Tti C3 /^3 1 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS .^y<^ <.**-4i^ CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU FERRY BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO FLETCHER HAMILTON State Mineralogist San Francisco] BULLETIN No. 74 [August, 1917 California Mineral Production for 1916 WITH COUNTY MAPS CALIFORNIA STATE PniNTING OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1917 Li\iV;..ilC/ii.i (^i ^jrii-j.FORi>IlA ■J*\ A t TTr-t CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU FERRY BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO FLETCHER HAMILTON State Mineralogist San Francisco] BULLETIN No. 74 [August, 1917 California Mineral Production for 1916 WITH COUNTY MAPS By WALTER W. BRADLEY, Mining Statistician CALIFORNIA STATE PRINTING OFFICE SACRAMENTO 19 17 31821 TABLE OF CONTENTS. , . Page LETTKR OF TRANSMITTAL __! L 5 INTRODUCTION 7 Chapter I. SUMMARY OF THE MINERAL INDUSTRY IN CALIFORNIA DURING THE YEAR OF 1916 9 TABULATION OF THE MINERAL PRODUCTION SHOWING COMPARATIVE AMOUNTS AND VALUES — 1915 AND 1916 11 TABLE SHOWING COMPARATIVE MINERAL PRODUCTION OF THE VARI- OUS COUNTIES IN CALIFORNIA FOR 1915 AND 1916 12 Ohapter II FUELS (HYDROCARBONS) — Introductoky 13 Coal 13 Natural Gas 14 Petroleum 17 Chapter III. METALS^ Introductory 26 Aluminum ^ 27 Antimony 27 Bismuth 28 Copper 29 Gold 30 Iridium. (See Platinum.) Iron 34 Lead 36 Manganese 37 Molybdenum 39 Nickel ; 40 Osmium 40 Palladium 40 Platinum 40 Quicksilver 42 hILVER 47 Tin 50 'iUNGSX'EN ---- 51 Vanadium 53 Zinc 54 Chapter IV. STRUCTURAL MATERIALS— Introductory 55 Asphalt 56 Bituminous Rock 56 Brick and Tile 57 Cement 59 Chromite 61 Granite 64 Lime 66 Magnesite 66 Marble 74 Onyx and Travertine 75 Sandstone 75 Serpentine 76 Slate 77 SroNE — Miscellaneous 78 Chapter V. INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS — Introductory S5 Asbestos 86 Barytes 89 Clay — Pottery 90 Dolomite 92 Feldspar 93 Fuller's Earth 94 Fluorspar 95 Gems 95 Graphite 96 Gypsum 97 Infusorial and Diatomace.ous Earth 98 Limestone 99 Lithia 100 Mica 101 Mineral Paint 101 Mineral Water 102 Phosphates 103 Pumice and Volcanic Ash 104 Pyrite 104 Silica — Sand and Quartz 105 Soapstone or Talc 106 Strontium 107 Sulphur 108 4 TABLE OP CONTENTS. Chapter VI. SALINES — Page Introductory 109 Borax 109 Magnesium Chloride . 110 Nitrates 111 Potash 111 Salt li:; Soda 114 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Chapter VII. mineral production of CALIFORNIA BT COUNTIES. INTRODUCTORY '__ 116 Alameda -- 117 Alpine lis Amador 118 Butte 119 Calaveras 119 Colusa 120 Contra Costa 120 Del Norte 121 El Dorado 12- Fresno 122 Glenn 123 Humboldt 123 Imperial 124 Inyo 125 Kern 12G Kings 126 Lake 127 Lassen 127 Los Angeles 128 Madera 128 Marin 129 Mariposa 129 Mendocino 130 Merged 130 ■ Modoc 131 Mono 131 Monterey 132 Napa 132 Nevada 133 Orange 133 Placer 134 Plumas 135 Riverside 135 Sacramento 136 San Benito 137 San Bernardino 137 San Diego 138 San Francisco 139 San Joaquin 139 San Luis Obispo 139 San Mateo 140 Santa Barbara 141 Santa Clara 141 Santa Cruz 14l' Shasta ^ 142 Sierra 143 Siskiyou 144 Solano 144 Sonoma 145 Stanislaus 14." Sutter 146 Tehama 14 fi Trinity 146 Tulare 147 Tuolumne 147 Ventitra 148 Yolo 149 Yuba 149 Chapter VIII. appendix. MINING BUREAU ACT 150 PUBLICATIONS OF THE STATE MINING BUREAU 153 COUNTY MAPS :__ 157 INDEX . 177 I TABLE OF CONTENTS. ILLUSTRATIONS. Paee iMusEUM OF State Mining Bureau Frontispiece Chart Showing Lead Prices, 1914-1916 35 A Shipment of 300 Flasks op Quicksilver From the New Idria Mine 44 New Idria Quicksilver Mine 45 Chart of Silver Prices, 1916 48 Chart of Tungsten Prices, 1914-1916 52 Chart of Zinc Prices, 1914-1916 54 'state Highway Bridge at Dunsmuir 60 Shaft Furnace of Western Magnesite Development Company 67 Rotary Kiln of Sonoma Magnesite Company 68 Grinding Mill Pebbles on Beach at Bird Rock 80 Capital National Bank Building, Sacramento 91 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. August, 1917. To His Excellency, the Honorable William D. Stephens, Governor of the State of California, Sir: I have the honor to herewith transmit Bulletin No. 74 of the State Mining Bureau, being the annual report of the statistics of mineral production of California. The remarkable variety, total valuation, and wide distribution of many of our minerals shown herein are a revelation of California's strategic importance as a producer of commercial minerals among the states of the Union. Respectfully submitted. Fletcher Hamilton, State Mineralogist. LETTER OF INTRODUCTION. The Bulletin herewith presented of the mineral industries of Cali- fornia is the result of a painstaking effort to so compile the statistics of production that they will be of actual use to producers and to those interested in the utilization of the mineral products of our state, while at the same time keeping the individual's data confidential. In addi- tion to the mere figures of output, we have included descriptions of the uses and characteristics of many of the materials, as well as a brief mention of their occurrences. The compilation of accurate and dependable figures is an extremely difficult undertaking, and the State Mineralogist takes the opportunity of here expressing his appreciation of the universal co-operation of the producers in making this work possible. The response to our recpiest for early replies is particularly pleasing. A fuller appreciation of the value of early responses to the requests sent out at the beginning of each year, will result in earlier publication of the data in the future. Some of the data relative to properties and uses of many of the minerals herein described are repeated from the preceding year's report, as it is intended that this annual statistical bulletin shall be somewhat of a compendium of information on California's commercial minerals and their utilization. Fletcher Hamilton, State Mineralogist. MINERAL INDUSTRY, CALIFORNIA, 1916 DATA COMPILED FROM DIRECT RETURNS FROM PRO- DUCERS IN ANSWER TO INQUIRIES SENT OUT BY CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU, FERRY BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. CHAPTER ONE. Mineral output in California during the year 1916 amounted to $127,901,610 worth of crude materials. There wore fifty-two different mineral substances, exclusive of a segregation of the various stones grouped under gems, and of the fifty-eight counties in the state all but one contributed some mineral product. As compared with the 1915 output, the notable features of 1916 are the continued increases along those lines which have been boosted by war conditions, the enormous increase in petroleum valuation though the quantity showed a decrease of nearly a million barrels, and the decrease of over a million dollars in the gold yield. The result is a net increase in the grand total value of $31,238,241 over the 1915 total. This is the first time in the history of California that her total mineral yield for a year has passed the one hundred million mark. Of the metals : Copper increased approximately 15,000,000 pounds in quantity and $6,559,450 in value. Gold decreased $1,031,555. Lead, quicksilver, silver and zinc each increased more than a half million in value, while tungsten showed an increase of 150 per cent in quantity and 350 per cent in value, or $3,566,054. Petroleum decreased nearly a million barrels in quantity, but the prices per barrel for all grades were raised so materially that the net result was an increase of $13,917,497 in total value. Decided gains are shown by some of the structural and industrial materials, such as cement, chromite, granite, lime, magnesite and man- ganese. Of these, magnesite leads with a nearly four-fold increase, of $1,028,432. All of the salines increased, but especially, borax from $1,663,521 to $2,409,375 and potash from $19,391 to $663,605. The figures of the State Mining Bureau are made up from reports received direct from the producers of the various minerals. Care is exercised in avoiding duplication, and any error is likely to be on the side of under- rather than over-estimation. 10 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. California yields commercially a greater number and variety of mineral products than any other state in the United States, and probably more than any other equal area elsewhere of the earth. Previous to 1916, the total annual value of her output was surpassed by but four other states, they being the great coal and iron producers of east of the Mississippi River. In 1916, because of their enormous increases in copper output, reports indicate that Montana and Arizona have passed California for that j^ear. Of one item, at least, borax, California still remains the sole producer; and until quite recently, was also the sole domestic source of chromite and magnesite. "We produce at least 75% of the quicksilver of the United States. For some years, we haye been leading all others in gold and platinum ; while alternating in the lead with Colorado in tungsten, and with Oklahoma in petroleum. Motor trucks have proven a boon in opening up mineral properties hitherto an improfitable distance from railroad transportation. The advent and improvement of motor vehicles has induced the building of better roads everywhere, thus benefiting the miner and farmer, alike. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL I'KODUCTION. 11 The following table shows the comparative yield of mineral substances of California for 1915 and 1916, as compiled from the returns received at the State Mining Bureau, San Francisco, in answer to inquiries sent to producers : Substance 1915 Amount Value 1916 Amount Antimony ore Asbestos Barytes Bituminous rocli Borax Briel< and tile Cement Ciiromite Clay— pottery Coal Cipper Dolomite Feldspar Puller's earth Gems Gold Granite Graphite Gypsum Infusorial and diato- maeeous earths Iron ore Lead Lime Limestone Lithia Magnesite Magnesium chloride.. Manganese ore Marble Mineral paint Mineral water Molybdenum ore Natural gas Petroleum Platinum Potash Pumice and volcanic ash Pyrite Quicksilver Salt Sandstone Silica (sand and quartz) Silver Slate Soapstone and talc- Soda Stone, miscellaneous*. Strontium Tungsten c o n c e n - trates Zinc 510 143 410 17,789 67,004 180,538 4,918,275 3,725 157,866 10,299 40,968,966 4,192 1,800 tons tons tons tons tons M. bbls. tons tons tons lbs. tons tons tons 20,200 tons 12,400 tons 724 tons 2,398 tons 356,534 lbs. 146,324 tons 91 tons 30,721 tons 4,013 tons 22,186 eu. ft. 311 tons 2,274,267 gals. 21,992,892 M. cu 91,146,620 bbls. 667 ounces 1,076 tons 380 tons 92,462 tons 14,199 flasks 169,028 tons 03,350 cu. ft. 28,904 tons ft. Totals Net increase 1,000 squares 1,663 tons 5,799 tons 962 tons 13,043,411 lbs. $35,666 2,860 620 61,468 1,663,521 1,678,756 6,044,9.50 38,044 133,724 28,662 7,169,567 14,504 9,000 4,002 3,565 22,442,296 227,928 48,^3 62,(100 2,.W4 225,426 286,304 156,288 1,365 283,461 49,098 41.518 1,756 467,738 1,706,480 43,503,837 21,149 19,391 6,400 293,148 1,157,449 368,737 8,438 34,322 851 ,129 5,000 14,7.50 83,485 4,783,180 1,006,467 1,617,383 1,015 145 1,606 19,449 103,52:^ 206,960 5,299,.507 48,943 134,6:^6 4,037 55,809,019 13,313 2,630 110 tons tons tons tons tons M. bbls. tons tons tons lbs. tons tons tons 29,190 lbs. 33,384 tons 15,322 3,000 6,196 493,635 187,521 71 154,052 861 13,404 25,954 643 2,273,817 8 28,134,365 50,262,557 886 17,908 tons tons tons lbs. tons tons tons tons tons cu. ft. tons gals. tons M. cu. bbls. ounces tons ft. 1,246 tons 120,,525 tons 21,427 flasks 186,148 tons 17,270 cu. ft. 30,880 tons Value $64,79! 2,380 5,516 66,561 2,44,9.375 2,096,570 6,210,293 717,244 146,538 7,080 13,729,017 46,566 14,350 550 4,752 21,410,741 5:J5,3.':9 2,335 59,533 80,649 6,000 &55,049 390,475 217,733 1,065 1,311,893 6,407 274,601 50,280 3,960 410,112 9,945 2,871,751 57,421,334 42,642 663,605 18,092 372,969 2,003,425 455,695 10,271 48,9'8 1,687,345 l,7(t3 tons 10,593 tons 57 tons 2,270 tons 15,950,565 lbs. 9,831 264,825 4,171,519 2,850 j 4,571,521 I 2,137,375 196,663,369 Ifl27,901,610 Increases- Decrease — Value $29,127 + 480— 4,896+ 5.093 + 745.8,54 + 417.814 + 165.343 + 679.200+ 12,814 + 19,632— 6,559,450+ 32,062 + 5,350+ 3.452— 1.187 + 1,031.555— 307.411 + 2,335 + 10,580+ 18, 3, 629, 104, 61 1,028, 6, 225, 8, 2 57 9, 1,165, 13,917, 21, 644, ,649+ ,416 + 623 + ,171 + ,445 + 300— 432 + ,407+ ,503 + ,762 + ,204 + ,626— ,945+ ,271 + ,497 + ,493 + 214+ 11.692 + 79,821 + 845.976+ 86.958+ 1.833 + 14,.586+ 8.36.216+ 5.000— 4.919— 181.340+ 611.661— 2,850+ 3,.566,054 + 519,992+ 131,238.241 + ^Includes macadam, ballast, rubble, pebbles. rip-rap, paving blocks, sand, gravel, and grinding mill 12 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. The following table shows the comparative value of the mineral pro- duction of the various counties in the state for the vears 1915 and 1916. County Alameda Alpine Amador Butte Calaveras Colusa Contra Costa -.. Del Norte El Dorado Fresno Glenn Humboldt Imperial Inyo Kern Kings Lake .— Lassen Los Angeles Madera ..- -. Marin Mariposa Mendocino Merced __. Modoc Mono Monterej' Napa Nevada Orange Placer Plumas Riverside Sacramento San Benito San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco -. San Joaquin San Luis Obispo. San Mateo Santa Barbara . Santa Clara Santa Cruz Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Solano Sonoma . Stanislaus Sutter Tehama Trinity Tulare Tuolumne Ventura Yolo Yuba 1915 $861,683 Totals 4,063,762 1,622,245 2,161,893 16,003 1,309,505 4,524 428,336 8,152,300 46,667 358,686 77,433 2,771,042 25,335,184 18,608 72,534 870 4,168.612 145,063 160,528 412,326 24.536 94,032 8.681 109,425 84,986 884.221 3,492,946 6,617,112 963,860 745,715 1,349,591 2.562,281 642,065 2,674.042 211,129 128,270 248,394 227.632 177,891 3,984,966 635,229 1,581,531 8,350,133 729,518 514,094 1,335,923 276,104 191,771 4,702 499,511 184,599 1,171,438 904,767 2,040 2,862,430 1916 $1,094,167 3,811,428 1,356,925 2,965,592 42,803 1,279,060 2,432 470,687 8,061.193 81,162 274.895 105,333 4,600,096 37,826,907 26.788 180,996 9,725 4,463,045 222.758 178,306 487,971 55,680 81,530 3,559 240,990 109,872 1,078,537 3.744.143 8,905,086 1,042,629 1,399,335 1,234,252 2,178,674 1.213.447 6.569,147 397,168 76,437 468,862 245,807 135,408 4,535,029 851,948 1.679,111 13,639,508 729,497 580,896 1,205.335 472.048 253.022 6.450 54.353 846.561 947,200 1,004.262 1,135,430 300 3,237,828 $96,663,369 $127,901,610 STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 13 CHAPTER TWO. FUELS. Among the most important mineral products of California are its fuels. This subdivision includes coal, natural gas and petroleum, the combined values of which make up approximately 50 per cent of the state's entire mineral industry. Comparison of values during 1915 and 1916 is shown in the following table : 1915 1916 Increase4. Substance Amount Value Amount Value Decrease — > Value Coal Natural gas Petroleum 10,299 tons 21,992,892 M. cu. ft. 91,146,620 bbls. 1 $26,662 4,037 tons 1,706,480 28,131,36.5 M. ca. ft. 43,503,837 90.262.557 bbls. s $7,030 2,871,751 57,421,334 $19,632— 1.165,271+ 13,917,497+ Totals $45,236,979 $60,300,115 ^^et inrrease $15,063,136 + COAL. Bihliography : State Mineralogist Reports VII, XII, XIII, XIV. U. S. G. S., Bulletins 285, 316, 431, 471, 581 ; An. Rep. 22 Pt. III. Coal has been produced in California since as early as 1860, and until the development of crude oil was an important factor in the mineral industry of the state. As most of it is lignite, the quality is generally poor as compared with other coals on the Pacific Coast markets. How- ever, in competition with fuel oil, coal of all grades has had to take second place. Besides the counties noted below as showing a commer- cial production, workable bodies of coal are also known in several others, including Alameda, Mendocino, Shasta, Siskiyou and Riverside. During 1916, there was a production reported from Amador and Contra Costa counties, totaling 4,037 tons, worth $7,030. In the first named county, most of the product was briquetted before placing on the market. Though no exact figures of output previous to 1887 are available, it is known that many hundred thousand tons were shipped from the Mount 14 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. Diablo district, Contra Costa Comity, between the years 1860 and 1887. Since 1887, the annual output of coal has been as follows : Tear 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 Tons Value 50.000 $150,000 95,000 380,000 121,280 288,232 110,711 283,019 93.301 204,902 85,178 209,711 72,603 167,555 59.887 139,862 79,858 193,790 70,649 161,335 87,449 196,255 143,045 337,475 160,941 420.109 176,956 535,531 150,724 401,772 88.460 248,622 Tear 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 Tons Totals 2,069,056 Value 93,026 $265,383 79,062 376,494 46.500 144,500 24,850 61,600 23.734 55,849 18,496 55,503 49,389 216,913 11,033 23,484 11,047 18,297 14,484 39,092 25,198 85,809 11,859 28.806 10,299 26,662 4,037 7,030 $5,723,592 NATURAL GAS. Bihliographij: State Mineralogist Reports VII, X, XII, XIII, XIV. Bulletins 3, 16, 19, 69, 73. Statistics on the production of natural gas in California have been largely guesswork in the past, though each year becoming less so, as more data are available. The figures here given are certainly far below the actual production, particularly in the six oil-producing counties. It is an exceptional oil property where gas in some quantity does not occur. Many oil-producing concerns make no mention of their gas, because they have no method of measuring it, and it is so widely used in the oil fields that it is frequently as lightly regarded as sunshine or fresh air. Doubtless, considerable gas is wasted, but a sweeping condemnation of operators should not be indulged in. It must be remembered that several of our important oil fields are removed many miles from the site of any other indiLstrj', and that the gathering of small amounts of gas and transporting it for any considerable distance, may not always be profitable. However, it is undoubtedly a fact that greater saving can frequently be made w^ith profit. Gas traps of various size and design are coming into more frequent use. Some large operators are making commendable efforts to con.serve the gas which accompanies oil and is richer than the so-called "dry gas" occurring in strata which do not produce oil. As far as possible, casing-head gas is used in driving gas engines for pumping and drilling, and in firing the boilere of steam- driven plants. In a hearing before the California Railroad Commission, in May, 1916, relative to gas rates in the Los Angeles territory, part of the testi- mony .showed in the Midway field 46,600,000 cubic feet of natural gas STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 15 available per 24 hours. This is made up of 28.750,000 feet from the dry gas wells and 17,850,000 feet from wells producing both gas and oil. It was estimated that this supply would have a life of from seven to ten years. The Midway pipe line is capable of transmitting 23,000,000 cubic feet per day. It will be noted that several counties produce gas which is not accompanied by oil, particularly Sacramento and San Joaquin where it is mixed with manufactured gas for domestic service. The value of gas as here shown may be open to some question, but is certainly not too high, as regards the oil counties. The average price is about 6^ per 1,000 cubic feet. Approximately 7,000 cu. ft. of gas is equal to one barrel of oil in heating value, and is so accounted for by many operators. In driving gas engines, about 4,000 cu. ft. per 24 hr. are consumed by a 25 h.p. engine, and 63,700 cu. ft. per day for heating a 70 h.p. steam boiler, which figures have been used in compiling this report. Natural Gas, 1916. County diiblc feet Value Fresno Kern Kings Los Angeles Orange San Joaquin Santa Barbara Ventura Humboldt, Sacramento, Solano, and Tehama* Totals 2,346,917 16,679,658 258 2,083,664 2,278,922 182,441 3,660,410 806,540 95,555 28,134,365 $163,941 1,379,033 608 139,522 139,281 141,605 724,746 133,867 49,148 $2,871,751 ♦Combined to conceal an Individual producer in each. The annual production of natural gas in California since 1888 is as follows : Tear Value Year Value 1888 $10,000 12.680 33,000 30,000 1904 ii:91 .0?5 1889 1905 102,479 1890 1906 109,489 1891 1907 114,759 1892 55,000 1908 - 474.584 1893 68,500 79,072 112,000 111,457 62,657 74,424 95,000 34,578 92,034 99.443 74,237 1909 616.932 1894 1910 1,676,367 1895 1911 _ 491,859 1896 1912 940,076 1897 1913 1.053,292 1898 1914 . 1,049,470 1899 1915 1,706.480 1900 1916 2,871,751 1901 - . Total 1902 19a3 $12,342,655 16 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CALIFORNIA, Gasoline from Natural Gas. As above indicated, more or less gas usually accompanies the petrol- eum in the oil fields. A number of plants are in operation manu- facturing gasoline by compression from this "casing-head gas." This subject was investigated by the U. S. Bureau of Mines and the U. S. Geological Survey, and described in considerable detail by G. A. Burrell et al.,^ and J. D. Northrup.^ A valuable article also appeared in one of the trade journals.^ Upon the enlargement of its engineering force, in the near future, the Department of Petroleum and Gas, of the State Mining Bureau, intends to conduct a more detailed investigation of natural gas production with the idea of being able to point out means of more economical use of this splendid natural resource. The largest natural gas field of commercial importance thus far developed in California is in the Midway district, followed by Santa Barbara, Orange and Los Angeles counties, in the order named. The Southern California Gas Company operates a 12-ineh pipe line from the Midway field, a distance of 107 miles, to Los Angeles, where it supplies gas to local distributing companies. The Valley Natural Gas Company supplies gas to consumers in the Midway field and to local distributing companies at Fellows, Taft, Maricopa, Bakersfield, and the Kern River fields. The Santa Maria Gas and Power Company dis- tributes gas around Santa Maria, from wells in the neighboring oil fields. There Avere in operation in 1916 a total of 31 plants making casing- head gasoline by compression, with a total daily capacity estimated at 61,400 gallons, distributed as follows: Field Number plants Gallons daily Coalinga - Whittier-Fullerton Midway Santa Maria Salt Lake (Los Angeles) Ventura Totals 1 9 8 7 3 3 31 2,000 15,850 16,700 19,900 3,600 3.350 61,400 At Santa Maria, after the gasoline is extracted, the remaining "dry gas" is taken into the pipe lines of the Santa Maria Gas and Power Company, by whom it is distributed to consumers, both domestic and commercial. In the Midway field, some of the casing-head gasoline is obtained as an incidental product to the compressing of the natural gas preliminary ^U. S. Bur. of Mines, Bull. 88. ^U. S. G. S.. Min. Res. 1914, Ft. H. pp. 793-795; 798-800; 804-805. sQll & Gas Journal, Tulsa, Okla.. Jan. 13, 1916, p. 62. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 17 to traiismissioii tlirouiiii the gas pipe lines. Some eoiieerns market casing-head gasoline separately, while others turn it into the oil pipe lines, thus mixing this high-gravit}- gasoline with the crude oil for transportation to the refinery, where it is later regained. A total of approximately 18,000,000 gallons of casing-head gasoline from all fields was made during 1916, and utilized directly as such. Santa Barl)ara County led in this output with a total of 8,867,216 gallons, Kern beiqg second with 6.616,208 gallons. *"Tlieri' arc many peculiarities in connection with the extraction of gasoline from gas that are ascertained only through the closest study. The percentage of ga.soliiie taken from the highest grades of oil, it is natural to infer, is much greater than tliat taken from low grades of oil, and yet this does not alway.s prove to be the case. Much depends upon the amount of oil produced with the relative amount of gas coming with the oil. For instance, if an oil well is a small producer of oil and a heavy gasser, the percentage of gasoline is much larger than it would be from the same amount of gas coming from a large production of oil. Old wells seem to be more prolific in gasoline than new wells. "Aside from the Salt Lake field, only a small percentage of the gas coming from low-grade oil has proved to be of commercial value. This is especially true among new producing wells where the oil is of a gravity below 18 degrees. "It is stated that as a general average gas coming from grades of oil of from 22°-25°, will make from four to six quarts to the thousand feet of gas; from 25°-29° it will average from two to three gallons per thousand feet, and above 29° it will average from three to five gallons per thousand feet. "The richest gas so far discovered in the state is that found in the old Newhall field. The wells are all very old and small i)i'oducers of high-gravity oil." PETROLEUM. Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports IV, VII, X, XII, XIII. Rnlletins ^, 11, 16, 19, 31, 82, 63, 69, 73. Chief of the fuels of California is petroleum. .A. complete descrip- tion of the industry is to be found in Bulletin 69, issued in 1915 by the State jMining Bureau ; supplemented by Bulletin 73, First Annual Eeport of the Oil and Gas Supervisor for the fiscal year 1915-1916. The state law providing for the regulation of drilling and maintenance of oil and gas Avells by the State ^Mining Bureau has been in effect since 1915. The chief aim is to protect the oil deposits from damage and to aid producers in their work. A staff of teclmicall}^ trained men maintain offices in the various fields. California is certainly not exceeded by any other state in its efforts to accurately keep in touch with the oil l)usiness. The oil production for California for 1916, as determined from the sworn statements made to the State ^Mineralogist for the Department of Petroleum and Gas, by the 386 producers from 6,873 wells (exclusive of the Los Angeles City field) amounted to 87,063,195 barrels net. "Net" means that a deduction of approximately 2% has been made for water, and that oil consumed for fuel at the wells is not included. This shows a decrease of 1,177,425 barrels from the similar net figures *0. & G. Journal, loc. cit. 2—31821 18 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIP^ORNIA. for 1915. When the sauie deductions for water and fuel have been made from the figures already published by the Standard Oil Company and the Independent Oil Producers Agency, it will be seen that they are in very close agreement with the 87,063,195 barrels above recorded. Of this total, 39.7% or 34,605,021 barrels was produced by the five large refining and marketing companies, and 14.9% or 12,997,653 bar- rels by the railroad companies who use the oil in their own service. The remaining 39,460,521 barrels or 54.6% is credited to the smaller producers who usually sell the crude oil at the well. To the above amount, we have here added 2,914,362 barrels consumed for fuel at the wells, and 285,000 barrels net output of the Los Angeles City fields, making a total gross output for the year 1916 of 90,262,557 barrels valued at $57,421,334. As compared to 1915 this is a decrease of 884,063 barrels in quantity. l)ut an increase of nearly $14,000,000 or 32% in value. This great jump in value is due to the fact that the average price per barrel for all fields and all grades increased from 47.9^ in 1915 to 63.6^ in 1916. The total or average figures on price may be open to some question, as it must be remembered that a large portion of the crude oil does not enter the open market, but is con- sumed or refined directly by the producers. The prices given are for the oil which is actually sold, and are known to be accurate. The decrease in quantity produced resulted notwithstanding the fact that drilling activity increased the number of producing wells by 464 (as shown by the State Mining Bureau records), and added 6,317 acres to the area of proved oil land; and also, in spite of the incentive of increased demand and prices. The decrease occurred mainly in Santa Barbara County with a loss of 1,132,328 barrels, and the Midway-Sunset field, resulting in Kern County's showing a net loss of 690,160 barrels. Los Angeles and Ventura counties showed small losses. On the other hand, Fresno County increased by 573,221 barrels, and Orange County by 483,134 barrels. San Luis Obispo County again entered the producing list, with a small output. Several causes contributed to the decline. The two prominent ones are: the tying up by Federal suits and withdrawals of the one district of the State which promises the most for future development, namely, the Midway-Sunset ; and the fact that in nearly all the fields there is a decline in the number of barrels per well per day yield. The production figures for 1916 compared with 1915 were: STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. Production and Value of Oil by Counties. 19 County 1915 1916 Barrels Value Barrels Value Fresno 14,021,025 Kern 54,810,669 Los Angeles 2.931,098 Orange 12,715.457 San Luis Obispo Santa Barbara 5,634,534 Santa Clara 16.617 Ventura 1.017,220 Totals 91,146,620 $7,641,459 23.184.913 1.843,661 6,510,314 3,442,700 11,067 869,723 14,594,246 54,120,509 2,875,468 13,198,591 11,670 4,502,206 16,368 943,499 $7,530,631 34,691,246 1,871,930 8.750,666 5,252 3.574,752 10,901 985,956 $43,503,837 I 90.262,557 \ $57,421,334 Average Price of Oil, by Counties, in Cents per Barrel. County Fresno Kern Los Angeles _— Orange Santa Barbara Santa Clara -. Ventura 1914 45.2 State average 46.1(J 1915 54.5 62.9«( 51.2«i 61.1«; 66.6»< »< t-~ 1-1 CO 00 o a CO t-^ ^ 13^ OO 00 lO -^ CM ,H OO 1-1 03 CO CO 1-1 CO t3h" CD" n Si T-K > e^ CO 03 CO M ««■ 1— < ee- i-t 1 si ec o CO t^ 1-1 00 Tj* O CO 1^ CO o 03 t^ 03 s '^ 03 ■* C^I CO M< t^ CM lO 03 O C_3 CO o O ^_iqa3 t^ 03 t~- T-I lO o_ CO 3 CO 1-H O i-H oo" o ^* lO 03 c:i od c "3 lO CO CM 03 03 CO lO CO tH o CO . 00 »o 1— < o lO O CO 00 O 00 00 £i s CM 03 CO CM CO o 1-H c^i^ en Ca< 1-H CO CO t^ CM CO 1^ 00 So Q. 1-? T-H ^ ^" 00 s o u ■o 4> 1 ^ lO CO 03 I>- rH C-1 1-1 CO o Q a> 00 CM lO C3 CO c^i oo CO CO 00 CM CO o T-I C<1 1-1 CM CO o CM ■* oJ s 3 "3 > CD 03 CO i-T CO oo t> ^ CM_ CO 0_ CM OO O CO oo" oo CO oo 1— 1 i-T i-T ^ ="" od 43 if ^gJS'^ 1— t irt s 73 i o 1 o ! ft 1 1 a ; O 1 ^3 1 1 u \ ia ; o o ^ ' O 1 1 d ' I '^ 1 s 1 I 1 pq ■ ^--O Pi 83 <1> 1 a 1 1 03 1 o to 03 ^1 03 C (-H 03 O J3 03 > 03 g S 4-10)—. 03 Odd ■-; in a) -a ' 35 |, o o — ' :: > -^ 4J ' tad "^ "^2 !« O o o -^ ::: ft ^ .2i s 3 o * OMl^a jS a: K- M s 23 24 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. u Sg.'gS ?! p ca Fl •Sg&i § •S^'a« ■o S "So o.° ?"o ■a ©"is- 45 fi ^3&„ 1 •o S^'O'S «||"^ tn 3 « w^ •JST^H O 01 «d c a o. S s a> « > > Srg re >aS V I h ■< — ■o c •c „ « 5S^ £ 01 -1 »- (^ IX><-^ ras <0 «> Indet Bau (cen - t-^ oqOji-jUSiooiCDOs I^ 03 »0 O (33 C-i ,-1 lO O: Tjl r3< CM .^ ,_! ,_, oot^oc5»-HO(Noo "i 00 CO tH ocJ ^ O •D< '— 00 O ^H id 03 "rt^ »0 10 iO l^ CC 10 1^ lO )-! STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 25 Proved Oil Land. The present extent of proved oil land in California as determined by the State Mining Bureau is 138 square miles, or 86,-179 acres, of which 56,122 acres are in Kern County alone. Fresno County is second on the list with 12,703 acres, and Santa Barbara County third with 9,808 acres. The other counties in order of their rank are Orange, Los Angeles, Ventura, San Luis Obispo, and Santa Clara. The increase in the proved oil land area as compared to the 1915 figures was principally in Santa Barbara County in tlie vicinity of Casmalia and at the Bell ranch, near Santa Maria. It is worthy of notice that the total area of proved oil laud is most insignificant in comparison with the area of the entire state, l)eing less than one one-thousandth part, and yet the oil luisiness is one of the state's most important industries. Estimates of the total amount of oil which can be recovered from the land are little better than pure guesses but it does seem most prob- able that the average acre will ultimately yield much less than fifty thousand barrels. The area.s of proved land are as follows : County Acres County Acres Fresno Kern _ _ _ ______ 12,703 56,122 2,174 3,297 1.523 ! Santa Barbara San Luis Obispo 9,808 772 Los Angeles Santa Clara 80 Orange Ventura i Total . . . _ 86,479 26 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CAI>IFORNIA. CHAPTER THREE. METALS. The total value of metals produced in California during 1916 was $46,792,454. The chief of these is, aiid always has been, gold, folloAved in order in 3916 by copper, tungsten, zinc, quicksilver, silver, lead, manganese, antimony, platinum, molybdenum and iron. Deposits of ores of nickel and vanadium are also to be found in the state, although for 1916 there was no commercial output of them. California leads all states in the Union in her gold production and the precious metal is widely distributed throughout the State. Twenty- eight of the fifty-eight counties contain actively operated gold mines or dredges. Copper, which is second in importance among the metals of the State, occurs in the following general districts: the Shasta County belt, which is by far the most important ; the Coast Range deposits, extend- ing more or less continuously from Del Norte in the north to San Luis Obispo County in the south; the Sierra Nevada foothill belt, starting in Plumas and running in a general southerly and south- easterly direction through the Mother Lode counties and ending in Kern ; the eastern belt in Mono and Inyo counties ; and the southern belt, in San Bernardino, Riverside, and San Diego counties. Silver is not generally found alone in the state, but is associated to a greater or les.s extent with gold, copper, lead, and zinc. Quicksilver has for many years been one of the state's staple prod- ucts and California supplies at least 75 per cent of the nation 's output of this metal. Tungsten is found in but few other localities of importance in the United States. Large deposits of iron ore have long been known in many sections of the state, but for various economic reasons this branch of the mineral industry is still in its infancy here. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 27 A comparison of the 1916 metal output with that of 1915 is afforded bj' the following table: Metal 1915 Amount Antimony ore ' 510 tons Copper 40,968,966 lbs. Gold -- Iron ore 724 tons Lead 2,.398 tons Manganese ore 4,013 tons Molybdenum ore Platinum \ 667 ounces Quicksilver 14,199 flasks Silver \ Tungsten concentrates ! 962 tons Value ^5,«36 7,169,567 22,442,296 2,584 225,426 49,098 1916 Amount Zinc Totals -- Net increase 13,043,411 lbs. 21,149 1,157,449 851,129 1,0(S,467 1,617,383 1,015 tons 55,809,019 lbs. 3,000 tons 6,196 tons 13,404 tons 8 tons 886 ounces 21,427 flasks Value 2,270 tons 15,950,565 lbs. $64,793 13,729,017 21,410,741 6,000 855,049 274,601 9,945 42,642 2,003,425 1,687,345 4,.')71,521 2,137,375 Increase-I- Decrease — Value $29,127+ 6,569,450+ 1,031,555— 3,416 + 623,623 + 225,.503 + 9,945 + 21,493 + 845,976 + 836,216+ 3,566,054+ 519,992+ $34,577,214 $46,792,454 $12,215,240+ ALUMINUM. Bihliogmphy: Bulletins 38, 67. No workable deposits of bauxite have been discovered in the state, although from time to time small quantities of the impure material have been the foundation of extravagant reports regarding such discoveries. ANTIMONY. Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports XII, XIII, XIV. Bulle- tin 38. Antimony is known to exist in a number of places in California, having been reported from Kern, Inyo, Nevada, Riverside, San Benito, and Santa Clara counties. The Kern County deposits, some of which carry metallic antimony, are possibh^ the best known, and efforts were made to work some of them before California was a part of the United States. The commonest occurrence is in the form of the sulphide, stibnite. No continuous production, however, has been maintained, the output for 1915 being the first reported since 1901. From the low point of 5.14^ to 7.11^ per pound, according to brand in July, 1914, the price of antimony rose gradually, though not steadily to 44^ by the middle of Januar}', 1916. American antimony, for the first time in many years, appeared on the market in competition with the Chinese and Japanese ])roduct. From $1.00 to $2.25 per unit was paid for ore, and at first a minimum of 50% accepted; but, later, some lower grade ore was smelted. The price remained at 44^ (San Fran- cisco quotations) until the middle of April, then declined quite rapidly to lOff in August. It remained around that figure and up to 14^, 28 MINERiVL INDUiSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. closing the year at 12^ per pound and $1.00 per unit. If the price drops below 12^ per pound for the metal, few if any of the California | mines can operate profitably. During 1916 in California there was mined and sold a total of 1,015 tons of antimony ore, valued at $64,793, by four producers in Kern County and one each in Inyo and San Benito counties. The Wild Rose mine in Inyo County made the largest individual output. As will be noted from the table below, the tonnage for 1916 was nearly equal to the total of all previous years. The production by years since 1887 has been as follows: Tear Tons Value Tear Tons 1887 1888 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 75 $15,500 I' 1899 100 20,000 ! 1900 50 2,250 ' 1901 150 6.000 ; 1915 33 1,485 i 1916 17 2,320 20 3,500 40 .1.200 Totals 75 70 50 510 1,015 Value $13,500 ^ 5,700 8,350 35.666 64,793 2.205 1 $180,264 BISMUTH. Bibliography: Bulletins 38, 67. Am. Jour. Sci. 1903, Vol. 16. Several bismuth minerals have been found in California, notably native bismuth and bismite (the ochre) in the tourmaline gem district in San Diego and Riverside counties near Pala. Other occurrences of !)isinuth minerals, including the pnlphide, bismuthinite, have been noted in Inyo, Fresno, Nevada, Tuolumne and Mono counties, but only in small quantities. The only commercial production recorded was 20 tons valued at $2,400, in 1904, and credited to Riverside County. Recovery of bismuth from blister copper in the electrolytic refinery has been noted ("), ranging as high as 27.3 pounds of metallic bismuth per 100 tons of blister copper from the Iron Mountain, Shasta County, ores. The uses of bismuth are somewhat restricted, being employed princi- pally in the preparation of medicinal salts, and in low melting-point or cliche alloys. These alloys are utilized in automatic fire sprinkler systems, in electrical fuses, and in solders. "Trans. Am. In-st. Min. Eng., Vol. 47, pp. 217-218. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 20 COPPER. Bibliography: State Reports VII, XIII, XIV. Bulle- tins 23 and 50. Copper is one of the staple mineral products of the state, being pro- duced chiefly in Shasta County, with smaller amounts but in excess of one million pounds of copper each, from Calaveras, Placer, Plumas and Trinity counties. In 1916, some yield in greater or less amount, was reported from a total of 25 counties. The production for the year wa.s 55,809,019 pounds, valued at $13,729,017, which is a 37% increase in quantity and nearly double the total value of the previous year. The quantity has been exceeded but once (in 1909), Imt the value is the greatest in the history of copper mining in California. The Euro- pean war has caused a greatly increased demand for copper to make brass for shells of all calibers, as well as other requirements. This has raised the price from the 1914 average of 13.3^- to 17.5^- per pound in 1915, and 24. 6(/' in 1916, the closing December flgure l)eing 31.55^'. Quotations reached as high as 35f'; per pound. Improvements have been made in the methods of handling smelter smoke. Flotation concentration is being successfully employed by the EngeLs Copper Company and at the Walker ]\Iine in Plumas County, by the Calaveras Copper Company in Calaveras County, and by the Mammoth Copper Company in Shasta County. Distribution of the output, by counties, for 1916, was as follows: County Pminds Value Amador 12,349 Calaveras 6,099,509 Fresno 29,173 Inyo 274,032 Kern 24,754 Madera 124,286 Mariposa 162,318 Nevada J... 3,487 Placer 1,437,441 Plumas 4,932,928 Riverside 58,617 San Bernardino 1,577,901 San Diego 16,806 San Luis Obispo 356 Shasta 39,437,196 Tulare 1,422 Tuolumne l 1,797 Tuba ' 4,817 Del Norte, El Dorado, Imperial, Los Angeles, Siskiyou, Trinity* 1.609,830 Totals 55,809,019 $3,038 1,500,479 7,177 67,412 6,089 30,574 39,930 858 353,610 1,213,500 14,420 388,164 4,134 88 9,701,550 350 442 1,185 396,017 $13,729,017 I •Combined to conceal output of Individual mines in each. 30 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CALIFORNIA. Amount and value of copper production in California annually since such records have been compiled by the State Mining Bureau is given in the following tabulation: Tear Pounds Value i Tear 1 Pounds VrIus 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 J892 1893 1894 1,600,000 1.570.021 151,505 23.347 3.397,455 2.980,944 239.682 738.594 225,650 1,992.844 13,638.626 21,543.229 23.915,486 '59,515,512 34,931,788 27,860,162 $192,000 235.303 18.180 3,502 424,675 , 342,808 21,571 72,486 21,901 199,519 1.540,666 2,475,168 i 3.990,534 4.748,242 ! 5,501,782 3,239,975 1 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 Totals 1 19,113,861 ' $2,520,997 29,974.154 3,969.995 16.997,489 2,650,605 28,726,448 5,522,712 32.602,945 6,341,387 40,868,772 5,350.777 65.727,736 8,478,142 53,721.032 6,680 641 1895 36 838 0^4 4 604 753 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 34.169,997 5,638,049 34,471.118 5,343,023 30.491.535 4.055.375 40,968,966 7,169,567 55,809,019 : 13.729,017 684.805,941 \ $105,083,352 GOLD. Bibliography: State Mineralogist Keports, I to XIV (inc.). BuUetins 36, 45, 57. U. S. G. S., Prof. Pap. 73. Gold is one of the important mineral products of California, and its discovery was the prime cause of the rapid early development of the state. There is a marked tendency toward increased activity in gold mining, as investors realize that many of the mines and prospects have not been exhausted. It is absolutely necessary that owners of prospects and small mines, who wish to dispose of their prpoerty or see it developed, should realize that most large investments of that sort are made only after thorough investigation. Frequently, demands for large cash payments have turned away capitalists who would other- wise have been willing to risk an equal amount in development work. Gold dredging continues active, though the peak of the output from that source seems to have been passed. The State Mining Bureau has never independentl.y collected statistics of gold, platinum and silver production, as there is no necessity for duplicating the very thoroughly organized work of the U. S. Geological Survey covering those metals. The data here given relative to these three metals has been received through the courtesy and cooperation of Mr. Charles G. Yale, Statistician in Charge of the San Francisco branch office of the Division of Mineral Resources. Anyone wishing fuller details of the production of these metals may obtain the same by applying to the U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C, or to STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 31 Room 305, U. S. Custom House, S;iii Franoisco, Cal., for a copy of the "separate" on the subject. "In 1916 there were 589 properties reporting production in California, of wlrich 297 were deep mines and 292 were placers. The producing: deep mines of 1916 may be classified by chief metallic product as follows: Gold, 204; copper, 60; silver, 1; silver- lead, IS; lead, 11; and zinc, 3. Of the placer mines 87 were hydraulic, 9 less than in 1915 ; 60 were dredge, 2 more than in 1915 ; 67 were drift, 6 more than in 1915 ; and 78 were surface or sluicing mines, 6 more than in 1915. There were altogether 3 more placer mines producing in 1915. Of deep mines there were 33 less gold mines, 17 more copper, 10 less silver, 15 more silver-lead, an(J 3 less zinc; there were therefore 24 less deep mines productive than in 1915. The dredges are enumerated by number of boats at work, some companies owning only one, and others several. "The total value of the gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc produced in California In 191C shows an increase of 23.2%. There was an increase in quantity and value in all metals, except gold, whicli showed a decrease of 4.5%. In copper the increase was 37% in quantity and 93% in value; and in zinc it was 10. 5% in quantity and 26% in value. The lead output increased 171% in quantity and 298% in value. The increase in silver was 53% in quantity and 98% in value. The yield of gold from deep mines decreased 7% and that from placers 4%. ********** "The total production of gold in California in 1916 was 1,035,744.59 fine ounces, valued at $21,410,741, a decrease of 49,901.48 fine ounces, valued at $1,031,555, or about 4.8% for 1916. The deep mines of the State yielded 620,897.19 fine ounces of gold, valued at $12,835,084. Of the deep mines gold 92.5% was derived from siliceous ore; 7.2% was derived from copper ore; 0.2% from silver-lead ore; and the remainder from lead ores and zinc ores. "The decrease in the gold output of the state is due almost entirely to the drop of nearly a million dollars from the deep mines, caused by labor strike in the Mother Lode region where the largest producers are situated. Some mines were closed down from 40 to 60 days, product being thus curtailed. The decrease from the placers was only about $33,000. The gold output from surface placers increased to some extent according to returns, but there was a lighter output from the hydraulic, drift, and dredge mines. In the case of the dredges the yield was only $27,338 less than in 1915. Since gold dredging commenced in California in 1898 the total output of gold from that source to the end of 1916 has been $86,873,458. Since 1898 the Oroville (Butte County) dredging field has yielded $29,442,604 in gold, not including $1,973,085 derived in the last seven years from dredges in adjacent districts in the same county. The Marysville (Yuba County) field has produced from 1903 to 1916, inclusive, $27,439,000 in gold. The Folsom (Sacramento County) field has yielded since 1902 from dredging, gold valued at $18,926,531. A number of dredgers are in operation in various localities in other counties of the state, but these figures are not included in the more extensive fields named. "The placer yield of gold in 1916 was 414,847.40 fine ounces, valued at $8,575,657. The placer mines produced 40% of the total gold yield for 1916 and the deep mines 60%, as compared with 38% for the placers and 62% for the deep mines in 1915. The dredges produced 36% of tire total gold yield from all sources in 1916. Of the total placer gold, the dredges produced 90.6%, the hydraulic nimes 4.5%, the drift mines 2.9%., and the surface or sluicing mines 2%. The three larger and more important dredging fields of the State are at Oroville, Butte County; Folsom, Sacramento County; and Marysville, Yuba County. Dredges are also operated in eight other counties, 5 in Calaveras, 1 in El Dorado, 1 in Merced, 2 in Placer, 3 in Shasta, 3 in Siskiyou, 2 in Stanislaus, and 3 in Trinity. The Yuba County dredges, 13 in number, made the largest output of gold, the value being $3,140,150, an increase of $464,060. Sacramento County with 13 dredges at work made an output of $1,829,478, a decrease of $300,309. In Butte County (including Oroville and "outside" districts) 14 dredges produced $1,210,874 in gold, or $280,192 less than in 1915. This statement shows that $116,441 less gold was obtained in these three districts than in 1915, but the increase in other districts of the state reduced the total decrease in dredge output to $27,238 in 1916, as compared to 1915. "Of the 28 counties producing gold in 1916 in California, 7 yielded no placer gold and 4 yielded no gold from deep mines. Six counties produced more than $1,000,000 each in gold in 1916 as follows: Nevada, $3,669,878; Amador, $3,660,550; Yuba, $3,167,723; Sacramento, $1,833,855; and Butte, $1,257,231. The leading hydraulic mining county was Trinity; the greatest producer of gold from drift mines was Placer; the largest producer of gold from dredges was Yuba; and the largest producer from surface or sluicing mines was El Dorado. The largest increase ($464,013), in total yield of gold in 1916 as compared with 1915 was in Yuba, which was followed by Nevada with $203,156, Mono with $129,782, Mariposa with $16,141, Siskiyou with $14,591, Placer with $14,081, Stanislaus, Imperial and Humboldt with smaller amounts. Most of the counties showed a decreased yield of gold for 1916, as Sacramento, $297,958; Butte, I 32 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. $2S8,745; Kern, .$23(i,27T: Amador, $233,.")7.5: TuoUiinne. $1!>0,S66; Inyo, $lSfi,183; Shasta, $183,ftfi3; San Bernardino, $137.1.=i4: El Dorado, $39,467; Calaveras. $3.5,014; Plumas, $34,0.')5; Trinity, Modoc. Fresno, Riverside, Sierra, San Diego, Madera, Lake, and Del Norte witli smaller amounts. * * * * * * * * * «• "From the siliceous ore and old tailings tlie recovery of gold by methods of treat- ment in California in 1916 was as follows: By amalgamation, 413,033.24 fine ounces, valued at $8,.')3^,15.5: by cyanidation, .i6,973.95 tine ounces, valued at $1,777,756; by chlorination. 15,979.47 fine ounces, valued at $330,323; concentrates sent to smelters for reduction, gold recovery, 78,033.90 ounces, valued at $1,613,104. Where gold- mining companies have no cyanide or chlorination plants, it is the custom to send the concentrates to sinelting plants for reduction, under contracts to pay ceitain specific prices for this work. The figures given above for cyanidation recovery are approximate only for tlie reason that the returns received from individual mines do not always segregate the recovery by sources. Some of the mining companies pass the pulp from tlie amalgamating mills direct through to their cyanide plants, and give tlieii- total recovery without accounting for tlie quantity of gold saved by separate .s.vstems of treatment." * * * The geld !)rodiu'tion of California for 1916 was distributed, by counties, as follows : County 1 Value , 1 County Value Amador _. :i $3,660,550 Nevada .. $3,669,878 Butte 1,257,231 Placer 428,400 Calaveras 1,356,120 Plumas 133,385 Del Norte .. 405 Riverside 361,821 Sacrament 69: San Berns 21,279 1 Shasta .— 7,855 El Dorado . _ O - -. 1,833,855 Fresno , irdino 279,813 Hninlioldt 936,885 Imperial 23,338 Sierra 724,256 lavo 131,722 Siskiyou . 747,042 Trinity ._. 441,307 Kern - _ _ 435,493 Madera - ._ 10,306 'J'uolunme 401,718 Yuba .-. 868,237 Maripc'^a -- 3.167,723 Merced and Stanislaus* 2"/! 6i(i ^ 2,729 237,084 Total Mono -, - - - $21,410,741 ♦Combined to conceal output of a single propert.v in each. Total Gold Production of California. The following table Avas compiled by Chas. G. Yale, of the Division of Mineral Resources, U. S. Geological Survey, but for a number of years statistician of the California State Mining Bureau and the U. S. Mint at San Francisco. The authorities chosen for certain periods were: J. D. Whitney, state geologist of California; John Arthur Phillips, author of "Mining and Metallurgy of Gold and Silver" (1867); U. S. INIining Commissioner R. W. Raymond; U. S. INIining Commissioner J. Ross Browne ; Wm. P. Blake, Commissioner from Cali- fornia to the Paris Exposition, where he made a report on "Precious Metals" (1867) ; John J. Valentine, author for many years of the STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 33 annual report on precious metals published by WelLs Fargo & Com- pany's Express ; and Louis A. Garnett, in the early days manager of the San Francisco refinery, where records of gold receipts and ship- ments were kept. Mr. Yale obtained other data from the reports of the director of the U. S. Mint and the director of the U. S. Geological Survey. The authorities referred to, who were alive at the time of the original compilation of this table in 1894, were all consulted in person or by letter by Mr. Yale with reference to the correctness of their published data, and the final table quoted was then made up. The figures since 1904 ai-e those prepared by the U. S. Geological Survey : Tear A'^alue Year Value 1848 $245,301 10,151,360 41,273,106 75.938,232 81,294,700 67,613,487 69,433,931 55,485,395 57,509,411 43,628,172 46,591,140 45,846,599 44,095,163 41,884,995 38,854,668 23,501,736 24,071,423 17,930,858 17,123,867 18,265,4.52 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 L889 1890 1891 1892 $13,600,000 1849 12,661,044 1850 14,716,506 1851 13,588,614 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 12,750,000 11,212,913 12,309,793 12,728,869 12,571,900 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 ! 1898 1899 12,422,811 13,923,281 . 15,334,317 17,181,562 15,871,401 15,906,478 15,336,031 1900 1901 1 1902 . 1903 15,863,355 16,989,044 1866 16,910,320 1867 16,471,264 1868 17,555,867 1904 ^ _ 19,109,600 1869 18,229,044 17,458,1.33 17,477,885 15,482,194 1905 _ _ 19,197,043 1870 . . 1906 1907 18,732,452 : 1871 1872 16,727,928 1908 18,761,.559 1873 1.5,019,210 1909 17,264,836 1 1910 20,237,870 : 1874 19,715,440 1875 16,876,009 15,610,723 16,501,268 18,839,141 19,626,654 20,030,761 19,223.155 17,146,416 24,316,873 1911 ; 1912 1913 1914 1915 191G 19,738,908 1876 ._. 19,713,478 1877 20,406,958 1878 20,653,496 1879 22,442,296 1880 21,410,741 1881 j Total 1882 1883 $1,652,594,437 il 3—31821 34 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. IRIDIUM (see under Platinum). IRON ORE. Bibliography : State Mineralogist Reports, II, IV, V, X, XII, XIII, XIV. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Trans. LIII. Min. & Sci. Press, Vol. 115, pp. 112, 117-122. BuUetin.s 38, 67. Iron ore to the extent of 3,000 tons, valued at $6,000, was produced in California during the year 1916. It was utilized in the production of pig iron, ferro-manganese, ferro-silicon, and ferro-chrome by elec- tric furnace reduction. There are considerable deposits of iron ore known in California, notably in Shasta, Madera, Placer, Riverside and San Bernardino counties, l)ut production has so far been limited, on account of our having no economic supply of coking coal. Further developments along the line of electrical smelting, or discoveries making valuable our petroleum fuel, would lead to considerable increase of iron mining in California. For the present, at least, the most feasible possibilities lie in utilizing our iron resources in the preparation of the various alloys such as ferro-chrome, ferro-manganese, ferro-molybdenum, ferro- silicon and ferro-tungsten, by means of the electric furnace. California possesses commercial deposits and is now producing ores of all of the metals just enumerated. In addition to the electric smelting units now in operation, two blast furnace units are at the present writing under construction — one in Shasta County, the other in San Bernardino — and another electric smelter is also proposed. Total iron ore production in the state, with annual amounts and values, is as follows: Year Tons Value 1 Year Tons Value 1881* 9,273 2,073 11,191 4,532 $79,452 17,766 106,540 40,983 1908 - . ... 1882 1909 - - 108 579 558 2,508 2,343 1,436 724 3,000 $174 1883 1910 900 1884 __ 1911 558 1885 . 1912 2.508 1886 3,676 19,250 1913 4,485 1887 1914 5,128 1893 250 200 2,000; 1,500 1915 2,584 1894 1916 6,000 1895 1907 400 400 Totals 42,851 $290,228 ♦Productions for the years 1881-1886 (inc.) were reported as "tons of pig iron," (U. S. G. S., Min. Res. 1885), and for the table herewith are calculated to "tons of ore" on the basis of 47.6% Fe as shown by an average of analyses of the ores fState Mineralogist's Report IV, p. £42). This early production of pig iron was from the blast furnaces then in opeiation at Hotaling in Placer County. Charcoal was used in lieu of coke. Though producing a superior grade of metal, they were obliged finally to close down, as they could not compete with the cheaper English and eastern United States iron brought in by sea to San Francisco. STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 35 1 -T-i-r-r S 1 -rr-ri 1111 1 1 5 1 i-r-r II -^ — y 1- on — \ r r '^■-, U) 6 .! OK =4 3 i'- =^ , J a / 'v «>=!5' ,^ muij, ^ __!= n'l — >^— - --1 ^r " ^ vse ^-^ —7* £ SI --=— -* iP r^ =^ 1 1 <5. 7=^ -A — 1 ul? MM ^■t 1 i !j' ''^, V Q J' >ie -, ^v 2^' \ oS X o| \ / ■^ SI ^ — ( , -■s 3 - s i > I 7^ -==?r^ SJto ■^ — -S — _ Q. 1 SI -" - - 1 1 -= ; --& ; I ' -ft 0.11 1- .... 1 -2 -1 — c .-"' — f— -| 1 tt « y -4 — 2*-, r; ^ — '. 4 — *^— -A— 5^ t=^ Mil 1 [ ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -H-l^- 1 1 1 1 1 -F^=f^ ^ -H-hh Mil ;- ?^ t3« It! ! - — A— \ — ^ - ■ ■ ■-' -' :: -• ^^?1 - 1— >.os -1= V ■ ic -^ r 1^ 0.81 < II < 15 =r I - Sfi — -1 -1= F^ f^ e -rn-r i 5 o Mil 3 1111 Till 2 ' rj 1 1 1 5. 1 1 < "3 XI CO d o c o •o c o •J c o 2 •a CD 3 > 36 MINERATj industry of CALIFORNIA. LEAD. Bibliography: State IMinoralogist Reports IV, VIII, X. Lead was produced during 1916, to the extent of 12,392,031 pounds, which at 6.9^ per pound was valued at $855,049, being an increase of nearly 300% in amount and nearly 400% in value as compared to the previous year. The principal yield comes from Inyo County, followed by San Bernardino, Shasta, and Kern in the order named. The ores are mined, and shipped to smelters. On account of the European war, the price increased from the 3.9^; per pound average- of 1914, to 4.7^ in 1915 and 6.9^ in 1916. The fluctuations in the price may be studied from the chart reproduced herewith, from a recent press bulletin of the U. S. Geological Survey. County returns for 1916, showing amounts and values, were: County Pounds 1 Value County Pounds Value Calaveras 7,238 flUQQ San Bernardino .— Shasta _. 673,801 478,560 873 17,826 $46,492 33,021 Fresno 668 i 46 11,185,321 771,787 24,274 1 -fi7.t; Inyo Tuolnmne 60 Korn Imperial and Placer* . Mariposa — 1,857 1,036 350 227 128 71 24 le 1,230 Nevada Totals Kiverside 12,392,031 $855,049 Sacramento ♦Combined to conceal output of a single mine in each. Statistics on lead production in California were first compiled b}' this Bureau in 1887. Amount and value of the output, annually, with total figures, to date, are given in the following table : Year Tons ( Value 1 1 Year Tons 55 Value 1887 580 $52,200 ^ 1903 $3,960 1888 450 38,250 1904 62 5,270 1889 470 35,720 1905 266 25,083 1890 400 36,000 1906 169 19,307 1891 570 49,020 1907 164 16,690 1892 680 54.400 1908 562 46.663 1893 333 24,975 1909 1,343 144,897 1894 475 28,500 1910 1,508 134,082 1895 796 49.364 1911 701 63,173 1896 646 298 38,805 20,264 1912 - . 685 1,820 61,653 1897 1913 -_- 160,202 1898 328 23,907 1914 2,349 183.198 1899 360 30,642 1915 2,398 225,426 1900 520 41,600 1916 _. 6,196 855,049 1901 ?fin 28,820 12,230 1902 175 Totals 25,719 $2,509,350 STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 37 MANGANESE. Bibliographij: State Mineralogist Keports XII, XIII, XIV. Bulletins 38, 67 : U. 8. G. S., Bull. 427. In the statistical reports of 1915 and 1914, manganese ore was included in the "industrial materials" list. We have since made a transfer, and now place it under "metals." because by far the greater tonnage of manganese ore is utilized in the preparation of ferro- manganese and employed in the steel industry for its metal content. Though its other uses may be classed as "chemical," the tonnage thus consumed is relatively smaller. Its chemical uses are as a decolorizer or oxidizer in glass manufacture, and as a constituent in electric dry batteries. The chemical uses require a much higher grade of ore than the steel industry. For steel purposes, an iron content is acceptable, but manganese should exceed 40%. Silica should be under 8%, though higher has been taken during the present increased demand. Phos- phorus should be under 0.20%. For electric dry cells, the iron content should be under 1.5% Fe^O.^, and SiOo. under 6%. For glass making, the manganese should be practically free of iron. The following will indicate the specifications and prices quoted in ]May of the curent year 1917, showing that the demand is still strong: '"Manganese pi-ices and specifications, as per tlie niintations of the Carnegie Steel Co. sclieclule of prices per ton of 2,240 lb. for domestic manganese ore delivered, freight prepaid, at Pittsburg, Pa., or Chicago, 111. For ore containing Per unit Above W/c metallic manganese $1.00 46 to 4'^% metallic manganese 0.98 4.'} to 46% metallic manganese 0.95 40 to 4.39f metallic manganese 0.90 "Prices are based on ore containing not more than S% silica nor more than 0.2% phospliorus. and are subject to deductions as follows: (1) for each 1% in excess of 8% silica, a deduction of 15<- per ton, fractions in proportion; (2) for each 0.02% in excess of 0.2% phosphorus, a deduction of 2( per unit of manganese per ton, fractions in proportion: (3) ore containing less than 40% inanganese, or more than 12% silica, or 0.225% phosphorus, subject to ,icceptance or refusal at buyer's option ; settlements based on analysis of sample dried at 212° F., the percentage of moisture in the sample as taken to be deducted from the weight. Prices are subject to change without notice unless specially agreed upon. "Manganese: The demand for manganese in the East continues strong and the schedule prices remain at .?1 per unit or under; 40% has always found ready buyers at comp-uatively good prices and the market has a very firm tendency. Chemical ore is quoted at 4V(;C to BC per lb. according to grade." Though the imports of manganese ore from the Caucasus district in RiLssia have been reduced by the war to practically nathing (about 1% of 1914 figures), the United States is now receiving important ship- ments from Brazil and India ; so that the total imports for 1916 were practically double those of either 1914 or 1915. The increased demand 'Min. & Sci. Press, May 26, 1917, p. 751. 38 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. for steel products has increased the necessity for ferro-manganese, which is used largely in the open-hearth process of steel making. This resulted in curtailment of ferro-manganese exports from England, and the resulting shortage in the United States has been met by the greater imports of manganese ore from Brazil especially, and an increased domestic production both of ore and ferro-manganese. These condi- tions have caused the prices for the ores to range from $12-$30 per ton, f. 0. b. rail, California, for the lower grades, to $50-$75 for chemical grades. Much of the state 's 1916 product was utilized in California in making ferro-manganese by electric furnace ; besides shipments which were sent east. Some "chemical" ore was also shipped in 1916. For many years the principal producing section has been the Livermore-Tesla district, in Alameda and San Joaquin counties, but exceeded in 1915 by Mendocino and regaining the lead in 1916. Manganese is reported to exist in many localities in the state ; but past production, particu- larly since the discontinuance of the chlorination process in the metal- lurgy of gold, has been relatively unimportant until the present activity. The reports to the U. S. Geolo2:ical Survey indicate that in 1916, California led the other states in manganese production, being "the first year in which a Western State remote from the steel-producing centers has contributed the largest amount of manganese ore. The activity among manganese mines in California is due largely to the market for ores provided by the Noble Electric Steel Co. at Heroult." The production of manganese ore in California for 1916 amounted to 13,404 tons of all grades, having a total value of $274,601 f. o. b. rail shipping point. It will be noted that this is nearly equal in quantity to the entire previous tonnage, 1887-1915, and about double the value for the same period. It was distributed by counties as follows: County 1 1 Tons Value Alameda _-. _._ ___... _-. 562 1,735 6,493 160 4,454 $9,005 Mendocino ._..___ _..___ 43,005 San Joaquin __ __ 115,460 Stanislaus ._ ._ _ ._ 2,400 Amador, Butte, Lake, Nevada, Rivers Santa Clara, Shasta, Sonoma, Trim side, ty*. San Bernard ino, 1 104,731 Totals 13,404 $274,601 *Combined to conceal output of a single mine in each. The ore credited to Shasta County in the above tabulation was a low-grade, siliceous material analyzing from 23% to 29% Mn and STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 39 from 19% to 36% SiO^. It was obtained near Heroult and utilized by the Noble Electric Steel Company in the preparation of silico- manganese, shipments of which were made to Liverpool, England. They have, however, ceased the smelting of this particular product in the electric furnace, as it is stated not to have been profitable. The production of manganese ore in California annually since 1887 follows : Year Tons Value Year Tons Value 1887 1888 1,000 1,500 53 386 705 300 270 523 880 518 504 440 295 131 425 870 $9,000 13,500 901 3,176 3,830 ' 3,000 4,050 5,512 . 8,200 , 3,415 4,080 2,102 3,165 1 1,310 4.405 7,140 1 1903 1904 1905 1 60 $25 900 1889 1890 1906 1 1 321 3 265 2 22 30 1891 1892 1893 1894 . . . . . . 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 25 5,785 75 4,235 1895 40 1896 1912 400 1897 . . 1913 1898 ._- 1914 150 4,013 13,404 1,500 1899 . - 1915 49,098 1900 1916 . 274,601 1901 1902 Totals - 27,043 $413,500 MOLYBDENUM. BihliograpJnj: Report XIV; Bulletin 67. U. S. Bur of M., Bul- letin 111. Proc. Colo. Sci. Soc, Vol. XI. Molybdenum, as the metal, is used as an alloy constituent in the steel industry, and in certain forms of electrical apparatus. Included in the latter, is its successful substitution for platinum and platinum-iridium in electric contact making and breaking devices. In alloys it is used similarly to and in conjunction with chromium, cobalt, iron, manga- nese, nickel, tungsten, and vanadium. The oxides and the ammonium salt have important chemical uses. The two principal molybdenum minerals are : the sulphide, molyb- denite; and wulfenite, lead molybdate, the former furnishing prac- tically the entire commercial output. Molybdenite is found in or asso- ciated with acidic igneous rocks, such as the granites and pegmatites. Up to 1916, at least, the chief commercial sources have been New South Wales, Queensland and Norw^ay. Deposits of disseminated molybdenite are known in several localities in California, and in at least two places it occurs in small masses asso- ciated with copper sulphides. For 1916, we are here able to record 40 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. the first commercial sliipments of molybdenum ore in California, amounting to 8 tons valued at $9,945, from Inyo and Plumas counties. An increased yield is in prospect for 1917, from several counties, including Inyo, Mono, Plumas, Shasta, and possibly Siskiyou. NICKEL. Bibliography: Report XIV. V. S. G. S., Bulletin 640-D. Nickel occurs in the Friday Copper Mine in the Julian District, San Diego County. The ore is a nickel-bearing pyrrhotite, with some asso- ciated chalcopyrite. Some ore was mined during 1915 and 1916 in the course of development work, but was not treated nor disposed of, as they are as yet unable to get any smelter to handle it for them. Nickel ore has also been reported from Siskiyou County, west of Gazelle. OSMIUM (see under Platinum). PALLADIUM (see under Platinum). PLATINUM. Bihliographjj: State Mineralogist Reports IV, VIII, IX, XII, XIII, XIV. Bulletins 38, 45, 67. In California platinum is obtained as a by-product from placer opera- tions for gold. The major portion of it comes from the dredges operating in Butte, Calaveras, Sacramento and Yuba counties, while the hydraulic and surface sluicing mines of Del Norte, Humboldt, Siskiyou and Trinity and the dredges of Merced and Stanislaus yield a smaller amount. Thanks are due to the Division of Mineral Resources, X"^. S. Geological Survey for cooperation and assistance in collecting the figures presented herewith. The production for 1916 amounted to 886 ounces of crude platinum — group metals, valued at a total of $42,642. Crude platinum varies considerably in its purity. That marketed during the year 1914,^ is stated to have averaged 51% platinum, 3% iridium, and 30% iridos- mine or osmiridium. Some platinum is also recovered in the electro- lytic refining of blister copper. It has been found^ that blister copper from several smelters in the United States carries from 0.342 oz. to 1.825 oz. platinum and from 0.607 oz. to 4.402 oz. palladium per 100 tons of blister copper treated ; that from Iron Mountain, Shasta County, California, jnelding 1.320 oz. platinum and 0.607 oz. palladium. Iron in greater or less amount is always alloyed naturally with native plati- num, and usually some iridium and osmium. »U. S. G. S., Min. Res.. 1914, Pt. I, p. 336. 'Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., vol. 47, pp. 217-218, 1913. STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION. For 1916, the distribution, by counties, was as follows: 41 Ciimily Ounces Value Butte _ . 76 54 2 7 195 113 314 125 $3,472 Calaveras , . _ _ _ . _ _ _.._-.-_ 2,453 Del Norte _._ 73 Humboldt _ . _ . _ . _ _. . . 296 Saeraineii t () __,_- _ __ _____ 8,892 Trinity _____ _ _ _ __ _ 5,161 Yuba _ _ _ _ 14,301 Merced, Nevada, Shasta-". Siskiyou, Stanislaus* 7,994 Totals 886 $42,642 Russia has in tlie past been producing from 90% to 95% of the world's platinum; but, according to U. S. Consular Reports, the yield for 191G was reduced to one-third of the normal, on account of the "scarcity of labor in the case of hand washings by tributers, and in th(^ case of mechanical dredging plants by tlie difficulty in obtaining spare parts for dredges" — l)oth, a reflection of war conditions. The ])rice of the metal has co'nseciuently ri.sen to over $100 per troy ounce for refined platinum. During 1916. it varied from $90 in January, to $5.5 in August, $105 December 1st, and closing the year at $82. The miners of California received from $43 to $76 per ounce for their crude platinum, and an average of $45.50, as against $29 to $38 per ounce during 1915. Next in importance to Russia as a producer of platinum is Colombia. ^ California is the leading producer in the TTnited States. There have been occasional rej^orts of platinum in California being found in vein materials, but as yet no authentic case has come to the notice of the laboratory of the State Mining Bureau. In this connection, however, th(> recent report^^ of an analysis of chromite from Del Norte County showing 0.04 oz. platinum per ton is of more than passing interest, and apparently reliable. Platinum and chromite are alike in their association with serpentine derived from basic igneous rocks such as peridotite, pyroxenite and dunite. The two have been found inter- grown in dunite on the Tulameen River in British Columbia. Besides, its well-known uses in jewelry, dentistry and for chemical ware, an important industrial development of recent years, employs platinum in the "contact process" of manufacturing concentrated '"Yield of Shasta County is refined metals of the platinum group obtained from blister copper in the electrohtic relinerv. "Min. & Sci. Press. June 30, 1917, p. 929. ♦Combined to conceal output of a single operator in each. 42 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CALIFORNIA. sulphuric acid. It is also necessary for certain delicate parts of the ignition systems in automobiles, motor boats, and aeroplanes. Because of the effect of the limited supply and the high prices of platinum on the present industrial situation, the jewelers' and dentists' associations have voluntarily agreed to curtail consumption of this metal so far as possible. Experiments are being made to find alloys which can replace platinum for dishes and crucibles in analytical work, but so far with only slight success. The annual production and value since 1887, have been as follows: Year Ounces Value Year Ounces Value 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 , 1899 1900 . 1901 , 1902 . 1 100 1 $400 500 500 2.000 2,000 600 2,500 ' 100 500 80 440 1 75 517 100 600 150 900 162 944 1 150 900 300 1.800 300 1,800 , 400 2,500 I 250 3.200 i 39 468 j 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1S08 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 70 123 200 91 300 706 416 337 511 603 I 368 463 I 667 i 886 I Totals 9,547 $198,741 $1,052 1,849 3,320 1,647 6,255 13,414 10,400 8,386 14,873 19,731 17,738 14,816 21.149 42,642 QUICKSILVER. Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports IV, X, XII, XIII, XIV; Bulletin 27. U. S. G. S., IMonograph XIII. Quicksilver was produced in 14 counties in 1916, to the amount of 21,427 flasks, valued at $2,003,425, which is a 50% increase in number of flasks and nearly 90% in value over the year 1915. The European war has caused a considerable rise in the price of quicksilver, due to the prohibition of exports from Austria and Italy, and the retention of the Spanish output in England, to say nothing of its increased use in muni- tions manufacture. Immediate steps were taken by many to reopen old quicksilver properties which had been idle for many years. A total of approximately 1219 men were employed in the quicksilver mines of California in 1916, an increase of about 500 over the preceding year. Prices. The following table of monthly San Francisco quotations per flask of 75 pounds, will indicate the decided change in the status of quick- silver during the year 1916, as compared with the pre-war price of about $37 per flask. As San Francisco is the primary domestic market STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 43 for quicksilver, the average yearly quotations on this market have previously been used by the State Mining Bureau (and the U. S. Geological Survey, also) in calculating the value of the state's output of this metal. The 191-1 figure was $49.05 per flask. However, because in 1915 and 1916 there was considerable speculation in quick- silver by parties other than the actual producers, and 'the price changes were often rapid, so that quotations did not always mean sales, we have in these two years taken for the average value the average actual sales as reported to us by the producers. This gives us an average value of $81.52 per flask for the year 1915, instead of the $85.80 average of quotations, and for 1916, $93.50 instead of $125.89. San Francisco Quotations of Quicksilver, 1916. Month Average price 1 Montb Average price January ._ $222 00 295 00 219 00 141 60 90 00 74 70 July $81 20 Februarv _ _ - August . . _ 74 50 March .._._._- 1 September .... 75 00 April October .. 78 20 Mav -- - - - -- November 79 50 June - _ - - December 80 00 1 1 Recent consular reports^- indicate that the output of the famous mines of Almaden, Spain, has decreased somewhat, and the expense of operation increased. These mines are owned by the government and operated by contractors using convict labor. Bids have been called for by the Minister of the Treasury for new leases for working the deposits, and additional capital expenditure and exploration work will be required. The cost of production of quicksilver is stated to have increased from $8.29 a flask in 1900 to $15.22 in 1915. For two or three years previous to the outbreak of the European war, our normal peace-times consumption of quicksilver in the United States was approximately 25,000 flasks annually ; and our domestic production had fallen below 20,000 flasks per year. Of this 25,000- flask peace-time consumption, nearly 50% went into the manufacture of fulminate for explosive caps for mining, quarrying, and sporting arms ammunition as well as military ammunition. Our domestic production being inadequate, partly because of the low price and the lower average tenor of the ores mined, necessitated the importation of some 5,000 flasks annually. The enormous increase in munitions manufacture due to the war has, of course, raised our requirements correspondingly. "U. S. Commerce Reports, No. 298, Dec. 20, 1916, p. 1079; Annual Series, No. 15B. June 22, 1917, p. 33. 44 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. The import duty of 10% ad valorum is not sufficient to protect our American miners against the competition of the convict-operated mines of Spain where quiciksilver can be produced for as low as $8-$15 per flask, as noted above. The duty should be at least 25% ad valonim to give us proper protection. The present improvement in the price has increased the number of operating properties in California. Lower grade ores are being worked ; and new methods of ore dressing and reduction are being tried. From a consideration of the above facts and other circumstances of the situation, it would appear that the present economic level for the price of quicksilver should be around $100 per flask. This condition seems likely to continue at least as long as the war lasts. A shipment of 300 flasks of quicksilver from the New Idria Mine, San Benito County. Uses. The important uses of quicksilver are the recovery of gold and silver by amalgamation, and in the manufacture of fulminate for explosive caps, of drugs, of electric appliances, and of scientific apparatus. By far the greatest consumption is in the first two mentioned. Quicksilver is an absolutely essential element from a military stand- point, as there has not yet been produced a commercial substitute for it in the manufacture of fulminating caps for explosives. However, in STATISTICS OF ANNUAIi PRODUCTION. 