CORN: .*, Jr, University of California Berkeley Bequest of LOUISIANA SCOTT SHUMAN / ' ooiira TO WVISK SEKVICK IN THE TIMES OF THK EARLY INDIAN WARS. INDIAN BATTLES, CAPTIVITIES, AND FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE PRESENT TIME. EDITED BY JOHN FROST, LL.D. WITH MANY ILLUSTRATIONS, NEW YORK: DERBY & JACKSON, 498 BROADWAY. 1860. . * TKE EA'NCROI T I IRRARY CONTENTS. DISCOVERY OF AMERICA BY CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, 6 LANDING OP OUR FOREFATHERS AT PLYMOUTH, 13 COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES WITH THE NATIVES, 24 WASHINGTON'S EXPEDITION IN 1753, AND DEFEAT OF GENERAL BRADDOCK BY THE INDIANS IN 1755, 83 EXPEDITION AND DEFEAT OF GENERAL HARMER BY THE INDIANS, 1790 89 EXPEDITIONS OF GENERALS SCOTT AND WILKINSON IN MAY AND AUGUST, 1791, '. .... & 94 DEFEAT OF GENERAL ST. GLAIR BY THE INDIANS, 1791, 109 DEPREDATIONS OF THE INDIANS ON THE FRONTIERS IN 1791, 1792, AND 1793,....' 118 DEFEAT OF THE INDIANS BY GEN. WAYNE, AUGUST 20, 1794, 122 A NARRATIVE OF THE CAPTIVITY OF MRS. JOHNSON, ; 128 BURNING OFROYALTON,. /. 183 CAPTIVITY OF ZADOCK STE&LE, ' 209 EVENTS ON THE NORTH WESTERN FRONTIER FROM 1794 TO 1811, 277 TIPPECANOE WAR, 284 SURRENDER OF DETROIT,.. 290 DEFENCE OF FORT HARRISON, 297 EVENTS OF NORTH WESTERN FRONTIER DURING 1813, 303 THE CREEK WAR, 315 THR BLACK HAWK WAR, *. 359 THB FLORIDA WAR, 365 INCIDENTS IN THE BORDER WARS OF THE MEXICAN INDIANS, 378 RECENT INCIDENTS IN THE TEXAS AND MEXICAN BORDER WARS,.. 392 * 5.MT INDIAN NAERATIVES. DISCOVERY OF AMERICA BY CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. MANKIND owe the discovery of the western world to the gold, the silver, the precious stones, the spices, silks, and costly manufactures of the East ; and even those incentives were for a considerable time insufficient to prompt to the undertaking, although the most skilful navigator of the age proffered to risk his life in the attempt. Christopher Columbus, who was destined to the high honor of revealing a new hemisphere to Europeans, was by birth a Genoese, who had been early trained to a seafaring life, and, having acquired every branch of knowledge connected with that profession, was no less distinguished by his skill and abil ities than for his intrepid and persevering spirit. This man, when about forty years of age, had formed the great idea of reaching the East Indies by sailing westward ; but as his for tune was very small, and the attempt required very effectual patronage, desirous that his native country should profit by his success, he laid his plait before the senate of Genoa ; but the scheme appearing chimerical, it was rejected. , He then repaired to the court of Portugal ; and although the Portu guese were at that time distinguished for their commercial spirit, and John II., who then reigned, was a discerning and enterprising prince, yet the prepossessions of the great men 1* (fi) 6. INDIAN NARRATIVES. in his court, to whom the matter was referred, caused Coluin- bus finally to fail in his attempt there also. He next applied to Ferdinand and Isabella, King and Queen of Arragon and Castile, and at the same time sent his brother Bartholomew (who followed the same profession, and who was well qualified to fill the immediate place under such a leader) to England, to lay the proposal before Henry VII., which likewise, very fortunately for the future well being of the country, met with m> success. Many were the years which Christopher Colmn- buS'Spent in ineffetual attendance at the Castilian court; the impoverished state into which the finances of the united king doms were reduced, the war with Grenada, repressing every disposition to attempt to great designs ; but the war being at length terminated, the powerful mind of Isabella broke through all obstacles : she declared herself the patroness of Columbus ; whilst her husband, Ferdinand, declining to partake as an ad venturer in the voyage, only gave it the sanction of his name. Thus did the superior genius of a woman effect the discovery of one half of the globe. The ship's sent on this important search were only three in number, two of them very small ; they had ninety men on board. Although the expense of the expedition had long re mained the sole obstacle to its being undertaken, yet, when every thing was provided, the cost did not amount to more than seventeen thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars, and there were twelve months' provision put on board. Columbus set sail from Port Palos, in the Province of An dalusia, on the 2d of August, 1492 : he proceeded to the Ca nary Islands, and from thence directed his course due west, in the latitude of about 28 north. In this course he continued for two months without falling in with any land, which caused such a spirit of discontent and mutiny to arise as the superior address and management of the commander became unequal to suppress, although for these qualities he was eminently distinguished. He was at length reduced to the necessity of DISCOVERT OF AMERICA BY COLUMBUS. 7 r entering into a solemn engagement to abandon the enterprise and return home if land did not appear in three days. Prob ably he would not have been able to retain his people so long from acts of violence and outrage, in pursuing so untried and dreary a course, had thej not been sensible that their safety in returning home depended very much on his skill as a nav igator in conducting the vessel. At length the appearance of land changed their despond ency to the most exulting rapture. It was an island abound ing with inhabitants, both sexes of which were quite naked, their manners kind, gentle, and unsuspecting. Columbus named it San Salvador ; it is one of the cluster which bears the general name of Bahama ; it was only 3 30' latitude to the south of the Island of Gomora, one of the Canaries, from whence he took his departure. This navigator was still so confirmed in the opinion which he had formed before he un dertook the voyage that he believed himself then to be on an island which was situated adjacent to the Indies. Proceeding to the south, he saw three other islands, which he named St. Mary of the Conception, Ferdinand, and Isabella. -At length he arrived at a very large island ; and as he had taken seven of the natives of San Salvador on board, he learned from them it was called Cuba ; but he gave it the name of Juanna. He next proceeded to an island which he called Espagniola, in honor of the kingdom by which he was employed ; and it still bears the name of Hispaniola. Here he built a fort and formed a small settlement ; he then returned home, having on board some of the natives whom he had taken from the differ ent islands. Steering a more southern course, he fell in with some of the Caribbee Islands, and Arrived at the port of Palos on the 15th of March, 1493, having been seven months and eleven days on this most important voyage. On his arrival letters patent were issued by the king and queen, confirming to Columbus and to his heirs all the privi* 8 INDIAN NARRATIVES. leges contained in a capitulation whicli had been executed before his departure, and his family was ennobled. Not only the Spaniards, but the other nations of Europe, seem to have adopted the opinion of Columbus, in considering the countries which he had discovered as a part of India whence Ferdinand and Isabella gave them the name " Indies," in the ratification of their former agreement with Columbus. Even after the error was detected the name was retained ; and the appellation of " West Indies " is now given by all Europe to this country, and that of Indians to the inhabitants. Nothing could possibly tend more effectually to rouse every active principle of human nature than the discoveries which Columbus had made ; no time was therefore lost, no expense spared, in preparing a fleet of ships with which this great man should revisit the countries he had made known. Sev enteen ships were got ready in six months, and fifteen hun dred persons embarked on board them, among whom were many of noble families and who had filled honorable stations. These engaged in the enterprise from the expectation that &e new-discovered country was either the Cipango of Marco Paulo, or the Ophir from which Solomon obtained his gold and precious merchandise. Ferdinand, now desirous of se curing what he had before been unwilling to venture for the obtaining, applied to the pope to be invested with a right in these new-discovered countries, as well as to all future dis coveries in that direction ; but as it was necessary that there should be some favor of religion in the business, he founded his plea on a desire of converting the savage natives to the Romish faith, which plan had its desired effect. Alexander VI., who then filled the Papal chair, it ought to be mentioned, was the most profligate and abandoned of men. Being a native of Arragon, and desirous of conciliating the favor of Ferdinand for the purpose of aggrandizing his fam ily, he readily granted a request which, at no expense or risk, DISCOVERY OF AMERICA BY COLUMBUS. 9 tended to extend the consequence and authority of the Pa pacy ; he therefore bestowed on Ferdinand and Isabella " all the countries inhabited by infidels which they had discovered." But as it was necessary to prevent this grant from interfering with one not long before made to the crown of Portugal, he appointed that a line, supposed to be drawn from pole to pole, one hundred leagues to the westward of the Azores, should serve as a limit between them ; and in the plenitude of his power conferred all to the east of this imaginary line upon the Portuguese, and all to the west of it upon the Spaniards, Columbus set sail on his voyage from the Port of Cadiz on the 25th of September, 1493 : when he arrived at St. Espag- niola, he had the affliction to find that all the Spaniards whom he had left there, amounting to thirty-six in number, had been put to death by the natives, in revenge for the insults and outrages which they had committed. After having traced out the plan of a town in a large plain near a spacious bay, and given it the name of Isabella in honor of his patroness the Queen of Castile, and appointed his brother Don Diego to preside as deputy governor in his absence, Columbus, on the 24th of April, 1494, sailed with one ship and two small barks to make further discoveries in those seas. In this voyage he was employed five months, and fell in with many small islands on the coast of Cuba, but with none of any im portance except the Island of JamaAca. Soon after his return to* Hispaniola he resolved to make war with the Indians, who, according to the Spanish histori ans, amounted to one hundred thousand men ; these, having experienced every lawless act of violence from their invaders, were rendered extremely .inveterate, and thirsted for revenge, a disposition which appears to have been foreign from their natures. Having collected his full force, he attacked ftiem by night whilst they were assembled on a wide plain, and ob tained a most decisive victory, without the loss of one man on his part. Besides the effect of cannon and firearms, the noise 10 INDIAN NARRATIVES. of which was appalling, and their effect against a numerous body of Indians, closely drawn together, in the highest degree destructive, Columbus had brought over with him a small body of cavalry. The Indians, who had never before seen such a creature, imagined the Spanish horses to be rational beings, and that each, with its rider, formed but one animal : they were astonished at their speed, and considered their impetu osity and strength as irresistible. In this onset they had, be side, another formidable enemy to terrify and destroy them : a great number of the largest and fiercest species of dogs which were then bred in Europe had been brought hither, which, set on by their weapons, without attempting resistance, they fled with all the speed which terror could excite. Num bers were slain, and more made prisoners, who were imme diately consigned to slavery. The character of Columbus stands very high in the esti mation of mankind ; he is venerated not only as a man pos sessing superior fortitude, and such a steady perseverance as no impediment, dangers, or sufferings could shake, but as equally distinguished for piety and virtue. His second son, Ferdinand, who wrote the Life of his father, apologizes for this severity towards the natives on account of the distressed state into which the colony was brought: the change of climate, and the indispensable labors which were required of men un accustomed to any exertions, had swept away great numbers of the new settlers, and the survrvors were declining daily ; whilst such was the irreconcilable enmity of the natives, that the most kind and circumspect conduct on the part of the Spaniards would not have been effectual to regain their good will. This apology seems to have Jbeen generally admitted ; for all modern writers have bestowed upon the discoverer of the new world the warmest commendations unmixed with censure. It is an unpleasant task to derogate from exalted merit, and to impute a deliberate plan of cruelty and extir pation to a man revered for moral worth ; but although a pert DISCOVERY OF AMERICA BY COLUMBUS. 11 affectation of novel opinions could only originate in weak minds, and can be countenanced only by such, yet a free and unreserved scrutiny of facts can alone separate truth from error, and apportion the just and intrinsic degree of merit belonging to any character. That Columbus had formed the design of waging offensive war against the Indians, and re ducing them to slavery, before he entered upon his second voyage, and, consequently, before he was apprised of the de struction of the people which he had left upon the Island of Hispaniola, may be inferred from his proceeding himself with such a number of fierce and powerful dogs. Having found the natives peaceable and well disposed, he had no reason to apprehend that they would commence un provoked hostilities : the cavalry which he took over, whilst it tended to impress ^those people w r ith the deepest awe and veneration, was fully sufficient for the security of the new colony, if the friendship of the natives had been sincerely meant t6 be cultivated by a kind and equitable deportment; but to treat them as a free people was inconsistent with the views which led to planting a colony ; for as the grand incen tive to undertake the distant voyages was the hope of acquir ing gold, so, as Columbus had seen some worn as ornaments by the natives, and had been informed that the mountainous parts of the country yielded that precious metal, he had ex cited expectations in his employers, and in the nation at large, which both his interest and ambition compelled him as far as possible to realize. The Spaniards could not obtain gold with out the assistance of the natives, and those were so constitu tionally indolent that no allurements of presents or gratifica tions could excite them to labor. To rescue himself therefore from disgrace, and to secure- further support, he seems delib erately to have devoted a harmless race of men to slaughter and slavery. Such as survived the massacre of that dreadful day and preserved their freedom fled into the mountains and inaccessible parts of the island, which not yielding them 12 INDIAN NARRATIYES. sufficient means of resistance, they were compelled to obtain a portion of food from their cruel pursuers by obtaining gold dust in order to support life ; a tribute being imposed upon them which was rigorously exacted. These wretched re mains of a free .people, thus driven from fruitfulness and amenity, compelled to labor for the support of life, a prey to despondency, which the recollection of their former happiness sharpened, and which their hopeless situation rendered insup portable, died in great numbers, the innocent but unrevenged victims of European avarice. Such are the facts which have ever been admitted ; yet, strange contradiction ! Columbus is celebrated for his humanity and goodness. But should he not rather be considered as a most consummate dissembler, pro fessing moderation while he meditated subversion, and, like most of the heroes and conquerors whom history records, re nouncing every principle of justice and humanity when they stopped the career of his ambition ? Ferdinand Columbus, his son and biographer, has with great address covered the shame of his father ; whilst the admiring world has been little disposed to censure a man the splendor of whose actions BO powerfully fascinates and dazzles. LANDING OF OUR FOREFATHERS AT PLYMOUTH. THE English, conducted by John Cabot, in the year 1497, found the way to North America soon after Columbus had successfully crossed the Atlantic ; but as the torrents in that country brought down no gold, and the Indians were not be decked with any costly ornaments, no attempts were made to explore the country for near a century after its discovery. Sir Francis Drake, who traversed the whole circumference of the globe in one voyage and in one ship, which had never been achieved before, when afterwards annoying the Span iards in the West Indies and on the main, gained some knowl edge of the eastern shore of the northern continent, as he had before of the western parts about the same parallel. Sir Walter Ealeigh, however, was the first navigator who explored the coast, bestowed on it a name, and attempted to settle a colony. At that time colonization made no part of the system of government, so that there were few stimulants to abandon a native soil for the purpose of seeking possession in another hemisphere. At length a powerful incentive arose, stronger than the influence of kings, than the love of ease, than the dread of misery. Religion, which had long been convert ed into the most powerful engine which human subtlety ever made use of to subjugate the mass of mankind, no sooner ceased to be so perverted than by its own proper force it compelled large bodies of people to renounce every present enjoyment, the instinctive love of a native soil, rooted habits, 2 ( 13) 1 4 INDIAN NARRATIVES. nnd dearest connections, and to settle in the dreary wilds of a far-distant continent. When England, by a very singular concurrence of circum stances, threw off the Papal yoke, state policy so predominated in the measure that the consciences of men were still re quired to bend to the discipline, conform to the ceremonials, and assent to the doctrines which the governing powers estab lished. Although a dissent from the church of Rome was considered as meritorious, yet a dissent from the church of England was held to be heretical, and an offence to be pun ished by the civil magistrate. The human mind, somewhat awakened from a long suspension of its powers by a Wick- liffe, further enlightened by an Erasmus and Melancthon, and at length called, forth into energy by the collusion of those two ardent and daring spirits, Luther and Calvin, then began to bend all its attention towards religious inquiries, and exer cised all its powers in such pursuits. Hence arose a vast diversity of opinions, which gave rise to numerous sects arid denominations of Christians ; but as the Protestant establish ment in England held it essential to preserve a unity of faith, those novel opinions obtained no more quarter there than under Papal power. In the year 1610 a company of persecuted religionists, composing the church of a Mr. Robinson, having previously determined to remove to a country where they might be enabled to worship God agreeably to the dictates of their consciences, emigrated to Holland, and settled in the city of Leyden, where they continued to reside until the year 1620. Although the ecclesiastical laws of Holland did not at this time sanction or condemn the principles of any particular sect of Christians, yet great were the disadvantages under which the emigrants labored ; for, notwithstanding the Dutch gave them a welcome reception, and manifested a disposition to treat them with great respect, they never could be pre vailed upon by the former to conform to their mode of wor LANDING OF OUR FOREFATHERS AT PLYMOUTH. 15 ship, or to renounce principles which the English conceived destructive to moral society ; nor did the emigrants here succeed in other respects agreeable to their views. So far from increasing the\r little flock, they found that, in the course of ten years, they had experienced a diminution of more than one half their original number ; many, in consequence of the impoverished state of the country, had spent their estates and returned to England. Hence it was that the remaining few formed the determination of attempting once more to seek a country better adapted to their pious purposes, and such as would promise a more fruitful abode to their offspring. By some the unexplored parts of ^nerica were proposed ; and after a day set apart for solemn humiliation and praise to Almighty God, it was resolved that a part of the church should first emigrate to America, and, if there meeting with a favorable reception, should prepare an abode for the re mainder. They easily obtained a royal grant of a very extensive tract of land now called New England, whither they in tended to repair, not to amass wealth or to exterminate the inhabitants, but to subsist by industry, to purchase security by honorable intercourse with the natives, and to acquire strength under the auspices of freedom. They made a purchase of two small ships, and on the 5th of August, 1620, having repaired to Plymouth, England, for the purpose, were in readiness to embark ; previous to which they were very affectionately addressed by their pious pastor, Dr. Robinson, who, in fervent prayer, commended them to the holy keeping of Him who rules the destinies of all men. At 1 1 A. M., with a fair wind, they set sail, and bade adieu forever to their native country. Nothing material occurred to obstruct their passage until the 20th, when they experienced a tremendous gale, which threatened them with instant de struction. For three days successively they were tossed about at the mercy of the waves : the ships were, however 16 INDIAN NARRATIVES. enabled to keep company until the storm had somewhat abated, when those on board one of them, conceiving their vessel no longer seaworthy, abandoned her, and were received on board the other. On the 10th of November, they, to their inexpressible joy, discovered land, which proved to be that of Cape Cod, where they with much difficulty the day following succeeded m land ing : as soon as on shore, they fell upon their knees and returned thanks to the Almighty for enabling them to reach in safety their place of destination. But, although they had thus far succeeded in their views, although they had been enabled to flee from persecution, to qjpss a wide and boisterous ocean, what was their situation now ! Sojourners in a foreign land, traversing the broken and unwrought* shores of a wild and unexplored country, they found here no friends to welcome them, or house to shelter them from the inclemency of an approaching winter. On one side they beheld nought but a hideous and desolate wilderness, the habitation of wild and ferocious animals, and probably, the abode of a race of beings not less wild and unmerciful ; on the other the briny ocean, foaming and with tremendous roar dashing against the huge and projecting rocks, which, as far as the eye could perceive, marked the sea-beaten shores. After succeeding with much difficulty in discovering a harbor in which their ship could ride with safety, they made choice of ten of the most resolute of their number to explore the adjacent country, and discover, if possible, a more con venient place for their future abode; whoj on the morning of the 16th, provided with a musket each, set out for this purpose. They had not penetrated the woods above three miles when they discovered five of the natives, which were the first seen by them since their arrival. They were clothod with the skins of animals, and armed with bows and arrows. The English, with signs of friendship, made towards them, but were no sooner discovered by the savages than they, with a LANDING OF OUR FOREFATHERS AT PLYMOUTH. 17 terrible yell, fled with the greatest precipitancy. Night ap proaching, the English erected a small temporary encamp ment, and, after placing their sentinels, retired to rest. Early the ensuing morning they continued their journey, following for a considerable distance the tracks of the five Indians above mentioned, in hopes the/eby to discover their habitations and obtain therefrom a fresh supply of provision, of which they were in much want ; but in this they did not fully succeed. At about noon they arrived at an extensive plat of clear ground, near which they discovered a pond of fresh water, an<^ several small hillocks of raised earth, which they con jectured to be the graves of the Indians. Proceeding a little farther west, they discovered a large quantity of stubble, which they imagined to be that of some kind of Indian grain peculiar to the country ; they also discovered a spot where they suspected an Indian hut had recently stood, as they found near by some planks curiously wrought and a small earthen pot. Proceeding still farther, they discovered a num ber more of the little hillocks of broken ground as above described, and which they now began to suspect to be the place of deposit of something more than the dead. Curiosi ty leading them to examine more closely one of these what they had before supposed to be Indian sepulchres, they, to their great surprise, found it to contain a large quantity of the Indian grain (corn) above mentioned. It was still in the ear, and excited to no small degree the curiosity of the Eng lish, as they had never before seen any thing of the kind. By a few of the company the discovery was deemed of im portance ; but by others, who had attempted to eat of the corn in its raw state, it was pronounced indifferent food, of little value. They, however, concluded it best to return and make known the discovery to their brethren. Having succeeded with some difficulty in reaching the place from which they started, they were met by those whom 2* 18 INDIAN NARRATIVES. they had left behind with the most unspeakable joy and sat isfaction ; to whom they exhibited a specimen of the grain which they had found, and recommended the spot from which it was procured as .the most convenient and suitable at which to abide during the approaching winter. The company ac cordingly, on the 25th, proceeded for, and in safety reached the place above mentioned, with which, being so much pleased, they termed New Plymouth, in remembrance of the port at which they last embarked in Europe. Here they concluded to abide until such time as further discoveries could be made. They erected a few temporary huts, sufficient to shelter them from the weather, and soon after, by mutual consent, entered into a solemn combination as a body politic ; and, on the 10th of December, assembled to form for themselves such a government and laws as they should deem the most just and equitable ; previous to which the following instrument was drawn up, which, being first read and assented to by the com pany, received their signatures, to wit : " In the name of God, amen. We, whose names are un derwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread -sovereign King James, by the grace of God King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, and defender of the faith, &c., having under taken, for the glory of God, advancement of the Christian faith, and the honor of our king and country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of America, do by these presents solemnly and mutually, in the presence of iGod and one another, covenant and combine ourselves to gether into a civil body politic for our own convenience and the preservation and support of the ends aforesaid ; and by virtue hereof do enact, constitute, and frame such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitution, and officers, from time to time, as shall be thought most mee.t and convenient for the general good of the colony, unto which we promise LANDING OF OUR FOREFATHERS AT PLYMOUTH. 19 all due submission and obedience. In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names, at New Plymouth, on the 10th day of December, A. D. 1620. John Carver, William Bradford, Edward Winslow, William Brewster, Isaac Allerton, Miles Standish, Joseph Fletcher, John Goodman, Samuel Fuller, Christopher Martin, William White, Richard Warren, John Howland, Stephen Hopkins, Didgery Priest, Thomas Williams, Gilbert Winslow, Edmund Morgeson, Peter Brown, John Alden, John Turner, Francis Eaton, James Chilton, John Craxton, John Billington, Richard Bitteridge, George Soule, Edward Tilley, John Tilley, Thomas Rogers, Thomas Tinker, John Ridgdale, Edward Fuller, Richard Clarke, Richard Gardiner, John Allerton, Thomas English, Edward Liester." The company next proceeded by ballot to the choice of a governor ; and, on counting the votes, it appeared that John Carver had the greatest number, and was declared chosen for one year. On the 19th of December, Mrs. Susannah White, the wife of William White, was delivered of a son, which was the first born of the English in N$w England. On the 21st it was agreed by the company to despatch a second exploring party by water, to make, if possible, further discoveries. The persons selected for this purpose were Gov ernor Carver, Messrs. Bradford, Winslow, Standish, Howland, Warren, Hopkins, Allerton, Tilley, Clarke, Tinker, Turner, 20 INDIAN NARRATIVES. and Brown : they embarked at 10 A. M., with a view of circumnavigating the deep bay of Cape Cod. On the morn ing of the 23d they discovered a large party of the natives on shore, who were employed in cutting up a fish resembling a grampus. By order of Governor Carver, the English made immediately for the shore ; but were no sooner discov ered by the Indians than they, with a yell peculiar to savages, deserted their fish and fled with precipitancy. The English landed and took possession of the fish, which, having enkindled a fire, they cooked, and *found to be excellent food. They con cluded to continue encamped here through the night ; and while employed a few rods from their boat, in which their arms were deposited, in erecting a temporary dwelling for the purpose, they were suddenly attacked by a large party of the natives, who discharged a shower of arrows among them. The English, nearly panic-struck at so sudden and unexpected an onset, were on the eve of retreating to their boat, when they were reminded by their governor (a brave and experienced man) of the importance of facing the enemy and maintaining their ground, as a precipitate flight might prove their total destruction : in the mean time two or three of the company were despatched for their arms, which having obtained, the whole were ordered to form a close body and proceed with moderate pace for the boat, and, if hard pushed by the natives, to face about and give them the contents of their muskets. {The Indians, perceiving the English retiring, rushed from their strong coverts, and were on the point of attacking them in the rear with clubs, hatchets, stones, &c., when they received the fire of the latter, which brought three or four of them to the ground^ The Indians halted, viewed for a few moments, with marks of astonishment and surprise, their wounded brethren, and then, with one general, united yell, which probably might have been heard at the distance of three miles, fled in every direction. This was the first engagement between the English and natives in New England. LANDING OP OUR FOREFATHERS AT PLYMOUTH. 21 and probably the first time that the latter had ever heard the report of a musket. The fenglish embarked and returned immediately to New Plymouth, having been absent four days without making any important discoveries. The company despairing of making any further discovery of importance during the winter, con cluded to remain at their winter quarters until the spring ensuing. The winter proved an uncommonly tedious one, during which a great proportion of the company sickened and died : unaccustomed to hardship, and deprived of many of the necessaries of life, they fell victims to the inclemency of the season. Being thus reduced to a very small number, they would have fallen an easy prey to the savages had the latter (relying on the superiority of their strength) attacked them ; but the natives having by bitter experience learned the effects of their firearms, although they were daily seen by the English at a distance, not one of them could be pre vailed upon to approach them within gunshot until about-the 20th of March, 1621, when, to their great surprise, an Indian came boldly up to them and addressed them in broken- Eng lish. He informed them that he belonged to an eastern part of the country, and was acquainted with a number of tjieir countrymen, who came frequently there to procure fish, and of whom he learned to speak their language. This Indian proved very serviceable to the company, in supplying them with provision, in acquainting them with the state of the country, the number and strength of the natives, and the name of their chief sachem, to whom he said the land which they improved belonged. The Indian being dis missed with many presents and friendly assurances, he the day following returned, accompanied by the grand sachem (Mas- sasoiet) and a number of his chief men, to whom the English gave a welcome reception, presenting them with many trink ets which the natives esteemed of great value. With Massa- treaty was proposed and concluded the day following, 22 INDIAN NARRATIVES. in which it was stipulated that the English and natives were, to live amicably together, and that the latter were to furnish the former with provision, and to receive in pay therefor such articles as the former were willing to part with ; to which terms both parties continued ever after faithfully to adhere. In May, 1621, the English planted their first corn in New England. In July following their worthy governor sickened and died. His death was greatly lamented by those of the company who survived him, and by whom he was interred with all possible solemnity. His loving consort survived him but a few weeks. In August the company made choice of Mr. William Bradford to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Governor Carver. New England from this period began to be rapidly peopled by the Europeans : so great was the emigration from the mother country, that, in less than six years from the time that the first adventurers landed at New Plymouth, there were seven considerable towns built and settled in Massachusetts and Plymouth colonies. In the summer of 1627 Mr. Endicot, one of the original planters, was sent over to begin a plantation at Naumkeag, (now Salem.) The June following about two hundred per sons, furnished with four ministers, came over and joined Mr. Endicot's colony ; and the next year they formed them selves into a regular church. This was the first church gath ered in Massachusetts, and the second in New England. The church at Plymouth had been gathered eight years before. In 1629 a large embarkation was projected by the company in England : at the request of a number of respectable gentlemen, most of whom afterwards came over to New England, the gen eral consent of the company was obtained that the government should be transferred and settled in Massachusetts. In ^630 seventeen ships from different ports in England arrived in Massachusetts with more than fifteen hundred passengers, among whom were many persons of distinction. LANDING OP OUR FOREFATHERS AT PLYMOUTH. 23 V Incredible were the hardships they endured : reduced to a scanty pittance of provisions, and that of a kind to which they had not been accustomed, and destitute of necessary ac commodations, numbers sickened and died ; so that, before the end of the year, they lost two hundred of their number. About this time settlements were made at Charlestown, Bos ton, Dorchester, Cambridge, Roxbury, and Medford. In the years 1632 and 1633 great additions were made to the colony. Such was the rage for emigration to New Eng land that the king and council thought fit to issue an order, February 7, 1633, to prevent it. The order, however, was not strictly obeyed. In 1635 the foundation of a new colony was laid in Con necticut, adjoining the river which passes through the state : of this river and the country adjacent Lord Say and Lord Brook were the proprietors : at the mouth of said river a fort by their direction was built, which, in honor to them, was called Saybrook Fort. New Haven was settled soon after the building of this fort, as was a number of other towns of con siderable note in Connecticut. Some difficulty arising among those who first settled at New Plymouth, a part of the inhab itants, to prevent any serious consequences, removed to a pleasant and fertile island to the south-west of Cape Cod, now called Rhode Island, while others settled at Providence, War wick, Taunton, &c. Thus it was that in the course of a very few years a great part of New England, which so late was an uncultivated forest resounding with the yells of savages and beasts of prey, became the place of abode of our persecuted forefathers. But this newly-settled country was not to be acquired with out bloodshed. The natives, although they at first appeared harmless and well disposed towards the new settlers, from the rapid increase and too frequent aggressions of the latter the jealousy of the former 'was excited, which they soon began more openly to manifest, as will appear by what follows. COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES WITH THE NATIVES. THERE was a tribe of Indians which inhabited the borders of Connecticut River, from its mouth to within a few miles of Hartford, called Pequots, a fierce, cruel, and warlike tribe, and the inveterate enemies of the English ; never failing to improve every opportunity to exercise towards them the most wanton acts of barbarity. In June, 1634, they treacherously murdered a Captain Stone and a Captain Norton, who had been long in the habit of visiting them occasionally to trade. In August, 1635, they inhumanly murdered a Mr. Weeks and his whole family, consisting of a wife and six children, and soon after murdered the wife and children of a Mr. Williams, residing near Hartford. Finding, however, that by their un provoked acts of barbarity they had enkindled the resentment of the English, (who, aroused to a sense of their danger, were making preparation to exterminate this cruel tribe,) the Pe- quots despatched messengers with gifts to the governor of the new colonies the Hon. Josiah Winslow. He being, how ever, "inflexible in his determination to revenge the deaths of his friends, dismissed these messengers without an answer. The Pequots finding the English resolute and determined, and fearing the consequence of their resentment, the second time despatched messengers with a large quantity of wampum (Indian money) as a present to the , governor and council ; with whom the latter had a considerable conference, and at length concluded a peace on the following terms : CM) COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES WITH NATIVES. 25 ARTICLES. I. The Pequots shall deliver up to the English those of their tribe that are guilty of the deaths of their countrymen. II. The Pequots shall relinquish to the English all their right and title to the lands lying within the colony of Con necticut. III. The English, if disposed to trade with the Pequots, shall be treated as friends. To these articles the Pequots readily agreed and promised faithfully to adhere, and at the same time expressed a desire to make peace with the Narraganset Indians, with whom they were then at war. Soon after the conclusion of peace with the Pequots, the English, to put their fair promises to the test, sent a small boat into the river, on the borders of which they resided, with the pretence of trade ; but so great was the treachery of the natives, that, after succeeding by fair promises in enticing the crew of said boat on shore, they were by them inhumanly murdered. The Pequots, despairing of again deceiving the English in the manner they had late done, now threw off the mask of friendship, and, avowing themselves the natural enemies of the English, commenced open hostilities against them, barba rously murdering all that were so unfortunate as to fall into their hands. A few families were at this time settled at or near Weathersfield, Connecticut, the whole of whom were carried away captives by them. Two girls, the daughters of a Mr. Gibbons, of Hartford, were in the most brutal manner put to death : after gashing their flesh with their knives, the Indians filled their wounds with hot embers, in the mean time mimicking their dying groans. The Pequots, encouraged by the trifling resistance made by the English to their wanton acts of barbarity, on the 20th 3 26 INDIAN NARRATIVES. of June, 1636, besieged Fort Saybrook, in which there were about twenty men stationed : the Indians were to the number of about one hundred and fifty. They surrounded and furious ly attacked the fort at midnight, horribly yelling, and mimick ing the dying groans of such as had fallen victims to their barbarity ; but the English, being fortunately provided with a piece of cannon or two, caused their savage enemies to groan in reality, who, after receiving two or three deadly fires from the besieged, retreated, leaving behind them dead or mortally wounded about twenty of their number : the English sustained no loss in the attack. The governor and council of Massachusetts colony, alarmed at the bold and daring conduct of the Pequots, on the 20th of August despatched Captain Endicot, of Salem, with ninety men, to avenge the murders committed by them, unless they should consent to. deliver up the murderers and make repara tion for the injuries which the English had sustained. Cap tain Endicot was directed to proceed first to Block Island, (then inhabited by the Pequots,) put the men to the sword, and take possession of the island : the women and children were to be spared. Thence he was to proceed to the Pequot coun try, demand the murderers of the English, a thousand fathom of wampum, and a number of their children as hostages. Captain Endicot sailed from Boston on the morning of the 20th. When he arrived at Block Island, about sixty Indians appeared on the shore and opposed his landing ; his men soon, however, effected a landing, and after a little skirmishing drove the Indians into the woods, where . they could not be found. The English continued two days on the island, in which time they destroyed one hundred wigwams and about fifty canoes, when they proceeded for the Pequot country. When they arrived in Pequot Harbor, Captain Endicot acquainted the enemy with his designs and determination to avenge the cru elties practised upon his countrymen. In a few moments nearly five hundred of the enemy collected upon the shores ; COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES WITH NATIVES. 27 but as soon as they were made acquainted with the hostile views of the English, they hastily withdrew and secreted themselves in swamps and ledges inaccessible to the troops. Captain Endicot landed his men on both sides the harbor, burned their wigwams and destroyed their canoes, killed an Indian or two, and then returned to Boston. Enough, indeed, had been done to exasperate, but nothing to subdue, a haughty and warlike enemy. Sassacus (chief sachem of the Pequots) and his captains were men of great and independent spirits ; they had con quered and governed the nations around them without con trol ; they viewed the English as strangers and mere intruders, who had no right to the country, nor to control its original proprietors, independent princes and sovereigns ; they had made settlements at Connecticut without their consent, and brought home the Indian kings whom they had conquered, and restored to them their authority and lands; they had built a fort, and were making a settlement, without their appro bation, in their very neighborhood. Indeed, they had now proceeded to attack and ravage the country. The Pequots, in consequence, breathed nothing but war and revenge ; they were determined to extirpate or drive all the English from New England. For this purpose they conceived "the plan of uniting the Indians generally against them. They spared no art nor pains to make peace with the Narragansets and to engage them in the war against the English, to whom they represented that the English, who were merely foreigners, were overspreading the country, and depriving the original inhabitants of their ancient rights and possessions ; that, unless effectual measures were immediately taken to prevent it, they would soon entirely dispossess the original proprietors and become the lords of the continent. They insisted that, by a general combination, they could either destroy or drive them from the country ; that there would be no necessity of coming to open battles; that by killing their cattle, firing their houses, 28 INDIAN NARRATIVES. laying ambushes on the roads, in the fields, and wherever they could surprise and destroy them, they might accomplish their wishes. They represented that, if the English should effect the destruction of the Pequots, they would also soon destroy the Narragansets. So just and politic were these represen tations, that nothing but that thirst for revenge which inflames the savage heart could have resisted their influence ; indeed, it is said that for some time the Narragansets hesitated. The governor of the colonies, to prevent a tfnion between these savage nations and to strengthen the peace between the Narraganset Indians and the colonies, despatched a messenger to invite Miantinomi, their chief sachem, to Boston. The in vitation was accepted by Miantinomi, and while at Boston with the governor and council he entered into a treaty, the sub stance of which was as follows ; viz., that there should be a firm peace maintained between the English and Narragansets and their posterity ; that neither party should make peace with the Pequots without its being first mutually assented to ; that the Narragansets should not harbor the enemies of the English, but deliver up to them such fugitives as should resort to them for safety. The English were to give them notice when they went out against the Pequots, and the Narragan sets were to furnish guides. In February, 1637, the English in Connecticut colony rep resented to the governor and council their desire to prosecute more effectually the war with the Pequots, who yet continued to exercise. towards them the most wanton acts of barbarity. They represented that, on the 10th of January, a boat contain ing three of their countrymen was attacked by the enemy as it was proceeding down the river ; that the English for some time bravely defended themselves, but were at length over powered by numbers ; that the Indians, when they had suc ceeded in capturing the boat's crew, ripped them up from the bottom of their bellies to their throats, and in like manner split them down their backs, and, thus mangled, hung COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES WITH NATIVES. 29 upon trees by the river side. They represented that 'the affairs of Connecticut colony at this moment wore a most gloomy aspect ; that they had sustained great losses in cattle and goods the preceding years, but were still more unfortu nate the present ; that a most dreadful and insidious enemy were now seeking opportunity to destroy them; that they could neither hunt, fish, nor cultivate their fields, nor travel at home or abroad, but at the peril of their lives ; that they were obliged to keep a constant watch by night and day ; to go armed to their daily labors and to the houses of public wor ship. And although desirous to prosecute the war more ef fectually with the common enemy, they were not in a situa tion to do it ; and therefore humbly prayed for assistance. The report of the horrid and unprovoked cruelties of the Pequots, practised upon the defenceless inhabitants of Con necticut colony, roused the other colonies to harmonious and spirited exertions against -them. Massachusetts determined to send two hundred and Plymouth forty men to assist their unfortunate brethren in prosecuting the war. Captain Patrick, with forty men, was sent forward before the other troops, in order that he might be enabled seasonably to form a junction with the troops in Connecticut, who, notwithstanding their weak and distressed state, had engaged to furnish ninety men. On Wednesday, the 10th of May, the Connecticut troops proceeded for their fort at Saybrook. They consisted of ninety Englishmen and seventy Mohegan and river Indians the latter commanded by Uncus, sachem of the Mohegans, and the former by Captain John Mason, who was accompanied by the Rev. Mr. Stone, of Hartford, as chaplain. The Mo hegans, being detached from the English on their way to Say- brook, fell in with a considerable body of the enemy, whom they attacked and defeated ; they killed twenty-twc, and took eighteen of them prisoners. Among' the prisoners there was one who was recognized as a perfidious villain : he had lived in the fort with the English 3* 30 INDIAN NARRATIVES. some time before, and well understood their language : lie re mained attached to their interest until the commencement of hostilities with the Pequots, when he deserted the garrison and joined the enemy, whom he served as guide, and through whose instigation many of the English had been captured and put to death. Uncus and his men insisted upon executing him according to the custom of their ancestors ; and the Eng lish, in the circumstances in which they then were, did not judge it prudent to interfere. The Indians enkindled a fire, near which they confined the prisoner to a stake, in which sit uation he remained until his skin became parched with the heat : the Mohegans then violently tore him limb from limb. Barbarously cutting his flesh in pieces, they handed it round from one to another, eating it while they sung and danced round the fire in a manner, peculiar to savages. The bones and such parts of the unfortunate captive as were not con sumed in this dreadful repast were committed to the flames and consumed to ashes. On the 16th Captain Mason and his men proceeded for Narraganset Bay, at which place they safely arrived on the 21st. Captain Mason marched immediately to the plantation of Canonicus, a Narraganset sachem, and acquainted him with his designs, and immediately after despatched a messen ger to Miantinomi to inform him likewise of the expedition. The next day Miantinomi, with his chief counsellors and war riors, met the English. Captain Mason informed him that the cause of his entering his country with an armed force was to avenge the injuries which the Pequots had done the English, and desired a free passage to their forts, which they intended to attack. After a sole'mn consultation in the Indian manner, Miantinomi observed that " he highly approved of the expedition, and would send men to assist the English, but that they were too few in number to fight the enemy ; that the Pequots were great warriors, and rather slighted the English." COMMENCEMENT OP HOSTILITIES WITH NATIVES. 31 Captain Mason landed his men and marched to the planta tion of Miantinomi, which, by previous agreement, was to be the place of general rendezvous. In the evening an Indian runner arrived with information that Captain Patrick, with the men under his command, had arrived at the plantation of Roger Williams, in Providence, and was desirous that Cap tain Mason should postpone his march until such time as he could join him. Captain- Mason, after, mature deliberation, determined, however, not to wait his arrival, although a junc tion was considered important. His men had already been detained much longer than was agreeable to their, wishes, and the Mohegans apparently were impatient for battle. The little army, therefore, (consisting of ninety Englishmen, sixty Mohegans and river Indians, and about two hundred Narra gansets,) commenced their march on the 24th, and in the even ing of that day reached Nihantiek, which bounded on the country of the Pequots. Nihantick was the seat of a Narra- ganset sachem, who seemed displeased with the expedition, and would not suffer the English to enter his fort. Captain Mason, suspecting the treachery of this fellow, placed a sen tinel at night at the entrance of the fort, determined that, as he could not be permitted to enter, no one should come out to advise the enemy of his approach. On the morning of the 25th Captain Mason was joined by an additional number of the Narragansets and a few of the Nihanticks. They -formed a circle, and, brandishing their scalping knives, made protestations how gallantly they would fight and what numbers they would kill, &c. Captain Mason had now under his command near five hundred Indians in addition to his former force, with whom he early resumed his march for the head quarters of the enemy. The day proved uncommonly warm, and the men, through excessive heat and want of provision, were only enabled by night to reach Paucatuck River, where the "Narragansets began to manifest great fear and inquire of Captain Mason his real 32 INDIAN NARRATIVES. designs. He assured them that "it was to attack the Pe-^ quots in their fort;" at which they appeared greatly sur prised, and exhibited a disposition to quit the English and return home. Wequash, a Pequot sachem who had revolted from Sassacus, was the principal guide of the English, and he proved faithful. He gave such information respecting the distance of the forts of the e'nemy from each other, and the distance they were then from that of the chief sachem's, as induced Captain Ma son to determine to attack the latter, which his guide repre sented as situated at the head of Mystic River. He found his men so much fatigued in marching through a pathless wilder ness, with their provision, arms, and ammunition, that this resolution appeared to be absolutely necessary. The little army accordingly, on the morning of the 26th, proceeded directly for Mystic, and at about sundown penetrated a thick swamp, where, imagining that they could not be far distant from the fort, they pitched their little camp between two large rocks, now known by the name of " Porter's Rocks," situated in Groton : the sentinels, who were considerably advanced in front of the main body of the English, distinctly heard the enemy singing and dancing through the night at their fort. The important day was now approaching when the very existence of Connecticut was to be determined by the sword in a single action, and to be decided by the valor of less than one hundred brave men. About two hours before day the men were aroused from their slumbers by their officers, and, after commending themselves and their cause to the Almighty, proceeded with all possible despatch for the enemy's fort. When within a few rods of the fort, Captain Mason sent for Uncus and Waquash, and desired them in their Indian man ner to harangue and prepare their men for cOmbat. They replied that " their men were much afraid, and could not be prevailed upon to advance any farther." " Go, then," said Captain Mason, " and request them not to retire, but to COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES WITH NATIVES. 33 surround the fort at any distance they please, and see what courage Englishmen can display." The day was now dawn ing, and no time was to be lost ; the fort was soon in view ; the soldiers pressed forward, animated with the reflection that it was not for themselves alone they were about to fight, but for their parents, wives, children, and countrymen. As they approached the fort within a short distance, they were dis covered by a Pequot sentinel, who roared out, " Owanux . Owanux ! " (Englishmen ! Englishmen !) The troops pressed on, and as the Indians were rallying poured in upon them the contents of their muskets, and, instantly hastening to the prin cipal entrance of the fort, rushed in, sword in hand. An inv portant moment this ; for, notwithstanding the blaze and thun der of the arms of the English, the Pequots made a manly and desperate resistance : sheltered by their wigwams, and rallied by their sachems and squaws, they defended them selves, and, in some instances, attacked the English with a resolution that would have done honor to Romans. After a bloody and desperate conflict of near two hours' continuance, in which hundreds of the Indians were slain and many of the English killed and wounded, victory still hung in suspense. In this critical state of the action Captain Mason had re course to a successful expedient : rushing into a wigwam within the -fort, he seized a brand of fire, and in the mean time crying out to his men, " We must burn them ! " commu nicated it to the mats with which the wigwams were covered, by which means the whole fort was very soon inwrapped in flames : as the fire increased, the English retired and formed a circle around the fort : the Mohegans and Narragansets, who had remained idle spectators to the bloody conflict, now mustered courage sufficient to form another circle in the rear of them. The enemy were now in a deplorable situation ; death inevitably was their portion. Sallying forth from their burning cells, they were shot or cut in pieces by the English many of them, perceiving it impossible to escape the vigi 34 INDIAN NARRATIVES. lance of the troops, threw themselves voluntarily into the flames. The violence of the flames, the reflection of the light, the clashing and roar of arms, the shrieks and yells of the sav ages in "the fort, and .the shoutings of the friendly Indians without, exhibited a grand and awful scene. In less than two hours from the commencement of the bloody action the English completed their work : eighty wigwams were burned, and upwards of eight hundred Indians destroyed; parents and children, the sannup and the squaw, the aged and the young, perished in promiscuous ruin : the loss of the English was comparatively trifling, not exceeding twenty-five in killed and wounded. After the termination of this severe engagement, as the English were proceeding to embark on board their vessels, (which, fortunately for them, at this moment arrived in the harbor,) they were attacked in the rear by about three hundred of the enemy, who had been despatched from a neighboring fort to assist their brethren. The English gave them so warm a reception that they soon gave way and fell back to the field of action, where, viewing for a few moments, with apparent marks of horror and surprise, the shocking scene which it presented, they stamped, bellowed, and with savage rage tore their hair from their heads, and then, with a hideous yell, pursued the English, as if with a determination to avenge the deaths of their friends even at the expense of their lives. They pursued the English nearly six miles, sometimes shoot ing at a distance from behind rocks and trees, and sometimes pressing hard upon them and hazarding themselves in open field. The English killed numbers of them, but sustained no loss on their part ; when a Pequot fell, the Mohegans would cry out, " Run and fetch his head ! " The enemy finding at length that they discharged their arrows in vain, and that the English appeared to be well supplied with ammunition, gave over the pursuit. COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES WITH NATIVES. 