CREMONA'S TWO TREATISES ON GEAPHICAL STATICS HUDSON BEARS HENRY FROWDE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE AMEN CORNER, E.G. GRAPHICAL STATICS TWO TREATISES ON THE GRAPHICAL CALCULUS RECIPROCAL FIGURES IN GRAPHICAL STATICS LUIGI CEEMONA LL.D. EDO., FOR. MEMB. R.S. LOND., HON. F.ll.S. EDIN. HON. MEMB. CAMB. PHIL. SOC. PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS IN THE UNIVEBSITY OF ROME TRANSLATED BY THOMAS HUDSON BEARE B.SC. LOND., ASSOC. M. INST. C.E., F.R.S. EDIN. PROFESSOR OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MECHANICS, HERIOT-WATT COLLEGE, EDINBURGH AT THE CLARENDON PRESS 1890 [All rights reserved'] 60 TBANSLATOE'S PKEFACE, FOE some years I had used a rough English manuscript summary of Professor CKEMONA'S works on the Graphical Calculus and Reciprocal Figures, while reading with engineer- ing students of University College, London. As English versions were much wanted, I was advised by Professors PEARSON and KENNEDY to ask the consent of Professor CREMONA to my undertaking their translation, and at the same time they supported my application to the Delegates of the Clarendon Press that they should become the publishers. To both applications a most cordial consent was given ; and I take the opportunity of thanking both the Author and the Delegates for the trust they have reposed in me. The trans- lations have been revised by Professor CREMONA and certain portions (in particular Chap. I. of Reciprocal Figures) have been entirely written by him for the present English edition. I regret that a long delay has occurred in the appearance of this book, due chieny to pressure of work both on the part of myself and Professor CREMONA. I feel sure that the translation will supply a long-felt want, and be found extremely useful by students of engineering and the allied sciences, especially by those whose work compels them to pay attention to graphical methods of solving pro- blems connected with bridges, roofs, and structures presenting similar conditions. THE TRANSLATOR. HERIOT-WATT COLLEGE, EDINBURGH. CONTENTS. Page TEANSLATOE'S PEEFACE v ELEMENTS OF THE GRAPHICAL CALCULUS. AUTHOB'S PEEFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION xv CHAPTER I. THE USE OF SIGNS IN GEOMETEY. Art. 1. Rectilinear segments, negative and positive sense .. .. 1 2. Relation between the segments determined by 3 collinear points 2 3. Distance between 2 points 3 4. Relation between the segments determined by n collinear points 3 5. Positive and negative direction of a straight line 3 6. Relation between the segments determined by 4 points on a straight line 4 7. Relation between the distances of any point from three con- current straight lines in its plane 4 8-9. Angles, negative and positive sense 6 10. Relation between the angles formed by 3 straight lines in a plane 7 11. Expression for the angle between two straight lines .. .. 8 12. Areas, negative and positive sense 8 13-14. Relation between the triangles determined by 4 points in a plane 15. Relation between 5 points in a plane, 4 of which form a parallelogram 10 16. Relation between the distances of a point and 3 non-concur- rent straight lines in its plane 10 viii CONTENTS. Art. Page 17. Circuits, simple and self-cutting, Modes 12 18-23. Areas of self-cutting circuits 12 24. Reduction of self-cutting to simple circuits 18 25. Relation between two polygons with equipollent sides .. .. 20 26-30. Areal relation of a pole and system of segments 'equi- pollent to a closed or open circuit 21 CHAPTER II. GRAPHICAL ADDITION. 31-33. Geometrical sum of a series of segments given in magni- tude and sense 24 34. The sum of segments independent of their order of construction 26 35-38. Cases where the sum is zero 27 39. Geometrical subtraction 28 40-42. Projection of segments and circuits 28 43-45. Theorems for 2 systems of points, when the resultants of the segments joining each system to the same pole are equal 29 46-48. Extension of the word sum to include absolute position 31 49-52. Constructions for completely determining the sum .. 32 53. Case of parallel segments 35 54. Case of 2 parallel segments 35 CHAPTER III. GRAPHICAL MULTIPLICATION. 55-56. Multiplication of a straight line by a ratio 37 57. Division of a straight line into equal parts 38 58. Division of angles into equal parts. Spiral of Archimedes 39 59-62. Multiplication of a number of segments of a straight line by a constant ratio. Similar point rows 39 63-64. Multiplication of a system of segments by a system of ratios 42 65-67. Case where these segments are parallel, and other cases 45 68-69. Multiplication of a segment by a given series of ratios .. 49 70-72. Other constructions for same problem 51 CONTENTS. IX CHAPTER IV. POWERS. Art. Pag 73. Multiplication of a segment by the n^ power of a given ratio 54 7475. Other constructions for same problem 55 CHAPTEE V. EXTRACTION OF ROOTS. 76-77. Equiangular Spiral .. ., 59 78-82. Properties and construction of the spiral .. .. .. 60 83-84. Application of it to the extraction of roots 63 85. Extraction of square roots 64 86. The Logarithmic Curve and its properties 64 87. Construction of the Curve 66 88. Construction of tangents to the curve 67 89. Applications of the curve 68 CHAPTER VI. SOLUTION OF NUMERICAL EQUATIONS. 90-91. Lill's construction of a complete polynomial 70 92-93. Reduction of the degree of an equation 73 94. Equations of the second degree 75 CHAPTER VII. REDUCTION OF PLANE FIGURES. 95-96. Reduction of a triangle to a given base 77 97-100. Reduction of a quadrilateral 78 101-103. Reduction of polygons 80 104-105. Reduction of sectors, and segments of a circle .. .. 82 106-107. Examples, figures bounded by circular arcs and rectilinear segments 83 108-110. Reduction of curvilinear figures in general .. .. 86 111. Application of the reduction of areas to find the resultant of a number of segments 87 CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. CENTROIDS. Art. Page 112-114. Centroid of a system of n points 89 115. Centre of mean distances .. .. 90 116-119. Centroid of a system of n points with integral coeffi- cients, or loads 90 120-123. Centroid of a system of n points with any coefficients or loads whatever 92 124. Construction of the centroid when all the points lie on one straight line 94 125. Construction of the centroid for any 3 points 95 126. Construction of the centroid for the general case .. .. 96 127. Case where the sum of the coefficients or loads vanishes .. 97 128-129. Further properties and constructions of the centroid .. 98 130131. Centroids of homogeneous figures, linear, superficial, and solid 99 132. Centroid of a system of rectilinear segments or triangular areas 100 133-134. Centroid of a rectilinear circuit, regular polygon .. 100 135. Centroid of an arc of a circle 102 136. Centroid of the periphery of a triangle 102 137. Centroid of a quadrilateral 103 138-139. Centroid of a trapezium 104 140. Centroid of any rectilinear figure or polygon 106 141-143. Examples (polygon, cross sections of Angle and Tee- irons) 106 144-145. Centroid of sectors and segments of circles .. .. 109 146. Centroid of a figure bounded by rectilinear segments and circular arcs .. 110 CHAPTER IX. RECTIFICATION OF CIRCULAR ARCS. 147. Rankine's constructions 113 148. Sayno's constructions, use of spiral of Archimedes, and other curves 114 149. Kochansky's graphical construction of TT 117 CONTENTS. XI RECIPROCAL FIGURES IN GRAPHICAL STATICS. Page AUTHOR'S PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION 121 CHAPTER I. POLE AND POLAR PLANE 123 CHAPTER IT. POLYGON OF FORCES AND FUNICULAR POLYGON AS PIECIPROCAL FIGURES 131 CHAPTER III. APPLICATION OF PVECIPROCAL DIAGRAMS TO FRAMEWORK .. 143 CHAPTER IV. EXAMPLES OF FRAME- AND STRESS- DIAGRAMS 153 ELEMENTS OF THE GRAPHICAL CALCULUS AUTEOK'S PKEFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION. A GREAT many of the propositions, which form the Graphical Calculus of the present day, have been known for a long time ; but they were dispersed in various geometrical works. We are indebted to CULMANN for collecting and placing them at the head of his Graphical Statics ; a branch of science, created by him, which is such a powerful help in engineering problems. The first chapter of this small work, which now appears in English, treats of the use of signs in Geometry, as MOEBIUS conceived them. The succeeding chapters, on Graphical Addition and other arithmetical operations, contain chiefly the graphical calculation of a system of forces in a plane when they are represented by rectilinear segments. The research on centroids, to which the reduction of plane figures serves as an introduction, refers equally to the same subject, being nothing else but the determining of the centres of systems of parallel forces. A special chapter is dedicated to LILL'S method of graphical resolution of numerical equations. As MB. BEARE expressed a wish to translate my little treatise II Calcolo Grafico, and also Le Figure Reciproche nella Statica Grafica, for the use of English students, and as the Clarendon Press authorities kindly agreed to publish them, I have been happy to give my consent, as I gave it, some time ago, to Mr. LEUDESDORF for the translation of my Geometria projettiva. Whilst reading the translation I have profited by the opportunity to revise the text, and to introduce some improvements. I take the opportunity of thanking both the Translator, and the Delegates of the Clarendon Press. THE AUTHOR. ROME, July 1888. ELEMENTS OF THE GKAPHICAL CALCULUS, CHAPTEE I. THE USE OF SIGNS IN GEOMETKY. 1. LET 0, A, X be three points in a given straight line (Fig. i), of which and A are fixed points whilst X moves from in the direc- tion OA. Further let the _o o A segments (limited portions of the straight line) OA, OX _2 contain a, x linear units respectively^. Then as long ~xf~ as X remains between and Fig. i. A, we have x < a ; when X coincides with A, x = a ; and as soon as X has passed beyond A, we shall have x > a. If the point X instead of moving from towards A, were to travel in the opposite direction (Fig. 2), the number x of linear units contained in the segment OX would be o considered negative, the number a remaining posi- tive. For example, if X and A were equally dis- tant from 0, we should have x a. A straight line will always be considered to have been described by a moving point. One of the two directions in which the motion of the generating point can take place is called positive, the other negative. Instead oi positive or negative direction we may also speak of positive or negative sense. When a segment of a straight line is designated by the * The linear unit is supposed to be a segment of unit length measured in the same direction as OA. B 2 THE USE OF SIGNS IN GEOMETKY. [2- number (oo) of linear units it contains, its sense is shown by the sign + or of the number x. A segment may also be designated by means of the two letters which stand at its ends ; for example AB (Fig. 3). In this case we agree to write A c B AB or BA, according as the generating point is conceived to move from A c A B to B, or in the opposite j>- 3 sense. In accordance with this convention, the sym- bols AB, BA denote two equal magnitudes of opposite* sense, hence the identity AB + BA = 0, or AB = -BA, BA = -AB. Of the two points A, B, the extremities of the segment AB, the one A is called the initial, and the other B the final point of the segment. On the other hand for the segment BA, B is the initial point, and A the final point. 2. Let A, B, C be three points in a straight line. If C lies between A and B (Fig. 3), then AB = AC+CB, and therefore CB-AC + AB = 0, or, since [Art. 1] -CB - BC, and -AC = CA, BC+CA + AB= 0. If C lies on the prolongation of AB, then AB + BC = AC, hence BC-AC + AB=0, and therefore BC+ CA + AB = 0. And, finally, if C lies on the prolongation of BA, CA + AB = CB, hence -CB+CA + AB = 0, or BC + CA + AB = 0. We therefore conclude that f : If A, B, C are three points (in any order whatever) in a straight line, the identity BC+CA + AB=0 always /tolas. * That is to say, two magnitudes of equal arithmetical values, but with opposite algebraical signs, such as + a and a. ^ M.OBivs } J3arycentrisc?terCalcul (Leipzig, 1827), l.Gesammelte Werke,Bd. 1. -5] THE USE OF SIGNS IN GEOMETRY. 3 3. From this proposition we obtain an expression for the distance between two points A, B in terms of the distances of these points from a third point collinear with them which we choose as the initial point of the segments. In fact, since 0, A, B are three points in a straight line, we have OA + AB + BO = 0, therefore AB = OB- OA, or AB = AO+OB. 4. If A, B, C, ..., M, J\ r are n points in a straight line, and if the theorem expressed by the equation AB + BC+ ... +MN+NA = is true for them ; then the same theorem is true for n + 1 points. For if is another point of the same straight line, then since between the three points N, A, there exists the relation the above assumed equation becomes AB + BC+...+NO+OA = 0. Q. E. D. Now it has already been proved (Article 2) that the theorem is true for n = 3, therefore it is also true for n = 4, and so on. 5. The sign of a segment AB is undetermined, unless a positive segment of the same straight line has already been given; the direction of this latter segment is called the positive direction of the straight line. For two different straight lines the positive direction of the one is in general independent of that of the other. But if the two straight lines are parallel, we can compare their directions and say that they have the same positive direction when. after having displaced the one line parallel to itself until it coincides with the other, the two directions are found to be identical. Hence it follows, that two parallel segments AB, CD have the same or opposite signs, according as the direction from A to B coincides with the direction from C to D, or not. If. for example, ABCD is a parallelogram, then AB+CD = 0, and BC + DA = 0. If we draw through n given points of a plane A lt A 29 . .., A n , segments A 1 A l ', A^A^, ..., A H A n ' all parallel to some given direction in the plane until they intersect a fixed straight line AI A 2 ' . . . A n ' , then the sense of one segment determines that B 2 4 THE USE OF SIGNS IN GEOMETKY. [6- of all the others. Two segments A r A r ', A S A' have the same or opposite sense, according as the points A r , A s lie on the same or opposite side of the given straight line A^A^... A n '. Two equal parallel segments, with the same sign, are called equipollent., after Bella vitis. 6. If A, B, C, D are four collinear points, we have the identity AD.BC + BD.CA + CD.AB = 0. For the segments BC> CA, AB can be expressed as follows, BC=BD-CD, CA = CD-AD, AB = AD-BD; now multiply these three equations by AD, BD, and CD re- spectively and add the results, the right-hand side vanishes, and we obtain the identity we wished to prove. 7. Let p, q, r be three straight lines intersecting in the point (Fig. 4). Through any point M of the plane draw a Fig. 4. transversal, cutting p, q, an d after the interchange at the completion of the angle a r+1 let it take up the position Y r '. Then, if the point lies in one of the angles Y r Y r+l = F^j J/ = a r+l , the interchange will de- crease or increase by unity each of the numbers ;;, n. If, on the other hand, lies outside these angles, both these numbers will be unaltered. In every case therefore the difference/? n is unchanged. COROLLARY. The difference p n is equal to the number (positive or negative) of revolutions contained in the sum aj + a 2 -f . . . In fact, let K . 360 + y be the sum of the positive a's, and (h 360 + y') the sum of the negative a's. Now y and y' are each less than 360, and as the final position of the -21] THE USE OF SIGNS IN GEOMETRY. 15 radius vector Zis supposed to coincide with its original posi- tion A, we must necessarily have y = y '. But by virtue of the preceding lemma the difference p n will remain unaltered if, instead of describing the angles a 1? a 2 , a 3 , &c., in succession, we describe the rotation y y +k 360 /$360, or the rotation 360 h 360 (as the equal and opposite angles y and y can be neglected) ? since this leaves the numbers p, n unchanged, or increases or diminishes each of them by unity. Now, in describ- ing each of the Jc (or 7i) positive (negative) rotations, we make a positive (negative) passage through the point ; therefore p n = k h. 21. THEOREM. Let any given closed circuit whatsoever, in a plane, be described in a given sense by a point X, returning to its original position, after having passed over all the points of the circuit. Take a point in the plane, and let 2 be the algebraic sum of the sectors described in succession by the radius vector OX. Then the sum 2 remains constant wherever may be taken *. Let us imagine the plane divided by a close network of lines into very small areas, which we shall call elementary areas, so small that the circuit does not pass through the interior of any one of them, with the exception of those that form part of the contour. If while the point X describes the circuit it happens that the radius vector OX in passing through certain positions changes its sense of rotation, we shall suppose that the straight lines forming these special positions of the radius vector form part of the network. Then it is not possible for any elementary area to be partially described by the radius vector OX, but it will be either totally described or not at all. Having premised this, then, during the whole movement of the point X in the circuit, let any elementary area whatever co be described by the radius vector OX,p times positively, n times negatively. Then the area ", or between &>" and a/", &c. Since we can thus conjoin all the elements in succession of one and the same space S, therefore all the elements of 8 will appear in the sum 2 with the same coefficient c. That is to say, 8 appears in the sum 2 with the coefficient c. If therefore c lt c 2i ... are analogous coefficients for the spaces 15 S 2 , .,., we have 2 = ^ + ^+..., if we understand that S lt S 2 , ... at the same time express the areas of the spaces represented by these symbols. Next let CD, coj be two elements, between which the circuit passes once ; and let w lie on the right and u 1 on the left of the circuit which passes between o> and once with a positive rotation, without describ- ing o) 19 whilst for all other parts of the circuit the elements o> and Wi will be described simultaneously in the same sense. The coefficient of o> will therefore exceed that of o^ by 1 ; that is to say, if in passing from one space to a neighbouring one we cross the circuit once from right to left*, then the coefficient of the first space exceeds that of the other by unity. The infinite region $ has the coefficient zero ; for if that is to say, If the circuit is not a self -cutting -one then the sum 2 is the area of the space enclosed by the circuit. Fig. 15 1. This property naturally leads us to consider the sum 2 as defining the area of any self -cutting circuit*. 24. A self-cutting circuit can be decomposed into circuits which are not self-cutting, by separating the (curvilinear) Fig. 1 6 a. Fig. 1 6 b. angles, formed by the branches which intersect at each node, without altering at all the sense (i. e. the direction of the arrows) Fig. 170. Fig. 1 7 ft. of the branches themselves. Consider, for example, Figs. 16 and 17; in each a self-cutting circuit is resolved into two * Besides the paper by DE MORGAN previously mentioned, see MOBIUS, Ueber die Bestimmung des Inhalts eines Polyeders [Berichte der Konigl. Sachs Gesellsch. der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, 1865), 13 and following ; Ges. Werke, Bd. 2.] -24] THE USE OF SIGNS IN GEOMETRY. 19 simple ones ; also Fig. 1 8, where a self-cutting circuit is resolved into four simple ones. The spaces with negative coefficients are in this way separated from those with positive coefficients ; and of two Fig. 18 a. Fig. 18 5. spaces whose coefficients have the same sign, the one whose coefficient is greater in absolute value, lies wholly within the other. Thus, for example (if we denote by S r the space whose coefficient is r), S 2 is inside /S^; S B inside S 2 ,..., _ 2 inside _ 19 .... Hence it follows that the area 2 can be ex- pressed as a sum of spaces, which all have positive or negative unity for their coefficient. For this purpose it is sufficient to take the area S r once for itself, and once more with the area S r _ lt within which it lies; that is to say, we sum the spaces S r and S r _ l + S r instead of 2S r and S r - ly and so on. Consider for example (Fig. 18) where the area is equal to 8* + (S t + &) + (^ + S, + S 3 ) - S_*. By the area of a system of closed circuits we understand the algebraic sum of the areas of the single circuits. Thus, for Fig. 19. Fig. 20. example, the ring inclosed between the two oval curves in Fig. 1 9 is the area of the circuits ABC, A'C'Jl'; on the other hand, the * CULMANN, GrapMsche StatiJc, 2d ed. (Zurich, 1875), N r . 26. C 2 20 THE USE OF SIGNS IN GEOMETKY. [25- area of the circuits ABC, A'B'C' (of Fig. 20) is equal to that ring plus twice the internal area A'B'C'. In both cases we can sub- stitute for the two circuits a single one AA'C'B'BCA (Fig. 19) or AB'C'A'BCA (Fig. 20), where the points B, B' are considered as infinitely near to A, A' respectively. In (Fig. 21) the two Fig. 21. Fig. 22. circuits intersect; the area of the circuits ABC, A'B'C' is equi- valent to that of the circuits AA'B'C, ABB'C'. In Fig. 22 the area of the circuits ABC, A'B'C' is equivalent to that of the circuits ABA'B', AC'A'CA. The two circuits can, in each case, be replaced by a single one. 25. If the two closed polygons CDE ... Hf, C f D'E'. . . M', in a plane, have their sides CD, C'D', DE, D'E,' ... MC, M'C' re- spectively equipollent, the sum of the parallelograms CDD'C' DEE'D' ... MCC'M' is zero. It will be sufficient to prove this for the case of the triangle CDE. Taking D as the pole of the contour CC'D'E'E, we have from the theorem of Art. 19, DCC' + DC'D' + DD'E' + DE'E+DEC = CC'D'E'E. But the two first triangles together form the parallelogram DCC'D'\ similarly the third and fourth triangles form the parallelogram EDD'E'. Also CC'D'E'E-DEC = CC'D'E'E-D'E'C' = E'ECC', which is a parallelogram. Wherefore : DCC'D' + EDD'E' + CEE'C' = 0. From this it follows that if CDE . . . M is a closed polygon whose n sides are the bases of n triangles whose vertices are the points AI A 2 ... A n , respectively, (which are taken anywhere in the plane of the polygon,) the sum of the triangles does not change when the polygon is moved parallel to itself in -26] THE USE OF SIGNS IN GEOMETRY. 