\ hi/ l t. St. Genevieve standing in a green field; she wears a blue gown, red mantle, and white veil, and carries a book bound in black and a tall candle, which a devil above her head extin- guishes with a bellows, while an angel in white at the right re- lights it. 12 MEMORIAE (CONTINUED) f. 37 b. St. Barbara. She wears a dull blue gown and a crimson mantle lined with orange, and holds a gold tower in her right hand, and a book bound in black in her left hand; landscape background with a building and tower at the left. f-39- St. Ama, one of the wise virgins. A saint in a purple tunic and blue mantle, attended by an angel in yellow with green wings, carrying two cruets, administers communion to a saint in crimson, who appears at a prison window. Five birds and a dragon-fly in the border. The Memoria begins as follows : " Ista est uirgo sapiens quam dominus uigilantem inuenit que accepta lampade sumpsit oleum secum et veniente domino entrauit cum eo ad nupcio." f. 40. St. Agnes. She wears a purple gown and crimson mantle, and carries an open book and a palm branch; a lamb jumps up on her ; pavement of coloured marbles ; blue and gold hanging in the background. Five birds in the border. f. 41 b. St. Agatha, bound to a column, with a white cloth about her hips; a man at the right is cutting her breast with pincers; he wears a large cap, short blue tunic, and crimson hose; pave- ment of coloured marbles. Six birds in the border. f. 42 b. St. Lawrence and St. Apollonia. St. Lawrence at the left, in purple dalmatic, white tunicle, and long blue tunic; he car- ries a palm in his right hand, a book under his right arm, and holds a gridiron with his left hand. St. Apollonia wears a golden- brown gown and crimson mantle ; she holds a tooth in pincers and an open book ; behind them a blue hanging with gold spots; pave- ment of pink and green tiles. HORAE Vellum, 6i x 4, ff. 162 + 12 ; 14 lines to a page; cent, xv ; written in France in a good Gothic hand. Binding: old red morocco with gold tooling on the back. Bookplate with Italian coat of arms. Collation : The book is bound so tightly that it does not admit of collation. The quires are irregular; the full-page pictures are done on half-sheets and inserted. HORAE (CONTINUED) Contents : f. I. Kalendar, in red and black. f. 14. Pater noster. f. 14 b, Ave Maria. Credo. f. l$b. Benedicite dominus nos. Ave salus mundi. f. 1 6. Confiteor, followed by other prayers. f. 18. Blank. f. 19. Blank. f. 21. Les heures de la croix. f. 28. Les heures du saint esperit. f.JS- L 68 heures de nostre dame. f. 85. Les sept psalmes dauid. f. 96 b. Litany. f. 102. Hyme du saint esperit. f. IOJ b. Salue regina. f. 104 b. Les viij. vers salt bernard. f. 106. Les .vij oroisos S. gregoire. f. IOJ. Memoriae. f. 77J-. Office of the dead. In the Kalendar: Jan. 22. S'. vinchent. Feb. 6. S'. am ant. 20. S'. eleutere. Apr. 14. S'. tybur. May ij. S'. seruais. June 8. S'. medard. July 75. Le diuision des apt'es. 18. S'. ernoul. Aug. 24. S'. bettremieu. Sept. 25. S'. fremin. Oct. 2. S'. legier. Decorations: There are six full-page pictures inserted as frontis- pieces. These pictures have borders of scrolls, vine and leaf orna- ment, and flowers, the ground covered with round spots of gold and fish-hooks in black. Each picture faces a page with a similar HORAE (CONTINUED) border and an initial of blue and crimson on a gold ground; seven other pages are similarly decorated. There are in the text ten small pictures, 2^ x if inches, each framed by a narrow gold band. Throughout the book are numerous small initials of various sizes in gold on grounds of crimson and blue with simple white flourishes. The crimson in the borders and in the initials has often faded to a dull brown, but the colours of the pictures retain all their brilliancy. The full-page pictures are: f. JJ b. Christ praying on a hill by a lake. Christ, kneeling, gazes up at a vision of God the Father, blessing; Christ wears a dull purple tunic, and an open book lies near Him; God the Father wears a light blue tunic, crimson mantle, and crown, and holds the orb. f. 20 b. Crucifixion. Virgin standing on the left, wearing purple dress, blue mantle, and white veil; St. John on the right, in purple tunic and crimson mantle. f. 27 b. Descent of the Holy Spirit. St. Peter and another man kneeling in a courtyard; at a window, the Virgin surrounded by apostles; another apostle coming through the door, with others behind him, or looking out of a second window; dove de- scending on gold rays. St. Peter wears a red tunic and light blue mantle; on the ground beside him is an open book; the man with him wears a brown gown with flowing sleeves showing green undersleeves, and a blue hood; the other apostles are in red or green; the Virgin is in blue with a white veil. f. 34 b. The Annunciation. The Virgin is seated on a tiled floor under a dull red canopy with a green fringe at the bottom and a blue border at the top; she wears a deep blue dress and light blue mantle, and has an open book on her knees. Gabriel stands just inside an archway at the left; he wears a crimson garment over a white tunic and carries a gold sceptre, his wings are green and blue; over his head the dove surrounded by gold rays; be- yond the archway, green grass, a brick wall, and the blue sky. f. 43 b. The Visitation. The Virgin stands at the left, dressed in a dull purple gown and blue mantle; St. Elizabeth kneels before her, dressed in a red gown, showing green undersleeves, and a white veil ; St. Joseph in the background, in a yellow tunic, brown mantle with blue collar, and dark gray hat; he carries a long pole over his shoulder; in the distance, trees and a castle. 5 HORAE (CONTINUED) f. 114 b. Death. A naked woman lies on a black carpet spread on the grass near a church porch; Death, with a white cloth thrown over his shoulder, and carrying a coffin, stands on her and thrusts a long red spear into her; a group of people in the porch watching. The small pictures are : f. IO2. The Holy Spirit, a bearded man with wings. He stands on a green mound, wears a dull purple tunic, and holds an open book; light brown background with gold rays. f. 103 b. Madonna and Child in glory, surrounded by blue clouds. She stands on a blue crescent and wears a blue mantle over a dull purple dress. f. 104 b. St. Bernard in a monk's habit, carrying a crozier and an open book; behind him a red curtain hanging in front of a low stone wall. f. 106. St. Gregory standing on a green mound, against a dull purple background ornamented with blue flourishes; he wears the papal tiara, alb, and crimson chasuble, and carries a double cross; a dove perched on his shoulder. f. IOJ b. St. Nicholas, with the same background as St. Greg- ory. He wears a mitre, alb, and crimson chasuble, and carries a crozier and an open book. f. 108 b. St. Sebastian, bound to a tree, with six huge arrows sticking into him; his crimson tunic lies on the green grass be- hind the tree. f, 109. St. Anthony, in a drab habit, with crutch-stick and open book, a pig with a bell walking beside him; behind him, a red curtain with a blue fringe hanging in front of a low stone wall. f. no. St. Anne, seated on a square dais, wearing a white veil and a crimson mantle over a drab dress; the little Virgin in blue stands at her knee reading from a book. f. HO b. St. Catherine of Alexandria, standing on Maxentius; she wears a costume of crimson and blue trimmed with ermine and holds a sword and an open book; behind her at the right, a wheel; Maxentius wears a drab tunic with yellow collar and a large blue cap edged with ermine, and holds a gold sceptre; in the background, the wall of a stone building, with part of two diamond-paned windows showing. 