^^MrUNIVER% ^lOSANCElfj-^ ^OFCAIIFO/?^ ^OF-CAllF0l?/(^ "^xiUDNVsoi^ "^aaAiNfliftV^ "^^^AHvaanT^ "^AavaaiH^ CO ^xmmoA o ^^10SANCEI% o so cr 30 I ^l-UBRARYQ^^ ^OFCAUFORi^ ^lUBRARYQc. ^OFCALIFOIXil^ 5MEUNIVER% ,^WEUNIVERS/A ^lOSANCEl^^ '^/saMiNnjw'^ ^lOSANCEl^^ o '^(?Aavaan#' ^(?A«vaani^ "^J^iaoNVsoi^ %a]A!NIl3Wv <^^WE•UNlVER% ^lOSANCEier^ ^^t-UBRARYQ^^ ^tUBRARYQr^ ^ "^/saaAiNfliwv ^0FCAIIF0;?/I|^ ^OF-CAIIFOI?^ CI "^^^Aavnaiii^ ,^WE•UNIVER^/A ^IDSANCElf ^rnjDNVsoi^ %a3MN(l•m^^ -^tUBRARYO^ § 1 li— ' ^ ^OF'CAllFOff^ j^5MEUNIVER% ^lOSANCEl^^ o ^HJAEUNIVERS/^ <(^130NVS01'^ A^^lOSANCEl^ CO so > ^lllBRARYOc. ^ - - — ' ^ .^lUBRARYO^, JJ-UBRARYG^ "^/^aiAinnawv^ \m\m\^^ ^HIBRARYQ^^ S .5jt\EUNIVER% ^losANcacr^ ^J^JDNVSOl^ %a3AlNn3WV^ IX. ^OFCAIIFO)?/^ ^^Aavaaii-^w' ^OFCAIIFO/?.^ %Aavaani^ ^\WEUNIVER% ^VOSANCEl£r^ %a3AIN(HWV^ 4^HIBRARYG^^ (J 5 ^OFCAEIFOff^ aWEUNIVERVa. ^lOSANCEl^^ ^&AavaaniN^ M?Aava8ii- ^•lOS-ANCElfx^ -^lUBRARYQ^ ^^UIBRARYQr^ CJ 5 AMEUNIVER% ^lOS. RAILWAY AND CANAL TRAFFIC ACT, 1888. AN ANALYSIS OF THE EAILWAT MTES AND CHARGES OllDEll CONFIRMATION ACTS, 1891 SHOWING (a.) A List of the Acts. (b.) A List of the Railway Compa (c.) The Classification of Merchandise Traffic. (d.) The General Conditions under which the Maximum Rates and Charges can be made. (e.) The Schedules of the Maximum Rates and Charges. ^rr^rntctr ta fiort) I^Dit^cjf of |3arUainntt fin C0mmantt nf Wy itt.ijcstii. LONDON: PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY EYRE AND Sl'OTTISWOODE. rniKTERS TO THB QCBBN'S MOST BXCBLLBITT HAJBSTT. And to bo purchased, cither directly or throHRh any Bookseller, from BYRE AND SPOTTISWOODK. East Haupinu Stkkkt. Klkkt Stubht, E.G., ntid 32, Abinodo:* Sturkt, Westminstkh, S.W.; or JOHN MENZIES A Co., 12, IIanovkr Stkkkt. EmNnrnon.nnd 90, West Nilb Stkekt, Glasgow; or HODGES, FIGGIS, & Co., Limitkp, ltd, Gkafton Stkeet, Dlblis. 1892. [C— 6832.] Price Is. CONTENTS. 1. List of the Eailway Eates and Charges Order Confirmation Acts 1891 and 1892 - 2. Alphabetical list of the names of the Kailway Companies and Kailways jointly owned, leased, or worked in the Railway Bates and Charges Order Confirmation Acts - - - 3. The classification of Merchandise TraflBc — (a.) An'angcd in the order of classes - - - - (6.) Arranged in alphabetical order . . - - 4. The general conditions under which the Maximum Rates and Charges can be made ------ 6. The Maximum Rates and Charges — (a.) Conditions special to particular Acts under which the Maximum Rates and Charges contained in those Acts are to be calculated . . - - {h.) Part 1, Goods and Minerals, Station and Service Ter- minals .-..--- (c.) Part 1, Goods and Minerals, Conveyance Rates - {d.) Part 2, Animal Class ----- (e.) Part 3, Carriages ------ (/.) Part 4, Exceptional Class - - - - - (g.) Part 5, Perishable Merchandise by Passenger train {h.) Part 6, Small Parcels by Merchandise train 6. Appendices to the Conditions special to particular Acts printed on Images 113 to 130 ------ Page. 3 21 47 102 113 131 132 196 199 200 201 203 206 Board of Trade, August 1892. COURTENAY BOYLE. THE NATIONAL UNION OF CONSERVATIVE AND CONSTITUTIONAL ASSOCIATIONS. REFERENCE DEPARTMENT .\N1> POLITICAL LIBRARY. Presented by /^^Z!^- ^^ . .J^^'y^^cJ^^ /^gt^-^V ^ fi^-: IXi-iC I I I 1 I I I I I .1 r^r'T^^ .-\<\- >- ■< cc CO 5 CO CO 13 C3 /^-, List of the Railway Rates and Charges Order Confirmation Acts, 1891 and 1892. 1. Tlie Great Eastern Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Conlirmation Act, 1891. (.54 & 55 Vict., c. 214.) 2. The Great Northern Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act, 1891. (54 & 55 Vict., c. 215.) 3. The London and South Western Railway Company (Rates and Cliarges) Order Confirmation Act, 1891. C54 & 6b Vict., c. 21().) 4. The London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway C^m- pan}' (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act, 1891. (54 & 55 Vict., c. 217.) 5. The London, Chatham, and Dover Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act, 189i. (54 & 55 Vict., c. 218.) 6. The Midland Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act, 1891. (54 & 55 Vict., c. 219.) 7. The South Eastern Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act, 1891. (54 & 55 Vict., c. 220.) 8. The London and North Western Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act, 1891. (54 & 55 Vict., c. 221.) 9. The Great Western Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act, 1891. (54 &; 55 Vict., c. 222.) 10. The Railway Rates and Charges, No. 1 (Abbotsbury Railway, &c.), Order Confirmation Act, 1892. (pb &d 56 Vict., c. 39.) 11. The Railway Rates and Charges, No. 2 (Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway, &c.), Order Con- firmation Act, 1892. (55 & 56 Vict., c. 40.) 12. The Railway Rates and Charges, No. 3 (Cambrian Railway, &;c.), Order Confirmation Act, 1892. (55 & 50 Vict., c. 41.) 13. The Railway Rates and Charges, No. 4 (Cleator and Workington Junction Railway, &c.), Order Contirnia- tion Act, 1892. (55 & 56 Vict, c. 42.) 14. The Railway Rates and Charges, No. 5 (East London Railway, &c.), Order Confirmation Act 1892. (55 Sz 56 Vict., c. 43.) U 72496. Wt. 6185. A 2 .>81t > / 16. The Railway RnteH uii.l Churfjes, No. fi (Festiniog liailway, kc), Onlcr Confirmation Act, 1892. (55 & 5() Vict., c. 4k) 10. The lljiilway Hati's and Char|^e.s, No. 7 (Fiirne.ss Railway, &c.), Or.lur Cniitirrnation Act, 1892. (55 & 56 Vict., c. 45.) 17. The Railway Rat<'H njid Char^^cs, No. 8 (Hull, Barnsley, anti West Riding .Iiinctifjn Railway), Order Confirma- tion Act, 1802. (55 & 5G Vict, c. 4G.) 18. The Railway Rate.s and Charge.^ No. 9 (Isle of Wight Railway, kc), Qrder Continuation Act, 1892. (55 & 5(i Vict., c. 47.) ' 19. The Railway Rates and Charges, No. 10 (Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, c^cc), Order Confirmation Act, 1892, (55 & 50 Vict., c. 48.) 20. The Railway Rates and Charges, No. 11 (London, Tilbury, and Southend Railway, &c.). Order Confirmation Act, 1892. (55 & 56 Vict., c. 49.) 21. Tlie Railway Rate.s and Charges, No. 12 (Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway, &c.). Order Con- firmation Act, 1892. (55 & 56 Vict., c. 50.) 22. The Railway Rates and Charges, No. 13 (Metropolitan Railway, &c.). Order Confirmation Act, 1892. (55 & 50 Vict., c. 51.) 23. The Railway Rates and Charges, No. 14 (Midland and South Western Junction Railway, kc), Order Confir- mation Act, 1892. (55 & 50 Vict., c. 52.) 24. The Railwaj' Rates and Charges, No. 15 (North Eastern Railway, &c.), Order Confirmation Act, 1892. (55 8z 56 Vict., c. 53.) 25. The Railway Rates and Charges, No. 16 (North London Railway), Order Confirmation Act, 1892. (55 & 56 Vict, c. 54.) 26. The Railway Rates and Charges, No. 17 (North Staflford- shire Railway, ^'c). Order Confirmation Act, 1892. (55 k 56 Vict., c. 55.) 27. The Railway Rates and Charges, No. 18 (Taff Vale Railway, &c.). Order Confirmation Act, 1892. (55 & 56 Vict., c. 56.) 28. The Railway Rates and Charges, No. 19 (Caledonian Railway, kc), Order Confii'mation Act, 1892. (55 & 56 Vict., c. 57.) 29. The Railway Rates and Charges, No. 20 (Callander and Ohan Railway), Order Confirmation Act, 1892 (55 & 56 Vict., c. 58.) 30. The Railway Rates and Charges, No. 21 (City of Ghisgow Uniun Railway), Order Continuation Act, 1892. (55 6i 5G Vict, c. 59.) 31. The Railway Rates and Charges, Xo. 22 (Glasgow and South Western Railway, A:c.), Order Continuation Act, 1892. (55 a: 50 Vict., c. G(».) 32. The Railway Riites and Charges, No. 23 (Great North of Scotland Railway), Order Confirmation Act, 1892. (55 k' 5() Vict., c. 01.) 33 The Railway Rates and Charges, No. 24 (Highhind Riiilway), Order Continnntion Act, 1892. (55 & 50 Vict., c. 02.) 34. 'I he Railway Rates and Ciiarges, No. 25 (North British Railway, &c.;, Order Continuation Act, 1892. (55 k 56 Vict., c. 63.) 35. The R;iilway Rites nn.l Char|j;es, No. 20 (Atli.nry and Eunis Junction Railway, &c.). Order Cuntinnation Act, 1892. (55 & 56 Vict.c. 04.) Alphabetical List of the Names ot the Railway Com- panies and Railways jointly owned, leased, or worked, in the Railway Rates and Charges Order Confirmation Acts. The numbers against the Acts refer to the order in lohich they are arranged on pages 3, 1, and 5, and not to the numbers quoted in the title of the Acts. ENGLAND AND WALES. Nanips of the Railway Variations Cniiijmnics iinil tlio Raihviijs jointly owned, In wliat Act included. from the General Maximum Rates and Charges. leased, or worked. Conditions. Pages. Pages. Abbotsbury Abbotsburv Railway, &c., 1892. — 1.31, 154, 196, No. 10. ■ 199-204. Aberdare TafF Vale Railway, &c., 1892. — 131, 181, 196, No. 27. 199-204. Abingdon Abbotsbury Railway, &c., 1892. — 131, 184, 196, No. 10. 199-204. Alexandra (Newport Taff Vale Railway, &c., 1892. — 131, 181, 196, and Sonth Wales) No. 27. 199-204. Docks and Railway. Angerstein's Branch - South Eastern Railway Company, — 131, 145, 196, 189). No. 7. 199-204. Ashby and Nuneaton Midland Railway Company, 1891. 110 131, 144, 196, Joint. No. 6. 199-204. Bala and Festiniog - Abbotsbury Railway, &c., 1892. 131, 154, 196, No. 10. 1 99-204. Banbury and Chelten- Do. do. — 131, 154, 196, ham Direct. 199-204. Barnoldswick Midland Railway Company, 1891. 110 131, 144, 196, No. 6. 199-204. Barry TafF Vale Railway, &c., 1892. — 127, 131, 181,196, No. 27. 199-204. Beckton Branch Great Eastern Railway Company, — 131, 132, 196, 1891. No. 1. 199-204. Birkenhead (including London and North Western Rail- — 131, 147, 196, the West Kirkby way Company, 1891. No. 8. 199-204. Lines). Bishop's CastU Cambrian Railway, &c., 1892. 131, 160, 1S6, No. 12. 199-204. Bourn and Lynn and Midland Railway Company 1891. 110 131, 144, 196, SpaldinjT Junction. No. 6. 199-204. Brading Harbour Im- Isle of Wight Railway, &c., 1892. _ 131, 169, 196, provement Railway No. 18. 199-204. and Works. Brecon and Merthyr Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction _ 117,131,158,196, Tydfil Junction. Railway, &c., 1892. No. 11. 199-204. Bricklayers' Aims London, Brighton, and South Coast 113, 131, 139, 196, Railway Company, 1891. No. 4. 199-204. England and Wales — continued. Names of the Railway Companies and the Railways jointly owned, leased, or worked. In what Act included. Variations from the General Conditions. Bridgewater Bridport Brighton and Dyke - Bristol Port - Buckfastleigh, Totnes, and South Devon. Buckley Burry Port and Gwen- dreath Valley. Caluc - Cambrian Cannock Chase and Wolverhampton. Chamwood Forest Cheadle Cheshire Lines Cleator and Working- ton Junction. Clifton Extension Cockermouth.Keswick, and Penrith. Colchester, Stour Valley, Sudbury, and Halstead. Colne Valley and Hal- stead. Corfe Mullen Junction Cornwall Minerals Corris Corwen and Bala Croydon and Oxted - Devon and Somerset - Didcnt, Newbury, and Southampton. London and South Western Railway Company, 1891. No. 3. Abbotsbury Railway, &c., 1892. No. 10. London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company, 1891. No. 4. Midland Railway Company, 1891. No. 6. Abbotsbury Railway, &c., 1892. No. 10. Cambrian Railway, &c., 1892. No. 12. London, Tilbur}', and Southend Railway, cScc., 1892. No. 20. Abbotsbury Railway, &c., 1892. No. 10. Cambrian Railway, &c., 1892. No. 12. Midland Railway Company, 1891. No. 6. London and North Western Rail- way Company, 1891. No. 8. North Staffordshire Railway, &c., 1892. No. 26. Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln- shire Railway, &c., 1892. No.21. Cleator and Workington Junction Railway, &c., 1892. No. 13. Abbotsbury Railway, &c., 1892. No. 10. Cleator and Workington Junction Railway, &c., 1892. No. 13. Great Eastern Railway Company, 1891. No. 1. London, Tilbury, and Southend Railway, &c.,"l892. No. 20. London and South Western Railway Comjiany, 1891. No. 3. Abbotsbury Railway, &c., 1892. No. 10. Cleator and Workington Junction Railway, &c., 1892. No. 13. Abbotsbury Railway, &c., 1892. No. 10. T-ondon, Hrighton, and South Coast • Railway Company, !891. No. 4. Abbotsbury Railway, &c., 1892. No. 10. ' Do. do. Pages. 110 110 110 Maximum Rates and Charges. Pages. 131, i:5G. 190, 199-204. 131, 154, 196, 199-204. 131, 139, 196, 199-204. 131, 144, 196, 199-204. 131, 154, 196, 199-204. 131, IGO, 196, 199-204. 131, 171, 196, 199-2 04. 131, 154, 196, 199-204. 117, 131, IGO, 19C, 199-204. 131. 144, 196, 199-204. 114, 131, 147,196, 199-204. 131, 180, 196, 199-204. 131, 172, 196, 190-204. 131, IGl, 196, 199-204. 131, 154. 196, 199-204. 131, 1G2, 196, 199-204. 131, 132, 196, 199-204. 131, 171, 196, 199-204. 131, 136, 190, 199-204. 131, 154. 190, 199-204. 131, 162, 196, 199-2(M. 131, 154. 196, 199-204. 131, 139, 196, 199-204. 131, 154, 190, 199-204. 131, 154, 190, 199-204. England and Wales- — continued. Nimies of tlio Ilnilway Compiuiifs and the ll:iihv(i.vs jointly nwnod, In wlmt Act inclndfd. Variations from tlio General Maximum Rates and Chai-». North Staffordshire Railway, Sec, 1892. No. 26. Pages. 112 110 112 109, 110 110 110 Pages. 123,131, 174, 196, 199-204. 118,131, 164, 196, 199-204. 113, 131, 141, 190, 199-204. 131, 144, 196, 199-204. 131, 136, 190, 199-204. 131, 175, 196, 199-204. 131, 160, 196, 199-204. 131, 154, 196, 199-204. 131, 154, 196, 199-204. 114, 131, 147, 196, 199-204. 131, 154, 196, 199-204. 131, 133, 196, 199-204. 131, 154, 196, 199-204. 114,131, 147, 196, 199-204. 131, 175, 196, 199-204. 131, 154, 196, 199-204. 131, 171, 196, 199-204. 131, 164, 196, 199-204. 131, 136, 196, 199-204. 124, 131, 177, 196, 199-204. 131, 132, 196, 199-204. 131, 179, 196, 199-204. 126, 131, ISO, 196, 199-204. 13 England and Wales — continued. Names of the Railway Companies and the Kailways jointly owned, leased, or worked. In what Act included. Variations from the General Conditions. Maximum Rates and Charf^es. North Union from Euxton Junction to Preston. North Wales Narrow Gauge. Nottingham and Gran- tham. Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire Joint Lines. Nottingham Suburban Oldbury Oldham, Ashton, and Guide Bridge Junc- tion. Otley and llkley Pembroke and Tenby- Peuarth Extension Peuarth Harbour, Dock, and Railway. Peterborough, Wis- bech, and Sutton Bridge. Plymouth and Dart- moor. Pl3nioulh, Devonport, and South Western Junction. Pontypridd, Caerphilly, and Newport. Portmadoc, Croesor, and Beddgelert Tram Portsmouth Joint Preston and Longridge Preston and Wyre Priucetown - Ramsey and Sonicrs- ham Junction. Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, &c., 1892. No. 19. Festiniog Railway, &c., 1892. No. 15. Great Northern Railway Company, 1891. No. 2. Do. Do. do. do. Abbotsbury Railway, &c., 1892. No. 10. Manchester, Sheffield and Lincoln- shire Railway, &c., 1892. No. 21. Midland Railway Company, 1891. No. 6. Cleator and Workington Junction Railway, &c., 1892. No. 13. Taff Vale Railway, &c., 1892. No. 27. Do. do. Midland Railway Company, 1891. No. 6, London and South Western Rail- way Company, 1891. No. 3. Do. do. Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junc- tion l{ailway, &.C., 1 892. No. 1 1. Festiniog Railway, &c., 1892. No. 15. London and South Western Rail- Company, 1891. No. 3. Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, &c., 1892. No. 19. Do. do. Abbofsburv Railway, &c., 1892. No. 10. ' TiOndon, Tilbury, and Southend Railway, &c., 1892. No. 20. Pages. 110 110 111 Pages. 131, 169, 196, 199-204. Ill I 119, 131, 166, 196, 199-204. 113, 131, 13.3, 196, 199-204. 113,131, 133, 196, 199-204. 113, 131,133, 196, 199-204. 131, 154, 196, 199-204. 131, 172, 196, 199-204. 131, 144, 196, 199-204. 131, 161, 196, 199-204. 131. 181, 196, 199-204. 131, 181, 196, iy;»-204. 131, 144, 196, 199-204. 131, 13(5, iy6, 199-204. 131. 136, 196, 199-204. 117. 131, 1.58, 196, 199-204. 131, 166, 196, 199-204. 131, 136, 196, 199-204. 131. 169, 196, 199-204. l:U, 169. 196, 199-204. 131. 154. 196, 199-204. 131, 171. 196, 199-204. 14 Bnoland and Wales — continued. NiiiiHvs of th« Unllwny Ciiiiipiiiiii'N iiikI till' Ruilwii,v.s jointly owned. ItmHud, or worked. Kuviiigliiss uiid I'-iik- dale. Kctlruth and Cliaci'- watiT. Rihblc ISninch Joint - Klioiiddii and Swtinsca Bay. Khymney Ross and Ledbury Ross and Monnioutli - Rowrah and Kelton Fell. Salisbury Branch. Scarborough Whitby. Market and Scarborough, Bridling- ton, and West Hiding Junction. Severn and Wye and Severn Bridge. Sheffield and Midland Committee. Shrewsbury and Here- ford. Shrewsburj' and Wel- lington. Shrewsbury andWelsh- pool Sidmouth Silverdale and New- castle. Snailbeach District - Sneyd's, Mr. - Somerset and Dorset - Soutb Eastern Hrccon and Mvrthyr Tydfil .Junc- tion Railway, &c., 1892. No. 11, Midland and Soutli Western Junc- tion Railway, &c., 1892. No. 23, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, &c., 1892. No. 19. Taff Vale Railway, &c., 1892. No. 27. Do. do. Abbotsbury Railway, Sec, 1892. No. 10. Do. do. Cleator and Workington Junction Railway, &c., 1892. No. 13. London and South Western Rail- Avay Company, 1891. No. 3. North Eastern Railway, &c., 1892. No. 24. Do. do. Cleator and Workington Junction Railway, &c., 1892. No. 13. Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln- shire Railway, &c., 1892. No. 21. Abbotsbury Railway, &c., 1892. No. 10, Do. Do. do. do. London and South Western Rail- way Company, 1891. No. 3. North Staffordshire Railway, &c., 1892. No. 26. Midland and South Western Junc- tion Railway, &c., 1892. No. 23. North Staffordshire Railway, &c., 1892. No. 26. London and South Western Rail- way Company, 1891. No. 3. South Eastern Railway Company, 1891. No. 7. Vjiiiiitions from t)ie General Conditions. Maximum Rates and Charges. Pages. Pages. 131, 158, 196, 199-204. _ 131, 175, 196, 199-204. _ 131, 169, 196, 199-2U4. — 127,131,181,196 199-204. _ 127, 131, 181,196, 199-204. — 131, 154, 196, 199-204. — 131, 154, 196, 199-204. — 131, 161, 196, 199-204. _ 131, 136, 196, 199-204. 109, 110 131, 177, 196, 199-204. 109,110 131, 177, 196, 199-204. 131, 163, 196, 199-204. _ 131, 172, 196, 199-204. _ 131, 154, 196, 199-204. _ 131, 154, 196, 199-204. _ 131, 154, 196, 199-204. 131, 136, 196, 199-204. 110 131, 180, 196, 199-204. 131, 175, 196, 199-204. 110 131, 180, 196, 199-204. 131, 136, 196, 199-204. 113,131,145,196, 199-204. 15 England and Wales — continued. Names of the Railway Vai-lations 1 Companies and the Railways jointly owned, In wliat Act included. from the General Maximum Rates and Cliartes. leased, or worked. Conditions, j Pages. Pages. Southport and Cheshire Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln- — 131, 172, 19»j, Lines Extension. shire Kailwaj', &c., 1892. No. 21. 199-204. Southsea London and South Western Rail- 131, 136, 19C, way Compan}', 1891. No. 3. 199-204. South Wales Mineral - Cumbrian Kailway, &c., 1892. 131, IGO, 196, No. 12. 199-204. Southwold Cleator and Workington Junction, 131, 164, 196, Railway, &c., 1892. No. 13. 199-204. Spilsby and Fiisby - Great Northern Railway Company, — 131, 133, 196, 1891. No. 2. 199-204. Staines and West Dray- Abbotsbury Railway, &c., 1892. — 131, 154, 196, ton. No. 10. 199-204. Stamford and Essendine Great Northern Railway Company, 131, 133, 196, 1^91. No. 2. 199-204. Stonehouse Pool Lontlon and South Western Rail- — 131, 136, 196, way Company, 1891. No. 3. 199-204. Sutton and Willoughby Great Northern Railway Company, — 131, 133, 196, 1891. No. 2, 199-204. Sutton Bridge Dock - Midland Railway Company, 1891. 110 131, 144, 196, No. 6. 199-204. Swinton and Knot- Do. do. 110 131, 144, 196, tingley. 199-204. Taff Vale Tiiff Vale Railway, &c., 1892. _ 126,131,181,196, No. 27. 199-204. Talyllyn Midland and South Western Junc- 131, 175, 196, tion Railway, &c., 1892. No. 23. 199-204. Teign Valley - Abbotsburj Railway, &c., 1892. ^ 131, 154, 196, No. 10. . 199-204. Tenbury Do. do. — 131, 154, 196, 199-204. Thetford and Watton Great Eastern Raihvaj- Company, 131, 132, 196, 1891. No. 1. 199-204. Tiverton and North Abbotsbury Railway, &c., 1892. 131, 154, 196, Devon. No. 10. 199-204. Tooting, Merton, and London and South Western Rail- 131, 130, 196, Wimbledon. way Company, 1891. No. 3. 199-204. Tottenham and liamp- London, Tilbury, and Southend _ 131, 171, 196, stead Junction. Railway, &c., 1892. No. 20. 199-204. Vale of Llangollen - Abbotsbury Railway, &c., 1892. 131, 154, 196, No. 10. 199-204. Vale of Towy Do. do. — 131, 154, 196, 199-204. Van - Cambrian Railway, &c., 1892. — 131, IGO, 196, No. 12. 199-204. Victoria Station and London, Chatham, and Dover 113, 131, 141, 196, Pimlico. Railway Company, 1891. No. 5. 199-204. Wainfleet and Firsby - Great Northern Railway Company, 131, 133, 196. 1891. No. 2. 199-204! Wainfleet and Skegness Do. do. — 131, 1.33, 196, 199-204. Watton and Swaffham Great Eastern Railway Company, 131, 132, 196, 1891. No. 1. 199-204. 16 Knoi.anu and Wales — continued. Names of tho Tlailwny Variations Coiiiimnii's nnd t)w Unilwn.vs jointly owiuil, In what Act included. flf)7ii the General Maximum Rates and Charges. liwsed, or worked. Conditions. Pages. Pages. Wellington and Severn Abbotsbury Kailway, &c., 1892. — 131.154, 196, Junction. No. 10. 199-204. Wenlock Do. do. — 131, 1.54, 196, 199-204. West Lancashire Brecon and Mcrthyr Tydfil Junc- — 131, l.iS, 196, • tion Railway, &c., 1892. No. 11. 199-204. West London East London Railway, &c., 1892. 112 131, 161, 196, No. 14. 199-204. West London Exten- Do. do. 112 131, 164, 196, sion. 199-204. West Riding and Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln- 131, 172, 196, Grimsby. shire Railway, &c., 1892. No. 21. 199-204. West Somerset Abbotsbury Railway, &c., 1892. — 131, 154, 196, No. 10. 199-204. West Somerset Mineral Cambrian Railway, &c., 1892. — 131, 160, 196, • No. 12. 199-204. Weymouth and Port- London and South Western Rail- — 131, 136, 196, land. way Company, 1891. No. 3. 199-204. Wigan Junction Manchester, Sheffield, and Lijicoln- 131, 172, 196, .shire Railway, &c., 1892. 199-204. No. 21. Wirral Midland and South Western Junc- — 131, 175, 196, tion Railway, &c., 1892. No. 23. 199-204. Wivenhoe and Bright- London, Tilbury, and Southend — 131, 171, 196, lingsea. Railway, &c., 1S92. No. 20. 199-204. Woodside and South London, Brighton, and South Coast 131, 139, 145, 196, Croydon. Railway Company, 1891. No. 4, and South Eastern Railway Company, 1891. No. 7. 199-204. Woodstock - Abbotsbury Railway, &c., 1892. - 131, 154, 196, No. 10. 199-204. Wrexhann and Minera London and North Western Rail- — 131, 147, 196, way Corapanj-, 1891. No. 8. 199-204. Wrexham, Mold, and Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junc- — 131, 158, 196. Connah's Quay. tion Railway, &c., 1892. No. 1 1 . 199-204. WyeVaUey - Abbotsbury Railway, Sic, 1892. — 131, 154, 196, No. 10. 199-204. SCOTLAND. Anstruther and St. Andrews. North Briiish Railway, &c., 1892. No. 34. 109, 110 131, 190, 197, 199-204. Arbroath and Forfar - Ayrshire and Wig- townshire. Caledonian Railway, &c., 1892. No. 28. GlastTow and South Western Rail- way, &c., 1892. No. 31. 109, 110 109, 110 131, 184, 197, 199-204. 131, 187, 197, 199-204. Caledonian - Callander and Oban - Caledonian Railway, &c., 1892. No. 28. Callander and Oban Railway, 1892. No. 29. , 109, 110 109, 110 127, 131, 184, 197, 199-204. "131, 186, 197, 199-204. n SooTLAXD — continued. Names of the Railway Companies and the Railways jointly owned, leased, or worked. In what Act included. Carlisle Station Lines Cathcart District City of Glasgow Union Dundee and Abroath Joint. Dundee and Newtyle - Edinburgh and Bath- gate. Eyemouth Forth and Clyde Junc- tion. Forth Bridge Glasgow and Paisley Joint. Glasgow and South "Western. Glasgow, Barrhead,and Kilmarnock Joint. Glasgow, Yoker, and Clydebank. Great North of Scot- land. Greenock and Wemyss Bay. Highland Killin Kilmarnock and Troon Kilsyth and Bonny- bridge. Lanarkshire and Ayr- shire. Newport North British Portpatrick and Wig- townshire Joint. Solway Junction U 72496. Caledonian Kailway, &c., 1892. No. 28. Do. do. City of Glasgow Union Railway, 1892. No. 30. Caledonian liailway, &c., 1892. No. 28. Variations from the (reneral Conditions. Maximum Rjite!> and Charges. Do. do. North British Kailway, &c., 1892. No. 34. Do. Do. Do. do. do. do. Caledonian Railway, &c., 1892. No. 28. Glasgow and South Western Rail- way, &c., 1892. No. 31. Caledonian Kailway, &c., 1892. No. 28. North British Railway, &c., 1892. No. 34. Great North of Scotland Railway, 1892. No. 32. Caledonian Kailway, &c., 1892. No. 28. Highland Railway, 1892. No. 33. Caledonian Railway, &c., 1892. No. 28. Glasgow and South Western Rail- way, &c., 1892. No. 31. North British Railway, &c., 1892. No. 34. Caledonian Railway, &c., 1892. No. 28. North British Railway, &c., 1892. No. 34. Do. do. Caledonian Railway, &c., 1892. No. 28. Do. do. Pages. 109, 110 109, 110 109, 110 109, 110 109, 110 109, 110 109, 110 109, 110 109, 110 109, 110 109, 110 109, 110 109, 110 109, 110 109, 110 109, 110 109, 110 109, 110 109, 110 109, 110 109, 110 109, 110 109, 110 109, 110 Pages. 131, 184, 197, 199-204. 127,131,184,197, 199-204. 131, 187, 197, 199-204. 131, 184, 197, 199-204. 131, 184, 197, 199-204. 131, 190, 197, 199-204. 131, 190, 197, 199-204. 131, 190, 197, 199-204. 131, 190, 197, 199-204. 131, 184, 197, 199^204. 128,131,187,197, 199-204. 131, 184, 197, 199-204. 131, 190, 197, 199-204. 131, 188, 197, 199-204. 131, 184, 197, 199-204. 131, 189, 197, 199-204. 131, 184, 197, 199-204. 131. 187, 197, 199-204. 131, 190, 197, 199-204. 131, 184, 197, 199-204. 131, 190, 197, 199-204. 128, 131, 190,197, 199-204. 131, 184, 197, 199-204. 131, 184, 197, 199-204. 18 IRELAND. Names of tho llailwny Companies ami tljo Railways jointly owned, lp;isod, or worked. In what Act included. Variations from the General Conditions. Maximum Bates and Charges. Athenry and Ennis Jimctiou. Atlit'iiry and Tuam - Ballina to Killala Balliniscarthj' and Timolcague Junc- tion Light. Ballinrobe and Clare- morris. Ballj'castle - Baltimore Extension - Belfast and County Down. Belfast and Northern Counties. Bessbrook and Newrj' Tramway. Carrickferjius Harbour Juuctiou. Cnstle Derg and Vic- toria HridgeTramway Ca van,Loitrim,and Ros- common Light Eail- waj" and Tramway. Clara and Banagher Claremorris and Col- loouey. Cloiuikilty Extension Clogher Valley Tram- way . Cork and Macroom Direct. Cork and Muskerry Light. Cork, Bandon, and South Coast. Cork, Bandon, and South Coast Exten- sion to Bantry Bay. I! Athenry and Ennis Junction Bail- way, &c., 1892. No. 35. 110 Pages. 1 30, 131, 193» 198-204. 19 Ireland — continued. Names of the Railway Companies and tin- Railways jointly owned, leased, or worked. In what Act included. Cork, lihickrock, and Passage. Derry Central Downpatrick, Kil- lough.and Ardglass. Draperstown - Dublin and Kingstown Dublin and Lucan Steam Tramway. Dublin, Wicklow, and Wexford. Dundalk, Newry, and Greenore. Enniskillen.Bundoran, and Sligo. Fermoy and Lismore Finn Valley - Galway to Clifden Great Northern (Ire- land). Great Southern and Western. Headford and Ken- mare. Hen Valley - Kanturk and New- market. Kilkenny Junction Letterkenny - Limavady and Dnn- givuu. Limerick and Kerry - Listowel and IJally- bunion. London and North Western (Irish Lines'*. Variations from the General Conditions. Maximum Eates and Charges. Pages. Pages . I Athenry and Ennis Junction Eail- t- way, &c., 1892. No. 35. 110 130, 131, 193, 198-204, B 2 20 Ikeland — continued. Names of the Railway Compuniefl nnd the Riiilwnys jointly owned, loast'd, or worki-d. In what Act included. Variations from fho General Conditions. Maximum Bates and Cliarges. Londonderry and Louf^h Swilly. i ^ Pages. Pages. Lough rea and Attj- mon Light. Michelstown and Fer- moy Light. Midland GreatWestern (Ireland). Eathkeale and New- castle Junction. SHgo, Leitrim, and Northern Counties. Southern Timoleague and Court- macsherry Exten- si'?n Light. Tralee and Dingle Light Railway or Tramway. Tralee and Fenit Tuam and Claremorris Athenry and Ennis Junction Rail- way", &c., 1892. No. 35. 110 130, 131, 193, 198-204. Waterford and Central Ireland. Waterford and Li- merick. Waterford and Tra- more. Waterford and Wex- : ford. Waterford, Dungar- va;i, and Lismore. West Carbery Tram- ways and Light Rail- ways. West Clare - West Donegal West Kerry (Kil- lorglin and Valentia). • Westport to Mallarany 21 Classification of Merchandise Traffic arranged in the Order of Classes. WTiere in this List the letters " e.o.h.p." are placed after the designation of any article they mean " except otherwise herein provided." Class A. Applicable to Consignments of Fouk Tons and TJpwabds. Basic Slag, ung round. Cannel. Chalk, in the rough for agrictdtural purposes. Cinderg, Coal. Clay, in bulk, e.o.h.p. Coal Coke. Coprolites and Rock Phosphate, un- ground. Creosote, Coal-tar, Gas-tar, Gas- water, in owners^ tanTc waggons. Culm. Gannister. Gas-lime or Gas Purifying Refuse. Gravel. Hammer Scale. Iron Ore. Iron Pyrites, imhurnt and biirnt. Ironstone. Limestone, in bulk. Manganiferous Iron Ore, for iron making. Manure, street, stable, farmyard, in hvlk. Night Soil. Purple Ore. Sand. Slack. Slag or Scoria {blast furnace). Stone and undressed material, /or the repair of roads. Stone, whollij undressed, straight from a qitarry. Tap or Mill Cinder. Waste Sulphate of Lime. When merchandise specified in Class A. is consigned in quantities of less than four tons and not less than two tons, the Company may charge for such consignment the conveyance rates applicable to Class B., and if less than two tons the conveyance rates applicable to Class C. : provided that the Company shall not charge more than as for a consignment of four tons or two tons respectively. Class B. Applicable to Consignments of Foub Tons and Upwards. Alabaster Stone, in lumps, un- ground. Amraoiiiacal Liquor. Antimony Ore Waste. Asphaltc Paving, in blocTca. Barytes, raw, in bulk. Basic Material, Burnt Limestone, in bulk, to steel converters. Basic Slag, ground, parked. Blooms, Billets or Ingots, iron or steel. Bog Ore, for gas purifying. Bricks, clay. Common arid Fire. Bricks, crushed. Cement, in blocks or slabs. Cement Stone. China Clay. Coal Fuel, Patent. Comjjost, for manure. Concrete, in blocks or slabs. Copperas, green, in bulk. Coi)rolites and Rock Phosphate, g round . Creosote, Coal-tar, Gas-tar, Gas- water, e.o.h.p. DrafV, or Brewers' and Distillers' Grains. Ferro- manganese, in bulk. Furnace Lumps. Furnace Scrapings. 22 Class B. — continued. fiiiH -carbon. Granite, in blocks, rough or un- dressed. Gravel, tarred, for paving. Gypsum, for manure. Gy])sum Stone, in luinj)s, unground. Iron and Steel. The following articles of Iron or Steel :— Anvils. Bar, iron or steel, exceeding 1 cwt. per bar, in oj^gm trucks at request of trader. Bars, for tin-plate making. Buoy Sinkers. Cannon Balls and Shot, and Shells not charged. Clippings, Shearings, and Stamp- ings of Sheet Iron and Tin Plates, in compressed bundles. Filings. Ingot Moulds. Plates- Open Sand, cast. Scrap, minimum load fov,r tons per truck. Swarf. "Wire Rope, old, cut in pieces. Iron Ore Recuse, for gas purifying. Kainit. Lead Ashes, in hulk. Lime, in bulk. Litter (moss or peat), hydravilic or steam press-packed. Loam. Manganese Ore. Mangel Wurzcl, inhulk, for feeding cattle. Manure (other than street, stable, and farmyard), in hulk. Peat. Pig-iron. Pipes, Draining, common, for agri- ctt,ltnral draining. Pitch, Coal-tar, in blocks. Plaster Stone, in lumps, unground. Potsherds. Puddled Bar, iron. Quarls. Rock-salt. Salt, in hulk. SkimmmgB, Flux,Lead, Tin,or Zinc. Slates, common. Slate Slabs, in the rough, or roughly squared or planed, not packed. Spar, in the rough, in bulk. Spiegeleisen, in bulk. Stone in the rough state. Building, Pitching, Paving, Kerb or Flag. Sud-cake Manure. Sugar Scam, for manure. Sulphate of Potash. Sulphur Ore. Tan or Spent Bark. Tiles, Paving, Draining, Roofing, or Garden Edging, common. Turf. Turnips, in hulk, for cattle feeding. Zinc Ashes. Zinc Ore. "When merchandise specified in Class B. is consigned in quantities of less than fourtons and not less than two tons, the Company may charge for such consignment the conveyance rates applicable to Class C, and if less than two tons the conveyance rates applicable to Class 1 ; provided that the Company shall not charge more than as for a consignment of four tons or two tons respectively. Class C. Applicable to Consignments op Two Tons and Upwaeps. Acetate of Lime. Algarovilla, Algerian Fibre, hydraulic or steam 2^ress-packed. Alum. Alum Cake. Alum Waste. Alumina, Hydrate of, or Bauxite. Alumina Water. Ahiminoferric. Aluminosilic. Antifhlorine. Antimony Ore. Arseniate of Soda. Arsenic. Asphaltum. Barium, Chloride of, in casks. Bark for tanning, chopped, packed in hags, or hydraulic pressed. Barley, Pot and Pearl. Barytes, ground, in casks or hags. Bicarbonate of Soda, iji casks. Bisulphite of Soda. Blanc-fixe {Ground Barytes with water added, for glazing paper). Bleaching Powder. 23 Class C. — continued. Blood, /o)- manure, in casks. Bobbin Blocks. Bone Ash. Bone "Waste. Bones, calcined. Bones, for size or manure. Break Blocks. Bricks, clay, glazed, or enamelled. Bricks, Flanders or scouring. Brimstone, crude or iminanufactured. Bnrrstones. Cabbages, loose, in bulk. Cake, for cattle feeding. Carbonate of Lime. Carbonate of Soda, or Soda Crj-stals. Carrots. Caustic Soda. Cement, e.o.h.p. Chair Bottoms, wooden, in the rough. Chalk, ground. Charcoal, packed. Chertstone. China Grass, hydraulic or steam press-packed. China stone. Chloride of Calcium. Chromate Ore. Clay, in bags or casks. Clips, Cotton Tie, packed. Clog Blocks, rough. Copper Ore. Copperas, green, e.o.h.p. Cotton Waste, for paper making, hydraulic or steam press-packed. Cullet (or broken glass). Cutch. Divi Divi. Dog, Hen, and other Pares or Bates, in barrels or bags. Drain Pipes, glazed. Dross, metal. Dyewoods — Barwood. Fustic Wood. Lima Wood. Logwood. "Nicaragua Wood. Earth, Red. Earth Nuts, or Ground Nuts. Emery Stone. Ensilage. Esparto Grass, hydraulic or steam frcss-packed. Extracts, in casks or boxes, for tanners' itse. Farina, e.o.h.p. Felloes, Naves, and Spokes. Fenugreek Seeds. Flax Straw, hydraulic or steam press-packed. Flax Waste, for paper making, hy' draulic or steam press-packed. Fleshings and Glue Pieces, wet, from tanners, in casks. Flints, e.o.h.p. Flour. Flue Linings or Flue Pipes, fireclay. Forgings, iron or steel, in the rough, e.o.h.p. Fullers' Earth. Furniture Vans, returned empty, if from the same sUnion and con- signee to which and to ivhom they tvcre carried full, to the same station and consignor froui which and from tvhom they were carried full. Gambler and Terra Japonica. Glass, Ground. Glaze, Potters', in casks. Grain : — Barley. Beans, e.o.h.p. Bran. Brank or Buckwheat. Dari. Dills. Groats. Gurdgeons. Hominy. Indian Corn. Lentils. Linseed. Locusts or Charubs. Maize. Malt. Malt Culms or Cummings. Meal. Middlings. Millet. Oat Dust. Oats. Peas, dried or split. Pollards or Thirds. Rice Points or Husks. Rye. Sharps or Seconds. Shelling. Shudes. Tares. Vetches. Wheat. Grindstones, in the rough. Grit, in bags {for saiving stone). Guano. Guide Plates or Ramps, iron or steel. Gypsum, e.o.fc.jJ. Hay, hydraulic or steam press- packed. 24 Class C. — continued. Heads and Staves, prepared, for rdfl/i*'. ll«)()fuiid ITorii Waste, c.o.h.p. IJdiii I'illis ()]• SloiigliH. llorse-shoc liars, iron. Ilygoian Rock Building Composi- tion, '"// Ixif/s iiv ccifihs. Infasoiiiil Earth or Diatomito. Iron and Steel, the following articles of — Anchors. Angle Bars or Plates. Anvil Blocks and Cups, Aavile, Hammers, and Standards, for ntcaiii hammers. Axle Box Guides, in the rough, for lucuiiwtivcs. Axle Forgings, in the rough. Axles, in the rough. Axles and Wheels {Railway Carriage, Bailway Waggon, Tram, or Corve). Bar, c.o.h.p. Beams. Bearers. Binders. Bolts and Nuts. Boot Protectors. Bridgcwork — Cantilevers. Cross and Longitudinal Girders. Floor Plates. Girders, whole or in part. Joists. Lattice Bars. Screw and other Piles, both hoUovJ and solid. Struts and Ties. Bundles of Bars. Caissons. Cart Bushes. Chain Cables. Chains and Traces, not packed. Colliery Tubbing. Columns. Corrugated Iron. Crowbars. Curbing, for roadways. Cylinders, not turned, drilled, planed, or slotted. Engine Bed Plates. Ferro-manganese, e.o.h.p. Galvanised Iron. Gasometer Sheets. Girders. Girder Bars. Granulated Iron. Gratings (Man-hole, Drain, Pave- ment, Area, or Floor). Hammer Heads, in the rough. Heater Bottoms. Iron and Steel — continued. Helves, or Tilt Hammers. Hoop Iron. Hoop Steel. Hoops, iron. Hoops, weldless, in the rough. Horn Blocks, in the rough, for locomotives. Housings, Chocks, Standards, Plain Bed Plates, Pinions, Coupling Boxes, and Spindles, for rolling mills. Lamp Posts. Mortar Mill Rolls. Nail Rods and Sheets. Nails and Spikes. Pickblocks or Pickheads, in the rough. Pipes {exclusive of Rain Water Pipes), Gas, Water, Air, and Steam. Pipes, for blast furnaces. Plates — Annealing. Armour. Black, in boxes, or not packed. Boiler. Furnace. Hoe-head, in the rough. Plough, in the rough. Railway Fish. Eough Flooring. Ships. Shovel. Tank. Press Tops and Bottoms, itw- finished. Railway Carriage and Waggon Work. Railway Chairs. Railway Points, Crossings, or Joints. Railway Rails. Retorts, Retort Lids, and Retort Mouthpieces, in the rough. Rivets. Rods, common. Rods (Wire), rolled, not drawn. Rolls, turned or unturned, not p)olished' or packed. Roofwork — Bed Plates. Gutters. Rafters. Struts and Ties or Tie Rods. Tun Shoes for Principals. Wind Ties- Principals. Purlins. Wrought or Cast Iron Sky Bars. 25 Class C. — continued. Iron and Steel — contiimed. Scrap, miiiimum loadt, three tons per truck. Shafts, for driving mill wheels, unfinished. Sheet Iron, not packed. Shoe Tips. Sleepers. Spiegeleisen, e.o.h.p. Standards for hurdles, packed. Strips, not packed. ' Telegraph Posts. Telegraph Stores : — Blacked Iron {cast) Kidge Chairs. Galvanised and Blacked Earth Plates, ill bundles. Galvanised and Blacked Iron Loop Kods. Galvanised and Blacked Screw Tighteners, packed. Galvanised and Blacked Stay Rods, in bundles. Galvanised and Blacked Stay Tighteners. Iron Poles, Roofs, or Caps. Malleable Cast Iron Brackets, galvanised, piacked. Tiles (rooting), painted, galva- nised, or enamelled. Tip Iron. Trawl Heads. Trunnions, imfinished. Tubes and Fittings for Tubes exceiH electro-coppered or coated with brass. Tyres and Tyre Bars, in the rough. Wall Boxes. Wall Brackets. Weights. Wire (iron), not packed or wrap- pered. Wire Ii-on, rolled in rods or coils, not paclccd. Wire (steel), not packed or wrap- per ed. Keel Bars. Lead Ore. Lime, e.o.h.p. Lime Salt. Linen Waste, for paper making, Itijdrnidic or steam press-packed. Magnesia, Bough Oxide of, in cases or casks. Magnesium, Chloride of, in casks. Mangar.ate of Soda, criulc, in casks. Mangel Wurzel, e.o.h.p. Manure, e.o.h.p. Marble, in blocks, rough. Marble Chips, for pavomunt, in sacks. Megass, hydraulic w steam pjresS' packed. Mexican Fibre, hydraulic or steam press-packed. Millstones, in the rough. Mineral White. Moulders' Black or Dust. Muriate of Manganese. Muriate of Potash, ^lyrabolams. Netting, old. for paper malcing. Nitrate of Soda. Nitre Cake. Ochre. Oil Cake. Old Sails and Old Tarpaulins, for paper making. Oxide of Iron. Palmetto Leaf, hydraulic or steam p ress-packed. Parsnips. Pearl Hardening, /or ^^oper making. Pelts, wet, from tanners, in casks or bags. Pig Lead. Pins, iron or steel. Pipe Clay. Pitch, e.o.h.p. Pitwood, for mining purposes. Plaster. Ploughshares, iron or steel, in the rough. Plumbago Ore. Posts, iron or steel, for wire fencing. Potatoes, in bulk or in sacks. Pots, iron, for melting iron. Pyrites, e.o.h.p. Rags, not oily, hydraulic or steam press-packed. Railway Cotters. Railway Keys, wooden. Railway Waggons and other Rail- way Vehicles, e.o.h.p., loaded in other waggons. Rice. Ridges (cement or stone), for roofing. Ridges, slate. Ropes, old, for paper making. Sago Flour. Salt, parked. Salt Cake. Sand, glass and silver. Sanitary Tubes. Sawdust. Scouring Rock. Screw I'ropeller Blades. Scrows, wet, from tannrrs, in casks. Seeds, for crushing for oil. Shafts of Screw Piopellers or Puddle Wheels, iron or steel. 