vsor. ocial Lif'? of Heav^3nly .Spheres ^ Ivirs". M. J. Uph^in HpnriRe n AT LOS ANGELES ROBERT ERNEST COWAN THE SOCIAL LIFE o I- HEAVENLY SPHERES. i; V MARY WASHINGTON, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, 18 79. L THE SOCIAL LIFE O F HEAVENLY SPHERES. BY MARY WASHINGTON. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 18 79. PREFACE. In giving this third message from the Washington family to the world, it may be proper to add a few lines. Early in A^^gust, 1876, while calling upon Mrs. M. J. Upham Hendee, of San Francisco, a lady, who for twenty years has toiled as an instrument of the angel-world, Washington controlled, and in substance said, that his mother, Mary, was anxious to give a message to the children of earth. Con- senting to assist the spirit-world by sitting for this message, Mrs. Hendee, in my presence, in twenty-one sittings, in a semi-unconscious condition, wrote the contents of this little volume, impressed by the spirit of Mary AVashington, word by word. This, with that of her son's, and Martha Washington's already given to the world, open to us the gates of heaven, so that at least we can behold the realties of a tangible, spiritual world. A world of which poets have sung, priests have talked; about which kings, and queens, and popes have com- pelled theii- subjects to war; even "God hath written a book" of over three millions, five hundred thousand letters, and yet, never wrote one line of where was heaven, or where was hell. He also "hath sent His Son to die for man," but who in thirty years told us not where those "mansions" were, save as the Indian speaks of "happy hunting groiands." And in all the millions of years since "the morning stars sang together," from Gods, an- gels or men, not a score of years have passed, since man could give a rea- son why he should live again. But now, by the teachings of those once dwellers on earth, men, women and children like ourselves, we have learned the location of the spirit- world, its geography — learned of its houses, societies, occupations of the inhabi- tants — learned of the spiritual body, its means of existence, manner of conversation, travel and communication with earth and other planets — learned of the manner of separation of soul and body — how the spirit is received and cared for — but the most important of all that we have learned is, that the conceptions of God were perfect, and that in the fiiUness of time, a^;S Uiitttbi of- nece?s5.tV to Hj^ own perfection, all" of His creations ' . >■■ •■ • '■; 'It'-' • ' "'. - ...''.. must come into a condition of comparative perfection and happmesS, m har- mony- with fitcTP.ai,fa$\\ ' ■' ','• ''•'■'.•.*•,", e ' -' * San Fkancisco, Cal., February, 1879. T. B. CLAEKE. Entered according to Act of Congreiss in the year 187.9, By Thomas Bbownell Clarke, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. G. 3^ U3 CO era aa C3 I ^ THE J SECTION FIRST. My dear earthly friends, gUcikded by the love that is due to humanity, I come in accordance with a promise from my beloved son a few years ago, that I would give my testimony to this glorious truth of life beyond the grave in a continued knowledge and progress by intelligent and individual souls who have changed the sphere of life physicid for one spiritual and eternal. The great advent of spiritual light and knowledge to the world of mortals will bring a joyful awakeniug to a sleeping world. Un- certainty is death to all the finer and nobler intuitions of the soul; consequently on becoming fully convinced as to the truth of our reality and power to come to you as living ideatities, will establish a different code of laws by which mankind will be governed. There will be a full recogni- tion of a power above to restrain from evil. As spiritual- ism is imperfectly understood, to-day — it is supposed by many that there is nothing to fear in the future, as all are supposed to be saved; but I would say to all that they will reap just such an harvest as they prepare the ground and seed for. Christ's teachings were very perfect as we see them to-day — "that they who sow by the wayside will reap thistles and tares" — but well-doing and an earnest de- sire for right will bring its own reward. The glorious truths which await the coming generations of earth from the now invisible world will become plainer, and a full comprehension of knowledge in regard to life and its prin- ciples will be attained. Facts are really becoming es- tablished between the two worlds, as the advancement of knowledge gives them power to test this great question which has so long hindered the world as to the literal meaning of God, the Devil, Heaven and Hell, and the uncertainty with which the world is held in regard to their future existence. The network which has been woven by the superstitious and designing upon ignorant and down-trodden humanity, formed a barrier that at one time was perfectly impreg- nable to the spiritual influences of higher spheres. Many attempts have been made to awaken mortals to the truth of spirit -life and its glorious surroundings, but every ap- proach of the spirit to earth to meet its loved ones only doomed them to a greater dread, as all approach of spirits were considered harbingers of woe or death to some of their friends. Thus was every avenue cut off by and through which a communication could be made to destroy the dread and fear of a spiritual intercourse, that could be fully received as coming from those they supposed dead, uncertainty of their future, whether in Hell suffer- ing the torments of the damned or in Heaven with the blest, and so remote as never to return to earth; thus cut- ting off all communication with every loved being who had preceded them, and confining all worship to the God- head through the Son, Jesus Christ. But the united effort of spirits to break through and awaken thought touched a chord of response at a time and through a channel that could not be mistaken, and gained a hold that could not be severed. By degrees nearly every phase has been tested, until the forces are nearly complete. Minds have been aroused who are scientific both in this world and in the spheres, and it will not be long before a perfect knowledge of our spirit realm and its beautiful surroundings will be so well understood, that doubts will no longer fill the miud^ of men as to the certainty or uncertainty of our spiritual abode, as a real and beautiful home, where the ascended spirit is received and cared for by the loved ones who have preceded. Our spiritual home has its spheres or belts which sur- round and separate each from the other, or it may be called chemical atmosphere, causing a separation from earth and from each sphere, yet being connected by elec- tric and magnetic foices. To explain, we are, as you have been told by other spirits, in separate spheres, with spaces intersecting each other — every space supplied with matter to sustain elements necessary for the requirement of such circle or sphere. Those who are within a certain sphere are surrounded by a belt, holding them absolutely aloof from others— none passing, only through permission or aid of guides who deem them sufliciently harmonized to adapt themselves to the laws of that sphere. I do not wish to convey the idea that they are all of one mind or talent — for they are as varied in organization, talent or aspirations as the flowers of the field — but they are all on the plane of spirituality as one, or a band or class. As they become prepared to enter another sphere, they are ushered into the next higher with great rejoicing. where they are received and accorded their position, pre- paratory to a still higher nnfoldmont. In our return to the earth-plane, we gather, little by little, sweet thoughts and blessings, with ^vliich we surround ourselves, and make our presence understood and felt, for it is a pleasure to us, I assure you, to know that we have been fully recognized. We love earth as a mother, and cannot bre:ik the link that binds us to her, and as we are brought into her atmosphere, let us not dread the recognition by un- pleasant associations of our former life, for here is where so much misunderstanding arises, by the variety of des- cription given. Those who have been led to dark and wicked lives, while here, dread to return for fear of the conditions that once surrounded them. If mortals could only see their true condition, they would not stumble so often; but the work of redemption must go on, and the angel world has to come to the rescue to bring mortals up to a higher knowledge of their true lives and duties upon earth. This world is whore mankind must commence the studies of self, both physically and spiritually; the grand chain is unbroken, but . do not let it rust on the earth plane, so that it cannot revolve and elevate you in its scale of change in your nobler and higher duties and des- tinies. They truly seem as one linked in each other, that at times, the spiiit only feels itself to be mortal, and not until it attempts to control its organism in moving material bodies, does it realize the fact of the change. AH things are changing rapidly, and the wonderful knowledge gained within the last century, has startled the world with its new and wonderful revelation of truths and recognition