21 its plane. In fact, if C'D'W ... M f is another polygon, whose sides are equipollent to those of the given one, we have A 1 CD = A L C'D'+C'DD', A 2 DE = A n MC = summing up we have, because, as we have shown above, the sum is equal to zero. 26. THEOREM. If the rectilinear segments A 1 B 1 , A 2 B 2 , A 3 B 3 , ... A n B n of given magnitude and position in a plane are equipollent to the sides of a polygon (i.e. of any rectilinear closed circuit, whether self-cutting or not), then the sum of the triangles OA^ + OA 2 B 2 + OA 3 S + . . . + OA n B n , is constant wherever the jwle may be taken, at a finite distance. But if the given segments are not equipollent to the sides of a closed polygon, then this sum is not constant except for such points 0, as are equidistant from a fixed straight line*. Proof. Construct the crooked line CDE . . . MN, of which the successive sides CD, DE, . . . MN are respectively equipollent to the given segments A- [ B l , A 2 B 2 , A 3 B%, ... A n B n ; so that the figures A 1 B 1 DC, A 2 B 2 ED, ... , A n B n NM are parallelograms. Then from (Art. 15), OA^= OCD-A^CD, OA 2 B 2 = ODE-A 2 DE, &c. &c. OA n B n = OMN-A n MN, and also from the proposition in Art. 19 OCD+ODE+... OMN+ ONC = CDE ... MNC, hence by addition we have OA l BI + OA 2 B 2 + . . . + OA n B n = CDE . . . MNC + OCN -(A l CD^-A 2 DE+...+A n MN). If the given equipollent segments form a closed polygon, that is, if the point N coincides with C, then the area of OCN is zero, provided that the point remains at a finite distance, and therefore the sum OA 1 B 1 + OA 2 B 2 + . .. + OA n B n * APOLLONIUS, Loci Plani, lib. 1. L'HUILIER, Polygonometrie, 1789, p. 92. MOBIUS, Statik, 46. 22 THE USE OF SIGNS IN GEOMETBY. [27- has a value independent of the position of 0. Hence it follows that, in the special case where ON is zero, the above- mentioned sum either has the value zero for every point of the plane, or else it vanishes for no single point (tying at a finite distance). If N does not coincide with C, the above sum will remain unaltered, so long as the area of the triangle OCN does not alter ; that is, so long as the point remains at the same distance from the straight line CN. If we change this distance, and take a new pole 0', we shall have 0'A 1 B 1 + 0'A 2 B 2 +... + 0'A n B n = CDE...NC+ O'CN Take the pole 0' at such a distance from CN, that the area of the triangle O'CN is equal to A 1 CD + A 2 DS+ ... + A n MN-CDE ... NC, then the sum O'A^ 1 +0'A z 2 + ... + 0'A n B n = 0. The straight line (parallel to CN), which is the locus of those points 0' for which this sum is zero, we call r. If we take the point C, i. e. the arbitrary initial point of the crooked line CDE ... , upon r, then the area of O'CN is zero, and therefore the sum of the triangles A 1 CD + A 2 DE+ ... +A H MN is equal to the area CDE . . . MNC. If we keep to this choice of C, i.e. if we agree that C shall be a point in the line r, then for any point whatever we shall have OA 1 1 +OA 2 B 2 +... = OCN. 27. Conversely, if the sum OA 1 B 1 , OA 2 B 2 , &c. ... is the same for every point in the plane, the segments A l B l . l A 2 B 2 , &c. ... are equipollent to the sides of a closed polygon. If there are two segments, they will therefore be parallel, equal, and opposite in sense. If we take the point on one of them, we see that the sum is half that of the parallelogram formed by the two segments. 28. In the special case, where all the given segments meet in a common point C, the sum of the triangles A 1 CD + A 2 DE+ ... +A n MN, or else CLE+... + CMN is identical with the area of the polygon CDE ... NC (Art. 23) ; and therefore the common point C must also be a point in the straight line r. This is tantamount to saying that in this case -30] THE USE OF SIGNS IN GEOMETRY. 23 / coincides with the straight line CN, which joins the ex- tremities of the crooked line CDE . . . MN. The same conclusion holds good if the given segments lie upon straight lines, which all intersect in the same point C ; since we can substitute for the triangle OA r B r the triangle OCB ',., because the segments A r B r and CB' r lie on the same straight line, and are equal to one another in magnitude and similar in direction. 29. From this property of the straight line r, for the case where all the segments lie upon straight lines which meet in the same point, we obtain a construction for the straight line ; in the general case, when the segments lie anywhere upon the plane. Let C be the point in which A 1 B 1 and A 2 B 2 intersect. With C as the initial point construct the triangle OLE, whose sides CD, DE &YQ equipollent to the straight lines A 1 B l , A 2 B 2 ; then from what has just been proved for every position of the point OCE= OA 1 J3 i +OA 2 S 2 . Now let P be the point, in which CE cuts the straight line A 3 B 3 ; with P as initial point construct the triangle PQlt, whose sides PQ, QR are equipollent to the segments CE, A 3 J3 3 , then OPE = OCE+ OA 3 3 = OA 1 B 1 +OA 2 B 2 +OA 3 3 . And so we proceed continually until we ultimately reach a segment AB such that OAB = OA l B! + OA 2 B 2 + . . . + OA n B n . This segment AB lies on the required straight line r, and is equipollent to the straight line CN, which joins the extremities of the crooked line CDE . , . MN, whose sides are respectively equipollent to the given segments. 30. As in the general case, when CN is not zero, all the points 0, for which the sum OA 1 B 1 +OA 2 B 2 +... OA n B n has the same value, lie upon a fixed straight line (par. 26), so there is only one straight line r, the locus of the points 0, for which the above sum is zero. Hence it follows, that whatever be the order, in which we take the given segments in the above construction, we shall always arrive at one and the same straight line r. CHAPTER II. GRAPHICAL ADDITION. 31. To geometrically add or combine a number of segments 1 , 2 , 3 , . . . , ft given in direction and magnitude, we must con- struct a polygonal circuit, whose sides, taken in order, are equipollent to the given segments (Fig. 23). The straight line *!,..., n which joins the first and last points of the circuit so constructed, is called the geometrical sum Fig. 23. 1 Fig. 24. Fig. 25. or resultant of the given segments * ; and these are called its components. If the given segments are all parallel to one another, the polygonal circuit reduces to a straight line, whose successive segments 01, 12, 23, ... (Fig. 24), or 11, 22, * CHELINI, Saggio di Geometna Analitica, trattata con nuovo metodo (Koma, 1838), p. 35. GRAPHICAL ADDITION. 33,... (Fig. 25) are respectively equipollent to the given segments. In this case the resultant of the given segments is identical with their algebraical sum. The two figures show two different methods of denoting a series of segments which follow one another consecutively upon a straight line. 32. From the definition given above, it follows that the resultant *!,..., of the n given segments 1, 2, 3, ..., n is iden- tical with the resultant of the two segments s lt .,, ir * r+1 ,...,n> of which s lt . . . f r is the resultant of the first r given segments, and * r +i,...,n of the n r remaining segments. For since the straight lines ...,. Fig. 26 corresponding to n = 8, and r = 5 , shows that the result- ant of the segments 1,2,3,4,5, 6, 7, 8 coincides with the geo- metrical sum of two components, one of them the resultant of the segments 1 , . . . , 5, the other the resultant of the segments 6, 7, 8. From this we infer that, if we divide the given segments [always taken consecutively, i.e. in the given order] into any number of groups, and if we sum the segments of each group, the sum of the partial resultants thus obtained will coincide with the resultant of all the given segments. 33. The resultant of a number ^\$ of given segments is independent of the position of the point as- sumed as the initial point of the circuit. Fig 27 In fact the circuits drawn from two different initial points, and O lt are equal similar and similarly situated (congruent) figures, and the Fig. 26. GRAPHICAL ADDITION. [34- Fig. 28. second may be found by moving the first parallel to itself, so that each of its points describes a straight line equipollent to the straight line 00 1 (Fig. 27). 34. THEOREM. The resultant * lf ... jW of several given segments 1, 2, 3,..., n is independent of the order in which they are combined. Proof. We begin by proving that two consecutive seg- ments, for example 3, and 4 (Fig. 28), can be interchanged. In the given order, the resultant of all the segments is also the resultant of the three partial resultants # lf 2 , s 3> 4 , * 5> ...,. In like manner, in the new order, the resultant of all the segments will be the resultant of the par- tial resultants s lt 2 , s^ s , s 5t . . . t n . But #3,4 and * 4>3 are the same straight line, namely the dia- gonal of the parallelogram, which we obtain by drawing first two consecutive segments equipollent to the given ones 3, and 4 , and then, starting from the same point, two other consecutive segments equipollent to the same given seg- ments with their order changed 4 ' 3 '. Thus the interchange of the segments 3, and 4 has no influence on the required resultant. If we interchange first 3 and 4, then 3 with 5 , and finally 5 and 4 , the total effect is the same as if we had interchanged 3 and 5 (Fig. 29). In gen- .4' eral we interchange any two non-consecutive seg- ments we please by means of interchanges of consecu- tive segments. Therefore the resultant of any num- ber of segments is unal- tered if we interchange any two segments we please ; or the resultant is inde- pendent of the order in Fig. 29. which the segments are taken to form the figure. -37] GRAPHICAL ADDITION. 27 Fig. 30 shows several circuits, constructed with the same segments, taken in the different orders 12345, 13254, 15234. Fig. 30. 35. If a closed circuit can be constructed with the given segments, then from the proposition just proved it follows, that all the circuits obtained by changing the order of the seg- ments have this same property. In this case the resultant of the given segments is zero, or The resultant of any number of segments vanishes when they are equipollent to the sides of a dosed polygon. The simplest case in which the resultant vanishes is that of only two segments, one of which is equipollent to the other taken in the opposite sense. 36. If, out of some of the segments whose resultant is required, a closed polygon can be formed, then all these may be neg- lected without affecting the required resultant. In Fig. 31 the resultant of the seg- ments 1 ... 9 coincides with that of 1 , 2,8, 9 , because the resultant of 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 is zero. If the component segments are in- creased in any given ratio, then the resultant is increased in the same ratio, without changing its direction. 37. Two series of segments have equal (equipollent) result- ants, if, after constructing the corresponding circuits starting from the same point the final points of the two circuits coincide (Fig. 32). If we combine the segments of the one series with 28 GKAPHICAL ADDITION. [38- Fig. 32. those of the other taken in the opposite sense, the total resultant is zero. 38. Two series of segments have equal resultants, but of opposite sense, when, the corresponding polygonal circuits being so constructed that the initial point of the second coincides with the final point of the first, the final point of the second also falls on the initial point of the first. If we combine the two series of segments, their total resultant is zero. Conversely, if the resultant of several seg- ments is zero, and if we split them up into two distinct groups, the resultant of the one group is equal, and of opposite sense, to that of the other group. 39. Subtraction is not a distinct operation from addition. To subtract a segment 1 from a segment 2 is the same as adding to 2 a segment equipollent to the segment 1 taken in the opposite sense. 40. If two series of segments have equal (equipollent) resultants, by adding to, or taking away from, both the same segment, we shall obtain two new series whose resultants will also be equal (equipollent)*. 41. Given a segment AB (Fig. 33), and a straight line r ; then if we draw through A and B in any arbitrarily chosen direction two parallel straight lines to meet r in the points A' and B', the points A', B' are called the projections of the points A and B, and the segment A'B' the projection of the segment AB. The straight lines AA' BB' are called ihe projecting rays. The projections of two equipollent segments are themselves equipollent (so long as we neither change the direction of r, nor that of the projecting rays). * The properties of Art. 32 and Art. 40 can be both deduced without further proof from those of Art. 30. Fig. 33- -43] GRAPHICAL ADDITION. 29 42. Let ABC . . . MNA be a closed circuit (Fig. 34), and A',B f , C f , ... M' t N' the projections of its vertices ; then since A', J5', &c. are points in a straight line, it follows, from (Art. 4), that A'B' + B'C'+... M'N' + N'A'= ; i.e. the sum of the pro- jections of the sides of a closed circuit is zero. Let A l B l , A 2 B 2 , . . . , A n B n be n segments in a plane, whose resultant is zero, that is to say, n segments which are equal in magnitude and direction to the sides of a closed polygon. Then since the sum of the projections of the sides of a closed polygon is zero, and since the projections of two equipollent segments are equal, therefore the sum of the projections of the given segments will vanish. A number of given segments to- gether with a segment equal, but of opposite sense, to their resultant, form a system of segments whose resultant is zero. Hence the following proposition : The projection of the resultant of a number of given segments is equal to the sum of their projections. From this we at once conclude that : If two series of segments have equal resultants., the sum of the projections of the segments of the one series is equal to the sum of the projections of the segments of the other. 43. Let A^B-L, A 2 B 2 , ...,A n B n be n given segments in a plane, whose resultant is zero (Fig. 35). If we take an arbitrary point as pole, then we may suppose A r B r to be the resultant of the segments A r O, OB r -, therefore the resultant of the segments A,0, 03 lt A 2 0, OB 2 , ... , A n O, OB n will vanish (Art. 38), i.e. the resultant of the segments OA lt OA 2 , ..., OA n is equal to that of the segments OB-^ 2 , ...,OB n . Conversely. Given two groups of n points A^ , A 2 , ...,A n , and lt B 2 , ..., B n ; if the resultant of the straight lines OA l , OA 2 , ..., OA n , obtained by joining any pole to the points of the first group, is equal to the resultant of the straight lines OB } , OB 2 , ... , OB n , got by joining the same pole to the points of the second group : then the resultant of the segments A l B l , A 2 B 2 , ,.., A n B n , which join the points of the 30 GRAPHICAL ADDITION. [44- one group to those of the other, is zero. (It is here supposed that the points of the one group can only be properly united to those of the other, when no point is left out, or used more than once.) In fact it follows from the proposition of Art. 37 Fig. 35- that the resultant of the segments Afl , A 2 0, ...,A n 0,OB l , OB 2 , ..., OB n is equal to zero ; but the resultant of A r O and OB r is A r B r , therefore also the resultant of the segments A l B l , A 2 B 2 , . . . , A n B n is zero. 44. Hence it follows from the first proposition (Art. 43), that when a new pole 0' is assumed, the resultant of the segments 0'A lt 0'A 2 , ..., 0'A n , is equal to the resultant of the segments O'_# l5 0'B 2 , ..., 0'B n . Wherefore * If, for two groups of n points A i , A 2 , . . . , A n ; B , B 2 , . . . , B n and a fixed pole 0, the resultant of the segments OA , OA 2 , ..., OA n is equal to the resultant of the segments OB 1 , OB 2 , . . . , OB n ; then the same equality holds for any other pole 0' '. Moreover the resultant of the n segments, which join the points of the one group with those of the other taken in any arbitrary order, is equal to zero. 45. Retaining the supposition just made as to the two groups of n points, project them into the points J/, A 2 , ..., A n ', -^i> -^2') -Bn on a straight line r by means of rays parallel to any arbitrarily chosen direction. Now take the pole on the straight line rf, then we may suppose the ray OA r to * GKASSMAN, Die Ausdehnungslehre (Leipzig, 1844), p. 41. f See Fig. 35, and imagine the straight line r so displaced, that the points and 0' coincide. -47] GKAPHICAL ADDITION. 31 be formed by combining the two lines OA' r , A' r A r , and so on ; the resultant of the segments OA{, OA 2 , ..., OA U ', A 1 f A 1 , A 2 A 9 , ...,A n 'A n is therefore equal to the resultant of the seg- ments OJ?/, OS,', OSJ, ... OS,,', S&, 2 '3 2 , ..., S,;S n . But (Art. 41) the resultant or sum of the segments OA{, OA 2 ', ... OA n ' is equal to that of the segments OB{, OB 2 , OBJ since all these segments are the projections of two other series of segments, whose resultants are equal ; Therefore If for two groups of n points A lt A 2 , fyc. ; _Z? l5 B 2 , fyc. and a fixed pole 0, the resultant of the segments OA 1 , OA 2 , fyc. is equal to the resultant of the segments OB l , OB 2 , fyc., and if we project all the points by means of rays parallel to an arbitrarily chosen direction on to the same straight line, the sum of the projecting rays of the points of the one group is equal to the sum of the projecting rays of the points of the other group. 46. So far, we have been speaking of the resultant of a number of segments, considering only their magnitude, direction, and sense, but not their absolute position. We shall now give a more general definition, which includes the one previously given (31), and takes account of all the elements of the resultant straight line of a number of given segments. If n segments A l B l , A 2 B 2 , . . . , A n B n , are given (in sense, position, and magnitude) their resultant will mean a segment AB of such magnitude, position, and sense, that, for any pole 0, the area of OAB is equal to the sum of the areas OA^ + OA 2 B 2 + ... + OA n B H (26, 30). 47. For shortness we shall call the triangle OAB, the triangle which joins the segment AB to 0. The sense AB of this seg- ment shows the way in which the circuit OAB is traced out, and therefore shows the sense of the area OAB. This being premised, our definition may be expressed as follows. By the resultant of a number of given segments, we mean a segment such that the area of the triangle which joins it to an arbitrary pole 0, is equal to the sum of the areas of the triangles which join the given segments to the same pole. Since the area of the triangle OAB does not change, if we displace the segment AB along the straight line on which it lies, therefore the resultant of a number of segments will not GRAPHICAL ADDITION. [48- change, if we displace each of them in an arbitrary manner along the straight lines on which they respectively lie. 48. We know already from Art. 26 that if we construct a polygonal circuit CDE . . . MN, the sides of which are respect- ively equipollent to the given straight lines A L B L , ..., A n B n , then its closing side NC is equipollent to the resultant AS. If the circuit is closed, i. e. if N coincides with C, but if the sum of the areas A l B + A 2 B 2 4- . . . OA n B n is not zero, then the magnitude of the required resultant is zero and it is situated at an infinite distance. If the circuit is closed, and the above sum also zero, then the magnitude of the resultant is still zero, and. its position is indeterminate. In this case therefore it may be asserted that the given series of segments has no resultant. 49. But if C does not coincide with N, then the problem is uniquely solved by a segment AB of finite magnitude, situated at a finite distance. As we already know its magni- tude, its direction, and its sense, it will be sufficient, in order to completely determine its position, to find one point in the straight line of which it forms a part. For this purpose we may use either the construction in Art. 29, or else the much simpler one following (Fig. 36). Fig. 36. We begin by constructing a polygonal circuit, with its sides, which we shall now denote by 1, 2, ...,n, respectively, equi- pollent to the given segments ; then their resultant is equi- pollent to the segment , which closes the circuit, taken in the opposite sense, i.e. it is equal, but of opposite sense, to -49] GKAPHICAL ADDITION. 33 the segment which joins the final point of the side n to the initial point of the side 1. We now choose at pleasure a pole U, and draw from it the rays UT 01 , U7 12 , ..., UF n0 * to the vertices of the circuit; where 77.i+i means the vertex which is the final point of the side i (equipollent to A i B i \ and the initial point of the side i+ 1 (equipollent to A i+l .Z? /+1 ). We next construct a second polygonal circuit with its vertices 1,2, ..., n lying respectively on the lines to which the segments A-^B^ A 2 B 2 , ..., A n B n belong, and with its sides 01, 12, ..., nO respectively parallel to the rays UT 01J UT[ 2 , ..., U7 HQ . The extreme sides 01,wO of this polygon will, if sufficiently produced, meet in a point which lies on the required line of the resultant f . Proof. We suppose the segment A l S l to be resolved into 2 others, situated in the sides 01, 12 of the second polygon, and equipollent to the rays T 01 U, Uf^. 2 of the first; in like manner we suppose the segment A^B 2 resolved into two others, situated in the sides 12, 23 of the second polygon, and equipollent to the rays T\ 2 U, UY^ of the first ; and so on, till finally A n B n is resolved into two segments situated on the sides n 1 -n, nQ, and equipollent to the rays 7 > n _ 1 >n 7, U"F H0 . If we take any pole , then the area of the triangle, which joins it to one of the given segments, is equal to the sum of the two triangles which join its two component segments to the same pole ; and consequently the resultant of the n given segments A l B l , A 2 B 2 , . . . , A n B n coincides with the re- sultant of the 2 n component segments into which the given ones have been resolved. Now the first of these 2 n segments is situated on 1 , and equipollent to 7 Ql U, and the last is situated on n , and equipollent to UJ' n , whilst all the rest, 2 (n 1 ) in number, are equal to one another in pairs, are of opposite sense, and are situated on the same side of the second polygon. For example, the second and third component segments lie on the side 12, and are respectively equipollent to UT 19 and f n u. The areas of the two triangles, which join these pairs of segments to 0, are equal to one another but of opposite sense ; the resultant of the given segments is therefore no other * In Fig. 36 all the letters V, A, B are left out, and n = 4. t CULMANN, 1. c. ; Nos. 41 & 42. D 34 GRAPHICAL ADDITION. [50- than the resultant of the first and last component segments, of which the first is situated in 01 and equipollent to T' 01 U, and the other is situated in nO and equipollent to UP n0 . But the resultant of two segments passes through the common point of (Art. 28) the straight lines to which they belong, therefore the required resultant passes through the common point of the two extreme sides 01 , ?iO of the second polygon. 