45 order to reduce consumption of the fulminate, some potassium chlorate, picric acid, trinitro-toluol, or tetranitro-methalamine is at present being mixed with it. Concentration of Quicksilver Ores. For the above reason, and the fact that California has been, and still is, producing from 70% to 80% of the quicksilver yield of the United States, the investigation of the possibilities of concentration for quicksilver ores, which has been under way for the past two years by the author is particularly opportune. The New Idria Quicksilver Mine, San Benito County, California. producer in the United States. The largest quicksilver In the Bureau's investigation a wide variety of ores has been tested by water concentration, flotation with oils, and a wet method by solu- tion with an alkaline sulphide. Each of these methods has shown some ores particularly amenable to it. High recoveries were obtained b}^ water concentration on tables, with certain friable ores in which the cinnabar is distinctly crystalline. Good results were obtained by tables on an ore carrying native quick- silver. In those pulps carrying a cinnabar slime, either from "paint" ores or by reason of having to crush fine to release the sulphide, the extraction by tables is low. The slimed cinnabar can, in many cases, be economically won by flotation, provided there are no interfering k 46 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. elements in the gangue. Ochre appears to be particularly difficult to overcome, largely on account of its colloidal nature. One very inter- esting development was the verification of information that had come to the author of a selective oil combination for ores carrying objection- able amounts of pyrite. A mixture of crude wood turpentine and a crude asphaltie-base petroleum gave a higher grade concentrate with visibly less pyrite in it than any single oil used — in the case of one such ore tested. In the matter of solution by an alkaline sulphide (NaoS-f-NaOH) some rather astonishing results were obtained. On four widely variant ores, assaying from 0.14% to 1.7% mercury, extractions of 86%, 96%, 97%, 97%, respectively, were obtained with but approximately a half- hour's contact of the solution on the pulp. On one of these ores, assaying 0.31% mercury, an extraction of 97% was also the result, ivith but 15 minutes contact. Ochre, again, is detrimental, if present in excess. As announced in our Press Bulletin, No. 40, May 15, 1917, the final report on these investigations will form a portion of the new bulletin on California's Quicksilver Eesources, which is expected to be printed and ready for distribution before the end of the present year. Production. Though some domestic yield of this metal is now obtained from Texas, Nevada, Arizona, and Oregon, the bulk of the output still comes from California. The distribution of the 1916 product, by counties, was: County Amount, „ , flasks Value Colusa Lake Napa San Benito San Luis Obispo Santa Clara Solano Sonoma Kern, Kings, Monterey, Santa Barbara, Stanislaus and Trinity* Totals 285 $26,648 1,139 I 106,496 1,150 I 107,525 11,110 i 1,032,156 1,227 i 114,724 4,016 375,496 660 i 61,710 1,039 [ 97,146 801 ! 81,524 21,427 ; $2,003,425 •Combined to conceal output of a single mine in each. Total Quicksilver Production of California. Total amount and value of the quicksilver production of Cali- fornia, as given in available records, is shown in the following tabula- \ tion. Though the New Almaden mine in Santa Clara County was first worked in 1824, and has been in practically continuous operation since STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 47 1846 (though the yield was small the first two years), there are no available data on the output earlier than 1850. Previous to June, 1904, a "flask" of quicksilver contained 7(>^ pounds, but since that date 75 pounds. In compiling this table the following sources of information were used: For 1850-1883, table by J. B. Randol, in Report of State Mineralogist, IV, p. 336 ; 188.3-1893, U. S. Geological Survey reports ; 1894 to date, statistical bulletins of the State Mining Bureau; also State Mining Bureau, Bulletin 27, "Quicksilver Resources of Cali- fornia," 1908, p. 10: Tear Flasks Value 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 7.723 27.779 20.000 22,284 30.004 33,000 30.000 28.204 31.000 13,000 lO.OOO 35,000 42,000 ; 40,531 47,489 53,000 46,550 I 47,000 47,728 33,811 30,077 31,686 31,621 27,642 i 27,756 50,250 75,074 79,396 I 63,880 ' 73,684 59,926 60,851 , 52,732 I 46,725 31,913 Average price per flask Year Flasks Value $768,052 1,859,248 1,166,600 1,235,648 1,663,722 ' 1,767,150 1,549,500 : 1,374,381 1,482,730 820,690 535,500 1,471,750 1,526,700 1,705,544 2,179,745 2.432,700 2,473,202 2,157,300 2.190,715 1,551,925 1,725,818 I 1,999,387 2,084,773 2,220,482 i 2,919,376 4,228,538 3,303,256 2,961,471 2,101,652 2,194,674 1,857,706 1.815,185 1,488,624 1,343.344 973,347 , $99 45 66 93 58 33 55 45 55 45 53 55 51 65 48 73 47 83 63 13 53 55 42 05 36 35 42 08 45 90 45 90 53 13 45 90 45 90 45 90 57 38 63 10 65 93 80 33 105 18 84 15 44 00 37 30 32 90 29 85 31 00 29 83 28 23 28 75 30 50 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 ISOO 1901 1902 1903 32,073 29.981 33,760 33,250 26,464 22,926 22,904 27,993 30,164 30,416 36,104 30,765 26,691 31,092 29,454 26,317 26,720 29,552 32,094 1904 *28.876 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 Totals 24,655 19,516 17,379 18,039 16,217 17,665 19.109 20,600 15,661 11,373 14,199 21,427 2,113,346 $986,245 1,064,326 1,430,749 1,413,125 1,190,880 1,203,615 1,036,406 1,139,595 1,108,527 934,000 1,337,131 1,075,449 993,445 1,188,626 1,405,045 1,182,786 1,285,014 1,276,524 1,335.954 1,086,323 886,081 712,334 663,178 763,520 773,788 799,002 879,205 866,024 630,042 557,846 1,157,449 2,003,425 $99,596,094 Average price per flask $30 75 35 50 42 38 42 50 45 00 52 50 45 25 40 71 36 75 30 70 37 04 34 96 37 28 38 23 47 70 44 94 48 46 43 20 42 25 37 62 35 94 36 50 38 16 42 33 47 71 45 23 46 01 42 04 40 23 49 05 81 52 93 50 *Flasks of 75 lbs. since June, 1904; of 7CJ lbs. previously. SILVER. Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports IV, VIII, XII, XIII, XIV. Bulletin 67. Silver in California is produced largely as a by-product from its association with copper, lead, zinc and gold ores. As explained under 48 MINERAIi INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. s'ourtQ J3d S4.U9Q 1 1 ^ c X i ■z. u I (?) O 0) 0) u I 5 V «) ? fl) (0 1 KJ \ !S A <» N > f\. \ 1 SQ \, ^ =5 ■\ > 1 lb ^ / i^ \ 5: / K 1 v; ^ \ tQ \ ^ < iJl \ s, !\j A / S> V \ tvj k »^ \ RJ \ 5^ \ 5 «-- ^ ,--*' oa / ^v, ■V, ^ / > N. -^ ^ 5 -' ^ h^i f" 1 5^ ^ X ^ ^ V ^ !5 -. Xi .^ R "^ ■^ Rj N iO N, <0 N -> "«« ">>. ■*, < 1 K5 ^ 5 5: 'l- 1 !^ 1 Sj Sy f >r> 1 a <\1 !0 s 03 V N. o 3 pq STATISTICS OK ANNUAL riJODLCTION. 49 the heading of d'old, the following figures are those of the U. S. (ieological Survey. The average price of silver during 1916 was 65.8^ per ounce at New York, as compared with 54.8^ in 1914. and 50.7^ in 1915. During 1916, the monthly average price ranged between the extremes of 54^ in January and 75^ in JMay. The current year, 1917, is so far showing still higher figures. '"J'he mine jield of silver in California in lOlG was 2,534,74.3 fine oimces, \'aluc(l at .fhiKIT.Stil. an inciease in (iiiantity of SDH.S.'iB ounces, and in value of $835,931. The 1 ii-ger portion of tlie output. 2,303,655 ounces, valued at .$1,515,805, wa.s derived from ci-ude smelling' ores, biliceous oi-es milled and smelted, yielded 171, (iOO fine ounces, \ahied at $112,iil3. The largest output of silver came, as usual, from Shasta County, wliicli produced from copper ores, l,67'.l,455 ounces, valued at $1,105,081 ; from siliceous ores, 14,(144 ounces, valued at $9,636; and from placers, 1,146 fine ounces, valued at $7.-,4 — a total yield from the county in silver of 1,695,245 ounces, valued at $1,115,471. In 1915 the county produced 906,441 ounces, valued at $459,566. Inyo County followed Shasta in yield of silvei', the output being- 353,254 ounces, valued at $232,441, an increase as compared with 1915 of 100,997 ounces in ciuantity and of $104,547 in value. The total silver deiived from deep mines of all classes In California in 1916 was 2,534,743 ounces, valued at $1,667,861. The silver obtained with gold in placer mining in the State in 1916 was 29.611 ounces, valued at $19,484. The largest producer of placer silver was Yuba County — 9.015 ounces, valued at $5,932. "With the steady advance of silv'er in value has come a reopening of some old sih-e:- and silver-lead mines. Silver derived from purely silver ores in 1916 amounted to 7,599 fine ounces, valued at $5,000. From 31,127 tons of silver-lead ores there was derived 323,339 ounces of silver, valued at $212,757, as well as $32,516 in gold. From 16,136 tons of lead ore was obtained 2,129 ounces of silver valued at $1,401 ; and from 29,079 tons of zinc ore the silver yield was 60,293 ounces of silver, valued at $39,673. "From the siliceous ore and old tailings treated in California in 1916 the recovery of silver by amalgamation was 94,008 fine ounces, valued at $61,857; by cyanidation, 75,369 ounces, valued at $49,593; by chlorination, 634 ounces, valued at $417; and from concentrates sent to smelters, 61.077 fine ounces, valued at $40,189. From smelting ores silver amounting to 2,303,655 fine ounces was recovered, valued at $1,515,805. The above figures do not include the comparatively small quantity of silver i-ecovered with tlie gold in placer mining operations." The distribution of the 1916 silver yield, by counties, was as follows: County 1 Value County Value Amador _ _ SF18.705 Nevada _ , _ _ _ __ $35,741 Butte 3,332 Placer ______ . . _ . 24,928 Calavora.'! _____ 83,643 2 1,496 69 i 55! 155 232,441 8,745 1,772 2,680 643 90 3,606 Plumas _ _ _ 46,542 Del Norte . _ _ . Riverside _ _ _. _ _ __ 338 El Dorado _ Sacramento _ ._ 3,578 Fresno _ _ _ San Bernardino _ . 67,146 Humboldt ______ Shasta _____ 1,115,471 Imperial . _ Sierra __ _ _ 3,291 Invo _ _ _ _ __ Siskiyou 2,312 Kern Trinity 7,591 Madera _ _ _ Tuolumne _ _ _ 17,039 Mariposa __._-___ Yuba 5,934 Merced and Stanislaus* Modoc _ _ _ _ _ _ Total _ . . _ _. $1,687,S45 Mono __ _ ♦Combined to conceal output of a single property in each. 4—31821 50 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CALIFORNIA. The value of the silver produced in California each year since 1887, is as follows : Year Value 1887 $1,632,003 1888 1.700,000 1889 -— 754.793 1890 1,060,613 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 953,157 463,602 537.157 297,332 599,789 422,463 Year 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1,091,092 : Value $517,444 873,525 678,494 817,830 751,646 873.057 1897 452.789 414.055 504.012 1,510,344 1,229,356 616.412 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 993,646 673,336 799,584 832,553 813,938 851.129 1,687,345 Total $25,402,496 TIN. Bibliography: Bulletin 67, "Cassiterite." Tin is not at present produced in California ; but during 1891-1892, there was some output from a small deposit near Corona, in Riverside County, as tabulated below. Small quantities of stream tin have been found in some of the placer workings in northern California, but never in paying amounts. In 1916 two new occurrences were noted in northern San Diego County. Crystals of cassiterite were found there, associated with blue tourmaline crystals, amblygonite and beryl. No commercial quantity has been developed, only small pockets having been taken out, as yet; but the prospect is an interesting one. The principal source of the world's supply of tin is the Straits Settle- ments on the Malay Peninsula, followed in second rank by Bolivia. Siam, Burma and Cornwall are also important sources. A measur- able amount of the metal is also recovered by de-tinning scrap and old cans. Total output of tin in California : Year Pounds Value 1891 . -_ . - 125,289 126,000 $27,5^4 1892 32,400 Totals 251,289 $59,964 STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 51 TUNGSTEN. Bibliography: Report on San Bernardino County, 1917; Bulletins 38, 67. U. S. G. S. Bull. 652. Proc. Colo. Sei. Soc, Vol. XI. The metal, tungsten, is used mainly in the steel industry and in the manufacture of electrical appliances, including the well-known tung- sten filament lamps. Because of its resistance to corrosion by acids, it is valuable in making certain forms of chemical apparatus. Its employ- ment in tool steel alloys, permits the operation of cutting tools, such as in lathe work, at a speed and temperature at which carbon steel would lose its temper — hence the name "high-speed" steels for these tungsten alloys. As made in the United States, tungsten forms 13% to 20% of such steels. Some chromium, nickel, cobalt, or vanadium are sometimes also included. Tung.sten is introduced into the molten steel charge, either as the powdered metal or as ferro-tungsten (containing 50%-85% tung- sten). The specific gravity of the pure metal, 19.3-21.4, is exceeded only by platinum, 21.5; iridium, 22.4; and osmium, 22.5. Its melting point is 3,267°C. (5,913°F.), being higher than any other known metal. Though millions of tungsten filament lamps are now made, the wires are so fine that the metal they contain represents but a few tons of tungsten concentrates annually. Tungsten ore is produced in California principally in the Atolia- Randsburg district in San Bernardino and Kern counties, with small amounts coming from Nevada County and from the district near Goffs, in eastern San Bernardino. Most of the California tungsten ore is scheelite (calcium tungstate), though wolframite (iron-manga- nese tungstate) and hiibnerite (manganese tungstate) also occur. The deposits at Atolia are the largest and most productive scheelite deposits knoA^Ti," and the output has in some years equaled or exceeded that of ferberite (iron tungstate) from Boulder County, Colorado. It is interesting in this connection to note that, in practically all other tungsten producing districts of the world, wolframite is the important constituent. Burma, the largest producer, reports a yield of approxi- mately 2,500 tons of wolframite concentrates for 1916, most of which was obtained from placers, in part associated with eassiterite (tin oxide). The value of the ore is based upon the content of tungstic trioxide (WOg), and quotations are commonly made per unit (each 1%) of WOg present. ^^U. S. G. S.. Bull 652, p. 32. '^9 MINERAL INDT'STRV <)V CALTKORNIA. fn oaa \ 1/ AON On 'iDO id as t^ J Dav 7 Aiaf y z' 3Nnr ^ ^ AVW ^ '¥JV c "avw '"v^ ^ •eai ^ '*^, NVf ^*** :=:^ 1-H •030 \ AON L ■^. iOO k id as V . onv Ainr aNAf AVW \ •HdV HVW aaa NVf ON oaa AON 1.D0 •J.d3S •oa\ Ainr aNHf AVW HdV MVW •a3a •NVf 2®oooooooooooo ooooo oooooooooqoqqq oqooo w w . f-H tS >< . I— < c3 ^ 5 I— I '* o < o CxJ >■■ PLh a; Z i H ^ STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 53 111 1916 there were marketed 2,270 tons of high-grade ore and con- centrates, valued at $4,571,521, which is more than double the tonnage and four and one-half times the value of the 1915 output. The ton- nages here shown are re-ealculated to a l)a.sis of 60% WO;,, the materials reported varying from ore assaying 2% to concentrates running as high as 75%. Most of the concentrates ranged about 65%. Previous to 1915, a single company produced almost all of California's tungsten. During the latter part of 1915, and the early months of 1916, because of the high prices prevailing, prospecting was much stimulated, and the known tungsten-bearing areas have been considerably extended both in San Bernardino and Kern counties. The accompanying chart, reproduced by courtesy of the Foote Mineral Co., Philadelphia, Pa., shows the rapid change in status during that period. Shipments were also made from mines opened up in the Clark Mountain and New York Mountains districts in eastern San Bernardino County. In these latter areas, wolframite and hiibnerite are the principal ores, wdth some scheelite, while at Atolia it is scheelite only. Scheelite ore is also being extracted in Inyo County near Bishoj), and two concentrating mills are in operation with a third under construction. The Nevada County ore is also scheelite. Distribution of the 1916 output was as follows : County Tons Value Kern . _ _ 193 1,921 156 $482,387 San Bernardino . __ _.-. .-- .._ 3,915,434 Invo and Nevada* 173,700 Totals 2,270 $4,571,521 ♦Combined to conceal output of a sing-le mine in Nevada County. The annual value of tungsten produced in California since the incep- tion of the industry is given herewith: Year Value Tear Value 1905 $18,800 189,100 120,587 37,750 190,500 208,245 127,706 1912 - $206,000 1906 1913 - 234,673 1907 1914 180,575 1908 1915 . 1.005,467 1909 1916 4,571,521 1910 .— 1911 Total - - $7,090,924 VANADIUM. Bibliographij: Bulletin 67. P.roc. Colo. Sci. Soc, -Vol. XI. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Bulletin 104. No commercial production of vanadium has as yet been made in California. Occurrences of this metal have been found at Camp Signal, 54 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. near Goffs in San Bernardino County, and two companies have done considerable development work recently in the endeavor to open up paying quantities. Each had a mill under construction, in 1916, but apparently no commercial output was made. Ore carrying the mineral cuprodescloizite and reported as assaying 4% V2O5 is being developed. There is a growing demand for vanadium, for use in the steel industry. ZINC. Bibliography: Report XIV. Bulletins 38, 67. Zinc Avas produced in Shasta, Inyo and San Bernardino counties during 1916, to the amount of 15,950,565 pounds, valued at $2,137,375. This is a material increase both in tonnage and value over the previous year, and is due to the continued stimulation of the market, chargeable to the European war. The average price for the year was 13.4^ per pound, as compared to 5.1^ during 1914, and 14.2^ in 1915. The zinc ores of Shasta County are associated with copper, while those of Inj^o and San Bernardino are associated mainly with lead- silver ores. The ores were shipped to eastern smelters for treatment. An electrolytic zinc plant with a capacity of 25 tons of spelter daily has been built by the Mammoth Copper Co. at Kennett, and is now (July, 1917) in operation. The experimental electrolytic plant at the Bully Hill copper mine is stated to be in operation, while the experimental plant of the Reed Zinc Co. at Palo Alto was idle in 1916, though operated in 1915 on bag-house fume from Shasta County. The accompanying chart reproduced from a recent press bulletin of the U. S. Geological Survey gives a graphic representation of the fluctuations in spelter prices for the years 1914, 1915 and 1916. The production, by counties, was as follows: County Pounds Value Tnvo 5,758,703 $771,666 San Bernardino 707,062 , 94,746 Shasta 9,484,800 1,270,963 Totals : 15.950,565 $2,137,375 Total figures for zinc output of the state are as follows; Tear Pounds Value Tear Pounds Value 1906 206,000 177,759 54.000 $12,568 10,598 3,544 1913 1.157.947 ' ?64.84.^ 1907 1Q0R 1914 1915 399.641 20,381. 13,043.411 1.617,383 1909 1916 15,950,565 2,137,375 iQin Totals 1911 1912 2.679.842 4,331,391 152.751 298,866 38.000.556 $4,318,309 JAN. FEE FEE 1916 I. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. D-e _ood^-aJln^4ff^a>MCK(^Jal^)rlOK■^t-oo■*— a>in(Nicntoj ' rvj - ; < 1 0) - IQ / 1 ■c .10 ^'' 1 T ( p 3 ■1 .1 ( r I -1 0- C 3 a c ft I .lb - ^- 1 01 1-0 \ n 4l> .10 r 14. ■ -u 1 -5 V \g _ __ _: ■ 1 I '\H 8 : in f? - 4_ -l-i-H. — -I-^-Za^-^ Ac. T- IIIJVA, ::' «v .11 - *- ,0 i -^-./^ „.___/i.,_ ...J! /h •10 : ^ \ ;^i ^ --A/hxp' ^ .09 ^ V \ _ - L .08 \ \ L.\j .07 -j 1" 1_, ^A / I; V, / ^ .- : .06 --Ht"!"' " ; Average p -^:^^---/' -- -^ .05 ■'-^-' ' Ave ■age base p ice|per ton for 60 per cent z nc concentr tesatJopi'ih 1 , $50 ;J- 1- " — - -p ■ -I--- -i- -r 40 -s=.<^--- - 3 lil.l 1 1 1 1 1 4LL J. 31821— Pages 54- S. G. S., press bul letin, Apr. 6, 1917. 55 $0.26 .25 .24 rem .23 ruc- ned, .22 rials .21 for e of .20 s of a of .19 mia, .18 ■ease ones .17 irely row- .16 \ an y in .15 nent 14 ased fhtly .13 con- .12 e, as .11 nual le to .10 11 be t for 100 90 and itpiit 80 70 60 SO 30 1914 JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULV AUS. SEPT OCT. 1915 1916 NOV. DEC. JAN FEB. MAR APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUS. SEPT OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR, MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC Average weekly price of spelter at St. Louis and London, and of 60% zinc concentrates at Joplin, 1914-1916 — from U. S. G. S.. press bulletin, Apr. 6, 1917. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 55 CHAPTER FOUR. STRUCTURAL MATERIALS. As indicated by this chapter heading, the mineral substances herein considered are those more or less directly used in building and struc- tural work. California is independent, so far as these are concerned, and almost any reasonable construction can be made with materials produced in the state. This branch of the mineral industry for 1916 was valued at $15,560,445, as compared with a total value of $13,481,947 for the year 1915. Only a few years ago its value was of but small significance in considering the total mineral production of the state. "With the growth, in population and otherwise, of California, this subdivision of the mineral industry in the state will increase indefinitely. Deposits of granite, marble and other building stones are distributed widely throughout the state, and slowly but surely transportation and other facilities are being extended so that the grow- ing demand may be met. The largest single item, cement, has had an interesting record of growth since the inception of the industry in California about 1891. Not until 1904 did the annual value of cement produced reach the million-dollar mark, following which it increased 500% in nine years; though the last three years it has fallen slightly below its high-level mark. Crushed rock production is yearly becoming more worthy of con- sideration, due to the strides recently taken in the use of concrete, as well as to activity in the building of good roads. Brick, with an annual output worth approximately $2,000,000, has slowly decreased, due to the popularity of cement and concrete; nevertheless, this item will be an important one for many years to come, and of course, a market for fire and fancy brick of all kinds will never be lacking. Fifty-four counties contributed to this structural total for 1916, and there is not a county in the state which is not capable of some output of at least one of the materials under this classification. 54 near consi payi: appa cupr Ther Zi] durii This year, to tl: poun Tl] those silve An ( has now at tl: expe thou, Th the fliicti Th Inyo Ran Shasi To I 1906 . 1907 - 1908 . 1909. 1910 _ 1911 _ 1912 . STATlfclTlCS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 55 CHAPTER FOUR, STRUCTURAL MATERIALS. As indicated by thi.s chapter heading, the mineral substances herein considered are those more or less directly used in building and struc- tural work. California is independent, so far as these are concerned, and almost any reasonable construction can be made with materials produced in the state. This branch of the mineral industry for 1916 was valued at $15,560,445, as compared with a total value of $13,481,947 for the year 1915. Only a few years ago its value was of but small significance in considering the total mineral production of the state. With the growth, in population and otherwise, of California, this subdivision of the mineral industry in the state will increase indefinitely. Deposits of granite, marble and other building stones are distributed widely throughout the state, and slowly but surely transportation and other facilities are being extended so that the grow- ing demand may be met. The largest single item, cement, has had an interesting record of growth since the inception of the industry in California about 1891. Not until 1904 did the annual value of cement produced reach the million-dollar mark, following which it increased 500% in nine years; though the last three years it has fallen slightly below its high-level mark. Crushed rock production is yearly becoming more worthy of con- sideration, due to the strides recently taken in the use of concrete, as well as to activity in the building of good roads. Brick, with an annual output worth approximately $2,000,000, has slowly decreased, due to the popularity of cement and concrete ; nevertheless, this item will be an important one for many years to come, and of course, a market for fire and fancy brick of all kinds will never be lacking. Fifty-four counties contributed to this structural total for 1916, and there is not a county in the state which is not capable of some output of at least one of the materials under this classification. 56 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. The following table gives the comparative figures for the value of structural materials produced in Californin during the years 1915 and 1916: Sulistanoe i:il.-. Ainmint X'aliu* liiii; .\iiiimiit Value Iiicrei'.se_l_ Value Bituiiiinou.'! rock Brick and tile 17,7S') tors !t;i.4)-; ia),538M. 1,078,7.% 4,!)18,27^ bbls. <),W4,()."jO 3,725 tons 38,044 ''27,!i2S ll).44<) tons 20C,9oO M. 5,2n<),5()7 bbls. 4S 04? tons 1 !fii.-)3i : *.-)(!'« + 2,09fi,.37O -117,814 f 6 210,293 ' I().j3-I3 + CPiiient --- . Oliroiiiitp . - . Gnuiite :):;:),3:ji) :^(,7,41H- 493,('3J bbls. m)j':') 10K171 + Ini ()"i9 form 1 'ill ca* ^ noa 'qo_l Lime .. bbls. 280,304 30,721 tons 283,-'61 22,180 CO. ft. 41,518 (i !,:^.";(l ( u. It. S,43S l,(M;os(|uares 5,0(iO 4,783,180 Mugncsite . . Marble 25,9.54 cil. ft. 17,270 en. ft. lit *^J^) ' S '7«'>-L. Saniistons Slate 1(1,271 1 ^??,+ .J.CO!)— fiii.fim— Miscellaneous stone -- .. 4,171,519 i Totals $13,459047 $15,.'=61,445 Net increase _. ii<2,101,398+ 1 ASPHALT. BihJm/rapJn/: State :\linera] Reports \U, X. XIT. XITI, XIV. Bulletins 16 and 82. AspliMlt was foi- ;i luiiiihcr of years accounted for in i'(»ports hy the State Mining' Bureau, heeause in the early days of the oil industry, considerable asphalt was in-oduced from outcroppings of oil sand, and was a separate industry from the jiroduction of oil itself. However, at the present time most of the asphalt eomes from the oil refineries, which produce a ])etter and more uniform grade; hence its value is not now included in the mineral total, as to do so would be a partial duplication of the crude petroleum figures. Such natural asphalt as is at present mined is in the form of l)ituiiiinoiis sandstones, and is recorded under that designation. The ])roduction of refinery asphalt from 16 refiiK^-ies during 1916 was approximately 258,000 tons, valued at $1,959,000; as compared with 166,941 tons, worth $1,363,207 for 1915. California leads all other states of the Union in such production, as her crude oils are almost entirely of asphaltie base. BITUMINOUS ROCK. Bibliography : State Eeports XII, XIII. Bituminous rock is used in a number of places, principally for road dressing ; but the manufacture of asphalt at the oil refineries has almost eliminated the industry of mining bituminous rock. The production during 1916 from one quarry each in Santa Cruz, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties was 19,449 tons, valued at $66,561, compared with 17,789 tons and $61,468 in 1915. STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 57 The following tabulation shows the total amount and value of bitu- minous rock (juarried and sold in California, from the records com- piled by the State Mining Bureau, annually since 1887 : Year Tons Value Tear 1 Tons • Value 1887 1888 1889 1890 36,000 50.000 40,000 40,000 39,962 24,000 32,000 31,214 38,921 49.456 45.470 46.836 40.321 25,306 24,052 33,490 $160,000 257,000 170,000 170,000 154.164 72.000 192,036 115,193 121,586 122,500 128,173 137.575 116,097 71,495 66,354 43,411 1 1903 1904 1905 1906 21,944 45,280 24.753 16077 24,122 30,718 34,123 87,547 75,125 44.073 37,541 66,119 17.789 19,149 $53,106 175.680 60,436 45.204 1891 1892 1893 - - _ 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 72,835 109,818 116.436 1894 . 1895 . - - . 16.5.711 117.279 1896 1897 1912 1913 . - 87.467 78.479 J898 -. - ., -. 1914 -. . - 166.618 1899 1900 ... 1915 1916 61.468 66,561 1Q01 Totals 1 1902 1.141,688 ,T3,474,6S2 BRICK and TILE. BibliograpJnj: Report XIV. Bulletin 38. As would be expected in a state with diversitied and widespread mineral resources, a great variety of brick is annually produced in California, including common, fire, pressed, glazed, sand-lime, and other.s. As far as possible the different kinds have been segregated in the following tabulation. AVe also include under this heading the various forms of hollow building "tile" or l)locks, instead of under industrial pottery clays as in earlier reports : According to Bulletin No. 38, issued l)y the California State Mining Bureau, the following analyses show the average and the maximum and minimum of the ingredients commonly occurring in brick clays. A clay in which the percentage of any one or more of the ingredients mentioned is much above the maximum given or beloAv the minimum will prove an inferior, if not worthless, clay for even common brick. Chemical Analyses of Common Brick Clays. Average, per cent Minimum, per cent llaximum. per cent Silica (SiOo), combined Silica sand Alumina (AUO;,) Water (IIjO), combined Water moisture Iron oxide (FcOj) Lime (CaO) Magnesia (MgO) Alkalies (K,0, Na^O) — 15.0 55.0 14.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 1.5 1.5 3.5 12.0 20.0 11.0 3.0 0.0 2.5 0.5 0.3 2.0 30.0 60.0 25.0 9.0 6.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 The detailed figures of brick production for 11)16, by counties, are as follows : 58 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. O H > a is a Irt-^COOOOlflt-HOSTT THrJ.(MCO (MO-IOOCO CO r-( t-» CO OO lO O (TQ (M od iH-^t^lOCOOOlOt'OOJOO iooot^OooTj ♦» c 3 O O >. to a> c o 3 TJ O u U5 1^ o CO of 00 00 CO -^ oc IC rr TJ* o 00 (M -^ Q ■ "C 1-1 ?? I CO t^ 00 I CM lO CO a O (M r^ lO CO CO t^ t^ Q OO CO 05 rH CO 1— I -!<' rf CO 05 T-J t— I .— I CO 03 o o -a c3 CO tlfl a 05 CO" O — I q> CO CO (M o CO OS era CO CO iO 00 00 ■y lO •-I CO o CO oi .11 3 03 ^ 03 S — 03 ^H " ^H S S 3 a »-! _ a c3 m 03 C3 fl ^ 03 — 03 03 Q o o « c fl a a 33 03 03 03 03 3 O) o3 ^ ^ 03 =^ 5 03 CO a "^ .- x; ^ S3 « O S3 03 o 03 C3 00 CO O +J O ■O ill -M 03 OJ 03 a es 1=1 03 d a CO o a 03 'H CO U 03 "oS o m o 0) o a a m o a o "C CO bo c s o o C cS oj am m CO -a 73 'o'o STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 59 Record of brick production in the state has been kept since 1893 by this Bureau. The annual and total figures since that date, for amount and value, are given in the following table: Tear Thousands Value 1 Year 1 Thousands Valu* 1893 103,900 81,675 131,772 24,000 97,468 100,102 125,950 137,191 1^0.766 169,851 214,403 281,750 286,618 $801,750 457,125 672,360 524,740 563,240 571 362 1 1906 277.762 362.167 332.872 333.846 340,883 327.474 337,233 358.754 270,791 180.538 206,960 $2,538,848 1894 1907 3,438,951 1895 1908 . 2,506,495 1896 1897 1909 1 1910 3,059,929 2,934,731 1898 1911 2,638,121 1899 754,730 905,210 1912 2,940,290 1900 1 1913 2,915,350 1901 860,488 1,306,215 1,999,546 1,994,740 2,273,786 1914 . 2,288,227 1902 1915 . . 1,678,756 1903 1916 2.096,570 lOflJ Totals 1905 5,214,729 $42,721,-560 CEMENT. Bihliography: State Mineralogist Reports VIII, IX, XII, XIV. Bulletin 38. Cement is one of the most important structural materials in the out- put of the state. During 1916 there was produced a total of 5,299,507 barrels, valued at $6,210,293. This output comes from nine operating plants in seven counties, employing approximately 2,500 men. The enlargement of this industry, of course, depends upon the growth of surrounding communities, and a summary of the lime and clay deposits of the state shows that considerable enlargement is quite possible. The cement industry is so centralized that it is impossible to appor- tion the production to the counties in which plants are located without making private business public. With the exception of San Bernar- dino, no county has more than one cement plant. The three operating plants in San Bernardino County, in 1916, made a total of 1,036,000 barrels, valued at $1,246,000 ; the balance coming from a single plant in each of the following counties : Contra Costa, Kern, Napa, Riverside, Santa Cruz and Solano. "Portland" cement was first commercially produced in the state in 1891 ; though in 1860 and for several years following, a natural hydraulic cement from Benicia was utilized in building operations in San Francisco. While the total figures are not of the same magnitude as those for gold and petroleum, the growth of the industry has been more than rapid, and a comparison of the annual figures representing the output since the inception of the industry is of interest. 60 MlNERAIi TNDTTSTRY OF CALTFORNIA. State Highway Bridge over the Sacramento River at Dunsmiiir, showing use of California cement and crushed rock in a reinforced concrete structure. Annual production of cem(^.nt in California has been as follows; Year Barrels Value Year Barrels Value 1891 5,000 5.000 $15,000 15,000 j 1905 1.265,553 1,286,000 1,613,563 1.629,615 3,779,205 5,453,193 6,371,369 6.198,634 6,167,806 5,109,218 4,918,275 5,299,507 $1,791,916 1892 1906 1,941,250 1S93 1907 - -- -- 2.585.577 1894 8,000 16,383 9,500 18,000 50,000 60,000 52,000 71,800 171,000 640,868 969.538 21,600 32,556 28,250 66.000 150.000 180.000 121.000 1908 2,3.59,692 1895 1909 4,969,437 1896 . . . 1910 7,485,715 1897 1911 9,085,625 1898 1912 6,074.661 1899 1913 7,743.024 1900 , - 1914 . 6,558.148 1901 159,842 423,600 968 797 ' 1915 6.044.950 1902 - - 1916 6,210.2!):-! IPO*? 1904 1.539,807 i Totals 51.169,027 $66,571,670 STATl.^TICS OK ANNllAL PUODlCTloN . 61 CHROMITE. Bibliographii: State ^Mineralogist Reports IV, XII, XIII, XIV; Bulletin 3S. V. S. (I S., Bull. 4:30. :\Iin. & Sei., Vol. 114. p. 552. Chromic iron ore, or ehromite, to the amount of 48,94:5 short tons valued at -1^717,244. f . o. b. shii)ping point was mined and .shipped iti California during the year 1*>1(). This is a thirteeu-fold increase in quantity and 19 times the total value for 1915, which .showed :i725 tons worth $:38,()44. Chromite is widely distributed in this state, the 1916 output coming from 25 counties, tlu' larger anmunts being credited to Shasta, Fresno, El Dorad.). Tulare, and Siskiy<;u in the order named. Economic Conditions. Chromite is another of California's mim rals atfeeted by the economic conditions brought about by tlie European war. The major portion of our domestic requirements fe.r chiome is for consinnption in the steel mills of the east. Formerly, most of that used was imported from Rhodesia and New Caledonia, and they are still the more important sources. The reports of the V. S. Department of Commerce, show the foreign imports of chromic iron for the four years 1913-1916 (inc.) to have been 49,772 : 74.686 ; 76,455 : and 114,655 long tons, respectively. Similarly to conditions already discussed under manganese (see ante), the increased demand for steel products has also increased the necessity for chromite as a refractory and for the preparation of ferro-chrome. Our own domestic sources are supplying a part of the increased demand, and .some tonnage is coming from Canada. According to Dolbear,^* "to be readily salable chrome ore should contain at least 40^^ chromic oxide (Cr.,0.,) and less than 8% silica (SiO.,). Some ore is sold which carries not more than 307c. Cr.,0..:; sometimes SiO, as liigh as 10% to 15% is permitted. Ore containing 40% Cr.X");. is more satisfactory in lire-brick manufacture that 30% or 50%. ore. When other grades are purchased they are sometimes crushed and mixed with high(n' or lower grades, as may be required, to secure a 40% product."' OccL'rrence. Until 1916, when some shipments wei'e made from Oregon and smaller amounts from Maryland, Wyoming and Wa.shington, our only I'K. H. Dolbear, Min. & Sci., Apr. 21, 1917, r- 554. 62 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CALIFORNIA. domestic production of chromite came from California. There are two main belts here yielding thi.s inineral — one, along the Coast Ranges from San Luis Obispo County to the Oregon line, including Klamath Mountains at the north end, and the other in the Sierra Nevada from Tulare County to Plumas County. Chromite occurs as lenses in basic igneous rocks such as peridotite and pyroxenite, and in serpentine which has been derived by alteration of such basic rocks. For the most part, so far as developments have yet shown, the lenses have proven to be small, relatively few of them jdelding over 100 tons apiece. A notable exception to this was the deposit on Little Castle Creek near Dunsmuir, from which upwards of 15,000 tons were shipped before it was exhausted. Deposits now being opened up in Del Norte County promise well for a large tonnage, according to recent field observations of a member of the staff of the State Mining Bureau. On the whole, the ore bodies in the northwestern corner of the state appear to aver- age larger in size than the chromite lenses in other parts of California. Concentration is being considered in several localities to improve the shipping product, and thus utilize some of the disseminated and lower grade ore bodies which have been found. The major consumption of chromic iron ore is for its use as a refrac- tory lining in smelting furnaces for steel and copper. A smaller portion is used in the preparation of ferro-chrome for chrome-steel alloys. Some of the California product in 1916 was converted into ferro-chrome in the electric furnacas of the Noble Electric Steel Com- pany at Heroult, Cal., and some of it was similarily reduced in electric furnaces at Niagara Falls, N. Y. A small amount of high-grade ore was utilized in preparation of ehromates for tanning. Prices and Production. During 1916, the prices in California on the basis of 40% chromic oxide ranged from $14-$20 per ton f. o. b., with a premium for higher grades and deductions for lower. The producer's reports to the State Mining Bureau indicate an average of $14.65 per ton received for all grades for the year. In June, 1917, sales were being made at 60(^-65^ per unit for 40%-45% ore, or $24 per ton for 40%. For the eastern buyer, to these prices must be added $10 per ton freight charges to Chicago, or $14.86 a ton to the eastern seaboard. STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 63 The distribution of the 1916 product, by counties, Avas as follows: County Tods Value Alameda Amador Butte Calaveras El Dorado Fresno Lake Napa Nevada J Placer San Luis Obispo Santa Clara Shasta Siskiyou Sonoma Tehama Tulare Tuolumne Del Norte, Glenn, Plumas, Sierra, Stanislaus, Trinity, Yuba* Totals 612 300 1,451 1.636 5,260 9,060 871 715 981 774 1,855 136 12,425 2,251 243 1,896 3,435 285 4,757 $7,344 3.700 13,940 12,570 72,560 151,824 15,070 11,559 12,795 11,956 27,733 2,028 181,225 28,731 2,478 39,702 42,555 4,556 74,918 48,943 $717,244 ♦Combined to conceal output of a single mine in each. The annual output of chromite since 1887 has been as follows : Tear Tons Value Tear Tons Value 1887 3,000 $40,000 1903 150 $2,250 1888 1,500 20.000 1904 123 1.845 1889 2.000 30,000 1905 40 600 1890 3,599 53,985 1906 317 2.859 1891 1,372 20,580 1907 302 6,040 1892 1,500 22,500 1908 350 6,195 1893 -. 