r REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Jl&<2/*&w Accession No. / ^/ / 9 . Class No. a^oB^v^^ 5m I . ' HINTS ON- AMALGAMATION AND THE GENERAL CARE OF GOLD MILLS BY W. J. ADAMS, A. M., E. M. i Graduate of the School of Mines of Columbia University, New York. A REFERENCE BOOK OF ACTUAL GOLD-MILL PRACTICE, DETERMINED BY AN EXPERIENCE OF TWENTY YEARS WRITTEN IN LANGUAGE THAT CAN BE UNDERSTOOD BY ALL. ILLUSTRATED. CHICAGO: MODERN MACHINERY PUBLISHING COMPANY. Entered According to Act of Congress in the Year 1898, BY W. J. ADAMS. In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. 0. 19//9 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 7 Chapter 1 General Process 11 Arrangement of Mortars 17 " Plates 21 " " Concentrators .... 30 " for Canvas Plant .... 34 " 2 Care of Quicksilver v *. \ 35 Amalgamation 43 " 3 Cleaning-up 60 4 Retorting and Melting 73 " 5 Concentration 85 6 Sampling 98 7- Conclusion 108 UNI". Y INTRODUCTION. Gold has been known from the earliest ages, from its occurrence in a metallic state in sedimentary deposits as well as in veins. On account of its great specific gravity, it can be collected from placers and river beds, by separation with water alone, and in veins after the matrix is crushed, a great amount is saved by the same simple method. When only rich deposits were exploited, anybody could manage as it apparently required only labor and opportunity, while as long as money was made, the losses that occurred did not trouble the own- ers. From this very simplicity of working, the major- ity of owners and investors imagined that no special training was requisite to insure success, but that any trustworthy man, skilled in mercantile pursuits, was the proper person for the place of general manager. To-day the same opinion is held by very many, in spite of the warnings from hosts of disastrous failures. One cause for this belief has been the lack of literature for this special branch of metallurgy; in fact, very near 1890, there was practically no works written at all which spoke of gold except as a subsidiary product of the metallurgy of other metals. Volumes, both prac- tical and scientific, have been published which deal with the special branches of the metallurgy of lead, copper, 7 8 HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. and silver, but the metallurgy of gold seemed so simple, it only required an occasional article in a paper or magazine. In spite of this dearth of written knowledge, practical men in all parts of the world were rapidly improving the methods of treatment, both mechanically and with the aid of chemistry, in their several localities; but, through lack of exchange of thought, each section had a different process, on which faith was pinned to the exclusion of all other processes. As the rich deposits gave out, attention was turned to those of lower grade, which are now found to be very profitable with improved machinery and increased knowledge, but, even to-day, we are in the infancy of this science. The treatises on gold, now before the public, can still be counted on the fingers of one hand, and are either devoted to the scientific discussions of processes now in vogue, the history past and present of gold milling, or the mechanics pure and simple of the various machinery used. They are all good for the edu- cation of the world, but are lacking in definite direc- tions of the best way to employ the methods they describe, and are generally understood by those only who have enjoyed a previous technical education. This absence of intelligent application of these known prin- ciples in the great majority of the mills in this State (the home of gold milling), has been a constant source of wonder to me, and yet I have a fellow feeling from " HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. 9 my first experiences in gold-mill practice. Graduating from a celebrated school of mining engineering, I thought myself eminently fit to at once assume the absolute management of the biggest mining concern on earth, but, thanks to the kind influence of an elder brother, already well known in the mining world, 1 was started at the bottom of the ladder in a gold mill, to begin my real education. I very soon found that there was no bigger tenderfoot in California, as my technical education had only taught the chemistry and scientific mechanics in general, with no practical rules of how to apply this knowledge. These practical rules have been learned through bitter experience, extending through many years, and to try and help others who are just beginning, I have set down in the following pages the results of the observations I have made, all of which ' have been practically demonstrated as correct by appli- cation on several very difficult ores, with marked suc- cess in every case. It has been a work of pleasure to contribute this mite of knowledge, and if I am instru- mental in increasing the production of only one gold mill, I will feel amply repaid for my labor. I ask the indulgence of the reader, to overlook the absence of rounded sentences and polished language, and take the will for the deed. I have done the best I am able, and can only leave the verdict to the public. W. J. ADAMS, E. M. San Francisco. CHAPTER I. GENERAL PROCESS. It is not the purpose, in this book, to enter into any detailed description of "gold milling," as the ground has already been amply covered by E. B. Preston, in his re- port on "Gold Milling," published by the "State Min- eralogist," of California. Some other points also may seem too well known