26 Class C. — continued. Shakings, from cotton mills, for paper making. Shumac. Silicate of Soda. ShvK' Glass (refuse from glass works). Slate, gruimd, for cement. Slummago. Soapstonc. Soda. Siida Ash. Sole Bare, wooden. Sole Plates, iron or steel, for steam hammers. Soot. Spar, ground. Spelter, in plates or ingots. Spetches, wet, from tanners^ in casTcs. Sticks, Pea and Bean. Stone, sawn, or roughly wrought-up, such as Troughs or Sinhs. Straw, hydraulic or steam press- packed. Stucco, ground. Sugar Mats, old, for paper making. Sulphate of Alumina. Sulphate of Ammonia. Sulphate of Copper, for export in 10-to7i lots. Sulphate of Iron. Sulphate of Lime. Sulphate of Magnesia. Sulphate of Soda. Sulphur, crude or unmanufactured. Targets, iron or steel. Terra Alba. Terra Cotta Blocks and Bricks. Tiles, e.o.h.p. Timber, actual machine weight. Tow Waste, hydraulic or steam press-packed. Trenails. Troughs, earthenware and fireclay. Turnips, e.o.h.p. Turn-tables, in parts. Umber. Valonia. Vegetable Tar. Washers, iron or steel. Waste Paper, for pa'per making. Whiting and Whitening. Wire (of iron or steel, including tinned or galvanised), in wrapped coils, or not otherwise packed. Wolfram. Wood Fibre, hydraulic or steam press-packed. Wood Pulp or Half Stuff. Wood Turnings, /or jis/i curing. Wooden Blocks, for paving. Wooden Boxes, for packing tin plates. Zinc White, or Oxide of Zinc. Zinc, Carbonate of. Zinc Ingots or Plates. Zinc Sheets or Kods. When merchandise specified in Class C. is consigned in quantities of less than two tons, the Company may charge for such consignment the conveyance rates applicable to Class 1 ; provided that the Company shall not charge more than as for a consignment of two tons. Class 1. Acetate of Lead, or Sugar of Lead. Acetate of Soda. Acorns. Ale and Porter, in casks. Ale and Porter, bottled, in cases or casks. AJgerian Fibre, machine pressed. Anthracene, crude, in casks. Ashes, Pot and Pearl. Axles and Wheels, Locomotive En- gine and Tender. Bagging, old, in bundles, for papier making. Bags, paper, in bags or bundles. Barilla. Bark, loose, for tanning. Bars, Boiler, and bed plates, for pulling rags. Beds and Cylinders of Steam Engines. Benders (for rails), or Jim Crows. Bichrome and Bichromate of Potash, in casks. Bichromate of Soda, in casks. Birch or Ling, for besoms. Biscuits, Dog, in hags or casks. Bisulphite of Lime. Black Oil or Black Varnish, commo«, in casks. Blistered Steel. Bloom Trucks. Boards and Kollers (wooden), for Drapers' cloth and for folding papier. Bogies, Puddlers' Tap. Bolt and Nut Machines. 27 Class 1 — continued. Bones, packed. Boring, Drilling, Planing, Punching, Shearing and Slotting Machines (for metal work), including Beds and Tables. Bottles and Bottle Stoppers, glass, hlach, green, or pale, common, packed. Boundary Posts (street), iron. Box Iron Heaters. Brattice Cloth. Brickmaking Machinery. Bricks, Air, cast iron. Broom and Brush Heads and Blocks, wooden, without hair. Builders' Implements, not now, and consisting of mixed consignments of the following : — Barrows. Centerings. Crab Winches. Hoists. Mortar Boards. Mortar Mills. Poling Boards. Pulleys. Ropes. Scaflbld Boards. Steps. Struts. Trestles. Wheeling Pieces. Wheeling Planks. Windlasses. Bullets, small arm. Buttermilk. Cabbages, e.o.h.p., minimum 20 ct<;^. per waggon. Candles. Parajjin, Tallow, and Stearine. Cannon. Capstan Bars. Capstans and Windlasses. Carbonate of Ammonia, in casks or iron drums. Carbonate of Potash, in casks. Cardl)oard. Castings (iron or steel), light, in boxes, crates, cases, casks, or hampers. Castings, Mill, Forge, and other rougli and heavy unfinished cast- ings, iron or steel. Castor Oil, for lubricating ma- chinery, in tins, packed in wooden cases. Caustic Potash. Chaff, hydraulic or steam press- packed. Chairs and Seats, Garden, in parte, packed in cases. Charcoal, e.o.h.p. Chestnuts. Chestnuts, Extract of, for tanning pujrposes. Chimney Yieces, slate, not enamelled nor polished. Chimney Pots, earthenware or fire- clay. China Grass, machine pressed. Chloride, or Muriate of Zinc. Cider and Perry, not bottled, in casks. Cider and Perry, bottled, in cases or casks. Clips (iron), for boxes. Clog Irons. Clog Soles. Cloth Oil and Wool Oil. Codilla, in bales, hydraulic or steam press-packed. Cones, Fir, in sacks or bags. Copper Precipitate. Copper Regulus, Copperas, e.o.h.p. Copra (or Oil Pulp of Cocoa Nut), dried. Cotton, raw, in press-packed bales. Crab Winches. Cryolite. Disinfecting Powder. Distilled Water, in cases or casks. Doors and Door Frames, iro7i or steel. Drums, iron or steel, for collieries. Dunnage Mats. Dye Liquor Refuse, from j^^'int or dye works. Dye Woods, e.o.h.p. Dye Woods, ground, in chips, in bags. Esparto Grass, machine presided. Extract of Bark or Wood, for tan- ning. Farina, calcined. Felt, As^^halted Roofing, or Tarred Felt, or Tarred Sheathing. Fencing Standards, iron, in co)i- Crete blocks. Fern, /or litter or packing, hydraulic or steam press-packed. Firewood, in bundles. Fish- Cod and Ling, dried. Cod and Ling, thoroughly cured in brine. Herrings, thoroughly cured in brine. Red Herrings, thoroughly cured. 28 Class 1 — conHnued. Fish — ro)tiimted. All othor Fiah, thoroughly salted or dried. Cockles, Limpets, Mussels, Wliclks, and Periwiuklos. Flax, in lialcif, 'minimum GO cwt. per ^oiirfijon. Flax Straw, machine pressed. Flax Waste, for paper makitiff. Fleshinf^s and Glue Pieces, dry, in casks and harjs. Fleshings and (ilue Pieces, wet, from ta)iners, not packed. Flower Sticks, wooden or cane, .com- mon. Frames and Bed Plates, iron or steel, for timber saxvinrj, boring, mortic- ing, or planing machinery. Frames, iron or steel, for targets. Fruit, minimum 20 cwt. per wag- gon— Apples. Gooseberries. Pears. Fruit Pulp, in casks. Fuel Economisers, iro7i or steel. Ginger Beer, in cases and casks. Glass Blocks, for pavement (fitted in iron frames). Glucose. Glue. Goat Skins, thoroughly salted or dry, in bales or bundles. Granite, 2) olished or dressed,in blocks, or slabs exceeding 2 inches in thickness. Grates, ivooden, or ivrought iron, for jmrifying gas. Grease, in casks. Greaves. Hair, wet, from tanneries. Handle.s, Broom, Mop. Hake, Fork, Spade, Shovel, Hammer, and Firk. Handspikes, wooden. Haricot Beans. Hay, machine pressed, minimtmi 40 cict. per waggon. Headstocks, iron or steel, for col- lirries. Hemp, in hales, hydraulic or steam 2^rcss-2>acked. Hemp Seed. Hemp Waste, for paper making. Hide Cuttings. Hides, thoroughly salted or dry, in bales or bundles. Hoofs, Horns, and Horn Tips, Bvfalo, Cow, Goat, Ox, and Sheejy, jHirked. Horns, with Slouqh. Horse Shoes. Hurdles, iron or wood, e.o.h.p. Hydraulic Machinery and Presses. Iron and Steel, the following articles of— Axle Boxes. Dredger Buckets and Bucket Backs. Malt Kiln Flooring (iron wire) piacked in cases. Pans, Annealing. Plates- Canada. For glass rolling. Tin. Eailway Buffers, Buffer Heads, Eods and Sockets. Railway Springs. Railway Spring Steel. Rings. Scrap, e.o.h.p. Smiths' Hearths. Standards for Hurdles, notpacked. Tinned Iron, in sheets, not packed. Tram Couplings. Traps, Sink and Stench. Jute. Jute Waste, for paper making. Kelp. Kips, thoroughly salted or dry, in bales or bimdles. Ladders, iron. Ladles, Puddlers'. Lasts, iron. Lathe Beds. Lead Ashes, in bags. Lead Piping, in cases or casks. Leather Cuttings or Parings, waste. Lemon Peel and Citron Peel. Lime Water, in casks. Linen Waste, for paper making. Litharge. Malleable Iron Castings. Marble Chip Pavement. Megass, machine pressed. Mexican Fibre, machine pressed. Millboard. Mineral and Aerated Waters, in cases and casks. Molasses. Mortar Mills. Muriate of Ammonia. Mustard Seed. Nail (iron) Cutting Machines. Nitrate of Lead. Oil Cloth Cuttings, for paper making. Oils, 7tot dangerous, in casks or iron drums, round or tapered at one end, as follows : — Carbolineum Avenarius. 29 Class 1 — continued. Oils — continued. Castor. Cocoa Nut. Cod. Cod Liver. Colza. Cotton Seed. Earth Nut or Ground Nut. Haddock. Herring. Lard. Linseed. Lubricating Mineral. Menhadden. Niger. Oleic. Oleine or Tallow. Palm. Palm Nut. Piue. Rape Seed. Rosin. Seal. Shale, crude. Soap. Sod. Sperm. Tar, Mineral. Train. Whale. Wool or Cloth. Old or Scrap Lead. Onions. Orange Peel. Osiers, Twigs, and Willows, green and wet. Palmetto Leaf, machine pressed. Paper, /or news printing, packing, or wrappering. Paper, in rolls for printing paper hanr/ings. Paraffin Scale. Paraffin Wax. Pasteboard. Pelts, ivet, from tanners, not packed. Piassava, hijdraulic or steam press- paclced. Pickblocks or Pickheads, iron or steel, e.o.h.p. Pigs, Dead, in carcase not packed or wrapped, carried in open waggons at tradrrs' reqtiest. Pipes, Air, for ventilators. Pit Cages. Plaster Slabs, fibrous. Plato or Sheet Iron, annealed. Plough Arm and Share Moulds and Moulding, iron or steel. Plough Bodies, Breasts, Colters, Side Caps, Frames, or Rests, iron or steel. Plough Plates, finished, iron or steel. Plough Shares, finished, iron or steel. Plough Slades and Wheels, iron or steel. Provender, green. Provender, fforse or Cattle, hydraulic or steam presS'packed. Pumice Stone. Pumping Machines. Pumfjs (except Hand Pumps, hrass) and Pumj) Castings, e.o.hp. Punching Bears. Putty, e.o.h.p. Rags, not oily. Red Lead. Retorts, clay. Retorts, fire brick. Riveting Machines. Rod Lead, Rollers, Garden o/* Hand. Rosin. Rotten Stone. Saccharine, in casks, hags, pails, or cans. Sad Irons, packed. Salammoniac. Saltpetre. Sawing Machines, for sawing iron. Scrap Tin. Screw Jacks, iron. Scrows, dry, in casks or bags. Scrows, wet, from tanners, not packed. Scythe Stones. Seal Pipes or Valves, iron or steel. Shafts, ivrought iron, for driving mill wheels, finished. Sheep Dipping Powder. Sheepskins, in casks and thoroughly salted, or dry in bales or bundles. Sheep Wash. Sheet Lead. Ships" Stern or Rudder Frames. Shot, Li-a'>'688ed, mi7iimum 40 civt. per waggon. Strawljoard. Strawl)oard Cuttings, for paper maliing. Studs, iron or steel. Sugar, in hags, cases, or casks. Sulphate of Copper, e.o.h.p. Sulphur, e.o.h-i). Surat Bagging, for paper making. Syrup, in casks. Tabling, Water {cement). Tallow. » Tares or Wrappers, for cotton hales. Telegraph Insulators, earthemvare, packed. Telegi'aph Stores — Wrought Iron Double Swivels. Malleable Cast Iron Double Wall Brackets. Malleable Cast Iron Saddles. Terra Cotta Caps or Stoppers. Timber, measurement weight. Tin Ore. Tow, in bales, minimum 60 cwt. per waggon. Tow Waste, for paper making. Treacle. Trestles, wrought iron. Turpentine, crude, in casks. Valves, Gas or Water, iron or steel. Vegetables, desiccated, for cattle food. Vegetables, in brine. Vegetables, not packed, e.o.h.p., minimum 20 cwt. per waggon. Verjuice, in casks. Vinegar, in casks. Waggon Bodies, hi pieces hound together. Washing and Wringing Machine Eollers. Washing Powder and Paste. Wheelbarrows, in parts. Wheels, Cart and Plough, iron or steel. Wheels, Fly or Spur. Wheels, Wheelbarrow, iron or steel. White Lead. Winches, Hand. Window Guards, iron. Woad. Wood Fibre, in bales. Wood Pulp Middles. Wood Treads, iw frames for stairs. Yellow Metal Plates and Sheathing. Zinc Ridges. Class 2. Acetate of Alumina, in casks or iron drums. Acetic or Wood Acid, in casks. Acid, Cresylic, in casks or iron drums. Agricultural and Portable Steam and Traction Engines, Vertical Steam Engines, Horizontal Steam Engines, Steam Ploughs, Steam Plough Vans, Steam Tram Engines, Threshing Machines, Ilt>ad Rollers, and Harrows. Agricultural Machines and Imple- ments, in cases. Agricultural Seeds. Ale and Porter (bottled), in hatnpers. Alkanet Root. Ammonia, Liqxdd, in casks or iron drums. Animal Guts, in casks. Annotto, in casks. Antimony ReguluB. Argols or Tartars. Arrowroot. Arsenic Acid, in casks. Asbestos. Axle Boxes, brass. Axles, not in the rough, e.o.h.p. Bacon and Hams, cured, packed. Bagging, e.o.h.p. Bags, Hand, common (hemp). Bags, paper. Balusters, iron. Bark, for tanning, e.o.h.p. Bark, ground, packed in bags. Baskets, iron. Bass and Whisk, for making brooms. Bass Baskets. Baas Mats and Bass Matting, Bedsteads, metallic, in cases. Beef, 171 bridle. Bees' Wax. Besoms. Bicarbonate of Soda, in boxes, cratee, or hampers. Biscuits. 31 Class 2 — continued. Blackberries or Brambleberries. Blacking. Black Lead. Bleachiiiif Liquids, in casks. Blood, in casks or iron drums. Blue Powder and Stone and Smalts, in casks, cases, boxes, or hags. Boards, made of compressed leather. Bobbina, in bags. Boilers and Boiler Fittings, iron or steel. Bone-crushing Mills. Bones, c.o.fe.p. Boot and Shoe Linings, cotton or linen. Borax. Bottle Stoppers, wood, packed. Bottles, earthenware or stoneware. Bowls, iron, nested or packed. Brass. Bread. Bristles, in boxes, cases, or casks. Bronze (Phosphor or Manganese) Castings and Ingots, rough. Buckets and Pails, iron, nested or packed. Bungs, toood, or Shives. Buoys. Butter, in casks, firkins, baskets, or boxes, or in tubs or cools xvith loooden lids. Cabbages, packed, e.o.h.p. Caloric Engines. Canary Seed. Candles, e.o.h.p. Carbolic Acid, Liqtdd, in casks or iron drums. Carbolic Seed Dressing. Carbonate of Magnesia. Carbonate of Potash, e.o.h.p. Cartridge Cases, exploded. Cattle Food, prepared. Celery. Chains and Traces, packed. Chairwood, rough, undamageable. Cheese, in boxes, casks, and cases. Chestnuts, Extract of, e.o.h.p. Chicory. Chimncj Pieces, cement or concrete. China, m casks or crates. Chlorate of Potash. Chlorate of Soda, packed in hampers or casks. Chloride of Potash, packed in hampers or casks. Chocolate. Cider and Perry, bottled, in hampers. Clothes Pegs, packed. Coal Scuttles, common, iron or gal- vanised, nested or packed. Cobalt Ore. Cocoa. Cocoa Nut Fibre, Husk, Shell, or Matting, packed. Codilla, e.o.h.p. Coftee. Coir Junk. Coir Rope. Colliery Screens or Tips. Colours, i'*i casks or iron drums, or in tins packed in cases. Confectionery, in cases, casks, or boxes. Copper. Corn Flour, patent. Corves (small waggons for use in collieries). Cotton, raw, e.o.h.p. Cotton and Woollen Waste. Cranberries. Cranes or Cranework. GtvlcWAqb, plwmbago or clay. Curling Stones. Currants, Grocers'. Cyanitc, in casks or iron drums, or in tins packed in cases. Dandelion Roots. Dates. Delta Metal. Dextrine. Dishes, iron. Distilled Water, e.o.h.p. Dollies and Peggies, wooden, for laundry purposes. Dripping, in casks, boxes, tins, or tidjs ivith lids. Dubbin. Earthenware, in casks or crates. Electric Accumulators. Electric Insulators. Emery. Emery Dust. Emery Rollers and Emery Wheels, in boxes or cases. Envelopes, Straw, for bottles. Fat, raw. Felt (not carpeting). Figs, dried. Files or Rasps, iron or steel. Filters, cast iron. Fire Boxes of Portable Steam and Traction Engines. Fire Lighters. Fish- All Fish, partially cured, smoked, or dried, e.o.h.p. Crabs. Herrings and Sprats, in any states e.o.h.p. Flag Poles or Venetian Masts. Flax, in bales, e.o.h.p. 82 Class 2 — continued. Flax Seed, for sowing. Flax Waste, c.o.h.2>. Fleshings and Glue Pieces, e.o.h.i^. Flocks. Flower Pots, clay, common^ un- glazed. Forges, 'portable, in inoces, packed in boxes. Forges, jyortahle, whole, cased in iron. Forks, Digging, in cases. Fruit, crystallised, in boxes, cases, or casks. Fruit- Apples, Gooseberries, and Pears, e.o.h.2). Cherries, Easpberries, Strawber- ries, in tubs for jam. Fruit, rijje, e.o.h.p. Funnels, Air or Shi2J. Fustic Liquor. Gall Nuts. Garancinc. Gas Engines, complete. Gates, iron or wooden, common. Ginger Beer, e.o.h.p. Glass Blocks, for pavement (not fitted in frames). Glycerine, i7i casks or iron drums. Grates, Ovens, Eanges, or Stoves, common or kitchen. Gridirons. Grindstones, e.o.h.p. Gums, ill mats, bags, casks, or cases. Gun Carriages. Gun Metal. Hair, raxv, pressed, in bales or bags. Hames. Harrow Shafts, tube iron or tube steel. Hay, e.o.hp., minimum load 30 cwt. per ivaggon. Hay Forks, i^i cases. Hay Eakes, hand, in cases. Hemp, e.o.h.p. Hessians, yuie. Hinges, iron or steel. Hoes, hand. Hollow-ware, cast iron, nested and packed. Hooks, ceiling. Hooks, clijy, galvanised iron. Hoops, loooden. Ice. Ink, except Printers^ in boxes, casks, or crates. Iron Liquor or Muriate of Iron. Ivory Black. Ivory "Waste or Dust. Japan Wax. Jars, earthenware or stoneware. Kitool Fibre. K7iife Boards. Ladders, wooden. Laminated Lead. Lard, in casks, boxes, tins, or tubs with lids. Lasts, wooden. Lead Piping, e.o.h.p. Leather, undressed, except in cases or crates. Lemon and Lime Juice, in cases or casks. Lemons. Linen Waste, e.o.h.p). Linen Yam, j)ress-p)acked, in hunches or bales. Linens, grey, unbleached. Locomotive Engines and Tenders, loaded in railway companies' waggons. Logwood Liquor. Machinery, in parts, in cases, e.o.h.p. Madders. Marbles, Children's. Margarine, in casks, firkins, or boxes, or in tubs with wooden lids. Millstones, finished. Mineral and Aerated Waters, e.o.h.p. Molliscorum. Mordant Liquors (including Alum Liquor, Dunging Liquor, and Eed Liquor) . Mungo. Mushroom Pulp. Mushroom Spawn. Mustard, in casks, cases, boxes, or bags. Nails, zinc. Netting, of iron wire. Newspapers, in bales. Nickel Ore. Nitrate of Copper, i^i casks. Nitrate of Iron. Nuts, e.o.h.p. Oakum. Oils, not dangerous, in casks, or iron drums, round or tapered at one end, e.o.h.p. Oranges. Orchilla Weed. Osiers, Twigs, and Willows, brown. Paints, in casks or iron drums or in tins 2yacked in \raees. Palisades, iron. Palm Leaves. Paper, Emery, Sand, and Tobacco. Paper Hangings, common, in bales. Paraffin and Petroleum Oils, in owners' tank waggons, not giving off inflammable vapour utider 33 Class 2—contimied. 73° Fahr., when tested in the manner set forth in the Petroleum Act, 1879. Parian, in cashs or crates. Pelts, e.o.h.p. Pewter. Piassava, e-o-h-p., minimum 20 cwt. per waggon. Pickaxes. Picker Bends. Pickles, in boxes, cases, or casTcs. Pimento. Piston Rods, steel. Plough Shafts, tube iron or tribe steel. Plumbago. Polishing Paste. Pork, in brine. Poultry Pens {-wire), folded. Preserves (Fish, Fruit, Meat, and Provisions), incaslcs, boxes, or cases. Printed Matter, not bound. Provender, Horse or Cattle, e.o.h.p. Prunes, in casks or mats. Pumps and Pump Castings, in cases. Rags, indled. Railway Waggon Bodies. Railway Waggon Bodies, fitted together. Railway Waggon Brasses. Rain Water 'Pi\)es, for spoutings and their connexions, cast iron. Raisins. Reed Webbing, for ceilings. Revalenta Arabica. Rhubarb and Rhubarb Roots. Rizine. Rolls, iron, e.o.h.p. Ropes. Ropes, wire. Sacks. Sad Irons, e.o.h.p. Safes, iron or steel. Sago. Sauces, in boxes, cases, or casks. Scoops, iron. Scrap Zinc. Screw Propellers. Scrolls, iron {for fixing springs to carts and carriages). ScrowH, e.o.h.p. Seal Skins, wet and salted. Seaweed, dry, or Alga Marina. Seeds, agricultural, e.o.h.p. Semolina. Sheets, wool, new. Ships' Masts. Ships' Ventilators. Shoddy. Shoomiikers' Wax. Shot, lead, e.o.h.p. Shumac Liquor. U 72496. Signal Posts (railway) and materials belonging thereto. Silicate Cotton or Slag Wool, e.o hp. Sinks, cast iron, not enamelled. Size, e.o.h.p. Slate Pencils. Slates, writing. Spades and Shovels, iron or steel. Spelter Sheets, e.o.h.p. Spetches, e.o.h.p. Spirits of Tar, in casks or iron drtims. Spoutings and Connexions, iron or steel. Stable Fittings (except enamelled) , iron or steel. Stannite of Potash. Statmitc of Soda. Staples (wire), for bookbinders. Starch, in casks, cases, boxes, or bags. Steam Excavators or Steam Navvies. Steel, bars and bundles. Stone Blue, in casks, cases, boxes, or bags. Stone, carved for building purposes^ e.o.h.p. Strickles, in boxes or cases. Sugar Mills. Tamarinds. Tapioca. Tapioca Floor. Tarpaulins. Tartar, liquid. Terne Metal. Tin, in blocks, cakes, or ingots. Tincal. Tinfoil. Tin Liquor. Tobacco Juice, in casks. Tobacco Leaf, in hogsheads or tierces. Tobacco Stoves or Presses. Tools, loell-boring and pit-horing, Torchwick. Tow, in bales, e.o.h.p. Tow Waste, e.o.h.p. Tubes, coated with brass. Tubes, electro-coppered. Tubes, Sleam, brass or ccj'iper. Tubs, iron. Tue IrouH. Turmeric. Turpentine, Sjnrits of, in casks or iron driovis. Twine. Umbrella Sticks, in the rough. Varnish, in cabks or iron drjtms. Vegetable Wax. Vegetables, packed, e.o.h.p. Vices, iron or steel. Vinegar, in cases. 34 Class 2 — continued. Walking? Sticks, in the roufjh. VValmits, i/ropn, and Husks. Washors, h>nther. Weighing Mnohincs, large [those used fur weighivfj niilway or other vehicles, and also cattle). Window Frames, iron, pached in cases. Window Shutters, iron or steel. Wines, British, in casks. Wire, cotton covered, in casTcs, ham- pers, cases, and canvas covered coils. Wire, iron or steel, e.o.h.p. Wire, lead. Wood, hent, rough, unfinished. Wool, raw. Yarn, Twist, and Weft, cotton and linen, in hales, hags, lorapjperSy cases, hoxes, skips, or casks. Yeast, in hags, or in hags in haskets, hydraulic press-pachedj, dry. Yellow Metal Bolts and Nails. Yellow Metal Rods. Zinc Bars. CiAss 3. Ale Coolers. Algerian Fibre, not hydraulic or steam j^ress-packed or machine pressed, in full truck loads, or in consignments of 20 civt. Alizarine, in casks or iron drums. Almonds. Ainericau or Leather Cloth. Ammonia, Liquid, in hottles {other than carhoys) in cases. Angelica Root. Aniseed. Apple Rings, in slices, dried. Apples, dry, or Pippins. Arsenic Acid, e.o. Awl Blades. Bacon and Hams, cu ed, e.o.h.p. Bakmg Powder, Baths. Bayonets. Beadings and Mouldings, gilt, laxquered, or varnished, picked in hoxes. Bed Keys. Bedsteads, e.o.h.p. Beehives, made of wood. Bellows, packed. Bellows Pipes. Bell Ringing (Carillon) Machinery. Bells, small. Belting, for. machinery. Bichromate of Soda, e.o.h.p. Bichrome stnd. Bichromate of Potash, e.o.h.p. Bicycle Stands, lorought iron. Bins, Corn or Wine. Bit Burnishers, packed. 3its, iron or steel. Bitter,-*, in casks or cases. Black Beer. BlaiUlers, in casks. Blankets. Blanks, bronze and coi^per, for stamping for coins. Blinds, paper. Blinds, Venetian and Chain, in cases, crates, or frames. Blowing Engines. Blow Pipes. Blue, Laundry, Liquid, in boxes, cases, casks, or iron drums. Blue Paste. Blue Powder and Stone and Smalts, e.o.h.j). Boards, Parquet Flooring. Boards, Washing. Bobbins, e.o.h.p. Bolts, Door. Books, e.o.h.p. Boothing or Stalling. Boots and Shoes, including Goloshes, and Leather cut into Boot ShapeSj in casks, cases, or hoxes. Boracic Acid. Bottle Jacks. Bottles and Bottle Stoppers, glass, e.o.h.p. Bovils, wood or iron, e.o.h.p. Boxes or Trunks, tin or sheet iron, packed in crates or cases. Boxes, Safety. Bos or Italian Irons. Braces, except silk, for wearing apparel, inhales, packs, or trusses. Brands, iron or steel. Brass Work, spun or stamped, packed. Broom and Brush Heads, e.o.h.p. Brooms and Brushes, packed. Brosh Backs, xylonite. Buckets and Pails, e.o.h.p. Buckles, brass, iron, or steel. Buckram. Bullet Moulds. 35 Class 3 — continued. Busks, ivooden, horn, or steel. Butter, i'/i croclcn in wood, or in crocks when packed with straw in hashets. Buttons, except gold, silver, or plated. Calicoes. Caliper;!. Candlesticks, brass or iron. Candlewick. Canvas. Cap Peaks, not oily. Caps, Men's or Boys', cdccept silk, in hales, packs, or trusses. Capsules, metal, in cases. Carbon Candles, for electric lighting. Carbonate of Ammonia, in cases. Card Cloth. Cards, for toeaving, packed in cases. Carpet Bag Frames. Carpet Bags. Carpet Beating Machines. Carpet Lining (cork). Carpeting. Carpeting (cork). Carraway Seeds. Carriage and Cart Steps. Carriage and Foot Warmers. Cartridge Cases, brass. Castings, brass, German silver, or nickel. Castings, iron, light, e.o.h.p. Castings, Sanitary, iron or steel, for public urinals and water closets. Castings, steel, e.o.h.p. Castor Oil, in boxes. Castors, of all kinds. Cellarets, tvrought iron. Chaff, ill hags, not for cattle feeding. Chains, Curb or .Door. Chalk, French. Chalk, prepared. Cheese, e.o.h.p). Cheese Presses. Chemicals, not dangerous, corrosive, or explosive, in casks, iron drtims, hales, or hags. Chimney Pieces, marble or slate, e.o.h.p. China, in hampers. China Grass, not hydraulic or steam press-packed, or machine piressed, in full truck loads, or in consign- ments of 20 cwt. Cinder Sifters. Cinnabar Ore. Clasps, Book, Boot, or Belt, except gold, silver, or plated. Clock Dials. Clogs, in casks, cases, or boxes. Clothing, exclusive of silk goods, if packed in trusses, packs, or hales. Clothing, for Soldiers, Police, Prison Warders, Railway Porters, Postal and Telegraph (except btisbies or helmets). Clothing, Waterproof [except oily canvas clothing). Cloth, linen, packed. Coach and Upholsterers' Trimmings, ill packs, trusses, or bales. Coach Fittings, metallic, packed. Coach Wrenches. Coal Scuttles, metallic, packed, in cases or boxes. Cob Xuts. Cocoa Nut Fibre, Husk, Shell, or Matting, e.o.h.p. Cocoa Nuts. Cofleo Extract or Essence. Coffee Mills, small hand. Coffin Furniture, metallic. Coin, copper or bronze. Collars, Dog. Collars, rush, for horses. Colliery Pulleys. Ooloars, in cans, hampers, boxes, or iron bottles. Combs. Copying Presses. Coquilla Nuts. Cordials, in casks or cases. Coriander Seed. Corkscrews. Cork Shavings or Cuttings. Cork Socks, in boxes, cases, or casks. Corkwood. Cornice Poles, wood, in bundles, without rings or ends, not gilt. Corozzo Nuts. Cotton and Linen Goods, in hales, boxes, cases, packs, or trusses, e.o.h.p. Cotton and Linen Thread. Cotton and Woollen Slops, i.i. hampers, hales, or boxes. Cotton Wool, dressed and carded. Crucibles, e.o.h.p. Cummin Seed. Curry Combs. Cutlery. Cyanite, in cans, hampers, boxes, or iron bottles. Dies and Die Stocks. Dishes, luood. Drapery, heavy — Packages contain- ing any of the followin/ articles: — American or Leather Cloth, Blankets. c 2 36 Class 3 — continued. Drapery, heavy — continued. Boots and Shoes, inclnding Go- loHhos, in caslcH, casee, ur boxes. TJiickram. Buttons, except gold, silver, or plated. Calicoes. Carpet Bags. Carpetinj^. Clothing, Waterproof {except oily canvas clothing). Cotton and Linen Goods, in hales, boxes, cases, paries, or trusses, e.o.h.p. Cotton and Linen Thread. Cotton and Woollen Slops, in hampers, hales, or hoxes. Druggeting. Elastic Webbing. Eyelets. Flannel. Floor Cloth, including Oil Cloth, Boulinikon, Kamptulicon, and Linoleum. Hearth Rugs, except Slcins. Hooks and Eyes. Huckabacks. India-rubber Goods, except shoes and goloshes. Laces, Boot and Staij, cotton or leather. Linen Cloth, packed. Paper Collars, Cuffs, and Shirt Fronts. Shirts, cotton, woollen, and linen, in hales, packs, or trusses. Stays, not silk. Tapes. Thimbles, not gold, silver, or plated. Wadding, cotton. Woollen and Worsted Tarn. Dripping, in crocks in wood, or in tuhs or tins vrithout lids. Druggeting. Drugs, in casks, hales, or hags. Drysalteries, in casks. Dust Preventers. Dutch Metal and Leaf. Dyes, in casks and iron drums. Earth Closets. Earthenware, in hampers. Eggs, in hoxes, cases, or crates. Elastic Webbing. Electric Batteries. Electric Cable. Emery Rollers and Emery Wheels, e.o.h.p. Esparto Grass, not hydraulic or tteam 2"'t'SS-p«cA."e(?, or machine pressed, in full truck loads, or in consignments of 20 cwt. Eyelets. Fenders, packed in crates, cases, or hoxes. Fenders, Kitchen, iron or steel. Fenders, Ships' , cork or hemp. Fonts and Tabs, cotton and woollen. F em, for litter or packing, e.o.h.p., m,inim%im 20 cwt. per waggon. Ferrules, iron, brass, or steel. Filberts. Filters, earthenware. Fire Engines, Steam. Fire Escapes. Fire Extinguishers (hand grenade), packed. Fire Guards, metal. Fire Irons. Fish, /7-es7i, e.o.h.p. Fish Glue. Fish Hooks. Flannel. Flax, e.o.h.p. Flax Straw, oiot hydraulic or steam press-piacked, or machine pressed, in full truck loads, or in consign- ments of 20 cwt. Floor Cloth, including Oil Cloth, Boulinikon, Kamptulicon, and Linoleum. Flour Dressing or Purifying Machines. Flower Roots (not orchids). Forges, portable, e.o.h.p. Forks, and Spoons. Forks, Toasting, iron. Fruit, ripe, not hothouse : — Apricots. Cherries. Nectarines. Peaches. Raspberries. Strawberries. Fustian and Corduroy. Gas Fittings, in parts, except brass- and copper tubing. Gas Meters. Gelatine. German Silver, in sheets. German Silver Wire, in casks an3 cases. Ginger, e.o.h.p. Gins, Wheels with frames for hoisting: pttrposes. Glass Beads. Glass, Crown, Boiled or Sheet. Glass, Flint, e.o.h.p. Glass, Plate, rough. Glass, Plate, not silvered. 37 Class 3 — continued. Gloves, cotton, looollen, or worsted^vn hales, packs, or trusses. Oloves, rough leather, for labourers. Glycerine, in cases or boxes. Glycerine Grease, for hihricating purposes, in tins packed in wooden cases. Goatskins, e.o.h.p. Granite, polished or dressed, e.o.h.p. Grapes, packed in cork dust or saw- dust, in casks. Grindery. Groceries, mixed. Packages consigned as mixed gro- ceries may include any grocery ' articles set out in classes here- \ in before mentioned or in this class, the following articles in Class 4 : — Cardamoms. Citric Acid. Confectioneiy, e.o.h.p. Crystallised Fruits, e.o.h.p. Meat Pies. Preserved Ginger. Sausages. Yeast, e.o.h.p. and the following in Class 5: — Blue, Laundry, Liquid, e.o.h.p. Cinnamon Cloves. Cochineal. Cordials, e.o.h.p. Extract of Meat. Indigo. Isinglass. Lard, e.o.h.p. Is'utmegs. Gums, e.o.h.p. Gun Barrels, rough. Gun Locks and Gun Furniture. Gun Stocks. Gun Wads. Guns, Machine, in cases. Gutta-percha, raw. Guttering or Corrugating Machines. e.o.h.p. Hair, for manufacturing purposes, e.o.h.p. Hair Cloth. Hammer Heads, e.o.h.p. Hammers (not steam), e.o.h.p. HandcuH's. Handles, Chest and Saucepan. Harness Fittings, metallic, packed. Harness or Saddlery, in tin-lined cases or casks. Hardware — Packages containing any hardware articles {not gold, silver, or plated) set art in classes herein-before mentioned. or in this class, and any of the following articles {not gold, siher, or plated), viz. : — Awl Blades, Bayonets. Bed Keys. Bedsteads, metallic, in straived bundles. Bellows, packed. Bellows Pipes. Bells, small. Bicycle Stands, wrotightiron. Bit Burnishers, packed. Bits, iron o-r steel. Blar.ks, bronze and copper, for stamping for coins. Blow Pipes. Bolts, Door. Bottle Jacks. Boxes, Safety. Boxes or Trunks, tin or sheet iron, packed in crates or cases. Box or Italian Irons. Brands, iron or steel. Brasswork, spun or stamped, packed. Buckles, brass, steel, or iron. Bullet Moulds. Busks, wooden, horn, or steel. Buttons. Calipers. Candlesticks, brass or iron. Carpet Bag Frames. Carriage and Foot "Warmers. Cartridge Cases, brass. Carr Steps. Castings, brass, German silver, or nickel. Castors, of all kinds. Chains, Curb or Boor. Cinder Sifters. Clasps. Book, Boot, or Belt. Coach Fittings, metallic, packed. Coach Wrenches. Coal Scuttles, metallic, packed in cases or boxes. Coflee Mills, small hand. Coffin Fumitui'c, metallic. Collars, Dog. Copying Presses. Corkscrews. Curry Combs. Dies and Die Stocks. Dust Preventers. Eyelets. Fenders, 2^<-^c^^''id in crates, eOMf, or boxes. Ferrules, iron, brass, or steel. Fire Guards (metal). Fire Irons. Fish Houks. 38fr>7f 38 Class 3 — continued. Hardware — contirmed. Forks nnd Spoons, metal. Forks, ToiiKling, iron. Gas Fitting's, in xiarts, cxcejit hraesiDid aqiprr tubing. Gins, Wheels with frames for hoisting furiwscs. Grindery. Gun Barrels, rough. Gun Locks and Gun Furniture. Hammer Heads, imclced. Hammers, not steam, e.o.h.p. Handeuffs. Handles, Chest and Saucepan. HaTTiessFitihigs. metallic, 2'>aclced. Hat and Umbrella Stands, cast iron. Hay Forks, in hundles. Hinges, Irass. Hooks, Hoot and Button, Hat and Coat, and Bsaping. Hooks and Eyes. Horse Clippers, paclced in casks or cases. Jacks, Small. Japanned Ware, in cashs or cases. Kitchen Fireplace Stands. Knitting Pins. Knives or Blades for Cutting Machines. Knobs, Range, iron, or steel. Knobs, Door. Knockers, Door. Ladles, not Puddlers', iron. Lamp Burners. Lanterns, tin or iron. Latches, Door. Locks and Keys. Magnets. Match Boxes, japanned or ena- melled tin, new, empty, pacTced. Matchetts. Medals, hrass or cupper. Military Ornaments. Mortars and Pestles, iron or steel. Nails and Rivets, hrass or copper. Needles (in tin-lined cases). Nut Crackers. Ornaments for Saddlery, Irass, iron, or steeJ. Ornaments for Uniform. Pans, Ash. Pans, copper, for closets. Pans, Du.^t. Pans, Warming. Patten Rings. Patterns. Travellers' , Hardware. Percussion Cap Shells. PinF, metaly in boxes. Hardware — continued. Plates, Door. Plates, iron, enamelled. riierri. Powder Flasks. Pulley Blocks, iron. Pulleys, iron. Pumps, Hand, hrass. Railway Carriage Keys. Refrigerators. Riddles. Saddletrees. Scales and Weights, Letter. Screws, ir«ss, rupper, or zinc. Screws, Tahle Ex'panding. Scythe Blades. Scythes and Sickles. Shears, Garden, and Sheep. Ships' Logs, metal. Shoe Horns and Pegs, metallic. Show Tablets, metal, enamelled. Skates. Skewers, iron or steel. Snuffers, iron or steel. Spanners. Spittoons, iron. Spring Balances. Springs, Chair, Sofa, Mattress^ Door, or Cart. Spurs. Stair Rods. Steelyards. Stirrups. Sugar Nippers. Sweat Scrapers, pacTced. Syringes, Garden. Tacks. Taper Holders, metal. Taps, hrass. Terrets. Thimbles. Tinware, in casks or cases. Tips, brassed, for boot heels. Tobacco Boxes, metal. Tools, Carpenters' , Coopers', Edge, Joiners', Masons', and Ship- wrights'. Traps, Sink, hrass or copper. Traps, Vermin. Trays, iron or steel. Trivets, iron or steel. Trouser Stretchers, iron, portable. Trowels. Tubes, brass or copper {except steam tubes), packed. Umbrella Fittings. Umbrella Stretchers. Yalves, brass. Ventilators, small, iron or hra^s, for buildings, packed. Washers, hrass or copper. 39 Class 3 — continued. Hardware — co nti nued. Weights, brass. Wire, copper or brass, packed in cases, or cashs, or in hags. Hassocks. Hat and Umbrella Stands, cast iron. Hats, rush, in bales, trusses, and hampers. I Hay Forks, in bundles. Hay Rakes, hand, e.o.h.p. Hearthrugs, except skins. ' Heel Balls, Shoemakers'. \ Helmets, metal, in cases or boxes. Herbs, green. \ Hides, e.o.h.p. Hinges, trass. Hollow-ware, iron,inchiding Kettles, Pans, Maslins {pots for boiling fruit), and Water Cans, in casks or crates. Honey, in casks, or in jars packed in crates or cases. Hoofs, Horns, and Horn Tips, Bttffalo, Coiv, Goat, Ox, and Sheep, e.o.h.p. Hooks and Eyes. Hooks, Boot, Button, Hat, Coat, Reaping. Hops. Horse clippers, packed in casks or cases. Hosiery, in bales, packs, or trusses. Huckabacks. Hurdles, iron or steel, on tvheels. India-rubber Goods, except Shoes and Goloshes. India-rubber, raw. Ink, Printers'. Jacks, Small. Japanned Ware, in casks or cases. Jews' Harps. Joiners' Work (common wood) — Bcadings and Mouldings {not gilt, lacquered, or varnished), Doors and Door Frames, Fittings and Fixtures for Buildings, Stair- cases, Balusters and Hand Rails, Window Sashes and Frames and Shutters. Juniper Berries. Kips, e.o.h.p. Kitchen Fireplace Stands. Knitting Pins. Knives or Blades for Cutting Machines. Knobs, Range, iron or steel. Knobs, Boor. Knockers, Door. Laces, Boot or Stay, cotton or leather. Ladles, not Puddiers' , iron. Lamp Black. Lamp Burners. Lamp Chimneys (glass). Lamp Frames (street). Lamp Reflectors, enamelled iron. Lamp Wick. Lamps, Parajjin, in parts (except china or earthenware), packed in casks and cases. Lanterns, tin or iron. Lard, in bladders, in crocks in toood or in tvhs, or tins without lids. Latches, Door. Lavatory Stands and Basins, earthen- ware, complete, e^tamelled. Lawn Mowers, ^ac/ce(Z. Lead Pencils. Leather, e.o.h.p. Lemon and Lime Juice, e.o.h.p. Life Buoys. Limestone, polished or dressed. Lime Water, e.o.h.p. Lincrusta and Anaglypta (decorative Vi-all papers). Linen Cloth, packed. Linen Yarn or Grey Linen, e.o.h.p. Liquorice. Locks and Keys. Looking-glass Frames (common), wood {not gilded) or D%htch metalled. Maccaroni. Machines, fitted up, packed, c.o.li.p. Magnesia. Magnets. M-duvh^e, packed, and in slabs cemented together. Margarine, in crocks in toood, or in crocks ivhen packed with straw in baskets. Marquees or Tents. Mastic. Match Boxes, japanned or enamelled tin. neiv, empty, ^'acfceJ. Matchetts. Mats and Matting, e.o.h.p. Medals, brass or copper. Megass, not hydraulic or steam lyress- packed, or machine pressed, iti full truck loads, or in consigii- 'inent,<< of 20 civt. Merinoes, in bales, packs, or trusses. Mexican Fibre, not hydraulic or steam, press-packed, or machine pressed, in full truck Imids, or in consignments of 20 <•«•/. Mica. Military Ornaments, cx^-ept gold, silver, or plated. Milk. 40 Class 3 — continued. ]\Iilk Cans and Pans. Alillboard Rollers /(jr winding paper, in caeca. Mops. Mortars and Pestles, iron or steel. Mortars and Pestles, marble. Moss, iMickrd. Muslin, Booh., if packed in hales, jntcks, or trusses. Mustard, c.o.h.ii. Nails and Jlivets, hrass or copper. Needles (in tin-lined cases). Netting, cotton and twine. Nickel. Nitrate of Baryta. Nut Crackers, except gold, silver, or plated. Oars. Oils, not dangerous, e.o.h.p. Oleic Acid, in casks. Ornaments for Saddlery, brass, iron, or steel. Ornaments for Uniform, except gold, silver, or 2^1 cited. Osiers, Twigs and Willows, white or stained. Osnaburgs. Oxalic Acid. Paints, in cans, hampers, boxes, or iron bottles. Palliasses, straw. Palmetto Leaf, not hydraulic or steam press-packed, or machine pressed, in full truck loads, or in consignments of 20 civt. Pans, Ash. Pans, Chemical and Dye, iron or steel. Pans, copper, for closets. Pans, Dust. Pans, earthenware or iron, for sanitary pihrposes. Pans, Warming. Paper, e.o.h.p. Paper Collars, Cuffs, and Shirt Fronts. Paper, gummed, for labels. Paper Hangings, e.o.h.p. Paper Tubes, for cops. Parian, in hampers. Patten Rings. Pattens, in casks, cases, or boxes. Patterns, Travellers' Hardware. Pearl Shells. Penholders, wood or metal, except gold, silver, or plated. Pepper. Percussion Cap Shells. Percussion Caps, uncharged. Petroleum Grease or Petroleum Jelly. Piassava, e.o.h.p. Pickles, c.o.h.