1 1 ^rooNv-sov^ ,\MEUNIVER% +- ^v ^^> 1 1 8 5 %* ^s> %fflAINH3VS^ ^ ^ ^OFCALIFO/?^ ^\\EUNiVER% s ^ ^ 5i p ^ .;>/, A THE MAGNOLIA. DITBD BY HENRY W. HERBERT. NEW YORK: ROBERT P. BIXBY & CO., 3, Park Row, opposite Astor Liu use. Annex ADVERTISEMENT. THE MAGNOLIA is, at this time, offer ed to the public by its proprietor, not, it is true, without anxiety, but at the same time with full confidence, that, as nothing has been spared, on his part, to render it deserving of public favor, it will not be found altogether unworthy or unacceptable. The plan, which he has adopted in the present volume, and which it is his intention to carry out hereafter, is perfect originality both of the literary and ornamental departments. The engravings are, and will continue to be, exe- cuted entirely from American paintings, and by domestic artists while no compositions, however excellent, will be admitted, which are not produced by writers, natives or residents of the United States. With this brief introduction, the MAGNOLIA is com- mitted to that atmosphere, which may doom it to be blighted by the frost of the first winter ; but which will, it is hoped, permit it to bloom again, and with a beauty more mature, than it presumes to boast in this its infant blossoming. 2031274 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAOH THE MAGNOLIA 9 IMPROMPTU 10 BOYS ON THE ICE 11 THE DEATH OF SOTO. By THE AUTHOR OF " TBS BROTHERS" . . . 14 THE CONQUEROR a Dream 24 TO AN OSTRICH FEATHER 28 MUSIC 30 ODE TO JAMESTOWN. BY J. K. PAUUHNQ, Es*. 31 LOGOOCHIE. BY THB AUTHOR OP " GUY RIVBRS," " ATALAMTIS," and " THE YEMASSEE" 36 SONG 71 THE YOUNG MOTHER. BY GRENVILLK MBLLBN, Esa. 72 MUERTE EN GARROTE VIL. BY THB AUTHOR OF "A YEAR IN SPAIN" 77 THE RESCUE 95 THE PRAYER OF THE LYRE. BY THB AUTHOR OF " ATAIAMTIB," "THB YEMASSEB," &c 93 THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. BY THB AUTHOR OP "ALLEN PRBBOOT". 105 STANZAS 135 LAKE GEORGE. BY E. F. E 136 DEATH OF GALEAZZO 8FORZA 138 AMY CRANSTOUN. BY THB AUTHOR OF " REDWOOD," and " HOPS 145 r r CONTENTS. PAOB A SEA PICTURE. BY GRENVH.LB MBLLKN, Esa. 177 THE HARMONY OF NATURE 184 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR 187 DICK MOON. BY WM. L. STONE, Esti. 183 GREEN'S POND 214 PRESENTIMENT. BY A. D. PATBRSON, Esft. 217 KAATSKILL 249 WASHINGTON 251 ISOLATED AFFECTION 258 A LIVING POET 257 INNOCENZA 259 A NIGHT ON THE ENCHANTED MOUNTAINS. BY THB Ao- THOR OF "A WINTER IN THE WEST" 261 THE STARS 277 THE FATE OF POMPEY. BY THE AUTHOR of "THE BROTHERS" . 279 VIRGINIA 297 THE DOOM OF THE EYES 298 THE CONDOR. BrE.F.B.... .. 299 THE MAGNOLIA. NOT in the autumn pale and cold, When flowers of frailer beauty fade, When sombre hues the woods unfold, And violets droop beneath their shade Sweet flower ! thou bloom' st in lonely grace But when at radiant summer's call Her bright ones woo the wind's embrace, Thou shinest, the loveliest of them all. The wild rose rears its glowing head Beside thee, emulous, but in vain ; Soft leaves and buds their odors shed But thou art sweetest of the train ! No rival 'neath the summer heaven, Majestic flower ! thine empire shares j And thus the bard to thee hath given A deeper meaning far than theirs. THE MAGNOLIA. This volume, too, amid the throng That shine with evanescent grace, In the gay garb of smile and song Would claim, like thee, the brightest place. Yet wouid not droop like thee away, When days of light grow dark and chill ; But, like the truth thy leaves display, Be fragrant and unfading still. IMPROMPTU. TO , IN For the sweet flower thou giv'st me, So beautiful and rare, Thou hast, fond maid, my friendly thought, Thou hast my fondest prayer. Thou giv'st me, with thy pleasant flower, Sweet words, that gently thrill | I pray, 'tis all that I can do, That thou may'st keep them still BOYS ON THE ICE. MOTHER, where art thou now fond mother, where? Busied perchance about the cottage hearth; Or tending, with soft hand and woman care, The grandsire's pillow; or with innocent mirth Carolling old sweet melodies of home; Shaping the while with love's unwearied skill That waits not, wanes not, though the truants roam, Some homespun garb, to fence frore winter's chill From those loved little ones those sireless boys In whom is fixed thine all, of fears affections joys ! Mother, where art thou now sad mother, where? Noontide hath chimed on every village bell A damper breath is on the evening air, Windingthrough woodlands hoar itsmournful shell ; The short-lived sun hath neared the western hill Yet hath no sound appeased thine anxious ear, Of frolic shout or childish laughter shrill Or prattling tongues, unfathomably dear! No joyous yelping, by his playmates' side, Of him, at night their guard their friend by day and guide ! 12 BOYS ON THE ICE. Mother, where art thou now dear mother, where? There is a voice beside the frozen shore A voice, would bid thy widow-heart despair A voice which heard thou would'st hear never more NOT see, nor hope, nor pray! No not for heaven ! A cry for succor "Succor, or we perish O'er the blind waters to destruction driven! " Blest that thou see'st them not that so dost cherish The frail ice drifting to the ocean wide, Their frail, yet sole support, upon the wheeling tide! Mother, where art thou hapless mother, where? Thy babes are pleading to the earless deep For mercy! mercy from the waves, that ne'er, Save once, heard voice of man, and sank to sleep ! And there is no help! none I and they must fall So bright, so innocent, and oh so brief. And thou thou must survive thy last thine all; Survive in solitary hopeless grief. Better it were oh better far to share Their fate thou so dost love for whom thou so didst bear! Hope mother yet unconscious mother, hope! HE, who bade hush the roar on Galilee, And walked the waters, that their crests did slope Tame at his word and powerless may not HE, BOYS ON THE ICE. 13 Or doth he lack the will again to save? Pure vows are soaring to the throne of might High hearts, strong hands, are battling with the wave And the bark rushes, swifter than the flight Of Indian arrow, gurgling through the spray, That chides, but may not check, her fleet and fearless way. Bliss, mother, now grateful mother, bliss I Thy babes are sheltered in thy wild embrace Earth has no moment that may vie with this The eye, devouring each familiar face, The straining arms the fierce and hurried kiss The brief pure blessing the reproachful zeal The penitence for mother's care remiss The rapturous anguish none but mothers feel ! Oh who shall say that life has aught below Of tears unmixed with smiles, or joy undimmed by wol THE DEATH OF SOTO, BT THE AUTHOR OP " THB BROTHERS/ But wind me in a banner bright A banner of Castile And let the war-drums round me roll, The trumpets o'er me peal ! And bury me at noon of night, When gone is the sultry gleam At noon of night by torches' light In the Mississippi stream. Old Ballad. IT was the evening of a sultry day, sultry almost beyond endurance, although the season had not advanced beyond the early spring-time; the sun, though shrouded from human eyes by a dense veil of moist and clammy vapor, was pouring down a flood of intolerable heat upon the pathless cane-brakes, the deep bayous, haunts of the voracious and unseemly alligator, and the forests, steaming with excess of vegetation, through which the endless river rolled its dark current. On a steep bluff^ projecting into the bosom of the waters, at the confluence of some nameless tributary and the vast Mississippi, stood the dwelling of the first white man that ever trod those boundless solitudes. It was a rude and shapeless THE DEATH OP SOTO. 15 edifice of logs, hewn from the cypresses and cedars of the swamp, which lay outstretched for a thousand miles around, by hands unused to aught of base or menial labor ; yet were there certain marks of comfort, and even of luxury, to be traced in the decorations and appliances of that log-cabin ; a veil of sea-green silk was drawn across the aperture, which perforated the massy timbers of the wall ; a heavy drapery of crimson velvet, decked with a fringe and embroidery of gold, was looped up to the low lintels, as if to admit whatever breath of air might sweep alonsj the channel of the river. Nor were these all a lofty staff was pitched before the door, from which drooped, in gorgeous folds, the yellow banner, rich with the castled blazonry of Spain ; and beside it a tall warrior sheathed from head to heel in burnished armor, with gilded spur, and belted brand stalked to and fro, as though he were on duty upon some tented plain, in his own land of chivalry and song. At a short distance in the. rear might be observed a camp, if by that name might be designated a confused assemblage of huts, suited for the accommodation of five hundred men; horses were picqueted around ; spears, decked with pennon and pennoncel and all the bravery of knightly warfare, were planted before the dwellings of their owners ; sentinels in gleaming mail paced their accustomed rounds. But in that strange encampment, there was no mirth, no bustle not even the low hum of con- verse, or the note of preparation. The soldiers glided to and fro, with humbled gait and sad demeanor ; the 16 THE DEATH OF SOTO. very chargers drooped their proud heads to the ground, and appeared to lack sufficient animation to dash aside the swarms of venomous flies, that battened, as it seemed, upon their very life-blood ; the huge blood- hounds, those dread auxiliaries of Spanish warfare, of which a score or two were visible among the cabins, lay slumbering in listless indolence, or drag- ged themselves along, after the heels of their masters, with slouching crests, and in attitudes widely different from the fierce activity of their usual motions. Pesti- lence and famine were around them on the thick and breezeless air on the dark wafers in the deep morass, and in the vaults of the pine forest, the seeds of death were floating avengers of the luckless tribes, already scattered or enslaved by the iron arm of European war. Oh how did they pine for the clear streams of Guadalquivir, or the viny banks of Xeres for the breezy slopes of the Alpuxarras, or the snow-clad summits of their native Sierras those fated followers of the DEMON GOLD How did their recollections doat upon the waving palms, and orange-groves, the huertas and the meads of fair Granada ! In vain in vain ! Of all those gallant hundreds, who had leaped in confidence and hope from their proud brigantines upon the glowing shores of Florida, glittering in polished steel, and "very gallant with silk upon silk,"* who had travers- ed the wild country of the Appalachians, who had seen the gleam of Spanish arms reflected from the * Bancroft's History of the United States, vol. i. p. 48. THE DEATH OP SOTO. 17 black streams of Alabama, who had made the bound- less prairies of Missouri ring with the unechoed notes of the Castilian trumpet, who had spread the terrors of the Spanish name, with all its barbarous accompaniments of havoc and slaughter, through wilds untrod before by feet of civilized man. Of all those gallants hundreds, but a weak and wasted moiety was destined to reach the shores of their far fatherland j and that not, as they had fondly deem- ed, in the pride, the exultation, and the wealth of conquest, but in want, and weariness, and wo. The arrows of the savage, and the yet fiercer arrows of the plague, dearly repaid the injuries that they had wreaked already on the wretched natives dearly repaid too, as it were by anticipation, the wrongs that their children, and their children's chil- dren, should wreak in long prospective on the forest- dwellers of the west. There, in that lonely hut there lay the proudest spirit the bravest heart the mightiest intellect the favorite comrade of Pizarro the joint-conqueror of Perul There lay Hernan de Soto his fiery energies, even more than the hot fever, wearing away his mortal frame; his massive brow clogged with the black sweat of death ; his eye that had flashed the more brilliantly the deadlier was the peril dim and filmy; his high heart sick sick and fearful, not for himself, but for his followers ; his hopes of conquest, fame, dominion, gone like the leaves of autumn! There he lay, miserably perishing by inches, the THE DEATH OF SOT.O. discoverer of a world a world, never destined to bless or him or his posterity with its redundant riches. Beside his pallet-bed was assembled a group of men, the least renowned of whom might well have led a royal army to do battle for a crown but their frames were gaunt and emaciated ; their cheeks fur- rowed with the lines of care and agony, both of the mind and body; their eyes wet with the tears of bitterness. The dark-cowled priests had ministered the last rites ~of religion to the dying warrior, and now watched in breathless silence the parting of his spirit; an Indian maiden, of rare symmetry, and loveliness that would have been deemed exquisite in the brightest halls of Old Castile, leaned over his pillow, wiping the cold dew from the conqueror's brow with her long jetty locks, and fanning off the myriads of voracious insects, that thronged the tainted air ! There was not a sound in the crowded cham- ber, save the heavy sob-like breathings of the dying man, and the occasional winnings of a tall hound, the noblest of his race, which sat erect, gazing with almost human intelligence upon the pallid features of his lord. Suddenly a light draught of air was perceptible the silken veil fluttered inwards, and a heavy rustling sound was audible from without, as the huge folds of the banner swayed in the rising breeze. A sensible coolness pervaded the heated chamber, and reached the languid brow of De Soto, who had lain for the last half hour in seeming lethargy. Wearily, and with THE DEATII OF SOTO. 19 a painful expression, he raised himself upon his elbow. "Moscoso" he said, " Moscoso, art thou near me my eyes wax dim, and it will soon be over? Art there, for I would speak with thee?" " Noble de Soto, I am beside thee" he replied " Say on I hear and mark thee 1" "Give me thy hand!" then, as he received it, he raised it slowly on high, and continued in clear and unfaltering tones, though evidently with an effort " True friend and follower, by this right hand, that has so often fought beside my own by this right hand, I do adjure thee, to observe and to obey these my last mandates !" "Shall I swear it?" cried the stern warrior, whom he addressed, in a tone and voice rendered thick and husky by the violence of his excitement " shall I swear it ?" " Swear not, Moscoso ! leave oaths to paltry burghers and to cringing vassals but pledge me the unblemished honor of a Castilian noble so shall I die in peace !" "By the unblemished honor of a Castilian noble as I am a born hidalgo, and a belted knight, I pro- mise thee, in spirit and in truth in deed, and word, and thought, to do thy bidding I" " Then, by this token," and he drew a massive ring from his own wasted hand, and placed it on the finger of Moscoso " then, by this token, do I name thee my successor thee, the leader of the host, and captain-general of Spain ! Sound trumpets heralds 20 THE DEATH OF SOTO. make proclamation!" A moment or two elapsed, and the wild flourish of the trumpets was heard with- out, and the sonorous voice of the heralds making proclamation they ceased but there was no shout of triumph or applause. " Ha, by St. Jago !" cried the dying chief "Ha! by St. Jago but this must not be 'tis ominous and evil! Go forth, thou, Vasco and bid them sound again, and let my people shout for this their loyal leader." It was done, and a gleam of triumphant satisfaction shot across his hollow features. He spoke again, but it was with a feebler voice " I am going" he said " I am going, whence there is no return! Now, mark me by your plighted word I do command you battle no farther strive with the fates no farther for the fates are adverse i Conquer not thou this region for I have conquered it and it is mine! Mine, mine though dying ! Mine it shall be though dead ! March to the coast as best ye may build ye such vessels as may bear ye from the main, and save this remnant of my people ! Wilt thou do this as thou hast pledged thyself to do it, noble Moscoso ?" ** By all my hopes, I will !" " Me, then, me shall ye bury thus ! Not with lamentations not with womanish tears not with vile sorrow but with the rejoicing anthem with the blare of the trumpet, and the stormy music of the drum ! Ye shall sheath me in my mail with my helmet on my head and my spur on my heel ! THE DEATH OP SOTO. 21 with my sword in my hand shall ye bury me and with a banner of Castile for my shroud ! In the depths of the river of my river shall ye bury me ! with lighted torch and volleyed musketry at the mid hour of night ! For am I not a conqueror a con- queror of a world a conqueror with none to brave my arm, or to gainsay my bidding? Where where is the man, savage or civilized Christian or heathen Indian or Spaniard who hath defied Hernan de Soto, and not perished from the earth ? Death is upon me death from the Lord of earth and heaven ! To him I do submit me but to mor- tal never !" Even as he spoke, a warder entered the low door- way, and whispered a brief message to Moscoso. Slight as were the sounds, and dim as waxed the senses of De Soto, he marked the entrance of the soldier, and eagerly inquired the purport of the news! "A messenger" was the reply "an Indian runner from the Natchez!" "Admit him he bears submission admit him, so shall I die with triumph in my heart!" The Indian entered a man of stern features, and of well-nigh giant stature. His head, shaven to the chivalrous scalp-lock, was decked with the plumes of the war-eagle, mingled with the feathers of a gayer hue his throat was circled by a necklace, strung from the claws of the grizzly bear and cougar, fearfully mixed with tufts of human hair his lineaments were covered with the black war-paint in one hand he bore the crimson war-pipe, and in the other 22 THE DEATH OF SOTO. the well-known emblem of Indian hostility, a bundle of shafts bound in the skin of the rattlesnake! With a noiseless step he crossed the chamber, he flung the deadly gift upon the death-bed of De Soto he raised the red pipe to his lips he puffed the smoke and then, in wild accents of his native tongue, bore to the Spaniards the defiance of his tribe, concluding his speech with the oft heard and unforgotten cadences of the war-whoop ! As the dying leader caught the raised tone of the Indian's words his eye had lightened, and his brow contracted into a writhing frown ! He knew the import of his speech, by the modulations of his voice his lip quivered his chest heaved his hands clutched the thin coverlid, as though they were grap- pling to the lance or rapier. The wild notes of the war-whoop rang through his ears and in death in death itself, the ruling passion was prevalent manifestly, terribly prevalent ! He sprang to his feet his form dilating, and his features flashing with all the energy of life "St. Jago" he shouted " for Spain ! for Spain ! . Soto and victory!" and with an impotent effort to strike, he fell flat upon his face at the feet of the Indian, who had provoked his dying indignation ! They raised him but a flood of gore had gushed from eyes, mouth, ears he had burst some one of the larger vessels and was already lifeless, ere he struck the ground ! The sun had even now sunk below the horizon and, ere the preparations for his funeral had been THE DEATH OF SOTO. 23 completed, it was already midnight. Five hundred torches of the resinous pine tree flashed with their crimson reflections on the turbid water, as the barks glided over its surface, bearing the warrior to his last home. A train of cowled priests, with pix and crucifix and steaming censer, floated in the van, making the vaulted woods to echo the high notes of the Te Deum, chanted in lieu of the mournful Miserere over the mortal part of that ill-fated warrior. But as the canoe came onward in which the corpse was placed seated erect, as he had ordered it, with the good sword in the dead hand, the polished helmet glancing above the sunken features, and the gay ban- ner of Castile floating like a mantle from the shoulders the pealing notes of the trumpet, and the roll of the battle-drum, and the Spanish war-cry " St. Jago for De Soto and for Spain" and the crash of the volley- ing arquebuses might be heard, startling the wild beasts, and the wilder Indians, of the forest, for leagues around. There was a pause a deep, deep pause a sullen splash and every torch was instantly extinguished. " The discoverer of the Mississippi slept beneath its waters. He had crossed a large part of the conti- nent in search of gold, and found nothing so remarka- ble as his burial place." * * Bancroft's History. Portuguese Region. THE CONQUEROR. A DREAM. I saw a vision in my sleep, That gave my spirit power to sweep Adown the gulf of time. CAMPBELL. METHOUGHT I stood near to the gates of Paradise. Above my head towered those amethystine ramparts, which had laughed to scorn, ages before the birth of time, the menaces of Lucifer and his rebellious crew! Before me, within the open portals, was a flood of glory a sea of brilliant, everlasting, spirit-dazzling lustre, and amid the empyrean were angelic shapes, winged and beautiful, yH magnificent withal, and fearful. And I heard a voice, as of ten thousand silver trumpets, cry " Place for the Conqueror!" And there was a stir among the multitudes, that crowded the vast area before the gates for myriads of shadowy forms stood there, waiting the fiat of their destiny, men old, and in the prime of power, and in the golden flush of youth, matrons, and maids, and infants, some pale and conscience-stricken, cringing like hounds beneath the lash, others serenely joyous, calm in the chastened ecstasy of hope, that doubteth not nor feareth. THE CONQUEROR. 25 And a shape stood forward at the summons; a shape, proud, and majestic, and most rich in all those attributes, that bow men down before their fellow mortals. On his brow there was the likeness of an imperial crown, woven with leaves of the green bay tree his eye, bold as the eagle's, seemed to gaze around in the vain hope to find a rival his lip was wreathed with an exulting smile. But on the brow, beneath the crown, were furrows deep blight- ed furrows, dug by the burning ploughshare of the passions ; and on the green leaflets were broad gouts of blood ; and in the eagle eye there was a glance of restlessness and of distrust, of aspirations never to be realized, of ambition unquenched, unquenchable ; and on the smiling lip, there was a curl of melancholy scorn, and at times a quiver, as of inward agony. And he answered, with tones deep as the lion's roar when the deserts are hushed in terror " Lo, I am here!" And the voice cried again, from within the gates "Truly thou art a conqueror thou man of blood, thou reaper of the harvest of death, thou scourge of thine ill-fated race, truly thou art a conqueror, and for thee is there a place made ready but not here!' And the shape vanished, but I saw not how, noi whither and there was silence. And again the voice cried " Place for the Conqueror!" And a shape stood forward at the summons; but most unlike the former. The countenance, though high and noble, was emaciate, and pale, and mourn- ful; and the locks, although unmixed with gray, 26 THE CONQUEROR. were thin and scattered ; and the frame was bent, and the limbs feeble. Yet on those mournful features there played a smile of more than earthly sweetness ; and in the eye, the full dark eye, was a wild glance, now melting into the liquid depths of tenderness, now flashing with ineffable fire and the gaze of that dark eye was upward still upward! For the laurel crown btneath his feet was withered, and the sweet strings of the lyre in his hand were "jangled, out of tune, and harsh," and the jeer and the scoff and the envy of the cold world were in his ears, and in his soul' And with a high yet melancholy smile, as though he knew of his own worth, yet doubted its reception, he said likewise "Lo, I am here!" And again the voice was heard, crying " Truly, thou also art a conqueror! The conqueror of time and place the ruler of the young fresh heart the soother of want and weariness and wo the lord of language and of love the conqueror of the soul, even as he was conqueror of the body ! Truly, thou art a conqueror, and for thee also there "is a place made ready a place here among, though not itself, the highest!" And the shape vanished, but I saw not how, or whither and there was silence. And again the voice cried " Place for the Conqueror !" And a shape stood forward at the summons ; a shape, not beautiful with the beauty of men, nor gorgeous with the trappings of rank, nor rich with the endowments of genius. But over the homely form, and over the humble features, there was a glow THE CONQUEROR. 