' -:/^ <^ f r'( ), r /, . * L-^i)ViSar'Jr"i *vrW *^-; ■^,**f?/V'7 V:-;y>r," M^ i"-«4^j imm^m^mmm^mmmMmm-- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/accountantsguideOOgottrich ACCOUNTANT'S GUIDE FOR EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, ASSIGNEES, RECEIVERS AND TRUSTEES BY FRANCIS GOTTSBERGER, C. P. A. NEW YORK GEORGE G. PECK, Publisher 117 CHAMBERS STREET hf^ t'?^ .^^, 47,250.00 Less ^ brok , 60 00 Deduct Checks, Nos. 31 to 34, Carried forward, 1,815 79 400 375 187 47,200 49,978 33,120 00 00 50 16,858 00 29 00 29 No. 31. November 15, 1898. Juliet Brown, legatee, account of income. No. 32. November 15, 1898. Mary Brown, legatee, account of income. No. 33. November 15, 1898. Eliza Thomas, loan on B. & M. on 18 N. 89th Street, N. Y. City 5 years, interest 4>^% per annum, payable May 15th and Nov. 15th, No. 34. November 15, 1898. Martha Elmer, loan on B. & M. on 48 Bronson St., N. Y. City 5 years, interest 5% per annum payable May 15th and Nov. 15th. 60 00 60 00 25,000 00 8,000 33,120 00 00 9i CHECK BOOK. Balance brought forward, Deposit, December 2, 1898, Mary Jones, interest on B. & M. due Dec. 1st, Deduct Checks, Nos. 35 to 39, Carried forward, 16,858 250 17,108 15,668 1,440 29 00 29 00 29 No. 35. November 15, 1898. Susan Abner, loan on B. & M. on 23 St. George Avenue, Manhattan, 5 years, interest ^}^% per annum payable May 15th and Nov. 15th, No. 36. November 30, 1898. Receiver of Taxes, N. Y. City, personal tax as per bill, No. 37. December 15, 1898. Eliza Brown, widow, account of income. No. 38. December 15, 1898. Geo. Brown, legatee, account of income. No. 39. December 15, 1898. Juliet Brown, legatee, account of income, 15,000 00 448 00 100 00 60 00 60^ 15,668 00 00 CHECK BOOK. Balance brought forward, 1,440 29 No. 40. Deposit, December 15, 1898. January 25, 1899. Mary Brown, legatee, account of income, 60 00 Peter Johnson, interest on B, & M., due January 25th, 175 00 1,615 29 Deduct Checks, Nos. 40 to 44, 269 00 29 No. 41. December 15, 1898. 1,346 Madison Trust Co., interest on Evening Post, Advertising Noti- ces, 24 50 deposit to December 31st, '23 87 r Carried forward, 1,370 16 No. 42. December 15, 1898. Law Journal, Advertising Noti- ces, 24 50 No. 43. January 15, 1899. ■ Eliza Brown, Widow, account of income. 100 00 No. 44. January 15, 1899. George Brown, Legatee, account of income, 60 00 269 00 89 CHECK BOOK. Balance brought forward, Deposit Book balanced, January 31st, balance as per book, 1,310.16 Check No. 46, not in, 60.00 1,250.16 Deposit, February 3, 1899, Eliza Jenkins, interest on B. & M. due February 1st, Deduct Checks, Nos. 45 to 49, Carried forward, 1,370 200 16 1 00 16 00 16 1,570 340 1,230 No. 45. January 16, 1899. Juliet Brown, legatee, account of income, No. 46. January 15, 1899. Mary Brown, legatee, account of income, No. 47. February 15, 1899. Eliza Brown, widow, account of income, No. 48. February 15, 1899. Geo. Brown, legatee, account of income. No. 49. February 15, 1899. Juliet Brown, legatee, account of income. 60 00 60 00 100 00 60 00 60 340 00 00 40 CHECK BOOK. Balance brought forward, 1,230 16 No. 50. Deposit, February 15, 1899. March 3, 1899. Mary Brown, Legatee, account of income, 60 00 Clara A. Ertland, Interest on B. & M., 500 00 16 due March 1st, 1,730 No. 51. Deduct Checks, Nos. 50 to 54, 340 00 16 March 15, 1899. Eliza Brown, Widow, accoujit of Carried forward, l,3t0 income, 100 00 No. 52. March 15, 1899. George Brown, Legatee, account of income, 60 00 No. 53. - March 15, 1899. Juliet Brown, Legatee, account of income, 60 00 No. 54. March 15, 1899. Mary Brown, Legatee, account of income, 60 00 340 00 41 CHECK BOOK. Balance brought forward, Deduct Checks, Nos. 55 to 59, Carried forward, 1,390 316 1,074 16 09 07 No. 55. March 31, 1899. Cash for petty disbursements, in- cluding rent of safe. No. 56. April 10, 1899. Eliza Brown, Executrix, for com- mission. No. 57. April 10, 1899. George Brown, Executor, for com- mission, No. 58. April 10, 1899. Eliza Brown, Widow, balance of income. No. 59. April 10, 1899. Juliet Brown, Legatee, balance of income, 17 50 117 63 117 63 18 00 45 316 33 09 48 ..4 CHECK BOOK. W Balance brought forward, Deposit, May 1, 1899, James Smith, interest on B. & M. Julia Carter, interest on B. & M. Deposit May 16, 1899. Eliza Thomas, interest on B. & M., due May 15th, Susan Abner, interest on B. & M., due May 16th, Martha Elmer, interest on B. & M., due May 15th, Deduct Checks, Nos. 60 to 64, Carried forward. 1,074 375 187 562 337 200 07 00 50 50 50 00 2,736 370 57 68 89 2,365 No. 60. April 10, 1899. Juliet Brown, Legatee, bal- ance of income. No. 61. April 10, 1899. Mary Brown, Legatee, bal- ance of income, No. 62. May 15, 1899. Eliza Brown, Widow, account of income, No. 63. May 15, 1899. Geo. Brown, Legatee, account of income. No. 64. May 15, 1899. Juliet Brown, Legatee, account of income. 45 34 45 34 120 00 80 00 80 370 00 68 i8 CHECK BOOK. Balance brought forward, 2,365 89 No. 65. Deposit, May 15, 1899. June 2, 1899, Mary Brown, Legatee, account of income, 80 00 Mary Jones, interest on B. & M. , 250 00 2,615 440 89 00 89 Deduct Checks, Nos. 65 to 69, No. 66. Carried forward, 2,175 June 15, 1899. Eliza Brown, Widow, account of income, 120 00 No. 67. June 15, 1899. Geo. Brown, Legatee, account of income, 80 00 • No. 68. June 15, 1899. Juliet Brown, Legatee, account ' of income. 80 00 No. 69. ' June 15, 1899. Mary Brown, Legatee, account of income. 80 00 440 00 44 ^- ' CHECK BOOK. Balance brought forward, Deposit, July 25, 1899. Peter Johnson, int. , on B. &M., Madison Trust Co., interest on deposit to June 30th, Deposit book balanced as of July 30th, 1899, balance as per book, 2,006.64 Deduct Checks, Nos. 70 to 74, Carried forward, 2,175 175 2,350 15 2,366 480 1,886 89 00 89 75_ 64 00 64 No. 70. July 15, 1899. Eliza Brown, Widow, account of income, No. 71. July 15, 1899. George Brown, Legatee, account income, No. 72. July 15, 1899. Juliet Brown, Legatee, account of income. No. 73. July 15, 1899. Mary Brown, Legatee, account of income. No. 74. August 15, 1899. Eliza Brown, Widow, account of income, 120 00 80 00 80 00 80 00 120 480 00 00 45 CHECK BOOK. Balance brought forward, Deposit, August 2, 1899, Eliza Jenkins, int., on B. &'M., Deduct Checks, Nos. 76 to 79, Carried forwai d, 1,886 200 2,086 440 1,646 64 00 64 00 64 No. 75. August 16, 1899. Geo. Brown, Legatee, account of income, No. 76. August 15, 1899. Juliet Brown, Legatee, account of income. No. 77. August 15, 1899. Mary- Brown, Legatee, account of income, No. 78. September 15, 1899. Eliza Brown, Widow, account of income. No. 79. September 16, 1899. Geo. Brown, Legatee, account of income. 80 00 46 CHECK BOOK. Balance brought forward, Deposit, September 2, 1899, Clara A. Ertland, interest on B. &M., Deduct Checks, Nos. 80 to 84, Carried forward, 1,646 500 2,146 440 1,706 64 00 64 00 64 No. 80. September 15, 1899. Juliet Brown, Legatee, account of income. No. 81. September 15, 1899. Mary Brown, Legatee, account of income, No. 82. October 15, 1899. Eliza Brown, Widow, account of income. No. 83. October 16, 1899. Geo. Brown, Legatee, account of income. No. 84. October 15, 1899. Juliet Brown, Legatee, accoimt of income, 80 00 80 00 120 00 80 00 80 440 00 00 47 CHECK BOOK. Balance brought forward, Deposit, November 2, 1899. James Smith, int., on B. & M., Julia Carter, interest on B. & M., Deposit, November 16, 1899. Eliza Thomas, int. , on B. & M. , Susan Abner, int., on B. & M., Martha Elmer, int., on B. & M., Deduct Checks, Nos. 85 to 89, Carried forward, 1,706 375 187 562 337 200 64 00 50 50 50 00 14 00 3,369 440 2,929 14 No. 85. October 15, 1899. Mary Brown, Legatee, account of income. No. 86. November 15, 1899. Eliza Brown, Widow, account of income, No. 87. November 15, 1899. George Brown, Legatee, account of income, No. 88. November 15, 1899. Juliet Brown, Legatee, account of income. No. 89. September 15, 1899. Mary Brown, Legatee, account of income, 48 J^MU\ CHECK BOOK. Balance brought forward, Deposit, December 2, 1899, Mary Jones, interest on B. &M., Deduct Checks, Nos. 90 to 94, Carried forward, 2,9^9 250 3,179 816 2,362 14 00 14 50 64 No. 90. November 30, 1899. Receiver of Taxes, N. Y. City, personal tax for 1899, No. 91. December 15, 1899. Eliza Brown, Widow, account of income. No. 92. December 15, 1899. Geo. Brown, Legatee, account of income, No. 93. December 15, 1899. Juliet Brown, Legatee, account of income. No. 94. December 15, 1899. Mary Brown, Legatee, account of income, 456 50 120 00 80 00 80 00 80 816 00 50 49 CHECK BOOK. Balance brought forward, Deposit, January 25, 1900. Peter Johnson, int. , on B. & M, , Madison Trust Co., int. , credited on deposits to December 31st, 1899. Deduct Checks, Nos. 95 to 99, Carried forward. Deposit book balanced as of January 25th, 1900, balance per book, 2,273.94 No. 98 not in, 80.00 2,193.94 ^j| 2,362 175 16 2,653 480 2,073 64 00 30 94 00 94 No. 95. January 15, 1900. Eliza Brown, Widow, account of income. No. 96. January 15, 1900. George Brown, Legatee, account of income, No. 97. January 15, 1900. Juliet Brown, Legatee, account of income. No. 98. January 15, 1900. Mary Brown, Legatee, account of income. No. 99. February 15, 1900. Eliza Brown, Widow, account of income, 60 CHECK BOOK. Balance brought forward, 2,073 94 No. 100. Deposit, February 2, 1900, February 15, 1900. Geo. Brown, Legatee, account of income, 80 00 Eliza Jenkins, int., on B. &M., 200 00 94 00 94 2,273 440 Deduct Checks, Nos. 100 to 104, No. 101. Carried forward, 1,833 February 16, 1900. Juliet Brown, Legatee, account of income. 80 00 No. 102. February 15, 1900. Mary Brown, Legatee, account of income, 80 00 No. 103 March 16, 1900. Eliza Brown, Widow, account of income, 120 00 • No. 104. March 15, 1900. Geo. Brown, Legatee, account of income, 80 00 440 00' 51 CHECK BOOK. Balance brought forward, 1,833 94 No. 105. . Deposit, March 2, 1900, March 15, 1900. Juliet Brown, Legatee, account of income. 80 00 Clara A. Ertland, interest on B. & M., 500 00 2,333 94 Deduct Checks, Nos. 105 to 109, 506 70 No. 106. March 15, 1900. Carried forward, 1,837 24 1 Mary Brown, Legatee, account of income, 80 00 No. 107. 1 March 25, 1900. • Cash for disbursements, includ- ing rent of safe. 16 35 1 No. 108. ■ April 10, 1900. Eliza Brown, Executrix, com- mission on income. 165 18 ■ - No. 109. April 10, 1900. George Brown, Executor, com- mission on income, 165 17 506 70 62 CHECK BOOK. Balance brought forward, 1,827 24 No. 110. Deposit, April 10, 1900. May 2, 1900. Eliza Brown, Widow, balance, 281 28 James Smith, int., on B. & M., 375 187 00 50 Julia Carter, interest on B. & M. , Deposit, No. 111. May 16, 1900. April 10, 1900. Eliza Thomas, int., on B. & M., 562 50 George Brown, Legatee, balance. 187 52 Susan Abner, int., on B. & M., 337 200 50 00 Martha Elmer, int., on B. & M., 3,489 74 Deduct Checks, Nos. 110 to 114, 943 85 No. 112. April 10, 1900. Carried forward, 2,545 89 Eliza Brown, Widow of Josiah, died April 20, 1900. Juliet Brown, Legatee, balance, 187 52 No. 113. April 10, 1900. Mary Brown, Legatee, balance. 187 53 No. 114. May 15, 1900. George Brown, Legatee, account of income, 100 00 943 85 §8 CHECK BOOK. Balance brought forward, 2,545 89 No. 115. 1 Deposit, May 15, 1900. June 2, 1900. Juliet Brown, Legatee, account of income, 100 00 Mary Jones, int., on B. & k., 250 00 2,795 500 89 00 Deduct Checks, Nos. 115 to 119, No. 116. Carried forward, 2,295 89 May 16, 1900. 1 Mary Brown, Legatee, account of income, 100 00 No. 117. June 15, 1900. George Brown, Legatee, account of income, 100 00 No. 118. June 15, 1900. Juliet Brown, Legatee, account of income, 100 00 No. 119. June 15, 1900. Mary Brown, Legatee, account of income, 100 00 • 500 00 64 *».,. CHECK BOOK. I ft Balance brought forward, 2,295 89 No. 120. Deposit, July 26, 1900. July 15, 1900. iGeo. Brown, Legatee, account of income, 200 00 Peter Johnson, int., on B. & M., 175 00 Deposit, No. 121. August 1, 1900. July 15, 1900. Eliza Jenkins, B. & M., principal, Interest on B. and M., in full, 8,000 200 00 00 89 00 89 Juliet Brown, Legatee, account of income, 200 00 ' 10,670 850 Deduct Checks, Nos. 120 to 123, No. 122. July 15, 1900. July 31. Madison Trust Co., interest on 9,820 1 deposit. 19 85 Mary Brown, Legatee, account of income, 200 ' 9,840 74 74 00 Account filed as of Aug. 1, 1900, 9,840 ► Deposit, No. 123. September 2, 1900. July 31, 1900. Clara A. Ertland, interest on B. & M., 500 00 John Doe, public accountant, for writing up books, &c., 250 00 850 00 September 15, 1900. Madison Trust Co., interest on deposits. 