THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY 、 OF CALIFORNIA IN MEMORY OF George D, Louder back 187U - 1957 CHINESE AND ENGLISH PHRASE BOOK, WITH THE CHINESE PRONUNCIATION INDICATED IN ENGLISH, SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR THE USE OF , MERCHANTS, TRAVELERS AND FAMILIES. BY • BKNONI LANCTOT. SECOND EPITIOX, RKVISEP AND KNLARGED. San Jrann0^o : BOOKSELLERS, PUBLISHERS AND IMPORTERS 417 AND 419 MONTGOMERY STREET. NEW YORK : 17 MERCER STREET. 516:3 /象 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 18C7, by B. LANCTOT, - In the Clert's Office of the District Cdlirt of the United States, in and for the Northern District of California. I.1TH. BV BRITTON & RJiY' hKANK EASTMAN, J'K., 509 CLAY ST. P R E F A C E The object of the author in publishing this little volume, is to enable all classes of citizens to acquire an elementary and practical knowledge of the spoken language of the Cantonese dialect. This is the dialect most generally understood by all classes of Chinese immigrants on the Pacific coast and elsewhere, as nearly all such immi- grants are from the Canton district ; the comparatively few who come from other districts soon become, through a necessary and continual in- tercourse with the Cantonese, familiarized, with the accent and pronunci- ation of the latter. So that a man well versed in this dialect may be readily understood by all the Chinese ; as the Chinese almost without ex- ception read their language, the indication of the proper sentence will readily be understood by them. It will also be found sufficient in communicating with the merchants and educated classes of Japan, as they understand the Chinese characters. The author has been induced to undertake this publication by what seemed to him a daily increasing necessity, consequent upon the extended craployraent of Chinese, and the now established regular line of commu- nication with China and Japan. The work is adapted to practical use in business and social life, and as such is respectfully submitted to the public. THE AUTHOR. San Fr.ANCisco, February 25th. 1807. fl36747 ^1 C N T E NTS. Page. About income tax , 67 Articles of food 10 Bedroom "7 Breakfast 31 Business conversation 39 Crockery : v 71 Cutlery 75 Days aud mouths Dialogue on getting a China boy 21 Dinner 35 Dress 75 Dressing-room 78 Earthenware 7i Evening orders v 2-i Familiar sentences ; 30 Fruit * 13 Glassware 75 Grain 14 House furniture 72 Liquors 19 Lunch ; 35 Names of colors 12 Numerals 10 On meeting a friend 44 Porcelain 7i Quadrupeds TO School, the 45 Short sentences 40 Spirits …: U Tea 31 Teas li Traveler's conversation 4] Verbs 81 Vocabulary of useful words ~" RULES FOR PRONUNCIATION. — (') The acute denotes the rising inflection. (、) The grave denotes the falling inflection. Each Chinese character corresponds to tbe Chinese word above it, iu English letters. a as in pan. act as in fawn, e as in they, i as in machine, o final, as in go. oh as in horn. 00 as in food. •* ue as in oeil (French.) a I as y in fly. au as oic in how'. ea as in pcu (French.) /a as ee with on in ffee-yov. . 01 as oy in boy. ooi as in coohnj. S3 a buzzing* sound. m as the elementary sound in the English letter. • wj as ii in no. ngo a protracted full nasal sound of no. h in the words shap, shat, sheung, etc., is soft. Tuk Vekb. ― Moods and tenses, as such, are quite unknown to the Chinese. No distinction is made between active and passive verbs ; nor are the persons or numbers noticed at all by them. The context and the circumstances under 、、- hidi any thing is said are the chief guides to the exact sense of any passage. Time and mode are very clearly shown by the meaning of the whole sentence, or by the conditions under which it has been uttered. " To- morrow 1 shall go " would bo expressed in Chinese by '• to-mor- row I go ;" " yesterday 1 came ,, would be expressed by " yesterday I come/- CHINESE AND ENGLISH P H B A S E B O O JK . DAYS AND MONTHS. Sunday. Monday. Lai, paaV" yat Lai" paai" yat Tuesday. Lot paai i. Wednesday. Lai、 paai' saam 、- t 拜 U 搜拜一 • 二 禮拜三 Thursday Lai" paai" sze^. Friday. Lai" paaV" ng'. Saturday. Lai" paaC luk. 禮拜四 禮拜六 One week. Yat koh、 laV paai^. 一赠拜 January. February. March. April. Ting ching net. I s uet Saam uet 8ze、 uet. 夹正月 二月 三月 May. June. July. Auguel. Ng' net. Luk uet Tsat uet. Paai uet 六月 七月 、 八 月 September. Octobi r. November. December. Kau" net. 8hap uet Shap yat act Shap i、 net M 十月 十一月 寸二月 10 NUMERALS. 1 Ooe. Tat 1 - 6 Six. Lok. ^ 、 One yenr. Yat nin. 一 斗 - 2 Two, 3 Three. 4 Four. 5 Five. L Sam" St. 二 ^ 三。 - vg . 五^ 7 Seven, 8 Eight. 9 Nine. 10 Ten. Tsat. Pat, Shop. 八 ^ , 九 • 寸 汁 11 Eleven. Shop yat. 15 Fifteen. Shmp rig. 19 Nineteen. Shop kOfV 12 Twelve. Shap i. 13 Thirteen. Shap sam. 14 Fourteen. Shap si. 寸二 仁 • 寸三 ^ . ^ 16 Sixteen. Shap lok. 17 Seventeen. Shap tsat. 18 Eighteen. Shap pat. P- t ^Jb> 7i , 十>\ lt\ 20 Twenty. shap. 21 Twenty-one. i shap yat. 30 Thirty. 8am shap. 寸;^ ^.二 十针. 二 寸一— 三寸 40 Forty. 50 Fifty. 60 Sixty. 70 Seventy. 80 Eighty. St shap. N(j shap. Lok shap. Tsat shap. Pat shap. 切 寸对. 五寸^ 六 廿 t . ^ 计. 」\十 ^1 200 Two hundred. 1 i pak. 90 Ninety. K 、 100 One hundred. Yat pak. 九 寸对、 翁, 500 Five hundred. Ng pak. AW ^ • 2»00 Two thousand. 二^^ 1000 One thousand. Yat tsin. 仟 沖. 5000 Five thousand. Ng trin, 伍竹 iff. u 10.000 Tea thousand. i. 咖扁 One million. Tal man" Tkd pak man'. IS 万 1867 Eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. Yat isin pat pak lok shop isat. 萬 ) 万 • 一伯萬 件八怕 六寸^ > San Francisco, January 21st, 1867. 'Jhi fau^hin^ aetishupyal ho, ycet tsin pat pak lok shap isat nin. 大毕正 另 二 十一^ 一仟八 伯^; 寸七年 First. Second. Third. Fourth. Fifth. Sixth. Tax yat. Tax u Tai sam. Tax si Tai ng. Tai lok. 75 . 筝三 寧工、 筝六, Eighth. Ninth. Tenth. Eleventh. Tai pat. Tai kau, Tai shap. Tai shap yat. 第, \. 攀^^ 第千. 第+ Thirteenth. Fourteenth. Fifteenth. Tai shap sam, Tai shap s i Tai shap ng. 第 十二. 第十三 > 第十 W, 夢十 Sixteenth. Seventeenth. Eighteenth. Nineteenth. Tai shap lok. Tai shap tsat Tui shap pat. Tai shap kau 第寸々 • 攀 第十八 ♦ 第十 Twenly-first. Thirtieth. Tai i shap yaf. Tai sam shap. 第二 十一. 第 三十. Fiftieth. Sixtieth. Seventieth. Tai ng shap. Tat lok shap. Tai isat shap. 第 W 十. 第丘十 第六 七幕 1 卡. Eightieth. Nintioth. Hundredth. Tai pat shap Tai }com. shafh 'M uat pal" 寧八十 • 笫九寸 . 導一^ • Seventh. Tai tsat , 第^ S • Twelfth. Tai shap i. Twentieth Tai I shap. 第-十 Fortieth. Tai si shap. 12 One-half. m- 一 '半 NUMERALS. One-third. Sam fan yat One-fifth. Ng fan yat. i 份 One dozen. Shap i koh. 