ifornia >nal ty A TRAVEI LING DICTIONARY: OR, ALPHABETICAL TABLES OF T HE ■Diflance of all the Principal Cities, Borough, Market, and Sea-Port Towns, in Great Britain, from each other, SHEWING, BY INSPECTION, The Number of Miles every City or Town in the Kingdom is I Diftant from any other, accoiding to the neaieft Direct or Crofs Road. COMPREHENDING |&bove Fjfty Thousand Distances, carefully collected from the I befl Authorities, and ananged m a Manner entirely new and plain. TO WHICH IS ADDED, fi TABLE, (hewing the Diitance of the Towns, Bridges, &c. upon the River Thames, from each other by Water. 1 he Whole be^ng a SECOND PAPvT to the I New and Accurate DESCRIPTION of the ROADS. By DANIEL PATERSON, 'Assistant to the Quarter-Master-General of his Majefty's Forces. ||THE SEVENTH EDITION, IMPROVED AND CORRECTED FROM THE LATEST SURVEYS. LONDON: 'JUNTED FOR. T. Nt LONGMAN, P ATER-NOS TE R-R O ".". MDCC XCVJI. PREFACE. % T HROUGH the unwearied Induftry and increafing Opulence of the Inhabitants of this Kingdom, the Roads in every Part of it are made fo convenient for Travelling, that they are the Admiration of Foreigners, and the Pride of the Natives. An eafy Communication with every Part of the Kingdom being thus opened, the Traveller, accommodated with the moil eften- tial Requifites for the Performance of his Journey, has nothing left to defire but fuch a Pocket-Companion as might beft direct him in the Way he would chufe to go. This we have in Part already fupplied him with, by the New and Accurate Defcription of the Roads. To complete our Plan, by giving the Traveller every Affiftance that he might poflibly want, we have compiled with great Labour, and we truft with much Accuracy, this Second Part, which, although rendered fo commodious, comprifes above Fifty Thousand Diflances. Thefe are digefted in fo iimple and plain a Manner, that the Number of Miles any Place is diftant from another, may be difcovered with as much Eafe and Expe- dition as two Words can be found in a common Dictionary ; a Work hitherto much wanted, and only to be fupplied by a tedious, and, in many Inftances, fruitlefs Search into Books and Maps, which, not being portable, are of no Ufe, when there is moil: Occafion for their Affiftance. Though the Advantages of thefeTables are fufriciently obvious, yet we may obferve, that they will be found ufeful to the Trader at Home, as well as the Traveller on the Road. The Trader will, on Infpeclion, inform himfelf of the intermediate Diftance of any two Places, and thereby judge how to convey his Orders with the moft Expedition, and leaft Expence. The Traveller will find the Compafs he muft make to vifit any Place or Places which he may be defirous of taking in the Courfe of his Journey ; and likewife wiil be enabled, at letting out, to form an Eftimate of his Time and Expence, by calculating, uith the greater! Exa&nefs, the Number of Miles he muft travel, though the Tour he propofes to make ihould be ever fo much about or irregular. Thofe who have experienced how various, and often irreconcileable, have been the belt Accounts they could procure of the Diftance of Places oa their Journey, and how vexatious in their Confequences, will readily acknowledge the Utility of a Work of this Kind. To find the Diftance between any two Places, the following general Rule muft be conftantly obferved 5 A3 iv PREFACE. As the Names of Place9 on the Top of the Page, as well a3 thofe down the Side, are difpofed Alphabetically, that Place which in Order of the Alphabet comes firft, mull be always look- ed for on the Top, and the other on the Side of the Page. Thus, to find the Diftance between Warwick and Lcicejier, look for Lei- cefler in the Top Columns, and Warwick in the Side; — between Cambridge and Oxford, look for Cambridge on the Top, and Oxford on the Side ; and fo on in every Inftance. Let us fuppofe a Traveller, who being at York, wants to go to Huntingdon : Huntingdon coming in Alphabetical Order before York, he looks for that Place in the Top of the Pages, by turning them over till he comes to letter K, where he finds Huntingdon between Hul — Kin; turning then his-Eye down the Pages for York, he will find in the line even with York, and directly under Huntingdon, the Figures 136, which is th? Number of Miles Tork is diftant from Huntingdon. But fuppofe further, that he fliould wifli to take Lincoln in his way, and would know how much his Journey would be increafed thereby ; proceeding in the fame Manner, he finds the Diftance from York to Lincoln to be 72 Miles, and from Lincoln to Huntingdon 71, which added together make 143 Miles, or 7 more than the direct Road from York to Huntingdon. Though all the Towns, Sec. in the different Tables are only repetitions of thofe in the firft, yet, the Names of the Counties in this Edition, are added to each Table, to fave the Reader the trouble of referring to the Beginning of the Book. To know what County any Town at the Top of any one of the Tables is in, recourfe muft be had to the Beginning of that Table. The additional Diftances are placed at the End of each Table ; and fo contrived as to fall either immediately under the Alphabet of that Table, or that of the oppofite Page. All the Diftances to Parkgate are reckoned through Chefter, without crofting either the Dec or Merfey ; and all the Diftances from the Southern and Weftem Parts of England to Liverpool are reckoned through Warrington. The Diftances from the feveral Places in England to thofe in the North of Scotland, are fometimes reckoned through Carlifle y and fometimes through Edinburgh, according as the iormer or latter Route is the neareft. N.B. The Diftances from London to all the Cities, Borough, Market, and Sea-port Towns in England and Wales, are given in the Firft Part of the Book of Roads ; to which recourfe mult be had when the Diftance to or from London is required. I ] Abe — Amb TABLE I. B > c a > t* u < < c C IS < < u en S-. 3 4-1 < S < J £ < Aberdeen, Scotland 283 70 281 Abergavenny, Mon m . 451 Aberiftwitk, Cardig. 444 79 Abingdon, Berks 466 87 '5 1 Alnwick, N o r t h u m !Q2 ^IO 318 292 \Alrcsford, Hants 516 Il6 200 49 340 Alton, Hants 5*3 121 197 47 338 90 9i 286 Amblefide, Weftmor. 2 4 f 2 35 215 236 Ambrejbury, Wild". 501 102 164 44 332 30 61 39 5i 271 2 55 Amerfham, Bucks 477 l *5 178 32 298 Andover, Hants 502 97 172 35 327 18 27 272 Appleby, Weflmorl. 2 ho 236 226 247 68 296 293 22 Arundel, SuJJex 539 164 236 86 360 34 39 322 70 A lh burton, Devon. 581 *34 210 158 42; 143 '53 35 1 116 AfhbydelaZouch, Leiceji. 391 104 ■ 33| «2 212 1 30 128J164 122 264 Alkrig, Torkf 2156 228 223 224 93 272 270 43 Atherftone, Warwick/. 403 92 132 70 224 n8 116 169 110 87 Aulceiter, Warwick/. 424 62 I02 53 2 55 107 87 104 194 Axbridge, Somerf. 502 55 I 3 I 83 348 95^7* 52 Axminiter, Devon. 543 96 172 112 389 97 60 95 [07I313 70 67 98 Ay le (bury, Bucks 468 1 10 163 23 289 53 85 240 244 Baldock, Herts 449 142 c8 7 54i 270 B a n b u ry , Oxford/', 437 89 130 30 202 262 2 75 79 251 , ? 6 248 207 174 73 238 Bangor, Cacrnarv. 404 159 80 Barnard Caftle, Durh. 254 250 254 229 73 2 77 275 49 269 Barnefley, Torkf. 3^8 167 193 '45 149 *93 149 191 l S9 58 103 340 261 185 114 "86 Barnflaple, Devon. 569 122 198 146 4*5 Barnet, Herts 470I13 189 55 296 68 B ■ MM Abe — Amb TABLE I. c Q U < >- 13 < < 6/ C IS < c < C 07 0) < • c < £ < U 3 <2 CI ha p£3 E < 33 36 236 102 361 Butingitoke, Hants 502 "5 187 36 327 *3 io£ 272 Bath, Somerf. 401 <6 '35 62 335 62 71 244 89 367 261 170 229 121 Beaumaris, Anglcfey 400 163 84 199 271 2 47 Bedford, Bedford/. 444 H« »75 59 2 6 q -99 S 6 9 Berwick, Nor thumb. .61 340 329 321 3 1 Beverley, Torkf. 3 2 7 205 229 178 H5 228 225 130 222 Billing ham, Nortbumb. 210 2S3 272 284. 35 33 2 33° 67 3 2 4 Birmingham, Warwick/'. 399 73 li 1 68 239 117 114 169 102 Blandford, Dorfetf. 53« 92 168 7 2 362 5o 60 301 33 Blyrhe, Nsttingh. 340JI59 180 140 161 189 186 135 181 Bodmin, Cormv. 62 2 |i 7s 251 '99 468 .84 194 39 2 157 Boiton, Lincobif. 399 188 215 124 219 ,76 166 190 167 Brecknock, Brecknock. 448 20 59 106 3 T 9 U7 114 58 218 277 102 98 Brentwood, Effex 4/9 160 214 66 300 78 Bridgenorth, Simp/ 380 M 85 00 2<;o 139 136 '49 118 B ridge wate r, Sotner/et/ 5>9 7 1 H7 9C 364 98 108 288 62 B rid port, Dorfetf, 142 9 : 171 103 388 81 9* 3 12 64 Brighthelmflon, Sujjex 54' 18; 2 57 107 361 55 60 330 9i Briftol, Som.&Gloc 483 43 122 212 65 65 329 313 80 58 85 48 2 S3 279 182 286 224 47 90 99 3' 75 118 5° Bromley, Kent 494 151 Broomigrove, M^orcefl. 412 53 too 6< 222 114 1 it Bruton, Somerf. 516 64 I4O 78 31 357 273 70 81 80 78 Buckingham, Bucks 4^2 106 U7 Builth^rBuallt, Brecknock. 432 56 44 122 303 163 160 202 Burford, Oxford/. *i.« 172 127 2 3 282 66 63 221 Burnham, Norfolk 465 200 "4^ 166 28; '87 '77 2 53 206 Burrowbridge, Torkf 283 212 217 .91 IOI 239 237 82 2 3 x Burton on Trent Staff', 390 IOI I26i 89 21 1 139 136 160 !g 3 J Abe — Amb TABLE I. c -a U < c > two u < 4) M < c *a t/3 B IS < .a e 5 t5 1 < c *-> < U E e < Bury St. Edm. Suffolk 464 1S9 231IH4 284 136 349^91 12b 196 265 248 *5S 158 Caermarrhen, Caermar. 478 66 47i ic ; 2 Caernarvon, Caernarv. 416 H7 6820^ 2871254 251 186 226 Cambridge, Cambr. 440 159 203; 87 260(113 103 2 47 132 Campden, Gloceji. 433 68 109! 34 264I 8 3 81 203 68 Canterbury, Kent 54i 199(255 in 3 59|n7 107 328 »37 Cardiff, Glamor g. 484 29I 97(108 353I123I128 254 90 Cardigan, Car dig. 479 83: 3 8|i68 346J210J207 249 165 Carlille, Cumb. 198 252 2461268 65l3i8;3i5l 43 3°3 Chelmsford, EJJex 480 173227 87 3 oo| 89 _79 ! f!l 103J235 109 *>5 172 159 Chepftovv, Monm. 465 25 94 73 328I 98 C better, CheJJure 339 1 16 107 148 2081197I194 IIC Cheirerfield, Derbylh. 354 141:158 119 i75|/67|i65 141 Chichefler, Suffex S4* 158225 75 3 66| 23I 28 3 Ii 59 Chippenham, Wilts 490 S7l*3* 47* 321J <8 65 260 32 59 32 44 222 302 358 130 Chipping N orton, Oxford 452 75I122 26 277 7 6 l 73 222 Chriftchurch, Hants 5*8 n6[i92 75 3 6 4| 44! 54 3O9 Cirenceitcr, GloccJl. 464 581120 33 299 70) 68 234 Clithero, Lanca/. 28c 188,177 182 137I231U28 64 Cockermouth, Cumb. 225 265 248 267 91I31713H 26 Cold ft ream, Scotland l V 325319 3i»| 28(366 364 n6 Colcheitcr, Effcx 49 1 196263 111I308 III IOI 298 Coinbrook, Bucks 488 124U84 •40I315 42 36 273 66 98 Coventry, Warwick/. 406 98 125 43*34 106 104 181 Cranbrook, Kent 537 196^252 101 356 104 94 325 127 Crcvvkherne, Homer/. <&> 83II59 9937° 84 94 30c 57 35 2I-I Crick lade, Wilts +7° 62I127 26^92 64 62 236 JCromcr, Norfolk 492 243(280 1 6g ! 3 1 2 x 93 183 280 B 2 4] Abe — Amb TABLE I. a u im u < c s > a he i.. V < < e ft < < J- < -a E S Croydon, Surry 495 '53 2IO 62 314 53 4328c 80 Darking, Surry <;oa. 152 21 I 60 330 42 32)296 68 Darlington, Durham 1241; 149 251 225 67 273 "80 271 66 "69287 265 86 Dartford, Kent |<;oi 160 215 7 2 319 Dartmouth, Devon 593 146 222 170439 155 165J363 128 Daventry, Northa?np. 428 106 137 45 253 94 91(200 88 Deal, Kent 55° 217 273 130 377 r 35 125I346 125 Denbigh, Denbigh/. 368 131 80 166 2 39 215 212(138 204 Derby, Derbyjh. 367 117 138 95 199 i43 141 151 135 Devizes, Wilts 496 6 9 145 43 327 46 56(266 16 Doncafter, Torkfh. 3 2 4 172 195 l 54 146 202 199(118 194 Dorchefler, Dorfetjb. 547 104 r8o 88 378 66 76(317 49 Dover, Kent 55* 214 270 126 374 I2<3 119343 '52 Droitwich, Worccji. 431 54 89 7i 236 I2C 118 187 r 57 97 1 12 Dudley, Staff'. 387 72 101J 79 2 39 128 121; Dulverton, Somerf. 545 98 174J122 391 I2 5 *35 3 1 * _89 344 Dumfries, Scotland 17/ 290 283^09 107 3 59 3?6 80 Dunmow, • EJ/ex 4.67 171 sail 83 287 IOI 79 292 9i 69 290 2 55 238 74 120 82 284 Dunftablc, Bedfordjb, 459 126 wwi 280 Durham, Durham 227 266 269*244 48 Durfley, Glcuceji. 458 53 120 5° 310 81 76 238 52 Eafingwold, Torkjh. 284 242 227(202 IOI 2 53 250 99 243 Ecclefhall, Staff. 360 IOI 1 12(104 213 M4 'S« 130(140 Edinburgh, Scotland ic6 344 33^ ■^ 60 75 41c 407 1351395 Ely, Cambr. 441 174 212 104 261 130 120 243I149 Epping, EJfex 475 161 206 73 295 79 69 273I 98 Epfom, Surry 500 142 204 5&i 321 45 35 287) 72 Everfham, Worceji. «» 40 80 S2 257I103I101 208I 79 s J Abe— Amb TABLE I. c J- < > « b/„ k. z— 3 u < Exeter, Devon, | q6z II5I9IJI39 408 1 24J1 34i33 2 97 Falmouth, Cormv. I654 2O7 283I231 500 216J226 424 189 Farnham, Surry 1 5 1 6 129 I 94| 44 340 1 81| 9286 46 Farringdon, Berks (464 74 139 15 287 54! 5» 234 36 Flint, Flintj}\ I350 129 88 160 220 209 206 122 198 Fowey, Cormv. J629 182 258 206 475 191 20lUoO 164 Frome, Somerf. I502 60 136 63 347 59 67 272 138 2 5i 186 Gainfborough, Lincoln]}), j 34.7 164 i« 5 146 168 207 197 Gi (borough Fork/h. J260 2 79 252 2 39 79 289 286 91 270 Glafgovv, Scotland J145 353 347 337 1 19 437 434 144 422 Glocefter, Glocejl. I440 43^ 102 5 C 292 88 Ss 220 62 Grantham, Lincoln]};. 377 i33 '73 101 197 166 i.?6 188 144 Gravefend, AV«/ 506 166 222 7& 326 80 70 295 :02 Grimfby, Lincoln]h. 363 217 222 164 183 213 21c 173 207 Grinftead Eait, £k$?,* 5i4 172 229 80 33s 62 52 302 88 Guilford, Surry 5*4 :4c 199 49 335 3° 2C 297 57 Halifax, York]}:. 320 187 176 169 148 217 £15 1 20 8if 280 209 147 Halitead, Effex 473 210 272 126 294 128 Harborough, Lcice/i, 413 124 152 7 2 234 121 n8 r 93 ii5 Harleigh, Merioneth] 400 119 4 C 177 281 226 223 180 198 Hartlepool, Durham 216 2O4 268 242 65 291 288 88 503 282 Harwich, Effex 502 217 269 13c 322 *3 2 122 Ha fie me re, Surry 521 150 225 65 340 43 48 290 79 Haft in gs, SuJJkx 55" 198 ^54 64 no 199 302 380 96 214 86 219 34o|»22 279181 Haver ford weft, Pe?nb. 5°9 99 Hay, Brecon. 437 27 60 99 308 140 T 37 207 114 Hayliham, Suffix 543 202 262 no 363 75 80 332 103 Helftone, Corniv. 6 as < .0 < c c -a bid a 'Jo < u < -a CO < a < u ■a £ < Henley on Thames, Oxford 479 107 167 21 3°4J 34 2/|249 53 Hereford, Here/. 434 23 7 s ; 75 288 Il6 1 13 204 90 Hertford, Hertf. 465 147 20l| 58 286 78 68 26l 64 101 310 Hexham, Nortbumb. 226 286 267 270 42 318 316 Hithe, Kent 553 210 268 125 372 121 1 11 34> 149 Holyhead, Angle/. 428 172 93 227 299 375 272 210 198 128 264 202 Holywell, Flintjb. 3*8 129 88 164 ?2 9 213 Horfham, Suffix 521 165 219 7 2 U2 39 39 309 75 Hounflow, MM. 196 130 192 46 3*7 47 35i 274 138 2159 68 213 2 3 Hull, Torkjh. 335 196 220 169 154 219 Hungerford, Berks 489 87 ■156 21 315 32 Huntingdon, Hunt. 425 141 189 81 2 45 i'<; 10; 226 124 Ilchefter, Somerf. 530 78JI54 92 59 l 84 94 300 300 4s 54^ Invernefs, Scotland 114 516 503 510 2^7 560 557 Ipfwich, Suffolk 490 214 2 57 127 3 CQ 129 119 291 148 JKellington, Com-iv. ho6 159 235 183 452 168 ,78 376 i4f jKendall, IVeftm. 2 43 208 202 2 20, 92 273 270 «3* J258 jKidderminfter, IVorcefi. 403 6i 89 75 25O 124 121 Is 226 173^04 83(220 jKingfton, Surry 496 135 *97 5° 3*7 48 jKnarefborough, Vorkjb. 289 202 205 1 8c 108^28 jLandaft, Glamor. 483 29! 94;«oq 3 5c! 1 20 125 2$< 87 Lancaiter, l.ancajh. J267 186 180 199 1 20 249 246 38!234 Launceiton, Cormv. J604 157 233 181 4<;o;i66 176 37< I 1 39 jLeeds, Tnrkjh. J309 f86 189 164 1 29 212 210 8b !204 Leek, Staff. [a $6 120 124 121 203 172 .70 I26 : i6c; Leiceiter, Leiccji. . 399 122 149 82'220, [31 128 17C Leominfter, Heref, 419 36! 66 88 is r j 1 3 7 '34 ,8< IO4 Leikard, Cermu. i6 1 l6 3k*9 i8 7 ;r^6!i 72 139 ,8c u. 7 ] Abe — Amb TABLE I. G O u I* U < c c > bo < ■(£ < c bo .5 IS < (J 'Is C < CO U u < c < 68 E < 322 5 99 Lewes, Suffex 534!i95'249 iooj353 63 Lime, Dorfct 546 96I175 113392 90 100 321 73 Litchfield, Staff. 383 89' 1 14 83)223 r 33 130 l S3 118 172 [Lincoln, Lincoln]!;. [362 182', 87 128 183 178 ns '53 Liverpool, Lancajh. 322 132I128 166U75 216J213 92 [201 Llanbeder, Car dig. 45 1 55! 24 141I322 182 179 2 - 1 ! I 37 Llanymddovry, Caermar. 45i 39! 40 125*322 166 163 221I121 Loughborough, Leiceft. J388 110 J 43 931209 142 139 168)136 Louth, Lincolnjb. I382 210J21 5 I57|202!206 203 1731200 Loweftoff, Suffolk [5 1 3 233*270 1502331179 :-6gJ3oiJ20i Ludlow, Stirofi/b. I408J 46! 66 9i|27o;r4C 137 178 117 Lymington, Hants ^331128 194 75 ! 3 6 8 33 43313I 5 1 i49}228|i78 Lynn, Norf. 440,103 215 1 33,260; 1 59 Macclesfield, Cbefb. 343 r^2Ji 3 9 135U90185 182 113170' 308)116 Maid ft one, Kent 520 179 235 91I339 88 7* Maiden, EJJix 489 183 2 37 971309! 99 89 297 • J 9 Malmfbury, Wilts 176 54 127 30)31 d 68 69 246 46 Malton, (New) TorkJ/j. 2891250 234 2I0|l I2!26o!257 117 250 Manehelter, Lane. 311 f 57 148 r 5 1| j 68J200. 197 95 191 Mansfield, Nott. 360 139 160 I20Jl8l 1 69] 166 139)161' Margate, Kent 556 215 271 1 28J3 7 5 1331:25 344j 1 53 M a r k e t K a i ii n , L incolnjb. ^69)199 204 146(190 !Q5|I92 1 6o| 1 89 Marlborough, Willi 482 7& HS 2 93 r 3l 45i4^i 2 S 2 19 Melton Mowbray, Lcice/i. 393 '33 155 92 214 141 138 172 *35 Midhurft, t SuJJex 536 543 154U21 7i 119 iiZ 3 S 9 I 9 | 19 I22|l32 307 3*3 SS 86 Minehead, Somerf. 96 172 Monmouth, Monm. [45a 16 8 b 7 2 317 I I3|lIO 222 87 Mont gom ery , Mont go. (39 ^ 7 1 53 E14 266 163U60 .6 S 1 3 2 8 J Abe — Amb TABLE I. u c c cd »-, V < c to .5 u ■5 c < H3 s- «§ < 32' 177 C O < -a p < J5 £ < 3*3 163 167 Morpeth, Nortbumb. 198 291 2 99\273 H 208 3^9 82 1 74 1 14 |2SIamptwich, Chjb\ 344 1 06 363 140 99! 1 27 Newark, Nottingb. 172 124 1835180 170 171 Newbury, Berks I4B61103 169 20 3 11 30 306 27 3°4 161 256 87 121 30 298 149 N e wcaftle, Nor thumb, ,1213,280284 258 34 Ne wcaftle, Stafford/. I352J 1 19J 1 1 6| 1 1 4 21 1)164 Newenr, Gloceff. (4391 39I 90; 57 29S 92 122 95 1 12 215 260 67 142 Newmarket, Cambr. U53 174I216' 100 2?3 Newport, /. of1Vigbt\ 5 58 141I217I 95 383! 4 2 48 328 57 Newport, Monm. J476 18 jiooi 96 34 1 ! 111 116 246 78 Newport, Pembr. I490 93! 4S5180 361221 263) 90 218 92 260 217 176 89 Newport Fzgnel, Bucks 442 ii8|i6i| 45 Northallerton, Torkjh. J261 23312375211 83f59 2 57 76 251 Northampton, Nortbamp. 430 11 1I148 54 251103 100 202 97 Norwich, Norfolk (499 223J260 148 3i5\i(>q 159283 i 9 l Nottingham, Notting. J374 123J155I107 1951156 l 53 l 53 150 Okeham. Rutland/I). 1 397 138)165 82 218,131 128I183 125 Okeharnprcn, Devon 15:84 137(213)161 430)146 ,56 355 119 Orford, Suffolk |$u 233)269 146 331I148 138 299 167 Oundle, Nortbamp. 410 1401175 73 231:123 120 206 117 Oxford, Oxford/. 460 6 34 89I 149 787|Io7 21 1 285|_52 4801196 S3 206 227 405 50 169 Padftow, Comv:. Parkgate, C'Ar/&. 3S 1 i28| 92 160 220 209 206 21 1 275 184 181 Pembroke, Pembr. 505 9 6 | 7^ 179 37 6 >»4 219 Penrith, C*j!»£. 216 234228 249 815299 296 25 284 Penryn, Corniv. 651 204 280 228 497213 223 421 186 Penfance, Cormv, 665 218 294 242 511,227 23/ 435 200 Perth, Scotland 81 383 377 398 1 1 4 1 448 H5 »74 433 9 J Abe — Amb TAJ5LE I. c c c i w Permore. Wore eft. Peterborough, Northat?ip 433 55 IQI 411 152:18^ 8625J -0J28|2I2|I29 Perersfield, Hants |526;i43|2io| 60U51I b 13I296 44 |6o5|i53z34|i82 45i|i67 Plvm »urh, Dei Pon: Torkjb I 317 lbs 199 133 '33 2I 7 '77 375|£4g 214 101)203 Pool. Dorfetjh. 1 5 39 IC9I185I 81 3/0 5. 6l 3 C 9! Port Patrick, Scotland I238 367 360 3 2 I53l4-r ■1-9 Portfmoutn, Hants Preib Lancajh. { $44^138 214 1 bi [289 104J156 177 Qneenboroug^ 5291187144,101 36g.;_28 Mg 227 3 &05 34 224 Radnor, Rad?iorjb. 11±J1 _59|2I2 3 * 7 2 1 9 1423! 42 45 ic6 294*155 152 193 117 95 Ravenglas, Cumb. 220239 121:28, 286 26 274 Reading, i*>r£f {490)106 174I255 3i5l 2 7 :6c| 46 Richmond, JVjfofc. 2bofa«| 200)237 241 zi 6 79204 262 1,256 Ringwood, Hants I532J 1 09 1 8 d 68 47 302, 2. Rippon, Tork/b. 2^61212:223119 1031238 21 7923O Rochdale, Lancajh 31 t>|i 7ci 1 5q!i64 155121 5 210 86204 Rochester, Kent 514I172229 85333! 90 80302J110 Roi's, Hcrcf. 63 290 104 IOI ,8 Royiton, Herts Ruraford. EJJex 445 151 196I 63 485)1501211, 71 ^ 6 5 » 95 305I 73 85 246)106 271I 92 Rye, Suffix 548 207 26311 19 367U09 99 33 61 35 St. Albans, Herts 47' 134188I 45291I 68 - 5 8|2 5 i| 88 St. Alaph, Flintjh. 36914c; b 7; i 7 5 240J224J221I139J21 3 St. Davids, Pemhr. 5*3 72 214 3 8 4 22 9! 2 34 ! 283 salifbury, Wilts I5C9 92I168I 51 34^ 35| 45 2 79 196 Sandwich, Kent 564 22212781 1 35j3^2!i40[i 301351 160 Scarborough, Torfrb. Ugg 243l258 ! 2i 7I1 1812662631139)260 C rip] Abe — Amb TABLE I. c a a < c § > b£ < c -a bO c < c < T3 U en < 5 -a LB £ < «a ,£3 g < Settle, Torkjb. 271206 196 208 i i8J2^6J2^4.| 42 248 Sevenouks, Kent 507I166 222 781326 68| 58 292 300 94 27 S h aftefb u ry , Dorfetjh. 530! So 1561 691361 54 6 4 Sheffield, Torkjb. 34 2 i J 53 174131:163 179 1 7 7 1 1 6 171 Sherborn, Dorfetjh. 533 ! 8l I57| 8 4 ! ;37 6 69 79!3°3 42 Shore ham, Suffix 541:178 25o!roo|362| 4^ 53|328 84 S h r e v? fb u r v, Shropjb. 3 Sol 7 H 78m 241 120 160 240 i57 ! i5- i39 232 Skipton, Torkjh 279 l 2IO 200J192 238 58 Sleaford, Lincolnjb. 380U48 188I110J201 172 162 171 154 Somerton, Somerf. 9io| 6,. 145I 88 362 82 92 286 299 44i 33 Southampton, Hants 529(117 *93l 57 354 18 28 South wo Id, Suffolk 5 0(233 282I162 33° *59 149 151 298 210 182 152 Spalding, Lincolnjb. 403173 200 109 224 161 Stafford, Staff". 367 94 105 97 220 '47 144 J 37 T 33 Staines, Midd. 497I129 188 42 3*7 40 3i '35 270 199 213 61 128 *33 \ S ( amtord, Lincoln fh. 412151 178 84 218 232 Stilton, Hunt. 185 90 1 3,1 |i 21 Stirling;, Scotland n4 3 8o 373|3^ 6 I IC 44^443 17c 43 1 S tockbrid ge, Hants 510 102 I170J42J 335 HiM 280 *5 Stockton, Durh. 2 47 254J254 232 68 2811278 78 272 S.rortford Bifliop's, Herts 463 l6l|2 I I 72 285 92 82 204 1 1 1 Stow Marker, Suffolk 478 2O3 245 J 35 29 .36 126 279 ^S Strattord on Avon, War OS ill < 1 < c G < u "£ c < u < d ■»-> _1 124 167 < 5 a. S < Tam worth, Warw. 39 1 595 88; I 20 148224 "78 172 221 127 l6l|l2I ^ 6 ;|i3° Taviftock, Devon 441 I57 Taunton, Some 'J. 53° S 4 !i6c 101 377 99 109 3 00 62 Tewkfourv, Glouceft. 439 5 1 102 S3 278 101 98209I 73 Thackftead, Efjex 464 i73 224 88 293 105 96J261 J125 Thetroid, Norfolk 465 193 230 119 285 140 130255 16] Thirfke, Torkfo. 274 224 221 202 92 2CO 248 s? 242 Tinmouth, Nor thumb. 227 288 288 2fc6 37 314 312 96 306 Tiverton, Devon. K 1 105 l8l 125 39« 120 130 321 83 Torrington, Devon. 580 133 20Q 149 426 IJI 161 35° 124 To wee iter, North amp. 43 8 103 145 l 31 41 53 21S 258 337 4« 7 9 c 203 87 62 213 212 26- 411 J7 22 7t"c Trow bridge, Wilts 496 61 Truro, Cormv. 641 194 27c Tu abridge w eiis, Kent 5*9 178 254 90 338 76 66 307 102 Ulverfton, Lancajh. 263 221 203 222 116 27c 269 20 257 Utto^eter, Staff'. 376 105 120 IOC 205 149 146 146 *35 7 I Ux bridge, Midd. 488)128 IS- 4"i 3 ! ^ 50 49 266 Wakefield, Torkjb. 3l8 177 180 *55 13b 203J201 92 195, Waliingham, Norfolk 47 -J 230 251 156 291 1 77167 i 2 5s< 198 Wareham, Dorfetjb. 542 1 18 ro.i 8c 370 56I 66; 427 39 Warminfter, Wilts 500 67 143 60 351 5 2 60J279 • 8 5 Warrington, Lane. 3'S 146 127J148 .87 19SJ195 s? 183 Warwick, Warw* 420 7^ !I 7i 4c 145 98 95 190 88 Watford, Herts 477 127 179! 44 297J 61 51U5 6 Hi W e 1 1 i n g bo r o u g h , N on ham 4 2 3 1 22 243I I Oj rosjaoa 99 Wellington, Shropjh. 375 7y^ ^5) 1 oc > 244J149J146 145 132 Wellington, Sovierf. 537 91 I167I111 384J io6ji 16 307 *• Weils, Somerf. \^oi 55I142I 7^348! 76! 84I272I 42* 12 ] Abe — Amb TABLE u c bo < 'is < c c c IS < > c < -0 u | r 28 221I177 174 130 *59 Whitehaven, Cumb. {238 265 247 266 r 1 53 16 323 3° 248 301 64 Wycomb High, Bucks ^83 114174I 2b 39.3| 45 -38 Wigan, Lane. '305 160J142 161 159211 208! 7j 196 Wincheiter, Hants (517 109186! 45 34* 7 i7« z8 7 25 181 Windham, Norfolk J4S6 2I 3; 2 5°'i39 3o6Ji6c 150J274 W i n dio r, Berks | 49 4 I2l|l82| 36I32O 4 2 32264 63 Wolfingham, Durham 250 266270J245J 56 293 2 9 l| 65 285 Wolverhampton, Staff. 383 7 8 99I 82I236 131 128 i£3 290 223 116 i55 58 Woodbridge, Suffolk 499 222*264! 1-35131^ 136 126 6l Woodflock, Oxfordjb. 453 84 I4o| I4278! 64 Wooler, Northumh. 160)322 336J3l6| I4I358 356 103 350 Worcefter, Worcefi. 424 47 92 : 64|243Ji 13 I I I I94I 90 Wotton Ballet, Wilts 422 64 i28| 3; J305 72 > 223)18(5 6c i8( 252I 29 122178 Wrexham, Denbighfh. 3S 2 105 95! 14c Yarmouth, Norfolk 5*3 251 288|i 7 6|h3|i?3 ^73 311)202 York, Torkjb. 2 97 231 2f5Ji9i|i 15(241 *3* 100 231 Addition Ibroug Ayr, 182 J. Dunbar, 133J Hamilton, 144 J Jedburgh, 151I Lauder, 131 J Longholm, 177J al Di fiances from Abi b Edinburgh. Longtown, i8o| Moffat, 156J Peebles, 127I Selkirk, 143;. Wigton, 2 1 1 Whitehorn, 222-, :rdeen* ! CorgafF, 52! Dundee, 65J Banff, 44 Huntley, 36 JMontrofe, 36J jMonymufk, 19 i3 ] Ame — Axb TABLE II. < > c < 5. < 5 < c < N « -0 < < G c < 5 < ! 4 < AndweT) Hants] c6 Appleby, Weft mor. 1 262 1 2 8 1 Arundel, Suffexj 67 [57^324 AJbburton, Devon.; 188 iz6| 61 } 80 \ AJbbydcla Zouch, Leicef.|i 1 1 1 17 168 i66|2ii Afkrig, Yorkm. 1242-59] 26 29$^ Atherfione, War\vickfli.| GS 10^184 :;; :-: Aulcefier, Warwickfh.| 76 87:20^:1 38J1 :. _ 45J1B5 3* Ax-bridge, S omer f 1 1 1 5 1 6 6 ! 2 8 1 131 126 Axminiter, Devon. i 37 ! 82)328 *34 45li -S,52 1 144 52 Aylefbury, i?»c& 14! 57i 2 47 82 £,227 73 6: :-6 Baldock, Herts 33! 95|22Q P5 2131 79 85 137 Banbury, Oxf< 1 642 r .. 11 5 40 Bangor, Caemarv {2241227! 184 2«7 2961 1 4 i43 148 Barnard Cattle, ZW-6.J245 '264! 2 5 306 364I146I 21 '57 190 Barnelley, , iVi/&.|i62;i8oji 13 232 «8oj 63 78 75 106201) Barnet, /f|22^ 96 Q2 Barnftaple, JD*0vir.|i 7 8 I26I34C 186 57:2c; 54; 103 t7° Bafingfloke, Hanti\ 38 '9§j283 50I44III7I259 105 Bath, Stf/wr/J 94 45; 2 7 ] 107 99jl2 ««3 Beaumaris, ./&fi5/£y|2 20)22 3(180 203 20 2| 14 I -: ' Bedford, Bed/or JJb.\ 38! 93 229 I07|2l8 64 198 6r ^5 Berwick, .Afor/i>«z«£.J326{356| 99 388 240(1 24' 252 21 2 283 377 Beverley, Torkjh.lijj iiiiii 3 r 9l 45 325JIC ■ f45J3±° lS i" c 7 Bill in gh am, iVV/'W^.|3Ci 361 4I9I2OI Birmingham, ^tni;/f^| 88 102479 l $3 l8 5 2 7 |i68 Bland-lord, DorfetjbA 97 39J3M 761 • 52J2Q4 1 140 117 5 j Bly the, NottingbA 1 44 1 ; 74 1 2 5 211I276I 55! 92 66i| 102J197: «4 1 Arne— Axb TABLE II. i- E < > -a < < c < c CS3 w «S | be < c < < < lin, Corns: . 'zi q 2631402 221 47J2C0 400 246 223 Il8 Bofton, Linc0kjh.\i i $ KS 182 '7i 273I 69 : 5i 224 2 39 73 114 m Brecknock, Brecknock,] i 34 nc 228 £83 263 7} -53 'J.? 210114 IOC us 65 I I c 7+ iq6 Brentwood, ' EJJsx, 4.7 0, Bridgeoorth, SbropfbJ\i 1 2 '9l r 74 189I 51 171 296 47 142 166 r02 108 114 3? 119 143 *59 84 116 [09 17 5' r 5 2 L40 Bridgewater, Somcrfetjh.\i : 2 7 j 76 29SJ135 . 61J154 B rid port, Dor/bt/b.\i2&\ 70 i*7 so 55I 1 ? 8 320 Brighthelmfton, Suffex\ 75J 78 201J173 3 or 261 2t;o Briilol, AiM».&'G/0r.| 97158^ 263 J I 20 9/i"9 202(126 Bromley, JT*«/| 39I 76 2 77| V Broomigrove, Worceft.\ 88J 9^ i 9 ?|iqo 172I 45 811147 181 289 332 T 35 114 94' 2 4 Bruton, SomirJ'.\io±\ 44 291 [07 Buckingham, J5»ow 3 * | 66 231 98 iao|-6g i69 ! ic9 211 20 8 214 57 99 6: 45 37 IOC 90 7°4 Builth, Brecknock. 138132 212J201 Burtord, Oxford/Jj, 49l4 6 i 2 52 109 i 5 c| 72 B u r n h am , Norfolk 136J193 249 181 3 1 8| 146 222 H3 564 232 Burrcwbridge, Torkjb. 195(226 64 257 326J109 43! 121 : ^ 2 247 •Burton upon i'renr Staff 107J123 172 l 75 213! H I4O 20 49 1 35 Bury St. £dm. Suffolk 84I142 248 J 3 C 267:11.3 22 1 113 124 1 90 Caermarthen, Caermar. 180I172 z$S 228 209 148 2 54 144 in 150 103 Caernarvon, Caernar-v. 232 22S 196 290 182 i6r 192 158 156 Cambridge, Cambr. ?7 119 224 107 244I 82 ^97 |i 9 6 82 42 ^1 1 1 161 84 Campden, Glccefl. 6i 6; 214 120 l6 3l 53 Canterbury, Kent 8o| 1 23 323 103 248:172 2q6 i6g 192 95 13c 226 127 194 62 1 36 ^02 160 C a r u 1 ff, Glamor g ■ $6|io4 1 '- 79 264 259 160 249 [ 4' J 37 215:165 260 2 $5 5 s 2?/ 125 161 2C I 124 Cardigan, Ca dig Carlifle, Cumb. 287I304 2 •> 354 -,83 188 220.1 2 i; Chelmsford, JtCffex 5 8 ! 95 204 83 *S J Ame — Axb TABLE II. -5 • j- > c < < C < 5 < ■n U < 6 c < 1 u j «J < < Chepftow, Monm.\iQ'n\ 7° 24* H5 116 1 15 2411103 Chefter, C/je/Mre 16 z\iji 118 *33 H3 Chefterfield, Derlyfb\i$b 154 136I205J254I 37 I 80(175 Chic heller, SuJTe*\ 7;: 47 [44I1S7I120 Chippenham, Wilt 40 l 11 |ni|a53] 99J-7 6 39 Chipping Norton, Oxf.\ 49 srf ___ -°9| 551 3 2 l 7<3 Chriftchurch, Hants rof^o^ 310J 66 l io8p54 l iv fc ; :4 - : '! iI 9' - 2 Cirencefter, Gloceft\ 63 1 52(251 1 7(1 ^4 89J231I 77! 50! 54 Clithero, Lancaf: 2 oo\ 2 1 7 6: 267(313 ICO 41J112I144I234 Cockermouth, CumbSzSb 303 47 •;:, : -b2 i8q 69J200I225303J Colchefter, E[Jex\ 80 117J275 105J242 136 2451133(14^188 Coldifream, Scotia 353 « ■ 385 456J240 Colnbrook, Bucks\ ix 4**77 5° 176115 34 90! 1 18 Coventry, Warivickjb.\ 76 93I180 ; ~ - 19. j 26 166I13I ia'114 Cranbrook, Kent - 104(316 23 2 l l6 5 2Q2!l 5i 1 52' 182, Crewkherne, Somerf. 1 2 : 67I31C 121J 5-8Ji65J30b is4 13 1| 39" Cricklade, Wilts y. 44I257 102(115] 7 6 | 2lS 63I 49 67 Cromer, Norj 199(276 187I324 154I249 138 178 243 j Croydon, Sm 67 28Q 47202 I26'249 1 i5J II 7l 1 33 . Darking, Hurry 39 541292 3 C 185 [40J268; J 2,, 109 121 ' Darlington, Durham 2 : 9 2&0 43(291 360 '45 3 1 155 186I281 Dartiord, Kent 46 86 304 Be 212 [32 258 I 20> I 22(153 Dartmout h, Devon 2 : l 3*|373| I 9 a *3 229 37' 2 1 8| 1 94 8 9 Daventry, Nortbantp.\ 53 79J205 13c rob 43 l8 5l 3*1 3 5 108 Deal, Kent 104! 141 H 1 I! 5 266 190 3Hh? 8 180 212 Denbigh, Denbigbjb, 1F8J191 *4* 251 260 1 10 144 107 112 181 Derby, Derbyjh. 1 12)130 160 181 225 13 12* 27 56 151 Devizes, Wilts 7»l 20 279 86 1 1 1 1171259105 S2 4 I i ! Ame — Axb TABLE II. o. <| < ei Doncafter, Yorkfh |i 57(187 108 Doicheiter, Dor/et/b.\ii$\ 55327 Dover, JSTeztfJioi 138338 Q2J 70I168J3 IO 1 • 5J187J3I IJI75I177 551 20 ] )r< itwich, lVorccJi.\ g8j 97 i?b 1 66' 6+ 84 f2 Dudley, &^:j 98 n 21 16^ Dul< Somerf.\ 1 54J 1 03(325 162 i»Sl 35 165 323 Dumfries, Scotland\ 3 HlH ! 69(39.1. 420^25 95 5^ :6Q 38 263 _88 IPS 43 3 9 Dunmovv, jDu nibble, Bedfordjh.] 18 io7|2<;i 95.232 ii2 224 76I242I 89197! 84J221 I I I ? IQ 74 69 I 2 < Durham, Durham\2^6 ■ 791 ^c ; 3io; ? 7Q 1 041 v- l i7.i ; -o^ 300 Dudley, Gloucett.\ 85 5^(240! 1 IO I I^ ICO 242I 89 52 74 , Eafingvvold, Torkfl}.\20b Ecclefhall *<# 238J 70261 338,117 140 140 E d i n b 0. f g h , Scot 'and. 366 Ely, :^9 fe j i 2 4 Cambr,\ 74I136I225 &ppmg, £#* 37 jEpfoin, 5arry ko-| Everiham, •,' ; . Exeter, Devon r 69 85*5 57U85 73;^ 190I212 36 13b 4311.4.7 c; 280 241261 9 20 c- 4611291164 293(318 89 no H-iTo 2S9 I V- 9" i3 2 -r I 7 b 391 ' 94 = '3 ' i3*Mi 7 1 2 8j 120' 105 9z *9 y 20$ 4$| I 340187163 I28 touth. CornrM. 263 1991434253 8029c 432|278!2 55 [ 5 G warn ham, [farnngclon, : -urry\ 4.2 32302 34I162.J13O 26c 1 191 96 Berks] 4b >4 2 57 ^)°M7 219 65J 50 69 {Fiint, Flint$.\i%2 85130 Fowey, Loraw.12361172410 42J254 1 94 126 228I 49265407 9i|ic6|i75 irrome, Somerf\ 9.5 1 39)282 105] 93 137 |Gainfborough,Lz/za>/#/&J 141) 180(130 202(2,8 r 63 jGi (borough Torkjb. 23 51274J 67297(3651153 253 : 230 1 125 i2;!;02|26|- 10720 16^200(286 |Olafg0W, Scotland 3881404! 1 33J455I4S4 2^9 1 59' 302 327I403 17 J Ame — Axb TABLE II. < Gloceiter, Gioceji. 70 231 124J133 82)224 71 34 J2 161 Grantham, Lincolnjh fOi;i 35 156 162 245I 3 5! 1^0 39 6 7 Gravefend, to*/ s| 08 70I2I5II39U63 127(129 .38 Grim (by, Lincolnjh [58)198 4. 220 31 Grinltead, Sujje 9 741 36 200JIJ -1273 io.3H3$ 134I129 230 Guildford, Surry 3«. 4s 29- 29J173141268 301101,101) Halifax, fw^. r86 l 204 QO 56304 87 54 99| 1 301225 Halilead, Efex 7CiiO r Harborou^h, Leicefi ■Q 106 260 iy6 Iti; ' 2q^I ;3 ;-.t, i ^l ' lOi jl^TS 1391212I 31I170 28|«;oJi32 Harleigh, Merionethjh. Hartlepool, Durham Harwich, Effex 204 200 2'-»2 254 I33 28 • 14027'; 30 .77 l60 53 I OO I38 286 :6,203 130J228175 1 72:205.29s ■5i|259 148 168209 Haflemere, Surrv 5 1 ! ¥ 301 18 149 136 2?8 : 24 207JIOO Haftings, Suffix 85 80 335 60237 ' lS ^V 2 I 73i 1 .75l?89 Haverfordweil, Pemb 95 289 51I232 179 28$ 7^44 ! 53 Hay, Brecknockjh. 25 122 217 176I16] 2 213 90 50I 82 Haylfham, Suffix 89' 98 3 2 9 Helftone, Cortvw 269I207 +39 4I|22I 7^ 2 9? 30^ 437 164 106I172 283 260! 1 55 Henley onThames,0#/J 29! 39268 59269 94236 J>Z\ OQ 20I Hereford, HerefJio^ 98 14 152 148 82 206 70 30) 68 Hertford, Herts] 3 1; 87 248 7 2^ 99221 9 6 ' 9^45 Hexham, Nortbumb. 286 305 347 4.05 187 61 198 2311326 Hithe, Kent 99135 Holyhead, Angle/. Holywell, Flintjh, 18018 33i 208 31 261 18551 1 70*204 2492581100,134 30; 173 175 203 ^67 272 228 97 no 179 Horfliam, Suffer S 2 \ 6 3 104 iS. 53:280,1 + 2 221 226 122 2 3t Hounllow. Midd. 20(55^1 279 So i C9I248J 108 94. Hull, Torkjh. 164I204 120 20 326 97I 92I109141 i8 ] Amc — Axb TABLE II. 4 E ri C2 u u < u u > a < > 23I 292 172J12J 223 117; 86 93 Lo u g h bo ro u g h , L eice/l . 95 13a 171 ih/\ 2 29! 18 ■45 i8| 54 148 Lou tli, LwcohjiJ. j 1 5 ) f LoweftotY, Svffolk\ 1 42 191 *77 Ib 5 286 2I 3 '^57 3O3I 84 281IX44 138 27c 96(128 1301164 22 3 Til '9 J Ame — Axb TABLE II. Jo E~ as <£ u 4) B < 1* u > c < Oh < C lx < c < c y -a .a" a < < a < u < < Ludlow, Sfcopjb. 116 114 188JI76 I74. 70 184 66 42 9} Lymington, Hants 98|43l 39 2 l «;© 129 I£! JQQ 146 128 105 Lynn, Norf. 1 04, 1 6 d 224| I^ 29C 121 I97 ll8 M9 207 Macclesfield, Cbe/h. I54|l7I 1 23)221 2 55 57 IO7 68 93 176 Maidftone, Kent 66jio: 303 73 228 152 279 140 142 7° 17c 44 Maldon, EJcx 68105 7l| 5 Q m\ 93 230 2 ^6|io8| 1 24 135J246 1.34 93 Malmibury, Wilts ro$ 247 Malton, TorkJJj. 212I24.C; 9326813^ 124 6 5 f 3 G 171 266 Manchefter, Lane. i6 9 |i86 9 6 236^82 69 76 Si 4*1 113 20 3 Mansfield, Nott. 1241^4 U3 I 9 f 2 5 6 35x12 82 .77 Margate, Kent IO3 139 3 39 120 264 188I312 17b 178 21c MarketRaiiin, Lincolnjh 14.0 iho 152 202 292 73 1*5 8 « 117 212 Marlborough, Wilts 68 27 267 8^ 125 103 245 91 68 5* Melton Mowbray, Lcic. 92 126 '75 761J229 22 144 26 54 148 Midhurfr, Sujex 60 43 321 i6!i6c i47 289 155 123 106 Minehead, Somerf. [£l roc 322 i59l 59 179 321 .67 i43 41 Monmouth, Monm. TOO 95 232 14913c 101 228 89 19 5i Montgomery, Montgo. 141 137 r 75 199I191 81 171 78 6? 112 Morpeth, ~N or thumb. 278 308 bo 340I408 194 75 20^ Z35 330 Namptwich, Chejb. 146(16^ 124 213(233 63 120 60 S2 '53 Newark, Nottingb. 114 158 143 1 76^60 3 6 116 48 85 179 Newbury, Berks 44 16 2.65 66I145 101 243 89 188 219 11 314 Newcaftle, Nor thumb. 262 293 65 324 393 ,78 59 Newcaftle, Staffordjh. I3 2 150 132 200 234 46 128 47 72 54 Newent, Gloceji. 