16 HORAE (CONTINUED) f. Ill b. St. Barbara kneeling on the grass, holding a palm and an open book; she wears a crimson gown; in the background, a tower at the end of a stone wall. f, 112. St. Margaret kneeling at a barred prison window, through which come gold rays; she wears a crimson gown with flowing blue sleeves; between her hands a small gold cross; an open book leans against the wall beside her; in the background, a curious light green dragon. LEAVES FROM A MISSAL OF CLEMENT VII Vellum, I7^x 12!, ff. 5; 29-31 lines to a page; cent, xvi ; written in a marvellously exact large Roman hand. Blue morocco binding by De Cov- erly.The leaves have been mounted on stiff cards, bound in with hinges. The text begins on f. i, "Canon inclinatus iunc- tis manibus : Te igitur clementissime pater," and ends on f. 5, "Placeat tibi sea trinitas obsequz ser- vitut3 mee . . ." The black ink has turned a dull brown in most places ; the rubrics are in red ; the following words on f. 2 are in blue capitals : " Hoc est enim corpvs mevm," and "Hie est enim calix sangvinis mei novi et eterni testameti, misteriv fidei : qvi pro vobis et pro mvltis effvndetvr in re- missionem peccatorvm." Decorations: f. I. In the left margin there is an exquisite border of arabesques with three birds and half-figures of a winged youth and a winged old man with a beard, both of these figures ending in foliated scrolls; near the top of the border is a gold ring set with a pyramidal diamond, & within the ring are various reli- gious emblems; near the middle of the border are the arms of Clement VII on a crimson ground. The red and blue initial C of Canon is small, on a gold ground with a strawberry flower and fruit; a similar N on this leaf is decorated with a jasmine flower. The T of Te is the most elaborate letter in this frag- 17 LEAVES FROM A MISSAL (CONTINUED) ment; it is red, blue, and green, with two pearls in the top and a square diamond in a gold setting in the middle of the stem; the letter is enclosed in a square with gold scallops on the inside of the edge, the rest of the space occupied by a pic- ture of the Pope celebrating Mass. An initial M of red, blue, and green on a gold ground decorated with flowers and a straw- berry has suspended from a line connecting the angles of the letter a dark red gem set with pearls and engraved with a pic- ture of the Expulsion from the Garden of Eden. A similar ini- tial C on a gold ground decorated with a variety of flowers has a gay parrot in the centre standing on the stem of a rose and also biting the stem. On the following pages there are twenty-two other similar ini- tials in red and blue on square gold grounds, decorated with sprays of flowers and pearls; four have other jewels set in gold, three have strawberries, and one has a large lady-bug. All these letters occur at the left edge of the text. There are besides nu- merous small gold capitals and crosses on small squares of red or blue covered with delicate flourishes. HORAE Vellum, 6A x 4i, ff. 131 +4; 25 lines to a page; cent, xvi-xvn; written in France in a wonder- fully fine Gothic hand. Binding: plain black mo- rocco with silver clasps (one broken). On the first fly-leaf, Catherine Englefield from her beloved hus- band Henry Englefield; on f. i, Pitts sale. Purchased in Venice. Collation : The book is too tightly bound to admit of collation, f. 2 is numbered I,f. J is numbered 2, and succeeding pages are numbered up to 255, the odd numbers on the left hand page. This pagination will be followed in the description. Contents : p. I. Title, in gold: Officium B* Mf Uirginis una cum Uigilii mortuorum. Accedunt horae de S? Cruce, et de Spiritu Sancto, et ali deuotQ preces Orationes et Euangelia de Natiuitate, et Passione Christi Domini. 18 HORAE (CONTINUED) /. 2. Kalendar, in red, blue, and gold. p. 14. Sequences of the Gospels. p. 21. Passion according to John. p. 34. Hours of the Virgin. p. 115. Hours of the Cross. p. 121. Hours of the Holy Ghost. p. 126. Seven penitential psalms and Litany. p. 150. Office of the dead. p. 2O2. Memoriae. p. 213. Versiculi bcati gregorii pape. p. 2J^. Versiculi beati bernardi. p. 2lf. Conditor celi. /. 22 1. Memoria of St. Augustine. p. 222. Missa B. M. V. p. 228. Obsecro te. /. 232. O Intemerata. /. 2j6. Stabat mater. /. 2jp. Gaude flore virginali. p. 242. Missus est gabriel. /. 249. O illustrissima & excellentissima gloriosissima semper uirgo maria. /. 252. Memoriae of SS. Christopher and Margaret in another hand. Decorations: Throughout the book there are small gold initials of different sizes, each on a square ground of red and blue cov- ered with most delicate flourishes in gold. There are fourteen full-page pictures (eight of them in the Hours of the Virgin) and twenty-two smaller ones in the text (twelve of them in the Memoriae). These are all by the same hand, and are executed with consummate skill. Each full-page picture is in the form of a gold renaissance altar, with a frontal of coloured panels cov- ered with delicate patterns in gold, and coloured columns sup- porting the top of the retable. In a small white tablet, or pla- card, on the front of the altar are a few words of text with an initial in gold on a red and blue ground covered with a fine design in gold. HORAE (CONTINUED) These pictures are as follows: p. 14. St. John on Patmos. St. John, represented as a young man, in a crimson tunic and purple mantle, both bordered with a pattern in gold, is seated with an open book in his lap; he holds a pen in his upraised right hand and gazes up at rays from heaven ; in the background, the sea, with rocky islands and small boats. /. 22. Betrayal of Our Lord. Judas kissing Jesus, who is restor- ing the ear cut off by Peter; Peter sheathing his sword; a crowd of soldiers in armour. p. 34- The Annunciation. Mary at the left in a purple dress, blue mantle covering her head, and white veil (in all the pic- tures she wears the same costume); the angel in white with green wings; dove descending on gold rays. /. 46. (Ad Laudes.) The Visitation. The Virgin at the left, St. Elizabeth kneeling before her; she wears a golden-brown dress and an elaborate white headdress. /. 5p. (Ad Primam.) Nativity. The Holy Family in the stable with the ox and the ass; shepherds looking through the win- dow; gold rays coming through an opening in the roof. p. 65. (Ad Terdam.) The Angel appearing to the Shepherds. /. 77. (Ad Sextant.) Adoration of the Magi. The Virgin and Child at the right; the oldest king, in crimson with wide ermine collar, his head bare, kneels and offers a cup filled with gold pieces; the second king, in purple with an ermine collar, has just removed his crown and holds a covered gold cup; the youngest king, in green, crowned, holds a covered gold cup and points upward; the star shines through an opening in the roof. p. 76. (Ad Nonam.)The Presentation in the Temple. St. Simeon at the left in a crimson vestment with gold border, his jewelled gold mitre on the altar; he holds the Child on a white towel; the Child reaches toward the Madonna, who kneels in adoration at the right; behind her stands St. Joseph holding a candle and offering a basket with two doves ; a tonsured priest holds an open book at the farther end of the altar; several men behind him; over the altar a canopy of crimson and gold brocade. /. 