寸二^ I Once. Yat chu, 一次 One fold. Yat pooi One-eighth. Pat fan yat. One-tenth. Shap fan yat. One-quarter. Szfan yat. One pair. Yat tooL Twice. i chit 份一. 寸份' One score. .One gross, i shap koh~ Shap ikok ia sun. 寸^ • 寸二 fgj 打^ Four times. Si chU. One hundred fold. 二 t Two fold. 传. Ono bag Yai pat ()ne bale. Yat kwan. Thrice. Sam chit. Ten fold. Shap pooi - 寸传 One basket. Utie bit. Yat loh: Yat tik. Tat pak poiri 伯^ ^ 嚷 One liotilo Yat fsnn. 一&、 一觸 一墩 一 # 一的 One box. Yat sen?Kj. One bundle. Vat chant. One cask. Vat twuf tsaL One cart-full. Yai vhi\ One fan. Yat fan. 一箱 -^U 一捅仔 一車 一氷 One fV"Ot. Vai M : One glass. One inch. One invoice of goods. ()."' jar. Yai pooi. Yat tsum y . Yat taan' foh、. i at rh'mg. 尺 line Yat hamj. 一杯 One pack a Vat sin /• t 一寸 一羊貧 一玟 'p. if . One pair. Yai tooi. ( )ne pane of glu^s. Yai ftii poh li. One piece kin 一 ft 一' j、a> —對 - 一 /牛 0n« J piece o! cloth. Yat pal /'('('、 One sh^ot of paper. ()n'' set. Y'dt cheung chi'\ Vai fr>"、 . )ne spoonful. 一疋布 一 氏 一到 一^ FRUIT. 3 FRUIT. Kwoh r tS2£ Acorn. 歡 f Chestnut. Fung hit Almonds. Hang yan. 老仁 • Apple. Ping kwok- Apricot. Wong mooi . 草 裏, 袭 海 Citron. Mit shau. Cocoanuts. YeT tsz. . Dates. Pak tso\ 風氣. 怫^ . 柳头 • 白喪. Red Dates. Hung lso、. Fig. Mo^faf Icwoh Grape. Poo tai tsz. Groundnut. Fa" shang. 紅 氣., n 象. n 孑. t 生 Lemon, ― Lime. Olive. Ning mung. Kom lam''. Peach. Pear. To s ShaT 11 Plantain. Plum. Tsiu. Mo ox. 、l # . Sour Orange. Tim change *li>. 甜 fir* Pine Apple. Poh loh. ^梨 . 表 象 Red Plum Hung moor . 么 Sour Plum. Suen modi. 梅 ♦ 貌梅 Pomegranate. Shak laue . Prunes. Ying tsz. Qu,iiK5ev Man sau kwoh Raisins. Potai tsz. 石榴, 踏 h 萬壽 L 菊提+ Strawberry. Yeung moai . 场梅 . Walnuts. Jfat to\ 才 n 14 GRAIN. — VEGETABLES. GRAIN, Ng kuk loi. VEGKTABLES. Kwa" tsoi loL Barley. Tai nuik. 五^ ft. ^ 裹 ft Buckwheat. Sam kok male. Corn. Wo- Maize. Suk war Millet. Side. Pearl bailey. Yi ina'u 象^, Rice. Mai. Red rice. Hung mai. 装. t^x^L. I . 紅彖 White rice. Pak mai. Sago. Sai mai. Wheat. Mak. w 、- Oats. Cheung mak. 白 询表 ♦ M • ^ J Bean. Tsarn tau K , 鬣 1. Ked beans. Sung tau、. 紅 1 , Carrot. " Hung lohpttk. I 蘿葡 > & 柳采. 乘揪. Long-bean. Tau^ kok. % ^ Black bean3. Hak tau、. 、?、 f Cauliflower. Fa, ye' tsoi. ,Soy-bean. Pak tau^. 樣. Cabbage. Yc' tsoi. 柳表 * Cayenne pepper. Lot tsiu. Celery. Tong ho、. Cress. Shui Jean. Cucumber. Wong kxm'. Egg plant Foo" kwa'. 塘 t ^ . 黄夂. 苦 I Garlic. ^ Tsincf suen. 镇. Watercrr Ginger. AV ung, L S({uash. Greens. Tslng 1 ' tsoi. atergreens. Ang tsoi. Hi 机. 音^, Wintcrgreeus. Tsu naT tsoi. ^雄 裹. VEGETABLES. 15 Lettuce. Skang tsoi^. Muskmelon. Hexwfg kwa'、 看 Parsley. Hon kan tsoi. Peas. Ho lan iau. Melon. Kwa'. Mustard. Kai tsoi. 本裹, Mushroom. Hcung s%m» 省 I Onion. Tsung tau. Green peas. Xu/c tau. Black pepper. Hoo tsiu. 專芹^ ^荷, L 緣 t 胡椒、 Potato. Ho km shu. Sweet potatt Fan shu. it catle. 焦 • Tomato Fan kt' Tting kwa', 冬 jK, Turnip. Jj,) 傲 jf 南 表 猪仔茶 Scallions. Sea-weed. Edible wa- weed. SevSamum, Hoi" h'oi、. Tsz lsoi\ Chi ma. li 裹 絲 繁泉 芝最 Sow ttnstU' rf pin age. Tare. . Wator-chestnut. Foo ts("、 . 11 in, tsoi 、- (>o iau. Mof tai. 苦裟 n 芋顼 烏碎 Water caltr(»ps. Water-lily .seeds. Water-lily roots. Li tii j k ok Lin tsz. Lin ngau. 、^- ^ 乏寸 遣瘓 16 Anchovy. Tsd u kai. 解. Beaai. Taukok. Baiter. Mia liu. ARTICLES OF FOOD. AUTtnxs of ro 堍&. Fricasseed fowl. Goose. Roasted Goose. Fat lan sai kai. ngoh. Shiu ngqk . Gravy. Rice grael. Ham. Hash. Chup. Mai /tuT. Foh'tooi Mat shik. . 象糊 . 火途. 吃 7 l Mutton. Sheep's head. Honey. Preserve. Ye ung yuk. Teung shau.' Mat iong. Tong ko\ 单^ . 芋 f . 落隳. 1 責. . Pig's foot jelly. Jellies. Lard. Chue keuk tu"ng. Che' li. Chue yau 猙脚 泉. 譯; 1. ; 賴 由- Maize. Indian meal. Milk. Goat's milk. Suk. Suk max. JSfgaa we : Yeung ue '. % 禁 L 4 lb. 羊 IL, Molasses. Mustard. Nutmeg. Sweet oil. Kut shui tong. Kai moot Toju^ kau K . Sang isoiyau. Oyster. Liver of beef. Liver of pork. Ho ligau kohn Chue kohn. . 顿 , 獰肝, Pancakes. Partridge. Pastry. Pig. , Baked pig. Pan kik. CM、 hoo. ' Min shik. Vhmj isai. Euk chue tsui : v^^iM^- 麵食 俘 4 賴俘- 18 ABT1GLES OF FOOD. ^ 脚 Salt pork. Sweet potatoes. Hung shut 酸 I 匂鴒 Roasted pork. Pig T » feet Pickles. Pigeon. Pork chops. Vhw kxuk. Suen kwoh '. Pak kop. Chut pai kwat. Baked potatoes. 途由. ^ 磬^^ Bread pudding. Rabbit. Min tau poo tin. To、 tsai. ,巖,麵傲秘. tice. Salt. Sausages. Snipes. 'avai'. im. Teong cheung. Sa" chui. ,氦 . i , 翁 f 賜. 《^棍 Soup. Beef soup. Mutton soup. Tong. Ngau yuk long. Ymng yuk long. 、、、 Rice pudding. Fawipoo Un A Pudding. Poo tin". Fowl soup. Eai tong. %, 斗询逸. 羊 H_ %% Turtle. Shui yu. Turtle soup Shui yu tong. Spare rib. Chu mi lung. Soy. "Sugar Shi 、yau. Tong. it、 - 航 ifc 由 m Beef suet. Ngau kwat suu Sweet meats. Tong kwoh'. Tart. la't Plum tart. Mooi ia'i. 牛 ffi, 獰 。l 梅 I Toast. To" se. Turkey Foh Icai 歸. VeaL Ngau isaVyuk. 夂鷄, Vermicelli. Fun ^'-f Vinegar. Tso\ Roasted turkey. Shiu foh kai. Yarn. Yeast. ! Tar shu、. Kan. 醋, K% Yolk. Tan wong '孓# , Cold meat. r J\ing yuk. Victuals. Foh sik. 火^ N SPIKITS. —— LIQUORS. —— TEAS- 19 Spirits ~ Liquors. Tsaui Wine. Win tsau". Arrack. •4、 life tsau. Beer. Pe v isau. 诵 Cider. Claret. Gin. Madeira. I)ing kwo K tsau! Hung tsau. Tsin tsaa. 2 ik tsau, 三 連谲 . 爭 氣消 . 、紅^ .韵、,3, 白诵、 Champagne. Bam pin, tsau. Port Wine Foot tsau. Porter. Braudy. Fo ta、 tsau! Pa K lanf it. Cherry Cordial. Che K k pa K laii te. . 复打通 II 蘭^, 賴 H 翁 L Sherry. Che、 li tsau! Rum. Lum tsau! Old Tom. 0、4o torn. Soda Water. So ta、 shuL ^jtiM , I 诵. 逸鲁 I , MJ^K、 Lemonade. Ning mong shut. Tea. Cka . 搏歡 长' Pecoo. Ptt'fc ho. Orange Pecco. Seung heung. Lemon syrup. JS'ivg mong long. 、 I . 由 I . 上看 Hung Muy. Black Tea. Sung moot. Hung cha . Inferior Pecco Chuho、. 紫 4 . Congo. Fine Congo. Kungfoo cka , Nuen chong kung foo cha 紅 诲 , 、紅 ^x. ^ ^ 旅^ 夫 、、、 Common Congo. Tso y kung foo cha、. Souchong. Shw chung. Powchoag, Paw chong. 银工 膝, 小種, n OoluDg Oo lung. Green Tea. lyuk cha . 、 : Gunpowder. Chu cha . No. 1 Gunpowder. JIcC muk. 、急 龍. 綠 |> 珠尜' 敏象 Imperial. Oca chu. Hyson. Hi qhwi. Common Hyson. Foo hi. 付 g、、 . 20 No. 1 Young Hjson. Ngo mi. 裁眉 • Campoi. Kan poi. TEAS. Old Hyson. ^灰 Caper Congo. Chung chai. Chulan. Oku Uz'n. Sunglo. Chv,ngU>. 珠 i 松線 Scented Tea. ¥a' htCung. 痕^ TASTE Mi. V Hot. La't. Cold. Lang! Tast^lesi. Mo mi. Fragrant. He 权制 Salt. Ha"m Sour. Suen. tl4、 Bitter. Foo". 表 羞# 成睃^ I Weak. Tarn. 'A Lean. Shau. Bad smell. Chau. Sweet. Strong. 真 Hot. it. Cool. jA'ang. Dry. Kohn Wet. Shup. Oily. 、% r ?