27 of pure and pious radiance and beneath the feet of the shape lay wealth immeasurable crowns of dig- nity, and scrolls of fame rejected, though not disdained and the homage of men, and the love of women doubted, but not despised! and around him, there were slaves with their fetters broken, now slaves no longer, with uplifted arms, and voices and widows calling on him to behold the orphans he had rescued and men won from the vainness, and the wilfulness of their own imaginations and nations blessing the benefactor of the poor, the enemy of the oppressor, and the friend of the most High ! And the humble shape stood forward confident, as it seemed, and fearless and the lips moved perchance in prayer, for no words went forth, nor any answer to the summons. And again, from within the portals, the voice cried "Truly thou art the conqueror thou holy one! The conqueror of fear and falsehood of sin and despair! The conqueror of the passions of the world and of thyself! Stand forth! Stand forth, thou conqueror ! For thee is the place made ready highest and nearest to mine own enter, thou conqueror." And amidst the greetings of the angelic hosts, sweeping from immeasurable distance, a cataract oi living harmony and amid the mingled melody of harps and halleluiahs, that shape passed through the everlasting portals. And as he passed, I woke, and lo, it was a dream! H. TO AN OSTRICH FEATHER, IN A LADY'S HEAD DRESS.' FRAILEST and fairest of the things of earth, Moved by each breezy wing that fans the depth Of the blue vault yea! sullied by a touch, That had not soiled the pure and virgin snow What or whence art thou so to be advanced Pre-eminently so to kiss the cheek, Bask in the smile, and revel on the lip, Of one, to whose least pleasure kings might bow, Casting their coronals, and palmiest state, Before her feet, most happy so to win One favoring glance of those immortal eyes, Fraught with the hue, the light, the love of heaven? Child of the lone and solitary wastes Of red Sahara, by the desert ship Cast as a tribute to the hot simoom, That fills her surgy vans, what time elate She lifts herself on high, and scorns the might Of steed and rider ! The one living thing, That loveth not her young, nor folds them close Beneath her wing, nor guards them with her life! * See Frontispiece The White Plume. TO AN OSTRICH FEATHER. 29 The giant bird to which God gave nor sense, Nor natural instinct, to preserve her race ! Oh ! hadst thou speech what scenes 'twere thine to tell, Of steeds Arabian, and of scorching sands Watered with innocent gore, when thou perchance Didst deck the swarthy robber's turbaned brow, Waving from far, the signal of despair, To the worn pilgrim, fainting in the sun ! And thence of argosy, or caravel, And ocean marvels, which thou didst survey Beyond the straits Herculean, and the isles Once titled of the blest stemming the surge Of mightier seas than lave thy parent shore ; Where erst broad Atalantis, with her crown Of palmy forests, and savannahs green, And mountains bathing their snow-circled heads In the mid azure, courted the rent sail Of storm-tossed mariner submerged now, And lost in gulphing waves, that thence did win Its name Atlantic for the western main ! Thrice happy thou, to fall on latter days. And shores Columbian thou that mightst have shone, In the dark centuries of the middle time, A thing of slaughter, on the steely crest Of Prince or Paladin a standard-plume, And rallying point, above the dust and din, The hellish uproar, and the trumpet's yell ! More glorious now, and happier far, to float In the rich atmosphere of beauty's breath A thing of love a cynosure of hearts A fleecy cloud, veiling, but shadowing not, A starry constellation of twin eyes, Brightest and best of all the lights in heaven ! MUSIC TENDER, and soft, and slow, The solemn numbers flow, Like the low cadence of the tranquil sea ; My spirit feels her own Each simple moving tone, More dear than aught of strange sublimity ! Oh ! if, in yonder sky, The breast's glad melody Finds utterance in music such as ours, May not the once loved strain There breathe, at times, again, Bringing sweet memories of vanish' d hours? SlGNORINA. ODE TO JAMESTOWN. BY 3. K. PAUL DING. OLD cradle of an infant world, In which a nestling empire lay, Struggling awhile, 'ere she unfurl' d, Her gallant wing and soar'd away, All hail ! thou birthplace of the glowing west, Thou seem'st the towering eagle's ruin'd nest! What solemn recollections throng, What touching visions rise, As wand' ring these old stones among, t backward turn mine eyes, And see the shadows of the dead flit round, Like spirits, when the last dread trump shall sound. The wonders of an age combin'd In one short moment memory supplies, They throng upon my waken' d mind, As time's dark curtains rise. The volume of a hundred buried years, Co^.dens'd in one bright sheet, appears. 82 ODE TO JAMESTOWN. I hear the angry ocean rave, I see the lonely little barque Scudding along the crested wave, Freighted like old Noah's ark, As o'er the drowned earth it whirl' d, With the forefathers of another world. I see a train of exiles stand. Amid the desert, desolate, The fathers of my native land, The daring pioneers of fate, Who brav'd the perils of the sea and earth, And gave a boundless empire birth. I see the gloomy Indian range His woodland empire, free as air ; I see the gloomy forest change, The shadowy earth laid bare, And, where the red man chas'd the bounding deer, The smiling labours of the white appear. I see the haughty warrior gaze In wonder or in scorn, As the pale faces sweat to raise Their scanty fields of corn, While he, the monarch of the boundless wood, By sport, or hairbrain'd rapine, wins his food. A moment, and the pageant's gone ; The red men are no more ; The pale fac'd strangers stand alone Upon the river's shore ; And the proud wood king, who their arts disdain' d, Finds but a bloody grave, where once he reign' d. ODE TO JAMESTOWN. The forest reels beneath the stroke Of sturdy woodman's axe; Ths earth receives the white man's yoke, And pays her willing tax Of fruits, and flowers, and golden harvest fields, And all that nature to blithe labour yields. Then growing hamlets rear their heads, And gathering crowds expand, Far as my fancy's vision spreads, O'er many a boundless land, Till what was once a world of savage strife, Teems with the richest gifts of social life. Empire to empire swift succeeds, Each happy, great, and free ; One empire still another breeds, A giant progeny, To war upon the pigmy gods of earth, The tyrants, to whom ignorance gave birth. Then, as I turn my thoughts to trace The fount whence these rich waters sprung, I glance towards this lonely place, And find it, these rude stones among. Here rest the sires of millions, sleeping sound, The Argonauts, the golden fleece that found. Their names have been forgotten long ; The stone, but not a word, remains ; They cannot live in deathless song, Nor breathe in pious strains. Yet this sublime obscurity, to me More touching is, than poet's rhapsody. 34 ODE TO JAMES TOWN. They live in millions that now breathe ; They live in millions yet unborn, And pious gratitude shall wreathe As bright a crown as e'er was worn, And hang it on the green leav'd bough, That whispers to the nameless dead below. No one that inspiration drinks ; No one that loves his native land ; No one that reasons, feels, or thinks, Can 'mid these lonely ruins stand, Without a moisten'd eye, a grateful tear, Of reverent gratitude to those that moulder here. The mighty shade now hovers round Of HIM whose strange, yet bright career, Is written on this sacred ground, In letters that no time shall sere; Who in the old world smote the turban'd crew, And founded Christian Empires in the new. And SHE ! the glorious Indian maid, The tutelary of this land, The angel of the woodland shade, The miracle of God's own hand, Who join'd man's heart, to woman's softest grace, And thrice redeem'd the scourgers of her race. Sister of charity and love, Whose life blood was soft Pity's tide, Dear Goddess of the Sylvan grove. Flower of the Forest, nature's pride, He is no man who does not bend the knee, And she no woman who is not like thee ! ODE TO JAMESTOWN. 3 Jamestown, and Plymouth's hallow'd rock, To me shall ever sacred be 1 care not who my themes may mock, Or sneer at them and me. I envy not the brute who here can stand, Without a prayer for his own native land. And if the recreant crawl her eartii, Or breathe Virginia's air, Or, in New England claim nis birth, From the old Pilgrim's there, He is a bastard, if he dare to mock, Old Jamestown's shrine, or Plymouth's famous rock. LOGOOCHIE; OB, THE BRANCH OP SWEET WATER. A. LEGEND OF GEORGLV. BY THB AUTHOR OP OH1 RIVERS^ ATALANTIl', AND THB YBMAPBBB These woods have all been haunted, and the i>ower Of spirits still abides in tree and flower ; They have their tiny elves that dance by night, When the leaves sparkle in the moonbeam's liglu; And the wild Indian often, as he flew Along their water in his birch canoe, Beheld, in the soft light of summer eves, Strange eyes and faces peering through the leaves ; Nor, are they vanish'd yet. The woodman sees. Even now, wild forms that lurk behind the trees; And the pine forests have a chanted song, The Indians say, must linger in them long. WITH the approach of the white settlers along the wild but pleasant banks of the St. Mary's river, in the state of Georgia, the startled deities of Indian mythology began to meditate their departure to forests more secure. Tribe after tribe of the abori- gines had already gone, and the uncouth gods of their idolatry, presided, in numberless instances, only over their deserted habitations. The savages had car- ried with them no guardian divinities no hallowed LOGOOCUIE. 37 household altars cheering them, in their new places of abode, by the acceptance of their sacrifice, and with the promise of a moderate winter, or a successful hunt. In depriving them of the lands descended to them in trust from their fathers, the whites seemed also to have exiled them from the sweet and mystic influences, so aptly associated with the vague loveli- ness of forest life, of their many twilight superstitions. Their new groves, as yet, had no spells for the hunts- man ; and the Manneyto of their ancient sires failed to appreciate their tribute offerings, intended to propitiate his regards, or to disarm his anger. They were indeed outcasts; and, with a due feeling for their exiled worshippers, the forest-gods themselves determined also to depart from those long-hallowed sheltering places in the thick swamps of the Okephanokee, whence, from immemorial time, they had gone forth, to cheer or to chide the tawny hunter in his progress through life. They had served the fathers faithfully, nor were they satisfied that the sons should go forth unattended. They had consecrated his dwellings, they had stimu- lated his courage, they had thrown the pleasant waters along his path, when his legs failed him in the chase, and his lips were parched with the wanderings of the long day in summer; and though themselves overcome in the advent of superior gods, they had, nevertheless, prompted him to the last, in the protracted struggle which he had maintained, for so many years, and with such various successes, against his pale invaders. All that could be done for the feather-crowned and wolf-mantled warrior, had been done, by the divinities 38 LOGOOCHIE. he worshipped. He was overcome, driven away from his ancient haunts, but he still bowed in spirit to the altars, holy still to him, though, haplessly, without adequate power to secure him in his possessions. They determined not to leave him unprotected in his new abodes, and gathering, at the bidding of Satilla, the Mercury of the southern Indians, the thousand gods of their worship the wood-gods and the water- gods crowded to the flower-island of Okephanokee, to hear the commands of the Great Manneyto. II. All came but Logoochie, and where was he? he, the Indian mischief-maker the Puck, the tricksiest spirit of them all, he, whose mind, like his body, a creature of distortion, was yet gentle in its wildness, and never suffered the smallest malice to mingle in with its mischief. The assembly was dull without him the season cheerless the feast wanting in provocative. The Great Manneyto himself, with whom Logoochie was a favourite, looked impatiently on the approach of every new comer. In vain were all his inquiries where is Logoochie? who has seen Logoochie? The question remained unan- swered the Great Manneyto unsatisfied. Anxious search was instituted in every direction for the discovery of the truant. They could hear nothing of him, and all scrutiny proved fruitless. They knew his vagrant spirit, and felt confident he was gone upon some mission of mischief; but they also knew how far beyond any capacity of their' s to detect, was his LOGOOCIIIE. 39 to conceal himself, and so, after the first attempt at search, the labour was given up in despair. They could get no tidings of Logoochie. III. The conference went on without him, much to the dissatisfaction of all parties. He was the spice of the entertainment, the spirit of all frolic; and though sometimes exceedingly annoying, even to the Great Manneyto, and scarcely less so to the rival power of evil, the Opitchi-Manneyto, yet, as the recognized joker on all hands, no one found it wise to take offence at his tricks. In council, he relieved the dull discourse of some drowsy god, by the sly sarcasm, which, falling innocuously upon the ears of the victim, was yet readily comprehended and applied by all the rest. On the journey, he kept all around him from any sense of weariness, and, by the perpetual practical application of his humour, always furnished his companions, whether above or inferior to him in dignity, with something prime, upon which to make merry. In short, there was no god like Logoochie, and he was as much beloved by the deities, as he was honoured by the Indian, who implored him not to turn aside the arrow which he " sent after the bounding buck, nor to spill the water out of his scooped leaf as he carried it from the running rivulet up to his mouth. All these were tricks of the playful Logoochie, and by a thousand, such as these, was he known to the Indians. 40 LOGOOCHIE. IV. Where, then, was the absentee when his hrother divinities started after the outlawed tribes? Had he not loved the Indians had he no sympathy with his associate gods and wherefore went he not upon the sad journey through the many swamps and the long stretches of sand and forest, that lay between the Okephanokee, and the rapidly-rushing waters of the Chatahoochie, where both the aborigines and their rude deities had now taken up their abode. Alas ! for Logoochie! He loved the wild people, it is true, and much he delighted in the association of those having kindred offices with himself; but, though a mimic and a jester, fond of sportive tricks, and perpetually practising them on all around him, he was not unlike the memorable buffoon of Paris, who, while ministering to the amusement of thousands, possessing them with an infinity of fun and frolic, was yet, at the very time, craving a precious mineral from the man of science to cure him of his confirmed hypochondria. Such was the condition of Logoochie. The idea of leaving the old woods and the waters to which he had been so long accustomed, and which were associated in his memory with a thousand instances of merriment, was too much for his most elastic spirits to sustain ; and the summons to depart filled him with a nameless, and, to him, a hitherto unknown form of terror. His organ of inhabitive- ness had undergone prodigious increase, in the many exercises which his mind and mood had practised upon the banks of the beautiful Branch of Sweet LOGOOCHIE. 41 Water, where his favourite home had been chosen by a felicitous fancy. It was indeed a spot to be loved and dwelt upon, and he, who surveyed its clear and quiet waters, sweeping pleasantly onward, with a gentle murmur, under the high and bending pine trees that arched over and fenced it in, would have no wonder at its effect upon a spirit so susceptible, amidst all his frolic, as that of Logoochie. The order to depart made him miserable; he could not think of doing so ; and, trembling all the while, he yet made the solemn determination not to obey the command; but rather to subject himself, by his refusal, to a loss of caste, and, perhaps, even severer punishment, should he be taken, from the other powers having guardian- ship with himself over the wandering red men. With the determination came the execution of his will. He secreted himself from those who sought him, and in the hollow of a log lay secure, even while the hunters uttered their conjectures and surmises under the very copse in which he was hidden. His arts to escape were manifold, and, unless the parties in search of him knew intimately his practices, he could easily elude their scrutiny by the simplest contrivances. Such, too, was the suscepti- bility of his figure for distortion, that even Satilla, the three-eyed, the messenger of the Indian divinities, the most acute and cunning among them, was not unfrequently overreached and evaded by the truant Logoochie. He too had searched for him in vain, though having a shrewd suspicion, as he stepped over a pine knot lying across a branch, just about dusk, 42 LOGOOCHIE. that it was something more than it seemed to be, yet passing on without examining it, and leaving the breathless Logoochie, for it was he, to gather himself up, the moment his pursuer was out of sight, and take himself off in a more secluded direction. The back of Logoochie was, of itself, little better than a stripe of the tree-bark, to those who remarked it casually. From his heel to his head, inclusive, it looked like so many articulated folds or scales of the pine tree, here and there bulging out into excrescences. The back of his head was a solid knot, for all the world like that of the scorched pine knot, hard and resinous. This knot ran across in front, so as to arch above and overhang his forehead, and was crowned with hair that, though soft, was thick and woody to the eye, and looked not unlike the plates of the pine-bur when green in season. It rose into a ridge or comb directly across the head from front to rear, like the war tuft of a Seminole warrior. His eyes, small and red, seemed, occasionally, to run into one another, and twinkled so, that you could not avoid laughing but to look upon them. His nose was flat, and the mouth was simply an incision across his face, reaching nigh to both his ears, which lapped and hung over like those of a hound. He was short in person, thick, and strangely bow-legged ; and, to complete the uncouth figure, his arms, shooting out from under a high knot, that gathered like an epaulette upon each shoulder, possessed but a single though rather long bone, and terminated in a thick, squab, bur-like hand, having fingers, themselves inflexible and but of single LOGOOCH1E. 43 joints, and tipped, not with nails, but with claws, somewhat like those of the panther, and equally fearful in strife. Such was the vague general out- line which, now and then, the Indian hunter, and, after him, the Georgia squatter, caught, towards evening, of the wandering Logoochie, as he stole suddenly from sight into the sheltering Copse, that ran along the edges of some wide savannah. The brother divinities of the Creek warriors had gone after their tribes, and Logoochie alone remained upon the banks of the Sweet Water Branch. He remained in spite of many reasons for departure. The white borderer came nigher and nigher, with every succeeding day. The stout log-house started up in the centre of his favourite groves, and many families, clustering within a few miles of his favourite stream, formed the nucleus of the flourishing little town of St. Mary's. Still he lingered, though with a sadness of spirit, hourly increasing, as every hour tended more and more to circumscribe the haunts of his playful wandering. Every day called upon him to deplore the overthrow, by the woodman's axe, of some well-remembered tree in his neighbourhood ; and though he strove, by an industrious repetition of his old tricks, to prevent much of this desolation, yet the divinities which the white man brought with him were too potent for Logoochie. In vain did he gnaw by night the sharp edge of the biting steel, with which the squatter wrought so much desolation. Alas ! the white man had an art given him by his God, by which he smoothed out the repeated gaps, 44 LOGOOCHIE. and sharpened it readily again, or found a new one, for the destruction of the forest. Over and over again did Logoochie think to take the trail of his people, and leave a spot in which a petty strife of this nature had become, though a familiar, a painful practice ; but then, as he thought of the humiliating acknowledgment which, by so doing, he must offer to his brother gods, his pride came to his aid, and he determined to remain where he was. Then again as" he rambled along the sweet waters of the branch, and talked pleasantly with the trees, his old acquaint- ance, and looked down upon little groups of Indians that occasionally came to visit this or that tumulus of the buried nations, he felt a sweet pleasure in the thought, that though all had gone of the old possessors, and a new people and new gods had come to sway the lands of his outlawed race, he still should linger and watch over, with a sacred regard, the few relics, and the speechless trophies, which the forgotten time had left them. He determined to remain still, as he long had been, the presiding genius of the place. VI. From habit, at length, it came to Logoochie to serve, with kind offices, the white settlers, just as he had served the red men before him. He soon saw that in many respects the people dwelling in the woods, however different their colour and origen, must necessarily resemble one another. They were in some particulars equally wild and equally simple. LOGOOCHIE. 46 He soon discovered too, that, however much they might profess indifference to the superstitions of the barbarous race they had superseded, they were not a whit more secure from the occasional tremors which followed his own practices or presence. More than once had he marked the fright of the young wood- man, as, looking towards nightfall over his left shoulder, he had beheld the funny twinkling eyes, and the long slit mouth, receding suddenly into the bush behind him. This assured Logoochie of the possession still, even with a new people, of some of that power which he had exercised upon the old; and when he saw, too, that the character of the white man was plain, gentle, and unobtrusive, he came, after a brief study, to like him also ; though, certainly, in less degree, than his Indian predecessors. From one step of his acquaintance with the new comers, to another, Logoochie at length began to visit, at stolen periods, and to prowl around the little cottage, of the squatter ; sometimes playing tricks upon his house- hold, but more frequently employing himself in the analysis of pursuits, and of a character, as new almost to him as to the people whose places they had assumed. Nor will this seeming ignorance, on the part of Logoochie, subtract a single jot from his high pretension as an Indian god; since true philosophy and a deliberate reason, must long since have been aware, that the mythological rule of every people, has been adapted, by the superior of all, to their mental and physical condition ; and the Great Man- neyto of the savage, in his primitive state, was, 46 I.OGOOCHIE. doubtless, as wise a provision for him then, as, in our time, has been the faith, which we proudly assume to be the close correlative of the highest point of moral liberty and social refinement. VII. In this way, making new discoveries daily, and gradually becoming known himself, though vaguely, to the simple cottagers around him, he continued to pass the time with something more of satisfaction than before; though still suffering pain at every stroke of the sharp and smiting axe, as it called up the deploring echoes of the rapidly yielding forest. Day and night he was busy, and he resumed, in extenso, many of the playful humours, which used to annoy the savages, and compel their homage. It is true, the acknowledgment of the white man was essentially different from that commonly made by the Indians. When their camp-pots were broken, their hatchets blunted, their bows and arrows warped, or they had suffered any other such mischief at his hands, they solemnly deprecated his wrath, and offered him tribute to disarm his hostility. All that Logoochie could extort from the borderer, was a sullen oath, in which the tricksy spirit was identified with no less a person than the devil, the Opitchi- Manneyto of the southern tribes. This as Logoo- chie well knew the superior rank of that personage with his people he esteemed a compliment; and its utterance was at all times sufficiently grateful in his ears to neutralize his spleen at the moment. In LOGOOCHIE. 