Cu^'-'' THE INFLUENCE OF SENECA ON ELIZABETHAN TRAGEDY AN ESSAY BY JOHN W. CUNLIFFE, D.Lit., M.A., Late Berkeley Fellow of the Owens College, Manchester, 1 > ; > '. ! ' 5 » ' ^ MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NEW YORK 1893 ANASTATIC REPRINT 1907. G.E. STE CHERT & eg., NEW YORK. H PREFACE. ^^ U /J This investigation was suggested to me while attending Dr. AVard's English Literature Lectures at the Owens College in the Session 1885-6; and after going through the degree courses on which I was then engaged, I gave the suhject such attention as was at my command. It would prohahly have heen a long time before I arrived at results worthy, even in my own oi^inion, of publication, but for my appointment to a Bishop Berkeley Fellowship at the College, which has enabled me to give undivided attention to the inquiry for the last two years. I have to thank Dr. Ward for help and encouragement in addition to the original suggestion of the subject of investigation ; indeed, I should have liked to dedicate this little work to him as its " only begetter," but that I hesitate to connect his name with faults which are all my owu. I am also under obligations to Dr. Willdns, to Mr. Elton, Lecturer in English Literature, and to other members of the staff of the Owens College for their kiudly interest in my work and ready response to any appeal on questions of scholarship in connection with a subject which has points of contact with many branches of ancient and modern literature. In giving the results of the investigation, I have endeavoured to keep as closely as possible to the main lines of an inquiry which offers unusual temptations to 258628 IV. digression. I may, however, be permitted to state here, very shortly, my opinion on some of the points I have decHned to discuss in the essay. The identity of the Rutlior of the tragedies with Seneca the philoso})her seems to me sufficiently estahhshed ; but the Octavia and the Hercules Oelacm are clearly not his, and there is something to be said against the Thebais and the Agamemnon. As to the Shakspercan controversies referred to, I accept Miss Jane Lee's theory as to the authorship of Parts II and III of Henry VI, and it seems to me not unlikely that in Richard II L Shakspere made use of a previous play. The arguments lately brought forward by Idi'. Sarrazin in Anglia, coupled with the recently dis- covered fact that Kyd's father was a scrivener, convince me that Kyd is the tragedian attacked by Nash in the Preface to Greene's Mcn/qihon, and therefore the author of the old Hamlet upon which Shakspere founded his immortal tragedy. Having given considerable attention to this famous controversy, I was tempted to add another appen- dix dealing with Nash's allusions and the developement of the Hamlet tragedy, but in the end I deemed it wiser not to wander so far from the path on which I had set out. It remains to be added that the essay was submitted to the examiners for the Doctorate of Literature in the University of London, and accepted by them as a sufficient qualification for the degree. JOHN W. CUNLIFPE. January, 1893. THE INFLUENCE OF SENECA ON ELIZABETHAN^ TRAGEDY. The influence of Seneca (or, to speak more correctly, of the tragedies ascribed to bini) upon the Elizabethan drama is so plainly marked that no competent historian of our literature could fail to notice it. The translations of Seneca and their connection with the beginnings of the regular drama in England have been referred to by Warton, by Collier, and by Dr. Ward ; and Mr. J. A. Symonds has an admirable review of the whole subject.^ Indeed, the obligations of our early dramatists to Seneca did not escape the attention of contemporary critics. Writing "to the Gentlemen Students of both Universi- ties" in the preface to Greene's Menaphon (pub. 1589), Thomas Nash inveighs in his usual lively style against ^^"'"^^ ■^'««''- *' the seruile imitation of vain-glorious tragoedians who (mounted on the stage of arrogance) think to out- braue better pens with the swelling bumbast of a bragging blanke verse." After a violent outburst of contemptuous 1 I have used the term "Elizabethan" in its broad literary meaning rather than in the strict historical sense. It seems to me more ex- pressive, as well as more convenient, than the cumbrous " Elizabetho- Jacobaean," or even the less objectionable term, "pre-Restoration." The drama was one in spirit throughout the three reigns, and exhibits only continuous stages of developement from the first plays of Lyly and Marlowe to the last plays of Shirley. 2 Shakspere's Predecessors in the English Drama, Chapter VI. ' c ' • ' ' ' r' • 2 The Influence of Seneca indignation, be threatens " to leaiie these to the mercie of their mother tonf]jne, that feed on nought hut the crummes that fal from the translators trencher;" hut he soon resolves to " turne back to his first text ; and talke a little in friendship with a few of our triuiall translators." "It is," he says, "a common practise now a dales amongst a sort of shifting companions, that ranne through euery arte and thriue by none, to leaue the trade of Noxierint whereto they were borne, and busie thcmsekies with the indeuors of Art, that could scarcelie latinize their uecke- verse if they should hauc neede ; yet English Seneca read by candle light yeeldes manie good sentences, as Bloid is a begger, and so foortli : and if you intreate him fairc in a frostie morning, he v/ill affoord you whole Hamkt:^, I should say handfulls of tragical speaches. But 6 griefe ! tenipiis edax reriim, what's that will last alwaies ? The sea .exhfdedby droppes willin continuance be drie, and Seneca I let blood line by line and page by page, at kngth must Vneedes die to our stage " The whole passage is one of great interest as a contemporary criticism of the dramatic models of the time, but it is too long for full quotation . /I must content myself with drawing attention to the reference to the translation of Seneca, which is also mentioned by Ascham in The Scholemaster (1570), by Arthur Hall in the preface to his Homer (1581), by William Webbe in his Discourse of English Poetric (1586), '\and by Francis Meres in Falladis Tamia (1598). This ti'anslation, which held a high place in the esteem of contemporary critics, and, according to Nash, was laid under heavy contribution by the dramatists, merits care- on ^lizahethan Tragedij. 3 ful examination, becanse of its close and important connection with the subject of this essay. X The translation of ft en ecn/s ' ' Tenn e Tva gedies ' ' ^^' }f'',l'ff^'' appeared as a whole in 1581^ but all the pla3^s composing the volume had been previously published, with the exception of the fragmentary Thehais. The Troas_ had been printed in 1559, the Thiit\;5.f/riS ItaUau and French hteratiire. GascoisQe's Jocasta o (1565) is an adaptation of the Pkoenissae of Euripides, cast into the form of Seneca, and taken from Ludovico Dolce, the Itahan translator of Seneca, Kyd, the author of The Spanish Tragedy, translated Garnier's Cornelia, a close copy of Seneca's style (pub. 1594) ; and Garnier's Antonius was done into English by the Countess of Pembroke in 1590 and printed in 1592. But \yq need not' seek for the influence of Seneca on the English drama through these indirect channels. The direc t influence w«s of much greater extent and importance. Seneca was held in no less esteem in Endand than on O the Continent. Without going back to Chaucer^ and Lydgate, it is worthy of note that in the early days of the English Renascence, in Skelton's Garlaiuh of \ Laurell (1523), "Senek full soberly with his tragedies" i is given a place among the most famous classical writers; and there is an interesting reference to the Octavia in More's Utopia (1516). Ascham indeed in The Schole- ^^o^^m- master says : '' Sophocles and Euripides far ouermatch our Smeca in Lutin, namely in okovofXia et Decoro, although Senacaes elocution and verse be verie commend- i See R. Peiper Chaucer und seine Vorhilder im Alterthum in Jahrhb. fiir Class. Fhilologie (18G8) p. 65. Even before Chaucer's time, Nicholas Trevet or Trivet, an English Dominican friar, shared with Alberto Mussato the honour of revivina the study of Seneca. A specimen of his annotations on the tragedies is given in the preface to the edition of his Annales published by the English Historical Society, and the complete manuscript is in the British Museum. We might go further back still and establish a connection between Seneca and the Au^lo-Saxon, Aldhelm. 10 The Influence of Seiieca able for his tyme ; " but the way in which he speaks of '' our Seneca" seems to imply that the Roman dramatist was far more familiar to his readers. Ascham, unlike most of his contemporaries, was " averie good Grecian " — a debt he owed to the teaching of Sir John Cheke, whose dictum he quotes with approval that a good student should '' dwell " in Cicero only of the'Latin writers ; the rest he should " passe and iorney through." Ascham himself boldly asserts the superiority of Greek authors to those of all other nations, ancient or modern. "Cicero onelie excepted, and one or two moe in Latin, they be -all patched cloutes and ragges, in comparison of faire wouen broade cloathes. And trewelie, if there be any good in them, it is either lerned, borowed, or stolne, from some one of those worthie wittes of Athens." But it would be a mistake to suppose that this was au opinion generally held ; we shall get much nearer to the ordinary standard of scholarship and the popular view of classical literature webhe. in William Webbe, a Cambridge graduate and literary critic, connected with our early drama by an introductory letter he supplied to the revised edition of Tancred arid Gismund (1592). In his Discourse of English Poetrie (1586), Webbe confesses that the poets he is best acquain- ted with are " not all nor the moste part of the auncient Grecians, of whom I know not how many there were, but these of the Latinists, which are of the greatest fame and most obuious among vs." He thinks Virgil at least equal to Homer, and asks of the Roman poets generally in Virgil's time, "Wherein were they not comparable with the Greekes ?' In his review of the Latin poets he on EUzahcthan Tragsdy. 11 makes mention of Seneca, " a most excellent wryter of Tragedies ;" and in his list of translators he has a graceful reference to '' the laudable Authors of Seneca m English." Even Ascham, in another passage of The Scholemaster, gives Seneca a place alongside of Euripides and Sophocles as models of tragedy — an example followed by Puttenham in hkArte of English Poesic (1589). To Sidney, to Meres, and // to Shakspere^ himself, Seneca was the model of classical | tragedy; and it was "the famous Corduban" that the/ ambitious tragedians of Hall's Satires (1597) strove to' excel. There is every indication that the kno^Nledo'e ol Greek Tragedy little known. Greek tragedy was confined to a very small circle ; trans- lations from the Greek dramatists were unknown in this century, Gascoigne's Jocasta being, as has already been remarked, an Italian adaptation. The §rst genuine transla- tion of a Greek play was apparently the Electra of Christo- pher Wase, printed at the Hague in 1649 ; and it was not until more than a century later that there appeared the first complete translation of a Greek tragic poet—Erancklin's Sophocles (1759). All the evidence is in favour of- Dr. Campbell's statement that "English students of the drama contented themselves with Seneca."^ The trans- lation of 1581 was ready to hand, and in 1623-4 Thomas Farnabie published an edition of the original with notes,^ which must have been exceedingly useful. Seneca was a \CP c^ 1 Sidney praises Gorhoduc as " clyming to the height of Seneca his style," Shakspere is compared by Meres to Seneca, and Polonius says of the players in Hamlet^ " Seneca cannot bo too heavy, nor Plautus too light" for them. 2 A Guide to Greek Tragedy, p. 309. 3 Of this issue twenty editions were published. Munro. 1'2 The Influence oj Seneca ^"Mh^or"^ "i f^'^'o^i'it^ school author, and Professor T. S. Baynes has come to the conckision that Shakspere read the tragedies at Stratford Grammar School.^ The afternoon lessons of tlie boys at Rotherham School in Shaksperc's time were *' two days in Horace, and two days in Seneca's Tragedies; both which they translated into English." Hoole, one of the masters at Rotherham School, setting forth a model curriculum iu his New Discovery, published in 1659, but ^vritten 23 years before, and well-known previous to publication, says, "As for Lucan, Seneca's Tragedies, Martiall, and the rest of the finest Latin poets, you may do well to give them a taste of each, and show them how and wherein they may imitated and imitate tlicm, and borrow something out of them." This borrowed from. ' *^ " imitation " and "borrowing " was a lesson well learnt by the dramatists, as I shall have occasion to show hereafter. Enough has already been said to show the esteem in which Seneca was held by the Elizabethans, and if his connection with the drama be deemed to be as yet insufficiently established, proof may easily be found L in the Latin quotations from Seneca embodied in the text of many Elizabethan tragedies.^ The fact of Seneca's influence upon the English drama being thus proved, we may proceed to examine the general character of this influence before w^e inquire into its exact extent. ^ See What Shakes2)eai'e learnt at School in Fraeers Magazine for November, 1879. 2 See Appendix I. on EUzahethan Tragcdif, 13 lu any attempt to estimate the position of Seneca ^'^'Xl!