of our departed friends, through the different phases given by the different media. My position or sphere of action is a teacher or mother to those who have faltered and grown weary through long life toils and bewildering teachings regarding this beautiful world. I find much joy in being enabled to assist those who seem lost, by strengthening and encouraging them. After coming to this home, I could not understand the meaning of Death; I Avas dead and yet alive, and though absent, still ]n-esent with my loved ones on earth, but could not make myself known to them. I struggled fearfully to gather sufficient strength to speak audibly, but could not. Though comprehending all things, yet was I powerless to make myself known. At that time I knew nothing of spirits' return to earth, and could not fully realize my con- dition. I thought of all my religious teachings. Where was God and Jesus? Would they forsake me? Was I really dead, or was it all a frightenetl dream? Until sud- denly I became aroused to a knowledge that I was not 6 alone, and that others were with me. I &aw that they were those who had passed from earth while I yet lived," and I realized that I was changed but not dead. What a revul- sion of feeling came over me; was It really true that I should continue this knowledge and individuality of my- self, and were all my earthly teachings errors that misled, causing a fear, a dread, an uncertainty of this life, which seemed nothing like what had been taught me; that the wicked were lost and an eternal torture, awaited them without redemption? A bewildering sense of joy over- powered me, for I felt a gradual light dawning upon my bewildered senses; I realized that I was surrounded by those who had been long in the spirit realm, and who, I felt, could give me a truthful knowledge of my present sur- rounding. As I gathered strength to comprehend my condition, I asked for the truth, when they gave me their own experi- ence of being ushered into spirit-life. As a babe is born into earth with all its weaknesses, so we, until clothed upon with spiritual garments, are sustained by the spirit band who awaits our coming, and attend us until suffi- ciently strengthened to assure our own control. Many times spirits are brought to earth to gather forces sufficient to strengthen the spiritual body, to retain its magnetic chord, which will ever sustain and keep it enrap- loort with earthly friends and earthly conditions. In following my guide, I often times stopped to wonder at the strange and bdautiful scenes until, I would clasp my hands with -joy and thank God for all these blessings, and to me glorious revelations so dififereut from what my soul had pictured of heaven. This was no walled city, no remote place, but gorgeous with beautiful scenes, so like earth in her happiest moods and most lovely places. The ejQ could never tire, or the soul faint, yet wonder and astonishment would hold me in their embrace at the strangeness and beauty, yet wonderful adaptation to the wants of spirit-life so singularly near to our earthly desires. How like my earthly home I would say, as some strangely familiar scene would meet my gaze. My guide, tarrying as we went, told me that all the scenery and conditions on this plane, were nearly allied to earth, as it was more con- genial, and better adapted to the requirements of a spirit who had recently left earth— for the change must be gradual to retain the strength, and hold the identity of our indi- vidualized condition. When a full comprehension of the surroundings had been given, and the duties understood, I was told' that I should pass through another sphere, and so on to others yet beyond; all controled by one universal power of love and wisdom. The scenery was beautifully diversified by mountains, valleys, oceans, lakes and rivers, with a lieavenly atmos- phere — an arch of l)lue Avith tieecy clouds, moving in majesty, giving lights and shades to the gorgeous scenery, that it filled my soul with joy and wonder. 1 thouizht : Oh ! that this beautiful home shouhl not be known in its reality to mortals who remain upon the earth, uncertain of their heavenly home. I said, if it be possible, mortals shall know of it, and the joys that await them, that the}- may no longer be doomed to sadness and despair at the uncertainty' of the after-life. Many who come, are not rejoiced at first, for they pass to a plane, which their own unhappy earth-lives have fitted for them, and it is a long time before they can be raised to higher and happier conditions. All are assisted by those of their friends on a higher plane; thus none are lost, but only retarded in their spiritual growth. My experience does not dift'er, I find, materially from many others who have given their testimony to the world. The law governing the material world Ijolds good in the spiritual. Order is God's first law, and the more har- monious the conditions, the better and higher will be the uufoldment of all truths, wjiether of earth or Heaven. Since my advent to my bright spiritual home, I have not been idle, for one who sees the beautiful transfiguration of souls, from physical conditions, and the varied chiinge through which they are ushered into the dfJfereut spheres, according to their adnptation, needs to bo active and eai'- nest, to assist the unfledged spirit in its first reception to the new home. No infant needs more a mother's care than the spirit on its first entrance here. This being com- prehended by the spirit band, the guarding spirit awaits, receives and embalms it in its magnetic embrace, until re- stored to strength and consciousness, suffi' lent to uu that is taken to awaken mortals to a know- ledge of their true condition of this life,, and towards har- monizing with the spheres, will^tend to dispel the darkness, and bring to light the glories of the celestial spheres which are so closely allied, that the blending will add a beauti- ful lustre to the^grave and solemn tread, of past mythology, and bring glacmess and love to sorrowing souls. Beautiful lessons are taught in nature's revelations, as the eye takes in the lofty mountains and the grand scenery of earth — but the eye of the soul, perceiving a beautiful world beyond, filled with living, teeming life and happy associations, is filled with joy indescribable. How beautiful is the soul teaching, for it brings us nearer to eternal things, which have been kept so far from us in the false teachings of dark theology. The spiritual awakening and unfoldment of our inner soul has opened a true condition of life. It is the open sesame of interior life that lifts the soul of men out of darkness into marvelous light, illuminating the darkened chambers whose hidden mysteries have been buried from the world through fear and superstitious dread of an of- fended Deity. Every particle of matter gives a record of the past and comes back through its soul attraction, giving a true pic- ture of itself — thus we read the great book of nature as a living page whose every leaf is destined to give a portion of the whole. Therefore nothing is lost, each particle having a place in the great^^iw of Nature. The liiddon things, the springs of life, arc not understood by cliennist or naturalist — but as the spirit of niatter is being devel- oped and understood, it will bring forth the problem of life. I find that to comprehend our spiritual homo aiight and to enjoy its Ijlessin^rs we must first understand our earthly home and its laws in the spiritual as well as the material sense, therefore I have somewhat wandered in ray subject. But when I come en rapport with earth by controlling a form or brain, I become embalm(;d with its life and principles, thereby taking on the conditions of earth so as to realize its sensuous condition. At such times life physical seems to return pleasantly, similar to mortals being embalmed witli the spiritual, whicli uplifts and gives them those beautiful sensations of heavenly visions. We Avould say to our dear earthly friends to call around them as much as possible the good and true in spirit-life as well as in earth-life — yet scorn not the downtrodden, but by kindness uplift and encourage them as you wish to be cared for by higher powers. We are all children of one great principle, or Father and Mother — from spirit and matter, positive aud negative forces are the creators of our existence. * SECTION SECOND. During the great advent of spiritual light, as it broke upon the unthinking world, we united as a band to de- scend to earth for the purpose of becoming acquainted with the elements or conditions thereof and conceived the idea of introducing a new language by and through which we could communicate with mortals. We were deeply in- terested in the telegraphic phases that were being brought to earth as a means of communication between various lo- calities, and becoming interested in assisting in that, we tried to form a connectint:- link between heaven and earth. Beautiful bands of angels were gathered holding con- tinued investigations in regard to such conditions as could be brought to bear ujion sounds. At last, the time arrived, and conditions were found which gave joy unspeakal)!