Price 15 cents Reprint and Circular Series OF THE National Research Council distribution of graduate fellowships and scholarships between the arts and the sciences Compiled by Calue Hull and Clarence J. West Published in School and Society April 15, 1922, Vol. XV, No. 381, Pages 424-428 DISTRIBUTION OF GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS AND SCHOLAR- SHIPS BETWEEN THE ARTS AND THE SCIENCES Di'RiNTi a survoy of various ediitiitioiial in- stitutions by the Educational Relations Divi- sion of the National Research Council, it seemed desirable to ascertain the relative support given to the arts and the sciences in our universities. One indication of this support may be found in the number of felllowships granted in each of these two fields. At the suggestion of Pro- fessor C. E. McClung, the Research Informa- tion Service requested twelve of our leading universities to furnish information concerning the subject distribution of fellowships and scholarships awarded in the graduate school of arts and sciences or its equivalent during the past five years. Due to a misunderstanding, this five year period was not uniform for all of TABLE I Distribution' of Fellowships and Scholar- ships HY Years UNIVERSITY 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 California 41 28 30 35 43 Chicago 103 6G 93 95 69 Columbia 65 61 14 31 61 Cornell 41 41 41 41 41 41 Harvard 129 76 78 125 130 Illinois 80 50 50 59 51 Johns Hopkins .... 76 72 58 68 62 Michigan 41 26 23 30 38 Pennsylvania 71 62.5 46.5 55.5 61.5 .... Stanford 2 2 5 10 10 Wisconsin 65 72 58 86 Yale 82 58 55 94 96 the returns and complete data are awailable only for the four collegiate years 191G, 1917, 1918, and 1919. The twelve universities listed in Table I re- ported 3,377 fellowships. This table shows the distribution by years. The halves appearing in this and the following tables are due to the practice of the University of Pennsylvania in sometimes dividing the university fellowships (providing simply for the remission of tuition fees) into halves, in order to aid certain teach- ers or students who can not carry a suflicient amount of work to enable them to hold a full fellowship. The distribution between the arts and the sciences is given in Table II. Harvard has the largest number of fellowships during this perkid, 538. Chicago follows with 406, Yale has 385, Wisconsin and Johns Hopkins 336 each; the others have less than 300. TABLE II Distribution or Fellowships and Scholarships Between Arts and Sciences university arts sciences total PURE applied California 77 64 36 177 Chicago 201 205 .... 400 Columbia 138 73 6 217 Cornell 110 68 30 208 Harvard 385 153 538 Illinois 148 121 21 290 J ohns H opkins .... 157 179 .... 336 MicTTiiyitn 58 73 27 158 Pennsylvania 201.5 93.5 2 297 Stanford 10 18 1 29 Wisconsin 197 88 51 336 Yale 210 153 22 385 Totals 1,892.5 1,288.5 196 3,377 In the arts Harvard also leads with 385 fel- lowships; Yale has 210 and Pennsylvania and Chicago tie for third place with 201 each. In the sciences Chicago leads with 205, with Johns Hopkins second, 179, while Yale follows with 175 and Harvard with 153. The order for the applied sciences is: Wisconsin 51, California 36, Cornell 30, Michigan 27, Yale 22, and Illi- nois 21. The distribution by individual subjects for the five year period is shown in Table III. A summary of Table III follows: A. — Arts — Architecture, 10; ancient lan- guages, 250; English and modern languages, 615.5; philology, 4; philosophy, 197.5; educa- tion, 80; fine arts, 17; manual arts, 5; history, 328; economics, 171.5; home economics, 21; political science, 153; sociology, 40. B. — Pure Sciences — Astronomy, 28; archaeo- logy, 20; biology, 400.5; chemistry, 365; geo- graphy, 12; geology, 104; mathematics, 145; physics, 152.5 psychology, 63.5. SCHOOL AND SOCIETY TABLE 111— Continued Distribution of Fellowships and Scholarships by Subject Chemistry Geography Physiogeography Total Geology Mathematics Physics Psychology See also Philosophy and psychology under A. Arts TOTAL FOR PUKE SCIENCES C. APPLIED SCIENCES Agriculture -• Agricultural bacteri- ology Agricultural chemistry Agricultural economics Agricultural education Agronomy Animal husbandry Dairy husbandry Horticulture Soils Total Ceramics Engineering . Architectural engi- neering Chemical engineering Civil engineering Electrical engineering Highway engineering Hydraulic engineering Mechanical engineer- ing Mechanical and elec- trical engineering.... Steam and gas engi- neering Total Medicine Public health Research medicine Total Pharmacy TOTAL IN AP- PLIED SCIENCES 1915-16 17 1916-17 55 1 19 31 32 1/2 11 242 1917-18 16 1 1 8 5 1 2 2 2 1 23 1 1 2 2 43 53 2 2 25 25 32 12 252 14 1 1 18 4 4 1 38 1918-19 1919-20 68 2 68 2 2 2 8 24 23 29 191/2 27% 9 14 198 281 1 1 1 4 1 2 3 "2 "i 1 1 2 10 11 1 1 16 "2 3 "3 3 3 "2 22 29 2 45 Indi- 1920-21 1921-22 vidual Total 82 13 2 3 11 1 2 3 19 8 29 3 35 5 151/2 2 2491/2 58 2 1 7 7 1 10 7 1 1 10 4 4 4 4 4 1 8 27 1 3 19 2 1 19 2 15 4 6 3 1 4 2 10 1 22 1 3 4 16 1 1 4 7 4 8 1 31 10 SUMMARY A. Arts B. Pure science C. Applied science. 1,8921/2 1,288 y2 196 Grand Total 365 12 104 142 152% 63 Va 1,288% 105 24 7 196 TOTAL 3,377 SCHOOL AND SOCIETY lowships, and the interest in graduate work on the part of students as shown by the number of candidates for doctorates. It seems possible that these two measures of interest in graduate work may be related to each other. With this possibility in view Table IV was compiled to show the number of fellowships assigned as compared with the number of doctorates con- ferred in a given year by each of the twelve universities. The compilation was necessarily limited to the natural sciences, as no informa- tion regarding doctorates conferred in the arts was available to the Research Information Service. In some of the institutions, it will be noted that there is a close parallelism between the figures, whereas in others there is no apparent relation. TABLE IV COMPAKISON OF FELLOWSHIPS AND DOCTOBATES IN THE SCIENCES UNIVERSITY California Chicago Columbia Cornell Harvard Illinois Johns Hopkins Michigan Pennsylvania - Stanford Wisconsin Yale 1916-1917 1917-1918 1918-1919 1919-1920 1920-1921 F. D. F. D. F. D. F. D. F. D. 23 23 16 16 15 16 21 14 25 22 39 49 55 29 28 47 43 43 42 21 37 24 24 3 11 7 24 21 27 19 38 19 30 19 21 19 35 21 33 40 39 21 15 21 14 32 28 39 25 42 24 25 23 27 15 25 22 23 19 37 24 37 7 32 7 39 21 33 21 26 13 15 8 13 4 22 9 24 7 28 7 21 10 7 8 23 5 16 5 4 2 2 2 4 4 5 5 30 17 26 16 19 9 34 24 15 31 25 21 9 31 4 52 23 40 27 D 000 562 691 6 'm ^^