*/*'"''''' in the developement of the modern drama, ^\e nre met at the outset by controversies which offer inviting fields for discussion. Who vv-as the Seneca to whom the trasjedies are ascribed ? How many of them are genuinely his ? "Who wrote those that are wrongly ascribed to him ? Were the tragedies intended for repre- sentation on the stage, or are they to be regarded as mere rhetorical exercises, meant only for private recitation ? These are questions which have agitated the minds of critics and scholars for nearlv three hundred years, but it would be a mistake to pay attention to them when treating Seneca from the point of view of the Elizabethan drama. The authors of the translation of 1581 were troubled by no critical doubts or difficulties ; they had no idea that the very title of their volume, " Seneca his Tennc Tragedies," was open to objection. In his dedica- tory letter Newton unhesitatingly identifies the author of the tragedies with Seneca the philosopher ; he is evi- dently entirely ignorant of any suggestion that the Thehais is simply a patchwork of two fragments ; and he and his fellow translators are equally blind to the fact that the Octavia for chronological reasons, and the Hercules Oetaevs for critical reasons cannot be accepted as the work of Seneca. Nevyle takes it for granted that the Oedijms was originally intended for " tragicall and Pompous showe . upon Stage," and the confidence with which Jasper Heyy wood dubs Seneca "the flowre of all writers" is almost amusing in view of the depth of disrepute to which the tragedies have fallen since. I have thought it best in this 14 The Influence of Seneca ^%Hnt'o/'i^iw.' essay to take the tragedies as far as possible from the Elizabethan point of view. From this point of view it is correct to speak of the author of the tragedies simply as Seneca, witliout any cumbrous quahfications ; , and I shall call the tragedies by the names given / to them by the Elizabethans, tliough no doubt it would, be more correct to treat the Thehais as made up of a fragmentary Oedipm and a fragmentary Phoenlsae. The text quoted is the Aldine of Avantius (1517), which has been the foundation of most subsequent editions. Peiper and Eichter say in their preface, " Si universum spectamus, nullum librum uel manu scriptum uel inpressum fatendum est tarn props ad genuinam re- eensionis uolgaris condicionem accedere quam Aldinam." As I was not in a position to see a copy of the Aldine edition, I have restored the readings of Avantius in the text of Peiper and Richter published in 1867, and the figures refer to the numbering of the lines in that edition . f "wwi^n, It would be easy to convict Seneca of many and very serious shortcomings; it would not be difficult to prove that by the side of obvious defects he possesses some ex- cellences. Klein praises the scene between Andromache and Ulysses in the Troas as unsm-passed even by Shakspere; a.nd Dryden says of the same passage that it *' bears the nearest resemblance of anything in the tragedies of the ancients to the excellent scenes of passion in Shakespeare or in Fletcher." Leaving aside all question of intrinsic merit, this is the first quality I wish to claim for Seneca 071 EUzahethan Tragedy. 15 — that he is the most modern of the ancients ; in the /j^ words of KJein, he " stands nearer to Shakspeare and Calderon than to Em-ipides." Even if Greek tragedy had stood within as easy reach of the Elizabethans as Seneca, it may be doubted whether they would have been able to assimilate it ; its perfectness would .not make it any easier to imitate, and it was as far removed from modern ideas in spirit as in form. The whole of .- Greek tragedy is thoroughly Athenian in spirit, its con- ceptions are all of the aucient Greek world, and its form, its very conventions were vitally affected by- the circum- stances that had given it birth and assisted in its develope- y ment. Seneca is nearer to the moderns in spirit than in V time. In his case the local c onditions which moulded Greek tragedy were absent. His stoicism, his personal circumstances,_and the spirit ^o f~Eis time all^helpedno mak^ him cos mopolitan. "The age of Nero" (I quote ^- <^'''""''^'*'"'"''' from ray notes of a lecture by Dr. Ward) "may be re- garded as the climax of a cosmopolitan tendency in litera- ture, which began under the Ikpublic itself, and was no longer satisfied with what appealed only to Roman senti- ment. There was no national life at Rome in the time of Nero, hardly a national literature, no national drama." Seneca is peculiarly free from local restrictions, and t o this we may^erEaps ascribe the fact that Elizabethan tragedy, though thrilled thr ough and through with patriotism, deafs w ith men and ideas of univer salinteiest. SnaFspere glorified some of his plays with a^^impassioned spirit of healthy patriotism, but of his masterpieces it is pe- culiarly true that they are "not of an age, but for all time,"^; -|5>A^ "^t- 16 The Tnfliience of Seneca s. inu-ospectiof., j^^ aiiotlier way Seneca stands nearer to the modern drama than to Greek tragedy. "Ancient tra<]fecly" says Dr. Campbell ^ " is stamped with a degree of objectivity and outwardness which, on the whole, differ- entiates its creations from those of the modern drama, steeped as this so often is with the introspectiveness or self-reflectiveness that pervades the modern world." We note the beginning of the change in Euripides ; but in Seneca it is very plainly marked. T he scene is no longer in the open air, but within doors. The plots of Atreus and their bloody execution, the guilty suit of Phaedra, and the machinations of Deianira and Medea could not take place before a temple or in the courtyard of a palace. Seneca's arrangement of the plot in all these cases ii^plies sec resy ^ nd concealment ; and introspecti/eness follows as_a_mat[er_of course upon his mode of treatment^ Sir Walter Scott says in his preface to Dryden's Oedipus t " Though devoid of dramatic effect, of fancy, and of genius, the Oedipus of Seneca displays the masculine eloquence and high moral sentiment of its author; and if it does not interest us in the sjene of fiction, it often compels us to turn our thoughts inward, and to study our own hearts." The remark is equally true of the other plays. In the Thyestes Atreus j sjntro- duc ed bro oding_Q ve^-' his own supineness in ni it_s^king _reyenge,; and when Thyestes enters, he is lost in reflec- tion on the subject of his own doubts and fears. Oedipus and Jocasta in the Thebais are the subjects of the same morbid self-analysis. The thoughts of Phaedra in love, 1 A Guide to Greek Tragedy, p. 38, •4..- on FAizahetlmn Tragedy. 17 of Medea in hatred, of Deianira in jealousy revolve round one centre — themselves. In the Agamemnon Ciytemnestra shows the same tendency to soliloquy and self-examina- tion, her first words heing quid segnis anime tuta consilia expetis ? quid fluctuaris ? We sh all find no thing in Greek tragedy so near as this *_to the scruples of Macbeth and the self-analysis of^ Hamlet. / V Seneca's introspectiveuess is chiefly due to the -i. sensatwna: character of his themes and his mode of dealinf; with them.) The^ sensationalism wdnch Aristotle and Aristo- phanes remark in Euripides is, still more marked in Seneca. His subjects are indeed taken from Greek tragedy, but they are the most sensational he could choose — the horrid banquet of Thyestes, the murder of Agamemnon by his faithless wife and her paramour, the guilty love of Phaedra, the execution of Astyanax and Polyxena, the revenge of Medea, the slaughter of Megara and her children, the fatal jealousy of Deianira, the incest and parricide of Oedipus Cand the unnatural strife of his sons.) In the Octavla, the only tragedy whose subject is not taken from Greek mythology, the theme is still of lust and blood. Perhaps the example of Seneca was hardly needed to direct Elizabethan tragedy into the same channel. Those were stirring and licentious times, and the nation which kept Spain anl the Inquisition at bay abroad had memories at home of the lustfulness of / f ikfi j^'<"i /- 18 The Influence of Seneca Henry, the cruelty of Mary, and tlie intrigues of Elizabeth. The moral atmosphere of the court did not improve in the following reign, and it was no wonder that English dramatists continued to treat of lawless love and prodigious crimes ; by this time the example of Seneca had been re-inforced by the influence of the Italian and the Spanish drama, in which the same leaven had been at work. 5, Rhetoncji, Scncca goes to no trouble to make his sensational themes dramatically effective by clever construction of plot and careful developement of character. He contents himself with amplifying tlie horror of the tragic situa- tions till they become disgusting, and exaggerating the expression of passion till it becomes ridiculous. In Hercules Furens 1291-1301 we have an example of the style to which Nick Bottom gave the immortal title of <' Ercles' vein '' ';— arma nisi deiitur mihi, aut omne Pindi thracis excidam nemus Bacchique lucos et Cithaeronis iuga mecum cremabo. tota cum domibus suis domiiiisque tecta, cum deis terapla omnibus thebana supra corpus excipiam meura atque urbe uersa condar et si fortibus leue pondus umeiis mocnia inmissa excident septemque opertus non satis portis premar, • onus omne media parte qua muudus sedet dirimitque superos in meum uertam caput. 1 In Lingua, a play acted at one of the Universities in the reign of Elizabeth, Tactus "cannot be otherwise persuaded but he is Hercules Furens," a,nd beats Appetitus,Avho sets himself to " outswa;»ger him," on Mlzahcthan Tragedy. 1^ This rhetorical exaggercation is hest known to us in the school of English tragedy headed by Tamhudaine ; br.t wc shall fin(^ that in the later Elizabethans it is not absent. \ Shakspere uses it not infrequently, but always in a white heat of passion that goes far towards making hyperbole pardonable. There is a notable example in the grave scene in Hamlet fV. 1 ad Jin.) ; and Muuro^ compares Thijestes 289-292 :— regna nunc sperat mea. hac spe minanti fulmen occurret Tovi, hac spe subibit gurgitis tumidi minas dubiumque libycae Syrtis intrabit fretum, with the words of Hotspur in 1 Henry IV, I. 3 : — • By heaven, methinks it were an easy leap, To pluck bright honour from the pale-facod moon, Or dive mto the bottom of the deep We have other examples in the speech of Juliet^ IV. 1 :— 0, bid mo leap, rather than marry Paris, From off the battlements of yonder tower and in The Merchant of Venice, IV. 1 ; — You may as well go stand upon the beach. And bid the main flood bate his usual height Seneca was much given to these exaggerated comj2ari-_ sons^ See Hercules Farens 376-382 ; Thyestes 476 482 ) Hippo! jilifi 57 (j-5Sl; Octavia 227-231; Hercules Oetaeus 338-341 and 1586-1590. F -I.. . ■ ■ . ■'■■ ■ — ■' ■ - - . 1 ■ 1 Journal of Philology, VI. 77. 20 The Infiience of Senecd c. Descriptive, Witliout legiilar dramatic developement by action and character, the tragedies of Seneca are filled up with elaborate descriptions, sententious dialogues, and reflec- ^^^^ tive diatribes. Of Seneca's descriptive passages little need be said ; they are the forerunners of similar efforts by the Elizabethan dramatists, who excel- Seneca as much in descriptive power as they show moderation in the use of it ; particular resemblances whl be pointed out here- after. So far as space goes, narrative plays a great part in Seneca's tragedies ; but much of it is mere padding ; 7. Refi'xtive. far morc characteristic of Seneca are the reflective pas- sages, and the dialogue, which is highly finished in form and often heavily weiglited with philosophic thought. stichomythia. Stichomythia i^ very common in Seneca's tragedies, and sometimes every line is a moral maxim or a commonplace of philosophy. English playwrights very soon began to imitate Seneca's briUiant performances in this respect, and it is interesting to mark the steps of their progress. // Gorhoduc (1561) yielda us no example, but we have already an attempt, though not a very successful one, in Damon and Fythias (printed in 1571, and probably acted and pubHshed a few years before; it was licensed in 1567) e.g. Hazlitt's Dodsley, IV. p. 56 : — Dion. Take heed for [your] life : wordly men break promise in many things. PiTn. Though wordly men do so, it never haps amongst friends. Dion. What callest thou friends? are they not men, is not this true ? Pith. Men they be, but such men as love one another only for virtue. Dion. For what virtue dost thou love this spy, this Damon ? Pith. For that virtue which yet to you is unknown. on Elizabethan Tragedih 21 / The Misfortunes of Arthur (1587-8) and the revised version of Tancred and Gismiind (pub. 1592) show a con- siderable advance, both in quahty and quantity, many of the Hnes being borrowed directly from Seneca. In The Spanish Tragedy we have fairly finished stichomythia with / greater originality. Marlowe's dialogue is not particu- / laiiy striking, but Peele's Edtvard I gives us a remark- able example. Mr. Bullen's edition, Scene XXL: — LoNGSH. Why what remains for Baliol now to give ? Baliol. Allegiance, as becomes a royal king. LoNGSH. What league of faith where league is broken once 1 Baliol. The greater hope in them that once have fall'n. LoNGSH. But foolish are those monarchs that do yield A conquered realm upon submissive vows. Shakspere has many such passages,^ of which it will be enough to quote one, and that a short one. 21ie Merchant of Venice, IV. 1 : — . Bass. This no answer, thou unfeeling man, To excuse the current of thy cruelty. Shy. I am not bound to please thee with my answer. Bass. Do all men kill the things they do not love ? Shy. Hates any man the thing he would not kill ? Bass. Every offence is not a hate at first. Shy. What, wouldst thou have a serpent sting thee twice ? Seneca is not content with elaborating brilliant dia- logue in alternate lines ; he balances half, third, and quarter lines. Thus in the Medea, 168-173 :— 1 See Ricliard III, passim, especially IV. 4 ; 1 Henri/ VI, TV. 5 ; and 3 Ilennj VI, III. 2. ii The Infiuence of Seneca NvTR. rex est timendus. Med. rex raeus fuerat pater. NvTR. non naetuls arma ? Med, sint licet terra edita. NvTii. moriere. Med. cupio. NvTR. profuge. Med, paenituit fugae. Medea f ugiam 1 NvTR. mater es, Med. cui slin uides. NvTR. profugere dubitas 1 Med. f ugiam, at ulciscar prius. NvTR. uindex sequctur. Med. forsan inueniam moras. 1/ y Seneea'* Phil{ sophy. Hiiglies makes obvious efforts to imitate this trick of style in The Misfortunes of Arthur. (See Hazlitt's Dodsley, ly. 268, 277, 283, 284, 286, 303.) We have less elabo- rate but more successful attempts in Tancred and Gismund (Hazlitt's Dodsley, VII. 70, 73, 88, 92,) In the_o£ening scenes o f Hamlet Shakspere has used a like brevity w ith. B, very differeiiLeffect. The appearance of artificiality is -' removed by occasional irregularity, which has the sem- blance of carelessness, but is really the outcome of the highest art ; and to the majesty of verse, is added the naturalness of ordinary conversation. / Seneca's reflective passages are by no means con- fined to dialogue. Long speeches give him opportunity for ^rhetorical expansion, and the Chorus occasionally developes a philosophic theme. For the most part the on EUzahethan Tragedy. 