85 80 221 134 143 87 219 66 1 33 Newmarket, Cambr, 70 128 237 116 253 98 210 95I109 '74 jNewport, JJIe of Wight 99 50 332 42 131 I73J3 I 5 161 138)108] '.Newport, Monm. 124 9 2 256 148 129 I3i|24q 113I 96I 50' D 2 20 ] A me — Axb TABLE II. 1 E £ < Ih > c < 5, a. < c < c < 1 N at < < c In u •5 u 3 < fcJO ■a < Newport, Pcmbr. 207 190)270 2560. ?6| 1 76J266 172 41 r 47 Newport Pagnel, Bucks 38 80J225 IO9 204J 6hJ20I 56 57 172 119 207 Norrhiilfrron, To kfh. 2't 246J 58 277 346; {29I 30 141 Northampton, North. 53 88J2n^, i.95l *'l"86 4 l 46I115 Norwicl , Norfolk HQ «75 279)163 300)138 252 I 37|'58 223 Not fi n g h a m , Nottin%. rOG. 14* i57|i8o,243| 21 125 31 68 162 Oke h a m . Rutland^. 83 ii6[i8j|i'«;i|226| 28 154 32 60 [134 Qkeharnpton, Devon 1S9 528I364I183J 28I220 362 zo8Ji8 5 | 80 Orford, 'Suffolk 1 17 154 205 I4.2f279|l.^8 268 l 57| l6 9.«'S Oundle, JNortbamp. 6 5 108 193 i3 T ^2 4 ; 47 106 S'| 75 144 Oxford, Oxford]}), 29 43U40 92Ji6i;j 76 217 6i| 46 87 Padiiow, Cormv. 239 179 414 233! 65270 412 258235 122 Parkgate, Chc/h. 177 183 112 2 45i^-5l 94 113 9 109 I76 Pembroke, Pcmbr, 2 - l 95 285 25i2~32[i7S 281 171 140 l $3 Penrith, Cumb. 266 285 J 4 335I364I170 42 182 2,7(283 Penrvn, Corniv. 26c 196 43* 250] 77I287 42c' 275 252 H7 Penzance, Corww, 281 214 445 264I 99^301 443 289 266 161 Perth, Scotland 418 434 163 470J513J329 189 332 35 6 433 Perfhore, Worceji. 83 79 213 1 39\ 1 W\ 55 200 43 ni 79 Peterborough, Nortbam. 72 120 J 9S 1331236 53 10b 57 87 l 57 Petersfield, Hants 61 3 2 306 26J154I141J283 129 1 1 2 9S !OI Plymouth, Devon. 21 2 148 3*5 204 23I241J383 229 206 Pon tef r a ft, Torkfb 172 202 97 229 298, 83I 70 95 124 219 Pool, Dorfctjh. i°5 47i 3'9 75 97|i6o 302 148 I2 5 68 Port Patrick, Scotland 401 4^7 H5 468!497i3°2:i7- 3*5 34C 4-6 Portfmouth, Hants 79 41 327 28 ijali 59)301 14/ I3O 105 Preilon, Lancajb. r 9 6 2 '3 69 263 292 iooj 70 1 1 1 y.5 213 Queenborough, Kent 75 11 1 312 100237I161I285 149 »5i 182 21 ] Ame — Axb TABLE II. Radnor, Radnorjh < < T3 X hfl .5 ~ 136:125; 20519 1-170! 99199 89I 57 Ravenglafa, CumLzyozys 4 8 3 2 5 35"°! I 73 70-173 197 97 280 Reading, Berk. Richmond. 2V£# 2 7 232 31 2 S l 2jz\ 54162 105 247 03' 94 38(295 351 133 Kin 'J wood, H<*«fc 98 33 3091015 1 1 1 147 Rippon, Torklb. 20I 22^ I8JI44I77 89I135 112 2 7 71 6 1 263 325 108 32JI2oll^lJ£46 Rochdale, Lancqfb. 18 129 961249295, 8- 1 72! 94'i26|2i6 Rocheiter, Kent 60 Qt 297 85 222,146!- 7C1 .4 13 |6|i6 7 Rofs, #«-*/: 9 J Royiton, i&r/j 44 _8 £ < > -a c < < r. 3 < c < re "a5 .A d < — c < < be rs *n .3 4 Southampton, Hants 80 2 sk 3 oSj 4 i§ 13 r 14J 286 I?2|l.l4 84 Sourhwold, Suffolk 132 ro3 2941157 294 170 267 169 181 238 Spalding, Linrolnjb, IOC '43 186 156 2 s: 62 •59 6c> 94 180 Stafford, Staff. n6 133 i47 183 205 29 '43 29i 5' 125 Staines, Midd. 20 +H 2R0 47 173 114 256 103 90 "3 Stamford, Lincolnfh. 81 IIQ 177 140 235 40 151 <4 7 2 166 Stilton, Hunt. 67 124 IQ2 125 249 57 165 32I 86 *5<; Stirling - , Scotland 4*4 43O I59I466 5" 3i5|x85 328 3S4 429 Stockbridge, Hant.< 59 71 288! 54 126 12? 267 113! 9 2 67 Stockton, Durb. 236 267 54 |208 367 150 -13 162(193 288 Stortford Bilhops, Herts 47 98 247 86 223 I02J220 101(109 159 Stow Market, Suffolk 99 142 262 130 267 '/7| 2 35 126(138 204 94 Strattord on Avon, War. 68 75 202 130 '74 42I185 3' 8 Sudbury, Suffolk 78 121 268I109 246 122(241 119 133 -88 Sunderland, Durham 261 292 63 323 392 1 75*! 63 187 21b 3'3 Svvaffham, Norfolk 104 161 238 149 286 121JJ211 122 '43 208 S vv a n lea, Glamor g. 180 143 270 199 180 182I266 i 4 t 1 16 iOI Tadcafter, Torhjh. 183 216 85 2 39 316 95! 58 107 142 237 Tamworth, Warw. 96 1 12 183 167J214 '3|*5' 8| 36 '34 Taviitock, Devon 202 140 375 194] 20 23il373 219(196 9' Taunton, Somerf. 136 75 311 136 49l 166I309I155I132 27 Pew k (bury, Gloucefi. 74 81 219 137 144 73J206 6i!232 63 1 hackltead, Etfcx 60 112 246 9° 227 110I221 109(117 '7 2 Thetford, Norfolk % i4t 249 '34 271 1 17 222 1 14 128 '93 Thirlke, Torkflj. 207 z 37 66 268 337 120! 41(1321163 258 rinmouth, Nortbumh. 270 301 74 332 401 i8h.| 67|i96;227 322 Tiverton, Devon. '57 96 33 2 '57 34 ^81330(176 153 5 2 iTorringtori, Devon. i8j '3 g 35 2 188 47 2i6i358|204i73 70 *3 3 Ame — Axb TABLE II. b e £ < u u e < U < C < e < (J O -a >> .0 fcufj < U G C In u ■fl < (Li a Is < rs < Towcefter, Noitbamp. 4 C 75 '•24107 187 ?5Ji94 47| 42 107 Trowbridge, Wilts 88 36 276! 9^ 101 127269 "ri 9- ,i4 Truro, Cornw. 252 ! 9 4215240 7' 277 41Q 165)242 '37 Tunbridge Wells, Kent 65 88 $°Sl <3 227 i;i 27S l 39;i4i i55 Ulverfton, LancaJJo. 241 25:8 431308 137 22c 2 3i.35 156 180 3*1 58 263 111 124 Uttoxeter, Staff. 118 iJ5 156(165 Uxbridge, MM. 1 1 56 27 ^ ' 6 ^8c 110,247 99| 87 Wakefield, Yorkfi. 172 190 100.242 2Q0 73| 6 7 8cin6 211 Walfingham, Norfolk ijjfc 1 J s *5fh7i 3»G 147I228 144(165 23c Wareham, Dorfetjb. ro8 S c 3»jj 8- 90 1631305 t5 1 |i2« P* Warminfter, Hilts 89 3 2 289' 91 981234 97 263 74J 94 129 99!33i Warrington, Lane. i€ • [« 4 8ijio6Ji84 Warwick, IVarw, 67 «3 196I134 .83 34|i77 23li 4 i|io^ Watiord, Herts 11 67 260) 7 1 r 9 i 1001236 89 77 129 Welling borough, ATofte. V 9c 2ll}l2 5 206 46! 1 80 43 57 126 Wellington, S& ojt/h.\ i 20 129 1 55I 1 88 203 48I151 45 5°i 123 Wellington, Somerf. [43 82 3 l8 ! l 43 42l i74J!6 163I139 34 Wells, $tourf\ioj & 282 120 78 138128a J27|l0^ 11 Wendover Bucks': 9 5 1 1:53 7 6 179I 911233 79! 67 112 Weobly, Hcrcf:n S no 204 164I210 86204 74| 43 8c Weymouth, DorfetJb.\i 22 64 335 tot\ 7? i7 7 |3 T 9 165J142 67 Whitby, iVi,^,j243 276 88 299!57 6 |i55! 7i 167I202 297 Whitchurch, Sbropjb,] 14.6 7 130 ai; 22^| 671I26 64 78 144 Whitehaven, Cumb\i%$ 302 61 3S 2 381 i9*l 73 2CO 224 302 Wycomb, Bucks\ 7 50 266 681182 92|2 4 2 8l 69 no Wigan, Latic.\ij() 197 86 2471276 «7| 81 95 120 119 102 *97 77 Winchefter, Hants] 68 i3i 296 4?! I 3 6 132 2 74 Windham, Norjolk\ioq 166 270 154I291 137I243 I 54] I 48 21 2 24 i A me— Axb TABLE II. '3. CM u. <\ < -HI -5 < < Windfor, Berks Woliingham, Du-bi »4 261 49 280 13:322 380 108 162 259 Wolverhampton, 67tf//\ 9^(117 63' 167 Woodbridge, «S#^ Woodftock, Qxfordfl) Wooler, Nortbumb. 105:142 3/1 4^ WI339 283I130 2 3 3 ' 1 00 T7-ToT £89 267 164 44 33 160 147)256 6S J I7c~ 225JI06 Worcefter, IForcefl, 91 8 7 Wotton Baflet, /i^}'//. 591 3 8 2_°4 H9 265I 93 LI2 149 W re x h a m, Denbigbffj. 62105 132J22; I0 3[ 2 4. 88!i2h Yarmouth, 2W/^ York, nrl/i 52|iri9 3°7l I 77 }i4 166280 9j|22b 82^249 3 2bj 105;! 50 I 7 li 8c 04; 1 11 206 301 3d 109 ^7 l 2H 39 ! 84 2 6 (' 1 3 6 1 , r Si"~79 64: 6B 86!i5 5 1 65J1 86,244 ( I 7 |l52l247 Diftances from Afhbourn, Berlyjlnre* Alfreton, Derhyfc. Bakewell, - ■ ■— Buxton, '■ Cheadle, Staff. . Chefter, Cbcjh. Chefterfield, Dertyb. Derby, Leiceiler, Leiceji. Leek, Staff. Lichfield, 20J] 12 58 13I 41J Mi 24 27 43f Macclesfield, C/^. Manchefter, Lancajh. Mansfield, Nott. 28 Matlock, Dcrhjh. 17- Newcaftle under Linf , Staff. 24 Namptwich, Cbe/b. 38 Nottingham, JY C M Aylejbury, Bucks 1 36 *45 92 64 Badock, Herts 168 3" B anbury > Ox ford in. 1 35 3 5 4 57 Bangor, Caernarv. 258 209 22/ 176 Barnard Caftle, Durh. 13261230 212 109 208 Barn/ley, Yorkfti. 242 *47 ! 39iU5 145 83 Barnety Hertsi^i >si 26j 64 2 3S 238 163 Barnjiaple, Devon.' 54 169 200! 16 1 284 352 268 201 94 Bafingfloke, Hantsjioi 49 77 66 238 264 180 Bath, Somerf.\ 61 83 114 76 212 272 188 n_S Beaumaris, -Anglefeyz^^ 205 2I 7 172I 4 207 148 231 280 *34 Bedford, Bedfordjb.iyz 29 18 42203 208 123 37 324 *73 205 444 76 358 Berwick, Nor -thumb '.J420 317 298 291I286 104 '79 Beverley, Torkfl)\i§b 171U44 156J203 87 56 3*2 2IJ Billingham, Northumb. 381 285Ut> 7 |254J2^ 9 56 138 293407|3i9 Birmingham, Warwick/. 149 73l 80 39 i34 173 90 99i I 75! I °4 Blandford, Dorfetjb. 43 96i»28 103 254 299 2I 5 iii|iod$B§ Blythe, Nottingb. 23* 129 120J111 161 103 3 1 146I264J 1 76 Bodmin, Cornw. *ii 2221254:214 337 405 321 2371 66 189 Bofton, Lincolnjb. 2 3S ioc| 81 IOI 220 162 93 108,262 160 Brecknock , Brecknock]}). ""$ 129 101 103 139 255I129 i 4 9li4i|i34 Brentwood, EJfex 169 62 42 92 228 244(174 28212) 92 Bridgenorth, S/jrop/b. '5 1 97 10464I 1 1 2 :8 5 102 I25!i77|i26 Bridgewater, Somerfetjh 2 7 nS 1 49' 1 1 2 33 301 217 i$o\ 51J 94 B rid port, Dorfetfh. 13 127 I59U34 257 325 241 *4 2 i 7$i 8 9f Brightheimfton, Sujfex »55 9i 96 136 3°3 508 2 2i 82 70J207J 71 Briitol, Som.&Gloc. 6c *7 118 75 198 266 I20|j5 1 75 Bromley, Kent 156 54 48 88 2 54 2 57 186 22204 [j? Axm — Baf TABLE III. 1 C '5 < b a < ^4 *re pq 3 c « C re u re hi • V re M c s re P2 <§ c re fcJO c « re CQ IOI Broomfgrove, Worceft. 136 73I 90 40 136 186 103 i ©4 162 Bruton, SomcrJ. 41 102 133 101 226 294 210 121 82 66 68 Buckingham, Bucks 143 18 40 *5 '93 216 132 4ii l 7 8 Builth, Brecknock. l 3* 128 152 95 124 239 l S3 J 55 J 57 150 53 Burford, Oxfordjh. 112 36 67 23 180 219 i35 68 138 Burnham, Norfolk 273 '35 103 139 258 229 159 119 300 J 75 226 Burrowbridge, For^/h. 288 186 166 161 *74 39 46 192 3*4 Burton uponTrentiS 1 /^ i77 92 89 6o| 139 J 45 62 112 203 l2 ; Bury St. Edm. Suffolk 223 83 51 90 262 228 160 72 2 57 122 Caermarthcn, Caermar. 171 175 207 141 I2 7 28 5 200 l 95 197 186 Caernarvon, Caernarv. 144 217 234 184 12 223 »55 243 170 241 Cambridge, Cambr. 199 58 22 70 234 204 J 34 48 229 IOI Campden, Gloceft, I2£ 54 78 21 162 201 117 80 i5' 70 Canterbury, Kent 203 1 00 94 134 300 307 233 68 251 105 Cardiff, Glamorg. IO3 131 163 no 177 290 206 *5* 129 118 Cardigan, Cardig. 177 192 223 171 Il8 286 227 211 203 196 304 Carlifle, Cumb, 34* 272 262 238 203 57 133 287 368 Chelmsford, Effex 180 69 43 99 267 244 *74 35 222 79i Chepftow, Mown. 78 106 138 85 l8o 261 17S 118 I04 93 Chefter, Cbejbire 20^15:0 r 57 12 S \ 65 144 78 171 231 184 Chefterfield, Derbyfh. 2l6|l2I in 89|»41 109 2 5 *37 242 39 Chichefter, Sufex ,2 3 | 81 IOI IO4 276 3°3 219 75 l 7S Chippenham, Wilts 7S\ 6 9 IOO 62^17 258 174 101 106 54i Chipping Norton, Oxf. 121! 34 67 12 '75 214 130 70 '47 60 Chriftchurch, Hants 67)199 180 IO5 261 301 217 112 134 5'f 57 Cirencefter, Glocejl. 961^1 84 40 21b 236 '5 2 85 132 Clithero, Lancajh. 2 7S \lS S 180 l S 2 l 3S 76 S* 203 301 370 278 303 Cockermouth, Cumb. 344I27I 275 238 205 66 128I 296 Colcheftcr, Coldftream, Scotland^. *7 i Axm — Baf TABLE III. Effex Si s "3 M _<_ 197 15 3 < 3 J 5 54 297 115 285125 289J276 IOC l8o ^76 323 4> # 279 137 106 KJ4 29. 256 186 26 w 181 Croydon, Surry 5° £5 49 89 5625-5 188 23 194 49 Darking, Surry 139 55. 6 3 88 262 275 56 81 36 Darlington, Durham 21 220J204 197 bo 230 348 260 Dartford, Kent 165 63 56I120 260 264 194 2 7 68 Dartmouth, Devon 57 193 225 i8q 308 376 292 208 b 9 156 Daventry, Northamp. i;o 38 S4| l6 i x 74 90106 61 176 81 Deal, Kent 22 118 112152 3i8 3 2 5 251 86 23 Denbigh, Denbighjh. 222 173 ib 5l 36 x 75 16 199 248 202 Derby, Derbyfb. 9M 97 931 60 46 Devizes, Wilts 72 66 97| 68231 '33 264 So 180 114 98 218 104 '3° 50 Doncafter, Torkfh 251 142 1251124 162 83 1; 277 190 Dorcheiter, DorfetJh\ 27 112 144 119 266 3i5 23 1 127 9°74i Dover, jfif> < C PG u O to c M O rt c Ed PQ • O PC rz c CQ G PQ Hartlepool, Durham 33»i 237 218*212 22 5 39 92 244 365 2 7 S Harwich, EJJex 7 1 8 icO 75J136U00I266 198 78 265 I20 Haflemere, Surry 140' 61 Si| 84:236283 199 5° 167 33 Haftings, Suffix 20 1 IO"; io7ti47J3i2'3i9 246 _75J26o 101 209 Haverfordweit, Pemb. 194 208^38 172JI45I316 2 3* 2 2'il2 20 Hay, Brecknock]}). i2^lnB|i45 88|i4oi24t 1651138 I 49 t I2 7 Hayliham, Suffex 175101 98 13^13061309 237! "2 227 86 Helftone, Cormv. 127.259 221 25« 374|444 35^74 1.2 228 Henley onThames,OA/. rr8| 2 8 5 2 46 218I241J157J 42-166 21 Hereford, Heref. 1 10' 98 125 68 '47 228|r45 118 I 3 6 io 3! Hertford, Herts l6 7l 37 '7 67 238 2281156; 16 2O7 ;o| Hexham, Nor thumb. 367.271 2 53 24CJ224 4IJI25J279 393l30s! Hit he, Kent 215 1 1 , 107 r 473*3 319244 Si 263 "7 Holyhead, ^ghf. 269233 2 45 200I 27 235(170:2621295 26j ! Holywell, FUntJh. 220 171 ■75: Us 8 | 47 165 106 188:240 200 Horftiam, Sujex 139J 67 7 5! 1 00 270 287 213! 481191 5 o< Hounflow, Midd. '37] 35 4«| 68J243 260 182! 18J181 3SI Hull, Torkjh. 2 7 ;|i62 135 147 203 95 64 1641303 206 Hunger ford, Berks 9'-! 44 75! 5*j 2I 3 249I1651 73*128 2? Huntingdon, Hunt. 194 CI 28. 61 217I189I119I 55I223 105 Ilche'h , Somerj\ 51(11 ^ I 43!"M 24o|309 l 224 l i34l 92 79 Invernefs, Scotland];^ 1 cz^ 4^7:485 449 3°7 37 6 i < ;24| 6 i4 55° Ipl wic h , Sufolk\ 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 79M 2b8|254l/86J 7v ! 2b2 117 Kellington, 6Wmu.| 68|zw6 238J198 ^21 389i305 ! 22ij 53 169 Kendall, Weftm. 298(227 231194 *$9 4 2 89 2543"4 259 Kiduermmiter, Worcejt. 137 83 100 5° T26|i85|I02 I I 4! I 60 in Kingfton, Surry •3 5: 4° 5 c i 73 248I262J189 23K84 38 Knarefborough, Yorkjh* 277J182I174I150 163J 4 6| 35 I9li303 2I 5 3o1 Axm — Baf TABLE III. 1 c c '1 < < O O • hi 3 C M £ be c 09 H C u w V a <5 bQ G 3 Lancafter, Lancajk. 276 203 207 170 '37 59 92 224 302 235 Landaff, Glamor. IOO 128 160 IO7 174 288 204 148 126 ii5 Launcefton, Corww. 67 204 23<> 196 320 387 3°3 219 46£ 168 Leeds, Yorkjh. 261 166 158 134 147 65 J 9 181 287 199 Leek, Staff. 204 126 124 94 95 142 52 144 229 148 Leicefter, Letce/i. 179 69 &5 4< 163 161 76 85 205 118 Leom i n fte r, Here/, 12$ IOO 124 67 131 214 131 127 l S l 124 Leikard, Corww. 77 2I0I242 202 3 2 5 39' 309 225) 62 173 Lewes, Sujfex 1 53 94 88 127 296 300 227 62 215 79 Lime, Dorfet 6 127 168 143 266 334 250 *5 J 84 97i Litchfield, Staff, 165 87 94 54 127 157 74 108 191 119 Lincoln, Lincolnjh. 236 121 94 103 186 125 52 123 262 165 Liverpool, Lancajb. 244 170 174 "37 103 114 86 191 270 202 Llanbeder, Cardig. 149 164 196 130 104 258 189 184 i75 169 Llanymddovry, Caerm. 134 148 180 114 120 258 173 167 160 i53 Loughborough, Leice/t. 190 80 76 sH IJ6 150 65 96 216 193 Louth, Lincolnjh, 264 H9 122 134 214 145 72 "i" 290 r 93 Lowefbff, Suffolk 270 134 103 J $o 311 277 178 107 3°3 165 Ludlow, Shropjb, 136 103 127 70 I20 203 120 130 162 127 Lymingt >n, Hants 102 93 128 106 267 3°5 321 101 158 44. Lynn, Norf. H5 102 69 114 233 204 134 94 275 i47 Macclesfield, Cbefb. 217 139 137 .06 I07 129 39 160 243 171 IVlaiditone, Kent 182 80 74 114 280 286 213 48 230 84 Maldon, EJJex 185 86 79 61 53 93 109 276 2 '5 253 252 184 168 44i 93 232 112 87 59 Malmfbury, Wilti Matron, Torkjb. 3°7 188 ,78 18c 191 66 6c 205 333 247 Manchefter, Lane. 244 154 149 121 104 107 39 172 27c 187 Mansfield, Nott, 218 109 IOC 86 I 5 2 122 37 129 244 .ij6 3i ] Axm — Baf TABLE III. I u c 'fl < 5 a < U 3 C u O' be B PP u S3 el u s- c la w V c :3 c PQ •J M c 33 PQ O C PQ Margate, AWJ219 1,6 no 150 316 3 2 3 249 84 267 121 MarketRaifin, Lincolnjb'a^ 138 in 123 203 132 250 59 ,66 14O 8 4 ^79 !lg 2 117! 3 6 Marlborough, Wilts 86 5^! 83 54 208 Melton Mowbray, Lcic. ,|igo 73 68 60 168 1.54 66 96 216I128 Midhurft, SuJJcx 119 75 90 100 272 294 210 6 4 l 7i| 35 Minehead, Somerf. 47 142 I73|i34 * 5 8 326 242 r 74 26 ,18 Monmouth, Monm. 9 2 95 I2 7| 74 166I247 164 '53 118 179 100 150 Montgomery, Montgo. '53 126 iqo| 93 103 202 I2 5 Morpeth, Northumb. 37i 269 252 243 256 55 129 278 396 309 Namptwich, Cbejh. ! 95 131 138 98 84(147 64 »$i 221 ,63 Newark, Nottingb. 221 96 87 84 i8o|i 27 Vl i»3i 2 47 ,60 Newbury, Berks 96 4' 74 40 220(248 164 64}, 37 16 Newcaftle, Northumb. 555 2 53 236 228 241 39 114 262I38, 293 Newcaftle, Staffordfb. 196 ri8 I2 > 85 101(150 62 ,39222 150 Newent, Glocefi. 107 80 112 59 170(1*4 141 99^33 85 Newmarket, Cambr* 208 68 36! S< 247I217 r 47 57234 ,10 Newport, IJle of Wight 86 98 125 124 277I320 236 99',63 59 Newport, Monm 9* 119 »S» Qb 1 80127 1 238 r 3 9|ii 7 106 Newport, Pembr. 188 203 234 182 129297 272 222|2I4 207 Newport Pagnel, Bucks 157 21 28 29 199 206 123 40I192 82 Northallerton, Torhjh. 308 206 188 l8l 194 3i 64 218334 246 Northampton, North. 157 38 *3 24 184 192 108 551*83 90 157 Norwich, Norfolk 25S 117 86 134 293 259 160 I06J283 Nottingham, Notting. 204 9 1 86J 72 163 136 S 1 II5J230 *43 Okeham, Rutlandfb. 188 63 S8 48 180 164 77 85I222 118 Okehampton, Devon 48 184 216 176 300 367 283 I99I 30 149 Orford, Suffolk 234 130 98 I46 307 2 75 204 94(281 136 Oundle> Nortbamb* ,861 49 3« 4 8| 203 173 99 65 212 no Axm — Baf TABLE III. 1 s '3 < 1 >* 3 a u C rt M oS -a s* o! c a oq C "a, c 03 •1 •8 e <43 PQ Oxford, Oxferdjb\ii% 22| 59 22\ *9<; 222 138 44 15? 39§ Padftow, Corww. 9 H 234.J266 226 35° 4^7 iq6 333 100 249 183 7 2 243 197 196 Park gate, Chefb. 217 l62t I 69J1 37 77 Pembroke, Pemh\\\Q)i, 202J234 168 158 ^12 227 222 220 209 Penrirb, Cumb.^z^ 2^J244.|220|'.8s ?9 VJ 269 3W 285 Penryn, Cornzv.\i r 8J3 ; 1U83I243I36." 434 yo 266 105 214 Penzance, Commj.\ 1 40J 205] 297 257380 448 364 280 j 10 50c 241 434 Perth, Scot land, 4.J1 4031^^2 169J534 l8l 261 409 Perfhore, Worceji. j 1 2 1 68 92 3? 149 202 n8 94 147 90 Peterborough, Northam. 197 67 44 63 204 17^ 288 ,05 204 70 67 224 1:60 122 24 Petersfield, Hants 108 66 9^ 8q 261 Plymouth, Devon,\ 69 20^237 197 320 ;8b 304 220 63 174 Pontefracl, Torhjh 260 l S1 139 133 156 7 ! 18 166 286 117 20 5 $8i Pool, Dorfetjh. $* 104J135 no 267 307 223 119 Port Patrick, Scotland 456 386 37 6 3S 2 317 171 2 47 401 482 418 Portsmouth, Hants 108 84 1 1 1 no 269 ^o6 222 85 160 4* Preilon, Lancajlj.^c^ 181 .85 148 ll S 81 60 202 280 213 Queenborough, Kent 191 89 183 123 289 292 221 6oJ 2 39 93 Radnor, Radnorfo 138 118 142 8q i2 5 230 143 145 164 134 Ravenglafs, Cumb.\$i\ H3 247 210 ^77 73 123 264 347 275 Reading, Berks\ili 40 57 ^3 225 252 108 4 6f 22c '54 339 r 5 251 Richmond, Torkffj 313 217 195 186 198 13 /C Ringwood, Hant. 65 97 i 3 2| 98 254 294 21c 105 125 44f Rippon, Yorkfo.\{L%l 192 17316c 18c 39 4< 195 3i3 225 Rochdale, Lancajb.\2^") 167 i02J I 34 .1.7 94 ■ 3* iSi; 283 200 Pvochefter, Ken ' 176 74 68|io8 274 277 206 4 2 224 78 Rofs, Here/ 103 86 n8| 6c > 1 6c ) 23c >I 4 J 106 ► I2C >-9J Roy Hon, Herts lit ' 45 9 I6 5 J ; 22 i 20c M39 ) 35 20i I 86 33 3 Axm — Baf TABLE III. j 14 3 9" 14 149 254 106 Sherborn. Dorfetjh. 108 140J1 1 •43 7123! 83I 71 Shoreham, ^«/fcv 43 » 71 951 12 ~ 301 68J200 62. Shrewsbury, Sbropjb. .6 5 1 24)0 ^91 1771103146191 147 Skipton, r^. 289 193)185 162 5+1 -U'2G8J315i22? Sleaford, Lincolnjb, 100 7 r 143I 70 1051^4147 Somerton, Somerf. **i 4/i?o3 231 229(21 5I135I 68.1 8; Southampton, Hants 76 79 iLiziii. 2911207 S6 139 2 .. Sourhwold, Suffolk 2 4 140 io8| 156(206 + : 1 10 296,152 93 ! 9- 1 247 :1-5 72 (1 24 ( 10-3 133 182! 2Q\l7\\ZKi Spalding, Lincolnjb 220 90 66J 8< - StafFo rd, Staff. btames, Midd. no 55 68|iio 166 . ■ 48 67 2,9 Stamford, Lincoln/}). 196 6c Stilton, Hunt. *97 60 5 2 ! 6o 38J 6c 192 102 176 92! 78234I2.I lo6| 64J22:!lM Stirling, Scotland 469 399 l£m b 5\3Y~ 7:25s 4 oo;495|4,o Stockbridge, Hants 98| 7 *8^ 7S l 3 34] Axm — Baf TABLE III, 1 U V a '§ < u 1 < G C d pa O c 3 X c M H n m 15- c hi be c VS PQ Stockton, Durh. 329 227|208!202 215 2 9 82 234(355 268 Stortford Bifliops, HerL i 7 H $l| 20| 8l 242 2 27 r 57 291221 80 Stow Market, Suffolk 222 97) 6 5|n3 273 242 174 831269 124 Stratford on Avon, War. 1^6 Pk 77l 19 156J190 106 84! 1-62 81 Sudbury, Suffolk 207 90 i 8 T07I271I248 171 62:248 107 Sunderland, Durham 3H 2$2 2 33 227I240I 3.8 109 259J380 292 Swaffham, Norfolk 241 102 71J1 1 9(247)218 148 9' 268 H3 Swan lea, Glamorg . 142 I7O 202 149J144J297 210 201 168 "57 Tadcafter, Torkjb. 278 l 59 i49|i5t|.i62| 59 3 2 177 304 218 Tarn worth, Warw. 176 81 87 4«|i35| I( ;fc 73 103J202 114 160 Taviftock, Devon 59 *95 227 187(310378 294 2io| 47 Taunton, Somerf. 19 127158 123(246 3*4 230 152) 51 98 Tewkfburv, Glouceft. 107 64I 96 39ij^55 220 136 102I130 83 Thackftead, Efjex 192 *>7 3.6 97(250 226 l S7 38^38 95 Thettord, Norfolk 226 8/ 56 104I264 229 161 76 2 53 128 Thirfke, Torkfi. 299 197 183 172118c; 40 56 209 325 237 Tinmouth, Nortbumh. 3 S 3 26 1 148 242 *79 236J249 47 121 251 268 r 73 389 30 301 rig Tiverton, Devon, > - 5 I 44|267 335 Torrington, Devon. 58 172 203 164L295; 363 279 204 u| 156 Towcefter, Nortbamp. 149 2 5 42 i4|i86|2oo 117 49 175 77 Trowbridge, Wilts 6 2 § 76 107 78223(274 190 108 93 54 Tjuro, Cornvo. no 241 273 2 33'35 6 4 2 4 340 256 95 211 Tunbridgc vV ells, Kent T 77 79 73 113 279 285 212 47 229 70 Ulverfton, Lancajb* 3O4 226 230 193 160 67 107 2 47 33° 258 Uttoxeter, Staff. l82 104 103 7 1 129 140 57 124 208 *3$ Uxbridge, MM. '35 24 39 55 125 235 146 251 74 *73 10 ifc 172 183 17b 38 190 Wakefield, Torkjh. 252 ^57 149 35 ] Axm— Baf TABLE III. ! I? C < >> u 3 V < M u O "3 cq c CQ be c: pq u 53 u -a u e H ei 53 e M u c u PQ a. w 53 c 53 04 c c« PQ Waliingham, Norfolk\z6$ 124 93 >4i 264 235 165JII3 290 .6; Wareham, Dorfetfh\ 47 98 132I101 172 3-^5 24ijI2$ no 90 Warmi niter. W3t\^\ 85 U6| 85 229 2882C4 104 95 5* [Warrington, Lane. 225 152 1 56 1 19 85 124 <;7 173 2 ?i 184 85 Warwick, Warw, 144 5 2 75j l 9 'SS 182 98 84 171 Watford, Herts 146 23 28) 6© 22 S 240 163 9l 1-.1 49 Wellingborough, N.ba. 168 37 36 3i 195 190I107 <8 '94 92 Wellington, S/jropfb. 165 105 H2| 7 8| I -2 183 u4 131 191 i 3 6 Wellington, isomer/. 16 134 165I1 30 253 321 237 159 44 105 Wells, Somcrf. 41 98 129 94 217 285-201 130 72 74 Wendover, Bucks 140 4 38 35 213 236 153I 30 1 72 54 Weobly, Here/. 120 1 10 137 So l ?-s 230 147I122 146 XI 5 Weymouth, Dorfctjh. 2/ 121 *£3 12; 273 324240(136 92 364 8j 278 Whitby, Torkfb. ^8 219 2C 9 211 222 6 3: 88J236 Whitchurch, Sbropjh* 185 JI3I 138 9 h 84 1571 74h5 2 21 1 164 Whitehaven, Cumb. 343l 2 7° 274 237 204 > 9 I32|2 9 I 369 302 Wycomb High, Bucks 129J 15 39 4* 220 24o'i56| 29 172 S 2 Wigan, Lane. 238:165 170 132 99JII6 58 186 264 97 Winchefter, Hants 90 67 102 80 241 279195 75 H3 Windham, Norfolk 2461107! 76 124 284250 181 90 2 73 148 Windfor, Berks I2S xq\ 51 61 233 264176 30 176 3* WolGngham, Durham 342J246 228 215 227J 16J100 254 368 280; Wolverhampton, Staff. i sA 77 94 57 120171) 88 123 *77 118 Woodbridge, Suffolk 222 118 86 J 35 292I263193 83 270 124 Woodftock, Oxford/}}. [26 25 5*i 16 190215 *3' 5°£ *P 47* Wooler, Northumh. 402 300 283 274 287 86 161 3°9 429 34 1 Wotton Baflet, Wilts 82 42 74 5 C 230 250 166 84 134 45 1 F a 3& } % u Axm — Baf K^, c C5 u -a C3 U «3 O or. TABLE III. "e c c c a C < < 1 CQ PQ m PC PC PQ n PC Worceitef, lV rcc/i. I2 3 77 100] 45 I40I203I20 103 I46 100 Wrexham, Denbiohjb. 196 H7 i53 !r M 62 I59J 89 J 75 222 i 7 6 Yarmouth, Norfolk 209 146 1 14 s 1 02 5162872.18 i34l3^ 171 York, Torkjh. 28S 169 1 60! 1 61 .72! 57I 42 186 3H 228 Pittances from Ayr, Scotland. Banff, Banffjh. 226J Haddington, Haddingtonfh. §i Bcrnera Barracks, Invet n. 214 John O'Grots, Caithn, 3 2 4 Brechin, Angujh. 136 Invernefs, Invcrn. 196 Carlifle, Cumberland 97! Ivirne, AyrJJj. 1.* Go u par, Angufb. io 7 f Keith, Banffjb. 221 Crief, PerthJJo. «'+ Kilmarnock, Ayrjb. 12 Dalwhinnie, Invern, *39 Kirkwall, Orkney If. 361! Dingwall, Rofsjb. 21c Lanerk, Lanerhjb. 44f 83} Douglafs Mill Inn, LanerkJ/j.tf Longtown, Cumb. Dornoch, SutherU 246* Machlin, Ayr flu 11 Dumfries, Dumfriesfh. 6o| Mid-Calder, Edinh. 63 Dunbar, Haddingtonjb. 104 Montrofe, A?igujb. i 4 6| Dundee, Angufb. "7i N. Berwick, Hadd. 9 8| Dunkeld, Pertbfb. 109 Old Cumnock, AyrJJj. 15 Edinburgh, Edinburgh fl ;. 70 Perth, PertbJJj. 94i Falkirk, Stirling 1 )). 55 Port Patrick, Wigtonjb. 56 Fochabers, Banffjh. 2I2f j Stranrawer, 5° Forfar, Angujb. I25 Sanquhar, DntnJ'r. 3«J Fort Auguftus, Invern. I70J Stirling, S tiding Jb. 61 GlafgOW, l.anerkjh. 33 I Tain, RofsfJj. 241 Greenock, Renfre-ivjb* 46I Wick, Caitljn. 3o6| Hamilton, Lanerljb. 33 1 Whitburn, Linlitb. F5 m 3 8 ] Bat— Bod TABLE IV. 1 *-> TO PQ 05 cd 6 K (U TS CQ In pq > PQ i pq £ fee c -0 3 -a c s 6 M 's ■a 9Q Caernarvon, Caernarn? 1 98 16 2l6 298 215 241J148 I4°l"73 2*3 Cambridge, Cambr. 144 230 28 2S9 137 259I100 i^'uo' 285 Campclen, Gloceft. 6b rp 63 293 i6i 2^6| 34 98(113 204 Canterbury, Kent 164 299 IO9 388 236 3,58165 164I212 289 Cardiff, Glamorg. 57 180 154 368 250 320 ro$ 99I202 182 Cardigan, Cardig. l 3 l 123 213 361 2 56 304 140 173 210 256 Carliiie, Cumb. 293 202 249 88 144 38 201 333 169 424 Chelmsford, EJTex 140 263 6l 329 177 299 "33 [37 141 268 Chepftow, Monm. 3 1 176 I2 9 347 22 $ 292 84 74 "77 "57 Chefter, CbeJJme i$ 60 I39|220 140 165 *3 201 97 284 Chefterfield, Derbyfb. 162 J 37 97 203 77 164 64 C89I 21 295: Chichefter, Suffix 97 2 7 2 ! II 5' 39? 243 358 142 66 214 210 Chippenham, Wilts 1 a 2I3jIOI 350 222 3"3 9 1 57l"7° "54 Chipping Norton, Oxf. 62 171 54 306 171 269 46 89J126 200 Chriflchurch, Hants 66 2 $7 143 393 2 $4 356 134 28 152 2 <5 Cirencefter, Gloceft. 34 212 79 3^ "95 291 67 77 148 "75 Clithero, Lancajh. 213 1 3 1 162 165 70 "3" 119 253 97 354 Cockermouth, Cumb. 292 201 2 57 101; "S$l 6 3 200 352 l 55 3S8 166 149 186 423 283 490 Colcheiter, Effex 162 281 72 337 185 307 141 Coldftream, Scotland 361 268 290 14 i ; 7 3 58 264 Coin brook, Bucks 9 2 234 54 342 187 312 108 88 160 220 Coventry, Warwick/?;. 92 149 59 263 "3" 226 20 J28| 83 2 35 C ran brook, Kent J 57 292 IOI 381 229 354 158 144I215 277 Crevvkherne, Somerf. 48 241 *59 405 273 368 "36 331**5 99 Cricklade, Wilts 34 17b 81 31S 194 284 68 6o|i$4 176 Cromer, Norfolk 227 291 112 34 ! 182 3" 182 237 "53 365 Croydon, Surry 1 1 1 2 ?3 63 343 191 311 122 100 167 243 Darking, Surry IOI 258 76 358 205 330 131! 91 181 226 39 1 Bat— Bod TABLE IV. V) £ TO- IL) T3 M a re c c5 E cs bo c *8 u pq U i PQ s d "i -a pq Darlington, Durham 268 204 196 9" 7 s 7° 170 295 924c r Dartford, Kent 124 158 6»|u« 196 3.8 I2 5 12^ I72J24Q Dartmouth, Devon 1 n 3°4 230I468 337 431 109 98288J62I Daventry, Nortbamp. 9i 168 30I282 * ; 3« 2 4> 3651181 86J229 Deal, Kent 182 3'7 r2 74 o> *54 376 183 1^2,230 307 98 2 1 8. 1 2^3- 1 Denbigh, Denbigbjb. 170 33 167U5C 168 193 Derby, Derbyfb. 132 142 75227 99|i8h 40J/64J 42'27I Devizes, Wilts i9i 227 101I356 221 319 97| 4 1 i I - 6 ; I .72 Doncailer, Torkfb 97 itf 119 175 56 13S 95!224l4 330 Dorcheiter, Dorfetfh. 59 262 148-407 266 370 4-8J 17I227 "* Dover, Kent 170 3*4 124(4031 2,-1 373 180 179 227 304 Droitwich, Worceft 7 PQ § PS J3 c PQ e OS e s is s PS 5 CQ PQ Farnham, Surry 78 241 80 368 221 327 I T I 69 183 203 Farringdon, Berks 4-Q 189 6q 3 r ^ 190 279 04 71 i;i|i8* Flint, FUntJb. I70 46 ] 5* : 3 2 Is* "77 92 212 109295 Fowey, Corww. 147 340 266 504 373 467 235 I34l3 2 4]i3i Frome, Somerf. *3 219 120 376 240 339 .0 3 3^1 196 134 Gainlborough, Lincohf. 189 170 107J196 44 165 87 216 • 1 322 Gifborough Torkjh. 273J206 202 no 6< 74 ISO 300 98 406 Glafgow, Scot -land 394 321 3 co\ 98 245J148 302 434 270 5 2 5 Glocefter, Glouccji. 3H 174 93(321(189(284 53; 95 141 170 Grantham, Lincoln/}}. 146 179 66J22 7 | 79(190 7 178 3 H 286 Gravefend, Kent 131 260 75135- 5J200 325 132(128 179256 Grimfby, Lincolnjh. 217)201 124I212I 38182 116J235 4435 1 Grinftead, Eaft, SuJJex 1 2 1 j 2 7 2 8213631210 335 131 116 107 186 241 Guildford, Surry 89J246 76I363I210 335 8o|i86|2i4 Halifax, Torkjh. 212 130 H7 176 74U36 114 2 39| S5 345 Kalitead, Effex 144 263 54 319 168 289 123 J37 ! t I 3i 270 Barborough, Leiceft. "5 176 36 262I 1 12 230 46 1451 7< 253 Harleigh, Merioneth]}). 170 44 188 292J210 235 1 20 2i2 ! i67j295 Hartlepool, Durham 285 217 215 96] 91 64 187 312 109J418 Harwich, Effex 183 296 93 351 194 32 1 1 166 176 163I304 Ha lie me re, Surry 77 252 95 375i 22 3^a 8 !' 22 46(194 2G0 Haftings, SuJJex 177 312 1211401S249I374 n?' I5S|22q 288 273 Haver ford welt, Pe?nb. *53 *5" 227 391 280 33 + ! 54 IQO (223 Hay, Brecknock/}). 77 129 130 337 203 264 69 I ICj \V 202 262 40 2 iO 189 Haylfham, SuJJex 143 302 112 392(240 3 64)17 1 jr 17I216 Helltone, Cormu. "77 372 I296 534 403 497 |26j|:7 i3J4 j 84! 78156 Henley ouThames,0^/ > . 7 6 214! 57 333 192 296 Hereford, Hercf. 68| 143I11C 317I183I261I 49I116.137 4i J Bat— Bod TABLE IV. | in £ cj .a PQ CJ > PQ | "So .s g 5 c u 3 i e 5s oq J: £ 2 54 446 Hertford, Hertf. 1 19(2 34 3 5 314I160I283J104 l S2 Hexham, ftorthumh.'ii 3 J2 20(249 64 133I T d^T4 3.40 144 Hithe, Rent\ 1 7 7 ,3 1 1 1 1 2 1 4-:i 249'37 4 |i72ii6? l 22; 3 02 2 99' Holyhead, Angle/. [223 2 7l! 22 7 3»o 2 *8|a5aluSl 2 Wl|8$ Holywell, Fiintjh.\\7± 40(157 240 i 5 8;i8 3 ! .96 216 115 Horfham, 5^£*|il3|26(?| 88 370 217,3425143 92 9^:226 Hounilovv, Midd.\ 97(239 ^741345 loojijlin 94 ^4:225 Hull, Tork/BtyZfyUp) 130 183 8 15^122 2 4i 4^357 : Hungerford, j&#rii| 43(209 79 343 199(304 84 83 _s3 '54 60177 86l28i Huntingdon. Hunt.\ii > '} 213 *°i 274 1 21 240 ilchelter, Somerf\ 37 236 141 398 271 363 i n .41 Z2o{l 36 Invernefs, Scotland 539 444 491 209 3 7 3,1269(447 ?79 308670 Ipfwich, ft/^/i 1 8c 284 83 3^9 182(309(154 *23 ijikot Kellington, Cormv. 124(317 243 48. 350 444212 11 ■l^oill^j Kendall, Weftm. H8|^7 215 123 116 70I156 288I 1 22(380 Kidderminiler, IVorcejl, 79\ 1 22 82 279 1-8 2 40] 17 n2 94 216 Kingfton, $urr$\ 101)244 6 4 345 192 317(1 16 95 2150 168J232 Knarefborough, TorkJbSzzi T 59 1 6c i39 P 104 125 Lancafler, Lancafh 2l± 133 189 149 122 94 T 3. 2 2641119(355 LandafF, Glamor. 54JI7 8 [ 5« ^651247 3 10 108 96] i9q|ij9 Launcefton, Corniv. 1221315 241 480(347 442U10 1 10 joojio? Leeds, Torkjh!\20^i^% '44 i6o]57!;i20,iC9 234 A3 ! 3 40 Leek, Staf. 147I 90 IOD 232 124 iQ7l 57 187J 41 283 Leicefter, - Leiceft. no l S9 5° 248 107 216 47 ! 5q £9 2 _59 Leominfler, Here/. 79(127 109 uo 180 246 41 121(124 204 Lelkard, Corniv. 128 321 L45 48 < *$4 4481216 1 IS 355 J 5 Lewes, Sujjex\ 1 3 1 1 292 I02 382 230 3£;5ioi 10^206 250J Lime, Dorfet\ 69I262 172 426^291 389157 4 C U46 109^ Q 4 2 ] Bat— Bod TABLE IV. pq CO £ u PO T3 -a PQ u 1- PQ > PC E -a hC ft E he c s s H3 .s C s CO a "6 O pq (Litchfield, Staff. jo8 12j 7^ 2 5 T 123 212 16 148 66 244 {Lincoln, Lmcojnfb. I 2 182 8q 21 I 48 180 81 200 25316 Liverpool, Lancajh. iqi 99 156 204 131 I49 99 231 97322 L 1 a n be d e r, Car dig . io 3 108 185 335 238 276 112 '45 182 228 Llanymddovry, Caer?u. jrfl* 3 169 333 2 2" 276 96 130 160 213 L o u g h b o r o u g h , L eh eft . I31JI52 ,"8 2 37 96 205 39 166 43 270 Lo u t h , Lincolnjb 2I4U»0 117 104 231 33 2 53 203 200 332 IOO 177 228 2 3i 48 i74 344 355 Loweftoff, Suffolk 22:1 298 Ludlow, Shropjh. 90 116 112 299 169 2 3S 37i 132 113 215 Lymington, Hants Si 260 132 40c 261 370 r 45 6 9 215 206 Lynn, Norf. 172I210 7 2 *8q 130 29^ 104I203 IOI 331 Macclesfield, Cbe/h. l6o'lO: 119 219 1 1 1 184 68 200 54 296 Maidftone, Kent i4-f | 279 88 368 216 341 *45p37 192 269 Mai don, jE-JJI'a 23JI99 7i 94 338 344 187 308 77| 7 1 1 $0 164 271 165 MalmfDury, Wilts 212 307 Maltori, Torhfh 253II87 '73 H3 28fjl2I 151I280 69 386 Manchester, Lane. 182 IOO 131 198 IOl|l62 83(222 66 323 .Mansfield, Nott. 164148 90 2C 9 6 9 ll 77 62!, 9 , 20 297 Margate, Kant 1 So 315; i2<; 404 252 374 181 177 228 3°5 MarketRailin, Lincolnjh 199 199 106 218 42187 98 217 35 333 Marlborough, Wilts 33 204 87 342 2iq| 3 o5 83| 49 162 166 jMelton Mow bray, Lcic. 1 ±0 164 56J 242 92J209 54|io S S 2 270 jMidhurfc, Suffer 8o,268| 98 385 232)340 138 72 208 206 JMinehead, Sower/'. 65254 178 418 286381 1 48J 74 238 Q2 Monmouth, Mourn. 46 162 116 336 102 279 7^ 88 I5 6 171 Montgomery, Montgo. 1071 89 '3s 277 172 220 64 149 128 232 Morpeth, Nor thumb. \ 316I253245 4 bf 127J 20 219 343 141 444 Namptwich, Chejh} 141' 79^120 226I136I i7*'Sji 20 74 274 43 ] Bat— Bod TABLE IV. * & 4 CO T3 ^ £ C X 3 rt 0) pq CQ PQ pq pq « Newark, Nottingb, i$3 Newbury, .»-> pq *99 300 28 219 **3 217 94 201 M6 «>3 163 jo 20.B 64 67 c E ~a PQ J 95 3*i 359 138 7^8 ! 93 333' 278 217 ^99 203 392 152 566 33 6 Peters fie Id, Hants 15 -57102 J380 '480 235I341 349443 49J3 2 259362 Plymouth, Devon. 1 26 316 242 Pontefradr,' Torkjb 206 1 5-, J 34,' 1 6 4 1 39' '^99 Pool, DorfetJIy. 61 263 Port Patrick, Scotland 407 326363J173 258 254 148 361 3*5 148 447 5 2 4? 134 3°4 7i Portfrnouth, Hants 88 i 265 120 398 Pie Hon, ■ Lancajh. 202 11 111671171 119 116 1 re Qjjeenborough, Kent l 53 z87| 97 377 H4I127305 225 192 149 199 347 248 9 1 307 ! 54 6> 172 89 Radnor, Radnorjh 92 Ravenglafs, Cumb. 264 J73P^9 22l| 62 i3'3 344 Reading, 'Berks] 68 Richmond, Torkfb\7^ I91I195 no 76 68 i6c 286 Ringwood, Hants\ 59 25CJ136 I74I7C 386 M4 2 47 54 88 349 94 149 -7 ! 35 IOi 18 360 2 35 Rippon," Tork/h. 233 Rochdale, Lancajh. 1 95 H3|i44 184 R pc heller, Kent I 5 S 272J t>2 362 21c 332 139 13 ! 37 99 186263 139J182 Rafs, Here/. 5:6 1 t;6:i09 319 185J274 Royfton, Herts 123 22-1! 22 294 141 260 91 *3 6 106 263 Rumford, EJJex I24J2C2/ 62 3*4 182J304 123 120 I46|2 5 ! Rye ? " ' Suffex 172I307 11b 396 244 169 3<>9 288 x 73 89 142 "3 220J297 137239 St. Albans, Herts 106:22 I I30JI319 St. Afaph, Flintfh. .85 30 168 251 169 194 107 227 126 3IO St. Davids, Pembr **« F*7 ! *47 39S 29 c 338 169 205 238|288 Sgliibury^ Wilts\fi% 234 1 10369 228 33 2 1 10 22 189 *53 Sandwich, Kent\iyt; 312:122 401 249 37 1 178 177 225I302 Scarborough, TorfcJJj 2 74 21Q i 77 1 1 49 26 n 3 98 r 7< r 37 290 278 91 ^04 Settle, Torkjh. 231 '49 * 8-cji 5 o| 8 7 93J3 8 4 Sevenoaks, Kent «-■■■■■ .'. ' - — [311265 75'355^°3 328 132 117 179I2S6 45 J Bat— Bod TABLE IV. | Beaumaris. 1 Bedford. 'j | | 1 fc £ ■s f > — E rs CD | ,c i 1 i i E 1 ! * Shaftefbury, DorJ'etjh.\ 31 238 129I389I247 35i 13:; I2|20SJ!30 Sheffield, Torkjb. iy A i3s|iogii93 76 152 7620j| 20J307 SherDorn, Dorfetjb. 43 239J144J404J262 360 [4.4; 21J22" 114 Shoreham, &uffex\iib 299108396237 362 167J 96)2 1 3 2 35 . S h r e w lb u ry, Sbropjb. | 1 1 : 87I112J262150 2- 5I 441166,106 244 Skipton, To kjb.\2^^ H3| l6 9| I 5 I l 7 1 108I136I262I 77 368; Sleatord, Lincoln/b. (68 '9* 71II229 66 198J 82 182 4 < 2 9 S| Somerton, Somerf. 34 227 14; 391 2150 354122 33*" I08 Southampton, Hants 63 24Q 118 383246 346I131 3.7J20I 172 335 South wold, Suffolk\2i^. 302 1 14 359 20c ^ 2 "' I 7 2 ! 20^171 Spaldin £, Lincoln/!;. 1 66 20c 61 252 9i 22 if 94Ji8o| 6^ 298 Stafford, Sfaffliio 106 89 249 119 •18 29) 162) 70 246 Staines, Midd\ 91 ^3si <8 346 197 315 1 io| 87:164 218 S r am to rd, Lincoln ft. j r 3 8 j 1 8 8 45 248 94 21 1 72 156 59 276 Stilton, Huttl.\iifi 202 3 1 263 107 22<; 79| l6 3 73 : 9 o Stirling, Scotlarul+i 33c 37 : QC ^5 139 32qJ4bo|27o|??2 Stockbridge, Hants 53 230 97 ^64 221 327J109! 