GIFT OF Universal Peace When Women Will Permit PETER BOANO Price 25 Cents UNIVERSAL PEACE When Women Will Permit BY PETER BOANO 1<*V rf. t J r=>-A *&\ PREFACE Either you must see the end of wars yourself or you must not. Waiting for each other to step forward first may be your trouble. Woulds and shoulds don't go. Either wars must stop or they must go on. You can ignore the possibility of ending wars and, as an excuse, you can pretend to be so busy. in your usual theories or work as to have no time to help end wars, but you can't state that the end of wars is an impossibility or a dream now- adays, because the work of ending wars is not more difficult than calling on a friend or going to a meeting, nor will it cost more. These pages are written especially to please both the mili- tarists and the anti-militarists ; to settle the differences among the former as well as among the latter, and join both sides as one. The plan to end wars contained herein shows a way in which women can solve the problem ; you know the words, "What men can't do, women might." If you could only under- stand a little what it means to end wars, you cannot call it nonsense to try with women, even if they fail. At these times of trials, I only know two classes of people ; for and against. People who fail to help end wars, through indifference, arguments, or excuses, whether they are mili- tarists or under the guise of peace makers, and from the high- est opponents down to those who merely keep their mouths shut, I account them all fighting against ending wars ; and people who really act on ending wars, no matter of which rank they belong, and from the biggest leaders down to those who say something about it, I account them all for peace. I can't find any discomfort in saying that people choose to wish and pray God to end wars Himself instead of doing it themselves, and that militarists and press help them along as a matter of course. I give reply: The latter are chained down just like men on a firing line that can't break loose, even though they know it is all unjust the first that makes a move is humiliated or must sell out of course, you already know about it, for it has already happened. I have read many edi- torials and articles by many editors and militarists who clearly state my view themselves, that they are very well aware of a better standing to themselves at wars end, very willing to do anything to help save the stricken humanity, and all convinced that the governments will still rule the people and capital (clean business) a hundred fold better with a police force than with militarism governments business-like, protective, in the real sense of the word. That is, militarists and press deceive the people only as a means to conceal their inability of settling the issue among themselves and end wars. In spite of that, I appeal only to the intelligence of some women to settle the issue, and who will benefit less than others by the end of wars, and therefore, least inclined to do the work. However, there are no reasons why others should not back them up, or take the matter over themselves if they fail. Patriotism, militarists, military aspirants, military titles, racial hatred, war or armed peace profits, are not causes of the war, nor in the least. They are products/ If they are not causes of the war, it follows that wars cannot end by striking at them. Only when women will love honor-spotless man all such products will vanish only then man shall not be found wanting. All blood money and military fame don't count; they can't earn an inch of real love from any woman. Also, in almost every case it will be discovered that gifts, enter- tainments and joy rides did win her out; and the man, in spite of his money or title, did nothing of his real self; acted like a hopeless cheat, and is guilty 'of letting George do it in his stead. Will responsible women love responsible men also at wars end? That's the doirbt that still keeps wars from stop- ping. Will they? As a matter of course ; and real love instead of being bought. This does not mean that responsible men of the present will be discharged at wars end ; not at all. They will have even more responsibility and really honorable, of course, in other lines than the present. But the following is the argument in question : If your love for your man is just for his military title or, corrupt wealth, you are bought up, you are unhappy, in spite of your denials. He strived to earn what he has to entice you. Were you inclined to be won out honestly, he would not re- sort to anything but honesty. If man desires true love only, as science declares, it follows that he earned what he has against his wish. Now, that is unfair dealing, to you, to him and to us. The manner in which we will undertake to free you, him and ourselves will depend on the stand you make. If, on the other hand, you claim your love for your man is real, proof of such declaration is just what we must have; help us out by helping yourself; for the time to rely on hopes is over. The problem is to end wars; and something more than usual I must say, with the hope to produce some leaders who can corner up the necessary number of people and stir them into action. So the reader is asked to consider well when some sentences or words seem to be not in accordance with the teaching of our present school. The end of wars will be a reality only when a man can give out a plan that gives no chances to his opponents from mis- representing or repressing it ; and if I have also failed, just like many others have failed, my opponents will be once more the victors,. and you should not be surprised about it. If you' are not interested to know how women can cause the military officers to. strike, I hope you may find some en- tertainment in pages other than where the plan is. PETER BOANO. UNIVERSAL PEACE The Universal Drama War excitement alone overstirs the blood and it acts like a poison. It is not people's favorite excitement on account of it being 1 the most expensive, 'but because it is the most poisonous. And so long as there are armaments to manu- facture it, people will not agree on any substitute. They make believe that preparation against each other is necessary, so that they can have a dope when they seem to sleep. When there is war, they want peace, because the dose is too heavy ; but when there is peace, they can't stand it for long. So arma- ments are a irrenace also to one's mind, and to the highly edu- cated ones too always generally speaking. What is deplorable is that beastly courage affects most the mind of women. A weak man, just as a nation, can't fight in the manner of the strong, and women call him coward, and wouldn't think for a moment at the more pitiful spectacle of their heroes meeting a greater force like the untrained or weak man did. Thus, if Germany wins, it would be due to over- confidence or military blunders of the allied general staff, which is something that can happen on the other side as well, and so it wouldn't be a Teutonic victory; and if the allies win, it would be due to superiority, and so it cannot be a victory; and people or soldiers on either side are not responsible for either victory or defeat, because it depends on circumstances, superiority in number or training, which one or more nations are in a better position for it, due to the form of government, geographical position, or else. There are no cowards. An unfortunate at the hands of the highly intelligent bureaucrats, or one born with a softer con- stitution, cannot make a good show for some people wha don't understand, but much more of a show and of heroism for some people who do understand. However, it is the firing line itself that turns people of good will into beasts; if you object as to their conduct, they might as well answer : if you don't like our ways, don't keep us on a firing line while you comfortably get the drug of our own make. The funniest part of it is, that these things are so well reversed in military and diplomatic circles, where there are high titles, just as if it were in the low- est rank. As it has always been, nations alter international laws during warfare when there is advantage out of it, or even only at the belief that there will be a least advantage, and these well educated people show so much surprise whenever this happens, as if it were the first time. If armaments turn education useless, is education neces- sary to end wars? This may not be agreeable to statesmen, who had the most of university, and who call on militarism to settle their differences. Now, because armaments affect the minds of diplomats also, armaments are to be destroyed first. How? A trick, something that works indirectly only. You will see one right here, but I've got to write another para- graph before so that I can have a chance to address women. Fortifying each others' defenses against each other, justi- fying each other for going 1 to war, contending with each other for disregarding rules of warfare, exciting outbreaks of war, exciting rumors of peace, hating the militarists, disagreement among diplomats, wishing or praying for peace, hating the other people, cheering the victors, being sorry at war, pitying the defeated, are all feature parts of the Universal Drama. Curiously enough, if you have already lost confidence on the play, my dear ladies, you will have to take the matter over yourselves ; but whenever will be the time when you grow tired of the Universal Drama you must have a plan, and, if you have not one already of your own, permit me to show you mine. 10 The Plan 1. Prepare headquarters in every possible city as a means to get yourselves together, and also for receiving contribu- tions for the campaign. 