23 subjects of reflection are familiar commonplaces' — the cares of empire, the fickleness of fortune, the uncertainty of popular favour, the cruelty of war, the falsehood of fame, the impetuosity of youth, the modesty of maiden- hood, the evil consequences of luxury, the fatal gift of beauty, the dangers of high j)laces and the safety of humility, the joys of a country life and the advantages of poverty. Similar reflections are frequent in tlie Eliza- bethan dramatists, and I shall point out many instances in which Seneca's form of expression is reproduced with more or less exactness./ Shakspere deals freely in this small coin of' philosophy, but he generally issues it new ^pf^oi-isms, from his own mint. Aline in Cymheline, IV. 3 : — ■ Some falls are means the happier to arise suggests a comparison with Troas 8§6-7 : — ■ hie forsitan te casus excelso magis solio reponet. But this may be merely a coincidence ; and the same remark applies to most Shaksperean parallels with Seneca, as we shall see later on. So in Julius Caesar, I. 3 : — ■ Nop stony tower, nor walls of beaten brass, Nor airless dungeon, nor strong links of iron, Can be retentivie to the strength of spirit ; But life, being weary of these worldly bars, .^ Never lacks power to dismiss itself. mehais 151-3 :— ubique mors est. optume hoc cauit deus. eripere uitain nemo non homini potest, 3,t nemo mortem ; mille ad hJ^nc aditus patent. . 24 The Influence of Seneca We have an unacknowledged translation in The Misfor- tunes of ArtJiur, I, 3 : — - Each-where is death ! the fates have well ordain'd, That each man may bereave himself of life, But none of death : death is so sure a doom, A thousand ways do guide us to our graves. Marston also keeps closer to Seneca's form. 1 Anto- nio and MeUida, III. 2 : — Each man take[sj hence life, but no man death : He's a good fellow, and keeps open house : A thousand thousand ways lead to his gate, To his wide-mouthed porch, when niggard life Hath but one little, little wicket through. Beaumont and Fletcher tell us that to death " a thousand doors are open." Massinger says in The Buke of Milan, I. 3 :— There are so many ways to let out life. and Shirley, in Love's Cruelt]), V. 1: — A thousand ways there are to let out life. It is curious how some of Seneca's aphorisms do duty again and again in the Elizabethan drama with but slight changes of form. Seneca had written in the Agamemnon: — per scelera semper sceleribus tutum est iter. This is translated by Studley : — The safest path to mischiefe is by mischiefe open still. on Elizabethan Tragedy, 25 Thomas Hughes has it in Tlic Misfortunes of Arthur, 1.4:— The safest passage is from bad to worse. Marston in The Malcontent, V. 2 : — Black deed only through black deed saff^ly flies. Shakspere in Macbeth, III. 2 : — J^ Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill / Jonson in Catiline, I. 2 : — The ills that I have done cannot be safe But by attempting greater. AVebster in The IT hite Devil, II. 1 :— Small mischiefs are by greater made secure. Lastly, in Massinger's Duke of Milan, 11. 1 Francisco says All my plots . ^, Turn back upon myself ; but I am in, And must go on : and, since I have put off From the shore of innocence, guilt be now my pilot ! Revenge first wrouglit me ; murder's his twin brother : One deadly sin, then, help to cure another! In addition to a large stock of brilliant common- places, there is in the tragedies a considerable body of thought which is part of Seneca's philosophic faith. The leading doctrine is that of fatalism — not the fatalism FataUm. of Aeschylus, which is one with the will of the gods, and makes for righteousness,^ but the absolute, hopeless __J 1 See Supplices (Paley) 1031-4 and Prometheus 526-7, ; also an article on " Aeschylus as a Religious Teacher" in the Contemj)orary Review for 1866, by Mr. (now Bishop) Brooke Foss Westcott, re- published in his v^Jcent Essays in the History of Religio'as Thought in the West, ■A/>.YV^ ^ \ 26 The Influence of Seneca / fatalism of tbe Stoic school, which includes the gods themselves iu its universal swa}'. omnia certo tramite uadunt primusque dies dedit extremum. noa ilia deo uertisse licet quae nexa suis currunt causis. (Oedijms 1008-1011.) /T ^^s Nisard points out/ the Jatalism of Greek tragedy Is religious ; that of Seneca is philosophic. In spite of his frequent use of the traditional mythology, Seneca_is^ hned to be sceptical. On returning to his native lan( Thyestes addresses his ancestral gods with the doubts ful addition, '' si sunt tamen di." In spite of the ghosts in the Troas, the Chorus treat existence after death as an open question, and finally come to the conclusi'm Taenara et aspero regnum sub domino limen et obsidens custos non facili Cerberus ostio rumores uacui uerbaque inania et par sollicito fabula somnio. (413-17.) Even where Seneca accepts the traditional mythology, he attributes to the gods that envy of human pre-eminence which Aeschylus disowned.^ Seneca has no faith in the righteous government of the world. The Chorus in the Hippolytus sing . res humanas ordine nullo fortuna regit, spargitque manu munera caeca, peiora fouens. uincit sanctos dira libido, fraus sublimi regnat in aula. (986-90.) 1 In Etudes sur l»s Poetes Latins de la Decadence. "' Cf. Hippolytus 1132-1152 with Aeschylus Agamemnon 727-737. >. on Etizahethan Tragedy. 27 / Mr. Swinburne, in an tarticle on Webster in the ''Siiutecnth Centmi/ for June, 1886, says, "Aeschylus is above all things the poet of righteousness. * But in any "wis^e, I say unto thee, revere thou the altar of righteous- ness : ' this is the crowning admonition of his doctrine, as its crowning prospect is the reconciliation or atone- ment of the principle of retribution with the principle of redemption, of the powers of the mystery of darkness / with the CO -eternal forces of the spirit of wisdom, of the lord of inspiration and of light. The doctrine of Shakespeare, where it is not vaguer, is darker in ils implication of injustice, in its acceptance of accident, than the impression of the doctrine of Aeschylus. Fate, irreversible and inscrutable, is the only force of which we feel the impact, of which we trace the sign, in the upshot of OtheUo or King Lear. The last step into the darkness remained to be taken by ' the most tragic ' of all English poets. With Shakespeare — and assuredly not with Aeschylus — righteousness itself seems subject and subordinate to the masterdom of fate : but fate itself, in the tragic wor'd of Webster, seems merely the servant or the synonym of chance." Seneca's fatalism is not peculiar to Webster, though l^e perhaps carried it farther! than any of his contemporaries. Fatalism of a more or less pronounced character runs through Elizabethan tragedy from the very beginning. When Heywood added to the Troas (pub. 1559) a Chorus of his own composition, though moulded on Seneca's style, this was one of the doctrines he chose for presentation. FoUo 101 : — ^ They sit aboue, that holde our life in line, Aud what we suffer dowue they fling from hie, y u^.' / X 29 The Influence of Seneca No carke, no care, that euer may vntwine The thrids, that wouen are aboue the skie. We have tlie same note struck in Gorhuduc and The Misfortunes of Arthur, the latter simply translating the lines from the Oedipus quoted ahove : — All things are rul'd in constant course : no fate ^ But is foreset : the first day leads the last. In Tancred and Gismitnd ^ve have : — His doom of death was dated by Jjis stars, And who is he that may withstand his fate ? As to Shakspere and the later Elizabethans, abundant evidence will be given hereafter. siokim. With Seneca's fatalism is closely connected his Stoical indifference to the accidents of life. Thyestes 615-18:— nemo confidat nimium secundis, nemo desperet meliora lapsis : miscet haec illis prohibetque Clotho stare fortunam, rotat omne fatum. In its full extent Seneca's Stoicism went further than this, and taught absolute independence of circumstances. This is effectively expressed by Medea, when, hopeless and friendless in a hostile land, she defies despair, ex- claiming, "Medea superest" fortuna opes auferre non animum potest. on Elizahethan Tragedy. 29 Ampliitryon expresses the same idea in Hercules Fiirens 468 : — quemcumque fortem uideris, miserum neges. A full exposition of Stoical teaching on this point is given hy the Chorus in the Thijestes (344-403), from which I will quote one short extract — rex est qui metuet nihil rex est qui cupiet nihil, mens regnuru bona possidet hoc regnum sibi quisque dax-.^ Along with this indifference to the accidents of Hie c/ Henry vi Critical difficulties again confront us in the consider- ation of the three parts of Hennj VI, and Richard III; but the opinions of competent critics differ so widely that it would be useless for me to enter into the discussion as to the authorship of Henry VI, and the relation thereto of the ^ I adhere, as elsewhere, to the text of The Camhridye Shaken, peare ; " grudges " seems to me the better reading. and on EUzahethcm Tragedy. 73 two parts of The Contention between, the two Famous Houses of York and Lancaster. It would be equally unwise for me to attempt to set at rest (he doubts recently raised by James Russell LowelP as to the authorsliip of jR/c/iajY^ III ; Imohanim. have nothing of importance to add to the evidence of genninenesss, and what I have to say as to the connection with Seneca would probably lead critics of different views to different inferences. I am, however, concerned, not with the conclusions that may be drawn, but with the fact that Henry VI (especially Part iii) and Richard III have much in common with Seneca. They are pervaded by the ruthless spirit of violence and bloodshed, and abound in the crude horrors of physical repulsiveness, such as the bringing of Suffolk's mu tilated body on to the stage (2 Henry VI, IV. 1), and the subsequent introduction of Queen Margaret with the head in her hands (IV. 4). Iden brings on the stage Cade's head {2 Henry VI, V. 1), and Richard that of Somerset (3. 1. 1). All through The Third Part of Henry VI, and Richard III, the slaughter is con- tinuous, and accompanied by circumstances of great in- hamanity, as witness the mock crowning of York before his death, and the murders of Rutland and the young Prince of Wales. The murder of the young princes in Richard III is only narrated, and the executions in this play generally take place off the stage, only Clarence and Richard himself dying in sight of the audience ; but the personages of the drama move in the same atmosphere of blood, and Richard above all sustains 1 In an article in the Atlantic Monthly for December, 1891. 74 The Influence of Seneca to the full his character of fiendish cruelty. He has the vindictiveness, the intellectual force, the undaunted spirit, the ruthless cruelty, the absolute lack of moral feeling of Seneca's Medea, coupled with the haughtmess of Eteocles, and the bloody hyj)ocrisy of Atreus ; as with Seneca's heroic criminals, his passions know no hounds — he is not human, but praeternatural. And what is true, in its fullest sense, of the " cacodaemon," Eichard, is true in a less degree of the minor characters. Queen Margaret and Clifford vie with Richard himself in merciless cruelty. Edward, then Earl of March, says in 3 Hcnnj VI, I. 2 :^ But for a kingdom any oath may be broken : I would break a thousand oaths to reign one year. just as Polynices, under similar circumstances, says in 111 eh a is 664 : — imperia pretio quolibet constant bene. The same exaggeration of expression is to be noted in the next scene, where Clifford savs to Rutland : — • Had I thy brethren here, their lives and thine Were not revenge sufficient for me ; No, if I digg'd up thy forefathers' graves, And hung their rotten coffins up in chains, It could not slake mine ire, nor case rny heart. The sight of any of the house of York Is as a fury to torment my soul ; And till I root oat their accursed line And leave not one alive, I live in hell. Even the quiet Henry gives way to the prevailing &n Elizabethan Tragedy. 75 excaggeration of tone when he falls iu love, and expresses his passion with the ardour of a Phaedra. 1 Henry F7, V. 5 :— Your wondrous rare description, noble earl, Of beauteous Margaret hath astonish'd rae : Her virtues graced with external gifts Dq breed love's settled passions in my heart : And like as rigour of tempestuous gasts Provokes the mightiest hulk against the tide, So am I driven by breath of her renown, Either to suffer shipwreck or arrive Where I may have fruition of her love. 'J his " wind and tifle" metaphor is a favourite cue with hotli Seneca and Shakspere. In the two following passages it is substantially the same. 3 Henry VI, II. 5 : This battle fares like to the morning's war, When dying clouds contend with growing light, Now sways it this way, like a mighty sea Forced by the tide to combat with the wind ; Now sways it that way, like the selfsame sea Forced to retire by fury of the wind : Sometime the flood prevails, and then the wind ; Now one the better, then another best ; Both tugging to be victors, breast to breast, Yet neither conqueror nor conquered. fluctibus uariis agor, ut, cum hinc profundum uentus hinc aestua rapit, incerta dubitat unda cui cedat malo. (^Agamemnon 139-141.) 76 The Injiuence of Seneca In this case it seems worth while to subjoin Studley's translation (pub. 1566) : — As when here wynd, and their the streame when both their foi'ce wil tiy, From sandes alow doth hoyst and rears the seas with surges hye. The waltring wane doth staggeryng stand not weting what to do, But (houeryng) doubtes, whose furious force he best may yeld him to. Compare also 3 Hennj VI, II. 6 : — As doth a sail, fiU'd with a fretting gust. Command an ai-gosy to stem the waves. with Hippolyt'us 186-9, and Tlujestes 438-9. £ome of Seneca's leading ideas are repeatedly re- produced in these plays. All the more important cha- racters are tinged with Seneca's Stoical fatalism. His " fatis agimur, cedite fatis" is exjoressed by King Edward in 3 Henrij VI, IV. 3, with the metaphor just spoken of: What fates impose, that men must needs abide ; It boots not to resist both wind and tide. So too Queen Margaret in 3 Hcnnj VI, Y. 4 : — What cannot be avoided 'Twere childish weakness to lament or fear. and Richard, in the course of a dialogue containing many examples of Senecan stichomythia (Richard III, IV. 4), says with all the impressive conciseness of the Roman dramatist and philosopher — All unavoided is the doom of destiny. on EUzahethan ^rageihj. 