82. (Ad Vesperas.) Flight into Egypt. St. Joseph leads the ass to the left; the Child wears a crimson and gold dress. /. Ql. (AdCompktorium.) Assumption of the Virgin. Half-figure 20 HORAE (CONTINUED) of the Virgin, rising from a blue cloud, surrounded by rays of gold against a green background; instead of her white veil, she wears a jewelled crown ; on either side, below, three angel heads ; similarly, above, four seraphim. p. ll$. Crucifixion. Madonna at the left, St. John at the right, Magdalen embracing the cross, the three Marys in the back- ground. /. 121, Feast of Pentecost, Descent of the Holy Ghost. The Virgin in the centre surrounded by the twelve apostles; dove descending in rays of gold and little tongues of flame. p, 126. David, wearing a gold crown and gown of gold and crimson brocade trimmed with ermine, kneeling with uplifted hands, gazes at a figure appearing in the sky holding three gold arrows; beside the king is his harp; charming city in the dis- tance. /. 150. Job and his Comforters. The emaciated old man, with a ragged white cloth about his loins, reclines at the left; two men in rich clothing kneel beside him, one of them reasoning with him, the other in the attitude of adoration ; a servant stands behind the latter. The smaller pictures, all half-length figures, are as follows : p. 16. St. Luke, in a crimson gown with purple collar, writing in a book, the Ox at the right. p. 18. St. Matthew, white-haired, in a blue tunic and purple mantle, writing; the Angel holds an open book at the end of his table. /. 20. St. Mark, in a blue gown with crimson and gold brocade collar and cuffs, and a red cap, the Lion at the left. /. 2O2. The Trinity. God the Father on the right, wearing a tiara and holding the orb; the Son on the left holding a cross; they wear purple tunics and a crimson mantle and hold an open book; between them, the symbol of the Holy Spirit; gold background. /. 2Oj. St. Michael, with crimson wings, gold armour, and red shield, carrying a cross; blue background. /. 203. St. John Baptist, with Lamb on a book. /. 204. St. John the Evangelist, with chalice. /. 205, St. Peter and St. Paul. St. Peter at the left, with key; St. Paul with sword and book. 21 HORAE (CONTINUED) /. 206. St. James as a pilgrim, with staff and wallet, a shell on his hat, reading a book as he walks. /. 207. St. Sebastian. /. 208. St. Anthony, in dark habit, with blue T-cross on his cloak, carrying a crutch-stick, a pig walking beside him; in the background, a green hedge and a church. p. 2OQ. St. Anne. She is seated at the left, holding an open book from which the kneeling Virgin reads. p. 2IO. St. Mary Magdalen, with the box of precious ointment. p. 211. St. Catherine of Alexandria. She is crowned and wears a gold mantle lined with ermine, a crimson bodice trimmed with ermine, and a green skirt; she carries a palm branch and a sword ; beside her, a wheel. /. 212. St. Barbara in a purple dress trimmed with ermine, and a crimson mantle; she carries a palm branch and a tower. p. 213. The dead Christ, supported by two angels. /. 215. St. Bernard. He wears the Cistercian habit, holds an open book, and is addressing the devil, who stands at the right with folded arms ; the devil has crimson head and horns, golden- bronze body, purple wings, and green legs. /. 222. Madonna nursing Child. Instead of a white veil, she wears a crown; gold background. /. 228. Madonna and Child in a stone room with diamond- paned windows showing blue sky. /. 232. Holy Family. /. 236. Christ crowned with thorns and Madonna. /. 24.2. Annunciation. Virgin standing at the right, Gabriel at the left in a crimson tunic and green wings, carrying a long gold rod ; dove in the centre, above. CHOIR BOOK Vellum, 24 x 17, ff. 154 + 2; six lines of music (four-line stave) and six of text to a page; cent, xvin (1733); in a large Gothic hand. Original binding, brown leather over thick boards, with large pierced brass corners and medallions on the sides (Madonna and Child in medallion on front 22 CHOIR BOOK (CONTINUED) cover; coat of arms of St. Dominic in the other). This volume is said to have been recovered from a shipwreck in the Bay of Naples, and has suffered from the action of water. The copyist's name on the inside of the cover is almost illegible, but the date is plain, scripsit anno dm 1733. At the bot- tom off. 152 b, also somewhat obscured, is Fr. Hieronym 9 . Notanus (?) ex . . . vincia S. Catherine de senis scribebat ano dni the date is omitted. Gift of George A. Gardner. Collation: fly-leaf, /Wj 8 , /<5 8 (+^), if, l8\ I . 4. Arms of Edward VI, emblazoned. f. 13. Edward VI opening Parliament. The young king en- throned under a gold canopy, which seems to serve as an initial T, holds the sceptre and the orb; his robes are cloth of gold and ermine; at his feet is an oriental carpet; about him are the officers of the court, the Earl Marshal with the sword, kings- at-arms, etc. ; the carpet of the hall is green ; in the background, a blue hanging with gold fleurs-de-lys and roses (?). f. 26. Gold Gothic initial T on dull red ground ; within the ini- tial, picture of the Earl Marshal standing in front of the throne, attended by his four kings-at-arms; a green hanging behind the throne; pavement of lozenge-shaped tiles. f. 32 b. Similar, but smaller, Gothic initial T, with the same subject; the Earl Marshal standing in front of the throne, with one herald on either side; crimson hanging behind the throne; blue background with design in darker blue and gold; green carpet. From this initial a stem and leaf ornament of simple de- sign extends across the top and down the margin of the page. Throughout the book, the initials are gold on a red and blue ground; simple groups of stems and leaves extend from the in- itial in the margin, each group ending in a round spot of gold and three green leaves, with spots of dull red. MARIEGOLA BELLA SCUOLA DI SAN GEMINIANO Vellum, nl x 8 , ff. 79 4- 4 ; 25 lines to a page in the original statutes ; beginning of cent, xvi to end of cent. xvin. (The contract with the church was made in 1504; the last entry was made in 1785.) Accord- ing to the inventory on p. 71, this mariegola was " fornida de arzento e couerta de ueludo cre- mexin." There were evidently silver corners, and 30 MARIEGOLA, ETC. (CONTINUED) large silver placques in the centre of the sides, but these have all been removed, and the pile of the velvet is worn off except where it was pro- tected by the placques ; the colour is now a faded pink. It has the book-plate of Edward Cheney (see his "Remarks on the Illuminated Official Manuscripts of the Venetian Republic," p. 24). Below is written: Afterwards John Ruskins; now, 1900, mine. Charles Eliot Norton, and below that: Now, 1903, mine , Isabella Stewart Gardner. Collation: 2 fly-leaves (paper), /% 2 I2 ( + /, inserted be- tween 2* and .?