2. Mothers only for this: after this war is over, communi- cate or call on women related to army and navy officers, in- cluding their sweethearts, with the object that they join in with you, and they entrusted to cause the officers to resign their posts. Understand that they cannot get together by themselves or before you, nor they can cause the officers to resign without such headquarters to help at correspondence, planning and so on. I could tell otherwise and directly to women related to officers were it possible for them to do it alone ; but in this way all obstacles are removed. Also, all the mothers on earth are not required to carry out this idea, about one out of every thousand will suffice. 3. Don't speak nor communicate to diplomats or officers yourselves, not a word ; the proposition here is strictly to cause the officers to resign through their women, and, if not through- out the world, at least in civilized countries as much as pos- sible; because, you know, when civilized nations agree, the uncivilized ones can do nothing but surrender. After all, dip- lomats know how to settle things aright better than any other class of people. You understand that the crowding of them with so many opinions by so many outsiders it arouses their jealousy, just like you, they ridicule you and make you rid- icule each other, except that they can show you the reverse, and, "very respectfully." That is, if you show them the hor- rors of wars and plans to stop them, it doesn't amount to any- thing. Some diplomats will not agree on some points of your plan or plans for some reasons, some will not agree on cer- tain other points for some other reasons, some may not even show up, and thus you would be nothing but charlatans of the Universal Drama. 11 4. Force and unkindness are things to be absolutely ban- ished under any circumstances from the start to finish ; be- cause educated and well-to-do women are in a better standing for this rule, they only should execute this plan. 5. The head of each headquarters should be selected among women of imperative actions that can enforce the rules. 6. The Grand Headquarters may be established either at Washington or at the Hague; and if delay is to be avoided, I suggest the former locality, with an American woman as its president, and represented by only one woman, with assist- ants, of each nation. 7. This, being your greatest duty for all times, your serv- ices should be lent free of charge. 8. In order to avoid dispute as to the use of the money from contributions, it is best that, aside of rental and general correspondence expenses, the fund remaining, if any, should be spent exclusively for advertising your rights the ways of distribution and purpose of which is to be resolved by the Grand Headquarters. 9. The bookkeepers' and treasurers' doings must be pub- lic. This, you know, is to avoid anxiety to somebody. 10. Officers must not resign before a given date, prefer- ably not before this war is over ; and they should not pick up arms or command again unless it is for the purpose of settlhig the question of the uncivilized nations and savage tribes by a united move of all the civilized nations, or the majority of them, combined, should that be necessary. As soon as you put into action the above ten rules, the dangerous militarists will then realize that the cause of their hopes is exhausted that women have changed their minds, somehow they will also love those men just the same after they may quit their honorable position of leading and teach- ing men the art of lawful murder that boundary lines are to 12 be drawn without war for the first time to suit all the nations on earth ; that countries unarmed need not be depended for fear of invasions and that an international law backed by a police force will suffice. It is also the best way to shorten the duration of the European war, of course, if you start out early, if you do it instead of wishing it. Social pride, the sense of supremacy, and jealousy, are everywhere: except that in militaryland they end in wars. And these are ties that the militarists themselves can't break even if they try. And how can these ties destroy by them- selves if militarism is the father of them? Surely there are military officers that would like to be free, but whether these are in the majority it doesn't matter. The obstinate ones will yield and become friends whenever you women want it. As a Matter of Course There is a big chance. The end of the European nonsense will leave the people so sick of revenge that any proposition of preventing the start of all next wars will get them captives ; and it is a big chance for peace advocates too. Aside of the peace movement growing in Europe, we have already many well organized peace societies, suffrage parties, with a large list of big war foes, in the United States. The dream of some people who have felt most the grip of bureaucracy of exterminating war chiefs with their followers through a rebellion or revolution, is likely to come true if the slaughter in Europe goes the limits; but it is a safer bet that militarism will be more rampant after this war, because such action can only be partial, and therefore easily suppressed again. Militarists know how to save themselves; they cease hostilities indefinitely before the people have a chance to rebel and destroy them. However, if the end of wars happens to be as the result of this proposition, or as the result of a likewise plan by somebody else, that is, causing it to happen in a 13 friendly manner, making foes to become friends in spite of themselves, settling all the differences with good will, it would be entirely another story ; it would mean also no loss to any properties, industries, private business, titles, whether they are royal, military, or else. The change will only be from stopping to earn profits and honor by killing, to earning it hon- estly. Even the factories and foundries of war stuff makers wouldn't lose, because the demand for new things to replace the destructive ones will be great ; governments will find it easy matter to concede some privileges to these and other in- dustries affected by disarmament, remodel them for new ships and new tools and all this wouldn't be exactly at the expense of the common people, but necessary for both. However, cer- tain things don't belong to my pen. All there is to know is that the end of wars will bring about a great educational and reconstructive campaign, and prosperity everywhere, with the most surprising speed, and that the change in certain lines of industries will be from a blood money making to a non-blood money enterprise. You can't call it a loss, the suppression of corrupt business, but a gain for all concerned, and that will be as a matter of course at wars end. Lawmakers can't do otherwise so long as the nations are armed; in their business they are just as tied down as the poor man is. Because some people reap huge war profits, which the nations are bound to let go on account of wanting to win "at all costs," lawmakers are obliged to protect also other capitalists and industries, and so it affects all. Stop wars. And people's representatives will then have lots of time and oppor- tunity to make good. When militarism is dead, how can dip- lomats call on militarism to settle their differences? Will not they then settle their own disputes by themselves if there is just not another alternative left? Men, armed, will fire at each other at the least provoca- tion or whenever one or the other believes to win ; because reason, suppose, may take only twenty-four hours to settle a 14 dispute and prevent a slaughter of years, as it is now in Europe, but armaments strike sometimes before the twenty- fourth hour turn reason useless. Therefore, to hold statesmen responsible for their failure of settling the