37|l8i|i6g Stockton, Durb. 275 21 1 203I 97 8: 6 i j 1 77J302J 90JJ08 Stortrord. Bi (hops, Herts 133*39 3» 3 '12 l60 282I109J1 36 124I264 Stow Market, Suffolk i87|2bg 7i 327 r 7 o 297 i42Ji8o]i39 308 Stratford on Avon, War, 79J I 5 2 62 282 IQC HS 2 1 ' 109; J02 215 Sudbury, Suffolk 166I267 65 333 1 741302 i3 7 ;i6 4 |i45 295 Sunderland, Durham 300J236 228 78 ioo| 50 202 1327 J124I433 S waft" ham, Norfolk 192243 77 303157 2 n 123I199I115327 S w anl'ea, Glamorg. 69|i59i9i 372289 ? J 5 125:1381241 22 1 Tadcafter, Torkjb. 124J 1 5» 144 152 4c 114 C22J25 1| 401357 Tamworth, Warw. 1.19J131I 69J250 116 21 1 151.48] 65255 Taviftock, Devon 113130612321470 339 133 20l|l00 ! 290!27^-' 46 ] Bat— Bod TABLE IV. • en 'u, -a PG *l a M i t 1 .5 c "g -0 G rt s 4> 1 i .5 pq 9i Taunton, Somerf.\ 51 242 \ib2 406 274'|3 6 9| I 37 52 220 Tewkfbury, Gloucefl.\^\ 15 1| 81 307 180 27^ 42 106 132 186 Thackftead, EJ}ex\i^q 243! 42 310 1 -s 280 113 139 1 22I279 Thetrord, Norfolk\iyj 26o| 62 314 1 (571284 130 184 I26J3I2 Thirike, Torklh. 24-5 181 173! 125 53 95 147 272 69I378 Tinmouth, Nortbumb. 309 24^| 2 37 6b 120 46j2i j 336 133442 Tiverton, Devon. 7 2 263 183 427 295 300] 1 58 7 2 247 74 Torrington, Devon, 95 291 208 4S5 3 2 3 4i8|i 7 8 99 2 75 55 Towcefter, Nortbamp. 90 181 »7i 287 142 255 49 114 99 228 Trowbridge, Wilts tof 219 III 36, 231 320! 97 35! 18b 142 Truro, Cormv. 166 352 278 516 38S 479*47 *53 121 33 6 191 138 23 260 383 Tunbridge Wells, Kent 143 27 8 87 3^7 2 ; 5 34-01144 U 1 v e r ft n , Lanca/b 247 r$6 212 145 139 90I155 287 Uttoxeter, Staff'. 125 1 25 87 234 to 4 l 9i\ 33 ,65 55 261 "Oxbridge, Midd. 97 231 48* 337 1S3 30O 77s IO! IOO 95 225 •55 34 221 331 Wakefield, Terkjb. 198 142 T 3S 169 ^ W a 1 1 i n g h a m , Norfolk 214 2 bo 99 -,2C 161 290 '45 221 132 349 Ware ham, Dorfetjb. 67J272 138 39 s 25b 3 6c 138 L 4 4 2I 7|i35 Warmirifter, Wilts l6|22C 121 I3B0J24.1 343 1 10 27 200 138 Warrington, Lane. 173! 8i|i38| 2 oo|f2- asl 81 2 3 79;3°4 Warwick, Warvo, 82*151 51 27-^ I 4- 2 ' 2 3 7 | 2C Il8 94',224 Watford, Herti lot 22l|572 32t I72295 103 IOC 144232 Wellingborough, N.ba 109I191J 18272 I2JJ24S bi r 3 c 88J247 Wellington, Sbropjb 10S 98!ioi|2;7Ji4iJ202J 32 163 95I244 Wellington, Somcr/ 5* 124c; 16c 1:4131281 37^144 - $£ 2^ 84 Wells, Somerf J9I213 *3?|577l a 4? ) 340^0^ 4C ) 10* 120 ■Wendover, Bucks\ 86:211 3 = 3 2 3j 1 7/ 291I 7c , 101 1351225 Weobly, Here/.] 82113] 121 l 2,2o|lb( ) 264! £ .I2t I4o'201 47 ] Bat— Bod TABLE IV. CO 1- PC si ■y 1- > pq E c "F £ -a c <6 > 5 c '5 PQ Weymouth, DorfetJb.\ 67 269 r 57 4 ro 2 7>379, !l 5 7 25 236(113 Whitby, Vorkfb\z%^ 218 204 151! ^4 9^*2:31; io I417 Whitchurch, Shropjh. 138 8-. I2C 242 144 1 S 5- ! 63J1B6 _0_7|2£4 Whitehaven, Cumb. 29I 200 25 6 1:0160 78 199331 Wycomb High, Bucks 8b: 216 44 ;.:2 179295 b 7 i Ho 150 223 Wigan, anc. 186 95 *jTi i8?|uo 133 94226 &5 31/ Winchefter, Hants 6i| 2 37 106 371 255-334 119' 4 - ■89 177 Windham, Norfolk J 97 2 75 82 ••35 ^7630; 150 2C , "88 ! 4; 167 332 214 Windior, Berks 88 229 5 2 349' 197319 99 Woliingham, Dwham 288|220224 89103 40189I315 119 421 Wolverhampton, Staff: 94III6I 83 26* 1371226 13149 80 230 Woodbridge, Suffolk 188 288] 9 346,1 8931 8J162 180 1601308 Woedftock, Oxforr'Jb. 65 1 861 48 07 1 68 27c 54 88 123I205 Wooler, Nortbumb. 349)285276 17 158 44 246 37^ 168 482 Wotton Baii'er, Wilts 20 2?6 92 342 209 305 8j °3 ibz 161 Worceiter, Wore? ft. 651136 8 5 272 158 258 2 5 121 I I 2 2G2 Wrexham, Denbig I50I 58 1 141 2 3\ l 5 l 177 7 2 192 227 121 £75 l8 4 355 Yarmouth, Norfolk 2H'3 I2 ' ;2C 372J212 34 2 187 York, Torkfb. 234U68U54 145I 3 c|ii7 132 261 1 50 367 Additional Diitances fro: Barton, LincolnJI). 15 Brandfburton, Torkjh, 8| Bridlington, 26 Driffield, 13 Flamborough Head, 31 J Frodingham, 12^ Glanf'ord Bridge, Lincoln]}]. 25 Hedon, Torkjh. 16 Hornfea, \i\ n Beverley, Torkfhire, 'Howden, 31 Killham, 18 :Kirby Moorfide, 47! (Market Deeping, Lincolnjh, 92 JMarket Weighton, Terkflf* 1 1 Patrington, 26 Pickering, 36J Pocklington, 17 South Cave, 21 j U8] Bof— Bro TABLE v. § c z c c flj. fcuQ -0 cq GJ fcJj -a D2 ex, ■a " s~ c .c "C CQ " 1-1 CQ £ > In <^ e S-, pq Brecknock^Brccknock'A), 187 Brentwood, EiTex Il6 180 Bridgenorth* ShropHi. I33 6? l 53 Rridgevoater, Sbomeff. 21 I 90 160 26 Bridport, Dorfetfh. 226 114 15b ico| 38 BriArthelmfion, Sutfex '73 204J 70 200 ICb 128 Brifto 1 , Vim &Gloc. '75 £5137 9i 34 59 I38 Bromley, Kent 126 I 7 I | 2 ^ ; l ^\ l S3 148 5° I2 5 BroomJ^ro've, Wo ice it. 1 1 2 7i *35 23(111 135 176 75 128 Bruton, SomcrJ. 201 83 132 119! 28 38 128 28 I2 5 103 Buckingham, Bucks 9 2 t2C 77 £212-7 134 118 87 7 1 57 Builth, Brecknock. 181 l6 181 cifliob 1 30 220 7 1 171 64 Buriord, Oxfordjb. 104 88 9 7 68J 87 1 1 1 130 5^ 86 49 Burn ham, . Norfolk 6r j 213 114 ! 63*240 202 184 214 136 H3 Burrow bridge, Torkjh. H 218 rq? 148.26? 287 260 22.^ 212 149 Burton upon Yxzxwfstafi .7* 114 JI 9 42 iq ' I76 181 117 1 31 4 2 j Bury St. Edm. Suffolk 9^ 198 54 I C2 2c6 21 I i33 171 851*30. jCaermarthen, Caermar, 226 46 226 98,146 I7C 24<; 21 1 220 no Caernarvon, Cacmaw 232 1 26)270 1 22! 1 19 H3 3^ 184 258 146 Cambridge, Cambr\ 7 4^{ 1 7 1 48 12417^ l88 I 10 143 62 103 Cam p'i e n , Gioccft j 1 2 1 87)104 co 102 126 127 65 97 3 J Canterbury, Kent 173 2 1 81 6c 1 91 U'' I9C 82 171 60 i74 Cardiff, Glamor g. 209 39 182 98J 78 I02 181 3« 173 9 2 Cardigan, Cqrdig 243 63^242 nqiic: 176 266 117 2 34 !2 7 Carl i lie, Cumb. 227 4 (jo 1 309 191320 H4 362 285 311 214 Chelmstord, EJfex 1 14 192! 11 ^7i r '7i rttfl- 86 147 3(? 139 Chepftow, Month. 184I 37 149 bz 55 77156 18 148 7 r Chefter, CbeJIrire 1561107 198 61 180 2 04' 2 40 l 4S 192 85 49 J Bof— Bro TABLE V, 3 pq Chefterfield, Derbylb. 70J154 cq i5 2 72 PQ 7^! o "2 i .« 70(191 215,205 1561157 23 P5 82 163 124) 971 30*106 59 1 Chichefter, Hufjei 179I177 39 Chippenham, #7//j 167 84 Chipping Norton, Oxf. 116 9 Chriilchurch, Hants I99l"5 Cirencefter, G/0r/£//Z>. l 2iilJ23li42 10 i?9 226 ~47 25c 215 191167(113 T13I 57 133I14SI 5 o] Bof— Bro TABLE V. % Q •5 c y M -a c p M O c bo pS V rt 1- ex c Q *o S3 PQ > £ M Dover, Kent tSjmi 76J206J2K; 210 86|i86 ~nf^9 Droitwich, Worccjl 1201 67 I37J 2l|lO; 129 1/7 67 129! 5l Dudley, Staff. i.I'q] 86 I36 l6]l22 146 179 87 129 14 Dulverton, Somerf 2 3 S;i;7 188 ■53l 27 4? 183 62(1791138 Dumfries, Scotland 2661287 546 2;>8 !3 £ ;7 381 399 " ' i r. 1 32 2|34b; 2 ^ 1 Dun mow, Efex 101 190 l8 I43JI 83 176 98 Ml 5 OI 3 : Dunftable, Bedford]}). 9? l 45 34 ioi| I33 14? 92 T02| 44 8r Durham, Durham 170 271 260 201(316 UO m 28 l|26q 202 Duriley, GlouccH. 166 77 140 68; f4 84 1.36 2p|'l28] 37 Ealing wold, Torkjh, 1 20 228 202 ";6|27; 2QQ 264 23 2J2 161 q7 Ecclefhall, ikqff". 10.3 104 157 37|i49 173 198 114(150 40 Edinbu rgh, Scot/andUqi j 34 .? 38 < 283J412 436 43113771388:306 Ely, Cambr. 7^ V 130(195 20t; 1 zy i6o| 79 113 Eppin?, E-lfex 109 180 7 1 40J J 6 T M4 76 ijlj 2711.5 Epfom, Surry. l 3 2 161 34 *43 138 126 4>l 1I2| 16 118 Eveftiam, Worcefl. 126 70 116 34 8 108 10 46J112 24 Exeter, J5t*von f*4 134 I9s 170! 42 37 182J 76,1821154 Falmouth, C&rxw. 3.16 226 283 262J 1 -^d i'2 81*74 1 7 ik75! 2 47 Farnham, Surry i^7iH 8 83 132-108 100 1i 8 9 j 39 108 Farrtngdon, Berki F?4 93 92 81! 86 102 r i i 5° 204 6i| 94 Flint, Fllntff. 168 i;6 208J 70191 2fs 2CJ2 156 Fowey, Cormv. 32H2OI 2^8j2^7|'09 io;j249 i462i;o 222 Frome, Somerf. *8;j 79 126] 10^36!- 5° i'7 261 16 89 Gain (borough, Lincohif. ' ttj*7-7 '4 6 l 97 218 242 205 183 IC7 107 Gifborough Torkjh, 1971^^7 2-J- 1 j 192 50: 32.0 TOO 267 252 19^ Glalgow, Scotland 328 3^ J.IO 292 421 44 ? 46^)386412 3M Gtocefter, Glouccft. J48 & 1 20 5° 72 96 '4s| 34J" 2 37l Grantham, JLhncob$u 34 146I112 81 i 7 8 2i2'x64ii43!n6i 71 J'] Bof— Bro TABLE V. * •5 I CQ O I O i 2 Ml PQj CQ c •ts p . c "e ] b/j «a C ' f3 * Gravefend, j&*Jijji8d 261581*65163 581138; 5IJ4-] Grimfby^ Lincolnj})\ ^4)20^51 7 \ 136 246J270 Grinftead, Eaft, ■S'w/^jf; 14.^119 1 ; 48 1 f; { i6o|i3f 2?V 2ii i i 7 j; | ii9 agh 32 24 148 Guildtord, Surry s \^b 1 $9! 4.8 1371 1 q{ 1 1 1 40K 28 113 Halifax, Torkjh.' 1 io| 1 78; 19 2) 1 1 6-2 41 Halftead, £^229 1 2 985 26240I180 2 6q 1 gO 259(2061209 118 179 70 111 m Harborough, Leiceft.\ $8[I21$| 99I /OJ 149 /^ 142 114 94 $9 Harleigh, Merionetbjb.\20$\ 98I240! 9411)1 215 183 156 251 II Hartlepool, Durbam\ib% 2692 10.199I3 14 3II1279 263 200 Harwich, EJJex\ 131 2361 5:^! 190J2 *4 207 129 '90 Haileraere, Surry' 1 u £ c p Ilchefler, Somerf. 215 97I150133 19 3OI24! 42 I 2'S 117 Inverneis, Scotland 445 496|537!457 566 ; 9 o! S 8 9 «i 542U60 78)156 Ipfwich, Suffolk 119 233| 5 l!l 7 8 21 1 204J126 187 Kellington, Corn-jo. 2g8Ji78|235;2T4l 86 80226 123 226 199 270*169 Kendall, Weftm. 1 77)20 ^264 1 146! 2 7 5 299317 240 Kidderminiter, lVorce/i.\i2y\ 74 142 1 14 1 12 1361S6 77 1381 9 Kingfton, Surry |i 29J t C4I 301137 i33 126 52 107 is in K.narelborough, Yorkjh. I I2|.'07 202 l 37 252 276:2,5 217 2071138 Lancafter, Lancajh. i 7 8|i8i| 2 ^ 7 123 25 1 2 75 2 93 216 247)141; Landaft, Glamor. 206J 36; 176 TOO 7? 99 178 4C 170! 94 Launcefton, Cormv. 293J176I230 212 76 70 224 121 22$ji97 Leeds, Yorhfb. i02Ji9i|i9c I 21 236 260 254 201 206 122 Leeje, Staff. 91I 124 i S S 78 206 229 242 170 194 83 Leiceiter, Leiceft. 6l\l22 113 67 154 178 156 120 108 6o| Leominfter, Heref. I53| 42 *5 2 295 1 00 1241194 ^5 146 . Leikard, Cormv. 3O4I184 2-11 2l8 90 8423c 127 230 203 Lewes, SuJJex l65|2I4 • 8 *7> 164 U6| 9 I46 43 168 Litchfield, Staff. 90(102 133 29 i+c 164 i77 lr -5 <57| 3° Lime, Dorfet 22$\l2^ 166 *59 45 9 *37 68 1 29)144 Lincoln, Lincolnjh. 3 4 |i68 *35 101 21 1 2 ^ 2 189 176 *39 94 Liverpool, LancaJI). 147129 214 89J218 242 26. [183 2I0|l 12 Llanbeder, Oardig. 215' 3s 212 8 7 |l2 4 148 239 89 2C5I 99 Llanymddovry, Caerm. 199! J 9 190 7 I!I09 133 223 74 I90 83 Loughborough, Leiceft. S-9JI2 3 124 6 1 1 1 6 r 1S9 167 130 U9 7| 48 149 Malmibury, Wiks\\tf\ 92 11 4-1 79! 6i| 8$ '3° 26I103 63 164 Malton, jptfri^.ji 28)234! 2 10)163! 2821306127 . 2-7J 22 3 Manchefter, Z^»?c.JYi6|i45|i5<;| 86 219J243J24C 18.J192 9i Mansfield, Nott.\ 5-91 52I102} 72)193 2 17] 194) 158) 148 80 Margate, A"V/-//j 1 89J2 34I 1 16J207 216 21 1 9 S|,S 7 ' 76 190 Market i\ai li n, Lin£olnJb\ 361 1 tf 5 1 45J 1 1 S 2 8 249 20s'i93;i>7 in |Marlborou U £ O O Irt pq Northallerton, Yorhjh. 137 238 220 I6SS2S3 307*280 248 232 169 Northampton, North. 79 121 80 74iI32 158)127 97 76 53 Norwich, Norfolk 90 233) 98 l83|232 244 16b 20c; 118 165 Nottingham, No/ting. 4Q 136)130 67II79 2 3 182 144 134 64 Okeham, Rutlandjh. 48 138)100 84(I7« 1 86! 1 c 41 1 36 106 64 Okehampton, Devon 273 101 = 17 I 9 2| 64 601204 IOI 205 177 Orford, Suffolk 138J242 148 197123° 22q|l4 475)4-74 4^q 4,6 345 Perihore, Wore eft. I2l| 69 115I 3 S i 96 12c l6l 61 113 18 Peterborough, Nortbam 34! 1 >9 83)1 o^i 1 73J 1 88|_i37 i 26|l-285'i85 55 3 Bof— Bro TABLE V. % 4 a o o pq u S M O (U J-. PQ • -a c pq i- c bfl no pq In rt U to/) pq 4-> O .12 PQ E bo "0 i u pq > g 5 pq Reading-, Berks 148 125 59 112 103 102 69 74i 5^ 88 Richmond, Tor k lb. 149 242 233 172 288 312 295 8,| 253 73 244 95 173 124 R in £ wood, Hants 192 128 138 I4T 74 J* Rippon, York/b. 123 224 208 '47 262 286 269 253 227 '97 218 205 148 114 Rochdale, Lancq/b. 129 161 198 99 141 *3* 256 Rochefter, Kent 146 191 34 165 J 73 i68| 61 148 2 5 148 Rofs, Heref. 164 44 128 56 /8 102J161 43 127 39 Roy ft on, Herts 78 170 46 115 157J167J 96 127 48 94 Rum ford, Ejjex 119 '75 6 147 1^5 i;i| 70 131 22 129 R y e, Suffix 179 226 78 199 207 i73l 5 1 i79 531*82 St. Albans, Herts 102 *53 S^ IM *41 H4| 79 "3 3*1 94 St. Ai'aph, Flint fb. i8< 124 225 85 206 230I269 169 220|l09 St. Davids, Pe-mbr. 272 9^ 270 1.44 184 208J287 1 57 27911^6 Salilbury, Wilts 173 1 1 1 102 126 63 53l 93 56 94I107 Sandwich, Kent 186 230 73 203 212 208) 9; 183 83 186 Scarborough, Yorkjb 125 2-^9 218 170 3061320)276)271 229 188 Settle, Torkjb. 148I197 H7 l 35 280 3 04! 2 96 245 240 i*q Sevenoaks, Kent I 3 s!i8^ 42 158 J 57 148) 41 i<8 13 141 Shafteibury, Dorfetjh. 192I 99 120 J 33 45 3 8||ii2 44 113 170 £I 7 ' "94 Sheffield, TorkJJj. 82)166 174 82 203 227J217 r68 Sherborn, Dorfet/b. 207J100 136 136 3 2 2*|l22 39 128 120 Shore ham, Suffex 173)197 75i l8 4 r4Q isij 6 131 5 2 16 Shrewfbury, Sbropjb. 130) 77 171 20IJ140 164)212 105 166 1^2 44 149 Skipton, York]}?. 132I201 232 1391264 288)281 229 Sleatord, Lincolnfb. i 7 |i6i 120 104I193 2T3JI70 I$8 12* 86 Somerton, Somerf. 212) 83 143 124J 17 26JI40 34i 139 109 Southampton, Hants 18^136 97 141] 88 66) 74 79 76 I2 3 ISouth'.vold, Suffolk 119I252 1 8511961245 239I160 219 112 1S7 6 5^3 Bof— Bro TABLE V. it o ej o PQ c ,S CJ £ s- PQ p Z oq S paid fug, Lincolnjh. 16 172 102 I I8JI96 aiifrVS l 59 11c 98 Srafford, Staff. q6 97 14? 30(142 t 66) 1 9 1 107 '43 ^ Staines, Midd. « 2y r 4 8 38 I 20! I 2O n8| 56 97 29 102 Stamford, Lincalnfb. 37 150 84 96J183 187(141 148 95 76 Stilton, Hunt. 40 158 74 I - ' I 7 2 194^29 *37 -81 82 Stirling, Scotland 526 578 41 8 3'9 4^7 47 2 J47> 413 424 34i Stockbridge, HatiU 166 1 21 .88 r 23 8, 69] 70 6b 79(104 Stockton, Durh. [$8 2S"9 242 189 S°4 328 301)269 2 53 IQO Stortiord Bifliops, Herts W 180 26 r 33 170 107 89 140 4 1 J 1 2 1 Stow Market, Suftolk\ioj 2 I 2 S^ 163(218 21 1 *33 1S5 85IM4 Stratford on Avon, War. IOQ 83 1 12 4-5)1 1 1 137 156 76 108J 21 Sudbury, Suffolk 1 I I 2 08 40 TO IJI07 19? 1 1 2 i6q 294 64(140 27.7215 Sunderland, Durham T82 284 268 2[4'329 .WJ3 26 S w a ff h a 1 1 , 'Norfolk 62 218J 84 I47J217 230:1 52 190 79 1 04! r 46 Swanfea, Glamor*. 248 36216 io8|i 17 141I22C 212 I 13. Tadcaller, Vorkjh. roc 206|l8} 134I253 277;24 2 218 i94-|i3^ Tamworth, Warw. 81 101J12F; 36J151 176170 Il6|I22.| 28 Tavilfock, Devon 2b 7 ;6 7 224 20 -i\ y<; 69121 s I I 2 215(188 Taunton, Somerf. «7 103 i6j 1 39! 1 1 3 1 1 1 5 7 4*|i 56(123 Tewkfburv, Gloucc/l. 139 70 13c 44I 8211071156 44!i!9 , 2oi Thackftead, Ejjex 95 184 24 i 3 7|i8 9 j«82 104 J 37 152J 56|i 2 8 1 V Si 8 9|i35 Thertord, Norfolk 68 203 65 154(202215; Thirlke, Torklb. 128 229 2lC 1591274298(271 239 223 160 Tinmouth, Nor thumb. 19a 293 276 2 2313381362133 5-1303 207)224 Tiverton, Devon. 248 124 l8: i6o| 36 39178 69 I77|l4? Torrington, Devon. 2641^2 21 5 i8o| 54 69,209 97 215(165 Towcefter, Nortbamp. 87 117 74 75 124 148J118 89 7*1 54 Trowbridge, Wilts i 7 6 80 117 100 ♦*i 60I1 13! 2; to8 I»3 57 3 Bof— Bro TABLE V. % i St u »T3 > C U c c c be C Q. •5 PQ a c u > la £ c Truro, Cormv. 333'2i3!i/9 249(121] 1 22J261 1 B 261234 Tunbridge Wells, Kent njoi 97 | 54 170 r 7 8 • <;2j 30 150 2CU53 Ulverfton, Lancafh. [931204!? ;?"d J 4 6 279130^(3 16{ 2 4 : 4 266'68 Utto;>eter, Staff. 831112:144 43 «flr1«9« 193 122(145 46 Ux bridge, Midd. '2oji^7| 37 •24 132 126 73 109! 28! IOO Wakefield, Torkjh. 93!i 7 9!i76 112I227 2_>rJ24i; io; 197(113 Walfingham* Norfolk 79 2191104 169 239252 174212 120 149 Wareham, Dorfetjh. 200j ! 24 136 162 571 3? 95i 7 8 ! I2 3;i5 8 Warminfter, wilt* j 86! 86 "5 112 44 54 no] 31I109 96 Warrington, Lane. 129I127 19c 7- 200 224 242165 19; 94 Warwick, Warzv. too! go 104 *3* 120 1 +0 152] 85 I07| 21 Watford, Herts 1 09! 1 46 39 124! 140' 1 37 74Jno : 29' 100 Wellinghorou jh, N.ba. 68J132 84 8^143164 128 108 8o| 64 Wellington, Sbropjb. 1 f 9'| 77 158 14J140J164J201 $°$ism*l Wellington, $omerf.\z'$Ai 10 ;68 14.0] i8| 26(164! S 2 x ^3 x 3° Wells, Somerf.\iq8\ 74 142 iid 2i| 40ij32o|!i3o] 94 Wendover, Bucks'w , 1 1 1 3 c-f ^6 104(1 1 2| 1 2i| 8q 83 ;oj 80 Weobly, Here/. 1,62(1 14] 56 4O] 97 J 1 2 l| 185 62^ I52J 3O Weymouth, Dorfetjb. 220J130U4." 65 ?4 I7|«i &5 '4 2 !is4 Whitby, Torklh. i43 ! 26bJ244 ^9^ ;i 3337i- 2 | 2 7 s 254 : t95 Whitchurch, SfjropJbJ[i 26; 9711 77 4Il6j ?7j22Grjl2£ 172165! Whitehaven, Cumi.\zj J248 21 C i9o'5i8;342|^6o!2 $3:3 12(212 Wycomb, Bitch 121(133 47 107 I2i'jl 2C 88j 91: 43] 81 Wigan, Lane. 135H3 21 I 8d21.3 237 25;:i~v209Jio7 Winchelter, Hants I73| I 3 1 C^ I2 9 9>|_7J f74^,£3j 6o| 73 | 65 11 1 Windham, Norfolk M«3 »5 •57 195:109 W indio r, Berk 132I14C 9 ( 20 125J1 n. »6 2 J - 94TT? 96 Wolfingham, Durham 1 78:27 1 12671201:3 17134113241282 273 202 58] Bof— Bro TABLE V, % 1 4 & o O O c O 5 (-1 M T3 O O 5 c £< ,*> e u w Wolverhampton, Staff. I2 3 81 140 *S 126 i5 J 183 9 1 i35 H Woodbridge, Suffolk 126 231 58 1 86 219 21 1 r 33 195 85 16^ Woodftock, Oxfordfb. "3 103 80 7S 101 117 121 66 7 2 Si Wooler, Northumb. 231 333 3 r S 262 378 402 369 343 321 2 59 Wotton Baflet, Wilts 154 91 109 84 58 98 81 122 114 170 22 59i 81 122 66 12 Worcefter, Worceft. 127 60 126 28 Wrexham, Denbighjh. 142 95i 200 4 8| 171 195 241 I36 194 7^i Yarmouth, Norfolk 118 261 105 21 1 261; 258 180 225 132 '93 York, TorkfiMoq 216 '$4 144 263 287 252 228 204(145 Diftances Bala, Merlon. Bakewell, Derbyfb. Birmingham, Warw. Cheadle, Staff. Cheflerfield, Derbfh. Chorley, Lancafh. Derby, Derbyfb. Dolgelly, Meriott. Drayton, Sbrcp/b* Dunftable, Bcdf. Harborough, Leic. Knutsford, Cbefb. Leek, Staff. Leicefter, Leic. Lichfield, Staff. Loughborough, Leic* Macclesfield, Cbejh. Manchefter, Lancafh. Matlock, Derbyjh. fror 1 i i nBi 17 61 20} *3 T 46I 33i 36 4i 26 76 22 14* 6i{ 46 S°l IO JXTON, Derbyflnre. Newcastle, &*/. 26} Newport Pagnell, !?«?£; io8| Northampton, Nortbam. 93^ Nottingham, AWfc 45} Oxford, 0*/*. 1 22 J Preflon, Lane. 565 St. Albans, J&r/j 138^ Shrewfburv, Shropjh. 60 Sheffield, Torkjh. 24 Stockport, 'Chejh* 16 Stone, & c S_ « Buckingham, Bucks no Builth, Brecknock. 99 112 Bur ford, Oxfordfh. 78 3$ 92 Burnbam, Norfolk 23° 124 205J140 Burrvwbridge, Yorkfh. 2 S b I70|202il8l 184 B urton upon Trent, S t aff. 156 761 94' 80JI53 108 BurySt.Edm. Suffolk I9O 841)190 118 61 183 120 Carmarthen, Caerm. 139 171 50 '37293 248 1 38251 Caernarvon, Caernar. I 12 201 116:181286 186 ISA 275 i J 3 Cambridge, Cambr. 167 55 163I 8 9 | 72 J 59 9 2 27i 224 247 Campden, Gloceji. 95 38 7 4; I 8jj 1 60 163 62 n8 120 163 Canterbury, Kent 172 "7 217 132 161 258 '77 100 2641304 Cardiff, Glamorg. 71 127 54 90 249252 '35 210 63 l64 Cardigan, Cardig. I45JI88 66 150 2691249 **5 270 26 107 Carlifle, Cumb. 3i8 256 234 253 284I 96 192 2S0 280 2l8 Chelmsford, EJJex 143 82 189 53 104 57 I04JI99 224:227 i3 2 l 43 112(185 238 9 1 280 155 Chepftow, Monm. 46 102 Chefter, Cbejbire 173 '34 85 124 194 107 75^98 '38 76 Chefterfield, Derbyjh 184 106 I2 7 109 i 32 |68i 36J13C i74 l 53 Chichefter, SuJJex 96 97 190 Q2 190265 163J139 217 179 203 Chippenham, Wilh 37 74 100 39 183I220 118 l 57 132 Chipping Norton, Oxf 87 27 87 II 151I176 74 IOC; 14c 176 Chriitchurch, Hant. ( 5 2 ro 7 i$i 82 231J263 161 18c 191 261 Cirenceiler, Gloceji 58 Vi 9 2i6 i J 57 J 9 8 96 '35 123 181 Clithero, Lancajh^i^ib^ 163J171 20^ I 36 9^ 201 2C9|i47 Cockermouth, Cumb.'^ijli^ 233 252 27c ) 92 191 2 9 t 279217 Colchefter, EJex\i6t;\ 9S 211 12* > 9 $207 H; 3'i 280J290 Coldftream, *S"^//fi«^ 3 8 3 ! 2 9 8 1 307 3°S *Ji [ 12* » 236I3K -353' 2 9 I I 2 | 60 ] Bru— Cae TABLE Vl. 1 c o 3 W E CS a u ■g *3 PC T3 U C 3 M be ."H pq | H c c lH a pq c W CO J- M cs u 1_ w e « 193 ! c > u es c l> w O 241 Colnbi ook, Bucks 98 58(155 6 3|i54 221 ! 34 94 Coventry, Warwickjb. 123 4? 9 1 48:120 133 29 109 136 2C4 166 294 Cranbrook, Kent '54 102 210 12^156 251 170! 95: Crewkherne, Somerf. 26 130 Il8 99)260 27? 172 20Q 158 131 Crickladc, Wilis 60 5< 95 22±jl 7 Q 196 94136 13 189 Cromer, Norfolk 245 129 2 +5 I74| 27 211 i6i| 64 308 339 Croydon, Surry Il 5 /i »75 83|i37 2.3 i33j 86 22>- 269 Darking, Surry 102 7 1 176 84(15* 227 147I100 223 265 Darlington, Durham 29c 204 236 215 218 34 1421217 282 220 Dartford, Kent 130 77 187 92 121 218 137I 84 2 45 264 Dartmouth, Devon 93 202)181 162 330 338 226)279 22 . 148 194 185 Daventry, Nortbamp. 116 22|l02 3* 103 152 52I 88 Deal, Kent 190 '35 2 35 15c '79 276 x 95 118 282 322 Denbigh, Denbigh]}}. 190 t«7 101 144 222 '3 8 103 226 142 48 Derby, Derbyjb. 160 82 103 84(116 96 2 1 14 150 166 Devizes,- Willi 33i 74 "5 45!i98 226 124)156 144 219 Doncafter, Tarkjbi 219 126 '59 144)139 4 l 67)138 205 '74 Dorchefter, Dorfetjh. 33* 119 139 96I247 277 17^)196 179 *5 2 Dover, Kent 187 132 232 r 47|i77 273 192 116 279 3 T 9 Droitvvich, Worctifi. 98 67 4^ 47I150 67 48!n6 105 134 Dudley, Staff ri 5 67 67 6?i49 137 29138 114 i3« 146 Dulverton, Somerf. 5 Iri c Launcel'ton, Cornw. 104 213,1921173341 350I238290232 205 Leeds, Torkjh. 229 i$i 172 154J169 25 81I168221, 159 Leek, Staff. 172 110I 99^07 f47 "95 99| 43JI4-3 14* 117 173 Leicefter, Leiceff.\ 1 47 53* 1 id 76 ii9| 24 921161 Leominfter, Here/. 93 84 2 8| 64 .iZZ 347 172I 67 355244 162I 74 296)238 HI 303 Lefkard, Cornw. 114 219 198 179 Lewes, Sujfex 136 no 214 I22 ! I76 252)172 1251257 Lichfield, Stuff. *33 7i 79 6» 1 59 I20| 12 io6li26 142 Lime, Dorfet 47 143 139 120)271 296|l85 220 179 250 Lincoln, Lincoinjh. 207 97 l<2 129U05 8o| 65 106 198 198 Liverpool, Lancajh. 216 154 *3* *5* 203 97| 90 204 158 114 L 1 a n bed e r, Car dig. 117 <47 38 I2 3 241 221)127 243 23 92 Llanymddovry, Caerm. 102 l 3 l 22 no * 2 5 22i[m 227I 28 107 Loughborough,L«V^. 158 64 117 81 99 108! 17 103 162 171 Louth, Lincoinjh. 2 ^5 125 ISO 1 57 i33 iool 89 134)227 226 Loweftoff, Suffolk 230 129 235" 164 5* 230155 58^298 \*1 Ludlow, Shropjh* 104 87 33 6; 176 167 61 165I 79 114 Lymington, Hants *3 107 179 92 220 267 1 66 169I210 268 Lynn, Norf. 21 1 97 180 **$ 24 159128 44268 261 Macclesfield, Cbe/h. '85 123 112 120 160 89 56 158 158 119 Maidftone, Kent 151 97 197 112 *43 43S157 82 244 284 Maldon, Effex 153' 92 199 I>4 108 208 142 47 248 290 Malm fb u r y , Wilts 46, 67 89 33 193 ? I 4,112 149 129 180 Malton, Torkjh. 275:181 219 200 '95 26!l2 3 i 9 6 265 203 Manchester, Lane. 2C7138 132 14c 172 67i 65 170 178 116 Mansfield, Nott. 186 93 126 / 11 12 i 8oir 34 119 172 164 [Margate, Kent 188 133 233 148 '77 2 74|i93 116 280 320 IMarketRaifin, Lincoln]). 224*114 169 146 122 87! 82 123 216 2i<; Bru— Cae TABLE VI. e o pq £ C pq "a pq T3 PQ S 09 C i_ 3 H s- pq c h c c 4-1 Im 3 pq p -5 W CO 3 pq c E u C O > C l_ CJ OS Marlborough, Wilts M\ 6oin8 3* 186 212 no i4 2 151 207 Melton Mowbray, Lcic. 158 6o|i26 87 89 in 29 87 172 183 Midhurfl, Suffix 9 2 91 186 94 r 78)254 i54 127 2T 3 275 Minehead, So?nerf. 5 2 151 131 in 273288 176 230 I 7 I 144 Monmouth, Monm. 60 Ql| 52 57 213)210 98 174 80 141 Montgomery, Montgo. 121 noj 48 90 199)16? 74 188 8^ 9 1 Morpeth, Northumb. 5<8 253 284 26a 266 82 191 265 330 268 Namptwich, Chef). 166 11$ 87 113 203(107 56 150 i33 97 Newark, Nottingh. i8q 88 137 ic8 io 2 | 79 48)101 184 183 Newbury, Berks 66 5°| J 34 36| 169(2(0 108)128 '70 3i5 223 2<3 Newcaftle, Northumb. 3 2 3 237)269 248 2(ji'|664 175)250 Newcaftle, Staffordjh. 164 I02| 94 99 i9o|no 38|i37 141 113 Newenr, Gloceji. 75 7 6|6 5 39 198 196 85 i«!9 31 239 160 260 Newmarket, Cambr. 176 70] 1 76 105 66 172 10O144 Newport, Ifle of Wight 84 117 176 103 213 291 1751162 216 283 Newport, Monm. 59 M5 58 78 237 240 121)198 80 165 Newport, Pembr. i$6|iqq. 76 161 280 260 166)281 28 118 Newport Pagnel, Bucks 124I 14 124 49 11 1 :66 7 8| 69 i8< 212 Northallerton, Torkfh. 276 190 222 201 204 18 128202, 268 206 Northampton, North. 132 22 113 45 95 148 61 78 .76 197 Norwich, Norfolk 225 119 22c; 1 S4 34 214 I45l 43 288 317 Nottingham, Noting. 172 78 120 95 107 9ii 27^105 167 l83 Okeham, Rutlandjh He > 5° IU 7* 79 lI 5 3 5; 77 178 189 Okehampton, Dcvor 8^ M93 172 J 53 3 2 ' 325 218 271 212 l8<; Orford, Suffolk ? 202)1 38 214 - lb ; 84 22.C > 165I 4c 3'" 320 Oundle, Northamp «** 42 14c 1 7, I 6fc izi 1 54! 6. M 8; 2l6 Oxford, Oxfordjh H *j IOC > 1$ \t V 18. 1. 8 3 |io- li* M9 8 Pad flow, Cormv . 134U43 22: ! 20; \W 3801268132c ) 26 **35 65 J Bru — Cae TABLE VI. 4 c 3 pq S N .5 pq 00 -3 i 1 pq •2 I* 5 3 pq S 3 s- 3 pq 1 1 . J 6 > u : 5j2u!4 c "-4 ro :209!363|293|266 Perth, Scotland #4*384 it>\\3**\&7 2I 3 3^3'39 j ;i4i I |349 Pert ho re, IVoneJi. 89 H 6r;32fii74 '67| £J9 132 5* '071i5 198,214 Pete rbo rout-; i^Nnrtbam. 103 $4|j*i| 86f 54 130) 6o, Petersficld, Ha?its 8r| 9.J1751 77 |i§J 2 50' 1 48! 1 3c 202,264 Plymouth, Devon. io5i2r4|t93^i 7 4' H 2i^-0 2^9J29i 2 3 3! 206 Pon retract, Torkjh 128| 141! 174 15 3 if 4 32j 82I153 2i8|i68 Pool, Dcrfctjh. 44112I144! 88| 2^8 2691167 |i 87J1 841^57 Port Patrick, Scotland 43a|37°34% 6 7|39 8 210:3061394394342 Portsmouth, Hants 8i|ioq 193; 88J199 271I166J148I213I277 Preiton, Lancafh. 22 7 ;i6^ i43|ib2|iQ9 79 i02J2o6|i89;i27 Queenborou r\\\ Kent 160 1 06 206|I2I 150 247166 89I274 i8o| 64 119 Radnor, Radnor jb I06'l02 72 82 »95 iQ3l 79 Ravenglafs, Cumb. 289 227 205(224 262 io^|i64!268|2^i 189 keadinjr, Berks 80 39 "39j44li, l 5 2 2 14 1 1 1 . 1 14I187J228 Richmond, Yorkfb '.128 1 203 2262c6|2i6| 26)132 215 272 210 Ring wood, Hants 46 IOO •44' 7^224 2:6(154 173:184 »S7 Rippon, Torkfb. 2 5) »77 2o8ji8o|i90 6^107, 189254 192 RoehJale, Lancajh. 220 1 $1 14* !5l|i8$ 54 78 183; 19: ji 2g Roc heller, Kent I45| 9' 191J1Q6 |i 35 232 IS* 74]259 27 8 Rofs, Hcref. 71 82 5*1 46 204 '93 81 164! 90 136 Royiton, Herts i 4 i 4 »i 161J 76 04 164 9^ 42^.216 6o'i2 2I 238 265 Rumford, Effex 127 72 i 7 6| 88]i2o 204 124 (Rye, Suffix I78li2j;l?,2t;ir40)2i; 266 i8<- I i8j'272l3I2 66 ] Bru — Cae TABLE VI. 1 to c o *-> •-. pq E bo C -a 22 7 Stortford Bifhops, Herts i 4 e 64 176 87 96 182 109 44 .22^ ) 256 Stow Market, Suffolk i 9 c 98 20/ ■132 7c l 9't J 34 — r~ l l\ 26? ,289 67 3 Bru— Cae TABLE VI. S $> c 3 M E c«l X M .£ 'J2 pq • pq u E D eq E C PQ br. ."2 JO hi ha pq 5 E H G O C O *■ i w P5 c £ O c G Stratford on Avon, War. 106 37 75 29 i33i x 52 5i ii 7 121 l66 Sudbury, Suffbli\i6g 92 20c I2 5 79(203!; 29 17)261 284 Sunderland, Durham ^22 236 268 2 47 2;o| 66 *74 25^314 2^2 S waff ham, Norfolk, 2 10 104 210 139 3 2 ! I 73 13.?] 29I273 27O S w a n fea , Glamor ^. \ 1 1 166 5 2 130288)260 155, H9| 26 132 Tadcafter, Vcrkjb.\2±b IJf* igojiy i!i66[iQf 94 ! :67| 2 q6;i74 Tarn worth, Warm. \i 4.4. 6< 93| ^8151 119 irf|iai|i^|i^o Taviftock, Dcvon\ 91; 204 1H3 164I332J340 229 281)223 296 Taunton, Somerf^ 31 '35 T I9|l00 20li276 165 21711^9 232 Tewkfoury, GlouceftS 76 5 6 ! 70 3o|r 7 8;i7i| 70 136I116 156 Thackftead, Efiex\\bo 80J192 100 94 180 n-5 3 62 34 2?4 Thettord, Norfolk\iq$ ?9)J95 124 49 184 124 .12J25JB 288 Thirike, l"or k/Jj.\ 26 J 181J210 192195 12 'i9j I 9 6 J259 *97 Tinmouth, Nortbiimb\ 3 3 1 24f 2 77 2 5^i 2 59; 75 1831260)323 261 Tiverton, Devon\ 52 1561140 1 2 1)282)297 186 2 3 8|iSo '53 Torrington, Devo?i.\ go 181 l68 141I303I325 206 260120? 181 Towceile r, Nor tbamp.\ 1 1 ^ 9 IO9 37103159 04 82 168 198 Trowbridge, Wilts 22 84 9 b 55|2 o8 l 2 30 134 166 136 *°9 242 Truro, Cornw. 141 250 229 210378 386 2 75 333 269 Tunbridge Wells, Kent !$0 96 iq6 mji$7 237 ,56 92 2 43 28^ Ulveriton, Lancajh. 272 21c iSi 207 24? 92 147 2 5i 234 172 (Jttpxeter, StaffordJb.\\ $o\ 8S|i 14 85 167 103 H *55 143 141 Oxbridge, Midd.\io^\ 42 ■ r 43 <6)i34 206 }*1 86 193 22.6 Waketield, TorkJh.\2 2c\\^2 '65 145)16:. 33ij 7 2 '59 2 JO 158 Walling ham, Norfolk 2 ^2 126 21 1 ibl\ 9I T90I194 5 1 29^ 292 Ware bain, Dorfetjh 5^4 104 i37 90:23c 267J165 186 169 242] Warm in iter, Wilts] i<4 94 102 62J21; 250)14^ 176 l^jutj Warrington, Lancajh. 198 '136 113 J 33 1 1.8.5 i 86 1 72 i& *59 ; 97I J 68 J Bru— Cae TABLE VI. **> | c o a p5 £ be c ".2 a PQ M '3 09 T3 u 1- M c s- p u S M c h c c c c u 3 pq E W CO X 1— PC 4> ha la « c c > C Im 4 131 71 Il8 202JI22 81 202 126 74 Yarmouth, Norfolk 237 '47 253 l80 6^242 173 59 316 337 York, Torkjb. 256 162 20c 181JI76I l8 104 *77 246J184 • 1 1 . 67T" Cam— Che TABLE VII. Ol U — • OS £ •a P es ex, 4> a J= J3 u o o Campden, Gloceit. 91 1 Ca,ifirbury y Kent 97:145! \C.ardijj, Glamorg. 1S2I 91.220 Chelmsford, Cardigan, Cardipr J24 i' 1 36^8 ii 94 Carlifle, Cumb.[272;2;z 360:285 2S5J Effexkgf IIS| 57 : I 94 254 3°° C6r/y& Moani.ji57| 66. 1 9 C; 20J100 267I161 Cbcfter, Oh-eQi.|i 70J1 1 1;?39 i39|i^q 1382c; 1 27 Cbeftcrfield, DerbyQi. ior| 91*203 180:191 162:1 944 5 -1 77 Chichelter, ujfex\i 16J 109:120 149 2 39} 3 43j 92 1 1 24I 2 221193] 159 292! 1 26 j 39 1 49 } 1 4.8 " Chippenham, Wltt^ 130] 574 51] 6 Chipping Norton, Oa/. 82J 1 3 j 1 3 1 j 96 19625:4 107 71JH01104; Chriftchurch, Hant: 1^7)1001160; 123 198 Cirenceiter, Gloccfl. 3i.i4-if 79 139 Clithero, Lancatl). 831*5269 Cockermouth, p.rnb. *73\*ll\3S 5|200 280 Colcheiter, E(Tex\ 4SI138 79^12 Coldftream, Scotland] 288 2 9 2 ! ; 8 6i 3 ; 8 3<;8 34i|i33| 98210J19!} 266 120! 4.2 1281126! 2 7l3 231188! 78;26o: 69! 7 41 7Jih 2 1 j 1 84 26b 39I 22iji;4| 211 200- •Coin brook, i?#r£j| 69: b4J 76; i ^ 2 , 4;"°^i $01127 ;Coventry, WarujickfljS 60'; 30148119 iCranbrook, C rewkhem e, Some?/'. 1 8b| 1 1 z\ 1 9c jCricklade, tCromer, jCroyd( 154 ) 309 11 4 ) 04 JK?*/| 92436J 32)213 274I3PJ ga [»8o| 90 1641^2! ;62J 6; Q2JI (J3!2t)2;tl?| qS 264(324 323406239 *i2j 39 ! i4i Wilt^iod 45 1 1 37 N'jr/clk\ t 82 1731163 AVrryl 63! 981 6S i92;i6oj _9M_^; »9 & i 1.4 ! Q2 7^6 1 60-2 3 j 23 1 1 f 771 [93I161J jDarking, Darlington, Surry] 77I 99J7i4i»«! 2 ^1 I Q7{2.j2J 2- IDarttord, hm 193 jfc*/| 60103! 401178:24c 112 "4 | 320) 53! HQ ^33J26i 27 jjj£ ^ o 1411 to6j 200' I 66] 7° 3 Cam— Che TABLE VII. i a rs B cs o c ft. E rt O • u J5 33 c IS U c 0J TO u 6 ft, o> -C 128 102 u e O 2 u V Dartmouth, Devon 2 5 6 I75 260 153I227 39^232 25H266 109I 80 I^|22I Daventry, Nortbamp. 61 36 I3IJI27 165 228 379 9 1 Deal, Kent "5 IOI 18 238129Q 75| 2.3 Denbigh, D-nhighJh. ; 9 B i26 2671155717 170 231 144 2 . V 105 Derby, Derhyjh. 90 06 i82ji 5 8li67 174 136 T28 5' 190 7 2 *3* Devizes, Wilts 129 63 '45! 76 15 1 298 121 165 87i J 54 33 Doncalter, Torkfb. 114 126 21321$ 223 136 154 Dorchefler, Dorfetjlo. ! 73 I! 4 iSojn 1 185 349 153 86 213 252 201; 218 Dover, Kent "3 i S a l S 2 3$ 296:376 73 210 Droitwich, Worce/L 109 29 ns 87 I20I2I6 149 65 77 87 Dudley, Staff no 45 *75 105 131 189 H3 84 77 67 Dulverton, Somerj'. 205 129 226 105 T 79J347 198 80 207 218 Dumfries, Scotland 309 269 :*97 322 3 22 | 37 337 302 *75 '99 Dunmow, EJJex 26-i 12 7° 193 252I288 13 5* 167 122 189 1 4 H »33 "5 Dunftable, Bedford/]?. 4i 02 90 H7 207J266 Durham, Durham 212 216 3 1 1 |3°5 302! 67 252 280 160 111 137 Durfley, Glouceji. *39 40 120 79 1391270 i+5 46 128 Eafmgwold, Tork/b. 165 *75 262I264 259I1C7 20 3 2 39 119 80 Ecclefliall, Staff. 128 72 I9 6 h35 I44;i57 165 1 12 39 48 Edinburgh, Scotland 334 324 43 2 l377 37"! 9 2 37 2 357 230 246 Ely, Cambr. 1? 106 1 14 195 256 274 57i 170 1 57 176 186 107 140 Epping, Bffex ssi 9 6 64JI82 242J304 17 Epfom, Surry 68 93 b 5\ l 5S 22^319 44 130 198 167 Evefham, Worceji. 116 H [72! 90 129 240 150 68 98 109 Exeter, Devon. 225 144 2291122 1961364 206 97 224 j 2 35 Falmouth, Cormv. 3*7 236 321J2I 4 288U56 293 189 117 316 191 3 2 7 168 Farnham, Surry 9« 78 98II32 2io; 3 i8 7C Farringdon, Berks 97 33' 1 2 5 1 95i$t>'266 IOI 62 137I114 Cam— Che TABLE VII. 4 fcJD O E « c c J? .*> -3 6 c 138 eg -c 2 5 Flint, EUntJb.^% 2120 251 1541231153 2I $: ial 89 Fowey, Corn-zv.\ 2 c) [an 296 18912631431 268 164 291 302 Frome, Awk^ji^I 83 16; 67JI4IJ304 ■37 1 161 174 Gainfoorough, Lincoln/. 104'' iS 203! 8|i39 Haylfham, Sj/^a 112 '37 62 i97;283'364 74 I 72 242 207 33 2 Helftone, Corniv. 322 241 3 26 219J293461 298 194 321 Henley onThames,0^/. 76 55 93^27 188,281 68 95 164 *3» Hereford, Here/. '3* 47 i86| 54J 98I236 161 33 95 119 Hertford, Herts 32 S8 7/ l68;222 285 3 2 *43 i74 128 Hexham, . Nortbumb. 1245 242 3W J3o6i 2 99! 36 285 298 1 60' 1 50 Cam— Che TABLE VII. . . _. . ... 1 i be T3 "C ja B « 0) -a CU E a O s- "2 c '"9 O 6 O T3 ,0 J u a, u u O 2 u U O fin he, Kent 1 12 156I 17 231 29 ? |572 72(199,250 216 Holyhead, ^ n gkf 2=;8 1861327 rH9 132 23c 29l!2049 I 2' 165 Holy well, Flintfb. 188 i24;z;5 ii? 12} 160 241)142,17! 95 Korfham, Suffix 89 i°3| 7<> 163 246 34^ 6q|i38!2i 9 188 Hounflovv, Midd.\ 6: 8o| 69 «5.i 2 1 I 306 4241 1 20 189 T 39 156 6b Hull, Tork/b.liz* 152I227 241 2S7 ip 168,216 JHungerford, Berks\ 99 5 2 122 94 l68 291 97! ^9|i57 141 [Huntingdon, Hunt.\ 16 84 114 162 222 244 55il I 37l I 53 90 [ilchefter, Somerf.\i%i 109 182 85 *59 »3-I 1 5*7! 60187 198 i I n v e r n e fs , Scotland^ 488 47 8 586 $31$$* 2 59 52615111384 400 jjpfwich, Suffolk] 53 r 4 8 97 230I29C; $23 40' 2 02 1 2 24 158 jKellington, Corm».\zbq 188 273 I66J240 408 24-5 141,260 2 79 'Kendall, Wejfah^ 188)316 2 4 i|24r 44 27422:j92i 118 iKiddermin iter, Worccjl. IJ3 3*| 184 51>ti 2G S r 4Q 72I 7 C, 81 Kingfton, , Surry 64 86 69 X ^CJ2I6 3 12 40,123:194 163 Knarefborough, VorkJh.\ 1 $4 1-52 253 241)237 109 1 94 2 1 6; 99 61 Lancafler, Lancajh.\brc 166 293 2 IQ|2 19 66 25o ; i99 71-y 104 Landaft, Glamor. iyq 86 216 *il 98 28c; 1911 24:144 177 Launcefton, Cormv. 26" 128 272 164I238 406 247 1391266 277 Leeds, Tork/b. 144 136 2 S3 225(221 119 184200 7 b 43 Leek, Staff. 127 9' 214 1^0(148 i79 191J1 r8|i29 92 40 Louth, Lincolnjb. ii^39 214 228I244 211I155203 150J 68 Loweltoff, Suffolk 72)163 152 2 c u E x> O 8g c a # b/j u u a! re O T3 CO S U | cj=! JX u XI O g u 5 •a ' Nevvcaftle, Nortbumb, 122^230 3^ ^19316 56 266 294174 J 39 Newcaftie, Stafford^ tf\ Si 207 i£i|i48|i$i 171 J 43 130' 35 42 112 119 , Newent, Ghceft.\i^\\ 24 168 56(1 11 244 24 100 'i"8i Newmarket, Camlr.\ 13I104 101 i9j1 2 55l 2 74 44 .70 Newport, IJle ofWighi\ 139 116 145 148222 360 "5 lil|22l|2I0 Newport, Monm 170 77 208 12J105 278 !82 15 1 37| 168 Newport, Pembr. 252 '47 291 961 1 o| 2 9? 265 IIIjI50|202 Newport Pa^nel, Bucks 4 ? ;o 107 1 39)200 249 78 "4{*35 98 Northallerton, 7~ct k/b*]ijq «*3 2 7 8 272 269 88 219 247i»27 92 Northampton, North \ 50 43 122 1 32 193 2 34 80 107 120 83 Norwich, Norfolk 72 •5:-. 141 244(304 326 82J219224 162 Nottingham, Notting.\ 82 79 i8o 168 184 ,89 129 143! 99 26 Okeham, Rutlandjh.^^ 7' 152J160 l 95 206 101 135116 397 234 13c > 2 57 268 Taunton, SomerJ :iqo]ii; 202 91 i6j '332 174 66] 1 93 204 Tewkfbury, Glouceft . 109(18^ -16; ■ 7 2 13212411139! 471109'! 10 77l Cam — Che TABLE VII. C s. E I* >- c OS OS a J a u u U ~G O "1 TJ u z bo B .2" O O JO, u u u c d O -G P C £ M O O U O ! E . 222 183] 139 228 r6lj 60)138 162 172 166 Dorchelter, Dor/et/h. 1 S2 7° 105I 46 89(280)348 171 404 105 Dover, Kent 109 166J1 .16 1 7 3 [50(2841374 95 40. 92 Droitwich, fVorcc/f. 14.