and appreciated to be mentioned, but these require con- stant repetition, and even then very little practical ap- plication seems to be made by the average millman. Q[n order clearly to understand the entire method, we must start with the ore as it comes from the mine. This ore must first be carefully examined, as its character and structure as well as its value, determine the most advantageous method to pursue. First, the ore may be hard and tough, requiring force to disintegrate it, though entirely free-milling; second, the ore may be soft, giving a great deal of slimes; third, the ore may be a mixture of the above two divisions. First: Here, the ere is first dumped over a grizzly, with the bars set 1% inch apart, the coarse lumps going through a rock-breaker of some form, to mix with the fines in the ore bin. From this bin it must be carried to stamps, preferably of heavy weight, notwithstanding all assertions to the contrary by patentees and makers of other pulverizing devices which are "just as good as stamps." Second: When the ore is soft, it also requires to be passed through a breaker, to enable the particles to be 11 12 HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. of uniform size; but here, very frequently any kind of stamp, and always those of heavy weight, will slush through the bed of pulp, wearing out iron uselessly, and increase the proportion of slimes, always to be avoided as much as possible. Here we find a great advantage in the different types of the Chilian mill, such as the Hunt- ington and Bryan, from both of which the pulp escapes as soon as it is reduced to the requisite size, as de- termined by the screen, and with the minimum- of slimes to hinder future operations. Third: In an ore containing both soft, clayey or talcose material, and hard bunches of quartz, stamps are gener- ally the best, as the grit of the hard quartz prevents pounding of iron on iron, and causes sufficient splash to keep the screens from choking, while all operations can be kept under close observation, which cannot be done with any pan or roller mill one of the greatest objec- tions to the general use of these mills. In some few cases, however, where the output from the mine is suffi- ciently large to w r arrant the outlay of capital, it will be found of great benefit to separate the ore partially and automatically into two classes. Dumping the ore over a long grizzly, the soft and fine will go into one bin, while the coarse, after being put through the breaker, falls into a second bin. That from the first bin is fed to one or more roller-pan miJn, while the hard broken quartz goes to the stamp mill, very largely increasing in this way the output through the two methods com- bined. The pulverized ore, technically known as "battery pulp," is now carried by water down silver-plated copper plates, by which means as much of the gold as possible is abstracted, varying very considerably under different millmen's methods; a low percentage saved, being ex- HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. la cused by such terms as "floured gold," that floats in water, rusty gold, "plumbago in the ore," or a similar state of affairs. However, there is generally sufficient gold left in this pulp, which could never be saved with quicksilver, to require further treatment, while the value is too low to treat all the pulp en masse. This gold is either, me- chanically or chemically, locked up with other metal- liferous substances, generally sulphides or minerals of a higher specific gravity than the accompanying gangue. This specific gravity is the keystone to all the con- centrating devices, and the special method required is de- termined by only two facts, the value of the concentrates when pure, and the percentage of them carried by the ore. Should these concentrates be of low value and mod" erately coarse, a simple bumping table, like the Gilpin County bumping table, or its improvement, the Wilfley, could be used, as they require little care, are reasonable in price, and save concentrates free from foreign mat- ter, while the final tailings, though still carrying a large percentage of mineral, will be economically valueless owing to the intrinsically low value of the sulphurets. When, however, the concentrates are of value, for in- stance above $50 per ton, a mechanism of much greater delicacy must be employed, and of all the devices, none has proved so satisfactory as an endless moving belt, shaking without a jar. As a rule, the higher the grade of sulphurets the more friable they are, and the finest slimes, most easily affected by agitation, carry the rich- est particles, reaching a culmination in the tellurides. Should the "battery pulp" carry a high percentage of sulphurets, that is, above 12 per cent., it very often be- comes necessary to use a double concentration, and in this case two machines of the same type are used, the 14 HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. tailings from the first passing directly to the second, after removing the surplus water if there is too much added on the first machine. In spite of all these precautions, it is very frequently found that the concentrator tailings still carry an ap- preciable value, and most thorough tests must be made to determine whether or not this can be economically saved. The first and commonest method is to allow the tailings to run over a large surface, covered with canvas, which is cleaned and swept several times a day, but, generally, this only saves a small percentage of the loss, and its only advantage