILLIAM, Grammarian. Guilelmi Lilii Angli Eudimenta. Paruu- toru Lilii nuper Impressa & correota. [This is over the cut of schoolmaster and kneeling pupils, the whole in a border of pieces. ? printer] 4°. Bodleian. This copy has : A, 4 leaves complete : B i and B iii, and ends incompletely. It is bound up with two other grammatical tracts, both imperfect, formerly belonging to Hearne and Rawlinson. The type is much worn, and the woodcut on title is the same. Apparently printed at Antwerp or Gouda. Guillelmi Lilii Angli Eudimenta. [London, E. Pynson ?] 4°, A— -B in fours. Without place, &o. This includes Carmen Guillelmi Lilii / ad disei- pulot de moritag, and ends with verses by Richardus Vernamus Paulinae scholae alumnus. On the first leaf is the autograph of White Kennett, Bishop of Peterborough. Absolutissimus de octo orationis partiu con- structione libellus . . . M. D. xv. [At the end :] Libelli De ooto Partivm Con- strvctione Pinis. An* M. D. xv. 4°, a— e in fours. The title within an engraved border. From the press of Frobenius of Basle. Absolvtissimus de octo oratiois partiu Con- structione libellus . . . Pro Io. Erasmo Frobenio Io. filio. M.D. xvil. 4°, a— f in fours. In the colophon Is added : Mense Septebri. Gulielmi Lilii grammatici et poetae eximii, Paulinae Scholae olim Moderatoris, de Ge- neribus Nominum ac Verborum Praeteritis et Supinis Eegulae Pueris apprime utiles. Opus recognitum et adauctum cum Nomi- num ac Verborum Interpretamentis, per Joannem Eightuissum Scholae Paulinae Praeceptorem. Antverpia; apud Michaelem Hillenium, An. 1533. Sm. 8°. Rightwise was Lily's son-in-law and his successor at St. Paul's. [A Short Introduction of Grammar. Col.] Excusum Londini apud Eeginaldum Vuol- fium, Eegiae Maiest. in Latinis typographum. Anno Domini. 1564. (ii.) Brevissima In- stitute . . . 1564. Cum Priuilegio. 4°. First Part, A — D 6 in eights : Second, A — (?) L in eights. The copy used wanted title to first, and con- clusion to second, portion, the latter ending on L 6. A Short Introduction to Grammar, Com- pyled for the Instruction of Youth, By Publique Authoritie. [Arms of the City of Bon Accord.] Aberdene, Imprinted by Edward Eaban. Cum Privilegio. 1632. 8°, A— C in eights : D, 4 : E, 2. Puttick's, March 12, 1895, No. 465, in a vol. with David Wedderburn's Inttitutiones Gframmaticce, 8°, Aberdeen, 1634. A Short Introduction of Grammar Generally to be Used : . . . Cambridge, H Printed by Thomas Buck Printer to the Vniversitie, Anno Dom. 1653. Sm. 8°, A — P in eights. In two parts. A Short Introduction . . . London. Printed by Eoger Norton. 1657. 8°, A— O in eights, A 1 and O 8 blank. A Short Introduction of Grammar . . . London, Printed by Eoger Norton. 1658. 8°, A— O in eights, A 1 blank and 8 with an Advertisement of Priscianus Nascens as in the press. A Short Introduction of Grammar Generally to be Used. . . . Cambridge : Printed by John Pield, . . . 1661. 8°. Part 1, A— P in eights: Part 2, A— M in eights, A 1 blank. A Short Introduction . . . London, Printed by Eog. Norton . . . 1675. 8°, A— O in eights, first and last leaves blank. p— 2 LILY. 228 LINCOLNSHIRE. A Short Introduction of Grammar • . . Oxford, At the Theater. 1692. 8°. Frontis- piece of the Tree of Knowledge, title, and Preface, 4 11 : A — C in twelves, C 4 blank : Brevissima Institulio, with a new title, A — H in twelves : I, 8 11., I 8 blank. A Short Introduction . . . London, Printed by Boger Norton, . . . 1716. Sm. 8°, A— O in eights, O 8 with the cut of the Tree of Knowledge. LILLY, WILLIAM, Astrologer. Christian Astrology Modestly Treated of in Three Books . . . The second Edition Corrected, and Amended . . . London, Printed by John Macock. 1659. 4°. A, 4 leaves, including the portrait by W. Mar- shall : (a) — (c) in fours : B — 5 P 3 in fours. Merlini Anglici Ephemeris Astrological Pre- dictions for the year 1660. By "William Lilly Student in Astrology. Oeneralia vim mutandi singularia habent. London, Printed for the Company of Stationers, 1660. 8°, A— P in eights. With a portrait on the title. A Declaration of the several Treasons, Blas- phemies and Misdemeanors Acted, spoken and published, Against God, the late King, his present Majesty, the Nobility, Clergy, City, Commonalty, &c. By that Grand Wizard and Impostor William Lilly of St. Clements Danes ; Otherwise called Merlinus Anglicus . . . London, Printed for Dan. White, at the Seven Stars in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1660. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. Merlini Anglici Ephemeris : Or, Astrological Judgements for the year 1677. By William Lilly Student in Astrology. . . . London, Printed by J. Macock for the Company of Stationers. 1677. 8°, A— F 6 in eights (but copy employed possibly imperfect at end). With a large portrait by T. Cross on title. There is a curious reference to America, and in the preface Lilly mentions his uncertainty whether he would have been able, owing to failing health, to preface this ephemeris. M r - Lillies New Prophecy. Or ; Sober Pre- dictions of a Peace between the Prench and Dutch, and their Allies, speedily to be con- cluded. . . . With Allowance. Printed for John Clarke, at the Bible and Harp, in West-Smith's field, neer the Hospital-gate. 4°, 4 leaves. A Groatsworth of Wit for a Penny, Or, the Interpretation of Dreams. By M r - Lilly . . . Printed for W. T. and sold by Ionah Deacon at the sign [of] the Angel in Guilt- spur-strt'i'i without Newgate. Sm. 8°. A in eights, with a curious cut on the las! [age. LINACRE or LINAKER, ROBERT. A Short Catechisme: Or A Cordiall Pre- seruatiue for little children, . . . London Printed for William Leake. 1610. 8°, A — B in eights. LINACRE, THOMAS. Bvdimenta Grammatices Thomae Linacri ex Anglico sermone in Latinum uersa, inter- prete Georgio Buchanano Scoto. Parisiis, Excudebat Christianus Wechelus, . . . M. D. xxxiii. 8°, A — H in eights : a — d in eights : A— DD in eights, DD 7 blank, DD 8 with mark on v°. Thomae Linacri Britanni de Emendata Strvctvra Latini Sermonis Libri Sex. [Col.] Londini Apvd Eichardum Pynsonum Mense Decembri. m. d. xxiiii. Cum priuilegio regio. 4°, Title and To the Eeader, 2 11: A— Dd in fours : Ee, 6 11., Ee 6 blank : A— S in fours : T, 6 11. The title is within an engraved border in Hol- bein's style. LIMERICK. The Articles of Limerick, Eatified under the Great Seal of England. [1691.] Polio, 2 leaves. Relative to Irish Roman Catholics. LINCOLNSHIRE. A most wonderfull, and true report, the like neuer heard of before, of diuers Vnknowne Poules hauing the Fethers about their heads, and neckes, like to the Prysled fore-tops, Lockes, and great Buffes, now in vse amongst men and women. Lately taken at Crowley in the Countie of Lyncolne, and seene aliue and deade by diuers Eight worshipfull and credible Persons: whereof the names of some are herein remembred. [Col.]_ At London, Imprinted by Eobert Eobinson dwelling in Fetter Lane, and are to be solde at the corner shoppe at Fetter Lanes end. [1586.] 4°, 4 leaves. Large woodcut on title. Sotheby's, July 3, 1897 (Ashburnham), No. 1633, £\9. 10». This was Bright's copy, and no other is known. The date occurs on a headline on the second leaf. The Manner of the Crvell Ovtragiovs Mvrther of William Storre Mast, of Art, Minister, and Preacher at Market Baisin in the County of Lincolne: Committed By Francis Cartwright one of his parishioners, the 30. day of August Anno. 1602. At Oxford, Printed by Ioseph Barnes. 1603. 4°, 4 leaves. Bodleian. This copy is mutilated. An Abridgement of that Booke which the Ministers of Linoolne . . . Eeprinted, Anno Dom. 1617. Sm. 8°, A— U 4 in eights, first and last leaves blank. LIPSIUS. 229 LLO YD. LIPSIUS, JUSTUS. Two Bookes of Constancie. Written in Latine, by Iustus Lipsius. . . . Englished by Iohn Stradling, Gentleman. Printed at London by Eichard, . . . 1595. 4°. Title and Epistle directed from the Castle of Saint-Douats, 24 August, 1594, 3 leaves : a folded leaf : B— B in fours. LISTER, MARTIN. Martini Lister Octo Exercitationes Medici- nales; . . . Altera Editio ab Auctore recognita & non parum aucta. Londini : Apud Sam. Smith & Benj. Walford, . . . mdclxxxviii. 8°, B— Q in eights + title. On the title of the copy used occurs the autograph of the poet Gray. LITANY. The golden Letany in Englysshe. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Fauster-lane, by me John Skot, dwellynge in saynt Leonardes paryssbe. 8°, A — C 4 in eights. With a woodcut on the title-page of the Trinity. John By lands Library, Manchester (Althorp copy). [The Litany and Graces before and after meate. At the end :] Imprinted at London in Fletestrete at the signe of the Sunne, ouer agaynst the conduyte, By Edwarde Whytchurche. at. D. Li. Cum Priuilegio ad Imprimendum Solum. 8°. Lambeth (a fragment). Maitland (E. P. Books at Lambeth, 1843, p. 257-8) calls this a portion of a Primer; but the Litany, Roger Lowen a German, Who was Executed at Turnham-Green, on Fryday the 25 th of October, 1706. and afterwards hang'd in Chains for the Barbarous and Cruel Murther of M r - Richard Loyd a lawyer. . . . London: Printed for H. Hills in Black-Fryars. 8°, 4 leaves. A New Mapp of the Cittyes of London and Westminster, with the Borough of South- wark & all the Suburbs. Shewing the seve- rall Streets, Lanes, Alleys, and most of the Throwgh-faires. Being a Ready Guide for Strangers to find any place therein. Drawn by W. Holler, the like never done before. Sold by Robert Greene at the Rose and Crowne in Budge Row London. ... A large sheet [about 1720]. LONGINUS, DIONYSIUS. jrept u^ov?. Or Dionysius Longinus of the Height of Eloquence. Rendred out of the Originall. London, Printed by Roger Daniel for Francis Eaglesfield, . . . 1652. Sm. 8°, A— H 2 in eights, A 1 blank. Dedicated by J. Hall to the Lord Commissioner Whitelocke. A Treatise of the Loftiness or Elegancy of Speech. Written Originally in Greek by Longin ; And now Translated out of French by M r - J. P. . . . London, Printed by N. T. for John Holford, Bookseller in the Pali-Mall, over against St. Albans-street. 1680. 12°, A — H in twelves, A 1-2 and H 12 blank (?). LORIS, D., Docteuret Medecin ordinaire de son Altesse de Montbeliard. Le Thresor Des Parterres Del'Vnivers, Con- tenant les Figvres et Povrtraits des plus beaux Compartimens, Cabanes, & Labjrinthes des Iardinages, tant a l'Allemande qu' a la Francoise. Auec le maniere de les construire, compasser, & former dextrement. Descripts en Latin, Francois, Allemand, & Anglois. Et distingue en trois liures. ... A Geneve, Par Estienne Gamoult. M. DC xxiv. 4°. IF— 4 IT 2 in fours : A— Bb in fours. LOSCHO, SARTORIO. Lettera di Sartorio Loscho Su la morte della Reina di Scotia. Al molto Illustre Signor Coute Marc' Antonio Martinengo. In Ber- gamo, Per Comino Ventura, 1587. 4°, italic letter, A in fours. Reprinted in facsimile about 1830, 8°. LOTTERIES. 234 LOVE. LOTTERIES. By the Queene. [A Proclamation declara- tory of that given at our Manor of Havering the 13 of July last respecting the intended Lottery.] Yeuen at our Honour of Hamp- ton Court, the second day of Nouemher, the tenth yere of our raigne. God saue the Queene. Printed at London in Powles Churchyarde, hy Richard Iugge and Iohn Cawood, printers to the Queenes Maiestie. Cum priuilegio Regise Maiestatis [1567.] A broadside. It appears that the advertisement of the Lottery, fixed for November, had, owing to some miscar- riage, failed to reach many persons in the provinces, and that the affair was consequently postponed till the ensuing January. " Whereas the Queenes most excellent Majestie by her hyghnes Proclamation geven at her Manour of Haveryng the xiii of July last, for divers con- siderations in the same expressed was pleased to shorten the day before limited for the readyng of the Lottery erected within her citie of London and by the sayde Proclamation appoynted the readyng thereof to begyn the thirde of this present moneth of November thynkyng the sayde Proclamation to have ben a sufficient warnyng and knowledge geven to all such her Majesties subjectes as had trust committed to them in sundry Shires of the Realme for collection of the summes of money to be ad- ventured in the sayde Lottery for to have returned the bookes sent to them for that purpose in tyme convenient, before the thirde of this moneth. . . ." Diluvium Lachrymarum. A Review of the Fortunate & Unfortunate Adventurers. A Satyr in Burlesque, Upon the Famous Lot- tery, Set up in Freemans-Yard in Cornhill. Te colimus Fortuna Beam. — London, Prin- ted and are to be Sold by Randal Taylor. 1694. Price Three Pence. 4°. A— C,2ll. each. In verse. Abstersse Lacrymae. The Poet Buffoon'd: Or, A Vindication of the Unfortunate Ladies, from the Sawcy Reflections, in a late Doggrel Satyr, Against the Famous Lottery in Free- mans-Yard. By a Club of the Fair Sex for that purpose assembled. Veniunt a dote Sagittm. London: Printed and are to be Sold by Randal Taylor, 1694. 4°, 6 leaves. In verse. LOUDUN. Relation De la Sortie Dv Demon Balam. ... A Orleans. . . . 1635. . . . A Relation of the Devill Balams Departvre ovt of the Body of the Mother-Prioresse of the Vrsuline Nuns of Loudun. Her fearef ull motions and contorsions during the Exor- cisme, with the Extract of the Proces verball, touching the Exorcismes wrought at Loudun, by order from the Bishop of Poictiers under the authority of the King. Printed at Or- leans 1635. Or the first part of the Play acted at Loudun by two Divels, a Frier, and a Nun. Faithfully translated out of the French Copie, . . . London, Printed by R. B. and are to be sold in S. Pauls Church-yard, and in S. Dunstans Church- yard in Fleet-street at the Shop turning-up to Cliffords-Inne. 1636. 4°, A— D in fours. The French portion is reprinted from the original edition with the original Orleans imprint The Cheats and Illusions of Romish Priests and Exorcists. Discover'd in the History of the Devils of Loudun : Being an Account of the Pretended Possession of the Ursuline Nuns, and of the Condemnation and Punish- ment of Vrban Grandier a Parson of the same Town. Tantcene Animis Ccelestibus Irce ? Virg. London, Printed for W. Tur- ner, . . . 1703. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— Y in eights, the last five pages occupied by advertisements. Dedicated to the Primate. LOUIS IX. King of France. The Minority of St Lewis. With the Poli- tick Conduct of Affairs by his Mother Queen Blanch of Spain, during her Regency. Being A Relation of what happen'd most Memorable under his Reign during the Years 1226, 1227, 1228, and 1229. London Printed for R. Bentley and S. Magnes, . . . 1685. Sm. 8°, A — G 4 in twelves, G 3-4 with Ad- vertisements. "With a portrait of Louis IX. having beneath it four lines of verse. LOUIS XIY. King of France. Le Roi Predestine Par l'Esprit de Louis XIV. Roide France. . . . Avec Plusieurs Lettres concernant l'accouchement de la Reine & les affaires d'Angleterre. A Cologne, Chez Pierre Marteau. [At the end occurs :] A Londres le fa Juin 1688. Sm. 8°. *, 10 leaves : A — C in twelves. LOVE. A Description of Love. . . . And Also Mast. Iohnsons Answere to Master Withers. With the Crie of Ludgate, and the Song of the Beggar. The fifth Edition. London Printed by W. S. for Thomas Dewe, . . . 1625. 8°, A— D in eights. Bodleian. The New Disorders of Love. A Gallant Novel. Translated by Richard Gibbs, of Norwich, Philo. Medici. London : Printed for R. Bentley and S. Magnes, . . . 1687. Sm. 8°. A, 4 leaves: B— H in twelves. Dedicated by Gibbs to his honoured friend Richard Berney of Gray's Inn Esquire, eldest son of Sir Thomas Berney, Knight and Baronet, of Norfolk. The Folly of Love : Or, An Essay upon a Satyr against Woman. Mot us doceri . . . Hor. Ode 6. Lib. 3. London, Printed for E. Hawkins, 1691. 4°. A, 2: B— D in fours : E, 2. In verse. B.M. LOVE. 235 LUCIA N. The Folly of Love ... The Second Edition, Corrected and Enlarged. To which is now added the Bachelors Lettany, by the same hand. . . . London, Printed for E. Hawkins, 1693. 4°, A— G, 2 11. each. B.M. There are other editions in 1700, 1701, ifeo. A Poern in Praise of Marrying for Love. Fcelices ter y Geruase Markham Gentleman, . . . London, Printed by Nicholas Okes, and are to be sold by William Welby, dwelling at the signe of the white Swan in S. Pauls Church-yard. 1610. 4°, A— Vv in fours, A 1 blank. Dedicated to the Right Honor- able and his Singular Good Lord, the Lord Clyfton, Baron of La3i»n. The Second Book has a separate title. With woodcuts. Markhams Paithfull Farrier Wherein the Depth of his Skill is laid open in all those Principall and Approved Secrets of Horse- manship, which the Author never published but hath kept in his brest, and hath ben the Glory of his Practice. London, Printed for Thomas Vere, and are to be sold at his shop, at the sign of the Angel, without Newgate, 1661. Sm. 8°, A— H in eights, first and last leaves blank. The Perfect Horse-Man. . . . The last Edition, much Enlarged. Published by Lancelot Thetford, . . . London, Printed by J. D. for Richard Chiswell, . . . 1671. 8°, A — M in eights, including a frontispiece. The Pleasvres of Princes, Or Good mens Recreations : Containing A Discourse of the generall Art of Fishing with the Angle, . . . London : Printed by T. S. for Iohn Browne, and are to be sould at his Shop in S. Dun- stanes Churchyard in Fleetstreet. 