disputes without war, is all nonsense; because it is clear that trying to prevent war without the nations disarmed is, say, just as foolish as trying to make a hole in the water. Statesmen could not show their folly more clearly than in this war. Austria had reasons to call the Serbs into accounts : the proud Serbians had rea- sons to resist ; Russia had reasons to uphold her honor in helping Serbia; Germany had reasons to stand by her ally; France had reasons for a revenge; England had reasons to protect Belgium ; Italy had reasons to break her alliance with the Central Powers and fight against. There are a hundred more reasons, of which the opponents claim to have more than each other; all of them just necessary to turn Europe into a carnage; and all the reasons of keeping their nations out of a carnage, they say, are from people whose heads need some medical advice, or jail treatment, and the latter is not a dream. Xow, according to the fact that armaments turn all reasons of keeping out war unreasonable, nobody can deny this : men unarmed will speedily become friends; they cannot again be foes, because the aggressive tools (cause) are removed, and they will be surprised of how easy it is to settle their dis- putes amicably. The same will be with nations ; when extreme militarists and religious fanatics are deprived of their armed support, people will then gain freedom of education and cannot hate each other again, no matter the difference in race and religion. And, only then, schools can be easily reformed; news agencies will learn how to commercialize some substitutes for war ex- citement, and a little change on the program of certain publica- tions will be all to satisfy the need of the readers, who will get also more satisfaction out of good news and more time to read some. 15 Man's resistance surpasses imagination ; it takes years of sin and of discomfort to kill him ; unless he can give vent to his unlimited power he can't keep away from Satan ; either he must have one, Satan, to suppress, or the other spiritual free- dom, to put into use, his strength. Dissipation and vice alone, like there was in Paris and Lon- don in times of peace, justifies this war, or any war. It is much better to force the people on a firing line and empty their purse in the war basket than to let them in material free- dom. A death on a firing line cannot be more painful than a long one through years of dissipation or vice; and people who suffer at home on account of the war at least have a much needed lesson I am sorry for the helpless old and young. Then, so long as the nations are armed, there can't be new laws; so long as there are no new laws, man will have to struggle along in a world of competition and difficulties, which lead him to seek consolation in vice or intoxication, and so kill himself little by little in that way. At the present, no matter how well educated a man is, the chances are that he will lose many a good fight over his selfish- ness, because he is alone or among the few to resist the derision of society ; and the only way he has to conceal his inability is to ever steadily misrepresent true Christianity with a deluge of arguments ; which also leads him to fight against anything that may be to his advantage, .even though he knows it would get him out of the niesh. I say "ever steadily" because he must keep up with the course of evolution ; up to death, unless he is rescued out in time. He is being helped out and has^the support of all the rest like him, so that he can show "proof" of what he says and of his works ; and, by the way, it goes as a means of self-advertisement or making a living out of it. As an illustration, think of two men belonging to the same religion. It follow? that the god that any one of the two men worships is of the other one also. One happens to be a citizen of the allied countries and the other of the Teutonic allies. 16 War breaks out. At once their god is contested between the t\v>, one claims god on his side to defeat the other, and the other claims the same in the same time and with the same rights. You can see these things in Europe. You will also find among them the best learned men. People and priests of the same kind pray and bless the troops leaving for the front in both sides to win over against each other and to come home victorious. The funniest thing is to see the people of another faith whose god is of another make gather around about and pray for the victory of the allies, and another group of the same gather about in another place and pray for the victory of the Teutons in the same time and with the same god. I also mean to say that school education frees no man. The more a man is educated out oi school, the harder he has to work to conceal his identity. If he dares to show who he is, beware ; he will be courtmartialed if he happens to* be a sol- dier and stoned or exiled if he happens to be a man of fame anywhere else, for not deceiving the people like the man on the other side does. That is, whether he is a king of the pen and speech or an illiterate, a millionaire or a penniless, unless there is a true understanding of the one God he will be ever a slave. The latter understanding belongs to the church ; but it is very difficult to get that knowledge at these times because too many denominations worship only Satan in disguise. They know that prayers never did prevent the start of a war nor stopped any, and yet they keep at it; they even know that prayers for the victory of one or both sides by the same faith or by many, at the same time or not, is the very foolish thing, and yet they do it thus you couldn't have another Satan bet- ter arrayed in sheepskin than that, nor a greater foe against action. If you are a Jew or an Armenian, you probably know also another chapter of the story, which is not necessary here ; also, all the^ arguments here are of not much value, because it is against the self-impressed theories of too many people. Satan's 17 emissaries can teach the truth is lie, and the lie truth ; they can prove it by showing you almost all the population of the world believing in them. Truth followers are so crowded out by the majority of the other that they are almost put out of sight. And it seems that the few truth teachers are just there for the liars so that the latter can show their existence and power by having something to contend with. However, were it. not for aggression in its various forms to intimidate and keep the people down, Satan with all its liars put together could not win a single fight against a lone truth preacher, be- cause real power can't be anywhere out of truth ; whereas, truth followers can't act in the manner of the liars to compel the people to know the truth, because aggression and deceit is all error that explains the reason why Christianity had a slow progress. But when the nations are disarmed many bar- riers will be smashed, and smashed for good ; people of many denominations will be set free to investigate each others' god if or when at any time they feel tired of their particular one ; and in so doing they will find the right God, hateless, fearless, harmonious, only good ; and that's the time when Satan will have to come across, because instead of being a fight against him in particular, there will be many altogether. So you women now have no reasons to be dissatisfied with present conditions, nor if you find your men not quite manly as you insist they should ; because you may have a little to do with it after you know you can help. All of you can't under- stand ; and failure to act is failure to understand, otherwise it would be a good substitute for true ingenuity, which anybody knows its name. Then, do you know exactly to whom I am talking? This looks like an insult to those who don't under- stand ; but that does not trouble me at all reading in haste is all the blame. The most important to know is that I am talk- ing to women who hear ; and if you are one among these, the next of importance is that you should not worry what will happen when you make up your mind. Predictions now could 18 only be ridiculed. Certain new laws and problems are impos- sible to make and to solve now, but very easy then, when they must, as anybody can see by the ten rules, the very possible resignation of the officers that will turn all other soldiers and armaments useless, even if such movement and resignation be not general, because that will be more than enough for a chance to diplomats of all or the majority of the nations to convene somewhere of their own choosing 1 and by themselves, and there they will know what to do for the first time. Then it will be easier for you to enter into politics ; you will have your own representatives, and thus you will be enabled to put an end