is its cheapness. With proper care and experience the concentrators should save all that the canvas plant could do, and any further reduc- tion must treat economically with the entire mass. So far the only way to do this is by employing some of the modifications of the "cyanide process," and this requires a large tank capacity, so that the tailings can flow directly to the filtering tanks.J This is concisely the method of gold milling, but there are several points to observe, to insure complete success on the majority of ores. First, foremost and at all times is the question of grease. Guard against its excessive use day and night, month and year. Keep all the bearings and machinery where it is used as scrupulously clean as a New En- gland housewife does her home; do not grudge the use of clean waste, but see that the employees observe the maximum of cleanliness. Bits of candles do no harm, or very little, if made of stearic acid, but beware of tallow dips. Start in with the rock breaker, and place dripping pans underneath the journals, making frequent examinations to see that all the drops are caught. See that none of the oil used on the running gear of the HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. 15 self -feeders drops on the feeder floor, being very careful about working the leakage of ore always found under- neath the feeders, if there is the slightest possibility of its being fouled. Clean the stems of the stamps, the cams and tappets very frequently, and do not use liquid oil on them, but make a swab of blanket and apply a minimum of axle grease, to the cams several times a day, to the stems only as needed. When applied to the stems, only touch them above the guides. It is gen- erally better to tack some canvas between the cam- shaft floor and the top of the lower guides, giving to it a decided belly, to prevent any grease thrown by the cams from falling into the feeder or throat of mortar, or on the plates. In one mill, where very poor work had been done, though the builder and superintendent claimed most thorough knowledge, we found boards placed below the cams to prevent the grease from falling on the plates, and set at such an angle that there was a constant rolling of pellets of grease directly into the throat of the mortar. We now come to the concentrators, and it can be safely stated, with hardly an exception, that the cleanliness of the machines is a sure indication of the quality of work done, and the closeness of saving accomplished. Where rubber belts are used, the oil rots them, the sand and grit get into the bearings, causing bumping, inequality of the plane of the table, and a little grease getting into the pulp will prevent the saving of the finest and richest of the sulphurets. The very act of cleaning the machines brings all parts under close scrutiny, and many a serious break-down is averted, observed in time during this cleaning at regular intervals. Therefore, be sure and watch for grease, daily caution the employes about it, spare no pains nor expense to have every part it; HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. Modern Machinery. t'ia. 1. Copperplate. 2 Iron strip. 3 Wood backing. HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. 17 of the mill at all times as if on parade, and the close saving and freedom from break-downs will amply repay all the trouble and outlay. Within certain limits the shape of the mortar does not affect the economic results nearly as much as has been supposed that depending mostly on the man attending to them. A mortar must be narrow, as the object is to get the ore out of the battery as fast as crushed. The back should be curved from the throat, so as to throw the ore directly on the center of the "die." This back must be solid metal, and on no account have copper plates in the back. Their advantage is very dubious, and in nine cases out of ten their use is a very great detriment to successful work. Without them the copper plates on the "chuck-blocks" catch as much amalgam as both combined; there is less surface to scour, particular- ly with low-grade ore, and with them the additional width of the mortar prevents the splash being exerted exclusively against the screen, and reduces the crushing capacity of the battery. (See Fig. 1.) The discharge, that is, the distance between the top of die and bottom of screen, should be within a fraction of four inches, new dies requiring wooden strips under the screens to keep this height. The "drop" of the stamps should be 4y 2 to 5 inches, and the speed always above 95 drops per minute, preferably above 100 drops. A slow drop, besides decreasing the duty of the stamps, allows the quicksilver to settle and diminishes its com- minution so that too much is liable to be used at one time, a sure loss if the gold is floured. A quick, short drop more nearly approaches the action of the pan in pan amalgamation, keeping all the pulp in constant agitation, and mixing the quicksilver uniformly, so that all parts of the ore come in contact with it before leaving the battery. 