*.; to know that we had succeed- ed in making the tiny sounds that were caused by concus- sion of an electric power. Those children clothed by the magnetic belt, in their sim})licity, supposed them to be simply queer sounds, but which have prt)ved a voice from 10 the angel liosts. Such 'then is the cause of the awakening and soul stirring power of tlifs new mean> of communion, that to the world may give forth truth, that all shall know and be known as of old, and prove that whatever has been still retains the same power. Tes, I can say, that the angel world has touched a chord that will never be broken, but verberafe and reverberate throughout the ages that are to come, giving joy and strength to millions of souls yet unborn. All knowledge has not been accorded to the minds of mortals, but like the star in the east, only leads the way to where the young child lies. The shepherds who walk faithfully will be guided to a Saviour of knowledge. These great spiritual truths come not with loud soundino- timbrels, but in the sweet whisper- ings of soul-stirring thought. The two Avorlds are blending. Geological research proves the age of the world to be millions of years; the grand wonderful changes having wrought a glorious pic- ture of knowledge and architecture of the times in which they lived, proving be3'ond all doubt, the evidence of their existence upon the earth, long before historic knowledge was given. The grand old earth is a book which has been indelliuly written by the hand of time, from age to age, so plainly that all who can comprehend the laws of nature can read and define 'the different^ stages through which she has passed in coming to the present time. And the inhab- itants, what of them ; have they been idle? No; they have also been passing through a change, preparatory to giving their testimony from the spirit-realms, in harmony with the testimony of mother earth, and there will be no conflict, for the testimony will harmonize and blend, until we find that a unit will be found between this world's knowledge and the spirit, giving a full comprehension of laws that have not been understood — for nothing is lost — everything leaves a record of itself, imprinted so deeply as not to be defaced. How beautiful the psychometrist reads the soul of things — the material only being the cup to hold the spirit — but the spirit of matter, so blending with the spirit of mortal, that it leads it to its own, giving it power and life properties. Since the minds of mortals have awaked from their dreaded fear of an angry God or a burning hell, and have recognized their individuality as responsible beings, to think and act for themselves — it has developed a wonder- ful knowledge in the discoveries of earth — its formation and growth through the changes that are constantly going on. The terrible darkness which has obscured the world since the Christian era, by crushing the freedom of soul — ■ 11 expression — thought and investigation lias buried in obli- vion most of tiie wonderful i>ast in its great record. But a change lias come, and with it a marvelous truth, that the world has been passing through a terrible dream or nightmare, whicli for a while, held it in its powerful gras[); but the spell is broken and can never return. The awakened worhl is rubbing its eyes in wonder and joy, at its deliverance from so terrible a fate, ami gathering the fi"ag- ments finds that a beautiful structure with a perfect form is shown, all parts fitting in harmony and order, and that not one fragment is lost. It has been a dark record that has torn man horn his Maker, as though he Avas not a part of tljis grand whole, and that the power that created a uni- verse sliould fail in perfecting man. The whole structure of the christian religion, as con- ceived by man and enforced upon the world, shows plainly man's device, and not God's infinite wisdom. The evolution of joy or sorrow, good and evil, light and darkness, gave to their undeveloped minds an unseen power or being of good or evil, as ruling in different spheres or localities, and to their untaught minds caused fear through terror of a devil, and love only through fear of God. Tiieir love for God not being a natural love for his goodness, but^only a love of forced obedience against their own innate nature. Now, a true love to the infinite, should be a spontaneous reliance upon his love and wis- dom. I find not arbitrary law compelling our acts here, but attraction for all things are in harmony and consequent repulsion from those things, which are not in accordance with our highest good. The law of worlds regulates the law of beings. I sometimes see an overpowering weight of earthlv matter or certain proportions of matter, which outweigh the rest, or overbalance them by which the mor- tal is drawn so forcibly to certain conditions,, that it seems to overpower hi^u. Matter forms a magnet so strong that the will often becomes ^veak, and yields to the polarity of the magnet, but the spirit may in itself be pure from those conditions. As soon as the true knowledge of life in its grandest conception shall be made known to men, then will the lion and lamb of negative and positive forces balance each other in a harmonious law\ I find myself digressing in the fathomless chain of in- finite wisdom; for our spiritual vision is also limited and can only reach to certain bounds : but a comprehension of greater latitude will l>e given us in the coming time, when all minds can be drawn by the great iufiux of spiritual light. In coming back to earth, wo bring soul-seeds to be em- balmed with earth magnetism, that they may carry a re- 12 tarn of soul -element to a realm where all things are conceived and formed before coming to earth. Our life is only a link to this wonderful chain, where new and beau- tiful forces of brilliant spiritual conditions are uniting us to this earth world. I will now show jou through the grand sphere of our spiritual realm, to prove that we are real workers in this glorious kingdom of knowledge. The principle elements of all spheres — -for all spheres or planets have the same fundamental principle — but the age in which they were evolved through the changes which some have passed, has brought them to higher perfection, and the inhabitants are consequently perfected to a higher spiritual altitude. So far distant indeed are those planets that hold the spirits of ages gone by, that we seldom get a response, but by degrees we are uniting all our forces by a compre- hension of our relation, through the magnetic and electric currents, until eventually we shall have a full understand- ing and response from their life history. Your geologists are searching earthly sands to obtain a knowledge of the former inhabitants through the soul of matter; so we are tracing up the elements of spiritual spheres to learn the true relationship of the same. Ben- jamin Franklin is again at work arrang*fng his wonderful inspirational power to bring a connecting link with the different planets by the power of electric force. Now, friend, I must define myself by saying that we have an organized band who have been studying and in- vestigating this great problem for many years. Though they have passed from your earthly plane, yet are they conscious of all things transpiring in regard to scientific laws. They were highly mediumistic when on earth as well as scientific, and they have not broken the chain that bound them to this earthly home but have been held by the spiritual band in which they were encircled to carry on this great problem. We are connected with two bands, one portion for scientific investigation, another for spirit- ual communication and attraction to earth for the knowl- edge and advancement of mortals. I will give the names of some of our particular band to show you that we are working for mankind. They are such men as Wm. Penn, Lafaj-ette, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, with many other noble souls who earnestly fought to break the chains of slavery of mind and body. In scientific research we find Gallileo, Newton, Hum- boldt, Hervy, Bacon; as philosophers, Socrates, Aristotle, and on the spiritual plane sucb men as Chalmers, Chan- ning, Wesley, Starr King, Parker. 13 Tliere are many otliers doing as good work in otiier wtiys and manner, just as societies work on your plane, each according to tlieir own observation. God bless you all; patience is only needed, and it' a])plied as well as un- deistood would bring us so near together that no mistakes would be made. A\ e have formed our circle of spiritual thinkers and scientitic men and philoso[diers of diti'erent ages, in order to bring a connecting link to the minds of all. It is arranged with a larger circle around a smaller, which surrounds the magnetic and electric centre from which forces from all can be receivetl and diffused as we are about to inform you of the home of the upper realms. Our method at first to control mortals was to awaken them by sounds which should prove method and continue un- til attention was attracted. When that was done, then we tried the power of impressing or controlling the organs of the body and speech, also of siuht. Thus by degrees were we found to be conveying ideas through the whole chan- nel of h^iman organism. Being recognized, comprehend- ing our success and seeing that answers to our questions were fiill}' responded to, what joys and hallelujahs w^ent resounding through the spheres to know' and realize that we were not lost, i)ut still a part from all humanity, and might still hold converse with our loved ones on the earth, who had mourned us as dead. What a restitution of soul thrills came reverberating, as every sphere responded in one anthem of harmon}' to the joyful tidings, that a glorious link had hound us, and opened a channel of thought and investigation which has proved wonderful. Assuring the world that there is no death but a glorious life, filled with works which will re- sult in the anticipation of all force of mind — a silent power which will prove the grand charm of knowledge, cementing the link of communication between earth and heaven. I have felt so long the promise of this task of communi- cating to mortals, that I had waited impatiently for the time to come, in which I should bear a part in this great work. My soul rejoices, that now the time has come, though through such strange events, and at a time and place so unex])ected and incomprehensil)le; yet, that an opening has come, in w^hich all efforts will be made to bring the battery to work for events that will transpire to awaken minds to the truths of spirit-]>ower, and as such, that I am to be a worker in the field of this great reform. This was the time, and this the place, in which I should bring my testimony— for it was a moment which would strengthen and nerve nie to the task, as those forces now gathered were necessary to break a channel through the density of superstition and darkness, that was overspreading our 14 ■country, and that those who had seen the light, might come and be important witnesses to this cause. Thus is one focLis formed upon earth, and a force bears upon it from our spheres, which being recognized, we will con- tinue to come in good faith. Humboldt says he has taken a stand and will not rest until a full recognition of spirit- life is fully established. May God bless all the workers in this field of truth. Wesley's great soul was led by the angels, and felt it before leaving the earth, and says that spirit communion must be recognized upon earth. Ac- cording to a law of God, the infinite power is manifesting through matter at all times. All, who have been on the' earth-plane are still here, working and investigating ; for the life never ends, neither is it a finality, but universal growth, throwing oif what it has outgrown, and taking on new. "Wonderful are Thy works, oh God, and glorious Thy revelations." SECTION THIED. Dear friends, let me now take you in to our chemical laboratory, where are prepared chemical properties, by which impressions are given to the world. It is a large dome or tower— no squares, bat round, and an immense room, where the sides are filled with what to you would look like brass ]:)ipes running up the sides, but which are of a preparation of a glass-like substance so impenetrable as to hold all within itself. These pipes run down through the floor into another room, where large vats or tubs are set in substance like your earth, with con- necting pipes running a long distance under the earth-like substance, where are large vaults containing fluids, where- with the chemical preparation is made through filtration, and carried through those tubes out on to a plane of glass- like substance, where it is retained to be gathered in so- lution or dry powders for use. In the centre of the first dome or room are thousands of tables or boxes, -where small tubes are running, charging them, and as they are all numljered we can find the proper chemical condition. We are thus preparing the atoms of our atmosphere to be used in producing a power to connect the two worlds, that we may thereby come e7i rapport with mortals in knowledge: and truly we find the same chemical afl^ities here that you do in earth-life, and consequently have to analyze the properties of matter. Were we not to under- stand the nature and the true relation of our spirit atmos- phere as compared with yours, we should not be able to 15 govern tl)o rolations existing between us, and our tests would only be accidental; but as nothing is accidental, we must then try to conijjreliend llie law governing the two worlds, so as to form a link that will respond in harmony, and at will give such communications as we direct. There- fore, on discovering that we were truly rccoiiuizej^ by the etiorts that had been made, gave us courage to believe that further effort would be fully rewarded by a clear and un- mistakable knowledge of our condition, and home being given to the chiidren of earth. Thiis we have formed so- cieties for the investigation of this glorious truth, and to prove to you, that s))irit not clothed in mortality', yet re- tains knowledge and embodiment, with power to investi- gate, control and advance in growth of knowledge and wisdom, both in sphere life, as well as on the plane of earth. When once we gain perfect knowledge of the true con- dition, then will mortals become changed, and comprehend the law by and through which we act to control and im- press them. There are no societies on earth seeking knowledge which are not originated in spirit-life, for every element has its outgrowth here. Altliough we are first to conceive, yet, many carry out the plan upon your plane, so as to gather forces from the elements of earth for material to work with. Your earth has elements which have never been brought to the surface, l^ut which are only waiting for the time to come when all matter will be fullv weighed and investigated. For instance, there are obscure portions of your earth, like Africa's interior, discovered by your Livingston, which yet gives only a ray of light to enlight- ened and cultivated portions of enrth, which will in years to come, give a great force. At present, there is work enough for all, in harmonizing the spiritual element for enlightened nations, which, as you see, are becoming blended by their spiritual attractions. The spirits moved at the same time in ditl'erent portions of joiw world, show- ing that it was a universal tribute from the spirit-land to the earth realm, and at a time when all seemed to need its knowledge. The acknowledged response of intelligence from earth, that we had made a great discovery, one that woult> form a new channel, throutifh which we could communicate with our earthly friends, and draw their attention to the great fact of our individual and real being, as living and hold- ing sympathy with earth, gave a thrill of joy which was heralded throughout the spirit realms. Do you wonder then, that on discovering channels through which Ave could come to earth, that every effort should be made to ascertain all facts concerning them? 16 Societies were formed and various ways planned to in- vestigate the best means to control. In doing so, we had to come to earth and apply the currents of air from our batteries formed in the spheres, to such as were attracted to us, or to those who were genial or negative to our at- mosphere, by applying and bringing them under our mag- netic influences, also attracting a sphere or circle of friends to iinite in sympathy with the controlled, often being com- pelled to assist in magnetizing them. Thus we worked by will and magnetic currents upon different media until results followed, which gave to the world a truth of con- tinued life. We now are working to attract by attaching batteries found in our sphere with those formed on earth, and when once the true conditions are understood, that are required to connect the two poles between our worlds, with intelli- gent operators at each pole or battery, then will the great problem be solved which has so long been buried in dark- ness. Then will knowdedge be received that the inhabitants of earth are guided and controlled by those in spirit-life, whose taste and sympathy blend. All the arts and sciences, inventions and discoveries have been directed by higher influences. Those who have solved. the destinies of man, passed the change called death, and risen to a knowledge of spiritual conditions, discover the true condition and relations of matter and its uses. We are blending heaven and earth in various ways, and soon you will see that we can chemically change a be- ing of earth, by displacing particles of matter by spiritual process. Could you see your earthly bodies you would dis- cover a blending of particles of matter, held together by tissues, so thin and transparent that you would be startled at the frailty of the human body. With physical eyes, you behold it beautiful and substantial, answering all the pur- poses of earthly conditions; but pass it under spiritual test by chemical treatment, and it disappears, changed in all its conditions, but as suddenly returns to its former position, showing how little man knows of his physical being. Atoms are held together by a law of attraction, and repel "those which are not in sympathy or adapted to themselves, whether mineral, vegetable or animal. The human body is in harmony with all, and a combination of all forces. Every day we are gaining more facts and greater insight into the means of intelligent communica- tion with earth. The power to move inanimate bodies is brought about by burying the chemical properties of magnetic influence from our sphere, and electric forces from earth, which. 17 united l)y tlio power of a bcittcrj, formed either consciously or unconsciously, wo thus gather the power to attract or retard such things as come in contact Avith this power. Wo liohl it in submission with those things thatarc moved, otherwise tliere would be destruction. Wo do not wiijh to frighten, but to convince the world of the truth of knowledge and power manilested by those who have once been friends upon your plane. We wish the world to understand that the angels, who have been so much talked of, are those who once inhabited earth as your beloved ones, and that they can come back, and d(j come and can comprehend the wants of humanity, and are working for its good and for the purpose of giving credit, Avliere credit is due. In past time, God has had the whole praise for every- thing of an intelligent nature brought to earth, and our loved ones have been lost in all communication. It is true God is universal, an embodiment of all things, and permeates all things; iDut as all are a part of that universal being, they are the individualities which are brought into a condition or relation, whereby they can impart to those who are in sympathy with them, the truths and knowl- edge of the spirit spheres. Thus you sec that everything works on a plane of reason and harmony. The world has become fully awakened to the knowledge of spirit communion and hereafter will work in sympathy with the Avorkers in spirit-life. The two forces blending will develop a new era, a new world, where all will work together for good, understandingly and without fear of an eternal hell or a purchasable heaven. To be bought or sold is a servile condition to every one, whereby they are bound and held against the glorious freedom of the soul. Now will all within the M'orld be made to rejoice in the knowledge of Eternal life, where all shall enjoy the free- dom of unfoldment, evolving in knowledge and power, framing new codes of laws to sustain, not restrain, the grand and glorious lights that shall come from summer- land. Every work of art is a reflex of spirit-life, and in all its perfectness stamps itself upon the coarser matters of earth. All the beautiful are angel tokens given to mortals to bring them in harmony with their angel home. FIoav- ers are angelic teachers, that minister to our senses with beauty and fragrance, drawing us upward to higher un- foldment. There is a great change taking place in the last few years. Many distinguished and highly inspirational mor- tals have changed their garments and taken their upward flight to assist in the return of spirits to earth for a higher 18 unfoldment in the true knowledfre of intercourse ijetween the two worlds; bringing a more universal knowledge of spirit-life in its real and true condition, establishing a fact which has so long puzzled the world with regard to our future destination and spiritual condition . A spirit has even been considered an illusion or delusion of the mind under peculiar conditions, and those who saw or felt a spirit were considered under strange hallucina- tion filled with vagaries through fear, never giving credit to the spirit as a real identity or tangibility. But the veil has been removed — the two v/orlds have shaken hands, exchanged words of love and recognition through the por- tals of heaven and earth, opening a glorious channel through which communication can be intelligently carried on, to establish a new era of knowledge whereby mortals can know and comprehend by what laws and through what agency they are led and guided. No more will they feel the arbitrary heel of a tyrant crushing them without mercy, or that the world was an accident moved by chance, but that there is infinite wis- dom and adaptation, and that all things are moved in har- mony and order according to His will, that all changes are the order of unfoldment, throwing off attributes no longer needed and taking on new. Every day brings a new era of knowledge, of some important changes or con- dition, of things showing that what was once considered supernatural are onlj^ natural laws, and that when once understood seem perfectly clear to the mind. Thus by degrees will heaven and earth blend, until we shall walk, and talk and comprehend life in its true light. The spirits of mortals now often visit our summer-land home — visit many of its scenes, guided by loved ones on the spirit shore, many of them retaining a knowledge of the scenes through which thev pass and often remember- "^ 11"" ing the loved ones who escorted them, thus bringing to earth beautiful visions of the summer-land. Also spirits who have been disrobed of mortality, walk and talk with mortals, giving much knowledge to earth-life of our intel- ligence by telegraphic chords which respond to the touch of angels and mortals. "No longer will the earth be clothed in sackcloth and ashes, but a renewed life will spring up to cherish with fond affection the loved ones who are waiting for them. In the chemical laboratory we are testing the properties of matter by chemical changes, and find that by a process of atmospheric action we can displace particles of matter and replace with spirit matter not seen by the natural eye which will hold the spirit while we remove the physical, covering or body, giving it another body with features of 19 youtli or iv^c, lliureby personating anotlier being out of the garments of one, wlio now stands enshrouded in spirit- matter, and then replace the same to its original form and condition without losing a particle or injury to the being. It has been done many times; but it is not understsood by mortals how the spirit can be covered by a mortal's body. But as the scientists of vour world are commencing to test these! things in truly scientific manner, they will be amply repaid in the grand discoveries that will be made in chemical changes going on between heaven and earth. We see from our spirit-home that mortals are only bor- rowing from a fountain whose sup[)ly has not been drained, but that there is ever an abundance for the increasing de- mand as the iiiilnx is greater than the wants. We see a movement amongst those who do not comprehend the uni- versal knowledj'e and truth of life to destrovthi.s beautiful structure of spiritual intelligence and prevent it being re- ceived upon earth, as it will overthrow their God as an individual or personal being and hence their power as a monoj)oly. But they will count without their host, as there has been too much power gained of the knowledge of spirit communion to fall back upon the creeds and dog- mas of past idolatry. A universal light will spread throughout the world, and establish the knowledge of God in man, as the supremacy and intelligence of earth, surrounded by attending angels, who control according to the wants of the times. Art? and sciences unfold the true condition and relation of spheres and their uses. The struggle will be great, and every effort will be made to overcome this great influence; but it will only cement the link by stronger ties, as every soul which is guided by the angelic hosts, will open a way for all to see the wonderous power of heaven. God works by and through angel power, and they mini- ster to the wants of all, whether rich or poor, great or small. "He has chosen the weak things of earth to confound the wise," and it will be found that He again assumes the power as of old, to commune with his own, the children of earth, and give them power to do His Avill. He gives the sun to shine on all alike, and has placed no barriers to their enjoyment of His beautiful creation. It is only man's device to debar man from free and equal participation in all things pertaining to life. This is the birth of a new saviour, and one which will redeem the world without a sacrifice of blood. Wo drop the bloody feast of the past, and turn to the spiritual food, which will nourish and im- part life in all its spiritual beauty. No more sacrifices of the material body, only a natural adaptation to natural 20 laws, recognizing a spiritual blending to lead on to a higher sphere and a more perfect life. It is this blending without fear that has brought so much to light and life, for now we are becoming an em- bodiment in perfect unison with the God-like principle of universal love. We embody the electric and magnetic force, and make the selections as we wish to carry out a figure or plan of spirit design, to combine the element, to protect and cherish the arts, such as photography or spirit-form, brought to bear upon any given thing, or to impart a knowledge to earth-life of the power of spirit. We are testing all and every chemical particle of matter to blend it with our own, to establish the fact with our being. The medium Daguerre^ was Wrought upon for years by a power unknown to him, but which he felt he must carry out, and did at last succeed, to the astonishment of the world. So with Mozart in writing his own requiem: spirit control was firm with him, and even showed himself and spoke to him. So with Morse in the telegraph. All of these and thousands more have showed the mediumis- tic blending with spirit force, and a gradual uniting of the two worlds, until we are now speaking to each other as mutual friends, who are interested in the same cause of investigation, for the benefit of future generations, "when the lion and iamb shall lie down together in harmony." Thus we see the wonderful revelations of the hidden springs of life, bringing heaven and earth to a mutual re- cognition of the conditions of each; an uplifting of the one and a sustaining of the other, by well balanced laws of positive and negati"7e forces. We find everything to be natural here, and earth cannot picture a more natural scene, yet cannot compare with its glory. Often there is concentrated force of our spiritual band, drawing a halo of light from your earth-plane to our sphere, that we may be enabled to connect a link of com- munication, in order to give a full knowledge of our sur- roundings as we know the anxiety of you earth friends, to gain the truth of our locality. We find it hard to illustrate to the minds of mortals, the true condition of our home, as we understand, see and realize it. But in order to define it, we will say that we are not confined or limited to place the same as mortals, yet, we are governed by laws regulating our acts. We cannot pass a sphere surrounding us until we acquire the electric chain, which will unite and carry us by its at- traction through it; yet, those laws are not arbitrary, be- cause being understood, they are recognized as the true condition by and through which all things must move. 21 The magnetic chain is ii connecting link, binding all con- ditions so that we can connect with every sphere, and yet not leave our own. Thus the spirits of higher spheres can and docommuni- cate through every sphere and to the earth-plane; bat as you on the earth-plane sometimes call it, by proxy. Often times communications are sent to earth by spirits from the higher life to their loved ones on earth, and re- ceive in return, messages from them, without coming in contact with earth's atmosphere, its density at the time repelling them ; therefore necessitating the telegraphic sys- tem to be used with us. SECTION FOUETH. Our life is an unfolding germ, which will eventually bloom in the highest heaven. The homes of our new life are just what the spirits' high- est conception had formed in earth-life. No light is dark- ened in spirit-life, no soul lost, but like a beautiful rose, every leaf of the divine nature will unfold in all its beauty, giving frairrance and sweetness to the surrounding sphere. According to a law of divine love, we cannot be happy in knowing that life is eternal, without making every effort to awaken mortals to the truth of life beyond the earthly; heaven is a planet or place with spheres or belts, Avhich are of themselves a universe to the inhabitants, each sphere being perfectly adapted to the wants of those inhabiting it. Societies are varied according to their requirements. All arts and sciences are investigated and taught in the higher realms. Religion has its devotees in the lower spheres, who worship at its shrine, until the spiritual un- foldment from the higher, prepare them to enter upon higher iilanes. The tirst and second spheres resemble earth in its mate- rial properties and surroundings. The first is so nearly allied by the interchange of mag- netic and electric forces, passing from animal, vegetable and mineral life, giving the same sensations, so that the spirit on entering this sphere, often mistakes it for his earthly home, and vibrates between it and the earth. Those spirits that are material, remain in the tirst sphere, and coming in contact Avith earth-matter, often clothe themselves in its magnetic condition, so as to be recog- nized by their friends — the element of earth being but lit- tle coarser than those of the first sphere. 22 Tlie spirits of higher spheres passing through the lower in returning to earth, cause an interchange, producing a gradual progression from earth to the highest. As soon as a spirit is sufficiently spiritualized or har- monized to pass into another sphere to become an inhabi- tant, a band of angels is sent to escort it. Spirits often visit spheres beyond them, guided by attend- ing angels, from those spheres, so that that they can behold the glories of soul-land and the angelic hosts, who are radi- ant and beautiful, thus awakening them to a consciousness of glory not conceived before. Attendants wait upon them, giving to their wondering gaze the soul picture of glories in the higher life. Earth's children sometimes get glimp- ses of the celestial spheres, and retain the knowledge gained to give it to earth. So with those spirits, they are filled with a glorious light, giving them an impetus to rise to higher conditions. The archway of heaven, as it is called, is the home of the angels, where they congregate in intercourse with each other in joyous festivities of pleasure and instruction You ask, do you have homes, families, societies, cities'? Vv^e answer, most certainly we do, and a glorious universe of love with those who are drawn to us. Homes are constructed for the education and blendini^; of all that come within the sphere of our domestic ties. Societies associate for the advancement of knowledge. Cities are on a dilferent plane from earth and on a grander scale of conception — for the soul is ever reaching out in its spiritual capacity for knowledge of that which will benefit all who come within its sphere of attraction. We are not diversified by divisions of religious teachings — for all are of one mind, with a full knowledge of the great law of love . We are now speaking of those spheres which have fully awakened to the true soul condition of a uni- versal Father, whose love permeates all life. We find no isolated beings who are left to wander alone, but a •General law that governs the whole, and all are welcome to come home where the vine and tig-tree yieldeth its fruit — no walls or barriers to the necessities of life. It is a spontaneous gift to all, therefore none lose the true con- dition of their soul's teaching. None are chilled by the cold look or averted face, because not understood — for evei-y thought is comprehended and therefore drawn to those in sympathy with them. Let us now wander in the beautiful vales of our loved soul-land and gather the blos- soms which will speak a language to the soul that words cannot; for you must know this, that we are blest with everything in a spiritual sense that has blest the eye upon the physical plane, and then be gathered in the folds of 23 wonder at tlio woiulroas variety never conceived of in this tliy lower homo. Scenery of the spheres is not so rauchi unlike the earth, but its transcendant beauty can never be doscril)o I or realized until seen with the eyes of the spirit-body. As I prepare this communication for the children of earth, I sit upon a mossy bank where a beautiful current of sparkling water is running over a pebbly bed, giving a low murmur which lulls me into a soft dreamy repose, carrying me back to earth, recalling old scenes which are at times still fresh in memory. Ye?, we do live again in our earth past, and it is often while wandering in these beautiful vales that old scenes become vivid in soul-mind. I see before me grottoes where the poet or author re- clines beneath gorgeous foliage of shady trees — where cool murmuring" streams and grassy lawns are decked with rarest flowers — birds warbling their glad notes of sweet- ness, soothing into poetic lore. The artist reclines in some silent nook touching the scenes which will some day be given to earth tlirough the hand and brain of some mortal. Yes, the artist skill of the soul -land has hardly yet touched the spirit of mortals with its power; but the time is not far distant Avhen yon will receive new expression of our angel world. Your artists have caught the face and form of oar loved ones; but soon our soul-land will be photographed in your earth, and a startling picture it will make, though real yet wonderful in its true condition. How little is comprehended by mortals of their power with us — all are making soul-pictures for their future life and every good thought or act is stamped upon the sphere homo. So the evil acts andinharmonies of life are stamped in the sphere of inharmonious or undeveloped land. The vision of mortal, which is clothed in clairvoyant sight, sees the beautiful scenes of soul-land, but cannot fully compre- hend its wonderful beauty; but as the spirit unfolds in knowledge and sees everything beautifully arranged in or- der and harmony, perfectly adapted to their wants and happiness, every step they take in their progress will be a step nearer some ambition of the soul, giving them a joy and remcnd)rance of past events in the progression to a still higher life. Our starlit canopy is filled with lustrous mementoes of ancient records of past earth-life in the different stages of earth's history. A chronicle is kept in the heavens of all change and the periods of time in which those changes were made. Also a likeness of the forms of beings and language and modes of life. Do not think that we have no record of the past. Everything is preserved and with 24 the utmost precision. As yet man is not prepared to re- ceive a full knowledge of those facts, but little by little it will be brought before his mind and given to the