to the liquor traffic and any organized evil all over the world. Criminality Criminality is all compulsory. Graft, sickness, murder, de- ceit, war, suicide, theft, vice, are all crimes. In science they are altogether one, error; and because God's eyes are so pure that can't see them, it follows that they all have only one source, namely, ignorance. Also, science proves ignorance is an illusion, because through a knowledge of God ignorance is dispelled away, and never to reappear in deed or in conscious- ness as real or illusionary. Thus, when you forsake ignorance for intelligence, you can't turn ignorant again, because intel- ligence prevents it; whereas, ignorants can become intelligent. Now comes the other question ; if God is an entity and so intelligent, why doesn't he expel all such errors or ignorance by himself? Because He does not see them. How can you expect truth and harmony to know about error and discord? It is up to humanity to forsake error for truth. The same instrument can play correctly instead of insult- ing the ears. The same Bible can be understood spiritually instead of literally. The same pencil can be made to write the correct figures instead of the wrong ones, and so on. See that the difference between the two definitions given is com- 19 plete. They can't mix, just as light, and darkness; light is all eyes and sees itself only. Darkness has no eyes at all and therefore not only it can't see the light, but it also can't see itself. The instrument was not invented to annoy the audience. The Bible could not have been written were it not possible to understand it spiritually. The pencil was not made for wrong use. Read the Bible like any other literature, that is, without thinking seriously, without reading between the lines, and the Bible turns out to be an interesting collection of oriental fables ; write down two and two is five or anything except four, smash the slate or pencil, and two and two is four just the same, even before the numbers were invented. The same is with the in- strument or any other work and invention whatever ; it existed before being discovered. Because it takes some mental effort to understand the truth, people work mostly at detracting the attention of each other to the fact that they prefer to nap. They even enlist the serv- ices of each other whenever violence is needed to calm your doubts, so that they can convince you that their behavior and their interpretation of the Bible is correct) until you really agree and help them along. With this sort of arguments I am trying my best to make you understand that misrepresenting the teaching of the Bible is the only greatest crime, greater than war and all other errors put together, because the war itself and all other errors would be impossible if man knew the truth, at least the truth that racial hatred and patriotism are unknown to God ; that God does not hate the enemy, no matter who it is. In science, a death before old age, that is, before a painless passing away and unknown to the dying, due to the full ripe- ness of the body, is a crime ; whether it is caused by sin, or suicide, or accident, or shot at the back, or whatever you like to name it, is murder. Thus, suppose old age to be at one hun- 20 dred : if you die, say, at forty, it would mean a human being sixty years old assassinated ; and if at forty you still live, the forty years that you lived are already death. Life is never old nor young. Life is always life. The age of the body don't count. The loss of life is only the years between death and ripe old age. Yes, the least pain or fear when dying means manslaughter; then, how man^ more human beings are mur- dered than in war? My plan to end wars is no science at all, since you know that only through an understanding of the one God man can be saved. My plan is merely a device to enable secondary players to create discord among the star cast of the^ Universal Drama a trick to cause the nations to disarm, in order that the church and the school can have a chance to reform. Also, I don't mean all schools and churches, because there are good ones ; I mean the many that need reform. I am out to settle matters, and I cannot afford to create opposition by naming this or that good church and school. About three million men killed and forty-five billions of dollars for two years of war means $15,000 the cost to kill a man, excluding those rendered unfit for life, wounded, damage to properties, etc. The above error is what prevents the church and the school to reform themselves, to increase in number, and reform the people in turn, say, nowadays. I ''believe" the end of wars some fifty years ago or more it would have been a mistake in- stead. Indeed', military training turns out better men that cer- tain schools or exercises, and a war once in awhile makes up many inert people. Also, war, with its blood-stirring effect, with its power to press the people on forcefully, has created many geniuses of all sorts ; with the result that we now have inventions and works already done. How can I write a plan to end wars if there were no wars to end? Other people stop to devise means of destruction, and incidentally many of such devices will turn out to be of constructive use and good when 21 peace has come. However, wars are now of no further use. The world of science, with its many discoveries and inventions at hand, is now ready to cope with the need of mankind with- out the continuation of wars. It wouldn't be a surprise to see men like Sir Edward Grey, President Poincaire, Lord Northcliffe, Monarchs, Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg, Colonel Theodore Roosevelt and such others, who are now world's champion liars, turn out to be champions of humanity, at wars end. At least it wouldn't be a surprise to me at all, because I know the other use of their mouths and pens just as I have shown you through the instru- ment and the pencil. They were born only to do good, just like anybody else, but the present use of their mouths and pens is as compulsory as a big fish in the sea eating smaller ones for feed. The demonstration of truth during war or armed peace is possible only in particular; and that was only a matter of twenty centuries ago, more or less ; and, if we had to draw the difference of the population of that time with the present, and the time passed, it would turn out to be no progress at all ; and up to some fifty years ago it was lost. First, you are forced to go; next, a shell from miles away bursts where you are, tears you to pieces, and that is an inno- cent death as thrusting a totally blind man or child in the cage of the wild beasts and turning one's back ; with no chance to defend himself, no chance to refuse to defend oneself, no chance^to keep off the danger. ' More than fifty millions of others outside the firing line support themselves by working and furnishing 1 the troops of the means to butcher each other ; and many more millions are supported or make a living out of the wages of the workers and builders of infernal machines blood work and money, too and among these we have also people who know that God is good ! To show how truth works is a wonderful story ; to practice it in a world of suppression is another. Then crimes are the product of ignorance or as a matter of course so long as truth cannot be employed to dispel ignorance universally. 22 Resignation and Rebellion Some people get along as a cat about a cork and remain healthy and good ; and some people require to do a great deal of good work in order not to fall sick. Very unhappily, among the latter we have undesirables who, in some way or another, resent to poverty, graft, hunger, war, the sight of the starving, persecution, underwages, lawmakers on both sides who choose to lead millions of men to kill each other instead of getting together and settle without war, and even dare to refuse shoot- ing at people whom they have nothing against. Among women we have it about the same. Some find con- solation by themselves ; and others with some red blood in their veins insist they want a man of their own. Very unfor- tunately, too, among the latter we have impertinent ones who, in some way or another, rebel at the law that makes it impos- sible or difficult for men to marry. And these are very dan- gerous; because instead of believing that men are good for nothing, they believe that armed peace and wars take some of the flower of men from them, and the rest of the men rendered unable to comfort women and children. Crimes, hatred, socialism, corrupt wealth, anarchism, peace societies, illiteracy, will disappear as the result of ending wars. Therefore, before you help to end wars through action, see what you are about to do, because there are certain things in which you