77 The cares and risks of high places and the benefits of ohscurity are urged as frequently in these pLays as in the tragedies of Seneca, and in much the same strain. Queen Margaret's words in Richard III, I. 3 : — They that stand high have many blasts to shake them. may be compared with Hippohjtus 1136-1140, Agamemnon 57-9, and Oedipns 6-11. Henry resigns the crown, as he says (3. IV. 6)— that I may conquer fortune's spite By living low, where fortune cannot hurt me. Compare Hercules Furens 201-4, and Hercules Oetaeus 701-3. K much longer and more important passage — too long for quotation — in 3 Henrij VI, II. 5, describing the advantages of a shepherd's life over a king's, may be compared with Hippohjtus 516-533, Thyestes 450-3, and Hercules Oetaeus 647-661 ; and Henry's words on true kingship (3. III. 1) remind us of Thyestes 388-390. Another idea frequently put forward by Seneca and by Shakspere is that of the presentiment of evil.^ We have a fairly close parallel in Richard III, II. 3 : — By a divine instinct men's minds mistrust Ensuing dangers ; as, by proof, we sec The waters swell before a boisterous storm. ^'H^^^U^ 1 See Thyestes 417 490 and 946-973; Hercides Oetaeus 720-5. We have the same idea in Romeo mid Juliet I. 4, ad fin. and III. 5 ; and Richard II, II 2. 78 The Infiumce of Seneca 2,i\diThjestesmiA\~ mibtit luctus sigua futuri mens ante sui presaga mali, instat nautis fera temjDestas, cum sine uento tranquilla tument. To tliis may be added another commouplace of morality which occurs more than once in each poet. Richard III, IV. 2: — Uncertain way of gain I But I am in So far in blood that sin will pluck on sin. Agamemnon 116 : — -. per scelera semper sceleribus tutum est iter. Theodor Vatke ^ has suggested a comparison between the wooing of Lady Anne by Gloucester and that of Megara by Lycus. In the same way we might seek a parallel for the conjuration of the Spirit in 2 Hennj IT, I. 4 in the raising of the shade of Laius ; and in the same passage from the Oedipus we might endeavour to discover a suggestion of the appearance of the ghosts in Clarence's dream. But how wide is the galf between the mythical figures of Seneca and the living spirits of Shakspere; instead ot Zethus and Amphion, Niobe and Agave, we have tl^e ghosts of those whom Clarence had wronged, among them A shadow like an anscei, with bright hair »^') Dabbled in blood ; and he squeak'd out aloud, Jahrbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare GesellsclMft, IV. p. 64. mi Elizabethan Tragedy, 79 "Clarence is come ; false, fleeting, perjured Clarence, That stabb'd me in the field by Tewksbury : Seize on hiui, Euiies, take him to your torments ! " The difference is so great — it is the world-wide difference between art and artifice — that any sHght resemblance is quite overshadowed by our sense of the immeasureable superiority of Shakspere's picture. With more justice, perhaps, we might compare the lament of the Duchess of York {Richard III, 11. 2) :— Alas, I am the mother of these moans ! Their woes are parcell'd, mine are general. She for an Edward weeps, and so do I with that of Hecuba in Troas 1070-2 :— quoscumque luctus fleueris, flebis meos. sua quemque tantum, me omnium olades premit, mihi cuncta pereunt, quisquis est Hecubae est miser. (^ Hamlet marks the climax of the reflective tendency f«w.w. ] in Shakspere and in the English drama, though coupled, as in Seneca, with a full complement Of carnal, bloody and unnatural acts. (V. 2.) ^ Knight has observed that in the latter characteristic Hamlet is connected with the school of Titus Andronicus ; but whether this is due to an old Hamlet which was not Shakspere's, or the earlier Hamlet which is referred to by Nash was written by Shakspere at a time when he was still under the influence of Senecan tragedy, is too large a question to be discussed here. In its ultimate form 80 The Influence of Seneca the play still contains some slight reminiscences of Seneca, though we shall look in vain for the " whole handfulls " of tragical speeches sneered at by Nash as borrowed from the Enghsh translation. In Klein's opinion the appear- ance of the Ghost of Laius ni the Oedipus forms *' no unworthy study " for the famous scene '^ on the platform before the castle ; " but of Shakspere's ghost-scene there is nothing to be found in Seneca beyond the very baldest suggestion. With greater justice Mr. H. A. J. Munro ^ says that the dread of something after death. The undiscover'd country from whose bourn No traveller returns has not a little in common with Hercules Furens 8GS 870 and Hercules Oetaeiis 152d-15Sl: — sera nos illo referat senectus. nemo ad id sero uenit unde numquam, cum semel ucnit, potuit reuerti. die ad aeternos properare manes Herculem et regnum canis inquieti unde non unquam remeauit ullus. Indeed the whole of Hamlet's famous soliloquy may be said to arise out of the question in Troas 380-1 : — verum est, an timidos fabula decipit, umbras corporibus uiuere conditio. 1 Journal of Philology, VI. p. 70, on EUzahethan Tragedij, 8l Compare also IV. 3 Diseases desperate grown By desperate appliance are relieved, Or not at all. with Aijanwniioii 153-5 : — ■ Clyt. et ferrum et ignis saepa maiicinae loco est. NvTR. extrema primo nemo temptauit loco. Clyt. capienda rebus in raalis praocep'i uia est. We Lave Seneca's notion of presentiment and his Stoical fatahsm in V. 2 : — ^" if it be now, 'tis not to come ; if it be not to come, it will be now ; if it be not now, yet it will come : the readiness is all ; since no man has aught , ^ 'j "^Z of what he leaves, what is't to leave betimes ? " „^ ^ y\M^• ••• »•• effusus omnis inriget terras cruoi- supraque magnos gentium exultet duces on Elizabethan Tragedy, 93 libido uicirix. inipia stupruni iu domo leuissimum sit. age iiiiime £ac quod nulla posteritas probet, sed nulla taceat. ali({uo(l audenduin est nefas atrox cruentum tale quod frater meus suum psse malit. (Thyestes 25-7, 44-7, 192-5.) The clialogue whicli follows reproduces more or less closely the tyrant's maxims given by Seneca iu the Thijcsks, the Thehais, and the Octavia, One example will suffice: — Whom hatred frights, Let him not dream of sovereignty. regnare non uult esse qui inuisus timet. (T/ubais 654.) And again in the same scene (II. 2) : — All modesty is fond ; and chiefly where The subject is no less compeli'd to bear f Than praise his sovereign's acts. maximum hoc regni bonum est, quod facta domini cogitur populus sui quam ferre tam laudare. (Thyestes 205-7.) IV. 5 :— How easily Do wretched men believe, what they would have ! quod nimis miseri uolunt, hoc facile credunt. (^Hercules Furens 317-8.) In V. 1 Sejanus says : — My roof receiACS me not ; 'tis air I tread ; And, at each step, I feel my advanced head Knock out a star in heaven. 94 The Influence of Senci^ So Atreus in TJnjestes 888-9 :— aequalis astris gradior et cunctos super altum superbo uertice attingens polum. V. 10 : — For, whom the morning saw so great and high, Thus low and little 'fore the even doth lie. quern dies uidit ueniens superbum, hunc dies uidit fugiens iacentem, (Thyestes 613 4.) It ^'ill be noticed above tliat the Thyestes is more, frequently laid under contribution than any other play ; from the same tragedy Jonson borrowed the openmg of Catiline. Catiluu, in which the Ghost of Sylhx plays the same part as the Ghost of Tantalus in the Thijestes; and when the oath of conspiracy is taken, " the day goes back" and murmurings are heard from unseen speakers, "as at Atreus' feast." Further parallel passages are as under ; I.l : — Behold, 1 come, sent from the Stygian sound, As a dire vapoilr that had cleft the ground, To ingender with the night and blast the day ; Or like a pestilence that should display Infection through the world. mittor ut dirus uapor telkire rupta uel grauem populis luem sparsura postis. {Thyestes 87-9.) Nor let thy thought find any vacant time To hate an old, but still a fresher crime Drown the remembrance ; let not mischief cease,' But while it is in punishing, increase : Conscience and care die in thee; and be free Not heaven itself from tiiy impiety ; on Elizahethan Tragedy. 95 Let night grow blacker with thy plots, and day, At shewing but thy head forth, start away From this half-sphere ; and leav^e Rome's blinded walls To embrace lusts, hatreds, slaughters, funerals. nee uacet cuiquam uetus odisse crimen : semper oriatur nouum nee unum in uno, dumque punitur scelus, crescat. ••• «•• >■• tit ■•* ••• ••• f ratris et fas et fides iusque omne pereat. non sit a uestris malis immune caelum, cum micant stellae polo seruantque flammae debitum mundo decun, nox atra fiat, excidat caelo dies, misce ponates odia caedes f unera arccsse et imple scelere tantaleam domum. (Thyestes 29-32, 47-52.) III. 1 ; — Who would not fall with all the world about him 1 uitae est avidus quisquis nonuult mundo secum pereunte mori. (Thyestes 886-7.) III. 2 :— Is there a heaven and gods ? and can it be They should so slowly hear, so slowly see ! Hath Jove no thunder? magne regnator deum, tarn lentus audis scelera ? tam lentus uides ? ecquando sixeua f ulmen emittes nlanu si nunc serenum est ? {Hijjpolytiis, 679-682.) III. 2 : — He that is void of fear, may soon be just. iustum esse facile est cui uficat pectus metu. {pckivia 453.) >/^~ 96 The Influence of Seneca III. 3 :— He shall die. Shall, was too slowly said ; he's dying : that Is yet too slow ; he's dead. si noui Herculem, Lycus Creonti debitas poenas dabit. lentura est dabit : dat. hoc quoque est lentum : dedit,^ {Hercules Furens 655-7.) CHAPMAN. Chapman, like Jonson, seems to have taken Senecan tragedy as his model. In the dedicatory letter prefixed to The Bevenge of Bussy D'Anihols, he says that ''material instruction, elegant and sententious excitation to virtue and deflection from her contrary" are " the soul, limhs, and limits of an authentical tragedy." He is excessively rhetorical, sometimes to the extent of homhast ; lie has also Seneca's fault of prolixity ; and he has many elahorate similes such as Seneca occasionally indulged in. Some of these characteristics are no douht largely accounted for by Chapman's extensive reading in other classical authors, and it must be confessed that his indebtedness to Seneca cannot be clearly proved to any great extent. There are a considerable number of passages suggesting a comparison with Seneca ; but only the fol- lowing seem to me sufficiently convincing to be worthy of record : — Bijrons Conspiracy III. 1 : — • La B. You bid me speak what fear bids me conceal. Byr. You have no cause to fear, and therefore speak. 1 These lines have been parodied by Moliere in a fanioi's passage of L'Avare, TV, 7 ; — " Je me meurs, je suis mort, je suis enterr^." on Elizaheihun Tragedy, 97 La B. You'll rather wish you had been ignorant, Than be instructed in a thing so ill. Byr. Ignorance is an idle salve for ill ; And therefore do not urge rae to enforce What I Avould freely know, for by the skill Shown in thy aged hairs, I'll lay thy brain Here scatter'd at my feet, and seek in that What safely thou may'st utter with thy tongue If thou deny it. La B. Will you not allow me To hold my peace ? What less can I desire 1 If not be pleased with my constrained speech. Byr. Was ever man yet punished for expressing What he was charged 1 Be free, and speak the worst. It will bo found that all this is taken from Oedlpm 524-542, except the passage beginning " I'll lay thj brain ," which is a piece of crude bombast worthy of Seneca himself ; the same may be said of the speeches of Byron which follow the above extract. Byron's Conspiracy V. 1 : — - D'auv. my lord, This is too large a licence given you** fury ; Give time to it ; what reason suddenly Cannot extend, respite doth oft supply. da tempus ac spatium tibi. quod ratio nequit, saepe sanauit mora. (^Agamemnon 130-1.) Byron s Tragedy IV. 1 : — Where medicines loathe, it irks men to be heaVd. \ibi turpis est medicina, sanari piget. (Oedipus 530.) 98 The Influence of Seneca Byron s Tragedy V. 1 : — Why should I keep my soul in this dark light, Whose black beams lighted me to lose myself ? When I have lost my arms, my fame, my mind. Friends, brother, hopes, fortunes, and even my fury. cur animam in ista luce detinoam amplius morerque nihil est. cuncta iam amisi bona : mentem arma famani coniugem gnatos manus etiam furorem. (^Hercules I\rens 12Q5-S.) To the above evidence may be added Chapman's liberal use of sanguinary horrors and ghosts (in Biissy D'Amhois, The Bevenge of Bnssy D'Amhois, Alphonsus Emperor of Germany, and Revenge for Honour), which must be attributed, directly or indirectly, to the example of Seneca, VARSTox. Of all the Ehzabethan dramatists, Marston owed the most to Seneca, and was the readiest to acknowledge his indebtedness. He quotes Seneca, both in the Latin^ and in translation, and from the prose works as well as the tragedies. A quotation from the Thyestes finds its way into the preface to The Faivn, and in the same comedy we have a line from the Oedipus The Maicmtent. (Mr. Bullen's cdition, II. p. 191). In The Malcontent, which the author also calls a comedy, Bilioso, essaying to give comfort to Pietro, says, " Marry, I remember one Seneca, Lucius Annaeus Seneca — " and Pietro rephes, 3ee Appendix I, on Wizahethan Tragedy. 99 " Out upon him ! he writ of temperance and fortitude, yet lived like a Yoluptuous epicure, and died like an effeminate coward ; " again, in Act V. 2, Mendoza says Black deed only through black deed safely flies. and Malevole retorts Pooh ! 2^er scelera semper sc'cleribus tutum est iter. the quotation being from Agamemnon 116. Notwith- standing these sneers, we have other quotations from Seneca in the same play, both in Latin and English. He that can bear with must, he cannot die in IV. 1 is a translation of Megara's vaunt in Hercules Furens 431, " cogi qui potest, nescit mori." From the same source is taken much of Maria's opposition to the suit of Mendoza. Megara says in Hercules Furens 423-5 :— grauent catenae corpus et longa fame mors protrahatur lenta. non uincet fidem uis ulia nostram. moriar Alcide tua. So Maria in V. 2 :— my dear'st Altof ront ! where'er thou breathe, Let my soul sink into the shades beneath, Before I stain thine honour ! 