$ 72I 42)127 48I126 i'ai.8li66 28; no '86 ] Chi— Col TABLE VIII. 1 if 'J O £ ex a, J3 U 525 bn c *SL o_ 15 O 3 -a U u 6 3 £ a> J* u O "0 E 'o a 2 55 x> "0 O 119 Dudley, Staf. K3I 89! s8 1451 76 :o 9 788 '5' Dulverton, Somerf. 151I 82I123J107I 98 277 346(220 4*3 15"? Dumfries, Scotland 380J329I291 1^ 78I303 127 64I349 84 342 Dunrnow, QJfix 104I129 101I145I1 14 21c 286:23! 313 58 Dunn-able, Bedfordfb. 98| 84! c;i[i 23 68Si8c 263! 75 305 1 40 D u rham , Durham 318 273U2Q 31b 2 5 ri 90 84)260 75 265 92 Durilev, Glottcefi. \lOz\ sol <} 79| 19J19? 269166 c?3 6 [Eafingwold, 2Va//;?.J 269J232, 188 279 210 <5 C 1 l6|2I2 128 218 Ecciefhall, Staff. 179I116 90 177 94 74 152:179 228 192 Edinburgh, Scotland 440I384 346 4-1,3 3 5* 182 II9i382 4 6| 3 86 Ely, Cambr. 133 147 95|*74 124 179 274551 287 78 Eppinfif, Effex 82I11; 86 123 [015209 304I 41 321 35 Epfom, Surry 49 92 80 89 88J238 318J 6c 346 18 Eve (ham, Wbrceft. 124 S 1 21 107 3> 26 4 ?3q|i44 *°3 84 Exeter, Devon. 150 94 140! 97 115(294 563223 430 160 Falmouth, Cornw. 242 186 2 3 2U88 207 386 4553*5 ?22 249 Famham, Surry 3i 68 7o| 62 7 1 225; 317I 92 365 24 Farringdon, Berks 79 36 2 3 73 18 177 26j;|i2^ 313 5* Flint, Flintjh. 234 x 75 133 219 iH 80 1521233 219 197 Fowey, Corniv. 2i 7 i6r 2071165 182 361 430290 497 373 220 »7 fro me, Somerf, 85 2 5 73 56 47 r 224 3°3! I 59 Gainfborough, Lincoln/'. 21 2 *75 130 221 '53 1 1 1 169I15* 193 .58 Gifborough, Torkjb. w 259 224 315 2^7 79 108J247 109 248 Glaigow, Scotland 444 393 35$ 442 367 191 128 413 9 1 40', Gloceiler, Gloccff. 118 34 32 94 x 7 173 2^1 156 318 88 Grantham, Lincolnjh, 170 134 85 176 112 124 2IC 112 45 224 352 114 44 Gravei'end, Kent 75 120 98 124 IO8 236 326 •Grimlby, Lincolnjh 228 2071156 23? 18c JS9 204^170 209 171 8i ] Chi—Col TABLE VIII O CJ •_= ! a O U Grinitead, Ear*, 8ujfex \ 41 , njiod iq- [ 120 24?h'33|^Q 3 6 ° 5° Guildford, >«n? 32! 79 ' 7 3 74! 82 ' 2 3°!3 28 i 801360! 24 Halifax, Halftead iV/^ .134^1 gS; 1 54 ! 24 1 ! r;6 20 ; 10; 1 3 r»o | 167 ( 208 Efix \ 1 ^o7^8| i 3 :, i 02J132 224',- is' '4 | 3 2G | 8 o Harborough7 Lficefi.T^ ^^TtfiJW i2o J2 24^^259 os Harleigh, Merioneth]}). 1 : ij 17;' 1491236, i_£3 14 ' j 21 1 j 26z {27^U 1 4 Hartlepool, J>urbam\^ 1 1 Harwich, EffeMitf Haflemere, iferryj 19 73: 8i| 71J 76 236 ^23 |Haftings, »- s> .'#-*'j 7cli3Q l i44J 120:1 ?o 281 [ 370 271 U26; 314:240' 87iio5 : 2^B| '■■ 1 69! 1 46 176 J 163 2:9 8 334 iiaveriordweit. H^yT _fV^.!.24o| 1 5 5! 1 7 1 j 2 1 4I1J4 U40310 BrecknockJl.i.U 7 c Haylfham, Suffix] 5 Helftone, C0772W.J247 Henley onl'hames.OA/. 5 ; 84! froji43J 70168J238 ~^;T38!io9j I4s ' 2 7 3 !3 6 3 Hereford, Heref.\ 1 46 Hertford, /fcrfrj 85 191 2 37! 6l| 2I 2 I 23046C 62; 43I (til 54 : , ^Q 8 h 8 ° 67! 6o[i22l45J l i66 235 20(348 86 96372I40 9 I J3 8 5!_/ 3°3377 | 2 4 Q 207305 137 9 6 i 3 8 9 _.7> 320 ^27:266 QO3^ ' , T 3z r.:. 302:1 1 8 Hexham, Hithe, "Nortbumb. 705, 77:125' qo i T97 i aq2 [ 4 8 |3_lll_3^ Ac:/: 96 Holyhead. Angle/. Holywell, IHorfham, Flintlk. 300 238 &#. Ho u 11 flow, ,17/,/,/ Hull, Tvrhjh, Hung^erford, Berk. Hunrinadon, Hunt Llchefter, SomerJ. Inverriefs, 2'. 2QQJ2t; $13421 277)117 °3 2 93 6h 2( J$ i6 7 l, i44ii6i 154 I282372 04 392;_^2 230 19928;; 240 i:9;2 20|3O9|296|2fe4j ~79 1 3 7:2 2 3 178; 89iisQJ 239 J 226 ;200t 104' 951 82! 106)250 340 871307! 3 fe j — — ■ 1 1 1 — : — 1 t 56J 83J fc8| 90^ : 2^!w|J^34f_i_77: 2i42r3li62 l 24^U86(jo8[i63 U76|i8c[i78 63} 30, 42 53' 3 6)20 2\ 2 90} 1 1 9| 3 40] 12!!? 3 76163 ioi ; ib2 l 257 | 63 :271) _7f 94 i 511101I 48 72125^:331 179397I12C, Scotlatul ;q\ 538 5005-87 <; I 2 l 3_q6 ! , 27 3^36 200 C4- M 82 ] Chi— Col TABLE VIII. % Co O g c a, U | Z u »-. JZ 5 0* 6 g *o U E "o O In a "o U I pi w i c h , Suffolk 132 166 146 173 i6g 227 322 I9I336 86 jKellington, Cormxs- I94|i 38)184 138 '59 33 8 407 267 1 £7_4 27 21 1 16 200 261 [Kendall, Weffm. 296 247I209 296 221] 46 39 iKidderminifcer, IVorceft 149 791 49 T 34 5 5 •§) 120(204)16.5 271 I[ 3 fKingftoii, Surry 5° 87-1 73 93 81I215I311I 62 342 1 1 [Knarefborous[h, Torkjh. 254J209I165 2^2 187I 40 99 202 135 217 [Lancaster, Lancajh. 274 223I185 272 l 97i^3i 61 261 »35 2 3? |LandafY, Glamor* 146 61 9? I20 76214 284 209 35i 140 ILaunceiton, Corrwj. 192 136 182 I36 1 57i33 6 |4°5l 26 5 477 200 iLeeds, 1 orkjb. 238 193 149 236 171 35 114 193 *ss 198 Leek, Staff. 197 146 108 95 120 58 157US0 223 160 LeiceiTer, L.eiciff. 164 ^ 62 162 33 115 2IO|l I9 2 45 104 Leominller, Heref. 161 «s $9 *45 63 141 220il83 287 128 jLeikard, Cornw 198 142 188 140 163 342 4151271 478 202 1 Lewes, S'ffcx I9ii l 3' 12^ 97 140 263 353l I oc 380 72 LichHeld, Staff. t$a 107 67 156 81 i03|i 7 6|i58 248 121 Lime, Dor/'et iob| 83 127 S6 4 102 281 347^94 416 126 Lincoln, Lincolnjh. 193)172 1 21 20J 145 1 10! 1 84)135 208 142 Liverpool, Lancajh. 241! 190 152 239 164 67 I23J230 190 206 Llanbeder, Cardlg. 2I2'lI I 129 17c r 12I181 252(250 3'9 182 Llanvmdiiovry, Caerm. q6| 95 ri-3 r >4 96:181 252(234 319166 Loughborough, Leicejl. 175I1 20 73 '73 94I104 199)130 234117 •Louth, Lincolnjh. 22 ! |20C 149 232 r73|i35J204|ioo 228 170 Loweitoft'e, Suffolk 180:198 l65| 95 150 62 Hi 147 I 7 6 i 2 5°33 2 l 6 3 74'i3o|209Ji86 359 276 126 '34 Ludlow, Sbropfh. Lymington, Hants 3$| 6 4 IOI ll{ 89^9 338*138 388 75 Lynn, Norfolk 162 210 I 58 i*b 209 207 1321178 259I 76 286 114 Macclesfield, ' Cbejb* J 59 121 '33 49 144 191 21 1 171 ~«3 3 Ghi—Col TABLE VIII. to es u CJ g «j SL. O z .5 1 -C C c3 £ CJ M CJ u es JJ O u 6; i6| 2.8 • E C3 U e -a "0 366 33S Hi | V 55 57 80 Maidftone, Kent 71 '34 1 11 13' I2 'l 2 49;339 Maldon, EJfex 102 136 JI 7 141 I 3°l 2 33 3 2 8 Malmfbuvy, Wilts 97 94 4 2 75 121198277 Malton, Yorkjh. 276 2?C) iq<; ? 86 217I 77|i34 .38 224 Manchester, Lane. 22; tSili 35 226 155I 5* T2( 203 t8a 192 Mansfield, AW/. l 94 150 106 196 128; 8b I D 7 I43 20b I46 Margate, Kent 136 167 U7 176 l^/I^Bq 375 95I4O2 IS2|2;5 9 1 1 59 MarketRailm, Lincoln]}) 210 189J13S 22 1 162)132 191 Marlborough, Wilts 74 169 '9 40 I26| 73 5 1 ib- 25I203 104)114 ,83 20c ^3^ 339 II2J239 -..1 S74 1 12 Melton Mowbray, Lcic. Midhurit, SuJ/ex 1 1 «4| 97 66 8 7 ;2;2 338 102 3*i 411 150 Minehead, Somerf. '4* ; 9 ;i20 IC2 95 !2 7< 344 21 7 Monmouth, Monm. '45 5"o| 60 I 12 43l'8^ 2 53 181 320 1 1 1 Montgomery, Montgo. 188 iogj 8<; I70 87)12; 19b 209 26^ 150 Morpeth, Nor thumb. 34^ 30-J259 346 28ijiho 8} 290 4S 2 95 Namptwich, Cbejb. 202 140 113 20C n8| 71 l 45 202 212 ibi N e w ark, Nottingb ■ 184 r 39 99 IQO 124I107 202 l2 S 210 129 Newbury, Berks 5< 38 4< sH 4TJ200 287 i>q337| 39 Newcaftle, Nortbumb. 332 287 243 33° 2 b 1; 102 ^7 274I 01279 Newcaitle, Staff or djh. 189 138 100 187 I 12 74 146 1891220 149 Newenr, Gioceji. .28 44 4? 104 2 7 171 2 49 16613 ib 98 Newmarket, Cambr. 125 *43 97 166 121 iq6 291 38i 299 7 °i Newport, IJle of Wight 38 89 121 21 I02 276 359 J 37 404 84 Newport, Monm. 137 5 2 84 1 11 67 207 277 200 344 l 35 Newport, Pembr. 250 150 167 209 150 220 291 288 358 218 Newport Pagnel, Bucks 117 8b 4« 121 b6 162 248 82 288 5oi Northallerton, Toikfh. 285 240 196 283 218 118 97 227 1 10 230 Northampton, North, l 3 2 84 3 6|ji2 9 62 x 47, 2 33 97(270! 7_o 34] Chi— TABLE ! Col vnt. 4 CO it O <7* c ci -C 5 2" IS O 192 140 11 5 116 i8s c 1 Q bx c K !S O . 1 u '— u -r. u O <7 C 108 ! S d '— 232" 99 124 zil 111 142 175 366 824 ^2 £ u ■ S s_ U ^4 in je !26 129 97 184 .27 ti6 70 2^0 200 7i§ 287 245 274 42 c; 90 8? 46 98 186 92 419 02 2 1 2 ■ S 1 Norwich, Norfolk ,46 2T 3 314] 62,341 18 1)130 22c 2-1 l'lO I 245 3S5 24^4^ 33Q3?|3';7 237, 85256 261 109 31 1 43J 295 502 I 33 233 2CO Nottingham, Notting. iSq 86 62 162 16; .87 M7 Okeham, Rut la, Jib. r 59 Gkehampton Devon ' 7 - I2i|i37 IQ2 179 Orford, Suffolk 1 5 1 Oundle, Nortbamp. 140 113 &5 149 9 ! Oxford, Oxford}}) 81 V 19 S 2 i 3- Padftow, Corn- v. 222 •66 2 1 2 168,187 Variegate, Chejh. 234 161 [ 3 1 j 2 2 2 j 1 40 Pembroke, Pemb. 240 i£5 167J2 i j t qc 236 3°%Q*|3?3 'Penrith, Cumb. 324 2 73 ?3^ 522! 24? 7- 27 292 914 Penryn, Cor-mu. 239 181 2 2',, 186204 183 452 312510 Penzance, Comzv. 253 197 2.13 195:21b 397 4663 26 5 1.5 Perth, &cetlana 47? 422 38q|a.72|397 22 1 1 58 421; 86 Perlhore, Worcefi. 12b 6: 27 114, 35)150 234 I<2 ^7 Peterboroug h,Nort'jam. 141 129 7* 161 102 148 243 84 Peter&rield, Hants 1; 7* 86 $i| 8. 24? 327 105 377 Plymouth, Devon 193 137 i*3 1 ■ 9 1 :b 3^7 40ft 266 473 Pontefract, Torhjh *37 19; 14- ?43 17c 4b 127 18046c Pool, Dorfctjh 6: 6 9" icf 82 26: 340762)396 Pore Patrick „ Scotlanc Uq/ 40' $68 4^38- ) 20d r 41 426 1 6c Portimouth Hani v I* 8, 10* 40 9! )262 345 I23I395 pieiton, Lancajb . zq. 7.0 16' 2 50' 1 7 5 2c > 82239115; 5348, 68j 37 < Queenboro jgh, Ken ^ 10 5 l 3< 9 M 2C > 148:13c ,I 5 J Radnor, Radnorfh . 18 5 7; ' "4Q 7^ ) ic;. 22 4 201 8 301 29 12* 146 U79 22 1 2 <;° Ravenglais Cumh • 3'- -6 3 22 r 3 I2 t 2 3 7 6- 1 2 Reading, Berk J ^ S 9 ^ 3 7' 4 ) IO ? 291 ; 93:34 '.Richmond, Tor kib J 29 24 920 288 22 3 2JC 3 7 9 2 39 ro :8 5 ] Chi— Col TABLE VIII. ! > 1 % ! CO 1 sf ej 1 'Jc, Chippenham. ChippingNorton | Chriil Church. Cirenceiter. 5 6 c ( U a fj § "0 "e O U Rin^wood, Hanti $i| 55 8 4 j 9 6q|2cc v^u8,383 7 S Kippon, Tor.db.libi 2i<) 17-5(262 197 40 105 215I127230 Rochdale, £#»«?/?>. 1 2 38 j 194] \\% 239 166 2 : 1 17 2i6|i8i 235 Rochefter, Kent q;;i^4 105 r 33 '^ 243 132' 53I360 51 RoTsj Here/. i 2 9 ; 55| 5 1 I0 9 33 178 24311721315 ui Royfton, Herts IOO; I Z>L) 5 5 '39 93 182 -77 5 22 9* 5 2 Rumford, Effex 76;! IO 9C I 10 iOj 2I<2 302 38 ! 33 T ! 28 Rye, Suffhx\ 76I162I139 1 34| H9 2 77 3 6 7 97 (394-1 83 Sr. Albans, Herts 8-?! 92| ^4 112 77 194 282! 62 |3i6| 30 St. Aiaph, Flhitjh. 24.9:190,148 234)189 100 r7o|2Jfo|237J2i4 St. Davids, Pembr. 255J170U6 229|i69 243 3143181381,2:; Salilbury, Wilts 6i|3a* 6 7 261 52 23c 3 1 1 3 q|366j 68 Sandwich, iCr/z/ 1.41I167 144 i8tji54 282 37 2 ! 9 2 |4oo| 9° Scarborough, Torkjb 281:260 209 292223 99 147 2 22 j 149J230 Settle, 2V/£/&. 282(237 193 28021^1 19! 68 243J140I24S Sevenoaks, JT«b/| 5-^121 98 I 12 1081236326' 6,13531 44 Shahelbury, Dorfetjb. 80! 46 bo 37 76 H9 33 1 r 54|3 86 | 86 Sheffield, Torkjb. 2Z^ l60 nb 203 138 62 142 16618^ 1 70 Sheroorn, Dorfetjb. 9$| 5 2 ! ICI -9 ~: 2641.334 i6 9 ; 4 oijioo Shoreharn, Xuffex 244j J 1 Hi 1 26 82 I 21 270 359 10-387! 62 S h r e w fb u ry , Sbropjb. L85110 84 17c 262 88 r 99 10; 181 |i 8 5)248 151 19I 84226 146U32 Skipton, Torkjb. 20^ 221 I77 Sleatord, Lincolnjh ^79*54 93 21c 128 129202 1 17 226J126 Somerton, Somerf 10^" 48 94 - 64 6q 2483171179:3841119 Southampton, Hant. 3* ^5 S> 30 7^ ^3 33° I2 93 8o | 51 Southwold, Suffolk 16c > 200 i6c 203 '79 2 44 3 2 9! 533^ 6l 42 Spalding, Lincohijb 164 ip tor 284 I'*? 150 241I1 10 249 141 Stafford, Staff i? 2 109 83 i;c *7 86 159 172I235I168 86 j Chi— Col TABLE VIII Staines MiM o C I 'EL' EX 01 n o a; g PC o 82'42I Stockbridgc //*»* 43 4; Stockton, ZW/6. 309J261 StortiordBifhop's, Hcrti Stow Market, .S^ft 95i I] 9 i39 £5 29J 6o!2 2 3 21,61304239! 77 8511361104 200 125 180 149:214 3111 361I138 951248 95l2i;2 295 3 2 i3Q9| 46 3iQ| 27324 ! 9 Stratford on Avon, War. Sudburv, Suffolk 1 1 91 68 1 18)152 1 1 1 42 U3 223, 135 ) 279 ) 78 119 159 i42!2io| 3 o5j 16.330) 73 Sunderland, Durham- 331 Ub6 U42 329 2b4!_^02| 97J273| 74277 Swaffhai JSorfol r<;8 I77JI3IJI99 I5d2i2|273i 61 300)110 Swan lea, Glamor Tadcafter, Torklb 188 2 47 103 Tam worth, Taviitock, Wartv. Devon 152)107 135J16 [18220291)251 3*8)175 166)257 188! 50I 1 1 5I 1 89) 149 193 Taunton, Sonic > J !2^ 63 6o|i <;o r 7311 30 8r|io6ji92[i4i|247'i07 14^21 3*396,256463 190 109I 81 84] 263] 3 3 1 J 196J398 13c Tewkibury Gloucc/L Thackitead, Elk Thettord, lSor;\ Ihirlke, Torkfb 126 I (O 143 276 _2Z 135 16^ 3210 105)1 c;o iii| l6l l 2 4° ' I 5 6 i 3°4 9 2 1 19J204I282J27D308J 62 .6 18. Tinmout! Northiij'ib . _ T 4Q 2I 3J 2^6 | 44J i 3 I ' I 94 i8;j274-!20OJ 5 i|io6|2i8|i 16 22? 231 2 cj ^ i 2 5 1 1 3 3 S J 2 7 3 i 1 1 ') 96282) 64286 Tiverton, Devon . Tornngion, Devon Towcefter, 'Noribamp.^ Trowbridge, Jflltil 146 84 » 7 7(^09 1 ooj 76J 13c 11 2)105 284 352 U17419J150 150)129 i2H ^^hSi i 247 l448;i87 J$k 179)53111561236 991284! 57 90) 15 Iruro, Cornvu [2 funbridge IV ell?, Kcnt\ 55 39173 j 64 54 2?d'7 6 41J218U97 M3I363 80 £94!373!4i£ 3Q2|5 c 9l 2 4S I'lao! 248*3381 71)365! 59 87 ] Chi— Col TABLE VIII. c Cj o V =5 bo u •c ei c •_ .c U u u rt a; © <£ j5 -a c c o U U Ulverfton, I;a;ica/h.}2()~ 2J.6 20BU95 Uttoxeter, .9^:|i 74 (24 86 17: 220J COJ 4^28^1 3 }\2 5.2 9 K ! 8 ?r I 77h.5'.7P3'*'!*^9i Uxbridge, Midd. 64 83 g: 92; 74.2.1 IJ297I 7° 334 q Wakefield, 2V>tA 229)184 jWalhngh; Norfolk 8d 199 140227! 62. 3911 1 8|i83| 164; 188 i^^U-'ij 77!iog!2goi 83317J132 Wareham, Dorfetjh. 69 Warm in iter, mits 66u 2 l 20! 89I280347 r_8i 404 88 71 48 ^(2^1:310:1^21377 7? Warrington, La?ic. 32 2 72JI 34*22 I JU^I 4. I I I 2 £ 2jl Sbll 78 Warwick, Wdrw. 123 Watford, //r/ Weymouth, Dorfetjh. Whitby rvM 75 75 62I84I 107)1 76 173(243 TOjirO- 9 4 :_9_i[27o|338; 203 [ 4QS J?j 04: (;: ! ^4;303Ji75 ; 370 iolT8 5«f 19^2771 91I320 91 78114! 50; 97 289 ^j-7|i8o;4i3 ^o7 77cJ276'7i7 2 4&: 87|i'ag249l I 3 J Whitchurch, Shropfh. .'02 130 coj 190J109J 81 6111941228 [Whitehaven, Cum&.U^iUgt > ) 264 J Q4J 1 3 k^SJii^ [Wycomb, jftafc VVigan, jWinchefter, i Windham, Hants 66! 74) 4"c| 89J 59ji9^| 7 6 ! 8 -»-'339 7- 136 134 25 125 £52| 1 2_36j 1 85 J r 47 \ 2 3 4l_i_f '_2_7i_9Vi 2_2_2|_I_7_3J_I_9I 33l 57 />ll 63 Windfor, Berks] 53 jWolfingham, u urban: 3*9 Wolverhampton, &<*/! fi 56 I Wood b ri d ge, Sufi . || 69 jj*_ { 318 l i 18)368 53 1 j 4! [60 2 1 3 30;! 61 1332(1 15 6 _^l 2 ° 9 12^: " 6 J3 4 ^| 4l 230)3 1 7125-2 1 54.I 671 268} 92I 272 ftpBi ibg| 1 84 1 5; tftyij 1 20 \, .'.'- 234:^29; 27 |4£l 91 33 ] 4 c A\ . £ >-> . £ . Chi— Col i u CD re c HI bJD c "EL, O 6 C o O O J-. C 6 c In In O £ O C O >^ O u c In P c c bo .5 Q T3 la • O £ 1* P Cranbrook, Kent 141 H3 252 Creivkbernc, Someri. 142 169 Cricklade, Wilts 56 127I 94 Cromer, Norfolk 163 158266 192 Croydon, Surry 103 47137 88 Darking, Surry 117 42I126 85 J 57 17 Darlington, Durham 167 285 3 C 9 225(2451247 26l 32 Dartford, Kent 112 31 i 5 o| 9 6|i2 3 17 Dartmouth, Devon 206 227 7 o!i47|336 214 197 37* 220 Daventry, Nortbamp. 19 121 137 62|i 43 84 97 186 113 59 200 2 7 S Deal, Kent 166 44 208 165 181 86 94 310 Denbigh, Denbighjb. 117 160 209 15c 259 220 226 172 129 272 Derby, Derby/h. 40 ' r 75 i 7 8 96 161 137 152 1 30 163 242 Devizes, Wilts 93 137 59i 26 211 93 8b 260 104 I23 Doncafter, Torkfh. 9? 116 238 174 166 168 184 78 i74 $OI Dorcherter, Dorjetjh. 144 130 22 80 253I119 107 311 140 84 Dover, Kent 163 35 20^ *5 2 179I 82 9' 3°7 55 2 7 5 Droitwich, Worceji. 3 1 158 117 70 2CO 13c 131 207 135 180 Dudley, Staff. 29 168 134 85 I92 I30 l 39 '73 T 35 197 Dulverton, Somerf. 1 57 20z| 43 roi 279^70 '57 324 18c 59 Dumfries, Scotland 246 ,388 36c 300 364 349 365 121 357 432 Dunmow, EJfex 100 65 17-1 . I2C IOC 5* 6? 22c 3 C 244 Dunftable, Bedfordfh 58 83 *3S 63 121 4< ^ 211 5 1 209 Durham, Durban 186 3O4 328244 . 26^ 266 28c »S 271 39 1 Durfley, Glouce/i 76 13^ 7°l 2 5 21* IQI 9* 215 10c" 129 Eafingwold, Yorkjh 142 -'55 289I223 21$ 217 231 35 22t > 35 o Eccleihall, Staff Vi 18c 16 1| 102 211 m* 164 ^4) I7C ) 224 Edinburgh, Scotland 30c 42/ 424136; 386(387140] i 3 ( ) 39c l 4^7 N 9° J Cov— Dar TABLE IX. V > o U ja c a j- O C O a u £ u U c O 6 to c •** Q c -S la P T3 J-f •6 ;- P .13 O u OS p Ely, Cambr. 87 109 203 126 103 70 in 80 28 94 43 '94 228 76 24 273 222 Epping, Effex 97 59|^ 2 Epibm, Surry 108 ? 2JI2 9 82 148 ri 8| 2 52 28 206 Evefham, Worceji. 28 1481 101 53 190 115 183 114 166 208 34i 4*3 I20 163 Exeter, Devon. 175 212! 39120 305 192 285 3 1 85 Falmouth, Cormv. 266 3 o<; 131I212 397 2 75 -'58 Farnham, Surry 107 -7 4j 1 03J 66 •74 36 * 2 i 271 6l 174 Farringdon, Berks 58 "5 Q 6|i2| 180 /6 7^ 220 84 159 Flint, Flintjh. 101 241 202I141 243 20<; 220 *53 210 266 Fo wey, Cormv. 243 280 106 190 372 250 233 408 256 54 Fromc, Somerf. 113 140 40 5° 23c 105 93 280 126 ioj; Gainfborough, Lincoln/. 88 196 230 168 156 158 '73 99 163 293 Gifborough, Torkjb. 172 291 3H 2^9251 2^3 267 25 260 377 Glafgow, Scotland 310 45 2 433 363 429 413 429 •75 421 496 Gloceiter, Gloccft. 58 i?o 84 2,5 203 IJ 3 112 225 128 H7 Grantham, hincolnjh. 48 '55 190 122 *35 117 132 130 122 2 57 Graveiend, Kent "5 29 155 108 129 20 46 2 59 61 227 .Grimflby, Lincolnjb. 116 zi 4 258 187 167 176 190 118 181 322 Grinftead, E. SuJJex 122 43 146 112 162 T 9 20 266 26 212 Guildford, Surry 118 59 114 77 162 2 5 »* 266 50I1 8q Halifax, Torhfu. 1 1 1 250 2£J 3 176 204 210 226 74 2191316 Halitead, EJJex 114 28 86 133 201 l6l 147 94 70 71 85 107 233 165 43 98 264 224 Harborough, Leicejl, 13*1 95 Harleigh, Merioneth. 138 267 20^ 164 311I232 237 214 *38 266 Hartlepool, Durham 184 302 326 264 262 264 278 21 270 389 Harwich, EJJex M7 95 205 ij? 78 82 96 2 55 7<> 2 75 Haflemere, Surry 118 84 'I? 106 176 39 20 2 79 53 184 ! Haitings, SuJJex 158 *9 l66 136 185 64 SS 305 48 2 49< 9' 3 Cov— Dar TABLE IX. 6 i > O O O O i- "c c: s- U B t- 1 ] O v. £ p 6 c p u .1 Q "2 1 Q E *-> n Q Haverfordweft, Pemb. 167 292 181 174 355 2511246 313 270 244! Hay, BrecknockJb\ 83(196 no! 76 238 165 164 2 47 |i6 7 *75 Hay Hham, Suffex\ 1 5 2 23 102I140 180 49 47 296) 62 233 He 1 lion e, G?r/m>.J2 7i 306 136215 402 280 262 438I288 9° Henley onT names, 0.*/". 7C 83 105 43 158 41 42 237 5* 181 Hereford, Here/. 70 i 7 6 97| 54 218 141 140 227 148 160 j Hertford, Herts 8* 67 1 54J 84 1 1 1 32 46|z 1 7 48 225 J Hexham, tiorthutnb. 212 337 3541275 297 299 3 i6| 5:9 30^17 Hithe, Kent 161 28 202 150 178 70 280 78 m 5 2 287 273 319 Holyhead, -Angle/. 18. 318 256 209 319 286 232 Holywell, Flint/}). 108 24$ 207 1?* 249 210 224 162 217 270 Horlham, Suffix 130 4? 126 99 169 26 13 273 26I197 Hounflow, Midd. 90 59 123 69 J 45 16 20 248 23^94 Hull, Torkjh. 122 219 264 191 173 181 196 86 190(328 Hungerford, Berks 80 no 78; 36 189 68 61 246 85i*48 Huntingdon, Hunt, 65 105 181 102 93 69 83 ,78 75J252 jllchefter, Somerf. 137 M 1 10 59 256 125 112 304 301 -'43 142JJ3 547 6 37 60I272 ilnvernels, Scotland 454 576 578J518 536 539 555 |Ipfwich, Suffolk 135 90 202 153 66 79 93 jKellington, Com™. 219 2 55 84162 287)218 349 267 227 210 385 59 235l 49 jKendal, Weftm. 163 307 267I383 276 350 'Kidderminiter, Worceft. 37 i75 124J 67 <95 12913.5 184 r 4 6 28 187 203' King (ton, Surry lioi 58 122 75 '44 ioj 15 248 Knarefborough, fork/h. 122 249 264 185 200 2 1 2 224 41 215 327 Lancafter, Lancajh.\ 13c) 285 263 202 24 3 244 .259 7 l 2 54 326 Landatf, Glamor. Il6 203 87 8b 26 ! 157 *5 2 283 ,76 233 150 5 1 Launceiton, Corniv.\2i6 252 Hi 168 333 22^ 208 383 Leeds, 2~ork/b.\iob 244 248I170U96207I221 5* 214 !»' JN 2 92 ] Cov — Dar TABLE IX. 1 c > ° p c CS 6 c i~ U u B J-i U c 13 O O c 13 6 4-1 St. Q 254 230 i75 5 3 221 215 60 287 293 199 184 241 3'5 327 186 i S 8 Leek, Staff. 64 207 I9I 1 re 150 170 182 • 38 176 Leicester, Lcicefl. 2 7 146 106 98 140 IO9 124 151 U9 Leominfler, Heref 6< 184 I 1 2 82 :I 9 147 148 208 r 5S Lefkard, Cornw. 223 306 8 171 353 231 2 1^ 389 244 Lewes, Suffix 142 33 140 132 182 39 33 286 63 Lichtield, Staff. 28 168 IQ2 91 189 130 i43 J 54 139 Lime, Dorfet 162 168 ib 1 10 277 143 131 330 163 Lincoln, Lincoln]!?. 81 179 223 150 132 140 ! v5 114 '5* Liverpool, Lancajb. 106 250 230 164 230 213 226 126 222 Llanbeder, Cardig. 126 245 136 120 297 206 206 2 5<5 215 Llanymddovry, Caerm. no 229 121 102 281 191 190 2 55 2CC ' Loughborough, Leicefl. 38 J 57 J 77 109 I5 1 120 ns 140 136 129 178 Louth, Lincolnjb . 109 206 2p 174 160 169 183 Loweftoff, Suffolk 158 136 2 <;7 172 34 *34 148 264 I20 Ludlow, Sbropff. 62 190 123 74 220 H7 i'5" 203 1^6 Lymington, Hants l 34 IJ 5 87 81 226 80 68 301 IO/ Lynn, Norf. 95 138 232 *ts 49 109 123 193 112 302 267 240 242 136 357 194. 268 276 Macclesfield, Cbe/b. 78 220 2Q/{ 130 205 182 *95 125 IQC Maidftone, Kent 12b 13 169 117 H5 37 4*i 272 20 Maldon, Effex 123 '<8 172 123 toe 49 63 242 42 Malmfbury, Wilt. 81 144 73 l 3 207 101 95 248 IJ 3 Malton, Torkjh ip 261 294 23c 222 224 238 5' 23^ Manchefler, Lave 9 C 23c 23 1 148 21' I 8*3 207 161 92 IOI 1 12 30S 204 16c 57 Mansfield, Nott tt 1 86 20$ '35 16C '75 >I 4 - > 84 Margate, Ken i6o| 4 e 206J1 J3 Market Raifin, Lincoln 9«|<95 2 4 oji6/ 14c ) 15b 172 121 172 304 Marlborough, Wilt 79 |i2C 73fl l8 '9/ 7S 7 2 24^ » 97 J 37 Melton Mowbray, Leic 3 S 1 » S5 177I107 *3^ \. 1 1£ 131 H5 I124 241 93 J Gov— Dar TABLE IX. 5 a > O O ,c c w u c £ 5 c O 6 c 9-1 Q c 4-* -a Ih si g Midhurft, SuJJex I23 70 106 8i|i«4 47 30 288: 72 177 Minehead, Somerf. *?5 204 46 105J284 167 154-U22I187 7 1 Monmouth, Mourn. S3 r 7S 79 50J228 108,1371,246 147 142 Montgomery, Montgo. 81 212J140 95 243 169J174I 1 99! 1 76 203 Morpeth, Nortbumb. 216 33 1 357 2 74 293 296 310 43| 302 420 Namptwich, Chef}}. 7 1 21 r 182 122 233 174 ,8 7 *43 180 2 45 Newark, Nottingb. 66 178 208 136 14Q 131 I46 1 ib 136 272 Newbury, Berh 77 107 83 ^6 186 S9 5 2 ! 2 44 75 J 57 Newcaitle, Nortbumb. 200I3J7 H* 258 278 280 294 33 285 405 Newcaftie, Staffbrdjb. $7*9* 183 1J 5 220 t6o 174 146 168 246 Newenr, Glocejf. 64 .68 90 36 21 1 123 122 230 129 152 Newmarket, ' Cambr. 94 96 *95 121 67 72 86 206 62 265 N e w port, IJle of Wight 149I 112. 82 90 219 88 74 316 108 »43 Newport, Mown. 107 199 78 80 252 148 U3 274 167 2C2 141 238 Newport, Pembr. 1651283 '75 162 335 246 U4 294 Newport Pagnel, Bucks 46 102 144 68 I2 5" 61 7 6 i I 94| 7° 2]6 Northallerton, Torkjb. '53 27c 2 9< 209 231 2 33 247 15IJ240 558 Northampton, Northam.l 3 1 Ii? [44 74 132 69 901182] 84 207 N orvv ich , Norfolk] 1 4c 135 242 170 22 119 «33!24 B i I 05 312 Nottingham, Notting. 5 2 172 191 I20JI$2 '3i 1501-126144 255 238 Okeham, Rutlandjh.\ 41 M4 ! 7s riq i-'4 105 12 I 149)1 14 Okehampton, DevoAitfi 225 61 146 313 :0," !S8:363|22C 4i Orford, Suffolk 1 .- 4 I I 2 221 1J2' 00 98 1 1 2^64 I02 291 Oundle, ~Nortbamp.\ 5c I25 '73 86 112 88 IOI 162 94 236 Oxford, ' Oxfordjb j 50 I 12 IOC 29 162 60 67 218 7^ 177 Padftow, Corn~M.'2±b 2&3 i I I '9 8 i3' v 3 2£ 55 238 413 270 8 3 Parkgate, Lbefl?.\\oi 2 53 204 147^243 20s 2 19 T 53 212 267 jPembroke, Pemb.lih^oz l8l 1641335 2?I 246'309|270 244 94 ] Cov— Dar TABLE IX. Penrith, Cumb Penryn, Com~M Penzance, Cornvo Perth, Scotland 33Q c u o 7s5 263 277 Perftiore, Worcejl. Peterborough, Nortbai Petersfield, Hants Plymouth, Devon Pontefracl, Torkjh Pool, Dorfetjh, "Port Patrick, Scotland Portfmouth, Hants 135 84 95 O o o >*, c O 333 313 244(296293 309 312 461 463 Hill 61 128 219 IOC 136 3 2 3 8 2 28 214 394272 142 228 408 286 396 108 184 95 2£2 82 I4O 465 Preiton, Lancajh. Queenborough, Kent Radnor, Radnorjb. Ravenglafs, Cumb, Reading, Berks 8 1 117 : 47 48 11 104 74 111 269 .2442 1&7 100 T87 120348 184,8. 1 1 qo ?6 430 444 441 HI 03 50 36J 220 787 70244 446 376I447 137 2»3 28 179 324 Richmond, Torkfl;. 158 89 286 241 182 30b 98 300 123 426 80 20 Hi 125 87 237 44 212 244 *35 237 209 199 104 _68 222 45 ns 201 284 I Q 3_cm 282 3"Q 432 I 28 *9b 384 ^5 Q3 442 Jl 237 58 16c; 170 283 286 163 4- T 243 2 45 3°i 188 240 roc MS 434 302 276 227 299 _90 t63 IOC 231 J! 172 234 o E si Q 376 104 c.26 Hi 248 766 "jo 310 109 509 164 304 246 788 311 174 3 6 3 Ringwood, Hants 2 3 36 Rippon, 2V£/&. tV 260 62 2 74 _70 187 230 217 90 219 _7 236 290 36 1 22 778 111 337 Kochdale, Lancajh. 106 ; 4) 244 1159 230 201 220 14 3°7 Rochefter, Kent 163 137 30 48 266 14 234 Rois, Afar/*. 6; 173 90 60 219 128 128 229 *34 '53 Royilon, Herts Rumtbrd, EJ]e> HI 104 163 _97 122 49 62 23 37 198 q6 234 14J216 Rye, &#* yfi rS 7 43 181 J8 67 300 J3 268 St. Albans, // c TO u O In O a u O s u O c a .5 cd Q flk. C O a Q T3 *-> E Q 259 122 2 7 S 375 355 227 IOI 278 St. Davids, Pembr. I88I307 I96 I9O 370 266 261 3 J 7 283 Salisbury, Wilts 106 130 49 49 217 88 77 273 IO4 Sandwich, Kent i66| 46 208 M3 176 86 94 305 43 234 259 Scarborough, Yorkfh* 174I267311 236 220 230 243| 6 4 Settle, Torkjh. 150287I292 208 241 250 264) 52 Sevenoaks, Kent 115] 23J152 96 149 17 26 2<;q i3l 123 1 8c Shaftefbury, Dorfetjb. 125 ^M 30 68 236 107 96 292 Sheffield, TorkJb.\ 73 209215 128 189 171 ;8 4 9 1 Sherborn, DorfetJh.\i 40 J S4 15 84 251 122 in 3°7 146 54 s 5 206 21," Shoreham, SuJJex\i^\ 48 -35 108 189 462- 35 293 Shrewsbury, ShropJh.\ 64J203 152 102 226 167 172 T 74 176 Skipton, Torkjh. \i ^27 1 276 190 226 232 248 66 243339' Sleaford, LincolnJb.\ 72 160 209 126 I! 4 123 14c 132 122I269 Somerton, Somerf.\i2$ 165 H 82 2 45 133 118 295 J 54 79 Southampton, Hants\i20 96 68 64 211 7 1 6o| 287 IOI H3 Southwold, Suffolk.. 1 <; 3 j 1 2 7 235I187 54 113 127 263 94 306 Spalding, Lincolnff.\ 75 148 207I127 82 1 1 1 126 l 55 I20 269 Stafford, Staff. l 4 4 f'i8o [ ?4 98 204 '44 157 *54 IS3 217 Staines, Midd.\ gi| 70 n6| 64 152 20 19 251 40 187 Stamford, Lincolnfb. 53 134 183J105 113 96 no '5 1 io<; 2 47 Stilton, Hunt.] 60 j 1 ao| 1 84' 1 10 105 82 95 [66 90 261 Stirling, Scotland 336 4q 8 499400422 425 43 6 171 428 523 Stockbridge, Hants] r 1 IOI 6 7 | 4 5 !202|6 7 | & 268 92 138 Stockton, Dur6.\ij4.\2QO 316:247 252 254 268 12 263 379 StortforriBilhop's, Herts\ 90 72 6 5i 97l 99 42 56 216 4 2 2 35 Stow Market, Suffolk. 1 23 roo 20 9 !i 4 8i 58 86 100 231 70 279 Stratford on Avon, War,\ IQ 146 I2 3 | 511172 109 108 186 118J186 Sudbury, Sufolk\u$\ 76 f881i 35 | 82 6s 79 237 54I258I 96 ] Cov — Dar TABLE IX. *- p O O u -O c 03 u u -a n u 6 £ O u c -a O a 'St Q c Q -a Im J £ Q Sunderland, Durham 199 3I7I34 1 252 27712781293 32)286 404 Swaffham, Norfolk 104 124 228 129 157 130 38:iodi 19 303 199:194 2071 95 294I220 298 192 Swanfea, Glamorg. 158 250 Tadcafter, Torkfk. 123 2 33 265 217 193J195I209 57204 328 Tam worth, IVar4'i88|2 3^ Whitehaven, Cumb. Wycomb, Bucks 2o6j3<5i 6 9 | 79 330 116 3v22|3 13)320 145J 44 1 40 96 ; 3 2o J 393 237! 56 194 Wigan, Lane. 1 or Winchefter, Hants 108 248 22^il6l|225:206j22I 77: 54 200! 60 48I 110)214 27c; 91 148 Windham, Norfolk = 3 127 233 160 314I110J124 39 1 10 3^3 Wind for, Berks ?5 7' 1 51 6o|n;3'|i6{ ; 26 254! 40 Wollingham, Durhai 187)315 329'252|272|27429ii 3-20S 392 Wolverhampton, Staff. 3 3 i 1 7 3 Woodbndcre, Suffolk\ 38J 8q_i96 136 145 U70 J 140 143I 99 209162! 64I 861001292: 79 20 1 279 Woodftock, Oxfordjh. 441^3 113I 3i|i6o', 74 7. 1 1 1 ill :2. ?. :> ; ^6 Woolcr, Is or thumb Wotton Ballet, K^25.!24.8|36c frm 51 121 Worceiler, WorceJi.\ 461161 390I30 cl32c'; 3 2 7 J 34 1 j Sc- ! 35i ~68| 3 r 04; S 4: So^uol 1 o 1 no 54I 193! 123 1 24! 200; 1 30 Wrexham, Denhigbjb\ q^J2 3 7 ! 1 83I 1 40! 25-5! 1 95 J 2Qc| 1 96; 204 Yarmouth, Norfolk^ i68 ! 10 2> 2 56)199; 34 York, TorkJh\ 1 30 2 1 3 2 7 r 2 ' 103 133 [47 278] 112 2051219 48)2103*8 9 8 ] Dav— Dud TABLE X. u c . p rt O C O P u § P P J3 u '5 P P Deal, Kent 1:49 no Denbigh, Denbighfli. 136 285 Derby, Derbylli. 56 200 Devizes, Wilts 83 63 *95 I30 Bbpcajkr, Yorkih.i 99(231 126} 55 189 Dorcbefter, Dorfetfl) . 1 3 4] 1 98 230 180 9 D u 1 verton , Sower/', 1 5 2 244 124:194! 80 253 5BJ242I132I149 Dumfries, Scotland 26 < 416 2c; 211J335 *73 386 4 3 -'9 312 20 Dunmovv, Effex 3j 88 217J123I128 141 161 86 141 129 Dunftable, BedfordJl.\^\ 108 m 92 8i 136 128^051 91J 8; Durham, Durbam^oz 3*9 iqi 149 270 97J330 326J212 190 Dudley, Glouce'i. 84 190 160 I II 37 172 8 7i r 9^5 i 68 Ealing wold, Torkjb. 164 280 148 IO; 238 4:;|28o;?77:i6 2 ! 4? Ecclefhall, &#|7of »M 6$i 33 132 &zji86J2Lt| 47 28 Edinburgh, Scntlavd\\zt 450 262 266 39o|z2o|44i [45.0J308J 28 1 Elv, Camhr.\ 71 132 204 92 H 90 1 1 c 382^ 3-0 24OI I 30 ij6 50 188 r 13 I 39 ' ^ I 5 i4o| 1 40 Harborough, Leiceft. 19115-8 144I 42 Harleigh, Merioneth]!). 1 5 7 1 ^ 9 5 i 4 2 ; I 3 b Hartlepool, Durbi 203I327J185 147 21 277 86,161 168 224 92 328 1££ 292 324 6o| 56 1 17J1 10 2~7o'788 Harwich, Effexli 2y\i 18 264 1 52 Hailemere, fiarrw 1 00' 1 1 8 1 2 20! 1 49 164 64 176 192 1 16J184176 Hail ings, Suffix 1401 57 276J19 ; - - 20210 92 125I133 222- 37 48! I 84! I 84 'Haverrordweft, Pemb. l 79\3*9 *45 18 167 236,202 326132:145 jHay, Brecknock]}). 951224 Q6 II? u6 2 131 221 52 71 [Hayitbam, Suffii *33| °5 270 iHelitone, Cornvj, Henley onThames,0.v/*. 266J344 53 s :8 821 iO 186 308 7 i£7 189 c8 2 1 7 : ! 3 3 367)154 169! 94 _57 108 18018 2461263 87! 94 Hereford, Hcref. 75204 1 1 1 95 152. 118 201 121:1 14 Hertford, Herts 65 95 202!l IO IO3 ixo 141 Q2 Hexham, Nortbu?nb. 231 36 Hithe, ATraf 142 20 [88 174 278^19 160 L£l;35 6 359238,215 2 .617, ji i8r»'i88 Holy he ad i -Angle/. 341 61 17c 242 186 O 2 277 342*158 15 2 IOO ] Dav— Dud TABLE X. c > a: Q ia 'J5 a 1 C c Q ).- Q 5 J: •O 1- Q Holywell, FlintJbJ\i 2j\27j\ I2|iooj'i 93(116 228I270 95 90 Horfham, Suffix 10 c\ 93 I234J164J106J196 io8| 87 T 39 *53 Hounilow, Midd.\ 73I 87207132) 79 169 no 84 II2JI2I i$6ii 3 i Mull, TorkJb:i2z\^^\\b-]\ qo| 2 i2J 4-7 257 24.2 Hungerford, ^r^j 65-! t 40;! 77! 1 17 25j£73 123I 99 67II37 801 Q4 109I 93 Huntingdon, Hunt' ^rjl 5*2|i8 1| 75 170 I29 Ilchefter, Somerj "\ 1 ?oj 1 86 204! 1 74 j „ ! -» 2 2 47,-3.1 23 184 604 I T2 462 129 43 5 Inverneis, 6W/tfW4 76J6o3'4i6J420 544 374 595 Ipfvvich, Suf?U\li$ "5 252 140 161 164 i8q 113 169 164 Kellington, Comw. 213 2 9 T 2 H 2 S5 136 314 95 288 193 III 210 144 12 Kendall, Weflm. 185 334 1258138 253 99 304 331 Kidderminlter, M r ovcefi. 52 202! 90J 57 9$ 107 x 45 199 Kin^fton, .Wry 78 87 212 139 88 i/i in 84 117 126 JCnarefborough, Yorkj}o* I 4 I 271 127! 85(415 39 266 268 150 126 Lancafler, Lancaff. l62 2,1 1 101 1 14 229 106 280 308 r$o I2J LandafF, Glamor. 124 234 r #M$3 73 212 108 231 89 108 Launcefton, Comiv. 21 I 290 287, *53 [34 312 94 287 /91 2C8 Leeds, Torkjh. 125 270 1 1 1 6b 199 29 2i;o 268 145 no Leek, Staff. 84 232 58 28 <5 2 67 203 229 63 43 Leicefler, leio'ft. 28! 172 127 29 124 72 '7 1 16Q 67 53 Leominfter, Here/. 7 4 210 95 79 101 137 133 207 33 45i Leikard, Cerww. 2 1 7 295 289 259 140 3*8 99 292 i97 214 Lewes, Suffix 12^ 77 260 17/ 115 207 1 21 69J169 171 Lichfield, Staff. 47 194 89 24 IJ 3 79 164 , 9 I 36 16 Lime, Dorfel '53 222225 194 7 5 254 2 3 219 133 150 Lincoln, Lmcolnfk, 86 20^150 532 171 3»i 216 202 103 90 Liverpool, Lancajh 1281276; 65 8? 196J103 247 27; ■ n |8 ? l.hnbedcr, Cardig. 137*271,102 139 1231195:157 2681 91U03 I ioi ] Dav — Dud TABLE X. jLlanymddovry, Caerm 12 I ILough borough, Leiceft\i 7 1| 83 P J3 ! -2 1 ; Lo urn, Lincolnjbx iLoweilolf, 5^/i Ludlow, Sbropjh. 109232 141J159 1 20 [78 27c I2 3 17 16; 75210 8 -^ 7 2 Lymington, 'Lynn, //»*/ .Afar/! 7 Macclesfield, Ck/6.1 Maidftone, AT™/ Maldon, EJa Malmfbury, Wilt Malton, Torkfo Manchf fter, _1Z 1 ! I 111 102 231 I 7? 9' 245 82 7 1 f47| 240 1 107 o G G 179142 2:21 u I O] Q [99 I T I *73 55344229 S- 237:157 126 144J207 2-0, 31)140 1 14 219J160 44 r6q :5 ; 2i0 | 243 _76[ 57 7,1 rr>£ 107 287 Mansfield, AW/. jMargs AT«»/ Market Raifin, L incoln. .Marlborough, Wilts 69' 153 112125-? ~6H"775 ^47 .ic( 98 221 2S3 ^&7 172 61' 182 i8p 701 49 i9.iiH7 20J34I 134^5 i3oiii 7& 57 r 2 7 |i93ji53| 451*55*55 r4.6jr^T U^>3J r ?9| Boli ;4 142 5 8 77 170 1 52 99 63 1 9 1 1 1 9 1 1 10 ; w l 7?\ 78 '65 q ,291.284 5-3; rS6 ; ;?J24-9 i 2^ 231 5628^2071209 198I161J 7oii88; = 29! '9° 2 S2 42 233 2 iS|i30jio7 15 14J175 I 6 5' 1 4 8 7 8 93 Melton Mowbray, Lear. Midhurir, SuJJe 43 1 80 132 115I127I236 27 134 6di8i|i77 77 64 160 70(211 SB 107I141I148 Minehead, Somerf. 149:24212221192 Monm\ 91 202 1 3d ; i_l Monmouth, 77 251J 67239I 129 I 146 6;| 169 1 00199 'Montgomery, MontgoS 98J232J co 86: 1 25: 141 i 1 6 1; 2 29 Morpeth, Nortbu?nb.\2i ) i f '360J220I 1 79J308J 1 2713591357 Namptwich, Cbejh.\ 9CJ238; 46J 52I156 80)203 23 Newark, Nottingb. 691 194I 1 441344 172 Newbury, Berk] 6 3 ;I3t| i8 4' ii 4! 34 Newcaftle, Northumb.\z\o ^4 3*205 163J293 Newcaltlej Stq/ford/bl 76 225) 65 3olli44 l "T?!i95 i2 - >3 l 5 8 i 36 5 I ! 70 4v >4 242 220 65! 49 38 213:191 i_ooj 77 172) 711 129 J ^9 97 HIli±±lMsf 226 ' 204 1.02 J Dav— Dud TABLE X. Urn c u 03 Q O P c Q I « ! N j *> H Q "5 Z3 Q Newent, Glocefi. 70 l86 '34 101 6^158.11^1183 26 47 N e w m a r k e r, Cambr. 74 119 21 I 109 142 I27ll82|l 17 131 123 Newport, IJle of Wight 142 163 241 180 71)2-44.1 61 141 I44|i&5 Newport, Monm. I I s 226 1 SI 138 6 4 20 3: 99! 2 2 3 7?l 9* Newport, Pembr. 176 3^9 128 1 78J162 234 196-306 133142 Newport Pagnel, Bucks 26 125 163 7i 88,117 133 122 79l 7? Northallerton, Voikb. 172 296 158 116 246! 62 297 293 179 r 57 Northampton, Northam. 12 14O 148 60 96104,143 137 68 60 Norwich, Norfolk 123 ^9 252 H? T9iji6g 229I1 57 180 169 Nottingham, Notting. S 2 198 !27 isi 140 44i9 6 ! I 95 80 60 Okeham, Rutland]}). 33 170 44 37 124 75' 1 7 I i l6 7 84 70 Okehampton, Devon 191 270 263 233 114 292I 75(267 »7 1 188 Orford, Suffolk 133 136 271 158 180 1851208 134 189)183 Oundle, Nortbamp, 37 »5" 167 ss n6| 85(161 148 95) 79 Oxford, Oxford]}). 38 130 1 ^9 89 49 ! i47! 94I129 64) 7 2 Padftow, Corniw. 24IJ32C 313 283 164342,123 316 221)238 Parkgate, Chc]}).\ 1201268 sH 94 1 77 1 10 225 265 9 i| 89 Pembroke, Pemb 17^311 156 177 167^32 202 30S 130 141 Penrith, Cumb. 2Il|36c l S 1 155 279 1251329 357 1 981 1 70 Peoryn, Corniv. 2 5 8 !3.^ 6 !33 C 3O0J 18 I 3 5-9: 1 4-Q 33? 238(255 Penzance, Cormw 27235^344 5M l 95|373| l6 7 547 252(269 Perth, Scot/and 360J409J30C 305 428125847c 4 S£ 347)319 l J er(hore, Worceft 471*7/ 49|M3 1 1 3 6S 70 127:132 i74 . it ) lot 13c > 32 > 90 )i 37 P ete rboro u g h , North am i6£ 6i 3 I2h > 8^I7j i* c Petevstield, Hant S I04!l30j2 2^ 154 5< )2I2 7) nt Plymouth, De 1 3 j 3*3 94 128: 19 I 13^ 209 PontetracT*, TorkJb\ 11 4)246! 12c > 7 c >i9? ; 15(249124^ Pool, Dorfetjb} 1 26! 1 85(23 1 U73l 53's3*l 27' l8] 133(151 103 ] Dav— Dud TABLE X. 2 - % j > c o G Port Patrick; 6 ,'.2 4.9 5284288 41 - 250 46 * .;. , Portinoouth, Hants\i?.z 14- 2531172 68230 72 i27Ji 36 1 .7'^ Preft on, Landafbl 1 40289 79J 9020;; 83J258J286 128] 90 Queenborough, Kent'nS] 34 2 :.t 1 7 t:- 3^203, 108 . 3"|:o. Radnor, Radnorjh. 92(228 8i| 91 1 14 1149.146 : 2 ;j 5 Ravenglais, Reading, Cumb. 2 c 2 3 4Q ! 1 4 1 i £ 4 , 2 go- 1 s 3 i 3 2 o 2 4 6- 1 90: 1 6 1 i/^rij- 6B1 1 " iSgi 1 8; j|i i.ra 87J112J p4Jioi Richmond, Yorkfh. 177 308 162)120 2:1! 70*302 30-1184:161! Ringvvood, Hants ,2 iS| 160 39-JJ2 2 I j 4.0! 