may be interested and may wish to keep them standing. If you believe you can escape your real duty by gel- ting along as usual, and by arguing that your usual way is the right course to pursue, you are in the great company of the already famous players. If you agree with war, poverty, and discord, you agree with the present law, witli graft, with the majority of lawmakers who have no blame because they wouldn't be elected unless they consent to be corrupted, and you would be a very good citizen ; and a better citizen you would be if you don't believe in what I say, unless you can't understand at all. 23 Centuries ago the working class, you, boarded the sailing ship of evolution, from the city of slavery to the city of liberty ; every day of journey brings your ship nearer the goal in- creased progress daily, and that, without fail. Instead of set- ting out to contrive a machine with a propeller, as the capital- istic class did, you set about arguments. I hope you will not seize the opportunity of justifying yourself if I also fail to cause the ship to go faster. If what I say is found incorrect, if my plan fails, I will be the first to admit that I am mistaken ; but you insist that you are right when you yourself know that the wind only drives you onward ; in other words, if the way in which you assail the capitalistic class were correct, you would not get stung all along. To end wars it takes action ; there- fore, I can give out only facts and a plan to end them, and also in a manner that I see it fit. As for fine speaking, phraseology, or literary embellishment, I recommend some of your own leaders, aside of aristocracy, who are still highly eulogized, even in Europe. About ninety-five per cent of the people pay the price of wars and armed peace, in some way or another. The other five gain. Money don't go lost. War and preparedness merely transfers the money from many pockets to fewer ones. Money kings and business corporations of all nations have just enough ability to seat at the law-houses the majority of lawmakers they want. If I must agree with you that it is the 'people that elect the lawmakers who are to blame, then agree also with me that the people are easily misinformed into be- lieving this or that and fear for the worst if they don't. They even have the ability to keep a minority of radical lawmakers in order to show the people that the law from the majority is the right one what they say goes. Anyhow, the miserable purse of the poor can't run the business of the majority of law- makers and press. You can do nothing right before you understand that the other way is wrong; but the error of war you "can't" right up ' 24 even if you know it is wrong, because few men, with the help of the righteous law, have filled their pockets from the pockets of the many % and then with a part of their gains they can con- trol the censors, special writers and such other means to show the people that all's well, and prevent them from getting to- gether and claim their chance. For instance, forty dollars a month in wages is ten dollars more than a man needs in the west of the United States, but the ten dollars left is not enough for a home and a wife. A man minus the latter outbalances the body, that is, the body of the man has that much strength to care for a home or fam- ily ; it follows that, unless he is of the former type of people mentioned, he must, to keep even with his mind, suppress that additional faculty of the body through more drinks, smoking, gambling, and other pastimes ; then, if he knows where the blame for his conditions comes from, is it any wonder if he rebels? Then we have jailers, lawyers, undertakers, judges, reporters, "I," newspapermen, who make a living or earn some money out of him. Forty dollars in the east of the United States would be enough, but for the same position there are lower wages. Forty dollars would do much better in Europe, but for the same job there you can scarcely count them in franks. You can't earn forty dollars by working in the west of the United States and live in the east or in Europe at the same time. There are other positions with higher wages, but many of these reduce a man so weary that he becomes a pity at home. Let the government tax the rich, or let the rich concede better wages to the people ; and higher rent, higher price of food, higher price of other necessities of living, gets the money back to the rich. Of course, anybody has a chance to become rich, but if everybody would become rich there would be no chances left. People say : "We have the strength if we get together." II mv can you use that strength? Suppose it takes only one 25 hour to get together. The authorities interfere before your plan takes root. The employer overworks the employee until the latter shrinks and sinks in emotions at the appearance or threats of the former until he creates discord among his fel- low workers as a means to conceal his incompetency, and will do anything to be relieved soon from his miserable condition. How can you get that man ready in one hour? You can read- ily understand why his employer or the militarists have an advantage over you as to muster him for any purpose then, we have also some men, picked out from you and rendered stupid, not through overwork or hardship, but carefully trained and ready to shoot your organization before it has power enough to win. You can win a strike, you can deal a blow, but that is not a novelty. Those few men have also the capacity of captivating people like me in their net, as they always have done, and then use them to show to others of their class that they are wrong, in order that more of them fall in the net to complete the scheme. You can have the same lesson on the European Socialists who are now blaming each other. \\ hen the war broke out, the war parties on both sides suppressed the news of anybody showing their treachery ; and the news .of some socialists less alert but known, claiming that the others broke the pledge first or that "our country" is more threat- ened, did not find any censorship but the way clear that is the way both sides got into the trap; and all the loyal social- ists are dealt with by the war departments, or shot down, if they stand in the way. Believing in what I say is dangerous, it would be the belief that poverty, discord, and criminals are the products of wars or armed ; peace. Now, if a criminal is a product of wars, it follows that war is the blame for his crimes. Thus, compel a man to go crazy through hunger, persecution or unkind man- ners until he rebels against. Is he the blame for wrong doing or isn't there a cause back of his crimes? I agree that the only way is to put him to jail and give him a sentence accord- 26 ing to his crime ; and I myself would help catch him and agree with the law, for three reasons ; the first is on the grounds that others, no matter whom, may not fall victims to him ; the sec- ond is on the grounds that, if he is a radical or revolutionist, crime or violence hinders the pursuit of his cause instead of progressing it ; and third, that you may not have a chance to advertise your doubts of me. No, you did not drive the man out of his good behavior expressly, but wrong laws, wars, or suppression did it. Since men killed or injured on a battlefield are as innocent as the victims of any crime or bad living, it follows that being sorry for or sympathizing only with the former or with the lat- ter is a mistake. And if you are sorry for both, you will have to be sorry all the time until you yourself weaken and get sick, in order that others can then have the same excuse to sympathize with you. Also, love for your country better than all others is partiality. The love that you entertain more for one side, no matter which side it is, turns hatred for the other, hatred breeds crimes, and thus you are a criminal. Hatred to- ward others, no matter whom, can't be a means to stop the . latter from hating you in turn. Difference in race or religion, boundary lines or national habits, unecjuality, don't alter the law of good will ; the only escape is to love everybody the same, and that can be only when you quit loving one side bet- ter than another, first. Take, for example, the question of prohibition. If it is not country wide, or world wide, people will crave for, smuggle, or sin in secret. However, substitutes for strong drinks can't be more harmful, but they are more harmful than, say, wine and beer. Thus, if you take away also the latter milder drinks and tobacco from a man used to them, it merely leads him to seek consolation in other vices that, because they are more base, I refrain to mention them. The manner in which man is driven to other substitutes for stimulants is already well 27 explained by other