36 In less than three weeks from the time the English em barked at Saybrook they returned, with the exception of the few killed and wounded, in safety to their respective habita tions. Few enterprises were ever, perhaps, achieved with more personal bravery ; in few have so great a proportion of the effective men of a whole colony, state, or nation been put to so great and immediate danger ; in few have a people been so deeply and immediately interested as were the Eng lish inhabitants of Connecticut at this important crisis, in these respects even the great armaments and battles of Eu rope are comparatively of little importance, and it ought never to be forgotten, that, through the bravery and uncon querable resolution of less than one hundred men, Connecticut was once s'aved, and the most warlike and terrible tribe of Indians in New England completely exterminated. * The few Pequots that now remained alive, conceiving it unsafe to inhabit longer a country so exposed to invasion, re moved far to the westward ; among whom was Sassacus, their principal sachem. On the 25th of June ttie Connecticut troops under command of Captain Mason, together with a company from Massachusetts commanded by Captain Stough- ton, were sent in pursuit of them. They proceeded westward, and on the 27th fell in with, attacked, and defeated a consid erable body of them. They took about fifty of them prison ers, among whom were two sachems, whose lives*were offered them on condition of their serving as guides to the English. - The English on their march frequently fell in with small detached parties of the enemy, whom they captured or de stroyed, but could not obtain any information relative to the main body commanded by Sassacus. Finding that the two sachern prisoners would not give them the information re quired, they, on the 27th, beheaded them at a place called Menunkatuck, (now Guilford,) from which circumstance the place still bears the name of " Sachems' Head." The Eng lish, on the 30th, arrived at Quinnipiak, (now New Haven,) 36 INDIAN NARRATIVES. where they were informed by a friendly Pequot that the enemy were encamped in a swamp a few miles to the west ward. The troops pushed forward, and on the succeeding day arrived at the border of said swamp, which they found a thicket so extremely boggy as to render it inaccessible to any one *but the natives ; the English, therefore, thought it most advisable to surround the swamp and annoy the enemy as opportunity presented. The Indians, after a few skir mishes, requested a parley, which being granted them, Thomas Stanton, interpreter to the English, was sent to treat with them. He was authorized to offer life to such as had not shed the blood of Englishmen ; upon which the sachem of the place, together with about three hundred of his tribe, came out, and, producing satisfactory proof of their innocence, were permitted to retire: but the Pequots boldly declared that " they had both shed and drank the blood of Englishmen, and would not upon such terms accept of life, but would fight it out." The English, unwilling to brook the threats and insulting language of the Pequots, attempted now to devise means to attack the whole body of them without further de lay. The officers were, however, divided in opinion as to the mode of attack : some were for setting fire to the swamp, others for cutting their way through with hatchets, and others for surrounding it with a high fence, or palisade ; neither of which plans were, however, fully adopted. As night ap proached the English cut through a part of the swamp, by which means its circumference was much lessened, and the}' enabled so completely to surround the enemy as to prevent their escape during the night. Early the ensuing morning the Indians, perceiving themselves completely hemmed in by the English, made a violent attempt to break through their lines ; they were, however, driven back with great loss They next attempted to force the line formed by the Connecticut troops ; but here they met with a much warmer reception. The contest now became close and severe ; the Indians, who COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES WITH NATIVES. 37 wore about six hundred in number, appeared determined not to yield but at the expense of their lives. One of the most resolute of them walked boldly up to Captain Mason with an uplifted tomahawk, and when about to give the fatal stroke received a blow from the latter, who, with his cutlass, severed the head of the savage from his body. The enemy soon after made another attempt to break through the lines of the Eng lish, and in which, after a violent struggle, they finally suc ceeded. About sixty of their bravest warriors escaped, the remainder being either killed or taken prisoners. The loss of the English was eleven killed and about twenty wounded. The prisoners taken were divided among the troops, some of whom were retained by them as servants, and the remain der sent to the West Indies and sold to the planters. The prisoners reported that the whole tribe of Pequots was nt>w nearly exterminated ; that in different engagements there had been upwards of two thousand of them killed, and about one thousand captured, among whom were thirteen sachems ; and that six yet survived, one of whom was Sassacus, who had fled with the fragment of his tribe to the country border ing on Hudson River inhabited by the Mohawks. After the swamp fight the Pequots became so weak and scattered that the Mohegans and Narragansets daily destroyed them and presented their scalps to the English ; the few that fled with Sassacus to the westward were attacked and totally destroyed by the Mohawks. The scalp of Sassacus was, in the fall of 1638, presented to the governor and council of Massachusetts. Soon after the extermination of the Pequots the Narra- gansets, the most numerous tribe in New England, being dis pleased with the small power with which they were vested and the respect which the English uniformly manifested for Uncus, appeared disposed to break their treaty of friendship. Miantinomi, without consulting the English according to agreement, without proclaiming war, or giving Uncus the 4 88 INDIAN NARRATIVES. least information, raised an army of one thousand men and marched against him. The spies of Uncus discovered the army at .some distance and gave him intelligence. He was unprepared ; but, rallying about five hundred of his bravest men, he told them they must by no means suffer Miantinomi to enter their town, but must go and give him battle on the way. The Mohegans, having marched three or four miles, met the enemy upon an extensive plain. When the armies had advanced within fair bowshot of each other, Uncus had recourse to stratagem, with which he had previously ac quainted his warriors. He desired a parley, which being granted, both armies halted in the face of each other. Uncus, gallantly advancing in front of his men, addressed Mianti nomi to this effect : " You have a number of stout men with you ; and so have I with me. It is a great pity that so many brave warriors should be killed in consequence of a privafe misunderstanding between us two. Come like a brave man, as you profess to be, and let us decide the dispute alone : if you kill me, my men shall be yours ; but if I kill you, your men shall be mine." " No," replied Miantinomi ; " my men come to fight; and they shall fight." Upon which Uncus falling instantly to the ground, his men discharged a shower of arrows among the Narragansets, and without a moment's interval, rushing upon them in the most furious manner with a hideous yell, put them to flight. The Mohegans pursued the enemy with the same fury and eagerness with" which they commenced the action. The Narragansets were driven down rocks and precipices, and chased like a doe by the huntsmen : many of them, to escape from their pursuers, plunged into a river from rocks of near thirty feet in height ; among others Miantinomi was hard pushed : some of the most forward of the Mohegans, coming up with him, twirled him about, and impeded his flight, that Uncus, their sachem, might alone have the honor of taking him. Uncus, who was a man of great bodily strength, rushing forward like a lion greedy of his COMMENCEMENT OP HOSTILITIES WITH NATIVES. 39 prey, seized Miantinomi by the shoulder, and, giving the Indian whoop, called up his men who were behind to his assist ance. The victory was complete. Aboujt fifty of the Narra- gansets were killed, and a much greater number wounded and taken prisoners ; among the latter was a brother of Mianti nomi and two of the sons of Canonicus, whom Uncus con ducted in triumph to Mohegan. Some few days after Uncus conducted Miantinomi back to the spot where he was taken, for the purpose of putting him to death. At the instant they arrived on the ground, an Indian, who was ordered to march in the rear for the purpose, sunk a hatchet into his head and despatched him at a single stroke. He was probably unac quainted with his fate, and knew not by what means he fell. Uncus cut out a large piece of his shoulder, which he devoured in savage triumph, declaring in the mean time that '* it was the sweetest meat he ever ate ; it made his heart strong ! " The Mohegans buried Miantinomi at the place of his execu tion, and erected upon his grave a pillar of stones. This memorable event gave the place the name of " Sachem's Plains." They are situated in an eastern corner of Norwich. The Narragansets became now greatly enraged at the death of their sachem, and sought means to destroy Uncus, whose country they in small parties frequently invaded, and, by lay ing ambushes, cut off a number of his most valuable warriors. As Uncus was the avowed friend of the English, and had in many instances signalized himself as such, they conceived it their duty to afford him all the protection possible. They despatched messengers to acquaint the Narragansets with their determination, should they continue to molest and dis turb the repose of the Mohegans. The messengers of the English met with quite an unfavorable reception, to whom one of the Narraganset sachems declared that " he would kill every Englishman and Mohegan that came within his reach ; that whoever began the war he would continue it, and that nothing should satisfy him but the head of Uncus ! " 40 INDIAN NARRATIVES. The 'English, irritated at the provoking language of the Narragansets, now determined not only to protect Uncus, but to invade their country with an army of three hundred men ; first to propose a peace on their own terms, but, if rejected, to attack and destroy them. For this purpose Massachusetts was to furnish one hundred and ninety, and Plymouth and Connecticut colonies fifty-five, men each. The Narragansets learning that an army was about to enter the heart of their country, and fearful of the issue, despatched several of their principal men to sue for peace on such terms as the English should be pleased to grant. The governor and council demanded that they should restore to Uncus all the captives and canoes which they had taken from him, and pledge themselves to maintain perpetual peace with the Eng lish and their allies, and to the former pay an annual tribute of two thousand fathom of white wampum. These, indeed were hard terms,, against which the Narragansets strongly remonstrated ; but, aware that the English had already a con siderable force collected for the express purpose of invading their country, they at length thought it most prudent to ac quiesce. During the war between the Narragansets and Uncus, the former once besieged the fort of the latter until his provisions were nearly exhausted, and he found that his men must soon perish either by famine or the tomahawk unless speedily re lieved. In this crisis he found means of communicating an account of his situation to the English scouts, who had been despatched from the fort in Saybrook to reconnoitre the en emy. Uncus represented the danger to which the English would be exposed if the Naryagansets should succeed in de stroying the Mohegans. It was at this critical juncture that (he greatest part of the English troops in Connecticut were employed on an expedition abroad. A Mr. Thomas Leffing- well, however, a bold and enterprising man, on learning the situation of Uncus, loaded a canoe with provision, a*id, under COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES WITH NATIVES. 41 cover of niglit, paddled from Saybrook into the River Thames, and had the address to get the whole into the fort. The enemy soon after discovering that Uncus had received sup plies, raised the siege : for this piece of service Uncus pre sented said Leffingwell with a deed of a very large tract of land, now comprising the whole town of Norwich. The English in New England now enjoyed a peace until the year 1671, when they again took up arms to revenge the death of one of their countrymen who had been inhumanly murdered by an Indian belonging to the Nipnet tribe, of which the celebrated Philip, of Mount Hope, (now Bristol, R. I.,) was sachem. It was thought the most prudent step by the governor and council first to send for Philip and acquaint him with the cause of their resentment and the course which they were determined to pursue in case he refused to deliver into their hands the murderer. Philip being accordingly sent for, and appearing before the court, appeared much dissatis fied with the conduct of the accused, assuring them that no pains should be spared to bring him to justice ; and more fully to confirm his friendship for the English, expressed a wish that the declaration which he was about publicly to make might be committed to paper, that he and his council might thereunto affix their signatures. The governor and council, in compliance with the request of Philip, drew up the follow ing, which, after being signed by Philip and his chief men, was presented to the governor by Philip in confirmation of his friendly assurances : " Whereas my father, my brother, and myself have uni formly submitted to the good and wholesome laws of his majesty the King of England, and have ever respected his faithful subjects, the English, as our friends and brothers, and being still anxious to brighten the chain of friendship between us, we do now embrace this opportunity to pledge ourselves that we will spare no pains in seeking out and bringing to 4* 42 INDIAN NARRATIVES. justice such of our tribe as shall hereafter commit any outrage against them; and to remove all suspicion, we voluntarily agree to deliver up to them all the firearms which they have heretofore kindly presented us with until such time as they can safely repose confidence in us ; and for the true perform ance of these our sacred promises, we have hereunto set our hands. Chief Sachem. PHILIP'S ^ mark. Chief Men. POKANOKET'S ^ mark. UNCOMBO'S }xj mark. SAMKAMA'S ft mark. WOCOKOM'S X mark. In presence of the governor and council.",. Notwithstanding the fair promises of Philip, it was soon discovered by the English that he was playing a deep game ; that he was artfully enticing his red brethren throughout the whole of New England to rise, en masse, against them, and drive them out of the country. The Narragansets for this purpose had engaged to raise four thousand fighting men. The spring of 1672 was the time agreed upon on which the grand blow was to be given. The evil intentions of Philip were first discovered and communicated to the English by a friendly Indian of the Narraganset tribe : fortunately for them, this Indian had been taken into favor by the Rev. Mr. Elliot, by whom he had been taught to read and write, and became much attached to the English. The governor, upon receiving the important information relative to the hostile views of Philip, ordered a military watch to be kept up in all the Eng lish settlements within the three colonies ; by some of whom it was soon discovered that the report of their Indian friend was too well founded, as the Indians of different tribes were daily seen flocking in great numbers to the head quarters of COMMENCEMENT OP HOSTILITIES WITH NATIVES. 48 Philip, previously sending their wives and children to the Narraganset country, which they had ever done previous to the commencement of hostilities. The inhabitants of Swanzey, a small settlement adjoining Mount Hope, the head quarters of Philip, were the first who felt the effects of this war. Philip, encouraged by the num bers who were daily enlisting under his banners, and despair ing of discovering cause that could justify him in the com mencement of hostilities against his " friends and brothers," as he had termed them, resolved to provoke them to war by killing their cattle, firing their barns, &c. This plan had its desired effect, as the inhabitants, determined to save their property or perish in the -attempt, fired upon the Indians, which was deemed cause sufficient by the latter to commence their bloody work. The war whoop was immediately thereupon sounded, when the Indians commenced an indiscriminate mur der of the defenceless inhabitants of Swanzey, sparing not the tender infant at the breast ; but three of seventy-eight persons which the town contained made their escape. Mes sengers were despatched with the melancholy tidings of this bloody affair to the governor, who, by and with the advice and consent of the council, despatched a company of militia with all possible speed to the relief of the distressed inhabit ants residing near the head quarters of Philip. As soon as they could be raised, thr5e companies more were despatched, under the command of Captains Henchman, Prentice, and Church, who arrived in the neighborhood of Swanzey on the 28th of June, where they were joined by four more compa nies from Plymouth colony. It was found that the Indians had pjllaged and set fire to the village, and with their booty had retired to Mount Hope. A company of cavalry were sent, under the command of Captain Prentice, to reconnoitre them ; but before they arrived at a convenient place for this purpose they were ambushed and fired upon by the enemy, who killed six of their number and wounde,d ten. Tbfe report 44 INDIAN NARRATIVES. cf their guns alarming the remaining companies of the English, they hastened to the relief of the cavalry, who at this moment were completely surrounded by about six hundred Indians, between whom and the English a warm contest now ensued. The savages fought desperately, and more than once nearly succeeded in overpowering the English ; but, very fortunately for the latter, when nearly despairing of victory, a fresh com pany of militia from Boston arrived, which, flanking the enemy on the right and left and exposing them to two fires, soon overpowered them and caused them to seek shelter in an ad joining wood inaccessibly to the English. The English had in this severe engagement forty-two killed, and severity-three wounded, many of them mortally. The enemy's loss was supposed to be much greater. On the 3.0th Major Savage, who by his excellency the governor had been appointed commander-in-chief of the com bined English forces, arrived with an additional company of cavalry, who with the remaining companies the following day commenced their march for Mount Hope, the head quarters of Philip. On their way the English were affected with a scene truly distressing. The savages, not content with bath ing their tomahawks in the blood of the defenceless inhabit ants of Swanzey, had, it was discovered, in many instances detached their limbs from their mangled bodies and affixed them to poles which were extendedin the air among which were discovered the heads of several infant children; the whole of which, by order of Major Savage, were collected and buried. The English arrived at Mount Hope about sunset ; but the enemy, having received information of their approach, had de serted their wigwams and retired into a neighboring wood. Major Savage, to pursue the enemy with success, now divided his men into separate companies, which he ordered to march in different directions, stationing forty at Mount Hope. On the 4tl> of July the men under the command of Captains COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES WITH NATIVES. 45 Church and Henchmen fell in with a body of the enemy to the number of two hundred, whom they attacked. The Eng lish being but thirty-two in number, including officers, victory for a considerable length of time appeared much in favor of the savages ; but very fortunately for the former, being com manded by bold and resolute officers, they defended them selves in the most heroic manner until relieved by a company of cavalry under the command of Captain Prentice. The Indians, now in turn finding the fire of the English too warm for them, fled in every direction, leaving thirty of their num ber dead and about sixty severely wounded on the field of action. The English in this engagement had seven killed and twenty-two wounded, five of whom survived the action but a few hours. This action, so far from daunting the bold and resolute Captain Church, seemed to inspire him with additional bra very. Unwilling that any of the enemy should escape, he boldly led his men into an almost impenetrable forest, into which those who survived the action had fled. The In dians, perceiving the English approaching, concealed them selves from their view by lying flat on their bellies, in which situation they remained concealed until the English had advanced within a few rods of them, when each, unperceived, fixing upon his man, discharged a shower of arrows among them. This unexpected check threw the English into confu sion, which the Indians perceiving, rushed furiously upon them with their knives and .tomahawks, shouting horribly. The English, their cavalry being unable to afford them assistance, were now in a very disagreeable situation ; the trees being so very large as to render it difficult to use their firearms with any effect, and they were very soon so encompassed by the savages as to render almost every effort to defend themselves useless. Of sixty -four who entered the swamp but twenty* seven escaped, among whom very fortunately was their vaV uable leader, Captain Church. 46 INDIAN NARRATIVES. The English, finding that they could neither bring theii enemies to action in open field nor engage them with any suc cess in the forest in which they were lodged, returned home, with the exception of three companies who were stationed by Major Savage near the borders of a swamp, into which it was strongly suspected that Philip, with a number of his tribe, had fled. This swamp was two miles in length, and to the English inaccessible. Philip, who had been watching the motion of his enemies, perceiving the greater part of them marching off, conjectured that their object was to obtain a re- enforcement : impressed with this belief, he resolved to im prove the first opportunity to escape, with a few chosen men, by water, which he with little difficulty effected the succeed ing night, taking the advantage of a low tide. The enemy were soon after their escape discovered and pursued by the inhabitants of Rehoboth, accompanied by a party of the Mo- hegans, who had volunteered their services against Philip. The Rehoboth militia came up with the rear of the enemy about sunset, and killed twelve of them, without sustaining any loss on their part : night prevented their engaging the whole force of Philip ; but early the succeeding morning they continued the pursuit. The Indians had, however, fled with such precipitancy that it was found impossible to overtake them. They bent their course to the westward, exhorting the different tribes through which they passed to take up arms against the English. The United Colonies became now greatly alarmed at the hostile views and rapid strides of Philip. The general court was constantly in sitting, and endeavoring to plan means to cut him off before he should have an opportunity to corrupt the minds of too many of his countrymen. While the court was thus employed, information was re ceived that Philip had arrived in the neighborhood of Brook- field, situated about sixty-five miles from Boston, and that a number of its inhabitants had been inhumanly butchered by COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES. WITH NATIVES. 47 his adherents. Orders were immediately thereupon issued for the raising ten companies of foot and horse, to be de spatched to the relief of the unfortunate inhabitants of Brook- field ; but before they could reach that place Philip and his party had entered the town and indiscriminately put to death almost every inhabitant which it contained ; the few that escaped having taken the precaution, previous to the attack, to assemble together in one house, which they strongly forti fied. This house was furiously attacked by the savages, and several times set on fire ; and the besieged were on the point 3f surrendering when Major Willard happily arrived to their relief. Between the English and the Indians a desperate engagement now ensued : the former, by the express command of their officers, gave no quarter, but in a very heroic man ner rushed upon the savages with clubbed muskets. The action continued until near sunset, when the few Indians that remained alive sought shelter in the neighboring woods. In this engagement the English had twenty-two killed and sev enty-five wounded. The enemy's loss was two hundred .and seventeen killed, and between two and three hundred wound ed, who, by way of retaliation for their barbarity exercised towards the defenceless inhabitants of Brookfield, were imme diately put to death. The governor and council, on learning the fate of the un fortunate inhabitants of Brookfield, despatched a reenforce- ment of three companies of cavalry to Major Willard, and ordered the like number to be sent him from Hartford, in Connecticut colony, with which he was directed to pursue Philip with fire and sword to whatever part of the country he should resort. It being discovered that a part of Philip's forces had fled to Hatfield, two companies of English, under command of Captain Lathrop and Captain Beers, were sent in pursuit of them, who, within about three miles of Hatfield, overtook and attacked them ; but the force of the English being greatly 48 INDIAN NARRATIVES. inferior to that of the enemy, the former were defeated and driven back to the main body, which enabled the enemy, who had in the late engagement been detached from their main body, to join Philip. On the 18th of September in formation was received by Major Willard that the enemy had successfully attacked and defeated the troops under the command of Captain Lathrop ; that they were ambushed and unexpectedly surrounded by one thousand of the enemy, to whom they all, except three who escaped, fell a sacrifice. The defeat of Captain Lathrop took place in the neighbor hood of Deerfield, for the defence of which there was an English garrison, which the Indians were about to attack when Major Willard happily arrived, on the approach of whom the Indians fled. On the 10th of October following a party of Philip's In dians successfully assaulted the town of Springfield, which they pillaged and set fire to, killing about forty of the inhabit ants. On the 14th they assaulted the town of Hatfield, in which two companies, under the command of Captain Mosely and Captain Appleton, were stationed. The enemy continued the attack about two hours, when, finding the fire of the Eng lish too warm for them, they fled, leaving a number of their party behind them dead. Philip, now finding himself closely pursued by a large and formidable body of the English, deemed it prudent to bend his course towards his old place of residence, there* to remain until the ensuing spring. But the commissioners of the United Colonies, duly reflect ing on the deplorable situation of their defenceless brethren throughout the country, aware that there were then a much greater number of their savage enemies imbodied than at any former period, who, if suffered peaceably to retire into winter quarters, might prove too powerful for them the spring ensuing, resolved to attack the whole force under Philip in their winter encampment ; for the purpose of which every COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES WITH NATIVES. 49 jfinglishman capable of bearing arms was commanded, by proclamation of the governor, to hold himself in readiness to march at the shortest notice. The 10th of December was the day appointed by the commissioners on which the decisive blow was to be given. Six companies were immediately raised in Massachusetts, consisting in the whole of five hun dred and twenty-seven men, to the command of which were appointed Captains Mosely, Gardener, Davenport, Oliver, and Johnson. Five companies were raised in Connecticut, consisting of four hundred and fifty men, to the command of which were appointed Captains Siely, Mason, Gallop, Watts, and Marshall. Two companies were likewise raised in Plym outh, consisting of one hundred and fifty men, who were commanded by Captains Rice and Goram. Three majors of the three respective divisions were also appointed; to wit, Major Appleton, of Massachusetts ; Major Treat, of Connecti cut ; and Major Bradford, of Plymouth. The whole force, consisting of eleven hundred and twenty-seven men, were commanded by Major General "Winslow, late governor of the colonies. On the 7th of December the combined forces com menced their march for the head quarters of the enemy. At this inclement season it was with the utmost difficulty that the troops were enabled to penetrate through a wild and pathless wood. On the morning of the 9th, having travelled all the preceding night, they arrived at the border of an ex tensive swamp, in which, they were informed by their guides, the enemy were encamped to the number of four thousand. The English, after partaking of a little refreshment, formed for battle. Captain Mosely and Captain Davenport led the van, and Major Appleton and Captain Oliver brought up the rear of tlae Massachusetts forces. General Winslow, with the Plymouth troops, formed the centre. The Connecticut troops, under the command of their respective captains, to gether with about three hundred of the Mohegans, command ed by Oneco, the son of Uncus, brought up the rear. 50 INDIAN NARRATIVES. It was discovered by an Indian, sent for that purpose, that in the centre of the swamp the enemy had built a very strong fort, of so wise construction that it was with difficulty that more than one person could enter at one time. About 10 o'clock, A. M., the English, with the sound of the trumpet, entered the swamp, and, when within about fifty rods of their fort, were met and attacked by the enemy. The Indians, in their usual manner, shouting and howling like beasts of prey, commenced the attack with savage fury : but with a hideous noise the English were not to be intimidated. Charging them with unequalled bravery, the enemy were soon glad to seek shelter within the walls of their fort. The English, having closely pressed upon the enemy as they retreated, now in turn found themselves in a very disagreeable situation, exposed to the^fire of the Indians, who were covered by a high breast work : they were not even enabled to act on the defensive. At this critical juncture the lion-hearted Oneco, with the as sent of General Winslow, oifered with the men under his command to scale the walls of the fort ; which being approved of by the English commanders, Oneco, with about sixty picked men, in an instant ascended to the top of the fort, where, hav ing a fair chance at the enemy, they hurled their tomahawks and discharged their arrows with such success among them as in a very short time to throw them into the utmost confu sion : those who attempted to escape from the fort were in stantly cut in pieces by the troops without. The enemy, find ing themselves thus hemmed in and attacked on all sides, in the most abject terms begged for quarter, which was denied them by the English. A great proportion of the troops being now mounted on the walls of the fort, they had nothing to do but load and fire ; the enemy being penned up and huddled together in such a manner that there was scarcely a shot lost. This bloody contest was of near six hours' continuance, when the English, perceiving the fort filled with nought but dead or such as were mortally wounded of the enemy, closed the bloody conflict. COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES' WITH NATIVES. 51 The scene of action, at this instant, was indeed such as could not fail to shock the stoutest hearted. The huge logs of which the fort was constructed were completely crimsoned with the blood of the enemy, while the surrounding woods resounded with the dying groans of the wounded. The num ber of slain of the enemy in this severe engagement could, not be ascertained ; it was, however, immense. Of four thou sand, which the fort was supposed to contain at the commence ment of the action, not two hundred escaped ; among whom, unfortunately, was the treacherous Philip. After the close of this desperate action, the troops, having destroyed all in their power, left the enemy's ground, and, carrying about three hundred wounded men, marched back to the distance of sixteen miles to head quarters. The night proved cold and stormy ; the snow fell deep ; and it was not until midnight or after that the troops were enabled to reach their place of destination : many of the wounded, who prob ably otherwise might have recovered, perished with the cold and inconvenience of a march so fatiguing. Although the destruction of so great a number of the ene my was considered of the greatest importance to the English, yet it proved a conquest dearly bought. It was obtained at the expense of the lives of not; only a great number of pri vates, but a great proportion of their most valuable officers ; among whom were Captains Davenport, Gardner, Johnson, Siely, and Marshall. On enumerating their number of slain and wounded, it was found as follows : Of the companies commanded by Captains Mosely, . ^ 10 killed, 40 wounded. " Oliver, .- .-20 " 48 " " Gardner, . ; . 11 32 Johnson, . ... 18 " 38 Davenport, . * 15 " 19 " Gallop, . Hf fc* 28 43 52 INDIAN NARRATIVES. Captains Siely, . . * - 32 killed, 50 wounded. Watts, ; .' 19 33 Mason, . . .... 40 - 50 Marshall, . . . 25 " 37 " Goram, . . 30 " 41 " Sachem Oneco, /"'' . ,. 51 " 82 " Total, . 299 " 513 The courage displayed during the action by every part of the army, the invincible heroism of the officers, the firmness and resolution o the soldiers when they saw their captains falling before them, and the hardships endured before and after the engagement, are hardly credible, and rarely find a parallel in ancient or modern ages. The cold the day preced ing the action was extreme, and in the night of which the snow fell so deep as to render it extremely difficult for the army to move the day succeeding : four hundred of the soldiers were so completely frozen as to be unfit for duty. The Connecticut troops were the most disabled, having en dured a tedious march, without halting, from Stonington to the place of public rendezvous ; they sustained, too, a much great er loss in the action, in proportion to their numbers, than the troops of the other colonies. ' The bold and intrepid Captain Mason, who received a fatal wound in the action, of which he died in about three months after, was the first after the Mo- hegans to mount the walls of the fort ; nor did the troops under his command fail to follow the noble example. The loss of the troops from Connecticut was so great that Major Treat conceived it absolutely necessary to return im mediately home. Such of the wounded as were not able to travel were put on board a vessel and conveyed to Stonington. The troops, on their return, killed and captured about thirty of the enemy. The Massachusetts and Plymouth forces kept the field the greater part of the winter. They ranged the country, took a COMMENCEMENT OP HOSTILITIES WITH NATIVES. 53 number of prisoners, destroyed about three hundred wigwams, but achieved nothing brilliant or decisive. The Nipnet and Narraganset tribes being by the late action nearly exterminated, the few that survived, by the direction of Philip, fled in small parties to different parts of the coun try, improving every opportunity that presented to revenge the untimely fate of their brethren. On the 10th of Februa ry, 1678, about one hundred of them surprised the inhabit ants of Lancaster, Massachusetts, a part of whom, as a place of greater safety, had the day previous resorted to the dwell ing of the Rev. Mr. Rowland ; this, however, being construct ed of dry logs, was set fire to by the Indians, which the un fortunate English within being unable to extinguish, they fell victims to the devouring flames. On the 21st the enemy attacked the inhabitants of Medfield, thirty-two of whom they killed, and of the remainder made captives. On the 3d of March, the Indians still continuing their dep redations, two companies of cavalry, under the command of Captain Pierce and Captain Watkins, were ordered out for the purpose of affording protection to the defenceless inhabit ants of towns most exposed to their incursions. On the 5th they marched to Pautuxet, near where there was a consid erable body of Indians encamped, whom, on the morning of the 5th, they fell in with and attacked. The enemy at first appeared but few in number ; but these were only employed to decoy the English, who, on a sudden, found themselves surrounded by near three hundred Indians, who, with their tomahawks and scalping knives, rushing furiously upon them, threatened them with instant destruction. The English, now acting upon the defensive, although surrounded by five times their number, fought with their usual spirit, and were resolved to sell their lives at as dear rate as possible : they were very soon, however, compelled to yield to the superior force of their savage enemies : but five escaped. This victory, though of considerable importance to the savages, cost them a number 5* 54 INDIAN NARRATIVES. of their bravest warriors, ninety-three of whom were the suc ceeding day found dead upon the field of action : there were* in this engagement about twenty friendly Indians with the English, who fought like desperadoes : one of them, observing Captain Pierce unable to stand, in consequence of the many wounds he had received, for nearly two hours bravely de fended him ; when, perceiving his own imminent danger, and that he could afford the captain no further assistance, by blacking his face as the enemy had done, he escaped unnoticed. On the 25th of March a party of Indians attacked and burned the towns of Weymouth and Warwick, killing a great number of the inhabitants. On the 10th of April following they pillaged and burned Rehoboth and Providence. On the 1st of May a company of English and one hundred and fifty Mohegans, under command of Captain George Den- nison, were sent in pursuit of a body of the enemy com manded by the son of Miantinomi. On the 8th they met with and attacked them near Groton. The Indians, .apparently determined on victory or death, displayed an unusual degree of courage ; but the English and Mohegans proved too strong for them, who, after destroying the greater part with their muskets and tomahawks, drove the" remainder into a neigh boring river, where they soon perished. On the 23d Cononchet, sachem of the few scattered re mains of the Narragansets, proposed to his council that the lands bordering on Connecticut River not inhabited by the English should be by them planted with corn for their future subsistence ; which being approved of by the latter, two hun dred of the Narragansets were despatched for this purpose : the governor, being apprised of their intentions, despatched three companies of cavalry to intercept them. About one hundred of the Mohegans, under the command of Oneco, ac companied the English. The eneiny were commanded by Cononchet in person, who first proceeded to Seconk to pro cure, seed corn : it was. in the neighborhood of this place that COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES \\TTH NATIVES. 55 they were first met with and engaged by the English and Mohegans. The enemy, with becoming bravery, for a long time withstood the attack ; but, being but poorly provided with weapons, they were at length overpowered and compelled to yield to the superior power of their enemies. In the midst of the action Cononchet, fearful of the issue, deserted his men and attempted to seek shelter in a neighboring wood ; but, be ing recognized by the Mohegans, they pursued him. Conon chet, perceiving himself nearly overtaken by his pursuers, to facilitate his flight first threw away his blanket, and then .his silvsr-laced coat, with which he had been presented by the English a few weeks previous ; but, finding that he could not escape from his pursuers by flight, he plunged into a river, where he was even followed by half a dozen resolute Mohe gans,- who, laying hold of him, forced him under water and there held him until he was drowned. The loss of the Eng lish and Mohegans in this engagement was twelve killed and ^twenty-one wounded ; that of the enemy was forty-three killed and about eighty wounded. The inhabitants of New London, Norwich, and Stonington, having frequently discovered a number of the enemy lurking about in small bodies in the adjacent woods, by joint agree ment voluntarily enlisted themselves, to the number of three hundred, under the command of Major Palmer and Captains Dennison and Avery, who, with the assistance of the Mohe gans and a few friendly Narragansets, in three expeditions destroyed near one thousand of the enemy. On the 8th of June the Indians assaulted and burned Bridgewater, a small settlement in the colony of Massachu setts : forty of its inhabitants fell victims to savage barbarity. The governor and. council of Massachusetts colony, aware of the danger to which many of the inland settlements were exposed by frequent incursions of the enemy, and finding it extremely difficult to raise a sufficient force to oppose them in the many parts to which the fragments of the broken tribe* 5fc INDIAN NARRATIVES. had resorted, adopted the policy of sending among them, as spies, such Indians as were friendly and could be depended on which plan had its desired effect. These Indians, represent ing the force of the English much greater than it really was, and warning the enemy of danger which did not at that time exist, deterred them from acting in many instances on the offensive. One of the friendly Indians, returning to Boston on the 10th of July, reported as follows : " That a large num ber of Indians were imbodied in a wood near Lancaster, which village they intended to attack and burn in a few days ; that they had been encouraged ' to continue the war with the English by Frenchmen from the great lake, who had supplied them with firearms and ammunition." On the receipt of this important information the governor despatched three companies of cavalry, under the command of Major Savage, for the defence of Lancaster, who unfor tunately, by mistaking the road, fell into an ambush of about three hundred and fifty Indians, by whom they were instantly* surrounded. The English exhibited great presence of mind, and repelled the attack of the enemy in a very heroic man ner. The savages being, however, well provided with fire arms, soon gained a complete victory over the English, whose loss in this unfortunate engagement was fifty-four. The num ber of killed and wounded of the enemy could not be ascer tained, as they remained masters of the field of action. On the 15th a severe engagement took place between a company of English cavalry and about three hundred of the enemy near Groton. The latter were not perceived by the former until they were within a few paces of them, the In dians having concealed themselves in the bushes ; when, sud denly issuing forth with a hideous yell, the cavalry were thrown into confusion ; but instantly forming and charging the enemy with great spirit, they fled in every direction. The cavalry, in attempting to pursue them, were once more am bushed. The contest now became close and severe : the Indians COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES WITH NATIVES. 57 having succeeded in decoying the English into a thick wood, attacked them with great fury and success. The commander of the English being killed, every man sought his own safety. Of forty-five of which the company was composed, but twelve escaped. The loss of the enemy was, however, supposed to be much greater. On the 12th of August a party of Indians entered the town of Westfield, killed and took several of the inhabitants pris oners, and burned several houses. Three of them soon after made their appearance at a house near said town and fired at a man at his door, who fell. They ran towards him, and one of them stooping to scalp him, he was saluted by the man's wife with a stroke from a large hatchet, which went so com pletely into his body that at three different efforts she could not disengage it ; and the Indian made off with it sticking in him. A second Indian also made an attempt ; when she, by a well-directed stroke with a stick she had got,, laid him on the ground. The third then run ; and the other, as soon as he had recovered his feet, followed the example ; on which the woman took her husband in her arms and carried him into the house, where he soon after recovered. On the 17th a party of Indians commenced an attack on Northampton ; but there being a number of English soldiers therein stationed, the enemy were repulsed. On the 20th a number of the inhabitants of Springfield were attacked by a party of Indians as they were returning from divine service ; and although the former were provided with firearms, the enemy succeeded in making prisoners of two women and several children, whom they soon after inhu manly tomahawked and scalped ; in which situation they were the succeeding day found by a party of English sent out in pursuit of the enemy. One of the unfortunate women, al though shockingly mangled, was found still alive, and, when so far recovered as to be enabled to speak, gave the following account of the fate of her unfortunate companions, to wit 58 INDIAN NARRATIVES. " That they were first conveyed by the savages to a thick wood, where they were severally bound with cords ; that the Indians soon after built a fire and regaled themselves with' what they had previously stolen from the English ; that soon after a warm dispute arose between them relative to the pris oners, each claiming the women for their squaws, (or wives;) that they at length proceeded to blows ; and, after beating each other for some time with clubs, it was agreed by both parties, to prevent further altercation, that the women should be put to death ; which they, as they supposed, carried imme diately into execution. The unfortunate narrator received a severe blow on the head, which brought her senseless to the ground, and, while in this situation, was scalped and left for dead by her savage enemies." The inhabitants of Sudbury, with a company of soldiers under the command of Lieutenant Jacobs, of Marlborough, alarmed at the near approach of the enemy, who to the num ber of about two -hundred were encamped near that place, resolved to attack them at night. Accordingly, on the 6th of September they marched within view of them, and at night, as they lay extended around a large fire, approached them, unperceived, within gunshot, when they gave them the con tents of their muskets. Many of those that remained un hurt, being suddenly aroused from their slumber by the yells of their wounded brethren, and imagining that they were completely, surrounded by the English, whom the darkness of the night prevented their seeing, threw themselves into the fire which they had enkindled, and there perished. But few" if any escaped. In this attack the English sustained no loss. On the 25th a considerable body of the enemy attacked the inhabitants of Marlborough, many of whom they killed, and set fire to their houses. A company of English, who had been ordered from Concord for the defence of this place, were cut off by the savages and totally destroyed. Two other com panies, despatched from Boston for the like purpose, met with COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES WITH NATIVES. 59 the same fate. It appeared that the governor, on learning the situation of the unfortunate inhabitants of Mailborough, despatched to their relief two companies, under the command of Captains Wadsworth and Smith, who, before they arrived at their place of destination, were informed that the savages had quitted .Marlborough and proceeded for Sudbury, twelve miles distant ; which induced the English to alter their course and proceed immediately for the latter place. Of this it ap peared that the enemy had been apprised by their runners, and had lain a plan to cut them off ere they should reach Sudbury ; which they in the following manner completely- effected. Learning the course which the English would take, they within a few rods thereof stationed fifty or sixty of their number in an open field, who were ordered to retreat into a neighboring thicket as soon as discovered and pursued by the English. In this thicket the remainder of the Indians, to the number of about three liundred, concealed themselves by lying prostrate on their bellies. The English, on their arri val, espying the Indians in the field, and presuming them to be but few in number, pursued and attacked them, who very soon retreated to the fatal spot where their treacherous breth ren lay concealed, and prepared to give their pursuers a warm if not a fatal reception : here they were closely pursued by the English, who too late discovered the fatal snare which had been laid for them. In an instant they were completely surrounded and attacked on all sides by the savages. The English for several hours bravely defended themselves, but at length were borne down by numbers far superior to their own. Thus fell the brave Captain Wadsworth and Captain Smith, as well as most of the troops under their command. The Indians bordering on the River Merrimack, feeling themselves injured by the encroachments of the English, once more reassumed the bloody tomahawk, which had been buried for a number of years. On the 1st of November they in a considerable body entered the villages of Chelmsford and 60 INDIAN NARRATIVES. Woburn, and indiscriminately put to death every inhabitant they contained, not sparing the infant at the breast. On the 9th they burned the house of a Mr. Eames, near. Concord, killed his wife and threw her body into the flames, and made captives of his children. On the 15th they took prisoner a young woman, sixteen years of age, who, by the family with whom she resided, had been placed on a hill in the neighbor hood of their dwelling to watch the motions of the enemy. The account which the young woman gave of her capture and escape was as follows : " That on the morning of her capture, the family having been informed that a party of Indians had the day previous been discovered in a neighboring wood, she, by their request, ascended a hill near the house to watch their motions, and alarm the family if seen approaching the house ; that about noon she discovered a number of them ascending the hill in great haste ; that she immediately thereupon at tempted to evade them by retiring %n to a thicket ; but that the Indians, who it appeared had before observed her, found her after a few moments' search, and compelled her to accompany them to their settlement, about forty miles distant. It was here they gave her to understand she must remain and be come their squaw, and dress and cook their victuals ; that she remained with them about three weeks, during which time they made several expeditions against the English, and re turned with a great number of human scalps ; that on the night of the 6th of December they returned with six horses which the^" had stolen from the English, which having turned into a small enclosure, they set out on a new expedition ; that she viewed this as a favorable opportunity to escape, to effect which she caught and mounted one of the horses, and, making use of a strip of bark as a bridle, penetrated a wild and pathless wood, and arrived at Concord at seven o'clock the morning succeeding, having travelled all the preceding night to evade the pursuit of the enemy." In like manner did one of the children of Mr. Eames, of whose capture mention is COMMENCEMENT OP -HOSTILITIES WITH NATIVES. 61 made in the preceding page, escape from the Indians. Al though but ten years of age, he travelled sixty miles through an uninhabited wood, subsisting on acorns. On the 12th of December a party of Indians attacked and killed several of the inhabitants of Bradford. The governor of Massachusetts colony, for the protection of the defenceless inhabitants of the Merrimack, ordered the raising and equip ping of four companies of cavalry ; to the command of which were appointed Captains Sill, Holyoke, Cutler, and Prentice, On the 2od the above troops proceeded for the borders of the Merrimack, and on the 26th fell in with a considerable body of the enemy, whom they engaged and completely de feated. On the 4th of January, 1679, Captain Prentice detached from the main body, fell in with and engaged about one hundred of the 'enemy in the neighborhood of Amherst, whom he likewise defeated, but with considerable loss on his part. On the 6th a son of the brave Captain Holyoke, of Spring field, receiving information that a number of the enemy in small bodies were skulking about in the woods bordering on that town, with twenty resolute young men marched out to attack them. Falling in with a considerable body of them, an engagement ensued, which, though severe, terminated at length in favor of the English. The Indians, being furnished with muskets, were unwilling to give ground, and would probably have remained masters of the field had not the English received a reenforcement which put them to flight. The loss of the English in the engagement was five killed and nine wounded, and that of the enemy twenty-three killed, and between thirty and forty wounded. The savages were no longer confined to any particular tribe or place, but, in parties from fifty to three hundred, were scattered all over the thinly-inhabited parts of New England a considerable body of them were yet in the neighborhood of H#dley, Deerfield, and Northampton, where they wore con 6 62 INDIAN NARRATIVES. tinually committing their wanton acts of barbarity. Several of the inhabitants of the towns above mentioned, duly reflect ing on the danger to which they and their families were daily- exposed, formed themselves into several companies, and made choice of their commanders. On the 4th of February, re ceiving information that there were near two hundred Indians imbodied in a swamp in the neighborhood of Deerfield, the above-mentioned force marched to attack them. Arriving within view of them about daybreak, they discovered them in a profound sleep, stretched out upon the ground around their fire. The cavalry immediately thereupon alighted, and, after forming themselves, approached them within pistol shot before they were discovered by the enemy, who, being sud denly aroused from their slumber, and astonished at the un expected appearance of so many of their enemies, fell an easy prey to the English, who, without the loss of a man, killed one hundred and twenty of them; the remainder, as the only means of escape, having plunged into a river, where probably many of them perished. Although the English achieved this action without any loss on their part, they were on their return unhappily ambushed by about four hundred of the enemy. The English, having expended all their ' ammunition in the late engagement, and being much fatigued, were now in turn likely to fall an easy prey to their enemies, who with their bloody knives and tom ahawks, for the space of an hour, attacked them with the greatest success. Not one of the English, it is probable, would have survived this bloody and unexpected attack, had it not been for the presence of inind of their brave commander, Captain Holyoke, who, by a stratagem, succeeded in saving a part of them. Captain Holyoke had his horse killed undej* him, and at one time was attacked by five of the enemy, whom he beat off with his cutlass. The loss of the English in this unfortunate action was fifty-one killed and eighty-four wound ed ; many of the latter survived the action but a few days COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES WITH NATIVES. 63 The defeat and destruction of the English in this engagement were much to be lamented, as among the slain were the heads of several families who had volunteered their services in defence of their infant settlements. On the 10th several hundreds of the enemy, encouraged by their late success, appeared before Hatfield and fired several dwelling houses without the fortification *bf the town. The inhabitants of Hadley being seasonably apprised of the situ ation of their brethren at Hatfield, a number of them volun teered their services and marche'd to their relief. The In dians, as they were accustomed to do on the approach of the English, lay flat on their bellies until the latter had advanced within bowshot, when, partly rising, they discharged a show er of arrows among them, which wounded several of the English ; but they, having wisely reserved their fire, now in turn levelled their pieces with the best effect before the sav ages had time to recover their legs, about thirty of whom were instantly despatched, and the remainder dispersed. On the 15th of February the governor of Massachusetts colony, receiving information that the Indians were collecting in great numbers, under the immediate guidance of Philip, near Brookfield, despatched Captain Henchman, with fifty men, to dislodge them, who, proceeding first to Hadley, was joined by a company of cavalry from Hartford. On the 20th they discovered and attacked a party of Indians near Lan caster : they kilted fifty of them, and took between fifty and sixty of their squaws and children prisoners. Captain Hench man, on his way to Brookfield, discovered the dead bodies of several of his countrymen half consumed by fire, who, it appeared, had a few days previous fallen victims to the wan ton barbarity of the savages. The scattered remains of the enemy being now so com pletely harassed and driven from place to place by the Eng lish, a number of them resorted to 'the western country, then inhabited by the Mohawks ; but the latter, being on friendly 64 INDIAN NARRATIVES. terms with the English and Dutch, who were settling among them, were unwilling to harbor their enemies, and conse quently attacked a considerable body of them on the 5th of March. The engagement was a severe one. The fugitive Indians, being furnished with firearms, repelled the attack of the Mohawks with a becoming spirit, but were at length over powered and completely defeated : the loss on both sides was very great. On the 20th the Indians took a Mr. Willet prisoner near Swanzey, and, after cutting off his nose and ears, set him at liberty. On the 23d they made prisoners of the family of a Mr. Barney, of Rehoboth, consisting of himself, *wife, and six children : two of the youngest of the latter they killed and scalped, and threw their mangled bodies to their dogs to devour. On the 28th a negro man, who had been for several months a prisoner among the savages, escaped from them and re turned to the English, to whom he gave the following infor mation ; to wit, that the enemy were concerting a plan to attack Taunton and the villages adjacent ; that for this pur pose there were then imbodied near Worcester one thousand of them, at the head of whom was Philip, and that near one hundred of them were furnished with firearms ; that, a few days previous to his escape, a scouting party arrived and brought in with them two prisoners and three human scalps. To frustrate the intentions of the enemy, the governor of Massachusetts colony despatched three companies of cavalry for the defence of Taunton. The English of Connecticut colony, although but little troubled with the enemy since the destruction of the Pequots, were not unwilling to afford their brethren all the assistance possible in a protracted and bloody war with the common enemy. They accordingly furnished three companies of cav alry, who, under command of the experienced Major Talcott, on the 5th of April, proceeded to the westward in search of COMMENCEMENT OP HOSTILITIES WITH NATIVES. 