1 67(1 2c; 1 38 Rippon, Vorkfc. 1 51 '2 82 144! 95*'22d 30 2761279! i6i[r 36J Rochdale, L.ancafo, 123 267 1! 69 199I -( ;62j266 I22| 9IJ Rochefter, Kent 103 42 239*133 11b ;3 4* 1 49: 1 49, Rots, /2W- 75*91 124 Royfton, iiW ;a 1 H 31 -21 9-106, 1 ga ll 1 1 J1S8 -49; 55] 1 19 1 52J109' r 10, 101; Rumford, £#.v : 84I 72 22 ri 132, 104J 1391136! 70J131 133 Rye, A'?#a- 139) 4627-J190 1 :;|22ih -Sj 321S4183 St. Albans, i/f/V, 31J 96 186 10- 90)1 ;o 120; 93 * 99 St. Alaph, Flintjb.\ 1 38:284; 6; 1 1 [[204 St. Davids, Pe7?ihr> i94;344 ! -5- 196J182 2391281 106 101 21 7^411131 160 Salilbury, H r ilts 901139 142 22 30 1 -o;to- 121 Sandwich, Kent \ _-:., 5 282 197 l6q 198! 14I187 187 ••carborough, TorkJJj i ^0/2 w2 179'! 322 30 Settle, rorkjb, Sevenoaks, Kent Hill o>; 68 LLZ ^34, 1491243 [49112 3o6;289 i i9^ 176 29 ; 310' 1 -9 127 180 133, 63 14-21/42 Shattefbury, DorfetJbA 11? 170 S|2o6; Sheffield, Torklh\ 92 234 106 bherborn, Dorfetjb. 1 1 30 1 9 3 207 162I 30 I4I166 l 77 UH 221 2817- 112 131 HI HLil21.ll 9° x I 5| I 34 Shoreham, Az^.rJi25iio7 ! 263ii85!ioo 2161106! 84I 1 53 l i 771 104 ] Dav— Dud TABLE X. > a to 1 1~ B 5 Q £ be p V s *> Q U s £ V u Q > Q u 8 *o 148 Thirfke, Torkflj. 163,287 149 107 237 5:6:288 284 171 Tinmouth, Nortbumb. 227I351 213 171 301 I20; 3 <;2 34-8' 235 212 Tiverton, Devon. 1^2421231 201 82I260! 67 239 ^391 156 176 Torrington, De'Von.\i']C)\2^o\z^ 229 10712881 84 2691159! Towcefter, Nortbamp. 12 136 149 67 82 I12 ( i 3 o 133 63 J9 97 Trowbridge, Wilts 93 173 187 I40 10 199 w 170 78 Truro, Cormv. 248J326 320 29C 171 349 137 3 2 3 228245 Tunbridge W ells, Kcnt\i 10 661 246 l6l|l20 192 *37] 5 8 |i$4ii54 Ulverfton, Lanca/b.\iSi 332 124 I 37h 2 121 303 33o|i74|i44 Uttoxeter, Staff. 62 209 93 19 130 7 2|lSl 206I ci| 34 Uxbridge, Midd. 64 93 199 123 80 168 1 1 1 90 103J112 Wakefield, Torxjh. n6 2611110 60 190 20 241 259 124I101 Walling ham, Norfolk ,29 169 228 122 198 H5 237I167 161J155 Wareham, Dorfetjh. 130 i 7 8 220 170 47 23O iS!i 75 i34'i5 2 Warm in iter, Wilts 100 174 193 *54 17 213 50I17T 9i|no Warrington, Lane. no 259 49 69 178 3? 229j2 5 6 99! 6 9 Warwick, Warw. 19! 171 119 47 38 107 1 34: 1 68 »$| 3i Watford, Herts 59 1 93 189 in 83 157 122 ! 9° I 1 43 100} 1 13 79i~7^ Wellingborough, N.ba. 22I146 '59 57 104! 101 H3 Wellington, Sbropjh. 68217 66 53 i23'io8 173 214 3&| 23 Wellington, Somerf. 145,22, 2-7 184 681 246 42 225 124,142 Wells,, Somerf. I09JI95 181 148 32;210 4919 2 88|io6 Wendover, Buck. 46J1 12 17c 103 60; I 4b 106 > IOCj 9<= > 89 Weobly, Heref 87:216 % > 8c, 95 i4 2 13c ) 213 3* 41 Weymouth, Dorfetjh 143207 2 Vi 18c 6624c, J I 20A 14. 1. 168 Whitby, Torkjh 202I31J Ii8( ) 142 276! 83 32; 1 3 u , i9 J 1 V 5 183 ' 5* Whitchurch, Sfropjh 8923C . 4 i J 6c > 1 47i 9 C > 19, M3r Whitehaven, Cumb . 229'37t. >i68'i8i 296114: 5 34 7|37< lliil 5ii8^ io6 ] Dav— Dud TABLE X. 1 c a; > Q "as IS | Q CO *> Q Doncaftcr. 1 Dorchefter. £ > '5 "0 ft Wycomb, Bucks 53 107*184 1 12 69J1631105 104 89 94 83 Wigan, Lave. 124 2 73\ 63 77 i 9 ij 731242 270I112 Win chefter, Hants 94 142 205 r 45 41 202J 59 136 108 129 Windham, Norfolk 113 I 5°' 2 43 136 i8iir6o|220 148 93 170 102 160 109 Windfor, Berks 67 951197 » 26 7o|i8o|io4 Wolfingham, Durham 206 ^37 190I149 280 9QJ331 334(226 190 Wolverhampton, Staff. £° 199 84! 38 109' 93|i66 196I 26 5 Woodbridge, Suffolk 121 1232961147 169 173I196 121J178 172 Woodftock, Oxfordjh. 3i 136 1 p 81 $9 1301104 l $3\ & 64 Wooler, Northumb. 267 390253J210 341 158:392 387,270 2 | ?7 27S i26J229'i63|40O; 80 IGrimfby, Lzncotnjh. 273-39 '49 14c '37 192; 82(118(257 118 jGrinftead, E. Suffer .87 US 7 c 65 285 1 3 3J236J 170(408 99 iGuildford, Sorry 146 37° 7c 65-128 jj i02 l 236Ji65i40o' 99 t 2 108 ] Dul— Ely TABLE XI. K c o *-> u j>. "3 Q s Q £ c 4J CTJ c g -a Sh 3 Q -6 .— 1 bo c W 1-1 3 .1 w >•> 5 Halifax, Torkjh. 268 H7 181 167 93l'87 54 82 213 161 Hajftead, Effex 236 240 21 88 250I184 198 100 372 37i Harborougb, -Leice/l* 176 257 81 49 l84|l02 135 7S 3°7 61 Harleigh, Merioneth. 218 2 53 228 196 233 i54 187 no 3°4 236 Hartlepool, Durham 34i 12c; 237 228 21 260 48 165 134 211 6l Harwich, Effex 24i|37 6 45 96 274 180 227 191 39 6 Haflemere, Surry »■<« 364 84 78 298 82 250 160 4i5 113 Haftings, SuJJex 210 411 96 103 324 i54 2 75 209 447 I37 Haverfordweft, Pemb. I96 35 2 267 222 332 i54 287 162 403 27O Hay, Brecknockjh. lit; 280 179 129 264 64 212 9 1 33i I70 Haylfliam, SuJJex 203 405 87 94 315 i£2 r 95 266 416 200 290 437 553 129 339 Helftone, Corntu. 128 502 310 2 75 457 Henley onThames,0.*/'. 142 322 75 37 256 73 224 ill 373 92 Hereford, Here/. 112 277 159 109 244 46 193 79 328 150 Hertford, Herts 183 326 24! 26 236 117 187 131 359 49 Hexham, Northumb. 369 73 272 266 2C 288 9i 198 107 246 Hi the, Kent 239 4^3 85 IOC? 324 170 275 209I447 129 Holyhead, Angle f. 271 271 277 239 25I 208 201 130 322 264 Holywell, Fliritjb. 222 201 207 165 l8l 158 132 56i 252 194 Horfham, Suffix 167 382 77 72 292 120 243 177 4i5 106 Hounflow, Midd. i*7 347 53 40 267 95 216 142 390 82 Hull, Torkjh. 279 189 i55 146 IO5 198 5 1 no 222 124 Hungerford, Berks 104 332 104 61 265 44 224 127 319 116 23i Huntingdon, Hunt. 199 281 V\ 40 197 119 148 1 1 1 Ilchefter, Somerf. 45 3 6 9 165 130 320 65 278 152 421 193 Inyernefs, Scotland 593 232 5i5 507 275 516 324 403 '54 489 Ipfwich, Suffolk 238 364 42 93 262 192 zii 179 384 49 Wellington, Cormu. 54 449 2^7 222 404 145 3 6 3 237 500 286 ioo. ] Dul— Ely TABLE XI. i 4 c 4-1 In > en | O g s 3 Q c 3 « 3 Q 67 206 u 3 Q 2 * c S3 W | u w 117 39 s? 3 C "*3 w 136 297 s 230 123 Kendal, U r efim. 302 81 242 224 226] 79 56:154 Kidderminfter, Worcejt.i^ 246 141 9i FCingtton, Surry 160 3<53 52 46 267 60 77 109 218 '9 99 148 IOI 93 39° 183 158 81 206 Knarefborough, Vorkfr. 279 150 181 i 7 8 Lancaster, Lanca/h.\z'j^ 103 224 200 90 169 La n d a ft", Glamor. j 1 2 326 189 144 302 40 259 '35 377 192 Launcefton, Cormv.\ 49 447 2 S"5 220 402 148 362 235 498 284 Leeds, Yorkjh. 263 156 171 162 77 180 3 2 86 203 HS Leek", Staff, ^zob 199 i?7 126 '55 125 116 21 250 125 Leicefter, Leiceji. \ 1 8 1 2 43 96 63 170 99 121 52 293 76 Leorninfter, Hercf.i2j 262 160 1 10 230 64 184 65J313 i5' Lefkard, Cormv. *8 453 261 226 408 '54 3 6 7 241J504 290 Lewes, Suffix 191 39s 90 8s- 3°5 '45 256 190J428 119 Lichfield, Staff, 167 218 '34 89 173 86 126 2 4|277 113 Lime, Dorfet 48 410 183 150 347 86 306 180 443 212 Lincoln," hincolnjh. 238 232 114 IO,IOC )t 88!i 4 ;ji2^ 96 54 h *6S il 83 ill ] Dul— Ely TABLE XI. -8 B O j \~ i> el s c jo 2 C 5 Okeham, RutUndjl>\icfi 247 j 8i| 6i|i68 129 124 347 70.291 54 Okeham pton , De. "3 P '£ E 3 P • E c P c a P g ,43 u p X >-. 3 f P' ! 2 c & bo c bo 5 .jo c *-3 • 5 Rochdale, Lancajh. 259I159 192 163 io 7' t 73 : 55 64 2IO 161 Rochefter, Kent] 199I37S 44 6s 285I12O 236 170 408 88 Rofs, Here/. \io$ l 2go '47 102 246J 2Ij2IO 8r 341 150 30 Royfton, Herts 184-J317 28 28 2I7JI2I 168 118 339 Rumford, EJJex i82J3qb 24 47 257JI26 208 'S 1 379 59 Rye, Suffix 234.410 88 98 3i9l I 57 | 27o 204 442 132 St. Albans, Herts 170,354 38 ™l 2411104 192 121 364 62 St. Ataph, WKxtfh. 233212 218 177 i92Ji6i | i49 671263 205 290 St. Davids, Pembr. 21 1 3>6 28; 237 336|i6i , 293 176 407 Sail (bury, Wilts 90 3?2 125 90 292J 57I25I '47 403 '54 Sandwich, Kent 244I4..1.5 8? 103 324I161 275 209 448 128 Scarborough, Torkjh 333i I 75 202 193 70J252I 40 163 197 171 Settle, Yorijb. 307JUO 221 205 70J226 56 102 i6< 198 Sevenoaks, Kent 184369 $6 57 278 116 229 163 401 9' Shaftefbury, Dorfetjh. 7-1373 144 109 311 66J270 *59 424 173 Sheffield, TorkOj. 2301184 H5 127 no 149 65 54 236 119 Sherborn, Dor/etffj. 59|376 i59 124 326 72 287 162 427 188 Shoreham, Suffix 170I401 97 93 312 140J263 196 435I126 Shrewfbury, Sbropjb. 167 223 163 122 193; 89I148 28 274 '5 1 Skipton, Torkjh. 291 126 209 189 72 210 40 107 192 18^ Sleaford, Lincolnjb. 220 2 >° 9 6 87 151J1 12 103 93 274 65 Somcrton, Somerj. 4i 359 169 127 314I 60 273 r 47 41c 192 Southampton, Han?. n$ 372 119 97 3o6| 851265 167 423 148 Southwold, Suffoti •272382 76 124 282J211 262 202 404 80 Spalding", Lincobjh 223 273 86 82 174I15 1 125 95 29; 55 Stafford, Staff 169 201 148 102 171I 88 '34 • 7 26] 128 Staines, Midd 150 343 60 40 268I 92 21c nji 591 89 iStamford, lAncolnff) 210 246 69 61 I70;129ll21 f i 292 5 43. i*3 ] Dul— Ely TABLE XI. Stilton, HuntJiqqlzbi fa I cS c I c ??l 47' l8 4| i *5 Stiiung, Scotland |47 9;io2J3Q7 389 156J398 Stockbridge, ^/^m/j| i o8j 353 noi 7 7 j 2 8 7 60 *6| 97 2G | 2"4 246*148 IU 3° G ! 35 -11122 404 1 39 Stockton, Durb. 331 123 StortrordBifhop's, //J?/-/..' 1 9 ? 1 3 3 £ Stow Market, Suffolk^ 245I352 227J2l8| l8 2^0 38 J^2 139 81 4023s 44 8l|2CO 2 186 76 203 143 I 3v20I 3£7|i!t 37*j 37 (Stratford on Avon, ftPirJ 1 3 81 26 5 1 1 1 61,20:; jSudbu: Suffolk |Sunderland, Durham' 3 $6^i 06 2 3 252 JS waff ham, A r or/0#J2 44|326 S wanfea, Giamorg., 1 441 3 3 3 .22 231 74 J 2 s~6 2 43 i 13 865226 i"86|7^ 166 16: 207 2 75 6- i88|i77 85268 61 167 »45 316107 37 8 lTi 116 226 P 3j3 3 y 4!234 iTadcaiter, 2^r^^.;2oo I 57 68 1651 75 I 99| 23(105 I 93!H2 ramworth, ^'^^.11781234 1 '. 7*|i7* 9 8|i2 7 J3oi 2 «5 97 Taviitock, De8 861294 164 7 1 77 2 53 J* J 55 190 411 Windham, Norfolk 249 3v 91125c 190 209 178 Windior, Berks 152 327 61 32)27 1 &1 222 •32 ,88 _9 2 22 120 93 2 74 Wolfingham, Durham 344 92 24; 241 17 66 86 Wolverhampton, Staff T *3 226 133 89:187 Woodb ridge, Suflolk\i\b 37i 1021271 192 22; 132 ^77 393 Woodftock, Oxfordjfi Woolc Northumb. 12b 405 296 95 _88 299 40^230 291 i 61 54 3H 189 Li£ _9j_ 221 347 61 [iiSl Dul— Ely TABLE XI. > Q CO C a Q c | ft u Q 2 W • u w Wotton Ballet, Wilts 84 321J140 82 265I 25 212 I08I372 H4 Worceiter, Worceft\\i$ 2675134 84 2i9]42|(i6g 54 3" «2q Wrexham, Denbighjh.\\. ! 29o|i5i|i7& r 75 6712C9I 13I115I184I152 Additional Diftances Ayr, Ayrfh. 76I; Banff, Banffsb. 162$ Bernera Barracks, Inver. i88§ Berrydale, Caitb, 244 Blair, Perthjh. 75I Buna we, Argylefb. 113 Dahvhinnie, Ir.ver. 99 Dingwall, Rosjb. 175 Dunbar, Hadding. 21 Dunbarton, Dunbar. 58! Dundee, Angufh. 41 Dumferline, Fifejh. 16 Falkirk, Stirling. 245 Fifenefs, Fifejh. 41 ; Forfar, Angufh. 71 ! Fochabers, Banff. 158J Forres, Inver. 157 ! Fort Auguflus, 145 Fort George, i66f Fort William, 129 Greenlaw, Berw* 36 Greenock, Renfr, * 655 from Edinburgh. Haddington, Hadding* 16 Hamilton, Lanerk. 38 Inverary, Argylefh. 103 J Jedburgh, /*W£. 45 JohnO'Grott'sCVw/J. 288 Kelfo, i?o*3. 43 Keith, Banff. 150I Kinrofs, A7#r. 25 Kirkwall, 0r£«*y /. 325 j Lauder, Bcriv. 25 Lanerk, Lanerkfh. 32 Linlithgow, Lbilitb. 17 Moffat, Dumfripjh. 50 Mid Calder, .£ u M w S c Hi a T3 bo e « «3 S s- Ep/om, Surryj 34 Evejham, Worcciv.i 1 09 107 Exeter, Devon IQI I 75 I 3° Falmouth, Cornw 2 8.3 267(224 95 Farnham, Surry 60 2b>i| Q3'I4^ 235 Farringdcn, Berks 9* 70I 4HI28 220 54 Flint, Flintih. 198 2I3III223A 327 203 *5* Fowey, . Cornw. 2 C 8 242 198 67 3 1 210 195 302 Frame, Someri". IX\ 97| 6 7l 74 166 71 55 181 141 Gainfborough, Lincoln. 139 i68|i 3 ijz62 354 189 156 122 3 2 9 201 Gifborough, Yorkjb. *34 2^9(2 19J346 438 283 2 47 ,58 4*3 285 Glafgow, Scotland 40s|420 34i|46^ 553 419 367 2 54 S3 2 405 Glocefter, Gloteft, I2l|l02 39ll"5 208 89 35 136 183 5 1 Grantham, Lincohijh* 98 123 100 226 31 r us 1 n 131 293 *59 Graveiend, Kent 3? 30 I2ljl9h 288 61 96 218 263 129 Grimfby, Lincolnjh. ! V 181 J 57 291 383 206 x 75 '53 358 229 Giinltead, Eait, Svfle* 48 2 1 128 181 *73k*i 100 224 248 "3 Guild lord, Surry 48 xb\ 98 IJ >4 240! 12 651208 221 82 Halifax, rorkjb. 192 217 ij8 285 377i 212 164 82 352 224 Halftead, E[fex 59 84 127 241 333I110 U3 210 307 17c Harborough, Leiceft. 8c toil 75 193 28 5] 96 82 128 260 126 Harleigh, Merioneth]}). 2 3 c , 230I127 3 35 327,220 170 <;s 302 180 Hartlepool, Durham 2 4^ zbq\23i 358 450 288 252 169 425 297 Harwich, Effex 5^ 87J166 244 336!! 1 3 146 248 31* i/9 Haflemere, Surry 62 ? 9t' io 4 150242 10 59J 2I 4 217 8q Haflings, SuJJex 87 64.I1 5 6 228 323I 7 l 124I20C 285 •57 158 ilavertordweft, Pcml 2 S7 246;! 22 2 *3 305I223 1 86| 1 5 1 28c ►Hay, Brecknock]]) 164 154I 49 142 234I141 86|io6 209 8; i '7 1 Epp— Fro TABLE XII. £=3 1 W . i G -c g 1 o hi n OS V, ^ .\\ y%\ ciji6i 2cc'29i; 63112825412691128 Hellion: Cor»-:u.!288,272|ii ?|iot| 13 1 2 40 22 5} 332! 3-M7 Henley onThames,0.v/\; 561374 66}i S | 3 45| 2 7 -6I 176 3x7} 78 Hcref. 1 ^ 1 o,o\ 28] 1 29.221] 1 1 7J 62105 ;■;■ Hereford, qol 7^ji86'26i!i22 Hertford, i/ u O E fa a -a bo c c5 fa a fa c fa £ fa Leominfte r, Heref.\ 1 4 5 t.43| 40 144I236 131! 79 89 21 I 89 Lefkard, Cornw J239 223177; 48J 44I191I176 283 14 122 Lewes, S'uftJ^ »8 41 '481902821 51 120 244 2S7 124 Lichiield, Stafl\i2>$ [34] 4^1841276133 81 7?! 2qi 119 Lime, Dor/et ; 63 i35;f 2o!28~ 132I109 ill 224 IO7 57 Lincoln, Lzncolnjk. 122 I46n8:2^6!34«i7i 140 134 323 190 Liverpool, ' tmcqfb. 203 217 I38J262I354J2I6 164 5° 329 202 lilan beder, C.irdig - 2i; 196 ioi|i68|26o|i83 [28 112 23< 113 Llanymddovry, Caerm. 199 180 8«;|i^|-245|i67 112 TI- 220 277 35< 98 218 Loughborough, Lciseft. lOb 127! 73 2I0I302JI22 103 762 Louth, Lincoi 'h. r^O 17415° 2 8 j.| 3 7 oil 99 168 Loweftoff, Suffolk 94 126 173 283J375|»?2 162 2U 352 217 Ludlow, Sbropjh, 146 107 144 4 J i*5 127 H7JI34 219I 46 80 73 144 78 220 l8l 222 194 338 100 60 194 Lyming'ton, Hants 74.|ii'3 Lynn, Norf. %$k 1 14I120 271 36^140 Macclesfield, Chcjh. 106 186 96(230 3281185 '33 ss 303 171 Maidltone, Kent 46 47 140,209 30 1 1 69 10; 231 276 141 Maldon, Effex 2 8i 54 137211 303I 8o 11 1 224278 147 Malmfbury, Wilts nb 95 38105 J 97| 73 24 164)172 37 Malton, Torijb. 20 s 23c 186(326 418:254 218 140 393 265 Manchefter, Lane. 178 198 117 263 3 55 j 5 94 14* 524 330 *93 Mansfield, Nott. 129 152 T06J237 329I163 13' 100 304 176 Margate, Kent 80 81 174 24 s 337I114 141 267 3*2 179 MarketRailin, LincolnJ}/ 1 39 163 127 273 365I188 J 57 l S* 340 207 Marlboioui(h, Wilts 97 74 61 106 i 9 8| 50 22 164 173 33 Melton Mowbray, Lcic. 97 **3 80 210 302,1 2 > 102 116 277 153 Midhurft, Sujfex 70 38 124 I46 238J19I 75 230 213 79 Minehead, Somerf. 1 85 162I110I 38 135U52 no 216 103 60 »9l % ^ Epp — Fro k;- c -G E C T3 tuo ■ re j* — > rt fcjQ c 1 a Is hi W W H w tu h tli C S Monmouth, Monm. 146 127 40I111 203 104 1.124178! ;6 Montgomery, Mcntgo.\-bq\ib']\ 60)172 264;:' 57 103 63239,117 Morpeth, Nortbumb. 276 30 1I259J389 48 1 I32C 268 205 456,528 amptwich, o*a 167 17b, 83 2i4<3o6 ! i77 1 25 33281 55 Newark, Nottingb. '37 1032411333 1 ;o- 34- 128 308I161 Newbury, .&V£ 77 54! 72(126!? 18 30 24178193^! Newcaftle, Nortbumb. 26 1 285,243(374466 304 253 1S6441J3 1 3 Newcaftle, Staford/h}\^\ib^\ 82I215 Newenr, GUceft. 1 3 1 j 1 1 2 i 24125 307 164 1 12 49(282! 1 no 99 44 126 193 61 Newmarket, Cambr. 44! 771 1 14 234I326 103 1 11 rq$ 3011161 Newport, IJUofWigbt]\o^\ 80127)112204 63: 84 235 179' 82 Newport, Monm. 170)143 59II0 202|r20J 83148 177! r, Newport, P^;^r.|253|2 34 '36207J299 221 167 134274(152 Newport Pagriel, Bucks' 58) 69! 62 185I277I 7 1' 56 147 Northailerton, Yorkfh.\zi\\ZT> 58!i96 3271 410)257 206 1 39 394266 Northampton, Aorf£dr*».| 73! 84 51 176268 7 9 64f;i32243 l ii5 Norwich, Norfolk 9 2 Nottingham, Nor ting. \ Okeham, Rutlan4fb\ 87 Okehampton, Devon 213 Orford, &^/£ 78 124 *73 111 ri 3 2Si|373 316 »97:*5 i Reading, 2?«nb| Co, 37 1 77|i4.d*3?1 2 *i 3 2 1*3 2IO 7i Richmond, Torkfb. J220J 2 c; 2 j 20 1 1 3 3 2 142 4I2 qq 21 1 HI 399 27x Ringwood, Hants'^ i6| 82 IO3I Q2 184J 56 66 2 1 2 159 5° Rippou, Torkib.\ 200 226 f 7 ^3°°^ 9** |*3 3 165 126 373 24 c Rochdale, LancaJJ?. 1 9 1 j 2 f 1 1381276:368)207 1 19 64 343 206 Rocheiler, Ar./f 38 3 y 132J203 29?! 7i 98 224 270 136J Rofs, Here/. \l 3 J eiS 2q| I 2 2 214-105 5° ll8 1 So 67J Roy lion, £frr&| 30 5? 99J202j29;i 76 7* 173 270 252 126I 120 Rumford. i^vj 10 2S r 14J1SQ 277 ! 54 86 205 Rye, &/$\vj 22 074 1 66| 2 3 7 329! 89 133 259 304 160J Sr. Albans, Herts\ 2b 3~ a*! 1 ?'; 271! 4Q & '73 246 317 295 <55 109J 196I w3| S ■ . A J a i) h , Flintflj. 1 2 1 5 228 iiJjsc 342l2lh .66 |6 "^7 St. Davids, Pemb)\\2'j2 2DI 194228 320 238 201 oalifb a r y , ^z//j| 1 3 bo { 8S| 89 ib' 7 , 54 49 I195 M 1 TABLE XII. '5. Oh > h Sandwich, AW 8o| 83:169 2473391161.143 2 6 7 314I181 Scarborough, IV^/fr : 2 io 23,4'2o6 Settle, iV^.bjo 255 174 Sevenoaks, Kent\ 4.1-26^.125 344436259J238 324416 250J203 161141 1 278 99391 244 ig6;288:_49| 92 218 263 128 Shaftefbury, Dorfetjb.\i2 2 l 99! 95 6q' 1 62) 73 68 200;i36'2i| Sheffield, TorkO>.\i 52 1 79I 1 16 Sherborn, Dorfctfl). 1 3 7 1 1 1 4] 98 247 I 339 1 8c 54I146I 88 126 "84 90 314 1S6 20I'I2lj 26 Shoreham, *"J*A 7v43i;iS 6 175267I 44 103 2305241 109 Shrewlbury, StjropJ}j.\iho\\b\\ 54 184J276 152 4925"! 122 Skipton, Yorkjb. 214U39I176 308I4CO 234 187 103375247 Sleaford, Lir.colnjb. Somerton, Somerf. io4 ! i26| : 1471 125 ! 87 ] 48 1140 Southampton, Hants 97| 63J105I1 121204 Hi 95 37 121 1 148 1 305 , 170 80J1S9U 15 29! 6o[2ii|i79J 58 Southwold, Suffolk Q4!u8|i88j275!367 140 I77254 342 211 Spalding, Lincoln/!). 94'i 17 1221238:330 142 119J152I305 170 Stafford. Staff. 139I148I 57Ji86!27b \1 95; 58253*124 St; Midct ;Bji6f| 9c 1561252 54Ji97'2i9' b6 Stamford, Lincolnlb. Stilton, Hunt. Stirling, Scotland Stock bridge, Hants Stockton, Durham Stortford Bifhops, Herts Stow Market, Suffolk Stratford on Avon, # r ar. 77 , I0l|:O3 ; 2l6i308 I23 63J 86| 971230322 109 9; 140283:146 ioo|i54'297 z 47 4°_£ : 43°J 3^ 49J_' 5^4144^ 394i 28 'i _88^ 59J [_ffd i_o6 i99 ! 33 i ,4i |;^9 2 235J259'2i7 348440:278 242J160 I3ll 47!i l 4 2 04:296| 73 64! 91214 248I 340 I 1 17 ~99 : 99! zitasfcl? 88 55943* i74 ' 4oi 415,287 J7JI91 ^3^2 2 1 27I I I38 3 t 5!^3 44-1 1'* 1 93 Sudbury, '«#># Sunderland, Durban, Mvatt ham, 43: 7o ; i38 ; 233 '3 I2 !_ 96 26q;284|244! 373465 '303 Norfolk 78 1 10^49267 360^^6 I25J2I9 294 1P2 440312 l^jyigfjU 10;' 123- ] Epp — Fro TABLE XII. .5 ex Cl. B > 1 p C s- c c -a be .5 U O 4J £ p Swanlea, Glamor. 221J194 I II 161 2^3 171 •34 *55 2281106 Tadcafter, Torkjb. I76 20I 157297 389225 189 109 3 6 4'3 3Q 262(133 Tamworth, Wariv. ] 1 1 6i 1 28 PI 1 95 287J127 83 83 Taviitock, ZW0/z;224 ) 2o8ji6;'; 33 591176 161 95 268 204 29I107 9SJ44| Taunton, Somerf,\ib^\i±2\ roij 31 I23]II2 Tewkfbury, Glocejl. 130J105 10 126 2l8|lOC l*i 113 193 62 Thackitead, EJfcx 2 5! ^ l 114217 309 86 114 196 284 148 Thettbrd, Norfolk 6 3! 95 i33 i2 s2 344 121 130 218 3«9 180 Thirike, Torkfb. 205 229 179J318 410 248 197 130J385 2 57 Tinmouth, Nortbwnb. 269 293 248 382 474 3 12 261 194(449 321 Tiverton, Devon, 185J163 128 '34 107 133 116 225J 76 <>5i Torrington, Devon. 215 192 i 4 8| 36 95 162 140 253J 6c 90 Towceiter, Nortbamp. 64 76 49 16S 260 66 5 1 133^5 IOI \ Trowbridge, Wilts 119 98 6 S \ *2 '74 68 46 i8i|i49 10 Truro, Corniv. 270 254 2I£ ; 84 11 222 207 VA 22 *53 Tunbridge Wells, Kent 53 38! *37 208 300 57 104 230 275 39° 127 258 .Ulveriton, Lancafb. 259 273 190 3 2 3 4i5 272220 108 Uttoxeter, Staff. 128 i;o 68 201 2 93 149 98 77 268 136 Uxbridge, Midd. 3 6 "£ 79 161 253 3 1 55 193 228 95 Wakefield, Torkjb. 170 203 124 271 363 198 150 94 338 2 10 Waliingham, Norfolk 100 132 149 289I381 158 167 212 35 6 ,217 W areham, Dorfetjh. 129 100 r2o 71 163 75 77 224 138 60 Warminiter, Wilts 117 90 74 78;i 7 o 64 S3 187 H5 7 jWarrington, Lane. 185 199 16 24^336 198 146 34 31 1 184 Warwick, Warw. 98 98 42 164 256 m\ 53 »'3 183 2 3I 249 2 54 102 106 123 Watford, Herts *si 3-°i 83 172 274 42 58 Wellingborough, N.ba. 68 86 64 187 279 87 72 i43 Wellington, Sbropjb. 148 «54 ?2 184 276 146 9 C 6c 2S' ! 119 123 ] Epp — Fro TABLE XII. \ be 'S. (X E ,0 w u u c c C u rt 4-> £ Wellington, Homer/'. 171)149 104 24 116 119 I02 2II| 91 5«i Wells, Somcrj. 140,12c 68 63.158 88 66 175 127 <5i Wendover, Bucks 4 Bi 4 oi 67 1 58 250 49 30J173226 79 96 Weobly, Heref. 156142J135 i4i|233 129 74 99>-7 Weymouth, Dorfetfl). 148J12C i2<; 61145 94 96 23 1 120 54 Whitby, rorkjh. 236,261 221 357449 285 249 168 424 296 Whitchurch, S/jropff. 167:178 54 204J296 172 £2232! 271 H3 Whitehaven, Cumb, 3°3l3 I 7 256 36^454 316 ^64152 429(302 Wycomb, Bucks ;°!34i 66 163(2^ 39 40178 23O 88 Wigan, Lane. F99J2I2 132 2 57349 211 1 59471 324 197 Winchefter, Hants 86 56 88 H7J209 26 514,199 184 5° Windham, Norfolk 8 3 !nc|r73 272I364 141 150 227 339 200 Windibr, Berks 42 23 97 154(246 2? 48 191 221 88 Woliingham, Durham 255J281 229 3 6i !4<;3 288 240 172 78 428 237 300 108 Wolverhampton, Staff. i30|i 3 6 36 170J262 I2 b 80 Woodbridge, Suffolk 67 91 181 2481340 ii7 1 50 240 3i5 184 78 Woodftock, Oxfordfh. 75 68 32 H5; 2 37 58 19145 212 Wooler, Nortbumb. 308J332 289 422^14351 301)232 489 361 Wotton Ballet, Wilt, 113 94 41 102 196] 71 17I168 170 34 Wo rcefter, Worceft. j 1 1 9 1*7 14 14.1U34 107 Mf55 209I 77 Wrexham, Denbigtyb. 189J193 92 2i5i3 7 183 131 20 282|i6r Yarmouth, Norfolk 114(138 198 2953 8 7 164 188J264 362 227 York, Vorkjb. i86J2 1 1| 1 7 1 3°7399 235 199119 374 246 K 2 124 ] Gai— Hal TABLE XIII. "b "So 2 s & 5 u u u g a u J U > 5 -3 (U »T3 '3 X Gijborovgh, Yorkfti. 105 Glaigow, ScotlandJ277 200 Glocejlcr, Gloceft. r 4 6 *S°35? Grantham, Lincoln fh. 41 136(289 106 Grave/end, Ke n 1 1 1 6 7 262J429 126 129 Grimjby, Lincolnfli.j 31 1 1 6| 300 174! 64 .85 Grinjlead, E. SufTex!^ 272!4C;i I32JI36 34 T 95 Guildford, Surry 182 272 448 IOO 139 $* J 95 3 2 Halifax, Yorkfh. 58 79 2 * 1 169 89 222 IOI 232 232 Halftead, Efex 134 239410 1461 98 36 156 96 96I 90 Harborough, Leiceji. 79 *im'te 84! 38 107 97 114 114I116 Harleigh, Merioneth. 180 216:331 ■I36JI68 244 222255 225I140 Hartlepool, Durham 116 23I182I242.I149 2 73 *3* 283 283I 88 Harwich, EJJex\i6S 26 3|439 177(125 66 179 101 101 214 Haflemere, Surry 194 85I442 981150 70 208 35 I 3 ,22 3 HaiHngs, SuJJex 21c; 301J492 172 175: 56 2 34| 34 59I268 Haverfordweft, Pemb. 228 318(4^0 136 216 278 264J266 234(239 Hay, BrecknockJbSibi 250 358 48 131 173 188 r«o)i5f2|i68 Haylfham, Sujfix\20j 302 4801162 166 5 1 225I 30 58I261 Helitone, Cornw.\%$q 443 580 213 323 293 388(278 251 ^82 Henley onThames,0^/'.| 1 60 200 400 7 1 I20J 60 ny 69 30(181 Hereford, Here/.\ 142 230 211 402 32 107 I I I *53 168 145 160 128(165 Hertford, Herts\i2% 223 88 44 S 2 52(178 Hexham, A 'or thumb. .J151 60 147 27c 182 311 168 3 21 321I122 Hithe, Kent\i\b 311 490 177 *75! 49 234 60 89268 Holyhead, Angle/. 198 234 349 190 2071294 229 300 2 7 4 ! i«;8 212I 88 Holywell, Flintfh. 128 164 279 140 137222 IS9 230 H r iham , SuJJex ji 86 279458112:; 144I 39 202 15 20237! Gai— Hal TABLE XIII. *p O c o c a u u _o l8o 54 lO) 5 5 *T3 > "i6| a ■d ! rt 1 5 o| 1 1 '3 22 201 50 89 k <-2 206 7 2 189 i37 Hounflovv, Midd.ibz 2524- I 7S} 44 29 201 TsJTT 107J 88 Hull, rorkJbA 351 77 27! 410 362 12 il 90 | ~48|~87 Hungerford, Berks ib6\ 260 Huntingdon, Hur.t.\ 89 184 3°9 Ilchefter, Some?/. 22 c 45 1 77 185I146J256J14G 96 246 3 b 7 2G2 3 2 9 I n v e r n e is , Scotland 39 c; 311 158 ,98 425 5(^411 568 98 562 98 Ipi'vvich, Suffolk 1 56 251 427 J 74 1 13I 63 167 Kellington> Corniv. 306 39 c 5 2 7 1 6c 2 70! 2 40)3^ 225 ,98 Kendal, Weftm:,i2 S 84 '45 208 175 283(160 289 284 66 126 Kidderminlter, H r orcefi.\ 99 192 3 2 4 40 81 |: *J 123 H* 123 Kingfton, Surry 164 2 54 43* 9> ii') 34 l 77 *l\ 18 213 3 2 68 214 Knareiborough, Torklb. 60 47 226 18c 9 1 2-20I S8| 231 228 Lanca'ter, LancqJIj. 126 9S 188 184 '5 1 260 1 59 2651360 La n da if, G-lamor. 204 288 404 <;S 164 183 2 3 2 1 1 7 2 1 1 40 Launceiton, Cormv. 3°4 388 5 2 S 163 268 H3 337)228:201 33 2 16 64 102 140 331 251 98 J269 73 181 1 18* 9 1 Leeds, Torkjh <;c 6; 246 16-; 81 218 79|226 ! 212 Leek, Staff.\ 7 c 14-9 274 ioe 82 180 IO7 187)184 Leiceiter, Leice/i.\ 64 -1^7 321 82 3i 121 9 2 I^O'III Leomi niter, Here/ I2C 222 34c 4^ > 11 1 T 59 *s7 7 66 1136 >202 >l 44 Leikard, Corn^v. ! 3 1 : 3 9.4 53' 16427^ -249 339 22c Lewes, S/{ffex { igj\2q2 47i i55f*5« 5 C 215 2C Lichfield, StajfW 7 1 1 1 ^4 30^ 68| |< i43 112 149:144 '4 2 I IM 5 |Lime, Dorfct ',2 4; 1328 46 c 9 8 i 2i; i6£ 2 74 ILi ncol n, Lincolnjh. | r 8 1 1 2 c 2 9S M39| 2C M^c 35 1 60'" 1 6c Liverpool, Lancajh\\ 1013c 24: 1 i5'| I2] 22j 141 232)227 [Llanbeder, Cardig.\\^b 25c 37- • 9- M74|22C ) 2 2; 226-194 jLianyradJovry, CaenaMjo 26c > 37- 1 7 3 icS 20. ^20} 219)17^ '.LoughDorough, Leicefi.\ 531 4C ) 3 K 5 9, 3 2 S \i3- >. 8j 141I 141 126 J Gai— Hal TABLE XIII. i "b u £ M O O a <*> 1 3 E OS c J- • G > M H3 "2 t Louth, Lincolnjh. 5?|l24 319 167 57 178 20 188 = 88 93 226 Loweftoffe, Suffolk i 77 |272|45o 197 136 117187 146 146 Ludlow., Shrop/b. II5J2It|32Q 56 in 99 176 1 59; 1 54 I69II39 129 2 35 Lymington, Hants 221^1 5I464 97 246 90 47 Lynn, Norfolk I04!lQ9!377 .6, 63 no "5 128 128 158 Macclesfield, Cbejh. 67|I39|264 120 7*1*94 98 201 196 52 Maidftone, Kent 183I278JJ C7 *39 142 16 201 3° 55 237 Maldon, Effex 1 '5 31*48 426 ^3 112 30 172 68 68 208 Malmfbury, Wilts 169J253 397 2 5 136 12 1 •97 i'<; 84 192 Malton, Tnrkjh. 77l 4i 80106 229 237 210 142 107 93 233 20 <; 77 128 243 212 243 199 58 28 Manchefter, Lane. Mansfield, Notts 25I118 294 121 33 161 56 166 166 58 Margate, Kent 2191314 493 17? r 7 8 5° ^37 76 103 2 73 Market Raifin, Lincoln. igljin 306 I56 46 167 1 81 177 177 80 Marlborough, Wilts 167J251 403 43 129 ior 19; 92 61 190 Melton Mowbray, Leic. 60! 1 $0 3M 93 16 129 77 '37 137 9i Midhurft, Sujfex 204 294 4 q8 114 «S9 74 217 35 21 ^34 Minehead, Sonterf. *43l3 2 7 464 97 202 ?8 9 271 184 '43 266 Monmouth, Monm, 171I264. .373 2; '3 1 1^ 199 *57 125 183 Montgomery, Montg. 133I200 316 70 "5 181 170 192 162 124 Morpeth, Nor thumb i 4 8| 61 '$5| 2 73 179 3°7 164 3i5 3 J 5 127 Namptwich, Cheflj. B 7 156 265 101 100 187 118 193 188 70 Newark, Not ting. 25'jI22 300I124 *5 143 5*2- 150 i?i 76 Newbury, Berks 164I258 4°7J 63 rig 8. 182 72 4i|i88 Newcaitle, Nortbumb. 1^1 45 1471258 163 292 149 299 299I111 Newcaltle, Staff. 71 152 2 73i 99 84 i74 106 180 175 73 Newenr, Gloceft. I4O 225 3 6 5l 9 100 136 169 146 110I164 Newmarket, Comb. II7I2I2 390,134 76 67 L35 9 1 9 I i l6( S 127 ] Gai-Hal TABLE XIII. , 1 4 Vj - 3 "0 1 a G fcJQ O O a 3 £ 3 i 3 c OS c rt ~6 a > rt i-i • 6 rt .S • vS eg 'rt Newport, IJk of Wight 231 329 479 119118b II 9|253: 79 63I260 (Newport, Mtmm.\jg^2jq 397 49^5 17^223(163 131(206 (Newport, Pemhr. 225 295 411J132 213 2^812621264232 219 Newport Pagnel, Bucks 107 196 368! 78 67 74 118 8~ 3 83I.48 JNorthallerton, TorkJh\ 85 25(189(211 I 1 ? 245 102J252J2C2 ^8 |Northampton,AV//w«.| 92 1 88I3 53J 71 5 1 89 119 97I 97 133. (Norwich, Norfolk\\ 59 254432 18 , !l8 107J170I 1 38 r 38 207 Nottingham, Notting. 39132(308:107 2 3 H7 71I156 156 7 1 Okeham, Rutlandjh. 60 I60J325 99 *9 1 19 83 127 127 ior Okehampton, Devon 284368505 137 248 2 1 i 312 2031176307 Orford, Suffolk 175: 270448 I93| [ 34 84 186J117J1171223 jOundle, Nortbamp.\ 73 168347 ioo| 33 104 90I107 io7'i23 (Oxford, Oxfordjh.\\ 39)232138 1 4 6 ! 94; 79 i57| »•» 551102 'Padftow, Cormv.\ 3 34(4181555 187(298(268 362)253 226U57 'Parkgate, Cbejh.\iiz 158 372 I22JMI 217 r 532*4 205| 82 ; Pern broke, Pcmb. \z 24 314 426 I32;2I2 260 26IJ266 2.W235 j Penrith, C*jw6.|t$o] 8x| 1 19 234 181130; 167(3 1 ^U 10! 92 iPenryn, Cornzxa 3>i|43>!s7 2 205 315(285 380(270 ^43 374 :Penzance, Cormv. 365 4 4 g|586 219I329J29Q 394 2^4 257I388 jPerfhore, Warcejt. 119 212 355 24! 79I126 147.135 102 142 Perth, Scotland 279 *9< 61 3S2 309(438 295440 ro8 1 1\ .Peterborough, Nortbam. 7° 170(348 112 34J 09 86! 1 09 jPetersfield, Hants 208 2Q7'44-7 103 162: 77 220* 46 2 c I22S .Plymouth, Devon 305 38952b 1 5S260. 239 3 34 22. ! 97 328 (PontefraCt, YorkJIi 3? 7 2 251 i6 3 | 60J195 6'6 204 704! 25 [Pool, Dorfetjh. 224 320I460 1 oo| 1 8 1 { 1 3 1 244 108 ■ 81 247 [Port Patrick, Scotland J2QO 213 90 356(302442 312448 .44 224 iPortfmouth, Hanti\zib 3^k 6 S 113U80 1 0J23959I All 246 128 J Gai— Hal TABLE XIII. bo C D o « 5 Preilon, Lancaff). 107I1 18 o o 162 12912381155 243 ffi 38 45 Queenborough, A^/| 1 9 2 j z 8 - Radnor, RadnorJh.\ 1 38(239 Ravenglafs, Cumb.\ \ 58' 1 1 5 466 344 776 LiZ _S9 224 151 19210 I22 | I 77 46 1ZZ 192 7° 344 £S4!i_53 305 300 99 184 Reading-, JfV&j 167)267 41 J 67 Richmond, Torkih.\ 97' 36 iRin^wood, H(int$\2l4}'l ) Q'r> 127 1 64 453 871691117 I /I 216 184 114 267 232 94 25192 267 63 6 7 234 (Rippon, Tork/b.\ 71I 39 218 190 102 231 88 241 238 45 Rochdale, Laucajb. 93 237 155 104)218 115 224 2iz Rochefter, Aga/ji77|272|45. Rofs, Hcref. 1 1 4.4] 246 368 111 16 113I140U70 148 _6o TT 229 I 7 I | Royft< Herts\ 109)204 382 68| 61 127 68 68 '57 jRumtord, £^1149244 42 116 108I 20 167 42 42 197 Rye, Suffix 214306 485 167 170J 52 229 40 78 266 St. Albans, Hcrts\ 1 34I 2 28 402 94 93! 45 150 S 2 S 2 179 ;St. Aiaph, FUnybiVLfy) 175 290 «r 148233 170 241 223 99 St. Davids, JFW/&-.I2431318 Salifbury, #?/fr 194 278 434 430 l Jl 67 23 1 293279 1^6,1061213 281 97 249 65 242 217 Sandwich, Kent :arbo rough, Torkflj. 220 "82 40 494 240 174 2 34 l J®\J2} i37 _79 1x7 *3«| 76J248 104273 248 80 Settle, r*n&#. Sevenoaks, Kent 9 6 170 jo 26,- '93 444 208 Tl6 1271262)130 129J 20)188 269 14 269 37 224 Shattefbury, Dorfetjb 214 308 45 1 79 169)12^232 116 84 236 Sheffield, Torklb, 35 100 269 131 56 183 66 190 190 38 Sherborn, Dorfetjb 229 3 2 3 4<5- 82 184 140 47 13* Shore ham, Suffix 206 QQ 47c >8 164 6 J 222 2Q 3? 3 257 S h r e \v (b u r y , Shropfl) 79 3°' 79 93 179 148 187 iton, Torkfb. 80 75l 2 °9 192 in 146 114 il Lii Gai— Hal TABLE XIII. •3 '0 la O c be 1 C a: 5 u u 3 E « J > 1 Grimfby. Grin Head. -0 '3 Sleaford, Lincolnjb. 36 13S 3 J 7 121 70 J_iijifi_53£4£ 1/6 I s2 244(144 r 4 6 106 9 1 239 231 Somerton, Somcrf. 216 30c 437 Southampton, Hants 207 301 4$o 95 l62| 9812^1! 70 48 Southvvold, Suffolk 174 269 447 193 133I 98185I13J 132 ^22 Spalding 1 , Lincolnjb. <9 161 340 133 27I122I 76113c 131 114 Stafford, Staff. 7S |7o 288 70 68; I56] I I4I163 158 88 Staines, Midd. 164 25 1 ; 421 8q 120 42!l82! 37 ii I, 206 Stamford, Lincolnjb. 62 *57 335 in 20 108J 81 iM ll S 1 10 Stiiton, Hunt. 76 171 349 in 3^ 94J 95 101 101 124 Stilling, Scotland 277 ?93 28 380 3°7 436p93 444 444 249 Stockbridge, Hants 187 282 43 1 7§ 142 921206 74 ui 212 Stockton, Durb. 106 *3 187 *3'j 139U63I121 273 273 78 StortfordBifhop's, Herts ?*7 222 400 121 86j 44 | 145 61 61 '15 Stow Market, Suffolk 144 249 4i5 163 roij 72 *55 105 105 190 Stratford on Avon, War. 107 191 341 39 6 7 1 1 2 1 l 3S 127 9^ 130 Sudbury, Suffolk 148 243t4 2 i 156 107! 48 *S9 8 4 84 196 Sunderland, Durham l 3 l 43 160 2 57 162 28S '5 1 298 298 108 S waff ham, Norfolk\ 1 1 8 213J391 168 77l 95 I29'l 24 124 166 Swanfea, Glamorg.\z\b 299*41 1 100 206 226 274(214 182 214 220 30 Tadcafter, Torkjb\ 48 58.240 181 78(207 7^214 Tarn worth, W«rw.\ 70 l6 3i5i2 79 47k3<; 101 144 144 187 97 318 Taviitock, Df-von [ 2C)c 379| 5 i6 149 259(229 324 214 Taunton, Somerj.\2^ 1 3M 451I 84 I92JI69 259161 123 254 160 Tewkfbury, Glouceft.\i-$*j 230 36o|io| 97(129 165:142 109 Thackffead, Effex 127 223 399I130 86| 41 !45 76 76 176 Thetford, Norfolk 129 224 4o 2 |iS3 88| 78 142 109 109 '77 Thirfk, Torkjb. 76 28 207(202 106)233 93 243 243 5 1 Tinmouth, Nortbumb !i 40! ^2)1^ 5(266 17 1 1297 160I307 307 119 139 1 Gai— Hal TABLE XIII. R u o a O u s i 3 3 e rt a ns > s 6 "13 E "3 Tiverton, Dew?! 252 336 472 io6J2i3'i9o '280(182 144 275 Torrington, Devon 280 364 501 134I232219I308I213 173 3°3 To wee ft er, Northamp. IOO 196 362 63I 59! 85(127! 91 78 141 Trowbridge, Wilts 191 2 75 417 45 !5;o|i25J2i6jii6 85 214 Truro, Cormv. 341 425 S b2 195 30&7S&79. 260 ~*7 233 45 364 236 Tunbridge Wells, Kent 182 277 456 138 141I 26J206 Ulveriton, Lancajb. 141 108 184 207 i74|2 1 8i|i75|286 281 91 UtlOxeter, Staffordjb. 60 HI 297 8 5 | 5 4 |i58 1 1 J 1 6 5 «6o 81 Uxbridge, Midd. 'p 246 417 86 iii| 42 168 48 24 197 Wakefield, Torkjh. 41 74 2 5* 1*5 72209 8? 217 203 16 Waliingham, Norfolk r 35 230 408 190 94 117 146 146 146I183 Wareham, Dorfetjb 230 3H 464 J 10 190 130 248 105 762^1 Warminiler, Wilts 20; 289 43° 58 I*)} 121 226 106 75 228 Warrington, Lancajb. 92 T25 2 39 m 103 208 123 214 209 49 Warwick, Wariv. 99 183 34i 48 58 120 127 124 97 122 Watford, Herts 141 235 407 87 IOO 42 *57 46 35 187 Wellingborough, N.ba. 9 1 186 35° 82 51 93 108 IOI IOI 13* Wellington, SbropfJ). IOO ?93 296 64! 82 166 '37 173 151 106 Wellington, Somerf 238 322 458 91 199 176 26b. 168 13c 261 Wells, ISomcrf. 202 286 423 56 76 163 88 146 61 231 162 130 88 47 225 *77 Wendovcr, Buck. P9 223 396 Weobly, Heref. 142 230 3*5 40 in 167 m 172 140J165 Weymouth, Dorfetjb. Whitby, TorkJI) 241 3 2 5 477 1 11 203 156 2 6c 132 1051264 108 96 2< 222 281 241 91 138 IOI 264 185 94 J 3< 2 74 192 274! 8b 178) 80 A'hitchurch, Sbrcpjh. vVhitehaven, Cumb r 77 147 121 141 2 5 t •218 3*5 222 2|] 16. He 332 \ <>2 |227 327I109 39I18C Vycomb, Buck* 247I40C 7 i|io7 vVigan, Lane 101 I1.15 U26 146 I114 221 In iji ] c ...._ Gai—Hal TABLE XIII. *3 C c •a J: O <2 i 6 c > u s .2 O ffi Winchefter, Hants F95 289438J 85)150] 871220 64) 37i 2I 9 Windham, Norfolk i 50 245:423! 1 73J 109 98; 161 i29Ji29'i98 Windfor, Berks 164258)415; 8i|i23| 44180 54 ig^co Woltingham, Durham i26| 45:i78 i 245-i I 57i286'i43 296 [296] 91 Wolverhampton, Staff. 8^1781304 54J 68}i 4 8ii2 I 4 q|l30 , I05 Woodbrid^e, Suffolk l63j2 58;436i l82|l 2l\ 71 174 io5!io5'2ii Woodftock, Oxfordjh. 136 «5l374J 44 87 85-153 93i 6 -'5S Wooler, Nortbumh. '75 92 ioqj^o6 210 338:195^421342:15^ Wotton Ballet, Wilts ^7?5 I |399 3 1 126)1 1 o!i 94! 1 20; 82I190 Worcelter, Worcejl. 117 SK>5|^4d 2b 86 1 35I 143I 142 1 12 144 Wrexham, Denbigbf). 116 157J273J116 117207J147 2181188 1 62 i Yarmouth, Norfolk 187 282)460:211 H7 118 19811521152 2 35 York, Torkjh. 57I 511230191 88 217 70I224I224. 4 1 Additional Diftances from Glasgow. Ayr, Ayrjh. 33 Xinlithgow, Linlitb. 29 Bathgate, Linlitb. «j* Lanerk, Lanerkjl). 245 Dumbarton, Dumlar. 15 Lockerby, Dumfr. 73 Ecclesfechan, Dumfr, 79 Longtown, Cumb* 92 Falkirk, Stirlingfh. 22 Midd Calder, Edinh. 31 Greenock, Renfrew. 22 Moffart, Dumfr. 57 Gretna Green, Dumfr. 88 Old Cumnock, ^yr^. 36 Hamilton, Lanerk. 12 Port Glafgow, 2?«*/?*. 19! Irvine, Ayrjh. 2*3 Renfrew, 6 Inverary, Argylejh. 60 Rothfay, .