50. If the pole U were taken in a straight line with the two extreme points J r olt 7 nQ of the first polygon, then the two extreme rays VF ol , UT^ would coincide, and therefore the two extreme sides 01, nO of the second polygon would be parallel. In this case therefore the construction would not give a point at a finite distance in the required resultant. But this inconvenience could at once be remedied by choosing a new pole U f not lying in the straight line ^ 13 ^ and then proceeding as above. 61. Even if that is not so, it may happen (Fig. 37) that the points V nQ and T' 01 coincide, and then, wherever U may be, Fig- 37- the extreme rays coincide, and therefore the sides 1 , #0 are either parallel or coincident. If they are parallel, the sum OA 1 B 1 + CL4 2 7? 2 + &c. is equal to the sum of the two triangles whose common vertex is 0, and whose bases are equipollent to the equal and opposite rays F ol U, UT' Ql and lie in the sides 01 , 0, or is equal to the half of the parallelo- gram (Art. 15), of which those bases are the opposite sides. -54] GEAPHICAL ADDITION. 35 In this case the resultant is zero and situated at an infinite distance; and the sum OA l B 1 + &c. has a constant value not zero, wherever (at a finite distance) the pole may lie. 52. If, on the contrary, the sides (Fig. 38) 01, nO coincide, i.e. if the opposite sides of the parallelogram coincide, then the sum OA 1 B 1 +OA 2 B 2 +&e. vanishes for every position of the pole 0. In this case any one segment taken in the reverse sense is the resultant of the remaining (nl) segments. 53. If we take the given segments A^B^ A 2 B 2 , ... all parallel to one another, then the first polygon ? 01 f 12 T 23 ... ? n0 (Fig. 39) reduces to a straight line, but the construction of the 1 V Fig. 39- Fig. 38. second polygon is just the same as in the general case. The resultant is parallel to the components. 54. If there are only two segments A^B^, A 2 B 2 , the con- struction may be simplified as follows (Figs. 40, 41). In the unlimited straight line A 1 B l . . . take a segment CD equipollent to A 2 B 2 , and in the unlimited straight line A 2 B 2 ... a segment Cflf equipollent to A^B V Then the common point of the straight lines CD', and CfD lies on the required resultant. For if we draw If IE parallel to C'D and join to E, then C, D, E represent the vertices F Ql , J 12 , 7 20 of the first polygon, and takes the place of the point U ; the points D' , E are the vertices 1, 2 of the second polygon, which is here represented by the D 2 36 GEAPHICAL ADDITION. triangle OD'E, and represents also the point of intersection of the extreme sides of this second polygon. -C' XD' Fig. 40. Fig. 41. From the similar triangles OCD, OD'C' we have OC': OD= C f If -.DC that is to say : The ratio of the distances of the resultant of two parallel segments from these segments is the negative reciprocal of the ratio of the component segments. CHAPTER III. GRAPHICAL MULTIPLICATION. 55. To multiply a straight line a by the ratio of two other straight lines 6:c, we must find a fourth straight line so such that the geometrical proportion holds : c : I a : x. For this purpose it is sufficient to construct two similar triangles OLM and O'PQ with the following properties. In the first there are two lines (two sides, or base and altitude, and so on) equal or proportional to c, I ; and in the second the line homologous to c is a ; then co is the line in the second triangle homologous to b ; or else In the first there are two lines proportional or equal to c and a ; and in the second the line homologous to c is b ; then x is the line of the second triangle homologous to a. 56. The relative position of the two triangles is purely a matter of choice ; and the particular choice made gives rise to different constructions. The choice will be chiefly deter- mined by the position occupied by the given segments a, b, c, or of that which we wish x to occupy. (a) In (Fig. 42), for example, the two triangles have the angle in common and the sides opposite to it parallel. If in them Fig. 42, Fig. 43- we take OP, OM, OL to represent the segments , I, c, then OQ = x. But if OL = c, OP = a, LM = I, then PQ = x. 38 GKAPHICAL MULTIPLICATION. [57- (b) In (Fig. 43), on the contrary, the sides opposite to the common angle are antiparallel, i.e. the angles OML and OQP are equal (and therefore also the angles OLM and OPQ). (c) (Fig. 44). We may take c and a to be the altitudes of the two triangles ; and then, on the supposition that b is a side ON or LM of the first triangle, OQ or PQ will be equal to x. (d) Or again, let c and a be represented by OL, OP, or by OM, OQ, and let b be the altitude of the triangle OLM, then x is the altitude of the triangle OPQ. M M Fig. 44. (e) If (Fig. 45) the lines OM = b and O'P = a are drawn per- pendicular to one another, supposing that #, we may proceed as follows. Construct the triangle OLM, so that the side LM is parallel to O'P, whilst the hypothenuse OL = c. Then if we drawPQ parallel to OL, and O'Q perpendicular to PQ, the right-angled triangles OLM, O'PQ are similar because of the equal angles L and P ; and therefore O'Q x. The straight line O'Q, the orthogonal projection of O'P upon a straight line at right angles to OL, is called the Anti- projection of O'P on OL. If therefore a and b are perpen- dicular to one another, then x is the antiprojection of a upon . If we take the angle o> small enough, we shall obtain points sufficiently close together to be able to draw the curve with sufficient accuracy for all practical purposes. After we have drawn the Spiral of Archimedes, we are able to reduce the problem of dividing an angle to that of the division of a straight line. For if two radii vectores are drawn, which enclose the angle we wish to divide into n parts pro- portional to n given straight lines, we need only divide the difference of the radii vec- tores into n parts propor- tional to the same magni- tudes ; and then the dis- tances of the point from the n\ points of division will be the lengths of the n\ radii vectores to be inserted between the two given ones, in order to obtain the divi- sion of the angle. Fig. 46 shows the division of the angle MOM 5 into five Fig. 46. equal parts *. 59. If several segments AB, AC, ... , BC, ... of a straight line u have to be multiplied by a constant ratio 6 : c, the problem * PAPPUS, Collectiones Matliematicae, Lib. iv. Prop, xx, xxxv. 40 GRAPHICAL MULTIPLICATION. [61- resolves itself into finding a series of points A', B', C', &c. on another straight line u' ; such that the equations A'B f A'C' B'C' b . -Tn= ^777= ~T^ = ... = - hold. AB AC BC c The straight lines u, u' are called similar point-rows, and the points A and A', B and B',..., and also the segments ^J5 and A'B'..., are said to be corresponding. 60. If the straight lines n, n are parallel (Fig. 47), then all the joining lines A A', BB', CC', &c., pass through a fixed point (the centre of projec- tion). If, for example, we make AP = c, ^'P' = b, then ^^' and PP' give by their intersection the point 0, and every radius vector drawn through the point cuts u and u' in two corre- sponding points. 61. If u and u f are not parallel (Fig. 48), and if their common point represents two coincident corresponding points A and A', then the straight lines BB*, CC f . &c. are all parallel to one another. The common direction of these parallel lines may be Fig. 48. found, for example, by taking AB = c, A'B' = b ; then every straight line parallel to BB' cuts u and u f in two corresponding points. 62. If, finally (Fig. 49), u and u' are not parallel, and their common point represents two non-corresponding points P, Q', then all the straight lines AA\ BB', CC' , ... are tangents to the same parabola. If, for example, we take PQ = c, P'Q' = b, then the parabola is determined from the fact that, it must -62] GEAPHICAL MULTIPLICATION. 41 touch u in Q, and u' in P f . Every tangent of this parabola cuts u and u in two corresponding points. In order to obtain pairs of corresponding points, such as A and A', B and B f , &c., we need only draw from the different Fig. 49. points A", B", &c. of the straight line P'Q the straight lines A' A, B"B, &c. parallel to u' , and the straight lines A" A', B"B', &c. parallel to u. For then clearly we have A'B' P'Q' AB _ PQ m ' A"B" " P'Q ' A f 7?' P' O f and therefore ^=r = Fig. 50. If we wish to avoid drawing parallels * it is sufficient to consider two tangents (Fig. 50) of the parabola as given, i. e. two straight lines u, u", in which two similiar point-rows (they * COUSINEKY, Le calculpar le trait (Paris, 1840), p. 20. For another method of solving this problem see SACHERI, Sul tracciamento delle pur.tegyiate projettive aimili (Atti dell' Accademia di Torino, Novembre, 1873). 42 GRAPHICAL MULTIPLICATION. [63 may be equal) ABODE, ..., A"B"C", &c. are so situated that the common point of the two straight lines represents two non-corresponding points E, A", and that the segment AE of u [which is contained between the parabola and u"~\ is equal to the denominator c of the given ratio. If we want now to multiply the segments of u by the ratio I : c, we must place a line A'E' of length b between u and u" in such a manner that it joins two corresponding points BB". Then the straight lines CC", DD", &c. which join corresponding points of u and u", determine upon A'E' the required segments B'C':C'D':D'E'iA'W = BC : CD : DE : AE. If, for example, it were required to divide a given length BE into n equal parts, we should draw through B the straight line u'> and lay off on it n + 1 equal segments, A'B'=B'C'= C'D',&c.; then having joined E to E' we should, in like manner, lay off upon the joining line u", n+I segments each equal to EE f , or A"B"= B"C" = C"D"= & c ., &c. The n + 1 straight lines C'C", D'D", &c., &c. will meet BE in the required division-points C, D, &c. 63. Let (Fig. 51) a l , a 2 , . . . , a n be n segments given in magni- tude, direction, and sense, which have to be respectively multiplied by the ratios *i, i, &c., !. C\ C 2 C n We construct a polygonal circuit P at whose sides are re- spectively equipollent to the given segments a lt a 2 , &c., and call its successive vertices 1, 12, 23, ... nl.n, n, beginning 63] GKAPHICAL MULTIPLICATION. 43 at the initial point of the first side a 1 and ending with the final point of the last side a n . Then we construct two other circuits P c and P uc ; of which the first is formed by the n straight lines 1, 2, ..., respectively parallel to the sides of P a , and at the respective distances ^ , c 2 , . . . , c n from them, each measured in a constant direction which may be fixed arbitrarily, provided that c r be not parallel to a r * ; and the second P ac must have its vertices 1 , 2 , . . . , n respect- ively upon the sides of P ci and its sides 1, 12, 23, ...,nl.n,n-\ must respectively pass through the similarly named vertices of P a . The combination of these three circuits is called ' the First Figure.' Now construct a ' Second Figure,' which similarly consists of three circuits P x , P b , P xb , having the following properties (Fig. 51*): Fig. 51 a. i. The sides of P x are respectively parallel to the sides of P a \ the sides of P b parallel to those of P c (and therefore to those of P a and P x ) ; the sides of P xb to those of P ac . 1, The distances of the sides 1, 2, ... , n of P b from the similarly named ones of P x are # 15 # 2 , ... , b n measured parallel to the distances c l9 c 2 , ..., c n . 3. Each of the vertices 1, 2, ..., n of P xb lies on the * According as c r is positive or negative, we draw the straight line r to the right or left of a person who travels along a r in the sense belonging to that segment. t The side 1 is that which goes through the vertex 1 ; the side 12 joins the vertices 1, 2 ; . . . ; the side n passes through the vertex . In order to construct this polygon, we can take the side 1 at pleasure, provided it passes through the vertex lof P fL . 44 GKAPHICAL MULTIPLICATION. [64- similarly named side of P b , and each of its sides 1 , 12,23, ..., nl n, n must pass through the similarly named vertex of P x . In order to construct the * Second Figure ' we may, for ex- ample, proceed thus. The vertex 1 of P x is taken arbitrarily, and through it two straight lines are drawn, respectively parallel to the side a^ of P a , and the side 1 of P ac . These determine the positions of the side 1 of P x and the side 1 of P xb If now, at a distance l l from the side 1 of P x , a straight line is drawn parallel to this side, then this line will be the first side of P b , and the point where it meets the side 1 of P xb will be the vertex 1 of P xb . From this point draw (parallel to the side 1 2 of I ac ) the side 12 of P xb) then the intersection of this with the side 1 of P x , will be the vertex 12 of P x . From this point we draw the side 2 of the polygon P x in the direction of the segment a 2 , and afterwards the side 2 of P b in the same direction, but at a distance 2 from it, then the intersection of this with the side 12 of P xb , gives the vertex 2 of P xb , and so on. The polygon P x , whose sides we shall call #!, # 2 , ...,#, gives the result of the required multiplication. For the triangle, which has x r for its base, and for its opposite angle the vertex r of P xb) is, on account of the parallelism of the sides, similar to the triangle of the ' First Figure/ which has a r for base, and the vertex r of I ac for the opposite angle. The dimensions of these triangles in the chosen directions are l r , c r) and therefore Q. E. D. 64. With regard to the sense of the segment x r we remark, that the two triangles are similarly situated when c r and b r have the same sense, i.e. when the vertices r lie both to the right or both to the left of the bases (a r or a? r ) respectively opposite to them ; if, on the contrary, c r and l r are of opposite sense, then the two triangles have opposite positions. For this reason in the first case the segments a r and x r are of the same sense, in the second case of opposite sense. Hence it follows, that the segments x are placed consecutively taking account of their sense, i.e. in the way which is required by Geo- -65] GKAPHICAL MULTIPLICATION. 45 metrical addition. Wherefore their resultant, i.e. the re- sultant of the segments a r -, will be, in magnitude, sense, and C r direction, the straight line which closes the polygonal contour P x (i.e. the straight line which joins the initial point of x to the final point of #). 65. Special cases. Let all the segments a become parallel ; then each of the two circuits P a and P x reduces to a rectilinear point-row (Fig. 52) Fig. 52. Fig. 520?. and each of the circuits P c and P b becomes a pencil of parallel rays. That is to say, the construction reduces to the following. We set off the consecutive segments 01= ls 12 = 2 , 23 = a z , &c., along a straight line a ; parallel to this line and at distances cr ^ = 7' And therefore a"= a 2 . Q. E. D.* * EGGEES, Grundzilge einer grapMschen AritJimetik (Scliaffhausen, 1865), p. 12. JAEGER, 1. c., p. 11. -71] GRAPHICAL MULTIPLICATION. 51 70. In constructing the triangles of the first set, instead of setting off the segments b on the straight line bb, we might, after taking on cc the side 01 = c l , find on Ob a point 1 , such that the joining line 11 would be equal in absolute length to b r Then having drawn through 0, ^ parallel to 1 1 we might,, as above, construct a triangle of the second set, similar to 01 1, setting off on cc a side equal to a. Then the product (Fig. 57) a l = a . Fig- 57- is given not by the side parallel to ll t but by the side lying on /j ; and similarly for the other triangles. In this construction the signs of the segments b are not taken account of, since they are all set off in different directions ; it is therefore necessary in carrying over the segments, for example 1} upon cc, in order to proceed with the construction of the next triangle in the series, to give a the same sign as a, or the opposite according as b^ and c l have the same or opposite signs. In this method the segments 15 a 2 , ..., , which we have respectively obtained on l lt / 2 , ..., l n (the parallels to b l9 -b 2 , ..., l n ), are carried over to cc by means of circular arcs de- scribed around as centre. 71. A third method of performing the required multipli- cation is as follows. Set off from the common point along- one of the two axes (bb) the segments b l , # 3 , # 6 , &c., and c 2 , c 4 , C G , &c. ; and along the other axis (cc) (Fig. 58), b 2 , 4 , &c. and c 1 , a* = a^ &c., r 2 r 2 r c 1 and so on*. 74. In the third method (Art. 71) the triangles of the first set reduce to two equal, but differently situated, triangles Obc (Fig. 62) ; the one has its side c on the first axis and its Fig. 62 side b on the second ; whilst the other has its side b on the first axis and c on the second. The directions of the third sides are therefore antiparallel, and the sides of the crooked line, inserted between the two axes, are parallel to them. * EGGERS, 1. c., p. 15. JAEGER, 1. c., pp. 18-20. 56 POWERS. [75 The vertices of this crooked line determine on the first axis segments, measured from 0, which have the values and on the other axis Moreover the sides of the crooked line form a geometrical pro- gression ; for, if we call the first side a 1 ', the second is a' - , u 72 7 ^ the third '(-), the fourth a' (-) , &c. Hence we conclude that the given segment, which has to be multiplied by (-\ , instead of being set off on the first axis, may be placed in the angle between the axes so as to form the first side of the crooked line; its (?-fl) th side will then be the result of the multiplication. Continuing the crooked line in the opposite direction we obtain the products of the given segment (a or a'] by the negative powers of the given ratio If we wish to continue the progression between two suc- cessive sides of the crooked line, for example, between the two first (of and a' . - ) , then we need only draw between them a new crooked line, whose sides are alternately parallel to the axes ; and we obtain a figure analogous to the foregoing one. Let the segment of the first axis, which is intercepted by the first two sides of the first crooked line, be called #", then the sides of the new crooked line are respectively *","*, "(^,&c. t 75. Finally, if we employ the fourth method of construction * COTTSINERT, 1. c., p. 24, 25. t COTTSINERY, 1. C., p. 24. CULMANN, 1. C., No. 3. 75] POWERS. 57 (Art. 72) and take the angle between consecutive radii vectores constant (Fig. 63), all the triangles of the first series become equal and their vertices (opposite 0) lie on two concentric circles whose radii are respectively equal to b and c. The triangles of the second series are all similar to one another, because each is similar to the corresponding triangle of Fig. 63. the first series ; their vertices (opposite 0), and their sides (lying opposite 0} are the vertices and sides of a polygonal spiral circuit. The radii vectores of this spiral, i.e. the straight lines drawn from to the vertices, are the terms of a geometrical pro- gression 2 a, % = a - , a 2 = a ( - J , &c. This progression may be continued in the opposite direction, so as to give the products of a by the negative powers of ( - ) : Also the sides of the polygonal circuit form a geometrical progression with the same common ratio - *. JAEGER, 1. c., p. 20. 58 POWERS. If the constant angle between two consecutive radii vectores is a commensurable fraction of four right angles, which has the denominator p when reduced to its lowest terms, then the Fig. 64. (p + l) th radius coincides with the first, the (p + 2) ih with the second, and so on. If, for example, the given constant angle were a right angle * ; the angles between every pair of conse- cutive sides of the spiral polygon would also be right angles (Kg. 64). * REULEAUX, Der Constructeur, 3rd edition (Braunschweig, 1869), p. 84. K. VON OTT, Grundziige des grapMschen Rechnens und der yraphischen StatiJc, (Prag.1871), p. 10. CHAPTER V. EXTKACTION OF EOOTS. 76. CONSIDER the spiral polygon ABCDEFG ... (Fig. 65), whose radii vectores OA, OB, OC, OD, &c. represent the pro- ducts of a constant segment OA by the powers (corresponding to the indices 0, 1,2, 3, &c.) of a given ratio - = jr- , and c \J A whose sides AB, BC, CD, &c. subtend a constant angle at the Fig. 65. pole (Art. 75). As already remarked, all the elementary triangles, which have for a vertex and a side of the polygon as base, are similar ; also all the figures, obtained by combining 2, 3 or 4, &c. consecutive triangles, are similar, because they are made up of the same number of similar and similarly situated triangles. Therefore all the angles ABO. BCO, CDO, &c. are equal; also the angles AGO, BDO, CEO, &c. ; and so on. In general all the triangles around the vertex 0, the bases of which are chords, joining the extreme points of the same number of consecutive sides of the polygon, are similar ; these chords also subtend equal angles at the pole 0. These properties are quite independent of the magnitude 60 EXTRACTION OF ROOTS. [77- of the angle AOB, which in the construction of the first elementary triangle is chosen at pleasure. They would not therefore cease to be true if this angle were made infinitely small : in which case the polygonal circuit becomes a curve. From the similarity of the elementary triangles we have already deduced the equality of the angles at the bases OAB, OBC, &c. ; but if the angles at the point become infinitely small, the sides of the elementary triangles lying opposite to will become tangents to the curve ; the curve obtained has therefore the property, that its tangents (produced in the same sense, for example, in that of the increasing radii vector es) meet"*" the radii vectores, drawn from the pole to the point of contact, at equal angles. From this property this curve is called The Equiangular Spiral f . 77. Since the figures, which are made up of an equal number of successive elementary triangles, are similar, so also, if we draw in the equiangular spiral the radii vectores OA, OB, OC, &c., at equal angular intervals, the triangles OAB, OBC, OCD, &c., will be similar to one another. There- fore the radii vectores in question form a geometrical pro- gression, i.e. the polygonal circuit ABCD... inscribed in the spiral is exactly the same as the one constructed by the rule of Art. 75, starting from the elementary triangle AOB. If therefore we take the triangle A OB at pleasure, and construct the polygonal circuit ABCD..., all its vertices lie on the same equi- angular spiral with its pole at 0. Hence it follows, that the pole and two points of the curve completely deter- mine an equiangular spiral. 