Ia I A = jA = — C/J ^ <— = =^ 33 m ^^ 3) 2 = = O = 6 m =^ OD 7 = 6 = 3> 1 = 1 9 ^'^- 1 VINDICATION O F E.~^e B.g.J, Efq^&c: v-itiTTii' . -n i ii l i r i -ii r t ill ■ ! I ■[ 'Mf /^-HmJhm^btm^mmi^m^mmiliimita .it. . . V.^,*- -»-: 4^ ^^ X -L •1 V,,' . ,4. A VINDICATION O F From the Imputation of his being the Author of a Print- ed Speech, faid to be fpoken at a General Court of the South-Sea Com- pany in Merchant-Taylor's Hall, on Friday^ Sept. 30. 1720, Wherein the Cafe of the S e l l e r s and Purchasers of the Third and Fourth Subfcription is Confidered. puid nan Mortalia peUora cogis Ami Sacra fames ? *- I^iyt, L O N T> O N: Trintcd for W. Boreham at the Angel in Vater- Nojler-Row, 1720. Vry- VINDICATION E — ce B-g'h Efq; I!F all the Bubbles this Fruitful Age has produ- [ ced> none feem to me more deteftable than (uch as are Calculated to rob Worthy Men of their Fame. A Gentleman plunder'd of his Fortune by the Lavd-Vkates of Ex^ }0 .> change - Alky, -may have it m'lhjs Power to make Reprizals j. hm :^ Good Name is chat Precwus O'mtmmt, which when once tainted with the poifonous Breath of Wicked Mei|, may never recover its Odour 5 there' tore do I think it incumbent on me, as a Brother of the QluH, to do Ju- ftice to fo eminent a Meider of our Fraternky.. ' ' , '" | \/' When weconfidci' the difcreet De- meanpur.of this hjured Gmtlem^i^ both' in Publick and Private li4; his diffidence in Opinion, and his dif-incereftednefs in Bufoefs, can we fuppofefo wild a Flight as this Spp^ech,| tat leaft a^ it is tpii into the World)] could be-the' Fruits of fo Cultivatedi ^ Mind ?^ Can my. imparcial^ lylai;^ imagin-e, that a Gentlemaji mkq