*), j 10 , ^ 8 , J 6 , <5" (// and 12 cancelled, and IO ff. inserted between 6** and 6 l ), / l8 , 2 fly-leaves (paper). Contents: f. I (). Pacta et Conuentiones inter Capfm. $ geminianj et [*Soci]etate Scol^. Del afto 1 504 Inditio. vij: adi 29. marzo. f. 3. Questa sie la tabula ouer registro del capitoli de la pre- sente matricula per ordine distinct! zc. The original index fills a page and a half; later additions filled the blank half-page, and four leaves were inserted on which the index is continued with this heading: "1686. 2 Marzo Noua Aggionta delF Indice." The secretary of that date paged the vol- ume to the end of his record, p. 88. There are no subsequent additions to the index, but later hands have continued the pagi- nation to 145. The odd numbers are on the left-hand pages, and the inserted pages of the index are omitted in the number- ing, which, for convenience, will be followed in the rest of this description. p. 7. M.D. vi. Die xxvij Aprilis: In Consilio Decem: Q Auc- toritate huius Conscilij Concedatur Plebano et Parochianis Ec- clesie Sancti geminiani de Venetijs Che in quella possino leuar una fraternita soto vocabulo del Corpo di christo . . . loanes iacobus de Michaelibus Secretarius Consilij scripsit. *The leafis mutilated. 3 1 MARIEGOLA, ETC. (CONTINUED) p. IO. Ad honorem laudem et gloriam beatissimetrinitatis . . . This is the first page of the charter, which begins with various benedictions, followed by a statement of the purposes of the con- fraternity. pp. 1426. The original statutes of the Confraternity. The rest of the book contains additions to the statutes, extracts of wills making bequests to the Scuola, copies of decrees affect- ing it, records of meetings, etc., written in a great variety of hands. On pp. 71-74 is an inventory of the possessions of the Scuola at the chucch. This inventory comes between entries dated 1636 and 1639. The second item is this very book, "Una maregola fornida de arzento e couerta de ueludo cremexin." The last entry, p. 145, is dated 1785: 10 Febraro. Decorations: p. p. Full-page picture with a border of repeating design of flower and foliage forms in blue, crimson, green, and gold on a gold ground ; at the bottom, in the centre, is a green wreath within which on a blue ground are the letters I H S in gold. In the picture, members of the Scuola, holding tall candles, are kneeling on either side; in the middle stands a young priest facing to the right, holding a monstrance; he wears a white cas- sock and a red cope with a design in gold; facing him is a man in white kneeling, supporting a large standard, on which are two angels at the right and left of a chalice, from which rises a half-figure of the Christ, with blood flowing from His wounds, His hands held by the angels. The angel at the right has a green tunic and red wings; the other, a red tunic and green wings. The background is a landscape. /. IO. Has a similar border; in the wreath at the bottom is a bishop with his crozier, on a blue ground; in the centre at the top, the Lion of St. Mark on a blue ground. In the initial N, God the Father, with the orb, blessing ; He wears a red tunic and blue mantle. The initial of each of the original eighteen statutes is formed of foliated scrolls on a square gold ground. Each initial is deco- rated with a vine and leaf design with flowers and scrolls. CAPITOLARE DI DOMENICO DIEDO Commission from Doge Christopho^o Moro ap- pointing Domenico Diedo Procuratore di San Marco. Vellum, n x 8, ff. 26 + 3; 23 lines to a page; cent, xv (Christophoro Moro was Doge 1462-1471); beautifully written in a clear and precise hand. Bound in red velvet. Collation: 2 fly-leaves, i-2 l ,j (6 left), i fly-leaf. Contents : f. I. Incipiunt capitula commission is domini dominici diedo procurations ecclesie sancti marci apostoli et euangeliste. / 4. Blank. f.f. Nos xpoforus mauro dei gratia dux uenetiarum zc Com- mittimus tibi nobili uiro dominico diedo procuratori ecclesie nostre sancti marci. Below, Sacrametuj. This oath is followed by the statutes of the office, which the procurator swore to obey. There are forty-nine in the index, which it was evidently expected would be extended on the following blank leaf. There are fifty-three of the statutes them- selves, with a blank leaf for additions. The heading of the index and of each of the statutes in the text is in red. The initials in the index are alternately red with simple pen decorations in violet, and blue with decorations in red. The initials of the statutes alternate in the same way, but the delicate and elaborate pen flourishes extend the length of the page. There are only seven pages without such ornament. The chief decoration is on the first page of the commission (f. 5). This has a very beautiful border of vines and flowers in blue, crimson, green, and gold; at the bottom, in the centre, two cherubs with crimson wings, standing on blue clouds, sup- port a green wreath enclosing, against a black ground covered with very fine white flourishes, a shield with the Diedo coat of arms. The initial N at the top of the page is crimson cov- ered with delicate white flourishes, and set on a square of gold; within the N on a black ground covered with white flourishes is a figure of foliated scrolls in green, blue, and crimson, touched up with white. The Sacramentum has an exquisite initial I of scroll design in blue, crimson, and gold, set in a rectangle of vine and flower forms like the border. 33 COMMISSIONE DUCALE Commission appointing Antonio Georgio Podesta of Oderzo. Vellum, 9! x 61, ff. 66 + 2 ; 2 5 lines to a page; cent, xvi (i 536); in Latin, written at Venice in a very clear cursive hand. Original binding of brown leather with gold tooling; in a circle on the front cover, "ANTONII GEORGIO," and similarly on the reverse cover, "M.D.XXXVI." Collation: I fly-leaf (paper), 7 IO -rf 10 , 7*, / fly-leaf '(paper). Contents: f. I. Nos ANDREAS GRITI DEI GRATIA Dvx VENETIARVM ET CAETERA. COMMITTIMVS. Tibi Nob. V. Antonio Georgio, dilecto Ciui, et fideli nostro, quod in bona gra uadas et sis Potestas de nostro mandato Opitergij, per menses, xvi, et tantum plus quantum successor tuus illuc uenire distulerit: habendo ad honorem nos- tram, et bonum statum et conseruationem dict terre bonam et diligentem curam. At the bottom of the page, below the border, is the date, 1536. The rest of the book consists of the statutes to be followed in administering his office. They end on f. 61 (b), and are dated and signed: Datj in nro ducali Palatio, die I Septembris In- dictione X. M D xxxvj. Hier' murianus, Secretarius On the following three pages are entries in different hands; then six blank pages, and on the last page statements regard- ing salaries. The regulations are minute: f. 49, De seruis fugi- tiuis; f. 49 (b), De negocijs publicis non scribal 1 priuatis; f. 54, De non ducendo filium pro socio nee aliquem de maiori Cons?, etc. The initial of each statute is red; otherwise the only decora- tion is the elaborate first page. A band of gold, edged with yellowish-brown, surrounds the page, and is broken at the top and bottom to include elliptical medallions, between which it frames a central rectangular panel. The upper half of this panel contains the words "Nos . . . Caetera" in gold on an elliptical ground of beautiful red; this ellipse is enclosed in a rectangular 34 COMMISSIONS DUCALE (CONTINUED) green band, the space around the ellipse being crimson with sil- ver tracery. The