REESE LIBRARY ^ i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. 4cressioiis No.^^^jZ'- Clcus No. ^) 0'<8U' CH of thlK :aii ])e ob- at any y addreKH- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation ZELLA ALLEN DIXSON. Librarian of the University of Chicago. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION DIXSON Every book that we take up without a purpose is an opportunity lost of taking up a book with a purpose ; every bit of stray information that we cram into our heads without any sense of its importance, is for the most part a bit of the most useful information driven out of our heads and choked off from our minds. — Frederic Harrison. THE COMPREHENSIVE SUBJECT INDEX TO UNIVERSAL PROSE FICTION BY ZELLA ALLEN DIXSON, A.M. ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ^universitt] NEW YORK DODD, MEAD AND COMPANY 1897 Copyright, 1897, By Dodd, Mead and Company. John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U.S.A. TO MY STUDENTS, WHEREVER THEY MAY BE SCATTERED ABROAD, WHOSE NEEDS HAVE BEEN THE INSPIRATION FOR THE WORK, E\iin Volume IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED. (universittJ PREFACE. This work is an arrangement into an alphabetical subject list of works of fiction which are founded on fact, historical, physical, psychological, or moral. Foreign fiction, having a common alphabet, is included, as well as English, with the addition to the lists of the 'English translations whenever they exist. No attempt has been made to give the different translations by their translators, as for the purposes of a sub- ject index one translation is as good as another. It has not been the object of the author to include in this topical arrangement a// works of fiction, but only novels with a pur- pose, those which are sent out into the world with a definite lesson to teach mankind. The author reserves the right, even in this narrow limit, to discard many purpose novels where the facts forming the foundation of the stories have been so misrepresented or misstated as to be an injury rather than a help to the reader. Such an index must necessarily include very largely the writers of our own century. The older works of fiction, with a few notable exceptions, deal with intense love affairs, and have no other object than the whiling away of an idle hour. During our own century the novel has come to have a very different sphere. It is no longer sufficient that the work of fiction be an avenue through which the reader may follow the working of an overwrought imagination. Better still, it has ceased to be a boast among Vlll PREFACE, educated and intellectual people that they are not novel readers. On the contrary, it is now an established fact that no one can claim to be well educated in the highest sense of the term who is unfamiliar with the best fiction of other literatures. With an increasing use of fiction has come a demand for subject classification in fiction. Booksellers, librarians, and the reading public generally have felt the need of some arrangement of fiction lists other than by author and his- torical epochs. It is in the hope of in some degree meeting this demand that the author offers this contribution to bibliog- raphy. Most of the novel reading of to-day is disconnected and purposeless. It is beheved by scholars of literature who have seen this Index that it will make it possible to use with a purpose even the leisure reading of the books we " take up for an hour " and will permit the accumulation of much useful and instructive information in the form of a sugar-coated pill. The author has endeavored to give the Index the greatest possible simplicity and directness, in the hope that in such a form it may be able to go into every private home as a family reference librarian, giving to its inmates a wise and satisfac- tory answer to the much repeated question, "What can I read ? '^ The work does not claim to be an exhaustive treat- ment of the subjects considered, but does give to its readers a comprehensive list sufficient for all working purposes, and far better for the average student than a larger and therefore less carefully selected list. The basis for the selection has not been the personal choice of the author, but is the result of practical experience among students using the lists. In every case the request was made of those to whom the refer- ences were given that they mark those found most useful to them in the lines marked out. The compilation of such selections carried on for over six years is the Index now PREFACE, ix offered, not for the use alone of my students and readers, but for all brain workers everywhere. The author wishes in this connection to acknowledge pubhcly the assistance rendered to her in this work by the libraries of the British Museum, La BibHoteca Nacional at the City of Mexico, the Congressional Library, Boston Pub- He, Columbia College, and the hbraries of Chicago, both in their publications and the courtesy of personal attention. It is earnesdy hoped that inquirers after truth in all de- partments will find in this volume a great labor-saving device, as well as a wise counsellor and friend. This is an age of specialization. Life has become so complex that one may no longer aim to know everything, if success is to be attained. " This one thing I do," must be written over the study door. By the help of this Index the student may, even in the hours of leisure and recreation, still follow out the lines of research upon which specialization is based. Zella Allen Dixson. Wisteria Cottage, Granville, Ohio, July, 1897. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ABBEYS. Combe. Combe Abbey. ...Selina Bunbury. Dorchester. Brian Fitz-Count : a story of Wallingford Castle and Dorchester Abbey. ...Augustine D. Crake. Innisfoyle. Innisfoyle Abbey. ...Dennis I. Moriarty. Margam. Margam Abbey ...Anon. Melrose. Monastery. ...Sir Walter Scott. Nightmare. Nightmare Abbey. ...Thomas Love Peacock. Northanger. Northanger Abbey. ...Jane Austen. Pride and prejudice. ...Jane Austen. , Keading. Legend of Reading Abbey. ...Charles Knight. Sea-mew. Sea-mew Abbey. ...Florence A. James. (Pseud., Florence Warden.) Tavystoke. Friar Hildebrand*s cross ; or, Monk of Tavystoke Abbaye. ...Margaret A. Paull. Typhaines. L' Abbaye de Typhaines. ...Joseph Arthur Comte de Gobineau. Typhaines : a tale of the twelfth century. ...Joseph Arthur Comte de Gobineau. English translation. 2 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ABBEYS — Continued. Westminster. Westminster Abbey. ...Joseph Addison. • Westminster Cloisters. ...M. Bidder. ACADIA. Description J History ^ Manners, and Customs. Constance of Acadia. ...Edward Payson Tenney. Lady of Fort Saint John. ...Mary Hartwell Catherwood. Lily and the cross : a tale of Acadia. ...James De Mille. Rivals of Acadia. ...Harriet V. Cheney. Stories of the land of Evangeline. ...Grace D. MacLeod. See also CANADA. ACTING AND ACTORS. See THEATRICAL LIFE. ADVENTURES. A Selection. Adventures in India. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Adventures in the far West. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Adventures of a casket. ...Justin J. E. Roy. English translation. Adventures of a younger son. ...John Edward Trelawny. Adventures of Ann : stories of colonial times. ...Mary E. Wilkins. Adventures of Arthur O'Leary. ...Charles James Lever. (Pseud, Cornelius O'Dowd; Harry Lorrequer.) Adventures of Brigadier Gerard. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Adventures of Captain Horn. ...Frank Richard Stockton. Adventures of Captain Mago ; or, Phoenician expedition b. c. iooo. ...Leon Cahun. English translation. Adventures of Harry Marline ; or, Notes from an American mid- shipman's lucky bag. ...David D. Porter. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. ...Samuel Langhorne Clemens. » (Pseud., Mark Twain.) Adventures of Rob Roy. ...James Grant. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Adventures of three Englishmen and three Russians in South Africa. ...Jules Verne. English translation. Antony Waymouth ; or, Gentlemen adventurers. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. As we sweep through the deep : a story of the stirring times of old. ...William Gordon Stables. Les aventures de Capitaine Magon ; ou, Une exploration phe- nicienne mille ans avant I'ere chretienne. ...Leon Cahun. Les aventures de Saturrin Fichet. ...M. F. Soulie. Les aventures de 3 Russes et de 3 Anglais. ...Jules Verne. Les aventures d'une cassette. ...Justin J. E. Roy. La banniere bleue, aventures d'un Musulman, d'un Chretien, et SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 3 ADVENTURES — Continued. d*un Paien a I'epoque des croisades et de la conquete mongole. ...Leon Cahun. Barny O'Reirdon, the navigator. ...Samuel Lover. Baron Munchausen's narrative of his marvellous travels and cam- paigns in Russia. ...Rudolf Erich Raspe. Barque Future ; or, Life in the far North. ...Jonas Lie. Battery and the boiler ; or, Adventures in laying submarine cables. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Bear-hunters of the Rocky Mountains. ...Anne Manning. Beyond the seas : being the surprising adventures of Ralph, Lord Saint Keyne. ...Oswald T. F. Crawfurd. Black ivory : a tale of adventure among the slaves of East Africa. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Blown to bits ; or, Lonely man of Rakata. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Blue banner. ...Leon Cahun. English translation. Blue lights ; or, Hot work in the Soudan. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Boscobel: a narrative of the adventures of Charles II. ...George W. Dodd. Boy explorers ; or, Adventures of two boys in Alaska. ...Harry Prentice. Un capitaine de quinze ans. ...Jules Verne. Charles O'Malley, the Irish dragoon. ...Charles James Lever. (Pseud., Cornelius O'Dowd ; Harry Lorrequer.) Charles Laurel: a story of adventure by sea and by land. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Children of the New Forest. ...Frederick Marryat. Chronicles of Count Antonio. ...Anthony Hope Hawkins. (Pseud., Anthony Hope.) Colonial reformer. ...Thomas A. Brown. (Pseud., Rolf Boldrewood.) Coral Island. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Crystal hunters: a boy's adventure in the higher Alps. ...George Manville Fenn. Dick Broadhead : a tale of perilous adventures. ...Phineas T. Barnum. Dick Sands, the boy captain. ...Jules Verne. English translation. Ebb-tide: a story of the adventure in the South Seas. ...Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne. First Fleet family. ...Louis Becke and Walter Jeffery. Flaming sword, being an account of the extraordinary adventures and discoveries of Dr. Percival in the wilds of Africa. ...Dr. Percival. G. T. T. (Gone to Texas) ; or, Wonderful adventures of a Pullman. ...Edward Everett Hale. 4 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ADVENTURES — Continued. Gun-runner. ...Bertram Mitford. Hair-breadth escapes of three boys in South Africa. ...Henry C. Adams. Heart of the world. ...H. Rider Haggard. Hector Servadac. ...Jules Verne. Hector Servadac. ...Jules Verne. English translation. Hendricks the hunter : a tale of Zululand. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. History of Don Quixote de la Mancha. ...Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. English translation. El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha. ...Miguel de • Cervantes Saavedra. In the Eastern seas. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. In the heart of the Rockies : a story of adventure in Colorado. ...George Alfred Henty. Iron pirate : a plain tale of strange happenings on the sea. ...Max Pemberton. Jack Hinton, the guardsman. ...Charles James Lever. (Pseud., Cornelius O'Dowd; Harry Lorrequer.) Jacob Faithful. ...Frederick Marryat. Jacobite exile : adventures in the service of Charles XII. of Sweden. ...George Alfred Henty. James Braithwaite, the supercargo. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. John Dean : historic adventures by land and sea. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Keraban-le-tetu. ...Jules Verne. Keraban the inflexible. ...Jules Verne. Englisl translation. King's own. ...Frederick Marryat. Knight of Gwynne. Charles James Lever. (Pseud., Cornelius O'Dowd; Harry Lorrequer.) Life, adventures, and piracies of the famous Captain Singleton. ...Daniel Defoe. Life and adventures of Major Roger Sherman Potter. ...Francis C. Adams. (Pseud., Pheleg Van Trusedale.) Life and strange adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, mariner. ...Daniel Defoe. List, ye landmen. ...William Clark Russell. Lost canyon of the Toltecs : an account of strange adventures in Central America. ...Charles Sumner Seeley. Manco : the Peruvian chief. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Mark Seaworth : a tale of the Indian Ocean. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Masterman Ready ; or, Wreck of the Pacific. ...Frederick Marryat. Maurice ; or, Red jar. ...Frances Villiers, Countess of Jersey. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, S ADVENTTJBES — Continued. Maurice Tiernay, the soldier of fortune. ...Charles James Lever. (Pseud., Cornelius O'Dowd; Harry Lorrequer.) Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Micah Clarke : his statement as made to his three grandchildren. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Mission ; or, Scenes in Africa. ...Frederick Marryat. Mr. Midshipman Easy. ...Frederick Marryat. Modern buccaneer. ...Thomas A. Brown. (Pseud., Rolf Boldrewood.) My Boer chum. ...J. Gordon. My Comrades. ...Howard Hinton. My first voyage to Southern seas. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Narrative of Prince Charlie's escape. ...John Macdonald. Narrative of the travels and adventures of Monsieur Violet, in Cali- fornia, Sonora, and Western Texas. ...Frederick Marryat. Nevermore. ...Thomas A. Brown. (Pseud., Rolf Boldrewood.) New voyage around the world. ...Daniel Defoe. Orchid seekers. ...Ashmore Russan and Frederick Boyle. Oscar in Africa. ...Charles A. Fosdick. ( Pseud., Harry Castlemon.) Our home in the silver west : a story of struggle and adventure ...William Gordon Stables. Out of bounds. ...A. Garry. Pacha of many tales. ...Frederick Marryat. Paddy Finn ; or, Adventures of a midshipman afloat and ashore. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Pampas : a story of adventure in the Argentine Republic. ...Robert Hope Moncrieff. (Pseud., Ascott R. Hope.) Peter Simple. ...Frederick Marryat. Pirate and Moonshine. ...Frederick Marryat. Prisoner of Zenda, being the history of three months in the life of an English gentleman. ...Anthony Hope Hawkins. (Pseud., Anthony Hope.) Privateer's-man one hundred years ago. ...Frederick Marryat. Queer race : the story of a strange people. ...William Westall. Rattlin the reefer. ...Frederick Marryat. Red cockade. ...Stanley J. Weyman. Robbery under arms. ...Thomas A. Brown. (Pseud., Rolf Boldre- wood. ) Ronald Morton ; or, Fireships. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Sidney-side Saxon. ...Thomas A. Brown. (Pseud., Rolf Boldrewood.) Silas Verney : being the story of his adventures in the days of King Charles II. ...Edgar Pickering. Simple adventures of a memsahib. ...Sarah Jeanette Duncan. Snarlyow; or, Dog fiend. ...Frederick Marryat. Sport in Ashanti ; or, Melinda the Caboceer. ...J. A. Skertchly. 6 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, ADVENTURES — Continued. Story of a trooper. ...Francis C. Adams. (Pseud., Pheleg Van Trusedale.) Story of the filibusters. ...James Jeffrey Roche. Strange adventures of a house boat. ...William Black. Strange adventures of a phaeton. ...William Black. True-blue ; or, Life and adventure of a British seaman of the old school. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Twice lost : a story of shipwreck and of adventure in the wilds of Australia. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Two supercargoes; or. Adventures in savage Africa. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Up and down the Nile ; or, Young adventurers in Africa. ...William Taylor Adams, (Pseud., Oliver Optic.) Up the Tapajos; or. Adventures in Brazil. ...Edward S. Ellis. Westward Ho ! or. Voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh. ...Charles Kingsley. Wild tales of the North. ...Anne Bowman. With Maceo in Cuba: adventures of a Minnesota boy. ...Franc R. E. Woodward. Wonderful adventures by land and sea of the seven queer travellers who met at an inn. ...Josiah Barnes. Wood of the brambles. ...Frank Mathew. Young Franc-Tireurs and their adventures in the Franco-Prussian war. ...George Alfred Henty. See also DETECTIVE STORIES; IMAGINARY CITIES, LANDS, AND INSTITUTIONS ; SOLDIERS and SEA STORIES. AFRICA. Description^ History ^ Man7ters, and Customs. Adventures of Herbert Massey in Eastern Africa. ...Verney Lovett Cameron. Adventures of three Englishmen and three Russians in South Africa. ...Jules Verne. English translation. Aventures de 3 Russes et de 3 Anglais. ...Jules Verne. Black ivory : a tale of adventure among the slaves of East Africa, ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Blue lights ; or, H<5t work in the Soudan. ...Robert Michael Bal- lantyne. By sheer pluck : a tale of the Ashanti war. ...George Alfred Henty. Callista: a sketch of the third century. ...John Henry Newman. Captain Enderis, First West African Regiment. ...Arthur P. Crouch. Cinq semaines en ballon. ...Jules Verne. Daireen. ...F. Frankfort Moore. Drowned gold. ...Robert H. Newell. (Pseud., O. C. Kerr.) SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 7 AFRICA — Continued. Dream life and real life : a little African story. ...Olive Schreiner. (Pseud., Ralph Iron.) Five weeks in a balloon. ...Jules Verne. English translation. Flaming sword, being an account of the extraordinary adventures and discoveries of Dr. Percival. ...Dr. Percival. For honour, not honours : being the story of Gordon of Khartoum. ...George Gordon Stabbles. Fossicker. ...Ernest Glanville. Gentleman digger. ...Anna de Bremont. Ghamba. ...W. C. Scully. Gorilla hunters. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Gregorio. ...Percy Hemingway. Gun-runner. ...Bertram Mitford. Hair-breadth escapes of three boys in South Africa. ...Henry C. Adams. Hendricks the hunter : a tale of Zululand. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. King Remba's point. ...John Lander. King's Assegai. ...Bertram Mitford. Long odds. ...H. Rider Haggard. Lost heiress. ...Ernest Glanville. Luck of Gerard Ridgley. ...Bertram Mitford. Mary Musgrave. ...Anon. Mission ; or, Scenes in Africa. ...Frederick Marryat. Mixed humanity. ...J. R. Cowper. Modern Telemachus. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. My Kalulu, prince, king, and slave. ...Henry Moreland Stanley. Mystery of Sasassa Valley. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. My Boer chum. ...J. Gordon. Off to the wilds : the adventures of two brothers. ...George Man- ville Fenn. Oscar in Africa. ...Charles A. Fosdick. (Pseud., Harry Castlemon.) Le pays des diamants. ...Jules Verne. Pirate city. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Playing with fire : a story of the Soudan war. ...James Grant. Quickening of Caliban. ...J. Compton Rickett. Red Sultan. ...John Maclaren Corban. Romance of N'Shabe. ...A. A. Anderson and A. Wall. Rose of Paradise : adventures in connection with the pirate Edward England in 1720. ...Howard Pyle. Scapegoat. ...Thomas Henry Hall-Caine. Settler and the savage. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Six months at the Cape. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Story of an African farm. ...Olive Schreiner. (Pseud., Ralph Iron.) 8 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, AFBICA — Continued. Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland. ...Olive Schreiner. (Pseud., Ralph Iron.) Two supercargoes; or, Adventures in savage Africa. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Virgil. ...Charles Montague. Ula in veldt and laager. ...Charles H. Eden. Vanished diamonds. ...Jules Verne. English translation. War of the axe; or, Adventures in South Africa. ...John Percy Groves. Young Carthaginian. ...George Alfred Henty. Young colonists. ...George Alfred Henty. AGNOSTICISM. Agnostic island. ...F. J. Gould. Calmire. ...Anon. Gerard. ...Mary E. Braddon. New continent. ...Mrs. Worthey. ALABAMA. At love's extremes. ...Maurice Thompson. Flush times of Alabama and Mississippi. ...Joseph G. Baldwin. Richard Hurdis : a tale of Alabama. ...William Gilmore Simms. ALASKA. Description, History, Manners^ and Customs. Boy explorers; or, Adventure of two boys in Alaska. ...Harry Prentice. Fur-seal's tooth : a story of Alaskan adventure. ...Kirk Munroe. Kin-da-shon's wife : an Alaskan story. ...Mrs. Eugene S. Willard. Lorita : an Alaskan maiden. ...Susan G. Clark. Red Mountains of Alaska. ...Willis Boyd Allen. ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT. Descriptio7i, History, Maniters, and Customs. Beyond recall. ...Adeline vSergeant. Chapter of adventures ; or, Through the bombardment of Alexan- dria. ...George Alfred Henty. Hypatia ; or, New friends with old faces. ...Charles Kingsley. Mr. Potter of Texas. ...Archibald Clavering Gunter. Per aspera. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Per aspera : a thorny path. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. Der Scheik von Alessandria und seine Sklaven. ... Wilhelm Hauff. Serapis. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Serapis. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. Sheik of Alexandria and his slaves. ...Wilhelm Hauff. English translation. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 9 ALFRED THE GREAT. Reigtted 871-901. Chronicle of Ethelfled. ...Anne Manning. Danes in England. ...Alfred H. Engelbach. Dragon and the raven; or, Days of King Alfred. ...George Alfred Henty. Glastonbury. ...A. Payne. Sea kings of England. ...Edwin Atherstone. See also ENGLISH HISTORY. ALLEGORIES. Fables. ...^Esop. English translation. Jungle Book. ...Rudyard Kipling. Memorable voyages of Rebel and Victory. ...A. B. King. Out of the past. ...E. Anson More. Peter Schlemihl's wunderbare Geschichte. ... Adelbert von Chamisso. Pilgrim's progress. ...John Bunyan. She : a history of adventure. ...H. Rider Haggard. DerweissKonig. ...Maximilian I. Arranged by Maria Treitzsaurwein. Wonderful history of Peter Schlemihl. ...Adelbert von Chamisso. English translation. ALTRUISM. Altruria. ...Titus K. Smith. Experiment in Altruism. ...Margaret Pollock Sherwood. (Pseud., Elizabeth Hastings.) Traveller from Altruria. ...William Dean Howells. See also FORECASTS. AMERICA. A Selection. Description, History, Manners, and Customs. Central America. Captain Brand of the Centipede. ...Henry A. Wise. (Pseud., Harry Gringo.) Damsel of Darien. ...William Gilmore Simms. Darien; or, Merchant prince. ...E. B. G. Warburton. In tropic seas : a tale of the Spanish main. ...William Westall. Last days of Tul. ...Metta V. Victor. (Pseud., Seeley Regester.) Lost canyon of the Toltecs : an account of strange adventures in Central America. ...Charles Sumner Seeley. Montezuma's gold mines. ...Frederick Albion Ober. Phantom city : a volcanic romance. ...William Westall. Sir Henry Morgan. ...E. Howard. Under Drake's flag : a tale of the Spanish main. ...George Alfred Henty. Westward Ho ! or, Voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh. ...Charles Kingsley. Years ago : domestic life in the eighteenth century. ...Hannah Lynch. lO SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. AMEBIGA— Continued, North America. Abdalla the Moor and the Spanish knight. ...Robert Montgomery Bird. Adventures of a young naturalist. ...Lucien Biart. English trans- lation. Agnes Surriage. ...Edwin L. Bynner. Algonquin maiden. ...G. M. Adam and A. E. V/ertherald. Les anciens Canadiens. ...Philippe Aubert de Gaspe. Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the year 1793. -Charles Brockden Brown. Aventures d*un jeune naturaliste. ...Lucien Biart. Aztec treasure house. ...Thomas Allibone Janvier. Bastonnais. ...John Lesperance. Benito Vazquez. ...Lucien Biart. Bernard Lile. ...Jeremiah Clemens. Black hollow ; or. Dragoon's bride: a tale of the Ramapo in 1779. ...N. C. Iron. Braddock : a story of the French and Indian wars. ...John R. Musick. Brandon : a tale of the American colonies. ...Osgood Tiffany. Bride of Fort Edward. ...Delia S. Bacon. British partisan. ...M. E. Davis. Brother soldiers. ...Mary S. Robinson. Burton ; or, Sieges. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Buttonwoods ; or, Refugees of the revolution. ...Anon. By right of conquest ; or, With Cortez in Mexico. ...George Alfred Henty. Calavar ; or, Knight of the conquest. ...Robert Montgomery Bird. Cameron Hall. ...Mary A. Cruse. Camp Charlotte: a tale of 1774. ...Anon. Camp-fires of the revolution. ...Henry C. Watson. Canadians of old. ...Philippe Aubert de Gaspe. English translation. Le capitaine Paul. ...Alexandre Dumas. Captain Molly. ...Ellen T. H. Putnam. (Pseud., Thrace Talmon.) Captain Paul. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Century too soon : a story of Bacon's rebellion. ...John R. Musick. Chainbearer. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Charles Morton. ...Mary S. B. D. Shindler. Chauncey Judd; or, Stolen boy: a tale of the revolution. ...Israel P. Warren. *' Le Chien d'or " : a legend of Quebec. ...William Kirby. Chinampa ; or, Island home. ...Anon. Claudius the cowboy of Ramapo valley. ...P. Demarest Johnson. Clayton's rangers. ...E. H. Williamson. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. II AMERICA — Continued. Columbia : a story of the discovery of America. ...John R. Musick. Columbus and Beatriz. ...Constance Goddard Du Bois. Confederate spy. ...R. H. Crozier. La Conjuracion de Mejico, 6 los hijos de Hernan Cortes. ...P. de la Escosura. Conspirator. ...Eliza Ann Dupuy. Cortes ; or, Fall of Mexico. ...Robert Montgomery Bird. Costal rindien ou le dragon de la Reine. ...E. L. G. de F. de Belle- mare. Coward : a novel of society and the field of 1863. —Henry Morford. Creole. ...J. B. Cobb. Les coupeurs de routes. ...Gustave Aimard. Cross and the shamrock. ...H. Quigley. Crown jewels. ...Emma L. Moffett. Cudjo's cave. ...John Townsend Trowbridge. (Pseud., Paul Creyton.) Dangerfield's rest. ...Henry Sedley. Daughters of the revolution and their times. ...Kate Chopin. Days of shoddy. ...Henry Morford. Diego Pinzon and the fearful voyage he took into the unknown ocean, A. D. 1492. ...John R. Coryell. Doctor Le Baron and his daughters. ...Jane Goodwin Austin. Doctor Vandyke. ...John Esten Cooke. Dolores. ...Gertrudis Gomez de Avellaneda. Doom of the tory*s guard. ...Newton M. Curtis. Double hero. ...N. C. Iron. Double masquerade. ...Charles R. Talbot. (Pseud., Magnus Merriweather.) Drummer boy. ...John Townsend Trowbridge. (Pseud., Paul Creyton.) Dutch dominie of the Catskills. ...David Murdoch. Eagle of Washington. ...Burkitt J. Newman. Ellen Grafton, the lily of Lexington. ...Benjamin Barker. Emigrants ; or, History of an expatriated family. ...George Imlay. Emma Corbett. ...Samuel J. Pratt. Estevan : a story of the Spanish conquests. ...John R. Musick. Ethel Hamilton ; or. Lights and shadows of the war of indepen- dence. ...Anna T. Sadlier. Eutaw : a tale of the revolution. ...William Gilmore Simms. Fairfax : a chronicle of the valley of Shenandoah. ...John Esten Cooke. Fair maid of Wyoming. ...Gabriel Alexander. Female spy. ...Emerson Bennett. Forayers. ...William Gilmore Simms. 12 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, AMERICA — Continued. Forest and shore. ...Charles P. Ilsley. Forest tragedy, and other tales. ...Sara J. Lippincott. (Pseud., Grace Greenwood.) Foresters. ...Jeremy Belknap. Forsaken. ...Richard P. Smith. Fort Braddock letters ; or, Tale of the French and Indian wars, in America, at the beginning of the eighteenth century. ...Anon. Fort Lafayette. ...Benjamin Wood. Forward with the flag. ...Mary S. Robinson. Foundling of the Mohawk. ...Newton M. Curtis. Francis Berrian, the Mexican patriot. ...T. Flint. Fran5ois de Bienville. ...Joseph Marmette. Franklin's oath. ...C. I. A. Chapman. Frederick de Algeroy, the hero of Camden Plains. ...Giles Gazer, Pseud. From colony to commonwealth. ...Nina Moore Tiffany. Fur-seal's tooth : a story of Alaskan adventure. ...Kirk Munroe. Gideon Godbold. ...N. C. Iron. Golden eagle. ...Sylvanus Cobb, Jr. Golden hair : a tale of the Pilgrim fathers. ...F. C. L. Wraxall. Grace Dudley. ...Charles J. Peterson. Great battle year, 1863. ...Mary S. Robinson. Great treason. ...Mary A. M. Hoppus. Green mountain boys : an historical tale of the early settlement of Vermont. ...Daniel P. Thompson. Greyslaer. ...Charles F. Hoffman. Guatimozin, ultimo emperador de Mejico. ...Gertrudis Gomez de Avellaneda. Gun-bearer. ...Edward A. Robinson. Hammer and rapier. ...John Esten Cooke. Hardscrabble ; or. Fall of Chicago. ...John Richardson. Harpe's Head : a legend of Kentucky. ...James Hall. Harrington. ...William D. O'Connor. Heart's forever ; or,* Old Dominion battle grounds: a tale of 1782. ...N. C. Iron. Henry Saint John : a tale of 1774-1775. ...John Esten Cooke. Hernan Cortez en Tabasco. ...Fermin del Rey. Hero of Cowpens. ...Rebecca MacConkey. Higher law. ...Edward Maitland. (Pseud., Herbert Ainslie.) Hilt to hilt ; or, Days and nights in the Shenandoah in the autumn of 1864. ...John Esten Cooke. Historischer Roman. ...Cortez Fernando. Hobomok. ...Lydia Maria Child. Horse-shoe Robinson : a tale of the tory ascendency. ...John P. Kennedy. (Pseud., Solomon Second-thoughts.) (universitt) SUBJECT INDEX T^^-^-^SS^k-"''^^'''^ 13 AMERICA — Contintced. Humbled pride: a story of the Mexican War. ...John R. Musick. Hurricane Harry. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Independence : a story of the American revolution. ...John R. Musick. Inez : a tale of the Alamo. ...Augusta J. Wilson. Infidel ; or, Fall of Mexico. ...Robert Montgomery Bird. L'Intendant Bigot, 1758. ...Joseph Marmette. In the valley. ...Harold Frederick. Iron furnace. ...J. H. Anghey. Isidra. ...Willis Steell. Israel Potter : his fifty years of exile. ...Herman Melville. Izram, ...Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna. (Pseud., Charlotte Elizabeth.) Jacques et Marie. ...N. Bourassa. John Gray : a Kentucky tale of the olden time. ...James Lane Allen. John March, Southerner. ...George Washington Cable. Johnson Manor : a tale of olden time in New York. ...James Kent. La jongleuse. ...H. Raymond Casgrain. Karmel, the scout. ...Sylvanus Cobb, Jr. Kate Aylesford. ...Charles J. Peterson. Katherine Walton. ...William Gilmore Simms. Kin-da-shon's wife. ...Mrs. Eugene S. Willard. King's warrant. ...A. H, Engelback. Lady of Fort Saint John. ...Mary Hartwell Catherwood. Last of the foresters. ...John Esten Cooke. Last of the Mohicans. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Leather stockings and silk ; or, Hunter John Myers and his times : a story of the Valley of Virginia. ...John Esten Cooke. Lebensbilder aus der westlichen Hemisphere. ...Charles Sealfield (formerly Karl Postl). Legends of the West. ...James Hall. Life in the new world ; or. Sketches of American society. ...Charles Sealfield (formerly Karl Postl). English translation. Lily and the cross. ...James De Mille. Lionel Lincoln ; or, Leaguer of Boston. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Lone star of Texas. ...J. W. Dallam. Lord of himself. ...Francis H. Underwood. Lucia Dare. ...Sarah A. Dorsey. (Pseud., Filia.) Les Machabees de la Nouvelle France. ...Joseph Marmette. Maid of Esopus. ...N. C. Iron. Malmiztic the Toltec, and the cavaliers of the cross. ...W. W. Fosdick. Man without a country. ...Edward Everett Hale. Marcus Blair. ...Caleb E. Wright. 14 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, AMERICA — Continued, Margaret Moncrieff, the first love of Aaron Burr. ...Charles Burdett. Marrymg by lot : a tale of the primitive Moravians. ...Charlotte B. Mortimer. Mehetabel. ...Mrs. H. C. Gardner. Mellichampe : a legend of the Santee. ...William Gilmore Simms. Mercedes of Castile ; or, Voyage to Cathay. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Meredith ; or, Mystery of the Meschianza. ...Anon. Merton. ...Eliza Ann Dupuy. Merry-Mount: a romance of the Massachusetts colony. ...John Lothrop Motley. Mexican ; or, Love and land. ...J. M. Dagnall. Mexican prince ; or, Story of Montezuma. ...Anon. Might not right ; or, Stories of the discovery and conquest of America. ...Anon. Miss MacRea; Roman historique. ...Michael Rene Hilliard d'Auberteuil. Miss Ravenal's conversion from secession to loyalty. ...John W. De Forest. Mohun ; or. Last days of Lee and his paladins. ...JohnEsten Cooke. Monarchist. ...John B. Jones. Monody on Major Andre. ...Anna Seward. Montezuma, the last of the Aztecs. ...E. Maturin, Montezuma, the serf. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. More than she could bear. ...H. Bendbow. Mustang Gray. ...Jeremiah Clemens. My comrades. ...Howard Hinton. Nameless nobleman. ...Jane Goodwin Austin. Nazarene. ...George Lippard. Near to nature's heart. ..Edward Payson Roe. Nick of the woods ; or, Jibbenainosay : a tale of Kentucky. ...Robert Montgomery Bird. El nigromantico Mejicano. ...I. M. Pusalgas. Norsemen in the West ; or, America before Columbus. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Oath of Marion. ...Charles J. Peterson. Old bell of independence; or, Philadelphia in 1776. ...Henry C. Watson. Old Dominion ; or, Southampton massacre. ...George Payne Rains- ford James. Old Fort Duquesne; a tale of the early toils, struggles, and adventures of the first settlers at the forks of the Ohio in 1 754. ...Anon. # SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 15 AMERICA — Continued. Old Fort Duquesne ; or, Captain Jack, the scout. ...Charles McKnight. Old Hal Williams. ...J. T. Warren. Old judge ; or. Life in a colony. ...T. C. Haliburton. Old plantation. ...James Hungerford. Old Put. ...Justin Jones. (Pseud., Harry Hazel.) Old revolutionary soldier. ...Joseph Alden. Old stone house. ...Joseph Alden. Out of a besieged city. ...Charles W. Hutson. Out of the sunset sea. ...Albion Winegar Tourgee. Overland. ...John W. De Forest. Partisan : a romance of the revolution. ...William Gilmore Simms. Partisan leader. ...Beverly Tucker. Patriot and tory, one hundred years ago. ...Julia M. Wright. Paul and Persis ; or, Revolutionary struggle in the Mohawk valley. ...Mary E. Bunce. Paul Ardenheim. ...George Lippard. Paul Jones. ...Allan Cunningham. Paul Jones. ...Pierce Egan. Paul Jones. ...Theodor Muegge. Paul Redding. ...T. Buchanan Read. Peep at the Pilgrims. ...Harriet V. Cheney. Pemberton ; or, One hundred years ago. ...Henry Peterson. Peter and Polly. ...Annie D. Greene. Philip Nolan's friends. -.Edward Everett Hale. Picture of Las Cruces. ...Frances C. Fisher Tiernan. Pilgrims of New England : a tale of the early American settlers. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe. (Webb.) Pilgrims; a story of Massachusetts. ...John R. Musick. Pilot; a tale of the sea. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Pioneers. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Planter's daughter. ...Eliza Ann Dupuy. Pleasant Waters : a story of Southern life and character. ...Graham Clay tor. El Pleito de Hernan Cortes con Panfilo de Narvaez. ...J. de Canizares. Pocahontas : a story of Virginia. ...John R. Musick. Pride of Lexington. ...William Seton. Puepla, oder die Franzosen in Mexico. ...H. O. F. Goedsche. Quaker soldier. ...J. Richter Jones. Queen of the lakes. ...Mayne Reid. Ralphton ; or, Young Carolinian of 1776. ...A. H. Brisbane. Rebels and tories. ...Lawrence Labree. Red mountains of Alaska. ...Willis B. Allen. l6 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. AMEBIGA — Continued. Red-skins. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Refugees : a tale of two continents. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Rejected wife. ...Ann S. Stephens. Revolutionary times. ...Edward Abbott. Rivals : a tale of the times of Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton. ...Jeremiah Clemens. Rivals of Acadia. ...Harriet V. Cheney. Robert Fulton : an historical novel. ...Johannes Carsten von Hauch. English translation. Robert Fulton : historischer Roman. ...Johannes Carsten von Hauch. Romance of Bollard. ...Mary Hartwell Catherwood. Romance of the republic. ...Lydia Maria Child. Rosalie du Pont. ...Emerson Bennett. Running the blockade. ...William H. Thomes. Russell and Sidney. ...Eliza Leslie. Saint Augustine : a story of the Huguenots in America. ...John R. Musick. Sanctuary. ...George W. Nichols. Saratoga : an Indian tale of frontier life ; a true story of 1787. ...D. Shepherd. Satanstoe. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Les scalpeurs blancs. ...Gustave Aimard. Scenes at Washington : a story of the last generation. ...Anon. Scenes de la vie militaire au Mexique. ...E. L. Gabriel de Ferry de Bellemare. Scout. ...William Gilmore Simms. Seeking a country ; or, Home of the Pilgrims. ...E. N. Hoare. Septimius Felton. ...Nathaniel Hawthorne. Settlers in Canada. ...Frederick Marryat. Shelby's expedition to Mexico. ...John N. Edwards. Shoulder straps. ...Henry Morford. Sinners twain. ...John Mackie. Sketches of Western adventure. ...John A. McClung. Some unconventional people. ...Mrs. J. Gladwyn Jebb. Spinning-wheel stories. ...Louisa May Alcott. Spy : a tale of the neutral ground. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Standish of Standish. ...Jane Goodwin Austin. Standish the Puritan. ...Eldred Grayson. Stories of new France. ...Agnes M. Machar. Stories of old new Spain. ...Thomas A. Janvier. Stories of the conquest of Mexico and Peru. ... W. Dalton. Stories of the old Dominion from the settlement to the end of the revolution. ...John Esten Cooke. Stories of the revolution. ...Josiah Priest. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 1 7 AMERICA — Continued. Storm Mountain. ...Edward S. Ellis. Story of a Hessian. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Sunny South. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Surry of Eagle's nest. ...John Esten Cooke. Sustained honor : a story of the war of 1812. ...John R. Musick. Tales of the Border. ...James Hall. Thankful Blossom. ...Francis Bret Harte. Thirty-nine men and one woman. ...H. £mile Chevalier. English translation. Three girls of the revolution. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Three scouts. ...John Townsend Trowbridge. Ticonderoga; or, Black eagle. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Tiger-lilies. ...Sidney Lanier. Tory spy. ...J. Colfort Clifton. Trente-neuf hommes pour une femme. ...H. iSmile Chevalier. True stories of the American fathers. ...Rebecca MacConkey. True to the old flag : a tale of the American war of independence. ...George Alfred Henty. Twice taken ; an historical romance of the maritime British prov- inces. ...Charles W. Hall. U. E. : a tale of Upper Canada. ...Anon. Unfinished tale; or, Daughter of the mill: romance of Lake George. ...F. Clarebarne. Union : a story of the great rebellion. ...John R. Musick. Die Virey und die Aristokraten. ...Charles Sealfield (formerly Karl Postl). Walter Thornley ; or, Peep at the past. ...Susan R. Sedgwick. Washington and his men. ...George Lippard. Washington and '76. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Water waif: a story of the revolution. ...Elizabeth S. Bladen. Wau-nan-gee; or, Massacre at Chicago. ...John Richardson. Westward Ho ! ...James K. Paulding. White and black : a story of the Southern states. ...A. Biggs. White chief. ...Mayne Reid. White scalper. ...Gustave Aimard. English translation. White slave. ...R. Hildreth. Wilderness and the war-path. ...James Hall. Witch of Salem ; or, Credulity run mad. ...John R. Musick. With Wolfe in Canada. ...George Alfred Henty. Woman of Shawmut : a romance of colonial times. ...E. J. Carpenter. Woodcraft. ...William George Simms. Yankee champion. ...Sylvanus Cobb, Jr. Yemassee : a romance of California. ...William Gilmore Simms. 2 1 8 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. LWSSIGK— Continued. Yorktown : an historical romance. ...Anon. Young rebels ; a story of the battle of Lexington. ...Robert Hope Moncrieff. (Pseud., Ascott R. Hope.) See also individual states and the different wars of the United States. South America. Un Acontecimiento en Tucuman. ...J. O. Bustamente. Admirable Lady Biddy Fane. ...Frank Barrett. Afloat in the forest. ...Mayne Reid. L'Araucan. ...Gustave Aimard. Dolores : ein Charaktergemalde aus Siid-Amerika. ...Harro Paul Harring. Dolores : a historical novel of South America. ...Harro Paul Har- ring. English translation. Les Espagnols au Perou ; ou, La mort de Rolla. ...August Frie- drich Ferdinand von Kotzebue. Forest exiles ; or, Perils amid the wilds of the Amazon. ...Mayne Reid. Frank Redcliffe : a story of travel and adventure in the forests of Venezuela. ...Achilles Daunt. Golden magnet ; the Land of the Incas. ...George Manville Fenn. History of Oroonoko ; or, Royal slave. ...Aphra Behn. Hoffnungen in Peru. ...Ernest, Baron von Bibra. Inca queen; or, Lost in Peru. ...John Evelyn. Les Incas ; ou, La destruction de I'empire du Perou. ...Jean Fran- gois Marmontel. Incas ; or, Destruction of the empire of Peru. ...Jean Fran9ois Marmontel. English translation. In New Granada. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Jilma 6 continuacion de Los Pizarros. ...F. Perez. Ein Juwel : sUdamerikanischer Roman. ...Ernest, Baron von Bibra. Letters written by a Peruvian princess. ...F. H. de Graffigny. English translation. Lettres d'une Peruvienne. ...F. H. de Graffigny. Lost Inca. ...P. Ozollo. Lost in the wilds. ...Edward S. Ellis. Lucia Miranda. ...Celestina Fiines. Lucia Miranda. .. Eduardo Mansilla de Garcia. Lutchmee and Dilloo. ...Edward Jenkins. Manco the Peruvian chief. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Man of mark. ...Anthony Hope Hawkins. (Pseud., Anthony Hope.) Maria : a South American romance. ...Jorge Isaacs. English trans- lation. Maria: Novela Americana. ...Jorge Isaacs. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 19 AMERICA — Continued. Une mission au Paraguay. ...^Slie Berthet. Near the Lagunas ; or, Scenes in the states of La Plata. ...Anon. On the banks of the Amazon. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Out on the Pampas ; or, Young settlers. ...George Alfred Henty. Pampas ; or, Story of adventure in the Argentine Republic. ...Rob- ert Hope Moncrieff. (Pseud., Ascott R. Hope.) Pizarro; or, Death of Rolla. ...August Friedrich Ferdinand von Kotzebue. English translation. Los Pizarros. ...F. Perez. Ponce de Leon; or, Rise of the Argentine Republic. ...Anon. Der Rodeo in Chile. ...Ernest, Baron von Bibra. Der Schatz des Inka. ...Franz Hoffmann. Secret of the Andes : a romance. ...Friedrich Hassaurek. La Serera, legenda historica. ...Enrique E. Rivaroli. Die siidamerikanische Reise des Doctor H. ...Ernest, Baron von Bibra. Einige Tage in Rio Janeiro. ...Ernest, Baron von Bibra. Theodore ; ou, Les Peruviens. ...G. L. A. Pigault Lebrun. Treasures of the Inca. ...Franz Hoffmann. English translation. Under the Southern cross. ...Deborah Alcock. Unter der Penchuenchen. ...Friedrich Gerstacker. Up the Tapojoos ; or, Adventures in Brazil. ...Edward S. Ellis. Voice of Urbano : romance of adventure on the Amazons. ...James William Wells. Young Llanero. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. ANARCHISM, FENIANISM, and NIHILISM. Career of a Nihilist. ...Sergius Stepniak, Pseud. Translated from the Russian. Condemned as a Nihilist: a story of escape from Siberia. ...George Alfred Henty. Crime of the 'Liza Jane. ...Fergus W. Hume. Dynamitards. ...Reginald Tayler. Fair Saxon. ...Justin McCarthy. Female Nihilist. ...E. Lavigna. Fitzgerald the Fenian. ...J. D. Maginn. Green book ; or, Freedom under the snow. ...Mor Jokai. English translation. Hartmann the Anarchist. ...E. Douglas Fawcett. Light and shade. ...Charlotte O'Brien. Marzio's crucifix. ...Francis Marion Crawford. Narka, the Nihilist. ...Katharine O'Meara. Nest of nobles. ...Ivan Sergyevich Turgenieff. Translated from the Russian. 20 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ANAECHISM, FENIANISM, and NIHILISM — Continued. Nihilist princess. ...Louise Gageneur. Our radicals. ...Frederick G. Burnaby. , Out of the jaws of death. ...Frank Barrett. Paris. ...!£mile Zola. English translation. Prince of Balkistan. ...Allen Upward. Red route. ...William Sime. Ridgeway. ...Scian Dubl, Pseud. Rudine. ...Ivan Sergyevich Turgenieff. Translated from the Russian. Storm light ; or, Nihilist's doom. ...J. E. Muddock. Le ventre de Paris. ...^fimile Zola. Vital question. ...Nikolai Tchernishevsky. Translated from the Russian. When we were boys. ...William O'Brien. See also LABOR AND CAPITAL, CONFLICT OF. ANCIENT HISTORY. A Selection. Twentieth Century Before Christ. Hebrew heroes. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Patriarchal times. ...C. M. O'Keefe. Sarchedon : a legend of the great Queen. ...George John Whyte Melville. Eighteenth Century Before Christ. Jose et Benjamin. ...Adolf Franz Delitzsch. Joseph and Benjamin. ...Adolf Franz Delitzsch. English trans- lation. Fifteenth Century Before Christ. Ephraim and Helah : a story of the Exodus. ...Edwin Hodder. Joshua : a story of biblical times. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. Josua. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Pillar of fire ; or, Israel in bondage. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Rameses. ...Edward Upham. Rescued from Egypt. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Spell of Ashtaroth. ...Duffield Osborne. Fourteenth Century Before Christ. Uarda : Roman aus dem alten Aegypten. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Uarda: a romance of ancient Egypt. ...Georg Moritz Ebeis. Eng- lish translation. Thirteenth Century Before Christ. Triumph over Midian. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 21 ANCIENT HISTORY — Continued. Twelfth Century Before Christ. Samson. ...S. W. Odell. Eleventh Century Before Christ. Shepherd of Bethlehem. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Tenth Century Before Christ. Adventures of Captain Mago; or, Phcenician expedition B. c. looo. ...Leon Cahun. English translation. Les aventures de Capitaine Magon; ou, line exploration Pheni- cienne mille ans avant Tere Chretienne. ...Leon Cahun. Leah. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Eighth Century Before Christ. Numa Pompilius. ...Jean Pierre Claris de Florian. Seventh Century Before Christ. Exiles in Babylon. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Sixth Century Before Christ. Belteshazzar : a romance of Babylon. ...Edward R. Roe. Egyptian princess. ...GeorgMoritz Ebers. English translation. Eine aegyptische Konigstochter. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Fifth Century Before Christ. Fountain of Arethusa. ...Robert Landor. Pausanias, the Spartan. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer- Lytton. Philothea. ...Lydia Maria Child. Prince of Argolis. ...J. Moyr Smith. Fourth Century Before Christ. Apelles and his contemporaries. ...Henry Greenough. Heroes of Ancient Greece. ...Ellen Palmer. Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grece, vers le milieu de quatri^me siecle avant Jesus Christ. ...Jean Jacques Barthelemy. Young Anacharsis. ...Jean Jacques Barthelemy. English trans- lation. Second Century Before Christ. Charicles ; or, Illustrations of the private life of the ancient Greeks. ...Wilhelm Adolf Becker. English translation. Charikles. ...Wilhelm Becker. Emperor. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. 22 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, ANCIENT ■m.^Tm.l. — Cojitinued. Helen's pilgrimage to Jerusalem : a picture of Judaism in the cen- tury which preceded the advent of Our Saviour. ...Friedrich Abraham Strauss. English translation. Melon's Wallfahrt nach Jerusalem hundert neun Jahr vor der Geburt unsers Herrn. ...Friedrich Abraham Strauss. Der Kaiser. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Die Sch western. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Sisters. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. First Century Before Christ. Fawn of Sertorius. ...Robert Landor. Gallus : historischer Roman. ... Wilhelm Adolf Becker. Gallus ; or, Roman scenes in the time of Augustus. ...Wilhelm Adolf Becker. English translation. Idumean. ...J. M. Leavitt. Zipporah. ...Mrs. M. E. Bewsher. First Century Anno Domini. Agathocles. ...Caroline Pichler. Ahasverus. ...Edgar Quinet. Am Kreuz : ein Passions roman aus Oberammergau. ... Wilhelmine von Hillern. Antipas, son of Chuza, and others whom Jesus loved. ...Louisa Seymour Houghton. Arius, the Libyan. ...Nathan C. Kouns. Aurelia ; or, Jews of Capernagate. ...Abel Quinton. Barabbas. ...Marie Corelli. Ben Hur: a tale of the Christ. ...Lew Wallace. Beric, the Breton. ...George Alfred Henty. Burning of Rome ; or, Story of the days of Nero. ...Alfred John Church. Daybreak in Britain. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Dion and Sybilis. ...M. G. Keon. Doom of the holy city. ...Lydia Hoyt Farmer. Dorcas, the daughter of Faustina. ...Nathan C. Kouns. Early Christianity. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Early dawn ; or, Sketches of Christian life in England in the olden times. ...Elizabeth Charles. Edol, the Druid. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Emmanuel : story of the Messiah. ...William Forbes Cooley. Gaudentius. ...Gerald S. Davies. Gladiators : a tale of Rome and Judaea. ...George John Whyte Melville. Glaucia. ...Emma Leslie. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 23 ANCIENT 1SISHQ2.X— Continued. Golden age. ...Kenneth Grahame. tleleua's household : a tale of Rome in the first century. ...James De Mille. Julia of Baioe. ...J. W. Brown. Julian. ...William Ware. Lapsed but not lost. ...Elizabeth Charles. Light from the catacombs. ...E. L. M. Naomi ; or, Last days of Jerusalem. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe (Webb). Neither Rome nor Judaea. ...E. Hoven. Onesimus : memoirs of a disciple of Saint Paul. ...Edwin A. Abbott. On the cross. ...Wilhelmina von Hillern. English translation. Philip; or, What may have been: a story of the first century. ...E. M. Cuttin. Philochristus. ...Anon. Pomponia ; or, Gospel in Caesar's household. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe (Webb). Prince of the house of David ; or, Three years in the holy city : scenes in the life of Jesus. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Quiet King. ...Caroline Atwater Mason. Quo Vadis. ...Henryk Sienkiewicz. Quo Vadis : a narrative of the time of Nero. ...Henryk Sien- kiewicz. English translation. Roman traitor. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank P'orester.) Saint Paul in Greece. ...Gerald S. Davies. Salathiel, the immortal. ...George Croly. Story of the other wise man. ...Henry Van Dyke. Triumphs of the cross. ...John Mason Neale. (Pseud., Aurelius Gratianus.) Valeria. ...Ballydear and Bowden. Valerius : a Roman story. ...John Gibson Lockhart. Victory of the vanquished. ...Elizabeth Charles. Zillah. ...Horace Smith. (Pseud., Paul Chatfield.) Second Century Anno Domini. Flavia. ...Emma Leslie. Letters fi-om Rome. ...Eustace Wace. Roman exile. ...Guglielmo Gajani. Three Bernices. ...Amanda M. Bright. Valerius : a Roman story. ...John Gibson Lockhart. Third Century Anno Domini. Aurelian. ...William Ware. Callistra : a sketch of the third century. ...John Henry Newman. 24 SUBJECT IMDEX TO FICTION, ANCIENT ISH^TQi^X — Contiitued. Diotima : eine culturhistorische Novelle aus der Zeit der diocleti- anischen Verfolgung. ...Wilhelm Tangermann. Epicurean. ...Thomas Moore. Farm of Aptonga : a story for children of the times of Saint Cyprian. ...John Mason Neale. (Pseud., Aurelius Gratianus.) Letters from Palmyra. ...William Ware. Martyrs of Carthage. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe (Webb). Money God ; or, Empire and the papacy. ...Abel Quinton. Probus ; or, Rome in the third century. ...William Ware. Theban Legion : a tale of the times of Diocletian. ...William M. Blackburn. Fourth Century Anno Bomini. Alexandrians. ...Anon. Claudius. ...Mrs. R. K. Causton. Constantine. ...Edmund Spencer. Daughters of Pola. ...Anon. Dorcas, the daughter of Faustina. ...Nathan C. Kouns. Egyptian wanderers. ...John Mason Neale. (Pseud., Aurelius Gratianus.) Evanus : a tale of the days of Constantine the Great. ...Augustine D. Crake. Homo sum. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Homo sum. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. Julian's dream. ...Gerald S. Davies. Last Athenian. ...Abraham Victor Rydberg. English translation. Norma. ...Ellen Palmer. Out of the mouth of the lions. ...Anon. Parthenia; or, Last days of Paganism. ...Eliza Buckminster Lee. Pearl of Antioch : a picture of the East at the end of the fourth century. ...Marc A. Bayle. Serapis : historischer Roman. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Serapis. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. Den siste Athenaren. ...Abraham Victor Rydberg. Fifth Century Anno Domini. Alypius of Tagaste: a tale of the early Church. ...Mrs. J. B Peploe (Webb). Antonina ; or, Fall of Rome. ...Wilkie Collins. Attila. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Conquering and to conquer : a story of Rome in the days of Saint Jerome. ...Elizabeth Charles. Eudoxia, die Kaiserinn. ...Ida Hahn-Hahn. Fabiola; or, Church of the Catacombs. ...Nicholas Patrick Stephen Wiseman. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION; 25 ANCIENT HISTORY — Continued. Hypatia. ...Charles Kingsley. Julemerk. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe (Webb). Kathleen : a tale of the fifth century. ...E. A. Maid and Cleon. ...Elizabeth Charles. Pearl of Antioch: a picture of the East at end of fourth century. ...Marc A. Bayle. Quadratus : a tale of the world in the Church. ...Emma Leslie. For the chronological continuation, see EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL AND MODERN. ANNE BOLEYN. Lived 1507-15S6. Anne Boleyn; or, Suppression of the religious houses. ...Anon. Anne Boleyn. ...Mrs. K. Thompson. Bride of Bucklersbury : a tale of the Grocers' Company. ...Eliza- beth M. Stewart. Star of the court ; or, Maid of honour and the Queen of England, Anne Boleyn. ...Selina Bunbury. Windsor Castle. .„. William Harrison Ainsworth. See also HENRY VIII. OF ENGLAND. ANNE OF AUSTRIA. See LOUIS XIV. ANNE OF ENGLAND. Reigned 17 02-17 U. Cornet of the horse : a tale of Marlborough's wars. ...George Alfred Henty. Devereux. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Esther Vanhomrich. ...Margaret L. Woods. History of Henry Esmond. ...William Makepeace Thackeray. Irish pearl : a tale of the times of Queen Anne. ...Anon. John Law, the projector. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Maiden's lodge : a tale of the time of Queen Anne. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Queen's jewel. ...M. P. Blyth. Saint James's; or, Court of Queen Anne. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. ARABIA. Description^ History, Manners, and Ctistoms. Amurath, Prince of Persia : an Arabian tale. ...Anon. Arabian nights entertainment. ...Anon. Beyond recall. ...Adeline Sergeant. Frank Hilton; or, Queen's own. ...James Grant. From bondage to freedom. ...Anon. Harun al Rascid. ...Anne Manning. History of the Caliph Vathek. ...WiJliam Beckford. 26 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, ABABIA— Continued. Homo sum. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Homo sum. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translatioa Khaled : a tale of Arabia. ...Francis Marion Crawford. Lance of Kanana : a story of Arabia. ...Henry W. French. Shaving a Shagpat : an Arabian entertainment and Farina. ...George Meredith. Vathek : an Arabian tale. ...William Beckford. ARCHAEOLOGY. Aztec treasure house : a romance of contemporaneous antiquity. ...Thomas A. Janvier. Last days of Tul. ...Metta V. Victor. (Pseud., Seeley Regester.) Lost canyon of the Toltecs : an account of strange adventures in Central America. ...Charles Sumner Seeley. Man who married the moon ; and other Pueblo Indian folk-stories. ...Charles F. Lummis. Montezuma's daughter. Rider Haggard. Story of Ab. ...Stanley Waterloo. See also FOLK-LORE. ARKANSAS. Description^ History ^ Manners, and Customs. Colonel Thorpe's scenes in Arkansas. ...Anon. Life and adventure of an Arkansaw doctor. ...M. Lafayette Byrn. Trappers in Arkansas. ...Gustave Aimard. English translation. Les trappeurs de I'Arkansas. ...Gustave Aimard. We all. ...Alice French. (Pseud., Octave Thanet.) ARMADA. See SPANISH HISTORY. ARMINIUS. See HERMANN. ARMY AND NAVY LIFE. A Selection. Adventures of Brigadier Gerard. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Army society : life in a garrison town. ...Henrietta E. V. Stannard. (Pseud., John Strange Winter.) Away westward. ...Frederick A. Whittaker. Between the lines: a story of the war. ...Charles King. Boy life in the United States Navy. ...H. H. Clark. Bubble reputation. ...Katharine King. Cadet button. ...Frederick A. Whittaker. Cadet days. ...Charles King. Cadet life at West Point. ...George C. Stronge. Le Capitaine Paul. ...Alexandre Dumas. Captain Paul. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Cavalry life; or, Sketches and stories in barracks and out. ...Hen- rietta E. V. Stannard. (Pseud., John Strange Winter.) SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 27 ARMY AND NAVY lASY.— Continued. Chelsea pensioners. ...George Robert Gleig. Colonel's daughter; or, Winning his spurs. ...Charles King. Confederate flag on the ocean. ...William H. Peck. Constable of France, and other military historiettes. ...James Grant. Cutts: a story of West Point. ...C. I. Cervus. Driver Dallas. ...Henrietta E. V. Stannard. (Pseud., John Strange Winter.) Edgar Fairfax : a story of West Point. ...Florence Nightingale Craddock. Every inch a soldier. ...M. J. Colquhoun. Every inch a soldier. ...Henrietta E. V. Stannard. (Pseud., John Strange Winter.) Famous ships of the British navy : stories of enterprise and daring of British seamen. ...William H. D. Adams. For honour of the flag : a story of our sea-fights with the Dutch. ...Charles N. Robinson and John Leyland. Frank Milmay; or, Adventures of a naval officer. ...Frederick Marryat. From cadet to captain. ...John Percy Groves. From powder monkey to admiral. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Frontier army sketches. ...James W. Steele. Gentleman cadet ; his career and adventures at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. ...Alfred W. Grayson. Gilead guards. ...Mrs. O. W. Scott. Glory: a Wiltshire story. ...Isabella Banks (Mrs. G. Linnaeus Banks). La grande famille. Roman militaire. ...Jean Grave. Green hand. ...George Cupples. In blue uniform. ...George Israel Putnam. In marine armor ; being adventures of Abel Dane. ...George Man- ville Fenn. In the dashing days of old ; or, World-wide adventures of Willie Grant. ...Gordon Stables. In the king's service. ...Mary C. Ware (Mrs. Hibbert Ware). King George's middy. ...William Gilbert. Lights and shades of military life. ...Alfred Victor, Comte de Vigny. English translation. Love afloat : a story of the American navy. ...Francis H. Sheppard. Loyal traitor', a story of the naval war of 1812. ...James Barnes. Marion's faith. ...Charles King. Memoirs of a Griffin ; Cadet's first year in India. ...Francis J. Bellew. Mignon; or, Bootle's baby. ...Henrietta E. V. Stannard. (Pseu^., John Strange Winter.) 28 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ARMY AND NAVY IIYY.— Contimicd, Mignon's husband. ...lieniietla E. V. Stannard. (Pseud., John Strange Winter.) Military mosaics : a set of tales and sketches on soldierly themes. ...John A. O'Shea. Miss Bagg's secretary: a West Point romance. ...Clara Louise Burnham. Night watch. ...Anon. On the offensive : an army story. ...George Israel Putnam. Our sailors ; or, Anecdotes of the engagements and gallant deeds of the British Navy during the reign of Queen Victoria. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Ouzel galley. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Paddy Finn; or, Adventures of a midshipman afloat and ashore. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Plain tales from the hills. ...Rudyard Kipling. Pluck. ...Henrietta E. V. Stannard. ( Pseud., John Strange Winter.) Privateer: a tale of the nineteenth century. ...Cecil P. Stone. Queen's cadets. ...James Grant. Second to none : a military romance. ...James Grant. Servitude et grandeur militaires. ...Alfred Victor, Comte de Vigny. Shoulder straps. ...Henry Morfprd. Son of Mars. ...Arthur Griffiths. South Sea whaler. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Starlight ranch, and other stories of army life on the frontier. ...Charles King. Sustained honor: a story of the war of 1812. ...John R. Musick. Tales of military life. ...William Maginn. Three lieutenants ; or. Naval life in the nineteenth century. ...Wil- liam Henry Giles Kingston. Three midshipmen. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Tom Clifton ; or. Western boys in Grant's and Sherman's army. ...W. L. Goss. Two admirals. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Two soldiers and Dunraven Ranch. ...Charles King. True blue ; or. Life and adventure of a British seaman of the old school. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Under Drake's flag : a tale of the Spanish main. ...George Alfred Henty. Veterans of Chelsea Hospital. ...George R. Gleig. Will Watch : from the autobiography of a British officer. ...Wil- liam J. Neale. Won at West Point. ...Fush, Pseud. Young scout : the story of a West Point lieutenant. ...Edward S. Ellis. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 29 ARMY AND NAVY VLY'E.— Continued. Young Tom Bowling ...John Conroy Hutcheson. See also SEA STORIES and SOLDIERS. ARNOLD, BENEDICT. Lived 174^0-1801. Arnold; or, British spy. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Gideon Godbold. ...N. C. Iron. Great treason. ...Mary A. M. Hoppus. Near to nature's heart. ...Edward Payson Roe. Rejected wife. ...Ann S. W. Stephens. See also UNITED STATES HISTORY, Eighteenth Century. ART. Alida Craig. ...Pauline King. Artist lovers. ...Caroline Pichler. Artists' wives. ...Alphonse Daudet. English translation. Aspasia : a romance of art and love in ancient Hellas. ...Robert Hamerling. Atelier du Lys. ...Margaret Roberts. Breuchel brothers. ...Alexander Ungern-Sternberg. English trans- lation. Die Briider ; oder, Das Geheimniss. ...Alexander Ungern-Sternberg. Coast of Bohemia. ...William Dean Howells. Les femmes d'artistes. ...Alphonse Daudet. Le fils du Titien. ...Louis Charles Alfred de Musset. Guenn : a wave on the Breton coast. ...Blanche Willis Howard. Higher than the church. ... Wilhelmina von Plillern. English trans- lation. Hoc men schilder wordt. ...Hendrik Conscience. Hoher als die Kirche. ...Wilhelmina von Hillern. How one becomes a painter. ...Hendrik Conscience. English translation. Insignificant woman. ...Bertha Behrens. (Pseud., W. Heimburg.) English translation. Margaret von Ehrenberg, the artist's wife. ...William and Mary Howitt. Master of Tanagra. ...Ernst von Wildenbruch. English translation. Der Meister von Tanagra : eine Kiinstlergeschichte aus Alt-Hellas. ...Ernst von Wildenbruch. Miss Angel. ...Anna Isabella Thackeray (Mrs. Richmond Ritchie). Premier and the Painter. ...Isaac Zangwill and Louise Cowen. Real thing. ...Henry James. Rowena in Boston. ...Maria Louisa Poole. Story of a modern woman. ...Ella Hepworth Dixon. Stumbler in wide shoes. ...Anon. Eine Unbedeutende Frau. ...Bertha Behrens. (Pseud., W. Heimburg.) William Hogarth : Roman. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. 30 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ARTHUE, KING. See KNIGHTS AND KING ARTHUR. ASKEW, ANNE. Lived 1521-15^6. Lincolnshire tragedy. ...Anne Manning. Passages in the life of the fair gospeller, Mistress Anne Askew. ...Anne Manning. See also REFORMATION and PROTESTANTISM. ASTRONOMY. Astrologer's daughter. ...Rose E. Temple. Dog of stars. ...Standish O'Grady. House : an episode in the lives of Reuben Baker, astronomer, and his wife Alice. ...Eugene Field. Johann Kepler. ...Julie Burow. Journey in other worlds. ...John Jacob Astor. ATHENS, GREECE. Description^ History, Manners, and Customs. Aspasia: a romance of art and love in ancient Hellas. ...Robert Hamerling. Callias : a tale of the fall of Athens. ...Alfred John Church. Charmione ; a tale of the great Athenian revolution. ...Edward A. Leatham. Fair Athens. ...Elizabeth M. Edmonds. Few days in Athens. ...Francis Wright D'Arusmont. Glaucia. ...Emma Leslie. Heroes of ancient Greece : a story of the days of Socrates, the Athenian. ...Ellen Palmer. Last Athenian. ...Abraham Viktor Rydberg. English translation. Pericles : a tale of Athens. ...Caroline Frances Cornwallis. Den siste Athenaren. ...Abraham Viktor Rydberg. Thoth: a romance. ...Joseph Shield Nicholson. Three Greek children. ...Alfred John Church. See also GREECE. AUSTRALIA. Description, History, Manners, and Customs. Alfreda Holme : a story of social life in Australia. ...Elizabeth B. Bayly. Australian heroine. ...Rose Murray Prior Praed (Mrs. Campbell Praed). Australian millionaire. ...Mrs. A. Blitz. Bail up. ...Hume Nisbet. Boss of Taroomba. ...Ernest W. Hornung, Colonial reformer. ...Thomas A. Brown. (Pseud., Rolf Boldrewood.) Final reckoning : a tale of bush life in Australia. ...George Alfred Henty. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 31 iCii^T&kllLh.— Continued. Girl at Birrell's. ...Thomas Heney. Grif : a story of Australian life. ...Benjamin Leopold Farjeon. Harry Heathcote of Gongoil. ...Anthony Trollope. Head station : a novel of Australian life. ...Rose Murray Prior Praed (Mrs. Campbell Praed). His first kangaroo. ...Arthur Ferres. His natural life. ...Marcus Clarke. Kidnapped squatter, and other Australian tales. ...Andrew Rob- ertson. Knight of the white feather. ...Jessie Fraser. (Pseud., Tasma.) Maori and settler : a story of the New Zealand war. ...George Alfred Henty. Miner's right : a tale of the Australian gold fields. ...Thomas A. Brown. (Pseud., Rolf Boldre wood.) Modern buccaneer. ...Thomas A. Brown. (Pseud., Rolf Boldre- wood.) Moondyne : a story of the under-world. ...John Boyle O'Reilly. Mrs. Tregaskiss. ...Rose Murray Prior Praed (Mrs. Campbell Praed). Nevermore. ...Thomas A. Brown. (Pseud., Rolf Boldrewood.) Nuggets in the Devil's punch-bowl, and other Australian stories. ...Andrew Robertson. Outlaw and lawmaker. ...Rose Murray Prior Praed (Mrs. Camp- bell Praed). Pilgrims. ...W. Carlton Dawe. Recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn. ...Henry Kingsley. Rogue's march. ...Ernest W. Hornung. Spinx of Eaglehawk : a tale of old Bendigo. ...Thomas A. Brown. (Pseud., Rolf Boldrewood.) Squatter's dream : a story of Australian life. ...Thomas A. Brown. (Pseud., Rolf Boldrewood.) Sydney-side Saxon. ...Thomas A. Brown. (Pseud., Rolf Boldre- wood.) Tales of Australian early days. ...Price Warung. Three Miss Kings : an Australian story. ...Ada Cambridge. Thunderbolt : an Australian story. ...J. Middleton Macdonald. Uncle Piper of Piper's hill. ...Jessie Fraser. (Pseud., Tasma.) Winning a wife in Australia. ...A. Donnison. AUSTRIA. Description, Manners, and Customs. Aus Herrn Walther's jung^n Tagen. ...Victor Wodiczka. Daughters of Pola. ...Anon. Appelein von Geilingen. ...Franz Trautmann. Gestalten und Bilder aus dem Tiroler Volksleben. ...Max Stichl- berger. 32 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. AUSTRIA — Continued. In the land of marvels : folk-tales from Austria and Bohemia. ...Friedrich Theodor Vernaleken. English translation. Die Jakobiner in Oesterreich. ...Eduard Ruesser. Kooroona: a tale of South Australia. ...Mrs. Mannington Caffyn. (Pseud., Iota.) Die letzten Tage von Alt-Oesterreich. ...Eduard Ruesser. ^ Majesty of man. ... " Alien," Pseud. Der Meisterschuss. ...Franz Isidor Proschko. Osterreichische Kinder- und Hausmarchen. ...Friedrich Theodor Vernaleken. Peter in der Luft. ...Franz Isidor Proschko. Der schwarze Junker. ...Victor Wodiczka. Der schwarze Mann. ...Franz Isidor Proschko. Silent sea. ...Mrs. Alick Macleod. Der Sohn des Regiments. ...Julius von Wickede. Der Teufel am Traunsee. ...Franz Isidor Proschko. Die Tiirken vor Wiens. ...Carl Mueller. Der Untergang des Protestantism in Oberosterreich. ...Franz Lubo- jatzky. Wien vor vierhundert Jahren. ...Eduard Breier. Wrong man. ...Dorothea Gerard. See also AUSTRIAN HISTORY. AUSTRIAN HISTORY. Fifteenth Century. Das Buch von den Wienern. ...Michael Beheim. Die Revolution der Wiener im 1 5 Jahrhundert. ...Eduard Breier. Seventeenth Century. Riidiger von Starhemberg. ...Franz X. Huber. Nineteenth Century. Andreas Hofer. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Andreas Hofer. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. At odds. ...Jemima Montgomery, Baroness von Tautphceus. Auf dem Wiener Kongress. ...Julius Bacher. Aus dem Ghetto. ...Leopold Kompert. Aus der schonen, wilden Lieutenants Zeit. ...Carl Torresani. Babel. ...Alfred Meissner. Der Congress zu Wien. ...Eduard Breier. Countess Irene. ...J. Fogerty. 1809, Historischer Roman. ...Eduard Breier. 1856-1889. ...Bruno Rodwald. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 2iZ AUSTRIAN HISTORY — Contimied. Erlach count. ...Lola Kirschner. (Pseud., Ossip Schubin.) For the right. ...Karl Emil Franzos. English translation. Die Geheimnisse des Waldschlosses. ...Reinhard Edmund Hahn. Imperia. ...Mary A. I. Seymour. (Pseud., Octavia Hensel.) Jews of Barnow. ...Karl Emil Franzos. English translation. Die Juden von Barnow. ...Karl Emil Franzos. Ein Kampf urn's Recht. ...Karl Emil Franzos. Lotta Schmidt and other stories. ...Anthony Trollope. Der neue Hiob. ...Leopold Sachermasoch. New Job. ...Leopold Sachermasoch. English translation. Orthodox. ...Dorothea Gerard. Perlen aus der Krone des letzten deutschen Kaisers. ...Franz Isi- dor Proschko. Peter Mayr. ...Peter K. Rosegger. Romance of Vienna. ...Frances Trollope. Scenes from the Ghetto. ...Leopold Kompert. English translation. Year nine : a tale of the Tyrol. ...Anne Manning. AUTHORSHIP. Alide : an episode of Goethe's life. ...Emma Lazarus. Charlotte Ackermann : a theatrical romance. ...Otto Mueller. Eng- lish translation. Charlotte Ackermann : ein Hamburger Roman aus dem vorigen Jahrhundert. ...Otto Mueller. Clever wife. ...W. Pett Ridge. Frau von Stael : biographischer Roman. ...Amalie C. E. M. Boelte. George Mandeville's husband. ...C. E. Raimond, Pseud. Goethe and Schiller. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihl- bach.) English translation. Gothe und Schiller. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Heinrich Heine's erste Liebe. ...Katharine Diez. Immeritus Redivivus. ...Anne Manning. Lessing. Alexander Ungern-Sternberg. Literary courtship under the auspices of Pike's Peak. ...Anna Fuller. Love affairs of a bibliomaniac. ...Eugene Field. Madame de Stael : an historical novel. ...Amalie C. E. M. Boelte. English translation. Moliere. ...Alexander Ungern-Sternberg. Nobody's fault. ...Netta Syrett. Poet hero. ...Minny Bothmer. Rome. ...fimile Zola. Rome. ...£mile Zola. English translation. Schiller, Kulturhistorischer Roman. ...J. Scherr. 3 34 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, hMTH^i^^YOS — Continued. School for husbands. ...Rosina W. L. Bulwer-Lytton. Shelley, biographische novelle. ...Wilhelm Ritter von Hamm. Story of a modern woman. ...Ella Hepworth Dixon. Strawberry hill. ...Robert Folk Williams. Trente ans de Paris. ...Alphonse Daudet. Thirty years of Paris and of my literary life. ...Alphonse Daudet. English translation. Venetia. ...Benjamin Disraeli. What the dragon-flies told the children. ...Amy Brooks. When a man 's single. ' ...James Matthew Barrie. BABYLON. Description, History, Manners, and Customs. Belteshazzar ;. a romance of Babylon. ...Edward R. Roe. Exiles in Babylon. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Handwriting on the wall. ...Edwin Atherstone. Master of the Magicians. ...Elizabeth Stuart Phelps (Mrs. Her- bert D. Ward) and Herbert D. Ward. Sarchedon : a legend of the great queen. ...George John Whyte Melville. Tales from Blackwood. Volume 2, second series. BACH, WILHELM FRIEDEMANN. ' Lived 1710-1784,. Bach ; or, Fortunes of an Idealist. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. Eng- lish translation. Friedmann Bach. Roman. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. Tone masters. ...Charles Barnard. Volume 3. BACON'S REBELLION (Virginia). See REBELLIONS, Bacon's. BALBOA, VASCO NUNEZ. Lived U75-1518. Damsel of Darien. ...William Gilmore Simms. BARBAROSSA. See FREDERICK I. OF GERMANY. BARON'S WAR. Boy^s adventure in the Baron's war. ...John George Edgar. How I won my spurs. ...John George Edgar. Last of the barons. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Siege of Kenilworth. ...L. S. Stanhope. BATTLES. A Selection. Agincourt. 1415. Agincourt. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Sword of De Bardwell. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 35 BATTLES — Continued. Aughrim. 1691. Denounced. ...John Banim. (Pseud., The O'Hara family.) Redmond Count of O'Hanlon, the Irish Rapparee. ...William Carleton. Bosworth. 1485. Bosworth field. ...John Beaumont. Bosworth field. ...Paul Leicester. Bothwell Bridge. 1679. Old mortality. ...Sir Walter Scott. Bouvines. 1214. Philip Augustus ; or, Brothers in arms. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Boyne. 1690. Boyne-water. ...John Banim. (Pseud., The 0*Hara family.) Old house by the Boyne. ...Mary A. Sadlier (Mrs. J. Sadlier). Brandywine. 1777. Blanche of Brandywine. ...George Lippard. Bunker Hill. 1775. Grandmother's story of Bunker Hill battle. ...Oliver Wendell Holmes. Champ de Mars. 1790. La Comtesse de Charny. ...Alexandre Dumas. Countess of Charny. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Cressey. 1346. Cressey and Poictiers. ...John George Edgar. Edgehill. 1642. Arrah Neil. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Jena. 1806. Der Spion. ...Franz T. Wangenheim. Killiecrankie. 1689. Last of the cavaliers. ...Rose Piddington. Scottish cavaliers. ...James Grant. Langside. 1568. Abbot. ...Sir Walter Scott. 36 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, BATTLES — Continued. Leipsic. 1813. Der Spion. ...Franz T. Wangenheim. Die Volkerschlacht bei Leipzig. ...Joseph von Hinsberg. Lepanto. 1571. Word, only a word. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. Ein Wort. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Lexington. 1775. Young rebels : a story of the battle of Lexington. ...Robert Hope Moncrieff. (Pseud., Ascott R. Hope.) Melegnano. 1515. Die Schlacht von Marignano. ...Carl A. F. von Witzleben. Mtihlberg. 1647. Christian prince, Wolfgang, Prince of Anhalt. ...Franz Hoffmann. English translation. Fiirst Wolfgang : historische Erzahlung. ...Franz Hoffmann. New Orleans. 1812. Signal boyfe. ...George C. Eggleston. Subaltern in America. ...George R. Gleig. Pavia. 1525. Saint Leon. ...Caleb Williams Godwin. Pinkie. 1547. Mary of Lorraine. ...James Grant. Bosbach. 1757. Ruckwirkungen ; oder wer regiert denn ? ...Johann H. D. Zschokke. Trenton. 1777. Kate Aylesford. ...Charles J. Peterson. Water-waif: a story of the revolution. ...Emma S. Bladen. Wagram. 1809. Der Spion. ...Franz T. Wangenheim. Waterloo. 1815. Catherine. ...Frances M. Peard. La chartreuse de Parme. ...Henri Beyle. Elba und Waterloo : Forsetzung von 1813. ...Anon. Geordie Stuart. ...M. B. Manwell. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 37 Battles — contmued. Great shadow and beyond the city. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Die grossen Tage des Junius 1815. ...Martin H. A. Schmidt. Harry, the drummer. ...Agnes T. Deane. Les Miserables. ...Victor Hugo. Les Miserables. ...Victor Hugo. English translation. One of the 28th : a tale of Waterloo. ...George Alfred Henty. Quatre Bras. ...Arthur T. Pask. Return to England. ...Anon. Stories of Waterloo. ...William H. Maxwell. Vanity Fair. ...William Makepeace Thackeray. Waterloo. ...Auguste M. de Barthelemy and Joseph Mery. Waterloo. ...ifimile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Waterloo: suite du Conscrit de 1813. ...£mile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. See also history of countries for shorter descriptions of battles. BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN. Lived 1770-1827. Beethoven. Historischer Roman. ...Anon. Rumor. ...Elizabeth S. Sheppard. (Pseud., Beatrice Reynolds.) Eine stille Liebe zu Beethoven. ...Fanny del Rio. Tone masters. ...Charles Barnard. Volume 3. Unrequited love : an episode in the life of Beethoven. ...Fanny del Rio. English translation. See also MUSIC. BERLIN, GERMANY. Description, History, Manners^ and Customs. Berlin and Sans-Souci ; or, Frederick the Great and his friends. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Buchholz family. ...Julius Ernest Wilhelm Stinde. English translation. Burgomaster of Berlin. ...Georg Wilhelm Pleinrich Haering. Eng- lish translation. Die Familie Buchholz. ...Julius Ernest Wilhelm Stinde. Die Franzosen in Berlin : 1806-8. ...Friedericke H. linger. Frau Wilhelmine. ...Julius Ernest Wilhelm Stinde. Frau Wilhelmine : Sketches of Berlin life. ...Julius Ernest Wil- helm Stinde. English translation. Friedrich der Grosse und sein Hof. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Frederick the Great and his court. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. 38 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. BERLIN, GERMANY— 6'^;///««^^. Gold und Blut. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Johann Gotzkowsky, der Kaufman von Berlin. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Muhlbach.) Kathinka ; Roman aus dem Berliner Leben. ...O. Heller. Merchant of Berlin. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihl- bach.) English translation. Der Roland von Berlin. ...Georg Wilhelm Heinrich liaering. See also GERMAN HISTORY and GERMANY. BERN, DIETRICH OF. See DIETRICH OF BERN. BERNHARD, DUKE OF WEIMAR. Lived 1604-1639. Bernhard Herzog zu Sachsen Weimar. ...F. G. Schlenkert. Herzog Bernhard. Eine Geschichte vom Oberrhein aus den Jahren 1638-9. ...Hans Blum. Herzog Bernhard. ...Heinrich Laube. BIBLE. Special History and Characters. Ahasverus. ...Edgar Quinet. Barabbas. ...Marie Corelli. Belteshazzar : a romance of Babylon. ...Edward R. Roe. Broken walls of Jerusalem and the rebuilding of them. ...Susan Warner. Come forth. ...Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward (Mrs. Herbert D. Ward) and Herbert D. Ward. Delilah. ...S. W. Odell. Ephraim and Helah : a story of the Exodus. ...Edwin Hodder. Exiles in Babylon. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Flaming sword, being an account of the extraordinary adventures and discoveries of Dr. Percival in the wilds of Africa. ...Anon. (Garden of Eden.) Hammer : a story of Maccabean times. ...Alfred John Church and Richmond Seeley. Hebrew heroes. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Helon's pilgrimage to Jerusalem : a picture of Judaism in the cen- tury which preceded the advent of our Saviour. ...Friedrich Abraham Strauss. English translation. Helen's Wallfahrt nach Jerusalem, hundert neun Jahr vor der Geburt unsers Herrn. ...Friedrich Abraham Strauss. Idumean. ...J. M. Leavitt. Jose und Benjamin. ...Adolf Franz Delitzsch. Joseph and Benjamin. ...Adolf Franz Delitzsch. English trans- lation. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 39 BIBLE — Continued. Joshua : a story of biblical times. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. Josua. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Julian. ...William Ware. King of Tyre : a tale of the times of Ezra and Nehemiah. ...James M. Ludlow. Leah : a tale of ancient Palestine. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. (Ahab.) Manuscript man. ...Elizabeth H. Walshe. Master of the magicians. ...Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward (Mrs- Herbert D. Ward) and Herbert D. Ward. Onesimus : memoirs of a disciple of St. Paul. ...Edwin A. Abbott. Patriarchal times. ...C. M. O'Keefe. Pillar of fire ; or, Israel in bondage. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. (Moses.) Price of peace : a story of the times of Ahab, king of Israel. ...A. W. Ackerman. Prince of Peace. ...A. W. Ackerman. Prince of the house of David ; or, Three years in the holy city : scenes in the life of Jesus. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Quiet king. ...Caroline Atwater Mason. Rameses. ...Edward Upham. Samson. ...S. W. Odell. Sarchedon : a legend of the great queen. ...George John Whyte Melville. (Samiramsi.) Shepherd of Bethlehem. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) (David.) Spell of Ashtaroth. ...Duffield Osborne. (Joshua and Achan.) Story of Sodom. ...W. C. Kitchin. Story of the other wise man. ...Henry Van Dyke. Throne of David. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. (Absalom's rebellion.) Triumph over Midian. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Zipporah. ...Mrs. M. E. Brewsher. See also CHRIST, LIVES OF. BICYCLING. Arctic night. ...Roger Pocock. On the down grade. ...Winifred Graham. Two on a tandem. ...Charles James. Vashti, old and new. ...Marvel Kayve. Wheels : a bicycling romance. ...A Wheeler, Pseud. Wheels of chance. ...H. G. Wells. BISMARK-SCHOENHAUSEN, OTTO E. LEOPOLD. Lived 1813- Prince Bismark, friend or foe } ...Minny Bothmer. Schach-Bismark. ...J. G. Findel. See also GERMAN HISTORY, Nineteenth Century. 40 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, BLUCHER, GEBHARD LEBERECHT VON. Lived 1742-1819. Der Feldmarschall Blucher und der Pfarrer Kretzschmer. ...Philipp Friedrich Wilhelm Ortel. (Pseud., W. O. von Horn.) Napoleon in Deutschland. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Napoleon in Germany. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihl- bach.) English translation. See also GERMAN HISTORY, Nineteenth Century. BOHEMIA. Description^ History y Manners ^ and Customs, Babica. ...B. Nemec. Bohemians in the 15th century. ...Henri Guenot. English trans* lation. Les Bohemiens au XV^ siecle. ...Henri Guenot. Bohmische Juden. ...Leopold Kompert. Bohmen von 1414 bis 1424. ...G. C. R. Herloss-sohn. Conrad. ...Emma Leslie. Crushed yet conquering : a story of Constance and Bohemia. ...Deborah Alcock. Gisela, ein Roman aus der Zeit des Conciliums von Constanz. ...M. Lehmann. Grandmother. ...B. Nemec. English translation. In the land of marvels : folk-tales from Austria and Bohemia. ...Friedrich Theodor Vernaleken. English translation. JeanZiska. ...George Sand, psued. (Amantine L. A. D. Dudevant.) Johann Ziska. ...Franz T. Wangenheim. Myths and folk-tales of the Russians, western Slaves, and Magyars. ...Jeremiah Curtin. Osterreichische Kinder- und Hausmarchen. ...Friedrich Theodor Vernaleken. Ottokar von Falkenburg. ...L. Lehnert. Prokop Velik]^. ...Venceslav Lipovsk^. Der Rabbi von Liegnitz. ...A. Sammter. Upalem Jana Husa Cili. ...Felix Deriege. " Vorhang-Purim.*' ...Math. Kisch. WenzePs inheritance. ...Annie Lucas. Die Wrschowitze. ...E. C. V. Dietrich. BOSTON, MASS. Description, History, Manners, and Customs. American politician. ...Francis Marion Crawford. Barclays of Boston. ...Elizabeth B. Otis (Mrs. Harrison Gray Otis). Curse of the Old South Church of Boston. ...James J. Kane. Lamplighter. ...Maria Susanna Cummins. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ^^ BOSTON, MASS. — Continued. Lionel Lincoln ; or, Leaguer of Boston. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Looking backward. 2000-1887. Edward Bellamy. Maggie : a girl of the streets. ...Stephen Crane. Miss Curtis. ...Kate Gannett Wells. Miss Eyre from Boston and others. ...Ellen L. Moulton. Mrs, Keats Bradford. ...Maria Louise Pool. Naomi ; or, Boston two hundred years ago. ...E. B. Lee. Old Boston. ...Augusta De Grasse Stevens. Pirate Gold. ...Frederic J. Stimson. (Pseud., J. S. of Dale.) Rebels; or, Boston before the revolution. ...Lydia Maria Child. Rowena in Boston. ...Maria Louise Pool. Shawmut. ...C. K. True. Story of the siege of Boston. ...Horace E. Scudder. (In his Stories and romances.) Two gentlemen of Boston. ...Anon. White chief among the red men. ...J. T. Adams. See also MASSACHUSETTS. BOYNE, IRELAND. Baldearg Donnell. ...A. S. G. Canning. Boyne-water. ...John Banim. (Pseud., The O'Hara family.) Denounced. ...John Banim. (Pseud., The O'Hara family.) Derry: a tale of the revolution. ...Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna. (Pseud., Charlotte Elizabeth.) Florence O'Neill, the rose of Saint Germains. ...Agnes M. Stewart. Gap of Barnermore, the Irish highlands. ...Isaac Butts. Last baron of Crana. ...John Banim. (Pseud., The O'Hara family.) Leixip Castle. ...M. L. O'Byrne. Old house by the Boyne. ...Mary A. Sadlier (Mrs. J. Sadlier). Orange and green : a tale of the Boyne and Limerick. ...George Alfred Henty. Peter of the castle. ...John Banim. (Pseud., The O'Hara family.) Under which king.? ...William Johnston. BRABANT, GENEVIEVE OF. See GENEVIEVE DE BRABANT. BUCCANEERS. Admirable Lady Biddy Fane. ...Frank Barrett. Buccaneer chief : a romance of the Spanish main. .. .Gustavo Aimard. English translation. Buccaneers. ...Randolph Jones. Buccaneers. ...S. B. H. Judah. Captain Brand of the Centipede. ...Henry A. Wise. (Pseud., Harry Gringo.) Darien ; or. Merchant prince. ...E. B. G. Warburton. 42 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. BUCCANEERS — Contimied. Demigod. ...Edward P. Jackson. Eppelein von Geilingen. ...Franz Trautmann. La grande flibuste. ...Gustave Aimard. Iron pirate : a plain tale of strange happenings on the sea. ...Max Pemberton. Lafitte, the pirate of the Mexican Gulf. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Life, adventures, and piracies of the famous Captain Singleton. ...Daniel Defoe. King of the mountains. ...Edmond About. English translation. Love afloat : a story of the American navy. ...Frances H. Sheppard. Master Ardick, buccaneer. ...F. H. Costello. Modern buccaneer. . .Thomas A. Brown. ( Pseud., Rolf Boldrewood.) Modern Telemachus. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. New voyage around the world. ...Daniel Defoe. Pirate and moonshine. ...Frederick Marryat. Pirate city. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Le roi des montagnes. ...Edmond About. Rover's secret. ...William J. C. Lancaster. (Pseud., Harry Collingwood.) Seven brothers of Wyoming. ...Anon. Sir Henry Morgan. ...E. Howard. Treasure Island. ...Robert Louis Stevenson. Westward Ho 1 or, Voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh. ...Charles Kingsley. Wild Western scenes. ...J. B. Jones. BUDA, HUNGARY. Siege of Buda. ...Anon. Zord ido. Zsigmund Kemeny. See also HUNGARY. BUNYAN, JOHN. Lived 1628-1688. Mary Bunyan, the dreamer's blind daughter. ...Sallie Rochester Ford. BURR, AARON. Lived 1756-18S6, Conspirators. ...Eliza Ann Dupuy. Rivals. ...Jeremiah Clemens. See also UNITED STATES HISTORY. CADETS. Cadet button. ...Frederick M. Whittaker. Cadet days : a story of West Point. ...Charles King. Cadet life at West Point. ...Hugh T. Reed. Cadet life at West Point. ...George C. Strong. Cuts : a story of West Point. ...G. I. Cervus. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 43 CADETS — Continued. Edgar Fairfax : a story of West Point. ...Florence Nightingale Craddock. From cadet to captain. ...John Percy Groves. Miss Bagg's secretary: a West Pomt romance. ...Clara Louise Burnham. Queen's cadet. ...James Grant. Won at West Point. ...Fush, Pseud. Young scout: the story of a West Point lieutenant. ...Edward S. Ellis. See also AEMY AND NAVY LIFE. CALIFORNIA. A Selection. Description^ History^ Manners^ and Customs. Abandoned claim. ...Flora Haines Longhead. American coin. ...Anon. Amulet : a tale of Spanish California. ...Anon. Argonauts of North Liberty. ...Francis Bret Harte. Before the gringo came. ...Gertrude F. Atherton. Boy emigrants. ...Noah Brooks. Braxton's Bar ; a tale of pioneer life in California. ...R. M. Daggett. Bridge of the gods: a romance of Indian Oregon. ...F. H. Balch. By shore and sedge. ...Francis Bret Harte. California Crusoe. ...Anon. California sketches. ...O. P. Fitzgerald. California sketches. ...Leonard Kip. Captain Bayley's heir : a tale of the gold fields of California. George Alfred Henty. Los Cerritos : a romance of the modern times. ...Gertrude F. Atherton. Le cher chceur de pistes. ...Gustave Aimard. Counter-currents. ...Sophie Winthrop Weitzel. Digging for gold. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. L'Ecole des Robin&ons. ...Jules Verne. Erema. ...Richard Doddridge Blackmore. P'eud of Oakfield Creek : a novel of California life. ...Josiah Royce. First family of Tasajara. ...Francis Bret Harte. La fievre d'or. i860. ...Gustave Aimard. '49 ; or, Gold seeker of the Sierras. ...Cincinnatus Heine Miller. (Pseud., Joaquin Miller.) Free prisoners : a story of California. ...Jane W. Bruner. Gem of the mines : a narrative of California life. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe (Webb). Gerald French's friends. ...George H. Jessop. 44 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. CALIFORNIA— Continued, Godfrey Morgan : a California mystery. ...Jules Verne. English translation. Gold seekers : a tale of California. ...Gustave Aimard. English translation. Golden days of '49 : a tale of the California diggings. ...Kirk Munroe. Golden dream. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. In the valley of Havilah. ...Frederick T. Clark. Judge Lynch : a romance of California vineyards. ...George H. Jessop. Log school-house on the Columbia. ...Hezekiah Butterworth. Luck of Roaring Camp and other stories. ...Francis Bret Harte. Manuehta. ...Marian Calvert Wilson. Maruja. ...Francis Bret Harte. Monica, the Mesa maiden. ...Evelyn Raymond. Mysteries and miseries of San Francisco, California. ...Anon. Musgrove Ranch : a tale of Southern California. ...T. M. Browne. New and the old ; or, California and India in romantic aspects. ...John W. Palmer. (Pseud., John Coventry.) Off to California. ...James F. Cobb. Oregon and Eldorado; or, Romance of the rivers. ...Thomas Bulfinch. Picture of pioneer times in California. ...William Grey. Ramona. ...Helen Hunt Jackson. Red Mountains of Alaska. ...Willis B. Allen. Rifle, rod, and gun in California: a sporting romance. ...Theodore Stronge Van Dyke. Romance dust from the historic placer. ...William S. Mayo. San Rosario Ranch. ...Maud Howe. Society in search of truth ; or, Stock-gambling in San Francisco. ...J. F. Clark. Stories of the foot hills. ...Margaret Collier Graham. Stories of the Sierras and other sketches. ...Francis Bret Harte. Susy : a story of the plains. ...Francis Bret Harte. Summer in a canyon. ...Kate Douglas Wiggin (Mrs. George Riggs). Tisayac of the Yosemite. ...Mary B. M. Toland. Trail hunter: a tale of the far West. ...Gustave Aimard. Eng- lish translation. Twice bought. Oregon gold-fields. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Village drama. ...Vesta S. Simmons. Le whip-poor-will ; ou, Les pionniers de I'Oregon. ...Amedee Bonis. Zanita : a tale of the Yosemite. ...Maria Theresa Longworth Yelverton. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 45 CANADA. Description^ History ^ Manners ^ and Customs. Algonquin maiden. ...G. M. Adam and A. E. Wertherald. Bastonnais. ...John Lesperance. Boys of 1745, at the capture of Louisburg. ...James Otis Kaler. (Pseud., James Otis.) Captain Nelson: a romance of colonial days. ...Samuel A. Drake. Chase of Saint Castin, and other stories of the French in the New World. ...Mary Hartwell Catherwood. Le chien d'or : a legend of Quebec. ...William Kirby. Constance of Acadia. ...Edward Payson Tenney. Englishman's haven. ...W. J. Gordon. Francois de Bienville. ...Joseph Marmette. L'Intendant bigot. Roman Canadien. ...Joseph Marmette. Jacques et Marie. ...N. Bourassa. Lajongleuse. ...H. Raymond Casgrain. King's warrant : a story of old New France. ...Alfred H. Engel- back. Lady of Fort Saint John. ...Mary Hartwell Catherwood. Lady and the cross. ...James De Mille. Lily and the cross : a tale of Acadia. ...James De Mille. Les Machabees de la Nouvelle France. ...Joseph Marmette. Marjorie's Canadian winter. ...Agnes M. Machar. Old judge ; or, Life in a colony. ...Thomas C. Haliburton. (Pseud., Sam Slick.) Prisoner of the Border. ...Hamilton Myers. Refugees : a tale of two continents. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Ridgeway. ...Scian Dubh. Rivals of Acadia. ...Harriet V. Cheney. Romance of Dollard. ...Mary Hartwell Catherwood. Seats of the mighty. ...Gilbert Parker. Settlers in Canada. ...Frederick Marryat. Sinners twain. ...J. Mackie. Stories of the land of Evangeline. ...Grace D. McLeod. Stories of the New France. ...Agnes M. Machar. Story of Tonty. ...Mary Hartwell Catherwood. Their wedding journey. ...William Dean Howells. Thirty-nine men and one woman. H. fimile Chevalier. English translation. Trente-neuf hommes pour une femme. ...H. ^Emile Chevalier. U. E. : a tale of Upper Canada. ...Anon. White islander. ...Mary Hartwell Catherwood. With Wolfe in Canada. ...George Alfred Henty. 46 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. CASTLES. General and Imaginary. Castle and town. ...Frances M. Peard. Castle builders. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Castle Comfort. ...Helen Hays (Mrs. W.J. Hays). Castle Foam. ...Henry W. French. Castle in Spain. ...James De Mille. Castle in the air. ...Hugh B. Ewing. Castle Nowhere. ...Constance Fenimore Woolson. Castles in the air. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. . Castles in the air. ...Louis R. Upton. . City and castle. ...Anna Lucas. Special. Athlin. Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne. ...Anne Radcliffe. Blair. Blair Castle. ...Flora L. Shaw. Bolsover. Bolsover Castle : a tale from Protestant history of the sixteenth century. ...Anon. Camber. Chronicles of Camber Castle. ...Anon. Carisbrooke. King's namesake : a tale of Carisbrooke Castle. ...Catherine M. Phillimore. Corfe. Brave Dame Mary ; or, Siege of Corfe Castle. ...Louisa Hawtrey. Eldrick, the Saxon. ...A. S. Bride. Coulying. Coulying Castle ; or, Knight of the olden days. ...Agnes Giberne. Daly. Castle Daly : the story of an Irish home thirty years ago. ...Annie Maria Keary. Delany. Two knights of Delany Castle. ...Mary M. Sherwood. Dublin. Robber chieftain. ...Anon. U;JNIVEHSITT) SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 47 CASTLES — Coiitimced. Duubayne. Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne. ...Anne Radcliffe. Ehrenstein. Castle of Ehrenstein. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Glenmoyle. Biblicals. ...Anon. Heidelberg. Klytia. Historische Roman aus dem i6-Jahrh. ...Adolf Hausrath. Clytia: an historical novel. ...Adolpli Hausrath. English trans- lation. Herleck. Gladys of Herleck. ...Anon. Kilsorrell. Kilsorrell Castle : an Irish story. ...Albert S. G. Canning. Leixlip. Leixlip Castle: a romance of the penal days of 1690. ...M. L. O'Byrne. Norwich. Siege of Norwich Castle : a story of the last struggle against the Conqueror. ...M. M. Blake. Wallingford. Brian Fitz-count : a story of Wallingford Castle and Dorchester Abbey. ...Augustine D. Crake. Windsor. Windsor Castle. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. CATHERINE DE' MEDICI. See CHARLES IX. OF FRANCE. CATHOLICISM. Abbot. ...Sir Walter Scott. Bertha : a historical romance of the time of Henry IV. of Germany. ...Joseph E. C. Bischoff. English translation. Bertha ; or, Pope and the Emperor. ...William B. MacCabe. Castle of the Three Mysteries. ...Anon. Christlich oder Papstlich ? ...Eduard Jost. Constance Sherwood : an autobiography of the sixteenth century. ...Georgiana C. L. G. Fullerton. Darnley ; or, Field of the cloth of gold. ...George Payne Rainsford James. 48 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, CATHOLICISM — Continued. feather Clement. ...Grace Kennedy. First Fleet family. ...Louis Becke and Walter Jeffery. For the Master's sake : a story of the days of Queen Mary. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Foster sisters. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Gloria. ...Benito Perez Galdos. Hildebrand and the excommunicated emperor. ...Joseph Sortain. House of Yorke. ...Mary A. Tincker. Isoult Barry of Wynscote : a tale of Tudor times. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Jesuit of to-day. ...Orange McNeill. John Inglesant. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Jovinian ; or, Early days of Papal Rome. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Kenilworth. ...Sir W^ alter Scott. Konigin Bertha. . .Joseph E. C. Bischoff. Lady and the priest. ...Katherine C. Maberley. Leon Roch. ...Benito Perez Galdos. Miner's daughter : a Catholic tale. ...Cecilia M. Caddell. Mixed marriage. ...Amabel Kerr. Monastery. ...Sir Walter Scott. Money god ; or, Empire and the papacy. ...Abel Quinton. Onoqua. ...Frances C. Sparhawk. Priest and the Huguenot; or, Persecution in the age of Louis XV. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. English translation. Protestant. ...Anna Eliza Bray. Remember the Alamo. ...Amelia Edith Barr. Robin Tremayne of Bidmin : a tale of the Marian persecution. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Romance of a French parsonage. ...M. B. Edwards. Rome. ...fimile Zola. Rome. ...fimile Zola. English translation. Russian priest. ...I. N. Potapenko. English translation. Three hundred years ago. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Tor Hill. ...Horace Smith. (Pseud., Paul Chatfield.) Trois sermons sous Louis XV. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. Truce of God : a tale of the eleventh century. ...George H, Miles. Twice crowned : a story of the da3^s of Queen Mary. ...Harriet B. MacKeever. Uline's escape ; or, Hid with the nuns. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. See also PEOTESTANTISM and REFORMATION. CAVALIERS. Amyas Egerton, cavalier. ...Maurice H. Hervey. Brambletye House. ...Horace Smith. (Pseud., Paul Chatfield.) SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 49 CAVALIEES — Contimied. Cavaliers. ...S. R. Keightley. Cavaliers and Roundheads. ...John George Edgar. Cavaliers of England. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Century too soon : a story of Bacon's Rebellion. ...John R. Musick. Colonial cavalier ; or, Southern life before the revolution. ...Maud Wilder Goodwin. Last of the cavaliers. ...Rose Piddington. Memoirs of a cavalier. ...Daniel Defoe. Scottish cavalier. ...James Grant. Spanish cavalier. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Virginia cavalier. ...Molly Elliot Seawell. CAXTON, WILLIAM. Lived U22-U91- Earl printer : times of Caxton. ...C. M. M. CENTRAL AMERICA. See AMERICA, Central. CHARLEMAGNE. Reigned 800-8U. Les chevaliers du Cygne ; ou, La cour de Charlemagne. ...Ste- phanie Felicite, Comtesse de Genlis. Four sons of Aymon. ...Anon. Knights of the swan; or. Court of Charlemagne. ...Stephanie Fe- licite, Comtesse de Genlis. English translation. Legends of Charlemagne. ...Thomas Bulfinch. Legends of Charlemagne. ...Edward Everett Hale. Magic runes. ...Emma Leslie. Passe Rose. ...Arthur Hardy. Pepin et Charlemagne. ...Alexandre Dumas. Pepin and Charlemagne. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Romance of history. ...Leitch Ritchie. Romances relating to Charlemagne. ...George Ellis. Story of Roland. ...James Baldwin. CHARLES I. OF ENGLAND. Reigned 1625-16 lf.9. Alice Bridge of Norwich : a tale of the time of Charles the First. ...Andrew Reed. Alice Leighton; or, Good name is rather to be chosen than riches. ...Ann J. Cupples (Mrs. George Cupples). Alice Lisle : a tale of Puritan times. ...Richard King. Andrew Marvel and his friends. ...Marie S. Hall. Arrah Neil. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Benjamin Holbeck : a story of the civil war. ...Margaret A. Paull. Boy cavaliers. ...Henry C. Adams. Brambletye House ; or, Cavaliers and Roundheads. ...Horace Smith. (Pseud., Paul Chatfield.) 4 so SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. CHARLES I. OF ENGLAND — C^;///;///^./. Buccaneer. ...Anna Maria Hall. Carewes : a tale of the civil wars. ...Mary Gillies. Castle Cornet : or, Island's troubles in the troublous times. ...Louisa Hawtrey. Cavalier. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Cavaliers. ...S. R. Keightley. Cavaliers and Roundheads ; or, Stories of the great civil war. ...John George Edgar. Cavaliers of England : times of the great revolution of 1642 and 1688. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Charmouth Grange : a tale of the seventeenth century. ...John P. Groves. Children of the New Forest. ...Frederick Marryat. Civil war in Hampshire : a story of Basing House. ...George N. Godwin. Clare of Claresmede. ...Charles Gibbon. Le Comte de Strafford. ...Franyois T. M. B. d'Arnaud. Cost what it may : a story of cavaliers and roundheads. ...Emma E. Hornibrook. Courtenay of Walreddon : a romance of the West. ..,Anna Eliza Bray. Cromwell ; or, Protector's oath. ...J. Frederick Smith. Donning Castle : a royalist story. ...George H. Colomb. Dorothy's dilemma. ...Caroline Austin. Draytons and the Davenants : a story of the civil wars. ...Elizabeth Charles. Fairleigh Hall: a tale of Oxfordshire during the great rebellion. ...Augustine D. Crake. Fair maid of Taunton. ...Elizabeth M. Alford. For king and Kent: a true story of the great rebellion. ...George H. Colomb. Friends though divided : a tale of the civil war. ...George Alfred Henty. Gabriel : a tale of Wichnor Wood. ...Mary Howitt. Mandeville : a tale of the seventeenth century in England. ...Wil- liam Godwin. Harry Ogilvie ; or, Black dragoons. ...James Grant. Hayslope Grange : a tale of the civil war. ...Emma Leslie. Heir of Sherborne ; or, Attainder. ...Anon. Henry Masterton ; or. Adventures of a young cavalier. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Her Majesty the Queen. ...John Esten Cooke. Hide and seek : a story of the New Forest in 1647. —Mrs. Frank Cooper. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 5^ CHARLES I. OF ^.Y^QiLk^li ^ Continued. Holmby House : a tale of old Northamptonshire. ...George John Whytc Melville. In Colston's days : a story of old Bristol. ...Emma Marshall. Isabel Saint Clair : a romance of the seventh century. ...Julia Addison. John Inglesant. ...Joseph Henry Shorthouse. Lady Betty's governess; or, Corbet chronicles. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Lady Shakerlye : the record of the life of a good and noble woman. ...Anon. Lady Willoughby; or, Passages from the diary of a wife and mother in the seventeenth century. ...Hannah M. Rathbone. Langley Grange : a romance of the time of Charles the First. ...Thomas T. Harman. Leaguer of Lathom : a tale of the civil war in Lancashire. ...Wil- liam Harrison Ainsworth. Lettice : a tale of the siege of Chester. ...Pauline Biddulph. Love the leveller : a tale of the great rebellion. ...Angus Comyn. Markhams of Ollerton : a tale of the civil war. ...Elizabeth Glaister. Maudeville : a tale of the seventeenth century in England. ...Wil- liam Godwin. Memoirs of a cavalier. ...Daniel Defoe. Minister Lovell : a story of the days of Laud. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Nonpareil House : or, Fortunes of Julian Mountjoy. ...Henry Curling. Old Bristol : a story of Puritan times. ...Anon. Old Noll ; or, Days of the Ironsides. ...Frederick William Robinson. Oliver Cromwell ; or, England's great protector. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Ovington Grange : a tale of the South Downs. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Prince and the pedler ; or, Siege of Bristol. ...Ellen Pickering. Regicides : a tale of early colonial times. ...P^ederick Hull Cogs- well. Reginald Hastings: a tale of the troubles of 164-. ...Eliot B. G. Warburton. Royalists and Roundheads. ...Elizabeth M. Stewart. Rosamond Fane ; or, Prisoners of Saint James. ...Mary and Cath- erine Lee. Scarlet and buff: a tale of Winchester, during the great rebellion. ...J. E. Corbiere. Settlers at home. ...Harriet Martineau. Siege of Lichfield. ...William Gresley. Sir Henry Appleton ; or, Essex during the great rebellion. ...Wil- liam E. Heygate. 52 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. CHAELES I. OF Y^^QiLKSiYS— Continued. Spanish match ; or, Charles Stuart in Madrid. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Splendid spur. ...Arthur T. Q. Couch. (Pseud., Q.) Stanch for the king ; or, Chamber of Koning Hall : a story of the civil wars. ...Arthur Brown. Stanfield Hall. ...J. Frederick Smith. Strafford: a romance. ...Henry B. Baker. Tales of the civil wars. ...Henry C. Adams. Three judges : a story of the men who beheaded their king. ...Israel Putnam Warren. Two knights of Delany Castle. ...Mary M. Sherwood. Under Sahsbury spire, in the days of George Herbert. ...Emma Marshall. Under the storm ; or, Steadfast's charge. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Warleigh; or. Fatal oak : a legend of Devon. ...Anna Eliza Bray. Washingtons : a tale of a country parish in the seventeenth century. ...John N. Simpkinson. When Charles the First was king. ...J. S. Fletcher. White gauntlet. ...Mayne Reid. Whitehall ; or. Days and times of Oliver Cromwell. ...Jane Rob- inson. With the king at Oxford: a tale of the great rebellion. ...John Alfred Church. Wizard of Windshaw : a tale of the seventeenth century. ...Anon. Young Oxford maid in the days of the king and parliament. ...Henrietta Keddie. (Pseud., Sarah Tytler.) See also ENGLISH HISTORY. CHARLES II. OF ENGLAND. Reigned 1660-1685. Agnes Beaumont : a true story of the year 1 670. ...Marian Caldecott. Andrew Golding: a tale of the great plague. ...Anne E. Keeling. Anne of Argyle. ...G. Eyre Todd. Aphra Behn. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Aphra Behn. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. At the sign of the Blue Boar : a story of the reign of Charles II. ...Emma Leslie. Beyond the seas. ...Oswald Crawfurd. Boscobel; or. Loyal oak: a tale of the year 1651. ...William Har- rison Ainsworth. Caleb Field : a tale of the Puritans. ...Margaret O. W. Oliphant. Captain Jacques : a romance of the time of the plague. ...Edward Fitzgibbon. (Pseud., Somerville Gibney.) Captain of the guard. ...James Grant. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 53 CHARLES II. OF ENGLAND — C^f///Vz//^^. Cavaliers of England ; or, Times of the revolutions of 1642 and 1688. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Champion Court : the days of the ejectment. ...Emma J. Worboise. Cherry and violet : a tale of the great plague. ...Anne Manning. Claude Duval : a romance of the days of Charles II. ...Henry D. Miles. Court at Tunbridge in 1664. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. Courtier in the days of Charles II. ...Mrs. Gordon. Courtier of the days of Charles II. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. Dame Rebecca Berry ; or. Court scenes in the reign of Charles the Second. ...Elizabeth I. Spencer. Deborah's diary. ...Anne Manning. Drifted and sifted : a domestic chronicle of the seventeenth century. ...Miss McLaren. La Duchesse de Chatillon. ...Francois T. M, d'Arnaud. Dutch in the Medvvay. ...Charles Macfarlane. Fire of London ; or, Rosemary. ...Georgiana C. L. G. Fullerton. For liberty's sake : the story of Robert Ferguson. ...John B. Marsh. Hero in the strife. ...Louisa C. Silke. History of the great plague in London in 1665. ...Daniel Defoe. Ida Vane: a tale of the restoration. ...Andrew Reed. In golden days. ...Ada E. Bayley. (Pseud., Edna Lyall.) In the East country with Sir Thomas Browne. ...Emma Marshall. In the service of Rachel, Lady Russell. ...Emma Marshall. Janet and her father. ...Mary E. Bamford. Jennett Cragg, the Quakeress. ...Maria Wright. Karl II.; oder, Der lustige Monarch. ...Johann Lenz. Lord Montagu's page: an historical romance of the 17th century. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Lorna Doone : a romance of Exmore. ...Richard Doddridge Black- more. Maid of honor. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. Mary Bunyan, the dreamer's blind daughter. ...Sallie Rochester Ford. Mary Hollis : a romance of the days of Charles II. and William, Prince of Orange. ...Hendrik J. Schimmel. English trans- lation. Memoirs of a lady-in-waiting. ...J. D. Fenton. Memoirs of troublous times. ...Emma Marshall. Merry monarch ; or, England under Charles II. ...Anon. Oliver Wyndham : a tale of the great plague. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe (Webb). On both sides of the sea : a story of the commonwealth and the restoration. ...Elizabeth Charles. 54 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTTON. CHARLES II. OF ENGLAND — 6^;;//;??/^^^. Pattie Durant: a tale of 1662. ...Ellen Clacy. (Pseud., Cycla.) Peter, the apprentice: a tale of the restoration. ...Emma Leslie. Peveril of the peak. ...Sir Walter Scott. Le prophete irlandois. ...Charles de Saint-Evremond. Puritan's grave. ...William P. Scargill. Robber. ...George Payne Rainsford James. ^ ^^ Das Roggenhaus Komplott. ...Georg Hiltl. Rupert Aubrey of Aubrey Chase : an historical tale of 1681. ...Thomas J. Potter. Russell : a tale of the reign of Charles II. ...George Payne Rains- ford James. Rye Plouse plot. ...George W. M. Reynolds. Saint Dunstan's clock : a story of 1666. ...E. Ward. Saint Valentine's day. ...Elbridge S. Brooks. (In his Storied holi- days.) Shepherd of Grove Hall : a tale of 1662. ...Anon. Silas Verney : being the story of his adventures in the days of King Charles the Second. ...Edgar Pickering. Sir Ralph Esher ; or. Memoirs of a gentleman in the court of Charles the Second, o.. Leigh Hunt. Stanfield Hall. ...J. Frederick Smith. Talbot Harland. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Through unknown ways ; or, Journal-books of Dorothea Trundel. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Traitor or patriot .-* a tale of the Rye House plot. ...Mary C. Roswell. True hero; or, Story of William Penn. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Truth ; or, Persis Clareton. ...Charles B. Tayler. Two swords : being a story of old Bristol. ...Emma Marshall. Wearyholm; or. Seedtime and harvest : a tale of the restoration of Charles 11. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Whitefriars; or. Times and days of Charles the Second. ...Jane Robinson. Winchester Meads in the time of Thomas Ken. ...Emma Marshall. Woodstock; or, Cavalier: a tale of the year 165c. ...Sir Walter Scott. See also ENGLISH HISTORY, Seventeenth Century. CHARLES (THE BOLD) OF BURGUNDY. Reigyied U67-U77. Anne of Geierstein. ...Sir Walter Scott. Charles le Temeraire. ...Alexandre Dumas. Charles the Bold. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Cloister and the hearth. ...Charles Reade. Marie de Bourgogne. ...Mme. de Saint- Venant. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 55 CHARLES (THE BOLD) OF BURGUNDY — C^/z^/;^?/^^. Mary of Burgundy ; or, Revolt of Ghent. ...George Payne Rains- ford James. Quentin Durvvard. ...Sir Walter Scott. CHARLES V. OF FRANCE. Reigned 1364-1380, Bertrand Du Guesclin. ...Celine Fallet. Charles-le-Mauvais ; ou, La cour de Navarre. ...!l£lisabeth Guenard. Chronique de Bertrand Du Guesclin. ...Cuvelier. Du Guesclin et Jeanne d'Arc ; ou, La France aux XIV^ et XV^ siecles. ...Leopold Favre. Le jeune Du Guesclin. ...Rene de Mont-Louis. White company. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. CHARLES VI. OF FRANCE. Reigned 1S90-U22. Agincourt. ...George Payne Rainsford James. De Foix : a romance of Beam of the fourteenth century. ...Anna Eliza Bray. Henry of Monmouth ; or, Field of Agincourt. ...Major Michel. Isabel de Baviere. ...Alexandre Dumas. Isabel of Bavaria; or, Chronicles of France for the reign of Charles VI. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Joan the maid, deliverer of France and England. ...Elizabeth Charles. King of a day. ...Florence Wilford. Lily of Paris ; or, King's nurse. ...John P. Simpson. Phelippa: souvenirs du regne de Charles VI. ...C. Guenot. Provost of Paris : a tale. ...William S. Browning. Sword of De Bardwell : a tale of Agincourt. ...C. M. Katherine Phipps. CHARLES VII. OF FRANCE. Reig7zed U22-im- Agnes Sorel. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Agnes Sorel; ou, La cour de Charles VII. ...Elisabeth Guenard. Les ecorcheurs ; ou, L'usurpation et la peste, fragmens historiques. 1418. ...Victor, Vicomte d'Arlincourt. Le fratricide; ou, Gilles de Bretagne. ...Joseph A. Welsh. Personal recollections of Joan of Arc. ...Samuel Langhorne Clem- ens. (Pseud., Mark Twain.) Le prince de Bretagne. ...Francois T. M. B. d'Arnaud. See also JOAN OF ARC. CHARLES VIII. OF FRANCE. Reigned U83-U98. Histoire de Jean de Paris, roi de France. ...Anon. CHARLES IX. OF FRANCE. Reigned 1560-157^. Astrologer's daughter. ...Rose E. Temple. Le capitaine muet. ...Adolphe Racot. Catherine de' Medici. ...Honore de Balzac. English translation. 56 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. CHARLES IX. OF FRANCE — C^;///«//^^. Catherine de Medicis ; or, Queen mother. ...Louisa S. Costello. Chaplet of pearls; or, White and black Ribaumont. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Chronique du temps de Charles IX. 1572. ...Prosper Merimee. La comtesse de Tende. ...Comtesse de Lafayette. La Dame d'Entremont, recit du temps de Charles IX. ...Ernest d'Hervilly. • La fille d'honneur. ...Alexandrine S. C. de C. baronne de Bawr. Fran9ois de Guise. ...Joseph Mathurin Brisset. Fran9ois le Balafre. ...Charles Buet. Les gueux de Bruges. ...Frederic de Courcy and Ferdinand Langle. Hamilton of Bothwellhaugh. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Henry of Guise; or, States of Blois. ...George Payne Rainsford James. History of Nicholas Muss. ...Charles DuBois-Melly. House of the Wolf. ...Stanley J. Weyman. In the vulture's nest. ...Mildred Fairfax. Man at arms; or, Henry de Cerons. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Margaret of Valois. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. La reine Margot. ...Alexandre Dumas. Le roi Chariot. ...Charles Buet. Saint Bartholomew's eve : a tale of the Huguenot wars. ...George Alfred Henty. Sister Rose ; or, Eve of Saint Bartholomew. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Sur Catherine de Medicis. ...Honore de Balzac. CHARLES X. OF FRANCE. Reigned 182^-1830. Algier und Paris im Jahre 1830. ...Ludwig Rellstab. Armance ; ou, Quelques scenes d'un salon de Paris. ...Henri Beyle. (Pseud., Stendhal.) Anmar. ...Hyacinthe J. A. Thabaud. (Pseud., Henri de Latouche.) Les barricades de 1830. ...Anon. 1830: Roman. ...Anton J. Gross-Hoffinger. 1830: Roman und Geschichte. ...Julius Gundling. Les etudiants : Episode de la Revolution de 1830. ...Louise Maignaud. Lights and shades of military life. ...Alfred Victor, Comte de Vigny. English translation. Maniac of Brussels. ...F. W. N. Bayley. Nest of royalists. ...Esme Stuart. Polignac. ...Schmidt-Weissenfels (Eduard W. Schmidt). Servitude et grandeur militaires. ...Alfred Victor, Comte de Vigny. Two friends. ...Marguerite Gardiner. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 57 CHARLES V. OF GERMANY AND I. OF SPAIN. Reigned 1519- 1556. Christian prince, Wolfgang, prince of Anhalt. ...Franz Hoffmann. English translation. Constancia's household : a story of the Spanish reformation. ...Emma Leslie. Flirst Wolfgang : historische Erzahlung. ...Franz Hoffmann. Kaiser Carl Hes Fiinften erste Jugendliebe. ...Ludwig A. Arnin. Karl von Spanien. ...Ludwig Storch. Lichtenstein. ...Wilhelm Hauff. Maurice, the elector of Saxony. ...Katharine Colquhoun. Moritz von Sachsen. ...F. C. Schlenkert. Saint Leon : a tale of the sixteenth century. ...Caleb Williams Godwin. Die Schlacht bei Drakenburg. ...Werner Bergman. Sibylle von Cleve. ...Julius Bacher. Tabithe von Geyersberg. ...Amalie Schoppe. CHARLES XII. OF SWEDEN. Reigned 1697-1718. Der Eisenkopf : eine historische Erzahlung. ...Franz Ploffmann. Faltskarns beriittelser. ...Zacharias Topelius. (6 volumes.) Der Freibeuter. ...Ludwig Storch. Iron Head. ...Franz Hoffmann. English translation. Last of the free-booters. ...P. Sparre. Stiff-necked king. ...Franz Hoffmann. English translation. Surgeon's stories. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. (6 volumes.) Ur Karl XH's ungdom. ...Johan Borjesson. CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. Earth trembled. ...Edward Payson Roe. In old Saint Stephen's. ...Jeanie Drake. Mount Benedict. ...Peter McCorry. Partisan : a romance of the revolution. ...William Gilmore Simms. Scout. ...William Gilmore Simms. CHARTISM. Alton Locke. ...Charles Kingsley. Convict. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Gaythorne Hall. ...John M. Fothergill. Love and a quiet life. ...Walter Raymond. Sybil. ...Benjamin Disraeli. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Barriers burned away. ...Edward Payson Roe. Cliff-dwellers. ...Henry B. Fuller. Foiled by a lawyer. ...Anon. 58 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS — Continued. George's mother. ...Stephen Crane. Hardscrabble ; or, Fall of Chicago. ...John Richardson. Lucky number : a book of stories of the Chicago slums. ...I. K. Friedman. Wau-nan-gee ; or, Massacre at Chicago : a romance of the American revolution. ...John Richardson. With the procession. ...Henry B. Fuller. CHILDREN'S CRUSADES. See CRUSADES, Children's. CHILD-LIFE. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. ...Samuel Langhorne Clemens. (Pseud., Mark Twain.) Birabi. ...Louise De la Rame. (Pseud., Ouida.) Bushy: a romance founded on fact. ...Cynthia M. Westover (Mrs. T. Alden). Captain January. ...Laura E. Richards. Child life in New England. ...Sarah L. Hall. Child world. ...Mary Abigail Dodge. (Pseud., Gail Hamilton.) Child's classics of prose. ...Mary R. Fitch Pierce, Compiler. Clovernook children. ...Alice Cary. Five little Peppers and how they grew. ...Margaret Sidney. Giovanni and the other children who have made stories. ...Frances Hodgson Burnett. Helen's babies. ...John Habberton. Italian child life. ...Marietta Ambrosi. Jolly good times ; or, Child life on a farm. ...Mary P. Smith. (Pseud., P. Thorne.) Jo's boys. ...Louisa May Alcott. Lasning for Barn. ...Zacharias Topelius. Little girl of long ago. ...Eliza Orne White. Little Lord Fauntleroy. ...Frances Hodgson Burnett. Little men. ...Louisa May Alcott. Little Saint Elizabeth. ...Frances Hodgson Burnett. Little women. ...Louisa May Alcott. Long ago : a year of child life. ...Louise T. Cragin. Loyal little red-coat. ...Ruth Ogden. Marm Liza. ...Kate Douglas Wiggin (Mrs. George Riggs). Mary of Lorraine : an historical romance. ...James Grant. No heroes. ...Blanche Willis Howard. Old curiosity shop. ...Charles Dickens. Old-fashioned girl. ...Louisa May Alcott. One I knew best of all. ...Frances Hodgson Burnett. One of the Mclntyres. ...Amelia Holbrook. Reading for children. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 59 CHILD-LIFE — Continued. Robin's recruit. ...A. G. Plympton. Rocky Fork. ...Mary Hartvvell Catherwood. Sara Crewe. ...Frances Hodgson Burnett. Sentimental Tommy: the story of his boyhood. ...James Matthew Barrie. Story of a baby. ...Ethel S. Turner. Story of a child. ...Margaret Deland. Story of Patsy. ...Kate Douglas Wiggin (Mrs. George Riggs). Tell me a story. ...Mary L. Molesworth. (Pseud., Ennis Graham.) Three Greek children. ...Alfred John Church. Timothy's quest. ...Kate Douglas Wiggin (Mrs. George Riggs). Uncle Bob's baby. ...Wilbur Fisk Brown. When Molly was six. ...Eliza Orne White. Wreck of the golden fleece : the story of a North sea fisher-boy. ...Robert Leighton. Young castaways. ...Florence C. Dixie. CHINA. War-tiger: a tale of the conquest of China. ...Anon. CHOPIN, FREDERIC. Lived 1810-1849. Lucrezia Floriani Lavinia. ...Amantine L. A. D. Dudevant. (George Sand, Pseud.) (Prince Carol personates Chopin.) CHRIST, LIVES OF. Ahasverus. ...Edgar Quinet." Am Kreuz : ein Passionsroman aus Oberammergau. ...Wilhelmine von Hillern. Antipas, son of Chuza, and others whom Jesus loved. ...Louisa Seymour Houghton. Asa of Bethlehem and his household. ...Mary E. Jennings. Barabbas. ...Marie Corelli. Ben Hur : a tale of the Christ. ...Lew Wallace. Doom of the holy city. ...Lydia Hoyt Farmer. Emmanuel : the story of the Messiah. ...William Forbes Cooley. Golden age. ...Kenneth Grahame. Julian. ...William Ware. On the cross. ...Wilhelmine von Hillern. English translation. Philochristus. ...Edwin A. Abbott. Prince of the House of David; or, Three years in the Holy City: Scenes in the life of Jesus. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Quiet King. ...Caroline Atwater Mason. Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland. ...Olive Schreiner. (Pseud., Ralph Iron.) Story of the other wise man. ...Henry Van Dyke. 6o SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, CHBIST, LIVES QY ~- Continued. Salathiel the immortal. ...George Croly. See also BIBLE, Special History and Characters, and CHURCH HISTORY, First Century. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE AND FAITH HEALING. Faith doctor. ...Edward Eggleston. Lourdes. ...iSmile Zola. Lourdes. ...Iimile Zola. English translation. Siegfried the Mystic. ...Ida Worden Wheeler. God's light as it came to me. ...Anon. CHRISTMAS. At last ! Christmas in the West Indies. ...Charles Kingsley. Bachelor's Christmas, and other stories. ...Robert Grant. Birds' Christmas carol. ...Kate Douglas Wiggin (Mrs. George Riggs). Breaking up of the ice : a Christmas tale. ...Anon. Christmas at Narragansett. ...Edward Everett Hale. Christmas at sea. ...E. Shippen. Christmas at Surf-Point. ...Willis B. Allen. Christmas at the Pole ; or, God everywhere : a tale for the young. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. English translation. Christmas books. ...Charles Dickens. Christmas cake in four quarters. ...Anon. Christmas carol. ...Charles Dickens. Christmas evergreens. ...Willis B. Allen. Christmas eve and Christmas day. ...Edward Everett Hale. Christmas fantasy. ...Thomas Bailey Aldrich. (In his Two bites of a cherry.) Christmas in 1574. ...Elbridge S. Brooks. (In his Storied holidays.) Christmas stories; ...Charles Dickens. Christmas stories. ...Benjamin Leopold Farjeon. Christmas story of a little church. ...Grace King. Christmas week at Bigler's mill. ...Dora E. W. Spratt. Claudia and Pudens; or, Early Christmas in Gloucester. ...Samuel Lysons. Colonel's Christmas dinner. ...Charles King. Cricket on the hearth. ...Charles Dickens. Elsie : a Christmas story. ...Alexander L. Kjelland. English trans- lation. First Christmas of New England. ...Harriet Beecher Stowe. Good old days; or, Christmas under Queen Elizabeth. ...Esme Stuart. Good spirit: a story for the Christmas fireside. ...G. Abbott. Last of the fairies : a Christmas tale. ...George Payne Rainsford James. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 6i CHRISTMAS — Continued. Mr. Bixby's Christmas visitor. ...Charles S. Gage. Our Christmas in a palace. ...Edward Everett Hale. Parson's miracle, and My grandmother's grandmother's Christmas candle. ...Hezekiah Butterworth. Polly: a Christmas recollection. ...Thomas Nelson Page. Red and white. ...Edward Everett Hale. Salamander. ...E. O. Smith. Santa Claus on a lark. ...Washington Gladden. Solomon Crowds Christmas pockets, and other tales. ...Ruth McEnery Stuart. Solomon Isaacs : a Christmas story. ...Benjamin Leopold Farjeon. Three Christmas days. ...Caroline E. Davis. 2894; or, Fossil man. ...Walter Browne. Young patroon. ...P. H. Myers. CHRYSOSTOM. See SAINT CHRYSOSTOM. CHURCH HISTORY. A Selection. First Century. Agathocles. ...Caroline Pichler. Arius the Libyan. ...Nathan C. Kouns. Burning of Rome. ...Alfred John Church. Daybreak in Britain. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud.j A. L. O. E.) Dorcas, the daughter of Faustina. ...Nathan C. Kouns. Early Christianity. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Early dawn ; or, Sketches of Christian life in England in the olden times. ...Elizabeth Charles. Edol the Druid. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Gaudentius. ...Gerald S. Davies. Glaucia. ...Emma Leslie. Helena's household : a tale of Rome in first century. ...James De Mille. Lapsed but not lost. ...Elizabeth Charles. Light from the catacombs. ...E. L. M. Narcissus. ...William B. Carpenter. Neither Rome nor Judaea. ...E. Hoven. Onesimus : memoirs of a disciple of Saint Paul. ...Edwin A. Abbott. Pomponia. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe (Webb). Prince of the House of David ; or. Three years in the Holy City : Scenes in the life of Jesus. Quiet King. ...Caroline Atwater Mason. Quo Vadis. ...Henryk Sienkiewicz. Quo Vadis : a narrative of the time of Nero. ...Henryk Sienkiewicz. English translation. Saint Paul in Greece. ...Gerald S. Davies. 62 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, CHUKCH lSX%T{i2X — Co?itinued. Salathiel, the immortal. ...George Croly. Story of the other wise man. ...Henry Van Dyke. To the lions. ...Alfred John Church. Triumphs of the cross. ...John Mason Neale. (Pseud., Aurelius Gratianus.) Valeria. ...Ballydear and Bowden. Valerius : a Roman story. ...John Gibson Lockhart. Vestal. ...Mme. de La Grange. Victory of the vanquished. ...Elizabeth Charles. Work while ye have light. ...LyefF Tolstoi. English translation. Third Century. Aurelian. ...William Ware. Callista: a sketch of the third century. ...John Henry Newman- Child martyr and early Christians at Rome. ...Anon. Theban legion : a story of the times of Diocletian. ...William M. Blackburn. Fourtli Century. Alypius of Tagaste : a tale of the early church. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe (Webb). Conquering and to conquer : story of Rome in the days of Saint Jerome. ...Elizabeth Charles. Erling; or, Days of Saint Olaf. ...F. Scarlett Potter. Gathering clouds. ...Frederick William Farrar. Out of the mouth of the lions. ...Anon. Quadratus : a tale of the world in the Church. ...Emma Leslie. Fifth Century. Alypius of Tagaste : a tale of the early Church. ...Mrs. J. B. Pep- loe (Webb). Conquering and to conquer. ...Elizabeth Charles. Fabiola; or, Church of the catacombs. ...Nicholas Patrick Stephen Wiseman. Hypatia. ...Charles Kingsley. Maid and Cleon. ...Elizabeth Charles. Pearl of Antioch : a picture of the East at the end of the fourth cen- tury. ...Marc A. Bayle. Quadratus : a tale of the world in the church. ...Emma Leslie. Tenth Century. Adventures of Olaf Tryggveson, king of Norway. ...Pamelia M. Reed (Mrs. Joseph J. Reed). Erling; or, Days of Saint Olaf. ...F. Scarlett Potter. Hakon Jarl. ...Oehlenschlager. Heroes of the North; or, Stories from Norwegian Chronicle. ...F. Scarlett Potter. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 63 CHURCH HISTORY — Continued. Eleventh Century. Ivo and Vereno.' ...Anon. Fifteenth Century. Before the dawn : a story of Paris and the Jacquerie. ...George Dulac. Conrad. ...Emma Leslie. Coulying Castle ; or, Knight of the olden days. ...Agnes Giberne. Dearer than life : a tale of the times of Wycliffe. ...Emma Leslie. For or against. ...Frances M. Wilbraham. Geoffrey the Lollard. ...Mrs. D. C. Knevels. (Pseud., Frances Eastwood.) Gilbert Wright, the gospeller. ...F. S. Merryweather. Gladys of Herleck. ...Anon. Hubert Ellerdale. ...W. O. Rhind. In Wicliff's days. ...G. Stebbing. Jack of the mill. ...William Howitt. John de Wycliffe, the first reformer. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Knight of Dilham. ...Arthur Brown. Lollard. ...Minnie K. Davis. Lollard priest. ...Henry C. Adams. Lollards. ...Thomas Gaspey. Margery's son : a fifteenth century tale of the court of Scotland. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Mistress Margery ; a tale of the Lollards. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Richard Hunne : a story of old London. ...George E. Sargent. White rose of Langley: a story of the court of England in the olden time. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Wycliffites; or, England in the fifteenth century. ...Margaret Mackay. See also WYCLIFFE, JOHN. Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Bolsover Castle : a tale from Protestant history of the sixteenth century. ...Anon. Chief's daughter. ...Anon. Dark year of Dundee. ...Deborah Alcock. Darnley ; or, Field of the cloth of gold. ...George Payne Rainsford James. For the Master's sake : a story of the days of Queen Mary. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Isoult Barry of Wynscote : a tale of Tudor times. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Kenilworth. ...Sir Walter Scott. Lettice Eden : a tale of the last days of Henry the Eighth. ...Emily Sarah Holt. 64 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. CHTTRCH HISTOEY — Continued. Magdalen Hepburn. ...Margaret O. W. Oliphant. No cross, no crown. ...Caroline C. Davis. Robin Tremayne of Bodmin: a tale of the Marian persecution. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Steadfast. ...Rose Terry Cooke. Three hundred years ago. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Twice crowned : a story of the days of Queen Mary. ...Harriet B. MacKeever. mine's escape ; or, Hid with the nuns. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Westminster Abbey. ...Emma Robinson. Within sea walls; or, How the Dutch kept the faith. ...E. H. Walshe and George E. Sargent. See also EEFORMATION. Eighteenth Century. Ashcliffe Hall. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Nineteenth Century. Tithe-proctor. ...William Carleton. See also PERSECUTIONS. CIVIL WAR. A Selectio?u England. 1625. Alice Bridge of Norwich : a tale of the time of Charles the First. ...Andrew Reed. Alice Leighton : or. Good name is rather to be chosen than riches. ...Ann J. Cupples (Mrs. George Cupples). Alice Lisle : a tale of Puritan times. ...Richard King. Andrew Marvel and his friends : a story of the siege of Hull. ...Marie S. Hall. Armourer's daughter ; or, Border rivals. ...Anon. Arrah Neil. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Buccaneer. ...Anna Maria Hall. Castle Cornet ; or, Island's troubles in troublous times. ...Louisa Hawtrey. Children of the New Forest. ...Frederick Marryat. Cromwell ; or, Protector's oath. ...J. Frederick Smith. Draytons and Davenports : a story of the civil wars. ...Elizabeth Charles. Harry Ogilvie ; or, Black dragoons. ...James Grant. Henry Masterton ; or, Adventures of a young cavalier. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Her Majesty the Queen. ...John Esten Coolie. Hide and seek : a story of the New Forest in 1647. ...Mrs. Frank Cooper. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 65 CIVIL WAR — Continued. liolmby House; a tale of old Northamptonshire. ...George John Whyte Melville. John Inglesant. ...Joseph Henry Shorthouse. John Milton and his times. ...Max Ring. English translation. John Milton und seine Zeit. ...Max Ring. Lady Betty's governess ; or, Corbet chronicles. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Lady Shakerlye : the record of the life of a good and noble woman. ...Anon. Lady Willoughby ; or, Passages from the diary of a wife and mother in the seventeenth century. ...Hannah Manning Rathbone. Leaguer of Lathom : a tale of the civil war in Lancashire. ...Wil- liam Harrison Ainsworth. Lettice : a tale of the siege of Chester. ...Pauline Biddulph. Life of Colonel Jack. ...Daniel Defoe. Love the leveller : a tale of the great rebellion. ...Angus Comyn. Markhams of Ollerton : a tale of the civil war. ...Elizabeth Glaister. Maudeville : a tale of the seventeenth century in England. ...Wil- liam Godwin. Memoirs of a cavalier. ...Daniel Defoe. Memoirs of troublous times. ...Emma Marshall. Old Noll ; or. Days of the Ironsides. ...Frederick William Robinson. Oliver Cromwell ; or, England's great protector. ...Henry W. Her- bert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) On both sides of the sea: a story of the commonwealth and the restoration. ...Elizabeth Charles. Ovingdean Grange : a tale of the South Downs. ...William Harri- son Ainsworth. Reginald Hastings : a tale of the troubles of 1649. -Eliot B. G. Warburton. Rosamond Fane; or, Prisoners of Saint James- ...Mary and Catherine Lee. Saint George and Saint Michael. ...George Macdonald. Scholar and the trooper. ...William E. Heygate. Settlers at home. ...Harriet Martineau. Siege of Colchester. ...George F. Townshend. Siege of Lichfield. ...William Gresley. Sir Henry Appleton ; or, Essex during the great rebellion. ...Wil- liam E. Heygate. Stanfield Hall. ...J. Frederick Smith. Two knights of Delany Castle. ...Mary M. Sherwood. Washingtons : a tale of a country parish in the seventeenth cen- tury. ...John N. Simpkinson. White gauntlet. ...Mayne Reid. 5 66 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. CIVIL WAR — Continued. Whitehall : or, Days and times of Oliver Cromwell. ...Jane Robinson. Young Castellan : a tale of the English civil war. ...George Man- ville Fenn. - See also CHARLES I. OF ENGLAND. United States. 1861. Aboard the Atlantic. ...Henry Frith. American mail bag; or, Tales of the war. ...Anon. Among the camps. ...Thomas Nelson Page. Among the cotton thieves. ...Edward Bacon. Among the guerillas. ...James Roberts Gilmore. (Pseud., Edmund Kirke.) Angel of the battlefield. ...Wesley Bradshaw. " As we went marching on." ...George W. Hosmer. At anchor : a story of our civil war. ...Anon. Baby Rue : her friends and her enemies. ...Charlotte M. Clark. (Pseud., Charles M. Clay.) Bertha the beauty : a story of the Southern revolution. ...Sarah J. C. Whittlesey. Between the lines. ...Charles King. Black angel : a tale of the American civil war. ...William Stephens Hayward. Bloody chasm. ...John William De Forest. Bloody junto ; or, Escape of John Wilkes Booth. ...R. H. Crozier. Border war: a tale of disunion. ...John B. Jones. Brave old salt ; or, Life on the quarter deck. ...William Taylor Adams. (Pseud., Oliver Optic.) Bristling with thorns: a story of war and reconstruction. ...O. T. Beard. Brother soldiers. ...Mary S. Robinson. Brownings. ...Jane G. Fuller. Cameron Hall : a story of the civil war. ...Mary A. Cruse. Chattanooga. ...John Jolliffe. Colonel Dunwoddie, millionaire. ...William Mumford Baker. (Pseud., George H. Harrington.) Colonel's daughter; or, Winning his spurs. ...Charles King. Confederate flag on the ocean : a tale of the cruises of the Sumter and Alabama. ...William H. Peck. Confederate spy. ...R. H. Crozier. Conspirators. ...William H. Peck. Cotton stealing. ...Anon. Daisy Swain, the flower of the Shenandoah. ...Anon. Days of Shoddy: a novel of the great rebellion in 1861. ...Henry Morford. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 67 CIVIL ^ KB.— Continued. Dora Darling ; the daughter of the regiment. ...Jane Goodwin Austin. '89; or, Grand master's secret. ...Edgar Henry. Elopement : a tale of the Confederate States of America. ...L. Fairfax. •• Etowah : a romance of the Confederacy. ...Francis Fontaine. Fairfax : a chronicle of the valley of Shenandoah. ...John Esten Cooke. Fiery cross : a tale of the great American war. ...William Stephens Hayward. Fighting Joe; or, Fortunes of a staff officer. ...William Taylor Adams. (Pseud., Oliver Optic.) Fighting Quakers : a true story of our war for our union. ...Augus- tine J. H. Duganne. Fitz-Hugh Saint Clair, the South Carolina rebel boy. ...Sallie F. Chapin. Fort Lafayette ; or, Love and secession. ...Benjamin Wood. Forward with the flag. ...Mary S. Robinson. Gilead guards: a story of war times in a New England town. ...Mrs. O. W. Scott. Gray and the blue. ...Edward E. Roe. Great battle year. ...Mary S. Robinson. Gun-bearer. ...Edward A. Robinson. Hammer and rapier. ...John Esten Cooke. Heroine of the Confederacy. ...Florence J. O'Connor. Hilt to hilt J or, Days and nights in the Shenandoah in the autumn of 1864. —John Esten Cooke. His sombre rivals. ...Edward Payson Roe. Home scenes during the Rebellion. ...Margaret Roberts. Hospital sketches, and camp and fireside stories. ...Louisa May Alcott. Inside : a chronicle of secession. ...William Mumford Baker. In war time. ...S. Weir Mitchell. In war times at La Rose Blanche. ...M. E. M. Davis. John Charaxes : a tale of the civil war in America. ...George Tick- nor Curtis. Katy of Catochin. ...George A. Townsend. Kernwood ; or, After many days. ...Virginia L. French. Little bugler. ...George M. Royce. Little regiment, and other episodes of the American civil war. ...Stephen Crane. Love and rebellion. ...Martha C. Keller. Lucia Dare. ...Sarah A. Dorsey. (Pseud., Pllia.) McDonalds; or. Ashes of Southern homes: a tale of Sherman's march. ...William H. Peck. 6S SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. CIVIL WAR — Cofitinned. Macpherson, the great Confederate philosopher. ...Alfred C. Hills. Marcy, the blockade-runner. ...Charles A. Fosdick. (Pseud., Harry Castlemon.) Millicent Halford : a tale of the dark days of Kentucky in 1861. ...Martha Remick. " Miss Lou.'' ...Edward Payson Roe. Miss Ravenel's conversion from secession to loyalty. ...John Wil- liam De Forest. Modern Hagar. ...Charlotte M. Clark. (Pseud., Charles M. Clay.) Mohun ; or, Last days of Lee and his paladins. ...John Esten Cooke. On the blockade. ...William Taylor Adams. (Pseud., Oliver Optic.) On the plantation : a story of a Georgia boy's adventures during the war. ...Joel Chandler Harris. Original belle. ...Edward Payson Roe. Other fools and their doings ; or. Life among the freedmen. ...Har- riet N. K. Goff. Out of the foam. ...John Esten Cooke. Patriotism at home ; or. Young invincibles. ...I. H. Anderson. Poor white ; or, Rebel conscript. ...Emily C. Pearson. Prince Paul : the freedman soldier. ...Emily C. Pearson. Princess of Peele. ...William Westall. Rattlesnake. ...Edward Z. C. Judson. (Pseud., Ned Buntline.) Rebel fiend ; or, Scout of secession. ...W. D. Reynolds. Red acorn. ...John McElroy. Red badge of courage. ...Stephen Crane. Refugee; or, Union boys of 61. ...Paul Pritchard. Remy Saint Remy; or. Boy in blue. ...Mrs. C. H. Gildersleeve. Reunited : a story of the civil war. ...Alfred R. Calhoun. Rival volunteers ; or, Black plume rifles. ...Mary A. Howe. Robert Warren ; or, Texan refugee. ...Anon. Rodney, the partisan. ...Charles A. Fosdick. (Pseud., Harry Cas- tlemon.) Roebuck. ...C. W. Russell. Roland Blake. ...S. Weir Mitchell. Romance of the republic. ...Lydia Maria Child. Rose Mather : a tale of the war. ...Mary J. Holmes. Running the blockade. ...William H. Thomes. Sailor boy. ...William Taylor Adams. (Pseud., Oliver Optic ) Sailor boys of '61. ...James R. Soley. Sanctuary: a story of the civil war. ...George W. Nichols. Shelby's expedition to Mexico. ...John N. Edwards. Shoulder straps : a novel of New York and the army. ...Plenry Morford. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 69 CIVIL ^^S,— Continued. Siege of Spolete : a camp tale of Arlington Heights. ...Michael J. A. McCaffery. Soldier boy. ...William Taylor Adams. (Pseud., Oliver Optic.) Die Spionin. ...Adolph Schermer. Stand by the Union. ...William Taylor Adams. (Pseud., Oliver Optic.) Star of the South. ...W. S. Hayward. Stars and bars ; or, Reign of terror in Missouri. ...I. Kelso. Stories of the civil war. ...Albert F. Blaisdell, ed. Surry of Eagle's nest ; or, Memoirs of a staff officer serving in Virginia. ...John Esten Cooke. Taken by the enemy. ...William Taylor Adams. (Pseud., Oliver Optic.) Tale of New Orleans life and of the present war. ...Clarimonde. Thinking bayonet. ...James K. Hosmer. Tiger-lilies. ...Sidney Lanier. Throckmorton. ...Molly E. Seawell. Tobias Wilson : a tale of the great rebellion. ...Jeremiah Clemens. Tom Clifton; or, Western boys in Grant's and Sherman's army. ...W. L. Goss. Tried and true ; or, Love and loyalty. ...Bella Z. Spencer. True to his colors. ...Charles A. Fosdick. (Pseud., Harry Cas- tlemon.) Two college friends. ...Frederick W. Loring. Two little confederates. ...Thomas Nelson Page. Uncle Daniel's story of Tom Anderson and twenty great battles. ...Anon. Union : a story of the great rebellion. ...John R. Musick. Unofficial patriot. ...Helen H. Gardener. Valerie Aylmer. ...Frances C. Fisher. Victor. ...Ellery Sinclair, Virginia Graham, the spy of the grand army. ...Justin Jones. Waiting for the verdict. ...Rebecca Harding Davis. War-time wooing. ...Charles King. Wearing of the gray. .. John Esten Cooke. Weiss und Schwarz. ...Friedrich W. Arming. When the war broke out. ...Edward A. Rand. Wild work. ...Mary Edwards Bryan. Winning his way. ...Charles Carleton Coffin. With gauge and swallow. ...Albion Winegar Tourgee. Within the enemy's lines. ...William Taylor Adams. (Pseud., Oliver Optic.) With Lee in Virginia. ...George Alfred Henty. Without blemish : to-day's problem. ...J. H. Walworth. 70 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. CIVIL WAR — Contmued. Women ; or, Chronicles of the late war. ...Mary T. Magill. Work of the two great captains. ...Mary S. Robinson. Yankee middy; or, Adventures of a naval officer. ...William Tay- lor Adams. (Pseud., Oliver Optic.) Year of wreck. ...George C. Benham. Young lieutenant. ...William Taylor Adams. (Pseud., Oliver Optic.) CLOVIS I, OF FRANCE. Reigned 489-511. lerne of Armorica. ...J. C. Bateman. COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR. Lived 1772-1834- Days of Lamb and Coleridge. ...Alice E. Lord. COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY LIFE. A Seleclion. Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green. ...Edward Bradley. Babe. B. A. ...Edward F. Benson. Cambridge freshman. ...Martin Legrand. Chapters of a college romance. ...Isaac Butts. Charlie Lucken at school and college. ...Plenry C. Adams. College days at Oxford. ...Henry C. Adams. College days ; or, Harry's career at Yale. ...John S. Wood. College girls. ...Abbe C. Goodloe. College life. ...Joseph T. J. Hewlett. Dashwood Priory. ...Emily Juliana May. Donald Marcy. ...Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward (Mrs. Herbert D. Ward). Fair Harvard. ...William T. Washburn. Forbes of Harvard : a story of college life in the early fifties. ...Elbert Hubbard. Hammersmith : his Harvard days. ...Mark Sibley Severance. Harvard stories : sketches of the undergraduate. ... Waldron K. Post. Julian Home : a tale of college life. ...Frederick William Farrar. Junior Dean. ...Alan Saint Aubin. Lost manuscript. ...Gustav Freytag. English translation. New Academe. ...Edward Hartington. Princetonian : a story of undergraduate life at the College of New Jersey. ...James Barnes. Reginald Dalton : a story of English university life. ...John Gibson Lockhart. School-boy honour: a tale of Talminster College. ...Henry C. Adams. Student life at Harvard. ...George II. Tripp. Tales of college life. ...Edward Bradley. Thing that hath been. ...A. H. Gilkes. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 7 1 COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY ^lYY. — Continued. Two college boys. ...Edward A. Rand. Two college friends. ...Frederick W". Loring. Two college girls. ...Helen D. Brown. Die verlorene Handschrift. ...Gustav Freytag. Wooden spoon. ...Theron Brown. With the best intentions : a tale of undergraduate life at Cambridge (Eng). ...John Bickerdyke. Yale yams. ...John Seymour Wood. COLORADO. At the end of the rainbow. ...Julia A. Sabin. Doctor Grattan. ...William A. Hammond. In the heart of the Rockies : a story of adventure in Colorado. ...George Alfred Henty. Lai. ...William A. Hammond. Naulahka. ...Rudyard Kipling. Nelly's silver mine. ...Helen Hunt Jackson. Peak and prairie. ...Anna Fuller. Silver caves: a mining story. ...Ernest IngersoU. Story of a canon. ...Beveridge Hill. Zeph. ...Helen Hunt Jackson. COLTJMBUS, CHRISTOPHER. Lived U36-1506. Christophe Colomb. ...A. Dousseau. Columbia : a story of the discovery of America. ...John R. Musick. Columbus and Beatriz. ...Constance Goddard DuBois. Cristoforo Colombo. ...Ludwig August Frankl. Diccon the Bold. ...John Russell Coryell. Diego Pinzon and the fearful voyage he took into the unknown ocean, A. D. 1492. ...John Russell Coryell. Die heroischen Epopeen, Gustav Wasa und Columbus. ...Franz Michael Franzen. Tsmael ben Kaissar. ...J. F. Denis. Legend of Christopher Columbus. ...Joanna Baillie. Mercedes of Castile; or, Voyage to Cathay. ...James Fenimore Cooper. El nuevo mundo, descubierto por Cristoval Colon. ...L. F. de Vega-Carpio. Out of the sunset sea. ...Albion Winegar Tourgee. Story of Columbus. ...Elizabeth Eggleston Seeley. Tales from American history, containing the principal facts in the life of Christopher Columbus. ...Eliza Robbins. With the admiral of the ocean sea. ...C. P. MacKie. 72 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. COMMONWEALTH OF ENGLAND. 1649-1660. Andrew Marvel and his friends : a story of the siege of Hull. ...Maria S. Hall. Armourer's daughter ; or, Border rivals. ...Anon. Boscobel; or, Royal oak : a tale of the year 1651. ...William Har- rison Ainsworth. Brambletye House ; or, Cavaliers and roundheads. ...Horace Smith (Paul Chatfield). Chevalier's daughter. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Commonwealth of Oceana. ...James Harrington. Constance Aylmer : a story of the 17th century. ...Helen F. Parker. Cromwell ; or, Protector's oath. ...J. Frederick Smith. Days of Laud and of the Commonwealth. ...Mrs. Newton Cros- land. (Pseud., Camilla Toulmin.) Draytons and Davenants: a story of the civil wars. ...Elizabeth Charles. Hanley Castle : an episode of the civil wars and the battle of Wor- cester. ...William S. Symonds. Henry Masterton. ...George Payne Rainsford James. In bonds but fetterless. ...Richard Cuninghame. Ironsides. ...Anon. John Milton and his times. ...Max Ring. English translation. John Milton und seine Zeit. ...Max Ring. King's namesake. ...Catherine M. Phillimore. King's ransom. ...Anon. Last of the fairies : a Christmas tale. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Life of Colonel Jack. ...Daniel Defoe. Maiden and married life of Mary Powell, afterwards Mistress Milton. ...Anne Manning. Marmaduke Wyvil ; or. Maid's revenge. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Memoirs of a cavalier. ...Daniel Defoe. Memoirs of troublous times. ...Emma Marshall. Old Noll ; or, Days of the Ironsides. ...Frederick William Robinson. On both sides of the sea : a story of the commonwealth and the restoration. ...Elizabeth Charles. Ovingdean Grange : a tale of the South Downs. ...William Harri- son Ainsworth. Pigeon pie : a tale of roundhead times. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Reginald Hastings : a tale of the troubles of 164-. ...Eliot B. G. Warburton. Saint George and Saint Michael. ...George Macdonald. Saxby : a tale of the commonwealth time. ...Emma Leslie. Scapegrace Dick. ...Frances M. Peard. Whitehall ; or. Days of Oliver Cromwell. -Jane Robinson. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 73 COMMONWEALTH OF ENGLAND — C^;^//;«/^^. Woodstock; or, Cavalier : a tale of the year 1651. ...Sir Walter Scott. See also CROMWELL, OLIVER, and MILTON, JOHN. CONGRESS OF VIENNA, Nineteenth Century. Auf dem Wiener Kongress. ...Julius Bacher. Der Congress zu Wien. ...Eduard Breier. Die Geheimnisse des Waldschlosses. ...Reinhard Edmund Hahn. See also VIENNA. CONNECTICUT. Famous victory. ...Anon. Kinley Hollow. ...Gideon H. Hollister. Orange Grove : a tale of the Connecticut. ...Anon. Summer in Oldport Harbor. ...W. H. Metcalf. CONQUEST OF GRANADA. Alhambra. ...Washington Irving. Conquest of Granada. ...Washington Irving. [wer-Lytton. Leila ; or, Siege of Granada. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bui- Tales from Spanish history. ...Elizabeth J. Brabazon. CONQUEST OF MOGUL. Akbar. ...A. S. Van Limburg-Bronner. CONSPIRACIES AND PLOTS. Adventures of Rob Roy. ...James Grant. Beatrice Tyldesley. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. (Lancashire, 1694.) Black dwarf. ...Sir Walter Scott. (Jacobite, 1708.) Le Chevalier d'Harmental. ...Alexandre Dumas. Cinq-Mars; ou. Conjuration sous Louis XIII. ...Alfred Victor, Comte de Vigny. Cinq-Mars: a conspiracy under Louis XIII. ...Alfred Victor de Vigny. English translation. Coombe Abbey. ...Selina Bunsbury. (Gunpowder, 1605.) La conspiration de Walstein. ...Jean Francois Sarrasin. Conspirators. ...William H. Peck. Conspirators; or. Chevalier d'Harmental. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Father Darcy. ...Anne Marsh. For liberty's sake : the story of Robert Ferguson. ...John B. Marsh. (Ryehouse ) Gowrie ; or, King's plot. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Guy Fawkes. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. John Deane of Nottingham. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Katy of Catoctin. ...George Alfred Townsend. (Lincoln's assas- sination.) King's highway. ...George Payne Rainsford James. (Jacobite.) 74 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. CONSPIRACIES AND PLOTS — Continued. Peveril of the Peak. ...Sir Walter Scott. Redgauntlet. ...Sir Walter Scott. Das Roggenhaus Komplott. ...George Hiltl. (Ryehouse, 1685.) Royal police. ...John H. Robinson. (Boston, 17 15.) Ryehouse plot. ...G. W. Reynolds. Traitor or patriot .? ...M. C. Rowsell. (Ryehouse, 1683.) Yemasee : a romance of California. ...William Gilmore Simms. (Indian, 17 15.) CONSTANTINE (THE GREAT). Lived 272-337. Cellene. ...Sneyd. Constantine. ...Edmund Spencer. Evanus : a tale of Constantine the Great ...Augustine D. Crake. CONSTANTINOPLE, TURKEY. Blue and green. ...Sir Henry Pottinger. Count Robert of Paris. ...Sir Walter Scott. Dog of Constantinople. ...Izora C. Chandler. Prince of India ; or, Why Constantinople fell. ...Lew Wallace. Story of the times of Scanderbeg. ...Anon. Theodora Phranza ; or, Fall of Constantinople. ...John Mason Neale. (Pseud., Aurelius Gratianus.) CORDAY, CHARLOTTE. Lived 1768-1795. L'ami du peuple. ...J. M. Gassier Saint Amand. Charlotte Corday. ...Henri Alphonse Esquiros. Charlotte Corday : an historical novel. ...Henri Alphonse Esquiros. English translation. Charlotte Corday. ...Carl W. T. Frenzel. Charlotte Corday. ...Rose E. Temple. Dream-Charlotte. ...Matilda Barbara Betham-Edwards. Ingenue. ...Alexandre Dumas. [lation. Ingenue ; or, Death of Marat. ...Alexandre Dumas. English trans- Maid of Normandy. ...Edmund J. Eyre. CORNWALL, ENGLAND. [lantyne. Deep down : a tale of the Cornish mine. ...Robert Michael Bal- Delectable duchy : stories, studies, and sketches. ...Arthur T. Q. Couch. (Pseud., Q.) Menhardoc. ...George Manville Fenn. Pendower : a story of Cornwall in the time of Henry the Eighth. ...Marianne Filluel. Singer of the sea. ...Amelia Edith Barr. True Cornish maid. ...G. Norway. Vicar's people. ...George Manville Fenn. Watchers on the Longships. ...James F. Cobb. Wreckers and Methodists. ...H. D. Lowry. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 75 COVENANTERS. Andrew Gillon : a tale of the Scottish covenanters. ...John Tod. (Pseud., John Strathesk.) Beacon light : a tale of the covenanters. ...Ellen E. Guthrie. Brownie of Bodsbeck. ...James Hogg. Fiery cross. ...B. Hutton. Journal of Lady Beatrix Graham. ...Jane M. F. Smith. Helen of the glen. ...Robert Pollok. Hunted and harried : a tale of the Scottish covenanters. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. In the smoke of war. ...Walter Raymond. Janet and her father. ...Mary E. Bamford. Legend of Montrose. ...Sir Walter Scott. Men of the Moss-Hags. ...Samuel Rutherford Crockett. Old Mortality. ...Sir Walter Scott. Peden, the prophet : a tale of the covenanters. ...Andrew M. Brown. Persecuted family : a tale of the covenanters. ...Robert Pollok Philip Colville : a covenanter's story. ...Grace Kennedy. Scottish cavalier. ...James Grant. Tales of the covenanters. ...Ellen E. Guthrie. Tales of the covenanters. ...J. W. Wilson. Tales of the wars of Montrose. ...James Hogg. CRIMEAN WAR. 1853-1856. Beatrice and Benedick: a romance of the Crimea. ...Hawley Smart. Children of the great king. ...Matilda Horsburgh. Fall of Sebastopol ; or, Jack Archer in the Crimea. ...George Alfred Henty. Frederick Gordon; or, Storming of the Redan. ...Anon. Henri de la Tour ; or, Comrades in arms. ...J. Frederick Smith. Interpreter : a tale of the Crimean war. ...George John Whyte Melville. Jack Archer : a tale of the Crimea. ...George Alfred Henty. Lady Wedderburn's wish : a tale of the Crimean war. ...James Grant. Laura Everingham ; or, Highlanders of Glen Ora. ...James Grant. Lord Hermitage. ...James Grant. Mabel Ashton : a tale of the Crimean war. ...Elizabeth Allnatt. Martyrs to circumstance. ...Maria Therese Longworth Yelverton. One of the six hundred. ...James Grant. Ravenshoe. ...Henry Kingsley. Sebastopol. ...Lyeff Nikolaievich Tolstoi. English translation from the Russian. Under the Red Dragon. ...James Grant. Vera ; or, Russian princess and English earl. ...Charlotte L. H. Dempster. Young Brown; or, Law of inheritance. ...Granville Murray. 76 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. CRIMINOLOGY. A Selection. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Another crime. ...Julian Hawthorne. Artist in crime. ...Rodrigues Ottolengui. Book of strange sins. ...Coulson Kernahan. Chronicles of Martin Hewitt. ...Anon. Conflict of evidence. ...Rodrigues Ottolengui. La corde au cou. ...Emile Gaboriau. Le crime d'Orcival. ...^fimile Gaboriau. Crime and punishment. ...Fedor M. Dostoevsky. English trans- lation. Le crime du vieux Bias. ...C. Mendes. Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard. ... Anatole France. Crime of the century. ...Rodrigues Ottolengui. Crime of the 'Liza Jane. ...Fergus W. Hume. Criminal. ...Johann C. Friedrich von Schiller. English transla- tion. La degringolade. ...;^mile Gaboriau. Le dossier No. 113. ...fimile Gaboriau. For fifteen years. ...Louis Ulbach. English translation. Good people of Pawlocz. ...Coloman Mikszath. Lady of quality. ...Frances Hodgson Burnett. Le marteau d'acier. ...Louis Ulbach. Memoirs of Jane Cameron. ...Frederick William Robinson. Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. M. Lecoq. ...fimile Gaboriau. Modern wizard. ...Rodrigues Ottolengui. Moondyne. ...John Boyle O'Reilly. Mystery of Orcival. ...!lSmile Gaboriau. English translation. Mystery of Paul Chadwick. ...J. W. Postgate. Quality of crime. ...William Dean Howells. Quality of mercy. ...William Dean Howells. Quinze ans de bagne. ...Louis Ulbach. Scarlet letter. ...Nathaniel Hawthorne. Section 558. ...Julian Hawthorne. Shadow^ of a crime. ...Thomas Henry Hall Caine. Silent witness. ...Mrs. J. H. Walworth. Sketches of life and character taken from the police court, Bow Street. ...Edwin Hodder. (Pseud., Old Merry.) Somebody's Ned. ...Mrs. A. M. Freeman. Steel hammer. ...Louis Ulbach. English translation. Story of John Coles. ...M. E. Kenyon. Study in scarlet. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Veiled hand : a novel of the sixties, seventies, and eighties. ...Frederick Wicks. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 77 CRIMINOLOGY — Conlmued. What will he do with it ? ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer- Lytton. Who poisoned Hetty Duncan } ...J. E. Muddock. See also PRISONS AND PRISONERS, DETECTIVE STORIES, and SIN. CROMWELL, OLIVER. Lived 1599-1658. Andrew Marvel and his friends : a story of the siege of Hull. ...Maria S. Hall. Brambletye House ; or, Cavaliers and roundheads. ...Horace Smith. (Pseud., Paul Chatfield.) Cavaliers. ...S. R. Keightley. Cavaliers and roundheads. ...John George Edgar. Chances of war. ...A. Whitelock. Confederate chieftains. ...Mary A. Sadlier (Mrs. J. Sadlier). Cromwell ; or, Protector's oath. ...J. Frederick Smith. Ethne. ...Mrs. E. M. Field. Father John ; or, Cromwell in Ireland. ...S. E. A. Henry Masterton ; or, Adventures of a young cavalier. ...George Payne Rainsford James. John Milton and his times. . .Max Ring. English translation. John Milton und seine Zeit. ...Max Ring. Last of the Corbes. ...John Wright. Life of Colonel Jack. ...Daniel Defoe. Little wizard. ...Stanley J. Weyman. Memoirs of troublous times. ...Emma Marshall. Mistress Spitfire. ...J. S. Fletcher. Nellie Netterville. ...Cecilia M. Caddell. Old Noll; or, Days of the Ironsides. ...Frederick William Robinson. Oliver Cromwell ; or, England's great protector. ...Henry W. Her- bert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) On both sides of the sea ; a story of the commonwealth and the restoration. ...Elizabeth Charles. Silk of the kine. ...L. McManus. Whitehall ; or, Days of Oliver Cromwell. ...Jane Robinson. Woodstock; or, Cavalier: a tale of the year 1651. ...Sir Walter Scott. See also COMMONWEALTH OF ENGLAND and ENGLISH HIS- TORY. CRUSADES. General and Special. La banniere bleue, aventures d'un musulman, d'un chretien et d'un Pa'ien a I'epoque des croisades et de la conquete mongole. ...Leon Cahun. Betrothed. ...Sir Walter Scott. (Third crusade.) Blue banner. ...Leon Cahun. English translation^. A^ GFTHE ^y 7^ SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. CRUSADES — ■ Continued. Boy crusaders. ...John George Edgar. (Seventh crusade.) Brothers in arms : a story of the crusades. ...F. Bayford Harrison. Cheshire pilgrims. ...Frances M. Wilbraham. Count Robert of Paris. ...Sir Walter Scott. Daventrys. ...Julia Pardoe. Elfrica. ...Charlotte G. Boger. Die Fahrten Thiodolfs des Islanders. ...Friedrich H. C. La Motto Fouque. Fighting the Saracens ; or, Boy knight. ...George Alfred Henty. Florme, princess of Burgundy. ...William B. MacCabe. (First crusade.) Foure prentises of London. ...Thomas Heywood. Heroines of the crusades. ...Charles A. Bloss. I Lombardi alia prima crociata. ...Tommaso Grossi. In the brave days of old: the story of the crusades. ...Henry Frith. Ivanhoe. ...Sir Walter Scott. (Third crusade.) Lady Sybil's choice : a tale of the crusades. ...Emily Sarah Holt. (Third crusade.) Longbeard, Lord of London. ...Charles Mackay. Mathilde, ou memoires tires de I'histoire des croisades. ...Sophie Risteau Cottin. Matilda, Princess of England. ...Sophia Risteau Cottin. English translation. Maud and Miriam ; or, Fair crusader. ...Harriet B. MacKeever. (Third crusade.) Orphans of Alsace. ...Anon. Parcival. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. Philip Augustus ; or, Brothers in arms. ...George Payne Rainsford James. (Third crusade.) Prince and the page : the last crusade. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. (Eighth crusade.) Ransom : a tale of the thirteenth century. ...Laura Jewry. Raymond de Saint Gilles at the crusades. ...Henriette de Witt. (First crusade.) Richard Coeur de Lion. ...James White. Richard the Lion-hearted. ...Robert Tomes. Saracen. ...Sophie Risteau Cottin. Saxon*s daughter : a tale of the crusades. ...Major Michel. Shadow of the ragged stone. ...C. F. Grindrod. Sir W^alter's ward. ...William Everard. Stories of the crusades. ...William E. Button. Stories of the crusades. ...John Mason Neale, (Pseud., Aurelius Gratianus.) Sword and scimetar. ...Alfred Trumble. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 79 CRUSADES — Continued. Tales of the early ages. ...Horace Smith. (Pseud., Paul Chatfield.) Talisman. ...Sir Walter Scott. (Third crusade.) Under Bayard's banner. ...Henry Frith. Westminster cloisters : the story of a life's ambition. ...M. Bidder. Winning his spurs. ...Elijah Kellogg. See also RICHARD I. OF ENGLAND. Children's Crusade, Thirteenth Century. Crusaders and captives. ...George E. Merrill. With script and staff. ...Elia W. Peattie. Young prophetess : a tale of the children's crusade. ...R. Leighton Gerhart. CUBA. Caoba, the guerilla chief: a real romance of the Cuban rebellion. ...P. H. Emerson. Conspiracy : a Cuban romance. ...Adam Badeau. Cruise of the Midge. ...Michael Scott. Daughter of Cuba. ...Helen M. Bowen. Free flag of Cuba. ...H. M. Hardimann. Enriqueta Faber. ...Andres Clemente Vazquez. Humbled pride : a story of the Mexican war. ...John R. Musick. Juanita : a romance of real life in Cuba fifty years ago. ...Margaret Mann. El Mulato Sab. ...Gertrudes Gomez de Avellaneda. Otilia : episodio de la guerra de Cuba. ...V. Aguilar. Rover's secret. ...William J. C. Lancaster. (Pseud., Harry Col- lingwood.) Vasconselos: a romance of the new world. ...William Gilmore Simms. With Maceo in Cuba : adventures of a Minnesota boy. ...Franc R* E. Woodward. DELAWARE. Conspirators. ...Eliza Ann Dupuy. Koningsmarke ; or. Old times in the new world. ...James Paulding. (Pseud., Lancelot Langstaff, Esq.) Miriam's heritage. ...A. Calder. DENMARK. Description^ History^ Manners, and Customs. Erik menveds Barndom. ...Bernhard Severin Ingemann. Eventyr og Fortoellinger. ...Bernhard Severin Ingemann. King Eric V. ...Bernhard Severin Ingemann. English translation. Kong Erik. ...Bernhard Severin Ingemann. Lovells : a story of the Danish war. ...Mrs, J. B. Peploe (Webb), 8o SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. DENMARK — Continued. Prinds Otto af Danmark. ...Bernhard Severin Ingemann. Valdemar Seier. ...Bernhard Severin Ingemann. DE SOTO, FERDINANDO. Lived 1496-1542. Vasconselos : a romance of the new world. ...William Gilmore Simms. DETECTIVE STORIES. A Selection. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. American penman. ...Julian Hawthorne. Another crime. ...Julian Hawthorne. Baffling quest. ...Richard Dowling. Behind closed doors. ...Anna Katharine Green. Captain Shannon. ...Coulson Kernahan. Chronicles of Martin Hewitt. ...Arthur Morrison. Clues from a detective's camera. ...Headon Hill. Clues from the note-book of Zambra, the detective. ...Headon Hill. Conflict of evidence. ...Roderigues Ottolengui. La corde au cou. .,.Emile Gaboriau. \jQ crime d'Orcival. ...Smile Gaboriau. Cynthia Wakeman's money. ...Anna Katharine Green. Dangerous ground. ...Lawrence L. Lynch, Pseud. La degringolade. ...!lSmile Gaboriau. Detective triumphs. ...J. E. Muddock. Le dossier No, 113. ...!fimile Gaboriau. Dugdale millions. ...William Hudson. (Pseud., Barclay North.) Excellent knave. ...J. Fitzgerald Molloy. Experience of Loveday Brooke, lady detective. ...C. L. Pirkis. For fifteen years. ...Louis Ulbach. English translation. From clue to capture. ...J. E. Muddock. From information received. ...J. E. Muddock. Great bank robber. ...Julian Hawthorne. Great Porter Square. ...Benjamin Leopold Farjeon. In the grip of the law. ...J. E. Muddock. Leavenworth case : a lawyer's story. ...Anna Katharine Green. Link by link. ...J. E. Muddock. Long arm. ...Mary Wilkins and J. E. Chamberlain. M. Lecoq. ...fimile Gaboriau. Man from Manchester. ...J. E. Muddock. Man hunter. ...J. E. Muddock. Marked " Personal. '^ ...Anna Katharine Green. Le marteau d'acier. ...Louis Ulbach. Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Mill mystery. ...Anna Katharine Green. Modern wizard. ...Rodrigues Ottolengui. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 8 1 DETECTIVE ^"IQiKl^^^ Continued, Mystery of Orcival. ...£mile Gaboriau. English translation. Mystery of Paul Chadwick. ...J. W. Postgate. Mystery of the Patrician Club. ...Albert D. Vandam. Personal adventures of a detective. ...Lieutenant Carmichael. Quinze ans de bagne. ...Louis Ulbach. Reminiscences of a chief inspector. ...Chief Inspector Littlefield. Section 558 ; or, Fatal letter. ...Julian Hawthorne. 7-12 : a detective story. ...Anna Katharine Green. Shadowed by three. ...Lawrence L. Lynch, Pseud. Silent witness. ...Mrs. J. H. Walworth. Steel hammer. ...Louis Ulbach. English translation. Strange disappearance. ...Anna Katharine Green. Study in scarlet. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Suspicions aroused. ...J. E. Muddock. Sword of Damocles : a story of New York life. ...Anna Katharine Green. Tracked to doom. ...J. E. Muddock. Trial of Gideon. ...Julian Hawthorne. Wedderburn's will. ...T. Cobb. Who poisoned Hetty Duncan ? ...J. E. Muddock. X. Y. Z. : a detective story. ...Anna Katharine Green. See also CRIMINOLOGY. DIETRICH OF BERN. Didrik af Barns Saga. ...Carl C. Rafn. Dietrichs Bratfahrt von Albrecht von Kemenat. ...F. H. von Hagen. Dietrichs erste Ausfahrt. Herausg. von D. Franz Stark. Dietrich und seine Gesellen aus der Heidelberger Handschrift. ...Anon. Dietrich von Bero. ...Adolf Wechsler. Saga Dietrichs Konungs af Bern. ...C. R. Unger. DOGMAS. Autobiography of Mark Rutherford. ...William Hale White. (Pseud., Mark Rutherford.) Bertha; or, Pope and the emperor. ...William B. MacCabe. Bez Dogmatic. ...Henryk Sienkiewicz. Born player. ...Mary West. Der christlichen, koniglichen Fiirsten Herculiscus und Herculadisla Wundergeschichte. ...Andreas E. Buchholtz. Damnation of Theron Ware. ...Harold Frederick. Dark year of Dundee. ...Deborah Alcock. Dedora Heywood. ...Gertrude Smith. Heresy of Mehetabel Clark. ...Annie T. Slosson. Hildebrand and the excommunicated emperor. ...Joseph Sortain. 6 82 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. DOGMAS — Continued. King Henry and his times. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Konig Heinrich VIII. and sem Hof. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Legend of Thomas Didymus. ...James Freeman Clarke. Magdalen Hepburn. ...Margaret O. W. Oliphant. Mariam's schooling. ...William Hale White. (Pseud., Mark Rutherford.) Mark Rutherford, dissenting minister. ...William Hale White. (Pseud., Mark Rutherford.) Mark Rutherford's deliverance. ...William Hale White. (Pseud., Mark Rutherford.) Micah Clarke and his statement as made to his three grandchil- dren. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Minister's wooing. ...Harriet Beecher Stovve. Modern instance. ...William Dean Howells. New England conscience. ...Bella C. Greene. New minister. ...Kenneth Paul. No cross, no crown. ...Caroline E. Davis. Old Town folks. ...Harriet Beecher Stowe. Orthodox. ...Dorothea Gerard. Out of step. ...Maria Louise Pool. Parson Jones. ...Florence Marryat Lean (Mrs. Francis Lean). Revolution in Tanner's Lane. ...William Hale W^hite. (Pseud., Mark Rutherford.) Soul of the bishop. ...Henrietta E. V. Stannard. (Pseud., John Strange Winter.) Stories of a sanctified town. ...Lucy S. Furman. Truce of God : a tale of the eleventh century. ...George H. Miles. Two Salomes. ...Maria Louise Pool. Without a dogma. ...Henryk Sienkiewicz. English translation. Wolverton. ...D. A. Reynolds. Won and not one. ...Emily Lucas Blackall. DETJIDS. Daughter of the Druids. ...A. K. Hopkins. Edol, the Druid. • ...William Henry Giles Kingston. DUDLEY, ROBERT. See LEICESTER, ROBERT DUDLEY, EARL OF. DtJRER, ALBERT. Lived U71-1528. Artist's married life. ...Leopold Schefer. English translation. Diirer in Venedig. ...Adolf Stern. Franz Sternbald's Wanderungen. ...J. Ludwig Tieck, SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 83 DtJUEB, ALBERT — Continued. Die Kiinstlerehe. ...Leopold Schefer. Norica. ...August Hagen. See also ART. DUTCH CHARACTER. A Selection. Baroness : a Dutch story. ...Frances M. Peard. Black tulip. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translati6n. Bow of orange ribbon: a romance of New York. ...Amelia Edith Barr. By England's aid; or, Freeing the Netherlands. ...George Alfred Henty. By pike and dyke : a tale of the rise of the Dutch republic. ...George Alfred Henty. Fisherman's daughter. ...Hendrik Conscience. English translation. Galama; or, Beggars. ...John B. de Liefde. Gideon Florenoz. ...Anna L. G. Bosboom. Hans Brinker ; or, Silver skates : a story of life in Holland. ...Mary Mapes Dodge. Hotspur: a tale of the old Dutch manor. ...Mansfield Tracy Walworth. Leycester in Nederland. ...Anna L. G. Bosboom. Liberators of Holland. ...Elizabeth Charles. (In her Martyrs of Spain.) Old maid's love: a Dutch tale told in English. ...J. van der Poorsen-Schwartz. (Pseud., Maarten Maartens.) Question of taste. ...J. van der Poorsen-Schwartz. (Pseud., Maarten Maartens.) Siska van Roosemael de ware gesehiedenis van eene juffer die nog leeft. ...Hendrik Conscience. Summer in a Dutch country house. ...Margaret H. Traherne. La tulipe noire. ...Alexandre Dumas. De vrouwen van het Leycestersche tijdoak. ...Anna L. G. Bos- boom. Within seawalls; or, How the Dutch kept the faith. ...Elizabeth H. Walshe and George Sargent. EDWARD THE BLACK PRINCE. Titles are with EDWARD IIL OF ENGLAND. EDWARD I. OF ENGLAND. Reigned 1272-1307. Coberly Hall : a Gloucestershire tale. ...Robert Hughes. Edwin the boy outlaw: or. Dawn of freedom in England. ...J. Frederick Hodgetts. Famous chronicle of Edward I. ...George Peele. Lily of Saint Paul's. ...William D. Watson. 34 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, EDWABD I. OF ^"^QiLKSCb — Continued. Lord of Dynevor. ...Evelyn Everett Green. Merchant and the friar. ...Francis Palgrave. Our little lady. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Prentice Hugh. ...Frances M. Peard. Rothelan: a romance of the English histories. ...John Gait. Stories from old English poetry. ...Abby S. Richardson. Vendgiag; or, Blessed One: a tale of the thirteenth century. ...Anon. EDWARD n. OF ENGLAND. Reigned 1307-1327. Anecdotes de la cour et du regne d'£douard 11. ...Claudine A. G. Tencin. Berkley Castle. ...G. F. Berkley. Days of Bruce. ...Grace Aguilar. In all time of our tribulation : the story of the Piers Gavestone. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Margam Abbey : an historical romance. ...Anon. EDWARD ni. OF ENGLAND. ReigJted 1327-1377. (Includes also his son Edward the Black Prince.) Border lances : a romance of the northern marches in the reign of Edward Third. ...E. L. S. Cressy and Poictiers; or, Story of the Black Prince's page. ...John George Edgar. Edward the Black Prince ; or, Feudal days. ...Pierce Egan, Jr. Garter: a romance of English history. ...H. Neale. In the days of chivalry : a tale of the times of the Black Prince. ...Evelyn Everett Green. King Edward HI. ...John Bancroft. Lances of Lynwood. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Saint George for England, ...George Alfred Henty. Story of Edward the Black Prince. ...Meredith Jones. Vision and the creed of Piers Ploughman. ...William Langland. Well in the desert : an old legend of the house of Arundel. ...Emily Sarah Holt. White company. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. EDWARD IV. OF ENGLAND. Reigned U61-U82. Evenings at Haddon Hall. ...Anon. Goldsmith's ward : a tale of London city in the fifteenth century. ...Mrs. R. H. Reade. Jane Shore: or, Goldsmith's wife. ...Mary Bennett. Last of the barons. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer- Lytton. See also WAR OF THE ROSES. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 85 EDWARD VI. OF ENGLAND. Reigned m7-1553. All for the best; or, Bernard Gilpin's motto. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Cecily : a tale of the English reformation. ...Emma Leslie. Colloquies of Edward Osborne. ...Anne Manning. * Constable of the tower. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Diary and hours of the Lady Adalie. ...Charlotte Pepys. Fall of Somerset. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Heir of Treherne : a tale of the Devonshire rebellion. ...Augustine D. Crake. Jack and the tanner of Wymondham : a tale of the time of Edward the Sixth. ...Anne Manning. Lady Jane Grey. ...Thomas Miller. Lady Jane Grey und ihre Zeit. ...Louise M. Grafin von Robiano. Mistress Hazelwode. ...Frederick H. More. EGYPT. Description^ History^ Manners^ and Customs. Eine Aegyptische Konigstochter. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Alexandrians. ...Anon. Beyond recall. ...Adeline Sergeant. Bride of the Nile. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. Chapter of adventures ; or, Through the bombardment of Alex- andria. ...George Alfred Henty. Cleopatra. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. Daughter of an Egyptian king. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. Egyptian tales. ...W. M. Flinders Petrie. Ephraim and Helah : a story of the Exodus. ...Edwin Hodder. Epicurean. ...Thomas Moore. Hassan ; or, Child of the Pyramids. ...Charles A. Murray. Homo sum. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Plomo sum. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. Hypatia. ...Charles Kingsley. Der Kaiser. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. King's treasure house : a romance of ancient Egypt. ...Wilhelm Walloth. English translation. Kismet. ...Julia C. Fletcher. Kleopatra : Historischer Roman. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Maid and the Cleon. ...Elizabeth Charles. Mr. Potter of Texas. ...Archibald Clavering Gunter. Die Nilbraut. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Out of Egypt : stories from the threshold of the East. ...Percy Hemingway. Patriarchal times. ...C. M. O'Keefe. Pearl of Antioch : a picture of the East at the end of the fourth century. ...Marc A. Bayle. S6 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. EGYPT — Continued. Per aspera. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Per aspera: a thorny path. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. Pillar of fire ; or, Israel in bondage. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Queen Moo and the Egyptian sphinx. ...C. L. Augustus Plongeon. Rameses. ...Edward Upham. Rescued from Egypt. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Das Schatzhaus des Konigs : eine Erzahlung aus dem Alten Aegypten. ...Wilhelm Walloth. Der Scheik von Alessandria und seine Sklaven. ...Wilhelm Hauff. Die Schwestern. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Serapis. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Serapis. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. Sheik of Alexandria and his slaves. ...Wilhelm Hauff. English translation. Sisters. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. Strange journey ; or, Pictures from Egypt and the Soudan. ...Chris- tina Georgiana Rossetti. Uarda : Roman aus dem alten Aegypten. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Uarda : a romance of ancient Egypt. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Eng- lish translation. Zorah. ...Elizabeth Balch. (Pseud., D. T. S.) ELIZABETH OF ENGLAND. Reigned 1558-1603. By England's aid ; or, Freeing of the Netherlands. ...George Alfred Henty. By little and little : a tale of the Spanish armada. ...Emma Leslie. Clare Avery : a story of the Spanish armada. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Constance Sherwood : autobiography of the sixteenth century. ...Georgiana C. L. G. Fullerton. Eventide light ; or, Passages in the life of Dame Margaret Hoby, only child and sole heir of Sir Arthur Dakyns. ...Emma Marshall. For queen and king : or, Loyal 'prentice : a story of old London. ...Henry Frith. Fritz of Fritz-Ford. ...Anna Eliza Bray. Gloucester cathedral ; or, Last days of the Tudors. ...J. R. Clarke. Good old days. ...Esme Stuart. Hildebrand ; or, Days of Queen Elizabeth. ...Anon. Huguenot family in an English village. ...Henrietta Keddie. (Pseud., Sarah Tytler.) Joyce Morreirs harvest. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Kenilworth. ...Sir Walter Scott. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 87 ELIZABETH OF ENGLAND — Continued. Last earl of Desmond : a historical romance. ...Charles B. Gibson. Lord Mayor: a tale of London in 1584. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Lost evidence. ...Hannah D. Burdon. Loyal hearts. ...Evelyn Everett Green. May Lane : a story of the sixteenth century. ...Anon. Michaelmas in 1574. ...Eldridge S. Brooks. (In his Storied holidays.) Nut-brown maids; or, First hosier and his hosen. ...Henrietta Keddie. (Pseud., Sarah Tytler.) Pirates' fort: a tale of the sixteenth century. ...L. MacNally. Ralf Redman's atonement: a tale of the black death of 1598. ...Herbert V. Mills. Recess; or, Tale of other times. ...Sophia Lee. Royal merchant ; or, Events in the days of Sir Thomas Gresham. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Sir Lundar : a story of the days of the great Queen Bess. ...Talbot B. Reed. Spae-wife ; or, Queen's secret : a tale of the days of Elizabeth. ...John Boyce. Stories of the wars. ...J. Tillotson. Story of Arthur Penreath, sometime gentleman to Sir Walter Raleigh. ...Verney L. Cameron. Story of John Marbeck. ...Emma Marshall. Sword and pen : reign of Queen Elizabeth. ...William H. D. Adams. Sydney the knight. ...Ella T. Disosway. Tablette booke of Lady Mary Keyes. ...Anon. Three hundred years ago ; or, Martyrs of Brentwood. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Through storm and stress. ...J. S. Fletcher. Twin heroes : the separatists of the time of Queen Elizabeth. ...F. A. Reed. Under Drake's flag : a tale of the Spanish main. ...George Alfred Henty. Virgin queen; or, Romance of royalty. ...J. Frederick Smith. Westward Ho ! or. Voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh. ...Charles Kingsley. Wild times : a tale of the days of Queen Elizabeth. ...Cecilia M. Caddell. See also ENGLISH HISTORY. ENGLAND. A Selection. Description^ Manners^ and Ctistoms. Abigel Rowe. ...Lewis S. Wingfield. Aims and obstacles. ...George Payne Rainsford James. SB SUBJECT WDEX TO FICTIOI^. ENGLAND — Continued. Alton Locke. ...Charles Kingsley. Anne Hathaway ; or, Shakespeare in Love. ...Edward Severn. As in a looking-glass. ...F. C. Phillips. Behind the veil: a tale of the days of William the Conqueror. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Black arrow ; a tale of the two roses. ...Robert Louis Stevenson. Bledisloe; or, Aunt Pen's American nieces. ...Ada M. Trotter. (Pseud., Lawrence Severn.) Brave Dame Mary; or, Siege of Corfe Castle. ...Louisa Hawtrey. Camp on the Severn. ...Augustine D. Crake. Cathedral courtship. ...Kate Douglas Wiggin (Mrs. George Riggs). Cavaliers. ...S. R. Keightley. Children of the New Forest. ...Frederick Marryat. Clarissa Harlowe. ...Samuel Richardson. Coningsby. ...Benjamin Disraeli. Constable of the Tower. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Cornet of horse : a tale of Marlborough's wars. ...George Alfred Henty. Craddock Nowell : tale of the New Forest. ...Richard Doddridge Blackmore. David's loom : a story of Rochdale life in the nineteenth century. ...John T. Clegg. Daybreak in Britain. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Delectable duchy : stories, studies, and sketches. ...Arthur T. Q. Couch. (Pseud., Q.) Demos: a story of English socialism. ...George R. Gissing. Dodo. ...E. F. Benson. Dove in the eagle's nest. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Early dawn ; or, Sketches of Christian life in England in the olden time. ...Elizabeth Charles. Edol the Druid. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Eldrick the Saxon. ...A. S. Bride. Endymion. ...Benjamin Disraeli. English squire. ...Christabel R. Coleridge. Evelyn Manwaring : a tale of Hampton Court. ...Greville J. Chester. First chronicle of Aescendun. ...Augustine D. Crake. Fitch of bacon. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Forest of Arden. ...William Gresley. Foure prentises of London. ...Thomas Heywood. Goldsmith's ward : a tale of London city in the fifteenth century. ...Mrs. R. H. Reade. Harold, the boy earl. ...J. Frederick Hodgetts. Held fast for England : a tale of the siege of Gibraltar. ...George Alfred Henty. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION: 89 ENGLAND — Continued. . Henrietta Temple. ...Benjamin Disraeli. Hetty Hyde's lovers. ...James Grant. Hide and seek : a story of the New Forest in 1647. ...E. E. Cooper (Mrs. Frank Cooper). His bad angel. ...Richard Harding Davis. Historical tales ; or, Romance of reality. ...Charles Morris. History of David Grieve. ...Mary Augusta Ward (Mrs. Humphry Ward). History of Tom Jones, a foundling. ...Henry Fielding. Imogen : a story of the mission of Augustine. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Ivanhoe. ...Sir Walter Scott. Life, adventures, and piracies of the famous Captain Singleton. ...Daniel Defoe. Little wizard. ...Stanley J. Weyman. Lothair. ...Benjamin Disraeli. Marcella. ...Mary Augusta Ward (Mrs. Humphry Ward). Miss Angel. ...Anna Isabella Thackeray (Mrs. Richmond Ritchie). Mustard leaves. ...E. Balch. My novel. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. North and South. ...Elizabeth C. Gaskell. Pastor's fireside. ...Jane Porter. Pictures of cottage life in the West of England. ...Margaret E. Poole. Le prophete irlandois. ...Charles de Saint-Evremond. Punch's letters to his son. ...Douglas W. Jerrold. Rival apprentices. ...Anon. Ronald Morton ; or, Fireships. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Rubicon. ...E. F. Benson. Saint Cedd's cross. ...Edward Lewes Cutts. Sea-kings of England. ...Edwin Atherstone. Second chronicle of Aescendun. ...Augustine D. Crake. Secret passion. ...Robert Folk Williams. Shakespeare and his friends. ...Robert Folk Williams. Shakespeare : the poet, the lover, the actor, and the man. ...Henry Curling. Shepherd of Grove Plall. ...Anon. Stories of England and foreign life. ...William and Mary Howitt. '- Stories of old England. ...George E. Sargent. Sybil; or, Two nations. ...Benjamin Disraeli. Tales and legends of national origin or widely current in England from the earliest times. ...William C. Hazlett. Tales of kings and queens of England. ...Stephen Percy. Tales of old English life. ...William F. Collier. Tales of the Saxons. ...Emily Taylor. True Cornish maid. ...G. Norway. 90 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ENGLAND — Cojitinued. Twice crowned . a story of the days of Queen Mary. ...Harriet B. MacKeever. Venetia. ...Benjamin Disraeli. Wager of battle. ...William Henry Herbert. Westminster Abbey. ...Emma Robinson. Westward Ho ! or. Voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh. ...Charles Kingsley. When London was burned. ...J. Finnemore. White gauntlet. ...Mayne Reid. Woodlanders. ...Thomas Hardy. Wreckers and Methodists. ...H. D. Lowry. Wulf the Saxon. ...Ralph Peacock. See also ENGLISH HISTORY. ENGLISH HISTORY. A Selection. Sixth Century. Rivals. ...Gerald Griffin (in his Tales of the Munster festivals, third series). Ninth Century. Athelwold. ...Amelie Rives Chanler. Chronicle of Ethelfled. ...Anne Manning. Danes in England. ...Alfred H. Engelbach. Dragon and the raven ; or, Days of King Alfred. ,..George Alfred Henty. Glastonbury. ...A. Payne. Sea-kings of England. ...Edwin Atherstone. Eleventh Century. Andreds-weald ; or, House of Michelham : a tale of the Norman Conquest. ...Augustine D. Crake. Behind the veil : a tale of the days of William the Conqueror. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Bishop's daughter. ...Anon. Camp of refuge. ...Charles MacFarlane. Diane. ...Katharine S. Macquoid. Dutch in the Medway. ...Charles MacFarlane. Harold, the boy earl. ...J. Frederick Hodgetts. Harold, the last of the Saxon kings. ...Edward George Earle Lyt- ton Bulwer-Lytton. Hereward the Wake. ...Charles Kingsley. Legend of Reading Abbey. ...Charles Knight. Rufus ; or, Red king. ...James Grant. Siege of Norwich Castle. ...M. M. Blake. Stanfield Hall. ...J. Frederick Smith. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 9 1 ENGLISH ISl^'lQ^'^ — Continued. Thira; or, Cairn Baich. ...Anon. William the Conqueror. ...Charles J. Napier. Wulf the Saxon. ...Ralph Peacock. See also WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR. Twelfth Century. Arthur of Brittany. ...Peter Leicester. Betrothed. ...Sir Walter Scott. Blondel : a historical fancy. ...George E. Rice. Boy's adventure in the Baron's war. ...John George Edgar. Brian Fitz-Count : a story of Wallingford Castle and Dorchester Abbey. ...Augustine D. Crake. Constable's tower; or, Time of Magna Charta. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Court life under the Plantagenets. ...Hubert Hall. Eva. ...Edward Maturin. Fair Rosamond ; or, Days of King Henry II. ...Thomas Miller. Forest outlaws. ...Edward Gilliat. Franchise. ...Josephine B. Colomb. Heinrich von England und seine Sohne. ...Franziska C. J. F.Tarnow. House of Walderne. ...Augustine D. Crake. Ivanhoe. ...Sir Walter Scott. John of England. ...Henry Curling. John O'London. ...Somerville Gibney. King and the troubadour. ...Julia Corner. King John and the brigand's daughter. ...Anon. King Stephen; or. Battle of Lincoln. ...David W. Painter. Lady Sybil's choice : a tale of the crusades. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Leper-house of Janval. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. Magna Charta stories. ...Arthur Gilman, ed. Maud and Miriam. ...Harriet B. MacKeever. Merry adventures of Robin Hood. ...Howard Pyle. Plantagenet : a tale of the twelfth century. ...Anna Milliken. Le prince des voleurs. ...Alexandre Dumas. Richard Coeur de Lion. ...James White. Royston Gower. ...Thomas Miller. Runnymede and Lincoln fair. ...John George Edgar. Sad shepherd. ...Ben Jonson. Stephen Langton. ...Martin F. Tupper. Stories of the city of London. ...Mrs Newton Crosland. (Pseud., Camilla Toulmin.) Talisman. ...Sir Walter Scott. Thomas of Reading; or, Sixe worthie yeomen of the West ...Thomas Deloney. 92 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ENGLISH HISTORY — Continued. Westminster cloisters : the story of a life's ambition. ...M. Bidder. See also CJaUSADES and HOOD, ROBIN. Thirteenth Century. Cheshire pilgrims. ...Frances M. Wilbraham. Coberly Hall : a Gloucestershire tale. ...Robert Hughes. De Montfort; or, Old English nobleman. ...Anon. Earl Hubert's daughter; or, Polishing of the pearl. .. Emily Sarah Holt. Edwin the outlaw ; or, Dawn of freedom in England. ...J. Fred- erick Hodgetts. Famous chronicle of Edward I. ...George Peele. Gaston de Blondeville; or, Court of Henry IH. ...Anna Radcliffe. How I won my spurs. ...John George Edgar. In all time of our tribulation : the story of Piers Gavestone. ...Emily Sarah PIoTt. Lily of Saint Paul's. ...William D« Watson. Lord of Dynevor. ...Evelyn Everett Green. Merchant and the friar. ...Francis Palgrave. Osbert of Aldgate and the troubadour ' a tale of the Goldsmiths' Company. ...Elizabeth M. Stewart. Our little lady. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Prentice Hugh. ...Frances M. Peard. Rothelan : a romance of the English histories. ...John Gait. Royston Gower. ...Thomas Miller. Runnymede and Lincoln fair : a story of the great charter. ...John George Edgar. Siege of Kenilworth. ...L. S. Stanhope. Sir Michael Scott. ...Allan Cunningham. Stephen Langton ; or, Days of King John. ...Martin F. Tupper. Stories from old English poetry. ...Abby S. Richardson. Stories of the city of London. ...Mrs. Newton Crosland. (Pseud., Camilla Toulmin.) Troublesome raigne and lamentable death of Edward H. King of England. ...Christopher Marlowe. Vendgiad; or, Blessed one : a tale of thirteenth century. ...Anon. Fourteenth Century. Abbess of Shaftesbury ; or, Days of John of Gaunt. ...Anon. Anecdotes de la cour et du regne d'Edouard 11. . .Claudine A G. Tencin. Berkeley Castle. ...G. F Berkeley. Bondman : a tale of the times of Wat Tyler ..Anon. Border lances ; a romance of the Northern marches in the reign of Edward the Third. . .E. L S. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 93 ENGLISH HISTORY — Continued. Boy foresters. ...Anne Bowman. Castle Dangerous. ...Sir Walter Scott. Chronicles or Yate Court : a narrative of 1399. ...Charles Charlton. Claribel, the sea maid : a tale of the Fishmongers' Company. ...Elizabeth M. Stewart. Cressy and Poictiers ; or, Story of the Black Prince's page. ...John George Edgar. Days of Bruce. ...Grace Aguilar. Dick Delver : a story of the peasants' revolt of the fourteenth cen- tury. ...Henrietta E. Burch. Edward the Black Prince ; or, Feudal days. ...Pierce Egan, Jr. Eleanor and I : a tale of the days of King Richard II. ...Mary E. Bamford. Forest days : a romance of old days. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Garter : a romance of English history. ...H. Neele. Geoffrey the Lollard. ...Mrs. D. C. Knevels. (Pseud., Frances Eastwood.) Hubert Ellis : a story of Richard the Second's days. ...F. Davenant. Idol of the clownes ; or, Insurrection of Wat the Tyler in the 4th yeare of Richard II. ...John Cleaveland. In convent walls : the story of the Despensers. ...Emily Sarah Holt. In the days of chivalry : a tale of the times of the Black Prince- ...Evelyn Everett Green. John of Gaunt. ...James White. John Standish ; or, Harrowing of London. ...Edward Gilliat. King Edward III. ...John Bancroft. Lances of Lynwood. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Last wolf : a tale of England in the fourteenth century. ...Anne Mercier. Maid Marian. ...Thomas L. Peacock. Maid Marian and Robin Hood. ...J. E. Muddock, Margan Abbey: a historical romance. ...Anon. Mediation of Ralph Hardelot. ...W. Minto. Merry England; or. Nobles and serfs. ...William Harrison Ains- worth. Mistress Margery: a tale of the Lollards. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Otterbourne. ...Edward Duras. Queen Phillippa and the hurrer's daughter : a tale of the Haber- dashers' Company. ...Elizabeth M. Stewart. Robin Hood. ...Pierce Egan, Jr. Saint George for England : a tale of Cressy and Poictiers. ...George Alfred Henty. Story of Edward the Black Prince. ...Meredith Jones. 94 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ENGLISH HISTORY — Continued. Stones from English history during the middle ages. ...Maria Hack True stories of the times of Richard II. ...Henry P. Dunster. Vision and creed of Piers Ploughman. ...William Langland. Vox clamantis. ...John Gower. Wardship of Steepcoombe. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Wat Tyler. ...Pierce Egan, Jr. Well in the desert : an old legend of the house of Arundel. ...Emily Sarah Holt. White company. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Whittington and the Knight Sans-Terre. ...Elizabeth M. Stewart. See also WYCLIFFE, JOHN. Fifteenth Century. Agincourt. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Armourer's daughtei ; or, Border rivals. ...Anon. At ye Grene Griffin; or, Mrs. Treadwell's cook. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Aylmere ; or, Bondman of Kent. ...Robert T. Conrad. Berkeley Castle. ...G. F. Berkeley. Bosworth-field. ...John Beaumont. Bosworth-field ; or, Fate of the Plantagenet. ...Paul Leicester. Caged lion. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Captain of the Wight : a romance of Carisbrooke Castle in 1488. ...Frank Cowper. Castle Harcourt. ...L. F. Winter. Chantry priest of Barnet : a tale of the two Roses. ...Alfred John Church. Chronicle history of Perkin Warbeck. ...John Ford. Civile wars between the two houses of Lancaster and Yorke. ...Samuel Daniel. Coulyng Castle; or, A knight of the olden days. ...Agnes Giberne. Earl Printer: times of Caxton. ...C. M. M. Fortress : an historical tale of the fifteenth century. ...Anon. Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck. ...Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. Goldsmith's ward : a tale of London city in the fifteenth century. ...Mrs. R. H. Reade. Henry of Monmouth. ...Major Michel. Henry Seventh. ...Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. Historical tales of the Lancastrian times. ...Henry P; Dunster. In the wars of the Roses. ...Evelyn Everett Green. Jack of the mill. ...William Howitt. Jane Shore ; or. Goldsmith's wife. ...Margaret Bennett. Joan the maid deliverer of France and England. ...Elizabeth Charles, SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 95 ENGLISH HISTORY — Continued. Judged by appearances : a tale of the civil wars. ...Eleanor Lloyd. Last of the Barons. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Last of the Plantagenets. ...William Hazeltine. Lollard priest. ...Henry C. Adams. Maid of Warsaw. ...Ernst Jones. Malvern Chase : an episode of the wars of the Roses and the bat- tle of Tewkesbury. ...W. S. Symonds. Midsummer eve, A. D. 1503. ...Elbridge S. Brooks. (In his Sto- ried holidays.) Noble purpose nobly won. ...Anne Manning. Old English baron : a Gothic story. ...Clare Reeve. Owen Tudor. ...Jane Robinson. Queen's badge. ...Frances M. Wilbraham. Red and white : a tale of the war of the Roses. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Richard de Lacy : a tale of the later Lollards. ...C. Edmund Maurice. Richard of York; or, White rose of England. ...Anon. Richard Plantagenet. ...J. Frederick Hodgetts. Rival roses : a romance of English history. ...Eliza S. Francis. Rocking stone : chronicle of the times of the wars of the Roses. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Siballa the sorceress ; or, Flower girl of London : a tale of the days of Richard II L ...W. H. Peck. Stormy life. ...Georgiana C. L. G. Fullerton, Stanley: a tale of the fifteenth century. ...Anon. Sword of De Bardwell. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Tangled webb : a tale of the fifteenth century. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Two penniless princesses. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Walter Leukam. ...Elizabeth M. Stewart. War of the Roses. ...John George Edgar. Ward of the crown. ...H. D. Wolfensberger (formerly Burdon). White rose of Langley : a tale of the Court of England. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Whittington and the knight Sans-terre. ...Elizabeth M. Stewart. Woodman. ...George Payne Rainsford James. York and Lancaster rose. ...Annie Keary. See also WYCLIFFE and the LOLLARDS. Sixteenth Century. Abbot. ...Sir Walter Scott. Agnes Martin ; or, Fall of Cardinal Wolsey. ...Anon. Alice Sherwin : a tale of the days of Sir Thomas More. ...C. J. M. All for the best ; or, Bernard Gilpin's motto. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Anne Boleyn. ...Mrs. K. Thompson. Anne Boleyn; or, Suppression of the religious houses. ...Anon. 96 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ENGLISH HISTORY — Continued. Anne Hathaway ; or, Shakespeare in love. ...Edward Severn. Bolsover Castle : a tale from Protestant history of the sixteenth century. ...Anon. Bride of Bucklersbury : a tale of the Grocers' Company. ...Eliza- beth M. Stewart. By England's aid ; or, Freeing the Netherlands. ...George Alfred Henty. By little and little : a tale of the Spanish main. ...Emma Leslie. Captain Cobbler ; or, Lincolnshire rebellion. ...Thomas Cooper. Cardinal Pole ; or, Days of Philip and Mary. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Cecily : a tale of the English reformation. ...Emma Leslie. Chronicles of Camber Castle : a tale of the reformation. ...Anon. Citation and examination of William Shakespeare. ...Walter Savage Landor. Clare Avery : a story of the Spanish armada. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Cloister and the hearth. ...Charles Readc. Colloquies of Edward Osborne. ...Anne Manning. Constable of the tower. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Constance Sherwood : autobiography of the sixteenth century. ...Georgiana C. L. G. Fullerton. Crichton. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Darnley ; or, Field of the cloth of gold. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Diary and hours of the Lady Adalie. ...Charlotte Pepys. Drake and the Dons. ...Richard Lovett. England's daybreak : narratives of the reformation. ...Edward Bickersteth. Eventide light ; or. Passages in the life of Dame Margaret Hoby, only child and sole heiress of Sir Arthur Dakyns. ...Emma Marshall. Fall of Somerset. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Fitz of Fitz-Ford. ...Anna Eliza Bray. For God and gold. ...Julian Corbett. Forest of Arden. ...W^illiam Gresley. Forest youth ; or, Shakespere as he lived. ...Henry Curling. For the Master's sake : a story of the days of Queen Mary. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Freston Tower : a tale of the times of Wolsey. ...Richard Cobbold. Geraldine Maynard ; or, Abduction : a tale of the days of Shake- spere. ...Henry Curling. Good old days ; or, Christmas under Queen Elizabeth. ...Esme Stuart. Heir of Treherne : a tale of the Devonshire rebellion. ...Augustine D. Crake. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 97 ENGLISH H^ISTOEY — Continued. Household of Sir Thomas More. ...Anne Manning. How Shakespeare's skull was stolen and found by a Warwickshire man. ...C. J. Langston. Isoult Barry of Wynscote : a tale "of Tudor times. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Jack and the tanner of Wymondham : a tale of the time of Edward the Sixth. ...Anne Manning. Joyce Morreli's harvest. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Judith Shakespeare. ...William Black. Kenilworth. ...Sir Walter Scott. King Henry VHI. and his court. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Konig Heinrich VIII. und sein Hof. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Lady Jane Grey. ...Thomas Miller. Lady Jane Grey und ihre Zeit. ...Louise M. Grafin von Robiano. Lady Rosamond's book. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Lancashire witches : a romance of Pendle forest. ...William Har- rison Ainsworth. Lettice Eden : a tale of the last days of Henry the Eighth. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Life of the Dutches of Suffolke. ...Thomas Drue. Lilian : a tale of three hundred years ago. ...George E. Sargent. Lincolnshire tragedy. ...Anne Manning. Loveday's history. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Maid and the monk. ...Walter Stanhope. Margaret Roper. ...Agnes M. Stewart. Martyria. ...William Mountford. May Lane : a story of the sixteenth century. ...Anon. Memoirs of King Henry VIII. of England. ...Henry W. Herbert (Frank Forrester). Mistress Haselwode. ...Frederick H. More. Montchensey : the days of Shakespeare. ...Nathan Drake. Necromancer. ...George W. M. Reynolds. New Year's day, 1515. ...Elbridge S. Brooks. (In his Storied holidays.) Passages in the life of the fair gospeller, Mistress Anne Askew. ...Anne Manning. Pendower : a story of Cornwall in the days of Henry the Eighth. ...Marianne Filleul. Pirate's fort. ...L. MacNally. Protestant : a tale of the reign of Queen Mary. ...Anna Eliza Bray. Ralph Redman's atonement: a story of the black death of 1595. ...Herbert V. Mills. Recess ; or, Tale of other times. ...Sophia Lee. 7 98 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ENGLISH 1X1^Y{S2X— Continued. Richard Hunne : a story of old London, ...George E. Sargent. Robin Tremayne of Bodmni : a tale of the Marian persecution. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Royal merchant ; or, Events in the days of Sir Thomas Gresham, during the reigns of Queens Mary and Elizabetli. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Sir Ludar: a story of the days of the great Queen Bess. ...Talbot B. Reed. Secret passion. ...Robert Folk Williams. Shakespeare and his friends ; or. Golden age of Merry England. ...Robert Folke Williams. Shakspere : the poet the lover, the actor, and the man. ...Henry Curling. Sir Ludar. ...Talbot B. Reed. Spae-vvife ; or, Queen's secret : a tale of the days of Elizabeth. ...John Boyce. Star of the court ; or, Maid of honor and the Queen of England, Anne Boleyn. ...Selina Bunbury. Stolen mask ; or, Mysterious cash-box. ... Wilkie Collins. Stories of the wars. ...J. Tillotson. Story of John Heywood. v.. Charles Bruce. Story of John Marbeck. ...Emma Marshall. Tablette booke of Lady Mary Keyes. ...Anon. Three hundred years ago ; or, Mysteries of Brentwood. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Tor hill. ...Horace Smith. (Pseud., Paul Chatfield.) Tower hill. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Tower of London. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Tudors and Stuarts. ...Anon. Twice crowned : a story of the days of Queen Mary. ...Harriet B. MacKeever. Twin heroes : the Separatists of the time of Queen Elizabeth. ...F. A. Reed. Uline's escape ; or, Hid with the nuns. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr Victor : a tale of the great persecution. ...George G. Perry. Virgin queen; or, Romance of royalty. ...J. Frederick Smith. Westminster Abbey. ...Emma Robinson. Westward Ho ! or. Voyages and adventures of vSir Amyas Leigh. ...Charles Kingsley. Wetberden Hall : an historical story of the days of Queen Mary. ...Arthur Brown. Wild times. ...Cecilia M. Caddell. William Shakespeare. ...Heinrich J. Koenig. English translation. William Shakespeare : culturgeschichtlich-biographischer Roman. ...Heribert Rau. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 99 ENGLISH ^l^TQiBX — Continued. Williams Dichter und Trachten. ...Heinrich J. Koenig. Windsor Castle. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Youth of Shakespeare. ...Robert Folk Williams. See also ELIZABETH OF ENGLAND; HENRY VIII. OF ENG- LAND ; MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS, and SPANISH HISTORY. Seventeenth Century. Afloat and ashore with Sir Walter Raleigh. ...Janet Hardy. Agnes Beaumont : a true story of the year 1670. ...Marian Caldecott. Aimee : a tale of the days of James the Second. ...Agnes Giberne. Alice Bridge of Norwich: a tale of the time of Charles the First. ...Andrew Reed. Alice Leighton ; or, Good name is rather to be chosen than riches. ...Ann J. Cupples (Mrs. G. Cupples). Andrew Golding: a tale of the great plague. ...Annie E. Keeling. Andrew Marvel and his friends: a story of the siege of Hull. ...Marie S. Hall. Aplira Behn. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Muhlbach.) Aphra Behn. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Muhlbach.) English translation. Arabella Stuart. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Armourer's daughter ; or, Border rivals. ...Anon. Arthur Arundel. ...Horace Smith. (Pseud., Paul Chatfield.) At the sign of the Blue Boar: a story of the reign of Charles IL ...Emma Leslie. Baldearg O'Donnell. ...A. S. G. Canning. Barony. ...Anna Maria Porter. Beatrice Tyldesley. ...Wilham Harrison Ainsworth. Beyond the seas : being the surprising adventures and ingenious opinions of Ralph, Lord St. Keyne. ...Oswald Crawfurd. Boscobel; or, Loyal oak : a tale of the year 1651. ...William Har- rison Ainsworth. Boscobel : a narrative of the adventures of Charles II. after the battle of Worcester. ...George W. Dodd. Brambletye House ; or, Cavaliers and roundheads. ...Horace Smith. (Pseud., Paul Chatfield.) Brave men of Eyam ; or, Tale of the great plague. ...Edward N. Hoare. Buccaneer. ...Anna Maria Hall. Caged lion. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Caleb Field : a tale of the Puritans. ...Margaret O. W. Oliphant. Campion Court : the days of the ejectment. ...Emma J. Worboise. Captain Jacques : a romance of the time of the plague. ...Edward Fitzgibbon. (Pseud., Somerville Gibney.) 100 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ENGLISH ^Sl^'lQ^.X— Continued. Captain of the guard. ...James Grant. Castle Cornet ; or, Island's troubles in the troublous times. ...Louisa Hawtrey. Cavaliers of England; or, Times of the revolutions of 1642 and 1648. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Carved cartoon. ...Austin Clare. Cherry and violet: a tale of the great plague. ...Anne Manning. Chevalier's daughter: being one of the Stanton chronicles. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Children of the New Forest. ...Frederick Marryat. Christmas, 161 1. ...Elbridge S. Brooks. (In his Storied holidays.) Claude Duval : a romance of the days of Charles II. ...Henry D. Miles. Commonwealth of Oceana. ...James Harrington. Constance Aylmer : a tale of the seventeenth century. ...Helen F. Parker. Coombe Abbey. ...Selina Bunsbury. Cost what it may : a story of cavaliers and roundheads. ...Emma E. Hornibrook. Court at Tunbridge in 1664. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. Courtnay of Wabreddon : a romance of the West. ...Anna Eliza Bray. Courtier of the days of Charles II. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. Courtier of the days of Charles 11. ...Mrs. Gordon. Courtship of Morrice Buckler. ...Alfred Edward Woodley Mason. Cromwell; or, Protector's oath. ...J. P'rederick Smith. Dame Rebecca Berry ; or, Court scenes in the reign of Charles the Second. ...Elizabeth I. Spencer. Danvers papers. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Darien ; or, Merchant Prince. ...Eliot B. G. Warburton. Daughter of Tyrconnell. ...Mary A. Sadlier (Mrs. James Sadlier). Days of Laud and the commonwealth. ...Mrs. Newton Crosland. (Pseud., Camilla Toulmin.) Deborah's diary. ...Anne Manning. Diary of Mary Powell. ...Anne Manning. Dog-fiend ; or, Snarley-yow. ...Frederick Marryat. Dorothy Arden. ...J. M. Callwell. Dray tons and Davenants : a tale of the civil wars. ...Elizabeth Charles. Drifted and shifted : a domestic chronicle of the seventeenth century. ...Miss McLaren. Larduchesse de Chatillon. ...Fran(;^ois F. M. B. d'Arnaud. Duke of Monmouth. ...Gerald Griffin. Dutch in the Medway. ...Charles Macfarlane. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. loi ENGLISH ISlWlQiKY— Continued. Edgar Nelthrope ; or, Fair maids of Taunton. ...Andrew Reed, Jr. Fate : a tale of stirring times. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Father Darcy ; an historical romance. ...Anne Marsh. For liberty's sake : the story of Robert Ferguson. ...John B. Marsh. For queen and king ; or, Royal ^prentice. ...Henry Frith. Fortunes of Nigel. ...Sir Walter Scott. Guy Fawkes ; or, Gunpowder . treason. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Harry Ogilvie; or. Black dragoons. ...James Grant. Henry Masterton ; or, Adventures of a young cavalier. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Her majesty the queen. ...John Esten Cooke. Hero in the strife. ...Louisa C. Silke. Hide and seek : a story of the New Forest in 1647. —Mrs. Frank Cooper. History of the great plague in London in 1665. ...Daniel Defoe. Holmby House : a tale of old Northamptonshire. ...George John Whyte Melville. Ida Vane : a tale of the restoration. ...Andrew Reed, Jr. In the East country with Sir Thomas Brown. ...Emma Marshall. In the golden days. ...Ada E. Bayly. (Pseud., Edna Lyall.) In the service of Rachel, Lady Russell. ...Emma Marshall. Ironsides : a tale of the English commonwealth. ...Anon. It might have been ; or. Story of the gunpowder plot. ...Emily Sarah Holt. James the Second ; or. Revolution of 1688. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Janet and her father. ...Mary E. Bamford. Jannett Cragg, the Quakeress. ...Maria Wright. John Deane of Nottingham. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. John Inglesant. ...Joseph Henry Shorthouse. John Milton and his times : historical novel. ...Max Ring. English translation. John Milton und seine Zeit. ...Max Ring. King's highway. ...George Payne Rainsford James. King's namesake : a tale of Carisbrooke Castle. ...Catherine M. Phillimore. Lady Betty. ...Christabel R. Coleridge. Lady Betty's governess ; or, Corbet chronicles. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Lady Clancarty ; or, Wedded and wooed : a tale of the assassination plot of 1696. ...Thomas Taylor. Lady Shakerlye : the record of the life of a irood and noble woman. ...Anon. I02 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ENGLISH ^\^TmX— Continued. Lady Willoughby ; or, Passages from the diary of a wife and mother in the seventeenth century. ...Hannah M. Rathbone. Langham rebels. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Last of the cavaliers. ...Rose Piddington. Last of the fairies : a Christmas tale. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Leaguer of Lathom : a tale of the civil war in Lancashire. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Life of Colonel Jack. ...Daniel Defoe. Lord Montagu's page : an historical romance of the seventeenth century. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Lorna Doone : a romance of Exmoor. ...Richard Doddridge Blackmore. Maid of honor. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. (In her Romances of real life.) Man's foes. ...E. H. Strain. Markhams of Ollerton : a tale of the civil war. ...Elizabeth Glaister. Mary Bunyan, the dreamer's blind daughter. ...Sallie Rochester Ford. Mary Hollis : a romance of the days of Charles II. and William, Prince of Orange. ...Hendrik J. Schimmel. English translation. Masque of Ludlow. ...Anne Manning. Maudeville : a tale of the seventeenth century in England. ...William Godwin. Memoirs of a cavalier. ...Daniel Defoe. Memoirs of a lady-in-waiting. ...J. D. Fenton. Memoirs of troublous times. ...Emma Marshall. Merry monarch ; or, England under Charles 11. . .William H. D. Adams. Micah Clarke, his statement as made to his three grandchildren. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Miser's secret; or, Days of James I. ...Anon. Mistress Spitfire. ...J. S. Fletcher. Mistress Dorothy Marvin. ...J. C. Snaith. Oak staircase ; or, Stories of Lord and Lady Desmond. ...Mary and Catherine Lee. Old Noll ; or, Days of the Ironsides. ...Frederick William Robinson. Old Saint Paul's: a tale of the plague and the fire. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Oliver Cromwell ; or, England's great protector. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 1O3 ENGLISH ISl^TQ^-^ — Continued. Oliver Wyndham ; or, Tale of the great plague. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe (Webb). On both sides of the sea : a story of the commonwealth and the restoration. ...Elizabeth Charles. Orange and green. ...George Alfred Henty. Outlaw. ...Anna Maria Hall. Ovingdean grange : a tale of the South Downs. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Owain Goch : a tale of the revolution. ...Thomas Roscoe. Pattie Uurant : a tale of 1662. ...Ellen Clacy. (Pseud., Cycla.) Peter the apprentice: a tale of restoration. ...Emma Leslie. Peveril of the peak. ...Sir Walter Scott. Prince and the pedler; or. Siege of Bristol. ...Ellen Pickering. Le prophete irlandois. ...Charles de Saint-^vremond. Puritan's grave. ...William P. Scargill. Reginald Hastings : a tale of the troubles of 164-. ...Eliot B. G. Warburton. Robber. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Roger W^illoughby; or, Times of Benbow. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Das Roggenhaus-Komplott. ♦ ...Georg Hiltl. Rosamond Fane ; or, Prisoners of Saint James. ...Mary and Catharine Lee. Rosemary: a tale of the fire of London. ...Georgiana C. L. G. FuUerton. Rupert Aubrey of Aubrey Chase: an historical tale of 1681. ...Thomas John Potter. Russell : a tale of the reign of Charles II. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Rye House plot. ...George W. M. Reynolds. Saint Clair of the Isles. ...E. Helme. Saint Dunstan's clock: a story of 1666. ...E. Ward. Saint George and Saint Michael. ...George Macdonald. Saint Valentine's day, 1664. ...Elbridge S. Brooks. (In his Storied holidays.) Secret foe. ...Ellen Pickering. Settlers at home. ...Harriet Martineau. Shepherd of Grove Hall : a tale of 1662. ...Anon. Siege of Colchester. ...George F. Townsend. Siege of Lichfield. ...W^illiam Gresley. Silas Verney : being the story of his adventures in the days of King Charles the Second. ...Edgar Pickering. Sir Henry Appleton ; or, Essex during the great rebellion. ...Wil- liam E. Heygate. I04 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ENGLISH HISTORY — Contimied. Sir Ralph Esher ; or, Memoirs of a gentleman of the court of Charles the Second. ...Leigh Hmit. Sir Ralph Willoughby. ...Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges. Spanish match ; or, Charles Stuart at Madrid. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Stanfield Hall. ...J. Frederick Smith. Star-chamber. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Stronges of Netherstronge : a tale of Sedgemoor. ...Edith J. May. Talbot Harland. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Through unknown ways ; or, Journal-books of Dorothea Trundel. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Traitor or patriot .? a tale of the Rye House plot. ...Mary C. Rowsell. True-born gentleman. ...Daniel Defoe. True hero; or, Story of William Penn. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Truth ; or, Persis Clareton. ...Charles B. Tayler. Two knights of Delany Castle. ...Mary M. Sherwood. Two penniless princesses. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Two swords : being a story of old Bristol. ...Emma Marshall. Walter Cclyton : a tale of 1688. ...Horace Smith. (Pseud., Paul Chatfield.) Washingtons : a tale of a country parish in the seventeenth century. ...John N. Simpkinson. Wearyholme ; or. Seed time and harvest : a tale of the restoration of Charles TI. ...Emily Sarah Holt. White gauntlet. ...Mayne Reid. Whitefriars; or, Times and days of Charles II. ...Jane Robinson. Whitehall ; or, Days and times of Oliver Cromwell. ...Jane Robinson. William, Prince of Orange ; or. King and the hostage. ...Titus M. Merriman. Willitoft; or, Days of James I.: a tale. ...Anon. Winchester Meads in the times of Thomas Ken. ...Emma Marshall. Winifred; or, English maiden in the seventeenth century. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Woodstock; or, Cavalier; a tale of the year 1651. ...Sir Walter Scott. See also CHARLES I. OF ENGLAND, COMMONWEALTH OF ENGLAND, and JAMES II. OF ENGLAND. Eighteenth Century. Adventures of Roderick Random. ...George Tobias Smollett. Against the stream: the story of the heroic age in England. ...Elizabeth Charles. Ashcliffe Hall : a tale of the last century. ...Emily Sarah Holt. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 105 ENGLISH ISl^TQi^X— Continued. Barnaby Rudge. ...Charles Dickens. Beau Nash ; or, Bath in the eighteenth century. ...William Harri- son Ainsvvorth. Ben Brace : the last of Nelson's Agamemnons. ...Frederick Chamier. Cabinet minister. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. Cornet of horse : a tale of the Marlborough's wars. ...George Alfred Henty De Vane : a tale of plebeians and patricians. ...Henry W. Hilliard. De Vere. ...Robert P. Ward. Devereux. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevelyan : a tale of the times of Whitefield and the Wesleys. ...Elizabeth Charles. Eighty years ago. ...Harriet Morton. Esther Vanhomrich. ...Margaret L. Woods. Evelina. ...Frances d'Arblay. \ Expeditions of Humphrey Clinker. ...Tobias George Smollett. "^Father Clement : a Roman Catholic story. ...Grace Kennedy. Fool of quality; or, Henry, Earl Moreland. ...Henry Brooke. For James or George : school-boys* tale of 1745. ...Henry C. Adams. •^For the king. ...Charles Gibbon. Four Georges. ...William Makepeace Thackeray. Frank Hilton ; or, Queen's own. ...James Grant. Gipsy. ...George Payne Rainsford James. ** God's providence " house : a story of 1791. ...Isabel Banks. Good old times : a story of the Manchester rebels of '45. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Hartland Forest: a legend of North Devon. ...Anna Eliza Bray. Henry Smeaton. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Hetty Hyde's lovers; or. Household brigade. ...James Grant. Himself his worst enemy; or, Duke of Wharton's career. ...A. P. Brotherhead. History of Henry Esmond. ...William Makepeace Thackeray. Irish pearl : a tale of the times of Queen Anne. ...Anon. John Law, the projector. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. King of Bath ; or, Life at Spa. ...Mary C. Ware. King of the pirates : being an account of the famous enterprises of / Captain Avery. ...Daniel Defoe. King's own. ...Frederick Marryat. King's own borderers : a military romance. ...James Grant. Lady Bell : a story of the last century. ...Henrietta Keddie. (Pseud., Sarah Tytler.) Lady Grizel : an impression of a momentous epoch. ...Lewis S. Wingfield. io6 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ENGLISH ISl^T^SK^— Continued. Life, adventures, and piracies of the famous Captain Singleton. ...Daniel Defoe. Lord Harry Bellaire: a tale of the last century. ...Anne Manning. Lord Mayor of London. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Lucy Arden; or, Hollywood Hall. ...James Grant. Maid of honor ; or, Court of George L ...Robert Folk Williams. Maiden's lodge : a tale of the times of Queen Anne. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Miser's daughter. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Miss Angel. ...Anna Isabella Thackeray (Mrs. Richmond Ritchie). \New voyage around the world. ...Daniel Defoe. A)ld Chelsea Bun-house. ...Anne Manning. ^Id manor house. ...Charlotte Smith. Oliver Ellis ; or, Fusiliers. ...James Grant. Pastor's fireside. ...Jane Porter. Peg Woffington. ...Charles Reade. Phantom regiment ; or, Stories, of "Ours." ...James Grant. Preston fight; or, Insurrection of 17 15. ...William Harrison Ains- worth. Queen's jewel. ...M. P. Blyth. Ralf Skirlaugh, the Lancashire squire. ...Edward Peacock. Rival apprentices. ...Anon. Romance of war; or, Highlanders in Spain. ...James Grant. Ronald Morton ; or, Fire ships : a story of the last naval war. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. \ Rye House plot. ...George M. Reynolds. ^Saint James's; or, Court of Queen Anne. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Saville House : an historical romance of the time of George the First. ...Mary M. Hardy. (Pseud., Addeston Hill.) Shelley: Biographische Novelle. ...Wilhelm Ritter von liamm. South-sea bubble: a tale of the year 1720. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Spiritual Quixote ; or. Summer Ramble of Mr. Geoffry Wildgoose. ...Richard Graves. Strawberry Hill. ...Robert Folk Williams. Surgeon's daughter. ...Sir Walter Scott. Tale of two cities. ...Charles Dickens. Tapestried chamber. ...Sir Walter Scott. Traitor or patriot t a tale of the Rye House plot. ...Mary C. Rowsell. Treasure trove. ...Samuel Lover. Tremaine ; or, Man of refinement. ...Robert P. Ward. Vicar of Wakefield. ...Oliver Goldsmith. Virginians : a tale of the last century. ...William Makepeace Thackeray. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 107 ENGLISH HY^TQK^ — Contmued. Waverley. ...Sir Walter Scott. When George III. was king. ...Anon. Wilhelm Hogarth: Historische Roniim. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. William Hogarth : a romance. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. English translation. World went very well then. ...Walter Besant. Young buglers : a tale of the Peninsular War. ...George Alfred Henty. Youth and manhood of Cyril Thornton. ...Thomas Hamilton. See also EEBELLIONS. Old and Young Pretender's. Nineteenth Century. Abigel Rowe : a chronicle of the regency. ...Lewis S. Wingfield. Aims and obstacles. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Alton Locke. ...Charles Kingsley. Convict. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Diana's crescent. ...Anne Manning. Four Georges. ...William Makepeace Thackeray. Frederick Gordon; or, Storming of the Sedan. ...Anon. Gaythorne Hall. ...John M. Fothergill. Henri de la Tour; or, Comrades in arms. ...J. Frederick Smith. Interpreter: a tale of the Crimean War. ...George John Whyte Melville. Lady Wedderburn's wish : a tale of the Crimean war. ...James Grant. Laura Everingham ; or, Highlanders of Glen Ora. ...James Grant. Lord Hermitage. ...James Grant. Mainstone's housekeeper. ...Eliza Meteyard. (Pseud., Silver pen.) Manchester strike. ...Harriet Martineau. Martyrs to circumstances. ...Maria Theresa Longworth Yelverton. Mary Barton : a tale of Manchester life. ...Elizabeth C. Gaskell. North and South. ...Elizabeth C. Gaskell. One of the *' Six hundred." ...James Grant. Phantom regiment ; or, Stories of " Ours." ...James Grant. Pride and prejudice. ...Jane Austen. Ravenshoe. ...Henry Kin^^sley. Romance of war ; or, Highlanders in Spain. ...James Grant. Shadow of the sword. ...Robert W. Buchanan. Subaltern. ...George Robert Gleig. Sybil ; or. Two nations. ...Benjamin Disraeli. Under the Red Dragon. ...James Grant. Vera; or, Russian Princess and English Earl. ...Charlotte L. H. Dempster. io8 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ENGLISH HISTORY — Continued. Weird of the Wentworths : a tale of George IV. 's time.... Johannes Scotus. Pseud. Wenderhohn : a story of Lancashire and Yorkshire. ...Philip Gilbert Hamerton. Whitehall ; or, Days of George IV. ...William Maginn. Young buglers : a tale of the Peninsular war. ...George Alfred Henty. ERIC V. OF DENMARK. Reigned 1259-1286. King Eric V. ...Bernhard Severin Ingemann. English translation. Kong Erik. ...Bernhard Severin Ingemann. EUGENE DE BEAUHARNAIS, SON OF JOSEPHINE OF FRANCE. Lived 1789-1824. Courtship by command. ...M. M. Blake. Prinz Eugen. ...Albert Pulitzer. Romance of Prince Eugene. ...Albert Pulitzer. Enghsh transla- tion. EUGENE, PRINCE OF SAVOY. Lived 1663-1736, Prince Eugene and his times. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Prinz Eugen und seine Zeit. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Prinz Eugen unter Kaiser Leopold. ...Johann Georg Ludwig Hesekiel, Prinz Eugen von Saxoyen. ...Carl T. Griesinger. Prinz Eugenius von Savoyen. ...Emil von Boxberger. EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL AND MODERN. A Selection, Eighth Century. Ingraban. ...Gustav Freytag. Ingraban. ...Gustav Freytag. English translation. Ninth Century. Albrecht. ...Arlo Bates. Athelwold. ...Amelie Rives Chanler. Chronicle of Ethelfled. Anne Manning. Danes in England. ...Alfred H. Engelbach. Glastonbury. ...A. Payne. Legends of Charlemagne. ...Thomas Bulfinch. Passe Rose. ...Arthur Sherburne Hardy. Romances relating to Charlemagne. ...George Ellis. Sea kings of England. ...Edwin Atherstone. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 109 EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL AND 'mSl}^YS»^— Continued. Tenth Century. Ekkehard. ...Joseph Victor von Scheffel. Erling ; or, Days of Saint Olaf. ...F. Scarlett Potter. Heroes of the North ; or, Stories from Norwegian chronicle. ...F. Scarlett Potter. Ogine : Chronique du X^ siecle. ...Armand Garreau. Popular tales from the Norse. ...George Webbe Dasent. Vikings of the Baltic. ...George Webbe Dasent. Eleventh Century. Bertha : a historical romance of the time of Henry IV. of Germany. ...Joseph E. C. Bischoff. English translation. Bertha; or, Pope and the emperor. ...William B. MacCabe. Boy crusaders. ...John George Edgar. Count Robert of Paris. ...Sir Walter Scott. Dutch in the Medway. . .Charles MacFarlane. Die Fahrten Thiodolfs des Islanders. ...Frledrich H. C. La Motte Fouque. Fighting the Saracens ; or, Boy knight. ...George Alfred Henty. Florine, princess of Burgundy. ...William B. MacCabe. Foure prentises of London, with the conquest of Jerusalem. ...Thomas Heywood. Harold, the last of the Saxon kings. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Hereward, the Saxon. ...Charles Knight. Hereward, the Wake. ...Charles Kingsley. Heroines of the crusades. ...C. A. Bloss. Hildebrand and the excommunicated emperor. ...Joseph Sortain. I Lombardi alia prima crociata. ...Tommaso Grossi. In the brave days of old: the story of the crusades. ...Henry Frith. Ivo and Vereno. ...Anon. Kaiser Friedrich genannt Barbarossa. ...Carl J. Simrock. Konigin Bertha. Historischer Roman. ...Joseph E. C. Bischoff. Lady and the priest. ...Katherine C. Maberley. Legend of Reading Abbey. ...Charles Knight. Mathilde ; ou, Memoires tires de Thistoire des croisades. ...Sophie Risteau Cottin. Parcival : Roman. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. Prince and the page, the last crusade. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Raymond de Saint Gilles at the crusade. 1095-1099. ...Henriette de Witt. Rufus ; or, Red king. ...James Grant. no SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL AND W^IHEK^ — Continued . Saracen ; or, Matilda and Malek Adkel : a crusade romance ...Sophie Risteau Cottin. ...English translation. Sir Walter's ward : a tale of the crusades. ...William Everard. Stories of the crusades. ...William E. Button. Sword and scimetar : the romance of the crusades. ...Alfred Trumble. Tales of the early ages. ...Horace Smith. (Pseud., Paul Chatfield., Truce of God: a tale of the eleventh century. ...George H. Miles. Wulf, the Saxon. ...Ralph Peacock. Twelfth Century. L'Abbaye de Typhaines. ...Joseph Arthur, Comte de Gobineau. Arthur of Brittany. ...Peter Leicester. Barbarossa: historischer Roman. ...Joseph E. C. Bischoff. Betrothed. ...Sir Walter Scott. Blondel: a historical fancy. ...George E. Rice. Boy's adventure in the Baron's war. ...John George Edgar. Fair Rosamond : Days of King Henry II. ...Thomas Miller. Friedrichs des ersten letzte Lebenstage. ...Julius Bacher. Heinrich der Lowe. ...Carl L. Haeberlin. Heinrich der Lowe. ...Carl C. F. Riedmann. Heinrich der sechste teutscher Kaiser. ...Carl F. A. Buchner. Heinrich von England und sein Sohne. ...Franziska C. J. F. Tarnow. Ivanhoe. ...Sir Walter Scott. John of England. ...Henry Curling. John o' London. ...Edward Fitzgibbon. (Pseud., Somerville Gibney.) King and the troubadour. ...Julia Corner. King John and the brigand's daughter. ...Anon. Lady Sybil's choice : a tale of the crusades. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Leper-house of Janval. ...Catherine C. F. Gore. Maude and Miriam. ...Harriet B. MacKeever. Merry adventures of Robin Hood. ...Howard Pyle. Richard Coeur de Lion. ...James White. Royston Gower. ...Thomas Miller. Runnymede and Lincoln fair. ...John George Edgar. Sir Guy de Lusignan. ...E. Cornelia Knight. Talisman. ...Sir Walter Scott. Typhaines : a tale of the twelfth century. ...Joseph Arthur, Comte de Gobineau. English translation. See also JOHN OF ENGLAND and HOOD, ROBIN. Thirteenth Century. Castle of Ehrenstein : its lords, spiritual and temporal ; its inhabi- tants, earthly and unearthly. ...George Payne Rainsford James. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 1 1 T EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIAEVAL AND IKQ'HY.Y.'^ — Continifed. Cheshire pilgrims. ...Frances M. Wilbraham. Coberly Hall : a Gloucestershire tale. Crusaders and captives : a tale of the children's crusade. ...George E. Merrill. Days of Bruce. .. Grace Aguilar. Earl Hubert's daughter ; or, Polishing of the pearl. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Gaston de Blondeville; or, Court of Henry IH. ...Anne Rad- cliffe. Heinrich von Ofterdingen. . .Friedrich L. von Hardenberg. Henry of Ofterdingen. ...Friedrich L. von Hardenberg. English translation. How I won my spurs. ...John George Edgar. Knights of the lion : a romance of the thirteenth century. ...Anon. Our little lady. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Philip Augustus ; or, Brothers in arms. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Prentice Hugh. ...Frances M. Peard. Rothelan: a romance of the English histories. ...John Gait. Royston Gower. ...Thomas Miller. Rudolf von Habsburg. ...Friedrich C. Schlenkert. Runnymede and Lincoln fair. ...John George Edgar. Scottish chiefs. ...Jane Porter. Siege of Kenilworth. ...L. S. Stanhope. Sir Michael Scott. ...Allan Cunningham. Stephen Langton; or, Days of King John. ...Martin Farquhar Tupper. Stories of the city of London. ...Mrs. Newton Crosland. (Pseud., Camilla Toulmin.) Vendgiad; or. Blessed one : a tale of the 13th century. ...Anon. With script and staff: a tale of the children's crusade. ...Ella W. Peattie. Wolfram von Eschenbach. ...Ludwig Lang. Fourteenth Century. Abbess of Shaftesbury ; or, Days of John of Gaunt. ...Anon. Le batard de Mauleon. ...Alexandre Dumas. Berkeley castle. ...G. F. Berkeley. Boy foresters. ...Anne Bowman. Castle dangerous. ...Sir Walter Scott. Chronicles of Yate Court: a narrative of 1399. Charles Charlton. Cressy and Poictiers; or, Story of the Black Prince's page. ...John George Edgar. Der falsche Woldemar. ...Georg Wilhelm Heinrich Haering. 112 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIAEVAL AND lRQJiY.^l& — Continued. Forest days: a romance of old days. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Foster brothers. ...Thornton Hunt. Geoffrey the Lollard. ...Mrs. D. C. Knevels. (Pseud., Frances Eastwood.) Half brothers; or, Head and the hand. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Hubert Ellis: a story of Richard H.'s days. ...F. Davenant. John of Gaunt. ...James White. Der Klosterjager. ...Ludwig A. Ganghofer. Knight of Mauleon. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation (same as Half brothers). Lances of Lynwood. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Maid Marian. ...Thomas L. Peacock. Maid Marian and Robin Hood. ...J. E. Muddock. Marco Visconti. ...Tommaso Grossi. Margam Abbey : an historical romance. ...Anon. Merry England ; or, Nobles and serfs. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Mistress Margery : a tale of the Lollards. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Otterbourne. ...Edward Duras. Provost of Paris : a tale. ...William S. Browning. Rienzi, the last of the Roman Tribunes. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Robin Hood. ...Pierce Egan, jr. Sword of De Bardwell : a tale of Agincourt. ...C. M. Katherine Phipps. Tower of the hawk : some passages in the history of the House of Hapsburg. ...Jane L. Willyams. Valperga. ...Mary W^ollstonecraft Shelley. Well in the desert : an old legend of the house of Arundel. ...Emily Sarah Holt. White company. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Fifteenth Century. Die Abenteuer der Herzoga Christoph von Bayern genannt der Kampfer. ...Franz Trautmann. Agnes of Sorrento. ...Harriet Beecher Stowe. Agincourt. ...George Payne Rainsford James. L'Amazone fran9aise Jeanne d'Arc. ...Marie Therese Peroux d'Albany. Anne of Geierstein. ...Sir Walter Scott. Before the dawn: a story of Paris and the Jacquerie, ,.,George Dulac. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 113 EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN — Continued. Briefe eines Frauenzimmers aus dem XV. Jahrh. nach alten Urschriften. ...Paul von Stetten. Das Buch von den Wienern. ...Michael Beheim. Caged lion. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Captain of the guard. ...James Grant. Cardinal Ximenes. ...Jean Bertheroy. English translation. Conrad. ...Emma Leslie. Coulyng Castle; or, Knight of the olden days. ...Agnes Giberne. Days of yore. ...Henrietta Keddie. (Pseud., Sarah Tytler.) Dearer than life : a tale of the times of Wycliffe. ...Emma Leslie. Dolores. ...Gertrudes Gomez de Avellaneda. Dove in the eagle's nest. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Diirer in Venedig. ...Adolf Stern. Earl printer : times of Caxton. ...C. M. M. Ernest and Albert; or, Story of the stolen princes. ...Anon. Ettore Fieramosca ; or. Challenge of Barletta. ...Massimo Taparehi, Marchese d' Azeglio. English translation. Ettore Fieramosca : ossia, La disfida di Barletta. ...Massimo Taparelli, Marchese d' Azeglio. Fair maid of Perth. ...Sir Walter Scott. For, or against. ...Frances M. Wilbraham. Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck. ...Mary WoUstonecraft Shelley. Franz Sternbald's Wanderungen. ...Johan Ludwig Tieck. Geoffrey, the Lollard. ...Mrs. D. C. Knevels. (Pseud., Frances Eastwood.) Die Gred. Roman aus dem alten Niiremberg. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Gutenberg. ...Emily C. Pearson. (Pseud., Ervie.) House of Fiesole. ...Catherine Shaw. Hubert Ellerdale. ...W. O. Rhind. Hermann von Unna. ...Christiane Benedicte Eugenie Naubert. Henry VH. ...Mary WoUstonecraft Shelley. Historical tales of the Lancastrian times. ...H. P. Dunster. In Wycliffe's days. ...G. Stebbing. Jack of the mill. ...William Howitt. Jeanne d*Arc ; ou, La France au XV^ siecle. ...Jules Foussette. Jew. ...Carl Spindler. English transition. Joan the maid, deliverer of France and England. ...Elizabeth Charles. Johannes Gutenberg. ...Adolf Stern. John de Wycliffe, the first reformer. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Der Jude. ...Carl Spindler. Knight of Dilham : a story of the Lollards. ...Arthur Brown. Die Kiinstlerehe. ...Leopold Schefer. Kunz von Kauffungen. ...Ludwig Storch. 1 14 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL AND MODERN — Continued. Last of the barons. ...Edward George Earle Lyttoii Bulwer-Lytton. Last of the Planiagenets. ...William Hazeltine. Leonora D'Orco. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Lia: a tale of Nuremberg. ...Esme Stuart. Lollard. ...Minnie K. Davis. Lollards. ...Thomas Gaspey. Maid of Orleans. ...Jane Robinson. Malvern Chase: an episode of the Wars of the Roses and the battle of Tewkesbury. ...W. S. Symonds. Margery : a tale of old Nuremberg. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. Margery's son : a fifteenth century tale of the court of Scotland. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Marie de Bourgogne. ...Mme. de Saint- Venant. Mary of Burgundy ; or, Revolt of Ghent. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Mercedes of Castile. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Mistress Margery : a tale of the Lollards. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Noble purpose nobly won. ...Anne Manning. Norica, das sind Niirnberggische Novellen aus alter Zeit. ...August Hagen. Norica; or, Tales from Niirnberg from the olden times. ...August Hagen. English translation. Notre Dame de Paris. ...Victor Hugo. Notre Dame ; or, Bellringer of Paris. ...Victor Hugo. English translation. Personal recollections of Joan of Arc. ...Samuel Langhorne Clemens. (Pseud., Mark Twain.) Prinz Sigmund von Sachsen und seine Briider. ...Auguste Wilhelm Lorenz. Queen's badge. ...Frances M. Wilbraham. Richard Hunne : a story of old London. ...George E. Sargent. Richard of Yorke ; or, White Rose of England. ...Anon. Romola. ...Marian Evans Lewes Cross. (Pseud., George Eliot.) Saint Clair of the Isles. ...E. Helme. Salt-master of Liineburg. ...Julius Wolff. English translation. Scenes in feudal times. ...R. H. Wilmot. Stormy life. ...Georgiana C. L. Fullerton. Der Siilfmeister. ...Julius Wolff. Sword of De Bardwell. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Under Bayard's banner. ...Henry Frith. Vale of cedars ; or, Martyr. ...Grace Aguilar. Villa Verrocchio. ...D. L. McDonald. Wenzel's inheritance. ...Annie Lucas. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 115 EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN — C^«//>2?/^^. White rose of Langley : a story of the court of England in olden times. ...Emily Sarah Holt, Wycliffites ; or, England in the fifteenth century. ...Margaret Mackay. Ximenes. ...Jean Bertheroy. Yellow frigate. ...James Grant. See also ANNE BOLEYN. Sixteenth Century. L'Abbesse de Montmartre. ...Henri Augu. Abbot. ...Sir Walter Scott. Agnes de Mansfeldt. ...Thomas C. Grattan. Alice Shervvin : a tale of the days of Sir Thomas More. ...C. J. M. Anne Hathaway ; or, Shakespeare in love. ...E Severn. Ascanio. ...Alexandre Dumas. Ascanio. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Aus dem sechzehnten Jahrhundert. ...Wilhelm Jensen. Barbara Ittenhausen. ...Emma Wuttze-Biller. Baron of Hertz. ...Albert de Labadye. English translation. Le Baron de Hertz. ...Albert de Labadye. Die Belagerung von Gotha. ...Auguste W. Lorenz. Die Belagerung von Leipzig in den Jahren 1546-?. ...F. Lohmann. Die Belagerung Magdeburg. ...Friedrich L. Schmidt. Bolsover castle : a tale from the Protestant history of the sixteenth century. ...Anon. Both well ; or, Days of Mary Queen of Scots. ...James Grant. Braes of Yarrow. ...H. Gibbon. Brigand ; or, Corse de Leon. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Das Buch von Doktor Luther. ...Hermann O. Nietschmann. Burgomaster's wife. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. By England's aid; or, Freeing the Netherlands. ...George Alfred Henty. Caesar Borgia. ...E. Robinson. Cardinal Pole ; or. Days of Philip and Mary. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Chaplet of pearls; or, White and black Ribaumont. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Christlich oder Papstlich } ...Eduard Jost. Christian or Romanist.? ...Eduard Jost. English translation. Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family. ...Elizabeth Charles. Clare Avery: a story of the Spanish armada. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Cloister and the hearth. ...Charles Reade. Clytia: a romance of the sixteenth century. ...Adolf Hausrath. English translation. Il6 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL AND MODERN — Continued. Colloquies of Edward Osborne. ...Anne Manning. Constable of the tower. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Constancia's household : a story of the Spanish reformation. ...Emma Leslie. Cooper of Nuremberg. ...Ernest Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann. English translation. Count Arensberg. ...Joseph Sortain. Count Ulrich von Lindburg : a tale of the reformation. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Crichton. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Dark year of Dundee. ...Deborah Alcock. Darnley ; or, Field of the cloth of gold. ...George Payne Rainsford James. David Rizzio. ...William H. Ireland. Doctor Luther's book. ...Hermann O. Nietschmann. English translation. Drake and the Dons. ...R. Lovett. Duke Christian of Luneburgh. ...Jane Porter. Duke Christopher : a story of the reformation. ...Frances H. Christopher. Der Fall von Kounstanz. ...Otto Mueller. Fall of Somerset. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Fatal revenge; or, Family of Montorio. ...Charles Robert Maturin. (Pseud., Dennis Jasper Murphy.) Fate of Castle Lowengard : a story of the days of Luther. ...Esme Stuart. Florence betrayed; or, Last days of the republic. ...Massimo Taparelli, Marchese d'Azeglio. English translation. Florian Geyer. ...Wilhelm R. Heller. Forest of Arden. ...William Gresley. Forester's daughter: a tale of the reformation. ...Anon. For the master's sake : a story of the days of Queen Mary. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Die Frau BUrgemeisterin. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. From dark to dawn in Italy. ...Anon. Der Fiirstentag. ...Ludwig Bechstein. Gabriele die Waise auf Rosenburg. ...Johann B. Fastenau. Der Geachtete. ...Gustav. A. von Heeringen. Gentleman of France. ...Stanley J. Weyman. Georg Podiebrad, Konig von Bohmen und Markgraf zur Lausitz. ...Christian R. Koestlin. Good old days; or, Christmas under Queen Elizabeth. ...Esme Stuart. Good old times : a tale of Auvergne. ...Anne Manning. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 1 17 EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIAEVAL AND ^mSTm^^^ Continued. Hans Sachs. ...Adolf Friedrich Furschau. Der Heiland von der Rhon. ...Paul Lippert. Histoire vom Ritter Gotz von Berlichingen mit der eisernen Hand. ...Heinrich Doering. Household of Sir Thomas More. ...Anne Manning. House of the wolf : a romance. ...Stanley J. Weyman. Im blauen Hecht. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Im Zvving und Bann. ...Wilhelm Jensen. In the Blue Pike. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. In the olden time. ...Margaret Roberts. Isoult Barry of Wynscote : a tale of Tudor times. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Jack and the tanner of Wymondham : a tale of the time of Edward the Sixth. ...Anne Manning. Jane Seton. ...James Grant. Joachim Sliiter. Julius von Wickede. Joyce Morrell's harvest. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Kaiser Karl des Fiinften erste Jugendliebe. ...Ludwig A. Arnim. Katharine von Schwarzburg. ...Carl G. Berneck. Kenilworth. ...Sir Walter Scott. Klytia. Adolf Hausrath. Knight of Saint John. ...Anna M. Porter. King Henry and his court. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Muhlbach.) English translation. Konig Heinrich VIII. und sein Hof. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Muhlbach.) Die Kronenwachter. Ludwig A. von Arnim. Lady Jane Grey. ...Thomas Miller. Lady Jane Grey und ihre Zeit. ...Louise M. Grafin von Robiano. Lady Rosamond's book. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Lancashire witches : a romance of Pendle Forest. ...William Har- rison Ainsworth. Lettice Eden : a tale of the last days of Henry the Eighth. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Die letzten Humanisten. ...Adolf Stern. Lichtenstein. ...William Hauff. Lichtenstein ; or, Swabian league. ...William Hauflf. English translation. Die Lichtensteiner. ...Carl F. van der Velde. Lichtensteins : a tale of the thirty years' war. ...Carl F. van der Velde. English translation. Lincolnshire tragedy. ...Anne Manning. Lukas Cranach : historischer Roman. ...Hermann Klencke. Luther and the Cardinal. ...Hermann O. Nietschmann. English translation. ii8 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN — Continued. Luther in Rom. Roman. ...Levin Schuecking. Luther in Rome ; or, Corradina, the last of the Hohenstaufen ...Levin Schuecking. English translation. Luther und die Seinen. ...Franz Lubozatsky. Luther und seine Zeit. ...Theodor Koenig. Luther's Brautfahrt. ...Joseph E. C. Bischoff. Magdalen Hepburn. ...Margaret O. W. Oliphant. Margaret Roper. ...Agnes M. Stewart. Margarethe : a tale of the sixteenth century. ...Emma Leslie. Marie Stuart. ...George W. M. Reynolds. Martin Luther : historischer Roman. ...Heinrich Eisenlohr. Martin Luther und Graf Erbach. Hermann O. Nietschmann. Martyrs of Spain and liberators of Holland. ...Elizabeth Charles. Mary of Lorraine. ...James Grant. Maurice, the elector of Saxony. ...Katharine Colquhoun. Michael Kohlhaas. ...Heinrich von Kleist. Mistress Haselwode. ...Frederick H. More. Monastery. ...Sir Walter Scott. Monk and knight. ...Frank W. Gunsaulus. Montchensey : the days of Shakespeare. ...Nathan Drake. Moritz von Sachsen. ...Friedrich C. Schlenkert. Mountain patriots : a tale of the reformation in Savoy. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Necromancer. ...George W. M. Reynolds. Niccolo de Lapi ; ovvero, I Palleschi e i Piagnoni. ...Massimo Taparelli, Marchese d'Azeglio. No cross no crown. ...Caroline E. Davis. Passages in the life of the fair gospeller Mistress Anne Askew. ...Anne Manning. Pendower. ...M. P'illeul. Philippine Welser, oder vor dreihundert Jahren. ...Adelbert Bau- dissin. Professor of Alchemy. ...Percy Ross. Der Prophet. ...Theodor Muegge. Protestant : a tale of the reign of Queen Mary. ...Anna Eliza Bray. Recess; or, Tale of other times. ...Sophia Lee. Richard Hunne : a story of old London. ...George E. Sargent. Robin Tremayne of Bodwin : a tale of the Marian persecution. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Royal merchant ; or, Events in the days of Sir Thomas Gresham. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Saint Bartholomew's eve : a tale of the Huguenot wars. ...George Alfred Henty. Die Schlacht bei Drakenburg. ...Werner Bergman. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION: 1 19 ETJEOPE, HISTOHY OF MEDIEVAL AND MODERN — Continued. Die Schlacht bei Hemmingstedt. ...Amalie Schoppe. Die Schlacht von Marignano. ...Carl A. F. von Witzleben. Secret passion. ...Robert Folk Williams. Shakespeare and his friends. ...Robert Folk Williams. Shakspere the poet. ...Henry Curling. Shakespeare's youth. ...Robert Folk Williams. Sibylle von Cleve. ...Julius Bacher. Sidonia the sorceress. ...Johann Wilhelm Meinhold. Le Siege de La Rochelle. ...Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse de Genlis. Siege of La Rochelle. ...R. C. Dallas. Der Sohn des Kaisers. ...Adolf Muetzelburg. Southenan. ...John Gait. Spae-wife ; or, Queen's secret : a tale of the days of Elizabeth. John Boyce. Spanish brothers : a tale of the sixteenth century. ...Debnal Alcock. Stories of the wars. ...J. Tillotson. Struggle in Ferrara. ...William Gilbert. Tablette booke of Lady Mary Keyes. ...Anon. Tabithe von Geyersberg. ...Amalie Schoppe.' Tales from Alsace. ...Anne Manning. Thomas Muntzer, Roman. ...Theodor Mundt. Three hundred years ago ; or, Mysteries of Brentwood. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Three Musketeers. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Tor hill. ...Horace Smith. (Pseud., Paul Chatfield.) Tower Hill William Harrison Ainsworth. Tower of London. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Les trois mousquetaires. ...Alexandre Dumas. Triibe Tage. ...Wilhelm Koch. True as steel. ...George Walter Thornbury. Twice crowned : a story of the days of Queen Mary. ...Harriet B. MacKeever. Twin heroes : the Separatists of the time of Queen Elizabeth. ...F. A. Reed, mine's escape ; or, Hid with the nuns. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Ulric; or, Voices. ...Theodore S. Fay. Westminster Abbey. ...Emma Robinson. Westward Ho ! or, Voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh. ...Charles Kingsley. Wild times. ...Cecilia M. Caddell. Die Wiellinger. ...Friedrich Wilhelm Arming. Windsor Castle. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Word, only a word. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. 120 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIJEVAL AND MODERN — Contmued, Ein Wort. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Zord Ido. ...Zsigmund Koerner. Seventeenth Century. Der abenteuerliche Simplicissimus. ...Hans J. C. von Grummels- hausen. Agnes Beaumont : a true story of the year 1670. ...Marian Cal- decott. Agnes de Mansfeldt. ...Thomas C. Grattan. Aimee : a tale of the days of James the Second. ...Agnes Giberne. Alice Bridge of Norwich : a tale of the time of Charles the First. ...Andrew Reed. AUwin, ein Roman. ...Friedrich H. C. La Motte Fouque. Allzeit getreu. ...H. Brand. Andrew Golding : a tale of the great plague. ...Annie E. Keeling. Aphra Behn. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Aphra Behn. ...Clara Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Eng- lish translation. Andrew Marvel and his friends: a story of the siege of Hull. ...Marie S. Hall. Arabella Stuart. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Armourer's daughter ; or, Border rivals. ...Anon. Arthur Arundel. ...Horace Smith. (Pseud., Paul Chatfield.) Arthur Blane ; or. Hundred cuirassiers. ...James Grant. At the sign of the Blue Boar: a story of the reign of Charles IL ...Emma Leslie. Axel. ...Carl F. van der Velde. Axel: a tale of the thirty years' war. ...Carl F. van der Velde. English translation. Baron and squire : a story of the thirty years' war. ...Wilhelm Noeldechen. English translation. Barony. ...Anna Maria Porter. Beatrice Tyldesley. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Berber; or, Mountaineer of the Atlas. ...William S. Mayo. Bernhard, Herzog zu Sachsen-Weimar. ...Friedrich G. Schlenkert. Betrothed. ...Alessandro Manzoni. ...English translation. Beyond the seas. ...Oswald Crawfurd. Bila hora, Aneb : TH leta z tficeti. ...Ludwig Rellstab. Blameless knights ; or, Liitzen and La Vendee. ...Alice H. F. Byng, Vicountess Enfield. Boscobel; or. Loyal oak: a tale of the year 1651. ...William Har- rison Ainsworth. Boscobel : a narrative of the adventures of Charles II. after the battle of Worcester. ...George W. Dodd. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 12 1 EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL AND MODERN — Continued. Brambletye house ; or, Cavaliers and roundheads. ...Horace Smith. (Pseud., Paul Chatfield.) Brave men of Eyam ; or, Tale of the great plague. ...Edward N. Hoare. Brave resolve. ...John B. de Liefde. Breughel brothers. ..Alexander Ungern-Sternberg. English trans- lation. Die Briider ; oder, Das Geheimniss. ...Alexander Ungern-Sternberg. Buccaneer. ...Anna Maria Hall. Der Buchfiihrer von Lemgo. ...Johann Georg L. Hesekiel. Der Biirgemeister von Neisse. ...Georg Hartwig. Das Biirgerweib von Weimar. ...Julius W. Grosse. Cajus Rungholt. ...Lucian Buerger. Caleb Field : a tale of the Puritans. ...Margaret O. W. Oliphant. Campion Court: the days of the ejectment. ...Emma J. Worboise. Captain Jacques : a romance of the time of the plague. ...Edward Fitzgibbon. (Pseud., Somerville Gibney.) Captain of the guard. ...James Grant. Carved Cartoon. ...Austin Clare. Castle Cornet ; or. Island's troubles in the troublous times. ...Louisa Hawtrey. Cavaliers of England; or, Times of the revolutions of 1642 and 1648. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Charles H. ; or, Merry Monarch. ...John H. Payne. Cherry and violet : a tale of the great plague. ...Anne Manning. Chevalier's daughter : being one of the Stanton Corbet Chronicles. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Children of the New Forest. ...Frederick Marryat. Der Christlichen koniglichen Fiirsten Herculiscus und Herculadisla Wundergeschichte. ...Andreas H. Buchholtz. Des Christlichen teutschen Grossfiirsten Hercules und der bohmi- schen koniglichen Fraulein Valisca Wundergeschichte. ...An- treas H. Buchholtz. Cinq-Mars ; ou, une conjuration sous Louis XIH. ...Alfred Victor, Comte de Vigny. Cinq-Mars : a conspiracy under Louis XHI. ...Alfred Victor, Comte de Vigny. English translation. Claude Duval: a romance of the days of Charles II. ...Henry D. Miles. La conspiration de Walstein. ...Jean Fran9ois Sarrasin. Constance Aylmer : a story of the seventeenth century. ...Helen F. Parker. Constance Sherwood. ...Georgiana C. L. G. Fullerton. Coombe Abbey. ...Selina Bunbury. 122 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ETIEOPE, HISTORY OF MEDIAEVAL AND ^QTiYK^— Continued, Court at Tunbridge in 1664. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. Courtenay of Walreddon : a romance of the West. ...Anna Eliza Bray. Courtier in the days of Charles II. ...Mrs. Gordon. Courtier of the days of Charles II. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. Cromwell ; or, Protector's oath. ...J. Frederick Smith. Dame Rebecca Berry ; or, Court scenes in the reign of Charles the Second. ...Elizabeth I. Spencer. Danvers papers. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Darien ; or, Merchant prince. ...Eliot B. G. Warburton. Deborah's diary. ...Anne Manning. Der Deutsche Krieg. ...Heinrich Laube. Der Deutsch Michel. ...Johann Georg L. Hesekiel. Ein deutsches Schneiderlein. ...Franz Isador Proschko. Deutschlands Kassandra. ...Heribert Rau. Dorothe. ...W. Alexsis. Dorothe. ...Georg Wilhelm Heinrich Plaering. Draytons and Davenants : a tale of the civil wars. ...Elizabeth Charles. Der dreissigjahrige Krieg. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Muhlbach.) Die drei Wiinsche. ...Carl A. F. von Witzleben. Drifted and sifted ; a domestic chronicle of the seventeenth century. ...Miss McLaren. La duchesse de chatillon. ...Fran9ois T. M. d'Arnaud. Duellists. ...Anon. Duke of Monmouth. ...Gerald Griffin. Dutch in the Med way. ...Charles Macfarlane. Edgar Nelthorpe ; or, Fair maids of Taunton. ...Andrew Reed, jr. Every man his own trumpeter. ...George Walter Thornbury. Fair Else, Duke Ulrich, and other stories. ...Margaret Roberts. Faltskarns Berattelser. ..Zacharias Topelius. Fate : a tale of stirring times. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Father Darcy: an historical romance. ...Anne Marsh. Der Fels von Erz. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. Fides : eine Erzahlung aus der Zeit des dreissigjahrigen Krieges. ...F. Jordan. Der Findling. ...Carl A. F. von Witzleben. Fire of London ; or. Which is which ? ...Georgiana C. L. G. Fullerton. For liberty's sake : the story of Robert Ferguson. ...John B. Marsh. Fortunes of Nigel. ...Sir Walter Scott. Frau Schatz Regime. ...Johann Georg L. Hesekiel. Gabriel : a story of the Jews in Prague. ...Salomon Kohn. Eng- lish translation. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 123 ETTROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIAEVAL AND ^QilSEK^ — Continued. Die Gallerinn auf der Rieggersburg. ...Joseph F. von Hammer- Purgstall. Gawriel : historische Erzahlung aus dem dreissigjahrigen Kriege. ...Salomon Kohn. Gowrie. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Geglanzt und eiioschen. ...Ferdinand Pflug. Geschichte der Grafin Theklavon Thurn. ...Marc Anton Niendorf. Der Graf von der Leignitz. ...Carl G. von Berneck. Gustav och 30 Sriga kriget. ...Zacharias Topelius. Guy Fawkes ; or, Gunpowder treason. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Der grosse Kurfiirst in Preussen. ...Ernst A. A. G. Wichert. Der grosse Kurfiirst und der Schoppenmeister. ...Max Ring. Harry Ogilvie; or, Black dragoons. ...James Grant. Heidelberg. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Helen of the glen. ...Robert Pollok. Henry Masterton ; or, adventures of a young cavalier. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Her majesty the queen. ...John Esten Cooke. Hero in the strife. ...Louisa C. Silke. Herzog Bernhard. ...Hans Blum. Herzog Bernhard. ...Heinrich Laube. Hide and seek : a story of the New Forest in 1647. -Mrs. Frank Cooper. Die historisch-politischen Volkslieder des dreissigjahrigen Krieges. ...Franz W. Ditfurth. History of the great plague in London in 1665. ...Daniel Defoe. L'homme au Masque de fer. ...Chevalier de Mouhy. Ida Vane : a tale of the restoration. ...Andrew Reed, jr. Im Schloss zu Heidelberg. ...Eva Hartner. Ingerstein Hall and Chadwick Rise. ...James Routledge. In the East country with Sir Thomas Brown. ...Emma Marshall. In the service of Rachel Lady Russell. ...Emma Marshall. I promessi sposi. ...Alessandro Manzoni. Ironsides : a tale of the English commonwealth. ...Anon. James II.; or, Revolution of 1688. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Janet and her father. ...Mary E. Bamford. Jeannette : a story of the Huguenots. ...Frances M. Peard. Jennett Cragg, the Quakeress. .>. Maria Wright. Johann Georg I von Sachsen. ...Franz I>udojatzky. John Deane. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. John Inglesant. ...Joseph Henry Shorthouse. John Milton and his times. ...Max Ring. English translation. John Milton und seine Zeit. ...Max Ring. 124 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL AND MODERN — Continued. Journal of Lady Beatrix Graham. ...Jane M. F. Smith. Karl II. : oder der Lustige Monarch. ...Johann R. Lenz. King's highway. ...George Payne Rainsford James. King's namesake : a tale of Carisbrooke Castle. ...Catherine M. Phillimore. King's service. ...Anon. Klosterheim. ...Thomas De Quincey. Das Krauterweible von Wimpfen. ...Conrad Fron. Kruitzner ; or German's tale. ...Harriet Lee. (In her Canterbury tales.) Lady Betty. ...Christabel R. Coleridge. Lady Betty's governess ; or, Corbet Chronicles. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Lady Shakerlye : the record of the life of a good and noble woman. ...Anon. Lady Willoughby ; or, Passages from the diary of a wife and mother in the seventeenth century. ...Hannah M, Rathbone. Langham rebels. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Last of the cavaliers. ...Rose Piddington. Last of the fairies : a Christmas tale. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Leaguer of Lathom : a tale of the civil war in Lancashire. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Legend of Montrose. ...Sir Walter Scott. Leila ; or, Siege of Granada. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Lichtenstein. ...Wilhelm Hauff. Die Lichtensteiner. ...Carl F. von der Velde. Lichtenstein; or, Swabian league. ...Wilhelm Hauff. English translation. Lichtensteins : a tale of the thirty years' war. ...Carl F. van der Velde. Die Lieder des dreissigjahrigen Krieges. ...Eduard Weller. Life of Colonel Jack. ...Daniel Defoe. Lion of the North : a tale of the time of Gustavus Adolphus and wars of religion. ...George Alfred Henty. Lord Montagu's page : an historical romance of the seventeenth century. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Lorna Doone : a romance of Exmore. ...Richard Doddridge Blackmore. Maid of honor. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. Maid of Stralsund : a story of the thirty years' war. ...John B. de Liefde. Maiden and married life of Mary Powell, afterwards Mistress Milton. ...Anne Manning. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 125 EUKOPE, HISTORY OF MEDIiEVAL AND MODERN — Continued, Maudeville. ...William Godwin. Maria Schweidler, die Bernsteinhexe. ...Johann Wilhelm Meinhold. Maria Schweidler, the amber witch. ...Johann Wilhelm Meinhold. English translation. Markhams of Ollerton : a tale of the civil war. ...Elizabeth Glaister. Mary Bunyan, the dreamer's blind daughter. ...Sallie Rochester Ford. Mary HoUis : a romance of the days of Charles II. and William, Prince of Orange. ...Hendrik J. Schimmel. English translation. Memoirs of a cavalier ; or, Military Journal of the wars in Germany and England from i632-'48. ...Daniel Defoe. Memoirs of a lady-in-waiting. ...J. D. Fenton. Memoirs of the honourable Colonel Andrew Newport. ...Daniel Defoe. Memoirs of troublous times. ...Emma Marshall. Merry monarch ; or, England under Charles II. ...Anon. Minister of Andouse. ...Heinrich Moewes. English translation. Monch und Grafin. ...Anton J. Gross- Hoffingar. Die Morder Wallensteins. ...Georg C. R. Herlosssohn. Oak staircase : a narrative of the times of James II. ...Mary and Catherine Lee. Odolan pgptipesky. ...BeneS T!^ebizsky. Old Mortality. ...Sir Walter Scott. Old Noll ; or, Days of the Ironsides. ...Frederick William Robinson. Old St. Paul's : a tale of the plague and the fire. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Oliver Cromwell ; or, England's great protector. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Oliver Wyndham : a tale of the great plague. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe (Webb). Olympe de Cleves. ...Alexandre Dumas. On both sides of the sea : a tale of the commonwealth and the restoration. ...Elizabeth Charles. Outlaw. ...Anna Maria Hall. Ovingdean Grange : a tale of the South Downs. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Owain Goch : a tale of the revolution. ...Thomas Roscoe. Der Page des Herzogs von Friedland. ...Carl A. F. von Witzleben. (In his Ausgewahlte Schriften.) Des Pascha von Buda. ...Johann Heinrich Zschokke. Pattie Durant: a tale of 1662. ...Ellen Clacy. (Pseud., Cycla.) Paul Gerhardt. ...Carl August Wildenhahn. Peter the apprentice : a tale of the restoration. ...Emma Leslie. Peveril of the peak. ...Sir Walter Scott. 126 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN — Continued. Der Pfarrer von Andouse. ...Heinrich Moewes. Phantom ship. ...Frederick Marryat. Philip Rollo; or, Scottish musketeers. ...James Grant. Prinz Eugen und seine Zeit. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Prinz Eugen unter Kaiser Leopold. ...Johann Georg L. Hasekiel. Prinz Eugen von Savoyen. ...Carl T. Griesinger. Prinz Eugenius von Savoyen. ...Emil von Boxberger. Prince Eugene and his times. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Le prophete irlandois. ...Charles de Saint-£vremond. Puritan's grave. ...William P. Scargill. Der Raub Strassburgs in Jahre 1681. ...Heribert Rau. Refugees : a tale of two continents. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Reginald Hastings: a tale of the troubles of 164-. ...Eliot B. G. Warburton. Die Retter Niederwesels. ...Philipp F. W. Oertel. Der Ring. ...Carl A. F. von Witzleben. (In his Ausgewahlte Schriften.) Ritterlicher Sinn. ...Carl A. F. von Witzleben. Der Rittmeister von Alt-Rosen. ...Gustav Freytag. Robber. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Roger Willoughby ; or, Times of Benbow. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Das Roggenhaus Komplott. ...Georg Hiltl. Rosamond Fane : or. Prisoners of Saint James'. ...Mary and Catherine Lee. Die Rose von Heidelberg. ...Louisa M. Robiano. Rosemary: a tale of the fire in London. ...Georgiana C. L. G. Fullerton. Rupert Aubrey of Aubrey Chase : an historical tale of 1681. ...Thomas John Potter. Russell : a tale of the reign of Charles IL ...George Payne Rains- ford James. Ryehouse plot. ...George W. M. Reynolds. Saint Dunstan's clock: a story of 1666. ...E. Ward. Saint George and Saint Michael. ...George Macdonald. Saint Valentine's day, 1664. ...Elbridge S. Brooks. (In his Storied holidays.) Schoolmaster and his son. ...Carl H. Caspari. English translation. Der Schulmeister und sein Sohn : eine Erzahlung aus dem dreissig- jahr. Kriege. ...Carl H. Caspari. Die Schweden in Prag. ...Caroline Pichler. Scottish cavalier. ...James Grant. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 127 EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN— Continued. Settlers at home. ...Harriet Martineau. Shepherd of Grovehall : a tale of 1662. ...Anon. Siege of Colchester. ...George F. Townsend. Siege of Lichfield. ...William Gresley. Silas Verney ; being the story of his adventures in the days of King Charles the Second. ...Edgar Pickering. Sir Henry Appleton ; or, Essex during the-great rebellion. ...Wil- liam E. Heygate. Sir Ralph Esher; or, Memoirs of a gentleman of the court of Charles the Second. ...Leigh Hunt. Sir Ralph Willoughby. ...Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges. Spanish match ; or, Charles Stuart at Madrid. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Spinoza. ...Berthold Auerbach. Stanfield Hall. ...J. Frederick Smith. Star-chamber. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Stronge of Netherstronge : a tale of Sedgemoor. ...Edith J. May. Story of an abduction in the seventeenth century. ...Jacob van Lennep. Talbot Harland. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Tales of the covenanters. ...J. M. Wilson. Tales of the wars of Montrose. ...J. Hogg. Tempest tossed; the story of Seijungfer. ...Margaret Roberts. Through unknown ways. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Times of Gustav Adolf. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. Die Tochter des Piccolomini. ...Georg C. R. Herlosssohn. Too strange not be true. ...Georgiana C. L. G. Fullerton. Traitor or patriot ? a tale of the Ryehouse plot. ...Mary C. Rowsell. Trnova koruna. Historicky olraz z t]ficetilete valky. ...Bengs Tfe- bizsk^. [ton. True hero ; Story of William Penn. ...William Henry Giles Kings- Trug-Gold. ...Rudolf Baumbach. Truth ; or, Persis Clareton. ...Charles B. Taylor. Two knights of Delany castle. ...Mary M. Sherwood. Two .swords ; being a story of old Bristol. »..Emma Marshall. Um den Kaiserstuhl. ...Wilhelm Jensen. Die Vierhundert von Pforzheim. ...Carl A. F von Witzleben. Waldemar. ...W. H. Harrison. Waldner von Wildenstein. ...Joseph Schreyvogel. Washingtons : a tale of a country parish in the seventeenth century. ...John N. Simpkinson. Waldstein. ...Heinrich Laube. Wallenstein. ...Ernst Willkomm. Wallensteins erste Liebe. ...Georg C. R. Herlosssohn. 128 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. EUKOPE, HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL AND MODERN — Continued. VVallensteins Letzte Tage. ...Franz Lubojatzky. VVearyholme ; or, Seedtime and harvest : a tale of the restoration of Charles II. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Whitefriars ; or, Times and days of Charles II. ...Jane Robinson. White gauntlet. ...Mayne Reid. [son, Whitehall ; or. Days and times of Oliver Cromwell. ...Jane Robin- Willitoft; or. Days of James I : a tale. ...Anon. Winchester meads in the time of Thomas Ken. ...Emma Marshall. Winifred ; or, English maiden in the seventeenth century. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Woodstock; or, Cavalier: a tale of the year 1651. ...Sir Walter Scott. Young carpenters of Freiberg : a tale of the thirty years' war. ...Anon. Young deserter. ...Anon. Ein Zeitbild aus Braunschweig's Kirchen und Stadtgeschichte in den ersten Jahrh. des sieben Zehnten Jahrh. ...Carl August Wildenhahn. Eighteenth. Century. Adventures of Roderick Random. ...George Tobias Smollett. Adventures of Rob Roy. ...James Grant. Against the stream : the story of the heroic age in England. ...Elizabeth Charles. Agathon. ...Christoph M. Wieland. Aid-de-camp. ...James Grant. Albert Lunel. ...Henry Brougham. Alide. ...Emma Lazarus. Der Alte Dessauer. ...Franz Lubojatzky. Der Alte Fritz und seine Zeit. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Un ami de la reine. ...Paul Gaulot. [trian. L'an I. de la Republique. ...fimile Erckmann and Alexandre Cha- Ancient regime. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Andree de Taverny. ...Alexandre Dumas. Angela Pisani. ...Lord Strangford. Anna Saint Ives. ...Thomas Holcroft. L'an '93. ...Victor Hugo. Ashcliffe Hall : a tale of the last century. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Atelier du Lys ; or, Art student in the reign of terror. ...Margaret Roberts. Auf Befehl des Konigs. ...Clarissa Lohde. Aus den Tagen zweier Konige. ...Friedrich Adami. Aus drei Kaiserzeiten. ...Johann Georg L. Hesekiel. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 129 EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIJEVAL AND MODERN — Continued. Der Bachtanz zu Langenselbold. ...Philipp F. W. Oertel. Die Baren von Augustusburg : eiiie Erzahlung aus der Sachsischen Geschichte des 18 Jahrhunderts. ...Carl Gustav Nieritz. Barnaby Rudge. ...Charles Dickens. Bears of Augustusburg. ...Carl Gustav Nieritz. English translation. Beaumarchais. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. Beau Nash ; or, Bath in the eighteenth century. ...William Harri- son Ainsworth. Der Berggeist im Riesengebirge. ...Franz Isidor Proschko. Berlin and Sans-Souci. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihl- bach.) English translation. Bischof und Konig. ...Mariam Tenger. Bishop and the king. ...Mariam Tenger. English translation. Black dwarf. ...Sir Walter Scott. Birth and education. ...Marie S. Schwartz. English translation. Blockade : an episode of the fall of the first French empire. ...fimile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Le Blocus. ...:Smile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Blue ribbons : a story of the last century. ...Anna H. Drury. De Boerenkryg. ...Henryk Conscience. Bord och Bildning. . ...Marie S. Schwartz. Die Brautschau Friedrichs des Grossen. ...Julius Bacher. Cabanis, Vaterlandischer Roman. ...Georg Wilhelm Heinrich Haering. Cabinet minister. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. Charlotte Ackermann : ein Hamburger Roman aus dem vorigen Jahrhundert. ...Otto Mueller. Charlotte Ackermann : a theatrical romance. ...Otto Mueller. English translation. Charlotte Corday : an historical novel. ...Henri Alphonse Esquiros. English translation. Charlotte Corday. Historischer Roman. ...Henri Alphonse Esquiros. Le chevalier de Maison-Rouge. ...Alexandre Dumas. Le chevalier de Maison-Rouge : a tale of the reign of terror. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Citizen of Prague. ...Henriette von Paalzow. English translation. Citoyenne Jacqueline : a woman's lot in the great French revolution. ...Henrietta Keddie. (Pseud., Sarah Tytler.) Claude the colporteur. ...Anne Manning. La Comtesse de Charny. ...Alexandre Dumas. La Comtesse d'Egmont. ...Sophie Gay. Cornet of horse : a tale of the Marlborough wars. ...George Alfred Henty. 9 130 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN — Continued. Count Mirabeau. ...Theodor Mundt. English translation. Countess de Charny. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Creole. ...J. B. Cobb. Cyrus. ...Christoph M. Wieland. Dead Marquise. ...Leonard Kip. De Vane : a story of plebeians and patricians. ...Henry W. Hilliard. De Vere. ...Robert P. Ward. Devereux. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Der Domherr. ...Jodocus D. H. Temme. Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevelyan : a story of the times of Whitefield and the Wesleys. ...Elizabeth Charles. Dorothea Cappel. ...Emilie Friedrich S. Lohmann. Duchenier; or, Revolt of La Vendee. ...John Mason Neale. (Pseud., Aurelius Gratianus.) Eighty years ago. ...Harriet Morton. Elizabeth of Guttenstein. ...Caroline Pichler. English translation. Elizabeth von Guttenstein. ...Caroline Pichler. Les ;£tats Generaux. ...iSmile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Evalina. ...Frances d'Arblay. Expedition of Humphrey Clinker. ...Tobias George Smollett. Father Clement : a Roman Catholic story. ...Grace Kennedy. Le faubourg Saint Antoine. ...Tony Revillon. Fifteen years. ...Therese Albertine Luise von Jacob Robinson. (Pseud., Talvj.) English translation. Fool of quality; or, Henry Earl Moreland. ...Henry Brooke. For the king. ...Charles Gibbon. Four Georges. ...William Makepeace Thackeray. Frank Hilton ; or, Queen's own. ...James Grant. Frau von Stael : biographischer Roman. ...Amalie C. E. M. Boelte. Frederick the Great and his court. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Die Freimaurer : eine Familien geschichte aus dem vorigen Jahr- hundert. ...Ferdinand Gustav Kuehne. French wine and politics. ...Harriet Martineau. Friedrich der Grosse und sein Hof. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Friend of the queen. ...Paul Gaulot. English translation. Fiinfzehn Jahre. ...Therese Albertine Luise von Jacob Robinson. (Pseud., Talvj.) Geschichte des weisen Danischmend. ...Christoph M. Wieland. Gipsy. ...George Payne Rainsford James. " God's providence " house : a story of 1791. ...Isabel Banks. Goethe and Schiller. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihl- bach.) English translation. SUBJECT INnEX TO FICTION. 131 EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL AND MODERN — Continued. Gotlie und Schiller. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Muhlbach.) Der goldne Spiegel ; oder, Die Konige von Scheschian. ...Chris- toph M. Wieland. Good old times : a story of the Manchester rebels of '45. ...Wil- Ham Harrison Ainsworth. Graf Mirabeau. ...Theodor Mundt. Grafin Lichtenau. ...Robert Springer. Gute Zeit im Lande. ...H. Brand. Hartland forest : a legend of North Devon. ...Anna Eliza Bray. Heart of Midlothian. ...Sir Walter Scott. Henry Smeaton. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Hetty Hyde's lovers ; or, Household brigade. ...James Grant. Historische Novelle iiber Friedrich II. von Preussen und seine Zeit. ...Joseph E. C. Bischoff. Die historischen Volkslieder des siebenjahrigen Krieges. ...Franz W. Ditfurth. History of Henry Esmond. ...William Makepeace Thackeray. Holderlin. ...Heribert Rau. Im Banne des Schwarzen Adlers. ...Carl Rudolf Gottschall. Ingenue. ...Alexandre Dumas. Ingenue ; or, Death of Marat. ...Alexandre Dumas. English trans- lation. Invisible lodge. ...Jean Paul Friedrich Richter. English translation. Jarousseau, le pasteur du desert. ...Pierre Clement Eugene Pelletan. Jean Jarousseau : pastor of the desert. ...Pierre Clement Eugene Pelletan. English translation. Jean Paul, Kultur-historischer biographischer Roman. ...Heribert Rau. Johann Gotzkowsky, der Kaufmann von Berlin. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Muhlbach.) John Law the projector. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Josef Kaiser. ...Eduard Breier. Joseph II. and his court. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Muhlbach.) Joseph der Zweite. ...Arthur Korn. Julian; or, Close of an era. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. English trr.nslation. Julien ; ou, La fin d'un siecle. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. Kaiser Josef II. ...Eduard Ille. Kaiser Josef II. und das Geheimniss des Freihauses. ...Carl T. Fockt. Kaiser Josef und der Sekretar. ...Adolf Muetzelburg. Kaiser Leopold II. und seine Zeit. ...Clara M. Mundt. ^Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) 132 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL AND l&ffim^^ — Continued. Die Kaiserlichen in Sachsen. ...Wilhelm R. Heller. Kaunitz. ...Leopold Sacher-Masoch. King of Bath; or, Life at Spa. ...Mary C. Ware. King's own. ...Frederick Marryat. King's own borderers : a military romance. ...James Grant. Konig Friederich August IIL von Sachsen und seine Zeit. ...Franz Lubojatzky. Lady Bell : a story of the last century. ...Henrietta Keddie. (Pseud., Sarah Tytler.) Lady Grizel : an impression of a momentous epoch. ...Lewis S. Wingfield. Lady of the province. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Lessing. ...Alexandre Ungern- Sternberg. Life, adventures, and piracies of the famous Captain Singleton. ...Daniel Defoe. Limerick veteran. ...Agnes M. Stewart. Little schoolmaster Mark. ...Joseph Henry Shorthouse. Lord Harry Bellair : a tale of the last century. ...Anne Manning. Lord Mayor of London. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Luck of Barry Lyndon : a romance of the last century. ...William Makepeace Thackeray. Lucy Arden ; or, Hollywood Hall. ...James Grant. Madame De Stael ; an historical novel. ...Amalie C. E. M. Boelte. English translation. ' Madame Therese. ...£mile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Maiden's lodge : a tale of the time of Queen Anne. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Maria Theresa and her fireman. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Maria Theresia und ihr Ofenheizer. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Maria Theresia und ihre Zeit. ...Eduard Duller. Maria Theresia und ihre Zeit. ...Franz Lubojatzky. Marston ; or. Soldier and statesman. ...George Croly. Maurice Tiernay, the soldier of fortune. ...Charles Lever. Les memoires d'un medecin. ...Alexandre Dumas. Memoirs of an English officer. ...Daniel Defoe. Memoirs of a physician. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Merchant of Berlin. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihl- bach.) English translation. Miser's daughter. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Miss Angel. ...Anna Isabella Thackeray (Mrs. Richmond Ritchie). Mit und ohne Vokation. ...Elizabeth von Grotthuss. Monsieur Jack : a tale of the old war-time. ...Alfred H. Engelbach. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 133 ETTROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL AND MODERN — Continued. New voyage around the world. ...Daniel Defoe. Nobleman of '89 : an episode of the French revolution. ...Abel Quinton. Ofverste Stobee, ella holsteinska partiet under frihetstiden. ...Her- mann Bjursten. Old Chelsea Bun-house. ...Anne Manning. Old Fritz and the new era. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Old manor house. ...Charlotte Smith. Oliver Ellis ; or, Fusiliers. ...James Grant. On the edge of the storm. ...Margaret Roberts. Ottilie. ...Violet Paget. La patrie en danger. ...iEmile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Peasant and prince. ...Harriet Martineau. Peg Woffington. ...Charles Reade. Planter's daughter. ...Eliza Ann Dupuy. Poor little Gaspard's drum. ...Alfred H. Engelbach. Preston fight; or, Insurrection of 17 15. ...William Harrison Ains- worth. Die Prinzessin von Wolfenbiittel. ...Johann Heinrich D. Zschokke. Prisoner's daughter: a story of 1758. ...Esme Stuart. Ralf Skirlaugh, the Lancashire squire. ...Edward Peacock. Reign of Terror. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. Rival apprentices. ...Anon. Rob Roy. ...Sir Walter Scott. Ronald Morton ; or, Fireships : a story of the last naval war. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Die Rosenkreuzer in Wien. ...Eduard Breier. Rosenkreuzer und Illuminaten. ...Max Ring. Roseville family. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Riickwirkungen ; oder wer regiert denn ? ...Johann Heinrich D. Zschokke. Saint James ; or. Court of Queen Anne. ...William Harrison Ains- worth. Saville House : an historical romance of the time of George the First. ...Mary M. Hardy. (Pseud., Addleston Hill.) Schiller. Kultur historischer Roman. ...Johannes Scherr. Schubart und seine Zeitgenossen. ...Albert E, Brachvogel. Seats of the mighty. ...Gilbert Parker. Shelley. Biographische Novelle. ...Wilhelm Ritter von Hamm. Die Soldaten Friedrichs des Grossen. ...Julius von Wickede. Sophie Charlotte, die philosophische Konigin. ...Julius Bacher. South-sea bubble: a tale of the year 1720. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. 134 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL AND MODERN — Continued, Spiritual Don Quixote ; or, Summer ramble of Mr. Geoffry Wild- goose. ...Richard Graves. States General. ...Emile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. Eng- lish translation. Surgeon's daughter. ...Sir Walter Scott. Tale of two cities. ...Charles Dickens. Tapestried chamber. ...Sir Walter Scott. Tauschungen. ...Heinrich J. Koenig. Thomas Thyrnau. ...Henrietta von Paalzow. Too strange not to be true. ...Georgiana C. L. G. Fullerton. Treasure trove. ...Samuel Lover. Tremaine ; or, Man of refinement. ...Robert P. Ward. Tuileries. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. Two campaigns. ...Alfred H. Engelbach. Die unsichtbare Loge. ...Jean Paul Richter. La Vendee. ...Anthony TroUope. Vera; or, War of the peasants. ...Hendrik Conscience. English translation. Verrath und Liebe. ...Adolf Muetzeburg. Der Vetter im Consistorium. ...Philipp F. W. Oertel. [eray. Virginians : a tale of the last century. ...William Makepeace Thack*- Von Eels zum Meer. ...Hans von Zollern. Vor hundert Jahren. ...Carl W. Ritter von Martini. Waverley. ...Sir Walter Scott. When George III. was king. ...Anon. White slave. ...Richard Hildreth. Wien und Rom. ...Eduard Breier. Wild fire. ...George Walter Thornbury. Wilhelm Hogarth. Historischer Roman. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. William Hogarth : a romance. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. English translation. * World went very well then. ...Walter Besant. Year one of the Republic. ...Emile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Young Marmaduke. ...William D. H. Adams. Youth and manhood of Cyril Thornton. ...Thomas Hamilton. Zanoni. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Der Zigeuner-zogling, oder Schlangenwege des Verbrechens. ...Lud- wig von Alvensleben. Zrini a kolto. ...Miklos Josika. Nineteenth Century. Abigel Rowe: a chronicle of the regency. ...Lewis S. Wingfield. Adventures of Brigadier Gerard. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 135 EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN — Continued. Aims and obstacles. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Alexandre von Humboldt. ...Heribert Ran. Alton Locke. ...Charles Kingsley. American in Paris, ...Eugene Coleman Savidge. Andreas Burns, und seine Familie. ...Philipp Lange. (Pseud., Philipp Galen.) Andreas Hofer. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise MUhlbach.) Andreas Hofer. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise MUhlbach.) English translation. Andreas Hofer. ...Maximilian von Schenkendorf. L'argent des autres. ...£mile Gaboriau. At odds. ...Jemima Montgomery, Baroness von Tautphoeus. Auf dem Wiener Kongress. ...Julius Bacher. Aulnay Tower. ...Blanche Willis Howard. Aus dem Berlin Kaiser Wilhelm's I. ...Paul Lindenberg. Aus dem Ghetto. ...Leopold Kompert. Aus dem Schonen, wilden Lieutenants-Zeit. ...Carl Torresani. Babel. ...Alfred Meissner. Der Baigneur von Ostende. ...Philipp F. W. Oertel. Barackenleben. ...Ludovika Hesekiel. La bande rouge. ...Fortune Abraham Du Boisgobey. Belfry of Saint Jude. ...Esme Stuart. Ben Brace : the last of Nelson's Agamemnons. ...Frederick Chamier. Bilder und Geschichten aus Schwaben. ...Ottilie W^ildermuth. Bis zum Kaiserthron. ...Bruno Garlepp. Bivouac ; or, Stories of the Peninsular war. ...William H. Maxwell. Les blancs et les bleus. ...Alexandre Dumas. Die Bluttaufe der deutschen Einheit im Jfihre 1870. ...Eugen H. von Dedenroth. Bombardier H. and Corporal Dose ; or, Military life in Prussia. ...Friedrich W. Hacklaender. Der bose Blick. ...Ludwig Schneider. Die Clubisten in Mainz. ...Heinrich J. Koenig. Comedy of terrors. ...James de Mille. Compagnons de Jehu. ...Alexandre Dumas. Companions of Jehu. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Der Congress zu Wien. ...Eduard Breier. Conscript of 18 13. ...£mile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian, English translation. Convict. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Countess Irene. ...J. Fogerty. Die Czechin : Erzahlung aus dem Kriege des Jahres 1866. ...Eugen H. von Dedenroth. 136 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL AND MODERN — Co7itinued. Dangerfield's rest. ...H. Sedley. La debacle. ...]£mile Zola. Debit and credit. ...Gustav Freytag. English translation. Detained in France. ...Julia Kavanagh. Ein deutsches Reiterleben. ...Julius von Wickede. Fine deutsche Revolution; oder, Der Karneval von 1848. ...Eugen H. von Dedenroth. Deutsche Wunden. ...Louise Otto. Deutschlands Kampf und Sieg. ...Julius Woeniger. Diana's crescent. ...Anne Manning. Der Domherr. ...Jodocus D. H. Temme. Downfall. ...fimile Zola. English translation. Drei Tage in Mittenwalde im bayerischen Alpengebirge. ...Philipp F. W. Oertel. Durch Nacht zum Licht. ...Friedrich Spielhagen. Egy Magyar Nabob. ...Mor Jokai. 1805; oder, die Franzosen zum erstenmal in Wien. ...Eduard Breier. 1809. Historischer Roman. ...Eduard Breier. 1848; oder, Nacht und Licht. ...Franz Lubojatzky. 1849 5 o^^^ ^^s Konigs Maienbliite. ...Franz Lubojatzky. 1858-89. ...Bruno Rodwald. 1866; oder in Bohmen und am Main. ...Franz Lubojatzky. 1870; oder die Heldin von Worth. ...Adolf Schirmer. Elba und Waterloo: Forsetzung von 1813. ...F. StoUe. Elsie's dowry : a tale of the Franco-Prussian war. ...Emma Leslie. Empress Josephine. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihl- bach.) English translation. Enemy's friendship. ...S. M. S. Clarke. Erdely aranykora. ...Mor Jokai. Erlach const. ...Lolo Kirschner. (Pseud., Ossip Schubin.) Europaische Minen und Gegenminen. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Falu jegyzoje. ...Jozsef Eotvos. Une famille pendant la guerre. ...Mme. B. Boissonnas. Der Feldmarschall Bliicher und der Pfarrer Kretzschmar. ...Philipp F. W. Oertel. Fiddler of Lugau. ...Margaret Roberts. Fleur de lys: a story of the Franco-German war. ...Grenville Murray. Forest and the fortress. ...Laura Jewry. For the right. ...Karl Emil Franzos. English translation. Franz Alzeyer. ...Paul Heyse. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION: 137 EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN — Continued. Frederick Gordon; or, Storming of the Sedan. ...Anon. Fritz of the tower : a tale of the Franco-German war. ...L. Loben- hoffer. Fudge family in Paris. ...Thomas Moore. Fiinf Milliarden. ...Bernhard Hasslein. Fiirst Georg Rakocsy I. in Reps. ...Theobald Wolf. Gate and the glory beyond it : a tale of the Franco-Prussian war. ...Onyx, Pseud. Gaythorne Hall. ...John M. Fothergill. Die Geheimnisse des Waldschlosses. ...Reinhard Edmund Hahn. General Rapp und die Belagerung von Danzig. ...Maria von Ros- kowska. Gold und Blut. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Sarmarow.) Die Grandidiers. ...Julius Rodenberg. Great mistake : a story of adventure. ...Thomas S. Millington. Der Grenadier von Weissenburg. ...Robert Neumann. Gunbearer. ...Edward A. Robinson. Ein Hamburger Kauffmann. ...W. Christern. Harrington. ...W. D. O'Connor. Haus Hohenzollern. ...Stanislaus S. A. Grabowski. Heinrich Heine's erste Liebe. ...Katharine Diez. Held und Kaiser. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Henri de la Tour ; or, Comrades in arms. ...J. Frederick Smith. Hester. ...Thomas Hardy. Histoire d'un conscrit de 1813. ...ilSmile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Histoire d'un homme du peuple. ...!lSmile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Histoire du plebiscite. ...^mile Erckmann et Alexandre Cha- trian. Hofer. ...Bramley Moore. Hohensteins. ...Friedrich Spielhagen. English translation. Hungarian brothers. ...Anne Maria Porter. Hungarian girl. ...Mariam Tenger. Im Exil. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Im Herzen von Deutschland. ...Carl G. Berneck. Imperia. ...Mary A. I. Seymour. (Pseud., Octavia Hensel.) Interpreter: a tale of the Crimean war. ...George John Whyte Melville. Interrupted wedding. ...Anne Manning. In the year '13. ...Fritz Renter. English translation. 138 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIiEVAL AND MODERN — Continued. Invasion of France in 1814: comjjrising the night march of the Russian army past Phalsbourg. ...]Smile Erckmann and Alex- andre Chatrian. English translation. L'Invasion ; ou, Le fou Yegof. ...fimile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Der Jager von Koniggratz, ...Eugen H. von Dedenroth. Das Jahr 1866. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Jews of Barnow. ...Karl Emil PYanzos. English translation. Die Juden von Barnow. ...Karl Emil Franzos. Kaiser Wilhelm und seine Zeitgenossen. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Mtihlbach.) Kaiserin Josephine. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Mtihlbach.) Ein Kampf um's Recht. ...Karl Emil Franzos. Der Kaplan von Koniggratz. ...Franz Lubojatzky. Karpathy Zoltan. ...Mor Jokai. Kenneth; or, Rear-guard of the grand army. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Kentucky's love; or, Roughing it about Paris. ...Edward King. King of the mountain. ...Edmond About. Enghsh translation. Konig Jerome's Carneval. ...Heinrich J. Koenig. Konigin Hortense : ein Napoleonisches Lebensbild. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Mtihlbach.) Der Krieg am Rhein im Jahre 1870. ...Stanislaus S. A. Grabowski. Kreuz und Schwert. ...Franz W. Ditfurth. Kreuz und Schwert. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Krummensee. ...Johann Georg L. Hesekiel. Lady Wedderburn's wish: a tale of the Crimean war. ...James Grant. Der lange Isaack. ...Julius von Wickede. Laura Everingham ; or, Highlanders of Glen Ora. ...James Grant. Leonie ; or, Light out of darkness. ...Annie Lucas. Lindau ; oder, der unsichtbare Bund. ...Johann Weitzel. Lord Hermitage. ...James Grant. Lord of himself. ...F. H. Underwood. Lothair. ...Benjamin Disraeli. Lotta Schmidt and other stories. ...Anthony Trollope. Louisa of Prussia and her time. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Mtihlbach.) English translation. Louisa von Preussen und ihre Zeit. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Mtihlbach.) Maid, wife, or widow? ...Annie F. Hector. (Pseud., Mrs. Alex- ander.) SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTlbN 139 EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIiEVAL AND MODERN — Contimied. Mainstone's housekeeper. ...Eliza Meteyard. (Pseud., Silver pen.) Manchester strike. ...Harriet Martineau. Man of the people. ...;£mile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Margaret Muller : a story of the late war in France. ...Eugenie Bersier. Margaret von Ehrenberg, the artistes wife. ...William and Mary Howitt. Marmone. ...Philip Gilbert Hamerton. Martin der Stellmacher. ...L. Kreutzer. Martyrs to circumstance. ...Maria Therese Longworth Yelverton. Mary Barton: a. tale of Manchester life. ...Elizabeth C. Gaskell. Max Kroner: a story of the siege of Strasburg. ...Hannah Smith. (Pseud., Hesba Stretton.) Member for Paris : a tale of the Second Empire. ...Grenville Murray. Les Miserables. ...Victor Hugo. Les Miserables. ...Victor Hugo. English translation. Moderne Grossen. ...B. Aba. Napoleon in Deutschland. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Napoleon in Germany. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihl- bach.) English translation. Neudeutsch. ...Joseph E. C. Bischoff. Der neue Hiob. ...Leopold Sacher-Masoch. New Job. ...Leopold Sacher-Masoch. English translation. North and South. ...Elizabeth C. Gaskell. Old plantation. ...J. Hungerford. One of the *' Six hundred." ...James Grant. Only half a hero : a tale of the Franco-German war. ...Alfred T. Story. Other people's money. ...fimile Gaboriau. English translation. Otto der Schutz. ...Johann Gottfried Kinkel. Parisians. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Partisan leader. ...Beverly. Perlen aus der Krone des letzten deutschen Kaisers. ...Franz Isidor Proschko. Peter Mayr. ...Petri K. Rosegger. Pfortner Jugend. ...Friedrich Kenner. Phantom regiment ; or, Stories of " Ours." ...James Grant. Poet hero. ...Minny Bothmer. Powder and gold : a story of the Franco-Prussian war. ...Levin Schuecking. English translation. Prince Bismark : friend or foe ? ...Minny Bothmer. I40 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL AND MODERN — Continued. Prinz Louis Ferdinand. ...Fanny Lewald Stahr. Problematic characters. ...Friedrich Spielhagen. English trans- lation. Problematische naturen. ...Friedrich Spielhagen. Prussian spy. ...V. Valmont. Pulver und Gold. ...Levin Schuecking. Queen Hortense. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Ravenshoe. ...Henry Kingsley. Red band : the adventures of a young girl during the siege of Paris. ...Fortune Abraham Du Boisgobey. English translation. Die Ritter vom Geiste. ...Carl F. Gutzhow. Le roi des Montagues. ...Edmond About. Roman aus dem Berliner. ...Oskar Pleller. Ein Roman aus den Zeiten des schleswig-holsteineschen Krieges. ...Constantin M. Reichenbach. Le roman d'un brave homme. ...Edmond About. Romance of Vienna. ...Frances TroUope. Romance of war. ...L. Bellstab. Romance of war ; or, Highlanders in Spain. ...James Grant. Die Romerfahrt der Epigonen. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Die Rose von Sadowa. ...Ludwig A. R. Kuerbis. De Sadowa a Sedan. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Saly's Revolutionstage. ...Ulrich Hegner. Scenes from the Ghetto. ..Leopold Kompert. English transla- tion. Schach-Bismark. ...J. G. Findel. Schleswig-Holstein meerum schlugen. ...Carl von Kessel. Shadow of the sword. ...Robert W. Buchanan. She-wolves of Machecoul. ...Alexandre Dumas. English trans lation. Shut up in Paris. ...Nathan Sheppard. Sister Martha. ...Benjamin Wilson. Six years ago. ...James Grant. Soil und Haben. ...Gustav Freytag. Der Spion. ...Franz F. Wangenheim. Story of an honest man. ...Edmond About. English translation. Story of the plebiscite. ...fimile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian, English translation. Stories of Waterloo. ...William H. Maxwell. Subaltern. ...George Robert Gleig. Sybil ; or, Two nations. ...Benjamin Disraeli. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 141 EUROPE, HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL AND W^li^^^ ^ Continued. Thekla. ...William Armstrong. Theodor Korner. ...Heribert Rau. Through night to light. ...Friedrich Spielhagen. English trans- lation. Tithe-proctor. ...William Carlton. Twins of Saint-Marcel: a tale of Paris incendie. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Under the Red Dragon. ...James Grant. Unter Preussens Fahnen : historischer Roman aus dem Jahre 1866. ...Stanislaus S. A. Grabowski. Ut de Franzosentid. ...Fritz Reuter. Valentin : a French boy*s story of Sedan. ...Henry Kingsley. Vanished Emperor. ...Percy Andreae. Vera; or, Russian princess and English earl. ...Charlotte L. H. Dempster. Village notary. ...Jozsef Eotvos. English translation. Die Volkerschlacht bei Leipzig ...Joseph von Hinsberg Die von Hohenstein. ...Friedrich Spielhagen. Von Saalfeld bis Aspern. ...Heinrich J. Koenig. Vor dem Sturm. ...Theodor Fontane. Vor dem Sturm Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Waldfried. ...Berthold Auerbach. Waterloo. ...fimile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Waterloo. ...£mile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Wenderholme : a story of Lancashire and Yorkshire. ...Philip Gilbert Hamerton. Whitehall. ...William Maginn. Whites and the blues. ...Alexandre Dumas. English transla- tion. Within iron walls : a tale of the siege of Paris. ...Annie Lucas. Workman and soldier : a tale of Paris life during the siege and rule of the Commune. ...James F. Cobb. Year nine : a tale of the Tyrol. ...Anne Manning. Young buglers : a tale of the Peninsular war. ...George Alfred Henty. Young Franc-Tireurs and their adventures in the Franco-Prussian war. ...George Alfred Henty. Zu spat erkannt. ...Anon. Zwei Kaiserkronen. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) EVANGELINE. See ACADIA. 142 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. EXILE. Le brigadier Frederic. ...£mile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatriaa Brigadier Frederick. ...Smile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Driven into exile. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Elisabeth; ou, Les Exiles de Siberie. ...Sophie Risteau Cottin. Exiles. ...Richard Harding Davis. Exiles in Babylon. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Exiles of Lucerne. ...John R. Macduff. Exile's trust. ...Frances Browne. Forest exiles. ...Mayne Reid. From exile. ...James Payn. Huguenot exiles ; or, Times of Louis XIV. ...Eliza Ann Dupuy. Im exil. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) In the dwellings of silence. ...Walter Kennedy. In exile. ...Mrs. H. H. Foote. Jacobite exile : adventures in the service of Charles XII. of Sweden. ...George Alfred Henty. Kings in exile. ...Alphonse Daudet. English translation. Les rois en exil. ...Alphonse Daudet. Roman exile. ...Guglielmo Gajani. Czarina. (Meuzikoff.) ...Barjara Hofland. Lichtenstein. ...Wilhelm Hauff. Lichtenstein ; or, Swabian League. ...Wilhelm Hauff. English translation. Vera Vorontzoff. ..'.Sonia Krukovsky Kovalevsky. FAIRY TALES. A Selection. Adventures in Fairyland. ...David H. Brewer. Ahmed Ibn Hemden : Turkish evenings' entertainment. ...Anon. Baron Gravenstein in Fairy-land. ...T. H. Chandler. Billedbog uden Billeder. ...Hans Christian Andersen. Book of English fairy-tales from the north country. ...A. C. Fryer. Brownies and bogles. ...Louise I. Guiney. Bubbling teapot. ...Elizabeth Williams Champney. Celtic fairy tales. ...J. Jacobs. Cera una volta. ...Luigi Capuana. Cuckoo clock. ...Mary Molesworth. (Pseud., Ennis Graham.) Danish fairy legends and tales. ...Hans Christian Andersen. English translation. Dealings with the fairies. ...George MacDonald. Deutsche Sagen. ...Jacob L. Carl and Wilhelm Carl Grimm* Echoes from Fairy-land. ...Mary D. Brine. Eventyr. ...Hans Christian Andersen. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 143 FAIRY ThUS.^— Continued. Fairy book. ...Rebecca S. Clarke. Fairy tales. ...Hans Christian Andersen. English translation. Fairy tales. ...M-aria Catherine Jumelle de Berne, Comtesse d'Aunoy. English translation. Fairy tales. ...Mabel Fuller Blodgett. Fairy tales. ...Jacob L. Carl and Wilhelm Carl Grimm. English translation Fairy tales. ...ErRst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann. English translation. Fairy tales. ...Mary De Morgan. Fairy tales from Brentano, ...Clemens Brentano. Fairy tales from gold lands. ...Mary Wentworth. Fantasiestucke in Callot's Manier. ...Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann. Feen-marchen. ...Marie Catherine Jumelle de Berne, Comtesse d'Aunoy. Fians, fairies and Picts. ...David MacRitchie. Five fairy tales. ...Clemens Brentano. Foggerty's fairy and other tales. ...William S. Gilbert. German and Swedish fairy tales. ...Carrie N. Horwitz. Harold and the months; or, Little boy's travels in dreamland. ...A. C. Fryer. Heroes ; or, Greek fairy tales. ...Charles Kingsley. Higgledy-piggledy ; or, Stories for everybody and everybody's children. ...Edward H. K. Hugessen. In Poppyland. ...Mabel L. Fuller. Irish fairy tales. ...W. B. Yeats. Japanese fairy world. ...William E. Griffis. Kinder- und Hausmarchen. ...Jakob L. Carl and Wilhelm Carl Grimm. Knave of hearts. ...Robert Grant. Last of the fairies : a Christmas tale. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Last of the giant-killers. ...John C. Atkinson. Legends of Fairy-land. ...Anna Bache. Light princess and other tales. ...George MacDonald. Little book of profitable tales. ...Eugene Field. Little mermaid and other fairy tales Flans Christian Andersen. English translation. My own fairy book. ...Andrew Lang. New fairy tales. ...Clemens Brentano. Old-fashioned fairy tales. ...Juliana H. Ewing. Old Hungarian fairy tales. ...Orczy Emmuska and M, Barstow. Old, old fairy tales, ...Laura Valentine. 144 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. FAIEY TALES — Continued. Once upon a time. ...Luigi Capuana. English translation. Pansie's flour-bin. ...Eliza Tabor (Mrs. Stephenson). Popular tales from the Norse. ...George W. Dasent. Popular tales of the West Highlands. ...J. F. Campbell. Prince of Argolis. ...J. Moyr Smith. Rainbows for children. ...Caroline Tappan. Rose and the lily : how they became the emblems of England and France. ...Octavian Blewitt. Scenes in Fairy-land. ...John C. Atkinson. Something occurred. ...Benjamin Leopold Fargeon. Southern cross fairy tale. ...Rebecca S. Clarke. Tales of sixty mandarins. ...P. V. Raju. Tangled tale. ...Charles Lutwidge. (Pseud., Lewis Carroll.) Turkish fairy tales and folk tales. ...Ignacz Kunos. English translation from the Hungarian. Tuscan fairy tales. ...Violet Paget. (Pseud., Vernon Lee.) Twilight land. ...Howard Pyle. Under the sunset. ...Bram Stoker. Wonder stories told for children. ...Hans Christian Andersen. English translation. See also LEGENDS and FOLK-LOEE. FAWKES, GUIDO (GUY). Lived 1510-1606. Coombe, Abbey. ...Selina Bunbury. Father Darcy : an historical romance. ...Anne Marsh. Guy Fawkes ; or, Gunpowder treason. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. FEHGEBICHTE. Anne of Geierstein. ...Sir Walter Scott. Hermann von Unna. ...Christiane Benedicte Eugenie Naubert. FERGUSON, ROBERT. Lvved 1750-1774- Rye House plot. ...George W. M. Reynolds. Traitor or patriot? a tale of the Rye House plot. ...Mary C Rowsell. FIRES, FAMOUS. Chicago. 1871. Barriers burned away. ...Edward Payson Roe. Daniel Trentworthy. ...J. McGovern. London. 1666. Andrew Golding : a tale of the great plague. ...Annie E. Keeling. Brave man of Eyam; or, Tale of the great plague. ...Edward N. Hoare. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 145 FIRES, FAMOUS — Continued. Caleb Field : a tale of the Puritans. ...Margaret O. W. Oliphant. Captain Jacques ; or, Romance of the time of the plague. ...Edward Fitzgibbon. (Pseud., Somerville Gibney.) Carved cartoon. ...Austin Clare. Cherry and violet: a tale of the great plague. ...Anne Manning. History of the great plague in London in 1665. ...Daniel Defoe. Jennett Cragg, the Quakeress. ...Maria Wright. Old Saint Paul's: a tale of the plague and the fire. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Oliver Wyndham : a tale of the great plague. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe (Webb). Rosemary: a tale of the fire of London. ...Georgiana C. L. G. FuUerton. Saint Dunstan's clock : a story of 1666. ...E. Ward. When London burned : a story of restoration times and the great fire. ...George Alfred Henty. When London was burned. ...J. Finnemore. Rome. 64. Beric the Briton. ...George Alfred Henty. Burning of Rome ; or, Story of the days of Nero. ...Alfred John Church. FLORENCE, ITALY. Fast of Saint Magdalen. ...Anna Maria Porter. Legends of Florence. ...Charles Godfrey Leland. Romola. ...Marian Evans Lewes Cross. (Pseud., George Eliot.) Di Vasari. ...Charles Edwards. See also ITALIAN HISTORY and ITALY. FLORIDA. Bewitched. ...Louis Pendleton. Canoe-mates : a tale of the Florida reef and Everglades. ...Kirk Munroe. Coral ship. ...Kirk Munroe. East Angels. ...Constance Fenimore Woolson. Flamingo feather. ...Kirk Munroe. Grahams. ...Jane G. Fuller. Jack Tier; or, Florida reef. ...James Fenimore Cooper. In the wilds of Florida. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Lily and the totem. ...William Gilmore Simms. Loss of the Swansea. ...William L. Alden. Remember the Alamo. ...Amelia Edith Barr. Ringwood the rover. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Vasconselos : a romance of the new world. ...William Gilmore Simms. 10 146 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. FOLK-LOKE. Afro-Ainerican folk-lore told on the sea islands of South Carolina. ...A. M. H. Christensen. Baital-Pachchisi : Twenty-five tales of a sprite. ...English transla- tion from tiie Hindi test of Duncan Forbes. Beside the fire : a collection of Irish tales and Gaelic folk stories. ...Douglas Hyde. Blackfoot Lodge tales. ...George Bird Grinnell. Book of New England legends and folk-lore in prose and poetry. ...S. A. Drake. Cera una volta. ...Luigi Capuana. Collection of Irish Gaelic folk stories. ...Douglas Hyde. Fairy and folk-tales of the Irish peasantry. ...W- B. Yeats. Folk and fairy tales. ...Peter C. Asbj0rnsen. English translation. Folk-lore and legends. ...Lai Behari Day. (8 vols.) Folk-lore and legends, Russian and Polish. ...Anon. Folk-tales of Angola. ...Heli Chatelain. Folk-tales of Bengal. ...Lai Behari Day. Ghosts and family legends. ...Catherine Crowe. Green fairy book. ...Andrew Lang. In the land of marvels : folk-tales of Austria and Bohemia. ...Frie- drich Theodor Vernaleken. English translation. Italian popular tales. ...Thomas F. Crane. Korean tales. ...H. N. Allen. Legend of Montrose. ...Sir Walter Scott. Legend of Thomas Didymus, the Jewish skeptic. ...James Free- man Clarke. Legendes des plantes et des oiseaux. ...Xavier Marmier. Legends and popular tales of the Basque people. ...Mariana Mon- teiro. Legends of Charlemagne. ...Edward Everett Hale. Legends of fairyland. ...Anna Bache. Legends of Florence. ...Charles Godfrey Leland. Legends of the Middle Ages. ...H. A. Guerber. Legends of the Wagner Drama. ...Jessie L. Weston. Louisiana folk-tales. ...Alcee Fortier. Mamma's black nurse stories : West Indian folk lore. ...Mary P. M. Home. Man who married the moon. ...Charles F. Lummis. Mr. Rabbit at home. ...Joel Chandler Harris. Myths and folk-lore of Ireland. ...Jeremiah Curtin. Negro myths from the Georgia coavSt, told in the vernacular. ...Charles Colcock Jones, Jr. Nights with Uncle Remus. ...Joel Chandler Harris. Old Celtic romances. ...Patrick Weston Joyce. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 147 FOLK-LOBE — Continued. Once upon a time. ...Luigi Capuana. English translation. Osterreichische Kinder- und Hausmarchen. ...Friedrich Theodor Vernaleken. Pawnee stories and folk lore. ...George Bird Grinnell. Shadow-land on Elian Vannin ; or, Folk tales of the Isle of Man. ...Mrs. J. W. Russell. (Pseud., I. PI. Leney.) Sixty folk-tales from exclusively Slavonic sources. ...A. H. Wratis- law, translator. Tales and legends of national origin, or widely current in England, from the earliest times. ...William C. Hazlitt. Tales of Punjab : told by the people. ...Flora Annie Steel. Die Tellfrage.Versuch ihrer Geschichte und Losung. ...Anton Gisler. Through green glasses. ...F. M. Allen. Turkish fairy tales and folk tales. ...Ignacz Kunos. English trans- lation from the Hungarian. Uncle Remus and his friends. ...Joel Chandler Harris. Van Gelder papers. ...John T. Irving. Voodoo tales as told among the negroes of the Southwest. ...Mary Alicia Owen. West Irish folk-tales and romances. ...William Larmine. Winter evenings tales, collected among the cottages in the South of Scotland. ...James Hogg. Wonder world stories from the Chinese, French, German, and Hebrew. ...Marie Pabke and Margaret J. Pitman. See also FAIRY TALES and LEGENDS. FORECASTS. A Selection. Csesar's column : a story of the twentieth century. ...Ignatius Donnelly. (Pseud., Edmund Boisgilbert.) Dame Fortune smiled. ...Willis Barnes. Fifty years hence ; or what may be in 1943. ...Robert Grimshaw. Final war. ...Louis Tracy. Great war in England in 1897. ...William Le Queux. Hartmann the anarchist. ...E. Douglas Fawcett. Ireland's dream. ...Edmund D. Lyon. Journey in other worlds. ...John Jacob Astor. Looking backwards. 2000-1887. ...Edward Bellamy. Marshal Duke of Denver ; or, Revolution of 1920. ...Hugo Barnaby. Mr. East's experiences in Mr. Bellamy's world. ...Conrad Wilbrandt. New Centurion. ...James Eastwick. News from Nowhere. ...William Norris. 1900 A. D. ...Marianne Farningham. Pictures of the socialistic future. ...Eugene Richter. English translation. 14^ SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. FORECASTS — Continued. Sozialdemokratische Zukunftbilder. ...Eugene Richter. 2894 ; or, Fossil man. ...Walter Browne. Traveller from Altruria. ...William Dean Howells. Utopia. ...Sir Thomas More. FEANCE. A Selection. Description^ Manners^ and Customs. Before the dawn: a story of Paris and the Jacquerie. ...George Dulac. Beside the river. ...Katharine S. Macquoid. Conscript of 18 13. ...!fimile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Constable of France. ...James Grant. Cruise of the Mystery. ...Louise Seymour Houghton. From the memoirs of a minister of France. ...Stanley J. Weyman. Gowrie ; or, King's plot. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Her majesty the Queen. ...John Esten Cooke. Histoire d'un Conscrit de 1813. ...]£mile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Historical tales ; or, Romance of reality. ...Charles Morris. Kenneth ; or, Rear-guard of the great army. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Red cockade. ...Stanley J. Weyman. Refugees : a tale of two continents. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Romance of Prince Eugene. ...Albert Pulitzer. English transla- tion. Saint Katharine's by the tower. ...Walter Besant. Shield of the fleur de lis. ...Constance Goddard DuBois. La Vendee : an historical romance. ...Anthony Trollope. Young Breton volunteer. ...Frances M. Wilbraham. See also FRENCH HISTORY and HUGUENOTS. FRANCIS I. OF FRANCE. Reig7ied 1515-15^7. Anne de Montmorency, connetable de France : nouvelle historique- ...Pierre de Lesconvel. Ascanio. ...Alexandre Dumas. Ascanio. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Constable de Bourbon. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Darnley ; or, Field of the cloth of gold. ...George Payne Rainsford James, Saint Leon : a tale of the sixteenth century. ...William Godwin. Die Schlacht von Marignano. ...Carl A. F. von Witzleben. See also FRENCH HISTORY. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 149 FRANCIS II. OF FRANCE. Reignedl559-1560. Le chevalier de la Renaudie : roman historique. ...fidouard De- vicque. See also MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS, and FRENCH HISTORY. FRANCO-GERMAN WAR. 1870-1871. American in Paris. ...Eugene Coleman Savidge. L'argent des autres. ...Smile Gaboriau. Aulnay Tower. ...Blanche Willis Howard. La bande rouge. ...Fortune Abraham Du Boisgobey. Barackenleben. ...Lodovika Hesekiel. Battle of Dorking : reminiscences of a volunteer. ...George T. Chesney. Belfry of Saint Jude. ...Esme Stuart. Die Bluttaufe der Deutschen Einheit im Jahre 1870. ...Eugen H. von Dedenroth. Die Braut aus Frankreich. ...Hilmar Juetbock. ( Pseud., J . Hilmar. ) Le brigadier Frederic. ...Smile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Brigadier Frederick. ...Smile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Change for France and other stories. ...John Heard, Jr. Comedy of terrors. ...James De Mille. La debacle. ...Smile Zola. Deutschlands Kampf und Sieg. ...Julius Woeniger. Downfall. ...Smile Zola. English translation. Dreams and reality: a tale of the siege of Paris. ...Anon. Eagle and dove : a tale of the Franco-Prussian war. ...M. E. Clements. Echoes of a famous year. ...Harriet Parr. (Pseud., Holme Lee.) 1870; Oder die Heldin von Worth. ...Adolf Schirmer. Elsie's dowry : a tale of the Franco-German war. ...Emma Leslie. Une famille pendant la guerre. ...Mme. B. Boissonnas. Fleur de lys : a story of the Franco-German war. ...Grenville Murray. French prisoners. ...Edward Bertz. Fritz of the tower : a tale of the Franco-German war. ...L. Loben- hoffer. Fiinf Milliarden. ...Bernhard Hesslein. Gate and the glory beyond it: a tale of the Franco- Prussian war. ...Onyx, pseud. Geschichten aus der Pariser Belagerung. ...Paul d'Abrest. Golden moment : a tale of the Franco-Prussian war. ...Marian F. Fernando. Die Grandidiers. ...Julius Rodenberg. Der Grenadier von Weissenburg. ...Robert Neumann. ISO SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. FRANCO-GERMAN WAR — Continued. Great mistake : a story of adventure. ...Thomas S. Millington. Hester. ...Thomas Hardy. Histoire du plebiscite. ...£mile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Une idylle pendant le siege. ...Fran9ois Coppee. Im Exil. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Kentucky's love ; or, Roughing it about Paris. ...Edward King. Der Krieg am Rhein im Jahre 1870. ...Stanislaus S. A. Grabowski. Kreuz und Schwert. ...Franz W. Ditfurth. Kreuz und Schwert. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Leaf in the storm. ...Louise De la Rame. (Pseud., Ouida.) Leonie; or, Light out of darkness. ...Annie Lucas. Margaret Muller : a story of the late war in France. ...Eugenie Bersier. Marmorne. ...Philip Gilbert Hamerton. Max Kroner : a story of the siege of Strasburg. ...Hannah Smith. (Pseud., Hesba Stretton.) New Magdalen. ...William Wilkie Collins. Only half a hero : a tale of the Franco-German war. ...Alfred T. Story. Other people's money. ...lEmile Gaboriau. English translation. Paquette. ...James Grant. Parisians. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Powder and gold: a story of the Franco-Prussian war. ...Levin Schuecking. English translation. Princess Clarice : a story of 187 1. ...Mabel Collins Cook. Prussian spy. ...V. Valmont. Pulver und Gold. ...Levin Schuecking. Red band : the adventures of a young girl during the siege of Paris. ...Fortune Abraham Du Boisgobey. English translation. Reverse of the shield; or, Adventures of Gremille de Marchant during the Franco-Prussian war. ...Augusta Marryat. Robert Helmont : diary of a recluse, 1870-187 1. ...Alphonse Daudet. English translation. Robert Helmont. ...Alphonse Daudet. Le roman d'un brave homme. ...Edmond About. Secret of Fontaine-La Croix. ...Margaret Field. Shut up in Paris. ...Nathan Sheppard. Sinless secret : a romance of the Franco-Prussian war. ...Eliza M. J. von Booth. (Pseud., Rita.) Sister Martha : a tale of the Franco-Prussian war. ...Benjamin Wilson. Six years ago. ...James Grant. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 151 FRANCO-GERMAN ^1^^— Continued. Story of an honest man. ...Edmond About. English translation. Story of the plebiscite Smile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Sunbeam Susette. ...Emma Leshe. Der Todesgruss der Legionen. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Trojan : the history of a sentimental young man. ...Henry F. Keienan. Twins of Saint-Marcel : a tale of Paris incendie. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Valentin : a French boy's story of Sedan. ...Henry Kingsley. Waldfried. ...Berthold Auerbach. White month. ...Frances M. Peard. Within iron walls : a tale of the siege of Paris. ...Annie Lucas. Workman and soldier : a tale of Paris life during the siege and rule of the commune. ...James F. Cobb. Young Franc-Tireurs and their adventures in the Franco-Prussian war. ...George Alfred Henty. Zu spat erkannt. ...Anon. FREDERICK I. OF GERMANY. Reigned 1152-1190. Earbarossa. Historischer Roman. ...Joseph E. C. Bischoff. Friedrich's des Ersten letzte Lebenstage. ...Julius Bacher. Kaiser Friedrich, genannt Barbarossa. ...Carl J. Simrock. See also GERMAN HISTORY. FREDERICK I. OF PRUSSIA. Reigned 1701-1713. Ofverste Stobee, ella holsteinska partiet under frihetstiden. ...Herman Bjursten. Sophia Charlotte die philosophische Konigin. ...Julius Bacher. See also PRUSSIA. FREDERICK II. OF PRUSSIA. Reigned 1740-1786. Der alte Fritz und seine Zeit. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Mlihlbach.) Auf Befehl des Konigs. ...Clarissa Lohde. Der Bachtanz zu Langenselbold. ...Philipp F. W. Oertel. Die Baren von Augustusburg : eine Erzahlung aus der sachsischen Geschichte des 18 Jahrhunderts. ...Carl Gustav Nieritz. Bears of Augustusburg. ...Carl Gustav Nieritz. English translation. Berlin and Sans-Souci. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Bischof und Konig. ...Mariam Tenger. Die Brautschau Friedrichs des Grossen. ...Julius Bacher. Cabanis, Vaterlandischer Roman. ...Georg Wilhelm H. Haering. 152 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION FREDERICK II. OF ^^M^^IL — Continued. Cyrus. ...Christoph M. Wieland. (The Cyrus of this story is the Prussian disguise of Frederick II.) Dorothea Cappel. ...Emilie Y. S. Lohmann. Elizabeth von Guttenstein. ...Caroline Pichler. Fifteen years. ...Therese Albertine Luise von Jacob Robinson. English translation. Frederick the Great and his court. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise MUhlbach.) English translation. Friedrich der Grosse. ...Eugen H. von Dedenroth. Friedrich der Grosse und sein Hof. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise MUhlbach.) Fiinfzehn Jahre. ...Therese Albertine Luise von Jacob Robinson. Historische novellen liber Friedrich II. von Preussen und seine Zeit. ...Joseph E. C. Bischoff. Holderlin. ...Heribert Rau. Johann Gotzkovvsky, der Kaufmann von Berlin. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise MUhlbach.) Merchant of Berlin. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise MUhlbach.) English translation. Old Fritz and the new era. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise MUhlbach.) English translation. Die Soldaten Friedrichs des Grossen. ...Julius von Wickede. Der Vetter im Consistorium. ...Philipp F. W. Oertel. Von Fels zum Meer. ...Hans von Zollern. Vor hundert fahren. ...Carl W. Ritter von Martini. See also FRENCH HISTORY and GERMAN HISTORY. FREDERICK WILLIAM I. OF PRUSSIA. Reigned I'TIS-IJ^O, Der alte Dessauer. ...Franz Lubojatzky. Aus den Tagen zweier Konige. ...Friedrich Adami. Der Domherr. ...Jodocus D. H. Temme. Grafin Lichtenau. ...Robert Springer. Die Prinzessin von WolfenbUttel. ...Johann Heinrich D. Zschokke. FREDERICK WILLIAM, ELECTOR OF BRANDENBURG. Lived 1640-1688. Brandenburgische Geschichte. ...Gustav H. G. Putlitz. Dorothe. ...Georg Wilhelm H. Haering. Der Fels von Erz. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. Der grosse KurfUrst in Preussen. ...Ernst A. A. G. Wichert. Der grosse KurfUrst, und der Schoppenmeister. ...Max Ring. Paul Gerhardt. ...Carl August Wildenhahn. FRENCH AND INDIAN WARS, U. S. A. 1756-1775. Les anciens Canadiens. ...Philippe Aubert de Gaspe. Braddock : a story of the French and Indian wars. ...John R. Musick. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 1 53 FRENCH AND INDIAN WARS, U. S. A. — Continued. Brandon : a tale of the American colonies. ...O. Tiffany. Canadians of old. ...Philippe Aubert de Gaspe. English translation. Fort Braddock letters ; or, Tales of the French and Indian wars in America at the beginning of the eighteenth century. ...Anon. Last of the Mohicans. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Legend of the vision of Campbell of Inverawe. ...T. D. Lauder. (In his Legendary tales of the Highlands.) Legends of the West. ...James Hall. Marcus Blair. ...Caleb E. Wright. Old Fort Duquesne : a tale of the early toils, struggles and adven- tures of the first settlers at the forks of the Ohio in 1754. ...Anon. Old Fort Duquesne ; or. Captain Jack the scout. ...Charles McKnight. Ticonderoga; or, Black eagle. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Twice taken : an historical romance of the maritime British provinces. ...Charles W. Hall. Unfinished tale ; or, Daughter of the mill : romance of Lake George. ...F. Claiborne. Wilderness ; or, Braddock's times. ...J. MacHenry. William and Mary : a tale of the siege of Louisburg, 1745. ...Daniel Hickey. With Wolfe in Canada. ...George Alfred Plenty. See also UNITED STATES HISTORY. FRENCH HISTORY. A Selediojt. Early and General. La Avarchide. ...Luigi Alamanni. Bathilde ; ou, L'heroisme de I'amour. ...Fran9ois T. B. d'Arnaud. Bathilde, reine des Francs. ...Amelie J. Candeille. Bibliotheque bleue, reimpression des romans de chevalerie des XlJe-XVe siecles. ...Alfred Delvau. La France chevalresque ; ou, Les origines heroiques de la nation fran9aise. ...Paul Renan. Fredegonde et Brunehaut. ...Jacques M. Boutet de Monvel. Histoire de Melusine princesse du Lusignan et de ses fils. ...Me- lusina Melusine. Invasion. ...Gerald Griffin. La Judith frangaise ; ou, Elmonde et Clotilde. ...Jean E. Paccard. Les mysteres du peuple. ...Marie Joseph Eugene Sue. Old chest ; or, Journal of a family of the Frencli people from the Merovingian times to our own days. ...Anon. Pre-historic world. ...£lie B. Berthet. English translation. Rival races. ...Marie Joseph Eugene Sue. English translation. 154 SUBJECT INDEX TO EJCTION. FRENCH ^SIWIQ'KI — Continued. Le Roi Flore et la belle Jehanne. ...Anon. Romance of history. ...Leitch Ritchie. Romans prehistoriques. Le monde inconnu. ...£lie B. Berthet. Stories from French history. ...Emma Leslie. Tales of a grandfather. ...Sir Walter Scott. Fifth to the Eleventh Century. Four sons of Aymon. ...Anon. , lerne of Armorica : a tale of the time of Chlovis. ...J. C. Bateman. Invasion. ...Gerald Griffin. Les mysteres du peuple. ...Marie Joseph Eugene Sue. Ogine : chronique du X^ siecle. ... Armand Garreau. Raymond de Saint GiUes at the crusades, 1095-1099. ...Henrietta de Witt. Rival races. ...Marie Joseph Eugene Sue. English translation. Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. L'Abbaye de Typhaines. ...Joseph Arthur, Comte de Gobineau. Abbey of Typhaine. ...Joseph Arthur, Comte de Gobineau. Eng- lish translation. Abelard and Heloise : a mediaeval romance. ...Pierre Abelard and Heloi'se. Agnes de France ; ou, Le XIP siecle : roman historique. ...Ame- lia J. Candeille. Albigenses : a romance. ...Charles R. Maturin. Arthur of Brittany. ...Peter Leicester. Boy crusaders : a story of the days of Saint Louis. ...John George Edgar. Florine, princesse of Burgundy : a tale of the first crusade. ...Wil- liam B. MacCabe. Franchise. ...Josephine B. Colomb. Good Saint Louis and his times. ...Anna Eliza Bray. Guillaume Hubray: scenes de la vie feodale. ...C. Guenot. Histoire de Robert le Diable, due de Normandie, ...Anon. L'histoire du chatelain de Coucy et de la Dame de Fayel. ...Raoul de Coucy. In His name : a story of the Waldenses seven hundred years ago. ...Edward Everett Hale. Julio: a tale of the Vaudois. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe (Webb). Knight's ransom. ...Laura Valentine. Little duke ; or, Richard the fearless. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Marie de Brabant, reine de France. ...A. P. F. Menegault. Michel : chronique Normande du XI^ siMe. ...Felix Courty. Page, squire, and knight: a romance of the days of chivalry. ...William H. D. Adams. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 155 FRENCH HISTORY — Continued. Philip Augustus ; or, Brothers in arms. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Priest and man; or, Abelard and Heloi'sa. ...William W. Newton. Ransom : a tale of the thirteenth century. ...Laura Valentine. Sir Raoul de Broc and his son Tristam. ...George A. Poole. Story of Viteau. ...Frank Richard Stockton. Summons to judgment. ...Heniy C. Adams. Typhaines: a tale of the twelfth century. ...Joseph Arthur, Comte de Gobineau. English translation. Fourteenth Century. Le batard de Mauleon. ...Alexandre Dumas. Before the dawn : a story of Pans and the Jacquerie. ...George Dulac. Die Belagerung von Calais. ...Carl Weichselbaumer. Bertrand Du Guesclin. ...Celine Fallet. Blanche d'Evereaux. ...Amelia J. Candeille. Cesare Torneo: episode de I'histoire du Quercy au XIV. siecle. ...Bertrandy. Charles-le-Mauvais ; ou, La cour de Navarre. ...^Slisabeth Guenard. Chronique de Bertrand Du Guesclin. ...Cuvelier. Cressy and Poictiers ; or, Story of the Black Prince's page. ...John George Edgar. De Foix : a romance of Beam of the fourteenth century. ...Anna Eliza Bray. Eustache de Saint Pierre; or, Surrender of Calays. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Half-brothers ; or, Head and the hand. ...Alexandre Dumas. Eng- lish translation. Helene de Poitiers. ...G. Touchard Lafosse. Henry of Monmouth; or, Field of Agincourt. ...Major Michel. Isabel de Baviere. ...Alexandre Dumas. Isabel of Bavaria; or, Chronicles of France for the reign of Charles VI. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Jacquerie. ...George Payne Rainsford James. La Jacquerie : scenes feodales suivies de la famille de La Carvajal. ...Prosper Merimee, Le jeune Du Guesclin. ...Rene de Mont-Louis. Knight of Mauleon. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. (Same as '* Half-brothers.") Le Leeuw van Vlaanderen. ...Hendrik Conscience. Lily of Paris. ...John P. Simpson. Lion of Flanders. ...Hendrik Conscience. English translation. Phelippa, souvenirs du regne de Charles VI. ...C. Guenot. IS6 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. FRENCH ISl^l^iK^ — Cojitmued. ^ Provost of Paris: a tale. ...William S. Browning. Robert d'Artois. ...John Humphrey Saint- Aubyn. Le roman du Mont Saint Michel, 1364. ...E. Meunier. Le siege de Calais. ...Claudine A. G. Tencin. Sword of De Bardwell : a tale of Agincourt. ...C. M. Katherine Phipps. La tour de Nesle. ...Frederic Girard. Vassel : a story of the old Normandy. ...Laura Valentine. White company. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Fifteenth Century. Agincourt. ...George Payne Rainsford James, Agnes Sorel. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Agnes Sorel ; ou, La cour de Charles VII. ...Elisabeth Guenard. L'amazone fran5aise ; ou, Jeanne d'Arc. ...Maria Therese Peroux d'Abany. Anne of Geierstein. ...Sir Walter Scott. Armourer of Paris. ...Anon. Le batard de Mauleon. ...Alexandre Dumas. Before the dawn : a story of Paris and the Jacquerie. ...George Dulac. Charles the Bold. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Charles le Temeraire. ...Alexandre Dumas. Le chateau de Lavardin. ...Alexandre de Salies. Le Chevalier Bayard. ...Saint Albin Berville. Cloister and the hearth. ...Charles Reade. Les ecorcheurs ; ou, L'usurpation et la peste, fragmens hist. 1418. ...Victor, Vicomte d'Arlincourt. Faithful but not famous : a historical tale. ...Anon. Le fratricide; ou, Gilles de Bretagne. ...Joseph A. Walsh. Half-brothers ; or, Head and the hand. ...Alexandre Dumas. Eng- lish translation. Histoire de Jean de^ Paris, roi de France. ...Anon. Hunchback of Notre Dame. ...Victor Hugo. English translation. In the city. ...Deborah Alcock. Isabel de Baviere. ...Alexandre Dumas. Isabel of Bavaria ; or. Chronicles of France for the reign of Charles VI. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Jeanne d'Arc. ...Caroline d'Hautefeuille. Jeanne d'Arc; ou. La France au XV^ siecle. ...Jules Foussette. Jeanne d'Arc ; ou, L'heroine de Vaucouleurs. ...Rene de Mont-Louis. Jeanne de France. ...Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse de Genlis. Jehanne la Pucelle. ...Alexandre Duraas. Joan of Arc: an historical tale. ...Anon. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 157 FRENCH HISTORY — Continued. Joan of Arc; or, Story of a noble life. ...Anon. Joan of Arc, the maid of Orleans. ...Orlando W. Wight. JoaCn of Arc, the maid of Orleans. ...Thomas J. Serle. Joan the maid deliverer of France and England. ...Elizabeth Charles. Die Jungfrau von Orleans. ...Stanislaus S. A. Grabowski. King of a day. ...Florence Wilford. Knight of Mauleon. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. (Same as Half-brothers.) Legends of Feudal days. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., P'rank Forester.) Leonora D'Orco. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Lodging for the night. ...Robert Louis Stevenson. Louis de la Tremoille ; ou, Les freres d'armes. ...Justin J. E. Roy. Mademoiselle de Montdidier ; ou, La cour de Louis XL ...Marie A. Barthelemy-Hadot. Maid of Orleans. ...William H. D. Adams. Maid of Orleans. ...Jane Robinson. Marie de Bourgogne. ...Mme. de Saint- Venant. Mary of Burgundy. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Notre Dame de Paris. ...Victor Hugo. Notre Dame; or, Bellringer of Paris. ...Victor Hugo. English translation. (Same as Hunchback of Notre Dame.) La paysanne de Domremy. ...Eugenie Foa. Personal recollections of Joan of Arc. ...Samuel Langhorne Clem- ens. (Pseud., Mark Twain.) Philippe-Monsieur. ...Charles Buet. Le prince de Bretagne. ...Fran9ois T. M. B. d'Arnaud. La pucelle. ...Carl W. T. Frenzel. Queen's favorite. ...Anon. Quentin Durward. ...Sir Walter Scott. Romans relatifs a I'histoire de France aux XV^ et XVI^ siecles. ...Paul Lacroix, ed. Le siege de Calais. ...Claudine A. G. Tencin. Le Sire d'Aubigny. ...Pierre de Lesconvel. Spotless and fearless : the story of Chevalier Bayard. ...Saint Albin Berville. Stormy life. ...Georgiana C. L. G. Fullerton. Thomassine Spinola. ...Mme. d'Omatu. Under Bayard's banner. ...Henry Frith. Sixteenth Century. L'Abbesse de Montmartre. ...Henri Augu. Anne de Montmorency, connetable de France : nouvelle historique. ...Pierre de Lesconvel. IS8 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION FRENCH Yl^T^SKX — Continued. Arthur Blanc. ...James Grant. Ascanio. ...Alexandre Dumas. Ascanio. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Astrologer's daughter : an historical novel. ...Rose E. Temple. (Pseud., R. E. Hendricks.) Les beaux Messieurs de Bois-Dore. ...Amantine L. A. D. Dudevant. (Pseud., George Sand.) Black tulip. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Brigand; or, Corse de Leon. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Le Capitaine muet. ...Adolphe Racot. Catharine de Medicis ; or, Queen mother. ...Louisa S. Costello. Chaplet of pearls; or. White and black Ribaumont. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Le chevalier de la Renaudie : roman historique. ...Sdouard Devicque. Chicot the jester. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Chronique du temps de Charles IX., 1572. ...Prosper Merimee. Les Comtes de Montgomery : roman historique. ...Lottin de Laval. La Comtesse de Tende. ...Comtesse de Lafayette. Constable de Bourbon. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Crichton. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. La dame d'entremont recit du temps de Charles IX. ...Ernest d'Hervilly. La dame de Monsoreau. ...Alexandre Dumas. La dame de Saint-Bris. ...Alexandre F. Guesdon. Darnley ; or. Field of the cloth of gold. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Les deux Dianes. ...Alexandre Dumas. Diane de Poitiers. ...Jean B. H. R. Capefigue. Diane de Poitiers. ...Maurice A. Maurage. Le due de Guise. ...Louis P. P. Legay. Duplessis. ...E. Robinson. Faithful but not famous : a historical tale. ...Anon. La famille Prudhomme. ...Victor Derode. La fille d'honneur. ...Alexandrine S. C. de C. Baronne de Bawr. Forty-five guardsmen. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Francois de Guise. ...Joseph Mathurin Brisset. Fran9ois le Balafre. ...Charles Buet. Gallant lords of Bois-Dore. ...Amantine L. A. D. Dudevant. (Pseud., George Sand.) Le gantier d'Orleans, histoire du XVI^ siecle. ...Jean B. P. Lafitte. Gaston de Blondville ; or. Court of Henry HI. resting in Ardennes. ...Anne Radcliffe. Gentleman of France. ...Stanley J. Weyman. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 159 FRENCH ISl^TQ'KX— Continued. Good old times : a tale of Auvergne. ...Anne Manning. Le gueux de Bruges. ...Frederic de Courcy and Ferdinand Langle. Hamilton of Bothwellhaugh : a dark scene in Paris. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Heinrich des Vierten Vermahlung mit Bertha von Susa. ...Luise Zeller. Helen of Tournon. ...Adelaide M. ^. F. Souza-Botelho. English translation. Henri de Rohan ; or, Huguenot refugee. ...Francisca I. Ouvry. Henri Quatre; or, Days of the league. ...John H. Mancur. Henry the Fourth. ...Luise Zeller. English translation. Henry of Guise; or, ^States of Blois. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Hermit of Livry : a story of the sixteenth century. ...M. R. House- keeper. Histoire de Marguerite de Valois, reine de Navarre, soeur de Fran9ois I. ...Charlotte R. de Caumont de la Force. History of Nicholas Muss. ...Charles DuBois-Melly. House of the Wolf: a romance. ...Stanley J. Weyman. In the vulture's nest; or, Huguenots at the court of France in 1572. ...Mildred Fairfax. Louis Belat : a tale of the reformation in Savov. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Madaron ; or, Artizan of Nismes : an historical romance of the six- teenth century. ...D'Aubigne White. Mademoiselle de Tournon. ...Adelaide M. £. F. Souza-Botelho. Man at arms ; or, Henry de Cerons. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Margaret de Valois : a historical romance. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Mountain patriots: a tale of the reformation in Savoy. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Une niece de Balafre : histoire du temps de la Ligue. ...Ernest Faligan. One in a thousand ; or, Days of Henri Quatre. ...George Payne Rainsford James. De rOrme. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Owen Tudor. ...Jane Robinson. Le page du due de Savoie. ...Alexandre Dumas. Page of the Duke of Savoy. ...Alexandre Dumas. English trans- lation. Princess of Cleves. ...Comtesse de Lafayette. English translation. La princesse de Cleves. ...Comtesse de Lafayette. Provocations of Mme. Palissy. ...Anne Manning. i6o SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, FRENCH Yl^lQiK^ — Co7ttinued. Les quarante-cinq. ...Alexandre Dumas. La reine Margot. ...Alexandre Dumas. Le roi Chariot : scenes de la Saint-Barthelemy. ...Charles Buet. Rose d' Albert ; or, Troublous times. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Saint Bartholomew's eve : a tale of the Huguenot wars. ...George Alfred Henty. Saint Leon ; a tale of the sixteenth century. ...William Godwin. Die Schlacht von Marignano. ...Carl A. F. von Witzleben. Secret of Narcisse. ...Edmund W. Gosse. Sister Rose ; or, Eve of Saint Bartholomew's eve. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Soldiers of the cross : a story of the Huguenots. ...Edith S. Floyer. Spotless and fearless : the story of Chevalier Bayard. ...Saint Albin Berville. Two Dianas. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Under Bayard's banner. ...Henry Frith. Under the bells. ...Leonard Kip. See also HUGUENOTS, SAINT BARTHOLOMEW'S DAY, 1572. Seventeenth Century. Alamontade, der Galeeren-Sklave. ...Johann Heinrich D. Zschokke. Alamontade; or, Galley slave. ...Johann Heinrich D. Zschokke. English translation. Antoine de Bonneval : a tale of Paris in the days of Saint Vincent de Paul. ...William T. Anderdon. Arnold Delahaize ; or, Huguenot pastor. ...Francisca I. Ouvry. Artamene. ...Madeleine de Scudery. Arthur Blane ; or, Hundred cuirassiers. ...James Grant. Asylum Christi : a story of the dragonnades. ...Edward Gilliat. Der Aufruhr in den Cevennen. ...Johann Ludwig Tieck. Les beaux messieurs de Bois Dore. ...Amantine L. A. D. Dude- vant. (Pseud., George Sand.) Die beiden Conde : historische novelle. ...Eugen H. von Dedenroth. Belle-Rose. ...Louis Amedee Eugene Achard. Black tulip. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Blanche Gamond : a heroine of the faith. ...Anon. Blue pavilions. ...Arthur T. Q. Couch. (Pseud., "Q.") Bourdaloue and Louis XIV. ; or, Preacher and king. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. English translation. Brothers: a tale of the Fronde. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Camisard; or, Protestants of Languedoc. ...Anon. Le Capitaine Fracasse. ...Theophile Gautier. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. i6l FEENCH HISTORY — Continued. Captain Fracasse. ...Theophile Gautier. English translation. Cardillac, the jeweller. ...Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann. (In his Strange stories.) Chateau de Louard: a story of the Edict of Nantes. ...Henry C. Coape. Cinq-Mars ; or, Conspiracy under Louis XHI. ...Alfred Victor, Comte de Vigny. English translation. Cinq-Mars ; ou, Une conjuration sous Louis XIII. ...Alfred Victor, Comte de Vigny. Cross and the crown : a tale of the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. ...Deborah Alcock. Les dernieres maitresses de Louis XIV. ...Felix de Servan. Deux soirees a i'Hotel de Rambouillet. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. Dorothy Arden : a story of England and France two hundred years ago. ...J. M. Callwell. Driven into exile: a story of the Huguenots. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Duchess of Burgundy; or, Scenes in the court of Louis XIV. ...Anon. Duchess of Mazarin : a tale of the times of Louis XIV. ...Anon, Duchess of La Valliere. ...Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse de Genlis. English translation. La duchesse de La Valliere. ...Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse de Genlis. La duchesse de Montpensier. ...Pierre A., Vicomte de Ponson du Terrail. Die eiserne Maske. ...Paul V. Wichmann. Every man his own trumpeter. ...George Walter Thornbury. Une fantaisie de Louis XIV. ...Anne Bignan. Gabrielle. ...Alice M. C. Durand. (Pseud., Henry Greville.) Gabrielle ; or, House of Maureze. ...Alice M. C. Durand. (Pseud., Henry Greville.) English translation. Gabrielle; or, Pictures of a reign. ...Louisa S. Costello. Gallant lords of Bois Dore. ...Amantine L. A. D. Dudevant. (Pseud., George Sand.) English translation. Das Geheimniss der Frau von Nizza. ...Emil M. Vacano. Genevieve ; or. Children of Port Royal. ...Deborah Alcock. La guerre des femmes. ...Alexandre Dumas. L'homme au masque de fer. ...Elisabeth Guenard. L'homme au masque de fer. ...Chevalier de Mouhy. Henri de Rohan ; or. Huguenot refugee. ...Francisca I. Ouvry. How they kept the faith : a tale of Huguenots of Languedoc. ...Grace Ravmond. 1 62 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, FRENCH HISTORY — Contimied. Hubert Montreuil; or, Huguenot and the dragoon. ...Francisca I. Ouvry. Huguenot : a tale of the French Protestants. ...George Payne Rains- ford James. Huguenot exiles ; or, Times of Louis XIV. ...Eliza Ann Dupuy. Huguenot family. ...Henrietta Keddie. (Pseud., Sarah Tytler.) In the days of adversity. ...J. Bloundelle Burton. Isabeau's hero : a story of the revolt of the Cevennes. ...Esme Stuart Jacques Bonneval : or, Days of the dragonnades. ...Anne Manning. Jean Cavalier; ou, Les fanatiques de Cevennes. ...Marie Joseph Eugene Sue. Jeannette : a story of the Huguenots. ...Frances 'M. Peard. Letters writ by a Turkish spy. ...Giovanni P. Marana. Lauzun. ...Paul E. de Musset. Legendes de Fontainebleau. ...Julie O. Lavergne. Lettre de cachet. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. (In her Romances of real life.) Lord Montagu's page : an historical romance of the seventeenth century. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Louis ; or. Doomed to the cloister : a tale of religious life in the time of Louis XIV. ...M. J. Hope. Mme. D'Aubigne la petite Creole. ...Eugenie Foa. Mme. de Lafayette. ...Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse de Genlis. Man in black. ...Stanley J. Weyman. Der Mann mit der eisernen Maske. ...E. Koenigs. Marchioness of Brinvilliers. ...Albert Smith. Marie's story : a tale of the days of Louis XIV. ...Mary E. Bamford. La marquise de Courcelles. ...Charles J. B. Jacquot. Minister of Andouse. ...Heinrich Moewes. English translation. Les missionnaires bottes de Louis XIV. ...Adolphe Michel. Moliere. ...Alexander Ungern Sternberg. Nameless nobleman. ...Jane Goodwin Austin. Nachtstiicke. ...Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann. Nanon; or, Women's war. ...Alexandre Dumas. English trans- lation. Olympe de Cleves. ...Alexandre Dumas. De rOrme. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Der Pfarrer von Andouse. ...Heinrich Moewes. Pignerol. ...Paul La Croix. Priest and the Huguenot ; or, Persecution in the age of Louis XV. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. English translation. Protestant leader : a novel. ...Marie Joseph Eugene Sue. Eng- lish translation. Refugees : a tale of two continents. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 163 FRENCH ISl^llQiK^— Continued. Reparation : a story of the reign of Louis XIV. and other tales. ...Georgiana C. L. G. Fullerton. Richelieu ; or, Broken heart : an historical tale. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. Richelieu ; or, Conspiracy. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer- Lytton. Richelieu : a tale of France. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Le roi des raffines sous Louis XIII. ...L. J. Emmanuel Gonzales. Royal captives. ...Ann Yearsley. Royal hunt : a story of Huguenot emigration. ...Mrs. E. C. Wilson. Le Roy de Polexandre. ...Marin Gomberville. Saint Eustace ; or, Hundred and one. ...Vane I. Saint John. School for husbands. ...Rosina W. L. Bulwer-Lytton. Die Serapionsbriider. ...Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann. Un sermon sous Louis XIV. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. Shoulder knot. ...Benjamin F. Tefft. Le siege de La Rochelle. ...Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse de Genlis. Siege of La Rochelle. ...R. C. Dallas. Siege of La Rochelle. ...Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse de Genlis. English translation. Sister Louise ; or. Story of a woman's repentance. ...George John Whyte Melville. Six sisters of the Valley. ...William Bramley Moore. Stray pearls. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Three musketeers. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Les trois mousquetaires. ...Alexandre Dumas. Trois sermons sous Louis XV. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. Turkish spy. ...Giovanni P. Marana. Twenty years after. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Two evenings at the Hotel de Rambouillet. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. English translation. Under the red robe. ...Stanley J. Weyman. Vicomte de Bragelonne. ...Alexandre Dumas. Vingt ans apres. ...Alexandre Dumas. Eighteenth Century. Adele de Senanges. ...Adelaide M. £. F. Souza-Botelho. Albert Lunel ; or, Chateau of Languedoc. ...Henry Brougham. Un ami de la reine. ...Paul Gaulot. L*an '93. ...Victor Hugo. L'an I de la republique, 1793. ...fimile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Ancien regime. ...George Payne Rainsford James. 164 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. FRENCH 'mStKSBX— Continued. Andree de Taverny. ...Alexandre Dumas. Angela Pisani. ...Lord Strangford. Anna Saint Ives. ...Thomas Holcroft. Atelier du Lys ; or, Art student in the Reign of Terror. ...Margaret Roberts. Beaumarchais. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. Bellah : a tale of La Vendee. ...Octave Feuillet. English trans- lation. Birth and education. ...Marie Sophie Schwartz. English trans- lation. Blockade : an episode of the fall of the first French empire. ...Emile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Le Blocus. ...fimile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Blue ribbons : a tale of the last century. ...Anna H. Drury. De Boerenkryg. ...Hendrik Conscience. Bord och Bildning. ...Marie Sophie Schwartz. By fire and sword : a story of the Huguenots. ...Thomas Archer. Camisard ; or, Protestants of Languedoc. ...Anon. Les catacombes de Paris. ...£lie B. Berthet. Cerise : a tale of the last century. ...George John Whyte Mel- ville. Charlotte Corday. ...Henri Alphonse Esquiros. Charlotte Corday : an historical novel. ...Henri Alphonse Esquiros. English translation. Le chevalier d'Harmental. ...Alexandre Dumas. Le chevalier de Maison-Rouge. ...Alexandre Dumas. Le chevalier de Maison-Rouge: a tale of the reign of terror. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Citizen Bonaparte. ...iSmile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Le citoyen Bonaparte. ...I^mile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Citoyenne Jacqueline : a woman's lot in the great French revolution. ...Henrietta Keddie. (Pseud., Sarah Tytler.) Le collier de la reine. ...Alexandre Dumas. La comtesse de Charny. ...Alexandre Dumas. La comtesse d'Egmont. ...Sophie Gay. Comtesse de Fargy. ...Adelaide M. £. F. Souza-Botelho. Conspirators ; or. Chevalier d*Harmental. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Contes de la Montague. ...£mile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Count Mirabeau : an historical novel. ...Theodor Mundt. English translation. Countess Eva. ...Joseph Henry Shorthouse. Country in danger, 1792; or. Episodes of the great French revolu- SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 165 FRENCH HISTORY — Continued. tion. ...fimile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Dead marquise. ...Leonard Kip. Drei Biicher aus der Geschichte Frankreichs. ...Wilhelm Jensen. Duchenir ; or, Revolt of La Vendee. . ..John Mason Neale. (Pseud., Aurelius Gratianus.) Emperor Joseph and Maria Antoinette. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Les fitats Generaux. ...£mile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Eugene de Rotherlin. ...Adelaide M. E. F. Souza-Botelho. Le faubourg Saint Antoine. ...Tony Revillon. Une fille du regent. ...Alexandre Dumas. Frau von Stael. ...Amalie C. E. M. Boelte. French wines and politics. ...Harriet Martineau. Friend of the Queen. ...Paul Gaulot. English translation. Graf Mirabeau. ...Theodor Mundt. How they were caught in a trap. ...Esme Stuart. In exitu Israel. ...Sabine Baring-Gould. Ingenue. ...Alexandre Dumas. Ingenue ; or, Death of Marat. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. In the shadow of God : sketches of life in France during the eighteenth century. ...Deborah Alcock. Jarousseau, le pasteur du desert. ...Pierre Clement Eugene Pelletan. Jean Jacques Rousseau. ...Levin Schuecking. Jean Jarousseau, pastor of the desert. ...Pierre Clement Eugene Pelletan. English translation. John Law the projector. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Julian; or, Close of an era. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. English translation. Julien ; ou, La fin d'un siecle. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. Kaiser Josef und Marie Antoinette. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) King's own borderers : a military romance. ...James Grant. Lady of Provence; or, Humbled and healed: a tale of the first French revolution. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Der Leibpage der Maria Antoinette. ...Friedrich W. Bruckbrau. Leontine ; or. Court of Louis XV. ...Catherine C. Maberley. Lloyd Pennant. ...R. Neville. Lost son. ...Mrs. Sadler. Louis XV. et le Cardinal de Fleury. ...Anne Bignan. Louise de la Valliere. ...Alexandre Dumas. Madame de Maintenon pour servir de suite \ Phistoire de la duchesse de la Valliere. ...Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse de Genlis. 1 66 SUB/EC 7^ INDEX TO FICTION-. FRENCH Sl^TQiKY — Continued. Madame de Stael : an historical novel. ...Amalie C. E. M. Boelte. English translation. Madame Therese. ...fimile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Madame Therese ; or, Volunteers of '92. ...Emile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Maria Antoinette and her son. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Marie Antoinette, la reine de France decapitee. ...Ernest Pitavall. Marie Antoinette. ...Eugen H. von Dedenroth. Marie Antoinette. .:. Carl L. Haeberlein. Marie Antoinette und ihr Sohn. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Marquis Jeanne Hyacinthe de Saint Palaye. ...Joseph Henry Shorthouse. Marston ; or, Soldier and statesman. ...George Croly. Maurice Tiernay, the soldier of fortune. ...Charles Lever. Les memoires d'un medecin. ...Alexandre Dumas. Memoirs of a physician. ...Alexandre Dumas. English transla- tion. Monsieur Jack : a tale of the old war-time. ...Alfred H. Engelbach. Montesquieu k Marseille. ...Louis S. Mercier. La mort de Louis XVI. ...Armand R. M. Du Chatellier. Ninety-three. ...Victor Hugo. English translation. Nobleman of '89: an episode of the French revolution. ...Abel Quinton. Noblesse oblige. ...Margaret Roberts. Olympe de Cleves. ...Alexandre Dumas. Olympe de Cleves. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. On the edge of the storm. ...Margaret Roberts. Orphan of La Vendee. ...Anna Eliza Bray. La patrie en danger. ...Emile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Peasant and the prince, o.. Harriet Martineau. Peer's daughter. ...Rosina W. L. Bulwer-Lytton. Die Pilger der Wildniss. ...Johannes Scherr. Poor little Gaspard*s drum : a tale of the French revolution. ...Alfred H. Engelbach. Priest and the Huguenots ; or, Persecution in the age of Louis XV. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. English translation. Quatrevingt-treize. ...Victor Hugo. Queen's necklace. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Red cap and blue jacket. ...George Dunn. Red republic. ...Robert W. Chambers. Reds of the Midi. ...Felix Gras. Regent's daughter. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 167 FRENCH ISl^l^fSX — Continued. Reign of terror. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. (In her Romances of real life.) Roseville family : an historical tale of the eighteenth century. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Sister Cora : a tale of the eighteenth century. ...Anon. Six years later. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. States General. ...Emile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Tale of two cities. ...Charles Dickens. Trois sermons sous Louis XV. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. Tuileries. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. La Vendee : an historical romance. ...Anthony Trollope. Vera ; or, War of the peasants. ...Hendrik Conscience. English translation. Watteau. ...Carl W. T. Frenzel. Wild fire. ...George Walter Thornbury. Year one of the Republic. ...^fimile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Young Marmaduke. ...William Henry Davenport Adams. Zanoni. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. See also REPUBLICS, France, and REVOLUTIONS, France. Nineteenth Century. Adventures of Brigadier Gerard. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Aims and obstacles. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Andreas Hofer. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Andreas Hofer. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Andreas Hofer. ...Maximilian von Schenkendorf. L'argent des autres. ...Smile Gaboriau. L'assommoir. ...fimile Zola. Battle of Dorking: reminiscences of a volunteer. ...George T. Chesney. Belfry of Saint Jude. ...Esme Stuart. Ben Brace, the last of Nelson's Agamemnons. ...Frederick Chamier. Bivouac; or, Stories of the Peninsular war. ...William H. Maxwell. Les blancs et les bleus. ...Alexandre Dumas. Die Bluttaufe der deutschen Einheit im Jahre 1870. ...Eugene H. von Dedenroth. Boy of the first empire. ...Elbridge S. Brooks. Brackenleben. ...Lodovika Hesekiel. Die Braut aus Frankreich. ...Hilmar Juetbock. (Pseud., J. Hilmar.) Casar und Napoleon III. ...Julius Gunding. Chateau Morville ; or, Life in Touraine. ...Emily Reed. l68 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. FRENCH HISTORY — Continued. Los cien mil hijos de San Luis. ...Benito Perez Glados* Die Clubisten in Mainz. ...Heinrich J. Koenig. Comedy of terrors. ...James De Mille. Compagnons de Jehu. ...Alexandre Dumas. Companions of Jehu. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Conscript : an historical novel of the days of the first Napoleon. ...fimile Erckmann and Alexander Chatrian. ...English trans- lation. Ein deutsches Reiterleben. ...Julius von Wickede. Diana's crescent. ...Anne Manning. Der Domherr. ...Jodocus D. H. Temme. Dona Flor. ...Gustave Aimard. Edmond Dantes. ...Alexandre Dumas. Edmond Dantes. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. 1805 ; oder, Die Franzosen zum erstenmal in Wien. ...Eduard Breier. 1809 : Historischer Roman. ...Eduard Breier. Elba und Waterloo: Fortsetzung von 1813. ...F. Stolle. Elsie's dowry : a tale of the Franco-German war. ...Emma Leslie, Empress Josephine. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihl- bach.) English translation. Enemy's friendship. ...S. M. S. Clarke. Enriqueta Faber. ...Andres Clemente Vaaqueq. Der Feldmarschall Bliicher und der Pfarrer Kretzschmar. ...Philipp F. W. Oertel. Fiddler of Lugau. ...Margaret Roberts. Franz Alzeyer. ...Paul Heyse. Die PYanzosen in Berlin; 1806-8. ...Friedrich H. Unger. Fudge family in Paris. ...Thomas Moore. Gate and the glory beyond it : a tale of the Franco-Prussian war. ...Onyx, pseud. General Rapp und die Belagerung von Danig. ...Maria von Ros- kowska. Gervaise : the natural and social life of a family under the second empire. ...!lSmile Zola. English translation. Histoire d'un conscrit de 18 13. ...iSmile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Histoire d'un crime. ...Victor Hugo. Histoire d'un homme du peuple. ...]6mile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Histoire du plebiscite. ...fimile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. History of a crime. ...Victor Hugo. English translation. History of the conscript of 181 3. ...limile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 1 69 FRENCH HISTORY — Continued. Hofer. ...Bramley-Moore. Hungarian brothers. ...Anna Maria Porter. Im Herzen von Deutschland. ...Carl G. Berneck. In the year '13. ...Fritz Renter. English translation. Invasion of France in 18 14 : comprising the night march of the Rus- sian army past Phalsburg. ...Emile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. L'Invasion; ou, Lefou Yegof. ...fimile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Kaiserin Josephine. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Kenneth ; or, Rear-guard of the grand army. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Kentucky's love; or, Roughing it about Paris. ...Edward King. Konig Jerome's Carneval. ...Heinrich J. Koenig. Konigin Hortense : ein Napoleonisches Lebensbild. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Krummensee. ...Johann Georg L. Hesekiel. Der lange Isaack. ...Julius von Wickede. Leonie; or, Light out of darkness. ...Annie Lucas. Lindau ; oder, Der unsichtbare Bund. ...Johann Weitzel. Louis Napoleon : Roman und Geschichte. ...Eugen H. von Deden- roth. Louis Napoleon. ...Julius Gundling. Louisa of Prussia and her time. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach ) English translation. Louise von Preussen und ihre Zeit. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Les louves de Machecoul. ...Alexandre Dumas. Malgretout. ...Amantine L. A. D. Dudevant. (Pseud., George Sand.) Margaret Muller : a story of the late war in France. ...Eugenie Bersier. Max Cromer : a story of the siege of Strasburg. ...Hannah Smith. (Pseud., Hesba Stretton.) Member for Paris : a tale of the second empire. ...Grenville Murray. Les Miserables. ...Victor Hugo. Les Miserables. ...Victor Hugo. English translation. Monsieur de Camors. ...Octave Feuillet. Napoleon HI. : Fortsetzung von Louis Napoleon. ...Julius Gundling. Napoleon in Deutschland. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Napoleon in Germany. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihl- bach.) English translation. Nest of royalists. ...Esme Stuart. Other people's money. ...fimile Gaboriau. English translation. I70 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. FRENCH HISTORY — Continued. Parisians. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Peter Mayr. ...Petri K. Rosgger. Poet hero. ...Minny Bothmer. Powder and gold: a tale of the Franco-Prussian war. ...Levin Schuecking. English translation. Prinz Louis Ferdinand. ...Fanny Lewald Stahr. Pulver und Gold. ...Levin Schuecking. Les quatre ^ges. ...Charles Pougens. Queen Hortense. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Romance of war. ...L. Bellstab. Romance of war; or, Highlanders in Spain. ...James Grant. Rumor. ...Elizabeth S. Sheppard. (Pseud., Beatrice Reynolds.) Salon in the last days of the empire. ...Kathleen O'Meara. Saly's Revolutionstage. ...Ulrich Hegner. Shadow of the sword. ...Robert W. Buchanan. She-wolves of Machecoul. ...Alexandre Dumas. English trans- lation. Six years ago. ...James Grant. Spring-haven : a tale of the great war. ...Richard Doddridge Black- more. Der Spion. ...Franz T. Wangenheim. Stories of Waterloo. ...William Hamilton Maxwell. Story of the plebiscite. ...£mile Erckmann and Alexandre Cha- trian. English translation. Subaltern. ...George Robert Gleig. Tagebuch und Kriegslieder aus dem Jahre 1813. ...K. Theodor Korner. Theodor Korner. ...Heribert Ran. Twin captains. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Twins of Saint Marcel : a tale of Paris incendie. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Ut de Franzosentid. ...Fritz Renter. Valentin: a French boy's story of Sedan. ...Henry Kingsley. Vaterlandische Romane. ...Johann Georg L. Hesekiel. Verschollen. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Die Volkerschlacht bei Leipzig. ...Joseph von Hinsberg. Von Saalfeld bis Aspern. ...Heinrich J. Koenig. Vor dem Sturm. ...Theodor Fontane. Waterloo. ...!lSmile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Waterloo : suite du conscrit de 1813. ...Smile Erckmann et Alex- andre Chatrian. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 17 1 FRENCH ^Sl^TQ'BX— Continued. White lies. ...Charles Reade. Whites and the blues. ...Alexandre Dumas. English transla- tion. Withm iron walls : a tale of the siege of Paris. ...Annie Lucas. Workman and soldier : a tale of Paris life during the siege and the rule of the commune. ...James F. Cobb. Year nine : a tale of the Tyrol. ...Anne Manning. Young Breton volunteer. ...Frances M. Wilbraham. Young buglers : a tale of the Peninsular war. ...George Alfred Henty. Young Franco-tireurs and their adventures in the Franco-Prussian war. ...George Alfred Henty. See also FRANCO-GERMAN WAR; NAPOLEON I. OF FRANCE; REPUBLICS, France : CHARLES X. OF FRANCE ; CRUSADES and WALDENSES. FRENCH REVOLUTION. See REVOLUTION, France. FRONTIER AND PIONEER LIFE. A Selection. L'Aigle noir des Dacotahs. ...Gustave Aimard. Baby Rue : her friends and her enemies. ...Charlotte M. Clark. (Pseud.. Charles M. Clay.) Backwoodsman. ...Frederick Lascelles. Les bandits de I'Arizona. ...Gustave Aimard. Bandits of the Osage. ...Emerson Bemiett. Betrothed. ...Sir Walter Scott. Big Cypress. ...Kirk Munroe. Border reminiscences. ...Randolph Barnes Marcy. Boy settlers. ...Noah Brooks. Camp notes : a story of the plains. ...Kirk Munroe. Le cher cheur de pistes. ...Gustave Aimard. Children of the New Forest. ...Frederick Marryat. Le cceur de pierre. ...Gustave Aimard. Ella Barnwell. ...Emerson Bemiett. La fievre d'or. ...Gustave Aimard. For freedom's sake. ...Arthur Paterson. Gold-seekers : a tale of California. ...Gustave Aimard. English translation. Jericho road. ...John Habberton. John Brent's field. ...L. Bates. Maple range : a frontier romance. ...Edna A. Barnard. Marked bullet. ...George H. Prentice. Nakoma : a story of frontier life. ...George Huntington. Picture of pioneer times in California. ...William Grey. Planting the wilderness. ...James D. MacCabe, Jr. 172 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. FRONTIER AND PIONEER "LYSIL — Continued, Saratoga: an Indian tale of frontier life: a true story of 1787. ...D. Shepherd. Starlight Ranch and other stories of army life on the frontier. ...Charles King. Stoneheart : a romance of Indian life. ...Gustave Aimard. English translation. Tales of the Border. ...James Hall. Talking leaves : an Indian story. ...William Oliver Stoddard. Thirteen stories of the far West. ...Forbes Heermans. Thirty years of army life on the Border. ...Randolph Barnes Marcy. Trail-hunters : a tale of the far West. ...Gustave Aimard. English translation. Les trappeurs de TArkansas. ...Gustave Aimard. Western character. ...John L. MacConnel. Wyandotte ; or, Hutted knoll. ...James Fenimore Cooper. FUTURE LIFE. At the threshold. ...Nina Pictou. (Pseud., Laura Dearborn.) Beauty for ashes. ...Kate Clark Brown. From whose bourne t ...Robert Barr. Gates ajar. ...Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward (Mrs. Herbert D. Ward). John Ward, preacher. ...Margaret Deland. Little pilgrim. ...Margaret O. W. Oliphant. One traveller returns. ...Daniel Christie and Herman Henry Murray. Quick or the dead.'* ...Amelie Rives Chanler. Wedding garments : a tale of the life to come. ...Louis Pendleton. GALICIA, SPAIN. For the right. ...Karl Emil Franzos. ...English translation. Jews of Barnow. ...Karl Emil Franzos. English translation. Die Juden von Barnow. ...Karl Emil Franzos. Ein Kampf urn's Recht. ...Karl Emil Franzos. Der neue Hiob. ...Leopold Sacher-Masoch. New Job. ...Leopold Sacher-Masoch. English translation. GENEVIEVE DE BRABANT. Geschichte von der heiligen Pfalzangrafin Genoeva. ... G. O. Mar- bach. LTnnocence reconnue ; ou, La vie admirable de Genevieve, Prin- cesse du Brabant. ...Anon. Stories of old renown. ...Robert Hope Moncrieff. (Pseud., Ascott R. Hope.) SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 173 GEOEGE I. OF ENGLAND. Reigned 17 U-17 27. Father Clement: a Roman Catholic story. ...Grace Kennedy. For the king. ...Charles Gibbon. Four Georges. ...William Makepeace Thackeray. Hartland forest : a legend of North Devon. ...Anna Eliza Bray. Henry Smeaton. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Himself his worst enemy ; or, Duke of Wharton's career. ...A. P. Brotherhead. John Law, the projector. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Life, adventures, and piracies of the famous Captain Singleton. ...Daniel Defoe. Lucy Arden ; or, Hollywood Hall. ...James Grant. New voyage around the world. ...Daniel Defoe. Preston fight; or, Insurrection of 1715. ...William Harrison Ains- worth. Saville House: an historical romance of the time of George the First. ...Mary M. Hardy. South-sea bubble : a tale of the year 1720. ...William Harrison Ains- worth. See also ENGLISH HISTOBY. GEORGE II. OF ENGLAND. Reigned 1727-1760. De Vane : a tale of plebeians and patricians. ...Henry W. Hilliard. Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevelyan : a story of the times of Whitefield and the Wesleys. ...Elizabeth Charles. Expedition of Humphrey Clinker. ...Tobias George Smollett. For James or George : schoolboy's tale of 1745. ...Henry C. Adams. Four Georges. ...William Makepeace Thackeray. Gipsy. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Good old times : a story of the Manchester rebels of '45. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Hetty Hyde's lovers; or. Household brigade. ...James Grant. Lady Grizel : an impression of a momentous epoch. ...Lewis Wing- field. Lord Harry Bellair : a tale of the last century. ...Anne Manning. Lord Mayor of London. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Miser's daughter. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Old Chelsea Bun-house. ...Anne Manning. Old manor-house. ...Charlotte Smith. Peg Woffington. ...Charles Reade. Ralf Skirlaugh, the Lancashire squire. ...Edward Peacock. Spiritual Don Quixote ; or, Summer ramble of Mr. Geoifry Wild- goose. ...Richard Graves. Treasure trove. ...Samuel Lover. Virginians : a tale of the last century. ...William Makepeace Thackeray. 174 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. GEORGE II. OF ENGLAND — C^;^//>«/^^. Waverley. ...Sir Walter Scott. Wilhelm Hogarth : historische Roman. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. William Hogarth: a romance. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. English translation. GEORGE III. OF ENGLAND. Reigned 1760-1820. Against the stream : the story of the heroic age in England. ...Eliz- abeth Charles. Aims and obstacles. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Ashcliffe Hall : a tale of the last century. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Barnaby Rudge. ...Charles Dickens. Beau Nash ; or, Bath in the eighteenth century. ...W^illiam Har- rison Ainsworth. Ben Brace, the last of Nelson's Agamemnons. ...Frederick Chamier. De Vere. ...Robert P. Ward. Diana's crescent. ...Anne Manning. Evelina. ...Frances D'Arblay. Fool of quality; or, Henry, Earl Moreland. ...Henry Brooke. Four Georges. ...William Makepeace Thackeray. Frank Hilton ; or. Queen's own. ...James Grant. "God's providence" house: a story of 1791. ...Isabel Banks. King of Bath ; or, Life at Spa. ...Mary C. Ware. King's own. ...Frederick Marryat. King's own borderers: a military romance. ...James Grant. Lady Bell : a story of the last century. ...Henrietta Keddie. (Pseud., Sarah Tytler.) Miss Angel. ...Anna Isabella Thackeray (Mrs. Richmond Ritchie). Northanger Abbey. ...Jane Austen. Oliver Ellis ; or, Fusiliers. ...James Grant. Phantom regiment ; or. Stories of " Ours." ...James Grant. Pride and prejudice. ...Jane Austen. Rival apprentices. ...Anon. Romance of war; or, Highlanders in Spain. ...James Grant. Ronald Morton; or, Fireships: a story of the last naval w^ar. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Shadow of the sword. ...Robert W. Buchanan. Shelley: biographische Novelle. ...Wilhelm Ritter von Hamm. Strawberry Hill. ...Robert Folk Williams. Subaltern. ...George Robert Gleig. Surgeon's daughter. ...Sir Walter Scott. Tapestried chamber. ...Sir Walter Scott. Trascaden Hall : " When George III. was king." ...William G. Hamley. Tremaine; or, Man of refinement. ...Robert P. Ward. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION-. 175 GEOBGE III. OF ENGLAND — C^;///>2?/^^. Vanity fair. ...William Makepeace Thackeray. Vicar of Wakefield. ...Oliver Goldsmith. Young buglers : a tale of the Peninsular war. ...George Alfred Henty. Youth and manhood of Cyril Thornton. ...Thomas Hamilton. GEORGE IV. OE ENGLAND. Reigned 1820-1830. Abigel Rowe : a chronicle of the regency. ...Lewis S. Wingfield. Four Georges. ...William Makepeace Thackeray. Weird of the Wentworths : a tale of George IV.^s time. ...Johannes Scotus, Pseud. Whitehall. ...William Maginn. GEORGE v., OF HANOVER. Lived 1819-1878. Im exil. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Die Romerfahrt der Epigonen. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) GEORGIA. Chronicles of Pineville. ...William T. Thompson. Dady Jake, the runaway. ...Joel Chandler Harris. Dukesborough tales : Chronicles of Mr. Bill Williams. ...Robert M. Johnston. Free Joe and other Georgian sketches. ...Joel Chandler Harris. Guy Rivers. ...William Gilmore Simms. Her second campaign. ...Maurice Thompson. Mr, Absalom Billingslea. ...Richard Malcolm Johnston. Primes and their neighbors. ...Richard M. Johnston, Sister Jane. ...Joel Chandler Harris. White Marie. ...William N. Harben. GERMAN HISTORY. A Selection. Early and General. Die Ahnen. ...Gustav Freytag. Astaroth und Mentha. ...Wilhelm Jensen. Bissula: historischen Roman aus der Volkerwanderung. ...Felix Dahn. Charakterbilder aus der Geschichte und Sage. ...August W. Grube. Chriemhildens Rache. ...Carl F. Eichhorn. Deutsche Heldensagen fiir Schule und Volk. ...Wilhelm Waegner. Didrik af Berns Saga. ...Carl C. Rafn. Dietrich und seine Gesellen aus der Heidelberger Handschrift. Dietrich von Bern. ...Adolf Wechsler. Dietrichs Brautfahrt von Albrecht von Kemenat. ...Friedrich H» von Hagen. 176 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, GERMAN ^\^TQ'&^ — Continued, Dietrichs erste Ausfahrt. ...Franz Stark, ed. Felicitas. ...Felix Dahn. German classics from the fourth to the nineteenth century. ...Frie- drich Max Mueller. Historical tales. ...Charles Morris. Lays and legends of Germany. ...William J. Thomas. Popular romances of the middle ages. ...George W. Cox and E. H. Jones. Preussens Tausend und eine Nacht. ...Bernhard Hesslein. Romances of the middle ages. ...Wilhelm Waegner. English translation. Romans et fipopees chevaleresques de TAllemagne au moyen age. ...Gustav von Bonstetten. Die Romer in Deutschland. ...Joseph Marius Babo. Samundis Fuhrungen. ...Johann Arnold Kanne. Scenes and characters of the middle ages. ...Edward L. Cutts. Stories of old renown. ...Robert Hope Moncrieff. (Pseud., Ascott R. Hope.) Vor Zeiten. ...Theodor Storm. Fourth to the Ninth Centuries. Eudoxia, die Kaiserinn. ...Ida Hahn-Hahn. Jetta ; or, Heidelberg under the Romans. ...Adolf Hausrath. Eng- lish translation. Jetta : historische Roman aus der Zeit Volkerwanderung. ...Adolf Hausrath. Ninth Century. Albrecht. ...Arlo Bates. Les chevaliers du Cygne ; ou, La Cour de Charlemagne. ...Stephanie Felicite Comtesse de Genlis. Ekkhard. ...Joseph V. Scheffel. Knights of the Swan ; or, Court of Charlemagne. ...Stephanie Felicite Comtesse de Genlis. English translation. Legends of Charlemagne. ...Thomas Bulfinch. Magic runes. ...Emma Leslie. Passe Rose. ...Arthur S. Hardy. Pepin and Charlemagne. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Pepin et Charlemagne. ...Alexandre Dumas. Romances relating to Charlemagne. ...George Ellis. Vikings of the Baltic. ...George W. Dasent. Eleventh Century. Bertha: historical romance of the time of Henry IV. of Germany. ...Joseph E. C. Bischoff. English translation. Bertha; or, Pope and the emperor. ...William B. MacCabe. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 1 77 GERMAN HISTORY — Continued. Boy crusaders. ...John George Edgar. Count Robert of Paris. ...Sir Walter Scott. Die Fahrten Thiodolfs des Islanders. ...Friedrich H. C. La Motte Fouque. Fighting the Saracens ; or, Boy knight. ...George Alfred Henty. Florine, princess of Burgundy : a tale of the first crusade. ...William B. MacCabe. Foure prentises of London, with the conquest of Jerusalem. ...Thomas Heywood. Heroines of the crusades. ...C. A. Bloss. Hildebrand and the excommunicated emperor. ...Joseph Sortain. I Lombard! alia prima crociata. ...Tommaso Grossi. In the brave days of old : the story of the crusades. ...Henry Frith. Konigin Bertha : historischer Roman. ...Joseph E. C. Bischoff. Lady Sybil's choice : a tale of the crusades. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Mathilde; ou, memoires tires de I'histoire des croisades. ...Sophie Risteau Cottin. Parcival : Roman. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. Prince and the page : the last crusade. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Raymond de Saint Gilles at the crusades. 1095-1099. ...Henriette de Witt. Saracen; or, Matilda and Malek Adhel : a crusade romance. ...Sophia Risteau Cottin. English translation. Sir Walter's ward : a tale of the crusades. ...William Everard. Stories of the crusades. ...William E. Button. Sword and scimetar: the romance of the crusades. ...Alfred Trumble. Tales of the early ages. ...Horace Smith. (Pseud., Paul Chatfield.) Thiodolf the Icelander. ...Friedrich H. C. La Motte Fouque. English translation. Truce of God: a tale of the eleventh century. ...George H. Miles. Twelfth Century. Barbarossa : historischer Roman. ...Joseph E. C. Bischoff. Friedrich's des Ersten letzte Lebenstage. ...Julius Bacher. Heinrich der Lowe. ...Carl L. Haeberlin. Heinrich der Lowe. ...Carl C. F. Reidmann. Heinrich der Sechste teutscher Kaiser. ...Carl F. A. Buchner. Kaiser Friedrich genannt Barbarossa. ...Carl J. Simrock. Thirteenth Century. Castle of Ehrenstein : its lords, spiritual and temporal : its inhabi- tants, earthly and unearthly. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Crusaders and captives. ...George E. Morrill. 12 1 78 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, GERMAN HISTORY — Continued, Earl Hubert's daughter ; or, Polishing of the pearl. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Henry of Ofterdingen. ...Friedrich von Hardenberg. English translation. Henry von Ofterdingen. ...Friedrich L. von Hardenberg. Knight of the lion : a romance of the thirteenth century. ...Anon. Lieder aus Heinrich von Ofterdingen Zeit. ...Joseph V. von Scheffel. Philip Augustus ; or, Brothers in arms. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Rudolf von Habsbury. ...Friedrich C. Schlenkert. Versunkene Welten. ...William Jessen. With script and staff : a tale of the children's crusade. ...Elia W. Peattie. Wolfram von Eschenbach. ...Ludwig Lang. Fourteenth Century. Der falsche Woldemar. ...Georg Wilhelm Heinrich Haering. Der Klosterjager. ...Ludwig A. Ganghofer. Tower of the hawk : some passages in the history of the House of Hapsburg. ...Jane L. Willyams. Fifteenth Century. Die Abenteuer des Herzogs Christoph von Bayern genannt der Kampfer. ...Franz Trautmann. Anne of Geierstein. ...Sir Walter Scott. Briefe eines Frauenzimmers aus dem XV. Jahrh. nach alten Urschriften. ...Paul von Stetten. Burgomaster of Berlin. ...Georg Wilhelm Heinrich Haering- English translation. Cloister and the hearth. ...Charles Reade. Dove in the eagle's nest. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Diirer in Venedig. ...Adolf Stern. Ernest and Albert; or, Story of the stolen princes. ...Anon. Franz Sternbald's Wanderungen. ...Johann Ludwig Tieck. Die Gred: Roman aus dem alten Nuremberg. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Gutenberg. ...Emily C. Pearson. (Pseud., Ervie.) Hermann von Unna. ...Christiane Benedicte Eugenie Naubert. Jew. ...Carl Spindler. English translation. Johannes Gutenberg. ..Adolf Stern. Der Jude. ...Carl Spindler. Die Kiinstlerehe. ...Leopold Schefer. Kunz von Kauffungen. ...Ludwig Storch. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 179 GERMAN HISTORY — Continued. Last knight : a romance-garland. ...Anton A., Count von Aiiersperg. English translation. Der letzte Ritter. ...Anton A., Count von Auersperg. Lia: a tale of Nuremberg. ...Esme Stuart. Margery: a tale of old Nuremberg. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. Marie de Bourgogne. ...Mme. de Saint- Venant. Mary of Burgundy ; or, Revolt of Ghent. ...George Payne Rains- ford James. Norica, das sind Niirnbergische Novellen aus alter Zeit. ...August Hagen. Norica; or, Tales of Niirnberg from the olden times. ...August Hagen. English translation. Nuremberg tand, eine Geschichte aus dem fiinfzehnten Jahrhundert. ...Ludovika Hesekiel. Prinz Sigmund von Sachsen und seine Briider. ...Auguste Wilhelm Lorenz. Der Roland von Berlin. ...Georg Wilhelm Heinrich Haering. Salt-master. ...Julius Wolff. English translation. Scenes in feudal times. ...R. H. Wilmot. Der Sulfmeister. ...Julius Wolff. Der Weiss Kunig. ...Maximilian I. arr. by Maria Treitzsaurwein. Wenzel's inheritance. ...Annie Lucas. Sixteenth Century. Agnes de Mansfeldt. ...Thomas C. Grattan. AUerlie von Luther. ...Joachim L. Kaupt. Aus dem sechzehnten Jahrhundert. ...Wilhelm Jensen. Banished. ...William Hauff. Barbara Ittenhausen. ...Emma Wuttke-Biller. Baron de Hertz. ...Albert de Labadye. Baron of Hertz. ...Albert de Labadye. English translation. Die Belagerung von Gotha. ...Augusta W. Lorenz. Die Belagerung von Leipzig in den Jahren 1546-7. ...F. Lohmann. Die Belagerung von Madgeburg. ...Friedrich L. Schmidt. Blind girl of Wittenberg. ...Carl August Wildenhahn. English translation. Burgomaster's wife. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. Das Buch vom Doktor Luther. ...Hermann O. Nietschmann. Christian or Romanist ? ...Eduard Jost. English translation. Christlich oder Papstlich ? ...Eduard Jost. Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family. ...Elizabeth Charles. Clytia: a romance of the sixteenth century. ...Adolf Hausrath. English translation. l8o SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, GERMAN HISTORY — Continued. Constancia's household: a story of the Spanish reformation. ...Emma Leslie. Cooper of Nuremberg. ...Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann. English translation. Count Arensberg. ...Joseph Sortain. Count Ulrich von Lindburg : a tale of the reformation. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Doctor Luther's book. ...Hermann O. Nietschmann. English translation. Duke Christian of Luneburgh. ...Jane Porter. Duke Christopher : a story of the reformation. ...Frances H. Christopher. Der Fall von Konstanz. ...Otto Mueller. Fate of Castle Lowengard : a tale of the days of Luther. ...Esme Stuart. Florian Geyer. ...Wilhelm R. Heller. Forester's daughter : a tale of the reformation. ...Anon. Die Frau Biirgemeistererin. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Der FUrstentag. ...Ludwig Bechstein. Gabriele die Waise auf Rosenburg. ...Johann B. Fastenau. Der Geachtete. ...Gustav A. von Heeringen. Georg Podiebrad, Konig von Bohmen und Markgraf zur Lausitz. ...Christian R. Koestlin. Hans Sachs. ...Adolf Friedrich Furschau. Der Heiland von der Rhon. ...Paul Lippert. Historie vom Ritter Gotz von Berlichingen mit der eisernen Hand. ...Heinrich Doering. Im blauen Hecht. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Im Zwing und Bann. ...Wilhelm Jensen. In the Blue Pike. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. In the olden time. ...Margaret Roberts. Joachim Sliiter. ...Julius von Wickede. Kaiser Karl des Fiinften erste Jungendliebe. ...Ludwig A. von Arnin. Karl von Spanien. ...Ludwig S torch. Katharine von Schwarzburg. ...Carl G. Berneck. Klytia. ...Adolf Hausrath. Die Krononwachter. ...Ludwig A. von Arnin. Die letzten Humanisten. ...Adolf Stern. Lichtenstein. ...Wilhelm Hauff. Lichtenstein ; or, Swabian league. ...Wilhelm Hauff. English translation. Die Lichtensteiner. ...Carl F. van der Velde. Lichtensteins : a tale of the thirty years' war. ...Carl F. van der Velde English translation. ■• ^V »^ J. J. A SUBJECT INDEX TOFICTIOnC i8l GERMAN ISl^T^'K^— Continued. Lukas Cranach. ...Hermann Klencke. Luther and the Cardinah ...Hermann O. Nietschmann. Luther: historisches Gedicht. ...Gerhard Friedrich. (Pseud., Gustav Waller.) Luther in Rom. ...Levin Schuecking. Luther in Rome ; or, Corradina, the last of the Hohenstaufen. ...Levin Schuecking. English translation. Luther und die seinen. ...Franz Lubojatzky. Luther und seine Zeit. ...Theodor Koenig. Luther's Brautfahrt. ...Joseph E. C. Bischoff. Margarethe * a tale of the sixteenth century. ...Emma Leslie. Martin Luther: historischer Roman. ...Heinrich Eisenlohr. Martin Luther und Graf Erbach. ...Hermann O. Nietschmann. Maurice the elector of Saxony. ...Katharine Colquhoun. Michael Kohlhaas. ...Heinrich von Kleist. Monk and knight. ...Frank W. Gunsaulus. Moritz von Sachsen. ...Friedrich C. Schlenkert. Philippine Welser ; odcr, Vor dreihundert Jahren. ...Adelbert Baudissin. Professor of Alchemy. ...Percy Ross. Der Prophet. ...Theodor Muegge. Saint Leon: a tale of the sixteenth century. ...Caleb Williams Godwin. Die Schlacht bei Drakenburg. ...Werner Bergman. Die Schlacht bei Hammingstedt. ...Amalie Schoppe. Die Schlacht von Marignano. ...Carl A. F. von Witzleben. Sibylle von Cleve. ...Julius Bacher. Sidonia the Sorceress. ...Johann Wilhelm Meinhold. Der Sohn des Kaisers. ...Adolf Muetzelburg. Tabithe von Geyersberg. ...Amalie Schoppe. Tales from Alsace. ...Anne Manning. Thomas Miintzer : Roman. ...Theodor Mundt. Triibe Tage. ...Wilhelm Koch. True as steel. ...George Walter Thornbury. Ulric ; or, Voices. ...Theodor S. Fay. Die Wiedertaufer. ...Adolf Stern. Die Wiellinger. ...Friedrich Wilhelm Arming. Wolfgang, Prince of Anhalt. ...Franz Hoffmann. Seventeenth Century. Der abenteuerliche Simplicissimus. ...Hans J. C. von Grimmels- hausen. Agnes de Mansfeldt. ...Thomas C. Grattan. AUwin : ein Roman. ...Friedrich H. C. La Motte Fouque. l82 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. GERMAN HISTORY— C^;?//;///^^. Allzeit getreu. ...H. Brand. Axel. ...Carl F. van der Velde. Axel: a tale of the thirty years' war. ...Carl F. van der Velde. English translation. Baron and squire : a story of the thirty years' war. ...Wilhelm Noeldechen. English translation. Bernhard. Herzog zu Sachsen-Weimar. ...Friedrich G. Schlenkert. Bila hora, Aneb ; T¥i leta z tHceti. ...Ludwig Rellstab. Blameless knights ; or, LUtzen and La Vendee. ...Alice H. F. Byng, Viscountess Enfield. Blue pavilions. ...Arthur T. Q. Couch. (Pseud., *' Q.") Brave resolve ; or, Siege of Stralsund. ...John B. de Liefde. Breughel brothers. ...Alexander Ungern-Sternberg. English trans- lation. DieBriider; oder, Das Geheimniss. ...Alexander Ungern-Stern- berg. Der Buchfiihrer von Lemgo. ...Johann Georg L. Hesekiel. Der Biirgemeister von Neisse. ...Georg Hartwig. Das Burgerweib von Weimar. ...Julius W. Grosse. Cajus Rungholt. ...Lucian Buerger. Der Christlichen Koniglichen Fiirsten Herculiscus und Herculadisla Wundergeschichte. ...Andreas H. Buchhoitz. Des Christlichen teutschen Grossfiirsten Hercules und der bohmi- schen koniglichen Fraulein Valisca Wundergeschichte. ...An- dreas H. Buchhoitz. La conspiration de Walstein. ...Jean Fran9ois Sarrasin. Der deutsche Krieg: historischer Roman indrei Biichern. ...Hein- rich Laube. Der deutsche Michel. ...Johann Georg L. Hesekiel. Deutschlands Kassandra. ...Heribert Rau. Dorothe. ...Georg Wilhelm Heinrich Haering. Die drei Wiinsche. ...Carl F. von Witzleben. Der dreissigjahrige Krieg. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Duellists : a tale of the thirty years' war. ...Anon. Ein deutsches Schneiderlein. ...Franz Isidor Proschko. Exiles of Lucerna. ...John R. Macduff. Fair Else, Duke Ulrich, and other stories. ...Margaret Roberts. Faltskarns Berattelser. ...Zacharias Topelius. Der Eels von Erz. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. Fides: eine Erzahlung aus der Zeit des dreissigjahrigen Krieges ...F. Jordan. Der Findling. ...Carl A. F. von Witzleben. Frau Schatz Regime. ...Johann Georg L. Hesekiel- SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 183 GERMAN ISI^IQ^X — Continued. Gabriel : a story of the Jews in Prague. ...Salomon Kohn. English translation. Die Gallerinn auf der Rieggersburg. ...Joseph F. von Hammer- Purgstall. Gawriel : historische Erzahlung aus dem dreissigjahrigen Krieges. ...Salomon Kohn. Geglanzt und erloschen. ...Ferdinand Pflug. Geschichte der Grafin Thekla von Thurn. ...Marc Anton Niendorf. Der Graf von der Liegnitz. ...Carl G. von Berneck. Der grosse Kurfiirst in Preussen. ...Ernst A. C. C. Wichard. Gustaf och 30 Ariga kriget. ...Zacharias Topelius. Gustave Adolf and the thirty years' war. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. Heidelberg. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Herzog Bernhard. ...Hans Blum. Herzog Bernhard. ...Heinrich Laube. Die historisch-politischen Volkslieder des dreissigjahrigen Krieges. ...Franz W. Ditfurth. Im Schloss zu Heidelberg. ...Eva Hartner. Ingerstein Hall and Chadwick Rise. ...James Routledge. Johann Georg I. Von Sachsen. ...Franz Lubojatzky. King's service. ...Anon. Klosterheim. ...Thomas De Quincey. Das Krauterweible von Wimpfen. ...Conrad Fron. Kruitzner ; or, German's tale. ...Harriet Lee. (In her Canterbury tales.) Lichtenstein. ...William Hauff. Lichtenstein ; or, Swabian league. ...William Hauff. English translation. Die Lichtensteiner. ...Carl F. van der Velde. Lichtensteins : a tale of the thirty years' war. ...Carl F. Van der Velde. English translation. Die Lieder des dreissigjahrigen Krieges. ...Eduard Weller. Lion of the North: a tale of the times of Gustavus Adolphus and wars of religion. ...George Alfred Henty. Maid of Stralsund : a story of the thirty years' war. John B. de Liefde. Maria Schweidler die Bernsteinhexe. ...Johann Wilhelm Meinhold. Maria Schweidler the amber witch. ...Johann Wilhelm Meinhold. English translation. Memoirs of a cavalier ; or, Military journal of the wars in Germany and England, from 16^2- ^%. ...Daniel Defoe. Memoirs of the honourable Colonel Andrew Newport. ...Daniel Defoe. l84 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. GERMAN ISl^TQiKl ^ Continued. Monch und Grafin. ...Anton J. Gross-Hoffinger. Die Morder Wallensteins. ...George C. R. Herlosssohn. Odolan Pgptipesk^^. ...BeneS-Tfebizsky. Der Page des f lerzogs von Friedland. ...Carl A. T. von Witzleben. Paul Gerhardt. ...Carl August Wildenhahn. Phantom ship. ...Frederick Marryat. Philip Rollo ; or, Scottish musketeers. ...James Grant. Princess Vasa. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. Prinsessan ab Vasa. ...Zacharias Topelius. Prinz Eugen und seine Zeit. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Muhlbach.) Prinz Eugen unter Kaiser Leopold. ...Johann Georg L. Hesekiel. Prinz Eugen von Savoyen. ...Carl T. Griesinger. Prince Eugene and his Times. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Muhlbach.) English translation. Prinz Eugenius von Savoyen. ...Emil von Boxberger. Der Raub Strassburgs im Jahre 1681. ...Heribert Rau. Die Retter Niederwesels. ...Philipp F. W. Oertel. Der Ring. ...Carl A. F. von Witzleben. Ritterlicher Sinn. ...Carl A. F. von Witzleben. Der Rittmeister von Alt-Rosen. ...Gustav Freytag. Die Rose von Heidelberg. ...Louisa M. Robiano. Schoolmaster and his son. ...Carl H. Caspari. English translation. Der Schulmeister und sein Sohn : eine Erzahlung aus dem dreissig- jahrigen Kriege. ...Carl H. Caspari. Die Schweden in Prag. ...Caroline Pichler. Story of an abduction in the seventeenth century ....Jacob van Lennep. Tempest tossed ; the story of Seejungfer. ...Margaret Roberts. Thorn fortress : a tale of the thirty years' war. ...Mary Bramston. Times of Gustav Adolf. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. Die Tochter des Piccolomini. ...Georg C. R. Herlosssohn. Trnova koruna. Historick^ obraz z t!^icetilete valky. ...Bene§ Tfe- bizsk;^. Trug-Gold. ...Rudolf Baumbach. Um den Kaiserstuhl. ...Wilhelm Jensen. Under Gustaf III.^s forsta regerings^r. ...Zacharias Topelius. Die Vierhundert von Pforzheim. ...Carl A. F. von Witzleben. Waldemar. ...W. H. Harrison. Waldner von Wildenstein. ...Joseph Schreyvogel. Waldstein. ...Heinrich Laube. Wallenstein. ...Ernest Wilkomm. Wallensteins erste Liebe. ...Georg C. R. Herlosssohn. Wallensteins Letzte Tage. ...Franz Lubojatzky. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 185 GERMAN HISTORY — Continued. Young carpenters of Freiberg : a tale of the thirty years* war. ... Anon. Young deserter. ...Anon. Eighteenth Century. Agathon. ...ChristOph M. Wieland. Alide. ...Emma Lazarus. Der alte Dessauer. ...Franz Lubojatzky. Der alte Fritz and seine Zeit. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Auf Befehl des Konigs. ...Clarissa Lohde. Aus den Tagen zweier Konige. ...Friedrich Adami. Aus drei Kaiserzeiten. ...Johann Georg L. Hesekiel. Der Bachtanz zu Langenselbold. ...Philipp F. W. Oertel. Die Baren von Augustusburg : eine Erzahlung aus der Sachsischen Geschichte des 18 Jahrhunderts. ...Carl Gustav Nieritz. Bears of Augustusburg. ...Carl Gustav Nieritz. English translation. Der Berggeist im Riesengebirge. ...P'ranz Isidor Proschko. Berlin and Sans-Souci. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihl- bach.) English translation. Bischof und Konig. ...Mariam Tenger. Bishop and the king. ...Mariam Tenger. English translation. Die Brautschau Friedrich des Grossen. ...Julius Bacher. Cabanis Vaterlandischer Roman. ...Georg Wilhelm Heinrich Haering. Charlotte Ackermann ; ein Hamburger Roman aus dem vorigen Jahrhundert. ...Otto Mueller. Charlotte Ackermann : a theatrical romance. ...Otto Mueller. English translation. Citizen of Prague. ...Henrietta von Paalzow. English translation. Claude the Colporteur. ...Anne Manning. • Cyrus. ...Christoph M. Wieland. (Cyrus was the Persian disguise for Frederick II.) Dorothea Cappel. ...Emilie Friedrich S. Lohmann. Elizabeth of Guttenstein. ...Caroline Pichler. English translation. Elizabeth von Guttenstein. ...Caroline Pichler. Fifteen years. ...Therese Albertine Luise von Jacob Robinson. English translation. Frederick the Great and his court. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Die Freimaurer: eine Familiengeschichte aus dem vorigen Jahr- hundert. ...Ferdinand Gustav Kuehne. Friedrich der Grosse und sein Hof. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Friedrich der Grosse. ...Eugen H. von Dedenroth. 1 86 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, GERMAN HISTORY — Continued. Fiinfzehn Jahre. ...Therese Albertine Luise von Jacob Robinson. Geschichte des weisen Danischmend. ...Christoph M. Wieland. Goethe and Schiller. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihi- bach.) English translation. Der goldne Spiegel ; oder die Konige von Scheschian. ...Christoph M. Wieland. Gothe und Schiller. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise MUhl- bach.) Gute Zeit im Lande. ...H. Brand. Historische Novellen liber Friedrich II. von Preussen und seine Zeit. ...Joseph E. C. Bischoff. Die historischen Volkslieder des siebenjahrigen Krieges. ...Franz W. Ditfurth. Hiilderlin. ...Heribert Rau. Im Banne des Schwarzen Adlers. ...Carl Rudolf Gottschall. Die Insel Felsenbury. ...Ludwig Tieck. Jean Paul : Kultur-historisch biographischer Roman. ...Heribert Rau. Johan Gotzkowsky, der Kaufmann von Berlin. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Josef Kaiser. ...Eduard Breier. Joseph II. and his court. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Joseph der Zweite. ...Arthur Korn. Kaiser Josef II. ...Eduard lUe. Kaiser Josef II. und das Geheimniss des Freihauses. ...Carl T. Fockt. Kaiser Josef und der Sekretar. ...Adolf Muetzelburg. Die Kaiserlichen in Sachsen. ...Wilhelm R. Heller. Raiser Joseph der Zweite und sein Hof. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Kaiser Leopold II. und seine Zeit. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Kaunitz. ...Leopold Sacher-Masoch. Konig Friedrich August III. von Sachsen und seine Zeit. ...Franz Lubojatzky. Lessing. ...Alexandre Ungern-Sternberg. Little schoolmaster Mark. ...Joseph Henry Shorthouse. Luck of Barry Lyndon : a romance of the last century. ...William Makepeace Thackeray. Maria Theresa and her fireman. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Maria Theresia und ihr Ofenheizer. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 187 GERMAN HISTORY — Continued, Maria Theresia unci ihre Zeit. ...Franz Lubojatzky. Maria Theresia und ihre Zeit. ...Edouard Duller. Merchant of Berlin. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihl- bach.) English translation. Mit und ohne Vakation. ...Elizabeth von Grotthuss. Ofverste Stobee, ella holsteinska patriet under frihetstiden. ...Her- man Bjursten. Old Fritz and the new era. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach ) English translation. Ottilie. ...Violet Paget. Die Prinzessin von Wolfenblittel. ...Johann Heinrich D. Zschokke. Prisoner's daughter: a story of 1758. ...Esme Stuart. Die Rosenkreuzer in Wien. ...Eduard Breier. Ruckwirkungen, oder wer regiert denn ? ...Johann Heinrich D. Zschokke. Schiller : Kultur-historischer Roman. ...Johannes Scherr. Schubart und seine Zeitgenossen. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. Die Soldaten Friedrichs des Grossen. ...Julius von Wickede. Sophie Charlotte, die philosophische Konigin. ...Julius Bacher. Tauschungen. ...Heinrich J. Koenig. Thomas Thyrnau. ...Henrietta von Paalzow. Too strange not to be true. ...Georgiana C. L. G. FuUerton. Two campaigns. ...Alfred PL Engelbach. Die unsichtbare Loge. ...Jean Paul F. Richter. Verrath und Liebe. ...Adolf Muetzelburg. Der Vetter im Consistorium. ...Philipp F. W. Oertel. Von Fels zum Meer. ...Hans von Zollern. Vor hundert Jahren. ...Carl W. Ritter von Martini. Wien und Rom. ...Eduard Breier. Der Zigeuner-zogling, oder Schlangenwege des Verbrechens. ...Lud- wig von Alvensleben. Nineteenth Century. Alexander von Humboldt. ...Heribert Rau. Andreas Burns und seine Familie. ...Philipp Lange. (Pseud., Philipp Galen.) Andreas Hofer. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Andreas Hofer. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Andreas Hofer. ...Maximilian von Schenkendorf. Aus dem Berlin Kaiser Wilhelm's I. ...Paul Lindenberg. Der Baigneur von Ostende. ...Philipp F. W. Oertel. Barackenleben. ...Ludovika Hesekiel. Bilder und Geschichten aus Schwaben. ...Ottilie Wildermuth. l88 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. GERMAN HISTORY — Continued. Bis zum Kaiserthron. ...Bruno Garlepi^. Die Bluttaufe der cleutschen Einheit im Jahre 1870. ...Eugen H. von Dedenroth. Bombardier H. and Corporal Dose. ...Friedricli W. Hacklaender. Der bose Blick. ...Ludwig Schneider. Die Clubisten in Mainz. ...Heinrich J. Koenig. Die Czechin. ...Eugen H. von Dedenroth. Debit and credit. ...Gustav Freytag. English translation. Eine deutsche Revolution ; oder, Der Karneval von 1848. ...Eugen H. Dedenroth. Deutsche Wunden. ...Louise Otto. Ein deutsches Reiterleben. ...Julius von Wickede. Deutschlands Kampf und Sieg. ...Julius Woeniger. Der Domherr. ...Jodocus D. H. Temme. Drei Tage in Mittenwalde im bayerischen Alpengebirge. ...Philipp F. W. Oertel. Durch Nacht zum Licht. ...Friedrich Spielhagen. 1805 ; oder die Franzosen zum erstenmal in Wien. ...Eduard Breier, 1848 ; oder Nacht und Licht. ...Franz Lubojatzky. 1849; oder des Konigs MaienblUte. ...Franz Lubojatzky. 1866 ; oder in Bohmen und am Main. ...Franz Lubojatzky. 1870; oder die Heldin von Worth. ...Adolf Schirmer. Europaische Minen und Gegenminen. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Der Feldmarschall Bliicher und der Pfarrer Kretzschmar. ...Philipp F. W. Oertel. Fiddler of Lugau. ...Margaret Roberts. For sceptre and crown. ...George Samaron. Franz Alzeyer. ...Paul Heyse. Die Franzosen in Berlin. 1806-8. ...Friedrich H. linger. Fritz of the tower : a tale of the Franco-German war. ...L. Loben- hoffer. Fiinf Milliarden. ...Bernhard Hesslein. General Rapps und die Belagerung von Danzig. ...Maria von Ros- kowska. Gold und Blut. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Die Grandidiers. ...Julius Rodenburg. Der Grenadier von Weissenberg. ...Robert Neumann. Ein Hamburger Kauffburger. ...W. Christern. Haus HohenzoUern. ...Stanislaus S. A. Grabowski. Heinrich Heine's erste Liebe. ...Katherine Diez. Held und Kaiser. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 189 GERMAN HISTORY — Continued. Hohensteins. ...Friedrich Spielhagen. English translation. Hungarian brothers. ...Anna Maria Porter. Im Exil. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Im Herzen von Deutschland. ...Carl G. Berneck. In the year '13. ...Fritz Renter. English translation. Der Jager von Koniggratz. ...Eugen H. von Dedenroth. Das Jahr 1866. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Der Kaplan von Koniggratz. ...Franz Lubojatzky. Kaiser Wilhelm und seine Zeitgenossen. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Konig Jerome's carnival. ...Heinrich J. Koenig. Der Krieg am Rhein im Jahre 1870. ...Stanislaus S. A. Grabowski. Kreuz und Schwert. ...Franz W. Ditfurth. Kreuz und Schwert. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Krummensee. ...Johann Georg L. Hesekiel. Der lange Isaack. ...Julius von Wickede. Lindau ; oder der unsichtbare Bund. ...Johann Weitzel. Louisa of Prussia and her times. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Louise von Preussen und ihre Zeit. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Maid, wife, or widow ? ...Annie F. Hector. (Pseud., Mrs. Alex- ander.) Margaret von Ehrenberg, the artist's wife. ...William and Mary Howitt. Martin der Stellmacher. ...L. Kreutzer. Max Kromer : a story of the siege of Strasburg. ...Hannah Smith. (Pseud., Hesba Stretton.) Napoleon and Blucher. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihl- bach.) English translation. Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Napoleon in Deutschland. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Napoleon in Germany. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Neudeutsch. ..Joseph E. C. Bischoff. Otto der Schiitz. ...Johann Gottfried Kinkel. Pfortner Jugend. ...Friedrich Kenner. Poet hero. ...Minny Bothmer. 190 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. GERMAN HISTORY — Continued. Powder and gold : a story of the Franco-Prussian war. ...Levin Schuecking. English translation. Prince Bismarck, friend or foe t ...Minny Bothmer. Prinz Louis Ferdinand. ...Fanny Lewald Stahr. Problematic characters. ...Friedrich Spielhagen. English trans- lation. Problematische Naturen. ...Friedrich Spielhagen. Prussian spy. ...V. Valmont. Pulver und Gold. ...Levin Schuecking. Die Ritter vom Geiste. ...Carl F. Gutzhow. Ein Roman aus den Zeiten des schlesvig-holsteinischen Krieges. ...Constantin M. Reichenbach. Die Romerfahrt der Epigonen. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Roman aus dem Berliner. ...Oskar Heller. Die Rose von Sadowa. ...Ludwig A. R. Kuerbis. Saly's Revolutionstage. ...Ulrich Hegner. Schach-Bismark. ...J. G. Findel. Schleswig-Holstein Meerumschlugen. ...Carl von Kessel. Sister Martha. ...Benjamin Wilson. Soil und Haben. ...Gustav Freytag. Der Spion. ...Franz T. Wangenheim. Tagebuch und Kriegslieder aus dem Jahre 1813. ...Theodor Korner. Theodor Korner. ...Heribert Rau. Through night to light. ...Friedrich Spielhagen. English trans- lation. Der Todesgruss der Legionen. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Um Szepter und Kronen. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Unter dem letzten Welfenkonige. ...F. Klinck. Unter Preussens Fahnen. ...Stanislaus E. A. Grabowski. Ut de Franzosentid. ...Fritz Reuter. Die von Hohenstein. ...Friedrich Spielhagen. Vanished emperor. ...Percy Andreae. Vaterlandische Romane. ...Johann Georg L. Hesekiel. Verschollen. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Die Volkerschlacht bei Leipzig. ...Joseph von Hinsberg. Von Saalfeld bis Aspern. ...Heinrich J. Koenig. Vor dem Sturm. ...Theodor Fontane. Vor dem Sturm. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 191 GERMAN HISTORY — Continued. Waldfried. ...Berthold Auerbach. Zu spat erkannt. ...Anon. Zwei Kaiserkronena. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) GERMANY. Descriptio7t, MannerSy and Customs. Ade : a story of German life. ...Esme Stuart. Die Ahnen. ...Gustav Freytag. Albrecht. ...Arlo Bates. Aus drei Kaiserzeiten. ...Johann Georg L. Hesekiel. Bissula. ...Felix Dahn. Buch der Sachsen. ...Adolf Boettger. Der Buchfiihrer von Lemgo. ...Johann Georg L. Hesekiel. Castle on the Rhine. ...Johannes Carsten von Hauch. English translation. Chriemhildens Rache. ...Carl F. Eichhorn. Contes des fords du Rhin. ...£mile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Didrik af Berns Saga. ...Carl C. Rafn. Ekkhard. ...Joseph V. Scheffel. Felicitas. ...Felix Dahn. Gold und Blut. ..Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Historical tales ; or, Romance of reality. ...Charles Morris. In the year '13. ...Fritz Renter. English translation. Ingo. ...Gustav Freytag. Johann Kepler. ...Jo. Burow. Leibnitz und die beiden Kurflirstinnen. ...Hermann Klencke. Lost manuscript. ...Gustav Freytag. English translation. Lutaniste of St. Jacob's. ...Catherine Drew. Mit und Ohne Vakation. ...E. von Grotthuss. Philipp Jacob Spencer. ...Carl August Wildenhahn. Popular romances of the middle ages. ...George William Cox and E. H. Jones. Red knights of Germany. ...Peter Boyle. Rent in a cloud. ...Charles James Lever. (Pseud., Cornelius O'Dowd ; Harry Lorrequer.) Rolandseck : a romance of the Rhine. ...Gerald Holcroft. Romans et epopees chevaleresques de TAllemagne au moyen age. ...Gustav von Bonstetten. Die Romer in Deutschland. ...Joseph Marius Babo. Rosenkreuzer und Illuminaten. ...Max Ring. Scenes and characters of the middle ages. ...Edward L. Cutts. 192 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. GERMANY— Cotiiiimcd. Slottet ved Rhinen. ...Johannes Carsten von Hauch. Spinoza. ...Berthold Auerbach. English translation. Spinoza : ein Denkerleben. ...Berthold Auerbach. Stories of old renown. ...Robert Hope Moncrieff. (Pseud., Ascott R. Hope.) Stories of the Rhine. ...Emile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Vanished Emperor. ...Percy Andreae. Verlorene Handschrift. ...Gustav Freytag. Verrath und Liebe. ...Adolf Muetzelburg. Vikings of the Baltic. ...George W. Dasent. Von Saalfeld bis Aspern. ...Heinrich J. Koenig. See also GERMAN HISTORY. GHETTO. Aus dem Ghetto. ...Leopold Kompert. Christian and Leah. ...Leopold Kompert. English translation. Vorhang-Purin. ...Math. Kisch. GHOST-STORIES AND THE SUPERNATURAL. A Selection. Archibald Malmaison. ...Julian Hawthorne. Cecilia de Noel. ...Lanoe Falconer. Der Chaldaische Zauberer. ...Ernst Eckstein. Chaldean magician. ...Ernst Eckstein. English translation. Damen's ghost. ...Edwin L. Bynner. Dead man's story. ...H. Herman. Fantome d'Orient. ...Louis Marie Julien Viaud. (Pseud., Pierre Loti.) Frankenstein. ...Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. Der Geisterseher : eine Geschichte aus den Memoires des Grafen von O. ...J. C. F. von Schiller. Ghost-house ; or, Story of Rose Lichen. ...E. W. Mildred. Ghost-hunter and his family. ...Michael Banim. Ghost of Redbrook. ...J. G. A. Coulson. Ghost-seer ; or, Apparitionist. ...J. C. F. von Schiller. English translation. Ghost-seer. ...Johann C. Friedrich von Schiller. ...English trans- lation. Ghost stories and presentiments. ...Anon. Ghosts and family legends. ...Catherine Crowe. Guy Neville's ghost. ...Percy Greg. Haunted and the haunters; or, House and the brain. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Haunted hotel. ...Wilkie Collins. Haunted wood. ...E. E. Ellis. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. -193 GHOST STOEIES AND THE SUPEKNATURAL — C^;///>/«^^. Italian ghost story. ...John Temple Leader. Last tenant. ...Benjamin Leopold Farjeon. Lost Stradivarius. ...J. Meade Falkner. Lourdes. ...fimile Zola. Love is a spirit. ...Julian Hawthorne. Magic ink and other stories. ...William Black. Magic runes. ...Emma Leslie. Magic skin. ...Honore de Balzac. English translation. Man in black. ...Stanley J. Weyman. Maurice ; or, Red jar. ...Frances Villiers, Countess of Jersey. Mrs. Lord's moonstone. ...C. Stokes Wayne. Necromancer. ...George W. M. Reynolds. Nephele. ...Francis William Bourdillon. Out of the past ...E. Anson More, Jr. La peau de chagrin. ...Honore de Balzac. Phantom city : a volcanic romance. ...William Westall Phantom from the East. ...Louis Marie Julien Viaud. (Pseud., Pierre Loti.) English translation. Phantom regiment ; or, Stories of " Ours." ...James Grant. Phantom Rickshaw and other tales. ...Rudyard Kipling. Phantom ship. ...Frederick Marryat. Rival ghosts. ...James Brander Matthews. (In his Tales of fantasy and fact.) Second opportunity of Mr. Staplehurst. ...Anon. Some Chinese ghosts. ...Chita Lafcadio Hearn. Spectre of Milaggio. ...Andrew Wilson. Stable for nightmares. ...James Le Fanu, Sheridan, Young, and others. Strange stories of coincidence and ghostly adventures. ...Anon. Tales for a stormy night. ...Eugene F. Bliss, ed. Tales of fantasy and fact. ...James Brander Matthews. Unlaid ghost : a story in metempsychosis. ...Joseph Vila Prichard. Water ghosts and others. ...John Kendrick Bangs. GOTHE, JOHANN WOLFGANG VON. Lived 1749-1832. Alide : an episode of Gothe's life. ...Emma Lazarus. Goethe and Schiller. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Gothe und Schiller. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) GOLD AND SILVER SEEKING. Adventures in the Comanche country. ...Alice Webber. Around the gold deep : a romance of the Sierras. ...A. P. Reeder. 13 194 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. GOLD AND SILVEE ^-E^SXmOi— Continued. Captain Bayley's heir : a tale of the gold fields of California. ...George Alfred Henty. Digging for gold. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. La fievre d'or i860. ...Gustave Aimard. '49 : the gold-seekers of the Sierras. ...Cincinnatus H. Miller. (Pseud., Joaquin Miller.) Gold : a Dutch-Indian story. ...Annie Linden. Golden days of '49. ...Kirk Munroe. Golden dream. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. [translation. Gold seekers : a tale of California ...Gustave Aimard. English Land of gold. ...George G. Spurr. Lord John ; or, Search for gold. ...George Manville Fenn. Nelly's silver mine. ...Helen Hunt Jackson. Off to Calif ornia< ...James F. Cobb. Painted desert. ...Kirk Munroe. Silver Canon. ...George Manville Fenn. Silver caves : a mining story. ...Ernest Ingersoll. Story of the mine. ...Charles Howard Shinn. Twice bought : a tale of the Oregon gold fields. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Young silver seekers. ...Samuel W. Cozzens. See also MINES AND MINING. GOLDSCHMIDT, MADAME. See LIND, JENNY. GONZALVO DE CORDOVA. Lived U53-1515. Gonzalvo de Cordova. ...Jean P. C. de Florian. Great Captain. ...Ulrick R. Burke. GORDON, CHARLES GEORGE. Lived 1833-1885. For honor, not honors : being the story of Gordon of Khartoum ...William Gordon Stables. GORDON, PATRICK. Lived 1635-1699. Mynheer Joe. ...St. George Rathborne. GOVERNESSES. Curb of honor. ...Matilda B. Edwards. Good French governess. ...Maria Edgeworth. Janet. ...Margaret O. W. Oliphant. John Ward's governess. ...Annie L. MacGregor. Lady Betty's governess. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Man of to-day. ...Helen B. Mathers. Miss Canary. ...Clara B. Conant. Not " a fool's errand." ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Only the governess. ...Rosa N. Carey. Roy's repentance. ...Adeline Sergeant. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 195 GRANADA. Alhambra. ...Washington Irving, Conquest of Granada. ...Washington Irving. Leila. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Tales from Spanish history. ...Elizabeth J. Barbazoo. See also SPANISH HISTORY. GREECE. Description, History^ Manners^ and Customs. Amygdal : a tale of the Greek revolution. ...Mrs. Edmonds. Anastasius. ...Thomas Hope. Anthea : true history of the war of Greek independence. ...Cecile Cassavetti. Apelles and his contemporaries. ...Henry Greenough. Aspasia : a romance of art and love in ancient Hellas. ...Robert Hamerling. Callias. ...Alfred John Church. Charikles. ...Wilhelm Adolph Becker. Charmione : a tale of the great Athenian revolution. ...Edward A. Leatham. Constantine : a tale of Greece under King Otho. ...George Horton. Demigod. ...Edward P. Jackson. Fair Athens. ...Edmonds. Few days at Athens. ...Frances Wright D'Arusmont. Fountain of Arethusa. ...Robert Landor. Glaucia. ...Emma Leslie. Heroes of ancient Greece: a story of the days of Socrates the Athenian. ...Ellen Palmer. Hypatia. ...Charles Kingsley. King of the mountains. ...Edmond About. English translation. Last Athenian. ...Abraham Viktor Rydberg. English translation. Pausanias the Spartan. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer- Lytton. Pericles. ...Cornwallis. Philothea. ...Lydia Maria Child. Prince of Argolis. ...J. Moyr Smith. Le roi des montagnes. ...Edmond About. Saint Paul in Greece. ...G. S. Davis. Den siste Athenaren. ...Abraham Viktor Rydberg. Stories from the Greek comedians. ...Alfred John Church. Thoth : a romance. ...Joseph Shield Nicholson, Three Greek children. ...Alfred John Church. Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grece, vers le milieu du quatri^me siecle avant Jesus Christ. ...J. J. Barthelemy. Young Anacharsis. ...J. J. Barthelemy. English translation. 196 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION: GBEEK REVOLUTION. See REVOLUTIONS, Greek. GREGORY VII. POPE OF ROME. Lived 1015-1085. Bertha; or, Pope and emperor. ...William B. MacCabe. Hildebrand and the excommunicated emperor. ...Joseph Sortain. Truce of God : a tale of the eleventh century. ...George H. Miles. See also CATHOLICISM. GREY, LADY JANE. Lived 1537-155^. Lady Jane Grey. ...Thomas Miller. Tower of London. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. See also ENGLISH HISTORY. GUSTAVUS I. (VASA) OF SWEDEN. Reigned 1523-1560. Adventures of Gustavus Vasa. ...L. S. Griffith. Gustav Wasa. ...Louisa M. Grafin von Robiano. Gustavus Vasa and his stirring times. ...Albert Alberg. Hero of the North. ...William Diamond. Princess Vasa. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. Prinsessan af Vasa. ...Zacharias Topelius. Die Sohne Gustav Wasas. ...Carl Berkow. See also SWEDEN. GUSTAVUS II. (ADOLPHUS) OF SWEDEN. Reigned 1611-1652. Blameless knights ; or, Liitzen and Vendee. ...Alice H. F. Byng, Viscountess Enfield. Gustaf Adolph. ...Joseph E. C. Bischoff. Gustaf och 30 iriga kriget. ...Zacharias Topelius. Gustavus Adolphus. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. Lion of the North: a tale of the times of Gustavus Adolphus and the wars of religion. ...George Alfred Henty. Maid of Stralsund : a story of the thirty years' war. ...John B. de Liefde. Maria Schweidler die Bernsteinhexe. ... Johann Wilhelm Meimhold. Maria Schweidler the amber witch. ...Johann Wilhelm Meimhold. English translation. Memoirs of a cavalier. ...Daniel Defoe. My Lady Rotha. ...Stanley J. Weyman. Times of Gustaf Adolf. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. See also THIRTY YEARS' WAR. GUSTAVUS III. OF SWEDEN. Reigned 1771-1792. Gustav den Tredje och hans hof. ...Carl A. Kullberg. Gustavus III. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. Gustav Ills testamente eller 1792 och 181 5. ...Henrik af Trolle. Seton. ...Carl S. F. von Zeipel. Under Gustaf IH's forsta regerings Sr. ...Zacharias Topelius. See also SWEDEN. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 197 GUTENBEEG, JOHANN. Lived U10-U68. Gutenberg. ...E. C. Pearson. Johannes Gutenberg. ...Adolf Stern. Noble printer and his adopted daughter. ...Anon. HANDEL, GEORG FRIEDRICH. Livedl685-1759. Master of the musicians : a story of Handel's days. ...Emma Marshall. ' Tone-masters. ...Charles Barnard. Vol. 2. HAYDN, JOSEPH. Lived 1732-1809. Consuelo. ...Amantine L. A. D. Dudevant. (Pseud., George Sand.) Consuelo. ...Amantine L. A. D. Dudevant. (Pseud., George Sand.) English translation. Seppi. ...Franz Hoffmann. Tone masters. ...Charles Barnard. Vol. 2. HEIDELBEBG. Heidelberg. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Im schloss zu Heidelberg. ...Eva Hartner. Jetta; or, Heidelberg under the Romans. ...Adolf Hausrath. English translation. Jetta : historischer Roman aus der Zeit der Volkerwanderung. ...Adolf Hausrath. Die Rose von Heidelberg. ...Louise M. Grafin von Robiano. HEINE, HEINRICH. Lived 1799-1856. Heinrich Heine's erste Liebe. ...Katharine Diez. HENRY, DUKE OF BAVARIA. Lived 1156-1180. Heinrich der Lowe. ...Carl L. Haeberlin. Heinrich der Lowe. ...Carl C. F. Riedmann. HENRY I. OF LORRAINE, THIRD DTTKE OF GUISE. Lived 1550- 1588. Henry of Guise ; or. States of Blois. ...George Payne Rainsford James. HENRY I. OF ENGLAND. Reigned 1100-1135. Leper-house of Janval. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. Thomas of Reading ; or, Sixe worthie yeomen of the West. ...Thomas Deloney. HENRY II. OF ENGLAND. Reigjted 115^-1189. Betrothed. ...Sir Walter Scott. Court Life under the Plantagenets. ...Hubert Hall. Eva. ...Edward Maturin. Fair Rosamond ; or, Days of Henry II. ...Thomas Miller. 198 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. HENRY II. OF Y.Y^QiLK&JS— Continued, Franchise. ...Josephine B. Colomb. Heinrich von England und seine Sohne. ...Franziska C. J. F. Tarnow. Lady and the priest. ...Katherine C. Maberley. Plantagenets : a tale of the twelfth century. ...Anna Millikin. HENRY III. OF ENGLAND. Reigtted 1216-1272. Ue Montfort; or, Old English nobleman. ...Anon. Earl Hubert's daughter ; or, Polishing of the pearl. ...Emilv Sarah Holt. Gaston de Blondeville ; or, Court of Henry III. ...Anne Radcliffe. Osbert of Aldgate and the troubadour : a tale of the Goldsmith's Company. ...Elizabeth M. Stewart. HENRY IV. OF ENGLAND. Reigned 1399-U13. Florette ; oder die erste Liebe Heinrich's IV. ...Johann Heinrich D. Zschokke. Whittington and the knight Sans-Terre. ...Elizabeth M. Stewart. See also WYCLIFFE AND THE LOLLARDS. HENRY V. OF ENGLAND. Reigfied U13-U22. Agincourt. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Caged lion. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Henry of Monmouth. ...Major Michel. Joan the maid deliverer of France and England, ...Elizabeth Charles. Noble purpose nobly won. ...Anne Manning. See also JOAN OF ARC. HENRY VI. OF ENGLAND. Reigned U22-1461. Aylmere ; or, Bondman of Kent. ...Robert T. Conrad. Castle Harcourt. ...L. F. Winter. Old English baron : a Gothic story. ...Clara Reeve. Owen Tudor. ...Jane Robinson. Richard de Lacy : a tale of the later Lollards. ...C. Edmund Maurice. Two penniless princesses. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Walter Leukam. ...Elizabeth M. Stewart. HENRY VII. OF ENGLAND. Reigned U85-1509. Berkeley castle. ...G. F. Berkeley. Captain of the Wight : a romance of Carisbrooke Castle in 1488. ...Frank Cowper. Chronicle history of Perkin Warbeck. ...John Ford. Tangled web : a tale of the fifteenth century. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Ward of the crown. ...H. D. Wolfensberger (formerly Burdon). SUBJECT INDEX TO EICTION, 1§9 HENRY VIII. OF ENGLAND. Reigned 1509-1547. Agnes Martin; or, Fall of Cardinal Wolsey. ...Anon. Alice Sherwin : a tale of the days of Sir Thomas More. ...C. J. M. Anne Boleyn. ...Mrs. K. Thomson. Anne Boleyn ; or, Suppression of the religious houses. ...Anon. Armourer's prentices. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Bolsover Castle : a tale from Protestant history of the sixteenth century. ...Anon. Captain Cobbler ; or, Lincolnshire rebellion. ...Thomas Cooper. Cardinal's daughter. ...Robert M. Daniel. Chained book. ...Emma Leslie. Chronicles of Camber Castle : a tale of the reformation. ...Anon. Church and the king. ...Evelyn E. Green. Cloister and the hearth. ...Charles Reade. Constable of the Tower. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Darnley ; or, Field of the cloth of gold. ...George Payne Rainsford James. England's daybreak : narratives of the reformation. ...E. Bicker- steth. Forest of Arden. ...William Gresley. Freston Tower : a tale of the times of Wolsey. ...Richard Cobbold. Friar Hildebrand's cross. ...Margaret Agnes Paul. Heiress of Ravensby. ...J. L. Watson. Household of Sir Thomas More. ...Anne Manning. In Editha's days. ...Mary E. Bamford. Isoult Barry of Wynscote : a tale of Tudor times. ...Emily Sarah Holt. King and the cloister. ...Elizabeth M. Stewart. King Henry and his court. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Konig Heinrich und sein Hof ....Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Lady Rosamond's book. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Lancashire witches : a romance of Pendle forest. ...William Har- rison Ainsworth. Last abbot of Glastonbury. ...Anon. Last of the abbots. ...Arthur Brown. Lettice Eden : a tale of the last days of Henry the Eighth. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Life and wonderful adventures of " Trotty Testudo." ...Flora F. Wylde. Lincolnshire tragedy. ...Anne Manning. Die Lollharden. ...Hans G. Lotz. Maid and the monk. ...Walter Stanhope. Margaret Roper. ...Agnes M. Stewart. 200 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, HENEY VIII. OF ENGLAND — Continued. Memoirs of Henry VIII. of England. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Necromancer. ...George W. M. Reynolds. New year's day. 1518. ...Elbridge S. Brooks. (In his Storied holidays.) Noble wife. ...John Saunders. Passages in the life of the fair gospeller Mistress Anne Askew. ...Anne Manning. Pendower : a story of Cornwall in the time of Henry the Eighth. ...Marianne Filleul. Pilgrimage of grace. ...M. Emery. Pilgrims of Walsingham. ...Agnes and Susana Strickland. Richard Hunne. ...George E. Sargent. Stanfield Hall. ...J. Frederick Smith. Story of John Heywood. ...Charles Bruce. Tor Hill. ...Horace Smith. (Pseud., Paul Chatfield.) Tower Hill. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Tragic coronation. ...Herbert V. Mills. True story of Catherine Parr. ...Elsa D. E. Keeling, mine's escape ; or, Hid with the nuns. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Westminster Abbey. ...Emma Robinson. When you see me you know me. ...Samuel Rowley. Windsor Castle. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Wooing of Catherine Parr. ...Anon. HENEY II. OF FRANCE. Reigned mi -1559. Brigand ; or, Corse de Leon. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Les comtes de Montgomery : roman historique. ...Lottin de Laval. Les deux Dianes. ...Alexandre Dumas. Diane de Poitiers. ...Jean B. PI. R. Capefigue. Diane de Poitiers. ...Maurice A. Maurage. Helen of Tournon. ...Adelaide M. E. F. Souza-Botelho. English translation. Mademoiselle de Tournon. ...Adelaide M. E. F. Souza-Botelho. Le page du due de Savoie. ...Alexandre Dumas. Page of the Duke of Savoy. ...Alexandre Dumas. English trans- lation. Princess of Cleves. ...Comtesse de Lafayette. English translation. La Princesse de Cleves. ...Comtesse de Lafayette. Two Dianas. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. HENRY III. OF FRANCE. Reigned 1571^-1589. Chicot the jester. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. La dame de Monsoreau. ...Alexandre Dumas. La dame de Saint-Bris. ...Alexandre F. Guesdon. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 201 HENEY III. OF FRANCE — Continued. Le due de Guise. ...Louis P. P. Legay. Forty-five guardsmen. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Gaston de Blondville ; or, Court of Henry III. resting in Ardennes. ...Anne Radcliffe. Henry of Guise ; or, States of Blois. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Histoire de Marguerite de Valois, reine de Navarre, soeur de Fran- 9ois I. ...Charlotte R. de Caumont de La Force. Marguerite de Valois : a historical romance. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Une niece de Balafr^ : histoire du temps de la Ligue. ...Ernest Faligan. De rOrco. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Owen Tudor. ...Jane Robinson. Les quarante-cinq. ...Alexandre Dumas. La reine Margot. ...Alexandre Dumas. Under the bells. ...Leonard Kip. HENRY IV. OF FRANCE. Reignedl589-1G10. L^Abbesse de Montmertre. ...Henri Augu. Heinrich des Vierten Vermahlung mit Bertha von Susa. ...Luise Zeller. Henri Quatre. ...John H. Mancur. Henry IV. ...Luise Zeller. English translation. Henry IV. ...John H. Mancur. English translation. One in a thousand ; or, Days of Henry Quatre. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Rose d'Albret ; or. Troublous times. ...George Payne Rainsford James. HENRY IV. OF GERMANY. Reigned 1056-1106, Bertha ; historical romance of the time of Henry IV. of Germany. ...Joseph E. C. Bishoff. English translation. Bertha; or, Pope and the emperor. ...William B. MacCabe. Boy crusaders. ...John George Edgar. Die Fahrten Thiodolfs des Islanders. ...Friedrich H. C. La Motte Fouque. Fighting the Saracens ; or, Boy knight. ...George Alfred Henty. Florine princess of Burgundy : a tale of the first crusade. ...Wil- • liam B. MacCabe. Foure prentises of London, with the conquest of Jerusalem. ...Thomas Heywood. Heroines of the crusades. ...C. A. Bloss. Hildebrand and the excommunicated emperor. ...Joseph Sortain. Lombardi alia prima crociata. ...Tommaso Grossi. 202 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. HENRY IV. OF G^Y.'KKkWl — Continued. In the brave days of old : the story of the crusades. ...Henry Frith. Konigin Bertha : historischer Roman. ...Joseph E. C. Bischoff. Lady Sybil's choice : a tale of the crusades. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Mathilde ; or, Memoires tires de I'histoire des croisades. ...Sophia Risteau Cottin. Parcival : Roman. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. Saracen ; or, Matilda and Malek Adhel : a crusade romance. ...Sophia Risteau Cottin. English translation. Sir Walter's ward : a tale of the crusades. ...William Everard. Stories of the crusades. ...William E. Button. Truce of God : a tale of the eleventh century. ...George H. Miles. HENRY THE LION. See HENRY DUKE OF BAVARIA. HEREDITY. Blessed Saint Certainty. ...William Mumford Baker. (Pseud., George Harrington.) Captain Macdonald's daughter. ...Archibald Campbell. Counterparts. ...Elizabeth Sheppard. (Pseud., Beatrice Reynolds.) Curb of honor. ...Matilda B. Edwards. Demigod. ...Edward P. Jackson. Elsie Venner : a romance of destiny. ...Oliver Wendell Holmes. From one generation to another. ...H. Seton Merriman. Heavenly twins. ...Sarah Grand, pseud. History of David Grieve. ...Mary Augusta Ward (Mrs. Humphry Ward). John Applegate, surgeon. ...Mary Harriett Norris. Our manifold nature. ...Sarah Grand, pseud. Out of step. ...Maria Louise Pool. (Sequel to Two Salomes.) Pushed by unseen hands. ...Helen H. Gardener. Romance of a chalet. ...Rose Murray Prior Praed (Mrs. Camp- bell Praed). Story of an enthusiast. ...Mrs. C. V. Jamison. Superfluous woman. ...Anon, Two Salomes. ...Maria Louise Pool. HEREWARD. Hereward the Saxon. ...Charles Knight. Hereward the Wake. ...Charles Kingsley. HERMANN. Arminius oder Hermann, nebst seiner durchlauchtigsten Thusnelda in einer sinnreichen Staats-Liebes- und Pleldengeschichte. ...Daniel C. von Lohenstein. Hermann. ...E. Buerstenbinder. SUBJEC2' INDEX TO FICTION. 203 HEROES AND HEROISM. Bathilde ; ou, L'heroisme de I'amour. ...Fran9ois T. B. d'Arnaud. Crucifixion of Philip Strong. ...Charles Sheldon. Decatur and Somers. ...Molly Elliot Seawell. Friedrich de Algeroy, the hero of Camden Plains. ...Giles Gazer, pseud. Hebrew heroes. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Hero girl and how she became a captain in the army. ...Ellen T. H. Putnam. Hero in the strife. ...Louisa C. Silke. Hero of Cowpens. ...Rebecca MacConkey. Hero of the north. ...Diamond. Hero tales from American history. ...Henry Cabot Lodge and Theodore Roosevelt. Heroes of ancient Greece. ...Ellen Palmer. Heroes of the North. ...F. Scarlett Potter. Heroes of Young America. ...Robert H. Moncrieff. (Pseud., Ascott R. Hope.) Heroine of the confederacy. ...Florence J. O'Connor. Heroines of the crusades. ...Charles A. Bloss. Die heroischen Epopeen. Gustav Wasa und Columbus. ...F. M. Franzen. Isabeau's hero: a story of the revolt of the Cevennes. ...Esme Stuart. Knight of the nineteenth century. ...Edward Payson Roe. Poet hero. ...Minny Bothmer. Triumphs of the cross. ...John Mason Neale. (Pseud., Aurelius Gratianus.) True hero; or. Story of William Penn. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Twin heroes. ...F. A. Reed. HIGHLANDERS OF SCOTLAND. Altavona. ...John S. Blackie. Away on the moorland. ...A. C. Chambers. Chief of Glen-Orchay. ...William Bennett. Clan Albin: a national tale. ...Christina Jane Johnstone (Mrs. John Johnstone). Donald Ross of Heimra. ...William Black. Duke of Albany's own Highlanders. ...James Grant. Elizabeth de Bruce. ...Christina Jane Johnstone (Mrs. John Johnstone). Gienmorwen ; or, Child life in the Highlands. ...M. M. B. Glennair; or. Life in the Highlands. ...Helen Hazlett. (Pseud., H. M. Tatem.) 204 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION HIGHLANDERS OF SCOTLAND — Continued, Heather belles. ...Sigma, pseud. Highland legends. ...Sir Thomas D. Lauder. Highland nurse : a tale. ...George Douglas Campbell. Highland rambles and long legends to shorten the way. ...Sir Thomas D. Lauder. In far Lochaber. ...William Black. Jessie Cameron : a Highland story. ...Rachel Butler. Laura Everingham ; or, Highlanders of Glen Ora. ...James Grant Legendary tales of the Highlands. ...Sir Thomas D. Lauder. Legends of the Black Watch; or, Forty-second Highlanders. ...James Grant. Legends of the Isles and Highland gathermgs. ...Charles Mackay. Macleod of Dare. ...William Black. Mr. Pisistratus Brown, M. P., in the Highlands. ...William Black. Morag: a tale of Highland life. ...Mrs. Milne Rae. Popular tales of the West Highlands. ...John F. Campbell, ed. Princess of Thule. ...William Black. Raffans folk: a story of a Highland parish. ...Mary E. Gellie. Le regiment des geants. ...Paul Feval. Reminiscences of a Highland parish. ...Norman Macleod. Rob Roy. .,.Sir Walter Scott. Romance of war; or, Highlanders in Spain. ...James Grant. Roua Pass ; or, Englishmen in the Highlands. ...Erick Mackenzie. Royal Highlanders ; or, Black Watch in Egypt. ...James Grant. Startling. ...Norman Macleod. Stronbuy; or. Hanks of Highland yarn. ...James C. Lees. Tales of the Highlands. ...Sir Thomas D. Lauder. See also SCOTLAND. HILDEBRAND. See GREGORY VII., POPE OF ROME. HOFER, ANDREAS. Lived 1767-1810. Andreas Hofer. ...Maximilian von Schenkendorf. Andreas Hofer. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Andreas Hofer. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. At odds. ...Jemima Montgomery, Baroness von Tautphceus. 1809 : historischer Roman. ...Eduard Breier. Year nine : a tale of the Tyrol. ...Anne Manning. See also TYROLESE. HOGARTH, WILLIAM. Lived 1697-176J^. Wilhelm Hogarth : historischer Roman. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. William Hogarth : a romance, ...Albert E. Brachvogel. English translation. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 205 HOME RULE FOR IRELAND. See POLITICS, Irish. HOMILETICS. Crucifixion of Philip Strong. ...Charles Sheldon. His majesty myself. ...William Mumford Baker. Jarousseau, le pasteur du desert. ...Pierre Clement Eugene Pelletan. Jean Jarousseau, pastor of the desert. ...Pierre Clement Eugene Pelletan. English translation. Little minister. ...James Mathew Barrie. Mark Rutherford, dissenting minister. ...William Hale White. (Pseud., Mark Rutherford.) 1900 : a forecast and a story. ...Marianne Farningham. Parson's proxy. ...Kate W. Hamilton. Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains. ...Mary N. Murfree. (Pseud., Charles Egbert Craddock.) Supply at Saint Agatha's. ...Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward (Mrs. Herbert D. Ward). HOOD, ROBIN. Lived 1160- ? Boy foresters : a tale of the days of Robin Hood. ...Anne Bowman. Famous exploits of Robin Hood. ...Allan Cunningham. Forest days : a romance of old times. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Forest outlaws ; or, Saint Hugh and the king. ...Edward Gilliat. Maid Marian. ...Thomas L. Peacock. Maid Marian and Robin Hood J. E. Muddock. Merry adventures of Robin Hood. ...Howard Pyle. Noble birth and gallant achievements of that remarkable outlaw Robin Hood. ...Anon. Le prince des voleurs. ...Alexandre Dumas. Robin Hood. ...Pierce Egan, Jr. Royston Gower. ...Thomas Miller. Sad shepherd. ...Benjamin Jonson. HUGUENOTS. Arnold Delahaize; or. Huguenot pastor. ...Francisca I. Ouvry. Asylum Christi : a story of the dragonnades. ...Edward Gilliat. Der Aufruhr in den Cevennen. ...Johann Ludwig Tieck. Blanche Gamond: a heroine of the faith. ...Anon. Blanche the Huguenot. ...William Anderson. Bourdaloue and Louis XIV. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. English translation. By sword and fire. ...Thomas Archer. Camisard; or, Protestants of Languedoc. ...Anon. Chansonnier Huguenot du XVI^ siecle. ...Anon. Chateau de Louard : a story of the Edict of Nantes. ...Henry C. Coape. 2o6 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. HTJGTJENOTS — Continued. Chevalier's daughter. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Chillon. ...Jane L. Willyams. Claude Stocq. ...Henriette F. A. Reybaud. Constable de Bourbon. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Cross and the crown : a tale of the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. ...Deborah Alcock. Dorothy Arden : a story of England and France two hundred years ago. ...J. M. Callwell. Driven into exile : a story of the Huguenots. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Duchess of Mazarin. ...Anon. Esperance. ...Mary Bramston. French and English: a tale of the Huguenots. ...Anon. Gaspard de Coligny. ...Walter Besant. Gentleman of France. ...Stanley J. Weyman. Good old times. ...Anne Manning. Henri de Rohan; or, Huguenot refugee. ...Francisca I. Ouvry. Historic tales of the Reformation in the southwest provinces of France and Navarre. ...Robert F. Jameson. How they kept the faith. ...Grace Raymond. Hubert Montreuil ; or, Huguenot and the dragoon. ...Francisca I. Ouvry. Huguenot exiles ; or, Times of Louis XIV. ...Eliza Ann Dupuy. Huguenot family. ...Henrietta Keddie. (Pseud., Sarah Tytler.) Huguenot family in an English village. ...Henrietta Keddie. (Pseud., Sarah Tytler.) Huguenots. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Huguenots. ...Mrs. Marsh. In the vulture's nest. ...Mildred Fairfax. Isabeau's hero : a story of the revolt of the Cevennes. ...Esme Stuart. Jaques Bonneval ; or, Days of the dragonnades. ...Anne Manning. Jean Cavalier; ou, Les fanatiques de Cevennes. ...Marie Joseph Eugene Sue. Jeannette : a story of the Huguenots. ...Frances M. Peard. Madeleine ; or, Noble life in a humble sphere. ... Vicomtesse de Solange de Kerkadec. Minister of Andouse. ...Heinrich Moewes. English translation. Les missionnaires bottes de Louis XIV. ...Adolphe Michel. Nanon. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Old manuscript. ...Blanche Moggridge. Palissy the Huguenot potter. ...Cecilia L. Brightwell. Der Pfarrer von Andouse. ...Heinrich Moewes. Priest and the Huguenot. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. Eng- lish translation. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 207 HIIGTTENOTS — Continued. Protestant leader. ...Marie Joseph Eugene Sue. English trans- lation. Provocations of Madame Palissy. ...Anne Manning. Refugees : a tale of two continents. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Royal hunt : a story of Huguenot emigration. ...Mrs. E. C. Wilson. Saint Augustine : a story of the Huguenots in America. ...John R. Musick. Soldiers of the cross. ...Edith S. Floyer. Sunset in the province. ...Deborah Alcock. Suzanne de TOrme. ...H. G. Through stress and strain. ...Emma Leslie. Under the red robe. ...Stanley J. Weyman. Villegagnon : a tale of the Huguenot persecution. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. See also PEKSECUTIONS and SAINT BARTHOLOMEW'S MAS- SACRE. HUMBOLDT, FRIEDBICH HEINRICH ALEXANDRE VON. Lived 1769-1859. Alexandre von Humboldt. ...Heribert Rau. HUNGARY. Description, History, Manners^ and Customs. Abafi. ...Miklos Josika. Az utolso Batori. ...Miklos Josika. Csehek Magyarorszagban. ...Miklos Josika. Dr. Dumany's wife. ...Mor Jokai. English translation. Drei Schlosser. ...Eduard T3reier. Egy Magyar nabob. ...Mor Jokai. Erdely aranykora. ...Mor Jokai. Falu Jegyzoje- ...Jozsef Etovos. Forest and foresters. ...Laura Jewry. Flirst Georg Rakocsy i in Reps. ...Theobald Wolf. Good people of Pawlicz. ...Colomann Mikszath. Hungarian brothers. ...Anna Maria Porter. Hungarian castle. ...Julia Pardoe. Hungarian girl. ...Mariana Tenger. Hungarian tales. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. Interpreter: a tale of the Crimean war. ...George John Whyte Melville. Interrupted wedding. ...Anne Manning. Irma. ...Charles Vetter Du Lys. Karpathy Zoltan. ...Mor Jokai. Kossuths Braut. ...Theodor Scheibe. Der letzte Konig der Magyaren. ...Leopold Sacher-Masoch. 208 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, HUNGARY — Continued. Life's discipline : a tale of the annals of Hungary. ...Therese Albertine Luise von Jacob Robinson. (Pseud., Talvj.) Ludwig Kossuth und Clemens Metternich. ...Sigmund Kolisch. Modern Midas. ...Mor Jokai. English translation. Pandour and his princess. ...Anon. (In Tales from Blackwood.) Der Pascha von Buda. ...Johann Heinrich Zschokke. Politikai divatok. ...Mor Jokai. Rab Raby. ...Mor Jokai. Rauschgold. ...Stephanie Wohl. Sham gold. ...Stephanie Wohl. English translation. Siege of Buda. ...Anon. Story of the faith in Hungary. ...Anon. (Sundays at Home, vol. 14.) Tales and traditions of Hungary. ...Terencz A. and Terezia Pulszky. English translation. Village notary. ...Jozsef Eotvos. English translation. Zord Ido. ...Zsigmund Kereny. , Zriny. ...Theodor Koerner. Zrinyi a kolto. ...Miklos Josika. Zrinyi a kolto. ...Karoly Szasz. HUSS, JOHN. Lived 1S7S-U15, Crushed yet conquering : a story of Constance and Bohemia. ...Deborah Alcock. Gisela. ...M. Lehmann. Jean Zyska. ...Amantine L. A. D. Dudevant. (Pseud., George Sand.) Johann Ziska. ...Franz T. Wangenheim. Ottokar von Falkenburg. ...L. Lehnert. Der Rabbi von Leignitz. ...A. Sammter. Upalam Jana Husa Cili. ...Felik Deriege. HYPNOTISM. David Elginbrod. ...George MacDonald. Herr Paulus, his rise, his greatness, and his fall. ...Walter Besant. Hypnotic tales and other tales. ...James L. Ford. Modern wizard. ...Rodrigues Ottolingui. Parasite. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Queen of Ecuador. ...R. M. Manley. Six cent Sam^s. ...Julian Hawthorne. Soul's underwood. ...Charles Kelsey Gaines. Study in hypnotism. ...Sidney Flower. Suggestion. ...Mabel Collins. Trilby. ...George Louis Palmella Busson Du Maurier. Trilby. ...George Louis Palmella Busson Du Maurier. English translation. Witch of Prague. ...Francis Marion Crawford. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 209 ICELAND. Description^ History^ Manners, and Customs. Curate of Steinhollt. ...James Flamank. Eric Brighteyes. ...H. Rider Haggard. Grettie the outlaw: a story of Iceland Sabine Baring-Gould. Han d'Islande. ...Victor Hugo. Iceland fisherman. ...Louis Marie Julien Viaud. (Pseud., Pierre Loti.) English translation. Jiingling und Madchen. ...Jou Thoroddsen. Lad and lass. ...Jou Thoroddsen. English translation. Northern lights. ...Anon. Off the geysers. ...Charles A. Stephens. Pecheur d'Islande. ...Louis Marie Julien Viaud. (Pseud., Pierre Loti.) IDENTITY. Corsican brothers. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. ...Robert Louis Stevenson. Lesfreres corses. ...Alexandre Dumas. Guy Tresillian's fate. ...Harriet Lewis. L'homme au masque de fer. ...Chevalier de Mouhy. In the day of adversity. ...J. Bloundelle Burton. Jane Field. ...Mary E. Wilkins. Literary courtship under the auspices of Pike's Peak. ...Anna Fuller. Miss Mordeck's father. ...Fani Pusey Gooch. My double and how he undid me. ...Edward Everett Hale. Prisoner of Zenda, being the history of three months in the life of an Englishman. ...Anthony Hope. Question of identity. ...Louisa P. Dodge. Ralph Rider of Brent. ...Florence Warden. Soldier and a gentleman. ...J. M. Cobban. Track of a storm. ...Owen Hall Tragic blunder. ...Mrs. H. Lovett Camoron. Tresilian Court. ...Harriet Lewis. Two Salomes. ...Maria Louise Pool. Unbidden quest. ...E. W. Hornung. Unlaid ghost : a story in metempsychosis. ...Joseph Vila Prichard. Wedded to fate. ...Mrs. George Sheldon. ILLINOIS. Barriers burned away. ...Edward Payson Roe. Cliff-dwellers. ...Henry B. Fuller. Foiled by a lawyer. ...Anon. George's mother. ...Stephen Crane. 14 2IO SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ILLINOIS — Continued. Graysons. ...Edward Eggleston. Hardscrabble ; or, Fall of Chicago. ...John Richardson. Hoosier schoolmaster. ...Edward Eggleston. Lucky number: a book of stories of the Chicago slums. ...J. K. Friedmann. McVeys. ...Joseph Kirkland. Two circuits. ...J. L. Crane. Wau-nan-gee ; or, Massacre at Chicago. ...John Richardson. With the procession. ...Henry B. Fuller. Zury, the meanest man in Spring Co. ...Joseph Kirkland. IMAGINAEY LANDS, CITIES, AND INSTITUTIONS. Account of an extraordinary living hidden city in Central Africa. ...W. H. Middleton. Around the world in eighty days. ...Jules Verne. English transla- tion. Baron Munchausen's narrative of his marvellous travels and cam- paigns in Russia. ...Rudolf Erich. Baron Raspe Trump's marvellous underground journey. ...Inger- soll Lockwood. Battle of Dorking • reminiscences of a volunteer. ...George Tom- kyns Chesney. Chronicles of Count Antonio. ...Anthony Hope. Cinq semaines en ballon. ...Jules Verne. Daybreak : a romance of an old world. ...James Cowan. Le desert de glace. ...Jules Verne. Field of ice. ...Jules Verne. English translation. Finding of Lot's wife. ...Alfred Clark. Five weeks in a balloon. ...Jules Verne. English translation. Flight of a Tartar tribe. ...Thomas De Quincey. From the earth to the moon and a trip around it. ...Jules Verne. English translation. Fur country. ...Jules Verne. English translation. Gulliver's travels. ...Dean Swift. Hartmann the anarchist. ...E. Douglas Fawcett. Hector Servadac. ...Jules Verne. Hector Servadac. ...Jules Verne. English translation. Involuntary voyage. ...Lucien Biart. English translation. L'lle mysterieuse. ...Jules Verne. Journey in other worlds. ...John Jacob Astor. Journey to the centre of the earth. ...Jules Verne. English trans- lation. Looking backwards. 2000-1887. ...Edward Bellamy. Man of mark. ...Anthony Hope. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 2il IMAGINARY LANDS, CITIES, AND INSTITUTIONS — Continued, " McVeys. ...Joseph Kirkland. Mr. East's experience in Mr. Bellamy's world. ...Conrad Wilbrandt. Mysterious Island. ...Jules Verne. English translation. New Academe. ...Edward Hartington. r-New Eden. ...C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne. 1900: a forecast and a story. ...Marianne Farningham. Le pays des fourrures. ...Jules Verne. Purchase of the North Pole. ...Jules Verne. English translation. Queer race. ...William Westall. Le rayon vert. ...Jules Verne. San Salvador. ...Mary A. Tucker. *^Senator at sea: a story of mine and thine. ...G. F. Duysters. Stephen Remarx. ...James Adderley. De la terre a la lune. ...Jules Verne. Traveller from Altruria. ...William Dean Howells. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. ...Jules Verne. English translation. Uranie. ...Camille Flammarion. •^ Venus and Cupid. ...Anon. Vingt mille lieues sous les mers. ...Jules Verne. Visit to the asylum for aged and decayed punsters. ...Oliver Wen- dell Holmes. Voyage au centre de la terre. ...Jules Verne. Voyage autour du monde en quatre-vingts jours. ...Jules Verne. Voyage involontaire. ...Lucien Biart. Voyage round the world. ...Jules Verne. INCAS. L'Araucan. ...Gustave Aimard. Coitlan: a tale of the Inca world. ...Anson Uriel Hancock. Golden magnet, the land of the Incas. ...George Manville Fenn. Inca queen; or, Lost in Peru. ...J. Evelyn. [montel. Les Incas, ou la destruction de I'empire du Perou. ...J. F. Mar- Last of the Incas : a romance of the Pampas. ...Gustave Aimard. English translation. Lost Incas. ...P. Ozollo. v Puebla, oder die Franzosen in Mexico. ...H. O. F. Goedsche. Der Schatz der Ynkas. ...H. O. F. Goedsche. Der Schatz des Inka. ...Franz Hoffmann. . Treasure of the Inca. ...Franz Hoffmann. ...English translation. INDIA. Description^ History^ Ma7tners, and Customs. Adventures in India. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Axbar. ...A. S. Van Limburg-Bronner. 212 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. INDIA — Continued. Begumbagh : a tale of the Indian mutiny. ...George Manville Fenn. Bismillah; or, Happy days in Cashmere. ...Hafiz Allard. Black prince. ..."Col. Bowlong," pseud. Bow of fate. ...Henry M. Greenhow. Chronicles of Dustypore : a tale of modern Anglo-Indian society. ...Henry S. Cunningham. Confessions of a Thug. ..Meadows Taylor. Did she love him ? ...James Grant. Dilemma. ...George T. Chesney. Douglas Archdale : a tale of Lucknow. ...C. M. Katherine Phipps. Duke of Albany's own Highlanders. ...James Grant. Eight days : a tale of the Indian mutiny. ...R. E. Forrest. Elsie Ellerton : a novelette of Anglo-Indian life. ...May Edwood. Fairer than a fairy. ...James Grant. Family likeness. ...Mrs. B. M. Croker. First love and last love : a tale of the Indian mutiny. ...James Grant. Flower of forgiveness. ...Flora Annie Steel. From Five Rivers. ...Flora Annie Steel. Heerah: a story of the Sepoy mutiny. ...Mrs. E. J. Humphrey. Helen Treveryan ; or, Ruling race. ...John Roy. Hills and plains : a very old story. ...Anon. Historical tales ; or, Romance of reality. ...Charles Morris. Ilderim the Afghan. ...Robert H. Newell. (Pseud., O. C. Kerr.) Indian summer. ...William Dean Howells. Indian tales. ...Rudyard Kipling. In tent and bungalow. ...E. M. Cuttim. In times of peril. ...George Alfred Henty. John Hobbs : a tale of British India. ...G. Drago Life's handicap. ...Rudyard Kipling. Light that failed. ...Rudyard Kipling. Lost in the jungle : a story of the Indian mutiny. ...Augusta Marryat. Many inventions. ...Rudyard Kipling. Miss Stuart's legacy. ...Flora Annie Steel. Mr. Isaacs : a tale of modern India. ...Francis Marion Crawford. Naulahka. ...Rudyard Kipling. Nirgis : a tale of the Indian mutiny. ...Hafiz Allard.. Noble queen : a romance of Indian history. ...Meadows Taylor. Oakfield; or, Fellowship in the East. ...William D. Arnold. Officer's children. ...Mary Abbott. On the face of the waters: a tale of the mutiny. ...Flora Annie Steel. On the Irrawaddy : a story of the Burmese war. ...George Alfred Henty. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 213 INDIA— Continued. On to the rescue. ...William Gordon Stables. Pandurang Hari. ...William Brown Hockley. Phantom 'rickshaw Rudyard Kipling. Phantom ship. ...Frederick Marryat. Plain tales from the hills. ...Rudyard Kipling. Potter's thumb. ...Flora Annie Steel. Prasanna and Kamini. ...Mrs. Mullens and others. Queen of the regiment. ...Katharine King. Ralph Darnell. ...Meadows Taylor. Randall Davenant : a tale of the Mahrattas. ...Claude Bray. Redemption of the Brahman. ...Richard Garbe. Seeta. ...Meadows Taylor. Simple adventures of a memsahib. ...Sarah Jeannette Duncan. Soldier born. ...John Percy Groves. Story of a Dacoit and the Lolapur week. ...G. K. Betham. Stretton. ...Henry Kingsley. Surgeon's daughter. ...Sir Walter Scott. Tera ; a Mahratta tale. ...Meadows Taylor. Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. ...George Alfred Henty. Tiger of Mysore : a story of the war with Tippoo Saib. ...George Alfred Henty, Tippoo Sultaun : a tale of the Mysore war. ...Meadows Taylor. War and peace. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) With Clive in India; or, Beginnings of an empire. ...George Alfred Henty. Young Rajah: a story of Indian h'fe and adventure. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. INDIANA. From dark to daylight. ...Eunice W. Beecher. John Thorn's folks. ...Angeline Teal, pseud. INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA. Les anciens Canadiens. ...Philippe Aubert de Gaspe. L'Araucan. ...Gustave Aimard. Baby Rue: her friends and her enemies. ...Charlotte M. Clark. (Pseud., Charles M. Clay.) Big brother. ...George C. Eggleston. Blackfoot Lodge tales. ...George Bird Grinnell. Braddock : a story of the French and Indian wars. ...John R. Musick. Bridge of the gods. ...F. H. Balch. Camp-fire and wigwam. ...Edward S. Ellis. Camp-fires of the red men. ...J. R. Orton. 214 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA — Continued. Canadians of old. ...PhiliiDpe Aubert de Gaspe. English trans- lation. Captain Smith and the Princess Pocahontas. ...J. Davis. Cassique of Kiawah. ...William Gilmore Simms. Christian Indian. ...Anon. Crossing the quicksands. ...Samuel W. Cozzens. Deerslayer. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Doom of Mamelons : a legend of the Saguenay. ...William H. Murray. Enchanted moccasins and other legends of the American Indians. ...Cornelius Mathews. Father Laval ; or, Jesuit missionary. ...J. M'Sherry. First settlers of New England. ...Lydia Maria Child. Forest tragedy and other tales. ...Sara J. Lippincott. (Pseud., Grace Greenwood.) Hardscrabble ; or, Fall of Chicago. ...John Richardson. Hiawatha and other legends of the Red American Indians. ...Cor- nelius Mathews. Hidden power. ...T. N. Tibbies. Hope Leslie ; or, Early times in Massachusetts. ...Catherine M. Sedgwick. Howling W^olf and his trick pony. ...Elizabeth W. Champney. Ish-noo-ju-sche ; or. Eagle of the Mohawks. ...J. L. Shecut. Kabaosa; or, Warriors of the West. ...Anna L. Snelling. Kin-da-shon's wife : an Alaskan story. ...Mrs. Eugene S. Willard. King of the Hurons. ...P. H. Meyers. " Laramie ; " or, Queen of Bedham. ...Charles King. Last of the Mohicans. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Little Smoke : a tale of the Sioux. ...William Osborn Stoddard. Maid of Wyoming. ...J. L. Bowen. Man who married the moon. ...Charles F. Lummis. Mary Derwent. ...Ann S. W. Stephens. Merry-mount : a romance of the Massachusetts colony. ...John Lothrop Motley. Me-won-i-toc. ...S. Robinson. Mila; or. Last wigwam of the Pawnees. ...T. Bonin. Mohegan maiden. ...J. L. Bowen. Moravian Indian boy. ...Anon. Nick of the woods. ...Robert Montgomery Bird. Oak openings. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Onaqua. ...Francis C. Sparhawk. Osceola. ...Mayne Reid. Osceola; or. Fact and fiction : a tale of the Seminole war. ...Sey- mour R. Duke. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 215 INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA — Contmued. Out of the past. ...E. Anson More, Jr. Pathfinder. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Pawnee stories and folk-lore. ...George Bird Grinnell. Piokee and her people. ...Theodora R. Jenness. Pioneers. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Ploughed under. ...Judge Harsha. Prairie. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Prairie Bird. ...C. Murray. Quabi; or, Virtues of nature. ...Sarah Wentworth A. Morton. Ramona. ...Helen Hunt Jackson. Red beauty: a story of the Pawnee trail. ...William Osborn Stoddard. Red Cloud, the soHtary Sioux. ...William F. Butler. Red man and white. ...Owen Wister. Redskin and cowboy: a tale of the Western plains. ...George Alfred Henty. Romance of King Philip's war. ...Fanny B. Workman. Saratoga: an Indian tale of frontier life: a true story of 1787. ...D. Shepherd. Scarlet feather ; or. Young chief of the Abenaquies. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Senator Intrigue and Inspector Noseby. ...Molly Elliot Seawell. Shoshonee valley. ...Timothy Flint. Stories of the prairie. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Storm mountain. ...Edward S. Ellis. Story of the Indian. ...George Bird Grinnell. Tadeuskund, the last king of the Lenape: an historical tale. ...Anon. Tales of an Indian camp. ...J. A. Jones. Tales of Indian life. ...Gustave Aimard. English translation. Tales of the North American Indian. ...Barbara Hawes. Talking leaves: an Indian story. ...William Osborn. Stoddard. Therese ; or, Iroquois maiden. ...O. Bradbury. Too strange not to be true. ...Georgiana C. L. G. Fullerton. Totem tales. ...W. S. Phillips. Two arrows : a story of red and white. ...William Osborn Stoddard Wacousta; or, Prophecy. ...W. Richardson. Wanneta the Sioux. ...Warren K. Moorehead. Wau-nan-gee ; or, Massacre at Chicago. ...John Richardson. Wa-wa-wanda: a legend of old Orange. ...Anon. Wept of Wish-ton-wish ...James Fenimore Cooper. White chief among the red men. ...J. T. Adams, White Islanders. ...Mary Hartwell Catherwood. Wyandotte. ...James Fenimore Cooper. UNIVERSITY 2i6 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION-. INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA— Continued. Wyoming. ...Edward S. Ellis. Yemasee. ...William Gilmore Simms. Young silver-seekers. ...Samuel W. Cozzens. Young trail-hunters. ...Samuel W. Cozzens. See also FRENCH AND INDIAN WARS. 1756-1775. INSANITY. Bella ; or, Cradle of liberty. ...Martha E. Berry. Conspiracy of silence. ...Mrs. Colmore Dunn. Doctor Ben. ...Anon. Hard cash. ...Charles Reade. Lily of Paris. ...John P. Simpson. Mad Sir Uchtred of the hills. ...Samuel Rutherford Crockett. Man from Nowhere. ...Flora Haines Longhead. Maniac of Brussels. ...F. W. N. Bayley. Maris Stella. ...Marie Clothilde Balfour. Romance of a chalet. ...Rose Murray Prior Praed (Mrs. Campbell Praed). INSURRECTIONS, FAMOUS. England. Ker. 1708. Mistress Hazelwode. ...Frederick H. More. England. Wat Tyler. 1381. Alice of Fobbing. ...Anon. (In Tales illustrating Church History.) Bondman : a story of the times of Wat Tyler. ...Anon. Dick Delver : a story of the peasant revolt of the fourteenth century. ...Hariette E. Burch. Idol of the clownes. ...John Cleaveland. John Standish ; or. Harrowing of London. ...Edward Gilliat. Mediation of Ralph Hardelot. ...W. Minto. Merry England ; or, Nobles and serfs. ...William Harrison Ains- worth. » Vox clamantis. ...John Gower. Wardship of Steepcoombe. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Wat Tyler. ...Pierce Egan, Jr. Ireland. 1798. Croppy: a tale of 1798. ...Michael Benim. Donal Dun O'Byrne : a tale of the rebellion of '98. ...Denis Holland. Family of Glencarra : a tale of the Irish rebellion. ...Sidney O. Moore. Forge of Clohogue : a story of the rebellion of '98. ...James Murphy. Die Heideschenke. ...Ludwig Storch. Irish widow's son; or, Pikemen of '98. ...Con. O'Leary. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 217 INSURRECTIONS, YkW^^i^— Continued. Land of the Kelt : a tale of the days of '98. ...Anon. Lloyd Pennant : a tale of the West. ...Ralph Neville. Michael Dwyer ; or, Insurgent captain of the Wicklow Mountains and reminiscences of '98. ...John T. Campion. My Lords of Strogue : a chronicle of Ireland from the convention till the union. ...Lewis S. Wingfield. O'Halloran; or, Insurgent chief. ...James McHenry. O'Hara ; or, 1798 : a historical novel. ...William Hamilton Maxwell. Olive Lacy : a tale of the Irish rebellion of 1798. ...Anna Argyle. O'Mahoney, chief of the Commeraghs : a tale of the rebellion of 1798. ...David P. Conyngham. Peggy : a tale of the Irish rebellion. ...Mary Damant. Die Rebellen in Irland. ...Ferdinand G. Kuehne. Rose Parnell, the flower of Avondale : a tale of the rebellion of '98. ...David P. Conyngham. INTEMPERANCE. Amid the shadows. ...Mary F. Martin. Baby Rue, her friends and her enemies. ...Charlotte M. Clark. (Pseud., Charles M. Clay.) Barclay's daughter. ...Jean Kate Ludlum. Bar-rooms at Brantley. ...Timothy Shay Arthur. Devil's dream. ...Evangeline B. Blanchard. Digging a grave with a wine-glass. ..Anna Maria Hall. Elsie Magoon ; or, Old still-house in the hollow. ...Francis D. Gage First glass of wine. ...Mrs. A. K. Dunning. John Bremm. ...Alphonso A. Hopkins. Lady of quality. ...Frances Hodgson Burnett. Lost estate. ...Mrs. J. P. Ballard. Man's will. ...Edgar Fawcett. Man who became a savage. ...W. T. Hornaday. " Nothing but truth " : a picture of the effects of intemperance. ...William Gilbert. Our new crusade. ...Edward Everett Hale. Outcast of the Islands. ...Joseph Conrad. Pitiless passion. ...Ella MacMahon. Present problem. ...Sarah K. Bolton. Red bridge : a temperance story. ...Ellen Putnam. (Pseud., Thrace Talmon). Sinner and saint. ...Alphonso A. Hopkins. Temperance stories for the young. ...Timothy Shay Arthur. Ten nights in a bar-room. ...Timothy Shay Arthur. Willie Welsh. ...Mrs. M. M. B. Goodwin. Wormwood; a drama of Paris. ...Maria Corelli. 2i8 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, IKELAND. A Selection, Description^ Manners^ and Customs. Across an Ulster bog. ...M. A. Hamilton. Adventures of Mick Callighin, M. P. : a story of Home Rule. ...W. R. Anckettill. Alley Moore : a tale of the times. ...Father Baptist. Anglo-Irish of the nineteenth century. ...John Banim. (Pseud., The O'Hara family.) Ann Cosgrave. ...William Carleton. Arrah Neil. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Baldearg O'Donnell : a tale of 1690-91. ...Albert S. G. Canning. Bardic stories of Ireland. ...Patrick Kennedy, ed. Black prophet : a tale of Irish famine. ...William Carleton. Bog-land studies. ...Jane Barlow. Boyne-water : a tale. ...John Banim. (Pseud., The O'Hara family.) Castle Daly : a story of an Irish home thirty years ago. ...Anna Maria Keary. Castle Rackrent. ...Maria Edgewood. Castle Richmond. ...Anthony Trollope. Christy Carew. ...May Hartley. Confederate chieftains. ...Mary A. Sadlier (Mrs. James Sadlier). Croppy: a tale of 1798. ...Michael Benin. Cross and the ^Shamrock : or, How to defend the faith. ...H. Quigley. Denounced; or. Last baron of Crana. ...John Banim. (Pseud., The O'Hara family.) Derry: a tale of the revolution. ...Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna. (Pseud., Charlotte Elizabeth.) Dick Massey : a tale of the Irish convictions. ...T. O'Neil Russell. Dog of stars. ...Standish O'Grady. Emerald gems : a chaplet of Irish fireside tales. ...Anon. Emigrants of Ahadarra. ...William Carleton. Eva; or, Tales of life and death. ...Edward Maturin. Eveline Wellwood : a story of modern Irish life. ...Norris Paul. Falcon family ; or, Young Ireland. ...Marmion W. Savage. Fate of the Dane. ...Anna H. Dorsey. Flitters, tatters and the Counsellor. ...May Hartley. Florence O'Neill, the rose of Saint Germains. ...Agnes M. Stewart. Frederick Hazzleden. ...Hugh Westbury. Golden Hills : a tale of Irish famine. ...Anon. Grace Cassidy ; or, Repealers. ...Marguerite Gardiner. Grania. ...Emily Lawless. Green as grass. ...Edm. Downey. Handy Andy : a tale of Irish life. ...Samuel Lover. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 219 IRELAND — Contimted. Heiress of Kilorgan. ...Mary R. Sadlier (Mrs. James Sadlier). Hero-tales of Ireland. ...Jeremiah Curtiii. Hogan, M. P. ...May Hartley. Hon. Miss Ferrard. ...May Hartley. Man's foes. ...E. H. Strain. Miss Honoria. ...F. Langbridge. Hurrish. ...Emily Lawless. lerne. ...William Stewart Trench. Irish idylls. ...Jane Barlow. Irish stories. ...W. B. Yeats, ed. Irish widow's son : or, Pikemen of '98. ...Con. O'Leary. Irrelagh ; or, Last of the chiefs. ...Miss Colthurst. Ismay's child. ...May Hartley. John Sherman and Dhoya. ..." Ganconagh," pseud. Kerrigan's quality. ...Jane Barlow. Kilgorman. ...Talbot Baines Reed. Kilgroom : a story of Ireland. ...John A. Stuart. King and viking. ...P. G. Smyth. Knight of Gwynne. ...Charles J. Lever. Knockagow. ...Charles Joseph Kickham. Lloyd Pennant: a tale of the West. ...Ralph Neville. Marcella Grace. ...Rosa Mulholland. Mike. ...Anon. Molly Bawn. ...Margaret Hungerford. Moonlight by the Shannon shore. ...Norris Paul. My Lords of Strogue : a chronicle of Ireland from the convention till the union. ...Lewis S. Wingfield. Mystery of Killard. ...Richard Dowling. Nevilles of Garretstown : a tale of 1870. ...Anne Marsh. Old house by the Boyne. ...Mary A. Sadlier (Mrs. James Sadlier). Olive Lacy : a tale of the Irish rebellion of 1798. ...Anna Argyle. Parish province. ...E. M. Lynch. Reddy the Rover. ...William Carleton. Red Hugh's captivity: Ireland in the reign of Elizabeth. ...Stan- dish O'Grady. Redmond, Count O'Hanlon, the Irish Rapparee. ...William Carleton. Ridgeway : an historical romance of the Fenian invasion of Canada. ...Scian Dubh. Rose de Blaquiere ; or. Lake of Killarney. ...Anna Maria Porter. Ruined race. ...Hester Sigerson, Sally Cavanagh ; or. Untenanted graves. ...Charles Joseph Kickham. Sarsfield ; or, Last great struggle for Ireland. ...D. P. Conyngham Shandon bells. ...William Black. 2 20 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. IBELAND — Continued. Shilrich the drummer. ...Julia Agnes Fraser. Silk of the kine. ...L. MeManus. Stella and Vanessa. ...Lady Duff Gordon. Tithe-proctor : a novel. Being a tale of the tithe rebellion in Ireland. ...William Carleton. Ulrick the Ready. ...Standish O'Grady. Valentine McClutchy, the Irish Agent ; or, Chronicles of Castle Cumber. ...William Carleton. Wearing of the green. ...Richard Ashe King. Where the Atlantic meets the land. ...Caldwell Lipsett. White boy : a story of Ireland in 1822. ...Anna Maria Hall. Wild birds of Killeevy. ...Rose Mulholland. Wild Irish boy. ...Charles Robert Maturin. Willy Reilly and his dear Coleen bawn. ...William Carleton. With Essex in Ireland. ...Emily Lawless. See also IRISH HISTORY, POLITICS, Irish, and SOCIETY, Irish. IRISH HISTORY. A Selection. Fifth to the Sixteenth Centuries. Eva ; or, Tales of life and death. ...Edward Maturin. Geraldine of Desmond ; or, Ireland in the reign of Elizabeth. ...Miss Crumpe. Juverna. ...Harmer D. Spratt. Kathleen : a tale of the fifth century. ...E. A. Knights of the Pale; or, Ireland four hundred years ago. ...C. M. O'Keefe. Last earl of Desmond: a historical romance of 1559-1603. ...Charles B. Gibson. Last king of Ulster. ...Anon. Last monarch of Tara: a tale of Ireland in the sixth century. ...Eblana, Pseud. MacCarthy More; or, Fortunes of an Irish chief in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. ...Mary A. Sadlier (Mrs. James Sadlier). Old Irish knight: a Milesian tale of the fifth century. ...Anon Pirates' fort : a tale of the sixteenth century. ...Louise MacNally. Red Hugh's captivity : Ireland in the reign of Elizabeth. ...Standish O'Grady. Saint Patrick's cathedral. ...L. O. Donnell. Seventeenth Century. Arrah Neil. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Baldeary O'Donnell : a tale of 1690-91. ...Albert S. G. Canning. Boyne-water: a tale. ...John Banim. (Pseud., The O'Hara family.) Chances of war : an Irish tale. ...A. Whitelock. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 221 » IRISH HISTORY — Continued. Confederate chieftains. ...Mary A. Sadlier (Mrs. James Sadlier). Cousin Isabel : a tale of the siege of Londonderry. ...Marion Andrews. Cromwell in Ireland : a historical romance. ...Anon. Daughter of Tyrconnell. ...Mary A. Sadlier (Mrs. James Sadlier). Denounced; or, Last baron of Crana. ...John Banim. (Pseud., The O'Hara family). Derry : a tale of the revolution. ...Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna. (Pseud., Charlotte Elizabeth). Derry and Enniskillen in 1689: a story of battlefields in Ulster. ...Thomas Witherow. Florence O'Neill, the rose of Saint Germain ; or, Siege of Limerick. ...Agnes M. Stewart. Gap of Barnesmore : the Irish highlands and the revolution of 1688. ...Isaac Butt. Heiress of Kilorgan. ...Mary A. Sadlier (Mrs. James Sadlier). Hugh Talbot : a tale of the Irish confiscations of the seventeenth century. ...William J. O'Neill. Last of the Corbes ; or, MacMahon's country. ...John Wright. Londerias. ...Jos. Aickin. Nellie Netterville ; or. One of the transplanted : a tale of the times of Cromwell in Ireland. ...Cecilia M. Caddell. Old house by the Boyne. Mary A. Sadlier (Mrs. James Sadlier). Orange and green : a tale of the Boyne and Limerick. Redmond Count O'Hanlon, the Irish Rapparee. ...William Carle- ton. Sarsfield ; or. Last great struggle for Ireland. ...D. P. Conyngham. Under which king ? ...William Johnston. Eighteenth Century. Castle Rackrent. ...Maria Edgeworth. Croppy : a tale of 1798. ...Michael Benim. Donal Dun O'Byrne : a tale of Wexford in 1798. ...Denis Holland. Family of Glencarra : a tale of the Irish rebellion. ...Sidney O. Moore. Fate of Father Sheehy: a tale of Tipperary eighty years ago. ...Mary A. Sadlier (Mrs. James Sadlier). Forge of Clohogne : a story of the rebellion of '98. ...James Murphy. Fortune-teller's intrigue: a tale of Agrarian outrage. ...T. R.J. Poison. Irish chieftains; or. Struggle for the crown. ...Charles F. B. Forester. Irish widow's son; or, Pikemen of '98. ...Con. O'Leary. 222 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. IRISH ISl^lQiBX — Continued. Keen of the South of Ireland. ...Thomas Crofton Croker. Last of the Catholic O'Malleys. ...M. Taunton. Legends of the wars in Ireland. ...Robert D. Joyce. Lloyd Pennant : a tale of the West. ...Ralph Neville. Martins of Cro' Martin. ...Charles James Lever. Michael Dwyer ; or, Insurgent captain of the Wicklow mountains and reminiscences of '98. ...John T. Campion. Nevilles of Garretstown : a tale of 1870. ...Anne Marsh. O'Donoghue : a tale of Ireland fifty years ago. ...Charles James Lever. O'Halloran ; or. Insurgent chief. ...James McHenry. O'Hara; or, 1798. ...William H. Maxwell. Olive Lacy: a tale of the Irish rebellion of 1798. ...Anna Argyle. O'Mahoney, chief of the Commeraghs : a tale of the revolution of 1798. ...David P. Conyngham. Peggy : a tale of the Irish rebellion. ...Mary Damant. Die Rebellen in Irland. ...Ferdinand G. Kuehne. Rory O'More. ...Samuel Lover. Rose de Blanquiere; or, Lake of Killarney. ...Anna Maria Porter. Sally Cavanagh ; or, Untenanted graves. ...Charles Joseph Kickham. Stella and Vanessa. ...Lady Duff Gordon. That most distressful country. ...E. C. Boyse. Treasure trove. ...Samuel Lover. True to the core: a romance of '98. ...C. J. Hamilton. Two chiefs of Dunboy; or, Irish romance of the last century. ...James Anthony Froude. Under Slieve-Ban. ...Robert E. Francillon. Nineteentli Century. Der Agitator von Irland. ...Aline von Schlichtrull. Alley Moore : a tale of the times. ...Father Baptist, pseud. Black prophet: a tale of the Irish famine. ...William Carleton. Carroll O'Donoghue: a tale of the Irish struggles of 1866 and of recent times. .. Christine Faber. Castle Daly: a story of an Irish home thirty years ago. ...Annie Keary. Castle Richmond. ...Anthony Trollope. Cross and the shamrock; or, How to defend the faith. ...H. Quigley. Dick Massey : a tale of the Irish evictions. ...T. O'Neil Russell. Edward O'Donnell: a story of Ireland of our day. ...John O'Dono- van Rossa. Emigrants of Ahadarra. ...William Carleton. Fair Saxon. ...Justin McCarthy. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 223 IRISH YH^T^S^X — Continued. Falcon family; or, Young Ireland. ...Marmion W. Savage. Golden hills : a tale of the Irish famine. ...Anon. Grace Cassidy; or, Repealers. ...Marguerite Gardiner. lerne. ...William Steuart Trench. Ireland's dream : a romance of the future. ...Edmund D. Lyon. John Doe. ...John Banim. (Pseud., The O'Hara family.) Kellys and O'Kellys. ...Anthony Trollope. Kilgroom : a story of Ireland. ...John A. Steuart. Knight of Gwynne : a tale of the time of the union. ...Charles James Lever. Light and shade. ...Charlotte O'Brian. My lords of Strogue : a chronicle of Ireland from the convention till the union. ...Lewis S. Wingfield. O'Donnells of Glen Cottage : a tale of the famine year in Ireland. ...David P. Conyngham. Old love and the new. ...Maurice Wilton. O'Sullivan : episode de la derniere insurrection d'Irlande. ...L. V. Denance. Our radicals : a tale of love and politics. ...Frederick G. Burnaby. Red route ; or, Saving a nation. ...William Sime. Ridgeway : an historical romance of the Fenian invasion of Canada. ...Scian Dubh. Rody the Rover; or, Ribbonman. ...William Carleton. Steadfast unto death : a tale of the Irish famine of to-day. ...Mrs. E. M. Berens. Tithe-proctor : a novel. Being a tale of the tithe rebellion in Ireland. ...William Carleton. Valentine M'CIutchy, the Irish agent ; or. Chronicles of Castle Cumber. ...William Carleton. Viceroy. ...John Fisher Murray. Vultures of Erin : a tale of the penal laws. ...N. J. Dunn. Whiteboy : a story of Ireland in 1822. ...Anna Maria Hall. Willy Reilly and his dear Coleen bawn. ...William Carleton. See also POLITICS, Irish, and SOCIETY, Irish. ISLE OF MAN. Captain Davy's honeymoon. ...Thomas Henry Hall Caine. Deemster : a romance of the Isle of Man. ...Thomas Henry Hall Caine. Green hills of the sea: a Manx story. ...Hugh C. Davidson. Manxman. ...Thomas Henry Hall Caine. Peveril of the Peak. ...Sir Walter Scott. Shadow-land on Elian Vannin ; or, Folk-tales of the Isle of Man. ...Mrs. J. W. Russell. (Pseud., I. H. Leney.) 224 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, ITALIAN HISTORY. Eighth Century Before Christ. Numa Pompilius. ...Jean Pierre Claris de Florian. First Century Before Christ. Fawn of Sertorius. ...Robert Landor. Gallus: historischer Roman. ...Wilhelm Adolf Becker. Gallus ; or, Roman scenes in the time of Augustus. ...Wilhelm Adolf Becker. English translation. First Century Anno Domini. Agathocles. ...Caroline Pichler. Aurelia; or, Jews of Capernagate. ...Abel Quinton. Burning of Rome; or, Story of the days of Nero. ...Alfred John Church. Dion and Sybils. ...M. G. Keon. Gaudentius. ...Gerald S. Davies. Gladiators; a tale of Rome and Judaea. ...George John Whyte Melville. Greek maid at the court of Nero. ...Franz Hoffmann. English translation. Helena's household : a tale of Rome in the first century. ...James De Mille. Julia of Baioe. ...J. W. Brown. Lapsed, not lost. ...P^lizabeth Charles. Last days of Pompeii. ...EdwardGeorgeEarle LyttonBulwer-Lytton. Light from the catacombs. ...E. L. N. Naomi; or. Last days of Jerusalem. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe (Webb). Neither Rome nor Judaea. ...E. Hoven. Pomponia; or, Gospel in Caesar's household. ...Mrs, J. B. Peploe (Webb). Quo Vadis. ...Henryk Sienkiewicz. Quo Vadis : a narrative of the time of Nero. ...Henryk Sienkiewicz. English translation. Roman traitor. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester,) Triumphs of the cross. ...John Mason Neale. (Pseud., Aurelius Gratianus.) Victory of the vanquished. ...Elizabeth Charles. Second Century. Flavia. ...Emma Leslie. Letters from Rome. ...Eustace Wace. Roman exile. ...Guglielmo Gajani. Three Bernices. ...Amanda M. Bright. Valerius : a Roman story. ...John Gibson Lockhart. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 225 ITALIAN lll^'l^'SX — Continued. Third Century. ^milius. ...Augustine D. Crake. Callista : a sketch of the third century. ...John Henry Newman. Child martyr and early Christians at Rome. ...Anon. Diotimai eine culturhistorische Novelle aus der Zeit der diode- tianischen Verfolgung. ...Wilhelm Tangermann. Farm of Aptonga: a story for children, of the time of Saint Cyprian. ...John Mason Neale. (Pseud., Aurelius Gratianus) Martyrs of Carthage. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe (Webb). Money god ; or. Empire and the papacy. ...Abel Quinton. Probus ; or, Rome in the third century. ...William Ware. Theban legion : story of the times of Diocletian. ...William Max- well Blackburn. Fourth Century. Claudius. ...Mrs. R. K. Causton. Conquering and to conquer : story of Rome in the days of Saint Jerome. ...Elizabeth Charles. Constantine. ...Edmund Spencer. Egyptian wanderers. ...John Mason Neale. (Pseud., Aurelius Gratianus.) Evanus : a tale of the days of Constantine the Great. ...Augus- tine D. Crake. Jovinian ; or. Early days of papal Rome. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Julian's dream. ...Gerald S. Davies. Norma. ...Ellen Palmer. Out of the mouth of the lion. ...Anon. Parthenia ; or, Last days of Paganism. ...Eliza Buckminster Lee. Quadratus : a tale of the world in the church. ...Emma Leslie. Fifth Century. Alypius of Tagaste : a tale of the early church. ...Mrs. J. B. Pep- loe (Webb). Attila. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Conquering and to conquer : story of Rome in the days of Saint Jerome. ...Elizabeth Charles. [man. Fabiola; or, Church of the Catacombs. ...Cardinal Nicholas Wise- Quadratus : a tale of the world in the church. ...Emma Leslie. Sixth Century. Antonina; or. Fall of Rome. ...Wilkie Collins. Belisaire. ...Jean Fran9ois Marmontel. Belisarius. ...Jean Fran9ois Marmontel. English translation. Struggle for Rome. ...Felix Dahn. 15 226 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ITALIAN HISTORY — Continued. Seventh Century. Last Athenian. ...Abraham Viktor Rydberg. English translation. Martyrs of the Catacombs. ...Anon. Den siste Athenaren. ...Abraham Viktor Rydberg. Twelfth Century. Sir Guy de Lusignan. ...E. Cornelia Knight. Fourteenth Century. Foster brother. ...Thornton Hunt. Marco Visconti. ...Tommaso Grossi. Marco Visconti. ...Tommaso Grossi. English translation. Rienzi, the last of the Roman Tribunes. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Valperga. ...Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. Fifteenth Century. Agnes of Sorrento. ...Harriet Beecher Stowe. Ettore Fieramosca; or, Challenge of Barletta. ...Massimo Tapa- relli, Marchese d'Azeglio. English translation. Ettore Fieramosca, ossia, Ladisfida di Barletta. ...Massimo Tapa- relli, Marchese d'Azeglio. House of Fiesole. ...Catherine Shaw. Isabella Orsini. ...Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi. Melanthe. ...R. C. Maberly. De rOrco. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Romola. ...Marian Evans Lewes Cross. (Pseud., George Eliot.) Villa Verocchio. ...D. L. MacDonald. Sixteenth Century. Beatrice Cenci. ...Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi. Caesar Borgia. ...E. Robinson. Caravaggio. ...Grosse. Catherine de' Medici. ...Thomas Adolphus Trollope. Fast of Saint Magdalen. ...Anna Maria Porter. Florence betrayed ; or, Last days of the republic. ...Massimo Taparelli, Marchese d'Azeglio. English translation. Flower of the Ticino. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Knight of St. John. ...Anna Maria Porter. Loyola. ...Eduard Duller. Niccolo de Lapi; ovvero I Palleschi e i Piagnoni. ...Massimo Taparelli, Marchese d'Azeglio. Pupil of Raphael. ...Anon. Die Schlacht von Marignano. ...Karl A. F. von Witzleben. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 227 4 ITALIAN HISTORY — Continued. Struggle in Ferrara : a tale of the reformation in Italy. ...William Gilbert. Tasso and Leonora. ...Anne Manning. Valentius : an historical romance of the sixteenth century in Italy. ...William Waldorf Astor. Seventeenth Century. Betrothed. ...Alessandro Manzoni. English translation. Castle of the three mysteries. ...Anon. Daughter of Galileo. ...Anne Manning. Idyl of the Alps. ...Anne Manning. I promessi sposi. ...Alessandro Manzoni. Masaniello : a nine days' wonder. ...F. Bayford Harrison. Masque at Ludlow. ...Anne Manning. Paul the pope and Paul the friar. ...Thomas Adolphus Trollope. Nineteenth Century. Aid-de-camp. ...James Grant. Babes in the woods. ...James De Mille. Courtship and a campaign. ...Talmage Dalin, pseud. Doctor Antonio. ...Giovanni Dominico Ruffini. Last days of a kin^. ...Moritz Hartmann. English translation. Mademoiselle Mori : a tale of modern Rome. ...Margaret Roberts. Modern society in Rome. ...John B. Beste. Rule of the monk. ...Garibaldi. Strife. ...Mrs. E. D. Wallace. Tolla. ...Edmund About. True stories from Italian history. ...F. Bayford Harrison. Vittoria coronna. ...Anon. Who breaks pays. ...Jenkins. Wing and wing ; or, Le feu-follet. ...James Fenimore Cooper. ITALY. Description^ Manners, and Customs. Antonina ; or, Fall of Rome. ...Wilkie Collins. Attila. ...George Payne Rainsford James. La baraonda. ...Girolamo Rovetta. Betrothed. ...Alessandro Manzoni. English translation. Bianca. ...William E. Norris. Bravo. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Brigand's bride. ...Laurence Oliphant. Buccaneer. ...Anna Maria Hall. Burning of Rome ; or, Story of the days of Nero. ...Alfred John Church. 228 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ITALY — Continued. Casa Braccio. ...Francis Marion Crawford. Castellamonte. ...Antonio Gallenga. Chevalier of Pensieri Vani. ...Henry B. Fuller. Children of the king. ...Francis Marion Crawford. Conquering and to conquer: story of Rome in the days of Saint Jerome. ...Elizabeth Charles. Daughter of Galileo. ...Anne Manning. Le docteur Pascal. ...]£mile Zola. Doctor Pascal. ...fimile Zola. English translation. Don Orsino. ...Francis Marion Crawford. Dorothy and other Italian stories. ...Constance Fenimore Woolson. Ettore Fieramosca ; or, Challenge of Barletta. ...Massimo Tapa- relli, Marchese d'Azeglio. English translation. Ettore Fieramosca ; ossia, La disfida di Barletta. ...Massimo Tapa- relli, Marchese d'Azeglio. Le fils du Titiens. ...Alfred de Musset. Giacomo. ...W. C. Bamburgh. Gladiators : a tale of Rome and Judaea. ...George John Whyte Melville. Goneril. ...Agnes M. F. Robinson. Haunted hotel. ...Wilkie Collins. Holmby House. ...George John Whyte Melville. Honour of Savelli. ...S. Leavett Yeats. Improvisatore ; or, Life in Italy. ...Hans Christian Andersen. English translation. Improvisatoren. ...Hans Christian Andersen, lola, the senator's daughter: a story of ancient Rome. ...Mans- field L. Hillhouse. Italian child life. ...Marietta Ambrosi. John Inglesant. ...Joseph Henry Shorthouse. Jovinian ; or, Early days of papal Rome. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Knight of Saint John. ...Anna Maria Porter. Lapsed but not lost. ^..Elizabeth Charles. Legends of Florence. ...Charles Godfrey Leland. Life and opinions of Tristram Shandy. ...Laurence Sterne. Lion of Saint Mark : a tale of Venice. ...George Alfred Henty. Marion Darche. ...Francis Marion Crawford. Masque of Ludlow. ...Anne Manning. Maudeville. ...William Godwin. Mrs. General Talboys. ...Anthony Trollope. One that wins : story of a holiday in Italy. ...Anon. Ovingdean Grange. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Pictures from Italy. ...Charles Dickens. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 229 ITALY — Continued. Pietro Ghisleri. ...Francis Marion Crawford. Rent in a cloud. ...Charles James Lever. (Pseud., Cornelius O'Dowd.) Roman singer. ...Francis Marion Crawford. Romance of history. ...Charles Macfarlane. Rome. ...Smile Zola. Rome. ...fimile Zola. English translation. Sant' Ilario. ...Francis Marion Crawford. Saracinesca. ...Francis Marion Crawford. Struggle in Ferrara : a story of the reformation in Italy. ...William Gilbert. Taquisara. ...Francis Marion Crawford. Tollo. ...Edmond Francois Valentin About. Tollo ; a tale of modern Rome. ...Edmond Frangois Valentin About. English translation. Trionfo della Morte. ...Gabriele D'Annunzio. Triumph of death. ...Gabriele D'Annunzio. English translation. True stories from Italian history. ...F. Bayford Harrison. Under pressure. ...Lily Theoboldi. Valentius ; an historical romance of the sixteenth century in Italy. ...William Waldorf Astor. Di Vasari. ...Charles Edwards. Venetian June. ...Anna Fuller. Vestigia. ...Julia C. Fletcher. Waitress. ...Constance Fenimore Woolson. Winged lion. ...James DeMille. See also ITALIAN HISTORY. JACOBITES. Adventures of Rob Roy. ...James Grant. Before the dawn : a story of Paris and the Jacquerie. ...George Dulac. Bernicia. ...Amelia Edith Barr. Black dwarf. ...Sir Walter Scott. Catriona. ...Robert Louis Stevenson., Coniston Hall ; or, Jacobites. ...William Gresley. Escape from the tower. ...Emma Marshall. Friend of the people: a tale of the reign of terror. ...Mary C. Rowsell. Henry Smeaton. ...Anon. Jacobite exile. ...George Alfred Henty. Jacobites in Hungary. ...Ferencz A. and Terezia Pulszky. Lady Betty. ...Christabel Rose Coleridge. Mistress Beatrice Cope ; or, Passages in the life of a Jacobite's daughter. ...M. E. Leclerc. 230 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, JACOBITES — Cotitmued. Old manor house. ...Charlotte Smith. Ralf Shirlaugh the Lancashire squire. ...Edward Peacock. Redgauntlet. ...Sir Walter Scott. Tale of two cities. ...Charles Dickens. Thorndyke manor : a tale of Jacobite times. ...Mary C. Rowsell. Waverley. ...Sir Walter Scott. JAMAICA, WEST INDIES. Description^ History^ Manners^ a7td Customs. Cruise of the Midge. ...Michael Scott. Marley ; or, Life of a planter in Jamaica. ...Anon. Maroon ; or, Planter life in Jamaica. ...Mayne Reid. Meyrick's promise. ...Edith C. Phillips. See also WEST INDIES. JAMES I. OF ENGLAND. Reigned 1603-1625. Afloat and ashore with Sir Walter Raleigh. ...Janet Hardy. Arabella Stuart. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Caged lion. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Christmas, 161 1. Master Sandy's snapdragon. ...Elbridge S. Brooks. (In his Storied holidays.) Coombe Abbey. ...Selina Bunbury. Daughter of Tyrconnell. ...Mary A. Sadlier (Mrs. James Sadlier). Father Darcy : an historical romance. ...Anne Marsh. For queen and king; or, Royal 'prentice. ...Henry Frith. Fortunes of Nigel. ...Sir Walter Scott. Guy Fawkes; or, Gunpowder treason. ...William Harrison Ains- worth. It might have been; or, Story of the gunpowder plot. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Langham rebels. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Masque of Ludlow. ...Anne Manning. Miser's secret ; or, Days of James I. ...Anon. Saint Clair of the Isles. ...E. Helme. Shepperton manor : a tale of the times of Bishop Andrewes. ...John Mason Neale. (Pseud., Aurelius Gratianus.) Shoulder-knot. ...Benjamin F. Tefft. Sir Ralph Willoughby. ...Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges. Spanish match ; or, Charles Stuart at Madrid. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Star-chamber. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Sweet mace : a Sussex legend of the iron times. ...George Manville Fenn. Two penniless princesses. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 231 JAMES I. OF ENGLAND — Continued. Willitoft ; or, Days of James I. : a tale. ...Anon. Vom Hofe Elisabeth und Jakobs. ...Friedrich M. von Bodenstedt. See also ENGLISH HISTORY. JAMES II. OF ENGLAND. Reigned 1685-1688. Aimee : a tale of the days of James the Second. ...Agnes Giberne. Arthur Arundel. ...Horace Smith. (Pseud., Paul Chatfield.) Aubrey Luson ; or, Field of Sedgmoor. ...Anon. Aus deni Lehrjahren eines Strebers : Roman. ...Ebert Carlssen. Barony. ...Anna Maria Porter. Captain of the guard. ...James Grant. Courtship of Morrice Buckler. ...Alfred Edward Woodley Mason. Danvers papers. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Dorothy Arden. ..J. M. Callwell. Le due de Monmouth : nouvelle historique. ...Anon. Duke of Monmouth. ...Gerald Griffin. Duke's Winton : a chronicle of Sedgmoor. ...J. R. Henslowe. Edgar Nelthorpe ; or, Fair maids of Taunton. ...Andrew Reed. Edward Evelyn : a tale of the rebellion. ...Jane Strickland. Fate: a tale of stirring times. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Forester: a tale of 1688. ...M. L. Boyle. For faith and freedom. ...Walter Besant. Friend or foe : a tale of Sedgmoor. ...Henry C. Adams. James der Zweite und sein Fall. ...Carl H. Dammas. James the Second ; or. Revolution of i688. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. John Deane of Nottingham. ...William tienry Giles Kingston. Lady Betty. ...Christabel Rose Coleridge. Last of the cavalier. ...Rose Piddington. Life of Colonel Jack. ...Daniel Defoe. [more. Lorna Doone : a romance of Exmoor. ...Richard Doddridge Black- Man's foes. ...E. H. Strain. Margery^s son : a fifteenth century tale of the court of Scotland. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Micah Clarke : his statement as made to his three grandchildren. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Mistress Beatrice Cope ; or, Passages in the life of a Jacobite's daughter. ...M. E. Leclerc. Oak staircase ; or, Stories of Lord and Lady Desmond. ...Mary and Catherine Lee. Outlaw. ...Anna Maria Hall. Owain Goch : a tale of the revolution. ...Thomas Roscoe. Pagan prince ; or. Comical history of the heroick atchievements of the Palatine of Eboracum. ...Anon. 232 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. JAMES II. OF Y^lSiQiLKm^— Continued. Poynings : a tale of the revolution. ...Anon. Reputed changeling; or, Three seventh years two centuries ago. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Roger Willoughby ; or, Times of Benbow. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Rosamund Fane ; or, Prisoners of Saint James. ...Mary and Catherine Lee. Scottish cavalier. ...James Grant. Spaewife ; or. Queen's secret : a tale of the days of Elizabeth. ...John Boyce. Stronge of Nitherstronge : a tale of Sedgmoor. ...Edith J. May. Tales of the Jacobites. ...Ellen E. Guthrie. Thorndyke manor: a tale of Jacobite times. ...Mary C. Rowsell. Trelawny of Trelawne. ...Anna E. Bray. Under the blue flag : a story of Monmouth's rebellion. ...Mary E. Palgrave. Under which king.? a story of the revolution of 1688. ...William Johnston, Urith : a tale of Dartmoor. ...Sabine Baring-Gould. Winifred ; or, English maiden in the seventeenth centurv ..Lucy Ellen Guernsey. See also ENGLISH HISTORY. JAMES V. OF SCOTLAND. Reigned 1513-1542. Braes of Yarrow. ...H. Gibbon. X jewel : a Scottish romance. ...Frederick Moncrieff. JAPAN. Descriptioit^ History ^ Manners, and Customs, Curse of Koshiu. ...Lewis S. Wingfield. Honda the Samurai. ...William E. GriflSs. Japanese marriage. ...Douglas Sladen. Japs at home. ...Douglas Sladen. Mito Yashiki : a tale of old Japan. ...Arthur C. Maclay. Schoolboy days in Japan. ...Andre Laurie. JERUSALEM. Barabbas. ...Marie Corelli. Broken walls of Jerusalem and the rebuilding of them, ...Susan Warner. (Pseud., Elizabeth Wetherell.) Crusades. ...Thomas A. Archer and Charles L. Kingsford. Doom of the holy city. ...Lydia Hoyt Farmer. For the temple: a tale of the fall of Jerusalem. ...George Alfred Henty. Foure prentises of London. ...Thomas Heywood. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 233 JERUSALEM — Contijtued. Last days of Jerusalem. ...Antoinette K. Klitsche de La Grange. Naomi; or, Last days of Jerusalem. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe (Webb). Prince of the House of David ; or, Three years in the Holy City : scenes in the life of Jesus. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Story of the other wise man. ...Henry Vandyke. Zillah. ...Horace Smith. (Pseud., Paul Chatfield.) See also JEWS and PALESTINE. JESUITS. Ascanio. ...Alexandre Dumas. Ascanio. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Christian Vellacott the journalist: a story of royalism, Jesuitism, and republicanism. ...Hugh S. Scott. (Pseud., Merriman PL Seton.) Fatal revenge ; or. Family of Montoris. ...Charles Robert Maturin. (Pseud., Dennis Jasper Murphy.) Father Laval the Jesuit missionary. ...J. M'Sherry. Jesuit ring. ...A. A. Playes. John Drummond Fraser. ...Philalethes, pseud. John Inglesant. ...Joseph Henry Shorthouse. Last look: a tale of the Spanish inquisition. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Loyola. ...Eduard Duller. Princess Viarna ; or, Spanish inquisition in the reign of Emperor Charles V. ...T. Pictou. Rose : a tale of the Spanish inquisition. ...Derwent Trenorne. Saint Leon : a tale of the sixteenth century. ...Caleb Williams Godwin. Spanish brothers : a tale of the sixteenth century. ...Deborah Alcock. Spanish cavalier : a story of Seville. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Westward Ho! or, Voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh. ...Charles Kingsley. Word, only a word. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. Ein Wort. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. JEWELS. A Selection. Crown jewels. ...Emma L. Moffett. Dangerous jewels. ...Mary Bramston. Danvers jewels. ...Anon. Diamond coterie. ...Lawrence L. Lynch, pseud. Diamond hunters of South Africa. ...Alfred W. Drayson. Doings of Raffles Haw. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. 234 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. JEWELS — Contimied. Jewel mysteries I have known. ...Max Pemberton. Jewel of Ynys Galon. ...O. Rhoscomyl. Lacy diamonds. ...J. G. A. Coulson. Lady with the rubies. ...Eugenie John. Moonstone. ...Wilkie Collins. Naulahke : a story of West and East. ...Rudyard Kipling and Charles Wolcott Balestier. People at Pisgah. ...Edwin W. Sanborn. Rajah's sapphire. ...M. P. Shiel. Red diamonds. ...Justin McCarthy. Sir Charles Danvers. ...Anon. Stories from precious stones. ...Mrs. Goddard Orpen. Stories in precious stones. ...Helen Zimmern. Winifred's jewels. ...Mary A. Bird. X jewel : a Scottish romance. ...Frederick Moncrieff. JEWS. Ahasverus. ...Edgar Quinet. Aurelia; or, Jews of Caperna gate. ...Abel Quinton. Aus dem Ghetto. ...Leopold Kompert. Belteshazzar : a romance of Babylon. ...Edward R. Roe. Ben Hur : a tale of the Christ. ...Lew Wallace. Benjamin the Jew of Granada. ...Edward Maturin. Broken walls of Jerusalem and the rebuilding of them. ...Susan Warner. Children of the Ghetto. ...Isaac Zangwill. Come forth. ...Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward (Mrs. Herbert D. Ward) and Herbert D. Ward. Daniel Deronda. ...Marian Evans Lewes Cross. (Pseud., George Eliot.) Earl Hubert's daughter. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Edict : a tale of 1492. ...Grace Aguilar. Emma de Lissau : a narrative of striking vicissitudes and peculiar trials. ...Amelia Bristow. Ephraim and Helah : a story of the exodus. ...Edwin Hodder. Escape : a tale of 1755. ...Grace Aguilar. Exiles in Babylon. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Fair Jewess. ...Benjamin Leopold Farjeon. Gabriel : a tale of the Jews in Prague. ...Salomon Kohn. English translation. Gawriel : historische Erzahlung aus dem dreissigjahrigen Kriege. ...Salomon Kohn. Ghetto tragedies. ...Isaac Zangwill. Gloria. ...Benito Perez Glados. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 235 JEWS — Continued. Hammer : a story of Maccabean times. ...Alfred John Church and Richmond Seeley. Melon's pilgrimage to Jerusalem : a picture of Judaism in the cen- tury which preceded the advent of our Saviour. ...Friedrich Abraham Strauss. English translation. Melon's Wallfahrt nach Jerusalem, hundert neun Jahr vorder Geburt unsers Herrn. ...Friedrich Abraham Strauss. Home and the synagogue of the modern Jew. ...Anon. House of Israel. ...Susan Warner. Idumean. ...J. M. Leavitt. Jew. ...Carl Spindler. Jew. ...Joseph Ignatius Kraszewski. Jew of Verona. ...Antonio Breseiani. Jews of Barnow. ...Karl Emil Franzos. English translation. Jose und Benjamin. ...Adolf Franz Delitzsch. Joseph and Benjamin. ...Adolf Franz Delitzch. English translation. Joseph the Jew. ...Mrs. Scott. Joshua : a story of biblical times. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. Josua. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Judah's lion. ...Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna. (Pseud., Charlotte Elizabeth.) Der Jude. ...Carl Spindler. Die Juden von Barnow. ...Karl Emil Franzos. Die Juden von Toledo. ...Eduard Jerrmann. La Judia de Toledo. ...Antonio Mira de Mescua. Judith Trachtenberg. ...Karl Emil Franzos. Le Juif errant, ...Marie Joseph Eugene Sue. Julian. ...William Ware. King of the Schnorrers. ...Isaac Zangwill. Kun en Spillemand. ...Hans Christian Andersen. Leah. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Legend of Thomas Didymus the Jewish sceptic. ...James Freeman Clarke. Lionello. ...Antonio Breseiani. Mercedes of Castile. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Miriam Rosenbaum. ...Alfred Edersheim. Narka the Nihilist. ...Kathleen O'Meara. Nathan the jew. ...Herr Wagner. Only a fiddler. ...Hans Christian Andersen. English translation. Orphans of Lissau and other interesting narratives immediately connected with Jewish customs, domestic and religious. ...Amelia Bristow. Orthodox. ...Dorothea Gerard, 236 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, JEWS — Continued. Patriarchal times. ...C. M. O'Keefe. Pillar of fire ; or, Israel in bondage. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Poet and merchant. ...Berthold Auerbach. English translation. Polish Jew. ...£mile Erckmann and Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Prince of India. ...Lew Wallace. Prince of the House of David ; or, Three years in the Holy City : scenes in the life of Jesus. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Rameses. ...E. Upham. Rebel queen. ...Walter Besant. Rescued from Egypt. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Reuben Sachs. ...Amy Levy. Romance of Vienna. ...Frances TroUope. Salathiel the immortal. ...George Croly. Scapegoat. ...Hall Caine. Scenes from the Ghetto. ...Leopold Kompert. English translation. Shepherd of Bethlehem. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Strong to suffer. ...E. Wynne. Stumbler in wide shoes. ...Anon. Tancred. ...Benjamin D'Israeli. Triumph over Midian. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Uarda. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Vale of cedars. ...Grace Aguilar. Wandering Jew. ...Rudyard Kipling. (In his Life's handicap.) Wandering Jew. ...Marie Joseph Eugene Sue. English translation. Women of Israel. ...Grace Aguilar. Yehl : a tale of the New York Ghetto. ...A. Cahan. Yoke of the Thorah. ...Henry Harland. (Pseud., Sidney Luska.) Zipporah. ...Mrs. M. E. Bewsher. See also BIBLE, Special History and Characters ; CHEIST, and JEKITSALEM. JOAN OF AEC. Lived Ul^-USl- L'amazone fran9aise : Jeanne d'Arc. ...Maria Therese Peroux- d'Abany. Jeanne d'Arc. ...Caroline d'Hautefeuille. Jeanne d'Arc ; ou, L'heroine de Vaucouleurs. ...Rene de Mont-Louis. Jeanne d'Arc: ou, La France au XV^ siecle. ...Jules Foussettc. Jehanne la Pucelle. ...Alexandre Dumas. Joan of Arc. ...Anon. Joan of Arc, the maid of Orleans. ...Thomas J. Serle. Joan of Arc, the maid of Orleans. ...Orlando W. Wight. Joan of Arc ; or. Story of a noble life. ...Anon. Joan the maid, deliverer of France and England. ...Elizabeth Charles. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 237 JOAN OF AEC — Continued. Die Jungfrau von Orleans. ...Stanislaus S. A. Grabowski. Maid of Orleans. ...Jane Robinson. Maid of Orleans and the great war of the English in France. ...William H. D. Adams. La paysanne de Domremy. ...Eugenie Foa. Personal recollections of Joan otf Arc. ...Samuel Langhorne Clemens. (Pseud., Mark Twain.) La pucelle. ...Carl W. T. Frenzel. Shield of the fleur de lis. ...Constance Goddard Du Bois. JOHN OF ENGLAND. Reigned 1199-1216. Arthur of Brittany. ...Peter Leicester. Boy's adventure in the Barons' war. ...John George Edgar. Cheshire pilgrims. ...Frances M. Wilbraham. Constable's tower; or, Times of Magna Charta. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Heir of Rougemain. ...Elizabeth M. Stewart. (In Cloister legends.) House of Walderne. ...Augustine D. Crake. How I won my spurs. ...John George Edgar. John of England. ...Henry Curling. John o' London. ...Somerville Gibney. King John and the brigand's daughter Anon. Magna Charta stories. ,. .Arthur Oilman, ed. Royston Gower. ...Thomas Miller. Runnymede and Lincoln fair. ...John George Edgar. Stephen Langton. ...Martin F. Tupper. Stories of the city of London. ...Mrs. Newton Crosland. (Pseud., Camilla Toulmin.) Vendigaid ; or, Blessed one. ...Anon. JOHN II. OF FRANCE. Reigned 1350-1364. Before the dawn : a story of Paris and the Jacquerie. ...George Dulac. Jacquerie. ...George Payne Rainsford James. La Jacquerie : Scenes feodales, suivies de la famille de La Carvajal. ...Prosper Merimee. Le roman du Mont St. Michel. ...E. Meunier. Vassal : a story of old Normandy. ...Laura Valentine. JONES, PAUL. Lived 1747-1792. Le capitaine Paul. ...Alexandre Dumas. Captain Paul. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation, John Paul Jones. ...Stanislaus S. A. Grabowski. pathfinder. ,..James Fenimore Cooper. 238 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, JONES, PAUL — Conti7iued. Paul Jones. ...Allan Cunningham. Paul Jones. ...Theodor Muegge. Paul Jones, the son of the sea. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Pilot. ...James Fenimore Cooper. JOSEPH II. OF GERMANY. Reigned 1765-1790. Aus drei Kaiserzeiten. ...Johann Georg L. Hesekiel. Der Berggeist im Riesengebirge. ...Franz Isidor Proschko. Geschichte des weisen Danischmend. ...Christoph M. Wieland. Der goldne Spiegel ; oder, Die Konige von Scheschian. ...Chris- toph M. Wieland. Josef Kaiser. ...Eduard Breier. Joseph II. and his court. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Joseph der Zweite. ...Arthur Korn- Kaiser Josep II. ...Eduard lUe. Kaiser Josef II. und das Geheimniss des Freihauses. ...Carl T. Fockt. Kaiser Josep und der Sekrefar. ...Adolf Muetzeburg. Mit und ohne Vokation. ...Elizabeth von Grotthus. Die Rosenkreuzer in Wien. ...Eduard Breier. Wien und Rom. ...Eduard Breier. JOURNALISM. Christian Vellacott, the journalist : a story of royalism, Jesuitism, and republicanism. ...Hugh S. Scott. (Pseud., Merriman H. Seton.) Mahattaners. ...E. S. van Zile. New Grub street. ...George Gissing. Shandon bells. ...William Black. Three fates. ...Francis Marion Crawford. Under orders : the story of a young reporter. ...Kirk Munroe. William Blacklock, journalist: a love story of press life. ...T. Banks Maclachlan. JUNG-STILLING, JOHANN HEINRICH. Lived 1720-1817. Little schoolmaster Mark. ...Joseph Henry Shorthouse. KANSAS. Boy settlers. ...Noah Brooks. For freedom's sake. ...Arthur Paterson. Les emigrants. ...Elie B. Berthet. In blue uniform. ...George Israel Putnam. KAUFFMANN, MARIA ANGELICA. Lived 174,1-1807. Miss Angel. ...Anna Isabella Thackeray (Mrs. Richmond Ritchie). SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 239 KENTUCKY. Border foes. ...Edward Willett. Charlemont ; or, Pride of the village : a tale of Kentucky. ...William Gilmore Simms. Choir invisible. ...James Lane Allen. Diana's livery. ...Eva Wilder MacGlasson. Earthly paragon. ...Eva MacGlasson. Etna Vandemir. ...Sallie J. Hancock. Flute and violin and other Kentucky tales. ...James Lane Allen. Glorinda. ...Anna B. Dodd. Harpe's head : a legend of Kentucky. ...James Hall. In " God's country." ...D. Higbee. John Gray : a Kentucky tale of the olden time of Kentucky in 1861. ...James Lane Allen, Kentucky: a tale. ...Thomas C. Haliburton. Lonz Powers. ...James Weir. Lord of himself. ...Francis H. Underwood. Milicent Halford : a tale of the dark days. ...Martha Remick. Nick of the woods ; or, Jibbenainosay : a tale of Kentucky. ...Rob- ert Montgomery Bird. Old honesty: a tale of the early days of Kentucky. ...Edward Willett. Outlaw brothers. ...J. G. Marshall. Quarter race in Kentucky. ...William T. Porter. Simon Kenton. ...James Weir. Stories of a sanctified town. ...Lucy S. Furman. Tempest and sunshine. ...Mary J. Holmes. Tilting at windmills. ...Emma M. Connelly. Winter lodge. ...James Weir. KEPLER, JOHANN. Lived 1571-1630. Johann Kepler. ...J. Burow. KNIGHTS AND KING ARTHUR. Abdallah the Moor and the Spanish knight. ...Robert Montgomery Bird. Blameless knights; or, Lutzen and Vendee. ...Alice H. F. Byng, Viscountess Enfield. Calavar ; or. Knight of the conquest. ...Robert Montgomery Bird. Le chevalier de Maison-rouge. ...Alexandre Dumas. Chevalier's daughter. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court. ...Samuel Langhorne Clemens. (Pseud., Mark Twain.) Coulyng castle. ...Agnes Giberne. Court of King Arthur. ...William Henry Frost. Herman ; or, Young knighthood. ,.,Sara H. Palfrey. 240 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. KNIGHTS AND KING ARTHUR — Continued. History of Arthur of Little Britain. ...Anon. History of King Arthur and the quest of the Holy Grail. ...Thomas Malory. Knight of Gwynne. ...Charles James Lever. Knight of Mauleon. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Knight of Saint John, ...Annie M. Porter. Knight of the white feather. ...Tasma, pseud. Knights of the Horseshoe. ...W. A. Caruthers. Knights of the lion. ...Anon. Knights of the Pale. ..iC. M. O'Keefe. Knights of the Swan. ...Comtesse de Genlis. Knights of the white cross. ...George Alfred Henty. Knights ransom. ...Laura Valentine. Magic ring. ...Friedrich H. C. La Motte Fouque. English translation. Monk and knight. ...Frank W. Gunsaulus. Otto the knight ...Alice French. (Pseud., Octave Thanet.) Red knight of Germany. ...Peter Boyle. Stories of the days of King Arthur. ...Charles H. Hanson. Tales of King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table. ...Mary V. Farrington. Two knights of Delany castle. ...Mary M. Sherwood. Der Zauberring. ...Friedrich H. C. La Motte Fouque. KOERNER, KARL THEODOR. Lived 1791-1813. Poet hero. ...Minny Bothmer. Theodor Korner. ...Heribert Rau. LABOR AND CAPITAL, CONFLICT OF. Abandoned claim. ...Flora H. Loughhead. Absentee. ...Maria Edgeworth. Adventures of Harry Franco : a tale of the great panic. ...Charles F. Briggs. Agitator. ...Clementina Black. Angel of the village. ...L. M. Ohorn. Ballytubber; or, Scotch settler in Ireland. ...Anon. Barnaby Rudge. ...Charles Dickens. Better days; or, Millionaire of to-morrow. ...T. and Anna M. Fitch. Boycotted. ...M. Morley. Boycotted household. ...Letitia M'Clintock. Boy's revolt. ...James Otis. Bread-winners. ...John Hay. Complaining millions of men. ...Edward Fuller, Convict No, 2^. ...J. Murphy, SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 24 1 LABOR AND CAPITAL, CONFLICT OF — Continued. Crucifixion of Philip Strong. ...Charles Sheldon. Darcy and his friends. ...Joseph McKim. Earl of Effingham. ...Lala McDowell. Emigrants of Ahadarra. ...William Carleton. Eustace Marchmont, a friend of the people. ...Evelyn Everett Green. Felix Holt, the radical. ...Marion Evans Lewes Cross. (Pseud., George Eliot.) Golden bottle. ...Ignatius Donnelly. Heart of Erin. ...Elizabeth Casey. Heart of Mid-Lothian. ...Sir Walter Scott. Heart of Tipperary. ...W. P. Ryan. How they lived in Hampton. ...Edward Everett Hale. lerne. ...William Stewart. Jason Edwards. ...Hamlin Garland. Land claim. ...Francis F. Barritt. Land leaguers. ...Anthony Trollope. Live and let live. ...Catherine M. Sedgwick. Looking backwards. 