78. Any two points B, C (Fig. 66) of an equiangular spiral, * COUSINEKY, 1. C., p. 41, 42. CULMANN, 1. C., No. 5. t WHITWORTH, The equiangular spiral, its chief properties proved geome- trically (Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin Messenger of Mathematics, vol. i. p. 5, Cambridge, 1862). -80] EXTKACTION OF ROOTS. 61 the pole 0, the point of intersection T of the tangents at those points, and the point of intersection N of the corresponding normals, are five points on the circle whose diameter is NT. Of the truth of this we are easily convinced if we consider, (i) that the circle drawn on NT as a diameter will pass through the points B and C, since the angles NET and NCT are right angles ; (2) that the angles OBT and OCT being supplementary (since the angle made by a tangent with the radius vector drawn to its point of contact is constant), the four points OTBC belong to the same circle. Hence it follows that NOT is a right angle. 79. Now take the points B and C so close together, that the spiral arc between them can be replaced by a circular arc. Since this arc must touch BT and CT in the points B and C, its centre lies at N ; the tangents BT, CT are equal, and therefore the chord BC is bisected at right angles by the straight line NT; hence also, N and T are the points of bisection of the arcs BC of the circle OBC, i.e. OT is the internal, and ON the external bisector of the angle BOC. The point N, which will serve as a centre from which to describe the arc BC substituted for the spiral arc, can there- fore be constructed as the extremity of that diameter of the circle OBC, which is perpendicular to the chord BC. The centre P of the next arc CD, which must be the point of intersection of the normals at C and D t will be the point of intersection of the straight line CN 9 with the straight line which bisects the chord CD at right angles, or with the external bisector of the angle COD. And so on. 80. From this we obtain a construction for the equiangular spiral by means of circular arcs. We divide (Fig. 67) the angular space (four right angles) round the pole into a certain number of equal parts, so small that the spiral arc corresponding to each part can be replaced by a circular arc. On two consecutive radii vectores points A and B are taken, through which the spiral must pass. The centre M for the arc AB is then the end of that diameter of the circle OAB, which is at right angles to the chord AB. Let N be the point where BM cuts the external bisector of the angle between OB and the next radius vector. With the centre N describe the arc BC. Similarly let P be the point, in which CN cuts the 62 EXTRACTION OF EOOTS. [81- external bisector of the angle between 0(7 and the radius vector immediately following it ; then with P as centre we describe the arc CD ; and so on*. Fig. 67. 81. Instead of assuming the point A (as well as and B), we may suppose the constant angle between the tangent and radius vector to be given. In this case, having drawn BS inclined to OB at the given angle, let 8 be the point of intersection of this tangent B8 with the internal bisector of the angle between OB and its pre- ceding radius vector ; then the point A is given by the intersection of that radius vector with the circle OBS. After we have found the point M of this circle, which is diametrically opposite to S, we proceed with the construction in the manner explained above f. 82. We are often able to avoid drawing these circular arcs, and to restrict ourselves to finding a series of points on the curve sufficiently near together to be united to one Fig. 68. another by a continuous line. For this purpose we take the * For this construction I am indebted to Prof. A. SAYNO, of Milan, f For this construction I ana also indebted to Prof. A. SAYNO. -84] EXTRACTION OF ROOTS. 63 elementary triangle OA 1 B 1 (Fig. 68), of which the angle at is very small, and between the sides OA t and OB l construct the crooked line A l B l 6^ D 1 . . . , with its sides alternately parallel and anti parallel to A l B r Then, upon the radii vectores OA, OB, OC, &c., drawn at angular intervals each equal to the constant angle A^ B v take points A, B, C, &c., in such a manner, that OA l = OA, OB l = OB, &c. 83. This spiral when drawn serves for the solution of problems involving the extraction of roots. We want, say, the i ih root of the ratio between two given segments a it a. Write a { = a (-) , then the question becomes 7 ^ that of finding the ratio - Take on the spiral (Fig. 69, where i = 5) the radii vectores a and a { , and divide the angle included between them into i equal parts. The i 1 dividing- radii vectores a^ , a 2 , &c,, will be the intermediate terms of a geometrical progression of i + 1 terms, the first of which is a and the last a. t . The ratio a i :a of the two first terms is therefore the required ratio (-) . 84. Two radii vectores containing a constant angle have a constant ratio. From this it follows, that, if we take the sum or difference of the angles contained by two pairs of radii vectores a 1 ^ and a 2 b 2 , the resulting angle is contained by two radii vec- tores, whose ratio is in the first case equal to the pro- duct, in the second to the quotient, of the ratios a : : ^ , and a 2 : b 2 . That is to say, the equiangular spiral renders the same service in graphical Fig. 69. calculations which a table of logarithms does in numerical methods. The ratios of the radii vectores correspond to the numbers, the angles to their logarithms. On account of this property the curve we are speaking of is also called the Logarithmic Spiral. If we take a radius vector 64 EXTRACTION OF ROOTS. [85- equal to the linear unit as the common denominator of these ratios, it is obvious that the radii vectores themselves may be considered instead of their ratios to unity. If, for example, we wish to construct the segment x, given by the equation x=^/a l .a 2 a n , then SG is the radius vector of the spiral, which makes with the radius 1 an angle equal to the arithmetic mean of the angles, which the radii # ! , # 2 , ... a n make with the same radius 1 . 85. But when the extraction of a square root only is wanted, instead of employing the spiral, it is much easier to use the known constructions of elementary geometry. If, for example, x = Vab, we construct x as the geometric mean of the segments a and b. If the segments OA = a, OB = b are set off on a straight line in the same sense, then (Fig. 70) as is the length of the tangent OX, drawn from to a circle described through A and B ; or (Fig. 700) a circle may be drawn with diameter = OA (the greater segment), and then x is the chord OX, whose pro- jection on the diameter is the other segment b. Again, if the segments OA a, OB = b lie in a straight line, but have opposite sense (Fig. 71), we describe a semi- circle on AB, and then x is the ordi- nate erected at the point . 86. The same ends for which the equiangular spiral serves, are easily A attained by using another curve called 7 1 - < The Logarithmic Curve! Draw (Fig. 72) two axes Ox and Oy ; and on the first of them, starting from the origin 0, take the segments 00, #1, 02 , 03 , &c., respectively equal to the terms m f m \ 2 f m \ 3 -, * 2 = *> (- ) , # 3 = *o (-.) > -86] EXTKACTION OF BOOTS. 65 of a geometrical progression, of which the first term is # , and the common ratio (where m is supposed greater than n) ; and on the second axis take the segments 00,01, 02, 03, &c., also measured from 0, and respectively equal to the terms y = , y^ = I, O 7 o 7 2/2 = yz~^'i &c.j 01 an arithmetical progres- sion, with its first term equal to zero, and the common difference* = /. The terms of the two progressions, which corre- spond to the index r, are Fig. 72. and therefore ,m "A. &{\ I "~~* Between each pair of consecutive terms in each of the two progressions we can interpolate a new term, so as to obtain two new progressions, of which the first has a common ratio ( ) or - > and the other a common difference v n ' n 2 This follows, from the fact that in every geometrical (arith- metical) progression any term whatever is the geometrical (arithmetical) mean between the terms preceding and follow- ing it. If we construct, for example, the geometrical mean between #V, and # r+1 , an d the arithmetical between y r and ^ v+1 , we obtain the two corresponding terms of the two new progressions. In these progressions we can in like manner interpolate a * In the succession of numbers on Oy, the zero coincides with the origin 0, because y ti was taken = 0. 66 EXTRACTION OF ROOTS. [87- term between each pair of consecutive terms, and so on, until we i arrive at two progressions, for which the ratio ( ) and the difference . are as small, as we please *. If we use x and y to denote two corresponding terms, we have always ff\ T r (\ , (I) X XQ I I , or (a) ,- the logarithms being taken in any system whatever. We shall call those points of the axes Ox, Oy corresponding points, in which corresponding segments x and y terminate. We draw parallels to the axes through these corresponding points, i.e. through the final point of x a parallel to Oy, and through the final point of y a parallel to Ox. The straight lines so drawn will intersect in a point M\ x and y are then called the co- ordinates of the point M, and in particular as is called the 'abscissa' and y the ' ordinateJ The equation (i) or (2) ex- pressing the relation between the co-ordinates of the point M, is called the equation to the curve which is the locus of all points analogous to M. We call this curve the ' Logarithmic Curve' because the ordinate is proportional to the logarithm of a number which is proportional to the abscissa. 87. We construct this curve 'by points' in the following manner. After drawing the two axes Ox, Oy (Fig. 73) (usually at right angles) we take on Oy a segment OB = (2 *) = I, where I may be considered as the unit of the scale of lengths on Oy ; tYl and, upon Ox we take a' segment OA = (2*) = OC Q ~, where n 00 = x Q is the unit of length of the scale for 0#f, and - % the base of the logarithmic system (the number 10). * i is the number of interpolations. t Since x increases much faster than y, it is convenient, in order to keep the construction within reasonable limits, to take the unit x t much smaller than I, for ex., Xo =l. -88] EXTKACTION OF ROOTS. 67 Let OB be divided into 2* equal parts, and let 1,2, 3, 2*" 1 , ... , 2* ( = B) be the points of division. 01 2 3 4 5 6 Fig. 73- In order to find the corresponding points of Ox, take the M9 geometrical mean between # and # , i.e. describe a semicircle on OA as diameter, and set off along OA, starting from 0, the length of the chord of this semicircle, which has for a pro- jection ; we shall thus obtain the point 2 i ~ 1 of Ox, which corresponds to the similarly named point of Oy (i.e. to the middle point of 0). Similarly by taking the geometrical mean of and 2 *~\ and the geometrical mean between 2 *~ 1 and OA , we shall obtain the points on Ose, corresponding to the middle points of the segments 02*" 1 , and 2 i ~ 1 of Oy ; and so on. Now draw parallels to Oy through the points of division of Ox, and parallels to Ox through the points of division of Oy ; the points, in which the lines drawn through similarly named points intersect, lie on the logarithmic curve we are con- structing. Since to the value y = y = corresponds the value x = OC Q = , the curve passes through the point marked on Ox. 88. It is also very easy to construct a tangent to the curve at any one of its points (Fig. 74). Let M and N be Fi s- 74- any two points on the curve, at a small distance from one F 2 68 EXTRACTION OF ROOTS. [89 another ; J/P, NQ parallels to Ox , MR a parallel to Oy , and T the point in which Oy is cut by the chord MN. The similar triangles TPM and MRN give or TP : MP = OQ- OP : NQ-MP. Let OP = y, PQ = h, then MP and NQ are the abscissae corresponding to the ordinates y , ^ + /, and therefore .v y+fe Jff -=' *-='. whence TP = = I Now let the point N approach continually nearer and nearer to the point M, i. e. until li approximates to the value zero, then J\ J MTwi\l also continually approach towards the position of the tangent at M, and the segment TP , the projection of TM upon Oy, has for its limiting value what is usually called the ' subtangentJ But the limit * which the fraction h 1 approaches, when h tends towards zero, is the natural /W) AM logarithm of , which we shall denote by \ ; therefore in the n J n limit we have / TP = -~ n i.e. the subtangent is constant for all the points on the curve f. Hence it follows, that a single construction suffices for drawing tangents at all the different points on the curve. 89. Having thus constructed the logarithmic curve, we can solve by its aid all those problems for which the ordinary logarithmic tables are used. We want for instan ce * BALTZER, Elements der MathematiJc, i. 4ed. (Leipzig, 1872), p. 200. f SALMON, Higher plane curi-en, 2nd ed. (Dublin, 1873), p. 314. 89] EXTRACTION OF BOOTS. 69 to construct the f th root of the ratio between two straight lines p,q. Take upon Ox the abscissae of = p, x" = q, and find by means of the curve the corresponding ordinates y' and y". The abscissa corresponding to the ordinate -{tf y"} has the value r /In *oA/ - V q Secondly, say we want the ? >th root of the product of the r straight lines p l , p 2 , . . . , p r . Take on Ox the abscissae x^ =p 1 , x 2 =p 2 , &c., and find the corresponding ordinates y 15 y 2 , yz y r 5 t nen the abscissa a? corresponding to the ordinate 1 T is equal to the required quantity CHAPTEE VI. SOLUTION OF NUMEEICAL EQUATIONS*. 90. LET , fl x , 2 , . . . , a n be n + 1 numbers given in magnitude and sign, and let (Fig. 75) a polygonal right-angled circuit be constructed, the lengths of whose successive sides 01, 12, 23, ... are proportional to the given numbers. The sense of each side is determined by the following law : the r ih and the (r + 2) ih sides, which are parallel to one another, have the same or opposite sense, according as the signs of the numbers a r _ lt a r+l , which are proportional to these sides, are unlike or alike f. Fig- 75- Assume a point A 1 in the straight line 12, and take OA 1 as the first side of a second right-angled circuit of n sides, whose respective vertices A lt A 2 , A 3 , ... lie on the sides 12, 23, 34, ... of the first circuit. * LILL, Resolution grapMque des equations mtmerique &c - 5 whence it follows, that the reduction of a figure to a given base is the same thing as finding its area. Let the given figure be the triangle OAB (Fig. 80), whose base OA is denoted by a, and its height by li. Then, since the area must remain unaltered by the transformation, fb = \ah, and therefore f = a . j = Ji . r , that is to say, we have either to multiply a by the ratio Ji : 2 b, or k by the ratio a : 2 b. We therefore take OC = 2 b, B join C to B, and draw AD parallel to CB. Or else, take on OB the point D, whose distance from OA = 2 b, join DA, and draw BC parallel to DA. Fi s- 8o - If we join CD, the triangles OAB, and OCD are equivalent, because we obtain them, if we subtract the equal triangles ADB, ADC from, or add them to the same triangle OAD (according as OC is smaller than, or greater than OA). The required segment / is therefore in the first construction the * CULMANN, 1. c., No. 15 ct scqq. 78 REDUCTION OF PLANE FIGURES. [96- height of the point D above OC, and in the second is the length OC. 96. It is not necessary that one of the dimensions / or 2 #, should fall along a side of the given triangle. We may take as the doubled base 2b a straight line BC (Fig. 81) drawn from the vertex B to the opposite side OA, provided 2 b is not less than the distance of B from OA ; the corresponding height f will then be OD, the antiprojection of OA on BC*. Or if 2 b is not greater than OA, we can take as the doubled base 2 b a chord OD of the semicircle drawn on OA as diameter In this case the parallel BC to the supplementary chord DA is the required height/. p Fig. 81. 97. Let it be required to reduce the quadrilateral ABCD to the base I (Fig. 82). Draw CO parallel to the diagonal BD ; then the quadrilateral reduces to the triangle OAB, and we proceed as above, viz. we make BC' = 2b, and the antipro- jection OB' of OA upon BC' is the required length/. 98. The reduction may also be performed without first reducing the given quadrilateral ABCO to a triangle. Take the diagonal OB (Figs. 83, 84, 85, 86), which must not be less than 2 b, as hypothenuse, and construct the right-angled triangle ODE of which the side BD = 2 b. Let the points A and C be projected, by means of rays parallel to OB, into A', Cf on OD, the other side of the triangle OBD ; the * The triangles SPC, DO A are similar, hence SP : C = OD : OA, or h : 2 b =/ : a ; therefore/ = a . -7 . Q. E. D. -100] EEDUCTION OF PLANE FIGUBES. 79 triangles OCB, OBA are equivalent to the two triangles OC B, and OB A' ; but in each of these the distance of the base OC', or OA', from the opposite vertex =. 2 #, and therefore the required height /for the quadrilateral is equal to OC' + A'O = A'C'. Fig. 85. Fig. 86. In the crossed quadrilateral (Fig. 87) if AC is parallel to BO, the points A and C' coincide, and therefore /=. 0. In fact, in this case the area ABCO is equal to the sum of the two triangles UAB, and UCO, which are of equal area but of opposite sign. 99. The length / is also equal to that segment of the straight line drawn through A or C parallel to A C' which is intercepted by the straight lines AA f , CO '. 100. The foregoing construction assumes that 2 1 is not greater than the greatest diagonal OB of the quadrilateral. If 2 b is > OB, the lengths 2 b and / can be interchanged. We draw, namely, AE parallel to OB and make CE = 2 I ; Fig. 87. 80 REDUCTION OF PLANE FIGURES. [101- then, construct on the hypothenuse OB a right-angled triangle ODB, of which the side 01) is parallel to CE ; and then the other side BD = f. 101. In order to reduce a polygon to a given base, whether its periphery is self- cutting or not, we begin by reducing it to an equivalent quadrilateral. We then apply the above construction to the quadrilateral and thus obtain the segment f, which multiplied by the base b gives the area of the polygon proposed. Fig. 88. Let the given polygon be 0123456780 (Fig. 88). Draw the straight line 8 7' parallel to the diagonal 07 , 33 3 7'6' 06, 33 33 6'5' 3J 35 05 3 54 04 33 33 33 33 U ^ 3 33 33 43 ,, ,, 03 , and the polygon is successively transformed into the equiva- lent polygons 01234567', 0123456', 012345', 01234', 0123', each of them having a side less than the preceding one"*. We finally arrive at the quadrilateral 0123'. 102. In this construction the new sides 07', 06', 05',... of the reduced polygons are rays proceeding from the fixed vertex 0. But we can also proceed in such a manner, that all the new vertices 7', 6', 5', &c. lie on a specified side. If we have, for example, the polygon Aabcde (7012345, and if we draw 11' parallel to 20 22' 31' 33' 42' 44' 53' 52) A4' >. till each intersects the side OC, * The triangles 087, 077' are equivalent, because the straight lines 07, 87' are parallel ; if we take the first triangle away from the given polygon, and add the second one to it, we obtain the new polygon 012345 67'0. And so on. -103] SEDUCTION OF PLANE FIGURES. 81 we determine a straight line AD which, can be substituted for the crooked line A 5 43210. For, since 11', 20 are parallel, the triangles 120 1'20 are equivalent, and if we subtract the former from the given polygon, and add the latter to it, the polygon reduces to Aabcde Cl'2345. Similarly, from the equivalence of the tri- angles 1'23, 1'2'3 the latter polygon reduces to Aabcde C2'345, and proceeding in this manner we finally arrive at the poly- gon Aabcde CD. D In order to effect a like transformation for the crooked line AabcdeC, we draw IV parallel to ca \ cc' dV\ ,7,7' O j \ till each intersects the side Aa, 35 VL eB Cdf) and now the whole polygon Aabcde (7012345 is reduced to the equivalent quadrilateral ABCD. 103. This is the easiest and most convenient way of finding the areas of figures, the perimeters of which take the most different forms. With a little practice we learn to perform the reduction quite mechanically, and without paying any attention to the actual form of the proposed circuit. This construction moreover permits us to take account of signs, so that in dealing with areas of different signs, the result gives the actual sign belonging to their sum without further G 82 REDUCTION OF PLANE FIGURES. [104- trouble*. Take, for example, the self-cutting circuit (Fig. 90) ABC 01234, which represents the cross section of an embank- ment and excavation in earthwork. Draw Fig. 90. ' parallel to 20 , 22' 33' 4D 31', 42' until they meet the side CO, then the given polygon is re- duced to the equivalent quadrilateral ABCD, which there- fore represents the difference between the areas ABC '2 4 of the embankment and 70123 of the excavation, which have neces- sarily different signs. The circuit ABCD has the same sign as the circuit ABC 1 4, or as the circuit 70123, according as the embankment or the excavation is the larger. 104. Circular Figures. A sector of a circle (Fig. 91) OAB is equivalent to a triangle OAC, with its vertex at the centre and its base a portion AC of the tangent equal to the arc AB. In order to obtain approximately the length of the arc AB measured along the tangent, we take an arc a, so small that it can without any sensible error be replaced by its chord a ; we then apply the chord a to the given arc AB starting from its extremity 7?, and continue doing so as long as necessary till we reach A or a point A' very near A. Then starting from A or A' we set off the chord a the same number of times along the tangent AC-\. The sector OAB is now replaced by the rectilinear triangle OAC. * CULMANN, 1. C., No. 17. f CULMANN, 1. c., No. 21. In Chapter IX is given a method of Rankine for the approximate rectification of circular arcs, and also some methods of Professor Sayno. Fig. 91. -106] KEDUCTION OF PLANE FIGUKES. 