Avorld. Man to-day is reading from the pages of earth in sym- pathy Avith the spirit of the heavenly world, and is guided and directed to discover in the history of earth's laboratory the truth of what we say. SECTION FIFTH. I will now take you to our home in the Summer Land — the home where we spend our quiet and happy intervals of rest and repose, and trather sweet inspiration to renew our life-work with ecstacies of delight. Here are golden colored mystic rivers, which give forth enchanting sounds like cymbals or fine strung bells of smallest size, which so blend in tone and sweetness that they lull to repose and rest. Such a beautiful river flows near our retreat, with ambrosial flowers on its banks, with grottoes and statuary of the noble and grand of earth's history, here and there surrounded by sparkling fountains w^hose crystal waters give a musical cadence soft and sweet, where we love to retire to meditate and ask inspira- tion of higher poAver. Often the inhabitants of other planets visit our loved home and wander amidst its beautiful scenery, gathering mementoes to carry to their loved sphere where they are kept as tokens of remembrance. We often revisit and hold heavenly converse on the wonderful soul realm of eternal life. The physical cares or fatigues of \^out4ife are not ours. We drop those with our garments at the gateway of earth, before entering the portals of our heavenly home, and take uj)on us our vestal garments of shining and purified texture which we change as easily as the rainbow its hues, adapting ourselves to the conditions of change through diflereut spheres. Imagine, if you can, some lovely spot of earth where the undulating scenery of mouutailis and valleys whose picturesque beauty carries the soul out into some fairy land, whose towering mountains covered with rich verdure and lofty trees, whose leafy branches breathe fragrance and coolness to the soul, while the valleys gently sloping down to the crystal waters of a beautiful river, w4iose branches are spreading like veins through the surrround- ing country, with lakes dotted here and there, while a broad expanse of waters like the ocean sparkles and rip- 25 pies in the distance. The Lazy sunshine gives a halo to the scene, the soft notes of sweet sin<^ing birds and the little fairy insect world are lending a harmonical chord to lull with the singing waters a weary-worn spirit to rest. Such then may you imagine, but still a much brighter picture than this of our dear summer-land. We have a variety of scenery so beautiful that it has never entered into the mind of mortal to conceive of the glories that await the pilgrim stranger to this fairy laud. My home, or rather our home — for my dear family are encircled within its charms, and many who are in unison with our love of life — meet with us in a loving harmony. Our lovely home nestles in the bosom of a valley whose lands slo]jc gently down to a beautiful lake, whoi-e the sun- set falls like gold upon its mirro%^d surface, reflecting the gorgeous scenery. We chose this spot as memento of our earth-home and for a resting place after long excur- sions to other planes or spheres. We also have homes in every sphere when we have become an inhabitant in our progress to this. We find so man}- things like earth in the floral kingdom and among the feathered songsters, that we never lose the individuality of earth; but there are many beautiful tiowers that bloom with us that do not bloom on earth, such as the music flower, which makes the sweetest music chiming with the cymbal waters, thrilling the soul with joy. (Cym- bal is the name given to certain bodies of water Avhich give a sweet sound like tinkling bells, yet not distinct and apart, but sweetly blending in symphony.) As you near our beautifal homo from the silvery flowing river, you see grottoes and cascades and fountains. Oar grottoes are very beautiful when covered with those sing- ing flowers, whose fragrance greets the stranger with a wonderful ra|)ture, similar to the fragrance that fills the atmosphere when roses are in bloom in 3'our earth. We do not live in houses like those of earth, but have glorious sheeny apartments, which screen from the out- ward observer and yield a sweet protection in which our souls revel and rest. Outward on a beautiful mountain we behold the retreat of tijose who are mingling soul with the scenery, and gradually does it blend with those ins]nratioual beings where everything tends to elevate from this beautiful scene. Here live poets in their beautiful visions of higher life, artists, sculptors, inventors, who have laboratories or schools of design whereby to perfect their glorious ideas or conceptions. Here they can study thoughts from the earth-plane thousands of years before man has any knowledge or communication. This knowledge will yet 26 be handed down to earth, before your scientist will gather it from the laboratory of earth, through the iuvestiiiations of geological research, yet they will compare perfectly when brought together. We will not digress, but return to our description of our beautiful home. You ask how do we live. We answer, by being embalmed with all and everything that is beau- tiful and in harmony to our taste or desire. Comprehend- ing the beautiful we attract the beautiful to us. Xothing is allowed by the ruling innate law, to mar an inspiration in the heavenly sj^heres. We yield to the impulses that surround us, as an infant to its mother for sustenance. Thus we retire to our grottoes, where all things minister to those beautiful visions of souls inspiration. There we are lulled and charmed by the music of the flowers and birds, and the hum of insect life, while the perfume of flowers impregnates our being with sweetness. Thus our soul is rested and uplifted, and like the flowers, gather in the nectar of God's glories, which make us grander and more noble in doing the great good for those who need our strength, and who do not have such beautiful homes. The desires of the heart furnish the homes of spirit-life. Those who do not love the beautiful are not iiiven beauti- ful homes, until they have grown into a condition to appre- ciate them. Now we have told you of flowers and birds, and you naturally ask, have we any other scenes or conditions like earth. Yes friends, all the animal creation are here in their form and sphere, and many more beautiful than ever seen upon your earth, being adapted to our sphere alone. Why should we not? Have we not the forest, the moun- tain and meadow, lawns, lakes, rivers, all and everything like earth, and much that you will under.-tand that earth has not, because of her density. Yet, «he will bring forth and develope many new beings as she continues to rise out of her density to higher spirit- ual altitude — for she is rising higher and is becoming more spiritual in all her conditions. Everything upon her plane is being more spiritualized, and therefore she will develope more spiritual elements. My friend, you ask about our sun. Y^e will tell you that the sun does not shine the same to us as with you, but emits a glorious halo that envelopes all our scenery with an auroral light of warmth, which is more genial, because the rays are not so strong and forcible, and our scen- ery is not so marked; but we have changes which are beautiful, giving us a variety of seasons, which are marked by departure and return of numerous spirits, who are ex- ploring the different regions of the summer-land. 27 Our art ^'allories aro truly wonderful, and as you pass from spliero to sphere, you behold a great change in the artistic taste and stylo of the different ages. Our libra- ries also aro wonderful with the literary talent displayed, which had no recognition on eartli. Arts and scienes are developed here by those whose talent was not developed or dreamed of upon earth. Here is the classical scholar, the artisan, the poet, the explorer, every one perfectly re- presented with a home, a place where he can rest and enjoy the grandest visions of his soul theme. Our choristers are forming a sphere of musical instru- ments, which will give forth sounds that will reverberate throughout the arches of heaven, and through the corri- dors of earth, giving a S3'stem of sounds not known on earth, but which will be recognized as from the spheres. From the scintilated light and warmth of atmospheric change which will come over your concent)"ated circles, formed by intelligent mediums who have been developed through the different phases, until connected with the spir- itual element of our sphere, we will form a band to shout forth those strains of heavenly sound which will envelope tlio element of your sphere, and give a tribute to the gal- laxy of hosts which will attend both mortal and spiritual. These great gatherings which are being formed on earth, are only a counterpart of our heavenly associations, and are calculated to form a nucleus, whereby we can attach force to communicate it with earth. They do not under- stand that they conceived the idoa from above, where angels long ago organized the same conditions, in order to promote the universal blending of all the power of earth. Tlius we work by magnetic intlueuces until all is symbolized on earth as it is in heaven. In our blessed abode, are homes for children where they are nourished, protected and educated in all the depart- ments of life, having natural guardians or chosen ones, who are attracted by their love of children to rear them to an individuality of self-sustaining power, oftentimes being- brought to earth to be sustained by the magnetism of the mother, or some member of the family. An infant is always held within its mother's magnetic arms, until it can be sustained without it. Here are buildings of oblong shape, with central towers that rise to immense height, surrounded by smaller towers, these again by balustrades; buildings grand as the soul can conceive of, in which there is gathered everything that is necessary for information and instruction, and for the happiness of children. The beautiful play-ground surrounding, is a wonder of marvellous beauty, with its grottoes, its lawns ami fhnvers, its miniature lakes and islands, all fresh and beautiful, with 28 pebbly sliores, and shell}' banks, and sandy bottom like glistening snow, where rainbow-colored fishes glide in the crystal waters, giving full play to the imaginative soul of children. Here you will find groups of children nestled in some sylvan retreat on moss-clad mounds, surrounded by towering trees, whose wavering branches invite the pure atmosphere from flower-clad vales within its shady nook, where are interlaced beautiful foliage and flowers, whose perfume charms the soul with joy. Bands of children are gathered by their teachers and guides, who hold joy- ous associations, often visiting other regions to luxuriate in the beauty of some sylvan shade, where tiny barks, like beautiful sea-shells, are darting over the sparkling waters, filled with life and joy, decked with beautiful flowers in varied hue, sparkling and dancing like fairy spirits upon some emerald lawn, where the gold and silvery sheen en- velopes them in its glorious halo. On our silvery waters float beautiful homes or palaces of pleasure, where the ar- tist, the scholar and poet can gather sweet themes from their soul-thoughts, blending them with the beautiful of this heavenly land, without the trials or sorrows of pain or hunger from physical needs. One spot in our sphere is held as a great retreat by ex- plorers and visitors. It is called the cave of song, from the flute-like notes that reverberate through its subter- ranean archways. Sometimes, solemn and pathetic, at others, joyous and enchanting in its symphony. At times, you feel that it is enchanted ground, by the musical voices that come from its, at other times, silent chambers, whose gorgeous beauty is unrivalled hy outward life. Here are wonderful domes hung with jewels of stalactites, which flash and quiver in the reflected light through in- terstices, reflecting on the water beneath in cascades and water falls, giving it a grand and romantic picture. Here you can wander through wondrous apartments, giving an opportunity for study. Here are archways with fluted pillars of alabaster, which tower to an immense height, loading to domes and galleries, where statuary of the most wonderful conception of every living thing, is embodied and at rest in its appropriate place, true to the material of outward life. Gems of great brilliancy flash in their gor- geousness, giving a life and warmth to this enchanting cave of summer-land. When you wander through grand old castles that are here, whose consecrated domes have towered above for so many ages of your life, then will you wonder at the gor- geous grandeur of those tessellated and crystal floors, whose domes and arches are surrounded with the wonderful in art and science; where are living pictures of past great- ness, in form and expression -of the notable of all time and 29 splioros; living, shoeny faces, whoso life-liko appearance thrills the soul with wonder and admiration. When we pass from sphere to sphere, we float at will to every conceivable place, and yet we have corridors of beau- teous surroundings which wind through the star-lit canopy, where we may rest and view the glorious scenery below/ As we pass to Vesta, wonders on wonders meet our view. Here we find l3eautiful grottoes — lovely little nooks — with every luxury that the soul can conceive of, to allay its desire. Beautiful bright spirits who attend, and as we approach, sing and chant their melodious songs. which thrill us with delight. They are a beautiful race — so small, so perfect in their organizations — that they are wonderful in their magnetic life — so perfect, happy and joyous in their natures. None have ever been seen upon earth. Vesta is a beautiful planet which shines in its orbit or soul-lit canopy with great beauty, and its inhabi- tants partake of its genial life. There are a few of the inhabitants who come to attend us to their home, where we may enjoy for a while the beauties of their^lorious life. But we will not attempt now to describe its glories, as we are only to give you a knowledge 6t our earth's spirit- ual habitation. We have now given you a feeble picture of our heavenly home. My dear son has also spoken of the same, but in a ditiferent style. We have endeavored to make it as clear as possible to the mind of mortals. AH who have been a long time in spirit-life, become so enlightened with its associations, that they cannot fully find language to express the condition of heaven in the language of mortals. We wish to write so that you may comprehend, and yet to clothe it in our spiritual language. The language of earth is gradually changing as the soul is cultivated to express itself in all its fullness and beauty, without restraint. Whenever the soul-thought has been re- strained in language, it becomes harsh and grating to the ears, as something unstrung or out of place; but when the spirit is rapt in the heavenly afflatus, and is held by the angels, it then gives forth the harmonious rytlim of the summer-land. We find that the language of the higher sphere is blending with that of earth, and the recognition of its sweetness and adaption links us as one in soul-thought. We are now to leave the descriptive part of our home in spirit-land, but will endeavor to awaken a thought of future work lor mortals. We have given a description of these scenes to give you a comprehension of our sphere and its conditions, that you may be prepared to enter upon your new field of work with an earnest desire and a truth- ful research into all life, both physical and spiritual. We are organizing for the fulfillment of the promise, made ?07C>5 n{. »> 30 wlien my beloved sou wrote or dictated his experience. And now dear friend of earth, we will add that we shall be with you in all of your undertakings until the end, and as you have been faithful to us we shall be true to you. We have given in one combined effort, a true statement of our heavenly home as we hndit, and rejoice to know that it meets with a kind recognition. In giving this testimony to the world, many may be led to disbelieve mj statements, as coming from the spirit- land, but many witnesses will bring their tribute to the truth of what we say. As you are climbing up the golden stairway, the knowl- edge of life into the spiritual realm of light fail not to leave your land marks, by noting the change of ascension. This being your hrst great step, we hail you as a brother in the grand cause of future knowledge. Much will be given to you that you do not now conceive. Your first acceptance of the grand truths were so truthfully recorded, that you will reap a rich reward. We have now faithfully portrayed our heavenly home, but tongue can never ex- press, or mind conceive of the glories which surround the different spheres or belts of atmospherical light, and the millions of happy spirits who inhabit them; therefor I will not further attempt, £is I have already endeavored to make plain to your mind the true condition, and to clear the doubt of an uncertain world or home for the inhabitants of spirit-life. We are workers on different planes of intelligence and are bringing this fact of spirit comm anion and individual spirit-life to the knowledge of earth's children. Therefore Ave ask you to work faithfully in the good cause of pro- gression out of the thralldom of supestitious fear of an ar- bitrary God and a demoniacal Devil. Hell and heaven are mythical terms given by designing minds on your earth, by which to frighten into subjection the human soul and make it subject to their control, and in so doing have resorted to superstitious deities in order to intimi- date with superhuman poAver. But that is fast fading away, for the veil is rent, the light is streaming through, and soon the opening day v/ill appear, removing all dark- ness and doubt from the minds of the people. As heaven and earth are shaking hands through the portals by friends from both spheres, the devil of the past will liee and a new revelation will dawn upon the world, a new covenant be made, the old will pass away, and the new birth of a renewed life shall be given to all the world, to last forever and forever. We now bless you and give you tlie light of our new gospel of glad tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people forever and ever, MAKY WASHINGTON. 22 8 8 X M.IFORNIA, LOS i^TV^FTE* . . 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