47 addition to this, the habit of smoking more frequently and freely than the Indians, so common to the white man, contributed wonderfully to commend him to the favour of Logoochie. The odor in his nostrils was savory in the extreme, and he consequently regarded the smoker as tendering in this way, the deprecatory sacrifice, precisely as the savages had done before him. So grateful, indeed, was the oblation to his taste, that often, of the long summer evening, would he gather himself into a bunch, in the thick branches of the high tree overhanging the log-house, to inhale the reeking fumes that were sent up by the half oblivious woodman, as he lay reposing under its grateful shadow. VIII. There was one of these little cottages, which, for this very reason, Logoochie found great delight in visiting. It was tenanted by a sturdy old farmer, named Jones, and situated on the skirts of St. Mary's village, about three miles from the Branch of Sweet Water, the favorite haunt of Logoochie. Jones had a small family consisting, besides himself, of his wife, his sister a lady of certain age, and monstrous demure and a daughter, Mary Jones, as sweet a May-flower, as the eye of a good taste would ever wish to dwell upon. She was young only sixteen, and had not yet learned a single one of the thousand arts, which, in making a fine coquette, spoil usually a fine woman. She thought purely, and freely said all that she thought. Hor old father loved her her 48 LOGOOCHIE. mother loved her, and her aunt, she loved her too, and proved it, by doing her own, and the scolding of all the rest, whenever the light-hearted Mary said more in her eyes, or speech, than her aunt's conven- tional sense of propriety deemed absolutely necessary to be said. This family, Logoochie rather loved, whether it was because farmer Jones did more smok- ing than any of the neighbours, or his sister more scolding, or his wife more sleeping, or his daughter more loving, we say not, but such certainly was the fact. Mary Jones had learned this latter art, if none other. A tall and graceful lad in the settlement, named Johnson, had found favour in her sight, and she in his ; and it was not long before they made the mutual discovery. He was a fine youth, and quite worthy of the maiden ; but then he was of an inquir- ing, roving temper, and though not yet arrived at manhood, frequently indulged in rambles, rather startling, even to a people whose habit in that respect is somewhat proverbial. He had gone in his wander- ings even into the heart of the Okephanokee Swamp, and strange were the wonders, and wild the stories, which he gave of that region of Indian fable a region, about which they have as many and as beau- tiful traditions, as any people can furnish from the store house of its primitive romance. This disposi- tion on the part of Ned Johnson, though productive of much disquiet to his friends and family, they hoped to overcome or restrain, by the proposed union with Mary Jones a connexion seemingly acceptable to all parties. Mary, like most other good young ladies. LOGOOCHIE. 49 had no doubt, indeed, of her power to control her lover in his wanderings, when once they were man and wife ; and he, like most good young gentlemen in like cases, did not scruple to swear a thousand times, that her love would be as a chain about his feet, too potent to suffer him the slightest indulgence of his rambling desires. IX. So things stood, when, one day, what should ap- pear in the Port of St. Mary's the Pioneer of the Line but a vessel a schooner a brightly painted, sharp, cunning looking craft, all the way from the eastern waters, and commanded by one of that dar- ing tribe of Yankees, which will one day control the commercial world. Never had such a craft shown its face in those waters, and great was the excitement in consequence. The people turned out, en masse, men, women, and children, all gathered upon the sands at the point to which she was approaching, and while many stood dumb with mixed feelings of won- der and consternation, others, more bold and elastic, shouted with delight. Ned Johnson led this latter class, and almost rushed into the waters to meet the new comer, clapping his hands and screaming like mad. Logoochie himself, from the close hugging branches of a neighbouring tree, looked down, and wondered and trembled as he beheld the fast rushing progress toward him of what might be a new and more potent God. Then, when her little cannon, ^ostentatiously large for the necessity, belched forth its 50 LOGOOCHIE. thunders from, her side, the joy and the terrror was universal. The rude divinity of the red men leaped down headlong from his place of eminence, and bounded on without stopping, until removed from the sight and the shouting, in the thick recesses of the neighbouring wood ; while the children of the squat- ters taking to their heels, went bawling and squalling back to the village, never thinking for a moment to reach it alive. The schooner cast her anchor, and her captain came to land. Columbus looked not more imposing, leaping first to the virgin soil of the New World, than our worthy down-easter, commencing, for the first time, a successful trade in onions, potatoes, codfish, and crab-cider, with the delighted Georgians of our little village. All parties were overjoyed, and none more so than our young lover, Master Edward Johnson. He drank in with willing ears and a still thirsting appetite, the narrative which the Yankee captain gave the villagers of his voyage. His long yarn, be sure, was stuffed with wonders. The new comer soon saw from Johnson's looks how greatly he had won the respect and consideration of the youthful wanderer, and, accordingly, addressed some of his more spirited and romantic adventures purposely to him. Poor Mary Jones beheld, with dreadful anticipations, the voracious delight which sparkled in the eyes of Ned as he listened to the marvellous narrative, and had the thing been at all possible or proper, she would have insisted, for the better control of the erratic boy, that old Parson Collins should at once do his duty, and give her legal authority to say to her _ LOGOOCHIE lover " obey, my dear, stay at home, or," etc. She went back to the village in great tribulation, and Ned he stayed behind with Captain Nicodemus Doo- little, of the "Smashing Nancy." Now Nicodemus, or, as they familiarly called him, " Old Nick," was a wonderfully 'cute personage ; and as he was rather slack of hands was not much of a penman or grammarian, and felt that in his new trade he should need greatly the assistance of one to whom the awful school mystery of fractions and the rule of three had, by a kind fortune, been developed duly he regarded the impression which he had obviously made upon the mind of Ned Johnson, as promising to neutralize, if he could secure him, some few of his own deficiencies. He addressed himself, therefore, particularly to this end, and was successful. The head of the youth was now filled with the wonders of the sea ; and after a day or two of talk, in which the captain sold off his notions, he came point blank to the subject in the little cabin of the schooner. The captain sat over against him, with many papers before him; some were grievous mysteries; one in particular, which called for the summing up, consecu- tively, of numerous items of sale, in which the cross currency of the different states worked no small increase of difficulty in his already bewildered brain. To reconcile the York shilling, the Pennsylvania levy, the Georgia thrip, the Carolina fourpence, the Louisiana bit and pickaiune, was a task rather beyond 52 LOGOOCHIE. the ordinary powers of Captain Doolittle. He, cross- ed his right leg over his left, but still he failed to prove his sum. He reversed the movement, and the left leg now lay problematically over the right. The product was very hard to find. He took a sup of cider, and then he thought things began to look a little clearer ; but a moment after all was cloud again, and at length the figures absolutely seemed to run into one another. He could stand it no longer, and slapped his hand down, at length, with such empha- sis, upon the table, as to startle the poor youth, who, all the while, had been dreaming of plunging and wriggling dolphins, seen in all their gold and glitter, three feet or less in the waters below the advancing prow of the ship. The start which Johnson made, at once showed the best mode to the captain of extrica- tion from his difficulty. " There there, my dear boy, take some cider only a little do you good best thing in the world There, and now do run up these figures, and see how we agree." Ned was a clever lad, and used to staijd head of his class. He unravelled the mystery in little time reconciled the cross-currency of the several sovereign states, and was rewarded by his patron with a hearty slap upon the shoulder, and another cup of cider. It was not difficult after this to agree, and half fear- ing that all the while he was not doing right by Mary Jones, he dashed his signature, in a much worse hand than he was accustomed to write, upon a printed paper which Doolittle thrust to him across the table, LOGOOUH1E. 53 " And now, my dear boy," said the captain, " you are my secretary, and shall have best berth, and place along with myself, in the ' Smashing Nancy.' " XL The bargain had scarcely been struck, and the terms well adjusted with the Yankee captain, before Ned Johnson began to question the propriety of what he had done. He was not so sure that he had not been hasty, and felt that the pain his departure would inflict upon Mary Jones, would certainly be as great in degree, as the pleasure which his future adventures must bring to himself. Still, when he looked forward to those adventures, and remembered the thousand fine stories of Captain Doolittle, his dreams came back, and with them came a due forgetfulness of the hum-drum happiness of domestic life. The life in the woods, indeed as if there was life, strictly speak- ing, in the eternal monotony of the pine forests, and the drowsy hum they keep up so ceaselessly. Wood- chopping, too, was his aversion, and when he reflected upon the acknowledged superiority of his own over all the minds about him, he felt that his destiny called upon him for better things, and a more elevated employment. He gradually began to think of Mary Jones, as of one of those influences which had sub- tracted somewhat from the nature and legitimate exercises of his own genius; and whose claims, therefore, if acknowledged by him, as she required, must only be acknowledged at the expense and sacrifice of the higher pursuits and purposes for M LOGOOCHIE. which the discriminating Providence had designed him. The youth's head was fairly turned by his ambitious yearnings, and it was strange how sub- timely metaphysical his musings now made him. He began to analyze closely the question, since made a standing one among the phrenologists, as to how far particular heads were" intended for particular pursuits. General- principles were soon applied to special developments in his own case, and he came, to the conclusion, just as he placed his feet upon the threshold of Father Jones's cottage, that he should be contending with the aim of fate, and the original design of the Deity in his own creation, if he did not go with Captain Nicodemus Doolittle, of the "Smashing Nancy." XII. "Ahem! Mary " said Ned, finding the little girl conveniently alone, half sorrowful, and turning the whizzing spinning wheel. "Ahem, Mary ahem " and as he brought forth the not very intelligible introduction, his eye had in it a vague indeterminateness that looked like confu- sion, though, truth to speak, his head was high and confident enough. "Well, Ned" " Ahem ! ah, Mary, what did you think of the beautiful vessel. Was n't she fine, eh?" "Very very fine, Ned, though she was so large, and, when the great gun' was fired, my heart beat so I was frightened, Ned that I was." LOGOOCHIE. 55 "Frightened why what frightened you, Mary," exclaimed Ned proudly "that was grand, and as soon as we get to sea, I shall shoot it off myself." "Get to sea why Ned get to sea. Oh, dear, why what do you mean ?" and the bewildered girl, half conscious only, yet doubting her senses, now left the wheel, and came toward the contracted secretary of Captain Doolittle. " Yes, get to sea, Mary. What ! don't you know I'm going with the captain clear away to New- York?" Now, how should she know, poor girl ? He knew that she was ignorant, but as he did not feel satisfied of the propriety of what he had done, his phraseology had aesumed a somewhat indirect and distorted complexion. " You going with the Yankee, Ned you don't say." " Yes, but I do and what if he is a Yankee, and sells notions I'm sure, there's no harm in that; he's a main smart fellow, Mary, and such wonderful things as he has seen, it would make your hair stand on end to hear him. I'll see them too, Mary, and then tell you." "Oh, Ned, you're only joking now you don't mean it, Ned you only say so to tease me Is'nt it so, Ned say it is say yes, dear Ned, only say yes." And the poor girl caught his arm, with all the confiding warmth of an innocent heart, and as the tears gathered slowly, into big drops, in her eyes, and 56 LOGOOCHIE. they were turned appealingly up to his, the heart of the wanderer smote him for the pain it had inflicted upon one so gentle. In that moment, he felt that he would have given the world to get off from his bargain with the captain ; but this mood lasted not long. His active imagination provoking a curious thirst after the unknown ; and his pride, which sug- gested the weakness of a vacillating purpose, all turned and stimulated him to resist and refuse the prayer of the conciliating affection, then beginning to act within him in rebuke. Speaking through his teeth, as if he dreaded that he should want firm- ness, he resolutely reiterated what he had said ; and, while the sad girl listened, silently, as one thunder struck, he went on to give a glowing description of the wonderful discoveries in store for him during the proposed voyage. Mary sunk back upon her stool, and the spinning wheel went faster than ever ; "but never in her life had she broken so many tissues. He did his best at consolation, but the true hearted girl, though she did not the less suffer as he pleaded, at least forbore all complaint. The thing seemed irrevocable, and so she resigned herself, like a true woman, to the imperious necessity. Ned, after a while, adjusted his plaited straw to his cranium, and sallied forth with a due importance in his strut, but with a swelling something at his heart, which he tried in vain to quiet. LOOOOCHIE. 57 XIII. And what of poor Mary the disconsolate, the deserted and denied of love. She said nothing, ate her dinner in silence, and then putting on her bonnet, prepared to sally forth in a solitary ramble. " What ails it, child," said old Jones, with a rough tenderness of manner. "Where going, baby?" asked her mother, half* asleep. " Out again, Mary Jones out again," vociferously shouted the antique aunt, who did all the family scolding. The little girl answered them all meekly, with- out the slightest show of impatience, and proceeded on her walk. The " Branch of Sweet Water," now known by this name to all the villagers of St. Mary's, was then, as it was supposed to be his favourite place of abode, commonly styled, " The Branch of Logoochie." The Indians such stragglers as either lingered behind their tribes, or occasionally visited the old scenes of their home, had made the white settlers somewhat acquainted with the character and the supposed presence of that playful God, in the region thus assigned him ; and though not altogether assur- ed of the idleness of the superstition, the young and innocent Mary Jones had no apprehensions of his power. She, indeed, had no reason for fear, for Lo- goochie had set her down, long before, as one of his favorites. He had done her many little services, of which she was unaware, nor was she the only mem- 68 LOGOOCHIE. ber of her family indebted to his ministering good will. He loved them all all but the scold, and many of the annoyances to which the old maid was subject, arose from this antipathy of Logoochie. But to return. It was in great tribulation that Mary set out for her usual ramble along the banks of the " Sweet Water." Heretofore most of her walks in that quarter had been made in company with her lover. Here, perched in some sheltering oak, or safely doubled up behind some swollen pine, the playful Logoochie, himself unseen, a thousand times looked upon the two lovers, as, with linked arms, and spirits maintain- ing, as it appeared, a perfect unison, they walked in the shade during the summer afternoon. Though sportive and mischievous, such sights were pleasant to one who dwelt alone ; and there were many occasions, when, their love first ripening into expres- sion, he would divert from their path, by some little adroit art or management of his own, the obtrusive and unsympathising woodman, who might otherwise have spoiled the sport which he could not be per- mitted to share. Under his unknown sanction and ser- vice, therefore, the youthful pair had found love a rap- ture, until, at length, poor Mary had learned to regard it as a necessary too. She knew the necessity from the privation, as she now rambled alone ; her wan- dering lover meanwhile improving his knowledge by some additional chit-chat, on matters and things in general, with the captain, with whom he had that day dined heartily on codfish and potatoes, a new dish to LOGOOCHIE. 59 young Johnson, which gave him an additional idea of the vast resources of the sea. XIV. Mary Jones at length trod the banks of the Sweet Water, and footing it along the old pathway to where the rivulet narrowed, she stood under the gigantic tree which threw its sheltering and concealing arms completely across the stream. With an old hahit, rather than a desire for its refreshment, she took the gourd from the limb whence it depended, pro bono publico, over the water, and scooping up a draught of the innocent beverage, she proceeded to drink, when, just as she carried the vessel to her lips, a deep moan assailed her ears, as from one in pain, and at a little distance. She looked up, and the moan was repeated, and with increased fervency. She saw nothing, however, and somewhat startled, was about to turn quickly on her way homeward, when a third and more distinct repetition of the moan, appealed so strongly to her natural sense of duty, that she could stand it no longer ; and with the noblest of all kinds of courage, for such is the courage of humanity, she hastily tripped over the log which ran across the stream, and proceeded in the direction from whence the sounds had issued. A few paces brought her in sight of the sufferer, who was no other than our soli- tary acquaintance, Logoochie. He lay upon the grass, doubled now into a knot, and now stretching and writhing himself about in agony. His whole ap- pearance indicated suffering, and there was nothing 60 LOGOOCH1E. equivocal in the expression of his meanings. The astonishment, not to say fright, of the little cottage maiden, may readily be conjectured. She saw, for the first time, the hideous and uncouth outline of his person the ludicrous combination of feature in his face. She had heard of Logoochie, vaguely; and without giving much, if any, credence to the mysterious tales related by the credulous woodman, returning home at evening, of his encounter in the forest with its pine-bodied divinity; and now, as she herself looked down upon the suffering and moaning monster, it would be difficult to say, whether curiosity or fear was the most active principle in her bosom. He saw her approach, and he half moved to rise and fly; but a sudden pang, as it seemed, brought him back to a due sense of the evil from which he was suffering, and, looking towards the maiden with a mingled expression of good humor and pain in his countenance, he seemed to implore her assistance. The poor girl did not exactly know what to do, or what to conjecture. What sort of monster was it before her. What queer, distorted, uncouth limbs what eyes, that twinkled and danced into one another and what a mouth. She was stu- pified for a moment, until he spoke, and, stranger still, in a language that she understood. And what a musical voice, how sweetly did the words roll forth, and how soothingly, yet earnestly, did they strike upon her ear. Language is indeed a God, and powerful before all the rest. His words told her all his misfortunes, and the tones were all-sufficient LOGOOCUIE. 61 to inspire confidence in one even more suspicious than our innocent cottager. Besides, humanity was a principle in her heart, while fear was only an emo- tion, and she did not scruple, where the two conflict- ed, after the pause for reflection of a moment, to determine in favour of the former. She approached Logoochie she approached him, firmly determined in her purpose, but trembling all the while. As she drew nigh, the gentle monster stretched himself out at length, patiently extending one foot towards her, and raising it in such a manner as to indicate the place which afflicted him. She could scarce forbear laughing, when she looked closely upon the strange feet. They seemed covered with bark, like that of the small leafed pine tree ; but as she stooped, to her great surprise, the coating of his sole, flew wide as if upon a hinge, showing below it a skin as soft, and white, and tender, seemingly, as her own. There, in the centre of the hollow, lay the cause of his suffer- ing. A poisonous thorn had penetrated, almost to the head, as he had suddenly leaped from the tree, the day before, upon the gun being fired from the "Smashing Nancy." The spot around it was greatly inflamed, and Logoochie, since the accident, had vainly striven, in every possible way, to rid himself of the intruder. His short, inflexible arms, had failed so to reach it as to make his fingers available ; and then, having claws rather than nails, he could scarce have done any thing for his own relief, even could they have reached it. He now felt the evil of his isolation, and the danger of his seclusion from 62 LOGOOCHIE. his brother divinities. His case was one, indeed, of severe bachelorism ; and, doubtless, had his condition been less than that of a deity, the approach of Mary Jones to his aid, at such a moment, would have pro- duced a dreaded revolution in his domestic economy. Still trembling, the maiden bent herself down to the task, and with a fine courage, that did not allow his uncouth limbs to scare, or his wild and monstrous features to deter, she applied her own small fingers to the foot, and carefully grappling the head of the wound- ing thorn with her nails, with a successful effort, she drew it forth and rid him of his encumbrance. The wood-god leaped to his feet, threw a dozen antics in the air, to the great terror of Mary, then running a little way into the forest, soon returned with a hand- ful of fresh leaves, which he bruised between his fingers, and applied to the irritated and wounded foot. He was well in a moment after, and pointing the astonished Mary to the bush from which he had taken the anointing leaves, thus made her acquainted with one item in the history of Indian pharmacy. XV. " The daughter of the white clay she has come to Logoochie, to Logoochie when he was suffering. " She is a good daughter to Logoochie, and the green spirits who dwell in the forests, they love, and will honor her. " They will throw down the leaves before her, they will spread the branches above her, they will hum a LOGOOCHIE. 63 sweet song in the tree top, when she walks under- neath it. " They will watch beside her, as she sleeps in the shade, in the warm sun of the noon-day, they will keep the flat viper, and the war rattle, away from her ear. " They will do this to honor Logoochie, for they know Logoochie, and he loves the pale daughter. She came to him in his suffering. " She drew the poison thorn from his foot she fled not away when she saw him. " Speak, let Logoochie hear there is sorrow in the face of the pale daughter. Logoochie would know it and serve her, for she is sweet in the eye of Logoochie." XVI. Thus said, or rather sung, the uncouth god, to Mary, as, after the first emotions of his own joy were over, he beheld the expression of melancholy in her countenance. Somehow, there was something so fatherly, so gentle, and withal, so melodious, in his language, that she soon unbosomed herself to him, telling him freely and in the utmost confidence, though without any hope of relief at his hands, the history of her lover, and the new project for departure which he had now got in his head. She was surprised, and pleased, when she saw that Logoochie smiled at the narrative. She was not certain, yet she had a vague hope, that he could do something for her relief; and her conjecture was not in vain. He spoke " Why 64 LOGOOCHIE. should the grief be in the heart and the cloud on the face of the maiden ? Is not Logoochie to help her ? He stands beside her to help. Look, daughter of the pale clay look ! There is a power in the leaf that shall serve thee at the bidding of Logoochie; the bough and the branch have a power for thy good, when Logoochie commands ; and the little red-berry which I now pluck from the vine hanging over thee, it is strong with a spirit which is good in thy work, when Logoochie has said in thy service. Lo, I speak to the leaf, and to the bough, and to the berry. They shall speak to the water, and one draught from the branch of Logoochie, shall put chains on the heart of the youth who would go forth with the stranger." As he spoke, he gathered the leaf, broke a bough from an overhanging tree, and, with a red berry, pulled from a neighboring vine, approached the Branch of Sweet Water, and turning to the west, muttered a wild spell of Indian power, then threw the tributes into the rivulet. The smooth surface of the stream was in an instant ruffled the offerings were whirled suddenly around the waters broke, boiled, bubbled and parted, and, in another moment, the bough, the berry, and the leaf, had disappeared from their sight. XVII. Mary Jones was not a little frightened by these exhibitions, but she was a girl of courage, and having once got over the dread and the novelty of contact with a form so monstrous as that of Logoochie, the LOOOOCUIE. 