65 the enemy. On the llth they fell in with, attacked, and de feated a considerable body of them. Apparently, by the special direction of divine Providence, Major Talcott arrived in the neighborhood of Hadley in time to preserve the town and save its inhabitants from total destruction. The savages, to the number of five hundred, were on the eve of commencing an attack when they were met by the major with the troops under his command. This unexpected relief animating the few inhabitants which the town contained, they hastened to the assistance of the cavalry, who, at this moment, were seri ously engaged with the whole body of the enemy. The sav ages having gained some signal advantages, victory for a con siderable length of time appeared likely to decide in their ."avor. Fortunately, the inhabitants of Hadley having for their defence, a few weeks previous, procured from Boston an eight pounder, it was at this critical period loaded by the women, and, being mounted, was by them conveyed to the English, which, being charged with small shot, nails, &c., was. by the latter discharged with the best effect upon the enemy, who immediately thereupon fled in every direction. Thus it was that the English in a great measure owed the preservation of their lives to the unexampled heroism of a few women. The governor and council of the United Colonies, taking under serious consideration the miraculous escape of the in habitants of Hadley from total destruction and the recent success of the armp of the English in various parts of the country, appointed the 27th day of August, 1679, to be ob served, throughout the colonies as a day of public thanksgiv ing and praise to Almighty God. This, it maybe well to observe, was the commencement of an annual custom of our forefathers, which to the present day is so religiously observed by their descendants throughout the New England States. On the 3d of September the Connecticut troops, under com mand of Major Talcott and Captains Dennison and New- 6* 66 INDIAN NARRATIVES. ->* bury, proceeded to Narraganset in quest of the enemy, who, to the number of about three hundred, had been discovered in a piece of woods. The English were accompanied by their faithful friend Oneco, with one hundred Mohegans under his command. In the evening of the 5th they discovered the enemy encamped at the foot of a steep hill ; on which Major Talcott made arrangements for an attack. The Mohegans were ordered by a circuitous route to gain the summit of the hill, to prevent the flight of the enemy : two companies of cavalry were ordered to flank them on the right and left ; while Major Talcott, with a company of foot, stationed him self in their rear. Having thus disposed of his forces, a sig nal was given by the major for the Mohegans to commence the attack, which they did, and with such spirit, accompanied by their savage yells, that, had the enemy been renowned for their valor, they must have been to the highest degree ap palled at so unexpected an onset. After contending a few moments with the Mohegans, the enemy were attacked on the right and left by the cavalry, who, with their cutlasses, made great havoc among them : they were, however, unwilling to give ground until they had lost nearly one half their number, when they attempted a flight to a swamp in their rear ; but here they were met by Major Talcott, with the company of foot, who gave them so warm a reception that they once more fell back upon the Mohegans, by whom they were very soon overpowered, and would have been totally destroyed had not Major Talcott humanely interfered in their behalf and made prisoners of the few that remained alive : among the latter was their leader, a squaw, commonly termed the Queen of Narraganset ; and among them an active young fellow, who begged to be delivered into the hands of the Mohegans, that they might put him to death in their own way, and sacrifice him to their cruel genius of revenge, in which they so much delighted. The English, although naturally averse to acts of savage barbarity, were not, in this instance, unwilling to COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES WITH NATIVES. 67 comply with the voluntary, although unnatural, request of the prisoner ; as it appeared that he had, in presence of the Mo hegans, exultingly boasted of having killed nineteen of the English with his gun since the commencement of the war,* and after loading it for the twentieth, there being no more of the latter within reach, he levelled at a Mohegan, whom he killed ; which completing his number, he was willing to die by their hands. The Mohegans accordingly began to prepare for the tragical event. Forming themselves into a circle, admitting as many of the English as were disposed to witness their savage proceedings, the prisoner was placed in the cen tre ; when one of the Mohegans, who, in the late engagement, had lost a son, with his knife cut off the prisoner's ears, then his nose, and then the fingers of each hand ; and after the lapse of a few moments dug out his eyes, and filled their sockets with hot embers. Although the few English present were overcome with a view of a scene so shocking to human ity, yet the prisoner, so far from bewailing his fate, seemed to surpass his tormentors in expressions of joy. When near ly exhausted with the loss of blood, and unable longer to stand, his executioner closed the tragic scene by beating out his brains with a tomahawk. The few Indians that now remained in the neighborhood of Plymouth colony, being in a state of starvation, surren dered themselves prisoners to the English ; one of whom, being recognized as the person who had a few days previous inhumanly murdered the daughter of a Mr. Clarke, was, by order of the governor, publicly executed : the remainder were retained and treated as prisoners of war. By the assistance of one of the prisoners, who served as guide, twenty more of the enemy were, on the following day, surprised and taken prisoners by the English. The troops, under the command of Major Bradford and Captains Mosely and Brattle, on the 15th of September sur prised and took one hundred and fifty of the enemy prisoners 68 INDIAN NARRATIVES. near Pautuxet, among whom was the squaw of the celebrated Philip ; and on the day following, learning that the enemy in considerable bodies were roving about in the woods near Dedham, Major Bradford despatched Captain Brattle with fifty men to attack them, who, the day following, fell in with and engaged about one hundred of them. As hatchets were the only weapons with which they were provided, they made but a feeble defence, and were soon overpowered by the Eng lish, who took seventy-four of them prisoners, the remainder having fallen in the action. The loss of the English was two killed and five wounded. The above party was com manded by a bloodthirsty sachem called Pomham, renowned for his bodily strength, which exceeded that of any of his countrymen ever met with. He bravely defended himself to the last : being wounded in the breast and unable to stand, he seized one of the soldiers while in the act of despatching him with the but of his gun, and by whom he would have been strangled had he not been fortunately rescued by one of his comrades. A general famine now prevailing among the enemy, in con sequence of being deprived of an opportunity to plant their lands, numbers were daily compelled by hunger to surrender themselves prisoners to the English, among whom was a Nip- net sachem, accompanied by one hundred and eighty of his tribe. On the 12th of October Captain Church, with fifty so.ldiers and a few friendly Indians under his command, attacked and defeated a party of the enemy near Providence ; and on the day following, conducted by Indian guides, discovered a con siderable body of the enemy encamped in a swamp near Pom- fret : a friendly Indian first espying them, commanded them to surrender ; but the enemy did not appear disposed to-obey. Being sheltered by large trees, they first^ discharged their arrows among the English, and then, with a terrible yell, at tacked them with their long knives and tomahawks. The COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES WITH NATIVES. 69 English, meeting with a much warmer reception than what they expected, gave ground ; but being rallied by their old and experienced commander, Captain Church, they rushed upon them with such impetuosity that the enemy were thrown into confusion and dislodged from their coverts. The action con tinued about an hour and a quarter. The English had seven men killed and fourteen wounded; among the latter their brave commander, who received an arrow through his left arm. The loss of the enemy was thirty-two killed and be-, tween sixty and seventy wounded. On the 20th information was forwarded the governor and council that the famous Philip, who had been for a long time skulking about in the woods near Mount Hope, much disheart ened by the ill success of his countrymen, was, the morning preceding, discovered in a swamp near that place, attended by about ninety Seaconet Indians ; on which the brave Captain Church, with his little band of invincibles, was immediately despatched in pursuit of him. Captain Church was accom panied, as usual, by a number of the Mohegans and a few friendly Seaconet Indians. On the 27th they arrived in the neighborhood of the swamp, near the border of which he stationed several of the Mohegans to intercept Philip in case he should attempt an escape therefrom. Captain Church, at the head of his little band, now with unconquerable resolu tion plunged into the swamp, and, wading nearly to his waist in water, discovered and attacked the enemy. The Indians were nearly one hundred strong ; but being unexpectedly at tacked they made no resistance, but fled in every direction ; the inaccessible state of the swamp, however, prevented the English from pursuing them with success. Their dependence was now upon their friends stationed without ; nor did it appear that those faithful fellows sutfered so good an oppor tunity to pass unimproved. The report of their muskets convinced Captain Church that they were doing their duty ; in confirmation of which, he was very soon after presented with the head of Kin After his dismission from the guards in Boston he pro ceeded directly for Charlestown. When within fifteen mile's of Springfield he was met by a gentleman who had just be fore seen me, who gave him the best news he could have heard : although it was then late at night, he lost not a mo ment. At two o clock in the morning of the 1st of January, 1758, 'I again embraced my dearest friend. Happy New Year ! With pleasure would I describe my emotions of joy, could language paint them sufficiently forcible ; but the feeble pen shrinks from the task. Charlestown was still a frontier town, and suffered from savage depredations, which rendered it an improper residence for me ^consequently I went to Lancaster. Mr. Johnson in a few days set out for New York to adjust his Canada ac counts. But on his journey he was persuaded by Governor Pownall to take a captain's commission and join the forces hound for Ticonderoga, where he was killed on the 8th of July following, in the battle that proved fatal to Lord How, while fighting for his country. Humanity will weep with me. The cup of sorrow was now replete with bitter drops. All my former miseries were lost in the affliction of a*widow. In October, 1758, I was informed that my son Sylvanus was at Northampton sick of a scald. I hastened to the place CAPTIVITY OF MRS. JOHNSON. 175 and found him in a deplorable situation. He was brought there by Major Putnam, (afterwards General Putnam,) with Mrs. How and her family, who had returned from captivity. The town of Northampton had taken the charge of him. His situation was miserable : when I found him he had no recol lection of me ; but after some conversation he had some con fused ideas of me, but no remembrance of his father. It was four years since I had seen him ; he was then eleven years old. During his absence he had entirely forgotten the English language, spoke a little broken French, but was per fect in Indian. He had been with the savages three years, and one year with the French ; but his habits were somewhat Indian. He had been with them in their hunting excursions and suffered numerous hardships ; he could brandish a toma hawk or bend the bow ; but these habits wore off by degrees. I carried him from that place to Lancaster, where he lived a few years with Colonel Aaron "VYillard. I lived in Lancaster till October, 1759, when I returned to old Charlestown. The sight of my former residence afforded a strange mixture of joy and grief; while the desolations of war, and the loss of a number of dear and valuable friends, combined to give the place an air of melanctioly. Soon after my arrival Major Rogers returned from an expedition against the village of St. Francis, which he had destroyed, and killec most of the inhabitants. He brought with him a young In dian prisoner, who stopped at my house : the moment he saw me he cried, " My God ! my God ! here is my sister ! " It was my little brother Sabatis, who formerly used to bring the cows for me when I lived at my Indian masters. He was transported to see me, and declared that he was still my brother, and I must be his sister. Poor fellow ! The fortune of war had left him without a single relation ; but with his country's enemies he could find one who too sensibly felt his miseries. I felt the purest pleasure in administering to hi? comfort 176 INDIAN NARRATIVES. I was extremely fortunate in receiving, by one of Major Rogers's men, a bundle of Mr. Johnson's papers, which he found in pillaging St. Francis. The Indians took them when we were captivated, and they had lain at St. Francis five years. Sabatis went from Charlestown to Crown Point with Major .Rogers. When he got to Otter Greek he met my son Sylva- nus, who was in the army with Colonel Willard. He recog nized him, and, clasping him in his arms, " My God ! " says he, " the fortune of war ! " I shall ever remember this young Indian with affection : he had a high sense of honor and good behavior : he was affable, good natured, and polite. My daughter Susanna was still in Canada ; but as I had the fullest assurances that every attention was paid to her education and welfare by her three mothers, I felt less anxie ty than I otherwise might have done. Every one will imagine that I have paid Affliction her ut most demand : the pains of imprisonment, the separation from my children, the keen sorrow occasioned by the death of a butchered father, and the severe grief arising from my husband's death, will amount to a sum perhaps unequalled But still my family must be doomed to further and severe persecutions from the savages. In the commencement or the summer of 1766, my brother-in-law", Mr. Joseph Willard, son of the Rev. Mr. Willard, of Rutland, who was killed by tl\e Indians in Lovell's war, with his wife and five children, who lived but two miles distant from me, were taken by a party of Indians. They were carried much the same route that I was to Montreal. Their journey of fourteen days through the wilderness was a series of miseries unknown to any but those who have suffered Indian captivity : they lost two chil dren, whose deaths were owing to savage barbarity. The history of their captivity would almost equal my own ; but the reader's commiseration and pity must now be exhausted, No more of anguish ; no more of sufferings. CAPTIVITY OF MRS. JOHNSON. 177 They arrived at Montreal a few days before the French surrendered it to tfce English, and after four months' absence returned home, and brought my daughter Susanna to my arms. While I rejoiced at again meeting my child, whom I had not seen for above five years, I felt extremely grateful to the Mrs. Jaissons for the affectionate attention they had be stowed on her. As they had received her as their child, they had made their affluent fortune subservient to her best inter est. To give her the accomplishments of a polite eduoation had been their principal care : she had contracted an ardent love for them, which never will be obliterated. Their parting was an affecting scene of tears. They never forgot her dur ing their lives : she has eight letters from them, which are proofs of the warmest friendship. My daughter did not know me at her return, and spoke nothing but French : my son spoke Indian ; so that my family was a mixture of nations. Mr. Farnsworth, my only fellow-prisoner whose return I have not mentioned, came home a little before. ' .^ Thus, by the goodness of Providence, we all returned in the course of six painful years to the place from whence we were taken. The long period of our captivity and the sever ity of our sufferings will be called uncommon and unprece dented. But we even found some friends to pity among our most persecuting enemies ; and from the various shapes in which mankind appeared, we learned many valuable lessons. Whether in the wilds of Canada, the horrid jails of Quebec, or in our voyage to Europe, daily occurrences happened to convince us that the passions of men are as various as their complexions. And although my sufferings were often in creased by the selfishness of this world's spirit, yet the numer ous testimonies of generosity I received bid me suppress the charge of neglect or want of benevolence. That I have been an unfortunate woman, all will grant ; yet my misfortunes, while they enriched my experience and taught me the value of patience, have increased my gratitude to the Author of all 17& INDIAN NARRATIVES. blessings, whose goodness and mercy have preserved my life to the. present time. During the time of my widowhood, misfortune and disap- pointmen*- were my intimate companions. "When New Eng land was ruled by a few men who were the creatures of a king, the pleasures of dissipation were preferred to the more severe attention to business ; and the small voice of a woman was seldom heard. Hence, in the settlement of my husband's estate, the delay and perplexity were distressing. I made three journeys to Portsmouth, fourteen to Boston, and three to Springfield, to effect the settlement. Whether my captivi ty had taught me to be ungrateful, or whether imagination formed a catalogue of evils, I will not pretend to say ; but from the year 1754 to the present day, greater 1 misfortunes have apparently fallen to my share than to mankind in gen eral, and the meteor happiness has eluded my grasp. The life of a widow is peculiarly afflictive; but my numerous and long journeys over roads imminently bad, and incidents that seemed to baffle all my plans and foresight, render mine more unfortunate than common.- But I found many attentive friends, whose assistance and kindness will always claim my gratitude. Colonel White, of Leominster, with whom I had lived from the time I was eight years old until I married, was extremely affectionate and kind : in his house I found a welcome home. Mr. Samuel Ely, of Springfield, who was the friend of my husband, ren dered me numerous kindnesses. Colonel Murray, of Rutland, and Colonel Chandler, of Worcester, were very friendly and kind. Mr. Clarke, deputy secretary, Governor Pownall, and Governor Wentworth, exerted their influence for me in at tempting to procure a grant from the general assembly. In one of my journeys to Portsmouth I conversed with Captain Adams, who was in Europe at the time I was. He informed me that while there Mr. Apthorp gave him .fourteen pounds sterling, for the purpose of conveying me and my CAPTIVITY OP MRS. JOHNSON. 17 3 family to America. My sailing with the convoy prevented my receiving this kindness. During the four years of my widowhood I was in quite an unsettled situation ; sometimes receiving my children who were returning from captivity, and at others settling the estate of my deceased husband. In October, 1759, I moved to Charlestown and took possession of my patrimony, consist ing of a house which Colonel Whiting had generously assisted my mother in building. In copartnership with my brother, Moses Willard, I kept a small store, which was of service in supporting my family ahd settling my husband's estate. I have received, by petitioning, from the general assembly of New Hampshire forty-two pounds, to indemnify myself and family for losses sustained by our country's enemies. This was of eminent service to me. Mr. Johnson left with Mr. Charles Apthprp, of Boston, the sum which my son's re demption cost, for Colonel Schuyler, who had paid the same. But the general assembly of Massachusetts afterwards paid Colonel Schuyler his demand for redeeming my son. By Mr. Johnson I had seven children : two sons and a daughter died in infancy. Sylvanus, with whom the reader is acquainted, now lives in Charlestown. Susanna married Captain Samuel Wetherbee, and has been the mother of fifteen children, among whom were five at two births. Polly married Colonel Timothy Bedel, of Haverhill : she died in Au* gust, 1789. Captive married Colonel George Kimball. In the year 1762 I married Mr. John Hastings, my present husband. He was one of the first settlers in Charlestown. I recollect to have seen him when I visited the place in the year 1744. He suffered much by the Indians, and assisted in defending the town during the wars. By him I have had seven chil dren : one daughter and four sons died in their infancy. The- odosia is' married to Mr. Stephen Hasham. Randilla died at the age of twenty-two. She lived from her infancy with Mr. Samuel Taylor, of Rockingham, by whom she was treated 180 INDIAN NARRATIVES. with great affection. I have had thirty-nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. I am now in the winter of life, and feel sensibly the effects of old age. I live on the same spot where the Indians tooK us from in 1754 ; but the face of Nature has so changed that old savage fears are all banished. My vacant hours T often em ploy in reflecting on the various scenes that have marked the different stages of my life. When viewing the present rising generation, in the bloom of health and enjoying those gay pleasures which shed their exhilarating influence so plenti fully in the morn of life, I look back to my early days, when I, too, was happy and basked in the sunshine of good fortune. Little do they think that the meridian of their lives can pos sibly be rendered miserable by captivity or a prison : as little, too, did I think that my gilded prospects could be obscured : but it was the happy delusion of youth ; and I fervently wish there was no deception. But that Being who " sits upon the circle of the earth and views the inhabitants as grasshoppers " allots all our fortunes. Although I have drunk so largely from the cup of sorrow yet my present happiness is a small compensation. Twice has my country been ravaged by war since my remembrance. I have detailed the share I bore in the first : in the last, al though the place in which I live was not a field of bloody battle, yet its vicinity to Ticonderoga and the savages that ravaged the Coos country rendered it perilous and distress ing. But now no one can set a higher value on the smiles of peace than myself. The savages are driven beyond the lakes, and our country has no enemies. The gloomy wilderness, that forty years ago secreted the Indian and the beast of prey, has vanished away, and the thrifty farm smiles in its stead ; the Sundays, that were then employed in guarding a fort, are now quietly devoted to worship ; the tomahawk and scalping knife have given place to the sickle and ploughshare ; and prosperous husbandry now thrives where the terrors of death once chilled us with fear. CAPTIVITY OP MRS. JOHNSON. 181 My numerous progeny often gather around me to hear the sufferings once felt by their aunt or grandmother, and wonder at their magnitude. My daughter Captive still keeps the dress she appeared in when brought to my bedside by the French nurse at the Ticonderoga hospital, and often refreshes my memory with past scenes when showing it to her children. These things yield a kind of melancholy pleasure. Instances of longevity are remarkable in my family. My aged mother, before her death, could say to me, " Arise, daughter, and go to thy daughter ; for thy daughter's daugh ter has got a daughter ; " a command which few mothers can make and be obeyed. And now, reader, after sincerely wishing that your days may be as happy as mine have been unfortunate, I bid you adieu. CHARLESTOWN, June 20, 1798. Names of Persons killed by the Indians in Charlestovm, No. 4 Seth Putnam, May 2, 1748. Samuel Farnsworth, ~] Joseph Allen, Peter Perin, I May 24, 174G. Aaron Lyon, Joseph Massey, Jedediah Winchel, June or July, 1746. Philips, August 3, 1746. Isaac Goodale, ) , .., , i n Va I October, 1747. Nathaniel Gould, ) Obadiah Sartwell, June, 1749. Lieutenant Moses Willard, June 18, 1756. Asahel Stebbins, August, 1758. Josiah Kellogg, 1759. 1C 182 INDIAN NARRATIVES. Number taken Prisoners by the Indians from Gharle&town^ No. 4. Captain John Spafford, \ Isaac Parker, V April 19, 1746. Stephen Farnsworth, ) Anderson, October, 1747. Enos Stevens, June 17, 1749. James Johnson, Susanna Johnson, Sylvanus Johnson, Susan Johnson, Polly Johnson, . Miriam Willard, Peter Labarree, Ebenezer Farnsworth, > Sampson Colefax, David Farnsworth, Thomas Robins, ^May, 1756. Thomas Robins, Asa Spafford, Mrs. Robins, ") Isaac Parker, [-August, 1758. David Hill, ) Joseph Willard, Ij une 7,1760 Wife, and five children, j August 29, 1754. BURNING OF ROYALTON. As a union of interest always strengthens the bonds of affection, so a participation in extreme sufferings will never fail to produce a mutual sensibility. Prompted by a gener ous glow of filial love and affection, we generally take delight in surveying whatever gave our forefathers joy, and are ready to drop a sympathetic tear when we review the sufferings which they have undergone. But, contrary to the laws of sympathy and justice, the attention of the public is often en grossed with accounts of the more dreadful conflagrations of populous cities in foreign countries or the defeat of armies in the field of carnage ; while the destruction of small frontier settlements by the Indian tribes in our own country is at the same time little known, if not entirely forgotten. Thus the miseries of our neighbors and friends around us, whose bitter cries have been heard in our streets, are too often suffered to pass unnoticed down the current of time into the tomb of oblivion. The burning of Royalton was an event most inauspicious and distressing to the first settlers of that town. Nor is it a little strange that, among the numerous authors who have re corded the events of the Ajnerican revolution, some of them have not given place in their works to a more full detail of that afflictive scene. Laboring under all the difficulties and hardships to which our infant settlements were subject, and striving by perse vering industry to soar above every obstacle which might present itself to obstruct their progress, they had filled their 184 INDIAN NARRATIVES. barns with the fruits of the land, their storehouses were crowded with the comforts of life, and all nature seemed to wear a propitious smile. All around them promised pros perity. They were far removed from the noise of war ; and, though conscious of their danger, fondly hoped they should escape the ravages of a savage foe. Royalton was chartered in the year 1779. A considerable settlement, however, had taken place previous to that time, and the town was in a thriving condition. Large stocks of cattle, which would confer honor upon the enterprise of farmers in old countries, were here seen grazing in their fields. United by common interest, living on terms of friendship, and manifesting that each one in a good degree " loved his neighbor as himself," harmony prevailed in their borders, social happiness was spread around their firesides, and plenty crowned their labors. But, alas ! the dreadful reverse remains to be told. While joys possessed were turned to sorrows, their hopes for joys to come were blasted. And as the former strongly marked the grievous contrast between a state of prosperity and affliction, the latter only showed the fallacy of promising ourselves the future. On the morning of the 16th of October, 1780, before the dawn of ~day, the inhabitants of this town were surprised by the approach of about three hundred Indians of various tribes. They were led by the Caghnewaga tribe, and had left Canada intending to destroy Newbury, a town in the eastern part of Vermont, on Connecticut River. . A British lieutenant, by the name of Horton, was their chief commander ; and one Le Mott, a Frenchman, was his second. Their pilot, or leader, was a despicable villain, by the name of Hamilton, who had been made prisoner by the Americans at the taking of Bur- goyne in 1777. He had been at Newbury and Royalton the preceding summer on parole of honor, left the latter place with several others under pretence of going to survey lands BURNING OF ROYALTOK. 185 in the northern part of this state, and went directly to the enemy. He was doubtless the first instigator of those awful depredations which were the bitter fruits of this expedition, and which ought to stamp his name with infamy and disgrace. On their way thither, it is said, they came across several men from Newbury, who were engaged in hunting near the place where Montpelier village now stands, and made them prisoners. They made known their object to these hunters, and inquired of them whether an armed force was stationed at Newbury. Knowing the defenceless state of that town, and hoping they should be able to induce the Indians to re linquish their object and return to Canada, they told them that such an armed garrison was kept at Newbury as would render it extremely dangerous for them to approach thus artfully dissembling by ambiguity of expression the true con dition of their fellow-townsmen, and, like Rahab the harlot, saved their father's house from destruction. Unwilling, however, that their expedition should prove wholly fruitless, they turned their course to Royalton. No arguments which the prisoners could adduce were sufficient to persuade them from that determination. Following up Onion River as far as the mouth of Stevens's branch, which empties into the river at Montpelier, they steered their course through Barre, at that time called Wil- dersburg; proceeded up Gaol branch, which forms a part of Stevens's branch, and travelled over the mountains through Orange and Washington ; thence down the first branch of White River, through Chelsea and Tunbridge, to Royalton. They laid in their encampment at Tunbridge, not far distant from Royalton, during the Sabbath, the day preceding their attack upon the latter place^ for the purpose of concerting measures to carry into effect their atrocious and malignant designs. Here were matured those diabolical seeds of depre dation ancf cruelty from which sprung bitterness, sorrow, and death. 16* 186 INDIAN As they entered the town before daylight appeared dark ness covered their approach, and they were not discovered till Monday morning at dawn of day, when they entered the house of Mr. John Hutchinson, who resided not far from the hne separating Eoyalton from Tunbridge. He was totally ignorant of their approach and wholly unsuspicious of dan ger till they burst the door upon him. Here they took Mr. John Hutchinson, and Abijah Hutch inson, his brother, prisoners, and plundered the house ; crossed the first branch and went to the house of Mr. Robert Havens, who lived at a small distance from Mr. Hutchinson's. Mr. Havens had gone out into his pasture in pursuit of his sheep, and having ascended a hill about forty rods from his house, hearing his neighbor Hutchinson's dog bark, halted, and stood in pensive silence. Here he listened with deep anxiety to know the extent of the evil he feared. But, alas ! he little expected to find a herd of savage men. It was his only fear that some voracious animal was among his sheep, which so disturbed the watchful dog. While he listened in silence, with his thoughts suspended, he heard a noise as of sheep or cattle running with full speed through the water. Casting his eye to the west, towards his own dwelling, he beheld a company of Indians just entering the door. Seeing his own danger, he immediately laid down under a log and hid himself from their sight. But he could not hide sorrow from his mind. Here he wept. Tears trickling down his withered cheeks bespoke the anguish of his soul while he thought upon the distress of his family. With groanings unutterable he lay a while, heard the piercing shrieks of his beloved wife and saw his sons escaping for their lives. Laden with the weight of years, decrepit and infirm, he was sensible if he appeared in sight it would prove his death. He therefore resolved not to move until a favorable opportu nity presented. His son, Daniel Havens, and Thomas Pern- ber, were in the house, and made their appearance at the door BURNING OF ROYALTON. 18V a little before the Indians came up. Beholding the foe but few rods distant, they ran for their lives. Daniel Havens made his escape by throwing himself over a hedge fence down the bank of the branch and crawling under a log, al though a large number of the Indians passed directly over it in pursuit of him. Who can tell the fears that agitated his bosom while these savage pursuers stepped upon the log under which he lay ? and who can tell the joys he felt when he saw them pass off, leaving him in safety ? a quick transition from painful fear and imminent danger to joyful peace and calm retirement. They pursued Thomas Pember till they came so near as to throw a spear at him, which pierced his body and put an end to his existence. He ran some time, however, after he was wounded, till by loss of blood he fainted, fell, and was unable to proceed farther. The savage mon sters came up, several times thrust a spear through his body, took off his scalp, and left him food for worms. While they were tearing his scalp from his head, how did his dying groans pierce the skies and call on Him who holds the scales of jus tice to mark their cruelty and avenge his blood ! He had spent the night previous at the house of Mr. Ha vens, engaged in amorous conversation with a daughter of Mr. Havens, who was his choice companion, the intended partner of his life. By imagination we view the fair survivor surrounded by the savage tribe, whose frightful aspect threatened ruin ; her soul overwhelmed with fear, and stung with grief, bereft of her dearest friend. They made the house of Mr. Havens their rallying point, or post of observation, and stationed a part of their company there to guard their baggage and make preparations for re treat when they had completed their work of destruction, Like the messenger of death, silent and merciless, they were scarcely seen till felt ; or, if seen, filled the mind with terror ; nor often afforded opportunity for escape. Moving with 188 INDIAN NARRATIVES. violent steps, they proceeded down the first branch to its mouth ; while a number, armed with spears, led the van, and were fol lowed by others, armed with muskets and scalping knives. The former they called runners, who were directed to kill all those who should be overtaken in an attempt to escape ; while the latter were denominated gunners, took charge of the pris oners, and scalped those who were killed. They had not proceeded far before a young man, by the name of Elias Button, being ignorant of their approach, made his appea*rance in the road but a few rods from them. Espy ing his danger, he turned and ran with the greatest possible speed in his power to escape their cruel hands. .The savage tribe pursued him with their usual agility, soon overtook the trembling youth, pierced his body with their spears, took off his scalp, and left him weltering in his gore. Young, vigor ous, and healthy, and blessed with the brightest hopes of long life and good days, he was overtaken by the merciless stroke of death without having a minute's warning. Innocence and bravery were* no shield, nor did activity secure him a safe retreat. That they might be enabled to fall upon the inhabitants unawares, and thereby secure a greater number of prisoners as well as procure a greater quantity of plunder, they kept profound silence till they had arrived at the mouth of the branch. After killing Pember and Button and taking such plunder as most pleased their fancy, they proceeded to the house of Joseph Kneeland, who resided about half a mile distant from the house of Mr. Havens. Here they found Messrs. Simeon Belknap, Giles Gibbs, and Jonathan Brown, together with Joseph Kneeland and his aged father, all of whom they made prisoners. They then went to the house of Mr. Elias Curtis, where they took Mr. Curtis, John Kent, and Peter Mason. Mrs. Curtis had just waked from the slumbers of the night, and was about dressing herself as she sat upon her bed, when BURNING OF KOYALTON. 189 the savage monsters entered the door ; and one of them in stantly flew at her, with a large knife in his hand, and seized her by the neck, apparently intending to cut her throat. While in the very attitude of inflicting the fatal wound the murderous wretch discovered a string of gold beads around her neck, which attracted his attention and prevented the dreadful stroke of death. Thus his avidity for gold allayed his thirst for human blood. His raging passions were sud denly cooled ; curiosity restrained his vengeance and spared the life of the frightened object of his cruelty. He Had put the knife to her throat, and eternity seemed open to her view ; but instead of taking her life he only took her beads, and left her rejoicing at her deliverance. The barbarous looks of the wicked crew bespoke their malignant designs, and caused horror and dismay to fill the minds of all who beheld them. But, alas ! who can tell what horror. thrilled the bosom of this trembling woman ? What fearful pangs were made to pierce her soul ! Behold the tawny wretch, with countenance wild and awful grimaces, standing by her bedside, holding her by the throat with one hand, and the weapon of death in the other ! See standing around her a crowd of brutal savages, the sons of violence, foul tormentors ! In vain do I attempt to paint the scene. Nor will I pretend to describe the feel ings of a kind and tender mother, who, reposing in the arms of sleep, with her infant at her bosom, is roused from her slumbers by the approach of a tribe of savage Indians at her bedside. To prevent an alarm from being sounded abroad, they com manded the prisoners to keep silence on pain of death. While the afflicted inhabitants beheld their property wasted and their lives exposed to the arrows of death, it caused their hearts to swell with grief. But they were debarred the priv ilege of making known their sufferings to their nearest friends, or even to pour out their cries of distress, while surrounded by the savage band, whose malevolent appearance could not 190 INDIAN NARRATIVES. fail to spread fear and distress in every bosom. They plun dered every house they found till they arrived at the mouth of the branch. Here the commander, a British officer, took his stand with a small party of Indians, while some went up and others down on each side of the river to complete the work of destruction. They had already taken several horses, which some of them rode, to facilitate their march and enable them to overtake those who attempted to make their escape. Frightened at the horrible appearance of their riders, who were imno way qualified to manage them, the horses served rather to impede than hasten their progress. Instigated by " the powers of darkness," fired with rage, eager to obtain that booty which they acquired by the pillage of houses, and fearful, at the same time, that they should themselves fall a prey to the American forces, they pursued their ravages with infuriated zeal, and violence and horror attended their movement. General Elias Stevens, who resided in the fiist house on the river above the mouth of the branch, had gone down the river about two miles, and was engaged at work with his oxen and cart. While busily employed loading his cart, casting his eye up 'the river he beheld a man approaching, bareheaded, with his horse upon the run, who, seeing General Stevens, cried out, " For God's sake, turn out your oxen, for the In dian's are at the mill ! " * General Stevens hastened to un yoke his oxen, turned them out, and immediately mounted his horse and started to return to his family, filled with fearful apprehensions for the fate of his beloved wife and tender offspring. He had left them in apparent safety, reposing in the arms of sleep. Having proceeded on his return about half way home he met Captain Joseph Parkhurst, who in formed him that the Indians were but a few rods distant, in * The mills to which he referred, owned by a Mr. Morgan, were situated on the first branch, near its mouth. MRS nix Page 191. BURNING OF ROYALTON. 1* swift pursuit down the river, and that, unless he returned im mediately, he would inevitably fall into their hands. Apprised of his danger, he turned and accompanied the captain down the river. Conjugal and parental affection alone can suggest to the imagination of the reader what were the feelings of General Stevens when compelled for his own safety to leave the wife of his bosom and their little ones to the mercy of a savage foe. "What pains did he feel when he found himself deprived of all possible means to afford them relief ! Nor could he expect a more favorable event than to find them all sacrificed at the shrine of savage barbarity. Who, not totally devoid of sympathy, can refrain to drop a tear as he reflects upon those painful emotions which agitated the general's breast when he was forced to turn his back upon his beloved family while thus exposed to danger ? Indeed, it was his only source of consolation that he might be able to afford assistance to his defenceless neighbors ; and as they soon came to the house of Deacon Daniel Rix, he there found opportunity to lend the hand of pity. General Stevens took Mrs. Rix and two or three children with him upon his horse ; Captain Parkhurst took Mrs. Benton and several children upon his horse with him ; and they all rode off as fast as pos sible, accompanied by Deacon Rix and several others on foot, till they arrived at the place where the general first received the alarm. Filled with anxiety for his fa,mily, and not hav ing seen any Indians, General Stevens here concluded again to return, hoping he should be able to reach home in time to secure his household from danger before the Indians arrived. Leaving Mrs. Rix and children in the care of a Mr. Burroughs, he started for home, and had proceeded about half a mile when he discovered the Indians in the road ahead of him, but a few rods distant. He quickly turned about, hastened his retreat, soon overtook the company he had left, and en treated them immediately to leave the road and take to the woods, to prevent being taken. Those who were on foot 192 INDIAN NARRATIVES. jumped over the fence, hastened to the woods out of sight of the Indians, where they remained in safety, undiscovered by the savage foe, who kept 'the road in pursuit of General Ste vens. He passed down the road about half a mile, and came to the house of Mr. Tilly Parkhurst, his father-in-law. See ing his sister engaged in milking by the barn, he " told her to leave her cow immediately, or the Indians would have her," and left her to secure her own retreat. They were now in plain sight, not more than eighty or a hundred rods off. The road was full of them, running like bloodhounds. The gen eral rode to the house, told them to run for their lives, and proceeded to warn others who lived contiguous. By this time the way was filled with men, women, and children, and a large body of Indians in open view but just behind them. The savage tribe now began to make the surrounding wilder ness reecho with their frightful yells. Frightened and alarmed for their safety, children clung to their parents ; and half-dis tracted mothers, filled with fearful apprehensions of approach ing destruction, were heard to make the air resound with their cries of distress. General Stevens endeavored to get them into the woods, out of sight of the Indians. Fear had usurped the power of reason, and Wisdom's voice was drowned in the torrent of distraction. There was no time for argument : all was at stake : the enemy hard by, and fast approaching : defenceless mothers, with helpless infants in their arms, flee ing for their lives. Despair was spread before them, while the roaring flood of 'destruction seemed rolling behind them. Few could be persuaded to go into the woods ; and most of them kept the road till they arrived at the house of Captain E. Parkhurst, in Sharon. Here they halted a moment to take breath, hoping they should not be pursued any far ther. The Indians, being taken up in plundering the houses, had now fallen considerably in the rear. But the unhappy Tictims of distress had not long been here when the cruel pursuers again appeared in sight. BURNING OF ROYALTON. 198 Screaming and crying now witnessed the horrors of that dreadful scene. Groans and tears bespoke the feelings of a heart agitated with fear and swollen with grief. There was no time to be lost. While they waited they waited for de struction. Children hanging to their mothers cloth* ; moth ers inquiring what they should do, and calling for assistance ; floods of tears and piercing shrieks, all presented to view a most painful scene. Seeing the Indians approaching with hideous yells that thrilled the heart of every one, General Stevens put his mother and his sister upon his own horse. Captain Joseph Parkhurst put Mrs. Rix and three of her children upon another horse, without a bridle, and ordered them to hasten their flight. There yet remained the wife of Captain E. Parkhurst, who stood in the most critical situ ation in which a woman can be placed, begging and crying for help, surrounded by six small children clinging to her clothes and pleading with her for protection. Alas ! how awful was the spectacle, how affecting the scene, to see a woman in this deplorable condition pleading for succor when none could help, when safety and support had fled and dan gers were rushing upon* her ! A heart not devoid of sympa thy could not fail to >veep. Conscious of her wretched sit uation, feeling for her dear children, being told there was no probability for her escape, gathering her little ones around her she wept in bitterness of soul ; tears of pity ran down her cheeks while she waited the approach of the savage tribe to inflict upon her whatever malice could invent or inhumanity devise. Her husband, to whom she fain would have looked for pro tection, was gone from home when all her woes fell upon her. Well might she say, " Therefore are my loins filled with pain ; pangs have taken hold upon me as the pangs of a woman that travaileth ; my heart panted ; fearfulness affrighted me ; the night of my pleasure hath he turned into fear unto me." While Mrs. Parkhurst saw her friends and neighbors fleeing 17 194 INDIAN NARRATIVES. from her, and beheld the Indians approaching with impetuous step, her bosom throbbed with anguish ; horror seized her soul ; and death, immediate death, both to her and her children, " stood thick around her," threatening to thrust his dagger into her aching "heart. There was no time to decide on the priority of claims to pity or the demands of justice. Those who were nearest at hand first received assistance ; not, how ever, without regard to that affection which arises from con sanguinity or matrimonial connection ; and these relations not cnly unite the hearts but connect the hands in scenes of dis tress. : , At the time General Stevens put his mother and his sister upon his horse the Indians were not eight rods from him : they, in company with Mrs. Rix and her children, rode off as fast as possible : the general followed with several others on foot. Part of the Indians pursued them, while others en tered the house and plundered it of its furniture. They took her eldest son from her ; then ordered her, with the rest of her children, to leave the house. She accordingly repaired into the fields back of the house with five of her children, and remained in safety till they had left the place. Soon after General Stevens started his dog came in his way and caused him to stumble and fall, which so retarded his progress that he was obliged to flee to the woods for safety, leaving the women and children to make the best of their retreat. The Indians pursued down the road after them with frightful yells, and soon overtook those who were on foot. They took Gard ner Rix, son of Deacon Rix,* a boy about fourteen years old, just at the heels of his mother's horse, while she was com pelled to witness the painful sight. Alas ! what distress and horror filled her bosom, when she, with three of her children no less dear than herself, fleeing from the savage foe, mount ed upon a horse snorting with fear, having nothing but a * Captain Rix then lived where Mr Phelps now lives, 1353. BURNING OF ROYALTON. 195 pocket handkerchief in his mouth for a bridle, saw her wea ried son, faint for want of breath, fall a captive to this barba rous crew ! Cruel fate ! The trembling youth, overwhelmed with fear and bathed in tears, was now torn from his tender parents and compelled to roam the wilderness to unknown regions. Nor was the disconsolate mother, with her other little ones, left in a much more safe condition. Exposed and expecting every step to fall to the ground, which, if it proved not their death, would leave them a prey to the savage mon sters, no tongue can tell the pains she felt, nor pen describe the horrors of her soul. To behold her little son, while flee ing for his life, fall into the hands of these sons of cruelty, what kind and tender mother would not feel her heart to bleed ? May we not listen to the voice of Imagination, and hear her say, " O infinite distress ! such raging grief Should command pity, and despair relief ; Passion, methinks, should rise from all my groans, Give sense to rocks and sympathy to stones" ? The Indians pursued the women and children as far as the house of Mr. Benedict, the distance of about a mile. They effected their escape, though surrounded with dangers and pursued with impetuous and clamorous steps. Here they discovered Mr. Benedict on the opposite side of a stream, called Broad Brook, which ran near the house. They beck oned to have him come over to them : choosing, however, not to hazard the consequences of yielding obedience to their re quest, he turned and ran a short distance and hid himself under a log. He had not long been in this situation when these bloodthirsty wretches came and stood upon the same log, and were heard by him to exclaim, in angry tone, " If we could find him he should feel the tomahawk." After standing upon the log some time and endeavoring to espy, the concealed, trembling object of their pursuit, they left 196 INDIAN NARRATIVES. him and returned to the house. Ah, what joy filled his bosom when he saw these messengers of death pass away, leaving him in safety ! How must his heart have glowed with gratitude towards the " great Preserver of men " at this unexpected deliverance from the most imminent danger ! His joys, however, were not unmingled with sorrow, as the fell destroyers were still at his house committing ravages and wasting his property. But no man can be supposed to put his property in competition with his life. The Indians pursued down the river about forty rods far ther, where they made a young man, by the name of Avery, prisoner, and then concluded to return. While they were at the house of Tilly Parkhurst, afore mentioned, (which was about six miles from the place they entered Royalton,) his son, Phineas Parkhurst, who had been to alarm the people on the east side of the river, just as he entered the stream on his return discovered the Indians at his father's door. Finding himself in danger he immediately turned to go back ; and the Indians just at this time happened to see him, and fired upon him. This was the first gun they fired after they entered the town. The ball entered his back, went through his body, came out under his ribs, and lodged in the skin : notwithstanding the wound, he was, however, able to ride, and continued his retreat to Lebanon, in the State of New Hampshire, the distance of about sixteen miles, with very little stop, supporting the ball between his fingers. He now resides in that town, and sustains the character of a use ful physician, and an industrious, independent farmer. That party of Indians which went down on the east side of the river extended their ravages as far as the house of Cap tain Gilbert, in Sharon, where a public house is now kept by Captain Dana. Here they took a nephew of Captain Gil bert, by the name of Nathaniel Gilbert, a boy about fifteen years of age. They now resolved to return, and commenced that waste of property which tracked their progress. As "Hjj BURNING OF ROFALTON. 197 they retraced their steps, they set fire to all the buildings they found of every description. They spread desolation and distress wherever they went. Houses filled with furniture and family supplies for the winter, barns stored with the fruits of industry, and fields stocked with herds of cattle were all laid waste. They shot and killed fourteen fat oxen in one yard, which, in consequence of the inhabitants being dispersed, were whol ly lost. Cows, sheep, and hogs, and, indeed, every creature designed by the God of nature to supply the wants of man, which came within their sight, fell a prey to these dreadful spoilers. Parents torn from their children, husbands sepa rated from their wives, and children snatched from their parents presented to view an indescribable scene of wretch edness and distress. Some were driven from their once peace ful habitations into the adjacent wilderness for safety, there to wait the destruction of their property ; stung with the painful reflection that their friends, perhaps a kind father and affec tionate brother, were made captives, and compelled to travel with a tawny herd of savage men into the wild regions of the north, to be delivered into the hands of enemies and undergo the fatigues and dangers of a wretched captivity ; or, what was scarcely more to be deplored, learn with pain that they had fallen the unhappy victims to the relentless fury of the savage tribe, and were weltering in their gore where there was no eye to pity or friendly hand to admiuster relief. The third party of Indians who went up the river first came to the house of General Stevens. Daniel Havens, .whose escape I have mentioned, went directly there and warned the family of their danger. Trembling with fear, he only stepped into the house, told them that " the Indians were as thick as the d 1 at their .house," and turned and went directly out, leaving the family to secure their own retreat. Mrs. Stevens and the family were in bed excepting her husband, who, as before stated, had gone down the river, about 17* 198 INDIAN NARRATIVES. two miles from home. She immediately arose from her bed, flung some loose clothes over her, took up her child, and had scarcely got to the fire when a large body of Indians rushed in at the door. They immediately ransacked the house in search of men, and then took the beds and bedding, carried them out of doors, cut open the bed ticks, and threw the feath ers into the air. This made them sport enough. Nor did they fail to manifest their infernal gratification by their tar- tarean shouts and disingenuous conduct. Mrs. Stevens entreated them to let her have some clothes for herself and child ; but her entreaties were in vain. They were deaf to the calls of the needy and disregarded the de mands of justice. Her cries reached their ears ; but nothing could excite one single glow of sympathy. Her destitute and suffering condition was plain before their eyes ; but they were blind to objects of compassion. Alas ! what bitterness of soul, what 'anguish, what heartrending pangs of fear dis tressed her tender bosom ! Surrounded by these pitiless, terrific monsters in human shape, with her little offspring in her arms, whose piercing shrieks and tender age called for compassion ; exposed to the raging fire of savage jealousy, unquenchable by a mother's tears ; anxious for the safety and mourning the absence of her bosom friend, the husband of her youth, it is beyond the powers of imagination to conceive or language 'to express the sorrows of her heart. At one moment securely reposing in the arms of sleep, with her darling infant at her breast ; the next amid a savage crew, whose wicked hands were employed in spreading deso lation and mischief, whose mortal rage exposed her to the Barrows of death. After plundering the house they told Mrs. Stevens to " begone, or they would burn." She had been afraid to make any attempt to escape, but now gladly em braced the opportunity. She hastened into the adjacent wil derness, carrying her child, where she tarried till the Indians had left the town. . ; BURNING OP ROTALTON. 199 A boy by the name of Daniel Waller, about fourteen years old, who lived with General Stevens, hearing the alarm given by Mr. Havens, set out immediately to go to the general and give him the information. He had proceeded about half a mile when he met the Indians, was taken prisoner, and car ried to Canada. * They left the house and barn of General Stevens in flames and proceeded up the river as far as Mr. Durkee's, where they took two of his boys prisoners, Adan and Andrew, and carried the former to Canada, who died there in prison. Seeing a smoke arise above the ttfees in the woods adjacent, the hostile invaders directed their course to the spot, where they found a young man, by the name of Prince Hasjiell, busily engaged in chopping, for the commencement of a set tlement. Haskell heard a rustling among the leaves behind him, and, turning round, beheld two Indians but a few feet from him. One stood with his gun pointed directly at nim, and the other in the attitude of throwing a tomahawk. Find ing he had no chance to escape, he delivered himself up as a prisoner, and was also carried to Canada. He returned in about one year, after enduring the most extreme' sufferings in his wanderings through the wilderness on his way home. A Mr. Chafee,* who lived at the house of Mr. Hendee started early in the morning to go to the house of Mr. Elias Curtis to get his horse shod. On his way he saw Mr. John Kent ahead of him, who was upon the same business. Wish ing to put in his claim before Mr. .Chafee, he rode very fast, and arrived at the house first. He had scarcely dismounted from his horse when the Indians came out of the house, took him by the hair of his head, and pulled him over backwards Seeing this, Mr. Chafee immediately dismounted, jumped be hind the shop, hastened away, keeping such a direction as would cau^e the shop to hide his retreat. Thus he kept out * Mr. Chafee lived near where Mr. Dewey now lives, 185 . 