24 60 No. 124. September 20, 1900. Smith & Jones, allowance for disbursements, &c., as per Deduct Check No. 124, 10,365 350 34 00 Carried forward, 10,015 34 decree, 350 00 350 00 65 CHECK BOOK. Balance brought forward, Deduct Checks, Nos. 135 to 129, 10,015 5,987 34 29 05 No. 125. September 20, 1900. George Brown, Executor, com- mission on principal, 1,374 130 1,374 663 2,445 Carried forward, * ■ 4,028 13 ■ No. 126. September 20, 1900. George Brown, Executor, com- mission on income, 19 ^ No. 127. September 20, 1900. Juliet Brown, Executrix, Eliza Brown, com. , on principal, 13 No. 128. September 20, 1900. Juliet Brown, Executrix, Eliza Brown, balance of income, 80 No. 129. September 20, 1900. George Brown, Legatee, bal- ance of principal. 04 5,987 29 58 Jjjl^ CHECK BOOK. Balance brought forward, Deduct Checks, Nos. 130 to 133, Account Closed. 4,028 4,028 05 05 No. 130. September 20, 1900. George Brown, Legatee, bal- ance of income, No. 131. September 20, 1900. Juliet Brown, Legatee, balance of principal, No. 132. September 20, 1900. Juliet Brown, Legatee, balance of income, No. 133. September 20, 1900. Mary Brown, Legatee, balance of income, 743 41 2,190 88 743 41 350 4,028 35 05 S7 JOURNAL, 60 JOURNAL, page i. WILL. I, JosiAH Brown, of the City and County of New York, State of New York, being of sound mind here- by declare this to be my last Will and Testament. I give unto my Executors all my property both real and personal that I may die seized and possessed of, after paying all my lawful debts, to be held by them in trust during the lifetime of my wife, Eliza ; they shall collect the income thereof and shall pay the same over in such amounts as they may see fit. To my wife, Eliza, ^ of the net income. To my son, George, f of the net income. To my daughter, Juliet, f of the net income. To my daughter, Mary, f of the net income. At the death of my wife, the whole of my estate shall be divided into three equal shares, one share to be paid to my son, George, or to his issue surviving him. One share to be paid to my daughter, Juliet, or to her issue surviving her, and one share to be paid to my daughter, Mary, or to her issue surviving her. If any of my children should die prior to attaining majority leaving no issue surviving, the share allotted to him or her shall go in equal share to the survivors or survivor. If any of my children should die after attaining his or her majority, before the death of my wife, such child or children shall have the right to will his or her share as allotted herein, and I name my wife and my son George as Executrix and Execu- tor of this my last Will. Signed and acknowledged this " day, March 31st, 1893, in presence of W Josiah Brown. Archibald Jones, 742 Eighth Ave., New York. Jonathan Newkirk, 874 W. 94th St., New York. Matthew Black, 369 St. Marks Ave., New York. 61 JOURNAL, page 2. MARCH 16th, 1898. VALUE. Copy of Inventory of the Estate of Josiah Brown, deceased, filed April 20tli, 1898. Bond and Mortgage, by James Smith, secured by house and lot 25 Fourth Avenue, New York City, due May 1st, 1902, interest 5% per annum, payable semi-annually, May 1st and November 1st, Bond and Mortgage, by Mary Jones, secured by house and lot 215 Chambers Street, New York City, due December 1st, 1901, interest 5% per annum, payable semi-annually, June 1st and December 1st, Bond and Mortgage, by Eliza Jenkins, secured by house and lot 425 Third Avenue, New York City, due August 1st, 1900, interest 5% per annum, payable semi-annually, August 1st and February 1st, Bond and Mortgage, by Julia Carter, secured by house and lot 187 Bleecker Street, New York City, due May 1st, 1900, interest 5% per annum, payable semi-annually, May 1st and November 1st, Bond and Mortgage, by Clara A. Ertland, secured by house and lot 85 West 23rd Street, New York City, due September 1st, 1902, interest 5% per annum, payable semi-annually, March 1st and September 1st, Forty Bonds of United States, $1,000.00 each, due 1910 interest 4% per annum, payable quarterly, February 1st, May 1st, August 1st and November 1st, Cash on deposit in Mutual Savings Bank, New York City, Cash on deposit in Friends Savings Bank, New York City, Cash on deposit in Sand Hill Bank, Note made by James Smithers, payable February 2nd, 1887, <^1 NOMINAL. APPRAISED. 15,000 00 15,000 10,000 00 10,000 8,000 00 8,000 7,500 00 7,500 20,000 00 20,000 40,000 00 42,000 3,500 00 3,500 3,500 00 3,600 875 20 875 2,000 00 Nominal $110,375 20 $110,375 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 20 62 Ji^ JOURNAL, page 3. MARCH 16th, 1898. Estate of Josiah Brown, Cr. By James Smith, Bond and Mtg'e, secured by prem- ises, 25 Fourth Avenue, N. Y. City, interest 5% per annum, payable May 1st, and Nov. 1st, By Mary Jones, Bond and Mtg'e, secured by premises 215 Chambers Street, N. Y. City, interest 5% per annum, payable June 1st, and Dec. 1st, By Eliza Jenkins, Bond and Mtg'e, secured by prem- ises 425 Third Avenue, N. Y. City, interest 5% per annum, payable August 1st, and Feby. 1st, By Julia Carter, Bond and Mtg'e, secured by premises 187 Bleecker Street, N. Y. City, interest 5% per annum, payable May 1st, and Nov. 1st, By Clara A. Ertland, Bond and Mtg'e, secured by premises 85 W. 23rd Street, N, Y, City, interest 6% per annum, payable Sept. 1st, and March 1st, By United States Bonds, 40 bonds $1,000 each due 1910, interest 4% per annum, payable Aug, 1st, November 1st, February 1st, and May 1st, By Mutual Savings Bank, Cash on deposit as per pass book, By Friends Savings Bank, Cash on deposit as per pass book, By Sand Hill Bank, Cash on deposit as per pass book, Cash, APRIL, 1898. Dr. To Sand Hill Bank, Balance as per pass book, withdrawn and depos- ited in Madison Trust Co. , New York City, 15,000 10,000 8,000 7,600 20,000 42,000 3,500 3,500 875 110,375 875 875 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 20 20 110,375 20 110,375 20 875 875 20 20 63 JOURNAL, page 4. MAY, 1898. Cash, 2 To U S. Bonds, 40 Coupons $10.00 each, 3 " James Smith, " Julia Carter, Dr. 962 962 60 50 400 375 187 962 00 00 50 50 Cash, Cr. By Expenses principal, 10 Jones & Bro., Undertakers bill, 196.00 James Johnson, Flowers at funeral, 26.00 15 Smith & Jones, Disbursements in matter of proving Will, 25.00 Appraisers fees, 50.00 By Eliza Brown, Widow, " Geo. Brown, Legatee, " Juliet Brown, Legatee, " Mary Brown, Legatee, 25 " Debts due by Testator, Jones & Carroll, Coal, 28.60 Dairy Farm milk, 10.80 Brown & Co., Groceries, 37.75 732 06 295 120 80 80 80 77 732 00 00 00 00 00 06 05 732 05 Interest, By U. S, Bonds, 3 mos,, int., as per coupons, " James Smith, 6 mos., interest on B. & M., " Julia Carter, 6 mos., interest on B. & M., Cr. 400 376 187 962 00 00 50 50 962 962 60 50 Interest, 31 To Estate of Josiah Brown, Accrued interest to March 15th, 1898, belong- ing to principal, On B. & M., Nov. 1st, 1897, to Mar. 15th, James Smith, Jul'a Carter, On U. S. Bonds, Feby 1st, to Mar. 15th, Dr. 281.25 140 62 200 00 621 87 621 87 621 '621 87 64 :JV- :^6^fur: JOURNAL, page 5. JUNE, 1898. Cash, To Mary Jones, Dr. 250 250 00 00 ^60^ 250 00 00 Cash, 15 By debts due by Testator, James Calkins, for medical services, Or. 85 85 00 00 85 85 00 00 Interest, By Mary Jones, 6 months interest on B. & M., Or. 250 250 00 00 250 250 00 00 Interest, Dr. To Estate of Josiah Brown, Accrued interest December 1st, 1897, to March 15th, 1898, on Mary Jones B. & M. which belongs to principal, 145 145 83 83 145 145 83 83 W JOURNAL, page 6. JULY, 1898. 20 25 31 Cash, To Mutual Savings Bank, ** Friends Savings Bank Dr. Cash, ^ Cr. By Peter Johnson, loan on bond Bond and Mortgage on premises, No. 18 South 89th Street, New York City, Borough of Manhattan, for 5 years, interest 5% per annum, payable semi-annually, January 35th and July 25th, Interest, By Mutual Savings Bank, 6 months interest to July 1st, By Friends Savings Bank, 6 months interest to July 1st, Cr. Interest, Dr. To estate of Josiah Brown, accrued interest to March 15th, 1898, which belongs to principal. Mutual Savings Bank, 29.16 Friends ♦♦ •' 29.17 7,140 00 7,140 00 7,000 00 7.000 00 70 70 00 00 140 00 58 33 58 33 3,670 3,570 00 00 7,140 00 7,000 00 7,000 00 140 140 00 00 58 33 68 33 66 JOURNAL, page 7. AUGUST, 1898. Cash, 1 To U. S. Bonds, 40 Coupons $10.00 each, 2 " Eliza Jenkins, Dr. 600 600 00 00 400 200 600 00 00 00 Cash, By Expense Income, 1 Sundry Items, 15 By Eliza Brown, Widow, " Geo. Brown, Legatee, " Juliet Brown, Legatee, " Mary Brown, Legatee, Cr. 10 120 80 80 80 370 50 00 00 00 00 50 370 60 370 50 Interest, Cr. By U. S. Bonds, 3 months interest from May 1st, " Eliza Jenkins, 6 months interest on B. & M., 400 200 600 00 00 00 600 600 00 00 Interest, Dr. To Estate of Josiah Brown, Accrued interest from February 1st, 1898, to March 15th, 1898, which belongs to principal, on Eliza Jenkins, B. & M., 50 50 00 00 50 50 00 00 67 JOURNAL, page 8. SEPTEMBER, 1898. Cash, To Clara A. Ertland. Dr. 14 15 Cash, Cr. By Expenses pr«incipal, Paid Comptroller N. Y, City, the amount of inheritance tax as assessed, due to the State of New York, 1,103.75 Less rebate, 55.19 By Eliza Brown, Widow, " George Brown, Legatee, *' Juliet Brown, Legatee, ** Mary Brown, Legatee, Interest, Cr. By Clara A. Ertland, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, Interest, Dr. To estate of Josiah Brown, Accrued interest on Bond and Mortgage of Clara A. Ertland, from March 1st, 1898, to March 15th, 1898, which belongs to principal. 1,048 56 120 00 80 00 80 00 80 00 1,408 56 500 00 500 00 500 500 41 41 00 00 67 67 500 500 1,408 00 00 56 1,408 500 500 56 00 00 41 41 67 JOURNAL, page 9. OCTOBER, 1898. 2 21 15 2 5 11 12 13 14 21 1 15 31 Cash, Dr. To James Smithers, His note for $2,000 00 was collected by- Smith & Jones, with interest to October 2d, 1898, Amount of note, 2,000.00 Interest from February 2d, 1897, 200.00 Less collection fee, 10% 2,200.00 220.00 Cr. Cash, By Expense principal. Paid Smith & Jones, for legal services as per bill. By Eliza Brown, Widow, " Geo. Brown, Legatee, " Juliet Brown, Legatee, " Mary Brown, Legatee, James Smithers, Dr. To Estate of Josiah Brown, His note for $2,000.00 due February 2d, 1897, was taken in the inventory as of no value, the amount of the note having been collected, with interest to October 2d, 1898 ; this entry is to place to the credit of prin- cipal, the amount belonging thereto. Amount of note, 2,000.00 Less collection fee, 200.00 Accrued interest to March 15th, 1898, 13 months, 13 days, 134.33 Less collection, 13.43 To Interest, Interest from March 15th, 1898, Less collection fee, 1,800.00 120.90 1,980 1,980 250 120 80 80 80 610 1,980 1,980 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1,980 00 1,980 00 610 00 610 00 1,920 59^ l,9bO 90 10 00 tt JOURNAL, page lo. NOVEMBER, 1898. 2 Cash, Dr. 48,162 50 20 2 To U. S. Bonds, 40 Coupons $10 each, 400 00 15 To James Smith, 375 00 18 ** Julia Carter, 187 50 20 " U. S. Bonds, Proceeds of sale by Cook & Brown, 40 bonds $1,000.00 each, @ 1.18>^, 47,250.00 Less brokerage, y^% 50.00 47,200 00 48,162 50 48,162 50 48,853 2 Cash, Cr. 80 7 10 By Debts Owed by Testator, Paid Eliza Brown, for payments made by her as per receipt, 125 80 11 16 By Eliza Brown, Widow, 100 00 12 '* George Brown, Legatee, 60 00 13 " Juliet Brown, Legatee, 60 00 14 ** Mary Brown, Legatee, 60 00 23 By Eliza Thomas, Loan on Bond and Mortgage, on premises 18 North 89th Street, Borough of Manhattan, N. Y. City, for 5 years, interest 4^% per annum, payable semi- annually. May 15th, and November 15th, 25,000 00 24 By Martha Elmer, Loan on Bond and Mortgage, on premises 18 Bron- son Street, Borough of Manhattan, N. Y. City, for 5 years, interest 5% per annum, payable semi- annually, May 15th, and November 15th, 8,000 00 24 By Susan Abner, Loan on Bond and Mortgage, on premises 23 St. George Avenue, Borough of Manhattan, N. Y. City, for 5 years, interest 4^%, payable semi annually. May 15th and November 15th, 15,000 00 6 30 By Expense income. Receiver of Taxes, personal tax, 1899, 448 00 80 48,853 48,853 80 962 3 Interest, Cr. 50 20 1 By U. S. Bonds, 3 months interest, from Augpist 1st, 400 00 15 1 By James Smith, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, 375 00 18 1 By Julia Carter, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, 187 50 50 962 962 50 70 >5» JOURNAL, page ii. DECEMBER, 1898. 