3,319 49,785 1909 436 5,309 1894 3,680 39.980 1910 749 9,707 1895 1,740 16,795 1911 935 14,197 1896 786 7,775 1912 1,270 11,260 1897 1913 1,180 12,700 1898 1914 1,517 9.434 1899 1915 3,725 38.044 190O _. 140 1.400 1916 ... 48,943 717.244 1901 130 1,950 1902 315 4,725 Totals .-., 83,118 $1,147,259 I 64 INIINEKAL INDl'STKV Oi' CAI.IFOKNJA. GRANITE. Bibliograplni : Slat(> JMineralo^ist Reports X, XIT, XIII, XIV; Bulletin 38. . In the reports for several years previous to the present one, granite was treated in a subdivisifin under "Stone Industry" or under "Mis- cellaneoTis Stone." We have here rearranged the .su1)jeets, somewhat, and now give granite a s;'p;UMt.' licadiiii. as hatl j)reviously l)oen done with niarhh' and sandstone. Ci ushcd lock and paving hloelcs derived rr;:in gijinile (luarriis ;n e contiiuifd under 1lie luading of "^li.seel- lani ous Stcne. '" 'i'lie (M'.tiiut (f gravite. i)art'(':dnr!y for l)uihliiig and oi'uaniental piMixscs sliows a fallina; o V 1 le past two years, from e.irlier annual amcunts. In 1!)!."), this was due nunnly to a strike of the granite cutters which covered practically all of the last ludf of tlie year. That granite is not used more is probalily due to its greater cost as compared to concrete and ornamental brick and tile for building. In 1916, the San Fra)icis('o City If all and the Sub-Treasury Building liaving been completed, the only other large public buildings under construction utilizing granite were two on Ihc cainpns of the University of Cali- fornia in Berkeley. California building granites, particularly the varieties from Ray- mond, ^ladera County, and Rocklin. Placer County, are unexcelled by any similar stone found elsewhere. In so far as it has been possible to do so, granite production has been segregated in the following table into the various nses to which the product was put. It will be noted, however, that a portion of Ihe output has been entered under the heading "Unclassilied'". This is necessai'y ])ecause of the fact that some of the producers have no way of telling to what s])ecific use their stone was i)ut after they had ([uarried and sold the same. The distril)ution of the 1916 pi-oduct, l)y counties, was as follows: STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 65 c 3 O O >. XI c o o 13 T3 O L. Q. ■H E n t- O 1 Q'-lOO^OO I^ O 03 O O OT 05 O OI 05 CO I O T-i iC i-l 35 t» lO (>I^ CO f* m " 3 IQ C-1 lO O -:)^ O-f -^ lO §2 IM 1- OO -t< CO ^- .-( (M 6©- 1 -"^i O 1 O O O 03 CO 1 1^ CD 1 1-1 CO Q ?D 1 O »0 1 (M CIS »0 t^ OO 4} 3 j «o *« •3 1 ^~ »0 CO CO (M OO g « K- 1 1 I '"' CM S 1 €«■ Oi § 1 CD Q 1 00 O O -f 1 00 O 1 i^ to O -*i 00 co" P It; 1 CC LO 1 (M_ C^ lO l^ 1 C^r 03 1 -^ l~^ r-T mS 3.*^ rH :i -Tfi OO O r-l C-l l^ CM 1 CO CO (d lo 00 o; T-H 05 ^f CM >-< C-l GO ■5 t^ m- \ 1 €«■ c (U E 3 3 O !M 1 O tH O 1 i-H Ttl o O 1^ 1 CD C3 O 1 lO CM f!^ O^ c: CO ' '-' '"1 '^ 1 ^ 05 5- 1-7 -H 1 tc 1-5" 1 -rt'' -*' i-H 'M 1 ^H j T-K CO 3 1 eo 1 1 CO 1 1 C5 1 00 1 1 CN 1 1 o « ;3 Cvl , C^l , CO oo" 3 K- «o ^ ■-( OO O 1 »— * 1 1 II y-< m 1 ^'S- 1 1 1 1 ««■ 3 2 1 t^ 1 i CO 1 1 O o 1 O 1 1 ^^ 1 1 O lO "3 U , 1 to 1 1 O 1 1 lO o P3 3£ 1 -af 1 1 CO 1 1 oo' C5 CO w j 1— ( , , ,1 tH 1 ! I 1 ! 1 1 03 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 C3 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 -* 1 1 1 t 1 1 i 1 ^ t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 !« 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 53 -X;' 11+-'?^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CC 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -rH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^ 03 >j 1 1 Q g s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 d oj o i i i ! i 1 i=^^ i i i i i i i «5' 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C3 S I'll:: P o 2 3 a ,,,,,, a S o 1 1 1 1 1 T'cl^^^ 1 1 I 1 1 ' ^ - - 1 1 1 1 _. C3 +. p m ' 1 i ,g P "O o 03 O f-iS;2;;zi(iiP:;t/:ffi — ■ »^ o u MM 3 3 O a o c I a> . o H M m ° « p 0-3 o i. fr>-i« 5—31821 66 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. The value of granite produced, annually since 1887, has been as follows : Year Value Year Value 1887 .. . $iro,ooo 57,000 1,329,018 1,200,000 1,300,0(JO 1,000,000 ■ 531,322 228,816 224,329 ! 201,004 188,024 147,732 141,070 29.5,772 1 519,285 i 255,2o9 1903 1904 1905 iro6 UK)7 1908 190J) 1910 1911 .$678,670 467,472 353,837 344,083 373,376 512.923 376 834 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 _ _. 1893 . 1894 .-. .. . 417 898 1895 35.5,742 1896 1912 362,975 1897 1913 981,277 1898 1914 1915 1916 ToUil 628,786 1899 - . 227,928 190O 535,339 11,01 1902 $14,385,751 LIME. Bibliograplnj: Bulletin 38. Lime to tlie amount of 493,635 barrels, valued ;it $390,475, was produced from eight counties during 1916. as compared with 356,534 barrels, valued at $286,304, in 1915. Thi.s figure includes only such lime as is used in building operations. That utilized in sugar making, for smelter flux, and as a fertilizer are classified under "Industrial Materials". That consumed in cement manufacture i.s included in the value of cement. Distribution, by counties, is shown in the following table: County Barrels Value San Bernardino .. ._. . ._ _ 151.670 176.263 165,702 $54,317 225,485 110.673 Santa Cruz . _ . Amador. El Dorado, Kern, Shasta, Siskiyou, Tuolumne*. Totals 493,635 $390,475 ♦Combined to conceal output of a single plant in each. For table of production by years, see under "industrial" limestone. MAGNESITE. Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports XII, XIII, XIV; Bulle- tin 38. U. S. G. S. Bulletins 355, 540. Min. & Sci. Press, Vol. 114, p. 237. Magnesite has for a number of years been known to exist in many localities in California. In quality it is very high grade, many deposits yielding material carrying above 95% magnesium carbonate. The STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 67 deposits are mostly in the metamorphic rocks of the Coast Range and Sierra Nevada Mountains, and are scattered over an area nearly four hundred miles long-. One deposit of sedimentary origin is situated in the jNIojave Desert region, in Kern County. Up to the end of 1916, California was the only state, of record, in the United States, producing magnesite in commercial quantities (or in fact, on the North American \ Shaft furnace of Western Magnesite Development Co., at Red Mountain, Santa Clara County, California. Continent). For the current year, 1917, Washington has joined us. In 1916, a small tonnage of magnesite was shipped from Atlin, British Columbia, to England. During the year 1916, the activity begun in 1915 not only continued but was increased several-fold, so that California's output was raised from the 30,721 tons worth $283,461 in 1915 to 154,052 tons worth 68 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. .$1,311,893 in 1916. This exceeds both in tonnage and value the previous total output of the state to the end of 1915. The great activitj^ in the steel industry has called for a much larger tonnage of refractories, such as inagnesite and chrome, for furnace linings. The complete shutting off of the Austrian supplies, and transportation difficulties interfering with importations from Greece, has caused the eastern steel operators to look to California for magnesite. How well we have responded is shown by the figures given above. The permanejit nature of the improvements and development work at .some of tlie deposits gives Rotary kiln of Sonoma Magnesite Co., at Magnesite, Sonoma County, California. promise that future production will continue important for some years 3'et. at least. The photographs, herewith, illustrate the two types of furnaces used in calcining magnesite in California. Producirg Districts. The Porterville district in Tulare County continues to be the most important in the state. The Tulare INIining Company, for some years past the largest single producer, was closely pressed in 1916 by two others. The magnesite is stoped in underground workings, and calcined in two vertical shaft kilns. A railroad spur runs direct to the fur- naces. The Porterville Magnesite Company both stopes and quarries STATISTICS OF ANNUAIj PRODUCTION. 69 its ore. and for the greater part of 1916 shipped the product crude, later putting a rotary kiln into service. A second rotary has since been installed. The Lindsay Mining Company built a railroad spur to its loading chutes, and for a time shipped the crude ore direct east. Now they ship to the calcining plant of the American Magnesite Com- pany at Porterville, where two rotary kilns are in operation. There are several other and smaller operators in Tulare County, all shipping crude. In Santa Clara County, in the mine of the Western Magnesite Development Co. at Red Mountain, the material is stoped underground, calcined in two vertical kilns, and transported 33 miles by auto trucks to the railroad at Livermore. The adjoining property of the Pacific Magnesite Company also made shipments. The Sherlock mine near Madrone was idle in 1916, but has since resumed work. The Sonoma ]Magnesite Company near Cazadero, Sonoma County, extracted its ore both by slope and quarry, and had a rotary kiln in operation. Shipments of both raw and calcined ore were made, the former to steel mills and the latter to the plastic trade. The Refractory Magnesite Company at Preston has an ore which is an isomorphous mixture of magnesite and siderite (ferrous carbonate), and burns brown, carrying up to 6% FCoO.,. When calcined it resembles the Austrian "spaeder," particularly desired by the steel men. A vertical 'kiln is in operation, and the product is hauled two miles down a rather steep road to the railroad. Shipments of crude ore were made from s. veral smaller proj^erties in Sonoma County during the year. A considerable tonnage was shipped from the sedimentary deposit .it Bissell, in Kern County, and calcined in two rotary kilns at Los Angeles before shipment east. Production, also, was resumed at Winchester in Riverside County. In Napa County a considerable tonnage was shipped, crude, from the White Rock mine in Pope Valley, also from the property of the Tulare Mining Company and one or two others near Rutherford. For the current year, 1917. the White Rock has 5 vertical kilns of 10 tons capacity, crude ore each, per day in operation, and they are contemplat- ing an increase : and there is a customs plant with two vertical kilns in operation at Rutherford. The John D. Hoff A.sbestos Company in Oakland had two vertical kilns in operation on purchased ore for plastic work, and are building a second plant with two kilns at Bay Point, Contra Costa County. A calcining plant utilizing the derived carbonic acid gas is in operation in Berkeley on custom ore; and there is a plant at San Diego burning magnesite from Lower California, Mexico. To date, this last-mt3ntioned has not treated any California magnesite. 70 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. In addition to the above-mentioned, some production was made in , 1916, in Alameda County at Cedar Mountain, in Fresno at Piedra, and in Mendocino County, Uses. The principal uses at the present time include: refractory linings for basic open-hearth steel furnaces, copper reverberatories and con- verters, bullion and other metallurgical furnaces; in the manufacture of paper from wood pulp ; and in structural work, for flooring, wains- coting, tiling, sanitary kitchen and hospital finishing, etc. In con- nection with building work it has proven particularly efficient as a flooring for steel railroad coaches, on account of having greater elas- ticity and resilience than "Portland" cement. For refractory pur- poses, the magnesite is "dead-burned" — i. e., all or practically all of the CO, is expelled from it. For cement purposes, it is left "caustic" — i. e., from 5% to 10% of COo is retained. When dry caustic magnesite is mixed with a solution of magnesium chloride (MgCL) in proper proportions, a very strong cement is produced, known as oxychloride or Sorel cement. ^^ "It is applied in a plastic form, * * * which sets in a few hours as a tough, seamless surface. It has also a very strong bonding power, and will hold firmly to wood, metal, or concrete as a base. It may be finished with a very smooth, even surface, which^ will take a good wax or oil polish. As ordinarily mixed there is added ' a certain proportion of wood flour, cork, asbestos, or other filler,! thereby adding to the elastic properties of the finished product." Its surface is described as "warm" and "quiet" as a result of the elastic and nonconducting character of the composite material. The cement is usually colored by the addition of some mineral pigment to the materials before mixing as cement. The desirable qualities of any flooring material (cost not considered) are listed for purposes of analysis or comparison under eighteen heads, as follows: Cleanliness (sanitary qualities), quietness, immunity from abrasion (surface wear), resilience, immunity from slipperiness, appear- ance, waterproof character, plasticity, warmth (thermal insulation), life (immunity from deterioration with age), acid-proof character, alkali- proof character, fire resistance, elasticity, crushing strength, structural strength (rupture), immunity from expansion and contraction, and lightness. The importance of these several qualities varies with the. vary- ing requirements to be met : for instance, in some places, as in hospitals, cleanliness is one of the prime considerations ; in other places immunity '■'In this summary of the uses and properties of magnesia cement we have drawn freely from the following references : Eng. See. Western Pennsylvania Proc, 1913, vol. 29, pp. 305-338, 418-444; U. S. G. S., Mineral Resources, 1913, Part II, pp. 450-453. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 71 from abrasion might be one of the principal requisites. As to most of these qualities the conclusion is reached that the magnesia cement affords one of the most satisfactory flooring materials for many purposes such as in kitchen, laundry, toilet, and bathrooms, corridors, large rooms or halls in public or other buildings, including hospitals, factories, shops and restaurants. There is no doubt that the material is steadily coming into more general recognition and favor for these uses. For a few special uses it is more or less disqualified ; as an instance, it is not suited for con- struction of swimming tanks or for conditions of permanent wetness, since under constant immersion it gradually softens, although it is said to withstand intermittent wetting and drying and is recommended for shower baths. Naturally it is not acid-proof and not wholly alkali- proof, which might be a disadvantage in use for laboratory floors and tables; but these are rather special requirements. Its cost per square foot is given as 25 to 33 cents, depending on area, which is estimated to be lower than marble, cork, rubber, clay or mosaic tile, slate, or terrazzo, although more expensive than wood, asphalt, linoleum, or Portland cement. In the discussion of the subject the causes of failure are ascribed to uncertain climatic changes, lack of uniformity in the mixtures used, lack of care on the part of those handling the materials, possible deter- ioration of materials used through exposure (either before or after mixing), lack of proper preparation of foundations on which the material is to be laid, and, as a very important factor, experience or nonexperience in the manipulation or actual laying and troweling of the material. Data concerning the percentages of magnesium chloride and of ground calcined magnesia and data concerning the character and quantity of filler and color added to the commercial preparations are naturally guarded as trade secrets by the firms already in the business. The examination and standardization of the raw materials usetl, and of acceptable filler materials, and the establishment of standard propor- tions for the mixtures would seem to be about the only satisfactory way of attacking the problem. The condition of the calcination of magnesite for cement uses is important, as the same material may undoubtedly be very greatly varied in its reacting properties by differing treatment in the kiln. It is generally agreed that the magnesite for cement use must be com- paratively free from lime, as lime has a greater tendency to reabsorb water and carbon dioxide than the magnesia, thereby causing swelling, and is therefore not so permanent in the completed cement as a pure magnesia material. The fillers used may constitute 10% to 40% 72 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CALIFORNIA. of the whole cement, and commonly consist of ground marble, sand, sawdust, cork, asbestos, or other materials. As an example of the formulas used in mixing such cements the foUoMdug are quoted :^° Mixtures for the underlying or coarser layer. [Parts by weight] 1. 15 parts magnesia. 10 parts magnesium chloride solution, 20° Baum6. 10 parts moist sawdust. (Sets in 36 hours.) 2. 10 parts magnesia. 10 parts magnesium chloi'ide solution, 28° Baum<5. 5 parts sawdust. (Sets in 16 hours.) 3. 20 parts magnesia. 15 parts magnesium chloride solution, 20° Baum6. 4 parts ground cork. (Sets in 24 hours.) 4. 5 parts magnesia. 3 parts magnesium chloride solution, 20° Baum6. 5 parts ashes. (Sets in 24 hours.) Mixtures for overlying or surface layers. [Parts by weight.] 1. 40 parts magnesia. 33 parts magnesium chloride solution, 10° Baumfi. 10 parts asbestos powder. 5 parts wood flour. 1 part red ocher. (Sets in 24 hours.) 2. 25 parts magnesia. 25 parts magnesium chloride, 21° Baum^. 4* parts wood flour, impregnated with 4* parts Terpentinharzlosung. 15 parts yellow ocher. (Sets in 30 hours.) The magnesite used is, as explained, the fine ground calcined (not dead-burned) of certain specified kinds or place of derivation regu- larly^ sold for the plastic purposes. This material commonly comes in paper-lined casks, barrels, or boxes, in which form it is fairly per- ]nanent, but it deteriorates by exposure, absorbing carbonic acid and moisture from the air. If carefully handled it can probably be kept unopened a year or more, but it should be used within a few weeks after being opened, even under most favorable conditions. "Scherer, Robert — Der Magnesit. sein Vorkommen, seine Gewinnung und technlsche Verwertung, pp. 216-217, A. Hartleben's Bibliothek, Wien und Leipzig, 1908. i i STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 73 It is stated that some metallic magnesium is at present being pre- pared eloctrolytically at Niagara Falls, from magnesite (see also Mag- nesium Chloride, under Salines-];o.sO- Output and Value. In considering mineral production the value of the crude material is used as far as practicable. Magnesite presents a peculiar example of a material which previous to the present activity was seldom handled on the market in the crude state. It is ordinarily calcined and ground before being considered marketable. The value of the calcined magne- site varies, the San Francisco price for 191G ranging from $25 to $45 per ton, which figure includes about $4 per ton freight. From 2 to 2-^- tons of the crude material are mined to make one ton of the calcined. In previous reports the foregoing circumstances were used in calculating an arbitrary value for the crude material at the mine, there having been very little product shipped crude. On a similar basis, the value of the 1916 crude would have been approximately $16 per ton. On the contrary, however, considerable tonnages were in 1916 shipped in the crude state, contracted for at prices ranging from $6 to $10 per ton, f. 0. b. rail points, or an average of about $8 per ton. Prices for 1917, are so far, higher, some sales having been made in June at $12.50 f . 0. b. for crude. Magnesite products have been found to be highly satisfactory and are growing in popularity, and the future for this industry appears to be bright. A large supply is already known to exist in California, and only a sufficient demand and cheaper transportation are lacking to make this an item of greater consequence in the mineral total of the state. Production of crude magnesite for 1916, by county, is given in the following table, with total crude value: County Ton3 ^'aIue Fresno _ _ _ 5,829 300 90 13,9(t0' 23,207 11,653 87,606 11,407 $^19,082 Mendocino . - ______ . .. 2,400 Merced - _ 720 Napa _ -. _ __--.-._- ... 108,556 Santa Clara _ _ - _ - 232,156 Sonoma _. _ __ . . _ - -. 98,280 Tnlare ... . . - . 737.130 Alameda, Kern, Placer, Riverside, Tuolumne* 83,569 Totals . .. ... 154,052 $1,311,893 "Combined to conceal output of a single producer in each. 74 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. Annual production for California, amount and value, since 1887, is I shown in the following tabulation : Tear Tons 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 600 600 600 600 1,500 1,500 1,093 1,440 2,200 1,500 1,143 1,263 1,280 2,252 4.726 2,830 Value $9,000 9.000 9,000 9,000 15,000 15,000 10,930 10,240 17,000 11,000 13.671 19,075 18,480 19,333 43.057 20,655 Year 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 ie09 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 Totals Tons Value 1,361 $20,515 2,850 9,298 3,933 16,221 4,032 40,320 6,405 57,720 10,582 80,822 7,942 62,588 16,570 113.887 8.858 67.430 10,512 105,120 9,632 77,056 11.438 114.380 30,721 283,461 154,052 1.311.893 304,015 $2,610,152 MARBLE. Bibliograpliy : State ^Mineralogist Reports XII, XIII, XIV; Bulle- tin 38. U. S. Bur. of ]\I., Bull. 106. Marble is widely distributed in California; and in a considerable variety of colors and grain. During 1916, the production amounted to 25,954 cubic feet, valued at $50,280, from Inyo, Santa Cruz, Tulare and Tuolumne counties. This shows a slight increase over the previous year, though still below what might be considered the normal output of former years, and certainly far below our possibilities. The decrease in output of marble in recent years is probably due in part to the fact that foreign, eastern and Alaskan marbles are landed here by water cheaper than much of our local stone can be put on the market, on account of our higher labor co.sts and transportation diffi- culties, though California has many beautiful and serviceable varieties. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 75 Data on annual production since 1887, as compiled by the State Mining Bureau, follows. Previous to 1894 no records of amount were preserved : Tear Cubic feet Value Year. Cubic feet Valua 1887 $5,000 5,000 87,030 80.000 100.000 115,000 40.000 98,326 56,566 32,415 7,280 23,594 10,550 5,891 4,630 37,616 1903 84.624 55,401 73,303 31,400 37,512 18,653 79,600 18,960 20,201 27,820 41,654 25,436 22,186 25.954 $97,354 1888 1904 94,208 1889 - 1905 . _ _ 129,450 1890 1906 - 75,800 1891 - 1907 118,066 1892 1908 47,665 1893 1909 238,400 1894 38,441 14,864 7,889 4,102 8,050 9,682 4,103 2,945 19,305 1910 50,200 1895 1911 1912 54,103 1896 74,120 1897 1913 113,282 1898 1914 48,832 1899 1915 41,518 1900 1916 .50,280 1901 Total value 1902 $1,942,176 ONYX AND TRAVERTINE. Bibliograpliy: State Mineralogist Reports XII, XIII, XIV; Bulle- tin 38. Onyx and travertine are known to exist in a number of places in California, but there has been no production reported since the year 1896. Production by years is as follows : i Tear Value 1887 $900 900 1888 1889 900 1890 1,.500 1891 2,400 1892 1,800 Tear Value 1893 $27,000 1894 20,000 1895 12.000 1896 -- 24,000 Total . $91,400 SANDSTONE. Bibliogrophy : State Mineralogist Reports XII, XIII, XIV; Bulle- tin 38. U. S. Bur. of M., Bull. 124. " An unlimited amount of high-grade sandstone is available in Cali- fornia, but the wide use of concrete in buildings of every character, as well as the popularity of a lighter colored building stone, has retarded this branch of the mineral industry very seriously during recent years. In 191G six counties — Amador, Colusa, San Luis Obispo, 76 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. Santa Barbara, Siskiyou, and Ventura — turned out 17,270 cubic feet, valued at $10,271, which is a considerable drop from former years. The main feature of the loss the past two years is the closing of the well-known Colusa quarries, on account of the competition of lighter colored materials. Amount and value, as far as contained in the records of this Bureau, are presented herewith, with total value from 1887 to date : Year Cubic feet Value Year Cubic feet Value 1887 $175,000 1903 353,002 $585,309 1888 150,000 1904 363,487 567,181 1889 175,598 1905 302,813 483,268 1890 100,000 1906 182.076 164,068 1891 100,000 1907 159,573 148,148 1892 50.000 1908 93,301 55.151 1893 26,314 1909 79,240 37,032 1894 113,592 1910 165,971 80,443 1895 35,373 1911 255,313 127,314 1896 28,379 1912 66,487 22,574 1897 24,086 1913 62.227 27.870 1898 46,384 1914 111,691 45.322 1899 . 56,264 103,384 1915 63,350 8,438 1900 • 378,468 254.140 1916 17,270 10.271 1901 1902 266,741 .. 212,123 192,132 142,506 Total value .*.1,079,277 SERPENTINE. Bibliography : Bulletin 38. Serpentine has not been produced in California at any time, to a very large extent, owing to defects in the stone, most of which is not of good texture. The following table shows the amount and value of serpentine since 1895 as recorded by this Bureau: Tear Cubic feet Value Year Cubic feet Value 1895 4,000 1896 1,500 1897 : 2,500 1898 : 750 1899 ' 50O 1900 I 350 1901 ! 89 1902 512 $4,000 6,000 2,500 3.000 2,000 2.000 890 5,065 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 99 200 $800 2,310 847 1,000 1.694 3.000 Totals 12,347 $33,259 STATISTICS OF ANNUM; PRODUCTION. 77 SLATE. J)ibIio(jr(tpliu : BuUerm ;}S. Slate was first produced in California in 1889. Up to and includ- ing 1910 such production was continuous, there being none between that year and 1915, when there was an output of 1,000 squares reported, v^alued at $5,000. Many large deposits are known in the state, espe- cially in El Dorado, Calaveras and Mariposa counties, but the demand has been light owing principally to competition of cheaper roofing materials. The property of the Eureka Slate Company in El Dorado was in 1916 taken over by the Sierra Slate Corporation of New York, and, it is stated, will be operated on a large scale. This will be the only quarry producing roofing slate, commercially, west of Pennsyl- vania. This Eureka roofing slate has been passed upon as one of three brands acceptable on Federal work, the other two being from Maine and Pennsylvania, respectively. The new company expects to prepare for market from 1,000 to 8, ()()() squares per month. A "square'' of roofing slate i.s a sufficient number of pieces of any size to cover 100 square feet of roof, with allowance generally for a three-inch lap. The size of the pieces of slate nuiking up a scjuare ranges from 7x9 inches to 16 x 21 inches, and the number of pieces in a "square" ranges from 85 to 686; and it is worth $3.50 to $10 per square, f. o. b. quarry, depending on quality. The Ferry Building, San Francisco, is roofed with Eureka slate. A complete record of amount and value of slate produced in Cali- fornia follows : Year Squares 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 4,500 4,000 4,000 3,500 3.000 1,800 1,350 500 400 400 810 3,500 5.100 4,000 10,000 A'aliie $18,089 24,000 24,000 21,000 21,000 11,700 9,450 2,500 2,800 2,800 5,900 26,250 38,250 30,000 70.000 Year 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 il911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 Squares Value 6,000 $50,000 4,000 40,000 10,000 100,000 7,000 60,000 6,000 60,000 i 6,961 45,660 1,000 8,000 1,000 5,000 Totals 88,821 $676,399 78 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. MISCELLANEOUS STONE. Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports XII, XIII, XIV. Bulletin 38. Miscellaneous stone is the name used throughout this report as the title for that branch of the mineral industry covering crushed rock of all kinds, paving blocks, sand and gravel, and pebbles for grinding mills. The foregoing are very closely related from the standpoint of the producer. Thus it has been found to be most satisfactory to group these items as has been done in recent reports of this Bureau. In so far as it has been possible to do so, crushed rock production has been subdivided into the various uses to which the product was put. It will be noted, however, a very large percentage of the output has been tabulated under the heading ''Unclassified." This is necessary because of the fact that many of the producers have no way of telling to what specific use their rock was put after they have quarried and sold the same. In addition to amounts produced by commercial firms, both cor- porations and individuals, there is hardly a county in the state but uses more or less gravel and broken rock on its roads. Of much of this, particularly in the country districts, there is no definite record kept. Estimates have been made for some of this output, based on the mileage of roads repaired. For the year 1916, miscellaneous stone shows a decrease from the preceding year of $611,661 in value. Apparently construction work has not entirely recovered from the slump in 1914. The total value for 1916 was $4,171,519 as compared with $4,783,180 for 1915, with $4,231,571 for 1914, and $5,186,743 for 1913. As has been the case for several years past, Los Angeles County led all others by a wide margin, with an output valued at $971,153; fol- lowed by Alameda, second, with $403,587 ; Contra Costa, third, $363,753 ; and Sonoma, fourth, $254,966. In California, the general construction situation in 1916 appeared about normal so far as small jobs were concerned; but there were few large pieces of work done except highway contracts. Paving Blocks. The paving block industry has decreased materially of recent years, because of the increased construction of smoother pavements demanded by motor vehicle traffic. The blocks made in Solano County were of basalt; those from Sonoma are of basalt, andesite and some trachyte; while those from all the other counties shown in the tabulation, are of granite. STATISTICS OP ANNUAIi PRODUCTION. Paving Block Production, by Counties, for 1916. 79 County Amount M. Value IMacer Riverside Sonoma Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego* Totals 367 172 693 90 $12,010 6.743 31.509 4,100 1,322 $54,362 ♦Combined to conceal output of single operator in each. The amount and value of paving block production annually since 1887 has been as follows : Tear Amount M. Value Tear Amount M. Value 1887 1888 10.500 1889 7.303 1890 7.000 1891 5,C0O 1892 *3.000 1893 .: 2,770 1894 2,517 1895 2,332 1896 4,161 1897 1,711 1898 1,144 1899 305 1900 1,192 1901 1,920 1902 3,502 $350,000 367,500 297,236 245,000 150.000 96,000 96,9.50 66.981 73.338 77.584 35,235 21,725 7,861 23.775 41,075 112,437 1903 1904 1905 19C6 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 '914 1915 1916 Totals 4,854 3,977 3,408 4,203 4,604 7.660 4.503 4,434 4,141 11,018 6.364 6.053 3,285 1,322 $134,642 161,752 134.347 173.432 199.347 334.780 199.803 198.916 210.819 578.355 363.505 270.598 171.092 54.362 134,183 $5,248,447 ♦Figures for 1887-1892 (inc.) are for Sonoma County only, as none are available for other counties during that period ; though Solano County quarries were then also quite active. Grinding IVIiii Pebbles. In 1915, for the first time we were able to record a production of pebbles for tube and other grinding mills. Owing to the decreased imports and higher prices of Belgium and other European flint pebbles, there has been a serious inquiry for domestic sources of supply. One of the shipments made in that year was of pebbles selected from gold dredger tailings in Sacramento County, for use in a gold mill in Amador County employing Hardinge mills. It is stated that the con- sumption was about 3 to 1 as compared to Danish pebbles;" and that the long wagon haul, coupled with the heavy consumption, made the cost not economic. Had the pebbles been selected by men with some knowledge of rocks instead of by inexperienced laborers as in this case, a better grade would have been obtained, which no doubt would have proven of better service. 80 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CAIjIPORNIA. The important development in this item, however, has been in San J)iego County. At several points along the ocean shore from Encinitas south to near San Diego, there are beaches of washed pebbles varjdng from 1 inch to 6 inches in diameter. At one of these localities visited by the writer in May, 191B, there is a conglomerate stratum forming a part of the sea-cliff. This conglomerate is made up of well-rounded w^ater-worn pebbles of various granitic and ])orphyritic rocks with some and tlint. The wave action has broken down i)ortions of the cliff.s for oonsidcrjiblc distances and formed beaches of the pebbles Grinding mill pebbles, on beach at Bird Rock, near San Diego, California. which are well washed and cleaned of the softer materials. The rocks sorted out for shipment are mainly basalt and diabase, with an occa- sional felsite and flint pebble. There is a tough, black basalt which is stated to be giving satisfactory results. The Fresno County pebbles are selected from the gravel beds near Friant. Shipments are being made to metallurgical plants in California, Nevada, Montana and Utah. Grinding Mill Pebbles Production, for 1916. County Fresno and San Diego*. Tons Value 20,232 $107,567 "Combined to conceal output of a single producer in Fresno County. STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 81 The amount and value of grinding mill pebbles, annually, follows : Year Tons Value 1915 — 340 20,232 .$2,810 1916 107,.")67 Totals .. — 20,572 $110,377 Sand and Gravel Production, by Counties, for 1916. County Tons Value i County Tons Value Alameda .. ^645,979 1.000 7,690 2,2C0 114,223 2,200 16,000 165,118 540,329 31,802 4,290 10,000 3.335 1,405,800 13,.333 1,000 1,100 113,645 113,501 2,100 21,516 38,800 $176,739 300 1,922 550 41,810 800 5.500 63,023 41.180 30.891 4.290 4,000 1.3.50 322.919 6,250 250 275 46.873 60.275 Sacramento San Benito San Bernardino __- San Diego 138,108 3,660 30,049 ^58,183 88,247 23,192 1.5,467 179,582 7,484 500 154,156 32,505 51,147 2.000 237,072 290,163 $36,404 Amador _ _ 1,250 Calaveras 7.059 Colusa 33,008 Contra Costa Del Norte . San Joaquin San Luis Obispo-.. Santa Barbara Santa Clara Siskivou _ -_ 37.300 9,318 El Dorado 6,300 Fresno . 58,896 Glenn 2,207 Humboldt Solano 200 Inyo _ -- Sonoma .. _ 25.962 Lake Stanislaus 9.937 Lassen Tulare _. 10,288 Los Angeles Madera Tuolumne Yuba . 500 42,685 Marin _ . . Butte, Kern, San Francisco, San Mateo, Tehama, Trinity. Ventura* Mendocino 1 Monterey Napa -- -- - 42,764 Nevada Orange . -. 525 3.773 Totals 19.200 4,566,476 $1,156,773 Riverside ♦Combined to conceal output of a single operator in each. 'Includes moulding sand. 'Includes sand for asphalt finishing ; also moulding sand. 6—31821 82 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. Ol CO ;0 tH t— I t-I I CO OOOlOt^lOO-^OOl-OOOi-ICOtNO COOCv|(M-llOOOOOC5lJ5^tO<005'-HOOO^ (>r c u 3 •a o u o a: •a «> £ M 3 t. u 0. •c ■d a 3 P5 r^ CO CO CM OS ca >o CO l^ 00" CO o CO oo CO O CM O •^ CO ci!0 CM O CM S cm" CM- CO CO ' t— I t-- lO O 00 00 1^ 1^ O CO C3 iO iO t^ JO "^ CO i-h" erf" CO "^ C^ I— CM ■C3 c CO Q lA i-H CS O Tf CM O CM -^ is O CO 00 lO CO T}> GO iC i-H O Oq CM 1^ CO CO CM CC 00 c o 03 CO 03 Vj q; Co > h • OQ o CM 00 CO cs CO CM CO lO 05 CO CM CM o-r CO CO CO CO •^ r-l t--. CO CO C5 00 O CO ^- co" o LO O 1^ is CO CM oo' CO s CO (^ CSf 00 of 00 CD CM- CO CO o <;= o co" O CO ■" oo CO S: o yfi tH cm CO o co" oo U5 O 'S' lO O cm CO o CM O t--. o ^^ CM CD O 00 CM O Oi --I of C^iCM CM CM O Q CO O O CM LO S S o C3f cm' of ■^ T-I lO CO »o 05 1^ CO CO CO o 00 S O-T-J CM CO CO uo CM 1-H 1— I T-l 5^ Oi -* ■^ O CM CO crj CO i-H 00 CO 3 Ri ?^ Oi CO lO lO CO o O O I O S 1-1 I t^ CO CM O 03 be C3 O 03 03 O +j o o 03 03 03 a > CO Oi C32 CO i-i ira" o iii t^ lo r^ LO 00 CC -rr CM CM CO Q r^ LO o o o —I i?5 t^ .-H O o 00 00 05 i-H 00 00 CO 05 CO i-T O CM CM »-< ■^ T-H CO T— I 1— I 1-1 C^ CO CM O O (3> CM 1— I CO »— I O O 05 Oi O 00 LO iq lO CO CO lO of CM cm" l^ of CO tH Tt< I— I T— I Cft Sh 03 03 P 03 ^ N O 03 3 03 fqm^o3o3-(_.oS 'go f-H A Cj O y^ ,-h >— W -W W '-'""" Z;^ J~; ^ "-^ v^ ,_, r- . *— . ',o W Ui tu UU ,i_; 1^ t_) u 03 o o C O 03 r5 03 03 J3 O STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 83 OQ O t^ O Q O 06 C5 «3 i w S 1— 1 CO 1^ i-H 10 10 as (M CO CO 00_ Oi ^ --H 'O 10 cJ I- 00 10 00 tH 00 03 c 10 00 c ) '^ 1—1 ■^. s, ■*. '-1 ^. '^ (M CO CO 1-4 -^ co" "-T CD s 10 1-H tH i-H i-H CO lO 1 ! CO 1 1 -* 00 1 1 V 1 1 ■^ 00 1 1 5 s CO * hH 33 S a c3 03 C» .- IB §1 'in d p. ■M cc +^ a '5 •-: CO 3 1— 1 0" ^ 3 a a =3 .0 w « co^ ai cc - oa 1 1 I <» ' fn c •■;; CO i'£zU 0' .- a? c3 ;h '^ a ^ "X "*^ c -c ™ ■-: 2 !