200 INDIAN NARRATIVES. of sight of the Indians, effected his escape, and returned to the house of Mr. Hendee.* On receiving the alarm given by Mr. Chafee, Mr. Hendee directed his wife to take her little boy, about seven years old, and her little daughter, who was still younger, and hasten to one of their neighbors for safety, while he should go to Bethel, the town west of Royalton, and give the alarm at the fort. Mrs. Hendee had not proceeded far when she was met by several Indians upon the run, who took her little boy from her. Feeling anxious for the fate of jaer child, she inquired what they were going to do with him. They replied that they should make a soldier of him ; and then hastened away, pull ing him along by the hand, leaving the weeping mother with her little daughter to witness the scene and hear the piercing shrieks of her darling son. This leads me to notice one instance of female heroism, bledfaed with benevolence, displayed by Mrs. Hendee, whose name deserves ever to be held in remembrance by every friend of humanity. She was now separated from her husband, and placed in the midst of- a savage crew, who were committing the most horrid depredations and destroying every kind of property that fell within their grasp. Defenceless, and exposed to the shafts of envy or the rage 'of a company of despicable tories and brutal savages, the afflicted mother, robbecl of her only son, proceeded down the river with her tender little daughter hanging to her clothes, screaming with fear, pleading with her mother to keep away the Indians. In this condition, possessing uncommon resolution and great presence of mind, she determined again to get possession of her son. As she passed down the river she met several tories who were with the Indians, of whom she continued to inquire what they intended to do with the children they had taken, * Mr. Hendee lived neai 1 where Milo Dewey now lives, 1853. BURNING OF ROYALTON. 201 and received an answer that they should kill them. Still de termined not to part with her son, she passed on and soon discovered a large body of Indians stationed on the opposite side of the river. Wishing to find the commanding officer, and supposing him to be there, she set out to. cross the river, and just as she arrived at the bank an old Indian stepped ashore. He could not talk English, but requested by signs to know where she was going. She signified that she was going to cross ; when he, supposing she intended to deliver herself up to them as a prisoner, kindly offered to carry her and her child across on his back. "But she refused to be carried. He then insisted upon carrying her child ; to which she consented. The little girl cried, and said " she didn't want to ride the old Indian." She was, however, persuaded to ride him ; and they all set out to ford the river. Having proceeded about half way across they came to deeper and swifter water ; and the old Indian, patting the mother upon the shoulder, gave her to understand that if she would tarry upon a rock near them, which was not covered with water, till he had carried her child over, he would return and carry her also. She therefore stopped and sat upon the rock till he had carried her daughter and set it upon the opposite shore, when he returned and took her upon his back, lugged her over, and safely landed her with her child. Supported by a consciousness of the justice of her cause, braving every danger, and hazarding the most dreadful con sequences, not excepting her own life and that of her children, she now sat out to accomplish her object. She hastened to the commanding officer and boldly in quired of him what he intended to do with her child. He told her that it was contrary to orders to injure women or children. " Such boys as should be taken," he said, " would be trained for soldiers, and would not be hurt." " You know," said she, in reply, " that these little ones can not endure the fatigues of a march through the vast extent 202 INDIAN NARRATIVES. of wilderness which you are calculating to pass. And when their trembling limbs shall fail to support their feeble bodies, and they can no longer go, the tomahawk and the scalping knife will be the only relief you will afford them. Instead of falling into a mother's arms and receiving a mother's ten der care, you will yield them into the arms of death, and earth must be their pillow where the howling wilderness shall be their only shelter. Truly a shelter from a mother's tears, but not from the jaws of wild beasts or a parent's grief. And give me leave to tell you," added she, " were you possessed of a parent's love, could you feel the anguish of a mother's heart at the loss of her first born, her darling son, torn from her bosom by the wicked hands of savage men, no entreaties would be required to obtain the release of my dear child." Horton replied, " that the Indians were an ungovernable race, and would not be persuaded to give up any thing they should see fit to take." ''You are their commander," continued she, "and they must and will obey you. The curse will fall upon you for whatever crime they may commit ; and all the innocent blood they shall here shed will be found in your skirts ' when the secrets of men's hearts shall be made known ; ' and it will then cry for vengeance on your heajl ! " Melted .inta tears at this generous display of maternal af fection, the infamous destroyer felt a relenting in his bosom, bowed his head under the weight of this powerful eloquence and simple boldness of the brave heroine, and assured her that he would deliver her child up when the Indians arrived with him. The party who took him had not yet returned. When he arrived, Horton, with much difficulty, prevailed on the Indians to deliver him up. After she had gained posses sion of him she set out, leading him and her little girl by the hand, and hastened away with speed, while the mingled sen sations of fear, joy, and gratitude filled her bosom. She had not gone more than ten rods when Horton followed and told BURNING OF ROYALTON. 203 ier to go back and stay till the scouting parties had returned, test they should again take her boy from her. She accord ingly returned and tarried with the Indians till they all ar rived and started for Canada. While she was there, several of her neighbors' children, about tlje same age of her own, were brought there as .captives. Possessing benevolence equal to her courage, she now made suit for them ; and, by her warm and affectionate entreaties, succeeded in procuring their release. While she waited for their departure, sitting upon a pile of boards, with the little objects of charity around her holding fast to her clothes, with their cheeks wet with tears, an old Indian came and took her son by the hand and endeavored to get him away. She refused to let him go, and held him fast by the other hand till the savage monster vio lently waved his cutlass over her head, and the piercing shrieks of her beloved child filled the air. This excited the rage of the barbarous crew so much as to endanger her own and the lives of the children around her, and compelled her to yield him into his hands. She again m be willing I should live with them and be accounted as one of their number. "We arrived at Caghnewaga on the seventh day of our march. Thus I found myelf, within the space of seven days, removed from my home and from all my relatives the dis tance of about three hundred miles, almost destitute of cloth ing, entirely without money, with no other associates than a race of savage Indians, whose language I could not under stand, whose diet was unsavory and unwholesome, whose " ten der mercies are cruel," barbarism their civility, no pardon to an enemy their established creed, and presented with no other prospect for the future than a captivity for life, a finafc sep aration from all earthly friends, and situated in an enemy's country. CAPTIVITY OF ZADOCK STEELE. 221 In short, stripped of every comfort that sweetens life ex cept the " one thing needful, which the world can neither give nor take away," my temporal prospects were banished and lost forever. No earthly friends to administer consolation 01 with whom to sympathize,* nor hope of escape to feed upon, truly, humble submission to the will of Heaven, and an entire " trust in the ord," was the only balm afforded me. " A soul prepared for such a state as this Is heir expectant to immortal bliss." Some days after we arrived at Caghnewaga, an old man by the name of Philips, whose silver locks bespoke the experi ence of many winters ; whose visage indicated the trials, sor rows, and afflictions of a long andi wretched captivity ; whose wrinkled face and withered hands witnessed the sufferings of many hardships, and presented to me a solemn and awful token of what I myself might expect to suffer, came and told me that I was about to be adopted into one of the Indian fam ilies, to fill the place of one whom they had lost on their expedition to Royalton. ^ Mr. Philips was taken prisoner in the western part of the State of New York, by the Indians, in his youthful days, and, having been adopted into one of their families, had always lived with them. He had retained his knowledge of the English language, and served as an interpreter for the tribe. The ceremony of my own adoption, as well as that of many other of the prisoners, afforded no small degree of diversion. The scene presented to view a spectacle of an assemblage of barbarism assuming the appearance of civilization. All the Indians, both male and female, together with the prisoners, assembled and formed a circle, within which one of their chiefs, standing upon a stage erected for the purpose, harangued the audienca in the Indian tongue. Although I could not understand his language, yet I could plainly dis cover a great share of native eloquence. His speech was of 19* 222 INDIAN NARRATIVES. considerable length, and its effect obviously manifested weight of argument, solemnity of thought, and at least human sensi bility. I was placed near by his side, and had a fair view of the whole circle. After he had ended his speech an old squaw came and took me by the hand and led me to her wig wam, where she dressed me in a red coat, with a ruffle in my bosom, and ordered me to call her mother. She could speak English tolerably well ; but was very poor, and therefore una ble to furnish me with very sumptuous fare. My food was rather beneath a savage mediocrity ; though no doubt my new mother endeavored as far as lay in her power to endear the affections of her newly-adopted yet ill-natured son. I found the appellation of mother highly pleased the tawny jade, which proportionably increased my disgust, already in tolerable ; and, instead of producing contentment of mind, added disquietude to affliction and sorrow. As I was blessed with an excellent voice for singing, I was the more beloved by, and, on that account, received much better treatment from, my new mother, as well as from other Indians. ,. I was allowed the privilege of visiting any part of the vil lage in the daytime, and was received with marks of fraternal affection and treated with all the civility an Indian is capable to bestow. A prisoner, by the name of Belknap, was set about hewing some poles for a stable floor while his Indian master held them for him. As he hewed, the Indian, sitting upon the pole, suffered it gradually to turn over, though unperceived by him ; which occasioned the workman, who saw its operation, laugh ing in his sleeves, to hew quite round the stick, in hewing from end to end. Thinking that Belknap knew no better, the Indian endeavored to instruct him. After trying several poles with the same success, the Indian, filled with impatience for this untractable pupil, with his eyes on fire, left him and called his interpreter to make his wishes more distinctly known : to CAPTIVITY OF ZADOCK STEELE. 223 whom Belknap declared, that he did well understand the wishes of the Indian, and was determined to avoid doing his will. After remaining in this condition a few weeks, finding the prisoners very incorrigible, and wishing for the reward they might obtain for them, information was given the prisoners that they might be delivered over to the British at Montreal as prisoners of war, or continue with the Indians, as they should choose. We sought the advice of an English gentleman, by the name of Stacy, resident in the village of Caghnewaga, who had married a squaw for his wife, and was extensively ac quainted, not only with the affairs of the Indians, but with the citizens of Montreal. He appeared to be a man of integrity and veracity, was employed in merchandise, and also served as one of their interpreters. I was advised by Mr. Stacy to be delivered into the hands of the British. He said I might doubtless obtain leave to dwell in some family of a private gentleman until I should be exchanged. Encouraged by the prospect of enjoying the company of civilized people, and flattered with the idea of being soon ex changed, and thereby enabled to re.turn once more to see my friends in Connecticut, I made choice to be given up to the British. All the captives did likewise. We were all conducted to Montreal, by the Indians, ki the latter part of November, 1780, and there "sold for a half joe" each. Most of the captives were young, and remarka bly robust, healthy, and vigorous. I was now almost twenty- two years of age. To be compelled to spend the vigor of my days in useless confinement was a source of grief and pain to my mind ; but I could see no way of escape. The wisdom of God I found to be unsearchable indeed. I felt, however, a good degree of submission to the providence of the Most High, and a willingness to " accept of the punishment of mine iniquities." 224 INDIAN NARRATIVES. We found at the city of Montreal about one hundred and seventy prisoners, some of whom were made captives by the Indians in different parts of America, and others had been taken prisoners of war in forts by capitulation and by con quest. Here we could see women and children, who had fallen the victims of savage captivity, weeping and mourning their fate, whose tears, trickling down their cheeks, bespoke the language of their hearts. It was enough to melt the heart of stone grief to behold the bosoms of the " poor widows " heaving with sighs and to hear their groans ; while the com panions of their youth, their bosom friends and partners in life, were no more, having spilled their blood and laid down their lives in defence of their country, their families, and their firesides. Here I beheld the orphan, fatherless and motherless, whose tender age called for compassion and required the kind pro tection of an affectionate mother, whose infantile mind ren dered it incapable of telling its name, the place of its birth, or giving any information respecting itself or its parents. This led me to consider my own sufferings comparatively small ; and a sense of my own wretched condition became lost in the feelings of compassion for these unhappy widows and orphans. We were put into a large building, called the Old Regal Church, with the other prisoners, in which we were kept several days, when we were removed into a large stone build-,, ing, fitted up for the purpose, in the suburbs of the city, upon, the shore of the River St. Lawrence. I often made application for liberty to take quarters in the family of some private gentleman, where I might enjoy the advantages of a common slave until I should be able to pro cure a ransom or be exchanged, urging the manner of my being taken and my destitute situation as arguments in my favor, having been stripped of all my property by the Indians and deprived of all my change of clothes. But all my efforts CAPTIVITY OF ZADOCK STEELE. 225 i Droved only a witness to myself and my fellow-sufferers of that deafness to the calls of humanity which is always the characteristic of tyranny and despotism. Many of the prisoners as well as myself had only one shirt, and were obliged to go without any while we washed that. Indolence and disregard for cleanliness prevented many from doing this, which may be reckoned among the many causes that brought our subsequent evils upon us. We were allowed, or rather said to be allowed, one pound of bread and one pound of fresh beef per day. But, through the injustice and dishonesty of the person who dealt out our allowance, we were robbed even of a part of this humble pittance. Had we been able to obtain our full allowance in provisions of good quality, we should have been able to have furnished ourselves with other necessary articles ; but now we were deprived of the privilege by the curtailment of our rations. We were obliged by the calls of hunger to pound up the beef bones, which composed no small share of our rations of meat, and boil them for broth. We had no butter, cheese, flour, nor any kind of sauce during the winter. We were kept almost to tally without firewood, having scarcely enough to enable us to cook our meat. Our beds consisted principally of blan kets, which they brought from the hospital in all their filth. This was an apparent manifestation of their disregard at least for the prisoners, if not a malevolent design to introduce that contagion which should spread disease, desolation, and dfcath throughout our camp. Pinched with hunger, half naked, and chilled with the cold, we were forced to have recourse to our beds, and occupy them a great part of the time, though they were the habitations of fil.thy vermin, tainted with the infections of mortal distempers, and scented with the nauseous smell of the dying and the dead. The complicated collection of people of different habits, comprising almost every kind of foul and vicious character, 226 INDIAN NARRATIVES. and the combination of so many events, either oi which should seem alone sufficient to create disease, caused a general and universal prevalence of the itch. Our close confinement was, to some of the prisoners, a source of grief ; to others a cloak of indulgence in laziness ; while to all it was the mother of disease, the harbinger of pain. f We suffered so much with hunger that we should have thankfully " fed upon the crums that fell from the rich man's table ; " and so great were our afflictions that we should have gladly caressed the " dog that had come and licked our sores." While I was a captive with the Indians I was in sorrow, and " desired a better country." And I had not experienced the "trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, of bonds and imprisonment," sufficiently to enable me to say with Paul, " I have learned in whatsoever state I am therewith to be con tent." When we were put into the hands of the British " we looked for peace, but no good came ; and for a time of health, and beheld trouble." Indeed, it may justly be said of them, " They turned the needy out of the way ; they caused the naked to lodge without clothing, that they have no cover ing in the cold ; they pluck the fatherless^ from the breast, and take a pledge of the poor ; they cause him to go naked without clothing, and they take away the sheaf from the hun gry." (Job xxiv. 4-7, 10.) I pleaded that they would "make me as one of their hired servants ; " but they would not. In the spring, after being " brought low, through opprs- sion, affliction, and sorrow," we were supplied with salt pork, bread, oatmeal, and peas in abundance. As we had long been almost starved, our avidity for the food which was now before us may more easily be imagined than described. Let it suffice us to say, that none ate sparingly, but all greedily. Indeed, some seemed not only anxious to satisfy hunger, but determined to revenge for their past sufferings. This sudden repletion of our wants produced the scurvy among the pris- CAPTIVITY OF ZADOCK STEELE. 22V oners, which threatened death to every one. Reiterated sighs and dying groans now filled our camp. To such an alarming degree did this dreadful disease pre vail that many were obliged to be removed to the hospital for relief; distress and anguish pervaded the whole body of the prisoners ; and the citizens of Montreal, alarmed, perhaps, for their own safety, seemed to feel anxious for our relief. But justice require^ I should state that we received at this time all that kind^attention which was due to our wretched condition and every favor in the power of our keepers to be stow ; while the inhabitants manifested a humane disposition, and displayed the genepous feelings of pity and tender com passion. In short, conscious that they, in truth, had all par tially contributed to increase our miseries, they seemed to feel a relenting for their past misconduct, which excited them to use their utmost exertion to exonerate themselves from guilt by their subsequent good offices for our relief. They furnished us with green herbs and every thing which was adapted to our disorders or calculated for our comfort and recovery. By these means our health was fully restored, gratitude and joy sat smiling on every countenance, and songs of deliverance dwelt on every tongue. Pain now gave place to pleasure, sorrow fled as happiness approached, murmurs and complaints which had long been the universal cry now were heard no more, and quietude was felt in every breast. After our recovery we were allowed the privilege of a yard, of some rods square in extent, by which we were enabled to exercise for the preservation of our health. But at length some of the prisoners made their escape, which occasioned all the rest to be put into close confinement and kept under lock and key. We were supplied, however,, with all the com forts of life, so far as our close confinement would permit. In October, 1781, all the prisoners were removed to an island in the River St. Lawrence, called Prison Island, about forty-five miles above the city of Montreal, and opposite to 228 INDIAN NARRATIVES. a place called Gateau du Lac. Here we were furnished with a full supply of wholesome food during our confinement on the island. This island is situated a little below the Lake St. Francis, which is formed by a large swell in the River St. Lawrence, and was considered a very eligible place for the confinement of the prisoners. Indeed, it was thought impossible that any person destitute of boats should be able to escape without being drowned, as the water ran with the^utmost velocity on each side of the island. We were, therefore, allowed the liberty of traversing the whole island, which contained about twenty acres. Guarded by a company of refugees and tories possessing as little humanity as patriotism, and having long been the miserable sufferers of a wretched captivity and painful impris onment, many of the prisoners attempted to make their escape by 'swimming down the current the distance of three miles. But few succeeded, while some were drowned in the hazard ous attempt. The captain of the guard, whose name was M'Daniel, was a tory, and as totally devoid of humanity and generosity as the Arab who traverses the deserts of Africa. His conduct towards the prisoners was such as ought to stamp his character with infamy and disgrace. Cruelty to the pris oners seemed to be his greatest delight. I once saw one of the prisoners plunge into the river in the daytime and sw.ini down the current the distance of three miles, but was discov ered by M'Daniel soon after he started, who ordered him to be shot before he should ever reach shore ; but a British soldier, possessing more humanity than his commander, waded into the river and took hold of the trembling prisoner, almost ex hausted, declaring, " if the prisoner was shot, he would be likewise." The malignant disposition of M'Daniel and the invidious character of the guard induced the prisoners to seek oppor tunity and confront almost every danger to effect their escape CAPTIVITY OF ZADOCK STEELE. 229 ''But time soon rolled away, till winter approached, without bringing to our view that propitious moment which could afford the slightest hope of success in the attempt. On the one hand, the eye of an implacable foe was upon us, with ran cor, malice, and revenge in his bosom, and the implements of destruction in his hand ; and on the other, the rapid current of the stream threatened us with death if we approached ; while the foaming billows, rowing in a voice like thunder, bade us beware. Desperate, indeed, must be the attempt for any one know ingly to plunge himself into the jaws of death to escape from trouble. At the approach of winter, the ice below the island rendered it visibly and.utterly impossible to escape alive. We were, therefore, now forced into submission, and had only to consult together upon those measures which should be most likely to promote our own happiness while we waited the return of spring. In January we were ordered by M'Daniel to shovel the snow for a path, in which the guard were to travel while on their duty. Regarding the proverb of Solomon as worthy of our notice, that ". it is an honor for a man to cease from strife," we com- , plied with the demand, thus sacrificing our rights on the altar of peace. But now, finding by ocular demonstration the verity of a like proverb of the same wise man r that " every fool will be meddling," we unanimously agreed to disobey all similar orders and every command which should be after wards given contrary to right. We were not insensible that the prisoner, though unable to defend, was possessed of certain inalienable rights, which we resolved to assert, and refuse obedience to the tyrant who should attempt to encroach upon them. The time soon arrived when duty called us boldly to assert our rights, and manly firmness forbade submission. We were again commanded by M'Daniel to shovel ths 20 230 INDIAN NARRATIVES. snow, to make a path for the guard to travel in ; while they themselves had nothing to do but to wait our toil. Disdain ing to become slaves, we hadginiversally determined to reject their unauthorized servitude. I therefore informed the in famous M'Daniel what was our unanimous resolution, and told him I feared less what he should dare to do than I did the consequences of yielding to the lawless requisitions of a petty tyrant. Enraged at th opposition of the prisoners to his arbitrary commands, and more highly exasperated against me as the organ, he directed me to be put in irons and carried to the guard house. After uttering the most dreadful threats and horrid imprecations, and finding I was not easily terrified nor readily forced to abandon my rights, he carried his order into execution, took me to the guard house, put me in irons, and kept me there during the whole day till night, when he came and repeated his threats of torture and death in case I continued to refuse compliance. But still finding me unmoved in my determination, and that " hatred stirreth up strifes," he ordered me to be kept in irons till nine o'clock at night with out food and then sent back to my barrack. This was accordingly done, though some Dutchmen, ter rified at my fate, consented to his requirements and performed the service while I was confined in the guard house. In con sequence of our refusal to comply with his unjust and illegal demands, the most severe punishments and barbarous cruel ties were inflicted upon the prisoners. ."To revenge upon," he said, "no prisoner should be al lowed to have a fire another night while they remained on the island." Accordingly the guard came into our barracks every night with large quantities of snow and put out all the fires, using as much caution not to leave a spark unquenched as thougli the lives of thousands and the wealth of a metropolis were at Stake. "Though seen, we labor to believe it true." CAPTIVITY OF ZADOCK STEELE. 231 What malice is manifest in the breasts of those who labor with diligence and toil with pain to increase the misery of those who are already wretched and groaning in sorrow ! Here we beheld the depravity of man. Here we could see the fulfilment of that passage of holy writ which declares that, " because sentence against an evil work is not executed speed ily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil." Here we could behold a full display of the seven abomina tions in the sight of God : " A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart -that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and him that soweth discord among brethren." (Prov. vi. 16, &c.) Here .we could see monsters in human shape feeding upon revenge ; for the labor which they unjustly required of us was not a tenth part of what they performed every night by putting out our fires to punish us for non-compliance with their tyrannical demands. But, possessing the spirit of freemen, we "chose rather to suffer affliction" than to become the slaves of a set of despicable refugees and tories, feeling as sured that our affliction would afford us more consolation in the hour of reflection than could be found in a servitude im posed upon us by an infamous renegado. As our barracks were very cold and open, and being scan tily clothed, we suffered greatly for want of fire, to support which we were willing to get wood ourselves. But our keep ers chose rather to suffer pain themselves than to permit us to enjoy comfort. * M'Daniel, however, was called away ,- and succeeded by one M'Kelpin in command. He w r as also a refugee, the son of a tory, and had the appearance of a raw boy not more than eighteen or nineteen years old, whose very visage portended evil and bade the prisoners prepare for trouble. His father, he said, had received very ill treatment from 232 INDIAN NARRATIVES. the American army, and he had also shared with his father in the abuse for not engaging in the rebellion against the British government. As "the rod is for the back of him that is void of understanding," we doubted not the truth of his statement, nor felt disposed to question but that he received very severe treatment, and more especially when the station in which he was found was taken into consideration ; for this, together with the littleness of his mind and the malignity of his tem per, will forever prove his want of patriotism and stamp his indignant character with infamy and disgrace as long as evil shall be had in remembrance. His immature age can be no palliation of his crimes, nor admit of much hope of his reformation by repentance ; for, like all other fools, " he hated knowledge, and was wise in his own conceit." Inheriting from his father all the qualities of a knave, and the cowardice of a western savage, who looks for security from danger in his own flight only or" in the strength of his allies, he perverted the power put into his hands to do good ; used it as a weapon of revenge and an instrument of cruelty. His paternal education was, at the best, toryism, perfectly congenial to his natural disposition. In short, " he was wise to do evil ; but to do good he had no knowledge." His first steps towards tyranny and oppression met no oppo sition ; as we wished to enjoy peace, and were willing to yield a portion of our rights to the enjoyment of so invaluable a blessing. But our indulgence served only to stimulate him in the course of revengeful tyranny ; and he seemed the more angry, as if " coals of fire were heaped upon his head." Manifesting a desire to meet with opposition, by using every exertion to provoke to rage, he ordered the prisoners to shovel the snow from the door of his own house. As the prisoners discovered in him a settled determination to pursue compli ance with greater and more grievous burdens until he could meet a refusal to comply, we resolved to reject all further en croachments upon our rights. We therefore refused to obey CAPTIVITY OF ZADOCK STEELE. 233 his arbitrary commands any longer. As there was a fort di rectly opposite the island where a company of soldiers were stationed, we feared the consequences of a revolt, and could only refuse our obedience without making any actual resist ance. The prisoner to whom he addressed himself possessed courage equal to the most trying scene, and, choosing rather to suffer an honorable death in defence of his rights than to endure an ignominious life of captive slavery, he met the in famous M'Kelpin with firmness and intrepidity, although he had no prospects of any thing but to endure extreme tqrture, if not death itself. And this he was the more inclined to do, since it was the avowed object of the infamous villain " to wreak his vengeance upon the unhappy prisoners for injuries," which he said he had received from men who were entire strangers to us, and in which abuse he well knew we took no agency or even had any knowledge. When the prisoner refused compliance, M'Kelpin came up with a bayonet pointing directly at him, and thrust it within a few inches of his breast, threatening to run him through the heart if he did not immediately comply. But the pris oner, continuing firm in his obstinacy, replied with dauntless courage and deliberate coolness, " Run me through if you dare ; I fear you not." Enraged at this reply, M'Kelpin re peated his threats with redoubled vehemence and infuriated madness, and again rushed at the prisoner with the greatest violence, thus endeavoring to terrify him into submission to his will. But the prisoner, with all the appearance of a full sense of death and Supported by the rectitude of his motives, met M'Kelpin with manly firmness and true heroism, putting his hand upon his breast, and telling the impertinent fugitive that " he had resolved to die before he should yield obedi ence to the arbitrary commands of one whose name was sy nonymous with disgrace, and whose very visage bespoke the corruptions of a heart loaded with every thing that is requi site to fit a soul to become an inhabitant of the regions of 20* 234 INDIAN NARRATIVES. blackness and darkness forever." After repeating his threats and menaces several times, and each time receiving the most unqualified denials from the prisoner, he proceeded to punish all such as refused compliance with his request. He associ ated with threats the most daring oaths and awful impreca tions, as if he would endeavor to establish his own authority by manifesting to the world his want of the fear of God and a disregard of every thing that is good. Like many of the present day, he appeared to imagine that he should be thought to possess uncommon courage and power unlimited if he dared, openly and without fear, to blas pheme the name of Him who is the Ruler of all people, of every language, tongue, and nation. Finding all his threat- enings in vain, and discovering that no one would yield obe dience to his requirements, forgetting or disregarding the injustice of his claim, and lost in the torrent of anger and revenge, he came, with a guard of soldiers possessing feelings in perfect coincidence with his own, and took the defenceless yet dauntless prisoner whom he had threatened to run through with his bayonet, conveyed him to the barrack, which was used for an ash house, put him in irons, and left him to suffer in the cold the malicious gratification of his malignant and revengeful disposition ; telling the innocent and unfortunate victim of his relentless fury that " he was glad he refused to comply with his demands, because he had long wanted and had anxiously sought opportunity to wreak his vengeance on him, and gave the order to shovel the snow from his own door for no other purpose but to excite the opposition of the prisoners, and thus find occasion to punish them, and at the same time take revenge on them for the abuse he had re ceived from the Americans." He then proceeded to order others to shovel the sncfw ; and, being still refused compliance, he threatened and confined in the same manner as he did the first, until he had collected together and confined in that cold barrack the number of twenty-one, who were all handcuffed CAPTIVITY OF ZADOCK STEELE. 235 and chained to the posts of the barrack. This was in Janu ary, 1782, when the cold was exceeding severe, and hardly permitted a comfortable seat by the fireside, pr admitted of a lodging free from suffering in our closed barracks with a large quantity of blankets. Here they were ordered to be kept in this barrack, with the windows and doors open to the wind and snow, all that day and tha next night. But most of them made their escape to their own barracks before the next morning, some with frozen hands and feet, others with their ears and faces frozen ; and, indeed, all having some part of their bodies frozen, and bear ing the miserable tokens of their wretched sufferings. But their escape, notwithstanding the visible and abiding marks of their pain and distress, only exasperated the mind of ^the unfeeling M'Kelpin, and so enraged the desperate vil lain that he the next day morning selected the same pris oners, and, with a heart harder than adamant and hands more cruel than the grave, again confined them all in irons and or dered them to be put into the chamber of one of the barracks, there to be kept during that day, the next night, and the fol lowing day, without provision, any food, or even a quid of tobacco. Destitute of any clothing except their wearing apparel, which was poor ; confined in irons, in a small, cold room ; hav ing no food of any kind ; deprived of a luxury which habit had rendered necessary to preserve health ; and groaning under the severe pains of their frozen bodies, their suffer ings cannot easily be imagined, far less described. It was my happy lot, however, not to fall into this number of miserable sufferers of human depravity who were put into the ash house and in the chamber. But the sufferings which I hav,e mentioned were only a prelude to more painful tor ments and greater barbarities. They were taken from the barrack chamber one by one, carried to the guard house, and tor* - red in the most cruel manner. Some were surrounded 236 INDIAN NARRATIVES. with soldiers, armed with guns and bayonets pointing directly at them, and so near as to render the prisoners unable to move without being pierced with the bayonets ; while the in famous M'Kelpin whipped the prisoners and caned them till he had glutted his vengeance. Who can describe the inhu man scene ? To see a prisoner, the victim of cruelty and wretchedness, guiltless and defenceless, confined in irons with his hands behind him, ready to faint for want of food, groan ing under the excruciating pains of his frozen limbs, bathed in blood which gushed from his mangled body, tears flowing from his eyes in streams, which bespoke in language more forcible than a voice like thunder, as they trickled down his frozen cheeks, the sorrows of a heart swollen with grief and racked with pain. I could say with Job, " Mine eye is also dim by reason of sorrow, and all my members are a^s a shadow." Others of this unhappy number were hung up by the neck till nearly dead, while their hands were confined in irons and their faces black with death, when they were taken down, and the irons which had bound their hands jammed into their mouths till they were filled with blood. Who could behold this and not weep and mourn for the depravity of man left to himself? Who can witness a scene like this without ac knowledging with self-application the truth of those words which fell from our Savior's lips to the unbelieving Jews, " Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do " ? After enduring these horrid barbarities and inhu man tortures, inflicted by men professing the principles of humanity, the unhappy sufferers were sent back to their bar racks, there to weep and bewail their miserable fate. Often have my cheeks been wet with tears of commiseration, while my heart ached within me, for these unfortunate sufferers of the unrestrained vengeance of a depraved villain. Nor was I left to be reminded of their torture and distress only by a "recollection of the past ; but my eyes could witness the scars CAPTIVITY OF ZADOCK STEELE. 237 of wounds and behold the. palefaced visage of death abiding on the countenance of many, which were received by the cru elties of this horrid scene. And, alas ! I needed only to look at myself and all around me to remind me of the woful case of those whose lot it is to fall into the hands and become the victims of a revengeful tyrant, and suffer the wrath of a man totally devoid of mercy, unrestrained either by the authority of a superior, the laws of his country, or the fear of God. Doubtless many will wear the marks, and thus bear witness of his cruelty, to their graves. Emaciated countenances, scars, and impediment of speech were the visible marks of the savage and inhuman treatment which they received from the hand of M'Kelpin. Let detes tation be written upon his character as legibly as the marks of depravity are to be seen in his visage, and it shall be a lesson to his posterity to flee from iniquity and follow the path of virtue. He excelled in nothing but cruelty and inhuman ity, and was superior to none except in the most nefarious acts of iniquity, tyranny, and oppression. His highest am bition appeared to be to " heap up wrath against the day of wrath," and prepare himself to receive " vengeance due to them that know not God, and obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall be punished with everlasting destruc tion." He appeared, involuntarily, to verify the truth of the proverb, " He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly ; and a man of wicked devices is hated." Out of the abundance of the heart he publicly declared " that he had taken more comfort in afflicting the prisoners four days than he had four years' time previous." This declaration requires no additional proof to convince every mind susceptible of the least sympathetic affection that he was possessed of no better disposition than the infernal spirits, and must be sufficient to stamp his name with infamy ; and, at the same time, excite commiseration in the heart of every person who realizes it is by grace, and not by works, that he is saved from falling into the like wicked- 238 INDIAN NARRATIVES. ness. Nor let any man boast of his good works, knowing it is the gift of God to possess charity. When we review this awful though faint description of the 'conduct of M'Kelpin, who enjoyed the advantages of civ ilization and was favored with the joyful tidings of " peace on earth and good will towards men," filled with anger and re venge, nature cries within us, " Curse the wretch ! " But when the meekness and pity of the Savior in his dying agonies upon the shameful and accursed tree are suifered to find a place in our bosoms, we are led to cry, with him, " Father, forgive ! " And though the conflict between revenge and for giving mercy be strong, yet the latter will surely prevail whenever she is properly commanded and led by the Spirit of truth. I would not intimate that I have the power of necromancy, or pretend to possess a spirit of divination ; but, from the au thority of holy writ, " this is the portion of a wicked man with God, and the heritage of oppressors, which they shall receive of the Almighty. If his children be multiplied, it is for the sword ; and his offspring shall not be satisfied with bread. Those that remain of him shall be buried, in death, and his widows shall not weep. Though he heap up silver as the dust, and prepare raiment as the clay, he may prepare it, but the just shall put it on, and the innocent shall divide the sil ver." I shall therefore leave this great disturber of peace and oppressor of the afflicted to receive from the hand of " Him, who doeth all things well," the punishment due to his wickedness, or share in the mercy offered to the truly peni tent, hoping that he may have already, by deep repentance, found forgiveness, or will, before his death, if he is yet living, taste the sweetness of redeeming grace. He tarried not long on the island, though much longer than he was desired, when another took his office whose name I do not recollect, who manifested a disposition for peace, es tablished good order, appeared tc have a regard to the laws CAPTIVITY OF ZADOCK STEELE. 239 of justice, humanity, and benevolence, restored tranquillity among the prisoners, and reconciliation between them and the guard. Could I recollect the name of this person, I would present him to the public as a character worthy of imitation ; and as " peacemakers shall be called the children of God," I think I am authorized by the Holy Scriptures to call him by that dig nified and honorable title. In the spring, complaint was made to the British provincial government against the base M'Kelpin, which resulted only in his exclusion from the service of the army with disgrace. The long and successful rebellion of the colonies had greatly exasperated the British ; and M'Kelpin, being a strong ad herent to their government, loyal to his majesty, and having been harshly treated for his toryism, doubtless the court by which he was tried was strongly though unjustly biased in his favor, which greatly ameliorated his punishment. In seedtime we were allowed the privilege to sow garden seeds and plant corn. This gave us a prospect of being fur nished with not only a more full supply but a greater variety of food, if it should prove our unhappy lot to be kept in con finement another winter. It also gave the prisoners an op portunity to use proper exercise to preserve health and pre vent disease a consideration of no small importance. But, disaffected by our former treatment, and fearing that the afflictions we had once received would. again be laid upon us, many chose to hazard their lives by an attempt to swim down the rapids. Some thus succeeded in making their escape, while others only plunged themselves into the jaws of death. This caused the confinement of all who were left behind. The British now set about encompassing our barracks with pickets or barricades, by setting posts in the ground adjoining each other and fastening them together. Discovering what they were about to do, several of the prisoners, among whom I was myself one, resolved to ma-ke 240- INDIAN NARRATIVES. pur endeavors to effect our escape before they had completed the barricade and encircled our camp, which would deprive us of the liberty of the island. We accordingly collected some logs together on the lower part of the island for a raft, carried some provisions for our sustenance on the way home, secreted it near the logs, and, at an hour when we supposed all were at rest, we started, but had not gone far when we espied one of the soldiers upon the bank of the river em ployed in dressing some fish. We then returned to our bar racks. Our attempt to escape now became known to some of our fellow-prisoners by discovering our absence, who be trayed our object to our keepers, thus courting favor by the deeds of treachery. Having these suspicions, we improved an opportunity to bring back our provisions ; and the next day gave proof that our suspicions were well founded, as they then went and rolled all the logs off that part of the islafcd. We still were determined to use every exertion and watch for an opportunity to effect our escape from confinement Thile we saw their labors to pravent us. We sought, but sought in vain. Time rolled away, till we found ourselves enclosed with pickets, which rendered it almost impossible to make our escape, as we were not allowed to go without this enclosure unattended by the guard, and that, too, in the day time only. ' We were allowed to go in the daytime, attended by one or two of the guard, and hoe our corn and garden roots. But this afforded us no opportunity for escape, as it was impossi ble to swim the current on either side of the island undiscov ered by the guard or the soldiers stationed in the fort oppo site the island. The prisoners, as may well be supposed, had long been very uneasy and discontented ; but, as is usually the case, a sense of being confined caused still more disquietude in their minds, and excited an eager desire to be freed from bondage. CAPTIVITY OF ZADOCK STEELE. 241 The yard whicfi. was surrounded by the pickets was about ten or fifteen rods wide and nearly forty rods long, extending lengthwise of the stream. They completed the yard some time in the month of July, 1782. Having encouragement of receiving our discharge, by exchange, of&n held out to us, and seeing little prospect of succeeding in the hazardous at tempt to escape from our confinement, we long waited with great impatience for the approach of that desirable event, and wholly neglected to use any exertion to gain our liberty by flight. But we at length perceived "that their object in giving us repeated encouragement of being exchanged was only to dally us with the fond hopes of soon seeing better days, and thus amuse our minds with fancied prospects, while they should be enabled to rivet our chains or privately assassinate some undistinguished number of us. Of this design we had abun dant proof, or at least of a disposition to abuse their power by rendering it subservient to the most despicable actions and wicked purposes ; for, finding one of the prisoners alone in the evening, a gang of them took him, put a rope round his neck, threatening to stab him to the heart if he made any noise, and were about to hang him, when one of the company, staring him in the face, with a tone of disappointment cried out, " 0, this is not the one ! " They then took the rope off his neck and let him go. This manifested to the prisoners either a determination among the guard to waylay some of us, or a wish to trifle with their authority by creating fear in our minds and thus torment the afflicted. As we were sensible that the guard, if disposed, which we little doubted, might assassinate one or more of the prisoners, and, consigning the body to the waters of the river, keep the transaction hid from the knowledge of any person who should not be engaged in the horrid deed, we were led ever after wards to take the precaution never to be found alone in the dark unarmed with a large scalping knife, which we kept in 21 242 INDIAN NARRATIVES. our camp, and which served as a dagger and weapon of de fence against a violent attack of nocturnal enemies. Having long been flattered with 'the prospect of soon being set at lib erty, and discovering an intention among the guard privately to assassinate some unknown number of us, we resolved to make another attempt to effect our escape, and thus free our selves from their brutal tyranny and unhallowed pretences. We had once paid several dollars to one of the guard to suffer us to pass through the gate, should he find an opportu nity ; but never had the good fortune even to see him again. The plan we adopted was in itself extremely precarious as to its success, and afforded so little encouragement, even to those who seemed to be most anxious to obtain their freedom, that few would engage in the enterprise, believing it would be a fruitless attempt to obtain our object, which would only cost' us pain and bring upon us more sore trials and far greater afflictions. Had we been confined upon the main land, where liberty from the prison would have afforded us a chance to retreat from danger, though we should be obliged even to pass the gates of a city surrounded with enemies, having our hands bound in irons and our feet fettered with chains, yet our pros pects of success in our attempt to escape had Still been brighter than now presented to our view ; for then our deliv erance from prison might have given us a passport to the wil derness free from danger ; but now our freedom from those w^lls of wretchedness incurred the penalty of death, which was annexed to our escape if overtaken,. and brought us to " troubled waters," which seemed to promise death inevitable to all who should attempt to pass the current even with well- fitted boats ; while we had nothing in our power but logs, fas tened together with* ropes. Our plan was, to dig a passage under ground that should extend beyond the pickets, which stood about twenty feet from 1he barracks. It had been our practice during the summer CAPTIVITY OF ZADOCK STEELE. 243 to hang up blankets around the bunks in which we slept, to prevent the flies from troubling us while we reposed upon our couch in the daytime. We now again hung up the blankets around on 3 of our bunks in a corner of the room, though ft>t to prevent being disturbed by flies, but to hide ourselves from the face of " ser pents that will bite without enchantment ; and a babbler, which is no better." Fearing the consequence of making our object known to the prisoners generally, we determined to keep it a profound secret to all except the number who belonged to our room, consisting of twelve. Accordingly, we took up the floor, both of the bunk and barrack, and commenced digging. If any of our fellow-prisoners or the guard happened to come in while one was at work, others would drown the noise of his digging by making some noise with a stick or with their feet, which was easily done without being suspected of the design. We dug in a perpendicular direction deep enough to have a horizontal course leave the earth between the barracks and the pickets, of sufficient depth to render it safe for the guard to travel over the hole without breaking through. As they had dug a ditch along the back side of the barracks between them and the pickets in order to bank up the walls of the barracks, it became necessary for us to dig a perpendicular course of considerable depth before we could dig horizontally, to prevent any person who might chance to travel in the ditch from breaking in and discovering our plan. We had no other tool to dig with except a large jackknife ; nor, indeed, could we use any other instrument with any ad vantage when we came to dig in a horizontal line. And, like the animal that makes his abode in the bosom of the earth by digging a subterraneous passage to his gloomy cell, after we had dug a quantity of earth loose so that we had no room to dig more, we returned backwards drawing or scraping the dirt we had dug with our hands and arms, which we put under the floor of the barrack*. 244 INDIAN NARRATIVES. Our progress, as must readily be perceived, was very slow ; though some one of us kept constantly digging except in the hours of sleep and time of taking refreshment, alternately following each other in our turns ; having a dress prepared for the purpose whfch each one wore while at work in this dreary cavern, where we were groping in cfarkness at noon day. Here we had an opportunity to reflect upon our wretch ed condition, while our labor itself witnessed our sufferings and discontentment. Here we could perceive the comparative Kiate of him who spiritually " walketh in darkness and, hath no light." Here it might, indeed, with propriety be said that silence wept. We succeeded, however, in the prosecution of our design extremely well, finding no obstacle in our way till we had dug under the ditch before mentioned, when a heavy rain fell and filled the ditch full of water, which soaked through the ground into our subterraneous way and filled the hole we had dug completely full. This was truly a great misfortune, which dampened the feelings of every one who had been en gaged in the arduous undertaking. As we had dug considerable distance and advanced nearly to the pickets, had toiled with diligence and expended much labor, we were unwilling to relinquish the task and submit to the idea of continuing in bondage another winter. And we were the more anxious to pursue the undertaking and effect our escape, because the infamous M'Daniel, of whom I have spoken, had now returned and resumed his command over us, which gave us greater reason to fear that we should again be compelled to undergo those tortures which he had once in flicted. But it now became impossible any longer to keep the mat ter secret as we had done. We therefore made known our object to all the prisoners who were stationed in our line of barracks ; and, receiving their universal and respective prom ises not to divulge the secret to any of the prisoners who were stationed in the other line of barracks, although few would CAPTIVITY OP ZADOCK STEELE. 245 assist us, considering it labor in vain, we resolved to perse vere in the plan, and, if possible, effect our escape. We now commenced dipping out the water into a barrel, which we emptied into a ditch that was made to convey our wash water from the barracks into the river. "We dipped six barrels' full and emptied it into the ditch, besides a considera ble quantity which we put into a clay pit under the barracks where they dug clay for their chimneys ; and still there was much left in our way. The guard, no doubt, supposed we were washing, or they would have suspected us. Nor yet can I account for their stupidity while they saw we were . in possession of such a quantity of water, -which we brought out of, without carrying into, our barracks. We were now obliged to lie half buried in mud and water while digging, which chilled our bodies, benumbed our senses, and depressed our spirits. 1\> prevent being discovered, when we returned from our toil we were under the necessity of washing ourselves in a large tub of water, which we had also placed behind our blankets that were hung up around our bunk ; as we now were forced, on account of the mud, to enter upon our subterrane ous labor entirely naked. Vain would be the attempt to give a description of my feelings while at work in this dreary cav ern, twenty feet under ground, wholly without clothing, half buried in mud, and struggling for liberty. I was removed from all my friends and relatives the dis tance of more than three hundred miles, and placed upon an island in the river, on both sides of which the water moved over the ragged rocks with such velocity as to appear white to the eye like a foaming billow, not less than three miles- in length. Here I was confined within the power, and exposed to the envy, malice, and resentment, of an implacable enemy. Shrouded in darkness, in the heart of the earth where light was unapproachable, my body lay in the mire, and my mind 21* 24G INDIAN NARRATIVES. was overwhelmed with sorrow. If we refrained from digging, we seemed to be threatened with death on every side ; and if we continued to dig, our prospect appeared as melancholy as the grave. Fear and trouble were before us ; while our ab sence from the barracks exposed us to the danger of having our plan discovered, which would be sure to bring upon us the most awful tortures, and perhaps even death itself. We chose, however, rather to hazard our lives in an attempt to escape, though doubtful of success, than to risk the conse quences of remaining in confinement. When we arrived to the picket we found it was placed upon a large stone. We then dug to the right, where we found another, which formed an angle with the first. Then, turning to the left, we also found a third. All which seemed to discourage my fellow-laborers, and led them entirely to give up the object. But, being in perfect health and in good spirits myself, I went in with a determination to remove one of these obstacles, if possible, before I returned. We had, by this time, made quite -a large cavern near the pickets, which gave me considerable chance to work. After laboring in this cold, dismal place during the space of two hours, I succeeded in removing one of the stones out of the way, and, to my great joy, found that the picket was hollow up a few inches above the ground, which emitted light into this before gloomy but now delightful place. I could verily say with Solomon, " Truly the light is sweet ; and a pleasant thing it is to behold the sun." I then returned and informed my fellow-prisoners of my success, which occasioned transports of joy, raised the de sponding, encouraged the. faithless, confirmed the doubting, and put new vigor in every breast. The work was now prosecuted in earnest and soon com pleted. Animated at the prospect of gaining our liberty, the one who dug last undesignedly broke through the ground and rendered the hole visible to any person who should happen tc CAPTIVITY OF ZADOCK STEELE. 