18 HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. The "chuck-block," covered with the copper plate, should be entirely separated from the strip of wood on which the screen rests. The plate should touch the bot- tom of the screen itself, at as slight an angle as possible, and should be very nearly vertical and five inches deep. Its backing, generally of wood, must be as slight as possible, so as to place it far from the dies. It is held FIG 2. FIG. 3. Nodern Machinery. FIG. 4. in place by a strip of iron, which extends into the shoul- ders on each side of the mortar. Two chuck-blocks should be made with the blocks to conform to the height of the screen as the dies wear down, as with dies half worn the wooden strip under- neath the screen is removed, bringing the discharge down to normal height, and the copper must not project above the bottom of the screen-discharge. This sketch, made without a scale, as the width of mortars varies, will better explain it. Figure 2 shows both cross-section and longitudinal section. HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. 19 The screens (see Fig. 3) are preferably made with open- ings eight inches highland the entire length of the rnor- tar. Abstain from putting any cross-pieces, which ob- struct the freedom of discharge. In placing the screens the chuck-block is first put in place, then the strip of wood on which the screen rests, having a lining of blanket tacked to both edges, and this strip of wood is keyed by the shoulders cast on the lip of the mortar. Then the screen is put in place and keyed by the wedges driven down the shoulders on each side of mortar. There still remains a large opening between the top of screen and the bottom of the upper casting of the mortar itself. This should be wide enough, even with new dies, to al- low of the easy insertion of the arm to the shoulder. In most mills this is very foolishly closed solidly by a wooden false screen and keyed as tightly as the screen itself. The proper way is to take a strip of wood the full outside width of the mortar in length, and 2x1 inches, and on this tack very strongly either extra-heavy canvas or a piece of rubber belting, which just fills the opening in width and extends a little below the upper edge of screen-frame, in depth. The advantages of this should be obvious, but a few of them may be named: First, it permits the inspection of the interior of the bat- tery at all times, without stopping the stamps; second, the cleaning, twice daily, of all accumulated chips and other clogging of the inside of screen; third, the exami- nation by touch of the amalgam accumulating on chuck- block; and, fourth, in many cases, the driving on and re- placing of shoes without removing the screen. The greatest advantage of all is that the mill is stop- ped as little as possible, and hence the most perfect amalgamation maintained, while no hard amalgam is broken away, as always occurs when the screen is re- 20 HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. moved. In fact, as my first great point was "avoid grease," my second is, "Never remove the screen of a battery till the run is ended, if it can possibly be avoided, and the finer the gold the more important this is." It takes a very appreciable time, after a battery is started, no matter how short the stop may be, before all the pulp is in constant agitation, and the quicksilver mixed with it. This rule also brings us to the proper material of which to have the screens made, and in this as well as everything else, the best is always the cheapest. Theo- retically, wire screens expose the most discharging sur- face, but they clog the quickest, and have to be removed to be cleaned by a wire brush, a very serious fault, as stated above. Round-punched holes present too much dead surface, being exactly the reverse of the wire screens. This only leaves us the "burr-slot" and the "punched-slot," and of these the burr-slot, though clog- ging the least of any, wears coarser more quickly than the punched-slot. Therefore the advice we give is to use in stamp batteries "punched-slot screens," of the best material to be had. Of material we have tinplate, Russia iron and steel. Tinplate is the cheapest, but the screens are worn out within a few days, and are really the most expensive in the results that can possibly be employed. Russia iron will not break easily, but the orifices wear so coarse within 48 hours, particularly on hard quartz, that the ore will not be pulverized as fine as required. This leaves us only the steel, which breaks before it wears coarse, on account of its hardness. Of course there is steel and steel, but if a point is made about it, steel screens can be procured which will not break for over a month under rough usage, and even in HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. 21 that time the size of the apertures has not appreciably increased, i. e., sufficiently to cause any loss in free gold. Here we have the best condition, the battery in steady operation for a month, the pulp in steady and constant agitation, no disturbance of the hard amalgam, by re- moving a screen; and the greater the quantity of amal- gam in the battery, the more of the fine and floured gold is caught there. Therefore use a "steel, punched-slot screen," of the size found by experiment to be the best. Several factors determine this size. With coarse gold this is not of so much moment, but should the gold be fine, it is necessary to crack the ore that much more to free it. This degree of pulverizing depends on the grade of the ore, as in many cases it costs more to save the finest gold than the total amount saved, and it then becomes necessary in practical reduction to use a larger sized screen, put through more rock, and pay little attention to additional loss in the tailings. However, it is best to use as fine a screen as is conform- able with a profit in working the mine. The outside of the screen must be scraped several times a day, and as good a device as any is a copper spade with the edge turned over at an angle