、 fu * I N AMI S Ol L5i ue- black. Blue. Azunvbluo Hak shik. Xo、 Jaam. Laam. Tin tseng '、、、 ^< 尺 1 Brown. Carmine. CarnaUon. I In tsevjj. Tsunq shik. Kaam u humj. Chik shik 元青 梭色 金魚紅 批 Green. Poa-«;reen. Indigo. /// chi h 7r. Luk shik. Tan ise/ifl shik. Yeunq laa-!u 繊色 • 綠^ 豆青色 賴 Purple. Red. S /ait shifc. Fa' huity^' f 緊貌 黄务^ 紅色 White, \ \ ocy bite. Yellow • T in shilc. . Paxlc shik. Nqa tcontf sM:. M'otui shik 4? 号黄色 航 I DIALOGUE ON GETTING A CHINA BOY. 21 DIALOGUE ON GETTING A CHINA BOY. Tsing sz isai/ ttf 1f - Can you get me a good boy? Ni tung ngo tsing tah yed ho' ho sz tsai ? ' ^ I 司 我讀 ^—個 务 f 俘 ^ How much will you pay him. 1 Ni pi ki toh yan kung kue ? I 俾数》 入工他 The same that other people pay. Too hai pif yan kom toh. 都 H,J 入跗 J He wants $8.00 a month. Kue iu pat ko ngan tsin yctt ko ud. He ought to be satisfied with $6.00. Yau luk ko kue too sum chuk to 噌亡個 忆都^ l 尋 Where was he employed last? Kue sin yai tscd pin chue ise kwoh ? 俋 I )3 在乏 复敫^ He stopped with Mr. before. Kue sin yat tsoi mi se ckue, 曰^ 表 士一瓜 How long did he stop with Mm? Kue isoi kue chue yau H ka/uf 记在 H I 喟氣尺 He stopped with him eighteen months. Xue tsoi hue chue yau ninpoon. ^^在 ^^處 唷年半 DIALOGUE OX GETTING A CHINA BOY. Why dt4 he leave him ? Wax mat y《 hue "m tso ? 為 A 纾记唤 t I Because he got sick. Yan wai hat tak pent/. ^ 爲 Bring bim here on Monday. Lai pai yat kun、 ni T 唔诼 俋媒 Wl 璆 入银极 I can secure him. Ngo po、 tak hue. 我像 得^^ 、 Tell hira I will give hira $6.00. Wa^ kue chi ngo pi Ivic ko ngan tsiyi. k}noh kue. 六个^ c a 逸低 WbcQ I find him useful, I will give him more. Ncfo hon kwo . yau yung^, Ngo tsau tim' toh iik. 我看 我沈^ ^的 \ You must sleep in the house. When shall I begin ? 2ft pit iu tsoi hong fa^n. Ngo ki shi hoi shau ni , ^少 妹行 剩. 饿畤 萄手^ If you want to go out, you must ask me. Ni hai tuphut kai : Nipit iu man kwoh %utfO. 你像 要^ mM^WAK DIALOGUE ON GETTING A CHINA BOY. Can you cook ? Can you wash ? Ni nang iso、 chue ? Ni nang .sai i ? HI 錄錄^ L Light the fire. Sweep the rooma. Tim cheukfoh,' So'kwoh ni kofong. Wash the clothes. Wash the windows* Sai'kwo ni tik if ok* Sai Jcwoh ko tseung. S>fc€^^mH 个^ Wash the floor. Sweep the stairs. Sai kwohni tik lau" pan So lau. ; H 吮的褛 矛反# 格 Trim the lamps. Brush my clothes. Tsin tang〜 So Jcwoh ngo tikifok, 射 u 慨我敎 I Brash my hat. Knifes and forks. Sohwoh ngo trng^" mo. Cfia" ka"p too tsai. 導滅棚 义 l 将 Come at seven every morning. C%iu chkc ni m tsat tim chjung loi. 韌朝俅 * 之 、《 、鐘表 Go home at eight every night. Man、 inar^fan hue pat tim chun/j. n 番丟八 ^、鐘 You will take care of the baby. Hi kung ngo ta、 li tik sai rnon tsai. 俅我 我訂理 ^細^ ^圣 Take the baby out. Kung kue chut hue kai wan". 4 悒^ 丢街色 EVENING ORDERS. BVKNINO ORDERS. Man taufanfo. Snuff this candle. Put the light oat Tsin ha" ni chi chuk. Choi sik ni chi tang foh. Ni tsafn tang 'm kon tsing. The servant has washed it clean to-day. Koon tint korn yat tsau sai ching. I think the oil is bad. Ngo tai" iafk ni tik yau 'm ho、. 的油^ 好 Has the servant shut all ^he windows ? Koon tim sarf mai chexng mi ? 、 Take care to bolt the doors, ' Chi kan iu sheung moon chaTjh 命 至 f ,要 上門棘 This lock is out of order. Ni pa" so tso' wai lok. Get this lock repaired. Ching fa、n ni pof 3 oh . 堅着 吮把 4 复 He wants half a dollar to repair the lockr Kue iu pooyi ko ngan is in chiiuf "i pa' soil. i^^\mf 表士一 4卑5 歡禾 He will pay to-morrow Kue miivj yat tsau pi. See that the money is weighed. Iu hon kue toi kwo m tik ngan. 婆 flUi 呢^ 41 If there is any thing short ; Yevk hai "m Udc Jcau. I will make him pay the difference. Ngo iu kue po isulc 我要 记翁 1 Pay this bill. Take his receipt. Chi ni tiu ta'n. Kiu kue fan tiu shau Ui'n. <《条車.4^:葛奮条:丈+ I ;it it in ray own account. Yap ngo miruf )ia> sho: 入 我 名 丁、 f EVENING ORDEKS. 27 Don't put it in the house account. Mok yap kung sz sho . 1 have no money to pay this bill. Ngo mo K ngan chi ni tiu' ta、n、 ^^数 史吮 条年 I will give you a check on the bank. Ngo pi yat cheung chile ni hue ngan hang shau. - 藝】 j 脉数行 ;良 Can I pay this bill ? Don't pay it just now. Ni tiu ta'n chi tak ngan mi ? Ni ha、 'm chi tdkf. 吒| 单史 埒都永 ^W、 唔吏得 I want to examine my accounts. Ngo iu hon kwo/i sho. 我 要看; n Shall 1 tell the bearer to come to-morrow ? Kom ngo waf chi loi yarn, ming yat loi e" ? ^^詔 知 表人^ 巧表咬 If you please. To fan" ni lok. J 復 琴 What is the total of your accounts ? NI chung sha ki toh ? ^總 歎歡 I I don't know just now. Is it correct? Ngo ni ha" ,m chL Olmtlc 'm cheuk ? 我^^ T 、《& .着 4 墻 How many orders have you got ? Ni yau ki cheung faf chi t 像, 徒 ^ 氣唑打 、氣 EVENING ORDERS. I have not counted them. Ngo mi yau sho kwo. 我表^ n You must file all these orders. Nipit iu chuen mat ni tik a' ia A chL 竹、 、方 婆 f ^ 漆打、 繞 Go over your accounts with Mr. • Ni hue tung mi si toi kwol% sho P 你 司表 吐一對 n , Ho says he is very busy. Kuc xoaf km ho、 ioh szc\ I>o i t when he has time. Tang kue ha'n tsau toi. I have gone over these accounts. Ngo toi kwo ni tiu sho lok* 我 fd^> 条 n ' Do you find them correct ? I'oi kwoh cheuk ,m ni ? 對 1 蘀礓呢 There is ten dollars difference. Tsang slvap ko wjan tsin sho'. 神十個 4?<锻狄 Where is your counting board ? Ni smn poon tsoi pin chu ? I 徵在 n Examine these accounts again carefully. 8iu sum sum kwoh ni tiu $lu> f . EVENING ORDERS. It is all right now. Square the old accounts. Ni ha、 cheuk lok. Buen ching kau sh": 呢 4 羞洛. 茸 ^黧 I Begin a fresh account to-day. Kum yat hi kwoh sun shu Make up your accounts every week- Ni ko ko lai pai iu sum sho ^个个 《L 拜委 蕈歡 You ought to be very particular. 2fi koi iu ching ching ts Pat all the receipts on one side. Loi sho sheung mai yat pin. Put the payments on another side. Chi sho' sheung kwo yat pin. 支^上、 是一逸 Deduct the payments from the receipts. (Jheung loi shu chu hue chi sho . 锊 表欲除 丟支 t You will know tbe balance on hand. Ni tsau chi ckuen shu mi ki toh* H^aU^f 多 Put all the money Into the treasury. 80^ yau ngan leong fung yap nga/n ehomj. , 30 FAMILIAR SENTENCES. PAJfOJAK SENTENCES. Tsuk vxi". 俗« . ] Bring me a basin of water. Chow yat poon shui loi. 柚一 U ^人 H 愈 Show me the house. Send this card iu. Chi chi kan vk kwoh ?tfo Nim ni ko tip yap hue, i\ 如 間屋 逸我^ 呢个 怊入 ^ Ask the gentleman to step in. Tsing yan hak yap loi. 請入客 ^^表 Bring a chair here. Open the Venetians. Nim yat cheung i loi. T《 hoi ngau pak ip cheung. FAMILIAR SENTENCES. BREAKFAST. Is breakfast ready ? Breakfaat is ready. Tso、 ckaf pin 'm chtmg ? Tso^ chaf pin loJc. 早;^ 1 崎售. 孚恭 便洛 IiLv.ite that gentleman to come to breakfast Tsing ni wai yan haJc loi shik chiu A cha"n. Kit hi koh tip koi. 揭起 1 Give this plato to that gentleman. Pi ni koh tip kwoftniwai yan hak. ^呢个 吃^ 入客 Easy, easy ; or Take care. Shun shun ; or sivf sam. 