authorities, and there is no reasons why I should stuff up this book with others' works. When you see a lady comforting her cat or coddling her- self, it signifies that she hurts herself the same as drinking liquors or smoking cigarettes. Some writers would even say that she weakens her mind more; at any rate, it can't be any less than a sort of sensuality, and sensuality can't be any less than sin. Tea, coffee and sweets are indeed not the only sub- stitutes for wine, beer and tobacco ; the moderate and exces- sive use of the former are just as injurious as the excessive and moderate use of the latter. Go ask the majority of the best inventors, business people, composers, writers, people that do things, about moderate drinking and smoking. I don't be- lieve in belief myself, understanding is what counts. Dissipators and oppressors can be exterminated only by truth by killing them off is no science, and is also impossible because they are better armed than the would-be slayers. If you kill, mistreat, or even only insult a murderer, a sinner, or anybody remember well, no matter who it is, no matter who you are, and for whatever reasons you would be a criminal or a sinner yourself. Truth only solves the problem. Truth only punishes. Man quits sensuality, fast living or crimes by himself only when he understands that there is no life in any- thing which he believes it satisfies his flesh. Believing that it is an error doesn't amount to anything; it takes the Christ- like mind and nothing else, and I have already shown you the obstacles that are in the way I am universally speaking, and if you can't stand anything but partiality you know where to find what you want. Whether you are a hard worker, a dissipator, a capitalist, or else, you cannot understand the truth, and save yourself, unless you have a chance to practice it you cannot help to understand and practice it in proportion to the chance you have. It takes that much time, chance or freedom; and the business of the employer or the habits of the well-to-do is none 28 the less an obstacle in the way than is the weariness or anxiety of the hard worker and hard-pressed people. There is no more happiness in one rank than in another. You are compelled to pretend or fail to hear the truth, and laugh at, or misrepresent it, just in proportion to the difficulty to practice it; and fight against it in proportion to the means of suppression you have, or in proportion to the tenacity of your self-pride, even though you know that Satan the devil is the dear old friend never minus a grave. The Cause of the War Either agree with me that the cause of the war is as old as thousands of years or admit that diplomats who thrust their nations into war are the only criminals on earth. A pair of feminine eyes here and there, especially higher up, have, before and now, enough energy to drive men mad, to commit all sorts of crimes, and can plunge, not only Europe but the whole world, in hell. And in it I exactly include also the smartest of men. You can readily understand the compul- sive, terrible cause of that pair of lanterns. Because women will scorn the defeated and admire and fall for the victors, no- .body wants to be defeated. Death is preferred. The Euro- pean war is already past the second year, and you will have it to a finish, just because: He who wins, wins me! Surely, it is a huge price for a caprice the fondness of hav- ing a husband or a sweetheart of military title. Isn't the story thousands of years old? If militarists on both sides were told by women whom they approach that their honor is only from the science of mur- der, you would see the greatest spectacle of all times you would see war vessels, fortresses, and all war stuff, sunk or bursted by their very officers at once. That is all the're is about the real cause, at least, of the continuation of the war. The ten rules shown is just a way to pluck off those eyes, which will exterminate the self-pride of the star players of 29 the Universal Drama so rapidly that will turn all armaments on offence instead of a protection. The possibility of earning the love of a woman without risking one's life in the game of trading shells with each other is some feat, yes, it is the very necessary realization. Other causes of the war, which causes really are partly the products of war and partly war itself, you already know them ; and if you don't know them, it is because you never read peace literature before. Suffice it to know that destroying substi- tutes for the cause of the war or any wrong arises from the fact that men must mistake the wrong for the real, so long as the real is unknown ; because the mind of the woman insists that man be stronger than her, and that is a command that does not hesitate ; it must be obeyed at once and at all costs. The result is that, because the usual way of writing, of speak- ing, of doing things, is more popular; real thinking and real actions, the only way out, is left aside. I believe to remember an article in a newspaper long ago, where Enrico Caruso, world's greatest tenor, says : "Effortless singing is the only real singing." That alone is a complete lesson. It signifies that there is no effort in singing wrong, no science in it. And besides, the effort is only in thinking to sing effortlessly when the body is very quiet; meanwhile the vocal organs and all other cavities of the body elasticate and shape themselves, and ultimately sing as mind planned to. You cannot imagine of any effort in singing after the body is made agile all around and cleared off of its impurities by mind not meaning the popular forceful physical exercises or mechanical study and practice. So the idea is to think the matter over seriously, then the body becomes a cheerful and most obedient servant of the mind. If Enrico Caruso is the world's best tenor it must be that he thought to sing effortlessly more than any other tenor. What is true about singing is true about anything else ; that is, right thinking and doing is absolutely voluntary and 30 non-eompulsory, and wrong thinking and doing is absolutely compulsory and void of a least effort. Physical force is alto- gether a lie all that which appears to be real to the five physical senses is unreal. There are no half ways. Either it is entirely compulsory or entirely voluntary. Either sensa- tion is entirely wrong and a myth or entirely right and real. Reality is not disputable. Mind's opposite can't know any thing of mind nor of itself. I also mean to say that you your- self, I, and anybody else don't know what mind's opposite is. All emptiness mind's opposite is real and altogether tan- gible to mortals, say, to us, but if you have taken notice of the lesson of the pencil and the instrument you know what mortals means. Good, to be good, is to be good all around ; were it not entirely good, there would be room left for bad,' and that don't go, because good would be no more good. Either good is entirely good and bad nowhere, or bad is all there is. You can't free yourself without conscious effort. When mor- tals can't see any physical effort, it means their self-pride is touched ; when they laugh at you, when they resent what you say, it means you have done something' good, it means you spoke to them the truth ; and when they remain with their usual mood, when they agree with you, it means you lied too. I claim that if the European diplomats had only a few hours of time to think the matter over, instead of busying themselves about notes to justify each other about telling lies, not only they would have prevented the war from breaking out, but they really would have agreed to disarm instead ; because the latter is the only way in which they could prevent war. Easier to carry on a war of long years than to reason together for about a few hours. Easier to kill a man at the cost of $15,000 than to lea-ve him in peace. Easier to spend billions for the advancement of hatred and crime than to spend millions for the advancement of friendship and love. Easier, not in your country alone, but in all the countries the same, to cheat the people with the excuse that preparedness is against war and 31 for protection only, than to teach them that preparedness does not protect. If you claim women are not a cause to prevent responsible persons from reasoning together for awhile, well, I include you and I with them. They "could if they would" is a mis- take; because ''they would if they could." With all the facil- ities that no other sort of people have finest experience, finest knowledge of international law, finest chance, special trains, trusted servants, private wires just all what they had to have to help themselves about misunderstanding each other ; be- cause they know that people must not have time to think if