£>#/*• 40 j Kilmarnock, Ayrjh. 21 .Sanquhar, Ayr/b, 53JJ Lamblafh, Bute 64 Whiteburn, Linlitb. 23 | ( b .S22 I 3 2 ] .Hal— Hay TABLE XIV. OS b£ 3 O O >-, b/> w a 'S J-c s w V) ,s at u to 1-1 U > Harhorougb, Leicelt. 90 274 299 9? Harleigb, Merioneth. 250 165 Hartlepool^ Durham 241 182 231 Harwich, Eilex 3i 120 285 Hajlemerc, Surry 112 130 131 299 215 Ha flings, Suilex 125 I 5 2 29c 3» 2 126 64 Haverford-ive/i, Pemb. 285 l 95 107 33° 324 220 324 Hay, Brecknockili. 190 1 10 106 262 225 I^O 219 95 Hayljham, Suffe'x 114 144 288 313 117 5 1 15288 339I3 10 2 10 230 Heiftone, Cornw. 3.38 290 33 2 455 241 237 Henley onThameSjO-*/*. 10; 75 193 254 1 1 1 35 106 218 ll S Hereford, Heref. 174 90 9S 242 2oq 126 199 1 12 '9 T90 Hertford, Herts 67 68 223 234 70 65 90 H3 *59 81 Hexham, Nortbumb. 277 216 230 50 3°7 3 2 4 360I329 282 3i'd Hithe, Kent 112 153 290 322 "5 96 28J322 219 45 Holyhead, -Angle/. 295 204 53 249 324 280 340 160 r 59 no 33° 260 Holywell, Flintjb. 22$ *34J £4 175 254U18 268 Horiham, Sulfix 105 12.0)24!; 290 io8[ 18 49| 2 54 '73- 34 Hounflow, MM 8. 89)218 26s 8 4 | 48 82)242 14c 72 Hull, Torkjh. *6c r03|2O9 83 18^214 240 271 i94 231 Hungerford, Berki\i$b 92I190 263 r 4°i 43 129 185 102 106 778 Huntingdon, Hunt. 49 37 210 i95 84402 127 237 14? Ilcheile r, Somcrf.\i 94 '49 19SI321 200 9c; 149 176 105 162 In vernefs, Scotland £,' 2 6 *(>} 458I290 5:5015691601 557 485 S91 Ipfwich, Sufolk 2 7 108 273J262 I2 ! I I2|l23 321 25; 266 214 186 '94 114 246 3*9 Kellington, Comw. 282 ^37 180 279^02, 288JI94J262 Kendall, IVeJlm. 270 167J S0290J278J325 Kadderminiler, Worceft* '5? 64 jo8]i99Ji 78I129I197 129 59 188 133 ] Hal— Hay TABLE XIV. be D O U O s_ R u a: 1 CL o i a 1- £ u "5 en bJO C ci 33 > S a ►— • Kingiton, Surry 7 6 94 h 2 3 265 83! 42 69 -Ml 113 200 "-! Knarefborough, TorkJJ)* 19b 1271169 54 2l6;234 262 267 ^^7 Lancalter, Lane aft). 248 *JW*43 92 266 2 54 126 294 -4 2 171 2 9<;j Landaff, Glamor. [96 *4 21 .34 300 23O 22l| 95 V 184 184 Tic 107 22 190 r 9i| Launcefton, Cormv, 280 2351282 400 286.186 260(255 244! Leeds, Torkjh. 180 1 1 i|i53 73J206 218 2641252 20' Leek, Staff. *7' 73; 100 i53Ji99 i i8c 226Jl8o. 220^ Leiceiter, Leiceft. 104 !4f|:*4f [68,134 144 1 6 6 [ 1 9 2 • r?a Leominfter, Hercf, 173 91J 97 223206 142 204}iO(;; *99 Lefkard, Corn-' v. 280(14.1)2^3 4 o6| 292 I95J276J261: 2 )°! Lewes, Svfce* ii8|i3.;275 303I 121I39JI 28J28c;203 12! Lichrield, Staff. H 2 | 53l"4 I7!:i73;i3b|i8 7 ;i57; 87 *79 Lime, Dorjh 210(1851224 347216 : ii^|i6i 202,13! rj4 Lincoln, Lincolnjh. I2o| 62J187 fj.i r 44 - T 75!i9 8 | 22 9! i$3 *.39 191 262 3h Liverpool, L an caff. 2I; >|j33! I0 9! I 4 8 ' 2 53' 22I i 2t, 9! ZIO J Llanbeder, Cardig. 238J153! 64 [27 2(27 j 1*001264! s°! 50 Llanyinddov ry, Caerm. 220J137I 7Q;27225dr76j248} 6ij 34I240: Loughborough, Leiceft. njkst \\ffl*S7 \ l 4-^Ssh7m93\ l ^\ l ^\ Louth, Lincolnjh. I5O QO |2I 5'I 32J172J2OI 226 25.-18: 2t.$j LovveftotF, Suffblk b.JI^Iro^S? 4-J172 r63!^5o!235ii67, Ludlow, Skrcpjh. 170J 87! 86J2i8;2C7|i45 2C8.II0 ^?8;202: Lymington, Hew, 16214^12303181621 48 98, !ii|r5«j ^ Macclesfield, cbtM 178I 86 II3;I40!206jI90 238(189 120 23 1 j Maidftone, Ken: 7 7 |f2c 257 289! 82J 61 3 1 izg ij ib6 39 Maldon, EJe* 34iio 4 ; 262J259'37|-j go| 88)*79Ji9i| 81 Malmfourv, Wilts 139! 95I152J265I17C 164(152! 73; I 4S Malron, Torkjh ^ 1201 I42JIv7) q2J234 ! 2^6 280*296 22' 2/3' 134 ] Hal— Hay TABLE XIV, U ffi JZ few: O s~ US S3 Cl. X u !_ ffi s e OS Manchefter, Lane. I4O 98I no 118 208 20 j; 250 209 137 137 196 207 122 Mansfield, Nott. 128 53 160J129 J 59 *74 126 206 203 Margate, Kent I IO 156 293325 116 56 327 222 MarketRaifin, Lincolnff 14O 7° 204 138 161 190 215 247 I70 91 Marlborough, Wilts I20 93 179263 151 54 140 '74 Melton Mowbray, Lcic. 98 21 r 5 S|ib2 i 2 5 149 174 203 I l8|l64 i6 2 | 53 Midhurft, Suffix I20 136 247J305 123 7! 60 212 2^6 •94 Minehead, Somerf^i^z 173 216I339 238 138 123 200 Monmouth, Monm. "7i 109 113J261 202 123 I96 114. 39 43 187 225 Montgomery, Montgo. 197 108 63I216 230 168 231 Il6 Morpeth, Northumb. 280 214 262I 47 303 327 354 361 294 344 Namptwich, Cbefh. 192 97 9i|i$8i2i7 183 232 164 92 223 Newark, Nottingb. no 46 172 130 M9 164 189 2*5 138 180 Newbury, Berks £20 90 195 260 131 35 I20 I93 11 1 102 Newcaftle, Northumb. 264 198 247| 3 1 288 312 338 346 278 329 Newcaftie, ' Stafford/}}. 173 84 1071161 17? 169 2 20 172 99 210 Newent, Gloccft. I48 89 [46:247 184 108 114 I30 56 172 Newmarket, Cambr. 21 67 232*223 53 IOs 130 286 169 121 N e wport, /. of Wight l^O 157 255I348 158 38 104 239 167 90 Newport, Monm. l86 i r . 137291 221 117 220 IO3 48 185 294 Newport, Pemb. 298 192 90I311 309 230 302 17 8q Newport Pagnell, Bucks 72 32 i84 l 2ii 103 93 122 214 117 in Northallerton, Torkffj. 212 I5 1 200 29 241 ,6; 290 299 231 2S2 Northampton, North. 87 »rt 169 199 116 I J2 ^34 207 106 126 Norwich, Norfolk 68| "S 289 265 56 152 166 3*5 218 158 Nottingham, NotL 120 39 *55| J 43 143 169 191 198 12 I 18-5 Okeham, Rutlandjh, 88 14 161I166 IT 5 139 164 209 l '*3 156 lOkehampton, Devon 260 215 257I380 266 i62 189 1235 164 224 Hal-Hay TABLE XIV. 1 be •3 p .O >- as J: be u M c a, CJ £ fcUO C e-J Haverfordvvefr. Hay. B Orrord, Suffolk 42 126 292 281 3' I 3 I ii44!34°227 i35 Oundle, Nortbamp.\ 70 23 .88 179 103 120 145I218J133 136 Ox to rd, Oxfordjb. 1 103 65 170 2 35Ji30 61.126)188! 94118 Padftow, Cornw.'fiio 265 3°7 430 316 215300)28$ 214274 Parkgate, Cbejb^zi^ 128 82 169 248 214 264 i8i|i io'|2 5-4. Pembroke, Pemb.\2q'] i 9 i 118 326 324 220 304 12 88288 Penrith, Cumb. 27 8 197 193 78 316 3°4;355 292 22O1345 Penryn, Corn-iv. 318 282 3 2 4 447J333 230:321 302 231J29I Penzance, Corm». 332296 338 4.61I347 2 4 8 33^ 3l6|245J305 Peril"! ore, Worcejl. i 4 8| 66J122 218171 108 172J138I 54163 Perth, Scotland 4io|34q|342 '73434 453;4 8 5!44^9|475 Peterborough,A r 113 65 Sandwich, lfr«/ no 156 2 93 Scarborough, YorltJh. 212 150 22 1 62232 261 287I320 241 2 7 8 Settle, 2^ri^.|233 i?4 ! 59 731*5* 262 308(2158 186 2991 Sevenoaks, Kcnt\ 80 107(244 276J 86 5*1 4i 278 i73 35 Shaftefbury, &orfe0.\l fr 140I200 309 1/5 70I144 178 107 132 Sheffield, I'orkfi-U^ 7 8|i 4 8 106 182 185 228 217 Ml 220 Sherborn, DorJetJ!).\iyq iccj 2 oi 324 19O 8 5 !ic 9 179 IO8 147 Shoreham, Sujfex 117 140(276 3 10 128 28; 42 265 186 27 Shrew ibury, Shropfl). '75 9 1 ! 74 191 211 16c 225 i34 62 216 Skipton, Torkfh. zib 138(163 74 238 246(292 262 I92 283 Sleat'ord, Lincolnjh. 107 47|i8 2 149 T26 1591181 231 I46 172 Somerton, Somerf. r 7 2 1421189 7, 1 2 200 98:172 167 96 160 Southampton, Hani. 122 1 3 3 1 2 3 1 3°4 I50 35 94 215 '43 82i Southwold, Suffolk 59 1 3 8 1 2 9 [[2:8c 464 146 158 353 240 149 Spalding, Lincoln/!:. \i cc 43|i.95|i7a|ii6 144' 1 69 242 »57 160 Stafford, Staf\>bz 68iio5|i(^!i88 152(202 L£9 86 193 Staines, Midd.\ 8c 9oUi4J26f3 V ^ 32 8q 231 137 81 Stamford, Lincoln!!) t 1 8c 3 2l|i 9 8 16 , IC | I28|i54 220 '35 H5 Stilton, Hunt. 6c 3^|i-98 l T : 93 iH . 14C 228 •43 130 Stirling, Scotland 407 343I34C 16c, 43 2 451I483 438I367 473 i37 1 Hal— Hay TABLE XIV. o to s- & "5 O O J Harwich. 1 Haflemere. C IB -a <£ > IB E IE Stockbridge, Hants 130)11* 207 2 8 s 141 38 99200 I 26) 92 Stockton, Durbavi 238172 221 10 264290 302I320 100J257 252 303 Stortford Biihops, Herts 4°| 73 228U33 8^ 75 169! 91 Stow Market, Suffolk 26| 95 26l 25O 24119 1321299 197 123 Stratford on Avon,^iar. I2 5| 4S I38 203 156; 99 167J152J 63 l SS Sudbury, Suffolk 8 91 256 H* 35! _98 3 ir io8J292]i93 99 328 Sunderland, Durham 263 197 246 J 9 289: 337J345 277 S watt" ham, Norfolk 5 1 94 242|224 6i|i 3 8 i sm^ 203 r 54 Swaniea, Glamor. 241 184 IO413U 272J168 272I 52 56236 Tadcafter, Torkjb. 179 n 3 |i68| 68 205I227 253 269 192 244 Tarn worth, tVanv. *3* 361122I170 156 132 181 169 86 172 Taviftock, Devon 266 226J26SJ39 r 2 77 173 251 246 175 2 3S Taunton, Somerf, 186 157I204 3 2 7 217 "5 2I 3 182 11 1 '77 Tewkibury, Glocefl. 148 74128 222 J 77 106 ns H7| £1 166 |Thackitead, EJJix l S 7 6 k 2 3 232 45 90 IOI 262(174 92 Thetford, Norfolk 35 85 26C 2 35 45 113 138 3°S 188 129 Thirike, Tork/Jj. 208 £42 191 38 234 256 282 29c 222 2 73 Tinmouth, Nortbumb. 272 206 255 28 298 320 346 354 286 337 Tiverton, Devon, 227 178 225 348 238 136210 203 132 198 Torrington, Devon. 25-7 203 2 S3 37 6 268 1671241 2 3' 160 229 Towcefter, Nortbamp. 89 2 Si 170 207 120 86131 1991102*120 Trowbridge, Wilts '43 H7 181 287 174 70 164! 1 59J 88 146 Truro, Corww. 312 272 3*4 437 323 223J297 292I221 281 Tunbridge Wells, Kent 82 IT 9 256 288 92 52; 29 290ji8<; 22 Ulveifton, Lancafo 274 179 166 106 289 2771327 20<;!i94 318 Utto.xeter, Staff. H7 S3 I 2C *S4 172 'S4 r 204 174 104 X 9S' Uxbridge, Midd 82 81 208 257 9 1 34 ^ 88 227 x 34 ■ 79 Wakefield, Torkjh 173 102 152 82 2tt 209^2 5c 241 l lt 2 47 '39 ] Hal— Hay TABLE XIV. ffi; Worcester, Worceft.\\i\Q) 113 217 180 Wrexham, Denbigbjb. 216 7 2 \ l 73 2A° ill 194 181I129 2 54'i57 A5}12A 86(244 Yarmouth, Norfolk\ 7*; *43 309J293; 67 166 178,363 2461169 York, nr|^.|i89 123 178) 61 215 2 31 263277 202 254 Diftances from Harrowgate, TorkJIrire. Barnfley, Torkjb. 34 (Loughborough, !>«•• 100 Beverley, 5° Malum, 2VJ/&. 40 Burlington, 61 Manchefter, Lane. Sfl Burrowbridge, 10 Mansfield, Notts 7* Carlifle, Cumb. 106 Newark, 76 Cheiteriield, Derbyjb. 59 Newcaftle, Northumb. 77 Darlington, Durb. 44 Northallerton, Torkjb. 28 Derby, Dcrbyjh. 82 Northampton, Northamp. 144 Doncafter, Yorkjh. 39 Nottingham, Notts 86 Durham, Durham 63 Penrith, Cumb. 88 Eafingwold, Yorkjh. 22 Ripley, Torkfh. *, Eaft Retford, Notts 56 ! Rippon, 10} Gifborough, Torkjb. 50 i Scarborough, 62 1 Grantham, Lincolnjb. <> l Sheffield, 48 Halifax, Torkjb. *ifl Stamford, Lincolnjb. in Harborough, Leicpft. 126I Stokefley, Tork/h. 4 2 Huddersfield, Torkjb. 3°i Thirlk, 22 Hull, 58 i Wakefield, 24 Knarefborough, 3' Warrington, Lane. 7*1 Leeds, »54 Whitby, Torkjb. 7' Leicefler, Leicefi. 112 i Yarm. 44 Liverpool, Lane, 9«i York, 20 ife J T z 140 ] Hel— Hou TABLE XV. i 1 a a X -. | 1 a i ft T3 I — : i 111 I "o I "o ; c Lefkard, C 3421 1091202 Market Raifin, Lincoln. 370Ji$9,ic;o Marl bo 1 #?& 203I 44' 7 1 Melton Mowbray, Leic 307|io8| 98 94] 1 07 MHfJ^i i45|f_5o: 66 148)25 1 ji ^S| 581219 163 E05I176CT 173I 3 6 °| 33J343L 2 7 M 9>i j 1 "7 93 8 5i I 9sl I 73!'92'i22i 4 4jio 9 44 *54 MidhuriL Suje 243 1 4-6(142 Minehead, Somerf. I38!i39"0 74[33S1 95l 2 9 6 2 34 *q 1 801367 '23612691220 164! I 4 2 J Hel— Hou TABLE XV. ^2 e c H -a u u X X X T3 e en s c 5 1 8 _5_ "3 "0 g 5e c Penryn, Comw.\ 1023912181283 47^33i!377l5 2 8 25^250 Penzance, Cmmw\\z\ 2 s3|23 2 ! i 97!4 8 9l34S l 39i!342 269 277 Pedhore, WerceJ£*\z%7 7° 34Jio^J245 i"72|i73|iii 128 9< Perrh, Scotland j ;g 1 4 J 1 366!397|;45!4 8 5!3 6o ! 2 9° 453I428 Peterborough, .M?r/<6rf;«.j 3 14 91 124 6o]2i6!i48J228|i58 ii6| 91 Peterstield, Hant,\z^z, 40 131 77I329 106 28^223 3 i| 4 * Plymouth, Devon'' 60193J172 237429^8q l 33i 282 209I202 PontefraCt, Torkjh \ 3 76 1 84.] 163 »S5 1 18 24i|iSo|no 211J184 Pool, DorfetJh.\\i $| 86 12S 1 3 2I348 16SJ2821229 89 90 Port Patrick, tSr^//^^^ K 7 4 ! 3 9 ^ ! 3 5 ° 398,149 486 344(274 455 420 Portfmouth, Hants' 1^0 61 141 95 347|ii4l 2 93|23i 44i 66 Piellon, L.ancqfb.fijoiqo 146 202JI I 1 ]282; I 39 69 250I215 Queenborough, A"iW ; 3i^ 81 *75 66333] 37i3 x 4 244| 63|_^8 Radnor, Radnorfh.Vz^iz^ 26I 158 2 43 2 ^°! I 44 95J I 3 8 I ! 49 Ravenglafs, CWA^.1437 2^2 208I264 86 344 2or 131I312J277 heading, Berhlz^o 8j 94J 58 293J112J249U87I 45l 2 9l Richmond, 2V£/&.J429 228J215U15 54306(222 150 274(247 Ringivood, i/dr?^j|i89 74k I j|n8 335 M4! 2 7 8 i 216 7S| 82 Rippon, 2V^.J403 202 J190J1S9 8c;280 204|l34|248|227 Rochdale, Lancafo)^^ 1801148 179 135264L141 7 I | 2 3 2 ! 202 Rocheller, Kent 7,00 66J16Q 5 1 3;y; 3 of 299*229! $i| 43 Rofs, Heref.\ziq 83J 14 12^127 1 '193 i 184" 1 2 2! 14 1 1 1 08 Royflon, Herts^oQ, 60 134 19I250J107 249S179] 75! 50 Rumtord, JS/fcA- 282! ?! 144 22 290J 69 28l|2I l| 49 1 2C Rye, %£* 334IOI 194! 8$ 3551 2 7 ! 33d 2 o^| 54 77 St. Albans, Herts 276 38 !22j I3 274! 89'24q|i -9I 59 27 St. Afaph, j?%/&. 347I9I I 20i203 i8q;279' 6 3 ! 1 -1I243 zib 144 3 | Hel— Hou TABLE XV. •^2 c c m §1 i- u ►<■-» "0 *o E as c O St. Davids, Pemhr^z^i^T, T2 7 258 331 320 166 7J6 269 247 Salifbury, Wilt^\qz\ 56 IO7 105)318 r 53 262 199 77 73 Sandwich, AWJ337J109 202J 93)360 20 342 271 95 89 Scarborough, Torkjb. 44 l | 2 3° 221 j I98 99 287 239 166 2 55 228 Settle, TorkHj. 421)220 184J218 84(306 r 77 I0 7 111 29 246 36 Sevenoaks, Kent 293 60 193 44|3 IJ 5 2 294 222 Shafteibury, Dorfctjh. .67 75 JO7 ' 2 4337 172 2 53 2O4 96 90 Sheffield, Torkjb. 344 US 131 1401138 228 166 96 197 168 S her born, Dorfctjh . 1 1 5 1 90 105 I 39j35 2 187 2 53 203 111(105 S hore h am, Sujfix\ 272 75 166 81348 72 327 23- 20| 55 Shrewfbury, Shmpf})\i%i 127 55 148(200 226 115 S*2 ^5(151 S k i pt n , Torkfh. 1405" 204 188 202J 94 290 181 1 II 261 230 Sleaford, Lincoln/b. 335 124 i26| 92(184. 181 224 154 I93 l 53 124 124 117 Somerton, SomcrJ. »4< 102 831150)340 198 242 Southampton, Hants\zoq 53 123 961332 130 277 215 55 66 S u t h wold , Suffolk 3 7 ?. '43 220J101I31 5 147 33 c 260 140(1 1*5 Spalding, Lincoln/b, 33 5 119 137 83(207(169 228 158 i 3 9|ii2 Stafford, Staff. 283 no 721126^04(202 i34 64 170JI35 Staines, Midday, 2\ 1 17I 38J301] 90 263 20I 32! 7 Stamford, Lirtcolnfb.\$f$ 98 n.d 66|ab3|i54 216 I46 122I 95 Stilton, Hunt.\if} 84 123I 5212171140 23c l6o 108.83I Stirling-, Scotland ? 8 9 409 364I399I143I183 35* 287 45142b Stockbridge, Hants 207 42 io6| 91I313I130 2,8 I96 59| 57 Stockton, Durb. 44 5 244 232|224-| 47|3I2|239 169 280 255 StortfordBitliop's, Herts^oi 60 149 i6| 2 68| 93 267 '97 68 44 Stow Market, £«/?- 1H3I1S9I 89 1 joli 16! Devonj 64! 1 83' 162 1 2 - 74^ 9 275 52i;272 ; I9q;iq4 Taunton, i'o/^r/.j 1281 124 qS 1 i^»7 = 3 c 5 2! •: 2 '7 2081141 134 Tewkibury, Ghuctft. 223 74^ 31 1 103 261 1821179 1 17! 127 Thackitead, Effcx ^\b\ 80; 1 r 7 j 30J268I 9c;273'203J 82 Thetford, ^r/»/%49 108 168] 61 270I1272.88 218 116 _2? 02 Thirfk, Torkfo.Ui 5I214I202 1 94.; 81 482 209 139 250 22c Tinmouth, Nortbitmb 47^2782661258^ 32 346 273; 2 o3'3 14 2H9 Tiverton, Devtmh 1 2 1 -,.01 19I iSz'.ijt^ 36127 8 2 294 62! r q <; Torrington, Devon] 1 doji-6q 147 210J404I266 37,6 25 71 1 93I1 9 2 Towceiter, Nvrtbamp. 265] 44 82 : 32, ?. 4 1 1 1 29^09 1 39, 93 60 Trowbridge, IViltsYifty 6Sj 73! : t 3 1 r| 1 7 02 34 j 85J 1 io| 89 Tr\iro, Cormv.\ 17I229I208 273 465 Tunbridge Wells, Kent^cc,\ 72J165 561326 191.247] 85 Uheriton, umcq/h. \^.20\2^fi U ttoxete r, Staff or djb. ! zq 8 1 1 1 3 I4I121 181 3i8 | 2 4 5|247 1 234 29|4§ j 325 I 184I114 I29526QJ 204;i53J 8 3Ji7 2 ! I 37i 3£ij3^7 461306 Uxbridge, MJdd.\2^\ 24 115 3^29: Wakefield, o;] Ji59.»97|_4^_9J Torkfl). 368J 16711 55I161I1 15 2$b i7o|ico l i 2!4'i92 Walfingham, Norfolk 386) 14.5! 184.J 98276111% :Wareham, DorfetJl)\\^. 74 1 251 123:3461168 288!2ib'i53!i29| Warminller, IVilts\\jz\ 71! 911118I329J167 ! Warring ton, Lanca^.\^i\ibi 1 16(173'? 4of2$2iiooJ 39I221I186 S 257 j 2ib , ioi | 921 24011911 93I 86 r46 ] Hel— Hou TABLE XV. 1 <3 c CD E re c C e V DC 1 -0 V- E E re t— 4 e -"0 re E 1 ^~> "o E g re E G C E Warwick, Warvo, 261 6? 55 ~86 223 I63 179 117)111 90 Watford* Herts 279 301 n 5 1 iQ 2-Slj 84 249|l8 7 | 53 20 Wellingborough, N.ha. 284 66J 97 c6 2U I38| 2 f9 I49 IO/ 73 Wellington, Sbropfl). 281119I 53 136 197 2Io|l26[ 64)176 144 Wellington, Somerf 121 131'ioc; l 74 362 222 264)21 5 148 141 Wells, Somerf. ''57\ 95 6 9!'34 326 191 228 179 117110 Wendover, Bucks »54l Z1 105 34 277)107 2 39 i 77 61 3 2 ■Weoblv, Here/. 238)107 1 2 *5' 259)211 160 99 i6 S l 3 2 Weymouth, Doffetjb. ico|io3 I2 5 152 365 l80 284 2 3s 116 Il 7 Whitby, Torkfl). 4^62 232 225 8iUi3 246 176 281 294 Whitch u rch, ShropJb.\ 30 1 (144 75 l SS 180)231 108 ll\ 200 166 Whitehaven, Cwjib.\j r ^q\^^ VVycomb, JSiuks^ibo] 12 235 101 291 3* 78 28. 37* 102 228 244 I5 a 182 339 53 3-4 24 Wigan, Lanc.\is^i']4[ii t o 187J1271266 123 53| 2 34 199 Wincheiter, Hants\2i^\ 44 •' 1 13 88)320 124)26^2031 49 55 j Windham, Norfolk 36c)! 1 28; 1 88 81(291 147303I233I136; 112 j W indfor, Berks\i q 1 1 1 5! 1 09 42305 91257I19S 39 ; « 1 jWolfingham, Bu>bam ] ,±^\2 57I 244 244(24! 33^1250:100 303^76 [Wolverhampton, Staff.\z6y\ gd\ 5:6)1 18)21 2 192)144! 82 158I125, [Woodbridge, Suffolk^ $$\i 16 196) 74 304)1 20(3 16 246 112: 88 jWoodftock, Os.fon//J>: : 2 1 2] 3 l j 72I 64(256! 1 33 1* 1 4) 1 4^ 83I 56 : Wooler, 1\ or thumb. 5 1 9:3 1 8)300(293 47 380I31 3I243I349I324 jWotton BaiTet, Wilts 197) 5 1 ?9 80I291 J 44 2^2 i6o| qS 6^ Worcefter, Worceji. 239! 8oi 28 114)244 181 164 102(132 ioq W re x h am, Denbighfb. 512150 85 *77 172 255 hb 24)208 181 \ Y a r n 1 u t h , Norfolk 592I163I 226 1 19 j 28 167I340 270 M9Ji3<; Torkjb. . I.04I2 121182 175I103 263(196 I26U3I 2041 j 147 J Hul— Kin TABLE XVI. Hungerford, Berk Huntingdon, Hunt Ikbefli Someri. fnvernefs, Scotland Ipfwich, Suffolk he Ian 7 ft Cornw A endal f VVeftm. Kidderminlier. W orceft Kingjton\ Surry M . c :_ a "U ! br! v C i ti. '*- i c C 1 3 zz E tc 1 1901 !&2 : 74 ; I74 376 537 4 6 9 173 136694 $41:16112^5; 124 246 213 179 87 100 l8 3| 57 7 1 574 1^7 534 1 20 6 q6 383' 1 10 104 121 447 540 285 3 6 3 ^ i66J20o;i6o 802 16J26711 2 1 c c fcO c K.narefborough, Torkjh 54 2-01139 2 59 333 204I340I 72 Lancaffer, LancaJJ? 125 222;l8q 26. Landaff, Glamor. 238; 91I159 82 3 _Li ill 2C4 227 339 163 22 240 111 96 2 I T M3 U7 214 Launcelton, Cormv, 338 159^63 go 648 283 11 361 198 Leeds, l~orkJh 60 184' 1 29 '43 353 194)324 69 121 20I Staff, r 15 148,1 2Q 185 377 94I 263 H2 | 55J[66 Leiceffer, Leiceji. Leominlter, Here/. Leikard, Corniv _9_b I02| 53 111 qh 12b 16526 Lew Suffex 2211 94109 13° r b 1 c< 443 122 243 i6fa | 463 i 9 d l88 T7 6| 654209^ 9'3 6 7| 57S 118 234309 Lichrield, Staff', 1 14 io6| 90J147 427 161 Lime, Dor/et Z52i 911191 Lincoln, Lincolnjh. 401491 71 591 210 §2 il^jiii 74 300 14.0 305 61I1C9 28136 2Q4;22C r 7 4^ 43 2b ill 98 127 142 Liverpool. Lancafh. 134 i89'i7Q 230 3 66 306 79 103 210 Llanbeder, Car dig- 229 140J195 13 495 268 Llanymddovry, Caerm. 213 I 24 1 79! 1 16 -9^ 252 197 208 208 189 173 Loughborough, Leiceft. 87 113I 64172 *3 2 '33 2 54 's'5 36 120 Louth, Lincolnjb, Lowe fluff, Suffolk 177I100 j_79l 93 249 2 49 426 160 44 328 160 170 126 189150 U 2 | «+8 ] Hul— Kin TABLE XVI, hi-i 1 •i O -0 bx: _C c 5 v2 u a. c be .s 1 C .5 u -a s c to Ludlow, 8hr'oj)ftu\lbo 1 Oo| I 29 1 18^5 z| 1 89 19Q ■ 6; 21,137 Lymington, Rant 2^- 57 IJ^ 5~ 578 l62 171 300 i 4 i| 8; Lynn, Nor/:nzi 1 5 •• P 22; 4B4 62J3I 5 21* I 2b[l JO Macclesfield, Clifjb. 102 158 II 9 190 38/ IO .' ,28c I OO 79'2 ^3j29^ 68JJ79 164J 48 Maidftcne, K-rnt\io- t 104 94 148 Maidon, EJ/e.x\i'jS\ioy 6 5! l8 7k33l34l 2 9-'M4 K9 5° Malmfbu ry, Wihk 2 3 34 116J 60 5 2o| 1 6 7 1 1 49 2 33 6; 89 Malton, Torkjh. 36 23 1 i5s 289 336J222J370 ICO 163 22£J Manchefter, Lane. 9 s 171 131 22 1 3s,ji9 6: 3°7 82 89:194 _74lH8 200I 8 c Mansfield, Nott. 60 14c 79 200 404 I147J281 113 289 126 33 2 Margate, Kent\z*$ 138 130 184 60c M a r k e t R ai ii n , L incohnj}) 33 166 89 23b 413:149317 147 iiSJ r 59 Marlborough, Witts 20; 83 10 I I 2 109 55 6. 172 526 148J1 £C 437^ 1 3> 2 s4 239 l 59 8<;| 6B 72I118 Melton Mowbray, Lcic. Midhuril, Suffer 223 60 1 1 1 87 j8o 1 20^90 2Q 4 14.5I 40 Minehead, Semerf. 27? 101 196 4$ 587 235I 69 300(136 IC7 Monmouth, -Menm. 193 79 126 74 496 I99JI55 2 09 58||l20 Montgomery, Montgo. 163 1 23 l$2 13s 439!2i2|2i6 I52 46J160 Morpeth, Northumb. *35 299 226 354 248 291 433 83J236J2Q7 Namptwich, Chcjb. 127 15c 134 1 8c 388 205 2<;S raij 66 JI7I Newark, Nottwgb $6 144 62 203 4071127 285 158J 7 8 133 Newbury, Berk. :88 j N 101 tt I530 I2h |I 7 C -'43 93 48 Newcaitle, Northumb I2C 2 7S 21 I 33/ 264J276J4IS 8822c 28l Newcaftle, Stafford/,? I IC J 75 l 37 121 17c 85 3961163259 492U8417.C 107 204 47 3 2 IC8 IO5 Newent, Gloceft 64 » 3 c 'Newmarket, Cambr /41 I2C 2C 19c >497 ^zyh 247 126 73 N e w por t, I. of IVighi 2 V 64 152 7oJ6o2|i55ii 5 e 3'5 *5 J 81 N e w por t, Monm 122(} 82?!^ ) 73^2ol2i8'i5J 233I 82 138 \ 149 ] Hul— Kin 1 TABLE XVI. T3 c c T3 bo 1 j-, -c 1 u c > c r ex 1—1 c bfl -c PS -a B H -a 15 c 5 Newport, Pemb.\ 268)179 -3 ^ 170I534 306 251J247 126227 [Newport i : 'a^nel!, Bucks 1 24] 66 3^ i^u^o 96 22 9 , 20 4 | 79 65 [Northallerton, TorkJb\ yo\z^2 164 U9Q13.1? 229 37I| 63il6S 234 Northampton, Nortb.\iz$\ 74 4- 146(474 104 220:89! N 8o Norwich, Norfolk 176^69 77 239 539 4 2 3^270 I75JI20 Nottingham, Notts'; 7 3 1 1 ^7 73 18; 418 13 J 268 1 39 61 136 Okeham, Rutlandjb.\ 89J102 45 162 441 103 ■2. 5 1 < 1 09 74108 Okehampton, Devon\^i 8J139 2; 3 7* 628 263 2834.1 178 194 Orfo rd, Suffolk 192'; , 5 90 200 v55 19 304J286 184 99 Oundle, Nortbamp 9&| 9; 18 165 454 93 249!i93 83! 89 Oxford, Oxfordlb 16. I 28 74 9 L v--4 127 190I217 68 53| Paditovv, Cornw. 368 i3<> 29; I2C 67* 3i3 3 f 4|39 J 228 1*44 Parlcgate, Chefb. r£,Ji6 9 «6 S - 199 376 23b 280) 198 Sy^ob'i Pembroke, Pemb. 267185 273 I76 549 3 2 ' 257 262 (25!24Tj Penrith, Cumb. ict4 272 229 313 *7S 2 94 389J 26 186I293 Penryn, Cornw. 2862 6 3'° I 4 C 699 33c 50J408 245J261 'Penzance, Cornw. 4.00J220 324 I«J3 709|344 631422 2 59|*75 Perfhore, Worcefl. '5-3pi 89 103 477 *59 [84I190 235 100 L > erth, Scotland 261 421 357 4°3 126)422 558|i75 33514^8 Peterborough, Northam. 92 J * 06 2 1 '77 Wl 8« 261 199 97 9 1 Petersfield, Hants 226J 49 114 7 1 5 7 o|l2 3 i/9 283 134I 42 Plymouth, Devon. 340! 160 264 95 649'aS4 i3 362 i99|2i 5 Ponterract, Tork/b. 47)18] 114 2 43 35 8 i I 79 323 88 I22JI86 Pool, Dorjet/h. ,2^0 59 161 47 583 180 122 296 1 40J j 00 Port Patrick, Scotland. 266 7 1 405 358 44<; 248 437 522 157:319 426 Porrlmouth, Hanti\z$.\ 200 132! 68 1671240 $88 333 141 232 177 3i7 3QJIH3 44 1« 15 6o4 221 P r e fto n , /. ancajb . [ 1 2 2 Queen borough, Kent\2i6 105 103I160 572 81 263 303-1731 52 I l S3 J ! Hul— Kin TABLE XVI. i T3 - T3 ! - c u c Eg a. «5 TO c "e -a c bo c 3 r 5+ 3 1 1 Rati nor, Ra> inorjbk [83! 14 i,:'. jl 2CJ46 ; 1 X?3|20I 180 "46 JRavep Ciimb. i?7 262:229 W^!:, 39 177 j Reading, 1902^ 84 go|qj4Jlli J.I-87I24.7 98 [Richmond, Yorkjb H 2 ••' 6 rib 296I30CJ241 376J 48 iji 249 jRingw Hants 238 46 r.c6 49|c > -6[i66li36| 2 8 Q 127 86 Rippors, Yorkfh, 62 2IC 150 27IJ32-2 J ^o| 66 147 223 Rochdale, LandiJIj. 91 184 144 234I360I2C9 320 73 102 207 Rocheiter, Kent 201 oc; 88 W\5S*[ 11 247 289 104 139 192 104 4 2 1 1 1 24 68 33 Rols, Hcrcf. 176 7c U7 35|49i 190 166 204 2 33 Rovitctj, Herts 17,2 3. 21 r4.1j4.8g 7° 2 47 Rumtord, I'Slc.x 171 2 35 80 60 '37 178 5 2 Q 57 229 281 258 3 2J 238 Rye, Suffix 132I122 ?9 2 "5 Sr. Albans, Herts l S 6 \ 7 2 | 49 136 SH 80 223 8r. Afaph, Flintlb. 168 186182 213 413 2 53 2 94 126 99 221 St. Davids, Pcmb. 298 2 CO 2^ 192 SS7 336 272 270 144 2<;6 Salifburv, Wilts 219 20 [32 4B 600 J 53 I 12 133 291 266 331 113 198 07 Sandwich, Kent 242 140 I3O 19c Scarborough, Yorkjb 35 237J160 $09 U? 220 388 122 192 2 so Settle, i Yorkjb. 97 229 I77 287 21^ )/4 242 36 b 29 283 287 138 119 251 2 7 92 Sevenoaks, Kent 194 90 8l 128 22 *3 24c Sbafrefbury, Dorfctjb. 238 48 r 5» 172 114 Sheffield, Yorkjb. 65 *53 102J2 10 l86 I7C IS? 29. 9 8 I03 29O 93 122 175 108 Sherborn, Dorfctjb. 253 <>3 TgoJI 577 Shore ham, siejjex 228 88 f 10 1*0 ?»5 I2£J 199 219 228 315 137 17c qo Shrew fb ury, Sbropjb. (47 122 128 15c 424 34)i qB Skipton, Yorkjb. 8i 21 3 161 272 324 2 26 t$ 2 4- 1421235- Sleaford, Lincohifh. 58 l V ' ^ 190 424 114 282 158 96:1 24 Somerton, Somerf. 2 5 oi 7 1 i6 9 i 5 560 '97 921273 I IOI 120 Hul— TABLE Kin XVI. ■5 — ^2 C u u t— 1 i2 u 1 > c 1— 5 1 1 s 1 c c 52 Southampton , Hants- 2-$- 40^1 3 3 J 46 573; I 47i I; i 6 ' 2y6 ;i27! 66 Southwold, Sujj'otk 191 17;! 99J228 <;54;34j;.V9 !2 8s' i97l IT 4 Spalding, Lin:olnJh.\ 82 129 4.2U00I447U 041282;! 97; 1 12J114 Stafford, Staff.\i 10 1 2o|l04] [4/9 4M1J176J230J124I 32; 1 41 Staines, AfcVW.jiSS 48 78109 ^41; 88)198 2s? 1:2! IO Stamford, Lincoln/};.] 8^ iod 27J 174 442J 92|26o : i86! Soj 97 Stilton, #e»/.| 98jiio|i2^|t82|456| 84274.20c, qz\ 83 Stirling, Scotland \i^ 4:9 ^j .7[j.f'o|i jO'420 536'! 7 1 333(426 Stockbtidge, ££*«/; 212 217! 26! rote ca! 1 ah i_'.b,267 I0 9 |02f| Stockton, Burh. 75 2^3 l!^!- 1 IJ29! 125-2, 29?! 71! 189:255! Stortford Bill \oyp%,Herti\\ci\ 98J 38J162J507J ^2'24.8;25 i|i 5 r| 44] Stow Market , 6 , /^:-'--r 143! 601204^221 12 292 266; 154! 87I Stratford on Avon, //^r.j 1 4i! 6 2 | J -.99179; 31] 93] Sudbury, b'ifffilkli 65^22] 52 22.27 r 26i; F ^0; 66J Sunderland, Z)«r/6*j/w|io8 278 2lo| : -; 6 1 2 7 r2 - / 7 4*7: 80(2 1 Swatr ham, ."I. yj 224J49SJ 49)31 r 229 1;' Svvaniea, Glamor . j 2 8 ^ r v 4 2 ; 534J269'205 247;ii!j;i89j Tadcaiter, r« v C 2 ~' 260 346 ; i93;54 : 7 6 ji34! x 9 6 Tannvorth, Warn :0 7 4 3 ^ : i44 ! 239 148: 32 121 Taviltock, Devon^o 1 ro 254 93[63q|274! 9 3 52;iS 9 ;205 Taunton, Somerf. [265 b 6 1 84] : - Z14J 75 287't 2511^7 iTewkibuiy, Glocejl. 1 1 7 1 6 5 t : 1 1. 163I170 19^29-li 104 Thackllead, £//?a|i 49 i 10 36J 1 7 q| ;c5 4 2'2^2 24b i33i 57| Thettord, Norfolk 148 135 47 2 10I509 33 296 242 r*?! 91] iThirlke, Yorklh. , 61:223(155 281 3*3 222 J6» 7; i£9|?»* 'Tinmouth, A or thumb. j f 27 2 S 7 2 I c 54«i 266 2^6(4.20' 07 225:289! •Tiverton, Dtvoa.-ico 107 205 47 >9S 23 <| $0(308 1401158) »To fling tun, Devon I314 [3 ij*2t 80 624 265J 4 2 ' 166U87J Hul— Kin TABLE XVI. « T3 ►& V o « £ c. ; , q 3 =5 a l-M Towteite r, Nta tha • Up.. Trow'ondge, Wilts Truro, CoTJWO. Tun bridge Wells, Kent Ulverllon, Ljancalh Uttoxetei Staff. CJxbridge, Midd. Wakefield, Tort/h. Walfmg;ham, Norfolk 133J 61 1 48 222J 354 376II96U06 :06 9?| 93 1 48 2 45 i 2 1 2 Q5; I22 i 90 109 129402 3654017] 132 6851320 158563 89 2843oy l 277 r6'4]4io too I74t$4f| 6 7 ji28k32| 88 5611175,^20 !52|i 7 6 7 8 244'362|i8r 266' 5 i5 71 t^ 2 1 126 39l *5 19K 6 85 G o B a^5 ill 3671 20 160 245! '3^' 4> 20^253 109 I 12 ^59 333 79 246 39 266 ill 192 128 Wareham, Dcrfctjh 267; 68ji6o 38!q8 179 1 1CI296 145 101 Warminfter, Wilt 232I 41 142 3^1553 Warrington, Warwick, JVarnxi. Watford, Herf. Wellingborough, N.ba. Wellington, Sbropjb [17,171 '33i 163 6q 114 76 132 115 72 212J362 129*464 5° _26 11? 147*419 1701122:266, 98 2a3gjj t- 73] J$ i 36I20SJ 1 7 7| 31 ! 88 8s! 2 i6!243liio 2^1 1951 74 93 186 2 28 1.^2 2»£ Li? 92 _24 _8_2 I48 Wellington, Corner/, Wells, ISomerf. 272 237 93 i^t| 29:68 1 8^6 93 68 J 294 13 1041259: 96 U4 1 20 Wen dove r, Bucks Weobly, Here/ 168 49 57J 109K18 1 14470 174 94 139 2oc|^33;_89 206 19711811 39 * 35! Weymouth, Dorfctjb. 266; 86 179 34]6oo|i9^ 97 l 3i3! I 5 I Whitby, Torkjb. 63' 262 1 86| 3 20J 3 i 9I 2 q ^ 401 104J19425C W hitch u re h, ShropJJx Whitehaven, Ciimb Wvcomb, Bucks ill 1 68 170 143 47 vVigan, hanc. ! I 3J184 66 *5 100-404 3 30! 2 99 1081527 205 102 22 5i349 * J 7 248 406 207 301 i*7 43 232 00 5* 204 93 99 11 3°° 28 201; Winchefter, Hants 220I 31 I 2b 53 Windham, Norfolk 167! 159 229 451 136 5301 43 t6i 376 261I165 1 1 1 *53 J Hul— Kin TABLE XVI, -Vindlor, Berks Wolfmgham, Durham Wolverhampton, Staff. Woodbridge, Suffolk Woodftock, Oxfordjh e. c/j 3 I t: . i '- V 1 . cSJ c - 1 . o ,J^ bo ,_J u c C« > :J£ -o * .-21 186 45. 80 .1071538! 94,198251 c i 106 17 1 1 1 265 205 324:29012701405, 63.201 278 8102 97 133J427J1681214 140, 16130 120 102 180 144 l 59 35 21121 70 102 3< 497 1351189 2ioi 61 61 Wooler, Nor thumb. 2 S3 3 S ^ ^i7!320J464!io4:267 32, Wotton Ballet, Wilts 200! 23115' 52|522!i 7 4!i49j23^ 69: 71 Worceiter, W~orceJi. Wrexham, Denbigbfh. M-9) 73| io2 Jio5|468| 169(^1 86|i8i|i4j no 151 151 Yarmouth, Norfolk ri 178 204 191 1105 2^ 1 396I228 259 I©9J62^ 18c 5°7 54 339^^(203! 1 34 Yorl Yorkfh.\ 38)2 1 zit 36(2 70 3 361203! 35 1 1 89! 144 2 c 6 Additional Diftanccs from Hull, Torijbaru Analby, Tortjb. Barton, Lincoln fh. Eranrifburton, Torhfh, Bridlington, Catwick, Driffield, Flamborough Head, Frodingham, Gilberdike, Glanford Bridge, LvicolnJJy. Hedon, Tork/I; % Heisle, How den, Hunmanby, Hornfea, 4 Kill ham, 7 cCirby Mooi'fide, ifci Leaven, 34 Market Deeping, Lincphfb. Ml Market Weightcn, Torkjb* 21 ^enh Cave, 39<. 3c:r::jgh.am, 204 i^atrington, 19 i Pitkering ? 17 Pocklington, 8 Preilon, <; Beaton. 23 South Cave, 35 Fickton, 21 Thorne, 26 M-j 84 19 Hi 18 44s 25 7 18 13 1 04 *.6~ X i54 ] Kna — Lew TABLE XVII. 4 "b t3 (-4 -a c c O c CO 1! "S £ c "g h4 Lancajler, Lancafti. 71! Landaff] Glamor. 238217! Launcefton, Cornw. 338337 161 Leeds, YorkOl. l6 JT\l2i\322 _ , 1 |j Leek, Start'. 91 90 1 q6 265 68 Leieejier, Leie. 1 13 1421140 24I 95 62 Leominjler, Heref. 166 1 5 3J 71 l86 150 83 87 Lejkard, Cornw. 344 343 i°7 l8 ,28 271 247 192 Lewes, Suilex 2 S i 28*5186 232 216 19b 149 188 238 Lichfield, Staff". 109 1 i6|i23 2 26 93 36 3'i 57 232 I69 Lime, Dorfet 285284I108 84 269 212 l8 7 i33 89 UI Lincoln, Lincoln/I) 75 H»|i97 297 3 IC 65 77 75 57I122I304 18. Liverpool, Lancajh. 89 55x85 54W121I310J252 _ Llanbeder, Car dig. 209 184) 71 210J193 i24!i5oj 63J226U49 Llanymddovry, Caerm. 209 184 55 i95| T 93 121 '34 47 20l|233 Loughborough, Leiccjh ;02 *3 ! I5 1 2^2J 84 55 12! 8q 2 5:8(160 Louth, . Lincolnjb. 9< l6lJ22«; 3 2 S 85 103 85 150 332 208 Loweftoffe, Suffolk 227 264 2^Q 323 217 194 139 215 339 l66 Ludlow, Shropfh. J 55 F42 82 197 139 61 86 io| 203 l89 Lymington, Hants 256 276 '39 169 240 199 164 '5S i 7 o| 7 » Lynn, Norfolk r 54 197 221 313 144 125 70 152 319J148 Macclesfield, Chejh. 81 77 166 278 58 13 7 2 93 2841221 Maiditone, Kent 2? 7 2 73 191 251 232 194 134 172 176 257 259 44 88 Maldon, EJJex 204 260 201 2 53 '93 176 118 Malmfbury, Wilts 203 209 58 147 187 [32 no 71 '53 128 Makon, Torkjh. 37 59 108 58 268 183 .368 3°5 42 43 123 128 84 193 119 374 311 263 232 Manchefter, Lane. Mansfield, Notts 74 n? r 79 280 S5i 35 39 104 285 |i86 Margate, Kent 269 3°9 z 13 287 268 2 3° 170 208)293! 90 J 5S 3 Kna — Lew TABLE XVII Market Raifin, Lincoln. Marlborough, Wilts Melton Mowbray, Leic. Midhurit, Suffx 82|i4S •OI2I 1 06 I46 24^270 3M - ►J U5 80(1481185 13 Q 74p39?*i :io«| 8q 154 1 5 1 12 c zj on 1 142J188I229 193 151 100)258 1 58(194 J ^97 105 x 57 42 Minehead, Somerf. 77(276 100 68261204 178 2< ;t 73 188 Monmouth, Afo 199 186 Montgomery, Mont?. 153128 _3^! I 53i l8 3 il8 IC 7 lii 2I 4i37i 66 |io; 3 2 H£9 33IJ220 180 212 Morpeth, Nor thumb. Namptwich, CM- 90:107 99 1 7 s Hi 14. 43' | "* " 83 256 184.1200 262I437 25 75) 7 ! 2&2 Mi 213 Newark, Newbury, Newcaftle, Nor thumb No/ting. 78(1 34 V9i 21 9 7 4 |ic 4 &r*. N ewcaille, Staff. 99 3io {283 168 116 97|84i "53 2;7 _2i 95 81 £4_ !ZI x 3 42I 1 1 3 1 289 io8 , i74 244419 184 [70 319 62 72 263 200 Newenr, G/^r/?. 190 182 58 68! 97 9 2 36174 .65 Newmarket, Comb 67 223 Newport, IJle of Wight 271 192 9' U5 264 167 ! 14c 15.^25^214 821150282 172 163 160 1 1 1 Newport, Mom 229 Newport, Pembr. 24S 227, Newport Pa em el, Buck. J 59i 180 1 52I21 3 = 14.0 131} 57 158 2492-32)159 1891102 255 136 227 142(112 471 33 U2 287 104 ui \m 175 147 Northallerton, Torkjb. 215; 71 269I369 461 Northampton, North [44 165 -1 29*1 8 127! 122J 137U92375 96J 30 87:224 Norwich, Norfolk 1091246 241I313 1 99I179 121,197329 Nottingham, Notting. O ke h a m , Rutlandjh . Okehampton, Devo Orrord, Suffolk 1 16 [ jc 118317 i6 <; 141 6669I 249 19 2401302 100 302 215 190 136 _2?|_96;272 166 32 208J308 45221 ni Oundle, Northamp. 2C169 58247 ll 5 87| 30 Oxford, Oxfordjh. 173:193122 X 2 188 161 71 75 l J±\ 2 JA 8 3 !l 94 105 i$6 J Kna— Lew TABLE XVII, Paditovv Cor.mvA^td Park rate, Chef 1 : Pembroke, Pembr. Penrith, Cumb. Penryn, Co?; Penzance, Cofmi) Per (Lore, Worccji. Perth, Scotland Peterborough, Nortbam. 1 1 1 263 385 399 '53 fl O . c£ tfc U rt u CO -a c -a c 3 57 J Kna — TABLE Lew XVII. *o a re <-> C J3 1 h4 d c orJcfJb.\2*.';\2b\ 84 I 12 23. t86l55 109! 1 18 Sheffield, TorkJh\ 49: 69 189 289 33! 45! 6 4|in 295 Sherborn, Dcrfetjb \2b2_2b- 85 96 246;i90;I7C 1 1GJ102 Shoreham, $uflexii-§6 291 [71 217 ; 53^5i J 55 187223 15 'Shrewlbury, ShropJ})\i2q 1*3 I ! i 226 lI 3 46 8S 4^232 '95 Tipton, Torkfh.\ 27 44 2 t8 ?5°i 2 -i %i 126 '64 35 6 2 7S Sleaford, LiticolnJbS 93 140 1 79)280] 83! 74J 38 1 26 286 162 148 70 '5 2 1 50 18, Somerton, Somerf, 2,0 23c 73! 9 c! 234 17^ r 5 : ! 9^ 96 {Southampton , Hants] 2 ^.b\ 2b 2 12! I54|22.6|i8.«;|i48 139 160 3*3 ,28b 2U Southwold, Sujfolk\z2^ibi * 59J3 * 7 [a 1 4l I.99J" 1 5 6 221 Spalding, Lincolnjbjj ibji 73 i9j|'z78jio6Jio^| $2 J 3-" Stafford, Staff.\ioy\ 98J128J22.' 91] 23I 47 s9|; Staines, A-f/V.Y. I 2i7;233 , i^7|iq8 201; 1 56 10; I2 5 202 ,--1 5 / 2 Stamtord, Lincoln fj). 1 1 1 2 1 f > 2 1 1 69 238 102I 9 o| 32 iM 264 |<3; ] Stilton, Hunt.\izb\iyb 169 2c;c!:i6, g8J 3b 124 27H;I2I Stirling, Scotland 2 19I197 4 I 3J53^i-3 ; - 2bt 3 2 9 349 54PWi b 4 jStockbridge, Hants' 22^2^ IO J148 :07;!66|l2& [2 I T 5S 8l Stockton, Durb. 44 82 290I390I 6414^58 2^3 39 6 P93 iStortford Bid 1 op'&fHerts ijj\22j 1 791246(167:1471 88 I50'252i St, i 5 8 J Kna — Lew TABLE XVII. "b u a (Li U C li c C c u c s •in U .a u c 1 h-1 T3 Stow Market, Suffolk IQ2 242221 29C.J182 1 6 2 j i c ^ 1 7 8 29" 125 Stratford on Avon, War. 141 1 5 t;t 97iioo!i2^j 8i| 43 49 203|l47 Sudbury, Suffolk I98 257 2I4'274 i8S!i$4|io6 J 74 275104 Sunderland, Durham 7< 103 3 I #4 I § 90I167JJ8J £43 184 421 3 r 5 318 144 Swaffham, Norfolk 168 205 226298 15&J160] 80 Swan lea, Glamor g. 248 223 43j20^ 233 162 182, 83 209 228 Tadcafter, Torkjb. 15 86 2 39i339 14 9? 99 l6 4|34^ 234 164 Tamworth, Warw 108 124J123J237 92 5° 23*1 56243 Taviftock, Devon 329 328 [ 5 2 ! I! 3 T 3j 2 5 6 2 32; i?7 *5 223 Taunton, Somerf. 26^ 263 88| 73 249I193 1681 13 79 165 Tevvkfbury, Gloccjl. 171 172 69J16S <55| 9^ 73 i 41 '74 (62 Thackftead, Effex iyt>\zzo 185 26c 166J149 90 158 266 9s Thetford, Norfolk 179 218 21 1 283 169I150 100 169 300 129 Thirfk, Torkjb. *9 77 260 361 38(109 128 183 252 366 43° 63 263 3 2 7 186 Tinmouth, Northumb. 8 3 |lI2 324 424 103 176 192 Tiverton, Devon 286 284 109 5° 270 212 189 x 34 Torririgton, Devon 314 3*3 r 37 35 298 242 208 162 5 1 217 Towcelter, Nortbamp. 