}). Picture Frames, common, wood {not gilded) or Dutch metalled. Pins, vietal. Plants, e.o.h.p. Plp.tes, Door. Plates, iron, enamelled. Pliers. Powder Flasks. Preserves [Fish, Fruit, Meat, and Provisions), e.o.h.p., in crates or baskets. Pulley Blocks, wood or iron. Pulleys, iron. Pumps and Pump Castings, e.o.h.p. Pumps, Hand, brass. Quicks, e.o.h.p. Rabbit Fur, or Hatters' Wool. RaflBa. Railway Cards and Tickets. Railway Carriage Keys. ReeLs, for garden hose. Refrigerators. Rennet. Rick Poles and Covers. Riddles. Road Scraping and Road Sweeping Machines. Rock Crystal. Rugs, Hearth, except skin. Saddlery or Harness, in tin-lined cases or casks. Saddletrees. Sauces, e.o.h.p. Saw-Lench Machines, portable, packed. Scale Beams and Scales. Scales and Weights, Letter. Scoops, %vood. Screw Jacks, except iron. Screws, brass, copper, or zinc. Screws, Table Expanding. Scythe Blades. Scythes and Sickles. Scythe Sneds or Handles. Sealing Wax. Seaweed, Edible. Sewing Machines, in parts, piacked. Sewmg Machine Stands, in parts, packed in cases or frames. Shafts, Cart. Shafts, Gig, Carriage, or Dog Cart, not painted nor varnished. Shavings, Wood. Shears, Garden and Sheep. Sheepskins, e.o.h.p. Sheet Steel. Shellac. Shells. Ships' Blocks. 41 Class 3— 'Continued. Ships' Logs, metal. Ships' Sails, finished. Shirts, cotton, woollen, and linen, in hales, pacha, trusses, and hampers. Shoe Horns and Pegs. Shoes and Boots, including Goloshes and Leather cut into Shoe Shapes, in casks, cases, or boxes. Shot Belts. Show Cards (cardboard), unframed. Show Tablets, metal, enamelled. Shutters, Revolving, wooden. Shuttles, Weavers'. Silver Ore. Sinks, enamelled. Skates. Skewers, iron or steel. Skins, Hare and Rabbit. Slate Beds of Billiard Tables, pached in cases. Slate Slabs, e.o.h.p. Snufi'ers, iron or steel. Spanners. Spindles, in boxes. Spirits, in casks or cases. Spittoons, iron. Splints, ivood, for tnatches. Spring Balances. Springs, Chair, Sofa, Mattress, Door, or Cart. Spurs, not plated. Squeegees, for cleaning ships* decks, &c. Stable Fittings and Mangers, iron, enamelled. Stair Kods. Starch, e.o.h.p. Stationery, e.o.h.p. Stays, not silk, for wearing apparel. Steelyards. Stills, iron. Stirrups. Stone Blue, e.o.h.p. StoA-es, Gas or Oil. Straw, ')wt hydratdic or steam press- j)ackcd or macldne pressed, in full truck loads, or in consignments of 20 cwt. Strickles, e.o.h.p. Stutt" Goods, iji hales, packs, or trrosscs. Sugar, e.o.h.p. Svigar Candy. Sugar Nippers, except gold, silver, or p>lated. Sweat Scrapers, packed. Sj'ringes, Garden. Syrup, in cases, in tins in baskets, or in stone bottles packed in crates or hampers. Tables, cast iron or steel, in parts. Tacks. Talc. Taper Holders, metal. Tapes. Taps, brass. Tea. Terrets. Thimbles, except gold, silver, or lAated. Thread, cotton and linen. Tinware, in casks or cases. Tips, brassed, for boot heels. Toasting Forks, iron or steel. Tobacco Boxes, metal. Tobacco Juice, e.o.h.p. Tobacco Leaf, e.o.h.p. Tools, Carpenters', Coopers', Edge, Joiners', Masons', and Ship- Wrights'. Tow, e.o.h.p. Toys, packed. Traps, Sink, brass or copper. Traps, Vermin. Trays, iron or steel. Trellis Work (wood), in bundles. Trivets, iro7i or steel. Troughs, Bakers', wooden. Troughs, Cattle and other, iron or steel. Trouser Stretchers, iro7i, portable. Trowels. Tubes, brass or coptper {except steam), packed. Tubs, Washing. Tubs, wood. Turnery Ware. Type. Umbrella Fittings. Umbrella Stretchers. Valves, brass. Varnish, e.o.h.p. Vaseline. Vegetable Ivory. Velvet, Cotton, in hales, packs, or tricsscs. Ventilators, small, iron or brass, for buildings, packed. Vermicelli. Vinegar, e.o.h.p. Wadding, cotton. Washers, brass or copper. Wash Leather. Wash stand Tops, marble, packed. Washing and Wringing Machines, packed. Water Meters. Weighing Machines, Small (those used for weighing packages and goods). Weights, brass. 42 Class 3 — continued. Wheelbarrows. Wheels, BadiJcr or Slcju-liifj, in cases, criUes, or frames. WhetfltonoB and Honestones. Whisks, f ached. Winch 08, Steam. Window Frames, iron, e.o.h.ii. Wines, British, c.o.h.p. Wines, in casl's or cases. Wire, copper or brass, paclced in cases or casks, or in hags. Wood, hcnt, e.o.h.p. Wool, dressed or carded. Woollen and Worsted Goods, in hales, paclcs, or trusses. Woollen Cloth, in hales, pachs, or trusses. Xylonite. Yarns, Twist and Weft {except silk). Yellow or Persian Berries. Class 4. Agricultural Machines and Imple- ments, e.o.h.p. Alabaster. Albumen, Algerian Fibre, e.o.h.p. Alizarine, e.o.h.p. Ammonia, Liquid, in hottles {other thn //. carboys) in hampers. Anchovies. Annotto, e.o.h.p. Anthracene, e.o.h.p. Asparagus. Bacon and Hams, fresh or green. Bags, leather. Beef Wine, in boxes. Beehives, straw. Beer Engines. Bellows, e.o.h.p. Bells, e.o.h.p. Billiard Cues, in bundles. Blinds, Venetian and Chain, e.o.h.p. Boilers, copper. Books, bound or half bound in calf, Morocco, roam, Russia, or law calf. Boots and Shoes, including Goloshes and Leather cut into Boot Shapes, in Ji,ampers {white rod). Braces, for wearing apparel, not silh, e.o.h.p. Bristles, e.o.h.p. Britannia Metal Goods. Bronze Powder. Brooms and Brushes, e.o.h.p. Bungs and Corks. Butter, in flats or hampers, or in tnhs or cools tvithout lids. Candles, wax. Canes and Eattans. Caps, Men's or Boys', {except silk), in boxes or cases. Caravans (showmen's or hawkers') and Vans containing steam round- abouts. Carbolic Acid. Solid. Carboys, gutta-percha. Cardamoms. Cats' and Dogs' Meat. Cattle Cribs. Chaff, e.o.h.p. Chairs and Seats, Garden, e.o.h.p. Chairs, common, folding, in boxes, cases, crates, and parcels. Chemicals, not dangeroihs, corrosive, or expjlosive, in boxes or hampers. Chimney Pieces, inetal, unpacked. Chimney Tops, iron or zinc. China Grass, e.o.h.p. China, in boxes or cases. Churns and Churning Machines. Cisterns. Citric Acid. Clocks, Turret and Church. Clogs, e.o.h.p. Cloth, linen, bleached, tied in bundles, but not protected by wrap- pers, or not packed. Clothing (exclusive of silk goods), e.o.h.p. Coach and Upholsterers' Trimmings, e.o.h.p. Coal Scuttles, e.o.h.p. Cobalt. Coffee Carts or Stalls, 07i wheels. Confectione^J^ e.o.h.p)- Corn Crushers. Cricket Implements. Croquet Implements. Crystallised Fruit, e.o.h.p. Curtains, cotton, lace. Dandy Rollers, in cases, for paper mills. Drapery, light — Packages containing any drapery articles set out in classes herein-before mentioned, and in this class, and any of' the following articles: — Bags {Leather, Ladies' Hand, Courier, and Travelling). 43 •Class 4!— continued. Drapery, light — continued. Braces, not silh, for wearing apparel. Carpeting, exceeding 15 feet in length, packed in cases. Cloth, woollen. Clothing (exclusive of silk goods), e.oJi.p. Coach and Upholsterers' Trim- mings. Gloves, cotton, woollen, and worsted. Haberdashery. Hosiery. Muslins (book). Needles. Stuff Goods. Umbrellas. Woollen and Worsted Goods. Dripping, in bladders. Druggists' Sundries, i^i mixed pacTcages. Drugs, in boxes or hampers. Drysalteries, e.o.h.p. Dye Extracts. Dyes; e.o.h.p. Earthenware, inboxes or cases. Eggs, e.o.h.p. Esparto Grass, e.o.h.p. Extract of Malt. Felt Hat Bodies. Fire Engines, e.o.h.p. Fish, fresh- Brill, Grayling, Lobsters, Oysters, Prawns, Red Mullet, Salmon, Smelt, Soles, Trout, Turbot, Whitebait. Flax in the straw. Flax Straw, e.o.h.p. Flower Roots, e.o.h.p. Flower Stands, wrought iron. Fluid, disinfecting, in bottles, pacJced in cases or hampers, or in basketed jars. Footballs. Frilling Machines, in parts, packed. Fruit-cleaning Machines. Furniture, la vans, carts, or road waggons. Garden Arches. Garden Engines. Glasshouse Pots. Glass, in boxes or cases, e.o.h.p. Glass, prepared, for photographers. Globes, Moons, or Shades, glass, common. Gloves, Cotton, Woollen, and Worsted, e.o.h.p. Gold Size. Gclf Clubs. Grates, Ovens, Ranges, or Stoves, polished. Gravestones or Tombstones. Gun Barrels, e.o.h.]}. Guns. Gutta-percha Goods. Guttering or Corrugating Machines, not packed. Haberdashery. Hand Carts. Handmills. Hares, dead. Harness, e.o.h.p. Hat Leathers. Hats, soft felt. Hawkers' Packs and Trusses. Hollow-ware, iron, including Kettles, Pans, Maslins (pots for boiling fruit), and Water Cans, e.o.h.p. Honey, e.o.h.p. Hop Bitters. Hose, leather and canvas. Hosiery, e.o.h.p. Household Linen and Wearing Apparel (exclusive of silk goods), e.o.h.p. Incubators, complete. Lik, e.o.h.p). Japanned Ware, e.o.h.p. Kilting Machines, in parts, packed. Knapsacks, Soldiers'. Knitting Machines, in parts, packed. Lac. Lace, British, not silk. Laces, Boot or Stay, e.o.h.p. Lamps. Lawn Mowers, not packed. Lawn Tennis Implements. Leather Leggings. Lint. Lithographic Stones. Looms, not ptacked. Luggage or Baggage, personal. Machinery, in parts, not packed^ e.o.h p. Machines, fitted up, not packed, e.o.h.p. Malt Crushers. Maps, in boxes or cases. Margarine, in baskets, flats, or ham- pers, or in tubs without lids. Mats, skin. Mattresses. Meat, fresh. Meat Pies. Meat Safes. Megass, e.o.h.p. Mexican Fibre, e.o.h.p. Mincing Machines. Mushrooms. 44 Class 4i— -continued. Mnslin, Booh, c.o.h.p. Needles, e.o.h.p. Oleic Acid, e.o.h.p. Palmetto Leaf, e.o.h.p. Panoramas and Theatrical Scenery. PaiiH, copper. Parian, in boxes or cases. Pattens, e.o.h.p. Patterns, xvood, for castings. Pens, steel. Perforating and Paper-cutting Ma- chines. Pine Apples, not hothouse, packed. Pipes, brass and copper. Pipes, Smoking. Pistols. Plaiting Machines, in parts, packed. Plated Goods. Plums (dried), infancy boxes. Porcelain. Poultry, dead. Preserved Ginger. Preserves {Fish, Frtiit, Meat, and Provisions), e.o.h.p. Rabbits, dead. Razor Strops. Reeds and Rushes. Reflectors, glass, with metal hacks. Rifles. Rollers, Ty^^e Printers'. Saddlery, e.o.h.p. Sausages and Saveloys. Saw-bench Machines, portable, not packed. . Seal Skins, e.o h.p. Seeds, e.o.h.p). Sewing Machine Stands, e.o.h.p. Shafts, Gig, Carriage, or Bog Cart, e.o.h.p. Sheep Racks. Shirts, e.o.h.p. Shoes and Boots, including Goloshes and Leather cut into Shoe Shapes, in hampers {white rod). Show Cards, e.o.h.p. Shrubs and Trees, e.o.h.p. Skins, fine, including Deer, Fox, Kid, Musquash, and Nutria. Snuff. Spades and Shovels, wooden. Spermaceti. Spindles, e.o.h.p. Spirits, in hampers. Spirits of Tar, e.o.h.p. Stag Horns. Steam Gauges. Stereotype Casts. Stills, copper. Stone, decorative, carved for decorate ing the interior of buildings. Stoves, Fire-clay Tile. Straw, e.o.h.p. Stuff Goods, e.o.h.p. Swing Boats and Hobby Horses. Tables, cast iron or cast steel. Tanks. Tartaric Acid. Telegraph Instruments, packed. Telephone Apparatus, packed. Textile Fabrics made of mixed cotton, linen, wool, or similar materials. Theatrical Luggage. Tiles, Art. Tin Crystals. Tinware, e.o.h.p. Tobacco, manufactured, except cigars and cigarettes. Tomatoes. Toys, e.o.h.p. Tubes, tin and zinc. Tubing, brass or copper, e.o.h.p. Ultramarine. Umbrellas. Umbrella Sticks, e.o.h.p. Vans, Commercial Traveller's. Vats. Vegetable "Washing Machines. Vegetables, Hothouse, packed. Veneers. Venison. Verdigris. Walking Sticks, e.o.h.p. "Warp3, except silk. Washing and Wringing Machines, not packed. Whalebone. Wheels, Cart, Coach, and Carriage. Wheels, Rudder or Steering, e.o.h.p. Wines, in hampers. Wire, insulated. Wire, p>olished or needle. Wire Gauze. Woodwork, for the manufacture of organs. Woodwork, for the nfianufacture of pianos. Woollen and Worsted Goods, e.o.h.p. Woollen Cloth, e.o.h.p. Yeast, e.o.h.p. 45 Class 5. Acetic or Wood Acid, e.o.h.p. Aluminium. j Amber. Ammonia, Liquid, e.o.h.p. Animals and Birds, stuffed, in cases. Aquaria, glass. ' Artificial Flowers. | Bagatelle Tables. Balloons. Bark, not for tanning, e.o.h.p. Barometers. Baskets, e.o.h.p. Bath Chairs. Beadings and Mouldings, gilt, lac- quered, or varnished, e.o.h.p. Beds and Bedding. Bicycles. Billiard Tables. Bird Cages. Bismuth. Blue, Laiondry, Liquid, e.o.h.p. Boats and Canoes. Boots and Shoes, including Goloshes and Leather cut into Boot Shapes, e.o.h.p. Boxes, e.o.h.p. Butter, in crocJcs, e.o.h.p. Caps, e.o.h.p. Carbolic Acid, Liquid, e.o.h.p. Carboys, glass. Cards, for carding machines, e.o.h.p. Carriage Bodies, e.o.h.p. Chair> and Seats, e.o.h.p. Chandeliers and Gasaliers. . Chemicals, not dangerous, corrosive, or explosive, e.o.h.p. Chloride of Gold, in boxes, for pho- tographers. Cigars and Cigarettes. Cinnamon. Clock Cases. Clocks, e.o.h.p. Cloves. Cochineal. Coffins. Collodion Cotton, in hottlea pached in cases. Colours, in jars. Conservatories and Hothouses, in pa rts. Cordials, e.o.h.p. Cork iSocks, e.o.h.p. Crape. Cyanite, in jars. Dripping, in crocks, e.o.h.p. Drugs e.o.h.p. Dyes, in (/lass carhoxjs. Erapiy Cases, Casks, Crates, Ham- pers, and other Empties, e.o.h.p. Engravings. Evergreens. Extract of Meat. Feathers. Fenders, e.o.h.p. Figures, Casts, or Ornaments, alabaster, bronze, gypsum, plaster, stucco, or terra cotta. Figures, Flowers, and Heads, wax. Flowers, cut. Flower Stands, e.o.h.p. Frilling Machines, jitted up, pached. Fruit, Hothouse. Furniture, e.o.h.p. Furs. Game. Glass, Cut, ornamental, for doors. Glass, Plate, silvered. Glass, Stained. Globes, for educational p^irposes. Globes, Moons, or Shades, glass, e.o.h.p. Gloves, e.o.h.p. Glycerine, e.o.h.p. Hair, /or head dressing. Hat and Umljrella Stauds, ivood. Hats, except soft felt and rush. Helmets, felt, in cases or boxes. Horses, Lead. Indigo. Isinglass. Ivory, e.o.h.p. Jet. Elilting Machines, fitted up, pacTted. Knitting Machines, fitted up, pached. Lace. Lard, e.o.h.p. Looking-glass Frames, e.o.h.p. Looking Glasses and Mirrors, glass. Lustres and Vases, glass. Magnesium Metal. Maps, e.o.h.p. Margarine, in crocks, e.o.h.p. Match Boxes, empty, e.o.h.p. Military Ornaments, e.o.h.p. Millinery. Models, clay. Morphia, in bottles in hampers. Mo^s, e.o.h.p. Musical Instruments. Muslins. Nitrate of Copper, in jars or stone bottles, covered with wicker basket work. Nitrate of Silver, in boxes, for pho' tographers. Nut Crackers, e.o.h.p. Nutmegs. Optical Instruments. Organs and Organ Work. Ornaments for Uniform, e.o.h.p. 46 Class 5 — continued. Overmantels, cast iron, with mirmrs. Paints, in jars. Papier Machd Goods. Parchment. Penholders, c.o.h.f. Perambulators, complete, or in liarts. Perfumery. Phosphorus Pasto (vermin killer), •packed. Photographic Apparatus. Picture Frames, e.o.li.p. Pictures. Pine Apples, e.o.h.p. Plaiting Machines, ^< Iron or steel (^Railway Car- Barrels, Gun — riage, Railway Waggon, Rough . - - - 3 Tram, or (Jorve) c E.o.h.p. - - 4 Locomotive Engine and Ten- Barrows. See Rnilders' irnptc- der 1 mints. Not in the rough, e.o.h.p. 2 ' Barrows, Wheel 3 in parts 1 Baus : — Angle, iron or steel C Bundles of Bare, iron or steel . . - - c U 7249«. 50 Bars] [Bichromate of Potash Article. Class. Uaiis — continued. Capstan . . . . \ Girder, iron or steel - - C Iforsc-.shoe, iron - - - C Iron or steel, for tin-plate milking - - - - li Keel ----- C Lattice. See Bridge work. Roller for pulling rags - 1 Ski/, sec lioifwork. Sole, wooden - - - C Steel (and Bundles) - - 2 Zinc - - - 2 Barwood (I)yewood) - - C Baryta, Nitrate of - - - 3 Barytes — Jiaw, in hulk - - - B Ground, in casks or bags - C Ground, with water added, for glazing paper (Blanc- fixe) ^ - - - Basic Material, Burnt Lime- stone, in bulk, to steel con- verters - - - - B Basic Slag, unground - - A ground, packed - B Basins, Lavatory, earthenware, complete Enamelled Baskets — Bass 2 Iron 2 E.o.h.p. - - - - 5 Bass — For making brooms - - 2 Baskets - - - . 2 Mats 2 Matting . . - . 2 Bates, Dog, Hen, Sfc, in bags or barrels - - - - C Bath Chairs - - - - 5 Baths 3 Batteries, Electric - - - 3 Bauxite or Hydrate of Alumina C Bayonets - - - - 3 Beadings, common wood. See Joiners' icork. Beadings, gilt, lacquered, or i-aritished — Packed iri boxes - - 3 E.o.h.p. - - - -15 Beads, glass - - - - j 3 Beams, // on or steel - - 1 C Beans — I E.o.h.p. - - - C Haricot - - - - 1 Tonquin - - - - 5 Bean Sticks - - - - C Bears, Punching - - - 1 Bearers, iron or steel - - C Bed— I Keys I ^ Plates, Engine, iron or steel - I C Article. Bed — continued. FldtdH, for pidling rags Plates, iron or steel, for timber sawing, boring, mor- ticing, or planing ma- chinery - . - - Plates {plain), iron or steel, for rolling mills Plates. See also Roof work. Beds and Bedding - - - Beds and Tables for Boring, Drilling, Planing, Punching, Shearing, and Slotting Ma- chines, ybr metal work Beds of— Billiard Tables, Slate, packed in cases - - - .. Steam Engines - - - Beds, Lathe - - - - Bedsteads — Metallic, in cases E.o.h.p. - - . - Metallic, in strawed bundles Beehives — Made of wood - - - Straw - - - - - Beef, in brine- . . . Beef Wine, in boxes Beer — Black . . - . Ginger, in cases or casks E.o.h.p. - - . . Beer Engines - - - - Bees' Wax . . - - Bellows — Packed . - - - E.o.h.p. - - - . Bellows Pipes . . . Bell Ringing (Carillon) Ma- chinery - - - . Bells— Small - - - - - E.o.h.p. - - _ . Belting, for machinery - Belts, Shot - - - - Benders, for rails, or Jim Crows - - - - Bent Wood, rough, unfinished - E.o.h.p. - . - - Berries, Juniper Yellow or Persian Besoms - - - - - Besoms, Birch or ling, for Bicarbonate of Soda — In casks - - . . Jn boxes, crates, or hampers Bichrome, and Bichromate of Potash — In casks - - - - E.o.h.p. - - oi Bichromate op Soda] [Bobbin Blocks Article. Class. Article. Class Bichromate of Soda — Blistered Steel 1 In casks - - . - 1 Blocks— E.o.h.p. - - - - 3 Anvil, iron or steel C Bicycles - - - - - 5 Asphalte-paving, in blocks - B Bicycle Stands, wrought iron - ■i. Bobbin ... - C Billets, iron or steel B Break - - . . C Billiard- Broom, wooden, without hair 1 Cues, iM bundles - - - 4 Brush, do. do. 1 Tables .... 5 Cement, in blocks B Billiard Tables, Slate Beds of— Clog, rough - - - C packed in cases - - - 3 Coal-tar Pitch, j« blocks B Binders, iron or steel C Concrete, in blocks B Bins, Corn or Wine 3 Glass, for pavement — Birch or hmg/or besoms I Fitted in iron frames I Bird Cages - - . - 5 y^ot fitted in frames 2 Birds, stuffed, in cases - 5 Granite — Biscuits 2 In blocks, rough or un- Dog, in bags or casks - 1 dressed - - - B Bismuth - . . . 5 Polished or dressed, in Bisulphite of — blocks, exceeding 2 Lime - - - - - 1 inches in thickness 1 Soda C Horn, in the rough, iro?i or Bit Burnishers, packed - 3 steel, for locomotives C Bits, iron or steel - - - 3 Marble, in blocks, rough C Bitters, in casks or cases 3 Pulley, ivood or iron - 3 Bitters, Hop - - - - 4 Ships' - . . - 3 Black- Terra Cofta . . . C Beer ii-r»y Lamp - - . . - Lead ----- 3 2 Tin, in blocks . - - 2 Wooderi, for paving C Blood— 3 2 In ca^ks or iron drums ' - 2 Moulders' . - - - c Per manure, in casks - C Oil, or Black Varnish, com- Bloom Trucks 1 mon, in casks - - - Blooms, iron or steel B 1 Plates, iron or steel, in boxes. Blow Pipes - - . - 3 or not packed - - - Blackberries - - - - C 2 Blowing Engines - - - Blue, Laundry, Liquid — 3 Blacking - . . . 2 In boxes, cases, casks, or iron Bladders, in casks - - - 3 drums . . - E.o.h.p. - . - 3 Blades- 5 Awl Knives or Blades/or Cutting Machities - - - 3 3 See also Groceries. Blue Paste ... Blue Powder, in bags, boxes, 3 Screw Propeller - - - Scythe . . . . Blanc-fixe (^Ground Barytes with water added, for glazing paper) - . - Blankets - . - . C 3 C 3 cases, or casks E.o.h.p. . . - Blue Stone, in bags, boxes, cases, or casks E.o.h.p. . - - Blue, Stone, in bags, boxes, a 3 2 3 Blanks, bronze and copper. cases, or casks E.o.h.p. - - . Boards — Knife Made of compressed Icathi^r- 2 3 2 2 for stamping for coins - Bleaching Liquids — /« casks - - . - 3 o Bleaching Powder - C Mortar, poling, and scaffold. Blinds— Sec Builders' implements. Chain — Parquet Flooring - 3 In rases, crates, or frames 3 Washing 3 E.n.hp - - - - J Wooden, for Drapers' cloth Paptr . - . - 3 and for folding paper I Venetian — Boats - " - ' - 5 In cases, crates, or frames 3 Boats, stoing - 4 E.o.h.p. - - - - 4 llobbin Blocks - C I) 2 52 Bobbins] [Bricks Article. Class. Bobbins — In IxKjs - - ' 2 E.o.h.p. 3 IJodit's — Cairiaijc, e.o.h.p. - 5 Felt hat 4 Plough, iron or steel 1 Railway wairj^on 2 Rail way u-aygon, fitted to- gether 2 Waggon, in pieces, bound together - - - 1 BoR 0"rc,/or gas purifying - B Bogies, Puddlers' Tap 1 Boiler Fittings, iron or steel - 2 Boiler Plates, iron or steel C BOILEKS : — Copper - - - 4 Iron or steel 2 Bolt and Nut Machines 1 Bolts and Nuts, iron or steel - c Bolts - Door - - - 3 Yellow Metal 2 Bone — Ash- C Waste . - - c Bone-crushing Mills - 2 Bones — Calcined - - - C For size . - - c For manure - - - c Packed 1 E.o.h.p. 2 Bonnets, straw 5 Books, e.o.h.p. 3 Bound or half hound in calf, Morocco, roan, Russia, or law calf 4 Book Muslin— If packed in bales, packs, or trusses . - - 3 E.o.h.p. 4 See also Drapery, light. Boothing or Stalling - 3 Boot Heels, Brassed Tips for - 3 Boot Hooks . - - 3 Boot Laces — Cotton or leather 3 E.o.h.p. - - - 4 Boot Linings, cotton or lineji - 2 Boot Protectors, iron or steel - C Boots and Shoes, including Goloshes and Leather cut into Boot Shapes — In bores, cases, or casks - 3 In hampers (^white rod) - 4 E.o.h.p. - 5 Boracic Acid - - - 3 Borax - - - - o Boring Machines (for metal •work"), including Beds and Tables 1 Article. Class. Bottle Jacks - - - Bottle Stoppers — Glass, black, green, or pale, common, packed - ■Glass, e.o.h.p. Wood, packed Bottles — Earthenware or stoneicare - Glass, black, green, or pale, common, packed - Glass, e.o.h.p. Bottoms and Tops, Press, iron or steel, unfinished - Boulinikon - . . Boundary Posts, Street, iron - Bowls — Iron, nested or packed Iron or wood, e.o.h.p. Box or Italian Irons - Box Iron Heaters Boxes — Axle, brass - - - Axle, iro7i or steel - Coupling, for rolling mills, iron or steel Fire, of portable steam and traction engines - Match, japanned or enamelled tin — Empty, e.o.h.p. - Neic, empty, packed Safety Tin or sheet iron, packed in cases or crates Tobacco, metal Wall, iron or steel - Wooden, for packing tin plates - - - E.o.h.p. . - - Braces, except Silk, for tcearing apparel — In bales, packs, or trusses E.o.h.p. - - - See also Drapery, light. Brackets — Wall, iron or steel - Sec Telegraph Stores. Brambleberries . . - Brau - _ _ . Brands, ir-on or steel B rank or Buckwheat Brass - - - - - Brass Work, spun or stamped, packed - . - . Brasses, Railway Waggon Brattice Cloth . - . Bread - - - - - Break Blocks - - - - Breasts, Plough, iron or steel - Brewers' Grains - - . Bricks — Air, cast iron _ - - Clay, Common and Fire 53 Bricks] [Caissons Article. Class. Bricks — contin tied. Clay, ylazed or enamelled C Crushed . - - - B Flanders or scouring - C Terra Cotta . - . C ■ Brickmaking Machinery - 1 Britlgework, ii-on or steel — C Cantilevers - - - - C Cross and Longitudinal Girders - , . - C Floor Plates c Girders, ivliole or in part c Joists - - . - - c Lattice Bars ... c Screw and other Piles, both hollow and solid c Struts c Ties c Brill,//Ts/t - - - - 4 Brimstone, crude or utnnauu- factured . - . - c Bristles — l7i boxes, cases, or casks 2 E.o.h.p. - - - - 4 Britannia Metal Goods - •1 British Wines — In casks - - . - 2 E.o.h.p. - . - - 3 Bronze — Casts, Figures, and Ornaments 5 (Phosplior or Manganese) Castings and Ingots, 7-otigh 2 Powder . - . - 4 Broom — Handles - - - - 1 Heads and Blocks, wooden, ic it lion I hair 1 Heads, e.o.h.p. - - - 3 Brooms, packed - - - 3 E.o.h.p. - - . - 4 Brush Backs {Xyloyiite) - 3 Brushes, packed - - - 3 E.o.h.p. - - - - 4 Brush Heads and Blocks, tcooden, icithout hair - I Brush Hea Lima Wood . . - c Locomotive axles and ivheels 1 Logwood . - - - c Locomotive, loaded in rail- Nicaragua Wood c icay companies' waggons - 2 Dyewoods, ground, in chips, in Steam, Beds and Cylinders bugs - - - - - I "/. I Dyewoods, e.o.h.p. - - - 1 Engravings . . - - 5 Ensilage - - - - - C Envelopes, Strati, for bottles - 2 Escapes, Fire . _ . 3 Earth- Esparto Grass — Closets - - - 3 Hydraulic or steam press- Fullers' ... - c parked - - - - C Nuts or Ground Nuts - c Machine pressed 1 Nut Oil— JVot hydraulic, or steam In casks or iron drums. press-packed, or machine round or tapered at one pressed, in full truck end . - - - - 1 loads, or iti consignments E.o.h.p. - - - - 3 of 20 cwt. 3 Plates. See Telegraph Stores. E.o.h.p. - - - - 4 Red c Essence, Coffee . . . 3 Earthenware — Evergreens . - - - 5 In casks or crates 2 Excavators (or Navvies), Steam 2 In hampers - _ - 3 P^xtinguishers, Fire {hand gre- In boxes or cases 4 nade), packed - - - 3 Edge Tools - - - - 3 Extracts, J'or tanners' use, in Edging Tiles, Garden, common B boxes or casks - - - C Edible Seaweed . - - 3 Extracts — Eggs— Coffee - . - . In boxes, cases, or crates 3 Dye 4 E.o.h.p. - - - - 4 Extracts of — Yolk of . - - - 5 Bark, for tanning Elastic Webbing - 3 Chestnuts, for fanning pur- Electric — poses . - - . 1 Accumulators - - - o E.o.h.p. - . - - 2 Batteries - - - - 3 Malt Cable 3 Meat 5 Insulators - - - - 2 See also Groceries. Emery - - - - - 2 Wood, for tanning 1 Dust - - - - - o Eyelets 3 Paper o Rollers— In boxes or cases li E.o.h.p. - - - - 3 Stone C Wheels— Farina — In boxes or cases 2 E.o.h.p. . - . . c E.o.h.p. - . - - 3 Calcined . - . - 1 Empty Chsos, Casks, Crates, Faf, liaw . - - . 2 Hampers, and other Empties, Feathers .... 5 e.o.h.p. - . - - .5 Felloes - -' - 02 Felt] [Fish Plates Article. Felt— (Not ciirpttiiifr) - - - Asphitltrd Jioofini/ Tarred . - - - Hat Hodies - - - - Keiiciiig Standards, iron, in cnnrri'te blocks - - - Feiiciii'^ Posts for wire fencing, iron or steel . . . Fenders — Packed in ho.ves, cases, or crates - - - - Kitchen, iron or steel - E.o.h.p. - - Ships', cork or hemp - Fents and Tabs, cotton and woollen . - - - Fenugreek Seeds - - -. Fern, /or litter or packing — Hydraulic or steam press- packed - - - - E.o.h.p., minimum 20 cwt. per ivaggoyi . - - Ferro-manganese - In bulk . - - - E.o.h.p. - - - - Ferrules, brass, iron, or steel - Fibre— Algerian, hi/draidic or steam press-packed Machine pressed Not hydraidic or steam press-packed, or machine pressed, in full truck loads, or in consignments of 20 civt. - E.o.h.p. - - - - Cocoa Nut — Packed - - - - E.o.h.p. - - - - Kitool - - . - Me.Tican, hydraulic or steam press-packed Machine pressed Not hydraulic or steam- press-packed, or machine pressed, in full truck- loads, or in con.iignmenfs of 20 cut. - E.o.h.p. - - - . Wood- Hydraulic or stea?n press- packed - - - //( bales - - - - Figs, dried - - - - Figures — Alabaster, bronze, gypsurn, plaster, stucco, or terra cotta - _ - - Wa.r Filberts - - - - . - Files, iron or steel - - - Clas Article. Filings, iron or steel Filters — Cast iron - - - - Earthenware . - - Fir Cones, in sacks or bags Fire — Boxes of Portable Steam and Traction Engines Bricks, clay _ - . Enj^iues, Steam - - - E.o.h.p. - - - - Escapes . . - - Extinguishers (hand-gre- nade), packed Guards, metal - _ - Irons - . - - - Lighters - _ - _ Fireplace stands. Kitchen Firewood, in butidles Fish : — Brill,//-<'.vA - - - - Cockles _ - ^ . Cod— IJried - - - - Thoroughly cured in brine Crabs Fresh Fish, e.o.h.p. GrayVm^, fresh - - - Herrings — Thoroughly cured in brine In any state, e.o.h.p. Med, thoroughly cured Limpets . - - - Ling— Dried . - - - Thoroughly cured in brine Lobsters, //-es/i - - - Mullet, Red, fresh Mussels - . - - Oysters, fresh . - - Periwinkles - - - Prawus, yre.«A - _ - Red Herrings, thoroughly ctired - - - - Ked Mullet, fresh Salmon, fresh - - - Smelt, fresh _ - - Soles, fresh . . - Sprats, in any state, e.o.h.p. - Trout, fresh ... Turbot, fresh . . . Whelks . - - - Whitebait, fresh - - - All other Fish, thoi-oughly salted or dried All Fish, partially cured, smoked, or dried, e.o.h.p. Fish Ghie - - - - Fish Hooks - - - - Fish Plates, Railicay, iron or steel ----- Class, 63 Fish Preserves] [Frames Article. ClaBs. Kish Preserves, in boxes, cases, or casks . . - E.o.lt.p. in baskets or crates £l.o.h.p. - - - - Fittiugs iMid Fixtures for build- ings. See Joiner a' xcork. Fittings for Tubes, iron or steel, except electro-coppered or coated ti'ith brass - Fittings — Boiler, iron or steel Coach, metallic, packed Gas, in parts, except brass and copper tubiny - - | Harness, metallic, packed - Stable (^except enamelled), iron or steel Stable, iron, enamelled - I Umbrella Flag Poles, or Venetian Masts i Flag Stone, in the rough state - Flanders Bricks Flannel i Flasks, Powder - - - \ Flax — In bales, minimum 60 cict. \ per waggon - - - I In bales, e.o.h.p. - - - ! E.o.h.p. - - - - I lu the straw Seed,/o»- solving - Straw — I Hydraulic or steam press- i packed- - - - i Machine pressed Not hydraulic or steam press-packed, or machine pressed, in full truck loads, or in consignments ; of 20 cwf. - - - ; E.o.h.p. - - - - Waste — For paper making, hy- draulic, or steam press- packed - - - I For paper making - E.o.h.p. - - - - Fleshings — Dry, in bags and casks Wet, from t(niners, in casks - Wet, from tanners, not packed E.o.h.p. - - - - F"lints, e.o.h.p. Flocks Floor Cloth, iuchiding (^il Cloth, Boulinikoii, Kainptuli- con, and Linoleum Floor Gratings, iion or steel - Floor Plates. See Bridge work. Flooring, Afalt Kiln {iron wire), packed in rases ■ Article. Class. Flooring Plates, Rough, iron or steel - _ - - C Flour ----- C Corn, patent - - - i 2 Sago - - - - - C Tapioca - - - - 2 Flour Dressing or Purifying i Machines - - - -13 Flower — ' Pots, clay, common, unglazed \ 2 Koots — I (Not orchids) - - - i 3 E.o.h.p. - - - - I 4 Stands — Wrought iron - - - ' 4 E.o.h.p. - - - - I 5 Sticks, wooden or cane, com- i mon - - - - i 1 Flowers — Cut ,5 Artificial - - - - 5 Wax - - - - - i 5 Flue Linings or Flue Pipes, | fireclay - - - C Fluid— ' Disinfecting, in bottles i packed in cases or hampeis, \ or in basketed jars - - j 4 Flux Skimmings - - - i B Fly A\'heeLs - - - - ' 1 Footballs - - - - I 4 Foot Warmers - - - , 3 Forges, Portable — Whole, cased in iron - - ! 2 In pieces, packed in boxes - 2 E.o.h.p. - - - - 3 Forgings — Axle, iron or steel, in the i rough - - - - i C Iron or steel, in the rough, e.o.h.p. - - - - C Fork Handles - - - l Forks and Spoons - - - 3 Forks— ' Digging, in cases - - j 2 Hay, in cases - - - 2 Hay, in bundles - - - | 3 Toasting, iron or steel - - ' 3 l"(p\ Skins - - - - I 4 Frames — Carpet Bag - - - i 3 I'ommiin wood. See Joiners' ( work. I Door, iron or steel - - 1 For targets, iron or steel - \ 1 For timber sawing, boring, I morticing, or planing ma- { I'liinery, iron or steel - I 1 Looking Class and Picture. | comtnou, wood (not gildtd), , or Dulrh metalled - ^ G4 Frames] [Gasometer Sheets Article. Class. Article. Class. Frames — continued. I'urnace — continued. Lonkimj Glass and Picture, Plates, iron or steel C r.o.li.]). - - - - f) Scrapings - - - - B Plomjh, iron or steel - 1 J''uriiiture — Stern or liudder (Shiijs') - 1 (Joffin, metallic - - - 3 Street Lamp . . . 3 Gun 3 \Vindo7ii, iron — In vans, carts, or road wag- Packed in cases 2 gons - - . - 4 E.o.h.p. - - - - 3 E.o.h.p. - - - - 5 French Cliulk - - - - 3 Viuis, returned empty, if from Frilling Machines — the same station and con- In parts, packed 4 signee to which and to Pitted vp, packed 5 u'hom they were carried Fkuit : — full, to the same station Apples — and consignor from ivhich Minimum 20 civt. per ivag- and from whom they were gon - - - - 1 carried full - - - C E.o.h.p. - - - - 2 Furs 5 Apricots, ripe, not hothouse - 3 Fustian - - - - - 3 Cherries — Fustic — In tubs for jam 2 Liquor - - . . 2 Ripe, not hothouse - 3 Wood (Dyewood) C Gooseberries — Minimum 20 civt. per wag- gon - - - - 1 E.o.h.p. - - - - 2 Gall Nuts - - - . 2 Hothouse - - - - 5 Galvanised Iron - - - c Nectarines, ripe, not hot- Gambier . - _ . house - . . . 3 Game - - _ - - 5 Peaches, ripe, not hothouse - 3 Gannister . _ _ - A Pears — Garancine - - - - 2 Minimum 20 civt. per wag- Garden — gon - - . - 1 Arches - _ - . 4 E.o.h.p. - - - - 2 Edging Tiles, common - B Raspberries — Engines . - - _ 4 In tubs, for jam 2 Hand Rollers 1 Ripe, not hothouse - 3 Plants and Shrubs, in baskets. Ripe, e.o.h.p. - . . 2 mats, pots, or tubs - 5 Strawberries — Seats and Chairs — In tubs, for jam 2 In parts, packed in cases - 1 Ripe, 7iot hothouse - 3 E.o.h.p. - - - . 4 Fruit— Shears . _ _ - 3 Crystallized — Syringes - - - - 3 hi bojres, eases, or casks - 2 Gasaliers - - . . 5 E.o.h.p. - - - - 4 Gas- See also Groceries. Carbon - - . _ B Preserves — Engines, complete 2 In boxes, cases, or casks - 2 Fittings, in parts, except E.o.h.p., in baskets or brass and copper tubing - 3 crates - - - - 3 Lime or Gas Purifying E.o.h.p. . - . - 4 Refuse - - - _ A- Pulp, in casks ... 1 ^Meters . - - . 3 Fruit-cleauiug Machines - 4 Pipes, iron or steel C Fuel, Coal, Patent - B Stoves - - - . 3 Fuel. Economisers, iron or Tar, in owners' tank wag- steel - - - - - 1 gons - . - _ A Fullers' Earth C Tar, e.o.h.p. - _ . B Funnels — Water, in owners' tank wag- Air 1 2 gons - - -• . A Ship ----- 2 Water, e.o.h.p. - - . B Fur, Rabbit - . - - 3 Valves, iron or steel 1 Furnace — Gasometer Sheets, iron or Lumps - - - - ; B steel - - - - - C 65 Gates] [G RAIN Article. Class. Article. Class. Gates, iron or icooden, common - 2 Glasses, Watch 5 Gauges, Steam . . - 4 Glasshouse Pots ... 4 Gauze, Wire - - - - 4 Glaze, Potters', iti casks - c Gelatine . . - - 3 Globes, for educational pur- Geiinan Silver, in sheets - 3 poses - - - - - 5 Gerniun Silver Wire, in cases Globes, Glu.'is — and casks - - - - 3 Common - - - . 4 Gig Shafts— E.o.h.p. .... 5 Not painted nor varnished - 3 Gloves — E.o.h.p. . - - - 4 Cotton, Woollen, orWorsfed — Ginger— In bales, packs, or trusses 3 E.o.h.p. . - . - 3 E.o.h.p. . - - - 4 Preserved - - - - 4 .See also Drapery, light. See also Groceries. Rough leather, for labourers - 3 Ginger Heer — E.o.h.p. - - . . 5 In ca.ses and casks 1 Glucose - - . • - 1 E.o.h.p. - - - - 2 Glue 1 Gins, Wheels tvith frames for Glue, i^/.s7i - - . . 3 hoisting purposes 3 Glue Pieces — Girder Bars, iron or steel C Drg, in bags and ca^sks 1 Girders, iron or steel C Wet, from tanners — See also Bridge work. In casks - - - - C Glass : — in boxes or cases, e.o.h.p. ■1 N^ot packed E.o.h.p. - - . . Glycerine — 1 2 Aquaria . . . . 5 In casks or iron drums 2 Beads ----- 3 In boxes or cases 3 Blocks, /or pavement — Fitted iti iron frames Not fitted in frames - Bottles and Hottle Stoppers, black, green, or pale. 1 E.o.h.p. . . . - Glycerine Grease, for lubri- cating puiposes, in tins packed in wooden cases Goat Skins — 5 2 3 common, packed E.o.h.p. - - - - 1 3 Thoroughly salted or drij. in bales or bundles - 1 Carboys - - _ - 5 E.o.h.p. .... Gold, Chloride of, in boxes, for photographers ... Gold Size .... 3 5 4 Croion, rolled or sheet Gullet (or broken glass) Cut, ornamental, for doors - Flint, e.o.h.p. - . - 3 C 5 3 Golf Clubs .... 4 Globes, common - - - 4 Goloslies — E.o.h.p. - - - - Ground . - - . Lamp Chininejs - 5 C 3 /// boxes, cases, or casks 3 In hampers (^white rod) E.o.h.p. - . . - Gooseberries — J\Iinimum 20 cwt. per 4 5 Looking Glasses - Lustres and Vases 5 5 Mirrors - - . . 5 Moons, common - - - E.o.h.p. - - - - 4 5 waggon - - - E.o.h.p. .... 1 2 Plate, not silvered 3 Grain : — Silvered - - - - 5 Barley . - - . C Rough - _ . . 3 Beans, e.o.h.p. - - . C Prepared, for photographers 4 Bran C Keflectors, with metal backs - 4 Hrank or Buckwheat - C Retorts ... - 5 Dari C Shades, common - - - 4 Dills c K.o.h.p. - - - - 5 Gniats - . - - c Slag (^nfusefrom glass works) C (itirdgcons - - . . c Stained .... 5 Houiiiiy - - . . c Stoppers, for bottles, black. Indian ( "orn - . _ c green, or pale, common. Lentils .... c packed - - . - 1 Linseed .... Stoppers, yb;- bottles, e.o.h.p. 3 Locusts oi Chanibs c Glass Sand .... C Maize .... c U 72496. 66 Grain] [< jrUMS Article. Class. Article. Class. GuAiN — coiiliniicd. Grease — coyitinucd. Mult C Glycerine, for lubricating Malt Culms or Ciimmiiiss - C purposes, in tins packed in Meal c tvooden ca^es - - - 3 Middliiifis . - - - c Petroleum - - - - 3 Mill.'t ----- c Greaves I Oat Dust - - - - c Grenades, Hand (Fire Ex- Oats c tinguishers), ;n^\•AUE] [Herrings Article. Class. Article. Class. Hardware — conthinecl. Hat — continued. PitckiUiL's ronUiining, ^'c. — Leathers . - - - 4 continued. Stands, cast iron - - - 3 'I'ips, brassed, for hoot Wood - . - - 5 hcrls 3 Hats— T(iasfiiis, Bujhdn, Cow, Goat, O.r, and .S'/iccy; — Packed - - - - 1 E.o.h.p. - _ - - 3 Article. Horn Waste, e.o.h.p. Ilorus — Shoe - - - . _ Stag With Slough Buffalo, Cow, Goat, O.r, and Sheep — Packed E.o.h.p. - ~ I Horsu— I Clippers, packed in cases or casks Collars, rush - - - ' Provender — 1 Ili/draulic or .iteam j)ress- ' packed - - - - , E.o.h.p. - Shoes - - - - I Horse-shoe Bars, iron - - . Horses, Dead - - - | Hose, Leather and Canvas - | Hosiery — In bales, packs, or trusses - E.o.h.p. - - - . See also Drapery, light. Hotliouses, in parts Household Linen, e.o.h.p. Housitigs, iron or steel, for rolling mills - . . Huckabacks - - - . Hurdles — Iron or wood, e.o.h.p. - Iron or steel, on wheels Standards for, iron or steel — Not packed - - - Packed - _ - Husks an 1 Walnuts, green Husks- Cocoa JVut — Packed - - - - E.o.h.p. - - - - Husks, or Rice Points - Hydrate of Alumina, or Bauxite Hvdraulic Machinery and Presses . - - - Hygeian Bock Building Com- position, in bags or casks Ice 1 uiplenients. Agricultural — In ca.ses - _ . . E.o.h.p. - - - . Inipienients— (Cricket . - _ . Croquet - . _ . Lawn Tennis - - . Builders. See Builders' Im- plements. Incubators, complete Class 72 iNDIA-KUnUKlt] [Iron and S TEEL Article. Class. 1 Article. Class. India-rubber — Ikon and Steel — continued. Rnir - - - - - Goods, except Shoes and 3 Thefollotcing articles of Iron or Steel — continued. (ioloshes - - - - 3 Indian Corn - - - - C Axles — Indigo . - - - - 5 In the rough C See also Groceries. Railway Carriage, Rail- Infusorial Earth, or Diatomite- C way Waggon, Tram, In-iot Moulds, iron or steel B or Corve - - - C lugots — Bar- Iron or steel - _ _ B Iron or steel, exceeding Bronze (Phosphor or Man- 1 cwt. per bar, in ganese), rough 2 open trucks at request Spelter . - _ _ C of trader - - . B Zinc C E.o.h.p. C Ink-- Bars.ybr tin-plate making B Except Printers', in boxes, Beams - .. . - Bearers - - - - C c casks, or crates Printers' . . - - E.o.h.p. - . - - 2 3 4 Binders - . - - Bolts and Nuts Boot Protectors C c c Instruments — Musical - - . - Optical . - . - Surgical - - - - Telegraph, packed Insulated Wire . - - Insulators — Telegraph, earthenivai'e. 5 5 5 4 4 Bridgework — Cantilevers - - - Cross and Longitudinal Girders Floor Plates Girders, ichole or in part Joists - - . . Lattice Bars c c c c c c c packed - - - - Electric . . - - 1 2 Screw and other Piles, both hollow and solid c Iron: — Struts - - - . c Annealed, plate or sheet 1 Ties - - - - c Bar. Puddled - B Bundles of Bars c Li(luor, or Muriate of Iron - 2 Buoy Sinkers B Nitrate of - 2 Caissons - - - - c Ore, 7iianganiferous,/or iron Cannon Balls and Shot making - - - - A and Shells 7iot charged - B Ore Hefuse, for gas puri- Cart Bushes - - - c fying - - - . B Chain Cables - C Oxide of ~ - - - C Chains and Traces, not Pig - - - - . B packed- ... C Pyrites, unburnt and burnt - A Clippings, of Sheet Iron Sulphate of - - - C and Tin Plates, in compressed bundles B Iron and Steel: — Colliery Tubbing c Thefollowing articles of Iron or Steel: — Columns - - - Corrugated Iron c c Crowbars - - - c Anchors - - - . C Curbing,/o?