2 16 2 11 12 13 14 5 Cash, To Mary Jones, Dr. 15 15 3 16 Cash, By Eliza Brown, Widow, " George Brown, Legatee, ** Juliet Brown, Legatee, *' Mary Brown, Legatee, ** Expense principal, Paid Evening Post, Advertising for claims, &c., Law Journal, Advertising for claims, &c, Cr. 24.50 24.50 Interest, By Mary Jones, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, Cr. 250 250 100 60 60 60 49 329 250 250 00 "oo" 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 250 250 329 00 00 00 329 250 250 00 00 00 n JOURNAL, page 12. JANUARY, 1899. 2 22 3 25 31 2 11 12 13 14 3 22 15 25 Cash, Dr. To Peter Johnson, " Interest, Amount credited by Madison Trust Company, for interest to December 31st, 1898, Cash, By Eliza Brown, Widow, '* George Brown, Legatee, " Juliet Brown, Legatee, '* Mary Brown, Legatee, Cr. Interest, By Peter Johnson, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, Cr. 198 198 100 60 60 60 280 175 175 87 87 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 175 23 198 280 280 175 175 00 87 87 00 00 00 00 73 JOURNAL, page 13. FEBRUARY, 1899. Cash, To Eliza Jenkins, Dr. 200 200 00 00 200 200 00 00 Cash, 15 By Eliza Brown, Widow, *• George Brown, Legatee, *' Juliet Brown, Legatee, '* Mary Brown, Legatee, Cr. 100 60 60 60 280 00 00 00 00 00 280 280 00 00 Interest, By Eliza Jenkins, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, Cr. 200 200 00 00 200 200 00 00 7S JOURNAL, page 14. MARCH, 1899. 15 31 31 Cash, To Clara A. Ertland, Dr. Cash, Cr. By Eliza Brown, Widow, " George Brown, Legatee, ** Juliet Brown, Legatee, ** Mary Brown, Legatee, By Expense Income, Cash for petty disbursements including rent of safe, Interest, Or. By Clara A. Ertland, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, Interest, To Income, Balance of account. Commissions, To Eliza Brown, Executrix, Commission on income. To George Brown, Executor, Commission on income, Income, To Expense Income, ' ' Commissions, " Eliza Brown, Widow, i, ** George Brown, Legatee, f, " Juliet Brown, Legatee, f, " Mary Brown, Legatee, f, Dr. Dr. Dr. 500 500 100 60 60 60 17 297 500 500 3,705 3,705 235 235 3,705 3,705 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 50 00 00 27 27 26 26 27 27 500 500 297 297 500 500 3,705 3,705 117 63 117 63 235 26 476 00 235 26 998 00 665 33 665 34 665 34 3,705 27 00 00 50 50 00 00 27_ 27 74 JOURNAL, page 15. Estate of Josiah Brown, LEDGER BALANCES AS OF MARCH 31st, 1899. Estate of Josiah Brown, Cash, Expense principal, Debts owed by Testator, Eliza Brown, Executrix, George Brown, Executor, Eliza Brown, Widow, George Brown, Legatee, Juliet Brown, Legatee, Mary Brown, Legatee, James Smith, Mary Jones, Eliza Jenkins, Julia Carter, Clara A. Ertland, U. S. Bonds, Peter Johnson, Eliza Thomas, Martha Elmer, Susan Abner, Dr. 1,372 1,643 287 15,000 10,000 8,000 7,500 20,000 7,000 25,000 8,000 15,000 118,803 66 56 85 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 Cr. 113,213 117 117 18 45 45 45 5200 118,803 80 63 63 00 33 34 34 00 07 76 JOURNAL, page i6. APRIL, 1899. Cash, 10 By Eliza Brown, Executrix, '* George Brown, Executor, " Eliza Brown, Widow, " Geo. Brown, Legatee, " Juliet Brown, Legatee, " Mary Brown, Legatee, Cr. 117 117 18 45 45 45 389 63 63 00 33 34 34 27 389 37 389 27 Cash, 1 To James Smith, " Julia Carter, 16 " Eliza Thomas, ** Susan Abner, " Martha Elmer, MAY, 1899. Dr. 1,662 1,662 50 50 375 187 562 337 200 1,662 00 50 50 50 00 50 Cash, 15 By Eliza Brown, Widow, " George Brown, Legatee ** Juliet Brown, Legatee, '* Mary Brown, Legatee, Cr. 120 80 80 80 360 00 00 00 00 00 360 360 00 00 Interest, By James Smith, 6 months interest on By Julia Carter, 6 months interest on By Eliza Thomas, 6 months interest on By Susan Abner, 6 months interest on By Martha Elmer, 6 months interest on Cr. Bond and Mortgage, Bond and Mortgage, Bond and Mortgage, Bond and Mortgage, Bond and Mortgage, 375 187 662 337 200 1,662 00 50 50 50 00 50 1,662 50 1,662 50 76 JOURNAL, page 17. JUNE, 1899. 15 Cash, To Mary Jones, Dr. Cash, By Eliza Brown, Widow, " Geo. Brown, Legatee, " Juliet Brown, Legatee, " Mary Brown, Legatee, Cr. 250 250 120 80 80 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 360 00 Interest, By Mary Jones, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, Cr. 250 250 00 00 250 250 360 360 250 250 00 00 00 00 00 00 77 JOURNAL, page i8. JULY, 1899. 2 Cash, Dr. 22 25 To Peter Johnson, 3 " Interest, *' Madison Trust Company, interest on deposit to June 30th, 2 Cash, Cr. 11 15 By Eliza Brown, Widow, 12 " George Brown, Legatee, 13 " Juliet Brown, Legatee, 14 " Mary Brown, Legatee, 3 Interest, Cr. 22 25 By Peter Johnson, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, 190 75 190 75 120 80 80 80 00 00 00 00 360 00 00 175 175 00 175 15 190 00 75 75 360 00 360 175 00 00 175 00 78 JOURNAL, page 19. AUGUST, 1899. Cash, To Eliza Jenkins, Dr. 200 200 00 00 200 200 00 00 Cash, 15 By Eliza Brown, Widow, " George Brown, Legatee, " Juliet Brown, Legatee, " Mary Brown, Legatee, Cr. 120 80 80 80 360 00 00 00 00 00 360 360 00 00 Interest, By Eliza Jenkins, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, Cr. 200 200 00 00 200 200 00 00 w JOURNAL, page 20. SEPTEMBER, 1899, Cash, To Clara A. Ertland, Dr. 500 500 00 00 500 500 00 00 Cash, 15 By Eliza Brown, Widow, " George Brdwn, Legatee, " Juliet Brown, Legatee, ** Mary Brown, Legatee, Cr. 120 80 80 80 360 00 00 00 _00 00 360 360 00 00 Interest, By Clara A. Ertland, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, Cr. 500 600 00 00 500 600 00 00 OCTOBER, 1899. Cash, 15 By Eliza Brown, Widow, " George Brown, Legatee, '* Juliet Brown, Legatee, " Mary Brown, Legatee, Cr. 120 80 80 80 360 00 00 00 00 00 360 360 00 00 80 T/?»-A ' JOURNAL, page 21. NOVEMBER. 1899. Cash, 2 To James Smith, ** Julia Carter, IG " Eliza Thomas, " Susan Abner, " Martha Elmer, Dr. 1,662 50 1,662 50 375 187 563 337 200 1,662 00 50 50 50 00 50 30 Cash, Cr. By Eliza Brown, Widow, " George Brown, Legatee, " Juliet Brown, Legatee, " Mary Brown, Legatee, " Expense Income, ' ' Receiver of Taxes, N Y. City, personal tax for 1899, 120 80 80 80 456 816 00 00 00 00 50 60 816 50 816 50 Interest, By James Smith, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, By Julia Carter, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, 15 By Eliza Thomas, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, By Susan Abner, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, By Martha Elmer, 6 mdnths interest on Bond and Mortgage, Cr. 375 187 562 337 200 1,662 00 50 50 50 00 ~50" 1,662 50 1,662 50 81 JOURNAL, page 22. DECEMBER, 1899. 2 16 2 11 12 3 3 14 3 16 15 Cash, To Mary Jones, Dr. Cash, By Eliza Brown, Widow, " Geo. Brown, Legatee, " Juliet Brown, Legatee, ** Mary Brown, Legatee, Cr. Interest, By Mary Jones, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, Cr. 250 250 00 120 00 80 00 80 00 80 00 360 00 250 250 00 00 00 250 250 360 360 250 250 00 00 00 00 00 00 JOURNAL, page 23. JANUARY, 1900. 2 22 3 25 Cash, Dr. To Peter Johnson, ' * Interest, " Madison Trust Company, interest on deposit July 1st, to December 31st, 2 11 12 13 14 3 22 15 Cash, By Eliza Brown, Widow, '* George Brown, Legatee, " Juliet Brown, Legatee, *' Mary Brown, Legatee, Cr. 25 Interest, Cr. By Peter Johnson, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, 191 30 191 30 120 80 80 80 00 00 00 00 360 00 00 175 175 00 175 16 191 00 30 30 360 00 360 00 175 00 175 00 JOURNAL, page 24. FEBRUARY, 1900. 2 17 2 11 12 13 14 3 17 15 Cash, To Eliza Jenkins, Dr. Cash, By Eliza Brown, Widow, " Geo. Brown, Legatee, " Juliet Brown, Legatee, " Mary Brown, Legatee, Cr. Interest, By Eliza Jenkins, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, Cr. 200 200 120 80 80 80 360 200 200 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 200 200 360 360 200 200 00 00 00 00 00 00 84 JOURNAL, page 25. MARCH, 1900, 2 Cash, Dr. 500 00 19 2 To Clara A. Ertland, 500 00 500 00 500 00 376 2 Cash, Cr. 35 11 15 By Eliza Brown, Widow, 120 00 12 *' George Brown, Legatee, 80 00 13 '* Juliet Brown, Legatee, 80 00 14 *' Mary Brown, Legatee, 80 00 6 25 * * Expense Income, Petty disbursements, including rent of safe, 16 35 376 35 376 35 500 3 Interest, Cr. 00 19 1 By Clara A. Ertland, 31 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, 500 00 00 500 500 00 5,607 05 3 Interest, Dr. 4 To Income, 5,607 05 5,607 05 5,607 05 330 35 8 Commissions, Dr. 9 31 To Eliza Brown Executrix, 165 18 10 '* George Brown, Executor, 165 17 330 35 330 35 5,607 05 4 Income, Dr. H To Commissions, 330 35 6 " Expense income, 472 85 11 '* Eliza Brown, Widow, 1,601 28 13 " George Brown, Legatee, 1,067 52 13 " Juliet Brown, Legatee, 1,067 52 14 ** Mary Brown, Legatee, 1,067 53 5,607 05 5,607 05 86 JOURNAL, page 26. Estate of Josiah Brown, LEDGER BALANCES AS OF MARCH 31st, 1900. Estate of Josiah Brown, Cash, Expense principal, Debts owed by Testator, Eliza Brown, Executrix, George Brown, Executor, Eliza Brown, Widow, George Brown, legatee, Juliet Brown, Legatee, Mary Brown, Legatee, James Smith, Mary Jones, Eliza Jenkins, Julia Carter, Clara A. Ertland, U. S. Bonds, Peter Johnson, Eliza Thomas, Martha Elmer, Susan Abner, Dr. 2,157 1,642 287 15,000 10,000 8,000 7,600 20,000 7,000 25,000 8,000 15,000 119,588 69 56 85 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Cr. 113,213 165 165 281 187 187 187 6,200 119,588 80 18 17 28 52 52 53 00 00 88 JOURNAL, page 27. APRIL, 1900. 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 Cash, 10 By Eliza Brown, Executrix, " George Brown, Executor, " Eliza Brown, Widow, " George Brown, Legatee, " Juliet Brown, Legatee, " Mary Brown, Legatee, Cr. Eliza Brown, Widow of Josiah Brown, died April 20th, 1900 ; she left a will wherein she appointed her daughter Juliet Brown, Executrix, and be- queathed to her daughters, Juliet and Mary, share and share alike, all the moneys coming to her from the estate of Josiah Brown. 165 165 281 187 187 187 1,174 18 17 28 52 52 53 20 1,174 20 1,174 20 ¥ 8T JOURNAL, page 28. MAY. 1900. 2 Cash, Dr. 1,662 50 15 2 To James Smith, 375 00 18 " Julia Carter, 187 50 23 16 '♦ Eliza Thomas, 562 50 24 ** Susan Abner, 337 50 24 *' Martha Elmer, 200 00 l.(iG2 50 1,662 50 300 2 Cash, Cr. 00 12 15 By George Brown, Legatee, 100 00 13 " Juliet Brown, Legatee, 100 00 14 ** Mary Brown, Legatee, 100 00 300 00 3U0 00 1,662 3 Interest, Cr. 50 15 1 By James Smith, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, 375 00 18 By Julia Carter, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, 187 50 23 15 By Eliza Thomas, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, 562 50 24 By Susan Abner, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, 337 50 24 By Martha Elmer, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, 200 00 1,662 50 1,662 60 491 16 3 Interest, Dr. 11 To Eliza Brown, Widow, -^ of interest from November 1st, 1899, to April 20th, 1900, James Smith, Julia Carter, ^ of interest from November 15th, 1899, to April 20th, 1900, Eliza Thomas, Susan Abner, Martha Elmer, 354 17 172.08 484.38 290.62 172.22 ^l 1,473 47 491 16 491 16 491 16 JOURNAL, page 29. JUNE, 1900. Cash, To Mary Jones, Dr. 15 I 3 Cash, By Geo. Brown, Legatee, '* Juliet Brown, Legatee, ** Mary Brown, Legatee, Cr. Interest, By Mary Jones, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, Cr. Interest, Dr. To Eliza Brown, Widow, ^ of interest from December 1st, 1899, to April 20th, 1900, Mary Jones, 3) 194 44 250 250 100 100 100 300 250 250 64 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 81 250 250 300 300 250 250 00 00 00 00 00 00 64 64 81 81 89 JOURNAL, page 30. JULY, 1900. 2 22 3 26 Cash, Dr. To Peter Johnson, *' Interest, Madison Trust Company, interest on deposits to June 30th, 2 12 13 14 5 16 31 Cash, Cr. By George Brown, Legatee, ** Juliet Brown, Legatee, *' Mary Brown, Legatee, " Expense principal, Paid John Doe, public accountant, for writing up books and preparing Surrogate account. 3 22 3 11 25 Interest, By Peter Johnson, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, Cr. Interest, Dr. To Eliza Brown, Widow, ^ of interest from January 1st, to April 20th, 1900, Madison Trust Company, 12.13 From January 25th, to April 20th, 1900, Peter Johnson, 83. 61 3) 95 74 20 1 U. S. Bonds, To Estate of Josiah Brown, Balance carried to principal, Dr. 194 194 85 200 00 200 00 200 00 250 00 850 00 175 175 31 31 5,200 5,200 85 00 00 91 91 00 00 175 19 194 850 00 85 85 00 850 175 175 00 00 00 31 31 5,200 5,200 91 91 00 00 90 JOURNAL, page 31. AUGUST. 