152 174 121I210 136 100 39 83 216 1 1] Trow b ridge, Wilts 225 229 65(124 209 *5 2 *3 2 9° 130 125 Truro, Cornw. 375(374 198 43 359 302 278 223 37* 256 269 24 Tunbrid^e Wells, Kent 232*272 19012150 231 198 ^33 171 Ulverfton, Lancajb. Q4| 231240:365 94|i'3 16; 170 571 308 18; Uttoxeter, Staff. 92I109 140I243 7* 2; 3* 72 249 tfxbridge, Midd. 208J229J15 1 J203 192J152 96 Il8 20Q 68 Wakefield, Torkjb. 2 1901 1 62 Wrexham, DenbigbJhh\o\ 87'T 32I2 1;7 [ 94] 5 Q I1 7 ' 6 9 2 "3 *3 AV/^i237!274 : 269|337j2 2 7'2Qs!i49 Yarmouth, York, lira iV/e/^Ji yfl 89I249350I 2411031109:1 74 35S--41J 160 ] Lie— Lud TABLE XVIII. CO £ 3 '3 "0 > 3 ,1 a Pj > 1 c 3 bJO 3 O j- O -O -G £P O c ,1J ctr Lime, Dorietfh. 173 Lincoln, Lincoln ih. 77U41 Liverpool, Lancafli. 83125. 122 Llanbeder, Cardig. H5U57 188:151 Llanymddovry, Caerm. 99 142 I72;lO lb Loughborough, Leiceft. 20 19b 46; IOi r ii|i3-5 Louth, Lincoln in. IOI 20Q zJjj'HS 216 200 74 Loweftojfe, Suffolk 17b 264 1501264 291 1276 14^178 Ludlow, Shropfh. 48IJ144 1 19 1 to! 68| C2 : 84J147 2Tb Lymington, Haiti ! 59l 79 2. 1 i| 24.3J 1 89I1 7 5j 1 7 5 2 39 20lil56 Lynn, Norf. 1^4 243 8017.8(25712411 74 io8 6o;i$i Macclesfield, Cbefh. 5 2 7.2s 75J 43ji34! I 3 I i 6l |^03| I 99J b2 Maidftone, Kent 156 176 167J23SJ2 3 3 ja 17J i45|i9^j * 2 5] 1 7J1 Maldon, EJex 150J1S3 137 229237 I22O I28J165 89'' 79 197! 82 Malmtbury, Wilis 93 9 2 i62Ji76|io3 1 92|l2I 190 Malton, Torkjh. "•3? 3 IS 91 j.i 1-7 1 2 3 8 j 2 3 8| 1 17 85 2411182 Mancheiler, Lane. 72J252 87I36H150I150I 73 IT 5 2 1 9108 Mansfield, Nott. 46J226 34 | 88 101J145I 28 62 169 93 Margate, Kent T 9 2 ! 2I 7 20312741269125; 181 230 is 167 208 162' 1 36 Market Rai fin, LincoUll 94 2c8ji6j|i32|20j;|i89 63 ■ Marlborough, Wilts 99 4* 89 198 i66[i82Ji2q|i i 3J1 19 188 70 587J 98 '•34l 9 9 Melton Mow bra y, Lcic. 42J1J4 i6i 145 12 Midhurft, Sufe* M4 no 182(237 20bj'92 162 210 170; 1 61 274-1 ;b Mine he ad, SomerJ ib<; 5 C 236,243 149 \ l 34 189 264 fy'Ionmouth, Mourn. 86 ro8 1 64! 1 54 69 53 118 192 224 4-4 rjdontgomery, Montgo. 62 161 135 95 ^ ^ 91 1&3 2}b; 2 ■ Morpeth, Northumb. 203 378 163 162 303 303 189 183 31425I Namptvvich, Chcjb. 44 203 100I 44 1 IOC 106 73 12b 2191 59 161 ] Lie— Lud TABLE XVIII, 13 c3 £ 3 c "0 u a 3 U > 3 ! c 13 >- > s >- c re 3 cj: Zi u, O •5 3 iJ I02 IO9 2 33 >i 5i *?* Newark, Nottingb\ 60229 - *5 I07|l73 x 57 31 43 148 Newbury, £crks\ioy 95 *47 i86|i 4 9 I33JIH J 75 170 Newcaftle, Nortbumb.\i$j ]/ $63 H7 i56|28«J288|i 73 167 298 Newcaftle, StaffordJJj\ 31206 84 52 l i2oii4| 55 112 207 Newenr, GloceJiJl 73115I140 H8| 84J 68 90 163 203 Newmarket, Cambr.\\ 2o\2q(jiqo 191J218I203 93 128 59 Newport, I. of IVigbtw]^ 70J218 2 5^ I 95l I 79l l8 3 246 205 164 Newport, Monm.'iog 99*188 i7 8 | 77 57 '4? 2l6 246 68 Newport, Pemb. 1 1 $4i()6\2 2y 190! 39J 55:190 2 5S 3 2 5 107 Newport Pagnel, Buch\ 721 57) 83 i $sl*7wm si in i*3 99 Northallerton, Torkjl). 140J316J100 117 241 241(126 120 252 187 Northampton, North. 57i l6 7i 84 140 165 149I 42 112 126 86 Norwich, Norfolk 166I253I135 246 277,261 128 163 18 200 Nottingham, Notts 39i! 2I2 l 35 102 156 140 15 60 i47 8S Okeham, Rutland]}} . 4 8|i 95 | 48 124 167151 20 76 118 102 Okehampton, Devon 2o6| 69J277 289 190)175 232 305 3°3 '77 Orford, Suffolk 150 232 I5 1 249 28 7 |2 7 I *47 '79 57 2O7 Oundle, Nortbamp. 66185 55 142 I76|l6o 4i 83 108 106 Oxford, Oxfordjb. 78JII8 122 160 143I127 86 150 '5i 84 Padftow, Corniv. 256IIIO 327 334 240I225 282 355 353 227 Parkgate, Cbejb. 752*5 J 34 50 123:123 104 162 256 8l Pembroke, Pemb. *d 202 335 225 2C6 4 8 ! 54 189 2 54 329 106 Penrith, Cumb. i66| 172 105 234 234 172 185 3 2 4 191 Penryn, Cornw. 2 73 127 345 351 257 242 299 373 380 244 Penzance, Cormv. 287 154 359 365 271 256 3*3 387 394 258 Perfhore, Worcefi. 5° 129 112 J 33 96 80 66 140 179 S^ Perth, Scotland 315 483 294 2 54 383 383 320 3'4 441 34O Peterborough, Nortbam. 72 i n 5 2 149 187 171 44 6/ 94 iil x6* ] Lie — Lud TABLE XVIII, t j3 3 a 3 g 3 a u c 3 a, > 3 -a 265 88 43 163 163 Rochefter, Kent 149 176 161 232 225 210 Rofs, « Here/. 6 9 in 135 149 79 63 90 163 E-oylton, . Herts 98176 9 1 178 205* r8 9 193 ■81 121 120 160 Rumford, Efex^^o 160 *3 2 210 210 R> v e, &^Ji8 4 197 J 9S 266 261 24? 173 88 121 208 222 H3 179 272 206 228 1 54 116 268 362 196 165 2C 3 128 93 l2 S 125 206 St., Albans, Htrfs\f)7i »53 "5 181 188 172 St. Al'aph, Flint//). 92 239 ijpt 67 109 I2 5 St. Davids, Pe?nb, 172 2I 7 244 213 62 77 Salifbury, Wilt's 126 62 178)209 '■45 130I144 Sandwich, Kent 190 2f8 201 272 268 251 179 Scarborough, York//). 159 3 2 9 75 141 262 262 139 131 9 1 l 35 241 261 122 206 148 162 Settle, Torh/b. i3« 313 1 1 1 75 200 200 sSevenoaks, Kent 143 157 '53 225 220 204 132 181 i6 3 J Lie — Lud TABLE XVIII. o 3 £ 3 c 0. 3 L w c 3 > -0 E ;>- c vt 3 ■5 V- J f =5 O ►3 4 i 1.20 106 121 190 29 »S3 114 !Q9j 140 Shaftefbury, Dorfctjh. "5* 44 197 228 I33ln8ii66 J225 210 Sheffield, Torkth. 56 236 47 76 *75 159! 5g| 7c 188 Sherborn, Dorfetjh. 160J 32 212 230 r 34 119 181I240 160 Shoreham, *uffex 175I140 .87 258 232 210 166J2K5 S h r e w fb u r y , Sfoopjh. 4o|i73 113 81 78J 76 6 9 141 214 Skipton, YorkJJ). I22J297 9s *3 204*204 "5 ll s 2 47 Sleaford, Lincolirfb. 70,221 17 127 * 8 9 !l 73 4 c 33J*32 Somerton, SomerJ. I 3 8j 3 I 209 216 122107*1(14 £32 224 240 "182 Southampton, Hants . 4 6j 75 196 2291171,155159 Southwold, Suffolk 179248 150 248J28 7 ;27i|!43Ji 7 8 9 220 Spalding, Lincolnjh. 81 220 4l|l 4 8l200:l84J C3 5° 107 9' J 95 ! 37 128 ill 33 8 Stafford, Staff. i6|'i 7 (5 79 67 icgioj 39 Staines, Midd. I I5;I27 H7 200 183(167 "5 17? 123 Stamford, Lincohiff. ^!l96 44 136 178)162 3 1 72 112 Stilton, Hunt. S7 l2 °3 [8 150 186J170 49 21 3 12 .07 441 Stirling, Scotland 3 l 3k$* 292 252 381I381 318 Stockb ridge, Hants 127! 71 J 7 r 210 1 56; r 40 139 '99 J 73 122 Stockton, Dtirh. 161 337 121 138 262|262Jl47 122 310 208 Stortford Bifliops, Herts 116 176 no 1962151U9I 99 ■3« 94 151 Stow Market, Suffolk 120 220 I20J218J257J241JI 17 148 41 I7Q Stratford on Avon, War. 38:140 I00I22JII0| 94 54 1*8 152 167 s° Sudbury, Suffolk 144204 124 ^242 90 234 117 55i f 7< Sunderland, Durham '86362 146 163I287 287 172J17CJ296U32 S waff ham, Norfolk i44i 2 39 94 192J262 246 1 13J122J 46J170 Swanfea, Glamor. i43li<;o 239 I 9 I ! 4° 36 »93 267I296J go Tadcafter, Torkjb. 1061286 63 88I209 20Q 88| 83 213I '53 Tamworth, Warvo. 7(185 66 91I127 m| 20I 94 169! 5+k faviftock, Devon 217! 73 289 l 295 , l20i i^86 1 243^i-i3Q9 ! r8b^ y i i6 4 ] Lie — Lud TABLE XVIII. Taunton, Somerf. Tewkfbury, Gloceji. Thackftead, Effcx Thetford, Norfolk Thirlke, Torkflj. 153 26 224 11$ 130 37 131 Tinmouth, Nortbumb. Tiverton, Devon. Torrington, Devon, '95 *n 202 224 3°7 37 1 39 130 108 107 9 1 55 2 45 69(273 Towcefter, Nortbamp rrowbridge, mtu Truro, Cornw. Tunbridge Wells, Ke Ulverfton, Lancafb Uttoxeter, Staf. Uxbridge, Midd & 113 263 ■55 139 16 57l 9 691181 160 3_li 190 335 166 2 J2)!31 20l|22I 2T7I247 I 08I232 772J296 25i|ij8 l8o!i86 iiiliil 196 I 114 34i|*H 232 be P Q |x O pC Ml O k5 178 84 252 u c 249 205 231 IOl 232 296 '43 l 7 156 60 IJ 3 Wakefield, 2"^ Walfingham, Norfolk 84 166 1 35t r 33 260 261 56 HI 237 78 76 196 207 141 99 117 181 199 5° 58|i8 3 138 35 1/9 273 301 20 H3 49 24: 3*5 266 ^3 ►J 4£ [68 178 fii H5 216 207 124 182 116 £9£li73 i29J_8 209|2I^!lOI 363J370J234 144 *54 3 2 66 107 93J1401174 _79!199!^3!_77 209;284J268|i4o 176285165 94I175I61J 161I129I123 76207I130 139I 5 i|i82 Wareham, Dorfctjb. 159 j-i Warminfter, miti Warrington, Lane. 26 &3 232 146I17SJ 158 I 169 120105150 191 65 253 104 209 131 13; 86 260I2491161 2I9|225'I07 127I246I 90 Warwick, Warvj. Watford, Herts Jl 103 146 91 122 I20| lI7 }lO) klSJiSi 164 48 120 9S«5<> 160! 54 1 20! 120 Wellingborough, JV.^rt. 68 173 73 148,176 160 41 101 "5 97 Wellington, Sbropjb. 29 Wellington, Somerf. Wells, Somerf. Wendover, Bucks 160 124 93 in 21 49 130 102 ill 201 127 7 Si b 9 237 202 7^6 144 108 80 129 91 »54 185I259 i49! 22 4 86J155 205 2: 117 J3 Li 109 Weobly, ifcrc/; ^7 129 133 130 6ol go! 88I163 224 20 16; ] ^ Lie — Lud -o 'o u t C c ^G o |m TABLE XVIII. A o £ > hJ k5 H-i J Weymouth, DorfetJb.\iJ3\ 26)22 Whitby, i V£/#.;i66 346! 93 Whitchurch, ^r^/6. Whitehaven, Cumb. Wycomb, Bucks 45 ib»|i09 S3I351I208 95;i2 9 |i29 Wigan, Lane. 78I246I 106 Winchefter, Hants 134 79J1 85 ^6164 148 269 "61 "98 122:2c 1 > o ra XI £ I 49 :i 9 I !253 H8U5t 96 251 175 168152 22 1 46' 1 46 217T63I147 ^69 148 1 H3 J2721213 77^37l 22 ° ! 49 3 30 1 209 135 1£9 2j2:f£4 186128 I98 2[6 9 6 [ iS7 94' i3<> 1471213 Windham, Norfolk 157244! !2 ^ 237 267 251) 1 19 154J 29J188 Wind for, Berks\m 12S 145 194'17'i 1591110117314; 12 Woliingham, Z)«r^w; 17 3(350 141 i3o;274J274|ifc6 l i6i i 2S72 r Wolverhampton, «SV^| 1416c «7,_83;ioi!_85! 42J115J1J37 54 4^19* 150 76 Woodbridge, Suffolk^ 39 2 2c 139237127612601136,167 Woodftock, Oxfordjh.\ 70 ; i26|i 18 15a 1381122! 6 7 j 1 4.6 Wooler, Northumb. 23041 1 j 19O: 1 93; 336:3 36J2 i6,2i4J337 202 Wotton Ballet, #?fo 95^ 90^59 i78;i24'io6 110J187 19c; 83 Wo r c e 1 te r, Wore eft , 47|i32;io8:i24 871 71J 63)138 Wrexham, Denbigbfh. Yarmouth, Norfolk York, Torkjl. 69'204li25' 50J 99I 99! 98; 1 53 i76!267|i64|274J305|289|i56|i9i 186 ) 27 268) 58 II;22 u6'296t 7211001219:219' 98I 76J224I163 Diftances from Lutterworth, Leicefterflxre. Cambridge, Camb. Coventry, H r ariv. Da v en try, Northamp, Harborough, Leic, Hinckley, j Huntingdon, Hunt, jKettering, Northamp, 65 jjLeiceiter, Leic. 15 'JMelton Mowbray, 16 I i Northampton, Nerthamp. 13 I Newport Pagnel, Bucks 11 Tamworth, Wilirw. 50 Thrapfion, Northamp, 24 I Welford, 2 2; 37^ 262 2 33 8 166 ] Lym — Mar TABLE XIX. 1 d o bio c e e e "0 U B O "2 2 c 5 u J s s 2 > c 2 O 4) c ^0 c -a as 1 J § u c CO c • bo Reading, Berks] 59 127 i59| 79 82 57 238 »74 143 "3 Richmond, Torkfh^\2Qi2 191 ii6|27^ 240 2 39 53 94 IO9 306 Ring wood, Hants\ 1 5 I96 201 126 136 69 279 219 188 169 Rippon, Torkfh,\2bb 165 97 247 214 213 23 69 8l 280 Rochdale, Lancajh.\2^ l60 35!*32 215 180 74 ■»i 70 267 Rochcfter, Kentwio Il8 201] 9 38 123 243 212 166 43 Rofs, Hcrcf,\izq 179 120I160 159 4i 217 147 II 9 189 Royfton, Herts 128 6l 139I 74 51 101 175 '5 1 99! 1 IO Rumtord, Eflex 106 88 176 34 252- no 215 188 I39 70 Rye, Suffix 122 190 ^35' 34 82 162 277 246 202|$0§ St. Albans, Herts IOT 9 1 ico 1 c8 55 85 199 163 117! 94 St. Afaph, Flintjb. 24O 198 72248 241 176 r 5 6 ! 69 1 17 282 St. Davids, Pembr. 248 31Q i95 2 95 294 167 300 212 2l8 ! 342 Salifburv, Wlhs\ 28 183)178 120 123 52 258)199 169,157 Sandwich, Keut\ 1 $6 192)2 12 42 77 163 286 226 194 9 S carbo 1 p ugh, Torhjb. 299 1&8J134254 225 250 22 1 1 1 III 290 Settle, Torkfl)\i%b «'95 7127. 246 231 74 49 95 3 11 Seven oaks, Kent 95 i2o|:94 20 50 121 56 236 279 205 218 161 188 66 176 Sh afte (b u 1 y, Dorfctjb. 48 202199 139 142 Sheffield, Torkjb. 207 "9 35 I96 176 154 73 41 23* 232 Sherb-jrn, Dnr/etjb. 5 2 217202 x 54 '57 60 294 233 203 191 Shoreharn. Suflex 70 155227 59 95 122 270 239 195 105 Shrewibury, Sbropjh. 176 148 54 193 187 96 ^57 70 86 228 Skiptoil, Torklb. 267 1 80 75 259 230 215 64 45! 79 295 oieafo-cl LincoLnjb. i95 62 84 148 119 144 109 96 39 191 184 202 Somerton, Somcrf. 75 225 190 165 167 57 280 217 Southampton, Hanti J 3 177 198 106 117 77 272 212 181 154 oouthwold, Suffolk 186 74 211 114 6 9 193 240 223(165 148 i6 9 J Lym — Mar TABLE XIX. 5 c *— I c c ^. 2 3l *a3 U3 CO U u 1 a c c a 109 Urn 3 i s 142 c 132 u s CJ Q s 184 104 2 M q a 60 172 Spalding - , Lincolnjh. 184 107 j 1 36 Stafford, Staff r 74 149 s 6 169 i6b 95 141 54J2QS M4l 9 1 53yi?7 Staines, Midd. 73 1 i8|i69 57 5* 78 226 Stamford, Lincolnfo. 178 42] 92 121 9 1 n8 128 ^tilton, Hunt. 164 36 106 107 78 u8 142 118 67 290 161 119 143 486 I 4 2' 94 122 170 98 340 '45 2 75 256 184 278 219 178 92 128 Stirling - , Scotland 47* 37° 2 73 450 .19 406 222 2 r 1 Stockbridge, Hants 35 168 179 [OJ :c8 S?5 *53 192 Stockton, Durb. 308 200 f 3°| 2 79 249 2 55 42 IO8 Stortford Bifljop's,/£r/. 125 70 '57 6: 33 (12 '93 169 117 *33 Stow Marker, Suffolk 1 09 fo F 7 2 88 43i 163 210 [84 Stratford on Avon, H y ar. i 2 1 108 9 ! '34 129 62 ijiUi* 82 r 3 2 144 109 221 6c 45 270 206 Sudbury, Snfolk 1 48 62 167 64 29 150 214 179 Sunderland, Durham 333 225 J 55 3<^ 2 74 ZOO 7 2 133 Swaffham. Norfolk 188 «5 169 11 1 77 172 184 l8l Swan fea , Glamo rg. 181 263 17 1 239 2 39 IOO 2 77 I9C Tadcafter, rorkfl). 2 57 141 81 220 150 190 142 2O4 IOI 28 i34 58 85 Tamworth, IVarvo. 138 126 60 Taviftock, Devon 1 6. 304 2O9 242 244 138 359 296 232 Taunton, Somerf.\ i 1 1 .'36! 2 04 182 184 72 295 Te w k ib u ry , Gloceft. j 1 2 2 'S3 108 149 149 36 201 130 rx, Il8 Thackltead, Effex-^% 69 162 ^ 28|i 4 o 1921174 Therford, Norfotk\ij$ 29 160 94 61jl57 195J172 122 Thirik, Tarkjb.W-jq l? o 100 ."64" 249 3 T 3 21922; ^83(289 26 81 7« 142 93 i53 285 349 240 T i n m u t h , *S or thumb. \\\i *34 Tiverton, DevonUz^ 257 "5 203 205; 93 316 2 S3 227 Torrinoton, De « bo 324 64 33O Truro, Cornvj. l86 35° 3 I£ ; 288 290 Tunbridge Wells, Kent IOI 132 206 18 56' 132 232 Ulverfton, La/icaf;.\2gg 22o|lOO 294 283 Uttoxeter, &^:|i76ji42J 38 171 756 no 118 217 5- 201 53 35 207 Uxbridge, Midd\ 83 IO9 165 49 22; 184 82 178 194 180135 Jim 9 1 2^9 Wakefie Id, Torkfb j 2 3 1 «35 Walfingham, Norfolk 210 3 1 166 l 33 99 178127I167 Wareham, Dorjet/b. 3 1 219 2i6|i 47 159 78 301 249 207)186 Warminiler, Wilts 70 190 178 137 140 35 269 200 180I172 Warrington, Lancajk. 22 5 160 2 3 221 21 1 158 105 i«J 70257 Warwick, W ar O c i £ e s g c c O & a. a TO z Marlborough, Wihs i77 92 Melton MoKvbray, Leic. 59 11S Mtdhurft, Sufl'ex 199 7 1 149 Minehead, Somerf. 253 90 189 144 139 184 Monmouth^ Monm. l8l 68 118 Montgomery, Montgo. 'P 121 103 1531 60 Morpeth, N or th u m b I70|294 194 337 3701298 247 Namptvoich, Chefh. IOQ rc; 1 85 198 1 94' 10 3 53 189 Newark, Notts 34*39 2 * *73 220,137 120 165 95 Newburv, Berks 164 19 1 10 r 1 nol 88 132J292 r 47 142 Newcaitle, Northumb. 154-1^79 17s 3* 1 196JU1 107! 20 232 64 60 16 192 270 13 99 149 75 120 Newcaflle, Staff. 93 130 72 185 124 Newenr, Gloccf. 166 53 103 Newmarket, Camb. **7 128 83 113 2I S I^9 174 *£4 164 90 Newport, IJle of Wight 2 35 64 189 48 !36jI35 187 364 219 200 Newport, Monm. 205 71 I 4.2 133 9*1 24 85 322 127 '73 - Newport, Bembr}z\^ ;68 20c 246|i88!io8 9^134-8 »47 212 Newport Pa^nel, Bucks 100 74 5 2 io S 165- 103 I2>!243 116 81 Northallerton, Torkfh. 107 23- .31 274 308 2AO 185! 64 I2 7 102 Northampton,7Vor//^w. IOI 7^ 38 119 *5 D ! 96 1 09,23 1 101 65 Norwich, Norfolk IjT2 177 118 100 264;20b 223296 201 *3> Nottingham, Notting. 53 1 26 *9 178 203 1 1 20 10317:; 78 20 Okeham, Rutland/h. 65 107 IOJ 149 I95;I24 I 2 2! 1Q8 9 2 236 S3 263 148 46 117 3*3 Okehampton, Devon 294 128 232 168 4°f!'33 1944:1 Orford, Suffolk 168 166 i34 '39 2 ;4|2i8 23O312 223 Oundle, Northamp. 7* 105 2 s 129 '85 I2£ r3Ij211 I IC 121 Oxford, Oxfordjh. 139 3 4 85N4 128, 74 107:266 Padftow, Corniv. 344 178 282121b 1 98U83 2441461 28fc '73 3 Mar — New TABLE XX. c J* •J i 1 Marlborough. Melton Mowbray e C c 1 O be 1 O 'J s t iz 128 Park gate, Gkefb. 151 1 167 1 16)230 217 1 25 67 20 '[I 2 ! Pembroke, Pembr. 2 43 174 i99' 2 3 6 194 107 1 12 357U60 2 1 1 Penrith, Cumb.\i-]2 { 2^S\ l 9s\3 20 326 235I17S 5/ I27 '67 33° 304 97 29c Penryn, Corsw. 562119^1299235 130 200 261 2\A2J^ ^-70J3o^ 49 2 bi7 Penzance, G7T»w. |376| 209 3 1 3 ! 2i9 ! 36 Perthore, WorceJi.Uiqb^ 66'iig 120 43. 59 mo\ 82 Perth, Scotland 1 30 1 4 1 4! 3 2 9 '46 8 475 3 ? -'-3 2 7 i 3 1 U76 Peterboroug h,Nertbam.\ 68,1 I4.J34IJ1 3c 198 137 142 212 n6| 48 Petersfieid, Hants 202 6o'i ci 11 133 128 173 33^1871176 Plymouth, Devon 316 149 3C.3 189 83 154215J432J2C7 283 Pontetract, Torkjb 57184 80226 260 184 1 4.7 1 1 1 5| 88 «J1 Poo), Dorjetjb. 226; 57I172I 73 94.105I170I351I2G0 *9? Port Patrick Scotland {312,398 -5 1 04 ; 3 459 3681311J167I260 288 Portsmouth, Hants 221 ^8{ 1691 28 133138:179 3i2(fO|[294 129I 56J112 Prefton, Lancajh. 128 193 1245248 254 164 106 Queenborou gh, Kent 192 1 20 149] 97 2!2 ! 72 203 330)207 .62 Radnor, Radnorfb. 1C9 107 1 ' 8j 1 7 1 i?8'4 5 | 2S W1 77 125 Ravenglafs, Cumb. 180:2^5' 180(310 32I ! 226 l68 108 118)174 Reading, Berks 16635I115J 38 I27 9 III 37 296151.11^1 Richmond, Torkjb ITQ 237 I 4 1 j 2 8 I 313 134(189 62J134J1 14 Ringwood, Hants 214 44 160J co 9S IOcil63 338 I93 183 Rippon, Torkjb. 93211 116J255 ;&7 209 171 *5 122 88 Rochdale, Lancajb. 93 l8 5 9 6 ' 2 34 257 165107 136 3M 53 *93 89 150 Rochelter, Kent 177 105 134! 82 197:15718$ Rofs, Here/. 152 59 100 120 103 10I J5 271 98 l 3* Roy lion, Hens 109' 91 75 90 181 136 150 246 142 82 Rumrord, EJfex 149 90107 64 179 141 174 280 J 74 122 Rye, SuJJex 211 141 170 78 231 1921 226 349 228 184I '74 1 Mar — New TABLE XX. R u be u O jO S-i >> -5 c 'I T5 c g 5 O c QJ O s 271 221 365 £ 142 49 170 107 H5 230 St. Albans, H(rtsW$2 8< b 4 : 7 167 n 9 151 St. Ai'aph, Ftintjb.\ib§ 181 133 2 4? 231 139 68 St. Davids, Pemb.'^zbi 189 218 ^ 209 130 118 Salifbur \ , Wilts\ i 95 27 143 57 87 88 148 32 1 171 175 Sandwich, Ktmtub 147 .76 129 242J200 230 355 23 5 190 Scarborough, TorkJb.\ 80 248 130 270 330 240 206 100 *59 90 Settle, TorkJh\n% 22Q [29 273 3 oq 20 1 144 IOI 89J114 Sevenoaks, KentWjo IO0 r 29 49 181 i?i 185 30/ 187I143 Shaftefbury, Dorfetjb. 214 46 160 76 69 /6 137 3±1 144 180 60 183 40 Sheffield, Torkfb 5? 152 55 196 220 ko 118 Sherborn, Dorfetjb. 229 6i| 176 91 5^1 77 138 35b 180 198 Shore ham, Suffix 204 99 163 3° 173 163 213 342 219 178 Shrevvlbury, Shropjh. 130 I20| 8. 176 i6s| 73 23 222 30 98 Skipton, Yorkjb. I02 213 I 12 257 289205 148 102 100 98 Sleaford, Lincolnfb. 35 i3 9 | 28J168 217 146 f 42 181 116 l 9 Somerton, Somerf. 226 6c 164 104 4' 6 5 126 343 168 190 Southampton, Hams 213 4°I I 53 35 112 I I I 163 335 190 176 Southwold, Suffolk 167 182113c; J 55 269 2l8 243 3U 223 i47 Spalding, Lincohjb. 5 8 137; 36 <53 221 Is8 156 204 £2<; 4 1 Stafford, Staff, 96 114:561 168 166J 90 53 201 265 6 4 Staines, Midd. 164 jftjni 40 I47! X H »** 298 161 '34 Sramrord, Lincolnjh. 62 : l6| 22 137 207 136 J 34 200 103 35 Stilton, Hunt. 77 u6| 35 123 196 136 141 214 119 49 Stirling, Scotlana\i^ 4.J2 3 2 3 466 39 473 105 382 98 325 H5 127 316 274 171 293 156 Stockbridge, Hants [88 2I i| I 5-3 Stockton, Durham I2'8 2531152 2 953 2 9 251 202 48 148 l2 3 Stortford Biihops, Herts 127 109! 95 8 3ii94 146 174 264 160 100 Stow Market, Suffolk 137 153I103 127(242 188 202 2791164 "5 '75 3 Mar — New TABLE XX. ■51 O O Stratford on A von, War. i 17 6o 54|nc >. hi • *C 6 U n O M c c c c C S s S £ 135J 6 4 | 73|234| S 3: 81 Sudburv, Suffolk 1 41 I33 IO7! IO6 22 1 lSl ! I96j28§ l8S 121 Sunderlan d, Durham 1 c 3 78 1771320354282J231 29 173 1, >S waff ham, i Swan lea, JVgr/g/^ ; in li62i 77J14612491IQ3 185 1*2)193184 142 75 Glamorg. 2$b 9° 342 91 224 Tadcailer, r«r*/&.l 70 202 92236 278206115 1 04 98 64 Ta m w o rt h , Warw. 8 3 99! 34U43 r 75 84 Taviitock, Devon 300 139243 J 79 74202 52 51 58.144205422^47274 Taunton, &w^ 7'. 2 4 1 Tewkfbury, Giouceft. 147 75| 54i i79 34 117 24 106 80(141 iC*5 35« 2 59 1831209 ~88|7T5 Thackitead, Efjcx I2 5 86 oB Thetford, "Norfolk 124 I47! 90;I 3 I 2 34 Thirfk, Yorkjh. 98 Ti n m o u t h , Nor thumb .162 223! 1221265 2 99 2871186J329363 213115611842741174 ycoc 1811102 "S 93 182 157 178J191 221I1 76 291U39 2 66| _74| Tiverton, Deuvmxbi 96j2'-0!l42| 2 Torrington, Devon\igz I20J2I 9ji? Towcefter, NortbampJ rog] 68| 50' Trowbridge, Wilts\.^\ 24} 144, '73 37 06J148 8^!~66 101J162 379 129 8c i 9 < 204 230 224 250 1Z2- 73 57; I I 8,3 l .V !_- 4 164 239; Truro, C.;.r/;-v'.'3r2 T^r'^Ho 22^121 190*5 4681293 320 Tunbridge Wells, Ke nt\ i 8 2 |to6"| i 4 1 1 491202 163 97 3^ U 1 v e rlton , Larcajly Urtoxeter, Sta[ 63 238! 5cTa 169 2Q ! 30.'J 209 10; 08 186 :0t : '57 331 5 1 Ux bridge, Midd. \i:-; 6 5| 102 40 15611 13 146 289 1571*5 Waketieid, 'lorkfh. 631176 81)2202521 "91 741 59 V/aliingham, Norfolili2tibJ 94168271215(20.7 272 Ware ham, Dorfetjb:z^\ 65 1 ~ ; 1 80 87 100:161(359 Warm in Iter, Wilts Warrington, Lancafh. I Ob 63 124I332 1 J t»8 rij rp'41 Q6 l 2i9 l 225Ji24 73I168 20a'2 I 3 I57R71 26 80 t'?6 ) Mar — New TABLE XX. c bf, 3 O O Sg 2 ji 45 9 l s -O s IT4 60 T3 337 «04j2 3 2 266J2I3 158 108 Whitch urch, Sbropjb.\i j 8 93 2 53 43 199 10 14.5 94 201 Whitehaven, Citmb* 199 146 Wycomb, Bucks x 4s"| 99 132 284 146 3 2 3 287 139 121 Wigan, L.ancqjb. 122 238 148I 90 40 178 201 97 164 123 Winchelter, Hants 202 141 29 1 1 ; 7^8 2 1 2 Windham, 'Norfolk 143 167 IO9 »?■ 2 54 Windlor, Berks 162 <6 266 •o6| 41 170310 149 34* ico 14.5 301 47 l 5S 170 137 T 43 Wolfingham, Durbain 148 263 2l8 Wolverhampton, Staff. 104 98 5 6 !'47 150 74 5* 217 44J 7* 208)136 Woodbridge, Suffolk 156)1,;$ 122 127 243 207 219 3co Wood flock, OxforJ/b 111 197 41 ^27 81 221 85 364 125 69 08 114J101 227J196 7 U 280 3' Wooler, Nortbumb. 407,1329 Wotton Ballet, Wilts 176 11 118 7s 8i| 57 99 294 132138 Worcefter, Worceft. I2 5 7' 164 73 1 10 134 zro 122 44 1 96! j 04 43 225 204 73\ 93 Wrexham, Denbigbfh. 138 2 9 no 161 74 Y arm uf h, Norfolk 180 202 146 1/4 289I236 251 3 2 4 229 108 York, Torkfh. 63 212 102 246 288)216 163 97 ■ ■i-ti, - ■ r I k 177 J New — Nor TABLE XXI. t u 3 A u 1 s f u i y -a B 3 fed O j* a 2 e > u 1 1 2 5 O z ft, u ex gc (X •*- c a. 5 18c 1 15 5 O ib8 234 112 Newcajllc, No r t h u m b . *77l Newcajllc, Staff M4I77 Newent, Gloceit 73^8 99 Newmarket, Camb. rn|239 151 '44 Newport, I. of Wight 66349 206 129 148 Newport, Monm. 90)307 129 491831156 Newport, Pemb. r88| 3 2 7 1 59 132 266 234^08 Ne wport Pagnel, Bucks 64 2^7 103 88: <;6 i 3 i!i27 21 1 204 Not t bailer ton, Yorkili . 230 12 49 2i5 130 88 217,192 8i) 63 302 260 139 120 Northampton, Norib. Norwich, Norfolk l6o 281 197 i93f 49 19^232 3JJ IQ S 194 7i Nottingham, Notting. 125 '59 58 1 17,10c; wrf Okeham, Rutland/b. too 182 73 109 66| 167 U48 206; 45 J 35 Okehampton, Devon 148 396I237 147:244 134 132 230,207)350 Orford, Suffolk [4b 297 181 203. 59 I74l 2 37!325»u4 25c Oundle, Nortbamp. 92 l&i 9-2 .IIC 50 i5^i49Ui^ 2? r4& Oxford, Oxfordjb. 27 251 [jag - 56 93 294 101 184 . q8|i8j( 39J2C4 Padftow, Cormv. 198 446 2-87 197 182)280 '25: 40c :Parkgare, Chejh. 178 1 86 49 112 19s 233 149, ic£ i8 i uniig jPembroke, Pemb, 193 342! 168 132 266 230I103. 2101295 'Penrith, CumL\26q D2JI33 2 34 2 54 %4rl\2 59)2.7 .3 230, 70 IPenryn, Cornw. 219 463)304 2 1 d 32.-3 2 Qljj 99,(296 -:'74;4ib Penzance, Cornw. 229 477)318. 229337 JuUji 3 m 2&8J43C Perfhore, Wo-cefi. 7 2 234 8l 34'n8 ^ -71 408 422 -64} 1 &7 374ji4i Perth, Scotland 418 148 285 .380385 490. Peterborough, iVor^a/^. 104 197 97 122) 49 166 iox 226 4o| L# Petersiield, Hants 40 517 174I j.i;>i 16 '-& ■w'*4S 104I 2^C As i 7 8 ] New — Nor ■ TABLE XXI. * 8 HP w In -a a | at > 4J m g 1 5 52 i *S ll 1 ^ ; Ah « ' i- c b; Be u , 55 | fc c rt P- u c O Plymouth, DevonJb.\ibq £1Z 99 258 |io3 2 77 1^5 142 253 153250 212 242 228 132 126 303 126 ;6 5 96 114 370 5° 289 202 288 t02 267 2 i3 Ponteiraer, Torkfh. 187 80 163 Pool, porfetjh. 62l 3Sff 187 I IO 1731 34 104'202 392 406 133!23I 188:201 194 280 "63 ~H Port Patrick, Scotland 4° 2 1 69 26s 356 388474 Portimouth, Hants x 97|i3 8 192 63 I20 16c 1 57 1 34' 20 2011269 9°! r 33 166 174 Prefton, Lanca/b. Queenborough, ifow 102.514 19c Radnor, Radnor fl). 122)260 84 49 Ravenglafs, Cumb. 2 59!i*5 12$ 224 263331 250I263 220 100 Reading, Berks 17J281 138 76 94 7 ! 107 198 57 234 Richmond, Torkfb. 2 35| 4^ r 37 216 204 307 258I284 193 18 Ring wood, Hants 49113*3 [80 97 159 *3 104 202 129 276 Rippon, Torkfb. 209I 69 107 190 178 281)239266 169 20 Rochdale, Lancajh. [8 2 |l2I *6 »5 2 178 25&I1H9 202 144 74 252 Rochefter, Kent 87(299 180 142 75 1 i8|i 79I265 81 Rofs, Hcrcf. 7Q 260 99 9 1 |q 135I 34! 1 ^ 8 9 C 2I 3 Roy Hon, Herts 8< 72 231 371 129 161 121 126 28 54 1 3 1 1 1 60 2 43 35i 67 184 - 2 4 Rumford, EJJex 99I165I248 Rye, Sti/fex 122 333J* 1 5 177 1:9 114 216 30c lib 286 St. Albans, Herts 64 255 * 2 9 104 54 106 J 43 226 30 208 St. Atsph, Fttntjh, 193 206 66 146 212 i-joliyi 111 23 164 234 M9 299 St, Davids, Pemhr. 208 346 182 146 301 254I118 Salifbury, Wilts 34! 306 '57 77 146 49 87 184 95 259 Sandwich, Kent 12H 340 222 186 "7 160I223 306 123 293 Scarborough, Torkjh. 2 35 84 H7 234 188 306I283 501 171 54 Settle, Torkib. 227 85 92 208 207 299I225 239 188 45 Sevenoaks, Kent - — :■ ' ' - r ' ' ' : : ' ■'■ 81 292 174 136 8 5 i ioo|i75l25g 77 MS j <79 J New— TABLE -Nor XXI. V 1 Newcaflle onTyne. NewcaftleunderL. 1* J V E S. 1 6 * > 4J c C j | V 1? Shaftefbury, Dorfetjb. s* 325I178I 8 9 i6q 53I 75 172:1141278 Sheffield, Torklb. 150 128 48J131J131J222I180J214J110 80 Sherborn, DorfetJ}}. 67J340181J 92 180J 63I 76 173 129293 Shorebam, Suffix 79 3 26J206I 148! 1 18| 63 162 270 113J279 Shrew fbury, Shropjh. 129 207 33*1 6 5i J 5s 186 97 117 1 10J160 Skipton, TorJiJI). 211 86 961192:191 283 229 243 I 7 2j"^ Sleaford, Lincoln]/). 129 165 90I131I 82 j2Q 4 170 228 65JU8 Somerton, SomcrJ. 79 328 169I 8o|i;6 96 64!i6i|i34;28i Southampton , Hants 3« 32c 177I105J140 24 112I210I107J273 Southwold, Siffolk 162I296 210)196; 71 r 95! 2 5°!325 128J24Q Spalding, Lincolnfh. 127 188 107J130J 72 18c 18-I239 63-I4I Stafford, Staff. 117 185 i6| 76;i34 189 iidx49 86|i 3 8 Staines, Midd. 39 282 i4-b| 99 81 79 I2SJ22I 60235 Stamford, Lincohijh. 103 184 84j Ii 5l 55i l 79h6o2i7 4**37 Stilton, Hunt. roS 199 106 ud 41J165 160(225 44i '5 1 Stirling, Scotland 416 138 282 3801383 488 406142O 37 2 ! l8 7 Stockbridge, Ha.vts\2^ 301 i ? 8 88(131 43 97;I9? 87254 Stockton, Durb.U^o 32 I5 1 232 212, 5 3 8|28 I !z97 201 2C 'Storttord Bilhops, Herts 90 249 k.47 I 3 r 3O 1 181170I253I 47I202 •Stow Market, Suffolk 136 264)15- 1 173' 2 9 162J212 29^1 85217 Stratford on A von, War. 63|2I9| 70 37 io 3 130; 88 149 49 79 172 223 Sudbury, Suffolk 114 270I157 166; 24 141 205 288 {Sunderland, Durham 276 13 17b 2 57 238 348 2,06 326 226 48 Swaffham, Norfolk H5 240 327 .70 I5 1 i 7 8 102 34I181 234I187 217 5* 3,OCJ 90 193 Swanfea, Glamor. 141 <;7 178)280! Tadc after, Torkfh. 200 87 94 181 154J271 230 248 138U1-2 Tarn worth, fVarw.\ 96I186J 39 79 v s 05^63 109 i66 ! 66!i3q! ft a 2. ;«o J New — Nor TABLE XXI. Tavillock, Dcvo/ raunton, Somerf Tewkfbury, Gloccji. Thackltead, Effi* Thettord, JSlorfoL Thirike, Yorkfl) ^407248 _9?l343 l8 3 6fr 4S oiJ249!i6i ! 4 q 130 2511168 221 5 8jiai I59 J 267 Q4 J I9 1 12J124 7$f*5 163 202 101 130 Hi 106 83293 ±1 79 60 202 2 5' 1 u c «-< u. Im Q CL Cu * > : H e > O 1 1 , IK 1 r? £ ! 2u 111 — ! u c 5c & &. re la c Ou c Irt u C Wendover, Bucki 48 259 142 8oj 65 92I124J208 2~ 2 12 Weobly, Here/. 103 248: 87 281161(159! 01J106 IO7 221 Weymouth, Dorfetlb.\ 90 353204 1 211191 J 70 ro6 203 '4-2 306 Whitby, Yorkih. 260 66, 1 5^1.24,1 J 2 1 413 3 1 290 308 198 46 Whitchurch, Sirrepjb. 146 187 2c;jioi|i63J2o6 117 137 Il6 I40 Whitehaven, Cumb. 286 roi 1 qz;247 290;3^8 277 76| 89!l23 29c 206 248 -3* HO 221 Wycomb, Bucks 35 268 126 81 Wigan, Lane. i8i ■A^\ 47 '4' l84.253il.72 185 I50 96 Winchefler, Hants 26 308 16; 9^'i 29) 36J104 202 9s 26l Windham, Norfolk ICQ 2 7 2|l88 ;i83! 39|i86 ! 222 30c, 95 225 Windfor, Bcrh 36 289:142 ! %l\ S4! «0|I2 S 213 cz 238 Woliingham, Durbamah^ 3 m 66 |25^3Oundle, Northamp. [Oxford, Oxrordfh. \Padft 103 103 74 201 Q8 59 43 *73 St. Afaph, Flint/b. [49 2s8 12b 145 2 7^ 272 168 168 3 22 41 185 198 264 161 99 218 200 90 202 251 S3 103 St. Davids, Pemb. 222 350I213 224 25C «fl»5° 208 300 161 320 416 Salilbury, Wilts [o;[i93|i{8 133 113 172 123 57 '28 210 jSandwich, Kent l 38ji57ji96 168 268 1 34 149 Scarborough, Torhjb 172J223 125I136 366 239 i43 Settle, Torkjb. 171*45 1 09; 1 39 346 266 161 201 396 Sevenoaks, Kent 89 12; 14.7I 1 19*218 104 99 79 268 Shattelbury, Dorfetjb. 122J212 .80! 1 5o| 92 191 142 75 142 Sheffield, Yorkjb, 95 l 74 38 65J270 18c 8.3 124 32c Sherborn, Dorfetjb. 137 227 19^166 76 206 157 90 126 Shoreham, Suffix 127 165 180153 197 »44 '33 106 247 Shrewlbury, SlnropJ}), 95 204 81) 88 206 218 114 104 256 380 Skipton, Yorklb. *55 229 94! I2 3 33° 250 *45 .85 Sieaford, Lincolnjb. 06J102 2 9 3 1 260 i33 37 104 ~9? 310 148 Somerron, Somerf. 142J225 178 17c 70. 216 162 1201190 Southampton, Hants "5 l8 7|'73 H5 *34 166 l 35 68 184 209 Southwold, Suffolk ■34-1 32 151I1J3 297 117 »5« 347 ^54 Spalding, Lincoln fb\ 041 78 491332 258 123 35 102 308 152 Stafford, Staff.\ 71I180 471 &3 208 165 81 TTi 258 58 TABLE XXII £1 Staines. Stamford, Lincoln/]).] 4.0 Stilton, Hnnt.\ 40 Stirling, Stockbridee, Stockton, Durl>.\i'tq Storttord Bifhop*s,Zifcrfc; 62 Stow Marker, Suffolk g 2 \ 36 Mi 7i Scotland ! 566 9? //rftf/j 97 H I 'I! « £i6 o o 128 1 29! 10 1 |i 79 107', 86| I78|ic3ii2^!i29 ! i57',ii 5 79 Stratford on Avon, JT^ Sudbury, #54 Sa^Z/fc 87 Sunderland, Durham\y\A Swarfham, Norfoikl 97 i_m J?3 1 a r j 93 ^6»|~6o )ClI25 97 158 787 "67 280 28 95 2261 7 I; $6 27^!io||_78 1 77|762J_60 5ji_4o; 7° 30S i 2Q6 i i94 278) 67! 5<; 226 288 122 140 312154 39g 04^77 4gi|^77 I 9 I 225420 i6d 70J276 121 4° 108 127 320 299 44 5 32 8 i2i 221 LIZ 2J9 iii '95 Swanlea, Tadcafter, Glamorg.s \ 7 1 196 199 102 18312881200 320 212(1 IO Tarn, worth, Taviftock, Taunton, 4s Tewkibury, GloccJl\ 61 H r arw.\ r i 145 40 Dtvon^oq 314U57 Sii* 173I 98 Somerf.\ Tbackftead, £/£v T her ford, Norfolk 7- b2 JE 24c 184 90 217 175 89,106 29 108 _i_5 293J238 ££|!^33J£74 ?4- s i8i| 89 ; 3_gj (>3 \ 6z 263! 57' 6 s _7 179 no S 1 80 1 1 111 372 267 43 ios 198 289 3i3 J62 109 "83 269 20^ in 798 2t2 fhirfk, Torhj)). r ^e) Tinmouth, Nortbumb. 223 289 ^07 167 126 190 34Q ! 24i : i39 4 4|3°5 2 °3 121 259 390 454 130 V94 T-iverton, Devon 166 Torrington, Devon 186 26^ ^5 2£3 2-?3 *°5 22q 3QJ 2q4 | i95 l I 3 I 220 2 ?4 loweefter, Nortbamp. 119 64 40 i9o|i2 7 |38i 34 240 133 Trowbridge, Wilts icb 201 Truro* Corwiv. H iTun bridge Wells, A^zr/ 10 360 : 33 ill 286 i4o | i9o | i26 | $9 •62^39 2 84|22(; 111 30.3 i$9^3il33o;no>nil 91 ^4 24 280 167 230* f 8> ] Nor — Par TABLE XXII. >. ^ c ^1 g £ ,r, ,£3 a O fco b F . • > O -a c z ^ 2 123 U7|_9j;j2i2 81I132I176 28)231 168 1 62(2 17 7> 217517 Whitbv, rork/Ij.l igo 2 j6 134162 380I 1*/ 7o|234l43 c |i6S Wiii tch u re h , Sbropjb .131 Whitehaven, Cumb^. Wvcomb, Buck: 3*3 77 ' 9 6 ! 2 ^ &2 -4 194 223:389 53 1 125 l IO: 881I83 121 I2Q[12I|275! 32 236 26b43< 1C2 77| 25I233I173 . Latic'i 3 q 1 2 20 9 j 1 14 280 23 132)1 qsi3- Wine he iter, Hants Windham, 103 Norfolk] [02 176 1 6 1 ; 1 31 140 127] 99203 1 23!^! 1 89; 1 98 48 86 Wind lor, 9e?£s\ 67 133 i24 : 96 176 1 1 3 89 Woliingham, Durham 208 275 1521180383291 .Wolverhampton, A'/^.j 64:173 551 74. 192 187 189 ^3 1321533,232 38|226!r *3 8 '433 7;!^2 / - 3T ! Woodbridge, Sa^o/fl 1 1 r 4 2 1 1 40 ; 1 1 2 1 270 1 1 | 97li3;;22c'240' TW 1 ' £ Nor— Par TABLE XXII. 1 O E C3 bTj C O £ w 43 «j O 7 1 c 0- E rt 43 O 167 T3 J-l c O M O i | cs 4* re Wooditock, Oxford/]}. 43U40I QO 154* 63 82171143 Wooler, Nor thumb. 25832312O2 22c 449 339:238 2 99!499! 211 Wotton Ballet, Wilts 76J184J128 107 124 191^104 48J177 154 Worceiter, Worcejl. 61 *73 7 6 78^64 182! 88 57I214105 Wrexham, DenbigbJ}).\\z$ 233 93 1171237 247|!43 46^26 ^33l 28 7l 2 3i 169 367 264 Yarmouth, Norfolk\ 1 40 28 1 6q 136 317 York, ToriJhM^o 206' 84 In 2 329 222 i 1 20 184380 113 Diftances from Paitley Bridoe, YorhJInre. Abbeford, Torkfh. 28 Northallerton, Torhfl). 30 Beverley, 61 Northampton, Northamp. 154 Bridlington, 72 Newport Pagnel, Z?»c& 169 Boroughbridge, 16 Patrington, Torkfh. 87 Chefterfield, Derbyjb. 71 Pocklington, 44J Doncafter, Torkfh. $2 Pontefracl, 40 Ealingwold, 28 Ripley, 9 Flamborough-head, 77I Rippon, 10 Gifborough, 49 Scarborough, 68 Harborough, Leic. 137 Settle, ♦ 25 Harrowgate, Torkfh. 12 Sheffield, 59 Hull, 69 Stokefley, 41 Knarefborougfi, 1 3 Tadcafler, 28 Leeds, 27 Thirfk, 21 Leicefter, Leic, 122 Wakefield, 36 Loughborough, 1 1 1 Wetherby, 20 Malton, Torkfh. 46 Weighton, 50 Mansfield, Notts 83 Whitby, 70 Nottingham, 97 York, 31 m i8 7 ] Pern — Pon TABLE XXIII. 1 u £ c 1 c "J £4 O C u ^3 w 2 cc )- «j 178 227 62 442 i8| 237 100 l ±L 299! O E 322 121 ill 176 316 261, 200 3*Il 1S6 375 '35 ! • u a, 2 4/ 246 2 4^ 67 217 161 77? 101 2 3 t Penrith, Cumb. i88 Penryn, Cornw. 302 434 Penzance, Cornw. 316 44a 19 . Perfljore,, Worceft. 134 216J229I243 Perth, Scotland 437i I 49iS 8 3J)97!3 6 5 Peterborough, North am. 225 215J306I320 9i 343 1 Petersfield, Hants 22s 3091224 238 108 45^133 Plymouth, Devon 2£6b88 5° 69 183 537 2CG Pontefracl, Yorkfh. 245l Ir 4 368 382 142 240 IOC Pool, Dorfetjb. 207U" 167 Ibl 120 471:166 Port Patrick, Scotland 421 *3* 567 581 349 15 J 35c Portfmouth, Hants 236 3 2 7 222 236 122 476 r 5 ? Pre Hon, Lancajh. 216 70 362 *76 144 221 *53 Queenborough, Kent 297 330 302 3J6JI4745S 124 Radnor, . Radnorfu. !i. 206I24O 260I 53 355 HS Ravenglafs, Cumb. 278 471429 4431206 ittbiJ Reading, Berks\z 10 . *73l 2 3 2 246 72:422 98! i6 2 | m — 1 44 Richmond, Torkjh 2 99 | C2 421 435 198118c Ringwood, Hants 207,311; 181 i9qio7 ! 46 4 **H Rippon, Torkjh. 23r| 77 395I409I163I213 1 36)249! J3Q223J io 9 | 851 349 319 2 4 6| 38 4 C 202 Rochdale, Lancajh. 2 1 S| 99 365! 579 306 132 24S 132J446 Rocheiter, Kenfip&'z^i <; 292: Rofs, Hcre^\u 7 \2 530 1*' 21 1\ 292! i2 5 3°" 379 I22|l I4| i6> 16; Royikm, Herts 243; : 306 99 577 4*1 93i 146 [ *34 R umfo rd, EJfex 248 297 *99 ; 3>° 274293 113. 167 . M7 $0 143I 89;. 33T 180'" L 74 13C Kye, SuffgA 326 268 , 540 St. Albans, Hrrt>\z 26^64' 282 89. p 2 64! 68 ; ; 122 6c St. Afaph, Fllnt/h)ib2\ 1 5 2*339 553 122301 169); •34! 2 "93^ ral £ 1 :> 2 i88 ] Petri — Pon TABLE XXIII. St. Davids, Pcm'b o £ BJ *7 296131 Salifbun, //'/'//V. 1 90 J 292! 1 84 531-153443 203I 9044 -ft • « 26: 24c 1 35H 4 6 271 Sandwich. AW Scarborough, TorkJl:>. Settle, 2V# Sevenoaks, A>«. Shaftefbury, Dorfetjh. 316 ^091357. u6 | 3qo j i7c ! 48 2 °!ili!iiZ:i^iilL 413; 4£7 !r8r| 203 28^299 12614^9 ill 2^8 178 Sheffield, 2V*/& Sherborn, Dorfetjh Shoreham, s«jTc. Shrewiburv Sfa-opJI? Skipton, Torkjb 213 1:9 6.5 55 309 13 29 16 34* 1 59; 1 73 1 0346. 33335° H4|Z74 ! 43 1 157 106465 264U78.I37I473 130I163 25b 71 397 273 287 J 53 I312 4IIJ165 219 I q I ! t 3c i6r 207 5 + 89 169 55 HS h. 65 190 80 LI 4 20 26? 