2000-1887. ...Edward Bellamy. Looking within. ...J. W. Roberts. Loyal and lawless. ...Ulrick R. Burke. Man of mark. ...Anthony Hope. Man who became a savage. ...W. T. Hornaday. Manchester strike. ...Harriet Martineau. March of the strikers. ...J. A. Bevan. Men born equal. ...Henry Perry Robinson. Mr. Butler's ward. ...Frances Mabel Robinson. Mr. East's experiences in Mr. Bellamy's world. ...Conrad Wil- brandt. Modern Daedalus. ...Thomas Greer. Moondyne : a story from the under-world. ...John Boyle O'Reilly. Murvale Eastman, Christian socialist. ...Albion Winegar Tour- gee. My friend the boss. ...J. Stilman Smith. Norah Moriarty. ...Amos Reade. Pearl of Lisnadoon. ...Mrs. E. J. Ensell. Plan of campaign. ...Frances Mabel Robinson. Priest's blessing. ...Harriett Jay. Put yourself in his place. ...Charles Reade. Rival apprentices. ...Anon. Rose O'Connor. ...Emily Fox. Scenes in feudal times. ...R. H. Wilmot. Seed she sowed: a tale of the great dock strike. ...Emma l^esli^, 16 242 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, LABOR AND CAPITAL, CONFLICT OF — Continued. Senator at sea : a story of mine and thine. ...G. F. Duysters. Siege of Bodike. ...Edward Lester. . Social crime. ...Minnie L. Armstronge and G. N. Sceets. Strike in the B mill. ...Anon. Tale of two cities. ...Charles Dickens. Tame surrender. ...Charles King. Terence M'Gowan, the Irish tenant. ...G. L.Tottenham. Through the fray. ...George Alfred Henty. Veiled hand: a novel of the sixties, seventies, and eighties ...Frederick Wicks. See also WORKING-CLASSES. LEGAL STORIES. Attorney ; or, Correspondence of John Quod. ...John T. Irving. Austin Elliot. ...Henry Kingsley. Bassett claim. ...Henry R. Elliot. Bleak House. ...Charles Dickens. Blind leaders of the blind. ...James R. Cocke. California sketches. ...Leonard Kip. Chief justice. ...Karl Emil Franzos. Courage of her convictions. ...Caroline A. Huling and Therese Stewart, M. D. Dead man's story. ...H. Herman. Dugdale millions. ...W. G. Hudson. (Pseud., Barclay North.) Foiled by a lawyer. ...Anon. Fool of quality. ...Henry Brooke. Graysons. ...Edward C. Eggleston. In prison and out. ...Hannah Smith. (Pseud., Hesba Stretton.) In the grip of the law. ...J. E. Muddock. John Bodewin*s testimony. ...Mary H. Foote. Judge Lynch. ...George H. Jessop. Justice in the by-ways. ...Francis C. Adams. Last sentence. ...Maxwell Gray, pseud. Leavenworth case. ...Anna Katharine Green. Legal wreck. ...W. Gillette. Martins of Cro' Martin. ...Charles James Lever. Old judge. ...T. C. Haliburton. Queen against Owen. ...Allen Upward. Strange schemes of Randolph Mason. ...Melville Davisson Post. Talis qualis. ...Gerald Griffin. Vultures of Erin. ...N. J. Dunn. Ways of the hour. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Wedderburn's will. ...T. Cobb. Who poisoned Hetty Duncan ? ...J. E. Muddock. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 243 LEGrAL ^'l^^^XE^^ — Continued. Whose fault ? ...Ellis J. Davis. Willy Reilly and his dear Coleeii Bawn. ...William Carleton. See also DETECTIVE STORIES, CRIMINOLOGY, and FEMGE- RICHTE. LEGENDS. American. Acadian legends. ...E. W. Eaton. Book of New England legends and folklore. ...Samuel A. Drake. Chien d'or : a legend of Quebec. ...William Kirby. Doom of Mamelons. ...W. H. H. Murray. Forest and shore. ...Charles P. Ilsley. Harpe's head : a legend of Kentucky. ...James Hall. Haunted woods. ...Edward E. Ellis. Hiawatha and other legends of the red American Indians. ...C. Matthews. La jongleuse. ...H. Raymond Casgrain. Laconia; or, Legends of the White Mountains. ...J. P. Scribner. Legend of Christopher Columbus. ...Joanna Baillie. Legend of the vision of Campbell of Inverawe. Legendes des plantes et des oiseaux. ...Xavier Marmier. Legends of " Le Detroit." ...Mary C. W. Hamlin. Legends of Michigan. ...J. F. Littlejohn. Legends of Montauk. ...J. A. Ayers. Legends of New England. ...Julia Gill and Frances Lee. Legends of New England. ...Nathaniel Hawthorne. Legends of the middle ages. ...H. A. Guerber. Legends of the Missouri and the Mississippi. ...M. Hopewell. Legends of the Province house. ...Nathaniel Hawthorne. Legends of the West. ...John Hall. Mellichampe: a legend of the Santee. ...William Gilmore Simms. Mike Fink. ...Emerson Bennett. Myth of stone idol. ...W. P. Jones. Richard Ireton : a legend of the early settlement of New England. ...M. Remick. Rip van Winkle and the legend of Sleepy Hollow. ...Washington Irving. Totem tales. ...W. S. Phillips. (Legends of the Indians of the Pacific Northwest.) Washington and his generals. ...George Lippard. Wa-wa-wauda : a legend of old Orange. ...Anon. White chief. ...Mayne Reid. 244 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. LEGENDS — Continued. Eastern. Eastern legendary tales and oriental romances. ...J. H. Gaunter. Englisli. Cloister legends. ...Elizabeth M. Stuart. Folk-lore of East Yorkshire. ...J. Nicholson. Hartland forest. ...Anna Eliza Bray. Legendary Yorkshire. ...F. Ross. Legend of Montrose. ...Sir Walter Scott. Legend of Reading Abbey. ...Charles Knight. Legend of Thomas Didymus, the Jewish sceptic. ...James Free- man Clarke. Legends for Lionel, in pen and pencil. ...Walter Crane. Tales and legends of national origin, or widely current in England from the earliest times. ...William C. Hazlitt. Finnish. Finnish legends for English children. ...R. Eivind. French. Count Monte-Leone. ...Henri de Saint Georges. Legendes de Fontainebleau. ...Julie O. Lavergne. Legendes de Trianon, Versailles et Saint Germain. ...Julie O. Lavergne. Legends of feudal days. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Les mysteres du peuple. ...Marie Joseph Eugene Sue. Rival races ; or, Sons of Joel. ...Marie Joseph Eugene Sue. Eng- lish translation. German, Albrecht. ...Arlo Bates. Arminius oder Hermann. ...Daniel C. von Lohenstein. Astaroth und Mentha. ...Wilhelm Jensen. Bissula : historischer Roman aus der Volkerwanderung. ...Felix Dahn. Buch der Sachsen. ...Adolf Boettger. Charakterbilder aus der Geschichte und Sage. ...August W. Grube. Deutsche Heldensagen fiir Schule und Volk. ...Wilhelm Waegner. Eudokia die Kaiserinn. ...Ida Hahn-Hahn. Felicitas • historischer Roman aus der Volkerwanderung. ...Felix Dahn. German classics from the fourth to the nineteenth centuries. ...Friedrich Max Miiller. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 245 LEGENDS — Continued. Heidenmauer. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Hermann. ...Elizabeth Buerstersbinder. Historical tales. ...Charles Morris. Knights of the Swan. ...Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse de Genlis. Lays and legends of Germany. ...William J. Thorns. Legends of Charlemagne. ...Thomas Bulfinch. Legends of the Rhine. ...Thomas C. Grattan. Legends of the Wagner drama. ...Jessie L. Weston. Magic runes. ...Emma Leslie. Passe Rose. ...Arthur S. Hardy. Pepin et Charlemagne. ...Alexandre Dumas. Popular romances of the middle ages. ...George W. Cox and Eustace H. Jones. Preussens Tausend und eine Nacht. ...Bernhard Hesslein. Romances of the middle ages. ...Wilhelm Waegner. English translation. Romances relating to Charlemagne. ...George Ellis. Die Romer in Deutschland. ...Joseph Marius Babo. Samundis Fubrungen. ...Johann Arnold Kanne. Scenes and characters of the middle ages. ...Edward L. Cutts. Stories of old renown. ...Robert Hope Moncrieff. (Pseud., Ascott R. Hope.) Vor Zeiten. ...Theodor Storm, Hungarian. Drei Schlosser. ...Eduard Breier. Hungarian tales. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. A regi jo tablabiro's. ...Mor Jokai. Tales and traditions of Hungary. ...Ferencz Aurel and Terezia Pulszky. Irish. Emerald gems. ...Anon. Fairy legends and traditions of the south of Ireland. ...Thomas Crofton Croker. Killarney legends. ...Thomas Crofton Croker. Legendary fictions of the Irish Celts. ...Patrick Kennedy. Legend of the little weaver. ...Samuel Lover. Legends and stories of Ireland. ...Samuel Lover. Legends of the lakes. ...Thomas Crofton Croker. Japanese. Old world of Japan: legends of the land of the gods. ..Frank Rinder. 246 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, LEGENDS — Continued. Scotch. Legendary tales of the Highlands. ...T. D. Lauder. Legend of the vision of Campbell of Inverawe. ...T. D. Lauder. (In his Legendary tales of the Highlands.) Legends of the Black- watch. ...James Grant. Spanish. Patranas. ...Rachel H. Bush. LEIBNITZ, GOTTFRIED WILHELM VON. Lived 1646-1716. Leibnitz und die beiden Kurfiirstinnen. ...Hermann Klencke. LESSING, GOTTLOB EPHRAIM. Lived 1729-1781. Charlotte Ackermann : a theatrical romance. ...Otto Midler. English translation. Charlotte Ackermann : ein Hamburger Theater-Roman. ...Otto Miiller. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. Lived 1809-1865. Clarence. ...Francis Bret Harte. Graysons. ...Edward Eggleston. In the boyhood of Lincoln. ...Hezekiah Butterworth. Union : a story of the great rebellion. ...John R. Musick. LIND, JENNY. Lived 1821-1887. Charles Auchester : a memorial. ...Elizabeth S. Sheppard. (Pseud., Beatrice Reynolds.) (Miss Benette personates Jenny Lind.)' LISZT, FRANZ. Lived 1811-1886. Lucrezia Floriani Lavinia. ...Amantine L. A. D. Dudevant. (Pseud., George Sand.) (Count Salvator Albani personates Liszt.) LOLLARDS. See WYCLIFFE, JOHN. LONDON, ENGLAND. American girl in London. ...Sara Jeanette Duncan. Andrew Golding : a tale of the great plague. ...Annie E. Keeling. Brave men of Eyam; or, Tale of the great plague. ...Edward N. Hoare. Bride of Bucklersbury : a tale of the Grocers' Company. ...Eliza- beth M. Stewart. Caleb Field • a tale of the Puritans. ...Margaret O. W. Oliphant. Captain Jacques : a romance of the time of the plague. ...Edward Fitzgibbon. (Pseud., Somerville Gibney.) Carved cartoon. ...Austin Clare. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 247 LONDON, ENGLAND — Continued. Cherry and violet: a tale of the great plague. ...Anne Manning. Child of the Jago. ...Arthur Morrison. Children of the Ghetto : being pictures of a peculiar people. ...Israel Zangwill. Colloquies of Edward Osborne. ...Anne Manning. Constable of the tower. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Days of Hogarth ; or, Mysteries of London. ...G. W. M. Reynolds. Dictator: a novel of politics and society. ...Justin McCarthy. Fighting the flames. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. [ton. Fire of London; or, Which is which .? ...Georgiana C.L. G. Fuller- Goldsmith's ward : a tale of London city in the fifteenth century. ...Mrs. R. H. Reade. His bad angel. ...Richard Harding Davis. History of the plague in London, 1665. —Daniel Defoe. Iron rule, and. Story of the West End. ...Mrs. Newton Crosland. (Pseud., Camilla Toulmin.) Jennett Cragg, the Quakeress. ...Maria Wright. John Standish; or, Harrowing of London. ...Edward GilUat. Lady Jane Grey. ...Thomas Miller. London life. ...Henry James, Jr. Lord Mayor of London. ...William Harrison Ainsworth Merry England. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Narrative of the great fire in London, 1666. ...Daniel Defoe. Old Saint Paul's: a tale of the plague and the fire. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Oliver Wyndham ; or. Tale of the great plague. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe (Webb). Phineas Finn, the Irish member. ...Anthony TroUope. Pictorial tower of London. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Picturesque sketches of London. ...Thomas Miller. Richard Hunne: a story of old London. ...George E. Sargent. Robert Elsmere. ...Mary Augusta Ward (Mrs. Humphry Ward). Root and flower: a story of work in a London parish. ...John Palmer. Rosemary : a tale of the fire in London. ...Georgiana C. L. G. Fullerton. Saint Dunstan's clock : a story of 1666. ...E. Ward. Siege of London. ...Henry James, Jr. Sir Ralph Willoughby. ...Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges. Stories of the city of London. ...Mrs. Newton Crosland. (Pseud., Camilla Toulmin.) Suicide club. ...Robert Louis Stevenson. Tale of Old England. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Tale of two cities. ...Charles Dickens. 248 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. LONDON, ENGLAND — Conti7iued. Toil and trouble : a story of London life. ...Mrs. Newton Crosland. (Pseud., Camilla Toulmin.) Tower of London. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Virginians. ...William Makepeace Thackeray. Westminster Abbey. ...Emma Robinson. When London burned : a story of restoration times and the great fire. ...George Alfred Henty. See also ENGLAND and ENGLISH HISTORY. LOUIS IX. OF FRANCE. Reigned 1226-1270. Boy crusaders ; a story of the days of Saint Louis. ...John George Edgar. Good Saint Louis and his times. ...Anna Eliza Bray. LOiriS X. OF FRANCE. Reigned 13U-1316. La tour de Nesle. ...Frederic Girard. LOUIS XI. OF FRANCE. Reigned U61-U83. Anne of Geierstein. ...Sir Walter Scott. Charles le Temeraire. ...Alexandre Dumas. Cloister and the hearth. ...Charles Reade. Lodging for the night. ...Robert Louis Stevenson. Louis de la Tremoille ; ou, Les freres d'armes. ...Justin J. E. Roy. Mme. de Montdidier; ou, La cour de Louis XI. ...Maria A. Barthelemy-Hadot. Marie de Bourgogne. ...Mme. de Saint- Venant. Mary of Burgundy. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Notre Dame de Paris. ...Victor Hugo. [lation. Notre Dame ; or, Bellringer of Paris. ...Victor Hugo. English trans- Philippe-Monsieur. ...Charles Buet. Quentin Durward. ...Sir Walter Scott. Stormy life. ...Georgiana C. L. G. Fullerton. LOUIS XII. OF FRANCE. Reigned U98-1515. Faithful, but not famous : a historical tale. ...Anon. Jeanne de France. ...Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse de Genlis. Le sire d'Aubigny. ...Pierre de Lesconvel. Spotless and fearless : the story of Chevalier Bayard. ...Saint Albin Berville. Thomassine Spinola. ...Mme. d'Omatu. Under Bayard's banner. ...Henry Frith. LOUIS XIII. OF FRANCE. Reigned 1610-1643. Antoine de Bonneval : a tale of Paris in the days of St. Vincent de Paul. ...William H. Anderson. Arthur Blane; or, Hundred cuirassiers. ...James Grant. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 249 LOUIS XIII. OF FRANCE — Coutimied. Les beaux messieurs de Bois-Dore. ...Amantine L. A. D. Dudevant. (Pseud., George Sand.) Black tulip. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Le capitaine Fracasse. ...Theophile Gautier. Captain Fracasse. ...Theophile Gautier. English translation. Cinq-Mars. ...Alfred V., Comte de Vigny. English translation. Cinq-Mars; ou, Une conjuration sous Louis XIII. ...Alfred V., Comte de Vigny. Gallant lords of Bois-Dore. ...Amantine L. A. D. Dudevant. (Pseud., George Sand.) English translation. Louise de La Valliere. ...Alexandre Dumas. Mme. de Lafayette. ...Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse de Genlis. Le roi des raffines sous Louis XIII. ...L. J. Emmanuel Gonzales. Shoulder knot. ...Benjamin F. Teflft. Le siege de La Rochelle. ...Stq^hanie Felicite, Comtesse de Genlis. English translation. Three musketeers. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Les trois mousquetaires. ...Alexandre Dumas. La tulipe noire. ...Alexandre Dumas. Twenty years after. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Vicomte de Bragelonne. ...Alexandre Dumas. Vingt ans apres. ...Alexandre Dumas. LOUIS XIV. OF FRANCE. Reigned 1643-1715. Alamontade, der Galeerensklave. ...Johann Heinrich Zschokke. Alamontade, the galley slave. ...Johann Heinrich Zschokke. Eng- lish translation. Arnold Delahaize ; or, Huguenot pastor. ...P'rancisca I. Ouvry. Artamene. ...Madeleine de Scudery. Asylum Christi : a story of the dragonnades. ...Edward Gilliat. Der Aufruhr in den Cevennen. ...Johann Ludwig Tieck. Die beiden Conde : historische Novel le. ...Eugen H. von Dedenroth. Belle-Rose. ...Louis Amedee Eugene Achard, Blanche Gamond : a heroine of the faith. ...Anon. Bourdaloue and Louis XIV. ; or, Preacher and king. ...Lawrence Louis Felix Bungener. English translation. Brothers : a tale of the Fronde. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Camisard ; or, Protestants of Languedoc. ...Anon. Cardillac, the jeweller. ...Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann. Chateau de Louard: a story of the Edict of Nantes. ...Henry C. Coape. Cross and the crown : a tale of the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. ...Deborah Alcock. 250 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. LOUIS XIV. OF FRANCE— C^;z//;z?/^^. Les dernieres maitresses de Louis XIV. ...Felix de Servan. Dorothy Arden: a story of England and France two hundred years ago. ...J. M. Callwell. Driven into exile: a story of the Huguenots. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Duchess of Burgundy; or, Scenes in the Court of Louis XIV. ...Anon. Duchess of La Valliere. ...Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse de Genlis. English translation. Duchess of Mazarin : a tale of the times of Louis XIV. ...Anon. Duchesse de La Valliere. ...Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse de Genlis. La Duchesse de Montpensier. ...Pierre A., Vicomte de Ponson du Terrail. Die eiserne Maske. ...Paul V. Wichmann. Every man his own trumpeter. .. George Walter Thornbury. Une fantaisie de Louis XIV. ...Anne Bignan. Gabrielle; or, House of Maureze. ...Alice M. C. Durand. (Pseud., Henry Greville.) Gabrielle; or, Pictures of a reign. ...Luisa S. Costello. Das Geheimniss der Frau von Nizza. ...Emil M. Vacano. Genevieve ; or, Children of Port Royal. ...Deborah Alcock. La guerre des femmes. ...Alexandre Dumas. Henri de Rohan ; or, Huguenot refugee. ...Francisca I. Ouvry. L'homme au masque de fer. , ..Elizabeth Guenard. L'homme au masque de fer. ...Chevalier de Mouhy. How they kept the faith : a tale of the Huguenots of Languedoc. ...Grace Raymond. Hubert Montreuil; or, Huguenot and the dragoon. ...Francisca I. Ouvry. Huguenot : a tale of the French Protestants. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Huguenot exiles ; or, Times of Louis XIV. ...Eliza Ann Dupuy. In the days of adversity. ...J. Bloundelle Burton. Isabeau's hero: a story of the revolt of the Cevennes. ...Esme Stuart. Jacques Bonneval ; or, Days of the dragonnades. ...Anne Man- ning. Jean Cavalier ; ou, Les fanatiques de Cevennes. ...Marie Joseph Eugene Sue. Jeannette : a story of the Huguenots. ...Frances M. Peard. Lauzun. ...Paul E. de Musset. Legendes de Fontainebleau. ...Julie O. Lavergne. Lettre de cachet. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. (In her Romances of real life.) SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 251 LOUIS XIV. OF FEANCE — Continued. Lord Montagu's page : an historical romance of the seventeenth century. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Louis ; or, Doomed to the cloister : a tale of religious life in the time of Louis XIV. ...M. J. Hope. Mme. D'Aubigne la petite creole. ...Eugenie Foa. Der Mann mit der eisernen Maske. ...E. Koenigs. Marchioness of Brinvilliers. ...Albert Smith. Marie's story: a tale of the days of Louis XIV. ...Mary E. Bamford. La marquise de Courcelles. ...Charles J. B. Jacquot. Minister of Andouse. ...Heinrich Moewes. English translation. Les missionnaires bottes de Louis XIV. ...Adolphe Michel. Nameless nobleman. ...Jane Goodwin Austin. [tion. Nanon ; or, Women's war. ...Alexandre Dumas. English transla- Olympe de Cleves. ...Alexandre Dumas. Der Pfarrer von Andouse. ...Heinrich Moewes. Pignerol. ...Paul Lacroix. Protestant leader : a novel. ...Marie Joseph Eugene Sue. English translation. Refugees : a tale of two continents. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Reparation : a story of the reign of Louis XIV. and other tales. ...Georgiana C. L. G. Fullerton. Royal captives. ...Ann Yearsley. Royal hunt : a story of Huguenot emigration. ...Mrs. E. C. Wilson. Saint Eustace ; or, Hundred and one. ...Vane I. Saint John. Un sermon sous Louis XIV. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. Sister Louise ; or, Story of a woman's repentance. ...George John Whyte Melville. Stray pearls. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Twenty years after. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Vingt ans apres. ...Alexandre Dumas. LOUIS XV. OF FRANCE. Reigned 1715-177J^. Ancient regime. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Beaumarchais. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. By fire and sword : a story of the Huguenots. ...Thomas Archer. Les catacombes de Paris. ...iSlie B. Berthet. Cerise : a tale of the last century. ...George John Whyte Melville. Le chevalier d'Harmental. ...Alexandre Dumas. La comtesse d'Egmont. ...Sophie Gay. Conspirators; or, Chevalier d'Harmental. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Una fille du regent. ...Alexandre Dumas. In the shadow of God : sketches of life in France during the eighteenth century. ...Deborah Alcock. 252 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. LOUIS XV. OF FRANCE — Continued, Jarousseau, le pasteur du desert. ...Pierre Clement Eugene Pelletan. Jean Jacques Rousseau. ...Levin Schuecking. Jean Jarousseau, pastor of the desert. ...Pierre Clement Eugene Pelletan. English translation. John Law the projector. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Leontine ; or, Court of Louis XV. ...Catherine C. Maberly. Louis XV. et Ic Cardinal de Fleury. ...Anne Bignan. Madame de Maintenon, pour servir de suite a I'histoire de la duchesse de La Valliere. ...Stephanie P'elicite, Comtesse de Genlis. Marquise Jeanne Hyacinthe de Saint Palaye. ...Joseph Henry Short- house. Les memoires d'un medecin. ...Alexandre Dumas. Memoirs of a physician. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Montesquieu a Marseille. ...Louis S. Mercier. Olympe de Cleves. ...Alexandre Dumas. Peer's daughter. ...Rosina W. L. Bulwer-Lytton. Priest and Huguenot ; or, Persecution in the age of Louis XV. ...Laurence Louis P'elix Bungener. English translation. Regent's daughter. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Ritter oder Dame : historische Novelle. ...Johann Ferdinand Mar- tin Oskar Meding. Roseville family : an historical tale of the eighteenth century. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Trois sermons sous Louis XV. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. V^atteau. ...Carl W. T. Frenzel. See also FRENCH HISTORY. LOTUS XVI. OF FRANCE. Reigned 1774-1789, Adele de Senanges. ...Adelaide M. £. F. Souza-Botelho. Blue ribbons : a tale of the last century. ...Anna H. Drury. Comtesse de Fargy. ...Adelaide M. ^. Y. Souza-Botelho. Countess Eva. ...Joseph Henry Shorthouse. Eugene de Rotherlin. ...Adelaide M. fi. F. Souza-Botelho. Julian ; or, Close of an era. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. English translation. Julien ; ou, La fin d'un siecle. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. La mort de Louis XVI. ...Armand R. M. Du Chatellier. See also FRENCH HISTORY, MARIA ANTOINETTE, and REVO- LUTIONS, French. LOUIS XVIII. OF FRANCE. Reigned 18U-1SU, Count Monte-Leone : a legend of the Carbonari in France and Italy. ...Henri de Saint Georges. English translation. Christopher Sauval ; ou, La societe en France sous la restaura- tion. ...]£mile de Bonnechose. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 253 LOUIS XVIII. OF FEANCE — Continued. Le demon des Montchevreuil. ...Adolph de Lescure. Dona Flor. ...Gustave Aimard. Fudge family in Paris. ...Thomas Moore. Les quatre ages. ...Charles Pougens. See also FRENCH HISTORY. LOUIS PHILIPPE. Reigned 1830-m8. Chateau Morville; or, Life in Touraine. ...Emily Reed. Los cien mil hijos de San Luis. ...Benito Perez Galdos. Les louves de Machecoul. ...Alexandre Dumas. She-wolves of Machecoul. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. See also FRENCH HISTORY. LOUISIANA. Autrefois : tales of old New Orleans and elsewhere. ...James A. Harrison. Balcony stories. ...Grace King. Bonaventure : a prose pastoral of Acadian Louisiana. ...George Washington Cable. Doctor Sevier. ...George Washington Cable. Earl of May-field. ...T. P. May. Les emigres fran9ais dans la Louisiane. ...Charles Sealsfield (for- merly Karl Postl). Flower of France : a story of old Louisiana. ...Marah Ellis Ryan. Grandissimes. ...George Washington Cable. Louisiana folk-tales. ...Alcee Fortier. Madame Delphine. ...George Washington Cable. Manhattaner in New Orleans. ...A. Oakey Hall. Monsieur Motte. ...Grace King. Old Creole days. ...George Washington Cable. Panola. ...Sarah A. Dorsey. (Pseud., Filia.) Philip Nolan's friends. ...Edward Everett Hale. Planter's daughter. ...Eliza Ann Dupuy. Strange true stories of Louisiana. ...George Washington Cable. Tales of a time and place. ...Grace King. Too strange not to be true. ...Georgiana C. L. G. Fullerton. Towards the Gulf: a tale of New Orleans. ...Anon. White rover. ...John H. Robinson. Wonderful wheel ...Mary Tracy Earle. LUTHER, MARTIN. Lived 1483-154,6. Allerlei von Luther. ...Joachim L. Haupt. Blind girl of Wittenberg. ...Carl August Wildenhahn. English translation. Das Buch vom Doktor Luther. ...Hermann O. Nietschmann. 254 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. LUTHEE, MAETIN — Co7itinued. Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family. ...Elizabeth Charles. Count Arensberg : a tale of the days of Luther. ...Joseph Sortain. Fate of Castle Lowengard : a tale of the days of Luther. ...Esme Stuart. Luther and the Cardinal. ...Hermann O. Nietschmann. English translation. Luther. Historisches Gedicht. ...Gerhard P'riedrich. (Pseud., Gustav Waller.) Luther in Rom. Roman. ...Levin Schuecking. Luther in Rome; or, Corradina, the last of the Hohenstaufen. ...Levin Schuecking. English translation. Luther und die Seinen. ...Franz Lubojatzky. Luther und seine Zeit. ...Theodor Koenig. Martin Luther : historischer Roman. ...Heinrich Eisenlohr. Martin Luther : kirchengeschichtliches Lebensbild. ...Carl August Wildenhahn. Martin Luther und Graf Erbach. ...Hermann O. Nietschmann. True as steel. ...George Walter Thornbury. Ulric; or, Voices. ...Theodore S. Fay. See also GEKMAN HISTORY and REFORMATION, Germany. MAGIC. See GHOST STORIES AND THE SUPERNATURAL. MAGNA CHARTA. See JOHN OF ENGLAND. MAINE. But a Philistine. ...Virginia F. Townsend. Gaut Gurley; or, Trappers of Umbagog. ...D. P. Thompson. Pearl of Orr's Island : story of the coast of Maine. ...Harriet Beecher Stowe. Politician's daughter. ...Myra S. Hamlin. Richard Edney and the governor's family. ...Sylvester Judd. Sam Shirk : a tale of the woods of Maine. ...George H. Devereux. Tales of the Maine coast. ...Noah Brooks. MALAY ARCHIPELAGO. Outcast of the Islands. ...Joseph Conrad. MAN WITH THE IRON MASK. Titles are with LOUIS XIV. OF FRANCE. MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. See SOCIETY. MANX LIFE. Captain Davy's honeymoon : a Manx yarn. ...Thomas Henry Hall Caine. Deemster. ...Thomas Henry Hall Caine. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 255 MANX LIFE — Cojitinued. Green hills of the sea : a Manx story. ...Hugh C. Davidson. Manxman. ...Thomas Henry Hall Caine. Peveril of the Peak. ...Sir Walter Scott. MARIA ANTOINETTE OF FRANCE. Reigned 1774.-1789. Un ami de la reine. ...Paul Gaulot. Le collier de la reine. ...Alexandre Dumas. Friend of the queen. ...Paul Gaulot. English translation. Kaiser Joseph und Maria Antoinette. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Der Leibpage der Maria Antoinette. ...Friedrich W. Bruckbrau. Marie Antoinette. ...Eugen H. von Dedenroth. Marie Antoinette. ...Carl L. Haeberlein. Marie Antoinette. La reine de France decapitee. ...Ernst Pitavell. Marie Antoinette und ihr Sohn. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise MUhlbach.) Marie Antoinette and her son. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Queen's necklace. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Two queens. ...Baron Simolin. See also FRENCH HISTORY; LOUIS XVI. OF FRANCE, and REVOLUTIONS, French. MARIA DE MEDICIS. See LOUIS XIII. OF FRANCE. MARIA THERESA OF GERMANY. Reig7ied 1717-1780. Aus drei Kaiserzeiten. ...Johann Georg L. Hesekiel. Citizen of Prague. ...Henrietta von Paalzow. English translation. Elizabeth of Guttenstein. ...Caroline Pichler. English translation. Elizabeth von Guttenstein. ...Caroline Pichler. Kaunitz. ...Leopold Sacher-Masoch. Maria Theresa and her fireman. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Maria Theresia und ihr Ofenheizer. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Maria Theresia und ihre Zeit. ...Eduard Duller. Maria Theresia und ihre Zeit. ...Franz Lubojatzky. Thomas Thyrnau. ...Henrietta von Paalzow. See also GERMAN HISTORY. MARRIAGE. Amazing marriage. ...George Meredith. American peeress. ...H. C. Chatfield Taylor. Arranged marriage. ...Dorothea Gerard. Artists' wives. ...Alphonse Daudet. English translation. 256 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. MAEBIA6E — Conthmed. Clandestine marriage. ...Eliza Ann Dupuy. Clarissa Furiosa. ...William Edward Norris. Clever wife. ...William Pett Ridge. Compulsory marriage. ...Annette M. Maillard. Le contrat de mariage. ...Honore de Balzac. Corruption. ...Percy White. Counterparts. ...Elizabeth Sheppard. Countess Radna. ...William Edward Norris. Country doctor. ...Sarah Orne Jewett. Courage of her convictions. ...Caroline A. Huling and Theresa Stewart, M. D. Curb of honor. ...Matilda B. Edwards. Day of their wedding. ...William Dean Howells. Les femmes d'artistes. ...Alphonse Daudet. Fifty pounds for a wife. ...A. L. Glyn. Frivolous cupid. ...Anthony Hope. Heavenly twins. ...Sarah Grand, pseud. Helen Brent, M. D. : a social study. ...Anon. His Egyptian wife. ...Hill Hilton. His perpetual admiration. ...Joseph F. Flint. Ideala: a study from life. ...Sarah Grand, pseud. I forbid the banns. ...F. Frankfort Moore. Japanese marriage. ...Douglass Scaden. Jude the obscure. ...Thomas Hardy. Die Kunstlerehe. ...Leopold Schefer. Marriage. ...Susan Edmonstone Ferrier. Marriage at sea. ...William Clark Russell. Marriage by capture. ...Robert Buchanan. Marriage ceremony. ...Ada Cambridge. Marriage contract. ...Honore de Balzac. English translation. Married too early. ...Sarah B. Willetts. Marrying by lot : a tale of the primitive Moravians. ...Charlotte B. Mortimer. Matrimony. ...William Edward Norris. Mina's marriage. ...V. Milkoulitch. English translation from the Russian. Mixed marriage. ...Anabel Kerr. Modern love story which does not end at the altar. ...Harriet E. Orcutt. Mrs. Gerald. ...Maria Louise Pool. My Japanese wife. ...Clive Holland. Noble wife. ...J Saunders. Nobody's fault. ...Netta Syrett. One of God's dilemmas. ...Allen Upward. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 257 YLKKSlk^Y,— Continued. Opinions of a philosopher. ...Robert Grant. Our manifold natures. ...Sarah Grand, pseud. Parting and a meeting. ...William Dean Howells. Platonic affections. ...J. Smith. Quick and the dead. ...Amelie Rives Chanler. Rebel queen. ...Walter Besant. Redemption of the Brahmin. ...R. Garbe. Reflections of a married man. ...Robert Grant. Revolution in Tanner's lane. ...William Hale White. (Pseud., Mark Rutherford.) Robert Atterbury. ...Jarboe. Romance of Dollard. ...Mary Hartwell Catherwood. Rubicon. ...E. F. Benson. Sale of a soul. ...F. Frankfort Moore. School for husbands. ...Rosina W. L. Bulwer-Lytton. Soul of the bishop. ...Henrietta E. V. Stannard. (Pseud., John Strange Winter.) Superfluous woman. ...Emma Brooke. Strange elopement. ...William Clark Russell. Things that matter. ...Gribble. Two French marriages. ...Henrietta C. Jenkins. Two marriages. ...Dinah Mulock Craik. Una; or, Early marriages. ...Henriette Bowes. Unclassed. ...George Gissing. Wedded to a genius. ...Neil Christison. Wife or slave.-* ...Mrs. Albert S. Bradshaw. Woman who did. ...Grant Allen. Woman with a future. ...Mrs. Andrew Dean. Won and not one. ...Emily Lucas Blackall. Yellow aster. ...Mrs. Mannington Caffyn. (Pseud., Iota.) See also RELATION OF THE SEXES. MARY OF ENGLAND. Reigned 1553-1558. Cardinal Pole ; or, Days of Philip and Mary. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Constable of the tower. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. For the Master's sake : a story of the days of Queen Mary. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Life of the dutches of Suffolke. ...Thomas Drue. Lilian : a tale of three hundred years ago. ...George E, Sargent. My Lady Nell. ...Emily Weaver. Protestant : a tale of the reign of Queen Mary. ...Anna Eliza Bray. Robin Tremayne of Bodmin: a tale of the Marian persecution. ...Emily Sarah Holt. 17 258 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. MARY OF Y.Yi^'LhiSilS— Continued, Royal Merchant ; or, Events in the days of Sir Thomas Gresham, during the reigns of Queens Mary and Elizabeth. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Twice crowned: a story of the days of Queen Mary. ...Harriet B. MacKeever. Victor : a tale of the great persecution. ...George G. Perry. Wetherden Hall : an historical story of the days of Queen Mary. ...Arthur Brown. See also ENGLISH HISTORY. MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS. Lived m2-1587. Abbot ...Sir Walter Scott. Bothwell; or, Days of Mary Queen of Scots. ...James Grant. Crichton. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. David Rizzio ; or, Scenes in Europe during the sixteenth century. ...William H. Ireland. Last days of Mary Stuart : a novel. ...Emily Finch. Maria Stuart in Scotland. ...Bj0rnstjerne Bj<^rnson. Maria Stuart: historischer Roman. ...Eugen Hermann von Dedenroth. Mary of Lorraine : an historical romance. ...James Grant. Mary Queen of Scots. ...John Gait. Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. ...George M. Reynolds. Monastery. ...Sir Walter Scott. Neil Willox : a story of Edinburgh in the days of Queen Marie. ...J. Maclaren. Norman Leslie. ...Theodore S. Fay. Queen's Maries: a romance of Holyrood. ...George John Whyte Melville. Recess; or, Tale of other times. ...Sophia Lee. Southenan. ...John Gait. Unknown to history: a story of the captivity of Mary of Scotland. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. See also ELIZABETH OF ENGLAND, ENGLISH HISTORY, and SCOTLAND. MARYLAND. Clinton Bradshaw. ...F. W. Thomas. Days of Mackemie; or, Vine planted. ...L. P. Bowen. Doings in Maryland ; or, Matilda Douglass. ...Anon. Entailed hat. ...George A. Townsend. (Pseud., Gait.) Die Grundung von Maryland. ...Johann Heinrich D. Zschokke. Osborne of Arrochar. ...Amanda M. Douglas. Rob of the bowl. ...J. P. Kennedy. (Pseud., Solomon Second- thoughts.) SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 259 MARYLAND — Continued. Pilate and Herod. ...H. Stanley. See also UNITED STATES HISTORY. MASSACHUSETTS. Adventures of Ann : stories of colonial times. ...Mary E. Wilkins. Agnes Surriage. ...Edwin L. Bynner. Alban : a tale of the New World. ...Jedediah V. Huntington. Bay-path: a tale of New England colonial life. ...Josiah Gilberi: Holland. Book of New England legends and folklore in prose and poetry. ...Samuel Adams Drake. Brampton sketches. ...Mary B. Claflin. Captain Kyd ; or, Wizard of the sea. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Captain Nelson : romance of colonial days. ...Samuel Adams Drake. Children of old Park's tavern: a story of the South shore. ...Frances A. Humphrey. Daughter of the Puritans. ...Anna B. Bensel. (In New England Magazine, 1886, p. 452.) Elizabeth : a romance of colonial days. ...F. C. Sparhawk. (In New England Magazine, 1884-85.) Fair Puritan: an historical romance of the days of witchcraft. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Gaut Gurley; or, Trappers of Umbagog. ...D. P. Thompson. Heroes of America. ...Robert Hope Moncrieff. (Pseud., Ascott R. Hope.) Hope Leslie ; or, Early times in Massachusetts. ...Catherine M. Sedgwick. Justice Warren's daughter. ...Olive M. Birrell. Legends of New England. ...Julia Gill and Frances Lee. Legends of New England. ...Nathaniel Hawthorne. Legends of the Province house. ...Nathaniel Hawthorne. Lionel Lincoln ; or. Leaguer of Boston. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Morton's hope; or, Memoirs of a provincial. ...John Lothrop Motley. Naomi ; or, Boston two hundred years ago. ...Eliza Buckminster Lee. Nix's mate. ...R. Dawes. Old Boston. ...A. De Grasse Stevens. Oldtown folks. ...Harriet Beecher Stowe. Pemaquid : a story of old times in New England. ..E. Prentiss. Penelope's suitors. ...Edwin L. Bynner. Pilgrims and Puritans. ...Nina Moore Tiffany. Pilgrims : a story of Massachusetts. ...John R. Musick. Plymouth and the Pilgrims. ...J. Banvard. 26o SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. MASSACHUSETTS — Continued. Priscilla; or, Trials for the truth: historical tale of the Puritans and Baptists. ...J. Banvard. Puritan and her daughter. ...James K. Paulding. Puritan lover. ...Laura C. S. Fessenden. Quabbin: the story of a small town, with outlooks upon Puritan life. ...Francis H. Underwood. Rebels ; or, Boston before the revolution. ...Lydia Maria Child. Reuben and Rachel. ...Susanna Rowson. Richard Ireton : a legend of the early settlement of New England. ...M. Remick. Scarlet letter. ...Nathaniel Hawthorne. Shawmut. ...C. K. True. Spectre of the forest. ...J. MacHenry. Tales of the Puritans. ...Delia Bacon. Three generations. ...Sarah A. Emery. "Trustum" and his grandchildren. ...Harriet B. Worron. Twice told tales. ...Nathaniel Hawthorne. White chief among the red men. ...J. T. Adams. Witch of Salem. ...John R. Musick. Woman of Shawmut : a romance of colonial times. ...Edmund J. Carpenter. See also UNITED STATES HISTORY. MAXIMILIAN OF MEXICO (FERDINAND MAXIMILIAN JOSEPH). Lived 1832-1867. Les coupeurs de routes. ...Gustave Aimard. Crown jewels. ...Emma L. Moffett. Mexican; or, Love and land. ...J. M. Dagnall. See also MEXICO. MAZARIN, JULES. Lived 1602-1661. Duchess of Mazarin. ...Anon. La guerre des femmes. ...Alexandre Dumas. War of women. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. MEDICAL NOVELS. A Selection. Andrew Golding : a tale of the great plague. ..Annie E. Keeling. Arthur Mervyn. ...Charles Brockdon Brown. Bella; or, Cradle of liberty. ...Marthy E. Berry. Betrothed lovers. ...Alessandro Manzoni. English translation. Black prophet : a tale of the Irish famine. ...W^illiam Carleton. Brave men of Eyam. ...Edward N. Hoare. Caleb Field: a tale of the Puritans. ...Margaret O. W. Oliphant. Captain Jacques. ...Edward Fitzgibbon. (Pseud., Somerville Gibney.) SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 26 1 MEDICAL NOVELS — Continued, Carved cartoon. ...Austin Clare. Cherry and violet : a tale of the great plague. ...Anne Manning. Conspiracy of silence. ...Mrs. Colmore Dunn. Country doctor. ...Honore de Balzac. English translation. Country doctor. ...Sarah Orne Jewett. Demigod. ...Edward P. Jackson. Le docteur Pascal. ...fimile Zola. Doctor Ben. ...Anon. Doctor Breen's practice. ...William Dean Howells. Doctor Janet of Harley Street. ...Dr. Arabella Kenealy. Doctor Lamar. ...Elizabeth Train. Doctor Mirabel's theory. ...Rose George Dering. Doctor of the old school. ...John Maclaren Watson. (Pseud., Ian Maclaren.) Doctor Pascal. ...fimile Zola. English translation. Doctor Plassid's patients. ...Una L. Bailey. Doctor Sevier. ...George Washington Cable. Elsie Venner: a romance of destiny. ...Oliver Wendell Holmes. Gladys. ...Mary Greenleaf Darling. (Yellow fever plague.) " God's providence " house. ...Isabel Banks. Hard cash. ...Charles Reade. Helen Brent, M. D. : a social study. ...Anon. History of the plague in London, 1665. ...Daniel Defoe. I promessi sposi. ...Alessandro Manzoni. Island of Doctor Moreau. ...Henry G. Wells. Jennett Cragg, the Quakeress. ...Maria Wright. John Applegate, surgeon. ...Mary Harriett Norris. Life and adventures of an Arkansas doctor. ...M. Lafayette Bym. Lily of Paris. ...John P. Simpson. Lourdes. ...ifimile Zola. Lourdes. ...£mile Zola. English translation. Mad Sir Uchtred of the hills. ...Samuel Rutherford Crockett. Man from Nowhere. ...Flora Haines Longhead. Maniac of Brussels. ...F. W. N. Bailey. Maris Stella. ...Marie Clothide Balfour. Mary Bunyan, the dreamer's blind daughter. ...Sallie Rochester Ford. Le medecin de Campagne. ...Honore de Balzac. Medicine lady. ...Elizabeth T. Meade. Les memoires d'un medecin. ...Alexandre Dumas. Memoirs of a physician. ...Alexandre Dumas. English transla- tion. Mike : a tale of the great famine. ...Edward N. Hoare. Mona Maclenn, medical student. ...Graham Travers, pseud. 262 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. MEDICAL NOVELS — Continued. Night-lights : shadows from a doctor's reading-lamp. ...Arthur B. Frost. Old St. Paul's : a tale of the plague. ...William Harrison Ains- worth. Oliver Wyndham : a tale of the great plague. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe (Webb). Passages from the diary of a late physician. ...Samuel Warren. Portfolio of a Southern medical student. ...George M. W^harton. Ralph Redman's atonement. ...Herbert V. Mills. Romance of a chalet, ...Rose Murray Prior Praed (Mrs. Campbell Praed). Rosemary : a tale of the fire in London. ...Georgiana C. L. G. Fullerton. Round the red lamp: being facts and fancies of medical life. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Saint Dunstan's clock. ...E. Ward. Scenes in the practice of a New York surgeon. ...Edward H. Dixon. Some passages in the practice of Doctor Martha Scarborough. ...Helen Campbell. (Pseud., Wheaton Campbell.) Study in scarlet. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Suicide club. ...Robert Louis Stevenson. Surgeon's daughter. ...Sir Walter Scott. Tales of a physician. ...W. H. Harrison. Underside of things. ...Lilian Bell. Veiled doctor. ...V. A. J. Davis. MENDELSSOHN, FELIX BARTHOLDY. Lived 1809-18^7. Charles Auchester: a memorial. ...Elizabeth Sheppard. (Pseud., Beatrice Reynolds.) (Seraphael personates Mendelssohn.) Tone masters. ...Charles Barnard. Vol. i. METHODISM. Bernicia. ..Amelia Edith Barr. Damnation of Theron Ware. ...Harold Frederic. De Vane: a story of plebeians and patricians. ...Henry W. Hil- liard. Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevelyan. ...Elizabeth Charles. Expedition of Humphrey Clinker. ...Tobias George Smollett. Hallam succession. ...Amelia Edith Barr. Methodist. ...Miriam Fletcher. Nestleton Magna: a story of Yorkshire methodism. ...James J. Wray. Spiritual Don Quixote. ...Richard Graves. Two circuits. ...J. L. Crane. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 263 METHOBISM — Continued. Vicar of Wakefield. ...Oliver Goldsmith. Wreckers and methodists. ...H. D. Lowry. MEXICAN WAR WITH THE UNITED STATES OF 1845. Archbishop. ...O. S. Bellisle. Aurifodina. ...G. W. Peck. Bernard Lisle : an historical romance embracing the period of the Texan revolution and the Mexican war. ...Jeremiah Clemens. Biglow papers. ...James Russell Lowell. (First series.) Cabin book ; or, Scenes and sketches of the late American and Mexican war. ...Charles Sealsfield (formerly Karl Postl). English translation. Das Cajiitenbuch ; oder, Nationale Charakteristiken. ...Charles Sealsfield (formerly Karl Postl). House of Yorke. ...Mary A. Tincker. Humbled pride : a story of the Mexican war. ...John R. Musick. Inez: a tale of the Alamo. ...Augusta J. Wilson (Mrs. Evans). Life and death of Sam in Virginia. ...Anon. Lone star of Texas. ...J. W. Dallam. Mercedes : a tale of the Mexican war. ...Frederick Charles Las- celles Wraxall. Rangers and regulators : a tale of the republic of Texas. ...Alfred W. Arrington. Remember the Alamo. ...Amelia Edith Barr. Stanhope Burleigh. ...Charles Edward Lester Talbot and Vernon. ...McConnell. Vidette : a tale of the Mexican war. ...N. M. Curtis. White scalper. ...Gustave Aimard. English translation. Wild life; or, Adventures of the frontier : a tale of the early days of the Texan republic. ...Thomas M. Reid. MEXICO. Description^ History, Manners^ and Customs. Abdalla the Moor and the Spanish knight. ...Robert Montgomery Bird. Adventures of a young naturalist. ...Lucien Biart. English trans- lation. Aventures d*un jeune naturaliste. ...Lucien Biart. Aztec treasure house. ...Thomas A. Janvier. Benito Vazquez. ...Lucien Biart. By right of conquest. ...George Alfred Henty. Calavar ; or, Knight of the conquest. ...Robert Montgomery Bird. Chinampa; or, Island home. ...Anon. La conjuracion de Mejico, 6 los hijos de Hernan Cortes, ...P. de la Escosura. 264 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, MEXICO — Cojttinued. Cortes ; or, Fall of Mexico. ...Robert Montgomery Bird. Costel rindien ; ou, Le dragon de la Reine. ...E. L. G. de F. de Bellemare. Les coupeurs de routes. ...Gustave Aimard. Crown jewels. ...Emma L. Moffett. Dolores. ...Gertrudis Gomez Avellaneda. Fair god ; or, Last of the 'tzins': a tale of the conquest of Mexico. ...Lew Wallace. Francis Berrian, the Mexican patriot. ...T. Flint. Guatimozin, ultimo emperador de Mejico. ...Gertrudis Gomez de Avellaneda. Heart of the world. ...H. Rider Haggard. Hernan Cortez en Tabasco. ...Fermin del Rey. Higher law. ...Edward Maitland. (Pseud., Herbert Ainslie.) Historischer Roman. ...Costez Fernando. Isidra. ...Willis Steell. Izram. ...Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna. (Pseud., Charlotte Elizabeth.) Malmiztic the Toltec and the cavaliers of the cross. ...W. W Fosdick. Mexican ; or, Love and land. ...J. M. Dagnall. Mexican prince. ...Anon. Montezuma, the last of the Aztecs. ...E. Maturin. Montezuma the serf. ...Joseph Henry Ingraham. Montezuma's daughter. ...H. Rider Haggard. El nigromantico Mejicano. ...I. M. Pusalgas. Les nuits Mexicaines. ...Gustave Aimard. Picture of Las Cruces. ...Frances C. Fisher Tiernan. El Pleito de Hernan Cortes con Panfilo de Narvaez. ...J. de Cani- zares. Puepla, Oder, Die Franzosen in Mexico. ...H. O. F. Goedsche. Queen of the lakes. ...Mayne Reid. Rebel chief: a tale of Guerilla life. ...Gustave Aimard. English translation. Red track: a story of social life in Mexico. ...Gustave Aimard. English translation. Scenes de la vie militaire au Mexique. ...E. L. Gabriel de Ferry de Bellemare. Shelby's expedition to Mexico. ...John N. Edwards. Silver City: a story of adventure in Mexico. ...Frederick A. Ober. Some unconventional people. ...Mrs. J. Gladwyn Jebb. Stories of old new Spain. ...Thomas A. Janvier. Stories of the conquest of Mexico and Peru. ...W. Dalton. Siiden und Norden. ...Charles Sealsfield (formerly Karl Postl). Valentin Guillois. ...Gustave Aimard. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 265 MEXICO — Continued. Die Virey imd die Aristokraten. ...Charles Sealsfield (formerly Karl Postl). White chief. ...Mayne Reid. White conquerors : a tale of Toltec and Aztec. ...Kirk Munroe. Wild rose : a tale of the Mexican frontier. ...Francis Francis. Yellow snake : a tale of treasure. ...William Henry Bishop. See also MEXICAN WAR OF 1845. MICHIGAN. Les forestiers du Michigan. ...Gustave Aimard. Les forestiers du Michigan. ...Berlioz d'Auriac. Legends of Michigan. ...J. F. Littlejohn. Oak openings. ...James Fenimore Cooper. See also UNITED STATES HISTORY. MILTON, JOHN. Lived 1608-167 4. Deborah's diary. ...Anne Manning. John Milton and his times: historical novel. ...Max Ring. English translation. John Milton und seine Zeit. ...Max Ring. Maiden and married life of Mary Powell, afterward Mistress Milton. ...Anne Manning. MINES AND MINING. Black diamonds. ...Mor Jokai. English translation. Blind brother : a story of the Pennsylvania coal-mines. ...Homer Greene. Blind lead : the story of a mine. ...Josephine W. Bates. Deep down : tale of the Cornish mines. ...Robert Michael Ballan- tyne. Derrick Sterling : a story of the mines. ...Kirk Munroe. Fortune Gulch. ...Sophie Bronson Titterington. Gold, gold in Cariboo. ...C. Phillipps-Wolley. In the valley of Tophet. ...Henry W. Nevinson. Israel Mort, overman : a story of the mine. ...John Saunders. Jerry. ...Sarah B. Elliott. John Brent's field. ...L. Bates. Master of the mine. ...Robert W. Buchanan. Menhardoc. ...George Manville Fenn. Miner's daughter: a Catholic tale. ...Cecilia M. Caddell. Miner's right : a tale of the Australian gold-fields. ...Thomas A. Brown. (Pseud., Rolf Boldrewood.) Miss Grace of all souls. ...William Edward Tirebuck. Modern buccaneer. ...Thomas A. Brown. (Pseud., Ralph Boldre- wood.) Montezuma's gold mines. ...Frederick A. Ober. X^^^^lUf^ 266 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. MINES AND WLlSiT&{^— Continued. Moondyne : a story from the under-world. ...John Boyle O'Reilly. Moonlight. ...Daniel Beard. Nevermore. ...Thomas A. Brown. (Pseud., Ralph Boldrewood.) Philip ; or, Mollie's secret. ...Robert T. S. Lowell. Prairie folks. ...Francis Bret Harte. Stephen Dane. ...Amanda M. Douglas. Stone-pastures. ...Eleanor Stuart. Story of a mine. ...Francis Bret Harte. That lass o' Lowrie's. ...Frances Hodgson Burnett. Vicar's people. ...George Manville Fenn. Woman intervenes. ...Robert Barr. MINISTERS. A Selection. Autobiography of Mark Rutherford. ...William Hale White. (Pseud., Mark Rutherford.) Country curate. ...George Robert Gleig. Crucifixion of Philip Strong. ...Charles Sheldon. Le cure de village. ...Honore de Balzac. Dawsons of Glenara. ...Henry Johnston. Distracted young preacher. ...Thomas Harding. Doctor Johns. ...Donald G. Mitchell. First rector of Burgstead. ...Edward L. Cutts. For liberty's sake : the story of Robert Ferguson. ...John B. Marsh. Green graves of Balgowrie. ...Jane H. Findlater. His majesty myself. ...William Mumford Baker. Jarousseau, le pasteur du desert. ...Pierre Clement Eugene Pelletan. Jean Jarousseau, pastor of the desert. ...Pierre Clement Eugene Pelletan. English translation. John Brent's field. ...L. Bates. Lincolnshire tragedy. ...Anne Manning. Little minister. ...James Mathew Barrie. Mark Rutherford, dissenting minister. ...William Hale White. (Pseud., Mark Rutherford.) Mark Rutherford's deliverance. ...William Hale White. (Pseud., Mark Rutherford.) Minister of Andouse. ...Heinrich Moewes. English translation. Minister of the world. ...C. Atwater Mason. Minister's charge. ...William Dean Howells. Minister's wooing. ...Harriet Beecher Stowe. My double and how he undid me. ...Edward Everett Hale. New minister. ...Kenneth Paul. New rector. ...Stanley J. Weyman. Outcasts. ...Roy Tellet, pseud. Parish province. ...E. M. Lynch. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 267 MINISTERS — Continued. Parson Jones. ...Florence Marryat Lean (Mrs. Francis Lean). Parson's proxy. ...Kate W. Hamilton. Passages in the life of the fair gospeller Mistress Anne Askew. ...Anne Manning. Pastor and prelate. ...Roy Tellet, pseud. Peep at No. 5. ...Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward (Mrs. Herbert D. Ward). Der Pfarrer von Andouse. ...Heinrich Moewes. Reverend gentleman. ...J. Maclaren Cobban. Romance of a French parsonage. ...M. B. Edwards. Scenes from clerical life. ...Marian Evans Lewes Cross. (Pseud., George Eliot.) Shady-side ; or. Life in a country parsonage. ...Martha S. Hubbell. Soul of the bishop. ...Henrietta E. V. Stannard. (Pseud., John Strange Winter). Stickit minister and common men. ...Samuel Rutherford Crockett. Sunnyside. ...Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward (Mrs. Herbert D. Ward). Supply at St. Agatha's. ...Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward (Mrs. Herbert D. Ward). Traitor or patriot.'' ...Mary C. Rowsell. Village rector. ...Honore de Balzac. English translation. See also DOGMAS and SCEPTICISM. MINNESOTA. Mystery of Metropolisville. ...Edward Eggleston. Nakoma : a story of frontier life. ...George Huntington. MIRABEAU, COMTE DE (GABRIEL HONORE RIQUETTI). Lived 1749-1791. Count Mirabeau : an historical novel. ...Theodor Mundt. Le dernier amour de Mirabeau. ...Charlotte Foucaux. Graf Mirabeau. ...Theodor Mundt. Mirabeau und Sophie. ...Oskar L. B. Wolff. MISSIONARY STORIES. Bending willows. ...Jane G. Fuller. (Home, Northwest.) Child of the Ganges. ...Robert N. Barrett. Cruise of the Mystery. ...Louise Seymour Houghton. (McCall mission, France.) Father Laval; or, Jesuit Missionary. ...J. M'Sherry. (To the Indians.) Fifine. ...Louise Seymour Houghton. (Paris workingmen.) Kin-da-shon's wife. ...Mrs. Eugene S. Willard. (Alaska.) Manuelita. ...Marian Calvert Wilson. (Jesuit mission in Call- fornia.) 268 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, MISSIONARY STORIES — Contimied. Mark Thoresbury. ...G. E. Sargent. (Indian missions.) Prassana and Kamini. ...Mrs. Mullens and others. (India.) Remember the Alamo. ...Amelia Edith liarr. (Early Catholic missions in Florida.) Zeinab the Punjabi. ...E. M. Wherry. MISSISSIPPI. Border beagles. ...William Gilmore Simms. Flush times in Alabama and Mississippi. ...Joseph G. Baldwin. George Mason, the young backwoodsman. ...Anon. Mississippi scenes ; or, Sketches of Southwestern life. ...Joseph B. Cobb. See also UNITED STATES HISTORY. MISSOURI. Missouri outlaws. ...Gustave Aimard. English translation. Les outlaws du Missouri. ...Gustave Aimard. See also UNITED STATES HISTORY. . MOHAMMEDANS. La banniere bleue : aventures d'un Musulman, d'lm Chretien, et d'un Paien a I'epoque de scroisades et de la conquete mongole. ...Leon Cahun. Betrothed. ...Sir Walter Scott. Blue banner. ...Leon Cahun. English translation. Boy crusaders. ...John George Edgar. Brothers in arms : a story of the crusades. ...F. Bayford Harrison. Cheshire pilgrims. ...Frances M. Wilbraham. Count Robert of Paris. ...Sir Walter Scott. Crusaders and captives. ...George E. Merrill. Daventry. ...Julia Pardoe. Elfrica. ...Charlotte G. Boger. Die Fahrten Thiodolfs des Islanders. ...Friedrich H. C. La Motte Fouque. Fighting the Saracens ; or. Boy knight. ...George Alfred Henty. Florine, princess of Burgundy. ...William B. MacCabe. Foure prentices of London. ...Thomas Heywood. From bondage to freedom. ...Anon. Heroines of the crusades. ...Charles A. Bloss. I Lombardi alia prima crociata. ...Tommaso Grossi. In the brave days of old : the story of the crusades. ...Henry Frith. Ivanhoe. ...Sir Walter Scott. Lady Sybil's choice : a tale of the crusades. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Longbeard, Lord of London. ...Charles MacKay. Mathilda, prince of England. ...Sophie Risteau Cottin. English translation. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 269 MOHAMMEDANS — Cojttinued. Mathilde ; ou, Memoires tires de I'histoire des croisades. ...Sophie Risteau Cottin. Maud and Mariam; or. Fair crusader. ...Harriet B. MacKeever. Orphans of Alsace. ...Anon. Parcival. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. Philip Augustus ; or, Brothers in arms. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Prince and the page : the last crusade. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Prince of India. ...Lew Wallace. Ransom: a tale of the thirteenth century. ...Laura Jewry. Raymond de Saint Gilles at the crusades. ...Henrietta de Witt. Richard Coeur de Lion. ...James White. Richard the lion-hearted. ...Robert Tomes. Saxon's daughter : a tale of the crusades. ...Major Michel. Shadow of the ragged stone. ...C F. Grindrod. Stories of the crusades. ...William E. Dutton. Stories of the crusades. ...John Mason Neale. (Pseud., Aurelius Gratianus.) Sword and scimetar. ...Alfred Trumble. Tales of the early ages. ...Horace Smith, (Pseud., Paul Chatfield.) Talisman. ...Sir Walter Scott. Under Bayard's banner. ...Henry Frith. Westminster cloisters : the story of a life's ambition. ...M. Bidder. Winning his spurs. ...Elijah Kellogg. With script and staff. ...Elia W. Peattie. Young prophetess : a tale of the children's crusade. ...R. Leighton Gerhart. MOLIERE, JEAN BAPTISTE. Lived 1622-1673. Moliere. ...Alexander Ungern-Sternberg. School for husbands. ...Rosina W. L. Bulwer-Lytton. MONEY. A Selection. About money. ...Dinah Maria Mulock Craik. Adventures of Harry Franco : a tale of the great panic. ...C. F. Briggs. L'argent. ...£mile Zola. L'argent des autres. ...fimile Gaboriau. Beyond the dreams of avarice. ...Walter Besant. Colonel Dunwoddie, millionaire. ...William Mumford Baker. Le comte de Monte Cristo. ...Alexandre Dumas. Count of Monte Cristo. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Cynthia Wakeham's money. ...Anna Katharine Green. Dame Fortune smiled. ...Willis Barnes. Doctor Warwick's daughters. ...Rebecca Harding Davis. 2'JO SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION-. MONET — Continued. Financial atonement. ...B. B. West. Gerard. ...Margaret E. Braddon. Golden bottle. ...Ignatius Donnelly. (Pseud., Edmund Boisgilbert M. D.) Happiness of being rich. ...Hendrik Conscience. English trans- lation. Heiress of Bruges. ...Thomas C. Grattan. Heiress of Kilorgan. ...Mary A. Sadlier (Mrs. James Sadlier). Henry Powers (banker). ...Robert B. Kimball. Het geluk van ryk te Byn. ...Hendrik Conscience. Katharine Lauderdale. ...Francis Marion Crawford. King Manwiion and the heir apparent. ...George A. Richardson. Memoirs of a millionaire. ...Lucia T. Ames. Money. ...Smile Zola. English translation. Nimble dollar. ...Clara M. Thompson. Perils of Pearl street, including a taste of the dangers of Wall street. ...Asa Greene. Powder and gold. ...Levin Schuecking. English translation. Puebla, oder die Franzosen in Mexico. ...H. O. F. Goedsche. Pulver und Gold. ...Levin Schuecking. Queen money. ...Ellen Warner Olney Kirk. (Pseud., Harry Hayes.) Quicksands of Pactolus. ...Horace A. Vachell. Rich Miss Riddell. ...Dorothea Gerard. Der Schatz des Inka. ...Franz Hoffmann. Sham gold. ...Stephanie Wohl. Silver baron. ...Carleton Waite. (" Silver craze of 1896.") Six thousand tons of gold. ...H. R. Chamberlain. Stockings full of money. ...Mary Kyle Dallas. Story of a canon. ...Beveridge Hill. Stumbler in wide shoes. ...Anon. Treasure of the Incas. ...Franz Hoffmann. English translation. Undercurrents of Wall street. ...Richard B. Kimball. Wenzel's inheritance. ...Annie Lucas. MONMOTTTH BEBELLION, 1685. See REBELLIONS. MORE, SIR THOMAS. Lived U78-15S5. Alice Sherwin : a tale of the days of Sir Thomas More. ...C.J. M. Darnley; or, Field of the cloth of gold. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Household of Sir Thomas More. ...Anne Manning. Lettice Eden : a tale of the last days of Henry the Eighth. ...Emily Sarah Holt. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 271 MOBMONISM. Apples of Sodom : a story of Mormon life. ...Anon. Bar-sinister. ...Jeannette R. Walworth. Button's Inn. ...Albion Winegar Tourgee. California Crusoe. ...Anon. Deborah the advanced woman. ...Mary Ives Todd. Fate of Madame La Tour. ...Mrs. A. G. Paddock. Female life among the Mormons. ...Ward. Humbled pride : a story of the Mexican war. ...John R. Musick. In the toils. ...Cornelia Paddock. • John Brent. ...Theodore Winthrop. Les Mormons. ...Paul Duplessis. Salt Lake fruit. ...Anon. Study in scarlet. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. MOZART, JOHANN CHRYSOSTOM WOLFGANG GOTTLIEB. Lived 1756-1791. Daponte und Mozart. Roman. ...Julius M. Grosse. In the days of Mozart. ...Lily Watson. Mozart. Der junge Arzt. ...Joseph Gobiet. Mozart : a biographical romance. ...Heribert Rau. Tone-masters. ...Charles Barnard. Vol. i. MUSIC. A Selection. Alcestis. ...Mrs. Cornish. Appassionata : a musician's story. ...Elsa D'Esterre Keeling. As it was written. ...H. Harland. Bach; or, Fortunes of an idealist. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. Eng- lish translation. Beethoven: historischer Roman. ...Heribert Rau. Den Bergtekne. ...Kristofer Nagel Janson. Blind musician. ,..V. Korolenko. English translation. Charles Auchester : a memorial. ...Elizabeths. Sheppard. (Pseud., Beatrice Reynolds.) Compensation. ...A. M. H. Brewster. Consuelo. ...Amantine L. A.D. Dudevant. (Pseud., George Sand.) Consuelo. ...Amantine L. A. D. Dudevant. (Pseud., George Sand.) English translation. Cord from a violin. ...Winifred Agnes Haldane. Counterparts. ...Elizabeth S. Sheppard. (Pseud., Beatrice Rey- nolds.) Countess of Rudolstadt. ...Amantine L. A. D. Dudevant. (Pseud., George Sand.) Crown of thorns. ...Allen Upward. Daponte und Mozart. Roman. ...Julius W. Grosse. Daughter of music. ...Mrs. Colmore Dunn. 2 72 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, MUSIC — Continued. Dominant seventh. ...Kate E. Clark. Doreen : the story of a singer. ...Ada Ellen Bayly. (Pseud., Edna Lyall.) Faience violin. ...Jules F. F. H. Fleury. (Pseud., Chanipfleury.) English translation. Faustina Hasse. ...Elsie Polko. Fiddler of Lugau. ...Margaret Roberts. First violin. ...Jessie Fothergill. Flute and violin. ...James Lane Allen. Friedemann Bach. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. Honor May. ...M. Bartoi. Improvisatore. ...Hans Christian Andersen. In love with the Czarina. ,..M6r Jokai. English translation. In the days of Mozart. ...Lily Watson. In the first person. ...Maria Louise Poole. Janko Muzykant. ...Henryk Sienkiewicz. Kun en Spillemand. ...Hans Christian Andersen. Lay of the Scottish fiddle. ...James K. Paulding. Legends of the Wagner drama. ...Jessie L. Weston. Lost Stradivarius. ...]. Meade Falkner. Lucrezia Floriani Lavinia. ...Amantine L. A. D. Dudevant. (Pseud., George Sand.) Lure of fame. ...Clive Holland. Lutaniste of Saint Jacob's. ...Catharine Drew. Mabel's progress. ...F. E. Trollope. Marie. ...Laura E. Richards. Markof the Russian violinist. ...Alice M. Durand. Master of the musicians: a story of Handel's days. ...Emma Marshall. Matter of temperament. ...E. Irenaeus Stevenson. Melody. ...Laura E. Richards. Miss Canary. ...Clara E. Conant. Mozart: a biographical romance. ...Heribert Rau. Mozart. Der junge Arzt. ...Joseph Gobiet. Mummer's wife. ...George Moore. Musical journey of Dorothy and Delia. ...Bradley Gilman. Musical romance. ...Alfred C. Hogbin. Nephele. ...Francis W. Bourdillon. Only a fiddler. ...Hans Christian Andersen. English translation. Operatic tales. ...F. R. Chesney. Otto's inspiration. ...Mary H. Ford. Premier and painter. ...Isaac Zangwill and Laura Rich Cowen. Rumor. ...Elizabeth S. Sheppard. (Pseud., Beatrice Reynolds.) Saint Martin's summer. ...A. M. H. Brewster. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 273 MUSIC — Continued. Seppi. ...Franz Hoffmann. Soprano. ...Charles Barnard. Spellbound fiddler : a Norse romance. ...Kristofer Nagel Janson. English translation. Stories of the Wagner opera. ..,H. A. Guerber. Teacher of the violin and other tales. ...John Henry Shorthouse. That fiddler fellow. ...Horace Hutchinson. Thekla : a story of Viennese musical life. ...William Armstrong. Tone-masters. ...Charles Barnard. Trilby. ...George Du Maurier. Trilby. ...George Du Maurier. English translation. Unrequited love. ...Ludwig Nohl. Le violin de faience. ...Jules F. F. H. Fleury. (Pseud., Champ- fleury.) Wagner story-book: firelight tales of the great music dramas. ...William H. Frost. Yanko the musician. ...Henryk Sienkiewicz. English translation. Zegelda Romanief. ...Charles Barnard. MYSTEEIES. Antoinette; or, Marl-pit mystery. ...Georges Ohnet. Big bow mystery. ...Isaac Zangwill. Cave secret. ...Burton Saxe. Le crime d'Orcival. ...Emile Gaboriau. Danvers jewels and Sir Charles Danvers. ...Anon. David Poindexter's disappearance and other tales. ...Julian Hawthorne. Disappearance of Mr. Derwent. ...Thomas Cobb. Doctor Phoenix's skeleton. ...Fewistesh, pseud. L'Scole des Robinsons. ...Jules Verne. Girl in checks. ...J. W. Daniel. Godfrey Morgan : a California mystery. ...Jules Verne. English translation. Great Chin episode. ...Paul Cushing. Great Porter square : a mystery. ...Benjamin Leopold Farjeon. L'homme au masque de fer. ...Chevalier de Mouhy. Isabel de Baviere. ...Alexandre Dumas. Isabel of Bavaria, Queen of France. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Jewel mysteries I have known. ...Max Pemberton. Leech club. ...George W. Owen. Lost Stradivarius. ...J. Meade Falkner. Mill mystery. ...Anna Katharine Green (Mrs. Rolfe). Mountain mystery. ...Lawrence L. Lynch, pseud. 18 2 74 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. MYSTEBIES — Continued. Mysteries and miseries of San Francisco. ...Anon. Mysteries of the backwoods. ...Thomas B. Thorpe. Mystery of Allenwold. ...Elizabeth Van Loon. Mystery of Killard. ...Richard Dowling. Mystery of Orcival. ...Emiie Gaboriau. Enghsh translation. Mystery of Paul Chadwick. ...J. W. Postgate. Mystery of Sasassa valley. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Mystery of the Campagna. ...Albert Degen. Mystery of the locks. . ...Edgar W. Howe. Mystery of the Patrician club. ..Albert D. Vandam. Mystery of the Unseen; or, Supernatural stories of English life. ...Gilbert Campbell. Mystery of Witch-face Mountain. ...Mary N. Murfree. (Pseud., Charles Egbert Craddock.) Strange disappearance. ...Anna Katharine Green. Tales of adventure, mystery, and imagination. ...Edgar Allan Poe. Tales of mystery. ...Edgar Allan Poe. Tales of mystery. ...George Saintsbury, ed. Tragic mystery. ...Julian Hawthorne. Witch Winnie's mystery. ...Elizabeth W. Champney. Witness to the deed. ...George Manville Fenn. See also DETECTIVE STORIES. NAPOLEON I. OF FRANCE. Reigned 17 90-18U. Adventures of a casket. ...Justin J. E, Roy. English translation. Adventures of Brigadier Gerard. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Aims and obstacles. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Alice de Beaurepaire. ...Victorien Sardou. Les aventures d'une Cassette. ...Justin J. E. Roy. Bailen. ...Benito Perez Galdos. Ben Brace : the last of Nelson's Agamemnons. ...P'rederick Chamier. Bivouac; or, Stories of the Peninsular war. ...William H, Maxwell. Les blancs et les bleus. ...Alexandre Dumas. Blockade : an episode of the fall of the first French empire ...fimile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Le blocus. ...fimile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Boulogne und Austerlitz. ...Ferdinand Stolle. Boy of the first empire. ...Elbridge S. Brooks. Cadiz. ...Benito Perez Galdos. Le capitaine Richard. ...Alexandre Dumas. Catherine. ...Frances M. Peard. Charles O'Malley, the Jrish dragoon. ...Charles James Lever. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 275 NAPOLEON I. OF FRANCE — Continued. Citizen Bonaparte. ...Emile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Le citoyen Bonaparte. ...^fimile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Die Clubisten in Mainz. ...Heinrich J. Koenig. Compagnons de Jehu. ...Alexandre Dumas. Companions of Jehu. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Le comte de Monte Cristo. ...Alexandre Dumas. Conscript : an historical novel of the days of the first Napoleon. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Conscript : an historical novel of the days of the first Napoleon. ...£mile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Count of Monte Cristo. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Courtship by command M. M. Blake. Czar. ...Deborah Alcock. Ein deutsches Reiterleben. ...Julius von Wickede. Diana's crescent. ...Anne Manning. Der Domherr. ...Jodocus D. H. Temme. Don Alonso; ou, TEspagne : histoire contemporaine. 1788-1823. ...Narcisse A., Comte de Salvandy. fidouard; ou, siege de Saragosse. ...Leopold Mery. 1805 ; oder die Franzosen zum erstenmal in Wien. ...Eduard Breier. 1812: ein historischer Roman. ...Ludwig Rellstab. 1813. ...Ferdinand Stolle. Eighty years ago. ...Harriett Morton. Empress Josephine. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihl- bach.) English translation. Enriqueta Faber. ...Andres Clemente Vazquez. Episodes of French history during the consulate and the first em- pire. ...Julia Pardoe. El equipaje del rey Jose. ...Benito Perez Galdos. Der Feldmarschall Bliicher und der Pfarrer Kretzschmar. ...Phi- lipp F. W. Oertel. Les fiances de 181 2. ...Joseph Doutre. Fiddler of Lugau. ...Margaret Roberts. France et Marie. ...Hyacinthe J. A. Thabaud. Franz Alzeyer. ...Paul Heyse. Die Franzosen in Berlin. 1806-8. ...Friedericke H Unger. Eine Freundin Napoleons. ...Auguste W. Lorenz. General Rapp und die Belagerung von Danzig, ...Maria von Roskowska. Grand cross of the legion. ...Henry C. Adams. Great shadow and beyond the city. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Her heart was true : a story of the Peninsular war. ...E. M. Cuttim. Hidden treasures. ...Frederick Hardmann. 276 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. NAPOLEON I. OF FRANCE —(?rnson. English translation. Fiskerjenten. ...Bj/2/^^. Prisoners of the mill. ...Colonel Hazeltine. Refugees. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Rogue's march. ...Ernest Hornung. Time's revenges. .. David Christie Murray. Uline*s escape; or, Hid with the nuns. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Unknown to history. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. PROTESTANTISM. Abbot. ...Sir Walter Scott. Bolsover castle: a tale from Protestant history of the sixteenth cen- tury. ...Anon. Boycotted household. ...Letitia McClintock. By fire and sword : a story of the Huguenots. ...Thomas Archer. Camisard; or, Protestants of Languedoc. ...Anon. Chillon ; or, Protestants of the sixteenth century. ...Jane L. Willyams. Christlich oder Papstlich ? ...Eduard Jost. Claude the colporteur. ...Anne Manning. Constance Sherwood : an autobiography of the sixteenth century. ...Georgiana C. L. G. Fullerton. * Faithful but not famous. ...Anon. For the Master's sake : a story of the days of Queen Mary. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Headsman ; or, Abbaye des Vignerous. ..James Fenimore Cooper. Isoult Barry of Wynscote : a tale of Tudor times. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Jacques Bonneval ; or, Days of the dragonnades. ...Anne Manning. Jarousseau le pasteur du desert. ...Pierre Clement Eugene Pelletan. Jean Jarousseau, the pastor of the desert. ...Pierre Clement Eugene Pelletan. English translation. Kenilworth. ...Sir Walter Scott. Monastery. ...Sir Walter Scott. Mountain patriots : a tale of the reformation in Savoy. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Priest and the Huguenot; or, Persecution in the age of Louis XV. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. English translation. Protestant. ...Anna Eliza Bray. Robin Tremayiie of Bodmin : a tale of the Marian persecution. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Spanish barber. ...Anne Manning. Three hundred years ago. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Trois sermons sous Louis XV. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. Twice crowned : a story of the days of Queen Mary. ...Harriet B. MacKeever. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 309 PROTESTANTISM— Contmued. mine's escape; or, Hid with the nuns. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Der Untergang der Protestanten in Oberosterreich. ...Franz Lubo- jatzky. Westminster Abbey. ...Edith Robinson, Won and not one. ...Emily Lucas Blackall. See also HUGUENOTS and PERSECUTIONS. PRUSSIA. Description, History, Manners, and Customs, Der alte Dessauer. ...Franz Lubojatzky. Der alte Fritz und seine Zeit Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach ) L'argent des autres. ...fimile Gaboriau. Auf Befehl des Konigs. ...Clarissa Lohde. Aus den Tagen zweier Konige. ...Friedrich Adami. Der Bachtanz zu Langenselbold. ...Philipp F. W. Oertel. Die Baren von Augustusburg : eine Erzahlung aus der sachsischen Geschichte des 18 Jahrhunderts. ...Carl Gustav Nieritz. Bears of Augustusburg. ...Carl Gustav Nieritz. English transla- tion. Belfry of St. Jude. ...Esme Stuart. Berlin and Sans-Souci. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Enghsh translation. Bischof und Konig. ...Mariam Tenger. Bombardier H. and Corporal Dose. ...Friedrich W. Hacklaender. Die Brautschau Friedrichs des Grossen. ...Julius Bacher. Cabanis. Vaterlandischer Roman. ...Georg Wilhelm H. Haering. Comedy of terrors. ...James De Mille. Cyrus. ...Christoph M Wieland. Der Domherr. ...Jodocus D. H. Temme. Dorothea Cappel. ...Emilie Friederike S. Lohmann. Elizabeth von Guttenstein. ...Caroline Pichler. Elsie's dowry: a tale of the Franco-Prussian war. ...Emma Leslie. Enemy's friendship. ...S. M. S. Clarke. Fifteen years. ...Therese Albertine Luise von Jacob Robinson. (Pseud., Talvi.) English translation. Frederick the Great and his court. Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Friedrich der Grosse. ...Eugen H. von Dedenroth. Friedrich der Grosse und sein Hof. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Fiinfzehn Jahre. ...Therese Albertine Luise von Jacob Robinson. (Pseud., Talvi.) Gate and the glory beyond it. ...Onyx, pseud. 3IO SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, FBXrSSIA — Continued. Grafin Lichtenan. ...Robert Springer. Der grosse Kurfiirst in Preussen. ...Ernst A. A. G. Wichert. Histoire du plebiscite. ...^niile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Historische Novellen liber Friedrich II. von Preussen und seine Zeit. ...Joseph E. C. Bischoff. Holderlin. ...Heribert Rau. Johann Gotzkowsky, der Kaufmann von Berlin. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Kentucky's love; or. Roughing it about Paris. ...Edward King. Leonie; or, Light out of darkness. ...Annie Lucas. Louisa of Prussia and her time Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Margaret Muller : story of the late war in France. ...Eugenie Bersier. Max Kromer: a story of the siege of Strasburg. ...Hannah Smith. (Pseud., Hesba Stretton.) Merchant of Berlin. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihl- bach.) English translation. Ofverste Stobee, ella holsteinska partiet under frihetstiden. ...Her- mann Bjursten. Old Fritz and the new era. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Other people's money. ...Emile Gaboriau. English translation. Parisians. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Powder and Gold. ...Levin Schuecking. English translation. Die Prinzessin von Wolfenbiittel. ...Johann Heinrich D. Zschokke. Pulver und gold. ...Levin Schuecking. Le roman d'un brave homme. ...Edmond About. Six years ago. ...James Grant. Die Soldaten Friedrichs des Grossen. ...Julius von Wickede. Sophie Charlotte, die philosophische Konigin. ...Julius Bacher. Story of an honest man. ...Edmond About. English translation. Story of the plebiscite. ...fimile Erckmann and Alexandre Cha- .trian. English translation. Twins of Saint-Marcel. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Valentin: a French boy's story of the Sedan. ...Henry Kingsley. Vaterlandische Romane, ...Johann Georg L. Hesekiel. Der Vetter im Consistorium. ...Philipp F. W. Oertel. Von Eels zum Meer. ...Hans von Zollern. Vor hundert Jahren. ...Carl W. Ritter von Martine. Within iron walls : a tale of the siege of Paris. ...Annie Lucas. Workman and soldier : a tale of Paris life during the siege and rule of the commune. ...James F. Cobb. Young Franc-Tireurs and their adventures in the Franco-Prussian war. ...George Alfred Henty. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTIOK, Z^^ PSYCHOLOGICAL NOVELS. A Selection. Beggars all. ...Lily Dougall. Blood Royal. ...Grant Allen. Can such things be 1 ...Ambrose Bierce. Conscience. ...Hector Malot. Doctor Mirabel's theory. ...Ross George Bering. Dreams of the dead. ...E. Staunton, pseud. In the first person. ...Maria Louise Pool. John Applegate, surgeon. ...Mary Harriett Norris. . Moral dilemma. ...Annie Thompson. Nephele. ...Francis William Bourdillon. Quality of mercy. ...William Dean Howells. Les roches blanches. ...Jfidouard Rod. Statement of Stella Maberly. ...Thomas Anstey Guthrie. (Pseud., F. Anstey.) Tragic comedians. ...George Meredith. Wages of sin. ...Mrs. William Harrison. (Pseud., Lucas Malet.) Wedded to a genius. ...Neil Christison. White rocks. ...^douard Rod. English translation. Wish. ...Hermann Sudermann. Enghsh translation. Der Wunsch. ...Hermann Sudermann. PURITANS. Alice Lisle : a tale of Puritan times. ...Richard King. Betty Aldei], the first-born daughter of the Pilgrims Jane Good- win Austin. Caleb Field : a tale of the Puritans. ...Margaret O. W. Oliphant. Daughter of the Puritans. ...Anna B. Bensel. (In New England Magazine, 1886, page 452.) Fair Puritan : an historical romance of the days of witchcraft. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Micah Clarke, his statement as made to his three grandchildren. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Pilgrims and Puritans. ...Nina Moore Tiffany. Priscilla ; or. Trials for truth : historical tale of the Puritans and Baptists. ...J. Banvard. Puritan and his daughter. ...James K. Paulding. Puritan and the Quaker. ...Rebecca G. Beach. Puritan lover. ...Laura C. S. P'essenden. Puritan's grave. ...William P. Scargill. Shawmut. ...C. K. True. Standish the Puritan. ...Eldred Grayson. Tales of the Puritans. ...Delia Bacon. See also MASSACHUSETTS, NEW ENGLAND, and PLYMOUTH. 312 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, QUAEEBS. Clayton's rangers ; or, Quaker partisans. ...E. H. Williamson. Colonial wooing. ...C. Conrad Abbott. Fighting Quakers. ...Augustine Duganne. Friend Olivia. ...Amelia Edith Barr. Fugitives ; or, Quaker scout of Wyoming : a tale of the massacre of 1778. ...Edward S. Ellis. Hope's heart bells. ...Sara L. Oberholtzer. Jennett Cragg the Quakeress. ...Maria Wright. Justice Warren's daughter. ...Olive M. Birrell. Lost illusion. ...Keith Leslie, pseud. Nathan the Quaker. ...Robert Montgomery Bird. Puritan and the Quaker. ...Rebecca G. Beach. Quaker girl of Nantucket. ...Mary and Catherine Lee. Quaker home. ...George Fox Tucker. Quaker idyls. ...Mrs. S. M. H. Gardner. Quaker partisans. ...E. H. Williamson. Quaker soldier; or, British in Philadelphia : a romance of the revo- lution. ...J. Richter Jones. Rachel Stanwood. ...Lucy Gibbons Morse. Story of Kennett. ...Bayard Taylor. True hero ; or. Story of William Penn. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Twin heroes. ...F. A. Reed. QUEBEC, CANADA. ** Le chien d'or " : a legend of Quebec. ...William Kirby. Seats of the mighty. ...Gilbert Parker. BAMESES OF EGYPT (SESOSTBIS). Ephraim and Helah ; a story of the Exodus. ...Edwin Hodder. Pillar of fire ; or, Israel in bondage. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Rameses. ...Edward Upham. Rescued from Egypt. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Uarda: Roman aus dem alten Aegypten. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. Uarda : a romance of ancient Egypt. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. BEBELLIONS. A Selection. Bacon's (Virginia). 1676. Century too soon : a story of Bacon's rebellion. ...John R. Musick. Hansford. ...Saint George Tucker. White aprons. ...Maud Wilder Goodwin. Brittany. Seventeenth Century. Noble sacrifice. ...Paul H. C. Feval. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 313 REBELLIONS — Continued. India, Sepoy. 1857. Begumbagh : a tale of the Indian mutiny. ...George Manville Fenn. First love and last love : a tale of the Indian mutiny. ...James Grant. Lost in the jungle : a story of the Indian mutiny. ...Augusta Marryat. On the face of the waters : a tale of the mutiny. ...Flora Annie Steel. On to the rescue. ...William Gordon Stables. Seeta. ...Meadows Taylor. Stretton. ...Henry Kingsley. Jamaica. 1865. Meyrick's promise. ...E. C. Phillips. Monmouth's. 1685. Aubrey Luson ; or, Field of Sedgemoor. ...Anon. Barony. ...Anna Maria Porter. Danvers papers. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Dorothy Arden. ...J. M. Callwell. Le due de Monmouth: Novelle historique. ...Anon. Duke of Monmouth. ...Gerald Griffin. Duke's Winton: a chronicle of Sedgemoor. ...J. R. Henslowe. Edgar Nelthorpe ; or, Fair maids of Taunton. ...Andrew Reed. Fate ; a tale of stirring times. ...George Payne Rainsford James. For faith and fatherland. ...Walter Besant. Friend or foe? a tale of Sedgemoor. ...Henry C. Adams. In Taunton town : a story of the rebellion of James, Duke of Mon- mouth, in 16S5. ...Evelyn Everett Green. Micah Clarke: his statement made to his three grandchildren. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Mistress Dorothy Marvin. ...J. C. Snaith. Oak staircase; or, Stories of Lord and Lady Desmond. ...Mary and Catherine Lee. Stronge of Netherstronge : a tale of Sedgemoor. ...Edith J. May. Trelawny of Trelawne. ...Anna Eliza Bray. Under the blue flag: a story of the Monmouth rebellion. ...Mary E. Palgrave. Urith : a tale of Dartmoor. ...Sabine Baring-Gould. Winifred; or, English maiden in the seventeenth century. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Old Pretender's. 1715-1716. Dorothy Forster. ...Walter Besant. Father Clement : a Roman Catholic story. ...Grace Kennedy. ^ OF THE ^ TT>XTT7-TPT30TCT'-Vl 314 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. REBELLIONS — Continued. For the king. ...Charles Gibbon. Henry Smeaton ...George Payne Rainsford James. Lucy Arden ; or, Hollywood Hall. ...James Grant. Preston fight; or, Insurrection of 17 15. ...William Harrispn Ainsworth. Rebel's wooing; or, 1715: a tale of the rebellion. ...Lawrence Goodchild. Rob Roy. ...Sir Walter Scott. Stories of the Scotch rebellion of 1716 and 1745. ...A. D. Fillan. Tales of the white cockade. ...Barbara Hutton. Winifred, Countess of Nithsdale : a tale of the Jacobite war. ...Barbarina Brand. Young Pretender's. 1745-1746. Adventures of Dennis. ...Mary Bramston. Allan Breck. ...George R. Gleig. Ascanius ; or, Young adventurer : containing a partial history of the rebellion in Scotland in 1 745-1 746. ...Anon. Bonnie Prince Charlie : a tale of Fontenoy. ...George Alfred Henty. Chevalier: a romance. ...Katharine Thompson. Dangerous guest : a story of 1745. ...Frances Brown. Earl's path : a narrative founded on the historical events of 1745. ...Sidney Corner. For James or George: a school-boy's tale of 1745. ...Henry C. Adams. Gerald Fitzgerald "the Chevalier." ...Charles James Lever. (Pseud., Cornelius O'Dowd.) Good old times : a story of the Manchester rebels of '45. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Highland chronicle. ...Samuel Bayard Dod. In the king's name; or. Cruise of the *' Kestrel." ...George Man- ville Fenn. Irish cavalier; or, 1745. ...Elizabeth M. Stewart. Kidnapped : being memoirs of the adventures of David Balfour in 1751. ...Robert Louis Stevenson. Die letzten Stuarts. ...Franz F. Wangenheim. Mysteries of Deepdene Manor : a romance of the days of the Pre- tender. ...Frank Manduit. Old manor house. ...Charlotte Smith. Out in the forty-five ; or, Duncan Keith's vow. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Ponsonby : a tale of troublous times. ...Anon. Prince Charlie the young chevalier. ...Meredith Johnes. Redgauntlet. ...Sir Walter Scott. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 315 KEBELLIONS — Continued. Seventeen hundred and forty-five. ...Anon. Stories of the Scotch rebellions, 171 5 and 1745. ...A. D. Fillan. Treasure trove. . .Samuel Lover. Waverley. ...Sir Walter Scott. White cockades : an incident of the " forty-five." ...Edward Stevenson. REFORMATION. A Selection. England. Chronicles of Camber castle : a tale of the reformation. ...Anon. Cloister and the hearth. ...Charles Reade. Darnley ; or, Field of the cloth of gold. ...George Payne Rainsford James. England's daybreak: narratives of the reformation. ...Edward Bickersteth. Forest of Arden. ...William Gresley. Henry the Eighth and his court. ..Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Isoult Barry of Wynscote : a tale of Tudor times. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Konig Heinrich VHL und sein Hof. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Lady Rosamond's book. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Lancashire witches. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Lettice Eden : a tale of the last days of Henry the Eighth. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Lincolnshire tragedy. ...Anne Manning. Passages in the life of the fair gospeller Anne Askew. ...Anne Manning. Pendower. ...M. Filleul. Richard Hunne : a story of old London. ...George E. Sargent. Tor Hill. ...Horace Smith. (Pseud., Paul Chatfield.) Tower Hill. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Uline's escape ; or, Hid with the nuns. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Westminster Abbey. ...E. Robinson. Windsor castle. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. See also HENRY VIII. OF ENGLAND. France. Historical tales of the reformation in the southwest provinces of France and Navarre. ...Robert F. Jameson. Louis Belat : a tale of the reformation in Savoy. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. 3i6 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. REFORMATION — Continued, Germany. AUerlei von Luther. ...Joachim L. Haupt. Blind girl of Wittenberg. ...Carl August Wildenhahn. English translation. Das Buch vom Doktor Luther. ...Hermann O. Nietschmann. Chronicles of the Schonberg Cotta family. ...Elizabeth Charles. Count Arensberg: a tale of the days of Luther. ...Joseph Sortain. Count Erbach : a story of the reformation. ...Hermann O. Nietsch- mann. English translation. Count Ulrich von Lindburg : a tale of the reformation. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Duke Christian of Luneburgh; or, Traditions from the Hartz. ...Jane Porter. Duke Christopher : a story of the reformation. ...Fanny H. Chris- topher. Fate of castle Lowengard : a story of the days of Luther. ...Esme Stuart. Forester's daughter : a tale of the reformation. ...Anon. Hans Sachs. ...Adolf Friedrich Furschau. Joachim Slutter. ...Julius von Wickede. Katharine von Schwarzburg. ...Carl G. Berneck. Die Kronenwachter. ...Ludwig A. von Arnim. Lukas Cranach : historischer Roman. ...Hermann Klencke. Luther and the cardinal. ...Hermann O. Nietschmann. English translation. Luther in Rom. Roman. ...Levin Schueking. Luther in Rome ; or, Corradina the last of the Hohenstaufen. ...Levin Schuecking. English translation. Luther und die Seinen. ...Franz Lubojatzky. Luther und seine Zeit. ...Theodor Koenig. Luther's Brautfahrt. ..Joseph E. C. Bischoff. Margarethe : a tale of the sixteenth century. ...Emma Leslie. Martin Luther: historischer Roman. ...Heinrich Eisenlohr. Martin Luther : kirchengeschichtliches Lebensbild. ...Carl August • Wildenhahn. Paul Gerhardt : an historical tale of the Lutherans and Reformed in Brandenburg under the great elector. ...Carl August Wilden- hahn. English translation. Paul Gerhardt: kirchengeschichtliches Lebensbild aus der Zeit des grossen Kiirfursten. ...Carl August W^ildenhahn. Tales from Alsace. ...Anne Manning. Thomas Miintzer. Roman. ...Theodor Mundt. True as steel. ...George Walter Thornbury. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 317 REFORMATION— C^«//>«/^^. Ulric; or, Voices. ...Theodore S. Fay. See also LUTHER, MARTIN. Italy. From dark to dawn in Italy. ...Anon. Struggle in Ferrara. ...William Gilbert. Netherlands. Aurelia ; oder, Die Martyrer von Gorkum. ...M. Lehmann. Brighter days ; or, Story of Catherine Jans. ...Helen C. Chapman. Jacqueline : a story of the reformation in Holland. ...Janet Hardy. Olden's mission: a tale of the famine in Ley den. ...Anon. Patriot prince : William the Silent. ...Harriette E. Burch. Rosalia Vanderiver. ...Anon. Rudolph of Rosenfeldt; or, Leaven of the reformation. ...John W. Spear. Soldier's ward ; or, Saved for martyrdom. ...E. Gerdes. Those dark days; or. Diaries of two Netherland girls. ...Helen C. Chapman. Walter Harmsen: a tale of the reformation times in Holland. ...E. Gerdes. Willem de Eerste of de grondlegging der Nederlandsche vryheid. ...Johannes Nomsz. William, Prince of Orange ; or. King and his hostage. ...Titus M. Merriman. Scotland. Arthur Erskine's story : a tale of the days of Knox. ...Deborah Alcock. Dark year of Dundee : a tale of the Scottish reformation. ...Deb- orah Alcock. David the scholar ; or, From dark to dawn : a Scottish story. ...Anon. Magdalen Hepburn : a story of the Scottish reformation. ...Mar- garet O. W. Oliphant. Marmion: historical romance. ...Henry W. Grosette. • No cross, no crown. ...Caroline E. Davis. Switzerland. Calvin : culturhistorischer Roman. ...Theodor Koenig. Chillon ; or, Protestants of the sixteenth century. ...Jane L. Wil- lyams. City and the castle : a story of the reformation in Switzerland. ...Annie Lucas. Geneva's shield : a story of the Swiss reformation. ...William M. Blackburn. 3i8 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, REFORMATION — Continued. Good old times : a tale of Auvergne. ...Anne Manning. Hermit of Livry : a tale of the days of Calvin. ...Emma Leslie. Louis Belat : a tale of the reformation in Savoy. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Mountain patriots : a tale of the reformation in Savoy. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Nikolaus Manuel : Roman aus der Zeit der schweizerischen Glau- benskampfe. ...Ludwig Eckardt. Story of a noble life ; or, Zurich and its reformer, Ulrich Zwingli. ...Janet Hardy. True to the end. ...H. S. Burrage. Ulrich Zwingli. ...Theodor Koenig. . REIGN OF TERROR, FRENCH HISTORY. 1793-1794. L'ami du peuple. ...J. M. Gassier Saint Amand. L'amour sous la terreur. ...Adolphe de Lescure. Atelier du Lys ; or. Art student in the reign of terror. ...Margaret Roberts. At the sign of the guillotine. ...Herold Spender. Charlotte Corday. ...Henri Alphonse Esquiros. Charlotte Corday : an historical novel. ...Henri Alphonse Esquiros. English translation. Charlotte Corday. ...Carl W. T. Frenzel. Charlotte Corday. ...Rose E. Temple. Le chevalier de Maison-Rouge. ...Alexandre Dumas. Chevalier de Maison-Rouge : a tale of the reign of terror. ...Alex- andre Dumas. English translation. Dead marquise. ...Leonard Kip. Un episode sous la Terreur. ...Honore de Balzac. Episode under the terror. ...Honore de Balzac. English trans- lation. La famille de I'emigre. ...J. P. Fourquet d'Hachette. Le faubourg Saint Antoine. ...Tony Revillon. Friend of the people : a tale of the reign of terror. ...Mary C. Rowsell. Ingenue. Alexandre Dumas. Ingenue ; or, Death of Marat. ...Alexandre Dumas. English trans- lation. In the reign of terror : the adventures of a Westminster boy. ...George Alfred Henty. Das letzte Bankett der Girondisten. ...Charles Nodier. Life scenes in the reign of terror. ...Washington Frothingham. Maid of Normandy. ...Edmund J. Eyre. Noblesse oblige. ...Margaret Roberts. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 319 REIGN OF TERROR, FRENCH HISTORY. 1793-1794 — Continued, Red cap and blue jacket. ...George Dunn. Red Republic. ...Robert W. Chambers. Reign of terror ; diary of a volunteer of the year II. of the French revolution. ...Anon. Reign of terror. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. (In her Romances of real life.) Robespierre. ...Carl F. A. Wartenburg. 1794: a tale of the terror. ...Charles John de Ricault. (Pseud., Charles d'Hericault.) English translation. Thermidf)r. ...Charles John de Ricault. (Pseud., Charles d'Heri- cault.) Thorndyke manor : a tale of Jacobite times. ...Mary C. Rowsell. Wild fire. ...George Walter Thornbury. Young Marmaduke : a story of the reign of terror. ...William Henry Davenport Adams. See also REVOLUTION, French. RELATION OF THE SEXES. Bachelor maid. ...Constance Cary Harrison (Mrs. Burton Harrison). Bundle of life. ...John Oliver Hobbes, pseud. Clara Hopgood. ...William Hale White. (Pseud., Mark Ruther- ford.) Country doctor. ...Sarah Orne Jewett. Daughters of Danaus. ...Mona Card. Emancipated. ...Geo. Gissing. George Mandeville's husband. ...Anon. Heavenly twins. ...Sarah Grand, pseud. Ideala: a study from life. ...Sarah Grand, pseud. I forbid the banns. ...F. Frankfort Moore. Is this your son, my Lord .? ...Helen H. Gardener. Jenny's case. ...Ellen F. Pinsent. Keynotes. ...George Egerton, pseud. Mighty atom. .. Marie Corelli. My opinions and Betsey Bobbet's : designed as a beacon light to guide women to life, liberty, and happiness. ...Marietta Holley. (Pseud., Josiah Allen's wife.) Odd women. ...George Gissing. Our manifold nature. ...Sarah Grand, pseud. Pray you, sir, whose daughter ? ...Helen H. Gardener. Rebel queen. ...Walter Besant. Sinner's comedy. ...John Oliver Hobbes, pseud. Some emotions and a moral. ...John Oliver Hobbes, pseud. Story of a modern woman. ...Ella liepworth Dixon. Study in temptation. ...John Oliver Hobbes, pseud. 320 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, RELATION OF THE SEXES — Continued. Superfluous woman. ...Anon. Unclassed. ...George Gissing. Vashti, old and new. ...Marvel Kayve. Vawder's understudy : a study in platonic affection. ...James Knapp Reeves. Whose was the blame t ...Mrs. J. Gregor. Wife or slave 'i ...Mrs. Albert S. Bradshaw. Woman regained. ...George Barlow. Wreckage. ...H. Crackanthorpe. Yellow aster. ...Mrs. Mannington Caffyn. (Pseud., Iota.) See also MARRIAGE. REPUBLICS. A Selection. Dutch. 1565-1604. Beggars; or, Founders of the Dutch republic. ...John B. de Liefde. By England's aid; or, Freeing of the Netherlands. ...George Alfred Henty. By pike and dyke : a tale of the rise of the Dutch republic. ...George Alfred Henty. Galama ; or. Beggars. ...John B. de Liefde. Gideon Florensz. ...Anna L. G. Bosboom. Leycester in Nederland. ...Anna L. G. Bosboom. Liberators of Holland. ...Elizabeth Charles. (In her Martyrs of Spain.) De vrouwen van het Leycestersche tijdvak. ...Anna L. G. Bosboom. Within sea walls ; or, How the Dutch kept the faith. ...E. H. Walshe and G. E. Sargent. French. First Republic. 1792-1804. Derachtzehnte Brumaire. ...Schmidt-Weissenfels (Eduard Schmidt). Adele : a tale of France. ...E. Randall. Adrian and Thecla ; or, Friendship in adversity. ...Anon. L'an I. de la republique, 1793. ...fimile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Anna Saint Ives. ...Thomas Holcroft. Antoinette: a tale of the ancien regime, ...Anna Eliza Bray. Aubert Dubayet; or, Sister republics. ...Charles E. A. Gayarre. Les aventures de Saturnin Fichet. ...Melchior Frederic Soulie. Behind the hedge. ...Pauline de Witt. (In her Dames of high estate.) Bellah : a tale of La Vendee. ...Octave Feuillet. English transla- tion. Blameless knights ; or, Liitzen and La Vendee. ...Alice H. F. Byng, Viscountess Enfield. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 32 1 BEPUBLICS — Continued. De Boeremkryg. ...Hendrik Conscience. Breton maiden. ...Anon. Brittany and La Vendee. ...fimile Souvestre. English translation. Charenton; or, Follies of the age. ...J. H. Lelarge Lourdoueix. English translation. Le chemin de France. ...Jules Verne. Le chevalier des Touches. ...Jules A. Barbey d'Aurevilly. Child of the Menhir. ...Austin Clare. Les chouans, ou la Bretagne en 1799. .-.Honore de Balzac. Chouans : Brittany in 1799. ...Honore de Balzac. English trans- lation. Citoyenne Jacqueline : a woman's lot in the French revolution. ...Henrietta Keddie. (Pseud., Sarah Tytler.) Le conscrit de Tan Vni. ..P. E. Albert Du Casse et Valois. Count of Perbruck. ...Henry Cooke. Le dernier amour de Lord Saint Albans. ...Charles John de Ricault. (Pseud., d'Hericault.) Duchenier; or, Revolt of La Vendee. ...John Mason Neale. (Pseud., Aurelius Gratianus.) Eugenie et Matilde. ...Adelaide M. £. F. Souza-Botelho. Flight to France; or, Memoirs of a dragoon. ...Jules Verne. English translation. Les folies du siecle. ...J. H. Lelarge Lourdoueix. For France and freedom : a tale of the French revolution. ...Emma Leslie. Frau von Stael. ...Amalie C. E. M. Boelte. Gabrielle Andree. ...Sabine Baring-Gould. La grand falaise. ...Albert Sorel. La guerre. ...fimile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. In exitu Israel. ...Sabine Baring-Gould. In palace and faubourg. ...Caroline J. Freeland. Jean-nu-pieds. ...Albert Delpit. Jean Poigne d'Acier. ...Oscar Vicomta de Poll. Kintail place : a tale of the revolution. ...Margaret A. Paul, little Jeanneton's work : a chronicle of Breton life. ...Cecilia A. Jones. Madame de Stael : an historical novel. ...Amalie C. E. M. Boelte. English translation. Madame Therese. ...:fimile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Madame Therese ; or, Volunteers of '92. ...Smile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Marston ; or. Soldier and statesman. ...George Croly. Maurice Pierret : episode de 1793. ...Alexandre F. Guesdon. Memoires d'un sans-culotte Bas-Breton. ...Smile Souvestre. 21 322 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. REPUBLICS — Continued. Un menage de gar9on. ...Honore de Balzac. Nannette and her lovers. ...Talbot Gwynne. '93. ...Victor Hugo. English translation. Ninety-three. ...John W. Lyndon. On the edge of the storm. ...Margaret Roberts. Orphan of La Vendee. ...Anna Eliza Bray. Peasant and the prince. ...Harriet Martineau. Le premier amour de Lord Saint Albans. ...Charles John de Ricault. (Pseud., Charles d'Hericault.) Quatrevingt-treize. ...Victor Hugo. Un roman sous la revolution. ...Einoel, pseud. Saint Katharine's by the tower. ...Walter Besant. Sidney Smith : historischer Roman. ...Robert Springer. Sous le directoire. ...Charlotte Foucaux. Souvenirs d'un Bas-Breton. ...fimile Souvestre. Tale of two cities. ...Charles Dickens. Two brothers. ...Honore de Balzac. English translation. Two mothers. ...J. M. Joy. Les va-nu-pieds. ...Leon A. Cladel. La Vendee : an historical romance. ...Anthony Trollope. Veva; or, War of the peasants. ...Hendrik Conscience. English translation. Votaries of reason. ...Henry C. Adams. (In his Tales upon texts.) Year one of the republic. ...