乂甘 *j、 心, Bring the eggs hep©. Take this plate away. 2fwg fee Wo kai tan loi. Ninq ni ko tip hoi hue. 摔个 的鷄 H 摔呢 个碌^ ^ Cltan^e this napkin. Pass this dish round. Om ck.u/m ni Uu po^ tsai. Chewyj ni ko tip chuen kv;ott hue. Put the curry on the table. Fang poon ku'fe'choi toi min. 灰 在^ 面 Did you prepare any toast ? Ni yan hong ting to K se, tsantj 你嘴^ It 畤唸曾 FAMILIAR SENTENCES. 33 〜轰 Give me a cup of tckl The tea is ton strong. Pi yat pooi cha、 kwoh &、 Ni iik cha、 hung kwoft tav . 潭一 iTHA , 呢的 |M fk Get some Wibre water. Put more tea in the teapot. Chung tik shui tim. Fong toh iik cha s ip lok cha、 ftao : f 的氷、 |、 ^%^t^ Pass the milk to that gentleman. Nlng、 ni tik ngau yu lewo ni ioat yan hak. 摔 呢^ 年 f 呢 位 人 客 Which gentleman ? The one opposite to me. Put some milk into the tea. Pin v»ai yan Jiak ? Ngo tooi min ni wai. Chung tik ngau yu lok c/ia、 chue. 人客 歲對面 《& 才的 f Remove the table cloth. Enquire about dinner. Shau ioi po、. Man iaV~ tsan moon. 布、 間 尺餐鬥 Sir, what will you have for dinner to-day ? Sz tan ni iu mat t/e" ; kom yat tso chan ? Make me a pigeon pie. Koast a capon. Tso yat poon pak hop min kwau Shiu yat chik sin kai. 召丈 一低白 鴿麵 H 晚一 4^ . Make some curry. Don't make it too hot. Tso yat poon ka、 li^ ^Mho tso l^om lat What kind of curry, sir ? Can yon get any oysters ? Tso mat yt, ka A li ni ? Mm tr^hh^hi^ 轟 m^t^ 彼^ f 手 ^ , t 得 i^) ^ I can't get it ; there is none in the market. ^M mai talc to、 ; kai si mo tak mat 唔、 街 f 芍爆青 : FAMILIAR SENTENCES. ^Jet some gooM vegetables. Are there any oysters in the market ? Mai tik ho tsnng isou Kai si yau ho、 mai mo ni ? t 的秄責 街市 囔 H 呢 Jhiy a piece of good beef. Make s«me soup. Mai yatfai ho、 ngau yuk. Tso tik tong. . 做的^ Tell the cook to make it properly. Fanfoo tso x chue lo tso s ho tik. Three gentlemen dine with me to-day. Yqu sam wai yan hak lot sik iai" chan A . 1^ 樣&客 t 夂 1 Don't spoil the soup. Try some plantains. Mok tso、 tcai ni poon long. Chau tik tsiu. %\t^l%^fu%J^^l 的^、 Cover it with butter. Get some cabba^t.^ n BUSINESS CONVERSATION. 39 Have you any good table rice ? Yes, but it is very dear. 2fi yau iik shtfung pak mai mo、 »i" ? Yau, isung hai kwai che". 你、 賓 的 ^ ^ 4 it 像 f 《 What do you mean by dear! Four dollars a picul, Tim yeung voai chi kwai ni. Si ko ngan tsin yat ta'm. 、轰、 卓 $c 為之責 呢, 讀曰 I don't want a picul. I want fifty pounds. Ngo 、'n iu" yat tarn. Ngo iW ng shap pong. ^%^r 一檐 .我 耍丘 寸石 f I sell it three cents a pound. Is that the lowest price ? Mooi pong sam ko sin si. Hai kung to、 kW tsin "m 每石 f 三 A^^Jtm^ I want some preserves and pickles. That is what I want. Ngo iu" iik tong ko sun kwo'. Ngo tsing hai iu" ni lik. 我要 的 m f^t^i 三 像 How much a dozen , Ex toh ngan yat ko ia" sun. ^ 数 、 一仆: Ht^ Send three dozen to my house. Qhai yan sung sam ko ta" sun to、 ngo uk. 充人 l 三 ^朽^ J 、; I 屋 What is the price of sugar ? What quality do you want ? Tong mai ye ka、 tsin ni ? Ni iu" pin tang k€* ^ |f jf 錢、 呢., t 、參 l 舞 I want the best sugar. Do you mean sugar candy ? Ngu xvf chi ho k€ tong. Hai iu, ping faf 、m hai 我 I 至 豫 I 夂^^ 得、 Sugar candy sells at twelve cents a pound. Ping fo^ mai shap i ko sin si yat pong. 表^ 賣十二 個 ^ 一; 寒 40 BUSINESS CONVERSATION. j[j^gat so pie flour top. I have no American flour. Ngo \yi 'We mit^fun tim. Ngo ma、 fa' ki min s . 我眷的 麵份条 我啊^ 幾鉍 I have some^ood China flour. I don't want it. Ngo yau tik h.o、 poon ti min x . Ngo 、? n \u' ko tik. 我有的 杉^ 地 A^^Wb 1 am very sorry . I can not accommodate you with it. Ngo kifh 、m ho、 i sz. Ngo x mx:hing yau tak fung. 我 t 唔^^ ^歲 有得象 V>rv well, let me go to th^ next door ; HS"ni tang ngo kico kak li po ; ^f^f 我、 逸 I 服镛 And see jwhtether I can get it : Sz ha" hon chi mai tak to、 "m ; J 妙 T 、肩^ 賓得^ 唔 , And I will come back ; To buy some other things from you. In haufan" loi / Tung ni mai tik ye" tim. Thank you ; Good bye. 1o chef ni lok eking leT. Please let me take your name. To Ja'n ni tung cbH ming ngo ho' lok po % . Where do you live, sir? Tsuen kof tsoi pin chvf chu x ni. 尊駕泉 When shall I send the bil】 to you? Any tine you please. Ki shi ngo sung tan to、 ? u < % h\^ ni. X um itishiskiloo ho、. 喪' 崎 單^〕 m ^ TRAVELER S CONVERSATION. 41 Oh ! how beautiful ! What a magnificent view ! Ah ki ho A chi、 ! Korr^ho ho" tai ah I 吋 , 氧、 if 、歡. 咁 《 H 告大在 Did you ever see any thing like it ? Ni kin yau mat che" tak kue k(T ni ? No sir ; I never saw any thing so beautiful. Mo ; Ngo mi tstmcjldra kwo yau korrC" ho' fcc'. 無. 我、 H Ufa ^^既 1 should like to live here all my life. Ngo chung tshi skiehue tsoi ni chue^ lok. 我 '中 % 4 時忮彺 H 呑 I would not ; 'tis too far from the city. Ngo 、m tak ; li fau uen kwo tau, 我營 得, 維竽 • You can go to the city by railroad in two daya. Ni taapfo" che' hue fau le"ung yat tsau、 tak lok. J、 格火, 去球^ Have you such beautiful scenery in your country ? Ni kwok chong yau tszhirt^ che^ung yau mo K nu No. T tliiuk lmv《' nothing 1 like it. ■J/o、, ^\v/o tai nqo U、 mo、 yu t^z K kef. ^ ^ 地节々 "此 "既 I enjoy traveling through sucli sceuery. 我 l^vin 比景 So I would, if the coach did not shake mo so raxicli. Ntjn to K ooi Ui)tij yeuk fai che^m sai kom^ w v . 我、 % "铲 踏启 ^f^il^ 42 TRAVELER'S CONVERSATION. Well, you will not have long to suffer. Ho lok, ni 、m shai sau ko'tii noifo"o lok. i^^, 。甘 ^ % ^ We will get to N very soon. Ngo 《r ch^ung loi yau hue shapfa^nfai lok. 喪、 地 ^ t 、tl 去一寸 ^ ^ ^ Is this the right road to N ? Ni iivf Zo、 hai hue pa'k p f n ke 、m hai n ii ? '人 ^ i^^^ iWHK 係、^ L Yes, it is. No, you are on the wrong road. Hai lok. Ni tiu lo、 、m hai tsok lok. You go back one mile, then turn to the right. Ni ha^ng chuen ta^u yat mai lo、 ht hau chuen kwo yau pin tsau hop ^行 ^1l-^^J^A^mM Will you let me ride with you ? Yes, you may, I hare a light load. 2st hafng tung ngo mof che, hue ? IIo ni, ni hof hbig che^ chi. ^ti-l^lM ,去, 化?、 ^攀 i Let us go and hire a horse and buggy. Nqo ii^ hue chwg ka 40 mof che^ ni. 我地丟 1 嘴 %%^^ I wuulk. Ho ah nqo /"、 yat ye^av^f chi. 哉 n 、萌 為去 。1於吸《^ 一樣嶒 We can hire two sadf m I 漆十分 i Then Vet us wait till next week. In hau、 Icfng to tai i ko lai pai chi lok. .c^if n % 二^ 復 拜氛^ Very well ! All right. Very good ! Let us go back to our hotel. Ho-ni! Hop lo、k. ifo v lok I hvt£ haak we N ni. 好^ 务" 冬.^ 者^ ^ I No, let us take a walk first Which way shall we go ? 、J£ho, ha'ng ha' tim chi lok. Hue pin cAue v ni ! 唔#. 