27 I 367 239 I T2 29O 2-14! 1 64J T9i 39* 251 18 35 1 236 !1_ 2li "3 Sleaford, Lincoln fb 2271,183 3 2 7 341, 94312 34 166 281 111 199 *9 2 101 244 209 71 ifi 173I Somerton, Somer/ 167J3CO Southampton, Hi IS|3I2 LIZ 201 l J3 9444^ 215 106461 Southwold, «%^// 353I314 36.1 781176 174 '47 442 99 91 55 318 Spalding, Lincohijh 2381206327 341I11O 5? 2Z i 156 281 Stafford, Staff. »55li5° 275 Staines, il //>/93 3071110 Stow Market, &^fo/A- 295282 33' 351 146 Stratford on Avon, J/^r. 148 20 (Sudbury, SuffUk^m^ 12 335 20 142 395 4;o 354 416 g 9*39 86124' 130 io.: 109 !2 19b 270 **9 ] Pern — Pon TABLE XXIII. in £ 341 c 70 c | cc 1 C £-1 O zr. C J- C — 2 • 1 c 33 9 5 '43' 228 Sunderland, Durba;;: 462J476 $561370 2 33 ! r £5 152J38G 19613 i6'4 16 S waif ham, Nor/oik 300*267 46 I49',3 IC Svvanfea, Gla.norg. 5 2 i 2 73 203J102 250:264 386J400 I IOI422J2 I 2 I54.234JH2 >73| 2 °4 Tadcafter, Torkjb. 239340 Tarn worth, Warw. r>5 174 284298 46:3231 65 137I238 Taviitock, Devon 240378 56 7°ji 73 ! ^ 2 /|-5° 168 14I312 Taunton, Somerf [182 313J120 1 3 4j 10914621 ilfrg noj 74 :^M Tewkfbury, Gtouce/i. 143 22221: 229 94J371! 101 1 1 . I16S Thaekftead, Ejjex 26l 2< (4 305* 32c 125 397! 61 99261 *# Thetfoid, Norfolk 285:28 wM^S 137397 q6 M4 295 Thirik, rorkjh. 286 79I4O7I42I 1 7SU02I 141^6 1 Tin mouth, Nor thumb . 350 1 7 ! ^7 ; '4^ 2i2ii49|2crJ32;l42;]io7 Tiverton, Devon 2OJJ334I104 r 18 1 7,0^6^2x^131, 5;8J2boj Torrington, Devon 23 1 3 6 3| 93; 9° i; KI2[22'6 i62| 50 2 97j To wee iter, Northamp. *9s 2 --i;^7 '-T- 49 37°j 5 1 IOOJ2II l27 Trowbridge, tVtlt. I >9l 2 79! I 7 I i l8 5 69 428:1 38J 6 5 J r 2 ; :o8! Truro, Comix. 292)424! 8 j 2 92 rfg [73 2 9 6 45 1 I14 2I4| 46 3>8 Tunbridge WeMs, Kent 2 7°,3 2 i; 2 97 3« 13S 602$lj 2 6) Ulveriton, Lancajh. 26 1) 46 1 I 2i42 6l l8d lUy 198 ^82 366| IO9 Uttoxeter, Smr/orM. ^1*59 290;30j 6730b; 73 r ^9 ( -44; 7^ UxbridVe, Midd. 222 279 250J264 °7 420 $2 ;oJ2C4!i83 Wakefield, Torkjb. 237 105J360J37 [ 128 25.. 106J2 14314! 9 Wal finer ham, Norfolk 32-' 28437813, ,2 164 V-y 69;i 7 i:332ii6o W a re h a m , Dorfetfk 222 U94 57 177 32J479J173] 7 2 1 1 21249 Warm in iter, Wilt. 1 >; 186 2921 6 i8i 02J.41 148 62 1 1 5-1250 3ii2oS I2l\ziz\ 287| 72 \\ 'arringfon, l,ancalh. 99J333347 Warwick, IVarvo 5£j 202,1253 126- 29|3;2| 70' 1 08 2O7 I l6 Watiord, Herts 219 26u'26j 275I 84U09I 71; 61 215 I 7 J i 9 o J Pern — Pon TABLE XXIII. & M o JO g 53 P-< u c p. c 1 u, O a* 2 59l 2 73 373 IJ 5i 9-»l , 4i 2 1 3) 106 Woodbridge, Suffolk 329J312 3373S 1 l6 5l43 x l 88 130 291I188 Wood'flcck, Oxfordfh 176 236 234^4- 39iJ3 8 S 1S\ 74 188151 Wooler, Nor thumb. 390 78511^23 2 77! 99'239|35 6 465(146 Wotton Ballet, Wilts 164 261 207 192204 49'4*Q 93 5 6 n6| 71 99 l 2 3 144:184 184(138 Worcefter, Worcefi. 125 231 2 4f Wrexham, Denbighfh. 153 129 304 318 87|2b4;i?5l I 99 25^(107 Yarmouth, Norfolk 343 334 384)398 195:455112 '77 249 r 33^J2I2 York, Torkjh. 2 73 96 396 4IO 164 223 122 350 23! 191 ] Poo- table Pvin XXIV, § rt CJ p^ e^ 196! $5 I 2.1 263 282:217! 87U36! M 2 RingKVood, Hants 13448J 41 24^ji4'ii42 : 30$j 641281 Rippon, Torhjh. 268219,267 75256)199 Rochdale. Lancajh. 242(232(244! 271240*136 99213! 8 9 i:8 7 j 8J2321 Rochefler, A-fH t4oU$3 103 243 i^;i8^305 : 70:267 126 Rois, Heref. 1 1 6(363 1 29 1 59*1 62)4 rf 221 82J217 102 Royfton, /fcr Rumtbrd, i^; 144 390 1 njik? 124429 1 85 4.5 7«*S3 39I166 24 j 6;[iq6|i 32 ^74 53 36110] Rye, A*^*; 141148 3' 94)279 46'2i8 339 iod O! 6t. Albans, /?'£/• j 1 19407) 8^191! 66; 1 43 2 q.4.1 4.6|22olio St. Afaph, Flimtjb. St. Davids, Salilbury, Wilt. Sandwich, Kent 240(285,242 80I252J 88 14: 22 429 2;i|224J3I l!l02 2&6 2842^1 46(220 185(488 14K287 lz 9 1 » 34 2922c t6jJ22jj 307 ! 22 2 < 202 491 64. 17 347!* l 5j3 o6 { I 7 I Scarborough, Torkjlo 297252^292 124 Settle, Torkjb .86|r88| 2 8^: 4^ Sevenoaks, Kent nq>442| 80 238 Shaftefljury, Dorfetjb. 2? Sheffield, Yorkfh. bherborn. Dorfetjh. 209 '4461 65 261 Shoreham, 449 20b 242 7 2 1 4 <; 1 2 2 j 204J1 23I 161J123J fla/fcrl 80J474' 43*269! 78,2051 80(245 26:; 234 283U72I 62 34177:298 204 138 307 33-' !1Z 231 64 _6b K4 6, 39 260 28^ 2 73 JO S4J196 29b 294 7M Poo — Rin TABLE XXIV. 'o u r— l O O c Ph 3 J O 5 en c4. • -a O 3 be .5 2 S h re vv lb u r v , Shropfo . i 1 7 6 : 2 9 6 ! 1 7 8 9l20i| 471^ iJ4 164 163 Ski pt -on, Yorkjh: i-,o 204:269 3231184 39 123 268)176) 78 2 .! q 40 1 3 c 2 57 .78 Sleaiord. /,. : ,.,\ v,/^. 1 r-o/D «.47|i'-W9 J '3 J Somerton, SomerfA c,o\%i 93 227J174JIH 294 9^286 57 Southampton, Hantsl -344- y 2 s 240il22Jl 5"0|t02 461278 T 9 196 |Southw!pid, %y;-: *i'4kc|i.75 230.:-: |239j30r|i43 261 . Spalding, iLincolitJ)). 1 89] 34b 175 I ^ 1 i I ^- q j 1 5 6 j 2 1 3 *33 153 r 77 Stafford, ^7^ j 170.288 '75 77 178! 8 5 |i4i r 21 150 16.3 Siaiofii, il /v.-/.- /. H8'|i6; yg 211 6 3 i44| 2 73 «| 2 47 is S t a in i r d , L inco 1 1 !h . 170 223, T ^140 1 30 I^2|20a 105 149 182 Stilton, Hunt. 171 3 3^ H5|x-54 1151142 216 91 163 168 Stirling, Scot! arid ..[69 1 1 s 174:219. 4<;9]353* 8a 420J184 462 \ Stock bridge, Hants [Stockton, J)ur/.K 3 IO 426 202 i i A 97 1 13)133)283 288)234) 1 15 3-5 2 5> 2 59 2 <; 20 2 97< ;Stqrtlord Biihops, Herh 143,40^. 104I205I 67)168)267 65 214 129 [Stow Market, Suffolk 1874+5 S48J2201 95I196I282 116 229 l 73 JStratford on Avon, War. I! 7 3!v s iifi'33 143! 67 [95 68 177 104 \ Sudbury, Suffolk i664ii'l I2 7 2 ii 711192*277 Q> 2 35 J52 ■ :- underland, Durb. 3£?i^ 3 34 1 22 r 67; 208 1172021245 280 120 44 2 °S 322 192 ;S waft" ham, Norfolk 206 399 Swanfea, Glamor. 1 55-406 rfc 20I 2 44! 671263 .58 i!i T 5S 230 Tadcaiter, Torkfb. 262J234 2 5V 22b 181! 109)204 Tamworrh, Warw. t56|307 155^03 156 77JI65JIOI '43 1 H3 Taviftock, Devon I T I i^ I I 166 fto6 251 I 9°|373; I 7 6 3 6 5 125 Taunton, Somerf; 67I446 1 10 ill £21 .50 126 308 1 1 2 59;2i2 74| 301 20 7 74 98 Tewk'bury, Glocefi. ii.tkjs 118 Thackftead, EJjfex 158398 1 1 Bjzor 65 177W ^ 2 *3 i4 2 Thetiord, Norfcik\ 1 9 1 I4.T 2 152 199 /OI i8 7 i2 5 8;ir 3 2 (6 177I 1 *93 J Poo— Rin TABLE XXIV. O O O ^0 c u 3 c O O r5 1* c c Pi 02 « 6a c Li > .5 -a 21 H3 C O s c E 7o7 #'« 107 Thuik, Torkjb. 280 21 I 279 90 258 204 no nji 24 322 Tinmouth, JSlortbumb. 344 178 343 I 3 ! 322 268 I24 2891 Tiverton, Devon 87 467 131 262 212 147 329 1 3 V Tomngton, Devon 1 10 49.6|l62 291 2^0 176 3srf i;7!35oi«24 Tbwceiter, JSiortbatn. 12; 354|IlJ| 152 io\ 101I 214 4«; 187U 12 Trowbridge, Wilts 60 4I2| 74 207 143 I03I269 6ij 26l| 47 Truro, Cantrjj. i>7 557J2I2 35 2 z97J236J4ig 222' 41 l!l71 Tun bridge WelL, Kent 122 4541 74 250 41 I89I3IOJ 76! 272JIO8 Ulverilon, LancaJJ). 295*79! 299 45 303 179 171246! 73288 Uttoxeter, Staff. I 72J2Q2II 77 88 180 iooli5o!i23!i27ii6s Uxbiidge, MiddMQiUn] 7b 207I 63 1 ;6| 2 69! 2 84-1 238; 87, Wakefield, TorkJb.\2^ 3I237J2 32 57 232J 1 ^ 3I1 1 3 f 178I 6l 22c{ Walungham, Norfolk 22,8 4 16| 1 89 20^ 140 203 *6a|i5ojai2(«i4 Wareham, Dorfetjb.\ 10 4*'| 5 2 256 1521144(^201 67! J02J 22 Warminiter, Wilts\ 49I425I 70 220 14+1109:282 64^ i is' rt\ Warrington, Lanc.ln 1(230 226 29 2291104] 921172' 1 1 1 214 Warwick, Warw.\i 2613 36J r 26I 1 3 1 142I 74ji9^| 7 2 ' [69I1 1 1 Watford, Herts 1 1 1 2] 402] 79*197 04' 1 3 7 2;.\l68\i()l\ifi\ 87 1S8I <;i I49 ! Z26 170:155 Wellington, itomerf.\ 7^1453'! 1 7'24.8| 198 1 ^3 31 5' 1 19308; 8- Wells, Somerf.\ ^ 7 j 4 1 « | Q+'z 1 3J 1 6 i; 97 28o r 83272! 59 Wendover, Bucks\ 99J392J 78J187I 8^124 249I 3022 1 j 91 Weoblv, i^rf/.|i 4 o|34ili52ti8o!i87| 15 205J106 2 1 ili 27 Weymouth, Dorfet/b.\ 28 d 7 2| hiJ26 7 |[77!i5; ; 329! 96311J ;o, Whitby, Terkjb.^zz 234I3171107 28^'24iji3b|2^9 57JU0J Whitchurch, Sbropjb. 1 1 96 276J198; 71 207; 67(13^151 144 185! Whitehaven, CumbJwqli^sn- 891347223' 1 ^290 Q2332! C c 194 ] Poo— Rin TABLE XXIV, a 3 & T3 H3 a o a o E £ -c be o c rt rt Wycomb, jS^ciij 97 401 69! 170I 771122,248 227, 82 Wigan, Lanc.\2%4 Winchefter, Hants] 41 433 239I 17 27J228 Windham, Norfolk] Windfor, Berks in "96 43 ' 410 i Z£|ElL2 60 205 24i | n8 j 78 185 103-227 1 1 2Ji4o i 29o|334|266:274 I2i , 207 , 277 | i3 3 i 237 ! i97 67I 1 36(267 19 2 q 1 j 79 Wolfingham, Dur/jam\$2 3 165 Wolverhampton, Staff} 1 54 322 97 299 »59 95 3^1246 168 kg _96 x 57 268 105 _2£l3JO 1581141 Woodbridge, Suffolk^ 444 148:239 94!2i6l30i 250J173 Woodftock, Oxfordfi. 96 369 Wooler, Nortbumb. 384 171 383115:0 Wotton Baffet, Wilts 7" 394 84J190 107I 89226 3565308,125 3 2 9 20 2 1 83 9V37I 130 91I252 39238! 56 Worcefter, Worceftl 1 26 340 1291131; 157 44197 87 190:113 Wrexham, Dcnlighjh. J 205 .63 207 59 2 33 | 71I125 163 146 192 Yarmouth, Norfolk] 234 468 19? 251 i4'p4; 314 136 274 220; York, Torkjh. 272 267 86 239 191,119:219 I 441260 *95 J Rip— St. TABLE XXV, c a. s u PS u 01 u O c pa c >■» P4 "3 .2 ^ & < 261 267J323 H5 158 Salifbury, Wilt s\z ^212 1 14I 96 114 981138 9 1 210 205 Sandwich, AT«tf 2801265! 43 189 no 70I 42 94 282 342 324 (Scarborough, Yorkjl) 4;| 98:248 238 180 220U82 203 160 ! Settle, 2>v£#. 37 39 269119b 209 250I303 218 118 262 jSevenoaks, A>#/ 22.4j2l8 221142 61 36! 41 45: 235 282 Shaftefbury, Dorfctjb. 2 57 231 <33J 87 i 3 3!n6|i57 no 215 193 Sheffield, Torklh. 61! 45 , 9° i ; I 33 1 22 .171:223 140 107 232 Sherborn, DorJet//j.\2y 2 246 148 8s 1481131I172 125 216 194 Shoreham, &#a-|268J252| 68j 1 54 97| 6 9 52 81 268 280 Shrewfbury, SbropJJj. 146 83|i86 68 134 168 220 136 64 140 Skipton, Torkfb. 3° 4°l 2 53 191 193 234288 202 I 22 266 Slearord, Lincolnjh. 104 1091132 128 7^ 114)1761 97 165 246 Somerton, Somerf. 260 230159 76 ij ;5 141 184 136 204 182 Southampton, Hants 252 22^108 in 113 91 108 86 226 230 } oil th wold,. Suffolk ^35 236 106 209 99 . 9' *5 C 114 27I 368 Spalding, Lincolnlb. 127 .32 130 1 49 62 I104 164 87 169I257 Stafford, Staff 117 7i ^63 74 1 1 1 144 - J 97 Hi 74i 171 < Staines, Midd. 227 '97 49 105 57 3. 2 *4 - 2 7 212 246 Stamford, Lbtcohfh, »*3 lit; "J 122 47 r^ J 4S 7»iiS7 235 • Cc z • 190 j Rip— St. I TABLE XXV. c c ex •ft. i -a O O •J, u pi 02 p< c c c 13 u £ 9J >> m C < ,JG (1 < c/5 CO Q CO Stilton, Huni.\l$J I3l|lOO 122 34i n 135 57 171 2 43 Stirling - , Scotland\2ii 246|444 377 375 415 478 40 c 299 44^ $tockbridge, Hants^^ 205I 99 94 107 82 117 77 207 2I 5 Stockton, Durb. 4 1 9Sl 2 73 234 205 245 3°7 229 1 8c 3 2C Stortford Bi (hop's, £frr/j 188 182I 52 '37 18 *3i 95 2 7 208 272 Stow" Market, Sufolk 203 197I 80 179 ^ 62 124 81 238 3'4 Stratford on Avon, War. 151 iz^M 5° 84 1 10 162 74 129 167 S ud bu ry, Suffolk^ 209 192 56 172 49 44 100 60 236 307 Sunderland, Durham 68 120 298 *59 230 270 33 2 2 54 205 345 SwafFham, Norfolk 179 194 103 184 62 88 *47 88 212 33S S vva n fea , Glamorg, 266 203 230 S<; 2 1 1 213U67I194 161 67 Tadcafter, Torkjb. 26 4; 214 188 146 1S6248J170 127 2 7i Tamworth, War-zv. 118 9« 142 67 9 1 124J176 92 100J184 Taviflock, Devon 339 3°9 236 *55 236 218^70 212 2832b! Taunton, Somcrf. 2 7i 2 45 176 91 166 158:201 *5 2 219197 Tevykfbury, GloccJt\i§\ i43 i 3 6 20 104 12CJ176 88 128J162 Thackitead, JEjfex\i8j 187 5° 142 32 301 94 44 218:282 Thetforc, Norfolk 190 i8< 861169 47 71 130 73 229 320 Thirik, Torkjb. 1 1 65 243 204 J 75 21c, 277JI99 ico 290 Xinmouth, Nottbumb. 77 129 307 268 239 279 34 1 26 3 2i4!3?4 Tiverton, Devon 296 266 197 112 187 179 222 173 240 218 Torrin^ton, Devon 324 294 23? 140 21 1 209 261 197 268 246 Toweciter, Nortbamp. 162 138 90 79 49i 72 126! 39 ICO 214 Trowbridge, Wilts 235 200 128 68 116 114 1 651100 196174 Truro, Cornzv. & 355 282 201 282 273 316 2 q8 329 3°7 Tunbridge Wells, Kent 246 230 26 '54 73 232 48 257 32 322 57 237 2 47 125 295 269 Ulverfton, LancaJIj. 82 7* 288 204 ]Uftoxeter, Staff. 102 67 165 86 109 146 199 114 94 186 197 ] Rip— St. TABLE XXV. 2 -0 id a c c £ 3 en C JO < CO a < CO to *> P CO Uxbridee, Mldd, 218(193 48 102 4-8| 31 83 l8 208,243 Wakefiefd, Torkjb. 34i| 3° 217 175 I40JI80 241 l66 in 255 Walfingham, Norfolk 196,191 f2 5 206 84.(1 IOJI69 I IO 229 237 202 357 2 *5 180 Wareham, Dorfctfb. 275:262 *3S 11 1 I4III20II38 121 Warminfter, Wilts\i^z 1 3 !29 74 1241113 '54 IO7 Warrington, Lane. 94I3 1 ! 214 i29li6o|i92 2 49 163 50 '93 Warwick, War-w. 14.51116 I27 59 7.3106 160 74 128 i74 Watford, Herts 208J183 49 103 33 3 1 Sz 8 198 160 75 238 233 *5* Wellingborough, N.ba. 152(126 100 9« 4o| 81 *34 48 Wellington, Sbropfb. r 39 89 *73 70 I2 3|i54 205 121 Wellington, Somerf. 282125a 183 98J173I165 198 159 226 204 Wells, Somerf. 246 lib 150 62|i^7|i3Q 187 123 190 168 ■VVendover, Bueh 198J173 70 92I qi'j 61 102 30 188 228 Weobly, Here/. i89 ! i45[i72| 25 146I156 206 134 no 117 Weymouth, Dorftjb. 28^ 27 1 |i62ii 18J161J142 167 138 246 224 Whitby, Torkjb. 60 105 274'248|2o6J246 308 230 187 33i Whitchurch, Sbropjb. 126 63 19,2! 88I142 f»75 226 142 50 160 Whitehaven, Cumb, 109 116 33^ 248 276 3H 45 366 97 281 26 169 193 313 229 Wycomb, Bucks 201 175 62 87 47i Wigan, Lane. 84 22 227 *43 173 209 263 176 64 208 Winchefter, Hants 240 213 97J io 3 102 80 107 75 214 222 Windham, Norfolk 21 1 205 106J189 67 9i 150 93 249 340 Windibr, Berks 221 19. | 51 97 60 37 89 30 206 243 Wolfingham, Durb. 55 1 10(296 246 225 265 330 249 192 33$ Wolverhampton, Staff *33 ^7^53 58 105 137 187 103 83 158 Wood bridge, Suffolk 224 216 79 198 77 65 123 87 2 57 344 Woodftock, Oxfordfh. 176 150 92 60 65 78 128 49 160 195 •Wooler, Nortbumb. 113 167 341I302 *73J 3*3 375)298 2 54 398 i9 8 J ~" Rip— St. TABLE XXV, , j ti> M4 k. I« CN w a -2 n a a. -C c^ o P* cd ,B 3 I >*» Wotton Ballet ^/«|2 1 1 1 i 8 2! 1 29 Worce&er, Warcefi\\bc\\ 161142 47 83 117H63 9 ! 169 79 27 109 124,176 113 144 Wrexham, Denbigh. 1 28] 73 218 981163 198,249 164 286 161 281 'Yarmouth, Nor foikl 2 ^\ 2 ^.z\ 126 York, Yorkfh.\ 24 j $d224 227 : ioo!i 10J170 131 198 1 56I 1961 2 581 1 bo [3: Diftances from St. Andrews, Scotland, Beverley, Yorkjb. Coventry, Warvj. |{xeter, Devon. Gainiborough, Lincoln)]), Glocefter, GZorc#. Guildford, £tory Halifax, YorkJJj. .Hartlepool, Durb. (Hereford, Heref, Hertford, Herts Hull, rorkjh. Lane after, Lane, Leicester, Leic. Lichfield, Staff. Lincoln, Lincoln* Liverpool, Lane. Manchefter, Mansfield, Notts Monmouth, Monm. Northampton, Nortbam. Norwich, Norfolk Nottingham, Notts 337 493 278 381 445 250 171 365 39 6 *59 195 330 3'4 293 553 242 291 383 361 426 305 Okeham, Rutlandjh. 328 Oxford, Oxf. 391 Pembroke, Pemlr, 436 Penzance, Cormv, 596 Plymouth, Devon 536 Portfmouth, Hants 475 Ringwood, 463 Roc he Her, Kent 445 >t. Albans, Herts 401 Salifbury, Wilts 440 Scarborough, Yorkjb, 234 S h re w ib u ry , Sbropjb. 3 1 1 Southampton, Hants 460 Stafford, Staff. 300 Wakefield, Yorkjb, 249 Warwick, Warvu. 351 Wells, Somerf. 433 Weymouth, Dorfetjh. 487 Winchefter, Hants 448 Windfor, Berkjb. 421; Worcefter, Worceft* 348 York, Yorkjb. 221 ■J3 be T3 I C ar£ *5 280 IStortford Bifhopa, Herts\i 16 Stow Market, Suffolk] 1 &o Stratiordon Avon,^/^r. 87 121 'Sfrlliil 5 8 'Ss Mfo 233 42] 83I171 98 I4r22C9 3'5L£ 148 1 o 8 j 3 5 9 j 76 1 74(142 162 94I »5S| 90)1 7^| 1 zb 201 437 4^1^72 463I471 2gi ! 81 37 ) 174 52J 68 642601299! 971314I300 04198 I22!208 I7C I [88 <4 2281 92 169U21 i35l I 4o|i5° 7QJi0 ic6 93 [ 0-\ bS X J1 141 ill 3'Q M4 181 SI i_84j 182 zofc 76B 'Sudbury, 6a/faZ* 142 99 212 234! 68 i5? 2_L iSunderhind, Z)#r/^ Swaff ham, AV/17£ 32J I70J 34c 145 *3| 8 4|29i 1 8^20411 17 3 2 4 198 I_26 12 2 339 1 1 1 325 213I151 20O j Sal— TABLE Shr XXVI. 3 a d CO 3 O M O rt CO CO re O c V > u CO a <■£ R CO Z2 u CO c 1_ " CO >> U ed .C CO 22 CO c u CO • « j- O A CO b CD CO 160 124 Wellington, Somerf.\ 71I227 326 300 168 35 22 3 30157 Wells, Somer/\ 48(195 290 2641136 28187 26 127 Wendover, Bucks\ 7 ai 1 1 8|2 1 ^: 214: 65; 90139 102 84 124 44 180 188 20 Weobly, i/m?/'. 109 2 14J221 184 163 JII7JI27 ri 5 176 Weymouth, Dorfet/b. 46^207 315 3°3 142 37I226 26 IIS Whitby, l~orkJh.\2^sib 18 90 267J3IO ior 325 301 Whitchurch, Sbropjh. I 6623 b: I 6 1 1 QQ I85JI69 70 170 220 Whitehaven, Cumb. 3O9I374I159I 72 3^5J33i 146 334 3^ 180 128 74i Wycomb, Bucks\ 671105:217211 $6| 86,148101 73 Wigan, LancaJb\20^2-]i\\2o\ 54 222I221J 66224 2 54 VVincheiter, Hants' i^l 4.2 27 1\-2 5*6 751 47l l81 62 i 58 150 Windham, Norfolk 184! 148 214236 118J203J164J219 156 *9S 141 193 Windlor, Berks] 66 93J233 227 44 85 162 101 59 Wolfingham, Durham ' 2 93 ' 3 5 5J 84! 60 289I312 114327 3 2 3 Wolverhampton, Staff. 1 1 24I 197(1 73 123 148 : 3 6 7c|i 39 m 30 Woodbridge, Suffolk IOOJI2IJ227 ~6b\T^2~o6 2 55 9 1 180 175 196 r 33| 203 Wood flock, OxfdrJJb. 194 87 83 i J 7 9911141 96 Wooler, Nor thumb. \% 54-383,1 31! 1 32 334 94 37 2 66 r 7S J 5 l 387I373! 2^3 Wotton Baffet, Wilts 38I159I237 199 63 rn|ro2 Worcefter, Worce/i. 9BI 1 84' 196 164 135105] 106 108 164] 44 W rex ham, Dettbighjb. 17^256136101 207 178I 89J179 2 34| 2 8* Yarmouth, Norfolk 207|i6S|25i 273 138 217 2 2 8| 2021244(1 80 230 York, Torkjb. 239J266J 40 J9 258 *sf 2 ; 138 D 4 Ski— Sti TABLE XXVII. c O- "J2 CO -a CO C O V £ O CO a £ C CO 2 "o CO bio c a. CO 'a re co U3 u c CO £ OS- CO c CO Sleaford) Lincoln Hi. 113 Somerton, Someri. 262 2CO Southampton) Hants 2 54 l80 7 2 South-wold^ S u ffo 1 k 244 132 2 3* T 177 Spalding Lincolnfh. 136 24 197 170 104 StaJ}ord y Staff. no 86 14c 160 195 97 Staines, Midd. 2Z8 124 1 10 59 1221114 !3i Stamford, Lincolnfh. 132 26 179 HI 151 I 12 IJ 5 22 30 75 74 98 Stilton, Hunt. 14b 41 178 84ii 3 l Stirling, Scotland 228 310 44b 459 440 333 297 427 32.8 342 Stockbridge, Hants 235 161 65 l 9 173 J5 1 141 5° 142 134 172 Stockton, Darh. 65 139 302 294 27c 162 T 59 256 I58 Stqrttbrd Bilhops, Herts J 97 92 160 1 ro 87 80 132 5° 65 5 1 Stow Market, Suffolk 212 102 204 *54 3° 92 136 95 8O 73 Stratford on Avon, War. '53 91 109 106 J 74 94 54 82 71 7 8 Sudbury, Suffolk 218 106 183 i33 55 96 1 60 77 86 64 Sunderland, Durb. 8* .164 327 319 295 187 1841281 183 197 Swaffham, Norfolk 188 76 210 173 57 47 160I114 56 211 68 211 Swanfea, Glamor. 243 221 115 163 301 233 138I179 Tadcafter, Terkjh. 3 1 81 251 2 43 21 r 104 1 12 197 99 113 Taraworth, War 1 15 82 J 37 138 309 Truro, Cornvo. 38 7 |3i 7 1-: 9 I !354 3 :" 26 5 240 295 Tunbridge Wells, Kent 2 5 8 | l 47 162 84 I3III35II68 55 I2G • 06 Ulverfton, Lane aft). 61 17427- 285 284 1 961 124 256 B85I99 Uttoxeter, Citaff. 103 63(155 l6 2 184! 80; I.5JI33 62 78 Uxbridge, Mull. 2191151.18 68 123 ioq 127 9 89 75 Wakefield, 1 rkjl 34 74J225 217 205 97I 82:192 93 107 90 Waliingham, Norfn!k { 2 0' 93(232 iQ? 591 64 ^ 2 136 73 Ware ham, Borfet/hL 7 8\iS5 55 3 1 224196179 1 03 17J179 Warminfter, Wilts 251 7-73 304 49 201 171 128 79 153 152 Warrington, Lancqflj. 7 1 109 82 198 117 21 1 230 130' 49 uojib6 85J 52 82 80 118 63 M 2 7 2 Warwick, h ar-iv. 145 Watford, Herts 209 104 129 79 I2 3 94[ii/ ■20 76 Jl 3 29 64 29 Wellingi>oro ugh, N.ba, '■53I s- 150 i23! I2 3 53 l 8 4 Wellington, Sbrop/J). 128 99 1 3 8 1 1 s 113 I22!207 IO9 I23 Diftances from Sod bury, Glocefterflnre. Banbury, Oxfordjh* 64I Malmlbury, Wilts 14 Burford, 4if Marlborough, 373 Briflol, Som. & Gloc. 1 1 Newark, Notts 150 Carlifle, Cumb. 2 7 4 Newbury, ^rr>fj 59 Chefter, Chejb. 134 Newcaitle, Nortbumb. 284 Cirencefter, Gloe-eJ* 24I Newmarket, {?0;/i£. 145 Chippenham, Wilts \%\ ; Reading, i?«-ij 73 Doncafler, Torkjh, 180 j Richmond, Torkjh* 242 Exeter, Devon 87 Scarborough, 260 Hull, Torkjh. 206 Sheffield, 206 Hungerford, Berks 473 - Tunbridge, Kent 139 Hunflow, MM, 102 I Wakefield, Torkjh^ 181 Lichfield, Staff. 94 Wells, Somerf. 3 1 Lincoln, Lincolnjb, 165 : Wellington, 63 , 205 ] Sti— Swa TABLE XXVIII Stockbrid^t Hantsj44.o Stockton, Durh. Stortford Bifho ps, Hern 170 2 75 t\ o M ! eg la o CO 393! 10E Stow Market, S uffolk| 4 o8 1 45 22^| 24^; 54 Stratford on Avon, Sudbury, , war. ^3 33 193101 131, -■uffolk j4, I4 I26J244J 33 igj] Sunderland, Durham U r 1J30C) 26^248 26q! j: ■ > < C u >J .0 3 . _D n 1- 3 c/> CO 127 1 ! 218269 Swafbam, Norfolk ] 384I 164(2 14! 6^1 371 *37 1 47 -zW 1 :9)£56 320 142J1851 89 391127:185 Svoanfea, Tadcafter, Glamorg. ;4,2o| 1 48^0112211263 Torkjb, Tamvvorth, War7 ! 274227,278 2II247 1 250I 57 1 9l 6 4 22Q _iZ 2( J3 184 24« 27I 33? Tiverton, Devon. 48 103 33S 98 242 145 1 3 6 3 : 4 & «*« Torrington, Devon. 510 «34 366 224I272 161; Towcefter, Nortbamp. 368 ».q [Q7 66| q6 34 20I39J 92)222 27c I0i 179 163 Trowbridge, Wilti\±it 37 277 Truro, G?r«; 131 1 8c, 8a w 191 427 28313271234 I 561302 317452 186 H6 107 240 Tunbridge Wells, A>«/ 449 8b 278 56 Ulverilon, Lancajb. 193 266 Utto: Staffordjh. 306 143 144 i*3 Uxbridge, Midd. 59 2 47 44 9»I33 »€>^ii 78 JA 260 ^1 5° r 43 3°i 107 160 12 ] 97] 79! 731272 IJ2 ic6 238 246 iil i88 206 ] Sti— Swa TABLE XXVIII. c CO bJO CO c 4-1 „ O O 4-1 CO in tx O n I* CO c > < a T3 "— <§ a i- 4-> CO 3 CO 13 c V -a c s CO 99 256 343 3i6 152 E fa CO C co Wakefield, Torhf):: 34.8;rQ8; 73 401 i 1 86 231 I58 86 173 116 59159 I79 170 153 206 H9J 22 7 22JJ290 210 150 193 113 I74|x7i Wallingham, Norfolk Wafeham, Dorfetjl) j_77 ! 34J3I8 I£52|IQb'l2^ Warm in iter, /^•//j'439331 291 I3OI74! 91 Warrington, Lancaf}). 2 48 1 9 2 1 2 7 178 200:104 Warwick, lVarw.\^^o 90 185 94)123 8||n9 210 128I148 Watford, Herts 407 70 236 33 87 76 66 76 261 207 9^192 86182 Wellingborou gh, N.ba. 353!ro3i82 56 81 49 Wellington, Shropjb. 305 137 181 141(174 58||i68 206 155I118 Wellington, Somerf.Wt)^ 89324 184J228 1311207 349 232^37 Weils, Somerf.\^2\ 57288 153J202I 95178 313 iq6|ioi Wendover, Buch^o^ 60233 57|l03| 59; 96 2 ^7 107176 Weobly, Here/. 3 5dn8J232 159188 49184 2 47 i 93 | 76 Weymouth, Dorfetjb. 486! 60 327 I6IJ205 137)184 35 2 224(157 Whitby, Torkjh 215)284 35 224241 202)245 <^ 215)308 Whitchurch, Shropjb. 290, 9 .61 170:193 851187 180 I74 ! i3 8 Whitehaven, Climb. 167 310 118 2941309 222 3O4 1 10 276 2 90 Wycomb, Bucks 4i3 53)242 62J104 6i| b7 267 142 I IO 174 T8o|785 Wigan, La?ic. -35 J205 H7I190205 i 1 7 208 Winchefter, Hants 447i 3|ji82| 99:143 95* 122 307 16215$ Windham, Norfolk 4161691246 69) 35 *4 2 5° 271 22)273 Windfor, Berks 424 52I259 551*03 7 6 79 204 118 176 Woliingham, Durban: 109I28S 32 243I258 206 264 30 2 34j3i3 Wolverhampt on, Staff. 3'3 ,2 4 '75 123I156 37 1 1 1 200 137I123 Woodbridge, Suffolk 429 1.4-5 1*59 60 19151 28! 284 56,277 Wood (lock, Oxford/}?. 383 5'6|2i8 7 8 :i'7 3 116 2 43 1251144 Wooler, Nortbumb. 97I349 1 79 291)308 267 3 12 60 282I37S 207 ] J en O 4_l C O > < 1 Sti — Swa c bo -a c ,3 -^ > a In •fi derland. E cfci C TABLE XXVIII. u c O is 3 ■ = CJ & 00 CO 00 j 00 OO 00 00 , 00 00 1 00 Wotton Bafl'et, ffiltsi^oti 46 2^3 1 iS 162 561152 278 1651128 W o re e lie r, Worcejl. 346 95 207 124 152 23 148 27,2 I58JIOI Wrexham, Denfa'%li/h.\2 j6\i 7 z\x $9 176 2l6 94,208 184 J 97 *37 Yarmouth, Norfolk\^ 3 ji 92(283] 96 +2 182; 63308 56(3 1 1 York, Torkfb. 222234I 5II174 191 1525195: 8oji65 ! 2s8 Di fiances from Stourbridge, Wore eft erjhire. Abergavenny, Monm. 66 jKidderminfler, Worceft. 7 Amerlham, Bucks 98J [Lichfield, Staff, 21 'Afhbourn, Derlyfl). 45 (Leek, 49 Aulcefler, War vs. 2 2§ j Ludlow, Shropfh. 29 Aylefbury, Bucks 84 jLutherworth, Leic. , 44 Bakewell, Derbyjh. 60 •Macclesfield, Cbeflj, 62 Banbury, Oxfordjh, 49I ! Mane heller, La?ic. Soj Bewdley, Worcejl. 10 ! Monmouth, Monm. 62 Birmingham, Wariv. 12 iNewport, 84 Briflol, Som.&Gloc. 8 3 | iNev/caille, Staff, 45 Broomfgrove, Worcejl. 10 ( Penkridge, 20 Bromyard, Here/. 29 ! Perfnore, Worcejl. W* Buckingham, jS#c/£j . 67I; : Rochdale, Lane. Q*i Burton upon Trent, Staff. 33 j 'Stratford on Avon, Wamv. 30I Chepftow, Monm, 78J Tewkfbury, Glocejl. 3*1 Clithero, Ldwc. 1 1 1 J jTutbury, Staff. 38 Coventry, Warzv, 29 . Uttoxeter, 37. Congleton, Cftgft, 54} Ux bridge, Midd. 10 9f Dudley, 7fW^. 5 iWalfal, Staff. 12 Glocefter, Glocejl, 49I j Wolverhampton, 10 Hereford, Afov/: 43 1 KVorcefler, Worcejl. 2l\ 208 ] 1 Tad— Tiv TABLE XXIX. 1 * E hi O O "> c a H I T3 U ca H T3 l H *-G • O E H 1 c > Tamvoortb, W a r w . T05J j 66 Tavijiock, Devon 3 30228 Taunton* Somcrl". 266J164J 64 Tewkejbury, Glocett. 172! 50 ! 59' 9? Thackficad, hiiex 162,123 250 291 125 Tbetford, Norfolk l66|l22 285(210 •43 43 Tbirjk, Yorkih 33 110I351IJ87 191 J 95 ■95 259 Tinmouth, North urn b 9$ 194 4 i5! 3 £;t|2 5 7 258 Tiverton* Devonlh. 287 1H5 48| 2l|l I 7J2I 1 231 308 37 2 Torrington, Devon 3M 205 36 47J136J241 2 55 336 400 26 To wee Her, Nortbamp. r 3 8 ^2201 137! 53] 7 2 87 170 2 3 J i S 8 Trowbridge, Wilts 226 123 115I $i| 56J139 171 247 3 11 72 Truro, Cermv". 376 2 74 46J1 10J205 296 33 1 397 461 94 Tun bridge Well*, Kent 219 147 241J179J141 68 104(248 312 200 Ulverfton, Lancajb. 100148 356I291I195I245 241) 93 117 312 Uttoxeter, Staff. 89 25 234169 73I130 •37 114 i 7 8 190 Ux bridge, Midd 188J107 1941141 87 60 9 1 217 281 162 Waketieln, Torkjb. 2^ 83 304I240 r46 158 160 47 112 261 Walfingham, Norfolk] 1 7 2 152 322 2 47 iSoj 92 39 201 265 268 Ware ham, Dorfetjb. 2b ? 164 104 60 116 1 5 1 200 288 2o7 U2l_87 325] 69 Warminlter, IVilts 24O i37 1 1 1 47i 69^42 178 Warrington, Lane. &5 73 277 2I2J12I 185 199 97 1 6 1 ' 2 3 3 Warwick, Warvj. 134 30 197 132 38*1-01 114 '<;<; 2I9J154 Warlord, Herts *77 97 205 152I 8b| 51 8o 206 2 7 o|»73 Wellingborough, N.ba. 128 V 220 156 7 2| 05 71 T P 216I177 Wellington, Bbropjh. r 3< 37 217 153 $8|i48!i62 151 2I 5! I 74 Wellington, SomerJ. 2 73 171 57 7 ?02| 19HI2 : 7 294 3S»| *4 Wells, SomerJ. 237 '35 93I 32 66 ! i66li8i 2 5 8 l 3 22l 5C 209 ] Tad- TABLE -Tiv XXIX. S 1 u -a C3 h O 3 h u _o *> H c 3 3 1 (LI -a $ H | - 4 h Tinmouth. | Tiverton. Wendover, Bucks 165 87 189121' 67 ' 73 92 203'267:i 42 Weobly, Heref. 172 b6j 172I108J 42(165 178 202 260 1 29 Weymouth, Dorfetfr. 276 173; 8bj 47|i22|r 74 -'09297361J 56 Whitby, Vorkjb. 56i6;'39cj326 232 224 2 > b 49| 74:347 Whitchurch, Sbr0fiJb.\ioS 56,2 3 7J 1 73! 8 5 180 181 131 195 J 94 Whitehaven, Cumb.'iiq 192I396I330 239 300 288 1 19 1 10 352 Wycomb, Bucks] 1 89 89 196 I3O 7 2 73 9S 21 2^276 *5' Wigan, Lanc.\ 67 87 290 22^ '34 *9? *93 87151 246 Wincheiter, Hants 231 128 150 9 2 96 111(147 2 533 , 6 JI 3 Windham, Norfolk 187J142 305 230^6; 65103 2l6'28cJ25I Windfor, Berks 200 10 5 187 131I 89 329)293 l 5 2 Wollingham, Durham 75 I? 2 394330J236 2 45!-45 5 6 i 39 35 1 Wolverhampton, Staff. ^20 22 203 139! 46 130144 r 45 209 2 93 160 242 135 Woodbridge, Suffolk 200 I54J28l \221\1 70 47i 4c 229 Woodftock, Oxforqyb.\i6y 64)178 114! 4 C 8 7 |no i38j252 Wooler, Nor thumb. \ \ 34 2 3 3)4 5 5 J39 1 j 29c -9 2 ! 2 93 105! 5° 412 Wotton Baflet, Wilu\zoi. q 5 1 1 3 6 1 70J 39 J34JI59 223J286 9* 132 Worcefter, Worccfth^ 4.1 j 175JH0I16I 131J143 *7?! 2 4* Wrexham, DenbighJb.\i\o 77 248)1 "84I165I188I204 129 1931205 Yarmouth, Norfolk\22^ 173 328I268I201I 97 58 253 317:289 York, Torkjh.\ 10 I15J340 276 182 175. 176 23 8 9>97 • 1 Ee i 210 J Tor— Wal i ! TABLE XXX. <1* -a bn V T3 U3 dx8^| 7 8 132J146I312J19C 124I149 43 6 J 279 2 ^ ! '97 442 337 116 43 33 *77 242J 68J231119 336234 61 72 196, 82 273 15c 24 I | 2a 7 2i4 | 77^ 6i!i9i 708JT36 iZltiiZ 1 17 III 104! 1 77 24/J254 21 1218 1 62 j 1 30 ■4 X 55*94 iv 48 248 '57 =96 9' 250 7^ H6 2 3 2J 8J1I96 I 22;289 1 66! i 32 >2,i99 20^184 Windham, Norfolk z 7^1 [07I191 3<;i 124I260 I^liiltbij 36 211 j 1 1/3 1! | Tor— Wal Si -a be £ "3 P tc it- -0 3 <*3 U O "rt H u f- | h M t ^ £1 Windfor, Beris\iyg\ ;± f 8o|2^| 6012501127 12 186 14c Wolfing^ham, Durham 370:216 290J440J301J H ^ j 1 56 267 90251 Wolverhampton, Staff. i8o| 63: 99)249)1 ^Bji 4^| 31 n6 98 159 Woodbridge, Siffolk i-j^nb 179)327 97U8l 168 96 1941 69 Woodftock, Oxford/li 155J 28. 60)224 99J209 87 48 1 14^)147 520)1 ^299 Wooler, Nortbu?nb.^o\z'0 3 9 1 j ^01 1346; 1 24. 217 Wotton Ballet, fVilts\ii^\bt 31)184)1 10)234 I 12 7\\lJ2\ 187, Worceiter, WorceJt\\^z\ 57 7 1)22 1| 147) 180 j8 Qljl 30; ■ w Wrexham, Denbigbjl}.\2%^\\2^ 161 1294(220! ic8 C9I173; 94219 Y a rm u t h , Norfolk^ 3 1 9 147 2251374 [44J297J' 87)143)218! 55 York, iV/^.t32 5 148 2^6l386 , 229 l .icM 991198! 33182 Diftances from Wallixgford, Berk/tire, Alresford, Hants 3§| Maidenhead, Berks 20 Alton, 37J Midhurft, Suffix 57 Avlelburv, i?#c& 25 Nevvenr, Gloceji, 67 Bafingftoke, Hants 27 Oxford, Of/*. ia| Birmingham, JVarvj, 73! Oakin^ham, Berks 22 Chicheiter, S/#* 68J Petersfield, /£?«** £o| Clipping Norton, Oxf. 3 1 j iPortfmouth, 66J Cirencefler, Gloceft. 40 Reading, i?*rfo -16 Farnham, &^ry 37I ^hipfton, Worcejl. 41 § Farringdon, Berks 22 IStratford on Avon, Warw» $z\ Glocefler, G/*«y?. 58 Thame, Oxf. ii;f Henley, Oxfordjh. II j Waltham, //<7«^ 49^ High worth, Wilts 27 1 Wantage, Berks 14 Hounflow, Midd. 36J 1 WinchefVer, TiW* 46^ Woodflock, O*/: ibf Lechlade, G/oc-f/?. 28 1 y- — E e 2 j Ui J War— Wen ] TABLE XXXI. , ■ £ | Warminfter. Warrington, j Warwick. 1 O U C CO c. c CO cT O to en > -a c Warminfier, Wilts £ C jVarringtbn, Lan c. ; 2 2 191 IO- Warwick, Warw.1 1 34)102 Watford, Hertsj no 1 oo| 1 68 79 . Wellingborough, N . b a m.j 1 3 3 nBli.jfe 43' 50 | Wellington, bhroplh. 1 70 II6I ^T H^SS 93 Wellington, Somerf.j 6c _5Spiq i 4 Dii59!i6 3 i6u Wells, Somerf.j 62 241184 i04!i23Ji27 124 w* .Wendover, Kucks 1 1 \q ! 5 8 i J 9l 42 I ( ! M2 96 Weobly, Here/. \i 3 o IOI I 12 5 C ! I2,|l0 7 r (I 5 81 114 Weymouth, Dorfctfl). 14 =i9 238 1461311152 179 4-3 56 Il 5 Whitby, Torkjh 327 30.0 Ijft 194 2^7!r88 l0 ,5 333 297 *44 225 r 37 Whitchurch, SbropJh.\ 1 94 ■53 4' 84I154 1 12 3 1 1 8c Whitehaven, Oun&.fotf 309 119 220 286 238 *?y 337 3° 3 IOI 2 75 1 2 VVycomb, Bucks IOC 8j *S7 60 18 <2 12) x 37 ■ Wigan, Lane. 242 204 1 2 11J181 134 71 232 197 170 Winchefter, Hants 39 44 199 100 68 I I I '43 99 76 61 Windham, No7"folk 205 198 2 1 9:134! 100 9 1 182 237 201 1 12 Wind for, Berks 90 8; 176J 80 23 68 i34 nb 102 25 Wolfingham, Durb. ^3> 304 140 198I256 206 199 337 146 30. no 231 83 Wolverhampton, Staff. 166 1 1 2 6 5l 35 117 75 18 ; Woodhriuge, Suffolk 186 178 21911421 96 100 194 228 201 108 Woodftock, OxfordJL 94 76 J 35 4° 49 5} 89I121 8*| : Wooler, Nor thumb. 392 365 179 259 3°9 2 55 254 398 362 290 ! Wotton Baflet Wilts 79 30 1 60 65 80 83 98 81 54 56 ■ Wo reciter, Wore eft. 125 84 k-6 3° 93 7 2 42(117 81 83 \ *vV rcjeham 1 ,"" * 'Bvrdngb" 204 167 30 ( n 163 l 3S 4°| I 9 I l 55 14J Yarmouth, Norfoh 23 C 221 256 172 138 187 129 13b 219U75 246 TtnT, 'Tork'i'K 262 2CO 86 1 4. ■45 bt> 3 •247 2i3 ] Weo — Win TABLE XXXII. *6 Q V •5 3 o £ [ Whitchurch. I Whitehaven. JO £ >> • c be i .5 ^ 1 ! - '1 Weymouth* Dorfedh. ! 3 6i I 1 Whitby, Yorkfh. *«2 ""6 170 <5 2 212 Whitchurch, Shropfh. 68120- 168 Whitehaven, C u m b . 23.^6 141 160 Wycttnb, Bucks rio|n4|249 148)274 ryo\yn 201J304 Wigariy Lane. lz i\llL 127 Winchejler, Hants 125 68 247 Windham, Norfolk 20 j 229 115J213 167 Wind for, Berks 120 IJ 3 340 2601101 294 I 8; I 89 49 25C 114295 l2 3 Wolfingham, Durham 241 66 173:1 10 266 280 ri 3 102 46 332 76 Wolverhampton, Staff {6 '75 180 49 184 9 8 79 J 33 164 Wood brid ge, Suffolk 207I205 26c 213 328JIIO 2221143 I3O Wooditock, Oxfordjh. NJ' , - I $ 227J1 16U53I 33 148 64 Wooler, Nortbumb. 302 401 1 J 3^3?; I 2 2t^ 15 167,356 314 172 Wotton Br»H'et, Wilts 7» 87 261J122J276J 69 [71] 59 Worcefter, Worcejl. 36 i37|207j 64I224I 77 1 19 IOI 163 95 W re x h a m, DenbighJIj . 75 211 170! ib|i 5z|i 98 42 179 224 171 Yarmouth, Norfolk 223 252^84 238341 :^ 7 248 190 37i 149 York, Yorkfh. 182 287! 46 I18I13OI199 77241)197 2 'o * i "4 1 £ 1, j | f ! 1 Woi— Yor j | E 85 ® ^ S3 E >S | M S~ .51 eSl ^ d &, t 2 3 i ! 5 "TJ ^1 u *>l ^ O | ITABLE XXXIII. ^ ► : O ' O ' "3 c O t\ i £ ^ -: \ r-- £ fe| S? >H UVblverhampton, Staff. 187 1 1 I j # 'oodbria'ge* S u ffo i k J 2 7 g 176! | \ ; t \Vaodftoek Oxlordih. 2^1 081143 \)Vooler, North umb. 72 248 327 *o2 WSotton BaJJet, Wilts 262 93:181 4 i !3 2 4 # ^orcefier, W r c e ft . 219 3 1 i 1 7 1 47275! ^ Wrexham^ Denbighfh. l 75 5 8|2 3 6 i i25 237I146I 7 8 Yarmouth* Norfolk ^03 soil 471 168 3^5 208 201J261 1V£, Yorkfh.| 73 130)210 J77J1 28209' 157I 120 242 Diftances from Worksop, Nottinghamjlnre. Abbe r ford, York]}). 41 Nevvark, 22 Barnfley, 3 1 Newmarket, Camh. 113 Bawtry, 38 Northampton, North. 83 Bakewell, Derhyjb. 2SJ Nottingham, Notts 26 Bofton, Line. 58 Otley, Yorkjh. 59! Bugden, Hunt, 85 Penninftone, 3 1 Buxton, Z)^. 39 Ripley, 68 Cambridge, Caml. 100 Rippon, 75! Chefterfield, Z). io6| Huntingdon, Hunt, 84 Stamford, Line, 57 Leeds, Yorkjh. 49! Stilton, #W # 71} Leicefler, L«V. 53 St. Neots, 89 Loughborough, 41 Tidefwell, Deri. 31 Lincoln, Line* 29 Thirfk, 2V*#. 86§ Manchefter, Lane* 58 Wakefield, 41 Alans Held, Notts 12 \ «n 215 ] t3 s . t c < X E- i- txO. £ .£ -v etf fcO ^2 Be W .'S < > ~z _ m a i « -- p4 tn & ] - n *2 i 1 .j- ) *r> re ! ^ - o a, o & g.p*|-lff X en £ c at * J3 3 4J T3 O C o 00 s *-- ^1 P- tn rs H '*• »r fi3 ~0 c cd *»-! V I C5 Q (4 • CO «5 o I)S r- 1 c j «") 3* ^ o 33 U 2 be « > H j «M m X <* 1 w c sO r- C , 35 .S 1 -* e j t- t~ c~ w l ^1 " O c & >, 2!oo* U->| N 6 D r-l O 1 o "3 CD > 'Sc -a 3 -- »l M j ^ "~ T ^|r- r« rr> o m I> Tl 1 w N IvO j O ~^ 1- 3 4> J= ** rj o t> u IT. - ,^| ^ £ rt § O -r m ■* >C j r- loo £ u en ^f u . "T: N ** CO J O 3 O O t| r r T r> 1 rJ H 1 O ° 1 ? t~- 1 \r\ h c • - -r r- -j O 1 »3- C7- r- t^- m u ^: - ^ ro ~ "4- a- J f- CO { c-^ !s :5 I- ," m 1 '♦•j fl j m «1 [ t- t ! "T 1 i- sq I " f - 6 - o i cc 4 U o 6 *D ° • jq c H - - — n ro j ^ j " o t- o cr kj £ :&i % i 1 tt rr "*r - - •~C . H xx; | »/ 1' "? m . r<-i c « "O .— 4 X O 1 C" i-ri rri SO a> ojO "C _• <^j ^J" C< o- £ "O £Q ►— 1 _> d K,2 *M 6 w 1 m 4 SI? i/ j C>j oo n •*• 2 1*1 4 r- i r^: g 1 - rr ro ♦l- 1 sfi c< e> « M 1- "oT'o" •' 1 ■ c '" " in. un l ~ M | ** «s ** .^ / o V j M a -r- <■•-. I r- u- 1 *• i r> 4 u O o O DC 1 - "I" H *r - c-jco j o s n{ c r 1 ,r ? O | v© O c^-J t- Tl « | 1 t>j ■-C o "* H 42 rr > «1 - rS o O } sd • i - • - a ' - r- ■. H 1 6 i i CO -r - -X* "■— < Q J tJ H f'l ml ?*■>] * m-.U. o r- cr a — . m - _' {_ ^ i — _** ISLE of rHAXKLASj L (^rXT«YAl ) »A | 'J- : ^'-_ * ROI'TK ..on DKAI, to II VT J)li.\), ,„ II V'l'llli K O ITTE fki.m RVK J" KAST BOFKME ; — ~\ — x - :n ?wfi ITE from NEW SHORE HAM n- t'UlCHESI-KK ROUTE nun CHICHESTER to KAREHAM ^ University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. A 000 227 443 9 Unive: Sou Li;