'tis thou has't, And long as I can die, I will live chaste. and again in V. 3 : — • Do, urge all torments, all afflictions try ; I'll die my loi-ds as long as I can die. 100 Tiir hiffiience of Seneca In HerDuks Finrns 255-6: — prosperum ac felix scelus uirtus uocatur, we have the original of V.2: — Mischief that prospers, men do virtue call. and the Hues that follow, Who cannot bear with spite, he cannot rule. • The chiefest secret for a man of state Is, to live senseless of a strengthless hate, come from TJiehais 654-6: — regnare non uult esse qui inuisus timet, simul ista mundi conditor posuit deus odium atque regnum. Antonio and Ifc is, however, in Marston's earlier tragedies, the two Mdlida. ' . ■^2iYi^ oi Antonio and Mdlida^ that we find the influence of Seneca most plainly manifested, as the following par- allels will show.^ In Part I: — I, 1 : — "Tis horselike not for man to know his force. inertis est nescire quid liceat sibi. (Octavia 465.) Mell. How covetous thou art of novelties ! Ross. Pish ! 'tis our nature to desire things That are thought strangers to the common cut. quisquis secundis rebus exultat nimis fluitque luxu semper insolita appetit.^ {Hippolytus 209-210.) 1 One noteworthy passage has already been given. See p. 24. 2 A slight variation from the Aldine reading. on EUzahethan Tragedy. 101 III. 1 : — Fortune my fortunes, not my mind, shall shake. fortuna opes auferre non animum potest. (Medea 176.) Alas, survey your fortunes, look what's left Of all your forces, and your utmost hopes : A weak old man, a page, and your poor self. en intuere turba quae simus super : famulus^ puer captiua. (Troas 516-7.) No matter whither, but from whence we fall. magis unde cadas quam quo refert. {Thyestes 929.) IV. 1 : — Give me water, boy. There is no poison in' t, I hope ; they say That lurks in massy plate. uenenum in auro bibitur. {Thyestes 453.) And. Fortune fears valour, presseth cowardice. Luc. Then valour gets applause, when it hath place, And means to blaze it. AxD. Kunquam potest non esse. Med. fortuna fortes metuit, ignauos premit. NvTR. tunc est probanda si locum uirtus habet. Med. numquam potest non esse uirtuti locus. (J/eofea 159-161.) Ill Part II the borrowing from Seneca is not quite so frequent, but it is still considerable in amount. Mr. BuUen detects " an Attic flavour " in a passage of stichomythia in II. 1, and is momentarily reminded of Creon's altercation with his son in the Antigone; as ft 1 The Aldine reading is tumulus> 102 The hijluence of Seneca matter of fact, the dialogue is borrowed directly and almost entirely from Seneca : — Pier. 'Tis just that subjects act commands of kings. Pand. Command then just and honourable things. Nero iussisque nostris pareant. Sen. iusta imjiera. (Octavia 471 ) Pier. Where only honest deeds to kings are free, It is no empire, but a beggary.'' ubicumque tantum honesta dominanti'licent, precario regnatur. [Thyestes 214-5.) Pier. Tush, juiceless graybeard, 'tis immunity, Proper to princes, that our state exacts ; Our subjects not alone to bear, but jfraise our acts. Pand. O, but that prince, that worthful praise aspires. From hearts, and not from lips, applause desires. Pier. Pish ! True praise the boon of common men doth ring, False only girts the temple of a king. Atr. maximum hoc regni bonum est, quod facta domini cogitur populus sui ^ quam ferre tarn laudare. Sat. at qui fauoiis gloriam ueri petit, animo magis quam uoce laudari uolet. Atr. laus uera et humili saepe contingit uiro, non nisi potenti falsa. {Thyestes 205-7, and 209-212.) Pandulfo's reply, 'Tis praise to do, not what we can, but should. on Elizahethan Tragedy, 103 is from Odavia 466 :— id facere laus est quod decet, non quod licet. The act closes witli a quotation from the AgamemnoHy^ and the Thyestes is laid under contribution once more in the next scene, which is thoroughly Senecan ia conception and execution. When the Ghost of Andrea appears again at the opening of A.ct V, he introduces himself very appropriately by quoting two lines spoken by the shade of Agrippina in the Octavia ; and the final scene is taken from the Thyestes, not only in its main idea, but iii the very words of the taunts addressed by Pandulfo to the sinful father who has feasted on his own son, V. 2 : — He weeps ; now do I glorify my hands ; I had no vengeance, if I had no tears. nunc meas laudo manus. nunc parta uera est palnia. perdideram scelus nisi sic dolores. ' (Thyestes 1100-2.) Thy son ? true ; and which is my most joy, I hope no bastard, but thy very blood, Thy true-begotten, most legitimate And loved issue— there's the comfort on't. Thy, gnatos parenti. Atr. . fateor et quod me iuuat, certos. ; {Thyestes 1105-6.) The rhetorical and reflective style as well as the crude horrors of the two parts of Antonio and MelUda, must be ascribed to the influence of Seneca. To Seneca's account, too, we must set down what Mr. Bullen describes 104 The Influence of Seneca as Marston's " besetting fault of straining his style a pf-g too high ; of seeking to be impressive by the use of exaggerated and unnatural imagery." The description of a storm in Ths First Part oj Antonio and Mellida, I. 1, which in Mr. BuUen's opinion exhibits this besetting sin of Marston's " to perfection," is modelled on a similar description in Seneca's Agamemnon. Compare the opening in each case : — The sea grew mad, His bowels rumbling with wind-passion ; Straight swarthy darkness popp'd out Phoebus' eye, And blurr'd the jocund face of bright-cheek'd day ; Whilst crudled fogs masked even darkness' brow : Heaven bad's good night, and the rocks groan 'd At the intestine uproar of the main. exigua nubes sordido crescens globo nitidum cadentis inquinat Phoebi iubar. tractuque longo litus ac petrae geraunt. agitata uentis unda uenturis tumet, cum luna subito conditur, stellae cadunt, in astra pontus tollitur, caelum perit. nee una nox est : densa tenebras obruit caligo et omni luce subducta fretum caelumque miscet. (Agamemnon 483-4 and 489-495.) and again Straight chops a wave, and in in his sliftred paunch Down falls our ship, and there he breaks his neck ; Which in an instant up was belkt again. illam dehiscens pontus in praeceps rapit hauritque et alto redditam reuomit mare. (Aoaynemnon 520-1.) on Elizabethan Tragedy, 105 But Marston gained something besides unnatural exaggeration from his study of Seneca. Mr. Bullen gives unqualified praise tc the " dignified reflections tvhich Marston puts into the niDiith of the discrowned Andrugio in the noble speech beginning, * Why, man, I never was a prince till now.' " This, too, was suggested by Seneca, as will be seen on comparison with Thyestes 314-390. It mav be doubted whether Marston ever broke away from the influence of Seneca, though it is certainly less marked in his later plays. Mr. Bullen remarks an improvement in T]ie Muhontent, which followed next to Antonio and Mellida. "The moralising," he says, "is less tedious, and the satire more pungent than in the earlier plays. There is less of declamation and more of action. The atmosphere is not so stifling, and one can \ breallie with something of freedom. There are no ghosts to shout ' Viudicia ! ' and lie boys to be butchered at / midnight in damp cloisters; nobody has his •tongue cut A out prior to being hacked to pieces."" While one may atTmit the justice of these obs^rvatidns, it should not be forgotten that TJie Malcontent is described by Marston himself as a comedy. When he returns to tragedy in ^ophonisha — a tragedy which, he promises, " shall boldly abide the most curious perusal "^ — he faUs back upon Seneca's ghosts and witches, his blood-curdling descrip- tions of crude horrors decked out with unnatural J See the note To the Header prefixed tp the second qua rto of The Fawn^ 106 The Ivfunice of Seneca imagery, his rhetorical artificialities and reflective commonplaces. Much less, however, is borrowed direct from Seneca than in the earlier plays. The description of the habits and abode of the witch Erichtho is taken from Lucan — a writer allied to Seneca not only by close ties of relationship, but by likeness of character, for his genius is essentially philosophic and rhetoiical. lu tbe reflective passages, too, of Soplionii^ha, Marston borrowed far less from Seneca than in the earlier plays. The dialogue between Asdrubal and Carthalon at the end of Act II. 3 is quite in Seneca's style, but I have only detected two ideas taken directly from Seneca : — He that forbids not ofience, he does it. qui non uetat peccare, cum possit, iubot. (Troas 300.) and He for whom mischief's done, He does it. cui prod est seel us, is fecit. (Medea 503-4.) The Insatiate Countess is, in Mr. Bullen's opinion, not Marston's, or, at any rate, not all of it. One of the reasons that incline him to this conclusion is the number of pas- sages imitated from Shakspere, among which he includes the following (V. 1) : — What Tanais, Nilus, or what Tigris swift, What Rhenus ferier than the cataract, — Although Neptolis cold, the waves of all the Northern Sea, Should flow for ever through these guilty hands, Yet the sanguinolent stain would extant be ! on Miizabethan Tragedy. 107 Mr. BiiUen compares this with a well known passage in Mucheth, ah'eady quoted in this essay.^ The original of both passages is, I think, to be found in Hercules Fmxm 1330-6 :— quis Tanais aut quis ISilus aut quis persica uiolentus unda Tigris aut Rhenusferox Tagusue hibara turbidus gaza fluons, abluere dextram poterit ? arctouni licet Maeotis in me gelid a transfundat mare et tota Tethys per meas currat manus : haerebit altum facinus. From the closeness of the translation in The Insatiate Countess, it is evident that the author borrowed from Seneca direct ; and it seems to me that the reading " Neptolis," for \Yhich Mr. Bullen suggests the emendation " Neptune," might safely be altered to the " Maeotis " of the original. Moreover, this passage, imitated not from Shakspere but from Seneca, testifies in favour of Marston's authorship, and not, as Mr. Bullen thicks, against it. In the same school as Marston's Antonio \md Mellida chettle's Jloffinan. must be included Chettle's HoJ'nian ; or a Eevenge for a Father, which was not printed till 1631, but (as we learn from Henslowe's Diarij) was written in 1602. The tragedy opens before a cave at the entrance of which there is " a skeleton hanging on a tree in chains, with an iron crown on its head." Amid thunder and lightning Hoffman addresses his murdered father's skeleton, "which rattles 1 See p. 84. " ' 108 The Ivfuencc af Seneca from the mnd in its chains." Then appears the first victim of Hoffman's revenge, Prince Otho, who is bound to the rock and tortured to death (on the stage) with the iron crown, which has been taken from the head of the skeleton, and made red hot. Hoffman, having stripped the flesh off the bones, hangs the skeleton in chains, by the side of that of his father, upon the tree, and speaks thus : — Come, image of bare death, join side to side ' With my long-injur'd father's naked bones ! He was the prologue to a tragedy, That, if my destinies deny me not, Shall pass those of Thyestes, Tereus, Jocasta, or Duke Jason's jealous wife. The " dismal accidents and bloody deeds, poisonings and treasons " which follow bid fair to fulfil the promise that Seneca's gruesome themes shall be outdone. In the end, Hoffman is bound to the rock, and tortured with the iron crown, made red hot ; this alone prevents him from adding rape to a succession of murders, and he dies regretting that he has j • slack t revenge I Through fickle beauty and a woman's fraud. There are occasional reflective passages .in Seneca's stvle, and some reminiscences of his ideas, but they are neither striking nor important. There is a close resem** blance throughout to Seneca's mode of treating his bloody themes, Act IV. 3 giving a noteworthy example of the on Elizahethan Tragedij, 109 rhetorical and amplified horror which we have remarked as one of Seneca's most striking characteristics. Take for instance the passage : — Thou wert as gootl, and better, (note my words) Run unto the top of [some] dreadful scar And thence fall headlong on the under rocks ; Or set thy breast against a cannon fir'd, When iron death flies thence on flaming wings ; Or with thy shoulders, Atlas-like, attempt To bear the ruins of a falling tower ; Or swim the ocean, or run quick to hell, (As dead assure thyself no better place) Than once look frowning on this angel's face. Seneca's fondness for these exaggerated comparisons has been already noted. ^ Lust's Dominion (pr, 1657), a tragedy of similar Lust's Dominmu character to the preceding, but of more inept workman- ship, is only of importance on account of its supposed identity with Dekker's Simnish Moor's Tragedy, acted in January, 1599-1600. It contains bombast in abundance, and sententious reflections in Seneca's, manner, some- times with an echo of his ideas. Webster and Tourneur further developed the wEBsxERand ^ TOURNEUR. Tragedy of Blood (as Mr. Symonds calls it), which by their time had been long familiar to English ^ See page 19. 110 The Infliionce of Sauca audiences aud readers ; and the indirect influence of Seneca acting through their predecessors in Enghsh tragedy had probably more effect upon them than any first-hand study of the Eoman dramatist, of which we have little evidence. In The Revenger's Tragedij Tourneur misquotes a single line from Seneca — the familiar curae leues loquuntur ingentes stupent.^ The same thought is reproduced by Webster in The White Devil, II. 1 : - Uukindness, do thy office ; poor heart, break : Those are the killing griefs which dare not speak. but it seems likely that this was a reminiscence of Shakspere, and was not taken directly from Seneca, The same may be said of anotherMine in the same scene : — Small mischiefs are by greater made secure. Another idea common to Shakspere and Seneca is reproduced by Tourneur in The Revenger s Tragedy, V. 3: — He that climbs highest has the greatest fall. A passage in the same play II. 4 : — It well becomes that judge to nod at crimes That does commit greater himself, and lives. may be compared with Agamemnon 268 : — det ille ueniam facile cui uenia est opus. ^ See Appendix I. on Elizabethan Tragedy, 111 Tonrneur has also effectively developed an idea suggested in Hippohjtiis 679-682 : — magne rcgnator deum tarn lentus audis scelera 1 tara lentus uides ? ccquando saoua fulmen emittes manu si nunc serenum est 1 In The- Bevengers Tragedij, IV. 2 Yendice says : — thou almighty patience ! 