1615. 4°, A— E in fours. Black letter. This seems to be a separate issue, as no edition of the English Husbandman, to which it oould have been probably annexed, is known. Hungers Prevention: Or, The whole Arte of Fowling By water and Land. Containing all the Secrets belonging to that Arte, and brought into a true Forme or Method, by which the most Ignorant may Know how to take any kind of Fowle, either by Land or Water. Also, exceeding necessary and pro- fitable for all such as trauell by Sea, and come into uninhabited places: Especially, for those that bane any thing to doe with new Plantations. By Gervase Markham. London, Printed by A. Math, for Anno Helme and Thomas Langley, and are to bo sold at their Shops in Saint Dunstons Church yard, and ouer against the Sarazens head without Newgate. 1621. 8°, A— T in eights, T 8 blank. Dedicated to Sir Edwin Sands and to the writer's friends, M r - Thomas Gibbs, M r - Theodore Gulston, Doctor of Physic, and M r - Samuel Rotte Esquire, Adventurers, and Noble favourers of the blessed Plantation of Virginia. With a frontispiece on A 1 and other woodcuts. A Way to Get Wealth : The first five Bookes gathered by G. M. The last by Master W. L. for the benefit of Great Britaine. The sixt time corrected and augmented by the Au- thour. London, Printed by E. G. for John Harison, . . . 1638. 4°. The separate titles bear the dates, 1631, 1633, 1637, 1638, the book having been, like the other collected editions, made up from the copies of each work then in print A Way to get Wealth, Containing sixe Principall Vocations, . . . The Tenth time corrected, and augmented by the Author. London, Printed by William Wilson, for George Sawbridge, at the Bible on Ludgate-hill, neer Fleet-bridge. 1660. 4°. With separate titles to the five pieces by Markham and the one by Lawson. A Way to Get Wealth : . . . The Four- teenth time Corrected and Augmented by the Author. London, Printed by T. B. for Hannah Sawbridge, at the Bible on Ludgate- Hill, 1683. 4°. The six tracts, as in former editions. The English Hovse-Wife. Containing The inward and outward Vertues which ought to be in a compleate woman. As her skill in Physicke, Surgery, Cookery, Extraction of Oyles, Banqueting stuffe, Ordering of great Feasts, Preseruiug of all sorts of Wines, Conceited Secrets, Distillations, Perfumes, ordering of Wooll, Hempe, Flax, making Cloth, and Dyeing, the Knowledge of Dayries, office of Malting, of Oates, their excellent vses in a Family, of Brewing, Baking, and all other things belonging to an Houshold. A Worke generally approued, and now the fourth time much augmented, ... By G. M. Loudon. Printed by Nicholas Okes for Iohn Harison, . . . 1621. 4°. A, 6 11: B— Q in eights: R, 6 11. Dedicated to Frances, Countess Dowager of Exeter. The English Hovse-Wife. Containing The inward and outward Vertues which ought to be in a oompleal Woman. As her skill in Physicke, Surgery, Cookery, ... By G. M. London. Printed by Nicholas Okes for Iohn Harison, . . . 1631. 4°. A, 6 leaves, first blank : B— R 6 in eights. Dedicated to the Countess Dowager of Exeter. MARK HAM. 247 MARTIN. The Souldiers Exercise : In Three Books. . . . By G. Markham, Gent. The third Edition Corrected and Amended. London, Printed by John Dawson, and are to be sold by Lawrence Blaiklock, at the signe of the Sugar-loafe within Temple Barre, 1643. 4°, A — Z 2 in fours, + (a), 4 leaves, and 2 folded leaves in X and Z. The Soliier't Accidence and Grammar under a general title. A 2 has the original one. Markhams farewell to Hvsbandry . . . London. Printed by Nicholas Okes for Iohn H[a]rison, . . . 1631. 4°, Ae : B— Ls: M 4 . Conceited Letters Newly Laid Open Or A Most Excellent Bvndle of New "Wit . . . London, Printed by Augustine Matthewes for Samuel Band, . . . 1632. 4°, A— F in fours, title on A 2. Black letter. The Country-mans Recreation, Or The j Planting, | Art of -j Grafting, and \ in three Books. . . . ( Gardening ) London, Printed by T. Mabb, for "William Shears, . . . 1654. 4°. A— T in fours : Expert Gardener, A — G in fours, with woodcuts : Art of Angling, mentioned on first title, with separate one dated 1653, A — D 2 in fours, no C. The Young Sportsman's Delight and In- structor in Angling, Fowling, ... By G. M. Sold at the Ring in Little- Britain. Price 6d. Sm. 12°, A— F in twelves, F 12 blank. A 1 has the frontispiece and A 3 a fuller title to the Angling. MARLOW, JEREMIAH, A Book of Cyphers Or Letters Reverst. Being a "Work very pleasant & usefull as well for Gentlemen as all sorts of Artificers Engravers Painters Carvers Chacers Em- broiderers &c. "Where you may find a Cypher for any Name whatsoever Curiously compos'd after the newest Mode. London printed for "W : Rogers at the Sun against St Dunstans Church in Fleet Street 1683. 8°, 56 numbered leaves and 12 unnumbered + title-page. "With the figures engraved by N. Glascock and without letterpress. MAROTT, LEWIS, Pilot. A Narrative of the Adventures of Lewis Marott, Pilot-Royal of the Galleys of France. Giving an Account of his Slavery under the Turks, his Escapes out of it, and other strange occurrences that eDsued thereafter. Translated from the French Copy. London : Printed for Edward Brewster, . . . 1677. Sm. 8°, A— F 4 in eights. MARR, JOHN, Mariner in Dundee. Navigation in Coasting, Or The Sea-Mans Instructer. Containing Severall Theoreti- call and Practicall Parts of that Art: As also Some necessary Points of the Duty of a Carefull Sea-man ; . . . Aberdeen, Printed by John Forbes, And are to be sold in Dundee, Anno Domini, 1683. Sm. 8°, A — V in fours. Dedicated (I) to the Pro- vost, Baillies, &c. of Dundee; (II) to all Lovers of Navigation. MARRANDE, LEONARD. The Ivdgement of Humane Actions. A most Learned & Excellent Treatise of Morrall Philosophie, which fights agaynst Vanytie, & conduceth to the fyndinge out of true and perfect Felycitie. . . . En- glished by John Reynolds. London Im- printed by A Mathewes for Nicholas Bourne at y Royall Exchange. 1629. 8°. A, 8 11 : a, 4 11: B — X 4 in eights. Dedicated by the translator to Edward Earl of Dorset. The title is elegantly engraved by T. Cecill. Reynolds expresses a hope in the dedication that in Marrande the world may find a second Montaigne. MARRIAGE. Les Abus du Mariage, ou sont clairement representez les subtiltez deshonnestes tant des femmes que des hommes dont ils usent pour se tromper l'un sur l'autre a cecy sont adjoustez quelques enseignmens pour cor- riger tels abuses. Ghedruckt in't Jaer ons Heeren 1641. Obi. 4°. Plates by Crispin de Passe. Ruth Coll. Collation : Engraved and printed titles, followed by three printed leaves : B — 6 in fours : H, 2 II : I, 4 11, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd marked I 2-3-4, the 4th unsigned: I, 4 11. (repeated): (.*.), 4 11: (.•.)(.-.), 4 11. In French, Dutch, and English. The XV. Comforts of Rash and Inconside- rate Marriage, Or Select Animadversions upon the Miscarriages of a Wedded State. Done out of French. The Third Edition, with the Addition of three Comforts. Lon- don, Printed for S. Heyrick, "W. Crooke, M. Gillyflower, 1683. Sm. 8°, A— F in twelves. The Case of Clandestine Marriages Stated, "Wherein are shown the Causes from whence the Corruption ariseth, and the true Methods whereby it may be remedyed. In a Letter to a Person of Honour. London, printed in the Year, 1691. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. MARSTON, JOHN. The "Whipper of the Satyre his pennance in a white Sheete : Or, The Beadles Confu- tation. At London Printed for Thomas Pauier. 1601. Sm. 8°, A— B 5 in eights (B 6-7-8 having been probably blank). In verse. Dedicated in verse " To all Ivdiciall Censvrers." B.M. (George Steevens's copy) MARTIN MARPRELATE. Martin's Eccho : Or A Remonstrance, From MARTIN. 248 MAR Y. His Holinesse reverend Young Martin Mar- Priest, ... 4°, A— C 2 in fours. Without a regular title. MARTIN, EDWARD. E. M. A long imprisoned Malignant, His Humble Submission to the Covenant and Directory : With some Reasons and Grounds of use to settle and sati[s]fie tender Con- sciences. Presented in A Petition to the Right Honourable the Lords assembled in Parliament, in Whitsun-week, in the Year, 1647. [Quot. from Euripides.] Printed in the Yeare 1647. 4°, 4 leaves. MARTINDALE, ADAM, a Friend to Mathematical Learning. The Country-Survey-Book : Or Land-Meters Vade-Mecum. . . . With an Appendix . . . Illustrated with Copper Plates. . . . London, Printed for R. Clavel, . . . and T. Sawbridge, . . . 1692. Sm. 8°, A — P 3 in sixes. Dedicated to Lord Dela- mere. With a preface by John Collins. In the latter Collins refers to two Almanacs written by Martindale, called Country Almanacs. From the terms of the dedication the author seems to have been in Lord Delamere's service. The copy used had no plates. MARTINIERE, M. A New Voyage into the Northern Countries Being a Discription of the Manners, Customs, Superstition, Buildings, and Habits of the Norwegians, Laponians, Kilops, Borandians, Siberians, Samojedes, Zemblansand Islanders. With Reflexions upon an Error in our Geo- graphers about the scituation and Extent of Greenland and Nova Zembla. London Printed for John Starkey, . . . 1674. Sm. 8°. A, 6 11. the title on A 2 : B— H 6 in twelves. MARTYN, JOSEPH, a well-wisher to study. New Epigrams, And a Satyre. Est quoddam prodire terms, si non datur ■ultra. London, Printed by G. Eld, dwelling in Little-Britaine. 1621. 4°, A— D in fours. Dedicated " To the Right Worshipfull, Sir Henry Martyn Knight," by " Your Wor- ships in all true deuotion, Ioseph Martyn." The satire is inscribed " To the Kind Acceptance of his louing Kinsman William Martyn of the middle Temple, Gent." It is followed by some verses addressed by Robert Cooke to the author, whose Reply follows. On the title-page of the copy used, formerly Narcissus Luttrell's, occurs: " pretium— 2<1— N:L:S: M MARTYROLOGY. A New Martyrology : Or, The Bloody Assizes : Now Exactly Methodized in one Volume. The Third Edition with large Additions. London, Fruited (according to the Original Copies) for John Dunton at the Black Raven in the Poultrey. 1689. 8°, A — Dd 4 in eights. With a frontispiece of portraits. MARTYRS. Historia Aliqyot Nostri soeculi Martyrum cum pia, turn lectu iucunda, nunc denno typis excusa. [Quot. from Sapientia, 5.] Bvrgis. Apud Philippum Iuntam. 1583. 8°. A, 8 leaves : *, 8 leaves, last blank : Errata, &c, 1 leaf : B— M 4 in eights, M 4 blank. With some verses at the end. Acta Martyrvm, Eorvm Videlicet, Qvi Hoc Secvlo in Gallia, Germania, Anglia, Flandria, Italia, constans dederunt nomen Euangelio, idque sanguine suo obsignarunt : ab Wicleffo & Hussio ad hunc usque diem. Genevse, Apvd Io. Crispinvm. Anno M. D. lvi. 8°. t, 8 leaves : a — rr in eights, rr 8 blank. MARVELL, ANDREW. The Rehearsall Transpros'd: The Second Part. Occasioned by Two Letters: The first Printed, by a nameless Author, Inti- tuled A Reproof, &c. The Second Letter left for me at a Friends House, Dated Nov. 3. 1673. Subscribed J. G. . . . Answered by Andrew Marvell. London, Printed for Nathaniel Ponder. . . . 1674. Sm. 8°, . A — Q 6 in twelves + title and Imprimatur. An Account of the Growth of Popery, And Arbitrary Government in England. More Particularly from the Long Prorogation, of November, 1675, Ending the 16 th of Feb- ruary, 1676, till the last Meeting of Parlia- ment, the 16 th of July, 1677. By Andrew Marvel, Esq; Printed at Amsterdam, and Recommended to the Reading of all English Protestants. Folio, A— S, 2 11. each. With a separate title on P 2 occurs : A List of Several Ships Belonging to English Merchants Taken by French Privateers . . . among others the Lady of Virginia, the Sherwood of Boston, Lincolnshire, and the Mary of Liverpool. MARY, called the VIRGIN. Compassio beate Marie. [Col.] Impressu Edinburgi p Johane Story nomine & mandate KaroliStuli. 8°,Aineights. G I amis Castle. Bound up with the copy of the Aberdten Brtviary in that library. Festum Visitationis beate Marie Virginis, secundum Vsuin Ebor. Nouiter impressi per Ursyn Mylner. 8°. Hore beate Marie vgis secundu vsum Sarum. [Col.] Hoc prosens oflicium beate marie on multis deuotis suffrages ad vsum saru? finita sunt. Anno doinini millesimo quad- ringesimo nonagesimo septimo Pro ioanne ricardo mercatore librario rothomagi 00m- moranti iuxla magna] eoolesiam beate marie. 8°, a — r 4 in eights. With woodcuts and MARY. 249 MARY. beautiful woodcut borders, and the title bearing Thielman Kerver's name and mark. Sotheby's, Dec. 6, 1897, No. 2050 (Ashburnham). The large engravings spoiled by colour. Hore presentes ad vsum Sarum / impresse fuerut Parisius per Philippu pigouchet Anno salutis M. cccc. xcviii. die vero .xvi. Maii. pro Symone Vostre / librario comorante ibide in vico nuncupato nouo sancte Marie, in intersignio sancti Johannis euangeliste. [This is beneath Pigouchet's large device.] 8°, a— q in eights. With several full- page woodcuts and text enclosed in engraved borders. Sotheby's, Dec. 6, 1897, No. 2051 (Ashburnham), imperfect. Sotheby's, July 26, 1899, No. 426, imper- fect. I am not sure whether these two copies were identical ; most probably they were, the book as sold in 1899 being perhaps among those returned in 1897 as imperfect. Hore beate virginis marie ad vsum Sarum. [Col.] Pro anthonio verard. [1502.] 4°, A — X in eights. With a profusion of large woodcuts and woodcut borders, curious for the costumes, but often repeated. Sotheby's, March, 1894, No. 1664 (Toovey), Dr. Rock's copy, with his bookplate, printed on vellum, but imperfect. Some of the engravings in this copy were coarsely coloured. On the back of the title is an almanac for 17 years, beginning with 1503. Hore Marie Virginis scd'm vsum Saru. : cu illius miraculis : vnacu figuris apocalipsis post biblio hystorias insertis : ac etia, mortis accidetia nouiter addita impsse fuerut Parisiis opa ac arte Nicolai higma. Impesis honesti viri Symonis Vostre : comoratis ibide in vico nouo. In intersignio sancti Johannis euangeliste. Large 8°, a — p in eights. With woodcuts and woodcut borders. Sotheby's, Dec. 6, 1897, No. 2053, printed on vellum (Ashburnham), with a MS. note below the miniature of the Annunciation, said to be in the hand of Henry VIII. : " Pray yow pray for me your loving Cousin Henry Rex." A portion of the title-page was cut out. Almanac, 1512 — 30. There was a copy on paper (No. 2052), of same edition somewhat varying in details. [Horse ad usum Sarum. At the end :] Expliciunt Hore diue virginis Marie / secundum ritum insignis ecclesie Saru. Anno. m. ccccc. xxiiij. die vero. xix. Au- gusti. 4°. Y$*, 7 11: A— BB in eights, no Y — Z. With small woodcuts. Text in red and black. Sotheby's, Dec. 6, 1897, No. 2055 (Ashburnham), the title wanting. Hore beate Marie. Ad ritum ecclesiae Sarisburiesis. Venundant London, a Fra- cisco byrckma in cimiterio scti Pauli. [Col.] Hore beatissime virginis marie: secundum vsum Sarum / totaliter ad longum: cum orationibus beate Brigitte : ac multis aliis orationibl et indulgentiis. In alma Parr- hisiorum Academia impensis & sumptibl prestatissimi mercatoris Francisci byrckman ciuis. Coloniesis impresse. Anno domini. M. ccccc. xxi. ix. Mensis Aprilis. 4°. A — D in eights and sixes : a — z in eights, followed by 3 sheets of eight and one of 4. With page-woodcuts and woodcut borders. Sotheby's, March, 1894, No. 1666 (Toovey), imperfect. Hore beate Marie virginis ad vsvm insignis ac preclare ecclesie Sarum / totaliter Ad Longum Sine require. Cum pluribus suf- frages & orationibus / Nouiter impressie [sic] parisius per Germanum hardouyn / comorantem inter duas portas palatii Rigia [sic] I ad inter signium diue Margarete. 8°, A — P in eights. With woodcuts, initials, &c. Sotheby's, May 1, 1893, No. 159, on vellum. Sotheby's, Dec. 6, 1897, No. 2067 (Ashburnham). Printed on vellum ; Almanac, 1528-41. Hore Beatissime virginis marie ad legitimum Sarisburiensis Ecclesie ritum cum quindicem orationibus beate Brigitte / ac multis aliis orationibus pulcherrimis. / et indulgentiis / cum tabula aptissima iam vltimo adiectis. M. D. xxxiiii. Venundantur Pa[risiis] . . . In vico Sancti Jacobi . . . [Col.] Hore beatissime virginis Marie / secundu vsum Sarisbu. totaliter ad logum / . . . Im- presse Parisii per Fraciscum Regnault alme vniuersitatis parisiensis librarium iuratum. Opera et impensis eiusdem. 4°. »$», 10 leaves with title, calendar, &c. : A— Z in eights : a sheet of 10. With woodcuts and woodcut borders. At the end occur the xv. O s and other prayers in English. The copy employed had lost part of the title, and was otherwise imperfect. The engravings are much worn. It appears to be a reissue of the edition by Regnault, 4°, 1529. F. B. 1629 are found in some of the borders. Hore Beatissime virginis Marie ad legitimu Sarisburiensis Ecclesie ritum . . . venu- datS Parisius a Pracisco Begnault . . . [Col.] Impresse Parisius par Fraciscu Reg- nault ."* . . Anno dni. millesimo qugen- tesimo vigesimo sexto. Die vero j. Marti j. [on v° :] the printer's mark and the date -. M.D.xxvi. Large 8°. Prefixes, 10 leaves: A— Z in eights : two sheets of 8 : aa, 8 11 : bb, 6 11. Hore Beate Marie virginis secundum vsum insignis ecclesie Sarum. Imprinted at Lon- don by the assygnes of Iohn Wayland, for- byddyng al other to Prynt thys or any other Prymer. M. D. lviii. 8°, A— Y 7 in eights. Peterborough Cath. Lib. [Officium B. M. V. On R 3 verso occurs :] Hoc presens officiu beate marie virginis de MARY. 250 MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS. nouo reuisu & correctu cum multia suffragiis ad vsum insignis ecclesie sarisburiceii. i pclara vniusitatS parisien. Pro nicolao coltis eiusdem vniuersitatis supposito pro nunc in anglia librorum mercatore. Anno dominice incarnationis nonagesimo octauo Per iohannem Jehannot. 8°, printed within woodcut borders, with numerous large illus- trations, A— R 3 in eights [?] Sotheby's (Toovey), March. 1894, No. 2147, printed on vellum, imperfect, and with some leaves of English prayers at the end, possibly belonging to another book, although the borders exhibit the same designs. Only the first leaf of each sheet is marked. The English Prayers occupy eight leaves under sign, \i, and are entitled on a sort of headline: These prayers folovvyng ought to be sayd or thou departe out of thy chamber at thyn vprisinge. Officium beate Marie vginis ad vsum Sarii . . . Expensis honesti viri Symonis vostre comorantis Parisius [1512.] Sm. 8°, a — q in eights. "With woodcuts of the Dance of Death, &c. The almanac is for 1612-1531. A Methode, to meditate on the Psalter, or great Rosarie of our blessed Ladie. With a Preface in the defence and comendation of it : And Meditations for euery Morning and Euening. Printed at Antwerp. 1598. Sm. 8°, A— G 4 in eights, A 1-2 blank, and 9 leaves in C. "With an engraving on the title and others inserted in the volume in the blank spaces left for the purpose. Bod- leian. The Method of Saying the Eosary of our Blessed Lady. As it was Ordered by Pope Pius V. And as it is said by the Sodales of the Rosary, in the English-Benedictin Col- lege of S. Gregories, at Douay. M. DC. Lxxxrv. Sm. 8°, A— N in eights. Lat. & Engl. MARY I. TDDOR, Queen of England. Coronatione De la Serenissima Reina Maria d'Inghilterra fatta il di primo d'Ottobre. M. D. liii. [Below this is an ornament and the arms crowned. No imprint.] 4°, 4 leaves. Written by a Venetian gentleman, who was actually present with others of his countrymen. The details are extremely curious, and In all probability unique. Marhafftige beschreibung deren ding / die sich in dem iddlichen Konigreich Engel- land / im hewmonat dieses gegenwartigen 1553. Jars / zugetragen haben. 1553. 4°, A — C in fours + a genealogical tree of the Tudors from Henry VII. f Swanger Gaen Vande tegenvoordige ko- ninginne van Engeland, Vergeleken by die Aardige Jesuitse Historien Voorgewallen ten tijden van Maria, Koniuginne van Engeland Int Jaar 1556. Uit het Engels vertaalt. Tot Londen, In't Hoorn-steegje by Isabelle Malt. 4°, 4 leaves, the last blank. MART II. STUART, Queen of Great Britain. Albion's Tears on the Death of Her Sacred Majesty Queen Mary. A Pindarick Poem. London, Printed for J. Place, and are to be Sold by J. "Whitlock near Stationers-Hall, 1695. Folio, A— C, 2 11. each. On the Death of the Queen, A Poem. Licens'd March 9 th , 169f. London: Printed; And are to be sold by John Whitlock near Stationers-Hall. 1695. Folio, A— C, 2 11. each, C 2 with Advertisements. A Poetical Essay Devoted to the Glorious Memory of Our Late Queen, Occasion'd by a Number of Poems, and Sermons, Upon her Death. Virtutem incolumem odimus, Sublatam ex oculis qitoerimus invidi, Hor. London, Printed in the Year mdcxcv. Folio, A— C, 2 11. each. MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS, In Francisci Ulvstriss. Francise Delphini, Et Mariae Sereniss. Scotorvm Reginae Nvptias, Viri cviusdam Ampliss. Carmen. Parisiis, Apud Federicum Morellum, . . . 1558. Cvm Privilegio Regis. 4°, 4 leaves. Proditionis ab Aliqvot Scotise Perdvellibvs Adversvs Serenissimam suam Reginam non ita pridem perpetratae breuis & simplex nar- ratio ex amplissimi cuiusdam viri Uteris fide- liter descripta. M. D. lxvi. [Col.] Dilingae, Excudebat Sebaldus Mayer. 4°, A in sixes, A 6 blank. The copie of a letter written by one in Lon- don to his freud concernyng the credit of the late published detection of the doynges of the Ladie Marie of Scotland. [Col.] Imprinted at Edinburgh by Robert Lek- preuik Printer to the Kings maiestie the vi. day of Aprill, in the yeare of God. 1568. 8°, A— B in fours. A London reprint, with the colophon retained of the original Scotish edition, of which no mention seems to be made in Messrs. Dickson andEdinond's recent work. Copie D'Vne Lettre de Marie Royne D'Es- cosse touchant ses aduersites & le banisse- met des ses fidelz Seruiteurs. A Paris, Chez Robert Coulombel, a l'enseigne d'Alde, 1572. 8°, 4 leaves. Crowned shield on title, with anchor, eagle with expanded wings, &c. Copie D'Vne Lettre de la Royne D'Escosse escripte de sa Prison de Cheifeikl, touchant ses aduersitez, & le banissement de ses fidelz MAR Y QUEEN OF SCOTS. 251 MASCALL. Seruiteurs. A Paris, Chez Robert Coulom- bel, rue S. Iaques, a l'enseigne d'Alde. 1572. Avec Privilege. 8°, 4 leaves. Aldine An- chor on title. Copie D'Vne Lettre de Marie Royne D'Es- cosse Escripte a ses fidelz Seruiteurs bannis d'Angleterre, a leur depart en France. A Paris, chez Robert Colombel, a l'enseigne d'Alde. 1572. 8°, 4 leaves. A few copies were reprinted at Milan, small 8°, 1836 and 1839. Discours de la mort de Tres-haute & tres- ilustre Princesse Madame Marie Steuard, Royne d' Ecosse. Faict le le [sic] vingt troisiesme iour de Feurier 1587. [Paris.] 8°, A in fours. The date in this issue is altered from the 18th to the 23rd of February. La Mort De La Royne d'Escosse, Douairiere de France. Ou est contenu le vray Discours de la procedure des Angloys a 1' Execution d'icelle, la Constance & Royalle resolutio de sa maieste defunte : ses vertueux depor- tements & derniers propos, ses Funerailles & enterreniet d'ou on peut cognoistre la traistre cruaute de l'Heretique Angloys a l'encontre d'vne Royne souueraine, Tres- chrestienne, & Catholique, Innocente. [Quot. from Psalm 85. Dews, iniqui insurrexerut super me . . .] 1588. 8°. a, 6 : b — k in eights : 1, 4, the last leaf blank. With a woodcut of the Crucifixion on a iij. verso, the figure kneeling at the foot of the Cross being apparently intended for the queen. Ode Svr la Mort de la Tres-Chrestienne Tres-Illvstre Tres-Constante, Marie Royne d'Escosse, morte pour la Foy, le 18. Feburier, 1587, par la cruaute des Anglois heretiques, ennemys de Dieu. Auec l'oraison Funebre prononcee en Mars, a nostre Dame de Paris, au iour de ses obseques & seruice. A Paris, Chez Guillaume Bichon, . . . m.d. lxxxviii. Avec Permission. 8°, A — B in fours : Oraison (followed by verses), A — I in fours. 1589. Est natura hominwrn nouitatis auida. The Scottish Queens Buriall at Peterborough, upon Tuesday beeing Lammas day. 1587. London. Printed by A. I. for Edwarde Venge, and are to be sold at his shop without Bishops-gate. 8°, 4 leaves Adv.Lib.Edinb. (the Herbert and Roxburghe copy.) Marie Stvard Reyne D'Escosse. Nouvelle Historique. Premiere [et Seconde] Partie. A Paris, . . . m.dc. lxxiv. Sm. 8°. Part I., A— D in twelves : E, 8, E 8 blank : Part II., A, 4 11 : B— E in twelves. Histoire de Marie Stuart, Reine D'Escosse, et Douairiere de France : ou Recueil de Tontes les Pieces Qui ont ete Publiees Au Sujet de cette Princesse ; Contenant L'Histoire secrette d'Angleterre, de France, & d'Escosse: ... A Londres, . . . mdccxxv. Folio. 2 vols. With a portrait engraved by Vertue. Q. D. V. B. Causas Amissse Majestatis Odium & Contemptum Mariae Stuarta;, Scotorum Olim Reginse, In congressu disputantium exponent, Prseses M. Caspar Henricus Graun, Strignicens. Misn. & Respondens Cornelius Henricus Lindnerus, Lommaciens. Misn. D. xiii. Octobr. Anno mdclxxx. H. L. Q. S. Wittenbergae, Imprimebat Matthaeus Henckelius, Acad. Typogr. 4°, A — B in fours. MASCALL, LEONARD, of Plumpton Place, Plumpton, Sussex. The Husbandlye ordring and Gouernmente of Poultrie. Practised by the Learnedste, and suche as haue bene knowne skilfullist in that Arte, and in our tyme. Imprinted at London, by Thomas Purfoote, for Gerarde Dewse. 1581. 8°. A, 3 leaves: B— L 4 in eights. Dedicated by Leonard Mastall [Mascall] to Mistress Katherine Woodford, wife of James Woodford, Esquire, chief clerk of the Kitchen to the Queen. The first Booke of Cattel : Wherein is shewed the gouernment of Oxen, Kine, Calues, and how to vse Bulles and other cattell to the yoake, and fell. With diuers approued remedies, to helpe most diseases among cattel : most necessarie for all, espe- cially for husband men, hauing the gouern- ment of any such cattell. Gathered and set forth by Leonard Mascall. Thou Heardman, Keeper of thy beastes, when any beast is sickly : Search herein, and thou shalt find, of proued remedies quickly. London Printed by Iohn Wolfe, 1587. 4°, A— V in fours, title on A 2: Aa— Gg in fours. Dedicated to Sir Edward Montague On the leaf A 3 verso occurs in a coeval or early hand: " Christian ffawkes her bookes." The Countreymans Jewel : Or, The Govern- ment of Cattel. Divided into three Books. . . . Gathered at first by LeoDard Mascal, but much inlarged by Rich. Ruscam, Gent. London, Printed for William Thackery at the Angel in Duck-Lane. 1680. 8°, A — Ee 3 in eights. Dedicated by Ruscam to Sir E. B. Knight and Baronet. A Booke of fishing with Hooke & Line, and of all other instruments there unto belonging. Another of sundrie Engines and Trappes to take Polcats, Buzards, Rattes, Mice and all other Kindes of Vermine & Beasts what- soeuer, most profitable for all Warriners, and such as delight in this kinde of sport and pastime. Made by L. M. London Printed by Iohn Wolfe, and are to be sold MASCARDI. 252 MA SSA CHUSE TTS. by Edward White dwelling at the little North doore of Paules at the signe of the Gunne. 1590. 4°, A— M 2 in fours. With woodcuts. P. 87 is a folded cut. The Booh of Enginet has a separate title. Two editions the same year, differing in typographical respects. See as to Mascall M. A. Lower's Comp. Hut. o/Sutiex, 1862, ii, 101. MASCARDI, AGOSTINO, Gentleman of the Bedchamber to Pope Urban VIII. An Historical Relation of the Conspiracy of John Lewis Count de Fieschi, against the City and Republick of Genoua, in the year 1547. Done into English by the Honourable Hugh Hare, Esq. . . . London Printed for John Newton, . . . 1693. Sm. 8°. A*, 6 11 : A, 8 11 : a, 8 11 : B— N 2 in eights. Dedicated to Queen Mary. [MASON, N.J The Rvle of Penance of the Seraphicall Father S. Francis. Approued and confirmed by Leo the X. for Religious Persons of the 3. Order of S. Francis. Together with a Declaration of each point of the Rule, profi- table not only to the Religious of this Order, but also to all Religious Women. By Br. Angelvs Francis Friar Minour. The Second Part. At Dovay, By the Widdow of Marke Wyon, M. DC. XLIV. Sm. 8°. a, 12 leaves, the first with the engraved title : e, 6 leaves : a — cc in twelves, cc 12 blank, and a sheet of 8 under w included. Dedicated by Angelus Francis " To the Venerable Mother Abbesse and Religiovs Sisters of the Third Order of S. Francis, In the Monasterie of S. Elizabeth at Nieuport." On the fly-leaf facing the title occurs : " Gul. Stern, M.A. DD. 1706." No copy of Part I. has so far fallen under my notice. A Manvell of the Arch-Conf raternitie of the Cord of the Passion, Institvted in the Sera- phical Order of S. Francis. ... By Br. Angelvs Francis, the least of the Friers Minors Recollects. Second Edition. At Doway, by Baltazar Bellers. M. DC. Liv. Sm. 8°. a, 12 leaves : A — R 6 in twelves : Second Part, A 6 : B— K in twelves : L, 6. Dedicated " To the Right Honovrable And Most Graciovs Ladie The Lady Anne Hoall." MASON, WILLIAM. Aurea Clavis : Or, A Golden Key to the Cabinet of Contractions : . . . London, Printed for, and Sold by, the Author above- said : . . . 1695. Sm. 8°. A— D 2 in fours. The writer gives his address as at the Hand and Pen in Rell-yard between Gracechurch Street and Cornhill. Arts Advancement. ... By William Mason Author & Teacher of y said Art, At the Writing School, The Hand & Pen in Scalding Alley over against the Stocks Mar- ket London. . . . The Book is also sold by severall Book-sellers. Printed for the Author 1699. Ben Rhodes sculpsit. Sm. 8°, 24 leaves, including portrait. Printed on one side only, and the whole engraved. MASSACHUSETTS. [A Report concerning New England, to- gether with the Draught of a Declaration from his Majesty to the Governour and Company of the Massachusets Bay. White- hall, July 26, 1683. Col.] London, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill deceas'd : And by Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb, . . . 1683. Folio, 2 leaves. Sotheby's, June 20, 1896, No. 747. It appears that 200 copies were printed for distribution in New England by Mr. Edmund Randolph, who was sent ont by the King to receive the surrender of the Colony's Charter, and to notify his Majesty's terms, in case it were surrendered without opposi- tion. The Book of the General Laws and Libertyes Concerning the Inhabitants of the Massa- chusets, Collected out of the Records of the General Court, for the Several Years Wherein they were made and Established. And now Revised by the same Court, and disposed into an Alphabetical order, and published by the same Authority in the General Court holden at Boston, in May 1649. Whosoer therefore resisteth . . . Rom. 13. 2. Cambridge, Printed according to Order of the General Court. 1660. Folio. Title and dedication, 2 11. each : A — L in fours : M — N, 2 leaves each. Puttick & Simpson, Dec. 13, 1893, No. 214, uncut, £109. Another copy is in the library of the Pennsylvania Historical Society. Acts and Laws, of His Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England. Boston in New-England : Printed by B. Green, Printer to the Honourable the Lieut. Governour & Council, for Benjamin Eliot . . . 1726. Folio, A— Vv in fours : Xx, 3 : Zz, 2 : Aaa, 1 leaf : Bbb— 6 P, 2 leaves each : Table, 9 leaves. With this is usually bound the Charter of same date, A— B in fours. Acts and Laws, Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Their Majes- ties Province of the Massaehusets-Bay, in New-England. Begun at Boston the Eighth Day of June, 1692. And Concluded by Adjournment, unto Wednesday the Twelfth Day of October following ; Being the Second Sessions. Anno Regni Gulielmi, et Maria;, Regis et Regime Angliss, Scotia?, Frauds, et Hiberniac, Quarto. Boston Printed by Benjamin Harris, Printer to His Excellency, MASSACHUSETTS. 253 MATTHEW. the Governour and Council, 1692. Folio. Title, Imprimatur, and Contents, 3 leaves : A 2, 1 leaf : B— Z, 2 leaves each. Acts and Laws, Passed by the Great and General Court . . . Convened and held at Boston, the Thirty-first Day of May. 1693. Anno . . . Quinto. Boston. Printed by Bartholomew Green, and Sold by Samuel Phillips. 1693. Polio, A— D, 2 leaves each. Acts and Laws, Passed by the Great and General Court . . . Begun at Boston the Thirty-first Day of May. 1693. And Continued by Adjournment unto Thursday the Sixth Pay of July following: Being the Second Sessions. Anno . . . Quinto. Boston. Printed by Bartholomew Green, and Sold by Samuel Phillips. 1693. Polio, 2 leaves. Acts and Laws, Passed by the Great and General Court . . . Begun at Boston, the Eighth Day of November, 1693. And Continued by Adjournment unto Wednes- day the Fourteenth Day of February follow- ing : Being the Second Sessions. Anno . . . Sexto. Boston. Printed by Bartholomew Green, . . . 1694. Folio, A— C, 2 leaves each, and a leaf of D. Acts and Laws, Passed by the Great and General Court . . . Begun at Boston the Twenty-ninth Day of May, 1695. and continued by several Adjournments until Wednesday the Twentieth of November following. Anno . . . Septimo. Boston. Printed by Bartholomew Green and John Allen, Printers to the Governour and Coun- cil. 1695. Folio, A— C, 2 leaves each. Sotheby's, Feb. 1, 1895, No. 900, this and the preceding from 1692 in a vol. in the original sheep- skin cover. But compare Catalogue of the Charle- magne Tower Collection, 1890, pp. 64-6. The Charter Granted by Their Majesties King William and Queen Mary, to the Inhabitants of the Province of the Massa- chusetts Bay in New-England. Boston, in New-England : Printed by B. Green, . . . for Benjamin Eliot and Sold at his Shop on the North side of King's Street. 1714. Folio. Charter, 8 11 : Table, 3 11 : Acts and Laws, A— Gg in fours : Hh, 1 leaf : Ii— Pp, 2 11. each : Qq, 1 leaf : Rr, 2 11 : Ss, 2 11 : Tt, 3 11 : no Vv : Xx— Ff f, 2 11. each. The Acts extend to 1119. MATHER, COTTON. Late Memorable Providences Relating to Witchcrafts and Possessions, Clearly Mani- festing, Not only that there are Witches . . . Written by Cotton Mather, Minister of the Gospel at Boston in New-England. The Second Impression. Recommended by the Reverend M r - Richard Baxter in London, and by the Ministers of Boston and Charles- town in New-England. . . . London, Printed for Tho. Parkhurst, . . . 1691. Sm. 8°, A — K in eights + [a], 2 leaves. Dedicated to the Honourable Wait Win- throp Esq. MATHER, INCREASE. An Essay for the Recording of Illustrious Providences : Wherein, An Account is given of many Remarkable and very Memorable Events, which have happened in this last Age; Especially in New-Eng- land. By Increase Mather, Teacher of a Church at Boston in New-England . . . Printed at Boston in New-England, and are to be sold by George Calvert at the Sign of the Half-moon in Pauls Church-yard, Lon- don, 1684. Sm. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B — Bb 7 in eights, Bb 8 having been pro- bably blank. Angelographia, Or a Discourse Concerning the Nature and Power of the Holy Angels, and the Great Benefit which the True Fearers of God Receive by their Ministry : Delivered in several Sermons : . . . Also a Disquisition concerning Angelical Appari- tions. By Increase Mather, President of Harvard Colledge, in Cambridge, and Preacher of the Gospel at Boston, in New- England. . . . Boston in N. E. Printed by B. Green & J. Allen, for Samuel Phillips at the Brick Shop. 1696. 8°, A— M in eights. Dedicated by Mather to the Right Hon. Hugh Boscawen Esquire, one of His Majesty's Privy Council. B.M. MATHER, RICHARD, Teacher of the Church at Dorchester, and WILLIAM TOMPSON, Pastor of the Church at Sraintry, in New England. An Heart-Melting Exhortation Together with a Cordiall Consolation. Presented in a Letter from New-England, to their dear Countreymen of Lancashire. Which may as well concern all others in these suffering times. . . . London, Printed by A. M. for I. Rothwell, . . . 1650. Sm. 8°, A — D in twelves, D 12 blank. MATTHEW, EDWARD, of the Middle Temple. Karolou Trismegistou Epiphania. The Most Glorious Star, Or Celestial Constellation of the Pleiades, or Charles Wain: Appearing And shining most brightly in a miraculous manner in the Face of the Sun at Noon day, at the Nativity of our sacred Soveraign King Charles 2d ... By Edw. Matthew of the Middle Temple, Esq. London, Prin- ted for the use and benefit of William Byron. MATTHIF.U. 254 MA YNYVARING. A, 6: B— G in twelves: 1664. Sm. 8°. H,6. MATTHIEU, PIERRE. The Powerfvll Favorite. . . . 1628. Two editions same year, one printed in a larger type, and making A— V2 in fours, the other, B— I in fours, I 4 blank, and the title. MAUCLERC, JULIAN, Lord of Li- gneson Mauclerc, Brossandiere and Remanguis. j A New Treatise of Architecture, According to Vitruvius. Wherein is Discoursed of the five Orders of Columns, viz., The Tuscan, Dorick, Ionick, Corinthian, and Composite. Divided into seven Chapters. . . . Where- unto are added the several Measures and Pro- portions of the famous Architects, Scamozzi, Palladio, and Vignola : With some Rules of Perspective. The whole represented in fifty- large Prints, . . . Set forth in English by Robert Pricke. . . . London, Printed by J. Darby, and are to be sold by Robert Pricke, at his Shop in White Cross-Street, near Cripple-gate: . . . 1669. Folio. A, 2 11 : B — G, a leaf each. With a portrait of Mauclerc and the plates. A New Treatise of Architecture, . . . Set forth in English by Robert Pricket. Licensed, May 27. 1669. Roger L' Estrange. London, Printed for Robert Pricket at the Ball in St. Pauls Church-yard, ... 167 . Folio. In this copy the whole imprint has been laid down from another one or another book, and the last figure has been tampered with. Sotheby's, July 31, 1900, No. 476. MAUGER, CLAUDIUS. Clavdivs Mavgers French Grammar ; . . . The Seventh Edition. Exactly Corrected by the Author himself, late Professour of the said Tongue at Blois in France. Lon- don, Printed by T. R. for John Martyn, . . . 1673. 8°. A, 4 11: B— Gg 4 in eights. A 1 has a duplicate title in French. MAXWELL, JAMES, The Mirrovr of Religious men, and of godly Matrones . . . By I. M. Master in Arts. London, Printed for E. White, . . . 1611. Sm. 8°, A — L in eights. Dedicated to the Right Honourable Bruce-sprung John Lord Harington of Exton and his lady, Governess of the Princess Elizabeth. Bodleian. The Speedy Passage to Heaven. Or A Perfect Direction for Every Trve Christian, . . . London Printed for Thomas Bushel. 1612. 8°. A, 2 11: B— K 6 in eights. Bodleian. This volume includes Godly Prayers for morning and eveniug. A New Eight-Fold Probation of the Chvrch of Englands Divine Constitution, . . . By lames Maxwell Master of Artes, &c. London, Printed by Iohn Legatt, Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. 1617. 4°, A — P in fours. MATDMAN, HENRY. Naval Speculations, And Maritime Politicks : Being a Modest and Brief Discourse of the Royal Navy of England : Of its Oeconomy and Government, And A Projection for an Everlasting Seminary of Seamen, by a Royal Maritime Hospital. With a Project for a Royal Fishery. Also Necessary Measures in the present War with France, &c. Lon- don, Printed by William Bonny, and sold by Sam. Manship [and others]. 1691. Sm. 8°, A— Z in eights, and a, 8 leaves, a 8 and Z 8 blank. Dedicated to Thomas, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery. MAYER, JOHN. Mayers Catechisme Abridged. Or, The A.B.C. inlarged . . . The second edition made more complete and perfect by the Author. London, Printed by A. M. for I. M. and are to be sold by Iohn Grismand, . . . 1623. 8°, A— E 6 in eights, E 6 blank. The Patterne of all Piovs Prayer, And the epitomie of all Christian Catholique Beliefe. Being a Patheticall and Paraphrasticall meeter vpon the Pater Noster, Ave Maria, and Credo in Deum, &c. Together with a divine Dittie made vpon S c Patricks Day last past in honour of our Christian Crosse. With Wholsome preparatiues for Death and Judgment. And A short Panigyre on Mary-Land in America. At Doway, Supe- riorum Permissu, mdcxxxvi. Sm. 8°, a — b 4 in eights, a 1 and b 4 with woodcuts : [a new title to the Preparatives] b 5 — c in eights. Bodleian (imperfect). This copy ends with a catchword ionC8 v«. Dedicated to the Viscountess Baltimore. Th« missing portion is the panegyric on Maryland. MAYNWARING, EVERARD, M.D. Medicus Absolutus. The Compleat Physi- tian, Qualified and Dignified. The Rise and Progress of Physick, Historically, Chro- nologically, and Philosophically Illustrated. By Everard Maynwaring Doctor in Physick. . . . Loudon, Printed for the Booksellers, 1668. 8°, A— M in eights, M 7 with Errata, M 8 blank, and (a), 4 leaves. With a portrait by R. White, Anno OStatis Sua) 38. 1668. Morbus Polyrhizos & Polymorphceus. A Treatise of the Scurvy. . . . The fourth Im- pression corrected and augmented. Where- unto is annexed Pharmacopoeia Domestic*. MA YNWAR1NG. 255 MELISSUS. Loudon, Printed by J. M. and are to be sold by Peter Parker. . . . 1679. 8°. A, 4 leaves: B— S 4 in eights, S 4 blank. With a portrait by R. White. Inquiries into the General Catalogus of Diseases Shewing the Errors and Contra- dictions of that Establishment. With a New Scheme Representing more Truly, and Essentially, the various Diseased State of Humane Nature. ByE.M. Med.D. 1691. 4°, 4 leaves. The author gives his address as London, Old Southampton Buildings, over against Grays-Inn, 1691. MAZZELLA, SCIPIONE,and JAMES HOWELL. Parthenopoeia, Or The History of the Most Noble and. Renowned Kingdom of Naples, With the Dominions therunto annexed, and the Lives of all their Kings. The first Part By that Eamous Antiquary Scipio Mazzella, Made English By M r - Samson Lennard, Herald of Armes. The Second Part Compil'd By James Howell Esq; Who, besides some Supplements to the Pirst Part, drawes on the Threed of the Story to these present Times, 1654. Illustrated with the Figures of the Kinges, and the Arms of all the Provinces. Vidi sub Rupe micantem Parthenopen JEgregiam London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, . . . 1654. Folio. Title and dedication to the Marquis of Hertford, 2 leaves : A, 2 leaves : a, 2 leaves : B— Bb in fours : Table, 4 leaves : Aa — Qq, 2 leaves each. MEAGER, LEONARD. The English Gardner : Or, a sure Guide to Young Planters & Gardners . . . The Ninth Edition, with large Additions. Lon- don, Printed by J. Danks, for M. Wotton, ... and G. Conyers . . . 1699. 4°. Title and Contents, 2 11: B— X 2 in fours : 24 numbered plans. The New Art of Gardening, With the Gar- dener's Almanack: . . . London, Printed for R. Ware, . . . And sold by T. Norris, . . . Sm, 8°. Title and Contents, 3 leaves : B— G in twelves : H, 8. The Art of Gardening, . . . The Second Edition Corrected. London, Printed for R. Ware, . . . Sm. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— G in in twelves : H, 8. MEARA, DERMITIUS, of Ormonde, Ireland, formerly a scholar at Oxford. Ormonivs : Siue, Illvstrissimi Herois Ac Domini, D. Thomse Bvtleri, Ormonise & Osorise Comitis, Vicecomitis de Thurles, Baronis de Arckelo, Comitatus Palatini Tiperarise Domini, Regni Hyberniae Archi- thesaurarij, prosapia, . . . laborumq ; pracipuorum . . . commemoratio He- roico carmine conscripta. Londini, Excu- debat Thomas Snodhamvs. 1615. 8°, A— K in eights, A and A 2 in duplicate, with dedi- cation to Walter Butler, Earl of Ormond and MELANCTHON, PHILIP. Anewe work cocerning both partes of the sacrament to be receyued of the lay peple as wel vnder the kind off wine as vnder the kind off bread / with certen other articles cocernyng the masse and the auctorite of bisshops . . . M. D xliii. 8°, a — e 7 in eights, [at the end :] by Phylip Melancton and newly translated out of latyn. . . . A newe work concernyng both partes of the Sacrament . . . [Col.] Imprinted by my Richard Jugge. 8°, A — F in eights, F 8 blank. The Epistle of the famous and great Clerke Philip Melancton made vnto oure late Soue- reygne Lorde Kynge Henry the eight, for the reuokinge and abolishing of the six articles set forth and enacted by the craftie meanes and procurement of certeyne of our prelates of the clergie, newly traslated out of laten into Englishe by J. C. The truth wyll haue the victorie. [Col.] Printed at Weesell. 1547. the .18. of Maye. 8°, A— B in eights, B 8 blank. MELIADUS DE LEONNOIS. Meliadus De leonnoys. Ou present Volume sont contenus les nobles faictz darmes du vaillant roy Meliadus de Leonnoys: Ensemble plusieurs autres nobles proesses de Cheualerie / faictes tant par le roy Artus / Palamedes / le Morhoult dirlande, le bon cheualier sans paour, Galehault le brun, Segurades, Galaad que autres bos cheualiers estas au temps dudit roy Meliadus Histoire singuliere et recreatiue / nouuellement Imprimee a Paris. Auec priuilege du Roy nostre sire. On les vend a Paris. . . . [Col.] Ce present volume des faitz & gestes du noble roy Me- liadus de Leonnoys fut acheue Dimprimer a Paris le .xxv e - iour du moys de Nouembre. Lan mil cinq cens. xxviii. Folio. *, 6 11 : a— z in sixes : a sheet of 6 11 : AA — II in eights, II 8 probably blank. Ou present Volume sont contenus les nobles faictz darmes du vaillant roy Meliadus de Leonnoys. . . . Nouuellement Imprimee a Paris. . . . [Col.] . . . acheue dimprimer a Paris le .xx. iour du moy de Mars. Lan mil cinq cens. xxxii. Folio. Prefixes, 6 leaves : the work, folios i— ccxxxii. MELISSUS, PAULUS. Melissi Schediasmata Poetica. Secundo edita multo auctiora, . . . Lvtet \x Parisiorum . MELV1LL. 256 MERCURIUS. . . . Anno cio 10 lxxxvi. 8°. a and e in fours : A — Y in eights : Aa — Oo 7 in eights (Oo 8 probably blank) : Aaa— Kkk in eights: Aaaa— Xxxx in eights. Dedi- cated to Queen Elizabeth. This volume enters into the British series only on account of the verses addressed to the Queen and to Englishmen : the Earl of Leicester, Sir Philip Sydney, Lord Burleigh, £ , 8 leaves : A— L in sixes : M, 8 11 : N, 4 U : O— R in sixes : S, 8 11 : a— i in sixes : A— E in sixes : P, 8 11. Missale ad vsv ac cosuetudine Sarii. [This is over a series of woodcuts enclosed in a border of pieces, in the lower part six lines printed as five to save space. At the end :] Missale ad vsum ecclesie Sarisburiensis: optimis formulis (vt res ipsa indicat) in alma Parisiorum academia / opera industrii viri Nicolai Preuost / impensis vero Prancisci Byrckman : elimatissime impressum, . . . M.D. xxvij. tertio calendas Martias. [On the next leaf blank on r° :] Parisijs Ex officina libraria Spectabilis viri Nicolai Preuost. Impensis vero fidelissimi merca- toris Prancisci Byrckman. M. D. xxvij. Polio. ►£ , 8 11 : a— t in eights : v, 6 11 : x, 6 11 : y, 6 11. Proprium festivitatum, A— H in eights: I, 10: A— H in eights. With woodcuts and the music in the Canon Missce, &c Hodgson, January 11, 1898, No. 212, on vellum, 2 leaves wanting. Missale ad vsum insignis ecclesie Sal/. / vna cum eiusde ecclesie consuetudinibus ac ob- servantijs / suis locis insertis. . . . [Col.] Explicit Missale . . . prelo applicatum / opere atq ; impensis Christophori Ruremu- densis. Anno dni. M. ccccc. xxviii. Die vero. xiiij. Aprilis. Polio. ►J*, 8 11 : a — n in eights : A, 6 : B, 2 : C, 8 : A (In vigilia sancti Andree)— G in eights: A (in vigilia vnius apli. &c.)— E in eights : F, 6. With fine woodcuts and the musical notes and the two leaves of the Canon Missce (as usual) on vellum. Sotheby's, May 25, 1898, No. 267, £40. Missale ad vsum insignis ecclesie Sarisbu- riensis nunc recens typis elegantioribus exa- ratum, historijs nouis, varijs ac propriis insignitum & a mendis q plurimis (quibus passim scatebat) omni diligentia nuper emen- datum. [Woodcut in three pieces: royal arms crowned and supported _ by angels, Tudor rose crowned, with ISS in heart, and St. George and Dragon.] Parisijs Apud Guillelmum Merlin in ponte Teloneorum, ad hominis syluestris signum, e regione horologij Palatij. 1555. [Col.] Missale secundum consuetudinem ac ritum insignis ecclesie Sarisburiensis. . . . Impressum Parisiis typis Joannis Amazeur typographi, pro Guillelmo Merlin super ponte nummu- lariorum, ad syluestris hominis signum commorante. Folio. ►£ , 8 leaves : Tempo- rale, a — t in eights : v, 6 leaves : Sanctorale, A — I in eights: commune S( reliquum, A — H in eights : I — K in sixes, the Prefatio Quo- tidiana and the first leaf of Canon Missa on vellum. With numerous fine woodcuts and musical notes. Sotheby's, April 26, 1897, No. 269, a copy in the old oaken boards, which had been in Quaritch's catalogue, 1891, with the coeval signature of Robert Chirwode written twice on last page. MISSONE, Fr., Philastrogus. Merlinus Gallicus : Or, A Prediction for the Tear of Grace, 1660. ... To which is added, An Everlasting Almanack ; . . . London, Printed by T. J. for Fr. Cossinet, . . . 1660. 8°. A— G 4 in eights. With a portrait of Missone, 1660, an. oet. 35. MOCKET, RICHARD, D.D. Doctrina, Et Politia Ecclesiae Anglicanse, . . . Londini, Apud Ioannem Billivm. 1617. Cum Priuilegio. 4°. A, 4 leaves B— Z in eights, Z 8 blank. Sotheby's, Feb. 27, 1893, No. 248. MOFFETT, THOMAS. Insectorvm Sive Minimorum Animalium Theatrvm : Olim ab Edvardo Wottono. Conrado Gesnero. Thomaqve Pennio inchoa- tum: Tandem Tho. Movfeti Londinatis opera sumptibusq; maximis concinnatum, auctum, perfectum : Et ad vivum expressis Iconibus supra quingentia illustratum. Londini ex Officina typographica Thorn. Cotes. Et venalcs extant apud Benjam. Allen, in diverticulo, quod Anglioe dicitur Popes-head Alley. 1634. Folio. A, 6: a, 4 : B— Dd in sixes : Ee, 4. With wood- cuts. Dedicated to William Paddy and Sir Theodore de Mayerne. MOLIN(EUS, LUDOVICUS, Camden Professor and M.D. Oratio Avspicalis, Cui subjuncta est Laudatio Clarissimi Viri Gvil. Camdeni. Oxoniae, MOLL. 263 MONTGOMERY. Excudebat Leon. Lichfield, . . . 1652. 4°. f , 4 11 : %% 4 11 : A— D 2 in fours. MOLL, HERMANN. The World described : Or, A New and Cor- rect Sett of Maps. Shewing, The Kingdoms and States in all the Known Parts of the earth, . . . Long narrow folio, 30 maps + title. MOMPESSON, SIR GILES. The Description of Giles Mompesson late Knight censured by Parliament The 17 th of March A 1620. An engraved broadside in three compartments, with portraits and descriptive letterpress. MONET. The death and buriall of Mistresse Money. . fWith her Will she made at her departure. And what happened afterward to the Vsurer that Buried Her. London Printed by Richard Cotes, and are to be sold by Francis Grove dwelling on Snow-hill, 1651. 8°, A— B 4 in eights. With woodcuts. In verse and prose. A Discourse of Money. Being an Essay on the Subject, Historically and Politically handled. With Reflections on the present evil state of the Coin of this Kingdom ; And Proposals of a Method for the Remedy. In a Letter to a Nobleman, &c. London, Printed for Sam. Briscoe, . . . 1696. 8°, B— P 4 in eights + title and preface. MONIPENNIE, JOHN. The Abridgement Or Summarie of the Scots Chronicles : . . . Newely inlarged cor- rected and amended. Edinburgh, Printed by the Heires of George Anderson, for the Company of Stationers. Anno. 1650. Sm. 8°. t, 8 leaves: B — S in eights + folding table. B.M. The Abridgement Or Summarie of the Scots Chronicles : . . . Newly inlarged cor- rected and amended. Edinbvrgh, Printed by a Society of Stationers; Anno Dom. 1662. Sm. 8°, A— N 4 in twelves + a folded table of "The race of the Kings of Scotland." B.M. MONOPHILO. Monophilo, drawne into English by Geffray Fenton. A philosophicall discourse, and diuision of loue. Mon heur viendra. Anno. 1572. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Wylliam Seres, dwelling at the Weste ende of Paules Church, at the Signe of the Hedge- hogge. 