66 after effort was not so great. She witnessed the incantations of the demon without a word, and when they were over, she simply listened to his farther directions, half stupified with what she had seen, and not knowing how much of it to believe. He bade her bring her lover, as had been the custom with them hitherto, to the branch, and persuade him to drink of its waters. When she inquired into its effect, which, at length, with much effort she ventured to do, he bade her be satisfied, and all would go right. Then, with a word, which was like so much music a word she did not understand, but which sounded like a parting acknowledgment, he bounded away into the woods, and, a moment after, was completely hidden from her sight. XVIIL Poor Mary, not yet relieved from her surprise, was still sufficiently aroused and excited to believe there was something in it ; and as she moved off on her way home, how full of anticipation was her thoughts pleasant anticipation in which her heart took active interest, and warmed, at length, into a strong and earnest hope. She scarcely gave herself time to get home, and never did the distance between Sweet Water Branch and the cottage of her father appear so extravagantly great. She reached it, however, at last; and there, to her great joy, sat her lover, along- side the old man, and giving him a glowing account, such as he had received from the Yankee Captain, of the wonders to be met with in his coming voyage. 66 LOGOOCHIE. Old Jones listened patiently, puffing his pipe all the while, and saying little, but now and then, by way of commentary, uttering an ejaculatory grunt, most commonly, of sneering disapproval. " Better stay at home, a d d sight, Ned Johnson, and follow the plough." Ned Johnson, however, thought differently, and it was no^t the farmer's grunts or growlings that was now to change his mind. Fortunately for the course of true love, there were other influences at work, and the impatience of Mary Jones to try them was evident, in the clumsiness which she exhibited while passing the knife under the thin crust of the corn hoe-cake that night for supper, and laying the thick masses of fresh butter, between the smoking and savory -smell- ing sides, as she turned them apart. The evening wore, at length, and, according to an old familiar habit, the lovers walked forth to the haunted and fairy-like branch of Logoochie, or the Sweet Water. It was the last night in which they were to be together, prior to his departure in the Smashing Nancy. That bouncing vessel and her dexterous Captain were to depart with early morning; and it was as little as Ned Johnson could do, to spend that night with his sweetheart. They were both melancholy enough, depend upon it. She, poor girl, hoping much, yet still fearing for when was true love without fear she took his arm, hung fondly upon it, and, without a word between them for a long while, inclined him, as it were naturally, in the required direction. Ned really loved her, and was sorry enough when the LOGOOCHIE. C7 thought came to him, that this might be the last night of their association; but he plucked up courage, with the momentary weakness, and though he spoke kindly, yet he spoke fearlessly, and with a sanguine temper, upon the prospect of the sea-adventure before him. Mary said little her heart was too full for speech, but she looked up now and then into his eyes, and he saw, by the moonlight, that her own glistened as with tears. He turned away his glance as he saw it, for his heart smote him with the reproach of her desertion. XIX. They came at length to the charmed streamlet, the Branch of the Sweet Water, to this day known for its fascinations. The moon rose sweetly above it, the trees coming out in her soft light, and the scatterings of her thousand beams glancing from the green polish of their crowding leaves. The breeze that rose along with her was soft and wooing as herself; while the besprinkling fleece of the small white clouds, cluster- ing along the sky, and flying from her splendors, made the scene, if possible, far more fairy-like and imposing. It was a scene for love, and the heart of Ned Johnson grew more softened than ever. His desire for adventure grew modified ; and when Mary bent to the brooklet and scooped up the water for him to drink, with the water-gourd that hung from the bough, wantoning in the breeze that loved to play over the pleasant, stream, Ned could not help thinking she never looked more beautiful. The water trickled 68 LOGOOCHIE. I from the gourd as she handed it to him, falling like droppings of the moonshine again into its parent stream. You should have seen her eye so full of hope so full of doubt so beautiful so earnest, as he took the vessel from her hands. For a moment he hesitated, and then how her heart beat and her limbs trembled. But he drank off the contents at a draught, and gave no sign of emotion. Yet his emotions were strange and novel. It seemed as if so much ice had gone through his veins in that moment. He said nothing', however, and dipping up a gourd full for Mary, he hung the vessel again upon the pendant bough, and the two moved away from the water not, however, before the maiden caught a glimpse, through the intervening foliage, of those two queer, bright, little eyes of Logoochie, with a more delightful activity than ever, dancing gayly into XX. But the spell had been effectual, and a new nature filled the heart of him, who had heretofore sighed vaguely for the unknown. The roving mood had entirely departed ; he was no longer a wanderer in spirit, vexed to be denied. A soft languor overspread his form a weakness gathered and grew about his heart, and he now sighed unconsciously. How soft, yet how full of emphasis, was the pressure of Marv's hand upon his arm as she heard that sigh; and how forcibly did it remind the youth that she who walked beside him was his own his own forever. With the LOOOOCHIE. 69 thought came a sweet perspective a long vista rose up before his eyes, crowded with images of repose and plenty, such as the domestic nature likes to dream of. "Oh, Mary, I will not go with this Captain I will not. I will stay at home with you, and we shall he married." Thus he spoke, as the crowding thoughts, such as we have described, came up before his fancy. "Will you shall we? Oh, dear Edward, I am so happy." And the maiden blessed Logoochie, as she uttered her response of happy feeling. " I will, dear but I must hide from Doolittle. I have signed papers to go with him, and he will be so disappointed I must hide from him." " Why must you hide, Edward he cannot compel you to go, unless you please; and you just to be married." Edward thought she insisted somewhat unnecessa- rily upon the latter point, but he replied to the first. "I am afraid he can. I signed papers I don't know what they were, for I was rash and foolish but they bound me to go with him, and unless I keep out of the way, I shall have to go." " Oh, dear why, Ned, where will you go you must hide close, I would not have him find you for the world." " I reckon not. As to the hiding, I can go where all St. Mary's can't find me; and that's in Okepha- nokee." 70 LOGOOCHIE. ' Oh, don't go so far it is so dangerous, for some of the Seminoles are there !" " And what if they are ? I don't care that for the Seminoles. They never did me any harm, and never \vill. But, I shan't go quite so far. Bull swamp is close enough for me, and there I can watch the "Smashing Nancy" 'till she gets out to sea." XXI. Having thus determined, it was not long before Ned Johnson made himself secure in his place of retreat, while Captain Doolittle, of the " Smashing Nancy," in great tribulation, ransacked the village of St. Mary's in every direction for his articled seaman, for such Ned Johnson had indeed become. Doolittle deserved to lose him for the trick which, in this respect, he had played upon the boy. His search proved fruitless, and he was compelled to sail at last. Ned, from the top of a high tree on the edge of Bull swamp, watched his departure, until the last gleam of the white sail flitted away from the horizon; then descending, he made his way back to St. Mary's, and it was not long before he claimed and received the hand of his pretty cottager in marriage. Logoochie was never seen in the neighbourhood after this event. His accident had shown him the necessity of keeping with his brethren, for, reasoning from all analogy, gods must be social animals not less than men. But, in departing, he forgot to take the spell away which he had put upon the SAveet Water Branch; and to this day, the stranger, visiting St. Mary's, is warned LOGOOCIIIE. not to drink from the stream, unless he proposes to remain; for still, as in the case of Ned Johnson, it binds the feet and enfeebles the enterprise of him who partakes of its pleasant waters. SONG. O ! why do they say that affection is vain, Brings wo while it lasts, and soon closes in pain ; That changes and death on our friendships will steal, That, 'tis folly to love, and but sorrow to feel? 'Tis true that our friendships may change and decay; But do we for that cast the flowers away ? And will not the falsehood of many a loved name, Make dearer the few who are ever the same? For death, which they say puts an end to our love, Sets it safe from all change, in its own home above' Then cherish affections, for happiness given, For changeless, and endless, they flourish in heaven ! SlGNORINA. THE YOUNG MOTHER, BY ORKNVILLE MELLEN. Heaven Ues about us in our infancy. WORDSWORTH. I. A YOUNG and gentle mother, She bows above her boy, And a tear is in her downcast eye, But 'tis the tear of joy Of one whose few fair summers On golden wings have sped, Like childhood's dreams of Paradise, Above her sainted head. Loved, ere her life's flush morning Had kindled into day, And worshipped, as she wooed the flowers That bloomed around her way, By one whose warm affections On her wondrous beauty hung. And their first taintless tribute gave To the shrine to which they clung ! THE YOUNG MOTHER. II. A young and gentle mother Still beautiful, but pale With sleepless but unwearied watch, Alike through joy and wail. A mother ! yet believing Life's duties scarce begun Whose childhood seemed of yesterday. In its unclouded sun ; So early had the story Of idol Love been told So early had her virgin heart Been gathered to its fold ! III. And he who won her where is he, In this her day of pride, When every hope she claimed before. By this grew dim and died 1 So priceless was the treasure Her throbbing bosom bore, So centered was her spirit now On one she could adore ! Where is he ! Ah ! her vision Is of shadowy ships and seas And for him the unuttered prayer Is poured on bended knees. Each day in thought she follows His stormy ocean track, And every dreamy midnight still Her pillow brings him back. THE YOUNG MOTHER. For he for distant regions Torn early from her side, Had parted, with his heart in tears, From that outsobbing bride. IV. Long time afar he lingered, And oft the message came Of fadeless love and of cruel fate The tale was still the same. Years fled and still he wandered In one long dream of home, And prattling voices round its hearth An exile, doomed to roam V. At length her leaping spirit Its promised bliss had found, And she heard its pulses quick and loud Beat to the welcome sound. He on the bounding waters Had cast himself once more, To greet that home, and hearth, and bride. That rose above their roar Like lights amid a tempest Bright beacons of the land, Where all we love shall hail us soon, A joy-inspiring band ! THE YOUNG MOTHER VI. 'Twas then I saw that mother, And babe with silken hair, And all a mother's pride and hope, Just dashed with fear, was there. Her head upon his temple Was stooped in pensive rest, Mingling its light, uncumbered locks With those that veiled her breast, Her eye, just dropped in shadow, Looked melancholy down, And the tear that glittered from its depths Was not of grief alone But the still look of thankfulness That o'er her features fell, Lent even to the tears a beam That told you all was well ! One arm around her idol Protectingly was flung, The other, as of one in dreams, Beside her aimless hung. VIL O Innocence and Beauty! And Youth, with all its flowers, When they together round us come, What a heritage is ours ! Who ever dreams a sepulchre O'er such can darkly close, THE YOUNG MOTHER. Or the heart's sun e'er set in clouds, That robed in lustre rose ! VIII. Alas ! that gentle mother I saw her not again, Till, in my village wanderings, I joined the burial train. They told me, as we silent wheeled Among the verdant graves, That he, her first last hope on earth, "Was snatched into the waves ! And, ever after, that her cheek, Like her infant's eye, grew dim, And her waning life was but a prayer. Or quiet, lonely hymn. And thus her passing spirit Beheld her infant's go, 'Till all that lit her pilgrimage Was shattered at a blow. Then, pointing to the tomb, her fate Began their faltering way Through earth's last farewell faded bloom, To Immortality! MUERTE EN GARROTE VIL. BY THB AUTHOR OP A YEAR IN SPAIN. IT was my fortune to be in Madrid during the whole month of February, 1834. For years the hard hand of despotism had borne heavily on the peo- ple of that brilliant capital, dooming 1 them to a state of quiescent dulness unsuited to their character. The theatre and the bull-fignt were the only pastimes permitted by a jealous government uncertain of its stability, and suspicious of any reunions that might minister to the designs of conspirators against the Altar and the Throne. The theatre, of course, under a searching censorship, might easily be prevented from becoming a school of insubordination. There was little danger of the audience extracting from the entertainment, which was there provided for them, any such lessons of disloyalty as might have been drawn from the representations of tragedies like the Philip of Alfieri. Their religious feelings were kept alive, on the contrary, by the spectacle of Pelayo, 78 HUERTE EN GARROTE VIL. struggling in defence of the faith; or of the Catholic kings administering the death blow to Paganism in the vega of Granada ; their loyalty was nourished by the contemplation of how that truly Spanish virtue was honored in the achievements of the Cid, of Guz- man, and of Garci Perez de Vargas ; whilst in order not wholly to weary with the tame spectacle of good- ness creatures born with all the evil propensities that man is heir to, and to cultivate a sentiment natural to the soil, which might be turned advantageously against all liberals, free-masons, and enemies to the ancient customs of Spain that of which a Spaniard thinks when he exclaims with such a proud energy nuestros antiguos cosluvibres ! The sentiment of stern hatred was kept alive in their bosoms, by the frequent exhibition of such scenes as abound in the ' Secret Revenge to a Secret Injury,' or, ' Vengeance to the Death; 1 the merciless imaginations of that Calderon, who had a double claim to be vindictive, in being both a soldier and a priest. The bull-fight, the never failing spectacle of death to man or beast, and not unfre- quently to both ; the tragedy, in which all the blows are real, and the blood, the warm current in which life pours itself forth, was well suited, by brutalizing the minds of the common people, to accommodate them to the despotism under which they lived. In those days, each carnival came and went unat- tended with rejoicings, beyond the discharge of sugar- plums at a passing acquaintance, from a fair hand behind a balcony or verandah. There were no public balls, and even persons of distinction, wishing to MUERTE EN GARROTE VIL. 79 honor the season, by a festive reunion, within the domestic citadel, and sanctuary of their own homes, could with difficulty obtain permission to do so from the Prefect of Police. Now, however, all was changed. The government had passed into the hands of the liberals ; unrestrained license had succeeded to watch- ful oppression j balls and maskings became the busi- ness of life ; and a whole population, abandoning itself to a mad spirit of gayety, sought to concentrate, into one month of revelry, the amusements which should have been spread over the past years, during which despotism had suppressed them. Theatres, cafes, and taverns, were extemporized into ball-rooms. There were diversions for the high and for the low; for those who had great means, and those who had little. Maskers paraded the streets in the most grotesque costumes, music broke from each house, and the tinkling guitar of the serenader was heard under every balcony. It was not easy to be in the midst of such scenes without being drawn into the universal whirl. Though there was nothing in all this round of dissi- pation congenial to my habits, or in harmony with my tastes, I yet found myself almost nightly going, in company with my associates, to one or more of these scenes of festivity. Fond of early hours and of a quiet life, each morning saw me retracing my steps to my lodgings, serenaded by the first crowing of the cock, and the howl of the lazaroni dogs, which forage disowned in the streets of the capital. I had been one night at the most brilliant ball that 80 MUERTE EN GARROTE VIL. I had ever seen in Madrid. It was at the palace of an illustrious ambassador, and brought together an elegant assemblage of ministers of state, diplomats, the choice of the nobility, and whatever was most distinguished in the capital. The collection of beauty was most dazzling ; the eyes, the forms, the feet, the ankles, such as could only be seen in Spain ; the dresses were imitated from all that is most graceful in the costumes of the world, and the supper such as to do no discredit to a host who was there with a salary, which, done into Spanish reals, would have made somewhat more than a million. With such temptations, and with people to talk to, whom I had known and valued years before, it was easy to find the time slipping away, and to discover, as I retraced my steps homeward, that the hour was an unusually late one. I made as I went, for the thousandth time, the reflection, that after all, the most agreeable part of the most agreeable ball, is the moment when one escapes from observation, constraint, and suffocation, to solitude and the open air, to communion with the serene heavens, and with himself. I longed for the day when the carnival should at length be over, and Catholic Spain return from masquerades to masses ; when sermons, listened to in the dim and darkened naves of Gothic temples, should supplant the flippant discourse of jaded intriguers ; the solemnly resound- ing thunder of the organ, the soft and sober tones of bassoons and viols, the mellow harmony of human voices, proceeding in angelic hallelujahs from the MUERTE EN GARROTE VIL. 81 unseen recesses of the chantry, should replace the smirk- ing gallope and the mazurka; when the gaudy mirrors, reflecting the already offensive glare of so many lus- tres, should be replaced hy a sober twilight, revealing and mellowing a crucifixion of Espanoleto, or a Santa Madre of Murillo ; when the dark daughters of Spain should give over their parti-colored tinsel, their mere- tricious smiles, and heartless gayety, to resume the sober mantilla and basquinia in which they first won upon my boyish heart, and which so harmonize with the habitual expression of their pale, thoughtful, and melancholy countenances, and full languid eyes. The next morning I rose weary, feverish, unrefresh- ed, and melancholy. I went to my balcony as I was wont, to breathe the fresh air, take the sun instead oi the less agreeable heat which a brasero afforded, look down upon the ever gay and animating spectacle pre- sented by the Puerta del Sol, which lay before me, and exchange my morning's salutation with an old and well-beloved acquaintance, whose balcony was beside mine. By common consent, growing out of a sympathy of tastes, we were both in the habit of com- ing forth at the sound of the music of one of the regi- ments of the grenadiers of the royal guard, on its way to relieve the detachment performing duty at the palace. After the platoon had turned the angle of the gate of the Sun, and the music ceased to delight us with its animating strains, we were wont to exchange the usual courtesies of the land, to inquire for each other's health, how each had rested, and to recount all the adventures that had been crowded into the interval 82 MUER.TE EN GARROTE VIL. since the last meeting, or, in default of other subjects, to criticise whatever might be curious in the groups below. On this occasion, my attention was called to the tinkling bell of a member of the Paz y Caridad, who, in a solemn voice, was inviting all charitable souls to join in interposing with such humble alms as they were pleased to contribute, to smooth the parting hour, and redeem from purgatory, by means of masses, the soul of the unhappy brother whose life was that day to be required of him. He had before him a square box, having a hole to receive the alms of the charitable, surmounted by a figure of the cruci- fied Savior, calculated at once to awaken a devotional feeling in the bosom of the Christian, and to call to mind the recollection that He, like ^he unhappy cri- minal who was that day to expiate his offences, had died though innocently and for our propitiation the death of a felon. There was, then, to be an execution. It was sure to be a spectacle full of horror, and painful excite- ment ; yet I determined to witness it. I felt sad and melancholy, and yet, by a strange perversion, I was willing to feel more so. With the customary cho- colate and omelette, the good dame, Dona Lucretia, my landlady, brought me the Diario. I turned at once to see what was said about the execution. Among the orders of the day, was the following " Having to suffer this day, at eleven in the morning, in the square of Cebada, the pain of death on the vile garrote, to which he was sentenced by the MDERTE EN GARROTE VIL. 83 military commission of this province, Juan Lopez Solorzano, alias the Birdcatcher, a native of Las Altas Torres, in La Mancha, thirty-eight years of age, a bachelor, late a grenadier of the disbanded royalist volunteers of this capital, accused of having been one of the first aggressors in the rebellion of October last, on the occasion of disarming that corps ; to aid in this execution, a detachment of the Provincial Regiment of Granada, and another of the Cuirassiers of the Royal Guard, will repair to the place of execution at half past ten, whilst at the same hour, another detachment of the aforesaid regiment of Granada, and of the Light Horse of Madrid, will report to the Corregidor, at the prison, in readiness to guard the prisoner to the scaffold, leaving a cor poral's guard ^o protect the body after justice is consummated, until the Paz y Caridad shall come to withdraw it." Such was the succinct and sententious information given me by the EHario. I learned, in addition, from Dofia Lucretia, that the Pajarero, or Bird- catcher, was so called, because he had for some years lived by selling doves and singing birds in the square of the Holy Cross. He had been a turbulent, quarrelsome fellow, had killed a number of persons at various times, for all which misdeeds he had found protection in being a royalist volunteer, and a regular attendant at mass and the confessional. In the late disbanding of the royalist volunteers, those janizaries of the Spanish hierarchy, he had taken an active part in the revolt, killing with his 64 MUERTE EN GARROTE VIL. own hand one of the partizans of the queen, in the square of the Angel. During fifty-three days he had been concealed by persons friendly to the old order of things ; but had at last been sold by some mercenary Judas, and betrayed into the hands of justice. It had chanced that I had attended the court- martial on the day of his trial, and I was not a little struck with the peculiar vein of eloquence, in which the fiscal devoted him to damnation ere yet he had been produced before the court. "Soon will this vile assassin present himself before you. The tribu- nal will then see his detestable soul painted in his countenance, and will need no other evidence to discover the atrocious