lower half of the panel furnishes a plain back- ground for text, with a simple initial C on a square blue ground. In the medallion at the top of the page is the Lion of St. Mark in gold against a light blue ground (green in the lower left corner) ; he has a dark halo, violet wings, and holds a red book closed. In the medallion below is a coat of arms on a blue ground (a strip of green across the bottom). The ground of the border in the upper left and lower right corners is green, in the other corners blue; where the colours meet on the sides, there is a vertical medallion of violet; in each of these compartments there is a handsome design of leaf and flower forms in gold. COMMISSIONS DUCALE Commission appointing Vincenzo Gritti Gov- ernor of Udine. Vellum, 9! x 6,ff.98 + 2; 23 lines to a page; cent, xvi (1546); in Latin, written at Venice in a clear cursive hand. Original binding of brown leather with gold tooling; in a circle on the front cover, the Lion of St. Mark ; at the left and right of the circle, the initials V. G.; in the circle on the reverse cover, a seated figure of Ven- ice with the attributes of Justice. Collation: I fly-leaf (paper), i l -zo l (jf and 6 cane.}, I fly- leaf '(paper]. The ff. have been numbered, but asf.jo was skipped, the numbering is incorrect. Contents : f. I. Nos. FRANCISCVS DONATO DEI GRATIA Dvx VENETIARVM fcfr. f. I (b). Committimus tibi nobili viro Vincentio Gritti, dilecto ciui et fideli nostro, quod de nostro mandate uadas I nostrum locu tenentem, terrae nostrae Vtini ac totius patriae : etc. f. 94. Datj In nfo ducali Palatio die 27 lulii Indict. 4'.* M. D. xxxxvi: H. murianus Secret. 35 COMMISSIONS DUCALE (CONTINUED) It is interesting to compare this signature with the one written ten years earlier in the commission of Antonio Georgio. The headings and first words of the statutes are in red. The initials of the statutes are supplied in red through f. 10; they are entirely omitted on ff. 1 1-18 (a), but have been put in in red by a later hand in the rest of the book. The first page is elaborately painted. The few words of text are in gold on an elliptical crimson ground in a yellow cartouche set in a rectangle the corners of which are filled in with purple. On this rectangle stands the Lion of St. Mark in gold, against a blue sky; above, surrounded by clouds, is a half-length fig- ure of the Madonna and Child; in a medallion at the bottom, two cherubs support a cartouche on which is the Gritti coat of arms; in a medallion at the left, St. Francis receiving the stig- mata; in one at the right, a Dominican saint holding a flaming heart (?) and a blue book; the corners of the page are filled with armour and military trophies in gold and black on a black ground. COMMISSIONE DUCALE Commission appointing Girolamo Morosini Cap- tain of Brescia. Vellum, 8f x 6, ff. 118+3522 lines to a page; cent, xvi (1547); written at Venice iik a very fine clear hand. Bound in brown leather,*^ with the original gold-tooled sides; "HIERONYMI I MAVROCENO" in a circle on the front cover, and ".M.D.XLVII." in a circle on the reverse cover. On the inside of the cover, Mr. C. E. Norton has writ- ten in pencil : Girolamo Morosini died 1 570. v. Cico- gna. Inscr. Fenez. 6. 594. Francesco Donatoborn 1468, Doge 1545, died 1553. v. Cicogna. I. 60. Collation: 2 fly-leaves (paper), / 10 -/o 10 , 7/ 8 , I fly-leaf (paper). The ff. are numbered up to 114.. Contents: f. J. Nos FRANCISCVS DONATO DEI GRATIA Dvx VENETIA^ I3c. f. I (6). COMMITTIMVS tibi NobiliViroHieronymo Mauroceno COMMISSIONS DUCALE (CONTINUED) dilecto ciui, et fideli, quod de mandate nostro uadas, et sis ciui- tatis nostrae Brixiae capitaneus per meses xvi., etc. The text is in Latin as far as f. 91 (b); the remainder is in Italian except the last statute, f. 1 1 8 (b), " De modo summendi denuncias contra blasphematores," and the usual oath and date on f. 119: Jurasti honorem, & proficuum dominij nostri eundo, stando, et redeundo: Datj In nfo ducali Palatio die xvij Julij. Indict, v. M. D. xxxxvij H. Murianus, Secret. The headings and initials of the statutes are in red. The first page is elaborately painted by a skilful artist. It is framed by a narrow band of crimson edged with gold; in the upper half is a large medallion with a portrait of Morosini at the right; he has a short brown beard and wears a purple gown edged with white fur fastened up to his throat; his hands are clasped in adoration; above, in the centre, the Trinity; a little lower, at the left, the Madonna and Child; below, a landscape rep- resenting a walled town by the sea with green fields in the fore- ground and blue hills in the distance. Below this medallion is a small yellow cartouche with the few words of text in gold on a crimson ground; in a small space between the medallion and the cartouche, the Lion of St. Mark in gold on a crimson ground. Below the cartouche is another medallion, in which on a cartouche suspended by a ribbon against a landscape back- ground are emblazoned the Morosini arms. The rest of the page has a black ground on which are graceful foliated scrolls in gold with flowers in blue and violet, a laurel branch in gold at the left of the cartouche containing the text, a palm branch at the right. At the extreme left, below the large medallion, are the words "ANNO JETATIS," and at the right, "xxxxv." COMMISSIONE DUCALE Commission appointing Antonio Bragadini (?) Podesta of Noale. Vellum, 9 x 6i, ff. 180 + 2; 23 lines to a page; cent, xvi (1578); in Italian, written at Venice in a very clear cursive hand. Original red morocco binding, with gold tooling; 37 COMMISSIONE DUCALE (CONTINUED) in an oval on the front cover the Lion of St. Mark is cut and gilded; similarly, on the reverse cover, the Bragadini arms are cut and emblazoned. On the inside of the cover, Mr. C. E. Norton has written in pencil : Probably Anton Bragadin, son of MarcantoniOy the hero and martyr of Famagosta in 1571 (cf. c. 1 60 b). 'The shield on the cover is that of the Bragadini. Collation: I fly-leaf '(paper), / I0 -/c? 10 , I fly-leaf (paper). The ff. are numbered through i6j. Contents: f.l (b). Nos NICOLA vs DE PONTE DEI GRATIA Dvx VENETIARU; ETC. COMMETTEMO a te Nobil huomo , diletto Cittadin, et fidel nostro, che in buona gratia uadi et sij Podesta di nostro commandameto di Noal per mesi xvi . . . The name which was written in has been erased here and also on f. 1 68. The usual date with the signature of the Secretary, which should follow the oath (f. 167 b) is lacking, suggesting that after the Commission had been written and illuminated, something prevented its delivery. f. 171. Repertorivm. Decorations: On f. I (b) the words "Nos . . . Commettemo" are in gold. The headings and initials of the statutes are in red or violet. The chief decoration is on the first page, which is entirely filled by a picture in a heavy ornate oval gold frame. The small spaces at the corners and an escutcheon at the bottom are filled in with purple. The picture represents St. Mark, in a yellow tunic and violet mantle, presenting the new official to the Madonna and Child. The handsome but swarthy official wears a crimson gown lined with brown fur, and is apparently kneeling in ado- ration. The head of the Lion is squeezed in between him and the Virgin, who is seated at the left, her right hand clasped to her breast, her left hand supporting the Child, who leans for- ward in an attitude of benediction. The Madonna wears a crim- Son gown and a blue mantle which covers her head. The Child 38 COMMISSIONS DUCALE (CONTINUED) stands on a white cushion on a pedestal of green and white marble; in His left hand He holds a small gold cross. A green curtain is draped behind the Virgin, partly concealing a column on a high base; above, in the centre, the symbol of the Holy Ghost in irradiated clouds; a landscape in the background. CAPITOLARE DEL CONSIGLIERE MARC ANTONIO LOREDAN Vellum, 94 x 61, ff-47 + i; 19 lines to a page; cent, xvn (1607); written in a commonplace cursive hand. Original crimson velvet binding. The Lore- dan arms are stamped on the bottom off. i. On the fly-leaf Mr. C. E. Norton has written in pen- cil : Doge Leonardo Donato 1 60616 1 2. 