247 pass on the outside of the pickets. It now became necessary to devise a plan to secrete the hole from the observation of the guard. To effect this, Mr. Belknap, one of our fellow- prisoners, went to the guard, and, in a dissembling tone, rep resented to M'Daniel the little prospect we had of being exchanged ; that we had long been flattered, and as long waited with anxious expectation, for the approach of such a happy event, but, finding ourselves disappointed, were forced to abandon all hopes of deliverance by exchange that fall ; that, under these considerations, the prisoners were re solved to be contented during their confinement on the island, till they should find themselves actually set at liberty, when all their hopes would be swallowed up in the full fruition of the object we had so long" sought. Consequently we desired the indulgence of an opportunity to secure all our garden seeds, some of which, such as lettuce and mustard, were then ripe and fit to harvest, that we might be enabled to supply ourselves with the like articles the ensuing year, should it be our unhappy case to remain on the island another season. Pleased with the idea that the prisoners were resolved to be submissive to his requirements, he readily ordered one of the guard to go and attend us while we gathered our lettuce and mustard, whose duty it was to see that no one absconded. Having cut and tied up in small bundles these vegetables, we proceeded to hang them up so as to fill the space between the pickets, and also place them over the hole we had dug, to hide our escape from the sight of the sentinel, who walked over the hole between the pickets and the barracks in which we were stationed. This we accomplished while our unsus pecting attendant was lounging about at a distance from us. Here we beheld an example of selfishness, discontentment, fear, and deception, actually assuming the appearance of hon esty, contentment, and submission. Knowing that we must separate ourselves into small com panies and take different rafts, in order to render our passage 248 INDIAN NARRATIVES. down the rapids more safe, we now made choice of our asso elates -to pass the dangerous scene before us. I associated myself with William Cferk, of Virginia, John Sprague, of Ballston, New York, and Simeon Belknap, of Randolph, Ver mont. "We had prepared some food for our sustenance on the way by taking a quantity of flour and. mixing it with melted butter, which we put into a small bag made for the purpose. We also had a lifcle salt pork and bread, together with some parched corn and black pepper. Those of us who had been engaged in digging had pre viously furnished ourselves with ropes, by cutting our blank ets into strings and twisting them together ; while those who had believed our attempt to b^ vain and foolish had neither provided themselves with provisions, ropes, or materials for a raft, and were, therefore, unable to improve the opportunity which now presented to effect their escape. But they could not forbear collecting in small companies and whispering together to devise plans for escape, which raised suspicions in the minds of the guard that the prisoners were entering into some plot either to make their escape or to raise a mutiny in the camp. Under these apprehensions, which took rise from no other source but from the conduct of those who had been made privy to our undertaking, and would neither assist us in the work nor prepare themselves to make their escape, M'Daniel ordered that, " if any prisoner should be found attempting to make his escape or be guilty of any misconduct that night, he should not be spared alive." We commenced digging on the 24th of August, 1782 ; and having dug a passage under ground the distance of twenty-two feet and a half with no other tool but a jackknife, on the night of the 10th of September following, after waiting till nine o'clock, when the roll was called and all was still, we tied our ropes to our packs and crawled out, drawing our packs after us. I was preceded by six of my fellow-prisoners, who, after crawling through the hole, which was nearly half filled witb CAPTIVITX OF ZADOCK STEELE. 249 mud, made a path in the grass, as they crawled down the banks of the river, which resembled that of a log having been drawn through the mud. The moon shone bright. The sentinel was walking directly across the hole just as I was about to crawl out, when he cried out, " AU's well ! " Thought I, " Be it so ; continue the cry, if you please." My head at this time was not more than a yard from his feet. I crawled on, and was followed by about twenty more, who were our fellow-laborers. As we had been allowed to go out of our enclosure in the daytime to hoe our corn and garden roots and get our wood, attended by one of the guard, we had improved the opportu nity, and*selected some loga for a raft to which we could go without difficulty. Clark, Belknap, Sprague, and myself now separated ourselves from the rest of the prisoners and re mained together, sharing equally in all the sufferings through which we were called to pass. We took a large scalping knife with us and a pocket com pass, together with a tinder box^ and fireworks. We rolled a large log into the river on the upper part of the north side of the island, on each side of which we placed another ; then, putting sticks across both ends of them, underneath and on the upper side, opposite each other, we tied all of them to gether with our blanket ropes, and fastening our packs there on, which contained our provision, &c., we then sat one on each corner and set sail down the rapids. Death in its most frightful form now seemed to threaten us, and the foaming billows pointed us to a watery grave. Guided only by the current, sometimes floating over rocks, sometimes buried in the water, with little hope of again being carried out alive, we passed down the raging stream with the greatest rapidity imaginable, clinging to our logs respec tively, sensible that, under the guidance of divine Providence, our only ground of hope rested in our adhesion to the raft. We- passed down the river about nine miles, when we were 250 INDIAN NARRATIVES. enabled to reach shore. We lanoed on the north side of the river about two hours before day, with not a dry thread in our clothes, chilled with the cold and trembling with fear. Our bread had all washed to a jelly and been rendered wholly unfit to eat. None of our provision remained fit to carry with us except a little parched corn, which was in a small, wooden bottle, some salt pork, and our buttered flour, which we found to be waterproof. Our compass was also rendered useless ; which was indeed a great misfortune to us, as the want of it protracted our journey through the woods many days. We marched up the river till daybreak, when we discovered that we were near the fort opposite the island. We then turned north into the woods, which led us into a swamp,' where we encamped under some old tree tops that had fallen together, about one mile from the fort, which formed no shelter from rain, but merely hid us from our expected pursuers. We plainly heard the report of the alarm guns on the morning of the llth of September, which announced to us the discovery of what had cost us great^pains, and evinced, to all who should behold the place, our love of liberty and resolution to obtain it. . We remained under these tree tops three days and two nights without going ten rods from the place, having nothing to eat but salt pork, parched corn, and our buttered flour, together with a few kernels of black pepper ; for the want of which last I think we must have perished, as it rained with a mixture of snow every day and night sufficiently to keep us completely wet all the time. Having been so harshly treated by the British, and know ing that " confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth and a foot out of joint," we resolved to make ourselves known to no one ; and like the Ishmaelites of old, while we had reason to suppose that every man's hand was against us, we were determined to put our own hands against every man who should come in our way. CAPTIVITY OF ZADOCK STEELE. 251 Destitute of food sufficient to supply us through the long woods we were to pass to reach our homes, we were deter- mjned to replenish our stores before we crossed the River St. Lawrence, as there were, but few settlements on the south side of the river in that part of the country. We were, there fore, under the necessity of staying about there till they had done searching for us. On the night of the third day after our escape we ventured to take up our march, and travelled till we came to a stream which on the floor with bitter groanings, although we had denied ourselves the satisfaction of eating the half of what our appetites craved. But our extreme hunger prevented the exercise of prudence and economy in the choice of that kind of food which was best adapted to our wretched condition. Nor did we wait long to consult about the propriety or impropriety of eating any thing we found within our reach. Our avidity for food, however, soon abated, when we found no injury to result from eating all we desired. We made our escape on the night of the 10th of Septem ber, arrived at Lake Champlain in about ten days, and came to the fort on the night of the 2d of October following; having been in the wilderness twenty-two days, without speak ing to any other person except our own company.* It is true * When the sun was invisible, harlt jg lost our compass, we direc ted our course by the moss upon tree? which is found only upon th CAPTIVITY OF ZADOCK STEELE. 267 we had seen some of our species at a distance from us, though with terror and dismay, fearing their approach as we should have done that of a voracious animal ready to devour us. In a few days we arrived at Bennington, in Bennington county, Vermont, where we were employed till we had acquired, by our own labor and the benevolence of others, some money sufficient to enable us to prosecute our journey to Connecticut. Having travelled many days through the woods almost des titute of any covering for our feet, they had become very sore, which prevented our going far in a day. Assisted by the hand of charity and by means of occasional labor on the way, we were enabled to reach our friends. Be ing destined to different places, our companions, Clark and Sprague, separated from us at Bennington. By a mutual participation of sufferings, we had acquired that affection for each other which will remain, I trust, till death. Having suf fered many hardships and endured many trials together, having been rescued from many,dangers and delivered out of many troubles, sharing equally in hunger, pains, and distress, as well as in the joys resulting from our deliverance, we now reluctantly parted, affectionately taking our leave, perhaps never again to see each other till .we shall meet in that world where " the weary be at rest. There the prisoners rest together; they hear not the voice of the oppressor. The small and great are there ; and the servant is free from his master." And may it not be the unspeakable infelicity of either of us to fail of " entering into that rest because of unbelief." ^ . Belknap and I continued our course together to Ellington, in Connecticut, where our friends resided. We arrived there on the 17th of October, 1782, being just two years from the day I was taken by the Indians at Randolph. What pen north, side. In passing over land timbered with cedar, -which has no moss upon it, we were compelled to lie still and wait the appearance of the sun, which protracted our journey many days. 268 INDIAN NARRATIVES.. can describe the mutual joy which was felt by parents and children on our arrival ? Truly our fathers, " seeing us while yet/a great way off, ran and fell upon our necks and kissed us." Behold now the affection of a father. See him shed the tear of compassion. Hear him say, " This my son was dead, and is alive again ; he was lost, and is found." See him " begin to be merry ; " nor think it strange that the fat ted calf should be killed. Behold a kind father in tears of joy, and a tender step mother * kindly embracing the subject of her husband's for mer grief, but present delight. See '" the best robe " cast around him, with " the ring upon his hand and the shoes upon his feet." See brothers and sisters surrounding the returned brother. Hear their acclamations of joy and gladness, em bracing their once lost but now living brother. What heart would not melt at the sight 'of such a joyful scene? And what can I say to express my own feelings on this delightful interview ? Having endured the hardships of an Indian cap tivity and the pains of the prison, the gnawings of hunger, the tortures of the rack, and the still more dreadful distress of twenty-two days' w r andering in the wilderness ; filled with despair, anxiety, and fear ; almost starved, and nearly naked ; full of wounds, and constantly chilled with the cold ; imagine, kind reader, the feelings of my heart when I came to behold the face of affectionate parents and receive the tender em braces of beloved brothers and a loving sister. Think of the festivities of that evening, when I could again enjoy a seat in a social circle of friends and acquaintance around the fireside in my father's house. Vain is the attempt to describe my own feelings on that joyful occasion. Fruitless indeed must be all my endeavors to express the mutual congratulations manifested by all on my return. * My own mother died while I was quite young, and my father had married again to a woman possessing the kindest affections and the most endearing love. CAPTIVITY OP ZADOCK STEELE. 269 My long absence from my friends, together with a sense of the numerous and awful dangers through which I had been preserved, increased our gratitude, and causejd wonder and astonishment to dwell in every breast. We could now heartily unite in ascribing praise and adoration to Him who granted me protection while exposed to the shafts of hatred and re- venge. I was treated with all that friendship which pity could excite or sympathy dictate, and saluted by every per son I met, whether old or young, with a hearty welcome. Every one seemed to be in a good degree conscious of the extreme sufferings I had undergone. In short, my return afforded me an opportunity to witness a display of all the ten der passions of the soul. Knowing the deplorable wretchedness of those who had the misfortune to become prisoners to the British, and conse quently expecting every day to hear of m^ death, my friends were little less astonished at my return than they would have been had they witnessed the resurrection of one from the dead. The extreme hunger and distress I had felt were clearly manifested to those who beheld my emaciated countenance and mangled feet; and no one was disposed to doubt the truth of my words who heard me relate the affecting tale of my sore afflictions. For, " by reason of the voice of my groanings, my bones," it might verily be said, did " cleave to my skin." I however had the satisfaction to find mylfceep anxiety to be delivered from bondage and escape from the enemy, my ardent wishes to see my friends, and my hungry, craving appetite, wholly satisfied in the full fruition of all my toils. The munificence of the wealthy was offered for my re lief, and the poor approached me with looks of tenderness and pity. All things around me wore a propitious smile. From morning till night, instead of being guarded by a company of refugees and tories, or wandering in a lonesome wilderness, hungry and destitute, I could now behold the face of friends^ 23* 270 INDIAN NARRATIVES. and at the approach of night repose my head upon a downy pillow, under the hospitable covert of my father's roof. In stead of being made a companion of the wretched, I could now enjoy the sweet conversation of a beloved sister and affectionate brothers. Having for more than two years been deprived of hearing the gospel sound, surely " I was glad when they said unto me^ Let us go into the house of the Lord." For unto God I could say, " Thou art my hiding-place ; thou shalt preserve me from trouble ; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliver ance. I will be glad and rejoice in thy name ; for thou hast considered my trouble ; thou hast known my soul in adversity." This I hoped would be the language of every one who made their escape with me. Forfcnyself, I trust it was the sincere language of my heart. Notwithstanding the prisoners whom we left on the island were set at liberty shortly after our escape, and although our sufferings in. the wilderness were exceedingly great, yet I never found cause to lament that I improved the opportunity to free myself from the hands of t^se cruel tormentors and oppressors of the afflicted. For "the spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity." And under this consideration we chose rather to hazard the consequences of an escape, though it might prove our death, than to become the menial servants, and thus gratify the infernal desires, of a petty tyrant. " Now I feel, by proof, That fellowship in pain divides not smart, Nor lightens aught each man's peculiar load." I have never had the satisfaction to hear from either of my friends and fellow-sufferers, Clark and Sprague, since I parted with them at Bennington. Mr. Belknap now lives in Randolph, Vermont, and, from the sad experience of the like sufferings himself and his par ticipation in my own, can witness to the truth of ray statement CAPTIVITY OP ZADOCK STEELE. 271 Let not the preservation of my life through such a train of dangers be attributed to mere chance ; but let the praise be given to " God our Rock, and the high God our Redeemer." In September, previous to my escape, a treaty of peace was concluded between Great Britain and the United States at Paris, the glad news of which reached America not long after my return, which occasioned the release of the remain der of the prisoners who were confined upon Prison Island. As the war had now terminated, my return to Randolph would not be attended with the dange* of being again made captive by the Indians ; which induced me, the spring follow ing, to go to that place and resume my settlement. On my arrival there I found my house was demolished, which recalled to mind the confusion and horror of that dread ful morning when the savage tribe approached, with awful aspect, my lonely dwelling. I went to work and erected a house upon the same spot, into which my father shortly after moved his family. The grass seed which the Indians had scattered for some distance from the house, as before* observed, had taken root, stocked the ground, and remained entire for many years a fresh memento of that woful event, which proved but a faint prelude of all my direful sufferings. Here my father lived by cultivating that soil which had borne the brutal band to my unwelcome door till April, 1812, when he died at the good old age of seventy-six. Here he has spent many a winter's evening in rehearsing the mournful tale of my " captivity and sufferings " to his friends and ac quaintance. Generous and hospitable by nature, and having been taught by my sufferings to feel for the needy, he was ever ready to extend the hand of charity to relieve their distresses,. His house, always the abode of plenty, was an asylum for the naked and forlorn, an acceptable home to the poor and the wretched. Always exhibiting a sense of what sufferings I had under 272 INDIAN NARRATIVES. gone for want of food, he seemed in nothing to be more delighted than " to feed the hungry and clothe the naked." My loving and aged step-mother, with one of her sons, (a half- brother of mine,) now lives on the same farm. In the winter of 1785 I was married to Hannah Shurtliff, of Tolland, Connecticut, and settled at Randolph not far from my father's house, where I resided eight years, when I purchased a farm and removed to Brookfield, a town ad joining. Here I have reside^ until the present time, (1816,) and ob tained my own subsistence and that of my numerous family by means of ultivating the soil. By a steady course of in dustry and economy I have been enabled, under the divine blessing, to acquire a comfortable support, and enjoy the fruits of my labors in quietude and peace. As my occupation was that of a farmer, my opportunities for information, like those of many others of my class, have been limited. My family, not unlike Job's, consists of seven sons and three daughters ; nor have I reason to think my afflictions much inferior to his. Although deafh has never been per mitted to enter my dwelling and take any of my family, yet my substance has once been destroyed by worse than Chal dean hands, and that, too, at the very outset of my adventures : n life. Not only were my house and effects destroyed, but myself, at a most unpropitious hour, when far removed from all my friends, compelled to leave my employment, relinquish all those objects of enterprise peculiar to the juvenile age, and forced to enter the ranks of a savage band and travel into an enemy's country. Thus were all my expectations cut off. My hopes were blasted and my youthful prospects darkened. " I was not in safety, neither had I rest, neither was I quiet ; yet trouble came. O that my grief were thor oughly weighed, and my calamity laid in the balances to gether!" Notwithstanding that inhumanity and cruelly which char CAPTIVITY OP ZADOCK STEELE. 273 acterized the conduct of the savages, yet I think that the barbarous treatment which we received from the impious commanders of the British fort, in whose charge we were kept, might put to the blush the rudest savage who traverses the western wild. Their conduct illy comported with what might be expected from men who are favored with the light of revelation. The savage, when he does a deed of charity towards his prisoner, is no doubt less liable to be actuated by a selfish principle,- and influenced by the hope of reward or by a fear of losing his reputation, than he is who has been made ac quainted with the gracious reward offered to those who " do unto others as they would that others should do unto them," and knows the bitter consequences of the contrary prac tice. And I think the destruction of Royalton and all its evil consequences may with less propriety be attributed to the brutal malevolence of the savage tribe than to the ignoble treachery and despicable fanaticism of certain individuals of our own nation. Scarce can that man be found in this enlightened country who would treat his enemy with as much tenderness and com passion as I was treated by the savage tribe ; though I ha - abundant cause to say that the " tender mercies of the wicked are cruel." Who would not shudder at the idea of being compelled to take up their abode with a herd of tawny savages ? Yet,, alas ! when I contrasted The sufferings I endured while with the Indians with those afflictions that were laid upon me by men who had been from their youth favored with the advantages of civilization, clothed with authority, and distinguished with a badge of honor, I could truly say the former chastised me with whips, but the latter with scorpions. An Indian captivity will hardly admit of a comparison with 274 INDIAN NARRATIVES. my wretched condition while in the hands of the British and under the domineering power of a company of refugees and tories. While with the Indians my food was unsavory and un wholesome ; my clothing, like their own, was scant and cov ered with filthy vermin ; and my life was always exposed to the danger of their implacable hatred and revenge. This was a most perilous condition indeed for any one to be placed in. But my confinement with the British multiplied my complaints, added to my afflictions, rendered me more exposed to the danger of losing my life, increased my sorrows, and apparently brought me near the grave. My food was less filthy ; but I was not allowed the half of what my ap petite craved and my nature required to render me com fortable. By these and my subsequent afflictions I have been taught a lesson that has made an impression upon my mind which I trust will remain as long as life shall last. I have been taught, by ocular demonstration and sad expe rience, the depravity of man, and the fallacy of looking for durable happiness in terrestrial things. My own sufferings have implanted within my breast that sympathy for the distressed which is better felt than described. Nakedness and poverty have once be^en my companions ; and I shall not readily forget to lend a listening ear to the cries of the needy. And I would exhort myself and all my fellow-men, by the extreme sufferings I have endured, to be ready at all times to " feed the hungry and clothe the naked," nor ever fail to extend the hand of charity for the assistance of the unfortunate. * CAPTIVITY OP ZADOCK STEELE. 275 Names of a Part of the Persons killed and taken at the Burn ing of Royalton. Zadock Steele, taken at Randolph. Experience Davis. Elias Curtis. J. Parks. Moses Parsons. Simeon Belknap, now living in Randolph. Samuel Pember. Thomas Pember, killed at Royalton. Gardner Rix, now living at Royalton. Daniel Downer. Joseph Kneeland, killed at the encampment at Randolph, Jonathan Brown, now residing in Williamstown. Adan Durkee, died at Montreal. Joseph Havens. Peter Hutchinson. John Hutchinson, now living in Bethel. John Kent. Peter Mason. Giles Gibbs, killed at Randolph. ' Elias Button, killed at Royalton. Nathaniel Gilbert. fhe following Persons were released by the Intercession of Mrs. Hendee. Daniel Downer, Jr. Andrew Durkee. Michael Hendee. 76 * INDIAN NARRATIVES. Roswell Parkhurst. Shelden Durkee. Joseph Bix. Bufus Fish. Fish. Nathaniel Evi EVENTS ON THE NORTH-WESTERN FRON TIER FROM 1794 TO 1811. THIS was a period of comparative tranquillity; but the British still continued their intrigues, with the Indians, on the northern and western frontiers. On the 17th of September, 1802, Governor Harrison, at In diana Territory, entered into an agreement with various chiefs of the Pottawatomie, Eel River, Piankeshaw, Wea, Kaskaskia, and Kickapoo tribes, by which were settled the bounds of a tract of land near that place, said to have been given by the Indians to its founder; and certain chiefs were named who were to conclude the matter at Fqrt Wayne. This was the first step taken by Harrison in those negotiations which continued through so 'many years, and added so much to the dominions of the Confederation. He found the natives jealous and out of temper, owing partly to American injustice, but also in a great degree, it was thought, to the acts of the British traders and agents. Governor Harrison, on the 18th of August, 1804, purchased from the Delawares their claim to a large tract between the Wabash and Ohio ; from the Piankeshaws their claims to the" same, and also to the lands granted by the Kaskaskias in 1803, from the Sacs and Foxes their title to most of the immense dis trict between the Mississippi, Illinois, Fox river emptying into the Illinois, and Wisconsin rivers ; comprehending, it is said, more than fifty-one millions of acres. This latter treaty was made at St. Louis. 24 277 278 INDIAN NARRATIVES. On the 21st of August, 1805, G-overnor Harrison, at Vin- cennes, received from the Miamies a region containing two million acres within what is now Indiana; and on the 30th of December, at the same place, purchased of the Piankeshaws a tract of eighty or ninety miles wide, extending from the Wabash west to the cession by the Kaskaskias in 1803. At this timd ; although some murders by the Indians had taken place in the far west, the body of the natives seemed bent on peace. But mischief was gathering. Tecumthe, his brother the Prophet, and other leading men, had formed at Greenville, the germ of that union of tribes by which the whites were to be restrained in their invasions. We are by no means satisfied that Tecumthe used any concealment, or meditated any treachery towards the United States, for many years after this time. The efforts of himself and his brother were directed to two points : first, the reformation of the savages, whose habits unfitted them for con tinuous and heroic effort \ and second, such a union as would make the purchase of land by the ynited States impossible, and give to the aborigines a strength that might be dreaded. Both these objects were avowed, and both were pursued with won derful energy, perseverance, and success ; in the whole country bordering upon the lakes, the power of the Prophet was felt, and the work of reformation went on rapidly. During 1808, Tecumthe and the Prophet still continued quietly to extend their influence, professing no other end than a reformation of the Indians. Before the end of June, they had removed from Greenville to the banks of the Tippecanoe, a tributary to the Upper Wabash, where a tract of land had been granted them by the Pottawatomies and Kickapoos. In July, the Prophet sent to General Harrison a messenger begging him not to believe the tales told by his enemies, and promising a visit ; in August, accordingly, he spent two weeks at Vincennes, *nd by his words and promises led the governor to think him INDIANS PREPARING FOR WAR. ' 279 other than a fool and impostor, and to believe that his influence might be beneficial rather than mischievous. Through the year 1809, we again find Tecumthe and his brother strengthening themselves both openly and secretly. Harrison, however, had been once more led to suspect their ultimate designs, and was preparing to meet any emergency that might arise. The probability of its being at hand was very greatly increased by the news received from the Upper Missis sippi of hostile movements there among the savages. In refe rence to these movements and the position of the Shawaneso brothers, Harrison wrote to the secretary of war on the 5th of July, as follows : The Shawanese Prophet and about forty followers arrived here about a week ago. He denies most strenuously any par ticipation in the late combination to attack our settlements, which he says was entirely confined to the tribes of the Missis sippi and Illinois rivers ; and he claims the merit of having prevailed upon them to relinquish their intentions. I must confess that my suspicions of his guilt have been rather strengthened than diminished at every interview I have had with him since his arrival. He acknowledges that he re ceived an invitation to war against us, from the British, last fall, and that he was apprised of the intention of the Sacs and Foxes, &c. early in the spring, and warmly solicited to join in their league. But he could give no satisfactory explanation of his neglecting to communicate to me circumstances so extremely interesting to us, and towards which, I had a few months before, directed his attention, and received a solemn assurance of his cheerful compliance with the injunctions I had impressed upon him. The result of all my inquiries on the subject, is, that the late combination was produced by British intrigue and influence, in anticipation of war between them and the United States. It was ; 280 INDIAN NARRATIVES. however, premature and ill judged, and the event sufficiently manifests a great decline in their influence, or in the talents and address, with which they have been accustomed to manage their Indian relations. The warlike and well armed tribes of the Pottawatomies, Ot- tawas, Chippewas, Delawares, and Miamies, I believe neither had, nor would have joined in the combination : and, although the Kickapoos, whose warriors are better than those of any other tribe, the remnant of the Wyandottes excepted, are much under the influence of the Prophet. I am persuaded that they were never made acquainted with his intentions, if these were really hostile to the United States. During the year 1810, the hostile intentions of Tecumthe and his followers towards the United States, were placed beyond a doubt. The exciting causes were the purchase at Fort Wayne, in 1809, which the Shawanese denounced as illegal and unjust; and British influence. And here, as in 1790 to 1795, it is impossible to learn what really was the amount of British influence, and whence it proceeded ; whether from the agents merely, or from higher authority.* But however we may think the evil influence originated, cer tain it is that the determination was taken by " the successor of Pontiac," to unite all the western tribes in hostility to the United States, in case that power would not give up the lands bought at Fort Wayne, and undertake to recognize the principle, that no purchases should thereafter be made unless from a Council representing all the tribes united as one nation. By various acts the feelings of Tecumthe became more and more evident, but in August, he having visited Vincennes to see the governor, a Council was held, at which, and at a subsequent interview, the real position of affairs was clearly ascertained * Perkins. COUNCIL WITH THE INDIANS. 181 of that Council we give the account contained in Mr. Drake's life of the Great Chieftain. Governor Harrison had made arrangements for holding the Council on the portico of his own house, which had been fitted up with seats for the occasion. Here, on the morning of the 15th, he awaited the arrival of the chief, being attended by the judges of the supreme court, some officers of the army, a ser geant and twelve men, from Fort Knox, and a large number of citizens. At the appointed hour, Tecumthe supported by forty of his principal warriors, made his appearance ; the re mainder of his follo^rs being encamped in the village and its environs. When the chief had approached within thirty or forty yards of the house, he suddenly stopped, as if awaiting some advances from the governor. An interpreter was sent requesting him and his followers to take seats on the portico. To this Tecumthe objected -he did not think the place a suit able one for holding the conference, but preferred that it should take place in a grove of trees to which he pointed standing a short distance from the house. The governor said he had no objection to the grove, except that there were no seats in it for their accommodation. Tecumthe replied, that constituted no objection to the grove, the earth being the most suitable place for the Indians, who loved to repose upon the bosom of their mother. The governor yielded Uhe point, and the benches and chairs having been removed to the spot, the conference was begun, the Indians being seated on the grass. Tecumthe opened the meeting by stating, at length, his objec tions to the Treaty of F.ort Wayne, made by General Harrison in the previous year ; and in the course of his speech, boldly avowed the principle of his party to be, that of resistance to every cession of land, unless made by all the tribes, who, he contended, formed but one nation. He admitted that he had threatened to kill the chiefs who signed the Treaty of Fort 282 INDIAN NARRATIVES. Wayne; and that it was his fixed determination not to permit the village chiefs, in future, to manage their affairs, but to place the power with which they had been heretofore invested, in the hands of the war chiefs. The Americans, he said, had driven the Indians from the sea coast, and would soon push them into the lakes; and, while he disclaimed all intention of making war upon the United States, he declared it -to be his unalterable resolution to take a stand, and resolutely oppos.e the further intrusion of the whites upon the Indian lands. He concluded, by making a brief but impassioned recital of the various wrongs and aggressions inflicted by the white men upon the Indians, from the commencement of the revolutionary war down to the period of that council; all of which was calculated to arouse and inflame the minds of such of his followers as were present. To him the governor replied, and having taken his seat, the interpreter co'mmenced explaining the speech to Tecumthe, who, after listening to a portion of it, sprung to his feet and began to speak with great vehemence of manner. The governor was surprised at his violent gestures, but, as he did not understand him, thought that he was making some explanation, and suffered his attention to be drawn towards ^ Winnemac, a friendly Indian lying on the grass before him, who was renewing the priming of his pistol, which he had kept concealed from the other Indians, but in full view of the gover nor. His attention, however, was again directed towards Te cumthe, by hearing General Gibson, who was intimately acquainted with the Shawanese language, say to Lieutenant Jennings, " those fellows intend to do mischief; you had better bring up the guard." At that moment, the followers of Te cumthe seized their tomahawks and war-clubs, and sprung upon their feet, their eyes turned upon the governor. As soon as he could disengage himself from the arm-chair in which he sat, he rose, drew a small sword which he had by his side, and stood EVENTS ON THE FRONTIER. 283 on the defensive. Captain G. R. Floyd, of the army, who stood near him, drew a dirk, and the chief Winnemac cocked his pistol. The citizens present were more numerous than the Indians, but were unarmed ; some of them procured clubs and brickbats, and also stood on the defensive. The Rev. Mr. Wi- oans, of the Methodist church, ran to the governor's house, got a gun, and posted himself at the door to defend the family. During this singular scene, no one spoke, until the guar3 came running up, and appearing to be in the act of firing, the gover nor ordered them not to do so. He then demanded of the interpreter, an explanation of what had happened, who replied that Tecumthe had interrupted him, declaring that all the go vernor had said was false ; and that he and the Seventeen Fires had cheated and imposed on the Indians. The governor then told Tecumthe that he was a bad man, and that he would hold no further communication with him ; that as he had come to Vincennes under the protection of a council-fire, he might return in safety, but that he must imme diately leave the village. Here the council terminated. The now undoubted purposes of the brothers being of a cha racter necessarily leading to war, General Harrison proceeded to strengthen himself for the contest by preparing the militia, and posting the regular troops that were under him, under Captains Posey and Cross at Vincennes. TIPPECANOE WAR. THE difficulties with England seemed to increase, and during the early part of the year 1811, nothing was looked for but the breaking out of hostilities between England and the United States. But little was accomplished as far as concerned the Indians, during the first part of this year ; yet a spirit of enmity was still rife among them, and the prospect of a contest was not improbable. Harrison sent a message to the Shawanese cau tioning them to beware of hostilities. A visit from Tecumthe with about three hundred of his warriors followed, but nothing was done ; the chief going south, for the purpose of enlisting the Creeks in his cause. Harrison, in the meanwhile, received reinforcements, and after warning the Indians to respect the treaty of Greenville, he resolved if necessary to break up the Prophet's Town on the Tippecanoe. For this purpose, he marched to a point on the Wabash, some sixty miles above Vincennes, where he built Fort Harrison. One of his sentinels being fired upon, he entertained no doubt that the intentions of the Prophet were hostile. Harrison reached the mouth of Vermilion creek on the 31st of October, where he built a block-house, as a depot for his luggage, and the protection of his boats. He then proceeded to the vicinity of the Prophet's Town, where he was met by a party of Indians, who were assured that the Governor's inten tions were peaceful, should they continue true to their treaties. One of the chiefs pointed out a place for an encampment, which < (284) TIPPECANOE WAR. 285 Harrison did not like, as it offered too great facilities for the approach of the savages. We give Harrison's own account of the order of encampment and battle " For a night attack the order of encampment was the order of battle, and each man slept immediately opposite to his post in the line. In the formation of my troops I used a single rank, or what is called Indian file because in Indian warfare, where there is no shock to resist, one rank is nearly as good as two, and in that kind of warfare the extension of line is of the first importance. Raw troops also manoeuvre with much more facility, in single than in double ranks. It was my constant custom to assemble all the field officers at my tent every evening by signal, to give them the watchword and their instructions for the night ; those given for the night of the 6th were, that each corps which formed a part of the exterior line of the encampment, should hold its own ground until relieved. The dragoons were directed to parade dismounted in case of a night attack, with their pistols in their belts, and to act as a corps of reserve. The camp was defended by two captains' guards, consisting each of four non commissioned officers and forty-two privates; and two-subal terns' guards of twenty non-commissioned officers and privates. The whole under the command of a field officer of the day. The troops were regularly called up an hour before day, and made to continue under arms until it was quite light. On the morn ing of the 7th, I had risen at a quarter after four o'clock, and the signal for calling out the men would have been given in two minutes, when the attack commenced. It began on our left flank but a signal gun was fired by the sentinels or by the guards in that direction, which made not the least resistance, but abandoned their officer and fled into the camp, and the first notice which the troops of that flank had of the danger, was from the yells of the savages within a short distance of the line but even under those circumstances the men were not wanting 286 INDIAN NARRATIVE. to themselves or to the occasion. Such of them as were awake, or were easily awakened, seized their arms and took their sta tions ; others, who were more tardy, had to contend with the enemy in the doors of their tents. The s^orni first fell upon Captain Barton's company of the 4th United States regiment, and Captain Geiger's company of mounted riflemen, which formed the left ang.e of the rear line. The fire upon these was exceedingly severe, and they suffered considerably before relief could be brought to them. Some few Indians passed into the encampment ncq^ the angle, and one or two penetrated to some distance before they were killed. I believe all the other com panies were under arms and tolerably formed before they were fired on. The morning was dark and cloudy ; our fires afforded a partial light, which if it gave us some opportunity of taking our positions, was still more advantageous to the enemy, afford ing them the means of taking a surer aim ; they were therefore extinguished as soon as possible. Under all these discouraging circumstances the troops (nineteen-twentieths of whom had never been in action before) behaved in a manner that can never be too much applauded. They took their places without noise and with less confusion that could have been expected from veterans placed in a similar situation. As soon as I could mount my horse, I rode to the angle that was attacked I found that Bar ton's company had suffered severely, and the left of Geiger's entirely broken. I immediately ordered Cook's company and the late Captain Wentworth's, under Lieutenant Peters, to be brought up from the centre of the rear line, where the ground was much more defensible, and formed across the angle in sup port of Barton's and Geiger's. My attention was then engaged by a heavy firing upon the left of the front line, where were stationed the small company of United States riflemen (then, however, armed with muskets) and the companies of Baen, Snelling, and Prescott of the 4th regiment. I found Majo/ TIPPECANOE WAR. 28? Davies forming the dragoons in the rear of thoso companies, and understanding that the heaviest part of the enemy's fire pro* ceeded from some trees about fifteen or twenty paces in front of. those companies, I directed the major to dislodge them with a part of the dragoons. " Unfortunately the major's gallantry determined him to execute the order with a smaller force than was sufficient, which enabled the enemy to avoid him in front, and attack his flanks. The major was mortally wounded, and his party driven back. The Indians were, however, imme diately and gallantly dislodged from their advantageous position, by Captain Snelling, at the head of his company. In the course of a few minutes after the commencement of the attack, the fire extended along the left flank, the whole of the front, the right flank, and part of the rear line. Upon Spencer's mounted riflemen, and the right of Warwick's company, which was posted on the right of the rear line, it was excessively severe ; Captain Spencer, and his first and second lieutenants, were killed, and Captain Warwick was mortally wonnded those companies how ever still bravely maintained their posts, but Spencer had suffered so severely, and having originally too much ground to occupy, I reinforced them with Robb's company of riflemen, which had been driven, or by mistake ordered from the position on the left flank, towards the centre of the camp, and filled the vacancy occupied by Robb with Prescott's company of the 4th United States regiment. My great object was to keep the lines entire, to prevent the enemy*from breaking into the camp until daylight, which should enable me to make a general and effec tual charge. With this view, I had reinforced every part of the line that had suffered much ; and as spon as the approach of morning discovered itself, I withdrew from the front line, Snelling' s, Posey's, (under Lieutenant Albright,) and Scott's, and from the rear line, Wilson's companies, and drew them up upon the left flank, and at the same time I ordered Cook's an* 1 288 INDIAN NARRATIVES. Baen's companies, the former from the rear, and the latter from the front lines, to reinforce the right flank; foreseeing that at these points the enemy would make their last efforts. Major Wells, who commanded on the left flank, not knowing my inten tions precisely, had taken the command of these-companies, had charged the enemy before I had formed the body of dragoons with which I had meant to support the infantry ; a small detach ment of these were, however, ready, and proved amply sufficient for the purpose. The Indians were driven by the infantry, at the point of the bayonet, and the dragoons pursued and forced them Into a marsh, where they could not be followed. Captain Cook and Lieutenant Larrabee had, agreeably to my order, marched their companies to the right flank, had formed them under the fire of the enemy, and being then joined by the riflemen of that flank, had charged the Indians, killed a number, and put the rest to a precipitate flight. A favorable opportunity was here offered to pursue the. enemy with dragoons, but being engaged at that time on the other flank, I did not observe it until it was too late." There were near seven hundred Americans engaged in this battle, of whom thirty-seven were killed, and one hundred and fifty-two wounded : twenty-six mortally. On the part of the Indians, forty were killed; the number of wounded not being known. Their numbers amounted to between eight hundred and a thousand warriors. The Indians fought with unusual fury and courage. The Prophet did not engage in the battle, but sat on a rock, out of the reach of all danger, singing his songs, and going through with his absurd ceremonies. The cause of the obstinacy of his followers is ascribed to his assurance that the bullets of their enemies would do them no harm, and that victory would crown their efforts. Their defeat was the disgrace of the Prophet; and from that period his influence was almost entirely destroyed. TIPPECANOE WAR. 289 The battle of Tippecanoe was fought on the 7th $f November, and on the 4th of December, Harrison asserted that the frontiers never enjoyed more perfect tranquillity. flp" Tecumthe upbraided "his brother, for rendering his plans fruit less, by risking a battle at that time. The declaration of war by the United States against Great Britain, before ho could mature new schemes, forced him to become an ally, when he aimed to be a principal. 25 SURRENDER OF DETROIT. AT the commencement of the war with Great Britain, in 1812, preparations were made for an invasion of Canada. The com mand of the expedition was given to General Hull, who with about two thousand men was soon upon the north-western fron tier. He took .possession of the beautiful little town of Sand wich, some two miles below Detroit. The British and Indians, were posted at Maiden ; and amounted to about eleven hundred men, under the command of Gkneral Brock and Tecumthe. Upon entering Canada, Hull issued a proclamation, offering them security if they submitted to the American arms, and destruction if they opposed them. In the meantime ths British and Indians at St. Joseph's, pre pared to attack Fort Michilimackinac, on an island of the same name. The force of the enemy .was some three hundred British and seven hundred Indians, under the command of Captain Roberts. That of the Americans amounted to only fifty-seven men. The inhabitants knowing this force to be inadequate to cope with the enemy, and being informed by Roberts, that unless they surrendered, the whole garrison would be delivered into the hands of the Indians, and subjected to their merciless treat ment, fled in great numbers. Lieutenant Porter Hanks, who commanded the garrison, resolved to offer as gallant a resistance as was in his power. The Indians were posted in an adjoining wood, while the Bri tish were stationed on an eminence, that commanded the weakest point of the little garrison. (290) SURRENDER OF DETROIT. 291 A flag was now sent by Roberts for a surrender of the fort, and Hanks being for the first time" informed of the state of affairs between the United States and England, and knowing that if he resisted, an indiscriminate slaughter would follow, prudently resolved to surrender the place. He entered into terms of capitulation, in which the right of private-property was acknowledged, though he placed the enemy in possession of a fortress, capable of being rendered the strongest in America. Meantime, on the 29th of July, Colonel Proctor had reached Maiden, and seeing at once the power which the position of that post gave him over the supplies of the army of the United States, he commenced a series of operations, the object of which was to cut off the communications of Hull with Ohio, and thus not merely neutralize all active operations on his part, but starve him into surrender. Hull dispatched Major Vanhorne to escort a company of volunteers, on their way from Ohio, with provisions for the army. They had arrived as far as the Raisin, a distance of thirty- six miles from Detroit. Vanhorne had Searly reached Browns- town, when he was attacked by a large force of British and Indians. The Americans stood their ground nobly, but were forced to retreat. This was performed in a masterly manner \ Vanhorne only losing nineteen men killed, and nine wounded. General Hull, contrary to the wishes and entreaties of his officers, abandoned the enterprise against Maiden, and proclaimed his intention of evacuating Canada, and posting himself at Fort Detroit. Here they received the intelligence of the late skir mish. The communication between the Raisin and their pre sent post, was entirely destroyed, and the way blocked up by savages. It was necessary that this should be opened, or the army would be in want of provisions very shortly. For this purpose Colonel James Miller was dispatched with a force of five hundred men. Tho British and Indians anticipat- 282 INDIAN NARRATIVES. ing a return of the detachment they had driven back, reinforced, increased their numbers sufficiently, as they supposed, to drive them off again. They took possession of, and fortified a place called Maguaga, four miles from Brownstown. They erected breastworks by felling trees, from behind which they might shower forth, -death and destruction. Tecumthe commanded the Indians ; the united force of British and Indians was commanded by Major Muir. On the 9th, the American troops, though they proceeded with great caution, reached the ground oa which the enemy desired to see them before they discovered their ambuscade. Captain Snelling, commanding the advance, was attacked from it, and sustained a combat until the main body came up, when the British and Indians sprang suddenly from behind the works, formed a line of buttle with great celerity, and commenced a brisk fire, accompanied with all the demonstrations of savage war. Sudden and unexpected as was the attack, the intrepid commander of the American force was not the least dismayed ; his troops received the shock without shrinking, and with a coolness and sagacity which are commonly looked for in soldiers of long experience, he as suddenly drew up his men, and after very a rapid fire, charged upon the enemy with such unlocked for firmness, as to throw them into complete disorder. The obstinacy of the Indians, however, would not admit of flight; they might not act in concert with the British, and resorting to their own kind of combat, they were resolved not to abandon the contest. But the British had now recovered from their confusion, and a scene of indescribable horror ensued. Five hundred Indians, led on and encouraged by the regulars, (many of whom were like themselves, almost naked,) frightfully painted, and sending forth such dreadful whooping and yelling as might have appalled almost any other troops, were fighting on every side of the American detachment; but on every side SURRENDER OF DETROIT. 293 they were gallantly repulsed. No such means could induce these brave men to forsake their standard, or to disgrace their nation. They saw danger strengthening arcund them, they knew what kind of destiny awaited their defeat, and they were resolutely determined to repel the foe, or to yield only with their lives. Athough Colonel Miller was contending against a force greatly superior, he succeeding in driving them back into Brownstown, and would have totally conquered them, had not boats been in waiting to receive them. The loss of the British was seven killed and wounded ; while that of the Indians was about one hundred. The Americans had fifteen of their number killed and between thirty and forty wounded. The force at the Raisin still continued there, waiting an escort, when Captain Brush, who commanded the party, received instructions from General Hull, dated the llth of August, to remain there, and in conjunction with the -regiment, Le Croix's corps, and his own, protect the provisions until further orders. Hull added a postscript, in which he stated that Captain Brush on consulting Colonel Anderson, the bearer of the letter, might use his own discretion, about proceeding on an upper road, crossing the river Huron ; but notice was to be given at Detroit, if this was determined on. Hull sent Colonels Cass and W Arthur, on the 14th, with some three hundred men, to assist in the transportation of provisions. Captain Heald, who commanded at Fort Chicago, received orders on the same day that the battle of Maguaga was fought, to repair at once to Detroit. After giving the friendly Indians all the goods in the factory, and the provisions that they could not take with them, he hastened to obey orders. The inhabi tants, principally women and children, accompanied them, fearing to be left behind, as the place would be almost defenceless. They had not proceeded far, when they suddenly discovered 25*' ; 294 INDIAN NARRATIVES. that they were about to be attacked by a party of hostile In dians. Heald was forced to surrender, after nearly two-thirds of his army were slain. Heald stipulated for the safety of the women and children, but forgot to mention the wounded, whom, with the exception of Mrs. Heald, Mrs. Helm, Captain Heald, and Lieutenant Helm, who were saved by some friendly Indians, they massacred on the spot. The other prisoners were distributed among the cuiefs, and carried in different directions into the country of the Potta- watomies. Captain Heald and his heroic wife, who endured wounds and scenes of horror with wondrous fortitude, after many adventures and hair-breadth escapes, arrived safely at Detroit. Meanwhile the British occupied a point opposite Detroit, and any attempt to accelerate the transportation of the provisions would be useless. Three days were occupied by the British in throwing up breastworks, without the slightest opposition from the Americans. General Brock, on the 15th, sent Hull a flag, with a demand to surrender, stating that if they did not, that it would be utterly out of his power to control the numerous body of Indians, the moment the contest commenced ; and that if he did not surrender, a war of extermination must ensue, as the character of the Indians was well known, and that nothing but blood would satisfy their savage natures. Hull answered this summons by stating that the "town and fort would be defended to the last extremity." An officer rode round Detroit, warning the inhabitants to seek a place of safety, as the batteries of the British, at Sand wich, would most probably soon open upon the town. The utmost panic and confusion ensued. Women were busy pack ing up their valuables ; men running about, here and there, seeking a place fo those dear to them by all the ties of blood ; SURRENDER OF DETROIT. 