image of a regicide." Such, alike under despotism and in the hands of liberals, is the vindictive character of Spanish retribution. Perhaps, however, it may be just to add, that of seventy-three royalists condemned to death for a revolt, with the alleged intention of murdering the queen, the Birdcatcher was alone selected, as the most infamous, for execution. The rest were taken from prison in the dead of the succeeding night, and being manacled, were marched off under a strong escort for Ceuta. One of them, in an excess of despair, dashed his brains out against the postern of the prison. The scene in the neighborhood was represented to me as having been most deplorable on the following morning. The news of the departure of these prisoners had spread to the obscure barriers of the capital, and their families had gathered round in an agony of bereavement. Mothers, wives, and MUERTE EN GARROTE VIL. 86 lovers, tore their hair, and rent the air with shrieks, and exclamations "of wo; whilst the children, thus suddenly left fatherless, looked on with a dumb amazement an indistinct sense of some great cala- mity scarcely less painful and heart-rending. There were fifty wives who found themselves thus suddenly reduced to hopeless widowhood, whilst more than twice that number of children looked round, and saw that they were fatherless. Divesting the mind of all fanaticism, whether in favor of liberty or despotism, the offences of these men will not seem so equal to their fate as to close the heart against every sentiment of pity. They were victims of tneir fidelity to an order of things which but a few months before received the adhesion of the king, the court, the army, was acquiesced in by the whole nation, and still had the sympathy of a vast majority of the Spanish people. Oh ! Americans! whilst you pity the land in which liberty is unknown, and unappreciated, learn to value the blessings which you enjoy, and cultivate an ever increasing admiration and love for that birthright of freedom which has been bequeathed to you. I took my way through the gate of the Sun to the noble front of the prison of the court. I had been permitted to visit it a few days before, by means of a royal order furnished me by Burgos, the then minister of Fomento. On that occasion the Pajarero had been pointed out to me as the greatest curiosity of the place. My readers may not be aware that among the common people of Spain, villanous 86 MUERTE EN GARROTE VIL. distinction of any sort, as that of a_ foot-pad, or mur derer, always entitles the possessor to a species of war-name; thus, El Gato, or Cat, was the formidable and dreaded appellation of a Valencian robber, who flourished a few years since, enacting a fearful tragedy in my presence, and who was noted for the tiger-like and ferocious certainty with which he was wont to pounce upon his prey; El Cacaruco was the droll cognomen of a scarcely less distinguished worthy, by whom I had once been most courteously plundered in the plains of La Mancha ; whilst the famous Jose Maria, was graced with the more compli- mentary title a tribute, at once, to his power and his magnanimity of el Seflor del Campo. The Pajarero was a name of inferior note. When his crimes were recounted to me, I felt little inclina- tion to pity him. Whatever sympathy I had at my command, had already been bestowed upon the more pitiable objects which met my sight in that mansion of despair. There seemed, moreover, to be a sort of poetical justice in the shutting up of an individual, who, whilst he had been a monster to his fellow-men, had passed his life in making war against the liberties of those winged inhabitants of the air those happy pensioners of nature whose capacities barely fit them to enjoy liberty, and to languish and pine away when deprived of it. He was, besides, a most ill- favored and ferocious looking man, and the fiscal would doubtless have been borne out by Lavater in his assertion, that it was easy to see " his detestable soul painted in his countenance." MUERTE EN GARROTE VIL 87 The prison \vap already surrounded by a dense crowd. The escort, which was to conduct the prisoner to the place of execution, was at its post, and squadrons of cavalry patrolled the streets leading to it, keeping the way open, and beating back the crowd with their sabres, and trampling upon them with the armed hoofs of their horses, much in the same manner as if the government had still been that of the Absolute King, and the felon a false-hearted liberal. It was expected, and earnestly reported, that there was to be a popular tumult among the serviles, and an attempt by the disbanded volunteers to rescue their heroic comrade. The government, unwilling to betray any weakness, did not however increase the detachment of troops on immediate duty beyond what was usual. Yet preparations were secretly made to pour forth an overwhelming military force. The troops of the garrison Avere ready to march at a moment's warning, and individual cava- lirrs of the body guard, in their gay uniforms and antique casques, were seen at each instant spurring away on their fleet barbs, of the caste of Aranjuez, to carry to the palace the anxiously received intima- tion that all was still well. T. did not look with any particular complacency upon these military youths, notwithstanding their gay uniforms and handsome persons. To be sure, I had once claimed as an intimate and valued friend, a noble young Andalusian noble not less in the real than in the accepted sense who belonged to this corps. In general, however, they are held i/ 38 MUERTE EN GARROTE VIL. little estimation, and never in less than at that moment ; for, but a few days before, one of them was detected, by the waiter of a restaurant, in the act of concealing two silver forks in the capacious receptacle of his trooper's boots, which, however constructed with other motives, were not iL-adapted to the purpose of quiet and unobserved abstraction. After all, there was nothing so strange in this, when one looked at the short distance from the top of the yawning boot to the tempting cover, a fow inches distant on the edge of the table; reflecting, at the same time, that the youth had to support all the dignity of a nobility, unsullied on four sides by any mingling of base blood, upon the paltry stipend of twenty dollars a month. " Viven los chocolateros!" cried the crowd, as they spurred along, that being the vulgar cognomen applied to them, because choco- late is the only refreshment served to them from the royal kitchen, when on duty at the palace. At length the prisoner was brought forth. He was dressed in a penitential robe of yellow ; on his head was a cap of the same color, faced by a white- cross. His face was pale, less apparently from fear than long confinement, for his frame was not con- vulsed, and his hands trembled not as he grasped before him a paper from which he chanted a prayer, uttered with an earnestness proportioned to the little time that remained to him to make his peace with heaven, and the conviction that he was about to enter on an eternity of bliss or misery, the common belief of a land in which, though there may be much crime, MUERTE EN OARROTE VIL. 89 there is as yet but little infidelity. A dark beard, which was of many days' growth, augmented the ghastliness of his expression. At his side was a friar of the order of Mercy, in a white habit^and a shaven crown, who held before the unhappy man a crucifix, bearing an image of the Savior, through whose intercession he might yet, by repentance, be saved. With one arm the holy man embraced the prisoner, whispering in his ear words of consolation and comfort, and accompa- nying him as he faltered in his prayers. He was seated on a white ass, his legs bound below ; and the patient unconsciousness of the docile animal of the errand on which it was going, contrasted singularly with the interest and irresistible sympathy, which all there felt in the fate of a fellow man, about to enter on the unknown regions of eternity. The brotherhood of Peace and Charity, each mem- ber bearing a torch, gathered closely around the victim, whom, from a sentiment of humanity, and in fulfilment of their solemn vow, they had comforted with their society and aided with their prayers ; for his sake they had become mendicants through the public streets, collecting sufficient alms from the charitable to supply with comfort and decency the last wants of nature ; and, when justice should have wreaked its necessary vengeance upon his body, they were to withdraw it from its place of ignomi- nious exposure, consign it with careful decency to the tomb, and offer prayers and masses for the soul which had taken its flight. 90 MUERTE EN GARROTE VIL. So soon as all had reached the street, the soldiers ga- thered round, their serried bayonets seeming to shut out all hope of rescue, and the muffled drum beating a monotonous and mournful measure, the procession set forward to the scene of death. The singular combina- tion of this group the criminal, the ass, the cowled friar in his white robe, the torch-bearing brothers of the Paz y Caridad, the stern and mustachioed warriors who guarded the law's victim, offered to the eye a singular spectacle, whilst the chanting of the criminal and of the compassionating spirits who joined in his prayers, mingling strangely with the hoarse drum, and the measured tramp of the soldiers, bringing nearer at every footfall the moment of the catastrophe all tended to impress the beholder with a gloomy and terrible interest. It was expected, that if there were any riot or attempt at rescue, it would take place in the street of Toledo, before the portal of the Jesuits' s Church of San Isidro. Not many weeks later, indeed, an insur- rection did occur there. The population of the adjoining quarter broke forth into mutiny and rebel- lion ; liberals and royalists joined in deadly conflict, churchmen and friars were immolated in the streets, and the pavement was strewed with corpses, and crimsoned with Spanish blood, shed by the hands of Spaniards. But the spirit of rebellion so lately repressed, was not yet ripe for a new explosion. San Isidro was passed without commotion of any sort, and the procession at length reached the Plaza. The ordinary avocations, of which it is the daily scene, MUERTE EN GARROTE VIL. 91 had ceased. It was filled with a crowd of curious spectators. Cloaked men, and women in mantillas, as if arrayed for mass, occupied the whole square, whilst the sheds and the gratings of the surrounding windows were covered with clambering and ambi- tious urchins, each anxious to contemplate, from the highest elevation, the scene which so great a crowd had collected to behold. The balconies were filled with well-dressed people, and from not a few, beauty, hardened to painful spectacles by the tortures of the arena, was seen to gaze with curious earnestness. At one of the balconies I noticed the towering and military figure of the brave colonel of the Madrid Light Horse, to whom I had the honor of being known. I entered the house, and, presenting myself at the door of the no less doughty countryman of the doughty Dugald Dalgetty, was received most cor- dially, and welcomed to a station in his balcony. I was at once absorbed by the painful interest which attracted my attention to the person of the culprit. The colonel, on the contrary, Avas filled with delight, at the spirited manner in which his horsemen kept the way open ; beating back the more pressing intru- ders, by frequent and forceful blows with the flat of their long Toledo sabres, and reining their steeds most unceremoniously backward upon them. The colonel was a fierce liberal. He was delighted with the way in which his brave fellows routed the rabble mob, and, being armed from cap to rowel, would doubtless have been delighted to have an opportunity, as indeed he soon afterwards had, ot heading his 92 MUERTE EN GARROTE VIL. squadron, who were drawn up in readiness in the neighboring barrack, and riding down all opposition. The instrument of execution was different from what I had been accustomed to see in Spain. It was the garrote, which the liberals, actuated by the spirit of improvement, exercising itself first as in revolu- tionary France, in a more ingenious method of putting people to death, had substituted for the gallows. The form of it was very simple. A single upright post was planted in the ground, having attached to it an iron collar, large enough to receive the neck of the culprit, but capable of being suddenly tightened to much smaller dimensions, by means of a screw which played against the back of the post, and had a very open spiral thread. A short elbow projected at right angles from the upright post, for the criminal to sit on, the screw being attached to the post at a distance above, suited to the height of his body. When the procession had arrived at the foot of the gallows, the Birdcatcher was unbound and removed from the ass, and seated upon the projecting elbow of the garrote, which looked towards the east. His legs were again bound securely to the post on which he was seated, and his arms and body to the upright timber at his back. Here he made his last confession at the foot of the scaffold. The friar chanted the prayers which the Church has set apart for the closing scene of life's latest hour. The criminal repeated his responses fervently and audibly. He was now convinced that there was to be no reprieve and no rescue. Each moment was more precious MUERTE EN GARROTE VIL. 93 to the salvation of his soul than worlds of treasure. He remembered that the penitent thief had been forgiven at his latest hour. Why might he not hope, being also penitent, to claim that precious promise " To-day shalt thou be with me in Paradise ?" The friar whispered words of consolation. He pronounced the promise of absolution, and covering the unhappy man with the folds of his ample robe, thereby signified that he was a pardoned because a repentant sinner, and as such admitted into the bosom of the Church. The scene at this moment was one of awful interest. The eyes of that vast crowd, filling the square, and clustering on gratings, balconies, and house-tops, were fixed with intensely excited gaze on the one object of attention. The battalion of infantry formed an impenetrable phalanx around the scaffold. Behind it, mounted on powerful coal black horses, a squadron of cuirassiers, with drawn sabres, and clad in panoply of steel, were drawn up ready for instant action, yet as motionless as death. The glorious sun of a Castilian heaven, shining through an atmosphere yet more brilliant and unclouded than our own, was sent back in bright reflection from cuirasses embla- zoned with its own gorgeous image, glancing from antique casques, and flickering round the points of sabres and bayonets. Still for a moment the man of God covered, with his garb of sanctity, the figure of the criminal. And now it is withdrawn, and the executioner with dex- trous art quickly and stealthily adjusts the iron collar to the neck of his victim. A hand is on either end of 91 MUERTE EN GARROTE VIL. the powerful lever which works the tightening screw. Life has reached its extremest limit, time is dropping his last sand ; ere yet it is quite fallen, one prayer of supplication is uttered for mercy in that eternity which begins. Quick as lightning the motion is given to the fatal lever; a momentary convulsion agitates his frame, and horribly distorts his counte- nance, and the sinner is with his God. The bell of the neighboring church tolls a mournful requiem from the top of its tower ; lips are seen to move in muttered prayer to speed the parting soul, and ten thousand breasts are signed together with the cross of reconciliation. A fleet horseman darts away at a gallop to announce to the alarmed inmates of the palace, that justice has not been robbed of its victim, and that its consummation is complete. Thus ignominously died Solorzano, surnamed El Pajarero. His sins to his fellow men upon earth were expiated ; let us hope that he may find mercy in heaven. Peace to his soul ! THE RESCUE. Fortune, or rather the good foresight of Anne Burras, at length brought them to a little basin, sunk a few feet into the ground, at the bottom of which bubbled a clear spring, almost the only one in that sandy region. Here, Fenton, who led the van, approaching with the silent caution of a cat, discovered his little lost sheep. The Indians had kindled a fire to cook a piece of veniaon, and sat quietly smoking their long pipes. Just as they were taking aim, the boy passed suddenly between them and the Indians. Foster shuddered, and dropped the muzzle of his piece. Again he raised his deadly rifle, and again, just at the actual moment, the boy glided between the savages and death. Old Times in the new World. J. K. PAULDING. THERE was a fountain in the wilderness, A small lone basin, undefiled and bright, Beneath the shadow of the forest king-, The immemorial oak whose giant form, With gnarled trunk, and tortuous branches old, And wreathed canopy of moss and vines, Filled the transparent mirror. From its depth Of limpid blackness leaped the living spring, A gush of silvery gems, that rose and burst, Studding, but ruffling not, its glassy sheen. It was the height and hush of summer noon There was no warbling in the air, nor hum Of bird or bee, the very breeze was dead, That evermore amid the vocal leaves Is blithe and musical, the brooklet's flow Through the dank herbs was voiceless, and the spolJ 96 THE RESCUE Of silence brooded, like a spirit's wing, O'er the pure fountain and the giant tree. Worn with the heat, the burthen, and the toil, They rested them beside the lucent marge, The maiden and her captors. Stern and still The tawny hunters sate, the thin blue smoke Upcurling from the tube, that steeped their souls In opiate dreams of apathy, the glare Of the red firelight flashing broad and high On their impassive features, shaven brows, And scalp-locks decked with the war-eagle's plume. Beside them, yet aloof, their delicate prize, The forest damsel lay the forest flower, Untimely severed from its parent stem, Blighted yet beautiful. Her fair young head Bowed to the earth, her pale cheek wet with wo, And those sweet limbs, that wont to fix all eyes, Wounded and weary ! Yet her heart was strong In glorious confidence ; her calm clear eye Soared upward ; and, although the lips were mute Heart-orisons arose, more fragrant far Than vapory perfumes, sweeter than the peal Of choral voices, when some cloistered pile Thrills to the organ's diapason deep In pomp sublime of regal gratitude. And he, the seedling gem, that nestled there In that pure bosom never more, perchance, Oh ! never more to glad a parent's soul With beaming smiles and sportive innocence. No! they were not deserted ! Hagar found THE RESCUE. 97 In the salt wilderness a living well I And Hezekiah saw, at dawn of day, The shouting myriads of Sennacherib Stretched horse and rider on the bloodless plain By angel-swords of pestilence divine ! Yea ! on the cursed tree the perishing thief, At the tenth hour, received the word of grace. When hope itself was hopeless I Who believes Shall never be forsaken never fall ! She heard them rustling in the tufted brake The snapping boughs beneath their cat-like tread The leaves that shivered, though the clouds aloft Hung motionless, betrayed them ! They were nigh Her friends her rescuers I She did not spring In frantic joy to meet them ! Eye hand tongue, With more than Roman hardihood of heart. Were still and silent. Yet she marked the range Of the bright rifles, and she dragged him down, Down to her bosom in the living chain Of her white arms, that trembled not, spell-bound By agonizing hope more keen than fear. Rang the report ! The stream of vivid fire Swept o'er her, and the bullets hurtled near, Fearfully near, yet harmless. She is free Clasped in a father's, in a lover's, arms ! And they, their brief career of conquest run, The red men sleep, no more the yell to raise Of fiendish war, or light the pipe of peace. H. THE PRAYER OF THE LYRE. BT THB AUTHOR OP " ATAULNTIS," " THE YBMA8SBB," &O. "Sweet accord, The stars, and whispers of the air, that swells Along the waters. 'Tis a spirit time, And harmony its language. Hear its strain, As of old voices, when the crowding hills Leaned forward, with beguiled ear, to catch The fitful murmur, and, with pliant mood, Requited it in echoes, softer far, And, to the ear, as sweet" I. CALM, beautiful, the night Sweetly the silvery light Strews its gay gleams along the slumbering sea; While roving far and near, On fitful wing, the air Brings to the sense a wild strange melody. II. And silent is the crowd, The voices, vexed and loud, THE PRAYER OF THE LYRE. 99 That had been death to these sweet spells around Oh, let us seek yon beach, Where, full of solemn speech, The billows wake our thoughts to themes profound. HI. Night is Thought's minister, And we, who rove with her, Err not to seek her now in scene so bright Scene that too soon departs, Yet meet for gentle hearts, And, like the truth they pledged, lovely in Heaven's own sight. IV. 'Twas in such hour as this, That roused to heaven-wrought bliss, The ancient bard's quick spirit moved the lyre; And, harmonizing earth, Then Music sprang to birth, And claimed, so sweet her form, a God to be her sire V. Then the wild man grew tame, And from the hill-tops came The shaggy-mantled shepherd with his flocks, And, as the minstrel sung, Old Fable found his tongue, And raised a glittering form on all hia rocks. 100 THE PRAYER OP THE LYRE. VI. Is there no hope again, For that high-chanted strain, That streamed in beauty then o'er mount and valley wide; When from each hill and dell, Down brought by Minstrel spell, Bounding, the Muses came, in joy from every side. VII. When, taught by spirit's choice, Each forest-thronging voice Made music of its own for thousand listening ears j When every flower and leaf Had its own joy and grief, And wings descending came from the less-gifted spheres. VIII. Shall the time never more The old sweet song restore, That made the stern heart gentle ; and to all, The vicious as the good, The kind of heart or rude, Brought spells that swayed each soul in sweetest thrall. IX. The sacred groves that then Showed spirit forms to men, THE PRAYER OF THE LYRB. 101 And crowned high hopes, and led to each most lofty shrine, The oracles that wore Rich robes of mystic lore, And taught, if not a faith, at least a song, divine, X. Still silent will they keep In a cold deathlike sleep, Nor minister to man, nor soothe him, as of old, Winning him from his stye, To immortality, Making each feeling true, making each virtue bold, XL Oh, will they not descend, Sweet spirits, to befriend, Bring back the ancient Muse, bring back the olden Lyre, Teach us the holier good, Of that more pliant mood, When Self untutored came to light affection's fire, XII. When yet untaught to build, In some more favored field, His cheerless cabin far from where the rest abode, He had no thought so free, But his heart yearned to be Bowed down, with all his tribe, to each domestic God? 108 THE PRAYER OF THE LYRE. XIII. Still keeps the sky as fair, The pleasant Moon still there, And the winds whisper still, as if upon them borne Spirits came still to earth, Happy, as at its birth, To rove its shadowy walks, now crowded and forlorn. XIV. 'Tis man alone is changed The shepherd he that ranged O'er the wild hills, a giant in the sun His soul and eye aloft, His bosom strong, but soft, With spirit, that fresh joy from each new season won. XV. Look on him now, the slave ! Since that sad knowledge gave The restless thirst that mocks at happy quietude ; The innocent joy no more, That the old forests wore, Nor yet the charm of song, may soothe his sleepless mood. XVI. Power's proud consciousness, How should it ever bless, THE PRAYER OP THE LYRE. 103 When still it prompts a dark and sleepless strife, A sleepless strife to sway, And bear that spoil away, Had been the common stock in his old shepherd life. XVII. Ah, me ! would time restore The ancient thirst, the lore, That taught sweet dreams, kind charities and love, Soothing the spirit's pride, Bidding the heart confide, Lifting the hope until its eye grew fixed above. XVIII. Once, once again, the song, That stayed the arm of wrong, Once more the sacred strain that charmed the shep- herds rude ; Send it, sweet spirits ye, Who lift man's destiny, Once more, oh, let it bless our solitude. XIX. Teach us that strife is wo, The love of lucre low, And but high hopes and thoughts are worthy in our aim; Teach us that love alone, Pure love, long heavenward flown, Can bring us that sweet happiness we claim. 