'These Capi- tolari of the Counsellors of the Doge are of great rar- ity r , which is to be accounted for probably by their be- ing returned to the Ducal Chancery by the Counsellor at the close of his term of service. (See Cheney, " Re- marks on the Illuminated Official Manuscripts of the Venetian Republic," p. 50.) Collation: I fly-leaf (paper}, i lo -j l (8, p, 10, wanting). Theff. are numbered except the last, which should be 4.7; this number has been put on f. 4.6, and number 4.6 is omitted. Several quires have been torn out at the back, presumably the "promts stone" of the Doge; something is also missing at the front, but probably only an illuminated leaf. The Capita/are is intact. It begins: Givro lo Marc' Anto. Loredan Consegliero di venetia del ses- tier de staS # alii santi euangeli di Dio, che per fino che sar6 conseglier conseglier6 . . . The first statute is as follows : Di hauer a casa il capitolar. Ancora son obbligato hauer a casa un capitolar in scriptis, et leggerlo tutto, ouero farmelo legger almeno una fiata al mese, et similmente la promissione del ser Principe, et quella leg- 39 CAPITOLARE, ETC. (CONTINUED) ger, ouero farmi legger almeno una fiata ogni do' mesi ct quando sara aggionto ad esso capitolar qualche cosa debbo sopra esso capitolar quanto piu presto potr6 farlo sopra esso capitolar scriver con buona fede, et otto giorni auanti il finir della mia conse- glieria son tenuto restituir esso capitolar, et promissione. The Capitolare is dated and signed at the end : M: DC vij Flaminio Barbaro Nodaro Ducal. There are no decorations except that the first words on f. I , in- cluding the initial of " Consegliero," are in gold. CAPITOLARE DI FRANCESCO CONTA- RINI, PROCURATORE DI SAN MARCO Vellum, 1 1 x yi, fF. 1 6 1 + 6 ; 20 lines to a page ; cent, xvn (1615); partly in Latin, partly in Italian, written in a fine cursive hand. Original crimson velvet binding, the clasps missing. On the first fly- leaf Mr. Norton has written in pencil: " 'The Capi- ta lari of the Procurators are not common & some have great beauty in the illumination" Cheney, Remarks on ilium. Venetian Mss., p.6i. Collation: j fly-leaves (paper)^ 7 2 (+/), 2 l -i6 l y // 8 , J fly-leaves (paper). Beginning with the text of the statutes^ f. 24., the book is paged from / to 276; the last lo ff. are not numbered. Contents: f.j (b~). Nel nome del SigF Dio; Incomincia la Tauola della Comission del ClarSignor Franc? ContariniCaul fudel Clar m : Sig! Bertuci eletto Procf adi xi Decembre 161 5. sotto il Princi- pato del Ser"] D. D. Giouani Bembo . . . The list of statutes begins on the following page and fills 26 pages; it is followed by 13 blank pages. / 23 (b). IVRAMENTVM Clarissimorum Dominorum Pro- curatorum Sancti Marci de citra Canali'. 4 CAPITOLARE, ETC. (CONTINUED) The statutes begin on the next page, numbered I ; originally they filled 276 pages; there are five pages and two lines of addi- tions, followed by seven blank leaves. Decorations : f. 2 (b). Full-page picture, St. Francis presenting the new official to the Madonna and Child. The Procurator, gray and bearded, kneels in adoration at the right ; he wears a scarlet gown edged with ermine, and a band of scarlet and gold brocade hangs over his left arm; the Madonna, seated on a throne, wears a crimson gown, blue mantle, and white veil; the Child is seated on a green cushion on her lap, His right hand raised in benediction. The group is arranged on a marble-paved terrace, with a bal- ustrade; landscape background. The picture is enclosed in a massive rococo frame of gold, crimson, and blue, with the Lion of St. Mark above, and the Contarini arms in a cartouche below; the spaces around the frame are filled in with purple, marked off into small panels by lines of gold. f. 3 (6). Elaborate gold frame around the text, which is in gold; at the top of the frame, a cherub's head with blue wings ; tas- selled blue festoons hang from the top and bottom of the frame. f. 4. A similar, but simpler gold frame, broken at the bottom. The initial G, in gold on a square blue ground, filled with an arabesque in gold; the rest of this first item of the index is in gold. f. 23 (6), p. I. Similar gold frames, with masks in the centre of the top and bottom ; on p. I , there are also masks on the sides. The headings of the statutes are in red, and the initials in gold. CAPITOLARE DEL CONSIGLIERE PIE- TRO BENEDETTO Vellum, 9 x 6i, ff. 59 -f 4 ; 20 lines to a page ; cent, xvn (1622); written in an ordinary cursive hand. Binding: Purple velvet with silk tapes. On the inside of the cover, the autograph of C. E. Nor- ton, and a note written by him. Collation: 2 fly-leaves (paper), i l -6 l (10 wanting), 2 fly- leaves (paper). The ff. are numbered through 50. 41 CAPITOLARE, ETC. (CONTINUED) Contents : The Capitolare begins on f. I (b) with the usual oath : GIVRO lo PIETRO BENEDETTO Consiglier di Venetia del sestier di Ca- naregio . . . The statutes fill 48 ff. and part of the 49th, and are dated and signed at the end as follows : Datj in N'ro Ducal i Palatio Die ultima Decembris, Ind 1 ? 6 vj. M. DC. xxij. Giulio Corona Nod . Ducale. The Rvbrica begins on f. 51 and fills 8 pages ; the last five ff. are blank. Decorations: f. I. Full-page illumination enclosed by a rectangular gold band. In the centre is a large medallion framed by gold scrolls and divided just above the middle by a gold band ; in the upper portion is the Lion of St. Mark in gold with crimson and green wings, against a landscape background, symbolic of Ven- ice. In the lower portion, against a pale yellow ground is a car- touche of crimson, blue, and gold, with the Benedetto arms; a red ribbon, ending in tassels, encircles a laurel branch at the left, and a palm branch at the right. From the eight points in the frame of the medallion spring foliated scrolls in green, blue, crimson, and very dark red; in the upper corners are small pea- cocks, in the lower corners, cocks; arranged around the medal- lion are two birds, two bees, two lady-birds, and two butterflies. On the verso of this folio, the words "Givro lo Pietro Bene- detto C " are in gold, the G decorated with gold flourishes. COMMISSIONE DUCALE Commission appointing Giovanni Barbaro Po- desta of Chioggia. Vellum, 9 x 62, ff. 121 + 2517 lines to a page;cent.xvin(i768);written in a rapid cursive hand. Binding: Purple velvet, with silk tapes. Collation: I fly-leaf (paper), I 10 (lo cane.