83 The segment AB (i.e. the area between the arc AB and its chord) is the difference of the two triangles OA C, OAB, and is equivalent therefore to the crossed quadrilateral OB AC. 105. It is not necessary that the tangent upon which we set off the arc should pass through an extremity of the arc ; instead of doing so it may (Fig. 92) touch the arc at any other point T. In such case we set off the arc AT on CT, and BT on DT. The sector OAB is transformed into the triangle OCD, and the segment AB is the difference between OCD and OAB, i.e. is equal to the doubly crossed figure OCDOBAO, which may be considered as a hexagon (Fig. 93) with two coinci- dent vertices at 0. If we draw OB / and OA' respectively parallel to AC emd BD, the triangles OAC, OBD are transformed into the two other triangles B'AC, A'BD, and therefore the segment is equal to the quadrilateral A'B'CD. 106. Example Let the figure to be reduced be the four-sided figure ACD3, contained between two non-concentric circular arcs, AC and 3 D, and the straight lines CD, A 3 (Fig- 94). Let 0, 1 be the centres of the two circles ; the given figure is then equal to the sector AC the sector 13 D the quadrilateral QAlC, Change the sectors into the triangles OAB, Fir 132, by setting off the two arcs along their respective tangents AB and 32, starting from corresponding extremities A, 3 ; and now the given figure is G 2 84 REDUCTION OF PLANE FIGURES. [107 equal to the triangle OAB the area 0.4321 Co, i.e. is equal to the self-cutting polygon ABOC123A. Draw 11' parallel to 2C\ 22' 31' ( till they cut the fixed side CO, 3C' A2'l and the polygon reduces to the crossod quadrilateral AB C'. The area If of this quadrilateral is found in the usual manner ; i.e. on the diagonal AO as hypothenuse a right-angled triangle is constructed, of which one side AE = 2 b ; the length f is then the distance, measured parallel to the other side, of the point B from a straight line parallel to AO and passing through C'. 107. As another example suppose we wish to determine the area of Fig. 95, which represents the cross section of a so-called C/-iron. It consists; (i) of a lime-shaped area AEA'F, bounded by two circular arcs, one having ?7as centre, the other 0\ (2) of a crown-shaped piece CBFIfC' bounded by two concentric cir- cular arcs Btf, CCf drawn with as centre ; (3) of two equal rectilinear pieces * BCJIH and B'C'JTH', symmetrically situated with regard to the straight line OUFE, which is an axis of symmetry for the whole figure. r Fig. 95- The lune is equal to the sector UAEA' plus the quadrilateral OAUA' minus the sector OAF A', i.e. it equals the sum UAEA' + OA UA' + A OA 'F. After transforming the two sectors spoken of into the triangles UAD, OAG (where AD, AG are the arcs AEA' and AFA f set off along their respective initial * We say rectilinear, because we suppose the small arcs CJ, C'J' to be replaced by their chords. 107] REDUCTION OF PLANE FIGURES. 85 tangents), the lime becomes equal to the sum UAD -f OA UA' + AOG, or finally, if we merge these three circuits in one, it is equal to the area of the circuit ADUA'OAOGA, Here we can neglect the part OA, which is twice passed over in opposite senses ; and consequently (Art. 23) the lune is equal to the self-cutting hexagon ADUA'OGA. The crown-piece we consider as the difference of the sectors 0ff, OCC f . After setting off the arcs along their middle tangents PP / , QQ', since PQ, P'Q' both pass through 0, the crown becomes equal to the trapezium PP'Q'Q, which is the difference between the two triangles OPP', OQQ', equivalent to the two sectors in question. If we now reduce the hexagon ADUA'OG, the trapezium PP'Q'Q, and the two pentagons BCJIH to a common base > and find their corresponding segments to be/ , / 15 2f 2 , then (/o+/i + 2/2) will be the required area of the given figure*. Or we may consider the given figure as an aggregate of triangles and trapeziums made up in the following way UAJ)+2 OAV- OAG+OPP'- OQQ' + 2BCKH+ 2CJ1K, where CK is drawn parallel to BH t and JL We consider the areas of these triangles and trapeziums as the products of two Fig-. 95 a. Fig. 95 a. factors, and reduce these products to a base I by means of the multiplication polygon (Fig. 95 a). It is, of course, understood that for each area to be subtracted, one of the two factors must be taken negatively. * In Fig. 95 we find 2/ 2 directly, if in the reduction of the figure B'C'J'TH' we substitute b for 2 b. 86 REDUCTION OF PLANE FIGURES. [108- 108. Curvilinear figures in general*. It is a well-known property of the parabola, that a parabolic segment (Fig. 96) is equivalent to -J of the triangle, whose base is that chord of the parabola which forms the base line of the segment, and the vertex of which is that point of the arc Fig. 96. where the tangent is parallel to the base ; that is to say, the segment of a parabola is equal to a triangle whose base is the chord, and whose altitude is f the Sagitta : where we understand by Sagitta the perpendicular distance between the chord and that tangent of the arc which is parallel to the chord. 109. One method then of reducing curvilinear figures, con- sists in considering each small portion of the curved periphery to be a parabolic arc. If a curved line (Fig. 97) is divided into small arcs each of which may be approximately regarded as a parabolic arc, and if the parabolic segments between these arcs and their respec- tive chords are reduced to triangles on these chords as bases ; then the vertices of all these triangles can be taken anywhere at pleasure on the straight lines drawn parallel to the chords at distances from them equal to their respective Sagittae. r^ Let these vertices be taken so that the vertex of each new triangle lies on the prolongation of one side of the preceding triangle, i.e. so that the vertices of two successive triangles and the point of intersec- lg ' 97 ' tion of their bases always lie in the same straight line. Then the curvilinear circuit is reduced to an equivalent rectilinear circuit formed of sides whose number is equal to that of the parabolic segments into which the given circuit was divided. The rectilinear circuit or polygon is next reduced to its equivalent quadrilateral, and finally this is reduced to the given base in the manner previously explained. 110. Suppose, for example, we wish to replace the irregular boundary line AB between two fields by another consisting of two rectilinear segments which form an angle with its extremities at A and B (Fig. 98). We consider the curve AB * CULMANN, 1. C., No. 23. -Ill] REDUCTION OF PLANE FIGURES. 87 and the straight line BA as a circuit, and reduce it to a triangle on the base BA. For this purpose we divide the curve into small arcs ; draw their chords and for the segments thus formed substitute triangles, by the method we have just given above. In this way we transform the given circuit into the rectilinear polygon AQ12345B. Then we draw 11' parallel to 20 22' 31' 33' 42' I till each cuts the fixed line Ao ; 44' 53'' 5C 34') and thus transform the polygon into the triangle ACB. We have therefore substituted the two rectilinear segments AC, CB for the given irregular line. The point C can be displaced at pleasure along a line parallel to AB, since by doing so we do not alter the area ABC. 111. The reduction of areas to a given base furnishes another construction for the resultant of a number of segments A l B l , A 2 B 2 , &c., &c. given in magnitude, sense, and position (Fig. 99). Take a point as the initial point of a polygonal circuit whose sides are respectively equipollent to the given segments ; let N be its final point. Now transform the triangles OA 1 B 1 , OA. 2 B^ &c., by reducing them to a common base ON, and let them be so transformed that they have a vertex at 0, and the side opposite to it equipollent to ON. Then the sum, OA^ + OA 2 R 2 + &c., &c., will also have been transformed into a triangle OAB, where AB is equipollent to ON. The segment AB is the required re- sultant (Art. 46). 88 REDUCTION OF PLANE FIGUKES. In order to effect the above-mentioned transformation, it will be convenient to take the initial points A ly A 2 , &c., &c. of Fig. 99. the segments in a line with 0. Project the points I? 15 _Z? 2 , &c., &c. into the points J9/, _Z?/, &c., &c. upon ON, by rays parallel to OA 1 A 2 ... , and then the triangles OA 1 B 1 , OA 2 B 2 , &c., are transformed into the triangles OA l J3 l ', OA 2 B 9 ', &c. Then draw the straight lines B^ C^ BJ C.^ &c., parallel to -A^ 15 ^V"^, &c., respectively, and let the points in which they cut the straight line OA l A 2 ... be C lt C 2 , &c. We thus obtain the triangles OC-^N, OC. 2 N, &c., respectively equivalent to OA 1 1 f , OA 9 B 2 , &c., &c. Therefore, if the seg- ment A OC l +OC 2 is taken on OA 1 A 2 ... J and if through A the straight line AB is drawn equipollent to ON, then OAB is equal to OA 1 B 1 + OA 2 B 2 CHAPTER VIII CENTEOIDS. 112. LET us suppose that, in the theorems of Articles 43 and 44, all the points 1 , H 2 , ..., B n coincide in a single point G ; these theorems may then be stated as follows : If A 1 G, A 9 G, A 3 G,..., A n G are n segments, whose resultant vanishes, and is any arbitrarily assumed point in the plane, the resultant of tlie segments OA^ OA 2 ,..., OA n is equal (equipollent) to n times the segment OG (Fig. 100). Fig. 100. Fig. 101. Conversely : Let there be given n points A l , A 2 , ... , A n) and let the resultant of the straight lines OA^ , OA 2 , . . . , A n , which join the pole to the given points, be equal to n times the straight line OG drawn from to G, then the same equality holds for any other pole 0' ; that is to say, the resultant of the straight lines 0'A l , 0'A 2 , ... , 0'A n is equal to n times the segment O f G; and the resultant of the straight lines GA^ GA 2 , ... , GA n is equal to zero*. 113. The point G is called the Ceniroid of the points A v A 2 , ...,A n . Let the (Fig. 101, where n = 4) points Aj^,A 2 , ..., A n be given, to construct their centroid G we proceed as follows. An arbitrary pole is taken, and a circuit * GRASSMANN, 1. c., p. 141. CHELINI, Sui centri de* sistemi geometrici Raccolta scientifica; Roma, marzo 1849), 1. 90 CENTROIDS. [114- OA : 23 ... n constructed, whose initial point is and whose successive sides are equipollent to the segments OA^ OA 2 , ... , OA n . The straight line On, which closes the circuit, passes On through the point G } and OG "-. Instead of dividing On into n equal parts in order to obtain G, we may construct a second circuit starting from another initial point 0'; the straight line which closes this new circuit will cut On in the O required point G. 114. The system of n given points cannot have another centroid G'. For if both the resultant of GA 19 GA 2) ... , GA nt and the resultant of G / A 1 , G'A 2 , . . . , G'A n should vanish, then the general resultant of all the segments GA 1 , A 1 G', GA 2 , A 2 G', . . . , GA n , A n G' would also vanish. But if we combine the two segments GA rt A r G', we obtain the segment GG / ; and therefore GG' must vanish, that is to say, G' must coincide with G. 115. Again, if in the proposition of Article 45, all the points B 1 , B 2 , . . . , B n are supposed to coincide with a single point G, the theorem may be stated as follows : If G is the centroid of the points 1, 2, 3, ..., n, and if all these points are projected by means of parallel rays into the points G' , l', 2', 3', ..., n' upon one straight line, then the sum of the straight lines 11', 22', 33', ..., nn' is equal to n times the straight line GG' (Fig. 102). As a result of this proposition, since rr' is the (oblique) distance of the point r from the straight line upon which we project, the point G is also called the centre of mean distances * of the given points 1, 2. 3, . .., n. 116. Instead of supposing in the pro- positions of Articles 43 and 44, that all the jfl* 102 points B lt B 2 , ..., B n coincide with a single point G, we now imagine some of them B l , _Z? 2 , ..., B i to remain distinct, and the rest to coincide with a single point G\ so that the resultant of the segments A^B^, A 2 B 2 , . . . , A i B t , A i+1 G, . , . , A n G vanishes ; and, whatever the position of may be, the resultant of OA 1 , OA 2 , ..., OA n is equal to the resultant of OB lt OR 2 , ... , OB it . (n-i) . OG. The * CARNOT, Correlation de* figures de geomttrie (Paris, 1801), No. 209. -119] CENTROIDS. 91 first of these equalities does not change, if we substitute for the segment A r B r the two others A r G, GB r or A r G,-B r G\ the second equality will also continue to subsist if we add to both resultants the segments B^O, B 2 0, ..., B { 0, so that it becomes an equality between the resultant of OA i} OA 2 , ..., OA n , B 1 0, B 2 0, ..., .0 and the resultant of OB^ OB 2 , ... , OE i9 B^O, B 2 0, ..., B i O t (n i).OG; that is, between the resultant of OA 19 OA 2 , ..., OA n , OB 19 -OB 2 , ..., -O^and (n-i) . OG. Hence : If the resultant of the segments A L G, A 2 G, ... , A n G, B 1 G, B 2 G,..., B { G vanishes; then , for any point whatever , the resultant of the segments OA^, OA 2 , . .., OA n , OB l , OB 2 , ... , OB i is equal to (n i) . OG: ami conversely if this equality sub- sists for any pole 0, it will also hold for any other pole 0', and the resultant of the segments A l G, A 2 G, . . . , A n G, - B^ G, - B 2 G, . . . , Bfi will vanish. 117. Now let us assume that of the n points A I} A 2 , ..., A H some coincide with one point, others (in like manner) with a second point, and so on; and that the points B lt B 2 , ..., B L also unite in groups and coincide. Then if we use a l9 a 2 , u s , . . . to denote positive or negative integral numbers whose sum is m, the foregoing proposition may be stated as follows : Jf the points A lt A 2 , A 3 , ... and the point G are so situated, that the resultant of the segments a l .A : G, a. 2 ,A 2 G, a z . A^G,... vanishes, then, wherever the pole way be, m . OG ivill be equal to the resultant of the segments a 1 . OA 1} o 2 . OA 2 , 3 . OA 3 , ... &c. And conversely : Jf this property holds for any pole 0, viz. that m .OG is equal to the resultant of a l . OA l , o 2 . OA 2 , 3 . OA 3 , ..., then the same property holds for every other pole O ' , that is to say, the resultant of 04 . 0' A l o 2 . 0'A 2 , a 3 . O f A z , ... is equal to m ,0'G\ and the resultant of the segments a 1 .GA l , o 2 . GA 2 , o 3 . GA 3 , ... vanishes. 118. The point G is called the centroid of the points A 1 , A 2 , A 3 , ... weighted with the coefficients a lt a 2 , o 3 , .... For shortness however we say that G is the centroid of the points a x . A l , a 2 .A 2 , a 3 .A 3 , . . . , writing before each point the coefficient which belongs to it. 119. Furthermore, from the proposition of Article 45 we obtain the following theorem : If G is the centroid of the points a l . A 1 , a 2 .A 2 , a^.A 3 , ... and if, 92 CENTEOIDS. [120- by means of parallel rays, the points G, A l , A 2 , A 3) ... are projected into the points G', A\, A' 2 , A' 3 , ... which lie on a straight line, then the sum of the straight lines a x . J^/, o 2 . A 2 4 2 ' t a 3 . A 3 A 3 , ... is equal to m . GG\ where m = a^ + a^ + o^ + .... On account of this property G is also called the centre of mean distances of the points a l .A 1 , a 2 . A 2 , a 3 . A 3 , . . . *. 120. Hitherto the coefficients a 15 a 2 , a 3 , ... have been positive or negative integral numbers; we shall now extend the idea of a Centroid to the case where a 1 , o 2 ,a 3 , ... are any numbers whatever ', or rather parallel segments proportional to any given homo- geneous magnitudes Let then the points A l , A 2 , A 3 , . . . be given, weighted with the numbers or parallel segments a 1? a 2 , 3 , .... Project the given points on to a straight line p', by means of rays parallel to some arbitrarily chosen direction, into A\, A' 2 , ... ; and by means of rays parallel to another direction chosen at pleasure, project the same points into A'\, A" 2 , A"*, ... on a second straight line p", not parallel to j/. Now determine a straight line / parallel to p' t such that the distance from / to // measured parallel to the rays A 1 A\, A 2 A f 2 , A 3 AS, . . ., is equal to similarly determine a straight line /" parallel to //', such that the distance from /' top", measured parallel to the rays A 1 A f \, A 2 A 2 ", ..., is equal to Let G denote the point of intersection of the straight lines /, /', and G f , G" the projections of G upon the straight lines p', p" (by means of rays parallel to AA', AA" respectively), then we shall have : a l .A 1 A l ' + a 2 .A 2 A' 2 + a 3 .A 3 A' 3 +... =(a 1 + a 2 + o 3 + ...). GG' a, . A^A'\ + a 2 . A 2 A" 2 + o 3 . A.^\ + ... =(% + o 2 + a s + ...) . GG". Next, let //" be any third given line, let us project upon it the given points and the point G, into the points A"\, A'" 2 , A'" 3,..., G'"> by rays parallel to a new direction. Between the three rays which project the same point A l or J 2 or A. 6 , there * L'HUILIEE, EUmens cVanalyse gtomttrique et d'analyse algclrique etc. (Paris, 1809), 2. -122] CENTROIDS. 93 exists (Article 16) a linear relation with constant coefficients, i. e. we have : k'. A^A\ + k". A 1 A'\ + k'". A^A"\ = /;, K An A 2 ~}~ fC -"2 2 * * >' 2 ^ = ' ft -/I o J--L o -J- A/ . ^l o J-L o ~P A> -^J. o -^L o A 1 k'. G G' + /&". G G". + k'". G G"' = k. Multiply these equations by 04 , a 9 , a 3 , . . ., (a x + a 2 + a 3 + . . .) respectively, and add the products ; then we obtain, taking the equations already established into account, tf". {a l .A l A"\ + a 2 .A 2 A m . 2 + a 3 . ^ 3 A "' ^ + ... -(04 + 02 + 03 + . ..).'"} = 0, or, QI . A.A'^ + a^ A 2 A m ,4 a 3 .A 3 A'" 3 +... = ( ai + a 2 + a 3 +...).6^ w . That is to say : If we project the points A 19 A 2 , A 3) ..., G upon any straight line whatever ly means of rays, which are parallel to an arbitrarily chosen direction, then the product of the ray which projects G bt/ ( 1 + 2 + 3 + ...) is equal to the sum of the products formed Ijy multiplying each of the rays which project A lt A 2t A B . tt ly a lt a.,, 3 , ... respectively. We call the point G, so defined, the centroid of the points A 1 , A. 2 , A 3 , . . . loaded with the numbers or segments 04 , a. 2 , a 3 , .... The centroid does not change if we substitute for the coeffi- cients 04, a.,, 0.3, ... others proportional to them, for by so doing we do not change the ratios of 04 , a 2 , a 3 . . . , to 04 + a. 2 + a 3 + . . . . 121. If the points A 19 J 2 , A 3 , . . . , and G are projected, by means of rays parallel to a straight linep" ', on to another straight line p' , and if we use 0' to denote any point whatever of 'p l \ we have identically : a, . C/A\ + a, . 0'A' 2 + a 3 . V A' ^ + . . . = (a x + a 2 + o 3 + . ..)VG'. If we draw through 0' a straight line parallel to p", and pro- ject on to it, by rays parallel toX, the points A lt A. 2 , A 3 , ... , G into the points A'\, A".,, A" 3 , ... , ", we have the identities A^A'\ = A\a, A. 2 A" 2 = A\V> A 3 A" 3 = A' 3 0' ..., GG" = G'0'>, but from the foregoing theorem we have and therefore the above proposition is true. 122. If is an arbitrary point , the resultant of the segments a, . OA 19 a 2 . OA 2 , 0-3. OJ 3 , ..., is ( ai + a 2 + az + ...).OG. By the segment a . OA we understand a segment parallel to 94 CENTEOIDS. [123- OA, drawn either in the sense of OA or in the opposite sense, according as a is positive or negative, and whose magnitude is equal to that of OA increased in the ratio of a : 1 . Draw through the point a straight line p', and project upon it, by means of parallel rays, the points A lt A 2 , A 3 , ..., G into the points A\ , A\ ,A' 3 ,..,, G'. Then the segment OA is the resultant of the segments OA', A' A, and therefore if we increase these segments in the ratio a : 1, the resultant of a . OA', a . A' A will be a . OA. It follows, that the resultant of c^ . OA 1 , a. 2 . OA 2 , a 3 . OA 3 , ..., may be obtained by combining all the segments a x . OA\ , a 2 . OA'... , a 3 . OA' B , ... with the segments a l . A^A^ , a 2 .A' 2 A 2 ,a 3 .A' s A 3) .... But the resultant (i.e. the sum) of a x . OA\, a. 2 . OA'. 2 , a 3 . OA' 3 ... is (a 1 + a 2 + a 3 + ...) . OG', and the resultant (or sum) of c^ . A\ A l} a 2 . A' 2 A 2 , a 3 . A' 3 A 3 , ... is (aj + a 2 + a 3 +...). G r G\ therefore the resultant of the segments ctj . OA 1 , a. 2 . OA 2 , a 3 . 0^ 3 , . . . , can be obtained by combining the two segments (%-f o 2 -\-a 3 ...) . 0r', (a 1 + a 2 + a 3 ...) . G 1 '^, and consequently, it coincides with the segment (a l + a 2 + a 3 + ...).OG. 123. j?jf -H" is the centroid of the points a 1 . A 13 a. 2 . A 2 , a 3 . A 3 , ..., and K the centroid of the points ft l .S l ^ (3 2 . J3 2 , . . . , then the centroid of all tJie given points a 1 .A 1 , ct 2 . A 2 , . . . , f3 lt j$ lt /3 2 . J3 2 ,. . . coincides with the centroid of the two points m . H, n . K, where w = (o 1 + o 2 + ...), = (ft + /3 2 + ...). For, taking an arbitrary pole 0, if we combine the straight line m. OH, the resultant of the segments a l OA 1 , a,OA. 2 , ..., with the straight line n . OK, the resultant of the segments ft 1 . l , p. 2 . B 2 , ..., we find that (m + n).OG, the resultant of m . Oil, and n . OJT, is also the resultant of all the segments a^OA^a^OA,, ...,ft.0^ 15 /3 2 .0^, .... 124. If all the points A^, A. 2 , A 3 , ... lie on a straight line, their centroid G lies in the same straight line. This is clear, if we take the pole upon the straight line A^A^A^ . . . ; for then all the segments a^ . OA l , a. ; . OA 2 , a 3 . OA 3 ,., . lie in this straight line, and therefore also their resultant m . OG lies in the same straight line. From this it follows : If we project A l , A 2 , A 3 , ..., A n , G upon an arbitrarily chosen straight line into the points A\ ,A' 2 ,A' 3 ..., A' n , G', then the point G' is the centroid of the points a l . A\ , o 2 . A' 2 , a 3 . A' 3 ..., a H . A' n . Let there be only two points A 1 , A 2 (Fig. 1033 where the -125] CENTEOIDS. 95 segments a l5 a 2 are simply denoted by the numbers 1, 2) with coefficients a l9 a 2 , then their centroid G is a point of the straight line A 1 A 2 . Since the resultant of the straight lines 04 . G A l , a 2 . GA 2 is equal to zero, we have or A : G: GA 2 = a 2 : a 19 and therefore AI G '. GA 2 i AI A 2 = a 2 i cij i c? 2 -f- QJ j that is to say, the point G divides the segment A 1 A 2 into two parts, which are inversely proportional to the numbers a x , o 2 , and it lies inside or outside the given segment, according as a lt a 2 have the same or opposite signs. If aj = a 2 , then A 1 G = GA 2 , i. e. G is the middle point of A^Ay If a l + a 2 = Q, we obtain from the proportion A l G : A^A^ = a 2 :a 1 + a 2 the value A 1 G = cc, i.e. G is the point at infinity of the straight line A l A 2 . 125. Let there be three given points A 19 A 29 A 3 not in one straight line (Fig. 104); and let a l9 a 2 , a 3 , whose sum is not zero, be their coefficients. The centroid of the points c? 2 . A 2 , a 3 . A 3 is a point l on the straight line A 2 A 3 , and the centroid of the given points 04 . A lt a 2 . A 2 , a 3 . ^4 3 is therefore the centroid of the points a x . A 1 , (a 2 + a 3 ) . -Sj , that is, it is the point G on the straight line A^B^ which is determined by the relation But the triangles A 1 A 2 A 3 , G A 2 A 3 are proportional to their altitudes, therefore also to the oblique distances A^B^ GB l of their vertices from the common base A 2 A 3 ; therefore Similarly we prove that GA 1 A 2 :A 3 A 1 A 2 = a 3 : a 1 -\-a 2 -\- 3 , and therefore GA 2 A S : GA 3 A l : GA 1 A 2 = a-^: a 2 : o 3 . That is to say ; the centroid G of the three points o l . A l , a 2 . o 3 .