^n >H fQ d 0) C "I t. •*-» d (h (h 3 m D.C3 -^-i p-a d) Ui P 0) § C to (11 •4-* s -o •"' c ^ 'C S C M 84 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. A comparison of the table of annual productions of these materials with the similar table for cement (see ante), reveals the fact that the important growth of the crushed rock and gravel business was coin- cident with the rapid development of the cement industry from the year 1902. The amount and value, annually, of crushed rock (including macadam, ballast, rubble, rip-rap, and that for concrete), and sand and gravel, since 1893, follow: Crushed Rock, Sand and Gravel, by Years. Tear Tons Value 1893 371,100 $456,075 1894 661,900 6&i,838 1895 1,254,688 1.095,939 1896 960,619 839,884 1897 821,123 600,112 1898 1,177,365 814,477 1899 964,898 786,892 1900 789.287 561,642 1901 530,396 641,037 1902 2,056,015 1,249,529 1903 2,215,625 1,673,591 1904 2,296,898 1,641,877 1905 2,624,257 1,716,770 Year Tons Value 19C6 ' 1,555,372 1907 2,288,888 1908 3.998.945 1909 5.531.561 1910 5,827,828 1911 6,487,223 1912 8,044,937 1913 9,817,616 1914 9,288,397 1915 10,879,497 1916 i 9.951,089 Totals 90,395,524 $1,418,406 1,915,015 3,241,774 2,708,326 2,777,690 3,610,357 4.532,598 4,823,056 3,960,973 4,609.278 4,009,590 $50,349,726 Total Value of Production of "Miscellaneous Stone" (Crushed Rock, Sand. Gravel, Paving Blocks and Grinding Mill Pebbles), by Counties, for 1916. County Value County Value Alameda Amador Butte Calaveras Colusa Contra Costa Del Norte El Dorado ... Fresno Glenn Humboldt Imperial Inyo Kern Lake Lassen Los Angeles . Madera Marin Mariposa Mendocino _.. Modoc Monterey Napa Nevada Orange Placer Plumas $403,587 1,300 67,892 2,503 550 363,753 1,685 12,000 95,830 41,180 60,260 34,834 23,040 63,723 4,500 9,725 971,153 7,915 104,306 39,372 8.275 200 58.623 88.441 1,225 3,773 17,026 1,988 Riverside Sacramento San Benito San Bernardino . San Diego San Francisco .. San Joaquin San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara _ Santa Clara Santa Cruz Shasta Siskiyou Solano Sonoma Stanislaus Sutter Tehama Trinity Tulare Tuolumne Ventura Tolo Tuba Total $159,555 194,718 155,250 172,454 163,925 76,437 53,075 49,318 25,663 12.395 111.974 2.815] 45,407 49,7111 232,113 17,78 6,45 11,076 1,0C 82,255 1,5C 14,20 42,68 1,171,519 STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION, 85 CHAPTER FIVE. INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS. Bibliography: Bulletin 38. Min. & Sci. Press, Vol. 114, Mar. 10, 1917. ,. The following mineral substances have been arbitrarily arranged under the general heading of "Industrial Materials," as distinguished from those which have a clearly defined classification, such as metals, salines, structural materials, etc. These materials, many of which are mineral earths, are as yet pro- duced on a comparatively small scale. With but few exceptions the possibilities of development along these lines are practically unlimited ; and with increasing transportation, and other facilities, together with a steadily growing demand, the future for this branch of the mineral industry in California is certainly promising. There is scarcely a county in the state but might contribute to the output. Up to within the last two years, at least, production has been in the majority of instances dependent upon more or less of a strictly local market, and the annual tables show the results of such a condition, not only in the widely varying amounts of a certain material produced from year to year, but in widely varying prices of the same material, often, in different sections of the state. Furthermore, the quality of this general class of material will be found to fluctuate, even in the same deposit, especially as regards price. The war in Europe has affected some of these items, but not to the striking degree that it has the metal markets. 86 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. The following summary shows the value of the industrial materials produced in California during the years 1915-1916, with increase or decrease in each instance: Substance 1915 Amount Asbestos --- Barytes Clay— pottery Dolomite Feldspar Puller's earth Gems Graphite Gypsum Infusorial and diatomaceous earths _. Limestone I.ithia Mineral i)aint Mineral water Pumics and volcanic ash Pyrite Silica— sand and quartz Soapstone and talc Strontium Totals - Net increase 143 tons 410 tons 157,863 tons 4,192 tons 1,800 tons 692 tons 20,200 tons 12, 400' tons 148,324 tons 91 tons 311 tons 2,274,287 gals. 380 tons 92.4f52 tons 28.904 tons 1,6">3 tons Value 1916 Amount $2,860 620 133,724 14,504 9,000 4.002 3,. '565 48,953 62,000 156,288 1,365 1,756 467,738 6400 293,148 34,322 14,750 $1,254,995 145 tons 1.606 tons 134,636 tons 13,313 tons 2,630 tons 110 tons 29,190 lbs. 33,384 tons 15,322 tons 187,521 tons 71 tons 613 tons 2,273 817 gals. 1,246 tons 120,.525 tons 20.880 tons 1,703 tons 57 tons Value $2,380 5.516 iie.s.'^s 45,563 14,.3.50 550 4,752 2,335 59,533 80,649 217,733 1.06'> 3,960 410,112 18.092 372,969 48,908 9,831 2,850 $1,448,689 Increase 4- Decrease — Value $480- 4.896 -^- 12.814^- 32,062 + 5,.'?.')0 + 3.4.'52— 1.187 + 2,.335 + 10,.'i80 + 18,649 + 01,445 + 300— 2.201 + 57,626- 11.692 + 79 821 + 14..586J- 4.919— 2 8.j0 + $193,694 + ASBESTOS. Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports XII, XIII, XIV. Bulle- tin 38. Canadian Dept. of M., Mines Branch, Bull. 69. Though asbestos of various grades is known to exist widely distrib- uted in California, the production for the year 1916 was 145 tons valued at $2,380. This was principally amphibole with some chrysotile, from Shasta Count}^ and a small amount of chrysotile from Calaveras. For the current year, 1917, there is promise of production of chrysotile from a new deposit of good grade from Nevada County. One firm has a grinding and fiberizing plant in Oakland, and is manufacturing a series of products in which both asbestos and magnesite play a part. These include steam pipe covering, composition flooring, and plaster for stucco work. The outlook is for a decided increase in the output of these materials during the coming year. The real history of the development and use of asbestos dates back only about sixty years. Since that time the investigation as to its occurrence, uses, and methods of treatment has been continuous, and its application to everyday life has grown with wonderful rapidity. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 87 The first mill built to handle the crude ore and extract the fibre on a large scale by machinery was constructed in 1888. The first production of asbestos in California was in 1887, when 30 tons were mined, having a crude value of $60 per ton, according to the State Mining Bureau reports. The bulk of the world's supply of this mineral today comes from Canada; and Canadian asbestos, so far, leads in quality as well as in quantity. Classification and Characteristics. The word "asbestos" (derived from the Greek meanmg incom- bustible) as used here includes several minerals, from a strictly mineral- ogical standpoint. There are two main divisions, however; amphi- bole and chrysotile. The fibrous varieties of several of the amphiboles (silicates chiefly of lime, magnesia and iron), notably tremolite and actinolite, are called asbestos. Their fibres usually lie parallel to the fissures containing them. Amphibole asbestos possesses high refrac- tory properties, but lacks strength of fibre, and is applicable principally for covering steam pipes and boilers. Chrysotile, a hydrous silicate of magnesia, is a fibrous form of serpentine, and often of silky fineness. Its fibres are formed at right angles to the direction of the fissures con- taining them. Chrysotile fibres, though short, have considerable strength and elasticity, and may be spun into threads and woven into cloth. To bring the highest market price asbestos must needs have a com- bination of properties, i. e., length and fineness of fibre, tensile strength and flexibility — all combined with infusibility. Of these qualities the most important are toughness and infusibility, and determination of the same can only be made by practical tests or in the laboratory. Given several specimens of the same tensile strength and degree of infusibility, the one having the longest fibre will, of course, be of the greatest value. It must be kept in mind, however, that length of fibre alone, the characteristic which most naturally appeals to the eye, is not the final test in regard to the commercial value of the find; and much short fibre asbestos, which on first appearance is of inferior grade, is being sold and profitably handled at the present time. The largest Canadian asbestos deposits are worked as open quarries where the ore is roughly sorted before being sent to the mill to be dressed for the market. This method has been found to be cheaper and more satisfactory in every way. 88 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CALIFORNIA. The milling of asbestos ore, while more or less complicated in actual practice, is easy to understand and has one well-defined object in view; That is, the complete eradication of all foreign rock ingredients and the thorough cleaning and separation of the fibres. Asbestos, roughly speaking, was worth from $20 to $200 per ton, before the war. Under the stimulus of war conditions, the demand has caused a material increase in prices. The poorer grades which are unsuitable for weaving, and which, of course, command the lower prices, are used in the manufacture of steam packing, furnace linings, asbestos brick, wall plasters, paints, tilings, asbestos board, shingles, insulating material, etc. The better grades are utilized in the manu- facture of tapestries of various kinds, fireproof theater curtains, cloth, rope, etc. A very important development of the asbestos industry is the rapidly increasing demand for the lower grade material, on account of the numerous diversified uses to which asbestos products are being put, in almost every branch of manufacture. This fact means that many deposits of asbestos will become commercially important even though the grade of the material is far from the best. It has been discovered only recently that not only does an asbestos wall plaster render the wall so covered impervious to heat, but that in rooms which have given forth an undesirable echo this evil has been absolutely removed. Asbestos pulp mixed with cement and magnesite has been experimented with; and roofing, flooring, and other building material of the most satisfactory sort has been manufactured therefrom. Value and Production. The value of the domestic production of asbestos has averaged around $43,000 annually, the past ten years, except 1911, which was approxi- mately $120,000. In 1916, according to the U. S. Geological Survey, this increased to 1,479 tons Avorth $448,214. The imports, largely from Canada, for 1916 amounted to 116,162 tons valued at $3,303,470. This value is for crude material ; adding the imported manufactured asbestos articles the figure amounts to $3,438,534. With the field for development along these lines which is open in California, it seems almost certain that some time in the future will see this branch of the mineral industry adding an important share to the total of the wealth and productiveness of this state. Total amount and value of asbestos production in California since 1887, as given in the records of this Bureau, are as follows: STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 89 Year Tons Value Tear Tons Value 1887 . - 30 30 30 71 66 30 50 50 25 $1,800 1.800 1.800 4,260 3,960 1,830 2,500 2,250 1,000 1903 1888 1889 1890 1904 1905 1906 10 112 70 70 70 65 200 125 90 47 51 143 145 $162 2,625 3,500 1891 - - - ... 1907 3,500 1892 1908 6,100 1893 1894 1895 1909 i 1910 1911 6,500 20,000 500 1896 1912 2,700 1897 '-- - 1913 1,175 1898 10 30 50 110 200 750 1,250 4,400 1914 1,530 1899 1915 2,860 1900 1901 1902 1916 Totals 1 2.r-f80 1,780 $81,332 i i BARYTES. Bibliography : State Mineralogist Eeports XII, XIV. Bulletin 38. The output of crude barytes during 1916 was 1,606 tons, valued at $5,516, from Mariposa and Monterey counties, as compared with the 1915 production of 410 tons, worth $620. This mineral is ordinarily sorted and ground before being put on the market, and in this prepared condition brings from $10 to $15 per ton. The principal use of barytes is in the paint industry. Minor uses are in tanning of leather, manu- facture of paper and rope, and sugar refining. A grinding and chemi- cal plant is in operation at Melrose, Alameda County, making a specialty of barium compounds ; and another at South San Francisco. Known occurrences of this mineral in California are located in Inyo, Los Angeles, Mariposa, Monterey, San Bernardino, and Santa Barbara counties. The deposit at El Portal, in Mariposa County, has given the largest commercial production to date. The tonnage above recorded is in part, witherite (barium carbonate, BaCOg) from El Portal. The 1915 output was the first commercial production of the carbonate in the United States, of which we have record. The El Portal witherite and barite are both high grade. In 1916, output began from a new deposit being opened up on Fremont's Peak, Monterey County, near the line of San Benito County. The first recorded production of barytes in California, according to the statistical reports of the State Mining Bureau, was in 1910. The annual figures are as follows : Tear Tons Value Year 1 Tons Value 1910 1911 1912 1918 1914 860 309 564 1,600 2,000 $5,640 2,207 2,812 3.680 3,000 1915 1916 Totals 410 1,606 $620 5,516 7.349 $23,475 90 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. CLAY— POTTERY. Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports I, IV, IX, XII, XIII, XIV. Bulletin 38. At one time or another in the history of the state, pottery clay has been quarried in thirty-three of its counties. In this report "pottery clay" refers to all clays used in the manufacture of red and brown earthenware, flower pots, ornamental tiling, architectural terra cotta, sewer pipe, etc., and the figures for amount and value are relative to the crude material at the pit, without reference to whether the clay was sold in the crude form, or whether it was immediately used in the manufacture of any of the above finished products by the producer. It does not include clay used in making brick and building blocks. During 1916 producers in 15 counties reported an output of 184,63(5 tons of cla.y, having a spot value of $146,538 for the crude material, at the pits, as compared with the 1915 production of 157,866 tons wortb $133,141. A tabulation of the direct returns from the producers, by counties, for the year 1916, is shown herewith: County Ton3 Value Used In manufacture of — Alamoda 4,060 $2,750 Sewer ])ipe, roofing tile. Amador '29,246 31.10f5 Fire-clay products, sewer and chimney pipe, architectural terra cotta, jtorcelain, stoneware, pottery, sani- tary ware. Los Angeles =6,233 10,549 Terra cotta, sewer pipe, chinuiey pipe, roofing tile. I'hieer 29.018 36,230 Terra cotta. roofing et al. tile, sewer and chimney pipe, architectural terra cotta, sanitary ware. Kix'cisidc r>6.228 56,090' Sewer piiie, pottery, terra cotta, etc. San Diego . . . . ■^283 ^593 2,024 613 732 2.293 .^rt iiottery and tile. San Mateo Vai ions. Santa Clara Plower pots, chimney pipe. Contra Costa, Fres- 6,951 6,175 Chimney and vitrified sewer pipe, no, Kern, Orange, stoneware, porcelain, drain, roof, Sacramento, San floor and faience tile. Luis Obispo, Ven- tura.* Totals 134,636 $146,538 ♦Combined to conceal output of a single operator in each. 'Includes kaolin; also "fire sand" used in making fire brick. "Includes modeling clay; also gi'oimd brick and clay. • 'Includes crushed tile and brick. ^Includes modeling clay. Because of the fact that a given product often requires a mixture of several different clays, and that these are not all found in the same pit. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 91 it is necessary for most clay-working plants to buy some part of their raw materials from other localities. For these reasons, in com- piling the clay industry figures, much care is required to avoid dupli- cations. The new form of clay blank sent out by the State Mining Capital National Bank Building, Sacramento, finished with architectural terra cotta from Steiger Terra Cotta & Pottery Works. Clay from pits in Amador and San Mateo counties. Bureau, this year, and the cooperation of the operatives in filling it out, has enabled us to make a more intelligent compilation of the data than heretofore, both as to sources of the crude material and as to kinds and values of the manufactured articles. So far as we have been able to segregate them, we have credited the clay output to the counties from which the raw material originated. 92 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CALIFORNIA. The values of the various pottery clay products made in California during 1916, totaled $1,844,474, their distribution being shown in the following tabulation : Values of Pottery Clay Products, 1916. Product Value Architectural terra cotta Chimney pipe and flue linings Drain tile Roofing tile Sanitary ware Sewer pipe Stoneware and red earthenware Miscellaneous— including art pottery, floor and faience tile, conduit ducts, lead corroding pots, chemical ware, gas logs, fire clay ware, A'ases and garden furniture $341,60 51,191 108,260 129,945 ! 332,029 ' 702,351 ] 74,872 1 104,220 I Total $1,844,4741 Amount and value of crude pottery clay output in California since 1887 are given in the following table : Year Tons Value Year Tons Value 1887 75,000 75,000 75,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 24,856 28,475 37,660 41,907 24.592 28,947 40,600 59,636 55,679 67,933 $37,500 37,.5O0 37,500 50,000 50,OCO .50,000 67.284 35.073 39.685 62.900 30,290 33,747 42,700 60,956 39,144 74,163 1903 90,972 84,149 ■ 133,805 167,267 160,385 208,042 299,424 249,028 224,576 199,605 231,179 179,948 157,866 134,636 $99,907 1888 1 1904 . 81,952 1889 1905 130,146 1890 ' 1906 162,283 1891 „- 1907 -- 254,454 1892 1908 - - . -_. 325,147 1SP3 1909 465,647 1S94 1910 324,099 18P5 i 1911 252,759 1896 . i 1912 . _ „_ .. 215,683 1897 1913 261.273 1898 _. 1914 167,552 1809 1 1915 133,724 1900 - 1916 146,538 1901 Totals — 1902 3,456,167 $3,769,606 DOLOMITE. Bihliograpliy : Bulletin 67. In the 1915 report, dolomite was for the first time made the subject of a separate classification. Previously it had been included under limestone. Limestones are frequently more or less magnesian-bearing, and a chemical anal^^sis is often necessary to definitely decide as to whether they are calcite or dolomite; the latter standing intermediate between magnesite (MgCOs) and calcite (CaCOs). Since dolomite, STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION. ^6 as such, has been found to liave certain distinctive applications, we have deemed it worthy of a separate classification. The major portion of the tonnage shipped in 1915 and 1916 was utilized as a refractory lining in open-hearth steel furnaces, as a partial substitute for magnesite. A portion was used for its carbonic acid gas (COo), and part for its magnesia. We are also informed that one company with quarries in San Benito and Monterey counties pro- poses to furnish calcined dolomite to the paper mills. As this dolomite has been found to contain the proper proportions of lime and magnesia, it could replace an artificial mixture of calcined limestone and magne- site in the manufacture of paper from wcod pulp. Dolomite is also sometimes used as a flux in metal smelting. The production of dolomite for the year 1916 amounted to l;i;^13 tons, valued at $16,566, and came f r( ni a total of six quarrie.s in four counties distributed as follows : County Tona Value Inyo . . .. .. _ 3,596 8,100 1,617 $14,700 San Benito -_--__-_ . _.. . 25,515 San Bernardino and Tuolumne* 6.351 Totals _ 13,313 $46,566 *Combined to conceal output of a single operator in each. Amount and value of the output of dolomite, annually, have been as follows : Tear Tons Value 1915 4,192 ! $14,504 1916 13,313 ' 46,566 Totals 17,505 $61,070 FELDSPAR. Bihliographij: Bulletin 67. U. S. Bur. of M., Bull. 92. Feldspar was produced by one operator each in Kern, Monterey, Riverside, San Bernardino and Tulare counties during 1916, to the amount of 2,630 tons, valued at $14,350. Feldspar production only dates back to 1910 in this state. The mineral is a constituent of many rocks, but can only be commercially produced from pegmatites where the crystals are large and quite free from impurities. The open cut method of mining this material is commonly used. Manufacturers of 94 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. enamel wares and pottery buy most of the better grades of feldspar produced. Small quantities are used in the manufacture of glass and scouring soaps, and the more impure material is utilized as ''chicken grit," in making various brands of roofing, and in other ways. Various experiments have been made with the potash feldspars in the attempt to extract their potash content for use in fertilizers. Some recent successes along these lines are enumerated under Potash. Total amount and value of feldspar production in California since the inception of the industry are given in the following table, by years : Year Tons Value 1 Tear Tons Value 1910 760 740 1,382 2.129 3,530 $5,720 4,560 6,180 7.850 16,565 1 1915 1,800 2,630 $9,000 1911 1916 Totals 14,350 1912 1913 1914 12,971 $64,220 FULLER'S EARTH. BihUographij : Bulletin 38. U. S. Bur. of M., Bull. 71. Fuller's earth production in California during the year 1916 amounted to 110 tons, valued at $550, as compared with 692 tons valued at $4,002, in 1915. This material is soft and friable, and, in general, resembles a clay, but is non-plastic. It has no definite mineralogical composition, and its commercial value is determined by its physical properties, i. e., texture, and filtering and absorbent properties. In California, fuller's earth is used in clarifying both refined mineral and vegetable oils, although its original use was in fulling wool, as the name indicates. During 1916 the production came from Fresno and Kern counties. A large deposit of high-grade fuller's earth has been found near Elsinore in Riverside County. Some has also come from Solano County. It was first produced commercially in this state in 1899, and the total amount and value of the output since that time are as follows : Teat Tons Value 1 Year Tons Value 1899 190O 1901 1902 1903 620 500 1,000 987 250 500 1,344 440 100 50 $12,400 3,750 19,500 19,246 4,750 9,500 38,000 10,500 1,000 1.000 1909 1910 1911 1912 - 1918 459 340 466 876 460 760 692 110 $7,385 3,820 5.294 6,500 3,700 1904 1914 5,928 1905 1915 _ 4,002 1906 1916 550 1907 1908 Totals 9,954 $156,825 STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 95 FLUORSPAR. Bibliography : Bulletin 67. Fluorspar is used as a flux in steel and iron smelting, and in the production of aluminum. It is also utilized in the manufacture of hydrofluoric acid, glass, porcelain, enamels and sanitary ware. In California, deposits have been reported in Los Angeles, Mono and San Bernardino counties, but as yet no commercial production has resulted. GEMS. BihJiograpliy: State ]\Iineralogist Reports IT, XIV. Bulletins 37, G4, 67. Accounting for the production of gems in California is somewhat unsatisfactory, owing to the widely scattered places at which stones are gathered and marketed in a very small way. The following table shows the production, by counties, of rough uncut materials during 1916 : County Value Kind Butte Los Angeles -_. San Bernardino San Diego San Mateo Total value Diamonds. Beach stones. Bloodstone and blue chalcedony. Beryl, golden beryl, hyacinth, kunzite, tour- malines, green topaz, smoky and white ciuartz crystals. Beach stones. California tourmalines are decidedly distinctive in coloring and "fire" as compared to foreign stones of this classification. The colors range from deep ruby to pink, and various shades of green; also more recently a blue tourmaline has been found. Two of our California gem stones, kunzite and benitoite, are not found elsewhere in the world ; and these, each in but a single locality here: the former in the Pala Chief Mine in San Diego County, and the latter in the Dallas Mine in San Benito County. Some rhodonite was taken out in Siskiyou County in 1915, and used for decorative purposes, its value being included in the marble figures. Diamonds have been found in a number of localities in California; but in every case, they have been obtained in stream gravels while working them for gold. The principal districts have been : Volcano in Amador County; Placerville, Smith's Flat and others in El Dorado County; French Corral, Nevada County; Cherokee Flat and Yankee Hill, Butte County; Gopher Hill and upper Spanish Creek, Plumas County. The most productive district of recent years has been Cherokee I 9e5 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. in Butte County. In 1916, in addition to several smaller ones, a two- carat stone was found, which after cutting was stated to have been valued at $450. The value of the total gem production in California annuaUy since the beginning of commercial production is as follows: Year Value Year Value 1900 --- $20 500 1910 $237,4^ 23',ol 13,74f 3,970 3 565 1901 1902 1S03 40,000 162,100 110,50:) 136 000 i 1 '8,500 497,09(.> 232.642 208,950 193,700 1911 1P12 1913 ."[.] 1904 1914 1P05 U.15 1906 1907 1916 Total 4.752 1908 ?-2,088,358 1909 GRAPHITE. Bibliography : State Mineralogist Reports XIII, XIV. Bulletii 67. U. S. G. S., Min. Res. 1914, Pt. II. Graphite has been produced from time to time in the state, comin' principally from Sonoma County, and was used in paint manufacture.' It is difficult for these deposits, which are not particularly pure, tc compete with foreign supplies which go on the market almost directly as they come from the deposit. The annual graphite production of the United States previous tc 1915 amounted to about $250,000, while the yearlj-^ imports had a value] of approximately two million dollars. These facts show the possibili- ties which are open to this branch of the mineral industry, providedj of course, that investigation would show sufficient amounts of high-j grade material to compete with the imported article, which at the present time comes largely from Ceylon. Low-grade ores are eoncen-j trated with considerable difficulty and the electric process of manufac-j turing artificial graphite from coal has been perfected to such a degree that only deposits of natural graphite of a superior quality can be exploited with any certainty of success. On account of its unfusibility and resistance to the action of moltei metals, graphite is very valuable. It is also largely used in the manu-j facture of electrical appliances, of "lead" pencils, as a lubricant, aS stove polish, and in many other ways. Amorphous graphite, commonli carrying many impurities, brings a much lower price. For some puH STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 97 poses, sucli as foundry facings, etc., the low-grade material is satisfactory-. The price increases with the grade of the material until the best quality crystalline variety, ranges as high as $200 per ton. Because of the present increased demand for brass and crucible steel, the requirement for graphite crucibles has gone up rapidly, thus boost- ing the price of flake graphite to above $400 per ton for Ceylon lumps. The coarser flakes are necessary for crucibles as they help to bind the clay together in addition to their refractory service. Among the newer uses for graphite is the prevention of formation of scale in boilers. The action is a mechanical one. Being soft and slippery, the graphite prevents the particles of scale from adhering to one another or to the boiler and they are thus easily removed. Occurrence of graphite has been reported at various times from Calaveras, Fresno, Imperial, Los Angeles, Mendocino, San Bernardino, San Diego, Siskiyou, Sonoma and Tuolumne counties. During 1916 production was reported to the amount of 15 tons, worth $2,335. It was concentrated from a disseminated ore, and was used for paint, foundry facing, and lubricants. The production, by years, has been as follows: Year Pounds Value 1901 -- - 128,000 84,000 $4,480 1902 . _ - . 1,680 1908 _ . . -_ 1913 . --- -- 2,500 25 1914 ■ .-_-_— 1915 _....__._- 1916 . -- - 29,190 2,335 Totals 243,690 $8,520 GYPSUM. Bibliography : Bulletins 38, 67. Report XIV. Gypsum is widely distributed throughout the state, and is produced to a considerable extent, to supply the fertilizer manufacturers and those of plaster and cement. One producer reported orders for ship- ment to Honolulu, for fertilizer purposes. During 1916, six producers in Inyo, Riverside and San Bernardino counties took out a total of 33,38-4 tons, valued at $59,533. The increase over the 20,200 tons, valued at $48,953 in 1915 is due principally to the entry of a new plant in Inyo County, besides a fair increase in the output of the older plants in San Bernardino and Riverside counties. 7—31821 98 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. Total annual production of gypsum in California since such record^ have been compiled by this Bureau is as follows : Tear ! Tons 1 Value Year Tons Value ■ 1887 - 2,700 $27,000 1903 -- _ 6,914 $46 441 1888 2,500 25,000 1904 8,350 56,592 1889 3,000 30,000 1905 12,850 54,500 1890 3.000 30,000 1906 21,000 69,000 1891 2.O0O 20.000 1907 8,900 57,700 1892 _-. 2,000 1.620 2,446 1 5,158 , 20.000 14,280 24.584 51,014 1908 34,600 30,700 45,294 31,457 155.400 1893 1909 138.176 1894 1910 129,152 1895 1911 101,475 1896 1,310 ' 12.580 1912 37.529 117,388 1897 2,200 , 19,250 1913 47.100 135,050 1898 3,100 23.600 1914 29,7.^4 78.375 1899 3,663 14,950 1915 20.200 48.953 , 1900 1901 2,522 3,875 1 10,200 I 10,088 38 750 1916 33 384 59 5:^3 1902 53,500 Totals 419,306 $1,662,331 INFUSORIAL and DIATOMACEOUS EARTH. BihJiographij: State Mineralogist Reports II, XII, XIII, XIV. Bulletins 38, 67. Infusorial and diatomaceous earths — sometimes called tripolite — are very light and extremely porous, chalk-like materials composed of^ pure silica (chalk, being calcareous) which has been laid down under water and consist of the remains of microscopical infusoria and diatoms. The former are animal remains, and the latter are from plants. Their principal commercial use is as an absorbent; and it is also employed in the manufacture of scouring soap and polishing powders, and in making some classes of refractory brick. It is a first-class nonconductor of heat, where high temperatures are employed, such as around steel and gas plants and power houses. In such cases, it is built in as an insulating layer in furnace walls. In Germany, under the same "kieselguhr, " it is used as an absorbent for nitroglycerine in the manu- facture of dynamite. The most important deposits in California thus far known are located in Monterey, Orange, San Luis Obispo, and Santa Barbara counties. The Santa Barbara material is diatomaceous and is of a superior quality. Infusorial earth is also found in Fresno, Kern, Los Angeles, Plumas, San Benito, San Bernardino, San Joaquin, Shasta, Sonoma, and Tehama counties. During 1916, there were three actively operated quarries in Monterey and Santa Barbara counties, which produced a total of 15,322 tons, valued at $80,649, conpared with 12,400 tons, valued at 62,000, in 1915. It will be noted that the average price varies widely from year to year. This fact is true in case of many of the industrial materials. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 99 I The quality of the product fluctuates as does the demand; when both are favorable the maximum price obtains. & The first recorded production of these materials in California occurred in 1889 ; total amount and value of output, to date, are as follows : Tear Tons Value Tear Tons Valui 1889 39 $1,335 1904 6,950 $112,282 1890 ' 1905 3,000 15,000 1891 i 1906 2,430 14.400 1892 1 1907 2,531 28.948 1893 50 2.000 \ 1908 2,950 32.012 1894 51 2,040 1 1909 500 3,500 1895 ' 1910 1.843 17,617 1896 i: 1911 2,194 19,670 1897 5 200 1912 4,129 17,074 1898 1 1913 8,645 35,968 1899 : 1914 12,840 80,350 1900 1915 12.400 15.322 62.000 1901 ... - _ - 1916 80,649 1902 422 2,532 1903 2,703 16,015 Totals 79,004 .$543,592 LIMESTONE. BihJiography: State ]\Iineralogist Eeports IV, XII, XIII, XIV. Bulletin 38. Limestone wa.s produced in 12 counties during 1916, to the amount of 187,521 tons, valued at $217,733. This amount does not include the limestone used in the manufacture of cement nor of lime for building purposes, but accounts for that utilized as a smelter flux, for sugar making, and in other chemical and manufacturing processes (including fertilizers, roofing preparations, whiting for paint, terrazzo and for CO,). The marked drop in the 1915 output as compared with the 1914 figures, was due in part to our transferring to the macadam classifica- tion a large tonnage of limestone employed as road metal ; but which in the 1914 report was classified as "industrial" limestone. The 1916 output shows a material increase over 1915. Distribution of the 1916 output is as follows: County Tons Value Kern .. _ . _ ., . . _. . . _ .. 3.402 65,174 4,318 51,931 3,137 59,559 $3,947 San Bernardino - - ____ _._ 63.486 Santa Cruz . . .. . . _. .. 9,820 Shasta ..^ ------- - - - - - 51,737 Tuolumne - - - — - . - - - -- . 5,132 Alameda, Contra Costa, El Dorado, Placer, Santa Bar- bara, Santa Clara, Tulare* -. - -. 83,611 Totals -. - .. 187,521 $217,733 ♦Combined to conceal output of a single operator In each. 100 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. In the early reports of this Bureau values for lime and limestone were not segregated. The following tabulation shows the total com- bined value of such material since records for the state were first compiled, in 1887, to date: Tear Value Tear Value 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 $368,750 381,750 416.780 350,000 300.000 300,000 301,276 337,975 457,784 332,617 291,465 278,558 343,760 315,231 434,133 460,140 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 Total $582,268 658.956 878,647 925,887 1,162,417 676,507 997,745 1,058,891 843,778 1,034,688 803,002 896,376 442,592 608,208 $17,2^10,181 LITHIA. Bihliography : State ]\Iineralogist Reports II, lY, XIV. Bulletins 38, 67. Lithia mica, lepidolite (a silicate of lithium et al.) utilized in the manufacture of artificial mineral water, fireworks, etc., was mined and sold in San Diego County during the years 1899-1905 inclusive, but there was no commercial production from the latter date, until 1915. Some amblygonite, a lithium phosphate, has also been obtained from pockets associated with the gem tourmalines. In 1916, the yield of lepidolite w^as 71 tons, valued at $1,065, and w^as utilized in glass manufacture. The following table of analyses shows the composition of some of the lithia minerals : Analyses of Lithra Minerals.*'' Amblygo- nite. Pala. Cal. (per cent) Lepidolite, Pala. Cal. (per cent) Spodu- mene, Goshen, Mass. (per cent) Spodu- mene. Branchvlllc Mass. (per cent) Lepidolite. Paris. Maine (per cent) Lithia (Li.O) Silica (SiOo) Phosphoric acid (PjOj) Alumina (ALOj) Iron oxide (FeO) Potash (K,0) Soda (Naob) Loss on ignition, water, etc. Undetermined Lime (CaO) Magnesia (MgO) Fluorine 8.26 1.99 45.47 33.09 Trace 4.91 48.61 6.89 63.27 7.62 64.25 22.36 16.16 .38 6.28 3.56 1.35 23.73 1.17 1.45 .99 .36 27.20 .20 .39 .24 .64 2.05 .11 2.02 4.20 50.92 24.99 .23 11.38 2.11 1.96 6.29 •'Bulletin No. 38, p. 308. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 101 Lithia mica total production in the state has been as follows : Tear Tons 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 124 440 1.100 822 700 641 Value $4,600 11,000 27.500 31,880 27.300 25,000 Tear 1906 1906 1915 1916 Totals Tons 25 91 71 4,014 Value $276 1,365 1,065 $129,986 MICA. BihliograpJiy : State Mineralogist Reports II, IV. Bulletins 38, 67. No production of mica has recently been reported. Production in previous years has been as follows : Tear Tons Value 1902 50 50 50 $2,500 1903 3,800 1904 _ _ ^ _ ^ 3,000 Totals 150 1 $9,300 MINERAL PAINT. Bihliography : State Mineralogist Reports XII, XIII, XIV. Bul- I letin 38. P Mineral paint was produced in California in 1916 from Colusa, San Bernardino and Stanislaus counties, amounting to 643 tons, valued at $3,960. This is a little more than double the tonnage and value of 1915. The material from the first two named was hematite and jasper, while that from Stanislaus was yellow ochre. The Stanislaus and Calaveras ochres are the equal of any of the imported ochres. & Besides the above-named counties, deposits of mineral paint are located in the following: Kern, Kings, Lake, Los Angeles, Nevada, Riverside, and Sonoma. 3 9^^ ■ ai 102 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. The first recorded production of this material in the state was in the year 1890. The output showing annual amount and value, since that time, is given herewith: Year Tons Value Year 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 40 22 25 590 $480 880 750 26,795 610 14 140 750 8,425 395 5,540 578 8.165 653 9,698 1,704 20.294 529 3,993 325 875 589 1,533 2,370 3,720 270 1,985 Tons Value 19ft5 ' 754 I $4,025 1906 250 1,720 1907 250 1,720 1908 335 2,250 1909 305 2,325 1910 200 2,040 11911 186 1,184 1912 300 1,800 1913 303 1.780 1914 132 847 1915 311 1,756 1916 643 3,960 Totals ' 13,419 I $132,680 MINERAL WATER. Bibliography : State Mineralogist Reports VI, XII, XIII, XIV. U. S. G. S., Water Supply Paper 338. A widespread production of mineral water is shown annually in California. These figures refer to mineral water actually bottled for sale, or for local consumption. Water from some of the springs having a special medicinal value brings a price many times higher than the average shown, while in some cases the water is used merely for drink- ing purposes and sells for a nominal figure. Health and pleasure resorts are located at many of the springs. The waters of some of the hot springs are not suitable for drinking, but are very efficacious for' bathing. P>om a therapeutic standpoint, California is particularly rich in mineral springs. The counterparts of practically any of the world-famed spas of Europe or the eastern United States can be found here. STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION. Commercial production, by counties, for 1916 was; 103 County Butte Calaveras Contra Costa Humboldt Lake T,os Angeles Monterey ... Napa San Bernardino Siui Luis Obispo Santa Barbara Santa Clara Siskiyou Solano Sonoma Colusa, Fresno, Marin, Riverside, San Benito, San Diego, Shasta, Tehama, Trinity* Gallons \ Totals 3,150 18,255 351,724 3,000 195,650 320,700 5,900 152,764 40,500 2,500 176,608 50,000 502,650 11,200 121,366 317,850 Value 2,273,817 $1,125 7,a25 6,154 750 54,160 8,552 590 93,370 6,500 475 110,200 11,300 50,530 3,750 28,a31 27,600 $410,112 *Combined to conceal output of a single operator in each. Amount and value of mineral water produced in California since 1887 are given herewith: Year Gallons Value Year Gallons Value 1887 618,162 1888 1,112,202 1889 808,625 1890 258,722 1891 334,553 1892 331,875 1893 383,179 1894 402,275 1895 701,397 1896 808,843 1897 1,508,192 1898 1,429,809 1899 1,338,537 1900 2,456,115 1901 1,555,328 1902 1,701.142 $144,368 252,990 252,241 89,786 139,959 162,019 90,667 184,481 291,500 337,434 345,863 213,817 406,691 268,607 559,057 612,477 1903 I 2,056,340 1904 : 2,430,320 1905 2,194,150 1906 1,585,690 1907 2,924,269 1908 2,789,715 1909 2,449,834 1910 2,335,259 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 2,637,669 2,497,794 2,350,792 2,443,572 2,274,267 2,273,817 Totals I 48,992,444 $558,201 496,946 538,700 478,186 544,016 660,507 465,488 522,009 590,654 529,384 599,748 476,169 467,738 410,112 $11,589,815 PHOSPHATES. [A Bibliography: Bulletin 67. HpNo commercial production of phosphates has been recorded from Cali- fornia, though occasional pockets of the lithia phosphate, amblygonite, Li (AlF) PO4, have been found associated with the gem tourmaline deposits in San Diego County. Such production has been classified under lithia. 