of 45 de- grees; wooden handle, copper riveted, as shown in Fig. 4. There should be a long expanse of copper-plate surfacs below each battery, though some of it is only of use in case of faulty amalgamation. These plates are technically divided into: INSIDE COPPER CHUCK-BLOCK, a description of which has already been given, and there is only to add that it is an unnecessary expense to have it silver-plated. LIP-PLATE, which must be heavily silvered, at least three ounces of silver to the square foot being put on it. 22 HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. This plate is just the length of the mortar and is wide enough to extend from the inside-edge against which the bottom of screen is braced, to a half-inch beyond the iron lip of mortar. Two rectangular holes are cut in it, to allow the shoulders of lower keys to project, and the wooden strip on which the screen rests is placed on top of the plate and holds it solidly in position. SPLASH PLATE. This is rarely found, even in the 10" "8" Modern Machinery. best mills, but is of the utmost importance; the more so, as the gold is floured. In fact, it is absolutely necessary if very fine gold is to be saved. It should be 12 inches wide, by a length just sufficient to fill the space between the shoulders of the mortar. There are several ways of adjusting, but in every one the point to be observed is, HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. 23 that it shall stand in front of the screens at an angle never less than forty-five degrees and better if over fifty degrees from horizontal; that the bottom shall be at least an inch below the bottom of the screen, and the space between the screen-frame and it shall not exceed three-quarters of an inch. Take this plate and fasten it to an inch board, leaving a margin of the board below the copper plate, to act as a brace to the stalactites slowly formed, and then by back supports, stand it on the edge of the next plates, so that it is held firmly against the mortar and yet can be instantly removed, as shown in Fig. 5.. Another way of great simplicity, which, however, has the objection of causing too much jar, is to rivet a piece of track iron on each shoulder, at the angle the plate shall stand, and slide the plate down, keeping it away from the screen by a false strip tacked to the front of the board, along each side of the plate itself. By studying the effect of this its advantages can easily be seen. Twenty years ago it was universal to have a spray of clear water constantly dropping on the apron- plate to form a slight stoppage of the pulp and cause the amalgamated gold to settle and attach itself to the plate, but, as future working of the pulp was very much hin- dered by this excess of water, it is now rarely used. Again, to a certain extent, the output of the mill is in- creased the greater the amount of water allowed to flow into the battery, and as a result, all the water that could be used and not hinder future operations, is allowed to run into the mortars. No matter how fine the gold may be, if it is free, under proper amalgamation, it will adhere to an amalgamated surface if brought into actual contact with it, and this the splash-plate does in two ways. First, half of the OF THE 24 HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. pulp is thrown against it in a coarse spray, aiding adhe- sion by the force; second, it then runs down the plate, dropping off the bottom exactly similar to the spray from the clear water troughs used in earlier times, forming a dam and eddies, which cause the other half of the pulp to precipitate its fine amalgam at this point. From here, the object to be attained is to have no rap- id and strong currents. To turn the pulp over and over, so that all parts are frequently brought in contact with the amalgamated surface, and to spread this pulp as thin as consistent with keeping it in constant motion and allowing no settling of even the heavy sulphurets on the plates. It is also found that an occasional drop of one inch to one and one-half inches is a benefit. Now we come to one of the greatest mistakes made by 90 per cent, of all amalgamators, an error held to like the grip of death by men of broad technical education, causing the failure of many properties which should be successful. This is the grade given to the large plates. These should never be placed with less than 2y 2 inches to each foot, and in most cases 3 inches would be better, and even more, while better work can be done at an angle of forty-five degrees than with a grade less than 2% inches. Take a case where the plates are set below 2y 2 inches, we find an excess of water required to keep all the pulp moving and, therefore, too great a depth, so that the fine gold is held in solution and never touches the amal- gamated surface, when we truly have float gold, while an equally bad feature, almost universal, is that it allows too much quicksilver to be used, and fine gold will never be saved with even a slight excess of quicksilver. This point will be more fully explained under the discussion of amalgamation. HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. 