their lies are to be made good ; and that would be impossible without all such means in their hands. The idea that they themselves knew they were lying and fully aware of the con- sequences, most terrible, long war, goes without saying; but the cause must end in the effect at all costs or under any cir- cumstances ; and no matter which cause is an effect coming from. A mine can sink a barge as well as the largest ship; a match can light a cigarette as well as can explode any explo- sive put together. Whatever it is, is due to some cause. Fire a gun, and the shell does not take any rest before it strikes somewhere, before it stops ; there is no time to take a rest before it stops. The cause of the war is not like the gun with the shell, in which you can either destroy the gun or build a shell-proof wall, as you please, but is like the source of a large river. Then, the cause of the war also cannot be destroyed. You cannot prevent women from thinking men stronger than them- selves, because that's natural. What God made you can't undo. If reality is indestructible and eternal, it follows that trying to undo reality to be like trying to blo.w up the universe by hanging oneself. God can't be any less than perfection, and perfection can't be any less than complete. All the wrong effects that come from mistaking the nature of the one Great Cause are turned into as many causes, of which the material- 32 ists are very jealous to show you as real. Now, I know how easy it is for you to understand that the only way is to divert the course of the river. That is, inventors, artists, mayors, speakers, champions of sport, and the like, of which they are mostly militarists now, will be feted in place of the militarists of the present, and their works and daring will take the place of sensational news of war, in order that women may not be deprived of their natural instinct to rejoice over, to cheer, to praise, to contest the love of this or that man or, better still, instead of allowing the wealthy source of the river to end in the sea, use it for irrigation, for good. Generally speaking, are not people who stand for peace about the mouth of the river? Unlike the militarists, they don't do any harm ; but of what is the use of making a stand at the mouth of the river? It is true, people are in the majority against war, they have meeting places all over the world, and would do anything to end wars, but of what avail if few men have the ability to hand them wrong causes of the war to destroy ? They go even fur- ther than that, they go as far as claiming each others' substi- tutes to be real causes of the war, and maintain their claim even at the cost of the loss of self-respect, even at the cost of drawing at the mouth of the river. Among women we have more diversity of opinions ; fewer women than men have the ability to deceive all the others. Nursing the wounded, charity work, anxious to attract the at- tention of men for their sad faces, are all means to encourage men to contest each others' popularity, all means to increase the fury of wars. Because Dame Rumor brings the news that some women have been rescued by some men, others are in- clined to fall in distress or do anything so that they can have the same, until Dame Age disappoints them. They will not even look in the eyes of anybody in order to escape a real duty. Publicity at any price, even at the expenses of the con- tinuation of wars, is the rule among men, and also among 33 some women you know. There is an exception, of course. As can be seen by the ten rules of the plan, very few women, some of which are to be related to military officers, can shake the world, they can win over against the opposition of all the other women and men put together; because that scheme strikes at self-pride instead of culturing it. The reason why I call the militarists and suppressors as good as any other is altogether scientific. The lesson of the instrument and the pencil is so clear that even a child can understand. It is the same as saying that the bad of the mili- tarists and suppressors is a myth. If you say it is not a myth, you deceive yourself first of all, because instead of turning champions of real protection, as I claim and can show, you would argue that they will keep on suppressing and leading people to wars after their armed assistance and means of sup- pression are wiped out. Divine Love starvation is the term that should always be used in place of persecution, sensualism, or materialism. You know very well that even a billion dollars and most beautiful women can't satisfy anybody, and that there is always some- thing wanting. So a criminal or a sinner is nothing but Love (divine) starved, in proportion to how deeply he clings to ani- mality ; that is to say, he is merely deceived as to the real sub- stance, merely believes to be rewarded for his efforts in the accumulation of material wealth, and does not know that real effort, real hard work, is in getting along without mind's op- posite, and in earning the love of a woman without Satan taking a hand in it that is, he is a victim of wrong education, even though he were a professor. At wars end military officers can't be anything but real officers of the governments, to train police forces, to super- vise works of construction, of sanitation, and hundreds of other necessities for human welfare, at home and also in uncivilized countries; because military officers are already most skillful in mechanics, in seamanship, surgery, medicine, engineering, 34 and among them there is also a great number of talented teach- ers, artists and preachers, just what is wanted at home or to fill governmental positions. The cause of modern wars, especially the European war, is more capitalistic than else; and therefore, not exactly due to military ambition nor of preserving military titles. I should not speak about it here were it not easy for me to men- tion it briefly. The European war could not have been started, in any way, without both England and Germany wanting it. Before the war broke out anybody knew Russia was back- ing Serbia. Therefore, Austria knew that Serbia will not give in, and that there will be sure war before sending out the ulti- matum. Austria knew that a war against both the Russians and the Serbians is an absolutely hopeless undertaking, void of a least chance to win. Now we have it: Austria was com- pletely sure of Germany's intervention on her side before send- ing out the ultimatum to Serbia, or she would not have sent such ultimatum. Had Serbia to fight Austria alone, a simple note of regret to Austria and punishment of the assassins would have been the right manner to settle all, or had Austria been sure to fight both the Russians and Serbians alone a milder note instead of an ultimatum would have been found to be reasonable that the Serbians would have turned to be the most respectful people toward the Austrians. Next : Before the war both France and Russia together knew that a war between them and the central empires to be void of any chance to win. Now, too, we have it : both France and Russia would not have started to mobilize, and even would have de- mobilized when Germany asked for reasons, were they not com- pletely sure that England was with them. So that the entrance of England into the war on account of Belgium is nothing but a pretext like all the warring powers have issued; because before the war anybody knew that Germany being on one side and England on the other side of Belgium, both had to cross 35 Belgium because the latter is between, in the way ; and whether there are secret treaties or not, "military reasons" have always cleared obstacles in the way. The advantage of Germany in this war to cross Belgium or strike first lies in geographical positions, and not that she was militarily stronger than all her opponents put together at the outbreak of the war. If you think it over well, the cause of the start of the European war are both England and Germany alike, and the reason is this: Germany needed colonial expansion, but Eng- land was in the way. England wanted to keep her supremacy of the world's market, but Germany was in the way. Well, what are the navies and armies for? Do you mean to have such armaments just for beauty, to admire, to gaze on? Austria, Russia, Germany, France, .started to mobilize as quickly as they could soon after the Savarejan tragedy. For what, against whom? Did they start to mobilize their huge armies and navies with the purpose to protect and prevent the expenditure of billions of dollars and the lives of millions of men? Is the huge English navy preventing the loss of many lives and some twenty-five million dollars daily to the English people ? Did the strong German army protect the lives of some three