104 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. PUMICE and VOLCANIC ASH. Bibliography : State Mineralogist Reports XII, XIV (see "Tufa"). Bulletin 38. The production of pumice and volcanic ash for the year 1916 amounted to 1,246 tons, valued at $18,092, and came from Imperial and San Bernardino counties. The material from Imperial County is the vesicular, block pumice, this being practically the only locality in the United States producing this class of rock at the present time; and is stated to have found a ready market. The Lipari Islands, Italy, have in the past been the principal source of supply of block pumice, but now largely shut off owing to the European war. There are other Iniown deposits of such pumice in California, in Inyo, Madera, Mono and Siskiyou counties, but not at present utilized. The material shipped from Inyo and Madera counties in 1915 was the fine-grained, volcanic ash of tuff variety. It is employed in making scouring soaps and polishing powders. Commercial production of pumice in California was first reported to the State Mining Bureau in 1909, then not again until 1912, since which year there has been a small annual output, as indicated by the following table : Tear Tons Value 1909 ... 1910 - 50 $500 1911 — i 1912 ... 1913 ... 100 3,590 2,500 4,500 Year Tons Value 1914 1915 - 1916 Totals 50 380 1,246 5,416 $1,000 6.400 18,092 $32,992 PYRITE. BihliograpJnj: Bulletin 38. Min. & Sci. Press, Vol. 114, pp. 825, 840. Pyrite is mined for use in the manufacture of sulphuric acid. Experiments are being made as to the effect of sulphur, sulphuric acid, and SO2 in the correction and fertilization of alkali soils. Two prop- erties in Alameda County and one in Shasta report a total production in 1916 of 120,525 tons, valued at $372,969. This is the largest output in tonnage of any year except 1909, and in value except 1908 and 1909. This does not include the vast quantities of pyrite which are other- wise treated for their valuable metal contents. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. The total production in California to date is as follows : 105 Tear Tons Value Tear Tons Value 1898 1899 1900 -- 6,000 5,400 3,642 4,578 17,525 24,311 15,043 15,503 46,689 82,270 107,081 $30,000 28,620 21,133 18,429 60,306 94,000 62,992 63,958 145,895 251,774 610,335 1 1909 1910 1911 ': 1912 ' 1913 1 1914 ; 1915 1916 Totals 457.867 42,621 54,225 69,872 79,000 79,267 92,462 120,525 $1,389,802 179,862 182,954 1901 203,470 1902 218,537 1903 230,058 1904 . - 293,148 1905 372.969 1906 1907 1,323,881 $4,458,292 1908 SILICA— SAND and QUARTZ. Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports IX, XIV. Bulletins 38, 67. We combine these materials, because of the overlapping roles of vein quartz Avhich is mined for use in glass making and as an abrasive, and that of silica sand which, although mainly utilized in glass manufacture, also serves as an abrasive. A portion of the tonnage of vein quartz in 1916 was employed in the preparation of ferro-silicon by the electric furnace. Some also was utilized as a foundry flux. The production of silica in 1916 amounted to 20,880 tons, valued at $48,908, from 13 properties in Amador, El Dorado, Kern, Los Angeles, Monterey, Riverside, Shasta and Tulare counties. The decrease in quantity is due to a considerable falling off in the output of Amador County. The increased value is the result of the higher price reported for the Kern County product. County Tons Value Amador El Dorado Kern Los Angeles Kiverside Monterey, Shasta, Tulare* Totals 4,341 886 4,100 612 901 10,040 $12,802 1,717 23,700 1,684 1,642 7.363 20,880 $48,908 ♦Combined to conceal output of a single operator in each. 106 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CALIFORNIA. Of the above total, 4,202 tons were of vein and boulder quartz, and 16,678 tons, sand. Practically all the glass sand produced in California occurs as such and needs no grinding. There are various deposits of quartz which could be utilized for glass making, but to date there has been only a small commercial production of this class of material. Glass sand has been produced in the following counties of the state : Alameda, Amador, El Dorado, Los Angeles, Monterey, Orange, Placer, Riverside, San Joaquin, and Tulare. The chief producing centers have been Amador, Monterey and Los Angeles counties. The industry is of limited importance, so far, because of the fact that much of the avail- able material is not of a grade which will produce first-class glass. High-grade deposits are known, but transportation facilities in most cases are so poor that the owners are unable to compete with the for- eign sand which is brought in as ballast and sold at a low price. Total silica production in California since the inception of the indus- try, in 1899, is shown below, being mainly glass sand : Year 1 Tons A'alue Tear Tons Value $25,517 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 IQO? 3,000 $3,500 1909 2,200 : 2,200 1910 12,259 19,224 5,000 , 16,250 1911 4,500 12,225 1912 7,725 ; 7,525 1913 10,004 12,276 1914 9,257 ' 8,121 1915 8,620 8,672 13,075 15,404 18,618 21,899 28,538 22,688 28.904 34,322 9,750 13,375 1916 11 nCK 1 17Q 20,880 48,908 1908 9,255 22,045 Totals 221,874 $301,370 SOAPSTONE or TALC. Bihliograpluj : State Mineralogist Reports XII, XIV. Bulletins 38, 67. Soapstone — also called talc or steatite — occurs widely distributed throughout California. It is found as a hydration product in the alter- ation of magnesian silicates, and is often associated with serpentine and actinolite. But few deposits have been proven of especial value to date, although there is an undoubted future for this branch of the min- eral industry in the state. Deposits of high grade white talc, the equal of the imported Italian article, are now being developed in Inyo and San Bernardino counties. It is used in making paper, toilet articles, soap, lubricants, tiling, etc., and for such is ordinarily ground to about 200 mesh before marketing. In this condition it brings $15 per ton and upwards, depending on quality. Commercially, the higher grades STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 107 are called tale, and the lower, soapstone. Soapstone blocks are used in fireless cookers, and the crushed material is used in roofing papers. There was a total output in 1916 of 1,703 tons, valued at $9,831, from two producers each in Amador and Inyo counties and one each in El Dorado and San Bernardino counties, divided as follows: County Tons Value Amador Inyo EI Dorado and San Bernardino* Totals 495 658 550 $2,475 4,606 2,750 1,703 $9,831 ♦Combined to conceal output of a single mine in each. Production has been intermittent in the state since 1893, as shown in the following table : Tear Tons Value Tear Tons Value 1893 400 $17,750 i 1906 1894 , 1907 1895 ._ _ 25 375 1908 3 33 740 $48 1896 1909 280 1897 1910 7.260 1898 ' 1911 1899 1912 _ 1,750 1,350 1,000 1,663 1,703 7,350 1900 1913 . - 6,150 1901 10 14 219 228 300 119 288 10,124 2,315 3,000 1 1914 . - 4,500 1902 1915 14,750 1903 1916 — --- 9.8.31 1904 Totals 1905 9,438 $84,140 STRONTIUM. Bibliography: Bulletin 67. U. S. G. S., Bull. 540. Production of strontium minerals in California in 1916 amounted to 57 tons, worth $2,850, from Imperial and San Bernardino counties. That from the former is celestite (SrSOJ, while that from near Barstow in San Bernardino County is the carbonate, strontianite (SrCO,.,). This is the first recorded commercial output of strontium minerals in California. The occurrence of the carbonate is particularly interesting and valuable, as it appears to be the first considerable deposit of commercial importance so far opened up in the United States. Shipments reported as averaging 80% SrCO;. are being made. The deposit is associated with deposits of barite. In addition to the Imperial County occurrence above noted, celestite is also found near Calico, and in the Avawatz Mountains in San Bernar- dino County, but as yet undeveloped. The above output was converted 108 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. to the nitrate, which has been quoted recently at prices in excess of $450 per ton, f. o. b. eastern points. It is estimated by the U. S. Geological Survey, that prior to 1914 about 2,000 tons of strontium nitrate was used in the manufacture of flares, or Costen and Bengal lights and fireworks. The demand has since increased considerably. Previously, the nitrate was imported from Germany, England and Sicily. There is undoubtedly a good future for the strontium minerals in California, if the beet-sugar factories will take up their use, as has been done in Germany. Strontia is much more efficient and satisfac- tory in that process than lime, as it is stated to give an additional recovery of 6%-8% over lime. In Germany and Russia, about 100,000 tons of strontium hydroxide are used annually in the sugar industry. Of the two minerals, strontianite is the more desirable, but scarcer. Celestite is more abundant, and can be sold in large quantities at about $12-$14 per ton at the Atlantic seaboard. Celestite is found with lime- stones and sandstones and is sometimes associated with gypsum. Strontianite is also found with limestone, but associated with barite and calcite. SULPHUR. Bibliography : State Mineralogist Reports IV, XIII, XIV. Bulle- tins 38, 67. There is, at present, no commercial output of native sulphur in California although this mineral has been found to some extent in Colusa, Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Lake, ]\Iariposa, San Bernardino, Sonoma, Tehama, and Ventura counties. Production of sulphur seems improb- able in the immediate future, although possibilities of such a condition remain to be proven. Sulphur was produced at the famous Sulphur Bank mine, in Lake County, during the years 1865-1868 (inc.), totaling 941 tons, valued at $53,500 ; following which the property became more valuable for its quicksilver. There has been no commercial yield of sulphur in Cali- fornia since that period. About 37,000 tons of sulphur per year are imported to the United States from Japan, most of it coming in through the port of San Francisco. I STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. CHAPTER SIX. 109 SALINES. Under this heading are included borax, common salt, and other alkaline salts. The first two have been produced in a number of localities in California, more or less regularly since the early sixties, although the State Mining Bureau kept no annual records of output previous to 1887. Except for a single year's absence, soda lias had a continuous production since 1894. Potash and magnesium chloride have only recently been added to the commercial list, while the nitrates are still prospective. The possibilities for future developments of all these are very promising. 1^ Our main resources of salines are the ancient lake beds of the desert regions of Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino counties, and the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The following tabulation shows amount and value of the saline minerals produced in California during the years 1915 and 191G, with increase in value for 1916 as compared with the previous year: 1915 1916 Substance Tons Value Tons Value Increase (value) Borax .- - -- 67,004 $1,663,521 103,523 851 17,908 186,148 10,593 $2,409,375 6,407 663,605 455,695 264.825 $745,854 Magnesium chloride -- 6,407 Potasli Salt - 1,076 169,028 5,799 19,391 368,737 83,485 644,214 86,958 Soda - . _ - -- 181.a4<) Totals ..... $2,135,134 $3,799,907 $1,664,773 I BORAX. Bibliography : State Mineralogist Reports III, X, XII, XIII. Bul- letins 24, 67. Borax was first discovered in California in the waters of Tuscan Springs in Tehama County, January 8, 1856. Borax Lake, in Lake County, was discovered in September of the same year by Dr. John A. Veatch. This deposit was worked in 1861—1868, inclusive, and during that time produced 1,181,365 pounds of refined borax. This was the first commercial output of this salt in the United States ; and California is still today the only American producer of borax. Production from the dry lake or "playa" deposits of Inyo and San Bernardino counties began in 1873 ; but it was not until 1887 that the borax industry was revolutionized by the discovery of the colemanite beds at Calico in San Bernardino County. These have since been 110 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. worked out, and the present output comes from similar beds in Iny( and Los Angeles counties. The colemanite deposits of Ventura Countj are at present unworked, owing to lack of transportation facilities. During 1916 two producers reported a total output of 103,523 tons, valued at $2,409,375, compared with 67,004 tons, valued at $1,663,521, in 1915. Value of the state's borax output since 1887 is shown in the following table : Tear Value Tear Value 1887 ' $116,689 1888 196.636 1889 145,473 1890 480,152 1891 640,000 1892 838,787 1893 593,292 1894 _ 807,807 1895 595,900 1896 675,400 1897 1,080,000 1898 1,153,000 1899 1,139,882 1900 1,013,251 1901 I E82.380 1902 2,234,994 1903 $661,400 1904 098,810 1905 1,019,158 1906 1,182,410 1907 1,200,913 1908 1,117,000 1909 1,163,960 1910 1,177,960 1911 1,456.672 1912 1.122,713 1913 1,491,530 1914 1,483.500 1915 1,663,521 1916 2,409,875 Total $30,542,565 MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE. Magnesium chloride is an important item in certain chemical uses,' and in the preparation of Sorel cement in lajnng magnesite floors. In the past, Germany has been the principal source of this chloride, which source is at the present time, of course, cut off. For this reason experi- ments are being made to prepare it by acid solution from magnesite, which is so abundant in California. Some of the salt companies began its commercial preparation in 1916, from the residual bitterns obtained during the evaporation of sea water for its sodium chloride. This initial year's yield amounted to 851 tons, valued at $6,407. Bitterns made at plants on San Francisco Bay carry 23 to 86 parts of magnesium per thousand, or 2.3% to 8.6% magnesium." Metallic magnesium is prepared electrolytically, utilizing generally an electrolyte of magnesium chloride and an alkaline chloride. Its commonest known use is in the powdered form for flashlights in photography. Its largest recent use is in the making of war muni tions.^^ "U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Soils, Bull. 94, p. 6G, 1913. "U. S. G. S., Min. Res. 1915, Pt. I, p. 740. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. Ill It does not enter as an integral part into the explosives nor arms, but small quantities are put in slinipncl shells, that observers and gunners may know exactly where the shells are bursting. By day the burning magnesium gives a dense pure white cloud of magnesium oxide, and at night a dazzling white light. Larger quantities are used in aerial bombs and rockets for lighting up the country at night. ]\Iagnesium has as yet found but a limited direct use as a metal. Magnalium, an alloy of aluminum containing about 2% of magnesium and small per- centages of other metals, is stated to be used in automobiles and aero- planes. The possibilities for further important developments in this direction are promising. I NITRATES. Bibliography : Bulletin 24. Nitrates of sodium, potassium and calcium have been found in various places in the desert regions of the state, but no deposit of commercial value has been developed as yet. Interest in this class of mineral sub- stance is increasing and closer search may be rewarded by workable discoveries. At present the principal commercial source of nitrates is the Chilean saltpeter deposits in South America, ft The subject of the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen electrically is .just now occupying a place in the public mind by reason of its success in Germany and Scandinavia. The possibilities of cheap hydroelectric power in California make the subject one of intense interest to us, as we have also the natural raw materials and chemicals to go with the power. Sodium and potassium cyanides can be made by fixation of atmospheric nitrogen electrically. POTASH. BiUiography: Bulletin 24. U. S. G. S., I\Iin. Res. 1913, 1914, 1915. Senate Doc. No. 190, 62d Congress, 2d Session. Mining & Sci. Press, Vol. 112, p. 155 ; Vol. 114, p. 789. Potash had not, previous to 1914, been produced commercially in California. Considerable money has been spent in the preliminary work incident to developing deposits of potash-bearing residues and I brines in the old lake beds of the desert regions. The imports of potash [.salts and fertilizers from Germany previous to the European war had an annual value of several millions of dollars, and their cessation has made a domestic production imperative. P The normal pre-war price of $35 to $40 per ton for high-grade agri- cultural salts has been succeeded by figures of several times those amounts; until in April, 1916, the chloride was nominally quoted at $425 per ton and the sulphate from $350 to $400 per ton. 112 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. During 1916 a total of 17,908 tons of potash-bearing material was produced in California, valued at $663,605. This is, in part, refined potassium chloride and sulphate, kelp ash and dried kelp, varying in potash content from 60% K^O for the refined salts down to 14% in the dried kelp ; in part, refined sulphate and treater dust from one of the cement mills ; and, in part, concentrated salts from the brine of Searles Lake. The yield from Los Angeles and San Diego counties is from the operations of four kelp plants in each. The bulk of this output was utilized in fertilizer preparations; but the product of one of the kelp plants was refined to the form of the nitrate for explosives manufacture. In addition to tlie amounts here given, some tonnage of potash salts was recovered from the residual bitterns by one of the soda-ash plants at Owens Lake, Inyo County, but not yet sold. Tlie large plant of the American Trona Corporation at Trona, on Searles Lake, San Bernardino Countj% began commercial operation in September, 1916, and is shipping crude salts carrying approximately 36% K.O to Eastern fertilizer works, until their refinery at San Pedro is completed. These crude salts are stated to be made up of approxi- mately 60% chloride and 30% borate, with small amounts of other constituents. For the current year, it is expected to increase the capacity from 50 tons to 100 tons daily. "When their refinery is in operation they will separate the potash, soda, and borax before placing them on the market. In the cement mill of the Riverside Portland Cement Company, the fine dust from ball and tube mills is collected by a Cottrell, electrical, fume precipitator, the material showing an approximately 11% potash content. Some sulphate is being prepared from this, but the bulk of the tonnage sold goes to fertilizer manufacturers. For the current year, 1917, the potash content is being enriched by the utilization of ortho- clase feldspar in the cement mix. Not only in this manner has the extraction of potash from feldspar reached the commercial stage, but, at Baltimore, Maryland, the Star Chemical Company is using the "Thomp- son method,-** in which the feldspar is roasted with salt cake and common salt, and then extracted, yielding over 80% of the original potash con- tent of the rock." The Cushman-Coggeshall process employs as reagents, quicklime (CaO) and the CaCU waste from the ammonia-soda alkali process. This "yields a sludge which is dried and ground, and contains above 70% of KCl, equal in quality to the imported German muriates." The following tabulation shows the distribution of the 1916 output of potash in California : -"»Min. & i?ci. Press, Vol. 114, p. 789, June 9, 1917. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 113 County Los Angeles Riverside and San Bernardino* San Diego Totals Tons Value 1,864 13,8&4 2,150 $324,769 163,032 175,804 17.908 $663,605 ♦Combined to conceal output of a single operator in each. The annual amounts and values of these potash materials, since their jeginning in California, are shown by the following table : Tear Tons Value 1914 10 1.076 17,908 $460 19,391 663,605 1915 1916 Totals _ 18,994 $683,456 SALT. Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports II, XII, XIII, XIV. Bulletin 24. Most of the salt produced in California is obtained by evaporating the waters of the Pacific Ocean, plants being located on the shores of San Francisco Bay, at Long Beach, and on San Diego Bay. Additional amounts are derived from lakes and lake beds in the desert regions of the state. The salt production of San Bernardino County is derived from deposits of rock salt which are worked by means of quarrying and steam shovels. A small amount of valuable medicinal salts is annually obtained in Mono and Tehama counties, by evaporation from mineral springs. Formerly a considerable proportion of the table salt consumed in California was shipped in from Eastern points; but, at present Cali- fornia salt refineries supply not only our OAvn markets but export a fair tonnage to other states and to Australia. The 1916 output amounted to 186,148 tons, valued at $455,695, dis- tributed as follows, by counties : County Tons Value Alameda . . _ _ 111,206 2.355 28,540 44,047 $263,773 13,830 70,807 107,285 San Bernardino - _ - _ __ _ _. _ San Mateo Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, Modoc, Diego, Solano* Mono, Monterey, San Totals 186,148 $455,695 ♦Combined to conceal output of a single operator in eacii. 8—31821 114 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. The above returns show an increase in both tonnage and value, although one plant in Alameda County lost about half of its croi) by an early rain storm in September, and the plant of the Western Salt Com- pany at San Diego was largely washed out by the breaking of the Lower Otay dam in January. There were 12 plants operating in Alameda, three each in San Bernardino and San Mateo, and one in each of the other counties tabulated, a total of 540 men being employed. Amount and value of annual production of salt in California from 1887 to date is shown in the following tabulation: Year Tons Value j Year Tons Value 1887 . 28,000 ...! 30,800 ...1 21,000 1 $112,000 1903 . 92,400 |[ 1904 . 63,000 1905 . . 102,895 $211,365 1888 . 1889 - 95.968 77,118 187,300 141,925 1890 8,729 57,085 1891 I 20,094 90,303 1892 23,570 104,788 1893 50,500 213,000 1894 49,131 140,037 1895 53,031 150,576 1896 64,743 153,244 1897 67,851 157,520 1898 93,421 170,855 1899 82,654 149,588 1900 ; 89,338 204,754 1901 126,218 366,376 1902 i 115,208 205,876 1906 101,650 213,228 1907 88,063 310,967 1908 121,764 281,469 1909 155,680 414.708 1910 ' 174,920 395,417 1911 173,332 324,255 1912 185,721 383,370 1913 ._. 204,407 462.681 1914 223,806 f83,553 1915 169,028 368,737 1916 186,148 455,695 Totals 2,984,788 $7,166,122 SODA. Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports XII, XIII. Bulletins 24, 67. During 1916, bicarbonate of soda and soda ash were produced by two plants in Inyo County, amounting to 10,593 tons, valued at $264,825, as compared Avith 5,799 tons, valued at $83,485 in 1915. Preparations are reported being made to ship natural sodium sulphate from the Carrizo Plains in eastern San Luis Obispo County. These materials are used mainly in glass making, and the preparation of caustic soda. At one flotation mill in Utah handling copper ores they have found that the addition of soda ash gives a better froth and improves their extraction. A third plant now under construction near Keeler for manufacture of soda ash from the waters of Owens Lake, is expected to be in operation by August, 1917. The older plants are also stated to be enlarging. Information recently given to the State Mining Bureau would indicate that there is a market for a materially greater tonnage of soda ash than is at present obtainable on the Pacific coast. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 115 The total output, showing amount and value of these materials in California since the inception of the statistical i-ecor-ds of tlie State Mining Bureau, is given in the table which follows : I- Tear •1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 Tons 1,530 1.900 3,000 5.000 7,000 10,000 1,000 8,000 7,000 18,000 12,000 15,000 12,000 Value $20, 47, 65 110, 154 250, 50, 400, 50 27, 18. 22, 18, Year Tons 000 500 000 000 000 000 000 000 ooo 000 00ft 500 000 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 Value 9.600 $14,400 7,712 11.593 8,125 11.862 9,023 52,887 7,200 37,094 1,861 24.936 6,522 115,396 5.799 83,485 0,593 264,825 116 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. CHAPTER SEVEN. MINERAL PRODUCTION OF CALIFORNIA BY COUNTIES. Introductory. The state of California includes an area of 155,652 square miles and is divided into fifty-eight counties. Some mineral of commercial value exists in every county, and during 1916 active production was reported to the State Mining Bureau from fifty-seven counties of the fifty- eight. In the mountainous portions of the state are found the vein- forming- minerals, largely. In the vast desert regions of southeastern California ancient lake beds afford an unlimited supply of saline deposits. Underlying the interior valleys of the central and southern portion of the state are the largest pools of crude oil in the world. Building stones and mineral earths of all descriptions are widely dis- tributed throughout the length and breadth of the state. Of the first ten counties in point of total output five (Kern, Orange, Fresno, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles) owe their position mainly to petroleum. Kern, due to its oil, leads all the others by nearly three times the total of Shasta, its nearest competitor. Shasta owes its rank to copper, gold, and zinc; San Bernardino, its place on account of tungsten, cement, copper, gold; Inyo, mainly to borax, zinc and lead; and the next five counties, Amador, Nevada, Yuba, Calaveras, Sacra- mento, mainly to gold. Twenty-five counties have each a total in excess of a million dollars, for 1916. The counties with their mineral resources, production for 1916, etc., will be considered in detail in this chapter. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 117 Value of California Mineral Production, by Counties, for 1916, Arranged in the Order of Their Importance. County Value County Value 1. Kern $37,826,907 13,639,508 8,905,086 8,061,193 6,569,147 ' 4,600,096 4,535,029 4,463,045 3,811,428 3.744,143 ' 3,237,828 2,965,592 2,178,674 1,679,111 1,399,335 1,356,925 j 1,279,060 i 1,234,252 1,21.3,447 1,205,.3.35 1,135,430 1,094,167 1,078,.537 1,042,629 1,004,262 i 947,200 1 851,948 ; 846,561 1 729,497 580,896 31. Mariposa -. $487,971 2. Shasta 32. Sonoma . _ . 472,048 3. Orange - - 33. El Dorado 470,687 4. Fresno .- . 34. San Joaquin . - . 468,862 5. San Bernardino . _. 35. San Diego . .. .. 397,168 6. Inyo — - — — — :36. Humboldt 274,895 7. Santa Barbara 37. Stanislaus 253,022 8. Los Angeles _. 38. San Luis Obispo 39. Mono _. - . - - 245,807 9. Amador _ . _. . 240,990 10. Nevada - - 40. IMadera . . 222,758 11. Tuba 41. Lake 180 996 12. Calaveras _- . _ . 42. Marin ... ... 178,306 13. Sacramento ._ 43. San Mateo .. . 13,5,408 14. Santa Cruz ._ .. __ __ 44. Monterey 109,872 15. Plumas -_ _ ' 45. Imperial _ . 105,.3;33 16. Butte 46. Merced . . . 81,530 17. Contra Costa 47. Glenn 81,162 18. Riverside _. .. . _ 48. San Francisco 76,437 19. San Benito 49. Mendocino 55,680 20. Solano 50. Tehama 54,3.53 21. Ventura _ 51. Colusa . .. 42,803 22. Alameda .52. Kings 26,788 23. Napa — 53. Lassen .. 9,725 24. Placer 54. Sutter 6,4.50 25. Tuolumne __ _. 55. Modoc -_ . . .- . 3,5,59 26. Tulare 56. Del Norte .. .. 2,432 27. Santa Clara .. .. 57. Yolo 300 28. Trinitv . - .. - 58. Alpine .. 29 Sierra Total 30. Siskiyou .. . $127,901,610 ALAMEDA. Area: 843 square miles. » Popnlation: 359,000 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914). Alameda County, while in no sense one of the "mining counties," comes twenty-second on the list with a value of mineral products for 3916 of $1,094,167, an increase from the 1915 total, which was $861,683. The mineral resources of this county include asbestos, brick, chromite, clay, coal, limestone, magnesite, manganese, pyrite, salt, soapstone, and miscellaneous stone. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Chromite Brick Clay Manganese Pyrite Salt Stone, miscellaneous Other minerals* 612 tons 23,551 M. 4,060 tons 562 tons 16,394 tons 111,206 tons Total $7,344 315,941 2,750 9,005 65,110 26:3,773 403,.587 26,657 $1,094,167 ♦Includes limestone, magnesium chloride and magnesite. 118 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CALIFORNIA. ALPINE. Area: 776 square miles. Population: 309 (1910 census). Alpine has in the past shown a small production of gold and silver, but dropped out of the list of producing counties in 1914. This county lies just south of Lake Tahoe, in the high Sierra Nevada range of mountains. Its area is 776 square miles, containing a popu- lation of but 309 persons. Transportation is by wagon or mule back, and facilities in general are lacking to promote development work of any kind. The mineral resources of this section are varied and the country has not yet been thoroughly prospected. Barium, copper, gold, gypsum, lead, limestone, pyrite, rose quartz, silver, tourmaline, and zinc have been found here to some extent. AMADOR. Area: 601 square miles. Population: 11,000 (estimate by County Clerk, 1914). The value of Amador County's mineral production decreased from $4,063,762 in 1915 to $3,811,428, thus taking ninth place on the list of counties in the state as regards total value of mineral substances marketed. The feature of the decrease was the drop in gold yield, due mainly to a six- weeks' strike on the Mother Lode. Although having an output consisting of 10 different minerals, the leading product, gold, makes up over 96% of the entire total. Amador led the state in gold production in 1915, but was slightly exceeded in 1916 b}'- Nevada County. The mineral resources of this county, in the main, include asbestos, brick, chromite, clay, coal, copper, gold, lime, quartz crystals, glass- sand, sandstone, silver, soapstone, and miscellaneous stone. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Chromite Clay Copper Gold Silica Silver Soapstone and talc Stono, miscellaneous Otlicr minerals* Total 300 tons 29,246 tons 12,349 lbs. 4,341 tons 495 tons $3,7CO 31,106 3,038 3,660,550 12,802 18,705 2,475 1,300 77,752 $3,811,428 'Includes brick, coal, lime, manganese and sandstone. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 119 BUTTE. Area: 1,722 square miles. Population: 31,000 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914). Location: North central portion of state, Butte, sixteenth county in California in regard to the value of its lineral output, reported a commercial production of eight mineral ibstances, having a total value of $1,356,925, as compared with [,622,245 for 1915. As will be noted in the following tabulation, gold is by far the most important item. Butte stands sixth among the gold-producing counties of the state. Among the mineral resources of this section are asbestos, barytes, chromite, gems, gold, limestone, marble, mineral Avater, platinum minerals, silver, and miscellaneous stone. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Iphroiriite _ . _ _ _ _ _ 1,451 tons $13,940 357 ^ems -- _ - - _ .- _ Gold -- . 1,2.57,231 Mineral water _____ ._ __ _ _ 3,150 gals. 76 ounces 1,125 Platinum _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 3,472 Silver _ __ 3,332 Stone, miscellaneous _ - _ _. 67,892 Other minerals __ __._ . .___ 9,576 Total .„ $1,356,925 CALAVERAS. Area: 1,027 square miles. Pop^ilation: 9,171 (1910 census.) Location: East central portion of state — Mother Lode district. Calaveras County reported production of 9 different minerals, valued at $2,965,592, during the year 1916, as compared Avith the 1915 output worth $2,161,893. Gold, copper and silver are the chief mineral sub- stances produced. In regard to total value of mineral output Calavera.s stands twelfth among the counties of the state ; it is fifth in gold, second in copper, and third in silver. The principal mineral resources developed and undeveloped are-: Asbestos, barytes, chromite, clay, copper, fuller's earth, gold, graphite, limestone, magnesite, marble, mineral paint, mineral water, platinum minerals, pyrite, quartz crystals, silver, soapstone, and miscellaneous stone. 120 MINERAL INDTTRTRY OF CALIFORNIA. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: I Substance Amount Value Chromite _ . . - -_ __ 1,636 tons 6,099,509 lbs. $12,570 1,500,479 Copper _. . - _ -_ - - Gold --- - 1,356,120 Lead - _ _ - _ 7,238 lbs. 18,255 gals. 54 ounces 499 Mineral water _. - . __ . _ 7,025 Platinum . .. __ _ _ __ 2,453 Silver .. ..___.. 83,643 Stone, naiscellaneous _ 2,503 Other minerals . - . _ ._.___ 300 Total . . . $2,965,592 COLUSA. Area: 1,140 square miles. Population: 7,882 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914). Location: Sacramento Valley. Colusa County lies largely in the basin of the Sacramento Valley. Its western border, however, rises into the foothills of the Coast Range of mountains, and its mineral resources — to a great extent undeveloped — include coal, chromite, copper, gyp.sum, manganese, mineral water, pyrite, quicksilver, sandstone, miscellaneous stone, sulphur, and in some places traces of gold and silver. The value of the 1916 production was $42,803, an increase from the 1915 figures of $16,003, giving it fifty-first place. Substance Amount Value Quicksilver _. _ . 285 flasks $26,648 Stone, miscellaneous .- .- _ _. _ 550 (>tlier minerals* _ . 15,605 Total $42,803 *Includes mineral paint, mineral water and sandstone. CONTRA COSTA. Area: 714 square miles. Population : 52,500 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914). Contra Costa, like Alameda County, lies off the eastern shores of San Francisco Bay, and is not commonly considered among the mineral- producing counties of the state. It stands seventeenth on the list in I STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 121 I this respect, however, with an output valued at $1,279,060 for the calendar year 1916. Various structural materials make up the chief items, including brick, cement, limestone, and miscellaneous stone. Among the others are asbestos, clay, coal, gypsum, manganese, mineral water and soapstone. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Brick 16,672 M. $148,730 Mineral water 351,724 gals, j 6,154 Stone, miscellaneous 363,753 Other minerals* 760,423 \ Total $1,279,060 ♦Includes cement, clay, coal and limestone. DEL NORTE. Area: 1,024 square miles. Popul-ation: 2,417 (1910 census). Location: Extreme northwest corner of state. Transportation: Wagon and mule back; steamer from Crescent City. Del Norte rivals Alpine County in regard to inaccessibility. Like the latter county also, given transportation and kindred facilities, this portion of the state presents a wide field for development along mining lines especially. Its chief mineral resources, largely untouched, are chromite, copper, gems, gold, graphite, iron, platinum minerals, silver, and miscellaneous stone. Commercial production for 1916, giving it fifty-sixth place, was as follows : Substance Amount Value fiold 5^05 73 Platinum .. ._ _ __ __ _ ___. 2 ounces Silver ._ __ _ . _ . _ _ . 2 Stone, miscellaneous __ .- _ _ _ _ . . _.i _ ___ 1,685 Other minerals* _ . . . _ . 267 Total .. $2,432 'Includes chromite and copper. 122 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CALIFORNIA. EL DORADO. Area: 1,753 square miles. Population: 8,000 (estimate by County Clerk, 1914). Location: East central portion of the state; northernmost of the Mother Lode counties. El Dorado County, which contains the locality where gold in -Cali- fornia was first heralded to the world, comes thirty-third on the list of counties ranked according to the value of their total mineral produc- tion during the year 1916. In addition to the segregated figures here given, a large tonnage of limestone is annually shipped from El Dorado for use in cement manufacture, and whose value is included in the state total for cement. The mineral resources of this section, many of them undeveloped, include asbestos, barytes, chromite, clay, copper, gems, gold, iron, molybdenum, limestone, quartz crystals, quicksilver, glass-sand, slate, soapstone, silver and miscellaneous stone. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Ohromite . _. ._ . 5,260 tons $72,560 361,821 19,613 Gold Lime and limestone .. . _ --. . _ _ Silica 886 tons 1 717 Silver 1,496 Stone, miscellaneous .__ _ . ._ . . 12.000 Other minerals* _- ... ._ . _ . 1,480 Total . $470,687 ♦Includes copper and soapstone. FRESNO. Area: 5,950 square miles. Population: 120,000 (estimate of Board of Supervisors, 1914). Location: South central portion of state. Fresno County, fourth in importance as a mineral producer among the counties of California, reported an output for 1916 of thirteen mineral substances, with a total value of $8,061,193, an increase over the reported 1915 production, which was worth $8,152,300. The great bulk of the above value is derived from the petroleum production of the Coalinga field. The mineral resource.s of this county are many, and, aside from crude oil, are far from being fully developed. They include asbestos, barytes, brick, chromite, copper, gems, gold, graphite, gypsum, iron, STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 123 jiiagnesitc, natural gas, petroleum, quicksilver, silver, and miscellaneous stone. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Chromite 9,C60 tons Copper ! 29,173 lbs. Gold i Granite 11,000 cu.ft. Lead 668 lbs. Magnesite 5,829 tons Natural gas 2,346,917 M. cu. ft Petroleum 14,594,246 bbls. Silver ' Stone, miscellaneous Other minerals* ' Total ! $151,824 7,177 693 25,000 46 49,082 163,941 7,530,631 69 95,830 36,900 18,061,193 *Inclucle.s brick, fuller's eaith and mineral water. • GLENN. Area: 1,259 square miles. Population: 7,172 (1910 census). Glenn County, standing forty-seventh, owes its position among the mineral-producing counties of the state mainly to the presence of large deposits of sand and gravel which are annually worked, the product being used for railroad ballast, etc. In the foothills in the western portion of the county, deposits of chromite, copper, manganese, sand- stone, and soapstone have been found. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: r Substance Amount Value Stone, miscellaneous Other minerals $41,180 39,982 Total $81,162 HUMBOLDT. Area: 3,634 square miles. Population: 37,500 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914). Location: Northwestern portion of state, bordering on Pacific Ocean. Humboldt County is almost entirely mountainous, transportation within its limits being very largely by wagon road and trail, and until recent years was reached from the outside world by steamer only. 124 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CAIJFORNIJ The county is rich in mineral resources, among which are brick, chromite, coal, claj^ copper, gold, iron, mineral water, natural gas, petroleum, platinum, silver, and miscellaneous stone. Nine mineral substances, as shown by the table given below, having a total value of $274,895, were produced in 1916, as compared with the 1915 output, worth $358,686, the principal item being due to the large amount of stone being used on the Eureka Harbor breakwater. Hum- boldt ranks thirty-sixth among the counties of the state for the year. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Gold . . _ - - -- $21,279 750 Mineral water _. . ._ - ._ 3,000 gals. 7 ounces Platinum - . _ 296 Silver .. . _ 55 Stone, miscellaneous .. 60,260 Other minerals* -. . 192,255 Total ^-... $274,895 ♦Includes brick, clay, granite and natural gas. IMPERIAL. Area: 4,089 square miles. Population: 50,000 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914), Location : Extreme southeast corner of the state. During 1916 Imperial County produced eight mineral substances having a total value of $105,333, as compared with the 1915 output, worth $77,433. Its rank is forty-fifth. This county contains large undeveloped deposits of gold, gypsum, lead, marble, pumice, salt, and silver. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Gold .. $23,a38 155 Silver _. _._ . Stone, miscellaneous .. . - _ __-_._. 34,834 Other minerals* 47,006 Total $10.5,3^3 ♦Includes brick, copper, lead, pumice and strontium. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 125 I INYO. Area: 10,019 square miles. Population: 7,500 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914). Location: Lies on eastern border of state, north of San Bernar- dino County. Inyo, the second largest county in the state, and containing less than one inhabitant per square mile, is extremely interesting from a mineral- ogical point of view. It is noted because of the fact that within its borders are located botli the highest point. Mount Whitney (elevation 14,502 feet), and the lowest point. Death Valley (elevation 290 feet below sea level), in the United States. In the higher mountainous sections are found many vein-forming minerals, and in the lake beds of Death Valley saline deposits exist. Inj'o's mineral production during tlie year 1916 reached a value of $4,600,090, the county standing sixth among the counties of the state in this respect, its advance from 1915 being due to increases in value of borax, lead, silver, tungsten and zinc. Its mineral resources include antimoii}^, asbestos, barytes, bismuth, borax, copper, gems, gold, gypsum, lead, magnesite, marble, molybdenum, mineral water, nitre, platinum, pumice, quicksilver, salt, silver, soda, sulphur, talc, tungsten, and zinc. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Copper _- - _- -_ .-_--_ _ _ - 274,032 lbs. 3,596 tons $67,412 14 700 Dolomite _.__- _- ._ -__ Gold 131,722 Lead ._ . . .. .- _ . . 11,185,321 lbs. 771 787 Silver 232,441 Soda — - - - 10,593 tons 264 825 Stone, miscellaneous ._ _ _ _ . 23,040 Tale _-_ _. 658 tons 5,758,703 lbs. 4,606 Zinc -_ . . . _ . 771,666 Other minerals* ._ __ _ _ 2,317,897 Total ... . ... . $4,600,096 ♦Includes antimony, borax, gypsum, marble, molybdenum, salt and tungsten. 126 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. KERN. Area: 8,003 square miles. Population: 50,000 (estimate by Board of Supervisors). Location: South central portion of state. Kern County, because of its immense, productive oil fields, stands pre-eminent among all counties of California in the value of its min- eral output, the exact figures for 1916 being $37,826,907. This is larger by more than twenty-four million dollars than the succeeding county on the list. This figure also exceeds the value of the total gold output of the entire state by approximately $16,500,000. The 1915 mineral output for the county was worth $25,335,184. Among the mineral resources, developed and undeveloped, of this section are: Antimony, asbestos, asphalt, barytes, borax, brick, clay, copper, fuller's earth, gems, gold, gypsum, iron, lead, limestone, mag- nesite, marble, mineral paint, natural gas, petroleum, potash, salt, silver, soapstone, soda, sulphur, and tungsten. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Antimony _ .. . _. - 145 tons 3,177 M. 24,754 lbs. $5,880 2;],824 6,089 747,042 Brick _-. .... Copper -- - -- Gold Lead - - .- - 24,274 lbs. 1,675 Lime and limestone ._ 30,047 Natural gas _. _. . 16,679,658 M. cu. ft. 54,120,509 bbls. 4,100 tons 1,379,033 Petroleum .. .. 34,691,246 Silica 23,700 Silver 8,745 Stone, miscellaneous . ._ . .. 63,723 Tungsten concentrates ._ . _ . _ . _. 193 tons 482,387 Other minerals* 363,516 Total $37,826,907 i ♦Includes cement, clay, feldspar, fuller's earth, magnesite, quicksilver and salt. KINGS. . Area: 1,159 square miles. Population: 23,500 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914). Location: South central portion of state. Little development has taken place in Kings County along mineral lines to date. Deposits of fuller's earth, gypsum, mineral paint, nat- ural gas, and quicksilver, of undetermined extent, have been found in the county. Some drilling for oil is under way. STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 127 In fifty-second place, comniorcial production for 1916 was as fol- lows: Siibstiuice Anioiiiit Valua Natural gas Other minerals Total 258 M.ou.ft. $608 26,180 $26,788 LAKE. Area: 1,278 square miles. Foundation: 5,600 (estimate ])y Chamber of Commerce, 191-1). Location: About fifty miles north of San Francisco Bay and the same distance inland from the Pacific Ocean. On account of its topography and natural beauties, Lake County is sometimes referred to as the Switzerland of America. The mineral resources which exist here are many and varied, actual production being comparatively small, as shown hy the table below. Some of the leading minerals found in this section, in part as yet undeveloped, are borax, chromite, clay, copper, gems, gold, gypsum, mineral water, quick- silver, silver, and sulphur. In forty-first place, commercial production for 1916 was as follows : Substance Amount Valua Chromite Mineral Avater Quicksilver Stone, miscellaneous Other minerals Total 871 tons 195,650 gals. 1,139 flasks $15,070 54,160 106,496 4,500 770 $180,996 LASSEN. Area: 4,531 square miles. Population: 7,000 (estimate by County Clerk, 1914). Location: Northeast portion of state. Lassen County is one of the little explored sections of California. Since about 1912 a railroad traversing the county north and south has been in operation, thus affording opportunity for development along mineral and other lines. Among the mineral resources of this county are copper, gems, gypsum, gold, silver, and sulphur. 128 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA, In fifty-third place, commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Stone, miscellaneous $9,725 LOS ANGELES. Area: 4,067 square miles. Populaiion: 800,000 (estimate by Cham])er of Commerce, 1913). Mineral production iti Los Angeles County for the year 1916 amounted in value to $4,463,045, as compared with the 1915 output, worth $4,168,612. This county ranks eighth in the state as a mineral producer, this year. Its output of brick was over a half-million dollars, and that of petroleum amounted nearly to two million dollars. Among its mineral resources may be noted asphalt, barytes, borax, brick, clay, fuller's earth, gems, gold, graphite, gypsum, infusorial earth, limestone, marble, mineral paint, mineral water, natural gas, petroleum, salt, glass-sand, sandstone, serpentine, silver, soapstone, and miscellaneous stone. Some potash is obtained from kelp. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Brick - . _ - .- - — . 82,005 M. 6,233 tons $760,912 Clay 10,549 Gems _ - _ ._ _ 600 Mineral water _, . . 320,700 gals. 2,083,664 M. cu. ft. 2,875,468 bbls. 1,864 tons 612 tons 8,552 Natural gas - . _ . .. 139,522 Petroleum .. _ _. _ . . 1,871,930 Potash - - -. 324,769 Silica - .- -- 1,684 Stone, miscellaneous .- . .. - - 971,153 Other minerals* 373,374 Total -_ — -- .- $4,463,045 ♦Includes borax, copper, graphite and salt. MADERA. Area: 2,112 square miles. Population: 12,000 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914). Location: East central portion of state. Madera County produced five mineral substances during the year 1916, having a total value of $222,758, as compared with the 1915 out- put, worth $145,063. This county contains deposits of copper, gold, iron, lead, molybdenum, pumice, silver, and building stone. STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION, 129 In fortieth place, commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Copper 124,286 lbs. Gold ! Granite 128,865 cu. f t Silver , Stone, miscellaneous Total Value $30,574 10,306 172,191 1,772 7,915 $222,758 MARIN. Area: 529 square miles. Population: 28,400 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914). Location: Adjoins San Francisco on the north. . Mineral production in Marin County during the year 1916 reached a value of $178,306, as compared to the 1915 output, worth $160,528. This county is not especially prolific in minerals, although among its resources along these lines are brick, gems, manganese, mineral water, soapstone, and miscellaneous stone. In forty-second place, commercial production for 1916 was : Substance Amount Stone, miscellaneous Other minerals* Total Value $104,306 74,000 $178,306 East cen- ♦Includes brick and mineral water. MARIPOSA. Area: 1,463 square miles. Population: 3,956 (1910 census). Location: Most southerly of the Mother Lode counties tral portion of state. Mariposa County is one of the distinctly state, although it stands but thirty-first on the list of counties in regard to the value of its mineral output for 1916, with a total of $487,971, as compared with the 1915 figures of $412,326. The increase is due to gold. Its mineral resources are varied; among the more important items being barytes, copper, gems, gold, lead, marble, silver, slate, soapstone, and miscellaneous stone. "mining" counties of the 9—31821 130 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA, Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: SuhsUace Amount Value Copper _-_ __-- 162,318 lbs. ^39,930 Gold ... --. .- . . 401,718 Lead - __ _ _ _ _ 1,857 lbs. 128 Silver ._ _ . _. .- . .. 2,680 Stone, miscellaneous ______ 39,372 Other iiiiuci'als ___ _ _ . .___ 4,143 Total !f487,971 MENDOCINO. Area: 3,453 square miles. Population: 27,000 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914). Location: Joins Humboldt County on the soutli and bounded by the Pacific Ocean on the west. Mendocino's annual mineral production is small, the 1916 output being valued at $55,680, ranking it forty-ninth among the counties. That of 1915 was worth .^24,536. The increase is due to manganese. Depo.sits of undetermined value, of asbestos, ehromite, coal, copper, graphite, magnesite, and mineral water have been found, as well as traces of gold and silver. For the coming year there are good pros- pects for a continued commei'cial yield of manganese ore. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Magnesite .. _ __ 300 tons l,7a5 tons $2,400 Manganese _ _. 43,005 Stone, miscellaneous . _ _ __ 8,27.'") Otlier minerals _ 2,000 Total $55,680 MERCED. Area: 1,995 square miles. Population: 20,000 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914). Location: About the geographical center of the state. Merced County as a whole lies in the San Joaquin Valley, and it figures as one of the lesser mineral-producing counties of the state. The 1916 mineral output Avas valued at $81,530. Gold, platinum and silver, obtained by dredging, are among the important items. Copper and crushed rock have also been commercially produced. Undeveloped STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 131 deposits of antimony, inagnesite, quicksilver, and limestone have been noted in this connty, in addition to the foregoing. In forty-sixth place, commercial production during 1916 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Magncsito ._ -. _ _ - . ... 90 tons $72(1 Other minerals* _. _ - 80,810 Total $81,530 ♦Includes gold, platinum and silver. MODOC. Area: 3,823 square miles. Population: 6,191 (1910 census). Location: The extreme northeast corner of the state. Modoc County, like Lassen, has only recently had the benefit of communication with the outside world by rail. Among its known mineral resources are : Clay, coal, gold, iron, quicksilver, salt, and silver. In fifty-fifth place, commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Gold Silver Stone, miscellaneous Other minerals Total $2,729 90 200 540 $3,559 MONO. Area: 3,030 square miles. Population: 2,100 (estimate by County Clerk, 1914). Location: Is bordered by the state of Nevada on the east and is about in the central portion of the state measured on a north and south line. Gold mining has been carried on in portions of Mono County for many years, although taken as a whole it lies in a rather inaccessible country and has been but superficially explored. It is in the continu- ation of the highly mineralized belt which was noted in Inyo County and contains among other mineral resources barytes, bismuth, clay, copper, gold, gj^psum, iron, lead, limestone, molybdenum, pumice, salt, silver, and travertine. 132 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. In thirty-ninth place, commercial production for 1916 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Gold $237,084 Silver 3,606 Other minerals _.. 300 Total $240,990 MONTEREY. Area: 3,330 square miles. Population: 25,250 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914). Location: "West central portion of state, bordering on Pacific Ocean. Monterey County produced eight mineral substances during the year 1916, having a total value of $109,872, as compared with the 1915 output M^orth $84,986. Its mineral resources include brick, clay, cop- per, coal, feldspar, fuller's earth, gold, silver, gypsum, infusorial earth, limestone, mineral water, petroleum, quicksilver, glass-sand, sandstone, silver, and miscellaneous stone. In forty-fourth place, commercial production for 1916 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Mineral water _ 5,900 gals. $590 Stone, miscellaneous .- 58,623 Other minerals* , 50,659 Total $109,872 •Includes barytes, feldspar, infusorial earth, quicksilver, salt and silica. NAPA. Area: 783 square miles. Population: 26,500 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914). Location: Directly north of San Francisco Bay — one of the ''bay counties." Napa, because of its production of structural and industrial mate- rials and quicksilver, stands twenty-third on the list of mineral- producing counties in California. Its mineral resources include asbestos, barytes, copper, cement, gj'psum, magnesite, mineral water, quicksilver, sandstone, soapstone, and miscellaneous stone. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: 133 Substance Amount Value Chromite "Granite" (tuflf) Magnesite 715 tons 119,500 cu.ft. 13.960 tons Mineral water ; 152,764 gals. Quicksilver 1,150 flasks Stone, raiscellaneons j Other minerals Total $11,5.59 5, .500 108,556 93,370 107,525 88,441 663,586 $1,078,537 NEVADA. Area: 974 square miles. Population: 15,500 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914). Location: North of Lake Tahoe, on the eastern border of the state. Nevada, one of the mountain counties of California, led all others in its gold output for 1915. Nevada County stands tenth on the list in regard to the value of its total mineral output, with a figure of $3,744,143, as compared with the 1915 production worth $3,492,946. While this county actually produces little else in the mineral line aside from gold and silver, its resources cover a wide scope, including antimony, asbestos, barytes, bismuth, chromite, clay, copper, gems, iron, lead, mineral paint, pyrite, soapstone, and tungsten. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Chromite Copper . Gold Granite . Lead Silver 981 tons 3,487 lbs. 100 cu. ft. 1,036 lbs. Stone, miscellaneous Other minerals* Total Value $12,795 858 3,669,878 100 71 35,741 1,225 23,475 $3,744,143 •Includes manganese, platinum and tungsten. ORANGE. Area: 795 square miles. Population: 56,500 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914). Location: Southwestern portion of state, bordering Pacific Ocean. Orange County is one of the many in California which on casual inspection appears to be anything but a mineral-producing section. It 134 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. stands, however, as the third county in the state in regard to the total value of mineral output, its highly productive oil fields making such a condition possible. This county shows a gain in 191G, with a total value of mineral products of $8,905,086, from the 1915 output, worth $6,617,112. Aside from the substances actually produced and noted in the table below, coal, gypsum, iron, infusorial earth, sand.stone, and tourmaline have been found in Orange Count.y. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Brick - 1,186 M. 2,278,922 M. cu. ft. 13,198,591 bbls. $8,300 Natural gas -- - 139,281 Petroleum _ _ . _ . 8,750,666 Stnno misfollanoous _. - 3,773 Other minerals 3,066 . Total . - - - $8,905,086 PLACER Area: 1,395 square miles. Population: 18,237 (1910 census). Location: Eastern border of state directly west of Lake Tahoc. While standing only twenty-fourth on the list of mineral-producing counties. Placer contains a wide variety of mineral substances which have never been commercially exploited. Its leading products are gold, granite, copper, and clay. Other mineral resources, some of them undeveloped, are: Asbestos, brick, chromite, coal, gems, iron, lead, limestone, magnesite, manganese, marble, quartz crystals, glass-sand, silver, soapstone, and miscellaneous stone. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Suljstance Chromite Brick Clay (pottery) Copper Gold Granite Silver Stone, miscellaneous Other minerals* Amount Value 774 tons 2,540 M. 29,018 tons 1,437,441 lbs. Total $11,95 79,000" 36,230 353,610 428,400 80,931 24,928 17.026 10,.548 $1,042,629 ♦Includes limestone, lead and magnesite. STATISTICS OF ANNUAIi PRODUCTION. 135 PLUMAS. r Area: 2,594 square miles. Population: 5,259 (1910 census). i Location: Northeastern border of state, south of Lassen. ' A considerable portion of the area of Plumas County lies in the high mountains, and deposits of the metals, especiallj^ gold and copper, are found there. Lack of transportation and other facilities have retarded its growth, but its future is decidedly promising. Mineral production for 1916 was valued at $1,399,335, as compared with the 1915 output, wortli $745,515, the increase being largely due to copper. Among its mineral resources are : Chromite, copper, gold, granite, iron, lead, limestone, manganese, platinum minerals, silver, tungsten, and zinc. In fifteenth place, commercial production for 1916 was as follows : Substance [Copper JGold '.Silvor Stono, miscellaneous Otiier minerals* Total Amount Value 4,932,928 lbs. $1,213,500 133,385 46,.542 1,988 3,920 $1,399,335 ♦Includes chromite, granite and molj'bdenum. RIVERSIDE. Area: 7,240 square miles. Population: 45,000 (estimate by County Clerk, 1914). Location: Southern portion of state. Riverside is the fourth county in the state in size and the eighteenth in regard to the total value of mineral output for 1916. Within its borders are included mountain, desert, and agricultural land. Its mineral resources include metals, structural and industrial materials, and salines, some of the more important being asbestos, borax, brick, cement, clay, coal, copper, feldspar, gems, gold, graphite, gypsum, iron, lead, limestone, manganese, magnesite, marble, mineral j^aint, mineral water, nitre, salt, glass-sand, soapstone, silver, miscellaneous stone, and tin. 136 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CALIFORNIA. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Brick 1,831 M. Clay (pottery) 56,228 tons Copper 58,617 lbs. Gold Granite 8,660 cu. ft Gypsum 4,220 tons Load 350 lbs. Silica : 901 tons Silver Stone, miscellaneous Other minerals* Total . $28,593 56,090 14.420 7,855 4,890 8,340 24 1,642 338 159,555 952,505 $1,234,252 ♦Includes cement, feldspar, magnesite, manganese, mineral water and potash. SACRAMENTO. Area: 983 square miles. Population: 90,000 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1913). Location: North central portion of state. Sacramento stands thirteenth among the counties of the state as a mineral producer, the output, principally gold, for 1916 being valued at $2,178,674, a.s compared with the 1915 production, worth $2,562,281. In regard to gold output alone this county ranks fourth, being exceeded only by Nevada, Amador, and Yuba counties. Its mineral resources include: Brick, clay, gold, natural gas, platinum, silver, and miscel- laneous stone. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Brick 8,924 M. $91 615 Gold 1,83.3,855 16 Lead -. _- - .- 227 lbs. 195 ounces Platinum __ 8,892 Silver _ 3,578 Stone, miscellaneous ._ . - 194,718 Other minerals* 46,000 Total • $2,178,674 •Includes pottery clay and natural gas. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 137 SAN BENITO. Area: 1,392 square miles. Population: 8,750 (estimate by County Clerk, 1914). Location: West central portion of state. Although nineteenth among the counties of the state in regard to value of total mineral production, San Benito leads in one important branch of the mineral industry, namely, quicksilver. Its other mineral resources, many of them undeveloped, include: Antimony, bituminous rock, chromite, coal, gypsum, gems, limestone, mineral water, soapstone, and miscellaneous stone. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Dolomite 8,100 tons ' $25,515 Quicksilver 11,110 flasks \ 1,032,156 Stone, miscellaneous 155,250 Other minerals* I 526 I I Total J $1,213,447 *Incln(les antimony and minei-al water. SAN BERNARDINO. Area: 20,157 square miles. Population: 53,000 (estimate by board of supervisors, 1914). Location: Southeastern portion of state. San Bernardino, by far the largest county in the state, ranks fifth as regards the value of its mineral output for 1916, with a total of $6,569,147, as compared with the 1915 total of $2,674,042. The marked increase is due mainly to tungsten and copper, the well-known Atolia district contributing the former. This county, consisting largely of mountain and desert country, is highly mineralized, a few of the more important mineral resources being: Asbestos, barytes, borax, brick, cement, clay, copper, gems, gold, gypsum, iron, lead, limestone, manganese, marble, mineral paint, mineral water, nitre, potash, salt, glass-sand, silver, soapstone, soda, miscellaneous stone, strontium, talc, tungsten, tuff, vanadium, and zinc. 138 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. Commorcial production for 1916 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Cement i 1,036,000 bbls. Copper j 1,577,901 lbs. Gems ' Gold Griinitc Lead Liino Limestone Mineral water Salt Silver 7,500 en. ft. 673,801 lbs. 1.51,670 bbls. 6.5,174 tons 40,500 gals. 2,355 tons Stone, miscellaneous .- Tungsten concentrates Zinc Other minerals* 1,921 tons 707,062 lbs. $1,246,000 388,164 1,000 279,813 2,500 46,492 54.317 63,486 6,500 13,8;?0 67,146 172,4.54 3,91.5,4.34 94,746 217,265 Total i $6,569,147 ♦Inrludos brick, flolomitc, feldspar, gypsum, manganese, mineral paint, pumice, pi)ta.';li, talc and strontium. SAN DIEGO. Area: 4.221 square miles. ropulation: 125,370 (estimate l)y County Clerk, 1914). Location: Extreme southwest corner of state. San Diego, finst in California in the production of gem stones, ranks thirtj'-fifth in tlie total value of its mineral output. This figure for 1916 equaled $397,168, as compared to the 1914 output worth .$211,129. Aside from minerals commercially produced, as shown below, San Diego County contains deposits cf asbestos, bismuth, lithia, marble, nickel, soapstone, tm, and tungsten. Potash is produced from kelp. A new development is the shipping of pebbles for grinding mills. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Brick Clay (pottery) Copper Gems Potash Stone, miscellaneous Other minerals* Total 4,001 M. 283 tons 16.806 lbs. 2,1.50 tons $36,842 613 4,134 2,710 175,804 163,925 13,140 $397,168 *Includes granite, lithia, water and salt. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 139 SAN FRANCISCO. Area: 43 square miles. Population: 527,000 (estimate by Cliamber of Commerce, 1915). Surprising as it may appear at first glance, San Francisco County is listed among the mineral producing sections of the state, actual production consisting of crushed rock, sand, and gravel. Small quan- tities of various valuable mineral substances are found here, including cinnabar, gypsum, lignite, and magnesite, none, however, in paying quantities. In forty-eighth place, commercial production for 1916 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Stone, miscellanoous $76,437 SAN JOAQUIN. Area: 1,448 square miles. Population: 70,000 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914). Location: Central portion of state. San Joaquin County reported a mineral production for the year 1916 having a total value of $468,862, as compared with the 1915 output, worth $248,394. Comparatively few mineral substances are found here, the chief ones being brick, clay, infusorial earth, manga- nese, natural gas, glass-sand, and miscellaneous stone. In thirty-fourth place, commercial production for. 1916 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Brick Manguncso Natural gas Stone, miscellaneous 10,189 M. 6,493 tons 182,441 M. cu. ft. Total $158,722 115,460 141,605 53,075 $468,862 SAN LUIS OBISPO. Area: 3,334 square miles. Population: 25,000 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914). Location: Bordered by Kern County on the east and the Pacific Ocean on the west. The total value of the mineral production of San Luis Obispo County in 1916 was $245,807, as compared with the 1915 output, worth 140 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CALIFORNIA. $227,632. Among its mineral resources, both developed and unde- veloped, are : Asphalt, bituminous rock, brick, ehromite, coal, copper, gold, gypsum, infusorial earth, limestone, marble, mineral water, onyx, petroleum, quicksilver, silver and miscellaneous stone. In thirty-eighth place, commercial production for 1916 was as follows : Substance Amount Chromite Brick Copper Mineral water Petroleum Quicksilver Stone, miscellaneous Other minerals* 1,855 tons 4,150 M. 356 lbs. 2,500 gals. 11,670 bbls. 1,227 flasks Total Value $27,733 45,500 88 475 5,252 114,724 49,318 2,717 $245,807 ♦Includes bituminous rock, clay (pottery) and sandstone. SAN MATEO. Area: 447 square miles. Population: 35,000 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914). Location: Peninsula, adjoined by San Francisco on the north. San Mateo's most important mineral products are stone, brick, and salt, the last-named being derived by evaporation from the waters of San Francisco Bay. The total value of all mineral production during 1916 equaled $135,408, as compared with the 1915 figures of $177,891. Small amounts of barytes, chromite, infusorial earth and quick- silver have been discovered in addition to the items of economic value •noted below. In forty-third place, commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount yaluo Brick 986 M. 593 tons $38,121 Clay (pottery) .. . .. 732 Gems -_ -- -. - -- - 85 Salt .- - 28,540 tons 70,807 Stone, miscellaneous 25,663 Total $135,408 STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 141 SANTA BARBARA. Area: 2,740 square miles. Population: 32,750 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914). Location: Southwestern portion of state, joining San Luis Obispo on the south. Santa Barbara County owes its position as seventh in the state in regard to its mineral output to the presence of productive oil fields within its boundaries. The total value of its mineral production dur- ing the year 1916 was $4,535,029, as compared with the 1915 output of $3,984,966. Santa Barbara, in company with the other oil counties, showed an increase in petroleum valuation for 1916. Aside from the mineral substances listed below, Santa Barbara County contains asphalt, diatomaceous earth, gilsonite, gypsum, mag- nesite, and quicksilver in more or less abundance. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amouut Value Mineral water 176,608 gals. •Natural gas 3,660,410 M. cu. f t. Petroleum I 4,502,206 bbls. Sandstone i 3,520 cu.ft. Stone, miscellaneous Other minerals* Total $110,200 724,746 3,574,752 1,017 12,395 111,919 $4,535,029 ♦Includes bituminous rock, brick, "granite," diatomaceous earth, limestone and quicksilver. SANTA CLARA. Area: 1,328 square miles. Population: 90,000 (estimate by board of supervisors, 1914). Location: West central portion of state. Santa Clara County reported a mineral output for 1916 of $851,948 as compared with the 1915 figures of $635,229. This county, lying largely in the Coast Range of mountains, contains a wide variety of mineral substances, including brick, chromite, clay, limestone, magne- site, manganese, mineral water, petroleum, quicksilver, soapstone, and miscellaneous stone. It stood second in quicksilver yield for the year. 142 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. In twenty-seventh place, commercial production for 1916 was as follows : Sutetance Amount Value Chromite 136 tons Brick , 13,100 M. Clay (pottery) 2,024 tons Magnesite 23,207 tons Mineral water 50,000 gals. Petroleum 16.368 bbls. Quicksilver 4,016 flasks Stone, miscellaneous Other minerals* $2,028 82,800 2,293 232,156 11,300 10,901 375,496 111,974 23,000 Total $851,948 *Includes limestone and manganese. SANTA CRUZ. Area: 435 square miles. Population: 30,140 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914). Location: Bordering Pacific Ocean, just south of San Mateo County. The mineral output of Santa Cruz County, a portion of which is itemized below, amounted to a total value of $1,679,111, giving the county a standing of fourteenth among all others in the state in this regard, being an increase from the previous year's total. Among the mineral resources known here are bituminous rock, cement, coal, graphite, gold, lime, limestone, petroleum, silver, and miscellaneous stone. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Lime Limestone Stone, miscellaneous Other minerals* 176,263 bbls. 4,318 tons $225,4^ 9.82 2,81 1,440,99 Total ! $1,679,11 ♦Includes bituminous rock, cement and marble. SHASTA. Area: 3,858 square miles. Population: 19,000 (estimate by County Clerk, 1914). Location: North central portion of state. Shasta County stands second in California among the mineral producing counties, with an output vahied at $13,639,508, as compared with the 1915 production, worth $8,350,133. Not taking petroleui STATISTICS OF ANNtTAL TRODUCTION. 143 into account, Shasta leads all tlio counties by a wide marfjin. This county is first in copper production, first in silver, first in pyrite, first in zinc, and seventh in gold. The Shasta copper belt contains the most important deposits of this metal yet developed on the Pacific coast, and the present production could be further increased were it not for the conflict between the agricultural interests and the smelters regard- ing the alleged damage done to crops by the smelter fumes. The situation is showing improvement. Shasta's mineral resources include: Asbestos, barytes, brick, chromite, coal, copper, gold, iron, lead, lime, limestone, mineral water, molyb- denum, pyrite, silver, miscellaneous stone, and zinc. Lassen Peak is located in southeastern Shasta County. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Valua Chroinite -_-___ -_ 12,425 tons 39,437,196 lbs. $181,225 Cojiiior _ - _ -- _ __ 9, 701, .5.50 Gold _ - - - .- 936,885 I^ead _ _ - - - 478,560 lbs. 33,021 T.iino find lliue.stono _ _ _ 57,303 Silver -- _ -- - - 1,11.5,471 Zinc - -- ____--_-_ 9,4&4,800 lbs. 1,270,963 Sfonp ini55oellaneons _ _ __ _ 800 Other minerals* _ ._ - _ _ 342,290 P Total - - $13,639,508 *IncluJes asbestos, brick, iron ore, manganese, mineral silica. water, platinum , pyrite and SIERRA. Area: 923 square miles. Population: 4,098 (1910 census). Location: Eastern border of state, just north of Nevada county. Sierra County reported a mineral production of $729,497, consisting ii'mainly of gold and silver, during the year 1916, as compared with the i 1915 output, worth $729,518. Considering gold output alone, this county stands tenth ; and as to total mineral yield, twenty-ninth. Aside from the metals itemized below. Sierra County contains I deposits of asbestos, chromite, iron, lead, platinum minerals, serpentine, and talc. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Gold - . - _ - - - $724,256 Silver - _ 3,291 Othoi" minerals _ ' r 1,9.50 Total _- $729,497 144 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA, SISKIYOU. Area: 6,256 square miles. Population: 25,000 (estimate by County Clerk, 1914). Location: Extreme north central portion of state, next Oregon boundary. Siskiyou, fifth county in California in regard to size, located in a highly mineralized and mountainous country, ranks thirtieth in regard to the value of its mineral output for 1916. Although the county is traversed by a transcontinental railroad in a north and south line, the mineral-bearing sections are almost without exception far from trans- portation and other facilities. A large part of the county is accessible by trail alone. Future development and exploitation will doubtless increase the productiveness of this part of the state to a great degree. Among Siskiyou's mineral resources are: Chromite, clay, coal, cop- per, gems, gold, lead, limestone, manganese, marble, mineral water, pumice, quicksilver, sandstone, silver, and miscellaneous stone. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Chromite .. 2,251 tons $28,731 441,307 Gold Mineral water .. .. _. -. -. .- ._ 502,650 gals. 50,530 2,312 Silver - Stone, miscellaneous . 45,407 Other minerals* 12,609 Total ... $580,896 •Includes copper, "granite" (basalt), lime, platinum and sandstone. SOLANO. Area: 822 square miles. Population: 31,000 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914). Location: Touching San Francisco Bay on the northeast. Solano, while mostly valley land, produced mineral substances during the year 1916 to the total value of $1,205,335, ranking twentieth among the counties of the state. Among her mineral resources are: Brick, cement, clay, fuller's earth, limestone, mineral water, natural gas, onyx, petroleum, quicksilver, salt, and miscellaneous stone. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Mineral water .._ 11,200 gals. Quicksilver 660 flasks Stone, miscellaneous Other minerals* $3,750 61,710 49,711 1,090,164 Total J $1,205,335 ♦Includes cement, natural gas and salt. STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 145 i SONOMA. Area: 1,577 square miles. Population: 48,394 (1910 census). Location: South of Mendocino County, bordering on the Pacific Ocean. Sonoma ranked thirty-second among the counties of California during the year 1916, with a mineral production of $472,048, as compared with its 1915 output worth $276,104. More paving blocks are turned out here tiian in any other section of the state. Among Sonoma's mineral resources are: Brick, chromite, clay, cop- per, graphite, infusorial earth, magnesite, manganese, marble, mineral paint, mineral water, quicksilver, and miscellaneous stone. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Chromite Magnesite Mineral water Quicksilver Stone, miscellaneous other minerals* Total 243 tons 11,653 tons 121,366 gals. 1,039 flasks $2,478 98,280 28,031 97,146 232,113 14,000 $472,048 ♦Includes "granite" (tuff), and STANISLAUS. Area: 1,450 square miles. Population: 30,000 (estimate by Board of Trade, 1914). Location: Center of state, bounded on .south by Merced County. Gold is the chief mineral product of Stanislaus County, although brick, clay, gypsum, iron, manganese, mineral paint, quicksilver, and silver are found here to some extent as well. This county, for 1916, ranks thirty-seventh in the state in regard to value of minerals, with an output of $253,022. In order not to reveal individual business, the gold, platinum, and silver yields of its single dredge are combined with the data of other minerals. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Manganese ' 160 tons Mineral paint Stone, miscellaneous Other minerals* Total $2,400 2,200 17,784 230,638 $253,022 ♦Includes chromite, brick, gold, platinum, quicksilver and silver. 