295 infants crying* and clinging to their agonized mothers j every thing in short conspired to render the town a second Babel. The inhabitants commenced leaving the town about noon ; but, alas ! there seemed to be no place of safety. The enemy on one side ; the woods swarming with Indians professing friendship but what dependence could be placed upon savage integrity, should the enemy gain the upper hand. A deep ravine on the " Cass farm/ 7 owned at that time by General Mc Donald, seemed to offer the best security, and there assembled the mass of helplessness, with a few men for protectors. The enemy then opened their fire from their batteries upon the town, which was returned with precision and effect. At day light, on the 16th, the cannonade was renewed ; and their whole force soon afterwards crossed the river and landed at Spring- wells, about three miles west of Detroit. Here the British ge neral, learning the absence of Colonel Miller with his detach ment, resolved at once upon forcing the American camp. The American army appears to have waited the approach of the enemy with coolness and. good order. Two twenty-four- pounders, loaded with grape, were planted in a favorable posi tion for their annoyance. The regular troops were placed in the fort, and the militia and volunteers behind pickets, when, to the astonishment of every one, the whole force was ordered to retire into the fort, where their arms were stacked, and the artillerymen forbidden to fire. Here, crowded as they were, into a narrow compass, every ball from the enemy's batteries took effect, and the general soon ordered the white flag to be hung out in token of surrender. In a short time the terms of capitulation were agreed upon ; and the whole army, including the detachments of Colonels Miller and M' Arthur, which re turned in the evening of the same day, and the force under Cap tain Brush, at the river Raisin, were surrendered prisoners of war. The enemy found in the fort an ample supply of ammu- 296 INDIAN NARRATIVES. nition and provisions. They must have been greatly astonished at obtaining such a capital prize, with so little effort. The indignation of the Americans at this cowardly and dis graceful transaction knew no bounds. Expectation had been raised to such a height by the confident language of previous dispatches from General Hull, that nothing less than the cap ture of all Upper Canada was expected. The surrender, there fore, of an American army to an inferior force, together with the cession of a large extent of territory, as it had never entered into the calculations of the people, was almost too much for them to bear. General Hull was openly accused of imbecility and cowardice. As soon as he was exchanged, he was, of course, brought before a court-martial, tried on the charges of treason, cowardice, and un-officerlike conduct, found guilty of the two last, and sentenced to be shot. The President, however, in consequence of his age and former services, remitted the capital punishment, but directed his name to be stricken from the rolls of the army; a disgrace, which, to a lofty and honorable spirit, is worse than death. DEFENCE OF FORT HARRISON. THE surrender of Detroit was not the only misfortune, although the leading one of this unfortunate summer. Fort Michilimackinac, the key of the northern lakes, was in the pos session of the British and Indians ; whilst the garrison at Fort Dearborne, under Captain Heald, had nearly all been massacred. Thus by the middle of August, the whole north-west, with the exception of Forts Wayne and Harrison, was again in pos session of the British and their, red allies. These forts were attacked early in September, and had the latter not been stoutly defended, it would have shared a similar fate to the others. The following account is from its commander, then Captain Taylor, and will be perused with additional interest when it is remembered that he occupied so conspicuous a place in the recent war with Mexico. Fort Harrison, Sept. 10. " DEAR SIR On Thursday evening, the 3d instant, after retreat beating, four guns were heard to fire in the direction where two young men (citizens who resided here) "were making hay, about four hundred yards distance from the fort. I was immediately impressed with the idea that they were killed by the Indians, as the Prophet's party would soon be here for the purpose of commencing hostilities, and that they had been directed to leave this place, as we were about to do. I did not think it prudent to send out at that late hour of the night to 04 INDIAN NARRATIVES. and petitions excited the feelings of the Americans, and led them, forgetful of the main objects of the campaign, and of military caution, to determine upon the step of sending a strong party to the aid of the sufferers. On the 17th, accordingly, Colonel Lewis was dispatched with five hundred and fifty men to the river Raisin, and soon after Colonol Allen followed with one hundred and ten more. Marching along the frozen Bay and Lake, on the afternoon of the 18th the Americans reached and attacked the enemy who were posted in the village, and after a severe contest defeated them. Having gained possession of the town, Colonel Lewis wrote for reinforcements, and prepared himself to defend the position he had gained. And it was evi dent that all his means of defence would be needed, as the place was but eighteen miles from Maiden, where the whole British force was collected under Proctor. Winchester, on the 19th, having heard of the action on the previous day, marched with two hundred and fifty men, which was the most he dared detach from the Rapids, to the aid of the captor of Frenchtown, which place he reached on the next evening. But instead of placing nis men in a secure position, and taking measures to prevent the secret approach of the enemy, Winchester suffered the troops he had brought with him to remain in the open ground, and took no efficient measures to protect himself from surprise, although informed that an attack might be expected at any moment. The consequence was that during the night of the 21st the whole British force approached undiscovered, and erected a battery within three hundred yards of the American camp. From this, before the troops were fairly under arms in the morning, a discharge of bombs, balls, and grape-shot, in formed the devoted soldiers of Winchester of the folly of their commander, and in a moment more the dreaded Indian yell sounded on every side. The troops under Lewis were protected by the garden pickets behind Avhich their commander, who afone BATTLE OF FRENCHTOWN. 305 seems to have been upon his guard, had stationed them ; those last arrived were, as we have said, in the open field, and against them the main effort of the enemy was directed. Nor was it long so directed without terrible results ; the troops yielded, broke, and fled, but fled under a fire which mowed them down like grass : Winchester and Lewis, (who had left his pickets to aid his superior officer,) were taken prisoners. Upon the party who fought from behind their slight defences, however, no im pression could be made, and it was not till Winchester was induced to send them what was deemed an order to surrender that they dreamed of doing so. This Proctor persuaded him to do by the old story of an India-n massacre in case of continued resistance, to which he added a promise of help and protection for the wounded, and of a removal at the earliest moment; without which last promise the troops of Lewis refused to yield even when required by their general. But the promise, even if given in good faith, was not redeemed, and the horrors of the succeeding night and day will long be remembered by the inha bitants of the frontier. Of a portion of the horrors we give a description in the words of an eye-witness.* Nicholasville, Kentucky, April 24, 1813. " SIR : Yours of the 5th instant, requesting me to give you a statement respecting the late disaster at Frenchtowu, was duly received. Rest assured, sir, that it is with sensations the most unpleasant that I undertake to recount the infamous and barbarous conduct of the British and Indians after the battle of the 22d of January. The blood runs cold in my veins when T think of it. " On the morning of the 23d, shortly after light, six or eight Indians came to the house of Jean Baptiste Jereaume, where I was, in company with Major Graves, Captains Hart and Hick iH * Perkins. 26* 806 INDIAN NARRATIVES. man, Dr. Todd, and fifteen or twenty volunteers, belonging to different corps. They did not molest any person or thing on their first approach, but kept sauntering about until there was a large number collected, (say one or two hundred) at which time they commenced plundering the houses of the inhabitants, and the massacre of the wounded prisoners. I was one amongst the first that was taken prisoner, and was taken to a place about twenty paces from the house, after being divested of part of my clothing, and commanded by signs there to remain for further orders. Shortly after being there, I saw them knock down Captain Hickman at the door, together with several others with whom I was not acquainted. Supposing a general massacre had commenced, I made an effort to get to a house about one hundred yards distant, which contained a number of wounded, but on my reaching the house, to my great mortification, found it surrounded by Indians, which precluded the possibility of my giving notice to the unfortunate victims of savage barbarity. An Indian chief of the Tawa tribe, of the name of M'Carty, gave me possession of his horse and blanket, telling me by signs, to lead the h^rse to the house which I had just before left. The Indian that first took me, by this time came up and manifested a hostile disposition towards me, by. raising a tomahawk as if to give me the fatal blow, which was prevented by my very good friend M'Carty. On my reaching the house which I had just started from, I saw the Indians take off several prisoners, which I afterwards saw in the road, in a most mangled condi tion, and entirely stripped of their clothing. " Messrs. Bradford, Searls, Turner, and Blythe, were col lected round a carryall, which contained articles taken by the Indians from the citizens. We had all been placed there, by our respective captors, except Blythe, who came where we were entreating an Indian to convey him to Maiden, promising to give him forty or fifty dollars, and whilst in the act of pleading MASSACRE OF PRISONERS AFTER THE BATTLB OF rXKSCmoWV.Paat 806. 307 for mercy, an Indian, more savage than the other, stepped up behind, tomahawked, stripped, and scalped him. The next that attracted my attention, was the houses on fire that contained several wounded, who I knew were unable to get out. After the houses were nearly consumed, we received marching orders, and after arriving at Sandy Creek, the Indians called a halt and commenced cooking; after preparing and eating a little sweetened gruel, Messrs. Bradford, Searls, Turner and myself, received some, and were eating, when an Indian came up and proposed exchanging his moccasins for Mr. Searls's shoes, which he readily complied with. They then exchanged hats, after which the Indian inquired how many men Harrison had with him, and at the same time, calling Searls a Washington or Madi son, then raised his tomahawk and struck him on the shoulder, which cut into the cavity of the body. Searls then caught hold of the tomahawk, and appeared to resist, and upon my telling him his fate was inevitable, he closed his eyes and received the savage blow which terminated his existence. I was near enough to him to receive the brains and blood, after the fatal blow, on my blanket. A short time after the death of Searls, I saw three others share a similar fate. We then set out for Browns- town, which place we reached about twelve or one o'clock at nigjit. After being exposed to several hours incessant rain in reaching that place, we were put into the council-house, the floor of which was partly covered with water, at which place we remained until next morning, when we again received march ing orders for their village on the river Rouge, which place we made that day, where I was kept six days, then taken to Detroit and sold. For a more detailed account of the proceedings, I take the liberty of referring you to a publication which appeared in the public prints, signed by Ensign J. L. Baker, and to the publication of Judge Woodward, both of which I have particu- 308 INDIAN NARRATIVES. larlj examined, and find them to be literally correct, so far an came under my notice. I am, sir, with due regard, your fellow-citizen, GUSTAVUS M. BOWER. General Harrison was at Upper Sandusky when Winchester reached the Rapids. He received some word of a meditated movement, and hurried with all speed to Winchester's assistance, but all was in vain. He met the few survivors long before he reached the ground. Harrison with his troops retired to the Rapids; here a consultation was held, when it was determined to retreat yet farther in order to prevent the possibility of being cut off from the convoys of stores and artillery upon their way from Sandusky. The next morning the troops retired to Pol tage river, eighteen miles in the rear of Winchester's position, there to await the guns and reinforcements, which were daily expected. General Harrison now found his army to be seventeen hun dred strong, and on the 1st of February, again advanced to the Bapids, where he took up a new and stronger position, at which point he ordered all the troops to gather as rapidly as possible. This was done in the hope of advancing upon Maiden before the middle of the month ; but the warm weather had placed the roads in such a condition that his troops were unable to join him ; so the winter campaign was of necessity abandoned, as the autumnal one had been before. Thus far the operations in the north-west had certainly been discouraging. Nothing had been gained, and of what had been lost, nothing had been retaken ; the slight advantages gained by a few officers over the Indians, had not shaken the power or confidence of Teeumthe and his allies, while the unsuccessful efforts of Harrison through five months, to gather troops enough at the mouth of the Maumee river, to attempt the reconquest of Michigan, which had been taken in a week, depressed th& SIEGE OF FORT MEIGS. 309 spirits of the Americans, and gave new life and hope to their foes. Among the defensive operations of the spring and summer of 1813, that at Fort or Camp Meigs, the new post occupied by Harrison at the Rapids, and that at Lower Sandusky, deserve notice. It was supposed that in the beginning of spring, that the British would attempt the reconquest of the position upon the Maumee. As had been expected on the 28th of April, the English forces began the investment of Harrison's camp, and by- the 1st of May, had completed their batteries. In the mean time, the Americans had thrown up a bank of earth twelve feet high, behind which they withdrew, the moment the enemy com menced operations. Up to the 5th, nothing had been done of importance. On that day, General Clay, with twelve hundred additional troops, came down the Maumee in flat-boats, and according to orders' received from General Harrison, detached eight hundred men under Colonel Dudley, to attack the batteries on the left bank of the river, while, with the remainder, he landed upon the southern shore, and fought his way into camp. Dudley suc ceeded in capturing the batteries, but he neglected spiking the cannon, and then returning to the boats, he suffered his men to dally with the Indians, until Proctor cut off their only chance of retreat, and only one hundred and fifty men out of the eight hundred escaped captivity or death. Colonel Miller, however, captured and made useless the batteries, that had been erected south of the Maumee. The result of these proceedings was sad enough for the Ame ricans, still the British general saw in it nothing to encourage him j and as news was received that the Americans were about to receive reinforcements from Ohio and Kentucky, Proctor deemed it best to retreat, and on the 9th of May, returned to Maiden. 310 INDIAN NARRATIVES. The principal stores of Harrison were at 3andusky, and thither Proctor moved with immense bands of Indians. Har rison himself was at Seneca, and Major Croghan at Fort Ste- phenson, or Lower Sandusky. It was deemed advisable to abandon the fort, as it was indefencible against heavy cannon, which it was thought the British general would bring against it ; but before this could be accomplished, the appearance of the enemy on the 31st of July, rendered it impossible to carry out their determination. The garrison of this little fort was composed of one Hundred and fifty men, under a commander just past his 21st year, and with a single piece of cannon, while the investing force, includ ing Tecumthe's Indians, was, it is said, three thousand three hundred strong, and with six pieces of artillery, all of them, fortunately, light ones. Proctor demanded a surrender, and told the unvarying story of the danger of provoking a general mas sacre by the savages, unless the fort was yielded : to all which the representative of young Croghan replied by saying that the Indians would have none left to massacre, if the British con quered, for every man of the garrison would have^ died at his post. Proctor, upon this, opened his fire, which being concen trated upon the north-west angle of the fort, led the commander to think that it was meant to make a breach there, and carry the works by assault : he therefore proceeded to strengthen that point by bags of sand and flour, while under cover of night he placed his ix pounder in a position to rake the angle threatened, and then, having charged his infant battery with slugs, and hidden it from the enemy, he waited the event. During the night of the 1st of August, and till late in the evening of the 2d, the firing continued upon the devoted north-west corner) then, under cover of the smoke and gathering darkness, a column of three hundred and fifty men approached unseen to within twenty paces of the walls. The musketry opened upon s BATTLE OF THE THAMES. 311 them, but with little effect, the ditch was gained, and in a moment filled with men ; at that instant, the masked cannon, only thirty feet distant, a,nd so directed as to sweep the, ditch, was unmasked and fired, killing at once twenty-seven of the assailants ; the effect was decisive, the columns recoiled, and the little fort was saved with the loss of one man j on the next morning the British and their allies, having the fear of Harrison before his eyes, were gone, leaving behind them in their haste, guns, stores, and clothing. Meanwhile Perry had gained his famous victory on the lakes, and the American army having been reinforced, set sail for Canada on the 27th of September, and in a few hours stood around the ruins or the deserted and wasted Maiden, from which place Proctor had retreated to Sandwich, intending to make his way into Canada, by the valley of the Thames. General Harrison started in pursuit, and he found Proctor posted on the Thames ; his left flanked by the river, and his right by a swamp. Between this and another swamp, and still further to the right, waa Tecumthe and his Indians. Proctor had formed his men in open order, that is, with intervals of three or four feet between the files. Colonel Johnson was ordered by Harrison to dash through the enemy's line in a column. This was done, and the broken line of the Indians assailed. The British threw down their arms, and begged for quarter. Some fighting took place on the American left, with the In dians. Tecumthe rushed on Colonel Johnson with his toma hawk raised, and was in the act of striking him, when Johnson drew a pistol, and shot him dead. The Indians no longer hear ing the cry of their chief, animating them to renewed exertions, gave way, and fled in great confusion. We give Harrison's account of the battle. "The troops at my disposal consisted of about -one hundred and twenty regulars of the 27th regiment, five brigades of Ken- 31iJ INDIAN NARRATIVES. tucky volunteer militia infantry, under his excellency Governoi Shelby, averaging less than five hundred men, and Colonel Johnson's regiment of mounted infantry, making in the whole an aggregate of something above three thousand. No disposi tion of an army, opposed to an Indian force, can be safe unless it is secured on the flanks and in the rear. I had, therefore, no difficulty in arranging the infantry conformably to my general order of battle. General Trotter's brigade of five hundred men, formed the front line, his right upon the road and his left upon the swamp. General King's brigade as a second line, the place at which they were then encamped. Rejoiced that he would not have to entirely abandon his position, he set out with the remainder of his army for Deposit. Before starting they were made distinctly to understand that in the event of their meet ing supplies they were to return and prosecute the campaign. This soon took place, for scarcely had they proceeded more than ten miles, when they met one hundred and fifty beeves; but this was to them an unwelcome sight. Their faces being now turned toward home, no spectacle could be more hateful, than one which was to change their destina tion. They were halted, and having satisfied their hungry appetites, the troops, with the exception of such as were neces sary to proceed with the sick and wounded, were ordered to MUTINY IN THE CAMP. 325 return to the encampment, he himself intending to see the contractors, and establish more effectual arrangements for the future. So great was their aversion to returning, that they pre ferred a vielation of their duty, and their pledged honor. Low murmuring ran- along the lines, and presently broke out into open mutiny. In spite of the order they had received, they began to revolt, and one company was already moving off, in a direction towards home. They had proceeded some distance, before information of their departure was known to Jackson. Irritated at their conduct, in attempting to violate the promises they had given, and knowing that the success of future opera tions depended on the result; the general pursued, until he came near a part of his staff, and a few soldiers, who, with General Coffee, had' halted about a quarter of a mile ahead. He ordered them to form immediately across the road, and to fire on the mutineers, if they attempted to proceed. Snatching up their arms, these faithful adherents presented a front which threw the deserters into affright, and caused them to retreat precipitately to the main body. Here, it was hoped, the matter would end, and that no further opposition would be made to re turning. This expectation was not realized ; a mutinous temper began presently to display itself throughout the whole brigade. Jackson having left his aid-de-camp, Major Reid, engaged in making up some dispatches, had gone out alone amongst his troops, who were at some little distance ; on his arrival he found a much more extensive mutiny, than that which had just been quelled. Almost the whole brigade had put itself into an atti tude for moving forcibly off. A crisis had arrived ; and feeling its importance, he determined to take no middle ground, but to triumph or perish. He was still without the use of his left arm ; but, seizing a musket, and resting it on the neck of his horse, he threw himself in front of the column, and threatened to shoot the first man who should attempt to advance. In this situation 28 S26 INDIAN NARRATIVES. he was fouud by Major Reid and General Coffee, who, fearing from the length of his absence, that some disturbance had arisen, hastened where he was, and placing themselves by his side, awaited the result in anxious expectation. For many minutes the column preserved a sullen, yet hesitating attitude, fearing to proceed in their purpose, and disliking to abandon it. In the mean time, those who remained faithful to their duty, amounting to about two companies, were collected and formed at a short distance in advance of the troops, and in rear of the general, with positive directions to imitate his example in firing, if they attempted to proceed. At length, finding no one bold enough to advance, and overtaken by those fears that in the hour of peril always beset persons engaged in what they know to be a bad cause, they abandoned their purpose, and turning quietly round, agreed to return to their po'sts. He restored quiet at .Deposit, where there was signs of mutiny and set out on his return to Fort Strother. Here another diffi culty arose, the volunteers claimed that the period for which they had undertaken to act would end on the 10th of December. Jackson replied that he could not undertake to discharge thcin unless specially authorized. But he resolved in case of contin gency to provide other means for the continuance of the cam paign. He accordingly ordered General Roberts to return, ancf (ill up the deficiencies in his brigade,- and dispatched Colonel Carroll and Major Searcy into Tennessee to raise volunteers for six months, or during the campaign ; writing at the same time, to many respectable characters, he exhorted them to contribute all "their assistance to the accomplishment of this object. He received a letter from the Rev. Gideon Blackburn, assuring him that volunteers from Tennessee would eagerly hasten to his relief, if they knew their services were wanted. Jackson was anxious to employ his troops actively, and t-c prosecute the campaign. Ho thought that by this method b<3 327 might dispel their discontents. He wrote to General Cocke, desiring him to join him immediately at Ten Islands, with fif teen hundred men, as he desired to commence operations imme diately. Notwithstanding his utmost efforts, the spirit of dis affection was still rife, and the volunteers through Colonel Mar tin, who addressed Jackson a letter, stating that their terms of service would expire on the 10th of December. He stated that he deplored the state of affairs, and that the company looked to their general for an honorable discharge. To this the general replied, that he had written to the governor of Tennessee on the subject, and the moment it was signified to him by any compe tent authority, that the volunteers might be exonerated from further service, that moment would he pronounce it with the utmost satisfaction. " I have only the power of pronouncing a discharge, not of giving it, in any case ; a distinction which I would wish should be borne in mind. Already I have sent to raise volunteers, on my own responsibility, to complete a cam paign which has been so happily begun, and thus far, so fortu nately prosecuted. The moment they arrive, and I am assured, that, fired by our exploits, on the first intimation that we need their services, they will be substituted in the place of those who aro discontented here ; the latter will then be permitted to re turn to their homes, with all the honor, which, under such cir cumstances, they can carry along with them. But I still cherish the hope, that their dissatisfaction and complaints have been greatly exaggerated. I can not, must not -believe, that the * Volunteers of Tennessee/ a name ever dear to fame, will dis grace themselves, and a country which they have honored, by abandoning her standard, as mutineers and deserters ; but should I be disappointed, and compelled to resign this pleasing hope, one thing I will not resign my duty. Mutiny avid sedition, so long as I possess the power of quelling them, shall be put Gown; and when left destitute if this, I will still be found, in 828 INDIAN NARRATIVES. the last extremity, endeavoring to discharge the duty I own my country and myself." He replied to the platoon officers, who had addressed him upon the same subject, in much the same manner. On the evening of the 9th, he was informed by General Hull, that his whole brigade was in a state of mutiny. He immediately issued the following general order: " The commanding general being informed that an actual mutiny exists in the camp, all officers and soldiers are com manded to put it down. " The officers and soldiers of the first brigade will, without delay, parade on the west side of the fort, and await further orders." ^'The artillery company, with two small field-pieces, being posted in the front and rear ; and the militia, under the command of Colonel Wynne, on the eminences, in advance, were ordered to prevent any forcible departure of the volunteers. The general rode along the line, which had been formed agreeably to his orders, and addressed them by companies, in a strain of impassioned eloquence. He fully expatiated on their former good conduct,.and the esteem and applause it had secured them ; and pointed to the disgrace which they must heap upon themselves, their families, and their country, by persisting, even if they could -succeed, in their present mutiny. But he told them they should not succeed, but by passing over his body ; that even in opposing their mutinous spirit, he should perish honorably, by perishing at his post, and in the discharge of his duty. " Reinforcements," he continued, "are preparing to hasten to my assistance; it cannot be long before they will arrive. I am, too, in daily expectation of receiving information, whether you may be discharged or not until then, you mast not, and shall not retire. I have done- with entreaty, it has been used long enough. I will attempt it no more. You must now determine whether you will go,' or peaceably remain ; if JACKSON'S ADDRESS TO THE TIUOPS. 829 you still perist in your determination to move forcibly off, the point between us shall soon be decided." At first they hesi tated; he demanded an explicit and positive answer. They still hesitated, and he commanded the artillerists to prepare the match ; he himself remaining in front of the volunteers, and within the line of fire, which he intended soon to order. Alarmed at his apparent determination, and dreading the consequences involved in such a contest; " Let us return," was presently lisped along the line, and was soon after determined upon. The officers now came forward, and pledged themselves for their men, who either nodded as'sent, or openly expressed a willingness to retire to their quarters, and remain without further tumult, until information were had, or the' expected aid should arrivef Thus passed awa.y'a moment of the greatest peril, pregnant with the most important consequences. But their purpose was not wholly abandoned, and Jackson determined to rid himself of men whose presence answered no other purpose than to keep discontent alive in the camp. He therefore ordered General Hull to march them to Nashville, and do with them as the governor of Tennessee should direct. He determined to make one more appeal to their honor and patriot ism, however, and on the 13th, directed his aid-de-camp to read to them the following address : " On the 10th of December, 1812, you assembled at the call of your country. Your profession of patriotism, and ability to endure fatigue, were at once tested by the inclemency of the weather. Breaking your way through sheets of ice, you de scended the Mississippi, and reached the point at which you were ordered to be halted and dismissed. All this you bore without murmuring. Finding that your services were not needed, the means of marching you back were procured ; every difficulty was surmounted, and, as soon as the point from which you em barked was. regained, the order for your dismissal was carried into 28* 330 INDIAN NARRATIVES. effect. The promptness with which you assembled, the regularity of your conduct, your attention to your duties, the determination manifested, on every occasion, to carry into effect the wishes and will of your government, placed you on elevated ground. You not only distinguished yourselves, but gave to your state a distinguished rank with her sisters; and led your government to believe that the honor of the nation would never be tarnished, when entrusted to the holy keeping of the ' Volunteers of Tennessee/ " In the progress of a war, which the implacable and eternal enemy of our independence induced to be' waged, we found that, without cause on our part, a portion of the Creek nation was added vfco the number of our foes. To put it down, the first glance of the administration fell on you : and yftu were again summoned to the field of honor. In full possession of your former feelings, that summons was cheerfully obeyed. Before your enemy thought you in motion, you were at Tallushatchee and Talladega. The thunder of your arms was a signal to them, that the slaughter of your countrymen was about to be avenged. You fought, you conquered ! barely enough of the foe escaped, to recount to their savage associates, your deeds of valor. You returned to this place, loaded with honors, and the applauses of your country. " Can it be, that these brave men are about to become the tarnishers of their own reputation ! the destroyers of a name, which does them so much honor? Yes, it is truth too well dis closed, that cheerfulness has been exchanged for complaints : murmurings and discontents alone prevail. Men who a little while sinc were offering up prayers, for permission to chastise the merciless savage, who burned with impatience to teach them how much they had hitherto been indebted to our for bearance; are now, when they could so easily attain their wishes, seeking to be discharged- The heart of your general has been JACKSON'S ADDRESS TO THE TROOPS. 381 pierced. The first object of his military affections, and the first glory of his life, were the volunteers of Tennessee ! The very name recalls to him a thousand endearing recollections. But these men, these volunteers have become mutineers. The feelings he would have indulged, your general has been com pelled to suppress he has been compelled by a regard to that subordination, so necessary to the support of every army, and which he is bound to have observed, to check the disorder which would have destroyed you. He has interposed his authority for your safety; to prevent you from disgracing yourselves and your country. Tranquillity has been restored in our camp, contentment shall also be restored; this can be done only by permitting those to retire, whose dissatisfaction proceeds from causes that cannot be controlled. This permission will now be given. Your country will dispense with your services, if you have no longer a regard for that fame, which you have so nobly earned for yourselves and her. Yes, soldiers, you who were once so brave, and to whom honor was so dear, shall be per mitted to return to your homes, if you still desire it. But in what language, when you. arrive, will you address your families and friends ?- "Will you tell them that you abandoned your general, and your late associates in arms, within fifty miles of a savage enemy ; who equally delights in shedding the blood of the innocent female and her sleeping babe, as that of the warrior contending in battle ? Lamentable, disgraceful tale ! If your dispositions are really changed ; if you fear an enemy you so lately conquered ; this day will prove it. I now put it to your selves ; determine upon- the part you will act, influenced only by the suggestions of your own hearts, and your own under standings. All who prefer an inglorious retirement, shall be ordered to Nashville, to be discharged, as the president or the governor may direct. Who choose to remain, and unite with their general., in the furihsr prosecution rf the campaign, can do so, 332 INDIAN NARRATIVES. and will thereby furnish a proof, that they have been greatly traduced; and that although disaffection and cowardice has reached the hearts of some, it has not reached theirs. To such my assurance is given, that former irregularities will not be attributed to them. They shall be immediately organized into a separate j3orps, under officers of their own choice ; and in a little while, it is confidently believed, an opportunity will be afforded of adding to the laurels you have already won." This appeal failed of the desired effect. Captain Williamson alone agreed to remain. Finding that their determination to abandon the service could not be changed, and that every prin ciple of patriotism was forgotten, the general communicated his order to General Hull, directing him to march his brigade to Nashville, and await such instructions of he might receive from the president, or the governor of Tennessee. General Cocke with fifteen hundred men arrived on the 12th ; but it was found that no part as his troops were brought into the field under the requisition of the president of the United States ; and that the term of service of a greater part of them would expire in a few days; and of the whole in a few weeks. In consequence of this he was ordered into his district to comply with that requisition, and to carry with him and discharge near their homes, those of his troops, the period of whose service was within a short time of being ended. Meantime the cavalry and mounted riflemen, who under an express stipulation to return and complete the campaign, had been permitted to retire into the settlements, to recruit their horses and procure winter clothing, had, at the time appointed, reassembled in the neighborhood of Huntsville. But, catching the infection of discontent from the infantry, on their return march, they began now to clamour with equal earnestness for a discharge. The cavalry insisted that they were as well entitled to it as the infantry ; and the riflemen, that they could not be VIOLENT CONDUCT OF THE TROOPS 333 held in service after the 24th, that being three months from tne time they had been mustered ; and as that day was so near at hand, it waswholly useless to advance any farther. General Coffee, who was confined at Hun-tsville by severe indisposition, employed all the means which his debilitated strength would allow him, to remove the dangerous impressions they had so readily imbibed, and to reclaim them to a sense of honor and duty ; but all his efforts proved unavailing. He im mediately ordered his brigade to head-quarters; they had pro ceeded as far as Ditto's Ferry, when the greater part of them refusing to cross the river, returned in a tumultuous manner, committing on the route many irregularities, which there was not sufficient force to restrain. Not more than seven hundred of the brigade could be gotten over ; who, having marched to Deposit, were directed to be halted, until further orders could be obtained from General Jackson. At this place they committed the wildest extravagancies ; profusely wasting the public grain, which, with much difficulty and labor, had been collected there, for the pur pose of the campaign; and indulging in every species of excess. Whilst thus rioting, they continued to. clamour most vocife rously, for their^discharge. General Coffee finding his utmost efforts ineffectual, to restrain or to quiet thein ; wrote to Jackson, acquainting him with their conduct and demands, and inclosing a petition that had been addressed to him by the rifle regiment. In his letter, he says, " I am 'of opinion, the sooner they can be gotten clear of the better ; they are consuming the forage that will be necessary for others, and I am satisfied they will do no more good. I have told them, their petition would be submitted to you, who would decide upon it in the shortest possible time." This was truly disagreeable news to the general. Already sufficiently harassed by the discontents and opposition of his troops ; now that they had retired, he looked anxiously forward, in hopes that the tranquillity of his camp would be no more 334 INDIAN NARRATIVES. assailed. On the brigade of Coffee, be bad placed great reliance, arid, from tbe pledges it had given him, entertained no fears but that it would return and act with him, as soon as be should be ready to proceed. He replied to General Coffee, and taking a view of the grounds and causes of their complaints, endeavored to reconcile their objections, and persuade them to a discharge of the duties they had undertaken, and covenanted to perform. The signers of that address, observes the general, commence by saying, " that jealousy is prevailing in our camp, with respect to the understanding between themselves and the government, relative to the service required of them ; and believing it to be its policy to act fairly, are of opinion that a full explanation of their case will have a good effect, in promoting the cause in %hich they are engaged." Jackson addressed them in the most pointed manner ; he re minded them of the pledge they had given ; he appealed to their honor, -believing that if this were unsuccessful, there was "nothing by which he could hope to hold them/' Meantime Jackson received a letter from the governor of Tennessee. It recommended him to dismiss, not discharge them, because the latter was out of their power. To induce them to remain, the governor had suggested but one argument, which as yet had not been tried; "that it was very doubtful if the government would pay them for the services they had already rendered, if aban doned without her authority." The letter was enclosed for their inspection, accompanied with these remarks : "I have just received a letter from Governor Blount, which I hasten to transmit to you, that you may avail yourselves of whatever benefits and privileges it holds out. You will perceive, that he does not consider he has any power to discharge you neither have I : but you have my permission to retire from the service, if you are still desirous of doing so, and are prepared to risk the consequences." MUTINY IN THE CAMP. 335 These letters, so /ar from answering the desired end, had a directly contrary effect. The governor's was no sooner read than they eagerly laid hold of it to support the resolution they had already formed ; and without further ceremony or delay, aban doned the campaign, with their colonel, Allcorn, at their head, who, so far from having endeavored to reconcile them, is believed by secret artifices to have fomented their discontents. So general was the dissatisfaction of this brigade, and with such longing anxiety did they indulge the hope of a speedy return to their homes, that their impatience did not permit them to wait the return of the messenger from head-quarters. Before an answer could reach General Coffee, they had broken up their encampment at Deposit, re-crossed the river, and proceeded four miles beyond Hunts ville. On receiving it, Coffee had the bri gade drawn up in solid column, and the letters, together with the pledge they had given, read to them ; after which, the Rev. , Mr. Blackburn endeavored, in an eloquent speech, in which he pointed out the ruinous consequences that were to be appre hended, if they persisted in their present purpose, to recall them to a sense of duty and honor ; but they had formed their reso lution too steadfastly, and had gone too extravagant lengths, to be influenced by the letter, the pledge, or the speech. As to the pledge, a few said they had not authorised it to be made ; . others, that as the general had not returned an immediate ac ceptance, they did not consider themselves bound by it ; but the greater part candidly acknowledged, that they stood com mitted, and were without any justification for their present con duct. Nevertheless, except~ a few officers, and three or four privates, the whole persisted in the determination to abandon the service. Thus, in a tumultuous manner, they broke up, and committing innumerable extravagancies regardless alike of law and decency, continued their route to their respective homes. Whilst, these unfortunate events were transpiring in the rear, 236 INDIAN NARRATIVES. matters were far from wearing a very encouraging aspect at head-quarters. General Robert's brigade of West Tennessee militia, consisting in consequence of numerous desertions of about six hundred men, imitating the example set them, began on the day they thought themselves entitled to discharge to set about returning home. General Jackson, however, did not put the same construction upon it that they did. It was true the act did not determine the time of their engagements ; but it had specified the object for which they had been called out; viz. : the subjugation of the Indians ; and as that object was not yet attained, it was thought that they were not entitled to a dis charge. He again solicited the governor of Tennessee infcthe most pressing manner to take the earliest measures for supply ing by draft, or voluntary enlistment, the deficiencies, as well as that which was so soon to be expected. The governor replied that he had ordered General Cocke to bring into the field fifteen hundred men of the detached militia, as the secretary of war had required, together with a thousand volunteers under the act of the assembly of Tennessee, and he did not feel authorized to grant a new order. He remarked that he looked upon the further prosecution of the campaign as fruitless, and concluded by advising him to withdraw the troops into the settlements, and suspend all active operations, until the ge'neral government should provide more effectual means, for conducting it to a favorable issue. Jackson determined to oppose this advice, and in his letter remarks as follows : " Had your wish, that I should discharge a part of my force, and retire, with the residue, into the settlements, assumed the form of a positive order, it might have furnished me some apology for pursuing such a course; but by no means a full justification. As you would have no power to give such an order, I could not be inculpable in obeying, with my eyes open to the fatal consequences that would attend it. But a bare JACKSON'S LETTER TO THE GOVERNOR. 337 recommendation, founded, as I am satisfied it must be, on the artful suggestions of those fireside patriots, who seek, in a failure of the e^edition, an excuse for their supineness ; and upon the misrepresentations of the discontented from the army, who wish it to be believed, that the difficulties which overcame their patriot ism are wholly insurmountable, would afford me but a feeble shield, against the reproaches of my country, or my conscience. Believe me, my respected friend, the remarks I make proceed from the purest personal regard. If you would preserve your reputation, or that of the state over which you preside, you must take a straight- forward, determined course ; regardless of the applause or censure of the populace, and of the forebodings of that dastardly and designing crew, who, at a time like this, may be expected to clamour continually in your ears. The very wretches who now beset you with evil council, will be the first, should the measures which they recommend eventuate in disaster, to call down imprecations on your head, and load you with reproaches. Your country is in danger; apply its resources to its defence! Can* any course be more plain? Do you, my friend, at such a moment as the present, sit with your arms folded, and your heart at ease, waiting a solution of your doubts, and a definition of your powers? Do you wait for special instructions from the secretary of war, which it is impossible for you to receive in time for the danger that threatens ? How did the venerable Shelby act, under similar circumstances ; or rather, under circumstances by no means as critical ? Did he wait for orders, to do what every man of sense knew what every patriot felt to be right ? He did not ; and yet how highly and justly did the government extol his manly and ener getic conduct ! and how dear has his name become to all the friends of their country ! " You say, that, having given an order to General Cocke, to bring his quota of men into the field, your power ceases ; and 29 838 INDIAN NARRATIVES. that, although you are made sensible that he has wholly neglected that order, you can take no measure to remedy the omission. Widely different, indeed, is my opinion. % consider -it your imperious duty, when the men, called for by your order, founded upon that of the government, are known not to be in the field, to see that they be brought there ; and to take immediate mea sures with the officer, who, charged with the execution of your order, omits or neglects to do it. As the executive of the state, it is your duty to see that the full quota of troops be constantly kept in the field, for the time they have been required. For you are responsible to the government; your officer to you. Of what avail is it, to give an order, if it be never executed, and may be disobeyed with impunity? Is it by empty orders, that we can hope to conquer our enemies, and save our defence less frontiers from butchery and devastation ? Believe me, my valued friend, there are times, when it is highly criminal to shrink from responsibility, or scruple about the exercise of our powers. There are times, when we must disregard punctilious etiquette, and think only of serving our country. What is really our present situation ? The enemy we have been sent to subdue, may be said, if we stop at this, to be only exasperated. The commander-in-chief, General Pinckney, who supposes me, by this time, prepared for renewed operations, has ordered me to advance, and form a junction with the Georgia army ; and upon the expectation that I will do so, are all his arrangements formed, for the prosecution of the campaign. Will it do to de feat his plans, and jeopardize the safety of the Georgia army ? The general government, too, believe, that we have now not less than fivejthousand in the heart of the enemy's country; and on this opinion are all their calculations bottomed; and must they all be frustrated, and I become the instrument by which it is done ? God forbid ! " You advise me, too, to discharge, or dismiss from service, JACKSON'S LETTER TO THE GOVERNOR. 339 until the will of the president can be known, such portion of the militia, as have rendered three months' service. This advice astonishes me, even more than the former. I have no such dis cretionary power ; and it would be impolitic and ruinous to ex ercise it, if I had. I believed the militia, who were not specially received for a shorter period, were engaged for six months, unless the objects of the expedition should be sooner attained ; and in this opinion I was greatly strengthened, by your letter of the 15th, in which you say, when answering my inquiry upon this subject, ' the militia are detached for six months' service;' nor did I know, or suppose, you had a different opinion, until the arrival of your last letter. This opinion must, I suppose, agreeably to your request, be made known to General Roberts 1 brigade, and then the consequences are not difficult to be foreseen. Every man belonging to it will abandon me on the 4th of next month ; nor f^ll I have the means of preventing it, but by the application of force, which, under such circumstances, I shall not be at liberty to use. I have labored hard, to reconcile these men, to a continuance in service, until they could be honorably discharged, and had hoped I had, in a great measure, succeeded ; but your opinion, operating with their own prejudices, will give a sanction to their own conduct, and render useless any further attempts. They will go ; but I can neither discharge nor dis miss them. Shall I be 'told, that, as they will go, it may as well be permitted ; can that be any good reason why I should do an unauthorized act ? Is it a good reason why I should violate the order of my superior officer, and evince a willingness to defeat the government ? And wherein does the ' sound policy' of the measures that have been recommended consist ? or in what way are they ' likely to promote the public good- ?' Is it sound policy to abandon a conquest thus far made, and deliver up to havoc, or add to the number of our enemies, those friendly Creeks and Cherokees, who, relying on our protection, have 340 INDIAN NARRATIVES. espoused our cause, and aided us with their arms ? Is it good policy to turn loose upon our defenceless frontiers, five thousand exasperated savages, to reek their hands once more in the blood of our citizens ? What ! retrogade under such circumstances ! I will perish first. No, I will do my duty : I will hold the posts I have established, until ordered to abandon them by the* commanding general, or die in the struggle : long since have I determined, not to seek the preservation of life, at the sacrifice of reputation. "But our frontiers, it seems, are to be defended, and by whom ? By the very force that is now recommended to be dis missed ; for I am first told to retire into the settlements, and protect the frontiers ; next, to discharge my troops ; and then, that no measures can be taken for raising others. No, my friend, if troops be given me, it is not by loitering on the frontiers that I will seek to give protection ; they are to be d^ffcnded, if de fended at all, in a very different manner; by carrying the war into the heart of the enemy's country. All other hopes of de fence are more visionary than dreams. What then is to be done ? I'll tell you what. You have only to act with the energy and decision the crisis demands, and all will be well. Send me a force engaged for six months, and I will answer for the result, but withhold it, and all is lost, the reputation of the state, and your's, and mine ^long with it." The governor immediately ordered twenty-five hundred militia, for a tour of three months, to rendezvous at Fayetteville, on the 28th of January. The command was given to Colonel Johnson, with orders to proceed without delay, by detachments or other wise, to Fort g troth er. A difficulty now occurred with General Roberts' brigade. He had been ordered back to supply deficiencies, and returned on 27th with one hundred and ninety men, mustered for three months. He halted within a short distance of the camp, and VOLUNTEERS CLAIM THEIR DISCHARGE. 841 proceeded to ascertain whether the general would receive them for the term they had stipulated. Jackson replied that he would prefer to engage them for six months, or during the cam paign ; but would gladly receive them for the period they had mustered ; at the expiration of which time he would discharge them. Notwithstanding this assurance, however, they deter mined for some unknown cause to abandon their engagements, and return home. This was attributed to the conduct of Ge neral Roberts. He reported to his men, that he had been un successful, and remarked that he had exonerated them from all obligations that they were under to him. They instantly set about returning. Jackson, on learning this, dispatched General Roberts after them, but he failed to induce them to return, when he was again ordered to bring them back at all hazards. Those who should willingly return to duty, except those officers, who had been reported as the instigators should be pardoned. Many of the men, upon understanding the nature of affairs, returned of their own accord, and laid the charge upon their general. He was afterwards arrested, and upon this and other charges exhi bited against him, sentenced, by a court-martial, to be cashiered. The day had arrived, when that portion of Roberts' brigade, which had continued in service, claimed to be discharged ; and that whether this were given to them or not, they would aban don the campaign and return home. Jackson believed them not entitled to it, and hence, that he had no right to give it ; but as Governor Blount had said differently, and his opinion, as he had required, had been promulgated, he felt it was improper that he should attempt the exercise of force to detain them. Nevertheless, believing it to be his duty to keep them, he issued a general order, commanding all persons, in the service of the United States, under his command, not to' leave the encamp ment, without his written permission, under the penalties an nexed, by the rules and articles of war, to the crime of desertion 29* 842 INDIAN NARRATIVES. Thfe was accompanied by an address, in which they were ex horted, by all those motives which he supposed would be most likely to have any influence, to remain at their posts, until they could be legally discharged. Neither the order nor the address availed any thing. On the morning- of the 4th of January, the officer of the day, Major Bradley, reported, that, on visiting his guard, half after ten o'clock, he found neither the officer, Lieu tenant Kearley, nor any of the sentinels at their posts. Upon this information, General Jackson ordered the arrest of Kearley, who refused to surrender his sword, alleging it should protect him to Tennessee; that he was a freeman, and not subject to the orders of General Jackson, or any body else. This being made known to the general, he issued, immediately, this order to the adjutant general; "You will forthwith cause the guards to parade, with Captain Gordon's company of spies, and arrest Lieutenant Kearley ; and, in case you shall be opposed, in the execution of this order, you are commanded to oppose force to force, and arrest him at all hazards. Spare the effusion of blood, if possible ; but mutiny must, and shall be put down." Colonel Sitler, with the guards and Gordon's company, immediately, proceeded in search, and found him a't the head of his company, on the lines, which were all formed, and about to march off. He was ordered to halt, but refused. The adjutant-general, finding it necessary, directed the guards to stop him; and again demanded his sword, which he again refused to deliver. The guards were commanded to fire on him, if he did not imme diately deliver it, and had already cocked their guns. At this order, the lieutenant cocked his, and his men followed his ex ample. General Jackson, informed of what was passing, had hastened to the scene, and arriving at this moment, personally demanded of Kearley his sword, which he still obstinately re fused to deliver. Incensed at the outrage, and viewing the ex ample as too dangerous to pass, he snatched a pistol from hia SUBMISSION OF LIEUTENANT KEARLEY. 348 holstei, and was already levelling it at the breast of Kearley, when Colonel Sitler, interposing between them, .urged him to surrender his sword. At this moment, Dr. Taylor, the friend of the lieutenant, drew it from the scabbard, and handed it to the adjutant-general, who refused to receive it. It was then returned to Kearley, who now delivered it, and was placed under guard. During this crisis, both parties remained with their arms ready, and prepared for firing ; and a scene of bloodshed was narrowly escaped. Kearley being confined, and placed under guard, soon became exceedingly penitent, and earnestly supplicated the general for a pardon. He stated, that the .absence of the guards and sen tinels from their posts, was owing to the recommendation and advice of the brigade-major, Myers; that his not delivering his sword, when it was first demanded, was owing to the influence and arguments of others, who persuaded him that it was not his duty ; that he had afterwards come to the determination to surrender himself, but was dissuaded by Captains Metcalf and Dooley, who assured him it would be a sacrifice of character, and that they would protect him in the hour of danger ; why he resisted, in the presen.ce of the general, was, that being then at the head of his company, and having undertaken to carry them home, he was restrained, at the moment, by a false idea of honor. This application was aided by the certificate of several of the most respectable officers of the camp, attesting his uni formly good behaviour heretofore, and .expressing a belief that his late mfsconduct was wholly attributed to the interference of others. Influenced by these reasons, but particularly by the seductions which he believed had been practise^ upon him, by older and more experienced officers in his regiment, the general thought proper to order his liberation from arrest, and his sword to be restored *o him. Never was a man more sensitive of the 344 INDIAN NARRATIVES. favor he had received, or more devoted to his benefactor, than he afterwards became. As the term for which the East Tennessee troops had been engaged would expire on the 14th, and as Colonel Lillard's regiment had professed a desire to be led against the enemy before they quitted the service, Jackson issued the following address, hoping that they would willingly remain in the field, for a few days longer. " Major-Greneral Cocke having reported that your term of ser vice will expire on the 14th, 1 assume no claim on you beyond that period. But, although I cannot demand as a right, the continuance of your services, I do not despair of being able to obtain them through your patriotism. For what purpose was it that you quitted your homes, and penetrated the heart of the enemy's country ? Was it to avenge the blood of your fellow- citizens, inhumanly slain by that enemy ; to give security in future to our extended and unprotected frontier, and to signalize the valor by which you were animated ? Will any of these objects be attained if you abandon the campaign at the time you contemplate ? Not one ! Yet an opportunity shall be afforded you, if you desire it. If you have been really actuated by the feelings, and governed by the motives, which, your commanding general supposes, influenced you to take up arms, and enter the field in defence of your rights, none of you will resist the appeal he now makes, or hesitates to embrace the eagerness, the oppor tunity he is to afford you. The enemy, more than half conquered, but deriving encourage ment and hope from the tardiness of our operations, and the dis tractions, which have unhappily prevailed in our camp, are again assembling below us. Another lesson of admonition must be furnished them. They must agai be made to feel the weight of that power, which they have, without cause, provoked to war; and to know, that although we have been slow to take up arms, JACKSON'S ADDRESS TO THE TROOPS. 