'tis my wonder That such a fellow, impudent and wicked, Should not be cloven as he stood ; Or with a secret wind burst open ! Is there no thunder left ; or is't kept up In stock for heavier vengeance ? [7'hnnder] there it goes ! The same device is employed once more in the last scene. More striking, however, than the resemblance of isolated passages is the resemblance in theme and mode of treatment. Webster and Tourneur, like Seneca, choose themes of Inst, murder, incest, and unnatural \ crime; they employ the same devices of ghosts and the "hastly relics of mortality ; their tragedies breathe the same atmosphere of blood. By the side of these heaped up horrors, which Webster depicted with unique dramatic power and psychological insight, we have something of Seneca's reflective tendency, and occasionally a likeness in the thoughts expressed, as may be remarked in the the passages quoted above. We have Seneca's fatalism in The Duchess of Malji, V. 4:— We are merely the stars' tennis balls, struck and bandied "Which way please them. 112 The Influence of Seneca and Seneca's Stoicism in V. 3 of the same play: — • Though in our miseries Fortune have a part, Yet in our noble sufferings she hath none : C ontempt of pain , that we may call our own. Tourneur amplifies the same idea in The Atheist's Tragedy, III. 3, in Charlemont's defiance of Sebastian and bis father. To the same source we may ascribe the Stoical calmness with which the characters of both dramatists meet death. See, for instance, the last speech of the Duchess of Malfi ; Vittoria Corrombona welcomes death " as princes do some great ambassador ; " she meets the weapon half-way, and sheds "not one base tear." Flamineo, her villainous brother, ends his life ,with a laugh, and the reflection. We cease to grieve, cease to be fortune's slaves, Nay, cease to die, by dying. Bosola, the villain of Thi Diioh''ss of Malfi, dies with hardly less constancy. Charlemout and Castabella in The Atheists Tragedij seek death with equal hardihood ; and in The Revenger's Tragedg Vendice accepts death for himself as calmly as he dealt it out to others, v FORD, f^ Ford abounds in his own kind of tragic horrors, and he is not altogether free from crude sensationalism; in yTis Pitg She's a Whore, Giovanni enters with his I sister's heart upon his dagger, and Ford's plays generally treat of such " strong " themes as incest, adultery, and murderous revenge. But the atmosphere vv on Elizabethan Tragedy, 11^ of his tragedies does not overpower us with the smell of blood, as in the case of Webster and Tourneiir ; there is often a fresher, purer air of quiet thought and natural passion. Ford makes little use of the supernatural ; in all probability Mother Sawyer and her familiars in The Witch of Edmonton am the creations of Dekker, and the only spirit to be set down to Ford's account is the quiet and inoffensive ghost of Susan, which comes to the bed- side of her husband and murderer, and stands there without saying a word. Ford's genius was of too refined a character to seek the strong and coarse effects which were achieved by some of his contemporaries and predecessors. Occasionally he is guilty of rhetorical exaggeration, as in The Broken Heart, IV. 1 : — In anger ! In anger let him part ; for could his breath, Like whirlwinds, toss such servile slaves as lick The dust his footsteps print iiito a vapour. It durst not stir a hair of mine, it .should not ; Id rend it up by the roots first. And again m Love's Sacrifice, IV. 2 :— I have a sword — 'tis here — should make my way Through tire, through darkness, death, and hell, and all, To hew your lust-engendered flesh to shreds, Pound you to mortal", cut your throats, and mince Your flesh to mites : I will, — start not,-— I will. But extravagance is pardonable in the mouths of characters like Ithocles and the Duke in their respective situations. 114 The lujluence of Seneca In Ford the reflective tendency is strongly marked, but his manner is all his own. He had a marvellous gift for expressing deep and yet simple thought, far removed from Seneca's artificial and strained dialectic, which was probably its far-back ancestor. Nothing could show the contrast better than the comparison of Seneca's well-worn maxim, curae leues loquuntur ingentes stupent, with the magnificent passage in which Ford enlarges on the same idea. The Broke?!. Heart, V. 3 : — 0, my lords, I but deceived your eyes with antic gesture, When one news straight came huddling on another Of death ! and death ! and death ! still I danced forward ; But it struck home, and here, and in an instant. Be such mere women, who with shrieks and outcries Can vow a present end to all their sorrows, Yet live to court new pleasures, and outlive them : They are the silent griefs which cut the heart-strings ; Let me die smiling. Probably the points in which Ford drew nearest to Seneca and in which he owes most to him (if indeed he owes anything at all) are those previously remarked in the case of his contemporaries. Ford, like Seneca, was ^ fatalist. Thus Orgilus in The Broken Heart, I. 3 : — Ingenious Fate has leapt into mine arms, Beyond the compass of my brain. Mortality Creeps on the dung of earth, and cannot reach The xiddles which are purposed by the gods, on EUzabethan Tragcdij. 115 The same thought closes Act IV of Love's Satrifice, and occurs again and again in the domestic tragedy of The IVitch of Edmonton, the only part of that drama we should ascribe to Ford. With this fatalism is allied the idea of Stoical submission. Thus Ladv Katherine in Ferkin Warbed, III. 2 :— What our dcstiuiog Have ruled out in their books we must not searoh, But kneel to. So, too, Ithocles in Tke Brolen Heart, lY. 1: — ■ Leave to the powers Above us the effects of their decrees ; My burthen lies within me : servile fears Prevent no great effects. To the influence of Seneca, direct or indirect, we should probably ascribe the calmness with which Ford's characters meet death. Perkin Warbeck closes his life with the words. Death? pish ! 'tis but a sound: a name of air ]he in nocent Susan in The Witch of Edmonton ; the guilt y brother and sister in 'Tis Fity She's a Wiore ; Ithocles, Orgilus, and Calantha in The Broken Hmrt : Bianca, Fernando, and the Duke m Loves Sacrifce—aW arealike in their contempt for death ; they rather seek it than fear it. 116 The Ivfluence of Seneca BEAU3toi\T Beaumont and FletchePv, in The Kniqhi of the Burnimj and ■ ^ ■■ "J FLETCHER. jVsf/^', made ftin of tLe pliilosopliical commonplaces,^ the I bombast, and the supernatm'al horrors which dramatists ( like Marston borrowed from Seneca; but Beaumont and I Fletcher are themselves not free from occasional exag- geration of expression ;- ghosts or spirits appear in several of the plays in which Fletcher had a hand,'^ and in one or two the tragic effect is of a some- what gruesome character. Thus in The Triampli 'of Death (probably by Fletcher alone), amid the whole- / sale slaughter which closes the play, Gabriella tears out I her husband's heart, and throws it at his uncle's feet ; Uind in The Bloochj Brother (by Fletcher and Massinger), ;the heads of Gisbert and Hamond are brought on the j stage after their execution. Still, it must be acknow- ledged that Fletcher and his chief co-adjutors, Beaumont and Massinger, owe little to Seneca. Their most impor- tant debt was probably the Stoical fortitude with which their characters are inspired in face of death. Fletcher has sometimes been credited wdth weakness in this respect ;* but, so far as I can see, it is little less remark- able in the plays which Fletcher wrote alone than in 1 Ralph's reflection, (V. 2), " To a resolved mind his home is everywhere," is evidently a parody of Antonio and Mellida, 2nd Part, II. 1, "A wise man's home is wheresoe'er he is wise" — a maxim which Marston borrowed from Seneca. 2 See Fhilaster, III. 1." Set hills on hills..." and IV. 4. "Place me, some god, upon a pyramis ;" speeches of Arbaces in A King and no King ; and Fletcher's A Wife for a Month, IV. 4. 3 In The Lover's Progress and The Proi^hetess, by Fletcher and Massinger, and in Tlie Humorous Lieutenant and The Triumph of Death, by Fletcher alone. , * See Mr. R. Boyle's note on Barnavelt, 071 Ellzahethni Tragcdij. 117 tliose written in conjunction with others. In Fletcher's Valmtinian, IV, 4, Aecius says : — We must all die, All leave ourselves ; it matters not where, when, Nor how, so we die well. So too Young Archas in I. 4 of The Loyal Suhjai, another play written hy Fletcher alone : — 'Tis but dying, And, madam, we must do it ; the manner's alL an^ his father in IV. 5 : — I am the same, the same man, living, dying ; The same mind to 'em both, T poize thus equal. See also the deaths of Bonduca and her daughters in Fletcher's tragedy, for, as in Seneca, the women are no less brave than the men. We note this as well in the work which Fletcher did in co-operation with Beaumont as in the later tragedies in which he had the assistance of Massinger. When Philaster (III. 1) says to the dis- guised Euphrasia, Oh, but thou dost not know What 'tis to die. she replies Yes, I do know, my lord : 'Tis less than to be born ; a lasting sleep ; A quiet resting from all jealousy, A thing we all pursue ; I know, besides. It is but giving over of a gan.e That must be lost. 118 The Iiifiucnce of Senecd and Ordella in Fletcher and Massinger's Thurrij and Theodorct says, 'Tis of all sleeps the sweetest : Children begin it to us, strong men seek it, And kings from height of all their painted glories Fall like spent exhalations to this centre : And those are fools that fear it. In The Double Marriage, another phiy by Fletcher and Massinger, Juliana is as heroic in her contempt for death as her husband, and Martia as unflinching as her valiant father. Eeflective passages in the plays passing under the names of Beaumont and Fletcher are not numerous, and though in some cases the thought expressed may be interpreted as a reminiscence of Seneca, there are few instances in which the resemblance is not just as likely to be merely accidental. Thus, Philaster's exclamation (III. 1. ad fin.) Oh, where shall I Go bathe this body ? Nature too unkind, That made no medicine for a troubled mind ! may be compared ^utll Hercules Furens 1330-6, " Quis Tanais " and 1268-9, " Nemo polluto queat animo mederi ;" but it seems useless to multiply parallels of this kind. The only example I have found of direct imitation TheBio^dy is in the scene between Sophia and her two sons in The Bloodij Brother (I. 1), which is largely borrowed from Seneca, as the following extracts will show :— - Broihrr. on EUzahethan Tragedy. 119 Soph. And join your hands while they are itmoreat ! You have heat of blood, and youth apt to ambition, To plead an easy pardon for what's past ; But all the ills beyond this hour committed, From gods or men must hope for no excuse. dexteras matri date, date dum piae sunt, error inuitos adhuc fecit nocentes, omne fortunae fuit peccantis in uos crimen : hoc primum nefas inter scientes geritur. {l^kebais 450-4.) and again Why dost thou tremble, And with a fearful eye, fix'd on thy brother, Observ'st his ready sword, as bent against thee ? I am thy armour, and will be pierc'd through Ten thousand times, before I will give way To any peril may arrive at thee ; And therefore fear not. quo uultus refers acieque pauida f ratris .obseruas manum 1 adfusa totum corpus amplexu tegam tuo cruori per meum fiet uia. quid dubius haeres ? an times matris fidem ? {Thehais 473-7.) Soph, {returning the sivord) Take it again, and stand upon your guard, And, while your brother is, continue arm'd. redde iam capulo manum, adstringe galeam, laeua se clipeo ingerat, dum frater est armatus, armatus mane. {Thehais 480-2.) 120 The Influence of Seneca You doubt him ; he fears you ; I doubt and fear Both, for [the] other's safety, not my own. Know yet, my sons, when of necessity You must deceive or be deceiv'd, 'tis better To suffer treason than to act the traitor ; And in a war like this, in which the glory Is his that's overcome. Consider, then. What 'tis for which you strive : is it the dukedom 1 Or the command of these so ready subjects 1 Desire of wealth 1 or whatsoever else Fires your ambition ? 'tis still desperate madness. To kill the people which you would be lords of : With fire and sword to lay that country waste Whose rule you seek for ; to consume the treasures, Which are the sinews of your government, In cherishing the factions that destroy it : Far, far be this from you ! make it not question'd Whether you can have interest in that dukedom Whose ruin both contend for. ille te ttt ilium times, ego utrumque, sed pro utroque... id gerere bellum cupitis in quo e^fc optimum I'inci. uereris fratris infesti dolos ? quotiens neces,se est fallereaut falli a suis, patiare potius ipse quam facias seel us. ■ «■ ••• •■• •■• ••• .*■' quis tenet mentem furor ? petendo patriam perdis 1 ut fiat tua, uis esse nullam ? quin tuae causae nocet ipsum hoc quod annis uertis infestis solum segetesque adustas sternis et totos fugam edis per agros : nemo sic uastat sua. quae corripi igne quae meti gladio iubes aliena credis ? rex sit e nobis uter manente regno quaerite. {Thehais 488-494, 557-565.) on EUzahethan Tragedjj. 121 It should be noted that Mr. Ohphant, Mr. Boyle, massingeh, and Mr. Bullen agree in ascribing the above passage to Massinger, who is more nearl}^ allied to' Seneca than Beaumont and Fletcher, his genius being, as Dr. Ward remarks, " essentially rhetorical," He is not entirely free from bombast,^ and in some of his plays he relies for dramatic effect upon the physical horrors which we have remarked as the chief characteristic of the English school of Seneca. Nothing could be more repulsive than the outrage done to the dead body of Marcelia in The DuJce of Milan ; and the theme of The Unnatural Combat is bloody and horrible enough. The conclusion of the latter drama is brought about in a manner worthy of the most devoted imitator of Seneca's ghosts and crude horrors, the stage direction reading : — "Enter the Ghost of young Malefort, naked from the waist, full of wounds, leading in the Shadow of a Lady, her face leprous." Soneca is mentioned two or three times in different plays,"^ and I have noted one or two parallels in addition to the extract from The Bloodij Brother quoted above; but they are not very striking. The % following passages express ideas derived from Seneca, but by Massinger's time long familiar to the English drama. The DuJce of Milan, I. 3 : — The only blessing that Heaven hath bestowed on us, more than on beasts, ^ e. g. Sforza in Tlie Duhe of Milan, V. 2 ; Slave in The Virgin Martyr, IV. 1. 