1900. Cash, Dr. To Eliza Jenkins, In full for principal and interest, Interest, Cr, By Eliza Jenkins, 6 months interest on Bond and Mortgage, Interest, To Eliza Brown, Widow, ^ of interest from February 1st, to April 20th, 1900, Eliza Jenkins, 3) Dr. 88 89 The account of George Brown, surviving executor of the estate of Josiah Brown, deceased, was filed with the Surrogate of New York County, as of August 1st, 1900. 8,300 8,200 200 200 29 29 00 00 00 00 63 63 8,200 8,200 200 200 00 00 00 "00" 29 29 63 63 91 JOURNAL, page 32. Estate of Josiah Brown, LEDGER BALANCES AS OF AUGUST 1st. 1900. 1 Estate of Josiah Brown, 2 Cash, 3 Interest, 5 Expense principal, 7 Debts owed by Testator, 1 1 Eliza Brown, Widow, 12 George Brown, Legatee, l-'i Juliet Brown, Legatee, 14 Mary Brown, Legatee, 15 James Smith, 10 Mary Jones, 18 Julia Carter, 19 Clara A. Ertland, 22 Peter Johnson, 23 Eliza Thomas, 24 Susan Abner, Martha Elmer, Dr. 9,840 1,892 287 400 400 400 15,000 10,000 7,600 20,000 7,000 25,000 15,000 8,000 120,721 74 56 85 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 15 Cr. 118,413 1,689 617 120,721 80 84 51 15 JOURNAL, page 33. SEPTEMBER, 1900. 2 15 20 15 Cash, To Clara A. Ertland, ** Interest, Madison Trust Co. , interest on deposits, Dr. Cash, Cr. By Expenses principal, Paid Smith & Jones, for legal services and disbursements, as per decree, By George Brown, Executor, Commissions on principal, 1,374.13 " " income, 130.19 By Juliet Brown, Executrix, Commission on principal allowed to Eliza Brown, Executrix, deceased. By Juliet Brown, Executrix, Accrued income to April 20th, 1900, be- longing to Eliza Brown, deceased. By George Brown, Legatee, Cash to balance share of principal, By George Brown, Legatee, Balance of income in full, By Juliet Brown, Legatee, Cash to balance share of principal, By Juliet Brown, Legatee, Balance of income in full, By Mary Brown, Legatee, In dividing the principal, the securities and accrued interest allotted to her, ex- ceeded her share of principal by 393.06 Leaving as balance of income, Interest, Cr. By Clara A. Ertland, 6 months, 15 days interest on Bond and Mortgage, By James Smith, Accrued interest from May 1st, to September 15th, By Julia Carter, Accrued interest from May 1st, to September 15th, By Eliza Thomas, Accrued interest from May 15th, to September 15th, By Susan Abner, Accrued interest from May 15th, to September 15th, By Martha Elmer, Accrued interest from May 15th, to September 15th, By Mary Jones, Accrued interest from June 1st, to September 15th, By Peter Johnson, Accrued interest from July 25th, to September 15th, 624 524 60 60 350 1,504 1,374 663 2,445 743 2,190 743 350 10,365 541 281 140 375 225 133 145 49_ 1,892 00 32 13 80 04 41 88 41 35 34 67 25 62 00 00 33 83 57 27 500 24^ 524 10,365 00 60 60 34 10,365 1,892 34 27 1,892 27 93 JOURNAL, page 34. SEPTEMBER, 1900. 15 15 15 15 Interest, Dr. To Eliza Brown, Widow, i of interest from March 1st, to April 20th, 1900, on Bond and Mortgage, Clara A. Ertland, 3) 138.39 To Income, Balance of account, Income, Dr. To Commissions, ** George Brown, Legatee, ** Juliet Brown, Legatee, *' Mary Brown, Legatee, Commissions, * Dr. To George Brown, Executor, One commission on $118,413.80, 5% on $1,000.00, 50.00 2j4 % on next, $10,000.00, 250.00 1% on balance, $107,413.80, 1,074.13 To Eliza Brown, Executrix, One commission on $118,413.80, To George Brown, Executor, One commission on $4,324.22, Income from March 31st, 1900, Estate of Josiah Brown, To Expense principal, ' ' Debts owed by Testator, '* Commissions, ** George Brown, Legatee, '* Juliet Brown, Legatee, ** Mary Brown, Legatee, Dr. 3,606 3,606 3,560 3,560 2,878 2,878 118,413 118,413 71 71 42 42 45 45 80 80 46 3,560 3,606 130 1,143 1,143 1,143 3,560 1,374 13 1,374 13 130 19 2,878 45 2,242 56 287 85 2,748 26 37,711 71 37,711 71 37,711 71 118,413 80 94 JOURNAL, page 35. SEPTEMBER. 1900. 9 9 11 12 19 24 13 23 16 14 15 18 22 24 15 Juliet Brown, Executrix, By Eliza Brown, Executrix, " Eliza Brown, Widow, 20 George Brown, Legatee, To Clara A. Ertland, " Susan Abner, 20 Juliet Brown, Legatee, To Eliza Thomas, *• Mary Jones, 20 Mary Brown, Legatee, To James Smith, *' Julia Carter, ** Peter Johnson, " Martha Elmer, Cr. Dr. Dr. Dr. 1,374 663 2,037 35,266 35,266 35,520 35,520 38,104 38,104 13 80 93 67 67 83 83 77 77 2,037 2,037 20,041 15,225 35,266 25,375 10,145 35,520 15,281 7,640 7,049 8,133 38,104 93 93 67 00 67 00 83 83 25 62 57 33 77 95 .d^iiliSl LEDGER I 97 ■MSim^ INDEX TO LEDGER. PAGE. PAGE. Abner, Susan, 24 Income, 4 • Interest, 3 Brown, Josiah, Estate of, 1 Brown, Eliza, Executrix, 9 Jones, Mary, 16 Brown, Eliza, Widow, 11 Jenkins, Eliza, 17 Brown, George, Executor, 10 Johnson, Peter, 22 Brown, George, Legatee, 12 Brown, Juliet, Legatee, 13 Brown, Mary, Legatee, 14 Bonds, U. S., 20 Mutual Savings Bank, 20 Brown, Juliet, Executrix, 9 Cash, 2 Smith, James, 15 Carter, Julia, 18 Smithers, James, 21 Commissions, 8 Sand Hill Bank, 21 Debts Owed by Testator, 7 Thomas, Eliza, 23 Expenses, Principal, 5 Expenses, Income, 6 Elmer, Martha, 24 Ertland, Clara A., 19 • Friends Savings Bank, 20 ' 09 LEDGER, page j. Dr. ESTATE OF JOSIAH BROWN. Cr. 1900. Sept. 15 I ■ To Expense, " Debts, * * Comm. , " G. B. Leg., •' J. B. Leg., " M. B. Leg., 2,242 287 2,748 37,711 37,711 37,711 118.413 56 85 26 71 71 71 80 1898. Mar. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. 1900. July 16 By Jas. Smith, Mary Jones, Eliza Jenkins, Julia Carter, C. A. Ertland, U. S. Bonds, M. Sav Bank, F. ** '* Sand Hill " Interest, J. Smithers, *♦ U. S. Bonds, 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 15,000 10,000 8,000 7,500 20,000 42,000 3,500 3,500 875 621 145 58 50 41 1,920 5.200 118,413 I 101 LEDGER, page 2. 2)r. CASH. Ct. 1898. 1898. April 1 To S. H. Bank 3 875 20 May 31 By Sundries 4 732 05 May 31 Sundries 4 962 50 June 30 <( 5 85 00 June 30 Mary Jones 5 250 00 July 31 P. Johnson 6 7,000 00 July 31 Sundries 6 7,140 00 Aug. 31 Sundries 7 370 50 Aug. 31 (( 7 600 00 Sept. 30 ( 29 64 81 June 30 ** M. Jones 29 250 00 July 31 <( (< <( 30 31 91 July 31 " Cash 30 19 85 Aug. Sept. 1 15 (( (4 It 31 34 29 46 63 29 Aug. 1 '* P. Johnson " E. Jenkins 30 31 175 200 00 00 To Income (( 3,660 42 Sept. 16 ♦' Cash *• Sundries 33 33 24 1,892 60 27 4,224 22 4,224 22 1 103 LEDGER, page 4. 2)r. INCOME. er annum, payable semi-annually. May 1st, and November ist, principal due May ist, jgo2. Cr. 1898. Mar. May Nov. 1899. May Nov. 1900. May Sept. 16 1 1 1 1 ] 15 To Estate of J. B, Interest, 00 60 50 50 50 50 12 1898. May Nov. 1899. May Nov. 1900. May Sept. By Cash, " M. B., Leg., 118 LEDGER, page 19. 2)j.^ CLARA A. ERTLAND, Loan on Bond and Mortgage, on premises 8j West 2jrd Street, Borough of Manhattan, City of N. v., interest 5% per annum, payable semi-annually, September ist, and March 1st, principal due March ist, igoi. Cr. 1898. Mar. Sept. 1899. Mar. Sept. 1900. Mar. Sept. 16 1 1 1 1 1 15 To Est. of J. B., ** Interest. 20,000 500 500 500 500 500 41^ 22,541 00 00 00 00 00 00 67 1898. Sept. 1899. Mar. Sept. 1900. Mar. Sept. By Cash, G B., Leg., 119 LEDGER, page 20. 2)r, U. S. BONDS, 40 Bonds $1,000 each, due August, igio, interest 4% per annum, payable quarterly. May 1st, August jst, November jst, and February ist. dr. 1898. 1898. Mar. 16 To Est. of J. B., 3 43,000 00 May 2 By Cash, 4 400 00 May 1 *' Interest, 4 400 00 Aug. 1 (( 1 1 7 400 00 Aug. 1 (( <( 7 400 00 Nov. 2 u u 10 400 00 Nov. 1 i( (( 10 400 00 <( (i 47,200 00 1900. July 31 To Est. of J. B., 30 5,200 00 48,400 00 48,400 00 Dr. MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK, Cr. 1898. Mar. July To Est. of J. B., ' * Interest, 3 6 3,500 70 00 00 1898. July 20 3,570 00 By Cash, 3,570 3,670 00 oo" Dr. FRIENDS SAVINGS BANK, Cr. 1898. Mar. July To Est. of J. B., '• Interest, 3 6 3,500 70 00 00 00 1898 July 20 3,570 By Cash, 3,570 3,670 00 00 120 LEDGER, page 21. 3S>r. JAMES SMITHERS. Note for $2,000.00, due February 2nd, iSgy, appraised no value. Ct. 1898. Oct. 31 To Est., of J. B., ' ' Interest, 9 9 1,920 59 90 10 1898. Oct. 1 1 15 By Cash, 9 1,980 00 1,980 00 1,980 00 Di\ SAND HILL BANK, Cv* 1898. Mar. 16 To Est, of J. B., 875 20 1898. April By Cash, 875 20 121 LEDGER, page 22. 2)|.^ PETER JOHNSON, 147 Broadway, N. Y., Loan on Bond and Mortgage, on premises i8 South 8gth Street, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, forj years, interest ^% per annum, payable semi-annually, fanuary 2^th, and July 2jth, Ct* 1898. July 1899. Jan. July 1900. Jan. July Sept. 25 25 25 25 25 16 To Cash, *' Interest, 7,000 175 175 175 175 49 7,749 00 00 00 00 00 57 57 1899. Jan. July 1900. Jan. July Sept. By Cash, " M. B. Leg., 00 00 00 00 57 57 122 LEDGER, page 23. 2)r. ELIZA THOMAS, 18 North 89th Street, Loan on Bond and Mortgage, on premises i8 North 8gth Street, Borough of Manhattan, N. Y. City, for ^ years, interest \]^% per annum, payable semi-annually. May i^th, and November ijtk. Cr. 1898. Nov. 1899. May Nov. 1900. May- Sept. 15 15 15 15 15 To Cash, " Interest, 25,000 562 562 562 375 27,062 00 50 50 50 00 60 1899. May Nov. 1900. May Sept. By Cash, (( (< " J. B. Leg., 138 LEDGER, page 24. JS>t, MARTHA ELMER, 18 Bronson Street, Loan on Bond and Mortgage, on premises i8 Bronson Street, Borough of Manhattan, N. Y. City, for J years, interest 5% per annum, payable semi-annually. May i^th, and November i^th. dr. 1898. Nov. 1899. May Nov. 1900. May Sept. 15 15 15 15 15 To Cash, '* Interest, 10 IG 21 28 33. 8,000 200 200 200 133 00 00 00 00 33 1899. May Nov, 1900. ! May j Sept. 1 16 16 16 30 8,733 33 By Cash, " M. B. Leg., 200 200 200 8,133 8,733 2)t. SUSAN ABNER, 23 St. George Avenue, Loan on Bond and Mortgage, on premises 2 j St. George Avenue, Borough of Manhattan, A\ Y. City, interest Ayi % per annum, payable semi-annually. May ijth, and Novem- ber i^th. Cr. 1898. Nov. 1899. May Nov. 1900. May Sept. 15 15 15 15 15 To Cash, ** Interest, 10 16 21 28 33 15,000 337 337 337 225 1 00 50 50 50 00 50 1899. May Nov. 1900. May Sept. 10 10 16 20 16.337 By Cash " G. B., Leg., 124 ACCOUNTING. 125 SURROGATE COURT, County of_ In the Matter of the Judicial Settlement of the account of George Brown, as ) Account of Proceedings, surviving Executor of the last Will and Testament of Josiah Brown, deceased. To the Surrogate of the County of_ I, George Brown, of the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, do render the following account of my proceedings, as surviving Executor of the last Will and Testament of Josiah Brown, deceased. On the 31st day of March, A. D., 1898, letters testamentary were issued to Eliza Brown and George Brown, on the 20th day of April, A. D., 1900, Eliza Brown died. On the 15th day of April, A. D., 1898, an Inventory of the per- sonal estate of the deceased was filed in this office, which personal estate therein set forth amounts by appraisement, by the appraisers duly appointed, to $110,375.20. Schedule A, part i, page 4, hereto annexed, contains a statement of the increase of principal. Schedule A, part 2, pages 5 and 6, hereto annexed, contains a statement of moneys received, such moneys belonging to income. 137 Schedule C, part i, page 7, hereto annexed, contains a statement of moneys paid for funeral expenses, &c., and other expenses attending the care of the estate, such moneys being chargeable against the principal. Schedule C, part 2, page 8, hereto annexed, contains a statement of moneys paid for personal taxes and sundry expenses, such moneys being chargeable against the income. Schedule C, part 3, page 9, hereto annexed, contains a statement of moneys paid for commissions, such moneys being chargeable against the income. Schedule D, page 10, hereto annexed, contains a statement of moneys paid for debts owed by the Testator, such moneys being charge- able against the principal. Schedule E, page 11, hereto annexed, contains a statement of moneys paid to the Widow and other legatees, such moneys being charge- able against the income. Schedule F, page 1 5, hereto annexed, contains a statement of the names of all persons entitled as legatees or otherwise, to a share of the estate. Schedule G, page 16, hereto annexed, contains a statement of moneys paid on account of loans made on Bond and Mortgage, such moneys belonging to principal. Schedule H, page 17, hereto annexed, contains a statement of all moneys received, belonging to principal. 