million German soldiers already killed and wounded? Military preparedness also failed to protect Belgium, north- ern France, German colonies, Serbia, Montenegro, Hungary, Galicia, Poland, Courland, east Prussia, ships, and cities from air raids. If that is the way armies and navies protect their respective nations, how much more protection and safety will the popula- tion of this world have without armaments, oh you militarists! Taking into consideration the claims of the chief nations at war is approving to them. The declaration of war by Germany against France and Russia was, or is believed by the Entente Alliance to be, a war 36 of aggression and for the mastery of Europe ; and on the other hand, when France and Russia ordered their forces mobilized, Germany doubted if such mobilization were against each other, for they are too wide apart, or, as one might say, Russia against Japan and France against England, but sus- pected that it was intended against her, and, because England has more probability of making friends out of some other nations through her big fleet, Germany thought it to be of more advantage to strike before the mobilization of the En- tente Alliance was completed. Now suppose the Germans are wrong, what are you going to do with it if they believe they are right? Or suppose the allied countries are wrong instead, what are you displeased for, if they believe the course they pursue is the right one? Even if one side were right in the course it pursues and the other wrong, it is still an error to take side with' the right party, for the simple reason that the wrong party, believing that she is right and the other wrong, sacrifices more forces and wealth to meet that much more of opposition ; and more atrocities, more loss for both sides, is the result. For instance, if you go to fight Germany for having violated the neutrality of Belgium, it means another German soldier on the firing line, or an old man, or a boy below military age, or even a woman if a man is lacking; and what would you be fighting against? Germany, just like any other nation, means very few men at the head of the people ; and you would be fighting some poor, deceived human beings, who are no more and no less than you are, sent there to shoot and to be shot for you must remember that while you shoot at them they shoot at you also and besides, you would be striking at anything except where you intended to, because those few responsible men stay always in the safest zone. No, what matters most is that if you like to see the end of wars, of racial hatred, of the persecution of the Jews and Arme- nians, of religious fanaticism, of discord well, it is by dis- 37 arming them all, and it is possible, through your help. But if you merely like to show your dissatisfaction toward war and all that goes with it ; if you merely like to be a soldier of the verbal and literary war, whose army is very great, you would be only one of its charlatans, a self-sickening human pest. Over-populated nations is also a cause of the war, say, at these times. But when the nations are disarmed it will be discovered that this earth can accommodate more than twenty billions of people and be more comfortable than the present two billions. The true destiny of the waters of the rivers is not the sea, but to turn dry land into fertile ones, then we have lakes, and enormous mineral and food that can be had out of the sea. Women will not need to raise less than two children each before the population of the earth reaches the huge figure. The obstacle between men and international peace is self- righteousness. There are no other obstacles worth mention- ing. So, that men can save themselves, or that wars can end in about another century of evolution, through the usual "prac- tical" methods of dealing with world problems, we all know it. The idea is to realize the progress of a century, if women will permit, much earlier than the end of the present genera- tion, merely by converting the money and labor spent for war and armed peace, into educational and constructive won. - say, me-rely as the result of international disarmament. I am not bound to know whether women whom I appealed to will step forward, nor does it worry me in the least whether both themselves and women of the common people don't. But I did not address the latter yet, whom I will speak as follows in case the former fail : You can cause the officers to strike, to resign, by working along the lines of the plan and other necessary paragraphs of the preface. What counts is a declaration signed by women related to officers, as many signed declarations as you can have, stating that they will love their men also at wars end. 38 Then either you or themselves show the signed list to the offi- cers. Do that by starting in any area where you can corner up the whole military circle, so that your insistence may be felt and take roots. You can easily understand how rapidly the effect will travel from a single military circle to all others ; also you can easily understand what stirring effect will pos- sess the diplomats from such move, and what alternative they have to take to solve the problem. Because wars or preparedness is the only obstacle between you and happiness, anything tried to removing such obstacle pays ; if you must alter the plan, if you must seek the assist- ance of your men, if you must resort to strategy, it will be for good, it will be better than wars. However, violence and hot words must not be employed, because I am perfectly sure they are useless ; they are indeed an hindrance instead. When the soldiers will be discharged of their duty, that's the time when you women will be paid for the work of end- ing wars. Instead of depending on charity, on substitutes for real happiness, and hundreds of other shameful means of sus- tenance, you will have a man whose work or business will not weary him as to be a nuisance to you ; a man that can really comfort you and children and old folks ; a man that can pro- vide, that can cherish ; a man manly, that can make life inter- esting. Governments will be governments. Children will be well educated by the school and the church, and will not be troubled about earning their living before they are grown up. If at any time it is found possible to arouse the well-to-do women to carry out the plan instead of the other rank, it would be very worth while, because they are already close acquaintances in militaryland and can save lots of trouble. What fault finders should know is that I, for the first, do not claim my plan to be of much value than somebody believes I do. What I have shown is what women can do to save their men and end discord, only when conscience strikes or when they want it, and not that they must; and that neither I said 39 that women are already tired of the Universal Drama nor I have set a date for it; also I asked first if a plan is wanted, so that time may not be lost in reading everything for curiosity. I greatly regret that I don't know of another plan to end wars at this age, thus far, without the delicate task of bringing about an understanding between women related to officers and the other, whether the latter are women of the common people or of prominence but whether women will choose the con- tinuation of wars on account of that we will never know until the censors leak. Be convinced that the keeping dumb or the tightening of the censors on the part of some people is not a fight against me or my idea of ending wars, but is a fight against human welfare. The fact that I do not entertain in my mind any- thing wrong or adverse toward the spoken of people, even if they will continue to fight against, don't count ; and the fact that after the end of wars there will be more profits and easier to make a living through the commercialization of anything save the Universal Drama also don't count. Certainly, blood money making and infamous honor seeking are both lawful and honorable now and can't stop before armaments are de- stroyed. If you are a man, and of the type willing to hand the mat- ter over to save himself, give this to a woman ; and if you are of self-pride at any price, try a small sacrifice: Keep i* until a moment of surrendering comes, then you can give it to her indirectly, she will not know where it comes from, and thus you can escape your dread of humility. But whether you are a man or a woman of the latter type mentioned, fighting against human welfare to the last trench, with whatever indif- ference you may be able to pose, is the meanest thing anybody could do; and because I am on the offensive, I^suggest that you surrender now, not exactly on my account, but in the name of what you yourself love most. 40 4 \* 4 D UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY