UC-NRLF 3 SSO fl3fi JC^ >7;^.? Q ->.'_/, THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA £^T %-;^\. ■1 ^=-^; '^^ 'y PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE \V. KOEOID THE EVOLUTION OF WOMAN t\z T^TVOLUTIOW or Narry Whitney M'Vickar J^EW YORK HARPER & BROTHERS PUBLISHERS iS9G Copyright, 1896, by Harper & Brothers. .-/// rii'/ils ri-serzvif. c ^^"'7 hA (A Man's) Preface Garden of Eden Time of the Pharaohs Ancient Rome Greece End of XIV. Century OMTEWTJ In the XV. Century, 1430 Ye Good Old Puritans A Matter of Course In the East A.D. 1830 Switzerland Belgium The Club Venus, M.D. The Law The Beginning of the End The Wail of the Strait-laced Golf The Open Season A.D. J 900 ivi36371'^ (A MAN'S) PREFACE " O woman ! In our hours of ease I And other hours | so sure to please," — Who never was (as man was) brute! Why Kv7/ you further evolute ? And, fighting so against your star, Not be content with what you are? 'Tis true one cannot justly say Your progress always found fair play ; Yet still, as we survey your mission. We think you've bettered your condition. In Eden — well, man did not make By your transaction with the Snake; And since that time it isn't fudge To say he's shown he felt his grudge. There was that pre-historic male Who threshed you with a flinty flail. In Egypt, after daily grubbing. Your evening brought you — formal drubbing! In Greece, at a most classic hour. They fed you — to the Minotaur! (The reason why, a sage allows, To-day, you're so " afraid of cows.") In Rome, they burned you at the stake, And chuckled at the fuss you'd make. It was sheer mediaeval duty To raffle for you — with the booty. Li several much later ages Your needle was your work — and wages, '^Vhen, loneh, , in your husband's den You worked his feats, in six-by-ten. In France, ic was a common use To wed you as the duke might choose. Few wrongs you've suffered much unkinder Than those from Salem's grim "witch-finder." (Who Just as soon as he bad found you, Incarcerated, hanged, or drowned you !) — The Turk, to-day, has not forgiven Your sex — nor thinks you merit heaven! — Oh, yes! There's really no denying You've had experiences most trying! But — almost everywhere on earth To-day dull man admits your worth. You've all the Rights your sex affords; You've stolen lots that wen' your lord's! You shoot — you golf — you hunt 'cross ditches- You ride a wheel — you wear our breeches ! You vote — you preach — you will not rub Along in life without your club; In arguing, ever a top-sawyer, You argue, now, in court, a lawyer ! In medicine a busy master, You dose and drug and stitch and plaster! — It's simple truth — we cannot shirk it — You've captured each "profesh" — and work it! In short, by ways most sly and neat, ^ ' You've seated man in a back seat ! But why, why do it ? Won't some elf Warn you that you forget — yourself? — Of course, you're charming — now and ever! In any whimsey whatsoever; But do just let this thought occur: MAN LIKES YOU BETTER AS YOU WERE! ALTHOUGH YOU MAKE OF HIM A MINION, YOU REALLY WANT HIS GOOD OPINION; AND, WHILE HE THINKS HIMSELF ABOVE YOU, HE'S MUCH MORE APT (LEAN LOW) TO LOVE YOU! — Why struggle so beyond your sphere. When in it — well — you're such a dear! E. Irenaeus Stevenson. GARDEN OF EDEN AUDEN OF^IflDEN.^ ^^j,,. m.'t" v... TIME OF THE PHARAOHS All womankind At work we find In Egypt's clime In Pharaoh's time; And Rameses His wives would seize And beat with ease. ^X\^ m ANCIENT ROME ANCIENT ROME 'fc;::<4^t^^ ,2=^ In ancient Rome The joys of home Were like as peas To those one sees In scenes like these. GREECE r^ M. On Minotaur Was laid the score When maid in Greece Did not increase In time of peace. END OF XIV. CENTURY The maid bewails, And faints and quails; But the Captain rails, For they who dare Deserve the fair And wed — their share! IN THE XV, CENTURY, 1430 To women of all ages Embroidery — missal - pages — Throughout the Middle Ages Are the only relaxation To household occupation, Excepting man's vexation. YE GOOD OLD PURITANS Ye good old rA(7t Puritans ;A?j W'ltnefseth, that Ye ^vo^lfn accufed of Witchcraft are to be ducked [\\ Y^PoiiJ, wherein if tlie\^ drown th^Y are ftmi'cihtwav pcov^n Innocent & nothing hurtfull -atCV? Coiitrav^wife fioweveC /f they^ DO NOT th.'^y are let dowia^ as /nanyfhings harm full (:■&•& Witthes and formw/t/i are "to be Burned J^'^ ^^ The poor little witch, For Heaven's sweet sake, Will be drowned in a ditch Or burned at the stake. A MATTER OF COURSE A MATTER OF COURSE In France of old, as I've been told, Whenever the Marquis needed gold, To marry some maid to a homely dependant Was a privilege daily in the ascendant. (Of course ,s7'(' was more or less dejected, But dissent — well, thai was never expected.) IN THE EAST Unwed, the Turkish women fail When Paradise they would assail, Except by means Of her husband's jeans Or the orthodox flap of his flowing CJ i coat-tail. --MBi A.D. 1830 ''||&^ AW mm Ml A mouse In the house ! What a fright ! Lingerie From Parce, And a sport Full of port: What a sight ! ^■■^'- SWITZERLAND M^'^KimmMiB In Switzerland, I understand, 'Tis hard, they say, To carry hay And yet be gay. BELGIUM Qelqidm ^F ^^. -^ In Belgic parts The women's hearts Don't pant for carts. THE CLUB CLUB While men to club Or mart repair, 'Tis woman's part Her lot to bear. m 63 ih 6^ J^ ^ ^^ 4 ■11 ¥ i 43 VTHERE IS NO PLACE like-Home. ll ^ § -f -?! I $ 1 1 f ? J t <^:^ VENUS, M,a Oh, may not D.V., A skirted M.D. (^ fori ion three), With clinical glee For lancet and fee. Ever stand over me! THE LAW In another way Phryne of old Was not more bold Than is to-day The maid that pleads, Draws bills and deeds, And other screeds. THE BEGINNING OF THE END jyiE ftEqmwwi^ or THE EWi Behold the wheel ! To pedal that Both lean and fat Are full of zeal. n THE WAIL OF THE STRAIT-LACED /C7 .or O tempora, O mores ! O magni dolores!* Oh sacrilege, which is A girl wearing breeches. T"^ WAIL ^^"^"^ STRAIT-LACED GOLF At golf she plays On pleasant days. Her skirts to shed She does not dread! A better drive, a better put, She thinks, is sure in such a suit. S/%'^ THE OPEN SEASON i^^ ¥l^ E OPEN SEASON 'Twere surely weak and lame of us To let or maid or dame of us Lightly to thus make game of us. A,D. 1900 1900 Oh, heavens ! in the coming years Shall we thus draw our children's tears? Shall we too late abase the knee Before the evoluted she, To blot out all the awful score Ere she with us wipes up the floor? ,-£.^ 9 ... -J 'l' CHEAP ^/ v^^ 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN This book is clue on the la on the date to w Renewed books are subje 31Jul'59&r. REC'D LP nF n 8- 19 59 ^ RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL UBRABVFACUTY Bldg 400. Richmond Field Station university of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 tmcn?h°oans may be renewed by caiiino .y^lo'atmfy he recharged by bringing boo.s Ren:ra"s'and recharges ma, be made 4 days prior to due date ^D3iaiiao=} *WV