345 we will never again lay them from our hands, until we have secured the objects that impel us to the resort. In less than eight days I shall leave the encampment, to meet and fight them. Will any of you accompany me ? Are there any amongst you, who, at a moment like this, will not think it an outrage upon honor, for his feelings to be tested by a computation of time ? What if the period for which you tendered your services to your coun try has expired, is that a consideration with the valiant, the patriotic, and the brave, who have appeared to redress the injured rights of that country, and to acquire for themselves a name of glory? Is it a consideration with them, when those objects are still unattained, and an opportunity of aoquiring them is so near at hand ? Did such men enter the field like hirelings, to serve for pay alone ? Does all regard for their country, their families, and themselves, expire with the time, for which their services were engaged ? Will it be a sufficient gratification to their feelings, that they served out three months, without seeing the enemy, and then abandoned the campaign, when the enemy was in the neighborhood, and could be seen and conquered in ten days ? Any retrospect they can make, of the sacrifices they have encountered, and the privations they have endured, can afford but little satisfaction under such circumstances; the very mention of the Creek war, must cover them with the blushes of shame, and self-abasement. Having engaged for only thr^ee months, and that period having expired, you are not bound to serve any longer : but are you bound by nothing else ? Surely, as honorable and high-minded men, you must, at such a moment as the present, feel other obligations than the law imposes. A fear of the punishment of the law, did not bring you into camp; that its demands are satisfied, will not take you from it. You had higher objects in view, some greater good to attain. This, pour general believes, nor can he believe otherwise, without doing you great injustice. 846 INDIAN NARRATIVES. "Your services are not avsked for longer than twenty days; and who will hesitate making such a sacrifice, when the good of his country, and his own fame are at stake ? Who, under the present aspect of affairs, will even reckon it a sacrifice ? When we set out to meet the enemy, this post must be retained and defended ; if any of you will remain, and render this service, it will be no less important, than if you had marched to the battle; nor will your general less thankfully acknowledge it. Tuesday next, the line of march will be taken up ; and in a few days thereafter, the objects of the excursion will be effected. As patriotic men, then, I ask you for your services ; and thus long, I have no doubt you will cheerfully render them. I am well aware, that you are all anxions to return, to your families and homes, and that you are entitled to do so ; yet stay a little longer, go with me, and meet the enemy, and you can then return, not only with the consciousness of having performed your duty, but with the glorious exultation, of having done even more than duty required/' But this address failed to move them, and on the 10th, four days before their term expired, they returned home. Jackson, however, by this time received reinforcements, and on the 17th of January, 1814, finding himself in a condition to commence active offensive operations, marched from Fort Strother with nine hundred volunteers, who were soon afterwards joined by three hundred friendly Indians, against an assemblage of Creeks at the Great Bend of the Tallapoosa. On the evening of the 21st, he fell upon a large trail, which indicated the neighbor hood of a strong force. At eleven o'clock at night, he was informed by his spies that there was a large encampment of In dians, about three miles distant, who, from their actions, they judged to be apprised of his approach, and would either com mence a night attack upon him, or make their escape. On re ceiving this intelligsnce, Jackson put himself in readiness for a BATTLE OF TALLAPOOSA. 347 night attack, or pursue them as soon as daylight would give him an opportunity. At six o'clock in the morning a vigorous attack was made upon his left flank, which sustained it with bravery ; the action continued to rage at that point, and on the left of the rear, for half an hour. As soon as it became light enough to pursue, the left wing was reinforced by Captain FerrilFs company of infantry, and led on to the charge by General Coffee. The enemy were completely routed at every point; and the friendly Indians joined in the pursuit, they were chased about two miles with great slaughter. The chase being over, General Coffee was detached to burn their encampment, but finding it fortified, he returned to the main body for artillery. Half an hour after his return, a large force appeared and commenced an attack upon the right flank. General Coffee was permitted, at his own request, to take two hundred men and turn the enemy's left, but by some mistake only fifty-four followed him ; with these he com menced an attack on their left ; two hundred of the friendly In dians were ordered to fall upon the enemy's right, and co-ope rate with the general. The Creeks intended this attack upon Jackson's right as a feint, and expecting to find his left weak ened, directed their main force against that quarter ; but Ge neral Jackson, perceiving the object of the enemy, had directed that flank to remain firm in its position, and at the first moment of attack they were supported by the reserve under Captain Ferrill. The whole line met the approach of the enemy with vigour, and after a few fires, made a bold and decisive charge. The Creeks fled with precipitation, and were pursued a conside rable distance with a destructive fire. In the meantime General Coffee was contending on the right with a superior force ; the friendly Indians who had been ordered to his support, sffcing the enemy routed on the left, quit their post and joined in the chase. That being over. Jim Fife, with the friendly IndianSj 348 INDIAN NARRATIVES. was again ordered to support General Coffee ; as soon as he reached him, they made a decisive charge, routed the enemy, and pursued him three miles. Forty -five of the enemy's slain were found. General Coffee was wounded in the body, and his aid, Colonel Donaldson, and three others slain. The next day, General Jackson commenced his return march to Fort Strother. His men and horses were exhausted, and he was not furnished with either provisions or forage for a longer stay. The enemy, supposing they had defeated the general, hung on his rear; and in the morning of the 24th, as he was on the point of crossing Enotachopeo creek, the front guard having crossed with part of the flank columns and the wounded,- and the artillery just enter ing the water, an attack commenced on the rear. The main part of the rear guard precipitately gave way, leaving 'only twenty-five men under Colonel Carrol, who held their ground as long as possible. There then remained on the left of the creek to meet the enemy, the remnant of the rear guard, the artillery company, and Captain Russell's company of spies. Lieutenant Armstrong, of the artillery, immediately ordered them to form and advance to the top of the hill, while he and a few of his men dragged up a six-pounder, amidst a most gall ing fire from more than ten their numbers. Arrived at the top they formed, and poured in upon their assailants a fire of grape, and at length made a charge and repelled them. Lieu tenant Armstrong, Captains Hamilton, .Bradford, andM'Govock, fell in this rencontre. By this time a considerable number had re-crossed the creek and joined the chase; Captain Gordon, of the spies, rushed from the front and partially succeeded in turning the enemy's left flank. The Creeks now fled in the greatest consternation, throwing off their packs, and every thing that retarded their flight, and were pursued for more than two miles. Twenty-six of their warriors were left dead on the field. General Jackson's loss in the several engagements of the 22d INDIANS FORTIFYING THEIR POSITION. 340 and 24th ; was twenty-four killed, and seventy woun&ed. Judge Cocke, one of General Jackson's volunteers, entered the service at the age of sixty-five, was foremost in this engagement, con tinued the pursuit with youthful ardor, and saved the life of one of his fellow-soldiers by slaying his antagonist. In all the rencontres, one hundred and eighty-nine o the Creek warriors were found slain. A very seasonable diversion had been made in favor of the operations of General Floyd on the eastern boundary of the enemy. After the battle of the 24th, General Jackson was enabled to return to Fort Strother without further molestation. The Creeks, encouraged by what they considered a victory over 'General Jackson's forces in the battles of the 22d and ind 24th of January, continued to concentrate their forces, and fortify themselves at the Great Bend of the Tallapoosa. This river forms the north-eastern branch of the Alabama. Several miles above its junction with the Coosa, is a curve in the river in the form of a horse-shoe, called by the whites the Great Bend, and by the Indians Emucsau. The peninsula formed by the bend, contains about one hundred acres, and the isthmus leading to it, is about forty rods across; at the bottom of the peninsula is the village of Tohopisca, containing about two hundred houses. On this peninsula, the Indians from the adjoining districts had concentrated their forces, to the amount of one thousand war riors, with ample stores of provisions and ammunition, and had fortified themselves with great skill ; having thrown up a breast work, consisting of eight tiers of logs, with double port-holes across the isthmus, so that an assailing enemy might be opposed by a double and cross fire by the garrison, who could lie in perfect safety behind their works. On the 16th of March, General Jackson, having received considerable reinforcements of volunteers from Tennessee, and friendly Indians, left Fort Strother with his whole disposable 80 350 INDIAN NARRATIVES. force, amounting to about three thousand of every description, on an expedition against this assemblage of Indians. He pro ceeded down the Coosa sixty miles to the mouth of Cedar creek, where he established a post called Fort Williams, and proceeded on the 24th across the ridge of land dividing the waters of the Coosa from the Tallapoosa ; and arrived at the Great Bend on the morning of the 27th, having the three preceding days opened a passage through the wilderness of fifty-two miles. On the 26tb he passed the battle-ground of the 22d of January, and left it three miles in his rear. General Coffee was detached with seven hundred cavalry and mounted gunmen, and six hundred friendly Indians, to cross the river below the bend, secure the opposite banks, and prevent escape. Having crossed at the Little Island ford, three miles below the bend, his Indians were ordered silently to approach and line the bank of the river; while the. mounted men occupied the adjoining heights, to guard against reinforcements, which might be expected from the Oakfusky towns, eight miles below. Lieutenant Bean at the same time was ordered to occupy Little Island, at the fording-place, to secure any that might attempt to escape in that direction. In the meantime, General Jackson, with the artillery and infantry, moved on in slow and regular order to the isthmus, and planted his guns on an eminence one hundred and fifty yards in front of the breastwork. On perceiving that General Coffee had com pleted his arrangements below, he opened a fire upon the forti fication, but found he could make no other impression with his artillery than boring shot-holes through the logs. General Coffee'* Indians on the bank, hearing, the roaring of the cannon in front, and observing considerable confusion on the peninsula, supposing the battle to be nearly won, crossed over and set fire to the village, and attacked the Creeks in the rear. At this moment General Jackson ordered an assault upon the works in front. The regular troops, led by Colonel Williams, BATTLE OP 1HE GREAT BEND. 351 accompanied by a part of the militia of General Dougherty's brigade, led on by Colonel Russell, presently got possession of a part of the works amid a tremendous fire from behind them. The advance guard was led by Colonel Sisler, and the left ex tremity of the line by Captain Gordon of the spies, and Captain M' Marry of General Johnson's brigade of West Tennessee militia. The battle for a short time was obstinate, and fought musket to musket through the port-holes ; when the assailants succeeded in getting possession of the opposite side of the works, and the contest ended. The Creeks were entirely routed, and the whole margin of the river strewed with the slain. The troops under General Jackson, and General Coffee's Indians, who had crossed over into the peninsula, continued the work of destruction as long as there was a Creek to be found. General Coffee, on seeing his Indians crossing over, had ordered their places to be supplied on the bank by his riflemen ; and every Indian that attempted to escape by swimming the river, or crossing the Little Island below, was met and slain by General Coffee's troops. The battle, as long as any appearance of resistance remained, lasted five hours ; the slaughter continued until dark, and was renewed the next morning, when sixteen more of the unfortunate savages were hunted out of their hiding-places and slain. Five hundred and fifty-seven warriors wgre found dead on the peninsula; among whom was their famous prophet, Manahell, and two others, the principal instigators of the war ; two hundred and fifty more were estimated to have been killed in crossing the river, and at other places, which were not found. General Jackson's loss was twenty-six white men, and twenty-three Indians, killed ; and one hundred and seven white men, and forty-seven Indians, wounded This decisive victory put an end to the Creek war. In the short period of five months from the 1st of November to the 1st of April, two \housand of their warriors, among whom were 352 INDIAN NARRATIVES their principal prophets and kings, had been slain, most of their towns and villages burned, and the strong places in their terri tory occupied by the United States troops. After this battle, the miserable remnant of the hostile tribes submitted. Weather- ford, the principal surviving chief and prophet, who led the [ndians at Fort Mimms, accompanied his surrender with this ddress to General Jackson. "I fought at Fort Mimms I fought the Georgia aimy 1 lid you all the injury I could. Had I been supported as I was promised, I would have done you more. But my warriors are ill killed. I can fight no longer. I look back with sorrow '.hat I have brought destruction upon my nation, I am now in four power. Do with me as you please. I am a soldier." A war with savages is necessarily attended with many circum stances distressing to the feelings of humanity. The Indian, having no means of supporting or confining his prisoner, knows no other mode of ridding himself of the burden, but by plung ing the tomahawk into his head; and the Americans can no otherwise effectually prevent the savages from repeating their massacres, than by laying waste their villages, destroying their provisions, and compelling their surviving warriors to flee with their women and children into the wilderness beyond the reach of the whites. The brilliant success with which this war was conducted and terminated, casra mantle^over its tragic scenes. The slaughter of unresisting warriors, and the burning of defenceless villages, marked much of its progress. To the enemy indeed no apology is necessary ; the massacre at Fort Mimms, and the subsequent ravages of the surrounding country, would justify a war of ex termination ; and the unhappy victims can alone condemn the British and Spanish authorities by whose intrigues they wen induced to engage in this fatal contest. The plea of necessitj goes far toward justifying the mode in which this war was con TREATY WITH THE CREEKS. 853 ducted in the view of all. The savage warrior, who is suffered to escape, lives only to renew his ravages. The bold and de cisive measures of General Jackson, in the conduct of this war, have probably prevented its ever being renewed by the same tribes, and struck a general dread among the surrounding na tions. Though these considerations may justify the general mode in which the war was conducted, yet it is impossible to find a sufficient apology for hunting out and butchering sixteen warriors, on the day after the battle. Soon after this victory, the Georgia forces, under General Floyd, formed a junction with those of Tennessee, and on the 20th of April, General Pinckney arrived at Fort Jackson, where the Tallapoosa and Coosa rivers uniting, form the Alabama, and assumed the command of all the forces in the Mississippi ter ritory. New detachments of militia were ordered in to garrison the fortresses established in the Creek nation, and General Jackson and the Tennessee volunteers returned to Fayetteville and were discharged. General Jackson and Colonel Hawkins were soon afterwards appointed commissioners to settle a peace with the Creeks ; and on the 10th of August, concluded a treaty, dictated altogether by the United States commissioners. The Creeks yielded up a valuable portion of their territory to defray the expenses of the war ; they conceded the privilege of opening roads through their country, and navigating their rivers, and stipulated to hold no further intercourse with the British or Spanish posts, and to deliver up all the property or persons of the whites, or friendly Indians, in their possession. On the part of the United States, the companies agreed to guarantee their remaining territory, to restore all their prisoners, and in consideration of their destitute situation, to furnish them gratuitously with the necessaries of life until they could provide for themselves. 30* THE SEMINOLE WAR. THE Creek war happily terminating in the spring ot 1814, and a treaty of peace having been mutually concluded between the surviving chiefs of that nation, and the commissioners ap pointed on the part of the United States, but little opposition was apprehended from those Indians, who dissatisfied with the Ame rican government, had fled towards Pensacola. But it was found that they had united themselves with the different savage tribes, living within and on the borders of the Floridas, called Seminoles. In the fall of. 1812, a settlement, located on the St. John's, was attacked, and eight persons were wounded ; a party of twenty-one men, acting as an escort, were attacked, and two of them killed, and six wounded. Outrages of a similar character were continually occurring, and several of the Southern States, were kept in a continued state of alarm. Colonel Nicholls, who had been expelled by General Jackson, went immediately to Florida, and organized a band, composed principally of negroes and Indians. In company with Francis Hillishago, a celebrated Seminole chief and prophet, he visited England, and entered into a treaty of peace with that nation. Arbuthnot and Ambrister succeeded him in the government. Affairs continued in this unfortunate condition until 1817. In that year, the depredations of a party of smugglers in the Gulf of Mexfoo, was the first matter of importance that awakened the attention of the government. The smugglers, under the (354) INDIAN BARBARITIES. 355 command of one Aury, seized upon Amelia Island, which was made their rendezvous. Their conduct becoming outrageous, the executive resolved to employ force to suppress them. The ship-of-war John Adams, with a battalion of artillery, was ordered to expel the intruders from he island. On the 23d of December, the forces came into quiet possession of it ; Aury and his party left in February. Sometime before this Colonel Clinch, with an army composed of five hundred Indians, and some United States troops, was sent to attack a fort, which had been erected by the savages on the Appalachicola river. This fort was garrisoned by four hun dred savages and negroes, who had twelve pieces of artillery. Clinch's force sailed up the river in schooners and gun-boats, each of which contained but one twelve-pounder, and twenty- five men ; and although advised of the force of the enemy, the colonel determined to attack them. Scarcely had he commenced firing, when the principal magazine was struck by a hot shot, and the fort and two hundred and seventy-three of the garrison blown up. This event put an end to the war in that district. Many horrid barbarities were practised by the Seminole In dians, some of which it may not be improper to mention. In the fall of 1817, the house of a Mr. Garrett, residing near the boundary of Wayne county, in East Florida, was attacked, dur ing his absence, by a party of Indians, who murdered Mrs. Gar rett and two of her children. They then set fire to the house, after they had plundered it of every article of value. Soon after, a man named McKrimmon, while on a fishing excursion, and having lost his way was espied and captured, by a party of Indians, headed by Hillishago. McKrimmon was bound to a stake, and the ruthless savages having stripped him and shaved his head, commenced dancing around him, yelling most horribly. Milly, the youngest daughter of Hillishago, when the burning torches were about to be applied, and the tomahawk raised to 356 INDIAN NARRATIVES. do its murderous work, placed herself between it and death, bidding the astonished executioner, if he thirsted for blood, to shed hers. A pause was produced by this unexpected occurrence, of which she took advantage by casting herself at her father's feet, and implored for his mercy."" He yielded to her wishes, and McKrimmon was saved. He was ransomed some time afterwards, and married his deliverer. In the frequent outrages committed upon the frontiers, it was somewhat difficult to determine who were the first aggressors. General Gaines, commander in Florida, demanded a surrender of those Indians, who had committed depredations on the frontier of Georgia. They refused, however, to comply with this de mand, alleging that the first and greatest aggressions had been made by the white men. In consequence of this refusal, Ge neral Gaines received instructions from the secretary of war, to negotiate with the Creek Indians, in order that they might be transported to the country ceded by the United States govern ment. General Gaines then summoned their chief Hornetlimed to appear at the fort. He answered by a haughty defiance. On the next day, Major David E. Twiggs, with about two hundred and fifty men, was sent against the fort. On the road he was attacked by a party of Indians, whom, after killing a numbei, he dispersed. He found the town deserted. After this affair, Major Muhlenburg was dispatched with three vessels to Mobile, to obtain a supply of provisions. He had on board a number of volunteers and their families, beside the crew. He was obliged to halt on the Appalachicola, from sickness, where he was joined by forty men, under Lieutenant Scott. He detained half of his crew.for his own use, and placed the balance, seven women and four children and the sick, on board the lieu tenant's boat, and sent him back to Fort Scott. When near Flint river, the party was attacked by the Indians, and all killed with the exception of six men and one woman, who were car- CAPTURE OP ST. MARKS. 357 ried into captivity, to undergo all the tortures inflicted upon the prisoners taken in battle. The war now became serious. The Indians were assembled in considerable numbers, and made an open attack upon Fort Scott. General Gaines, with about six hundred regular soldiers, was confined to the garrison. In this state of things, General Jackson was ordered by the secretary of war to take the field. He was placed in command of eight hundred men, and directed that if he should consider that number insufficient, to call on the governors of the different states, for such numbers of the militia as he might think requisite. On receiving this commu nication, he immediately issued a proclamation to the West Tennesseeans, who had served under him in the last war, to join him in the coming struggle. Numbers obeyed his call, and were soon on their way to join him at Fort Scott. Jackson ar rived ttere on the 9th of March, 1818; having mustered about one thoasand men, principally Georgia militia, on his route. He foui d the garrison badly off for provisions, and determined to obtain Mipplies from the enemy; afldfor this purpose he pushed toward* the Appalachicola on the 10th. General Gaines joined him OE his march, and he built Fort Gadsden on the site of the Indiaa fort blown up by Colonel Clinch. He continued his march, and was joined by the Tennessee volunteers on the 1st of April. On the same day he drove back a party of Indians, and took possession of their town. The grand army marched upon St. Marks, a Spanish gar rison. Jackson learned that it was surrounded by a party of five hundred Indians and negroes, who had commanded its sur render. The place was one of great importance, being strongly built, and had once served as the main depot of the Indians, and was the scene of all their councils. As the garrison was feeble, Jackson determined to be before the enemy ; and accord ingly hastened on, and took possession of ii, without encounter- 858 INDIAN NARRATIVES. ing any opposition, sending the Spanish garrison to Pensacola. Here he captured Alexander Arbuthnot, and the two Indian chiefs Hornetlimed and Hillishago ; the latter he hung. Having garrisoned St. Marks with American troops, the army pursued its march eastward to Suwanee river, on which they found a large Indian town, which they destroyed, dispersing the Indians and negroes, after killing eleven of their number, and securing some provisions. On their return to St. Marks, bring ing with them Robert C. Arnbrister, who had been taken pri soner two days after the burning of the Suwanee towns. While JVi St. Marks, a court-martial was called, who found Arbuthnot and Ambrister guilty of inciting the Indians to aggression. Ar buthnot was sentenced to be hung, and Ambrister to be shot. The sentence was carried into effect on the 29th of April, and Jackson returned to Fort Gadsden on the same day. Jackson received intelligence shortly after that the Seminoles were collecting near Pensacola, and that they were countenanced by the Spaniards at that place. Although Spain was then at peace with the United States, Jackson resolved to capture the garrison at Pensacola. On the 22d of May, he arrived near Pensacola, at the head of twelve hundred men. He was ordered hy the Spanish governor to quit the country. He paid no atten tion to this, and entered the city on the 24th. He immediately commenced preparations for assaulting Fort Barrancas, to which place the governor with his small force had retired. After bombarding the place for three days, it surrendered, and the Spanish authorities were sent to Havana. The whole country was soon in the military possession of the United^ States, and General Jackson retired to the Hermitage, in Tennessee, leaving General Gaines in command, who acting under orders, captured St, Augustine. A treaty was concluded with Spain, in 1819, by which Florida was ceded to the United States THE BLACK HAWK WAR. IN the year 1832, difficulties with the savages again broke out. These grew out of a treaty made with the Indians at Prairie-du-Chien, in 1823. An article in this treaty provided that any of the five nations concerned in it visiting the United States, should be protected from all insults by the garrison. Notwithstanding this, in the summer of 1827, a party of twenty- four Chippeways, on a visit to Fort Snelling, were fallen upon by a band of Sioux, who killed and wounded eight of them. The commandant of the fort captured four of the Sioux, and delivered them into the hands of the Chippeways, who imme diately shot them. Red Bird, the Sioux chief, repaired to Prairie-du-Chien, with three companions, desperate as himself, about the 1st of July, and there killed two persons, wounded a third, and without taking plunder, retired to Bad-axe river. Here, soon after, he waylaid two keel-boats, that had been con veying some missionaries to Fort Snelling, in one of which, two persons were killed, the others escaped with little injury. Not long after, General Atkinson marched into the Winnebago country, and captured some hostile Winnebagoes and Red Bird, who died soon afterwards in prison. The Indians who were imprisoned for the murder at Prairie-du-Chien, were discharged, and Black Hawk and two others, who had been imprisoned for the attack on the boat, were also liberated. It had been determined by the American government to sell (359) 360 INDIAN NARRATIVES. the land occupied by the Sacs and Foxes, and they were advised to remove. A majority of the nation, with their chief, Keokuk, determined to accept this advice ; but Black Hawk, and a party who favored his cause, resolved at all hazards to remain. Out rages upon the Indians now became quite frequent. They were at last obliged to take up arms in self-defence, and a war would certainly have ensued, had not General Gaines, commander of the western division of the army, hastened to the scene of ac tion. A council of chiefs was called, in which it was agreed that the Indians should instantly remove. They did so, crossing the river, and settling upon its western bank. Black Hawk, however, determined to return to Illinois with his band, giving out that he had been invited by the Pottawa- tomies, residing on Hock river, " to spend the summer with them and plant corn on their lands." They recrossed the river, and marched towards the above named Indians, but without attempting to harm any one upon the road. The traveller passed by them, without receiving any injury, and the inmates of the lowly hut experienced no outrage. There is little doubt but this amicable disposition would have continued had not the whites been the first to shed blood. Five jpr six Indians, in advance of the main party, were captured, and excepting one who escaped, put. to death by a battalion of mounted militia. That one brought the news to Black Hawk, who immediately determined on revenge. He accordingly planned an ambuscade, into which the militia were enticed, fired upon, and fourteen of their number killed. The remainder fled in disorder. As war had now begun, the Indians seemed resolved to all the mischief in their power. Accordingly they divided into parties, proceeded in different directions, and fell upon the set tlements which were at that time thinly scattered over the greater part of Illinois. By this means they committed such outrages that the whole state was in the greatest excitement. Governor PURSUIT OF BLACK HAWK. 361 Reynolds ordered out two thousand additional militia, who, on the 10th of June, assembled at Hennepin, on the Illinois river, and were soon engaged in- pursuit of the Indians. A party of savages attacked a small settlement on the 20th of May, 1832, and killed fifteen persons, and took considerable plunder. Five persons were also killed near Galena, shortly afterwards. General Dodge who happened to be in the neigh borhood, with some mounted men, immediately started in pur suit. He came upon a party of twelve Indians, whom he sup posed to be among those who had committed these murders He drove them into a swamp, into which his mounted men pushed, and cut them off to a man; the whites then scalped the slain, that they might not be outdone in these or any other barbarities, by their savage foes. In the meantime, the main body of Indians, under Black Hawk, were pursued by General Atkinson. They were encamped near the Four Lakes. Instead of making his escape by crossing the Mississippi, as was expected, Black Hawk descended the Wisconsin, -by which means General Dodge came upon his track, and commenced a vigorous pursuit. He was overtaken by the general, about forty miles from Fort Winnebago, on the 21st of July. The Indians were in the act of crossing the Wisconsin. A short engagement followed, in which the Indians were beaten. It being dark, Dodge'could not pursue them with any advantage. It is supposed that Black Hawk lost about forty men. The Indians were now in a truly deplorable condition ; several of them were greatly emaciated for want of food, and some even starved to death. In the pursuit previous to the battle, the soldiers found several lying dead on the road. Yet so far from being subdued they resolved to continue hostilities as long as they were able. Meanwhile an army under General Scott, destined for the subjugation of Black Hawk, and the removal of all the north' 31 862 INDIAN NARRATIVES. western Indians to lands beyond the Mississippi, had been attacked by an enemy far more fatal than the Indians. With about one thousand regular troops, Scott sailed from Buffalo in a fleet of steamboats, across Lake Erie for Chicago. This was early in July. On the 8th of that month, the Asiatic cholera appeared on board the vessel in which were General Scott, his staff, and two hundred and twenty soldiers. In six days fifty- two men died, and soon after eighty were put on shore sick at Chicago. In the summer, Scott left Chicago with but four hundred effective men, and hurrying on to the Mississippi, joined General Atkinson at Prairie-du-Chien, immediately after the battle, near the Badare river, which resulted in the defeat of Black Hawk. Previous to this affair, a captured squaw had informed the whites that Black Hawk intended to proceed to the west side of the Mississippi, above Prairie-du-Chien the horsemen strik ing across the country, whilst the others proceeded by the Wis consin. A number of the latter were made prisoners on the road. The steamboat Warrior was soon after sent up the Mississippi, with a small force on board, in hopes they might somewhere discover the savages. Upon the arrival of the boat at Prairie- du-Chien, the last of July, she was dispatched to Wapashaw village, one hundred and twenty miles higher up the river, to inform the inhabitants of the approach of the Sacs, and to order all the friendly Indians down to Prairie-du-Chien. On the return of the steamboat, they met one of the Sioux bands, who told them their enemies were encamped on Bad-axe river to the number of four hundred. The Warrior here stopped to take in some wood and prepare for action. They discovered the enemy about four o'clock on the afternoon of the 1st -of August, who, as they approached, raised a white flag, which being looked upon as a decoy, no attention was paid to it. They declined sending DEFEAT OF BLACK HAWK. 363 a boat on board when ordered. After giving them a few minutes to remove their women and children, (a piece of courtesy some what rare in our border wars,) the boat fired a six-pounder, loaded with cannister, and followed by a severe fire of musketry. The battle continued for about an hour, when she weighed anchor and proceeded to Prairie-du-Chien. Twenty -three of the Indians were killed and many wounded. The Americans lost none. Before the steamboat could return to the battle-field, next morning, General Atkinson and his army had engaged the Indians. The Warrior joined the contest; the army this day lost eight or nine killed, and seventeen wounded, whom the Warrior took to Prairie-du-Chien at night, and also captives to the number of thirty-six, women and children. The spot where this battle took place was about forty miles above Prairie-du- Chien, on the north side of the Mississippi, opposite the mouth of the Iowa. It was very fortunate for the whites, that they, were able to co-operate on land and water at the same time. After a toilsome and weary march, General Gaines overtook Black Hawk. The Indians were discovered in a deep ravine at the foot of a precipice, over which the army had to pass. Not withstanding the misery of their condition, nothing but the bayonet's point routed them. Old logs, high grass, and large * trees covered them until the charge was made, and as they were driven from one covert, they readily found another, and thus protracted the contest. At length, General Atkinson disposed his forces so as to come upon them from above, below, and in the centre. No chance now remained for the Indians but to swim the Mississippi, or elude the vigilance of their enemy by land, who had nearly encompassed them. Many, therefore, ventured to cross the river ; but as the slaughter was greatest there, few escaped. However, a considerable number succeeded in escaping by land. One hundred and fifty were supposed to 364 INDIAN NARRATIVES. have been killed in this battle. Black Hawk was among those who escaped. His men deserted him continually, and came over to the whites. He was hunted like the wild deer of the forest, from place to place, until after many wanderings and much suffering, he was at last captured,' and delivered up to General Street at Prairie-du-Chien. Here the war terminated. In his speeah to General Street, he regretted his being obliged to close the war so soon, without having given the whites much more trouble. He asserted that he had done nothing of which he was ashamed, but that an Indian who was as bad as the white men would not be allowed to live in his community. He concluded as follows : " Farewell, my nation ! Black Hawk tried to save you, and revenge your wrongs. He drank the blood of some of the whites. He has been taken prisoner, ,and his plans are stopped. He can do no more. He is near his end. His sun is setting, and he will rise no more. Farewell to Black Hawk." Negotiations were commenced in September, by General Scott, with the Sacs and Foxes, by which five millions of acres of land were ceded to the United States on terms satisfactory to both parties. On the return of peace, Black Hawk and his son were taken to Washington to visit the President. At different places on his route, he received many valuable presents, and was looked upon with great curiosity and interest. They returned by way of Detroit, and arrived at Fort Armstrong, in August, 1838. Black Hawk died at his village, on the DCS Moines river, on the 3d of October, 1838. THE FLORIDA WAR. As a Spanish province, Florida seemed to be a refuge for those savages, who still cherished a bitter feeling against the United States. In a treaty concluded between the Seminole Indians and the American government, they agreed to relin quish all claim to the land for a stipulated sum, and to retire beyond the Mississippi. It was further agreed that a number of them should visit the country in question, and give their opinion of it. Their report was very favorable, and every thing seemed to prosper precisely in accordance with the wishes of the American government. At this t important moment, John Hert, who was one of the chief men of the tribe, died. The opportunity was too good to be lost, and it was seized by Osceola, or Powell, a celebrated chief, who quickly rose to the same importance as Hert himself; but it was wielded with far diffe rent purposes. Hert had always been in favor of the emigra tion of the Indians, but Osceola was opposed to it, and he used every means in his power to inflame the minds of his people against the whites, and against the execution of this measure. So violent did his conduct become, that he was arrested by the Indian agent, and put in irons ; but subsequently professing to renounce his opposition he was released. On the 19th of July, a party of Seminole Indians crossed their bounds, near the Hogstown settlement, for the purpose of hu%t- ing. They separated, and agreed to meet on a certain day. On 31* (365) 366 INDIAN NARRATIVES. that day five of them were met together, when a party of white men came by and commenced flogging them with their whips. Two other Indians came up, and fired upon the whites, who returned their fire. Three whites were wounded, and one Indian killed and one wounded. On the 6th of August, Dalbon, the mail-carrier, from Camp King to Tampa Bay, was murdered, and although General Thompson, the Indian agent, demanded the offenders, and the chiefs promised to deliver them up, they were never brought to justice. In September, a party of Micka- sukies, led by Osceola, waylaid and shot Charley Amatha, a powerful friendly chief. Other outrages of a similar character, increased so fast, that the interior settlements had to be abandoned, and many fami lies fled to other states, and General Clinch, who commanded in that region, was obliged to call on the government for larger forces to resist the Indians. His force amounted to but two hundred and fifty men ; and not receiving any assistance from President Jackson, he obtained six hundred and fifty militia from the governor of Florida. With this number, he commenced active operations, and marched against the station on the Ouith- lacoochee river. * The companies of Captains Gardiner and Frazer marched from Tampa Bay to Fort King, on the 23d of December, 1835, under the command of Major Dade. A six-pounder had to be left behind, in consequence of the team that had been engaged to transport failing. Major Dade wrote to Major Belton urging him to forward it at once. Three horses and the necessary har ness were purchased, .and it joineg the column that night. Nothing was heard from the detachment until the 29th of De cember, when one of the soldiers, named Thomas, returned, and another named Ransom Clarke, on the 31st. The latter gave the following account of the fate of his comrades : " It was eight o'clock. Suddenly I heard a rifle-shot in the CLARKE'S NARRATIVE 367 direction of the advanced guard, and this was immediately fol lowed by a musket shot from that quarter. Captain Frazer had ridden by me a moment before, in that direction. I never saw him afterwards. I had not time to think of the meaning of these shots before a volley, as if from a thousand rifles, war poured in upon us from the front, and all along our left flank. I looked around me, and it seemed as if I was the only one left standing in the right wing. Neither could I, until several other volleys had been fired at us, see an enemy and when I did I could only see their heads and arms peering out from the long grass, far and near, and from behind the pine trees. The ground seemed to me an open pine barren, entirely destitute of any hammock. On our right and a little to our rear was a large pond of water some distance 'off. All around us were heavy pine trees, very open, particularly towards the left, and abound ing with long high grass." The first fire of the Indians was the most destructive, seemingly killing or disabling one half our men. "We promptly threw ourselves behind trees, and opened a sharp fire of musketry. I, for one, never fired without seeing my man, that is, his head and shoulders. The Indians chiefly fired lying or squatting in the grass. Lieutenant Bassinger fired five or six pounds of cannister from the cannon. This appeared to frighten the Indians, and they retreated over a little hill to our left, one-half or three-quarters of a mile off, after having fired not more than twelve or fifteen rounds. We immediately then began to fell ^trees, and erect a little triangular breastwork. Some of us went forward to gather the cartridge boxes from the dead, and to assist the wounded. I had seen Major Dade fall to the ground by the first volley, and his horse dashed into the midst of the enemy. Whilst gathering the cartridges, I saw Lieu tenant 'Mudge sitting with back his reclining against a tree, his bead fallen, and evidently dying. I spoke to him, but he di4 8,68 INDIAN NARRATIVES. not answer. The interpreter, Louis, it is said, fell by the first fire.* " We had barely raised our breastwork knee high, when we again saw the Indians advancing in great numbers over the hill to our left. They came on boldly till within a long musket- shot, when they spread themselves from tree to tree to surround us. We immediately extended as light infantry, covering our selves by the trees, and opening a brisk fire from cannon and musketry. The former I don't think could have done much mischief, the Indians were so scattered. " Captain Gardiner, Lieutenant Bassinger, and Dr. Gatlen,- were the only officers left' unhurt by the volley which killed Major Dade. Lieutenant Henderson had his left arm broken, but he continued to load his musket and to fire it, resting it on the stump, until he was finally shot down ; towards the close )f the second attack, and during the day, he kept up his spirits and cheered the men. Lieutenant Keyes had both his arms oroken^in the first attack ; they were bound up and slung in a handkerchief, and he sat for the remainder of the day, until he was killed, reclining against the breastwork, his head often reposing upon it, regardless of every thing that was passing around him. " Our men were by degrees all cut down. We had maintained a steady fight from eight o'clock until two P.M., or thereabouts, and allowing three quarters of an hour interval between the first and second attack, had been pretty busily engaged for more than five hours. Lieutenant Bassinger was the only officer left alive, and he severely wounded. He told me as the Indians approached to lie down and feign myself dead. I looked through the logs, and saw the savages approaching in great numbers. A heavy- * It has since been learned that this person only feigned death, and that he w is spared, and read all the dispatches and letters that found upon the dead to the victors. Cohen. CLARKE'S NARRATIVE. 369 made Indian of middle stature painted down to the waist, and whom I suppose to have been Micanope ; seemed to be the chief. He made them a speech, frequently pointing to the breastwork. At length, they charged into the work; there was none to offer resistance, and they did not seem to suspect the wounded being alive offering no indignity, but stepping about carefully, quietly stripping off our accoutrements, and carrying away our arms. They then retired in a body in the direction whence they came. " Immediately upon their retreat, forty or fifty negroes on horseback, galloped up and alighted, tied their beasts, and com menced with horrid' shouts and j^ells the butchering of the wounded, together with an indiscriminate plunder, stripping the bodies of the dead of clothing, watches, and money, and splitting open the heads of all who showed the least signs of life with their axes and knives ; and accompanying their bloody work with obscene and taunting derision, and with frequent cries of ' what have you got to sell ?' " Lieutenant Bassinger heard all the negroes butchering the wounded* at length sprang up, and asked them to spare his life. They met him with the blows of their axes, and their fiendish laughter. Having been wounded in five different places myself, I was pretty well covered with blood, and two scratches that I had received on my head, gave me the appearance of having been shot through the brain, for the negroes, after catching me up by the heels, threw me down, saying, l damn him, he's dead enough !' They then stripped me of my clothes, shoes, and hat, and left me. After stripping all the dead in this manner, they trundled off the cannon in the direction the Indians had gone, and went away. I saw them first shoot down the oxen in their gear, and burn the wagon. " One of the soldiers who escaped, says they threw the cannon in the pond, and burned its carriage also. Shortly after the 370 INDIAN NARRATIVES. negroes went away, one Wilson, of Captain Gardiner's company, crept from under some of the dead bodies, and hardly seemed to be hurt at all. He asked me to go back with him to the fort, and I was going to follow him, when, as he jumped over the breastwork, an Indian sprang from behind a tree and shot him down. I then lay quiet until nine o'clock that night when D. Long, the only living soul beside myself, and I started upon our journey. We knew it was nearest to go to Fort King, but we did not know the way, and we had seen the enemies retreat in that direction. As I came out, I saw Dr. Gatlen stripped amon^ the dead. The last I saw of him whilst living, was kneeling behind the breastwork, with two double-barrelled guns by him, and he said, ( Well, I have got four barrels for them !' Captain Gardiner, after being severely wounded, cried out, ' I can give you no more orders, my lads, do your best !' I last saw a negro spurn his body, saying, with an oath, l that's one of their officers/ " My comrades and myself got along quite well, until the next day, when we met an Indian on horseback, and with a rifle, coming up the road. Our only chance was to separate we did so. I took the right, and he the left of the road. The Indian pursued him. Shortly afterwards I heard a rifle shot, and & little after another. I concealed myself among some scrub and saw-palmetto, and after awhile saw the Indian pass, looking for me. Suddenly, however, he put spurs to his horse, and went off in a gallop towards the road. " I made something of a circuit before I struck the beaten track again. That night I was a good deal annoyed by the wolves, who had scented my blood, and came very close to me; the next day, the 30th, I reached the fort." . Thus perished one hundred and six mSn, under circumstances of hopelessness and misery, rarely equalled in modern warfare. Intelligence of this tragic event spread a degree of horroi OSCEOLA SUES FOR PEACE. 871 throughout the country, lasting and powerful ; and even at the present day, the name of the gallant, ill-fated Dade, is a spell- word to conjure up the feelings of sorrow. Three of the whole command escaped. On the 31st of December, General Clinch, had a severe en gagement with the Indians, near the Ouithlacoochee river. He started from Fort King on the 28th, with a large force, and on the 31st, after many difficulties, attacked Osceola in a camp, and after a sharp battle of an hour's duration, succeeded in driving the enemy from their position. But independent of these conflicts, the ravages of the Indiana over the whole country are stated to have been fearful. Women and children were murdered, and the hearth made desolate in every portion of the country. In the more settled parts, near San Augustin, the sugar-cane plantations, with the expensive works attached to them were destroyed. The slaves were in many cases either carried off or they voluntarily joined the Indians. In this state of affairs, General Gaines, was actively employed in endeavoring to raise a body of troops sufficient to suppress all opposition. He moved from Fort King, down the Ouithlacoo chee, on the 22d of February, and on the 27th he had a slight skirmish with the enemy, at Clinch's crossing-place, where he lost eight killed and one wounded. On the 28th, when again fording the river, the Indians made another attack, in which Lieutenant Izard was killed, and two other officers wounded. This system of warfare was carried on until the 5th of March, when a number of Indians with Osceola at their head, appeared before General Games' s camp, and expressed a willingness to terminate hostilities. General Gaines replied that he was not authorized to make a treaty with them; that on condition of their retiring to the other side of the river, and attending a Council when called on by the American government, they should 872 INDIAN NARRATIVES. not be molested. To this they assented ; but, unfortunately ^ General Clinch, who had been summoned by express from Fort Drane, encountered their main body ; and supposing themselves surrounded by stratagem, they fled. Thus negotiations were "ended for a time. General Gaines was superseded by General Scott, and trans ferred his command to General Clinch, who retired to Fort Drane. Scott was succeeded by General Jessup. The summer and fall of 1837 passed away, without any thing worthy of note occurring, and the prospect of a reconciliation with the Indians was as remote as ever. In December, however, Colonel Z. Taylor, with a regiment of troops, came upon a trail of Indians, and commenced a vigorous pursuit. On the 25th, at the head of three hundred men, he came upon a body of seven hundred Indians, on Okee-cho-bee lake, under the celebrated chiefs, Alli gator, Sam Jones, and Coacoochee. The Indians occupied a thick swamp, in front of which was a stream, rendered almost impassable, from the quicksands. The Americans waded through it, and the Indians were forced from their position, and driven some distance beyond the lake. We give Colonel Taylor's description of the battle-field, and his subsequent operations. " Here I trust I may be permitted to say, that I experienced one of the most trying.scenes of my life, and he who could have looked on it with indifference, his nerves must have been diffe rently organized from my own. Besides the killed, (twenty-six in number,) there lay one hundred and twelve wounded officers and soldiers, who had accompanied me one hundred and forty- five miles, most of the way through an unexplored wilderness, without guides, who had so gallantly beaten the enemy under my orders, in his strongest position, and who had to be conveyed back through swamps and hammocks, from whence we set out without any apparent means of doing so. This service, however, was encountered and overcome, and they have been conveyed BATTLE OF OKEE-CHO-BEE. 373 far, (Fort Gardiner,) and proceeded on to Tampa Bay, on rude litters, constructed with the axe and knife alone, with poles and dry hides the latter being found in great abundance at the encampment of the hostiles. The litters were carried on the backs of our weak and tottering horses, aided by the residue of the command, with more ease and comfort to the sufferer than I could have supposed possible, and with as much as they could have been in ambulances of the most improved and modern construction. * " We left our encampment on the morning of the 27th, for the Kissamee, where I had left my heavy baggage, which place we reached about noon on the 28th. After leaving two compa nies and a few Indians to garrison the stockade, which I found nearly completed on my return, by that active and vigilant officer, Colonel Monroe, 4th artillery. I left the next morning for this place, where I arrived on the 31st, and sent forward the wounded next day to Tampa Bay, with the 4th and 6th infantry, the former to halt at Fort Frazer, remaining here my self with the 1st, in order to make preparations to take the field again as soon as my horses can be recruited, most of which have been sent to Tampa, and my supplies in a sufficient state of forwardness to justify the measure." Colonel Taylor was enabled by this battle to advance farther into the Indian country than any commander had previously done. Shortly after this affair, Taylor was made a brigadier- general, and in 1838 was appointed to the command of the forces in Florida. Although he had several minor skirmishes with the Indians, he could never bring them to a general battle. Bloodhounds were employed to drive the enemy from their hiding-places, but they were found to be of no avail. Many heart-rending barbarities were committed by the In dians about this time. The details of some are horrible. Whole families, helpless old men and women, innocent children, and 32 874 INDIAN NARRATIVES. tender infants, were alike the subject of the tomahawk and scalping-knife. One instance will serve to give an idea of the attrocities practised at, this period. " It becomes again our mournful duty to record the successful effusion of blood in this all-fated territory, and the triumphant accomplishment on the part of the Indians of an adventure bor dering on romance. Indian Key, a small spot of not over seven acres in extent, about thirty miles from our main land, on ou v southern Atlantic coast, was invested with seventeen boats, con taining Indians, seven of its inhabitants murdered, the island plundered, and its buildings burned. " About two o'clock on the morning of the 7th instant, a Mr. Glass, in the employ of Mr. Houseman, happening to be up, saw boats approaching, and informed a person in the same em ploy, when they passed into Mr. Houseman's garden, and were satisfied that the boats contained Indians. The Indians now commenced firing upon the house of Mr. Houseman, and Dr. Perrine j the former of whom with his family, and Mr. Charles Howe and his family succeeded in escaping to boats and crossed over to Tea-table Key. The family of Dr. Perrine passed through a trap-door into their bathing-room, from whence they got into a turtle-crawl, and by great efforts removed the logs, and escaped to the front of Houseman's store. They then went to a boat at the wharf, which six Indians had partly filled, and were in the store after a further supply. They"then pushed off, and pulled with an oar, a paddle, and poles, towards the schooner Medium. When they had rowed a mile, they were met by a boat and taken to the schooner. " Mr. Motte and wife, and Mrs. Johnson, a lady of seventy years of age, fled into an outhouse, from whence Mrs. Motte was dragged by an Indian, and while in the act of calling on her husband, < John, save me !' she was killed. Mr. Motte shared the same fate, and was scalped ; but the old lady, as she was INDIAN BARBARITIES. 