101 THE PRAYER OF THE LYRE. XX. And with that sacred lore, The shepherd loved, once more Arouse the frolic beat of the hope-licensed heart, When gathering in the grove, Young maidens sung of love, And no cold bigot came to chide the minstrel's art. XXL Then were these teachers still This moon, yon quiet hill, The sea, and more than all, the swelling breeze that brings With every hour like this A dream of life and bliss, With healing to the sad heart on its wings. XXII. Then would the chaunted strain, Of the old Bard again, Bring cheerful thoughts once more around the even- ing fire ; Then would the pure and young, Such as the minstrel sung, Once more rejoice to hear, the young earth's holy lyre. THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. BY THE AUTHOR OP ALLEN PRBSOT. AGNES CALLENDER returned from her evening walk with a glow upon her cheek, not the effect of exercise, for her step was languid but of some emotion, proofs of which were still visible in the tears that she wiped from her eyes, as she entered her father's door. She had been to visit the grave of her mother, who died two months before. When that event happened, she felt herself suddenly reduced to an appalling emergency, for which the previous circumstances of her life, and, as she thought, her peculiar character, entirely unfitted her. The young vine, torn from its prop, is not more helpless ; nor the shoot, severed from the parent stem, more effectually deprived of the source and nutriment of its young life. To live without my mother ! she would exclaim in bitterness of spirit O that I should have been brought to this ! Being naturally timid, sensitive, and reserved, she was of course distrustful of herself and her mother was the only friend to whom she ever poured out a full heart the only one on whose protection and encouragement she constantly relied, or with whom she shared her secret soul. 106 THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. Mr. Callender, although what is commonly called a good-hearted man, was severe in his judgments of others even of those who, being nearly allied to him, might suppose themselves, on that account, entitled to a peculiar degree of indulgence. Having no tolera- tion, even of slight imperfections, he was, of course, more apt to blame, than to praise, even the praise- worthy. He was, in other respects, an eccentric man, a term which, when predicated upon the master of a family, implies such a deviation from the customs and habits that ordinarily make part of the domestic economy, as seriously to interfere with the conve- nience and comfort of all its members. Agnes had a strong sentiment of filial duty, in which she had been carefully trained by her mother but with that, there mingled another, which should be forever excluded from the relation of parent and child it was fear. Her father loved and respected her but he little knew what treasures of love, locked up in her heart, might have been at his disposal, had not his manners kept her at such a distance from him. At the time I have spoken of, she passed hastily by him, as he stood in the door, and was going up stairs. " Here, Agnes," said he, " stay a moment. I am surprised at this habit you have fallen into of late walks, which are very improper for a young lady. Besides, do you know, I have taken my tea alone, and that stupid Phebe gave me green tea for which I shall pass a sleepless night a favor I must thank THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. 107 you for. It is strange that young people will be always about something else, rather than their own proper duties at home." " I am very sorry, Papa," replied Agnes ; " I gave Phebe charge, before I went out, to go and see whether Mr. Stoddard had opened a new chest of black tea and if not, to get some more of the same that you had before. I did not think, when I went away, of being out so late." "Then the bread is poor again Miss Agnes too close. It is just as easy to have fine bread as any other, and it is a pity to have such a blessing as good bread converted into a curse by mere want of attention. That's all, now that's the whole of it just a little attention would save all this trouble." Agnes ventured modestly to suggest, that Sally, the cook, was much more practised than herself in the art of bread-making, and seldom failed of entire) success. " But it is a house-keeper's business to see that every thing is done well there is no difficulty about it none at all." " Papa, shall I read to you now," said Agnes, wishing to change the subject. " Yes, child, my eyes are unusually weak to-nighl, and there is an article upon the tariff in that news- paper, which I should like to hear very much." This duty poor Agnes performed with exemplary patience. Her manner of reading was one thing with which he seldom found fault. When she had finished he thanked her, saying 108 THE VOUNG DEVOTEE. that, in his opinion, there were very few young women of her age, who would have sense enough to read, upon such subjects, and attend to them with the interest which she manifested. She could not dis- claim the unmerited praise; because, by so doing j she must necessarily have revealed to her father, a fact which she preferred carefully to conceal viz., that she had no share in the pleasure, which she thus afforded him. Agnes was one of those persons who do every thing well from principle. She devoted herself to the difficult and responsible duties, which devolved upon her in consequence of her mother's death, with untiring zeal and assiduity and to have satisfied her father would have been to her a sufficient reward. But since the most trifling deficiency, omission, irregularity, or imperfection, in the details of her domestic arrangements, escaped neither his observa- tion nor his censure and he rarely bestowed any commendation it Avas impossible for her to suspect, what was nevertheless true that, in his secret heart, he regarded her as one of the best daughters, and most accomplished house-keepers, that a widowed father was ever blessed with. Many a time has she thought within herself "Oh, if I could hear again my mother's sweet approving tone!" and wept, that it was for ever silenced. A sweet solace always awaited Agnes at the close of the day, which refreshed her after it's wearying cares, and imparted to her slumber a tranquillity of which it was rarely deprived. She had a little sister, THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. 109 Lucy, only four years of age, who was her bedfellow, and who, without giving any other symptom ot consciousness, would always kiss Agnes, seeking her lips as she laid down by her side, and place her hand too on Agnes' cheek, pressed closely to hers. Agnes assumed the entire charge of this child from the moment of her mother's death this was the one indulgence the chief pleasure of her life. Mr. Callender had a degree of sensitiveness upon the subject of order and neatness, which Doctor Rush would probably have denominated a species of insanity. It was not uncommon for him to throw out upon the floor, and consign anew to the wash-tub, a whole drawer-full of shirts and cravats, on account of a wrinkle in one, a spot upon another, a slight shade of yellow on a third, or the wrong folding of a fourth. An accidental soil upon the table-cloth would deprive all others at the table, if not himself, of the accustomed meal; and pet as she was, even with him, little Lucy was occasionally banished from the parlor for a day, because her frock slipped off at the shoulder. One morning he took from a bureau, to which he had access, some articles of dress that had belonged to his wife, which he intended to distribute among her friends. After arranging them upon the bed, he called in Agnes to assist him in their appropria- tion. Not being at all aware of the reason of the summons, she obeyed it with her usual alacrity. Her uniform " Yes, Papa," was heard in response, and directly she was in his room. 110 THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. Her light step was suddenly arrested as her eye fell upon the garments spread before her and, then, by an irresistible impulse, she threw herself at full length upon the bed, as if to embrace the sacred relics, and burst into tears. "Why, my daughter," exclaimed Mr. Callender, in manifest horror "do you not see what mischief you are doing ? Get up, directly." She arose instantly but her agitation increased, her lips trembled, her sobbing became convulsive, and as she sank into a chair, her knees smote together. Mr. Callender had never witnessed any thing of the kind in her before he became alarmed, and rang violently for assistance. He then took her up and laid her gently on the same bed from which he had so rudely ejected her loosened her clothes administered restoratives and when he found her, by degrees, regaining her composure, he sat down by her side, and soothingly stroked back the hair which had fallen over her face. * When Agnes looked up in grateful recognition of this kindness, and perceived that tears were stream- ing down his cheeks she drew him down to her and kissed him. From that moment much of the re- serve, which she had hitherto felt to wards him, melted away, and there was a softening of his manners to- wards her a careful abstaining from what might wound or grieve her, for which she lifted up her heart to God in fervent gratitude. Little Lucy was the pet lamb the darling of the whole family and notwithstanding the occasional THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. Ill rebuffs which she received from her father she was so much indulged and caressed by him as to regard him without any of the fear that he usually inspired. She was more free than any one else in her inter- course with him, and this very circumstance, without his being aware of it, increased his fondness for her and her influence over him an influence often ex- ercised in softening Agnes' grievances. Mr. Callender was fond of society, and practised unbounded hospitality. The death of his wife check- ed, for a time, his habits in this respect and Agnes was not called upon for any extraordinary exercise of her household skill, until she had had the experience of some months in perfecting it. Then, when some public occasion was expected to draw a large con- course of strangers to the town her father signified to her that on a certain day she must provide a dinner for some ten or twelve gentlemen. This was an event in her life which filled her with solicitude for besides the responsibility which she felt in regard to the dinner the idea of presiding over it at table, was very formidable. The efforts to please her father, however, proved successful. The servants were all exceedingly at- tached to her, and for her sake, rather than his, did their best on the occasion. Nothing was too much or too little done there were no oily gravies every dish was very nicely served up not a knife or fork was dropped or rattled by the waiters not a particle of any thing spilled. The pastry was exquisitely white and flaky the sweetmeats and jellies admira- 112 THE YOUNG DEVOTEE ble the apples beautifully polished the nuts crack- ed in the most approved manner the order of the entertainment, too, was perfect; in short, every thing was right, and Mr. Callender felt proud and gratified. Agnes began to breathe more freely in saying to herself, "It's almost over" when a toast was pro- posed, which her father said must be pledged in his last remaining bottle of a peculiar kind of wine, which he valued particularly. As he raised the glass to his lips, Agnes, whose eye met his, saw that something was wrong. " How's this, my daughter?" said he somewhat impatiently "the wine is not pure here's some mistake." The poor girl felt her cheeks crimson all over, at an appeal which drew upon her the attention of every one present. She frankly owned, however, that the bottle not being quite full, she had supplied the defi- ciency from another, whose contents were exactly si- milar in color and appearance. "I did not know that you were such a novice, child" he replied. Mr. Callender was particularly sensitive upon the subject of his wines, and Agnes knew that this single mistake was sufficient to mar, in his eyes, the whole entertainment. One of the gentlemen present, wishing to relieve her evident embarrassment, politely remarked, that some accident of the kind was almost necessary to convince them that there had not been magic in the preparation of such an entertainment by so young a housekeeper. THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. 119 Lucy had been introduced just as this unlucky mistake was detected. She went up to her father, and in the eagerness to get his attention, and beg him not to make "sister blush," she jostled his arm, and caused him to upset his glass "O never mind, Father," said she, " you will have less to drink, now, of that bad wine. But let me taste, and see if it really is spoiled." She put the glass to her lips, and smacked them. "Why, it is very good, 1 am sure, Father; I don't believe sister could spoil any thing if she should try." " Unless it be you, perhaps, Lucy." Her vivacity and fondness for her sister, excited a general smile, whose contagion infected Mr. Callender himself. Her voice was to him what the harp of David was to the monarch of Israel. As Lucy passed to the other side of the table to join Agnes, she was arrested by a young gentleman who sat next her, and who, Agnes told her, was Mr. Linwood. He took her into his lap and kissed her. "Has not my sister given you a nice dinner?" said she " I helped some I helped rub the apples." " And who rubbed and polished your cheeks ?" "O, sister does that and this morning, when I held some of the red apples to my cheeks to see which were the prettiest, she said she liked my cheeks the best, a great deal. Isn't that queer ? I guess it is because she can kiss them." "Kiss them can't she kiss an apple's cheeks, too?" 114 THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. " Kiss an apple's cheeks ! apples were not made to kiss." " Why not? they are very pretty." " But they don't know any thing they don't love you." " But you love them." "Oh, poh! that's not her kind of love the way 1 love an apple, is not the way I love sister." Agnes' desire to stop Lucy's loquacity, determined her no longer to deky what she had been for some time trying to make up her mind to the formidable retreat from table. She took Lucy by the hand and rose to depart. Mr. Linwood, seeing her extreme embarrassment, thought to relieve it by offering his arm to conduct her to the door. He half rose then hesitated as if doubtful whether he might not increase rather than relieve it but at length escorted her. It was then that she perceived the cause of his hesitation in the mal-formation of one of his feet; but this discovery did not destroy the agreeable impres- sion she had previously received from his fine coun- tenance, pleasing manners, and evident intelligence ; for, in spite of the pre-occupation of her mind, he had, during dinner, drawn her into conversation. Mr. Linwood was a young man who had recently brought letters of introduction to Mr. Callender for although the son of an old friend and class-mate his father's death, which occurred when he was quite young, had suspended all intercourse between the families. THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. 116 Nature, in bestowing upon him the richest enaow- ments of mind, and a good degree of personal beauty, had denied him a perfect physical conformation. When such a misfortune is inflicted upon a person whose nature is sensitive it modifies, in some way, his character. It probably made Lord Byron a misanthrope. Henry Linwood, on the contrary, felt for all his race a warm and kindly sympathy, which he believed could never be fully extended towards him. This idea made him neither sour nor melan- choly, but it led him to regard himself as, in some respects, an isolated being and produced a subdued tone of feeling incompatible with any elation of spirits though he had too much of true Christian philo- sophy ever to repine. It was a perpetual trial, attended, in his case, with those purifying effects which rare and occasional afflictions are sometimes observed to produce upon those who are capable of deriving " sweet uses from adversity." Having inherited a patrimony sufficient to place him above the necessity of consulting his pecuniary interests rather than his tastes, he determined, after completing the course and term of study necessary to invest him with the prerogatives of a professional man, to establish himself in the country. He was a passionate lover of nature, and had a more intimate communion with her, perhaps, from regarding him- self as, in some degree, severed from man's fellowship. It is, too, in the circumscribed society of a country village, that exists the simplest state of manners consistent with refinement and there are no artifi- U6 THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. cial observances to repress the full glow of the heart, that he fancied he should bring himself into nearer relation with those among whom he dwelt. He became, of course, a frequent visiter at Mr. Cal- lender's, who cultivated his acquaintance, not only for his father's sake, but because he found him a most delightful acquisition to his somewhat limited circle. Agnes, instead of being less disposed to make herself agreeable to him on account of his personal blemish, was stimulated by a feeling of compassion, to do all in her power towards his entertainment, whenever he was with them. She was thus induced, when perhaps every other motive would have failed, to throw aside her usual reserve, and be, what some of her friends would have pronounced impossible, under any cir- cumstances, positively sociable. Virtuous effort in another's behalf, always brings a reward and so it proved in her case. Her improvement in that most desirable art, the art of conversation, was rapid and striking. Time rolled on, and Agnes' character gained daily fresh strength. There is nothing like the effect of circumstances which impose upon young persons high and responsible duties, in developing and elevating the character. She gradually acquired confidence in herself, which relieved her of much of the suffering and embarrassment to which she had previously been subjected. By degrees, she obtained an ascendency over her father's mind ; she was not unfrequently his counsellor, and he felt a respect for her which often checked his impatience. She even sometimes ventured THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. 117 gently to suggest that he was not quite reasonable, and found him docile to reproof. On one occasion, when he left home, quite suddenly, for a journey which required considerable preparation, and she was oblig- ed to pack his trunk in the least possible time, she accidentally left out a single article of no great import- ance. He did not fail, upon his return, to mention this omission. "Why, Papa," said she, "if that was the only thing you missed, I wonder you do not rather commend me, considering how you hurried me." " True, my daughter, you are right." There was much speculation among Agnes' ac- quaintance upon the wisdom of her course. If she were not half as devoted to her father, was the general sentiment, he would not be half as exacting. Mr. Linwood, who being a constant visiter at Mr. Cal- lender's, and now well known in the village, was often appealed to on the subject, was accustomed to reply that in his opinion the best rule, and one which he believed governed Miss Callender in all things, was to perform in the most thorough and devoted manner whatever duties arose out of one's peculiar station. There are few topics of conversation in a village and of course Mr. Linwood was frequently discussed. The young ladies thought him agreeable and gentle- manly, and admitted that but for his deformity he would be a great favorite. "But for his deformity," Agnes would sometimes repeat to herself "how can that have any other 118 THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. effect, than to heighten the interest excited by his fine character, and gifted mind ?" Yet Agnes was not in love, nor did she belong to the class of young ladies most apt to fall in love. Life to her had important duties noble aims. Devoted to her father and to Lucy and pursuing, diligently, the course of literary culture and self-improvement commenced under the auspices of her mother, she had not the need, which girls of seventeen sometimes feel, of love, as a pastime, to relieve her from the ennui of a vacant mind. Had such a sentiment inspired her in the com- mencement of her acquaintance with Mr. Linwood, she never would have so far overcome her natural reserve in her intercourse with him nor would he have penetrated the veil sufficiently to discover what it concealed. He was a great admirer of the sex, but considered himself as doomed to celibacy and this he thought the severest privation connected with his peculiar misfortune. When he perceived that Agnes appeared more animated and agreeable in his society than in any other, when he found her, as often happened, refusing to dance in their little village parties that she might be at liberty to chat with him, while all the rest were engaged in the favorite amusement of youth he did not think of referring her kindness to any other than the true cause, and gratitude and admiration Avere the feelings which it inspired. " I declare," said Mr. Callender, as he came in one day to dinner, " a few such fine fellows as that THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. 119 Linwood, would create a new state of things in a country village like this. I met him this morning, with a whole troop of boys at his heels, going in search of stones, insects, flowers, any thing they can find for his cabinets, or his herbarium. There is not one ot them who would not rather spend a holiday in his service than in any other manner. By way of reward, he calls them all into his office every now and then and entertains them with experiments, or in familiar lectures. They will become quite a set of philosophers. In two years time they will know the name and history of every specimen belonging to three depart- ments of natural history that can be found in this vicinity. Nature did well to disqualify such a man for marriage, that he might devote himself to his race." " But how is it, that his profession does not absorb him ! I have heard the law termed a mistress who would tolerate no rival." " I don't know he must have uncommon industry. When I found that his new office was to be divided into two apartments one properly his office, and the other fitted up as a mineralogical and entomological cabinet, and furnished too, with some chemical appa- ratus, I thought it was quite out of the question that he should ever become distinguished in his profes- sion and yet he is rising very fast. " Sister," said Lucy, as she finished her afternoon lessons, " there is one reason why I should rather go to the district school than to yours, because, then, you know, Mr. Linwood might perhaps take me, with the other children, to get specimens for his cabinets. 1 120 THE YOUNG DLVOTEK. will just go out in the garden, and see if I can't find a pretty bug for him now." Just as she was returning with that familiar and favorite acquaintance of all children, a lady-bird, in her hand, Mr. Linwood came in. " O I am glad to see you," she exclaimed "I have just found some- thing for your cabinet here it is my favorite little lady-bird. I should think you would like to have something there that you could call lady." " Thank you, Lucy, your lady shall be installed there with becoming honors." " My lady no, not my lady for my lady is sister she is my mother, and my nurse, and my sister, and my teacher, and my governess, and besides all these, she's my lady she's my every thing." " But I was talking about the lady-bird," said Lin- wood, not appearing to perceive Agnes' embarrass- ment. " I never expect to have any other lady in my cabinet," and he sighed. "And why not? Don't you like ladies? would not you like to have a wife ?" " O yes, I should like very well to have a wife, but no lady would like a limping husband, you know." This was the first time that Agnes had ever heard him allude to himself in this way, and she felt distressed to a degree that made her almost gasp for breath. She was relieved, however, by the entrance of her father, bringing a book which Linwood had called to borrow, and, upon receiving which, he immediately took his leave. His remark awakened a new train of reflection in THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. 