4°, A — Aa 2 in fours. Dedicated to the Lady Hobby. The title is within a curious engraved border. Bodleian (Tanner). MONSTER. The terrible, horrible, Monster of the West. With A Hydra-head, Argulian-eyes, Infer- nall-Mouth, Infectious-Breath, Tygerian- Clawes, and of a Camelion-Colour, so that it devours men, women, and children : it eats a whole Hand to a Breakfast, three King- domes to a Dinner, and a Common-wealth to a Supper ; ... It was bred in this He, and is but nine years old Novemb. 3. 1650. God save the King. . . . West- minster: Printed Cum Privilegio, where this strange Beast is to be seene all Christ- mas long. 1649. 4°, 4 leaves. A dramatic satire on the Long Parliament. MONTAGUE. A Letter to M r - Congreve, Occasion'd by the Death of the Countess Dowager of Man- chester, late Wife to his Excellency the Right Honourable Charles Montague, One of the Lords Justices of England, first Com- missioner of the Treasury, and Chancellor of the Exchequer, &c. [Quot. from Hor. Ode xxiv. lib. 1.] London : Printed for E. Whitlock near Stationers-Hall. 1698. Folio, A — D, 2 11. each + title-page. MONTAGU, RICHARD, Bishop of Norwich. The Acts and Monuments of the Church before Christ Incarnate. Written by Rich- ard Montagu, late Bishop of Norwich. Lon- don, Printed by Miles Flesher and Robert Young, M. DC. xlii. Folio. Title and dedication to Jesus Christ, 2 leaves : B — Aaa in sixes. MONTEAGE, STEPHEN. Debtor and Creditor made Easy. . . . The Fourth Edition, Corrected and Amen- ded. To which is Added, Instructions for Rent-Gatherers, &c. London: Printed by T.W. for Benj. Billingsley. . . . 1708. 4°, A — Gg in fours. With a portrait by Davis. On Z occurs: "Advice to the Women and • Maidens of London" on the keeping of accounts; and a postcript contains a curious reference to Horsepool, Pimlico, &c., as then existing farms. MONTGOMERY, ALEXANDER. The Cherrie and the Slaye. Composed into Scottis Meeter, by Alexander Montgomerie. Edinbvrgh Printed be Robert Walde-graue Printer to the Kinges Majestie. Anno Dom. 1597. 4°, A— D in fours. Britwell (Constable's copy). The Cherrie and the Slae. Composed into Scottis Meeter, be Alexander Montgomerie. Prented according to a Copie corrected be the Author himselfe. Edinbvrgh Prented be Robert Walde-graue Prenter to the Kings Majestie. Anno 1597. Cum Privi- legio Regio. 4°, A— D in fours. Adv. Lib. Edinb. MONTGOMER V 264 MORE. The Cherrie and the Slae. Compyled into meetter, By Captaine Alexander Mont- gomery. London Printed for I. D. 16-46. 8°, A— D in eights. Worcester Coll. Ox- ford. The Flytting Betwixt Montgomerie and Polwart. Edinhvrgh. Printed by Iohn Wreittoun. 1632. 4°, B— C in fours, a leaf of D and the title. Worcester Coll. Oxford. The Flyting betwixt Polwart and Mont- gomery Newly Corrected and amended. Printed in the Tear 1688. 8°. A, 4: B, 12. [MONTGOMERY, SIR JAMES.] Great Britain's Just Complaint For Her Late Measures, Present Sufferings, And the Future Miseries She is exposed to. With the Best, Safest, and most Effectual Way of Securing and Establishing Her Religion, Government, Liberty & Property, Upon Good and Lasting Foundations. Fully and Clearly Discovered, In Answer to Two Late Pamphlets concerning the Pretended French Invasion. Printed in the Year mdcxcii. 4°, A — Q 2 in fours. Sotheby's, March 28, 1893, No. 470, T. Baker's copy, with a long MS. note in his hand respecting the writer. MONTHS. The XII Monnthes of the Yeare in the Habits of Severall Nations . . . Are to be sold by P. Stent. [Circa 1630. In coeval MS. beneath occurs :] '" Licensed October. 28. 1672. Bo: Leastrange." Oblong 4°, 12 leaves, including that with intitulation. With English verses beneath each print. This copy seems to have been the one submitted to the licenser for a proposed new impression in 1672. MOOR, SIR JOHN. A Congratulatory Poem to Sir John Moor, Knight, Lord Mayor Elect of London. London, Printed for W. Davis, 1681. A folio leaf of verses. MOORE, SIR JONAS. A Large Mapp of the Citty of Tanger ; with the Straits of Gibraltar. Wenceslaus Hollar Fecit 1664. Folio. Sotheby's, July, 1872, in a volume. Englands Interest : . . . The Second Edition, with Large Additions. By Sir J. More. London, . . . 1703. Sm. 8°, B — H in twelves + the title. Englands Interest : . . . The Third Edition, with Large Additions. By Sir J. More. London, . . . 1705. Sm. 8°, A— G in twelves. To the Memory of my most Honoured Friend, Sir Jonas Moore, Knight, late Sur- veyor General of His Majesties Ordnance and Armories. Printed for E. Harford, at the Angel in Corn-hill. [1679.] A large broadside within a mourning border. In verse. MOORE, RICHARD, a willing, though a most unworthy, Servant of God. A Pearl in an Oyster-shel : Or, Pretious Treasure put in perishing Vessels. The Sum or Substance of two Sermons Preached at Withall-Chappell in Worcestershire. . . . Together with a Character of Mr. Thomas Hall, His Holy Life and Death. . . . London : Printed by A. M. for Tho. Park- hurst. . . . 1675. Sm. 8°, A— I 4 in eights. Dedicated (i) "To my much- honoured Friend Thomas Jolly, Esquire, High-Sheriff for the County of Stafford, . . ." and (ii) " To my much esteemed Friend, M r - William Turton of Aulderways in Staffordshire." With a separate title to the account of Hall {Abel Bedivivtu) dated 1675, a list of his books, and verses by Moore and others on his death and that of other personages. B.M. MOORE, THOMAS. Fornication Condemned, In A Double Sentence, Commending Marriage \ . yj Condemning Whoredom j Or, A brief Consideration of Heb. 13. 4. . . . London : Printed by Ja. Cotterel, for the Author ; and are to be sold by Nath. Crouch, . . . mdclxvii. 4°, A — O in fours, A 1 with an 'anonymous Imprimatur. MORE, ALEXANDER. Alexandri Mori Ecclesiastic] se & Sacrarum Litterarum Professoris Fides Publica, Con- tra Calumnias Ioannis Miltoni. HagtB- Comitvm, Ex Typographia Adrian! Ylacq. M. DC. lit. Sm. 8°, A— L 6 in twelves, L 6 blank. MORE, GERTRUDE, Granddaughter of Sir Thomas More. The Spiritval Exercises. Of the most Ver- tvovs and Religious D. Gertrvde More of the holy Order of S. Ben net and English Congregation of our Ladies of Comfort in Cambray, she called them. Amor ordinem nescit. And Ideots Derations. Her only Spiritual Father and Director, the Yen. Fa. Baker stiled them. Confestionet A mantis. A Louers Confessions. Amare deum anima, sub Deo despicit rniuersa . . . Printed at Paris, by Lewis de la Fosse, in the Canue street, at the Bigne of the Looking Glasse. M.DC. I, VIII. With Approbation. 8°. Title, Preface, Approbation, &c. 3 leaves; A — N MORE. 26 S MORE. in twelves. With a portrait of the author by R. Lochon. MOKE, HENRY. Henrici Mori Cantabrigiensis Opera Philo- sophica tum quae Latine, turn quae Anglice Primitus Scr'pta sunt . . . Londini, . . . mdclxxix. Folio, 3 vols. "With a portrait by D. Loggan. Conjectura Cabbalistica. Or, A Conjectural Essay of Interpreting the minde of Moses ... By Henry More Fellow of Christs College in Cambridge. . . . London, Printed by James Flesher, . . . 1653. 8°, A— S in eights. Dedicated to D r - Cud- worth, Master of Clare Hall. The copy used had on the flyleaf the signature of Anne, Viscountess Conway, More's friend, and came from Wilton. The Immortality of the Soul, So farre forth as it is demonstrable from the Knowledge of Nature and the Light of Reason. By Henry More . . . London, Printed by J. Flesher, for "William Morden Bookseller in Cambridge. 1659. 8°, A, 4 leaves: a — b in eights : B— Pp 4 in eights. Dedi- cated to Edward, Viscount Conway and Kilsetta. MORE, SIR THOMAS, Thomse Mori Utopia, A Mendis vindicata. Oxonii, Typis W. Hall, Impensis Fran. Oxlad. Anno 1663. Sm. 8°, A— L in twelves. Sir Thomas Moore's Vtopia : . . . now after many Impressions, newly Corrected and purged of all Errors hapned in the former Editions. London, Printed by Bernard Alsop, dwelling in Distaffe lane at the Signe of the Dolphin. 1624. 4°. Title and dedication by the publisher Alsop to "the Honovrable descended Gentleman Cresacre More, of More-place in North Mimes, in the Countie of Hertford, Esquire ; next in Bloud to Sir Thomas More. . . ." The Common-Wealth of Vtopia. . . . London, Printed by B. Alsop & T. Fawcet, and are to be sold by Wil : Sheares . . . 1639. Sm. 8°. Engraved and printed titles and dedication to Cresacre More of More- Place, 3 leaves : B— P 2 in twelves. Utopia: . . . Translated into English. London, Printed for Eichard Chiswell ; . . . 1685. 8°, A— P 4 in eights, A 1 and P 4 blank. Von der wunderbarlichen Innsel Vtopia genant das ander Buch / durch den wolge- bornen hochgelerren herren Thomam Moru Fryherfi / ... In der lvblichen State Basel vollender. [Col.] Gedruckt zii Basel durch Joannem Bebeliu. Im M D. xxiiij. jar. am sechtzehenden rag des Brachmons. 4°. A, 6 11: B— O in fours: P, 5 11. but P 6 probably blank, making the sheet of six. With woodcuts. De optimo Reipublicsc Statu, ... in vnser Deutsche Sprach vbergeseyt : . . . Leipsig/ . . . 1612. 8°. Prefixes, 8 11 : A— P 6 in eights, P 6 with the colo- phon. With portrait of More and folding map. La Description de l'lsle D'Vtopie ov est comprins le Miroer des republicques du monde, & l'exemplaire de vie heureuse: . . . Auec 1' Espistre liminaire composee par Monsieur Bude maistre des requestes du feu Roy Francoys premier de ce nom. Auec priuilege. . . . 1550. 8°, A— O in eights. With woodcuts. Translated by Jean le Blond. L'Utopie de Thomas Morus, . . . Traduite nouvellement en Francois Par M r - Gueude- ville, & ornee de tres belles figures. A Leide, . . . mdccxv. 8°, *— 6* in twelves : 7*, 3 11 : A— P 6 in twelves : Q, 12 11 : A, 9 11 : B, 4 11 : C- D, 6 11 each. With a frontispiece and plates, the latter counting in the sheets. Idee D Une Republique Heureuse : . . . Traduite en Francois Par M r - Gueudeville. Et enrichie de Figures en Taille-douce. A Amsterdam . . . mdccxxx. 8°, pp. civ + 364. With a frontispiece and plates counting in the sheets. Epistola Thomse Mori Ad Academiam Oxon. Cvi Adjecta sunt qusedam Poemata in Mor- tem Clarissimi Viri Roberti Cottoni & Thomaj Alleni. Horativs. Condo Sf com- pono qum mox depromere. possum. Oxonise, Excudebat Iohannes Lichfield, Academise Typograph. Impensis Thomse Huggins, An. Dom. 1633. 4°, A— D in fours, D 4 blank. Dedicated by Richard James to Sir Kenelm Digby. Expositio Fidelis de Morte D. Thomse Mori & quorundam aliorum insignium virorum in Anglia. Anno. M. D. xxxvi. Sm. 8°, A— B in eights, B 8 with mark of printer. [Col.] Excvdebat Antwerpioe Guilielmus Spyridi- pseus Junior. Anno a Natiuitate Christi m.d.xxxvi. Mense Aprili. Ein glaubwirdige auzangung des tods / Herrn Thome More / vnnd andrer treffen- licher manner / um Engelland / gescheben im jar M. D. xxxv. [Large woodcut] M. D. xxxvi. No place, &c. 4°, A— C in fours, C 4 occupied by a woodcut on recto, reverse blank. At the end of the text occurs : " Datum Apud Lutetiam Parisiorum / x. Kalen. Augusti / Anno m.d.xxxt." On A li verso at the top of the leaf the narrative commences with an address: P.M. MORGAN. 266 MUNSTER. Empeut vil Hayls dem Caspero Agryppe." The woodcuts on title and C 4 represent two types of guillotine. MORGAN, MATTHEW, L.B. A Poem Upon the late Victory over the French Fleet at Sea. . . . London : Printed, and are to be Sold by the Book- sellers of London and "Westminster, mdcxcii. 4,o ( A— D in fours, title on A 2. Dedicated to the author's much respected friend, Thomas Langton, Esq. MORISON, ROBERT, of Aberdeen, M.D. (1620-83.) Hortus Regius Blesensis Auctus, Cvm Notulis durationis & Charactismis Plan- tarum tarn additarum, quam non scriptarum; . . . Authore Roberto Morison Medico & Professore Botanico, . . . Londini. Typis Tho. Roycroft, . . . 1669. 8°. a, 8 11., a 1 with half title : *a, 4 11 : A— Ii 4 in eights. Plantarum Historise Universalis Oxoniensis Pars Secunda Seu Herbarum Distributio Nova, Per Tabulas Cognationis & Affinitatis Ex Libro Naturae Observata & Detecta. . . . Oxonii, . . . M. DC. lxxx. Folio. Plantarum . . . Pars Tertia. Seu Herbarum Distributio . . . Partem hanc tertiam, post Auctoris mortem, hortatu Academise explevit & absolvit Jacobus Bo- Bartus Horti prsefectus. Oxonii, . . . M. DC. xcix. Folio. With a portrait of Morison by White. MORTON, RICHARD, M.D. Phthisiologia : Or, A Treatise of Consump- tion, . . . Translated from the Original. London : Printed for Sam. Smith and Benj. Walford, . . . 1691. 8°. A, 4 11 : B— Bb 4 in eights. With a portrait by R. White. Dedicated to William III. MOTTEUX, PIERRE ANTOINE, of Rouen, ob. 1718. The Island Princess, Or The Generous Por- tuguese. Made into an Opera. As it is Performed at the Theatre Royal. All the Musical Entertainments, and the greatest Part of the Play New, and Written by M 1 - Motteux. London, Printed for Richard Wellington, . . . 1701. 4°, A— G 2 in fours. Dedicated to Popham Conway Esq. MOULTON, THOMAS. This is the Myrrour or Glasse of Helth . [Col.] Imprinted at London for Rycharde Jugge, dwellyng in Paules churche yarde at the sygne of the Byble. 8°, A— H 4 in eights. MOUNTEBANK. The English Mountebank Casting the Siokly Water of the State. Opening the severall causes of her desperate Disease, and pre- scribing certaine Antidotes for the speedy Cure of all her Maladies. Dedicated to all true hearts that heartily desire Great Brit- taines perfect Cure. Printed in the Yeare 1647. 4°, 4 leaves. Chiefly in verse. MOXON, JOSEPH. A Brief Discourse of a Passage By the North-Pole to Japan, China, &c. . . . The Second Edition. London, Printed by J. Moxon, and Sold at his Shop at the Atlas in Warwick-Lane, 1697. 4°, 4 leaves + the map. The copy described wanted the map. MOUNTFORT, WILLIAM. Henry the Second, King of England ; With the Death of Rosamond. A Tragedy. Acted at the Theatre-Royal, By Their Majesties Servants. London : Printed for Jacob Ton- son, at the Judges Head in Chancery-lane near Fleetstreet. M DC xciii. 4°, A— H 2 in fours. Dedicated to Sir Thomas Cooke, K*- Alderman and Sheriff of London. Supposed to have been written by Bancroft. See Hazlitt's Manual of Old Play», 1892, in v. MUGGLETON, LODOWICK. A Dialogue Between Lod. Muggleton and the Quakers : Shewing forth the Damnable Blasphemies of that Impudent Impostor, collected out of their own Printed Letters. To Vndeceive the People. Licensed accord- ing to Order. London, Printed for J. C. 1677. 4°, 4 leaves. MUMFORD, JAMES, Priest, S.J. The Question of Questions, Which Rightly Resolv'd Resolves all our Questions in Reli- gion. This Question is, Who ought to be our Judge in all these Differences ? . . . The Second Edition Corrected. Permissu Superiorum. London, Printed by Henry Hills, . . . and Matt. Turner . . . 168A. Sm. 8°. Title, 1 leaf : A, 8 : B— Z in twelves : Aa, 1 leaf. MUNDUS. Mundus Foppensis : Or, The Fop Display'd. Being the Ladies Vindication, In Answer to a late Pamphlet, Entituled, Mundus Mulie- bris: ... In Burlesque. Together with a short Supplement to the Fop-Dic- tionary : Composed for the use of the Town- Beaus. . . . London, Printed for John Harris at the Harrow in the Poultry, 1691. 4°, A — D 2 in fours. In verse. MUNSTER, SEBASTIAN. A Briefe Collection and compendious ex- tract of strannge :uul memorable thinges, gathered out of the Cosmo^rapliye of Sebas- tian Munster . . . Imprinted at London in Fleetestreat by Thomas Marshe. Anno 1574. 8°, A— in eights. The Preface Is dated April 13, 1672. The copy employed ended imperfectly on M 8. MURDERS. 267 N. N. MURDERS. A Miraculous Discovery of Three Horrible Murders and Robberies : Two whereof were committed by one William Bliss, alias Wats : The first was ou the body of one William Johnson, . . . The Second Party he Eobbed and Murdered, was one Robert Porter. . . . The third Murder com- mitted neer Whetstone's Park, by George Jillian, For which he was Executed at Tyborn, March the 5 th - London, Printed for P. B. next door to the Ball in West- Smith-field. [1674.] 4°, 4 leaves. Wood- cut on back of title. The former two incidents took place at Kick's End, near Hadley, where Bliss was hanged in chains. MTJRTADI, son of gaphiphtjs. The Egyptian History, Treating of the Pyramids, The Inundation of the Nile, and other Prodigies of Egypt, According to the Opinions and Traditions of the Arabians. Rendered into Erench by Monsieur Vattier, Arabick Professor to the King of France. And thence faithfully done into English by J. Davies of Kidwelly. London, Printed by R. B. for W. Battersby, at Thavies-Inn Gate in Holborn. 1672. Sm. 8°, A— V in eights: X, 1 leaf: + dedication by trans- lator to his honoured uncle M r - John Grif- fith of Llangwendraeth, co. Carmarthen, and Table, 3 11. MUSGRAVE, JOHN, Gentleman. A true and exact Relation of the great and heavy Pressures and Grievances The Well- affected of the Northern bordering Counties lye under, by Sir Arthur Haslerigs mis- government, and placing in Authority there for Justices of the Peace, Commissioners for the Militia, Ministry, and Sequestrations, Malignants and Men disaffected to the present Government, . . . London, Printed Anno Dom. 1650. 