3 7'A> The wrath that breatheth blood doth loathe to lurk, cum spirat ira sanguinem nescit tegi. {Thyestea 504.) I am disdain'd : so will I not be long. That very hour that he shall first arrive, Shall be the last that shall afford him life. iam displicemus, capta praelata est mihi. non praeferetur : qui dies thalami ultimus nostri est futurus, hie erit uitae tuae. {Herctdes Oetaeus 307-9.) 132 The Injfncncc of Seneca Page 266 Thougli neither seas, nor lands, nor wars abroad (cvntinncd). g^gg^^g^j f^^ thy foil, yet slialt thou find Far worse at home — thy deep-displeased spouse. Whate'er thou hast subdued in all thy stay This hand shall now subdue. gesseris caelum licet totusque pacem dcbeat mundus tibi : est aliquid hydra peius iratae dolor nuptae. quis ignis tantus in caelum furit ardentis Aetnae ? quicquid est uictum tibi hie uincet animus. {Hercules Oetaeus 285-290.) » jj What's this 1 my mind recoils and irks these threats : Anger delays, my grief gins to assuage, My fury faints, and sacred wedlock's faith Presents itself. Why shunnst thou fearful wrath? Add coals afresh : preserve me to this venge. quid hoc 1 recedit animus et ponit minas, iam cessit ira. quid miser langues dolor 1 perdis furorem, coniugis sanctae fidem mihi reddis iterum. quid uetas flammas ali ? quid frangis ignes 1 hunc mihi serua impel urn. {Hercules Oetaeus 310-314.) At least exile thyself to realms unknown, And steal his wealth to help thy banish'd state ; For flight is best, O base and heartless fear ! Theft? Exile ? Flight ? all these may fortune send Unsought ; but thee beseems more high revenge. uel mycenaea domo coniuncta socio profuge furtiua rate, quid timida loqueris f urta ct exilium et f ugas 1 sors ista fecit, te decet maius nefas. {Agamemnon 122-5.) on Ellzahethan Tragedy. 133 Page 266 Come, spiteful fiends, come, heaps of furies fell. (continued). Not one by one, but all at once 1 my breast Page 267. Raves not enough : it likes me to be fill'd With greater monsters yet. dira furiarum coliors discorsque Erinnys ueniat et geminas faces Megaera quatiens. non satis magno meum ardet furore pectus, impleri iuuat maiore monstro. {Thyestes 250-254.) J, My heart doth throb. My liver boils : soniewh'at my mind portends, Uncertain what ; but whatsoever, it's huge. . nescio quid animus maius et solito amplius supraque fines moris humani tumct instatque pigris manibus. baud quid sit scio, sed grande quiddam est. (Thyestes 267-270.) „ Omit no plague, and none will be enough. nullum rclinquam facinus et nullum est satis. {Thyestes 256.) „ Wrong cannot be reveng'd but by excess. scelera non ulcisceris nisi uincis. {Thyestes 195-6.) ,) Fron. Is there no mean in wrong ? GuEN. Wrong claims a mean, when fix'st you offer wrong The mean is vain when wrong is in revenge. Thy. sceleris est aliquis modus. Atr. sceleri modus debetur, itbi facias scelus, non ubi rcponas. {Thyestes 1055'7») 13'i The Ivjiucncc of Seneca Page 267 Great harms cannot be hid : the grief is small, (continued), mi. • i • t -l \£ J hat can receive advice, or rule itseli. leuis est dolor qui capere consilium potest et clepere sese, magna non latitant mala. (Medea 155-6,) „ Hatred concealed doth often lap to hurt, But once profess'd, it oft'ner fails revenge. ira quae tegitur nocet, professa perdunt odia uindictae locum, {Medea 1534.) „ Unlawful love doth like, when lawful loathes, inlicita amantur, excidit quicquid licet. {Hercules Oetaeus 360.) Page 268. Fron. How can you then attempt a fresh offence 1 GuEN. Who can appoint a stint to her offence ? KvT, piget prioris et nouum crimen struis 1 Cly, res est profecto stulta nequitiae modus. {xigameinnon 150-151.) „ Whom Gods do press, they bend ; whom man annoys. He breaks. caelestis ira quos premit, miseros facit, humana nullos. {Hercules Oetaeus 444-5.) )) Your grief is more than his deserts. Each fault requires an equal hate : be not severe, Where crimes be light. As you have felt, so grieve. maior admisso tuus alumna dolor est : culpa par odium exigat. cur saeua modice statuis ? ut passa es dole, {Hercules Oetaeus 447-9.) on EUzahthan Tragedy, 135 Page 269, Well, shame is not so quite cxil'd, but that I can and will respect your sage advice. non omnis animo cescit ingenuo pudor : paremus altrix. {Hippolytus 255-6.) The love, that for his rage will not be rul'd, Must be restrain'd : fame shall receive no foil. qui regi non uidt amor uincatur. haud te fama maculari sinam. {Ilippolytus 256-7.) Her breast, not yet appeas'd from former rage, Hath chang'd her wrath which, wanting means to work Another's woe (for such is fury's wont), Seeks out his own, and raves upon itself. nOndum tumultu pectus attonitum caret mutauit iras quodque habet proprium furor, in se ipse saeuit. {^Hercules Furens 1226-8.) Thereby the rather you deserve to live For seeming worthy iji yourself to die. dignam ob hoc uita reor quod esse temet autumas dignam nece. {Hijypolytus 261-2.) „ Death is decreed, what kind of death, I doubt : Page 270. Whether to drown or stifle up this breath, Or forcing blood to die with dint of knife. decreta mors est ; quaeritur fati genus, laqueone uitam finiam an forro incubem 1 (FRppoIytus 263-4.) 186 The Influence of Seneca Page 270 All hope of prosperous liap is gone.. My fame, (con mue ). ]\f y* f .^j j]^^ ^y gpouse — no goocl is left luilost ! cuncta jam amisi bona : mcntem arma famam coniugem. (^Hercules Farens 1266-7.) » » }? »> Myself am left : there's left hoth seas and lands, And sword, and fire and chains, and choice of harms. Medea superest, hie mare et terras uides ferrumque et ignes et deos et fulmina. (Medea 166-7.) Who now can heal My maimed mind 1 It must be heal'd by death. nemo polluto queat animo mederi. morte sanandum est scelus. (Hercules Furens 1268-9.) Alone you may not die, with me you may. perire sine me non potes, rnecum potes. (Thehais 66.) They that will drive th' unwilling to their death, Or frustrate death in those that fiiin would die, OfFeiid alike. qui cogit mori nolentem in aequo est quique propei'antem itipedit. {Thehais 98-99.) Ang. But will my tears and mournings move you nought? GuEN. Then is it best to die when friends do mourn. Thes. lacrimae nonne te nostrae mouent ? Phae. mors optima est perire lacrimant duin sui. {Hippolytus 888-9.) on EUzahethan Tragedy. 137 Page 270 Each-wliere is death ! the fates ha^e well ordam'd, {coninue ). rpj^^^ Qa,Q\i man may bereave himself of life, But none of death : death is so sure a doom, A thousand ways do guide us to our graves. ubique mors est. optume hoc cauit deus. eripere uitam nemo non homini potest, at nemo mortem : mille ad hanc aditus patent. {Thelcm 151-3.) „ Who then can ever come too late to that. Whence, when he is come, he never can return? Or what avails to hasten on our ends. And Ions: for that which destinies have sworn ! nemo ad id sero uenit unde numquam, cum semel uenit, potuit reuerti. quid iuuat dirum properare fatum? [Hercules Furens 869-871.) Page 271. Death is an end of pain, no pain itself. de fine poenae loqucris, ego poenam uolo. {Thytstes 246.) )> Is 't meet a plague for such excessive wrcng Should be' so short ? Should one stroke answer all ? \SoUloqiixzes\ And would'st thou die ? well, that contents the laws : What, then, for Arthur's ire? What for thy fame. Which thou hast stain'd? What for thy stock thou sham'st ? Not death nor life can alone give a full Revenge : join both in one — die and yet live. Where pain may not be oft, let it be long. Seek out some lingeiing death, whereby thy corpse May neither touch the dead nor joy the quick, pie, but no common death : pass nature's boui;ds, 188 The Influence of Seneca itane ? tam magnis breues poenas sceleribus soluis atque uno onmia pensabis ictu ? moreris : hoc patri sat est. quid deinde matri, quid male in lucem editis gnatis, quid ipsi quae tuum magna luit scelus ruina flebilis patriae dabis 1 Boluenda non est ilia quae leges ratas natura in uno uertit Oedipode nouos commenta partus, snpplicis cadem meis nouetur. iterum uiuere atque iterum mori liceat renasci semper, ut totiens noua supplicia pendas. utere ingenio miser, quod saepe fieri non potest fiat diu. mors eligatur longa. quaeratur uia qua nee sepultis mixtus et uiuis tamen exemptus erres. morere sed citra patrem. (Oedipus 957-972.) Paf'e 271 The mind and not the chance doth make th' unchaste. (continued X mens inpudicam facere non casus solet. (IIi2-)2')olytus 74-3.) Then is your fault from fate ; you rest excus'd. None can be deemed faulty for her fate. fati ista culpa est. nemo fit fato nocens. (Oedipus 1041.) « » Impute mishaps to fates, to manners faults. nam monstra fato, moribus scelera inputes. (Hippolytus 149.) A mighty error oft hath seem'd a sin. saepe error ingens sceleris optinuit locum. (Hercules Fur ens \1\.x>.^ Oh EUzahethan Tragedy. 139 Page 272, The hour, which erst I always feared most The certain ruin of luy desperate state, Is happened now ! why turn'st thou (mind) thy back ? Why at the first assault dost thou recoil ? Trust to 't, the angry heavens contrive some spite, And dreadful doom t' augment thy cursed hap. Oppose to each revenge thy guilty head, quod tempus animo semper ac mente horrui, adest profecto rebus extremum meis. quid terga uertis anime 1 quid primo impetu deponis arma 1 crede perniciem tibi et dira saeuos fata moliri deos. oppone cunctis uile suppliciis caput. (Agamemnon 227-232.) Page 273. What shouldst thou fear, that see'st not what to hope? qui nil potest sperare, desperet nihil. {Medea 163.) cui ultima est fortuna, quid dubium timet? (Agamemnon 147.) ,, He safely stands, that stands beyond his harms. cuius baud ultra mala exire possunt in loco tuto est situs. (Thebais 198-9.) a Thine (death) is all that east and west can see ; For thee we live, our coming is not long ! Spai'e us but whiles we may prepare our graveSi Though thou wert slow, we hasten of ourselves, The hour that gave did also take our lives. tibi crescit omne, et quod occasus uidet et quod ortus. parce uenturis. tibi mors paramur, 9is licet segnis, properamus ipsi. prima quae uitam dedit hora, carpit> {Heresies Furens 8T4-8,} 140 The In thence of Seneca Page 273 My fear is past, and wedlock love hath won. Retire we thither yet, whence first we ought Not to have stirr'd. Call back chaste faith again. The way that leads to good is ne'er too late : Who so repents is guiltless of his crimes. amor iugalis uincit ac flectit retro, remeomus illuc, unde non decuit prius abire. sed nunc casta repetatur fides, nam sera nuniquam est ad bonos mores uia. quern paenitet pecasse, poenac est innocens. (Agamemnon 240-244.) Page 274. Nor love nor sovereignity can bear a peer. nee regna socium ferre nee taedae sciunt. (Agamemnon 260.) „ Why dost thou still stir up my flames delay'd 1 His strays and errors must not move my mind : A law for private men binds not the king. What, that I ought not to condemn my liege, Nor can, thus guilty to mine own offence ! Where both have done amiss, both will relent : He will forgive that needs must be forgiven. Aegisthe quid me rursus in praeceps rapis iramque flammis iam residentem excitas ? permisit aliquid uictor in captam sibi : nee coniugem hoc respicere nee dominam decet. lex alia solio est alia priuato toro. quid quod seueras ferre me leges uiro non patitur animus turpis admissi memor. det ille ueniam facile cui uenia est opus. (Agamemnon 261-8.) on UliZiihctUan Tragcihj. 141 Page 274 A judge severe to us, mild to hijuself. (continued). nobis maligni iudices aequi sibi. (Agamemnon 271.) His is the crime, whom crime stands most in stead. cui prodest scehis, is fecit. (Medea 503-4.) Well should she seem most guiltless unto thee, Whate er she be, that's guilty for thy sake. ,tibi innocens sit quisquis est pro te nocens. (Medea 506.) Page 275. His ways be blind that maketh chance his guide. caeca est temeritas quae petit casum ducem. (Agamemnon 146.) The safest passage is from bad to worse. per scelera semper sceleribus tutum est iter. (Agamemnon 116.) » « » He is a fool that puts a mean in crimes. res est profecto stulta nequitiae modus. (Agamemnon\b\.) So sword and fire will often sear the sore. et ferrum et ignis saepe medicinae loco est. (Agamemnon 163.) Extremest cures must not be used first. extrema primo nemo temptauit loco. (Agamemnon 154.) 142 The Infiuence of Seneca Page 275 In desperate times the headlong way is best. (cuntlaued). capienda rebus in malis praeceps uia est. (^Aganiemno)i 155.) Page 27G. Mi.'schief is sometimes safe, but ne'er secure, scelus ali(i[ua tutum, nulla securum tulit. (Hippoli/tus 169.) Cox. The wrongful sceptre'.s held with trembling hand. MoR. Whose rule wants right, his safety's in his sword. rapta sed trepida manu seeptra optinentur. omnis in ferro est salus. [Hercules Furens 34&-6.) 1} Con. The kingliest point is to aflect but right. MoR. Weak is the sceptre's hold that seeks but right. Sat. rex uelit honesta : nemo non eadem uolet. Atk. ubicumque tantum honesta dominanti licent, precario regnatur. [Thyestes 213-5.) Page 277. Moil. 8he is both light and vain. Cox. She noteth though. MoR. She feareth states. Cox. She carpeth, ne'ertheless. MoR. She's soon suppress 'd. Sex. leuis atque nana. Nero. sit licet, multos notat. Sex. excelsa metuit. Nero. non minus carpit tamen. Sex. facile opprimetur. (Ociavia 596-8.) on EUzahetlian Tragedy^ 143 Page 282. Cox. Nought should be rashly vow'd against your sire. MoR. Whose breast is free from rage may soon b' ad^dsed. Con. The best redress from rage is to relent. MoR. 