121 Agnes' mind. She had never before suspected the existence of such a feeling in his. That same evening they met again in a little party. Among other amusements, proposed in the evening, was that of impromptu mottoes. There were one or two married ladies present, known to be gifted with rhyming powers. The mottoes were rolled up, and thrown as fast as they were produced into a box. A person was appointed to read them, and they were appropriated by vote. Among others, there appeared the following: "For her, who, as a miser's chest, With jealous care, locks up her breast ; Find but the key, the sterling gold Is inexhaustible untold." This was given by acclamation to Agnes, who, blushing, slipped it inside of her glove. It is not to be supposed that she had so little of girlish nature, as not to examine and read it over after she returned home. At the first glance she recognized the hand-writing of Linwood, and a disin- terested observer would have understood, better than she did, the feeling that led her carefully to lock it up in her work-box. " What is that little bit of paper you keep so care- fully, and will never let me touch?" said Lucy one day, to whom it was something new to have her rummaging privilege curtailed. " Nothing but a motto which I brought home from Mrs. Elmwood's party." " But what makes you so choice of it ?" KB THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. "Because it is a very pretty motto," and Lucy's curiosity was allayed. O the fatality which almost inevitably attends a secret! A few days after, when Lin wood was showing to Lucy, who sat on his lap, an exquisite little print, which he would not suffer her to touch with her fingers ; she exclaimed, " Why, you are as choice of this picture as sister is of the motto which she got at Mrs. Elmwood's party." A flush of pleasure suffused the face of Linwood. Had he ventured to look at poor Agnes, he would have pitied her notwithstanding. Lucy was now suffered to handle the print as she pleased ; nor was her pricking all round it, to make what she called a pretty border for it, observed by either of her com- panions. Henceforth life was a new existence to Henry Linwood. It was possible that, in spite of all, Agnes Callender might regard him with a sentiment capable of being cultivated into a permanent attachment. Her now altered and embarrassed manner tended to confirm his hopes ; yet it was a long time before he ventured to presume upon them, and just as he had determined to cast his all of hope and happiness upon a single die, something occurred which induced him to delay the important step. Since her mother's death, Agnes received repeated invitations from a friend of hers, Mrs. Scott, who resided in Boston, to pass some months with her, accompanied by Lucy ; but notwithstanding that lady's arguments, in regard to the importance of an occasional THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. 123 residence in town to a country girl, and the various attractions of such a visit, which she failed not to set forth in the most glowing colors, Agnes preferred remaining at home. Now, however, Mr. Callender, who had been for some time subject to a severe asthma, having determined to pass the winter in a milder climate, it was arranged that Mrs. Scott's invitation to his children should be accepted. Linwood did not hasten, as others perhaps would have done in like circumstances, to secure his prize, if possible, from the threatened danger of rival com- petitors. He attributed the interest with which he believed, or rather hoped, to have inspired Agnes, in part to compassion ; and with his love there mingled a sentiment of gratitude, which led him magnani- mously to resolve that he would not take selfish advantage of any power which he might thus have acquired over her affections. She had seen but few young men, and she had been almost exclusively limited to the circumscribed society of a country village. In a more enlarged intercourse with the world, she might discover that she had bestowed her preference prematurely, and, introduced into a state of society where greater importance is attached to circumstances, merely adventitious, she might find that she had too much disregarded the obstacle, for such it would commonly b*e considered, to a union with him. We have never spoken of our heroine's personal appearance, nor did the omission occur to us, until, about to introduce her into town life, we were remind- 124 THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. ed that it is regarded as an item of great importance, when a young lady, in technical language, makes her debut. Though educated almost exclusively in the country, she had a natural grace and propriety about her an essentially lady-like air, which stamps the true gentlewoman. She was tall and well-formed ; her eye, hair and complexion, were beautiful ; and the sweetness and intelligence of her face made you forget that her features were not perfectly regular. She had, besides, a very nice taste in dress, as unerr- ing as instinct itself, which led her to array herself always becomingly. Her style of dress was suited to her character a style of simple elegance. The incidents of a young lady's first visit to town, are usually of a monotonous character, that is, they belong to a single class. Mrs. Scott was a woman of fashion, very much in society; and, persuaded that this was the most important winter of her young friend's life, determined that she should improve it to the utmost, in a continual round of gay amuse- ments. Occasionally, and for a limited period, such a mode of life has charms for most young persons, whatever may be their peculiar tastes or genera! habits. Agnes felt herself excited by it, but still preserved her old habit of a systematic distribution of her time, and kept up, in some degree, her devo- tion to Lucy. She had a fine talent for music, which she had already cultivated successfully, with very little instruction ; and in the absence of more serious occupations, she determined to make the most of her present opportunity for acquiring that accomplishment THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. .86 more perfectly how far lanwood's fondness for sweet sound stimulated her to persevere, in spite of obstacles neither few nor small, in devoting two hours every day to the piano, we cannot say then one hour of each day was given to Lucy, in examin- ing the progress she had made at her school during the day, and assisting her in the next day's lessons. Mrs. Scott was quite satisfied with the success of her young friend. She received a degree of admiration sufficient to have invested her with the rank and distinction of a helle, had it not been that there was something in her general air and manner, which seemed decidedly to disclaim and reject all such pretensions. The sweet Lily of the Valley could as soon be suspected of aspiring to reach the height, and emulate the showy coloring of the tulip, in whose neighborhood it chanced to grow. Among other admirers of Agnes, was Frank Frazier, a nephew of Mr. Scott, a young man of fortune and accomplishment, and particularly distin- guished for his personal attractions. Being on a footing of intimacy at his uncle's, he had an opportu- nity of seeing Agnes in points of view, divested of that enchantment which distance lends, and found that her charms increased just in proportion as he approached her more nearly. In short, he fell in love, and was the most devoted of her train. Mrs. Scott was delighted, for she had no doubt of the result of his suit; and flattered herself that, in technical phrase, she had made the match; a merit which many of her sex, in like circumstances, have 11- 125 THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. been eager to claim, without considering what fear- ful responsibility such an interference must ere* involve. Meanwhile, Linwood, who had been elected to represent the village of in the state legis- lature, arrived in Boston. Having called when Agnes was out, he missed seeing her until they met at a brilliant party given by Mrs. Frazier. Though he had been in town but a single day, the report, already current, of Agnes' engagement, did not fail to reach his ears through a young lady of his acquaintance who often met her in society; and though he did not implicitly believe it, he felt that it was but too probable. He was impatient to see her, and judge for himself; and when his eye first fell upon her, she was stand- ing up in a dance with her reputed lover by her side. Struck with his elegant appearance, and mistaking the flush and the glow, which in Agnes were merely the effect of the exhilarating exercise, for the anima- tion of joy and hope, he believed that he saw with his own eyes, a confirmation of the report which had BO much agitated him. " How deadly pale you are, Linwood," exclaimed a young man of his acquaintance, who observed his sudden change of countenance. " It must be the fume of these vile lamps that affects you so disagree- ably." At that moment the dance broke up, and it chanced that Agnes' partner conducted her to a seat near THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. 127 which Linwood stood. Glowing as her cheek already was, a deeper hue suffused it as they exchanged a joyful recognition. The diamond is the common illustration of a bright eye. That of Agnes always reminded me of the unrivalled gem, whenever any thing occurred that gave her peculiar pleasure. Then it flashed, and shot a brilliant gleam, such as the diamond emits when a bright ray of light kindles its magic blaze. And thus it flashed as it encountered that of Lin- wood ; but he thought it was only natural that she should be excited by seeing, after such an unwonted absence from home, one who was associated with all its cherished remembrances. Her animated conver- sation connected with those remembrances, occupied them until supper was announced, when Frank offered her his arm, and escorted her to the table. 44 Who is that unfortunate piece of deformity," he asked, 4< upon whom your smiles are so readily bestowed?" and looking down with complacency upon his own finely turned leg, he added, "they should be reserved for those to whom nature has not denied a claim to them." 14 He is a young man," replied Agnes, " from whom nature, in lavishly bestowing upon him her richest gifts, was obliged to withhold one which, though desirable, is certainly of far inferior value to the rest, lest she might be suspected of departing from that system of compensation, by which she has the credit of being guided in all her operations." It was the first time in her life that Agnes hod 4* 198 THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. spoken so boldly, or with so much implied seve- rity. She had but lately begun to believe, notwith- standing Mrs. Scott's hints and insinuations, that Frazier was really enacting the suitor. Being tired of him, she was desirous that he should discover her indifference as soon as possible : and her indignation at the coarse and unfeeling manner in which he spoke of Linwood, roused her to say that in behalf of the latter, which would have touched him in his weakest point had he been more sensitive. He had, however, sufficient conceit to save him from any personal application of this speech; nor did the possibility that he might find, "in that piece of deformity," a rival, occur to him. It is impossible to say, whether Agnes would have been more sorry or glad had she known that her words reached Lin wood's ear, as, in passing to the other end of the table, his progress was interrupted for two or three moments just by her chair. He was at no loss to apply them, although he had not heard the observation that called them forth. " Noble girl," he inwardly exclaimed, and yet he doubted whether she felt for him any thing more than a senti- ment of high esteem. Two weeks passed away, after these incidents occurred, during which delicacy compelled Agnes to play an equal part between her lovers. She scrupu- lously avoided receiving from Frank any attentions which might be supposed to proceed from other motives than politeness ; and, as Liinwood had never declared himself, she felt not at all sure that there 4 THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. 10 existed, on his part, a tender sentiment towards her. She therefore carefully guarded, almost from herself, and still more from him, the secret of a latent prepos- session in his favor which under favorable circum- stances might be fully elicited. Her intercourse with both, however, was completely suspended for some weeks, by the illness of Lucy, suffering under a severe attack of scarlet fever. The physician did not hesitate to pronounce that her life depended upon the most careful nursing ; and by no argument or intreaty could Agnes be induced to leave her a moment, except to take some slight refreshment in an adjoining apartment. Even after the child was pronounced convalescent, the fear of a relapse retained Agnes at her post. Finding that she still refused to leave Lucy, Frank became impatient, and determined no longer to delay a formal declaration of his sentiments. A less confi- dent lover might have thought that such an exposure to open rejection had been already rendered unnecessary. Having selected an exquisite little sheet of note paper, with an embossed edge, and inscribed with a specimen of his most elegant penmanship he carefully folded it sealed it with a cameo seal, and slipping it inside of a letter which he had just brought for her from the post-office, sent it up to her room. The letter was from her father, from whom she had not heard for several weeks, and by the time she had read it through, the note, which had accidentally fallen on the floor, was entirely forgotten, until Lucy directed her attention to it. 130 THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. Its import was to this effect that he had never before experienced so severe a privation as the loss, for so long a time, of her society ; that such a trial was not necessary to convince him of what he had previously discovered, that she was indispensable to his happiness and that nothing but an acknow- ledgment, on her part, that these sentiments were reciprocated, could reconcile him to a longer separa- tion. Agnes replied, thanking him for his professions of regard, and added, that in responding to them, she must limit herself to terms of common friendship. A few days after this, Linwood, who, besides longing to see Agnes once more, really began to entertain serious fears for the effect, upon her health, of such prolonged confinement, called to inquire about her and Lucy. He requested that Mrs. Scott would do him the favor to carry a message to Miss Callender, entreating that she would consent to walk out and take the air. Lucy, who had never before been willing that Agnes should leave her a moment, joined in the request; but bade Mrs. Scott tell Mr. Linwood, that she would not have spared her sister to any one but him. They had proceeded but a few steps, when they met Frank Frazier, who passed them with a slight touch of the hat. Linwood knew instantly from his manner, that an explanation, unfavorable to his suit, must have taken place between him and Agnes ; and the joy excited by this discovery, was visible in the THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. 131 uncommon vivacity of his spirits during the whole walk. Just as they were returning, " Tell me, Agnes," said he, " for I will not longer bear this uncertainty, shall I, in formally declaring what must have been apparent to you, doom myself to the fate which I see you have inflicted upon our friend ?" " I could not find it in my heart to inflict upon you, a fate that you would regard as evil," replied Agnes, in some confusion. At that moment the door was opened. " Au revoir" said Linwood, as, pressing her hand, he bade her good morning, and she passed up to her room. A long communication which she that day received, to which a text had been furnished by the above conversation, met a different reception from that which had been given to Mr. Frazier's note. " What does make you read that letter over, and over, and over, sister ?" asked Lucy. As Mr. Callender was supposed to be about this time on the point of returning home, Linwood thought it useless to apply to him, by letter, for his sanction to these important measures. He had received so many and such unquestionable proofs of Mr. Callender's entire confidence and respect, not to say personal attachment too, that the possibility of any objection on his part, to bestowing upon him his daughter, had never occurred to him. He left Boston a week or two after the eventful 138 THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. explanation had taken place, and was soon followed by Mr. Callender and his children. As the engagement had not become known to Agnes' friends, and she was too modest to speak of it to her father, he remained in utter ignorance of the whole affair, until it was announced to him by Linwood himself, when, contrary to all expectation, he expressed the most positive and entire disapproba- tion of it, giving as a reason that which Linwood had feared might constitute an obstacle with the daughter, without suspecting that it could affect the mind of the father. This was a blow from which it was not easy to recover, and many days passed before he emerged again from the seclusion of his own solitary apart- ment. Meanwhile her father did not fail to inform Agnes of the result of Linwood's application, and to give her his whole mind upon the subject. She was like the lamb led to the slaughter, which opens not its mouth, until he had exhausted all he had to say; when she simply replied, " Then, henceforth, sir, I devote my life to you." "I don't know about that, child; these young hearts are amazingly susceptible impressions are easily made and easily effaced." Mr. Callender had not derived the benefit to his health, from his voyage and winter residence, which he expected. He had mistaken the nature of the climate lie had sought, in supposing it suited to his complaint, THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. 133 which it rather aggravated than allayed. He had many severe attacks in the course of the summer, and Agnes devoted herself to him with untiring assiduity. When so ill that he was obliged to sit up all night, as not unfrequently happened, she would not leave his room ; but threw herself upon a sofa, whence she often rose to see if he did not require some attention. She even gave up, very much, the care of Lucy, and sent her to a school in the neighborhood. She hardly saw Linwood, for Mr. Callender's ill health, being of a kind particularly to unfit him for conversation, served him as a pretext for staying away ; and he felt that to meet often would be painful both to himself and Agnes. Occasionally, however, when admitted by particular request of the invalid to his sick room, he gazed at Agnes' altered appearance with a look of the most tender solicitude. "'Tis true, Linwood," said Mr. Callender, replying one day to his companion's looks, not his words " 'tis true, the poor girl is suffering much from this unremitting attendance upon me. But what is to be done? she will not leave me, and I I am very dependent upon her." As he finished speaking his eyes filled with tears. Three or four months passed away, and Mr. Callender began to experience a sensible mitigation of his complaint. As he became again capable of enjoying society, he was eager as ever for that of Linwood ; who, in spite of the estrangement of feeling produced by what he considered unjust and unreason- able conduct on his part, retained too sensible a (M THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. remembrance of former obligations, and felt too conscientiously the duties which persons in health owe to the sick, to withhold what seemed to give him so much pleasure. At first it was Agnes' custom to escape from the room soon after he entered ; but, by degrees, she found herself quietly retaining her accustomed seat, and listening to his conversation with more pleasure, than any thing else, saving always Lucy's fond caresses, could now afford her. And why was not Mr. Callender afraid of this continued intercourse? How could he hope that Agnes' affections would be weaned from Lin wood when they were thus continually supplied Avith fresh food? He did not analyze his feelings upon the subject, and, had he done so, he would have been at a loss, perhaps, to answer these inquiries. Agnes' great devotion to him had made him doubt the reason- ableness of his conduct towards her, and he was perhaps willing to follow, as chance might lead, to a retrieval of his error. One evening, as she was performing some little service for him, when Linwood was present, he said to her, " My child, you have long been doing all in your power for me ; 'tis time that I should do some- thing for you. I am going to my room to write a letter, and will leave you to consult with Mr. Linwood on the choice of your reward." He advanced as far as the door, then returned "My dear friend," said he, addressing himself to Linwood, and taking him by the hand "I am deeply indebted to you both. THE YOUNG DEVOTEE. 136 Assume each my debt to the other, and pay it as you best may. My long sickness has rid me I hope of some follies, and among others, that of thinking that there is any reasonable bar to the union which you both desire." He then retreated, leaving the lovers to quaff together the delicious cup thus unexpectedly present- ed to their lips. STANZAS. STILL haunted, wheresoe'er I fly, Yet doomed for aye to fly alone I cannot live, yet may not die, Still seeking what is still unknown. Hear thou, who wilt not leave me free, Hear but the prayer I now prefer The dream of love thou'st taught to me, Unteach me quite, or teach to her. LAKE GEORGE. NOT in the bannered castle Beside the gilded throne On fields where knightly ranks have strode - In feudal halls alone The spirit of the stately mien, Whose presence flings a spell Fadeless, on all around her, In empire loves to dwell ! Gray piles, and moss-grown cloisters Call up the shadows vast, That linger in their dim domain Dreams of the visioned past ! As sweep the gorgeous pageants by, We watch the pictured train, And sigh that aught so glorious Should be so brief and vain. But here a spell yet deeper, Breathes from the woods, the sky ; Proudlier these rocks and waters speak Of hoar antiquity. LAKE OEORGE. 13; Here nature built her ancient realm, While yet the world was young ; Her monuments of grandeur Unshaken stand, and strong. Here shines the sun of Freedom Forever, o'er the deep Where Freedom's heroes, by the shore, In peaceful glory sleep. And deeds of high and proud emprize In every breeze are told The everlasting tribute To hearts that now are cold ! Farewell, then, scenes so lovely! If sunset gild your rest, Or the pale starlight gleam upon The water's silvery breast Or morning on these glad green isles In trembling splendor glows, A holier spell than beauty Hallows your pure repose ! 12- DEATH OF GALEAZZO SFORZA. GALEAZZO, Duke of Milan, was assassinated A. D. 1476, on St. Stephen's day, while entering the church, by three young men, Lampognano, Visconti, and Olgiato ; who, in addition to their hatred of his public career, were irritated against him by private injuries. The first two were im- mediately killed by the guards, but Olgiato made his escape. Being refused shelter and sustenance by all his friends, except his mother, he was afterwards taken and executed on the scaffold. His last words were, ' Mora ncerba, Jama perpetua ; stabit vclus memoria facti." 'TWAS morn; the sun upon a throne of light, Poured forth his golden smile, unclouded, bright From Alpine hills the moon was seen to rise, Shaping from earth a pathway to the skies. The song of streams was heard in joyous sweep, And nearer still, the murmurs low and deep Of human tones. A mighty city lay In the warm light where shone the awakened day On burnished roof, and towers, and glittering spires, Whose kindling peaks shone all with answering fires. It was a holy day and many a bell Pealed out its summoning tones in solemn swell ; And all obeyed. The priest in robes of white, Which seemed to enfold the consecrated light, Passed slowly on and meekly in his train The crowd that sought his words of life to gain. The peasant, there, his labours ceased awhile, DEATH OF GALEAZZO SFORZA. 139 And passed with brow composed and thoughtful smile; The noble, too, forgetful of his pride, With his unemulous serf walked side by side ; The stately knight dreamed not of victories won, And waved no glittering falchion in the sun ; But passed with humble port to worship Him, In whose high sight the deeds of earth grow dim. Yet passed a few amid the silent throng, Whose bosoms burned with passions cherished long; With high resolves, matured and hid in night, Yet in the hours of darkness gathering might, Like the pent torrent, struggling with its chain, With deadlier rage to desolate the plain. They, too, passed on with step subdued, and mien Humblest of all that in the crowd were seen ; Yet oft the lip comprest the glancing eye, Whose quick keen look would scan each visage nigh, Marked them as strange, perchance for men oi crime Stained with remorse, unsoothed by changing time ; And one by one, the multitude, in fear, Shrank from their side. Oh ! long the moment near, By those stern spirits, had been wished and sought ! Where'er their steps had been, a single thought Had fired each breast stern, restless, mastering still Each weaker passion, and each selfish will. They saw their place of birth, their fathers' land Sunk 'neath the pressure of an iron hand. They heard the sighs, a mighty nation poured - The deep curse, breathed upon its tyrant lord And, pledged to vengeance, swore that from her chain, 110 DEATH OF GALEAZZO SFORZA. Their country should arise to life again, Though the stern blow for which the sword they drew To free their land, should crush her champions too ! The hour was come; they reached the lofty gate; The archway frowned in proud and sculptured state, Fit entrance to such temple ! " 'Tis the spot Appointed and the hour why comes he not?" Within, a solemn strain of music rose, Breaking the silent temple's rich repose: And as the anthem swelled upon the ear, Without, the tramp of hastening feet they hear ; And dark eyes flashed as proudly to their sight, tn gorgeous robes, with many a chosen knight Ranged at his side, the haughty sovereign came, Fresh blessings from insulted Heaven to claim ! Nor deemed that righteous vengeance, long delayed, Watched for her prey beneath the sacred shade. He strode yet on he stood beside the door His step that threshold shall profane no more ! " God and St. Ambrose!" Starting at the cry, Their consecrated weapons gleamed on high I " God and St. Ambrose !" answering to the sound, Their swift blows felled the tyrant to the ground ! A moment and 'twas o'er prostrate he lay, A hundred death-wounds gaping to the day While darkly on his brow, of life bereft, Her seal of pride the parting spirit left. In wild amazement stood his menial train; And could no tongue awake the shout again? Burst there no voice of rapture, to proclaim Their country free, to hail her champions' name ? DEATH OF GALEAZZO SFORZA. 