4°, A— G 2 in fours. A very rare and curious tract, containing a series of depositions by Musgrave and others. Musgrar* was probably a Westmoreland man. MUSIC. Mornyng and Evenyng Prayer and Com- munion, set forthe in Eoure Partes, to be song in Churches, both for Men and Chil- dren, with divers other Godly Prayers and Anthems, of Sundry Mens Doynges. IF Im- prynted at London by John Day, dwelling over Aldersgate, beneath Saint Martins. IT These bookes are to be sold at hys shop underneath the gate. 1565. IF Cum gratia et privilegio Regise Maiestatis. Polio. Four parts: Medius, Contra-Tenor, Tenor, and Bassus. Chapter Library , Westminster, and Douce Coll. MUSKETEER. The Second Part of the Heroine Musque- teer: Or, The Female Warrier. A True History : Very delightful, and full of Plea- sant Adventures in the Campaigns of 1 676, & 1677. Translated out of French. Lon- don, Printed for J. Magnes and R. Bentley, ... and J. Tonson, . . . 1678. Sm. 8°, B— G 4 in twelves, G 4 with advertisements + title and Imprimatur. MYNSHUL, GEOFFREY. Certaine Characters and Essayes of Prison and Prisoners. Compiled by Novvs Homo A Prisoner in the Kings Bench. Experien- tia est, optimus magister. London Printed by William Iones, dwelling in Red-crosse streete. 1618. 8°, A— D 3 in eights. Dedicated by Geoffrey Mynshul under his retrograde signature to his kind unole M. Mathew Mainwaring of Namptwich in Cheshire. BM. Sotheby's, May 30, 1893, No. 1234, the only copy known. N N.F. A Method for Executing the Powers, Rela- ting to the Militia and Trained-Bands, According to the Acts of Parliament since the Happy Restauration of Our Gracious Sovereign K. Charles the II. London, Printed for John Smith Bookseller in Russel- Street near Covent-Garden. 1684. 8°, B— D 4 in eights + frontispiece. On the back of the frontispiece in this copy occurs in a coeval hand : " For S* Nicholas Le- strainge Baronet Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Norfolk," and the tract is dedicated to the Duke of Norfolk. At the end of the Index the same hand as is noted above has written: "the letter P and figures refers to the paragraphs in the first Act and xvto to the additional Act." N.N. The Progenie of Catholicks and Protestants. Whereby On the one side is proued the lineal Descent of Catholicks, for the Roman Faith and Religion, from the holie Fathers of the Primitiue Church, . . . And on the other, the neuer-Being of Protestants or their nouel Sect during al the foresayd tune, . At Roven, By the Widow of Nicolas N. N. 268 NA VY. Covrant. M. DC. xxxin. 4°, A — E, 2 11. each: A (repeated)— D in fours: Aa — Zz, 2 11. each : Aaa— Ooo, 2 11. each : Aaaa — Kkkk, 2 11. each : Aaaaa— Kkkkk, 2 11. each. A Treatise of the Natvre of Catholick Faith, and Heresie, With Reflexion upon the Nul- litie of the English Protestant Church, and Clergy. By N. N. Printed at Rouen, in the yeare 1657. Permissu Superiorum. 8°. *, 6 11 : A— F in sixes, F 6 blank. N.N. The Expedition of His Highness the Prince of Orange for England. Giving an Account of the most Remarkable Passages thereof, from the Day of his Setting Sail from Hol- land, to the first day of this Instant Decem- ber, 1688. In a Letter to a Person of Quality. [Col.] Printed in the Year, 1688. 4°, 4 leaves. N.N. A Discourse Concerning the Rise and An- tiquity of Cathedral Worship. In a Letter to a Friend. London, Printed, and are to be sold by A. Baldwin in Warwick-lane, 1699. 4°, A— E 2 in fours. N. S., a Lover of Mirth. The Loyal Garland Or A Choice Collection of Songs highly in Request, and much es- teemed in the past and present Times. Made by divers Ingenious Persons, on sundry Occasions, for the sake of Merryment. And sung with great applause, as being the Flower of Collection and Rarity. The F>f'h Edition, with Additions. Licensed, August the 18th. 1686. R.P. London Printed by J. R. for T. Passinger at the Three Bibles in the middle of London Bridge. 1686. Sm. 8°, A— H in eights. B.M. The date of the first, second, and third editions is not ascertained. On the title of that of 1671 8. N. is said to be the Editor or Collector. But there seems to have been an impression of 1677, to a copy of which I am not at present able to refer. It purports to follow the terms of the title of 1671, whereas those of the title of 1686 differ. Sotheby's, March 19, 1902, No. 743. N., S. D. Lettre de Consolation A la Reine D'Angle- terre, Svr la Mort Dv Roy son Mary. Et ses dernieres paroles. A Paris, . . . M. DC. xxxxix. 4°, 4 leaves. NAIRN, JAMES. Catalogus Librorum, Quibus Bibliothecam Academice Jacobi Regis Edinburgeme Ad- auxit R. D. Jacobvs Narnivs, Pastor Voemi- censis. Edinburgi Excudebat Thomas Brown, Anno Dom. 1678. 4°. A*: b 2 : c 4 : B— L2 in fours. Chiefly Theology, Philosophy, and Classici. NALSON, JOHN, LL.D. The Common Interest of King and People : Shewing the Original, Antiquity and Excel- lency of Monarchy, compared with Aristo- cracy and Democracy, . . . London, Printed for Jonathan Edwin, . . . 1678. 8°. A, 4 11 : B— T in eights. With a por- trait of Charles II. by Van Hove. NAPIER, JOHN, Baron Merchistoun. Logarithmorvm Canonis Descriptio, Sev Arithmeticarvm Svppvtationvm Mirabilis Abbreviatio. . . . Authore ac Inven- tore Ioanne Nepero, Barone Merchistonij, &c. Scoto. Lvgdvni, Apud Barth. Vincen- tium. M. DC xx. . . . 4°, A— H in fours (catchword Se at corner of H 4 v°) : Canonis Construct™, with a new title, A — H in fours, with a preface by Robert Napier, the writer's son : Tabvla Canonis, with a new title, A— M 2 in fours. Diagrams. Arcanvm Svppvtationis Arithmetical: Quo Doctrina & Praxis Sinvvm ac Triangvlorvm mire abbreuiatur. . . . Inuentore, nobi- lissimo Barone Merchistonio Scoto-Britanno. Lvgdvni, . . . m. DC. lviii. 4°, A — H in fours : Tabula Canonis (with a new title and different imprint), A — M 2 in fours: A 3— H in fours. NARNE, WILLIAM, Parson of Dysart. The Pearle of Prayer Most Pretiovs, and Powerfvll . . . Edinbvrgh. Printed by Iohn Wreittoun. 1630. 8°. Prefixes, 8 11 : A— Ff 4 in eights, Ff 4 with Errata. NASH, THOMAS, of the Inner Temple, OB. 1648. Qvaternio Or A Fovrefold Way to a Happie Life; set forth in a Dialogue betweene a Countryman and a Citizen, a Divine and a Lawyer By Tho : Nash Philopolitem. [Quotations from Martial, &c] London, Printed by John Dawson. 1633. 4°. A, 4 leaves: )(, 4 leaves: B — Nn in fours. Dedicated to Thomas, Lord Coventry, Keeper of the Great Seal. Miscelanea Or A Fourefold Way to a Hap- pie Life. Set forth in a Dialogue, Betweene (A Countryman, \ A Citizen, 1 A Divine, and ( A Lawyer. By T. N. of the Inner Temple. [Quot. from Mart. 3, 98.] London, Printed by Iohn Dawson, and are to bee sold by Thomas Slater, at the Whit Swanne in Duck-lane. 1639. 4°, A— Nn in fours + )(, 4 leaves between A and B. Dedicated to' Lord Keeper Coventry. The headline is : " Qvaternio, or a fourefold way to Hue well." NAVY. The Declaration of the Sea Commanders NAVY. 269 NETHERLANDS. and Marriners in the Eoyall Navy and Fleet, now with his Highnesse Prince Charles, riding on the Downes. (August 2.) Directed unto the Sea Commanders & Mar- riners in and about the City of London, and all other parts of this Kingdome. Sent in a Letter unto a Merchant of this City to be published. London, Printed in the Yeare, 1648. 4°. 4 leaves. An Historical and Political Treatise of the Navy : With some Thoughts how to Re- trieve the Antient Glory of the Navy of England. Humbly Offer'd to the Con- sideration of Both Houses of Parliament. London Printed for, and Sold by B. Bragg . . . 1703. 4°, A— D in fours. NAWORTH, GEORGE, of West-Auck- land, Student in the Mathematics. Naworth. 1642. A New Almanacke and Prognostication for the yeere . . . 1642. . . . Referred most especially to the Meridian and Latitude of the ancient City of Durham, aptly serving all the adjacent townes and Counties, indifferently the North parts of England, and generally the whole Continent. . . . London Printed by Iohn Dawson for the Company of Stationers. 8°, A — C 4 in eights. NEEDHAM, MARCHAMONT. Interest will not lie: Or, a View of Eng- land's True Interest: In reference to the (Papist, Rovalist, Presbyterian, Baptised, Neuter, Army, Parliament, City of London. In refutation of a treasonable Pamphlet, entituled, The Interest of England stated . . . By Mar. Nedham. London, Printed by Tho. Newcomb, dwelling over-against Bainards-Castle in Thames-street. 1659. 4°, A — F in fours. The True Character of a Rigid Presbyter : With A Narrative of the Dangerous Designes of the English and Scotish Covenanters, As they have tended to the Ruine of our Church and Kingdom. Also, The Articles of their Dogmatical Faith, And the incon- sistency thereof with Monarchy. To which is added, A short History of the English Rebellion : Compiled in Verse, By Marcha- mont Nedham; And Formerly extant, in his Mtrcurius Pragmaticus. London : Prin- ted by the Assignes of I. Calvin ; and are to be sold by Z. Crofton Presbyter at the signe of the Lay-Elder near the stool of repentance in Whit-Chappel. 1661. 4°, A— M 2 in fours, A 1 blank, and the History of tht Rebellion with a separate title on G 3. Sir John Berkenhead Reviv'd, Or A Satyr Against the late Rebellion. London, Printed for W. Benbridge, 1681. 4°, A— E in fours. The Short History separately reissued under a new title. NEEDLEWORK. A Booke of Curious and strange Inuentions, called the first part of Needleworkes, con- taining many singuler and fine sortes of Cut-workes, verie easie to be learned by the dilligent practisers, that shall follow the direction herein contained. Newlie aug- mented. First Imprinted in Venice, and now againe newly printed in more exquisite sort for the profit and delight of the Gentle- women of England. For William Barley. 1596. Obi. 8°. Title, 1 leaf: Dedication by William Barley " To the Right Honour- able and vertuous good ladie Isabell Dowa- ger of Rutland. . . ,"1 leaf: 6 6-line stanzas unsigned inviting attention to the work : a blank : the plates (in this copy) 15. There are neither catchwords, signatures, nor pagination. The engravings are probably from the foreign plates sent over in some form. NEGRI, F. P., of Cremona. Franc. Petreii Nigri Cremonen. A Secretis Senatvs Mediolanen. Bricannicar. Nvptiar. Libri Tres. Mediolani, Ex Typographia Moscheniana. M. D. lix. 4°, A— H in fours, H 4 blank. In Latin hexameters. NERI, PHILIP. The Holy Life of Philip Nerius Founder of the Congregation of the Oratory. To which is Annexed A Relation written by S. Augus- tine of the Miracles in his dayes, wrought many of them in or near the City wherein he resided and well-known to Him. And a Relation of Sundry Miracles wrought at the Monastery of Port-Royall in Paris, a.d. 1656. publikely attested by many Witnesses. Translated out of a French Copie published at Paris, 1656. At Paris 1659. 8°, A— Ee NESS. CHRISTOPHER. The Signs of the Times. Or, Wonderful Signs of Wonderful times Being A Faithful Collection and Impartial Relation of several Signs and Wonders, call'd properly Pro- digies, . . . By C. N. London, Printed for the Author. And Published by Langley Curtiss, on Ludgate-Hill. 1681. 4°. A, 2 11 : ' B— M 2 in fours. Dedicated to Francis Warner Esq*. NETHERLANDS. La legede des flames artisiens et haynuyers, Ou autremet leur crouique abregee En NETHERLANDS. 270 NETHERLANDS. laquelle sont contenues plusieurs hystoires de Frace Angleterre & Allemaigne. . _ . . Cum puillegio. Ilz se vendent a Paris en la rue sainct Jaques a lenseigne sainct Claude pres les Maturins. [Col.] Cy fini ce present traicte intitule la legende des Flamens nou- uellement imprime a Paris / et a este acheue la .xx e . iour de May mil cinq cens. xxii. 4°. a, 8 : b, 8 : c, 4 : d— r in eights and fours : s, 6. With woodcuts. [An account of the terrible destruction] now lately done in the yere of our lorde god a M. ccccc. XLvi. the .vii. day of August which was the Saturday afore saynt Laurence day in the euenyng betwene .x. and a .xi. of the clocke. [Col.] Translated by Renolde Olyuer. Imprinted at London in the Olde Baily by Richard Lant for Thomas Porefut in Poules Churchyard at the sygne of Lucrece. 8°. Black letter. Sotheby's, Dec. 1897 (Ashburnham), No. 2549, apparently rough proof sheets of four leaves used as end papers to another book. Not otherwise known ; and unless Purfoot commenced business much earlier than has been supposed— about 1566 — the volume must have appeared somewhat later than the date of the incident. "In the yeare 1546, on Saterday the seuenth of August, fire fell from Heauen, vpon Macklin in Brabant, and fiered a Tower, where was a hundred Barrels of poulder. This Towre was quite ouer- throwne, with a peece of the Towne wall, of two hundred paces, neere vnto the said Towre. Then the fire of this poulder tooke hold of the neere places, and did so fire all the Towne, as if a great shower of raine had not falne, this great Cittie had been consumed to Ashes." — Goulart's Admirable and Memorable Histories, 1607, p. 212. Of the great treason and syege of Andwerpe / that was in July last past by Marten of Rossen which came forth of Gelderlande with xiiii. M. men of armes. [Col.] Im- prynted at London in saynt Sepulchres parysh in the Old Bayly / by Rychard Lant. 8°, 4 leaves. Puttick & Simpson, April 14, 1898, in lot 468, two mutilated duplicate fragments. The above title is on the first leaf as a headline. A Trve Discovrse of the Assavlt committed vpon the Person of the most noble Prince, William Prince of Orarige, Countie of Nassau, ... by Iohn Iauregui Spaniarde. With the true Copies of the writings, Exami- nations, Depositions, and Letters of sundrie offenders in that vile and diuelish attempte. Faithfully translated out of the frenche Copie printed at Antwerp by Christopher Plantin. Ad no. 1582. Imprinted at London for Thomas Charde and William Broome. 8°. IT, 2 11 : A— L in fours. Bodleian. Trve Newes from one of Sir Fraunces Veres Companie. Concerning Delftes-Isle, and sundry other townes in the Lowe Countries, yeelded to the Generall since May last. Of the great Armie, no we comminge out of Germanie to the aide of the French King, and their hope for the speedye winninge of Antwerpe. With the bloody persecution and Marterdome which sundry cheefe per- sons of account did lately suffer in Spaine for the profession of Christ Iesus. Trans- lated out of Dutch. Seene and allowed. Imprinted at London for Thomas Nelson, . . . 1591. 4°, A— C in fours, A 1 and C 4 blank. York Minster Library and Huth Coll. The Politique takinge of Zutphen Skonce, the winning of the Towne, and beleagering of Deuenter. With the honourable enter- prise of Sir Roger Williams Knight, per- formed vpon a thousande and two hundred of the Enemies souldiours or Leagors, lying at Cinque Samells, nine leagues from Deepe. Who were all put to the sword, vpon Thurs- day before Whitsonday last, being the twentie day of May. 1591. Seene and allowed. At London, Printed by Iohn Charlwood, and are to be solde by William Wright. 1591. 4°, A — C in fours, A 1 blank. York Minster Library. A True Declaration of that which hapned since the enemies first comming to Bommel. From the besieging of the same, vntil this present moneth of Iune, 1599. Whervnto is annexed, some collections out of seuerall Letters from diuers places. All Printed according to the Dutch Copie, Printed at Amsterdam. Printed at London by Iohn Wolfe, . . . 1599. 4°, A— C in fours, the first, second, 'and last leaves blank. Bodleian. A Copie of a Certaine Letter written by a person of reputation, to a Prelate of Brabant, Being at Brussels. The 25. of Februarie, 1599. Imprinted at London by Iohn Wolfe, . . . 1599. 4°, A— B in fours. The True and perfect declaration of the mighty army by sea, made and prepared by the generall States of the vnited Prouinces, purposely sent forth to hinder the proceedings of the King of Spaine, vnder the conduct of Peter Vander Does Generall of the said Army. As also what the said army hath gotten and wonne in the said viage, . . . Collected by Ellertde Ionghe, Captayne of the Artillery in the said Viage. Printed at London by Iohn Wolfe. 1600. 4°, A— E 2 in fours. Bodleian. The Iovrnall, Or Dayly Register, Contayning A Trve manifestation, and Hifltorioall decla- ration of the voyage, accomplished by eight shippes of Amsterdam, vnder the conduct of Iacob Corneliszen Neck Admirall, & Wy- brandt van Warwick Vice- Admirall, which NETHERLANDS. 271 NETHERLANDS. sayled from Amsterdam the first day of March, 1598. . . . Imprinted at London for Cuthbert Burby & Iohn Flasket: And are to be sold at the Eoyall Exchange, & at the signe of the black beare in Paules Church- yard. 1601. 4°, A— Q in fours, Q 4 with Errata, + a leaf of dedication by William "Walker to M r - Sheriff Smith, Governor of the English East India Company. Bodleian. A True Reporte of the Great ouerthrowe lately giuen vnto the Spaniards in their resolute assault of Bergen Op Zoam, in the Lowe Countries. At London Printed by G. E. and are to be sold by Iohn Hodgets at his shop in Pauls church-yard. 1605. 4°, A— B in fours, A 1 and B 4 blank. Articles, Of A Treatie of Trvce. Made and concluded in the Towne and Citie of Antwerp, the 9. of April 1609. betweene the Commis- sioners of the most Excellent Princes, Arch- dukes Albert and Isabella Clara Evgenia, as well in the name of the Catholicke Kings Maiestie, as in their owne. Together with the Commissioners and Deputies of the renowmed Lords, the Estates Generall of the Vnited Prouinces of the Low-countryes, and that through tbe mediation and with the aduice of the Lords Ambassadors of the most Christian Kings, and of Great Britaine. At the Hagve By Hillebrant Iacobz, . . . London Printed for George Potter and Nicholas Bovrne, and are to bee sold at his Shoppe vnder the Royall Exchange. 1609. 4°, A— C in fours, A 1 and C 4 blank. Strange Newes from Antvvarpe, which hap- pened the 12. of August last past. 1612. First Printed in Dutch at Bergen ap Zoame by Ioris Staell and now translated into English by I. F. At London printed by Ralph Blower. 1612. 4°, A— B in fours, A 1 with a woodcut. Bodleian. The Trve Description of the Execvtion of Ivstice, done in the Grauenhage, by the Counsell of the Generall States holden for the same purpose, vpon Sir Iohn van Olden Barnauelt. Against whom the said States pvrposely therevnto appointed, did worthily pronounce sentence of death according to his deserts; which was executed vpon the third day of May, 1619. Stilo Nouo. at ten of the Clocke in the morning. Faithfvlly Translated according to the Dutch Copie. London, Imprinted by Pelix Kyngston for Nathaniel Newbery, . . . 1619. 4°, 4 leaves. Bodleian and U. L. Camb. The running title is : " Newes out of Holland." The Collegiat Svffrage of the Divines of Great Britaine, Concerning the Five Articles Controverted in the Low Countries. Which Suffrage was by them delivered in the Synod of Dort, March 6. Anno 1619. Being their vote or voice foregoing the joint and pub- lique judgment of that Synod. London, Printed for Robert Milbourne, . . . 1629. 4°. Title and List of Articles, 2 11 : B— Aa 2 in fours, Aa 2 blank. Newes ovt of the Low-Covntries, Sent in two Letters : The one to the Earle of New- Castle, The other to Captaine Crispe, Now resident with his Majesty. Declaring the likelihood of Civill warres to be betwixt the Prince of Orange, and the States of the United Provinces. First printed at Oxford for William Web, and since reprinted in London. 1643. 4°, 4 leaves. A Discourse of A True English-man, Free from Selfe-interest, concerning the interest England hath in the Siege of Graveling. Printed at London for Thomas Walkley. 1644. 4°, 4 leaves. In a coeval hand is written at the end : " This may be added to what is here said That if ye French gett Graveling-, the importation of Bullion into the kingdome wilbe stopped, and ye whole trade of England wilbe interrupted & almost destroyed." Three Moneths Obseruations of the Low- Countries, Especially Holland. Containing A brief Description of the Country, Cus- tomes, Religions, Manners, and Dispositions of the People. Printed Anno 1648. Sm. 8°. A4 : B-' : C 4 : D 3 : E 4 , A 1 and E 4 blank. A Sea-Cabbin Dialogue, Between two Travel- lers lately come from Holland. Translated out of Dutch and Dedicated to all those who desire to understand things rightly. London, Printed by T. M. 1652. 4°, A— C in fours. The Case Stated Between England and the United Provinces, In this present Juncture. Together with a short view of those Nether- landers in their late Practices. . . Published. ... By a Friend to this Commonwealth. . . . London, Printed by Tho. Newcomb, and are to be sold by Anthony Williamson. . . . M. DC. HI. 4°, A — G 3 in fours + the title. Celsorum ac Potentium D. Ordinum Belgii Foederati Declaratio : Per quam Manifestum esse volunt intemeratse suis a partibus fidei perpetuum candorem sibi semper constitisse in omnibus, quae inter Extraordinarios harum Provinciarum Legatos, ejusq ; quam in prae- sens Anglicanus Italus tueter Regiminis formae Deputatos, tarn Hagae Comitum quam Londini agitanda sese obtulerunt: . . . Hagae-Comitum. Ex Typographic Adriani Viae. M. DC. Lil. 4°, A— E 2 in fours. Declaration Or Manifest of The High and Mighty Lords the States Generall of the United Netherland Provinces : Comprehen- ding A true Relation of their sincere inten- tion, and lawfull proceedings in the Treaty NETHERLANDS. 272 NETHERLANDS. with the Extraordinary Embassadors, and the Commissionaries of the present Govern- ment of England, . . . And likewise of the unjust and violent proceedings of those of the same Government, which have forced the said States Generall, by way of retortion, to defend their State and Subjects against their Oppressions. At Amsterdam, Trans- lated out of the Original Copy, Printed in the Hague by the Widdow and Heirs of Hillebrand Iacobz van Wouw, 1652. 4°. A, 2 : B, 4. Mare Belli Anglicani injustissime Belgis illati Helena, m.dc.lii. 4°, A — E in fours : F, 1 leaf. Recueil de Diverses Pieces Concernant la Guerre D'Entre L'Angleterre et La Hol- lande En TAnnee 1665. A Paris, Chez Antoine Cellier, . . . [This is a general title.] (i) Reniarqves Svccinctes et Dedvc- tion Faites . . . m.dc. lxv. A — E in fours, E 4 blank: (ii.) Diverses Pieces Servans De Reponse Avx Discovrs Pvbliez par les Hollandois . . . m.dc.lxv. Title and Table, 2 leaves : A — O in fours : (iii) Repliqve dv Chevalier Downing . . . Aux Remarqves des Sievrs Depvtez . . . m.dc.lxv. A — K 2 in fours, K 2 blank. 4°. On the first title is written at the top : Biblio thtca Colbertina. Sotheby's, Nov. 6, 1895, No. 1407. An Exact Survey of the Affaires of the United Netherlands. Comprehending more fully than any thing yet extant, all the Par- ticulars of that Subject. In Twelve Heads, mentioned in the Address to the Reader. Ictus Piscator sap it. London, Printed by Tho. Mabb, for Thomas Johnson, . . . Anno 1665. Sm. 8°. A, 4 leaves, A 4 with Advertisements : B — I in twelves : K, 8. Breve y Svcinta Eelacion de lo Mas Notable qve Ocvrrio en la Incomparable Batalla Nabal, que sedib entre las Armadas de las Provincias vnidas, y de Inglaterra, en 11. 12. 13. y 14. de Iunio, de 1666. [Col.] Con licencia en Valencia, en la Imprenta de Benito Mace, . . . [1666.] Folio, 2 leaves. The Dutch Remonstrance, Concerning the Proceedings and Practices of John De Witt Pensionary, And Rvwaert van Pvtten his Brother, with Others of that Faction. Drawn up by a Person of Eminency there, and Printed at the Hague. And Translated out of Dutch, August the 30 th 1672. London Printed by S. and B. G. and are to be sold by R. C. over against the Globe in Little Brittain. 4°, A — E 2 in fours. A Particular Relation of the manner of the Raising the Siege of Charleroy. Published by Authority. In the Savoy Printed by Tho: Newcomb, 1672. Folio, A— B, 2 11. each. Batavia : Or The Hollander displayed : In Brief Characters & Observations of the People & Country, The Government of their State & Private Families, Their Virtues and Vices. Also A Perfect Description of the People and Country of Scotland. London, Printed for G. Widdowes, at the Green- Dragon in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1672. Sm. 8°, A— D in twelves, A 1 and D 12 blank. A Letter Out of Holland, Dated April 30. Stilo Nova. Wherein is shewn the Desperate and Distracted Condition of those Countries and People. With A Prophecie inclosed, Made by one of their own Astrologers ; Who Predicts many Strange and Wonderful Things that will happen amongst The States of the Vnited Provinces. London, Printed by J. C. for R. Robinson, near Grays-Inn- Gate in Holborn, 1672. 4°, 16 " A Perfect Account of the Taking and Burn- ing the Strong Posts of Bodegrave, Svvam- merdam, Newerbrug, &c. in Holland, by the French, under the Command of the Duke of Luxemburg, Governour for His most Christian Majesty of the City and Province of Utrecht. As it came in a Letter from the said Duke. Together with a larger Narrative of the particular Passages and Circumstances of that Action. Out of French. Published by Authority. In the Savoy Printed by Thomas Newcomb. 167f. Folio, A— B, 2 11. each. A Letter to Monsieur Van B . . . de M . . . at Amsterdam, written Anno. 1676. 4°, 4 leaves printed without a title-page. The History of the Treaty of Nimuegen. With Remarks on the Interest of Europe In Relation to that Affair. Translated out of French. London: Printed for Dorman Newman . . . 1681. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— T in eights. The Harllum Courant. Numb. 1. London, Printed for John Search, 1689. A folio leaf. The Copy of a Letter from Min Heer T. V. L. to Min Heer H. V. C. Faithfully Translated from the Original. Amsterdam, March 15, 1689. A folio leaf. A Late Voyage to Holland, With Brief Relations of the Transactions at the Hague, Also Remarks on the Manners and Customs, Nature, and Commieal Humour of the People; their Religion, Government, Habi- tations, way of Living, and Manner of Treating Strangers, Especially the English. Written by an English Gentleman, Attend- ing the Court of the King of Great Britain. Printed for John Humphreys, 1691. Sm. S". Title and Contents, Z 11 : 1$, 2 11 : C— F in lours. NETHERLANDS 273 NEWROBE. An Exaot Journal of the Siege of Namur : Giving a Particular Account of the Several Sallies and Attacks, and other most remark- able Passages from the first Investing of the Place. Together with the Articles of Capitu- lation, both for the Surrendring the City and Castle. London : Printed for J. "Whitlock, near Stationers-Hall, 1695. 4°, B— E 2 in fours + title-page. The first portion of this tract is occupied by A Journal of the English and Dutch Fleet, Under the Command of Admiral Mutiel. A New Description of Holland, And the rest of the United Provinces in General. Containing Their Government, Laws, Reli- gion, Policy, and Strength ; Their Customs, Manners, and Riches; Their Trade to the Indies, &c ; Their Fishery and Bank, with a Particular Account of Amsterdam, Hague, Roterdam, and the other Principal Cities of Holland. London, Printed for H. Rhodes, at the Star, the corner of Bride-Lane, in Fleet-street, 1701. Sm. 8°. A, 2 leaves: B — F in twelves : G, 9 leaves, the last five with Advertisements. NEVE, JEFFERY, Gentleman. Neue. 1624. A New Almanacke, and Prog- nostication, with the Forraigne Computation. . . . Rectified for the Eleuation of the Pole Articke, and Meridian of the famous Towne of great Yarmouth in Norfolke, . . . London : Printed for the Company of Sta- tioners. 8°, A — C 4 in eights. Neve, 1636. A new Almanack and Prog- nostication. . . . Rectified for the Elevation of the Pole Articke, and Meridian of the ancient and famous Citty of Norwich, . . . London, Printed by E. A. for the Company of Stationers. 8°, A— C 4 in eights. Neve. 1642. A New Almanacke and Prog- nostication, with the forraigne Computation, serving for the yeare . . . 1642 . . . Reotified for the . . . Meridian of the ancient and famous City of Norwich ; . . . London, Printed by R. H. for the Company of Stationers. 8°, A 8 : A 8 : B 4 . NEWCASTLE. The True Intelligencer sent to this King- dome, Concerning the Taking in of the Town of New-Castle : With Copies of the Letters, and other Passages, that occurred betwixt our Army and those of the Town. As also the surrender of the Castle thereof. Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie. 1644. 4°, A — B in fours. Dedicated by the Earl of Leven to the Earl of Lauderdale from Newcastle, 20. Octob. 1644. NEWCOMB, THOMAS. The Case of the Poor People in Wales for Want of Bibles in the British Tongue. [1691.] A folio leaf subscribed Tho. New- comb. NEWCOME, HENRY, A. M. Rector of Tatten-Hall in the County Palatine of Chester. The Compleat Mother. Or An Earnest Perswasive to all Mothers (especially those of Rank and Quality) to Nurse their own Children. . . . London, Printed for J. Wyat . . . 1695. 8°. A, 2: B— H in eights. NEW ENGAGEMENT. A Brief Apologie For all Non-Svbscribers, And Looking-Glasse for all Apostate per- jured Prescribers & Subscribers of the New Engagement, Wherein they may clearly behold their Presidents, Sin, Horrour, Punishment. London, 1650. 4°, A— B in fours. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Acts and Laws, Passed by the General Court or Assemby of His Majesties Province of New-Hampshire in New-England. Begun and Held at Portsmouth, on Monday the Seventh Day of August, 1699. Anno Regni Gulielmi Tertii, Anglise, Scotise, Francise et Hibernise, Regis, Undecimo. Boston, Prin- ted by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen, Printers to His Excellency the Earl of Bellomont. 1699. Folio, 5 leaves. Title, 1 leaf : pp. 3-10. Charlemagne Tower Cat. 1890, p. 160. It seems probable that this tract should form part of the 1698 edition by the same printers of the Laws of Massachusetts. At the same time there were later separate issues of 1716, 1718, 1U9, 1726, and 1771. NEWPORT, FRANCES. An Epytaphe, of the Godlye Constaut, & Comfortable Cofessor Mystres (Darothye Wynnes) which Slepte in Christ the yere of Grace, Made by Frances Newport. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Owen Rogers dwelling betwene both Saynt Bar- telmews, at the Spread Eagle. 12° or sm. 8°, A in eights, A 8 blank. Title within an engraved border. In 6-line stanzas. Puttick & Simpson, Nov. 80, 1897, No. 547, number of leaves, blank inclusive, complete, but badly mutilated. NEWROBE, RICHARD. Farewell Myter Or, Canterburies Medita- tions, And Wrenn's Syllogismes. Also, The Divels moane for the discontent of his Ser- vants and Assistants, and his Epitaphs upon each of their Burials. Together with His Chronicles for their hereafter Memories, inserted the 12. day of the moneth Tride- miter, according to the Infernall Collatera- tion, peccandi. An. Dom. mdcccxcv. Looke in, and view, Supposed yet true ; Composed for you. NEWS. 274 NICHOLAS. By Richard Newrobe. Printed for Richard Lamar, in the Yeare, 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. B.M. NEWS. Newes from diners countries. As, Prom Spaine, Antwerpe, Collin, Venice, Rome, The Turke, and The prince Doria. And how the Archduke of Austria is intended to resigne his Cardinall Hat ; through his marying with the King of Spaines daughter. Seene and allowed. Printed at London by Valentine Sims, and are to be sold in Gratious streete. 1597. 4°, A— C in fours, C 4 blank. Black letter. Britwell (Heber's copy). In his Auspicante Jehova, 1597, N. Breton speaks, in an Epistle to the Readers, of his then recent return to his native country. I do not know •whether we owe this tract to him— probably not ; but in 1622 appeared from his pen, not for the first time, a volume entitled: Strange Newes out of Diverse Countries. Newes from Gulick and Cleue. "With a Preface containing the pretended occasions of the Marquis Spinola his comming into those parts. And a Continuation of the said Newes vntill this present moneth of Nouember. Collected out of most credible letters sent from both the Camps to worthy Personages. By Mercurius Batavo-Bri- tannus. and published with authority. London, Printed for H. Holland, and G. Gibbs, and are to be solde at the Flower de Luce in Paules Churchyard, 1615. 4°, A— D 2 in fours + 1", 1 leaf with Preface and a map. The Certaine and Trve Newes, from all the Parts of Germany and Poland, To this Present 29. of October, 1621. Published by Authoritie. London Printed by F. K. for B. D. and are to bee sold by William Lee, . . . 1621. 4°, A— B in fours, A 1 and B 3-4 blank. Octob. 22. Nou. 3. A Relation of the Weekely Occurrences of Newes, out of Bo- hemia, Italy, Germany, the Pallatinate, the Low-Countries, and other places. . . . Printed for Nathaniel Butter, Bartholomew Downes, and William Shefford, 1622. 4°, A — C in fours. July 29. Numb. 42. More Newes of the Good Svccesse of the Duke of Brvnswicke. Fully Relating His last and seuerall Victories atchieued against the Forces of Monsieur Tilly. With the Muster, March, Strength, . . . of the said Duke of Brunswick ; from the first setting forth vnto the third of our Iuly. As likewise some letters betwixt the old Duke of Brunswick and Monsieur Tilly, concerning the State of the Businesse. Something also Of the Emperors other Preparations, and seuerall other Occurrences about the Kings of Denmarke, Poland, and Sweden. . . . London, Printed for Nathaniel Butter, and Nicholas Bourne. 1623. 4°, A— E in fours, E 4 blank. Bodleian. Newes from Millaine aud Spaine. The Copy of a Letter written from Millaine to Venice, by Signior Padre, concerning a strange Prince, called Prince Mammon, who is lately come into the State. A Proclama- tion made in the name of his Maiesty of Spaine, for the search, finding out, and apprehending of all such persons, as shall be suspected to be sent out of Millaine, by Prince Mammon and his confederates, . . . A Letter written from S. Lucas, concerning the Iustice and execution at Millaine, done vpon two of the principall Conspirators in the dispersing of infectious Oyntments and Powders made by the diuell. Translated out of the Spanish Copy. London. Printed for Nat. Butter, and Nic. Bourne. 1630. 4°, A — B in fours. A Little True Forraine Newes : Better Than a great deale of Domestick spurious false Newes, published daily without feare or wit, to the shame of the Nation, and beyond the liberty of Paris Pasquils. Vnto which is added A Letter Written by the Lievtenant of the Tower, to the Parliament, in defence of himselfe, and may give satis- faction to all men. London, Printed for Nathanael Butter, 1641. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. B.M. NEWSTEAD, CHRISTOPHER. An Apology for Women: Or, Womens Defence. Pend 'by C. N. late of Albane Hall in Oxon. . . . London, Printed by E. G. for Ri : Whittakers : . . . 