25 With the plates at the proper grade and the requisite amount of water, the pulp travels down the plates in a succession of waves, the lower edge of each wave rolling over and over and bringing every particle of water even, in contact several times with the amalga- mated surface. The more sulphides the ore carries, the steeper must be the grade of the plates, to clear them and still not interfere with the concentration of the tailings. After this explanation we can continue the descrip- tion of the plates. From the lip-plate the pulp has a drop of nearly two inches and falls on the first plate separate from the mor- tar. The apron-plate should be divided into two sections, the first easily removed at all times. This should be the full length of the mortar, and two feet wide, and that end nearest the battery resting on the wooden shelf fast- ened to wooden mortar-block, and held in place by the lip of the mortar or a strong hook on each side, while the lower end rests on the second section. This second sec- tion must have the same width, and be from 4 to 6 feet long. It is supported by extension legs firmly secured to the floor. By using this form of support the grade of the table can be changed to suit the ore, after practical ex- periment. Start with a grade of '^ to 3 inches, and, if too much water is required to keep all the pulp in steady motion, lower the second section (the first assuming the same grade, as it rests on it), until the pulp is seen to move freely and in successive waves with a minimum of water. On most ores this amount of plate surface is all that is necessary, but if there is still sufficient fall to allow the tailings to be readily carried away automatically, the pulp is now passed over "sluice plates," as a safeguard 26 HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. against accidents, after passing through a quicksilver trap. - | * i|i'J These sluice plates are 18 inches wide and from 8 to 10 feet long, and are set at a minimum angle of 1% inch per foot. All the plates should have a coating of silver of three ounces to every square foot, although on the sluice plates two ounces will do. There are several devices for traps, but most of them are only receptacles where a slight obstruction to the flow of the current is given and this is not enough. We want to accomplish two objects: first, retain all the amalgam and quicksilver that may have escaped the copper plates; second, secure this with a minimum of sand and sulphurets. A large open box is always filled with sand which is gradually replaced by coarser sand and sulphurets ac- cording to the length of time before its complete re- moval, while only a modicum of loss is arrested here. The next result of experimenting caused the pulp to de- scend on one side and rise on the other of a partition, the higher specific gravity of the valuable portions aid- ing their retention, and it is on this principle, that the most successful traps are now constructed; the best of all being those used in the mills of the "Homestake" in the Black Hills, and designated as the "Black Hills Trap." This can easily be constructed of wood by any good carpenter, as it consists of a wooden box with sheet iron partitions, loosely set in grooves cut in the sides of the box. A trap for five stamps is given here. It is made of V/ 2 inch clear lumber; inside measure horizon- tally 10 inches wide by 8 inches; depth at inlet, 18 inches; at outlet, 6 inches. Plough three grooves equally distant in each side and *4 inch deep, making them HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. 27 wide enough to allow a sheet of heavy iron or copper to slide readily up and down. The middle groove should extend clear to the bottom of box while the other two are stopped 2 inches from the bottom. Fig. 6 shows the details of construction of box, a perspective view and the method of attaching handle to the middle partition. The first iron or copper plate is cut 10% inches wide and 18 inches long, with a handle riveted to its upper \ \ Modern Machinery. edge. The second is cut 10% inches wide and 12 inches long, with a rod riveted at each side and extending up 4 inches, as shown in cut. The third is like the second, 10%xl2 inches, with a handle riveted on its upper edge like the first. Here we have at two separate times 6 inches' pressure to force the pulp, the first time a vertical distance of 12 inches, the second time a distance of 6 inches, both prac- tically prohibiting the escape of a metal of such a HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. high specific gravity as quicksilver, even if very finely comminuted and still not enough to prevent the escape of all the pulp and sulphurets except a slight layer less than two inches, which also is in constant agitation as f >ox Modern Machinery. long as the same amount of water is employed. Should this water get slack from any cause, the first division at once becomes choked, but the trap is quickly freed HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. 29 by raising the first partition. When the trap is cleaned all the partitions are withdrawn and the residue, very small in quantity, is removed. The pulp, on leaving the apron-plate, falls into a box with the bottom sloping from each side to a central vent, from which it flows directly into the trap, and on leaving the trap, either flows over the sluice-plates, or, Modern Machinery. in their absence, into wooden or iron launders, to be con- veyed to the concentrators. Fig. 7 shows two cross-sec- tions of the box in front of apron-plates. The battery tailings, after leaving the sluice-plates, or, if they are absent, the amalgam trap, fall directly into the concentrating launders. These are preferably made of wood, as iron pipes, if choked by broom straws, pieces of blanket, etc., have to be disjointed to be cleaned. These wooden boxes, troughs or launders measure inside 4 inches wide by 6 inches high, and must have at the very