128 Schedule I, page i8, hereto annexed, contains a statement of all the assets belonging to the estate, including both principal and income. I charge myself with, As to Principal. Amount of inventory, 110,375.20 Schedule A, part i, 8.038.60 118,413.80 I credit myself with, Schedule C, part i, 1,892.56 Schedule D, 287.85 2,180.41 Showing balance of principal, $116,233.39 As to Income. I charge myself with, Schedule A, part 2, 1 1,619.67 I credit myself with, Schedule C, part 2, 94^-85 Schedule C, part 3, S^S^i Schedule E, 8,997.86 10.5^2.32 Showing balance of income, $ i , 1 07. 3 5 The said schedules which are severally signed by me, are part of this account. 129 SCHEDULE A, PART 1. Statement of moneys received for interest accrued to March 1 5th, 1898, for increase of value received from sale of securities and for collection of claims inventoried as of no value, such moneys belonging to principal, and being an increase thereof, as shown in the inventory. Interest accrued to March 15th, 1898. 1898. May James Smith, B. and M., from November I St, 1897, 281 25 Julia Carter, B. and M., from November 1st, 1897, 140 62 U. S. Bonds, from February ist, 1898, 200 00 June Mary Jones, B. and M., from December ist, 1897, 145 83 July Mutual Savings Bank, from December 31st, 1897, 29 16 Friends Savings Bank, from December 31st, 1897, 29 17 Aug. Eliza Jenkins, B. and M., from February ist, 1898, 50 00 Sept. Clara A. Ertland, B. and M., from March ist, 1898, 41 67 Oct. James Smithers, note for $2,000.00, due February 2nd, 1897, was inventoried as of no value, the full amount of the note, with interest, to October 2nd, 1898, was collected by Smith & Jones, they retaining 10% for collection fee, the amount added to principal is, Amount of note, 2,000.00 Less 10%, 200.00 1,800.00 Interest to Mar. 1 5, 1 898, 134-33 Less 10%, 13-43 120.90 1,920 90 Nov. 40 U. S. Bonds, $1,000 each, inventoried, 42,000.00 Sold at i.i8>^, 47,250.00 Less brokerage, }i%, 50.00 47,200.00 , Showing increase of, Total increase of principal, 5,200 00 $8,038 60 George Brown, Bxecu^or. 181 SCHEDULE A, PART 2. Statement of moneys received for interest, from March 15th, 1898, to and including Aug. ist, 1900, such moneys belonging to income. 1898. From James Smith on B. & M., May 5% interest on $15,000.00, 93 75 Nov. <( (( <( 375 00 1899. May (< it It 375 00 Nov. (( <( it 375 00 1900. May a (I it 375 00 1898. From U. S. Bonds, May 4% interest on $40,000.00, 200 00 Aug. <( <( it 400 00 Nov. in full. 400 00 1898. From Julia Carter on JB. & M., May 5% interest on $7,500.00, 46 88 Nov. H «< i< 187 50 1899. May (( (( 4€ 187 50 Nov. it H l( 187 50 1900. May (( << t( 187 50 1898. From Mary Jones on B. & M., June 5% interest on $10,000.00, 104 17 Dec. << a a 250 00 1899. June it « << 250 00 Dec. <( (( << 250 00 1900. June ft t( (* 250 00 1898. July From Mutual Savings Bank, 40 84 " Friends 40 83 1898. From Eliza Jenkins on B. & M., Aug. 5% interest on $8,000.00, 150 00 i8q9. Feb. « a « 200 00 Aug. (( (< << 200 00 1900. Feb. a n 62 June 15 << (< (( i( 120.00 66 July 15 (< (( (( (< 1 20.00 70 Aug. 15 i i It t f ft 1 20.00 74 Sept. 15 (t ft ({ (t 1 20.00 78 Oct. 15 tf It ft tt 1 20.00 82 Nov. 15 (< tt ft ft 1 20.00 87 Dec. 1900. 15 tt It it i< 120.00 91 Jan. 15 tt (t ft ft 120.00 95 Feb. 15 t ( ( < It (( 1 20.00 99 Mar. 15 II tf tt ft 120.00 106 Apr. 1898. 10 ft II If «< 281.28 2,599 28 5 May 15 Paid Geo. Brown. Legatee, 80.00 14 Aug. 15 It ft ft ft 80.00 1.9 Sept. 15 ft If ft (( 80.00 24 Oct. 15 ft t( ft f< Carried forward, 80.00 320.00 $2,599 28 146 SCHEDULE E. — Continued. 12 Amount brought forward, 2,599 28 Geo. Brown, brought forward. 320.00 Ifoucher. 1898. 29 Nov. 15 Paid Geo. Brown. Legatee, 60.00 Zl Dec. 1899. 15 <( (( << <( 60.00 40 Jan. 15 <( (< (( (( 60.00 44 Feb. 15 (< <( (( <( 60.00 48 Mar. 15 (( (< <( (( 60.00 55 Apr. 10 (< <( <( <( 45-33 59 May 15 (( (( (< << 80.00 63 June 15 (( (< << (( 80.00 67 July 15 (( (< (( (( 80.00 71 Aug. 15 <( (( <( « 80.00 75 Sept. 15 (( (( << << 80.00 79 Oct. 15 (( (< (( <( 80.00 83 Nov. 15 <( (( (< (( 80.00 88 Dec. 1900. 15 (( <( (( (( 80.00 92 Jan. 15 U <( i( <( 80.00 96 Feb. 15 <( <( << << 80.00 100 Mar. 15 (( <( << << 80.00 107 Apr. 10 {< << << << 187.52 no May 15 (( <( << << 100.00 113 June 15 (( <( << << 1 00.00 116 July 15 (( (( l< << 200.00 2,132 85 1898. 6 May 15 Paid Juliet Brown, Legatee, 80.00 15 Aug. 15 <( << «< «< 80.00 • 20 Sept. 15 <( <( (( << 80.00 25 Oct. 15 << (( (< << 80.00 30 Nov. 15 (( (( (< << 60.00 34 Dec. 1899. 15 (( (( << " 60.00 41 Jan. 15 (( a << " 60.00 45 Feb. 15 << «i << <* 60.00 49 Mar. 15 4< U << " Carried forward. 60.00 $4,732 ■ ^ 620.00 13 147 SCHEDULE 1^.— Continued. 13 Koiicher. 1899. 56 Apr. 60 May 64 June 68 July 72 Aug. 76 Sept. 80 Oct. 84 Nov. 89 Dec. 1900. 93 Jan. 97 Feb. loi Mar. 108 Apr. 1 1 1 May 114 June 117 July 1898. 7 May 16 Aug. 21 Sept. 26 Oct. 31 Nov. 35 Dec. 1899. 42 Jan. 46 Feb. 50 Mar. 57 Apr. 61 May 65 June 69 July 73 Aug. [O Amount brought forward, Juliet Brown, brought forward, 620.00 Paid Juliet Brown, Legatee, Paid Mary Brown, Legatee, 45-34 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 187.52 100.00 100.00 200.00 4.732 13 Carried forward, 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 45-34 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 985-34 2,132 86 $6,864 99 149 14 SCHEDULE E. — Continued. Amount brought forward, Mary Brown, brought forward, 985.34 Voocher. 1899. "j^ Sept. 81 85 Oct Nov. 90 Dec. 1900. 94 Jan. 98 Feb. 102 Mar. 109 Apr. 1 1 2 May 115 June 118 July 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 10 15 15 15 Paid Mary Brown, Legatee, 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 187-53 100.00 100.00 200.00 Total payments to the Widow and other legatees, and chargeable against in- come, George Brown, Executor. $8,997 87 86 161 15 SCHEDULE F. Statement of the names of all persons entitled as legatees or otherwise, to a share in the estate of Josiah Brown, deceased, with their degree of relationship and place of residence. George Brown, a son, residing in the Borough of Manhattan, N. Y. City. Juliet Brown, a daughter, residing in the Borough of Manhattan, N. Y. City. Mary Brown, a daughter, residing in the Borough of Manhattan, N. Y. City. Juliet Brown, as Executrix of the last will and testament of Eliza Brown, the widow, deceased. All of the above are of full age. George Brown, Executor, 153 i6 SCHEDULE G. Statement of moneys paid on account of loans made on Bond and Mortgage, such moneys belonging to principal. 1898. July Nov. Nov. Nov. 25 15 15 15 Loan to Peter Johnson, Secured by Bond and Mortgage on premises, 18 South 89th St., Borough of Manhattan, N. Y. City, payable in 5 years, with interest at 5% per an- num, payable semi-annually, Jan. 25th and July 25th. Loan to Eliza Thomas, Secured by Bond and Mortgage on premises, 18 North 89th St., Borough of Manhattan, N. Y. City, payable in 5 years, with interest at 4}4% per annum, payable semi-annually, May 15th and Nov. 15th. Loan to Susan Abner, Secured by Bond and Mortgage on premises, 23 St. George Ave., Borough of Manhattan, N. Y. City, payable in 5 years, with interest at 4>^% per annum, payable semi-annually, May 15th and Nov. 15th. Loan to Martha Elmer, Secured by Bond and Mortgage on premises, 18 Bronson St., Borough of Manhattan, N. Y. City, payable in 5 years, with interest at 5% per an- num, payable semi-annually. May 1 5th and Nov. 15th. George Brown, Executor. 7,000 25,000 1 5,000 8,000 $55,000 00 00 00 00 00 166 17 SCHEDULE H. Statement of moneys received from sale of securities, from deposits in banks, from accrued interest to March 15th, 1898, and from payment of Bond and Mortgage, such moneys belonging to principal. 1898. April I Deposit in Sand Hill Bank, 875 20 July 20 " Mutual Savings Bank, 3.500 00 Friends ** 3.500 00 Oct. 15 Received from Smith & Jones the amount of note of James Smithers, with interest to Oct. 2d, 1898, less 10% for collection, 1,920 90 Nov. 2 Received from Cook & Brown, proceeds of sale of 40 U. S. 4% bonds $1,000, each at i.i8i^, $47,250.00 Less }^% brokerage, 50.00 47,200 00 From accrued interest to March 15th, 1898. James Smith, from Nov. ist, 1897, 281 25 Julia Carter, 140 62 U. S. Bonds, " Feb. ist, 1898, 200 00 Mary Jones, " Dec. ist, 1897, 145 83 Mutual Savings Bank, from Dec. 3 ist, 1897, 29 16 Friends '* 29 17 Eliza Jenkins, from Feb. ist, 1898, 50 00 Clara A. Erdand, from March ist, 1898, 41 67 1900. Aug. I Received from Eliza Jenkins, principal of Bond and Mortgage, 8^000 00 Total moneys received, such moneys belong- ing to principal, $65,913 80 George Brown, Bxecuior. 157 i8 SCHEDULE I. Statement of the assets belonging to the estate comprising prin- cipal and income as of August i st, 1 900. Bonds and Mortgages. Eliza Thomas, due Nov. 15th, 1903, interest 4)4%, payable May 15th and' Nov. 15th. 25,000 00 Clara A. Ertland, due Sept. ist, 1902, interest 5%, payable March ist and Sept. ist. 20,000 00 James Smith, due May ist, 1902, interest 5%, payable May ist and Nov. ist. 1 5,000 00 Susan Abner, due Nov. 15th, 1903, interest 4^%, payable May 15th and Nov. 15th. 15,000 00 Mary Jones, due Dec. ist, 1901, interest 5%, payable June ist and Dec. ist. 10,000 00 Martha Elmer, due Nov. 15th, 1903, interest 5%, payable May 15th and Nov. 15th. 8,000 00 Julia Carter, due May ist, 1900, interest 5%, payable May ist and Nov. ist. 7.500 00 Peter Johnson, due July 25th, 1903, interest 5%, payable Jan. 25th and July 25th. 7,000 00 Cash. Madison Trust Co., balance on deposit Aug. ist, 1900, 9,840 74 Making a total of of which belongs, to principal, 116,233.39 to income, i>io7-35 117,340.74 $ii7>340 74 George Brown, £xecu^or. 169 SUPPLEMENTAL ACCOUNTING. 161 Supplemental account of George Brown, surviving Executor of the estate of Josiah Brown, deceased, showing receipts for interest paid and amount of accrued interest to Sept. 15th, 1900, on the several bonds and mortgages embraced in the principal. Sept. Sept. 15 Receipts. From Clara A. Ertland, interest on B. & M. to Sept. ist, From Madison Trust Co., interest on deposits to date, Accrued Interest. James Smith, May ist to Sept. 15th, 281.25 Julia Carter, May ist to Sept. 15th, 140.62 Eliza Thomas, May 15th to Sept. 15th, 375-00 Susan Abner, May 15th to Sept. 15th, 225.00 Martha Elmer, May 1 5th to Sept. 15th, ^33-33 Mary Jones, June ist to Sept. 15th, 145.83 Peter Johnson, July 25th to Sept. 15th, 49-57 Clara A. Ertland, Sept. ist to Sept. 15th, . • 41-67 Total accrued interest to Sept. 15th, Making increase of income from Aug. ist to Sept. 15 th, 1900, George Brown, Executor. 500 24 00 60 1.392 $1,916 27 87 168 SURROGATE'S DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION. 186 At a Surrogate Court, held at on the 15th day of September, 1900. Present, Hon. Surrogate. In the Matter of the Judicial Settlement of pro- ceedings of George Brown, sur- viving Executor of the estate of Josiah Brown, deceased. George Brown, surviving Executor of the estate of Josiah Brown, deceased, having heretofore made application to the Surrogate's Court of the County of .for a Judicial settlement of his account as such Executor, and a citation having been thereupon issued pursuant to statute directed to all persons interested in the estate of said deceased, citing, and requiring them, and each of them person- ally, to be and appear at the Surrogate's office in . 167 on the 15th day of August, 1900, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to attend such judicial settlement ; and the said citation having been returned with proof of due service thereof on Juliet Brown, and Mary Brown, and Messrs. Smith & Jones, having appeared as attorneys for said Juliet Brown and the said Mary Brown, and the said Executor having appeared in person and by his attorneys Messrs. Smith & Jones, and the said proceedings having been adjourned to this date, and the said Executor having rendered his account under oath in this Court, and the said account having been filed together with the vouchers in support thereof, and no objections having been made to said account ; and this Court after having examined the said account and vouchers, now here finds the state and condition of said account to be as stated and set forth in the said account as filed, and in the following summary statement thereof made by this Court as finally settled and ad- justed by it to be recorded with and taken to be a part of the Decree in this motion, to wit: — 168 A SUMMARY STATEMENT of the account of George Brown, surviving Executor upon the estate of Josiah Brown, deceased, made by this Court as finally settled and allowed. The said Executor is chargeable as follows : With amount of Inventory, 110,375.20 " increase of principal as shown in Schedule A, part i, 8,038.60 " moneys belonging to income as shown in Sched- ule A, part 2. 