^ 3 divides the area A^ 2 A 3 into three triangles GA^ CENTEOIDS. [126- GA%A ly GA 1 A 2 , which are proportional to the coefficients a 19 cr 2 , a 3 . Given the points A l , A 2 , J 3 , every system of values for the loads a ls a 2 , a 3 , determines a point G on the plane A 1 A 2 A 3 , and conversely to every point G of the plane there corresponds a fixed system of values equivalent to the above. This is the principle of the calculus of the centroid of Mobius. 126. It follows (from the foregoing articles) that if we wish to find the centroid G of the given points A l ,A 2 ,A^... (Fig. 1 05) weighted with the coefficients (numbers or segments) a x , a 2 , a 3 , . . . , we must construct two circuits starting from two different initial points 0, 0' ; the sides of the first being equipollent to c^ . OA l , a 2 . A 2 , a 3 . A 3 , . . . , and those of the second to a x . O'A^ , a 2 . 0'A 2 , Fig. 105. a 3 . 0'A 3 , .... The straight lines OR, O'R' which respect- ively close the two circuits, intersect in the required point G, and we have If the coefficients a l5 a 2 , &c., &c. are proportional to given segments %, a 2 , &c., &c. they will also be proportional to loads -r>-f' &c., &c. where h is any arbitrary segment; we Us fls can therefore make the sides of the first circuit equal to the lengths T T OA L ,^OA 2 , &c., &c., and if OR is the closing / / line then h. OR (a l + a 2 + a 3 +...). OG. Hence it follows, that G is found, without constructing a second circuit, by determining on the closing line the segment OG=- h - R '-. If the coefficients a l9 a 2 , &c., ... are proportional to the areas 9 lt * 2 , &c., &c., which when reduced to a common arbitrary base k are equivalent to the rectangles ka l , ka 2 , ..., &c. ; they will * GRASSMANN, 1. c., p. 142. -127] CENTEOIDS. 97 also be proportional to the segments a x , a 2 , . . . , or to the loads Y , ~r> ' ' anc ^ ^ the circuit be constructed with the sides ib Ib C OA OA 2 , &c.,...,&c., then OG = - ^? - . 127. If G is the centroid of the points a 1 .A 1 , a. 2 .A 2 , a 3 .A 3 , , . . , and any point whatever, we have seen that the resultant OR of the segments o x . OJ 15 a 2 . OA 2) a 3 . OA 3 , .,., is given by the equation whence OR If a l + a 2 +a 5 + ...= 0, while OR is not zero, then OG = oo, or the centroid is at an infinite distance. To find in what direction G lies, let B be the centroid of the points a 2 A 2 , a 3 A 3 , ..., a n A n . Then B l is at a finite distance, because a 2 -|- # 3 4. . . . , a n is not equal to zero, but is equal to a r Let 0.Z2 be the resultant of a x 0-Sj and c^ 0^ x , this resultant will be equipollent to a^^, that is it will be independent of the point 0. Consequently the resultant of a l OA l , a. 2 OA 2 , ... , a n OA n , where a l + a 2 , ..., a n = 0, is constant in direction and in magnitude wherever may be, and is equipollent to the. segments a^A, = a 2 R 2 A 2 = ... a n B n A n ; where B r is the centroid of the points a^A^ a 2 A 2 , ... , a r _ 1 ^ r _ 1 , a r+1 A r+lt ..., a n A n . The point at infinity common to the segments BA^ B 2 A 2 , ..., is the centroid G of the given points. Let parallel straight lines be drawn through each of the points A lt A 2 , ..., -Z? 1; B 2 , ... in any arbitrary direction, and let them be cut by a transversal in J/, A 2 , ..., B^ B 2 ..., the theorem of Art. 121 applied to the points a 2 A 2 , a 3 ,4 3 ...a n to their centroid B l gives a 2 A 2 A 2 +a 3 A 3 A 3 ', ...,a n A n A n ' [a 2 + o 3 , ...,oj B 1 B l ' Therefore a^A^A{ + a 2 A 2 AJ + . . . = Oj [ J^/- ^ 1 ^ 1 / ], consequently a^j J/ + a 2 ^ 2 ^ 2 7 + ... a n A n A n ' = Q if the transversal is parallel to B^A^ i.e. is drawn towards the centroid G at infinity. In the particular case when OR = , or when B 1 coincides H 98 CENTEOIDS. [128- with A l , B 2 will also coincide with A 2 , &c., &c. The centroid G is then quite indeterminate ; or, in other words, the system of points a 1 A l , a 2 A 2 , ... has no centroid. The sum c^ A 1 A 1 ' + a 2 A 2 A 2 ' + . 3 <* n d-n A^ is then zero, whatever the direction of the parallel lines A 1 A l / ) A 2 A 2 ..., and of the transversal A^A 2 ...*. 128. Through the points A 1 , A 2 ,'A 3 , ..., and through their centroid G segments A l B lt A 2 B 2 , A 3 JB 3 , ..., Gil are drawn in an arbitrary direction parallel to one another, and proportional to the co-efficients a l3 a 2 , a 3 , . . . , m = a + a 2 + . . . , taking account of signs ; that is, having chosen the positive direction of the segments, let the segments proportional to the positive co- efficients be drawn in that direction, and those proportional to the negative coefficients in the opposite direction. Let be an arbitrary point, and through it draw a straight line parallel to the segments AS, and upon this line project the points A 19 A 2 , A 3 , ..., G by parallel rays into A^ t A 2i A 3t .... G' ; then by the theorem of Art. 1 1 9 we have a^.A^ + a 2 .A 2 A 2 +a 3 .A 3 A 3 + ... = m.GG'. But the numbers a : , a 2 , a 3 , ...,m are proportional to the bases of the triangles OA^, OA 2 B 2 , OA 3 R 3 , ..., OGIT, and the segments A l A l / , A 2 A 2 , A 3 A 3 ', ..., GG f to the heights of the same triangles, hence the following theorem ; The sum of the triangles which join the segments A 1 B l , A 2 B 2 , A 3 J3 3 ,..., to 0, is equal to the triangle which joins the straight line GH to the same pole 0. Whence it follows that GH is the resultant of the segments A l B l > A 2 B 2 , A 3 B 3 , ..., (Art. 47). 129. This furnishes another construction for the centroid G. After drawing through A 19 A 2 ,A 3 , ... (Fig. 106) the segments 20- .*& Fig. 106. a 15 a 2 ,a 3 , ..., in an arbitrarily chosen direction, we combine them in the manner of Article 53. * MOBIUS, Bary. Calcul, 9, 10. BALTZER, Stereom., 11. -131] CENTKOIDS. 99 We shall thus obtain a straight line r, in which the result- ant segment lies, and which must therefore pass through G. We now repeat this combination, only changing the common direction of the segments a 15 o 2 , o 3 , ..., and obtain another straight line r' ; the lines r and / intersect in the required centroid. 130. A figure (linear, superficial, or solid) is called homogeneous if all its points are weighted with equal coefficients. Geo- metrical figures are understood to be homogeneous, unless the contrary is stated. If the points in a figure are collinear two and two with a fixed point, and situated at equal opposite distances from it ; the fixed point is evidently the centroid of the figure. For instance, the centroid of a rectilinear segment is its middle point ; the centroid of a parallelogram is the point of inter- section of its diagonals ; the centroid of a circle, of a circum- ference, and of a regular polygon, is the geometrical centre of the figure (Figs. 107 and 108). Fig. 108. If the figure has an axis of symmetry, that is, if its points are two and two on chords bisected normally by an axis, this axis will also contain the centroid. 131. Let the figure be the triangle ABC (Fig. 109). If D is the middle point of BC, the straight line AD divides the area ABC into two equal parts. To every point X in one half there cor- responds a point X' in the other half, such that the segment XX' is parallel to BC, and bisected by AD. The centroid of every couple XX' is there- fore on AD, hence the centroid G of the area ABC lies on AD. Therefore G is the f point of concourse of the three median lines AD, BE, CF. It divides each of the three median lines into two segments which are in the pro- portion of 2:1. For, since the triangle ABD is cut by the transversal FGC, we have H 2 100 CENTROIDS. AF BC DG_ [132- But AF = FB, BC = 2 DC, therefore or GD = i AD, and similarly GE = i BE, GF = CF. The point G is also the centroid of the three points A, J3,C. 132. If a (linear or areal) figure is made up of a system of rectilinear segments, or triangular areas, then its centroid is that of the points a 1 .A lJ a 2 .A 2 , a 3 .A 3 , ..., where A^A^A^ ... are the centroids of the segments or triangles, of which the figure is made up, and the (numerical or segmental) co- efficients a ls o 2 , a 3 , ... are proportional to the segments or triangles themselves. 133. Let the figure be a circuit with rectilinear sides. Let A 19 A 2 , A 3 , ... be the middle points of the sides, and a lt a 2 , a 3 , ... segments proportional to the sides. Then, if we find by one of the methods already described (Articles 126, 129) the centroid G of the points A 1 , A 2 , A. 3 , ..., weighted with the segments o^ , a 2 , a 3 , . . . ; G is the centroid of the given circuit. 134. If the circuit is part of the perimeter of a regular polygon (Fig. 1 10), its centroid can be found in a much simpler way. Draw a diameter of the inscribed circle, and let the sides of the circuit be projected orthogonally upon it. Let -, where 2- by I we understand the projection of the circuit upon the diameter perpendicular to OC. The altitude of the first triangle is r, and therefore that of the second is equal to the distance of G from the centre 0*. 135. This construction is applicable even when the regular polygon, of whose perimeter the given circuit is a part, has an infinite number of sides, that is, when it becomes a circle. Hence let the given line be an arc AB of a circle whose centre is (Fig. in); let s be the length of the arc, the half of which CM is set off along the tangent at its middle point. Project the extremity A into N upon OM by means of a parallel to the axis of symmetry OC, and through N draw a parallel to MC cutting OC in G, then G is the centroid of the arc AB. For we have CM:CO = GN: GO, A j? Fig. in. therefore GO = y. 136. If the given circuit is the perimeter of a triangle ABC (Fig. 112), its centroid G is the centre of the circle inscribed in the triangle DEF, whose vertices are the middle points of the sides of the given triangle. For, D, E, F are the cen- troids of the rectilinear segments BC, CA, AB ; and therefore G is the centroid of the points a.D,{$ .E,y . F, where a:(3:y = BC:CA:AB. The centroid A f of the points (3.E, y.F divides the segment EF into two segments EA', A'F, such that EA':A'F= y:(3 = AB:CA = AB:^CA = ED : DF. Therefore DA' is the bisector of the angle EDF, and conse- quently G, which is the centroid of the points a . D, (fi + y). A', lies on the (internal) bisector of the angle D of the triangle Fig. 112. * CULMANN, 1. c., No. 94. -137] CENTEOIDS. 103 DEF. Similarly G must also lie upon the bisectors EB', FC' of the other two angles, and therefore G is the centre of the circle inscribed in the triangle DEF. Q. E. D. 137. Let the given figure be the quadrilateral ABCD (Figs. 113, 114, 115), which may be regarded as the algebraical sum of the two triangles ABD, CDB into which it is divided by the diagonal BD. Let E be the middle point of BD. The centroids G! , G 2 of the two triangles are respectively so situated on the Fig. 114. straight lines AE, CE, that G 1 E = \AE and G 2 E= CE. There- fore the centroid G of the quadrilateral is the centroid of the two points a l .G i ,o 2 .G 2 , where a- L : a 2 = ABD : CBD = AF: FC, where F is the point of intersection of the two diagonals BD, AC. Since G l G 2 divides two sides of the triangle AEG into proportional parts, it is* parallel to the third side AC ; whence it follows, that the straight line EG divides G^ G 2 , and AC in the same ratio, namely GG-^: GG 2 a 2 : a l = FC:AF. In order to divide AC in the ratio FCiAF, it is sufficient to 104 CENTKOIDS. [138 interchange the segments AF, FC, that is, to make AH = FC, and IIC = AF. The line joining E to H divides G 1 G 2 in the required point G. The parallels G l G 2 and AC divide FA, FC, FH in the same ratio; and therefore GF=%HF, since G 1 F = ^ AF, and G 2 F= CF. If instead of BD we employ the diagonal AC, whose middle point is K, and if we interchange the segments BF, FD of BD (i. e. if we take BL = FD, and LD = BF) ; then the point G is so situated on LK, that GK = \LK. But F, the middle point of BD, is also the middle point of FL, and similarly K is the middle point of FH\ hence is the centroid of the triangle FLU, that is to say : The centroid of a quadrilateral coincides with that of the triangle, whose vertices are the point of intersection of the diagonals, and the two points obtained by interchanging the segments on each of the two diagonals. Hence it follows that the straight line FG passes through the middle point / of HL *. 138. If AD, BC are parallel (Figs. 116, 117), and if we draw through the centroids of the triangles BCD, ABD parallels to Fig. 1 1 6. AD, these parallels divide tne straight line MN which joins the middle points of AD, BC into three equal parts. Since the straight line MN contains the middle points of all * CULMANN, 1. c., No. 95. Cfr. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, vol. 6 (London 1864), p. 127. 138] CENTROIDS. 105 chords parallel to AD, it is a diameter of the figure, and therefore the point G lies in it, and divides its central segment into two parts proportional to the areas of the triangles in question, i. e. proportional to BC, AD. The parts of this central segment (since their sum is %MN, and their ratio AD : BC) are respectively equal to MN.AD MN.BC 3(AD + BC)' 3(AD + BC)' and consequently MN x AD MN (BC + 2 AD) 3(AD + BC)~ 3(AD + BC) MNx BC MN(AD + 2BC], whence MG : GN = BC+ 2 AD : AD + 2 BC. Every straight line therefore which passes through G, and is contained between the parallels AD, BC, will be divided by G into two parts proportional to BC+2AD and AD+2BC re- spectively. If now on BC we take CP = AD, and if on AD we take AQ = CB, it follows that the straight line PQ will be divided by MNinto two segments proportional to MP, QN; but MP = ^BC+AD, QN = BC+^AD, or MP : QN = BC+2AD :AD + 2 BC. Hence PQ passes through G. Since BP, QD are equal and parallel, PQ and BD bisect one another; therefore PQ passes through E the middle point of BD, that is, PQ coincides with HE. If moreover we take on AD D8 = CB, AA' = $ AS, and if on BC we take CC' AA' ; then, because A'N=AN-AA r = \AD-l(AD-BC] = l(AD + 2BC) and MC = MC+ CC' = \BC + % (AD-BC) = l(BC+2AD) therefore A'N: Mtf= JD + 2BC: BC+ 2 AD, that is A'C' passes through G. Hence we obtain two simple constructions for the centroid of a quadrilateral with two parallel sides (i.e. a trapezium), either as the intersection of MN with PQ, or as the intersection * CULMANN, ibid. WALKER, On an easy construction of the centre of gravity of a trapezium. (Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, vol. 9, London, 1868, p. 339.) D 106 CENTROIDS. [139- 139. The construction given above for the centroid of a quadrilateral fails in the case where the diagonals AC,BD are parallel (Fig. 118). But in this case the triangles ABD, CD are equivalent, and of opposite sign, so that a x -f o 2 0. It fol- lows that the area of the figure is zero, and the centroid lies at infinity in the direction common to AC and BD. 140. Now let it be required to find the centroid of any recti- linear figure whatever. We may consider the area of the figure to be the algebraic sum of the triangles, formed by joining the sides of the circuit to an arbitrary point 0. Having found the centroids J 15 A 2 , A 3 , ... of these triangles, and reduced their areas to a common base so that they are proportional to the segments a 13 a.,, a 3 , ..., the centroid in question is the centroid of the points a 1 . /^ , o 2 . A 2 , a 3 . A 3 , ... which may be constructed by one or other of the methods already explained. If the pole is taken quite arbitrarily, then the number of triangles is equal to the number of sides of the circuit ; but if we take upon one of the sides, or at the point of intersection of two of them, then the number of triangles is reduced by one or two units respectively. Instead of regarding the proposed figure as the sum of triangles, we may also consider it as the aggregate of the quadrilaterals and triangles, into which it can be decom- posed by means of straight lines conveniently drawn. 141. Example. Let the given figure be the self-cutting hexagon ABCDEF(Y\g. 119), which is the sum of the triangles OBC, OCX), ODE, OFA, being the point of intersection of the sides A, EF. Of these four triangles, the first and last are positive, the other two negative. Let their centroids 6r 1? G 2 , 6r 3 , 6r 4 be found, and let the areas of the triangles, reduced to a common base, be proportional to the segments a 19 a 2 ,0 3 , a 4 . These segments a have the same signs as the triangles, the first and last of them are positive, the second and third negative. If now we wish to employ the method of Art. 126, we must first reduce the four products a r . OG r to a common base fi. In the figure, an arbitrary straight line as is drawn through 0, its positive direction is fixed, and upon it the segments //, a l5 o 2 , a 3 , a 4 are set off from their common initial -142] CENTROIDS. 107 point (/i, a 15 a 4 in one sense; o 2 ,a 3 in the opposite sense*). Then the final point of h is joined to G r) and through the D Fig. 119. final point of r a parallel is drawn to this joining line cutting OG r in //,.. Thus we obtain OG r \h = OH r :a r , and therefore a r . OG r = h . OH r . Now construct a circuit starting from with its sides equipollent to 0// 15 0// 2 , 0// 3 , O7/ 4 ; the closing line is OR. Finally to construct the point G, given by the relation /, . R U(jr = j a 1 + a 2 + a 3 + a 4 we set off along Ox from its initial point the segment 08 = a 1 + a 2 + a 3 + a 4 , join its final point to R, and draw through the final point of k a parallel to this joining line cutting OR in G. 142. Again, let the figure be the cross-section of a so-called Angle-iron (Fig. 120). Divide it into six parts, four trapeziums, one triangle, and one parallelogram, denoted in the figure by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Construct the centroids of these six parts, and reduce the areas to a common base, determining the proportional segments 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6 ; and set off these six segments * In Fig. 119 the final points of the segments h, a are denoted by these letters themselves. Some of the straight lines mentioned in the text are not drawn in the figure. 108 CENTEOIDS. [142- in succession along a straight line zz. Then through an arbi- trarily chosen pole U draw rays to the points of zz, which Fig. 1 20. bound the segments ; next draw through the centroids of the six component figures parallels to zz t and construct a polygon, with its vertices lying on these parallels, and its sides respectively parallel to the rays emanating from U. The two extreme sides of this polygon will intersect in a point; through which if a parallel to zz is drawn, then this straight line must contain the required centroid. In order to obtain a second straight line, possessing the same property, we either repeat the above detailed operations for another direction different to zz ; or else construct, as shown in the figure, a new polygon, whose vertices lie upon straight lines drawn through the centroids 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 perpendicular to zz, and whose sides are respect- ively perpendicular to the corresponding rays of U. It is quite clear that this is just the same thing, as if we drew a new straight line zz perpendicular to the first, and then dealt with it just as we formerly dealt with the first zz. It should -145] CENTKOIDS. 109 1 2 12I be remembered, that in setting off the segments 1, 2, ... along zz, attention must be paid to their signs if the partial areas into which the figure is divided are not all of the same sign *. 143. In the foregoing construction two polygons were used for the purpose of finding two straight lines, passing through the centroid we were in search of. But whenever we know a priori one straight line in which the centroid must lie, one polygon is sufficient, for example, when the figure has a diameter. This case is illustrated by the example (Fig. 121), where the figure possesses an axis of symmetry. The figure represents the cross- section of a double Tee-iron. 144. We proceed now to the case of centroids of curvilinear figures, and first we examine that of a circular sector OAB (Fig. 122). We consider it to be divided into an indefinitely large number of concentric ele- mentary sectors. The centroid of each of these, regarded as a triangle, lies upon a circle drawn with radius OA' = %OA. The required centroid is there- fore the centroid G of the arc A'E' . In order to find that point (Art. 135), set off the semi- arc CA along the tangent CM, join OM, and draw A'N parallel to OC until it intersects OM in N. Then G is the foot of the perpen- dicular let fall from N upon the mean radius OC f. 145. Next, let the circular seg- ment ABC (Fig. 123) be given. This is the difference between the sector OAB and the triangle OAB, or the sum of the sector OAB Fig. 123. * CULMANN, 1. c., Nos. 96 & 116. t CCLMANX, 1. c., No. 96. 110 CENTROIDS. [146- and the triangle OB A. Therefore the centroid G of the segment lies on the straight line (the mean radius OC) joining the centroids G l , G 2 of the sector and triangle, and divides the segment G r 1 G 2 into two parts inversely proportional to the areas of these figures. If we take OA' = ^OA, and find the point N as just shown (Art. 144), then G l , G 2 are the feet of the perpendiculars let fall from 'N and A' upon the mean radius OC. Let F be the point of intersection of AB and OC, and II the foot of the perpendicular let fall from F upon OA. Then the areas of the sector and triangle are respectively equal to CM. OA, and FH . OA, that is to say, they are pro- portional to the lengths CM smd FH; therefore, if through G l and G 2 two parallel segments G 1 I and G 2 K are drawn in the same sense, equal or proportional to FH, and CM respectively, KI and OC will intersect in G, the required centroid. In fact from the similar triangles GG 1 I, GG 2 K we have G l G : G 2 G =GJ: G 2 K = FH: CM*. 