行 * 迷 n L«t us go down that way. Wait a moment ; I'm not ready yet, ■ Lo、k ko、 chwe afh, Ta"ng yat tsan ngo mi tak jpi、. • 芳一陣 Hurry up— I can,t wait any more. Make haste— 'tis getting late ! Fai tik lok. Ngo 、w tang tak tim lok. Se'ung tik lok, Chi lok. ^ 的 著 it K 凑 的 -TA^ 44 ON MEETING A FRIEND. Where do you come from ? Where bsiye you been this long time ? 2fi yau pin' chue ioi、 ? Mat ni hue koiu /wi、 hue pin cft,ue v ? ^由^ 、去^ 射丟^ )t I have been working at the Mission. Could you not come to town every night? Ngo hue Mishun to" kung loi\ Ni v mo/i v ma N n 、m maifatf: t 我^ 尾 l 打 -l??、flt 9 1鳴 嫂举 No sir ; I could not ; it is too far. x Jf ta A k. Ngo 、m tak kt' tai '"r"'' a.k . ^ f f . 我、 ^ L A t Hoir far is it from here to your place ? Yau ni chueT hue ni chiie K yau hi r uen ni ? 由<1 去夂 H 禽 4。€ I think it is about three miles. Do you like living at the Mission ? Ngo tai to、 yau sa N m max lo s . Ni chong i tsw'Mi shun chue K . 我 睇都 臂三哝 n t 意 茌尾汪 Yes, I like it very well for the present. Hdi f ngo hum ha" kin io s ki ho konu 條-我 4、T、l, 喪^ 4 Are you working for an American ? Ni tsoi fa A kif yan chue ta, kuruf ? • 亇、 iL.fL 錄乂乂 1 [二 Yos sir ; a gentleman who treats me very well. Hai ; Ico sz iau toi iak ngo ahap j'a'n ho 係. 悃 f it 得 我汐 分々^ Will you stay here this evening ? Kom ma x n ni chong tsoi ni c/Me x ? ^ 晚 J、 重 " 毛; I No sir ; I c^n not j I jpust return at ten o'clock. S M haL Ngo K ui tak iujq pit shap tim chfinafjl 唷 Hi ^ ^ I have studied, altogether, three years. Ngo chung hung hak liu sam^ nin. 我、 共學 J 三年 ' Only three years ? , Satn、 nin chong^ ? 年 < Not more than three years. Pat kwo sam nin hoi. 孑、^. 三年 I commenced to study it in 1860. Ngo yat tsin pat pak lok skap" nin hi^sa^u^hok 我一^ 、^六 十年 迄手譬 I have studied a few months' at a time. Ngo ko ski hok taUf ki ko uet ^ ^ ^ 學 \% 幾 ^ n You have ma^fe good progress. Ni chwu Jio toh kung lok. ^ 1# % ^ ^ 、 Do von think so ? 2(i kin hui ? ^ i m ; Certainly ; you speak as wvll as T do. K"k sat h'i'i / ni kung tak, ngo yal yew"j l《、k. «《H 、講得 我一未 1 SHORT SENTENCES. 4^ What is that ? Be still. Speak louder. Ni tik" /、 mat ye" ? Hole tsat siry/. Tai shy/ kun'j. "足 的降么 聲丄 fr 禽 "Stand up. Sit still. Come here. I am busy. Ki hi san,. Ching chiny tso, lok. Loi ni chm. Ngo yau sz. ^> ^ I ,静 靜坐? 各. H 我唷 f Where are you going ? I cari not tell you. Ni hue pin chut ? Nffo y m wa'' iahf kwo ni chi', 你^ 迷; 1^ 我^^ 得 、灰 - What for ? Who are you ? I am sick. Wai mat sz ? Ni hai mcU shui ? 'N(jo yau peng*. 為 孔,. Kf'、 屯省 l 爽有^ I don't know you. Are you wjjll ? • Ngo 、m sik tak' ni Ni ho a' ? 泉 ^ tK ^ 你 H 呀 He has made bis fortune. Don't say so. Kue fa't liu、 tai tsoi. 、Mho korii wa i 化發 了火財 . ^^^t§ ' Wait a little. What news ? Are you •sure ? Tang yat ski kan Yau mat sun mun ? Ni chi tak tsan wx/ ? 時 間^ ^ liTf.^^llA The mail steamer has arrived. Where is he ? Sz sun f oh sum toh liu K . Kue tsoi pin chut ? 書信 史船 f ') J - I am not quite sure. I don't know. Ngo 、m hai shapfa'n tsan''. Ntjo 、m chi. 我 p 吾像 寸分 真. 1 "He has gone to Canton. When is he coming back ? Who says so ? Kut hue Uu % Kwong tsau sing". Kue kishifan loi ? Mat shui wa'' ? 州 我、) 色幾、 ^ 奢、, ^stt^ 50 SHORT SENTENCES. Get out of the way. Don,t speak with me. I don't care. Go and ask him. Ha7ig hoi la〜 Mok tung ngo kung, Ngo 、m li\ Ni hue man x hut. He won't listen to me. I can not help it. Kue 、m ten 得 I will go this evening. Ngo kom man % tau. Ni yau ki toh tsz nue ? It is very strange. Chan hai chuJc,' Where does he live ? Kue tsoi pin chue chue^ ? He cares for nobody. Kue mat shut too 、m pa^. 记屯 m 身 , 唔怕 Why do you abuse him ? Wai honi ma' kue ? I 贿 J 忧 . I can't bear any more Ngo pat nang tsoi yung yan, Ngo iakf tsoai ni. 氛 m 体容^ ^ % r ^ , When do you begin ? Bring me your accounts. Ni hishihm shau ? Nim ni tiu sho hi. ^幾' 時爾 手 • ^ 呢條 教茅、 j I want to build a house. That belongs to me. Ngo iu iso yat k'm' uk. Ni ttkf hai ngo k(T. ^要^ 一 閉 1. 呢^ 係 、我" gt. The wind blows to-day. He is busy. K 纖 yat ho、 taifon^. Kue yau sz. Have you any butiinesis Lo do ? Go and buy some fruit Cftll him back Ni yau sz tso no/ Hue mui tik kwo tsz. K\u kue hooi lot 你育 f ,去賓 ^裏手 ,"4^>门 What shall I do? Tim" yeung ho m" ? 、紫旅 n I want to bathe. Ngo iu sai san,. 我 n 身 He is fit for nothing. Kue chung mo chung yung. . ^、總 ^中^ Did you allow him to go ? JVt chun kue hue mo ? I beg your pardon. S«OBX SENTENCES. 57 I cjw: npt go witb you. Be careful. Carry it up stairs. Ngo 、m iong ni hue tak- Shiu surn. Tarn" sheung lau hue. ^ ^ !m 峰〕, 樣上 i 去 is very well carved. M tihf tiu tak' shvm ho. 龙 妁臌 得甚^ v: He is very civil. Clean the table. JTue chan ho lai yi. Afoot kon tsing" ni chexmg toi. You are very clever. Collect rentg. Ni chan isung ming. Shau tsoT. He is compelled to resign. Kue sai pik ko iooi K . He complains to me. Hjie loi ngo shue so uerC. 滅频、 l Z I come to congratulate you. Ngo tdkf loi ho A hi,. 氏待 1^ [喜. You ought to be contented. Ni ying long chi chuk^. Go^j ijfis letter, Do jqu know how to count? Ckau kwo nifxmg shue. Ni shik sz mo. &i 呢^ 害. I see no danger. Tt is all delivered, Ngo kifi^ mo ngai im! Yai chung foo kau isin^ tso % :1L 耻 卞 How shall I compenaat^-you ? Ngo tim、 y«ung chau tap K ni ho、 ? Gire him my compliments. Toi ngo marC hau kue. , 翁爽 晴後氐 I beg you to consider again. Ngo t$ing, ni isoi &eung kwoh^ 格想 € Give us a call when corivenient. Yeuk hai tak hanf tsing kwo lot I f% ? i . ... 、 P \% ^ W^i^ i 58 SHORT SENTENCES. You m^J depend upon me. He deserrts % reward. Ni ho, i lai ngo. JTing koi la' sheung kue. 7、 可愤章 1 我. 應 俋 What is the difference ? It is my duty. Yau ho fan pit ? Hai ngo poon"fan Uk sz. 确何 我本^ ^的事 You must excuse me. I expect him to-day. 'Ni pit iu kin leung ngo. Ngo mong kue kom yat to. ^ ^ 要 i tf 、我, 我 f ^ ij Please explain to him. He has failed in business. Ching hi kai ming^ kue chL Kue shang Cto K liu poon. 1 青 访、 u ^sit 知 生化 俐 m j You do m^a'fa^tnr. Yon must find him. Ni pi ko yan tsing kwoh rujo , Ni mo sue cham" cheuk kue. ^侔 调人情 逸我^ it Give him some thing to eat. Help yourself. I hope he will c«me. Pi tUc yt" hue shik, Pat yung kue lai. Ngo mong kue loi. ' 佴 的 野^ t ^m^^x m , Did-you hurt yourselt : Very good indeed. Ni y't" seung cheuk mo" ? Kwo' in ho'. 4^ 傳 者节. 杲^ 务 Did you understand what he said ? Ni chi fo、 kue wa^ mat ye^ s m ni ? -T, 知 i, 化; fei 野唔呢 ■ No, I did not ; he was too far from me. Ngo K m eld kue li takf huen、 afh. 我^^ M^fi 得 4 呀 He said that you are very clover : He is a flatterer : Km wa A ni sh.ip fa'n ling li : Kue hai poo rheung yan ke,' yan : i% f 分^ 剁^ ft 读、 獎人, 人 SHORT SENTENCES. 59 Not at all : I know him well. S M hai : ngo chi' to、 tau、 kue lok. ^係. 我^^ ^ 7 ^? 