1620. Sm. 8°. A, 4: B— D in eights: E, 4. Dedicated to Mary, Countess of Buckingham. Bodleian. NEWTON, JOHN. Tabulae Mathematics : Or, Tables of the naturall Sines, Tangents, and Secants, and the Logarithms of the Sines and Tangents. . . . London: Printed by T. & W. Leybourn, . . . 1654,. Sm. 8°, A— T in twelves: Institutio Mathematica, with a new title, A, 4 leaves : B — T 6 in twelves + two folded leaves at pp. 326 and 386. An Introduction to the Art of Rhetoriok. Composed for the benefit of young Schollars and others, . . . Published for a publick Advantage. By John Newton, D.D. Lon- don, Printed by E. T. and R. H. for Thomas Passinger . . . 1671. 8°, A — G in twelves, A 1 and G 12 blank. NICHOLAS, ABRAHAM, M.A. Thoographia, Or A New art of Short-Hand . . . Enlarged and Published by Thomas NICCHOLES. 275 NONCONFORMISTS. Slater : And approved of by the Ablest Pen- Men in London. The Second Edition. London : Printed and Sold by Heny Mort- lock . . . 1697. Sin. 8°, A— D 4 in eights + plates at pp. 5 (4), pp. 9, 21, 23, 27, 31 (2), 35 (2), 37 (2), and 39. The preface by Slater is dated 1692. NICCHOLES, ALEXANDER. A Discourse, Of Marriage and "Wiving : And of the greatest Mystery therein contained : How to choose a good "Wife from a bad. An Argument Of the dearest vse, but the deepest cunning, that a man may erre in : which is to cut by a Thrid betweene the greatest Good or euill in the world. Per- tinent to both Sexes, and Conditions, . . . By Alex. Niccholes, Batchelour in the Art he neuer yet put in practice . . . London, Printed by N. O. for Leonard Becket, and are to be sold at his Shop in the Inner- Temple. 1615. 4°, A— H in fours. In prose and verse. Dedicated "To the Ver- tvovs Yong Gentleman, and his worthily respected friend, M r - Thomas Edgworth." NICKLAES, HENDRIK. An Epistle Sent vnto Two daughters of Warwick from H. N. The Oldest Father of the Familie of Love. "With a refutation of the errors that are therin ; by H. A. . . . Imprinted at Amsterdam by Giles Thorp. 1608. 4°. *, 4 leaves with title and Henry Ainsworth's preface : A — G in fours. NICODEMUS. Nychodemus gospell [This title is over a large woodcut. Col.] Thus endeth Nycho- dem? gospell. Enprynted at London in the Flete strete at the sygne of the Sonne by "Wynkyn de worde. In y yere of our lorde god. M. ccccc. xxxii. the xii. of Apryle. 4°, A— G 2 in fours. "With woodcuts. NIETJHOFF, JOHN, Steward to the Ambassadors. An Embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham Emperor of China, Delivered by their Excell°ies Peter De Goyer, and Jacob De Keyzer, At his Imperial City of Peking. Wherein the Cities, Towns, Vil- lages, Ports, Rivers, &c. In their Passages from Canton to Peking, Are Ingeniously Described by M r - John Nievhoff, Steward to the Ambassadours. Also An Epistle of Father John Adams their Antagonist, con- cerning the whole Negotiation. With an Appendix . . . Englished and set forth with their several Sculptures, by John Ogilby, Esq ; Master of His Majesties Records in the Kingdom of Ireland. Lon- don, Printed by John Macock, for the Author, MDCLXix. Folio. Frontispiece, portrait of Ogilby by Faithorne after Lely, folded map, printed title and Privilege, 6 leaves : B — Dd, 2 leaves each. With a pro- fusion of engravings with the letterpress and many others separate at pp. 26, 30, 36, 38, 40, 78, 84, 114, 116, 128, 224; Part 2, 36, 68 (2), 70 (2), 78, 92, 98. An Embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham Emperor of China, . . . The Second Edition. London, Printed by the Author at his House in White-Friers. m.dc.lxxiii. Folio. With a frontispiece, map, and Plates, some separate from letter- press. NIGHTWALKERS. The Night- Walkers Declaration: Or, The Distressed Whores Advice to all their Sisters in City and Country. Set forth (by way of Confession) out of a deep sense of the Tribulations they have lately suffered. With Allowance. Roger L'Estrange. London, Printed for D. M. 1676. 4°, 4 leaves. B.M. The Night- Walkers ; Or, The Loyal Huzza . . To the Tune of, On the Bank of a River, &c. Printed for P. Brooksby, near the Hospital-gate, in West-Smithfield : 1682. A broadside. 7 stanzas of 12 lines, with a burden. B.M. Comp. Bloomshury. N1SBET, SIR JOHN, of Dirleton, Advocate to King Charles II. Some Doubts & Questions, in the Law; Especially of Scotland. As also, some De- cisions of the Lords of Council and Session. To which is Added, an Index. Edinburgh, Printed for George Mosman, m.dc.xcviii. Folio. Title, To the Reader, and Table, 5 11 : A— 6 P, 2 11. each. With a portrait of Sir John Nisbet by R. White. NOLLIUS, HENRICTJS. Hermetical Physick: Or, The Right way to preserve, and to restore Health. By that famous and faithfull Chymist, Henry Nollius. Englished by Henry Claughan, Gent. London. Printed for Humphrey Moseley, . . . 1655. Sm. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — G 5 in twelves. NONCONFORMISTS. A Letter to the Right Worshipful T. S. A Member of the Honorable House of Com- mons With Some Remarques Upon the Intended Act Against Nonconformists In order to Moderation. London : Printed in the Tear 1675. 4°, 4 leaves. A Reasonable Account, Why some Pious, Nonconforming Ministers in England judge it Sinful for them to perform their Minis- terial Acts, in publick, solemn prayer by the Prescribed forms of others. Wherein several of their Arguments are modestly s— 2 NORDEN. 276 NORMANBY. propounded, opened and Justified against pretended answers given to them, either by Ireneus Freeman, or M r - Falconer, in his book entituled Libertas Ecclesiastiea, or others . . . Anno 1679. 8°, A— L in eights : Supplement, dated 1680, A— H 4 in eights, H 4 blank. NORDEN, JOHN, Theological Writer. A Mirror for the Multitude, Or Glasse, Wherein maie be seene, the violence, the errors, and rash consent, of the multitude, . . . By I. N. . . . At London, Printed by Iohn Windet. 1586. 8°. *, 8 leaves: **, 1 leaf: A— H 2 in eights. Dedicated by Norden to the Queen. NORDEN, JOHN, Topographer. Speculum Britannise: An Historical and Chorographical Description of Middlesex and Hartfordshire. By the Travaill and View of John Norden. [This is an engraved title: a printed one follows.] Speculum Britannise: . . . Wherein Are alpha- betically set down the Names of the Cities, Towns, Parishes, ... By John Norden. Illustrated with Maps ... To which is added, A Preparative to this Work, in- tended a Reconciliation of sundrie Pro- positions by Divers Persons . . . London : . . . m,dcc,xxiii. 4°. Engr. and pr. titles, 2 leaves and pp. 24 : Middlesex, title, dedication, and verses, 4 leaves : pp. 1 — 52, with 3 folded maps and woodcuts : Hart- fordshire, engr. title, dedication, and verses, 4 leaves : pp. 1 — 32. With a folded map. The Svrveiors Dialogve, . . . Now newly Imprinted. And by the same Author in- larged, and a sixt Booke newly added, of a familiar and pleasant conference, betweene a Purchacer, and a Surueyor of Lands ; . . . Diuided into sixe Bookes by I. N. . . . Voluntas pro facultate. London Printed by I. W. for I. Busby, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstanes Church yard in Fleetstreet. 1610. 4°. A, 4 11: *, 4 11 : B — Gg in fours, Gg 2 with Errata and Gg 3-4 blank, as is also A 1. NORFOLK. A Ballad intituled The Norfolk Gentleman his Will and Testament, and howe he com- mytted the keeping of his children to his owne brother, whoe delte moste wickedly with them, and howe God plagued him for it. Licensed to Thomas Millington, 15 October, 1595. See Chappell's Popular Music, i. 200. Buxom Joan of Lynn's Love to . a jolly Sailor: Or, The Maiden's Choice: Being Love for Love again. To an excellent new Play-house Tune. London : Printed for P. Brooksby, at the Golden-ball, in Pyecorner. A broadside, with the music. B.M. Vox Norwici: Or, The Cry of Norwich, Vindicating their Ministers. Wherein, The City of Norwich, viz. the Court of Maioraltie and Common-Councell by their Act of As- sembly ; The rest of the well affected Citizens and Inhabitants, by the subscription of their names hereunto, doe vindicate their Minis- ters, Master Thornebacke, Master Carter, . . . from the foule & false aspersions and slanders, which are unchristianly throwne upon them in a lying and scur- rilous Libell, lately come forth, intituled, Vox Populi, or the Peoples cry against the Clergy, . . . London, Printed for Wil- liam Franckling, and are to be sold by Richard Tomlins, at the Signe of the Star in Pie-Corner, mdcxlvi. 4°, A— B in fours. The Agreement of the Associated Ministers in the County of Norfolk and City and County of Norwich, Concerning Publick Catechizing, . . . London, Printed for Joseph Cranford, . . . 1659. 4°, A— I 2 in fours. NORMAN, ROBERT. The Newe, Attractive, Shewing the nature, propertie, and manifold vertues of the Loadstone, with the Declination of the Needle Found out and dis- couered by Ro : Norman. With the Appli- cation thereof, for finding the true Variation of the Compas: ... By maister W: Burrowes. London, Printed by T. C. for Iohn Tappe, . . . 1614. 4°, A, 4 11 : B— F in eights : G, 4 : H, 2. With wood- cuts. The Discourse of the Compass is dedicated by William Burrowes to the Travellers, Seamen, and Mariners of England. NORMANBY, JOHN SHEFFIELD, MARQUIS OF. An Essay on Poetry ; Written by the Mar- quis of Normanby, And the same render'd into Latin by another Hand. With several other Poems, viz. An Epistle to the Lord Chamberlain, on his Majesty's Victory in Ireland; By the Honourable M r - Montague. An Epistle to the Honourable M r - Mon- tague, on His Majesty's Voyage to Holland ; By M r - Stepny. An Epistle to Monsieur Boileau, by M r - Arwaker. A Poem on the Promotion of several Eminent Persons in Church and State ; by Mr. Tate. To which are added the following Poems, Never before in Print, viz. An Ode in Memory of the late Queen; by a Person of Quality. A Poem on the Late Horrid Conspiracy ; by M r - Stepny. NORRIS. 277 NORWOOD. London, Printed for F. Saunders, . . . mdcxcvii. Folio. General Title and dedi- cation by N. Tate to Sir Robert Howard, 2 11: An Ode, 2 11: An Essay on Poetry [new title], 17 11: An Epistle to the Earl of Middlesex, A— C, 2 11. each : An Epistle to Charles Montague Esq. A — C, 2 11. each : A — B, 2 11. each : A Poem on the late Pro- motion, A — D, 2 11. each. NORRIS, JOHN, of Bemerton, of All Souls', Oxford, and Hector of Aldbourn, Wilts. A Discourse Concerning the Pretended Re- ligious Assembling in Private Conventicles . . . London, Printed for James Norris, at the Sign of the King's Arms without Temple Bar. 1685. 8°. A, 4 : B— V in eights : X, 4. Reason and Religion : Or, The Grounds and Measures of Devotion, . . . London, Printed for Samuel Manship, mdclxxxix. Sm. 8°, A— S 4 in eights. Dedicated to the Duke of Ormonde, Chan- cellor of Oxford University. Reflections upon the Conduct of Human Life : "With reference to the Study of Learning and Knowledge. In a Letter to the Excellent Lady, the Lady Masham. . . . The Second Edition, with Large Additions. London, Printed for S. Man- ship, . . . mdcxci. Sm. 8°, A— P in eights. A Collection of Miscellanies: The Second Edition Corrected. London, Printed for J. Crosley, and Samuel Manship, . . . 1692. 8°. a, 8 leaves, first blank, second with Imprimatur: A — Gg 4 in eights, GG 3-4 with Advertisements. Dedicated to the Honourable Leopold-William Finch, War- den of All-Souls College. An Account of Reason & Faith: In Rela- tion to the Mysteries of Christianity. By John Norris, M.A. Rector of Bemerton near Sarum. . . . London, Printed for S. Manship, . . . .1697. 8°, A— Z in eights. Dedicated to Henry Earl of Coleraine. An Essay Towards the Theory of the Ideal or Intelligible World. . . . Part II. By John Norris, Rector of Bemerton near Sarum. . . . London, Printed for S. Manship, . . . and W. Hawes, . . . mdcciv. 8°, A— Oo in eights + b, 8 leaves. Dedicated to the Right Worshipful Thomas Cookes Winford of Astly, in the County of Worcester. Letters Concerning the Love of God, Be- tween the Author of the Proposal to the Ladies and M r - John Norris : . . . The Third Edition, Corrected by the Author, with some few things added. London: Printed for Edmund Parker, . . . 1730. 8°, A — P in eights. Norris published several other works, while at Bemerton, of a purely theological character. NORRIS, SIR JOHN. Newes Sent out of Britayn, and other places on the third of Iune 1591. to a Gen- tleman of account. Concerning the seuerall exploits of Sir Iohn Norris, Lord Gouernour of hir Maiesties forces in Brittaine, since his departure from England. London Printed by Iohn Wolfe, and are to be sold at his shop right ouer against the great South- doore of Paules. 1591. 4°, 4 leaves. York Minster Library. NORTHBROOKE, JOHN. Spiritvs est Vicarivs Christi in terra. A briefe and pithie summe of the Christian Faith, ... IF At London Printed by Iohn Charlwood at the signe of the halfe Eagle and Keye, in Barbican 1582. 8°, A — Oo in eights. Dedicated to the Bishop of Bath and Wells. NORTON, THOMAS, and THOMAS SAOKVILLE, Lord Buckhurst. All such treatises as haue been lately pub- lished by Thomas Norton : the titles whereof appeare in the next side. Seen and allowed according to the order of the Queenes In- iunctions. At London. Printed by Iohn Daye dwelling ouer Aldersgate. 8°. A general title to the (i) To the Queenes Maiesties poore decerned subiectes; (ii.) A warning against the Dangerous practises; (iii.) A Bull graunted; (iv.) A disclosing of the great Bull ; (v.) An addition declara- torie; (vi.) The Tragedie of Ferrex and Porrex. Christies, May 22nd, 1901, No. 364, £126. With six other rare pieces bound up in the volume. This seems to be the same book, which was sold at Sotheby's in 1860 for £ 64. NORWAY. A Most strange and wonderfull Herring, taken on the 26. day of Nouember 1597. neere vnto Drenton sometime the old and chiefe Cittie of the Kingdom of Norway. Hauing on the one side the picture of two armed men fighting, and on the other most strange Characters, as in the Picture is here expressed. First printed in Dutch at Roter- dam by Ian van Doetecum. And now trans- lated into English . . . London Im- printed by Iohn Wolfe. 1598. 4°, 4 leaves. With two cuts. Univ. Lib. Cambr. NORWOOD, RICHARD, Reader of the Mathematics in London. Trigonometrie. Or, The Doctrine of Tri- angles : Divided into two Bookes : . . . Whereunto is annexed (chiefly for the use of Seamen) A treatise of the application thereof NOTTINGHAM. 278 NYNDGE. in the three principall kindes of sailing. With certaine necessary Tables used in Navigation. London, Printed by William Iones, 1631. 4°, A— Ii in fours : a— 1 in fours. Dedicated to Francis, Earl of Bedford. NOTTINGHAM. The Case of the Burgesses of Nottingham, in reference to the Surrendring of their Charters, truly stated, August the 21 st - 1682. [Col.] London, Printed for Braba- zon Aylmer, . . . Polio, 2 leaves. NOVELS. Select Novels. The first six written in Spanish, by Miguel Cervantes Sayavedra, Author of that Famous History Bon Quixote de la Mancha ; the other by Prancis Petraul, An Eminent Italian Poet, and one of the first Eestorers of Learning. All Translated from the Original by T> r - Walter Pope. London, Printed for Charles Brome . . . and Thomas Home. . . . 1694. Sm. 8°. A, 4 leaves: B — Z in eights: Aa, 4. A 1 and Aa 4 are blank. NOWELL, ALEXANDER. Catechismvs, siue prima Institutio Discip- linaqve Pietatis Christianse, Latine explicata . . . Londini, In Officina, Reginaldi Wolfij, Regise Maiest. in Latinis Typographi. Anno Bom. m.d. lxx. xvi. Calend. Ivl. 4°, A, 3 leaves (A 4 was probably blank) : B — X in fours : Y, 6 leaves, the last blank. A Catechisme, . . . 1[ At London. Printed by Iohn Daye . . . An. 1571. 4°, black letter, a— y in fours. The prefatory dedication is signed T. Norton. A Catechisme, or first instruction and Learn- ing of Christian Religion . . . trans- lated into Englishe. At London. Printed by Iohn Daye . . . 1575. 4°, A— Yin fours. A Catechisme, or Institution of Christian Religion. . . . London, Printed by J. D. for the Company of Stationers, 1647. 8°, A— G in eights, G 8 blank. NOY, WILLIAM, of Lincoln's Inn, late Attorney-General to his Sacred Majesty King Charles the First. The Compleat Lawyer: Or A Treatise Concerning Tenures & Estates in Lands of Inheritance. . . . Together with Ob- servations on the Authors Life. London, Printed for and sold by John Amery, . . . 1674. 8°, A— I 4 in eights. With a portrait. NUGENT, RICHARD. Rich: Nvgents Cynthia; Containing Dire- full Sonnets, Madrigalls, and passionate in- tercourses, describing his repudiate affections expressed in Loues owne Language. Non ad imitandum, sed ad cauendum. Disce ex me. London Printed by T. P. for Henrie Tomes, and are to be sould at his shop by Graies Inne new gate in Holborne. 1604. 4°, A — D in fours. Dedicated " To the right honourable the Ladie of Trymlestowne " in verse. B.M. and Britwell (the Roxburghe and Heber copy). The former, a very poor one, was acquired with some other rare books, at Oswestry, where it was found in the hands of some one in a humble posi- tion. At the end, after the 29 Sonnets, 5 Madrigals, Ballate, &c., come 10 Sonnets, a Canzone ; we have a sonnet to the author's cousin Richard Nugent of Donower, with the answer of the latter, and the author's Reply, a Sonnet to his friend Mr. William Talbot and Talbot's answer. Master Thomas Shel- ton's Answer to the 4th madrigal,