141 Were there no hearts whose burning wrongs called loud For such revenge, in all that wondering crowd 1 There were ! but panic chilled each throbbing breast, Where thoughts of daring had no longer rest ! They dared not strive for freedom ! And they saw, Panting to aid, but quelled by slavish awe, Those fated men, whose crime had been to biave Untimely death, their bleeding land to save, Hewn down by numerous swords ; they heard the groan, They saw the desperate struggle, as alone, Unsuccored, two already sunk to die The third then flung his reeking blade on high, And sought escape by flight. On every side The multitude in silent fear divide, And as he vanished from their baffled sight, Half uttered benisons pursued his flight. The scene was changed : the slow and solemn tread Of mingled crowds, and anthems for the dead, Were heard, low swelling to the cloudless sky; And near, the frowning scaffold rose on high ; While he who was to pour his life-blood there, Came forth with haggard brow, and bosom bare, Led by the ministers of royal hate, Who scowled exulting o'er their victim's fate. Yet in his dauntless mien, and bearing high, And the proud anger of his scornful eye, He bore what quelled his foes, and from his name Back on their conscious bosoms turned the shame f 142 DEATH OF GALEAZZO 8FORZA. Bound, and with step that faltered but with pain, He stood upon the scaffold! Through the train Which thronged the space around, a murmur Low, deep, and universal, like the blast That scuds through forest boughs, a stirring thrill, Bowing their tops and all again was still. Was it expiring freedom's latest cry? He knew not cared not hither brought to die, What recked it that his undeserved fate Should rouse their pity ? It was now too late ! Who when from tyrant vengeance he had fled, The price of princely murder on his head, And sought in vain, throughout his native land, A spot for refuge who, in all that band Which stood to watch his death, had dared to give A sheltering home, and bid the wanderer live ? None none ! all shrunk in terror from his touch ; Priest soldier father brethren ! 'Twas too much. The sufferer from patrician wrath to hide And all the boon of sustenance denied ! How oft, in shelter of some Alpine wood, The brute his comrade, and wild herbs his food, Lone had he roamed, when stars were in the sky, Or the wild storm careered through clouds on high, To snatch a look at scenes beloved in vain, i ,* r Which his sad step might never tread again ! How often had he cursed, with bitter heart, The coward souls which shunned to bear their part In the high deed that might have made all free, Had such been formed to cherish liberty ! Fet was there one yes one who would have given DEATH OF GALEAZZO SFO11ZA. 143 Her heart's last drop to save him, would have striven Singly 'gainst earth and heaven ! She alone Received him, to all love besides unknown ! She, only, watched, with daily, hourly care, And poured for him the agonizing prayer ! His mother ! Now, when all the timid throng Retreated, to the scaffold's foot she clung, And wept alone. Oh ! proudly he had borne The rabble's pity, and patrician scorn. But this the bitterness of death was here! He turned away, and checked the gushing tear; While coldly on his sickened sense, a knell To hope and life, the deadly summons fell, They took his chains away and free once more, The life-warm tide, so checked and chilled before, Burst in bewildering vigour on his brain, And nerved him to forgotten joy again. He saw afar beneath the smiling skies, His native hills in pencilled beauty rise He saw, through vallies bright with summer glee, The Po sweep on to join the distant sea; The lines of sunset in their bland repose, He saw recline on gleaming Alpine snows ; While o'er the humbler woodland's sloping swell, Calm, mild, and rich, the golden glory fell ; And near, the stately city stood in pride Alas ! fair land ! 'twere rapture to have died For thee, if in thy breast the martyr's doom Could light one spark, to banish slavery's gloom! Wildly toward Heaven his arms unchained he threw 144 DEATH OF GALEAZZO SFORZA. "'Tis not" he proudly cried "'tis not for you, " Degraded race, who meekly trembling, tread " Your fathers' land, and shame the glorious dead, "My sentence to record! Yon hills, which stand "The everlasting guardians of this land " Yon river's ancient tide the eternal sky " These are my witnesses ! here must I die " But these which saw my treason, and behold "The guerdon ye bestow on hearts too bold " When no dark art of malice can prevail, 41 To future years shall tell the impartial tale ! " My death is bitter, but from no true heart " The memory of my wrong shall e'er depart ! " The deed is fixed, and ages yet unborn " Shall know on whom to hurl the shaft of scorn." He said, and glanced one brief and farewell look; Then bowed his neck, that knew no yoke to brook, One moment high the unshadowed weapon gleamed The next in crimson tide life's current streamed ! A cry was heard 'twas not from him who bled, But full of startling anguish, wild and dread. Woman's heart-broken shriek such as could pour One breast alone, when its last hope was o'er ! E. AMY CRANSTOUN. BY THE AUTHOR OF REDWOOD, HOPE LESLIE, ETC. THE famous Indian war, which ended in the destruction of the chieftain of Mount Hope and his adherents, broke out just a hundred years before our revolutionary war; a circumstance which we leave for the speculation of those who believe that certain periods of time have a mysterious relation and depen- dance, while we use it merely to fix the date of a domestic story, some important portions of which have been omitted on the page of history, rather we should hope from its fitness for a cabinet picture, than from its insignificance. Madam Cranstoun, at that period, resided at Provi- dence, and was, we believe, the wife of the governor of Providence Plantations. If we are mistaken in his official dignity, we are not in the fact, that he is set down in history as a "notable gentleman." There was living with Mrs. Cranstoun, a dependant on her bounty, an orphan niece of her husband, Amy Crans- toun. Amy had the figure of a nymph, and a face that expressed a freedom and happiness of spirit that even dependance, that most restricting and acidifying of all states, could never subdue nor sour ; and an 146 AMY CRANSTOt'X. innocence and open-heartedness, without fear, and without reproach. It cannot be denied that the elderly persons of the strict community in which she lived, looked upon her as a very unapproveable and unedifying damsel ; still she had the miraculous art to open a fountain of love in their hard bound bosoms. She had the irrepressi- ble gayety of a child. Her elastic step seemed to keep time with the harmonious springs of youth and joy. At all times and seasons, and, it must be confessed, without any very reasonable relation to persons or circumstances, her musical voice would break forth in song, or bursts of laughter " That without any control, But the sweet one of gracefulness, rung from her soul." Poor Amy often offended against the rigid observances of her contemporaries. She would gape, and even smile in the midst of the protracted Sabbath-service, and that in spite of the bend of her uncle's awful brow, her aunt's admonitory winks, and the plummet and rule example of her cousins maiden ladies, some fifteen years older than Amy, who were so perpendicular and immoveable, that our gay little friend sometimes suspected that the process of petri- faction had begun about the vital region of their hearts. Amy had a wonderful facility in committing to memory "ungodly ballads and soul-enslaving songs," but a sort of intellectual dyspepsia when she attempted to digest sacred literature. She never repeated an answer accurately in the assembly's AMY CRANSTOUN IO catechism ; and though she did not, as is reported of those " afflicted by the Salem witches," faint at the reading of that precious little treatise entitled, " Cotton's Milk for Babes," she was sure to fall asleep over it, the very opposite effect to that intended by the author of this spiritual food. She reached the age of eighteen without acquiring the current virtues of her day ; but her beauty, spirit, or sweet temper, or all of them united, attracted more suitors than her exemplary and well-proportioned cousins could boast through their long career. Among the rest came one Uriah Smith, the son of Deacon Smith, a precious light in Boston. Uriah was a fair, sleek, softly looking youth, grave and deliberate, and addicted to none of the " fooleries and braveries" of the coxcombs of the day. So said Madam Cranstoun to Amy, for Uriah had not, like young Edwin, "only bowed," but had told his love not to the niece, but most discreetly to the aunt. Madam Cranstoun, amazed at the wonder-working Providence, as she was pleased to term it, that had set before her niece the prospect of such a "companion," communicated, to Amy, Uriah's proposition, with all the circumlocution and emphasis a prime minister might have employed to announce a royal bounty ; but most ungraciously did Amy receive it. She sat the while calmly drawing with her pencil on the blank leaf of a book, her face unmoved, except that now and then a slight but ominous smile drew up the corners of her mouth. " Cousin Amy ! cousin Amy !" exclaimed her aunt, " give me that book, and let me hear you testify your thankfulness 143 AMY CRANSTOUN. for a favor of which, sooth to say, you are abundantly unworthy." " Well, there is the book, aunt Cranstoun, and let it speak for your ' unworthy' niece." One glance at the pencilled page sufficed. Amy had delineated there a striking resemblance of the overgrown angular Rosinante, on which Uriah had rid to his wooing, and for the rider she had portrayed the form of Uriah, and the face of a monkey! " Shame ! shame to you, Amy !" exclaimed her aunt, " dare you thus to trifle with so serious a subject ?" " The subject is too serious, I confess, aunt, to be trifled with, and therefore, being an incorrigible trifler, I must decline it altogether." Madam Cran- stoun stared in dumb astonishment. " I am in earnest, aunt," continued Amy, "Master Uriah must seek a more suitable helpmeet than your foolish niece." " Foolish ! both foolish and wicked, Amy." Ma- dam Cranstoun lost her self-command. " Yea, wicked, without leave, counsel, and consultation, from and with those who have given you shelter, food, and raiment from your cradle, blindly and scoffingly to reject this little-to-be expected, and most unmerited provision for your protection and maintenance through life." Amy's frivolity, if it must be called by so harsh a name, vanished, while half indignant and halt subdued, her cheeks burning, and tears gushing from her eyes, she said "For food, raiment, and shelter, and for every kindly-spoken word, aunl AMY CRAN3TOUN. 149 Cranstoun, the only child of your husband's sainted sister thanks you, and will, please God, testify her gratitude for your past bounty by every act of duty and devotion to you and yours. But I implore you, in the name of the God of the fatherless, not to drive me from the house of dependance to a house of bondage the vilest bondage, service without love, fetters on my affection joyous would they be in a voluntary service, but rebellious and unprofitable in a compelled one." Madam Cranstoun' s heart was touched. She perceived there was reason as well as feeling in Amy's appeal. " Well well, child," she said, " you know I do not wish to put a force upon you. I do not, nor ever did, feel you to be a heavy burden on us ; I only ask you to take the proposition of Master Uriah into consideration, and try to love him, as it becometh a virtuous maiden to love a worthy suitor." " Oh, aunt, ask me to do any thing else, but indeed there is no use in trying to love. I did try, and for one of whom, I confess, I was not in any sort worthy ; and whom, beforehand, I should have deemed it right easy to love, but the more I tried the more impossible I found it." " And for whom, I pray you, did you make this marvellous trial?" Amy was silent. "Not, I am sure, for Master James Chilton? nor Nathaniel Goodeno?" Amy shook her head. "And you wouM not, Amy," continued her aunt with a more scrutinizing glance, " you would not try to love that lawless young spark I will not mention his name, 13' 160 AMY CRANBTOUN. since your uncle has forbidden it to be spoken within his doors." Amy felt her face and neck flushing and burning, and to avert the right inference from her treacherous blushes, she did what may be most pithily expressed by a vulgar proverb, 'jumped out of the frying-pan into the fire.' " No, no, aunt," she said, " he to whom I allude is far far away, and has I trust forgotten me." " Surely surely, Amy, you do not mean Wick- liffe Wilson?" " I do, aunt," replied Amy, with an irrepressible smile that abated the virtue of her humble tone of voice. " Oh, Amy !" exclaimed her aunt, in a voice of sorrow and rebuke, " you amaze and distress me. I knew you to be giddy and trifling to a degree, but I never before thought you senseless and hard- hearted." She paused, and then added, as if a sudden light had broken upon her, " Ah, I see it all now ! Little did I think when WicklifFe was spending his precious time, day after day, in teaching you the tongues, that Satan was spreading a snare for him. How could the learned and pious youth suffer his affections to be wasted upon such a piece of laughing idlesse! Wickliffe Wilson, the honored son of an honored sire ! the gifted youth ! the hope of the plantation! Amy, Amy, was it for that his eye lacked its lustre, his cheek became sunken and pale, and his heart waxed faint ! love of you, Amy, that has sent him forth from his father's house, AMY CRAN8TOUN. 151 and from his native land, and without one accusing word or look ?" Amy burst into tears. " He was most generous," she said, " I would have done any thing to manifest my gratitude to him, and as I truly told you, aunt, I did try in earnest to love him." " O pshaw, child ! I see through it all. You could not choose but have loved him, had not your unbridled affections strayed another way. The sooner you recall them the better, for never never shall you wed with Lovell Reeve a foil, a contrast truly to the worthy youth Wickliffe !" Thus pursued, Amy turned and stood at bay. " Aunt Cranstoun," she said, " worthy and noble as Wickliffe may be, and I grant him so, Lovell Reeve, in all gentlemanly points, in all high sentiment and right feeling, is his equal his equal in every thing but yours and my uncle's esteem ; and I have long believed, without the courage to tell you so, that some one has traduced him to you." " Nay, Amy, his own ill deeds dispraise him. Did he not join the galliards of Boston, in their assemblings for dancing and other forbidden frolics 1 Did he not aid and abet nay, was he not the sole instigator and agent in conveying dame Hyslop beyond the Massachusetts, after it was well nigh proven that she was the confederate and vowed servant of Satan, in bewitching Levi Norton's children? and was not Ijovell Reeve foremost, and ringleader of those ungodly youths, who discredited the right of the assistants, and openly opposed the 152 AMY CRANSTOtN. driving forth of the Quakers, and the extirpation of their blasphemous heresy?" " I believe, aunt, he has done all this." " And still you dare to even him with one, who is in full communion and fair standing with the church, and whose walk has been, like pious Samuel's, even from his youth, in all godliness." " Oh, aunt, the Scripture says there be divers gifts ; Wickliffe's are not Lovell's, neither, under favor I say it, are Lovell's, Wickliffe's. And now," she continued, throwing herself on her knees before her aunt, and clasping her hands, " Now, my dear aunt, that I have boldly foregone maidenly modesty, and spoken, in some measure as I feel, of my true-love, let me plead with you, by all your care for my well- being by all your gentle, womanly thoughts and memories by that pure and interchanged affection which Lovell and I have plighted before God, I beseech ye let me follow the biddings of my heart, and profess before the world what I have revealed to you, instead of hiding it like a guilty passion in the depths of my heart you do feel for us ! you cannot help it Oh speak to my uncle." Amy had skilfully touched a powerful spring. Her aunt was affected by her half voluntary confi- dence ; but though the long congealed sources of sympathy were softened, they were not melted, and when Amy mentioned her uncle, the subject, in Madam Cranstoun, reverted to its old light. " Rise, my child," she said, "it ill becomes you to put yourself in the posture of a silly damsel of romance. AMY CRANSTOUN. 163 Your uncle and I cannot recede from a decision made after due and prayerful deliberation. I now perceive that you are apprised of the youth Lovell having applied to us not as lie should have done before communing with you, for leave to make suit to you, to which we answered with a full negative, and stated our reasons therefor, which, were he of a right temper, would have been satisfactory. We have fully warned him not to urge you to an act of disobedience, and secured his compliance by inform- ing him that any marriage bounty, which your uncle might purpose, would be withheld in case of your failure in duty due." " You mistake his spirit he spurned the threat, and urged me to forfeit my uncle's gift ; and by my troth, aunt, it was not in the wealth of the Indies to hold me back, but I did fear to violate my duty to you, and I hoped you would grant my prayer svhen I dared to make it to you." " Never, Amy, never. I commend you in as far is you have acted wisely in the past ; and for the future I command you to dismiss Lovell Reeve from your mind." " I cannot. I may control the outward act, but how eradicate the image blended with every thought and affection ?" " This is girlish talk, Amy. Be humble and teachable, child. Remember that youth ever errs in judgment. Be guided by those, who are both wise and experienced ; and then, Amy, if you should still be privileged with the favor of worthy Master Wick- I6i AMY CRANSTOUN. liffe's love, you may yet be mated to our acceptance and your own profit." " Heaven forbid," thought Amy. Her aunt proceed- ed, " I see that thou art self-willed, but take heed the judgment of Heaven may light upon thee consider duly go to thy apartment, and commune with thy heart." Amy obeyed with alacrity ; for in these commun ings she found the only indulgence of an affection, which neither her conscience nor her judgment forbad. Amy's conscience, though it did not act in obedience to the laws Madam Cranstoun would have prescribed, was a faithful monitor, and Amy was obedient to its monitions. Clandestine proceedings were abhorrent to the integrity of her character. Every delicate woman instinctively revolts from an elopement and a secret marriage. Amy had maintain- ed a firm negative to Lo veil's entreaties. With the confidence of her most happy temper she believed that some favorable circumstance would occur, some influence come, she knew not whence, to shift the wind in her favor. But when she had put aside her pride and her maidenly reserve, and freely confessed her love to her aunt, and found her unrelenting, and resolved to maintain her pOAver in its utmost rigor Amy felt a spirit of insurrection rising in her heart, that probably, but for the strange events that followed, would soon have broken out into open rebellion. There were throbbings at her heart at the thought of escape from thraldom; when, at this treacherous moment, a servant tapped at the door to announce AMY CRAN8TODN. 166 "that Wimple, the Boston Pedlar, was in the hall with his box full of nick-nacks, that he was sure wou'.d pleasure Miss Amy's eye." " Tell him," said Amy, in a tone that indicated nothing could pleasure her at that moment, " tell him I want nothing." " Pray do not send him that word, Miss Amy ! Madam has huffed him already ; and Miss Prudence and Miss Tempy have bought nothing but knives and whalebones. They were sharp and stiff enough already ! and besides, Wimple bade me tell you he has a violet ribbon, just the color of your eyes." Perhaps curious to ascertain the color of her eyes, or it may be, like most frail mortals, not deaf to flattery, Amy descended to the hall. She found her aunt and cousins, attracted by the pretty assortment of merchandise, still hovering about the pedlar's box, inquiring prices, cheapening the articles they meant to buy, and vouchsafing a few grains of praise to such as they did not want. " Ah, my service to you, Mistress Amy," said Wimple, " it would be ill luck to my box to leave the plantations without seeing you." " And ill fortune to me, Wimple. But where is the ribbon Judith told me of!" "The ribbon! what ribbon, my young lady? ah, I remember," added Wimple, as the luring message he had transmitted recurred to him, "k should be here or here it was of the violet dye, young lady the flower and something else I've seen looks as if a drop from the blue sky had 156 AMY CRAN8TOUN. fallen into it the ribbon is clean gone, but here is a pair of gloves, a nice fit for you." " They are just the color I have been looking for, for a full half hour to no purpose," said Miss Prudence, " so it is but fair I should have the first trial." Wimple looked disconcerted " Indeed, my young lady," he said, with a discreet emphasis on young, not enough to imply sarcasm, and just enough to seem earnest, " indeed, my young lady, they are a though! too small for you," and suiting the action to the word, he adroitly measured the glove against the back ol Miss Prudence's broad, sinewy hand ; she turned away satisfied, or piqued. Wimple, too politic to leave a shadow on the rnind of a customer, added, " I will suit you, Miss Prudy, next time, for one of my brethren in the walking line, is expected from Acadie with French nackeries, and he'll be sure to bring gloves; such as these with pretty devices are much sought after, by the Boston gallants, for love-tokens.' " Let me look at the gloves before you purchase,' interposed Madam Cranstoun, whose ear was offendeb by Wimple's professional vaunt ; " I do not approve* these braveries that feed vanity, and draw truant eyes at meeting." Wimple adroitly exchanged the gloves designed for Amy, for a pair embroidered with a monumental device, saying, "Madam Cranstoun will certainly approve the wholesome lesson wisely wrought here." Madam Cranstoun returned the gloves with a cold remark, that she believed they would do no harm; AMY CRANSTOUN. 1ST and Wimple unsuspected slipped the right pair into Amy's hand, contriving as he did so to let her see the corner of a note within the glove. " Never mind the pay this time, Mistress Amy," he said. Amy under- stood him, dropped a silver penny in his hand, and quickly disappeared. She then returned to her room, bolted her door, and kissing the gloves, those fated gloves she read the following note: " My beloved Amy; and yet how mine, since your own cruel sentence makes those barriers impassable which tyranny has erected ? Still you are mine by your own most precious confession ; by vows registered in Heaven, and which not all the power of all the uncles and aunts in Christendom can make void. I have something to communicate that I cannot trust to paper meet me, I beseech you, on Tuesday the 5th, at 7 o'clock, P. M., under the elm tree, just beyond the cove. If you refuse me this boon, I shall fear the freezing atmosphere in which you live has chilled the warm precincts of your heart. At seven, dear Amy, remember, 7 P. M. of Tuesday the 5th farewell till then." " Tuesday the 5th" had come, and " 7 P. M." drew nigh, when Amy put on the memorable gloves, which were wrought with a bunch of forget- me-nots, tied with a true-love knot ; and shelter- ing herself in a