备 I b .vc not known him long enough. I have never spoken to him. Jfgo se'ung sik hie mo not. Ngo chu、ng mi U&n^ tu'ng kue kun^ hyjah. % 相 ,我^廉 耐, 我^ 1會 附 e 講、: i Shall I introduce you to him ? Chefung loi ngo chi yan ni tun、g kue sff ung hue^ t 旖 表我指 《^胡 輿 Yes, I would like to make his acquaintance. Hai che'ung loi ngo chong itung kue ^euj^ hue. 香表我 司俋 胡^ A v When will you Tea ee this city, sir? - Ni ki shi li ni yat ko fan ni sin shang t r h 幾騎雜 呢—^ 举呢充 i 入 I am going away next week. Ngo tai yi ko iai v pai y haV" hue loh. 我、 禮拜 像去+ I shall leave to-morrow moruing. Ngo cheung loi ming chiu tso li hue lok. 我犄! ^5 朝旱 雜去+ ^ How long will you be absent ? I will be absent two years. JV1 tsoi ko chue H nai nil Ngo tsoi ko chue leur^ nin. f 、 在 個 tft 耐见 A 在個 4^ 年 Will yon return to this city ? 2(i cheung loi chung' fa'n hi ni kofau 、m ni ? 夂捋 表重番 l 呢仞 準唔^ Yes, I will ; and bring ou<^ my family. Hai Ngo che"ung loi tai mai kaf kuen loi tim. 1.爽 n^^tf^^ 60 SHORT SENTENCES. Do you think it will rain to-day ? Ni koo ko A m yat yau hue lok yau mo ni ? 氺、^ ^3 肩兩 l 項無呢 , Ye« 霧 ir, I believe it will. This is a rery cold season. Hau Ngo tax cheung loi ta^ yau. Ni yat sz、 hai shap fa A n lanq. \l .我 睇掎 瑪 f 尼一 f 像寸分 、令 It looks like rain, does it not ? lai ho chue Ukkugkom^ yau mo K ni ? 睇^风落兩4贺無呢 Yes, I think it will rain before night. Ngo tai kom、 ma K n ye' hau cheT ung loi to s yau hwe lok 我稃 後将 l 郵贺. 辯 I If it rains to-night I can't go out. Tong^ yeuk kom m You have a pleasant countenance. The currency is not good. Ni ckscnko、 hi shihf lok* Ko lik choi hi、 s m ho\ t、 % ^r%3^^ n Get up a little earlier every day. Have yon a wife and family ? Chiu chiu hi tso、 tik san. yau lo、 poh yau ka A li mi ni. %% n %早 mm^ 婆 育复複 t% 6-i SHORT SENTENCES. Do not walk disorderly. To-morrow I shall hare busineM. J/b ha'ng iak kom、 fung chw. Ming yat ngo yau tik sz kon. ^ n ^ n m g 我^ 的, 幹 Now it is very troublesome. Kom shi chan tsing^ faiJarC lok. What government officer is tfci«? Ko ko hai mat wong iai kt' koon ni ? He said so day before yesterday. Ererj where it is the same. Kue chin^ yat kom、 waf. Kuk chue^ kaC iung yat is«u y ng. 仡^ h 咁 H H^KI — 4i What shop has he opened ? Much sitting produces illness. Kue hoi mat ye' poo tau ni ? Chi' ioh shang pai peng". \t 間 i n 铺 政呢, 此 I 生 敗^ Speak so that all can understand. Ko kue、 kom kung ko ko Zo、 hiu" iak lok. He speaks the common dialect. Kue kung ko tik to' wa" v m ho keT. it 1 珠甸 的 土 'U ^ # He is really talented. By constantly hearing you will understand. Ku tsan ho tsoi K vhinq lok. Cheuu^ shi teng, kioan /o、 hiu iak fg> x 4 a ^^mwjh Don,t ask so many questions. What ! read so many books ? Mok ko^mori kom toh lok. Mat ye K wa" ! ink konl loh po sz lok . You walk very slowly. I bought it myself. Ni hang iak horn man v fee'. Ngo tszf lci、 mat k€". SHORT SENTENCES. 65 What is the number of the house ? Ni kan" f toh yan. i^^^^i ^ 鴻3 好表人 I heard some person say so. Hare you an answer or not? Ngo mon yau tik yan kom wa、. Ni yau ooi yum yau mo、 ? ^m^^j ^ ^ ^ ^ 責有冇 66 SHORT SENTENCES. He is more skilful than you. Language should be pure and correct Kuepoon sz s che y kwok'rti Kung^oa'Ju ching c^o、 tsing' . ^ 4、? 似遢呢.講1$1.清 楚上 Here (here are a great many. Ni chue ko chue fo、 ho toh. 咣&伺 處^^ ^ • He failed for a very large sum. At that time it was one o'clock. Kue sha't liu yat tin tax sho\ Tsoi yai tirrf chung ko shi. e 吏 5 -條 尺飲 在一、 i 镶個 4 I arrived before you. It does not burn readily. Ngo to、 sin fewoh'ni. x Mhai shop fun hofoh ; 我 f、] H 你… 唔像十 矛银夂 Return as quick as potsible. Tau kom、 fai iak kom、faif\^n tot lok. 使得^ ^^奢 J? How do you explain this caaracter ? Ni tim kaai、 ni ko tsze) nii H tt^> 個 字呢 A great many men escorted him. Yau ho toh yan tung kue hut. 肩 ^ I m 去 I will introduce you to him. I am gre%\ly indebted to yon. Ngo kue isin ni hue kue chue hoh. Ngo tsan t»an im/o、 ni lok. 我舉 ;S felH 我 復 ^唂 You speak the dialect of this place. Ni hung ni chue to、 taam. A great many don't understand the dialect. Uo toh 、w» hiu ia"k kuny ni chue to、 %oa" fc, • ABOUT INCOME TAX 67 Good morning sir. How do you do sir ? Very well, thank you sir. Tso «an sin shang. Ni shop fa' n ho ah" ? Shapfa"n ho yau sum^. 耳 、十 沴银 呀寸分 This ift my name. # I am tax collector. Ni ko hai ngo ming^. Ngo hai sau shui koon. -rm m *c ^ - 我係^ 说 f I want you to give me some information. Ngo stung kiu ni tung、 chi ngo. 我 *I 呌 ?、 我 Very well ; what do you wish to know? J3b x ni ; ni seTung chi tik mat ye, ni ? How muck do jou make a year ? I make about $1000 a year. Ngo tik yat nin chart tak' yat tsin ngan. 我 W —年 得一仟 41 No more ? Ir that all ? That's not much. Mo K lok ? Hai kofa toh lok. KoirC~ to、 m hai ki U)h chc". 4 H 咁 I 唔 i!>t I ^ $1000 a year seems a small sum for this store. Tat tsin ngan ni kan po hochuesiu tik lok. —忤 ik v fcf^ 少、 妁 ^ But it is true ; I do not make any more, Hai chari ke, dok ; ngo hai chan A kom、 toh ch€\ 孫真 我豫聰 ^ 《啫 I believe what you say. I kno"vr you tell the truth. Kom" ngo shun ni suet voa" lok. Ngo tai ni to kutxg rha.n W 卿, 销顺, 講 |A 68 ABOUT INCOME TAX. Have you paid taxes last year ? Ni kau nin naap ki toh shui ni ? We did not ; we were not yet in business. Ngo ii kau nin mo naap ; ko si m tsang hoi cheung tsd shang 我 地 镇年 冇铋 m How long have jou been in busineaw ? Ni isS^fd kau shang ,i lok ? It in only about ten months since we started. Tsin shap ko net ngo ii chi hi" sau tso cAc: ^寸^ 3 我地 1 起省^ 1 You sell at wholesale and retail ? Ni tso'seung tauhuekaap san chak tim ah, f i ?、 歉^ ft* H 奏 '; IV f We do very little in the retail business. Ngo U san mai ho siu cheT. 我地 散奢好 参。^ 、 Have you lost money last year ? , Ni yau mat kuet iigan yau mo、 ah T 你^^ 决 育^^ • We have lost a little from our city customers. Ngo ti pi poon fan hak tat hue shmngan. 我地波 ^蜂^ 後去^ 4 良 The country customers pay more promptly. San hie ngan hau in ti/c. Do you do much business on credit ! Ni yau ho toh cheung hau ah" ? ^ "f ^ , ^ ^ ABOUT INCOME TAX. «9 We have to trast all our city castomers. Ngo ti poonfau haak yat ohung io hai seT ke^ lok. 我地 本準 f 一 #4 il IT ^ What is the value of the stock on hand now ? Iii shi yau ki to nganfoh chuen ni ? 規時^ 幾 It is worth about ten thousand dollars. Have you more than one store ? Yuk A chutn yat rtumn nganfoh lok. Ni tok yau yat kan po che, ? 的 ^—真 ik A t ^mm-mm We keep three ; two in this city and one in the country, Ngo ti hoi sam kan, poonfau cheuk leung kan sanf lue yat kan. 