least a grade of % inch per running foot. Now, under the most careful management, a little amalgam and quicksilver escapes all the devices mentioned above, and it is advisable to put in a couple of "riffles" in each box length of 12 feet. This is done in this way: Before the bottom piece is nailed to the sides, make a saw-cut at right angles to the length equally distant and a half inch deep, and then gouge out to it from the upper side. This is shown in Fig. 8. If the water used is always the same in quantity, a V-shaped box will carry the sand with the smallest 30 HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. amount, but should the water slacken at all the sand at once makes a broader surface and then from the in- creased friction and breadth the launder is at once filled to the top. To gain some advantage from the V-shaped form we have found great benefit in putting angle strips . s Modern Machinery. along each side of the box, 1 inch wide and 1 inch high, giving a 2 inch bottom with flaring sides, as shown in Pig. 9. When the pulp is divided over two machines a division with a long swinging finger is put in and each launder reduced to a width of 2 inches, from the end of which it is carried by a rubber hose to the concentrators. THE CONCENTRATORS. As stated in the beginning, all sulphurets of a value above $50 per ton require a shaking table with an endless belt that must work without a jar, and be at all times completely under the control of the operator. Two classes of machines are in vogue, one shaking sidewise or across the stream, the other with an end- shake against and with the stream. Years of practical experience have proved that the end-shake concentrators cannot produce concentrates free from foreign matter, HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. 31 though in some cases the tailings have a very low valu- ation, while any attempt to make clean headings results in excessive loss. This can readily be seen as the up- stroke against the current exerts too great a force against the clear water regulated for the downstroke, while if regulated with sufficient force to keep the sand back on the upstroke, it washes down the finer and lighter sul- phurets during the downstroke. This has been acknowl- edged by the inventors of the end-shake machines, from the fact of the universal application of the side-shake since that special patent has expired. The first of these side-shake machines is still taken as the standard, being superior in the estimation of the world in its operation and ease of adjustment, and far ahead in the quality of material employed in its con- struction. This makes it, however, the most expensive at first cost, though the cheapest in the end. This is known as the "Frue Vanner," and the general applica- tion of all being the same, it will be taken to illustrate the general method of concentration. However, we wish first to explain the reason for the use of a wooden frame, to which some objection is made. It is this, that there is sufficient spring to a wooden frame to prevent any jar to the table as it is thrown an inch each way, and this jar is always very perceptible on all the machines resting on a rigid iron frame. We will now continue the course of the battery tail- ings. The concentrator is set with a grade regulated by screws at the foot, up which and against the cur- rent the endless belt travels, and this grade is arranged so that there is at all times a thickness of pulp of ^ inch which is neither stiff nor sticky. The speed of the shaking motion for average ores is started at 190 revo- lutions per minute, and then the proper grade is deter- 32 HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. mined only after actual experiment. The pulp falls on the machine near its upper end, being uniformly distrib- uted by the "ore-spreader" over the entire width of the belt. On this ore-spreader it is well to have a silver- plated copper plate, as this is the last opportunity to catch separately any amalgam or quicksilver that may have escaped all the other devices. The ore-spreader must deliver the pulp to the belt with as little splash as possible so as not to disturb the sul- phurets that have already settled. To do this there should be a step added, as shown in Fig. 10, to break the fall, and this step must just clear the surface of the pulp already on the machine. In front of this ore-spreader is placed a clear water distributer, which supplies just enough water to sepa- rate the remnants of sand from the sulphurets, and take the place of the water coming down with the pulp. The water should be just enough to keep all the field be- tween the water distributor and the ore-spreader cov- ered with water without a current. Too little water is shown by a series of dry fingers against which the finest sulphurets shake, become dry and float down the ma- chine uncaught. Should some sand come up with the sulphurets and no dry fingers be exposed, do not turn on more water, but either decrease the speed of the uphill travel of the belt if the bed of pulp is the right depth and not sticky, or give the machine a steeper grade by lowering the foot. The tailings from the concentrators under proper management should show by panning tests no more sulphurets, though perhaps an assay by fire will still show that too much is being lost, either in sul- phurets too finely slimed to be collected by hand tests or in tellurides, oxidized minerals or carbonates. Very often these fine slimes can be saved with coarse canvas, HINTS ON AMALGAMATION. Ore >--^c/