375 dragged forth, suddenly jerking from the Indians broke his hold and escaped under a house. Her grandchild, a daughter of Mrs. Motte, aged four years, was then killed with a club, and the infant strangled and thrown into the water. This wai seen by Mrs. Johnson from her hiding-place ; but the Indians fired the building, she was again forced to flee, and after secret- ing herself under Malony's wharf, was finally rescued. James Sturdy, a boy about eleven years of age, hid himself in the cis tern, under Mr. Hoftseman's house, and was scalded to death by the burning building heating the water. The remains of an adult skeleton were found among the ruins of Dr. Perrine's house, supposed to be the doctor, as well as that of a child, thought to have been a slave of Mr. Jlouseman. " The Indians were what is known as Spanish Indians, and were headed by Chekekia, the same chief who led the party that massacred the men at Calooshatchee. They obtained a great amount of plunder from the houses and stores; and whilst engaged in obtaining these article, Mrs. Perrine, with her two daughters and a little son, reached a boat partially loaded, and put off to the schooner Medium, lying at some distance. Thoy were promptly rescued by a.boat coming to their assistance, and were taken to the schooner. On Mr. Houseman reaching Tea-table Kay, Midshipman Mur ray, of the United States Navy, started with his only available force of fifteen men and two swivels. Ten of the men were in the hospital, so sick as to be certainly unfit for duty ; but on urging their claims were permitted to accompany the others, hoping to cut off the boats, and thus prevent the escape of the Indians. On the second fire of his guns, they recoiled overboard, aud the Indians then commenced a fire upon his boat, from a six-pounder belonging to Mr. Houseman, charged with musket- balls, and drove back this active officer. " Communication was immediately dispatched to Lieutenant 876 INDIAN NARRATIVES. McLaughlin, who was at Key Biscayne, with the United States schooners, Flirt and Ostego, and they proceeded down. The Indians, however, escaped, after maintaining possession of the island twelve hours, carrying off large quantities of powder and other articles, and laying the little settlement in ashes. All escaped save the unfortunates named above. '' Among all the bold and lawless feats which have charac terized the enemy during the war, there is nothing that will bear comparison with this. We have seen the murdered remains of the citizen and soldier almost within sight of the garrison, when the white flag of overture was waving to these inhuman rascals in the act of kindness. We have seen the armed rider stricken by the bullet from the covert of the hammock, and the carnage of the traveller made to receive the last life-blood of its occupant. We have seen the faithlessness of the tribe, even when the humanity of the white man was devising every means for its comfort,4>lanning their accursed schemes of murder, and Caloosahatchee, the ground of confidence and good will, red with the blood of our troops and citizens. But an island we had thought safe. As little would we have looked for an avalanche amid the sands of Arabia, or the glowing warmth of the equator amid Greenland's icy mountains, as an attack from Indians on an island. A force" too, of seventeen canoes, averaging five men each, make a voyage of at least thirty miles from the main land, ransack, pillage, and destroy, and return in safety I" General Taylor retired from Florida, in 1840, and in April, General Armistead was appointed to succeed him. Hig opera tions were of the same tedious and unsatisfactory character, and he was in turn succeeded by Colonel Worth, in May, 1841. The campaign, under this officer, was commenced under circum stances the most unfortunate, he having not less than twelve hundred men sick. Wild Cat, the famous chief, surrendered his whole tribe, in- END OF THE FLORIDA WAR. 37V eluding Ceacoochee and his family, at Tampa Bay in August. Many other chiefs and tribes followed his example. On the 19th of April, 1842, the enemy were found in great force, near Okoahumphee swamp. Colonel Worth commenced an imme diate attack, and totally defeated the Indians, who were pur sued some twenty or thirty miles. The big hammock of Palak- laklaha was the scene of this battle. On the 4th of May, Hal- lush-Tustenugge, with eighty of his band surrendered, and on the 12th of August, Colonel Worth announced, in general order, that the Florida war was ended. This, however, proved to be premature, for hostilities again commenced, and Worth received the submission of a large body of Creeks at Tampa. Thus ended the war in Florida, the most unsatisfactory, and least glorious one in which our country has ever been engaged. All the Florida Indians^are now transported to the Indian ter ritory, and the possibility of another " Florida War/' obviated. INCIDENTS IN THE BORDER WARS OF THE MEXICAN INDIANS. THE Indians on the border, between Mexico and the United States, have been for years in a state of almost perpetual hos tility, not only with the Mexicans, but with our own people. Their object generally is the plundering of villages and the stealing of horses and cattle; but in accomplishing this object they frequently commit murders and carry off prisoners. In this system of warfare, the Apaches, Eutaws, and especially the Camanches, are very active. A detailed history of their atru- sities would fill volumes. A gentleman, writing from Santa Fee, under date December 25, 1853, gives a narrative, which we copy, as exhibiting in one thrilling view the whole horrors of these border wars. We think this detail of the sufferings of an individual may be regarded as comprising a perfect specimen of the war ; and is, therefore, preferable to a dry chronicle of many of their savage inroads into the country of the white people. The writer in his letter says, I send you a copy of the " Narrative of Mrs. Wilson," irhose wonderful escape from the Camanche Indians, and ter rible sufferings while with them, cannot but excite the sympa thies of the whole reading community of our common country. Mrs. Wilson is now with the family of Mr. Spencer, and is suffering much from the pains of premature labor, induced by (378^ NARRATIVE OF MRS. WILSON. 379 the savage barbarities which have been inflicted upon her. How long will our government submit to such a state of things ? After reading this narrative can. any one be found to say, " Oh, the poor Indian !" I saw, and two months since conversed with this young girl, who had made her escape from the same Indians, and was sent by Governor Merriwether to her parents in Chihuahua. Her family is respectable; I know her father well. She was made a captive near Chihuahua, last summer, and now returns to her family. She told me that there were more captives among the Camanche Indians than Indians themselves. This may readily be believed when we know the fact, that in their forays into Mexico and Western Texas, they murder the men and take the women and children captives. Imagination can hardly conceive what these poor women endure ; and the children are reared up to become more savage and barbarous than their captors. This administration could well immortalize itself by "wiping out" this tribe ; but I am sick of the theme, and will write no more. A NARRATIVE OF THE SUFFERINGS OF MRS. JANE ADELINE WILSON, DURING HER CAP TIVITY AMONG THE CAMANCHE INDIANS. I was born in Alton, Illinois, on the 12th day of June, 1837, and am, therefore, in the seventeenth year of my age. My father's name was William Smith ; my mother's maiden name was Jane Cox. I had five brothers and four sisters. I think it was in 1846 that we moved to Missouri, and settled at a boat- landing or ferry, called Jamestown, on the North Grand river. My father kept the ferry. About eight years ago we moved from this place to Texas, and settled near Paris, in Lamar county. Here my father and mother died within one day of each other, leaving six orphan 380 INDIAN NARRATIVES. children behind them. Three of my brothers had died before the death of my parents. My eldest brother, who was in a ranging company, flow came to settle my father's affairs and make provision for our support. He secured homes for us with different neighbors, but took the youngest sister, our pet, with him to place her with one of our aunts. One day's journey from the place where he left, he was attacked by the winter fever, and died in one week. I have three sisters older than myself. Their names are Elizabeth, Cynthia, and Caroline. My brother James and sister Ellen are younger than myself. Ellen was four years old when my pa rents died. Caroline is a dwarf, and the neighbors thought that the medicine the doctors gave her stopped her growth. She was a dear child, and we all loved her because of her mis fortune. [Here Jane was unable to restrain her feelings, and burst into tears.] I lived with several neighbors until the 1st of last February, when I was married to Mr. James Wilson, a young farmer, just beginning life, with a little property, con sisting of horses and cattle. He was but nineteen years of age when we were married. We knew but little of life, for I was not sixteen. I fear we were crazy in getting married while we were so young. [Poor girl ! when her thoughts weut back to this period of her life, she wept as if her heart would break] We had heard that people became rich very fast in California, so we concluded to move and commence life in that distant country. We gathsred together the little property we possessed and joined a party of emigrants, consisting of fifty-two men, twelve women, and several children. The father and brothers of my husband were among the number. There were in all twenty-two wagons, and the whole company was placed under the command of Mr. Henry Hickman. We started from Huat county, on the 6th of April last, and took the route for El Paso We arrived at the Guadalupe Mountains about the 1st of June NARRATIVE OF MRS. WILSON. 381 Here the Mescalero Apaches stole from us nineteen head of cattle ; six men started in pursuit, but were driven back by the Indians. We then went to El Paso. My husband not being able to travel well with Mr. Hickman's train, he determined to remain at El Paso till the arrival of another party of California emigrants. Five of Mr. Hickman's men staid with us. While here, the Mexicans stole nearly all the property we had, and left us unable to proceed on our journey. We could do nothing now except make our way back to Texas. About the last of July, we started on our return, with the fragments of our property, which the thieves had spared. On the 1st day of August, my husband and his father left us, and fell into the hands of the Indians. I saw them no more after this. I was told that they had been murdered. You may, perhaps, be able to imagine my feelings when I fouud myself thus bereaved and destitute, in a land of strangers. My mis fortunes seemed greater than I could bear, but I knew not that heavier trials were in store for me. Unable to continue my journey, I returned to El Paso, where I remained till the 8th of September, when I started once more for Texas, with my three brothers-in-law, in company with a small ptirty, consisting of five Americans and one Mexican. Mr. Hart, who owned and commanded this train, having some busi ness in Texas, which required his immediate attention, travelled very rapidly, and I hoped in a few days more to be in the midst of my friends. As we had seen only one Indian on the route, we flattered ourselves that we should not be molested by any of the tribes which infest this route. When near the borders of Texas, some of our party stole three animals from Mr. Hart, and ran off. Mr. Hart, anxious to overtake the thieves, started in pursuit, taking with him my eldest brother-in-law, a lad some fourteen years of age, leaving myself, a Mexican, and the two boys to 382 INDIAN NARRATIVES. follow as rapidly as we could. We were at this time within three days' journey of a military post at Phantom Hill, and were considered out of danger. A discharged soldier being unable to keep up with us was some distance behind, but I saw nothing of him after this. The day after Mr. Hart Jeft us, as we were travelling, about noon, we saw two Camanche Indians charging upon us in front, and at the same time two others were seen driving up behind. We were all very much frightened, and the Mexican jumped out of the wagon and went towards the Indians, in order, if possible, to gain their friendship. The mules of our wagon, four in number, becoming fright ened by the war-whoop of the savages, turned out of the road, and commenced running as fast as they could. One of them fell down before we had gone far, and the others were then obliged to stop. The Indians now came upon us, and ordered the Mexican to take the mules out of the harness. While this was going on, I got out of the wagon, and looked on in breath less suspense. After the mules were unharnessed, the Mexican was stripped of his clothing, his hands tied behind his back, and ordered to sit down upon the ground. One of them went be hind him and shot him with a gun, while another stabbed him several times with a large butcher-knife. His scalp was cut off before he was dead, and put into his own hat; the hat was then worn by one of his murderers. I was stupified with horror as I gazed on this spectacle, and supposed that my turn would come next. But the Indians having secured the plunder of the wagon, mounted us on the mules and ordered us to go with them. As I left, I looked back and saw the poor Mexican weltering in his blood, and still breathing. We took the north-east direction, and travelled slowly till sunset, when we encamped. Here the plunder, consisting of blankets, bedding, clothing, bridles, and some money which I NARRATIVE OF 1IRS. WILSON. 383 had in my pocket, was divided among the Indians. Some arti cles considered useless were thrown into the fire. My clothing was taken away, except barely enough to cover my person. In the distribution of the captives, the eldest boy, about twelve years of age, was claimed by the chief; I became the property of one of the others. I should have mentioned that one of our captors was a Mexican, who had been stolen from Chihuahua when an infant. He was now as savage as the Indians, and claimed the youngest boy as his prize. The scalp of the Mexi- can was stretched on a stick and dried by the fire. After giving us some meat for our supper, the Indians began to secure us for the night. The boys, with their arms tied tightly behind them, were taken under guard by two of the savages. My feet were tied together, and I w'as obliged to lie between the other two. I did not sleep any during the night, for I was afraid of being killed. The next day we resumed our journey, and travelled in the same direction. The boys were mounted on good animals, and had bows and arrows. Their faces were painted Indian" fashion, and they looked like young savages. They appeared to enjoy this new mode of life, and were never treated with excessive cruelty. I was mounted on a good horse, but being obliged to sit astride the animal, the journey was Exceedingly painful. I had a fine head of hair, which I valued very much, but the chief ordered it to, be cut off; I was not a little mortified in see ing it decorating the heads of the heartless savages. My head was thus left entirely unprotected from the intensely hot rays of the sun. Nothing of interest occurred except repeated acts of inhu manity towards me, until the twelfth day of my capture. At this t'me we were joined by two Indian men and a squaw. These ^ere all the Indians I saw till after my escape. Up to this time my suffering had been so severe as to take from me all desir* 384 INDIAN NARRATIVES. to live, but now they were greatly increased. The squaw, from whom I might have expected some compassion, was evidently the cause of the new cruelties which I now began to experience. My horse was taken from me, and I was mounted on an un broken mule without a bridle. I had a saddle, but it was worn out and good for nothing except to torture me. This animal would frequently top me over its head of its own accord ; but not being wild enough to gratify the malice of the Indians, the chief would sometimes shake the Mexican's scalp before its eyes. The beast would then rear and plunge in the utmost fright, and I would be thrown upon the ground with great violence. I have }>een tossed from the mule's back as many as half -a dozen times a day, and once I was so stunned that I lay a considerable time before my senses returned. My repeated falls greatly amused the Indians, whose horrid peals of laughter might have been heard at a great distance. I never saw them exhibit the first signs of pity towards me. It made no difference how badly I was hurt, if I did not rise immediately and mount the animal which had just thrown me, they would apply their riding-whips, or gun-sticks, or the end of a lariat, to nfy unprotected body with the greatest violence. The squaw would also help me to rise by wounding me with the point of a spear which she carried. You may understand one object the Indians had in view in putting me upon this wild animal and causing me to be thrown so often, when I tell you I expected to become a mother in a few weeks. They under stood my situation, but instead of softening^ their hearts it only made them more inhuman, and subjected me to far greater sufferings. ..* -, I was obliged to work like a slave while in camp ; while ther was any service to perform I was not allowed a moment's rest. I was compelled to carry large loads of wood on my back, which being destitute of sufficient clothing, was mangled till the blood NARRATIVE OF MRS. WILSON. 385 ran down to my feet. I had tc chase the animals through briars and bushes, till what little clothing I had was torn into ribbons. I brought the animals to camp in the morning, and had to watch them till they were ready to start, and if one more wild than the rest ran off, I must chase and bring him back, and be knocked down by the savage chief for my want of skill. When we were ready to start, I had to catch and saddle my own mule without assistance. If the party did not start immediately, I was compelled to pull at the lariat which the Indians would fasten to a bush. They seemed to study every method of putting me to death by piecemeal. Exhausted by incessant toil and suffering, and extreme anguish from my wounds, I could not work as fast as the Indians desired, and often when scarcely able to stand, and hardly knowing what I was doing, I have been required to do the work of the strongest man. And because of my inability to accomplish my task satisfactorily, I have been whipped till my flesh was raw. Large stones were thrown at me. I was knocked down and stamped upon by the ferocious chief, who seemed anxious to crush me like a worm beneath his feet. My head sometimes fell uncler the horses' feet, and then the Indians would try to make the beasts kick me. After all was ready for the day's journey, I was obliged to travel as fast as the others, riding sometimes over rocks and through bushes, aching and sore from head to foot, and exposed alike to cold and heat, sunshine and storm. I have gone two days at a time without tasting food. The Indians depended on hunting for their subsistence, and some times had nothing to eat themselves unless there was an abundance of food, I received little or nothing when any game was killed, the Indians would tear out the heart, liver, and entrails, and eat them raw. I suffered exceedingly from thirst ; I was not allowed to drink, except while in camp. We fre quently crossed beautiful streams through the day, and I would 33 386 INDIAN NARRATIVES. beg the privilege of dismounting to quench my thirst. But the Indians would always deny my request with contempt. It was in vain I pointed to my parched tongue and head blistered by the rays of the sun. Nothing could soften them into pity, and I ardently desired death that my torments might come to an end. Every indignity was offered to my person which the imagi nation can conceive. And I am at a loss to know how I have lived through the barbarous treatment which was inflicted upon me. Frequently my feelings were so outraged that I was tempted to kill my inhuman masters. My indignation burned particularly against the chief, and I thought if I could only cut him to pieces I could die content. We travelled every day we usually started about ten o'clock in the morning, and halted about four in the afternoon. The Indians were accustomed to go to the tops of the highest hills, and stand there gazing in every direction. We always spent the night on a hill, and were thus exposed to the cold autumn winds; we slept on the ground, generally without covering. When it rained the Indians made a tent of the blankets and wagorf sheets they had stolen from us, but I was not allowed to take shelter in it I preferred sleeping outside in the storm. After my mule had become so gentle that I could ride it with out being thrown, it was taken from me and I was obliged to travel on foot. The road over which we passed was often very rough and stony, and full of thorns. My feet were wounded and bruised till they were covered with blood and greatly swollen. But still I was obliged to keep up with the rest of the party, and if I fell behind I was beaten till I was nearly senseless. The Indians often urged me en by attempting to ride their horses over me ; many a mile of that road is marked with my blood, and many a hill there has echoed to my useless cries. I travelled thus on foot some five or six days. After the NARRATIVE OF MRS. WILSON. 387 party were ready to start in the morning, the direction of the route was pointed out to ine, and I was' required to go before the others, in order not to hinder them. They usually overtook me before I travelled far. I had always intended to make my escape as soon as I found an opportunity. I never expected to reach any friendly settlement, but I did not wish to give the Indians the pleasure of seeing me die. On the morning offthe twenty-fifth day after my capture, I was sent on in advance as usual. I had eaten no breakfast, and was very weak, but the hope of escape now supported me. I hastened on as fast as I could, and finding a suitable hiding-place, I turned aside and concealed myself in the bushes. After this I saw nothing more of my captors. I found afterwards by the tracks of the animals, that they had searched for me ; they probably thought I would die, and therefore took less trouble to find me. I have no doubt the next time they pass that way they will look for my bones. My situation was now distressing beyond all description ; I was alone in an Indian country, some hundreds of miles from the nearest friendly settlements. I was without food, without shelter, and almost without clothing. My body was full of wounds and bruises, and my feet were so swollen that I could hardly stand. Wild beasts were around me, and savages more wild than beasts, roamed on every hand. Winter was coming on, and death in its most terrible forms stared me in the face I sat down and thought of any lonely and exposed situation. But I could not weep ; my heart was too full of woe. I re membered? the events of the few preceding weeks. The husband of my choice had been murdered, and I was not allowed the melancholy privilege of closing his eyes, and seeing* his remains decently interred. My little property had been stolen, and when within a few days' march of sympathizing friends, I was captured by savages, and after three weeks of indescribable suf ferings, found myself wandering solitary and destitute in the 388 INDIAN NARRATIVES. midst of the wild prairies my cup was filled to overflowing, but I resolved to live in hope, if I died in despair. After remaining three days in the place where I first concealed myself from the Indians, I went to a grove about half a mile distant and built a little house of bushes and grass. Here I lived nine days. My only food was the blackberries which grew on the bushes around. I quenched my thirst at a spring near by. My wounds pained me exceedingly, and I was wasted to a mere skeleton for want of proper nourishment. It rained upon me seven nights in succession, and my little house was unable to protect me from the cold storms. More than once I spent a sleepless night, perfectly drenched in rain ; while the wolves, sometimes coming within, five steps of me, would make the woods ring with their frightful howlings. They would also fol low close behind me when I went to the spring during the day ; I expected some time to be devoured by them ; but they are great cowards, and I could easily frighten them away. When I slept I would dream of seeing tables spread with an abundance of every kind of food, but when I stretched forth my hand tt) satisfy my hunger, the effort would awaken me, and I would find myself weeping bitterly. When absent from my house, on the twelfth day after my escape, some New Mexican traders passed by on their way to the Camanche settlements. While standing on a small hill, looking after them in order to be aure they were not Indians, I was discovered by some three or four of the party, who hap pened to be some distance behind. They immediately came towards me, and soon understood my situation. They kindly offered to take me with them, and I gladly bade farewell to my house in the woods. The Mexican put me upon a burro, and gave me a blanket and some men's clothing, in which I dressed myself very comfortably. Two or three days after this we came in sight of a band of NARRATIVE OF MRS. WILSON. < 389 Camanches, and as it was not safe for me to be seen by them, I was left behind in a ravine, with the promise that the Mexi cans would return for me at night. As they did not fulfil their promise, I started towards their camp ; about midnight, while wandering among the bushes, a Camanche Indian passed within twenty steps. I thought I was a captive once more, but fortu nately the savage did not see me. I threw myself on the ground and waited for day. In the morning I started again for the camp of the Mexicans, but before I reached it, I was discovered by one of the trading party who was herding the animals. This man is a Puebla Indian, of San Idlefonso, and is named Juan Jose. To him more than to any other man in the party, I owe my present freedom. He told me the camp was full of Camanches, and if they saw me it would be impossible for the party to save me. He made me lie down on the ground while he coveretTme with dried grass. I lay here all day, and at night crept forth to quench my burn ing thirst. Juan came and brought me some bread, and told me not by any means to leave my hiding-place the next day. That day lagged slowly along, and I could hear the dreaded Cainanches passing and repassing and shouting to each other. At night Juan returned, bringing another blanket and several loaves of bread, and told me that I must remain here for several days longer, as the party were obliged to go further on, and could not take me unless I was willing to become a captive once more. I saw the party disappear the next day, and it seemed as if my hopes of rescue disappeared with them. But I resolved to wait till the appointed time was up. In a ravine near by I found a large log which had been left burning ; this fire I kept alive day and -night, till the Mexicans returned, and without it I should probably have been frozen to death, as the weather had become very cold. I covered a hoHow cotton-wood stump with bark and leaves to keep out tho #90 INDIAN NARRATIVES. cold wind. This stump was my house during my stay here. When I could endure the cold no longer, I would leave my house and run to the fire, but was afraid to stay there long lest the Indians should see me. The wolves soon found out my place of retreat, and frequently, while I was in the stump, they would come and scratch around and on its top. The blackberries were very scarce here, and had it not been for the bread Juan lose gave me, I do not see how I could have been kept from starving to death. The eight days passed slowly by, and I knew not whether 10 jive way to hope or despair. But on the eighth I heard several persons calling to each other. I feared they were Indians, but they belonged to the trading party, and were on their return to New Mexico. They had lost the place where I was concealed, and were shouting to each other to attract my attention. I was so overjoyed thift I rushed towards them unmindful of briars and sore feet. Juan gave me a fine horse to ride, and the whole party treated me with the utmost civility and kindness. On the thirty -fourth day of our return towards New Mexico, we reached the town Pecos. Here I met Major Carleton and Mrs. Adams of the United States army, who took the deepest interest in my com fort. Here I laid aside men's apparel, and was furnished with a supply from Mrs. Adams's wardrobe. After remaining at of Pecos a few days, I was conducted to Santa Fe, by the son of Governor Merri wether. To G-overnor Merriwether, and also to the American ladies of this place, I cannot be too thankful for their friendly sym pathies and uniform kindness. The past seems like a horrid dream. I have related nothing but the facts, and no language that I can use can fully express the sufferings of mind and body which I have endured. My two brothers-in-law are still captives, and unless reclaimed they NARRATIVE OF MRS. WILSON 391 will become as savage as the Indians. The Mexicans saw them with the Camanches, but were unable to procure their freedom. One is twelve years old, the other ten, and unless the strong arm of government is lifted up for their redemption there is no hope for them. RECENT INCIDENTS IN THE TEXAS AND MEXICAN BORDER WARS. SINCE the Florida, or Second Seminole War, the Indians generally have been under subjection, and no outbreak of a very serious character has taken place, until the last few years, during which, the savages, perhaps, apprehensive of further incursions upon their territories, have carried on what* might be called a skirmishing warfare, and to such an extent has this reached, that another Indian war, with all its horrors and bar barities, threatens our extreme western possessions. The na tive Indians upon our western boundaries, when the tide of emigration set that way, frequently attacked the wagon-trains of the settlers and miners, who crossed the plains, and many ? scene of bloodshed, attended with all the peculiarities incidents to savage warfare took place. Lately the murders, and the incursions of these denizens of the forest became so frequent, that it was deemed necessary, in order to check their advances, to send a body of troops against them. This was accordingly done, and a respectable force has recently been ordered into the disturbed district. In the autumn of 1852, accounts were received that several powerful bands of Camanches and Mescaleros had removed to the country between the Rio Grande and Bolson de Mapimi, and that they occasionally sent out war parties. If some of the (392) * SKIRMISHES WITH THE INDIANS. d9o statements are to be believed, these Indians could then muster upwards of two thousand warriors. They have destroyed several flourishing settlements, and in some instances ventured directly into the streets of large towns, and carried away property of immense value. On the 3d of October, 1853, a party of soldiers under the command of Lieutenant Able George, who had been dispatched by General Lane, from Jacksonville, for the purpose of protect ing the emigrants, had a skirmish with some Indians, and suc ceeded in dispersing them. Several actions of minor importance occurred between the whites and the Indians, although it was not until 1854, that th^ Indians began to be troublesome, and to render the presence of any large body of troops necessary for the preservation of the lives and property of the settlers among the western wilds. In April, a fight took place between the Indians and the United States dragoons, under General Garland, whose official account we give. After the fight between Lieutenant Bell and Lobo's party, the Indians crossed the mountains and showed themselves on the road between Taos and Santa Fe. On the evening of the 20th ult. Major Blake, commanding at Cantonment Burgwinc, ordered Lieutenant John W. Davidson, with sixty men of com panies " F" and " I," first regiment of United States dragoons, to make a scout in search of the enemy. He left the canton ment the same evening, accompanied by Assistant- Surgeon D. L. Magruder. The next morning, Lieutenant Davidson, with his. command, came upon a party of Apaches, supposed to num ber two hundred warriors, at the foot of the north slope of the mountains, and not far from the small Mexican village of Ciene- guilla. When the troops appeared in sight, the Indians imme diately raised their war-whoop, and manifested a disposition to make an attack. 394 iNDlAN NARRATIVES. The camp of the Apaches was situated upon a mountain ridge, and in a position naturally strong and difficult of access. Lieu tenant Davidson saw that an action could njt be avoided, and therefore made the necessary preparations for battle. He dis mounted his men, and with a small guard to protect and hold them, placed his horses a little ways in the rear. With the balance of his command, not more than fifty strong, he made an attack upon the camp of the Indians. The soldiers charged bravely up the ridge and carried the position of the Apaches who were forced to retreat. They rallied, however, almost im mediately, and attacked the troops at close quarters with great desperation; they were several times repulsed, and upon each occasion seven in number rallied again to the charge, in every instance exhibiting the utmost determination and bravery. The troops maintained this unequal contest for nearly three hours, when they were forced to give way and retreat, which they succeeded in doing, and reached Taos the same afternoon with their wounded. The loss on the part of the troops was very severe. The official report shows twenty-two killed upon the field, twenty- three wounded, several of them badly ; and upwards of forty- five horses killed and lost in the action. Of the Indians it is not known how many were killed ; but Lieutenant Davidson judges they must have lost at least fifty or sixty. On the ar rival of the troops at Taos, Major Blake immediately started for the scene of action, to bring in the dead bodies, and took with him twenty soldiers, all he could mount, a few Mexicans and Americans, and a small party of Puebla Indians. They suc ceeded in recovering the bodies of those killed, which they took to Taos, and had them interred. This is one of the severest battles that ever took place be tween the American troops and the Apaches, and our loss much greener in proportion to the numbers engaged. The Apaches PURSUIT OF THE APACHES. 395 fought w.ith a bravery almost unprecedented, and we are well convinced that nothing but the stubborn valor of Lieutenant Davidson and his men saved the command from entire destruc tion. The troops had greatly the disadvantage. The Indians selected their own position, on a rugged mountain ridge, and the dragoons had to charge up a steep slope to reach them. The latter were encumbered with their horses, which it required nearly a fourth part of the command to take care of, and the valley in which the troops were at the time of the attack was so filled with large boulders as to render the movement of the horses almost impossible. Lieutenant Davidson and Dr. Ma- gruder were both slightly wounded. Since the fight at Cieneguilla, the Indians have retreated to the west side of the Rio del Norte, and are now hotly pursued by Colonel Cooke, with nearly two hundred dragoons and a spy company of citizens and Puebla Indians, under the command of Mr. James Quinn, of Taos. The troops are on their trail, which leads among the mountains to the north j and as the Indians are encumbered with their women and children, and are reported in low spirits, we think there is some chance of their being overtaken. General Garland has taken prompt and vigorous means to bring the war to a speedy and successful termination. A large number of troops, under the command of gallant and experienced officers, have been ordered to the north, and are now in rapid pursuit of the enemy. We cannot conclude this article without signifying our approbation of the gallant conduct of Lieutenant Davidson and Dr. Magruder, and to whose bravery and good conduct is justly attributed the safe retreat of the survivors of the command. If brevets were ever earned, they were upon this occasion. On the 8th of May, Colonel Cooke, with about two hundred men, came upon a party of Apaches, at a place called Agua Ca 396 INDIAN NARRATIVES. liente Creek. The Indians took post in a strong and almost inaccessible mountain position; but the troops bravely charged them, drove them from it, and pursued them a mile and a half, fording a difficult stream, passing over a broken country, and keeping up a running fight. A good deal of plunder fell into the hands of the Americans. The Indians left six of their number upon the field, while the loss of the whites was one man killed and one wounded. Colonel Cooke pursued the Indians for some distance, and so hard were they pressed, that they were often obliged to separate into small parties in orde.r to save themselves. Many were the stories of the murders and other depredations of the Indians, circulated about this time, and although doubt less somewhat exaggerated, they were of a character to rendei the inhabitants of the thinly populated district of New Mexico/ careful and watchful, not knowing whether they would not be the next subjects for the tomahawk and scalping-knife. The mail-coaches were stopped, the bags rifled of their contents, the horses stolen, and the drivers in many instances murdered. An amusing incident is related in a letter from Santa Fe, to this effect : the May mail, going east, was attacked by the Indians, and all their animals stolen. They afterwards promised to re turn thejn upon condition that the mail men would cook them a good dinner, which was complied with and the animals were returned. Fancy the Red Men sitting around, and the Ame ricans cooking dinner for them. The Indians, no doubt, enjoyed it finely. We extract from a paper of that period, an account of the last fight and death of Lieutenant Maxwell, a very promising and gallant young officer. For the last few months a severe and deadly war has been waged between the troops in this territory and a warlike though diminished tribe of Indians, called the Tarcarella Apaches. ID PURSUIT OF THE APACflES. 397 one battle we lost two killed and four wounded ; in another twenty-two killed and twenty-three wounded. But, however severe those battles were, (St. Belles and Danson's) no officer had fallen. And now to speak of the last fight, which occurred on the 30th June, 1854, and in which our little army has lost a young and promising officer namely, J. E. Maxwell, son of Mrs. Maxwell, of Athens, Georgia. Lieutenant Maxwell graduated from the Military Academy in 1850, and has served honorably and faithfully as a brevet and second lieutenant in the third regiment of infantry, ever since in this country. In the fight which Lieutenant Bell had with the Apaches, Lieutenant Maxwell, although it was the first time he had been under fire, conducted himself most gallantly, as a man and a Georgian. In another skirmish with the same Indians, being adjutant of the commanding officer, he ran the gauntlet wiftl the coolness of a vpteran ; yet he was to the last degree unassuming. On the morning of the 29th of June, Brevet Captain Sykes and Lieutenant Maxwell, with about, sixty dragoons, (there being no dragoon officers on duty at the post,) started in pur suit of the party of Apaches, whose trail had been seen the day before, a short distance from the post. After a hard and vigorous trail ; the command came in sight of the savages, early on the morning of the 30th. Captain Sykes sent Lieutenant Maxwell, with twenty dragoons, up a precipitate "mesa/' or small moun tain, to cut off the retreat of a band of about twenty Indians, who were attempting to gain difficult and almost impregnable passes of the mountains. Lieutenant Maxwell being well mounted, charged at the head of his men, to cut off the enemy ere they could pass a certain point above him. Unfortunately, possibly from being better mounted, himself, one sergeant, and two men arrived at the summit of the mesa, some few momcwts ere the rest of his troops had closed up. As soon as Lieutenant 34 398 INDIAN NARRATIVES. Maxwell, who was ahead, with the three men, arrived at the above place, the Indians showed themselves above, and com menced a deadly discharge of arrows. Lieutenant Maxwell, with revolver in hand, emptied it with deadly effect ; but ere he had done so, he had received an arrow completely through his body. He drew his sabre, and in doing so his bridle arm received another arrow, which passed through and glanced against his left breast. He still used his sabre, and when he received his last shot, he was in the act of sabring an Indian ; but in that act, while his head was bowed to his horse's mane, he fell and fell like a knight of old, in his har ness his sword grasped in his hand, and a smile upon his face. The Indians fled. Then came the troops thundering up the hill but too late, alas ! for poor young Maxwell had fallen ! And as Captain Sykes saw him, with upturned face, lying stark dead, whom but a moment since he viewed in t$Pe prime and bloom of manhood, he bowed his head and wept, as none but a warrior can. Lieutenant Maxwell was buried at his post, with military honors ; and around his lonely grave were heard sobs and were seen tears adown weather-beaten visages, where tears were stran gers. He died without an enemy. He died as a soldigr should, and lies wrapped in his martial shroud, as a soldier's due. During the remainder of the year, 1854, nothing of any great importance transpired ; and hopes were entertained that the war had closed, and that there would be a disposition on the part of the savages to listen to terms. These hopes, however, were not realized. Some idea may be formed of the position of affairs at the beginning of the year 1855, from the following account taken from the leading paper published in New Mexico. With the opening of the new year, a strong current of sue* cess set in in our favor, and in all our encounters with the In dians the troops have been successful. In the first instance, DEFEAT OF THE APACHES. 399 the gallant affair of Lieutenant Sturgis, in pursuit of the party who committed depredations at Galisteo, had a very beneficial effect upon these Indians, and taught them a severe lesson. They lost several men, and had taken from them all the animals which they had stolen at Galisteo. In the -same month, General Garland sent an expedition under Captain Ewell, into the Mescalero country, which penetrated into the very heart of the tribe, and surprised them in their stronghold. The Indiana turned out in force, and fought the troops, but they were prac tically whipped,*"with the loss of some twenty warriors, two of whom were chiefs. The result of the expedition was highly successful, and every thing was accomplished that could have been expected. The third check and severe lesson they received was upon the grazing camp of Captain Ewell. Fifteen Indians, in the middle of the night, fell upon three dragoons, asleep in their tents, and the latter, after a severe fight, succeeding in defeating and driving them off, with the loss of four or five wounded, three of whom, we learn have since died. Immediately after this affair, the Indians came in and begged lor peace. In these and all other encounters with the savage?, the officers and men of our army have behaved themselves in the handsomest manner. The commanding general has con ducted his military operations with great energy, and deserves credit for the efforts he has made to afford protection to all our frontiers. If the Superintendant of Indian Affairs had the re quisite instructions, he would immediately proceed to hold a treaty with the Mescaleros, and thus have them secured from further trouble ; but at present his hands are tied, and he can do nothing. The condition of the other- Indians has not changed. The Navajoes are at peace, and are quietly awaiting the proposed treaty with them. The Utahs and Jicarillas are still hostile, and seem not disposed to make terms until they are well chas- 400 INDIAN NARRATIVES. tised. An expedition of nearly six hundred men is now in their country, and we may shortly expect to hear of active hostilities between them and our troops. We have not heard of the Gila Apaches committing any depredations, since they were guilty of the ungenerous act of stealing the horse of their own agent. At present such is our relation with the Indians of the territory. On the 19th of March, 1855, Colonel Fauntlerqy, with two companies, met a number of Apaches and Utahs, well anued and mounted in the Chow-atch pass ; and in vhe running engage ment which followed, killed five Utahs. The^r came up with the Apaches on the next day, who retreated, leaving seven of their number dead. The Americans did not lose a single man, either in killed or wounded. Captain Ewell, and Lieutenants Moore and H. B. Davidson, left Los Lunas in command of eighty dragoons, the latter end of December, for a scout into the south-eastern section of the territory, where these Indians have their range. The troops were accompanied by Dr. Kennon, a citizen, as surgeon, and were joined at Antonchico by Mr. Gleason, as guide. They struck the Pecos, down which stream they marched nearly three hundred miles, and on the 17th of January, they encamped on the Penasco, a fine stream running east from the Sacramento mount. Here they were joined by eighty dragoons and infantry under command of Captain Stan ton, and Lieutenants Daniel and Walker, from Fort Fillmore. Thus far no Indians had been seen, but in the night they set fire to the grass around the camp, and opened a brisk fire of balls and arrows, apparently aiming at the only two tents there were in the command. The next morning, the Indians appeared in considerable numbers on the surrounding hills, and commenced an attack. The column moved on, fighting as they went, and hastened tu reach the Indian camp in time to find their families " at home." The ground was rolling and much cut up by the deep ravines. DEATH OF CAPTAIN STANTON. 401 which enabled the Indians to approach within a few yards of the column and fire upon them, and the trail was narrow and difficult to follow. The front and flank were kept clear by skirmishers ; and officers and men used every exertion to get at the enemy, it being required to check the men, and keep them from unnecessary exposure. Mr. G-leason was always conspic uous and among the foremost in the fight. These skirmishers were at different times under Lieutenants Daniel and Moore ; the latter charging at the head of some mounted men, but the horses were too much worn out to accomplish a great deal. Some times the Indians came within arrow-range of the column ', and it one time a large fellow stopped alone on the trail, until 'the troops approached within range, when he deliberately- fired, but was instantly picked off by a skirmisher, a sergeant. About the time this man fell, the Indians, on a hill near by, raised a ter rible wailing, and it is supposed he was a chief. A Mexican, from Mr. Beck's ranche, named Jose Martinez, claims to have killed Santa Anna, the Big Chief, and recent reports from the Mescaleros confirms his death. The fight was continued until three o'clock in the afternoon, when the Indians retreated, hav ing suffered considerable loss. This afternoon, the column found the Indian camp, of three hundred lodges, on the banks of the Penasco, where they had collected in large numbers to have a grand feast on stolen cattle. A few oxen and some ponies were found ; the rest had been eaten. During the fight, Captain Stanton, of the 1st dragoons, and two men were killed. He charged a body of Indians, and, led away by the ardor of pursuit, became separated from his men, and, on his return,' was attacked by large numbers from behind trees and rocks, and unfortunately killed. He fought with desperation, as two ponies were left dead, and one ran into camp without a rider. The Indians were pursued one day be yond the sources of the Sacramento mountains, when they scat- 34* 402 INDIAN NARRATIVES. tered and fled in different directions, and the guides could no longer trail them. The troops started back the 20th of January, and Captain Ewell reached Los Lunas in eighteen days, the horses being so completely broken down that the men had to march on foot. The loss of- .the Indians was from fifteen to twenty. The country in which the fight took place was entirely new, never having been visited before, and is represented as a pleasant and well-watered region. In September, 1855, G-eneral Harney gained a complete vic tory, over the Sioux Indians. It struck terror into the whole of the savage tribes occupying that extended section of the country. In the early part of August, General Harney's command left Fort Leavens worth, and arrived at Ash Hollow on the 2d of September, at which point the general ascertained that a band of forty or fifty Brule lodges were encamped on the Blue Water tJreek, a fine tributary of the North Platte, about six miles from Ash Hollow. The general at once determined to attack the camp early on the morning of the 3d, and in order to be more sure of his game, he dispatched the principal portion of his mounted force at three o'clock in the afternoon, to gain a position in the rear of the Indians a movement which had to be made in the dark of course, and over an exceedingly rugged country. It was, however, eminently successful, being effected without rousing the suspicion of the Indians. General Harney left his camp about four or five o'clock in the morning, with the infantry portion of his command, merely leaving a sufficient force to guard the train, which remained at Ash Hollow during the operations. He moved directly upon the first Indian village, (for it afterwards turned out that there were two,) but before he could reach it, the lodges were al] struck and their occupants in rapid retreat up the valley of *ho HARNEY DEFEATS THE BRULE SIOUX. 403 Blue Water. This, however, was just what was expected and desired, for if the cavalry gained the position designed it, the Indians would be brought to a stand andjbe compelled to fight. They finally halted and took up a position on the bluffs, which skirted the banks of the stream, within a few hundred yards of our cavalry, which had concealed themselves so adroitly, that the general himself doubted very much whether they had suc ceeded in gaining the point assigned them. It was for this rea son that in a parley which here ensued between General Harney and the Brule chief, "Little Thunder," the general's principal object was to amuse the Indians until he became satisfied of the presence of the cavalry. At last it became pretty obvious, from the commotion among the Indians, that something had been observed by them that made them very uneasy ; so the general at once cut short the parley, and opened the ball to the music of the Minie rifle from the skirmishers of the sixth infantry. The bluffs were scaled by these in an incredibly short space of time and cleared of the Indians, who had scarcely left their stronghold before they found themselves intercepted by the cavalry and placed between two fires. The affair had by this time become exceedingly lively. The Indians plunged down the bluffs with their light, sure-footed ponies, and darted off through the only avenue not closed against them, being pursued in most gallant style by the mounted troops, who followed four or five miles, sabring and shooting a large number of them on the way. It is quite impossible, owing to the extent and nature of the country covered by the two parties, to ascertain precisely the loss of the Indians in killed and wounded ; but from observa tions subsequently made on the ground of principal combat, the number killed cannot fall very short of sixty or seventy. About fifty women and children were captured, and some sixty ponies 404 INDIAN NARRAlfVES. and mules taken. As for lodges, buffalo meat, robes, camp fur- niture of various descriptions, the end has not been seen yet, although a number of wagons have been employed in bringing this booty into the camp. The entire loss sustained by the command was four men killed, three dangerously wounded, one slightly, and one missing, sup posed to have been killed or captured. On the 1st of September, news was received that Major Neighbors, the supervising Indian agent for Texas, had con cluded a treaty with the Anadahka, Waco, Toncahua, Camanche, Tahwaccaro, and Caddo Indians, which was intended as supple mental to the treaty of May 15th, 1846. The Indians agreed to abandon their roving or hunting life, and to settle on the reservations set apart by the Texas legislature ; to adopt laws and police regulations ; not to leave the reservation without the consent of the agent, under penalty of forfeiting all rights as settlers under the treaty ; to break off all communication with bands of Indians outside the reservation, who refuse to settle down, unless by consent of the agent. The United States go vernment to protect them, feed them, furnish them with farmers, and to take all the steps necessary to aid them in adopting a civilized life. The Lipans, a band of roving Indians, were not included in this treaty. They are west of the Rio Grande, and regularly enrolled as Indians of Mexico. Three companies of mounted riiemen, have been ordered to this part of the frontiers, under the command of General Smith. In the meantime, Captain Calahan, had been authorized by Governor Pease, to cross the Rio Grande, and hunt these Lipans, in Mexico, and put a stop to their devastations if possible. The captain, with one hundred and eleven men, encountered the enemy at Eagle Pass, on the 2d of October, 1855, and we givo bis own account of the ba^:le. CAPTAIN CALAHAN'S EXPEDITION. 405 At n#on we encamped on a small stream ten miles west of Jie Rio Grande, where we refreshed ourselves and horses. Up to this time the Mexican authorities and citizens had shown us much kindness, and evinced their good wishes as to the success of the expedition, and many even volunteered to enlist under me, but none were received. After resting an hour or two, we marched off towards San Fernando, beyond which were the Indian camps. Having pro ceeded some ten miles along the highway to the city, over a widely extended prairie, about three o'clock in the afternoon, while marching leisurely along, we descried three horsemen approaching us from a mot of timber, about a mile to the north ward. At first these men were not noticed ; we supposed them to be Mexican herdmen but on their approaching within two hundred yards of us, we discovered them to be Indian chiefs, ready dressed and painted for battle ; and they were trying to decoy us from our position. Forming my men in a line along the road, I waited for the enemy to begin the battle ; for by this time large numbers had emerged from the timber, seemingly with the intention of at tacking us j they soon spread out in front of us, and to our right ancUleft, to the amount of several hundred horsemen, and commenced to fire on us. About this time one of our men fired on a chief, about two hundred yards distant, ana broke a leg of his horse. Perceiving that the enemy, composed of both Indians and Mexicans, were trying to outflank us, I ordered my men to charge, which was executed in fine style, and thirty of the enemy were slain. While making our cffirge the left flank of the enemy, which extended for nearly half a mile, came in our rear and opened on us a very severe fire, during which four of our gallant men were killed. The front and right flank, on which we charged, after a gallant fire, fled before us, leaving us in possession of the posi 406 INDIAN NARRATIVES. tion which it was our object and determination to gain. * Then we discovered that our enemy numbered some six or seven hun- dred, as all their footmen were concealed in the timber, and had not advanced in view on the prairie. My men formed in a strong position beneath the bank of a small creek, on which the enemy had been encamped, and their whole force coming up against us, we continued the battle for about three hours, when they fled in the direction of San Fer nando, leaving sonie eighty-five killed, and with the loss of one hundred wounded. This we learned from some Mexicans, who were engaged in the battle, and from other sources, since my report to his excellency, the Hon. E. M. Pease. The same Mexicans have also informed me that the actual number of our enemy was seven hundred and fifty men. After the retreat of the enemy, which was about dark, we, supposing that they would come on us again before day with large rein forcements, fell back to the Rio Grande, where we would be safe from any number .of men and any quantity of artillery they might bring against us. Approaching the town of Piedras Negras about sunrise, we took possession of it, and now occupy a position opposite Eagle Pass, on the west bank of the Rio Grande. * Captain Calahan, in this engagement, lost five men killed and two wounded. The Indian War in Oregon, in the meantime is assuming a threatening aspect. All the Indian tribes in that region, with but few exceptions, are in arms against the United States, anfl murders are very frequent. But a small force has as -yet been sent against them, yet active preparations are in progress by which we hope to see the savages submissive to the rule of the whites, and engaging quietly in the pursuits common to civilized life. In October, 1855, information was received that an In dian war was in progress, in Rogue River Valley, caused by the INDIAN WAR IN OREGON. 407 murder of several packers, teamsters, &c., on the different routes near the Oregon boundary line. The military, at Fort Lane, seemed powerless to restrain or punish the marauders, and the population forced to rise for their own protection. A company of volunteers, consisting of one hundred and twenty-five men, was formed, and started on the 7th, for the scene of hostilities, under the command of Major Lupton, and Captain Williams. They encountered the Indians near the Rancherias, and an engagement ensued, which ended in the total defeat of the In dians, who left forty of their number dead upon the ground. Of the volunteers, twelve were wounded, one of whom, Major Lupton, died the same night. The Indians committed many depredations, in their flight. They burnt the house of a Mr. Jones, killing him, and mortally wounding his wife. An account received about the same time, stated that Major Haller, with a body of troops under his command, had been completely surrounded by the Indians, at a point about twenty- five miles from, the Dalles. He occupied a position upon a hill, with ravines and brush around him, from which the Indians were constantly firing upon his devoted band. They were in a complete state of siege, and had been for forty-eight hours without water. Major Haller, managed to send a messenger to Dalles in the night, who arrived safely, and reported the condition of affairs, and that at least one thousand men would be necessary to dislodge the enemy. Lieutenant Day with one hundred and fifty men immediately marched to his relief, and measures were taken to raise the required number of soldiers. There still remains much doubt about the extent of the hos tile feeling among the Indians. In a letter from General Palmer, it is stated that the chief of the Wacos reports that proposals have been made to all the tribes east of the Cascades to unite in a general war for exterminating the whites, but that many refuse to enter an alliance to fight the Americans. And yet 408 INDIAN NARRATIVES. among nearly all the tribes are found some restless spirits ready to join in a general war. The Yakinias seem well united in a feeling of hostility. The Clikitats are divided. All sorts of Indian tales of wrongs are reported to inaace a war spirit, and threats of hostility made against such tribes as will not join the Yakinias. Those best acquainted with the Indian character are disposed to think that disaffection has been so widely diffused that one flush of victory on the part of the Indians in a contest with the United States troops would induce nearly all the tribes to unite in a general war. Hence much anxiety is now felt in the result of Haller's expedition against them. We are satis fied that unless the Indians have greatly the advantage in posi tion, his troops will be enabled to route the Yakimas. We re gret, however, that his command had not been increased 'to about two hundred and fifty men, half of whom should have been mounted. He then would have been able to make a demon stration so formidable as to have appalled the Indians in the first attack, and followed them so closely and effectually that they would gladly have yielded all hopes of success against the whites.