- roadivays Anple — Cylinders, not turned. Bars - - . . C drilled, planed, or Plates- C slotted . - _ c Anvil — Dredger Buckets and Blocks - C Bucket Backs 1 Clips - - - . c Engine Bed Piates - c Anvils - - - B Ferro-manganese, e.o.h.p. c For steam hammers c Filings . - - . B Axle Box Guides, in the Galvanised Iron c rough, for locomotives - c Gasometer Sheets c Axle Boxes - - . 1 Girder Bars - - . c Axle Forgings, {71 the Girders .... c rough - - - - c Granulated Irpn c 73 Iron and Steel] [Iron and Steel Article. Class. Article. Class. Iron axd Stkel — continued. Iron and Stkkl — cotitinued. Thefollowint) articles of lion The following articles of Iron ^ or Steel — continued. or .S/ee/— continued. | Gratings, Area, Drain, Kailw a) — | Floor, Man-hole, or Butters, Buffer Heads, ! Pavement - - - C Kods, and Sockets - 1 Hammer Heads, in the Carriage and Waggon rough - - - - C Work C Hammers, for steam Chairs - - - 1 C hammers - - - C Points, Crossings, or | Heater Bottoms C Joints - - - ' C Helves, or Tilt Hammers C Kails - . - - 1 c Hoop — Springs 1 Iron . - - - c [Spring Steel 1 Steel - - - - c Retorts, Kctort Lids, and Hoops — Kctort Mouthpieces, in Iron - . - - c the rough - - - ' c Weldless, in the rough - c Rings - - _ - 1 Horn Blocks, in the Rivets - - - - C rough, for Locomotives - c Rods, common - - - C Housings, Chocks, Stand- Rods (wire), rolled, not ards, Plain Bed Plates, drawn - - - . c Pinions, Coupling Boxes, Rolls, turned or unturned. and Spindles, for roll- not polished or packed - c ing mills - - - c Roofwork — Ingot Moulds - - - B Bed Plates - . - c Lamp Posts c Gutters ... c Malt Kiln Flooring {iron Rafters c wire'), packed in cases - 1 Sk}' Bars, cast or Mortar Mill Kolls - c wrought iroti c Nail— Struts ... - c Kods - - - - c Ties or Tie Rods - c Sheets - c Tun Shoes for Prin- Nails i . - . c cipals ... c Nuts and Bolts c Wind Ties — Pans, Annealing 1 Principals c Pickhlocks or Pickheads, Purlins ... c in the rough c Scrap — Pipes (e.rcliisive of Haiti Minimum load four tons Wafer Pipes), A ir. Gas, per truck - . . B Steam, and Water c Minimum load three tons Pipes, for llast fur- per truck - - - c naces - - - - c E.o.h.p. - 1 Plates- Shafts, for driving mill Annealing - - - c irheels, unfinished c Armour ... c Shearings of Sheet Iron Black, in boxes, or not and Tin Plates, in com- packed - . - c pressed bundles B Boiler - - - - c Sheet Iron, not packed c Canada - - . 1 Shoe Tips ... c For glass rolling - 1 Sleepers . - - - c Furnace - - - c Smiths' Hearths 1 Hoe-head, in the rough c Spiegeleisea, e.o.h.p. c Ojien Sand, cast - B Spikes - - - . c Plough, //( the rough c Stiinipings of Sheet Iron Kaihiay Fish c and Tin Plates, in com- Hough Flooring - c pressed bundles B Ships - - - - c Standards — Shovel . - . c Par Hurdles — Tank - - . - c Packed - 1 c Tin - - - 1 Not packed 1 1 Press Tops and Bottoms, For steam hammers c vrijinished - . - c Strips, not packed 1 c 74 Iron and Stkki.] [ Kelp Article. Class. Article. Class. Ikon and Stkkl — conlinid-d. Irons — continued. ThffoUowiiKj (trtirlrs of Iron Sad- Packed - - - - 1 or Steel— coi\t\iu\t:i\. E.o.h.p. - - - - 2 Swarf - - . - B Tiie - - - 2 'lVlt'j,n-;ii)li Posts C Isinglass - . - _ 1 ^ Tclcfrrapli Stores: — Sec also Groceries. 1 Blacked Iron (r«,v/) Italian or Box Irons 3 Kidge Chairs - C Ivory — Galvanised and Blacked E.o.h.p. - - - . 5 Earth Plates, m Vegetable - - - - 3 blind Irs . - - C Waste or Dust - - . 2 Galviiiiised and Blacked Ivory Black - - - _ 2 Iron Loop Hods C Galvanised and Blacked Screw Tighteners, packed - - - C Galvanised and Blacked Jacks — Stay Rods, in bundles c Bottle 3 Galvanised and Blacked Scretv, except iron 3 Stay Tighteners c Sc7-eiv, iron - - - 1 Iron Poles, Hoofs, or Smcdl - - _ - 3 Caps- - c Japan Wax - - . . 2 Malleable Cast Iron Japanned Ware — Brackets, galvanised, In casks or cases 3 packed - - - c E.o.h.p. - . _ . 4 Tiles (roofing), painted. Jars, earthemvare or stoneware 2 galraniscd, or enamelled c Jelly, Petroleum - - - 3 Tinned Iron, in sheets, not Jet 5 packed- - - . 1 Jews' Harps - - - - 3 Tip Iron - - . - c Jim Crows, or Benders for rails 1 Traces and Chains, jiot Joiners' Tools . - . 3 packed ... c Joiners' Work(co??i»iO?j icood') — 3 Tram Couplings 1 Beadings and Mouldings Traps, Sink and Stench - 1 (^not gilt, lacquered, or Trawl Heads - c varnished), Doors and Door Trunnions, unfinished c Frames, Fittings and Fix- Tubes and Fittings forTubes, tures for Buildings, Stair- except electro-coppered cases, Balusters, and Hand or coated ivith brass c Bails, Window Sashes, and Tyre Bars, ?'« the rough - c Frames and Shutters. Tyres, in the rough - c Joints, Railway, iron or steel - C Wall- See also Bridge work. Boxes - - - - c Juice— Brackets c Lemon and Lime — Weights - - - - c In casks or cases 2 Wheels, Railway Car- E.o.h.p. - - . . 3 riage, Railway Waggon, Tobacco — Tram, or Corve - c In casks - - - - 2 Wire, Iron, — E.o.h.p. - . - _ 3 Not packed or wrap- Juniper Berries - . . 3 pered - - - c Junk, Coir - - - - 2 Rolled in 7-ods or coils. Jute 1 not packed c Juto Waste, for paper making 1 Wire, Steel, not packed or wrappered - - - c Wire Hope, old, cut in pieces - - - - B Ironstone . . - - A Irons — Kainit - - - . . B Box or Italian - - - 3 Kamptulicou - - - - 3 Clog I Keel Bars - - - C Fire - - - - - 3 Kelp - . _ - . 1 75 Kkrbstone] fLEATHER Article. c... Article. Class. Kerbstone, in the rough state - B Lanijjs - - - - - 4 Kettles, in Caaks or Crates - 3 I'araffut, in parts (jexcept Keys — china or earthenware). Bed 3 packed in cases and Railway, iroodcn C casks - - . . 3 Railway Carriage 3 Lanterns, iron or tin 3 Keys and Locks . - - 3 Lard— Kid Skins - . - . 4 In casks, bo.res, tins, or tubs Kiltin^r IMachines — icith lids - - - - 2 In parts, packed 4 In bladders, in crocks in Fitted up, packed 5 wood, or in tubs, or tins Kips— without lids ... 3 Thoroughly salted or dry. E.o.h.p. - - . . 5 in bales or bundles - 1 .See also Groceries. E.o.h.p. - . . - 3 Lard Oil— Kitchen — In casks or iron drums, Fenders, iron or steel - 3 round or tapered at one Fireplace Stands - - - 3 end- - . . - I Grates, ovens, ranges, or E.o.h.p. . - . . 3 stoves - - . - 2 La>ts — Kitool Fibre - - - - 2 Iron - - - - - 1 Knapsacks, Soldiers' 4 Wooden . . . . 2 Knife Boards - - - - 2 Latches, Door . . _ 3 Knitting Machines — Lathe Beds - - . . 1 In parts, packed - - - 4 Lattice Bars. See Bridge tvork. Fitted up, packed 5 Laundry Blue, Liquid — Knitting Pins - - - . 3 In boxes, cases, casks, or iron Knives or Blades for Cutting drums . . _ - 3 Alackincs - - - - 3 E.o.h.p. ... - 5 Knobs — See also Groceries. Door - - - - - 3 Lavatory Stands and Basins, {Range'), iron or steel - 3 earthemvare, complete. Knockers, Door - - - 3 enamelled - - - . 3 Lawn Mowers, not packed 4 Packed - - - _ 3 Lawn Tennis Implements 4 Lkad : — Acetate of - 1 Ashes, in bulk B Lac . - - . . 4 Ashes, in bags - . . 1 Lace, British, not silk 4 Black 2 Lace - - . - _ 5 Laminated - - - . 2 Laces — Nitrate of - 1 Boot or Stay, cotton or Old or Scrap ... 1 leather - - - - 3 Ore a Boot or Stay, e.o.h.p. - 4 Pencils .... 3 Ladders — Pig. c Iron - - - - - 1 Pij)ing — Wooden _ - - - 2 //; casks or cases 1 Ladies' handbags. SeeDrapery, E.o.h.p. - - - - 2 light. Red . - . - . 1 Ladles — Rod 1 Iron, not Puddlers' 3 Sheet 1 Puddler.'i' - . - - 1 Shot, in bags packed in cases 1 Laminated Lead - - . 2 Shot, e.o.h.p. ... 2 liamp — Skimmings - . . - B Hlack ----- 3 Sui/ar of - 1 Burners - . - - 3 White . - - . 1 C'himneys, glass - - - 3 Wire 2 Frames, Street - - - 3 Leather — Posts, iron or steel C Undre.t.sed, except in cases Iteflectors, enamelled iron - 3 or crates - - - - 2 Wick 3 E.o.h.p. - - . - 3 76 Lratiieu] [Locomotive Engines Article. Class. lieiither — continued. Cuttiiifts or I'iirings, Waste - Cut into Hoot or Shoe Shap.s— //( ho.rcs, cases, or casks In hampers (white rod) E.o.h.p. - - - Wash - - - - Leather Ka Bleaching — In casks - - - - Liquorice . - - - Liquor — Alum - - - - - Ammcniacal . - _ Dunging - - - - Dye Liquor Refuse, from print or dye icorks - Fustic - - - - Iron, or Muriate of Iron Logwood . - . - Mordant - - - - Red - - - - - Shumac - - - _ Tin - - - - - Litharge - - . - Lithographic Stones Litter, Fern for — Hydraulic or • steam press- packed - - - - E.o.h.p., miniimim 20 cwt. per waggon - - . Litter {moss or peat) hy- draulic or steam press- packed . - - - Loam . - - . . Lobsters, yresA . . . Locks and Keyn - - . Locks, Gjui - - - - Locomotive Engines, and Ten- ders, Axles, and Wheels Locomotive Engines and Ten- ders, loaded in railivay companies' waggons 77 Locusts oe Charubs] [Machinery Article. Class. Article. Class. Locusts or Charubs C Machinekt — continued. Logs, Ships, metal - - - 3 Frilling Machines — Logwood (Dyewooil) C In parts, packed 4 Logwood Liquor - - - 2 Fitted up, packed 5 Lookiiii! Glasses, GUuis - 5 Fruit-cleaning Machines 4 Looking Glass Frames, cotn- Guttering or Corrugating 7nnn, wood (jnot gilded') or Machines, e.o./t.p. 3 Dutch metalled - - - 3 Not packed - - - 4 E.o.h.p. - - - - 5 Hydraulic Machinery and Looms, not packed - - - 4 Presses - . - - 1 Loop Rods. SeeTelegraphStores. Kilting Machines — Lubricating Mineral Oil — In parts, packed 4 In casks or iron drums, round Fitted up, packed - 5 or tapered at one end 1 Knitting Machines — E.o.h.p. - - - - 3 In parts, packed 4 Luggage — Fitted up, packed b Personal - . - - 4 Lawn Mowers, packed 3 Theatrical - - - - 4 Aot packed ... 4 Lumps, Furnace . - - B Looms, not packed 4 Lustres, glass - - - - t> Mincing Machines 4 Nail (iron) Cutting Machines 1 Nut and Bolt Machines 1 Paper-cutting Machines 4 Perforating Machines - 4 Plaiting Machines, in parts. packed ... 4 Maccaroni - - - - 3 Fitted up, packed - Machine Guns, in cases - 3 Planing Machines (for metal Maciiineuy : — work), including Beds and Agricultural Machines and Tables - 1 Implements — Pumping Machines 1 In cases - - - o Punching Machines (for E.o.h.p. 4 metal work), including Agricultural and Portable Beds and Tables 1 Steam and Traction En- Riveting Machines 1 gines 2 Koad Scraping and Road Vertical Steam Engines 2 Sweeping Machines - 3 Horizontal Steam Engines - 2 Saw-Bench Machines, port- Harrows - . - - 2 able, packed 3 Koad Hollers . - - 2 Not packed . _ . 4 Steam — Sawing Machines, /or sawing Ploughs - - - - 2 iron - - - . 1 Plougli Vans - - - 2 Sewing Machines — Tram Engines 2 In parts, packed 3 Threshing iSIachines - 2 Fitted up, packed 5 Bolt and Nut Machines 1 Shearing Machines (for Boring ^Machines (for metal metal work), including work), including Beds and Beds and Tables 1 Tables - - - 1 Slotting Machines (for metal Brickmaking Machinery 1 work), including Beds and Caloric Engines - - - 2 Tables - - - _ 1 Carillon Macdiinery 3 Stone Cutting and Crushing Carpet-beating Machines 3 Machines - - . 1 Churning Machines 4 Vegetable Washing Machines 4 Drilling Machines (for Washing and Wringing Ma- metal work), including chines, packed 3 Beds and Tables 1 Not packed 4 Elour Dressing or Purifying AVeighing Machines — Machines ... 3 Large {those used for Frames and Bed-plates, iron weighing railway or other or steel, for timber sau-ing, vehicles, and also cattle) - 2 boring, morticing, or plan- Small {those used for weigh ing machinery - - - 1 ing packages and goods) 3 78 MAfMflNERY] [Mega.ss Article. Class. Article. 1 Class. Machinkky — continued. Margarine — Machinery, in parts — In casks, firkins, or bo.ves, or In cast's, e.o.h.p. 2 in tubs with wooden lids - 2 Not packed, e.o.h.p. 4 In crocks in icood, or in "SUwhuwii, fitted np — crocks when packed with /'arkcd, e.o.h.p. 3 straw in baikets 3 JVol packed, e.o.h.p. 4 In baskets, flats, or hampers. Madders - - . - 2 or in tubs without lids 4 Magnesia . . . . 3 In crocks, e.o.h.p. 5 Carbonate of - - - 2 Manjuees ... - 3 Rough O.vide of, in cases or jNIaslins (Pots for boiling fruit). casks - - . _ C in Casks or Crates 3 Sulphate of - - - C Masons' Tools - . . 3 Magnesium, Chloride of, in Mastic 3 casks ----- c Masts— Magnesium Metal - - - ^ S hips' . - - - 2 Magnets - . . - 3 Ve?ietian - . - . 2 Maize ----- Malleable Iron Castings - Malt Malt- Crushers - - - . Culms or Cummings - C 1 C Match Boxes — Japanned or enamelled tin, new, empty, packed - 3 4 C Empty, e.o.h.p. - - - ^latches, Wood splints for Matehetts . , _ _ 5 3 3 E.rtraet of - 4 Mats — Kiln Flooring (iron ivire). Bass - - - - - 2 packed in cases Mangauate of Soda, crude, in 1 Dunnage - - - - Skin - - - - - 1 4 casks ----- Manganese, Muriate of - C c Sugar, old, for paper making - - - - E.o.h.p. - - - - Matting — Bass - - - - - C 3 2 Manganese Ore ... ^Mangauiferous Iron ore, for iron making . - - B A Mangel Wurzel — Cocoa ^ut — In bulk, for feeding cattle - B Packed - - - - 2 E.o.h.p. - - _ - ilangers, enamelled iron - c 3 E.o.h.p. - - - - E.o.hp. - - . - Mattress Springs - - - 3 3 Manhole Gratings, iron or steel C 3 ^lanure — Mattresses - - - - 4 Blood, for manure, in Meal ----- casks - - - - c Meat — Bones,ybr manure c Cats' and Dogs' - - - 4 Compost, ybr manure - Farmyard, in bulk B A Fresh . . . . E.rtract of - _ . 4 5 Gypsum, ybr manure - Other than street, stable, and farmyard, in bidk Stable, in bulk - - - B B A See also Groceries. Pies - - - See Groceries. 4 Street, in bidk - - - A Meat Preserves — Sudcake - - . - B /?^ bo.res, cases, and casks - 2 Sugar Scum,/o?- manure B E.o.h.p., in baskets or crates 3 Manure, e.o./i. p. - - - C E.o.h.p. - - - - 4 Maps — Meat Safes - - - - 4 In bo.ves or cases 4 Iiledals, brass or copper - 3 E.o.h.p. - - _ - 5 Megass — Marble — Hydraulic or steam press- In blocks, rough - - - C packed - - - - C Packed, and in slabs, ce- Machine pressed 1 mented together 3 JVot hydraxdic or steam Chimney Pieces, e.o.h.p. 3 press-packed, or machine Chip Pavement - - - 1 pressed, in full truck Cla^s, for pavement, in sacks C loads, or i/i consignments Mortars and Pestles - 3 of 20 cwt. 3 Marbles, Children's 2 E.o.h.p. - - - - 4 79 Menhadden Oil] [Myrabolams Article. ifenhaclden Oil — In casks or iron drums, round or tapered at one end E.o.h.p. . - - - Merinoes, in bales, packs, or trusses . - - - Metal — Britannia, Goods Delta .... Dross - - - - - Dutch . . . . Gun - - - - - Magnesium . . - Terne - ■ . - Meters — Gas - - - . - Water . - - - ^Mexican Fibre — Hydraulic or steam press- packed - - - - 3Iachine pressed Not hydraulic or steam press-packed, or machine pressed, in full truck loads, or in consignments of 20 cwt. E.o.h.p. . . - Mica - - - - Middles, Wood Pulp Middlings - - - Military Ornaments — E.rcept gold, silver, or plated E.o.h.p. . . - Milk - - - - Milk- Cans - - - - Pans - - . . Mill Cinder or Tap - Millboard ... Millboard Rollers, for icinding paper, in cases - Millet - - - - Millineiy - - . Mills— Bone-crushing Coffee, small hand Hand - - - - Mortar ... See also Builders^ implements. Sugar - - - Millstones — In the rouqh Finished - . - Mincing Machines - Mineral White Mineral Waters — In cases and casks E.o.h.p. - - . Mirrors, glass Models, clay - - - Molasses - - . Molliscorura - - - Class. Article. Class. Moons, Glass — Common - - - - 4 1 K.o.h.]). . - - - 5 3 ]\Ioi) Handles - - - - 1 j\Iops . - . - - 3 3 Mordant Liquors (including Alum Liquor, Dunging 4 Licjuor, and Ked Liquor) 2 2 Morphia, in bottles in hampers 5 C Mortar Boards. See Builders' 3 implements. 2 IMortar Mill Rolls, iron or J) steel C 2 Mortar Mills - - - - See also Builders' implements. 1 3 Mortars and Pestles — 3 Iron or steel - . - 3 Marble ... - 3 Moss— C Packed .... 3 1 E.o.h.p. . . . - ]SIoss Litter, hydraulic or steam 5 prc!/ - - - - C /// casks or iron drums 2 Slannite of- - - - 2 E.o.h.p. - - - ■ - 4 Siili>h((te of - ' ' C Spirits of Turpentine, in casks Sod Oil— lor iron dru?iis - - _ 2 In casks or iron drums. E.o.h.p. _ . - - 5 round or tapered at one Spittoons, iron _ - _ 3 end - - - - - 1 S]>lints, wood, for matches 3 E.o.h.p. - - - - 3 Si)lit Peas - - - - C Sofa Springs - - - - 3 Spokes - - - - - C Solder _ - - - - 1 Si)onges - - - - - 5 Soldiers' — Spoons - - - - 3 (Nothing, except busbies or Spoutings and Connexioins, helmets - - - - 3 iron or steel _ . - 2 Knapsacks - - - - 4 S[)rats, in any state, e.o.h.p. 2 Sole Bars, wooden - - - C Spring Balances - - - 3 Sole Plates, iron or steel, Jor steam hammers . - - C Springs — Cart, Chair, Door, Mattress, Soles, Clog - - - - 1 or Sofa - 3 Soles, fresh - - - - 4 C .liaihvay 1 Soot ■ Sjnir Whe.'ls - . - . 1 Spade — Spurs. - - - - - 3 Handles - - - - 1 1 i^ymxs, not plated - 3 Trees - - Spades — Squeegees, for cleaning .shijys' decks, §-c. - - - . 3 Iron or steel - - - Wooden . - - - 2 4 Stable Fittings, except ena- melled, iron or steel - - 2 Spanners - - 3 Stable Fittings and JNIangers, Spar — iron, enamelled - - - 3 In the rough, in bulk - B Stag Horns - 4 Ground - . - - C .Staircases. See Joiners* work. Spawn, Mushroom - - - 2 Stair Eods - - - .-. 3 Spelter, in plates or ingots c Stalling or Bootbing 3 Spelter Sheets — Stalls or Carts, Coffee, on In casks or cases 1 7vheels 4 E.o.h.p. - - - - 2 Stampings, iroji or steel, rough. Spent Bark or Tan - B unfinished, not tintted or Spermaceti . - - - 4 galvanised - - - - 1 Sperm Oil — In casks or iron drums. Stampings of Sheet Iron and Tin Plates, in compressed ?-ound or tapered at one bundles _ - . . B end . . - - 1 E.o.h.p. - - - - 3 Standards — Fencing, iron, in concrete Spetches — Dry, in casks or bags - Wet— From tanners, in casks From tanners, not packed E.o.h.p. - - - - 1 blocks - - - . For hurdles, iron or steel — 1 C 1 2 Packed - - - . A^ot packed For rolling mills, iron or steel For steam hammers, iron or C 1 c Spiegeleisen — //( bulk - . . - B steel - - - . c E.o.h.p. - - . - C Stands — Spikes and Nails, iron or steel c Bicycle, wrought iron 3 Spile Pegs - - - - 1 Flower — ; > Spindles — Wrought iron - - - 4 In boxes - - - - 3 E.o.h.p. - - ~ . 5 E.o.h.p. . - - - 1 Hat- Iron or steel, for rolling inills c Cast iron - - - 3 Spirits : — Wood - 5 In cases or casks 3 Kitchen fire place 3 In hampers _ - . 4 Lavatory, earthenware, com- E.o.hp. - - - 5 plete, enamelled 3 93 Stakds] [Stoxes Article. Class. Article. Class. S lands — CO 11 1 ill iu'd. Sticks — continued. i Seiviiif/ Mac/line — Pea and Bean - . . ' c In parts, packed in cases Umbrella — or frames - - - 3 In the rough - . - 2 E.o.h.p. - - - - 4 E.o.h.p. - - - - 4 Umbrella — Walking — Cast iron - - - 3 In the rough - - - 2 Wood - - - . 5 E.o.h.p. - - - - 4 Stannite of — Potash . - - . 2 Stills— Soda - - - - - O Copper - - . . 4 Staples — •Iron - Wire, for bookbinders - 1 2 Iron - - - - - Stirrups ----- Stocks, Gun - - - - 1 3 3 3 Starch— Stone — . In bays, loves, cases, or casks 2 Blue— E.oM.p. - 3 In bags, boxes, case8,or casks 2 Stationery, e.o.h.p: - . - 3 E.o.h.p. - - - - 3 Staves, prepared, for casks C Blue— Stay — . In bags, bo.ves, cases, or Laces — casks - - - - 2 Cotton or leather 3 E.o.h.p. - - - . 3 I E.o.h.p. - - . - 4 Carved, for building pur- Kods, and Stay Tin^liteuers. poses, e.o.h.p. - - - 2 S^e Telecjraph Stores. Cutting and Crushing Ma- Stays, not silk, for wearing chines - . - _ I appai-el 3 Decorative, carved, for de- See also Drapery, heavy. corating the interior of Steam — build inus - - - . 4 Engines, Horizontal, Por- In the rough state. Building, table, Tram, and Vertical - 2 Pitching, Paving, Kerb, or Excavators . - - . 2 Flag - - . - B Eire Enfrines ... 3 Ridges, /or roofing C Gauffes 4 Sawn, or roughly wrought up. Hammers - - - - 1 such as Sinks or Troughs - C Pipes, iron or steel C Stone and undressed ma- Ploughs and Steam Plough terial for the repair of Viin^ 2 roads - - - _ A Roundabouts in Vans - 4 Wholly undressed, straight Tubes, brass or copper 2 from a quarry A AVniches - 3 Stearine . . _ _ 1 Stoxks: — Stearine Candles - - - 1 Alabaster Stone, in lumps, Steel— ungrouiid - . - B Bars and bundles 2 Brimstone, crude or unmanu- Blistered - 1 faclurid - - - . C Sheet - - 3 Burrstones - - - - C See also Iron and Steel list. Cement Stone - . . B pages 72, 73, and 74. Cliertstone - - - - C Steelyards 3 China Stone . - . C Steering or Rudder Wheels — Curling Stones - . - 2 In cases, crates, or frames - 3 Kmery Stone - - . c E.o.h.p. - - _ - I (Jravestoncs - - . 4 Stench Traps, iron or steel 1 Grindstones — Steps. Sec Builders' implements. /// the rough - - _ c Steps— E.o.h.p. - - - - 2 Carriage - - - _ 3 Gypsum Stone, in lumps, Cart 3 unground - . . H Stereotype Casts - - _ f Ilonestoncs - - - 3 Stern Frames, Ship.i_(/ B Theatrical Luggage and Scenery 4 96 Thermometers] [Trenails Article. Class. Article. Class. TheiinoiiK'teis . - . 5 Tobacco — continued. Thimbles — Leaf— E.vcept gold, silver, or /m hogsheads or tierces 2 plated - - - - 3 E.o.hp. - - - - 3 E.o.h.p. - - - - 5 Manufactured (except cigars Thirds or Pollards - C and cigarettes) 4 Thread, cotton and linen - 3 Paper - - - - - 2 Threshing Machines 2 .Stoves or Presses 2 Tickets, liaihray - - - 3 Tomatoes . - - . 4 Tie Clips, Cotton, packed C Tombstones - - - - 4 Ties. See Bridgework. Tonquin Beans . - . 5 Ties, Tie Rods, and Wind Ties. See Roof work . Tighteners, Screiv and Stay. See Telegraph Stores. Tile Stoves, Fireclay Tiles— Art ----- Draining, Garden Edging, 4 Tools— Carpenters,^ Coopers', Edge, Joiners', Masons', and Shipivrights' - - - Well-boring and Pit-boring- 3 2 4 Tops and Bottoms, Press, iron or steel, unfini'ihed Torch wick - _ - - C , 2 Paving, Hoofing, com- Tortoiseshell - - - - 5 mon . - - - Roofing, irofi or steel, painted, galvanised, or enamelled . . . E.o.h.p. - - - - Tilt Hammers, or Helves, iron or steel . - - - Timber — Actual machine weight Measurement weight - B C C C C 1 Tow— In bales, minimum 60 cwt. per tvaggon - - - In bales, e.o.h.p. - - - E.o.h.p. - - - - Tow Waste— Hydraulic or steam press- packed - - - - For paper 7naking E.o.h.p. - - - - 1 2 3 C 1 2 Tin— In blocks, cakes, or ingots - 2 Toys— Packed - . - _ 3 Crystals - . - - 4 E.o.h.p. - - _ - Traces and Chains — 4 Liquor . _ - - Ore Plates, iron or steel Plates, Clippings, Shearings, and Stampings of, in com- 2 1 1 Iron or steel, 7iot packed Packed - - _ - Traction Engines - - . Train Oil — C 2 2 pressed bundles Plates, icooden, boxes for packing - - - - Scrap - - - - - Skimmings - - - - Tubes B C 1 B 4 l7i casks or iro7t d}-ums, round or tapered at one end E.o.h.p. - - - - Tram — Couplings, Ii-on or steel Engines, Steam - - - 1 3 1 2 Tinware — Wheels and Axles, iron or In cases or casks 3 steel - . - - c E.o.h.p. ... - 4 Traps— Tincal 2 Si7ik, brass, or copper 3 Tinfoil 2 Sink a7id Stench, iro7i or Tinned Iron, in sheets, 7wt steel _ - - . 1 packed _ . . _ i Siiik, eai'thenware or fireclay 1 Tip Iron - - - - C Vermin - - _ - 3 Tips— Travelling Bags. See Drapery, Colliery - . - _ 2 light. Brassed, for boot heels 3 Trawl Heads, i7-07i or steel C Shoe, iron or steel C Trays, iro7i or steel - - - 3 Toasting Forks, iron or steel - 3 Treacle - - - - - 1 Tobacco — Ti'eads, Wood, in frames, for Boxes, metal . - - 3 stairs - - - - - 1 Juice — Trees, e.o.h.p. - - - - 4 In casks - - - - 2 Trellis Work, zcood, in bu7idles 3 E.o.h.p. - - 3 Trenails C 97 Trestles] [Vans Article. Class. Article. Class. Trestles. See Builders' imple- Turpentine — mejits. Crude, i/i casks - - - 1 Trestles, icrought iron 1 Spirits of- — Tricycles . - . . 5 In casks or iron drums - 2 Trimmings, Coach and E.o.h.p. - - - - .'5 Uph olsterers' — Turtle 5 In bales, packs, or trusses 3 Twigs — E.o.h.p. - - - - 4 Broivn - .. . . 2 See also Drapery, light. Green and wet - - - 1 Trivets, iron or steel 3 White or stained 3 Troughs — T\^'inc - - - - - 2 Bahcrs\ wooden - 3 Twist, cotton arid linen, in Cattle and other, iron or bags,balcs, boxes, cases, casks, steel .... .3 skips, or wrappers 2 Earthenware and Jireclaij - C Twist (^except silk) - - - 3 Stone for - - - - c Typo 3 Trouser Stretchers, iro7i, port- Type Printers' Hollers - 4 able - . - - - 3 Tyres and Tyro Bars, iron or Trout,//-e5/i - - - - 4 steel — Trowels 3 In the rough - c Trucks, Bloom 1 Trunks - - - - - 5 Trunks, tin or sheet iron, packed in cases or crates 3 Ultramarine - - - - 4 Trunnions, uiifinished, iroji or Umber . , . . C steel - - . - - C Umbrellas - _ - . 4 Trusses and Packs, Hawkers' - 4 Umbrella — Tubbing, Colliery, iron or Fittings - - . . 3 steel - - - - - C Stands — Tubes :— Cast iron 3 Brass or copper (^except Wood . - - - 5 steam), packed 3 Sticks— Coated ivith brass 2 l7i the rough - - - 2 Electro-coppered 2 E.o.h.p. - - - - 4 Fittings for Tubes, iron or Stretchers - - - - 3 steel, except electro-cop- Undressed Material, /or the re- pered or coated ivilh brass c pair of roads - . - A Iron or steel, except electro- Upholsterers' Trimming coppered or coated with In bales, packs, or trusses - 3 brass - - - - c E.oh.p. - - - - 4 Paper, for Cops - - - 3 See also Drapery, light. Sanitari/ - - - . c; Steam, brass or copper 2 Tin 4 Zinc 4 Valonia - - - ~ - C Tubing, brass or copper, Valves — e.o.h.p. - - - - 4 Brass .... 3 Tubs— Gas or Water, iron or steel - 1 Iron 2 Valves or Seal Pipes, iron or Washing . - - - 3 steel - - - - - 1 Wood . - - - 3 Vans — Tue Irons ... - 2 Commercial Travellers' 4 Tun Shoes. See Roofwork. Containing Steam Bouud- Turbot,/ics/i - - - - 4 abo'its - - - - 4 Turf B Furniture, returned empty. Turmeric ... - o if from the .same station Turnery Ware 3 and consignee to uhich Turnings, Wood for fish and to whom they were curing . . - . c carried full, to the same Turnips — station and consignor from In bulk,Jor callle feeding - li which and from whom they E.o.h.p. - - - - c were carried full C Turn-tables, in parts c Steam Plough - - . 3 U 72496. G 98 Vaunisu] [Watch Glasses Article. Class. Article. ClaBB. Varnish — Waggon Slippers, aro« - 1 In casks or iriiii drmiis 2 Waggon Work, Railway, iron E.o.h.p. - - - - 3 or steel . - . - C Black, common, in casks 1 Walking Sticks, e.o.h.p - 4 Vaseline . . . . 3 In the rough 2 Vases, glass - - - - 5 Wall Boxes and Brackets, iro7i Vats 4 or steel - - - - c Vegetables — .See also Telegraph Stores. Not packed, e.o.h.p., 7?iini- Walnuts, gj-ecn, and Husks 2 mnm 20 cicl. per trar/fjon - 1 Warmers, Foot and Carriage - 3 Packed, e.o.h.p. - - - 2 Warming Pans ... 3 Hothouse, packed 4 Warps — Vegetables — Except silk _ - - 4 In brine . . . . 1 Wash Leather 8 Desiccated Jor cattle food - 1 Washers — Vegetable — Brass or copper - - - 3 Ivory 3 Iron or steel . . - C Tar c Leather . . - . 2 Washing Machines 4 Washing — Wax 2 Boards . _ . . 3 Vehicles, Railway, e.o.h.p., Machine Hollers - 1 loaded in other ivaggons C Machines, packed 8 Velocipedes - - - - 5 Not packed 4 Velvet, Cotton- Machines, Vegetable - 4 In bales, packs, or tr-nsses - 3 Powder and Paste 1 Velvet, e.o.h.}}. - - - 5 Tubs - - - - - 3 Veneers . - - - - 4 Washstand Tops, 7narblc, Venetian Blinds — packed - - - - 3 In cases, crates, or frames - 3 Waste— E.o.h.p. - - - - 4 Alum- _ - - _ C Venetian Masts or Flag Poles - 2 A7itimony Ore - - - B Venison _ - - . 4 Bo7ie - - - - - C Ventilators — Cotton, for paper making, Small, iron or brass, for hydraulic or steam press- buildings, packed - 3 packed - - - . C E.o.h.p - - . - 5 Cotton . . . . 2 Ships' - - . _ 2 Flax— Verdigris - . _ - 4 For paper 7naking, hy- Verjuice, in casks - - - 1 draulic or steam pi-ess- Vermicelli - _ - - 3 packed- . - - C Vermii- - For paper 7naki7ig - 1 Killer (phosphorous paste). E.o.h.p. - - - - 2 packed - . - - 5 He7np,for paper tnaking 1 Traps 3 Hoof, e.o.h.p. . - . C Vertical Steam Engines - 2 Hoin, e.o.h.p. . - . c Vetches - . - - - C Ivory - - - - 2 Vices, lion or steel - - - 2 Jute, for paper making 1 Vinegar — Leather Cuttings or Parings - 1 l7i casks . - - - 1 Linen — 1 71 cases - - . - 2 For paper 7naking, hy- E.o.h.p. - - - - 3 draulic or steam p7-ess- packed ... c For paper making - 1 E.o.h.p. - - - - 2 Wadding, cotton _ - . 3 Paper, for paper making c Wads Gun - - - - 3 Sulphate of Lime A Waggon Bodies — Tow- In pieces, bound together 1 Hydraulic or steam-p7-ess Iiailwag _ - - _ 2 packed- . - . C liailway, fitted together 2 For paper making - 1 Waggon Brasses, liailway 2 E.o.h.p. . - . , 2 AVaggous, liailway, e.o.h.p., Woollen - - - - 2 loaded m other waggons C Watch Glasses . . . 5 99 Water] [Wine Article. Class. Water— Aliunina . . . . C Distilled— III cases or casks . 1 E.o.h.p. - - 2 Gas— In owners' tank ivayijons • A E.o.h.p. - - - - B Lime — In casks - - - - 1 E.o.h.p. - - 3 Water Cans — In casks or crates - - 3 E.o.h.p. - - 4 Water Meters - 3 Water Pipes (exclusive of rain water pipes), iroti or steel - C Water 'J'abling, Cement - . 1 Water Valves, iron or steel - 1 Waters, Aerated and Mine- ral— In cases and casks - . 1 E.o.h.p. - 2 Waterproof Clothing (^except oily cancas clothiny') - - 3 Wax— Bees' - - - - - 2 Japan ... - 2 Paraffin - - - - I Sealing - 3 Shoemakers' - 2 Vegetable - - - - 2 Wax- Candles - 4 Heads, Figures, and Flowers 5 Wearing Apparel (^e^-clusice of silk goods), e.o.h.p. 4 WearingApparel,.sea/A/f/;is mc de into articles of - - 5 Weavers' Shuttles - - 3 Webbing — Elastic - . . . Heed, for ceilings Weft, cotton and linen, in bags, bales, boxes, cases, casks, skips, or ivrappers Weft (_e.vcept silk) - Weighing Machines — Large (_those nsed for weighing railwaij or other vehicles, and also cattle) - Small (^those used for weighing packages and goods) - - - - Weights— Brass- - - - - Iron or steel . . . Letter Well-boring and Pit-boring Tools Whalebone - - - - Article. Whale Oil— In casks or iron drums, round or tapered at one end E.o.k.p. . - . . Wheat Wheeling Pieces and Wheeling Planks. See Guilders' im- plements. Wheels — Cart, Coach, and Carriage - Cart and Plough, iron or steel . . - . Emery — In bo.res or cases E.o.h.p. - - - - Fly and Spur - - - Iron or steel {liaihcay Car- riage, Railway Waggon, Tram, or Corve) Locomotive Engine and Tender - - - - Plough, iron or steel - Rudder or Steering — In cases, crates, or frames E.o.h.p. - - . - Wheelbarroic, ii'oti or steel - With frames for hoisting purposes (Gins) Wheelbarrows - . . in parts - - . - Wheelbarrow Wheels, iron or steel - - . - . Whelks - - - - - Whetstones . - - - Whisk, ybr making brooms Whisks, packed . . . Vn'hileha.it, fresh - - - White Lead - - - - Whitening - . - . Whiting Willows — Brown . . . . Green and wet - . . White or staiiied Winches — Crab - - - - - Sec also Builders' Implements. Hand- . . . . Steam . . . . Windlasses - - . - See alsoBuilders' Implements. Window — Frames, ii-oti — Packed in cases E.o.h.p. - - - - Guards, iron . . . Sashes See Joiners' tcork. Shutters, iron or steel - Wind Ties. Sec Roofuork. Wine Bins . . . - Wine, Beef, in boxes o 2 Class. 100 Winks] [Yarn Article. WiNF.S: — In cases or casks III hampers ... E.o.h.p. - - - . Wines, Jirillsh — /n casks - - - • E.o.h.p. . - - - WiKE :— Copper or brass, packed in bags, cases, or casks Cotton covered, in casks, hampers, cases, and can- vas covered coils German Silver, in cases and casks _ . - - Insulated - - - - Iron — Not packed or wrappered E.o.h.p. - - - - Lead - - - - - Needle - - - - Polished . - - - Steel — Not packed or wrap- pered - - - - E.o.h.p. - - - - Wire (of iron or steel, includ- iug tinned or galvanised), in u-rapped coils, or not otherwise packed Wire- Gauze _ . . - Iron, rolled in-i-ods or coils, not packed ... Netting iron . _ . Poultry Vens, folded - Rods, rolled, not drawn, i?'on or steel - . - - - Eope, iro>t or steel, old, cut in pieces - - - - Eopes ----- Staples, ybr bookbinders Woad Wolfram - - - . Wood Acid — III casks - - - - E.o.h.p. - - - - Wood— Bent, rough, unfinished Bent, e.o.h.p, . . - Shavings - - - - Extract of, for tanning Fibre, hydraulic or steam press-packed - - - In bales - - - - Patterns, ybr castings - Pulp, or Half Stuff Pulp Middles Treads, in frames, for stairs - Turnings, ybr ^5/1 curing Class. Article. manufacture of of the Wooden — lUockSj/or paving lj()xes,y'or packing tin plates Woodwork — Eor the manufacture organs For the pianos . - - Carved, for decorating interior of buildings Wool : — Cotton, dressed and carded - JJnsscd or carded Hatters' (or Rabbit Fur) Jiaiv - - - - Slag, in bags and casks Slag, e.o.h.p. - - - Wool Oil Wool Sheets, new - - - Woollen and Cotton Slops — In bales, boxes, or ham- pers . - - - Woollen and Worsted Gloves — In bales, packs, or tinisses - E.o.h.p. _ . - - Woollen and Worsted Goods — In bales, packs, or trusses - E.o.h.p. - - - - See also Dropery, light. Woollen — Cloth — In bales, packs, or trusses - E.o.h.p. - - - - See also Drapery, light. Waste - - - - Yarn - - - - - Worsted Yarn - - . Wrappers, ybr cotton bales Wrenches, Coach - - - Wringing— Machine Rollers - - - Machines, packed Not packed - - - Writing Slates . . - Wrought Iron Double SA-rivels. See Telegraph Stores. Xylonite Yarn :— Cotton and linen, in bags, bales, bo.ves, cases, casks, skips, or wrappers - Class. 101 Yarn] [Zinc Article. Class. Artirlc. Class. 5rARN — continued. Linen, press-packed, in bunches or bales 2 Zinc : — Linen, e.o.h.p. . . - 3 Ashes - _ - . B Woollen and Worsted - 3 Bars ----- 2 Viirns (^except silk) 3 Carbonate of - - - c Yeast — 3 Chloride or Muriate vf 1 In bags, or in bags in Ingots - - . - c^ baskets, hydraidic press- Nails 2 packed, dry - _ . 2 Ore B E.o.h.p. - - - . 4 Oxide of - C See also Groceries. Plates - - - - C Yellow Metal- Ridges - - - . 1 Bolts and Nails - - - o Rods c Plates 1 Scrap - - - - - 2 Kods 2 Sheets - - - . C Sheathing - - - . 1 Skimmings - - - - B Yellow or Persian Berries 3 Tubes - - _ . 4 Yolk of Eggs - - - - 5 Zinc White, or Oxide of Ziuc - C 102 Tlio General Conditions under which the Maximum Rates and Charges can be made. Division ichedule. Maximum conveyance rates. The following sections (Nos. 1 to 27) arc in the main common to all the BailuuiT/ Rates and Charges Order Confirmation Acts, 1891 a?id 1892. The sections not common to all the Acts are marked thus*, and the sections ivhich are substituted therefor are 2m7ited on pages 109 to 112. I. — Maximum Rates and Charges. 1. This schedule of maximum rates and charges shall be divided into six parts : Part I., containing tlie maximum rates and charges authorised in respect of the merchandise comprised in the several classes of merchandise specified in the classification ; Part II. and Part III., containing the maximum rates and charges authorised in respect of animals and carriages as therein mentioned ; Part IV., specifying the exceptional charges mentioned in such part, and the cii'cumstances in which they may be made ; Part V., containing the rates and charges authorised in respect of perishable merchan- dise by passenger train, with the provisions and regnlations which are to apply to such class of merchandise ; and Part VI., contain- ing the rates and charges authorised in respect of small parcels by merchandise train, with the provisions and regulations which are to apply to such parcels. *2. The maximum rate for conveyance is the maximum rate which the Company may charge for the conveyance of merchandise by merchandise train ; and, subject to the exceptions and provisions specified in this schedule, includes the provision of locomotive power and trucks by the Company, and every other expense incidental to such conveyance not hei'cin-after provided for. Provided that — (a.) The provision of trucks is not included in the maximum rates applicable to merchandise specified in Class A. of the classification, and the Company shall not be required to pro- vide trucks for the conveyance of such merchandise, or for the conveyance of lime in bulk or salt in bulk, or of the follow- ing articles when carried in such a manner as to injure the trucks of the Company ; that is to say, ammoniacal liquor, creosote, coal-tar, gas-tar, gas-water, or gravel tarred for paving. (h.) Where, for the conveyance of merchandise other than merchandise specified in Class A. of the classification, the Company do not provide trucks, the rate authorised for con- veyance shall be reduced by a sum which for distances not exceeding 50 miles shall, in case of difference between the Company and the person liable to pay the charge, be deter- mined by an arbitrator to be appointed by the Board of Trade, 103 The General Conditions undi-:ii which iiiE ^^I.vxi.mum Eates and Charges can be made — continued. and for distances exceeding 50 miles shall be the cliarge ^^'»^™"ni authorised to be made by the Company for the provision of rates." ' trucks when not included in tiie mnxiniuin rate for con- veyance. 3. The maximum station terminal is the maximum charge iraximura which the Oompimy may make to a trader for the U5-c of the •'^tatio" tcr- accommodation (exclusive of coal drops) ])rovidcd, and for the duties undei taken by the Company for which no other provision is made in this schedule, at the terminal station fir or in dealing with merchandise, as carriers thereof, before or after conveyance. 4. The maximum service terminals are the maximum charges Maximum which the Company may make to a trader for the following service ter- services, when rendered to or for a trader, that is to say, loading, """" *' unloading, covering, and uncovering merchrmdise, which charges shall, in respect of each service, be deemed to include all charges for the provision by the Company of labour, machinery, plant, stores, and sheets. Provided that — Where merchandise conveyed in a separate truck is loaded or ludoaded elsewhere than in a shed or building of the Company, the Company may not charge to a trader any service terminal for the performance by the Company of any of the said services if the trader has requested the Company to allow him to perform the service for himself and the Company have unreasonably refused to allow him to do so. Any dispute between a trader and the Company in reference to any service terminal charged to a tr.ider who is not allowed by the Com- pany to perform for himself the service glial! be determined by the Board of Trade. 5. The Comi)any may charge for the services hereunder men- Special charjjes. tloned, or any of them, when rendered to a trader at his request or for his convenience, a reasonable sum, by way of addition to the tonnage rate. Any tlifference arising under this section shall be determined by an arbitrator to be appointed by tliC Board t)f Trade at the instance of either party. Provided that where before any service is rendered to a trader he has given notice in writing to the Company that he does not require it, the service shall not bs deemed to have been rendered at the trader's request or for hi*J convenience. (i.) Services rendered by the Company at or in connexion with sidings not belonging to the Conqany. (ii.) The collection or delivery of merchandise outside the ter- minal sintion. (iii.) ^yelghl^.g merchuidiso. 104 Spcclul cliiirges. Thio Oknkral Conditions under wiijcii tite Maximum Kates and Oiiaeges can be made — contiimed. (iv.) Tlic detention of trucks, or the use or occupation of any accomniodation, before or after conveyance, beyond such T)criod as sliall be reasonably necessary for enabling the Com- pany to deal with the merchandise as carriers thereof, or the consignor or consignee" to give or take delivery thereof; or, in cases in which the merchandise is consigned to an address otiicr than the terminal station, beyond a reasonable period I'rom the time when notice has been delivered at such address that the merchandise has arrived at the terminal station for delivery. And services rendered in connexion with such use and occupation. (v.) Loading or unloading, covering or uncovering merchandise comprised in Class A or Class B of the classification. (vi.) The use of coal drops. (vii.) The provision by the Company of accommodation at a waterside wharf, and special services rendered thereat by the Company in respect of loading or unloading merchandise into or out of vessels or barges where no special charge is pre- scribed by any Act of Parliament. Provided that charges under this snb-section shall for the purposes of sub-section (3) of section 33 of the Railway and Canal Traffic Act, 1888, be deemed to be dock charges. 6. Where merchandise is conveyed in trucks not belonging to the Company, tiie trader shall be entitled to recover from the Company a reasonable sum by way of demurrage for any detention of his trucks beyond a reasonable period, either by the Company or by any other company over whose railway the trucks have been conveyed under a through rate or contract. Any difference arising under this section shall be determined by an arbitrator to be appointed by the Board of Trade at the instance of either party. 7. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the Company from making and receiving, in addition to the charges specified in this schedule, charges and payment"^, by way of rent or otherwise, for sidings or other structural accommodation provided or to be pro- vided for the private use of traders, and not required by the Company for dealing with the traffic for the purposes of convey- ance, ])rovided that the amotint of such charges or pajanents is fixed by an agreement, in writing, signed by the trader, or by some person duly atithorised on h's behalf, or determined in case of difference by an arbitiator to be appointed by the Board of Trade. Transhipment. 8. In rcspcct of merchandise received from or delivered to anotlier railway company having a railway of a different gauge, the Company may make a reasonable charge for any service of transhipment performed by them, the amount of such charge to be Demurrage charge for traders' trucks. Cliarges for jnivate sidings, &c. under agreement. 105 The General Conditions under which the Maximum Kates and Charges can be made — continued. (leterniinefl in case of difference by an arbitrator to be appointed Transhipment, by the Board of Trade. *9. The Company may charge fur the use of the trucks provided Charges for use by them for the conveyance of mcrcliandise, when the provision ^^ trucks. of trucks is not included in tlie maxiuium rates for conveyance, any sums not exceeding the following : — .9. (1. For distances not exceeding 20 miles - 4^ per ton. For distances exceeding 20 miles, but not exceeding 50 miles - - - G ., „ For distances exceeding 50 miles, but not exceeding 75 miles - - - 9 „ „ For distances exceeding 75 miles, but not exceeding 150 miles - - -10,,,, For distances exceedino 150 miles - -13,,,, II. — Provisions as to Fixing Rates and Charges. 10. In calculating the distance along the railway for the Calculation of purpose of the maximum charge for conveyance of any merchan- d. per cwt. For any distance exceeding 25 miles but not exceeding 50 miles - - - - 4r/. „ ,, For any distance exceeding 50 miles but not exceeding 100 miles ... - 8f/. „ „ For each additional 50 miles or part of 50 miles ?>d. „ ,, The minimum weight to be 56 lb'-., with a minimum charge of 3; 150 miles - d. 6 per ton. 9 9. The section (9) settimj forth the amount the companies ma// conditionall// charge for the use of trucks, is oviitted from the North Eastern and Scottish Raihvays Acts. 10 to 27. The sections numbered respectively 9 to 26 in the Acts applicable to the North Eastern and Scottish Railways are numbered 10 to 27, in the other Railways, ^-c. Acts, 1891 and 1892. Maximum charges for short distances. Returned empties. North London Railway Act. 11. Where merchandise is conveyed for an entire distance whicli does not exceed in the case of merchandise in respect of which a station terminal is chargeable at each end of the transit three miles, or in the case of merchandise in respect of which a station terminal is chargeable at one end of the transit four and a half miles, or in the case of merchandise in respect of which no station terminal is chargeable six miles, the Company may make the charges for conveyance authorised by this schedule as for three miles, four and a half miles, and six miles respectively. Irish Railways Act. 22. In respect of returned empties, if from the same station and consignee to which and to w^liom they were carried lull to the same station and consignor from which and from wdiom they were carried full, the Company may charge the following rates inclusive of station and service terminals : — For any distance not exceeding 25 miles - 3^. per cwt. For any distance exceeding 25 miles but not exceeding 30 miles - - - - 4^. „ „ For any distance exceeding 50 miles but not exceeding 100 miles . _ _ Qd. „ „ For each additional 50 miles or part of 50 miles ^d. „ „ The minimum weight to be 56 lbs., w'ith a minimum charge of M. 4r/. per cwt. or/. )i Id. )} 8(7. » 9r/. j; 10//. Ud. I a 1 minimum Ill The General Conditions under which the Maximum Kates and Charges can be made — cuntinued. Provided that — Returned (1.) Ileturned empty sacks and bag.s shall not be charged *™P*'<^^- more than half the above rates with a minimum charge of Ad. (2.) Returned empty carboys or crates (other than glass njanufacturerd' crates and crates taken to pieces and so packed) may be charged double the above rates, (3.) Eeturned empty fish packages shall not be charged more than the following rates : — For any distance not exceeding 50 miles - For any distance exceeding 50 miles but not exceeding 100 miles For any distance exceeding 100 miles but not cxceedinfj ) 50 nnles For any distance exceeding 150 miles but not exceedinf; 200 miles For any distance exceeding 200 miles but not excecdini )n Line, l)etwi,en Earl Strnet and Walworth Road, is to be calculated as sixmilea; and the railway U 72496. ' ji 114 Maximum Rates and Charges — continned. Conditions special to particular Acts under which THE Maximum Rates and Charges contained in THOSE Acts are to be calculated — continued. London, Chatham, and Dover Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act, 1891 — continued. between Wandsworth Road and the Junction with the Victoria Station and Pimlico Railway is to be calculated as six miles. Wliere the distance over which merchandise is conveyed con- sists in part of a line or lines of the railway to Avhich one scale and in p irt of a line or lines to which another or more than one other sc!)le of rates is applicable, the maximum charge for each such portion of the entire distance shall be calculated at the maximum rate which, according to the scale applicable to such portion, would be chargeable for the entire distance. LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY (RATES AND CHARGES) ORDER CONFIRMATION ACT, 189L In calculating the distance over which any merchandise is con- veyed, and for all purposes of rates and charges, the Runcorn Bridge is to be calculated as nine miles, and the Junction Railway, authorised by the Stockport, Dit^ley, and Whaley Bridge Railway Act, 1855, is to be calculated as three-quarters of a mile. Where the distance over which merchandise is conveyed con- sists in part of a line or lines of the railway to which one scale and in part of a line or lines to which another or more than one other scale of rates is applicable, the maximum charge for each such portion of the entire distance shall be calculated at the maximum rate which, according to the scale applicable to such portion, would be chargeable for the entire distance. ■^Nothing in this Order shall affect the tolls, rates, dues, and charges prescribed by the St. Helens Canal and Railway Transfer Act, 1864 (sections 12, 13, and 14), the London and North- Western Railway (Additional Powers, England) Act, 1865 (section 72), and the London and North- Western Railway (New Works and Additional Powers) Act, 1867 (section 48), but the Comj)any may, in respect of the traffic there referred to, demand or take the tolls, rates, dues, or charges prescribed by those enact- ments, and shall not demand or take any tolls, rates, dues, or charges in excess thereof. Provided furiher that nothing herein contained shall prejudice or affect any maximum rates or charges * See Appendix, No. 1, page 205. 115 Maximuji Rates and Charges — continued. Conditions special to particular Acts under which THE Maximum Rates and Charges contained in those Acts are to be calculated — continued. London and North Western Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act, 1891 — continued. in respect of any new clock for the construction of which the Company may seek powers from Parliament. *The maximum rates for conveyance for iron and steel articles in Classes B. and C. of the classification shall not exceed upon the portions of the railway resj)cctively governed by the London and North- Western Railway Amalfjamation Act, 1846 (9 & 10 Vict. c. 204), and the Stour Valley Railway Act, 184lj (9 & 10 Vict. c. 328), the rates by those Acts respectively authorised. Notwithstanding anything in this Order, the following pro- visions with respect to the traffic specified in Classes A. and B. passing over the Whitehaven Junction (Whiteliaven and Mary- port) and Cockermouth and Workington Railways or any portion of such railways shall apply and have eflfect : — (rt.) In respect of waggons provided by the Company tor the conveyance of traffic s[)ecified in Class A., the Company shall be entitled to demand and receive a charge of one farthing per ton per mile. {b.) In respect of the traffic specified in Classes A. and B., and of waggons provided by the Company for the carriage thereof which shall be conveyed for a less distance than four miles, the Company may domand and receive rates and charges as for four miles at the least irrespective of the place of origin or destination of such traffic, (c.) No charge shall be made by the Company for the mere delivery of trucks into and upon a siding not belonging to the Company over the junction between the railway and such siding, or lor the haulage of trucks from and off such a ei ling over the junction on to the railway of the Company. AVith respect to the articles and things set forth under the headings Hardware and Mollow-ware in Class 3 of the classifica- tion, the maximum rates for conveyance over the railways governed by the London and North-Western Railway Amalgamation Act. 1846 (9 & 10 Vict. c. 204), and the Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and Stour Valley Railway Act, 1846 (9 & 10 Vict. c. 328), shall be twopence halfpennny per ton j)cr mile if conveyed for any less distance than 50 miles, and twopence per ton per mile if conveyed for a distance of 50 miles or upwards, provided always that where such articles and things are conveyed for any distance exceeding 49 miles the company may charge as for 49 miles at the least. * See Appendix, No, 3, page 208. H 2 116 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Conditions special to particular Acts under which THE Maximum Rates and Charges contained in THOSE Acts are to be calculated— cor/^mMe^, GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY (RATES AND CHARGES) ORDER CONFIRMA- TION ACT, 1891. In calculating the distance over which any merchandise is con- veyed, and for all purposes of rates and charges, the Severn Tunnel is to be calculated as twelve miles. \Vhere the distance over which merchandise is conveyed con- sists in part of a line or lines of the Company to which one scale and in part of a line or lines to which another or more than one other scale of rates is applicable, the maximum charge for each portion of the entire distance shall be calculated at the maximum rate -which, according to the scale applicable to such portion, would be chargeable for the entire distance. *The maximum rates for conveyance for lime and for iron and steel articles in Classes B. and C. of the classification shall not exceed upon the portions of the railway respectively governed by the Great Western Railway Act, 1847 (10 & 11 Vict. c. 226), and the Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton Railway Acts, 1845 (8 & 9 Vict. c. 184), and 1846 (9 & 10 Vict. c. 278), the rates by those Acts respectively authorised. fNothing contained in this Order shall alter, vary, or affect the tolls, rates, or charges which the Company are at the commence- ment of this Order authorised to demand and take in respect of merchandise traffic on the Monmouthshire Railways of the Comi)any amalgamated with the undertaking of the Company by the Great Western and Munmuuthshire Railway Companies Ani;dgamation Act, 1880, or in respect of merchandise traffic on any line of railway on Lord Tredegar's Park Mile in the occupation of the Company. jNothing contained in this Act shall repeal, affect, or prejudice the enactments contained in the provisoes to section 22 of the Great Western Railway (Various Powers) Act, 1867, or the pro- visions with regard to tolls and charges contained in section 30 of the Great Western Railway Act, 1872, or section 47 of the Great Western Railway Act, 1873. RAILWAY RATES AND CHARGES (ABBOTS- BURY RAILWAY, &c.) ORDER CONFIRMA- TION ACT, 1892. With regard to merchandise conveyed on the Ludlow and Clee Hill Railway, in addition to the maximum rates and terminals herein auth( rised, the Company shall have power to charge for the use of each of the two inclined planes being respectively of gradients steeper than 1 in 28 on the railway a sum not exceeding one penny per ton. * See Appendix, No. 3, page 209. f See Appendix, No. 4, page 212. X See Appendix, No. 5, page 217. 117 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Conditions special to particular Acts i;nder aviiich THE Maximum Rates and Cilvrgks contained in those Acts are to be calculated — continued. RAILWAY RATES AND CHARGES (BRECON AND MERTHYR TYDFIL JUNCTION RAIL- WAY, &c.) ORDER CONFIRMATION ACT, 1892. Where the distance over which merchandise is conveyed con- sists in part of a line or lines of the Company to which one scale, and in purt of a line or lines to which another or more than one other scale of rates is applicable, the maximum charge for each portion of the entire distance shall be calculated at the maximnm rate which, according to the scale applicable to such portion, would be chargeable for the entire distance. Nothing contained in this Order shall alter, vary, or affect the tolls, rates, or charges which the Pontypridd, Caerphilly, and Newport Railway Company are at the commencement of this Order authorised to demand and take in respect of merchandise traffic on any li;ie of railway on Lord Tredegar's Park Mile in occupation of the Company. In calculating the distance over which any merchandise is con- veyed, and for all purposes of rates and charges, the following parts of the Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway arc to be calculated at the distances stated below, and any part of such distances is to be calculated proportionately. Between Pennorth and Torpantau Torpantau and Dolygaer Pantywaen and Deri Junction - RAILWAY RATES AND CHARGES (CAM- BRIAN RAILWAY, &c.) ORDER CONFIRMA- TION ACT, 1892. In calculating the distance over which any merchandise is con- veyed and for all purj)oses of rates and charges the Barmouth Viaduct on the Cambrian Railway is to be calculated as three miles, and the distance between Carno and Llanbrynmair on the Eame railway as eleven miles. RAILWAY RATES AND CHARGES (EAST LONDON RAILWAY, &c.) ORDER CONFIRMA- TION ACT, 1892. In calculating the distance over which any merchandise com- prised in Classes A. and B. is conveyed, the East London Railway Miles. Cbaius. - 17 60 . 2 70 - 7 40 118 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Conditions special to particulak Acts under which THE Maximum Rates and Charges contained in THosJE Acts are to be calculated — contimied. Railway Rates and Charges (East London Rail- way, dec.) Order Confirmation Act, 1892— contimie*-. is to be calculated as seven miles, and in calculating the distance over which any other merchandise is conveyed, and for all pur- poses of rates and charges relating thereto, the East London Railway is to be calculated as eight miles. With respect to the following portions of the Metropolitan District Railway : — City Lines and Extensions : — (a) From junction with the Metropolitan Railway at Aldgate to junction with the Metropolitan District Railway at Mansion House Station : (b) From Minories junction with the above to the White- chapel junction with the East London Railway, and fi'ora junction near St. Mary's Station to Metropolitan District Railway Company^s Whitechapel Mile End Station : Inner circle main line from junction with the City Lines and Extensions at the Mansion House Station to end of railway at High Street Kensington Station including junction with the Metropolitan Railway at the latter station : Hammersmith Junction from Hammersmith Station to junction wdth the London and South Western Railway at Studland Road near Ravenscourt Park Station : The Metropolitan District Railway Company shall with respect to all merchandise conveyed thereon for any distance greater than two miles have power to charge for every mile or fraction of a mile as for three miles, and with respect to merchandise con- veyed for any distance not exceeding two miles the Company shall have power to charge as for six miles irrespective in either case of the place of origin or destination of the traffic. With regard to the following portions of the Metropolitan District Railway : — Junction lines between — "A " Box Junction near High Street Kensington to junction with West London Extension Railway near Addison Road Station : '* B " Box Junction near Gloucester Road Station to junction with Fulham Extension Railway at West Brompton Station : Hammersmith Extension Railway from junction near Earl's Court Station to Hammersmith Station : Fulham Extension from West Brompton Station to junction with the London and South Western Railway near Putney Bridge Station : 119 Maximum Rates and Chxrgbs^ contimied. Conditions special to particular Acts under which THE Maximum Rates and Charges contained in those Acts are to be calculated — continued Railway Rates and Charges (East London Rail- way, &c.) Order Confirmation Act, 1892— conHnued. The Metropolitan District Railway Company shall Avith respect to all merchandise conveyed thereon for any distance greater than three miles have power to charge for every mile or fraction cf a mile as for two miles, and with respect to merchandise conveyed for any distance not exceeding three miles the Metropolitan District Railway Company shall have power to charge as for six miles, irrespective in either case of the place of origin or destina- tion of the traflSc. Provided always that section 11 of this schedule shall not apply to the above-mentioned railways of the Metropolitan District Railway Company. RAILWAY RATES AND CHARGES (FESTI- NIOG RAILWAY, &c.) ORDER CONFIRMATION ACT, 1892. Special Provisions as to the North Wales Narrow Gauge Railway. Nothwithstanding anything in this Order tne fi)llowiui: pro- visions with respect to merchandise passing over the North "Wales Narrow Gauge Railway, or any portion of such railway, shall apply and have effect : — (a) In respect of trucks provided by the Company for the conveyance of merchandise specified in Class A., to and from slate quarries, the Company shall be entitled to dfuiand and receive a charge of one halfpenny per ton per mile ; (b) In resjject of all merchandise conveyed in trucks provided by the Company on the Bryngwyn branch of the said rail- way, to and from the slate quarries, a distance of 5^ miles, the Company shall bo entitled to charge as for 6j miles, and such charge shall cover the use by the quarry owners of the Company's trucks from the Drumhead over the quarry owners' sidings and inclines, into and out of the quarrie:-, and all services rendered by the Company at or in connexion with the Drumhead and incline ; (c) In nspect of all merchandise conveyed in owners' waggons on the main line of the said railway, to and fr<«m the GlanraCon siding from and to Dinas, a distance of 8\ miles, the Company shall be entitled to charge as and for 9^ miles, 120 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. CONDITION'S SPECIAL TO PARTICULAR AcTS UNDER WHICH THE ISIaximum Rates and Charges contained in THOSK Acts are to be calculated — continued. Railway Rates and Charges (Pestiniog Railway, &c.) Order Confirmation Act, 1892— cow^/««ed. but such charge shall cover tlie use of any siding belonging to the Company at that point, and any charged for taking merchandise on, to, or off such siding ; (d) Where quariy owneis provide their own trucks for the conveyance of merchandise other than murchandise specified in Class A. of the classification, the rate authorised for con- veyance shall be reduced as IbHovvs : — Between Bryngwyn Branch, Drumhead and Dinas - - - - Threepence per ton. Between Glanrafron Siding and Dinas Fourpence per ton. (e) No charge shall be made l)y the Company to the owners of quarries situated on the branches referred to in tlie above clauses b and c, for the delivery of trucks into and upon a siding belonging to, or not belonging to the Company, or over a junction between the railway and such siding, or for the haulage of trucks to, from, or otf such siding to the rail- way of the Company ; (f) In the event of arrangements being made by any quarry owner or quarry owners by which merchandise specified in Classes A. and B. can be conveyed from or to Carnarvon •without the necessity of unloading and re-loading at Dinas, then any necessary structural accommodation that may be required by the quarry owner or owners for that purpose shall be provided by the railway company at the cost of the quarry owner or OAvners requiring the same, and the amount to be paid to the railway company in respect of any service they may be required by the qutrry owner or owners to render in connexion with the working of such arrangements shall be fixed by an agreement in writing between the Com- pany and the quarry owner or owners or some person duly authorised on his or their behalf or determined in case of difference by an arbitrator to be appointed by the Board of I'rade. RAILWAY RATES AND CHARGES (FURNESS RAILWAY, &c.) ORDER CONFIRMATION ACT, 1892. Notwithstanding anything in this Order in calculating the distance over which any merchandise destined for or coming from the dooks and shipping places at "Whitehaven, via the Preston 121 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Conditions special to paeticular Acts under which THE Maximum Rates and Charges contained in those Acts are to be calculated — continued. Railway Rates and Charges (Furness Railway, &c.) Order Confirinatioii Act, 1S92— continued. Street Station is conveyed upon the railway, and for all purposes of rates and charges the railway between ]\Iirehouse Junction and the docks and shipping places at Whitehaven via the Preston Street Station, and any part of such railway shall be calculated as four miles, and the railway between Mirehouse Junction and the Bransty Station at AVhitehavet), including the Lonsdale Works, shall, in calculating the distance for the purposes of rates and charges in respect of merchandise traffic in Classes A. and B, con- veyed to or from the joint railways from or to Bransty Station at Whitehaven, including the Lonsdale Works, be calculated as two and a half miies. Notwithstanding anything in this Order, the following pro- visions with respect to merchandise comprised in Classes A. and B. conveyed upon the London and North Western and Furness Railway Companies* Joint Railways, herein-after called the Joint Railways, or any portion of such railways; shall apply and have effect : — (a.) In respect of merchandise traffic comprised in Classes A. and B. of the classification arising upon the Joint Railways destined for places bey^ond such railway's (except White- haven and the Lonsdale Works), and ])assing over the Juint Railways for any distance not exceeding four miles, the Company may charge for conveyance any sum not exceeding 5c/. per ton exclusive of waggons, or Qd. per ton inclusvie of waggons, and when such mrrchandise traffic passes over the Joint Railways for any distance exceeding four miles, then the Company may chame for conveyance any sum not eX''ocd- ing \'2od. per ton i)er mile exclusive of waggons, or I'oOrf. per ton per mile inclusive of waggons, and any fraction of half a mile beyond four miles nuiy be charged for as for half a mile. {b.) In respect of merchandise traffic comprised in Classes A. and B. arising upon the .Joint liailways destined for White- haven or the Lonsdale Works, and passing over the Joint Railways for any distance not exceeding three miles the Com- pany may charge for conveyance any sum not exceeding i')'2Jd. per ton exclusive of wagin<^ by a brido-e the Firth of Forth, an I termii)ating in the parish of Inverkeithiiig, otherwise Inverkeithing and Kosyth, in the county of Fife, by a junction with the Dunfermline and Queensferry Branch of the North British Railway. In calculating the distance over which merchandise is conveyed, and for all purposes of rates and charges, the Glasgow Tunnel Incline from Cowlairs to Glasgow is to be calculated as three miles twenty chains, and the Thrushbu^h, Ballochney, and Cause- wayend Inclines on the ]\Ionklaud Railways are to be calculated as two miles sixteen chains, one mile sixty-eight chains, and one mile thirty-nine chains respectively. In calculating tiie rates and charges leviable by the Company in respect of merchandise traffic conveyed by means of the Carlisle Extension from Langholm to Hawick, or any place on the North British Railway northward or eastward of Hawick, or vice versa, such rates and charges shall be reckoned as if the distance between Langholm and Hawick were twentv-five miles and no more. Where the distance over which merchandise is conveyed con- sists in part of a line or lines of the Company to which one scale and in part of a line or lines to which another or more than one other scale of rates is applicable, the maximum charge for each such portion of the entire distance shall be calculated at the maxi- mum rate which, according to the scale a])plicab!e to such portion, would be chargeable for the entire distance. *Nothing in this Order shall prejudice or affect the provisions and obliiiations contained in sections 54, 55, and 76 of the North British Railway Consolid.ition Act, 1858, and section 48 of the Edinhmgh and Glasgow Ruilway (Coatbridge Branch) Act, J 8(55. For the purposes of Scale IV., the distance between Edinburgh and Glasgow shall be taken as 42 miles, and the distance between Leith or Granton on the one hand, and (Jlasgow on the other hand shall be taken as 45 miles. * See Appendix, No. 13, page 231. U 72496. 130 ^Iaximum Kates and Ciiaiiges — continued. Conditions special to particular Acts under which THE Maximum Rates and Charges contained in those Acts are to be calculated — continued. RAILWAY RATES AND CHARGES (ATHENRY AND ENNIS JUNCTION RAILWAY, &c.) ORDER CONFIRMATION ACT, 1892. In respect of merchandise conveyed over any portion of the railways authorised by the Belfast Central Acts, 1864 to 1877 inclusive, destined for or arriving; from stations on or beyond the said railways, the Grent Northern Railway (Ireland) Company shall be entitled to make a fixed charge as for a separate journey of six miles over and above the charges herein authorised to be made. In calculating the distance over which any merchandise is con- veyed,, and for all purposes of rates and charges, the City of Dublin Junction Railway, authorised by the City of Dublin Junction Railways Act, 1884, is to be calculated as eight miles. 131 Maximum Rate.? and Charges — continued. Part I. — Goods and Minerals. Maximum Station and Service Terminals. The following Terminals are common to all the Railway Rates and Charges Orders Confirmation Acts of 1891 and 181)2, except as hereunder mentioned. Maximum Terminals. In respect of Merchan- dise comprised in the under-mentioned Station Terminal at each End. Service Terminals. Classes. ^°^.) Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes C, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. In respect of jNIerchaudise comprised iu the under- mentioned Classes. Maximum Hates for Conveyance. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. For the first 20 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 30 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 50 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the remainder of the Distance. Per Ton per Mile. Per Ton per Mile. Per Ton per Mile. Per Ton per Mile. d. d. d. d. C. 1-80 1-50 1-20 0-70 1. 2-20 1-85 1-40 1-00 2. 2 -05 2-30 1-80 1-50 3. 3-10 2-65 2-00 1-80 4. 3 -GO 315 2-50 2-20 5. 4-30 3-70 3-25 2-50 LONDON AND SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY (RATES AND CHARGES) ORDER CONFIRMATION ACT, 1891. Applicable to the followinc/ Railwaijs and Raihcay Companies. The London and South Western Railway Company. The VVeymonlh and Porthind Railwny Company, in respect of the Weymouth and Portland Railway. Tiie Plymouth and Dartmoor Railway Company, in respect of the Plytniuith and Dartmoor Railwa^^ The Stonehouse Pool Improvement Company, in respect of the Stonehouse Pool Railway. The Somerset and Dorset Railway Company, in re.spect of the Somerset and Dorset Railway. The North Cornwall Raihvay Company, in respect of the North Cornwall RailwaA-. i;^7 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part T. — Goods and Minerals — continued. London and South Western Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act, 1891 — continued. The Salisbury Railway and Market House Company, in respect of the Salisbury Market Branch Railway. The Bridgewater Railway Company, in respect of the Bridge- water Railway. The Plymouth, Devonport, and South Western Junction Railway Company, in respect of the Plymouth, Devonport, and South Western Junction Railway. The Sidmouth Railway Company, in respect of the Sidmouth Railway. The Midland Railway Corupanv, in respect of the Midland and London and South Western Joint Corfe Mullen Junction Railway. The London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company, in respect of the following joint lines : — Joint Portsmouth Railway. Isle of Wight and Ryde Pier Railway. Southsea Railway. Tooting, Merton, and Wimbledon Railway. Epsom and Leatherhead Railwa}'. (a.) Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes A., B., and C. Scale I. — Applicable to such Portions of the Railway as are not herein-ufter specially mentioned. In respect of Merchandise comprised in the under- mentioned Chisses. Maximum Rates for Conveyance. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. For the first 20 '• For the next Miles, or any 30 Miles, or any part of such part of such Distance. Distance. For the next 5U Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the remainder of the Distance. A. B. C. Per Ton per ISIile. d. l-GO 1-80 Per Ton per Mile. (/. ()-U5 1 -10 I'OO Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-75 0-8."i l-2i» Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-GO 0-70 0-7Q 138 •Maximum Iiates and Citakges — continued. . Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continned. London and South Western Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act, 1891 — continued. (a.) Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes A., B., and C. Scale II. — Applicahle to tlie Portions of the Raihaay herein specially mentioned. In respect of Merchandise comprised in the under- mentioned Classes. jMaximuui Kates for Conveyance. For Consignments except as otherwise pro- vided in the Schedule. Nine Elms to Surbiton - . . Wimbledon to Putney . . _ Clapham Junction to Feltham Junction Barnes to Feltham Junction (loop line) Hammersmith Junction to llichmond Junction Twickenham to Maiden _ _ . Per Ton per Mile. d. l-9() 2-00 2-20 (i.) Rates in I'espect of Merchandise comprised in Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. In respect of Merchaadise comprised in the under- mentioned Classes. Maximum Rates for Conveyance. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. For the first 20 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 30 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 50 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the remainder ot the Distance. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. Per Ton per Mile. d. 2-25 2-75 3-10 3-75 4-30 Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-90 2-35 2-80 3-35 3-90 Per Ton per .Mile. d. 1-65 2-05 2-50 3-15 3-80 Per Ton per ilile. d. 1-35 1-65 2-10 2-50 3-00 139 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. LONDON, BRIGHTON, AND SOUTH COAST RAILWAY COMPANY (RATES AND CHARGES) ORDER CONFIRMATION ACT, 1891. Applicable to the folloicincj Railwctys and Railway Companies. The London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company, The South Eastern Railway Company, in respect of the following joint railways : — The Croydon aud Oxted Railway. The "Woodside and South Croydon Railway, The Bricklayers' Arms Railway. The railway between London Bridge and Corbett Lane Junction. The railway between Coulsdon and Redliill. The railway between Bo-peep Junction and Hastings. The London, Chatham, and Dover Railway Company, in re- spect of the railway between Wandsworth Road and Loughborough Park. The London and South Western Raihvay Company, in respect of the railway between Peasemarsh Junction and (iuildford. The Ilayling Railway Company, in respect of the Hayling Railway. The Brighton and Dyke Railway Company, in respect of the Brighton and Dyke Railway. («.) Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes A., B., and C. Scale I. — Applicable to such Portions of the Raihcaij as are not lierein-after specially mentioned. In respect of Merchandise Maximum Bates for Conveyance. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. comprised in the under- mentioned Classes. For the first 20 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 30 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 50 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the remainder of the Distance. A. B. C. Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-50 1-CO 1-80 Per Ton per Mile. d. 09;) 1-10 laO Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-75 • 8.') 1-20 Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-60 0-70 0-70 140 Maximum Ratks and Charges — continued. Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Com- pany (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act, 1891 — continued. (a.) Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes A., B., and C. — continued. Scale II. — Applicable to the Portions of the Railway herein specially mentioned. In respect of Merchandise comprised in tile under- mentioned Classes. j Maximum Rates I for Conveyance, j For Consignments lexcept as otherwise provided in the Schedule. (a.) London Bridge to Croydon (including junction with Bricklayers' Arms Railway and junc- tions with South London Railway at Old Kent Road). (6.) South London Line (c.) Bricklayers' Anns Railway - - . (d.) Thames Junction Railway (Deptford Wharf Branch), including junction with main line at New Cross, and with South London Line at Old Kent Road. (e.) Victoria to Crojdon, including branch to Battersea "Wharf, branch from Balham to Norwood Junction and Selhurst, Norwood Spur, branch from Streatham Junction to Tooting Junction, Crystal I'alace, and Sydenham Spur, Streatham Spurs, Tulse Hill Spurs. (/.) The Tooting, Merton, and Wimbledon Railway (Tooting Junction via Wimbledon to Toot- ing Junction). (p.) Wimbledon and Croydon RaJway (Wimbledon to Croydon). (A.) The railway from Peckham Rye to Mitcham Junction via Tulsc Hill. y B. C. Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-90 2-00 2-20 141 Maximum Rate.s and Ch.vrges — continued. Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Com- pany (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation A.Ct, ISQl— continued. {b.) Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. In Maximum Rates for Conveyance. respect of Merchandise For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schsdule. comprised in the under- mentioned Classes. For the first 20 Miles, or anj' part of such Distance. For the next 30 Miles, or any part of such I^istance. For the next 50 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the remainder of the Distance. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Per Ton per Mile. d. 2-25 2-75 3-10 3-75 4-30 Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-90 2-35 2-80 3-35 3-90 Per Ton Per Mile. d. 1-65 2-05 2-50 3-15 3-80 Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-3.1 165 2-10 2 -.50 2-90 LONDON, CHATHAM, AND DOVER RAIL- WAY COMPANY (RATES AND CHARGES) ORDER CONFIRMATION ACT, 189L Applicable to the following Raihraijs and Railway Comjuinics. The London, Chatham, and Dover Railway Company. The Victoria Station a!i(l Piinhco Railway Company, in rt'spect of the \ ictoria Station and i^iinlico Railway. The London, Briyhton, and Sonth Coast Railway Coinjinny, in respect of the line between Barrington Bond Junction, Brixton, and Cow Lane #7 unction, Pec-kliain. The London, Briglitt)n, and South Cia.^t Railway Cotnj)anv, in respect of the line between the Norwood Spur Junction and the Norwood Junction Station ; and beiwem the Crystal Palace Line Junction and the Crystal Palace Station. The Mid-Kent (Bromley to St. Mary Cray) Railway Com- pany, in respect of the Mid-Kent (Bromley to St. Mary Cray) Railway. The South Eastern Railway Company, in rcppcct of the Dover and Deal Joint Railway. 142 Maximum Rates and CuauqfjS -^cojzUnued. Part I. — Goods and Mm era-ls— contt7iued. London, Chatham, and Dover Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act, 1891 — cfjiitinncd. {(I.) Kates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes A., B., :ind C. Scale I. — Applicable to such Pprtions of the Raihrny as are not herein-after specially mentioned. Maximum Rates for Conveyance. In respect of Merchandise comprised in the under- mentioned Classes. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. For the first 20 Miles, or any part oi' such Distance. For the next 30 !Miles, or any part of sach Distance. For the next 50 Miles, or anj^ part of such Distance. For the remainder of the Distance. Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-50 1-60 1-80 Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-95 1-10 1-50 Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-7.5 0-85 1-20 Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-60 0-70 0-70 Scale II. — Applicable to the Portions of the Bailway herein specially mentioned. In respect of Merchandise comprised in the under- mentioned Classes. Maximum Bates for Conveyance, For Con- signments except as otherwise pro- vided in the Schedule. The City Lines — From West Street Junction with the Metro- politan Railway to Earl Street, Blackfriars. The Metropolitan Extension Lines — From Ivarl Street to Penge Junction ; to Victoria Bridge Junction ; to Lavender Hill Junction ; to Tulse Hill Junction ; from Heme Hill to Brixton ; from Shepherd's Lane Junction to Barrington Road Junction, Brixton ; and from Munhead Junction to Greenwich. Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-90 2-00 2-20 143 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part I. — Goods axd Minerals — continued. London, Chatham, and Dover Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act, 1891 — coitinued. Scale II. — continued. In respect of Merchmidise comprised in the iinder- mentioncd Classes. Maximum Rates for Conveyance. For other Con- sifni'iieots excepk I as otherwise pro- vided in the Schedule. The Victoria Station and Pimlico Line of the Victoria Station and Pimlico Railway Company — From Victoria Station to the junctions with the Metropolitan Extension Lines of the London, Chatham, and Dover Conipanj- on the south side of the Victoria Rail way Bridge over the River Thames. The Crystal Palace and South London .Junction , , t> Line — <' from Cow Lane Junction to the Crystal Palace . The railway from the Crystal Palace Line .Junction to Shortlands Junction. The railway of the Mid-Kent (Bromley to St.Mary Cray) Railway Company. Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-90 2 00 2'20 (b.) Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. In respect of Merchandise comprised in the under- mentioned Classes. Maximum Rates for Conveyance. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. For the first 20 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 30 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 50 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the remainder of the Distance. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. i 1 Per Ton jier Per Ton per Per Ton per Mile. Mile. Mile. i 1 d. d. 1 ,/. 2'2ri 1-90 1-G5 2-75 2-3.-) J 2-05 3-10 2-80 2-50 3-75 3-35 3 15 4-30 3-90 3-80 1 Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-35 1-65 2 10 2-50 2-90 144 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Paut I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. MIDLAND RAILWAY COMPANY (RATES AND CHARGES) ORDER CONFIRMATION ACT, 189L Ajiplirahic to the JoIIokhikj U(rilirai/s and Jlailway Cunipunics. The Midland Railway Company. The Great Northern Railway Company, in respect of the following joint railways, viz. : — Bourn and Lynn Railway and Spalding Junctions. Peterborough, Wisbech, and Sutton Bridge Railway. Newark Curve. Railway from Little Bytham to Bourn. The North Eastern Railway Company, in respect of the Otiey and Ilkley, and the Swinton and Knottingly Joint Railways. The London and North Western Railway Company, in respect of the Ashby and Nuneaton Joint Railways. The Great Western Railway Company, in respect of the Bristol Port Railway, and the Halesowen Railway. The Halesowen Railway Company, in respect of the Halesowen Railway. The Furness Railway Company, in respect of the Furness and Midland Joint Railways. The Kettering, Tlirapstone, and Huntingdon Railway Company, in respect of the Kettering, Thrapstone, and Huntingdon Railway. The Barnoldswick Railway Company, in respect of the Barnoldswick Railway. The Cannock Chase and AVolverhampton Railway Company^ in re-pect of the Catmock Chase and Wolverhampton Railway. The Sutton Bridge Dock Company, in respect of the railways forming part of the undertaking. Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes A., B., C, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. In Maximum Kates for Conveyance. respect of Merchaudise comprised in For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. tiie under- For tbe first 20 For the next For the next For the remainder of the Distance. mentioned Miles, or any 30 Miles, or any 50 Miles, or any Classes. part of such part of such part ot such Distance. Distance. Distance. Per Ton per Per Ton per Per Ton per Per Ton per Mile. Mile. Mile. Mile. d. d. d. d. A. 1-15 0-90 0-45 0-40 B. 1-25 1-00 0-80 0-50 C. 1-80 1-50 1-20 0-70 1. 2-20 1-85 1-40 I'OO 2. 2-65 2-30 1-80 1-50 3. 3-10 2-65 2-00 1-80 4. 3-60 3-15 2-50 2-20 5. 4-30 3-70 3-25 2-50 145 Maximum Rates and Charges — contimied. Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. Midland Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act, \SQ\— continued. Provided that in respect of the under-mentioned railway the power of the Company to charge for a distance less than six miles shall have effect as if the number of miles mentioned hereunder were substituted for six miles : — Swansea Vale Railway from Swansea to Brynamman, three miles. SOUTH EASTERN RAILWAY COMPANY (RATES AND CHARGES) ORDER CONFIRMA- TION ACT, 1891. Applicable to the folloicing Raihcays and Railway Companies. The South Eastern Railway Company. The London and Greenwich Railway Company, in respect of the London and Greenwich Railway, The Angerstein's Branch Railway Company, in respect of the Angerstein's Branch Railway. The Elham Valley Railway Company, in respect of the Elham Valley Railway. The Ijvdd Railw;iy Company, in respect of the Lydd Railway. The Lydd Railway Company, in respect of the Lydd Railway Extension. The l^oiidon, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company, in respect of the railway from a junction with the Greenwich Railway to Coulsdon. The London, Brigliton, and South Coast Railway Company, in respect of tiie AVoodside and Croydon Joint Railway. The London, Chatham, and Dover Railway Company, in respect of the Dover and Deal Joint Railway. The London and South ^^>3tern Railway Ccmpany, ir, respect of the portion of the Lomlon and South Western Railway from the junction near Shalford to Ash. The London and S uith AVestern Kaihvay Com|/any, in respect of the portion of the London and Southwestern Railway from the junction near Ash to Aldershot Tdwu Station. The London, Chatham, and Dover Railway Company, in respect of the portion oi the London, Ciiaiham, and Dover Rail- way between Bucklanci »Iunetion and Dover. U 72400. K 146 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. South Eastern Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act, 1S91— continued. (a.) Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes A., B., and C. Scale I. — Applicable to such Portions of the Raihoay as are not herein-after specially mentioned. In respect of Merchandise comprised iu the under- mentioned Classes. Maximum Rates for Conveyauce. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. For the first 20 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 30 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 50 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the remainder of the Distance. A. B. C. Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-50 1-60 1-80 Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-95 1-10 1-50 Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-7.5 0-85 1-20 Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-60 0-70 0-70 Scale II. — Applicable to the Portions of the Railways herein specially mentioned. In respect of Merchandise comprised in the under- mentioned Classes. Maximum Rates for Conveyance. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. London to Croydon - - - - Lewisham Junction to Beckenham - Beckeuhani to Addiscombe - - - North Kent .Junction to Dartford Lewisham to Dartford _ . _ Lewisham to Chislehurst _ - - Grove Park to Bromley - - _ North Kent Junction to Charlton via Green- wich _____ Charing Cross, Blackfriars Junction, and Cannon Street to North Kent Junction Canterbury aud Whitstable Railway A. B. C. Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-90 2-00 2-20 147 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part 1. — Goods and Minerals — continued. South Eastern Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act, ISQl—coutiun-d. (b.) Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. In respect of Merchandise comprised in the uoder- mentioiied Classes. Maximum Rates for Conveyance. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. For the first 20 Miles, or any part of snch Distance. For the next 30 ^Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 50 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the remainder of the Distance. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Per Ton per Mile. d. 2-25 2-75 3-10 3 •75 4-30 Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-90 2-35 2-80 3-35 3-90 Per Ton per Mile. d. 1 • 65 2-05 2-50 3-15 3-80 Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-35 1-65 210 2-50 2-90 LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY (RATES AND CHARGES) ORDER CONFIRMATION ACT, 189L Applicable to the folloicinf/ Rdilicays and Rctdu'mj Companies. The London and North AYestcrn. Railway (%)mpany. The Groat Western Knilway Company, in respect of the Birkenliead Railway (inchuling tlie West Kirby Hncs) and the Wrexiiam and Minera R:iilway. The Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway Company, in respect of the Dowlais and Merthyr Railway. The J\liymney l\ailway Company, in respect of the Nantybwch and Rhymney Railway. The (;liarnwood Forest Railway Company, in respect cf the Charnwood Forest Railway. The llarborue Railway (^oinpany, in respect of the Ilarbornc Railway. The ^[old and Dcnbiuli .Tunction Kailway Company, in respect o the Mold and Denbigh .Junction Railway. K 2 148 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. London and North Western Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act, 1891 — continued. {a.) Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Class A. Scale I. — Applicable to such Portions of the Railway as are not herein-after specially mentioned. Maximum Rates for Conveyance. For the first 20 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 30 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 50 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the remainder of the Distance. Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-95 Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-85 Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-50 Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-40 Scale II. — Applicable to the Railways herein specially mentioned. Maximum Rate for Conveyance. Sirhowy .--._.- South Staffordshire : — Dudley to Wichnor, and branches to Bescot, Dudley Port, Cannock, and Leighwood - _ _ _ Wednesbury to Tipton and James Bridge - - - Norton Branch and Extension . _ _ . Littleworlh Extension _ . - . _ Merthyr, Tredegar, and Abergavenny : — Abergavenny to Nantybwch, Merthyr Extension, and Cwm Bargoed Branch --.__- Nantyglo and Bhiina - _ _ _ _ BrjTimawr and Blaeuavon : — 13rynmawr to Blaenavou and Abersychan Extension - 'Whitehaven Junction: — Whitehaven to ^laryport ...... Cockermcuth and Workington -...._ The Dowlais and Merthyr Railway, jointly owned by the Com. pany and the Brecon and Merthyr Tjdfil Junction Railway Company ---._._ The Nantybwch and Rhymney Railway, jointly owned by the Company and the Rhymney Railway Company Per Ton per Mile. d. •875 1-25 149 Maximum Kates and Charges — continued. Paet I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. London and North Western Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act, 1891 — continued. (a.) Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Class A. — continued. Scale II. — continued. Maximum Rate for Conveyance. The Charnwood Forest Railway, worked by the Company South Leicestershire : — Nuneaton to Wigston _ . _ _ Mold Junction to ^lold and Coed Talon Carnarvon to Llanberis - - - . - The Mold and Denbigh Junction Railway worked by Company _--... Carnarvon Junction to Afonwen Junction NantUe Branch ------ Chester and Holyhead . - - . . Bangor and Bethesda - - . Stockport Junction to Buxton - Cromford and High Peak Buxton and High I'eak Junctions Ashbourne and Buxton - Lancaster aud Carlisle, including Glasson Dock Branches the Per Ton per Mile. 1-25 2-0 Ingleton, Morecambc, aud Provided that with regard to the Sirhowy Railway, the Com- pany shall, with respect to merchandise in Class A. conveyed for a less distance than four miles, have power to charo-c as lor four miles at the least, irrespective of the place of origin or destination of the traffic. Scale III. — Applicable to the Cannock Chase Baihcat/. For the whole or any portion of the Cannock Chase Railway, the Company ma}' charn;e a niaxiniuni rate of 9d. per ton, except with regard to merchandise passing along and from the ralhvav secondly described in and authorised by the Cannock Chase Railway Act, 1860, on to the Littlesvorth Tramway, and not having passed along any part of the railway firstly desL-rihed in the said Act, for which merchanflise they may charge a ma.ximum rate of 4oi)d. per ton. 150 Maximum Kates and Charges — continued. Part L — Goods and Minerals — continued.. London and North Western Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act, 1891 — continued,. (/-».) Kates iu respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes B., C, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Scale I. — Aj^j^licabh to such Portions of the Railway as are not herein-ajter specially mentioned. Maximum Eates for Conveyance. In respect of Merchandise comprised in the under- mentioned Classes. For Consignme nts except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. For the first 20 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 30 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 50 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the remainder of the Distance. Per Ton per Per Ton per Per Ton per Per Ton per Mile. Mile. Mile. Mile. d. d. d. d. B. 1-25 1-0 0-80 0-50 C. 1-80 1-50 1-20 0-70 1. 2-20 1-85 1-40 1-00 2. 2-65 2-30 1-80 1-50 3. 3-10 2-65 2-00 1-80 4, 3-60 3-15 2-50 2-20 5. 4-30 3-70 3-25 2-50 (c) Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Class B. Scale II. — Applicable to the Raihvays herein specially mentioned. Maximum Rate per Ton per Mile. Whitehaven Junction - Whitehaven to Maryport - Cockermouth and Workington d. 1-50 Provided always that with regard to merchandise in Class B. conveved upon the Whitehaven Junction or Cockermouth and Workington Eailways or any portion thereof for which the Com- pany do not provide waggons, the maximum rate for conveyance before mentioned shall be reduced by the sum of one farthing per ton per mile. 151 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY (RATES AND CHARGES) ORDER CONFIRMA- TION ACT, 1891. Applicuhle to the Great Western Raihcaf/ Company. (o.) Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes A. and B, Scale I. — Applicable to the folloicing Portions of the Railway. Masimum Rates tor Conveyance. sS&a ^ — "t^ w ►< ^ r. .- = ca 1. Railways governed by the Great Western Ra:ilway Act, 1S47. viz. :— London to Bristol, and branch to Henley Didcot to Priei^tlleld, via Leamington - Swindon to Gloucester and Chclt(Miham, and branches to Cirencester and Tetbury - 3. Railways governed by th" Shrewsbury and Bir- mingiiani Railway Act, ISU'i, viz. :— Slirewsbury to Bushbury, aud branch to Coal- brookdale --.--- 3. Railways governed by the Oxford, Worcester, and M'olvcrhampton Railway Acts, 1845 and 18K!, vi/. :— Wolvercnte Junction to lUishliury, vid Wor- cester, and Iiranclies to ChippiHfr Norton, Stratfiird-on-Avon, Stoke Works, Kinirswin- ford, Halesowen, and from Kidderminster to Bcwdley ...... 4. Railways Roverned by tlie Severn Valley Railway Act, IS.")"), viz. :— Shrewsbury to Hartlebury ... 5. Railways governed l)y the Vale of Neath Railway Act, 18'W. viz. :— Mcrthyr Tydtil and Aberdare to Neath, with branches to Uaro and Anian . . - G. Railways governed by t lie .iberdare Valley Rail- way Act. 1">.")."), viz. : — Aberdare to Middle Duffryn . - . 7. Railways gnvorned by the Swansea and Neath Railway Act, 18(11 , viz. :— Neath to Swansea (Wind Street Junction), via. Neath Alibey - . . . . 8. Railways governed by Ih'' Oloncesler and Dean Vo'nst Kailway Act, ISMl, viz. :— Gloucester to (iraiigo Court Junction - 9. Railways governed by the Llynvi \alley Railway Act. IS-).!, viz. :— Porthcawl and Hrii'gcnd to Blaonavon. with branches to JJlaea (Jarw and Ty Uirwain : 10. Railways governed by the Cok-ford Railway Act, 1.S7L', viz. :- - Wyesham Junction to Coleford . - . 11. Railways governed by the Severn Tunnel Rail- way Act, 1872, viz. : — Severn Tunnel Junction to Pilning I Per Ton ! per Mile. i d. A 0-95 B 1-25 Per Ton per Mile. d. 0*85 1-00 Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-50 0-80 Per Ton IKT Mile. d. 010 A O'BO B 152 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. Great Western Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act, \SQ\— continued. {ft.) Kates in respect of Meficiiandise comprised in Classes A. and B. — continued. Scale I. — continued. Maximum Rates for Conveyance. £ V. "■ ^ « C o 3 t; =5 S ".i; o t- " a> o c ;it - o = ^ s^a-5 fi. Q 05 12. Railways governed by the Shrewsbury and Chester Railway Act, ISK!, viz. :— Shrewsbury to Siiltney Junction, with branches to Oswestry and to Bryn-yr-Owen and Legacy Colliery, and from Wiieatslieat .Junction to Gwersyllt, from Croes-newj'dd to Erynmally and Ffrwd, and from Brymbo to Minera and Vron ...... 13. Railways governed by the Worcester and Here- ford Railway Act, 1853, viz. :— Shelwick Junction to Worcester . . - 14. Railway governed by the Bala and Dolgelly Act, 1862 , Per Ton per Mile. A 0-95 B 1-25 Per Ton per Mile. 0-85 Per Ton per Mile. 0-50 ■ 0-80 Per Ton per Mile. 0-40 A 0-50 B Scale II. — Applicable to all Portions of the Railway not herein specially mentioned. lu respect Maximum Kates for Convej'ance. of the Merchandise comprised in For the first 20 For the next For the next For the remainder of the Distance. the under- mentioned Classes. iNIiles, or anj' part of such Distance. 30 Miles, or any part of such Distance. 50 ^Miles, or any part of such Distance. • Per Ton per Per Ton per Per Ton per Per Ton per Mile. Mile. Mile. Mile. d. d. d. d. A. 1-50 0-90 0-40 0-35 B. 1-60 1-20 0-80 0-50 Provided thit if at any time after the commencement of this Order the clear annual profits divisible upon the whole subscribed and paid-up capital ordinary slock of the Great AVestern Railway Company upon an aveiage for three consecutive years shall equal or exceed the rate of six pounds for every 100/. of such paid-up capital stock, Scale I. shall become and shall continue to be applic- able to the railways governed by the South Wales Kailway Act, 1845, as amended by the South Wales Railway Consolidation Act, 1855. 153 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. Great Western Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act, 1891 — continued. (a.) Kates in respect of Meuciiaxdise comprised in Classes A. and V>. — continued. Scale III. — Applicable to the following Portions of the Railway. Maximum Rate for Conveyance. Railways governed by the Newport, Abergavenny, and Hereford Railway Aci, 1846, viz. : — Hereford (Barton) to Mount Ash (Middle DufTi-yn) _ _ - . . Railways Governed by the Ogmore Valley Railway Act, 1863, viz. :— Xantymoel to Brynmenyn, Black Alill to Gelly Rhaidd, and Little Ogmore Branch Railways governed by the Pontypool, Caerleon, and Newport Railway Act, 1865, viz. : — Pontypool Road to Maindee Junction (Newport), via Caerleon ----- Railways governed by the Cardiff and Ogmore Baiiway Act, 1873, viz.: — Blackmill Junction to Llanharran Junction Per Ton per Mile. Class A. 0-875«f. Class B. The maximum rates set out in Scale I. Provided that in respect of the railways to which Scale III. is applicable t!ie power of the Company to charire for a distance less than six miles shall have effect ns if four miles were .substituted for six. {h.) Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes C, 1, 2, '.\, 4, and 5. . In respect of Merchandise Maximum Rates for Conveyance. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. comprised in the under- mentioned Classes. For the first 20 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 30 Miles, or any part of such Di.stanoc. For the next 50 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the remainder of the Distance. Per Ton per Mile. Per Ton per Mile. Per Ton per Mile. Per Ton per Mile. • d. d. d. d. C. 1-89 1-50 1-20 0-70 1. 2-30 1-85 I-IO 1-00 2. 2-65 2-30 1-80 1-50 3. 310 2-65 2-00 1-80 4. 3-60 315 2-50 2-20 5. 4-30 3-70 3-25 2-50 154 Maximum Rates and Chaeges — continued. Part T. — Goods and ]\Iinera.ls — continued. RAILWAY RATES AND CHARGES (ABBOTS- BURY RAILWAY, &c.) ORDER CONFIRMA- TION ACT, 1892. Applicable to the folio winrj Railv)ays and Railway Companies. Tlie Abbotsbury Railway Company. Tlie Abingdon Railway Company. The Bala and Festiniou; Railway Company. The Banbury and Cheltenham Direct Railway Company. The Bridport Railway Company. The Buckfastleigh, Totnes, and South Devon Railway Company. The Calne Railway Company. The Cornwall Minerals Railway Company. The Corwen and Bala Railway Company. The Devon and Somerset Railway Company. The Didcot, Newbury, and Southampton Railway Company. The Ely Valley Railway Company. The Great Marlow Railway Company. Tiie Helston Railway Company. The Kington and Eardisley Railway Company. The Leominster and Kington Railway Company. The Llangollen and Corwen Railway Company. The Ludlow and Clee Hill Railway Company. The Marlborough Riilway Company. The Milford Railway Company. The Minebead Railway Company. The Much Wenlock and Severn Junction Railway Company. The Nantwich and Market Drayton Railway Company. The Newent Railway Company. The Oldbury Railway Company. The Princctown Railway Company. The Ross and Ledbury Railway Company. The Ross and Monmouth Railway Company. The Staines and West Drayton Railway Company. The Teign Valley Railway Company. The Tiverton and North Devon Railway Company. The Vale of Llangollen Railway Company. The Vale of Towy Railway Company. The Wellington and Severn Junction Railway Company. The Wenlock Railway Company. The West Somerset Railway Company. The Woodstock Railway Company. The Wye Valley Railway Company. The London and North Western and Great Western Railway Companies Shrewsbury and Hereford Joint Railway. Tlic London and .North Western and Great Western Railway Companies Shrewsbury and Wellington Joint Railway. Tlie London and North Vrestern and Great Western Railway Companies Shrewsbury and AVelshpool Joint Railway. 155 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. Railway Rates and Charges (Abbotsbury Railway, &c.) Order Confirniation Act, \SQ2~contiHiicd. The London and North Western and Great Western Railway Companies Tenbury Railway. The Midland and Great Western Railway Companies Clifton Extension Railway. («.) Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes A. and 13. Scale I. — Applicable to the Neicent Railway Compam/ ; Boss and Lcdburif Railwai/ Company; Slireioshury and Hereford Raihcay ; Skreicsbury and JVdlinytun Railway ; Shrewsbury and Welshpool Railway ; and Tenbury Raihcay, Maximum Rates for Conveyance. In respect of Merchandise comprised in the under-mentioned Classes. For Consignments except as othenvise provided in the Schedule. For the first 20 Miles, or an}- part of such Distance. For the next 30 ]\Iiles, or any part of such Distance. For tlie remainder of the Distance. A. B. Per Ton per Mile. d. 115 1-25 Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-90 1-00 Per Ton per Llile. d. 0-45 0-80 Scale II. — Applicable to the Ely Valley Raihcay Company. In respect of Merchandise comprised in the under-mentiomed Classes. Maximum Rates for Conveyance. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. A. B. Per Ton per Z^Iile. d. 0-87.') 1-25 Provided that in respect of the railway to which Scale II. is applicable, the jiowor of the Company to charge for a distance less than six n)ile3 shall have effect as if four miles were suln^tituted for six. 156 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part I, — Goods and Minerals — continued. Railway Rates and Charges (Abbotsbury Railway, &c.) Order Confirraation Act, lSQ2—contiHucd. (a.) Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes A. and B. — continued. Scale III. — Applicable to the Curmvall Minerals Railway Company and the Princetown Railway Company. In respect of Merchandise comprised in the under-mentioned Classes. A. B. Maximum Rates for Conveyance. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. For the first 20 Miles, or any part of such Distance. Per Ton per Mile. d. 2-00 2-25 For the remainder of the Distance. Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-50 1-75 ScAXE IV. — Applicable to all the Railioays and Railway Companies not mentioned in Scales I., II., and III. In respect of Merchandise comprised in the under- mentioned Classes. Maximum Rates for Conveyance. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. For the first 20 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 30 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 50 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the remainder of the Distance. A. B. Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-50 1-60 Per Ton per Mile. 0-90 1-20 Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-40 0-80 Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-35 0-50 157 Maximum Rates and CiL\jRGEs — continued. Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. Railway Rates and Charges ^Abbotsbury Railway, &c.) Order Confirniation Act, 1SQ2— continued. (b.) Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes C, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Scale I. — Applicable to the Cornicall Minerals Raihcay Company and the Princetown Railway Company. In respect of Merchandise comprised in the under-mentioned Classes. Maximum Bates for Conveyance. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. For the first 20 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the remainder of the Distance. c. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. Per Ton per Mile. d. 2-25 2-50 2-75 3-10 3-75 4-30 Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-75 2-00 2-35 2-80 3-35 3-90 Scale II. — Applicable to all the Railways and Railivay Companies not mentioned in Scale I. In Maximum Rates "or Conveyance. respect of Merchandise comprised in the under- mentioned Classes. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. For the first 20 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 30 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 50 Miles, or uny part of such Distance. For the remainder of the Distance. C. 1. 2_ 3. 4. 5. Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-80 2-20 2- (5.5 3-10 3-60 4-30 Per Tcm per Mile. d. 1-50 1-85 2-30 2-65 315 3-:o Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-20 1-40 1-80 2-00 2-50 3-25 Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-70 1-00 1-50 1«0 2-20 2-50 158 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. RAILWAY RATES AND CHARGES (BRECON AND MERTHYR TYDFIL JUNCTION RAIL- WAY, &c.) ORDER CONFIRMATION ACT, 1892. Applicable to the followim) Raibrai/ Companies. The Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Railway Company. ' The Garstang and Knott End Railway Company. The Llanelly and Myny'dd Mawr Railway Company. The Pontypridd, Caerpl\illy and Newport Railway Company. The Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway Company. The West Lancashire Railway Company. The Wrexham, Mold, and Connah's Quay Railway Company. Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes A. and B. Scale I. — Applicable to the followinc) Portions of the Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway, viz., Rliymney to Bassaley, including Branch to Junction with the Rhymney Railioay at or near Bargoed and the Caerphilly and Machen Branch. Maximum Eate for Conveyance. Class A. _ _ - - - Class B. — The maximum rates set out in Scale IV. Per Ton per Mile. •875rf. Scale II. — Applicable to the Portions of the Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Raihcay other than those to ivhich Scale I. applies, and to the Pontyp)ridd, Caerphilly, and Neicport Railway. Maximum Kate for Conveyance. Class A. — Coal . - . _ All other articles in Class A. the maximum rates set out in Scale IV. Class B. — The maximum rates set out in Scale IV. Per Ton per Mile. •875d. Provided that in respect of the railways to which Scales I. and II. are applicable, and in respect of the Llanelly and Mynydd Mawr Railway, section 11 of this Order shall not apply to merchandise comprised in Classes A. and B., hut instead thereof 159 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. Railway Rates and Charges (Brecon and Merth37T Tydfil Junction Railway, &c.) Order Confir- mation Act, 1892 — continued. Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes A. and B. — continued. the companies shall with respect to merchandise comprised in Classes A. and B., conveyed for a less distance than i'our miles, have power to charge as for four miles and no mure, irrespective of the place of origin or destination of the traffic. Scale III. — Applicable to the West Lancashire Bailvai/. Maximum Bate for Conveyance. Class A. Class B. Ter Ton per Mile. 1 • oOJ. 1 • 6Qd. Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes A., B., C, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Scale IV. — Applicable save as hcrein-before specialh/ mentioned. Maximum Rates for Conveyance. In respect of Merchandise comprised iu For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. the under- mentioned Classes. For the first 20 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 30 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 50 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the remainder of the Distance. Per Ton per Per Ton per Per Ton per Per Ton nor Mile. Mile. Mile. Mile. d. d. d. — continued. Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. RAILWAY RATES AND CHARGES (LONDON, TILBURY, AND SOUTHEND RAILWAY, &c.) ORDER CONFIRMATION ACT, 1892. Applicable to the folloiviny Railirai/ (^onijxinirs. The London, Tilbury, and Southend KiiluMv Company. The Buriy Port and Gwendreath Valley Railway Company. Tiie Colne Valley and Halstead Railway Company. The East and West Junction Railway Company. The Eastern and Midlands Railway Company. The Evesham, Redditch, and Stratford-on-Avon Railway Company. The P^elixstowe Railway and Dock Company. The Gwendraeth Valley Railway Company. The Kiiig's Lynn Docks and Railway Company. The Mt-llis and Eye Railway Company. The Northampton and Banbury Junction Railway Company. The Ptamsey and Somersham Junction Railway Company, The Tottenham aud liampstead Junction Railway Company. The AVivenhoe and Brightlingsea Railway Company. Maximum Rates for Conveyance. . In respect of Merchandise comprised in the under- mentioned Classes. For Consignments except as otherwise proviiled in the Schedule. For the first 20 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 30 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 50 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the remainder of the Distance. Per I'on per Mile. Per Ton per MUe. Per Ton i)er Mile. Per Ton per Mile. d. d. d. d. A. 1-15 0-90 0-45 0-40 B. 1-40 105 0-80 0-55 C. 1-80 1-50 1-2U 0-70 1. 2-20 1-85 1-40 rcjo 2. 2-65 2-30 1-80 1 • M 3. 3-10 2-65 2-00 1-80 4. 3*60 3-15 2-50 2-20 5. 4 -.30 3- 70 .•i-25 2 •.")(» 172 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. RAILWAY RATES AND CHARGES (MAN- CHESTER, SHEFFIELD, AND LINCOLNSHIRE RAILWAY, &c.) ORDER CONFIRMATION ACT, 1892. Applicable to the following Bailioays and Railioay Companies. The Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway Company. The Liverpool, Southport, and Preston Junction Railway Company. The Macclesfield Committee. The Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, and the Great Northern Railway Companies, in respect of the West Riding and Grimsby Railway. The Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, the Great Northern, and the Midland Railway Companies, in respect of the Cheshire Lines Railways. The Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, the Great Northern, the Midland, and the Southport and Cheshire Lines Extension Railway Companies, in respect of the Southport and Cheshire Lines Extension Railway. The Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, and the London and North Western Railway Companies, in respect of the Man- chester South Junction and Altrincham Railway. The Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, and the London and North Western Railway Companies, in respect of the Oldham, Ashton, and Guide Bridge Junction Railway. The Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, and the Midland Railway Companies, in respect of the Sheffield and Midland Committee Lines. The Wigan Junction Railway Company. Scale I. — Applicable to the Oldham, Ashton, and Guide Bridge Junction Railioay, in respect of Merchandise in Class A. Maximum Eate for Conveyance. Per Ton per Mile. l-2bd. 173 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. Railway Rates and Charges (Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway, &c.) Order Confir- mation Act, lSQ2—coiUimced. Scale II. — Applicable to the Macclesfield Committee in respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes A. and B. In Maximum Bates for Conveyance. respect of Merchandise comprised in the under- mentioned Classes. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. For the first 20 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 30 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 50 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the remainder of the Distance. A. B. Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-15 1-25 Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-90 1-00 Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-45 0-80 Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-40 0-50 Scale III. — Applicable save as hcrein-before specially mentioned. In respect of Merchandise comprised in Maximum Rates for Conveyance. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. the under- mentioned Classes. For the first 20 Miles, or any For the next 30 Miles, or any For the next 50 Miles, or any For the remainder of part of such part of such part of such Distance. Distance. Distance. Per Ton per Per Ton per Per Ton per Per Ton per Mile. Mile, Mile. Mile. d. d. d. d. - A. 1-00 0-85 0-50 0-40 B. 1-40 1-00 0-80 0-50 C. 1-80 1-50 1-20 0-70 1. 2-20 1-85 1 -40 1-00 2. 2-65 2-30 1-80 1-50 3. 310 2-65 2-00 1-80 4. 3-60 3-15 2-50 2-20 5. 4-30 3-70 3-25 2-50 174 IVIaximum Katks and Charges — continued^ Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. RAILWAY RATES AND CHARGES (METRO- POLITAN RAILWAY, &c.) ORDER CONFIRMA- TION ACT, 1892. • Applicable to the follotoiny Railways and Railway Companies. The Metropolitan Railway Company. The Metropolitun and Great Westei'n Railway Companies, in respect ot" the Hammersmith and City Railway. The ^letropolitan and the Metropolitan District Railway Companies Joint City Lines and Extension Railways. Scale I. — Applicable to the folloioing Portions of the Railway. The Metropolitan Inner Circle Railway from junction with the District Railway at Mansion House Station to junction with the District Railway at South Kensington, including junction with the Great AYestern Railway at Bishop's Road. From Minories junction with Inner Circle line to Whitechapel junction vrith East London line, and junction with District Railway Company's Whitechapel Spur line. The North Curve junction line from the Inner Circle line, near Aidgate Station, to the junction with the Extension Line at Aidgate East Stat'on. The junction line with Great Eastern Railway at Bishopsgate. The Metropolitan Railway widened lines from Moorgate Street Station to junction with Great Northern and Midland Railways at King's Cross, and junctions with London, Chatham, and Dover Railway at West Street and Snow Hill. The junction line with St. John's Wood line at Baker Street. The raihvay from Baker Street Station to Kingsbury- Neasden Station, including the junction line with Midland Railway at Einchley Road. The Hammersmith and City Railway. In respect of Maximum Rates for Conveyance. In respect of Merchandise comprised in the under-mentioned Classes. Maximum Rates for Conveyance. Merchandise comprised in the under-mentioned Classes. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. A. B. C. 1. - - Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-90 2-00 2-20 2-50 2. 3. 4. 5. Per Ton per Mile. d. 2-75 3 10 3-75 4-30 175 Maximum Rates and CiiAUGBs—coiifinucd. Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. Railway Rates and Charges (Metropolitan Railway, &c.) Order Confirmation Act, 1S22— continued. Scale II. — Applicable to all Portions of the Railway nut herein specially mentioned. Maximum Rates for Conveyance. In respect of Merchandise comprised in the under- mentioned Classes. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. For the first 20 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 30 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For tlie next 50 Miles, or any part of such Distiince. For the reiiiainiler of the Distance. Per Ton per Mile. Per Ton per Mile. Per Ton per Mile. Per Ton per j\nie. d. (/. d. d. A. 1-15 0-90 0-45 0-40 B. 1-40 1-05 0-80 0-55 C. 1-80 1-50 1-20 0-70 1. 2-20 1-85 1-40 1-00 2. 2-65 2-30 1-80 1-50 „___ 3. 3-10 2-65 2-00 1-80 4. 3-60 3-1.5 2'JO 2-20 5. 4-30 3-70 3-25 2-50 RAILWAY RATES AND CHARGES (MID- LAND AND SOUTH WESTERN JUNCTION RAILWAY, &c.) ORDER CONFIRMATION ACT, 1892. Applicable to the following Railway Comjjanies The Midland and Soutli Western Junction Railway Company, The Golden Valley Railway Company. The Tjiskeard and Caradon Railway Company. The Ijiskeard and Looe Union Canal Company. The Manchester and MUford Railway Company. 