}, 2*, j 6 , /, 5% 6*1 A 9\ *0\ II 6 , I2*-l6\ I fly-leaf (paper). f. 2. ALOYSIUS MOCENICO DEI GRATIA Dux VENETIARUM ETC. Commettiamo a Te Nobil Huomo Zuanne Barbaro fu de M : 4 2 COMMISSIONS DUCALE (CONTINUED) Almor6 Proc? Diletto Cittadino e fedel nostro che in nome del Signer Nostro Giesu Christo vadi, e sij de Nostro mandato Podesta a Chioza . . . The statutes begin on f. 3 and end onf. 1 1 8, dated and signed as follows: Data in Nfo Ducali Palatio Die 9 Giunj Indictione p"> : a MDCCLXVIII. Fran c . Vincenti Fosca Seg ri . alle Voci. The last three ff. are blank. On the verso of f. I is a full-page picture as a frontispiece. The patron saint of the new official presents him to the Madonna and- Child; the saint stands at the left looking up at the Ma- donna and indicating his protege with his right hand ; he wears the alb and a yellow chasuble, and a cross leans against his right shoulder; Barbaro kneels at the right, a young man in a scarlet gown and long white curled peruke; between them, the head and one paw of the Lion of St. Mark, holding an escutcheon with the Barbaro arms ; above, against a pale yellow background, is the Madonna in a crimson gown, blue mantle, and white veil, seated on a cloud and supporting with both hands the Child, who stands on the cloud. On f. 2, the words "Aloysius . . . E T C." and "Zuanne . . . Proc?" are in gold. COMMISSIONE DUCALE Commission appointing Giovanni Bolani Podesta of Chioggia. Vellum, 8i x 62, ff. 159 + 4; 19 lines to a page; cent, xvm (1718); written in a rapid cursive hand. Original binding, embossed silver sides, crimson and gold brocade back, with the Doge's seal in a silver case attached by a crimson and yellow cord and tassel; on the front cover, Venice enthroned beneath a canopy, at her feet, the Bolani arms, at the right, the Lion of St. Mark with the open book ; on the reverse cover, the Lion rampant guardant, standing on a mili- 43 COMMISSIONE DUCALE (CONTINUED) tary trophy and holding palm-branches. The clasps are modern. Collation : 2 fly-leaves (paper), / lo ( + /), 2 10 -IJ 10 , /#>, 2 fly- leaves (paper). f, 2. IOANNES CORNELIO DEI GRA~ Dvx VENETIA^ ETC. Com- mettemo a Te, Nobil Homo IOANNE BOLANI Fv DE FRAN: Diletto Cittadin, e fedel nostro che in nome del Signer Nostro Giesu Christo uadi e sij de nostro mandate Podesta a Chioza. The statutes begin on f. 3 and end on f. 155, dated and signed as follows : Datj in Nostro Ducali Palatio Die secunda Mensis Septembris, Indictione Duodecima M. D. C.C. xv. iii. Marin Acerbi Seg rio alle Voci. The last 4 ff. are blank. On the verso of f. I is a full-page picture as a frontispiece. The new official is presented by his patron saint to the Madonna and Child. St. John stands at the right, wearing a vermilion tunic and green mantle, and holding a chalice; in front of him kneels Bolani, in a crimson gown and long white curled per- uke; the Madonna is seated on a throne at the left; she wears a crimson dress, blue mantle, and white veil; the Child is seated on her lap; at her feet, the head and shoulders of the Lion of St. Mark, holding an escutcheon on which are emblazoned the Bolani arms. In the background, a column and a purple hanging. The words "loannes Cornelio . . . ETC." and "loanne Bolani fv de Fran:" are in gold. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF LAWS Degree conferred on Carlo Vicentini by the Uni- versity of Padua. Vellum, 9! x 6, ff. 4 + 4 ; 3 7 lines to a page; cent, xvn (1690); written in a small Roman hand. Old morocco binding with elabo- rate gold tooling, and seal of Cardinal Barbarigo in a tin case, attached by a silk cord. Collation: 2 fly-leaves (paper), 7 4 , 2 fly-leaves (paper). 44 DEGREE, ETC. (CONTINUED) The Degree is dated near the end, Afto Xpi MDCXC. Ind. XIII die lovis XII, Octobris. It is written in black and gold. Decorations: f. I (b). In the centre, Pallas, with a portrait of Vicentini on her shield, the owl on a branch nearby; in a cartouche above, St. Anthony of Padua; below, two peacocks; the rest of the page is filled with scrolls in blue and gold, with a large rose and another flower at the right, and two flowers at the left. f. 2, Similar decoration and arrangement, but the central picture is replaced by the beginning of the text; in the cartouche above, the Virgin ; instead of the large flowers, there are at the right a pomegranate and strawberries, and at the left, pears and filberts. f. 2 (b), 3,3 (b). These three pages are decorated alike, with a border of blue and gold scrolls around each page; in the mid- dle of each side border is an insect, a bee, spider, etc. f. 4. The Vicentini arms; below, laurel and palm branches tied with red ribbon; in the upper right corner, a fly; in the lower corners, at the right, a lady-bird, at the left, an ant. PRIVILEGIUM AROMATARIORUM Diploma of Donato Dardi. Vellum, 9 x 6i, ff. 6 + 2; 23 lines to a page; cent, xvm (1745); in a clear Roman hand. Original binding, brown morocco with gold and blind tooling, the seal in a leather-covered tin box, attached by a silk cord. Collation: i fly-leaf (paper^ T 6 , I fly-leaf (paper). Contents: f. i. Title: Privilegium Aromatariorum. f. 3. In Christi Salvatoris Nostri, Beatissimaec^. Virginis Matris Mariae Nomine, Amen. Uniuersis, et Singulis has Nostras uisuris, et lecturis Nos Justi- tiarij Veteres pro Serrha Veneta Republica, significamus, et haru serie fidem facimus, Qualiter die infrascripta datarum pr^- sentium Conuocatum fuit Magistratus edicto Aromatariorum huius Inclyt^ Ciuitatis Collegium, sicut moris est, requirente Domini Donat^ Dardi fuit Appolonij, Piranensi quo de eius Sufficientia, et Doctrina in Arte Aromataria periculum fieret . . . 45 PRIVILEGIUM AROMATARIORUM (CONTINUED) At the end, Actum, et Dactum [sic] Venetiis in Magistratu Nos- tro Die 18 Mensis Junij Anno 1745, followed by the signa- tures of the examiners, Zne Dolfin, Marin Bembo, Almor6 Tiepolo, and below, Gio. Notta . . . dello Nod? f. 5. After a repetition of the invocation on f. 3: Die XI Mensis Junij 1 745. Congregato Honorando Collegio D: D: Pharmacopolorum huius Ciuitatis in consueto Loco nostro Reductionis, ad Examinandum et Approbandum Dominum Donat' 1 ? Dardi fuit Appolonij, Piranensem, et interfuerunt D : Julius Nuccio ad duos Angelos, Prior, D: Philippus Ongarato ad Citru Imperiale, D : Joseph Gierardi ad duos Montes, Consilia- rij, D: Joseph Vicentini ad duos Delphynos Aureos, D: Francis- cus Repiglia ad S. Blasiu, Syndici, D : Jacobus Fantuzzi ad S : Lau- rentiumJustinianum,D: Joseph Guadagnini adDucem,D: Lau- ren tius Gorgazini ad Veterem, Adiuncti ... At the end, the signa- tures of these examiners, and below, that of Antonius Scarmolini Pharmacopeia ad signum Sancti Hijeronimi, Cancellarius. Decorations: The Diploma is elaborately decorated; the text is written in black and gold, and each page is surrounded by a narrow gold band. The title on f. I is enclosed in a simple oval of crimson edged with silver; this is surrounded by a frame of blue and gold scrolls from which is draped a crimson festoon; scrolls in blue and gold and crimson fill the remaining space. On the verso of f. I, enclosed in a simple geometric frame, Christ with the orb, blessing; He is seated on clouds against a yellow background and wears a crimson tunic and blue man- tle; around the frame are arabesques in many colours, vases of flowers, and at the bottom, two griffins. The opposite page is similarly