我地 簡二 間本率 4 两間山 ♦ ^一^ Do you import goods direct from China ? Ni ti tsoi tung san, pan f oh loi ah ? ^地 在唐 山辫: ^表禰 : No sir ; we buy nearly all ourgQodfi at Huction. 、Mhai ngo ti yat chungfoh to hai tsoi ye" loan mai kfC. ^ 係. 我地一 逸货都 if、t 复令 J 確£ Why don't you import ? Wai hai ni yau 'm tsoi tung san"paan ; ti ? 烏係你 I" 告在; !山 辨呢 Because the duty is too high now. How much license do you pay? Yan wai sui heung chung. Ni naap ki tohngan lai san chi ni ? We phy $15.00 per quarter. Have you a license ? Let me see it. Mooi quai n^p ngan shap 7ig uen. Ni yau naap hi san chi? Pi ngo tai ah, 每 I 紬 I 十 A ;L. 你省 紬 iu5 錢 # T、 I can not find it ; but it must be in this box. Ngo 、m chaam tak Join ; si pit tsoi ni ko stung chue lok . 我^ 專得 毛是夕^呢個 箱 1 各 70 ABOUT INCOME TAX. Do you remember having put it in there ? Ni hi iak ko chue lok ? ^ \% ^ K . ' I ara sure I' placed it in this box. Ngo tsan tsing ki tak ngofong ni ko seung chue. 我、 vfc 三 I 得我 1 呢泪 Oh ! here it is I Now I have it ! Ah ! hai thue lok I Ngo kin lok 1 《 IK . 我 14 You live here ? Is this your store ? Ni tsoi 7ii chue chue、 ? Ni kan hai ni po t * ^ ^暴住 •《 n 轉钸 Are you tne owner ? Are you the proprietor ? Ni hai sz iau" ? Ni hai koon Vt yan ! I 係事錢 笮 理人、 I am the owner. The proprietor is not at home. Ngo hai sz iau*. Koon li yan chvi liu kau 我係 f 顇 、考^ 乂^ u 街 I have no partners. I keep this store alone. Ngo mo foh poon. Ngo chi ki tgo ni kan po ch&\ 我^ m 半肩 a 已飲呢 間鋪嗜 Where are those cigars manufactured ? Ni tik in tsoi pin chue t$d ni ? 呢的^ 在迷氣 歡? l 呢 They are manufactureTon Front street. Ni tik hai IsoiFat lun kai Isokff. 呢的 係茌 *鳴、 街^^ t • Are they genuine Havana* ? Hai tsing ah won na' lok mi , ?、ilf 會^4 ABOUT INCOME TAX. No sir ; tlu y are only a pretty good imitation. S M hai / patJtoooh chung tukf ki ho kff ch^. 嗜 H :矛 f f 敎 《务 H 啕 What kind of tobacco do you use ? Ni yung mat yaf in yip ni ? 忙、 用^ 野烟 K . We use imported tobacco exclusively. Ngo ti wong si tung chi ki paan in v A:e^. 我 地 往 ^ i 食 已辨 m -tt How many men do you employ ? Ni tsing ki toh ko yan ah ? H 青煢 I 询入 t ' I am going to the custom-house to pay du,iy, Ngo hum hue sui koon kau suL I come from the tax collectors office ; paid taxes. Nno hue sau sui koon chue / kau sin loL I went yesterday to the internal revenue office, Ngo f sok yat hue sau^ heung kuk loi. 我、 ^ g 去 4 表 Do you wish to give security immediately ? Ni seung hue wan taam po yan ? Yes, if you will accept these two men as bondsmen. Tung yeuJcf ni haruj hoi ni" leung ko po ka". «若* 嘴受吮 两^ 像 *J He will not accept them if they are not responsible. Tung yeuk kue y m hai wan' kue tsau v m hang ke" hk. 翁 劳^^ \t ^ ] t 就 ^% 嘅^ 72 VOCABULARY OF USEFUL WORDS. HOUSE FURNITURE. Barrel. Basket. Market basket. Bathing tub. Ka" hue sup mat Pi pa" tung. Hong • Soong l % \% 冗. 王 d 尸紫^ % DMESS. Apfon. K;ithin^ hat. Chau saf tai. 覃鞭. 縐斜、 帚 Shawl. Embroidered shawl. Shirt. Shoes. Wooden shoes. Taap pokf kan. Saufa" taap poV kan. Hon samf. J3ki.. Muk hai. #4 尋巾趟 ^搭 聘巾. 汙衫錄 . Lady'i shoes. Shoe strings. Socks. Woolen stockings. Silk stockings. Nut yarn hai. Hai iai、. Mat tau. Chin mat". Si mat. 女,、 鞭. 粗, 、截 it rt 氣 % Stomacher. Surplise. Suspenders. Tasael. Cotton trowsers. Nuen too. Ka" sa". Shap tsz tsai. Mo^ soi. Minfoo. 復氣 H 十 li 帑肩 迷. i% %f Silk irowsera. Turban. Veils. Vest, or waistcoat. Purse. Chau foo. Tau pa". Cheung min sa". Pod sum. Ho pau. m 錢帕 辟面^ ;、. 背" 肩 t One pair of shoes. One pair of stockings. Sleeping gown. Yat tooi hai. Tat toot mat". Shui po". — f'j 鞭. 一對 我, 種^ > One suli, of' clothes. One pair of trowsers. Yut tor Vfuk. Yat tiufoo. ― 裤 I BEDROOM. Bed. Bedding. \8hui fong. Chang. Chong poo. ^房. ;^. 尿 棉、. iL^j, Bed-cover. Bed-curtain. Pi min. Mun cheung 78 VOCABULARY OF USEFUL WORDS. Mattress. Sheet. Coverlet. Bolster. Pillow. Yuk tsai. Pi' iaaru Fa" pi min. Cheung chum" tau. Chum" tau. # ^ 谈翠. ^^JLH 祕頭. 枕、 Pillow-case. Chum' tau toi. Blanket. Chin. Clothes-basket. 'H fuk lop. Musquito whip Mun fat. 炙服 笠 Curtain. Mun cheung K me. 仗卞^ 4 . 蚁 森 DRESSING-ROOM. So chung lau. Armlets. Htung pan. Anklets. Keuk ale' Cradle. Ngo chong. HI Cotton quilt. Min toot. 棉^ Court beads. Chiu chue. -ill Aromatic beads. Boot-jack. Bracelets, or bangles. Silver bangles. Heung chue. Tuet hue pan. Sau ahf. Nyan sau dkf. | 看痕. itta 反. 手 n, ikf m Gold bangles. Oum sau akf. Jade bangles. Vnk % sau ak'. Shaving-brush. Soo tsat\ Tooth-brush. Xg(^ tsat. t 手 n 玉手銳 . m. 牙 n Hair-brush. Cane. Card -box. Casket. Chain. Fat tsaf Pin ken. Tip hop. Sau sik seung. Lin. 搏卜 鞭衧' ^ 盒 、f 餚 箱 . 娘; I Silver chain Ngan lin Gold chain. Cum lin. Watch chain. Piu lin. Comb. Soh. 4kit . 4、 氣 H Ivory comb. Nga, soJu Tortoise shell comb- Toi moot soh. Wooden comb. Muk soh. Cosmetic. Shui fan. I 、 f ^L. 玳 ^仇. 衣^ i. 扎翁 Dressing-table. So tau toi. Dressing-case. Keng^ chong. Enr-rings. Yi toanf. Silver ear-rings. | Ngan yi wan^ 複額始 .4 免粧. 羊 4li 賴 VOCABULARY OF USEFUL WORDS. 79 Gold ear-ring. Finger-ring. Silver ring. Gold ring. Hair pin. Gum yi wan. Kai chu Ngan kai chi, Oam kai chu Chau t 幕镬 歲指 .教^指金或指.仏 Silver hair pin. Looking-glass. Mirror. Necklace. Needle. Ngan chat. Chiu rmV keng、. Sau Jceng\ Keng、 lin. Chunu iki^. ?、 1® 镜. 手視. mi 针 Parasol. Perfumery. Pomatum. Pin. Breast-pin. Yeug ch Sponge, Talisman. Thimble. Thread. Cotton thread. Shui po. Kuam taufoo. Chum ting. Sin. Ma sin. Silk thread. Tooth-pick. Tooth powder. Tooth powder box. 8i sin. Nga" tsim. Nga' fooi. Ngafooi hop. IMfc 牙 1 矛反、 f;^^. Towel. Tweezer. Umbrella. Bib. Vandyke. Wash-stand. Min K kan. Nip kim. Che''. Hau shui kin. Wan kin. MirC poon kaT. 巾.4&视逶戶^/|.«|.面盥^ ! QUADRUPEDS. Antelope. Ape. Ass. Bear. Boar。 Tsau sau. Cheung. Yuen. Lo. Hung. Chue kung. t 歡, 復息. 焦 I WWUA V.^ A «« t5,、^TT T)»«Pof A Tlnll naif |Wild boar. Buck. Buffalo. B.ull. Calf. ■IV chue. Mau luk. Shui ngau. Ngau hoo. Ngavi tsaif 拷. 社 1. 扎牛, 牛^. ^Hf 80 VOCABULARY OF USEFUL WORDS. Camel Cat. Lok f 、、- Man Chamois. Colt. Cow. Ling yeung. Mn' isai! Wong rujau. 歸. 給 羊.、 I 伶 瀆斗. Musk deer. Deer. Luk. Doe. Yau. Gelding, Shin ma". SheT. m Dog. Kau. Goat. Tso yeung Spotted deer. Kam tsin luk. Elephant. Ts€ ung. 、乳 Kitten. Kid. Leopard. Miu tsai. Yeung Lai. Pau. Fawn. Hueli. 諫 Sz tsai J 漏烏. 草羊舅 ,羊& 解 Horse Ma- . Mare. Marmot. To、 poot shue. . Mole. Tin shue. Orangoutang. Sing sing, 渡 Jl .. Mouse. Shik shue. Sea otter. Hoi cha"t. Mule. Lot. Ox. Im ngau. Pig. Chue tsai. Porpoise. JIo, txten 诲獺. i^.^if. Rat Water rat. Lo shue. Kue shue. ' ^ ^\ - 、)、 Sheep. Sow. Min yt"uruj. Chue tux". 綿羊. 拷根. Tapir. Tiger Rhinoceros. tkii ngau. Seal. Hoi kau. Monkey. Ma" lau. 