176 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part I. — Goods and Minerals — conthmed. Railway Rates and Charges (Midland and South Western Junction Railway, &c.) Order Confir- mation Act, \^^^— continued. The Neath and Brecon Railway Company. The Redruth and Chasewaler Railway Company. The Snailbeach District Railway Company. The Tallylyn Railway Company. The Wirral Railway Company. Scale I. — Apj)licable to the Liskeard and Caradon Railway Company and the Liskeard and Looe Union Canal Company, in respect of Merchandise comprised in Glass A. Maximum Rate for Conveyance. Per Ton per Mile. 3* 00c?. Scale II. — Applicable icith the above exception. Maximum Rates for Conveyance. In respect of Merchandise comprised in For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. the under- mentioned Classes. For the first 20 Miles, or any part of su'ch Distance. For the next 30 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 50 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the remainder of the Distance. Per Ton per Mile. Per Ton per Mile. Per Ton per Mile. Per Ton per Mile. d. d. d. d. A. 1-50 0-90 0-40 0-35 B. 1-60 1-20 0-80 0-50 C. 1-80 1-50 1-20 0-70 1. 2-20 1-85 1-40 1-00 2. 2-65 2-30 1-80 1-50 3. 3-10 2-65 2-00 1-80 4. 3-60 3-15 2-50 2-20 5. 4-30 3-70 3-25 2-50 Provided that in respect of the Neath and Brecon Railway, the power of the Company to charge for a distance less than six miles, shall have effect as if four miles were substituted for six. 177 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. RAILWAY RATES AND CHARGES (NORTH EASTERN RAILWAY, &c.) ORDER CONFIRMA- TION ACT, 1892. Applicable to the folloioing Raihcuys and Raihcay Companies. The North Eastern Railway Company. The Forcett Railway Company. The Great North of England, Clarence and Hartlepool Junc- tion Railway Company. The Loniionderry (Seaham to Sunderland) Railway. The Scarborough and Whitby Railway Company. The Scarborough, BricUingion, and West Riding Junction Railway Company. Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes A., B., and C. Scale I. — Applicable except as otherwise herein provided. In respect of Merchandise comprised in the under- mentioned Classes. Maximum Rates for Conveyance. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. For the first 10 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 10 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 15 Miles, or any part of such Distance. 1 For the remainder of the Distance. A. B. C. Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-75 1 • 'JO 2-00 Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-25 1-25 1-75 Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-75 100 1-50 Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-60 0-75 1-25 U 72496. M 178 Maximum Rates and CnxBGizs— continued. Pakt I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. Railway Rates and Charges (North Eastern Rail- way, &c.) Order Confirmation Act, \SQ2— continued. Scale II. — Applicable in respect of Coal for Shipment conveyed on any part of the North Eastern Railway other than the Blyth and Tyne Section. Maximum Bates for Conveyance. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. For the first 6 Miles, or any part of such Distance. Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-50 For the next 8 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the remainder of the Distance. Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-00 Per Ton per Mile. d. 0-75 Scale III. — Applicable in respect of Coal for Shipment conveyed on the Blyth and Tyne Section of the North Eastern Railway. Maximum Rates for Conveyance. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. For the first 4 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For Distances exceeding 4 Miles. Per Ton. d. 4-00 Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-00 The term " the Blyth and Tyne Section " of the railway as used in this part of this schedule includes the portion of the North Eastern Railway situated east of the portions of the main line between Heaton Junction and Longhirst Station (except the railways from Heaton Junction to Monkseaton, via Percy Main and Tynemouth), and also includes the portion of the North Eastern Eailway from Newcastle (New Bridge Street Station") to Backworth Station. 179 Maximum Rates and Chakges — continued. Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. Railway Rates and Charges (North Eastern Rail- way, &c.) Order Confirmation Act, \SQ2— continued. Rates in respect of Meiichanj)!^;!-: comjirised in Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Maximum Kates for Conveyance. In respect of Merchiindise comprised in the under- mentioned Classes. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. For tiie first 20 ^lik'S, or any part of such Distance. For the next 30 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the next 50 Miles, or any part of such Distance. For the lemainder of the Distance. Per Ton per Mile. Per Ton per Mile. Per Ton per Mile. Per Ton per Mile. d. d. d. d. 1. 2-20 1-85 1-40 1-00 2. 2-05 2-30 1-80 1-50 3. 3-10 2-65 2M)u 1-80 4. 3-CO 3-15 2-50 2-20 5, 4-30 3-70 3-25 2-50 RAILWAY RATES AND CHARGES (NORTH LONDON RAILWAY) ORDER CONFIRMATION ACT, 1892. Aj>plicable to the North London Railioay Company. In respect of Maximum Kates for Conveyance. In respect of Merchandise comprised in the under-mentioned Classes. Maximum Kates for Conveyance. Merchandise comprised in the under-mentioned Classes. For Consignments except as otherwise provided in the Schedule. For Consignments except as otherw i«c provided in the Schedule. A. B. C. 1. Per Ton per Mile. d. 1 ■ 90 2-20 2- JO 2-70 1. 5. Per Ton per Mile. d. 300 3-2o 3-75 4-30 M 2 180 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. RAILWAY RATES AND CHARGES (NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE RAILWAY, &c.) ORDER CON- FIRMATION ACT, 1892. Applicable to tlie following Railways and Ruilwaij Companies. The North Staffordshire Railway Company. The Oheadle Railway Com pan}'. The Longton, Adderley Green, and Buciplicablc to the following Ruiluun/ Companies. The TafT Vale Railway Company. . The Aberdare Railway Company. The Alexandra (Newport and South Wales) Docks and Railway Company. The Barry Railway Company. The Great Western and the Rhymncy Railway Companies Joint Railway.'?. The Great Western and the TalT Vale Railway Companies Joint Railway. The Mersey Railway Company. LS2 Maxihium Kates and Chakges — continued. Part I. — Goods and Minerals — continued. Railway Rates and Charges (Taff Vale Railway, &c.) Order Confirniation Act, 1SQ2— continued. The Penarth Extension Railway Company. The Penarth Harbour, Dock, and Railway Company. The Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway Company. The Rhymney Railway Company. Rates in respect of Merchandise comprised in Classes A. and B. Scale I. — Applicable to the followinr) Railicays, Kailways owned, leased, or worked by Maximum Kate for Conveyance. L The TafiF Vale Railway Company - - - 2. The Aberdare Railway Company _ - - 3. The Great Western Railway Company and Rhym- ney Railway Company jointly _ - - 4. The Great Western Railway Company and Taff "Vale Railwa}- Company jointly - - _ 5. The Penarth Extension Railway Company, the Penarth Harbour, Dock, and Railway Company - 6. The Rhymney Railway Company - - - Per Ton per Mile. Class A. d. Coal ' - 0-875 All other articles in Class ed in Classes A., B., and C. In respect of Mercliandise comprised in the uiidt-r- nientioned Classes. Maximum Rates for Conveyance. For Consignments except as othenvisc provided in tlie Schedule. For the first 10 Miles, or any part of such Distance. Per Ton per Mile. (/. 1-75 2 • 20 2 • 25 For the next 10 Miles, or any part of such Distance. Per Ton per Mile. d. 1-75 1-25 1-75 For the next 15 Milts, or any part (tf such Distance. Per Ton per Mil.'. ./. 0-75 1-00 1-50 For the remain 2. 2-70 2-30 2-00 :.-55 3. 310 2-75 2-45 2 05 4. 3-65 3 -30 305 2-40 5. 4-30 3-90 3-80 3-00 N 2 196 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part II.— Animal Class. The following Scale is common to all the Railioay Rates and Charge's Orders Confirmation Acts of 1891 and 1892, with the exception of the Scottish Railways Acts and the Irish Railways Act. Rate for Conveyance per Mile. 2 "3 1 Q EH Service Terminals. 1 Description. CO m »J3 rs 3 o o M ^ ,• o t- aj .5 6 03 O ^ a 0+- 3 ■3 1 a t3 li .So 1. For every horse, mule, or other beast of draught or burden. 2. For every ox, cow, bull, or head of neat cattle. 8. For every calf not exceeding 12 months old, pig, sheep, lamb, or other small animal. 4. For every animal of the several classes above enumerated con- veyed in a separate carriage, by direction of the consignor, or from necessity. 5. For each truck containing any con- signment by the same person of such number of oxen, cows, n^t catcle, calves, sheep, goats, or pigs, as may reasonably be carried in a truck of 13 feet 6 inches in length inside measurement. 6. For each truck containing any con- signment by tiie same person of such number of oxen, cows, neat cattle, calves, sheep, goats, or pigs, as may reasonably be carried in a truck of 15 feet 6 niches in length inside measurement. 7. For each truck containing any con- signment by the same person of such number of oxen, cows, neat cattle, calves, sheep, goats, or pigs, as may reasonably be carried in a truck of 18 feet in length inside measurement. d. 3 2 0-75 6 6 7 8 d. 3 2 0-75 6 5 6 7 d. 1-G5 1-30 O'M) 6 4-90 5-20 6-20 d. 165 1-30 0-35 6 4-20 4-50 5-50 s. d. 6 4 2 1 6 1 1 1 8. d. 4 3 1-50 1 6 9 1 s. d. 4 3 1-50 1 6 9 1 s. d. 2 6 2 6 2 6 5 3 5 5 The terminal charges other than those payable undtr para- graph 4 un animals sent by the same person at a rate calculated per head, and carried in the same truck, shall in no case exceed the terminal charges per truck. Wliere the Company is required to cleanse and does cleanse trucks under the provision of any Order in Council, or duly authorised Regulation of any Department of State, they may make a charge not exceeding one shilling per truck in addition to the charges herein authorise 1. 197 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part II. — Animal Class — continued. In the Cleator and IVorhiiigton Junction Railirai/, cC'c. Act the conveyance rates " For the next 50 Miles " and " For the remainder of the Distance''^ are omitted. In the follow iiifj Acts, the East London Raihraij, cVc ; the Festiniof/ Railway, &c. ; the Isle of Jf'iyht Railway, iCr. ; and the North london Railway, the rates for conveyance are limited to those set forth in thejirst column of Rates in the jireceding Scale. The followiny Scale is applicable to the Railway Companies pro- vided for in the Scottish Railways Rates and Charges Orders Confirmation Acts o/'1892. Description. Rate for Conveyance per Mile. >5^ 5s| K.C I x" — >5 feS5 Se = I 2s Service Terminals. 1 be s tc> ? ' s •3 ■J '-' 4^* 1. For every horse, mule, or other beast of draught or burden. 2. For every ox, cow, bull, or head of neat cattle. 3. For every calf not exceeding 12 months old, pift, sheep, lamb, or other small animal. 4. For every animal of the several cla-sses above enumerated con- veyed in a sepanito carriage, ))y direction of the consig'nor, or from necessity. 5. For each truck containing any con- signment by the same person of such number of oxen, cows, neat cattle, calves, sheep, goats, or pigs, as may reasonably be carried in a trucK of 15 feet (J inches in length inside measurement. il. 1-G5 0-75 d. 1-65 0-40 0-35 s.d. 6 «. d. 1 '• d. U 4 u 4 3 3 1-50 1-50 1 1 1 ^ i i 1 n.d. 2 f> 2 R 2 6 6 6 The terminal chargea other than tliose payable under para- gra])h 4 on animals sent by the same per-on at a rate calculated per head, and carried in the same truck, ,>-hall in no cnse exceed the terminal charges per truck. Where the Company is required to cleanse and do( s cleanse trucks under the provision of any Older in Council, or duly authorisetl Regulation of any Department, of State, they may make a charge not exceeding one shilling per truck in adtiition to the charges herein authorised. In the City cf fwlasgow Union Railiray Act the Rates for con- veyance arc limited to those set forth in th'-Jirst column if Rates in the above Scale. 198 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part II, — Animal Class — continued. The foUouiing Scale is applicable to the Railway Companies provided for in the Irish Railway Rates and Charges Order Conjirmation Act o/'1892. Rate for Conveyane per Mile. 1 a 1 Service Terminals. 1 So Deicription. II o o lid s o « s „• .2 S o o M S .• SP.S H 0*" a '■5 bo a a as 1. For every horse, mule, or other beast of draught or burden. 2. For every ox, cow, bull, or head of neat cattle. S. For every calf not exceeding 12 months old, pig. sheep, lamb, or other small animal. 4. For every animal of the several classes above enmnerated con- veyed in a separate carriage, by direction of the consignor, or from necessity. 5. For any truck of not less than 13 feet 2 inches and not exceeding 15 feet 2 inches in length inside measurement, containing any con- signment by the same person of sucli number of oxen, cows, neat cattle, calves, sheep, goats, or pigs, as may reasonably be carried therein. O. For any truck exceeding 15 feet 2 inches and not exceeding 16 feet in length inside measurement, containing any consignment by the same person of such number of oxen, cows, neat cattle, calves, sheep, goats, or pigs, as may rea- sonably be carried therein. fl. 3 2 0-75 7 8 d. 3 2 0-75 6 6 7 d. 1-65 1-30 0-40 6 5-20 6-20 d. 1-65 1-30 0-35 6 4-50 5-50 S. d. 6 4 2 1 6 1 1 .•!. d. 4 3 1-50 1 6 9 s. d. U 4 3 1-50 1 6 9 *. d. 2 6 2 6 2 6 5 5 5 The terminal charges other than those payable under para- graph 4 on animals sent by the same person at a rate calculated per head, and carried in the same truck, shall in no case exceed the terminal charges per truck. Where the Company is required . to cleanse and does cleanse trucks under the provision of any Order in Council, or duly authorised Regulation of any Department of State, they may make a cliarge not exceeding one shilling per truck in addition to the charges herein authorised. 199 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part III.— Carriages. This Part of the Mctxivuini Rates unci Charges is common to all the Railwai/ Rates and Charges Orders Confirmation Acts (^1891 and 1892. " Rates for Convey per Mile. Eince 1 Service Terminals. to 43 en J3 1 on — ^ » Ci 1 i o ' o O r73 S 5 S '~ » &« -2 ^z S " S " a Description. m For the next 30 or aJiy part o ^Distance. For the next 50 or any part o Distance. If 3 S H CO Uj c 1 a P o a c 1 e d. d. d. d. ,.d. d. rf. For every carriage of whatever des- 6 G 3-30 3-20 1 6 — — cription not included in the classi- fication, and not bein^ a carriage adapted and used for travelling on the railway, and not weighing more than one ton, carried or con- veyed on a truck or platform. For every additional quarter of a 2 2 1-35 1-25 — — — — — ton which such carriage may weigh. For the use of a covered carriage truck for the conveyance of any An additional charge of 1 05. such carriage. 77i ^/te Clcator and IVorkinc/ton Junction Railway, §*c. Act, ike conveyance rates " For the next 50 Miles " arid " For the remainder oj the Distance " are omitted. In the following Acts^ the East I^ondon Railway, Sfc. ; the Festiniog Railway, Sfc. ; the Isle of Wight Railway, Sfc. ; the North London Railway; and the City of Glasgoxo Union Railway, the rates for Conveyance are limited to those set forth in the first column of Rates in the above Scale. 200 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part IV. — Exceptional Class. This Part of the Maximum Rates and Charges is common to alt the Railniay Rates and Charges Orders Confirmation Acts oj 1891 and 1892. Description. Charge. For articles of unusual length, bulk, or weight, or of excep- tional bulk in proportion to weight. For articles requiring an exceptional truck, or more than one truck, or a special train. For locomotive engines and tenders, and railway vehicles ninning on their own wheels. For any wild beast, or any large animal not otherwise pro- vided for. For dangerous goods - . . . . For specie, bullion, or precious stones . . _ For any accommodation or services provided or rendered by the (Company within the scope of their undertaking by the desire of a trader, and in respect of which no provisions are made by this Schedule. Such reasonable sam as the Company may think fit itt each case. The above provisions shall not apply to pieces of timber weighing less than four tons each, but for aU such timber when requiring two or more waggons for conveyance a minimum charge may be made as for one ton for each waggon used, whether carrying part of the load or used as a safety waggon only. 201 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part v. — Perishable Merchandise by Passenger Train. This Part of the Maximum Rates and Charges is common to all the Raihcay Rates and Charges Orders Confirmation Acts of 1891 and 1892. The following provisions and regulations shall be applicable to the conveyance of perisiiable merchandise liy passenger train : — 1 The Company shall afford reasonable facilities for the expe- ditious conveyance of the articles enumerated in the three divi- sions set out hereunder (which articles are herein-after called " perishables "), either by passenger train or by other similar service. 2. Such facilities shall be subject to the reasonable regulations of the Company for the convenient and punctual working of their passenger train service, and shall not include any obligation to convey perishables by any particuhir train. 3. The Company shall not be under obligation to convey by passenger train, or other similar service, any merchandise other than perishables, 4. Any question as to the facilities afforded by the Company under these provisions and regulations shall be determined by the Board of Trade. 5. Where a consignment of milk is less than 12 gallons, the Company shall be entitled to charge as for 12 gallons, and wliere a consignment of perishable merchnndise comprised in Divisions II. or III. is less than one hundredweight, the Company shall be entitled to charge as for one hundredweight, with a minimum charge of one shilling. Division I. Milk. Butter, /rei/t Cheese, soft. Cream. Fish- Char. Grayling. Lobsters. Mullet, red. Oysters. Prawns. Salmon. Division IL Fish — cont. Soles. Trout. Turbor. ^Vhitebait. Fruit — Hothouse fruit. Game, dead. Ment, fresh. Poultry, dead. Kabbits, dead. Vegetables, hothouse. Division III. Fish (except as provided in Division 1 1.). Fruit (except as provided in Division II.). Ice. 202 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part V. — Perishable Merchandise bt Passenger Teain — continued. Maxiimim rates and charf^os for the three divisions — Division I. Rate for Conveyance. Station Terminal at each End. Service Terminals. For any Distance not exceed- ing 20 Miles. For any Distance exceeding 20 Miles, but not exceeding 50 Miles. For any Distance exceeding .50 Miles, but not exceeding 75 Miles. For any Distance exceeding 75 Miles, but not exceeding 100 Miles. For any Distance exceeding 100 Miles, but not exceeding 150 Miles. For any Distance exceeding 150 Miles. be a '"5 3 a Per Imperial Gallon. Per Imperial Gallon. Per Imperial Gallon. Per Imperial Gallon. Per Imperial Gallon. Per Imperial Gallon. Per Can. PerCan. PerCan. d. 0-50 d. o-co d. 0'70 d. 0-90 d. 1-00 d. 1-20 d. 1-50 d. 1-00 d. 1-00 RETURNED EMPTY CANS. Per Can. Per Can. Per Can. Per Can. Per Can. Per Can. d. 1-.50 d. 2-00 d. 2-25 d. 2-50 d. 3-00 d. 3-00 - 0-50 0-50 Divisions IT. and III. Rate for C onveyance. Station Terminal Service Terminals. For the first 20 For the next 30 For the next 50 For the Miles, or any part of such Miles, or any part of such Miles, or any part of such remainder of the Distance. End. Loading. Unloading. Distance. Distance. Distance. Per Cwt. Per Cwt. Per Cwt. Per Cwt, Per Cwt. Per Cwt. Per Cwt. per Mile. per Mile. per Mile. per Mile. DIVISION I I. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. 0-60 0-45 0-24 0-10 0-75 0-75 0-75 DIVISION II I. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. 0'40 0-30 0-13 0-12 0-75 0-50 0-50 In the Cleator and Workington Junction Railway Act the Rates for conveyance for distances beyond 50 miles are omitted. In the following Acts, the East London Railway, c^c. ; the Festiniog Railwtty, Sec ; the Isle of Wight Raihcay, d'c. ; the North London Railway ; and the City of Glasgow Union Railway, the Rates for conveyance are limited to those set forth inthe first column of the above Scales. 203 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part VI. — Small Parcels by Merchandise Train. This Part of the Maximum Rates and Charges is romtnon to all the Railwaij Rates and Charges Orders Confirmation Acts of 1891 and 1892. 1. For small parcels by merchandise train, not exceeding in weight three hundredweight, the Company may cliarge, in addition to the maximum rates tor conveyance, and tlie maximum station and service terminals, authorised by this schedule, which rates and charges are in tliis jiart togctlier referred to by the expression "the maximum tonnage charge," the following: — Authorised I additional Charge per Parcel. Per I on. Per Ton. *. d. s. d. 5. d. 5 Wheii the maximum tonnage charge does not exceed 20 — — 6 ~ 20 ~j r 30 7 30 4(J 8 40 50 y 10 1 ^ When the maximum tonnage charge exceeds - 50 60 70 but doeB not exceed GO 70 80 I 2 80 90 1 4 90 100 1 6 J 1- 100 J — 2. Where, for a parcel exceeding in weight three hundred- weight, the maximum tonnage charge comes to less than the Company are authorised, according to the above table, to charge for a parcel of three hundrcdwciolit in weight, the Company may chary-e for Mich parcel as if its Avci with the maximum tonnage charge applicable to the highest of such classes. 204 Maximum Rates and Charges — continued. Part VI. — Small Parcels by Merchandise Train — continued. 7. If the consignor of a small parcel declines, on demand by the Company, to declare to the Company the nature of the con- tents of tlie small parcel before or at the time when the same is delivered to the Company for conveyance, the Company may charge for the parcel as if it was wholly composed of articles comprised in Class 5 of the classification. 8 Nothing in this part of this schedule shall apply to returned empties. 205 Appendices to the Conditions special to particular Acts printed on pages 113 to 130. APPENDIX No. 1. The Saint Helen's Canal and Railway Transfer Act, 1864 (27 & 28 Vict. c. 296). Section 12. — Except as otherwise expressly provided by this Act, the tolls, rates, and charores to be demanded by the London and North Western Railway Company, for and in respect of the railways hereby transferred to them, shall be the same as are or may be demandable by them for or in respect of their own railways, and shall be charged equally to all companies and persons using; the said railways : Provided that such tolls, rates, and charges shall be calculated as though the London and North Western Railway and the railways herel^y transferred formed a Continuous railway of tiie London and North Western Railway Company. Section 13. — Provided also, that it shall not be lawful for the London and North Western Railway Company to demand or receive any greater toll, rate, or charge than the followintr in respect of the matters herein-after stated : — For stone, sand, clay, slates, bricks, anil limestone conveved to and from St. Helen's and AVidnes Dock, one ahillino- and twopence per ton, and if conveyed between St. Helen's and Garston Dock, one shilling and eightpence per ton, which charges of one shilling and twopence and one shilling and eightpence respectively shall include dock dues, receivin"- from the ship and loading on the waggons, or the unloailing from the waggons and delivery to the ship and also the use ol' waggons : For pyrites, manganese, copper ore, emery stone, plaster stone, salt, timber, and merchandise conveyed between St. Helen's and Widnes Dock, one shilling and eightpence jicr ton, and if conveyed between St, Heh'n's and Garston Dock, two shillings and twopence per ton, which charges of one shillino- and eightpence and two shillings and twopence per ton respectively shall include dock dues, receiving from the ship and loading on the waggons, or the unloading from the waggons and delivery to the ^hip, and also the use of wajTo-ons : For all traffic conveyed betAveen Widnes Dock, or thnt portion of the Sankey Canal between Westbank Locks and the first bridge crossing such canal, and the sidings of any works or manufactories in the township of Widnes tlirccilv com- municating with the lines of railway hereby transferred, eightpence per ton, or for traflic conveyed between Garston Dock and such sidings, one shilling and threepence per ton, whicli charges of eightpence and one shilling and threepence 20G Appendix No. 1 — continued. The Saint Helen's Canal and Railway Transfer Act, 1864 — continued. per ton respectively shall include dock dues, receiving from the ship and loading on the waggons, or the unloading from the waggons and delivery to the ship, and also the use of waggons : For all traffic conveyed from the sidings of any works or manu- factory in the township of Widnes directly communicating with the railways hereby trimsferred to the sidings of any other works or manufactory in the said township sixpence per ton : For all merchandise other than coal or refuse conveyed from the works of one manufacturer having a siding directly com- municating with the lines of the St. Helen's Railway to those of any other manufacturer having a siding directly com- municating with such lines, and not more than three miles distant by railway from such other siding, ninepence per ton, which charge shall Include the use of waggons, but not porterage : The tolls, rates, and charges hereby granted for traffic to and from St. Helen's shall include the taking waggons with goods to and from the sidings directly communicating with the lines of the St. Helen's Railway, not being more than two and a quarter miles northward of Sutton Oak Junction : If any of the foregoing articles are placed, at the desire or by the default of the owner or consignee, on the wharves, either of Widnes or of Garston Dock, the London and North Western Company may charge by way of wharfage rate any sum not exceeding fourpence halfpenny per ton, and if such articles remain on the said wharves longer than one month the company may charge any additional sum not exceeding one penny halfpenny per ton for every month or part of a month beyond the first month during which they remain on the said wharves : For all coal conveyed in owner's waggons from any colliery on the St. Helen's Railway not being more than sixteen miles from Garston Dock to that dock, including the charge for the use of the dock, one shilling and threepence per ton ; and if the owner supplies locomotive power, there shall be a deduction from the said charge of fourpence per ton : For alkaline waste, slag, and other refuse conveyed exclusively on the railways hereby transferred the rates authorised to be charged for slack. Section 14. — The delivery of waggons into and the taking the same from sidings communicating with the railway hereby trans- ferred, as heretofore performed by the St. Helen's Company, shall not be deemed to be such a delivery and collection as shall entitle the company to any charge in respect thereof beyond the rates herein-beforc provided. 20"; Appp:ndix No. 1 — continiiefl. The London and North Western Railway (Addi- tional Powers, England) Act, 1865 (28 & 29 Vict. c. 333). Section 72. — The charge of sixpence per ton authorised to he made by the 13th section of the Saint lielen't* Canal and Kail- way Transfer Act, 18(54, for all traffic conveyed from the siding of any works or manufactory in the township of Widnes, directlv communicating with the railways hy the said Act transferred, to the sidings of any other works or manufactory in tlic said town- ship, shall in all cases include the use of waggons ; and notwith- standing anything in the said Act contained, the company may lawfully demand and receive for traffic conveyed between Widnes Dock, or that portion of the S;mkcy Canal between Westhank Locks and the first bridge crossing such canal, and the sidings v'i any works or manufactories in the township of Widnes, directly communicating with the lines of railway transferred to theui by the said Act, any sum not exceeding ninepence per ton, including dock dues, receiving from the ship and loading on the waggons, or the unloading from the waggons and delivery to the ship, and also the use of wagorons. The London and North Western Railway (New Works and Additional Powers) Act, 1867 i30& 31 Vict. c. 144). Section 48. — The 13th, 17th, and 22nd sections of the St. Helens Canal and Railway Transfer Act, 1864, are incorporated with and form part of this Act, and the expression " Garston Dock " therein used shall hereafter comprise the new docks bv this Act authorised: and the expressions "Dock dues," and " Charge for the use of the dock," therein also used, shall comprise the charges imposed in Schedule (C.) to this Act, "Dock rates on goods " ; and the expression in ihe said section, " the railways hereby transferred," shall mean the then existinnf lines of the St. Helen's Railway, and all railways, tramwavs, and sidings in connexion with the docks hereby authorised : and nothing in this Act contained shall be taken to authorise the Company to demand or receive any further toll, rate, or charge in respect of any matters in the said sections mentioned, so far as regards the said docks hereby authorised, than the maximum toll, rates, and charges by the said sections and by the Schedule ( B.) to this Act authorised, or to repeal, alter, or vary, except as in this section expressly enacted, any of the provisions of the said first- mentioned Act : Provideil that nothing in this Act shall authorise the Company to demand or receive from the owners of any vessels carrying cargo for any traders or persons entitled to the jjrivile^es in the said first-mentioned sections acconled any dock tonnage rates, except a rate not exceeding twopence per ton register on 208 Appendix No, 1 — continued. The London and North Western Railway (New Works and Additional Powers) Act, 1867 (30 & 31 Vict. C. 144) — continued. the entry of the docks hereby authorised only : Provided also that no dock tonnage rates shall be payable by persons on lighters carrying cargo fi'om or to any other part of the port of Liverpool for the service of vessels loading or unloading in the said docks. APPENDIX No. 2. The London and North Western Railway Amal- gamation Act, 1846 (9 & 10 Vict. c. 204). Part of Section 63. — And with respect to the cotiveyance of goods, the maximum rates of charge to be made by the Company for the conveyance thereof along the railway, in- cluding the tolls for the use of the railway, and waggons or trucks and locomotive power, and every expense incidental to such conveyance, except a reasonable sum for loading, covering, and unloading of goods, and for delivery and collection, and any other services incidental to the business or duty oi a carrier, where such services or any of them are or is performed by the Company, shall not exceed the following sums (that is to say):— ^ For iron not damageable, one penny per ton per mile if conveyed for a distance of 50 miles or upwards; but if for any less distance than 50 miles, one penny farthing per ton per mile : For damageable iron, sheet iron, hoop iron, and all similar descriptions of wrought iron, three halfpence per ton per mile if conveyed for a distance of 50 miles or upwards ; but if for any less distance than 50 miles, twopence per ton jier mile : For sugar, grain, corn, flour, hides, dyewoods, Manchester packs, earthenware, timber, staves, deals, metals, hardware in packages or case?, nails, anvils, vices and chains, the sum of twopence halfpenny per ton per mile if conveyed for a less distance than 50 miles ; and the sum of twopence per ton per mile if conveyed 50 miles or upwards. The London and North Western Railway Com- pany's Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and Stour Valley Railway Act, 1846 (9 & 10 Vict. c. 328). Parts of Sections 89 and 96. — '' And with respect to the con- veyance of goods, the maximum rate of charge to be made by the 209 AppKNDix No. 2 — continued. The London and North Western Railway Com- pany's Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and Stour Valley Railway Act, 1846— (o;/^/((ur the expense of stopping, loading, and mdo.uling : For a fraction of a mile beyond ff>ur miles, or beyond any greater number of miles, the Company may demand tolls on merchandise for such fraction in proportion to the nunibei- 214 ^ Appendix No. 4 — conthmrd. The Newport and Pontypool Railway Act, 1845— continued. of quarters of a mile contained therein^ and if there be a fraction ol'a quarter of a mile, such fraction shall be deemed a quarter of a mile : For a fraction of a ton, the Company may demand toll accord- ing to the number o£ quarters of a ton in such fraction, and if there be a fraction of a quarter of a ton such fraction shall be deemed a quarter of a too. With respect to all articles the weight shall be determined according to the usual avoirdupois weight. Section 106. — And with respect to small packages, and single articles of great weight, be it enacted, that, notwithstanding the rate of tolls hereby prescribed, the Company may lawfully demand the tolls following ; (that is to say,) For the carriage of small parcels (that is to say), parcels not exceeding five hundred pounds weight each, the Company may demand any sum which ihey think fit : Provided always, that articles sent in large aggregate quantities, althougli made up of separate parcels, such as bags of sugar, coffee, meal, and the like, shall not be deemed small parcels, but such terms shall apply only to single parcels in separate packages : For the carriage of any single piece of iron, timber, stone, machinery, or other single article, the weight of which, in- cluding the carriage, shall exceed four tons, but shall not exceed eight tons, the Company may demand such sum as they think fit, not exceeding sixpence per ton per mile : For the carriage of any single piece of iron, timber, stone, machinery, or other single article, the weight of which, in- cluding the carriage, shall exceed eight tons, the Company may demand such sum as they may think fit. Part of Section 134.— And be it enacted, that the Company may demand for the use of steam engines or other moving power, when provided by them for propelling carriages, whether on their own railways or on any other railway, any tolls not exceeding the following ; (that is to say,) For each animal, two* per mile ; for coals, culm, coke, ironstone and iron ore, and for iron, lead, tin, and tin plates (except nails, utensils, or other articles of merchandise), three-eighths of a penny per ton per mile ; and for other goods one half- penny per ton per mile : Provided nevertheless that the Company may demand and receive any tolls they may think fit for such moving power in respect of such small parcels for which ihey are herein-before authorised to take tolls for the use of the railway without limitation as to amount. * In the 16 & 17 Vict. c. 195. s. 34 the toll for animals i» set forth as follows. ' For each animal twopence per mile" 215 Appendix No, 4 — continued. The Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Act, 1853 ae & 17 Vict. c. 195). Section 38. — That, notwitiistamling aiiytliing in the said recited Acts contained, it shall not be lawful for the Company to demand, for the carriage of small parcels on their railways, any tolls exceeding the sums following; (that is to say,) For any parcel not exceeding seven jjoiinds in weight, if con- veyed for any distance not exceeding fifteen miles, sixpence; and if conveyed for a distance exceeding fifteen miles, one shilling : For any parcel exceeding seven pounds and not exceeding fourteen pounds in weight, if conveyed for any distance not exceeding fifteen miles, ninepence ; and if conveyed for a distance exceeding fifteen miles, one shilling and sixpence : For any parcel exceeding fourteen pounds and not exceedin"- twenty-eight pounds in weight, if conveyed for any distance not exceeding fifteen miles, one shilling ; and if conveyed for a distance exceeding fifteen miles, two shillings : For any parcel exceeding twenty-eight poimds and not exceed- ing fifty-six pounds in weight, if conveyed for any distance not exceeding fifteen miles, one shilling and sixpence ; and if conveyed for any distance exceeding fifteen miles, two shillings and sixpence : For any parcel exceeding fifty-six pounds and not exceeding five hundred pounds in weight, the Company may doniaiul any reasonable sum which they may think fit: Provided always, that articles sent in large aggregate quantities, although made up of separate packai^es, such as bags of sugar, coffee, meal, and the like, sliall not be deemed small parcels, but that such term shall apply only to single parcels in separate packages. Monmouthshire Railway and Canal (Works) Act, 1861 (24 & 25 Vict. c. 218). Section 25. — With respect to the tdunage of the following articles conveyed on any railway of the Company, where the same are conveyed thereon in carriages belonging to or provided by the Company, tlu:y may (in lieu ot the charge which they are now authorised to make in respect of tho.se articles for the use of carriages belonging to or provided by them) demand and take, in respect of the user of their carnages conveying the same respec- tively, any sums not exceeding the following; (that is to eay,) Class 1. For sugar, corn, and other grain, malt, flour, potatoes, hides, dyewoods, earthenware, timber, pit wood, ccird wood, staves, deals, nails, anvils, vices, antl chains, one halfpenny a ton a mile : ai6 Appendix No. 4 — continued. Monmouthshire Railway and Canal (Works) Act, 1861 — continued. Class 2. For cotton and other wool?, drugs, manufactured goods, Manchester packs, and metals (except iron, lead, tin, tin plates, ironstone, and iron ore, for which, under the Act of 1845, the Company may charge for the use of carriages, if belonging to them, one-eighth of a penny per ton per mile J, three farthings a ton a mile : Class 3. For fish, feathers,canes, cocl)ineal, iiousehold furniture, hats, shoes, toys, and all other articles, matters, and things for which the Company may now charge twopence a ton a mile for the use of the railway, one penny a ton a mile : And the provisions and regulations contained in the section numbered 105 of the Act of 1845 shall be applicable to the fixing of the tolls or sums by this Act authorised to be taken. Section 26. — The maximum rates to be taken by the Company for the conveyance of animals and things on any railway of the Company, including the tolls for the user ol' the railway, for carriages (when provided by the Company), and for locomotive power, and every other expense incidental to the conveyance (except a reasonable sum for loading, covering, and unloading of goods at any terminal station of such goods, and for delivery and collection, and any other services incidental to the business or duty of a carrier, where such services or any of theiu are or is performed by the Company), shall not exceed the sums following; (that is to say,) For all sorts of manure, and all undressed materials for the repair of highways, coals, culm, coke, ironstone, and iron ore, one penny a ton a mile : For iron, lead, tin, and tin plates (except nails, utensils, or other articles of merchandise), one penny halfpenny a ton a mile : For all charcoal, limestone, stones for building, pitching, and paving, bricks, tiles, slates, clay, and sand, one penny and live-eighths of a penny a ton a mile : For sugar, corn, and other grain, malt, flour, potatoes, hides, dyewoods, earthenware, timber, pit wood, cord wood, staves, deals, nails, anvils, vices, and chains, threepence a ton a mile : For cotton and other wools, drugs, manufactured goods, Man- chester packs, and metals (except iron, lead, tin, tin plates, ironstone, and iron ore), threepence farthing a ton a mile : For fish, feathers, canes, cochineal, household furniture, hats, shoes, toys, and all other things for which the Company may now ciiarge twopence a ton a mile for the use of the railway, threepence halfpenny a ton a mile : For every carriage, of whatever description, not being adapted and used for travelling on a railway, carried or conveyed on a 217 Appendix No. 4 — continued. Monmouthshire Railway and Canal (Works) Act, 1861 — continued. truck or platforn), if not weighing more tli:m one ton, sixpence a mile ; and if weighing more than one ton, for every quarter of a ton or fractional part of a quarter of a ton beyond tlie first ton which the carriage weighs, one penny halfpenny a mile : For every horse, mule, asa, or other beast of draught or burden conveyed in or upon any carriage on tlie railway, tivepence a mile : For every ox, cow, bull, or head of neat cattle, conveyed in or upon any carriage on the railway, threepence a mile : For every calf, pig, sheep, lamb, or other small animal conveyed in or upon any carriage on the railway, one penny halfpenny a mile. APPENDIX No. 5. The Great Western Railway (Various Powers) Act, 1867 (30 & 31 Vict. c. 150). Part of Section 22. — Railways Nos. 1, 2, and 3 shall vest in and belong to the Company arid the Rhymney Company jointly : Provided always that the maximum charge for the conveyance (exclusive of waggons) of c >al and coke from any part of tlie said railways, including Dowlais to Cardiff, or other stations in South Wales, on the railways of the Company and the Khvmney Company may be, but shall not exceed, as regards coal, seven- eighths of a })enny per ton per mile, and as regards coke, one penny per ton per mile : Provided also, that for articles or persons conveyed on the Railways Nos. 1, 2, and 3 for a less distance than four miles, tolls, rates, and charges may be demanded as for four miles. The Great Western Railway Act, 1872 (35 & 36 Vict. c. 129). Part of Section 30. — For all purposes whatever, including the demanding and recovering of tolls and charges, the four railways last above clcscril)ed shall be deemed to be part of the Railways Nos. 1, 2, and 3 of the Company's Act of 1867. 218 Appendix No. 5 — continued. Great Western Railway Act, 1873 (36 & 37 Vict. c. 190). Section 47. — For oil purposes whatever, including; the deniand- inu and recovering of tolls, rates, and charges, and including also the runninp; powers frianted to the Taft" Vale Kailway Company, the new joint lines shall be deemed to bepnrt of the Railways Nos. 1, 2, and 3 of the Company's Act of 1867, as altered and extended by the Company's Act of 1872. APPENDIX No. 6. North Eastern Railway Act, 1884 (47 & 48 Vict. c. 58). Sectiun 18. — The Company may; by agreement, purchase and acquire and may subsequently maintain and use the railways called or known as the Middlesborough Owners Railways, situate in the townships of Linthorpe, Middlesborough, Ormesby, and Normanby, and parishes of Middlesborough, Ormesl)), and Eston, in the north riding of the county of York (in this section called "the said railways"), together with all buildings, erections, appli- ances, works, and conveniences connected therewith, and also all rights, easements, and privileges to which the owners of such rail- ways and works may be entitled in connexion therewith, and also the lands on which such railways and works have been constructed and any other lands of such owners adjoining or near thereto : The Company may demand, receive, and take for or in r espect of the said railways when acquired by them, and for or in respect of all services rendered upon or in connexion therewith such reasonable tolls, rates, and ciiarges as they may from time to time appoint, not exceeding the tolls, rates, and ciiarges levied or charged for the use of the said railways or for any such services respectively by the owners of the said railways at the time of the acquisition thereof by the Company: Notwithstanding anything in this Act contained all corporations, companies, or persons now entitled to any rights of user or other rights or privileges on, over, or in respect of the snid railways, shall continue to be respectively entitled to the same rights and privileges to the same extent and subject to the same terms and conditions, and for the same periods as they respectively would have been entitled thereto if this Act had not been passed : Provided always that any agreement under the powers of this section shall not take effect unless and until a plan of the said rail- ways and a list of the toll*, rates, and charges levied or charged as aforesaid by the owners of the said railways at the time of the 219 Appendix No. 6 — continued. North Eastern Railway Act, 1884— <•(>»///< »«/. acquisition thereof by the Company, siirnccl by the secretary of the Companv and by the owners of ihe said railw.iyt^, shall have been deposited in the Parliament Otttce of the House of Lords, the Private Bill Office of the House of Commons, and at the Board of Trade, and at the chief office of the Company at York. List of Tolls, Rates, and Charges levied or charored for the use of the Middlesborough Owners Railways at the time of the acquisition thereof by the North Eastern R:iilway Company as deposited at tiie Board of Trade on the 2Sth November 1884. Fourpence per ton in respect of all tradic conveyed over any portion of the railways between the Tees Conservancy Commis- sioners' Graving Dock and Vulcan Street, Middlesborou^li. (1.) One farthinor per ton in respect of all traffic entering or leaving by railway Messrs. Jone?, Dunnint,' & Co.'s Works. But in case the said farthing per ton foi any periotl less than one year, commencing as ^rom the 1st January, amounts to the sum of 500/., then for the remainder of such year one-eighth of a penny per ton is charged in lieu of one farthing per ton. (2.) One penny per ton (including the said farthing per ton) in respect of all traffic coming from or going beyond the Dock Lock Bridge. One penny per ton in respect of all traffic going to the west, and one halfpenny per ton for all traffic going to the east and passinor over any portion of the railways to and from ^liss Brown's wharf and property. (1.) One farthing per ton in respect of all traffic (except sla^ and refuse when conveyed for deposit and not for sale) conveyed over the* railways connecting in a westerly and easterly direction the North Eastern Railway Company's Middlesborough and Redcar Railway with Messrs. Cochrane & Co.'s Works, until such wayleave, rent, or toll in any (me year, to be computed from the 1st day of January, shall have amounted to the sum of 500/., then for the remainder of such year a wayleave rent or toll of one- eighth of a penny is charged. (2.) One halfpenny per ton in respect of all traffic (except as aforesaid) conveyed over the railways crossing the Dock Lock Bridge to the steam boat wharves at Middlesl)orou<;h. (1.) One farthing per ton in respect of all traffic (except certain iron and slag refuse when conveyed for deposit merely and not for sale), entering or leaving the premises and passing to or Iro'u the North Eastern Railway Company's Middlesliorough and Redcar Railway. 220 Appendix No. 6 — continued. List of Tolls, Rates, and Charges, &c. — continued. (2.) One penny per ton (in addition to the above-mentioned wayleave of one farthing per ton) in respect of all traffic entering or leaving tiie premises and passing over the Dock Lock Bridge. (3.) Threepence per ton in respect of all traffic passing over the railways between the Tees Iron Works and the Graying Dock. (Lessees of Cargo Fleet Timber Yard.) (1.) One halfpenny per ton in respect of all traffic conveyed on the railways and not passing over the Dock Lock Bridge. (2.) Twoptnce per ton in respect of all traffic conveyed over the Dock Lock Bridge. (3.) Twopence per ton in respect of all traffic conveyed on the railways to the Graving Dock, (L) One halfpenny per ton in respect of all traffic passing over any portion of the railways into or out of ^Messrs. Warner & Co.'s works. (2.) Twopence per ton (including the above-mentioned half- penny per ton) on traffic passing over the Dock Lock Bridge. (1.) One penny per ton in respect of all traffic entering or leav- ing ^Ir. Ridley's works or passing over any portion of the railways to the souih of the Dock Lock Bridge. (2.) Twopence per ton (including the above-mentioned way- leave of one penny per ton) in respect of all traffic entering or leaving the works and passing over the Dock Lock Bridge. (1.) One penny per ton in respect of all traffic entering or leav- ing Messrs. Crewdson, Hardy, & Co.'s works or passing over any portion of the railways extending to or from the works to Dock Lock Bridge and to the wharves or works on the east and west of Messrs. Crewdson, Hardy, & Co.'s works and on the south side of the Dock Channel. (2.) Twopence per ton (including the above-mentioned penny per ton wayleave) for all traffic coming from or going north beyond the Dock Lock Bridge. But if the above-mentioned tonnages together amount to 200^. in any one year, then the excess is charo-ed at half the above rates for the remainder of the then current year. Five-eighths of a penny per ton in respect of all traffic entering or leaving the works of Messrs. Sadler & Co., Limited, or passing over the railway between the works and the Guisborough Branch of the North Eastern Railway. (1.) One penny per ton in respect of all traffic passing over any portion of the railways into or out of Messrs. Jackson and Hawes' works. 221 Appendix No. 6 — continued. List of Tolls, Hates, and Charges, &c. — continued. (2.) Twopence per ton (including the above penny per Ion wayleave) on traffic passing over the Dock Lock Bridge. (1.) One halfpenny per ton in respect of all traffic passinir over the railways into or out of Messrs. K. Cragga and Son's premises. (2.) Twopence per ton (including the above-mentioned way- leave of one halfpenny per ton) on traffic passing over the Dock Lock Bridge. (1.) One halfpr-nny per ton in respect of traffic leaving Messrs. Wilsons, Pease, and Co.'s Slag NVorks, and passing over any por- tion of the railways. (2.) One penny per ton (including the above halfpenny per ton wayleave) on all traffic passing over the Dock Luck lirid^e. (1.) One halfpenny per ton in res^pect of all traffic ente.i..g or leaving Messrs. Calder, Dixon, Stewart, & Co.'s premises k own as the West Wharf and the Bottle House Point U harf, or pass ng over any portion of the railways to the north of the Dock Lock Bridge. (2.) Twopence per ton on all traffic passing over the Dock Lock Bridge. (1.) One halfpenny per ton in respect of all traffic carried along the railways, extending from Mr. Harkess' premises to and communicating with the North Eastern Railway. (2.) Twopence per ton (including the above-mentioned way- leave of one halfpenny per ton) on traffic passing over the Dock Lock Bridge. (3.) Fourpence per ton in respect of all traffic passing over the Dock Lock Bridge to the Graving Dock. (1.) One halfpenny per ton in respect of all traffic cMitering or leaving ^Messrs. Raylton, Dixon, ki Co.'s works, or passing over the railways to the north of the Dock Lock Bridge. (2.) Two[)ence per ton on all traffic pa?sing over the Dock Lock Bridge. (3.) Fourpence per ton in respect of all traffic passing over the Dock Lock Bridge to the Graving Dock. (1.) One halfpenny per ton in respect of all traffic conveyed along the railways between Messrs. Bolckow, \ auglian, & Cos' works and the North Eastern Railway. (2.) Twopence per ton in respect of certain traffic conveyed along the railways from their works over the Dock Lock Bridge. 222 Appendix No. 6 — continued. List of Tolls, Rates, and Charges, &o. — continued. (3.) Twenty pounds per annum for use of a certain portion of the railways into their works. (1.) One penny per ton in respect of all traffic entering or leaving Messrs. Copley & Co.'s premises, or passing over any portion of the railways to the north of the Dock Lock Bridge. (2.) Twopence ])er ton (including the above penny per ton wayleave) on all traffic passing over the Dock Lock Bridge. (3.) Fourpence per ton in respect of all traffic passing over the Dock Lock Bridge to the Graving Dock. (1.) Twenty-five pounds per annum for the use of the railway between tlie premises belonging to tlie Tees Side L'un Works Company, Limited, on the north and south sides of Vulcan Street, for the purpose of conveying iron and other goods, merchandise, matters, and things for the exclusive use of the parties in their business of ironfounders and engineerR. (2.) One halfpenny per ton for all goods shipped, unloaded, wharfed, or conveyed for persons other than the Tees Side Iron and Engine Works Company, Limited, over the railways on to the North Eastern Railway. (3.) Twopence per ton in respect of certain traffic conveyed along the railways from the Tees Engine Works over the Dock JiOck Bridge. One halfpenny per ton in respect of all traffic entering or leaving Messrs. 1. Wilson (5c Co.'s Pottery Works. One halfpenny per ton in respect of all traffic conveyed along the railways between the gasworks and other property of the corporation of Middlesborough and the North Eastern Railv/ay. (1.) One halfpenny per ton in respect of all traffic entering or leaving Messrs. Hallam & Co.'s premises, and passing over the railways to the north-east of the Dock Lock Bridge. {2.) Twopence per ton (including the above-mentioned half- penny per ton wayleave) on all traffic passing over the Dock Lock Bridge to the Graving Dock. (1.) One halfpenny per ton in respect of all traffic entering or leaving Messrs. Hogg and Henderson's premises, and passing over the railways to the north of Dock Lock Bridge. (2.) Twopence per ton in respect of all traffic passing over the Dock Lock Bridge. (1.) One halfpenny per ion in respect of all traffic entering or leaving the Tees Union Shipping Company's premises or passing over any portion of the railways. 223 Appendix No. 6 — continued. List of Toll8, Rates, and Charges, &c. — continued. (2.) Twopence per ton in respect of all traffic passing over the Dock Lock Bridge. One penny per ton in respect of all traffic conveyed along tlie railways for Messrs. Tuck and Sons from the North Eastern Railway. ' One halfpenny per ton in respect of all traffic entering or leaving Messrs. Rudd and Son's premises, and passinirover any portion of the railways extending from the premises to the North Eastern Railway at the west end of Vulcan Street. (1.) One penny per ton in respect of all traffic passing over any portion of the railways into or out of Mr. Turner's premises. (2.) Twopence per ton in respect of all traflSc passing over the Dock IjOck Bridge. One penny per ton in respect of all traffic entering or leavino- Messrs. Butler Brothers' works or passing over the railways from the North Eastern Railway to the works, and also the railways extending to or from the works lo ;iny works or wharf to the south of the same. (1.) Twenty pounds per annum for the railway connexion from the North Eastern Railway Company's boundary to the Ayreion Rolling Mills and to the works of Messrs. (xjers, Mills, & Co., Messrs. Stevenson, Jaques, & Co , The Britannia Iron Works, and the Wire Works. (2.) One penny per ton in respect of all traffic entering or leav- ing tiie Ayreton Rolling !Mil!s and passing over the railways to other works in the West ^larshes (in the township of Linthorpe). (1.) One halfpenny per ton in respect of all traffic enterini; or leaving Mrs. M^llanby's works or passing over any portion of the railways to the north of the Dock Lock Bridge. (2.) One {)cnny per ton in respect of all traffic entering or leav- ing the works over the railways to any other works in the ^^'est Marshes. Ten pounds per annum for the use of the railway bolwcen the Wellington Foundry and the North Eaetcrn Railway. One penny per ton in respect of all traffic conveyed alono- the railways between Mr, Lane's premises and the North Eastern Railway. Seventeen pounds ten shillings per annum tor the use of railway from the North Eastern Hailw;n' on the west or north of Messrs Hill and Bevan's Wire Work*^.' 224 Appendix No. 6 — continued. List op Tolls, Kates, and Charges, &c. — continued. (1.) Twenty pounds per annum for use of the railways at the entrance to the North Eastern Steel Company's Works for shunt- ing purposes and for access to the North Eastern Kaihvay. (2.) Ten pounds per annum for the use of certain other por- tions of the railways. (3.) One penny per. ton in respect of all traffic entering or leav- ing the works to or from any place by the railways other than the first above-mentioned railways. (1.) One farihing per ton in respect of all traffic carried over the railways between Messrs. Connal «Sz; Co.'s works and the North Eastern Railway. (2.) One penny per ton (Including the above wayleave of one farthing per ton) on all traffic carried from or to the works and passing over the railways leading to the West Marsh Wharf, &c. One penny per ton in respect of all traffic entering or leaving Messrs. Gjers, Mills, & Co.'s works over the railways to other works in the West Marshes. (I.) Twenty pounds per annum for the use of the railways con- necting the North Eastern Railway with the Britannia Iron Works. (2.) One penny per ton for all traffic conveyed on the railways to and from the said works from or to the Dock Lock Bridge or any intermediate points or to or from the said works from or to the south side of the North Road. (3.) Twopence per ton (inclusive of the above wayleave of one penny ])er ton) for all traffic conveyed on the railways from or to any point eastward of Middlesborough Dock Lock. The minimum charge for traffic included in (2) and (3) is thirty pound per annum. If at any time, in any one year, reckoning from the 1st January the tonnage rates amou:nt to 250Z., then the above rates are to be reduced one-half for the remainder of such year. (4.) One penny per ton in respect of all traffic entering or leav- ing the Britannia Iron Works over the railways from or to any other works in the West jSIarshes. (i.) Twenty pounds per annum for the use of the railway from the North Eastern Railway to the West Marsh Iron Works. (2.) Eight pounds fifteen shillings per annum for the use of a certain other portion of the railways. 225 Appendix No. 6 — rontinued. List of Tolls, Rate?, and Charges &c. — continued, (.3.) One penny per ton In respect of nil traffic enterliv^ or leav- inn- the AVest I\Iar.sh Iron Works over the railways troui or to any other works in the West Marshe^?, Ten pounds per annum for the use of the railways between the North Eastern Railway and the ^lidijlesboroii^h Wrought Nail Works. One penny per ton on all traffic entering or leaving the Newport Rolling Mills over the railways from such mills to any other works in the West Marshes. One penny per ton on all traffic entering or leaving the Newport Iron Works over the railways to any other work^ in the West Marshes. One halfpenny per ton in respect of all traffic entering cr leaving the West Marsh Wiiarf and passing over any portion of the railways, except traffic between AVest Marsh AVharf and West Marsh Iron Works. (1.) One penny per ton in respect of all traffic entering or leaving the Tees Side Iron Works over the railways from or to any other works in the West Marshes. (2.) Twopence per ton In respect of certain traffic passing over the Dock Lock Brido-e. One penny per ton in respect of all traffic entering or leaving the Acklain Iron Works, or tlie Linthorpe Iron Works, over the railways from or to any other works in the West Marshes. One penny per ton in respect of all traffic passing over the railways into or out of Mr. Chambirlain's works, Messrs. Tait's works, Mr. Baker's premises, Messrs. Tyerman Brothers' jiremises, Mr. Jessop's premises, ]\Ir. Dickinson's premises, Mr. Ilarrison'tJ premises, and Mr. Mascall's promises. One halfpenny per ton in re3])ect of all traffic passing over iho railways into or out of Mr. \Vattecu's premises and Me?sri. Chapman and McL:\uchlan's i)remise3. One penny per ton In respect of traffic entering or leaving Mr. Dunn's premises and pnssing over any portion of the railways. One penny per ton in respect of all traffic passim* over the railways for Mr. Bell an-l for Mr. Storriw from the North F-a^ti-rn Railway. One penny per ton In respect of all tiaffic passing over the railways from and to Messrs; Warh-y, Pickoring, ^c Co.'d premises. U 7249C. p 22(] A ri' ION I) IX No. G — continued. List ok Tolt.s, Rates, and Charges, &c. — continued. One penny per ton in respect of traffic convnyed along tlie rail- ways for Mr. Sharpc and Mr. Applcyard from and to tlie Nortli Eastern Railway. One penny per ton in respect of all traffic passing over tlie railways between the Custom House and the Nortli Eastern Rail- way and between the TIaininond Brush Electric Light Company's premises and the North Eastern Railway. One halfpenny per ton in respect of all traffic entering or leaving Mr, Mildred's premises and passing over the railways. One penny per ton in respect of all traffic passing over the railways from or to Mr. Meggeson's premises. One penny per ton in respect of all traffic passing over any portion of the railways into or out of Messrs. Lennard and Sons' premises. One halfpenny per ton in respect of all traffic passing over any portion of the railways into or out of Messrs. Grieveson and Whitwell's premises. One penny per ton in respect of all traffic entering or leaving ^Ir. Ritchie's works over any portion of the railways. One halfpenny per ton in respect of all traffic passing over any portion of the railwajT^s into or out of the INIiddlesborough Fire Brick Works. APPENDIX No. 7. The Cleveland Railway Act, 1858 (21 & 22 Vict. c. 114.) Section 38. — Prjvlded always, that for all passengers, minerals, and otiier articles, or traffic respectively conveyed on the railway first described, between the terminus of that railway, in the parish of Lofthouse, or any part of the said railway within one mile of ijuch terminus, and the junction with the Middlesbrough and Guisbroui^h Railway, the Company shall demand the tolls and charges by this Act prescribed as for eight miles and a half only ; and with respect to all such minerals, passengers, and other articles or traffic conveyed on the railway, and also on any col- lateral bi'anch railway from Liverton to a junction with the railway at or near to Skinningrove, those tolls and charges shall include all charges by the Company for the working of that junction, and for all services t)erformed by them with respect to all such passengers, minerals, and other articles respectively con- veyed on that collat*-ral branch railway. 227 Appendix No. 7 — continued. The Stockton and Darlington Railway Act, 1859 (22 & 23 Vict. c. 127J. Section 20. — With respect to all ironstone oi- iron ore pnssinnr along the Guisborough branch of the Company's railway or any part thereof, which shall be conveyed on the said branch or the Company's railway, for shipment at Middlesborough in any craft or vessel on the River Tees or in the Company's tlock, the Com- pany shall not demand or receive for ihe same a toll exceedino: one penny one farthing i)er ton for each mile travelled, and the toll to be so received shall include the charges of the Company for carriages and locomotive power, and the toll to be demanded for the shipment of the ironstone or iron ore shall not exceed two- pence lialfpenny per ton. North Eastern Railway Company's (Additional Powers) Act, 1882 (45 Vict. c. 50). Section 20. — The Company may and shall abandon and discon- tinue the maintenance of that portion of their Cleveland Kailway in the townships of Normanby, Upsall, and Giiisborough, and parishes of Eston, Ormesby, and Gnisborough, in the north ridingj^of the county of York, wiiich lies between a point al>out three hundred and fifty yards south of Messieurs Bell Brothers (Limited), Normanby ISlines Spout, and a [Joint about one hundred and forty yards east of the bridge carrying the Cleveland Kailway over the Company's Middlesborough and Guisborougli Kailwa)', except so much of the said portion as extends for a distance of about one hundred yards in a westerly direction and for a distance of about one hundred and tifty yards in an easterly direction fio:n the junction therewith of the Chaloner Branch. And the Com- pany may sell so much and such parts of tlie lands taken for the purposes of the said portion of railway as shall not be required by the Company for other purposes of their undertaking. After such abandonment the Com[)any shall not be entitled to demand or cliargc in respect of any article?, matters, or things carried by them to or from any works or mines situated )n, or which might have been connected with, the said jxirtion of the Cleveland Railway if the same had not been abandoned, or any portion of that railway eastward thereof, tolls, rates, or charges as for a greater distance than th(> distance for which they would have been entitled to demand, or charge tolls, rates, or charges in case such articles, matters, or thingn had been carried over the aban- doned portion of railway. 228 APPENDIX No. 8, Tbo North Eastern Railway Company's (New Lines) Act, 1874 (37 & 38 Vict. c. 105). Part of Section 20. — Provided always, that the Company may dt'niaud and take for or in respect of the conveyance o£ animals, articles, matters, !in(3 things on Railway No. 1, or any part thereof, in addition to the other r!Uo.=, tolls, or charges by this Act authoiist-d, any tolls or charges not exceeding the following; (that is to say,) For live stock traffic of all descriptions, per waggon - For coal, coke, lime, and materials for the repair of public roads, per ton, or any fractional p;irt of a ton For traffic of every other description, per ton, or any fractional part of a ton - _ _ - Provided also, that the Conipany may demand and take for or in respect of the conveyance of passenuers, animals, articles, matters, and things passing through the tunnel by this Act authorised under tlie River Tees, tolls and charges as for four miles, in addition to the other rates, tolls, or charges by thijj Act authorised. s. ] 6 4 9 APPENDIX No. 9. North Staffordshire Railway Act, 1879 (42 & 43 Vict. c. 205). Section 28. — With respect to traffic of all descriptions to or from the colheries or works of the New North Staffordshire Coal and Iron Company, Limited, all tolls, rates, and charges, whether for loccd traffic or for through traffic passing over the railways of the Couipany and over the railways of any other company, .shall be chargeable, and in the case of through traffic shall be divisible, as between the companies entitled thereto, as if Mr. Sneyd's railway from the point of junction with the New North Staffordshire Coal and Iron Company's private line to the junction with the Com- pany's main line at Chatterley were four miles in length. 229 APPENDIX No. 10. Barry Dock and Railways Act, 1884 (47 & 48 Vict, c. 257). Part of Section 73, Class 7. — For ooak (couveyed on the rail- way for a distauce not exceeding fourieeu miles) one penny per ton per mile. For coals (conveyed on the railway for a distance exceeding fourteen miles) tliree-fourlhs of one penny per ton per mile. APPENDIX No. 11. The Caledonian and Scottish Central Railways Amalgamation Act, 1865 (28 & 29 Vict. c. 287). Section 49. — The Company shall, from time to time, when re- quired by notice in writing by the magistrates of the cities of Edinburgh, or Glasgow, or Perth, or of the royal burghs of Stirling, or Dundee, as the case may be, or by the commissioners or board of police of the said cities or royal burghs respectively, or by the inspector of any such commissioners or board, piovide, within twenty-four hours after service of such notice, at their dun'>- or maimre siding at North Merchiston, in Edinburgh, or Gushetfaulds, Saint RuUox, or Bridgeton, in Glasgow, or at their station in Perth, or in Stirling, or in Dundee, as may be required in such notice, a sufficient number of trucks to receive any quantity of dung or manure belonging to the saici magistrates or com- missioners, or board of police, not buing less than twenty-five tons, which shall be specified in the said notice, and shall convey such dung or manure to any other station on the railways l)clonging to the Company, not being less than three miles distant, or to any station beyond the said distance on any other railway directly conmiunicating with those railways which may be leased or worked by the Company, upon payment of one penny halfpenny per ton per mile lor distances under six miles, and of one penny per ton. per mile for distances of six miles or upwards: Provideil that the said magistrates, or connnissioners, or board of police shall })ro- vide persons to perform the duty of loading and miloading the said trucks, and shall, in case the said trucks are detained at either station for a longer period than twenty-four hours, j)!iy denuirragc at the rate of sixpence per truck for each day or p.irt of a day thereafter. 230 Appendix No. 11 — continued. The Caledonian and Glasgow and South Western Railways (Kilmarnock Joint Line) Act, 1869 (32 & 33 Vict. c. 98). Section 53. — From and after the passing of this Act, the two Companies, or either of them, notwithstanding anything in this Act contained, shall only be entitled to charge for the conveyance of city manure, as defined in the Glasgow Police Act, 1862, on the joint line, the tolls, rates, and charges following; that is to say, a sum not exceeding one halfpenny per ton per mile, and if conveyed in waggons belonging to or provided by the two Companies, or either of them, an additional sum of one penny per ton per mile : Provided always, that for a less distance than twelve miles the charge shall be as for twelve miles, and that the two Companies, or either of them, shall not be bound to convey the said manure except in train loads of not less than fifteen waggons. Caledonian Railway (Further Powers) Act, 1882 (45 Vict. c. 53). Section 41. — From and after the passing of this Act, not- withstanding anything in any Act relating to the Company, the Company shall not be entitled to demand higher tolls and charges than one halfpenny per ton per mile for the conveyance, in wagg(ms belonging to or provided by the magistrates and council of Glasgow, from any of the manure sidings in or near the city of Glasgow, or from any siding in connexion with any storing yard outside the said city which is at the time used exclusively by the said magistrates and council, upon any portion of the Company's railways, or upon any portion of those railways and of any other railways directly communcating therewith which may be leased by the Company, of city manure as defined in the Glasgow Police Act, 1866, or any other manure collected and dealt with by any department of the said magistrates and council, or removed from markets, slaughter-houses, stables, or other similar premises belonging to or occupied exclusively by them : Provided nevertheless that if such manure be so conveyed for a less distance than twelve miles, the Company may charge as for twelve miles : Provided also that the Company shall not be required to convey such manure at the said rate in quantities less than twenty-five tons at a time. APPENDIX No. 12. The Glasgow and South Western Railway (Kilmar- nock Direct) Act, 1865 (28 Vict. c. 74). Section 43. — From and after the passing of this Act the Company shall, notwithstanding anything in any of the Acts 281 . Appendix No 12 — continued. The Glasgow and South-Western Railway (Kilmar- nock Direct) Act, 1S65— continued. relating to the Coin{)any, be entitled to demand and char^ire for the conveyance of ciiy manure as defined in the Glasgow Police Act, 1862, on all or any portion of their railways only, the tolls, rates, and charges following ; that is to say, a sum not exceeding one halfpenny per tun per mile, and if" conveyed in wari;gons belonging to the Company, an additional sum of one penny per ton per mile : Proviiled always, that for a less distance tlian twelve miles the charge shall be as for twelve miles, and tliat the Company shall not be bound to convey tlie said manure except in train loads of not less than fifteen waggons. APPENDIX No. 13. The North British Railway Consolidation Act, 1858 (21 & 22 Vict. c. 109). Section 54. — And whereas? by the operations of the Company under this Act inconveniences will arise to the Edinburgh and Lcith Gaslight Company in removing the refuse from their works: The Company shall provide C)n the south side of the lines of rail, and at a distance of not less at its nearest point than eighteen feet from the said works, and not more nt its farthest point, except as hcrcin-altcr provided, than two hundred feet from the north-east corner of the said works, a piece of grountl of sufficient dimensions for the deposit of such refuse, and it shall he lawHd for tlie said Gaslight Company to use the same for that purpose, and tlie Railway Company shall from time to time remove the said refuse from the said piece of ground, so that no inconvenience may arise to the said Gaslight Company in de- positing the same ; and if the Company shall construct at a distance not nearer than eighteen feet from the said works a loading bnnk, and shall place trucks there into which the refuse may be emptied, the said Gaslight Conip;iny shall, when empty trucks are in wailing, cause the refuse to be eniptied into the said trucks in order to its being removed as aforesaid .- Provided always, that if the said piece of ground or loading bank, which shall in no cnse be situated on the north side af the lines of rail, be more than two hur.drcd feet from the north-east corner of the said works, the expense occasioned by the convevancc of the refuse beyond the said two hundred feet .shall be delVnyed by the Railway Company. Section 55. — In adapting the 0!d Leith I'raneli Railway to the use of locomotive engines, the Company shall shift their prt^sent lines of rails f?o far northward as »hat the fence on the south side of i!u' lines of rails to be uscd under this Act shall not be nearer 232 ArPBNDix No. 13 — continued. The North British Railway Consolidation Act, 1858 — continued. to any part of the northern walls of the works of the Edinburgh and Leith Gaslight Company than eighteen feet, and that the space which may thus be left between the said walls and the said fence shall be free for the uses and purposes of the said Gaslight Com- pany : Provided always, that the Company shall alter the present siding belonghig to the said Gaslight Company so as that the same may be continued and fitted to the lines of rails to be used under this Act, and shall also nijike com[)en8atlon to the commissioners for the harbour and dock pf Leith for such part of the aforesaid space as does not belong tg^ the Company. Section 76. — Provided always, that the Company shall from time to time, when required in writing by the magistrates and council of the city of Edinburgh, or their clerk or inspector, provide within twenty-four hours thereafter at the Saint Margaret's manure station on the railway, a sufficient number of trucks to receive any quantity of dung or manure belonging to the said magistrates and council, not being less than twenty-five tons, which shall be specified in the said notice, and shall convey such dung to any other station on the railway, not being less than three miles distant, or to any station beyond the said distance on a railway directly communicating therewith, and leased or worked by them, on the paj'ment of one penny halfpenny per ton per mile for distances under six miles, and of one penny per ton per mile for distances of six miles or upwards, provided the said magistrates and coimcil shall provide persons to perform the duty of loading and unloading the said trucks, and shall, in case the said trucks are detained at either station for a longer period than twenty-four hours pay demurrage at the rate of sixpence per truck for ^ach day or part of a day thereafter. .,^/C Y\ "^ L L ' '^ ' The Edinburgh and Glasgow Bililway (Coatbridge Branch) Act 1865 (28 & 29 Vict. c. 328). Section 43. — From and after the passing of this Act the Com- pany shall, notwithstanding anything in any of the Acts relating to the Company, be entitled to demand and charge for the convey- ance of city nianurCj as defined in the Glasgow Police Act, 1862, on all or any portion of their railways, only the tolls, rates, and charges following; that is to say, a sum not exceeding one half- penny per ton per mile, and if conveyed in waggons belonging to the Company an additional sum of one penny per ton per mile, provided that for a less distance than twelve miles the charge shall be as for twelve mile?, and that the Company «hall not be bound to convey such manure except in train loads of not less than fifteen wasffons. v^ "^^Aavaan-i^ '^(?Aavaan#' ^riuoNvsoi^^ "^/^ajAiNnavJ^ ^HIBRARYOr ^lllBRARYQr "^uDNVSoi^ "^/saaAiNn-awv^ %om>i^'^ fie ^lOSANCElfj-^ o ^•OFCAlIFOftj^ ^OFCAIIFO/?^ "^XiiaoNV-soi^ "^aaAiNnawv^ "^(^Anvjian-^ ^(^AHvaatiT^ 5 -5^HlBRARY0c ^tUBRARYac. .^WEIINIVERJ/A =3 ^10SANCEI% o %)jnv3io'^ '^^aojiivD'jo'^ ^^uonvsoi^ "^/^aaAiNn-jwv ^OFCAUF0%^ ^ ^OF-CAtlFO% ^5,WEUNIVE%. 5^ ^10SANCEI% ^/S83AINn-3WV^ y:lOSANCEl% ^I^HDNVSOl^ "^AagAiNn-jwv* #UBRARY^^ ^^lUBRARYQc. § 1 ir^ ^ ^itfOJIlVDJO^ %OJI1V3JO^ OS <: ae ,^WE•^)NIVERS/A - < OS-ANCnfj*^ -5^t-UBRARYQr^ -55^ttIBRARYQ^ ^^MEUNIVER% ^lOS-ANCElfj^ o %OJIlVDW'i^ '^WJIIWJO'*^ ■^OUOHVSIJl'^ '*iiSJI3AINIl-3ftV' ^OfCAUFOff^^ S t^ A i^ C? 4 (^OFCAUFOS*^ ^5WEIINIVER% ^lOS-ANCEUr^ Off ^^^^. ^ r^ ^•OFCAtlFOftj^ ^- ^OFCAll: \m}w ^lOSANCElfj> vj,lOSANCElfj> .Nvt'ifBRAnYr). ,^^.^(!Pv^^Ya' %oj nvD- jo't^ ^OFCAllFOfiV ^OFCAUFO^^ 'AaVii8ili^^ ^^AaV«ail#