decorated, but with a figure representing Venice in the centre. The verso of f. 2 is divided horizontally by a gold band; in the lower section, which is almost square, are four crimson and gold cartouches tied by a blue ribbon; on these cartouches are the arms of the examiners, Dolfin, Bembo, Tiepolo, and the Dolce arms; in the rectangular upper section is the Lion of St. Mark against the usual symbolic landscape. On the verso off. 4 are eight similar cartouches tied by a blue rib- bon, and containing the emblems of the examiners in pharmacy. On the verso of f. 6, the Dardi arms. 46 PRIVILEGIUM IN ARTE AROMATARIA Diploma of Giuseppe Cavalcaselle. Vellum, Six 58, fF. 6 + 4; 28 lines to a page; cent, xvui (1757); in a clear Roman hand. Plain half-mo- rocco binding. Autograph of C. E. Norton on the first fly-leaf. Collation : 2 fly-leaves (paper), T 6 , 2 fly-leaves (paper). Contents : f. I. Title: Privilegium in Arte Aromataria. f. J. In Christi Salvatoris Nostri, Beatissimasque Virginis Ma- tris Mariae Nomine, Amen. Universis, et Singulis hasce Nostras visuris, et lecturis Nos Jus- titiarij Veteres pro Serma Venetiarii Republica significamus, et haru serie fidem facimus, qualiter Die infrascripta dataru pr- sentium convocatus fuit Magistrates edicto Aromatariorum huius inclyt i55-*5 never been cut. Contents: f. I. Title: Prattica delle Corti del Palazzo di Venetia. 2. Petitione. PRATTICA, ETC. (CONTINUED) f. 27. Indice della Pratt: del Petit: f. JO. Essaminador. f. ^O. Indice della Pratt: del Essaminador. / 52. Blank, f. 53. Forestier. f. 66. Indice della Pratt: del Forestier. / 68. Blank (uncut), f. 60. Mobile. f. 73. Indice della Prattica del Mobile. / 74. Blank (uncut). f. 75. Procurator. f. 106. Indice della prattica del Procurator. f. IOO. Proprio. f. 144. Indice della prattica del Proprio. / 148. Blank (uncut). f. 149. Indice delli offV et Corti del Palazzo. f. 150. Indice della Prattica delle corti del Palazzo di Venetia. (This general index only goes through the letter B.) ff. 152-160. Blank. BOOKBINDINGS BOOKBINDINGS BAUZONNET Discovrs loyevx des Friponniers et Friponnieres. A Roven, Chez Richard Hubert i [reimpression] Paris, Pinard, i8ji. I vol. Full brown straight-grained morocco; on the sides, a band of arabesque design between double fillets, the whole enclosed by double fillets, the band broken at the corners by lines connecting the corners of the inside and outside fillets; in the centre, the "arms" of Audenet; tooled back; inside fillets; uncut edges. 7 x 4$. BAUZONNET-TRAUTZ La Pvce de Madame Des-Roches qvi est vn Recveil de Divers Poemes . . . composez . . . avx Grans lours tenus a Poitiers TAn M.D.LXXIX. Paris, 1582. I vol. Violet crushed levant morocco; triple fillet on the sides; tooled back; inside borders; gilt marbled edges. 8il x 5*. See also TRAUTZ-BAUZONNET. BEDFORD, FRANCIS Dante Alighieri. Comento di Christophoro Landino Fioren- tino, sopra la Comedia di Danthe Alighieri poeta Fiorentino. Firenze, 14.81. I vol. Full brown crushed levant morocco extra ; on the sides, a gold fillet with a wide and a narrow blind fillet, succeeded by the same combination of fillets with an arabesque ornament at the exterior cor- 55 BEDFORD, FRANCIS (CONTINUED) ners, succeeded again by the same fillets with fleur- ons at the exterior corners and a small arabesque at the interior corners; in each panel of the back, a double fillet with an arabesque ornament in the centre; inside fillets; gilt edges. i6H x n. BOZERIAN JEUNE Martialis. Venetiis. In Aedibvs Aldl, 1501. I vol. Full blue straight-grained morocco ; on the sides, a chain of circular links between double fillets which cross forming squares at the corners; in each square is a quatrefoil ; the back entirely cov- ered with tooling; inside meander border; gilt edges. 6^* x 3!. BRIGHTWELL /Esop. The Fables of JEsop, and others , with designs on wood, by Thomas Bewick. The second edition. Newcastle, Printed by E. Walker, for T. Bewick and Son, 1823. I vol. Contemporary binding, full blue calf; on the sides, a wide border is marked off by double fillets which cross forming squares at the corners ; in each square is a lyre; in the border a fleuron and a lace motif alternate; within the central panel is a blind tooled border* 82 x 5!. BYZANTINE Enamelled copper placque from a book cover, rep- resenting the Crucifixion ; the figure of the Christ, the heads of the Virgin, St. John, and two angels are in relief. 9 x 4^. 56 CAP Le Girofflier aux Dames. Imprime a pans par Michel lenoir. [. I vol. Crimson morocco; on the sides, a wide border of naturalistic forms, palms (?), birds, butterflies, and flowers, with the arms of Marie Amelie de Saxe in the centre surrounded by a sunburst; tooled back; simple inside border; gilt edges. 7! x 5^. BOUND FOR MARIE ANTOINETTE L' Office de la Semaine Saint e . . . a F usage de Madame la Dauphine & de sa Maison. Paris, /7/J. I vol. Old crimson morocco; on the sides, a border of scrolls, succeeded by a band between double fillets, the enclosed panel decorated with arabesques with the coat of arms in the centre ; tooled back, with fleurs-de-lys and dolphins alternating in the cen- tre of the panels; gilt edges. 81 x 5*. 70 FRENCH (CONTINUED) BOUND FOR CARDINAL MAZARIN Vites Virorvm Illvstrivm. Bast lees, 1563. I vol. Citron morocco; on the sides, an intricate band a petits fers between double fillets, succeeded by a dentelle border and another double fillet; in the middle of the remaining panel," the Cardinal's arms within an oval fillet; the rest of the panel is covered with a semis of the Cardinal's monogram surmounted by his hat, this stamp alternating with a star; tooled back with the monogram and hat in each panel; gilt edges. I2ix 8i. BOUND FOR NAPOLEON I Recueil methodique des lots, d'ecrets, r'eglemens, instructions et decisions sur le Cadastre de la France. A Paris, Del'lmprime- rie Imperiale. 1811. I vol. Full crimson straight-grained morocco; on the sides, a band consisting of intertwined vines be- tween double fillets which cross, forming squares at the corners, in each of which is an eagle; be- tween the outer pair of fillets is a simple border; this band is edged on the inside by a severe de- sign of pointed leaves, and is succeeded by a deli- cate arabesque; in the centre, the arms of Napo- leon ; the back, which is without bands, is divided into compartments by fillets and simple orna- ments; in these compartments, from top to bot- tom, are crowned N, the title, crowned eagle, bee, crowned eagle, crowned N; inside borders; gilt edges. iyi x nl. FRENCH (CONTINUED) BOUND FOR MADAME DE POMPADOUR Rabelais, Francois. Les ceuvres. [Elzevir] , l66j. 2 vols. Brown calf with the arms of Madame de Pom- padour on the sides; the backs, which are with- out bands, are divided into panels by pairs of fillets; between the fillets a swan, in each panel a fleuron with small laurel branches at the corners. 5 x 2*. BOUND FOR CARDINAL RICHELIEU PetaU) Denis. Rationarivm Temporvm. Parisiis, l6jj. 2 vols. in i. Crimson morocco; on the sides, a single and a double fillet, succeeded by the same with fleurons at the exterior corners; in the centre the arms of Cardinal Richelieu in an oval, with his motto, "HIS FVLTA MANEBVNT"; tooled back, with the arms in each panel; gilt edges. 6 x 3$. BOUND FOR JACQJJES AUGUSTS DE THOU [Van der Burch^ Lambert.~\ Sabavdi