£mile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Zeitgedichte, von 1 789-1803. ...J. W. L. Gleim. See also REIGN OF TERROR and REVOLUTIONS. France. Second Republic. 1848-1852. Edmond Dantes. ...Alexandre Dumas. Edmond Dantes. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Five-chimney farm. ...Mary A. M. Hoppus (Mrs. Marks). Histoire d'un homme du peuple. ...;fimile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Man of the people. ...£mile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. France. Third Republic. 1870. L'annee terrible. ...Victor Hugo. Aus dem Paris der dritten Republik. ...Paul Lindenberg. Aus den Tagen der Commune. ...Stanislaus S. A. Grabowski. Le chien perdu et la femme fusillee. ...Arsene Houssaye Kentucky's love ; or, Roughing it about Paris. ...Edward King. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 323 BEPTJBLICS — Continued. Leon Michel Gambetta. ...Eugen Bernard. Napoleon IV.; chronique de I'avenir. ...Matthieu de Boulogne. Odile : a tale of the Commune. ...Mrs. Frank Pentrill. Parisians. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulvver-Lytton. Workman and soldier : a tale of Paris life during the siege and rule of the Commune. ...James F. Cobb. Helvetian. Rose of Disentis. ...Johann Heinrich D. Zschokke. English translation. Die Rose von Disentis. ...Johann Heinrich D. Zschokke. Ideal Bepublics. Commonwealth of Oceana. ...James Harrington. Looking backwards, 2000-1887. ...Edward Bellamy. Looking within. ...J. W. Roberts. Man of mark. ...Anthony Hope Hawkins. (Pseud., Anthony Hope.) Mr. East's experiences in Mr. Bellamy's world. ...Conrad Wil- brandt. RESTORATION IN ENGLAND. 1660-1685. Agnes Beaumont : a true story of the year 1670. ...Marian Caldecott. Aphra Behn. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Aphra Behn. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. At the sign of the Blue Boar : a story of the reign of Charles II. ...Emma Leslie. Beyond the seas : being the surprising adventures and ingenious opinions of Ralph, Lord St. Keyne. ...Oswald Crawfurd. Boscobel: a narrative of the adventures of Charles II. after the battle of Worcester. ...George W. Dodd. Captain Jacques : a romance of the time of the plague. ...Edward Fitzgibbon. (Pseud., Somerville Gibney.) Captain of the guard. ...James Grant. Cavaliers of England ; or, Times of the revolutions of 1642 and 1648. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Champion court : the days of the ejectment. ...Emma J. Worboise. Claude Duval : a romance of the days of Charles II. ...Henry D. Miles. Court at Tunbridge in 1664. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. Courtier m the days of Charles II. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. Courtier of the days of Charles II. ...Mrs. Gordon. 324 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. RESTORATION IN ENGLAND. 1660-1685 — Contiiiued. Dame Rebecca Berry; or, Court scenes in the reign of Charles the Second. ...Elizabeth I. Spencer. Drifted and sifted : a domestic chronicle of the seventeenth century, ...Miss McLaren. La duchesse de Chatillon. ...Fran9ois T. M. d'Arnaud. Dutch in the Medway. ...Charles Macfarlane. For liberty's sake; the story of Robert Ferguson. ...John B. Marsh. Hero in the strife. ...Louise C. Silke. Ida Vane: a tale of the restoration. ...Andrew Reed, Jr. In the East country with Sir Thomas Brown. ...Emma Marshall. In the golden days. ...Ada E. Bayly. (Pseud., Edna Lyall.) In the service of Rachel, Lady Russell. ...Emma Marshall. Janet and her father. ...Mary E. Bamford. Jennett Cragg, the Quakeress. ...Maria Wright. Karl IL ; oder, der lustige Monarch. ...Johann Lenz. Lord Montagues page : an historical romance of the seventeenth century. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Maid of honor. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. (In her Romances of real life.) Mary Bunyan, the dreamer's blind daughter. ...Sallie Rochester ' Ford. Mary Hollis : a romance of the days of Charles II. and William, Prince of Orange. ...Hendrik J. Schimmel. English translation. Memoirs of a lady-in-waiting. ...J. D. Fenton. Merry monarch; or, England under Charles II. ...William Henry Davenport Adams. On both sides of the sea. ...Elizabeth Charles. Pattie Durant : a tale of 1662. ...Ellen Clacy. (Pseud., Cycla.) Peter the apprentice : a tale of the restoration. ...Emma Leslie. Peveril of the peak. ...Sir Walter Scott. Le prophete irlandois. ...Charles de Saint-fivremond. Puritan's grave. ...William P. Scargill. Puritan's wife. ...Max Pemberton. Robber. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Das Roggenhaus Komplott. ...Georg Hiltl. Rupert Aubrey of Aubrey Chase: an historical tale of 1681. ...Thomas John Potter. Russell: a tale of the reign of Charles IT. ...George Payne Rains- ford James. Rye house plot. ...George W. M. Reynolds. Saint Dunstan's clock : a story of 1666. ... E. Ward. Saint Valentine's day, 1664. ...El bridge S. Brooks. (In his Storied holidays.) Shepherd of Grove Hall : a tale of 1662. ...Anon. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 325 RESTORATION IN ENGLAND. 1660-1685 — Contmued. Silas Verney, being the story of his adventures in the days of King Charles the Second. ...Edgar Pickering. Sir Ralph Esher ; or, Memoirs of a gentleman of the court of Charles the Second. ...Leigh Hunt. Stanfield Hall. ...J. Frederick Smith. Talbot Harland. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Through unknown ways ; or, Journal-books of Dorothea Trundel. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Traitor or patriot ? a tale of the Rye house plot. ...Mary C. Rowsell. True hero; or, Story of William Penn. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Truth ; or, Persis Clareton. ...Charles B. Tayler. Two swords ; being a story of old Bristol. ...Emma Marshall. Wearyholm ; or, Seedtime and harvest : a tale of the restoration of Charles 11. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Whitefriars ; or, Days of Charles H. ...Jane Robinson. Winchester in the time of Thomas Ken. ...Emma Marshall. REVOLUTION. America. 1775-1789. Alamance ; or, Great and final experiment. ...Calvin Wiley. Amelia ; or, Faithless Briton. ...Anon. American hunter : a tale from incidents which happened during the war with America. ...Anon. American revolution. ...Chauncey C. Hotchkiss. American spy ; or, Freedom's early sacrifice : a tale of the revolu- tion. ...Jeptha R. Simms. Arnold ; or, British spy : a tale of treason and treachery. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham, Ashleigh : a tale of the revolution. ...Eliza Ann Dupuy. Bald eagle ; or, Last of the Ramarpaughs. ...Elizabeth Oakes Smith. Bastonnais : a tale of the American invasion of Canada. ...John Lesperance. Betrothed of Wyoming. ...Anon. Betsey's bedquilt : a story of 1777-78. ...Clara F. Guernsey. Black Hollow; or, Dragoon's bride. ...N. C. Iron. Black-plumed riflemen. ...Newton M. Curtis. Blanche of Brandywine ; or, September theeleventh, 1777. ...George Lippard. Blue jackets of '76. ...Willis J. Abbot. Bonnybel Vane, embracing the history of Henry Saint-John, gentleman. ...John Esten Cooke. Boston conspiracy; or. Royal police : a tale of 1773-78. ...John H. Robinson. 326 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. REVOLUTION — Continued. Boston tea party ; and other stories of the American revolution. ...Henry C. Watson. Bow of orange ribbon : a romance of New York. ...Amelia Edith Barr. Bride of Fort Edward, founded on an incident of the revolution. ...Delia S. Bacon. British partizan : a tale of the olden time. ...Mary E. Davis. Burton ; or, Sieges. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Buttonwoods ; or, Refugees of the revolution. ...Anon. Cabin book; or, Scenes and sketches of the late American and Mexican war. ...Charles Sealsfield (formerly Karl Postl). English translation. Das Cajiitenbuch, oder, nationale Charakteristiken. ...Charles Sealsfield (formerly Karl Postl). Camp Charlotte : a tale of 1774. ...Anon. Camp-fires of the revolution. ...Henry C. Watson. Le capitaine Paul. ...Alexandre Dumas. Captain Molly, the story of a brave woman. ...Ellen T. H. Putnam. (Pseud., Tlirace Talmon.) Captain Paul. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Chain-bearer. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Charles Morton ; or, Young patriot. ...Mary S. B. D. Shindler. Chauncey Judd ; or. Stolen boy : a tale of the revolution. ...Israel P. Warren. Choir invisible. ...James Lane Allen. Claudius, the cowboy of Ramapo valley. ...P. Demarest Johnson. Clayton's rangers ; or, Quaker partisans. ...E. H. Williamson. Conspirator. ...Eliza Ann Dupuy. Daughters of the revolution. ...Charles C. Coffin. Daughters of the revolution and their times. ...Kate Chopin. Doom of the Tory's guard. ...Newton M. Curtis. Double masquerade: a romance of the revolution. ...Charles R. Talbot. Dutch dominie of the Catskills ; or, Times of the " Bloody Brandt " : a tale of the revolution. ...David Murdock. Eagle of Washington. ...Burkitt J. Newman. Edwin Brothertoft. ...Theodore Winthrop. Ellen Grafton, the lily of Lexington ; or, Bride of liberty. ...Ben. jamin Barker. Emma Corbett; or, Miseries of civil war. ...Samuel J. Pratt. Ethan Allen ; or. King's men. ...Melville, pseud. Ethel Hamilton; or, Lights and shadows of the war of independence. ...Anna T. Sadlier. Eutaw. ...William Gilmore Simms. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 327 REVOLUTION — Continued. Fair maid of Wyoming. ...Gabriel Alexander. Female spy ; or, Treason in the camp : a story of the revolution. ...Emerson Bennett. For king or country. ...James Barnes. Forayers. ...William Gilmore Simms. Forest and shore ; or, Legends of the pine-tree State. ...Charles P. Ilsley. Forest tragedy. ...Grace Greenwood. Foresters : an American tale. ...Jeremy Belknap. Forsaken. ...Richard P. Smith. Foundling of the Mohawk. ...Newton M. Curtis. Franklin^s oath : a tale of Wyoming, one hundred years ago. ...C. E. A. Chapman. Frederick de Alger oy, the hero of Camden plains : a revolutionary tale. ...Giles Gazer, pseud. From colony to commonwealth. ...Nina M. Tiffany. Fugitives ; or, Quaker scout of Wyoming. ...Edward S. Ellis. Gideon Godbold : a tale of Arnold's treason. ...N. C. Iron. Golden eagle; or, Privateer of 1776. ...Sylvanus Cobb, Jr. Grace Dudley; or, Arnold at Saratoga. ...Charles J. Peterson. Great treason ; a story of the war of independence. ...Mary A. M. Hoppus. Green mountain boys. ...Daniel P. Thompson. Greyslaer : a romance of the Mohawk. ...Charles F. Hoffman. Haunted wood : a legend of the Mohawk in 1778. ...E. E. Ellis. Hearts forever; or, Old Dominion battle-grounds: a tale of 1782. ...N. C. Iron. Hero of Cowpens. ...Rebecca MacConkey. Highlands : a tale of the Hudson. ...Anon. Historical tales ; or, Romance of reality. ...Charles Morris. Horse-shoe Robinson : a tale of Tory ascendency. ...John P. Ken- nedy. Hurricane Harry ; or, Adventures of a naval officer afloat and ashore. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. In defiance of the king. ...Chauncey C. Hotchkiss, Independence : a story of the American revolution. ...John R. Musick. Inez : a tale of the Alamo. ...Augusta J. Evans (Mrs. Wilson). In the valley. ...Harold Frederic. John Littlejohn of J. ...George Morgan. Karmel the scout; or. Rebel of the Jerseys. '...Sylvanus Cobb, Jr. Kate Aylesford : a story of the refugees. ...Charles J. Peterson. Katharine Walton. ...William Gilmore Simms. Knight of liberty. ...Hezekiah Butterworth. Leather stockings and silk. ...John Esten Cooke. 328 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. REVOLUTION — Continued. Legends of the West. ...James Hall. Linwoods. ...Catherine Maria Sedgwick. Lionel Lincoln ; or, Leaguer of Boston. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Lone star of Texas. ...J. W. Dallam. Maid of Esopus ; or, Trials and triumphs of the revolution. ...I. N. Iron. Margaret Moncrieffe, the first love of Aaron Burr : a romance of the revolution. ...Charles Burdett. Marrying by lot : a tale of the primitive Moravians. ...Charlotte B. Mortimer. Mehetabel: a story of the revolution. ...Mrs. H. C. Gardner. Mellichampe : a legend of the Santel. ...William Gilmore Simms. Meredith ; or, Mystery of the Meschianza : a tale of the American revolution. ...Anon. Merton: a tale of the revolution. ...Eliza Ann Dupuy. MissMacRea: Roman historique. ...Michel Rene Hilliard d'Au- berteuil. Monarchist : an historical novel. ...John B. Jones. Monody on Major Andre. ...Anna Seward. My comrades : adventures in the Highlands and legends of the neutral ground. ...Howard Hinton. Nazarene ; or, Last of the Washingtons. ...George Lippard. Near to nature's heart. ...Edward Payson Roe. Oath of Marion : a tale of the revolution. ...Charles J. Peterson. Old Put. ...Justin Jones. (Pseud., Harry Hazel.) Old revolutionary soldier. ...Joseph Alden. Old stone house. ...Joseph Alden. Out of a besieged city. ...Charles W. Hutson. Overland. ...J. W. DeForest. Partisan. William Gilmore Simms. Patriot and tory one hundred years ago. ...Julia M. Wright. Paul and Persis ; or. Revolution struggle in the Mohawk valley. ...Mary E. Brush. Paul Ardenheim, the monk of Wissahikon. ...George Lippard. Paul Jones : a romance. ...Allen Cunningham. Paul Jones. ...Theodor Muegge. Paul Redding : a tale of the Brandywine. ...T. Buchanan Read. Pemberton; or. One hundred years ago. ...Henry Peterson. Peter and Polly; or, Plome life in New England a hundred years ago. ...Annie D. Greene. Pride of Lexington. ...W. Seton. Quaker soldier ; or, British in Philadelphia. ...J. Richter Jones. Ralph the drummer boy: a story of the days of Washington. ...Theophile L. Rousselet. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 329 REVOLTTTION — Continued. Ralphton; or, Young Carolinian of 1776. ...A. H. Brisbane. Rangers ; or, Tory's daughter. ...D. P. Thompson. Rebels and tories; or, Blood of the Mohawk. ...Lawrence Labree. Rejected wife. ...Ann S. Stephens. Revolutionary times : sketches of our country one hundred years ago. ...Edward Abbott. Rivals. ...Jeremiah Clemens. Rosalie du Pont; or, Treason in the camp. ...Emerson Bennett. Rudolph of Rosenfeldt ; or. Leaven of the Reformation. ...J. W. Spear. Russell and Sidney. ...Eliza Leslie. Saratoga: a tale of 1787. ...Anon. Saratoga : a tale of the revolution. ...Anon. Les scalpeurs blancs. ...Gustave Aimard. Scout. ...William Gilmore Simms. Septimius Felton. ...Nathaniel Hawthorne. Seventy-six. ...John Neal. Sketches of western adventure. ...John A. McClung. Spinning-wheel stories. ...Louisa May Alcott. Spy: a tale of the neutral ground. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Standish the Puritan : a tale of the American revolution. ...Eldred Grayson, pseud. Stories of the Old Dominion from the settlement to the end of the revolution. ...John Esten Cooke. Stories of the revolution. ...Josiah Priest. Storm mountain. ...Edward S. Ellis. Story of a Hessian: a tale of the revolution in New Jersey. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Thankful Blossom: a tale of the Jerseys. ...Francis Bret Harte. Three girls of the Revolution. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Tory spy; or, Britisher " done brown." ...J. Colfort Clinton. True stories of American wars. ...Anon. True stories of the American fathers. ...Rebecca MacConkey. True stories of the days of Washington. ...Anon. True to the old flag : a tale of the American war of independence. ...George Alfred Henty. Virginians. ...William Makepeace Thackeray. Walter Thornley ; or, Peep at the past. ...Susan R. Sedgwick. Washington and his generals ; or, Legends of the revolution. ...George Lippard. Washington and his men. ...George Lippard. Washington and seventy-six. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Watchfires of '''](i. ...Samuel Adams Drake. Water waif: a story of the revolution. ...Elizabeth S. Bladen. S30 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. REVOLUTION— Continued. Wau-nan-gee ; or, Massacre at Chicago : a romance of the Ameri- can revolution. ...John Richardson. White scalper : a story of the Texas war. ...Gustave Aimard. English translation. Woodcraft. ...William Gilmore Simms. Yankee champion; or, Tory and his league. ...Sylvanus Cobb, Jr. Yorktown: an historical romance. ...Anon. Young rebels : a story of the battle of Lexington. ...Robert Hope Moncrieff. (Pseud., Ascott R. Hope.) England. 1685-1688. Aimee : a tale of the days of James the Second. ..Agnes Giberne. Arthur Arundel. ...Horace Smith. (Pseud., Paul Chatfield.) Barony. ...Anna Maria Porter. Danvers papers. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Duke of Monmouth. ...Gerald Griffin. Edgar Nelthorpe ; or, Fair maids of Taunton. ...Andrew Reed. Fate : a tale of stirring times. ...George Payne Rainsford James. James II.; or, Revolution of 1688. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. John Deane. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Lady Betty. ...Christabel R. Coleridge. Last of the cavaliers. ...Rose Piddington. Oak staircase ; or, Stories of Lord and Lady Desmond. ...Mary and Catherine Lee. Outlaw. ...Anna Maria Hall. Owain Goch : a tale of the revolution. ...Thomas Roscoe. Roger Willoughby ; or, Times of Benbow. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Stronge of Netherstronge : a tale of Sedgemoor. . .Edith J. May. Winifred ; or, English maiden in the seventeenth century. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. France. 1789-1795. Albert Lunel ; or, Chateau of Languedoc. ...Henry Brougham. L'an I de la republique. ...l^mile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Andree de Taverny. ...Alexandre Dumas. Angeli Pisani. ...Lord Strangford. Ange Pitou. ...Alexandre Dumas. Anna Saint Ives. ...Thomas Holcroft. Annette: a tale. ...William F. Deacon. Arundel : a tale of the French revolution. ...Francis Vincent. Atelier du Lys ; or. Art student in the reign of terror. ...Margaret Roberts. At the sign of the guillotine. ...Harold Spender. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 33 1 REVOLUTION — Contimied. Baniave. ...Jules G. Janin. Beaumarchais. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. Bellah : Roman. ...Octave Feuillet. Birth and education. ...Marie Sophie Schwartz. English translation. De Boerenkryg. ...Hendrik Conscience. Blockade : an episode of the fall of the first empire. ...£mile Erck- mann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Le Blocus. ...Emile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Bord och Bildning. ...Marie Sophie Schwartz. La chanoinesse. ...Andre Theuriet. Charlotte Corday : an historical novel. ...Henry Alphonse Esquiros. Le chemin de France. ...Jules Verne. Le chevalier de Maison-Rouge. ...Alexandre Dumas. Le chevalier de Maison-Rouge : a tale of the reign of terror. ...Al- exandre Dumas. English translation. Child of the revolution. ...Margaret Roberts. Citoyenne Jacqueline : a woman's lot in the great French revolution. ...Henrietta Keddie. (Pseud., Sarah Tytler.) La comtesse de Charny. ...Alexandre Dumas. Contes de la Montague. ...^mile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Count Mirabeau : an historical novel. ...Theodor Mundt. English translation. Countess de Charny. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Country in danger, 1792; or, Episodes of the great French revolu- tion. ...]Emile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Dead heart: a tale of the Bastile. ...Charles Gibbon. Dead marquise. ...Leonard Kip. Le dernier amour de Mirabeau. . .Charlotte Foucaux. Duchenier; or, Revolt of La Vendee. ..John Mason Neale. (Pseud., Aurelius Gratianus.) Eighty years ago. ...Harriet Morton. Embassy : an historical romance. ...Louis A. Chamerovzow. Les £tats Generaux. ...:6mile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Exile's trust : a tale of the French revolution. ...Frances Browne. Le faubourg Saint Antoine. ...Tony Revillon. Flight to France ; or, Memoirs of a dragoon. ...Jules Verne. Eng- lish translation. Four years in a cave. ...Anon. French wines and politics. ...Harriet Martineau. Gabrielle Andree. ...Sabine Baring-Gould. Graf Mirabeau. ...Theodor Mundt. History of a French artisan during the last revolution. ...George Payne Rainsford James. 332 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, REVOLUTION — Contimied. In exitu Israel. ...Sabine Baring-Gould. Ingenue. ...Alexandre Dumas. Ingenue; or, Death of Marat. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Invalide ; or, Pictures of the French revolution. ...Carl Spindler. Julian; or, Close of an era. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. English translation. Julien ; ou, La fin d'un siecle. ...Laurence Louis Felix Bungener. Lady of Provence; or, Humbled and healed: a tale of the first French revolution. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Last of the Kerdrecs. ...William Minturn. Louis Duval ; a tale of the French revolution. ...Anon. Madame Therese. ...Emile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Madame Therese ; or, Volunteers of '92. ...Emile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Maid of honor: a tale of the dark days of France. ...Lewis S. Wingfield. Marston; or, Soldier and statesman. ...George Croly. Maurice Tiernay, the soldier of fortune. ...Charles James Lever. Mirabeau und Sophie. ...Oskar L. B. Wolff. Monsieur Jack : a tale of old war-time. ...Alfred H. Engelbach. Ninety-three. ...Victor Hugo. English translation. Ninety-three : the story of the French revolution of my French tutor. ...Anon. Nobleman of '89: an episode of the French revolution. ...Abel Quinton. Noblesse oblige. ...Margaret Roberts. On the edge of the storm. ...Margaret Roberts. Orphan of La Vendee. ...Anna Eliza Bray. La patrie en danger. ...fimile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Peasant and the prince. ...Harriet Martineau. Philip of Lutetia ; or. Revolution of 1789. ...Louis A. Chamerovzow. Poor little Gaspard's drum : a tale of the French revolution. ...Alfred H. Engelbach. Princess. ...Mrs. Cecil Fane. La prise de la Bastille. ...Leon Petitdidier. La prise de la Bastille, fait historique. ...Pierre M. Parein. Quatrevingt-treize. ...Victor Hugo. Red cap and blue jacket. ...George Dunn. Red cockade. ...Stanley J. Weyman. Reds of the Midi. ...Felix Gras. Reign of terror. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. Rosine. ...George John Whyte Melville. Saint Katharine's by the to\y^er. ...Walter Besant. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 333 B,WJ0UJT1Q1S— Continued. Seven times in the fire. ...C. Maud Battersby. Six years later. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. States General, 1789: or, Beginning of the great French revolution. ...£mile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English transla- tion. Tale of the French revolution. ...Francis O. Giffard. Tale of two cities. ...Charles Dickens. Through rough waters. ...Frances M. Peard. Tuileries. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. Under the meteor flag. ...William J. C. Lancester. (Pseud., Harry Collingwood.) La Vendee : an historical romance. ...Anthony Troll ope. Vera; or, War of the peasants. ...Hendrik Conscience. English translation. Votaries of reason. ...Henry C. Adams. (In his Tales upon texts.) When Greek meets Greek. ...Joseph Hatton. White and red. ...J. R. Henslowe. Wild fire. ...George Walter Thornbury. Will and a way. ...Georgiana C. L. G. P'ullerton. Year one of the republic, 1793- •••^mile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Young Marmaduke : a story of the reign of terror. ...William H. D. Adams. Zanoni. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. See also REIGN OF TERROR and REPUBLICS, French First. France. Revolution of 1830. Algier und Paris im Jahre, 1830. ...Ludwig Rellstab. Les barricades de 1830. ...Anon. 1830. Roman und Geschichte. ...Anton J. Gross Hoffinger. 1830. Roman und Geschichte. .. Julius Gundling. Les etudiants, episode de la revolution de 1830. ...Louise Maignaud. Maniac of Brussels. ...F. W. N. Bayley. Two friends. ...Marguerite Gardiner. France. Revolution of 1848. Edmond Dantes. ...Alexandre Dumas. Edmond Dantes. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Five-chimney farm. ...Mary A. M. Hoppus (Mrs. Marks). Histoire d'un homme du peuple. ...fimile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Man of the people : a tale of 1848. ...fimile Erckmann and Alex- andre Chatrian. English translation. 334 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. REVOLUTION — Contmued. Germany. Revolution of 1848. Andreas Burns und seine Familie. ...Philipp Lange. (Pseud., Philipp Galen.) Eine deutsche Revolution ; oder, Der Karneval von 1848. ...Eugen H. von Dedenroth. Durch Nacht zum Licht. ...Friedrich Spielhagen. 1848; Oder, Nacht und Licht. ...Franz Lubojatzky. 1849; Oder des Konigs Maienbliite. ...Franz Lubojatzky. Hohensteins. ...Friedrich Spielhagen. English translation. Margaret von Ehremberg, the artist's wife. ...William and Mary Howitt. Otto der Schutz. ...Johann Gottfried Kinkel. Problematic characters. ...Friedrich Spielhagen. English trans- lation. Problematische Naturen. ...Friedrich Spielhagen. Die Ritter vom Geiste. ...Carl F. Gutzhow. Schleswig-Holstein Meer-umschlugen. ...Carl von Kessel. Through night to light. ...Friedrich Spielhagen. English translation. Die von Hohenstein. ...Friedrich Spielhagen. Greek. 1821. Amygdala: a tale of the Greek revolution. ...Mrs. Edmonds. Anthea : true history of the war of Greek independence- ...Cecile Cassavetti. Hungary. 1848. Hungarian girl. ...Mariam Tenger. Interrupted wedding. ...Anne Manning. Politikai divatok. ...Mor Jokai. RICHARD I. OF ENGLAND. See CRUSADES. RICHARD II. OF ENGLAND. Reigned 1377-1399. Abbess of Shaftesbury; or, Days of John of Gaunt. ...Anon. Chronicles of Yate Court : a narrative of 1399. ...Charles Charlton. Claribel, the sea maid : a tale of the Plshmongers' Company. ...Eliza- beth M. Stewart. Eleanor and I: a tale of the days of King Richard IT. ...Mary E. Bamford. Hubert Ellis : a tale of Richard the Second's days. ...F, Davenant. John of Gaunt. ...James White. Last wolf: a tale of England in the fourteenth century. ...Anne Mercier. Otterbourne. ...Edward Duras. Queen Phillippa and the hurrer's daughter: a tale of the Haber- dashers' Company. ...Elizabeth M. Stewart. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 335 EICHARD II. OF ENGLAND — Contim4ed. Stories from English history during the middle ages. ...Maria Hack. True stories of the times of Richard II. ...Henry P. Dunster. Wardship of Steepcoombe. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. See also INSURRECTIONS. England. Wat Tyler's, 1381, RICHARD III. OF ENGLAND. Reigned U8S-U85. Bosworth-field. ...John Beaumont. Bosworth-field ; or, Fate of the Plantagenet. ...Paul Leicester. Last of the Plantagenets. ...William liaseltine. Richard of York; or. White rose of England. ...Anon. Richard Plantagenet. ...J. Frederick Hodgetts. Siballa the sorceress ; or, Flower-girl of London : a tale of the days of Richard III. ...W. H. Peck. Woodman. ...George Payne Rainsford James. RICHELIEU, CARDINAL, ARMAND JEAN DUPLESSIS. Lived 1585-m2, Cinq-Mars ; ou, une conjuration sous Louis XIII. ...Alfred Victor, Comte de Vigny. Cinq-Mars; or, Conspiracy under Louis XIII. ...Alfred Victor, Comte de Vigny. English translation. Duplessis. ...E. Robinson. Letters writ by a Turkish spy. ...Giovanni P. Marana. De rOrme. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Richelieu : a tale of France. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Richelieu; or, Broken heart: an historical tale. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. Richelieu ; or, Conspiracy. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer- Lytton. Le Roy de Polexandre. ...Marin Gomberville. Under the red robe. ...Stanley J. Weyman. ROBIN HOOD. See HOOD, ROBIN. ROB ROY (ROBERT MACGREGOR, OF SCOTLAND). Lived 1671- 1734. Adventures of Rob Roy. ...James Grant. Rob Roy. ...Sir Walter Scott. ROME. Description, History, Manners^ and Customs. Antonina; or, Fall of Rome. ...Wilkie Collins. Antinous : a romance of ancient Rome. ...Adolf Hausrath. (Pseud., George Taylor.) English translation. Antinous : historischer Roman aus der romischeu Kaiseyzeit. ...Adolf Hausrath. (Pseud., George Taylor.) 33^ SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, ROME — Contimied. Aurelia; or, Jews of Caperna gate. ...Abel Quinton. Aurelian ; or, Rome in the third century. ...William Ware. Babes in the wood. ...James De Mille. Beric the Briton. ...George Alfred Henty. Burning of Rome ; or, Story of the days of Nero. ...Alfred John Church. Child martyr and eaily Christians at Rome. ...Anon. Die Claudier : Roman aus der romischen Kaiserzeit. ...Ernst Eckstein. Conquering and to conquer : story of Rome in the days of Saint Jerome. ...Elizabeth Charles. Darkness and dawn ; or, Scenes in the days of Nero. ...Frederick William Farrar. Le docteur Pascal. ...Emile Zola. Doctor Pascal. ...Emile Zola. English translation. Don Orsino. ...Francis Marion Crawford. Dorcas, the daughter of Faustina. ...Nathan C. Kouns. Callus; or, Roman scenes of the time of Augustus. ...Wilhelm Adolph Becker. English translation. Gladiators: a tale of Rome and Judea. ...George John Whyte Melville. Greek maid at the court of Nero. ...Franz Hoffmann. English translation. Hand of destiny. ...Ossip Schubin. , Heart of steel. ...Frances C. Fisher. Helena's household: a tale of Rome in the first century. ...James De Mille. Hildebrand and the excommunicated emperor. ...Joseph Sortain. lola, the senator's daughter : a story of ancient Rome. ...Mansfield L. Hillhouse. Jovinian ; or, Early days of papal Rome. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Ein Kampf urn Rom. ...Felix Dahn. Letters from Rome. ...Eustace Wace. Luther in Rom. Roman. ...Levin Schuecking. Luther in Rome ; or, Corradina, the last of the Hohenstaufen. ...Levin Schuecking. English translation. Mademoiselle Mori. ...Margaret Roberts. Marble faun ; or, Romance of Monte Beni. ...Nathaniel Hawthorne. Marcus Flaminius. ...Cornelia E. Knight. Modern society in Rome. ...J. R. Beste. Money god ; or, Empire and the papacy. ...Abel Quinton. Naomi ; or, Last days of Jerusalem. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe (Webb). Ne^ra: a tale of ancient Rome. ...John W. Graham. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 337 BOME — Continued. Numa Pompilius. ...Jean Pierre Claris de Florian. One that wins: story of a holiday in Italy. ...Anon. Pietro Ghisleri. ...Francis Marion Crawford. Pomponia; or, Gospel in Caesar's household. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe (Webb). Probus; or, Rome in the third century. ...William Ware. Prusias : Roman aus dem letzten Jahrhundert der romischen Repub- lik. ...Ernst Eckstein. Quintus Claudius. ...Ernst Eckstein. English translation. Rienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Roman exile. ...G. Gajani. Roman singer. ...Francis Marion Crawford. Rome. ...fimile Zola. Rome. ...iSmile Zola. English translation. Sant' Ilario. ...Francis Marion Crawford. Stories of old Rome. ...Charles H. Hanson. Struggle for Rome. ...Felix Dahn. Theban legion : story of the time of Diocletian. ...William M. Blackburn. Three Roman girls. ...Mary E. Bamford. Tolla. ...Edmond Fran9ois Valentin About. ToUa : a tale of modern Rome. ...Edmond Fran9ois Valentin About. English translation. Truce of God : a tale of the eleventh century. ...George H. Miles. Valerius: a Roman story. ...John Gibson Lockhart. Victory of the vanquished. ...Elizabeth Charles. Villa of Claudius. ...Edward Lewes Cutts. Vittoria Coronna. ...Anon. Wien und Rom. ...Eduard Breier. See also ITALIAN HISTORY and ITALY. RUSSIA. DesaHption, History, Manjters, ajtd Customs. Annals of a sportsman. ...Ivan Sergevitch Turgenef. English translation. Baron Munchausen's narrative of his marvellous travels and cam- paigns in Russia. ...Rudolf Erick Raspe. Beauty and the beast. ...Bayard Taylor. Black and gold. ...Patten Saunders. Blind musician. ...Vladimir Korolenko. Boyar of the Terrible : a romance of the court of Ivan the Cruel, first Tzar of Russia. ...Frederick Wishaw. By order of the Czar. ...Joseph Hatton. 33^ SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ETTSSIA — Continued. Castle foam. ...Harry W. French. Countess Jamina : an historical novel from Russian life. ...Gustav Genrychowitch Taube. English translation. Crime and punishment. ...Fedor M. Dostoevsky. English transla- tion. Czar and Sultan : adventure of a British lad in the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-78. ...A;-chibald Forbes. Czar Paul. ...Theodor Mundt. •Czarina. ...Barbara Holland. Daughter of an empress. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Delaplaine. ...Mansfield Tracy Walworth. Deluge. ...Henryk Sienkiewicz. English translation. Dmitri: a romance of old Russia. ...Francis W. Bain. Dosia: a Russian story. ...Alice M. Durand. (Pseud., Henry Greville.) Female Nihilist. ...E. Lavigna. Green book ; or, Freedom under the snow. ...Mor Jokai. English translation. Gun-maker of Moscow : a tale of the empire under Peter the Great. ...Sylvanus Cobb, Jr. Helen and Olga. ...Anne Manning. Highway of sorrow. ...Hannah Smith. (Pseud., Hesba Stretton.) In the dwelling of silence : a romance of Russia. ...Walker Ken- nedy. Ivan de Biron ; or, Russian court in the middle of last century. ...Sir Arthur Helps. Iwan. ...S. F. E. Meyer. Janko Muzykant. ...Henryk Sienkiewicz. Kenneth; or, Rear-guard of the grand army. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Last day of the carnival. ...J. Kostromiten. Little blue lady. ...Mitchell. Long exile and other stories for children. ...Lyeff Nikolaievich Tolstoi. English translation. Mam'zelle Eugenie. ...Alice M. Durand. (Pseud., Henry Gre- ville.) Michael and Theodora. ...Amelia Edith Barr. Myths and folk-tales of the Russians, Western Slaves, and Magyars. ...Jeremiah Curtin. * Narka, the Nihilist ...Kathleen O'Meara (Grace Ramsay). Ogniem i mieczem. ...Henryk Sienkiewicz. On the red staircase. ...M. Imlay Taylor. Peter the Great's negro. ...Aleksandr Sergueievitch Pushkin. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 339 BUSSIA — Continued. Poor folk. ...Fedor M. Dostoevsky. English translation. Potop. ...Henryk Sienkiewicz. Prince of Balkistan. ...Allen Upward. Princess Mazaroff. ...Joseph Hatton. Princess Tarakanova. ...G. P. Danilevski. English translation. Prinzessin Tartaroff ; oder, Die Tochter einer Kaiserin. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Prophet of the Caucasus. ...Captain Spencer. Romance of war. ...L. Bellstab. Rudin. ...Ivan Sergevitch Turgenef. English translation. Russian portraits. Eugene M. M. de Vogiie. English translation. Russian priest. ...I. N. Potapenko. English translation. Russian proprietor and other stories. ...Lyeff Nikolaievich Tol- stoi. English translation. Saveli's expiation. ...Alice M. Durand. (Pseud., Henry Greville.) Sowers. ...H. Seton Merriam. Strange stories of a Nihilist. ...W. Le Quex. English translation. Terrible Czar. ...Lyeff Nikolaievich Tolstoi. Through Russian snows : a tale of Napoleon's retreat from Mos- cow. ...George Alfred Henty. Two-legged wolf.. ...N. N. Karazin. Under the black eagle. ...Andrew Hilliard. Vera ; or, Russian princess and English earl. ...Charlotte L. H. Dempster. Vera Vorontzoff. ...Sonia K. Kovalevsky. War and peace. Lyeff Nikolaievich Tolstoi. English translation. With fire and sword. ...Henryk Sienkiewicz. English translation. Yanko, the musician. ...Henryk Sienkiewicz. English translation. SAINT AUGUSTINE, AUKELIUS. Lived 35 J^-^SO. Alypius of Tagaste: a tale of the early church. ...Mrs. J. B. Pep- loe (Webb). SAINT BARTHOLOMEW'S DAY. 1572. Astrologer's daughter : an historical novel. ...Rose E. Temple. (Pseud., R. E. Hendricks.) Catharine de Medicis; or, Queen mother. ...Louisa S. Costello. Chaplet of pearls ; or, White and black Ribaumont. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. (Historical reference not strictly correct.) Chronique du temps de Charles IX., 1572. ...Prosper Merimee. La comtesse de Tende. ...Comtesse de Lafayette. La dame d'entremont, recit du temps de Charles IX. ...Ernest d'Hervilly. La fille d'honneur. ...Alexandrine S. C. de C. baronne da Bawr. Francois de Guise. ...Joseph Mathurin Brisset. 34^ SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. SAINT BARTHOLOMEW'S DAY. \bn% — Continued. Fran9ois le Balafre. ...Charles Buet. Hamilton of Bothwellhaugh : a dark scene in Paris. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Henry of Guise ; or, States of Blois. ...George Payne Rainsford James. History of Nicholas Muss. ...Charles DuBois-Melly. House of the wolf : a romance. ...Stanley J. Weyman. In the vulture's nest ; or, Huguenots at the court of France in 1572. ...Mildred Fairfax. Margaret de Valois: a historical romance. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Men at arms ; or, Henry de Cerons. ...George Payne Rainsford James. La reine Margot. ...Alexandre Dumas. Le roi Chariot : scenes de la Saint-Barthelemy. ...Charles Buet. Saint Bartholomew's eve : a tale of the Huguenot wars. ...George Alfred Henty. Sister Rose ; or, Eve of Saint Bartholomew. ...Emily Sarah Holt. See also FRENCH HISTORY. SAINT CHRYSOSTOM, JOHN. Lived 3^7-407 . Gathering clouds. ...Frederic William Farrar. Quadratus : a tale of the world in the church. ..Emma Leslie. SAINT JEROME, EUSEBIUS HIERONYMUS. Lived 340-420. Conquering and to conquer : a story of Rome in the days of Saint Jerome. ...Elizabeth Charles. Erling ; or, Days of Saint Olaf. ...F. Scarlett Potter. SAINT PAUL (SAUL). Lived 1-67. Onesimus : memoirs of a disciple of Saint Paul. ...Edwin A. AbboCt. Saint Paul in Greece. ...Gerald S. Davies. SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS. Delusion ; or. Witch of New England. ...Anon. Fair Puritan : an historical romance of the days of witchcraft. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Lois the witch. ...Elizabeth C. Gaskell. Martha Corey : a tale of the Salem witchcraft. ...Constance God- dard Du Bois. Philip English's two cups. ...Anon. Rachel Dyer. ...John Neal. Salem : a tale of the seventeenth century. ...D. R. Castleton. Salem belle: a tale of 1692. ...Anon. Salem witchcraft: an Eastern tale. ...R. C. Sands. SUB/EC 7' INDEX TO FICTION. 341 SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS — Continued. Salem witchcraft ; or, Adventures of Parson Handy from Punkapog. ...Anon. Silent struggles. ...Ann S. W. Stephens. South meadows. ...E. T. Disosway. Spectre of the forest; or, Annals of the Housatonic. ...J.Mac- Henry. Witch and the deacon. ...Cornelius Mathews. Witch Hill : a history of Salem witchcraft. ...Z. A. Mudge. Witch of Salem ; or. Credulity run mad. ...John R. Musick. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA. Monica, the Mesa maiden. ...Evelyn Raymond. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Cat and the cherub, and other stories. ...Stephen Crane. Mysteries and miseries of San Francisco. ...Anon. Prodigal in love. ...Emma Wolf. SARACENS. See MOHAMMEDANS. SARATOGA, NEW YORK. Grace Dudley ; or, Arnold at Saratoga. ...Charles J. Peterson. Samantha at Saratoga. ...Marietta Holley. (Pseud., Josiah Allen's wife.) Saratoga: an Indian tale of frontier life : a true story of 1787. ...D. Shepherd. Saratoga : a tale of 1787. ...Anon. SAVONAROLA, GIROLAMO. Lived U52-U98. Agnes of Sorrento. ...Harriet Beecher Stowe. House of Fiesole. ...Catherine Shaw. Romola. ...Marian Evans Lewes Cross. (Pseud., George Eliot.) SAXONS. Die Baren von Augustusburg : eine Erzahlung aus der sachsischen Geschichte des 18 Jahrhunderts. ...Carl Gustav Nieritz. Bears of Augustusburg. ...Carl Gustav Nieritz. English transla- tion. Caedwalla; or, Saxons in the Isle of Wight. ...Frank Cowper. Early dawn ; or, Sketches of Christian life in England in the olden time. ...Elizabeth Charles. Eldrick, the Saxon. ...A. S. Bride. Ethelwold. ...Amelie Rives Chanler. Fair Saxon. ...Justin McCarthy. Gytha's message : a tale of Saxon England. ...Emma Leslie. Harold, the last of the Saxon kings. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. 34^ SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. SAXONS — Continued. Harold the Saxon. ...Alan Muir. Here ward the Saxon. ...Charles Knight. Hereward the Wake. ...Charles Kingsley. Johann Georg I. von Sachsen. ...Franz Lubojatzky. John George I. of Saxony. ...Franz Lubojatzky. English transla- tion. Die Kaiserlichen in Sachsen. ...Wilhelm R. Heller. Lady Godiva : a tale of Saxon England. ...John B. Marsh. Maurice, the elector of Saxony. ...Katharine Colquhoun. Northumberland abbots. ...R. B. Werborton. Pfortner Jugend. ...Friedrich Kenner. Saxon serf. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud,, Frank Forester.) Story of the stolen princes. ...Anon. Tales of the Saxons. ...Emily Taylor. Wager of battle. ...William Henry Herbert. Wulf the Saxon. ...George Alfred Henty. Wulf the Saxon. ...Ralph Peacock. See also ENGLISH HISTORY. SCANDINAVIA. Description, History, Manners, and Customs. By northern seas. ...Mary Bell. Champion of Odin; or, Viking life in the days of old. ...J. Frederick Hodgetts. Der Eisenkopf : eine historische Erzahlung. ...Franz Hoffmann. Erling; or, Days of Saint Olaf. ...F. Scarlett Potter. Erling the Bold : a tale of the Norse sea-kings. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Faltskarns berattelser. ...Zacharias Topelius. Feats on the fiord. ...Harriet Martineau. Gustaf Adolf och 30 Sriga kript. ...Zacharias Topelius. Gustavus Adolphus. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. Gustavus III. ...Zacharias Topelius. Heroes of the North. ...F. Scarlett Potter. Hexan. ...Zacharias Topelius. In God's way. ...Bj0rnstjerne Bj^rnson. English translation. Iron head. ...Franz Hoffmann. English translation. Ivar the viking. ...Paul Du Chaillu. English translation. Ivo and Verena. ...Anon. King Eric V. ...B. S. Ingemann. Last of the freebooters. ...P. Sparre. Liberty. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. Maid of Stralsund. ...John B. de Liefde. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 343 ^{iKSlimh:S\K— Continued. Majiemi slott. ...Zacharias Topelius. Modern vikings. ...Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen. English translation. Norseland tales. ...Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen. English translation. Norse stories retold from the Eddas. ...Hamilton VV. Mabie. Olaf the Glorious. ...Robert Leighton. Princess Vasa. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. Prinsessan af Vasa. ...Zacharias Topelius. Rebell mot sin bycka. ...Zacharias Topelius. Surgeon's stories. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. Times of the battle and of rest. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. Ulla. ...Edwin Lester Arnold. Under Gustaf's forsta regeringsSr. ...Zacharias Topelius. Vikings of the Baltic: a tale of the North in the tenth century. ...George W. Dasent. Waldemar. ...Bernhard Severin Ingemann. Wonderful stories from northern lands. ...Julia Goddard. Wood spirit. ...Ernst Jones Yule-tide stories. ...Benjamin Thorpe. SCEPTICISM. Autobiography of Mark Rutherford. ...William Hale White. (Pseud., Mark Rutherford.) Blessed Saint Certainty. ...William Mumford Baker. Damnation of Theron Ware, ...Harold Frederic. Le docteur Pascal. ...fimile Zola. Doctor Pascal. ...Emile Zola. English translation. Heresy of Mehetabel Clark. ...Annie T. Slosson. History of David Grieve. ...Mary Augusta Ward (Mrs. Humphry Ward). John Inglesant. ...Joseph Henry Shorthouse. Legend of Thomas Didymus, the Jewish sceptic. ...James Freeman Clarke. Mark Rutherford, dissenting minister. ...William Hale White. (Pseud., Mark Rutherford.) Mark Rutherford's deliverance. ...William Hale White. (Pseud., Mark Rutherford.) Modern instance. ...William Dean Howells. New minister. ...Kenneth Paul. Phyllis of Philistia. ...Frederic Frankfort Moore. Robert Elsmere. ...Mary Augusta Ward (Mrs. Humphry Ward). Robert Falconer. ...George MacDonald. Rome. ...Emile Zola. Rome. ...;^mile Zola. English translation. 344 SUBJECT INDEX 7V FICTION. SCEPTICISM— Continued. Singular life. ...Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward (Mrs. Herbert D. Ward). See also DOGMAS. SCHILLEB, JOHANN CHEISTOPH FRIEDRICH. Lived 1759-1805. Goethe and Schiller. ...Clara M. Mimdt. (Pseud., Louise Miihl- bach.) English translation. Gothe und Schiller. ...Clara M. Mundt. ( Pseud., Louise MUhlbach.) Schiller. Kultur-historischer Roman. ...Johannes Scherr. SCHOOL-LIFE. A Selection. Alwyn Morton, his school and his school fellows. ...Anon. Antony Brade. ...Robert T. S. Lowell. Boston Latin School. ...Willis B. Allen. Changing base. ...William Everett. Cuore. ...Edmondo De Amicis. Cuore. ...Edmondo De Amicis. English translation. Day of my life ; or, Every-day experiences at Eton. ...George N. Banks. Dick Rodney; or, Adventures of an Eton -boy. ...James Grant. District school as it was. ...Warren Burton. His masters : a story of school life forty years ago. ...S. S. Pugh. Luke Ashleigh; or, School life in Holland. ...Alfred Elwes. Master and pupil ; or, School life at the Old Baldwin. ...Estelle D. Kendall. My school life in Paris. ...Margaret S. Jeune. New senior at Andover. ...Herbert D. Ward. Northern cross ; or, Randolph's last year at the Boston Latin school. ...Willis B. Allen. Pfortner Jugend. ...Friedrich Kenner. (School life in Saxony.) Red-shanty boys. ...Theron Brown. Rocky Fork. ...Mary Hartwell Catherwood. Schoolboy days in Japan. ...Andre Laurie. Schoolboys' honour : a tale of Halminster college. ...Henry C. Adams. School days at Kingscourt. ...Henry C. Adams. School days at Rugby. ...Thf>mas Hughes. School-girls. ...Annie Carey. Tales of Charlton school. ...Henry C. Adams. Tim. ...Edward Harrington Tom Brown at Oxford. ...Thomas Hughes. Tom Brown's school days. .. Thomas Hughes. Unlessoned girl : a story of school life. ...Elizabeth K. Tompkins. Who was Philip ? a tale of iiublic school life. ...Henry C. Adams, See also COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY LIFE. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 345 SCHRODER, FRIEDRICH LUDWIG. Lived 17U-1816. Charlotte Ackermann : ein Hamburger Roman aus dem vorigen Jahrhundert. ...Otto Miiller. Charlotte Ackermann : a theatrical romance. ...Otto Miiller. English translation. SCHUBERT, FRANZ PETER. Lived 1797-1838. Schubert und seine Zeitgenossen. ...Albert E. Brachvogel. SCOTLAND. Description, History, Manners, and Customs. Abbot. ...Sir Walter Scott. Adventures of Rob Roy. ...James Grant. Antiquary. ...Sir Walter Scott. Auld licht idylls. ...James Matthew Barrie. Auld licht manse and other sketches. ...James Matthew Barrie. Balmoral. ...Alexander Allardyce. Barncraig: episodes in the life of a Scottish village. ...Gabriel Setoun. Beside the bonnie brier bush. ...John Maclaren Watson. (Pseud., Ian Maclaren.) Black dwarf. ...Sir Walter Scott. Border shepherdess. ...Amelia Edith Barr. Both well ; or, Days of Mary Queen of Scots. ...James Grant. Braes of Yarrow. ...H. Gibbon. Bride of Lammermoor. ...Sir Walter Scott. Brownie of Bodsbeck. ...James Hogg. Caged lion. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Captain Macdonald's daughter. ...Archibald Campbell Captain of the guard. ...James Grant. Castle Dangerous. ...Sir Walter Scott. Catriona. ...Robert Louis Stevenson. Chronicles of Glenbuckie. ...Henry Johnston. Courting of Tnow Head's bell. ...James Matthew Barrie. Crichton. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Dark year of Dundee. ...Deborah Alcock. David Balfour in the year 1751. ...Robert Louis Stevenson. David Elginbrod. ...George MacDonald. David Rizzio. ...William H. Ireland. Dawsons of Glenara. ...Henry Johnston. Days of auld lang syne. ...John Maclaren Watson. (Pseud., Ian Maclaren.) Days of Bruce. ...Grace Aguilar. Days of yore. ...Henrietta Keddie. (Pseud., Sarah Tytler.) Donald Ross of Heimra. ...William Black. Duke of Albany's own Highlanders. ...James Grant. 346 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, SCOTLAHH— Continued. Earl's path. ...Sidney Corner. Entail ; or, Lairds of Grippy. ...John Gait. Fair maid of Perth. ...Sir Walter Scott. Fiery cross. ...B. Hutton. Folks O'Carglen. ...Alexander Gordon. Fortunes of Nigel. ...Sir Walter Scott. Gowrie; or, King's plot. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Great men and a practical novelist. ...John Davidson. Green graves of Balgowrie. ...Jane H. Findlater. Guy Mannering. ...Sir Walter Scott. Harry Ogilvie ; or, Black dragoons. ...James Grant. Heart of Mid-Lothian. ...Sir Walter Scott. Heather and snow. ...George MacDonald. Heather from the brae. ...David Lyall. Heather lintie. ...Samuel Rutherford Crockett. Helen of the Glen. ...Robert Pollock. Highland widow. ...Sir Walter Scott. Hunted and harried: a tale of the Scottish covenanters. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. In freedom's cause : a story of Wallace and Bruce. ...George Alfred Henty. Jane Seton ; or. King's advocate. ...James Grant. Janet and her father. ...Mary E. Bamford. Jan Vedder's wife. ...Amelia Edith Barr. Jonny Gibb of Gushet Neuk. ...William Alexander. Journal of Lady Beatrix Graham. ...Jane M. F. Smith. Kate Carnegie. ...John Maclaren Watson. (Pseud., Ian Maclaren.) Kidnapped : being memoirs of the adventures of David Balfour. ...Robert Louis Stevenson. Laird's Jock. ...Sir Walter Scott. ^ Last of the cavaliers. ...Rose Piddington. Laura Everingham ; or, Highlanders of Ora. ...James Grant. Legend of Montrose. ...Sir Walter Scott. Legend of the Black Watch ; or, Forty-second Highlanders. ...James Grant. Limerick veteran. ...Agnes M. Stewart. Lindsays : a romance of Scottish life. ...John K. Leys. Little minister. ...James Matthew Barrie. Macleod of Dare. ...William Black. Mad Sir Uchtred of the hills. ...Samuel Rutherford Crockett. Magdalen Hepburn. ...Margaret O. W. Oliphant. Malcolm. ...George MacDonald. Margery's son : a fifteenth-century tale of the court of Scotland. ...Emily Sarah Holt. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 347 SCOTLAND — Continued. Marie Stuart. ...George W. M. Reynolds. Marquis of Lossie. ...George MacUonald. Mary of Lorraine. ...James Grant. Men of the Moss-Hags : a history of adventures, taken from the papers of William Gordon of Earstoun in Galloway. ..Samuel Rutherford Crockett. Monastery. ...Sir Walter Scott. Muckle Jack. ...Malcolm McLennan. My Aunt Margaret's mirror. ...Sir Walter Scott. No cross, no crown. ...Caroline E. Davis. Norman Leslie. ...Theodor Fay. Norman Leslie : a tale of Scottish history in the sixteenth century. ...Mrs. C. G. Hamilton. Old mortality. ...Sir Walter Scott. Orphans of Glenulra : a story of Scottish life. ...Mrs. T. A. Latta. Philip RoUo ; or, Scottish musketeers. ...James Grant. Queen's Maries. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Raiders: being some passages in the life of John Faa, Lord and Earle of little Egypt. ...Samuel Rutherford Crockett. Recess. ...Sophia Lee. Redgauntlet. ...Sir Walter Scott. Robert Falconer. ...George MacDonald. Robert Urquhart. ...Gabriel Setoan. Rob Roy. ...Sir Walter Scott. Saint Clare of the Isles. ...E. Helme. Saint Ronan's well. ...Sir Walter Scott. " Scot's brigade " and other tales. ...James Grant. Scottish cavalier. ...James Grant. Scottish chiefs. ...Jane Porter. Scottish peasant's fireside : a series of tales and sketches. ...Alex- ander Bethune. Sir Michael Scott. ...Allan Cunningham. Southenan. ...John Gait. Spae-wife. ...John Gait. Stickit minister and some common men. ...Samuel Rutherford Crockett. Stories of the study. ...John Gait. Sunshine and haar : some further glimpses of Barncraig. ...Gabriel Setoun. Tales and sketches of the Scottish peasantry. ...Alexander Bethuen. Tales of the wars of Montrose. ...James Hogg. Thirsty sword : a story of the Norse invasion of Scotland. ...Robert Leighton. Two drovers. ...Sir Walter Scott. 348 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, SCOTLAND — Continued. Two penniless princesses. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Waverley. ...Sir Walter Scott. White cockade. ...James Grant. White wings. ...William Black. Who is the man 7 a tale of the Scottish border. ...James Selwin Tait. Who was lost and is found. ...Margaret O. W. Oliphant. Window in Thrums. ...John Matthew Barrie. X jewel : a Scottish romance. ...Frederick Moncrieff. Yellow frigate. ...James Grant. SEA STOEIES. Adrift on the sea. ...E. M. Norris. Adventures of Captain Mago ; or, Phoenician expedition B. c. looo. ...Leon Cahun. English translation. Adventures of Harry Marline ; or, Notes from an American mid- shipman's lucky bag. ...David Dixon Porter. Adventures of Reuben Davidger. ...James Greenwood. Afloat and ashore. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Anchor-watch yarns. ...E. Downey. Antony Weymouth : or, Gentlemen adventurers. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Around the world in eighty days. ...Jules Verne. English trans- lation. Australian crusoe. ...Charles Rowcroft. Autobiography of a man-o'-war's bell. ...C. R. Low. Les aventures de Capitaine Magon ; ou, Une exploration phenici- enne mille ans avant I'ere chretienne. ...Leon Cahun. Bad penny. ...J. T. Wheelwright. Battles with the sea. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Beautiful white devil. ...Guy Boothby. Ben Brace, the last of Nelson's Agamemnons. ...Frederick Chamien Biscuits and grog. ...James Hannay. Blockade runners. ...Jules Verne. English translation. Born to command : a tale of the sea and of sailors. ,.. William Gordon Stables. Boy life in the United States navy. ...H. H. Clark. Boy tar. ...Mayne Reid. By reef and palm. ...Louis Becke. By sea and land. ...William Gordon Stables. Campaigns and cruises in Venezuela and New Granada and the Pacific Ocean, 1817-1830. ...Anon. Cape Cod and along the shore. ...Charles Nordhoff. Le capitaine Paul. ...Alexandre Dumas. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 349 SEA STORIES — Continued. Captain of the Kittiewink. ...Herbert D. Ward. Captain of the Rajah. ...H. Patterson. Captain Paul. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Captain's room. ...Walter Besant. Cast away in the cold. ...Isaac Israel Hayes. Cast up by the sea. ...Samuel White Baker. Charlie Laurel. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Chase of the Leviathan. ...Mayne Reid. Chase of the Meteor. ...E. L. Bynner. Children's Robinson Crusoe. ...F. Eliza Farrar. Children's voyage. ...A. J. Cupples. Clare Avery. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Confederate flag on the ocean. ...William H. Peck. Coralie. ,..C. H. Eden. Crew of the Dolphin. ...Hannah Smith. (Pseud., Hesba Stretton.) Cruise of the Acorn. ...A. Smith. Cruise of the Midge. ...Michael Scott. Cruise of the Wasp. ...Henry Frith. Cruising in the last war. ...Charles J. Peterson. Cyril Hamilton : his adventures by land and sea. ...C. R. Low. Dark colleen. ...Harriet Jay. Death ship. ...William Clark Russell. Derval Hampton : a story of the sea. ...James Grant. Le desert de glace. ...Jules Verne. Deserted ship. ...George Cupples. Diccon the Bold. ...John Russell Coryell. Dick Sands, the boy captain. ...Jules Verne. English translation. Diego Pinzon and the fearful voyage he took into the unknown ocean. ...John Russell Coryell. Dog Crusoe. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Dog-fiend ; or, Snarleyyow. ...Frederick Marryat. Driven to sea. ...A. J. Cupples. Ebbing of the tide : South Sea stories. ...Louis Becke. Emigrant ship. ...William Clark Russell. English family Robinson. ...Mayne Reid. Erling the Bold ; or, Days of Saint Olaf. ...Robert Michael Ballan- tyne. Eustace Conyers. ...James Hannay. Fast in the ice. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Field of ice. ...Jules Verne. English translation. Fighting the sea. ...E. A. Rand. Fighting the whales. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Fisher-maiden : a Norwegian tale. ...Bji^rnstjerne Bj0rnson. English translation. 3SO SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, SEA STORIES -- Continued. Fisherman's daughter. ...Hendrik Conscience. English translation. Fiskerjenten. ...Bj(/)rnstjerne Bj0rnson. Flag of distress : a tale of the South Sea. ...Mayne Reid. Flag on the mill. ...Mary B. Sleight. Floating light of the Goodwin sands. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Les forceurs de blocus. ...Jules Verne. Fore and aft. ...R. B. Dixon. Foul-weather Jack. ...R. Starbuck. Frank Mildmay ; or, Adventures of a naval officer. ...Frederick Marry at. From pole to pole : a tale of the sea. ...William Gordon Stables. From powder monkey to admiral. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Frozen deep. ...Wilkie Collins. Frozen pirate. ...William Clark Russell. Green hand. ...George Cupples. Harry Wilde : a tale of the brine and the breeze. ...William Gordon Stables. Held fast for England : a tale of the siege of Gibraltar. ...George Alfred Henty. History of a life boat. ...R. Rowe. Home as found. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Homeward bound. ...James Fenimore Cooper. In peril and disaster. ...J. Payne. In the Eastern seas. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. In the middle watch. ...William Clark Russell. In tropic seas. ...William W^estall. Into unknown seas. ...D. Ker. Involuntary voyage. ..Lucien Biart. English translation. Iron pirate : a plain tale of strange happenings on the sea. ...Max Pemberton. Island home. ...Mayne Reid. Island neighbors. ...Mrs. A. B. Blackwell. Jack Adams. ...Frederick Chamier. Jack Manly, his adventures. ...James Grant. Jack O'Lanthorn: a tale of adventure. ...Henry Frith. Jack Tier; or, Florida reef. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Jack's courtship. ...William Clark Russell. Jacob Faithful. ...Frederick Marryat. James Braithwaite, the supercargo. ...WillLam Henry Giles King- ston. Jean Belin : the French Robinson Crusoe. ...Alfred Guezenec. (Pseud., Alfred de Brehat). English translation. Jean Berny, sailor. ...Louis Marie Julien Viaud. (Pseud., Pierre Loti.) English translation, SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 351 SEA STORIES — Continued, John Deane : historic adventures by land and sea. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. John Holdsworth, chief mate. ...William Clark Russell. John Paul Jones. ...Stanislaus S. A. Grabowski. English translation. John Paul Jones: biographischer Roman. ...Stanislaus S. A. Grabowski. King's own. ...Frederick Marryat. Lady Maud, schooner yacht. ...William Clark Russell. Land sharks and sea gulls. ...W. N. Glascock. Last cruise of the Adriadne. ...Samuel Whitchurch Sadler. Life and adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish man. ...Robert Pultock. ^ Life boat : a tale of our coast heroes. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Life of a sailor. ...Frederick Chamier. Life on the ocean. ...Charles Nordhoff. Little Loo. ...William Clark Russell. Log of the Flying Ush. ...W. J. C. Lancaster. Loss of John Humble. ...G. Norway. Lost ship ; or, Atlantic steamer. ...W. J. Neale. ^ Love afloat : a story of the American navy. ...Francis H. Sheppard. Lucy Hardinge. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Margaret and Elizabeth. ...K. Cooper. Mariners of England : stories of deeds of daring. ...William H. D. Adams. Mark Rowland. ...J. S. Sleeper. ^ Mark Seaworth : a tale of the Indian ocean. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. , Marooned. ...William Clark Russell. Marriage at sea. . .William Clark Russell. Martin, the skipper : a tale for boys and sea-faring folk. ...James F. Cobb. , Masterman Ready. ...Frederick Marryat. Matelot. ...Louis Marie Julien Viaud. (Pseud., Pierre Loti.) Mercedes of Castile ; or, Voyage to Cathay. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Midshipman at large. ...C. R. Talbot. ^ Miles Wallingford: a sequel to Afloat and ashore. ...James Feni- more Cooper. Miriam Coffin. ...J. C. Hart. Missing ship. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. ^ Mr. Midshipman Easy. ...Frederick Marryat. ^^ Moby-Dick; or. White whale. ...Herman Melville. Morley Ashton. ...James Grant. Mutiny on board the Leander. .,.Anon. 352 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, SEA STOSIES — Continued. Mutiny on the Albatross. ...F. F. Moore. .'My shipmate Louise. ...William Clark Russell. Mystery of the Ocean vStar. ...William Clark Russell. Myra; or, Cruise of the Seabird. ...Pierce Egan. Narrative of A. Gordon Pym. ...Edgar Allan Foe. Naval lieutenant. ...F. A. Armstrong. Naval sketch book. ...W. N. Glascock. Ned Myers; or, Life before the mast. ...James Fenimore Cooper. New Robinson Crusoe. ...Joachim Heinrich Campe. English translation. /-Newton Forster ; or, Merchant service. ...Frederick Marryat. Nimrod of the sea. ...William M. Davis. Norrie Seaton. ...A. J. Cupples. Ocean free lance. ...William Clark Russell. Ocean tragedy. ...William Clark Russell. Off the Skelligs. ...Jean Ingelow. Old Jack : a tale for boys. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. ^/Omoo. ...Herman Melville. On board the Esmeralda. ...J, C. Hutchinson. On board the Rocket. ...R. C. Adams. On special service : a tale of the sea. ...William Gordon Stables. On the Amazons ; or, Cruise of the Rambler. ...S. A. Stephens. Our fresh and our salt water tutors. ...W^illiam Henry Giles King- ston. Our sailors ; or. Anecdotes of the engagements and gallant deeds of the British navy during the reign of Queen Victoria. ...Wil- liam Henry Giles Kingston. Overboard. ...R. Starbuck. ./^Paddy Finn ; or, Adventures of a midshipman afloat and ashore. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. ^^--IPathfinder. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Paul Jones. ...Allan Cunningham. Paul Jones. ...Pierce Egan. Paul Jones. ...Theodor Muegge. English translation. Paul Jones : historischer Roman. ...Theodor Muegge. Paul Jones, the son of the sea. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Perilous seas and how Oriana sailed them. ...Samuel Whitchurch Sadler. Perseverance Island ; or, Robinson Crusoe of the nineteenth cen- tury. ...D. Frazar. Peter the whaler. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Petrel. ...W. Fisher. Picked up adrift. ...James De Mille. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 353 SEA STORIES — Contiiiued. Pilot : a tale of the sea. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Pirate and the three cutters. ...Frederick Marryat. Pirate island. ...W. J. C. Lancaster. Port at last. ...R. Starbuck. Privateer's man one hundred years ago. ...Frederick Marryat. Ralph Somerville. ...C. H. Eden. Rattlin the reefer. ...Frederick Marryat. Real Robinson Crusoe. ...J. A. Wilkinson. Redburn : his first voyage. ...Herman Melville. Red Eric; or, Whaler's last cruise. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Red Rover. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Robinson der jiingere. ...Joachim Heinrich Cambe. Roger Willoughby; or, Times of Benbow. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Roland Halifax; or, He would be a sailor. ...Arthur L. Knight. -- Romance of Jenny Harlowe. ...William Clark Russell. Ronald Morton; or, Fire-ships, ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Rose of Paradise. ...Howard Pyle. Sailor boys of '61. ...James R. Soley. Sailor's sweetheart. ...William Clark Russell. Sailors and saints. ...W. N. Glascock. Salt water hero. ...Edward A. Rand. Der schweizerische Robinson. ...Johann Rudolf Wyss. Sea and the moon. ...M. R. S. Kettle. .. Sea king. ...Frederick Marryat. Sea kings of Orkney. ...Charles A. Maxwell. Sea lions; or. Lost sealers. ...James Fenimore Cooper. , Sea queen. ...William Clark Russell. . Sea yarns for boys, spun by an old salt. ...W. J. Henderson. Seasons with the sea-horses. ...James Laurent. Secret of the sands; or, ''Water Lily" and her crew. ...Harry Collingwood. Seul. ...Joseph Xavier Boniface. (Pseud., Saintine.) Sheet-anchor Tom. ...R. Starbuck. Shell-cove : a story of the seashore and the sea. ...Z. A. Mudge. Shifting winds. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. " Ship ahoy." ...George Manville Fenn. Ship of ice : a story of the polar seas. ...S. W. Sadler. Shipwreck of Sir Edward Seaward. ...Jane Porter. Singleton Fontenoy. ...James Hannay. Sir Edward Seaward's narrative of his shipwreck. ...Jane Porter. Six hundred Robinson Crusoes. ...G. Gibbs. Smugglers. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Smugglers and foresters. ...M. R. S. Kettle. 23 354 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, SEA STOBIES — Continued. Die sogenannte insel Felsenburg. ...Johann G. Schnabel. Solitary of Juan Fernandez. ...Joseph Xavier Boniface. (Pseud., Saintine.) English translation. South Sea yarns. ...Basil Thomson. Stories of the sea. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Story of a shell. ...J. R. MacDuff. Stranded ship. ...L. C. Davis. Strange elopement. ...William Clark Russell. Strange voyage. ...William Clark Russell. Sunk at sea. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Sunken rock. ...George Cupples. Swiss family Robinson. ...Johann Rudolf Wyss. English trans- lation. Tales of a tar. ...W. N. Glascock. Tales of a voyager to the Arctic ocean. ...R. P. Gillies. Tales of old ocean. ...C. R. Low. Tales of the marines. ...H. A. Wise. Tales of the shore and ocean. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Terrapin Island. ...A. J. Cupples. Three commanders; or, Active service afloat in modern days. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Three lieutenants. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Three midshipmen. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Toilers of the sea. ...Victor Hugo. English translation. Tom Bowling. ...Frederick Chamier. Tom Cringle's log. ...Michael Scott. Le tour du monde en 80 jours. ...Jules Verne. Les travailleurs de la mer. ...Victor Hugo. Treasure Island. ...Robert Louis Stevenson. True blue ; or, Life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. 'T was in Trafalgar's bay. ...Walter Besant and James Rice, /-^^wenty thousand leagues under the sea. ...Jules Verne. English translation. Twice lost: a story of shipwreck. ...William Henry Giles King- ston. /Two admirals. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Two frigates. ...George Cupples. Two supercargoes. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Typee : a real romance of the Southern sea. ...Herman Melville. Uncle John's first shipwreck; or, Loss of the ** Nellie." ...C. Brace. Under Drake's flag : a tale of the Spanish main. ...George Alfred Henty. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 355 SEA STORIES — Continued. Under the red ensign ; or, Going to sea. ...T. Gray. Upper berth. ...Francis Marion Crawford. Vingt mille lieues sous les mers. ...Jules Verne. Voyage around the world. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Un voyage involontaire. ...Lucien Biart. Voyage of the Steadfast. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Voyages imaginaires. ...C. G. T. Gamier. (35 volumes.) Water-witch. ...James Fenimore Cooper. W^atchers on the long ships. ...J. F. Cobb. W^estward Ho ! or, Voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh. ...Charles Kingsley. White-jacket; or, World in a man-of-war. ...Herman Melville. White-wings : a yachting romance. ...William Black. Wild adventures at the pole; or. Cruise of the Snowbird in the Arrandoon. ...William Gordon Stables. William Allair. ...E. P. Wood. Willis the pilot. ...Johann David Wyss. Will Weatherhelm, the yarn of an old sailor. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Wing-and-Wing ; or, Le Feu-follet. ...James Fenimore Cooper. With the admiral of the Ocean Sea. ...C. P. MacKie. Wonderful adventures by land and by sea of the seven queer travel- lers who met at the inn. ...Josiah Barnes. ^, Wreck of the Grosvenor. ...W^illiam Clark Russell. Wreck of the Red Bird. ...Edward C. Eggleston. Wreckers. ...M. R. S. Kettle. Yarns of an old mariner. ...Mary Cowden Clarke. Yarns on the beach : a bundle of tales. ...George Alfred Henty. Young Crusoe. ...Barbara Hofland. Young middy. ...F.C.Armstrong. Young yachtsman. ...A. Bowman. SEMINOLE WAR. 1829-37. Life and writings of Major Jack Downing of Downingville. ...Seba Smith. Light dragoon. ...Justin Jones. (Pseud., Harry Hazel.) My thirty years out of the Senate. ...Seba Smith. Osceola. ...Mayne Reid. Osceola ; or, Fact and fiction : a tale of the Seminole war. ...Sey- mour R. Duke. Sergeant Atkins : a tale of adventure founded on fact. ...James L. Donaldson. She loved a sailor. ...Amelia Edith Barr. Volunteer. ...Edward Z. C. Judson. (Pseud., Ned Buntline.) Zachary Phips. ...Edwin Lassetter Bynner. 35^ SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. SEVEN WEEKS' WAR. 1866. Die Czechin : Erzahlung aus dem Kriege des Jahres 1866. ...Eugen H. von Dedenroth. 1866; oder in Bohmen und am Main. ...Franz Lubojatzky. Der Jager von Koniggratz. ...Eugen H. von Dedenroth. Das Jahr 1866. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Der Kaplan von Kcniggratz. ...Franz Lubojatzky. Maid, wife, or widow.'* ...Annie F. Hector. (Pseud., Mrs. Alex- ander. ) Die Rose von Sadowa. ...Ludwig A. R. Kuerbis. Scepter and crown. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding, (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) English translation. Um Scepter und Kronen. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Unter Preussens Fahnen : historischer Roman aus dem Jahre 1866. ...Stanislaus S. A. Grabowski. Vor dem Sturm. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) SEVEN YEARS' WAR. 1756-63. Fallen star ; or, Scots of Frederick : a tale of the Seven Years' war. ...Charles Lowe. Die historischen Volkslieder des siebenjahrigen Krieges. ...Franz W. Ditfurth. Die Kaiserlichen in Sachsen. ...Wilhelm R. Heller. Luck of Barry Lyndon: a romance of the last century. ...William Makepeace Thackeray. Prisoner's daughter: a story of 1758. ...Esme Stuart. Riickwirkungen ; oder wer regiert denn ? ...Johann Heinrich D. Zschokke. Verrath und Liebe. ...Adolf Muetzelburg. SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. Lived 1564-1616. Anne Hathaway; or, Shakespeare in love. ...Edward Severn. Bailiff of Tewkesbury. ...C. E. D, Phelps and Leigh North. Citation and examination of William Shakespeare. ...Walter Sav- age Landor. Forest youth ; or, Shakespere as he lived. ...Henry Curling. Geraldine Maynard ; or. Abduction: a tale of the days of Shake- spere. ...Henry Curling. How Shakespeare's skull was stolen and found by a Warwickshire man. ...C. J. Langston. Judith Shakespeare. ...William Black. Montchensey: the days of Shakespeare. ...Nathan Drake. Secret passion. ...Robert Folk Williams. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 357 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM — Continued. Shakespeare and his friends ; or, Golden age of merry England. ...Robert Folk Williams. Shakespeare's funeral. ...Edward B. Hamley. Shakespere the poet, the lover, the actor, the man. ...Henry Curling. Stolen mask ; or. Mysterious cash box. ...Wilkie Collins. William Shakespeare. ...Heinrich J. Koenig. English translation. William Shakespeare. Culturgeschichtlich-biographischer Roman, ...Heribert Rau. Williams Dichter und Trachten. ...Heinrich J. Koenig. Youth of Shakespeare. ...Robert Folk Williams. SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE. Lived 1792-1822. Shelley. Biographische Novelle. ...Wilhelm Ritter von Hamm. SIBERIA. Condemned as a Nihilist : a story of escape from Siberia. ...George Alfred Henty. ^Elisabeth ; ou, Les Exiles de Siberie. ...Sophie Risteau Cottin. Highway of sorrow. ...Hannah Smith. (Pseud., Hesba Stretton.) In the dwellings of silence : a romance of Russia. ...Walker Kennedy. See also RUSSIA.- SIDNEY, SIR PHILIP. Lived 1554-1586. Penshurst Place in the time of Sir Philip Sidney. ...Emma Marshall. SIEGES. Alamo. Siege of 1836. Inez : a tale of the Alamo. ...Augusta J. Evans (Mrs. Wilson). Remember the Alamo. ...Amelia Edith Barr. Alexandria. Siege of 1798. Chapter of adventures ; or, Through the bombardment of Alexan- dria. ...George Alfred Henty. Antwerp. Siege of 1585. Alarum for London. ...Anon. Shut in; or, Tale of the wonderful siege of Antwerp in 1585. ...Evelyn Everett Green. Siege of Antwerp. ...William Kennedy. Boston. Siege of 1775. Lionel Lincoln ; or, Leaguers of Boston. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Story of the siege of Boston. ...Horace. E. Scudder. (In his Stories and romances.) ^ (■0NIVERSITTJ 35^ SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, SIEGES — Continued. . Breda. Siege of 1625. El sitio de Breda. ...Pedro Calderon de la Barca. Breslau. Siege of 1474. Matthias Corvinus. ...Franz A. Wentzel. Bristol. Siege of 1645. Prince and pedler. ...Ellen Pickering. Bourges. Siege of 52 B. C. La Avarchide. ...Luigi Alamanni. Buda. Siege of 1541. Zord Ido. ...Zsigmund Kemeny. Buda. Siege of 1686. Der Pascha von Buda. ...Johann Heinrich D. Zschokke. Siege of Buda. ...Anon. Calais. Siege of 1347. Die Belagerung von Calais. ...Carl Weichselbaumer. Eustache de Saint Pierre. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Le siege de Calais. ...Pierre L. B. de Belloy. Le siege de Calais. ...Claudine A. M. Tencin. Carthagena. Siege of 1707. Adventures of Roderick Random. ...Tobias George Smollett. Charleston. Siege of 1865. Out of a besieged city. ...Charles W. Hutson. Chester. Siege of 1643-1646. Lettice: a tale of the siege of Chester. ...Pauline Biddulph. Colchester. Siege of 1649. Siege of Colchester. ...G. F. Townsend. Constantinople. Siege of 1453. Die Eroberung von Constantinople. ...Alexander Patrick. Prince of India; or, Why Constantinople fell. ...Lew Wallace. Siege of Constantinople. ...C. R. Eaglestone. Siege of Constantinople. ...Nicholas Michell. Theodora Phranza ; or, Fall of Constantinople. ...John Mason Neale. (Pseud., Aurelius Gratianus.) SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ' 359 SIEGES — Continued, Corfe Castle. Siege of 1642. Brave Dame Mary ; or, Siege of Corfe castle. ...Louisa Hawtrey. Eldrick the Saxon. ...A. S. Bride. Crimea. Siege of 1854. Fall of Crimea. ...Edmund Spencer. Fall of Sebastopol; or, Jack Archer in the Crimea. ...George Alfred Henty. Gibraltar. Siege of 1779-1783. Held fast for England : a tale of the siege of Gibraltar. ...George Alfred Henty. Lazaro's legacy ; a tale of the siege of Gibraltar. ...Edward B. Hamley. Gotha. Siege of 1566. Die Belagerung von Gotha. ...Augusta W. Lorenz. Granada. Leila; or, Siege of Granada. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Haerlem. Siege of 1491-1492. Within the walls. ...Mary Doig. Hull. Siege of 1643. Andrew Marvel and his friends : a story of the siege of Hull. ...Marie S. Hall. Jerusalem. Siege of 70. Gladiators : a tale of Rome and Judaea. ...George John Whyte Melville. Naomi ; or. Last days of Jerusalem. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe (Webb). Kenilworth. Siege of 1265. Kenilworth. ...Sir Walter Scott. Siege of Kenilworth. ...L. S. Stanhope. Leipzig. Siege of 1546-1547. Die Belagerung von Leipzig in den Jahren 1546-7. ...Frederike Lohmann. Leyden. Siege of 1574. Burgomaster's wife. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. For faith and fatherland. ...Mary Bramston. Die Frau Biirgemeisterin. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. 360 * SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. SIEGES — Continued. Lily of Leyden. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Rosalia Vanderiver. ...Anon. Wind and wave fulfilling His word. ...Harriette E. Burch. Lichfield. Siege of 1643. Siege of Lichfield : a tale illustrative of the great rebellion. ...William Gresley. Limerick. Siege of 1651. Florence O'Neill. ...Agnes M. Stewart. London. Siege of 994. Siege of London. ...Henry James, Jr. Londonderry. Siege of 1689. Cousin Isabel : a tale of the siege of Londonderry. ...Marion Andrews. Derry : a tale of the revolution. ...Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna. (Pseud., Charlotte Elizabeth.) Londerias. ...Joseph Aickin. Man's foes. ...E. H. Strain. Louisburg. Siege of 1745. Boys of 1745 at the capture of Louisburg. ...James Otis Kaler. (Pseud., James Otis.) Englishman's haven. ...W. J. Gordon. William and Mary: a tale of the siege of Louisburg, 1745. ...Daniel Hickey. Magdeburg. Siege of 1551. Die Belagerung von Magdeburg. ...Friedrich L. Schmidt. Malta. Siege of 1565. Knight of Saint John. ...Anna Maria Porter. Mexico. Siege of 1521. Infidel; or, Fall of Mexico. ...Robert Montgomeiy Bird. New Orleans. Siege of 1812. Creole. ...Joseph B. Cobb. New York. Siege of 1776. Burton. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. \ Nieuport. Siege of 1600. 1 Fisherman's daughter. ...Hendrik Conscience. English translation. | Siska van Roosemael, de ware Geschiedenis van eene juffer die nog | leeft. ...Hendrik Conscience. \ SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 36 1 SIEGES — Continued. Norwich Castle. Siege of 1216. Siege of Norwich Castle. ...M. M. Blake. Orleans. Siege of 1428. Jeanne d'Arc ; ou, Le siege d' Orleans. ...Martial Soullier. Le Mistrere du siege d'Orleans public pour la premiere fois. ...F. Guessard et de Certain. Paris. Siege of 1870-71. American in Paris. ...Eugene Coleman Savidge. Aulnay Tower. ...Blanche Willis Howard. La bande rouge. ...Fortune Abraham Du Boisgobey. Comedy of Terrors. ...James De Mille. Dreams and reaUty : a tale of the siege of Paris. ...Anon. Geschichten aus der Pariser Belagerung. ...Paul d'Abrest. Great mistake: a story of adventure. ...Thomas S. Millington. Une idylle pendant le siege. ...Fran9ois Coppee. Kentucky's love ; or, Roughing it about Paris. ...Edward King. Leonie; or, Light out of darkness. ...Annie Lucas. Mademoiselle. ...Frances M. Peard. Les mauvais jours : Notes d'un bourru sur le siege de Paris. ...Zenaide M. A. Fleuriot. Parisians. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Une Parisienne sous la foudre. ...Zenaide M. A. Fleuriot. Red band; or, Adventures of a young girl during the siege of Paris. ...Fortune Abraham du Boisgobey. English translation. Red republic. ...Robert W. Chambers. Shut up in Paris. ...Nathan Sheppard. Story of the siege of Paris. ...Henri and Louis. Twins of St. Marcel : a tale of Paris incendie. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Die Verschworung der Republikaner oder die Geheimnisse der Belagerung von Paris. ...Ernst Kaiser. Within iron walls: a tale of the siege of Paris. ...Annie Lucas. Workman and soldier : a tale of Paris life during the siege and rule of the Commune. ...James F. Cobb. Pavia. Siege of 774. Le siege de Pavie ; ou, La gloire de Charlemagne. ...Maria J. A. Boieldieu. Phalsbourg. Siege of 1870. Blockade : an episode of the fall of the First Empire. ...fimile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Le blocus. ...;Smile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. 362 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. SIEGES — Continued. Quebec. Siege of 1759. Burton. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Le dernier boulet. ...Joseph Marmette. Seats of the mighty. ...Gilbert Parker. Ehodes. Siege of 1521. Bertrand de la Croix. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Knight of Rhodes. ...James B. Burges. Knight of the white cross : a tale of the siege of Rhodes. ...George Alfred Henty. Siege of Rhodes. ...William Davenant. La Eochelle. Siege of 1627. La malheur et la conscience. ...Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse de Genlis. Le siege de La Rochelle. ...Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse de Genlis. Siege of La Rochelle. ...R. C. Dallas. Siege of La Rochelle; or, Christian hero. ...Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse de Genlis. English translation. Three musketeers. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Les trois mousquetaires. ...Alexandre Dumas. Rouen. Esperance. ...Mary Bramston. Story of the siege of Rouen. ...Mary Bramston. Saragosse. Siege of 1808-1809. iSdouard; ou, Le Siege de Saragosse. ...Leopold Mery. Zaragoza. ...Benito Perez Galdos. Stralsund. Siege of 1715. Brave resolve. ...John B. de Liefde. Maid of Stralsund : a tale of the thirty years' war. ...John B. de Liefde. Strasburg. Siege of 1870. Max Kromer : a story of the siege of Strasburg, 1870. ...Hannah Smith. (Pseud., Hesba Stretton.) Szigeth. Siege of 1566. Die Belagerung von Szigeth. ...Friedrich A. Werthes. Zriny. ...Theodor Koener. Vienna. Siege of 1683. Die Belagerung Wiens im Jahre 1683. ...Caroline Pichler. RUdiger von Starhemberg. ...Franz X. Huber. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 363 SIEGES — Contimced. Siege of Vienna. ...J. Latchmore, Jr. Translated from the Turkish. Story of the Turkish war of 1583. ...J. Latchmore, Jr. Translated from the Turkish. For incidental accounts of sieges see the special country wanted. For sieges not founded on fact see IMAGINARY LANDS, CITIES, AND INSTITUTIONS. SILESIA. Description, History, Manners, and Customs. Debit and credit. ...Gustav Freytag. English translation. Durch Nacht zum Licht. ...Friedrich Spielhagen. Soil und Haben. ...Gustav Freytag. Through night to light. ...Friedrich Spielhagen. English trans- lation. SIN. Book of strange sins. ...Coulson Kernahan. Can wrong be right "i ...Anna Maria Hall. Capillary crime. ...Francis D. Millet. Confessions of a bank officer. ...William Taylor Adams. Conscience. ...Hector Malot. Conscience. ...Hector Malot. English translation. Crime and punishment. ...Fedor M. Dostoevsky. English trans- lation. Damen auf Reisen. Jodocus Donatus Hubertus Temme. Erema; or, My father's sin. ...Richard Doddridge Blackmore. For fifteen years. ...Louis Ulbach. English translation. Die Freiherren von Falkenbury. ...Jodocus Donatus Hubertus Temme. Gervase Skinner. ...Theodore E. Hook. Good people of Pawlooz. ...Coleman Mikszath. Guilt and innocence. ...Marie Sophie. Gustavus Lindorm. ...Emilie Flygare Carlen. Harvest of wild oats. ...Florence Marryat. Human document. ...George Meredith. In prison and out. ...Hannah Smith. (Pseud., Hesba Stretton.) John Guilderstring's sin. ...C. French Richards. Lady of quality. ...Frances Hodgson Burnett. Making haste to be rich. ...Timothy Shay Arthur. Marble faun ; or, Romance of Monte Beni. ...Nathaniel Hawthorne. Memoirs of Jane Cameron, female convict. ...Frederick William Robinson. Le mesonge de Sabine. ...Olga Cantacuzene. Modern Hagar. ...Charlotte Moore Clark. Moral dilemma. ...Annie Thompson. 364 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. SIN — Continued. Murder considered as one of the fine arts. ...Thomas DeQuincey. Murderer's last night. ...Thomas Doubleday. Mysteries and miseries of San Francisco. ...Anon. Mystery of Paul Chadwick. ...J. W. Postgate- Night in a workhouse. ...James Greenwood, Out of the past. ...E. Anson More. Der Pfeifenhannes. ...Jodocus Donatus Hubertus Temme. Quinze ans de bagne. ...Louis Ulbach. Regicide's daughter. ...William H. Carpenter. Romola. ...Marian Evans Lewes Cross. (Pseud., George Eliot.) Scarlet letter. ...Nathaniel Hawthorne. Silent witness. ...Mrs. J. H. Walworth. Sinner's comedy. ...John Oliver Hobbes, pseud. Sinners twain. ...J. Mackie. Six sinners. ...H. Campbell. So very human. ...Alfred B. Richards. Story of Bessie Costrell. ...Mary Augusta Ward (Mrs. Humphry Ward). Study in scarlet. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Study in temptation. ...John Oliver Hobbes, pseud. Tale of sin. ...Ellen P. Wood. Temptation of Katharine Gray. ...Mary Lowe Dickinson. Terrible temptation. ...Charles Read. Transgression of Terence Clancy. ...Harold Vallings. Two marriages. ...Dinah Maria Mulock Craik. Unforgiven sin. ...Caldwell Lipsett. (In his Where the Atlantic meets the land.) Wages of sin. ...Mrs. W. Harrison. (Pseud., Malet Lucas.) Wages of sin. ...Edward H. Yates. Was he guilty.'' ...Eliza Ann Dupuy. Wayward woman. ...Arthur Griffiths. What will he do with it t ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer- Lytton. Which : right or wrong ? ...M. L. Moreland. Who is guilty ? ...Philip Woolf. Why Paul Ferroll killed his wife. ...Caroline Clive. See also CRIMINOLOGY. SLAVERY. Alamontade, der Galeerensklave. ...Johann Heinrich D. Zschokke. Alamontade, the galley slave. ...Johann Heinrich D. Zschokke. English translation. Amanda. ...W. H. Brisbane. Au bord du lac. ...fimile Souvestre. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 365 SLAVERY — Continued. Aunt Phillis' cabin. ...Mary H, Eastman. Black ivory : a tale of adventure among the slaves of East Africa. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Bond and free : a true tale of slave times. ...James H. W. Howard. Boy slaves. ...Mayne Reid. Bright days in the old plantation time. ...Mary R. Banks. Bug-Jargal. ...Victor Hugo. Cabin and parlor. ...Charles J. Peterson. Capture of the " Estrella " : a tale of the slave trade. ...Claude Harding. Chattanooga. ...Anon. Clara; or, Slave life in Europe. ...Friedrich W. Hacklaender. English translation. Clotel ; or, President's daughter. ...William Wells Brown. Cruise of the Midge. ...Michael Scott. Dangerfield's rest. ...Henry Sedley. Dred : a tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. ...Harriet Beecher Stowe. Drifting island; or, Slave hunters on the Congo. ...Walter Went- worth. Ellen ; or. Chained mother. ...Mary B. Harlan. Emancipated. ...George Gissing. Emancipation. ...Mary M. Sherwood. Ethel Somers. ...J. M. Smythe. Europaisches Sklavenleben. ...Friedrich W. Hacklaender. Figs and thistles : a Western story. ...Albion Winegar Tourgee. Forging the fetters and other stories. ...Annie F. Hector. Free, yet forging their own chains. ...C. M. Cornwall. Der Galeerensklave. ...Ludwig Storch. Galley slave. ...Ludwig Storch. English translation. Harrington. ...William D. O'Connor. Hatchie, the guardian slave. ...William T. Adams. History of a slave. ...H. H. Johnston. Honor: or, Slave-dealer's daughter. ...Stephen G. Bulfinch. Hot plowshares. ...Albion Winegar Tourgee. Humbled pride : a story of the Mexican war. ...John R. Musick. In ole Virginia; or, Marse Chan and other stories. ...Thomas Nelson Page. Iron furnace. ...John H. Aughey. Kathayan slave. ...Emily C. Judson. (Pseud., Fanny Forester.) Kenneth Cameron. ...L. Q. C. Brown. Lake shore; or. Slave, the serf, and the apprentice. ...ifimile Souvestre. English translation. Life at the South ; or, Uncle Tom's cabin as it is. ...W. L. G. Smith. (Answer to Uncle Tom's cabin.) 366 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, SLAVERY — Continued. Life of Captain Jack. ...Daniel Defoe. Little captive maid. ...Florence L. Henderson. Lord of himself. ...Francis H. Underwood. Lutchmee and Dilloo. ...E. Jenkins. Memoirs of Archy Moore. ...Richard Hildreth. Miss Ravenal's conversion from secession to loyalty. ...John W. De Forest. Modern Hagar. ...Charlotte M. Clark. (Pseud., Charles M. Clay.) El Mulato Sab. ...Gertrudes Gomez de Avellaneda. My Kalulu, prince, king, and slave. ...Henry Moreland Stanley. Negro slave. ...Washington Nash. North and the South. ...Caroline E. Rush. Old plantation. ...James Hungerford. Oroonoko ; or. Royal slave. ...Anon. Partisan leader. ...Beverley. Planter's daughter. ...Eliza Ann Dupuy. Poor Paddy's cabin ; or, Irish slavery. ...By an Irishman. Prince of Kashna. ...Anon. Quadroona; or, Slave mother. ...Percy B. Saint John. Rachel Stanwood. ...Lucy Gibbons Morse. Recaptured negro. ...Mary M. Sherwood. Red rover. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Salome MuUer, the white slave. ...George Washington Cable. Samantha on the race problem. ...Marietta Holley. (Pseud, Josiah Allen's wife.) Der Scheik von Alessandria und seine Sklaven. ...Wilhelm Hauff. Sclaverei in Amerika. ...F. A. Stubberg. Sheik of Alexandria and his slaves. ...Wilhelm Hauff. English translation. She loved a sailor. ...Amelia Edith Barr. Slave girl of Pompeii. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Slave, the serf and the freeman. ...Anon. Slaves and cruisers. ...Samuel Whitchurch Sadler. Slaves of Sabinus. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Slaves of the ring. ...Frederick William Robinson. Sunny South ; or, Southerner at home. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Toinette. ...Albion Winegar Tourgee. Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland. ...Olive Schreiner. (Pseud., Ralph Iron.) Two runaways and other stories. ...Harry S. Edwards. Uncle Tom's cabin ; or, Life among the lowly. ...Harriet Beecher Stowe. Virginian plantation story. ...Margaret J. Preston, SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 367 SLAVERY — Continued. Wager of battle. ...William Henry Herbert. What answer.? ...Anna E. Dickinson. White slave. ...Richard Hildreth. Wife or slave .? ...Mrs. Albert S. Bradshaw. Yankee slave dealer. ...Anon. Youma: the story of a West Indian slave. ...Lafcadio Chita Hearn. See also SOUTH, U. S. A. SLUM STORIES. A Selection. Adrift in a great city. ...M. E. Winchester. All sorts and conditions of men. ...Walter Besant. Artie : a story of the streets and town. ...George Ada. Boy's revolt. ...James Otis Kaler. (Pseud, James Otis.) Child of the Jago. ...Arthur Morrison. Chimmie Fadden. ...Edward W. Townsend. Chuck Purdy. ...William Oliver Stoddard. Cleg Kelley, arab of the city, his progress and adventures. ...Sam- uel Rutherford Crockett. Daughter of the tenements. ...Edward W. Townsend. Evil that men do. ...Edgar Fawcett. Flotsam. ...H. S. Scott. (Pseud., H. Seton.) George's mother. ...Stephen Crane. History of Tom Jones, a foundling. ...Henry Fielding. Iron rule, and Story of the West End. ...Mrs. Newton Crosland. (Pseud., Camilla Toulmin.) Jerry's family. ...James Otis Kaler. (Pseud., James Otis.) Lucky number : a book of stories of the Chicago slums. ...I. K. Friedman. Maggie, a girl of the streets. ...Stephen Crane. Marm 'Lisa. ...Kate Douglas Wiggin (Mrs. George Riggs). Princess of the gutter. ...Mrs. E. T. Smith. Slum stories of London. ...Henry W. Nevinson. Sybaris and other storied homes. ...Edward Everett Hale. Tales of mean streets. ...Arthur Morrison. Tenement tales of New York. ...J. W. Sullivan. Timothy's quest. ...Kate Douglas Wiggin (Mrs. George Riggs). Toil and trouble : a story of London life. ...Mrs. Newton Cros- land. (Pseud., Camilla Toulmin.) Uncle Tom's tenement. ...Alice Wellington Rollins. Valentine McClutchy. ...William Carleton. Your little brother James. ...James Otis Kaler. (Pseud., James. Otis.) See also SOCIAL PURITY. 368 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. SOCIALISM. Alton Locke. ...Charles Kingsley. City of refuge. ...Walter Besant. Demos : a story of English socialism. ...George R. Gissing. Felix Holt, the radical. ...Marian Evans Lewes Cross. (Pseud., George Eliot.) Hard times. ...Charles Dickens. King Mammon and the heir apparent. ...George A. Richardson. Looking backwards, 2000-1887. ...Edward Bellamy. Man of mark. ...Anthony Hope Hawkins. (Pseud., Anthony Hope.) Marcella. ...Mary Augusta Ward (Mrs. Humphry Ward). Marzio's crucifix. ...Francis Marion Crawford. Master Craftsman. ...Walter Besant. Mr. East's experiences in Mr. Bellamy's world. ...Conrad Wilbrant. Murvale Eastman, Christian socialist. ...Albion Winegar Tourgee. 1900 : a forecast and a story. ...Marianne Farningham. Pictures of the socialistic future. ...Eugene Richter. English translation. Sir George Tressady. ...Mary Augusta Ward (Mrs. Humphry Ward). Sophos; or, Kidnapping the kings. ...Albert Alberg. Sozialdemokratische Zukunftbilder. ...Eugene Richter. Stephen Remarx. ...James Adderley. Sunrise. ...William Black. This son of Vulcan. ...Walter Besant and James Rice. Tragic comedians. ...George Meredith. Traveller from Altruria. ...William Dean Howells. Vera VerontzofF. ...Sonia K. Kovalevsky. Yeast. ...Charles Kingsley. See also LABOE AND CAPITAL, CONFLICT OF. SOCIAL PURITY. La baraonda. ...Girolamo Rovetta. Clarissa Harlowe. ...Samuel Richardson. Claude Beauclerc: a story of modern morality. ...Ambofilius, pseud. Courage of her convictions. ...Caroline A. Huling and Therese Stewart, M. D. De profundis : a tale of the social deposits. ...William Gilbert. Le docteur Pascal. ...^mile Zola. Doctor Pascal. ...!£mile Zola. English translation. His perpetual adoration. ...Joseph F. Flint. History of Tom Jones, a foundling. ...Henry Fielding. Human document. ...George Meredith. Is this your son, my Lord ? ...Helen A. Gardener. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 369 SOCIAL PURITY — Continued. Jude, the obscure. ...Thomas Hardy. Lady of quality. ...Frances Hodgson Burnett. Love is a spirit. ...Julian Hawthorne. Manhattaners. ...E. S. Van Zile. Manxman. ...Thomas Henry Hall Caine. Maremma. ...Louise de la Rame. (Pseud., Ouida.) Miss Stuart's legacy. ...Flora Annie Steel. Murder of Delicia. ...Marie Corelli. Nobody's fault. ...Netta Syrett. Passages from the journal of a social wreck. ...Margaret Floyd. Pitiless passion. ...Ella MacMahon. Platonic affections. ...John Smith. Poppaea. ...Julia S. Cruger. (Pseud., Julien Gordon.) Pray you, Sir, whose daughter.? ...Helen H. Gardener. Les roches blanches. ...£douard Rod. Rome. ...Emile Zola. Rome. ...iSmile Zola. English translation. Rose of Butcher's Coolly. ...Hamlin Garland. Scarlet letter. ...Nathaniel Hawthorne. Shock to society. ...Florence A. James. Social experiment. ...Annie E. Searing. Story of the Latin quarter. ...Frances Hodgson Burnett. Tess of the D'Urbervilles, a pure woman faithfully presented. ...Thomas Hardy. Tower Hill. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Transgression of Terence Clancy. ...Harold Vallings. Trilby. ...George Du Maurier. Trilby. ...George Du Maurier. English edition. Trionfo della morte. ...Gabricle D'Annunzio. Triumph of death. ...Gabriele D'Annunzio. English translation. Unclassed. ...George Gissing. Vawder's understudy: a study in platonic affections. ...James Knapp Reeves. White rocks. ...£douard Rod. English traHslation. Wish. ...Hermann Sudermann. English translation. Der Wunsch. ...Hermann Sudermann. See also RELATION OF THE SEXES and SIN. SOCIETY. A Selection. African. Gentleman digger. ...Anna de Bremont. American. Debutante in New York society. ...Rachel Buchanan. Fortune hunter. ...Anna C. Ritchie. 24 370 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, SOCIETY — Continued. Gramercy Park. ...John Seymour Wood. In sight of the goddess. ...Harriet Riddle Davis. Last assembly ball. ...Mary H. Foote. Little men. ...Louisa May Alcott. Little women. ...Louisa May Alcott. Metropolitan. ...Jeanie Drake. Miss Curtis. ...Kate Gannett Wells. Modern man. ...Ella MacMahon. Next door. ...Clara Louise Burnham. (Pseud., Edith Douglas.) Old-fashioned girl. ...Louisa May Alcott. Old plantation. ...James Hungerford. On both sides. ...Frances Courtenay Baylor. One fair daughter. ...Frankfort Moore. Perils of fast living. ...Charles Burdett. Planter's daughter. ...Eliza Ann Dupuy. Professor Conant. ...Lucius Seth Huntington. Shock to society. ...Florence A. James. Social experiment. ...Annie E. Searing. Story of Helen Troy. ...Constance Cary Harrison (Mrs. Burton Harrison). Sweet bells out of tune. ...Constance Cary Harrison (Mrs. Burton Harrison). Through one administration. ...Frances Hodgson Burnett. Through winding ways. ...Ellen Olney Kirk. Transplanted rose. ...Mary E. W. Sherwood. Sunny South; or, Southerner at home. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Upper ten thousand. ...Charles Astor Bristed. Voyage of discovery. ...Aide Hamilton. See also NEW ENGLAND, AMERICA, and the SOUTH. English. Alice Lorraine. ...Richard Doddridge Blackmore. American peeress. ...H. C. Chatfield. As in a looking-glass. ...F. C. Philips. Barnaby Rudge. ...Charles Dickens. Beau Nash. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Bread and butter Miss. ...George Paston. Coningsby. ...Benjamin Disraeli. Courtier of the days of Charles II. ...Catherine G. F. Gore. Cranford and other tales. ...Elizabeth C. Gaskell. Days of Lamb and Coleridge. ...Alice E. Lord. Dean and his daughters. ...F. C Philips. De Vere. ...Robert P. Ward. Dictator. ...Justin McCarthy. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 37 1 SOCIETY — Continued. Dodo. ...E. F. Benson. Endymion. ...Benjamin Disraeli. Expedition of Humphrey Clinker. ...Tobias George Smollett. Fool of quality. ...Henry Brooke. Frank Hilton ; or, Queen's own. ...James Grant. Gipsy. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Henrietta Temple. ...Benjamin Disraeli. Hetty Hyde's lovers; or, Household brigade. ...James Grant. King of Andaman : a saviour of society. ...J. Maclaren Cobban. King of Bath. ...Mary C. Ware (Mrs. Hibbert Ware). King's own son. ...Frederick Marryat. Lady Bell. ...Henrietta Keddie. (Pseud., Sarah Tytler,) Lady Grizel. ...Lewis Wingfield. Lady of quality. ...Frances Hodgson Burnett. Lakewood : a story of to-day. ...Mary Harriott Norris. Linwoods. ...Catherine Maria Sedgwick. Little Mrs. Murray. ...F. C. Philips. Lord Harry Bellair. ...Anne Manning. Lord Mayor of London. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Mainstone's housekeeper. ...Eliza Meteyard. Major and minor. ...William E. Norris. Manchester strike. ...Harriet Martineau. Mansfield park. ...Jane Austen. Mary Burton. ...E. C. Gaskell. Memoirs of a lady-in-waiting. ...J. D. Fenton. Minister's wooing. ...Harriet Beecher Stowe. Miser's daughter. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Mr. Bailey Martin. ...Percy White. Mustard leaves. ...E. Balch. Nobody's fault. ...Netta Syrett. North and South. ...Elizabeth C. Gaskell. On both sides. ...Frances Courtenay Baylor. Professor Conant. ...Lucius Seth Huntington. Ralf Skirlaugh the Lincolnshire squire. ...Edward Peacock. Right Honorable : a romance of society and politics. ...Justin McCarthy and Mrs. Campbell Praed. Rival apprentices. ...Anon. Rubicon. ...E. F. Benson. Sense and sensibility. ...Jane Austen. Sidonia the sorceress. ...Johann Wilhelm Meinhold. Spendthrifts and other social photographs. ...Grenville Murray. Storied holidays : a cycle of historic red-letter days. ...Elbridge S Brooks. Strange adventures of Lucy Smith. ...F. C. Philips. 372 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. SOCIETY — Continued. Surgeon's daughter. ...Sir Walter Scott. Tapestried chamber. ...Sir Walter Scott. Ten thousand a year. ...Samuel Warren. Tremaine. ...Robert P. Ward. Vicar of Wakefield. ...Oliver Goldsmith. Virginians. ...William Makepeace Thackeray. When George III. was king, ...Anon. White rose of Langley : a story of the court of England in the olden time. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Wild times. ...Cecilia M. Caddell. World went very well then. ...Walter Besant. Young Mr. Ainslie's courtship. ...F. C. Philips. Youth and manhood of Cyril Thornton. . .Thomas Hamilton. See also ENGLAND and ENGLISH HISTORY. French. De rOrco. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Gaston de Blondville ; or, Court of Plenry III. resting at Ardennes. ...Anna Radcliffe. King of a day. ...Florence Wilford. Parisians. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Rose d'Albert ; or, Troublous times. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Scenes de la vie Parisienne. ...Honore de Balzac. Scenes from Parisian life. ...Honore de Balzac. English translation. See also FRANCE, FRENCH HISTORY, and PARIS. German. At odds. ...Jemima M., Baroness von Tautphceus. Aus der Hohe. ...Berthold Auerbach. Aus drei Kaiserzeiten. ...Johann Georg L. Plesekiel. Buchholz family. ...Julius E. W. Stinde. English translation. Die Familie Buchholz : aus dem Leben der Haupstadt. ...Julius E. W. Stinde. For the right. ...Karl Emil Franzos. English translation. Frau Wilhelmine : aus dem Leben der Haupstadt. ...Julius E. W. Stinde. Frau Wilhelmine : sketches of Berlin life. ...Julius E. W. Stinde. English translation. In hot haste. ...Mary E. HuUah. Ingo. ...Gustav Freytag. Ingraban. ...Gustav Freytag. Ein Kampf um's Recht. ...Karl Emil Franzos. Lost manuscript. ...Gustav Freytag. English translation. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 373 SOCIETY — Co7ttinued. Lutaniste of Saint Jacobi's. ...Catharine Drew, Mit und ohne Vokation. ...E, von Grotthuss. On the heights. ...Berthold Auerbach. English translation. Die unsichtbare Loge. ...Jean Paul F. Richter. Verlorene Handschrift. ...Gustav Freytag. Verrath und Liebe. ...Adolf Muetzelburg. See also GEEMAN HISTORY and GERMANY. Irish. Adventures of Mick Callighin. ...William R. Anckettill. Anglo-Irish in the nineteenth century. ...John Banim. (Pseud., The O'Hara family.) Archie Mason, an Irish story. ...Anon. Art Maguire ; or, Broken pledge. ...William Carleton. At the rising of the moon. ...Frank Mathew. Ballyblunder : an Irish story. ...Anon. Barny O'Reirdon, the navigator. ...Samuel Lover. Bit o' writin'. ...Michael Banim. (Pseud., The O'Hara family.) Black baronet ; or, Chronicles of Ballytrain. ...William Carleton. Bunch of shamrocks, being a collection of Irish tales and sketches, ...Elizabeth Casey. (Pseud., E. Owens Blackburne.) Castle Rackrent. ...Maria Edgewood. Crohoore of the Bill-hook. ...Michael Banim. ( Pseud., The O'Hara family.) Emigrants. ...William Carleton. Eveline Wellwood: a story of modern Irish life. ...Norris Paul. Evil eye ; or. Black spectre. ...William Carleton. Fardorougha, the miser; or, Convicts of Lisnamona. ...William Carleton. Father Connell. ...Michael Banim. (Pseud., The O'Hara family.) For her sake : a tale of life in Ireland. ...Gordon Roy. Frank O'Donnell : a tale of Irish life. ...Allen H. Clington. Grania. . .Emily Lawless. Handy Andy: a tale of Irish life. ...Samuel Lover. Hermit of Glenconella. ...Eneas MacDonnell. lerne. ...William Stewart Trench. Irish idylls. ...Jane Barlow. Ismay's children. ...May Laffan. Jane Sinclair. ...William Carleton. Kinkora : an Irish tale. ...Albert S. G. Canning. Knicknagow; or. Homes of Tipperary. ...Charles J. Kickham. Knight of Gwynne. ...Charles James Lever. Lawrence Bloomfield in Ireland ; or, New landlord. ...W. Allingham. Legends and stories of Ireland. ...Samuel Lover. 374 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, SOCIETY — Continued. Lights and shades of Irish life. ...Anna Maria Hall. l^ord Kilgobbin : a tale of Ireland in our own time. ...Charles James Lever. ' Maid of Sker. ...Richard Doddridge Blackmore. Martins of Cro' Martin. ...Charles James Lever. (Pseud., Cor- nelius O'Dowd.) Mary Lee ; or, Yankee in Ireland. ...John Boyce. Rory of the hills : an Irish tale. ...Robert Curtis. Shandon bells. ...William Black. Strangers at Lisconnet. ...Jane Barlow. Tales of my neighborhood. ...Gerald Griffin. Tales of the Munster festivals. ...Gerald Griffin. Tales of the O'Hara family. ...John Banim. (Pseud., The O'Hara family.) Tupper Derg; or, Red well. ...William Carleton. Value of Fostertown : a tale of Irish life. ...A. M. Donelan. Wild Ireland : days and nights with Father Michael. ...B. Bonbavand. See IRELAND and IRISH HISTORY. SOCIOLOGY. A Selection. Ab o' th' Yate's soup kitchen. ...Benjamin Brierley. (Pseud., Ab o' th' Yate.) Adrift in a great city. ...M. E. Winchester. All sorts and conditions of men. ...Walter Besant. Alton Locke. ...Charles Kingsley. Artie : a story pf the streets and town. ...George Ada. Austin Elliot. ...Henry Kingsley. Bread-winners: a social study, ...John Hay. Child of the Jago. ...Arthur Morrison. Children of the Ghetto. ...Isaac Zangwill. City of refuge. ...Walter Besant. City side ; or. Passages from a pastor's portfolio. ...Clara Belmont. Cleg Kelley, arab of the city, his progress, and adventures. ...Samuel Rutherford Crockett. Colloquies of Edward Osborne. ...Anne Manning. Daughter of humanity. ...Edgar Maurice Smith. Daughter of the tenements. ...Edward W. Townsend. Felix Holt, the radical. ...Marion Evans Lewes Cross. (Pseud., George Eliot.) Golden bottle. ...Ignatius Donnelly. Human document. ...George Meredith. Illustrations of political economy. ...Harriet Martineau. (19 vols.) Iron crown. ...Anon. Jerry's family. ...James Otis Kaler. (Pseud., James Otis.) SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 375 SOCIOLOGY — Continued. John Halsey, the anti- monopolist. ...R. U. Collins. Jude, the obscure. ...Thomas Hardy. King Mammon and the heir apparent. ...George A. Richardson. Kitty's conquest. ...Charles King. Kreutzer sonata. ...Lyeff Nikolaievich Tolstoi. English transla- tion from the Russian. Last days of the Carnival. ...J. Kostromiten. Life's little ironies. ...Thomas Hardy. Looking backwards, 2000-1887. ...Edward Bellamy. Lucky number: a book of stories of the Chicago slums. ...L K. Friedman. Marcella. ...Mary Augusta Ward (Mrs. Humphry Ward). Master Craftsman. ...Walter Besant. Mr. East's experiences in Mr. Bellamy's world. ...Conrad Wilbrant. Murvale Eastman, Christian socialist. ...Albion Winegar Tourgee. Nicholas Minturn. ...Josiah Gilbert Holland. Our great West. ...Julian Ralph. Outcast of the islands. ...Joseph Conrad. Put yourself in his place. ...Charles Reade. Redemption of Edward Strahan. ...W. J. Dawson. Rival apprentices. ...Anon. Ruined race. ...Hester Sigerson. Slum stories of London. ...Henry W. Nevinson. Social crime. ...Minnie L. Armstrong and G. N. Sceets. Social study. ...Helen Brent. Sybil Knox ; or. Home again. ...Edward Everett Hale. Tales of mean streets. ...Arthur Morrison. Tenement tales of New York. ...J. W. Sullivan. Traveller from Altruria. ...William Dean Howells. White satin and home-spun. ...Katrina Trask. Wonderful visit. ...Henry G. Wells. Yeast. ...Charles Kingsley. Your little brother James. ...Caroline H. Pemberton. See also LABOR AND CAPITAL, CONFICT OF; IMAGINARY LANDS, CITIES, AND INSTITUTIONS; and WORKING CLASSES. SOLDIERS. A Selection. Un ami de la Reine. ...Paul Gaulot. L'argent des autres. ...fimile Gaboriau. Ben Brace, the last of Nelson's Agamemnons. ...Frederic Chamier. Bivouac; or, Stories of the Peninsular war. ...William H. Maxwell. Blockade : an episode of the fall of the first empire. ...fimile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. 37^ SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. SOLDIEBS — Continued. Le blocus. ...!l£mile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Bombardier H. and Corporal Dose ; or, Military life in Prussia. ...Friedrich W., Ritter von Hacklaender. English translation. Boy soldiers of 1812. ...Everett T. Tomlinson. Cadet days : a story of West Point. ...Charles King. Captain Blake. ...Charles King. Colonel's daughter; or, Winning his spurs. ...Charles King. Courting of Dinah Shadd. ...Rudyard Kipling. Deserter. ...Charles King. Drums of the fore and aft. ...Rudyard Kipling. Every inch a soldier. ...Henrietta E. V. Stannard. (Pseud., John Strange Winter.) Foes in ambush. ...Charles King. Friend of the queen. ...Paul Gaulot. English translation. From the ranks. ...Charles King. La grande famille. Roman militaire. ...Jean Grave. Histoire du plebiscite. ...£mile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Historical tales ; or, Romance of reality. ...Charles Morris. Incarnation of Krishna Mulvaney. ...Rudyard Kipling. John Inglesant. ...Joseph Henry Shorthouse. Kenneth; or. Rear-guard of the grand army. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. King's own borderers: a military romance. ...James Grant. Kitty's conquest. ...Charles King. Der letzte Bombardier. ...Friedrich W., Ritter von Hacklaender. Madness of private Ortheris. ...Rudyard Kipling. Man who was. ...Rudyard Kipling. Marion's faith. ...Charles King. Maurice Tiernay, the soldier of fortune. ...Charles James Lever. (Pseud., Cornelius O'Dowd.) Micah Clarke : his statement as made to his three grandchildren. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Monsieur Jack: a tale of the old war-time. ...Alfred H. Engelbach. Old revolutionary soldier. ...Joseph Alden. Otterbourne. ...Edward Duras. Phantom regiment; or, Stories of '' Ours." ...James Grant. Quaker soldier; or, British in Philadelphia. ...J. Richter Jones. Red badge of courage. ...Stephen Crane. Scottish soldiers of fortune, their adventures and achievements in the armies of Europe. ...James Grant. Shadow of the sword. ...Robert W. Buchanan. Das Soldatenleben im Frieden. ...Friedrich W., Ritter von Hack- laender. Soldier stories. ...Rudyard Kipling. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 377 SOLDIERS — Co7itmued. Soldiers three. ...Rudyard Kipling. Starlight ranch and other stories of army life on the frontier. ...Charles King. Story of the plebiscite. ...£mile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Taking of Lungtungpen. ...Rudyard Kipling. Two-legged wolf. ...N. N. Karazin. Two soldiers and a politician. ...Clinton Ross. Two soldiers and Dunraven ranch. ...Charles King. Under fire. ...Charles King. When Greek meets Greek. ...Joseph Hatton. With the main guard. ...Rudyard Kipling. Workman and soldier : a tale of Paris life during the siege and the rule of the commune. ...James F. Cobb. See also ARMY AND NAVY, BATTLES, CIVIL WAR, REBEL- LIONS, REVOLUTIONS, and WAR. SOUTH, U. S. A. A Selection. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. ...Samuel Langhorne Clemens. (Pseud., Mark Twain.) Among the pines. ...James R Gilmore. (Pseud., Edmund Kirke.) Ante bellum : Southern life as it was. ...Mary L. Cook. Anti-fanaticism: a tale of the South. ...Martha H. Butt. Balaam and his master and other sketches and stories. ...Joel Chandler Harris. Beatrice of Bayou Teche. ...Alice Ilgenfritz Jones. Beech-bluff: a tale of the South. ...Fanny Warner. Behind the Blue Ridge. ...Frances C. Baylor. Black ice. ...Albion Winegar Tourgee. Bricks without straw. ...Albion Winegar Tourgee. Bonaventure : a prose pastoral of Acadian Louisiana. ...George Washington Cable. Border foes: a romance of early Kentucky. ...E. Willett. Bright days in the old plantation time. ...Mary R. Banks. Captain Smith and Princess Pocahontas : an Indian tale. ...J. Davis. Colonel Dunwoddie, millionaire. ...William Mumford Baker. Colonial cavalier; or. Southern life before the revolution ...Maud Wilder Goodwin. Cora; oder, die Sklavin. ...Urich Baudissin. Creole orphans. ...James S. Peacock. Dangerfield's rest. ...Henry Sedley. Daughter of the South. ...Constance Gary Harrison (Mrs. Burton Harrison). 37^ SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, SOUTH, IT. S. A. — Continued. Doctor Sevier. ...George Washington Cable. Doctor Vandyke. ...John Esten Cooke. Dred: a tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. ...Harriet Beecher Stowe. Earthly paragon. ...Eva Wilder McGlasson. Eleanor Mirton ; or, Life in Dixie. ...Anon. Etna Vandemir. ...Sallie J. Hancock. Eustis : a novel of Southern life. ...Robert A. Boit. Fairfax: a chronicle of the valley of the Shenandoah. ...John Esten Cooke. First settlers of Virginia: an historical novel. ...J. Davis. Fool's errand by one of the fools. ...Albion Winegar Tourgee. GrandissJmes. ...George Washington Cable. Hatchie, the guardian slave. ...William T. Adams. House of bondage, ...Octavia V. Rogers Albert. How I found it : North and South. ...John H. Woodbury. In war times. ...M. E. M. Davis. Iron furnace. ...John H. Aughey. John March, Southerner. ...George Washington Cable. Justice in the by-ways. ...Francis C. Adams. Justin Harley: a romance of old Virginia. ...John Esten Cooke. Kenneth Cameron. ...L. Q. C. Brown. Late Mrs. Null. ...Frank Richard Stockton. Lights and shadows of life. ...Madeleine V. Dahlgren. Manuel Pereira. ...Francis C. Adams. Marston Hall. ...L. Ella Byrd. Master's house. ...Logan, pseud. Meh Lady. ...Thomas Nelson Page. Mr. Absalom Billingslea and other Georgia folks. ...Richard M. Johnston. Mose Evans. ...William Mumford Baker. My Southern friends. ...James R. Gilmore. (Pseud., Edmund Kirke.) New Timothy. ...William Mumford Baker. Nick of the woods. ...Robert Montgomery Bird. Old Creole days. ...George Washington Cable. Old plantation. ...James Hungerford. On both sides. ...Frances C. Baylor. On the border: a story of Southern life and character. ...James R. Gilmore. (Pseud., Edmund Kirke.) Philip Randolph. ...Mary Gertrude. Pleasant waters. ...Graham Claytor. Rodman the keeper: Southern sketches. ...Constance Fenimore Woolson. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 379 SOUTH, U. S. K. — Contimied. Sable cloud: a Southern tale with Northern comments. ../'Nehe- miah,'^ pseud. She loved a sailor. ...Amelia Edith Barr. Sister Jane. ...Joel Chandler Harris. Sons of Ham : a tale of the New South. ...Louis Pendleton. Summer stories of the South. ...Thomas Addison Richards. Sunny South; or, Southerner at home. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Tales of a time and place. ...Grace King. Thirty-four years. ...John Marchmont. Uncle Tom's cabin; or, Life among the lowly. ...Harriet Beecher Stowe. Under the magnolias. ...L. W. Denton. Under the water oaks. ...Marian Brewster. Union : a story of the great rebellion. ...John R. Musick. Valerie Aylmer. ...Frances C. Tiernan. (Pseud., Christian Reid.) Voodoo tales as told among the negroes of the Southwest. ...Mary Alicia Owen. White and black: a story of the Southern States. ...A. Biggs. Yankee school-teacher in Virginia. ...Lydia W. Baldwin. See also SLAVERY. SOUTH AMERICA. See AMERICA, South. SOUTH CAROLINA. Cassique of Kiawah. ...William Gilmore Simms. For the major. ...Constance Fenimore Woolson. Forayers. ...William Gilmore Simms. In old St. Stephens. ...Jeanie Drake. Katharine Walton. ...William Gilmore Simms. Mellichampe : a legend of the Santel. ...William Gilmore Simms. Milrose ; or, Cotton planter's daughter. ...John H. Robinson. Rombert : a tale of Carolina. ...Anon. Scout. ...William Gilmore Simms. Sea-island romance. ...William P. Brown. Woodcraft. ...William Gilmore Simms. SPAIN. Descriptiojt, Manners^ and Customs. Alhambra. ...Washington Irving. Alice Lorraine. ...Richard Doddridge Blackmore. Beyond the seas, being the surprising adventures and ingenious opinions of Ralph Lord Saint Keyne. ...Oswald Crawfurd. Buccaneer chief : a romance of the Spanish main. ...Gustave Aimard. English translation. Cardinal Pole. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. 380 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. SPAIN — Contijiued. Christian prince, Wolfgang, prince of Anhalt. ...Franz Hoffmann. English translation. Clara Avery: a story of the Spanish Armada. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Conquest of Granada. ...Washington Irving. Constancia's household: a story of the Spanish reformation. ...Emma Leslie. Edict: a tale of 1492. .. Grace Aguilar. Escape : a tale of 1755. -Grace Aguilar. Estevan : a story of the Spanish conquests. ...John R. Musick. Fawn of Sertorius. ...Robert Landor. Felix Alvarez; or, Manners in Spain. ...Alexander R. C. Dallas. For the right. ...Karl Emil Franzos. English translation. Fiirst Wolfgang : historische Erzahlung. ...Franz Hoffmann. Gilded man. ...Adolf Francis Bandelier. Gonzalve de Cordoue. ...Jean Pierre Claris de Florian. Gonsalvo of Cordova ; or, Conquest of Granada. ...J^an Pierre Claris de Florian. English translation. La grande filibuste. ...Gustave Aimard. Great captain. ...Ulrick R. Burke. Heiress of Burges. ...Thomas C. Grattan. Jews of Barnow. ...Karl Emil Franzos. English translation. Die Juden von Barnow. ...Karl Emil Franzos. Kaiser Karl des Fiinften erste Jugendliebe. ...Ludwig A. Arnim. Ein Kampf um's Recht. ...Karl Emil Franzos. Karl von Spanien. Roman. ...Ludwig Storch. Leila ; or. Siege of Granada. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bul- wer-Lytton. Leon Roch. ...Benito Perez Galdos. Lichtenstein. ...Wilhelm Hauff. Lichtenstein ; or, Swabian league. ...Wilhelm Plauff. English translation. Martyrs of Spain and liberators of Holland. ...Elizabeth Charles. Mercedes of Castile ; or. Voyage to Cathay. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Moritz von Sachsen. ...Friedrich C. Schlenkert. Der neue Hiob. ...Leopold Sacher-Masoch. New Job. ...Leopold Sacher-Masoch. English translation. Pastor's fireside. ...Jane Porter. Phantom regiment ; or. Stories of Ours. ...James Grant. Romance of war; or, Highlanders in Spain. ...James Grant. Saint Leon : a tale of the sixteenth century. ...Caleb Williams Godwin. Saragossa; or. Houses of Castello and De Arno. ...E. A. Archer. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 381 SPAIN — Continued. Die Schlacht bei Drakenburg. ...Werner Bergman. Sibylle von Cleve. ...Julius Bacher. Sister Saint Sulpice. ...Armando Palacio Valdes. Spanish barber. ...Anne Manning. Spanish brothers : a tale of the sixteenth century. ...Deborah Alcock. • Spanish cavalier : a story of Seville. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Spanish match ; or, Charles Stuart at Madrid. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Stories of Torres Vedras. ...John G. Millingen. Subalterns. ...George R. Gleig. Tabithe von Geyersberg. ...Amalie Schoppe. Tales from Spanish history. ...Elizabeth J. Brabazon. Vale of cedars ; or, Martyrs. ...Grace Aguilar. Wayside cross; or. Raid of Gomez: a tale of the Carlist war. ...Edward A. Milman. Young buglers: a tale of the Peninsular war. ...George Alfred Henty. See also NETHERLANDS and SPANISH HISTORY. SPANISH HISTORY. A Selection. Early and General. Abderahman : the founder of the dynasty of the Ommiades in Spain. ...Washington Irving. (In his Spanish papers.) Alhambra: a series of tales and sketches of the Moors and Span- iards. ...Washington Irving. Almahide; ou, L'esclave reine. ...Madeleine de Scudery. El bastardo de Castilla. ...Jorge W. Montgomery. Bernardo del Carpio. ...Jorge W. Montgomery. Castilian. ...Joaquin Telesforo de Trueba y Cosio. Chronicle of Fernan Gonzalez. ...Washington Irving. (In his Spanish papers.) Chronicle of the conquest of Granada. ...Washington Irving. Cid : a short chronicle founded on the early poetry of Spain. ...George Dennis. El conde Fernan Gonzalez. ...Narciso B. Selva. Count Julian ; or, Last days of the Goth. ...William Gilmore Simms. La cruz del Moro. ...Juan P. Criado y Dominguez. Dona Isabel de Solis, reina de Granada. ...Francisco Martinez de la Rosa. Dove of Tabenna. ...John Mason Neale, (In his Tales illustrating church history.) 382 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. SPANISH HISTORY — Continued. Fawn of Sertorius. ...Robert Landor. Foreign tales and traditions. ...George G. Cunningham. Historia de los vandos de los Zegries, y Abenzer rages, Cavalleros Moros de Granada. ...Gines Perez de Hita. Historical tales of the Muslims in Spain. ...Elizabeth J. Brabazon. In the shadow of the Alhambra; or, Last of the Moorish kings. ...William MacC. Greenlee. King's page : a legend of the Moorish wars in Spain and other stories. ...Anna T. Sadlier. Legend of Count Julian and his family. ,. Washington Irving. (In his Spanish papers.) Legend of Don Roderick. ...Washington Irving. (In his Spanish papers.) Legend of Palayo. ...Washington Irving. (In his Spanish papers.) Leila; or, Siege of Granada. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Moors of Granada. ...Henri Guenot. English translation. Le More de Grenade. ...Henri Guenot. Old court life in Spain. ...Frances Minto Elliot. Pelayo : a story of the Goth. ...William Gilmore Simms. Piquillo Alliaga; ou, Les Maures sous Philippe III. ...Eugene Scribe. Rescue : a tale of the Moorish conquest of Spain. ...John Mason Neale. (In his Tales illustrating church history.) Romance of history. Spain. ...Joaquin Telesforo de Trueba y Cosio. Spanish cavalier : a story of Seville. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Story of the Christians and Moors in Spain. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Die Tochter der Alhambra. ...Valeska Voigtel. (Pseud., Arthur Stahl.) Fourteenth Century. Le batard de Mauleon. ...Alexandre Dumas. Half brothers; or, Head and the hand. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Romances historicos. ...Angel de Saavedra (Duque de Rivas). Fifteenth Century. Alhambra. ...Washington Irving. Cardinal Ximenes. ...Jean Bertheroy. English translation. Chronicle of the conquest of Granada. ...Washington Irving. Dolores. ...Gertrudes Gomez de Avellaneda. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, l^Z SPANISH HISTORY — Continued. Dona Blanca de Navarra, cronica del siglo XV. ...Francisco Na- varro Villoslada. Dona Blanca of Navarra. ...Francisco Navarro Villoslada. Eng- lish translation. Edict : a tale of 1492. ...Grace Aguilar. P^rdinand und Isabella. ...Amalie Schoppe. Gonzalve de Cordoua. ...Jean Pierre Claris de Florian. Gonsalvo of Cordova ; or, Fall of Granada. ...Charles Hood. Great captain. ...Ulrick R. Burke. Leila; or, Siege of Granada. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Mercedes of Castile; or, Voyage to Cathay. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Romances historicos. ...Angel de Saavedra (Duque de Rivas). Tales from Spanish history. ...Elizabeth J. Brabazon. Vale of cedars ; or. Martyrs. ...Grace Aguilar. Ximenes. ...Jean Bertheroy. Sixteenth Century. By little and little. ...Emma Leslie. Clare Avery: a story of the Spanish armada. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Constancia's household: a story of the Spanish reformation. ...Emma Leslie. Don Carlos. ...Cesar Vichard, Abbe de Saint Real. Don Carlos. ...Cesar Vichard, Abbe de Saint Real. English translation. Drake and the Dons. ...R. Lovett. Fatal revenge ; or, Family of Montorio. ...Charles Robert Maturin. \ (Pseud., Dennis Jasper Murphy.) For love and liberty: a tale of the sixteenth century in Spain. ...A. Harcourt. Last look : a tale of the Spanish inquisition. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Martyrs of Spain and the liberators of Holland. ...Elizabeth Charles. Ni rey ni roque. ...Patricio de la Escosura. Princess of Viarna ; or, Spanish inquisition in the reign of the Em- peror Charles V. ...T. Picton. Romances historicos. ...Angel de Saavedra (Duque de Rivas). Rosa: a tale of the Spanish inquisition. ...Derwent Tremorne. Saint Leon: a tale of the sixteenth century. ...Caleb Williams Godwin. Sitio de Mons por el Duque de Alba. ...Alonso de Ramon. La sombra de Felipe II. ...Romon Ortega y Frias. 384 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, SPANISH HISTORY — Continued. Spanish brothers : a tale of the sixteenth century. ...Deborah Alcock. Spanish cavalier. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Word, only a word. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. English translation. Ein Wort. ...Georg Moritz Ebers. See also CHARLES V. OF GERMANY AND I. OF SPAIN. Seventeenth Century. Berber; or, Mountaineer of the Atlas. ...William S. Mayo. Fatal revenge ; or, Family of Montorio. ...Charles Robert Maturin. (Pseud., Dennis Jasper Murphy.) Fortunate fool. ...Alonso Jeronimo Salas Barbadillo. English translation. History and life of Squire Marcos de Obregon. ...Vicente Espinel. English translation. Leila ; or, Siege of Granada. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bul- wer-Lytton. Monk's pardon. ...Marie de Navery. El necio bien afortunado. ...Alonso Jeronimo Salas Barbadillo. Relaciones de la vida del escudero Marcos de Obregon. ...Vin- cente Espinel. Ruy Bias; or, King's rival. ...H. L. Williams. Spanish match; or, Charles Stuart at Madrid. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Eighteenth Century. Angel of the world, an Arabian tale ; and Sebastian, a Spanish tale. ...George Croly. Bravest of the brave ; or, With Peterborough in Spain. ...George Alfred Henty. Escape : a tale of 1755. ...Grace Aguilar. Held fast for England : a tale of the siege of Gibraltar. ...George Alfred Henty. Historia del famoso predicador Fray Gerundio de Campazas alias Zotes. ...Jose Francisco de Isla. Pastor's fireside. ...Jane Porter. Nineteenth Century. Adventures of an aid-de-camp ; or. Campaign in Calabria. ...James Grant. Alice Lorraine. ...Richard Doddridge Blackmore. Los apostolicos. ...Benito Perez Galdos. Los Arcos : a Spanish carlist romaunt. ...George Ryder. Bailen. ...Benito Perez Galdos. La batalla de los Arapiles. ...Benito Perez Galdos. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 385 SPANISH ^\%TQi-BX—Contmued. Bivouac; or, Stories of the Peninsular war. ...William Hamilton Maxwell. Cadiz. ...Benito Perez Galdos. Charles O^Malley, the Irish dragoon. ...Charles James Lever. (Pseud., Cornelius O'Dowd.) Los cien mil hijos de San Luis. ...Benito Perez Galdos. La corte de Carlos IV. ...Benito Perez Galdos. Don Alonso; ou, L'Espagne, histoire contemporaine. ...Narcisse A. Salvandy. £douard ; ou, Le siege de Saragosse. ...Leopold Mery. El equipage del rey Jose. ...Benito Perez Galdos. Felix Alvarez; or, Manners in Spain. ...Alexander R. C. Dallas. Gerona. ...Benito Perez Galdos. El grande oriente. ...Benito Perez Galdos. Her heart was true : a story of the Peninsular war. ...E. M. Cuttim. Juan Martin el empecinado. ...Benito Perez Galdos. King's own borderers : a military romance. ...James Grant. Memorias de un cortesano de 18 15. ...Benito Perez Galdos. Napoleon en Khamartin. ...Benito Perez Galdos. El 19 de Marzo y el 2 de Mayo. ...Benito Perez Galdos. Phantom regiment ; or. Stories of Ours. ...James Grant. Romance of war; or, Highlanders in Spain. ...James Grant. Rosaura : a tale of Madrid. (In Tales from Blackwood, vol. 9.) Saragossa; or, Houses of Castello and De Arno. ...E. A. Archer. La segunda casaca. ...Benito Perez Galdos. Spanish barber. ...Anne Manning. Spanish cavalier: a story of Seville. ...Charlotte Tucker. (Pseud., A. L. O. E.) Stories of Torres Vedras. ...John G. Millingen. Subaltern. ...George Robert Gleig. El terror de 1824. ...Benito Perez Galdos. Trafalgar. ...Benito Perez Galdos. Trafalgar. ...Benito Perez Galdos. English translation. Un voluntario realista. ...Benito Perez Galdos. Wayside cross ; or. Raid of Gomez : a tale of the Carlist war. ...Edward A. Milman. Young buglers : a tale of the Peninsular war. ...George Alfred Henty. Zaragoza. ...Benito Perez Galdos. SPIRITUALISM. Dream child. ...Florence Huntley. Fearless investigator. ...Anon. Fools of nature. ...Alice Brown. 25 386 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. SPIRITUALISM — Co7tti7tued, Great Amherst mystery. ...Walter Hubbell. Herr Paulus, his rise, his greatness, and his fall. ...Walter Besant. Island of Doctor Moreau. ...Henry G. Wells. Passing of Alix. ...Marjorie Paul. Six cent Sam's. ...Julian Hawthorne. Undiscovered country. ...William Dean Howells. SPORTING STORIES. All adrift. ...W. T. Adams. Annals of a sportsman. ...Ivan Sergyevich Turgenef. English translation. Beaten on the post ; or, Joe Morton's mercy. ...J. P. Wheldon. Blue ribbon of the turf: a chronicle of the race of the Derby. ...Louis Henry Curzon. Brise-de-Mai ; ou, Les trappeurs de I'Hudson. ...V. Lamy. Camp-fires of the Everglades ; or, Wild sports in the South. ...Charles E. Whitehead. Cinder-path tales. ...William Lindsey. Fairport nine. ...Noah Brooks. False start. ...Hawley Smart. Forest, the jungle, and the prairie ; or, Scenes with the trapper and hunter in many lands. ...William H. D. Adams. Gaut Gurley ; or, Trappers of Umbagog. ...D. P. Thompson. Hendricks the hmiter: a tale of Zululand. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Home of the wolverene and the beaver. ...Charles H. Eden. Hunting girl. ...Mrs. Edward Kennard. Long odds. ...Hawley Smart. Maggie Jacket : a tale of the turf. ...Nathaniel Gould. Marjorie's Canadian winter. ...Agnes Maule Machar. Our base-ball club. ...Noah Brooks. Poker stories as told by statesmen, soldiers, and lawyers. ...J. F. B. Lillard. Pound of cure: a story of Monte Carlo. ...William Henry Bishop. Rifle, rod, and gun in California : a sporting romance. ...Theodore Strong Van Dyke. Rodney Stone. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Sea spray; or. Facts and fancies of a yachtsman. ...Samuel G. W. Benjamin. Sporting tales and characters. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud. P>ank Forester.) That hated Saxon. ...Beatrice V. Greville. That pretty little horse-breaker. ...Mrs. Edward Kennard. Tom Crackenthorpe. ...Charles Clarke. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 387 SPORTING STORIES — Continued. Trappers of New York. ...Jeptha R. Simms. Up the north branch. ...C. A. J. Farrar. Wedded to sport. ...Mrs. Edward Kennard. Wild woods life ; or, Trip to Parmachenee. ...Charles A. J. Farrar. With pack and rifle in the far West. ...Achilles Daunt. Without love or license. ...Hawley Smart. Young moose-hunters. ...Charles A. Stephens. STAEL-HOLSTEIN, ANNE LOUISE GERMAINE NECKER. Lived 1766-1817. Frau von Stael : biographische Roman. ...Amalie C. E. M. Boelte. Madame de Stael : an historical novel. ...Amalie C. E. M. Boelte. English translation. STEPHEN OF ENGLAND. I^eigned 1135-1154. Brian Fritz-count : a story of Wallingford Castle and Dorchester Abbey. ...Augustine D. Crake. King Stephen ; or, Battle of Lincoln. ...David W. Paynter. SWEDEN. Description^ History^ Manners^ a7td Customs. Adventures of Gustavus Vasa ; or, Dawning of light in Sweden. ...L. S. Griffith. Un ami de la reine. ...Paul Gaulot. Arwed Gyllenstierna : eine Erzahlung aus dem Anfange des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. ...Carl F. Van der Velde. Arwed Gyllenstierna : a tale of the early part of the eighteenth century. ...Carl F. Van der Velde. English translation. Bilder ur verklighten. ...August T. Blanche. Blameless knights; or, Llitzen and La Vendee. ...Alice H. F. Byng, Viscountess Enfield. Brave resolve; or, Siege of Stralsund. ...John B. de Liefde. Camilla. ...Richard von Kock. Carine. ...Louis finault. Carine ; or, Story of Sweden. ...Louis finault. English translation. En dagbok. ...Frederika Bremer. Deluge. ...Henryk Sienkiewicz. English translation. Diary and other tales. ...Frederika Bremer. English translation. Faltskarns berattelser. ...Zacharias Topelius. Familjen H*^^. ...Frederika Bremer. Fifteen years. ...Therese Albertine Luise von Jakob Robinson. (Pseud., Talvj.) English translation. Der Freibeuter. ...Ludwig Storch. Friend of the queen. ...Paul Gaulot. English translation. 388 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. SWEDEN — Continued. Fiinfzehn Jahre. ...Therese Albertine Luise von Jakob Robinson. (Pseud., Talvj.) Grannarne. ...Frederika Bremer. Gustaf Lindorm. ...Emilia Flygare-Carlen. Gustav Adolph: historischer Roman. ...Joseph E. C. Bischoff. Gustav Adolf och 30 Sriga kriget. .. Zacharias Topelius. Gustav den Tredje och hans hof. ...Carl A. KuUberg. Gustavus Adolphus. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. Gustavus Lindorm ; or, Lead us not into temptation. ...Emilia Flygare-Carlen. English translation. Gustavus III. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. Gustav Ills testamente eller 1792 och 181 5. ...Henrik af Tolle. Gustav Wasa. ...Louisa M. Grafin von Robiano. Gustavus Vasa and his stirring times. ...Albert Alberg. 11 family. ...Frederika Bremer. English translation. Hemmet, eller familje-sorger och frojder. ...Frederika Bremer. Home ; or, Life in Sweden. ...Frederika Bremer. English trans- lation. L'homme de neige. ...Amantine L. A. D. Dudevant. (Pseud., George Sand.) Iron head. ...Franz Hoffmann. English translation. Jacobite exile : adventures in the service of Charles XII. of Sweden. ...George Alfred Henty. Karl X. Gustav : historischer Roman. ...Carl G. von Berneck. Last of the free buuters. ...P. Sparre. Lion of the North : a tale of the times of Gustavus Adolphus and the wars of religion. ...George Alfred Henty. Maid of Stralsund : a story of the thirty years' war. ...John B. de Liefde. Memoirs of a cavalier ; or, Military journal of the wars in Germany and England. ...Daniel Defoe. My Lady Rotha. ...Stanley J. Weyman. Neighbors : a story of everyday life. ...Frederika Bremer. English translation. Nono ; or, Golden house : a tale of Swedish life. ...Sarah S. Baker. Ogniem i mieczem. ...Henryk Sienkiewicz. Presidentens dottrar. ...Frederika Bremer. President's daughter. ...Frederika Bremer. English translation. Princess Vasa. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. Prinsennan af Vasa. ...Zacharias Topelius. Die Schweden in Prag (1648). ...Caroline Pichler. Seton. ...Carl S. F. von Zeii)el. Snow man. ...Amantine L. A. I). Dudevant. (Pseud., George Sand.) SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 389 SWEDEN — Continued. Die Sohne Gustav Wasas. ...Carl Berkow. Surgeon's stories. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. Times of Charles XII. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. Times of Gustav Adolf. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. Under Gustaf Ills forsta regeringsdr. ...Zacharias Topelius. Ur Karl XIIs ungdom. ...Johann Borjesson. With fire and sword. ...Henryk Sienkiewicz. English translation. SWITZEBLAND. Description^ History^ Manners^ and Customs, Addrich im Moos ; historische Erzahlung. ...Johann Heinrich D. Zschokke. Anne of Geierstein; or. Maiden of the mist. ...Sir Walter Scott. At the Red-Glove. ...Katharine Macquoid. Aus der Schweizergeschichte. ...Gustav A. von Heeringen. Calvin : culturhistorischer Roman. ...Theodor Koenig. Chatelaine of La Trinite. ...Henry B. Fuller. Chillon ; or, Protestants of the sixteenth century. ..Jane L. Willyams. City and the castle : a story of the reformation in Switzerland. ...Annie Lucas. Claudine ; or, Humility the basis of all the virtues. ...Anon. Der Freihof von Aarau. ...Johann Heinrich D. Zschokke. Geneva's shield : a story of the Swiss reformation. ...William M. Blackburn. Good old times : a tale of Auvergne. ...Anne Manning. Guillaume Tell ; ou, La Suisse libre. ...Jean Pierre Claris de Florian. Hermit of Livry : a tale of the days of Calvin. ...Emma Leslie. Hour will come : a tale of an Alpine cloister. ...Wilhelmine von Hillern. English translation. Idyl of the Alps. ...Anne Manning. Jean Roubaix : a tale of the Swiss mountains. ...M. Montgomery Campbell. Der Kaufmann von Luzern. ...Gustav A. von Heeringen. Der Knabe von Luzern : historischer Roman aus der Schweizer- geschichte. ...Gustav A. von Heeringen. Leonard and Gertrude. ...Johann H. Pestalozzi. English translation. Lienhard und Gertrud : ein Buch fur das Volk. ...Johann H. Pestalozzi. Louis Belat: a tale of the reformation in Savoy. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. Mountain patriots : a tale of the reformation in Savoy. ...Mrs. Alexander S. Orr. 39° SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. SWITZERLAND — Continued. Der Miiller von Sempach. Kulturgeschichtliche Erzahlung aus der Zeit des Sempacher Krieges. ...J. Bucher. Nikolaus Manuel. Roman aus der Zeit der schweizerischen Glau- benskampfe. ...Ludwig Eckardt. Pleasant life. ...Mary Howitt. Realmah. ...Sir Arthur Helps. Rivers of ice : a tale illustrative of Alpine adventure and glacial action. ...Robert Michael Ballantyne. Les roches blanches. ...Edouard Rod. Rose of Disentis. ...Johann Heinrich D. Zschokke. English translation. Die Rose von Disentis. ...Johann Heinrich D. Zschokke. Saly's Revolutionstage. ...Ulrich Hegner. Secret quest. ...George Manville Fenn. Story of a noble life ; or, Zurich and its reformer, Ulrich Zwingli. ...Janet Hardy. Tales and traditions of Switzerland. ...William Westall. Und sie kommt doch ! Erzahlung aus einem Alpenkloster. ...Wil- helmine von Hillern. White rocks. ...Edouard Rod. English translation. William Tell. ...Jean Pierre Claris de Florian. English translation. William Tell. ...Agnes Strickland. (In Stories from history.) Ziiricher novellen. ...Gottfried Keller. See also REFORMATION, Switzerland. SYRIA. Description, History, Manners, and Customs. Mirage. ...Julia C. Fletcher. (Pseud., George Fleming.) Peculiar people. ...William S. Balch. TELL, WILLIAM. Lived ? -1350. Guillaume Tell ; ou, La Suisse libre. ...Jean Pierre Claris de Florian. William Tell. ...Jean Pierre Claris de Florian. English translation. William Tell. ...Agnes Strickland. (In her Stories from history.) TEMPERANCE. See INTEMPERANCE. TENNESSEE. Down in Tennessee. ...James R. Gilmore. (Pseud., Edmund Kirke.) In the " stranger people's " country. ...Mary Noailles Murfree. (Pseud., Charles Egbert Craddock.) In the Tennessee mountains. ...Mary Noailles Murfree. (Pseud., Charles Egbert Craddock.) Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains. ...Mary Noailles Murfree. (Pseud., Charles Egbert Craddock.) SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 39 1 TENNESSEE — Continued, Sergeant Slasher. ...Herrick Johnson. Where the battle was fought. ...Mary Noailles Murfree. (Pseud., Charles Egbert Craddock.) See also UNITED STATES HISTORY. TEXAS. Archbishop. ...O. S. Bellisle. Aurifodina. ...G. W. Peck. Baby Rue : her friends and her enemies. ...Charlotte M. Clark. (Pseud., Charles M. Clay.) Bernard Lisle : an historical romance, embracing the periods of the Texas revolution and the Mexican war. ...Jeremiah Clemens. Biglow papers, ist series. ...James Russell Lowell. Cabin book; or, Scenes and sketches of the late American and Mexican war. ...Charles Sealsfield (formerly Karl Postl). Das Cajiitenbuch ; oder, Nationale Charakteristiken. ...Charles Sealsfield (formerly Karl Postl). House of Yorke. ...Mary A. Tincker. Inez : a tale of the Alamo. ...Augusta J. Evans (Mrs. Wilson). Life and death of Sam in Virginia. ...Anon. Lone star of Texas. ...J. W. Dallam. Mary Rock. ...Percy B. Saint John. Mercedes : a tale of the Mexican war. ...Frederick C. Wraxall. Michael Bonham ; or, Fall of Bexar. Mustang Gray. ...Jeremiah Clemens. Nathan, der Squatter-Regulator; oder, Dererste Regulator in Texas. ...Charles Sealsfield (formerly Karl Postl). Overland. ...John W. DeForest. Piney woods tavern. ...Samuel A. Hammett. Power of the " S. F." : a tale developing the secret action of parties during the presidential campaign of 1844. ...Thomas D. English. Rangers and regulators of the Tanaha: a tale of the republic of Texas. ...Alfred W. Arlington. Remember the Alamo. ...Amelia Edith Barr. Les scalpeurs blancs. ...Gustave Aimard. Simple heart. ...S. B. Elliot. Stanhope Burleigh. ...Charles Edward Lester. Stray Yankee in Texas. ...Samuel A. Hammett. Talbot and Vernon. ...McConnell. Texas ranger. ...Captain Flack. Vidette : a tale of the Mexican war. ...N. M. Curtis. Virginians in Texas. ...William Mumford Baker. 392 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. TEXAS — Continued. White scalper: a story of the Texan war. ...Gustave Aimard English translation. Wild life ; or, Adventures of the frontier : a tale of the early days of the Texan republic. ...Thomas M. Reid. THANKSGIVING DAY. Chanticleer. ...Cornelius Mathews. John Norton's Thanksgiving. ...William H. H. Murray. Old fashioned Thanksgiving. ...Louisa May Alcott. (In Aunt Jo's scrap-bag.) THEATRICAL LIFE. Actor's wooing. ...Louise Jordon Miln. Born player. ...Mary West. Le capitaine Fracasse. ...Theophile Gautier. Captain Fracasse. ...Theophile Gautier. English translation. Charlotte Ackermann : a theatrical romance. ...Otto Miiller. English translation. Charlotte Ackermann, ein Hamburger Roman aus dem Vorigen Jahrhundert. ...Otto Miiller. Cross currents. ...Mary Angela Dickens. Diana's hunting. ...Robert Buchanan. Dolly Dillenbeck. ...James L. Ford. Dorothy Wallis. ...Walter Besant. King Zub. ...Walter Herries Pollock. Lost in a great city. ...Amanda M. Douglas. Miser Farebrother. ...Benjamin Leopold Farjeon. Peg Woffington. ...Charles Reade. Play actress. ...Samuel Rutherford Crockett. Rising star : a story of the stage. ...David Christie Murray. Strolling players. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge and Christabel R. Coleridge. Der Theaterartzt und andere Humoresken. ...Arthur Bornstein. THEODORIC THE GREAT. See DIETRICH OF BERN. THEOSOPHY. Atman : the documents in a strange case. ...Francis Howard Williams. Brethren of Mount Atlas. ...Hugh E. M. Shutfield. Dr. Mirabel's theory. ...Ross George Dering. Dreams of the dead. ...E. Stanton, pseud. Etidorhpa. ...Anon. For God and humanity. ...Haskett Smith. Mahatma's pupil. ...R. Marsh. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 393 THEOSOPHY — Continued, Morial the Mahatma. ...Mabel Collins. On the height of Himalay. ...H. van der Naillen. Six cent Sam's. ...Julian Hawthorne. Stone dragon. ...Murray Gilchrist. * Strange friend. ...Julian Hawthorne. That fiddler fellow. ...Horace Hutchinson. Veiled beyond: a romance of the adepts. ...Sigmund B. Alexander. Witch of Prague. ...Francis Marion Crawford. THIRTY YEARS' WAR. 1618-1648. Der abenteuerliche Simplicissimus. ...Hans J. C. von Grimmels- hausen. AUwin: ein Roman. ...Friedrich H. C. La Motte Fouque. Axel. ...Carl F. van der Velde. Axel : a tale of the thirty years' war. ...Carl F. van der Velde. English translation. Baron and squire : a story of the thirty years' war. ...Wilhelm Noeldechen. Bernhard, Herzog zu Sachsen- Weimar. ...Friedrich G. Schlenkert. Bila hora, aneb ; T¥i leta z tficeti. ...Ludwig Rellstab. Blameless knights ; or, Liltzen and La Vendee. ...Alice H. F. Byng, viscountess Enfield. Brave resolve ; or, Siege of Stralsund. ...John B. de Liefde. Der Biirgermeister von Neisse. ...Georg Hartwig. Der Christian Koniglichen, FUrsten Herculiscus und Herculadisla Wundergeschichte. ...Andreas H. Buchholtz. La conspiration de Walstein. ...Jean Fran9ois Sarrasin. Der deutsche Krieg: historischer Roman in drei Biichern. ...Hein- rich Laube. Der deutsche Michel. ...Johann Georg L. Hesekiel. Ein deutsches Schneiderlein. ...PYanz Isidor Proschko. Der dreissigjahrige Krieg. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Duellists : a tale of the thirty years' war. ...Anon. (Tn Tales from Blackwood, vol. 10.) Fair Else, Duke Ulrich, and other tales. ...Margaret Roberts. Faltskarns Berattelser. ...Zacharias Topelius. Fides: eine Erzahlung aus der Zeit des dreissigjahrigen Krieges. ...F. Jordan. Der Findling. ...Carl A. F. von Witzleben. Frau Schatz Regine. ...Johann Georg L. Hesekiel. Gabriel : a story of the Jews in Prague. ...Salomon Kohn. English translation. 394 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. THIHTY YEARS' ^KS.— Continued. Gawriel : historische Erzahluiig aus dem dreissigjahrigen Kriege. ...Salomon Kohn. Geglanzt und erloschen. ...Ferdinand Pflug. Geschichte der Grafin Thekla von Thurn. ...Christiane Benedicte Eugenie Naubert. Gustaf Adolf och 30 Sriga kriget. ...Zacharias Topelius. Gustave Adolf and the thirty years' war. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. Gustavus III. ...Zacharias Topelius. Heidelberg George Payne Rainsford James. Herzog Bernhard. ...Hans Blum. Herzog Bernhard. ...Heinrich Laube. Die historisch-politischen Volkslieder des dreissigjahrigen Krieges. ...Franz W. Ditfurth. Im Schloss zu Heidelberg. ...Eva Hartner. Ingerstein Hall and Chadwick Rise. ...James Routledge. Johann Georg I. von Sachsen. ...Franz Lubojatzky. King's service: a story of the thirty years' war. ...Anon. Klosterheim. ...Thomas De Quincey. Das Krauterweible von Wimpfen. ...Conrad Fron. Kruitzner ; or, German's tale. ...Harriet Lee. (In her Canterbury tales. ) Lichtenstein. ...Wilhelm Hauff. Lichtenstein ; or, Swabian league. ...Wilhelm Hauff. English translation. Die Lichtensteiner. ...Carl F. van der Velde. Lichtensteins : a tale of the thirty years' war. ...Carl F. van der Velde. English translation. Die Lieder des dreissigjahrigen Krieges. ...Edward Weller. Lion of the North: a tale of the times of Gustavus Adolphus and the wars of religion. ...George Alfred Henty. Maid of Stralsund : a story of the thirty years' war. ...John B. de Lief de Memoirs of a cavalier ; or, Military journal of the wars in Germany and England from i632-'48. ...Daniel Defoe. Memoirs of the honourable Col. Andrew Newport. ...Daniel Defoe. Monch und Grafin. ...Anton J. Gross-Hofiinger. Die Morder Wallensteins. ...George C. R. Herlosssohn. Odolan Pgptipesk^. ...BeneS-Trebizsk^. Philip Rollo ; or, Scottish musketeers. ...James Grant. Princess Vasa. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. Prinsessan af Vasa. ...Zacharias Topelius. Schoolmaster and his son. ...Carl H. Caspari. English translation. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 395 THIRTY YEARS' WAR — Continued. Der Schulmeister und sein Sohii : eine Erzahluug aus dein dreis- sigjahrigen Kriege. .. Carl H. Caspari. Die Schvveden in Prag. ...Caroline Pichler. Thorn fortress: a tale of the thirty years' war. ...Mary Bramston. Times of Gustaf Adolf. ...Zacharias Topelius. English translation. Die Tochter des Piccolomini. ...G. C. R. Herlosssohn. Um den Kaiserstuhl. ...Wilhelm Jensen. Under Gustaf III.'s forsta regeringsSr. ...Zacharias Topelius. Waldemar. ...W. H. Harrison. Waldner von Wildensteni. ...Jos. Schreyvogel. Waldstein. ...Heinrich Laube. Wallenstein. ...Ernst Wilkomm. Wallensteins erste Liebe. ...George C. R. Herlosssohn. Wallenstein's letzte Tage. ...Franz Lubojatzky. Young carpenters of Freiberg : a tale of the thirty years' war. ...Anon. Young deserter. ...Anon. TURKEY. Description, History, Manners, and Customs. Adventures of Hajji Baba in Turkey, Persia, and Russia. ...James Morier. Among the Turks. ...Verney L. Cameron. Armenians : a tale of Constantinople. ...Charles MacFarlane. Barabbas. ...Marie Corelli. Die Belagerung Wiens im Jahre 1683. ...Caroline Pichler. Bertrand de la Croix. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Boatman of the Bosphorus : a tale of Turkey. ...Anon. Captain of the Janizaries : a story of the times of Sanderbeg and the fall of Constantinople. ...James M. Ludlow. Chrisna. ...Xavier B. Saintine. Chrisna, Queen of the Danube : a story of Montenegro. ...Xavier B. Saintine. English translation. Cross above the crescent : a romance of Constantinople. ...Horatio Southgate. Czar and Sultan : the adventures of a British lad in the Russo- Turkish war of i877-'78. ...Archibald Forbes. Djambek the Georgian : a tale of Modern Turkey. ...A. Gundaccar, Freiherr von Suttner. Lazar-house of Leros : a tale of the Eastern church. ...Anon. (In Tales illustrating church history.) Little blue lady. ...Mitchell. Mahmound, the life of a Turkish apostate. ...Anon. Prince of India; or, Why Constantinople fell. ...Lew Wallace. Romance of the harem. ...Julia Pardoe. 396 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. TURKEY — Continued, Siege of Rhodes. ...William Davenant. ^ Siege of Vienna : a story of the Turkish war of 1683. ...J. Latch- more. Translated from the Turkish. Story of Jewad. ...E. J. W. Gibb. Translated from the Turkish. Story of the Turkish war. ...Anon. Tame Turk. ...Olive Harper. Tcherkiss and his victim : sketches illustrative of life in Constanti- nople. ...Anon. Die TUrken vor Wiens. ...Carl Mueller. Turkish tales. ...Henry W. Weber. Um den Halbmond. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Zord Ido. ...Zsigmund Kemeny. See also CONSTANTINOPLE and EUSSIA. TYBOLESE. Andreas Hofer. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Muhlbach.) Andreas Hofer. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) English translation. Andreas Hofer. ...Maximilian von Schenkendorf. At odds. ...Jemima Montgomery, Baroness von Tautphoeus. 1809 : historischer Roman. ...Eduard Breier. Die Geier-Wally: eine Geschichte aus den Tyroler Alpen. ...Wil- helmine von Hillern. Geier-Wally: a tale of the Tyrol. ...Wilhelmine von Hillern. English translation. Hofer. ...Bramley-Moore. Peter Mayr: der Wart und der Mahr. ...Peter K. Rosegger. Year nine : a tale of the Tyrol. ...Anne Manning. UNITED STATES HISTORY. A Selection. Early History. See AMERICA, North. Seventeenth Century. Bay-path : a tale of New England colonial life. ...Josiah Gilbert Holland. Braddock : a story of the French and Indian wars. ...John R. Musick. Captain Kyd ; or, Wizard of the sea. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Cassique of Kiawah. ...William Gilmore Simms. Cavaliers of Virginia. ...W. A. Caruthers. Doctor Le Baron and his daughters. ...Jane Goodwin Austin. First of the Knickerbockers. ...P. H. Meyers. First settlers in Virginia. ...J. Davis. First settlers of New England. ...Lydia Maria Child. Gaut Gurley; or, Trappers of Umbagog. ,.. Daniel P. Thompson. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 397 UNITED STATES HISTORY — Continued. Golden hair : a tale of the Pilgrim Fathers. ...F. C. L. Wraxall. Green Mountain boys. ...Daniel P. Thompson. Hansford. ...Saint George Tucker. Hobomok. ...Lydia Maria Child. Indian princess. ...J. N. Barker. King Noanett. ...Anon. Knights of the Horseshoe. ...W. A. Caruthers. Lily and the totem. ...William Gilmore Simms. Merry-Mount : a romance of the Massachusetts colony. ...John Lothrop Motley. Mount Hope. ...George H. Hollister. Nameless nobleman. ...Jane Goodwin Austin. Naomi ; or, Boston two hundred years ago. ...Eliza Buckminster Lee. Narragansett chief. ...B. J. Peirce. Nix's mate. ...R. Dawes. Peep at the Pilgrims in 1636. ...Harriet V. Cheney. Pilgrims of New England : a tale of the early American settlers. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe (Webb). Pocahontas. ...Mary W. Mosby. Rebels ; or, Boston before the revolution. ...Lydia Maria Child. Rejected wife. ...Ann S. W. Stephens. Salem : a tale of the seventeenth century. ...D. R. Castleton. Seeking a home; or, Home of the Pilgrims. ...Edward N. Hoare. True hero; or, Story of William Penn. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Vasconselos. ...William Gilmore Simms. Wept of Wish-ton-wish. ...James Fenimore Cooper. White chief among the red men ; or, Knight of the golden Melice. ...J. T. Adams. Woman of Shawm.ut: a romance of colonial times. ...E.J. Car- penter. Young patroon. ...P. H. Meyers. Youth of the old Dominion. ...S. Hopkins. See also NEW ENGLAND, PLYMOUTH, PILGRIMS, PURITANS, QUAKERS, and WITCHCRAFT. Eighteenth Century. Alamance ; or. Great and final experiment. ...Calvin Wiley. Amelia ; or. Faithless Briton. ...Anon. American hunter : a tale from incidents which happened during the war with America. ...Anon. American spy ; or, Freedom's early sacrifice : a tale of the revolu- tion. ...Jeptha R. Simms. 39^ SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, UNITED STATES ISl^TQ^H — Cmtinued. Les anciens Canadiens. ...Philippe Aubert de Gaspe. Arnold; or, British spy : a tale of treason and treachery. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Ashleigh: a tale of the revolution. ...Eliza Ann Dupuy. Bald eagle ; or, Last of the Ramarpaughs. ...Elizabeth Oakes Smith. Bastonnais : a tale of the American invasion of Canada. ...John Lesperance. Betsey's bedquilt : a story of 1777-78. ...Clara F. Guernsey. Black Hollow ; or, Dragoon's bride. ...N. L. Iron. Black-plumed riflemen. ...Newton M. Curtis. Blanche of Brandy wine ; or, September the eleventh, 1777. ...George Lippard. Blue jacket of '76. ...Willis J. Abbot. Bonnybel Vane, embracing the history of Henry Saint John, gen- tleman. ...John Esten Cooke. Boston conspiracy; or. Royal police : a tale of 1773-75. ...John H. Robinson. Boston tea party and other stories of the American revolution. ...Henry C. Watson. Bow of orange ribbon : a romance of New York. ...Amelia Edith Barr. Brandon : a tale of the American colonies. ...O. Tiffany. Bride of Fort Edward, founded on an incident of the revolution. ...Delia S. Bacon. British partisan : a tale of olden time. ...Mary E. Davis. Burton ; or, Sieges. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Buttonwoods; or, Refugees of the revolution. ...Anon. Cabin book; or, Scenes and sketches of the late American and Mexican war. ...Charles Sealsfield (formerly Karl Postl). English translation. Das Cajiitenbuch ; oder, Nationale Charakteristiken. ...Charles Sealsfield (formerly Karl Postl). Camp Charlotte : a tale of 1774. ...Anon. Camp-fires of the revolution. ...Henry C. Watson. Canadians of old. ...Philippe Aubert de Gaspe. English transla- tion. Le capitaine Paul. ...Alexandre Dumas. Captain Jack the scout. ...C. McKnight. Captain Molly : the story of a brave woman. ...Ellen T. H. Put- nam. (Pseud., Thrace Talmon.) Captain Paul. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Charles Morton ; or. Young patriot. ...Mary S. B. D. Shindler. Chauncey Judd ; or. Stolen boy : a tale of the revolution. ...Israel Putnam Warren. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 399 UIOTED STATES ISl^TQBX — Continued. Clayton's rangers ; or, Quaker partisans. ...E. PI. Williamson. Conspirator. ...Eliza Ann Dupuy. . Creole. ...J. B. Cobb. Daughters of the revolution and their times. ...Kate Chopin. Doctor Vandyke. ...John Esten Cooke. Doom of the tory's guard. ...Newton M. Curtis. Double masquerade : a romance of the revolution. ...Charles R. Talbot. Dutch dominie of the Catskills ; or, Times of the '' Bloody Brandt": a tale of the revolution. ...David Murdoch. Eagle of Washington. ...Burkitt J. Newman. Ellen Grafton, the lily of Lexington ; or, Bride of liberty. ...Ben- jamin Barker. Emma Corbett; or, Miseries of the civil war. ...Samuel J. Pratt. Ethan Allen ; or, King's men. ...Melville, pseud. Ethel Hamilton ; or, Lights and shadows of the war of independ- ence. ...Anna T. Sadlier. Eutaw. ...William Gilmore Simms. Fairfax : a chronicle of the valley of Shenandoah. ...John Esten Cooke. Fair maid of Wyoming. ...Gabriel Alexander. Female spy; or, Treason in the camp: a story of the revolution. ...Emerson Bennett. Forayers. ...William Gilmore Simms. Forest and shore ; or. Legends of the Pine tree State. ...Charles P. Ilsley. Forest tragedy. ...Grace Greenwood. Foresters : an American tale. ...Jeremy Belknap. Forsaken. ...Richard P. Smith. Foundling of the Mohawk. ...Newton M. Curtis. Franklin's oath : a tale of Wyoming one hundred years ago. ...C. I. A. Chapman. Frederick de Algeroy, the hero of Camden plains : a revolutionary tale. ...Giles Gazer. From colony to commonwealth : stories of the revolutionary days in Boston. ...Nina M. Tiffany. Fugitives ; or, Quaker scout of Wyoming : a tale of the massacre of 1778. ...Edward S. Ellis. Gideon Godbold : a tale of Arnold's treason. ...N. C. Iron. Golden eagle ; or. Privateer of 1776. ...Sylvanus Cobb, Jr. Grace Dudley; or, Arnold at Saratoga. ...Charles J. Peterson. Great treason : a story of the war of independence. ...Mary A. M. Hoppus. Green mountain boys. ...Daniel P. Thompson. 400 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. UNITED STATES HISTORY — Continued. Greyslaer : a romance of the Mohawk. ...Charles F. Hoffman. Haunted wood : a legend of the Mohawk in 1778. ...E. E. Ellis. Hearts forever ; or, Old Dominion battle grounds ; a tale of 1782. ...N. C. Iron. Henry Saint John : a tale of 1774-1775. ...John Esten Cooke. Hero of Cowpens. ...Rebecca MacConkey. Horse-shoe Robinson: a tale of the tory ascendency. ...John P. Kennedy. Hurricane Harry ; or. Adventures of a naval officer afloat and ashore. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Inez : a tale of the Alamo. ...Augusta J. Evans (Mrs. Wilson). In the valley. ...Harold P^ederic. Israel Potter: his fifty years of exile. ...Hermann Melville. Karmel the scout ; or. Rebel of the Jerseys. ...Sylvanus Cobb, Jr. Kate Aylesford : a story of the refugees. ...Charles J. Peterson. Katharine Walton. ...William Gilmore Simms. Last of the Mohicans. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Leather stockings and silk. ...John Esten Cooke. Legends of the West. ...James Hall. Lionel Lincoln; or, Leaguer of Boston. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Lone star of Texas. ...J. W. Dallam. Maid of Esopus ; or, Trials and triumphs of the revolution. ...N. C. Iron. Marcus Blair. ...C. E. Wright. Margaret Moncrieffe, the first love of Aaron Burr : a romance of the revolution. ...Charles Burdett. Marrying by lot : a tale of the primitive Moravians. ...Charlotte B. Mortimer. Mehetabel : a story of the revolution. ...Mrs. H. C. Gardner. Mellichampe : a legend of the Santel. ...William Gilmore Simms. Meredith ; or. Mystery of the Meschianza : a tale of the American revolution. ...Anon. Merton: a tale of the revolution. ...Eliza Ann Dupuy. Miss MacRea : Roman historique. ...Michel Rene Hilliard d'Auber- teuil. Monarchist : an historical novel. ...John B. Jones. Monody on Major Andre. ...Anna Seward. More than she could bear. ...H. Bendbow. My comrades: adventures in the Highlands and legends of the neutral ground. ...Howard Hinton. Nazarene ; or, Last of the Washingtons. ...George Lippard. Near to nature's heart. ...Edward Payson Roe. Oath of Marion : a story of the revolution. ...Charles J. Peterson. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 401 UNITED STATES HISTORY — Continued, Old Fort Duquesne : a tale of the early toils, struggles, and adven- tures of the first settlers at the forks of the Ohio in 1754. ...Anon. Old Fort Duquesne; or, Captain Jack the scout. ...Charles Mc- Knight. Old Put. ...Justin Jones. (Pseud., Harry Hazel.) Old revolutionary soldier. ...Joseph Alden. Old stone house. ...Joseph Alden. Out of a besieged city. ...Charles W. Hutson. Overland. ...J. W. De Forest. Partisan. ...William Gilmore Simms. Patriot and tory, one hundred years ago. ...Julia M. Wright. Paul and Persis; or, Revolutionary struggle in the Mohawk valley. ...Mary E. Bunce. Paul Ardenheim, the monk of Wissahikon. ...George Lippard. Paul Jones : a romance. ...Allen Cunningham. Paul Jones. ...Theodor Muegge. Paul Redding : a tale of the Brandywine. ...T. Buchanan Read. Pemberton; or, One hundred years ago. ...Henry Peterson. Peter and Polly ; or. Home life in New England a hundred years ago. ...Annie D. Greene. Pilot : a tale of the sea. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Pride of Lexington. ...W. Seton. Quaker soldier; or, British in Philadelphia : a romance of the revo- lution. ...J. Richter Jones. Ralph the drummer boy: a story of the days of Washington. ...Theophile L. Rousselet. Ralphton ; or, Young Carolinian of 1776. ...A. H. Brisbane. Rangers and regulators of the Tanaha : a tale of the republic of Texas. ...Alfred W. Arrington. Rangers ; or, Tory's daughter. ...Daniel P. Thompson. Rebels and the tories ; or, Blood of the Mohawk. ...Lawrence Labree. Rejected wife. ...Ann S. Stephens. Revolutionary times : sketches of our country one hundred years ago. ...Edward Abbott. Rosalie du Pont; or. Treason in the camp. ...Emerson Bennett. Russell and Sidney. ...Eliza Leslie. Saratoga: an Indian tale of frontier life: a true story of 1787. ...D. Shepherd. Saratoga: a tale of 1787. ...Anon. Satanstoe. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Les scalpeurs blancs. ...Gustave Aimard. Scout. ...William Gilmore Simms. ^^^ Septimius Felton, ...Nathaniel Hawthorne, /^""^S^^ ^^^A/fu^ ^^ nCTNIVERSITf ; 402 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. UNITED STATES HISTORY — Continued, 'y6. ...John Neal. Sketches of Western adventure. ...John A. McClung. Spinning-wheel stories. ...Louisa May Alcott. Spy : a tale of the neutral ground. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Standish the Puritan : a tale of the American revolution. ...Eldred Grayson, pseud. Stories of the old Dominion from the settlement to the end of the revolution. ...John Esten Cooke. Stories of the revolution. ...Josiah Priest. Storm mountain. ...Edward S. Ellis. Story of a Hessian : a tale of the revolution in New Jersey. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Thankful blossom : a story of the Jerseys. ...Francis Bret Harte. Three girls of the revolution. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. . Ticonderoga; or, Black eagle. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Tory spy; or, Britisher "done brown."' ...J. Colfort Clifton, True stories of the American fathers. ...Rebecca MacConkey. True to the old flag: a tale of the American war of independence. ...George Alfred Henty. Twice taken : an historical romance of the maritime British prov- inces. ...Charles W. Hall. Walter Thornley ; or, Peep at the past. ...Susan R. Sedgwick. Washington and his generals; or, Legends of the revolution. ...George Lippard. Washington and his men. ...George Lippard. Washington and seventy-six. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Water waif: a story of the revolution. ...Elizabeth S. Bladen. Wau-nan-gee ; or, Massacre at Chicago : a romance of the Ameri- can revolution. ...John Richardson. White scalper : a story of the Texan war. ...Gustave Aimard. Eng- lish translation. White slave; or, Memoirs of Archy Moore. ...Richard Hildreth. Woodcraft. ...William Gilmore Simms. Yankee champion ; or, Tory and his league. ...Sylvanus Cobb, Jr. Yemasee. ...William Gilmore Simms. Yorktown: an historical romance. ...Anon. Young rebels : a story of the battle of Lexington. ...Robert Hope Moncrieff. (Pseud., Ascot R. Hope.) See also FRENCH AND INDIAN WARS, 1756-1775, and INDI- ANS OF NORTH AMERICA. Nineteenth Century. Bernard Lile : an historical romance embracing the periods of the Texas revolution and the Mexican war. ...Jeremiah Clemens. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 403 UNITED STATES HISTORY — Continued. Bloody junto ; or, Escape of John Wilkes Booth. ...R. H. Crozier. Brother soldiers. ...Mary S. Robinson. Cameron Hall : a story of the civil war. ...M. A. Cruse. Confederate spy. ...R. li. Crozier. Coward. ...H. Morford. Cross and the Shamrock. ...H. Quigley. Cudjo's cave. ...John T. Trowbridge. Dangerfield rest. ...H. Sedley. Days of Shoddy: a novel of the great rebellion in 1861. ...Henry Morford. Double hero. ...N. C. Iron. Drummer boy: a story of Burnside's expedition. ...John T. Trowbridge. Fort Lafayette; or, Love and secession. ...Benjamin Wood. Forward with the flag. ...Mary S. Robinson. Great battle year of 1863. ...Mary S. Robinson. Gun-bearer. ...Edward A. Robinson. Hardscrabble ; or, Fall of Chicago. ...John Richardson. Harrington. ...W. D. O'Connor. Hilt to hilt ; or, Days and nights in the Shenandoah in the autumn of 1864. ...John Esten Cooke. Humbled pride : a story of the Mexican war. ...John R. Musick. Iron furnace. ...J. H, Anghey. John March, Southerner. ...George Washington Cable. Lord of himself. ...F. H. Underwood. Miss Ravenel's conversion from secession to loyalty. ...John M. de Forest. Mohun; or. Last days of Lee and his paladins. ...John Esten Cooke. Old Dominion. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Old Hal Williams. ...J. T. Warren. Old plantation. ...J. Hungerford. Partisan leader. ...Beverley Tucker. Planter's daughter. ...Eliza Ann Dupuy. Rattlesnake. ...Edward Z. C. Judson. (Pseud., Ned Buntline.) Romance of the Republic. ...Lydia Maria Child. Running the blockade. ...William H. Thomas. Sanctuary. ...George W. Nichols. Shoulder straps: a novel of New York and the army. ...H. Mor- ford. Subaltern in America. ...George Robert Gleig. Sunny South ; or, Southerner at home. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Surry of Eagle's Nest ; or, Memoirs of a staff-officer serving in Vir- ginia. ...John Esten Cooke. 404 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. UNITED STATES HISTOEY — Cd?;////^/^^. Sustained honor: a story of the war of 1812. ...John R. Musick. Talbot Vernon. ...McConnell. Three scouts. ...John T. Trowbridge. Tiger-lilies. ...Sidney Lanier. Union : a story of the great rebellion. ...John R. Musick. See also WAE OF 1812, CIVIL WAR OF 1861, REVOLUTIONS, America, 1775-1789, and MEXICAN WAR OF 1845. VEHMGERICHT. See FEMGERICHTE. VENEZUELA. Description, History^ Manners, and Customs. Die Blauen und Gelben. ...F. Gerstaecker. Campaigns and cruises in Venezuela, New Granada, and in the Pacific Ocean. ...Anon. Frank Redcliffe : a story of travel and adventure in the forests of Venezuela. ...Achilles Daunt. Young Llanero. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. VENICE, ITALY. Bravo. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Le fils du Titien. ...Alfred de Musset. Giacomo. ...W. C. Bamburgh. Haunted hotel. ...Wilkie Collins. Lion of Saint Mark : a tale of Venice. ...George Alfred Henty. Venetian June. ...Anna Fuller. Winged lion. ...James De Mille. VERMONT. Eagle's plume. ...Sarah E. Heald. Green Mountain boys : a historical tale of the early settlement of Vermont. ...Daniel P. Thompson. VICTORIA OF ENGLAND. Reigjied 1837- Alton Locke. ...Charles Kingsley. Beatrice and Benedick : a romance of the Crimea. ...Hawley Smart. Coningsby. ...Benjaniin Disraeli. Convict. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Corporal Bruce of the Balaklava " six hundred." ...George B. Perry. Endymion. ...Benjamin Disraeli. Fall of Sebastopol ; or, Jack Archer in the Crimea. ...George Alfred Henty. Frederick Gordon ; or, Storming of the Sedan. ...Anon. Gaythorne Hall. ...John M. Fothergill. Henri de la Tour; or. Comrades in arms. ...J. Frederick Smith. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 405 VICTORIA OF ENGLAND — Continued, Interpreter: a tale of the Crimean war. ...George John Whyte Melville. Jack Archer : a tale of the Crimea. ...George Alfred Henty. James Woodford, carpenter and chartist. ...Henry Solly. Lady Wedderburn's wish : a tale of the Crimean war. ...James Grant. Laura Everingham ; or, Highlanders of Glen Ora. ...James Grant. Lord Hermitage. ...J .les Grant. Lothair. ...Benjamin Disraeli. Mainstone*s housekeeper. ...Eliza Meteyard. (Pseud., Silver pen.) Manchester strike. ...Harriet Martineau. Martyrs to circumstances. ...Maria Therese Longvvorth Yelverton. Mary Barton. ...Elizabeth C. Gaskell. North and South. ...Elizabeth C. Gaskell. One of the " six hundred." ...James Grant. Ravenshoe. ...Henry Kingsley. Soldier born : or, Adventures of a subaltern of the Ninety-fifth in the Crimea, and Indian mutiny. ...John P. Groves. Sybil; or, Two nations. ...Benjamin Disraeli. Under the Red Dragon. ...James Grant. Vera; or, Russian princess and the English earl. ...Charlotte Dempster. Wenderholme : a story of Lancashire and Yorkshire. ..Philip Gilbert Hamerton. Yeast : a problem. ...Charles Kingsley. See also CRIMEAN WAR and INDIA. VIENNA, AUSTRIA. Auf dem Wiener Kongress. ...Julius Bacher. ' Die Belagerung Wiens im Jahre 1683. ...Caroline Pichler. Das Buch von den Wienern., ...Michael Beheim. Der Congress zu Wien. ...Eduard Breier. 1805 j Oder, Die Franzosen zum erstenmal in Wien. ...Eduard Breier. Die Geheimnisse des Waldschlosses. ...Reinhard Edmund Haln. Johann Sobieski, der grosse Polenkonig und Befreier Wiens. ...Georg F. Born. Moderne Grossen. ...B. Aba. Pastor's fireside. ...Jane Porter. Die revolution der Wiener im 15 Jahrhundert. ...Eduard Breier. Romance of Vienna. ...Frances TroUope. Die Rosenkreuzer in Wien. ...Eduard Breier. Riidiger von Starhemberg. ...Franz X. Huber. Siege of Vienna. ...J. Latchmore, Jr. Translated from the Turkish. 4o6 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, VIENNA, hM^TSlk— Continued. Thekla. ...William Armstrong. Die Tdrken vor Wiens. ...Carl Mueller. Wien mid Rom. . .Eduard Breier. Wien vor vierhundert Jahreii. ...Eduard Breier. VIKINGS. A Selection. Champion of Odin. ...J. Frederick Hodgetts. Gunnar: a tale of Norse heroism. ...Hjalmar H. Boyesen. Eng- lish translation. Ivar, the Viking. ...Paul Du Chaillu. Modern Vikings : stories of life and sport in the Norseland. ...Hjalmar H. Boyesen. Olaf the Glorious : a historical story of the Viking age. ...Robert Leighton. Sentimental Vikings. ...R. V. Risley. Sons of the Vikings : an Orkney story. ...John Gunn. UUa. ...Edwin Lester Arnold. Viking tales of the North. ...Rasmus B. Anderson. Vikings of the Baltic. ...George W. Dasent. See also NORWAY. v VIOLINS AND VIOLIN MUSIC. Den Bergtekne. ...Kristofer Nagel Janson. Cord from a violin. ...Winifred Agnes Haldane. Faience violin. ...Jules F. F. H. Fleury. (Campfleury.) English translation. Fiddler of Lugau. ...Margaret Roberts. First violin. ...Jessie Fothergill. Flute and violin. ...James Lane Allen. Kun en Spillemand. ...Hans Christian Andersen. Lay of the Scottish fiddle. ...James K. Paulding. Lost Stradivarius. ...J. Meade Falkner. Marie. ...Laura E. Richards. Markof, the Russian violinist. ...Alice M. Durand. Only a fiddler. ...Hans Christian Andersen. English translation. Otto's inspiration. ...Mary H. Ford. Spell-bound fiddler : a Norse romance. ...Kristofer Nagel Janson. English translation. Teacher of the viohn and other tales. ...John Henry Shorthouse. That fiddler fellow. ...Horace Hutchinson. Le violon de faience. ...Jules F. F. H. Fleury. (Pseud., Champfleury.) VIRGINIA. Aunt Dorothy : an old Virginia plantation story. ...Margaret J. Preston. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION: 407 VIRGINIA — Continued. Bonnybel Vane. ...John Esten Cooke. Captain Macdonald's daughter. ...Archibald Campbell. Captain Smith and the Princess Pocahontas. ...J. Davis. Chiefs daughter. ...Anon, Christian Indian. ...Anon. Christmas week at Bigler's mill. ...Dora E. W. Spratt. Doctor Vandyke : a story of Virginia in the last century. ...John Esten Cooke. Fairfax: a chronicle of the valley of the Shenandoah. ...John Esten Cooke. First settlers in Virginia. ...J. Davis. Flower de hundred : the story o£ a Virginia plantation. ...Constance Cary Harrison (Mrs. Burton Harrison). From the school-room to the bar. ...W. H. W. Moran. Girl's life in Virginia before the war. ...Letitia M. Burwell. Hansford: a tale of Bacon's rebellion. ...Saint George Tucker. Henry Saint John: a tale of 1774-5. ...John Esten Cooke. Holcombes. ...Mary T. Magill. Homoselle. ...Mary S. Tiernan. Indian princess. ...J. N. Barker. In ole Virginia ; or, Marse Chan and other stories. ...Thomas Nelson Page. Judith : a chronicle of old Virginia. ...Mary Virginia Terhune. (Pseud., Marion Harland.) Justin Harley : a romance of old Virginia. ...John Esten Cooke. King Noanett: a story of old Virginia and Massachusetts Bay. ...F. J. Stimpson. Knights of the Horseshoe. ...W. A. Caruthers. Last of the foresters. ...John Esten Cooke. Leather stockings and silk ; or, Hunter John Myers and his times : a story of the Valley of Virginia. ...John Esten Cooke. Life and death of Sam in Virginia. ...Gardiner. Life of Captain Jack. ...Daniel Defoe. Man of honor. ...George C. Eggleston. Miss Lou. ...Edward Payson Roe. My Lady Pokahontas : a true relation of Virginia. ...John Esten Cooke. Paths in the great waters. ...Edward N. Hoare. Philip Randolph : a tale of Virginia. ...Mary Gertrude. Pleasant waters : a story of Southern life and character. ...Graham Clayton Pocahontas : a story of Virginia. ...John R. Musick. Roland Blake. ...S. Weir Mitchell. Rose-hill. ...Anon. 4o8 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, VIRGINIA — Co7ztmued. Ruth Emsley, the betrothed maiden : a tale of the Virginia mas- sacre. ...William H. Carpenter. Stories of the old Dominion. ...John Esten Cooke. Storm mountain. ...Edward S. Ellis. Story of Don Miff. ...Virginius Dabney. Tanis the sand-digger. ...Amelia Rives Chanler. Throckmorton. ...Molly E. Seawell. Two little confederates. ...Thomas Nelson Page. Virginia Bohemians. ...John Esten Cooke. Virginia comedians. ...John Esten Cooke. Virginia inheritance. ...Edward Pendleton. Virginia of Virginia. ...Amelie Rives Chanler. Virginia plantation story. ...Margaret J. Preston. Virginians. ...William Makepeace Thackeray. White aprons. ...Maud Wilder Goodwin. Witch of Jamestown. ...J. T. Bowyer. Yankee school-teacher in Virginia. ...Lydia W. Baldwin. Youth of the old Dominion. ...S. Hopkins. See also POCAHONTAS. WALDENSES AND ALBIGENSES. Adelaide de Monfort ; ou, La guerre des Albigeois. ...Justin E. M. Cenac-Moncaut. Albigenses: a romance. ...Charles R. Maturin. Casella ; or, Children of the valley. ...Martha Finley. Christine; or, Persecuted family. ...J. Dillon. Le comte de Toulouse. Roman. ...Melchior Frederic Soulie. De Foix. ...Anna Eliza Bray. Exiles of Lucerna. ...John R. Macduff. Idyl of the Alps. ...Anne Manning. In His name : a story of the Waldenses seven hundred years ago. ...Edward Everett Hale. In letters of fame : a tale of the Waldenses. ...Clara L. Mateaux. Julio : a tale of the Vaudois. ...Mrs. J. B. Peploe (Webb). Pierre and his family : a story of the Waldenses. ...Miss Grierson. Six sisters of the valley: an historical romance. ...William Bramley Moore. Le vicomte de Beziers. ...Melchior Frederic Soulie. WALLENSTEIN, ALBRECHT WENCESLAS EUSEBIUS. Lived 1583- 1634. La conspiration de Walstein. ...Jean Fran9ois Sarrasin. Monch und Grafin. ...Anton J. Gross-Hoffinger. Die Morder Wallensteins. ...George C. R. Herlosssohn. Die Schweden in Prag. ...Caroline Pichler. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 409 WALLENSTEIN, ALBRECHT WENCESLAS EUSEBIUS — Continued, Die Tochter des Piccolomini. ...George C. R. Ilerlosssohn. Waldstein. ...Heinrich Laube. Wallenstein. ...Ernest Willkomm. Wallensteins erste Liebe. ...George C. R. Herlosssohn. Wallensteins letzte Tage. ...Franz Lubojatzky. WALPOLE, HORACE. Lived 1717-1797. ' Strawberry Hill. ...Robert Folk Williams. WANDERING JEW. Ahasverus. ...Edgar Quinet. Le Juif errant. ...Marie Joseph Eugene Sue. Prince of India ; or, Why Constantinople fell. ...Lew Wallace. Salathiel, the immortal. ...George Croly. Wandering Jew. ...Marie Joseph Eugene Sue. English transla- tion. WAR. A Selection. Agincourt. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Alice Bridge of Norwich : a tale of the time of Charles the First. ...Andrew Reed. Alice Lorraine. ...Richard Doddridge Blackmore. Un ami de la reine. ...Paul Gaulot. L'argent des autres. ...]£mile Gaboriau. Attack on the mill. ...^mile Zola. English translation. At the sign of the guillotine. ...Harold Spender. Belfry of Saint Jude. ...Esme Stuart. Ben Brace : the last of Nelson^s Agamemnons. ...Frederick Chamier. Bivouac ; or, Stories of the Peninsular war. ...William H. Max- well. Black and gold. ...Patten Saunders. Blockade : an episode of the fall of the first French empire. ...iSmile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English transla- tion. Le blocus. ...]£mile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Castle Dangerous. ...Sir Walter Scott. Child of the Ganges. ...Robert N. Barrett. Comedy of terrors. ...James De Mille. Cornet of horse : a tale of Marlborough's wars. ...George Alfred Henty. Creole. ...J. B. Cobb. Cressy and Poictiers; or, Story of the Black Prince's page. ...John George Edgar. Days of Bruce. ...Grace Aguilar. 4IO SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. WAR — Continued. Delaplaine. ...Mansfield Tracy Walworth. Diana's crescent. ...Anne Manning. Edmond Dantes. ...Alexandre Dumas. Edmond Dantes. ...Alexandre Dumas. English translation. Eighty years ago. ...Harriet Morton. Elba und Waterloo. ...F. Stolle. Enemy's friendship. ...S. M. S. Clarke. Felix Alvarez; or, Manners in Spain. ...Alexander R. C. Dallas. Fighting the Saracens ; or, Boy knight. ...George Alfred Henty. For king or country. ...James Barnes. Frank Hilton. ...James Grant. Friend of the queen. ...Paul Gaulot. English translation. Gate and the glory beyond it. ...Onyx, pseud. La grande famille : Roman militaire. ...Jean Grave. Ground arms. ...Bertha von Suttner. Gun-bearer. ...Edward A. Robinson. Helen Treveryan. ...John Roy. Henry Masterton ; or, Adventures of a young cavalier. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Histoire d'un homme du peuple. ...lEmile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Histoire du plebiscite. ...fimile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Humbled pride: a story of the Mexican war. ...John R. Musick. In blue uniform. ...George Israel Putnam. Invasion of France in 1814: comprising the night march of the Russian army past Phalsburg. ...fimile Erckmann and Alex- andre Chatrian. English translation. L'invasion ; ou, Le fou Yegof. ...iSmile Erckmann et Alexandre Chatrian. Kenneth ; or. Rear-guard of the grand army. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Kentucky's love ; or, Roughing it about Paris. ...Edward King. King's own borderers : a military romance. ...James Grant. Lady Betty's governess; or, Corbet chronicles. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Leonie ; or, Light out of darkness. ...Annie Lucas. Little blue lady. ...Mitchell. Maid of Stralsund: a story of the thirty years' war. ...John B. de Liefde. Margaret MuUer : a story of the late war in France. ...Eugenie Bersier. Max Kromer : a story of the siege of Strasburg. ...Hannah Smith. (Pseud., Hesba Stretton.) Memoirs of troublous times. ...Emma Marshall. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 411 WAR — Continued. Micah Clarke : his statement as made to his three grandchildren. ...Arthur Conan Doyle. Monsieur Jack : a tale of the old war-time. ...Alfred H. Engelbach. New centurion: a tale of automatic war. ...James Eastwick. Other people's money. ...fimile Gaboriau. English translation. Parisians. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Phantom regiment ; or, Stories of Ours. ...James Grant. Physiology of war. ...Lyeff Nikolaievich Tolstoi. English translation. Powder and gold : a story of the P'ranco-Prussian war. ...Levin Schuecking. English translation. Pulver und gold. ...Levin Schuecking. Red badge of courage. ...Stephen Crane. Red cap and blue jacket. ...G. Dunn. Red cockade. ...Stanley J. Weyman. Le roman d'un brave homme. ...Edmond About. Romance of war. ...L. Bellstab. Romance of war; or, Highlanders in Spain. ...James Grant. Saint Katharine's by the tower. ...Walter Besant. Six years ago. ...James Grant. Stanfield Hall. ...J. Frederick Smith. Story of an honest man. ...Edmond About. English translation. Story of the plebiscite. ...fimile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Stories of the wars. ...J. Tillotson. Stories of Torres Vedras. ...John G. Milligen. Subaltern. ...George Robert Gleig. Sustained honor : a story of the war of 181 2. ...John R. Musick. Tales of the wars of Montrose. ...J. Hogg. Union : a story of the great rebellion. ...John R. Musick. Valentin : a French boy's story of Sedan. ...Henry Kingsley. Washingtons : a tale of a country parish in the seventeenth century. ...John N. Simpkinson. Waterloo : suite du conscrit de 1813. ...£mile Erckmann et Alex- andre Chatrian. Waterloo. ...fimile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian. English translation. Wayside cross ; or, Raid of Gomez : a tale of the Carlist war. ...Edward A. Milman. When Greek meets Greek. ...Joseph Hatton. White aprons. ...Maud Wilder Goodwin. White slave. ...Richard Hildreth. Within iron walls : a tale of the siege of Paris. ...Annie Lucas. Woodstock; or, Cavalier: a tale of the year 1651. ...Sir Walter Scott. 412 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. WAR — Continued, Workman and soldier: a tale of Paris life during the siege and the rule of the Commune. ...James F. Cobb. Young buglers : a tale of the Peninsular war. ...George Alfred Henty. Young Franc-Tireurs ; and their adventures in the Franco-Prussian war. ...George Alfred Henty. Young Llanero. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Youth and manhood of Cyril Thornton. ...Thomas Hamilton. See also ARMY AND NAVY LIFE, and special wars under their titles. WAR OF 1812. Alida ; or, Town and country. ...Susan R. Sedgwick. American cruiser : a tale of the war. ...Anon. Big brother : a story of Indian war. ...George C. Eggleston. Blue jackets of 1812, with account of the French and Indian war of 1798. ...Willis J. Abbot. Boy soldiers of 181 2. ...Everett T. Tomlinson. Canadian brothers ; or, Prophecy fulfilled : a tale of the American war. ...John Richardson. Captain Sam ; or, Boy scouts of 1814. ...George C. Eggleston. Champions of freedom ; or, Mysterious chief. ...Samuel Wood- worth. Chilhowee boys in war time. ...Sarah E. Morrison. Creole. ...J. B. Cobb. Cruising in the last war. ...Charles J. Peterson. Cub's apple ; or, " Next time." ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Les fiances de 1812. ...Joseph Doutre. For king and country : a story of 1812. ...Anon. Haunted hearts: a tale of New Jersey. ...Maria S. Cummins. L'heroine de Chateauguay. ...Heinrich iSmile Chevalier. Lafitte, the pirate of the Mexican Gulf. ...Joseph Holt Ingraham. Laura Secor. ...Mrs. Curzon. Lay of the Scottish fiddle : a tale of Havre de Grace. ...James K. Paulding. Loyal traitor : a story of the naval war of 181 2. ...James Barnes. Mafilda Montgomerie ; or. Prophecy fulfilled. ...John Richard- son. Mount Benedict ; or, Violated tomb : a tale of the Charlestown convict. ...Peter McCorry. Ocean rovers. ...W. H. Thomas. Queenstown : a tale of the Niagara frontier. ...Anon. Search for Andrew Field. ...Everett T. Tomlinson. Signal boys; or. Captain Sam's company. ..George C. "Eggleston. Sustained honor: a story of the war of 1812. ...John R. Musick. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 413 WAR OF 1%\2~ Continued. Tory's daughter : a romance of the North-west, 1812-1813. ...Al- bert G. Riddle. Wau-nan-gee ; or, Massacre at Chicago. ...John Richardson. Western captive ; or. Times of Tecumseh. ...Seba Smith. White slave ; or, Memoirs of Archy Moore. ...Richard Hildreth. Will of the wisp. ...R. C. Rogers. Within the capes. ...Howard Pyle. Zachary Phips. ...Edwin Lassetter Bynner. WAR OF PHILIP OF POKANOKET. 1607. Mount Hope, or Philip, King of Wampanoags. ...G. H. HoUister. Narragansett chief. ...Bo J. Peirce. Romance of King Philip's war. ...Fanny B. Workman. (In New England Mag., May, 1887.) Wept-of-wish-ton. ...James Fenimore Cooper. WAR OF THE ROSES. 1455-1485. At ye Greene Griffin ; or, Mrs. Treadwell's cook. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Black arrow : a tale of the two roses. ...Robert Louis Stevenson. Chantry Priest of Barnet : a tale of the two Roses. ...Alfred John Church. Civile wars between the two houses of Lancaster and Yorke. ...Samuel Daniel. Earl printer : times of Caxton. ...C. M. M. Fortress : an historical tale of the fifteenth century. ...Anon. Grisly Grisell; or, Laidly lady of Whitburn : a tale of the war of the Roses. ...Charlotte Mary Yonge. Historical tales of the Lancastrian times. ...Henry P. Dunster. In the wars of the Roses. ...Evelyn Everett Green. Judged by appearances : a tale of the civil wars. ...Eleanor Lloyd. Last of the Barons. ...Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton. Maid of Warsaw. ...Ernst Jones. Malvern Chase : an episode of the wars of the Roses and the battle of Tewkesbury. ...W. S. Symonds. Queen's badge. ...Francies M. Wilbraham. Red and white : a tale of the war of the Roses. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Richard of York ; or. White Rose of England. ...Anon. Rival Roses : a romance of English history. ...Eliza S. Francis. Rocking stone : chronicle of the times of the wars of the Roses. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. Stormy life. ...Georgiana C. L. G. Fullerton. War of the Roses. ...John George Edgar. York and Lancaster rose. ...Annie Keary. 414 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Across the chasm. ...Julia Magruder. Alice Brand : a romance of the capital. ...Albert G. Riddle. Child of the century. ...John T. Wheelwright. Gilded age. ...Samuel Langhorne Clemens (pseud., Mark Twain), and Charles Dudley Warner. Her Washington season. ...Jeanie G. Lincoln. Honest John Vane. ...John W. DeForest In sight of the goddess. ...Harriet Riddle Davis. Justine's lovers. ...John W. DeForest. Scenes at Washington : a story of the last generation. ...Anon. Through one administration. ...PYances Hodgson Burnett. Washington winter. ...Madeleine V. Dahlgren Zachariah, the congressman. ...Gilbert A. Pierce. See also POLITICS, American. WASHINGTON, GEORGE. Lived 1732-1799. Boys of Greenaway court. ...Hezekiah Butterworth. Braddock : a story of the French and Indian wars. ...John R. Musick. Eagle of Washington. ...Burkitt J. Newman. Farmer boy and commander-in-chief. ,..W. M. Thayer. John Littlejohn of J. ...George Morgan. Lionel Lincoln ; or, Leaguer of Boston. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Story of Washington. ...Elizabeth Eggleston Seelye. True stories of the days of Washington. ...Anon. Washington and his generals. ...George Lippard. Washington and his men. ...George Lippard. Washington and '76. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. WEST INDIES. Description^ History^ Manners^ and Customs. i At last : a Christmas in the West Indies. ...Charles Kingsley. Buccaneers : a romance of our own country in its ancient days. ...S. B. H. Judah. Bug-Jargal. ...Victor Hugo. Conspiracy : a Cuban romance. ...Adam Badeau. Cruise of the Midge. ...Michael Scott. Daughter of Cuba. ...Helen M. Bowen. Doris and Theodora. ...Margaret J. Janvier. (Pseud., Margaret Vandegrift.) Enriqueta Faber. ...Andres Clemente Vazquez. Free flag of Cuba. ...H. M. Hardimann. Hispaniola plate. ...John B. Burton. Humbled pride : a story of the Mexican war. ...John R. Musick. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 4^5 WEST T&Jil^%— Continued. Hour and the man. ...Harriet Martineau. Jack Tier. ...James Fenimore Cooper. Juanita: a romance of real life in Cuba fifty years ago. ...Mary Mann (Mrs. Horace Mann). Marly ; or, Life of a planter in Jamaica. ...Anon. Maroon ; or, Planter life in Jamaica. ...Mayne Reid. Marooner's Island. ...F. R. Goulding. Meyrick's promise. ...Edith C. Phillips. El Mulato Sab. ...Gertrudes Gomez de Avellaneda. Otilia: episodio de la guerra de Cuba. ...V. Aguilar. Prince of Kashna. ...Anon. Rover's secret. ...William J. C. Lancaster. (Pseud., Harry Col- lingwood.) Sir Edward Seaward's narrative of his shipwreck. ...Jane Porter. Theresa at San Domingo. ...Mme. A. Fresneau. Tom Cringle's log. ...Michael Scott. Under Drake's flag : a tale of the Spanish main. ...George Alfred Henty. Vasconselos : a romance of the new world. ...William Gilmore Simms. Westward Ho ! or, Voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh. ...Charles Kingsley. With Maceo in Cuba : adventures of a Minnesota boy. ...Franc R. E. Woodward. Youma: the story of a West Indian slave. ...Lafcadio Chita Hearn. WILLIAM III. OF ENGLAND. Reigned 1689-1702. Baldearg O'Donnell. ...A. S. G. Canning. Beatrice Tyldesley. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Darien ; or, Merchant prince. ...Eliot B. G. Warburton. Dog-fiend; or, Snarley-yow. ...Frederick Marryat. King's highway. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Lady Clancarty ; or, Wedded and wooed : a tale of the assassina- tion plot of 1696. ...Thomas Taylor. Mistress Dorothy Marvin. ...J. C. Snaith. My mistress, the queen. ...Margaret A. Paull. Orange and green. ...George Alfred Henty. True-born gentleman. ...Daniel Defoe. William^ Prince of Orange ; or, King and the hostage. ...Titus M, Merriman. WILLIAM I. OF GEEMANY. Reigned 1871-1888. Aus dem Berlin Kaiser Wilhelm's I. ...Paul Lindenberg. Haus Hohenzollern. ...Stanislaus S. A. Grabowski. 4i6 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. WILLIAM I. OF Qi^^lS^kWi—Confmued. Held und Kaiser. ...Johann Ferdinand Martin Oskar Meding. (Pseud., Gregor Samarow.) Kaiser Wilhelm und seine Zeitgenossen. ...Clara M. Mundt. (Pseud., Louise Miihlbach.) Prince Bismarck, friend or foe. ...Minny Bothmer. WILLIAM II. OF GEKMANY. Reignedl888 Bis zum Kaiserthron. ...Bruno Garlepp. Vanished emperor. ...Percy Andreae. WILLIAM THE CONQUEROE. See NORMAN CONQUEST. WITCHCRAFT. Delusion ; or, Witch of New England. ...Anon. Fair Puritan: an historical romance of the days of witchcraft. ...Henry W. Herbert. (Pseud., Frank Forester.) Jane Seton. ...James Grant. (Scottish.) Lancashire witches. ...William Harrison Ainsworth. Langham revels. ...Lucy Ellen Guernsey. Lois the witch. ...Elizabeth C. Gaskell. Mar's white witch. ...Gertrude Douglas. Maria Schweidler die Bernsteinhexe. ...Johann Wilhelm Mein- hold. Maria Schweidler the amber witch. ...Johann Wilhelm Meinhold. English translation. Martha Corey : a tale of the Salem witchcraft. ...Constance God- dard DuBois. Necromancer. ...George W. M. Reynolds. Philip English's two cups. ...Anon. Rachel Dyer. ...John Neal. Salem : a tale of the seventeenth century. ...D. R. Castleton. Salem belle: a tale of 1692. ...Anon. Salem witchcraft : an Eastern tale. ...R. C. Sands. Salem witchcraft ; or. Adventures of Parson Handy, from Punka- pog. ...Anon. Secret of Narcisse. ...Edmund W. Gosse. Sidonia the sorceress. ...Johann Wilhelm Meinhold. Silent struggles. ...Ann S. W. Stephens. South meadows. ...Ella T^Disosway. Spectre of the forest ; or. Annals of the Housatonic. ...J. Mac- Henry. White witch of Moher. ...Frank Mathew. (In his At the rising of the moon.) Witch and the deacon. ...Cornelius Mathews. Witch hill : a history of Salem witchcraft. ...Z. A. Mudge. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION, 417 WITCHCKAFT — Continued. Witch of Jamestown. ...J. T. Bowyer. Witch of Prague. ...Francis Marion Crawford. Witch of Salem ; or, Credulity run mad. ...John R. Musick. Witches. ...Edmund W. Gosse. WOLSEY, THOMAS, CARDINAL OF ROME. Lived U7 1-1550. Agnes Martin ; or, Fall of Cardinal Wolsey. ...Anon. Darnley ; or, Field of the cloth of gold. ...George Payne Rainsford James. Freston tower: a tale of the times of Wolsey. ...Richard Cobbold. Lettice Eden : a tale of the last days of Henry the Eighth. ...Emily Sarah Holt. WORKING-CLASSES. A Selection. All sorts and conditions of men. ...Walter Besant. Alton Locke. ...Charles Kingston. Austin Elliot. ...Henry Kingsley. Barnaby Rudge. ...Charles Dickens. Break o' day and other stories. ...G. Wharton Edwards. Breton mills. ...Charles J. Bellamy. Caesar's column. ...Ignatius Donnelly. (Pseud., Edmund Bois- gilbert.) Claribel, the sea maid. ...E. M. Stewart. Colloquies of Edward Osborne. ...Anne Manning. Complaining millions of men. ...Edward Fuller. Daughter of humanity. ...Edgar Maurice Smith. David's loom : a story of Rochdale life in the nineteenth century. ...John T. Clegg. Devil's hat. ...Melville Philips, Eustace Marchmont, a friend of the people. ...Evelyn Everett Green. Felix Plolt, the radical. ...George Eliot. Foure prentises of London. ...Thomas Heywood. Gun-maker of Moscow. ...Sylvanus Cobb, Jr. Hard times. ...Charles Dickens. John Halifax, gentleman. ...Dinah Maria Mulock Craik. Lace makers of Ireland. ...Louise A. Meredith. Lamplighter. ...Maria Susanna Cummins. Lawton girl. ...Harold Frederic. Life in the iron mills. ...Rebecca Harding Davis. Madonna of the tubs. ...Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward (Mrs. Herbert D. Ward). Mainstone's housekeeper. ...Eliza Meteyard. (Pseud., Silver Pen.) Manchester strike. ...Harriet Martineau. 27 4l8 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. WORKING ^'Ul^'^'E.^— Continued. Marcella. ...Mary Augusta Ward (Mrs. Humphry Ward). Mark Dennis; or, Engine-driver. ...M. C. J. G. Mary Barton : a tale of Manchester life. ...Elizabeth C. Gaskell. Master of his fate. ...Ameha Edith Barr. Memoirs of a working man. ...Thomas Carter. Mills of Tuxbury. ...Virginia F. Townsend. Nicholas Minturn. ...Josiah Gilbert Holland. North and South. ...Elizabeth C. Gaskell. Palissy, the Huguenot potter. ...Cecilia L. Brightwell. Prince Dusty : a story of the oil regions. ...Kirk Munroe. Probation. ...Jessie Fothergill. Put yourself in his place. ...Charles Reade. Queen Philippa and the hurrer's daughter. ...Elizabeth M. Stewart. Reuben Foreman, the village blacksmith. ...Darley Dale. Rival apprentices. ...Anon. Rival houses of Hobbs and Dobbs. ...Crotchet Crayon, pseud. Sabaris and other homes. ...Edward Everett Hale. Seed she sowed : a tale of the great dock strike. ...Emma Leslie. Seed time and harvest. ...Fritz Renter. English translation. Sir George Tressady. ...Mary Augusta Ward (Mrs. Humphry Ward). Sketches of working women. ...Ellen Barlee. Social crime. ...Minnie L. Armstrong and G. N. Sleets. Stone pastures. ...Eleanor Stuart. Susannah. ...Mary E. Mann. Tale of Lowell. ...Argus, pseud. That lass o' Lowrie's. ...Frances Hodgson Burnett. Through the fray : a tale of the Ruddite riots. ...George Alfred Henty. Ut mine Stromtid. ...Fritz Renter. Wenderholm : a story of Lancashire and Yorkshire. ...Philip Gil- bert Hamerton. Yeast : a problem. ...Charles Kingsley. Yekl : a tale of the New York Ghetto. ...A. Cahan. See also LABOR AND CAPITAL, CONFLICT OF. WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. Held at Chicago, 1893. Against odds : a romance of the Midway Plaisance. ...E. Murdock Van Deventer. (Pseud., Laurence L. Lynch.) Samantha at the World's Fair. ...Marietta Holley. (Pseud., Josiah Allen's wife.) Sweet clover : a romance of the White City. ...Clara Louise Burn- ham. (Pseud., Edith Douglas.) SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 419 WYCLIFFE, JOHN {lived 1324-1384) y AND WYCLIFFITES. Before the dawn: a story of Paris and the Jacquerie. ...George Dulac. Conrad. ...Emma Leslie. Coulying castle; or, Knight of the olden days. ...Agnes Giberne. Dearer than life : a tale of the times of Wycliffe. ...Emma Leslie. For or against.'' ...Francis M. Wilbraham. Geoffrey the Lollard. ...Mrs. D. C. Knevels. (Pseud., Frances Eastwood.) Gilbert Wright, the gospeller. ...F. S. Merryweather. Gladys of Harleck. ...Anon. Hubert Ellerdale. ...W. O. Rhind. In Wycliffe's days. ...G. Stebbing. Jack of the mill. ...WiUiam Howitt. John de Wycliffe, the first of the reformers. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Knight of Dilham : a story of the Lollards. ...Arthur Brown. Lollard. ...Minnie K. Davis. Lollard priest. ...Henry C. Adams. Lollards. ...Thomas Gaspey. Margary's son : a fifteenth- century tale of the court of Scotland. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Mistress Margery : a tale of the Lollards. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Richard de Lacy: a tale of the later Lollards. ...Charles E. Maurice. Richard Hunne: a story of old London. ...George E. Sargent. White rose of Langley : a story of the court of England in the olden time. ...Emily Sarah Holt. Wycliffites ; or, England in the fifteenth century. ...Margaret Mackay. YELLOWSTONE PARK, U. S. A. Pursued. ...William J. Gordon. Three Tetons: a story of the Yellowstone. ...Alice Wellington Rollins. YOSEMITE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. Ti^ayac of the Yosemite. ...Mary B. M. Tolland. Zanita: a tale of the Yo-semite. ...Maria Therese Longworth Yelverton. YOUNG PRETENDER'S REBELLION. See REBELLION, Young Pretender's. ZOOLOGY. Adventures of a young naturalist. ...Lucien Biart. English translation. Animals and their social powers. ...M. T. Andrews. 420 SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ZOOLOGY — Continued. . Aventures d'uii jeune naturaliste. ...Lucien Biart. Beautiful Joe. ...Howard Pyle. Big cypress. ...Kirk Munroe. Black Beauty. ...Anna Sewall. Bruno ; or, Lessons of patience, fidelity, and self-control taught by a dog. ...Jacob Abbott. Cat of Bubastes. ...George Alfred Henty. Diamond lens. ...Fitz James O'Brien. Dog of Constantinople. ...Izora C. Chandler. Dog stories. ...From the Spectator, selected and arranged by J. Saint Loe Strachey. From monkey to man ; or. Society in the Tertiary age. ...Austin Bierbower. Horned cat. ...J. Maclaren Cobban. Hunter cats of Connorloa. ...Helen Hunt Jackson. Jungle-book. ...Rudyard Kipling. ^Kentucky cardinal. ...James Lane Allen. Leila ; or, Island. ...Anna Fraser Tytler. Letters from a cat. ...Helen Hunt Jackson. Live toys : anecdotes of our four-legged and other pets. ...Emma Davenport. Mammy Tittleback and her family. ...Helen Hunt Jackson. Old rough the miser. ...L. F. Wesselhoeft. Our dumb companions. ...Thomas Jackson. Our dumb neighbors. ...Thomas Jackson. Paddy O'Leary and learned pig. ...Elizabeth W. Champney. El pajaro verde. ...Juan Valera. Peter: a cat o' one tail. ...Charles Morley. Public and private life of animals. ...Honore de Balzac. English translation. Quickening of Caliban. ...J. Compton Rickett. Rab and his friends and other dogs and men. ...John Brown. Scenes de la vie des animaux. ...Honore de Balzac. Story of a shell. ...John R. MacDuff. Toilers of the sea. ...Victor Hugo. English translation. Travailleurs de la mer. ...Victor Hugo. Under the lilacs. ...Louisa May Alcott. Water babies. ...Charles Kingsley. ZULULAND. Description, History, Manners, and Customs. Gun-runner. ...Bertram Mitford. Hendricks, the hunter : a tale of Zululand. ...William Henry Giles Kingston. SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. 421 ZULULAND — Continued. Lost heiress. ...Ernst Glanville. Luck of Gerard Ridgley. ...Bertram Mitford. Nada, the lily. ...H. Rider Haggard. Quickening of Caliban. ...J. Compton Rickett. Ula in veldt and laeger. ...Charles H. Eden. Virgil. ...Charles Montague. xtkiversitt) THIS BOOK IS DUE ON" THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. JUN 22 1933 f^ C 20 !933 JUL 7 193S SEP 23 J944 J LD 21-50»n-l,'33 ; YC145097 A M^ >v. £ >..»'».i+',.V,. w >.., ftWV. 'M",»iB*^