146. If the perimeter of the figure, whose centroid we are finding, consists of rectilinear segments and circular arcs, we decompose the figure by drawing the chords of these arcs or radii to their extremities ; then we know how to find the centroid and area of each part, and are able to apply the process of Art. 142. Example. Let us find the centrcid of the figure already dealt with in Art. 107 (Fig. 124). For this purpose we first consider it to be broken up into three parts, the lune, the crown-piece, and the sum of the rectilinear parts ; then, regarding the lune as the algebraic sum of two sectors and one quadrilateral, the crown-piece as the algebraic sum of two sectors, and having divided the rectilinear parts by means of the straight line KCC'K', we finally have the given figure equal to the sum of the following parts : 1 ...... Sector UAEA', 2 ...... Quadrilateral OAUA', 3 ...... Sector AOA'F, 4 ...... Sector OB'B, 5 ...... Sector CULMANN, Hid. 146] CENTHOIDS. Ill . . . Trapeziums BCKH+ H'K'C'ff, ...Trapeziums CJIK+K'I'J'C'. Fig. 124. We know how to determine the areas of all these, and by reducing them to a common base we are also able to construct their centroids. In order to find the centroid of the sum of ECKR and R'K'C'B, it is sufficient (Art. 138), to find the centroid of the trapezium BCKH, and then to draw through it a parallel to KG until it intersects the axis of symmetry EO-, the point of intersection is the centroid required. Now to apply the process of Art. 142, we draw, in a direction different to EO, say in that of KCC'K', a straight line zz, on which we set off in succession the segments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 respectively proportional to the areas of the seven partial figures, noticing that the segments 3 and 5 must be set off in the opposite direction to the others, because they represent negative areas. Through any point whatever V lying outside zz, draw rays to the limiting points of the above segments ; then draw lines parallel to zz through the centroids of the partial figures, and construct a polygon whose vertices lie on these parallels, and whose successive sides are parallel respec- tively to the rays emanating from V. Now draw through the point of intersection of the first and last sides of this polygon a parallel to zz ; this line cuts the axis OU in the required centroid of the given figure. This point G falls in our figure 112 CENTROIDS. very near to the point 2, the centroid of the quadrilateral OAUA'. If we produce the sides of the polygon sufficiently, in order to find the point in which the first side cuts the fourth, and also that in which the fourth and sixth intersect, and if through these points we draw parallels to zz till they intersect the axis of symmetry, these latter points of intersection will be the centroids of the lune and the crown-piece. CHAPTEE IX. RECTIFICATION OF CIRCULAR ARCS. 147. IN order to develope a circular arc AB along its tangent (Fig. 125) we may proceed in the following way. On BA produced mark off a part AC J BA, and with C as centre and CB as radius, describe an arc cutting the tangent AD in D. Then AD is the length of the given arc, with a negative error, whose ratio to the whole arc is Fig. 125. 1080 54432 being the ratio of the arc to the radius *. Otherwise (Fig. 126) : let J9 be the middle point of the arc AB, and E the middle point of the arc AD ; let the radius OE intersect the tangent at A in C, and join CB ; then AC+CB is the length of the given arc with a positive error, whose ratio to the whole arc is o ---=0 Fig. 126. 4320 3484648" Since 4320=4x1080, if we add to | of the length found by the second construction i of that found by the first, the sum obtained will be very approximately equal to the length of the arc, with a positive error, whose ratio to the whole length of the arc is lie* 870912 " * RANKINE, On the approximate drawing of circular arcs of given length (Philosophical Magazine, October, 1867), p. 286. f RANKINE, On the approximate rectification of circular arcs (Philoso- phical Magazine, November, 1867), p. 381. I 114 RECTIFICATION OF CIRCULAR ARCS. [148 For the proof of these rules we refer the reader to the original memoirs of Professor Rankine, cited in the foot- notes. 148. In regard to this question, it will be convenient to mention at this point some methods suggested by Professor A. Sayno, of Milan. The method given by Culmann for developing a circular arc AB along the tangent at one of its points is much too long. The length of a circular arc may be found graphically in a much simpler fashion, by having recourse to auxiliary curves, which drawn once for all can be employed in every example. Consider a convolution OMRS of the Spiral of Archimedes, which when referred to its polar axis OX and its pole 0, has Fig. 127. the equation p = a o> *, and the circle drawn with centre and radius OA' = a. Let OM be any radius vector of the spiral, which cuts the circle in M f ; then the arc A'M'= ON. If now we wish to find the length of an arc A"M" of any radius what- ever OA", it is sufficient to place the spiral (supposed moved from its previous position) so that its polar axis coincides with the radius OA" of the given arc, to mark on OA" the point A', and on the other radius OM" the point M in which it cuts the curve. Now take the spiral away and draw through A" a parallel to A'M, cutting OM" in M'", then OM'" is the required length of the arc. We can construct this spiral upon a thin plate of brass, horn, or ivory; it is sufficient * p is the radius vector OM, and ca the corresponding vectorial angle A'OM. 148] RECTIFICATION OF CIRCULAR ARCS. 115 to mark upon it the pole and the point A '. This would be a new instrument, which might be added as a ' Graphometer ' to the case of drawing implements of an Engineer. The Spiral of Archimedes p = ao> (Fig. 128) enables us also to develope the arc along the tangent. Having drawn the Fig. 128. circle whose radius OA = a, and the circle whose diameter OC OA, if i>, II are the points in which these circles are cut by any radius vector OM, then OM= the &TcAH = arc Off. Therefore, if we wish to set off the arc 0V along the tangent OX, we need only place the spiral in such a manner that the pole and the polar axis coincide respectively with the point of contact and the tangent OX of the given arc, and then mark the points ff, M in which the chord 07 cuts the circle on OC as diameter, and the spiral. We then take away the spiral, and mark off on OX the segment OM' = OM\ draw through V a parallel W to ffM', and OF' is the required length of the arc. In order .to increase the stiffness of the plate which forms the instrument, it is best to use the circle of radius I 2 116 RECTIFICATION OF CIRCULAR ARCS. [148- OC' = OC, and then, supposing the chord FO to be produced, we obtain OH' = HO. Another curve, which serves the same purpose, is the hyper- bolic spiral, whose equation in polar coordinates is a = p o>. Draw (Fig. 129) a convolution of this curve NMDCBA, and M'" Fig. 129. mark off a point A' on the polar axis, such that OA' = a. Then the length of the circular arc MM', of radius OM, is OA' ; hence the length of any circular arc whatever M" M"', drawn with its centre at 0, is OA", where A" is got by drawing M" A" parallel to MA'. This curve however is of no use in determining the lengths of small arcs, so that for practical purposes the first curve is to be preferred. The hyperbolic spiral enables us also to divide angles in a very elegant manner. Thus, to find the arc M'N' = - M'M (Fig. 129), we need only produce the radius vector OM, take OM" = n - OM, and draw an arc of radius OM" to cut the spiral in N\ the radius ON meets the arc M'M in the required point N'. In order to set off the arc along the tangent we can also employ another auxiliary curve, namely the involute of the circle. Take (Fig. 130) a circle of radius OA', and let A'M'ff(fff be its involute. From the figure we have at once the arc MA'=MM', where ' is the tangent of the circle at M. If now it is required X 3<>. -149] RECTIFICATION OF CIRCULAR ARCS. 117 to set off the arc N" M'" (whose centre is 0), along its tangent from M", we need only draw OH ', which if sufficiently produced cuts the tangent in question in M fy , and M" H'\ is the required length of the arc. 149. By far the simplest method of rectifying the semi- circumference is that of a Polish Jesuit, Kochansky, which was published in the Acta Eruditorum Lipsise, year 1685, page 397, according to Dr. BoUcher*. Let be the centre and Fig. 131. AB a diameter of the circle of radius = 1 , the angle CO A = 30 Then if we take CD = three times the radius, we have i.e. 3D 3-14153, a value of the semi-circumference true to four places of decimals. By means of this method, the rectification of an arc greater than 90 can be reduced to the rectification of its supplementary arc. * [In the XVI vol. (Leipsic, ] 883) of Hoffmann's Zeitschrift fur math, und naturl. Unterricht.] RECIPROCAL FIGURES IN GRAPHICAL STATICS. AUIHOK'S PEEFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION. AT a time when it was the general opinion that problems in engineering could be solved by mathematical analysis only, Culmann's genius suddenly created Graphical Statics, and revealed how many applications graphical methods and the theories of modern (projective) geometry possessed. No section of Graphical Statics is more brilliant or shows more effectually the services that geometry is able to render to mechanics, than the one dealing with reciprocal figures and framed structures with constant load. It is to this circumstance that I owe the favourable reception my little work (Le figure reciproche nella statica grajica, Milano, 1872) met with everywhere; and not the least from Culmann himself. It has already had the honour of being translated into German and French. Having been requested to allow an English version of it, to be published by the Delegates of the Clarendon Press, I consented with pleasure to Professor Beare undertaking the translation. I have profited by this occasion to introduce some improve- ments, which I hope will commend themselves to students of the subject. L. CREMONA. ROME, October, 1888. CHAPTEE I. POLE AND POLAR PLANE. 1. THAT dual and reciprocal correspondence between figures in space, discovered by Mobius *, in which, to any plane what- soever, corresponds a pole situated in the same plane, and all planes passing through any one point have their poles on the polar plane of that point is called a Null-system by German mathematicians-. Such a correspondence is obtained in the following manner. Let there be a plane S, and four points in it A, B, C, D , no three of which are in one straight line ; and let there be three other planes a, /3, y passing through AD,BD, CD, respectively. These will be the fixed elements in the construction. Draw any plane whatever a- cutting the straight lines /3y, ya, a/3 in P, Q, R respectively, then the planes PBC, QCA, EAB will all intersect in the same point S of the plane a-. Demonstration. Let X, Y, Z, X lt T 15 Z l be the points in which the straight line 0-6 intersects the sides DC, CA, AB, AD, BD, CD of the complete quadrilateral ABCD; these points form three pairs of conjugate points of an involution f, by Desargue's Theorem. Since the planes 8, of H, and the planes of the angles of the polygonal edge of 2'. Project orthographically the two polyhedra, and we obtain two reciprocal diagrams, which we will now proceed to study. Suppose that the polygonal edge of 2 has n sides, and that the surface has besides these m ordinary edges , and p faces. The polyhedron IT will have n+p faces, and 2n + m edges, and therefore m + np + 2 vertices. Hence 2 has, besides those on its polygonal edge, m p + I vertices ||. * A Frame is a structure composed of bars or rods attached together by joints, which are considered merely as hinges or pivots. Let AB be any one bar (whose weight is neglected) of such a frame ; and assume that no force acts upon it, except at the joints A , B. Then the whole of the forces (some external, some consisting of pressures from the bar or the bars which meet it at the joint A] acting on it at the joint A can be reduced to a single resultant : so may those at the joint IB ; and these resultants being necessarily equal and opposite, must act along the bar AS. Hence the bar is in a simple state of tension, when these resultants act outwards ; or of compression, or thrust, when they act inwards. A bar is called a tie when in tension ; a strut when in com- pression (CEOPTON, Lectures on Applied Mechanics, at the Royal Military Academy, London, 1877). \" A surface with an edge is simply connected, if its edge is a single closed continuous line which does not intersect itself. J If the edge of 2 is a plane polygon of n sides, that of 2' will be a point, the vertex of a polyhedral angle of n faces. We have evidently m ~~! n. J| Therefore m can never be less than p 1. 144 APPLICATION OF RECIPROCAL [30- Reciprocally, FT has m + np + 2 faces, n+p vertices, and 2 n + m edges. 30. Suppose now that the projection of 2 ' is the skeleton of a frame with p joints, and m rectilinear bars, and that the external forces which are applied to it have for their lines of action the projections of the sides of the polygonal edge of 2', and are represented in magnitude by the n sides of the pro- jection of the polygonal edge of 2*. Then the projection of the face of n ', which lies in the plane co , will be the funicular polygon of the external forces, corresponding to the pole 0, the projection of 2, ; and the projections of the m edges of 2, not pertaining to its polygonal edge, represent the values of the internal forces or stresses to which the corresponding bars of the structure are subjected, in consequence of the given system of external forces. 31. If the point il is removed to infinity in a direction per- pendicular to the orthographic plane, the plane o> will coincide with the plane at infinity. Then the first diagram reduces to the projection of 2, i.e. to the entire system of the straight lines which represent the magnitudes of the external and internal forces ; and the second diagram, from which the funicular polygon has completely disappeared, merely contains the skeleton of the structure (i.e. the lines of actions of the internal forces), and the lines of action of the external forces. In the figures which accompany the text, the first diagram is indicated by the letter b , and the second by the letter a . 32. If the external forces are all parallel to one another, as very frequently happens in practice, the edge of 2 will be a polygon situated entirely within a plane perpendicular to the orthographic plane ; and therefore the sides of the polygon of external forces will all fall on one and the same straight line. 33. The diagrams may be formed by other degenerate poly- gonal figures arising from analogous degenerations of the figures in space. Suppose, for example, that we have in space a solid tetra- hedral angle, corresponding to a quadrilateral face in the * This is only possible when 2 has no vertex at infinity ; i.e. when 2' has no face perpendicular to the orthographic plane. -34] DIAGRAMS TO FRAMEWORK. 145 reciprocal figure; and let two edges (not opposite) of the solid angle approach one another indefinitely, in their plane, and ultimately coincide. The solid tetrahedral angle will be replaced by a system composed of a trihedral angle and a plane passing through one of its edges. Consequently the quadrilateral face of the reciprocal figure will have tw r o sides which, without ceasing to have a common vertex, will be super- posed and may have either the same or the contrary direction. Passing from the figures in space to their orthographic projections, we shall have in one of the diagrams a point from which four straight lines diverge, two of which will be super- posed ; and in the other diagram a quadrilateral with three collinear vertices'*. 34. Given the skeleton of a framework and the system of external forces, it is necessary first of all to construct the polygon of these forces, i.e. a polygon whose sides are equi- pollent to them. In the figures contained in this work both the external forces and the sides of their polygon are denoted by the numbers 1 , 2 , 3 , . . . , so disposed that, if we go round the contour of the polygon in the increasing order of the numbers, each side is passed over in the sense of the force which it represents. This way of going round the polygon is called the cyclical order of its contour. When we wish to construct the diagram reciprocal to the one formed by the bars of the frame and by the lines of action of the external forces, the order in which the forces are made to follow one another when their polygon is con- structed is not arbitrary; this order is determined by the following considerations : In the polygon of external forces > which forms part of the diagram b, the sides equipollent to two forces will be adjacent, when the lines of action of those forces belong to the contour of the same polygon in diagram a, because that polygon corresponds to the vertex which is common to those two sides. Let us then give the index 1 to any one whatever of the external forces ; the line of action of the selected force is a side common to two polygons of diagram a ; the contour of * Examples of these degenerate forms are to be found at p. 444 and in the first two tables of the memoir of Professor Fleeming Jenkin, already cited on p. 132, 1869, and in Fig. 9 of our examples. L 146 APPLICATION OF RECIPEOCAL [35- each of these contains the line of action of another external force ; thus there are two external forces which may be re- garded as contiguous to the force 1 , and the index 2 may be attributed to either of them indifferently, and the index n to the other, where n is the number of external forces. After this, the order of the other sides of the polygon of external forces is completely determined. Suppose that the joints, to which the external forces are applied, all lie on the contour* of the skeleton of the framework, then the forces must be taken in the order in which we meet them in passing round the contour. When we do not follow these rules, as well as those previously laid down, we are still able to determine the internal forces graphically, but we no longer have two reciprocal diagrams, and the figures will be very complicated ; since any segment which does not lie in its proper place will have to be repeated or removed to another place in view of further f constructions ; just what happens in the old method, which consists in con- structing a polygon of forces for each separate joint of the framework. 35. The polygon of external forces being thus constructed, we complete the diagram b, by constructing successively the polygons which correspond to the different joints of the framework. The problem, of constructing a polygon all of whose sides have given directions, is soluble when only two of the sides are unknown. For this reason we ought to commence at a joint through which only three straight lines pass ; the lines of resistance of two bars, and the line of action of an ex- ternal force. The segment equipollent to the external force will be a side of the triangle corresponding to the joint in question, and consequently we are able to construct the triangle. * The contour of certain structures (trusses) is composed of two systems of bars, an upper and lower. The bars which unite the joints of one of these systems to those of the other (we consider them as going from the upper to the lower) are diagonals or braces, if they are inclined from left to right, and if inclined in the opposite sense contra- diagonals. We call the upright bars verticals. "t* For this reason Figs. I and 3 of PI. xvi. in the atlas of Culmann's Graphical Statics are not reciprocal, and similarly Figs. 7 and 7, of pi. xix., &c. ; on the other hand, diagrams 168 and 169 of p. 422 (1st edition) are perfectly reciprocal. -36] DIAGRAMS TO FRAMEWORK. 147 The construction presents no ambiguity, if we remember that to a bar of the framework belonging to the contour of a polygon of the diagram a, to which the lines of action of two external forces also belong, corresponds in the diagram b a straight line passing through the vertex common to the sides equipollent to those two forces. Then we pass on successively to the other joints, taking them in such an order that in each new polygon to be constructed only two unknown sides remain. In the figures given, all the lines of each of the diagrams have numbers attached to them indicating in what order the operations are to be performed. 1 The figure can be drawn in a feio minutes, whereas the algebraic computation of the stresses, though offering no mathematical diffi- culty, is singularly apt, from mere complexity of notation, to result in error*' 36. A superficial consideration might lead us to conclude that the solution of the above problem is possible and deter- minate, even in the case where the frame has no joint at which three straight lines only intersect f. Suppose, for example, that the skeleton of the structure is formed by the sides 5,6,7,8 of a quadrilateral and the straight lines 9,10,11,12 which join its vertices to a fifth point; and let the external forces 1,2,3,4 be applied at the vertices (8, 5, 9), (5, 6,10), (6, 7, ll), (7, 8, 12) of the quadrilateral J. Construct the polygon 1,2,3,4 of external forces and through the points (1 , 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 1) re- spectively, draw the indefinite straight lines 5,6, 7 , 8 . Then our problem is, to construct a quadrilateral, whose sides 9,10,11,12 are respectively parallel to the lines denoted by these numbers in the given diagram, and whose vertices (9, 10), (10, 11), (11 , 12), (12,9) lie respectively on the straight lines 5,6,7,8. Since the problem of constructing a quadrila- teral whose sides have given directions (or pass through given * Professor Fleeming Jenkin, p. 443 of the volume of the Transactions of Edin- burgh already cited on p. 132. t The frame or truss is always supposed to be formed by triangles only. J Exactly the same reasoning applies to the structure formed by any polygon whatever, and the straight lines joining its vertices to a fixed point. We have given no figures for this article, but the reader can easily supply them for himself. L 2 148 APPLICATION OF EECIPKOCAL [36- points on the same straight line), and whose vertices lie on four fixed straight lines admits in general of one, and only one, solution ; we might at first sight suppose that the diagram of forces is completely determined. But this illusion vanishes when we remember that the geo- metrical problem presents certain cases which are impossible and indeterminate. In a word, suppress one of the con- ditions, that is, assume that the quadrilateral has its sides parallel to the given directions, and that its first three vertices only lie on given straight lines 5 , 6 , 7 ; then we know that the fourth vertex describes a straight line r* whose point of intersection with the given straight line 8 , will determine the fourth vertex, and give the required solution. Now if the data are such that r is parallel to 8 , we arrive at an impossi- bility. Again, making a still more special hypothesis, if the straight line r coincides with 8, the problem is indeterminate, and an infinite number of quadrilaterals will satisfy the con- ditions of the problem. In order to show that the construction of the diagram reci- procal to the given diagram is indeterminate or impossible, it is enough to reflect, that if we consider the given diagram as the polygon of forces whose magnitudes are represented by the segments 5, 6, 7, 8, the pole of the polygon being the point (9, 10, 11, 12), then the reciprocal diagram (9, 10, 11, 12) is simply the corresponding funicular polygon. But, in order that the construction of the funicular polygon may be possible, it is necessary that the forces should be in equilibrium : if then we suppose the magnitude of the forces 5, 6, 7, 8 given, and also the lines of action 5,6,7 of three of them, the line of action of the fourth is perfectly determined, and is the straight line r of which we have just spoken. Hence if r and 8 do not coincide, the forces in question 5,6,7, 8 are not in equilibrium, but are equivalent to an infinitely small force at an infinite distance, and the problem is impos- sible ; if, however, r and 8 do coincide, that is to say, if the forces in question are in equilibrium, the problem is inde- terminate, since for a given pole and system of forces we are able to construct an infinite number of funicular polygons. * This is the Porism of PAPPUS, for which see CEEMONA'S Protective Geometry, Art. 114. -37] DIAGBAMS TO FRAMEWORK. 