11,619.67 He is to be credited as follows: With moneys paid for funeral expenses, &c., charged against principal as shown in Sched- ule C, part I, 1,892.56 With moneys paid for taxes and expenses charged against income as shown in Schedule C, part 2, With moneys paid for commissions, charged against income, as shown in Schedule C, part 3, With moneys paid for debts owed by the Testa- tor, charged against principal, as shown in Schedule D, With moneys paid to the Widow and other Lega- tees, charged against income, as shown in Schedule E, _ _ Leaving a balance, of which principal, 116,233.39 " income, i>io7-35 948.85 565.61 287.S5 130.033-47 8,997.86 $12,692.73 j5 1 17.340.74 117.34074 169 Which the said Executor at the date of said account held invested as follows : Bonds and Mortgages at their face value, 107,500.00 Cash, 9,840.74 $117,340.74 And the' said Executor having further made and duly filed a sup- plemental account containing a statement of his acts and doings and the receipts (including interest accrued to September 15th, but not collected) since the first day of August, 1900, the Surrogate now here finds and adjudges the facts to be that the said Executor has at this date on hand distributable to the parties entitled thereto, the aforesaid principal sum of $116,233.39 as follows : Cash, 7»34i-i2 Bonds and Mortgages, with interest accrued to September 15th, 1900, $108,892.27 $116,233.39 That the aforesaid balance of income, 1,107,35 is increased, as shown in the said supple- mental account in the sum of 1,916.87 Making a total sum 01 3,024.22 of income, which the said Executor has at this date on hand in cash distributable to the parties entitled thereto. 170 And it appearing that the said Executor has fully accounted for all the moneys and property of the estate of the said deceased which have come into his hands as such Executor, and this account having been adjusted by this Court, and a summary statement of the same having been made as above and herewith recorded : It is hereby ordered^ adjudged and decreed that said account be and the same is hereby finally and judicially settled and allowed as filed and adjusted. And it is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that out of the principal as found as above remaining in the hands of the said Executor, viz: 116,233.39 He pay the sum of 350.00 To his attorneys Messrs. Smith & Jones, for their costs and disbursements on this accounting. That he retain for himself as Executor the sum of 1,374-13 [Being one commission on the amount of the principal.] That he pay to Juliet Brown, Executrix of the Will and Testament of Eliza Brown, de- ceased, the sum of i»374-i3 [Being one commission on the amount of the principal] 3>098-26 Leaving as balance of principal, $ 1 1 3, * 3 5- ' 3 m And it is further ordered^ adjudged and decreed that the said Executor shall from the said balance of income as shown, viz : Retain for himself as Executor the sum of Being one commission on the income since March 31st, 1900, viz: $4,224.22 Leaving as balance of income And it is further ordered^ adjudged and decreed^ that the said Executor shall distribute the balance of the principal of the said estate then remaining in his hands, viz: Consisting of the following Bonds and Mort- gages and Cash, comprising the principal as follows, viz : Eliza Thomas, Bond and Mortgage Accrued interest to September 1 5th Clara A. Ertland, Bond and Mortgage Accrued interest to September 1 5th James Smith, Bond and Mortgage Accrued interest to September 1 5th Susan Abner, Bond and Mortgage Accrued interest to September 1 5th Mary Jones, Bond and Mortgage Accrued interest to September 1 5th Carried forward, 3,024.22 130.19 $2,894.03 113.13513 25,000.00 375-00 25,375-00 20,000,00 41.67 20,041.67 1 5,000.00 281.25 15,281.25 1 5,000.00 225.00 15,225.00 10,000.00 145-83 10,145.83 86,068.75 173 Brought forward, Martha Elmer, Bond and Mortgage Accrued interest to September 15th Julia Carter, Bond and Mortgage Accrued interest to-September 15th Peter Johnson, Bond and Mortgage Accrued interest to September 15th Cash on deposit, Among the parties entitled thereto, as follows: One equal third part thereof to George Brown, by delivering to him the following named securities, together with proper assign- ments thereof. Clara A. Ertland, Bond and Mortgage Accrued interest to September 15th Susan Abner, Bond and Mortgage Accrued interest to September 1 5th, Cash to balance. One other equal third part thereof to Juliet Brown, by delivering to her the following named securities, together with proper assignments thereof. Eliza Thomas, Bond and Mortgage Accrued interest to September 1 5th Mary Jones, Bond and Mortgage Accrued interest to September 1 5th Cash to balance, Carried forward. 86,068.75 8,000.00 133-33 8,133-33 7,5oo.oo« 140.62 7,640.62 7,000.00 49-57 7,049-57 4,242.86 113,13513 20,000.00 41.67 15,000.00 225.00 2,445.04 25,000.00 37500 10,000.00 145-83 2,190.88 Z7*7^^'1^ 37,711-71 75A23'42 178 Brought forward, One other equal third part thereof to Mary Brown, by delivering to her the following named securities, together with proper assignments thereof. James Smith, Bond and Mortgage Accrued interest to September 1 5th Julia Carter, Bond and Mortgage Accrued interest to September 1 5th Peter Johnson, Bond and Mortgage Accrued interest to September 1 5th Martha Elmer, Bond and Mortgage Accrued interest to September 1 5th There being an excess in the above allotment, there has been charged to share of the in- come the sum of And it is further ordered^ adjudged and decreed^ that the said executor do distribute the aforesaid balance of income as increased by supplemental account, viz : Among the parties thereto entitled as follows: To Juliet Brown, Executrix of the Will and Testament of Eliza Brown Being her share of income to April 20th, 1 900. To George Brown To Juliet Brown To Mary Brown, cash, 350-35 Excess of allotment of principal 393-o6 75.423.42 15,000.00 281.25 7,500.00 140.62 7,000.00 49.57 8,000.00 133.33 38,104.77 393-06 37.711.71 $113,135.13 2,894.03 663.80 743-41 743-41 743.41 2,894.03 174 And it is further adjudged, that upon the payment by the said George Brown, of the said sums herein above adjudged by him to be paid, he be thereafter released and discharged as surviving Executor of the last Will and Testament of Josiah Brown, deceased, (and upon filing with the Surrogate, the receipts of the respective parties for the amounts adjudged to be paid to them or other vouchers proving such payments), that an order to such effect may be entered without notice. 176 COMPOUND INTEREST TABLES AND CARLISLE LIFE TABLES. 177 COMPOUND INTEREST TABLES, The compound interest tables are introduced to furnish information as to the working of the same, not only as relates to the duties of exec- utors and trustees, but for other matters not directly concerned in the care of estates. It frequently happens that a will may direct the payment of a certain sum of money to a person for a certain number of years or during the life of the party ; it is desirable at times for the executor to have some knowledge of the amount of the money required to be taken from the principal of an estate, to secure such annual payment, it was considered that the best way to afford such information, was to give the Carlisle life table and compound interest tables, showing the various results of the increase of money when compounded at different rates of interest. The interest tables also afford information as to sinking funds, the purchase of annuities and the accumulation of money, at compound and simple interest. The tables herein given are : CARLISLE LIFE TABLES. ; This table shows the expectancy of life to a person from birth to the age of 103 years. For instance, a person who is 20 years old has on the average an expectancy of 41 years and 6 months of life, and by reference to the table the expectancy of life of any other age can be found. The Carlisle table is acknowledged to be as nearly correct on the average from the age of 10 to about 70 years, as any of the tables that have been compiled since, the difference being only a few months of more expect- ancy in the Carlisle table. 179 Table I. — This table shows the sum to which one dollar will increase at compound interest for any number of years not exceeding fifty, at 3, 3^, 4, 4^, 5, 5^ and 6 per cent, per annum; appended to this table, are shown the relative effects of simple and compound interest, as to the doubling of money at various rates of interest. Table II. — ^This table shows the present value of one dollar per annum, to be paid at the expiration of each year, for any number of years not exceeding fifty, discounting at the rate of 3, 3^, 4, 4^, 5, 5^ and 6 per cent interest per annum, compounded. This table shows the amount to be paid in advance, to secure the annual payment of a certain sum, for a certain number of years^ for instance, how much money must be paid in advance to secure, say, $100.00 per annum, for 10 years, the payment of such annual sum can be made to one or more persons during the time to be designated. Table III. — This table shows the annuity payable at the expira- tion of any number of years, that one dollar will purchase, interest com- pounded annually at 3, 3^, 4, 4^, 5, 5^ and 6 per cent. This table is similar to table II, the difference being that table II, shows the amount to be paid in advance to secure the payment of a designated amount at the expiration of the year, for a designated number of years ; while table III, shows the amount of the annuity that a designated amount of money will secure for a designated number of years. Table IV. — This table shows the sum to which one dollar per annum, paid at the beginning of each year, will increase at compound interest for any number of years not exceeding fifty, at 3, 3^, 4, 4^, 5, S}4 and 6 per cent., per annum. TJiis table is probably the most useful of any, it being capable of defining the amount of a sinking fund to be 180 established for certain purposes ; the examples given relate to a sinking fund for retiring bond issue by a corporation, a sinking fund to pay off a mortgage, the amount required to be taken from the rents of a leasehold property, to cancel the amount of the money paid in advance for such leasehold, and the accumulations of deposits made in Savings Banks for a term of years. Table V. — This table shows the present value of one dollar due at the end of any number of years not exceeding fifty, discounted at the rates of 3, 3j^, 4, 4^, 5, 5 5^ and 6 per cent., interest compounded. In other words, this table shows the amount to be paid in advance, to secure the payment at the end of a certain number of years, of a certain amount of money. 181 TABLE SHOWING THE "EXPECTATION" OF LIFE AT ALL AGES, according to Carlisle, Male and Female. Age, Years. Months. Age. Years. Months. 38 9 52 19 8 1 44 8 53 19 2 47 7 54 18 3 3 49 10 55 17 7 4 50 9 56 16 11 5 51 3 57 16 3 6 51 2 58 15 7 7 50 10 59 14 11 8 50 3 60 14 11 9 49 7 61 13 10 10 48 10 62 13 4 11 48 63 12 10 12 47 3 64 12 4 13 46 6 65 11 9 14 45 9 66 11 3 15 45 67 10 9 16 44 3 68 10 3 17 43 7 69 9 9 18 42 10 70 9 2 19 42 2 71 8 8 20 41 6 72 8 2 21 40 9 73 7 9 22 40 74 7 4 23 39 4 75 7 24 38 7 76 6 8 25 37 10 77 6 5 26 37 2 78 6 1 27 36 5 79 5 10 28 35 8 80 5 6 29 35 81 5 3 30 34 4 82 4 11 31 33 8 83 4 8 32 33 84 4 5 33 32 4 85 4 1 34 31 8 86 3 11 35 31 87 3 9 36 30 4 88 3 7 37 29 8 89 3 6 38 29 90 3 4 39 28 3 91 3 3 40 27 7 92 3 5 41 27 93 3 6 42 26 4 94 3 7 43 25 9 95 3 7 44 25 1 96 3 6 45 24 -6 97 3 3 46 23 10 98 3 1 47 23 2 99 2 9 48 22 6 100 2 3 49 21 10 101 1 9 50 21 1 102 1 4 51 20 5 103 10 183 TABLE I. The sum to which one dollar will increase at compound interest for any number of years not exceeding fifty, at 3, 3^, 4, 4^, 5, ^y^ and 6 per cent., per annum. 12 3 3)4 4 4>^ 5 5/2 6 03 per ceht. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. l_ 1 1.030 1.035 1.040 1.045 1.050 1.055 1.060 1 2 1.061 1.071 1.082 1.092 1.103 1.113 1.124 2 3 1.093 1.109 1.125 1.141 1.158 1.174 1 191 3 4 1.126 1.148 ^ 1.170 1.193 1.216 1.239 1.262 4 5 1.159 1.188 1.217 1.246 1.276 1.307 1.338 5 6 1.194 1.229 1.265 1.303 1.340 1.379 1.419 6 7 1.230 1.272 1.316 1.361 1.407 1.455 1.504 7 8 1.267 1.317 1.369 1.422 1.477 1.535 1.594 8 9 1.305 1.363 1.423 1.486 1.551 1.619 1.689 9 10 1.344 1.411 1.480 1.553 1. 629 1.708 1.791 10 11 1.384 1.460 1.540 1.623 1.710 1.802 1.898 11 12 1.426 1.511 1.601 1.696 1.796 1.901 2.012 12 13 1.469 1.564 1.665 1.772 1.886 2.006 2.133 13 14 1.513 1.619 1.732 1.852 1.980 2.116 2.261 14 15 1.558 1.675 1.801 1.935 2.079 2.232 2.397 15 16 1.605 1.734 1.873 2.022 2.183 2.355 2.540 16 17 1.653 1.795 1.948 2.113 2.292 2.485 2.693 17 18 1.702 1.857 2.026 2.208 2.407 2.621 2.854 . 18 19 1.754 1.923 2.107 2.308 2.527 2.766 . 3.026 19 20 1.806 1.990 2.191 2.412 2.653 2.918 3.207 20 21 1.860 2.059 2.279 2.520 2.786 3.078 3.400 21 22 1.916 2.132 2.370 2.634 2.925 3.248 3.604 22 23 1.974 2.206 2.465 2.752 3.072 3.426 3.820 23 24 2.033 2.283 2.563 2.876 3.225 3.615 4 049 24 25 2.094 2.363 2.666 3.005 3.386 3.813 4 292 25 26 2.157 2.446 2.772 3.141 3.556 4.023 4 549 26 27 2.221 2.532 2.883 3.282 3.733 4.244 4. 822 27 28 2.288 2.620 2.999 3.430 3.920 4.478 5.112 28 29 2.357 2.712 3.119 3.584 4.116 4.724 5.418 29 30 2.427 2.807 3.243 3.745 4.322 4.984 5.743 30 31 2.500 2.905 3.373 3.914 4.538 5.258 6.088 31 32 2.575 3.007 3.508 4.090 4.765 5.547 6.453 32 33 2.652 3.112 3.648 4.274 5.003 5.852 6.841 33 34 2.732 3 221 3.794 4.466 5.253 6.174 7.251 34 35 2.814 3.334 3.946 4.667 5.516 6.514 7.686 35 36 2.898 3.450 4.104 4.877 5.792 6.872 8.147 36 37 2.985 3.571 4.268 5.097 6.081 7.250 8.636 37 38 3.075 3.696 4.439 5.326 6.385 7.649 9 154 38 39 3.167 3.825 4.616 5.566 6.705 8.069 9.704 39 40 3.262 3.959 4.801 5.816 7.040 8.513 10.286 40 41 3.360 4.098 4.993 6.078 7.392 8.982 10.903 41 42 3.4G1 4.241 5.193 6.352 7.762 9.476 11.557 42 43 3.5G5 4.389 5.401 6.637 8.150 9.997 12.250 43 44 3.672 4.543 5.617 6.936 8.557 10.546 12.985 44 45 3.782 4.702 5.841 7.248 8.985 11.127 13.765 45 46 3.895 4.867 6.075 7.574 9.434 11 739 14.590 46 47 4.012 5.037 6.318 7.915 9.906 12.384 15.466 47" 48 4.132 5.213 6.571 8.271 10.401 13.065 16.394 48 49 4.256 5.395 6.833 8.643 10.921 13.784 17.378 49 60 4,384 5.584 7.106 9.032 11.467 14.542 18.420 50 184 EXAMPLES AS TO TABLE L $i.oo will increase in lo years, at 3 per cent, interest per annum, compounded, to $1.34400. To find the amount that any number of dollars will increase to in 10 years, at 3 per cent., interest compounded, multiply the number of dollars by 1.344; ^^^ instance take $650.00. 650.00 i»344 260000 260000 195000 65000 $873.60.000 $873.60 would be the amount. Follow the same course as to any rate of interest, at the end of any number of years, and multiply the number of dollars to be designated by the amount shown on the table. The relative effects of simple and compound interest may be well exhibited in the following manner. Money will double itself at varying rates of interest, as follows : — At 2% Simple Interest in 50 years. Compound Interest in 35 years. 3% " 3>i% " 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% io> it zz% (( « (( 2sy2 (< << 25 tt (1 2214! ti tt 20 tt <( (( 16^ (< (( << 14^ tt <( (( I2>^ tt tt II tt (( (( 10 tt << (( 28 '< (( 23X tt (( 20^ tt (( i7>^ tt (( 15^ tt tt 14^ tt tt 12 tt tt 10^ tt tt 9 tt tt 8 tt *t •71/ The difference ranging from fifteen down to about 3 years. 185 TABLE II. The present value of one dollar per annum to be paid at the expiration of each year, for any number of years not exceeding fifty, discounting at the rate of 3, 3)-^, 4, 43^, 5, 51^ and 6 per cent, per annum, interest compounded. 2 3 3}i 4 A-y2 5 5>^ 6 CO per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. >« 1 .971 .9662 .962 .957 .952 .948 .943 1 2 1.914 1.8997 1.886 1.873 1.839 1.846 1.833 2 3 2.829 2.8016 2.775 2.740 2.723 2,698 2 673 3 4 3.717 3.6731 3.630 3.588 3.546 3.505 3.465 4 5 4.580 4.5151 4.452 4.390 4.330 4.270 4.212 5 6 5.417 5.3286 5.242 5.158 5.076 4.996 4.917 6 7 6.230 6.1145 6.002 5.893 5.786 5.683 5.582 7 8 7.020 6.8740 6.733 6.596 6.463 6.335 6.210 8 9 7.786 7.6077 7.435 7.269 7.108 6.952 6.802 9 10 8.530 8.3166 8.111 7.913 7.722 7.538 7.360 10 11 9.253 9.0016 8.760 8.529 8.306 8.093 7.887 11 12 9.954 9.6633 9.385 9.119 8.863 8.619 8.384 12 13 10.635 10.3027 9.986 9.683 9.394 9.117 8.853 13 14 11.296 10.9205 10.563 10.223 9.899 9.590 9.259 14 15 11.938 11.5174 11.118 10.740 10.380 10.038 9.712 15 16 12.561 12.0941 11.652 11.234 10.838 10.462 10.106 16 17 13.166 12.6513 12.166 11.707 11.274 10.865 10.477 17 18 13.754 13.1897 12.659 12.160 11.690 11.246 10.828 18 19 14.324 13.7098 13.134 12.593 12.085 11.608 11.158 19 20 14.877 14.2124 13.590 13.008 12.462 11.950 11.470 20 21 15.415 14.6980 14.029 13.405 12.821 12.275 11.764 21 22 15.937 15.1671 14.451 13.784 13.163 12.583 12.042 22 23 16.444 15.6204 14.857 14.148 13.489 12.875 12.303 23 24 16.936 16.0584 15.247 14.495 13.799 13.152 12 550 24 25 17 413 16.4815 15.622 14.828 14.094 13.414 12.783 25 26 17.877 16.8904 15.983 15 147 14.375 13.662 13.003 26 27 18.327 17.2854 16.330 15.451 14.643 13.898 13.210 27 28 18.764 17.6670 16.663 15.743 14 898 14.121 13.406 28 29 19.188 18.0358 16.984 16 022 15.141 14.333 13.591 29 30 19.600 18.3920 17.292 16.289 15.373 14.534 13.765 30 31 20.000 18.7363 17.588 16.544 15.593 14.724 13.929 31 32 20.389 19.0689 17.874 16.789 15.803 14.904 14.084 32 33 20.766 19.3902 18.148 17.023 16.003 15.075 14.230 33 34 21.132 19.7007 18.411 17.247 16.193 15.237 14.368 34 35 21.487 20.0007 18.665 17.461 16.374 15.391 14.498 35 36 21.832 20.2905 18.908 17.666 16.547 15.536 14.621 36 37 22.167 20.6765 19.143 17.862 16.711 15.674 14.737 37 38 22.492 20 8411 19.368 18.050 16.868 15.805 14.846 38 39 22.808 21.1025 19.584 18.230 17.017 15.929 14.949 39 40 23.115 21.3551 19.793 18.402 17.159 16.046 15 046 40 41 23.412 21.5991 19.993 18.567 17.294 16.157 15.138 41 42 23.701 21.8349 20.186 18.724 17.423 16.263 15.225 42 43 23.982 22.0627 20.371 18.875 17.546 16.363 15.306 43 44 24.254 22. 2828 20.549 19.019 17.663 16.458 15.383 44 45 24.519 22.4954 20.720 19.157 17.774 16.548 15.456 45 46 24.775 22.7009 20.885 19.289 17.880 16 633 15.524 46 47 25.024 22.8994 21.043 19.415 17.981 16.714 15.589 47 48 25.267 23.0912 21.195 19.536 18.077 16.790 15.650 48 49 25.502 23.2765 21.342 19.651 18.169 16.863 15.708 49 50 25.729 23.4556 21.482 19.762 18.255 16.932 15.762 50 186 EXAMPLES AS TO TABLE IL This table shows the present value of one dollar per annum to be paid at the expiration of each year, in other words the amount of money to be paid in advance to secure the annual payment of a required sum of money to such person as may be designated, can be defined. For instance a person wishing to secure the payment of $100.00 per annum to a certain other party or to one's self, for say 10 years, can readily find the amount to be paid in advance to secure the payment of such annual payment or annuity. The table shows the present value of $1.00 per annum to be paid at the end of each year for 10 years is $8.53, provided that amount is placed where it can earn 3 per cent, per annum compounded. In order to secure the payment of $100.00 per annum, multiply the present value of $1.00 per annum by 100: 8.53 100 $853.00 showing the amount to be paid in advance, to secure the payment of annuity of $100.00 per annum for 10 years, providing the amount of $853.00 is earning 3 per cent, interest per annum compounded. If the money should be able to earn 3^ per cent, the amount required would be $831.66, being 100 times the amount of the present value of $1.00 per annum at 3^^ per cent, interest, viz: $831.66 as shown by the table. To find the required amount for an annuity of any amount, for any number of years, find the present value of $1.00 per annum, at the rate of interest to be allowed for the number of years the annuity is to continue and multiply the same by the amount of the annuity to be paid. In connection with this table, reference can be made to the Carlisle table of expectancy of life, as it may be advisable in paying an annuity to take into consideration the number of years a party may be supposed to live, for instance, a person who is 30 years of age has an expectaney of 34 years and 4 months of life, one who is 50 years of age has an expectancy of 2 1 years and i month of life. 187 TABLE III. The annuity payable at the expiration of any number of years not exceeding- fifty, that one dollar will purchase, interest compounded annually 3, s}4, 4, 4}4, 5, 51^ and 6 per cent. at 2 3 3>^ 4 4>^ 5 5^ 6 2 it > per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. 1 1 1.0300 1.0350 1.0400 1.0450 1.0500 1.0550 1.0600 1 2 .5226 .5264 .5302 .5339 .5378 .5399 .5454 2 3 .3535 .3569 .3603 .3650 .3672 .3707 .3741 3 4 .2690 .272^ .2755 .2787 .2820 .2853 .2886 4 5 .2184 .2215 .2246 .2278 .2310 .2342 .2374 5 6 .1846 .1877 .1908 .1939 .1970 .2001 .2034 6 7 .1605 .1636 .1666 .1697 .1728 .1761 .1791 7 8 .1425 .1455 .1485 .1516 .1547 .1579 .1610 8 9 .1284 .1314 .1345 .1376 .1407 .1438 .1470 9 10 .1172 .1202 .1233 .1264 .1295 .1327 .1359 10 11 .1081 .1111 .1141 .1172 .1204 .1236 .1268 11 12 .1005 .1035 .1066 .1097 .1128 .1160 .1193 12 13 .0940 .0970 .1001 .1033 .1065 .1097 .1130 13 14 .0885 .0916 .0947 .0978 .1010 .1043 .1076 14 15 .0837 .0868 .0899 .0931 .0963 .0996 .1030 15 16 .0796 .0827 .0858 .0890 .0923 .0956 .0990 16 17 .0760 .0790 .0822 .0854 .0887 .0920 .0954 17 18 .0727 .0758 .0790 .0822 .0855 .0889 .0924 18 19 .0698 .0729 .0761 .0794 .0827 .0861 .0896 19 20 .0672 .0704 .0736 .0769 .0802 .0837 .0872 20 21 .0649 .0680 .0713 .0746 .0780 .0815 .0850 21 22 .0627 .0659 .0692 .0725 .0760 .0795 .0830 22 23 .0608 .0640 .0673 .0707 .0741 .0777 .0813 23 24 .0590 .0623 .0656 .0690 .0725 .0760 .0797 24 25 .0574 .0607 .0640 .0674 .0710 .0746 .0782 25 26 .0559 .0592 .0626 .0660 .0696 .0732 .0769 26 27 .0546 .0579 .0612 .0647 .0683 .0720 .0757 27 28 .0533 .0566 .0600 .0636 .0671 .0708 .0746 28 29 .0521 .0554 .0589 .0624 .0660 .0698 .0736 29 30 .0510 .0544 .0578 .0614 .0651 .0688 .0726 30 31 .0500 .0534 .0569 .0604 .0641 .0679 .0718 31 32 .0490 .0524 .0559 .0596 .0633 .0671 .0710 32 33 .0482 .0516 .0551 .0587 .0625 .0663 .0703 33 34 .0473 .0508 .0543 .0580 .0618 .0656 .0696 34 35 .0465 .0500 .0536 .0573 .0611 .0650 .0690 35 36 .0458 .0493 .0529 .0566 .0604 .0644 .0684 36 37 .0451 .0486 .0622 .0560 .0598 .0638 .0679 37 38 .0445 .0480 .0516 .0554 .0593 .0633 .0674 38 39 .0438 .0474 .0511 .0549 .0588 .0628 .0669 39 40 .0433 .0469 .0505 .0543 .0583 .0623 .0665 40 41 .0427 .0463 .0500 .0538 .0578 .0619 .0661 41 42 .0422 .0458 .0495 .0534 .0574 .0615 .0657 42 43 .0417 .0453 .0491 .0530 .0570 .0611 .0663 43 44 .0412 .0448 .0487 .0526 .0566 .0608 .0650 44 45 .0408 .0444 .0483 .0522 .0563 .0604 .0647 45 46 .0404 .0440 .0479 .0518 .0559 .0601 .0644 46 47 .0400 .0437 .0475 .0515 .0556 .0598 .0641 47 48 .0396 .0433 .0472 .0512 .0553 .0596 .0639 48 49 .0392 .0430 .0469 .0509 .0550 .0593 .0637 49 50 .0388 .0426 .0466 .0506 .0548 .0590 .0634 50 188 EXAMPLES AS TO TABLE IIL This table shows amount of annuity, that a certain sum of money, paid in advance, will secure the payment of, annually. For instance, to find the amount of the annuity to be received for lo years by the payment of $1,500.00. If the money is to be compounded at the rate of 3^ per cent, per annum, the table shows that $1.00 will secure the payment for 10 years of .1202, multiply $1,500.00 by .1202 and the product will show the annual payment to be received for 10 years. 1,500.00 .1202 300000 300000 I 50000 $180.30.0000 showing that $1,500.00, paid in advance, will secure the payment of $180.30 per annum, providing that the money is earning 3^ per cent, interest, per annum, compounded. To find the annuity, that any sum of money will pay annually, for any number of years, find the annuity that $1.00 will yield at the rate of interest to be paid, for the number of years desired, and multiply the amount to be used, by the same, and the product will show the amount of the annual payment. 189 TABLE IV. The sum to which one dollar per annum, paid at the beginning of each year, will increase, at compound interest, in any number of years not exceeding fifty, at 3, 3^, 4, 4^^, 5, $}4 and 6 per cent., per annum. i 3 3y2 4 A-'A 5 5y2 6 CA « ^ per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. i 1 1.030 1.035 1.040 1.045 1.050 1.055 1.060 1 2 2.091 2. 106 2.122 2. 137 2.153 2.168 2.184 2 3 3.186 3.216 3.246 3.278 3.310 3.342 3.375 3 4 4.309 4.362 4.416 4.471 4.526 4.581 4.637 4 5 5.468 5.551 5.633 5.717 5. 802 5.888 5.976 5 6 6.663 6.780 6.898 7.019 7.142 7.267 7.394 6 7 7.892 8.052 8.214 8.380 8 549 8.722 8.898 7 8 9.159 9.368 9.583 9.802 10.027 10.256 10.492 8 9 10.464 10.731 11.006 11.288 11.578 11.875 12.181 9 10 11.808 12.142 12.486 12.841 13.207 13.583 13.972 10 11 13.192 13.602 14.025 14.464 14.917 15.385 15.870 11 13 14.618 15.113 15.627 16.160 16.713 17.287 17.882 12 13 16.086 16.677 17.292 17.932 18.599 19.292 20.015 13 14 17.599 18.295 19.024 19.784 20.579 21.409 22.276 14 15 19.157 19.971 20.825 21.719 22.658 23.641 24.673 15 16 20.762 21.705 22.698 23.742 24.840 25.996 27.213 16 17 22.414 23.499 24.645 25.855 27.132 28.481 29.906 17 18 24.117 25.357 26.671 28.064 29.539 31.103 32.760 18 19 25.870 27.280 28.778 30.371 32.066 33.868 35.786 19 20 27.676 29.269 30.969 32.783 34.719 36.786 38.993 20 21 29.537 31.329 33.248 35.303 37.505 39.8G4 42.392 21 22 31.453 33.460 35.618 37.937 40.431 43.112 45.996 22 23 33.427 35.667 38.083 40.689 43.502 46.538 49.816 23 24 35.459 37.950 40.646 43.565 46.727 50.153 53.865 24 25 37.553 40.313 43.312 46.571 50.114 53.966 58.156 25 26 39.710 42.759 46.084 49.711 53.669 57.989 62.706 26 27 41.931 45.291 48.968 52.993 57.403 62.233 67.528 27 28 44.219 47.911 51.966 56.423 61.323 66.711 72.640 28 29 46.575 50.623 55.085 60.007 65.439 71.435 78.058 29 30 49.003 53.429 58.328 63.752 69.761 76.419 83.802 30 31 51.503 56.335 61.702 67.666 74.299 81.677 89.890 31 32 54.078 59.341 65.210 71.756 79.064 87.225 96.343 32 33 56. 730 62.453 68.858 76.030 84.067 93.077 103.184 33 34 59.462 65.674 72.652 80.497 89.320 99.25L 110.435 34 35 62.276 69.008 76.598 «5.164 94.836 • 105.765 118.121 35 36 65.174 72.458 80.702 90.041 100.628 112.637 126.268 36 37 68.159 76.029 84.970 95.138 106.710 119.887 134.904 37 38 71.234 79.725 89.409 100.464 113.095 127.536 144 059 38 39 74.401 83.550 94.026 106.030 119.800 135.606 153.762 39 40 77.663 87.510 98.827 111.847 126.840 144 119 164.048 40 41 81.023 91 607 103.820 117.925 134.232 153.101 174.951 41 42 84.484 95.848 109.012 124.277 141.993 162.577 186.508 42 43 88.048 100 238 114.413 130.914 150.143 172.574 198.758 43 44 91.720 104.781 120.029 137.850 158.700 183.121 211.744 44 45 95.502 109.483 125.871 145.098 167.685 194.248 225.508 45 46 99.396 114.350 131.945 152.672 177.119 205.987 240.099 46 47 103.408 119.387 138.263 160.587 187.025 218.371 255.565 47 48 107.541 124. 600 144.834 168.858 197.427 231 436 271.958 48 49 111.797 129.996 151.667 177.502 208.348 245.220 289.336 49 50 116.181 135.581 158.774 18G.535 219.815 259.762 307.756 50 190 EXAMPLES AS TO TABLE IV. This table shows the accumulations of $i.oo per annum, paid at the beginning of each year, when compounded at the rate of 3, 3^, 4, 4/^, 5, 5/^, or 6 per cent, interest per annum. From the table as given, calculations can be made whereby the amount to be paid annually can be arrived at, for the accumulation in any number of years for a required sum. For instance, suppose a corporation desires to issue bonds in the amount of $50,000.00, payable in 20 years; they stipulate in the bond that a certain amount will be yearly deposited with a Trust Company, which will in 20 years amount to $50,000.00. If the Trust Company, agrees to receive this annual contribution and allow 3 per cent, interest thereon, the amount of the annual contribution is found by looking at the table for the amount of $1.00 annually at 3 per cent, interest for 20 years. The table shows this amount to be $27,676, dividing $50,000.00 by 27.676; the quotient will be the amount of the annual contribution. 27.676)50,000.00.000(1,806.61 27676 223240 221408 183200 166056 171440 166056 53840 27676 The annual contribution of $1,806.61 for 20 years will amount to $50,000.00, if it earns 3 per cent, interest, per annum, compounded. In round numbers an annual contribution of $1800.00 would be close enough to reach the full amount at maturity, the deficiency, about $180.00, being made up in the last contribution. If an annual contribution to any other amount of principal to run any number of years is desired, the amount is found by dividing the amount of principal by the accumulations of $1.00 per annum at such rate of interest to be allowed for the number of years the sinking fund is to run. 191 EXAMPLES AS TO TABLE IV. If a party has a mortgage of say $4,000.00, which he desires to pay off in 10 years, he can accumulate the amount by making deposits yearly in savings banks, the rate paid at present is 3^ per cent, per annum, but the total to be reached would not be allowed interest in any one bank, the annual deposits could be divided by 3 and deposited in three separate banks. To find the amount of the annual contribution refer to the table of $1.00 per annum at 3^ per cent, for 10 years, the amount is $12,142, divide $4,000.00 by 12.142 and the quotient will be the amount of the annual contribution. 12.142)4,000,00.000(329.43 36426 35740 24284 1 14560 109278 52820 485 68 42520 36426 By making annual deposits in three savings banks of the sum of $329.00, divided into 2 deposits of $110.00, and one of $109.00, allow- ing 2f% per cent, interest, is credited semi-annually, the total amount on deposit at the expiration of 10 years will be about $4,007.00, being equal to $1,335.50 in each of the savings banks. A party wishing to put aside monthly a sum of money can find how much it would amount to in any number of years. For instance, a deposit of $10.00 per month in a savings bank paying 33^ per cent, interest, per annum, would in 6 years amount to $813.60. This is shown by referring to the table for the accumulations of $1.00 per year at 3^ per cent., for 6 years, which is $6,780; multiply $120.00, the amount deposited annually by 6.780, and the answer is $813.60. 193 EXAMPLES AS TO TABLE \M— Continued. A further use of the table can be made in the case of purchasing a leasehold property, the lease of which expires in a given number of years. For instance, a lease costs $10,500.00, which amount is to be paid in advance, the lease having 12 years to run. In order to find how much rent is necessary to pay a profit on the investment, a calculation should be made as to the taxes to be paid, the expense of repairs, etc., the amount of ground-rent to be paid, and then from the rents set aside an annual amount, which, at the expiration of the lease, will equal the cost of the leasehold, the balance will be the profit on the investment. The amount of the sinking fund to be set aside annually to equal the total paid for the lease ; is found by referring to the table under the amount of $1.00 per year for 12 years, at the interest to be earned, as this can be deposited in savings banks the rate can be taken as 3^^ per cent. The table shows the increase of $1.00, per annum, deposited at the commencement of the year, so that the amount shown on the table •would not properly represent deposits that were made, say, monthly; a fair calculation would be the average between 1 1 and 1 2 years ; the amount of $1.00 per annum, at 3^ per cent., as shown by the table for 1 1 years, is $13,602, and for 12 years is $15.1 13, a difference of $1.51 1 ; taking one half of 1.5 11 and adding it to $13,602 would make $14,357, which would be a fair calculation of the increase of $1.00 per annum for 12 years. Divide the $10,500.00 by 14 357 and the quotient will be the amount to be deposited annually to equal the total of $10,500.00 at the expiration of 1 2 years. 198 TABLE IV — Continued, i4357)io, 500.00.000(73 1.35 100499 45010 43071 19390 14357 50330 43071 72590 71785 In a case like the above, a deposit of $60.00 per month would in 12 years amount to about $10,622.00, allowing 3^/^ percent, interest per annum, to be compounded semi-annually. As a further exemplification of the above, the following supposed amounts for rents received and disbursements made should show the net results under such circum- stances. Kent per year, Ground rent, $900.00 Taxes, 550.00 Collectmg, etc. 200.00 Repairs, 200.00 Sinking fund, 720.00 $3,600. 00 2,570.00 Net income per annum, $1,030.00 or nearly 9 Y.^ per cent, on the investment of $10,500.00 194 TABLE V. The present value of one dollar due at the end of any number of years not exceeding fifty, discounted at the rates of 3, 3^/^, 4, 4^, 5, 5^ and 6 per cent, per annum, compound interest. 2 3 avz 4 4>^ 5 5/2 6 i per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. 1 1 .9709 .9662 .9615 .9569 .9524 .9479 .9434 1 2 .9426 .9335 .9246 .9157 .9070 .8984 .8900 2 3 .9151 .9019 .8890 .8763 .8638 .8516 .8396 3 4 .8885 .8714 .8548 .8386 .8227 .8072 .7921 4 5 .8626 .8419 .8219 .8025 .7835 .7651 .7473 5 6 .8375 .8134 .7903 .7679 .7462 .7252 .7050 6 7 .8131 .7859 .7599 .7348 .7107 .6874 .6651 7 8 .7894 .7593 .7307 .7032 .6768 .6516 .6274 8 9 .7664 .7336 .7026 .6729 .6446 .6176 .5919 9 10 .7441 .7088 .6756 .6439 .6139 .5854 .5584 10 11 .7224 .6848 .6496 .6162 .5847 .5549 .5268 11 12 .7014 .6616 .6246 .5897 .5568 .5260 .4970 12 13 .6810 .6392 .6006 .5643 .5303 .4986 .4688 13 14 .6611 .6176 .5775 .5400 .5051 .4726 .4423 14 15 .6419 .5967 :5553 .5167 .4810 .4479 .4173 15 16 .6232 .5765 .5339 .4945 .4581 .4246 .3936 16 17 .6050 .5570 .5134 .4732 .4363 .4024 .3714 17 18 .5874 .5382 .4936 .4528 .4155 .3815 .3503 18 19 .5703 .5200 .4746 .4333 .3957 .3616 .3305 19 20 .5537 .5024 .4564 .4146 .3769 .3427 .3118 20 21 .5375 .4854 .4388 .3968 .3589 .3249 .2942 21 23 .5219 .4690 .4220 .3797 .3418 .3079 .2775 22 23 .5067 .4531 .4057 .3633 .3256 .2919 .2618 23 24 .4919 .4378 .3901 .3477 .3101 .2767 .2470 24 25 .4776 .4230 .3751 .3327 .2953 .2622 .2330 25 26 .4637 .4087 .3607 .3184 .2812 .2486 .2198 26 27 .4502 .3950 .3468 .3047 .2678 .2356 .2074 27 28 .4371 .3816 .3335 .2916 .2551 .2233 .1956 28 29 .4243 .3687 .3207 .2790 .2429 .2117 .1846 29 30 .4120 .3562 .3083 .2670 .2314 .2006 .1741 30 31 .4000 .3442 .2965 .2555 .2204 .1902 .1643 31 32 .3883 .3326 .2851 .2445 .2099 .1803 .1550 32 33 .3770 .3214 .2741 .2340 .1999 .1709 .1462 33 34 .3660 .3105 .2636 .2239 .1904 .1620 .1379 34 35 .3554 .3000 .2534 .2143 .1813 .1535 .1301 35 36 .3450 .2899 .2437 .2050 .1727 .1455 .1227 36 37 .3350 .2801 .2343 .1962 .1644 .1379 .1158 37 38 .3252 .2706 .2253 .1877 .1566 .1307 .1092 38 39 .3158 .2615 .2166 .1797 .1491 .1239 .1031 39 40 .3066 .2527 .2083 .1719 .1420 .1175 .0972 40 41 .2976 .2441 .2003 .1646 .1353 .1114 .0917 41 42 .2890 .2359 .1926 .1575 .1288 .1056 .0865 42 43 .2805 .2279 .1852 .1507 .1227 .1001 .0816 43 44 .2724 .2202 .1780 .1442 .1169 .0949 .0770 44 45 .2644 .2128 .1712 .1380 .1113 .0901 .0727 45 46 .2567 .2056 .1646 .1321 .1060 .0854 .0685 46 47 .2493 .1986 .1583 .1264 .1009 .0809 .0647 47 48 .2420 .1919 .1522 .1210 .0961 .0767 .0610 48 49 .2350 .1854 .1463 .1157 .0916 .0727 .0575 49 50 .2281 .1790 .1407 .1107 .0872 .0689 .0543 50 195 EXAMPLES AS TO TABLE V. This table shows the amount of money to be paid in advance to secure the payment of a certain amount at the expiration of a certain number of years. For instance, a party wishes to secure the payment of $1,500.00 to another person at the expiration of 10 years, the amount to be paid in advartce in such a case can be deposited in Savings Banks where it will earn 3)^ per cent per annum. The table shows that at 3^ per cent., interest compounded, .7088 will, in 10 years, equal $1.00. Multiply $1,500.00 by .7088, and the product will show the amount to be deposited which will equal $1,500.00 at the expiration of 10 years, providing it earns 3^ per cent, interest per annum. ' 1500.00 .7088 1 200000 1 200000 10500000 $ showing $1,063.20 to be the amount that will increase to $1,500.00 in 10 years, at 3^^ per cent, interest per annum. As Savings Banks do not wish to receive more than about $500.00 on deposit at one time, the amount can be divided and deposited in 3 different banks, $354.00 deposited in each of 3 Savings Banks that will pay 3^ per cent, per annum, compounded semi-annually, will aggregate at the expiration of 10 years a little over $1,500.00. To find any other amount, follow the above, as to the amount to be reached in a certain number of years at a certain rate of interest. OrTH£ '^ ^ ^NIVER3/TY 196 b m:^-^ '^^s.^ ^t 02700 Zl^'T I . E3G-7