'Tis better for a king to kill his foes. Sex. in nihil propinquos temere constitui decet. Nero, iustum esse facile est cui uacat pectus metu. SiiN. magnum timoris remedium dementia est. Nero, extinguere hostem maxima est uirtus ducis. {Octavia 452-5.) Page 283. Con. The subjects' force is great. Mop Greater the king's. NvTR. uis magna populi est. Oct. principis maior tameu. (Octavia 190.) » ji The more you may, the more you ought to fear. hoc plus uerere quod licet tantum tibi. (Octavia 462.) MoR. He is a fool that feai'eth what he mav. Con. Not what you may, but what you ought is just. Nero, inertis est nescire quid liceat sibi. Sex. id facere laus est quod decet, noa quod licet. {Octavia 465-6.) MoR. The laws do licence as the soveleign lists. Cox. Least ought he list, whom laws do licence most. Pyr. quodcumque libuit facere uictori, licet. Agam. minimum decet libere cui multum licet. {Troas 344-5.) 144 The Influence of Seneca Page 283 Mor. The fates have heav'd and rais'd my force on high. (coniinued). ^^^ rpj^^ gentler should you press those that are low. quocjue te celsum altius superi leuarunt, mitius lapsos preme. (Troas 704-5.) Page 284. Mor. My will must go for right. Con. If they assent. Mor. My sword shall force assent. Con. No, gods forbid ! Nkro. statuam ipse. Sen. quae consensus efficiat rata. Nero, despectus ensis faciet. Sen. hoc absit nefas. (Oclavia 472-3.) „ Whom fates constrain, let him forego his bliss ; But he that needless yields unto his bane, When he may shun, doth well deserve to lose The good he cannot use. quem fata cogunt hie quidem uiuat miser, at si quis ultro se malis offert uolens seque ipse torquet, perdere est dignus bona quis nescit uti. {Hlppolytus 448-451.) Page 285. Nor to destroy the realm you seek to rule. Your father rear'd it up, you pluck it down. You lose your country, whiles you win it thus : To make it yours, you strive to make it none. ne precor ferro erue patriam ac penates neue, quas regere expetis euerte Thebas. quis tenet mentem furor ? petendo patriam perdis ? ut fiat tua, uis esse nullam ? {Thehais 555-9.) on Elizahefhan Trogedij. 145 Page 285 Must I to gain renown incur my plague, """" ^ Or hoping praise sustain an exile's life? ^ ut profugus errem semper ? ut patria arcear opemque gentis hospes externae sequar ? (Tkebais ^8&-7,} No. 'Tis my hap that Britain serves my turn ; That fear of me doth make the subjects crouch ; That what they grudge they do constrained yield. munus deorum est ipsa quod seruit mihi Roma let senatus quodque ab inuitis preces huinilesque uoces exprimit nosiri nietus. (Octavut 504-6.) Then is a kiniydom at a wished stav, When whatsoever the sovereign wills or nills, Men be compeU'd as well to praise as bear. maximum hoc regui bonum est, ♦juod facta domini cogitur populus sui quam ferre tam laudare. {Thijfsf''s 205-7.) ^ These lines have the following pasted over them : — - The first art m a kingdom is to scorn The envy of the realm. ars prima regni est posse te inuidiam pati. {^Hercules Fnrens 357.) He cannot rule That fears to bo envid. What can divorce Envy from sovereignty 1 regnare non uult esse qui inuisus timet. simul ista mundi conditcr poauit deus odium atque regnum. (TJiebais 651-6.) 146 Tlie Influence of Seneca Page 285. Con. But whoso seeks true praise and just renown, Page 280. Would rather .seek their praising hearts t}ian tongues. MoR, True praise may liappen to tlie basest groom ; A forced praise to none but to a prince. I wish that most, that subjects most repine. Sat. at qui fauoris gloriam ueri petit, animo magis quam uoce laudari uolet. Arii. laus uera et humili saepe contingit uiro, non nisi potenti falsa, quml nolunt, uelint. {Thyestes 209-212.) „ And better were an exile's life, than thus Disloyally to wrong your sire and liege. melius exiliiim tibi (juam reditus iste. [Thebais 617-8.) „ But cease at length ; your speech molests me much. My mind is fixM : give Mordred leave to do What Conan neither can allow nor like. desiste tandem iam grauis nimium mihi instare. liceat f acere quod Seneca improbat. (Oc^ma 600-601.) Page 288. No danger can be thought both safe and oft. nemo se tuto diu periculis ofterre tarn crebris potest. (^Hercules Furens 330-331.) Whom chance hath often raissVI, chance hits at length. quem saepe transit casus aliquando inuenit. {Hercules Furens 332.) on Elizahethan Tragedy. 147 Page 289. Tf conquerors ought To seek for peace, tlie conquered must perforce. pacem reduci uelle uictori expedit, uicto necesse est. (Hercules Furenff 372-3.) ,, What cursed war.s (alas) were those, wherein Eoth sou and sire should so oppose themselves! Him whom you now, unhappy man, pursue, If you should win, yourself would first bewail. quale tu id bellum putas, iu quo execrandum uictor adinittit uefas si gaudet? hunc quern uincere infelix cupis cum uiceris, lugebis. {Thebais 638-641.) Page 290. Trust me, a huge and mighty kingdom 'tis To bear the want of kingdom, realm, and crown, immane regnum est posse sine regno pati. (Thyesies 470.) Wherefore think on the doubtful state of wars. Where war hath sway, he keeps no certain course : Sometimes he lets the weaker to prevail, Sometimes the stronger troops : hope, fear, and rage With eyeless lot rules all uncertain good. Most certain harms be his assured haps. fortuna belli semper ancipiti in loco est. quodci;mque Mars decernit : exaequat duos licet inpares sint gladiu.s et spes et nietus sors caeca uersafc. praemium incertum petit, certum scelus. [Thebaic 629-633.) „ CtAW. And fear you not so strange and uncouth wars ? MoR. Ko, were they wars that grew from out the ground I NvTR. non inetuis arma ? Med. sint licet terra edita. {Medea 169.) 148 TJie Influence of Seneea Page 290 He falleth well, that failing fells his foe. (rvntiiumi). felix iacet, quicumque, quos odit, premit. [Hercules Oehieun 353.) Page 2i>l. Small manhood were to turn niy back to chance. haud est uirile terga fortunae dai'e. {Oedhputs 86.) ,, T bear no breast so unprepar'd for hai*ms. non inparatum pectus aerumnis gero. {Ilippolytus 1003.) „ Even that I hold the kingliest point of all, To brook afflictions well : and by how much The more his state and tottering empire sags. To tix so much the faster foot on ground. regium hoc ipsum reor aduersa capere quoque sit dubius magis status et cadentis imperi moles labat hoc stare certo pressius fortem gradu. {Oedipus 82-85.) „ No fear but doth forejudge, and many fall Into their fate, whiles they do fear their fate. inultis ipsum timuisse nocet. multi ad fatum uenere suum, dum fata timent. (Oedipits 1014-16.) „ Yea, worse than war itself is fear of war. peior est bello timer ipse belli. {7'hyestes 572.) „ All things are rul'd in constant course : no fate But is foreset : the first day leads the last. omnia certo tramite uadunt primusque dies dedit extremum. [Oedipiis 1008-9.) on ^lizahetlum Tragechf» 149 Page 292. He either must destroy, or be destroy 'd ; The mischief's in the midst ; catch he that can, aut perdet, aut peribit. in medio est scelus positum occupanti. [TJii/entefs 203-4.) „ Like as the craggy rock Resists the streams and flings the waltering waves Aloof, so he rejects and scorns my words. ut dura cautes undique intractabilis resistit undis et lacessentes aquas longe remittit, uerba sic spernit mea. {Hipiyolytus 588-590.) Page 295. A troubled head : my mind revolts to fear, And bears my body back. nunc contra in metus reuoluor, animus haeret ac retro cupit corpus rcferre. {Thyestas 418-420.) Page 298. false and guileful life. crafty world ! Page 299. How cunningly convey'st thou fraud unseen I Th' ambitious seemeth meek, the wanton chaste : Disfi^uised vice for virtue vaunts itself. ^o> o uita fallax. obditos sensus geris animisque pulcram turbidis faciem induis. pudor inpudentem celat audacem quies, pietas nefandum. {Hijypolytus 926-9.) No place is left for prosperous plight : mishaps Have room and ways to run and walk at will. prosperis rebus locus ereptus oomis, dira qua ueniant habent. (2'roas 432-3.) 150 The Injivxnce of Serteca Page 302. Death only frees the guiltless from annoys. mors innocentem sola fortunae eripit. [Oedipus 955.) „ Who so hath felt the force of greedy fates, And 'dur'd the last decree of grisly death, Shall never yield his captive arms to chains, Nor drawn in triumph deck the victor's pomp. quisquis sub pedibus fata, rapacia et puppem posuit liminis ultimi, non captiua dabit bracchia uinculis nee pompae ueniet uobile ferculum. {Hercules Oetaeun 107-110.) ,, My youth (1 gi-a.nt) and prime of budding years, Putt\l lip with pride ajid fond desire of praise, Poreweening nought what perils might en.sue, 'Adventured all and raught to will the reins : But now this age requires a sager course, And will, advis'd by harms, to wisdom yields. Those swelling spirits, the self-same cause which first Set them on gog, even fortune's favours quail'd. fateor aliquando inpotens regno ac superbus altius memet tuli, sed fregit illos spiritus haec quae dare potuisset alii causa fortunae fauor. (Troops 275-8. y Page 303. 'Tis safest then to dare, when most you fear. tutissimum est inferre cum timeas gradura, {Hi'pfolytus 730. „ Cador. Then may you rule. Arthur. When I may die. Cador. To rule is much. Arthur. Small, if we covet nought. on Elkahethan Tragedy. 151 Tant. pater, potes regnare. Thy. cum possim mori. Tant. summa est potestas. Thy. nulla si cupias nihil. {Thyestes 442-3.) Page .304. Trust me, bad things have often glorious names. mihi crede, falsis magna nomiiiibus placent. ( Thyestes 448.) Page 305. Rome puffs us up, and makes us too — too fierce. There, Britons, there we stand, whence Eome did fall. Troia nos tumidos facit nimium ac feroces? stamus hoc Danai loco unde ilia cecidit. (Troas 273-5.) „ Thou, Lucius, mak'st me proud, thou heav'st my mind ; But what? Shall I esteem a crown ought else Than as a gorgeous crest of easeless helm. Or as some brittle mould of glorious pomp, Or glittering glass which, while it shines, it breaks ? All this a sudden chance may dash, and not Perhaps with thirteen kings, or in nine years : All may not find so slow and lingering fates. tu me superbum Priame tu tumidum facis, ego esse quicquam sceptra nisi uano putem f ulgore tectum nomen et falso comam uinclo decentem ? casus haec i-apiet breuis nee mille forean ratibus aut annis decem. non omnibus fortuna tarn lenta inminet. {Troas 279-284.) Page 311. A hopeless fear forbids a happy fate. miserrimura est timere cum speres nihil. {Troas 434.) 152 The Influence of Seneca Page 311 All truth, all trust, all blood, all bands be broke ! (continued), fratris et fas (it fides iu.sque omne pereat, [Thyestes 47-48.) Page 312. For were it light, that ev'n by birth myself Was bad, I made my sister bad : nay, were That also light, I have begot as bad. hoc leue est quod sum nocens, feci nocentes. hoc quoque etiamnunc leuo est, peperi nocentes. [Thehais 367-9.) Page 313. Care upon care, and every day n new Fresh rising tempest tires the tossed minds. alia ex aliis cura fatigat uexatque animos noua tempestas. [Agamemnon 62-6.;.) „ Who strives to stand in pomp of princely port. On giddy top and culm of slippery court. Finds oft a heavy fate ; whiles too much known To all he falls unknown unto himself. stet quicumque uolet potens aulae culmine lubrico : illi mors grauis incubat, qui notus nimis onmibus, ignotus moritur sibi. {Thyesies 391-2, 401-3.) „ My slender bark shall creep anenst the shore, And shun the winds that sweep the waltering waves. Proud fortune overslips the safest roads. Page 314. And seeks amidst the surging seas those keels, Whose lofty tops and tacklings touch the clouds, on Elizahethan Tragedy. 153 striiigat tenuis litora puppis nee magna meos aura phaselos iubeat medium scindere pontum. transit tutos fortuna sinus medioque rates quaerit in alto quarum feriunt suppara nubes. {Hercules Oetcmis 698-703.) Page 3 J 4: With endless cark in glorious courts and towns, :o I ,; . . rj^j^^ ti-Qubled hopes and trembling fears do dwell. turbine magno spes sollicitae urbibus errant trepidique metus. (Hercules Furens 163-4.) Page 315. Who forbiddeth not offence, If well he may, is cause of such offence. qui non uetat peccare, cum possit, iubet. {Troas 300.) Page 317. Declare ! we joy to handle all our harms. prose(iuere: gaudet aerumnas meus dolor tractare totas. (Troas 1076-7.) „ Small griefs can speak, the great astonish'd stand. curae leues loquuntur ingentes stupent. [Hi^jpolytus 615.) ,, Gil. What greater sin could hap, than what be pass'd? What mischiefs could be meant, more than were wrought 1 NxiN. And think you there's to be an end to sins 1 Noj crime proceeds : those made but. one degree. Chor. an ultra maius aut atrocius natura recipit ? Nvnt. sceleris hunc finem putay ? gradus est. {Thyestes lib 7.) 154 2'he Infiuencc of Seneca Page 325. He was the joy and hope, and hap, of all, The realm's defence, the sole delay of fates ; He was our wall and fort : twice thirteen years His shoulders did the Briton state support. columen patriae mora fatorum ^ tu praesidium Phrygibus fessis tu murus eras umerisque tuis stetit ilia decern fulta per annos. {Troas 128-131.) Page 332. Where each man else hath felt his several fate, I only pine, oppress'd with all their fates ! sua quemque tantum, me omnium clades premit. {Troas 1071.) Page 333. The hot-spurr'd youth, that forc'd the forward steeds, Whiles needs he would his father's chariot guide, Neglecting what his sire had said in charge : The fires which first he flung about the poles, Himself at last, most woful wretch, inflam'd. ausus aeternos agitare currus immemor metae iuuenis paternae quos polo sparsit furiosus ignes ipse recepit. {Medea 602-605.) Page 334. We could not join our minds — our fates we join'd. non licuit animos iungere, at certe licet iunxisse fata. {Uippolytus 1192-3 ) ,, They lov'd to live that, seeing all their realm Thus topsy-turvy turn, would grudge to die. uitae est auidus quisquis nou uult muudo secum pereunte mori, {Thyestes 886-7.) on Elizabethan Tragedy. 155 Page 339. Whoe'er received such favour from above, That could assure one day unto himself l nemo tam diuos habuit fauentes, crastinum ut possit sibi polliceri. (Thyestes 619-620.) „ Him whom the morning found both stout and strong, The evening left all grovelling on the ground. quern dies uidit ueniens superbum, hunc dies uidit fugiens iacentem. {Thyestes 613-4.) GUARDIAN' STKAM PRINTING WORKS, OXFORD STREET, BOLTON. m HOME USE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT MAIN LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below. 1 -month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405. 6-month loans may be recharged by brmgmg books to Circulation Desk. 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