為鞠 Otter. Shui cha't, ^艇 Rabbit. To\ Fur seal. Chi 7na, tiu. 氣. 專 今. * ^ mfa Squirrel. Sung shue. Unicorn. Stag. Ml Stallion. 社鳥 Wolf. Zobra. Pak pau. JjO" foo". 入 1 hi lun. Yi shtte. Chai long. Fung mjau. ^ tj * jl m%%^ 良封氣 帘千 VERBS Si Abandon Abuse. Xt s ma s . 丢棄 'Accompany. Accomplish, Tung hang* Tsuk kung. 巧行 竣工 A no iii t. Add. ■Sktkfong. Ka Urn. Allow. Announce* €hun tso。 Chum |x>\ 袭敌 溥敉 Arrest. Ask, Chuk na 弋 Fong T^ufC", 從拿 ^問 Associate. Astoiiish P Seung kau> King hL 相文 驚奇 Bail. Bake^ Yan po'". Foh' hung. Beat. Beekon, Tsak ta\ Chin sha^. i 打 招手 Behave. Hoi shau,. Hang UxiL 閼子 行爲 jBlaze. Bleed. Fohf im\ Fong ft, wet 大铺 玫 A Accept. Accommodate Tslp shaiu Ts(t iso, 搔灸 借助 Accumulate, . • Acknowledge Tsifc chue\ Ying ^'- 精聍 43 U、 Address. Advertise, Min kxmg Pin chuen. 面講 1 谗 Annoy. .Answer. Faan iu". Taap ying\ 碰 I 慮 Assent. Assign. Waif hawf. €hiu pau t 肯 Attend. Avoid- Shifv>ng. Px^ foi 玲冬 M% Batbe. Bear, \ ; ■Sar shem, Yung yarn, 冼身 n Beg. Beg pardoiu HaL Tak tsooi. t> 待乘 Believe. A Bend. Sun. huh. i% 攀曲 Blot Blow^ To qo. €hui 重汚 < 82 VERBS. Blush. Horn sau. 食羞 Break. Ta' laan、. 打鑭 Calculate. Toot suen\ 裉真 Catch. Ckuk. 浞 Chew. Tseuk. 嗉 Collect. Tsue x tsap, %^ 、 Commit (crime.) Faan s tsooi. Congratulate. Hoh s hi'. %^ Continue. Pal tsii. Convct. Kok dun ^正 Boast. Kwa hctu". Breathe. Chui hC 樣 Call. Charge. Fun /00 s . Clap. Paak shau,. Come. Loi. 來 Conclude. 定意 Consent. Wan' chun. Convorsp. Kan taani. Boil. Chue. Bribe. Fooi" lo\ Can. Tso、 iak\ 赠 Chat. Han tarn Clean. Kohn tseng、. Command, Ling. Condemn. Ting*' liu tsooC, Consult Chum chet(k\ Convict. Tbvj y tnuoi Count. Bolt. Shaan. 岡 Bring. 2sim loi. sm- ^未 Carry. Taam. Cheat. Kung pin*'. ^ 箱 Cohabit. Kau hop. ^ 手 乾, 文 t Commence. Hoi shau,. 4^ 鬩手 Confiscate. Chuivj klOKJ. 定了庫 f^A Contain. Chong "'ui 、- 允农 兼氣 Copy. Chau se". 文拔 定笨 Correspond. Sauity foo. 相符 Cry. Tax huk 敫 教 83 Deal. K 責 Demand. Mun^ to. mi Depend. 舰 Detect. €hu" wok. Digest Siu shite. 消食 Disguise. Koi tsmig. Disobey. Put tsum, 不 Draw. Laai. Draw (in.) >Suk. Dream, VERBS, Care, Dance. I chi. Tiu v woo'. 舞 Deceive. Delay. Hi pin". , in chi, 雄 jtm^ Demolish. Deny, TsakfaL . Pat ying、. 撒 m Despair. Mo mon • 政罪 Gamble. Gasp. Gather. 7V tsin. HCfcun. Shau isap. 賭綫 , ^ lf、 Get, Give- Give up- Tak t": Pi'*. Kau, chut. 侧 波 夂 A ^ |*愿 素 VERBS, 85 Jf" 八 J /\ mmr ,、 Go in. Go out. Lxtk hue、. Hue* kwai. Yap hue\ Chut hue 、: ^^去 去碲 入去 ^去 1>¥\ afo ii*a ^I'U up otcill S3* Go on boards Go ashore. Sheung x lau. Luk lau. Hoi shuen. Mai kai. 上 1 洛棲 雜 w Guard. Guess,/) Guide. Skang. Po oo\ Chai iolh^ Yan' to\ 逾 献 引尊 Hate. Have, Mm long. Kwa^ hi< Tsang oo- Yauf. 4* 介 , 1 #起 憎悉 有 Hire 二 Hope, Hunt., Taf lip. |t、 • 浪 . w 、 望 打薇 f rni fa f f> Include increase Inform, Eau fat 、 af Ka tsariff^ CM ooi 疲法 在 r 勾 「 , w 加增 知會 JLI A IJ» j 、1 « Investigate* Invite,, J、 yule, Sum kattl Tseng^o 漱 I 似 、 ^ 1 奇 *Ti>k (?。 Judge- 3ump. Hop TiiiXdi' Hi wun. Shmnf poonK 我言 , KilL i.rjfii Jul Shaat sz《. ^卞 樣 ^ 难 々n Kiss. Kneei. Knock. Know, Chuet Kv:at ha\ Chi ^下 氟 知 1 86 VBRBS. Labor. Laugh. Lease. Kumjfoo. Hok. Pal x 夬 ^卜 Like. Listen; Live. Look. Chung r. Tsing''' itixq:. Chue. 4»者 T 巧、 Maintain; Make. Melt. Mend. Yung. Poo: Name. Navigate. Negleet. Nip. Ming. Piu yeung.. Toi man. KapK 会 接 Notice. Notify;. Nourish. Need. Chi kok. Tat chi. Yeung'. Iu. 發 Obey. - Object. Observe. Offend. Tsua i\ Kang h'o\ Chi kok. Chung chonq^. Order; Overhear. Overlook. Oversleep. .Mm /oo\ Tau ieiKj" Koon li'. Sui chi /t'u. 微^ J Pack, 1'ass Sfiau shap. Fun s hoi. King kicoh 、- 慮 力 HfJ 、\A Pxxy taxes. Pay debts. Pay wages. Peel. Naap iewvj Wan chaU Chi kxtng ngan^ Mole pi. 久 工^^ Pity. Vlucr. Play. Pl*y cards. Uoh' iin h'unT 工: INTO-, »ing the most interesting; Series ever published, and the, most accept- able present to take or send abroad. Photographed and Published by LAWRENCE & HOUSEWORTH, I OPTICIANS, Nos. 317 and 3i9 MONTGOMERY STREET, I SA1 llAlilllio, Catalogues sent to any address free of postage. 9 Lard Oil, Sperm Oil, Polar Oil Boiled Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Bin- nacle Oil, Elephant Oil, China Oil, Alcohol, Coal Oil, and Office and Store, 121, 123, 125 California Street ; ! Refinery, Corner of Chestnut and Taylor Sts. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, From Iffew York to China, Via Isthmus of Panama, San Francisco, and Japan, Making the trip to Westward in 51 days, " " " " Eastward in 49 days. Steamers leave New York the 1st, 11th, and 21st of each month. The steamer of the 11th of each month connects at Saa. Franciseo with the steamer for China on the 4th of the following month. Steamers from Saa Francisco for New York on the 10th, 19th, and 30th of each month. Passengers from Cliina for New York leave San Francisco by the steamer of the 19th of each month. Steamers between New York and Aspinwall. HENRY CHAUNCEY, ARIZONA, OCEAN QUEEN, STAE, NEW YORK. Steamers betweeii Panama and San Francisco GOLDEN CITY, CONSTITUTION, SACRAMENTO, MONTANA, GOLDEN AGE. Steamers between San Francisco and Houg Kong. COLORADO, GREAT REPUBLIC, CELESTIAL EMPIRE, SIPHON, i AMERICA,. Building. ALLAN McLANE, President, New York, p. R. BABY, Ag't, New Yfirk. OLIVER ELDRIDGE, Ag't, San Francisco. J). M. COBWIN, Ag't, Panama. J. H. PHINNEY, Ag't, Yokoliama. 3. h. PHELPS, Agent, Hong Kong- IMPORTERS, JOBBERS, AND KETAILERS OP AND GLASSWARE, Plain and Decorated French China, FRENCH, BELGIAN AND BOHEMIAN } 誦 CT 國 ' Silver Plated and Britannia Ware, PAEIAN FIGUEES and VASES, 誦顯 顯 ffi 扁 IWI% : Table Cutlery, Tea Trays, Looking Glasses, COAL OIL AND COAL OIL LAMPS, i?m©f ©@@ 龜^ 龜© Corner of Sansome and Fine Streets. 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Williams's Middle Kingdom, 2 vols., crown, 8vo. Hue's Travels in the Chinese Empire, 2 vols., 12ino. Hue's Travels in Tartary. Atkinson's Upper and Lower Amoor, Svo. Atkinson's Oriental and Western Siberia, Svo. Alcock's Three Years in Japan, 2 vols., 12mo. Siebold's Japan and. the Japanese, 2 vols., 18mo. A Fortnight in Japan, by the Bishop of Victoria. A Dictionary of the Chinese Language. 6a B. 驕 & CO. IMPORTERS OF CIGARS FOR Virginia Manufactured CORNER OF CLAY, o THE BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO. CAPITAL PAID UP, --- $5,000,000. I>. O. MILLS President, W. C. RALSTOIV, Oasliler. In New York Messrs. LEES & WALLER^ In London ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION. •«V>»*"^N»"*w"w"\ < ^-WW 1# 〜〜〜^"> ll /"\*"\»〜*N«^-W 1 WN^»^N^"^^T-«^-/" 1 WN^N > ^V/"^-VN