10—31821 146 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CALIFORNIA, SUTTER. Area: 608 square miles. Population: 9,375 (estimate by County Clerk, 1914). Location: Bounded by Butte County on the north and Sacramento i on the south. Sutter is one of only two counties in the state which for a number of years reported no commercial output of some kind of mineral sub- stance. In 1916 some crushed rock was taken out, from the Marysville Buttes, as indicated below. Both clay and coal exist here, but deposits ; of neither mineral have been placed on a productive basis. Substance Amount Value Stone, miscellaneous $6,450 TEHAMA. Area: 2,893 square miles. Population: 14,575 (estimate by County Clerk, 1914). Location: North central portion of the state, bounded on the north by Shasta. Tehama stands fiftieth among the fifty-seven mineral-producing counties of the state. Its mineral output during 1916 was valued at $54,353, as compared with the 1915 production, worth $4,702. The advance is due mainly to chromite. Among its mineral resources are listed : Brick, chromite, copper, gold, manganese, marble, mineral water, salt, silver, and miscellaneous stone. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Chromite . 1,896 tons $39,702 11,076 Stone, miscellaneous .. Other minerals* . -. _ 3,575 Total .- $54,353 ♦Includes brick, granite, mineral water and natural gas. TRINITY. Area: 3,166 square miles. Population: 3,301 (1910 census). Location: Northwestern portion of state. Trinity, like Siskiyou County, requires transportation facilities to further the development of its many and varied mineral resources. STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION. 147 Deposits of asbestos, barytas, ehromite, copper, gold, mineral water, platinum, quicksilver, silver, and building stone are known here, but with the exception of gold and copper, very little active production of these mineral substances is possible, as yet. In twenty-eighth place, commercial output for 1916 was : Substance Amount Valuo Gold Platinum j 113 ounces Silver Stone, miscellaneous Other minerals* Total $435,493 5.161 7,591 1,000 397,316 $846,561 ♦Includes ehromite, copper, manganese, mineral water and quicksilver. TULARE. Area: 4,856 square miles. Population: 35,440 (1910 census). Location: Bounded by Inyo on the east, Kern on the south, Fresno on the north. Tulare stands twenty-sixth on the list of mineral-producing counties, [er mineral resources, among others, are : Brick, clay, copper, feldspar, papliite, gems, limestone, magnesite, marble, quartz, glass-sand, soap- )ne, miscellaneous stone, and zinc. Tulare leads the state in lagnesite output, and to this is due her advance in 1916. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Chromite Brick Hopper Magnesite Stone, miscellaneous Other minerals* 3,435 tons 6,330 M. 1,422 lbs. 87,606 tons $42,555 48,500 350 737,130 82,255 36,410 Total $947,200 ♦Includes feldspar, granite, limestone, marble and silica. TUOLUMNE. Area: 2,190 square miles. Population: 9,979 (1910 census). Location: East central portion of state — Mother Lode district. JTuolumne ranks twenty-fifth among the counties of the state relative its total value of mineral output. As a producer of marble its inding is first. 148 MINERAT, INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. Chroniite, clay, copper, ^old, lend, limestone, marble, mineral paint, platinnm, soapstone, silver, and miscellaneous stone, are among its mineral resources. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: Substance Amount Chroniite _-. _ _ 285 tons 1,797 lbs. Copper ._ . ._ Gold Load - _. . - . .. 878 1I)S. 3,i;J7 tons Limestone , ._ . . _._ Silver _._.__ _ . Stone, niiseellaneoiis _. _. Otlier minerals* ... -._ Total - Value i $4,556 442 8fi8,237 60];. 5,132 !' 17,039 |l 1,500 i 107,256 $1,004,262 ' ♦Includes dolomite, lime. and m.-iible. VENTURA. Area: 1,878 square miles. Population: 21,000 (estimate by Chamber of Commerce, 1914). Location: Southwestern portion of state, bordering on Pacific Ocean. Ventura is the twenty-first county in the state in respect to the value of its mineral production for 1916, the exact figure being $1,135,430, as compared with the output for 1915, worth $904,767. The highest gravity petroleum produced in the state is found here. Among its other mineral resources are: Asphalt, borax, brick, clay, mineral water, natural gas, sandstone, and miscellaneous stone. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows : Substance Amount V.alue Natural gas Petroleum Stone, miscellaneous Other minerals* Total 806,540 M. cu. ft. 943,499 bbls. j?i $133,867''*' 98.5,956 ■'' 14,20n 1,407 $1,135,4301 ♦Includes brick, clay and sandstone. I I STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PKODUCTION. 149 YOLO. Area: 1,014 square miles. Fopulation: 15,000 (estimate by County Clerk, 1914). Location: Sacramento Valley, bounded by Sutter on the east and Jolusa on the north. The mineral production from Yolo County during the year 1916 onsisted only of miscellaneous stone valued at $300, ranking it in fty-seventh place. Deposits of undetermined value of iron and sand- tone have been discovered within the confines of this county. Some uicksilver output has been made in the past, and may resume. Commercial production for 1916 was as follows: 1 Substance Amount Value Itone, miscellaneous _ .$300 1 YUBA. Area: 639 square miles. Population: 14,750 (estimate by County Clerk, 1914). Location: Lies west of Sierra and Nevada counties; south of Plumas. Yuba is eleventh of the fifty-seven mineral producing counties of the tate, and is third in regard to gold output. Quicksilver and iron leposits have been reported in this county, aside from the following ommercial production as reported for the year 1916 : Substance Amount Value 'opper -. -- -- - . 4,817 lbs. $i.ia5 fold 3,167,723 'latinum . - -. _ 314 ounces 14,301 ilver . _ _ - - _ _ -- _ 5,934 •tone, miscellaneous _ . - _ _ 42,685 ►ther minerals - - - _ _- __ 6,000 Total . _ . -- _ . $3,237,828 150 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. CHAPTER EIGHT. APPENDIX. MINING BUREAU ACT. Chapter 679. [Stats., 1913.] An act establishing a state mining bureau, creating the office of state mineralogist fixing his salary and prescribing his powers and duties; providing for tl" employment of officers and employees of said bureau, making It the duty persons in charge of mines, mming operations and quarries to make certall reports, providing for the Investigation of mining operations, dealings anl transactions and the prosecution for defrauding, sv*/indling and cheating therein, creating a state mining bureau fund for the purpose of carrying out the provisions , of this act and repealing an act entitled "An act to provide for the establishment, |* maintenance, and support of a bureau, to be known as the state mining bureau, \ and for the appointment and duties of a board of trustees, to be known as the board of trustees of the state mining bureau, who shall have the direction, man- agement and control of said state mining bureau, and to provide for the appoint- ment, duties, and compensation of a state mmeralogist, who shall perform the duties of his office under the control, direction and supervision of the board of j trustees of the state mining bureau," approved March 23, 1893, and all acts jl amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto or in conflict herewith. ' [Approved June 16, 1913. In effect August 10, 1913.] The people of the state of California do enact as follows: Section 1. There is hereby created and established a state mining bureau. The chief officer of such bureau shall be the state mineralogist, which office is hereby created. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the governor of the state of California and he is hereby empowered to appoint a citizen and i-esident of this state, having a practical and scientific knowledge of mining, to the office of state mineralogist. Said state mineralogist shall hold his office at the pleasure of the governor. He shall be a civil executive officer. He shall take and subscribe the same oath of office as other state officers. He shall receive for his services a salary of three hundred dollars ($300) per month, to be paid at the same time and in the same manner as the salaries of other state officers. He shall also receive his necessary traveling expenses when traveling on the business of his office. He shall give bond for the faithful performance of his duties in the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000), said bond to be approved by the governor of the state of California. Sec. 3. Said state mineralogist shall employ competent geologists, field assistants, qualified specialists and office employees when necessary in the execution of his plans and operations of the bureau, and fix their compensation. The said employees shall be allowed their necessary traveling expenses when traveling on the business of said department and shall hold office at the pleasure of said state mineralogist. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of said state mineralogist to make, facilitate, and encourage, special studies of the mineral resources and mineral industries of the state. It shall be his duty; to collect statistics concerning the occurrence and pro- duction of the economically important minerals and the methods pursued in making their valuable constituents available for commercial use ; to make a collection of typical geological and mineralogical specimens, especially those of economic and commercial importance, such collection constituting the museum of the state mining bureau ; to provide a library of books, reports, drawings, bearing upon the mineral industries, and sciences of mineralogy and geology, and arts of mining and metallurgy, such library constituting the library of the state mining bureau ; to make a collection of models, drawings and descriptions of the mechanical appliances used 1 APPENDIX. 151 [in mining and metallurgical processes ; to preserve and so maintain such collections and library as to make them available for reference and examination, and open to public inspection at reasonable hours ; to maintain, in effect, a bureau of information concerning the mineral industries of this state, to consist of such collections and library, and to arrango, classify, catalogue, and index the data therein contained, in a manner to make the information available to those desiring it ; to issue from time to time such bulletins as he may deem advisable concerning the statistics and tech- nology of the mineral industries of this state. Sec. 5. It is hereby made the duty of the owner, lessor, lessee, agent, manager or other person in charge of each and every mine, of whatever kind or character, within the state, to forward to the state mineralogist, upon his request, at his office not later than the thirtieth day of June, in each year, a detailed report upon forms which will be furnished showing the character of the mine, the number of men then employed, the method of working such mine and the general condition thereof, the total mineral production for the past year, and such owner, lessor, lessee, agent, manager or other person in charge of any mine within the state must furnish whatever information relative to such mine as the state mineralogist may from time to time require for the proper discharge of his official duties. Any owner, lessor, lessee, agent, manager or other person in charge of each and every mine, of whatever kind or character within the state, who fails to comply with the above provisions shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.* Sec. 6. The state mineralogist now performing the duties of the office of state mineralogist shall perform the duties of the office of state mineralogist as in this act provided until the appointment and qualification of his successor as in this act provided. Sec. 7. The said state mineralogist shall take possession, charge and control of the offices now occupied and used by the board of trustees and state mineralogist and the museum, library and laboratory of the mining bureau located in San Fran- cisco as provided for by a certain act of the legislature approved March 23, 1893, and hereafter referred to in section fourteen hereof, and shall maintain such offices, museum, library and laboratory for the purposes provided in this act. Sec. 8. Said state mineralogist or qualified assistant shall have full power and authority at any time to enter or examine any and all mines, quarries, tvells, mills, reduction works, refining works and other mineral properties or working plants in this state in order to gather data to comply with the provisions of this act. Sec. 9. The state mineralogist shall make a biennial report to the governor on or before the fifteenth day of September next preceding the regular session of the legislature. Sec 10. All moneys received by the state mining bureau or any officer thereof (except such as may be paid to them by the state for disbursement) shall be receipted for by the state mineralogist or other officer authorized by him to act in his place and at least once a month accounted for by him to the state controller and paid into the state treasury to the credit of a fund which is hereby created and designated "state mining bureau fund." All moneys now in the possession of the state mining bureau or any officer thereof received from any source whatsoever, shall be immediately paid over to the state mineralogist and by him accounted for to the controller and paid into the state treasury to the credit of said fund. Said fund shall be used and is hereby appropriated for the use of said bureau in carrying out the purposes of this act. Sec. 11. The said state mineralogist is hereby authorized and empowered to receive on behalf of this state, for the use and benefit of the state mining bureau, gifts, bequests, devices and legacies of real or other property and to use the same in accordance with the wishes of the donors, and if no instructions are given by said donors, to manage, use, and dispose of the gifts and bequests and legacies for the best interests of said state mining bureau and in such manner as he may deem proper. *Sec. 19 of the Penal Code of California provides: "Except in cases where a differ- ent punishment is prescribed by this code, every offense declared to he a misde- meanor is punishable by Imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding six months, or by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by both." 152 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CAt/lFORNIA. Sec. 12. The state mineralogist may, whenever he deems it advisable, prepai'e a special collection of ores and minerals of California to be sent to or used at any world's fair or exposition in order to display the mineral wealth of the state. Sec. 13. The state mineralogist is hereby empowered to fix a price upon and to dispose of to the public, at such price, any and all publications of the state mining bureau, including reports, bulletins, maps, registers or other publications, such price shall approximate the cost of publication and distribution. Any and all sums derived from such disposition, or from gifts or bequests made, as hereinbefore pro- vided must be accounted for by said state mineralogist and turned over to the state treasurer to be credited to the mining bureau fund as provided for in section ten. He is also empowered to furnish without cost to public libraries the publications of the bureau, and to exchange publications with other geological surveys and scientific societies, etc. Sec. 14. The state mineralogist provided for by this act shall be the successor in interest of the board of trustees of the state mining bureau, and the state mineralogist, under and by virtue of that certain act, entitled "An act to provide for the establishment, maintenance, and support of a bureau, to be known as the state mining bureau, and for the appointment and duties of a board of trustees, to be known as the board of trustees of the state mining bureau, who shall have the direction, management, and control of said state mining bureau, and to provide for the appointment, duties, and compensation of a state mineralogist, who shall perform the duties of his ofiice under the control, direction and supervision of the board of trustees of the state mining bureau," approved March 23, 1893, and all books, papers, documents, personal property, records, and property of every kind and description obtained or possessed, or held or controlled by the said board of trustees of the said state mining bureau, and the state mineralogist, and the clerks and employees thereof, under the provisions of said act of March 23, 1893, or any act supplemental thereto or amendatory thereof, shall immediately be turned over and delivered to the said state mineralogist herein provided for, who shall have charge and control thereof. Sec. 15. That certain act entitled "An act to provide for the establishment, maintenance, and support of a bureau, to be known as the state mining bureau, and for the appointment and duties of a board of trustees, to be known as the board of trustees of the state mining bureau, and to provide for the appointment, duties and compensation of a state mineralogist, who shall perform the duties of his office under the control, direction, and supervision of the board of trustees of the state mining bureau," approved March 23, 1893, together with all acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto and all acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. APPENDIX. 153 PUBLICATIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. Publications of this Bureau will be sent on receipt of the requisite amount. Only |8tamps, coin or monej' orders will be accepted in payment. Money orders should be made payable to the State Mining Bureau. Personal checks will not be accepted. REPORTS. Asterisk (*) Indicates the publication is out of print. I^Report I. Henry G. Hanks. 1880. ♦Report II. Henry G. Hanks. 1882. •Report III. Henry G. Hanks. 1S83. •Report IV. Henry G. Hanks. 1884. •Report V. Henry G. Hanks. 1885. .•Report VI. Part 1. Henry G. Hanks. 1886. •Report VI. Part 2. Wm. Irelan, Jr. 1886. ••Report VII. Wm. Irelan. Jr. 1887. •Report VIII. Wm. Irelan, Jr. 1888. •Report IX. Wm. Irelan. Jr. 1889. •Report X. Wm. Irelan, Jr. 1890. Price. Report XL Wm. Irelan, Jr. 1892. (First biennial) $1.00 •Report XII. J. J. Crawford. 1894. (Second biennial) •Report XIII. J. J. Crawford. 1896. (Third biennial) Chapters of State Mineralogist's Report, Biennial period, 1913-1914, Fletcher Hamilton: Mines and Mineral Resources of Imperial and San Diego Counties — P. J. H. Merrill 1914 ^ .35 Mines and Mineral Resources, Amador, Calaveras and Tuolumne Counties — W. B. Tucker. 1915 .50 Mines and Mineral Resources, Colusa, Glenn. Lake, Marin, Napa, Solano, Sonoma and Yolo Counties — Walter W. Bradley. 1915 .50 Mines and Mineral Resources, Del Norte, Humboldt and Mendocino Counties — F. L. Lowell. 1915 .26 Mines and Mineral Resources, Fresno, Kern. Kings. Madera, Mariposa, Merced, San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties — Walter W. Bradley, G. C. Brown, F. L. Lowell and R. P. McLaughlin. 1915 .50 Mines and Mineral Resources, Shasta, Siskiyou and Trinity Counties — G. C. Brown. 1915 .50 Report XIV. Fletcher Hamilton, 1915. Biennial period, 1913-1914. (The above coimty chapters combined in a single volume) 2.00 Cliapters of State Mineralogist's Report, Biennial Period, 1915-1916, Fletcher Hamilton : Mines and Mineral Resources, Alpine, Inyo and Mono Counties, with geological map — Arthur S. Eakle, Emile Huguenin, R. P. McLaughlin, Clarence A. Waring. 1917 1.25 Mines and Mineral Resources, Butte, Lassen, Modoc, Sutter and Tehama Counties — W. Burling Tucker, Clarence A. Waring. 1917 .50 Mines and Mineral Resources, El Dorado, Placer. Sacramento and Yuba Counties — W. Burling Tucker, Clarence A. Waring. 1917 .65 Mines and Mineral Resources, Los Angeles, Orange and Riverside Counties — Frederick J. H. Merrill. 1917 .50 Mines and Mineral Resources, Monterey, San Benito, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties — Walter W. Bradley, Emile Huguenin, C. A. Logan, Clarence A. Waring. 1917 .65 Mines and Mineral Resources, San Bernardino and Tulare Counties — H. C. Cloudman, Emile Huguenin, F. J. H. Merrill, W. Burling Tucker. 1917 .65 BULLETINS. *Bulletin 1. Dessicated Human Remains. — Winslow Anderson. 188S •Bulletin 2. Methods of Mine Timbering. — W. H. Storms. 1894 •Bulletin 3. Gas and Petroleum Yielding Formations of the Central Valley of California. — W. L. Watts. 1894 •Bulletin 4. Catalogue of California Fossils (Parts 2, 3, 4 and 5). — J. G. Cooper. 1894 •Bulletin 5. The Cyanide Process: Its Practical Application and Economical Results. — A. Scheidel. 1894 Bulletin fi. California Gold Mill Practices. — E. B. Preston. 1895 -- $0.50 •Bulletin 7. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, 1894. — Chas. G. Yale. (Tabulated sheet) •Bulletin 8. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, 1895. — Chas. G. Yale. (Tabulated sheet) •Bulletin 9. Mine Drainage, Pumps, etc. — Hans C. Behr. 1896 ♦Bulletin 10. A Bibliography Relating to the Geology, Palaeontology, and Mineral Resources of California. — A. W. Vogdes. 1896_ 154 MINERAIj industry of CALIFORNIA. PUBLICATIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU— Continued. Asterisk (*) indicates the publication is out of print. Price. •Bulletin 11. Oil and Gas Yielding Formations of Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. — W. L. Watts. 1896 ♦Bulletin 12. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, 1896. — Chas. G. Yale. (Tabulated sheet) •Bulletin 13. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, 1897. — Chas. G. Yale. (Tabulated sheet) •Bulletin 14. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, 1898. — Chas. G. Yale. (Tabulated sheet) Bulletin 15. Map of Oil City Oil Fields, Fresno County. — J. H. Means •Bulletin 16. The Genesis of Petroleum and Asphaltum in California. — A. S. Cooper. 1899 •Bulletin 17. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, 1899. — Chas. G. Yale. (Tabulated sheet) •Bulletin 18. The Mother Lode Region of California. — W. H. Storms, 1900 •Bulletin 19. Oil and Gas Yielding Formations of California. — W. L. Watts. 1900 •Bulletin 20. Synopsis of General Report of State Mining Bureau. — W, L. Watts. 1900 •Bulletin 21. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, 1900. — Chas. G. Yale. (Tabulated sheet) •Bulletin 22. Mineral Production of California for Fourteen Years. — Chas. G. Yale. 1900. (Tabulated sheet) Bulletin. Reconnaissance of the Colorado Desert Mining District. — Stephen Bowers. 1901 Bulletin 23. The Copper Resources of California. — P. C. DuBois, F. M. Ander- son, J. H. Tibbits, and G. A. Tweedv. 1902 $0.30 •Bulletin 24. The Saline Deposits of California. — G. E. Bailey. 1902 •Bulletin 25. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, 1901. — Chas. G. Yale. (Tabulated sheet) •Bulletin 26. Mineral Production of California for Fifteen Years. — Chas. G. Yale. 1901. (Tabulated sheet) •Bulletin 27. The Quicksilver Resources of California. — Wm. P^orstner. 1903 •Bulletin 28. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, 1902. — Chas. G. Yale. (Tabulated sheet) •Bulletin 29. Mineral Production of California for Sixteen Years. — Chas. G. Yale. 1902. (Tabulated sheet) ♦Bulletin 30. A Bibliography of Geology, Palaeontology, and Mineral Resources of California. — A. W. Vogdes. 1903 _. •Bulletin 31. Chemical Analyses of California Petroleum. — H. N. Cooper. 1903. (Tabulated sheet) _. Bulletin 32. Production and Use of Petroleum in California. — P. W. Prutzman. 1904 .25J •Bulletin 33. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, 1903. — Chas. G. Yale. (Tabulated sheet) _ •Bulletin 34. Mineral Production of California for Seventeen Years. — Chas. G. Yale. 1903. (Tabulated sheet) — •Bulletin 35. Mines and Minerals of California for 1903. — Chas. G.' Tale. 1904. (Statistical) _. •Bulletin 36. Gold Dredging in California. — J. E!. Doolittle. 1905 _. Bulletin 37. Gems, Jewelers* Materials, and Ornamental Stones of California. — George F. Kunz. 1905 : First edition (without colored plates) .25] •Second edition (with colored plates) _. •Bulletin 38. The Structural and Industrial Materials of California. — Wm. Forstner, T. C. Hopkins. C. Naramore, L. H. Eddy. 1906__ _. •Bulletin 39. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, 1904. — Chas. G. Yale. (Tabulated sheet) _ •Bulletin 40. Mineral Production of California for Eighteen Years. — Chas. G. Yale. 1904. (Tabulated sheet) _. •Bulletin 41. Mines and Minerals of California, for 1904 — Chas. G. Yale (Statistical) _. •Bulletin 42. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, 1905. — Chas. G. Yale. (Tabulated sheet) _ •Bulletin 43. Mineral Production of California for Nineteen Years. — Chas. G. Yale. 1905. (Tabulated sheet) _. •Bulletin 44. Mines and Minerals of California, for 1905. — Chas. G. Yale. (Statistical) _. •Bulletin 45. Auriferous Black Sands of California. — J. A. Edman. 1907 _. Bulletin 46. General Index to Publications of the State Mining Bureau. — Com- piled by Chas. G. Yale. 1907 .3(1 •Bulletin 47. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, 1906. — Chas. G. Yale. (Tabulated sheet) _ •Bulletin 48. Mineral Production of California for Twenty Years. — Chas. G. Yale. 1906. (Tabulated sheet) _. •Bulletin 49. Mines and Minerals of California, for 1906. — Chas. G. Yale. (Statistical) _. Bulletin 50. The Copper Resources of California. — A. Hausmann, J. Krutt- schnitt, Jr., W. E. Thome. J. A. Edman. 1908 l.OOi •Bulletin 51. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, 1907. — D. H. Walker, Statistician. (Tabulated sheet) _. •Bulletin 52. Mineral Production of California for Twenty-one Years. — D. H. Walker, Statistician. 1907. (Tabulated sheet) _. APPENDIX. 155 PUBLICATIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU— Continued. Asterisk (•) indicates the publication is out of print. Price. ♦Bulletin 53. Mineral Production of California for 1907, with County Maps — D. H. Walker, Statistician. 1908. (Statistical) •Bulletin 54. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, 1908. — D. H. Walker, Statistician. (Tabulated sheet) •Bulletin 55. Mineral Production of California for Twenty-two Years. — D. H. Walker, Statistician. 1908. (Tabulated sheet) •Bulletin 56. Mineral Production for 1908, County Maps, and Mining Laws of California. — D. H. Walker. 1909. (Statistical) •Bulletin 57. Gold Dredging in California. — W. B. Winston, Charles Janin. 1910 •Bulletin 58. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, 1909. — D. H. Walker, Statistician. (Tabulated sheet) •Bulletin 59. Mineral Production of California for Twenty-three Years. — D. H. Walker, Statistician. 1909. (Tabulated sheet) •Bulletin 60. Mineral Production for 1909, County Maps, and Mining Laws of California. — D.H.Walker. 1910. (Statistical) •Bulletin 61. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, for 1910. — D. H. Walker, Statistician. (Tabulated sheet) •Bulletin 62. Mineral Production of California for Twenty-four Years. — D. H. Walker, Statistician. 1910. (Tabulated sheet) Bulletin 63. Petroleum in Southern California. — P. W. Prutzman. 1912 |0.75 Bulletin 64. Mineral Production for 1911. — B. S. Boalich, Statistician, 1912 Bulletin 65. Mineral Production for 1912. — E. S. Boalich, Statistician, 1913 •Bulletin 66. Mining Laws, United States and California, 1914 Bulletin 67. Minerals of California. — A. S. Eakle. 1914 Bulletin 68. Mineral Production for 1913. — E. S. Boalich. 1914 Bulletin 69. Petroleum Industry of California, with Folio of Maps (18x22 in.) — R. P. McLaughlin and C. A. Waring, 1914 2.00 •Bulletin 70. Mineral Production for 1914. with Mining Law Appendi.x. 1915 •Bulletin 71. California Mineral Production for 1915, with Mining Law Appen- dix and Maps. — Walter W. Bradley, 1916 Bulletin 72. Geologic Formations of California. — James Perrin Smitli. 1917. (For Map, see below) .25 Bulletin 73. Report of Operations of Department of Petroleum and Gas for 1915-1916.— R. P. McLaughlin. 1917 Bulletin 74. California Mineral Production for 1916, with County Maps. — Walter W. Bradley. 1917 , Registers of Mines with Maps. Amador County $.25 Butte County .25 •Calaveras County •El Dorado County •Inyo County •Kern County Lake County .25 Mariposa County .25 •Nevada County " •Placer County •Plumas County •San Bernardino County •San Diego County Santa Barbara County .25 •Shasta County •Sierra County •Siskiyou County •Trinity County •Tuolumne County Yuba County .25 Register of Oil Wells (with map), Los Angeles City .35 OTHER MAPS. •California, Sliowing Mineral Deposits (50.x60 in.) Forest Reserves in California — Mounted .50 Unmounted .30 •Mineral and Relief Map of California El Dorado County, Showing Boundaries of National Forests .20 Madera County, Showing Boundaries of National Forests .20 Placer County, Showing BounOaries of National Forests .20 Shasta County, Showing Boundaries of National Forests .20 Sierra County, Showing Boundaries of National Forests .20 Siskiyou County, Showing Boundaries of National Forests .2Q Trinity County, Showing Boundaries of National Forests .45 Tuolumne County, Showing Boundaries of National Forests .20 •Mother Lode Region Desert Region of Southern California .10 Minaret District, Madera County .20 Copper Deposits in California .05 Calaveras County .25 Plumas County .25 Tuolumne County .25 Geological Map of California (mounted) — 50x60 inches 2.50 15G MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA. DETERMINATION OF MINERAL SAMPLES. Samples (limited to three at one time) of any mineral found in the state may be sent to the Bureau for identification, and the same will be classified free of charge. No samples will be determined if received from points outside the state. It must be understood that no assays, or quantitative determinations will be made. Samples should be in lump form if possible, and marked plainly with name of sender on out- side of package, etc. No samples will be received unless delivery charges are prepaid. A letter should accompany sample, giving locality where mineral was found and the nature of the information desired. Area of California, 153,650 sq. miles " 10 other States, 153.130 sq. miles Outline map of California, showing rclntive areas of ten other states. i APPENDIX. 157 Tlic fdllowin.^ county maps sliow all lowiis, posi odiccs, railroads, .stayo lines. juhI the highways. They are especially valuable to all who wish to leave the railroad and penetrate to the interior of the mining districts of the state. These maps must not be reproduced without obtaining permission from the Mining Bureau. RELIEF MAP OF CALIFORNi;^ Issued by the CALIfORNIA STATE MINING BUREAl FLETCHER HAMILTON Statei Mineralogist ^V % \-'^ r^ ^ > n. OQ ^■^': h O • y ; z \ '■- z z f\ Qi 2 H (- < J ii I 2^ 158 STATE OF OREGON f?oop < Q < > z h < (0 SIERRA STATE Mining Bureau -1916 15'J o I * a . X JC 04. j ^ ^ : 2 1 -■■"■" -p !»$\ j.- ?^ $ 1? N3SSV-I ^:? 0% I s u .' t- ,- q: ! Z I -1 ! llJ 1 Q^ 160 ■•^.r^i^v- ^. •^, : '^'^ _ 162 'I I 163 H - ® ■" -if- ,.0 O^ 164 te^' 168 I < LiJ ct D (Q O Z u I- to 169 170 171 172 <^ '■>fe.^ j^"^ ^^-V »/ ^^ '■V ^>' -^: V.^ =5*-, '-' ?'"^' /' |y . -^^ j'^" ssw i< -*>.>.,, /r''^%\ ^ "" '-it. \^ \, / y^3^* ,) M, -^*- -r^^^.. >i "/ y^ ^\^^ .^ ^^ ^-^^^ ^^^^ YXJf^\^'^ ^^^^. >^r / ) y^^>-( /i'^hJ\ I \/N ^^-4 /''*"*' tj J f \ -4=^-.^ / ^-%-: ^O '^ ^"\l^^ / /V'^^^^X \ ^/. A h^ A (fX] ^\ •5i .^ \ ' r~-^ J ^T». r"^* />1 I A \^ ''^-^ -,, Jr\ \ ^jr\) \ e % \\-- // \-v^ -^\ ■?> ^V\ ji i^'l/.^^¥5^ '■■v / Xi--- M^/^-lk - ^p>/| i l/ ^•'' n. ^ *^ri-'V-' ^«::vA C^'^=-\ S"^'4P°"" Mfx5'> \ m'T /^ j ^.-A^-O/^.^ ^-^^^^LA^^ ^x^^ -• i "'^"^/^"^^'!^^1.^ \ \ '><>, ^ \ 1 /v ^^ "i^>. • O ; ^•. \ 173 174 Il 175 176 INDEX. Page Alameda County 117 Map of 166 Alpine County 118 Map of 165 Aluminum 27 Amador County 118 Map of 165 Analyses of brick clays 57 of lithia minerals 100 Antimony 27 Total production 28 Appendix 150-176 Asbestos 86-89 Total production 89 Uses and characteristics 87—88 Asphalt 56 Barytes 89 Total production 89 Beach stones (gems) 95 Benitoite 95 Beryl 95 Bismuth 28 Bituminous rock 56 Total production 57 Bloodstone 95 Borax 109-110 Production, 1887-1916 110 Brick 57-59 Chemical analysis of common brick clays 57 Production of various kinds 58 Total production. 1893-1916 59 Building stone. (See Granite, Marble, Sandstone, etc.) Bulletins, list of 153-155 Butte County 119 Map of 161 Calaveras County 119 Map of 165 California, map of, showing relative areas of ten other states 156 California, relief map of 157 Capital National Bank Building, Sac- ramento 91 Cement 59-60 Total production 60 Chart of lead prices 35 Silver prices 48 Tungsten prices 52 Zinc prices 54 Chromite 61-63 Total production 63 Clay — pottery 90-92 Production 1887-1916 92 Products 90, 92 Clays, analyses of 57 Coal 13 Colusa County 120 Map of 162 Concrete, rock for 82 Contra Costa County 120 Map of 164 Copper 29-30 Production 1887-1916 30 Counties, mineral production of 12, 116-149 Crushed rock 82 Curbing 65 Del Norte County 121 Map of 158 Determination of mineral samples 156 Diamonds 95 Diatomaceous earth 98 Dolomite 92-93 El Dorado County 122 Map of 163 Feldspar 93-94 Total production 94 Ferro-Chrome by electric furnace 34, 62 Ferro-manganese by electric furnace. 34, 38 12—31821 Page Fire-clay 90 IHuorspar 95 Fresno County 122 Map of 168 Fuels 13-25 Fuller's earth 94 Total production 94 Furnaces for calcining magnesite 67, 68 Gas. (See Natural Gas.) Gems 95-96 Total production 96 Glass sand 105 Glenn County 123 Map of 162 Gold 30-33 Percentage yield of, by lodes and placers 31 Total production 33 Granite ^'*~S° Production, 1887-1916 66 Graphite 96 Gravel 81 Grinding mill pebbles i9-Sl Gypsum 97-98 Total production 98 Humboldt County 123 Map of 160 Hyacinth 95 Hydrocarbons 13— 2 o Imperial County 124 Map of 1'6 Industrial materials 85—108 Infusorial earth 98 Total Production 99 Invo County 125 Map of 170 Iridium 34, 40 Iron ore 34 Total production 34 Jewelers' materials. (See Gems.) Kern County 126 Map of 171 Kings County 126 Map of 169 Kunzite 95 Lake County 127 Map of 162 Lassen County 127 Map of 159 Lassen Peak _143 Lead 35-36 Production, 1887-1916 36 Lime 66 Limestone 99 Total value lime and limestone, 1887-1916 100 Lithia 100-101 Minerals, analyses of 100 Los .Anseles County 128 Map of 174 Macadam 82 Madera County 128 Map of 167 Magnesite 66-74 Formulas for cement of 72 Furnaces for calcining — 67—68 Mines operating. 1916 68-70 Producing districts 68-70 Production by counties 73 Production, 1887-1916 74 Uses of 70-73 Values of 73 Magnesium chloride 110 Manganese 37-39 Prices of 37 Total production 39 Maps, list of, of various counties 155 Marble 74-75 Production, 1887-1916 75 178 INDEX. Page Marin County 129 Map of 164 Mariposa County 129 Map of 167 Mendocino County 130 Map of 162 Merced County 130 Map of 167 Metals 26-54 Mica 101 Mineral industry, review of 9 Output, 1916 (tabulation) 11 Output by counties 12, 116-149 Output, comparative value, 1915- 1916 11 Paint 101-102 Mineral Samples, determination of 156 Water 103 Production, 1887-1916 103 Mining Bureau Act 150-152 Miscellaneous stone 78-84 Modoc County 131 Map of 159 Molybdenum 39 Mono County 131 Map of 170 Monterey County 132 Map of 172 Monumental stone 65 Moulding sand 81 Museum of State Mining Bureau Frontispiece Napa County 132 Map of 164 Natural Gas 14-17 Gasoline from 16 Production, 1888-1916 15 Nevada County 133 Map of 163 New Idria Quicksilver Mine 44, 45 Nickel 40 Nitrates 111 Oil. (See Petroleum.) Onyx 75 (grange County 133 Map of 171 Osmium 40 Palladium 40 Paving blocks 78-79 Pebbles for grinding mills 79-81 Petroleum 17-25 Average price by county, 1914-1916 19 Dividends from 23 Financial tables 22-24 Operating costs by fields 24 Prices by fields 24 Production, 1875-1916 19 Production and value by counties 19 Production by fields 20 Production of light and heavy grav- ities 21 Statistics of well operations 20, 21, 24 Phosphates 103 Placer County 134 Map of 163 Platinum 40-42 Prom blister copper 40, 41 Production, 1887-1916 42 Plumas County 135 Map of 161 Porcelain 90, 92 Potash 111-113 Pottery clays 90-92 Proved oil land 25 Publications of State Mining Bureau 153-155 Pumice 104 Pyrite 104-105 Total production 105 Quartz 105 Page Quicksilver 42-47 Concentration of 45 Duty on 44 Prices 42-43 Production by counties 46 Total production 47 Uses of 44 Rhodonite 95 Riprap 82 Riverside County 135 Map of 176 Rubble 82 Sacramento County 136 Map of 165 Salines 109-115 Salt 113-114 Production, 1887-1916 114 Samples, determination of 156 San Benito County 137 Map of 172 San Bernardino County 137 Map of 175 San Diego County 138 Map of 176 San Francisco County 139 Map of 164,166 San Joaquin County 139 Map of 165 San Luis Obispo County 139 Map of 173 San Mateo County 140 Map of 166 Sand, glass 105 Sand and gravel 81 Sand — lime brick 58 Sandstone 75-76 Production, 1887-1916 76 Santa Barbara County 141 Map of 173 Santa Clara County 141 Map of 166 Santa Cruz County 142 Map of 166 Serpentine 76 Shasta County 142 Map of 160 Sierra County 143 Map of 161 Silica 105-106 Silver 47-50 Percentage yield of, by classes of oi'GS — — — 49 Production, 1887-1916 II-- 50 Siskiyou County 144 Map of > 158 gjg^jg YY Production, 1889-1916 77 Soapstone 106-107 Total production 107 Soda 114-115 Total production of 115 Solano County 144 Map of 164 Sonoma County 145 Map of 164 Spelter. (See Zinc.) Stanislaus County 145 Map of 167 State Highway Bridge at Dunsmuir 60 State Mineralogist's Reports, list of 153 Mining Bureau publications, list of 153-155 Stone, miscellaneous 78—84 Production by counties 84 Production by years 84 Stoneware 90, 92 Strontium 107-108 Structural materials 55-84 Sulphur 108 INDEX. 179 Page Sutter County 146 Map of 163 Talc 106-107 Tehama County 146 Map of 160 Terra cotta 90, 92 Tile 57-59, 92 Tin 50 Topaz 95 Tourmaline 95 Travertine 75 Trinity County 146 Map of 160 Tube mill pebbles 79-81 Tulare County 147 Map of 169 Page Tungsten 51-53 Total production 53 Tuolumne County 147 Map of 165 Vanadium 53 Ventura County 148 Map of 174 Volcanic ash 104 Witherite 89 Yolo County 149 Map of 164 Yuba County 149 Map of 163 Zinc 54 Total production 54 1 I 1 -/ THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. 181^92 Calif. Dept. of natural resources. Div, of mines Bulletin, Call Numbec: sciefiCES ..,w\iCi UtllVfttSltV OF CALIFOamA UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS 3 1175 02235 5344