149 In the first of these two cases, equilibrium might be obtained by combining the forces 5, 6, 7, 8 with a force equal and opposite to their infinitely small resultant, situated at infinity, i.e. by considering the polygon 5, 6,7,8 as the projection not of a quadrangle but of a pentagon, two succes- sive vertices of which project into one and the same point (7, 8, 12). The straight line 12 would then be the projection of two distinct straight lines in space, and consequently in the reciprocal diagram, to the point (9 , 10, 11, 12) there would correspond an open pentagon 9, 10, 11, 12,12', having its vertices (9, 10), (10, 11), (11 , 12), (12'- 9) situated respectively on the straight lines 5,6,7,8, and its vertex 1 2, 1 2' at infinity. 37. Each rectilinear bar of a framework is the line of action of two equal and opposite forces, applied respectively at the two joints connected by the bar. The common magni- tude of these two forces, that is to say, the measure of the stress which they exert on the bar, is given by the length of the corresponding straight line of diagram b. These two forces may either be considered as actions or as reactions : to pass from one case to the other, it is only necessary to reverse their directions'*. 38. Each joint of the framework is the point of application of a system of at least three forces, in equilibrium ; one of them may be an external force, the others are the reactions which are called into play in the bars which meet at the joint in question. It is sufficient to know the sense of one of these forces in order to obtain that of all the others. Two cases are possible. First, if an external force be applied at the joint con- sidered ; then if we pass along the corresponding side of the polygon of forces in the sense of that force, each of the other sides of the polygon will be passed over in the sense which belongs to its corresponding internal force, considered as a reaction applied at the joint in question. If, on the con- trary, we wish to find the sense in which the internal forces would act when considered as actions, it is sufficient to reverse the direction of the external force. * In the figures of this work the ties are shown by finer lines than the struts. In the figures of Culmann and Reuleaux the struts are shown in double lines, the ties fey single ones. See the first note on p. 143. 150 APPLICATION OF RECIPROCAL [39- If the only forces which act at the joint in question are internal forces, it is likewise sufficient to know the sense of one of them in order to find by the process just explained the sense of all the others. We shall call that order which corresponds to the internal forces considered as actions the cyclical order of the contour of a polygon of the diagram b. We see then, that by commenc- ing at any joint at which an external force is applied, we are able to determine in succession the magnitude and sense of all the internal forces. By considering one of the internal forces as an action applied at one of the two joints between which it acts, we are able to recognise at once whether the bar connect- ing the same joints is in compression or tension. Every straight line in diagram I is a side common to two polygons : in going round the contour of each of them in their respective cyclical order, the sides will be described once in the one sense, and once more in the contrary sense *. This corresponds to the fact that the straight line in ques- tion represents two equal and opposite forces acting along the corresponding bar of the framework. 39. We know that the algebraic sum of the projections of the faces of a polyhedron is equal to zero. By applying this theorem to the polyhedron IT (Art. 29), remembering that the projection of the surface 2 forms the polygons of the diagram #, corresponding to the joints of the structure, whilst the pro- jection of the rest of the polyhedron IT is simply the polygon of external forces, we arrive at the following theorem : Regarding the area of a polygon as positive or negative according as that area lies to the right or to the left of an observer passing round its contour in the cyclical order which belongs to it, then the sum of the areas of the polygons of diagram b which correspond to the joints of the framework is equal and opposite to the area of the polygon of external forces. Clerk Maxwell has arrived at this theorem in another * This property is in accordance with the so-called Law of Edges (KANTEN- GESETZ) of polyhedra possessing one internal surface and one external. See M&BIUS, Ueber die Bestimmiing des InJialts eines Polyeders (Leipziges Berichte, 1865, vol. 17, p. 33 and following), or Gesammelte Werke, 2nd Baud, p. 473 ; also BALTZEE, Stereometric, 8, Art. 16. -40] DIAGKAMS TO FRAMEWORK. 151 way by investigating whether it is possible or not to con- struct the diagrams of forces * for any plane frame whatever. 40. The method of sections generally employed in the study of variable systems furnishes a valuable means of verification. If an ideal section le made in the structure, then in each of the parts so obtained, the external forces are in equilibrium with the reactions of the Lars cut across liij the section. If only three of the reactions are unknown, we can deduce them from the conditions of equilibrium, since the problem of decomposing a force P into three components, whose lines of action 1,2,3 are given and form with 0, the line of action of P, a complete plane quadri- lateral, is a determinate pro- blem and admits of only one solution. In fact (Fig. 6) it is only necessary to draw one of the diagonals of the quadrilate- ral, for example, the straight line 4 which joins the points (0,1), (2,3); to decompose the given force into two components along the straight lines 1, 4 (we do this by con- structing the triangle offerees , 4 , 1 of which the side o is given in magnitude and direction) ; and finally to decompose the force 4 along the straight lines 2 and 3 (by constructing in like manner the triangle of forces 4,3,2). This method, which may be called the static method, is all- sufficient for the graphical determination of the internal forces, equally with the geometrical method, previously explained, which is deduced from the theory of reciprocal figures, consists in the successive construction of the polygons corresponding to the different joints of the structure. The static method is at least as simple, it can be rendered very useful in combina- tion with the latter method, and it permits the rapid verifica- tion of the constructions. The external forces applied to a portion of the structure, obtained by means of any section * Memoir of 1870, p. 30, already cited on p. 132. Fig. 6. 152 APPLICATION OF RECIPROCAL DIAGRAMS TO FRAMEWORK. whatever, and the reactions of the bars that are cut, must have the property that the corresponding lines of diagram b form a closed polygon. This polygon must be the projection of a closed twisted polygon, and not merely of an open crooked line whose extremities are situated in a straight line perpen- dicular to the orthographic plane ; this condition requires that the twisted reciprocal polygon shall also be closed, i.e. we are able to unite the corresponding lines of the diagram a by a closed funicular polygon. The method of sections may also be presented in another form. Denoting again by the resultant of all the known forces applied to the portion of the structure considered, and by 1, 2, 3 the three unknown reactions, the sum of the moments of these four forces in regard to any point whatever is zero. Now, by taking as the centre of moments the point where two lines of resistance meet, for example, the point (2 , 3), the moment of the third reaction 1 will be equal and opposite to that of the force 0. We thus obtain a proportion between four magnitudes (the two forces and their moments) among which the only unknown quantity is the magnitude of the force 1. This is the method of statical moments, by which the internal forces developed in the different bars of a frame- work can be calculated numerically, instead of being con- structed graphically *. * See A. KITTEK, Elementdre Theorie und BerecJinung eiserner Dach- und BrucJcen-Constructionem, 2nd edition (Hannover, 1870). CHAPTEE IV. EXAMPLES OF FRAME- AND STEESS- DIAGRAMS. 41. WE will now pass on to the study of some suitable examples to show the simplicity and elegance of the graphic method. We do not always adhere to regularity and sym- metry of form in the structures which we are about to study, although in practice engineers hardly ever depart from these conditions. But the symmetrical forms of practice are only par- ticular cases of the irregular ones of abstract geometry : and there- fore the forms which we shall treat include all the cases which are possible in practice. In what follows, the expres- sion 'framed structure' will be used in the general and theoretical sense which Maxwell attributed to the word frame. * A frame is a system of lines connecting a number of points. A stiff frame is one in which the distance between any two points cannot be altered without altering the length of one or more of the connecting lines of the frame. A frame of s points in a plane requires in general 2s 3 connecting lines to render it stiff*' We confine ourselves to the study of plane figures formed by triangular parts. 42. As a first (general and theoretical) example, let 1,2, 3 , . . . , 10 (Fig. 7 a) be a system of ten external forces in equi- librium ; construct the corresponding polygon of forces, and join its vertices to an arbitrary pole (Fig. 7 &, in which the polygon of forces is represented by double lines). Draw next a funicular polygon, having its sides respectively parallel to the rays from (Fig. I), and its vertices lying in the lines of action of the forces 1,2,3, . . . , 10 . The forces in question are applied at the different joints of a framed structure, the bars of which are numbered from 11 up to 27 (Fig. 7 a). * Page 294, Phil. Mag., April 1864. 154 EXAMPLES OF FRAME- AND STRESS- DIAGRAMS. [42- We commence by constructing the triangle corresponding to the joint (10,11, 12), drawing through the extremities of the straight line 1 two straight lines 11, 12, respectively Fig. 7 a. Fig. 76. parallel to 11 and 12 ; we notice that the straight line 1 1 must pass through the point (1, 10), because in the dia- gram , the lines 1, 10, 11 belong to the contour of the same polygon* ; for the same reason 12 must pass through the point (9 , 10) . Passing round the contour of the triangle just * This polygon is a quadrilateral, whose fourth side is the side of the funi- cular polygon comprised between the forces 1 and 10. As previously stated (Arts. 27, 31) the whole of the funicular polygon might have been removed to infinity. -43] EXAMPLES OF FRAME- AND STRESS- DIAGRAMS. 155 obtained, in a sense contrary to that of the force 10, we obtain the sense of the actions called into play at the joint we are dealing with, along the lines 11 and 12 ; and it is thus seen that the bar 11 is in a state of compression and the bar 12 of tension. Now construct the quadrilateral corresponding to the joint at which the force 9 is applied, and for this purpose, draw 1 3 through the point (11, 12) and 14 through the point (8,9). The bar 13 is in compression, 14 in tension. Next construct the pentagon corresponding to the joint at which the force 1 is applied, by drawing 1 5 through the point (13, 14), and 16 through the point (1,2). The pentagon thus obtained is a crossed one. The bar 15 is in tension, 16 in compression. Then construct the pentagon corresponding to the joint at which the external force 8 is applied ; by drawing the line 17 through the point (15, 16), and the line 18 through the point (7, 8). The bar 17 is in compression, 18 in tension. Continuing in this manner we find all the other internal forces. The last partial construction gives the triangle which corresponds to the point of application of the force 5 . The bars 20, 21, 24, 25, 27 are in compression; 19, 22, 23, 26 are in tension. 43. Figure 8 a represents a bridge girder, at the joints of which are applied the forces 1 , 2 , 3 , . . . , 8 , 9 , 1 , . . . , 16 all vertical; the forces 1 and 9 acting upwards represent the reactions of the supports ; the forces 2,3, ... , 8 are the weights applied at the joints on the upper platform; and 10,11,..., 16 the weights applied at the joints of the lower platform. These forces are taken in the order in which they are met with in going round the contour of the structure ; and in diagram b the sides of the polygon of external forces are disposed in the same order. This polygon has all its sides lying in the same vertical straight line ; the sum of the segments 1 , 9 is equal and opposite to that of the segments 2, 3,.. .8. 10, 11, ...,16, because the system of external forces is necessarily in equilibrium. The diagram I is completed by following precisely the same rules as those just laid down. Commence at the joint (l, 17, 18) ; draw the straight line 17 through the point (1,2), where 156 EXAMPLES OF FEAME- AND STRESS- DIAGRAMS. [43- the upper extremity of the segment 1 meets the upper extremity of the segment 2 ; and the straight line 1 8 through the point (16, 1), which is both the lower extremity of the segment 1 6 and that of the segment 1 . Fig. So. Pass on to the joint (2, 17, 19, 20). Draw 19 through the point (17,18), and 20 through the point (2, 3), the lower end of 2 and upper extremity of 3 ; and we obtain the polygon 2,17,19,20, which is a rectangle. Fig. SI. Construct the polygon corresponding to the joint (16, IS, 19, 21, 22). For this purpose draw 21 through the point (19, 20), and 22 through the point (15, 16) ; we thus obtain a crossed pentagon. Continue to deal in the same manner with each of the points of application of the forces 3 , 15 , 4 , 14 , 13 , 5 , 12 , 6 , 11 , 7 . 10 , 9 , taken in succession. Since the diagram a, which represents the skeleton of the structure and all the external forces, has for its axis of sym- metry the vertical which passes through the centre of the figure, the diagram b has for its axis of symmetry the median horizontal line. For example, the triangle 9, 45, 44 is sym- -44] EXAMPLES OF FRAME- AND STRESS- DIAGRAMS. 157 metrical to the triangle 1, 17, 18 ; the rectangle 8, 45, 43, 42 to the rectangle 2, 17, 19, 20: and so on. All the upper bars are in compression, and all the lower ones are in tension. The diagonals and contra-diagonals are all in compression ; finally two of the verticals 23, 39 are in tension, and all the rest in compression. 44. Figure qa* represents one half of a locomotive shed. The external forces are the weights 1,2,3,4,5 applied at the upper joints of the frame, and the reactions 6 and 7 of the wall and column. Again, all the external forces are parallel, and consequently the polygon of forces reduces, in diagram #, to one straight line. The force 6 (taken in the opposite sense to that in which it really acts) is equal to a certain part of the weight 5 ; by adding the difference to the other weights we get the magni- tude of the force 7 . In the diagram b the direction of the lines 8 and 1 3 coincide ; the first is a part of the second. Here then we have for the polygon corresponding to the joint (8, 10, 12, 13) one of those degenerate forms about which we spoke in Art. 33 ; the polygon is in fact a quadrilateral 8, 10, 12, 13, having three of its vertices (13,8), (8, 10), (12, 13) in one straight line. The polygon 5 , 17, 18, 6 , corresponding to the point where * This example is taken from PI. xix. of the atlas of Graphische StatiJc of CULMANN, 1st edition. As previously stated, the two diagrams are not rigorously reciprocal. 158 EXAMPLES OF FRAME- AND STRESS- DIAGRAMS. [45- the roof is supported by the wall, presents an analogous degenerate form, since the vertices (6 , 5), (upper point of the segment (6) ,(5,17), and (1 8 , 6) all lie in the same straight line. The lower bars 8, 13, 18 are in compression, as well as the diagonals 10 , 14 , 16 , the column 7 and the wall 6 ; while the upper pieces 9 , 11 , 15 , 17 and the diagonal 12 are in tension. 45. Diagram a of Fig. 10 represents a truss at the upper joints of which are applied the oblique forces 1,2, . . . , 7 , which Fig. ioa. Fig. lob. may be considered as the resultants of the dead-loads and wind pressure ; the forces 8 , 9 represent the reactions at the supports. The polygon of external forces is drawn in diagram l> with double lines. We construct successively the triangle 1, 10, 11 , the quad- rilateral 9,10,12,13, the pentagon 2,11,12,14,15, the quadrilateral 13, 14, 16, 17, the crossed pentagon 3, 15,16, 18, 19 ; the crossed quadrilateral 4, 19, 20, 21, the pentagon 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, and so on. The upper bars 15, 19, 21, 25 are in compression, as well as the lower bars 1O, 13, 30, and the verticals 12, 16, 24, 28 ; whilst all the remaining bars of the structure are in tension. 46. The diagram a of Fig. 1 1 represents a suspension bridge, loaded at each of its upper joints with weights 1,2, ... , 8, and at each of its lower joints with weights 10, 11, 21, ...,16; the weights are kept in equilibrium by the two -46] EXAMPLES OF FRAME- AND STRESS- DIAGRAMS. 159 oblique reactions 9, 17 at the two extreme points of the structure *. The polygon of external forces has its first eight sides in succession along the same vertical straight line, and its seven 3') / w\wv / W V 2 '24 \/2S \/32 \/j6 \/4 ^ 37 \ I r I JJ 12 11 Fig. 1 1 a. last sides situated in another vertical straight line. The oblique sides 9 and 17 intersect, so that the polygon is a crossed one. We construct successively the polygons 1,17, 19, 18; 16, 19,20, 21 ; 2, 18,20, 22, 23; 15, 21, 22, 24, 25; 3, 23, 24, 26, 27 ; and so on ; most of which are crossed. Diagram b shows that the upper bars are all in tension, and that the tension decreases from the ends towards the Fig. 1 1 1. middle of the structure ; the bars of the lower boom are also all in tension, but in them the tension decreases from the middle towards the ends. The extreme diagonals and contra-diagonals are in tension ; in the portion situated to the left of the axis of symmetry, the diagonals or braces are alternately in tension and compression ; similarly they are on the right but in the reverse order. Con- sidering separately the ties and struts, we see that the internal * This example is analogous to one of those studied by Maxwell in his memoir of 1870. 160 EXAMPLES OF FEAME- AND STEESS- DIAGRAMS. [47- forces decrease from the ends towards the middle of the structure. In this example again the diagrams have axes of symmetry. 4 Fig. 12. 47. Diagram a of Fig. 1 2 represents a framed crane- post; the weight of the machine is distributed over the -48] EXAMPLES OF FRAME- AND STRESS- DIAGRAMS. 161 different joints, and is represented by the sum of the forces 1. 2, 3, ..., 9 ; the force 5 also includes the load the crane is required to lift. All these forces are kept in equilibrium by the reactions at the supports, the magnitudes of which are obtained by re- solving the resultant weight into three forces acting along the lines 10 , 11 , 12 . These forces, taken in the contrary sense, furnish the pressures which are supported by the strut 10, and the column 11 , and the tension in the tie 12. 48. These external forces may be determined as follows : We take on the same vertical line segments representing the magnitudes of the forces 1 , 2,3 ... 9 , and choose a pole arbitrarily; join the pole to the points (0, l), (1, 2), (2, 3), ... (8, 9), (9, 0)*, and construct the corresponding funicular polygon. The vertical through the point where the extreme sides (0,1), (9, 0) meet will be the line of action of the total weight of the crane and load, a weight represented in magni- tude by a segment, which has the same initial point as the segment 1, and the same final point as the segment 9. If now we decompose the resultant weight, which is now known, into three components, whose lines of action are the straight lines 10, 11, 12, employing the construction of Art. 40 (Fig. 6), we obtain the three forces 10, 11, 12. That is to say, these taken in the opposite sense and the given weights complete the system of external forces. In order to obtain the diagram b, we construct first the polygon of the external forces, taking these forces in the order in which we encounter them in going round the contour of the structure. Then construct in succession the polygons corre- sponding to the joints : (5, 13, 14), (4, 13, 15, 16), (6, 14, 15, 17, 18), and so on in the manner just described. The diagram thus obtained enables us to see that the bars of the upper part are in tension, and those of the lower part in compression ; while the diagonals are alternately in tension and compression. * Here (0, 1) represents the initial point ot the segment 1, and (9,0) the final point of segment 9. In the figure the rays, from the pole and the sides of the corresponding funicular polygon, are shown by dotted lines 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. : 'DLD 2 '65 -8 AM JAN 1 6 1983 BECCIR J()Nl5'8: APR 2 3 1989 General Library University of California Berkeley YC 12981 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES minium 0020124711 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY