Wmmsk tmt m mm Mi mmmmm 1 .i A CATALOGUE OF THE PRINTED BOOKS in t\}t aLtljrarj) of tije ©ean anD Ci)apter of gorfe^ RECORDEMUR OMNI HORA, DILECTISSIMI FRATRES, QUALES HABUIMUS PATRES ET PROGENITORES, QUAM PR^CLAROS ET PIOS, DEC AMABILES, ET OMNI POPULO HONORABILES. NON SIMUS DEGENERES ILLORUM NOBILITATE FILII ! [Alcuini Ep. ad Fratres Ehoracenses, a.d. 793]. YORK: JOHN SAMPSON. LONDON : SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, HAMILTON, KENT & CO. 1896. Not the least of the services which Chancellor Raine has rendered to us has been the compilation of this Catalogue, and the introductory history of the origin and progress of the Library with which it is prefaced. It is a touching and faithful token of the loving care and indefatigable zeal with which he has watched over the interests of the Minster Library for a quarter of a cen- tury. We cannot be too thankful that he has been permitted to complete this his last work, as it not only clearly expresses the extent and value of the treasures which have been entrusted to the Dean and Chaptet, but also, by the simple yet full account of the antecedents of the Library and of its many contributors, it animates the dry bones of a catalogue with a Spirit which renders it instinct with life and interest, and lifts it up almost to the region of romance. By his graphic pen, and his terse and clear language, the scenes and persons of the past seem to live before us. We seem to know our benefactors, and to feel a sense of the responsibilities and privileges which they have conferred upon us, and it is to be hoped that not only we, but those who come after us, will ever realize this and act thereon. Chancellor Raine has conferred many benefits * upon the Minster and its environment, and it is only right that we should express our sense of all that he has done for us, and of our irreparable loss by his entry into rest. ARTHUR P. PUREY CUST, Dean. *^* Those into whose hands the task of revising the proofs of these pages has fallen, gratefully acknowledge the assistance they have received from Canon Raine's sister, Annie Raine Ellis. THE PEEFACE. THIS Catalogue is an alphabetical list of most of the printed books in the Library of the Dean and Chapter of York. The exceptions are some comparatively recent theological works of minor importance. The books also which were bequeathed by Mr. Edward Hailstone, and the additions made to them, are omitted. The MSS. will be described in a catalogue by themselves, where more justice can be done to them. The size of the present volume makes it very undesirable that it should be still larger. The reader will very naturally expect some account of the beginning and growth of the Library, but this must necessarily be brief. Books would arrive in York at an early time. We may be sure also that Wilfrid, who filled Northumbria with treasures in the seventh century, would bring books with him from Italy and France, of which the church of York would have its share. So late as 1517 there were preserved and honoured in the treasury at York two texts, or copies of the Gospels, which had belonged to Wilfrid. One of these had the back and sides ornamented with silver and gold ; on the front there was a crucifix with Mary and John in the lower part, with the Trinity and two Angels above, all wrought in ivory. The other, which was similarly ornamented, had the crucifix in the lower part, and the Saviour in glory, with Peter and Paul above. Other texts, no doubt of a very early date, were also in the Treasury, which has, I need not say, been long empty. With the promotion of Egbert to the See of York in a.d. 735, a new era began in the history of that church. Egbert established a school or university, with the advice and assistance of Bede, which obtained a world-wide reputation. The teaching devolved upon Egbert and his friend and successor Albert, under whose fostering care the genius of Alcuin was cultivated. In due time, Alcuin himself became master of the school, which then arose to the very height of its reputation. The Letters of Alcuin tell us much of his work and aspirations, whilst in a Poem, which may justly be ascribed to his pen, we have a rough list of the authors whose works were then in the library at York, which wiU be considered more at length in the Catalogue of MSS. Sufiice it to say, that even in the eleventh century no one place in Britain or France possessed such a store of books. The school and library are mentioned in the ninth century, when Lupus, Abbot of Ferrieres, asked Altzig, Abbot of York, to lend him a MS. of Quintilian, another containing questions by Jerome on the Old and New Testament, and a similar work by Bede. The library was probably injured, if not destroyed, when York was captured by the Danes in a.d. 867, M69S926 *^ IV PREFACE. and we hear little or nothing of good learning in the place until we are told that Thomas of Bayeux, the first Norman Archbishop, even before he had appointed a Dean to the newly-built and reconstituted Minster, had made a Chancellor, or Schoolmaster, evidently because he considered that his work and teaching were of primary and paramount importance. Everything seems to show that the new school was practically a con- tinuance of the older one, and that, with better discipline and order, it went on with its old career of useful and energetic work. The recent investigations of the Charity Commissioners into the history and endow- ments of St. Peter's school, have shown very satisfactorily that the school at present in existence is the representative in a direct line of that which Archbishop Thomas improved or revived. The Chancellor, or School- master, had also under his charge a special class for the education of the clergy, or a Divinity school, and for the two a goodly store of books would certainly be required, but these would belong to the school and class respectively, and would be independent of the cathedral library, if such a thing existed at all. For several centuries after the Conquest we must look for collections of books on a large scale, not to the cathedrals but to the monasteries or to the Colleges in the two Universities. There was no general University library either at Oxford or Cambridge until a later date. In the formation of these the Cathedral of York had a conspicuous share. Bishop Cobham, who is credited with the formation of a public library at Oxford, was for many years a prebendary of York, and it was our Archbishop Kotherham who first gave solidity and strength to the public library at Cambridge by contribu- ting largely to the building fund, and by presenting two hundred volumes to the collection. Whilst the chief care of amassing books devolved upon the Monasteries and Colleges, we must not think that the cathedral churches were altoge- ther oblivious of that duty. But the volumes which they acquired were generally chained to desks in various parts of the building, or were deposited in lockers and almeries, and the erection of libraries was delayed until the restoration of the fabrics of the cathedrals was complete. In the fifteenth century, when the strain upon the funds of the Chapters was diminished, then they began to accumulate books, and to erect proper buildings for their reception. In 1414 John Newton, treasurer of York, made his Will, in which he bequeathed thirty-nine MSS. to the Dean and Chapter, * in svhsidium et relevamen Uhrarice faciendce.' Newton's generous legacy moved the Dean and Chapter to erect a library, which was done under the direction of Thomas Haxey, the succeeding treasurer, who was a considerable benefactor to the building. In the Fabric-Eoll for 1418-19 it is stated that he gave the handsome sum of £26 13s. 4d. for the roof. This structure, although somewhat altered, still exists and preserves most of its original features, but the old desks and chains are gone. It fills up the angle formed by the south wall of the nave of the Minster, and the west wall of the south transept. The chief access to the building is by a flight of stone steps, leading out of the south transept, at the head of which PREFACE. V the original door remains, made of carved oak. The old roof is also in existence, a memorial of the munificence of Haxey. The length of the room is about 44 feet, and the width about 24 feet. It is well lighted, and is admirably adapted to the purpose for which it was constructed. There were in the windows in Torr's time the following shields of arms : Scrope, Fenton, Haxey, Longley, Bowett, Skirlaw, England, Mowbray, Percy and Lucy quarterly, Neville, Eos, Clifford, Fitzhugh, Vaavsour, and one or two others which cannot be so easily appropriated. The libraries at Canterbury and Durham were built about the same time as that at York. The immediate result was the accumulation of a fair number of books, the most of which were bequeathed by the clergy of the Minster. In the Catalogue of MSS. we shall be able to show that most of these are still in the possession of the Dean and Chapter. When Leland visited York in the latter part of the reign of Henry VIII he considered the Minster library to be only a mean one when contrasted with the fine collection preserved at St. Mary's Abbey. He says, Hn hibliotheca S. Petri quam Flaccus AlhinuSj alias Alcuinus subinde miris laudihus extollit propter insignem copiam librorum, tarn Lati- norum qua/m GrcBcorum^ jam fere honorvm lihrorum nihil est.' But this is poverty in contrast to the wealth of Alcuin's era. The Injunctions of Edward VI, issued in 1547, contain the following direction to the Dean and Chapter about a library. " Item they shall maike a librarie in some convenient place within theire churche within the space of one yeare next ensuyng this Visitacion, and shall leye in the same Saynte Augustyne's, Basill, Gregorie Nazanzene, Hierome, Ambrose, Chrisostome, Cipriane, Theophilact*, Erasmus, and other good writers' works. This Order was followed up by Archbishop Holgate when he visited the Minster in 1552. " 17. Also wee will and commaunde that there be thre keys provided for the library dore, whiche shal be in the kepinge of thre of the vicars of the said churche, every one of them beinge bounde for other that they shall neither withdrawe nor impare any of the bookes lienge within the said librarye, ne by there necligence sufEer any other to do any maner of harme within the said librarye ; and that there be alwaies one of the said thre vicars in the library there, when any other person shalbe in the said library beinge not a chanon, nor havinge a dignity in the churche of Yorke, duringe his abode in the said librarye. 18. Also wee will and commaunde that the auncient Doctors of the Churche (thoes we call auncient that did write within six hundreth yeres after Christe's Ascention) Musculus' Commentaries upon Mathue, and John Brentius upon Luke, Calvyne and Bullinger upon the Epistles, Erasmus' Annotacions on the Newe Testament, be provyded with all convenient spede, so that they be placed in the library on this side the feiste of Penti- coste next ensuynge, by the Deane and Eesidentiaryes of the churche of Yorke, to the ende that suche as be not of habilitie to provide them ; or that by other occasion have them not in redynes, may resorte to the common library and there perwse them accordinglye." * In the Library there is a copy of (Ecolampadius's edition of Theophylact's Enarrationes printed at Basle in 1541. An inscription calls it * Liber Ecol. Eborum pertinens Canacllario ejusdem.' This seems to show that the injunction of Edward VI was used, and probably intended, to find books to assist the Chancellor with his class in Divinity. VI PREFACE. The Injunction of Edward VI must not be regarded as a statement that there was no library in existence at York, but, rather, that it should be provided with the works of certain Fathers. Archbishop Holgate adds to these some modern Commentators and takes care for the security of the Library. In 1572 Archbishop Grindal orders that no book should be taken out of it unless the borrower's name is put down in a book to be provided for that purpose. After this we hear nothing, or next to nothing, about the library in archiepiscopal visitations until the year 1685, and it is probable that little attention was paid to it by any one until the year 1628, when a magnificent gift aroused the authorities of York from their slumbers, and then ' Dvx foeminafacti ! ' Edmund Bunney, Subdean, prebendary of Wistow, and rector of Bolton Percy, is mentioned as a benefactor in the Liber Donorum. In his will, dated 26th February, 1612-13, he says ' My bookes, the cheefe of them and such as are meetest to that purpose, I give to the librarie of the Church of Yorcke, if the Residenciaries there shall thinke good so to make that use of them, the others to be sold ' (Proved Feb. 1617-18). A few only of these books can be traced. There is an interesting account of Dr. Bunney in the Athenae Oxonienses. An original copy of the Latin Sermon which he preached at Oxford on Feb. 22nd 1570 on taking the degree of B.D., was presented to the library by Dr. Collins in 1894. In 1628, the York Library acquired by the gift of Frances Mathew, the very extensive collection of books made by her husband, Toby Mathew, Archbishop of York. He was born at Bristol in 1546, and between 1559 and 1583 his life was passed in various positions in the University of Oxford. Anthqny k "Wood says of him that * he was much respected for his great learning, eloquence, sweet conversation, friendly disposition, and for the sharpness of his wit." The learned men of the day were his friends, and we are not surprised at finding that he gave the sum of one hundred marks to Sir Thomas Bodley's noble foundation. In 1583 Mathew went into the North where he became Dean of Durham and afterwards Bishop. During this part of his life he added very largely to his library. Prior to the Reformation the Monastery of Durham had at least two collections of MSS. and printed books. Several of the MSS. and about a dozen of the printed books are at York, each bearing an inscription which indicates the place to which it originally belonged. The printed books at Durham seem to have been dispersed at the Reformation, and a number of them found their way into the possession of the family of Tempest of Holmside, and were re-purchased by the Dean and Chapter of Durham from Emerson Chamley, a bookseller in Newcastle, about the year 1828. Mathew had also opportunities of adding to his Collection whenever one of the prebendaries of Durham died. It was not usual at such times to have a public sale, but the effects of the deceased were privately disposed of by the executors. Then came Mathew's opportunity. We find in some of his books the names of Adam Haliday, Robert Swift, Clement Colmore, Henry Ewbank, Emmanuel Barnes, and Leonard Pilkington, all of whom were prebendai'ies of Durham. John Calfhill had I PREFACE. Vll also a stall in the same rich foundation, and through him probably we find some volumes which had belonged to James Calfhill, the well-known writer and controversialist. The ownership of Mathew's books is often attested by his name ' Tobias Mathew,^ or ' Tobias DunelmJ A few have his arms stamped in gold on the sides, or the letters ' T. D.' He frequently adds his motto after his name, ' Vita Christus, mors lucrum.' The motto was the predecessor of the modern book-plate. That of Bishop Barnes of Durham was ' Crux veritatis comes,' which was taken up in hereditary succession by his son, Emmanuel Barnes the poet, whilst John Barnes, another son, struck out a line for himself in ' Timor Domini principium Sapientice.' Bishop Jewell's motto was ' In solo Deo solus,' and that of Isaac Casaubon ' Deus meus adjutor,' while Archbishop Neile chose the words ' Vivit Eedemptor, quid desperem ? ' All these are evidenced by inscriptions in the York library. The motto chosen by the erratic Sir Toby Mathew was ' Prcemium virtutis honor,' almost the most inappropriate that he could have chosen. Among the books with autograph dedications to Mathew are works by Robert Abbot, Francis Anthony, Isaac Casaubon, Sir Edward Coke, Richard Cosin, Johannes Drusius, John Florio, and Thomas James, whilst others contain the handwriting of Erasmus, H. Stephens, Bishop Tunstall, Bernard Gilpin, Cranmer, Bishop Hooper, Dean No well, Archbishop Parker, Lord Burleigh, Sir Christopher Hatton, and James Calfhill. There are also many presentation and dedication copies bound in gilt vellum. One volume is in'the binding of Henry VIII, and came from his books when they were in the Jewel House in the Tower ; another belonged to Queen Elizabeth ; another to James I. Such a collector of books as Mathew was, living for many years at Oxford, and paying frequent visits to London, had many opportunities of increasing his library. I have reason also to believe that he paid at least one visit abroad and that he knew something of the French and Italian languages. An examination of his books reveals the fact that most of them were the product of foreign printing-presses. Many of these must have been bought through some English agent out of the printed catalogues of the books sold at the famous Frankfort fairs. There is nearly a complete set of these at York between 1599 and 1623, and the Archbishop has put his cross in the margin against any book which he desired to possess. Many of Mathew's books are of a controversial character and represent both sides in the religious struggles of the time. This is especially the case with the Roman Catholic series, which is remarkably rich. This con- tention gave a strong colouring to the Archbishop's life, which could not have been a happy one. In the early part of his residence at Durham a statement made by Edmund Campian the Jesuit in his Decern Bationes threw some doubt upon the- fidelity of Mathew to the Church of England. The truth of this was vigourously denied by the assailed person and his friends, and he met the charge himself in a Sermon or Address which was shown in MS., and was not printed until 1638, ten years after the writer's death. When Mathew occupied in succession the sees of Durham and York vm PREFACE. he found himself face to face with the Seminary priests and their work, and strained every nerve to counteract the efforts they were making. He was not in favour of capital punishment for these offenders, but the Privy Council in London and the Council in the North at York insisted on it. He himself was moderate in his views, but his wife was a strong Puritan, and then, to add to his mortification, his two surviving sons joined the Roman Catholic Church, whilst the judgment of Campian was constantly thrown against himself. Mathew was therefore forced into a position which he did not like, but when it was once adopted, half-measures were thrown aside. The battle between the two contending parties was chiefly fought out in the North of England. On the Roman side was the ubiquitous personality of Robert Parsons, on the other side were two Yorkshiremen, Matthew Sutcliffe and Thomas Bell, one of them a canon of York, and both of them controversial retainers of Mathew. It is not easy to say which of the three made use of the most violent and reprehensible language. John Favour, vicar of Halifax, Alexander and Robert Cook, each vicar of Leeds, and the two brothers Edmund and Francis Bunney, all North countrymen, took a minor part in the same struggle, but, infinitely superior to everyone in tone and learning, there arose for the occasion a new writer, the son of a merchant in York, Thomas Morton, afterwards bishop of Durham, a scholar and divine as skilful in fence as he was eminent in learning and piety. Morton and Andrews practically brought this phase of the controversy to an end with their persistent and flail-like blows. Mathew took the greatest interest in the struggle. Anyone who sees his marked copy of William Watson's strange and destructive book ' A Becacofdon of Ten Quodlihetical Questions concerning Religion and State' will think that one Bishop at least had it nearly by heart. There are some books in the Archbishop's library connected with this controversy which it would be treason for an ordinary person to possess, and there are some others which must have taken from the book and vestment bags of seminary priests when they fell into the hands of the pursuivant. The Archbishop also possessed many books connected with the Puritan controversies, especially with Brownism. When Dr. Dexter was drawing up his History and Bibliography of Congregationalism, he derived much information from the York Library, which contains more than one unique volume on the subject. Many of the Pilgrim Fathers went out from the diocese of York ; Brewster and Bradford were both Yorkshiremen ; nay the former was actually for many years the keeper of the archiepiscopal palace at Scrooby near Bawtry. Any one who handles Archbishop Mathew's books will soon discover that he was a very diligent reader. In many of them striking passages are underlined and marginal notes and references are frequent.* Occasionally * John Favour's ' Antiquitie triumphing over Noveltie,' which was published in 1619, and dedicated to Archbp. Mathew, has a reference to that prelate's library. He speaks of ' those multitudes of authors, sacred, profane, old, new, friends, PEEFACE. IX there is a humourous or sarcastic criticism upon, the writer or his work. It seems strange that, with all the Archbishop's learning, which was indeed considerable, he should have printed next to nothing. Anthony k Wood says ' I have been informed that he had several things lying by him worthy of the press, but what became of them I know not.' They were probably retained by one of the Wickhams, or by some other nephew of Mrs. Mathew ; and this is the more probable because at the close of the 17th century his so-called Diary was given by Tobias Wickham, Dean of York to Archbishop Sharp. I have seen two transcripts of it, both of which are now at Leeds, and I possess a third myself. The MS. is of a very trivial kind and is little more than a list of the places at which the Archbishop preached and the texts on which he spoke, together with an occasional note upon some topic of very little interest or moment. The books which came to the Dean and Chapter are chiefly classical, theological, or historical. Dramatic literature is altogether absent at a time when it was most rich. Not a play of Shakespere or of Ben Jonson is there, and the golden age of Elizabethan literature is totally unrepresented. Did Mathew eschew such books, or did those which he possessed go to some member of his own, or his wife's family 1 This is the most probable explanation of their absence. The York library probably contains all the graver portion of the Archbishop's books, with the exception of some which ^ he presented to the Corporation of his native city of Bristol. There is a portrait of him in the library, which probably came with the books. It was evidently painted towards the close of his life, and represents an old man with a very Puritanical aspect ; and yet, in spite of the sour visage and grave look, there was in the Archbishop a very lively vein of humour which was continually manifesting itself. Archbishop Mathew made his will on August 23rd, 1625, from which I give a few extracts. He says, in the first place, that he is weak in body by reason of his old age and the infirmities incident thereunto. " I commend my soule to the Almighty Creator therof in full assureance through that faith wherof it hath pleased God to appoint me an assiduous preacher in those eminent places of the Church which by His goodnesse I have sus- tained, that at the dissolution of this body I shalbe an happy pertaker of the inheritance of the glorious sonnes of light. To my eldest sonne. Sir Toby Mathewe, knight, a peece of plate of £20, as well remembringe the large porcion of my estate which my said sonne hath had from me in my life time to the value of £14,000 att the least, farr surmountinge all and foes, with whose works your grace's great and good library is plentifully furnished.' ' Seeing I hold that the most ancient Keligion is the best, why should I not ofier it to the most ancient Doctor of Divinitie that I heare of in this land, and the most ancient Bishop, both for age and consecration, that I know in our Church, who hath not only read all the Ancient Fathers with a diligent eye, but hath also noted them with a judicious pen (as mine owne eyes are witnesses, and, Grod reward you for such my libertie) and made continuall use of them in his Sermons, as any Ancient Father in our nation, shall I say ? Yea in all Christen- dome as I dare say, and verily do beleeve.' X PREFACE. that I can leave behind me for the provision of others that doe depend upon me.* To John Mathewe, my seconde sonne, a peece of plate of 20 markes, as callinge to minde with much greife the excessive charge I have beene put to by him, amountinge to the value of £2000 at the least by his un- thrifty course of livinge, whome 1 humbly beseech God by the hand of His grace to call backe to a better consideracion of himselfe. The rest to my beloved wife, Frances Mathewe, whome I doe make sole executrix, relyinge with all confidence upon her care and providence (of which I have had good experience for the space allmoste of fiftie yeares, which time it hath pleased God of His goodnesse to continue us together husband and wife), to make provision for my grandchildren." Mrs. Mathew took out administration to her husband's estate on 2nd April, 1628. On the 10th of that month an inventory of the Archbishop's effects was made, from which it appears that nearly all his books were at Cawood Castle. "All his books, both Divinity, Humanitie, etc., were valued at £600. At there same place there was in his Bedchamber a large frame for bookes, etc., 13*. id. In his Studie, a cupboard with divers lockers and drawers and a frame for a basin, 20*." " His purse, with gould and sUver therein x k. A sattin gowne, a damaske gowne, and v other gownes lined, some with baize, and some of them faced with foynes, squirrells, and cunnyl, xliyli. His Parliament Robes and Convocation Robes of scarlett xxx li. A mourninge gowne, a chimmer, a trayne and a hood, with all his apparrell of all sortes with cassocks and other thinges xxxv h. yiijs. iiijd. At York. Guilt Plate 123 oz. and a quarter at vjs. \u]d. per oz. — xxxiij h. xvijs. xdl^. A christall cupp set in silver and guilt, and a litle bowle of mother of pearle viij h. xiijs. iiij^. White Plate 453 oz. ^ at v*. per oz. cxiij h. yijs. Yjd. Three spleenstone tankards set in silver v h. Divers Books, both Divinitie and Humanitie, v h. The Archbishop died on March 29th, 1628, and was buried in the Minster immediately under the great east window where the great altar to the Blessed Virgin sometime stood. The architecture was interfered with and disfigured by the erection of a huge monument which was enclosed by iron grates, four yards long. This was destroyed in the great fire in 1829, and the sole remnant of it that has been preserved is the effigy which is now laid upon a new altar tomb on the south side of the Lady Chapel. The Archbishop died in March, 1628, and his widow probably made her decision about his library without delay. It was idle, of course, to expect that her two sons Sir Toby and John Mathew would take any interest in * In the Fairfax Correspondence (i. 162) there is a letter from the Archbishop to Sir Ferdinando Fairfax in which he mentions his sons, and says, " I have great reason of sorrow with respect to my sons ; one having wit and no grace ; another grace but no wit ; and the third neither wit nor grace to direct him aright ! " Some forty years ago at a dinner-party in the College of Durham, some one said to the Bishop of , who was present, " My Lord, I think you do not understand the modern acceptation of the word fastf'' " don't I," replied the Bishop, " I have had seven sons ! " The third son of Archbishop Mathew, who had grace but not wit, was Samuel, who was a student at Cambridge, and was buried there in the Church of St. Mary- the-Less on June 17th, 1601. PREFACE. XX their father's books, and Mrs. Mathew very wisely presented them to the Dean and Chapter of York. Mr. Joseph Hunter describes her benefaction as " a noble gift for which her worthy name ought to be mentioned as chief among women, not only at York, but wherever good letters and good deeds are held in honour." When Dr. Comber, then precentor, drew up the first catalogue of the library in 1685, he put on the title-page the memorable words, " Dux foemina facti." Mrs. Mathew did not long survive her husband. Her son, Sir Toby, in his remarkable autobiography, which ought to be printed in its entirety, speaks of her as if she had dropped into a second childhood and found her chief pleasure in playing with her trinkets and toys. This cannot be true. Her will is a curious one, and exhibits no marks whatever of mental infirmity, and a codicil to it was executed only a few days before her death. There is no mention of the library in her will, so that the books must have been previously given to the Dean and Chapter. The monument of Mrs. Mathew was to the right of that of her husband. She is represented as a little, old woman, clothed in black, and kneeling by the side of a bed. The inscription has become obliterated, but Torr has preserved it in his account of the Minster and its monuments. Feances Mathew First marryed to Mathew Parker son to Mathew Parker, Abp. of Can- terbury, afterwards to Toby Mathew, that famous Abp. of this Sea. She was a woman of excellent wisdome, gravity, piety, bounty, and indeed in other virtues not onely above her sex but the times. One excellent act of hers first derived upon this Church, and through it flowing upon the Country, deserveth to live as long as the Church itself. The Library of the deceased Abp. consisting of above 3000 books, she gave entirely to the publick use of this Church, a rare example that so great a care to advance learning should lodge in a woman's breast. But it was no wonder in her because herself was akin to so much learning. She was the daughter of William Barlow, Bp. of Chichester, and in K. Henry 8th's time Ambassadour into Scotland, of the ancient family of Barlows in Wales. She had 4 sisters married to 4 Bps. ; 1st to William Wickham Bp. of Winchester ; 2d to Overton Bp. of Coventry and Lichfield ; 3rd to West- phaling Bp. of Hereford ; 4th to Day that succeeded Wickham to Winchester. So that a Bp. was her Father, and Archbp. her Father-in-Law. She had 4 Bps. her Brothers, and an Abp. her husband. When she had lived 78 years, the 3rd of May, she changed this life as full of honour as of days. Ao Dm 1629. On the arrival of Archbishop Mathew's books an attempt seems to have been made to procure the means for accommodating them. The Liber Donorum contains the names of the following subscribers. It would be necessary in the first instance to provide shelving and to remove the chains by which the books, such as they were, were previously secured. D. Edwardus Osborne, Baronettus, Vice-Prgeses Concilii in partibus Borealibus 20 D. Henricus Slingesby, Baronettus 8 Georgius Butler, Armiger 6 Gulielmus Franckland. Armiger 6 To these the name of Evers Gower, S.T.B., Achdeacon of Northumberland is added as a benefactor. XU PREFACE. Sir Ferdinando Fairfax, Lord Fairfax occurs as the next benefactor in the Liber Donorum. * Ferdinando D. Fairfax^ Vicecomes de Cameron^ plures libros contulit tempore belli Givilisy signatos cum his Uteris F. F.' — (Liber Donorum.) Some hundreds of volumes bear this mark. They must have been given inter 1643-8, as the donor died on 13th March, 1647-8, set. 64. He was a very distinguished Yorkshireman, and like his son and successor, Thomas Lord Fairfax, the well known Parliamentary General, found leisure, among his many arduous occupations, for reading and study. Both were collectors of books, both were patrons of scholars and literary men. Sir Ferdinando Fairfax acquired the library, or a portion of it, of William Mount, who was born in 1543, and was educated at Eton and King's College, Cambridge (Cooper's Ath. Cant. i. 271). It is rich in medical works, and Mr. Mount's motto, inserted in some of them was a very appropriate one : * Sola mihi misero, crux Tua, Ghriste^ salusj Lord Fairfax also became the possessor of some books out of Archbishop Neile's library, and of others which belonged to Sir John Hotham, of Civil "War fame, these are in the York library. During the time of the Civil Wars, the position of the Minster Library was somewhat critical. The battle of Marston Moor took place in July, 1644, and was followed by the surrender of York to the Parliamentary Forces. It has always been understood that the preservation of the Minster and its possessions was due to the patriotic zeal of Ferdinando Lord Fairfax, the benefactor to the Minster Library, and his son Sir Thomas, the same person who earned the undying gratitude of scholars by setting a guard over the Bodleian Library at Oxford. The Act book of the Parliamentary Commissioners for York has been happily preserved among the muniments of the Corporation, and in it I find that on Oct. 23rd, 1645, Mr. Penrose was ordered, among other things, to pay the salary of the library keeper at the Minster as directed by Lord Fairfax. The Library therefore had not been interfered with, and from the Will of Christopher Cartwright, minister of the Gospel at York and a theological writer of some repute, which was dated March 1st, 1657-8, we learn that the Library was then open to the public. He bequeathed 'Buxtorf's Great Hebrew Bible in three large folios to the Publique Librarie in Yorke Minster.' The rest of his books in Hebrew, Chaldee, or Syriac, were given to the library of Peterhouse, Cambridge. Soon after the Restoration, Timothy Thurscross, S.T.P., sometime Arch- deacon of Cleveland, gave a Polyglot Bible and Edmund Castell's Lexicon. Mr. Thurscross is mentioned thus by Sir Henry Slingsby in his Diary.* " Dec. 19, 1638. I became acquainted with Mr. Tim. Thurscross, a Prebend of York, having some discourse with him in y^ Librarie at ye Minster Church in York, at which time he bestow'd on me a book called • Y« hundred and ten Considerations of John Valdesco, a Spaniard.' " Sir Henry gives the following account of Mr. Thurscross, who afterwards became his Confessor. "He is a man of late greatly mortified, having within less than this half . year resigned unto ye Archbishop of York his * Ed. Parsons, pp. 7-9. PREFACE. ' Xlll Archdeaconrie and Vicaridge of Kerby Moorside, being much troubl'd in his conscience for having obtain'd them thro Symonie, and now living .at York hath nothing to maintain himself and his wife withall but his Prebend. He preacheth every Sunday at one place or other where most need is, & oftentimes on y^ week days, & his wife betakes herself to get her living by teaching young children to sow . . . This man bestow'd a great part of y^ day in prayer with much fasting ; he riseth at 4 o'clock in ye morning, & is at prayers in privatt & with his family until six, at which time he goes to y* Minster prayers, & from thence to y« Librarie till ten, and then to y^ Minster prayers again, & thus he spends his days & strength, being much impar'd & weakn'd by his much fasting." Barnabas Oley, in his Will, made in 1684, says, * The books of Dr. Thurs- cross of blessed memory I have given to Mr. Thomas Langley, a worthy friend and an honest attorney of Furnivall's Inn in London, a near relation of Dr. Thurscross, to be preserved for the use of the present vicar of North Grimston.' These books were at North Grimston, near Malton, in 1731, but are now missing. In 1666, Marmaduke Carver, Kector of Harthill and Prebendary of York, published a quaint volume intituled * A Discourse of the Terrestrial Paradise.' In the Address to the Eeader he speaks of having the benefit of the Library of the Cathedral- Church of St. Peter's in York. In 1685, Archbishop Dolben held a Visitation of the Dean and Chapter, and issued the following Injunction about the Library. " Item, whereas there was then an Injunction given by the same arch- bishop, Robert Holgate, that three Keyes should be made for the library and putt into the hands of three vicars of the said church, and they (being bound enterchangeably each for other's fidelity) to attend by turnes in the library for preserving the bookes and affording opportunity of study to such as are disposed thereto, for want of observing which order, or devising some other to like purpose, the said library, though much encreased since that time, is now become wholly useless in a place which much needs such an help to good learning, we doe now therefore ordeine and enjoyne, first, that a carefull survey be taken of the said library, a compleat catalogue made of the bookes with their severall editions, noting such duplicats as shall be found of any of them to the end they may be exchanged for other bookes ; and, this being done, that the Deane and Chapter make choice of three of the vicars, such as they shall judge most fitt, and allowing them a competent reward for theire paines, and appoint them to waite by turnes two houres every morneing, and two houres every afternoone, keeping the library open all that time, and taking care that the bookes be not purloined or damnified by such as shall pretend there to study." This Injunction was probably due to the influence of Dr. Comber, then Precentor of the Minster. In his MS. Diary, under the date July 1st, 1685, he says, ' I began (according to Archbishop Dolben's Injunctions) to put the library of York in order.' In the following year, 1686, on the 30th of September, Dr. Comber observes : " Upon my regulation of the library we found many books twice and thrice over, which the Dean and Chapter desired me to sell by auction at the Synods, and I accounted to them afterwards for £80. and more lay'd out in new books, and about £S0. layd out to make new shelves, bind books, and write the catalogues, both reall and alphabeticall, so that I left the library in exact order." This Catalogue is still preserved, it is in Dr. Comber's handwriting, and . does credit to his skill and patience, but I very much fear that in the sale of duplicates he did much injury to the library which he endeavoured to benefit. In those days whenever a collected edition of any person's works XIV PREFACE. was published, it was customary to consider as duplicates all the smaller pieces out of which it was composed. Any one fond of letters will see at once what mischief could by done by selling these pieces as duplicates. In this way the Bodleian, and many other libraries have been greatly injured, and, no doubt, that of York suffered as well. If that library had possessed a large Shakespearian collection, and in it a copy of the fourth folio. Dr. Comber, to carry out his principle, would have sold as duplicates the three earlier folios and all the single plays ! James Torr, the antiquary, thus describes the library when Comber had rearranged it. " The library is a chamber of an oblong square, covered with lead and ceiled under its flatt roof with oaken boards. In the midst is a long gallery, or walk, running from east to west, which divides it into two parts or sides, wherein are sett up frames, or classes, shelved on both sides, for the con- venient standing of books which (according to their various learning) are now methodically placed under proper heads by the speciall care and in- dustry of the Kevd. Dr. Comber, precentor of the Church. It is enlightened by nine windows, viz. one at the west end and four on each side." Dr. Comber also commenced the Liber Donorum, from which many ex- tracts are given in this Preface. The first few pages all in his hand-writing, and we are indebted to him for the title-page, which runs as follows : — NOMINA Virorum illustrium, aliorumque bonarum Artium Fautorum, QUI (Post immensam variamque rei LiterariaB Supellectilem e Musaeo Keverendissimi in Christo Patris ac Domini, Domini TOBI^ MATHEW, Archiepiscopi Eboeacensis, seternsB memoriae viri, Hue translatam post obitum illius per munificentiam insignis foeminse FRANCISCO MATHEW dicti Dom : Archiepiscopi viduse) BIBLIOTHECAM Hujus Ecclesije Cathedralis &; Metropoliticae suis impensis & liberalitate ornarunt & auxerunt Dux FCEMINA FACTI. A copy of this was painted on a tablet and placed by Dr. Comber in the library. The first benefaction which Dr. Comber records of his own time was a large and important selection from the library of his friend and patron Archbishop Dolben. This was made on the 27th of May, 1686, by that prelate's widow and Gilbert Dolben, Esq., his son, who were probably carrying out the deceased Archbishop's wishes. Comber, no doubt, helped to make the selection, which comprises about 400 volumes, the most im- portant of which is a very fine copy of John Eliot's Indian Bible. The books are chiefly theological, and are a valuable continuation of the col- lection of Archbishop Matthew. It would have been a pleasure to me to find some trace of Dean Gale, and Archdeacon William Pearson in the Library. They ranked among the very highest of the learned men of their day, but the Library knows them PREFACE. XV not. Thoresby tells us that the ghost of the Dean is said to have haunted the precincts of the Minster. He does not say whether or no it had the shadow of a book under its arm which ought to have come to the Library and came not. Possibly this made it so restless ! In 1711, James Fall, Precentor of York, bequeathed to the Library his French and Italian books, in the following terms : * To the Dean and Chapter of York all my French and Italian bookes, to be by theire order registred and deposited in theire publick library, and remaine there for ever, as a testimony of the respect and honour I have for that reverend and venerable Society.' Mr. Fall was historiographer of Scotland and principal of the College of Glasgow, but on the downfall of Episcopacy in Scotland he was homeless, and obtained preferment in the church of York through the help of Bishop Burnet. Dr. Fall published at York, in 1693, the first edition of the first volume of the Commentary of his great friend and patron, Eobert Leighton, Archbpishop of Glasgow. It is to be re- gretted that the books which Mr. Fall bequeathed to the Dean and Chapter have no special mark to connect them with their donor, but, I think, they can be traced. In 1715, the Executors of Archbishop Sharp presented to the library ten volumes, containing a portion of the MS. Collections of James Torr, the well-known antiquary. The following entry in the Liber Donorum appro- priately records the gift. " Johannes Sharp Armiger et Thomas Sharp Generosus, Filii et Co-execu- tores Testamenti sive ultimge voluntatis R™> in X^o Patris et Domini Domini Johannis Sharp nuper Eborum Archiepiscopi, decem Volumina MSS, continentia Collectanea e Eegistris et Munimentis hujus Ecclesise aliisque Libris et Chartularibus tam impressis quam manuscriptis per erudi- tum virum et Antiquitatum Ecclesiasticarum studiosissimum (Jacobum) Torr generosum summa cum Fidelitate olim extracta, huic Bibliothecae Dominorum Decani et Capituli Ebor dono dederunt ; ibidem hoc IG'^*" die mensis Aprilis anno Domini 1715*0 deposita." These volumes are filled with extracts from MSS. relating to the Cathe- dral and Parochial History of the Diocese, and are chiefly interesting because they give in a methodical way the succession of the prebendaries, rectors, vicars, and chantry-priests throughout the Diocese, derived from the Archiepiscopal and other Eegisters. These are accompanied by abstracts of deeds of endowment, extracts from wills, and occasional church-notes. Those from York Minster are remarkably full and exact. The ichnography of each part of that building is given, showing the position of every grave- stone with the inscription, a sketch of its appearance, and the measure of its length and breadth. Descriptions of the stained glass windows are also given, but on these, as might be expected, much reliance can scarcely be placed. This is not the only gift for which the Dean and Chapter are indebted to the family of Sharp — clarum et venerabile nomen. In 1820, and 1821, Miss Catharine Sharp of Clare Hall, Barnet, presented a large number of Tracts by that well-known philanthropist, her brother, Granville Sharp, and other members of his family. To these the Chapter added, in 1896, Granville Sharp's transcripts of the Letters which he wrote in favour of the XVI PREFACE. abolition of the Slave-trade. On the death of Archbishop Thomson, in 1890, several MSS. connected with his predecessor, Archbishop Sharp, and other members of his family, were purchased, including that of his life, published in 1825, and other books and papers of considerable interest. In 1728, the Hon. and Rev. Henry Finch, Dean of York, gave by his will one hundred pounds to the Chapter for the use of the library. He also presented a copy of the first edition of Eymer's Fcedera, then a scarce and valuable book, in seventeen volumes. In 1737, the Dean and Chapter came into possession of a large portion of the library of Marmaduke Fothergill. He was the eldest son of Thomas Fothergill of York, dyer, and was baptized in the Church of St. Dennis, Walmgate, on June 2nd, 1654. He was educated at St. Peter's School, then called the School in the Horse Fair, and graduated at St. Mary Magdalen College, Cambridge. For some years he was Vicar of Skip- with near York, but resigned that charge as he was unable to take the oaths of allegiance to William and Mary. The remainder of his life was passed at Pontefract in Yorkshire, and at Westminster, where he died and was buried. In Drake's Eboracum, pp. 379-80, there is an interesting sketch of his life. Fothergill was one of our earliest liturgical scholars, and made the history and composition of the Prayer Book of the Church of England his chief study. It was his intention probably to print the result of his enquiries, but this purpose was never carried into effect, but his MS. collections are preserved at York, and were largely used by the Rev. J. H. Blunt in his Annotated Book of Common Prayer. Mr. Fothergill died in Masham Street, Westminster, on September 9, 1731. I now give a copy of his will. " In the name of God, Amen. I Marmaduke Fothergill in the parish of St. John the Evangelist in the City of Westminster, clerk, being well qualified in mind and memory do make this my last will and testament this seventeenth day of February, one thousand seven hundred and thirty, in form and manner following, and all written with my own hand. I give my soul to God, expecting Eedemption by His only Son, my dear Saviour Jesus Christ, and my body to be buryed with daylight as privately and plainly as possibly by her whom I shall hereafter appoint my sole executrix. I give to my daughter Dorothea five hundred pounds, with all the books in her library and a moiety of all my furniture in my house, and of my plate, linnen and rings, provided that brother Dickson's scrutore and the two tables in my study and the two stands there shall by exchange of goods of equal value or equivalents are hereby devised to my son Marmaduke Fothergill, and the further sum of five hundred punds more at her mother's death, or when she shall attain the compleat number of twenty and one years of age, or which shall first happen, is hereby devised to her. I give all the residue of my estate to my son Marmaduke, and all the books in his study. And if either of my children shall dye before the age of twenty one years compleated, the survivor shall inherit the respective estates. I give my organ to be placed in the church of Skipwith whereof I was some time vicar, provided the said parish will remove the said organ from London to Skipwith, and maintain an organ there: and my chalise and pattin, silver, inclosed in a red leather cover, principally for the solempnization of private communion is hereby given to the same parish ; and all my books whose catalogue is in a paper book distinguished from A to P. inclusively, written with my own hand, are hereby in trust to the vicars of Howden and Hemingbrough for a clerical (not a parochial) liberary for the Peculiar of that district, to be in the custody of the vicar of Skipith who shall not PEEFACE. XVU lend any books out of that place, but all to be preserved in the comon library for the publick good of those that resort thither ; and once a year the two vicars of Howden and Hemingbrough and other or others, as the ' founder of this library for the better preserving and perpetuateing the same foundation by himself, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, may increase the number of the trustees, at the same time, and shall visit, the library ; and the vicar of Skippith upon this visitation shall forthwith satisfy fully for all imbezlements and abuzes of books, and both the respective parties shall accquit themselves as they shall answer it before God's most just tribunall, prov'd the library may be built by others in the church yard of Skipwith. And of this my last will and testament I do constitute Ann my dear wife sole executrix, renouncing and declaring all former wills and testaments made by me to be null and void : and I do hereby charge her to discharge all my debts, legacies and funeral expences. And by reason of her plentifuU jointure she is hereby debarr'd from all legaces, customs or other demands whatsoever and during my children"'8 minorities respectively I do hereby appoint my dear wife, Tho : Fothergill of York, Esq. & Mr. Baldwin of Clements Inn trustees for the manage- ment of their estates, & do seal, publish and declare this to be my last will and testament the day and year above written. Pr. 26 Jan. 1739-40. Maem. Fothergill. The idea of making parochial libraries, for reference or for loan, developed itself in the first half century after the Restoration. Barnabas Oley was in favour of the scheme, and helped it in his will. Dr. Bray gave the movement a strong impetus, and others took it up, among whom was Fothergill. His wish was to form a clerical library, but only for reference, for the peculiars of Howden and Hemingbrough, which formerly belonged to the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Durham. He pro- posed to find the books, and left it to others to provide a receptacle for them, which was to be built in the churchyard of his old parish of Skip- with, not far from Selby. I cannot think that the choice was a wise one. Skipwith is an out of the way village, the clergy to be benefited by the gift were few in number and widely scattered, and less likely to avail themselves of the library than those of almost every other district in Yorkshire. The result was that there was never even the shadow of a chance of the money being collected to construct the library, and the project fell to the ground immediately. If the building had been erected, and the books placed in it, we may perhaps guess what the result would have been from the fate of a large collection of books which was bequeathed to the next parish of Bubwith, about the year 1750. A list of these is in existence, properly engrossed on parchment, with a view to their preserva- tion. Some thirty years ago I saw a number of these books in a cupboard in the vestry in a tattered and neglected condition. Within the last five years a new vicar of Bubwith has been appointed, and I asked him about the books. His answer was that there were no books at all. On enquiring into the matter at my request, he found that it had been the custom to use them as fuel to light the vestry fire, and the sole remnant of some six or seven hundred volumes were some six or eight, which he picked up in the village, and wisely offered to the Dean and Chapter of York for preserva- tion in their library. Mr. Fothergill's books were duly brought from Westminster to York, but the Vicar of Skipwith and his friends were unable to provide the Xviii PREFACE. necessary room for their reception. Accordingly, on November 25th, 1737, Mrs. Dorothy Fothergill, the widow of Marmaduke, entered into a formal agreement with the Dean and Chapter of York, by which her husband's library, containing 1,500 volumes, was made over to them, and it has been preserved and valued in York to the present day. A catalogue, drawn up by Fothergill himself, came with the books. It was written in a ledger-like folio volume, bound in vellum, and secured with a clasp. The title is as follows : — * Catalogus Librorum hujus Bibliothecse per Marm. Fothergill donatorem parochise de in perpetuum secundum Statutum in hac caus^ editum et provisum. The following Classification is adopted : — A. Biblia — B. Patres — C. Catechismi — D. Concionatores — E. Liturgiae — F. Theologici — G. Clas- sici — H. Legales — I. Philosophi — J. Lexicographi — L. Poetee— M. Historic! — N. Geographici — 0. Grammatici — P. Aspidologici. This is followed by a general Alphabetical Catalogue. The Collection contains a large number of simple and useful books of reference, such as Grammars, Dictionaries and Manuals, which would be of use in a country village. Added to these, however, there is an in- valuable series of Liturgical MSS. and books, among which are many of the Service books in use in the Church of England prior to the Reforma- tion, with many works in illustration of them which give a tone and a character to the whole library. Great care has been taken to continue this series of Liturgical Works, and it is hoped that this duty will be regarded as a perpetual obligation. Fothergill chose as his motto, 'Fortiter et suaviter,' and his MS. notes throughout his library are numerous, but he did not consider sufficiently the places in which they were made. Many a title-page is disfigured by his somewhat unscholarlike hand. Several hundreds of the books in Fothergill's library bear the name of John Price, ' Joannes Pricseus,' and must have been collected by him. Anthony a Wood calls him 'the greatest critick of his time.' He was born in 1600, and died at Rome in 1676, having become a Roman Catholic. He was a servant of Lord Strafford and a friend of Archbishop Ussher, and retired to Italy during our Civil War, where he became a professor in the University of Pisa. He was a scholar of renown, and an author of considerable repute. A portrait of Fothergill came with his books, and is preserved in the Library. Soon after the commencement of the present century, under the energetic management of Dean Markham, Archdeacon Eyre, and other members of the Chapter, it was resolved to move the Library from its old home close to the South Transept of the Minster to a new and better position. The place selected was the ancient chapel of the Archiepiscopal Palace near the present Deanery. It was built in the 13th century by Archbishop Gray, and is a fine specimen of first-pointed architecture. Its appearance about the year 1800 is well shown by the pencils of Halfpenny and Cave. In 1803, the west window was restored, and a door inserted in the wall beneath it to serve as the principal entrance. In 1808-9, a new roof was PREFACE. xix put upon the building, and much of the carving was recut, but scarcely in the character of the original, of which a few specimens only have been preserved. In 1810, the present oak floor was laid and the light gallery was erected. It is much to be regretted that these changes involved the blocking up of the beautiful lancet-windows on two sides of the building. About the same time, the west window was filled with pattern glass made by Jacob Wright, of Leeds, somewhat after the style of the Five Sisters in the Minster. In this are inserted the coats of arms of the Archbishop Dean, and the Members of the Chapter, each of whom contributed the sum of three guineas as the cost of his own armorial bearing. The arms of the Duke of Clarence (afterwards William IV) are also inserted as an acknowledgment of his kindness in giving to the Dean and Chapter a number of leaves from Mediaeval Service Books with some rich illumi- nations. The books were moved into the new library in May, 1810, the Dean and Messrs. Bulmer and Dallin, vicars-choral, superintending the work. The old library was then made a storehouse for the MS. books, papers, and evidences belonging to the Dean and Chapter, which had previously been deposited in what Dean Markham calls "the old Eecord room at the east end of Belfrey Church," which is now used as the Vestry. After a while these evidences, etc., were removed to the wall-presses in Archbishop Zouche's chapel in the Minister, and the old library was filled with the Kecords of the Consistory Court of York and the Kegisters and Muniments of the Archbishops. The latter remain in a portion of this building at the present time, but the Wills have been removed to a new repository in Duncombe Street. In addition to this care for the fabric of the library, the important question of endowment was not forgotten. Prior to this time a small sum was spent annually upon a library-keeper ; but, with the exception of an occasional gift, there was no regular fund whatever for the purchase of books. In 1808 the Dean and Chapter appropriated to the use of the library one sixth part of the profits of the lease of the Rectory of Bubwith, which yielded the sum of £80. per annum. Out of this a small stipend was paid to one of the Vicars Choral who had the charge of the library, and a certain number of books was purchased. Among these were many of the best editions of the Fathers, which were easily obtainable after the dispersion of the French Monastic libraries in consequence of the Revo- lution ; a fair series of the Latin and Greek Classics ; and many of the collected editions of the Works of English divines. Frequent gifts also were made. In 1816, York was visited by Dr. Dibdin, the learned and eccentric biblio- maniac, on one of his book-hunting expeditions. He had been spending some time at Sledmere under the roof of Sir M. M. Sykes, and halted at York, where he was the guest of Archdeacon Eyre, then one of the Canons- in-residence. Dibdin arrived late in the evening, and his host lost no time in speaking about the Minster library, telling him that he had stumbled upon an odd volume of old black-letter tracts, which, said he to me, "you XX PREFACE. oiight to see before you think of quitting York." Dibdin thus describes what took place. " What was to be done ? (N.B.— I had secured a plaxie in a conveyance northerly, at six o'clock the next morning). — What was to be done? Daylight had long subsided; and nothing could possibly be achieved before six the next morning. The kindness of my host readily supplied an expedient. ' Let us seek the sexton.' ' With all my heart, and a brace (not of pistols) but of lanterns will accomplish our purpose.' To the sexton we went — traversing the minster-close. We obtained the key of the outward-library door, retraced the minster-close, and as my friend applied the key to the door of the library, the minster-clock struck ten ! What a moment for the hunting, not of the ' Romish Fox,' but of black- letter morceaux ! We entered ; and the light of our lanterns led us instinctively, as it were, to the remote recess of a chubby quarto tome, lettered Senecoe Miscellanea, which, as the reader may imagine, I opened with sufficient eagerness, and found it nearly filled with a number of Seneca's Moral pieces, chiefly printed by Caesaris and Stol ; but (ay, what a ' but ' was this !) at the end were the two Caxtonian pieces, designated by the titles Tlie Horse, the Shepe and tlie Goose, and The Chorle and the Birde. The gothic book-room, at that solemn hour, re-echoed with ejaculations of delight, not exclusively my own. With the exception of the copies of these same tracts in the public library at Cambridge, I know of no other copies, or copy. Who, in future, would be deterred , though the clock should strike midnight, from exploring Cathedral libraries in quest of Caxtonian game ? " Dr. Dibdin tried in vain to prevail upon the Dean and Chapter to sell to him these two Caxtons with several other choice books, for Lord Spencer's library. He offered a large sum of money, which Dean Markham "strenuously refused." The Dean, in his Note-book, begs his successor to be firm in rejecting such seductive offers. The Dean and Chapter very wisely sent a number of their more choice books to Charles Lewis, to be bound under Dibdin's supervision, and on the fly-leaves of many of them there is a note in pencil by the Doctor in which he gives his opinion as to the rarity of the volume, or the beauty of the copy. In 1819, the library received a number of books under the Will of Mrs. Mary Burgh, widow of William Burgh, Esq., who died in York in 1808. Mr. Burgh wrote several works in the Unitarian controversy, for which the University of Oxford gave him an honorary degree. The Dean and Chapter allowed him full use of their library during the compilation of his works, and it was as an acknowledgment of this attention that his widow put the following clause in her will. She bequeathed to her husband's sisters " all my books not disposed of by bequest or otherwise, unless the Dean of York, Doctor Markham, to whom I desire the offer to be made, should chuse to accept of any of them on religious or theological subjects for the York Minster library." The selection of books was made by Mr. William Gray on behalf of Mrs. Burgh's representatives, and Mr. Dallin, the librarian, for the Dean and Chapter. The books were mis- cellaneous in character, and none were of any special value. There was a wish about this time to add a Museum to the library, but this was given up when the Yorkshire Philosophical Society came into existence. Among the objects which came into the possession of the Dean ftnd Chapter and were transferred^ was a small inscribed altar to the Deae I PREFACE. . XXI Matres discovered in Micklegate, and two large Eoman stone cofl&ns which were presented to Dean Markham by Mr. David Russell. In 1831, a large shelf-catalogue in four volumes folio was finished by the librarian, the Rev. William Richardson, subchantor of the Minster. It is a very praiseworthy and laborious work. A portrait of Mr. Richardson was presented by his family and hangs over the doorway in the inner room. Mr. Richardson succeeded the Rev. James Dallin as librarian, and was followed by the Rev. Edward John Raines, who drew up a very use- ful alphabetical catalogue in two volumes. In early times, one of the vergers had the ofl&ce of library-keeper, and attended when anyone wished to consult the books, but the post of librarian had usually been filled by one of the Vicars-choral. The appointment of the present librarian in 18V0 was a deviation from the usual custom and order. It was then held that the direction that a vicar should be the librarian was intended to give the Chapter a claim upon his services if they should be required, but that there was nothing to prevent a Canon holding the office if he should have special qualifications for the post and be willing to accept it. In 1833, a MS. Bible written in Latin in the 13th century was presented. In it is the following inscription : — " Istum librum dedit Dominus Willelmus Eycherdson adEcclesiam Sancti Martini in Connyngstrete in Eboraco. Qui quidem Willelmus quondam fuit persona in Bcclesia Cathedral: Sancti Petri. Voluit tamen ut sit cathenatus in choro Sancti Martini prsedicti ad serviendum ibi in per- petuum. Qui vero hunc alienaverit anathema sit. Datum anno Domini micccccox°, ad festum Nativitatis Domini." Inserted in the book is the following letter, which we print without note or comment. " The Vicar and Churchwardens of the parish of Saint Martin's, Coney Street, York, beg leave most respectfully to present the Very Revd. the Dean and Chapter with the accompanying ancient Bible for the use of the Minster Library. William Taylor, Vicar. 3, Coney Street, January 5th, 1833." In 1859, Mrs. Mary Ann Dixon, widow of William Henry Dixon, canon residentiary, presented a manuscript volume of poems, in the handwriting of her husband's uncle, William Mason, the poet, who was precentor and canon-residentiary, together with two other manuscripts in the handwrit- ing of Thomas Gray, the poet. Mason's great friend. Mrs. Dixon added to these in 1865 twenty volumes of Tracts and a duplicate copy of Drake's Eboracum. Mr. Dixon's nephew, the Rev. C. B. Norcliffe, has also made some valuable gifts to the library. In 1863, the Emperor Alexander II. of Russia sent to the library a copy of the newly -issued edition of the Codex Sinaiticus in four volumes. Through the great kindness of Pope Leo XIIL, at the request of Cardinal Manning, the library received as a gift in 1890 the reproduction in photo- type of the New Testament from the famous Codex Vaticanus. The facsimile of the Codex Alexandrinus, made by the authorities of the XXll PREFACE. British Museum, had been already purchased. There are not many libraries that possess the three. In 1870, a strong and successful effort was made to add to the York Library, and render it more accessible to the student and the reader. The last life in the Bub with lease had just expired, and the yearly income of £80, which the library had enjoyed since the year 1808, came to an end. There remained the sum of £280 from the savings of income. An effort was now made to increase this sum, and with such success that the sum of £400 was invested and money placed in the bank to purchase library fittings and new books. The small room at the head of the staircase was furnished with shelves in which books were rapidly accumulated. The library was also thrown open to readers at certain times in the week, and although the collection must be mainly considered to be one of reference, still a number of books were allowed to be borrowed by persons on whose judgment and care full reliance could be placed. The happy result of this increased activity and confidence was soon shown. The library has been visited and used by increasing numbers of people, and gifts and bequests of books have been frequently made. It soon became necessary to furnish the long vaulted room on the ground floor at the entrance into the library, which was prepared and equipped with handsome cases by Messrs. Street and Bodley at a considerable expense, which exhausted all the invested income of the library. But the Dean and Chapter have provided from other sources an annual endowment that the acquisition of books should not languish orbe interfered with. 'At the present time further accommodation is required to house the numerous additions which are continually coming in. To mark the changes made in the library in 1870 and the following year it was resolved, at the suggestion of Bishop Thorold, to imitate the example of the Dean and Chapter in 1808, and to place in the windows in the larger room the arms of other members of the Church of York. One window only, executed by Mr. Knowles, of York, was completed, and this contains the armorial bearings of the Chapter of York, Dean Duncombe, F. Watkins, Archdeacon ; W. V. Harcourt, Canon-residentiary ; C. John- stone, Canon-residentiary ; Lord Forester, Chancellor ; S. Creyke, Arch- deacon ; W. H. Dixon, Canon-residentiary ; C. Musgrave, Archdeacon j T. Baillie, Canon-residentiary ; W. Hey, Archdeacon ; W. B. Jones, Arch- deacon ; C. Hawkins, Canon-residentiary ; K. I. Wilberforce, Archdeacon ; A. W. Thorold, Canon-residentiary ; and R. L. F. Blunt, Archdeacon. In 1871, the Hon. and Rev. Stephen Willoughby Lawley, rector of Escrick,, and sometime Subdean, presented to the library a fine set of the historical works of Thomas Hearne, together with Dr. Bliss's edition of his Remains,, in 73 volumes, many of them being on large paper. Mr. Lawley was one of the first persons to interest himself in the revival of the library, and it is to his encouragement and help that it§ present improved condition is largely due. In 1873 Mr. Edward Akroyd, of Halifax, gave to the Dean and Chapter, at the suggestion of the writer, towards the formation of a Yorkshire col- lection, the MSS. of Mr. John Richard Walbran, F.S.A., of Ripon, a well- PREFACE. XXIU known antiquary. Mr. Walbran died in April, 1869, and Mr. Akroyd purchased the MSS. from his widow, with several other things, for the sum of £175. They consist of large materials for the History of Fountains Abbey, and extensive collections for Yorkshire topography, especially that of the Wapentakes of Claro and Morley, drawn from Dodsworth's MSS.,. the British Museum, and the Public Eecord office. In 1874 the library received the largest benefaction it had acquired since the Fothergill Collection came to it. A very extensive series of books and tracts was presented by Mrs. Churton and her son-in-law, the Eev. W. Inge, now Provost of Worcester College, Oxford, in memory of a very dis- tinguished scholar and member of the Chapter of York, Edward Churton, Archdeacon of Cleveland. They extend probably to some thousands of articles or pieces on theological and historical subjects, published chiefly in the 17th and 18th centuries. It was Archdeacon Churton's wish to write a History of Eeligious Thought during that period, and the gift contains nearly all his collections for that purpose, many of which had belonged to his kinsman, Joshua Watson, whose name will be long cherished. Those who were familiar with the rectory of Crayke, near Easingwold, which was for many years Mr. Churton's home, may remember a book-case on the stair ascending from the hall which was filled with volumes of tracts and small pieces on various subjects. Most of these, and many others, have been sent to the Minster Library where they will always be held in esteem. Few cathedral churches have been so fortunate as York has been to have among its archdeacons, within half a century, such men as Wrangham, Henry John Todd, Robert Isaac Wilberforce, and Edward Churton. The recollection of Churton will be one of the most cherished memories of this place. In October, 1876, Mrs. Elizabeth Davies, of York, gave to the library a large number of valuable books in memory of her husband, Robert Davies, F.S.A., a distinguished antiquary and collector of books. The writer made the selection at Mrs. Davies' request. It consists of 260 volumes, among which are all Mr. Davies' specimens of the typography of the old York printers, and other books, useful as well as rare. Among these is a copy of the Salisbury Processional printed at Rouen in 1646; Mr. Davies took great interest in the resuscitation of the library, and his widow, in making the gift, was interpreting and carrying out her hus- band's wishes. Mr. Davies' chief printed work was a Memoir of the York Press. It will be useful to some to know that by the combination of the collections of two other collections with that of Davies, the Minster Library contains, with the exception, perhaps, of eight or ten pieces, the whole of the works recorded in Mr. Davies' bibliography, and many others which do not appear in it. In 1883, the Dean and Chapter printed a catalogue of 2,000 volumes of modern books, which had come into their possession since 1870, a very satis- factory evidence of the progress made in this direction during 13 years. In 1884, Thomas Frederick Simmons, Prebendary of York, bequeathed to the Dean and Chapter the sum of £100 for the purposes of their library, XXIV PREFACE. together with all his liturgical works, of which they did not already possess copies, and such other works as the present librarian might wish to select. Mr. Simmons began to collect books for this purpose when the library was revived in 1870. The Dean and Chapter printed a Catalogue of the books which came to them from this source. They made a great and sensible addition to their already valuable store of liturgical works. In 1889, Mr, R. E. Smithson, of York, and Mr. E. Smithson, his son, gave several MSS., which had belonged to Archbishop Lamplugh and his family. Among these were one or two in the handwriting of that well- known scholar, John Davenant, Bishop of Salisbury. In 1890, the Dean and Chapter received a magnificent addition to their library in the great Yorkshire collection formed by Edward Hailstone, F.S.A., of Walton Hall, Wakefield. He left, by will, " all his collection of manuscripts, whether on paper or parchment, books, prints, engravings, photographs and portraits in any way relating to the County of York, and kept and distinguished by the testator as his Yorkshire Library, to the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of St. Peter at York, to be kept and maintained by the said Dean and Chapter as a separate and dis- tinct portion of their library, under the name of ' The Hailstone Yorkshire Library.' " Mr. Hailstone was a person of great culture and generous sympathies, with high literary and artistic tastes. He was a native of Bradford, and resided for a long time in Horton Hall, a most picturesque mansion on the outskirts of that town. He left Horton for a still more interesting place, Walton Hall, near Wakefield, the residence of the ancient family of Waterton for many generations. He took a 21 years' lease of Walton which had nearly run out at the time of his decease. At Walton Mr. Hailstone had light and space which were wanting to him at Horton, and his collections increased so much that the house would have been made one of the show-places of Yorkshire, if he had permitted it to become so. Mr. Hailstone had the spirit of an ardent collector, and began at an early period of his life to gather together a special library which was to be devoted to the illustration of the annals, etc., of the great county of York. This had made such progress that in 1858 he printed for private distribution 50 copies of a catalogue of its contents, which is now exceed- ingly rare. It was arranged under the following heads : Yorkshire, City of York, North, West, and East Ridings, Civil War Tracts, Tracts relating to Sir Thomas Fairfax, and Sermons ; nothing but printed books and a few manuscripts being recorded. Mr. Hailstone never printed a second edition, but kept on interleaving, and filling a copy of the first with MS. additions, during the rest of his life. Between 1858 and 1890, the collection was immensely increased. At_ his death, the printed books would probably number 7,000, the prints, etc., 10,000, and the MSS., ^.e., charters, tran- scripts, and miscellaneous papers were very numerous indeed. Mr. Hailstone was not only a collector, he was a reader. He knew his books well, and, unlike many bibliomaniacs, he treated them always with consideration. All were nicely bound, and most of them contained his PREFACE. XXV beautiful book-plate. Although his entire library consisted probably of 40,000 or 50,000 volumes, every book was taken down and dusted once a year. And yet in the pure air of Walton there was very little dust to defile them. The greater part of the vast upper storey of the house was one vast library. The building stood on a small island in a lake, and could only be reached by the drawbridge or a boat. Whenever you looked out of a window, there was the gleaming water of the lake below you, stretching out in one direction for more than half-a-mile. It was Mr. Hailstone's wish that his Yorkshire collection should be kept together, and he often thought that it would find its ultimate home in America. He did not like free and public libraries, not even those in the towns in the West Eiding with which he was familiar. He and I had been friends for more than thirty years, and I generally visited him at Walton, in the latter part of his life, once or twice a year. About five years before his death, I chanced to take with me a portion of the MS. catalogue of the books in the Minster library, which I was preparing for the Press. He looked at it with surprise and pleasure, and, speaking about his York- shire books, remarked, in a somewhat tentative way, how much they would improve our library at York. What he said surprised me, and I did not take it up at the time, as there were difiiculties of space, etc., in the way ; but sometime after my return home, I wrote to him and said that I had been thinking much about the subject, and knowing his wish, that his collection might find a home in Yorkshire, I ventured to suggest that York was practically the only place in the county which could satisfy his wishes and requirements. In the Dean and Chapter Library his books would be kept under lock and key, and be still accessible to the inspection of the student. I mentioned also that the Yorkshire books of his old friend, Kobert Davies, had found, as he knew, a home in that place, and that if he should think fit to put his own near them, another friend would add to them out of his own books any in which the two other collections were deficient. Hailstone wrote a kind answer, and said that he would take the subject into his consideration. Within the year he told me that he had adopted my suggestion. From his earliest years, Mr. Hailstone was greatly attached to York, and he gave to the Museum of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society in that city, in 1882, his small collection of antiquities. After making his decision about his books, he looked with increasing pleasure upon their future home, and it was no little comfort to him to feel that they would be under the charge of one who would care for them as if they were his own. If Mr. Hailstone had overlived the expiration of his lease of Walton, the books would have come to York at that time, and his general collections would have been sold. As it was, the end came to him before that event, and after his decease, with the kind assistance and approval of his nephewand heir, the Rev. Samuel Hailstone, the transference to York was effected in January, 1891. The books were carried by road in the middle of a severe snowstorm, and halted for a night on the way. The writer may be excused, perhaps, for giving details like these, which will be read with interest some time. XXVI PREFACE. Mr. Hailstone's bequest was practically a gift to the whole county of York, and additions from all parts of Yorkshire are frequently made to it. Since it reached its destination at least a thousand volumes have been added to it, either by gift or purchase, and it is earnestly hoped that in coming years the authorities at the Minster will assiduously care for it. The case in which the books are placed in the library was made for the Dean and Chapter by Messrs. Kobson, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, at the cost of £400, Mr. R. J. Johnson, of York, contributing the design. The case is worthy of its contents, and is abundantly supplied with drawers and cup- boards for the reception of documents and papers. At one' end of it a portrait of Mr. Hailstone has been hung to commemorate his beneficence. The time, perhaps, has not yet come when a catalogue of this grand collec- tion should be printed. It is a mine of literary wealth, and an abiding evidence of an act of noble generosity. In 1893, John Sykes, M.D., of Doncaster, presented a number of ancient charters, and a quantity of letters from Joseph Hunter, F.S.A., the anti- quary, to himself and Mr. T. N. Ince, of Wakefield. Dr. Sykes has on other occasions shown his good will to the library by giving to it rare or choice books. It has been already said that, since the year 1870 a great effort has been made to improve the library, and make it more worthy of its history and traditions. The present catalogue will show much that has been done, and many serious deficiencies. During the last twenty-five years the Dean and Chapter must have spent more than £3,000 over their library to bring it nearer to the standard of modern requirements, and at the same time to in- crease the stores of the literature of the 16th and 17th centuries, in which it is so rich. Many thousands of volumes have been acquired, but they have been far exceeded in number by the many and precious gifts which have been made to the library. Others have been promised, and more still, I doubt not, will be bestowed in coming years, as there is a peculiar charm in a quiet cathedral precinct, and the promise of security and care- ful preservation. In the grime and bustle of a great city, books are exposed to many dangers, and handled by many careless readers. Here the shadow of the great minster, which almost falls on the library, seems to ensure something of its own endurance. Esto perpetua ! In this age of selfish- ness and money-getting, when so very many think only of the aggrandise- ment of themselves and their families, and not of the public good, the spread of education and learning and the love of good letters, are too often neglected or forgotten. The Dean and Chapter of York, the lineal de- scendant of that brotherhood of which Alcuin was a member, plead in their behalf once more with the men and women of to-day. And it is no small comfort to the writer to have been able in some small way to help the advancement of a library which he trusts will be a boon and a blessing to future generations, and assure them of the good will and assis- tance of the brotherhood of York Minster of which he is happy to be a member. J. R, York, Ma/rchj 1896. ( xxvii ) POSTSCEIPT. It is a very painful pleasure to add a postscript to this preface, the last piece of work undertaken and completed by a very dear friend. But it is an imperative duty, and this is the fitting place for it, that Chancellor Raine's careful account of the origin and growth of the Library of the Dean and Chapter should be supplemented by a word of appreciation of his own services ; services not only to the Library, but to the whole field of Yorkshire men and historical students. Of late years a good deal of his time was spent in the Library ; he devoted to the care and arrangement of it, his great bibliographical knowledge, and made it the centre of his enthusiastic and most industrious labours. It is impossible to read the foregoing pages without seeing that it was very largely to his personality, to the interest which his zeal inspired, to the trust that was reposed in his faithfulness and in his judgment, that the great benefactions, which late years have seen made to the Library, are due. Men who loved their books had a pleasure in leaving or giving them, where under his care they might hope for them to be treasured and preserved. And this is a typical illustration of a character and work known and valued far beyond the walls of the Library. Dr. Raine was a man of great and varied accomplishments : he inherited and developed literary tastes and powers of a very effective sort. He had read widely and critically ; he had a most comprehensive and ready memory ; a perfect genius for seeing at once the valuable points in manuscripts, books, coins, treasures of every kind, and a critical power seldom at fault in the detection of what was pretentious or unworthy. His thorough single heartedness and sincerity attracted the confidence of all who came into association with him ; no man, I think, was ever trusted with a greater store of precious documents or curious relics. So he was a real authority on everything connected with the Life and History of the North of England. And, as he was so far fortunate as to be placed in a position of such influence, he was unwearied in his efforts to use it for the best purposes, and unbounded in his generous help to others working in the same fields. The Philosophical Society owes him a like debt in the order and expansion of its Museum. The Records of the Cathedral and Metropolitical See, under his exploring hand, became known and were made useful in a far greater degree than they had ever been before. Forty years of careful attention to the work of the Surtees Society have their outward and visible proof of efficacy in the seventy volumes and more issued under his supervision, in a series which may claim the character of a National enterprise. His connexion as Canon and Chancellor with the proper Church life of the Minster enabled him to make himself the authority on Statutes, Canons, Convocation, and local as well as provincial Ecclesiastical work. His own collections, and his ready knowledge of the things worth collecting, were most unselfishly put XXVIU POSTSCRIPT. at the disposal of all who knew how to profit by them. In all this he was a worthy successor of Alcuin, of whom he spoke and wrote with so much fervour. I am glad to be able to add that, as a part of the memorial which has been planned for the commemoration of his devoted work, a large portion of his own collection of books will be added to the Cathedral library. There were other points not to be forgotten by those who knew him well : in these also his memory will be sweet and lasting. Those who have known him as a personal friend, and as a Pastor, may well be thankful for the blessing. W. OXON. *#* It seemed right that the sole sentence in the manuscript of this Preface in which the Author dwelt for a moment upon the toil and time which he had spent upon this Catalogue, should be rescued from the pen- strokes with which he had cancelled it. It is given below. A. R. E. "The present Catalogue, it need scarcely be said, represents the labour of many years, to say nothing of the search after so many books recorded in it." Explanations of the Letters appended to the descriptions of the Books. An account of the Donors is given in the Preface. B. Mrs. Burgh. C. Mrs. Churton. D. Archbishop Dolben's Executors. Da. Mrs. Davies. Di. Mrs. Dixon. F. Marmaduke Fothergill. F.F. Sir Ferdinando Fairfax. H. Mr. Hailstone. M, Mrs. Mathew. S. Rev. Canon Simmons. L. before the date of a book is an abbreviation of London. CATALOGUE OF YOEK MINSTER LIBRARY. A. C. see Dominis (M. A. de) A.C.Q.D. Ratio ineundse Concordise inter Ecclesias Reformatas, 4to, s. I. 1579 A.M. see Baxter (Richard) A.R. A Letter to a Friend ... to prove that valid Ordination ought not to be repeated, B. 4to. L., Printed for J. S., 1661 A.V.D.M. (Petr.) Dissertatio de Trisagii Origine, D. 8vo. Eotho- magi, 1674 A.W. Of the State of the Church in future ages, 8vo. L, 1684 Abselard and Heloisa : Opera, 4to. Parisiis, sumpt. Nic. By on, 1616 Abarbanel (Isaac) Exordium, seu prooemium Commentt. in Leviti- cum; ed. de Veil, R 4to. L., 1683 Abbadie (Jacques) Traite de la V6rit6 de la Religion Chr6tienne, 2 vols., 8vo. Rotterdam, 1684 Abbey (C. J.) The English Church and its Bishops, 1700-1800. 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1887 & Overton (J. H.) The English Church in the Eighteenth Century, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1878 Abbot (Geo., Archbishop of Canterbury) Qusestiones Sex, 4to. Oxon., Jos. Barnes, 1598 An Exposition upon the Prophet Jonah, 4to. L., Eichd. Field, 1600 Id. 4to. L., Id. 1613 The Reasons which Dr. Hill hath brought for the upholding of Papistry . . . unmasked, M. 4to. Oxford, Jos. Barnes, 1604 A Treatise of the Perpetual Visibilitie of the True Church, E. 4to. L., Aug. Matthewes, 1624 A Briefe Description of the whole World, 12mo. L., Pr. by T. H., 1635 Life of, 8vo. Guildford, 1777 (George, nephew of Archbishop) The whole Book of Job Paraphrased, 4to. L., Edic. Griffin, 1640 Vindici^ Sabbathi, 4to. L., I. D., 1641 (John) Jesus Prsefigured, 4to. s. I, 1623 (Robert, Bishop, brother of Archbishop) A Mirrour of Popish Subtilties, 4to. L., Thomas Creede, 1594 Antichristi Demonstratio, '^Tobias Ehoracen. ex auctoris done." 4to. L., R. Barker, 1603 2 CATALOGUE OF Abbot (Robert, Bishop, brother of Archbishop) A Defence of the Reformed Catholicke of M. W. Perkins. In three parts, M. 3 vols., 4to. L., imp. Geo. Bishop, 1606-11 A Wedding Sermon pr. at Bentley in Derbyshire (on the marr. of Sir John Stanhope and Mrs. Olive Berrisford)— ? if by him— 4to. L., Pr. by N. 0., 1608 The Old Waye. A Sermon at Oxford. 4to. L., Eleazar Edgar, 1610 The True Ancient Roman Catholike, M. 4to. L., W. Stansby, 1611 Antilogia adv. Apologiam Andr. Eudsemon-Johannis pro H. Garneto. " Tobias Eboracen. ex dono authoris," 4to. L., ex off. Tho. Adams, 1613 De Gratia et Perseverantia Sanctorum, M. 4to. L. ex off. Norton. 1618 — ^ — De Suprema Potestate Regia, F.F. 4to. L. ex off. Norton. 1619 (Robert, Vicar of Cranbrook) Bee Thankfull, London and her Sisters, a Sermon, 4to. L., for Philemon Stejjhens, 1626 Foure Sermons, 8vo. L., Tho. Paine, 1639 A Triall of our Church-forsakers, or a Meditation tending to still the Passions of unquiet Brownists, 8vo. L., s.d. 1639 Milk for Babes ; or, A Mother's Catechism, 8vo. L., 1646 Abbotsford. Catalogue of Sir Walter Scott's Library,4to. Edin., 1838 Abenzoar (Abhumeron) Liber Theizir, vel Rectificatio Medicationis et Regiminis, F.F. Fol. Venetiis, per M. Otin Papion, 1497 Aberdeen, Registrum Episcopatus Aberdonensis. Ed. for the Spald- ing Club, 2 vols., 4to. Edin., 1845 Records of the University and King's College, Aberdeen. Ed. for ditto, R. 4to. Aberdeen, 1854 Abernethie, Abernethy, Abrenethee Daniel, Question d'Aubeine contre le Syndic des P^res Jesuites du College de Nismes, D. 4to. s. a. et I. (J., Bishop of Caithness) A Christian and Heavenly Treatise, containing Physicke for the Soule, 4to. L., Felix Kyngston, 1622 (John) Discourses, B. 8vo. L., 1740 (Thomas) Abjuration by Thomas Abernethie, sometime Jesuite ... at Edinburgh, B. 4to. Edin., G. Anderson, 1638 A Sermon preached by Master Andrew Ramsay at the receiving of Mr. Thomas Abernethie, sometime Jesuite . . . into the . . . Church of Scotland, J^. 4to. Edin., G. Anderson, 1638 Abraham (Pere) Declaration Chrestienne publiquement faicte en rfiglise Reform^e d'Uzez, 8vo. s. I 1600 Abulpharagius (Gregorius) Historia .... Dynastiarum, Arabic^ et Latin^, ed. Edv. Pocockio. "/. Dolben. Donum reverendi authoris," D. 4to. Oxon. 1663 Acosta (Jos.) De Natura Novi Orbis, F.F. 8vo. Col. Agr., Birkmann, 1596 The Natural and Moral Historie of the East and W^est Indies. Transl. by E[dward] G[rimston], M. L., V. Sims, 1604 Actuarius (Jo.) Libri de Urinis, 8vo. Parisiis, Jo. Gangellus, 1548 Adams (H. C.) History of Winchester Coll. 8vo. Oxford, 1878 (J.^ Funeral Sermon on Thos. Staynoe, F. 8vo. L., 1708 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 3 Adams (Thos.) The Divell's Banket, 4to. L., Thos. Snodham, 1614 The Blacke Devill, 4to. L., W. Jaggard, 1615 England's Sickness conferred with Israel's, C. 4to. L., 1615 The Happiness of the Church, 4to. L., G. P. IQIS Three Sermons, C. Uo. L, 1625 (Thos. of Wintringham) Sn. at St. Helen's, York, May, 1772, B. York, Wilson and Teaseyman (Wm.) Essay on Mr. Hume's Essay on Miracles, C. 8vo. Z., 1752 • Id. C. 3rd ed. 8vo. L., 1767 Addison (C. J.) The Knights Templars, 3rd ed. 8vo. L., 1852 (Lane.) The Primitive Institution, F. 8vo. L., 1674 Addy (S. 0.) Historical Memorials of Beauchief Abbey, 4to. Parkers, 1878 Admonitio. See Spain De Libro Concordise quem vocant Admonitio Christiana, M. 4to. Neustad in Palat., M. Harnisch, 1581 Adrichomius (Christianus) Hierosolyma, quemadmodum Christ temporibus floruit. F. 8vo. Colon. Agr., Birckman, 1588 A Briefe Description of Hierusalem .... Transl. by T[hos. T[ymme], 4to. L., P. Short, 1595 Theatrum Terrse Sanctse et Biblicarum Historiarum, M. Fol. Colon. Agripp., in off. Birckman, 1590 Advertisement (An) written to a Secretarie of my L. Treasurer's o Ingland concerning a booke newly written against her Majesty's late Proclamation for searche and apprehension of Seminary Priestes . . . . M. 5. Z., 1592 Advices, see Nedham (Marchamont) ^Ifric. Homilies of. Ed. by B. Thorpe for the ^Ifric Society. {Mr. W. Gray), 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1844 ^lian (Claudius) Varise Historise. Editio Princeps, M. 4to. Bomce, sine typogr., 1549 Id. F. 24mo. apud Jo. Torncesium, 1610 De Animalium Natura, 12mo. apud Jo. Torncesium, 1611 Id. ed. Gronovius, 2 vols., 4to. L., 1744 (Hier.) De Podagricis et Arthriticis Morbis, " JV. Mount " F.F., 4to. Brixice, P. M. Marchettus, 1586 ^milius (Geo.) Imagines Mortis, etc. 8vo. Venetiis, 1546 Id. 8vo. s. I. et a. (Paulus) De Rebus Gestis Francorum, M. Fol. Basilece, per Sixt. Henricpetri, 1569 -^neas Sylvius. Familiares Epistolse, B. 4to. Nuremhergh, Ant. Koherger, 1496 Liber de Miseriis Curialium, 4to. s. I. et a. Opera. M. Basilece, ex off. H. Petrina, 1571 ^netius (Jac.) Expositio Psalmi XIV. M. 8vo. Lipsice, 1574 -^rodius, Ayrault (Petrus) Qusestiones, M. 8vo. Pam, 1573 Rerum ad omni antiquitate Judicatarum Pandectse, F. Fol. Parisiis, 1588 A Discourse for Parents' honour and authoritie. Transl. by J. Budden. Dedicated to Archbp. Matthew. M. 8vo. L, E. Griffin,l6\Q B 2 4 CATALOGUE OF ^schyli Tragoediae, ed. Schiitz, 3 vols., 8vo. Halm, 1809-11 ^sopus. Fabulse. M. Svo. Lipsice, E. Fcegelius, 1564 ^Et Vita, " Jo. Pricceus," F. 24mo. Antiverpice, Plantin, 1574 Vita tradotta del Sig. Cont. Griulio Landi, F. 24mo. Li Trevigi, 1627 The Morall Fabillis of Esope compylit in eloquet & ornate Scottis meter by Robert Henrisoe, Svo. Edinburgh, Tho. Bassandyne, 1571 The Fables of ^sop paraphrased in verse and adorned with Sculpture, by Ogilby, F. 4to. L., 1651 Afflelen (Jo. ab) Vir Politicus, V2mo. Hanovm, apud Gut. Ant. . . . 1591 Affinati D'Acuto (Jac.) The Dumbe Divine Speaker .... Transl. by A. M. F.F. 4to. L., for W. Leake, 1605 Agapetus. De Officio Regis, F. 12mo. Lugd. Bat., Fr. Baphelengius, 1592 Agnew (D. C. A.) Protestant Exiles from France in the reign of Louis XIV .... and their descendants in Great Britain and Ireland. Large paper, privately printed, 4to. L., 1866 Agobardus (S. Archiep. Lugdun.) Opera, etc. Ed. Baluze, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. Paris, Fr. Muguet, 1666 Agricola (Earth.) De setate ineuntium Officia, " Jo. Pricceus," F. 8vo. Neapoli, Hen. Starckius, 1618 (Fran.) Tractatus de Primatu Petri Apostoli et Successorum ejus, M. 8vo. Colonice, sumpt. Herm. Hobergen, 1599 Attestatio SS. Patrum quod S. Petrus Romse fuit et Romanos ad fidem convertit, M. 8vo. Colonice, apud Herm. Hobergen, 1 605 De Amplissimis Privilegiis et certissimis Signis verse et ger- manae Christi in terris Ecclesise, M. Svo. Colonic, sumpt. Bern. Gualtheri, 1606 (Geo.) De Mensuris et Ponderibus Romanorum atque Grse- corum, fol. Basilece, Hier. Froben & Nic. Episcopius, 1550 De ortu et causis Subterraneorum, fol. Basilece, Froben, 1558 De Re Metallica etc., M. fol. Basilece ex off. Froben, 1561 (Jo.) Von der Messen und ihrem Canone Lhere und Schrifft, welde er auff dem Reichstag au Speyer . . . geprediget und folgend anno M.D.XXVII zu Wittenbergk im Druck offentlich hat ausgehen lassen, 4to. s. a. & I. Agriculture. Rei Rusticse Scriptores, ed. Gesner. (^Alex. Hunter of York, M.D., 1800), 4to. Lipsim, 1735 Agrippa (Hen. Corn.) De Incertitudine et Vanitate Scientiarum, M. Svo. Colonice, apud Theod. Baumium, 1584 : Deir Eccellenza e Preeminenza del Femminil Sessa sopra il Maschile .... transportata da G. aGraglia, C. Svo. Londra, 1776 Life of, by Henry Morley, 2 vols., Svo. L., 1856 Aids to Faith ; edited by Archbp. Thomson, Svo. L., 1861 Ainsworth (Henry) Counterpoyson . . . Mr. Bernard's book enti- tuled The Separatist's Schisme . . . examined and answered, M. 4to. s. I., 1608 A Defence of the Holy Scriptures, Worship and Ministerie, used in the Christian Churches separated from Antichrist, 4to Amsterdam, Giles Thorp, 1609 t YOKK MINSTER LIBRARY. 5 Ainsworth (Henry) The Trying out of the Truth begunn and prose- quuted in certayn Letters or Passages between Henry and John Ainsworth, 4to. Puhl by E. P, 1615 A Eeply to a pretended Christian Plea for the Anti-christian Church of Kome, published by Mr. Francis Johnson, 4to. s. I, 1620 An Arrow against Idolatrie. J'Fith autograph of author. 8vo. s. L, 1624 Annotations upon the Five Books of Moses, the Psalms and the Song of Solomon, D. fol. L., M. Parsons, 1639 The Communion of Saints, 12mo. Z., 1641 The Orthodox Foundation of Eeligion, ed. by Samuel White, 4to. L., 1641 Solomon's Song of Songs in English Metre, //. 4to. s. L, 1642 The Booke of Psalmes : Englished both in Prose and Metre, 8vo. Amsterdam, Thos. Stafford, 1644 cf. Johnson (Fr.) (Eobert) English and Latin Dictionary, ed. Morell, 2 vols. 4to. L., 1773 (Wm., of Halifax) Medulla Bibliorum, The Marrow of the Bible, 8vo. L., 1652 Airay (Hen.) Lectures upon the Epistle to the Philippians, 4to. L, Edw.. Griffin, 1618 Aitsingerus (Michael) Pentaplus regnorum Mundi, M. 4to. Antwerpice, Chr. Plantin, 1579 Terra Promissionis Topographice atque Historice descripta, M. 4to. Colon. Agripp., God. Kempensis, 1582 • De Leone Belgico, M.iol. Colon. Ubiorum, 1583 Thesaurus sive Genealogia Principum hac setate in Europa viventium, 31. 8vo. Colon. Agripp., G. Kempensis, 1591 Akerman (J. Y.) Remains of Pagan Saxondom, 4to. L., 1855 Alabaster (Gul.) Apparatus in Revelation em Jesu Christi, M. 4to. Antwerpice, ex off. Am. Conincx, 1607 Alagona (Petrus) Compendium Manualis Navarri, et Commentarii de Usuris, F.F. 32mo. Col. Agr., ex off] Birckmannica, 1599 Alardus. Dissertatio de . . . Eucharistise Sacramento, M. 8vo. Lovanii, ex off'. Bulger i Bescii, 1537 Heretici Descriptio, M. 8vo. Salingiaci, Joan. Soter, 1539 Selectee Similitudines sive Collationes, M. 8vo. Petrus BegnauU, 1543 Albaspinseus, L'Aubespine (Gabr.) L'Ancienne Police de I'Eglise sur 1' Administration de I'Eucharistie, S. 8vo. Paris, 1653 Observationes Ecclesiasticse, fol. Lutet. Paris., apud Vid. Jo. du Puis, 1676 Albertis (Fabius de) & Merenati (J. C.) De Sacris Utensilibus Tractatus, 2 vols. fol. Bomce, 1783 Albertus (Magnus) Postillse super Lucam, fol. Hagenau, H. Gi'an,\bO^ Compendium Theologicse Veritatis, M. 8vo. Venetiis, apud Jo. Ant. Bampazettum, 1 58S (Salomon) Historia Plerarumque Partium Humani Corporis, M. 8vo. Fitebergce, Hcer. Jo. Craton, 1585 6 . CATALOGUE OF [Alberus (Erasmus)] L' Alcoran des Cordeliers, 8vo, Genhve, Far Guill. de Laimarie, 1578 Alcantara (J. G.) Historia Critica de los Falsos Cronicones. {Arch- deacon Ckurton, 1869). 8vo. Madrid, 1868 (Peter de) De Meditatione et Oratioiie libellus aureus, cum Vita, D. 8vo. Col. Agr., ex off. Critiniana, 1624 A Golden Treatise of Mental Praier . . . translated by Giles Willoughby, B. 8vo. Bruxelles, the Wid. of Hubert Antony, 1632 Alchemy. De Alchimia opuscula complura Veterum Philosophorum, 4to. Francofurti, Cyriac. Jacob, 1550 Alciatus (Andr.) Paradoxorum Libri VI, etc. B. fol. s. I. 1529 • De Verborum Significatione, B. fol. Lugd. Sebast. Gryphius, 1530 Processus Compendium, M. 8vo. Colon., Hcer. Am. Birckman, 1555 Alcuinus (Flaccus) Opera, ed. Froben, 2 vols. fol. Fiatisbonce, 1777 Description de la Bible ecrite par Alchuin. Par M. J. H. de Speyr-Passavant, 8vo. Fariti, 1829 Alchuine's Bible in the British Museum. From the " Gentle- man's Magazine," 1856, 8vo. Life of, byF. Lorenz, transl. by Slee, 8vo. L., 1837 Aldrete (Bern.) Varias Antiquetades de Espana, Africa, y otras Provincias, ^^ Jo. FriccEus," F. 4to. Amberes, 1614 (Jos. S. J.) Dicseologia, pro ejusdem Societate et Regularium a locorum Ordinariis exemptione asserenda. {Mr. J. F. Walker, 1880), 4to. Hispali, 1619 Aleman (Matteo) The Rogue : or the Life of Guzman de Alfarache, etc. F. fol. L., pr. by R. B., 1634 Alet. Statuts Synodaux du diocese d'Alet, 8 vo. Faris, 1675 Les Instructions du Rituel du diocese d'Alet, 8vo. ib. 1678 Alexander (ab Alexandro) Geniales Dies, F. 8vo. Lugd. apud Faul Frellon, 1616 (Aphrodisiensis) Medicinalia Problemata, F. 8vo. "/o. Fricceus." Faris, sumjjt. Emondce Tusanoi, 1540 (Carpentarius) Compilatio Destructorium Vitiorum nuncupata, F.F. fol. ColonicB, 1485 Id. M. fol. Faris, Feter Level, 1495 (VII. Papa) II Sindicato conil suo Viaggio nell' altro mondo, 12mo. 1668 Alford (Dean) Life of, 3rd ed., 8vo. L., 1874 (Lady Marian) Needlework as Art, 8vo. L., 1886 Alfraganus (Muhammedes) Rudimenta Astronomica, F. F. Norimbergm, 1532 Alfred (King) Life of, by R. Pauli, ed. Thos. Wright, 8vo, L., 1852 — —A Description of Europe, ed. Bosworth, 8vo. L. 1855 Algerus (Dom.) De Veritate Corporis et Sanguinis Dominici in Eucharistia, 8vo. Antwerpice, in ced. Jo. Steelsii, 1536 Alidosi (Giovanni) I Sommi Pontefici, etc. e vescovi Bolognesi ; Li Canonici della Chiesa di Bologna ; Li Cavalieri Bolognesi, "Jb. Fricceus." F., 3 parts, 4to. In Bologna, 1616 Libro Quinto Delli Antiani, Consoli, e Gonfalonieri di Gius- titia, ''Jo. Fricceus." F. 4to. Ib. 1621 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 7 Alidosi (Giovanni) Instruttione delle cose notabili, etc. "/o. Prkmus" F. 4to. In Bologna, 1621 Nomi delle Strade, Vie, Borghi, et Vicole, " Jo. Primus," F. 4to. In Bologna, 1624 Allan (George, of Grange co. Durham) A Collection of his Tracts privately printed at Grange, in 4to. Gathered, with large illus- trations and additions, by J. B. Nichols, 4to. v. y. Another vol., 4to. v. y. Allanson (Cuthbert) Assize Sermon at York, An. 1770, Pi. 4to. York, A. Ward Allatius (Leo.) Confutatio Fabulse de Joanna Papissa, S. 4to. Col. Agr, 1645 Epistola de Templis Graecorum recentioribus, etc. F. 8vo. Col. Agr. apud Jodoc. Kolcovium, 1645 De Ecclesiarum Occidentalis atque Orientalis Perpetua Con- censione, S. 4to. Col. Agr. 1648 AUegrantia (Jos.) De Sepulcris Christianis in ^dibus Sacris, 4to. Mediolani, 1773 Alleine (Jos.) An Alarme to Unconverted Sinners, 8vo. L., 1672 Allen (Charles) The Operator for the Teeth, Da. 4to. York, John White, 1685 (John, M.D.) Funeral Sermon on Mr. Jeremiah Tidcomb, C. 8vo. L., 1740 (John) Sermon on Adoption before the Univ. of Oxford, May 16, 1758, C. 8vo. Oxf., 1758 Sermon on Faith before the Univ. of Oxford, July 19, 1761, C. 8vo. L., 1761 (J. Romilly) Early Christian Symbolism, 8vo. L., 1887 (Oswald) History of the York Dispensary, Pi. 8vo. York, 1845 (Robert) A Treatise of Christian Beneficence, M. 4to. L., John Harrison, 1600 A Treasurie of Catechisme, or Christian Instruction, M. 4to. L., R. Field, 1600 Concordances of the Holy Proverbs of King Salomon. * To Anna Allen, the gifte of her father,' 4to. L., Wm. Hall and John Beak, 1612 (Thomas) A Chain of Scripture Chronology, F. 4to. L., Mr. Roycroft, 1659 (Thomas) A new and complete History of the County of York. 3 vols. 4to. />., 1829-31 History of the County of Lincoln, L. P. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. Leeds, 1830 (Wm., Cardinal) A Defense and Declaration of the Catholike Churche's Doctrine touching Purgatory, 8vo. Aniiverp, 1565 De Sacramentis, Lib. III. M. Duaci, Lud. de Winde, 1576 An Apologie and true Declaration of the two English Colleges in Rome and Rhemes, M. 8vo. Mounte in Henault, 1581 Duo Edicta Elizabethse Reginaj Anglise contra Sacerdotes Societatis Jesu .... una cum Apologia. . . . D. Gulielmi Alani pro eisdem . . . . M. 8vo. Aug. Treviroruniy apud Edm. Hatotum^ 1583 8 CATALOGUE OF Allen (Wm. Cardinal) De Justitia Britannica, sive Anglica, M. 8vo. Ingoldstadii, ex offic. Davidis Sartmii, 1585 A Briefe Discoverie of Doctor Allen's Seditious Drifts contrived in a Pamphlet written by him concerning the yeelding up of Deventer by Sir William Stanley, 4to. L., 1588 Admonition to the Nobility and People of England and Ireland. Ed. by Jos. Mendham, 8vo. X., 1842 Letters and Memorials of Cardinal Allen. Ed. by T. F. Knox for " Records of the English Catholics," 4to. L, 1882 (Wm.) Of the State of the Church in future ages, 8vo. L., 1684 (Wm. i.e. Silas Titus) Killing no Murder, C. 4to. L., 1689 Allestree (Thos.) A Funeral Handkerchief, 8vo. L., 1671 Allestry (Rich.) Sermon before the King, Dec. 31, 1665, at Christ- Church in Oxford, 4to. Oxford, 1666 Eighteen Sermons, fol. L., 1669 AUeyn (Edw. Founder of Dulwich College) Memoirs of, by J. P. Collier, 8vo. L., 1840 Allix (Peter) Dissertationes tres, 8vo. s. a. et I. Defense de la Reformation, &c. Pres. Copy to Dr. Fall (James Fall, Precentw, 1711), 8vo. Geneve, 1684 Reflexions sur les cinque Livres de Moyse, Pres. Copy to Dr. Fall {James Fall, Precentor, 1711), 8vo. L., 1687 De Messise duplici Adventu . . adversus Judaeos, 8vo. L., 1701 Remarks upon some places of Mr. Whiston's Books, either printed or in manuscript, C. 8vo. L., 1711 Allom (Thos.) and Rose (Thos.) Westmoreland, Cumberland, Durham and Northumberland, illustrated, 4to. L., 1832 AUottus (Gul.) Thesaurus Bibliorum, M. 8vo. Antiverpim, in ced. Petri Belleri, 1577 Almoni (P.) A Compendious Discourse proving Episcopacy to be of Apostolicall . . . Institution, 4to. L., 1641 Alnwick Castle. Descriptive Catalogue of Antiquities at. Privately printed. {Duke of Northumberland, 1884), 4to. Newc.-on-Tyne, 1880 Catalogue of the Egyptian Antiquities there. By S. Birch {ditto), 4to. L., 1880 Alphonsus X, Rex Castellse. Astronomicse Tabulae, M. fol. Paris, Ch. Wechel, 1545 Alsop (Nath.) Assize Sermon at Leicester, March 23, 1681-2, 4to. L., 1682 Alstedius (Jo. Hen.) Theologia Naturalis, M. 4to. Francofurti, apud Ant. Hummium, 1615 Prsecognitorum Theologicorum Libri II, M. 4to. Francofurti, id., 1615 -Theologia Catechetica, M. 4to. ibid, 1616 Theologia Scholastica, Didactica, M. 4to. Hanovice, sumpt. Conr. Eifridi, 1618 Theologia Casuum. From the Bubwith Library, 4to. ibid, 1621 The Beloved City, or the Saints' reign on Earth asserted. Transl. by Wm. Burton, C. 4to. L., 1643 Altenstaig (Joann.) Vocabularius Theologise, M. fol. Hagenau, Hen. Gran, 1517 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 9 Altham (M.) A Vindication of the Church of England from . . . Schism. Two parts, 4to. C. L, 1687 (Roger, Preb. of York) Sermon at the Election of Lord- Mayor, 1702, 4to. L., 1702 Sermon before the House of Commons, Jan. 16, 1711-12, 8vo. L., 1712 Althamerus (Andr.) Conciliationes Locorum Scripturse qui inter se pugnare videntur, M. 8vo. N'orimbergce, Jo. Petreius, 1536 Scholia in Corn. Tacitum, " IF. Mounts F. F. 4to. Norimhergce, Frid. Peypns, 1529 Althusius (Joann.) Civilis Conversationis Lib. II, M. 8vo. Hanovice, apud Guil. Antonium, 1601 Altimarus (Donatus) Opuscula, " ^F! Mount" F. F. fol. Venetiis, ex off. Marice de Maria, 1561 Altkircherus (Eusebius) De Mystico et Incruento Ecclesise Sacrificio, M. 4to. Neustad. Palat., Matt. Harnisch, 1584 Alunno (Francesco) J)ella Fabrica del Mondo, Libri Dieci, 4to. I7i Fenetia, Paulo Ugolini, 1593 Alvarez (F. D.) De Auxiliis Divinse Gratise, &c. (Mr. J.' F. Walker, 1873), fol. Lugd., sumpt. Jac. Cardon, &c. 1620 Al varus (Emman.) De Institutione Grammatica, F. 4to. Col. Agr., Birckman, 1596 Alvernus (Guil.) Opera Omnia (Evers Gower, Archdn. of Northumher- berland, c. 1640), fol. Fenet, 1591 Sermones per Annum, fol. Lutet. Paris., 1638 Amadis of Gaul. Ed. R. Southey and T. Wright, 3 vols. 8vo. L., 1872 Ambassadors. Tesoro Politico, cive Relatione . . . . di Ambascia- tori, 8vo. 7i,ella Acad. Italiana di Colonia, 1598 Ambrose (Isaac) Prima, the First, or Regeneration Sermons, F. 4to. L., 1640 (St.) Opera, F. F. 5 vols, in 2 Basilem, Euseb. Episcopius, 1567 Ed. Benedictina, 2 vol. fol. Paris, 1686-90 Ambrosiana Confessio. Ed. Nopelius, M. 8vo. Colon., apud Gervin. Calenium, &c. 1586 Amelote (Denis) Instructione Familiere pour Gagner de Jubil6, 8vo. Paris, 1677 America. Voyages and Discoveries in South America, 8vo. L., 1698 Letter to the Earl of Hilsbrough on the present situation of Affairs in America, C. 8vo. L., 1769 A Speech intended to have been delivered at the Meeting at York on the present Affairs in America, C. 4to. York, 1775 A Summary Review of the Laws of the United States of North- America, C. 8vo. . Edinburgh, 1788 Message of the President, Apr. 1798, C. 8vo. Edinb.,^ Desultory Reflections on the new Political Aspects of Affairs in America, C. 8vo. New York, 1806 Concessions to America the bane of Britain, C. 8vo. L., 1807 Lists of those who went from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600-1700. Ed. by J. C. Hotten, 4to. L., 1874 See Braddock, Harker, Johnson, Pulteney, Tucker. 10 CATALOGUE OF Ames (Joseph) Typographical Antiquities. Ed. T. F. Dibdin, 4 vols., 4to. X., 1810-19 Amesius, Ames, (Wm.) Bellarminus Enervatus, 4 vols, in 1, 12mo. Amstel, Jo. Jansson, 1628 Coronis ad Collationem Hagiensem. Ed. Sexta, 8vo. L, /. i., 1632 A Fresh Suit against Human Ceremonies in God's Worship, or a Triplication unto D. Burgesse his Rejoinder for D. Morton, 4to. s. I, 1633 Anti-Synodalia Scripta, 8vo. Amstel, Jo. Jansson, 1633 English Puritanisme, H. 8vo. s. /., 1640 Id. 4to. 1641 Medulla Theologica, 8vo. Amstel, Jo. Jansson, 1634 Id. 8vo. Amstel, Jo: Jansson, 1648 An Analyticall Exposition of both the Epistles of the Apostle Peter, 4to. L., E. G., 1641 The Marrow of Sacred Divinity, 4to. L., Edw. Griffin, 1642 Conscience with the Power, and Cases thereof, 4to. L., Edw. Griffin, 1643 Ammirato (Scipione) Discorsi sopra Cornelio Tacito, M. 8vo. Fim'enza, F. Giunti, 1598 Amner (John) Sacred Hymnes of 3, 4, 5 and 6 parts, for Voyces and Vyols, 4to. L., E. Allde, 1615 Amory (Thos.) Sermon preached at Lewin's Mead, Bristol, at the Ordination of the Rev. Wm. Richards, May 22, 1751, C. 8vo. L., Sermon pr. at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Edward Har- wood and the Rev. Mr. Benjamin Davis, Oct. 16, 1765, in the Old Jewry, C. 8vo. Bristol, 1765 Amos (A.) The Grand Oyer of Poisoning : the Trial of the Earl of Somerset for the poisoning of Sir Thomas Overbury, 4to. L., 1846 Amphilochius (St.) Opera omnia. Ed. Combefis, fol. Farisiis, apud Simeon Piget, 1644 Amsterdam. See Helwys (Thos.) Amyraldus (Moses) Eirenikon, 8vo. Salmurii, 1662 Anabaptists, &c. The Clergye's Bill of Complaint against, C. 4to. Oxford, 1643 The Ax laid to the Root of the Tree, or a Discourse wherein the Anabaptists' Mission and Ministry are examined and disproved, F. 8vo. L., 1705 Anacreon. Carmina. Ed. Fischer, 8vo. Lipsice, 1793 In English Verse. By Jos. Addison. {G. Wray, preb. of York, 1872), 8vo. L., 1735 Ananias (J. L.) De Natura r)3emonum, 8vo. Venetiis, 1581 Anderson (Chr.) Annals of the English Bible. 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1845 (Sir Henry) A Meanes to reconcile the present Distempers of these Times, as things now are, C. 4to. L., 1648 (Jas.) Precepts for Christian Practice, B. 8vo. Ycyrk, John White, 1731 A Dissertation on Unity in Trinity and Trinity in Unity, C. 8vo. L., 1733 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 11 Anderson (Jas.) Selectus Diplomatum et Numismatum Scotiae Thesaurus, L. P. R. fol. Edinhurgi, 1739 (Jas. S. M.) History of the Colonial Church. 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1843 Four Sermons at Lincoln's Inn, R. 8vo. Z., 1851 (Jos.) Scotland in Early Christian Times, 8vo. Edinb., 1881 Scotland in Pagan Times. The Iron Age, 8vo. Ibid, 1883 Andrada (Diego de) Defensio Tridentinse Fidei adversus Hsereti- corum calumnias, M. 8vo. Ingoldstadii, apud Dan. Sartorium, 1580 Andradius (Jac.) Orthodoxarum Explicationum Libri X, M. Colon., Maternus Cholinus, 1564 Andre (M. L'Abbe) Cours Alphabetique et M^thodique de Droit Canon. Ed. Migne, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Paris, 1862 Andrese (Anth.) Quaestiones super XII Libros Metaphysicse emendatse per Venerabilem virum Magistrum Thomam Penketh, fol. Johan Lettou, 1480 (Jac.) Simplex ac dilucida Expositio Sententise de Coena Domini, M. 8vo. Francofurti, Petr. Brubachius, 1559 Eefutatio Stanislaii Hosii, M. 4to. Francofurti, Id., 1560 Collatio Catholicse et Orthodoxse Christianorum Fidei de per- sona Christi et sacra Ejus Coena, M. 4to. Neap. Nemetum, 1582 Andreas (St.) Opera. Ed. Combefis, fol. Paris, Simeon Piget, 1644 [?Andrelinus (P. F.)] The Dialoge betwene Julius the Second, Genius, and Saynt Peter, 8vo. L., R. Copland, s. a. ' Andreson (Anth.) A Sermon preached at Panic's Cross, M. 8vo. L, R. Newbery, 1581 Andrewes (John) Christ his Crosse : or the most Comfortable Doctrine of Christ crucified, M. Royal arms on the sides, 4to. Oxford, Jos. Barnes, 1614 Andrewes (Lancelot) The copie of the Sermon preached on Good Friday last before the King's Majesty, by D. A. M. & C. 4 to. London, R. Barker, 1604 A Sermon preached before the King's Majestic at Hampton Court, C. 4to. London, R. Barker, 1606 Tortura Torti, M. 4to. Londini, R. Barker, 1609 Id., fol. L., 1609 Responsio ad Apologiam Cardinalis Bellarmini, with the arms of James I on the sides, M. 4to. Londini, R. Barker, 1610 Concio Latine habita coram Eegia majestate, 5 Aug. 1606, M. 4to. Londini, R. Barker, 1610 A Sermon at White-Hall on Christmas Day, anno 1609, C. 4to. London, R. Barker {\Q\Q) A Sermon before His Majestic on Sunday the fifth of August last, at Holdenbie, C. 4to. London, R. Barker, 1610 Two Sermons preached before the King's Majestic at White- hall, of the Birth of Christ, C. 4to. London, R. Barker, 1610 A Sermon preached . . on , . Easter Day, C. 4to. London, R. Barker, 1611 A Sermon preached on Easter Day, 1614, C. 4to. London, R, Barker, 1614 A Sermon preached at Whitehall, Nov. 5, 1617, 4to. Z., John Bill, 1617 12 CATALOGUE OF Andrewes (Lancelot) Opuscula quaedam posthuma . . D. 4to. Londini, F. Kyngston, 1629 XCVI Sermons, fol. (Ex dono Guilielmi Franklin, armigeri). London, G. Miller, 1629 Id. Third edition, i^. folio. London, B. Badger, 1635 ' Sacrilege a Snare. A Sermon preached ad Clerum . . . when he proceeded Doctor in Divinity, 4to. Z., 1646 Of Episcopacy. Three Epistles of Peter Moulin answered, 4to. s.l 1647 A Patterne of Catechisticall Doctrine, 12mo. London, for W. Garrett, 1630 Id. F. 12mo. Lond. 1655 Holy Devotions, D. 8vo. L. 1655 Preces Privatse, 12mo. London, 1655 Id. Greece et Latine, F. 12mo. Oxonice, 1675 A Collection of Posthumous and Orphan Lectures, F. fol. London, 1657 The Form of Consecration of a Church or Chapel, and of the Place of Christian Burial, F. 12mo. London, 1672 Androtius (Fulvius) Considerationes de frequentanda Communione, F. F. 8vo. Moguntice, apud Jo. Alhinum, 1598 Angel (Chr.) An Encomium of the famous Kingdom of Great Britaine, and of the two Sister Universities, Cambridge and Oxford, M. 4to, Cambridge, Cantrell Legge, 1619 Angela (B.) Libellus ostendens veram viam qua possumus sequi vestigia nostri Eedemptoris, M. 8vo. Colon. Agr., apud Jo. Gymnicum, 1601 Anglerius, Anghiera (Peter Martyr) De Orbe novo Decades, &c. F. fol. Carpetancp, Am. Guillelmus, 1516 Angles (Jos.) Flores Theologicarum Qusestionum, M. 8vo. Venetiis, ex off. Dam. Zenarii, 1588 Anglia. See England. Anglus (Tho.) De Mundo Dialogi tres, 4 to. Paris, 1642 Anhalt (Geo. Princeps de) Opera cum Vita, M. fol. s. a. & I. Anne (Queen) The Annals of her Reign. The first year, F. 8vo. L., 1703 A Collection of all her Majesty's Speeches, Messages, &c. to 21st of June, 1712, C. 8vo. L., 1712 (Queen Anne's Bounty) Select Committee's Report on Q. A. Bounty, Archbp. Thomson's copy, fol. 1868 Minutes of the Office, ditto, fol. 1877-80 Annesley (Arthur) England's Confusion . . written by one of the few Englishmen that are left in England, B. & C. 2nd ed. 4to. L., 1659 (SirF.) Copy of the Sentence of Warre against him, C. 4to. Z.,1646 Annet (Peter) Lectures, C. 8vo. L., s. a. The History and Character of St. Paul Examined, C. 8vo. L., s. a. Annius (Jo.) Antiquitatum variarum volumina XVII, M, fol. Parisiis, in cedihus A seen. 1515 Ansegisus (Abbas) Capitula sive Leges Ecclesiasticae Caroli Magni, etc. '' Jo. Pricceus." F. 8vo. Paris, 1588 I YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 13 Anselmus ( Archiep. Cantuar. ) Opera, F. F. fol. ex off. Cholin^ Col. Agr.\^\2 Id. fol. Paris, 1721 Promptuarium, sive Dialogus Summam totius Christian se Theo- logise complectens, M. 8vo. Lutet., apud Fr. Morellum, 1560 Life of; by F. Lorenz, B. 12mo. L. 1837 Saint Anselme, by C. de Eemusat, 8vo. PariSy 1856 St. Anselm, by R. W. Church, 8vo. L, 1877 Life and Times of, by Martin Eule, 2 vols. 8vo. L. 1883 Anthems. Full Anthems and Verse Anthems, sung in the Cathe- dral of St. Peter's in York, by Chas. Murgetroyd, organist, 3rd ed. 12mo. York, John White, 1715 —. — Anthems as now performed in the Cathedrals of York, Durham, and Lincoln (ed. by Thos. Ellway), 8vo. York, Thos. Gent, 1736 Id. A new title only, 2nd ed. 8vo. York, John Hildyo^rd, 1753 A Collection of Anthems for the use of York Minster (ed. by W. Mason), 8vo. York, A. Ward, 1782 Id. 8vo. Ym% Geo. Peacock, 1794 Editions printed at York in 8vo, in 1809, 1831, 1843, 1854 Anthems for Durham Cathedral, 8vo. Durham, Isaac Laal, 1749 Answere (An), see Salisbury (Robert, Earl of) Anthologia Grseca, ed. de Bosch, 3 vols. 4to. Ultrajecti, 1795-8 Anthony (Chas., afterwards Vicar of Catterick ?) God's Presence Man's Comfort, H. 4to L. 1646 (Francis) Medicinse Chymicse, et Veri Potabilis Auri assertio. Pres. copy to Archhp. Matthew, ivith a long MS. dedication, 4to. Cantabr., C. Legge, 1610 Apologia Veritatis illucescentis pro Auro Potabili, 4 to. L., J. Legatt, 1616 (John, his son) Lucas Redivivus, or the Gospell-Physitian, 4to. L. 1655 Antichristus, sive Prognostica finis Mundi, M. 4to. Basilece, Petr. Perna, s. a. Antiphonale. Antiphonaire de Saint Gr^goire, ed. Lambillote, 4to. Brussells, 1872 Ad usum Ordinis Prsemonstratensis, 4to. Nanceii, 1786 Romanum, S. 8vo. ^ ^ Leodii, 1828 Anticonfederacy (The), or a discovery of the iniquity of the Solemn League and Covenant, 4to. s. I. 1644 Antisanderus, see Sanders (Nic.) Antoninus (Augustus) A Commentary on Antoninus his Itinerary so far as it concerneth Britain (By W. Burton), F. fol. L., 1658 Iter Britanniarum, cum Commentariis Thomse Gale (Decani Ebor.), etc., F. 4to. L., 1709 Itinerarium & Hierosolymitanum ; ed. Parthey & Pinder, 8vo. Berolini, 1848 (Marcus Aurelius) De Rebus suis Libri XII., ed. Tho. Gataker, X). 4to. Cantab. 1652 Reflexions Morales de I'Empereur Marc. Antonin. Par M. Dacier, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. a la Haye, 1691 (S. Archiep.) Repertorium totius Summse Aurese, 2vols. iJf. fol. Lugd., Jolmn. Clein, 1516 14 CATALOGUE OF Antoninus (S. Archiep.) Historiarum Partes, F.F. Lugd., Joh. Clein, s.a. Antonius (^lius) Dictionarium (R. D. JVaddilove, preb. of York^ 1800), fol. Matriii, 1776 (Be Gistandis) Opus Aureum, M. Lugduni, Jo. de Camhrayy 1522 Sanctus (Paduensis) Opera Omnia, fol. Pedeponti, 1739 Sermones Dominicales de Tempore, M. 8vo. Parisiis, Jod. B. Ascens. 1525 Antony (J.) Praxis SS. Rituura ac Cseremoniarum in . . . Missss Sacrificio . . . attendendo ad Ritum Romanum et Monasteri- ensem, S. 8vo. Monasterii, 1831 Apianus (Petrus) Cosmographicus Liber, " W. Mount." F.F. 4to. Antwerpice, Jo. Grapheus, 1529 Id. M. Fol. Antiverpice, 1584 Folium Populi ; instrumentum ab illo inventum., fol. Ingolstadii, 1533 Instrumentum primi mobilis, etc. " JV. Mount." F.F. fol. Norimhergce, s. a. rinscriptiones Veteres, " /o. Pricceus, 1636." F. Ingolsfadii, in ced. P. Apiani, 1534 Apollodorus. Bibliotheces, sive de Deorum Origine. " Jo. Pricceus, 1636." F. 8vo. Pomce, 1555 Apollonius (Pergieus) Conicorum Libri IV, ed. Barrow, F. 4to. L. 1675 Apollonius Rhodius. Argonauticorum Libri IV., ed. Shaw, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. Oxon. 1777 Apologia, Apology — An Apology against the Defence of Schisme, lately written by an English Divine at Doway, for answere to a letter of a lapsed Catholicke in England, his friend, M. 8vo. s. a. & I. Apologia pro Christiano Batavo non Calvinista, D. & M. 8vo. L., 1610 See Ashton (Dr.), Parsons (R.) Apostles (The) AIAAXH TON AnO^TOAON, ed. Bryennios, Metro- politan of Nicomedia, 8vo. Constantinople, 1853 Lehre des Zwolf Apostel nach der Ausgabe des . . . Bryen- nios. By Wiinsche ; with Archbp. Thomson's autograph, 8vo. ^ Leipzig, 1884 Appianus. Romanarum Historiarum Libri VII., M. 8vo. Lugd, Ant. Gryphius, 1588 Id. " Jo. Pricceus." F. fol. Parisiis, H. Stephans, 1592 Apsley (Lord, afterwards Earl Bathurst) The Theory of Evidence, B. 8vo. Dublin, 1761 Apthonius. Progymnastica . . . Latinitate donata. F. 8vo. Londini, sumpt. Soc. Stationariorum, 1616 Apthorp (East) Letters on the prevalence of Christianity before its Civil Establishment, B. 8vo. L, 1778 Discourses on Prophecy, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1786 Apuleius (Lucius) Opera, D. 3 vols., 8vo. Basilece, Seb. Henricpetri, 1620 L. Apulegio tradotto in Volgare. By Matteo Bojardo, " /F". Mount." F.F. Venegia, al segno delV Lmperadm-e, 1544 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 15 Aqua viva (Claudius) Meditationes in Psalmos 44 & 118, ilf. 8vo. Colonice, ajpud Jo. KincJdum, 1616 Aquensis (Matt.) Christiana ac Pia de Catholicse Fidei Kegula As- sertio, M. Svo. Colonice, Matt. ChoUnus, 1556 Aquila (Petrus de) Libri IV, in Sententias, The Library of the Monks of Durham, " ex dono domni Boberti Blakeney, Prioris de Tynmoth." M. 4to. Spira, Petrus Drach, s. a. Aquinas (S. Thomas) Summa Totius Theologise, etc. F. 2 vols., 4to. Venetiis, ex. off. Gasp. Bindoni, 1585-6 Opera, M. 19 vols, in 10, Fol. Venetiis, 1593-4 Epistola . . . de modo acquirendi scientiam, 4to. s. a. & I. Aquipontanus, see Bridgewater Aram (Eugene) The Genuine Account of the Trial of Eugene Aram for the murder of Daniel Clark. By Thos. Collins, vicar of Knaresbro, B. 2nd ed. Svo. York, A. Ward, 1759 The Trial and Life of. {By Michael Fryer, of Beeth & Marske), Svo. Bichmond, 1832 Memoirs of. By N. Scatcherd, H. 2nd ed. Svo. L., 1838 Arbuthnot (John) Tables of Ancient Coins, Weights and Measures explained, 4to. L., 1727 Id. ed. B. Langwith, 4to. X., 1754 Archceologia. The Transactions of the Society of Antiquaries, London (a set), 4to. L., 1779, etc. Proceedings of the Soc. of Antiquaries, London, vols. 6, 7, 8, 9, Svo. L.,v .y. Archaeological Institute. Proceedings of the Meetings at Winchester, York, Norwich, Lincoln, Salisbury, Chichester and London. (The first four by the Council of the Institute, 1872), 7 vols. Svo. L, 1845-66 Archdekin (Rich.) Theologia Polemica, Practica, Sacra. D. Svo. Lovanii, 1671 Archer (John) The Personal Reisjn of Christ upon Earth, C. 4to. i.,1642 Instructions about Right Beleeving, H., 4to. Z., 1646 Comfort for Believers, 3rd ed., 12mo. L., 1705 (J. H. L.) Monumental Inscriptions of the British West Indies, 4to. . L., 1875 Archidiaconi Rosarium super Decreta Nova. " Liber domini Thomce Swalwel monachi Dunelm.'' M. fol. s. I. 1495 Archimedis Opera, ed. Barrow, D. 4to. L., 1675 De Sphsera et Cylindro, etc. fol., no title. Architectural Societies (The) The Transactions of, a set {Yorkshire Architectural Society) in parts, Svo. L., 1850, etc. Arculanus (Joann.) In Nonum Librum Razaris Arabi Expositiones, '' JV. Mount." F.F. Fol. Basilem,Hen. Petrus, 1540 Arcularius (Dan.) Commentarius in Acta Apostolorum, Svo. Francofurti, typis Jo. Spiessii, 1607 Arethas (Archiep.) Explanationes in Apocalypsim, M. Basilece, Isingrinius, s. a. Aretino (Pietro) Ragionamenti, Svo. {Bengodi), 1584 Aretinus (Leon.) see Brunus (Leon.) 16 CATALOGUE OF Aretius (Benedictus) Isagoge in Epistolas Divi Pauli, et in Canonicas VII Epistolas (Archbp. Neile's copy, with autograph), M. 8vo. Lausannce, Fr. le Preux, 1574 Commentarii in Epistolam Pauli ad Romanos, M. 8vo. ibid. 1579 — ^Commentarii in Ep. ad Galatas, M. 8vo. ibid. 1579 Commentarii in Evangelium secundum Matthseum, M. 8vo. Morgii.% Jo. le Preux, 1580 Commentarii in Apocalypsin, M. 8vo. Morgiis,Jo. le Preux, 1581 Problemata Theologica, M. io\. Morgiis, Jo. le Preux, 1583 \ Short History of Valentinus Gentilis, the Tritheist, transl. by Dr. South, 8vo. L., 1696 Arevalus (Faustinus) Hymnodia Hispanica, S. 4to. Romce, 1786 Argallus (Joann.) De vera Poenitentia, M. 8vo. Londini, Ric. Field, 1604 ■^^"^ ' Reverendissimo in Christo patrl D. Tobice Dunelmensi Episcopo doc- tlssimo, et vigilantissimo, Joannes Argallus, monoculus, pauper, et sexagenarius.' Arguments, see Bradshaw (Wm.). Certaine Arguments to persuade Parliament ... to Promote the Sincere Ministry of the Gospell, M. 4to. s. I., 1606 Argyrophilus (Joann.) Latina Interpretatio Librorum Moralium Aristotelis, etc., fol. Parisiis, ex. off. Simonis Colincei, 1535 Arias (Fr.) Tractatus Spirituales, F.F. 8vo. Col. Agr., sumpt. A. M. Birckmanni, 1603 Arias Montanus, see Montanus. Ariosto (Lud.) Orlando Furioso, 4to. Venetiis, F. Rampazetto (1570) Aristides. Opera Omnia, ed. Jebb., 2 vols., 4to. Oxonii, 1722-30 Aristophanes : Comoedise, 4to., 2 vols, in 1. Lugd. Bat. 1760 Aristoteles. Opera, Latine, -P.-F. fol. Fenetiis, Greg, a Gregoiio, 14:96 Grsece, M. fol., 2 vols, in 1. BasilecB, Jo. Bebelius, 1531 Grsece and Latine, ed. du Val. {Rev. G. Wellbeloved, Yoi'k, 1810), 2 vols., fol. Parisiis, 1610 De Anima, F.F. 12mo. Basilem, Tho. Platterus, 1538 Libri Omnes de Historia Animalium, etc., F.F., 2 vols., 12mo. Lugd., Joan. Jacobi Juntce, F., 1579 Ethicorum Libri X., F. fol. Parisiis, 1535 Id. M. fol. Friburgi-Brisgoice, J. Faber Emmeus, 1541 Id. fol. Basilece, Euseb. Episcopius, 1582 -Id. 8vo. F. Franco/., Hcer. Andr. TVechel, 1596 Organon, ed. S. Grynseus, M., title torn Id. (Geo. Wray, Preb. of York, 1872), 8vo. Francofurti, 1598 De Poetica, ed. Heinsius, F. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., apud J. Baldvinum, 1611 The Art of Poetry, translated with M. Dacier's Notes, F. 8vo. L., 1709 ' De Republica, ed. Perionius, F. 8vo. Ant. Vincentius, 1556 De Ehetorica, F. 4to. L., typis E. Griffini, 1619 In Rhetoricam Commentarius Anonym., F. fol. Parisiis, Conrad. Neobarius, 1539 Sententise, M. 8vo. Parisiis, Martin Juvenis, 1553 Arlington (Earl of) Letters to Sir Wm. Temple, 8vo. L., 1701 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 17 Armenian Church : Histoire, Dogmes, Traditions et Liturgie de rEglise Arm^nienne Orientale, S. 8vo. Paris, 1855 Die Liturgie der Katholischen Armenier ; ed. Fr. X. Steek, S. Svo. Tubingen, 1845 Liturgia Armena transportata in Italiano per Gabriele Avedi- chian, S. 8vo. Venezia, 1826 Id., 3rd ed., S. 8vo. ^ ih. 1854 Liturgie de la Messe Arm^nienne traduite en Fran9ais de la Version Italienne par M. Lapostolest, S. 8vo. Fenise, 1851 A Brief Account of the Mechitaristican Society, founded on the Island of St. Lazaro, aS'. 8vo. Fenise, 1825 Arminius (Jac.) Disputationes (Bev. C. B.Norcliffe, 1875), Svo. Lugd. Bat. Jo. Paedtz, 1610 Opera Theologica, B. 4to. Lugd. Bat. apud Godfr. Busson, 1629 Arms. Scripture and Reason Pleaded for Defensive Armes, 4to. L., 1643 Armstrong (Bp.) Memoir of, by T. T. Carter, 8vo. Oxford, 1857 Army (The, during the Civil Wars) A Religious Retreat sounded to a Religious Army, B. 4to. L., 1647 The Case of the Army truly Stated, C. 4to. L., 1647 IX Queries upon the Printed Charge of the Army against the XI Members, B. 4to. L., 1647 The totall and finall Demands made by and expected from the Agitators and Army, B. 4to. L., 1647 The Armie's last Propositions to the Commons of England, B. 4to. L., 1647 The Petition of Colonels . . . that have served the Great Cause of the Kingdome under Parliament, B. 4to. L., 1647 A Declaration of the Officers and Armie's illegall proceedings against the XI Members, B. 4to. L., 1647 An Alarum to the Officers and Souldiers of the Armies of England, Scotland and Ireland, B. no title, 4to. IX Proposals to the General Officers and Souldiers in the Army, B. 4to. L., 1647 Call to the Souldiers of the Armie by the Free People of Eng- land, B. 4to. L., 1647 A cleare Answer to the Armie's late Remonstrance against Accomodation, B. 4to. L., 1648 Animadversions upon the Armie's Remonstrance, delivered to the House of Commons, 20th Nov. 1648, C. 4to. L., 1648 A Petition from severall Regiments in the Army presented to Lord Fairfax, B. 4to. L.,s. a The Unanimous Declaration of Colonel Scroope's and Com- missary General Ireton's Regiments at Old Sarum, B. 4to- A Declaration of the General Council of the Officers of the Army agreed upon at Wallingford, B. 4to. L., 1659 The Army's Plea for their present Practice, B. 4to. L., 1659 The Army Lists of the Roundheads and Cavaliers, 1642, ed. by E. Peacock, 2nd ed. 4to. ^-j 1^74 C 18 CATALOGUE OF Arnaudellus (Claudius) Theses Theologicje de Peccato in Spiritum Sanctum, D. 4to. Salmurii, 1653 Arnauld (Angelique, Abbess of Port Royal). By Frances Martin, 8vo. L., 1873 , Arnaldus (Ant.) La Tradition de L'figlise sur le sujet de la P(^nitence et de la Communion . . . 4to. Paris, 1644 De frequenti Communione, 4to. Paris, 1647 La Perpetuit6 de la Foi de L'iiglise Catholique touchant L'Eucharistie, 5 vols. 4to. Paiis, 1781 Arnobius : Commentarius in Psalmos, M. fol. Basilece, Joan. Frohen., 1522 Disputationum adversus Gentes Libri VIII. Editio princeps, fol. Pomce in ced. Fr. Priscianensis, 1542 Id. M. 8vo. Basilece, Frohen., 1546 Id. B. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1651 Arnold (F.) Our Bishops and Deans, 2 vols. 8vo. L., 1875 (Matthew) St. Paul and Protestantism. 2nd ed. 8vo. L., 1870 Literature and Dogma. 3rd ed. 8vo. L., 1873 (Richard) Chronicle, ed. Sir H. Ellis, Da. 4to. L., 1811 (Thos.) Life and Correspondence of, by Dean Stanley, 2 vols. 8vo. L., 1845 Arnoldus (Catalanus) Regulse universales Curationis Morborum, etc. M. 8vo. Basilece, H. Petri, 1565 De universa muliebrium morborum medicina, F. 4to. Hamhurgi, 1628 (Daniel) Sententise Proverbiales, F. 8vo. Hamhurgi, 1674 (Nic.) Religio Sociniana . . . refutata, D. 4to. Francquerce, 1654 Atheismus Socinianus . . . detectus, B. 4to. Frankerce, 1659 (Novicomensis) De Morbis curandis Libri IV, F. F. 8vo. Argentorati, ex off. Balth. Pistoris, 1541 (Vesaliensis) Epitome singularum Distinctionum in IV libros Sententiarum, M. 8vo. Parisiis, apud Jo. Roigny, 1549 Arnulf (Bishop of Lisieux) Epistolse. Ed. J. A. Giles, 8vo. Oxford, 1844 Opera Omnia, with Wm. of Tyre, Lucius III, Alan of Auxerre, Aimeric, Peter of Clairvaux, and Tewic. Ed. Migne, 8vo. Paris, 1855 Arola (Fr.) Concordantiae Majores Sacrae Biblise, M. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Ijugd. Sehast. Gryphius, 1551 Arquerius (Joann.) Dictionarium Theologicum, M. fol. Basilece, Jo. Oporinus, 1567 Artemidorus : Oneirocritica " Jo. Pricceus," F. 4to. Lutetice, ex off] CI. Morette, 1603 Arthur (King) La Morte dArthure. Ed. T. Wright. 2nd ed. 3 vol. 8vo. L. 1866 Articles of High Treason against Major General Harrison, Sir Arthur Hasilrig, Sir Henry Vane, and Mr. Thomas Scott, 4to. L., 1660 Articles, Articuli, and Injunctione — to bee enquired of in the Visi- tation in the first yeere of . . . Elizabeth, 4to. L., Ass, Eohert Barker, 1559 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 19 Articuli in Synodo Londini ann. 1562, M. 4to. L. apud Joh. Dayum, 1575 Id. in Synodo Londini, 1584, 4to. £., in cedibus C. B. s. a. Id. B. 4to. L., Dep. Chr. Barker, 1593 Id. 4to. L, in md. C. B. 1595 Id. 4to. L., Bonham Norton & John Bill. 1628 Id. 8vo. Z.; 1660 Id. 4to. L., Ass. John Bill, etc. 1684 Articles of Religion agreed upon ... in the Convocation holden at Dublin in 1615, 4to. Z., Thos. Downes, 1629 to be enquired of, by the Churchwardens & Swornemen . . . presented ... to the Archdeacon of Colchester, 4to. L.,'E. Allde, 1600 to be enquired of by the Church-wardens & Sworne-men within the Archdeaconry of Worcester (Hugh Floyd), 4to Oxfm'd, John Lichfield & Wm. Turner, 1625 to be enquired of within the Diocese of Durham in the Trien- niall Visitation of . . . Richard . . . Lord Bishop of Durham (Neile) 4to. L., R. Young, 1627 to be enquired of within the Diocesse of Coventry & Lichfield in the Visitation of Thomas . . . Lord Bishop of C. & L. (Mor- ton) 4to. L., John Bill, 1629 to be enquired of within the Diocese of Winchester, 1633 (Bp. Curie) 4to. s. a. & I. to be enquired of throughout the whole Diocesse of Peterborough (Bishop Dee) 4to. L., Nicholas Okes, 1634 to be enquired of . . . within the Archdeaconrie of Worcester (Edw. Thornbnrgh) (1634), 4to. L., John Grismond to be ministred, enquired of, and answered in the first Visita- tion of . . . Robert Bp. of Coventry & Lichfield, 1634 (Bp. Wright), 4to L., Aug. Matheires in his second Visitation (Bp. Wright), 4to. Fm' Hum;ph. Rohinson, 1636 in his third Visitation (Bp. Wright) 4to. L., I. R.for Rich. Whitaker, 1639 to be enquired of within the Diocese of London (Bp. Juxon), 4to. L., Richard Badger, 1640 to be enquired of within the Diocese of Lincoln (Bp. Williams) R. 4to. s. I. 1641 A Series of Twenty Eight Articles of Visitation issued in the year 1662, and bound in one volume, comprising those of Accepted Archbishop of York {^printed by Alice Broade, at York) ; Edward Bishop of Norwich ; the Commissary of Essex and Hertford ; John Hansley, Archdeacon of Colchester ; John Bishop of Rochester ; the Archdeacon of Essex ; a blank set, printed at London 1661; Seth, Bp. of Exeter; John Quarles, Archdeacon of Northants; R. Throckmorton, Archdeacon of Lincoln; Thos. Paske, Archdn. of London; Mark Frank, Archdn. of St. Albans ; The Commissary of Westminster ; John Bp. of Worcester ; John Bp. of Durham ; Humfrey Bp. of Sarum ; Herbert Bp. of Hereford ; George Bp. of Winchester ; C 2 20 CATALOGUE OF Artie uli — continued. John Bp. of Lichfield ; Hugh Bp. of LlandafF ; Gilbert Bp. of Bristol ; Benjamin Bp. of Peterbro' ; Henry Bp. of Chichester ; Eobert Bp. of Lincoln ; Matthew Bp. of Ely ; George Bp. of St. Asaph ; Eobert Pory, Archdn. of Middlesex ; Wm. Bp. of St. David's. From Archhp. Thomson's library, given by J. R. 4to. 1662 to be enquired of within the Diocese of Lincolne (Bishop Fuller), 4to. i., Tho. Newcomb, 1671 Articles of Visitation & Enquiry within the Diocese of Ely (Bp. Gunning), F. 4to L, 1679 to be enquired into in the Visitation of John Burton, Arch- deacon of Cleveland, for 1686-8. Three Tracts, 4to. all printed at York, John Bulkley to be enquired of in the Visitation of the Dean & Chapter of York, 4to. York, John White, 1692 to be enquired into ... at the Visitation of John Fleetwood, Archdeacon of Worcester, 4to. L., 1697 Diocese of York (Archbp. Sharp), 4to. York, John fFhite,lQ98 Diocese of Durham (Bp. Crewe ?), 4to. 3 leaves, s. a. & I. Diocese of Winchester (Bp. Trelawney) 4to. L., 1708 Archdeaconry of York (Knightley Chetwood) 1710, H. 4to. York, John White Archdeaconry of Middlesex (Dr. Stanley) 4to. L., 1712 Archdeaconry of Durham (Dr. Booth) 4to. NewG. on Tyne, John White, 1729 Ditto (George Sayer) 4to. id. 1731 Diocese of Durham (Bp. Chandler) 4to. id. 1736 Ditto (Bp. Talbot) 4to. s. I. 1738 for a Parochial Visitation ... in the Archdeaconry of Essex. By Eeuben Clarke, 4to. s. I. 1740 at the Primary Visitation of Matthew (Hutton) Lord Archbp. of York, 1749, R. 4to. s. a. & I at the Visitation of Joseph (Butler) Bp. of Durham, 1751, 4to. Durham, I. Lane at the Visitation of Eichard (Trevor) Bishop of Durham, 1754, 4to. s. I. Archdeaconry E. E. Y. (Eobert Oliver), H. 4to. s. I. Artopseus (Joann.) De Eruditionis arbore oratio, M. 8vo. Parisiis, F. Morell, 1560 Arundel MSS. in the Coll. of Arms, Catalogue of, by Sir C. Young, Da. 8vo. L., 1829 Ascham (Anthony) A Discourse, wherein is examined what is par- ticularly lawfuU during the Confusions and Eevolutfons of Government. With autogr. of Sir U. Wotton, 8vo. Ij., 1648 The Process and Pleadings in the Court of Spain upon the death of Anthonie Ascham, Eesident for the Parliament of England, 4to. L., 1651 •(Eoger, Prebendary of York) A Eeport and Discourse of the Affaires and State of Germany, 8vo. L., John Daye (1552) -The Scholemaster, M. 8vo. L., John Daye, 1570 Id. ed. J. E. B. Mayor, 8vo. L., 1863 YOKK MINSTER LIBRARY. 21 Ascham (Roger) Familiarium Epistolarum Libri III, M. 8vo. i., F. Coldock, 1576 Id. 8vo. L., A. Hatfield, pro F. Coldock, 1590 Ashburnham (John) A Narrative of his Attendance on King Charles the First, 2 vols. 8vo. L. 1830 Ashe (Simeon) Funeral Sermon on Mr. Jeremiah Whitaker, C. 3rd ed. 4to. L., 1646 Ashley (Robert) Almansor, the learned and victorious King that conquered Spain, his Life and Death, 4to. L. 1627 Ashmole (Elias) History of the Order of the Garter. Large Paper, 8vo. L., 1715 Ashmore (John) see Horace. (Ashlon, Dr.) Jura Cleri, F. & C. 4to. 6>a/. 1661 (Thos.) Sermon for the London Charity School, C. 4to. L, IV 60 Ashwell (Geo.) Gestus Eucharisticus, I). 8vo. Oxf. 1663 De Socino et Socianismo Disputatio, D. 8vo. Oxf. 1680 Asilius (Petrus) De Romanorum Pontificum Tyrannide, M. 8vo. Francofurti, ex off. Jo. Saveri, 1594 Askew (Egeon) Brotherly Reconcilement, M. 4to. L., for G. Bishop, 1605 Assemanus (J. A.) De Synodo Dioecesana Dissertatio, 4to. Bomce, 1776 Assembly of Divines (The) Literse ad Ecclesias in Belgio, Gallia, Helvetia, aliasque Re- formatas, C. 4to. L., 1644 Minutes of their Session while preparing the Directory, etc. 1644-9, 8vo. Edinburgh, 187 The Grand Debate concerning Presbytery and Independency, a 4to. L., 1652 Assembly-Man (The) see Birkenhead (Sir John) Assheton (Wm., Prebendary of York) Seasonable Apology for the Honours and Revenues of the Clergy. {Eev. C. B. Norcliffe, 1880), 8vo. L., 1676 The Substance of a late Conference, with M.S., E. 8vo. L., 1690 Life and Works. By Thos. Watts. {W. H. Dixon, Preh. of York, 1842), 8vo. L., 1714 Athanasius (S.) Opera Omnia, F.F. fol. Ex off. Cornrneliniana, 1600 Id. 2 vols. B. fol. Parisiis, sumpt. Mic. Sonnii, &c., 1627 Id. The Benedictine Edition, 3 vols. fol. {With a MS. letter from Montfaucon, the Editor, to the Ahh6 Fleurij inserted). I Parisiis, 1698 Festal Epistles, transl. by W. Cureton for the Library of the Fathers, R. 8vo. Oxf 1854 Brief Notes upon the Creed of St. Athanasius, G. 8vo. L., 1739 Athenseus. Deipnosophistarum Libri XV, F. fol Basilece, Joann. Valderus, 1535 Id. 8vo. Basilece, Hen. Petri, 1556 Id. F. fol. Lugd., 1657 Athenagoras. Opera, D. 8vo. Oxonii, 1682 Apologia, B. 8vo. Oxon. 1682 la 8vo Oxon. 1706 22 CATALOGUE OF Athon (Joann.) Interpretatio . . in Consbitutioues Legatinas D. Othonis et D. Othoboni, etc., M. fol. Parisiis, Wolfgang Hopilius, 1504 Atkinson (Geo.) Worthies of Westmorland. Pres. copy, 2 vols. 8vo. L., 1850 (Jas. of York) Medical Biography, A-B (all published), 8vo. Fork, 1833 (JohnC. Preb. of York) History of Cleveland, 4to. Barroiv, 1874 Handbook for Ancient Whitby, H. 8vo. L., 1882 Atkyns (Sir Robert) The Ancient and Present State of Gloucester- shire. [Archdeacon Ei/re, 1800], fol. L., 1768 Atterbury (Bp. F.) The Rights, etc. of an English Convocation Vin- dicated, 8vo. L, 1701 Additions to the First Edition of ... in answer to Dr. Wake, F. 8vo. L., 1701 The Voice of the People no Voice of God, C. 8vo. 1710 Sermons and Discourses, F. 2 vols. 8vo. L., 1723 See Convocation. -Memoir of, by F. Williams, 2 vols. 8vo. L., 1869 Attersoll (Wm.) The Conversion of Nineveh, 8vo. L., Thos. Cotes, 1632 Attio (Tomaso) Discorso delle Prerogative de Curiali Antichi, 4to. Fenetiis, Hcer. di M. Sessa, 1600 Atto (Episcopus) Opera, ed. Burontius, 2 vols, in 1, fol. FerceUis,l7 QS Aubrey (John) Miscellanies, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1721 Lives, with Letters from the Bodleian Library, 3 vols. 8vo. L., 1813 Memoir of, by John Britton, 4to. L., 1845 General History of Wiltshire, 4to. X., 1847 and Jackson (J. E.) Wiltshire Topographical Collections. [Canon J. E. Jackson, 1888], 4to. Devizes, 1862 Augusti (J. C. W.) Die heiligen handlungen der Christen, S. 8vo. Leipzig, 1826 Augustinus (S. Aurelius) Opera Omnia, fol. 10 vols, in 6. " Jacohi Calfhilli Liher," B. Parisiis, apud Car. Guilland, 1555 Id. 10 vols, in 5. F.F. fol. Basilem, Arab. & Aur. Froben., 1569 Id. 11 vols, in 8, fol. The Benedictine Edition. Parisiis, 1679-1700 Operum Omnium Supplementum, ed. Hier. Vignier, 2 vols, in 1, fol. Paris, 1655 De Civitate Dei, F. fol. Parisiis, 1613 Of the Citie of God. Englished by J. H[ealey], fol. s. I. 1610 Transl. by T. A. Walker, 8vo. L., 1871 Confessio ... in libros IV distributa, M. 8vo. Parisiis, Mic. Sonnius, 1580 Libri XIII Confessionum, B. 8vo. Diiaci, Baltaz. Bellerus, 1616 -Id. F. 48mo. Colon. Agr. sumpt. Corn, ab Egmond, 1629 Confessioni di S. Agostini, F. 32mo. Boma, Guigl. Facciotti,lQ27 Aumalle (Duke of) A True Discourse of his Discomfiture in Picardie, by the Duke of Longueville, etc. M., 4to. L, Richard Field, 1589 YOKK MINSTER LIBRARY. 23 Aurelius (Abr.) In Nuptias Principis Frederici V Comitis Palatini ad Ehenum, et Elizabethse Magnse BritannisB . . . Regis filise Epithalamium, F.F. 4to. L., Gul. Stansby, 1613 Aurellio (Gio. B.) Esamine di varii giudicii de i politici, e della dot- trina, e de i fatti de i Protestanti veri, & de i Cattolici Eomani, M. 4to. InLondra, Gio. JVolfio, 1587 Aurora : or a Dawne to Day-light, C 4to. L., 1648 Ausonius. Opera, M. 8vo. Lugd, Joan. Torncesius, 1558 Id. "/o. Fricceus," F. 4to. Burdegalce, Sim. Millangius, 1580 Austen (Ralph) A Treatise of Fruit Trees, etc. F. 4to. Oxford, 1657 Austine (Robert) Allegiance not impeached by the Parliament's taking up of Arms, C. 4to. L., 1644 Australia. Minutes of the Proceedings at a Meeting of the Bishops of Austraha, held at Sydney, 1850, R. 8vo. Sydney, s. a. Aveling (J. W.) Memorials of the Clayton Family, 8vo. Z., 1867 Averroes. Liber de Medicina qui dicitur Colliget. " W. Mount" F.F. fol. Venetiis, Ottius Pass, 1497 Collectanea de Re Medica. " W. Mount," F.F. 4to. Lugd. Sebast. Gryphius, 1537 Avignon. The Papal Library at, 1316-1420. Ed. by Maurice Faucon, 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1887 Avitus(Alcimus) Opera, ed. Sirmondi, 8vo. Parisiis, Seb. Cramoisy, 1 643 Ayala (Balthazar) De Jure et Officiis Bellicis et Disciplina Militari, 8vo. Antwerjpim, ex off. Martini Nutii, 1597 Ayguanus (Mich.) Commentarii in Psalmos, M. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Lugduni, exp. Petri Landry, 1582 Ayliffe (John) Parergon Juris Canonici Anglicani, fol. L., 1726 Aymus (Baptista) De Alluvionum jure universo, M. fol. Bononice, apud Jo. Rossium, 1580 Ayscough (Sam.) Index to Shakespeare, 8vo. L., 1790 Azevedo (Alph. de) In Hispanise Regias Constitutiones, F.F. fol., 6 vol. in 2. Antwerpice, apud Jo. Keerbergium, 1618 (Fr. Miguel de) Regra da ordem Terceira da Mai Santissima e soberana Senhora do Monte do Carmo. [Rev. C. B. NorcUffe, 1877], 12mo. Lisbon, 1778 Azo (Fortius) Summa . . Azonis, M. fol. Lugduni, Joan. Thomas, 1514 Azorius (Joann.) Institution um Moralium Libri XIII, M. fol. Parisiis, apud Mic. Sonnium, 1601 Azpilcueta (Martin ab) Manuale Confessariorum et Poenitentium, D. 4to. Antwerpia;, ex off. Chr. Plantin, 1579 B.A. see Gandy (H.) The Mystery of Fanaticism {Rev. C. B. NorcUffe), 8vo. L., 1698 B.C. see Parsons (R.) B.D. see Jacob (H.) B.E. The Advocate : a Defence of the Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, C. 8vo. L., 1732 B.F. Scala Coeli. Nineteen Sermons concerning Prayer. 8vo. L., Pr. by N. 0., 1612 B.H. The Mantle thrown off: or, the Irishman dissected. S, 4to. L.y 1689 24 CATALOGUE OF B.J. The Copie of a late Decree of the Sorbone . . touching the Murthering of Princes. C. 4to. L., impr. by R. B.y 1610 see Baxter (Richard) B.N. Elisha succeeding Elijah : or, a Sermon preached by N. B. at his first Entrance upon his Living. 4to. L., 1646 B.R. see Baillie (Robert), Morton (Thos.), and Parsons (Robert) B.S. see Bredwell (Stephen) (Sieur) Nouvelles de la R6publique des Lettres, 5 vols., 8vo. Amst, 1684-6 B.T. see Bayly (Thos.) A Sermon on Death-bed Repentance, C. 4to. Z., 1670 B.W. see Roman Catholics Babington (Bp. Gervase) Certaine Considerations drawne from the Canons of the last Sinod, ad informandum animum D. EpiscopiWigorn., M. 4to. s. I 1605 Baccius (Andr.) De Gemmis et Lapidibus Pretiosis, 8vo. Francofurti, ex off. Matt. Beckeri, 1603 Bacherius (Petrus) Speculum Militiae Christianas, M. 8vo, Colonice, apud Gerv. Calenium, &c. 1592 Backer (Augustin & Alois de) Bibliotheque des Ecrivains de la Compagnie de Jesus, ou Notices Bibliographiques, 7 vols., 8vo. Liege, 1853-61 Backhouse (James, of York) Narrative of a Visit to Australia {the Author, 1843), 8vo. L., 1843 Narrative of a Visit to the Mauritius {the Author, 1844), 8vo. Z., 1844 Bacon (Lord) A Declaration . . of the . . Treasons . . committed by Robert, late Earle of Essex, &c., 4to. s. I. 1601 Certaine Considerations touching the better pacification . . of the Church of England, M. 4to. Id. 4to. Sir Francis Bacon his Apologie, concerning the late Earle of Essex, Essaies, no title, 8vo. Id. ed. Whateley, 8vo. Saggi Morali (Transl. into Italian by Sir Toby Matthew), M. 8vo. Londra, Giov. Billio, 1618 Instauratio Magna, folio Londini, apud Jo. Billium, 1620 Certaine Miscellany Works, published by William Rawley, 4to. L., /. Haviland, 1629 • Sylva Sylvarum, 3rd ed., folio X., 1631 The Elements of the Common Lawes of England, 4to. London, the Assignes of J. Moi'e, 1630 Id. 4to. L., id. 1635-6 Operum Moralium et Civilium Tomus, F. folio Londini, iypis E. Griffini, 1638 Historia . . de Ventis, &c., {Rev. C. B. Norcliffe, 1886), 24mo. Lugd. Bat. 1638 Of the Advancement and Proficience of Learning, F. folio Oxford, L. Lichfield, 1640 s. I. 1604 s. I. 1640 in certaine Imputations 8vo. L.,far M. Lownes, 1605 L.. 1612 L., 1856 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 25 Bacon (Lord) Cases of Treason, C. 4to. London, 1641 Remaines, C. 4to. ih. 1648 A Letter of Advice to the Duke of Buckingham, C. 4to. ih. 1661 A Charge ... at a Sessions holden for the Verge . . declaring the Latitude of the Jurisdiction thereof, C. 4to. ih. 1676 The History of the Reigns of Henry the Seventh . . . F. folio ih. 1676 Letters and Speeches, &c., ed. Birch, 8vo. L., 1763 • A Conference of Pleasure, ed. by Jas. Spedding (Duke of Nm- thumherland, 188i)y private print, ito. ' Z., 1870 see Napier (Macvey) Bacon (John) Liber Regis, vel Thesaurus Rerum Ecclesiasticarum, 4to. L., 1786 (Leonard) The Genesis of the New England Churches, 8vo. L., 1874 (R.) The Labyrinth the Kingdoms in, with a golden thread to bring it forth into Light, Liberty, and Peace again, jB. 4to. L. , 1649 (Thos.) Sermon for a Charity School, preached in Maryland, Oct. 1750, 4to. L, 1752 Baculus Pastoralis, M. 8vo. Paris, Fr. Regnault, 1514 Badger (G. P.) The Nestorians and their Rituals, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1852 Radius (lodoc. Ascens.) Commentarii . . in M. F. Quintiliani Decla- mationes et Institutiones Oratorias "Liher Roherti Ridlei S. T. P." M. folio Suh prcelo Ascensiano, 1528 Bagot (Bp. Lewis) Twelve Discourses on the Prophecies, 8vo. Oxford, 1780 [Bagshaw, Bagshawe (Chr.)] A true Relation of the Faction begun at Wisbich, by F. Edmonds, alias Weston, a Jesuite, 1595, M. 4to. s. I. 1601 (Edw.) Two Arguments in Parliament, the first concerning the Canons, the second concerning the Praemunire upon those Canons, S. 4to. L, 1641 - His Speech in Parliament . . . concerning Episcopacy, C. 4to. L., 1641 • His Speech in Parliament on the Disarming of the Papists, a 4to. L., 1641 A just Vindication of the Questioned part of his Reading in the Middle Temple Hall, 24th Feb. 1639, C. 4to. L, 1660 ' (Edward) An Antidote against Mr. Baxter's palliated Case of Church Divisions, C. 4to. 1670 A Defence of the Antidote, C. 4to. 1671 A Review and Conclusion of the Antidote, C. 4to. L., 1673 (Henry, Preb. of York) A Sermon preached before the King, Jan. 30, 1675-6, C. 4to. L, 1676 (W. H. G.) The Bagshawes of Ford (the Author, 1888), Pr. Pr. 4to. L., 1886 Baigent (F. J.) The Abbey and Church of Waverley, R. 8vo. X., 1882 Bailey (H. J., Curate of Drighlington) The Liturgy compared with the Bible, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. L., 1833 Rituale Anglo-Catholicum : or the Testimony of the Catholic Church to the Book of Common Prayer, aS'. 8vo. L, 1847 26 CATALOGUE OF Bailey (T. J.) Ordinum Sacrorum in Ecclesia Anglicana Defensio, 4to. L, 1870 Baillie (Alex.) A true Information of the unhallowed Offspring, Progresse, and impoisoned fruits of our Scottish Calvinian Gospel, 8vo. Wirtshirgh, A. M. Folmare, 1628 (Robert, Principal of Univ. of Glasgow) A Parallel in briefe comparison of the Liturgie with the Masse Book, &c., C. 4to. L, 1641 Ladensium dvroKaTciKpwrts, the Canterburian's Self-Conviction, S. 4to. L., 1641 The UnlawfuUness and danger of Limited Prelacie . . dis- covered, two copies, C. 4to. 1641 The Life of William Laud, now Lord Archbishop of Canter- bury, examined, C. 4to. L. 1643 Fast Sermon before the House of Commons, Feb. 28, 1643, a 4to. L. 1643 A Dissuasive from the Errours of the Time, C. 4to. L., 1646 A Historicall Vindication of the Government of the Church of Scotland, 4to. Z., 1640 ■Letters and Journals, 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1841 Baines (Edward) History of the County Palatine of Lancaster, 4 vols. L. P. 4to. L. 1836 Baines (Henry) The Flora of Yorkshire {Rev. C. B. Norcliffe, 1882), 8vo. L., 1840 Baird (Sir David) Life of, 2 vols. 8vo. i., 1832 Baker (Samuel, Rector of Settrington, and Preb. of York), Assize Sermon at York, March 15, 1728, 8vo. L., 1729 [ (Thos.)] Reflections upon Learning, F. 8vo. L., 1708 The Funeral Sermon of the Countess of Richmond and Derby, by Bishop Fisher, &c. F. 8vo. L. 1708 History of St. John's College, Cambridge, ed. by J. E. B. Mayor, 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1869 Bakewell (Thos.) An Answer or Confutation of divers Errors ... of the Anabaptists, C. 4to. L., 1646 Balbus (Hieronym.) Ad Carolum V. Imp. in Librum de Coronatione, 4to. Bononice, 1530 (Joann.) Summa quae vocatur Catholicon, M. Fol. s. a. & I. Balcanquall (Walter, Dean of Durham) The Honour of Christian Churches, . . A Sermon . . before the King, 4to. L., G. Miller, 1633 A Sermon preached at St. Marie's, Spittle, C. 4to. F. K.forJ. Budge, 1634 A Sermon at Whitehall, Dec. 6, 1634, C. 4to. L, 1634 ( ) A large Declaration concerning the late Tumults in Scotland, Fol. X., R. Young, 1639 Baldesanus (Guil.) Stimuli Virtutum adolescentise Christianse dicati, M. 8vo. Col. sumpt. Am. Mylii, 1595 Baldeschi. Ceremonial, according to the Roman Rite, Trans, by Dale, S. 8vo. L., 1853 Balduinus (Frid.) Disputationes XXII pro Articulis Smalcaldicis, M. 4to. Witebergm, tyj)is Cratonianis, 1606 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 27 Balduinus (Frid.) Diatribe Theologica de Antichristo, M. 8vo. Witebergce, typisJo. Matthceu 1615 Baldus (De Perusio) Practica Judiciaria F. 4to. Lugduni, 1515 Bale (John) Illustrium Majoris Britannise Scriptorum Centuri^ quinque, F. Gippeswici, Jo. Overton, 1548 Scriptorum Illustrium .... Catalogus, M. fol. Basilece, Jo. Oporinus, 1559 Acta Pontificum Romanorum, M. 8vo. s. I. 1559 The Image of bothe Churches, B. 8vo. L., Fdchard Jtigge, s. a. Balguy (John, Vicar of Northallerton) An Essay on Redemption, C. 8vo. L., 1741 Balnaves (Henry) The Confession of Faith, conteining how the troubled man should seeke refuge at his God, digested into Chapters, by John Knox, M. 8vo. Edinburgh, Tho. Vautrollier, 1584 Balsamon (Theod.) Canones SS. Apostolorum, Conciliorum, et SS. Patrum Epistolse Canonicse {F. F.) fol. Lutet. Paris. Typis Regiis, 1620 Baluzius (Steph.) Nova CoUectio Conciliorum, Tomus primus, fol. Farisiis, 1683 Miscellanea, ed. Mansi, 4 vols. fol. Lucce, 1764 Balzac (Jean) Le Prince, F. 8vo. Paris, 1632 Lettres, F. 8vo. Paris, 1634 Bamburgh Castle. Catalogue of the Library at (of Archbp. Sharp and his Sons), ed. by Jos. Stevenson, 2 vols. 8vo. Privately printed, L., 1859 Bampton Lectures, a set, 8vo. v. y. Bancroft (Archbp.) a Sermon preached at Paule's Crosse . . . 9'^ of February, . . . 1588, M. 8vo. L., by E. B., 1588 A Survay of the Pretended Holy Discipline, 4to. L., John Wolfe, 1593 Certaine Demandes . . . drawne out of Holy Writ and pro- pounded in foro conscientise by some religious Gentl. unto . . . Richard, Archbishop of Canterbury, . . . 4to. s. Z. 1605 Dangerous Positions and Proceedings published and practised within this Hand of Britaine, under pretence of Reformation . . . F. 4to. L., R. Young, 1640 Id. 8vo. L., s. a. Baries (Dominicus) Decisiones de Jure et Justitia, M. fol. Venetiis, 1595 Bangor (Dean and Chapter of) Catalogue of their Library (Dean and Chapter, 1872), 4to. Bangor, 1872 Banks (Ric.) Religion and Reason adjusted, F. 8vo. L., 1688 Bannius (Joann. Albert.) Dissertatio Epistolica de Musicse natura, &c. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. ex. off. Is. Commelini, 1637 Baptism. A Letter from a Gentleman . . to his Godson . . on his Baptismal Covenant, C. 8vo. L. 1758 The Invalidity of Schismatical and Heretical Baptism, by Or- thodoxus, C. 8vo. L., 1768 Infant Baptism Vindicated, 8vo. York, 1803 Barbaras (Fr. ) De Re Uxoria, M. 8 vo. Antwerpice, apud M, Ccesarem, s. a. 28 CATALOGUE OF Barbeyrac (M.) The Spirit of the Ecclesiasticks of all Sects and Ages as to the Doctrines of Morality examined, C. 8vo. L., 1722 Barbon (Nic.) A Discourse concerning Coining the New Money : in answer to Mr. Locke's Considerations, F. 8vo. i., 1696 Barbosa (Aug.) Tractatus de Canonicis et Dignitatibus, D. fol. Lugd., 1658 De Officio et Potestate Episcopi, 2 vols, in 1, Z>. fol. Lugcluni, 1665 Barckley (Sir Richard) A Discourse of the Felicitie of Man, or His Summum Bonum, M. 4to. L., for W. Ponsonhy, 1603 Barclaius (Guliel.) De Potestate Papse in Principes Christianos, M. 8vo. s. I, 1609 (Joann.) Pietas, sive Publicse pro Eegibus, et privatse pro G. Barclaio parente Vindicise, adv. Rob. Bellarminum, F.F. 4to. Parisiis, typis P. Mettayer, 1612 Euphormionis Lusinini Satyricon, M. 8vo. Aug. Treh. apud Gul. Blaeuiv, 1623 Id. F. 8vo. AmsteL, apud Jo. Hessium, 1634 Argenis, D., 2 vols. 12mo. L. & Francofurti, 1622-6 Id. F. 12nio. Aug. Treb.,imp. Eberti Zetineri, 1623 Barclay (Alex.) see Brandt (Seb.) (Jos.) The Talmud, 8vo. L., 1878 (Robert) Apology for the Quakers, C. 8vo. Z., 1736 Bardin (Peter) Le Lyc6e, 8vo. Rouen, 1638 Baret (John) An Alvearie or Quadruple Dictionarie, fol. L., 1580 Barges (J. J. L.) Notice sur un Autel Chr6tien Antique . . . . d6- couvert dans les Environs de la Ville d'Auriol, aS'. 4to. Paris, 1861 Bargrave (Isaac) Sermon preached before the Lower House of Par- liament, 28 Feb. 1623, C. 4to. L., printed by J. Z>., 1624 A Sermon preached before King Charles, C. 4to. L., J. Legatt, 1627 Barillere (Sieur de la) Le Soldat Fran9ois, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1604 Baring-Gould (S. H.) The Book of Were-wolves, 8vo. L., 1865 Post-Mediaeval Preachers, 8vo. L., 1866 The Origin and Development of Religious Belief (vol. I given by Rev. M. R. Bresher, 1870), 2 vols. 8vo. Z., 1869-70 Legends of Old Testament Characters, 2 vols. 8vo. L., 1871 The Lost and Hostile Gospels, 8vo. L., 1874 Yorkshire Oddities, 2 vols. 8vo. 3rd ed. L., 1877 Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, 8vo. L., 1881 Barker (Geo. Rector of Danby Wisk) Sermons, Da. 8vo. York, John White, 1697 (John) A Funeral Sermon for the late John Jacob, Esq. 8vo. L., 1738 Barlow (John, of Halifax) An Exposition of the Second Epistle of the Apostle Paul to Timothy, the first Chapter, 4to. L., Printed by I. D., 1624 (Thos. Bp. of Lincoln) Cases of Conscience, C. 8vo. L., 1692 Direction for the choice of Books in the Study of Divinity, F, 4to. Oxford, 1700 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY, 29 Barlow (Wm. Bp. of Lincoln) Vita et obitus . . Ricardi Cosin . . 4to. Londini, Dep. Chr. Barker ^ 1598 ■ A Sermon preached at Paule's Crosse, on the first Sunday in Lent, Martii 1, 1600. With a short discourse of the late Earle of Essex his confession, and penitence, before and at the time of his death, 8vo. L., J. W., 1601 A Defence of the Articles of the Protestant's Religion . . (against Wright), M. 4to. London, R. Wolfe, 1601 The Summe and Substance of the Conference ... at Hampton Court . . Imp. F. 4to. London, J. Windet, 1604 Id. 4to. L., John Bill, 1625 One of the foure sermons preached before the King's Majestie at Hampton Court . . C. 4to. London, J. W., 1606 Id. C. 4to. London, J. JF., 1607 — — The Sermon preached at Paule's Cross, the tenth day of Novem- ber, being the next Sunday after the Discoverie of this late Hor- rible Treason, 4to. London, for M. Law, 1606 A Brand, Titio erepta, on the fift day of November, 4to. London, J. Windet, 1607 An Answer to a Catholike English-man, F. 4to. London, T. Haveland, 1609 Barnabas (St.) Epistola Catholica, & Vita, B. Svo. Oxonii, 1683 Barnard (John), see Heylin (Peter) (Thos.), see Hastings (Lady Eliz.) and Lodge (Henry) Barnes (Barnabas) A Divine Centurie of Spirituall Sonnets. (Dedi- cated to Archbp. Matthew. In gilt presentation vellum), M. 4to. L., John Windet, 1595 Foure Bookes of Offices, R. fol. L., G. Bishop, etc., 1606 (Joshua) Estherse Historia, D. Svo. L., 1679 - — The History of Edward III, F. fol. Camhr. 1688 The Good Old Way ; three brief Discourses, F. 8vo. L., 1703 (Thomas) Needfull Helpes : against desperate Perplexitie and deepe Securitie, and the Wise Man's Forecast, 4to. L., Pr. by L D., 1624 Barns (Robert) Vitse Romanorum Pontificum, S. 8vo. Witehergce, 1536 Id. M. 8vo. Basilece, s. a. Barnstaple (Obert). See Turner (Robert). Baro (Petrus) In Jonam Prophetam Prselectiones, M. fol. L., J. Day, 1579 De Fide, M. Svo. L., R. Day, 1580 Baronius (Cardinal) Annales Ecclesiastici, 12 vols, in 11, M. foL Antwerpice, &c., 1599-1603 Continuatio per H. Spondanum, 2 vols. fol. Liigd., 1678 Epitome Annalium, M. 2 vols, in 1. Fenetiis, apud Geo. Variscum, 1602 Id. M. fol. Moguntice, imp. J. T. Schonwetteri, 1614 Annales, ed. Theiner, 37 vols. fol. ^ Barri-Ducis, 1868 (Justus) Prsescriptionum adversus Haereticos . . . Tractatus, M. Svo. Moguntice, apud Jo. Albinum, 1605 30 CATALOGUE OF Baronius (Robert) Metaphysica Generalis et Specialis, F. L., ex off. J. Bedmaine, s. a. Philosophia Theologiae ancillans, F. 8vo. Amst., 1649 Barradius (Seb.) Commentaria in Concordiam et Historiam Evan- gelicam, F.F. 4 vols, in 2. Moguntice, Balth. Lippius, 1609-12 Barrell (Robert) The Spirituall Architecture, a Sermon preached at Paul's Cross, Nov. 16, 1623, 4to. L., A. Matthewes & J. Norton, 1624 Barret (Gul.) Jus Regis, sive de absoluto Principum dominio, M. 8vo. Basilece, apud Hieron. Pistum, 1612 [Barrington (John, Lord)] A true Relation of the Proceedings at Salters' Hall, C. 2 vols. 8vo. L, 1719-21 [ JMiscellanea Sacra, B. 2 vols. 8vo. L., 1725 Barrow (H.) and Greenwood (T.) A True Description out of the Word of God of the Visible Church. {A facsimile of the unique copy in the B. M. ; pres. hy H. M. Dexter of Boston^ U.S.A. 1878), 4to. ' s.a.& I. (1589) (H.) A Petition directed to her most excellent Majestie, G. two copies s. a. & I. (1591) A plaine Refutation of M. GifFard's Booke, intituled a short Treatise against the Donatistes of England, M. s. I. 1591 The Examinations of Henry Barrow, John Greenwood, and John Penry, before the High Commissioners and Lords of the Council, 4to. L. (1663) (Isaac) Sermons against Evil Speaking. (Thos. Walker, Scarbro\ 1880). _8vo. L., 1678 A Treatise of the Pope's Supremacy, F. 4to. L., 1680 Sermons on Patience and Resignation. (Thos. Walker, Scarbro\ 1880). 8vo. L., 1714 English Works of, 3 vols, in 2, folio L, 1700 Theological Works, ed. Napier, 9 vols., 8vo. Cambridge, 1859 Barry (J. W.) Studies in Corsica. {The Author, 1893). 8vo. L., 1893 Bartholinus (Tho.) Anatomia Reformata, F. 8vo. Hagce Comitis, 1666 Bartholomseus (Brixiensis) Concordia Discordantium Canonum, B. folio Venetiis, per Ant. de Calabria, 1491 (Ferrariensis) De Christo Jesu abscondito pro solemnitate Cor- poris ejusd em Domini nostri, 8vo. Venetiis: Com. deTridino, 1559 (de Glanvilla) De Proprietatibus Rerum, F. folio Colonics, Jo. Koelhoff, 1481 Id. imp. at end, fol. Id. fol. L., in (ed. Tho. Bertheleti, 1535 Barton (Thos.) King David's Church-Prayer : set forth in a Sermon, 4to. 1649 Baruh (Raphael) Critica Sacra Examined, C. 8vo. L., 1775 Barwick (John, Dean of Durham), see Morton (Thos.) Vita, auctore Petro Barwick, F. 8vo. L., 1721 Barzizius (Chr.) Introductorium in Medicinam, 4to. " W. Mount." F. F. Aug. Vindel., Sigism. Grim. & Marc. Wyrsung, 1518 Basier, Basire (Isaac, Archn. of Northumberland) The History of the English and Scotch Presbytery, F. 8vo. Villa Franca, 1660 The Ancient Liberty of the British Church, F. 8vo. L., 1661 YOKE MINSTER LIBRARY. 31 Easier, Basire (Isaac, Archdn. of Northumberland) Sacriledge ar- raigned and condemned, 2nd ed., 8vo. Z., 1668 Funeral Sermon on Bp. Cosin (Presn. copy to Sir W. Dugdale), 8vo. L., 1673 Correspondence of, ed. W. N. Darnell, 8vo. L , 1831 Basil (S.) Ad Nepotes quo pacto Gentilium Libros legere Christianos oporteat, 4to. s. a. & I. De Jejunio Sermones duo. F. 8vo. Lovanii, Rut. Resclus, 1533 Opera Omnia, F.F. 3 vols. fol. Paris, ajpud Mic. Sonnium, 1618 The Benedictine Edition, 3 vols. fol. Parisiis, 1721-30 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1839 (S., Seleucise Episc.) Opera, M. fol. Parisiis, 1622 Basingstoke. Accounts of the Fraternity of the Holy Ghost in Basingstoke, ed. J. E. Millard, 4to. Pr. Pr. s. I, 1882 Basle. Character Christianorum . . Theses in Acad. Basiliensi, 8vo. Basil, Oporinus, 1578 Hesponsio Synodalis data Basilese Oratoribus Eugenii Papse IV, F.F. 8vo. , Colonice, 1613 Basnage (Jaques) Histoire de la Religion des Eghses R6form6es, 2 vols. 8vo. Rotterdam, 1690 History of the Jews, transl. by Thos. Taylor, fol. L., 1708 Bassol (Joann.) Quaestiones in Secundum, Tertium, et Quartum Sen- tentiarum, 2 vols. fol. Parisiis, Nic. de Pratis, 1516-17 Bastingius (Hier.) In Catechesin Religionis Christianse Commentarii, M. 8vo. Heidelhergce, 1590 Bastwick (John) Apologeticus ad Prsesules Anglicanos, 8vo. s. I., 1636 A Briefe Relation of certain . . . passages and speeches in the Starre-Chamber . . at the censure of Dr. Bastwick, Mr. Burton and Mr. Prynne, C. 4to. s. l, 1638 The Vanity and Mischiefe of the Old Letany, 4to. s. /., 1637 The Answer of John Bastwick . . to the Information of Sir J. Bancks, Knight, Atturney Universall, B. 4to. s. /., 1637 The Letany of J. B. Doctor of Phisicke, C. 4to. s. l, 1637 The Answer of J. Bastwick to the Exceptions made against his Letany by a learned Gentleman, C. 4to. s. I., 1637 The severall humble Petitions of D. Bastwicke, M. Burton, M. Prynne and N. Wickins to the Parliament, (7. 4to. 5. /., 1641 Flaarellum Pontificis et Episcoporum Latialium, 8vo. L., Edw. Griffin, 1641 Independency not God's Ordinance, C. 4to. L., 1645 The Church of England a true Church, 4to. L., 1645 A Just Defence of John Bastwick . . against . . John Lilburne, 4 to, L., F. Leech, 1645 The utter Routing of the Whole Army of all the Independents and Sectaries, C. 4to. L., 1646 The Storming of the Anabaptist's Garrisons, H. 4to. L., 1647 A sudden Alarme to all the Quarters of the chiefe Presbyterian Captain : or, An Answer to John Bastwick, Captain in the Presbyterian Army, C. 4to. ^- ^' Bate (Geo.) Elenchi Motuum Nuperorum in Anglia, F. 8vo. L., 1676 32 CATALOGUE OF Bate (Geo.) Methodism displayed, C. 8vo. s. a. Quakero-Methodism, C. 8vo. s. a. Bates (Thos.) The Covenant Sealed, 4to. L., 1655 Mr. Humphrey's Second Vindication . . taken into Considera- tion, 4to. Z., 1656 (Wm.) Two Farewel- Sermons at St. Dunstan's-in-the-West, 17th Aug. 1662, C. 4to. Z., 1662 see Baxter (Richard) Vitae Selectorum aliquot Virorum, 4to L., 1681 Bateson (Edward) History of Northumberland, 4to. Newc.-on-Tyne, 1893 Bath Abbey, see Englefield (Sir H.) Bathurst (Chas.) see Drake (Fr.) (Bp. H.) Memoirs and Correspondence, 8vo. L., 1853 Battel Abbey, The Chronicle of, transl. by M. A. Lower, 8vo. L., 1851 Battelli (Jo. Chr.) Ritus Annuss Ablutionis Altaris Majoris Sacro- sanctse Basilicse Vaticanae . . explicatus et illustratus. S. 8vo. Romce, 1702 Battely (Joann.) Antiquitates Rutupinae, F. 8vo. Oxonice, 1711 Baudius (Dominicus) Oratio Funebris dicta honori et memoriae J. J. Scaligeri, F.F. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1609 Epistolae Semicenturia auctse, F. 8vo. Amst. 1662 Baudrand (Mich. Ant.) Lexicon Geographicum, fol. Parisiis, 1670 Bauldry (Mich.) Manuale Sacrarum Caeremoniarum juxta Ritum S. Romanae Ecclesiae, S. 4to. Venetiis, 1681 Baumgarten (M.) Die Geschichte Jesu, 8vo. Braunsiveig, 1859 Baur (F. C.) Die Christliche Kirche des Mittelalters, 8vo. 1861 Paulas, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Leipzig^ 1866 Bautain (L'Abb6) Id^es et Plans pour la Meditation, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1867 Bawdwen (Wm., Vicar of Hooton Pagnell) Dom. Boc : a translation of the Record called Domesday, so far as relates to the County of York, 4to. Doncaster, 1809 Baxter (Richard) and Baxteriana, The Saints' Everlasting Rest, 3rd ed. 4to. L., 1652 Explication of the Agreement of the Associated Pastors and Churches of Worcestershire, C. 4to. L., 1653 An Explication of some passages in the foregoing Propositions and Profession, H. 4to. L., 1653 The Concord, or Agreement of the . . Pastors and Churches of Worcestershire, with R. Baxter's Defence of it, H. & C. 4to. i., 1653 Id. 2nd ed. 8vo., H. 4to. X., 1656 Humble Advice, or the Heads of those things which were offered to many honourable Members of Parliament, H. 4to. L., 1659 The Quakers' Catechism, C. 4to. L., 1655 A Treatise on Conversion, 4to. L., 1657 Certain Disputations of right to Sacraments, C. 4to. Z., 1657 The Crucifying of the World by the Cross of Christ, 4to. L.. 1658 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 33 Baxter (Richard) Sermon on the Life of Faith, preached before the King, C. 4to. L. 1660 The Rebel's Plea, or Mr. Baxter's judgment concerning the late Wars . . . examined, C. 4to. L. 1660 A Petition for Peace ; with the Reformation of the Liturgy. Two copies, F. & C. 4to. Z., 1661 ( )Two Papers of Proposals concerning the Discipline & Cere- monies of the Church of England, presented to his Majesty by the Presbyterian Ministers, C. 4to. Z., 1661 An Accompt of all the Proceedings of the Commissioners of both Perswasions appointed ... for the Review of the Book of Common Prayer. Two copies, C. 4to. Z., 1661 Sermon on Repentance before the House of Commons, April 30, 1660, C. 4to. Z., 1662 Richard Baxter, his Account to his dearly beloved, the in- habitants of Kidderminster, of the causes of his being forbidden by the Bishop of Worcester to preach within his Diocess, C. 4to. L., 1662 Fair Warning, The Second Part, or XX Prophecies concerning the Return of Popery, H. & C. 4to. L., 1663 A Pair of Spectacles very useful & needful for all those that read Mr. Baxter's Catholick Charity in his Book called The Cure of Church Divisions, C. 4to. 1670 The Duty of Heavenly Meditation, H. 4to. Z. 1671 [ ]Roman Tradition examined, 4to. 1676 Naked Popery ; or the Naked Falshood of a Book called the CathoHck Naked Truth, written by W. H. 4to. L., 1677 A Moral Prognostication of what shall befall the Churches on Earth, &c. Two copies. C. 4to. L., 1680 A Treatise of Episcopacy, C. 4 to. Z., 1681 Speculum Baxterianum . . . Reflections upon his " Sacrilegious Desertion of the Holy Ministry rebuked." By M. A. C. 4to. L., 1680 Kedarminster Stuff : a new piece of Print : or a Remnant of Mr. Baxter's pm fraudes unravelled. By J. B. C. 4to. Z., 1681 Methodus Theologise Christianse. Presentation copy frow, Baxter to Archbp. Tenison^ with their autographs, fol. L. 1681 Faithful Souls shall be with Christ . . The Life and Death of Henry Ashurst, Esq. Citizen of London, H. 4to. L. 1681 Mr. Baxter's Vindication of the Church of England in her Rites and Ceremonies, Discipline, and Orders, C. 4to. X., 1682 The Catechizing of Families, C. 8vo. X., 1683 [ lAnti-Dodwellisme. Two Tracts of Hugo Grotius, made English by Philaretus, C. 4to. L., 1683 CathoHck Communion defended against both Extreams, C. 4to. Z., 1684 Catholick Communion doubly defended : By Dr. Owen's Vin- dicator, and Richard Baxter, C. 4to. L. 1694 Whether Parish Congregations be true Christian Churches, C. 4to. ^M 1684 D 34 CATALOGUE OF Baxter. Richard Baxter's Penitent Confession & his necessary Vindi- cation, in answer to a Book called The Second Part of the Mis- chief of Separation, C. 4to. L., 1691 The Poor Man's Family Book, C. 8vo. Z., 1697 Now or Never. A Practical Discourse on Eccles. ix. 9. 1 2mo. i., 1702 Animadversions on some Passages of Mr. Calamy's Abridg- ment of Mr. Ri. Baxter's History of his Life and Times, C. 4to. X., 1704 What shall I do to be saved ? with a Bibliography of Baxter's Works, by A. Grosart, 8vo. Privately printed^ 1868 A Funeral Sermon for . . . Mr. Richard Baxter, who deceased Decemb. 8, 1691. With an Account of his Life. By W. Bates, 8vo, Large Paper. L., 1692 (Thos. of Crathorne) The Circle Squared. Da., 8vo. Thos. Gent, York, 1732 Bayard (Chevalier) History of, transl. from the French of Loredan Larchey, 8vo. L., 1883 Bayfius, Baifius (Guido) Rosarium super Decretales, fol. Fenetiis, 1495 (Lazarus) Annotationes in L. Vestii fF de auro et argento legato, seu de Re Vestiaria, 4to. Basilece, Jo. Bebelius, 1526 Annotationes in Legem II de Captivis, etc. " Jo. Pricceus," F. 4to. Basilece, Froben. 1541 Bayle (Pierre) (Euvres Diverses, 5 vols. fol. A la Haye, 1727-31 Historical and Critical Dictionary, 2nd ed. 5 vols. fol. L., 1734-8 Bayly (Thos.) Herba Parietis : or the Wall-flower as it grew out of the Stone-chamber .... called Newgate, fol. L., 1650 [ ] The Royal Charter granted unto Kings by God Himself, 8vo. L., 1656 Bayne (Paul) The Mirrour or Miracle of God's Love unto the world of his elect, H. 4to. L.,H.L.,U\b A Caveat for Cold Christians, 4to. L., Felix Kyngeston, 1618 Baynus (Rod.) Commentaria in Proverbia Salomonis, M. fol. Parisiis, ex off. M. Vascosani, 1555 Beacon (Richard) Solon his Follie, or a politique Discourse touching the Reformation of Common Weales, M. 4to. Oxford, Jos. Barnes, 1594 Beale (Wm. Master of St. John's, Cambr.) Articles against him, Da. 4to. 1641 Bean (W. W.) The Parliamentary Representation of the Six Northern Counties, 1603-1886, 8vo. Hull, 1890 Beard (Thos.) The Theatre of God's Judgements, M. 4to. L., Adam Islip, 1597 A Retractive from the Romish Religion, 4to. L., Wm. Stansby, 1616 Antichrist the Pope of Rome, M. 4to. L., J. Jaggard, 1625 Beare (Nic.) The Benefit of Affliction : a Sermon, F. 8vo.' L., 1713 Beaton (Cardinal) Life of, by John Herkless, 8vo. L., 1889 Beatson (John) Sermon to a Dissenting Congregation at Hull, Jan. 21, 1789, 8vo. Hull Beattie (Jas.) Essays, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1771-6 The Minstrel, &c. C. 8vo. L., 1779 YOKK MINSTER LIBRARY. 35 Beaumont of Whitley, Letters relating to the Family of, ed. for the Roxburghe Club, 4to. L., 1884 Beauval (Edm. de) Declaration publiquement faite de vive voix en r^glise de S. Amand, 8vo. Fontorsori, Jean Le Feure, 1600 Becanus, Becan (Martin) Enchiridion Variarum Disputationum . . contra Calvinistas, M. 8vo. Moguntim, ex. off. Jo.Alhini^ 1606 Aphorismi Doctrinse Calvinistarum, &c. M. 8vo. Ibid,, 1608-9 Qusestiones . . de fide hsereticis servanda, M. 8vo. Ihid., 1609 Kefutatio Torturse Torti, M. 8vo. Ibid., 1610 Jacobi Anglise Regis Apologise . . . Refutatio, M. 8vo. Moguntice, typis Jo. Albini, 1610 Opuscula Theologica, Tomus tertius, M. 8vo. Ibid., 1612 The English Jarre, or Disagreement amongst the Ministers of Great Brittaine concerning the King's Supremacy . . Transl. by J(ohn) W(atson) P(riest), 4to. s. l, 1612 Recueil de ce qui s'est faict en Sorbonne et ailleurs, contre un livre de Becanus, Jesuite, ilf. 4to. 1613 Tractatus Scholasticus de Libero Arbitrio, M. 8vo. Moguntice, apud Jo. AlUnum, 1613 Examen Concordise Anglicanse, 8vo. Ibid., 1613 Controversia Anglicana de Potestate Pontificis et Regis, M. 8vo. Ibid., 1613 De Republica Ecclesiastica . . contra M. A. De Dominis, M. 8vo. Ibid., 1622 Manuale Controversiarum hujus Temporis, F.F. 8vo. Monast. JVestphalice, 1624 Beck (T.) Annales Furnesienses, 4to. L., 1844 Becket (S. Thomas) The Life of, F. 8vo. Colon., 1639 A Biography. By J. C. Robertson, 8vo. L., 1859 Becon (Thos.) Coense Domini et Missse Papisticse Comparatio, F.F. 8vo. Basileoe, 1559 The Reliques of Rome, M. 8vo. L., Jo. Daye, 1563 Postill contaynynge . . Sermons upon all the Sondaye Gospells, no title, 4to. L., 1566 Beda. Opera Omnia, 8 vols, in 4, M. fol. Basilece, Jo. Hervagius, 1563 8 vols, in 3, fol. Col. Agr., sumpt. Ant. Hierati, 1612 Expositiones in Samuelem . . . M. fol. Basilece, Cratandus & Bebelius, 1533 Ecclesiasticse Historise gentis Anglorum libri Y. F. 8vo. Lovanii, Hieron. JVellceus, 1566 Id. 8vo. Col Agr., ex off. Birchnan, 1601 Id. Ed. John Smith, S.T.P. F. fol. " Cantab., 1722 Id. Ed. G. H. Moberley, 8vo. Own., 1881 Id. Libri III, IV, ed. Mayor and Lumby, 8vo. Cambr., 1878 De Schematibus et Tropis Sacrarum Literarum, 8vo. s. l, 1579 Axiomata Philosophica, M. 8vo. L., R. Yardley and P. Short, 1592 Bedell (Wm. Bp. of Kilmore) Life of, by Bp. Burnet, 8vo. L., 1692 Bedford (F.) and Robinson (J. 0.) The Treasury of Ornamental Art, 4to. L'i ^' ^ D 2 36 CATALOGUE OF Bedford (Hilkiah) A Defence of the Church of England from Priest- craft, F. 8vo. X., 1711 ( )The Hereditary Right of the Crown of England asserted, F. fol. L, 1713 Beech (Wm.) More Sulphure for Basing, a Sermon at the Siege of Basing, C. 4to. L., 1645 Beesley (Henry) The Soul's Conflict with Sin, in eight Sermons, D. 8vo. L,, 1660 Bega (S.) Vita, ed. G. C. Tomlinson, 8vo. Carlisle, 1842 Begems (L.) Spicilegium Antiquitatis (G. Wray, Preb. of York, 1867), fol. Brandenburgh, 1692 Begin (Emile) Histoire & Description de la Cath6drale de Metz, &c., 2 vols., 8vo. Metz, 1843 Beleth (Joann.) Rationale Divinorum Ofiiciorum, M. 8vo. Antwerpice, apud Jo. Bellerum, 1562 Belgium, the Netherlands, and Low Countries. Apologeticon, et vera Rerum in Belgico-Germania nuper ges- tarum Narratio, 8vo. s. I. 1570 Libellus Supplex nomine Belgarum in Inferiori Germania in Comitiis Spirensibus exhibitus, M, 8vo. 1570 Dialogus de Pace. Rationes quibus Belgici tumultus inter Philippum Hispanise regem et subditos componi possint, M. 8vo. Antwerpice, apud Jac. Henricium, 1579 Relatio eorum quae in negotio Pacificationis Belgicse Colonise peracta sunt anno 1579, M. fol. Colonice, apud Lud. Alectorium, 1579 Ministrorum qui Verbum Dei in Reformatis in Belgio Ecclesiis concionantur...Epistola, 4to. s. I. 1579 Belgica-Historia, i.e. Rerum Memorabilium ab anno 1529 usque ad 1583, M. 8vo. Franco/. Sig. Feyraben, 1583 A Declaration of the Causes mooving the Queene of England to give aide to the People Afflicted and Oppressed in the Lowe Countries, M. 4to. L., Chr. Barker, 1585 Belgicse Oratio Gratulatoria ad Serenissimam Principem Eliza- betham...Angli8e Reginam, M. 4to. Lugd. Bat., apud Tho. Basson, 1587 Ecclesise Belgicse Doctrina et Ordo, sive Confessio, Catechesis, Liturgia, et Canones, 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1647 Belisarius, Life of, by Lord Mahon, 8vo. L., 1829 Bell (Geo., Preb. of York) Assize Sermon at York Minster, 1721-2, R. 8vo. York, Chas. Bourne, 1722 (H. N.) The Huntingdon Peerage... the Restoration of the Earl- dom, 2nd ed., 4 to. L., 1821 (Thomas, Preb. of York, born at Raskelf), T. Bel's Motives : concerning Romish Faith and Religion, M. 4to., Pres. copy with inscr. Cambridge, J. Legate, 1593 The Survey of Popery, M. 4to. L., V. Sims, 1596 The Golden Ballance of Tryall, to which is annexed a Counter- blast against E. 0., supposed to be Robert Parsons, M. 4to. X., 1602 The Anatomic of Popish Tyrannie, M. 4to. L., J. Harrison, 1603 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 37 Bell (Thomas) The Downefall of Popery, M. 4to. L, T. Purfoot, 1605 The Woefull Crie of Rome, M. 4to. L., T. C, 1605 The Pope's Funerall, M. 4to. L., Impens. W. Wells, 1606 The Regiment of the Church, C. 4to. X., T. C, 1606 The Jesuite's Antepast, M. 4to. L., W. Jaggard, 1608 The Tryall of the New Religion, M. 4to. ibid., 1608 A Christian Dialogue betweene Theophilus a Deformed Catho- like in Rome, and Remigius, a Reformed Catholike in the Church of England, M. 4to. L., N. Okes, 1609 The Catholique Triumph (Dedicated to Archbp. Matthew), M. 4to. L., for Comp. of Stationers, 1610 (Wm., of Huyton, Lancashire) Well Doing well done to... a Sermon at Lancaster Assizes, 14th March, 1647, H. 4to. L., 1650 Bellamy (Thos.) Philanax Anglicus : or, a Christian Caveat for all Kings, &c., no title, F. 8vo. L., 1662 Bellarmine (Cardinal) Disputationes de Controversiis Christianse fidei adversus hujus temporis Hsereticos, M. 3 vols., fol. Ingolstadii, David Sartmius, 1588-93 Dottrina Christiana, 8vo. Roma, Zannetti, 1598 Hebrsea Grammatica, &c., Imp., F. 8vo. Antwerpice, 1606 Recognitio Librorum omnium ab ipso auctore edita, M. 8vo. Ingoldstadii, Adam Sartorius, 1608 Apologia... pro Responsione sua ad librum Jacobi. Regis, cui titulus est " Triplici nodo Triplex cuneus". . M. 8vo. s.l. 1610 Opuscula, F. F., 3 vols, in 2, fol. Col. Agr., sumpt. Bern. GiiaUheri, 1617 Notes of the Church, as laid down by him, examined and con- futed, B. 4to. L., 1687 Bellasis (Edward) Westmorland Church Notes, 2 vols., 8vo. Kendal, 1888 Bellonius (Petrus) Plurimarum...rerum Observationes, transl. by C. Clusius. (Clarissimo viro dn. Joanni Ohsopce^o Brettano Carolus Clusius amicitioi ergo) ^^Jo. Primus." F. 8vo. Antw. Plantin., 1589 Belluga (Petrus de) Speculum Principum et Justitise, M. fol. Parisiis, P. Fidovceus, 1530 Beltz (Geo.) Memorials of the Order of the Garter, 8vo. L., 1841 Bembo (Pietro, Cardinale) Epistolarum Leonis X. . . nomine scrip- tarum Libri, etc., M. 8vo. imp. . . Benbellona (Ant.) Unque Resveille Matin, sive Tempestivum Susci- tabulum pro Principibus, M. 4to. Servesirm, typis Jo. Scherii,1602 Benbridge (John) Sermon at Rye, in Sussex, H. 4to. ^ L., 1645 Benedictionale. Ritus servandus in Expositione et Benedictione SS., Sacramenti (ed. Bp. Browne), S. 4to. ^ L-, 1849 Benedictus a Benedictis. Jacula Ecclesiae Christi Catholicae, F.F. fol. Venetiis, apud. Evang. Denchinum, etc., 1608 (Renatus) Stromata in universum Organum Biblicum, M. 8vo. Colonice, Matt. Cholinus, 1568 Panoplia Catholicorum, 31. 8vo. i2>i^-, 1^77 Id., M. 4to. Venetiis, apud Dom. de Imbertis, 1609 Benedict XIV. (Cardinal Lambertini), De SS. Missse Sacrificio Com- mentarius, S. 4to. Leodii in Styria, 1752 38 CATALOGUE OF Benedictus XIV. Epistola ad Missionarios per Orientem deputatos de Eitibus Ecclesise Graecse, S. 8vo. s. a. (& I. (St.) DeVita et Miraculis Beati Benedict!: Regula Benedict! . ., by Jo. Fr. Brixianus, M. 8vo. Eothomagi, 1510 Benefield (Seb.) Doctrinse Christianse Sex Capita, F. 4to. Oxonii, J. Barnesius, 1610 Bengelius (J. A.) Gnomon Novi Testament!, 2nd ed. 4to. Ulmm, 1763 Id., 2 vols., 8vo. Tilbingce, 1835 Id., 3 vols., 8vo. Minb., 1873 Bennet (Thos.) A Confutation of Quakerism, F. 8vo. Cambr., 1705 A Confutation of Popery, 3rd ed., F. 8vo. ibid., 1706 A Brief History of the joint use of precomposed set Forms of Prayer, 2nd ed., S. 8vo. ibid., 1708 A Paraphrase, with Annotations upon the Book of Common Prayer, S. 8vo. L., 1709 Benoit, Chronique des Dues de Normandie, ed. Fr. Michel. Pres. copy from Editor, 2 vols., 4 to. Paris, 1836 Bennett (W. J. E.) The Argument in the Case, " Sheppard v. Ben- nett," S. 8vo. L, 1872 Benson (Archbp. E. W.) The Cathedral : its necessary place in the Life and Work of the Church. Pres. copy. 8vo. L., 1878 The Seven Gifts, addressed to the Diocese of Canterbury in his Primary Visitation, 8vo. L., 1885 (Geo.) A Sermon preached at Panic's Crosse, May 7, 1609, 4to. L., by H. L., 1609 (Geo.) A Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles to Philemon, etc. 4to. L., 1734 A Paraphrase and Notes on the VII Catholic Epistles, 4to. L., 1749 (Joseph) Four Sermons, 8vo. Hull, 1787 (Thos. ) Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicum, F. 8vo. Oxonii, 1701 Bent (J. T.) Genoa. How the Eepublic rose and fell, 8vo. L., 1881 Bentham (Edw.) Eeflexions upon Logick, 2nd ed. C. 8vo. Oxf., 1755 Sermon for the London Charity Schools, C. 4to. L., 1772 An Introduction to Logick, C. 8vo. Oxf., 1773 (James) History of Ely, 2nd ed. with Stevenson's Supplement, 2 vols., 4to. Norwich, 1807-1812 Benthems (Hen. Lud.) Engelandischer Kirch und Schulen-Staat, 8vo. Liineberg, 1694 Bentivoglio (Guido) Opere. (Archdeacon Markham, 1803), fol. Paiigi, 1648 Bentley (Eichard) Eemarks upon a late Discourse of Freethinking (by A. Collins) in a Letter to F. Hare, D.D., by Phileleutherus Lipsiensis, C. 8vo. L., 1713 Two Letters to him on his intended Edition of the Greek Tes- tament, with his Answer, C. 8vo. L., 1717 (Wm.) Hallifax and its Gibbett Law placed in a true light, B. 12mo. L., 1708 Beowulf, ed. Moritz Heyne, S. 8vo. Paderborn, 1872 -Id., ed. T. Arnold, 8vo. L., 1876 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 39 Berault (Peter) A Nosegay, or Miscellany of Several Divine Truths for the instruction of all persons, D. 8vo. L., 1684 Berchetus (Tossanus) Explicatio Controversiarum de Henrici Bor- bonii Regis in regnum Francise Constitutione, M. 8vo. Sedani, typis Matt. Hilarii, 1590 Berchorius (Petrus) Dictionarii sive Repertorii Moralis Partes, F.F., 2 vols., fol. VenetiiSy apud Hcer. Hieron. Scoti, 1583-9 Berdmore (Scrope, Vicar of S. M., Nottingham, and Preb. of York), I Assize Sermon at Nottingham, March 17, 1716-17, C 8vo. I Nottingham, 1717 E • Berengarius of Tours. De Sacra Coena, adv. Lanfrancum, ed. Vischer, I S. 2 vols., 8vo. Berolini, 1834 Bergensis (Ger.) De curatione Morbi Articularis et Calculi, 8vo. Antwerpm, Plantin, 1564 Berington (Jos.) Immaterialism delineated, B. 8vo. L., 1779 The State and Behaviour of English Catholicks from the Refor- mation to the Year 1780, B. 8vo. Z., 1780 Berkeley (Bp. George) ^ Treatise on the Principles of Human Know- ledge, B. 8vo. L., 1734 On Tar Water, 2nd ed., 8vo. Dublin, 1744 On the Roman Catholic Controversy, ed. J. S. M. Anderson, 8vo. Z., 1850 Works and Life, 2 vols., 4to. Dublin, 1784 (Geo. LL.D.) Sermon at Canterbury, Jan. 31, 1785, B. 4to. |b> Canterbury, 1785 ^ A Caution against Socinianism ; a Sermon, '' W. Burgh, from the Author," B. 8vo. Canterbury, 1787 An inquiry into the Origin of Episcopacy, a Sermon, Presentation Copy, B. 8vo. Canterbury, 1791 Id., B. 8vo. L., 1795 Sermons, with a Biographical Preface, B. 8vo. Z., 1799 -(G. M.) Literary Relics, 8vo. L., 1789 Bernard (Edw.) De Mensuris et Ponderibus Antiquis, "Domino Haliio, mathemxitico et Philosojpho celeberrimo, E, Bernardus," 8vo. Oxonii, 1688 (Nic.) see Heylin (Peter). Clavi Trabales, 4to. L., 1661 (Richard of Batcombe, etc.) Terence in English, M. 4to. Cantab., J. Legal, 1607 Joshua's Godly Resolution . . touching Household Government, M. 8vo. Cambr., John Legatt, 1609 A Key of Knowledge, for the opening of the Secret Mys- teries of St. John's Revelation, 4to. L., Felix Kyngston, 1617 The Faithfull Shepherd. Dedicated to Ab. Matthew, 12mo. L., for Thos. Pavier, 1621 Looke beyond Luther, M. 4to. L., Fr. Kyngeston, 1623 Ruth's Recompence, 4to. L., Id. 1628 A Guide to Grand- Jury Men, 12 mo, 2nd ed. Z., 7^^. 1629 The Isle of Man, 12mo, 10th ed. L. 1635 A Three-fold Treatise of the Sabbath. Pres. copy ''For Mr. Bernard, Lamportt," Uo. ^t 164rl 40 CATALOGUE OF Bernard (Richard of Batcombe, etc.) A Short View of the Prelaticall Church of England. Two copies, C. 4to. 1641 Bernardinus de Busto. Rosarium Sermonum, etc., F.F. 3 vols., 4to. Col. Agr. sumpt. Ant. Hierat% 1607 Bernardus (S.) Opera Omnia, F.F. 2 vols., fol. Parisiis, 1586 Id., M. Pmisiis, sumpt. Oliv. de Varennes^ 1632 Id., edMabillon, 6 vols, in 2, F. fol. Parisiis, 1690 Epistolae, C. fol. .<^-. a. & I. Life and Times of, by J. C. Morrison, 8vo. L., 1868 Bernardus. See Longus. Beroaldus (Matt.) Chronicon Scrip turse Sacrse, M. fol. apud. Ant. Chuppinunfiy 1575 (Phil.) Carmen lugubre de Dominicse Passionis die, 4to. Parisiis, 1503 Varia Opuscula, 4to. Paris, Jehan Petit, 1505 Beroaldus (Phil.) Ludicrorum et Amatorum Carminum perelegans Codicellus, 4to. Parisiis, Jeh. Barhier, s. a. Berreardus in V Libros Decretalium. Withinscr. " Orate pro anima M. Johannis Toffte, in decretis baccalariij nuper Decani Bristollice," fol. 5. a. & I. Berriman (John) Sermon at St. Paul's on the Fast for Charles I, C. 8vo. L., 1722 (Wm.) Some brief Remarks on Mr. Chandler's Introduction to the History of the Inquisition, C. 8vo. L., 1733 A Review of the Remarks, &c. C. 8vo. L., 1733 Sermon at St. Mary-le-Bow, March 21, 1738-9, C. 4to. L., 1739 Bersier (Eugene) Sermons. 3 vols, in 2, 8vo. Paris, 1865-7 Bertius (Petrus) Scripta Adversaria, &c. M. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1616 Bertramus (B. C.) De Politia Judaica, M. 8vo. Genevce, Fust. Vignon, 1580 (Presb.) De Corpore et Sanguine Domini, M. 8vo. s. I. 1557 Besselmeierus (Seb.) Magdeburgae Obsidionis annis 1550 & 1551 . . historica Descriptio, M. 8vo. Basilece, 1552 Besson (P^re, a Dominican Artist) A Life of, (by H. F. Lear), 8vo. L., 1873 Betuleius (X.) Novi Testamenti Concordantiae Grsecae, M. BasilecB, ex off. J. Opporini, 1 546 Beumlerus (Marcus) Falco emissus, M. 4to. Neostadii, s. a. Beust (Joachim a) Orthodoxa Enarratio Evangeliorum quae diebus Domini explicantur, F. F. 8vo. 2 vols. Lipsice, 1595 Beuvelet (Matt.) Instruction sur le Manuel, F. 8vo. Lyon, 1677 Bevan (W. L.) & Phillott (H. W.) Mediaeval Geography : an Essay in illustration of the Hereford Mappa Mundi, 8vo. L. 1874 Beveridge (Bp.) Institutionum Chronologicarum Libri II, F. 4to. L., 1669 Synodicon (Bev. J. Bichardson, 1828), 2 vols., fol. L., 1672 Codex Canonum Eccl. Primitivae Vindicatus, F. fol. L., 1678 A Sermon on the Common Prayer, 27 Nov. 1681, C. 4to. L., 1682 Id. 3rded. F. 4to, L., 1682 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 41 Beveridge (Bp.) Concio ad Synodum Westmonast. C. 4to. L., 1689 The Church Catechism Explained, F., 8vo. L., 1705 A Sermon preached before the Queen at St. Paul's, Aug. 19, 1708, F. 8vo. ^ X., 1708 The Great necessity and advantage of Public Prayer & frequent Communion, F. 8vo. X., 1709 Private Thoughts upon Religion and a Christian Life, B. 8vo. L., 1710 A Defence of the Book of Psalms . . by Sternhold, Hopkins, and others, F. 8vo. Z., 1710 His Opinion concerning the Apostolical Constitutions, C. 8vo. Z., 1713 His Works, F. 2 vols., fol. L., 1720 On the Thirty-nine Articles, 2 vols., 8vo. Oxford^ 1840 Beyerlinck (Laur.) Promptuarium Morale super Evangelia Fes- torum, 8vo. Col. Agr., 1614 Id. &c. F. 8vo, 3 vols. ibid., 1617 Magnum Theatrum Humanse Vitse, 8 vols., fol. iUd,, 1631 Beza (Theod.) De Hsereticis a Civili Magistratu puniendis, M. 8vo. Oliva, li. Stephani, 1554 De Coena Domini, C. 8vo. ibid., 1559 A Discourse containing the Life and Death of Mr. John Calvin, 8vo. s. a. & I. (1564) • Poemata, &c. M. 8vo. Parisiis, H. Stephens, L., 1569 Quaestionum et Responsionum Christianarum Libellus, M. Genevce, Fust Vignon, 1573 Confessio Christianse Fidei, &c. M. 8vo. Genevce, 1573 De veris et visibilibus Ecclesise Catholicse Notis, M. 8vo. Genevce, Fust. Vignon, 1579 De Peste Qusestiones duae, M. 8vo. Genevce, 1580 Tractationes Theologicse, F. F. 3 vols, in 1. ibid., 1582 Acta Colloquii Montis Belligartensis quod habitum est 1586, M. 4to. Tubingce, 1587 Ad Acta Colloquii Responsio, M. 8vo. Genevce, 1588 In Canticum Canticorum Solomonis Homilia?, M. 8vo. Genevce, Jo. le Preux, 1587 Paraphrasus in Ecclesiasten, M. 4to. Genevce, 1588 Jobus, partim Commentarius, partim Paraphrasi illustratus, M. fol. ibid., 1589 Propositions and Principles of Divinitie disputed in the Univer- sity of Geneva under Theodore Beza and A. Faius, M. 4to. Fdinb., R. Waldegrave, 1591 In Historiam Passionis, Sepulturae, et Resurrectionis Jesu Christi, Homilise, M. 2 vols., 8vo. Geneva, 1592-3 Historia de Vita, Moribus, etc. . . . Theod. Bezse . . scripta Gallice per M. Hieron. Bolzec, Lat. redd, per Pantal. Theveni- num, 8vo. Ingolstadii, ex typ. Dav. Sartorii, 1584 BiBLiA. The Bible, Polyglot Editions— Biblia Sacra Hebraice, Chaldaic^, Grsece, Syriace, et Latine. Ed. Arias Montanus, M. 6 vols., fol. Antw. Chr. Plantin. 1569-72 42 CATALOGUE OF Bibles. Biblia Sacra, Hebraice, Grtece, et Latine, ed. Fr. Vetablus, M. fol. Ex Offic. Sandandreana, 1586 Id. (Archdeacon Markham, 1803), fol. ibid., 1587 Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, ed. Brianus Walton, F. 6 vols., fol. Lond., Tho. Roy croft, 1657 Bibles. Old and New Testaments in Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, etc. — Biblia Sacra Hebraica et Chaldaica cum Masora, ed. Jo. Bux- torfius, 4 vols, in 3, fol. Basilem, 1618 Biblia Hebraica cum Latina translations ed. Seb. Munsterus. Vol. II, F. F. fol. BasilecB, ex off. Bebeliana, 1535 Biblia Hebraica, M. 8vo. Anvers, 1573 Novum Test. Hebraice (Mr. J. F. Walker, 1873), 4to. Farisiis, 1584 Biblia Hebraica Bombergiana, B. 2 vols., fol. Venetiis, 1618 Biblia Hebraica, a Genesi ad Esther, imp., M. 8vo. Biblia Hebraica, M. 4to. Biblia Hebraica, ed. Vander Hooght, 8vo. Amstelodami, 1705 Mikra Gedola : or Great Rabbinical Bible, 4 vols., fol. AmsL, 1724 Vetus Test. Hebraicum, ed. Kennicott (Archbp. Markham, 1800), 2 vols., fol. Oxonii, 1776-80 Varise Lectiones Vet. Test. Hebr. ed. de Rossi, 4 vols., 4to. Parmce, 1784-9 Biblia Hebraica ad edit. Hooghtianam, 8vo. L., 1823 ed. ditto and Theile, 8vo. Lipsice, 1849 Vetus Test. Syriace, ed. Lee (Mr. Wm. Ch-ay, 1870), 4to. L., 1823 Novum Test. Syriace, ed. Martin Trostius (Mr. Wm. Gray, 1870), 4to. Cothenis Anhaltinorum, 1621 Id., 12mo. s. a. Novum Test. Arabice, 4to. Novum Test. Egypt., Vulgo Copticum, ed. Wilkins, (Pvev. R. J. Atkinson, Ardsley, 1832), fol. Oxonii, 1716 The New Testament in Persian, 8vo. s. a. The Bible in Greek — Biblia Sacra Greece, F. F. fol. Hcered. Andr. Wechel, 1597 Codex Vaticanus, ed. Cardinal Mai, 5 vols., 4to. Romce, 1851 Ed. Bp. Wordsworth, 6 vols., 8vo. L., 1875 Codex Alexandrinus, reproduced in phototype at the British Museum, 3 parts, 4to. L., 1879 The Old and New Testament in Greek — Vetus Test. Grsece, ex versione Sept. juxta exempl. Vaticanum, B. 2 vols., 8vo. Cantabr., 1665 Vetus Test. Grsec^, ed. Holmes and Parsons, 5 vols., fol. Oxmii, 1798-1827 V. T. Grsec^, ed. Tischendorf, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Lipsice, 1850 Vetus Test. Grsece, ed. F. Field, 8vo. Oxford, 1859 Vetus Test. Grsece, ed. Van. Ess, 8vo. Lipsice, 1868 Novum Test. Greece, cum preefatione Nic. Gerbelii [Rev. J. Kenrichi 1871], 4to. Hagenoce, 1521 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 43 Bibles. Test. Novum Grsece, B. Basilece, apud Jo. Behelium^ 1531 Id., B. 8vo. Basilece^ Tho. Plattenis, 1531 Novum Test, ex Biblioth. Regia, B. 8vo. Lutetice, ex off. R. Stephani, 1549 Novum Test. Greece, 24mo., 2 vols. Paris, B. Steplmnus, 1568 Novum Test. Grsece, M. 8vo. Anvers, 1573 N. T. Greece, B. 18mo. Antw., ex off. Ch. Plantin, 1574 N. Test. Greece, ed. H. Stephanus. No title, 8vo. N. T. Greece, with Archbp. Laud's autograph, 8vo. Aurel. Allohr., Petrus de la Rouiere, 1609 Novum Test. Greece, cum notis R. Stephani, Jo. Scaligeri, et Is. Casauboni, B. 8vo. Lond., apud Jo. Billium, 1622 Novum Test. Greece, B. 2 vols., 8vo. Cantabr., apud Tho. Buck, 1632 Id. B. 1 vol. iUd., 1632 Novum Test. Greece, 8vo. L., 1633 Novum Test. Greece, ed. Mill {Roht. Benson, Lord Mayor of York, 1707), fol. ^ Oxonii, 1707 Appendices ad N. T. Stephanicum (Mill), ed. Sanday, 12mo. Oxon., 1889 Novum Test. Greece, cura Ger. de Trajecto, B. 2 vols., 8vo. AmsL, ex off. Wetsteniana, 1711 Novum Test, e Cod. Alexandr. ed. Woide and Ford, 2 vols., fol. Lond. and Oxon., 1786-99 Novum Test, cum Versione Arise Montani, &c., ed. Leusden, B. 8vo. Amst., 1741 N. T. Greecum, ed. Wetstenius, 2 vols., fol. ihid., 1752 (N. T.) juxta exemplar Jo. Millii. B. 8vo. Londini, 1787 Novum Test, e Codice Bezee, B. Large Paper, 2 vols, in 1, fol. Cantabr., 1793 Novum Test. Greece, ed. Griesbach, 2 vols., 8vo. Berolini, 1806-27 Novum Test., Greece, ed. Lachmann, 2 vols., 8vo. Berolini, 1832 Nov. Test., ed. Hellenistica, 4 vols., 8vo. L., 1843 Codex Montfortianus, at Dublin; ed. Dobbin, 8vo. L., 1854 Nov. Test, e Codice Vaticano, 8vo. L., 1859 Codex Augiensis, ed. Scrivener, 8vo. Cambridge, 1859 e Codice Alexandr., ed. Woide & Cowper (Mr. J. F. Walker, 1876), 8vo. L., 1860 ed. Buttmann, 8vo. Berolini, 1862 Codex Sinaiticus, ed. Tischendorf (TJie Emperor Alex- ander IL of Russia, 1863), 4 vols., 4to. Petropoli, 1862 Bezee Codex Cantabr., ed. Scrivener, 4to. Camhr., 1864 ed. Hansen, 3 vols., 8vo. Oxon., 1864 e Codice Vaticano, ed. Tischendorf {all published), 4to. Lipsice, 1867 Novum Test. Greece, ed. Tischendorf, ed. Critica Octava Major, with the Prolegomena, etc., 4 vols., 8vo. Lipsice, 1869, etc. Test. Greece, ed. Tregelles, with the Prolegomena, 7 parts, 4to. L., 1857 Nov. Test. Gr., ed. Wordsworth, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1872 ^Id., ed. Alford, 4 vols., 8vo. L., 1874 44 CATALOGUE OF Bibles. The Englishman's Greek Testament, ed. Trotter (Mr. Trotter^ 1878), 8vo. Z., 1878 The N. T., with the Readings of the Revisers, 8vo., Oxjord^ 1881 ed. Gebhardt, 8vo. Lipsice, 1881 ed. Westcott & Hort, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1887 The N. T., from the Codex Vaticanus. Reproduced in phototype. {Pope Leo XIIL, 1890), 4to. Romce, 1889 The New Testament in Greek and Latin— Novum Test. Graece et Latine, ed. Erasmus, imnted on vellum, one of the finest hooks in Europe, 2 vols., fol. Basilece, Froben, 1519 Novum Test. Graece et Latine, Theod. Beza, interprete. 31. 8vo. Parisiis, H. Stephanus, 1567 Id. Beza interprete, M. fol. Hen. Stephanus, 1582 Evangelia et Acta App. e cod. Bezae, ed. Kipling, fol., 2 vols. Cantabr., 1793 The whole Bible in Latin — Biblia Sacra Latine, cum Tabula nuper impressa, 4to. Venetiis, per Symonem dictum Bevilaqua, 1498 Biblia Latina, cum Concordantiis, fol. Lugd., Jac. Mareschal, 1525 Id. {Archdeacon Markham, 1803), fol. ihid., 1527 Biblia Sacra Latine, M. fol. Parisiis, ex off. R. Stephani, 1532 Biblia Sacra Latine, iconibus . . exornata, fol. Antwerpice, ex off. Jo. Steelsii, 1542 Biblia Sacra . . . cum H. Bullingeri Expositione, F. F. fol. Tiguri, Ch. Froschov., 1550 Biblia Sacra Latine, interprete Sebastiano Castalione, M. fol. Basilece, sumptihus Jo. Oporini, 1551 Biblia Sacra juxta Vulgatam ed., edidit Jo. Benedictus, M. 2nd ed., fol. Parisiis, B. Prevotius, 1552 Biblia Sacra Vulgatae ed., studio R. Stephani, M. 8vo. Parisiis, R. Stephano Conr. Radius, 1555 Prophetse, Libri Machabaeorum, et Novum Test, a Theod. Beza vers. Imp. fol. Oliva, R. Stephanus, 1556 Biblia Sacrosancta V. & N. Test, juxta Vulg. ed., editore Isidoro Clario, ilf. fol. ' Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1557 Biblia Sacra Lat. ed. Fr. Lucas Brugensis, fol. Antw. Chr. Plantin, 1583 Biblia Sacra Lat. ed. Tremellius et Junius, B. 4to. Lond., H. Middleton, 1585 Biblia Sacra Latine, studio . . Andr. Osiandri, M. fol. Tubingce, 1600 Biblia Sacra Vulg. edit. Sixti Quinti . . jussu recognita {Jos. Atkinson, 1803), 8vo. Col. Agr., 1630 Biblia Sacra, ed. Tremellius, Junius & Beza, B. 8vo. L, Typis, Mil. Fletcher & Roh. Young, 1640 Biblia Sacra Vulg. ed. Sixti V jussu recognita, B. 4to. Antw. ex off. Plant . . 1645 Biblia Sacra Vulg. ed. dementis VIII. jussu edita, no title, F. 8vo. Lugduni, s. a. YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 45 Bibles. Biblia Sacra Vulg. ed, imp. vols. Biblia Sacra Latina, ed. Tremellius & Junius, 8vo., Londini, 1656 Id. (Geo. JFray, Preb. of York, 1872), 8vo. Lond., 1680 Biblia Sacra Vulg. ed. (Rev. C. B. Norcliffe, 1882). Col. Agr., 1682 The Old Testament in Latin — Biblia Sacra Vet. Test. . . studio Tremellii & Junii, F. F. fol. Andr. Wechel, Fmncofurti, 1579 Id. F. fol. Londini, 1592-3 Librorum Levitici et Numerorum Versio Antiqua Itala, e Codice Ashburnhamiense, 4to. L. P. Z., 1868 V. T. Hieronymo interprete, ed. Heyse et Tischendorf, 8vo. Lipsice, 1873 The New Testament in Latin — Novum Test. Latine, ed. Erasmus, B. 8vo. Antwerpice, Martin Ccesar, 1524 Id. F. fol. Basile(e, Froben, 1527 Novum Test. Latine cum Prsefatione Gualteri Delaeni, M. 4to. Londini, Joan. Mayler, 1540 Evangeliarium Quadruplex Latinss Versionis Antiquse, ed. Blanchini, 2 vols., fol. Romce, 1749 Codex Amiatinus, ed. Tischendorf, 4to., with Fleck's De- scription of the MS. in 8vo bound with it (Lips., 1840). Lipsice, 1854 Codex S. Ceaddse Latinus in eccl. Lichfeldensi, ed. Scrivener, 4to. Cantabr., 1887 The Bible in English — The Byble in Englishe (Cranmer's) The 0. T. only, with the Title of the N. T., a few pages are missing at the beginning (James Atkinson of York), fol. L., E. Whitchurche, 1549 The Holie Bible (The Bishop's Edition), imp. at beginning and end, F. fol. L., R. Jugge, 1568 ■ (The Bishop's Edition), very fine copy, B. fol. L., R. Barker, 1602 — (Genevan Version) (James Atkinson, York, 1803), fol. L., R. Barker, 1602 The Bible, no title to 0. T., 4to. L, R. Barker, 1603 (Genevan Version, Tomson's Revision), fol. L., R. Barker, 1607 The Douay Bible, M., 2 vols., 4to. Doway, 1609-10 The Authorized Version, slightly imperfect, fol. L.,R. Barker, 1611 Id. The Authorized Version, Second Issue of First ed., no title and imperfect at end, B. fol. L., R. Barker, 1611 Id. 8vo. L., R. Barker, 1615 (The Genevan Version), interleaved in 3 vols., D. fol. L., R. Barker, 1616 (Authorized Version) (C. Hawkins, preb. of York, 1853), 4to. L., Bonham Norton and John Bill, 1628 fol. Buck ^ Daniel, 1639 The Holy Bible, 24mo. L., Evan Tyler, 1654 46 CATALOGUE OF Bibles. Id. Beautiful copy, 2 vols., 24mo. L., John Field, 1658 F. 8vo. Cambr. 1663 -4to. Cambr., John Field, 1663 (Mr. Jos. WilUnson, 1857), fol. s. /., 1672 4to. Cambr., 1677 B. fol. Oxford, at the Theatre, 1680 Interleaved, as far as Nehemiah, B. 4to. Cambridge, 1682 F, fol. ' L., Charles Bill, 1701 {Rev. C. B. Nordiffe, 1882), 8vo. Cambr. 1743 The Complete Family Bible, ed. Fr. Fawkes, B. 2 vols., 4to. L., 1761 The Holy Bible, fol. Cambr., John Baskerville, 1763 -—Id., fol. Oxford, 1770 Id., B. interleaved, 3 vols., 8vo. Cambr., 1773 The Bible, with Notes (Mr. J. F. Walker, 1886), 2 vols., 4to. York, Walker & Pennington, 1781 Id., with Bishop Wilson's Notes, 3 vols., fol. Bath, 1785 — — The Complete Family Bible, ed. Fawkes, fol. B. York J L. Pennington, 1789 The Holy Bible, B. 8vo. Oxford, 1815 The Holy Bible, ed. D'Oyley and Mant, 3 vols., 4to. ibid., 1817 Id., fol. L., 1843 Id., with the Speaker's Commentary, 11 vols., 8vo. L., 1871 The Eevised Version, 5 vols., 8vo. Cambridge, 1885 Unitarian Translation, by Wellbeloved, Vance-Smith and Porter (the Translators), 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1859 The New Testament in English, &c. — The New Testament of our Savyor Jesus Christ, F. 8vo. s. I, 1538 The N. T. translated out of the Vulgar Latine at Rhemes, &c. By W. Fulke, fol. L., 1601 Transl. out of Greek by Theod. Beza, Englished by L. Thomson, B. 4to. L., R. Barker, 1610 With Annotations by the English College in Rhemes, 5th ed., B. fol. Permissu Superiormn, 1738 The N. T. transl. by WyclifTe, ed. H. H. Baber, 4to. L, 1810 Id., B. 8vo. Camh\, s. a. Die Vier Evangelien in Alt-Nordhumbrischer sprache heraus- gegeben von K. W. Bouterwek, 8vo. Gutersloh, 1857 The Anglo-Saxon and Northumbrian Versions, ed. Skeat, &c. 4 vols., 4to. Cambridge, v. y, The Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, Wycliflfe, and Tyndall Versions, ed. Bosworth, 8vo. L., 1865 A Collation of the English Version of the N. T. from the Vatican MS. with the Authorized English Version, 4th ed., 4to. 1864 The N. T. illustrated, ed. Churton and Jones, 2 vols., 8vo. L, 1865 The N. T. by Tyndall, facsimile of, ed. Arber, 4to. L., 1 871 ■ The Parallel N. T., the Versions of 1611 and 1881, 8vo. Cambridge, 1882 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 47 The Bible and New Testament in French— — La Bible, translatez en Fran9ois, par Pierre Eobert Olivetan (The Huguenot Bible), fol. Neufchatel, Pierre de JFingel, 1535 — Le Nouveau Test, reveu et corrig6, par I'advis des Ministres de Geneve, 8vo. Caen, P. le Chandelier, 1564 — Le Nouveau Testament, no title, 8vo. Lyon, Jehan JBarbou, — Les Livres de I'Ancien et le Nouveau Testament, no title — La Bible, 8vo. a Genhve, 1605 — Toute la Saincte Escriture . . avec les Pseaumes, &c. Svo. "/o. Primus," F. h la Eochelle, 1605 — Le Nouveau Test., Les Pseaumes, &c. Svo. Paris, 1668 — Id. traduit sur I'original Grec . . par Jean le Clerc, 4to. Amsterdam^ 1703 The Bible, etc. in German and Dutch — — Biblia, das ist die gantze heilige Schrifft Deutsch, Mart. Luther (Jas. Atkinson, York, 1803), fol. Nurnberg, 1641 — Het Niewe Testament oste alle Boecken des Nieuwen Ver- bondts onses Heeren Jesu Christi {Thos. Peck of York, bookseller, 1811), 12mo. Amsterdam, 1660 — Biblia dat is de gansche H. Schriftuer des Ouden en Nieuwen Testaments naar de ovessettinge van D. M. Lutherus {Jas, Croft, Vicar of Burton-Leonard, 1810), 4to. ibid., 1748 Bible for the North American Indians, trans, by John Elliot — — Mamusse wunnetupanatamwe up - Biblum God Naneeswe Nukkone Testament kah wonk Wusku Testament, D. 4to. Cambridge, Massasuchets, 1663 The Bible, etc. in East Indian Languages and Dialects. (Presented by Major-General Donkin and his Widow, 1820, etc.) — — The Gospel of SS. Mark and Luke in the Beloochee, 8vo. — The Holy Bible in the Bengalee Language, 5 vols., 8vo. Serampore, 1809-14 — The N. T. in Bengalee, fol. (Pres. by the Baptist Missionaries at Serampore, 1818) — in -the Hindee Language, 4 vols., 8vo. Serampm-e, 1812-16 — in the Mahratta Language, 5 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1812-16 — The New Testament in the Malay Language, 8vo. — The Bible in the Orissa Language, 5 vols., 8vo. Serampme, 1807-11 — The New Test, in the Punjabee Language, 8vo. ibid., 1811 — Id. in the Pushtoo Language, 8vo. ibid., 1818 — The Holy Bible in the Sanskrit Language, vol. IV. Svo. ibid., 1818 — The N. T. in the Telinga Language, Svo. iUd., 1818 Parts of the Bible and Res Biblic^ — Libri Begum IIII et Libri Paralipom. 12mo. Parisiis, 1526 Libri V Mosis, cum Libris Josuse, Judicum, et Ruth, 12mo. s. a. & I. Annotations upon all the Books of the O. T., B. fol. L., 1645 Epistolse Paulinse, Grsec^, B. 12mo. s. L & a. 48 CATALOGUE OF Bibles. The Second Epistle of Peter, the Epistles of John and Jude, and the Revelations, transl. from the Greek by the American Bible Revision, 4to. New York, 1854 The Book of Revelation in Greek, ed. with a new English Ver- sion, &c. by S. P. Tregelles, 8vo. L., 1844 The Apocrypha, B. 8vo. Edinh., 1763 Libri Apocryphi V. T. ed. Fritzsche, 8vo. Lipsice, 1871 Evangelia Apocrypha, ed. Tischendorf, 8vo. Lipsice, 1853 The Apocryphal N. T. ed. Hone, *S^. 8vo. Z., 1820 Select Moral Books of the 0. T. paraphrased, 8vo. L., 1706 -The N. T. adapted to the capacities of children (Geo. Wray, preb. of York, 1872), 12mo. L., 1755 The Reasons for Revising the present Version of the Bible stated, a 8vo. Cambr., 1788 Biblia Polyglotta Britannica, a Plan and Specimen of, Di. 8vo. L., 1810 Biblical Archaeology (The Society of) Records of the Past, 6 vols., 8vo. L.y V, y. Bibliander (Theod.) De Fatis Monarchise Romanae, M, 4to. (Basilece, 1553) Chronologia, M. fol. Basilece, Jo. Oporinus, 1558 BiBLIOTHECA. Sacra Bibliotheca Sanctorum Patrum, ed. M. de la Bigne, M. fol. 9 vols, in 4. Paris, M. Sonnius, 1576-9 Auctarii Bibliothecse Patrum et Auctorum Eccl. vol. II, F. F. fol. Paris, 1610 Bibliothecse Vet. Patrum seu Scriptorum Eccl. Tomi I-II, M. fol. Parisiis, 1624 Bibliotheca Sanctorum et. Antiq. Patrum Concionatoria, ed. Petr. Blancheto et P. Puartio, B. fol. Paris, 1654 Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorum quos Unitarios vocant, D. fol. 9 vols, in 8. Irenopoli, 1656 Bibliotheque Universelle for 1686 and 1688, 3 vols., 8vo. Amsterdam, 1686-8 Bibliotheca Literaria, C. 4to. X.,- 1722-4 Bickersteth (Bp.) Life of, by his Son, 8vo. L., 1887 Bidding Prayers, forms of, with introduction and notes (by H. O. Coxe), S., Pr. pr., 12mo. Oxford, 1840 Biddle (Esther) A Warning from the Lord God of Life and Power unto thee, City of London, D. 4to. L., 1660 Bideinbachius (Wilhel.) Consensus Jesuitarum et Christianorum in doctrina Religionis, M. 8vo. TuhingcB, Geo. Gruppenhachius, 1583 Biel (Gabriel) Repertorium . . super quatuor libros Sententiarum, ilf. fol. Lugd., Jo. Clein, 1519 In Canonem Missae. M. fol. Lugd., Jo. Crespin, 1524 Sacrosancti Canonis Missae Expositio, M. 8vo. Antwerpice, apud Joh. Bellerum, 1555 Biesius (Nic.) De Republica, M. 8vo. Antwerpice, M. Nutii vidua, 1564 Bigne (M.) See Bibliotheca. YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 49 BilHckius (Everhardus) De Dissidiis Ecclesiae componendis atque submovendis, M. 8vo. Colonim, apud Matt Cholinum, 1559-60 Judicii Universitatis et Cleri Coloniensis adversus calumnias Ph. Melanthonis, M. Buceri, &c. Defensio, M. 4to. Colonics, Jasper Gaumpceus, 1545 Billings (R. W.) Architectural Illustrations and Account of the Temple Church, London, 4to. L. 1838 Architectural Illustrations, etc., of Carlisle Cathedral, 4to.L.,1840 Architectural Illustrations of the Cathedral Church of Durham, 4to. L., 1843 Illustrations of the Architectural Antiquities of the County of Durham, 4to. Durham, 1846 Billingsley (Nic.) Sermon preached at the Ordination of Mr. Thomas Morgan at Froom, C. 2nd ed. 8vo. L., 1717 (Sam.) An Exhortation to the Rev. Wm. Richards at his Ordina- tion at Lewin's Mead, Bristol, May 22nd, 1751, C. 8vo. L., 1751 Bilson. The Boy of Bilson ; or, a true discovery of the . . impos- tures of certaine Romish Priests in their pretended Exorcisme (By Richard Baddeley), 4to. L., impr. by F. K. 1622 (Thos. Bp. of Winchester) The true difference between Chris- tian Subjection and Unchristian Rebellion, B. 4to. Oxford, Jos. Barnes, 1585 Id. B. 4to. L., J. Jackson and Edm. BoUifant, 1586 The Perpetuall Government of Christe's Church, M. 4to. L., Chr. Barker's Deputies, 1593 Id. 4to. L., Pr. for T. Adams, 1610 Id. De Perpetua Ecclesiae Christi Gubernatione, D, 4to. L., imp. J. Billii, 1611 The Effect of Certaine Sermons touching the Full Redemp- tion of Mankind by the death and bloud of Christ Jesus, etc., preached at Paule's Crosse and elsewhere in London, 4to. L., P. Short, for W. Burre, 1599 A Sermon preached at Westminster before the King and Queene's Majesties at their Coronations, M. 8vo. L., F. S. for a Knight, 1603 The Survey of Christ's Sufferings, and of his descent to Hades or Hell, D. fol. L., M. Bradwood for J Bill, 1604 Binckes (Wm.) A Prefatory Discourse to an Examination of a late Book, entituled an Exposition of the 39 Articles, by Bp. Bur- nett, F. 4to. L., 1702 see Convocation. Binder (Udalric) Epiphaniae Medicorum, ''Gul. Mountius" F. F. 4to. s. /. 1506 Bingham (Geo.) A Vindication of the Doctrine and Liturgy of the Church of England, occasioned by Theoph. Lindsey's Apology, B. 8vo. Oxf(yrd, 1774 (Joseph) Antiquities of the Christian Church, F. 11 vols., 8vo. L. 1708-22 Id., 10 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1855 A Scholastical History of Lay-Baptism, Svo. L., 1712-13 His Works, fol., 2 vols. L. 1726 50 CATALOGUE OF Binns( John, of Leeds, bookseller) His Sale Catalogue for 1 788, Da. 8vo. Biography — Biographia Britannica, fol. 6 vols, in 7. L. 1747-66 General Biographical Dictionary. By Alex. Chalmers, 32 vols., 8vo. ^ ^ L., 1812-17 Dictionary of National Biography, ed. Leslie Stephen, &c. a set, 8vo. L., 1885— Bion. Idyllia, &c. 4to. E. Bihl. Commeliniana, 1604 -& Moschus, ed. Wakefield, 4to. L., 1795 Id. Traduites en Vers Fran9ois, 8vo. Amst 1688 Birch (Thos.) Negotiations between England, France and Brussels, Da. 8vo. L, 1749 see Tillotson (John) Birch (Walter de Gray) Fasti Monastici -^vi Saxonici, 8vo. L., 1872 The History, Art, and Palaeography of the Utrecht Psalter, 8vo. L., 1876 Cartularium Saxonicum, 4to. L., 1883 and Jenner (H.) Early Drawings and Illuminations ; an Intro- duction to the Study of Illuminated MSS., 8vo. L., 1879 Birchall (John, Kector of St. Martin's, Micklegate) The Non-Pareil . ., a Funerall Sermon upon the Death of . . Elizabeth Hoyle, late wife of . . Thomas Hoyle, Alderman of the City of Yorke, Da. 4to. York, Tho. Broad, 1644 Birckbek (Simon, Eector of Gilling, near Richmond) The Protestants' Evidence, F. 4to. L., 1635 Bird (S.) Lectures, M. 8vo. John Legate, Printer to the Univ. of Cambridge, 1598 Birgitta (S.) see Brigitta. (Birkenhead, Sir John) The Assembly-Man, G. 4to. L., 1662 ( ) Cabala, or, an Impartial Account of the Nonconformists' . . designs . . from Aug. 24, 1662, to Dec. 25, C. 4to. L., 1663 Bisbie (Nath.) Two Assize Sermons for the County of Suffolk, C. 4to. L., 1684 An Answer to a Treatise out of Ecclesiastical History, trans- lated . . by Humfrey Hody, B.D., C. 4to. L., 1691 Unity of Priesthood necessary to the Unity of Communion in a Church, in a Letter, 4to. L., 1692 see Nonjurors. Bisgneto (Bernh. de) Decisiones Rotse novae et antiquse, M. fol. Venetiis, Benalius, 1496 Bishop (Geo.) A tender Visitation of love to both the Universities, Oxford & Cambridge & to the Inns of Court & Chancery, D. 4to. L., 1660 [ (Wm.)] A Reformation of a Catholike deformed by D. B. P. M. 4to. s.l, 1604 -] A Reproofe of M. Doct. Abbot's Defence of the Catholike Deformed. The First part, 4to. s. I, 1608 Bishops, see Episcopacy. Trial of the Seven Bishops, 8vo. X., 1716 Bisse (Thos.) The Beauty of Holiness, a Sermon preached at the Rolls, F. 8vo. X. 1717 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 51 Bisse (Thos.) A Eationale on Cathedral Worship and Choir Service, F. 8vo. i., 1721 Decency and Order in Publick Worship, S., large paper, 8vo. Z., 1723 Bisterfeldius (Joann.) Nex et Anatomia horridi et furfuracei . . monstri a personato isto et perforato Libavio nuper abjecti, M. 8vo. Hanovice, apvd Guill. Antonium, 1597 (Joann. Henr.) De uno Deo, Patre, Filio, et Spiritu Sancto, Mysterium Pietatis, D. 4to. Lugd. Bat., ex off. Elzevir, 1639 Bituricus (Phil.) Quaestiones LXIII Lectori Juris Eegaliae, et Trac- tatus Petri Bertrandi, Svo. Parisiis, Galliot du Pre, 1551 Bizarus (Petrus) Varia Opuscula, Svo. Venetiis, Aldus, 1565 Persicarum Rerum Historia, fol. Antw. Clir. Plantin, 1583 Blaauw (W. H.) The Barons' War, 2nd ed., 8vo. L, 1871 Black (W. H.) History and Antiquities of the Company of Leather- sellers, London. {The Leather-sellers^ Company, 1872), 4to. L., 1871 Blackall (Offspring, Bp. of Exeter) Sermon before the House of Commons, Jan. 30, 1698-9, C. 4to. L., 1699 Sermon before the Queen on her Accession, March 8, 1708, C. 8vo. L., 1709 Sermon at St. Dunstan's in the West, Mar. 8, 1704-5, on the Accession Day, C. 8vo. L., 1709 Answer to Mr. Hoadley's Letter, C. 8vo. ^ L., 1709 see Hoadley (Bp.) Works, with a Preface by Archbp. Dawes, fol., 2 vols, in 1 L., 1723 Blackamore (A.) Eccl. Primitivse Notitia, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1722 Blackburne (Fr., Archdeacon of Cleveland) Assize Sermon at York, March 14, 1741-2, R. 8vo. L., 1742 Ordination Sermon at Richmond, Oct. 15, 1752, R. 8vo. L., 1752 -Considerations on the present State of the Controversy between the Protestants and the Papists, B. 8vo. Dublin, 1768 Id., with different title, Svo. ihid., 1768 The Confessional, Svo. L., 1770 Four Discourses delivered to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Cleveland, B. Svo. Newcastle-on-Tyne, T. Saint, 1775 A short Discourse on the Subject of Preaching : Delivered to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Cleveland in 1783, B. Svo. York, A. Ward, 1785 Remarks on Dr. Johnson's Life of Milton, C. 12mo. s. I. 1786 Works, edited by his Son, 7 vols., Svo. Camhr. 1804 (Lancelot, Archbp. of York, &c.) Sermon before the Queen at Whitehall, July 29, 1694, R. 4to. L, 1694 Sermon before her Majesty, Dec. 26, 1708, R. Svo. L., 1709 Sermon before the House of Commons, Jan. 30, 1715-16, R. 4to. X., 1716 Blackmore (Richard) Prince Arthur : an Heroick Poem, F. fol. L., 1695 (The) Museum at Salisbury, Account of, 2 parts (Canon J. E. Jackson, 1889), Svo. s. a, (R. W.) The Doctrine of the Russian Church, Svo. X., 1845 £ 2 52 CATALOGUE OF Blackstone (Sir W.) Commentaries on the Liws of England, 4 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1766-9 Blacuodeus, Blackwood (Adam) Adversus Georgii Biichanaai Dialogum de Jure Regni apud Scotos, pro RBgibus Apologia, M. 4to. Pidavis, Fi\ Pagceus, 1581 Blair (Hugh) Sermons, 5 vols., 8vo. L., 1792-1801 (John) Chronology and History of the World, fol. L., 1790 Blake (Edw.) Sermon before the Univ. of Oxford, 0. 8vo. L., 1756 (Thos.) Infants' Baptisme freed from Antichrist ianis me, H. 4to. L, 1645 Answer to Mr. Tombee, his Letter, H. 4to. L., 1646 The Covenant Sealed, 4to. L., 1655 Mr. Humphrey's Second Vindication . . taken into Consider- ation. 4to. L., 1656 (Wm.) The Ladies Charity School-house Roll of Highgate, 8vo. Privately printed, a heautifid presn. copy to " Lady Alitia Devoo" in a rich morocco binding, 8vo. s. a. & I, Blakwell (Ceo., and the Wisbeach Controversy)— Declaratio Motuum et Turbationum quae ex controversiis inter Jesuitas iisque in omnibus faventem G-eo. Black wellum ... ad Clem. Vni exhibita (^ by John Mush), M. 4to. Rhoiomagi, 1601 Relatio Compendiosa turbarum quas Jesuitse Angli, una cum Georgio Blackwello, &c. conscivere, F. F. 4to. Rothomagi, s. a. The Hope of Peace, &c. M. 4to. Frankfort, 1601 A Replie unto a certaine Libell latelie set foorth by Fa. Parsons, intituled, " A Manifestation of the great folly and bad spirit of certaine in England, calling themselves Seculer Priestes," by W. C, 4to. The Copies of Certaine Discourses which were extorted from divers, &c. M. 4to. Rouen, 1601 An Answere made by one of our Brethren, a Secular Priest now in prison, to a fraudulent Letter to Mr. George Blackwel's, 4to. s. I, 1602 A large Examination of, taken at Lambeth, F. F. 4to. L., R. Barker, 1607 see Bagshawe (Chr.) Blanca (Hieron.) Aragonensium Rerum Commentarii, fol. Cces. Augustce, apud Laur. Rohles, &c, 1588 Blanchotus (Petrus) see Bibliotheca. Blois. Blesensis (Petr.) Libellus de Amicitia Cristiana, 4to. s. a. & I. — : — Opera, M. fol. Parisiis, Andr. Boncard, 1519 Id. ed. Giles, 4 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1847 Blome (Richard) The Fanatick History, or, an exact relation and account of the Old Anabaptists and New Quakers, F. 8vo. L., 1660 Blondel (David) Traits Historique de la Primaut^ en L'Eglise, F. fol. a Genhve, 1641 De Jure Plebis in Regimine Ecclesiastica Dissertatio, 8vo. Parisiis, 1648 Blondus (Fl.) De Roma Triumphante, M. fol. BasilecBy ex off. Froben^ 1531 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 53 Bloom (T. H. Curate of Hemsworth) The Heraldry in the Churches of the W. R. of Yorkshire, 4 parts, 8vo. Pr.pr., Hemsworth, 1892 Blore (Edw.) Monumental Remains of Noble and Eminent Persons, 8vo. L., 1828 Blount (Thos.) Ancient Tenures of Land, ed. Josiah Beckwith, 8vo. York, JV. Blanchard <& Co., 1784 Id., ed. Hazlitt, 8vo. L., 1874 (Sir Thos. Pope) Censura Celebriorum Authorum, F. fol. Londini, 1690 De Re Poetica, F. 4to. L., 1694 Blundell (Wm.) A Cavalier's Note-Book, ed. by T. E. Gibson, 4to. L., 1880 Blundeville (Thos.) His Exercises, contayning Eight Treatises on Arithmetick, Cosmographie, &c. F. 4to. L., R. Bishop, 1636 Blunt (J. H.) Christian View of Christian History, 8vo. L., 1866 Annotated Book of Common Prayer, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1866 The Reformation of the Church of England, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1878 & Phillimore (W. G. F.) Book of Church Law, 8vo. L., 1882 (J. J.) Ursprung Religioser Ceremonien und Gebrauche der Romisch-Katholischen Kirche besonders in Italien und Sicilien, S. 8vo. Leipzig, 1826 An Introduction to a Course of Lectures on the Early Fathers, 8vo. Camhr. 1840 Undesigned Coincidences, 3rd ed. 8vo. L., 1850 Duties of a Parish Priest, R. 8vo. L., 1856 Right Use of the Early Fathers, 8vo. L., 1857 History of the Church during the first three Centuries, 2nd ed. 8vo. ^ L., 1857 . Essays Contributed to the Quarterly Review, 8vo. L., 1860 Sketch of the Reformation in England, 12mo. L., 1865 (R. F. L. Archdn. E. R. Y. and Bishop of Hull) A Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of the East Riding, 1875, 8vo. L., 1875 The Maintenance in the Clergy of a high Standard of Ministerial Duty, 8vo. L., 1880 The Divine Patriot and other Sermons (the Author, 1884), 8vo. L., 1882 Notes on Confirmation Lectures, pres. copy to Ahp. Thomson, 8vo. L., 1889 Doctrina Pastoralis, Six Lectures at Cambridge, pres. copy to Ahp. Thomson, 8vo. L., 1889 (Walter) Report of Proceedings against him, with the Bishop of Exeter's Judgment, Di. 8vo. L. (1844) Boaistuau (Pierre) Theatrum Mundi : The Theatre or Rule of the Worlde . . Englished by John Alday, M. 8vo. L., Hen. Bynnemav, 1574 Le Theatre du Monde, 12mo. Anvers, Plantin, 1575 Theatrum Mundi Minoris, F. F. 12mo. Antwerpice, apud Luc. Bellerum, 1589 Bobbin (Tim, i.e. John Collier) Miscellaneous Works, 8vo. Manchester, 1775 54 CATALOGUE OF Boccaccio (Giovanni) Genealogia Deorum, etc. M. fol. Basilece, Jo. Hervagius, 1532 II Decamerone, 4to. Finsgia, Gul. Giolito, 1550 Id. Le D6cameron, traduit . . en Fran9ois par . . Anthoine le Magon, F. 8vo. Eoueii, 1645 Boccalini (Trajano) The New-found Politicke disclosing the secret Natures of Private Persons, etc., 4to. L., 1626 La Secretaria di Apollo, 12mo. Amst. 1653 Pietra del Paragone Politico, 24mo. Cosmopoli, 1653 Bochartus (Samuel) Geographise Sacrse Pars Prior, fol. Cadomi, 1646 Id. etc. F. 4to. Franco/, ad Man. 1681 Hierozoicon, sive bipertitum opus de Animalibus Sacrae Scrip- turse, fol. 2 vols. Z., 1663 Bochellus (Laur.) Decreta Ecclesise Gallicanae, F.F. fol. Parisiis, 1609 Bocking (Edv.) Notitia Dignitatum, 2 vols., Svo. Bonnce, 1839-53 Bocquillot (L. A.) Trait6 Historique de la Liturgie Sacr6e, ou de la Messe, S. 8vo. Paris, 1701 Bodinus (Jo.) De Magorum Dsemonomania, M. Svo. Basilece, Th. Guarinus, 1581 De Eepublica, M. 8vo. Franco/. Jo. Wechel & P. Fischer, 1591 Methodus ad Facilem Historiarum Cognitionem, F.F. Svo. Argent. 1627 Bodius (Herm.) Unio Dissidentium, M. Svo. Basilece, Nic. Brylinger, 1557 Bodley (Sir Thos.) see Oxford (Univ. of) Boeckius (Aug.) Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, 4 vols., fol. Berolini, 1828 — Boemiis (Joann. Omnium Gentium Mores, Leges, et Kitus, F. fol. Augusta} Vindel., Sig. Grim, ac M. Viursung, 1520 Id. F. Svo. Friburg Brisgoice, Jo. Faher Fmmeus, 1536 Boethius (Anicius) De Consolatione Philosophica, fol. Lugd. 1508 Id. M. 4to. s. a. Id. in usum Delphini, 4to. Lutet. Par. 1680 Id. made English, by Richard Graham, Viscount Preston, F. Svo. L., 1695 In Topica Ciceronis, M. Svo. Basilece, Hen. Petrus, 1531 Opera Omnia. " D. Wyttenhach " {liev. Mr. Bree, York, 1 800), fol. Basilece, Hen. Petrus, 1570 A Voice from the Dead : or the Speech of an Old Noble Peer : being the . . Oration of Boetius to the Emperour Theodoricus, C. 4to. L., 1681 (Hector) Scotorum Historise, fol. Lausannce, F. L. Preux, 1574 Bogatzky (K. H.) Tagliches Hansbuch der Kinder Gottes. {Mr. Wm. Gray, 1870), 2 vols., 4to. Halle, 1839 Bogue (D.) and Bennett (J.) History of Dissenters, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1833 Bohemia : Newes from Bohemia. An Apologie made by the States of the Kingdoms of Bohemia . . Transl. by Wm. Philip, M. 4to. L. George Pur slow, 1619 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 56 Bohemia. Actus Coronationis Friderici com. Pal. E-heni et Elisabethae Britannige principis in regem & reginam Bohemise, 4to. Pragce, apud Dan. Carolidem, 1619 Friderici Bohemias regis Declaratio publica, 4to. 1619 Propositio quam S. Cses. Majestatis legatus Norimbergae fecit, 4to. ^ s. I. 1619 Eelatio nuperi itineris Jesuitarum ex regnis Bohemias et Un- gariae, 4to. Pragce, 1619 Brevis Causarum Conjectio quibus moti status regni Bohemias .... progresserunt, 4to. s. I. 1619 The Last Newes from Bohemia, M. 4to. s. I. 1620 Secretissima Instructio Gallo-Britanno-Batava Friderici V. com. Pal. data, 4to. 5. I. 1620 Falsse Originis Motuum Hungaricorum refutatio, 4to. Aug. Vindelic apud Saram Mangiam, 1620 De Summa rerum novissima Disceptatio . . . Evangelicorum adv. Catholicos coram Maximiliano com. Pal. 4to. Colonice, apud. Petr. Cholinum, 1620 Epistola Wenceslai Meroschwa Bohemi ad Jo. Traut de statu prassentis belli, 4to. s. I. 1620 -The Late Good Successe and Victory, which it pleased God to give to some of the King of Bohemia's forces, under the con- duct of the Prince of Anhalt, M. 4to. Middleburg, Abr. Schilders, 1620 Articles of the League made betweene Frederike, King of Bohemia . . . and . . Gabriel Prince of Hungaria & Transil- vania, M. 4to. s. l, 1620 The Manifest, or Declaration of his Sacred Imperial Majesty, M. 4to. s. l, 1620 A Most true Relation of the late Proceedings in Bohemia, Ger- many, and Hungaria, M. 4to. s. l, Dovt, 1620 A Letter written by a French Gent : of the King of Bohemia his Army : concerning the Emperour Ferdinand his Embas- sage into France, M. 4to. Flushing, 1620 Bohemias Regnum Electivum, that is, a Plaine and True Relation of the proceeding of the States of Bohemia, etc., M. 4to. 1620 Good Newes for the King of Bohemia, etc., M. 4to. 1622 The Pope's Complaint to his Minion Cardinals against the good successe of the Bohemians, M. 4to. s. a. ^ l- Bohringer (Fr.) Die Kirche Christi, 5 vols., 8vo. Zurich, 1842-51 Bohse (Aug.) Hand-buch, 8vo. Leipzig, 1697 Bohun (Edm.) Address to the Freemen, etc., of the Nation, F. 4to. L, 1683 Three Charares at the Quarter Sessions at Ipswich, >S^. 4to. X., 1693 Boileau (Jac.) Disquisitio Theologica de Sanguine Corporis Christi post Resurrectionem, 8vo. Parisiis, 1681 Boissonnet (M. L'Abb6) Dictionnaire des D^crets des diverses Congre- gations Romaines (from Migne's Series), S. 8vo. Paris, 1860 Bojardo (M. M.) see Apuleius. 56 CATALOGUE OF Bold, Bolde (Sam.) A Sermon against Persecution, 4to. L., 1682 An Examination of Dr. Comber's . . Use of Liturgies, C. 4to. L, 1696 (Thos.) Rhetorick restrained : or Dr. Gauden's Considerations of the Liturgy considered, C. 4to. L., 1660 [ ( )] The Duty of Christians with respect to Human Inter- pretations & Decisions, C. 8vo. L., 1717 Bolds (Rev. Mr.) The Sin and Danger of neglecting the Publick Service of the Church, C. 8vo. Coventry, 1745 Boleyn (Anne) Anne Boleyn. By Paul Friedmann, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1884 Bolingbroke (Lord) A Political Study and Criticism. By R. Harrop, 8vo. L., 1884 Bolron (Robert) The Papist's Bloody Oath of Secrecy, H. fol. L., 1680 Bolton (Robert) A Discourse about the State of True Happinesse, 4 to. L., Felix Kyngston, 1612 (Robert, Dean of Carlisle) Three Essays on the Employment of Time, C. 8vo. L., 1756 (Sam.) Fast Sermon before the House of Commons, March 25, 1646, C. 4to. L, 1646 (T. H.) The Tithe Acts, 8vo. L., 1886 Bona (Joann., Cardinalis) Opera Omnia, F. 3 vols. 8vo. Parisiis, 1677 Id., S. fol. Antwerpice, 1694 [Bonar (John)] Observations on the Conduct and Character of Judas Iscariot, C. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1752 Bonaventura (S.) Qusestiones super iv libros Sententiarum, F. 2 vols., fol. Lugd. Gallice, Jac. Sacon, 1515 Opera Omnia, F. F. 4 vols., fol. Moguntice, 1609 Bond (John, of Exeter) A Doore of Hope ; also, Holy and Loyall Activity, C. 4to. L., 1641 Fast Sermon before the House of Commons, March 27, 1644, C. 4to. L., 1644 (J. J.) Handy-Book for Verifying Dates, 8vo. L., 1866 Bonefidius (E. J.) Juris Orientalis Libri III., M. 8vo. Parisiis, Hen. Stephans, 1573 Bonet (Charles) Institution au Droit Eccl^siastique de France, 8vo. Paris, 1679 Bonifacius (VIII, Papa) Liber Sextus Decretalium, F. fol. Parisiis, 1561 (S.) Opera, ed. Giles, 2 vols. 8vo. L., 1844 Bonisannes (Ber.) Epitome in Universam . . . Thomse Aquinatis Summam, 8vo. Lugd., Jo. Junta, 1579 Bonnet (Louis) Le Miracle dans la Vie du Sauveur, 8vo. Paris, 1867 (M.) Conjectures on Future Happiness, translated, 8vo. York, A. Ward, 1785 Bononia (Joann. a) De Sterna Dei praedestinatione et reproba- tione, fol. Lovanii, ex. off. Ant. Maria Bergogne, 1554 Bonwicke (Ambr.) Life of j ed. by J. E. B. Mayor, 12mo. Cambridge, 1876 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 57 Booker (John) Mercurius Caelicus, or a Caveat against Naworth, or a New Almanack for 1644, G. 4to. X., s. a. Mercurio-Cselico-Mastix, or, An Anti-Caveat against John Booker, by G. Naworth, C. 4to. 1644 Bootius (Arn.) De Textus Hebraici Vet. Testament! certitudine, Large Paper ^ F. 4to. Parisiis, 1650 Boquinus (Petr.) Demonstratio Antichristianismi, M. 8vo. Genevce, Bust. Vignon, 1583 Borbonius (Nic.) Nugarum Libri VIII, Imp. 8vo. (1538) Borchardus. Descriptio Terrse Sanctae, etc. M. 4to. Magdeburgce, P. Donatus, 1587 Borrellus (Camillus) De Regis Catholici Prsestantia, F.F. fol. Mediolan% 1611 Borrhaus (Martinus) In Mosem Commentarii, M. fol. Basileoiy ex off. Jo. Oporini, 1555 In Sac ram Josuse, Judicum . . . Historiam Commentarius, M. fol. Basilece, id. 1557 Borromeus (S. Carolus) Homilise, 6 vols. fol. Mediolaniy 1747-8 Avis donnez aux Confesseur, 8vo. Paris, 1679 Life and Times of, by C. A. Jones, 12mo. L., s. a. Bosco (Joann. a) Floriacensis Vetus Bibliotheca, E. 8vo. Lugduni, 1605 Bosius (Ant.) Historia Passionis S. Cecilise, " Jo. Pricceus," F. 4to. Eomce, 1600 Boskhierus (Phil.) Ara Cseli sen Concionum de Honorario a Magis . . Jesu . . oblato Decades tres, F.F. 8vo. Duaci, 1606 Monomarchia Jesu Christi . . Conciones tres, 8vo. ibid., 1607 Orbis Terror, sen Concionum de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum Libri II, F.F. 8vo. Col. Agr. 1610 Codrus Evangelicus, seu Concionum . . de Passione Domini Notse, M. 8vo. Duaci, 1612 Bosschaerts (Willibr.) Diatribse de primis Veteris Frisiae Apostolis, 4to. Mechlinece, 1650 Bossewell (John) Workesof Armorie, 4to. L., Henrie Ballard, 1597 Bossius (Hier.) Isiacus de Sistro, " Jo. Pricceus," F. 8vo. Mediolani, Jo. Angel. Nana, 1522 De Romana Toga Commentarius, " Jo. Primus," F. 4to. Ticini, 1614 Bossuet (Jacques) Sermon presch6 a Couverture de I'Assembl^e G6nerale du Clerge de France, 4to. Paris, 1682 Conference avec M. Claude . , . sur la Mati^re de Tfiglise, 8vo. ibid., 1682 Trait6 de la Communion sous les deux Especes, 8vo. ibid.,1682 A Pastoral Letter to the New Catholics of his Diocese, 4to. 1686 Histoire des Variations des figlises Protestantes, 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1688 Defense I'histoire contre la R^ponse de M. Basnage, 8vo. ibid., 1691 Bossuet and his Contemporaries (by H. F. Lear), 8vo. L., 1880 Bosworth (Jos.) Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, Da. 8vo. L., 1838 58 CATALOGUE OF Botany. Phytologia Britannica, F. 8vo. L(mdin% 1650 Botero (Giovanni) Relationi Universali, 4to, M. In. Venet. Nic. Polo, 1597 Delia Ragione di Stato, Libri dieci. Con tre Libri delle cause della grandezza delle Citta, M. 8vo. Feneiia, Gioliti, 1598 Amphitheatridion, M. 4to. Lubecce, 1600 1 Prencipi, con le Aggionte Alia Ragion di Stato, 8vo. Fenetia, 1601 Relations of the most famous Kingdoms and Commonwealths. Transl. by R. T., F. 4to. Z., 1630 Botfield (Beriah) A Tour through Scotland. {The Auth(yr, 1830), 8vo. Pr. pr., Norton Hall Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England. {The Author, 1849). 8vo. Pr. pr., i., 1849 Stemmata Botevilliana. {The Author, 1858). 4to. Pr. pr., Westminster, 1858 Praefationes et Epistolse Auctorum Veterum. {The Author, 1861). 4to. Pr.pr., Cambridge, 1861 [Boucherus] De Justa Henrici III Abdicatione e Francorum regno, M. 8vo. Lugd., Joann. Pillehotte, 1591 Boudot (Paulus) Pythagorica M. Antonii de Dominis, Archiepiscopi nuper Spalatensis, M. 8vo. Antwerpice, 1617 Bouhours (D.) see Ignatius Loyola. Bouillart (Jacques) Histoire de L'Abbaye Royale de Saint Germain des Prez, fol. Paris, 1724 Bouix (D.) Tractatus de Jure Liturgico, >S'. 8vo. ibid., 1873 Boulaese (Joh.) Tabula Chronographica ab Adamo ad Christum, fol. Franco/, ad Mcen, 1575 Boulter (Archbp.) Letters, C. 2 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1769 Bouquet, see France. Bourdaloue, (Euvres de, 6 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1850 Bourdin (M.) Des Liturgies Fran(^aises en g^n^ral, et de la Liturgie Normande en particulier, aS'. 8vo. ibid., 1856 Bourget (Joh.) History of the Royal Abbey of Bee, 8vo. L, 1779 Bourgogne (Philippe, Due de) Les Particularitez de la Naissance, 4to. Tours, 1682 Bourne (H. Fox) English Merchants, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1866 English Newspapers, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1887 (Immanuel) The Rainebow, or a Sermon preached at Paul's Crosse, June 10, 1617, 4to. Z., 1617 The true way of a Christian to the New Jerusalem, ilf. 4to. Z.,1622 Assize Sermon at Derby, 4to. L., 1623 Boutell (Charles) Monumental Brasses of England, 8vo. L., 1849 Sepulchral Monuments in England and Wales, 8vo. L., 1854 Heraldry : Historical and Popular, 8vo. L., 1863 Arms and Armour in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, 8vo. L., 1874 Bouvier (Jacques le) The Recovery of Normandy from the English in 1449. Transl. From the Collectanea Adamantaea, L. P. and pr.pr. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Edinb., 1887 YORK MINSTEE LIBRARY. 59 Boverius (Zach.) Demonstrationes Symbolorum verse et falsae Re- ligionis, fol. 2 vols. 1617 Bovillus (Car.) Qusestionum Theologicarum Libri VII, M. fol. In cBd. Ascens. 1513 Bovio (Zefiricle Thomaso) Fulmine contro De' Medici Putatitii Rationali, 4to. Verona, 1592 Bower (Archibald) Affidavit in Answer to the False Accusation by the Papists, C. 8vo. L., 1736 (Wm.) The Eemarkable Case of Wm. Bower of York, con- victed for the robbery of Mr. Levit Harris, a School-boy at Scorton, B. 8vo. York, John Jackson, 1744 Bowes (J. L.) Japanese Marks and Seals, and Ceramic Arts in Japan, 2 vols. 8vo. L., 1881-2 Bowles (Edw. of York) The Mysterie of Iniquity, C. 4to. L., 1643 The Duty and Danger of Swearing : opened in a Sermon preached at York, February 3, 1655, the day of Swearing the Lord Maior, Da. 4to. York, Thos. Broad, 1655 (W. L.) and Nichols (J. G.) Annals of Lacock Abbey, 8vo. L,, 1835 Bowman (Wm. Vicar of Dewsbury) A Visitation Sermon at Wake- field, June 25, 1731, B. 8vo. L., 1731 His Visitation Sermon Versified by Chr. Crambo, Esq. 3rd ed. B. 8vo. L., 1731 Grub Street versus Bowman. An Answer to the Vicar of Dewsbury's late Sermon, B. 8vo. L., 1731 A Sermon occasioned by reading Mr. Bowman's Visitation Sermon, by Philanthropos. York, Thos. Gent, 1731 A Eeply to the Rev. Mr. Bowman's Letter to the Inhabitants of Dewsbury. By a Layman, C. 8vo. L., 1740 Bownd (Nic.) Sabbathum Veteris et Novi Testamenti, or the true Doctrine of the Sabbath, M. 4to. L., 1606 Bowtell (J.) A Defence of the 55th Canon, &c. F. 8vo. ^ L., 1710 Boxhornius (Hen.) Commentarii de Eucharistica Harmonia, 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1596 Boyce (Thos.) The Quaker's Cruelty, Deceit, and Wickedness, C. 4to. L., 1678 Boyle (Hon. Robert) Experiments touching the Spring of the Air, &c. F. 4to. L., 1662 Dialogus Physicus de natura aeris, F. 4to. L., 1662 Hydrostatical Paradoxes, F. 8vo. Oxford, 1666 Origo Formarum & QuaHtatum, F. 8vo. Oxonii, 1669 Tractatus (Bev. C. B. Norcliffe, 1886), 12mo. L., 1670 Id. 12mo. L.y 1672 Id. 12mo. . . L., 1676 Exercitationes de Atmosphseris Corporum Consistentium, 12mo. Lugd. Bat., 1676 Works, with Life, 6 vols., 4to. L., 1772 A Collection of the Sermons preached at the Lecture founded by him from 1691 to 1732, 3 vols., fol. L., 1739 Boyne(Wm.) Yorkshire Tokens, 4to. Fr. pr., Headtngley, 1859 The Yorkshire Library (Mr. J T. Leather, 1869), 4to. L., 1869 60 CATALOGUE OF Boxhornius (Hen.) Commentarii de Eucharistica Harmonia, 8vo. Liigd. Bat. Jo. Paetsius and Dan. Elzevir, 1595 Bozius (Thos.) De Robore Bellico, 8vo. Col. Agr., 1594 De Imperio Virtutis, ilf. 8vo. ibid., 1594 De Italiae statu antique et novo, F. F. Svo. ibid., 1595 De Jure Status, M. Svo. ibid., 1600 Bozzius (Fr.) De Temporali Ecclesise Monarchia et Jurisdictione, M. Svo. Col. Agr., 1602 Bracciolini (Fr.) Dello Scherno degli Dei, con la Filide civettina, Svo. Milan, 1625 Braddock (Major Gen.) Account of his Expedition to Virginia, C. Svo. L., 1755 Bradford (S.) Unanimity and Charity the Characters of Christians : a Sermon, F. Svo. 1709 Bradley (John, Preb. of York) A Sermon . . preached in the Parish Church of St. Michael le Belfrey's . . occasioned by the erection of the Charity School, B. 4to. L., 1706 Id. with a different title, B. 4to. L., 1706 (Thos., Preb. of York) A Sermon preach't in the Cathedrall . . in Yorke on the 23 of Aprill last . . the Coronation day, 4 to. York, Alice Broade, 1661 A Sermon ad Clerum : at the Visitation of the Dean and Chapter, holden, the 19th November, 1662, by Acceptus Lord Archbishop of York, F. 4to. Ym^k, S. Bulkley, 1663 A Sermon preached in the Minster of Yorke at the Assizes . . 30th March, 1663, 4to. York, Alice Broade, 1663 Cesar's Due : A Sermon preached in the Minster of Yorke at the Assizes, Aug. 3, 1663, by way of Recantation of some passages in his former Sermon, 4to. York, Alice Broade, 1663 Nosce-Teipsum. Two Assize Sermons at Yorke, 1667-8, 4to. Y(yrk, Stephen Bulkley, 1668 Elijah's Nunc Dimittis : the Author's Own Funeral Sermon, 4to. York, Stephen Bulkley, 1669 Id., 4to. York, Stephen Bulkley, 1670 Bradshaw (Henry) The Holy Lyfe and Historye of St. Werburgh, imp., 4to. L., B. Pynson, 1521 Henry, Memoir of, by G. W. Prothero, C. Svo. L., 1888 The Bradshaw Society, Publications of, Svo. L., 1891, c^c. (Wm.) Humble Motives for Association to maintaine Religion Established, Svo. s. I 1601 [ ]A Treatise of Divine Worship, M. Svo. s. I 1604 A Protestation of the King's Supremacie, M. 12mo. 5. I. 1605 [ ]A Treatise of the Nature and Use of Things Indifferent, M. Svo. s. I. 1605 [ ]Twelve Generall Arguments proving that the Ceremonies im- posed upon the Ministers of the Gospel in England are unlawful, M. Svo. s. I. 1605 English Puritanisme : containing the maine Opinions of the Puritanes, M. Svo. s. I. 1605 A Plaine and Pithy Exposition of the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, published by Thos. Gataker, 4to. L., 1620 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 61 Bradshaw (Wm.) A Meditation on Man's Mortalitie, published by Thos. Gataker, C. 8vo. L., 1621 A Preparation to the Receiving of Christ's Body and Bloud, , 10th ed., 8vo. L, 1636 Several Treatises of Worship and Ceremonies, C. 4to. L., 1660 Bradwardine (Tho., Archbp. of Canterbury) De Causa Dei contra Pelagium, M. fol. Londini, 1618 Brady (Robert) An Introduction to the Old English History, fol. L, 1684 (W. M.) The Episcopal Succession in England, Scotland and Ireland, A.D. 1400-1875, 3 vols., 8vo. Borne, 1876-7 Bragge (Fr.) Practical Discourses upon the Parables, F. 8vo. L., 1704 Braithwaite (Richard) Astrea's Teares, an Elegie upon the death of Sir Richard Hutton, Knt. 8vo. L., 1641 Barnabae Itinerarium, ed. Hazlewood and Hazlitt, L. P. 2 vols., 8vo. Pr.pr., L, 1876 Bramhall (Archbp. John, Preb. of York). [ IThe Serpent Salve, R 4to. 1643 [ ]Id. Da, 4to. York, Stephen Bulkley, 1643 A fair Warning to take heed of the Scotish Discipline, F. 4to. 1649 An Answer to M. de la Militiere his impertinent dedication to the King of Great Britain, F. 8vo. The Hague, 1654 The Defence of true Liberty from Antecedent and Extrinsecall Necessity, 8vo. L., 1655 A Replication to the Bishop of Chalcedon his Survey of the Vindication of the Church of England from Criminous Schism, 8vo. L., 1656 Castigations of Mr. Hobbes his last Animadversions : with autogr. '■'For Sir Edward Nicholas, ex dono authoris," 8vo. L., 1658 The Church of England defended in the Consecration and Suc- cession of Protestant Bishops, D. 8vo. Graavenhagh, 1658 Id. 8vo. The Hague, 1659 Schisme garded, and beaten back upon the right owners, 8vo. Gravenhagh, John Ramzey, 1658 Vindication of himself . . . from the Presbyterian Charge of Popery, 12mo. L., 1672 The Rawdon Papers . . Letters. . to and from Dr. John Bramhall, 8vo. L., 1819 (Wm., Rector of Goldsbrough) The Loyal Subject : A Sermon preached in St. Peter's, in York . . at the Summer Assizes, July 13, 1668, F. 8vo. York (S. Bulkley), 1668 Bramston (A. R.) and Leroy (A. C.) Historic Winchester, England's First Capital, 8vo. B, 1882 (Sir John, and other Judges) Articles of Accusation against, a 4to. 164:1 Brand (John) History and Antiquities of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2 vols., 4to. L., 1789 Popular Antiquities, 8vo. L., 1810 Branden (Geo.) Super Concordats inter Sanctam Sedem Apostolicam etinclitam nationem Germanise Collectanea, 8vo. Col Agr., 1600 62 CATALOGUE OF Brandinus (Sybald) Vaticinium de imminente Eccl. et Politici Status mutatione, 4to. Christopoli, 1612 Brandmyller (Joann.) Condones Funebres, M. 8vo. Basilece, 1596 Brandolinus (L. A.) De Humanae Vitse Conditione, M. 8vo. Paris, F. Morell, 1562 Brandon (Jo.) Everlasting Fire no Fancy, C. 4 to. L., 1678 Brandt (Gerard) The History of the Reformation in and about the Low Countries, fol. L., 1720-1 (Sebastian) Stultifera Navis : The Ship of Fooles ; transl. by Alex. Barclay, M. fol. L., Jo. Cawood, 1576 Branteghem (Guill. de) Enchiridion, compluscula eorum quae in Veteri Testamento traduntur, picturis expressa, continens, M. 8vo. Antwerpice, Sim. Coquus, 1535 Brantius (Bern.) Examen Quadripertitum, 8vo. Francofurti, 1610 Brassavolus (A. M.) De Medicamentis, F. F. 8vo, Tiguri, Andr. Gessner, etc., 1555 Braun (J. G. J.) Coramentatio de Culdeis, 4to. Bounce, 1840 Bray (Thos.) Funeral Sermon at St. Clement's Danes for Mr. John Dent, C. 4to. L., 1709 Usurpation and Persecution, with M. Perrin's History of the Waldenses and Albigenses, fol. L., 1712 (Thos.) Sermon before the University of Oxford, C. 8vo. Oxford, 1761 An Account of the Designs and Associates of the late Dr. Bray (The Provision of Parochial Libraries, and the Conversion of the Negroes), 8vo. L., 1767 Braybrooke (Richard Lord) The History of Audley End, 4to. L, 1836 Bray ley (E. W.) and Britton (J.) History of the Palace, &c. at Westminster, 8vo. L., 1836 Bredenbachius (Matthias) In Ixix Psalmos priores Commentaria, F. F. fol. Color).ice, 1560 Bredwell (Stephen) The Rasing of the Foundations of Brownisme, imp. 4to. L., Jo. Windet, 1588 Breirly (Roger, of Grindleton in Craven) A Bundle of Soul Con- vincing . . . truths, 8vo. L., 1677 Bremen (Adam of) Historia Ecolesiastica, M. 4to. Lugd. Bat., F. Baphalengius, 1595 Brendan (St.) Acta : ed. Bp. Moran (Fresn. copy), S. 8vo. Dublin, 1872 Brenius (Dan.) Breves inVetus et Novum Testamenta Annotationes, D. fol. Amst., 1664 Brentius (Joann.) Commentarii et Homiliae in Exodum, &c., 7 vols., fol., M. Franco/., Hcer. P. Brubachii, 1545-71 De Poenitentia Homiliae xxv, M. 8vo. Franco/., 1557 Explicatio Jonae Prophetse, M. 8vo. ibid., 1566 In Epistolam ad Hebraeos . . Commentarius, M. 8vo. TiibingoB, 1571 Brereley (John) The Protestant's Apologia for the Roman Church, 4to. s.l, 1608 The Liturgie of the Masse, 4to. Printed at Colen, 1620 Luther's Life, 4to. St. Omer's, /or J. Heigham, 1624 i YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 63 Brerewood (Edw.) De Ponderibus et pretiis Veterum Nummorum, 4to. ^ L., John Bill, 1614 Enquiries touching the Diversity of Languages and Religions, 4to. id.lQU Id., 4to. id. 1622 Id., F. 8vo. Z., 1674 Elementa Logicse, 12mo. L., ex off. Stationariorum, 1621 Id., 8vo. Oxon. 1668 A Learned Treatise of the Sabaoth, F. F. 4to. Oxford, J. Lichfield, 1636 Id., 2nd ed., 4to. id. 1631 B(reton) N(ich.) Strange Newes out of divers Countries, 0. 4to. L., 1622 Brett (Thos.) A Letter to the Author of " Lay Baptism invalid," 8vo. L., 1711 The Christian Altar & Sacrifice, C. 8vo. X., 1713 The Divine Right of Episcopacy, 8vo L., 1718 A Collection of the principal Liturgies used in the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist, F. 8vo. L., 1720 Breviarium — Aberdonense, ed. for the Bannatyne Club, 2 vols. 4to. L., 1854 Ambrosianum, 2 vols., 8vo. Mediolani, 1760 Ad usum Frr. et Monialium Ordinis Eremitarum S. Augustini, B. 4 vols., 8vo. Fenetiis, 1801 Tir6 du Romain, accommod^ a I'usagedes religieuses Hospitalieres de la Misericorde de J6sus, de I'Ordre de S. Augustin, 8vo. Paris, 1691 Baionense (Bayonne), 4 vols., 16mo. Lugduni, 1845 Monasticum pro omnibus sub Regula S. P. Benedicti militanti- bus, S. 2 vols., 8vo. ^ 1711 Rev. Patrum Ord. S. Benedicti de Observantia per Germaniam . . nuper in Egmundensi monasterio . . castigatum, B. 8vo. 1521 ad usum congreg. S. Mauri, Ord. S. Benedicti, in Gallia, 4 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1787 Bituricense (Bourges), 4 vols., 8vo. Avarici Biturigum, 1783 ad usum Frr. Minorum S. Francisci Capuccinorum, 8vo. Bomce, 1870 Ordinis Frr. et Sororum B. M. V. de Monte Carmeli, Pars Hyemalis, 8vo. Fenetiis, 1757 Id. Both parts, B. 2 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1762 Sacri Ordinis Cartusiensis, 2 vols., 8vo. Gratianopoli, 1757 Cisterciense, 2 vols., 8vo. Parisiis, 1754 Eboracense. Pars Hyemalis, F. imp. 8vo. Parisiis, F. BegnauU, 1526 Id. F. imp. 8vo. Id. Sanctorale (ex Breviario), F. 8vo. Romanum ad usum Ord. S. Francisci, no title and several leaves wanting, 12mo. Parisiis, in off. Jolandce Bonhamini vidua Thielmannt Kerver, 1539 Romanum, ad usum trium Ordinum S. P. Francisci, 12mo. Lutetice Paris., 1669 64 CATAXOGUE OF Breviarium. Br^viarie a I'usage de la Confr^rie des Penitents Blancs de Saint Laurent de Grenoble, S. 8vo. Lyons, 1850 Marianum, aS^. Svo. Ilerdce, 1859 Parisiense, S. 4 vols., Svo. Paris, 1736 Id. {Mr. JV. Gray, 1870), 4 vols., Svo. ibid., 1836 Romanura, F. 12mo. Parisiis, Thielman Kerver, 1502 Id. F. {With many entries in the Calendar of the Vavasors of Spaldington), 4to. Parisiis, Nic. Higman, 1519 Pii Quinti, M. Svo. Parisiis, Jac, Kerver, 1583 Id. M. Svo. id., 1584 Ex deer. Cone. Tridentini, 12mo. Antw., Chr. Plantin, 1585 Id. F. 4 vols., Svo. Parisiis, 1676 Id. S. 4 vols., Svo. Bellovad, 1830 B. R a Cardinal! Quignonio editum, ed. J. W. Legg, Svo. Cantabr., 1888 Rotomagense (Rouen), 4 vols., Svo. Rotomagi, 1728 Portiforium seu Breviarium ad usum insignis Ecelesiae Sarum, F., Svo. Parisiis, Thielm. Kerver, 1524 Id. Pars ^stivalis, F. F. 4to. Parisiis, F. Regnault, 1535 Id. F. 2 vols., Svo. Londini, s. n., 1555 Id. Pars Hyemalis, Svo {Samuel Smith, York, 1736). Two eopies. Parisiis, G. Merlin, 1556 Id. ed. Procter and Wordsworth, S. 2 vols., Svo. Gamb. 1879-82 Br6viaire tire du Romain, accommod6 a I'Usage des Religieuses Ursulines, Svo. Malines, 1866 Brevint (Dan.) Missale Romanum, or the depth & mystery of Roman Mass laid open, F. Svo. Oxford, 1672 The Christian Sacrament and Sacrifice F. Svo. ibid., 1673 Saul and Samuel at Endor ; or the New Waies which tempt Men to Rome, Svo. ibid., 1674 Brewer (J. S.) The Athanasian Origin of the Athanasian Creed, Svo. L., 1872 English Studies: ed. Wace, Svo. L, 1881 Brewster (John) History of Stoekton-upon-Tees, 4to. Stockton, 1796 Lectures on the Acts of the Apostles, B. Svo. L., 1807 Brez (Guy de) The Rise, Spring, & Foundation of the Anabap tists, translated by J. S., C. 4to. Cambr. 1668 Bridge (Wm.) Fast Sermon before the House of Lords, Oct. 28, 1646, C. 4to. L., 1647 Bridger (Chas.) Index to Printed Pedigrees, Svo. L., 1867 Bridges (John, Bp. of Oxford) A Defence of the Government estab- lished in the Church of Englande, M. 4to. L, John Windet, 1587 Novum Testamentum in Hexametros Versus translatum, Svo. L., 1604 (Wm.) The Loyall Convert, C. 4to. L., 1644 (Wm., Preb. of York) Christianity no Enthusiasm, in answer to Thomas Ellwood, F. Svo. L., 1678 Bridgewater, Aquipontanus, (Joann.) Confutatio Virulentas Disputa- tionis Theologicse in qua Georgius Sohn, Professor Academise Heidelbergensis, conatus est docere Pontificem Romanum esse Anti-Christum, M. 4to. ibid., 1589 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 65 Bridgewater (John) Concertatio Ecclesise Catholicse in Anglia adversus Calvino-Papistas et Puritanos, M. "a traiterous book found in Mr. Shelley's house in Trin. Lane" MS. note, 8vo. Aug. Trev., 1583 Bridgewater Treatises, by Bell, Buckland, Chalmers, Kidd, Kirby, Prout, Roget, Whewell, 11 vols., Svo. v. y. Bridoul (F.) The School of the Eucharist established upon the Miraculous respects . . rendered by Beasts, Birds and Insects to it. (Transl. by Dr. Clagett), C. 4to. L., 1687 Brigges (Hen.) Table des Logarithemes, F. Svo. Goude, 1626 Briggs (Jos. Vicar of Kirkburton) Catechetical Exercises, F. 8vo. Cambridge, 1696 Catholick Unity, and Church-Communion, Svo. L., 1704 'Bright (Timothy, Rector of Methley) A Treatise of Melancholie, Da. Svo. ^ L., T. Vautrollier, 1586 Characterie. An Arte of shorte, swifte and secrete writing by Character. Repr. 1888, 12mo. L., J. Windet, 1588 A Treatise on the Sufficiencie of English Medicines, Da. Svo. L., 1615 see Foxe (John). (Wm.) History of the Church, A.D. 313-451, 2nd ed. Svo. Oxford, 1869 The Canons of the first four General Councils, and Notes on them, 2 vols., Svo. Oxford, 1877-82 Chapters of Early English Church History, Svo. Oxford, 1878 Notes on the Canons of the first four General Councils, Svo. Oxford, 1882 Brightman (Thos.) Apocalypsis analysi et scholiis illustrata, M. 4to. Francofurti, 1609 A Revelation of the Revelation, 4to. Amsterdam, 1615 Brigitta^ Birgitta (Sancta) Revelationes et Vita, fol. Impressit Bartholomeus Ghotan Lubiensis, 1492 Brinsley (John) The Preacher's Charge : a Sermon, C. 4to. L., For R. Bird, 1651 The Healing of Israel's Breaches, a Sermon, C. 4to. L., 1642 Church Reformation . . Foure Sermons at Great Yarmouth, H. 4to. L., 1643 The Sacred and Soverai^ne Church-Remedie, no title, C. 4to. L., 1645 The Araignment of the present Schism of New Separation in Old England, C. 4to. L., 1646 Stand still : a Sermon at Yarmouth, C. 4to. L., 1647 Bristol (City of). A true Relation of the Storming of the City by Sir Thomas Fairfax, B. 4to. L., 1645 A Declaration of Prince Rupert, with a Narrative of the State of the City and Garrison when he came thither, B. 4to. L., 1645 The Cry of Blood . . a Declaration of the Lord arising in those people of the City of Bristol who are scornfully called Quakers, and of their Sufferings, C. 4to. L-, 1656 Characters at the Hot Wells at Bristol and at Bath m 1723, 4to. L., 1724 66 CATALOGUE OF Bristol (John, Earl of) His Speech in Parliament concerning an Acco- modation, May 20, 1642, B. imperfect, 4to. 1642 Bristow (Richard) Demaundes to be proponed of Catholiques to the Heretikes, 8vo. Antwerp, Lud. de Winde, 1576 A Reply to Fulke, in defence of M. D. Allen's Scroll of Articles & Booke of Purgatorie. " R. Neale et Amicoi'um" M. 4to. Lovaine, Jo. Lion, 1580 A Briefe Treatise of divers plaine and sure waies to finde out the Truth — containing sundrie worthy motives unto the Catho- like faith, 8vo. Antwerp, 1599 Britaine (W. de, pseudonym) The Dutch Usurpation, S. 4to. L., 1672 Britannia, Great Britain, see England. Britannus (Bonifacius) Antidotus contra Lutherismum, 8vo. Paris, Guil. Chaudiere, 1565 " British Magazine. The first 16 volumes, 8vo. L., 1832, etc. British Museum. Catalogue of English-printed Books prior to 1640, 3 vols., 8vo. L, 1884 Catalogue of Seals, Vol. I, ed. by Birch, 8vo. L., 1887 Britton. A Treatise upon the Common Law of England, composed by order of Edward I, ed. F. M. Nichols. Da. 2 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1865 (John) The History and Antiquities of the Metropolitical Church of York, 4to. L, 1819 Essay on RedclifFe Church, Bristol (Canon J. E. Jackson, 1889), 8vo. L., 1843 Brixianus (Jo. Fr.) see Benedict (St.) Brocardus (Bonaventura) Palaestina seu Descriptio Terras Sanctae. F. 8vo. Col. Agr., 1624 (Jac.) In tres Libros Aristotelis de Arte Rhetorica Paraphrasis, M. 8vo. Paris, Jac. Dwpuys, 1549 In Apocalypsim, tio title, M. 8vo. Brochmand (Caspar) Systema Theologise, D. fol. Francofurti, 1658 In . . Jacobi Epistolam Comraentarius, D. fol. Ibid., 1658 BrockhofF (L. E. D.) Die Kloster-Orden der heiligen Katholischen Kirche, S. 8vo. Frankfurt a M., 1875 Broeckerus (F. Jo. F. H.) Antidotum Errorum in Tractatu de Deo Conradi Vorstii, M. 4to. Amstel, 1612 Brokesby (Fr., Rector of Rowley) History of the Government of the Primitive Church for the first Three Centuries, 8vo. L., 1712 Bromley (Sir Geo.) Collection of Royal Letters, 8vo. L., 1787 Brook (B.) see Cartwright (Thos.) Brooke (Chr. of York) and Browne (Wm.) Two Elegies consecrated to the never-dying Memorie of . . . Prince Henry, 4to. L.,Pr.hyJ.S., 1613 (Ralph) A Discoverie of certaine Errours in the much com- mended Britannia, 1594, M. 4to. s. I. (1596 1) (Robert, Lord) A Discourse opening the nature of that Episco- pacie which is exercised in England, 2nd ed., 4to. L. 1642 (Sir Robert) La Graunde Abridgement, F. fol. Londini in ced. R. Tottell, 1576 (Thos.) Catalogue of his Library. {Pres. by Mr. Brooke, 1891), 2 vols., 8vo. Pr.p\,L., 1891 YOEK MINSTER LIBRARY. 67 Brooke (W. S.) Six Judgments of the Privy Council in Ecclesiastical Cases, 1850-72, S. 8vo. L., 1874 The Public Worship Regulation Act, with Notes, aS'. 8vo. L.] 1875 Brooks (Jonathan) Antiquity ; or, the Wise Instructor, 8vo. York, K McJcson, 1773 Brough (Barn.) An Account of the Life and Death of Mrs. Sarah Brough, 8vo. Leeds, Jas. Bowling, 1781 [ (Wm.)] Sacred Principles, Services and Soliloquies. (With the autograph of Br. Henry Hammond), 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1652 The Holy Feasts and Fasts of the Church, F. 8vo. L., 1657 Broughton (Hugh) A Letter to a Friende, touching Mardochai his Age, 4to. Imj)r. for G, S. & W. W,, 1590 Id. 4to. L., Will. White, 1612 A Concent of Scripture, 4to. X., Gabr. Simson & Wm. Wliite (1590) Textes of Scripture chayning the Holy Chronicle untyll the Sunne lost his lyght, etc., 4to. L., for Gabriell Simson & W. White, 1591 A Treatise of Melchisedek, proving him to be Sem. 4to. L., id., 1591 Letters to the Queen, the Bp. of London and the University of Oxford on Dr. Reynolds' Objections to the " Concent of Scrip- ture," 4to. 1591 An Apologie in Briefe Assertions defending that our Lord died in the time properly foretold to Daniel, 4to. L., Wm. Kearney, 1592 Daniel, his Chaldic Visions and his Ebrew, both translated after the Original, 4to. L., Richd. Field, 1596 The Graces of Daniel (a Part of the last Treatise, but a different Edition), 4to. A Request to the Archbishop of Canterbury to call in a Corrup- tion of a late English Commentation upon Daniel, 2 leaves, 4to. An Epistle to the Learned Nobilitie of England, touching Trans- lating the Bible, 4to. Middelhurgh, Richard Schilders, 1597 An Explication of the Article . . of our Lorde's soules going from his body to Paradise, 4to. " W. Herbert." 1599 Master Broughton's Letters . . answered in their kind, 4to. L, John Wolfe, 1599 Declaration of Generall Corruption of Religion, Scripture and all Learning ; wrought by D. Bilson, 4to. 1603 An Apologie to my Lorde Treasorer : touching a Speach uttered unto his Lordship by my Lord of C, 4 leaves, 4 to. s. a. An Advertisement of Corruption in our Handling of Religion, 4to. 1604 Two little Workes defensive of our Redemption, 4to. 1604 A Replie upon the R. R. F. Th. Winton for Heads of his Divinity in his Sermons and Survey. (With autograph and MS. notes of Henry Jacob), 8vo. s. I., 1605 A Comment upon Coheleth or Ecclesiastes : framed for the instruction of Prince Henri, our hope. (John Auki'ey's copy, with his autograjph), 4to. 1605 F 2 68 CATALOGUE OF Broughton (Hugh) Two Epistles unto Great Men of Britanie, in the year 1599. Kequesting them to put their neckes unto the work of theyr Lord; to break the bread of the soule unto the hungry Jewes, etc, 2nd ed., 4to. 1606 A Petition to the Lords to examine the Religion and Carriage of D. Ban(croft) Archb(ishop), 8vo. 1608 Principal Position for Groundes of the Holy Bible, 4to. 1609 A Revelation of the Holy Apocalyps, 4to. 1610 A Require of Agreement to the groundes of Divinitie Studie, M. 4to. 1611 A Declaration unto the Lordes, of the Jewes desire these fiftene yeres for Ebrew Explication of our Greke Gospell, hindered by a brase of wicked, selly D.D., 4to. December, 1611 (John) Psychologia : or, an Account of the Nature of the Rational Soul, F. 8vo. Z., 1703 [ (Richard)] The First Part of the Resolution of Religion, M. 4to. s. /., 1603 A true Memorial of the Ancient and Religious State of Britain, F. 8vo. 1650 (Thos.) An Historical Dictionary of all Religions, fol. Z., 1745 Browerus (Chr.) and Masenius (Jac.) Antiquitates et Annales Tre- virensium, 2 vols., fol. Leodii, 1670 Brown (C., of Norton) Itinerarium Sacrse Scripturse, Da. 8vo. York, Thos. Gent, 1748 Id. 2nd ed., 8vo. ' L., 1751 (Edw.)Fasciculus Rerum Expetendarum, F. 2 vols., fol. L., 1690 A Sermon . . before the . . Society of the Natives of the County of Kent, a 4to. L., 1699 Brown (Geo.) Toleration Defended, F. 4to. s. l, 1763 (John) Quakerisme the pathway to Paganisme, C. 4to. Edinburgh, 1678 The Life of Justification opened, 4 to. s. L, 1695 (Richard) Sermon before the University of Oxford, C. 8vo. Oxford, 1741 (Robt.). See Charles I. Browne (Abr.) Assize Sermon at Winchester, Feb. 24th, 1623, 4to. L., 1623 (E. G. K.) Annals of the Tractarian Movement from 1842 to 1860. 3rd ed. 8vo. X., 1860 (E. H., Bp.) Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles. 8th ed. 8vo. L., 1868 (John) History of the Metropolitan Church of St. Peter, York, 2 vols., 4to. L., 1847 (Peter, Bp. of Cork and Ross) Sermons, 2 vols. 8vo. L., 1749 (Ric.) Sermon before the Univ. of Oxford, Oct. 12, 1740, C. 8vo. Oxf., 1741 (R.) An Answere to Master Cartwright his Letter for joyning with the English Churches, C. 4to. L., s. a. (R. Master of a School in York) The English School Reformed, Da., 8vo. L., 1727 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 69 Brown (Robert) see Charles I. (Sir Thomas) Religio Medici, F. 8vo. L., 1678 Posthumous Works, F. 8vo. L., 1712 (Thos.) Conciones ad Clerum, F. 8vo. Cantabr., 1688 (Thos.) The Story of the Ordination of our Bishops in Queen Elizabeth's reign, at the Nag's Head, examined, F. 8vo. L., 1731 Brownell (T. C.) The Family Prayer Book ; or the Book of Common Prayer of the American Church, with a Commentary, 8vo. New York, 1855 Browning (John) Sermons, F. 4to. L., 1636 Brownists. See Anabaptists, Johnson (F.), and Lawne (C.) Bruce (J. Collingwood) The Roman Wall, 2nd ed. C. Roach Smith' s copy, with letters of the author, etc. inserted, and notes, 8vo. L., 1853 The Bayeux Tapestry elucidated, 4to. L., 1856 Hand-Book to Newcastle-on-Tyne, L. P. 4to. L., 1863 Rock Markings on Stone found in Northumberland, etc. {Duke of Northumberland, 1884). Pr. pr., 4to. L., 1869 Hand-Book to the Roman Wall. L. P. 3rd ed. 4to. Neivcastle, 1885 (Robert) Sermons upon the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, M. 8vo. Edinburgh, R. Waldegrave (1590) Id., with altered title, 8vo. L., 1614 Bruen (John, of Bruen-Stapleford, co. Chester) a Faithfull Remon- strance of his Holy Life and Happy Death. By Wm. Hinde, 8vo. L., R. B. 1641 Brueys (D. A.) Examen des Raisons qui ont donn6 lieu a la Separation des Protestans, 8vo. Paris, 1683 Brugsch Bey. History of Egypt, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1879 Bruin (Geo.) Civitates Orbis Terrarum, 2 vols, in 1, fol. Colonice, 1579 Brunellus (Jo.) Tractatus deDignitate et Potestate Legati, etc. 4to. i Parisiis, 1519 Brunet (Jacque Ch.) Manuel du Libraire, 7 vols., 8vo. Parisiis, 1820-34 Brunfelsius (Otho) Theses Rei Medica), " Gul Mountius," F.F. 8vo. s. a. & I. Precationes Biblicse, F.F. 8vo. Argent. Jo. Schottus, 1537 Pandectse Scripturarum Veteris et Novi Testamentorum, M. 8vo. Basilece, 1557 Bruns, see Canons. Brunton (Alex.) Sermons and Lectures, B. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1818 Brunus (Conrad) De Legationibus, &c., M. fol. Moguntice, F. Behem, 1548 De Seditionibus, M. fol. ibid., 1550 Admonitio Catholica adversus Historiam Ecclesiasticam Matthiae Illyrici, &c., M. 8vo. Dilingce, Sebald Mayer, 1565 Bruno (Giordano) Life of, by Isabel Frith, 8vo. L., 1887 (Henr.) Archidiaconus, sive de Archidiaconorum Dignitate et Officiis, S. 8vo. Rothomagi, 1659 (Joann., Scotus) In Benedictiones XII Patriarcharum Commen- taria, M. 8vo. Venetiis, apud L. B. Colosinum, 1604 70 CATALOGUE OF Brunus (Leon. Aretinus) Libri x Moralium Aristotelis Latitie versi, &c. E. fol. Parisiis, ex off. S. Colinceiy 1535 -Libellus de duobus amantibus, Guiscardo et Sigismunda filia Tancredi, ex Boccaccio transfiguratus, 4to. s. I. & a. In Libros Morales Aristotelis Isagogicon, 4to. 5. /. & a. (Vine.) Meditationes in septem prsecipua Festa Beatse Virginis, &c., F. F. fol. Col. Agr., ex off. Birckmannica, 1598 Brusonius (L. D.) Facetiae, M. 8vo. Lugd., apudAnt. Fincentium^ 1560 Bryant (Jacob) Observations and Enquiries relating to various parts of Ancient History, 4to. Cambridge, 1767 A new System ; or an Analysis of Ancient Mythology, 3 vol., 4to. L., 1775-6 A Treatise upon the Authenticity of the Scriptures, B. Svo. Cambridge, 1793 Observations upon some difficult Passages of Scripture, B. 4to. L., 1803 Four Passages of Scripture elucidated, abridged from Bryant, by F. Wrangham, Di. Svo. s. a. Bryce (Jas.) The Holy Eoman Empire. 7th ed., 8vo. L., 1880 Bucanus (Guil.) Institutiones Theologicse, 8vo. Genevce, 1612 Bucchio (Ger.) Esposizione sopra I'Orazione di Gieremia Prof eta, e sopra il Cantico di Zaccheria, M. 4to. Fiorenza, Bart. Sermartelli, 1573 Esposizione sopra il Cantico di Zaccheria, Benedictus Dominus, &c., 4to. ibid., 1573 Liber Aureus, inscriptus Liber *Conformitatum Vitse Beati et Seraphici Patris Francisci ad Vitam Jesu Christi, M. fol. Bononice, apud Alex. Benatinum, 1590 Bucerus (Gers.) Dissertatio de Gubernatione Ecclesise, F. F. 4to. Middleburgi Zeland, Simon Moulert, 1618 (Martinus) Scripta duo Adversaria Barth. Latomi et M. Buceri de dispensatione Sacramenti Eucharistise, M. 4to. i Argent, Wind. Rihelius, 1544 De Concilio, ^^ Jacobi Calfhilli Liber." M. 4to. Argent, ex off. Knoblochiana, 1545 De Vera et falsa Coense Dominicse Administratione, M. 4to. Neuburgi Danubii, Jo. Kilianus, 1546 Liber Psalmorum cum familiari Explanatione, Aretio Felino autore, M. fol. Basilece, Jo. Hervagms, 1547 In Sacra Quatuor Evangelia Enarrationes : item in Psalmos, librum Judicum, &• Sophoniam Propheticam, M. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Parisiis, Rob. Stephans, 1553-4 De Eegno Christi Jesu . . ad Edvardum VI script. M. fol. Basilece, Jo. Opminus, 1557 Metaphrasis et Enarratio in Epistolas D. Pauli ad Eomanos et Ephesios, M. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Basilece, P. Perna, 1562 Scripta Anglicana, D. fol. ibid., 1577 Supplicatio ad Imperatorem . . super causis Generalis Concilii convocandi contra Paulum V, M. 4to. L., Bonham Norton, 1613 De vera Ecclesiarum in doctrina, ceremoniis, et disciplinis Reconciliatione et Compositione, M. 4to. s. a. & I. YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 71 Buchanan (Claudius) Two Discourses preached before the Univer- sity of Cambridge, etc. B. 8vo. Cambridge, 1811 An Apology for Promoting Christianity in India, Pres. copy, B. 8vo. X., 1813 A Brief View of the State of the Colonies of Great Britain in respect of Religious Instruction, Pres. copy, B. 8vo. L., 1813 (George) Ane Admonition direct to the trew Lordis mantenaris of the Kingis Graces Authoritie, M. 8vo. /. Daye, London, 1571 De Maria Scotorum Regina totaque ejus contra Regem conjura- tione . . Historia, M. 8vo. s. l, (1571) Rerum Scoticarum Historia : item De Jure Regni apud Scotos Dialogus, M, fol. Edinhurgi, A. Arhuthnot, 1583 Id. 8vo. Francofurti, Jo. Wechel, 1584 Poemata, F. 24mo. Lugd. Bat. in off. Elzevir, 1628 Bucherus (S. F.) Thesaurus Orientis {Mr. Wm. Gray, 1870), 4to. Francofurti, 1725 Bucholcerus (Abr.) Isagoge Chronologica, M. 8vo. Francofurti ad Oderam, in off] Jo. Eichorn, 1577 Chronologia, M. 8vo. In off. Sanctandreana, 1594 Buck (Sir G.) see James I. Buckeridge (John, Bp. of Ely) Sermon at Hampton Court, Sept. 23, 1606, a 4to. L., R. Barker, 1606 De Potestate Papse in rebus Temporalibus, M. 4to. L. ex off. Norton, 1614 A Sermon preached before the King, 1617, touching Prostra- tion and Kneeling in the Worship of God, etc. F. 4to. L., 1618 Buckingham (Geo. 2nd Duke of) the Declaration of the D. of Buck- ingham and others, F. 4to. L., 1648 His Speech in the House of Lords, Nov. 16, 1675, 4to. Amsterdam, 1675 A Conference on the Doctrine of Transubstantiation between . . the Duke of Buckingham, and Father Fitzgerald, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1714 Catalogue of his Pictures ; with his Life by Brian Fairfax, Esq., Da. 4to. L., 1758 Buckler (J.) Account of the Royal Palace at Eltham, 8vo. L., 1828 Buckman (J.) & Newmarch (C. H.) Illustrations of Roman Art at Corinium (Cirencester), 4to. Pres. copy. , L., 1850 Buclseus (Gul.) Arithmetica Memorativa, 12mo. s. a. & I. Budseus (Gul.) De Asse et partibus ejus, M. fol. In chalcograph. A seen., 1524 Annotationes in Pandectas, M. 8vo. Colonice, Jo. Soter, 1527 Commentarii Linguae Grsecse, F. fol. Ex. chalcogr. Jo. Badii Ascens., 1529 Id. M. fol. Parisiis, R. Stephanus, 1548 Epistolse Gr^caj, Latine factse, D. 4to. Parisiis, 1574 (Guil.) De Curandis Articularibus Morbis Commentarius, " Gul. Mountius," F.F. 8vo. Paris, P. Regnaidt, 1539 Bugenhagius (Joann.) Jonas Propheta Expositus, M. 8vo. Wittenhergce, Fit Creutzer^ 1550 72 CATALOGUE OF Bugg (Fr.) The Pilgrim's Progress from Quakerism to Christianity, C. 4to. Z., 1698 Buggs (Sam.) The Midland Soldier, a Sermon preached at Coventry, with a Speech delivered to the King by Dr. Holland, 4to. L., 1622 Buhle (T. G.) Calendarium Palsestinse (Economicum {Rev. J. Kenrick), 4to. Gottingce, 1785 Bulkeley, Bulkley (Charles) Notes on the Philosophical Writings of Lord Bolingbroke, C. 8vo. L., 1755 (Edward) An Answere to ten frivolous and foolish reasons set downe by the Ehemish Jesuits and Papists in their Preface be- fore the New Testament, M. 4to. Lond. impens. G. Bishop, 1588 An Apologie for Eeligion, 4to. X., Felix Kingston, 1602 (Peter, of Concord, in New England) The Gospel Covenant, D. 4to. L., 1646 Bull (Bp.) Opera Omnia Latine conscripta, Large Paper, Fol. L., 1703 The Opinion of the Catholic Church, etc. transl. by Eev. T. Rankin, Curate of Huggate {The Translator, 1826), 8vo. L., 1825 Bullarium Laertii Cherubini, 4 vols., fol. Romce, 1617 S. Ordinis Cluniacensis, fol. Lugd., 1686 Lateranense, sive Collectio Privilegiorum canonicis S. Augustini congreg. Lateranensis concessorum, fol. Bomce, 1727 Magnum Bullarium Eomanum, 19 vols, in 11, fol. Luxemburgi, 1727-58 Bulley (F.) Tabular View of the Variations in the Communion and Baptismal Offices, 8vo. Oxford, 1842 BuUingerus (Hen.) In D. Pauli ad Corinthios Epistolas, 8vo. Tiguri, Chr. Froschov., 1534-5 Adversus omnia Catabaptistarum prava Dogmata, {with autogr. of Archhp. Cranmer), M. 8vo. id., 1535 Commentarii in Evangelia, Acta App. & omnes Apostolorum Epistolas, M. 3 vols. fol. ibid., 1537-49 Eesponsio ad Joan. Cochlsei de Canone Script. & Cath. Eccl. Auctoritate libellum, M. fol. ibid., 1544 Antithesis et Compendium Evangelicse et Papisticae Doctrinae, M. 8vo. 1551 [ ]A Treatise of the Cohabitacyon of the faithfull with the un- faithfuU, M. 8vo. s. L, 1555 In Apocalypsin Conciones, M. Basilece, Jo. Oporinus, 1557 Festorum Dierum Jesu Christi Sermones Ecclesiastici, M. fol. Tiguri, Chr. Froschov., 1558 Id., F.F. fol. ibid., 1569 Sermonum Decades Quinque, M. fol. ibid., 1562 Fundamentum firmum, M. 8vo. ibid., 1563 Eepetitio et dilucidior Explicatio Concensus . . Christi Ecclesise, etc. M. 8vo. ibid., 1564 Homilise in Isaiam, Jeremiam, et Danielem, M., 3 vols., fol. ibid.. 1565-75 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 73 BuUingerus (Hen.) De Origine Erroris, etc. M. fol. ibid., 1568 De Scripturse Sanctse praestantia, etc. M. 8vo. Tigurij 1571 Responsio ad Septem Accusationis capita quae Tiguringe ecclesiae ministris objiciuntur, M. Tiguri, Chr. Froschov., 1578 Apologia Ministrorum Tigurinorum a D. Andrea defensa, M. 8vo. %wn, 1575 Ad Jac. Andrese Suggestionem Eesponsio, 8vo. Tiguri, 1575 In Epistolas Apostolorum Commentarii, etc. M. fol. Tiguri, s. I. Bunderius (Joann) Compendium Concertationum in quo omnes hujus sseculi hsereses confunduntur, M. 8vo. Antwerpice, in ced. Jo. Steelsii, 1555 Compendium Eerum Theologicarum quae hodie in Controversia agitantur, M. 8vo. Farisiis, 1559 Bungener (L. P.) History of the Council of Trent, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1853 Saint Paul, 8vo. Paris, 1867 Bunny (Edmund, Preb. of York and Eector of Bolton Percy) — Institutionis Christianse Eeligionis a Jo. Calvino conscriptae Compendium, etc. 8vo. L., imp. Geo. Byshop, etc., 1576 A Booke of Christian Exercise apertaining to Eesolution . . by E. P. Perused . . by Edm. Bunny, 8vo. L., 1585 Id., E. 12mo. L., F. Kyngston, 1615 Id., 12mo. L., 1622 The Second Part of that Booke of Christian Exercise apper- tayning to Eesolution . . perused, 12mo. L., 1594 A Briefe Answer unto those idle and frivolous quarrels of E. P. against the late edition of the Eesolution, 8vo. L., John Charlewood, 1589 A Necessarie Admonition out of the Prophet Joel, M. 8vo. L., L. Robinson, 1588 Of Divorce for Adulterie, and marrying againe, 4to. Oxford, Jos. Barnes, 1610 Of the Head Corner Stone, by Builders still over much omitted. M. fol. s. l, 1611 (Francis, his brother, Preb. of Durham) an Answere to a Popish Libell intituled "A Petition to the Bishops, Preachers, and Gospellers lately spread abroad in the North partes," M. 8vo. Oxford, Jo. Barnes, 1607 An Exposition of the 28 verse of the third chapter of the Epistle to the Eomans, B. 4to. L., W. Stanshj, 1616 Bunsen (C. C. J.) Die Basiliken des Christlichen Eoms, S. 4to. Munchen, 1842 Hippolytus and his Age, 4 vols., 8vo. ^ L., 1882 Bunting (Hen.) Itinerarium Sacrse Scripturse . . done into English by E. B. M. 4to. L., 1609 Bunyan (John) Life of, by John Brown, 8vo. L., 1887 Burchardus (Joann.) Diarium, 8vo. ^ ^_ Florentice, 1854 Burgersdicius (Fr.) Institutionum Logicarum libri ii, F. 12mo. Cantabr., 1660 Burges (Cornelius) The Fire of the Sanctuarie newly uncovered, 12mo. L. Geo. Miller, 1625 74 CATALOGUE OF Burges (Cornelius) Fast Sermon before the House of Commons, Nov. 17, 1640, a 4to. L., 1641 Fast Sermon before the House of Commons, Nov. 5, 1641, a 4to. L., 1641 A Case concerning the Buying of Bishops' Lands, C. 4to. L., 1659 ' No Sacrilege nor sin to alienate or purchase Cathedral Lands, a 4to. L, 1660 Reasons shewing the necessity of Reformation of the publick Doctrine, Worship, etc., C. 4to. L., 1660 (John) An Answer . . to that . . Pamphlet ... "A Reply to Dr. Morton's General Defence of three Nocent Ceremonies," B. 4to. Z., A. MaWiewes, 1631 The Lawfulness of Kneeling in the Act of Receiving the Lord's Supper, D. 4to. L., id., 1631 Animadversions upon the Remonstrants' Defence against Smec- tymnus, 4to. X., 1641 Sermon before the Peers, 29 Oct. 1645, H. 4to. L., 1645 Burgess (Richard) Sermon at St. Michael-le-Belfrey, York, on the death of the Rev. John Graham, Di. 8vo. L., 1844 Sermon at the same church on the death of the Rev. James Richardson, sub-chanter of York Minster, Di. 8vo. L., 1851 Letter to Dr. Hook on his Plan for Education, Di. 8vo. L., 1846 [Burgess (Thos., Bp. of St. David's)] Reflections on the Contro- versial Writings of Dr. Priestley (Mrs. Finer Ellis, 1884), 8vo. Oxford, 1791 Life of, by J. S. Harford, 8vo. L., 1840 Burgh (Wm., of York, LL.D.) A Scriptural Confutation of the Arguments against the One Godhead of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, produced by the Rev. Mr. Lindsey in his late Apology, 2nd ed., 8vo. York, A. Ward; 1775 Id., 3rd ed., 8vo. York, A. Ward, 1779 The Harmony of Truth, addressed to Mr. L(indsey), B. 8vo. L., 1776 A Reply to the Author of the Remarks on Scriptural Confu- tation of Mr. Lindsey 's Apology, B. 8vo. L., 1776 An Inquiry into the Belief of the Christians of the first three Centuries respecting the One Godhead of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost {Presn. copy), 8vo. York, A. Ward, 1778 Burghley (Wm. Lord) The Execution of Justice in England for maintenance of publique and Christian Peace, 4to. s. I., 1583 L'Execution de Justice faicte en Angleterre.-.traduite en langue Fran9oise, 8vo. s. I., 1584 Scrinia Ceciliana ; or Letters from him ; a Supplement to the Cabala, Da. 4to. L., 1668 Burgo (Joann. De) Pupilla Oculi, M. fol. Parisiis, Wolfgang Hopylius, 1510 Burgon (Dean) Letters from Rome, 8vo. L., 1862 Lives of Twelve Good Men, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1888 Life of, by E. M. Goulburn, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1892 Burgus (Petr.) Marsveco-Germanicus, sive Rerum a Gustavo Adolpho Suecias Rege gestarum Libri III, 8vo. Col. Agr., 1641 YOEK MINSTEJR LIBRAHY. 75 Burlseus (Gualter) In Libros Ethicorum Aristotelis, M. fol. Fenetiis, Odav. Scotusy 1481 Super Artem Veterem Porphyrii et Aristotelis Expositio, " Liber Domini Roherti Strother, monachi Dunelmensis" with his notes, fol. Venetiis, Bernardin. de Tridino, 1485 Burm annus (Petrus) Sylloge Epistolarum a viris illustribus scrip- tarum (Heinsius, Lipsius, Grsevius, &c.), 5 vols., 4to., large paper. Leidce, 1727 Burn (J. S.) The Fleet Eegisters, 8vo. L., 1833 The History of the French, Walloon, and Dutch Refugees . . in England, 8vo. L., 1846 History of Parish Eegisters in England, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1862 The High Commission, 8vo. Z., 1865 The Star Chamber, 8vo. L., 1870 (Richard) Ecclesiastical Law, 4 vols., 8vo. L., 1767 The Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer, 4 vols., 8vo. Z., 1800 Id., ed. by Chetwynd, 5 vols., 8vo. L., 1825 Id., ed. by Chitty, 6 vols., 8vo. L., 1831 See Nicolson. (Robert) Rome and the Campagna, 4to. Cambr., 1876 Roman Literature and Roman Art, 8vo. L., 1888 Burne (Nicolas) The Disputation concerning the controversit Headdis of Religion halden in the Realme of Scotland . . . betwixt the pretendit Ministerris of the deformed Kirk of Scotland and Nicol Burne. M. who calls it, "a most virulent, and vile Treatise, or Libell infamous," 8vo. ImjJrented at P arise, 1581 Burnet (Gilbert, Bp. of Sahsbury) The History of the Reformation, F., 2 vols., fol. L., 1679-81 Id., B., 3 vols., fol. L., 1681-1753 Id., ed. N. Pocock, 7 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1865 [ ]An Enquiry into the Present State of Affairs, S. 4to. L., 1681 Id., C. 4to. L., 1689 Life of Sir Matthew Hale, 8vo. L., 1682 Reflections on Mr. Varila's History of Religious Revolutions, F. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1686 Pastoral Letter to the Clergy of his Diocese on the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, C. 4to. L., 1689 Six Papers, with an Apology for the Church of England, and an Enquiry into the Measures of Submission, G. 4to. L., 1689 A Representation of the dangers impending over Protestants before the coming of the Prince of Orange, 4to. 1689 Sermon before the House of Peers, Nov. 5, 1689, R. 4to. L., 1689 Life of Wm. Bedell, Bishop of Kilmore, 8vo. L., 1692 A Letter to the Bishop of Coventry and Litchfield concerning Harmer's Reflections upon his History of the Reformation, 4to. L, 1693 An Enquiry into the Measure of Submission to the Supreme Authority, 4to. ^ L., 1693 A Sermon before the Societies for the Reformation of Manners, 25th March, 1700, R, 4to. L., 1700 76 CATALOGUE OF Burnet (Gilbert) Reflections on a Book entituled The Rights .... of an English Convocation stated and vindicated, 4to. i., 1700 A Sermon preached before the Queen and the two Houses of Parliament, 1706, F. 8vo. Z., 1707 ■ An Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles, F. fol. Z., 1720 The History of His Own Time, 2 vols., fol. L., 1724 Burroughs (Edw.) The Visitation of the Rebellious Nation of Ireland, D. 4to. />., 1656 A Standard lifted up, and an Ensigne held forth to all Nations, D. 4to. ^ ^ L., 1658 A Presentation of Wholesome Informations unto the King of England, D. 4to. L, 1660 A Visitation and Presentation of Love unto the King, M. 4to. i., 1660 Burrow (Sir James) see Cromwell (Oliver). (Robert) Assize Sermon at York, July 20th, 1729, R. 8vo. L., 1729 Burrows (Montagu) Worthies of All Souls, 8vo. L., 1874 Parliament and the Church of England, 8vo. X., 1875 The Family of Brocas, 8vo. L., 1886 Burton (Alfred) Rushbearing, 4to. Manchester^ 1891 (Edward) Lectures on the Eccl. History of the first Three Cen- turies, 2 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1831-3 History of the Christian Church, 12mo. i., 1836 Burton (Henry, a native of Birdsall, E. R. Y.) A Censure of Simonie, 4to. L. W. Stansby^ 1624 A Plea to an Appeall : traversed Dialogue wise, C. 4to. L., W. /., 1626 The Baiting of the Pope's Bull, 4to. Z., 1627 A Tryall of Private Devotions, C. 4to. Z., ^. for M. S., 1627 Israel's Fast : a Meditation on Joshua, C. 4to. L., 1628 Truth's Triumph over Trent, 4to. L., 1629 Babel no Bethel, 4to. 1629 The Law and the Gospell reconciled, 4to. L., 1631 Id., H. . L, pr. by I. N., s. a. An Apology, or an Appeaie from the Proceedings lately made in the name of some Commissioners for Causes Ecclesiasticall, a 4to. Z., 1636 Id., 4to. 5. Z., 1636 For God and the King. The Summe of two Sermons, C. 4to. Z., 1636 A Divine Tragedie lately acted (against Sabbath breakers), H. 4to. 1636 Id., 4to. s. I 1641 Jesu- Worship confuted. Da. 4to. L., Divine & Poll tike Observations, 4to. Z., 1637 England's Bon dage and Hope of Deliverance, a Sermon, 4to.X., 1641 The Sounding of the two last Trumpets, C. 4to. L., 1641 A Narration of the Life of H. B., H. 4to. L., 1643 A Vindication of Churches commonly called Independent, H. 4to. L., 1644 YOEK MINSTER LIBRARY. 77 Burton (Henry) A Vindication of Churches commonly called In- dependent. 2nd edition, H. 4to. X., 1644 The Grand Impostor (Archbp. Laud) unmasked H. 4 to. s.^., 16 44-5 Vindicise Veritatis : Truth Vindicated against Calumny (Dr. BastwicJc), H. 4to. L., 1645 Truth shut out of Doores, &c., 4to. L., 1645 The Doore of Truth opened . . or . . how Mr. Burton shut himself out of the Church doors of Aldermanbury, C. iio.L., 1645 Truth still Truth, though shut out of Doores, a reply to " The Doore of Truth opened," H. 4to. Z., 1645 Conformitie's Deformity : a Dialogue between Conformity and Conscience, C. 4to. X., 1646 (John, D.D.) The Genuineness of Lord Clarendon's History of the Eebellion Vindicated, fol. Oxford, 1744 Sermon for the London Charity Schools, C. 4to. L., 1759 (John, of York, M.D.) British Liberty Endangered, Da. 8vo. i., 1749 An Account of what passed between Mr. George Thompson, of York, and Dr. John Burton, Da. 8vo. L., 1756 Monasticon Eboracense, fol. Z., 1758 (Richard) Wars in England, Scotland and Ireland, 4to. Repr., Westminster, 1810 (Richard) and Drake (F. T.) Unexplored Syria, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1872 Etruscan Bologna, 8vo. i., 1876 ^The Gold Mines of Midian, 8vo. L., 1878 The Land of Midian Revisited, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1879 Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Meccah and Medinah. 3rd ed., 8vo. L., 1879 (Wm.) The Rowsing of the Sluggard : in Seven Sermons, 8vo. i.,1634 see Alstedius. (Wm.) see Antoninus. (Wm.) Description of Leicestershire. 2nd ed., fol. Lynn, 1777 Bury (Richard de, Bp. of Durham) Philobiblon . . Ed. Tho. James, M. 4 to. Oxonice, Jos. Barnes, 1599 Busseus (Joann.) Panarion, hoc est Area Medica ad versus Animi Morbos, F. F. 4to. Moguntim, apud Jo. Albinum, 1608 Viridarium Christianarum Virtutum, F. F. 4to. ibid., 1610 Id., F. 4to. Moguntice, ibid., 1612 Enchiridion Piarum Meditationum in Omnes Dominicas, F. 8vo. Lutet. Paris., Matthew Renault, 1638 Busbequius (Aug. G.) Legationis Turcicse Epistolse IV., M. 8vo. Farisiis, ex off. Plantin, 1595 Buschius (Jo.) Chronicon Canonicorum Regul. . . capituli Winde- semensis ; et Chronicon Montis S. Agnetis, auctore Thoma a Kempis, 8vo. Antwerpice, Petr. & Jo. Belleri, 1621 Butler (A. J.) The Ancient Coptic Churches of Egypt, 2 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1884 (Chas.) Rhetoricse Libri II, F. F. 4to. L., 1629 Id., F. 8vo. . Ln 1667 78 CATALOGUE OF Butler (Chas.) Oratorise Libri II, F. F. 4to. '^ Oxonii, 1629 The ]£nglish Grammar, F. 4to. Oxford, 1633 (Chas.) The History of Bees, 8vo. i., 1704 Account of the Confessions of Faith. Presn. copy to Archdn. Wrangham, C. 8vo. L., 1816 (John) Sermon at St. Paul's before the Sons of the Clergy, May, 1754, 4to. X., 1754 (Joseph, Bp. of Durham) Fifteen Sermons preached at the Eolls Chapel, &c., 8vo. L., 1749 Primary Charge at Durham, 1751, 4to. Durham, I. Lane, 1751 Id. 2nd ed., with Preface by Bp. Halifax, 8vo. L., 1786 The Analogy of Eeligion, 8vo. L, 1765 Id. Abridged by F. Wrangham. ^^ From the Authm\" Di. 8vo. Pr.pr., 1820 Works of, 2 vols., 8vo. Oxf, 1849 Some Remains of. Ed. Steere, 8vo. i., 1853 Memoir of, by Thos. Bartlett. Presn. copy to the Bp. of Victoria, 8vo. L., 1839 Butterworth (John) Concordance of the Holy Scriptures. Ed. Clarke, 8vo. Z., 1812 Buxtorfius (Cerlacus) Dissertatio Historico-Juridica in XVII priora Aurese Caroli IV BuUse capita, 4to. Basileo', 1613 (Joann.) Synagoga Judaica, M. 8vo. Hanovice, 1604 Thesaurus Grammaticus Linguae Sanctae Hebraicse, F. 8vo. Basilece, 1629 Concordantise Bibliorum Hebraicae, &c., B. fol. Basilece, Lud. Konig, 1632 Lexicon Chaldaicum, Talmudicum, et Rabbinicum, B. fol. ibid., 1639 Tiberias, siveCommentariusMasorethicus triplex, 4to. ibid., 1665 Byam (Henry) A Returne from Argier : a Sermon at Minehead, Somerset, C. 4to. L., 1628 Byfield (N.) The Principles, or, The Patterns of wholesome Words. 6th ed., 12mo. L., J. Dawson, 1637 Byrd (Wm.) Psalmes, Sonets, and Songs of sadnes and pietie, 4to. L., T. East, 1588 Id., 4to. L., Thos. Snodham, 1611 Liber primus Sacrarum Cantionum, 4to. L., ibid., 1589 Liber secundus Sacrarum Cantionum, 4to. L., ibid., 1591 Gradualia ac Cantiones Sacrae, 4to. L., ibid., 1605 see Tallis. Bythner (Vict.) Lyra Prophetica; sive Analysis Critico-practica Psalmorum, F. 4to. L., 1650 Id. (Exors of J. Jarratt, preb. Ebor., 1891), 4to. L., 1653 Byzantine Historians. Byzantinae Historiae Scriptores Varii, 27 vols, in 24, fol. Venetiis & Lipsice, 1729-51 C.A. see Champnaeus, Champney (Anth.) C.G.B. Plots, Conspiracies and Attempts of Domestick and For- raigne Enemies of the Romish Religion, against the Princes... of England, Scotland and Ireland, C. 4to. L., 1642 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 79 C.P.D. see Du Moulin. C.E. see Cleaver (Robert). The Protestant's plaine Confession that the Roman Church is the true Church, 8vo. 1645 Several choice Prophecyes of Dr. Martin Luther, 4to. L., 1666 C.S. (Preacher at B. F.) England's Covenant proved lawfull and necessary, 4to. i., 1643 C.V. L'Harmonie du Monde, ou il est trait6 de Dieu, et de la Nature- essence, 8vo. Paris, 1671 C.W. see Blackwell, &c.. Coward (Wm.), and Crashaw (Wm.) Decimarum et Oblationum Tabula, 4to. Z., 1635 Id., F. 4to. i., 1662 The History of the Commons' Warre of England, from 1640 to 1662, F, 8vo. Z., 1662 Clavis Calendaria, or the Liturgy-Calendar, F. Svo. Z., 1700 Cabala, Mysteries of State, C. 4to. i., 1654 Scrinia Sacra... A Supplement of the Cabala, 4to. X., 1654 Id., F. fol. ^ i., 1663 see Birkenhead (Sir John) and James I. Cade (Anth.) A Justification of the Church of England (Presn. copy to "aS'w* Thos. Hutchensorij sometime his beloved schoUer, now his much honoured frende "), C. 4to. L., 1630 Csedmon, Metrical Paraphrase of the Holy Scriptures, in Anglo- Saxon, ed. Thorpe, Svo. L., 1832 Des Angelsachsen Biblische Dichtungen, ed. Bouterwek, 2 vols., S. 8vo. Elherfeld and Iserlohn, 1849-50 Cseremoniale. Marcelli (Chr.) Libri HI Rituum Ecclesiasticorum, fol. • Venet. Greg, de Gregoriis, 1516 Id., 8vo. Colon. Agr., Hcer. Am. Birckman, 1558 Csesar (C. J.) Commentarii, M. 8vo. Lugd., Bartol. Vincentius, 1575 Opera, F. fol. Francofurti, 1606 Notse in Commentarios, F. 4to. ibid., 1606 Opera, ed. Jos. Scaliger, F. 24mo. Amstel, 1675 De Bello Gallico, &c., ed. Oudendorpius, 4to. Lugd. Bat, 1737 (Sir Julius) Life of, by Edmund Lodge, 4to., L. P. London,^ 1810 Csesius (Matt.) Queremonia et Judicium de Eccl. Disciplina J. Dominici, Galli, 8vo. 1567 Caius (J.) De Antiquitate Cantabrigiensis Academise, M. Svo. L. A. Bynneman, 1568 Cajetanus (Tho., Cardinalis) Commentarii in Novum Test., fol. Sub p'celo Ascens., 1532 Enarrationes in Parabolas Salomonis...Opusculum de Con- jugio regis Anglise cum relicta fratris sui, M. Svo. Petrus Galterus, 1545 Calamy (Edmund) The Pulpit Incendiary ; or, the Divinity and Devotion of Mr. Calamy... in their Morning Exercises, 4to. 1648 An Abridgement of Mr. Baxter's History of his Life and Times, with a Continuation, 4 vols., Svo. L., 1713-27 Account of his own Life, B. 2 vols., Svo. L., 1829 Calce (Johann.) De Principe, De Majestate, ac Privilegiis ejus, M. 8vo. Francofurti, 1600 80 CATALOGUE OF Calder (Robt.) The Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence, 1st and 2nd editions, C. 4to. Z., 1693 Calderwood (David) Perth Assembly, C. 4to. s. /., 1619 Altare Damascenum, seu Politia Ecclesise Anglicanae obtrusa Ecclesise Scoticanae, etc., F. 4to. 1623 see Scot (P.) -(Mrs., of Polton) Letters and Journals, 8vo. Edink, 1884 Calendar. Calendarium, seu Ephemeris Historica, 8vo. s. /., 1570 The Eeformed Kalendar, or an Essay towards altering our Julian Kalendar, F. 8vo. i., 1701 Calentius (Eliseus) Epistolse ejus et Phalaridis, 4to. s. I. & a. Calepinus (Ambr.) Dictionarium Latinum, M. fol. Basilece, Hieron. Curio, 1542 Calf hill (Jas.) An Aunswere to the Treatise of the Crosse (by John Martiall), Pres. copy, with Latin verses by the author, M. 4to. L., H. Denham, 1565 Callimachus. Hymni, 4to. Basilece, Froben, 1532 Id., " /o. Fricceus," F. fol. Parisiis, H. Stephanus, 1577 Id., "/o. PriccBUS," F. 8vo. Antwerpim, Chr. Plantin, 1586 Id., ed. Ernesti, 8vo. Lugd. Bat, 1761 Callistratus, see Nicephorus. Calmet (Aug.) Commentaire littoral sur tous les Livres de I'Ancien et du Nouveau Test., 9 vols., fol. Paris, 1724-6 Dictionnaire Historique, Critique, &c., 4 vols., fol. ibid., 1730 Calver (Edw.) Passion and Discretion in Youth and Age, F. 4to. Z., 1641 Calvert (James, of York) Naphtali, seu Colluctationes Theologicae... de reditu Decem Tribuum, &c., 4to. L., 1672 (Thos., Minister of the Word at York) The Blessed Jew of Marocco, or a Blackmoor made white. Da. 8vo. York, Thos. Broad, 1648 Mel Coeli, Medulla Evangelii, or the Prophet Isaiah's Crucifix... delivered in Week-day Lectures in the City of York, 4to. L., Thos. Pierrepont, 1657 Heart-salve for a Wounded Soul ; and Eye-salve for a Blind World, 2nd ed., 12mo. L., 1675 Calves Head Club, see Ward (Edward). Calvin (John). Calvinism — Institutio Christianas Religionis, fol. Argent. W. Rihelius, 1539 Id., see Bunny (Edm.). Articuli a facultate S. Theologise Parisiense determinati . . cum Antidoto, 8vo. 1544 Defensio sanse et orthodoxse Doctrinse de Sacramentis, M. 8vo. Tiguri, 1555 II Catechismo con una brieve dichiaratione et allegatione delle autorita della S. Scrittura, 8vo. Giov. Bat. Pinerolio, 1566 Thirteene Sermons of Maister John Calvine . . translated into Englishe by John Fielde (Thos. Walker, 1878), 8vo. L., 1579 Institutionis Christianse Religionis Epitome, M. 8vo. Herbornce, Chr. Corvinus, 1586 Catecheses Religionis Christianse, 8vo. Genevce, 1609 YORK MINSTEK LIBRARY. 81 Calvin (John) Opera Omnia, D. 9 vols., fol. Amstelodami, 1667-71 A Discourse of Theodore Beza, containing the Life and Death of M. John Calvin, Da. 8vo. (1564 ?) Vita, per Hieron. Bolsecum, M. 8vo. Colonice, 1580 Pr6jugds Legitimes contre les Calvinistes, 8vo. Paris, 1686 Calvinus (Joannes, Wetteranus) Lexicon Juridicum, F. fol. Genevce, 1622 (Justus) Apologia pro Sacrosancta Catholica Eom. Ecclesia, piaque ejus ad earn transmigratione, M. 8vo. Moguntice, 1601 Cambridge (University of) — See Caius, Fuller, James (T.), Loggan. (Estates of) A Declaration of the Lords and Commons concern- ing the Estates . . of the University of Cambridge, C. 4to. L, 1643 Graduati Cantabrigienses, 1659-1823, 8vo. Cantabr., 1823 Id., 1760-1856, 8vo. Cambridge, 1856 (Libraries and Colleges of) Catalogue of the MSS. in the University Library {2'he University, 1871), 7 vols., 8vo. ibid., V. y. Documents relating to St. Catherine's College. Collected by H. Philpott, 8vo. ' ibid., 1861 Catalogus Librorum MSS. in Bibliotheca Coll. C.C. in Can- tabrigia quos legavit M. Parkerus, F. fol. L., 1722 Letters, Statutes, etc., from the Library of Corpus Christi Coll. ed. J. Lamb, 8vo. L., 1838 Catalogue of MSS. in the Library of Gonville and Caius Coll., 8vo. Cambr., 1849 Admissions to G. and C. College, ed. Venn, 8vo. L., 1887 The Ancient Laws of King's College, Cambridge, and Eton College. Collected by Hey wood and Wright, 8vo. L., 1850 Catalogue of MSS. and scarce Books in the Library of St. John's Coll. ed. Cowie, 4to. ibid., 1843 Admissions to St. John's College, ed. J. E. B. Mayor, 8vo. Cambr., 1882 Founders and Benefactors of St. John's College, Cambridge. By A. F. Torry, 8vo. Cambr., 1888 See Baker (Thos,). Catalogue of Library of Queen's Coll. (Archdeacon Hey, 1855), 2 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1827 Index of English Books printed before 1500 in the Library of Trinity College, ed. Cranwell, Da. 8vo. ibid., 1847 See Hartshorne (C. E.) and Halliwell (J. O.). Poems, etc., by Members of the University on Great Occasions— Academise Cantabrigiensis Lachrymae tumulo . . D. Philippi Sidneii sacratae per Alex. Nevillum . . . 4to. L., ex off. Jo. Windet, 1587 Threno-thriambeuticon Academiae Cantabrigiensis, ob damnum lucrosum, et infelicitatem felicissimam, luctuosus triumphus, F.F. 4to. Cantab., ex. off. Jo. Legat, 1603 Epicedium Cantabrigiense in obitum . . Henrici . . Principis Wallise, 4to. Cantab., ex off'. Cantr. Legge, 1612 G 82 CATALOGUE OF Cambridge (University of) Memorise Sacra . . . Principis Henrici . . Laudatio Funebris Fr. Nethersole, Oratoris Acad. Cant. 4to. Cantab, ex off. Cantr. Legge, 1612 Lacrymse Cantabrigienses : in obitum Serenissimse Reginse Annse, 4 to. ibid., 1619 Gratulatio Academise Cantabrigiensis de Serenissimi Principis reditu ex Hispaniis exoptatissimo, F.F. 4to. ibid., 1623 " Oratio qua auspicatissimum Sereniss. Principis Caroli reditum ex Hispania celebravit (Georgius Herbert, Orator Publicus), D. 4to. Cantabr., 1623 Epithalamium . . Caroli Regis et Henriettse Marise Reginse Magnse Britannise, F.F. 4to. Cantab., C. Legge, 1624 Cantabrigiensium Dolor et Solamen : seu Decessio . . Regis Jacobi Pacifici : et Successio Regis Caroli, F.F. 4to. ibid., 1625 Genethliacum . . . Caroli et Marise a Musis Cantabrigiensibus celebratum, 4to. Cantabr., 1631 'Anthologia in Regis Exanthemata, F.F. 4to. Cantab., ex Acad. Typogr., 1632 Ducis Eboracensis Fasciae, 4to. Cantabr., Th. Buck and R. Daniel, 1633 Rex Redux, F.F. 4to. Caniabr., ex Acad. Typogr., 1633 Carmen natalitium ad cunas illustrissimse Principis Elizabethse, F.F. 4to. ^ ibid., 1635 ^YNOAIA, sive Musarum Cantabr. concentus . . de quinta sua sobole, 4to. ibid., 1637 Voces Votivse . . . pro novissimo Caroli & Marise Principe Filio emissse, F.F. 4to. Cantab., R. Daniel, 1640 Irenodia Cantabrigiensis : ob paciferum Serenissimi regis Caroli e Scotia reditum, 4to. {Cantabr.), ex off. Rogeri Daniel, 1641 Musarum Cantabrigiensium Luctus et gratulatio in funere Oliveri Anglise . . . Protectoris, et de Ricardi Successione, 4to. Cantab., 1658 Academiae Cantabrigiensis SO^TRA, sive ad Carolum II. reducem . . gratulatio, 4to. ibid., 1660 Lacrymse Cantabrigienses in obitum . . Henriettse Caroli Primi . . . filise, Ducissse Aurelianensis, 4to. ibid., 1670 Hymenseus Cantabrigiensis, 4to. Cantabr. ex off. Joann. Hayes, 1683 Msestissimse ac Lsetissimse Acad. Cant. Affectus, decedente Carolo II, succedente Jacobo II, 4to. ibid., 1684-5 Musse Cantabr Wilhelmo et Marise . . . regi ac reginse . . . d. d., 4to. ibid., 1689 Lacrymse Cantabrigienses in obitum Serenissimse Reginse Marise, 4to. Cantabr., 1694-5 Epicedium Cantabrigiense in . . Georgium augustissimse reginse Annse conjugem . . rei Navalis et Maritimse Prsefectum, fol. ibid., 1708 Academise Cantabrigiensis Carmina Funebria et Triumphalia (on death of Anne and Accession of George I), fol. ibid., 1714 Academise Cantabrigiensis Luctus in obitum . . Georgii I . . Regis, et Gaudia ob . . . Georgii II . . . successionem, fol. ibid., \1'21 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 83 Cambridge (University of) Academiae Cantabrigiensis Luctus in obitum Frederici . . Walliae Principis, fol. Cantabr., 1751 (Statutes of) Statuta qusedam Academise Cantabr. in admissione ad gradus, etc. F. 8vo ibid., 1684 Camden (Wm.) Britannia, 3rd ed. 8vo. Presn. copy from Camden to Sir John Savile, H. L., Impensis Geo. Bishop, 1590 Id., F. 4to. L., id. 1600 Id., M. fol. iUd. 1607 Id., ed. Gibson, 2 vols., fol. L., 1722 - — Id., ed. Gough, 4 vols., fol. L, 1806 Anglica, Hibernica,etc.,aVeteribusScripta, fol. Francofurti, 1602 Keges, Reginse, Nobiles, et alii in Eccl. Coll. B. Petri West- monasterii Sepulti, C. 4to. L., 1603 Remaines . . concerning Britaine, C. 4to. L., 1605 Id., F. 8vo. L., 1674 Institutio Compendiaria Grammat. Grsecse, F. 8vo. Hanovice, 1624 History of Queen Elizabeth, Da. fol. L., 1688 see England and Oxford Camden Society (Publications) The First Series, 4to. L., v. y. Twelve vols, of the Second Series . . . Camerarius (Barth.) De Jejunio, Oratione, et Elemosina Dialogi, M. 4to. Lutetice, M. Fascosanus, 1556 De Gratia et Libero Arbitrio, M. 4to. ^ Paris., ex typog. M. Davidis, 1556 (Joachim) Disputatio de . . Precibus, M. 8vo. Argent. . . . 1560 Chronologia Nicephori conversa in Latinum sermonem, F. fol. Basilece, Joan. Oporinus, 1561 (Phil.) Operse Horarum Subseci varum, sive Meditationes His- toricae, F. 4 to. Franco/., 1644 Camfield (Benj.) Of Episcopal Confirmation, F. 8vo. L., 1682 Sermon on Snows and Frosts, C. 4to. L., 1686 Camidge (C. J.) Sermon at All Saints' Pavement, York, on the death of Wm. Gray, Esq. Di. 8vo. L., 1846 Camilli (Camillo) Cinque Canti, 4to. Venetia, 1611 Campana (G. P.) Di due Sepolcri Romani scoverti tra la Via Latina e I'Appia presso la Tomba degli Scipioni Illustrazione, Presn. copy, 2nd ed. part 1, 4to. Foma, 1852 (Geo.) A Dissertation on Miracles, B. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1766 (John) Lives of the British Admirals, 8 vols., 8vo. L. P. Z., 1812 Campensis (Joann.) Psalmorum . . paraphrastica interpretatio, 24mo. (John Sykes, M.D., 1892) Paris, CI. Chevallon, 1533 Campion (Edmund) Decem Rationes, et ad eas Gul. Whitakeri Re- sponsio, M. 8vo. Antwerpice, 1582 Id. Addita est narratio Vitse et Martyrii, 12mo. Ingoldstadii, Dav. Sarforius, 1584 Decem Rationes, F. 8vo. i^id., 1631 Orationes, etc. a R. Turnero Collectse, 3L 8vo. Ingolstadii, 1602 Edmund Campion. A Biography, by Richard Simpson, 8vo. L., 1867 see Nowell (A.) G 2 84 CATALOGUE OF Candia. A True and Perfect List of the Forces sent for the Eelief of Candia, B. 4to. X., 1669 An Exact Account of the Engagement between the French King's Forces and those of the Grand Seignior before Candia, B, 4to. L., 1669 Candidus (Joann.) Christiana Confessio de Ccena Domini, M. 8vo. 1560 Cangiserus (Theoph.) Davidis . . . Votum . . . Graecanicis ahis atque aliis Versibus expressum. Presn. cojyy to Archbp, Neile, F. F. 4to. Etonce, Jo. Norton, 1611 Caninius (Angelus) Hellenismus . . Grsec. Latinarumque Yocum F. 8vo. L., 1624 Canisius (Hen.) Summa Juris Canonici, AT. 4to. Ingolstadii, 1600 Lectiones Antiquse ed. Basnage, B. 4 vols. fol. Amstelcedamij 1725 (Petrus) Summa Doctrinse Christianae, M. 8vo. Antiv. Chr. Plantin, 1576 Commentariorum de Yerbi Dei corruptelis Tomi II, M. fol. Lugd., 1584 Opus Catechisticum, F.F. fol. Colonice, 1586 Manuale Catholicorum, 8vo. Antw. Chr. Plantin, 1588 Canne (John) A Necessitie of Separation from the Church of Eng- land proved by the Nonconformists' Principles, H. 4to. (Amsterdam), 1634 Emanuel .... England's late Great Victory over the Scots' Armie in a battle at Dunbar, H. 4to. L., 1652 A Voice from the Temple to the Higher Powers, H. 4to. i., 1653 The Time of the End, H. 8vo. L., 1657 Canons. Canones SS. Apostolorum, Conciliorum, etc. ed. Hervetus F. F. fol. Lutet., Paris., 1620 Canones Apostolorum et Concill. ssecc. iv, v, vi, vii, ed. Bruns, S. 8vo. Berlin, 1839 The Canons of the first four General Councils, ed. by W. Lam- bert, S. 8vo. L., 1868 The Canons of the first four General Councils and Notes on them, by W. Bright, 2 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1877-82 Canones Pcenitentiales, 4to. Venetiis, F. Valgrisius, 1584 Liber Quorundam Canonum disciplinse Ecclesise Anglicanse ' C. Colmore,^ with some subscriptions of Clergy in the Diocese of Durham on the first page, 4to. 1571 Canones . . Concilii Tridentini, F.F. 8vo. Antw., 1598 Id. F. 8vo. Bothomagi, 1649 Id, B. 8vo. Paris, 1754 Id. S. 8vo. Lipsice, 1846 Code of Canons of the Episcopal Church of Scotland, 8vo. Edinh. 1863 Digest of the Canons of the Episcopal Church of America, 8vo. 1878 Canterbury and York. See Dart. Canus (Melchior) De Locis Theologicis, M. 8vo. Lovanii, Serv. Sassenus, 1569 k^ YOEK MINSTER LIBRARY. 85 Capacius (J. C.) Neapolitan se Historise Libri II, " /o. Primus'' F. 4to. Neapoli, 1607 Capell (M.) God's Valuation of Man's Soule, 4to. L., 1632 Capellus (Ant.) Adversus prsetensum Primatum Ecclesiasticum Eegis Anglise Liber, M. 8vo. Colonm, 1611 Capistran (Job. de) Tractatus de Cupiditate, Usura, etc., 4to. s. a. et I. Capito (Wolfgang) In Hoseam Commentarius, M. 8vo. Argent Jo. Hervagms, 1525 Eesponsio de Missa, Matrimonio, etc. " James Calf hill,'' M. 8vo. Argent. W. Bihelius, 1540 Capgrave (John) Nova Legenda Angliae, M. fol. Londonias in domo Winandi de PForde, 1516 The Book of the Illustrious Henries, transl. by Hingeston, 8vo. L., 1858 Cappe (Catherine of York) Account of the Origin of the Girl's Charity School in York, ^. 8vo. York, 1810 Thoughts on Charitable Institutions, li. 8vo. ibid., 1814 On the Desirableness of Ladies Visiting Hospitals & Lunatic Asylums, E. 8vo. . York, 1817 Autobiography of, 8vo. L., 1823 Id.,8vo. L., 1826 (Newcome, of York) A Sermon preach'd at York, Nov. 1757, on the King of Prussia's Victory, E. 4to. York, C. Ward, 1757 Id., 5th ed. 4to. L., 1758 Sermon at St. Saviourgate Chapel, York, on the death of Mr. Edward Sandercock, 8vo. York, A. Ward, 1770 A Sermon on the day of National Humiliation, Dec. 13th, B. 8vo. iUd., 1776 A Sermon on the day of National Humiliation, Feb. 4, 1780, B. 8vo. ihid., 1780 A Sermon on the Thanksgiving Day, July 29, 1784, B. 8vo. ibid., 1784 A Fast Sermon preached at York, 1782 & 1795, 8vo. York, s. a. Critical Remarks on certain Important Passages of Scripture, 2 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1802 Discourses, 8vo. ibid-, 1805 Memoir of, by his widow, Catherine Cappe, i>a., 8vo. ibid., 1802 Id. 8vo. ibid., 1810 Cappelli (Lud.) Syntagma Thesium Theol. in Academia Salmuriensi disputatarum, D. 4to. Salmurii, 1664 Caranza (Barth.) Summa Conciliorum, M. 8vo. Paris, 1582 Id., F. 8vo. Buaci, 1659 Cardan (Jerome) De Rerum Varietate, M. 8vo. Avinione, M. Vincentius, 1558 De Subtilitate, M. 8vo. ^ Lugduni, 1559 Somniorum Synesiorum omnis generis insomnia explicantes Lib. IV. F.F. 4to. Basilece, Seb. Henricpetri, 1585 De Propria Vita {E. Southeijs copy iciih autograph), 12mo. Amst. 1654 Life of, by Henry Morley, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1854 8b CATALOGUE OF Cardella (Lorenzo) MemorieStoriche deCardinale della Santa Eomana Chiesa(*S^. JF. Lawley, Sub-dean, 1868), 10 vols. 8vo. Roma, 1792 Cardwell (Edward) Documentary Annals of the Reformed Church of England, 2 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1839 The Two Books of Prayer, tempore Edw. VI., compared, 8vo. ibid,, 1841 The History of Conferences connected with the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer, 1558-1690, 8vo. ibid., 1841 Synodalia, a Collection of Articles, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Oxf. 1820 Reformation of the Ecclesiastical Laws, Hen. VIII — Eliz. 8vo. ibid., 1852 Care (Henry) Animadversions on a late Paper entituled ' A Letter to a Dissenter upon occasion of his Majestie's late gracious Declaration of Indulgence,' C. 4to. L., 1687 Draconica : or an Abstract of all the Penal Laws touching Re- ligion, F. 4to. L., 1688 Careless (John) Certeyne Godly and Comfortable Letters, 8vo. L., W. Powell, 1566 Carerius(Alex.)DePotestateRomaniPontificis, M. 8vo. Col. ^f/r. 1601 Carion (Joh.) Chronicon, F.F. Fol. Wittebergce, Rcer. J. Cratonis, 1580 Id. "In solo Deo salus. Johan. Salisb." F. 12mo. 1617 Carleton (Geo. Bp. of Llandaff and Chichester) Heroici Characteres, 4to. Oxonim, J. Barnes, 1603 Jurisdiction, Regall, Episcopall, Papall, F. F. 4to. L., Imp. Jo. Norton, 1610 Tithes examined and proved to bee due to the Clergie. C, 2nd ed., 4to. L., H. Lownes, 1611 Consensus Ecclesiae Catholicse contra Tridentinos, F. F. 8vo. L., In off. Norton, 1613 A ThankfuU Remembrance of God's Mercy. 2nd ed., 4to. L.,for R. Milbourne, &c., 1625 An Examination of those Things wherein the Author of the late Appeale holdeth the doctrines of the Pelagians and Arminians to be the Doctrines of the Church of England, C. 4to. L.,for W. Turner, 1626 Vita Bernardi Gilpin, 4to. L., W. Jones, 1628 Id., The Life of B. Gilpin, a man most holy and renowned among the Northerne English, 4to. L., id., 1629 Carlile (Ohr.) A Discourse concerning two Divine Positions, 8vo. L., Roger Ward, 1582 A Discourse of Peter's Lyfe, Peregrination, and Death, C. 4to. L., R. Ward (1582) Carlisle (Nic.) Description of Endowed Grammar Schools, L. P., 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1818 Carlton (C. M.) History of the Charities of the City of Durham, 8vo. Durham, 1872 Carlyle (Alex.) Autobiography of 2nd ed., 8vo. Edinb., 1860 Carmichael (Jac.) Grammaticse Latinae de Etymologia Liber II., 4to. Cambr., Tho. Thomasius, 1587 Caro (Annibal) Delle Lettere Familiari Volume Secondo, 4to. Venetia, B. Giunti, 1591 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 87 Carolinus (Petrus) Brevis Explicatio Orthodoxse Fidei de Uno Vero Deo . . M. 8vo. ^ Fitehergce, 1571 Caron (M.) see Liturgies, Cseremoniale. Carpentarius (Jac.) Platonis cum Aristotele . . Comparatio, F. F. 4to. Parisiis, 1573 Carpenter (John) Schelomonocham, or King Solomon his Solace, M. 4to. Z., /. Windet, 1606 (Nath.) Achitophel, or the Picture of a wicked Politician, G. 4to. L., 1629 Philosophia Libera, F. Oxon., L. Lichfield, 1636 (Eichard) The Soule's Sentinel . . a Sermon preached at the funerall Solemnities of . . Sir Arthur Ackland Knight, the 9 of January, 1612, 8vo. L., 1612 A Pastorall Charge., at the Visitation at Barnstaple, Sept. 7, 1616, 8vo. L., 1616 Christ's Larumbell of Love Eesounded, Bvo. Z., 1616 Carre (Thos.) Occasional Discourses had with Dr. Cosens, F. 8vo. Paris, 1646 Carter (Bezaleel) Christ His Last Will, and John his Legacy. A Sermon . . at Clare in SufFolke, B. 4to. L., B. Alsop, 1621 (John) Vindicise Decimarum, C. 4to. L., T. Cotes, 1640 (John) The Ancient Architecture of England, fol. L., 1795 Some Account of the Cath. Church of Durham, fol. L., 1801 Carthagena (Joann. de) Homiliae Catholicse, F. F. 2 vols., fol. Parisiis, 1620 Cartwright (Chr., of York) The Magistrates' Authority vindicated in two Sermons preached in York, 4to. L., 1647 The Doctrine of Faith, 8vo. L., 1650 Certamen Keligiosum, B. 4to. L., 1652 Electa Thargumico-Eabbinica, 8vo. L., 1657 A Commentary on the 15th Psalm, with the Author's Life, 4to. L., 1658 Exceptions against a Writing of Mr. E. Baxter's (bound with it is Baxter's Substance of Mr. Cartwright's Exceptions considered, 8vo, L. 1675), 8vo. L., 1675 (Thos.) A Eeplye to an Answere made of M. Doctor Whitgifte againste the Admonition to the Parliament, by T. C, M. 4 to. s. a.&l (1573) Id., a different edition, C. 4to. s. a. & I. A Second Eeplie agaynst Maister Doctor Whitgifte's Second Answer touching the Churche Discipline, 4to. s. I. 1575 An Examination of Dr. Whitgifte's Censures contained in Two Tables set before his Defence of the Answer to the Admo- nition, 8vo. s. I. 1575 The Eest of the Second Eeplie of T. Cartwright agaynst Master Doctor Whitgift's Second Answer (with the Second Eeplie), C. 4to. s. I. 1577 A brief Apologie against all such slanderous Accusations as it pleaseth Mr. Sutcliffe . . . to loade him with, C. 4to. s. I. 1596 A Christian Letter unto that Eeverend and Learned Man, Mr. E. Hoo(ker), imp. 4to. 1599 88 CATALOGUE OF Cartwright (Thos.) The Answere to the Preface of the Ehemish Testament, M. 8vo. Edinhurgh, R. Waldegrave, 1602 In Librum... qui vocatur Ecclesiastes, 4to. L., Imp. Tho. Man. 1604 ACommentary upon the Epistle... to the Colossians, 4to. i., 1612 A Treatise of Christian Eeligion, 4to. L., Felix Kyngesion, 1616 Commentarii in Proverbia Salomonis, 4to. Lugd. Bat., apud G-uil. Brewsterum, 1617 A Confutation of the Rhemist's Translation, Glosses... on the N. T., D. fol. s. I. 1618 Commentarii in Proverbia Salomonis: item Metaphrasis et Homilise in Ecclesiasten, D. 4to. Amstel. 1632 Memoir of, by B. Brook, 8vo. L., 1845 (Thomas, the Son) Helpes for Discovery of the Truth in point of Toleration, C. 4to. L., 1648 The Judgment of M. Cartwright and M. Baxter concerning Separation and Ceremonies, H. 4to. L., 1673 (Thos. Dean of Ripon, etc.) God's Arraignment of Adam . . A Sermon preach'd at St. Pauls, Septemb. 5, 1658, 4to. L., 1659 Sermon before the King at Whitehall, Jan. 9, 1675-6, E. 4to. X., 1676 Assize Sermon at York, July 17, 1676, F. 4to. L, 1676 Sermon preacht at Holy-Rood House, 30th Jan. 1681-2, before her Highness the Lady Anne, B. 4to. Edinburgh, 1682 Sermon at the Yorkshire Feast, 24th June, 1684, R. 4to. Z., 1684 Sermon preached at Ripon, Feb. 6th, 1685-6, on the Anniver- sary of the happy Inauguration of . . King James II, B. 4to. L., 1686 Cartwright (W. C.) on Papal Conclaves, 12mo. Edinh. 1868 The Jesuits : their Constitution and Teaching, 8vo. i., 1876 Carusius (Jo. Bapt.) Bibliotheca Historica Regni Sicilise, 2 vols. fol. Panormi, 1723 Carver (Marm. Rector of Harthill) Jerusalem restored, an Assize Sermon at York, March 18th, 1661-2, E. 8vo. L., 1662 A Discourse of the Terrestrial Paradise, F. 8vo. L., 1666 Carwithen (J. B. S.) History of the Church of England, 3 vols., 8vo. X., 1829 Gary (H.) Memorials of the Great Civil War in England, 2 vols. 8vo. L., 1842 (R., Earl of Monmouth) Memoirs of, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1808 Caryl (Jos.) Sermon before the House of Commons on the Great Victory at Selby, 4to. , L., 1644 Fast Sermon before the House of Commons, Jan. 28, 1645, C. 4to. L., 1646 Casa Santa. La Sancta Casa abellita del Sig. Cap. Silvio Serragli da Pietra Santa di Toscana, 8vo. Ancona, 1668 Casaubon (Isaac) Ad Frontonem Ducseum . . Epistola, M. ' ex dono authoris,' 4 to. L., J. Norton, 1611 The Answere of Master Isaac Casaubon to the Epistle of . . Cardinall Peron, 4to. L. Felix Kyngston, 1612 De Rebus Sacris et Ecclesiasticis Exercitationes, D. fol. L., ex. off. Norton, 1614 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 89 Casauboii (Isaac) Animadversiones in Athensei Deipnosophistas, M. fol. Lugd. 1621 Id. F. fol. Lugd. 1664 Epistolse, ed. J. G. Grsevius, 2nd ed., 4to. Magdeburgi, 1656 Ephemerides, ed. Eussell, 2 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1850 Life of, by Mark Pattison, 8vo. L., 1875 (Meric, his Son) Pietas contra maledicos Patrii Nominis et Eeligionis hostes, 8vo. L., 1621 The Vindication or Defence of Isaac Casaubon, F.F. 4to. L., 1624 The Originall Cause of Temporal! Evils, 4to. L., 1645 A Discourse concerning Christ, his Incarnation and Exina- nition, 4to. L., 1646 De Verborum Usu, Presn. copy, 12mo. L„ 1647 De Quatuor Linguis Commentationis Pars Prior, F. 1 2mo. L., 1650 A Treatise concerning Enthusiasme, 8vo. 1655 A Vindication of the Lord's Prayer, 12mo. L., 1660 The Question to whom it belonged anciently to Preach, F. 4to. L., 1663 Of the Necessity of Reformation in and before Luther's time, D. 4to. L., 1664 Of Credulity & Incredulity, 8vo. L., 1668 Case (Thos.) Fast Sermon before the House of Lords, March 25, 1646, a 4to. L., 1646 The Saints God's Precious Triumph. A Funeral Sermon on Darcy Wyvil, Esq., eldest Son and Heir Apparent to . . Sir Chr. Wyvil of Burton Constable in Yorkshire, E. 12mo. L., 1659 Casley (D.) Catalogue of the MSS. in the King's Library, Da. 4to. L, 1734 Casmannus (Otho) Angelographia, M. 8vo. Franco^urti, 1597 Christianus Nomine et Re, Sorte et Morte, M. 8vo. ibid., 1606 Casparus (Joann.) Loci Communes Theologici, M. 8vo. Parisiis, 1573 Cassalius (J. B.) De Profanis ^gyptiorum . . Ritibus, 4to. Francofurti, 1681 Cassan (S. H.) Lives of the Bishops of Sherborne and Salisbury, 8vo. L., 1824 Lives of the Bishops of Winchester, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1827 Lives of the Bishops of Bath and Wells, 8vo. L., 1821 Cassander (Geo.) Ordo Romanus de Officio Missse, S. 8vo. Colonim, 1561 De Officio pii et publicse Tranquillitatis vere amantis viri in hoc Religionis Dissidio, M. Lutet. Par. 1562 G. C. author libelli de Officiis Pii Viri cum Prsefationibus . . Fran. Balduini, M. 8vo. Paris, 1514 De Articulis Religionis inter Catholicos et Protestantes contro- versis, S. 8vo. Colonice, 1577 Opera Omnia, F.F. fol. Parisiis, 1616 Cassaneus (Barth.) Catalogus Glorise Mundi, M. fol. Francof. ad Mxn., M. Lechlerus, 1586 90 CATALOGUE OF Cassianus (Joann.) De Institutis Ccenobiorum CoUationes Patrum, F. fol. Basilece, 1575 Opera Omnia, D. fol. Atrebati, 1628 Cassiodorius (Aur.) Expositio Psalterii Davidici, M. fol. Parisiis, And. Boucard, 1519 Historia tripartita de Regimine Ecclesise Primitivse, F. 8vo. s. /., 1526 Id., M. Bvo. Parisiis, 1566 Opera, M. fol. * ibid., 1588 Ed. Benedidina, 2 vols, in 1, fol. Botomagi, 1679 Cassius. De AniraalibusQuaestiones Medicinales, F. 8vo. Parisiis, 1541 Castalio (Seb.) Dialogi, M. 8vo. Aresdorffii, 1578 Castell (Robert) The Villas of the Ancients illustrated, fol. L., 1728 Castellanus (Vine.) De Officio Regis, M. 8vo. Marpurgi, 1597 Castellensis (Hadr. Cardinalis) De Modis Latine loquendi, etc., M. 4to. Basilece, Jo. Froben, 1518 De Vera Philosophia . . M. 8vo., Colonim, Melch. Novesianus, 1540 Castellus, Castell (Edm.) Lexicon Heptaglotton, F. 2 vols., fol. L., 1669 Lexicon Syriacum, ed. Michaelis {Mr. Wm. Gray, 1870), 4to. Goettingce, 1785 Castiglione (Bald.) II Cortegiano, 12mo. Lyons, Gugl. Bovillio, 1553 De Curiali sive Aulico, ed. Gierke, F.F. 8vo., Argentorati, 1619 Id. In English by Thomas Hoby, 4to. L., W. Seres, 1561 Id done into English by Thomas Hoby, ' Tho Baker Coll. Jo. Socius Ejedus,' R. 4to. L., Henry Denham, 1577 Id., ed. S. Drake, Preb. Ebor. F., 'Ex dono Editoris,' 8vo. Cantah\, 1713 Castle (Egerton) English Book Plates, 8vo. L., 1893 Castrensis (Steph.) De Meteoris Microcosmi {Mr. J. F. Walker, 1873), fol. Florentice, 1621 Castro (Alphons. a) Libri XIV adversus Hsereses, M. Parisiis, Oliv. de Harsy, 1564 De Potestate Legis Pcenalis, M. 8vo. Antwerpim, Hoer. Jo. Stelsii, 1568 (Rodericus a) De universa Muliebrium Morborum Medicina, F. 4to. Hamburgi, 1628 Caswall (Henry) Account of Synodical Action in the American Church, 8vo. ^ L., 1851 America and the American Church, 8vo. L., 1851 Catechisms, and Catechizing, arranged chronologically — Le Catechisme de Geneve par Jean Calvin, F. 8vo. a Geneve, 1549 Summa Doctrinse Christianse in usum Christianse pueritise, F. 8vo. Antwerpice. Joan. Withagius, 1555 Dottrina Christiana da insequarsi da i Curati nelle lors Paroche, a i Putti, 8vo. In Venetia, CJir. Zanetti, 1574 Catechismus Romanus, ed. Andr. Fabricius, M. 8vo. Antw. Chr. Plantin, 1583 So short a Catechisme that whosoever cannot or will not learne, are not in any wise to be admitted to the Lord's Supper, 4 leaves 8vo. L., Chr, Barker, printer to the Queene's Majestic, s. a. YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 91 Catechisms and Catechizing. Catechesis Eeligionis Christianse, 8vo. Genevce, 1609 The Sum of true Catholike Doctrine, etc., 4to. i., 1613 Brieve Institution de la Doctrine Chrestienne, ou le Petit Cabinet des Catholiques, imp. 24mo. — The Kacovian Catechisme, 8vo. Amsterdam, 1652 — A Course of Catechizing, F. 8vo. L. 1674 — Catechismus ad Parochos ex decreto cone . . Tridentini, F. Bvo. Lugduni, 1676 — The Catechism Explained, F. 8vo. Oxford, 1681 — An Abstract of the Douay Catechism, F. 8vo. L., 1688 —The Art of Catechising, F. 8vo. L., 1692 — The Grounds and Principles of Religion contained in a Shorter Catechism ace. to the advice of the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, 8vo. L., 1708 — A further Instruction for those who have learnt the Church Catechism, 8vo. L., 1708 — A Shorter Catechism, ace. to the Assembly of Divines, F. 8vo. L., 1728 -A Short Catechism, B. 8vo. Hull, s. a. Catechismus Romanus, Da. 8vo. Neapoli, 1847 Catharinus (Ambr.) Annotationes in Commentaria Cajetani, etc. 8vo. ■ Lugduni, 1542 Cathedrals in England & Wales, etc. (an Historical Account of) F. fol. L., 1719 Essays on, ed. Dean Howson, 8vo. L., 1872 Cathedral Schools, see Hackett (Maria). Catherine of Arragon, and the Sources of the English Reformation. By A. Du Boys, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1881 Of Siena (St.) Life of. By A. D. Drane, 8vo. L., 1880 Cato. Cato construed, or, Cato's Precepts . . By Corderius, M. 8vo. L.,for Andr. Maunsell, 1577 Cattermole (Rio.) Literature of the Church of England, 2 vols., 8vo. ^ i:.,1844 Catullus, Tibullus, & Propertius. ed. Avancius, fol. Venetiis, 1500 Id., M. 12mo. Antw., Plantin, 1587 Id., ed. Vulpius, 4to. Patavii, 1737 Caudrey (Dan.) Superstitio Superstes, or the Reliques of Super- stition newly revived . . concerning . . bowing towards the Altar, a 4to. L., 1641 Fast Sermon before the House of Commons, Jan. 31, 1643. a 4to. L., 1643 Caumont, see Pauncefote. ^^ Cavacius (Jac.) Illustrium Anachoretarum Elogia, " Jo. Primus, p^ 4to. Venetiis, 1625 Cavalcanti (Bart.) Trattati sopra gliottimi reggimenti delle Repub liche antiche e moderne, 4to. Venetm, 1571 Cavalier. The True Cavalier examined by his Principles, C. 4to. L., 1656 Cavallerius (J. B.) Pontificum Romanorum Effigies, M. 8vo. ' Romce, 1580 92 CATALOGUE OF Cave (Wm.) Primitive Christianity, D. 8vo. Z., 1673 History of the Lives . . of the Apostles, SS. Mark & Luke, & the . . Fathers of the Fourth Century, F. 2 vols., fol. L., 1677-83 ( ) A Serious Exhortation, with some Important Advices relating to the late Cases about Conformity, etc. C. 4to. Z., 1683 Chartophylax Ecclesiasticus, F. 8vo. L., 1685 Scriptorum Eccles. Historia Literaria, 2 vols., fol. Z., 1688-9 Cave-Brown (J.) Lambeth Palace, 8vo. Edinb., 1882 Cavendish, see Newcastle & Wolsey. Caussinus (Nic.) De Eloquentia Sacra et Humana, fol. Lugd., 1637 Angelus Pacis ad Principes Christianos, F. 8vo, Parisiis, 1650 Cawdrey (Zach.) A Discourse of Patronage, F. 4to. L., 1675 Caxton (Wm.) The Biography & Typography of. By Wm. Blades. 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1882 Caxton Society. The Publications of, 8vo., 16 vols. L., v. y. Cayley (Wm, Preb. of York) Assize Sermon at York, March 4, 1749-50, R. 8vo. York, Ccesar Ward, 1749 Cazenove (J. S.) Some Aspects of the Reformation : an Essay, S. 8vo. L., 1869 Cebes. Tabula, ed. Caselius, "/o. Pricceiis" F. 4to. Lugd. Bat., IQIS Cecil (Sir Edward) A Speech made in the Lower House of Parlia- ment, 4to. Z., 1621 Id., 4to. L., 1624 Cellarius (Dan.) Speculum Orbis Terrarum, fol. Antic, Ger. Smits, 1578 (Jac.) & Hciniger (Nic.) Dictionarium Grseco-Latinum, F. F. fol. Basilece, Seb. Henricpetri, 1584 (Martin) De Operibus Dei, 8vo. Argent. 1 527 Cellini (Benvenuto) Life of, transl. by J. A. Symonds, 8vo. L., 1889 Cellius (Erhardus) Eques Auratus Anglo-Wirtembergicus, M. 4to. TuUnqm, 1605 Celsus (A. C.) De Re Medica, F. F. 4to. Liigd., Plant., 1592 (Minus) In Hiereticis Coercendis quatenus progredi liceat, M. 8vo. Christlingce, 1577 Cennick (John) Account of a late Riot at Exeter, C. 8vo. L., 1745 Censorinus. Liber de Die Natali, "Jo. Pricceus," F. 4to. Hamhurgi,l6l4: Cepella (Barth.) Tractatus de Servitutibus Urbanorum et Rusticorum Prsediorum, fol. Fenetiis, 1488 Cerda (J. de la) Adversaria Sacra, I), fol. Lugd., 1626 Ceremonies, see Babington (C), Bradshaw (W.), Cseremoniale, and Puritans. Trait6 des Anciennes Ceremonies ou histoire, F. 8vo. Eouen, 1673 Cesnola (General) Cyprus, its Ancient Cities, Tombs, and Temples, 8vo. L., 1877 Salaminia, 8vo. L., 1882 Cevellerius (A. R.) Rudimenta Hebraicse Linguae, M. Viiebergce, Joann. Crato, 1574 Chad (St.) Life and Legends of. By R. H. Warner, 4to. JVisbeach, s. a. YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 93 Chaffers (Wm.) Hall Marks on Plate, R., 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1865 Gilda Aurifabrorum, or, a History of English Goldsmiths, 8vo. L., 1883 Chalmers (Alex.) see Biography. Chaloner (Edw.) Credo Ecclesiam Sanctam Catholicam, 4to. L., 1625 Chambaud (Louis) Nouveau Dictionnaire Fran^ois-Anglois, &c. 2 vols., 4to. L., 1805 Chamberlain, Chamberlayne, Chamberlin (Edward) Anglise Notitia, F. 8vo. X., 1673 England's Wants. By the Author of " The Present State of England," C. 4to. L., 1685 (John, his Son)Magn8e Britannise Notitia. 34th ed. 8vo. Z., 1741 (Peter) Legislative Power in Problemes, C. fol. X., 1659 Chambers (Ephr.) Cyclopaedia . . 2 vols., fol. L., 1738 Chamierus (Dan.) De (Ecumenico Pontifice Disputatio, M. 8vo. Genevce, 1601 Epistolse Jesuiticse, M. 8vo. iUd., 1599 Champnaeus, Champney (Ant.) An Answere to a Letter of a Jesuited Gentleman, by his Cosin, Maister A. C, 4to. s. L, 1601 De Vocatione Ministrorum, contra Plessseum, Field, Mason, et Godwin, M. 8vo. Lutet. Paris., 1618 Mr. Pilkinton his Parallela Disparalled, 8vo. St. Omen's, John Heigham, 1620 An Answer to a Pamphlet, intituled ' The Fisher Catched in his Owne Net' . . By A. C, 4to. s. /., 1623 True Relations of Sundry Conferences had between certaine Protestant Doctors and a Jesuite called M. Fisher ... By A. C, 4to. s. I., 1626 Chandler (Bp. Edward) A Sermon before the House of Lords, Jan. 30, 1717-18, C. 2nd ed. 8vo. L., 1718 [ (Sam)] Plain Eeasons for being a Christian, 8vo. X., 1730 The Notes of the Church considered in a Sermon at Salter's- Hall, 8vo. L., 1739 A Vindication of the History of the Old Testament in answer to Thos. Morgan, M.D., C. 8vo. Z., 1741 The Witnesses of the Eesurrection of Jesus Christ re-examined, C. 8vo. L.f s. a. A Sermon preached at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Thomas Wright at Lewin's-Mead, Bristol, May 31, 1759, etc., C. 8vo. L., 1759 A Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles to the Galatians and Ephesians, 4to. L., 1777 Channing (W. E.) Memoirs of, 8vo. L., 1851 Complete Works. (Bev. R. Spears, 1886), 4to. L., 1884 Chapman (Alex.) Jesuitisme described . . a Sermon preached . . at Westminster, March 25, 1610, 4to. L., }Fm. Hall, 1610 Chappelow (Leon.) Commentary on the Book of Job, 2 vols., 4to. Camhr., 1752 Chappuis (Joann.) Summula, VII Sacramenta Ecclesiastica com- plectens, 4to. Parisiis, Theil. Kerver, 1516 94 CATALOGUE OF Charitable Institutions of Great Britain. A List of, 8vo. York, JV. Blanshard, 1794 Charity. A Trea'tise of Charitie, Imp. 8vo. L., Tho. Berthelet, 1539 Charity Schools. An Account of those lately erected in Great Britain and Ireland, F. 4to. X., 1709 Id., a 10th ed. 4to. L, 1711 in London & Westminster. Twenty-five Sermons preached at the Anniversary Meetings of, 1706-1728, C. 8vo. L., 1729 Charke (W.) A Replie unto a certaine Libell, latelie set foorth by Fa. Parsons, M. 4to. 1603 see Francken (Christian). Charles I, King of England — A true Eelation and Journall of the Manner of the Arrivall, and Magnificent Entertainment given to . . Prince Charles . . by the King of Spaine . . at Madrid, F. 4to. L., 1623 A Continuation of a former Relation concerning the Entertain- ment, 4to. L, 1623 Two Royall Entertainments lately given to . . Charles Prince of Great Britaine . . at Madrid. (By Andr. de Mendoza), 4to. L., 1623 A Relation of the Royall Festivities . . at Madrid the 21 of August . . 1623, to honour the Espousall treaties of the illus- trious Prince of Wales with the Lady Infanta Maria of Austria. (By Juan Ant. de la Pena), 4to. . Z., 1623 The Joyfull Returne of . . Prince Charles . . from the Court of Spaine, 4to. L., 1623 Prince Charles his Welcome from Spaine . . with the Triumphs of London for the same his happy arrivall, 4to. L., 1623 Anagrammata Regia, in honorem Regis Caroli conscripta, M. 4to. L., 1626 A Declaration of the true Causes which moved his Majestie to assemble & . . dissolve the two last Meetings of Parliament, 4to. L., Bonham Norton & John Bill, 1626 The Kings Majestie's Declaration to his Subjects concerning Lawfull Sports to be used, C 4to. Z., 1633 A Decree . . in the High Court of Starre-Chamber, & a Con- firmation by His Majestie, 4to. L., E. Barker, 1633 Mr. Speaker's Speech before the King, July 3, 1641 ; & his Majestie's Speech to Parliament, July 5, 1641, Da. Two copies, 4to. L., 1641 Mr. Speaker's Speech, with his Majestie's Speech at the passing of the Bill for Tonnage and Poundage, Da. 4to. 1641 The King's Majestie's Resolution & the Parliament's Determi- nation concerning the Requests of the French and Spanish Embassadors, Da. 4to. L., 1641 Speech to Parliament, with an Account of the Murders . . by the Papists in Ireland, F. 4 to. L., 1641 Speech to the Lord Mayor . . & Aldermen of London, F. 4to. L., 1641 \ YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 95 Charles I. His Majestie's Declaration to both houses of Parliament in answer to that presented to him at Newmarket, March 9, 1641, B. 4to. L., 1641 The Humble Petition of the Gentry, Ministers, & Freeholders of the County of York, B. 4to. York, B. Barker, 1642 His Majestie's Message to both Houses of Parliament, 28 April, 1642, B. 4to. ibid., 1642 Nineteen Propositions made to the King, with his Majestie's Answer, Imp. 4to. ibid., 1642 His Majestie's Two Speeches . . to the Knights, Gentlemen, & Freeholders, of the Counties of Nottingham & Lincoln, B. 4to. London, Bobert Barker, 1642 His Majestie's Answer to a printed book intituled " A Eemon- strance, or the Declaration of the Lords & Commons," 26 May, 1642, a 4to. Cambridge, 1642 Id., Da. 4to. York, B. Barker, 1642 Id., 4to. Imprinted at Yorke, reprinted at L., 1642 His Majestie's Answer to . . a new Declaration of the Lords & Commons in Parliament of the 21 of June, 1642, F. 4to. York, B. Barker, 1642 His Majestie's Answer to the Declaration of Parliament con- cerning the Commission of Array, July 1, 1642, C. 4to. ibid., 1642 Id., 4to. Beprinted at L., 1642 By the King. A Proclamation declaring our purpose to go . . to Hull, B. Frinted at York, Be-imprinted at London, 1642 His Majestie's Speech to the Gentlemen of Yorkshire, on Thursday, August 4, 1642, 4to. Frinted at York by B. Barker, repr. at London, 1642 His Majestie's Declaration to all his loving Subjects of the 12 of August, 1642, Da. 4to. York, B. Barker, 1642 Two Speeches delivered by the King's Most Excellent Majestie at Oxford, F. 4to. York, Stephen Bulkley, 1642 Tyrannicall Government anatomized : . . presented to the King, C. 4to. L., 1642 A true Relation of his Majestie's Successe at Brainford . . Nov. 12, B. 4to. York, Stephen Bulkley, 1642 His Majestie's Declaration to all his loving Subjects after his Victories over the Lord Faixfax . . and Sir William Waller . , F. & B. 4to. Frinted at Oxford, and re-printed at York by Stephen Bulkley, 1643 His Majestie's Speech delivered the 22nd of Jan. 1643, to the . . Houses of Parliament at Oxford, F. 4to. Oxfm'd, 1643 His Majestie's Declaration to all his Subjects of'his Kingdoms of Scotland, B. 4to. ' iUd., 1643 The Proceedings in the late Treaty of Peace : together with several Letters of his Majesty to the Queen and Prince Rupert, B. 4to. L; 1643 A Political Catechism, or certain Questions concerning the Government of this Land, answered in his Majesty's own words, B. 4to. L., 1643 96 CATALOGUE OF Charles I. A Review of the Observations upon some of his Majestie's late Answers and Expresses. Written by a Gentleman of Quality, R. 4to. Ym'h, Stephen Bulkley, 1643 An Exact Collection of all Remonstrances, Declarations, Votes, etc. between the King and his Parliament, from Dec. 1641 to March, 1643. (Collected by E. Husband), 4to. L., 1643 — — The King's Cabinet opened, or secret Letters & Papers taken in his Cabinet at Naseby Field, June 14, 1645. Three copies, B. & a 4to. X., 1645 The Perswasion of certaine grave Divines, to such as suffer for the King, that they persevere in their sufferings, 4to. L., 1645 -The Royall & the Royallists Plea, C. 8vo. s. l, 1647 His Majestie's most gracious Message from Holdenby to the Lords & Commons, May 12, C. 4to. L., 1647 A true Relation of His Majestie's private departure from Hampton Court. A Broad Sheet. The Case of the King stated by Basilius Anonymus, C. 4to. 1647 His Majesty's Message to his two Houses of Parliament from Carisbrook Castle, Dec. 6, 1647, 4to. Z., 1647 His Majestie's most gracious Answer to the Bills & Proposi- tions presented to him at Carisbrook Castle, Dec. 24, 1647, a 4to. L., 1648 A Relation of the Interviews between his Majesty & the Par- liamentary Commissioners. A Broad Sheet. 1648 The Independents' Loyalty, or the . . plot (to Murther his sacred Majestic) very fully discovered, 4to. 1648 A Declaration of the Lords & Commons assembled in Parlia- ment concerning the Try all of the King, 4to. s. a. & I. A Proclamation for Tryall of the King, 4to. L., 1648 A New Declaration concerning the King from the Commons .... for tryall of the King, 4to. s. I. A Declaration of the Commons of England, 4to. X., /an. 18, 1648 The Charge of the Commons of England against Charles Stuart, King of England, 4to. Z., 1648 A Perfect Narrative of the whole Proceedings of the High Court of Justice in the Tryal of the King, three parts, 4to. L., 1648 King Charles his Speech made upon the Scaffold . . 30 of Jan. 1648, 4to. Z., 1649 A List of the names of the Judges of the High Court of Justice for tryall of the King. A broadside, fol. L., 1649 Reliquiae Sacrse Carolinae, with the Eikon Basilike : the Pour- traicture«of his Sacred Majesty in his solitudes and sufferings, F. 8vo. The Hague, 1649 EiKwv 7} TTLa-TT] I or thc faithfull Pourtraicture of a Loyall Subject, in Vindication of Eikon Basilike, F. s. I,, 1649 A Perfect Copie of Prayers used by his Majestic in the time of his Sufferings, 8vo. 1649 Monumentum Regale : or a Tombe erected for that incom- parable & glorious Monarch, Charles the First, 8vo. 1649 YOEK MINSTER LIBRARY. 97 Charles I. A Deepe Groane fetch'd at the Funerall of that Incom- parable and Glorious Monarch, Charles the First. By D. H. K. {i. e. Henry King), 4to. 1649 An Elegy upon the most Incomparable K. Charles the I, 4to. 5. /., 1649 An Epitaphe on the King. A broadside. s. a. & I. The Subject's Sorrow : or Lamentations upon the death of Britaine's Josiah, King Charles, in a Sermon. (By Robert Browne). Two copies, C. 4to. L., 1649 The Martyrdome of King Charles... a Sermon preached at Bredagh, June, 1649. (By H. Leslie), 4to. The Hague, 1649 A Letter sent to a Noble Lord... of a great Miracle wrought by a piece of a Handkerchefe dipped in his Majestie's blood, by G(ilbert) I(ronside), C. 4to. 1649 The Faithful Subject's Sigh ... By a Gentleman now resident in the Court of Spaine, 4to. s. /., 1649 Vaticinium Votivum, or Palsemon's Prophetick Prayer : with Elegies on Charles I, Lord Capel, and Lord Francis Villiers, F. 8vo. TrajecU, 1649 Caroli tov MaKapcrov IlaAtyyei/eo-ta, 8vo. L., 1649 Majestas Intemerata : or, the Immortality of the King. (By Fr. White?), 8vo. 1649 The Royall Legacies of Charles the First . . to his Persecutors and Murderers. Two copies, 4to. s. l, 1649 The Famous Tragedie of King Charles I, 4to. 1649 The Princely Pellican, 4to. 1649 King Charls his Case. By John Cook, 4to. L., 1649 King Charles the First no man of blood, but a Martyr for his People. (By Fabian Phillips), 4to. 1649 The Life and Death of King Charles the Martyr parallel'd with his Saviour. (By Edw. Symmons), 4to. L., 1649 The Papers which passed at Newcastle betwixt his sacred Majestie and Mr. Alex. Henderson, 8vo. L., 1649 The None-such Charles, his Character. (By Sir Balthazar Gerbier), 8vo. L., 1651 eiKwi/ oLKXaa-Tos : the Image unbroken. (By Joseph Jane ?), F. 4to. 1651 A Short View of the Life and Eeign of King Charles. (By Peter Heylin), 8vo. X., 1658 Bibliotheca Regia . . a Collection of such of the Papers of King Charles the First as have escaped the wrack of these times, F. 8vo. L., 1659 The Faithful, yet Imperfect, Character of a glorious King, King Charles I, 8vo. L., 1660 The Tryalls of Twenty-nine Regicides, C. 4to. 1660 Id. The Tryal of the Regicides, C. 8vo. L., 1724 A Just Defence of the Royal Martyr, K. Charles I, C. 8vo. L, 1699 A Sermon preached on the Anniversary Fast for the Martyrdom of King Charles I, C. 8vo. L., 1710 The History of the Reign of King Charles I. By M. de Larrey, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1716 98 CATALOGUE OF Charles I. An Essay towards attaining a true idea of the Character of the reign of K. Charles the First. (By Micaiah Towgood), C. 8vo. L., 1748 Charles II — The Declaration of Prince Charles concerning his Engagement upon the Fleet in the Downes, etc., 4to. L., 1648 A Declaration from . . the Prince of "Wales concerning the Illegal Proceeding of the Commons of England, 4to. L., 1648 The Proceedings of the Scotch Commissioners with his Majestie at the Hague, B. 4to. Edinburgh, 1649 Vox vere Anglicorum, or, England's loud crie for their King, F. 4to. s. /., 1659 News from Brussels in a Letter from a neer Attendant on his Majesty's person, B. 4to. 1660 A Letter from Flanders . . wherein ... his Majestie's personal Deportments . . are declared, 4to. Z., 1660 A Letter farther and more evidencing the King's stedfastnesse in the Protestant Eeligion . . by Mr. de I'Angle, 4to. Z., 1660 His Majesty's Letter and Declaration to the Lord Mayor ... of London, 4to. L., 1660 The Copies of Several Letters which were delivered to the King (by Quakers), D. 4to. X., 1660 A Speech spoken by a Blue Coat boy of Christ's Hospital to him on the day before his Coronation, C. 4to. L. (1660) His Majestie's gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament, August 29, F. 4to. X., 1660 see Episcopacy. The Speech which the Speaker of the House of Commons made unto the King in the House of Lords, August 29, F. 4to. Z., 1660 His Majestie's Declaration to his Subjects concerning the Trea- sonable Conspiracy against his person and government lately discovered, S. 4to. X., 1683 Copies of two Papers written by the late King Charles II, C. 4to. Z., 1686 The History of Charles II from the year 1649 to 1660. By a Person of Quality, F. 8vo. Z., 1660 Monarchy Revived ; being the Personal History of Charles the Second, from his Earliest Years to his Restoration. By Fr. Eglesfield, Repr., 8vo. L., 1822 The Boscobel Tracts, relating to his escape after the Battle of Worcester, ed. by J. Hughes, 2nd ed., 8vo. Edinb., 1857 Charles V (the Emperor) Apologetici Libri duo, cum aliis nonnullis, 8vo. Antwerp., Godf. Dumceus, 1527 Autobiography of; trans, by L. F. Simpson, 8vo. Z., 1862 The Cloister Life of, by Sir W. Stirling-Maxwell, 8vo. L., 1852 Charles VII (King of France) Pragmatica Sanctio, D. fol. Parisiis, 1666 Charles Edward (Prince) The Young Chevalier : or a Genuine Nar- rative of all that befell that Unfortunate Adventurer, C. 8vo. L., s. a. YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 99 Charmes (Thos. ex) Compendium Theologise (Rev. C. B. NorcUffe 1877), 8vo. Lugd., 1790 Charpentier (Fr.) La Vie de Socrate, etc., 8vo. Amst., 1699 Charron (Pierre) De la Sagesse. Discours Crestien, F. 4to. Paris, 163f Charta (Magna) M. 0. cum Statutis, etc., F. 8vo. L., 1608 Charter-House. Chronicles of, by a Carthusian (W. J. D. Ry^ier), 8vo. L., 1847 Chastre (M. de la) M6moires de, 8vo. Cologne, 1669 Chaucer (GeofFr.) His Works, Imp., F. fol. 5. a. Id. fol. * L., 1602 The Canterbury Tales, ed. Tyrwhitt, 2 vols., 4to. Oxford, 1798 Chauchard (Captain) Map of Germany, 4to. L., 1800 Chauncie (Wm.) The Conversion of a Gentleman long tyme misled in Poperie, M. 4to. L., 1587 Cheke (Sir John) De Pronuntiatione Graecae potissimum Linguae, & Disputationes cum Stephano Winton. Episcopo, etc., M. 8vo. Basilece, Nic. Fpiscopius, 1555 The Hurt of Sedition ; how grievous it is to a Commonwealth, M. 8vo. London, Wm. Seres, 1569 Id. C. 4to. Oxford, 1641 Chelsum (Jas.) Remarks on Mr. Gibbon's Roman History, B. 8vo. L., 1776 Id. "/Fm. Burgh from the Author,'' 8vo. L., 1778 Chemnitius (Martin) Enchiridion, M. 8vo. Henricopoli, C. Cornceus, 1577 Examen Concilii Tridentini, M. fol. Francofurti, 1578 De Unione Hypostatica duarum in Christo Naturarum, M. Lip sice, Jo. Rhamha, 1578 Doctrinae Jesuitarum praecipua Capita, M. 8vo. Bupellce, 1 584 Secunda Pars Locorum Theologicorum, M. 4to. Francof. ad Mcen., Jo. Spiers, 1591 Pars Tertia. From the Buhwith Library, 8vo. ibid., 1604 Harmoniae Evangelicae continuatae per P. Lysaeum, F. F. fol. Francofurti, 1616 Cherubinus (Flavius) Compendium BuUarii a Leone I usque ad Paulum V, F. F. 3 vols, in 1, 4to. Lugd. 1624 ■ (Laertius) see Bullarium. Cheshire (Thos.) Sermon preached at St. Paul's the 10th day of October last, 4to. L., 1641 Sermon at St. Peter's, Westminster, on St. Peter's Day, C. 4to. L., 1642 Chetham Library, Manchester. Bibliotheca Chethamensis ; a Cata- logue of the Library, 3 vols., 8vo. Mancunii, 1791-1826 Id. (The Chetham Trustees, 1872), 5 vols, in 2, 8vo. Manchester, v. y. The Publications of the Chetham Society. The First Series and some volumes of the Second, 4to. ibid., v. y. Cheyne (T. K.) The Book of Psalms, 8vo. L., 1888 Cheynell (Fr.) The Rise, Growth and Danger of Socinianisme, 4to. i., 1643 H 2 100 CATALOGUE OF Cheynell (Fr.) Chillingworthi Novissima. Or, the Sicknesse, Heresy, Death, and Buriall of William Chillingworth, 4to. Z., 1644 Fast Sermon before the House of Commons, 25 March, 1646, C. 4to. L., 1646 and Erbyry. Nor Truth nor Error . . the relation of a publike discourse in Marie's Church at Oxford, H. 4to. s. I., 1647 Chichele (Archbp.) Stemmata Chicheleana. {G. Wray^ Preb. of Yoi% 1872), 4to. Oxford, 1765 Chichester Cathedral. Catalogue of the Library there. {The Dean and Chapter, 1871), fol. Cicestrm, 1871 The Early Statutes of the Cathedral ; ed. by M. E. C. Walcott, 4to. L., 1877 Chiensis (Leon.) and Langus (Godefr.) De Capta a Mehemethe II Constantinopoli Narrationes. {Archdeacon Churton), 4to. Lutet Paris., 1823 Chiffletius (Jo. Jac.) De Linteis Sepulchralibus Christi Servatoris. "/o. Pricmis," F. 4 to. Antwerpice, 1624 Portus Iccius Julii Csesaris Demonstratus, 4to. ibid., 1627 Child (Sir Josiah) A new Discourse of Trade, F. 8vo. L., 1693 Chillingworth (W.) The Religion of Protestants, a safe way to Sal- vation, F. F. fol. Oxford, 1638 Mr. Chillingworth's Letter touching Infallibility, 4to. 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Lione, Guglio Rovillio, 1569 (Joann. du) De Varia Quercus Historia, "/o. Priccem," F. 8vo. Lugd., Gul. Bovillius, 1559 Chrastovius (Andr.) Bellum Jesuiticum, M. 4to. Basilece, 1594 Praxis de Cseremoniis et Canone Missse, M. 4to. ihid., 1594 Christ Church, Oxford. Comparative Observations on two of the Poems which were honoured with prizes in a late Certamen at Christ Church, C. 8vo. York, 1767 Christian (Edward) Account of the Origin of the two Houses of Parliament, Di. 8vo. L., 1810 Christianity. A Representation of the State of Christianity in England, 4to. L., 1674 YOEK MINSTER LIBRARY. 101 Christianity. The Necessity of some of the Positive Institutions of Christianity considered in a letter to the Minister of Moffat, C. 8vo. L., 1731 Christianus (Andr.) Enchiridion Medicum, M. 8vo. Basilece, 1583 Christina Queen of Sweden. A Relation of her Life, etc. . . transl. by J(as.) H(owell), 4to. L., 1656 Christina Queen of Sweden, by F. W. Bain, 8vo. L., 1890 Christine de Pise. 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Parliament by some moderate and peace-loving ministers for the more happy and certaine Reconciling of the Church Differences, C. 4to. ^ 1641 Certaine Considerations to dissuade men from further gathering of Churches, C. 4to. L-^ 1643 10^ , ^CATALOGUE OF Church. A Letter Written to a friend declaring liis opinion, being such tenents as are contrary to the doctrine of the Church of Eng- land, etc. Da. 4to. 1643 An Abstract of some late Characters ; or, how the principall means appointed for our Reformation is become the maine fuell of our wickednes, laid downe in sundry characters of L. Bishops, Dumb Dogs, etc. Da. 4to. L., 1643 Persecutio Undecima, C. 4to. 1648 An Apologetick for the Sequestred Clergie of the Church of England, G 4to. New-Munster in the year of Confusion. Lux Matutina : or, some Beams and Dawnings of Early Light breaking forth of Ancient History discovering the judgement and practice of the Primitive Times, in reference to Ceremonies and Church Discipline, 4to. 1662 The Form of Church-Government to be used in the Church of England and Ireland, aS'. 4to. L., 1648 Des Obligations des Ecclesiastiques, tiroes de T^ficriture Sainte des Conciles, 8vo. Paris, 1673 The Church History of Great Britain to the year 1667, with an exact Succession of the Bishops, F. 4to. L., 1674 An Enquiry into the Causes of the Separation from the Church of England, F. 8vo. L, 1675 Regies de la Discipline Eccl6siastique recueillies des Conciles, des Synodes de France, 8vo. Paris, 1679 Tractatus de Politia Ecclesise Anglicanse, F., 8vo. L., 1683 L'AccompHssement des Propheties ou la d^livrance prochaine de I'Eglise, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Rotterdam, 1686 Lacrymse JEcclesise Anglicanse, 4to. s. I., 1689 Fears and Dangers fairly display'd, being a new Memorial of the Church of England, C. 4to. L., 1706 The Church of England's Complaint against the Irregularities of some of its Clergy, 4to. L., 1709 The High-Church turn'd Old Presbyterian. Utrum Horum ? Never a Barrel the better Herring, C. 8vo. L., 1709 The True Churchman and Loyal Subject, F. 8vo. L., 1710 Ne'er a Barrel the better Herring, between Low-Church and No-Church, C. 8vo. L., 1713 Earnest Invitation to the friends of the Established Church to join in setting apart one hour in every week for prayer . . during the present troublesome times, C. 8vo. L., 1757 A word of reproof and instruction to those who seldom go to church, G. 2nd ed. 8vo. L., 1771 The Churchman's Remembrancer; a Collection of Tracts on the Church of England, G. 8vo. L., 1807 The Ornaments of the Minister — Case submitted to Counsell in behalf of some Archbps. and Bishops, fol. Archhp. Thomson's copy. English Church Union. Strictures on recent decisions of the Privy Council, 8vo, 1870; Remarks on Strictures, 8vo. 1870; Correspondence, etc., on the Purchas Judgment, 8vo, 1870. The Church and the Age : Essays, ed. Messrs. Weir and Maclagan, 2 vols., 8vo. L, 1870-2 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 103 Church. The Church and the World : Essays ; ed. Orby Shipley, 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1866-68 Church Congresses. A Set of the Reports from the Commence- ment. {G. H. Philips, Preb. of York, 1883). 8vo. v. y. Church (Dean) Essays and Reviews, 8vo. L., 1854 Sermons before the Univ. of Oxford, 8vo. L., 1869 On some Influences of Christianity upon National Character, 8vo. Z., 1873 The Oxford Movement, 8vo. L., 1891 see Anselm. Churchill (Colonel) Mount Lebanon, 2nd ed., 3 vols., 8vo. L, 1853 (John) A Collection of Voyages and Travels {Edw. Salter, Preb. of York, 1800), 6 vols., fol. L., 1744-6 (Sir Winston) Divi Britannici, fol. 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L., 1864 Funeral Sermon on John Keble, before the University of Ox- ford, April, 1866, 8vo. Oxford, 1866 Visitation Charge, 1867, R. 8vo. L., 1867 Id., 2nd ed. 8vo. -^m 1^67 Re-union : a Sermon in York Minster, S., 8vo. L., 1867 A Letter to him on his late Charge, 8vo. L., 1867 Fourteen Letters from Waterland to Pearce, 8vo. Oxford, 1868 Sermons preached at Crayke at his Funeral, by Rev. G. Body and Rev. H. B. W. Churton {Mrs. Churton, 1874), 12mo. L.y 1874 Poetical Remains, 8vo. J'-y ^^^^ (H. B., Brother of Edw.) The Land of the Mormng, 8vo. x>.j 1851 104 CATALOGUE OF Churton (Ralph, Father of Edw.) Sermon at Oxford, Nov. 5, 1805, B, 4to. Oxford, 1806 (W. R, Brother of Edw.) Remains of. Large Paper, pr. pr. 8vo. J830 (W. R., Son of Edward) The Influence of the Septuagint Ver- sion of the Old Testament upon the Progress of Christianity. The Hulsean Prize Essay, 1859, 8vo. Cambridge, 1861 Defence of the English Ordinal, S. 8vo. L., 1872 Chytrseus (David) De Creichgoia Oratio (Eev. C. 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Amsterdam, 1598 Antidoton : a Soveraigne Remedie against Schisme & Heresie, C. 4to. L., 1600 Three partes of Salomon his Song of Songs expounded, M. 4to. ^ L., 1603 • His Demaundes and Answeres touching the Pestilence, 4to. 5. I, 1604 106 CATALOGUE OF Clapham (Henoch) Doctor Andros his Prosopopeia answered for removing of Catholike Scandal, 4to. 1605 (Jonathan) A full Discovery & Confutation of the wicked & damnable Doctrines of the Quakers, C. 4to. L., 1656 Clarendon (Edward Hyde, Earl of) His Argument before the Lords in the Upper House of Parliament, Apr. 1641. Two copies, B. & a 4to. 1641 [ ] A Letter from a true and lawful Member of Parliament, B. 4to. 1656 [ ] Animadversions upon a Book intituled " Fanaticism Fanati- cally imputed to the Catholick Church, by Dr. Stillingfleet, etc." By a Person of Honour, 8vo. L., 1673 Second Thoughts ; or the Case of a Limited Toleration stated, C. 4to. s. a. & I [ ] View of Mr. Hobbes' Leviathan, C, 4to. Oxford, 1676 His Life, with a Continuation of his History of the Grand Eebellion, fol. ihid., 1759 State Papers, collected by him from 1621, 3 vols., fol. ibid.. 1767-86 History of the Eebellion, 3 vols., fol. iUd.^ 1702 Id., F., 3 vols., fol. ihid., 1707 Eeligion and Policy, 2 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1811 Clark (G. T.) Account of the Defences of York, 8vo. L., 1874 Mediaeval Military Architecture of England, 2 vols., 8vo. Z., 1884 The Earls, etc., of Pembroke, 8vo. Tenby, 1886 (W. G.) Peloponnesus : Notes of Study and Travel, 8vo. L., 1858 Clarke (Alured) Essay on the Character of Queen Caroline, C. 8vo. L., 1738 (Fr.) Praxis in Curiis Ecclesiasticis, F. 4to. L., 1686 (John) The Trumpet of Apollo : sounding out the sweete blast of Eecoverie in divers dangerous and desperate diseases, M. 12mo. L., P. Short, 1602 (John, Mr. of Hull School) An Examination of the Sketch or Plan of an Answer to the Book " Christianity as old as the Creation," 8vo. L., 1733 Essay upon the Education of Youth in Grammar Schools, Da. 8vo. L., 1740 (Joshua, of Somerby, co. Lincoln) Visitation Sermon at Gran- tham, July 12th, 1697, R. 4to. L,, 1698 (Sam.) The Life of Tamerlane the Great, S. 4to. L., 1662 The wicked Life and wofull Death of Herod the Great, F. L., 1664 (Samuel) The Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity, F. 8vo. L., 1712 Id., B. 8vo. L,, 1732 A full Account of the late Proceedings in Convocation relating to Dr. Clarke's writings about the Trinity, C. 8vo. L., 1716 - — Three Letters to Dr. Clarke from a Clergyman, with his Eeplies, C. 8vo. L., 1714 Letter to Dr. Wells, G. 8vo. L., 1714 f YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 107 Clarke (Samuel) Sermons on Various Subjects, 10 vols., 8vo. Z., 1730-1 Eighteen Sermons, 8vo. L., 1734 A Discourse on the Being and Attributes of God, 10th ed., 8vo. L., 1749 A Paraphrase on the Four Evangelists, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1795 (Stephen, Hector of Burythorpe, co. York) Sixteen Discourses, 2nd ed., 12mo. Malton (1730-50) Claude (Jean) R^ponse aux deux traitez intitulez La Perp6tuite de la Foy de TEglise Catholique touchant L'Eucharistie, 7th ed., 4to. Charenton, 1668 La Defense dela Reformation, 4to. Bouen, 1673 Les Fruits de la Repentance. La Parabole des Noces, explique en Sermons, 8vo. ^ Charenton, 1676 R6ponse au livre de Monsr. L'Evesque de Meaux intitul6 Con- ference avec M. Claude, 8vo. ibid, 1683 Les OEuvres Posthumes, 5 vols., 8vo. Amsterd., 1688-9 Claudianus (CI.) Opera Omnia, M. 8vo. Basilece, Behelius, 1534 Id., "Jo. Pricceus,'' F. 12mo. Ex off. Ba^helengi, 1603 Id., ed. Gesner, 2 vols., 8vo. Lipsice, 1759 (Mamertus) De Statu Animse, 4to. Basilece, Ad. Petrus, 1520 Claudius (F.) Enarrationes in Apocalypsin, 12mo. Paris, 1550 Clavasio (Angelus de) Summa Angelica de Casibus Conscientise, " PF. Mount," F. F. 4to. Lugd., Jo. Poulet, 1505 Id., 4to. Cadomi, Laur. Hostingue, 1517 Clavell (Roger) Tables for the Forbearance & Discompt of Money & Annuities, F. 4to. L., 1669 Clavius (Chr.) In Sphseram Joann de Sacro Bosco Commentarius, F. 4to. Lugd. 1593 Id., et Geometrica de Crepusculis Tractatio, F. F. 4to. Genevm, 1608 Clay (W. L.) Essays on Church Policy {M. B. Bresher, Vicar of St. Martins' York, 1870), 8vo. L., 1865 Clayton (John) Reports and Pleas of Assises at Yorke, Da. 12mo. L., 1651 Id. {John Sykes, M.D., 1892), 12mo. Dublin, 1741 (Robert, Bp. of Clogher) An Essay on Spirit, B. & C. 8vo. L.y 1751 A Sequel to the Essay on Spirit, B. 8vo. L., 1752 Id., with a Defence, C. 8vo. L, 1752-3 A Letter to him occasioned by his Essay on Spirit, B. 8vo. L., 1752 A Journal from Cairo to Mount Sinai, with Remarks on Hiero- glyphics, B. 8vo. L., 1753 Letters which passed between him and Mr. Wm. Penn con- cerning Baptism, C. 4to. L., 1756 Cleaver (R.) & Dod (John) A Plaine and Familiar Exposition of the Ten Commandments, M. 4to. L., 1604 A Godly Forme of Housholde Government, M. 8vo. L., 1614 (Wm., Bp. of Chester) Assize Sermon at Warwick, March 28, 1739, a 8vo. Oxford, 1739 108 CATALOGUE OF Cleaver (Wm.) Sermon before the Univ. of Oxford, Mar. 6, 1742-3, C. 8vo. ibid. Clemangis (Nic. de) De Lapsu et Reparatione Justitise, 4to. s. /. 1519 Speculum Ecclesise Pontificise, ed. Ed. Bulkley, F. F. 8vo. Z., 1606 Clemenceau (T.) Coppie de la Lettre a Monsieur de la Vergne, 8vo. 1600 Clemens Romanus, Opera, M. 8vo. Parisiis, M. Sonnius, 1568 Ad Corinthios Epistolse, B. 8vo. Oxon. 1677 Id., ed. Colomesius, F. 8vo. L., 1687 Id., ed. Wotton, 8vo. Cantabr. 1718 Alexandrinus, Opera, editio princeps, F. fol. Flor entice^ Laur. Torrentinus, 1550 Id., ed. Hervetus, F. F. fol. BasUece, 1556 . Id., F. F. fol. Parisiis, 1590 Id., ed. Potter, F. 2 vols., fol. Oxon., 1715 Liber, " Quis dives salutem consequi possit ? F. & D. 8vo. Oxonii, 1683 Clemens (V., Papa) Constitutiones see Constitutions. (VIII, Papa) Evangelium Romanum, M. 8vo. 1600 (XI, Papa) Homilia habita in die Natali Christi in Basilica principis Apostolorum, 1702, B. 4to. Florentice, 1703 (XIV, Papa, Ganganelli) Epistolse et Brevia Selectiora, ed. Theiner, 8vo. Paris, 1852 Clenardus (Nic.) Tabula in Grammaticen Hebraeam, M. 8vo. Parisiis, M. Juvenis, 1564 Institutiones ac Meditationes in Grsecam Linguam, F. 4to. Hanovioi, 1617 Cleree (Joann.) Sermones de Adventu, 8vo. Parisiis, Englebert. Marnef, 1530 Cleveland (Duchess of) History of Battle Abbey {The Author, 1889). Pr.pr. 4to. ^ L., 1877 Clichtoveus (Judocus) De Mystica Numerorum significatione, M. 4 to. Paris, H. Stephanus, 1513 De Necessitate peccati Ada^, etc., M. 4to. Paris, id., 1519 De Vera Nobilitate, M. 4to. Paris, S. Colinceus, 1520 De Vita et Moribus Sacerdotum, M. 4 to. Paris, id., 1520 De Bello et Pace, M. 4to. • ' Paris, id., 1523 De Veneratione Sanctorum, De Laudibus Josephi Patriarchse, David, et Tobise, M. 4to. Paris, id., 1523-33 De Doctrina Moriendi, Imp. 4to. Clifford (James) Services and Anthems sung in his Majestie's Chappel and in all the Cathedrals, 8vo. L., 1664 (M.) Notes upon Mr. Dryden's Poems, C. 4to. L., 1687 (W.) A Little Manual of the Poor Man's Dayly Devotion, E. 24mo. Paris, 1682 (Wm.) Sermon preached at Wakefield, Oct. 30, 1681, J?. 4to. L., 1682 Climacus (S. Joann.) Opera Omnia, fol. Parisiis, 1633 Clingius (Conr.) Catechismus Catholicus, i^.i^. fol. Colonice, Hcer. Am. Birkman, 1562 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 109 Clmgius (Conr.) Loci Communes Theologici, fol. ibid., 1562 Clive (Robt.) Documents connected with the History of Ludlow (The Author, 1849)., 8vo. i., 1841 Cluni. Record-Evidences . . of the Abbey of Ckmi, 1077-1534, ed. Sir Geo. Duckett. Pr. p\, 8vo. 1886 Charters and Records among the Archives of Cluni, ed. by Sir G. Duckett. Pr.jpr., 2 vols. 8vo. 1888 Cluniacs. See Bullarium. Clusius (Car.) Exoticorum Libri X, M. fol. Ex off. Plant, 1605 Cluten (Joach.) De Haereticis, an sint persequendi, M. 8vo. Argent., 1610 Clutterbuck (J.) A Plain Vindication of the Liturgy of the Church of England, F. 8vo. L., 1709 Cluverius (Joann.) Historiarum to tins mundi Epitome, F. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1645 (Phil.) Germanise Antiquse Lib. Ill, etc., F. fol. Lugd. Bat., Elzevir, 1631 Commentarius de Tribus Rheni Alveis, 4to. ib., 1681 Geographia, F. 4to. Amst., 1682 Introductio in Universam Geographiam, F. 4to. ib., 1697 Cnoglerus (Quirinus) Symbola tria, Catholicum, Calvinianum, Lutheranum, M. 8vo. Colonice, 1606 Cobbet (Thos., of Lynne, in New England) The Civil Magistrate's power in matters of Religion modestly debated, C. 4to. L., 1653 A Practical Discourse of Prayer, 8vo. L., 1657 Coccius (Jodocus) Thesaurus Catholicus, M. 2 vols,, fol. Colonice, 1600-1 Cocheletius (Anast.) Coemeterium Calvini Inferni, etc., M. 8vo. Antwerpice, 1612 Cochlseus (Joann.) De Petro et Roma, adversus Velenum Luthera- num, 4to. Colon., P. Quentell, 1525 Philippicse IV in Apologiam Ph. Melancthonis, M. 4to. Lipsice, Nic. Faber, 1536 De Ordinatione Episcoporum atque Presbyterorum, et de Eucharistiae Consecratione, 4to. Moguntice, F. Bohemus, 1540 In IV Andr. Osiandri Conjecturas de fine mundi Velitatio, 4to. Ingoldstadii, A. Vueysonhorn, 1545 Annotationes et Antitheses in qusedam Scripta et Proposi- tiones Collocutorum Wittenbergensium, 4to. ibid., 1546 Christianum de Fide et Sacramentis Edictum, 4to. ibid., 1546 Speculum Antiquse Devotionis circa Missam, S. fol. Moguntice, 1549 Historia de Actis et Scriptis M. Lutheri cum Edicto Worma- ciensi, M. Parisiis, Guil. Chauldiere, 1565 Cock (John, Vicar of St. Oswald's, Durham) Twelve Sermons, with a Preface by George Hickes, 12 mo. L., 1710 Cockayne (0.) Civil History of the Jews, 2nd ed. 12mo. L., 1845 Cockburn (John) An Historical Relation of the late General Assembly at Edinburgh, C. 4to. L., 1691 A Continuation of, C. 4to. L., 1691 (Mrs. Kath.) Works. B. 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1751 110 CATALOGUE OF Cockson (Edw.) Quakerism dissected and laid open, C. 8vo. A, 1708 Cocttineus (Fr.) Olfactorium Poenitentise {Rev. C. B. Norcliffe, 1877.) 8vo. s. I 1651 Cocus. See Cook. Codrington (Sir E.) Memoirs {Lady Bourchier, his daughter, the Editor, 1875.), 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1873 Coenalis (Rob.) Gallica Historia, M. fol. Parisiis, M. Fezendat, 1557 Coffee. CofFo-Philo, an Occasional Dialogue at a Coffee House between Philanax Britannicus and Calophilus Anglus, G. 4to. 1667 Cokayn (Geo.) Funeral Sermon on Col. Wm. Underwood, C. 4to. L., 1658 Coke (Sir Edward) Le Quart Part des Eeportes, " Reverendo in Christo pati'i et domino semper mihi colendissimo, Tobice Episcopo Dunelm. Ex dono authoris Edw. Coke," fol. L., 1604 Quinta Pars Eelationum, F. fol. L., 1605 The Fifth Part of his Reports, M. fol. L., 1605 See Parsons (Robert). La Sept Part des Reports, M. 4to. ^La Neufme Part, M. "Ex dono authoris" fol. L., 1613 La Unze Part, F. 4to. His Reports, in verse, no title, C. 8vo. His Speech and Charge at the Norwich Assizes, M. 4to. L., 1607 The Complete Copyholder, F. 4to. L., 1641 Colani (T.) J6sus Christ et les Croyances Messianiques de son Temps, 8vo. Strasbourg, 1864 Coldstream : Chartulary of, ed. for the Grampian Club, 8vo. L., 1879 Coleman (Mr.) Two Letters to Mons. le Chaise, etc., B. 4to. s. l, 1678 (Thos.) Fast Sermon before the House of Commons, Sept. 12, 1644, a 4to. L., 1644 Colenso (Bp.) Trial of, 8vo. L., 1864 Coleridge (Hartley) Worthies of Yorkshire and Lancashire, 8vo. L., 1836 Colet (Dean, Preb. of York) Treatise on the Sacraments, ed. J. H. Lupton, 8vo. L., 1867 Two Treatises on the Hierarchies of Dionysius, ed. Lupton, 8vo. L., 1869 An Exposition of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, ed. Lupton, 8vo. L., 1873 — Exposition of St. Paul's first Epistle to the Corinthians, ed. Lupton, 8vo. L., 1874 Life of; by Lupton, 8vo. L., 1887 Collado (Nic.) Methodus facillima ad Explicationem Apocalypsis, 8vo. Morgiis, Jo. le Preux, 1581 Colleii (Jean) Declaration et Conversion, publiquement faite en I'Eglise de Sedan, 8vo. Sedan, 1601 Colleton (John) A Just Defence of the slandered Priestes, etc., M. 4to. 1602 ^ YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. HI CoUibus (Hippolytus a) Princeps, Consiliarms Palatinus, sive Aulicus et Nobilis, M. 8vo. Hanovice, 1599 Collier (Jer.) The Difference between the present and future State of our Bodies, 4to. X., 1686 A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage, F. 8vo. L., 1698 A Defence of the Short View, C. 8vo. L.^ 1699 Great Historical Dictionary, B. 4 vols., folio. Z., 1701 Essays, F. 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1707-9 Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain {W. H. Dixon, Preh, of York, 1853), 2 vols., folio. X., 1708-14 Id., 9 vols., 8vo. i., 1845 [ ] A Persuasive to consideration tendered to the Royalists, F. 8vo. _ L., 1716 The Necessity of an Alteration, being a Reply to a late Tract entituled " No Necessity to Alter," etc., F. 8vo. L., 1718 and Leslie (C.) The Desertion Discussed, C. 8vo. .9. a. & I. (J. P.) Extracts from the Registers of the Stationers' Company, Da. 2 vols, in 1. L., 1848-9 (Thos., sometime teacher to the Church in York) The Exaltation of Christ, 3rd ed., 8vo. ' i., 1647 The Glory of Christ and the Ruine of Antichrist, 8vo. 1647 A Brief Discovery of the Corruption of the Ministrie of the Church of England, 8vo. X., s. a. A Discovery of the New Creation, in a Sermon, 8vo. L., 1649 A General Epistle to the Universall Church (Three Letters), 8vo. i., 1649 The Marrow of Christianity, 8vo. Z., 1650 -The Pulpit-Guard Routed, 4to. i., 1651 The Decision and clearing of the great point . . about the interest of Christ and the Civill Magistrate, C. 4to. Z., 1659 Collings (John, of Norwich) The Spouse's Hidden Story, two Sermons, 4to. L., 1647 VindicisB Ministerii Evangelici, G. 4to. Z., 1651 Responsoria ad erratica Pastoris (i.e. Wm. Sheppard) sive Vin- dicise Vindiciarum, C. 4to. L., 1652 A Sober and Temperate Discourse concerning the Interest of Words in Prayer, the just Antiquity and Pedigree of Liturgies, by H. D., C. 4to. Z., s. a. Responsoria ad Erratica Piscatoris (i.e. Edw. Fisher), C. 4to. X., 1653 Indoctus doctor edoctus : or a short Answer to a little Tract of Theophilus Brabourne, C. 4to. Z., 1654 A new Lesson for the Indoctus Doctor : or, rather, a Fescue, and a pair of Spectacles to help him to read the former, better. C. 4to. Z., 1654 The Excellent Woman . . upon occasion of the death of . . the Lady Frances Hobart, 8vo. Z., 1669 Light in Darkness . . a Funeral Sermon on Lady Catharine Courten, 8vo. L., 1669 112 CATALOGUE OF Collins (Anthony) A Discourse of Free-Thinking, C. 8vo. X., 1713 Philosophical Enquiry concerning Human Liberty, C. 8vo. L., 1717 (Arthur) The Peerage of England, 8 vols., 8vo. L., 1779 (Henry) The Spirit and Mission of the Cistercian Order : com- prising the Life of S. Eobert of Newminster, and S. Robert of Knaresbrough, with an Account of the foundation of Fountain's Abbey, 8vo. X., 1866 (Samuel) Increpatio Andrese Eudaemono-Johannis Jesuitse, etc., M. 4to. . Cantabr., 1612 Epphata to F. T., or the Defence of the Bishop of Elie, M. 4to. Cambridge, 1617 [ ] The Jewish Philosophers encounter'd and confuted, C. 8vo. ^ Oxford, 1725 (Thos., Vicar of Knaresbro') Sermon at the Consecration of Harrowgate Chapel, B. 8vo. York, John Hildyard, 1749 see Aram (Eugene). Collins (Fr.) De Sanguine Christi, 4to. Mediolani, 1617 Colmore (Matt.) Oratio Funebris in obitum Georgii Sanct Paul Eq. Aur., ilf. 4to. Oxonii,\^\^ Cologne (Church and Diocese of) Formula ad quam Visitatio intra Diocsesim Coloniensem exigetur, M. fol. Colonice in off. Quenteliana, 1536 Canones Concilii Provincialis Coloniensis sub Hermanno archie- piscopo, quibus adjectum est Enchiridion Christianse Institu- tionis, M. fol. ibid., 1538 Antididagma, sen Christianse et Catholicse Eeligionis per Rev. et Illustr. Dom. Canonicos Ecclesise Coloniensis propugnatio, adversus Librum quendam nuper Bonnse titulo Reformationis exhibitum, M. 8vo. Lovanii, Serv. Zassenus, 1544 Canones Concilii Provincialis Coloniensis : quibus hsec addita sunt. Reformatio Cleri, Statuta Synodalia Valentini Episcopi Hildesensis, etc., B. 8vo. Farisiis, 1545 — —Enchiridion Christianse Institutionis in Concilio Provinciali Coloniensi editum, B. 8vo. ibid., 1545 Colomesius (Paulus) Ad G. Cave Chartophylacem Ecclesiast. Paralipomena, etc., 8vo. L., 1686 see Dominis (M. A. de). Colton (Thos., of York) A Sermon preach'd Decem. 3, 1702, in the City of York ; being the Day of Thanksgiving, B. 4to. L., 1703 Sermon preach'd in York, Jan. 19, 1703-4, being the Fast-day appointed for the late dreadful Storm, B. 4to. L., 1704 Thanksgiving Sermon preach'd in York, Dec. 31, 1706, B. 4to. York, John White, 1706 Columbus (Chr.) Life of, by Arthur Helps, 8vo. L., 1869 Colvill (John, Scotus) Parsenesis, M. 8vo. Farisiis, 1601 The Parsenese or Admonition of Jo. Colville (laitly returnit to the Catholique Romane Religion in which he was babtesit and brocht up till he had full 14 years of age) unto his cuntrey men . . . M., Paris, Steph. Prevosteau, 1602 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 113 Colvill (John, Scotus) The Palinod or Recantation of John Colvil], etc., If, 8vo. Edinburgh, Rolert Charteris, 1604 Colynet (Nath.) The History of the Civill Warres of France be- tween Henry IV & the Leaguers, M. 4to. L., Thos. Orwin, 1591 Comber (Thos., Precentor of York and Dean of Durham). A Companion to the Altar, etc., 8vo. L., 1665 Id., S., 4th ed., 8vo. L., 1680 A Companion to the Temple and Closet, F. 8vo. Z., 1672 A Companion to the Temple, F. 8vo. L., 1676 Id., S., 3rd ed., 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1679 Id., " Ex. dono authoris . . ad Bibliothecam Ecclesice Caihedralis et Metropol. B. Petri Eborum. T. C. Prcecentor. Mar. 22, 168f,"fol. L., 1684 Id. (Piev. a B. Norcliffe, 1882), 7 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1841 [ ] The Right of Tithes asserted, F. 4to. L., 1677 The Occasional Offices of the Church explained, 8vo. L., 1679 The Church Catechism, with a brief Explanation, F. 8vo. i., 1681 Assize Sermon at York Minster, July 16, 1681, on Judi- cial Swearing, P. 4to. L., 1682 Short Discourses upon the whole Common Prayer, 8vo. L., 1684 Id., 2nd ed., 8vo. Z., 1688 Friendly and Seasonable Advice to the Roman Catholicks of England, 4th ed., 12mo. Z., 1685 Id., F. 12mo. L., 1686 Id., B. 12mo. i., 1786 An Historical Vindication of the Divine right of Tithes, 4to. L., 1685 [ ] A Discourse concerning the Second Council of Nice, 4to. L., 1688 A Scholastical History of the Primitive use of Liturgies, 8vo. i., 1690 The Examiner Examined : being a Vindication of the History of Liturgies. See Bold (S.), C. 4to. E, 1691 Sermon before the Queen at Whitehall, Aug. 29, 1694, P. 4to. Z., 1694 The Church History clear'd from the Roman Forgeries and Corruptions found in the Councils and Baronius, 4to. L., 1695 A Discourse on the Offices for 5th Nov., 30th Jan. and 29th May, 8vo. E, 1696 Thanksgiving Sermon in Durham Cathedral, R. 4to. L., 1697 ' A Discourse upon the Form and Manner of Ordaining and Consecrating Bishops, Priests and Deacons, F. 8vo. E., 1699 The Plausible Arguments of a Romish Priest from Scripture and Antiquity answered, etc., 8vo. E., 1735 Id., 3rd ed., 12mo. ^ork, s. a. Id., B. 12mo. ibid., 1805 I 114 CATALOGUE OF Comber (Thos.) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of, by Thos. Comber . . " From the Author" 8vo. L., 1799 (Thomas, the Dean's Son) The Heathen Rejection of Chris- tianity considered, 8vo. X., 1747 A Vindication of the Great Revolution in England in 1688, 8vo. L., 1758 An Elegy made in a Country Churchyard, occasion'd by the funeral of a Young Lady, R. 4to. York, Ccesar Ward, 1758 Comber (Thos., Rector of Oswaldkirk, the Dean's Great Grandson) A Reply to a Letter from the Rev. Richard Towers, Prior of Ampleforth. " From the Author " Di, 8vo. L., 1832 Combis (Joann. de) Compendium totius Theologicae Veritatis, M. 8vo. Parisiis, 1580 Comenius (J. A.) Ratio Disciplinse Ordinisque Ecclesiastici in Uni- tate Fratrum Bohemorum, D. 8vo. Amstelod., 1660 Comes (Natalis) Mythologise, etc., F.F. 8vo. Gebennis, 1605 Comestor (Petrus) Scholastica Historia. '^ Liber dompni Willelmi Hacfurth, monachi Dunelm." M. fol. Basilece, 1486 Comines (Philip de) Commentarii de Rebus Gestis Ludovici XI et Caroli Burgundise Ducis, F. 8vo. Paris., Andr. Wechel., 1569 Id., M. 8vo. imp. ■ Id., The History of Philip de Comines, translated by Tho. Danett, D. fol. L., Ar. Hatfield, 1596 Commelinus (Hieron.) Rerum Britannicarum Scriptores, fol. Heidelbergce, Commelin., 1587 Communicant, The Reasonable Communicant, F. 12mo. L., 1708 Communion Rails. Certaine Affirmations in defence of the pulling down of, F. 4to. L., 1641 A Discourse, or an Answer to some Affirmations concerning the pulling down of the Communion Rails on the Visitation day, 4to. L., 1641 Compton (Henry, Bp.) An Exact Account of the Whole Proceed- ings against him before the Lord Chancellor and the other Ecclesiastical Commissioners, 4to. L., 1688 Conald (Robert) The Notion of Schism stated . . being Animad- versions upon the Plea of the Nonconformists, 8vo. L., 1677 Concilia, tam Generalia quam Provincialia, fol. Venetiis, 1585 see Binius, Bright, Bruns, Haddon and Stubbs, Labb6, Spelman, Wilkins. Conciones et Orationes ex Historicis Latinis, F. 8vo. Oxonii, 1660 Cond6. The Great Cond^, a Historical Sketch by W. Fitzpatrick, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1873 Conder (C. R.) Tent Work in Palestine, 8vo. L., 1886 Heth and Moab, Explorations in Syria, 1881-2, 8vo. L., 1883 Conestaggio (leron.) Dell' Unione del Regno di Portogallo alia Corona di CastigHa istoria, 4to. Genova, Gir. Bartoli, 1589 Id., 4to. ibid., 1589 Confession of Sin. Methodus Confessionis in qua peccata et eorum remedia continentur ; item XII Articulorum Fidei Explanatio, M. 8vo. Lugd.t Theob, Paganus, 1651 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 115 Confession of Sin. De la Contrition n6cessaire pour obtenir la remission des p6chez dans le Sacrement de Penitence, 8vo. Louvain, 1676 Confessions of Faith. — Gallicarum Ecclesiarum Confessio, M. 8vo. s.L, 1566 Confessio et Expositio Orthodoxse Fidei concorditer ab Ecclesiae Christi ministris qui sunt in Helvetia, Tiguri, Bernse, etc., M. 8vo. Tiguri^ Chr. FroschoveruSj 1568 Confessio paucis articulis complectens Summam Doctrinse de vera prsesentia Corporis et Sanguinis Christi in Csena Domini, 8vo. Vitehergce, typis Cratonianis, 1574 Harmonia Confessionum Fidei Orthodoxarum et Eeforma- tarum Ecclesiarum, etc. Autograph of Bp. Barnes. M. 4to. Genevce, 1581 An Harmony of the Confessions of the Faith of the Christian and Eeformed Churches, F. 8vo. Cambridge, 1586 Confessio Fidei Anglorum quorundam in Inferiori Germania exulantium, etc., 8vo. s. Z., 1607 Eegni Anglici Confessio Fidei, 4to. Typis Conradi Nebenii, 1610 A Declaration of Faith of English people remaining at Amsterdam. (By T. Helwys), 12mo. Imp. s. I, 1611 Id. A Different ed. Imp. Augustana Confessio. Augustan88 Confessionis Apologia, M. 12mo. Basilece, 1567 A Confession of Faith put forth by the Elders and Brethren of many Congregations of Christians (Baptized upon Profession of their Faith) in London and the Country, 8vo. L., 1688 The Confession of Faith, the Larger and Shorter Catechisms . . of the Church of Scotland, 8vo. Glasgow, 1753 Id., B. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1773 Conformity. The Course of Conformitie, H. 4to. s. I, 1622 Coninck (^gid. de) Commentaria ac Disputationes in universam doctrinam D. Thomse de Sacramentis et Censuris Ecclesiasticis, F.F. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Antwerpice, 1619 Connor (Bern.) Evangelium Medici, B. 8vo. L., 1697 Conoid (Robert) The Notion of Schisme, F. 8vo. ^ L., 1677 Conscience. The Ancient Bounds, or Liberty of Conscience, ten- derly stated, C. 4to. L., 1645 Traits de la Liberty de Conscience, ou de I'autorit^ des Sou- verains sur la Religion des Peuples. Par L. D. L. G-., 8vo. Cologne, 1687 Des Droits des deux Souverains en matiere de Religion, la Conscience, et le Prince, etc., 8vo. Rotterdam, 1687 see Sharp (T.) Consecrations of Churches, Churchyards, etc., and Forms of Prayer used at. A large Collection, 8vo & 12mo. ^- V- Conset Consett (Henry, of York) The Practise of the Spiritual or Ecclesiastical Courts, 3rd ed., 8vo. ^-j ^"^^^ (John, M.D.) The Olive Branch, or the Miraculous Restauration of Peace, May 29, 1660, C. 4to. L'> 1660 I 2 116 CATALOGUE OF Conset Consett (Thos.) The Present State and Regulations of the Church in Russia, 8vo. i., 1729 Constantinus (Rob.) Lexicon Grseco-Latinum, fol. Genevce, 1592 Constantius (M. A.) Confutationes Cavillationum in venerabilis Eucharistise Sacramenti veritatem, M. 4to. Parisiis, Ben. Prevotius^ 1552 (Paulus) De Causa Boemica, M. 4to. 5. I. ^ a. Constitutions, &c. — Constitutiones Legitimse Ecclesise totiusque religionis Anglicanss ab Legatis a Latere . . D. Othone et D. Othobone, collect^e, fol. Parisiis, Wulfgang Ropilius, 1506 Capitula sive Constitutiones Ecclesiasticse per Archiepiscopum, Episcopos et reliquum Clerum Cantuariensis Provincise in Synodo . . 1597 . . tractatae, M. 4to. L., Dep. Chr. Barker, 1597 Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiasticall, agreed upon in 1603, R. 4to. L., 1604 Id., S. 4to. L, 1640 Id., ,S'. 4to. circa 1687 Constitutiones Ordinis Fratrum Eremitarum S. Augustini, Svo. Olysippone, 1582 Id., imperfect. Constitutiones Congregationis Anglicanse Ordinis Sancti Bene- dicti, 8vo. Paris, 1784 Constitutiones Papae Clementis V. M. fol. Fenetiis, per B. de Tridino de Monteferrato, 1491 Id., ed. ^gid. Perrinus, F. fol. Lutet. Paris, 1561 Constitutiones et Decreta Cardinalis Caroli Borrhomsei, S. 8vo. Mediolani, 1566 Sacri S. R. E...Cardinaliuni CoUegii Constitutiones, 8vo. RomcB, 1833 Constitutiones Societatis Jesu, anno 1558, S. 8vo. L., 1838 Constitutiones Fratrum Ordinis de Monte Carmeli, Da. Uo. Romce, 1586 Constitutiones Pontificise et Romanarum Congregationum Decisiones ad Sacros Ritus spectantes, ed. J. B. Pittonus, 8. 2 vols., 8vo. Fenetiis, 1746 Constitutions des Tresorier, Chanoines, et College de la Sainte- Chapelle Royale du Palais, S. 8vo. Paris, 1779 Conventicles. The Magistrate's Monitor : or Considerations upon the Act against Seditious Conventicles, B. 4to. L., 1682 Convocation — A Letter to a Convocation Man concerning the Rights... of that Body. (By Sir B. Shower), 4to. L., 1697 A Narrative of the Proceedings of the Lower House of Con- vocation relating to Prorogations and Adjournments, Feb. 10, 1700— June 25, 1701. (Drawn-up by Bp. Geo. Hooper), S. 4to. L., 1701 A Letter to a Friend in the Country, concerning the Pro- ceedings of the present Convocation. (By Edm. Gibson), &. 4to, s. a. (& I, YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 117 Convocation. The Power of the Lower House . . to Adjourn itself, vindicated from . . a Letter to a Friend in the Country. {By F. Atterhury), S. 4to. L., 1701 A Letter to a Clergyman in the Country, concerning the Choice of Members, the Execution of the Parliament Writ. (By F. Atterhury), S. 4to. L., 1701 A Second Letter to a Clergyman in the Country. {By F. Atterhury), S. 4to. Z., 1701 A Third Letter. {Do.), S. 4to. L., 1702 A Letter to a Clergyman in the City, concerning the Instruc- tions lately given to the Proctors for the Clergy of the Diocese of Worcester, S. 4to. L., 1702 An Expedient propos'd . . whereby all disputes in that matter may for the future be avoided. {By W. Binchs), S. 4to. L., 1701 A Faithful Account of some Transactions in the Three Last Sessions of the Present Convocation. Two numbers. {By F. Atterhury), S. 4to. L., 1702 The Case of the Prgemunientes considered : in an Answer to the Letter sent lately to a Clergyman in the Country. {By White Kennett), S. 4to. L., 1702 A Reconciling Letter upon the late Differences about Convo- cational Eights and Proceedings. {By Ditto), S. 4to. 5. a. & I. The Late Pretence of a Constant Practice to enter the Parlia- ment as well as Provincial Writ in the Front of the Acts of every Synod consider'd . . with a Certificate from the Register of York. {By Chas. Trimnell), S. 4to. L., 1702 Id. Further consider'd . . in a Second Letter. {By Do.), S. 4to. L., A Narrative of the Lower House of Convocation as to the point of Adjournments, vindicated. {By G. Hooper), S. 4to. L. (1702) The Case of the Schedule Stated. {By F. Atterhury), S. 4to. L., 1702 The Parliamentary Original and Rights of the Lower House of Convocation cleared. {By Do.), S. 4to. L., 1702 The History of the Convocation . . summon'd to meet . . on Feb. 6, 1700. {By White Kennett), S. 4to. L., 1702 The Right of the Archbishop to continue to Prorogue the whole Convocation. {By Edm. Gihson), S. 4to. L., 1702 The Schedule Review'd, or the Right of the Archbishop, etc. cleared. {By Do.), S. 4to. L., 1702 Forma sive Descriptio Convocationis Celebrandse, *S'. 4to. s. a. & I. Reflexions upon a Late Paper entit'led an Expedient Propos'd, shewing the Unreasonableness thereof. {By Edm. Gihson), S. 4to. L., 1702 A Vindication of the Proceedings of some Members of the Lower House of the Last Convocation, S. 4to. L., 1702 A True Copy of the Archbishop of Canterbury's Speech . . Feb. 19, 1701-2, ;S'. 4to. L., 1702 The Pretended Expedient. In a Letter to the Author. {By Wm. Sherlock), S. 4to. L., 1702 118 CATALOGUE OF Convocation. A Letter from the Borders of Scotland, concerning somewhat of Agreement between a Scotch General Assembly, and an English Provincial Convocation. By an Episcopal Divine, S. 4to. X., 1702 Some Proceedings in the Convocation, 1705, F. 4to. L., 1708 A Short State of some present Questions in Convocation. [By Edm. Gibson], 4to. !•., 1703 A Eepresentation made by the Lower House .... Dec, 1704. A Collection of Papers concerning what hath been transacted in the Convocation, 1702-5, 4to. L., 1705 The Proceedings in the Convocation A.D. 1705 faithfully repre- sented, 4to. L.y 1705 A Faithful Account of some Proceedings in Convocation A.D. 1705. (Bij F. Atterbury), 4to. A Continuation of the Faithful Account .... No. 6. [By F. Jtterburyl 4to. Z., 1705 The Complainer further Reproved. [By Edm. Gibson], 4to. X., 1705 An Account of the Proceedings in Convocation, in a Cause of Contumacy. [By Edm. Gibson], 4to. (1707) An Account and Defence of the Protestation made by the Lower House of C . . in behalf of the Queen's Supremacy. [By F. Atterbury]. Two copies, 4to. L., 1707 Partiality detected : a Reply to . . Some Proceedings in the Convocation, A.D. 1705 faithfully Represented. [By Bp. Trimnell], 4to. L., 1708 An Account of two Motions made in the Lower House of Con- vocation concerning the Power of Remitting Sins, C. 8vo. L., 1712 A full Account of the late proceedings in Convocation relating to Dr. Clarke's writings about the Trinity, C. 8vo. L., 1716 Convocation-Craft : or a brief History of the intrigues and insolence of English Convocations under the Papacy, C. 8vo. L., 1717 Convocation of Canterbury. A Set of its Acts. {G. H. Philips, Preb. of York, 1884), 8vo. L., v. y. of York. A Set of its Acts. (The York Convocation, etc.), 8vo. v. y. Conybeare (W. J.) and Howson (J. S.) The Life and Epistles of St. Paul, 2 vols., 4to. L., 1852 Conyers (Richard, Rector of Kirkby Misperton) Visitation Sermon at Malton, June 25, 1764, Pi. 8vo. Leeds, 1764 (Tobias, Preb. of York) Sermon before the Lord Mayor of London and General Monck, Feb. 12, 1659, 4to. L., 1660 Cook (F. C.) Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, 8vo. L., 1850 Cooke (Alex., Vicar of Leeds) Pope Joane, a Dialogue betweene a Protestant and a Papist, 4to. L., 1610 Id., 4to. L., J. Haviland, 1625 La Papesse Jeanne (transl. into French), 8vo. Sedan, 1633 More Worke for a Masse Priest, C. 4to. L., 1621 Yet more Worke for a Masse Priest, C. 4to. L., 1622 The Abatement of Popish Braggs, 4to. L., 1625 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 119 Cooke (Alex.) The Weathercock of Eome's Reh'gion, 4to. X., 1625 Worke, more Worke, and a little more Worke for a Masse Priest, 4to. L., 1628 Cocus (Eobert, Vicar of Leeds) Censura quorumdam Scriptorum qui ... a Pontificiis citari solent, M. 4to. L., 1614 Coole (Benj.) Observations on the Paraphrase and Notes of John Locke relating to the Women's exercising their Spiritual Gifts in the Church, (7. 4to. L., 1715 Cooper (C.) Crammatica Linguae Anglicanse, F. 8vo. L., 1685 (C. H.) Annals of Cambridge, 4 vols., 8vo. Camhr., 1842-52 Memorials of Cambridge, 3 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1860 (C. H. and T.) Athense Cantabrigienses, 2 vols., 8vo. iUd., 1858 Memoir of Margaret Countess of Eichmond and Derby, 8vo. ibid., 1874 (Edward) Practical and Familiar Sermons, B. 4 vols., 8vo. L, 1816 (J. C) Cursory Eemarks on Mr. Warburton's new Edition of Mr. Pope's Works, C. 8vo. Z., 1751 (Thos., Bp. of Lincoln) A brief Exposition of such Chapters of the Old Testament as usually are redde in the Church at Common Praier, F. 4to. X., H. Denham, 1573 A true and perfect Copie of a Godly Sermon preached in the Minster at Lincolne, 1575, M. 8vo. Z., H. Middleton, s. a. Thesaurus Linguae Eomanse et Britannicae, M. fol. X., 1578 Id., fol. L., in cedibus H. Bynnemanni, 1584 (Thomas) A Brand taken out of the Fire, or the Eomish Spider with his webbe of Treason woven and broken, M. 4to. Z., G. Eld, 1606 Nonse Novembris seternitati consecratse in memoriam Libera- tionis a Proditione Sulphurea, M, 4to. Oxon., J. Barnes, 1607 The Art of Giving, M. 8vo. Z., 1615 (Wm., Eector of Kirkby Wiske and Archdeacon of York) Visi- tation Sermon at Eichmond, May 30th, 1763^ R. 4to. L., 1763 Two Occasional Discourses, R. 4to. L., 1763 Discourse on the Licentiousness of the Tongue, R. 4to. L., 1764 Discourses, R. 8vo. L., 1766 A Caveat to the Will of a Certain Northern Vicar, addressed to the Eev. W. C, H. 4to. L., 1766 Funeral Sermon on John Dealtry, M.D., R. 4to. York, A. Ward, 1773 Discourses on Several Subjects. {The Author, 1786), 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1786 Coornhertius (Theod.) Epitome Processus de Occidendis Haereticis . . adv. J. Lipsium, M. Goudce, Z. Hcenius, 1597 Defensio Processus de non Occidendis Haereticis, M. ibid., 1597 Breve Documentumde Cogitationum Observatione, M. ibid., 1597 Coote (H. C.)The Centuriation of Eoman Britain. The Author's copy, 4to._ L., 1869 Cope (Mich.) Exposition upon the Proverbes of Solomon, transl. by M. Outred, M. 4to. L., Thos. Dawson, 1588 Copleston (Bp.) Memoirs of, by W. J. Copleston, 8vo. L., 1851 120 CATALOGUE OF Copley (John) Doctrinall and Morall Observations concerning Re- ligion, 4to. L., 1618 Coptic Church : Original Documents of, viz., The Liturgy of St. Mark ; The Calendar ; History of the Copts ; Holy Gospel and Versicles for Sundays ; The Euchologion and Liturgy of St. Gregory • ed. S. C. Malan, 5 vols., 8vo. L., 1872-5 Coquerel (Ath.) Sermons, 8vo. Paris, 1853 Christologie, 2 vols, in 1. ibid., 1858 (Ath., fils) Des Premieres Transformations Historiques du Chris- tianisme, 8vo. ibid., 1866 Corasius (Joann.) & Hopperus (Joach.) Tractatus de Juris Arte, 8vo. Col Agr., 1582 [Corbet (John)] The Epistle Congratulatorie of Lysimachus Nicanor of the Societie of Jesu to the Covenanters in Scotland. Several copies, B. a F. 4to. s. I, 1640 A Postscript for the Personate Jesuite Lysimachus Nicanor, C. 4to. (No title). Corneille (Pierre) (Euvres, 2 vols., 8vo. {Precentor Fall, 1711) Paris, 1644 Limitation de J^sus Christ, traduite en vers. (Precentor Fall, 1711), 8vo. Bruxelles, 1665 Cornelius (Flaminius) Ecclesise Venetse antiquis monumentis illus- tratse, 18 vols, in 9, 4to. Venetiis, 1749 Cornwall and Devon. The Association, Agreement, and Protesta- tion of the Counties of Cornwall and Devon, 4to. Oxford, 1643 [Cornwallis (Sir Wm.)] The Miraculous and Happie Union of England and Scotland, 4to. L., Edw. Blount, 1604 Coronations. The Form and Order of the Coronation of King Charles H at Scoon, Jan. 1st, 1651, with the Sermon preached upon the Occasion by E. Dowglas, G. 4to. L., 1660 History of the Coronation of James H and Queen Mary. By F. Sandford, S. fol. L., 1687 A Complete Account of the Ceremonies observed in the Coro- nations of the Kings and Queens of England, F. 4to. L., 1727 Id., S. 4to. L., 1760 Liber Regalis, ed. for the Roxburghe Club. {Earl Beauchamp, 1888), 4to. L., 1870 Corranus (Ant.) Salomonis Concio de summo Hominis bono in Latinam Lingi^am versa, M. 8vo. L., J. Wolfius, 1579 Epistola Pauli ad Romanos e Gr. in Lat. versa, M. 8vo. L., Tho. Vautrollerius, 1581 Corroy (Simon k) Pandectae Legis Evangelicse, M. 12mo. Antvj. in ced. Jo. Steelsii; 1552 Corroy er (Ed.) Description de I'Abbaye du Mont Saint Michell et de ses Abords, 8vo. Paris, 1878 Corsica (Theodore, King of) History of, C. 8vo. L., 1743 Cortesius (Ferd.) Prseclara de Nova Maris Oceani Hyspania Nar- ratio in Lat. Versa, etc., F. fol. Norimbergce, Fred. Peypus, 1524 Life of, by A. Helps, 2 vols., 8vo. L, 1871 (Paulus) Sacrarum Literarum . . . Scientia, etc., M. fol. Basilece, Hen. Petrus, 1540 YOKE MINSTER LIBEARY. 121 Cortesius (Paulus) Sacrarum Literarum Libri IV. Basikce, Hen. Petrus, 1540 Corvinus (Ant.) Expositio Decalogi, Symboli Apostolici, etc., G. 8vo. JFitebergce, 1537 Cory (J. P.) The Ancient Fragments of Sanchoniatho, Berossus, Abydenus, Megasthenes, and Manetho, 8vo. L., 1828 Cosin (James) The Names of the Roman Catholics, Non-jurors, &c., who refused the Oaths to George I, Da. 8vo. L., 1745 (John, Bp. of Durham) A Collection of Private Devotions, R. 12mo. L., 1627 Id., F. 12mo. X., 1655 The Articles or Charge exhibited in Parliament against D. Cozens, of Durham, 4to. L., 1641 A Scholastical History of the Canon of Holy Scripture, F. 4to. L., 1657 Historia Transubstantiationis Papalis, F. 8vo. L., 1675 Id., The History of Popish Transubstantiation, B. 8vo. X., 1676 Id., ^S'. 2nd ed. L., 1679 His Opinion for Communicating rather with Geneva than Rome, F. 8vo. L., 1684 The Religion, Discipline, and Rites of the Church of England, ed. F. Meyrick, 12mo. L., 1870 Works, 5 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1843 (Richard) An Answer to the two first and principall treatises put foorth latelie . . under the title of an Abstract of Certeine Acts of Parliament, etc., M. 4to. 1584 Id., Thos. Baker's copij, 4to. 1584 ( ) Conspiracie for pretended Reformation by Hacket, Coppinger, and Arthington, C. 4to. L., 1592 An Apologie for Sundry Proceedings by Jurisdiction Eccle- siastical by some chalenged and impugned. Presn. copy " To Mr. Doctor Mathewe, June 23, 1593," M. 4to. Dep. ofChr. Barker, 1593 Ecclesise Anglicanse Politeia in tabulas digesta, F. fol. Oxonii, 1634 see Barlow (Wm.) Costard (G.) Observations on the Book of Job, C. 8vo. Oxford, 1747 Costerus (Fr.) De Cantico, " Salve Regina," Septem Meditationes, M. 8vo. Anfw., Chr. Plantin, 1587 De Vita et Laudibus Deiparse Marise Virginis Meditationes, M. 8vo. iUd., 1587 Libellus Sodalitatis, M. 8vo. iUd., 1588 De Universa Historia Dominicse Passionis Meditationes, M. 8vo. ibid., 1588 In Hymnum, " Ave Maria Stella," Meditationes, M. 8vo. ihid., 1589 Sica Tragica Comiti Mauritio a Jesuitis Leydse intentata, M. 8vo. iUd., 1599 Enchiridion Controversiarum de Religione, M. 8vo. Col Agr., 1599 122 CATALOGUE OF Costerus (Fr.) Apologia pro iii Partibus Enchiridii sui contra Fr. Gomarum, M. 2 vols., 8vo. Col Agr., 1604 Augmentum Enchiridii, M. 8vo. ibid., 1605 Conciones in Evangelia Dominicalia, M. 2 vols., 4to. ibid., 1605 Ad Stolidam Refutationem Lucse Osiandri Responsio, M. 8vo. ibid., 1608 Apologia Catholica . . ad libellum Gaspari Grevinchovii, M. 8vo. ibid., 1609 Cotelerius (J. B.) SS. Patrum, qui temporibus Apostolicis floruerunt, Opera, 2 vols., fol. Amstel., 1724 Coton (Pere) Oraisons Devotes, 8vo. Paris, 1619 Cotton (Clement) The Convert's Catechisme, M. 12mo. L., 1616 (G. L., Bishop of Bombay) Memoir of, by Mrs. Cotton, 8vo. L, 1872 (Henry) Typographical Gazetteer, 2 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1831-66 Fasti Ecclesise Hibernicse. The Author's copy, 2nd ed., 5 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1851 List of Editions of the Bible in English, 8vo. Oxford, 1852 Rhemes and Doway ; an attempt to shew what has been done by Roman Catholics for the diffusion of the Holy Scriptures in English, 8vo. ibid., 1855 Memoir of a French New Testament in which the Mass and Purgatory are found in the Sacred Text, S. 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1863 Cotton (John, of Boston, New England) God's Mercie mixed with his Justice, H. 4to. L., 1641 The Controversie concerning Liberty of Conscience in matters of Religion truly stated, C. 4to. L., 1646 Singing of Psalmes a Gospel Ordinance, C. 4to. L., 1650 The Life and Death of, by John Norton, of Boston, New Eng- land, C. Two copies, 8vo. L., 1658 (Sir Robert) Serious Considerations for repressing of the in- crease of Jesuites, Priests, and Papists, without shedding of blood, C. 4to. 1641 A Treatise shewing that the Soveraigne's Person is required in the Great Councells or Assemblies of the State, C. 4to. 1641 A Choice Narrative of Count Gondomar's Transactions during his Embassy in England, 4to. L., 1659 Cottoni Posthuma, ed. J. H[owell], C. 8vo. L., 1679 -(Roger) A Direction to the Waters of Lyfe, M. 4to. L., 1592 Coulanges (F. de) La Cit4 Antique, 8vo. Paris, 1872 Coulon (Lud.) Lexicon Homericum, F. 8vo. Paris, 1643 Coult (Nic.) The History of Tho. Dydimus, his Incredulitie, M. 8vo. R. B., London, s. a. Counter-plot (The) or the close Conspiracy of Atheism and Schism, opened and defeated, C. 4to. L., 1680 Counter Poyson, see Fenner (Dudley). Courayer (P. F. Le) Dissertation sur le Validity des Ordinations des Anglois, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Bruxelles, 1723 A Defence of the Validity of the English Ordinations, F. 8vo. L., 1725 Id., ed. W. Palmer, 8vo. Oxf, 1844 YORK MINSTEE LIBRARY. 1^3 Courayer (P. F. Le) Defense de la Dissertation sur la Validity des Ordinations des Anglois, 4 vols., 8vo. Bruxelles, 1726 Traduction de I'Histoire du Concile de Trente de Fr^ Paolo Sarpi. Large Paper, 2 vols., fol. L., 1736 Coussord (Claudius) Valdensium Errorum Confutatio, M. 8vo. Paris, 1548 Cousturier (John) A Manual of Prayers, and Litanies, etc., F. 8vo. s. 1, 1637 Covel (John) Some Account of the Present Greek Church, F. fol. Cambridge, 1722 Covell (Wm.) A just and temperate Defence of the five books of Ecclesiastical Policie written by M. Richard Hooker, 4to. L., P. Short, 1603 A modest and resonable Examination of some things in use in the Church of England, etc., M. 4to. L., E. Lownes, 1604 A Briefe Answer unto certaine Reasons by way of an Apologie delivered to . . the L. Bishop of Lincolne by Mr. John Burges, etc., 4to. 1606 Coventry (Sir Wm.) The Character of a Trimmer, 4to. L., 1688 [Coward (Wm.)] The Just Scrutiny, or a serious Enquiry into the modern Notions of the Soul, 8vo. L., s. a. Cowell (John) Institutiones Juris Anglicani, M. 8vo. Cantab. , J. Leg at, 1605 The Interpreter : or Booke containing the Signification of Words, M. 4to. ibid., 1607 Id., F. 4to. L., 1637 Cowley (Abr.) Poeticall Blossomes. The second Edition, F. 8vo. L., E. P., 1636 His Works, F. 8th ed., fol. L., 1684 Cowper (Chas., Preb. of York) Sermon in York Minster on the Thanksgiving day, May 5th, 1763, 4to. York, A. J^ard, 1763 (Spencer, Dean of Durham) A Dissertation on . . Reason and Revelation {Mrs. Viner Ellis, 1884), 8vo. L., 1774 (Wm., Bp. of Galloway) Three Heavenly Treatises concerning Christ, 8vo. L., 1612 A Holy Alphabet for Sion's Scholars, 4to. L., H. Lownes, 1613 The Anatomy of a Christian Man, M. 4to. L., J. Budge, 1613 The Bishop of Galloway his Dikaiologie, M. 4 to. L., T. Snodham, 1614 Heaven Opened, 4to. L., Geo. Purslove, 161Q Two Sermons preached in Scotland before the King's Majesty, 4to. L., 1618 Pathmos, 4to. L., Geo. Purslove, 1619 Works, fol. L, for Robert Allott, 1626 The Triumph of a Christian, 12mo. L., B. Badger, 1630 Cox (J. C.) Annals of St. Helens, Bishopsgate, London, 8vo. L., 1876 Notes on the Churches of Derbyshire, 4 vols., 8vo. Chesterfield, 1877 & Hope (W. H.) Chronicles of All Saints, Derby, 4to. L., 1881 Three Centuries of Derbyshire Annals from the Quarter Sessions Rolls, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1890 IM CATALOGUE OF Coyttarus (Jo.) De Febre Purpura, F.F. 4to. Paris. i apud Mart. Juvenem, 1578 Cradock (Francis) Wealth discovered : or, an Essay upon an ex- pedient of raising a Revenue without Taxes, C. 4to. L., 1661 Craig (Johne) A Short Summe of the whole Catechisme, 8vo. Edinburgh, H. Charteris, 1581 Craik (G. L.) History of English Literature, 2 vols.,8vo. L., 1864 Crakanthorpe (Richard) A Sermon of Sanctification preached . . at Oxford, July 12, 1607, 4to. L., 1608 A Sermon at the Solemnizing of the Happie Inauguration of our most Gracious . . . King James, 4to. L., W. Jaggard, 1609 Justinian the Emperor defended against Cardinal Baronius. The Author's copy with his Notes, C. 4to. L., G. Eld., 1616 A Sermon of Predestination, 4to. L., 1620 The Defence of Constantine : with a Treatise of the Pope's temporall Monarchic, M. 4to. L., B. Alsop, 1621 Defensio Ecclesise Anglicanse, contra M. Antonii de Dominis . . injurias. Opus posthumum, 4to. L., 1625 Virgilius Dormitans ; Rome's Seer Overseene. Pub. by Geo. Crakanthorpe, his brother, fol. L., 1631 Crake (A. D.) History of the Church under the Roman Empire, A.D. 30-476, 8vo. L., 1873 Cramer (J. A.) Anecdota Grseca, 8 vols., 8vo. Own., 1835-9 Cramerus (Dan.) Schola Prophetica, 8vo. Hamhurgi, 1606 Cranmer (Archbp.) A Defence of the true and catholike Doctrine of the Sacrament of the Body and Bloud of our Saviour Christ, 4to. L., Reynold Wolfe, 1550 An Answer . . unto a crafty and sophisticall cavillation devised by S. Gardiner . . late Byshop of Winchester, etc., M. fol. ibid., 1551 Defensio verse et Catholicse doctrinae de Sacramento Corporis et Sanguinis Christi, M. 8vo. s. L, 1557 ^Remains of, collected by H. Jenkyns, 4 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1833 Life of, by H. J. Todd, Archdeacon of Cleveland. (With the Author's respects), 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1831 Cranz (David) The Ancient and Modern History of the Brethren (The Moravians). Transl. by La Trobe, 8vo. L., 1783 Crashaw (Richard) Works, ed. by Grosart for the Fuller's Worthy Library, L. P., Pr. pr. {E. Wilton, Preb. of York, 1882), 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1882 (Wm., Father of Richard, and Preb. of York) London's Lamen- tations for her Sinnes . . in the time of this fearefull infection. By W. C, Pastor at Whitechapel, 1 M. 8vo. 1603 Falsificationum Romanarum, etc., tomi primi liber primus, F.F. 4to. L., 1606 Id. Transl. Romish Forgeries and Falsifications, F.F. 4to. L., 1606 Newes from Italy . . the Life of Galearius Caracciolus, 4to. L., H. B., 1608 Id., (under the title of ''the Italian Convert,") 4to. 1635 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 125 Crashaw (Wm.) The Sermon preached at the Crosse, Feb. 13, 1607, by W. Crashawe . . . justified by the Authour against Papist and Brownist, 4to. L. Impr. by H., L., 1609 The Jesuite's Gospel, 4to. L., 1610 A Sermon preached . . before the . . . Lord Lawarre, Lord Govern our and Captaine Generall of Virginea, M. 4to. Z., 1610 Fiscus Papahs, M. 4to. s. Z., 1617 Id., Da. 4to. Z., 1621 (Of Agnes Burton, E. E. Y.) The Parable of Poyson, 4to. L.,pr. by T.S., 1618 The New Man, or, a Supplication . . unto James the Monarch of Great Brittaine, C. 4to. X., 1622 A Mittimus to the Jubile at Eome, 4to. L., 1625 The Bespotted Jesuite, 1 4to. L., 1641 Crawford and Balcarres (A., Earl of) The Earldom of Mar in Sun- shine and Shade, 2 vols., 8vo. Edinb., 1882 Crawfurd (Patrick) The Declaration of Mr. Patrick Crawfurd his returne from Poperie, 4to. Edinburgh^ John Wreittoun, 1627 Crawshey (John, of Sandal near Wakefield) The Good-Husband's Jewel, 4th ed., 12mo. L., 1656 Creasy (E. S.) Memoirs of Eminent Etonians, 8vo. L., 1850 Creighton (M.) History of the Papacy during the Period of the Eeformation, 4 vols., 8vo. L., 1882 Crellius (Fort.) Introductio in Logicam Aristotelis, M. 8vo. Newstadii, Mat. Harnisch, 1581 Vindicatio, qua Eesponsiones et Argumenta pro vera Christi in Eucharistia praesentia . . vindicantur, 4to. Heidelbergce, 1589 Crespetius (Petr. C.) Summa Catholicse Fidei, etc. M. fol. Lugduni, 1598 Cresswell (S.) Collections towards the History of Printing in Not- tinghamshire, 4 to. L., 1863 Cressy (E.) Spiritual Directions for Prisons, Houses of Correction, and Hospitals, D. and F. 8vo. L., 1676 (Hugh) Exomologesis, or a faithfull Narration of the occasion and motives of his Conversion unto Catholique Unity, " Ex dono autoris" F. 8vo. Paris, 1647 Crests. The Eoyal Book of Crests, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1883 Crichton (The Admirable) Life of by P. F. Tytler, 8vo. Edin., 1819 Crinitus (Petrus) De Honesta Disciplina, etc., M. 8vo. Lugd., Seb. Gryj)hceus, 1543 Cripps (H. W.) Treatise on the Law relating to the Church and Clergy, 4th ed., 8vo. L., 1863 (W. J.) Old English Plate, 8vo. L., 1878 Old French Plate, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1893 Critici Sacri, sive doctissimorum Virorum in S.S. Bibliam Annota- tiones et Tractatus, D., 9 vols., fol. L., 1660 Crodacott (John) Sermon before the Lord Mayor, . . . Apr. 17, 1655, C. 4to. Southwark, 1655 Croft. Notices of the Family of, in Lancashire and Yorkshire, 8vo. L. 1841 126 CATALOGUE OF Crofton (Zachary) Perjury the proof of Forgery ; or Mr. Crofton's Civilitie justified by Cadman's falsitie, by Alethes NoctrofiT, C. 4to. ^ X., 1657 Malice against Ministry manifested by the plain and modest plea and defence of Zach. Crofton, G. 4to. L., 1657 Mr. Crofton answered, a Reply to " Malice against Ministry," and " Perjury the Proof of Forgery," by John Wildgos, John Pit, etc. C. 4to. L., 1658 A Serious Review of Presbyters' Reordination by Bishops, F. 4to. L., 1660-1 Croix (Claude de la) Le Parfait Eccl6siastique, F. 4to. Paris, 1686 Cromerus (Martin) Monachus, sive Colloquiorum de Religione Libri IV, M. 8vo. Colonics, M. Cholinus, 1568 Polonia, sive de situ, Moribus . . regni Polonici, M. 8vo. ibid., 1577 Crompton (Wm.) Saint Austin's Religion and Summes, M. 4to. L., 1625 Cromwell (Oliver) A Letter to the Hon. the Committee of Man- chester, being a relation of the routing of the Scotch Army near Preston, Aug. 18, 1648, 4to. L., 1648 Id., with a Letter to Sir R. Ashton, 4to. L., 1648 A Letter to the Speaker of the House of Commons . . of the Victories obtained against the Scots & Sir Marmaduke Lang- dale, 4to. ^ L., 1648 The Transactions between him and the Scots for the Surrender- ing of Berwick, Carlisle, etc. 4to. L., 1648 Several Letters certifying the Great Victory God hath vouch- safed by the Lord Generall Cromwell's forces against the Scots, B. 4to. L., 1651 The Government of the Commonwealth as it was declared Dec. 16th, 1653. {With the autograph of Oliver Cromwell at the end), C. 4to. Panegyrici Cromwello scripti ; unus a Legato Portugallici Regis ; alter a quodam Jesuita, 4to. s. /., 1654 A copy of the Letter from him to the Members of Parliament called to take upon them the trust of the Government of this Commonwealth, June, 1655, C. 4to. L., 1656 The World's Mistake in Oliver Cromwell, 4to. L., 1668 Life of, C, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1725 A few Anecdotes and Observations relating to the Cromwell Family, (By Sir James Burrow), C. 4to. L., 1763 Letters & Speeches of, ed. Thos. Carlyle, 4 vols., 8vo. L., 1850 Life of, by Guizot, 8vo. L., 1860 see Noble, etc. Cross (John of the) The Catholique Judge ; or a Moderator of the Catholique Moderator . . transl. by Sir A. A., 4to. L., 1623 Crosse (R.) Exercitatio Theologica, D. 4to. Oxonii, 1655 Crowle. A most wonderfuU and true Report of diverse unknowne Fowles, having the Fethers about their heads & neckes like to the frysled Foretops, Lockes, & great Ruffles now in use ; taken at Crowley in the countie of Lyncolne, M. 4to. L.f E. BoUnson^ 1586 YOKK MINSTER LIBRARY. 127 Croxall (Sam.) Sermon before the House of Commons, Jan. 30, 1729. Cruden (Alex.) Concordance to the Holy Scriptures, B. 3rd. ed., 4to. L., 1769 Id., 4to. Z., 1805 Cruice (M. P.) Histoire de I'Eglise de Eome de Tan 192 a Tan 224, 8vo. Paris, 1856 Crull (Jodocus) A Continuation of Sam. Puffendorf s Introduction to the History of the Principal States of Europe, 8vo. L., 1705 Crusca. Vocabolario degli Accademici della Orusca, F. 6 vols., fol. Firenze, 1729-30 Crusenius (Nic.) Monasticon Augustinianum, B. fol. Monachii, 1623 Crusius (Mart.) D. Solomoni Schueighero Sultzensi, qui Constanti- nopli in aula Legati Imp. Romani aliquot annos ecclesiasta fuit, Gratulatio, 4to. Argent, N. Wyriot, 1582 Civitas Cselestis sen Catecheticse Conciones, M. Tuhingce, Geo. Gruppenbach, 1588 Cruso (John) Castramentation, and the Art of Military Watches, F. 4to. L., 1642 Cucchius (M. Ant.) Institutiones Juris Canonici, etc. F.F. 8vo. Colonice, M. Colinus, 1567 Cudsemius (Petrus) De desperata Calvini Causa Tractatus, M. 8vo. Moguntim, 1609 Cudworth (John) Fides Ecclesise Anglicana3 vindicata ab incertitu- dine, F. 4to. - Oxonii, 1688 (Ralph) A Discourse concerning the true Notion of the Lord's Supper, etc. B. 8vo. i., 1670 The true Intellectual System of the Universe, fol. X., 1678 Cueva (Alfonso de la) Squitinio della Liberta Veneta, F. 4to. Mirandola, 1612 Cufre(Hen.) The Differences of the Ages of Man's Life, IT. 8vo. L, 1607 Cujacius (Jac.) Paratitla in Libros IX Codicis Justiniani, M. 8vo. Col. Agr., Jo. Gymnicus, 1588 Culpepper (Nic.) Catastrophe Magnatum, or the Fall of Monarchie, C. 4to. L., 1652 Pharmacopseia Londinensis, F. 8vo. L., 1718 The EngHsh Physician Enlarged, F. 8vo. L., 1725 (Sir Thos., jun.) A Discourse shewing the many advantages by the abatement of Usury, C. 4to. L., 1668 Culverwell (Nath.) The White Stone, 12mo. L., 1654 Cumberland and Westmerland (Counties of) The humble Petition of the Gentry, Ministers, and others, etc., of the Counties of C. & W. to his sacred Majestic, etc. B. 4to. York, Eobert Barker, 1642 The Agreement of the Associated Ministers and Churches of, C. 4to. L., 1656 Antiquarian and Archaeological Society. Extra Series. A Set. 8vo. V. y. — —Heraldic Visitations of, ed. Foster, 8vo. Carlisle, s. a. (Henry, Earl of) The Declaration of . . . together with diverse Gentlemen of the County of York, B. 4to. York^ Bohert Barker, 1642 128 CATALOGUE OF Cumberland (Henry, Earl of) The Declaration of . . and of the Nobility, Gentry, and others His Majestie's Loyall Subjects now- assembled at York, 4to. Yorh, Stephen Bulkley, 1642 Cumberland (Bp. Richard) A Treatise of the Laws of Nature, B. 4to. L., 1727 Cunningham (G. G.) Lives of Eminent Englishmen, 6 vols., 8vo. Glasgow, 1834 Cupserus (Laur.) Theatrum Mundi Minoris, F.F. 24mo. Antwerpim, 1589 Curates. The Curates' Conference ; or a Discourse betwixt two Schollers, C. 4to. _ 1641 The Curates' Act Examined. By a Country Curate, C. 4th ed. 8vo. i., s. a. Cureton (Wm.) Vindicise Ignatianse, R. 8vo. i., 1846 Spicilegium Syriacum, R. 8vo. Z., 1855 see Athanasius and Ignatius. Curio (Cselius) Pasquillus Ecstaticus, M. 8vo. s. a. & I. Thesaurus Linguae Latinse, sive Forum Eomanum, M. 3 vols., fol. Basilece, Froben., 1561 (Joann.) De Conservanda bona Valetudine, ilf, 8vo. Paris, 1572 Medicina Salernitana, F. 8vo. Genevm, 1622 Curling (J. B.) Some Account of the Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms, 8vo. L., 1850 Currer (Miss) Catalogue of her Library at Eshton Hall. Pr. pr., 8vo. L., 1820 Curtis (Richard) The Care of a Christian Conscience, in ten Ser- mons on the 25th Psalme, M. 8vo. L., S. Stafford, 1600 Curtius (Quintus) De Rebus Gestis Alexandri Magni, M. 12mo. Antw., Vid. Jo. Steelsii, 1565 Id., ''Jo. Pricceus," F. 12mo. Lagd. Bat., 1625 Id., Delphin ed., 4to. 1724 Id., transl. by John Brende, 12mo. L., Thos. Creede, 1602 Curwen (Henry) History of Booksellers, 8vo. L., 1873 Curzon (Robt.) Visits to the Monasteries of the Levant, 4th ed., 8vo. L., 1851 Armenia, 3rd ed. 8vo. L., 1854 Cusa (Cardinal Nic.) Opera, M. fol. Basilece, Ex. off. Henricpetrina, 1 565 Cuspinianus (Joann.) Opus de Csesaribus et Imperatoribus Romanis, M. fol. Argent., Crato Mylius, 1540 De Consulibus Romanorum : Descriptio Austrise, etc., fol. Basilece, Jo. Oporinus, 1553 Cust (Lady Eliz.) Records of the Cust Family, Part I, 4to. L., 1894 Cutts (E. L.) Scenes and Characters of the Middle Ages, 8vo. Cyprian (S.) Opera, 5. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Id., D. fol. Antw, Id., D. fol. Id., fol. Id., F. fol. Id., ed. Benedictina, fol. Id., of the Unity of the Church, C. 4to. Oxford, 1681 L ., s. a. Lugduni, 1537 in ced. P. Belleri, 1589 Parisiis, 1666 Oxonii, 1682 ibid., 1691 <• Parisiis, 1726 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 129 Cyprian (S.) A Sermon of St. Cyprian made on the Lorde's Prayer, that is to wytte, the Pater Noster, translated by Tho. Paynel, 8vo. L, Tho. Berthelet, 1539 A swete and devoute Sermon of Holy Sayngt Ciprian, of Mor- talitie of Man ; and the Rules of a Christian life, by Picus Erie of Mirandula, transl. by Sir T(homas) E(lyot), 8vo. ibid., 1539 Cyril (S., of Alexandria) Opera Latine, M. fol. JBasilem, Jo. Eervagius, 1546 Id., Grsece et Latine, fol. 6 vols, in 7. Lutetice, 1638 In XII Prophetas, fol. Ingoldstadii, 1607 Cyril (S., of Jerusalem) Catecheses, F. F. 8vo. Paris, 1564 Id., M. 8vo. iUd., 1564 Opera, fol. Parisiis, 1640 Id., ed Benedictina, fol. ibid., 1720 TA ^nzOMENA, 2 vols., 8vo. Jerusalem, 1868 (Lucar, Patriarch of Constantinople) His Confession of Faith, 4to. L.y 1629 D. A Treatise of Ecclesiasticall & Politike Power. (By Edm. Eicherius, transl), M. 4to. L., 1612 (Sieur) CEuvres diverses avec la Traits du Sublime ou du Merveilleux dans le Discours, 8vo. Paris, 1675 D.A. See Fisher (John). D.C. Novello-Mastix, or a Scourge for a Scurrilous News- monger, C. 4to. L., 1646 D.G-. A Copy of a Letter to the Marquesse of Newcastle from a Noble Person from the South containing a Relation of the victory at Newberry, B. 4to. York, 1643 D.H. See Ceilings (John). D.J. See Davidson (John) and Dymock (James). D. (W., Minister of H., co. L.) "Apvio^ocrKta ; or the Shepherdizing of Lambes, H. 8vo. L., 1651 Dadrseus (Joann.) Loci Communes, F. F. 8vo. Colonice, Birckmann, 1594 Daill6 (Jean) Melange de Sermons, 11 vols., 8vo. Genke, 1666 DeCultibus Religiosis Latinorum, S. 4to. Genevce, 1671 A Treatise concerning the right use of the Fathers, 8vo. L., 1675 Apologia pro Ecclesiis Reformatis, 8vo. Genevce, 1677 see Du Moulin (Lewis). D'Albret (Jean, Queen of Navarre) Life of, by M. W. Freer, 8vo. L., s. a. Dale (A. W.) The Synod of Elvira, and Christian Life in the Fourth Century, 8vo. L., 1882 Dalechamp (Caleb) Christian Hospitalitie, C. 4to. Cambridge,^ 1632 Dalrymple (David) Memorials and Letters relating to Britain in the reign of James I, 2nd ed., 8vo. Glasgow, 1766 — —(Sir John) Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1790 Dalton (Charles) History of the Wrays of Glentworth, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1880 K 130 CATALOGUE OF D'Alton (John) Memoirs of the Archbishops of Dublin, 8vo. Dublin, 1838 (Michael) The Countrey Justice, F. fol. X., 1677 Damascenus. See Joannes. Damianus (Petr.) Opera Omnia, fol. Parisiis, 1663 Damman (Hadr.) Bartasias : De Mundi Creatione, 8vo. Edinb., E. Waldegrave, 1600 Damvilliers. Lettres sur I'H^r^sie Imaginaire, 2 vols., 8vo. lA^ge, 1667 Danseus (Lamb.) Elenchi Haereticorum, M. 8vo. Genevce, Eust. Vignon, 1573 Assertio Vera de Trinitate, 8vo. Genevce, 1573 Tractatus de Antichrist o, etc., M. 8vo. ibid., 1576-82 The Judgement of Lambert Danseus touching certaine points now in controversie, contained in his preface before his Com- mentary upon the First Epistle to Timothie, Da. 4to. ibid., 1577 Methodus Sacrse Scripturse Tractandse, M. 8vo. s. I, 1579 In Librum Sententiarum primum, 8vo. Genevce, Eust. Vignon, 1580 Opuscula, M. fol. ibid., 1583 Orationis Dominicse Explicatio, M. 8vo. ibid., 1583 Isagoges Christianse partes y.,M. 2 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1584 Commentarii in Prophetas Minores, M. 8vo. ibid., 1586 In Evang. sec. Matthseum Commentarii, M. 8vo. s.l., 1593 Politices Christianas Libri VII, M. 8vo. Genevce, 1596 Ad R. Bellarmini Disputationes Theologicas Responsio, M., 3 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1596 Danby (Thos. Osborne, Earl of) Letters, 1676-8, Da. 8vo. L., 1710 Memoirs, relating to his Impeachment in 1678, i^. 8vo. L., 1710 Dandini (Jerome) Voyage du Mont Liban {Precentor Fall, 1711), 8vo. Paris, 1675 D'Andrada (Diego) Defensio Tridentinae Fidei, 8vo. Ingolstadii, D. Sartorius, 1580 Daniel (Evan) The Prayer-Book ; its History, etc., 8vo. L., s. a. (H. A.) Thesaurus Hymnologicus, 3 vols., 8vo. Halis, 1841-6 Codex Liturgicus Eccl. Universae, 4 vols., 8vo. Lipsice, 1847-53 (Samuel) The Collection of the History of England to the end of the reign of Edward III. ",/i?. Boffen. Donum amicissimi The. Triplett," D. fol. L., 1626 Daniel's Diurnall : the Oath of Christ, & the Age of Antichrist, Da. 4to. , s. a. D'Anisy (M. L6chaud6) & De S. Marie (M.) Recherch^s sur le Domesday, 4to. Caen, 1842 Dannye (Robert, rector of Spofforth) Assize Sermon at York, March 17th, 1717-18, R. 8vo. York, Grace White, 1718 Dansey (Wm.) Horae Decanicae Rurales, 2 vols., 4to. L., 1835 Dante (Aligh.) Dante : con nuove et utili Ispositioni, 24mo. Lione, 1571 Id., " Jo. Pricceus," F. 4to. Cesena, 1587 D'Anville (M.) Body of Ancient Geography, 4to. L., 1803 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 131 D'Arblay (Madame) Diary and Letters of, ed. 0. Barrett, 4 vols., 8vo. Z., s. a. Darcie (Abr.) The Originall of Idolatries, M. 4to. L., 1624 Id. Published under the name of Casaubon, & called in the same year, 4to. s. Z., 1630 ■ Darney (Wm.) A Short Account of the Trials of William Darney, 8vo. Leeds, Jas. Lister, 1750 Dart (John) Description of the Churches of Canterbury and York, fol. L., 1755 History of Westminster Abbey, 2 vols., B. fol., large and thick paper. s. a. & I. D'Ars (Cur^) Memoir of, by Georgina Molyneux, 8vo. X., 1869 Dates. Chronological History. L'Art de verifier les Dates des faits historiques, des Chartes, etc., 8 vols., fol. Paris, 1820, etc. Dathsenus (Petr.) Ad Earth. Latomi Calumnias Responsio Prima, M. 8vo. Franco/., 1560 D'Aubign6 (eT. H. M.) History of the Reformation in Germany, Switzerland, etc., 4 vols., 8vo. L., 1840-6 Daubuz (Chas. Vicar of Brotherton) Pro testimonio Fl. Josephi de Jesu Christo Lib. II ^' Ex dono autoris Marmaduco Fothergill," F. 8vo. L., 1706 A Commentary on the Revelation of St. John. Presn. copy to Fothergill, fol. L, 1720 D'Aumale (Le Due) Histoire des Princes de Cond6. Presn. copy from the author to Archhp. Thomson, 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1863 Id. Transl. by R. Brown-Borthwick, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1872 Davantria (Joann.) Christianse Veritatis Telum, 8vo. Colonice, 1533 Davenport (John) Profession of Faith . . at his admission into one of the Churches of God in New England, 4to. L., 1642 (Sir Thos.) Elegy on his death at the York Assizes, March 25, 1786, a Broadside. David (Joann.) Veridicus Christianus, M. 4to. Antwerpice, 1601 Davidicus (Laur.) Thesaurus Animse in Dominicam precationem contra Hsereticos, M. 8vo. Bomce, in off. Ant. JBladi, 1551 D(avidson) J(ohn) D. Bancroft's Rashness in rayling against the Church of Scotland noted, M. 8vo. Edinburgh, B. Waldegrave, 1590 (S.) Treatise on Biblical Criticism, 2 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1852 Introduction to the Old Testament, 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1862 Introduction to the New Testament, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1865 On the Canon of the Bible, Svo. L., 1880 Davies (Edw.) Celtic Researches, 8vo. L., 1804 (J(ohn)) The Ancient Rites and Monuments of the Church of Durham, B. 8vo. L., 1672 (John) Apocalypsis : or the Revelation of certain notorious advances of Heresie, 8vo. L., 1671 ' (Robert, of York) Extracts from the Municipal Records of the City of York. (The Author, 1844), 8vo. L., 1843 Memoir of the York Press. (TheAuthor,lS68),Svo. fFestm., 1868 A Memoir of him, with the last Historical Tractate on which he was engaged ; ed. by J. Raine, 4to. (Mrs. Davies) ibid., 1879 K 2 132 CATALOGUE OF Davies (Robert) Walks through York. (Mrs. Davies, 1880), 8vo. ibid., 1880 A Collection of his Tracts, 8vo. L., v. y. Daville (John, of York) Sermon on the Rebellion, preached at York, Sept., 1745, R. 8vo. Yorh^ John Hildyard Id., R. 2nd ed. [ ]An Address to all true Englishmen, R. 8vo. York, J. Hildyard, 1745 (Hugh) De Jure Uniformitatis Ecclesiasticse, F. fol. i., 1669 (Nathan) Carthage & her Remains, 8vo. Z., 1861 Ruined Cities within Numidian and Carthaginian Territories, 8vo. i., 1862 Davison (John) Discourses on Prophecy, 8vo. Oxford, 1845 (Thos.) A Sermon preached on the 8*'' of January at St. Nicholas Church in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 4to. York, John White, 1688 Davy (Sir Humphrey) Life of by Paris, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1831 (John) A particular Answer to a Book intituled " The Clergy in their Colours." (By J. Fry), G. 4to. L., 1651 Davys, Davyz (Mrs. Mary) The Northern Heiress, or, The Humours of York, 12mo. Z., 1716 (Stephen) Index et Summa omnium quae continentur in textu et glossa Juris Civilis, fol. Aurelice, 1625 Dawes (Lane, of Barton, Westmerland) Sermons, 4to. L., 1653 (Sir Wm., Archbp. of York) Sermon before the Queen, R., 2nd and 3rd editions, 8vo. L., 1707 Sermons, R. 8vo. Camhr,, 1707 Sermon at Kensington, Jan. 1701-2, R. 8vo. L., 1709 Sermon at St. James' Chapel, 3rd March, 1701-2, R. 8vo. L., 1709 Sermon at St. James', Nov. 19, 1704, R. 8vo. L., 1709 Sermons before King William and Q. Anne, R. 8vo. L., 1709 The Excellency of the Charity of Charity Schools, F. 8vo. L., 1713 The Parents' pious gift to their Children, R. 12mo. York, John White, s. a. The Duties of the Closet, 8th ed. R. 8vo. With Prospectus of C. Ward and R. Chandler inside York, printed by assignment from J. Wilford for Ccesar Ward, s. a. His Whole Works, R. 3 vols., 8vo. X., 1733 Day (Wm.) A Paraphrase and Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, D. fol. L., 1666 Dealtry (R. B.) Sermon at York for the Lunatic Asylum, Apr. 1782, R. 4to. York, A. Ward (Wm., Rector of Wigginton) Sermon at York in 1789, in behalf of the Dispensary, R. 4 to. York Deane (Edmund, of York) Spadacrene Anglica, or, the English Spaw-Fountaine. Being a briefe Treatise of the acide, or tart Fountaine in the Forest of Knaresborow, Da. 4to. L., 1626 Deans and Chapters. An Act to abolish them, 4to. L., 1649 De Bure (Guill.) Bibliographie Instructive, ou Traits de la connois- sance des Livres rares et singuliers, 7 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1763-8 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 133 Decacordon, see Watson (Wm.) De Caumont (M.) Ab^c^daire, ou Rudiment d'Archaeologie, 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1853-4 Decisiones Rotae, novae et antiquse, etc., M. fol. Venetiis, B. Benalius, 1496 Decius (Phil.) De Regulis Juris, M. 8vo. Lugd., Jac. Faurus, 1563 Decker (Thos.) The Dead Tearme : or Westminster's Complaint of Long Vacations and Short Tearmes, B. 4to. L., 1608 The Double PP. a Papist in Armes bearing ten severall Shields, etc. M. 4to. , L., 1606 -see James I. Deckher (Conr.) Tractatus de Proprietatibus Jesuitarum, M. 8vo. OppenheiiTij 1611 Decretalium Sextus Liber, fol. Fenetiis, 1491 Id., F. fol. ^ ^ Parisiis, 1561 De Dieu (Ludov.) Grammatica Linguarum Orientalium. (Mr. Wm. Gray, 1870), 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1628 Animadversiones in Evangelia, etc. D., 3 vols., 4to. ibid., 1631-46 Animadversiones in Vet. Test. Libros, D. 4to. ibid., 1643 Dee (Dr. John) TrpoTratSeu/Aara aopi L., 1660 A Manual of, 10th ed., 8vo. Dublin, 1763 see Cosin (John), Wetenhall (Edw.), etc. D'Ewes (Sir Simonds) Journal of the Parliaments of Queen Eliza- beth, Da. fol. L., 1682 Autobiography, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1845 Dewesberry (Wm.) Christ Exalted, D. 4to. L., 1656 De Wette (W. M. L.) Kurzgefasstes Exegetisches Handbuch zum Neuen Testament, 8vo. Lipsice, 1836 De Witt (John) Life of, by M. Pontalis, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1885 136 CATALOGUE OF De Witt (Peter) Catechizing upon the Heidelbergh Catechisme, 8vo. Amst., 1655 Dexter (H. M.) As to Eoger Williams, B. 4to. Boston, 1876 Congregationalism of the last 300 years (The Author, 1879), 8vo. L., 1879 The true history of John Smyth, the se-baptist, B. 4to. Boston, 1881 Elder Brewster's Library. Presn. copy, B. 8vo. Cambridge, America, 1890 English Exiles in Amsterdam, 1597-1625. Fresn. copy, B. 8vo. ibid., 1890 Dey (R.) Two Looks over Lincolne ; or, A View of his " Holy Table." S. 4to. L., 1641 Dialogues. Dyalogus Linguae et Ventris. Imp. C. 4to. s. a. & I. A Dialogue concerning the Strife of our Church, M. 8vo. B. JValdegrave, 1584 Vox Borealis, C. 4to. s. I., 1641 A Dialogue between Whig and Tory, C. 8vo. L., 1710 A Dialogue between Timothy and Thomas, 8vo., Imp. see Andrelinus (P. F.) ; Irvine (Alex.) ; Mocket (II.) ; Oldis- worth (Wm.) ; St. Germans (Ghr.) Dibdin (T. F.) Introduction to the Knowledge of rare Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1808 Bibliographical Decameron, 3 vols. 8vo. L., 1817 see Ames. Dick (John) Essay on the Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, B. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1800 Dickenson (Joann.) Speculum Tragicum Eegum, etc. M. 8vo. Delphis Batav., 1601 [Dickinson (F. H.)] List of Service Books, according to the Ancient Uses of the AngHcan Church. Presn. copy, S., 8vo. L., 1850 (Wm.) Assize Sermon at Reading, June 28, 1619, 4to. L., 1619 (Wm.) History of Southwell, 4to. Newark, 1801 History of Newark, L. P., 4to. ibid., 1816 Dickson (Adam) The Husbandry of the Ancients, 2 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1788 (Robert) Introduction of Printing into Scotland, L. P. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1885 Dicsonus (Alex.) De umbra Rationis et Judicii, sive de Memoriae Virtute Prosopopaeia, M. 8vo. L., Tho. Vautrollerius, 1583 Dictionaries. Lexicon Graecum, fol. Antw., G. Plantin, 1572 The Great Historical . . Dictionary, F. fol. L., 1694 Historical, Genealogical, and Poetical Dictionary, 8vo. L., 1703 A Dictionary of Bengalee and English A Comparative Vocabulary of the Burma, Malagu, and Thai Languages, 8vo. Serampore, 1810 Didoclavius (Edw.) see Calderwood (David). Didot (M.) Nouvelle Biographie Universelle, 46 vols, in 28, 8vo. Paris, 1852-66 Didymus (Alex.) De Trinitate, ed. Mingarellius, fol. Bononice, 1769 Diefenbach (L.) Celtica, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Stuttgart, 1839 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 137 Dies Dominica, sive Succincta Narratio ex Sacris Scripturis et Patribus, 4to. s. l, 1639 Diez (Phil.) Conciones super Evangelio a Festo S. Matt, ad Ad- ventum, M. 8vo. Lugduni, apud P. Landry, 1588 u-Conciones in Evangelia per totum annum, F. 2 vols, in 1 Col Aqr., 1604 Digby (Lord George) His Third Speech in Parliament concerning Bishops, and the Citie Petition, B. & C. 4to. 1640 His Speech in the House of Commons on the Lord Strafford's Bill of Attainder, April 21, 1641, F. 4to. 1641 His Speeches in Parliament concerning Grievances, and the Triennial Parliament, B. 4to. 1641 (Sir Kenelm) Demonstratio Immortalitatis Animae Rationalis. Presn. copy with autogr. inscription, fol. Parisiis, 1651 Of Bodies and of Man's Soul; with two Discourses of the Powder of Sympathy, and of the Vegetation of Plants, F. 4to. L., 1669 Letters between Lord George Digby and Sir Kenelm Digby, Kt., concerning Religion, 12mo. L., 1651 (Wm.) Explanation of the Church Catechism, B. 12mo. Dublin, 1785 Digges (Thos.) An Arithmetical Warlike Treatise named Strati o- ticos, 4to. L., Ric. Field, 1590 Dillingham (Fr.) Tractatus brevis in quo ex prsecipuorum Papista- rum . . . Confessione multa Protestantium dogmata tutissima esse concluduntur, 8vo. Cantahr., 1603 A Quartron of Reasons, composed by Dr. Hill, unquartered, and prooved a Quartron of Follies, 4to. Cambr., John Legai, 1603 Dinothus (Ric.) De Rebus et Factis Memorabilibus Loci Communes Historici, M. 8vo. Basilece, P. Perna, 1580 Adversaria Historica, M. 4to. ibid., 1581 De Bello Civili Gallico Religionis causa suscepto, M. 8vo. Basilece, P. Perna, 1582 ^— De Bello Civili Belgico, M. 4to. ibid., 1586 Dinus. Expositio super Canonem Avicennse, etc. " G, Mountius," F.F.M. Venetiis, Jo. Hertzog, 1499 Dio Cassius. Historiss Romanse Libri Ixxx, 2 vols. fol. Hamburgi, 1750-2 Diocesan Histories, ed. by the S.P.C.K., a set, as published, 8vo. L., V. y. Diodorus Siculus. Historiarum Libri aliquot. Fditio Princeps, F 4 to. Basilece, Jo. Oporinus, 1539 — — Bibhothecse Historicae Libri xx, F. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Hanovice, 1604 — — Id., 2 vols., fol. Amstelodami, 1746 Diogenes Laertius. Vitse et Sententise eorum qui in Philosophia probati fuerunt, fol. Venetiis, per Phil. Pinzi, 1497 Id., "e/o. Pricceus," F. fol. Eomce, 1594 Dionigi (Bart.) Compendio Historic© del Vecchio e del Nuovo Testa- mento, etc. 4to. In Venetia 1588 138 CATALOGUE OF Dionysius (S. Areopagita) Opera, F. fol. Antw.^ Balth. Moretus, 1634 (Carthusianus) Monopauton, i. e. unum ex omnibus Pauli Epis- tolis per Locos Communes digestis, 12mo. Antw., in ced. Jo. Steelsii, 1552 Liber de Quatuor Hominis novissimis, M. 8vo. Colonice, 1595 Enarrationes in V. et N. Testamenti Libros, etc. M. 8 vols. fol. ibid. J P. Quental, 1531-5 Contra Alchoranum et sectam Mahometicam, M. Svo. ibid., 1533 Dionysius Halicarnassus. Antiquitatum sive Originum Romanarum Libri xi, M. fol. Basilece, Froben, 1532 Scripta quae extant omnia, 2 vols, in 1, fol. Franco/., Hesr. A. Wechel, 1586 Id., F. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Lipsice, 1691 Dionysius Periegetes. Situs Orbis Descriptio, item, Pomponius Mela de Situ Orbis, et C. J. Solini Polyistor. " Jo. Primus" F. fol. Paris, H. Stephens, 1577 Id., ed. Hill, F. 8vo. L, 1658 Diring (R.) Cantiones Sacrse, 4to. Antwerp, Peter Phalesius, 1607 Cantica Sacra, 4to. ibid., 1608 Dioscorides Pedacius. Opera, fol. Franco/., Hcer. Andr. Wechel, 1598 Curationum per simplicia . . medicamenta . . Libri ii. "/o. Pricceus," F. 8vo, no title. Directory. A Directory for the Publique Worship of God : together with an Ordinance of Parliament for the taking away of the Book of Common Prayer. Several copies, 4to. 1644 Id., a 4to. ^ X., 1646 Dissenters. An Answer to a Letter to a Dissenter upon occasion of His Majestie's late Gracious Declaration of Indulgence, C. 4to. L., 1687 A Collection of Cases and other Discourses lately written to recover Dissenters to the Communion of the Church, 3 vols., 8vo. X., 1718 A Free Address to Protestant Dissenters by a Dissenter, C. Svo. L., 1769 see Burnett (Thos.), Dorrington (Theoph.), Horsley (Sam.), Womack (L.) Diurnale Cisterciense, 24mo. Parisiis, 1723 Cartusiense, 12mo. Corresice, 1724 La Journ^e du Chretien {Rev. C. B. Norcliffe, 1877), 24mo. Lyon, s. a. Journ^e des Demoiselles Pensionnaires de la Visitation Sainte Marie de Lisbonne (M, 1877), 24mo. Lisbon, 1807 Le Diurnal — du Br6viaire Romain, F. 8vo. Imp. Dixon (Richard Wm.) History of the Church of England from the abolition of the Roman jurisdiction, 3 vols. 8vo. L., 1878 (Robert) The Doctrine of Faith, Justification and Assurance, D. 4to. L., 1668 The Nature of the two Testaments, D. 2 vols, in 1, fol. L., 1676 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 139 Dixon (Wm. Henry, Preb. of York) What is Truth ? a Visitation Ser- mon at Beverley, Di. 8vo. L., 1839 A Sermon on the Doctrine of Assurance (Eev. C. B. Norcliffe)^ Svo. York, 1839 Synodus Eboracensis ; or, a Short Account of the Convocation of the Province of York {Rev. G. B. Nordiffe), 8vo. L., 1845 Catalogue of his Library, sold at Durham, 8vo. Durham, 1854 -Memoir of {hy Rev. C. B. Norcliffe), 8vo. York, 1860 and Raine (J.) Fasti Eboracenses, Lives of the Archbishops of York, Vol. I. Large and small papers (Mrs. Dixon), 4to and 8vo. L, 1863 Doctor and Student, see St. German (Chr.) Dod (John) see Cleaver (Robert). Dodd (Chas.) Church History, ed, Tierney, 5 vols., Svo. L., 1839 Doddridge (Philip) A Course of Lectures on the Principal Subjects in Pneumatology, Ethics, and Divinity, 4to. L., 1774 Doderidge (Sir John) A Complete Parson ; or, a Description of Advowsons, etc. F. 4to. X., 1630 Dodge (Nath., Curate of Sheffield) God's Voice in the Earthquake ; a Sermon at Sheffield, Dec. 7, 1755, R. 4to. York, Ccesar Ward, 1756 (Wm.) Historical Account of the Episcopal See and Cathedral of Salisbury, 4to. Salisbury, 1814 Dodwell (Henry) Two Letters of Advice for the Susception of Holy Orders, etc., F. 8vo. Dublin, 1672 Dissertationes Cyprianicse, D. fol. Dissertatio de Ripa Striga, B. 8vo. Oxonii, 1684 Two Short Discourses against the Romanists, 4to. L., 1688 A Defence of the Church of England from the Charge of Schisme and Heresie, C. 4to. L., 1691 A Vindication of the Deprived Bishops, C. 8vo. L., De nupero Schismate Anglicano, F. 8vo. L., 1704 Occasional Communion . . destructive of the Discipline of the Primitive Catholic Church, F. 8vo. L., 1705 A case in view considered : in a Discourse shewing our Duty in case of the death of the Deprived Bishops. Large Paper, F. 8vo. L., 1705 A Further Prospect of the Case in View, &c. Large Paper, F, 8vo. L., 1707 An Explication of a famous Passage in the Dialogue of Justin Martyr, F. 8vo. L., 1708 Life of. By Francis Brokesby (Rector of Rowley), R. 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1715 Dolben (John, Archbp. of York) Sermon at Whitehall, March 24, 1664-5, i2. 4to. L., 1665 Thanksgiving Sermon for the Victory at Sea, June 20th, 1665, R. 4to. L., 1665 Thanksgiving Sermon, Aug. 14, 1666, R. 4to. L., 1666 Life and Character of, by Dolben Paul (The Author, 1884), Svo. Reading, 1884 Doleman (Nic.) See Parsons (Robert). 140 CATALOGUE OF Dollinger (J. I. von) Die Lehre von der Eucharistie in den drei Ersten Jahrhunderten (with the Author's autograph), S. 4to. Mainz, 1826 Paganisme et Judaisme, ou Introduction a FHistoire du Chris- tianisme, Traduitede TAllemand, 4 vols., 8vo. Bruxellis, 1858 The Church and the Churches, R. 8vo. L,, 1862 The first Age of Christianity and the Church, 8vo., 2nd ed. L., 1867 Fables respecting the Popes of the Middle Ages, 8vo. L., 1871 Lectures on the Reunion of Churches, 8vo. L., 1872 Prophecies and the Prophetic Spirit in the Christian Era, 8vo. L., 1873 Hippolytus and Callistus, or, the Church of Eome in the first half of the Third Century, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1876 Studies in European History, 8vo. L., 1890 Conversations of, 8vo. L., 1892 See Vatican Council. Dombes (The Prince de) A Journall or Briefe Report of the late Service in Britaigne by the Prince de Dombes, M. 4to. L, Jo. Wolfe, 1591 Dominic (St.) Life of, by Lacordaire, 8vo. L., 1883 Dominican and Franciscan Orders. Legende d'Oree, ou Sommaire de I'Histoire des Freres Mendians de I'Ordre de Dominique et de Fran9ois, 8vo. Leyden, 1608 Dominis (M. A. de, Archbp. of Spalato) Suae Profectionis consilium exponit, M. 4to. L., 1616 Id., A Manifestation of the Motives whereupon . . M. A. de Dominis, Archbishop of Spalatro, undertooke his departure thence, Da. 4to. L., 1616 Predica fatta la Prima Domenicadell' Avvento ... in Londra nella Cappella detta delli Mercian, 12mo. L., 1617 Id., A Sermon preached . . in the Mercers' Chappell . . transl. into English, 4to. L., 1617 [ ]Papatus Romanus, M. 4to. , X., 1617 De Republica Ecclesiastica, M. 3 vols. fol. L., 1617- Synopsis Apostasise Marci Antonii de Dominis . . auctore FideH Annoso Verimentano (ie., John Floyd), 8vo. Antwerpice, 1617 A Survey of the Apostasy of . . . translated . . by A. M. (? by Henry Hawkins), ito. 1617 Monsig'- fate voi, or, a Discovery of the Dalmatian Apostata, M. Antonius de Dominis, and his Bookes. By C. A., 4to. 1617 Scogli del Christiano Naufragio quali va Scoprendo la Santa Chiesa di' Christo, 8vo. 1617 Id., The Rockes of Christian Shipwracke . . . Translated into English, 4to. L., 1618 Censura Sacr. Facult. Theolog. Coloniensis in iv priores libros de Republica Eccl. M. Ant. de Dominis, M. 8vo. Col. Agr., 1618 Sui Reditus ex Anglia consilium exponit, 4to. Romce, 1623 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 141 Dominis. Alter Ecebolius M. Ant. de Dominis Arch. Spalatensis Pluribus Dominis inservire doctus {Drawn up hy Bp. Neile), 4to. L.,Joh. Billius, 1624 Id., M. A. de Dominis ... his Shif tings in Eeligion. A Man for many Masters, Large Taper ^ 4to. Z., 1624 A Eelation sent from Rome of the Processe, Sentence, and Execution done upon the Body, Pictures, and Bookes of M. A. de Dominis . . after his death, 4to. Z., 1624 Life of, by H. Newland, 8vo. Oxfwd, 1859 See Boudot (Paul) and Lohetus (Daniel). Donaldson (Joann.) Jashar, Fragmenta Carminum Hebrseorum {Mr. W. Gray, 1871), 2nd ed., 8vo. Z., 1860 Don John of Austria. By Sir W. Stirling-Maxwell, 2 vols., 8vo. X., 1883 Donne (John) Pseudo-Martyr : shewing that the Roman Catholics ought to take the Oath of Allegiance, F. F., 4to. X., 1611 Encoenia. The Feast of Dedication . . at Lincoln's Inn, Ascen- sion Day, 1623, F. F., 4to. i., 1623 The First Sermon preached to King Charles, 4to. X., 1625 Death's Duell . . A Sermon at White Hall . . 1630, 4to. X., 1633 Ignatius his Conclave ; or his Inthronization in a late Elec- tion in Hell, 12mo. Z., 1635 A Declaration of the Paradoxe that Self-homicide is not so naturally saine that it may never be otherwise, B. 4to. X., 1644 -Works, 6 vols., 8vo. X., 1839 -Life of, by Isaac Walton. Presn. copy. " For Mr. Dalbin, from J. Walton," D. 8vo. X., 1658 Doolitell (Thos.) A Spiritual Antidote against Sinful Contagion, 2nd ed. 8vo. X., 1667 Captives bound in chains made free by Christ their Surety, F. 8vo. X., 1674 Dorbellus (Nic.) Logica. "Liber Dom. Tho. Strother monachi Dunel- mensis," fol. s. a. & I. Super Sententias Compendium Singulare, M. 8vo. Parisiis, F. BegnauU, 1517 Dore (J. R.) Old Bibles, 8vo. X, 1876 Dorman (Thos.) A Proufe of certeyne Articles in Religion, denied by M. Juell, M. 4to. Antwerpice, Jo. Latins, 1564 A Disproufe of M. Nowelle's Reproufe, F. F., 4to. Antwerp, 1565 Dorneus (Ger.) De Naturae luce physica, ex Genesi desumpta, 8vo. Francofurti, apud Chr. Corvinum, 1583 Dorotheus (St.) Les Instructions de Saint Doroth6e traduites de Grec en Francois, 8vo. Paris, 1686 [Dorrington (Thos.)] Dissenters represented and condemned by themselves, etc., F. 8vo. X., 1710 Dorscheus (I. G.) Dissertatio de Auctoritate Ecclesiae, D. 4to. Argent. J 1628 142 CATALOGUE OF Dort (Synod at) Acta Synodi Nationalis Dordrechti habitso annis 1618, 1619 (with autograph of Henry Vaughan, the Poet), ^^ Liber Henrici VaughaUy A.M., Coll. Jesu Socii Oxon.'' D. 4to. Hanovice, 1620 Id., M, fol. Lugd. Bat, 1620 Canones Synodi Dordrachenae, Bp. Juxon's copy, 8vo. Parisiis, apud Nic. Buon, 1622 Acta et Scripta Synodalia Dordracena Ministrorum Eemon- strantium in Foederato Belgio, F. 4to. Herderwicii, 1620 The Collegiat Suffrage of the Divines of Great Britaine, con- cerning the five Articles, delivered in the Synod of Dort, F. and a 4to. L., 1629 Douay (The English College at) The First and Second Diaries of, ed. T. F. Knox, 4to. L., 1878 Doughty, Doughteius (Joann.) Velitationes Polemicse, 8vo. L., 1652 Analecta Sacra, D. 8vo. L., 1658 (Joann.) De Calicibus Eucharisticis Veterum Christianorum, S. 8vo. Bremce, 1694 Douglas, Dowglas (John, Bp. of Salisbury) The Criterion, or Eules by vrhich the true Miracles are distinguished from the Spurious, B. 8vo. L., 1807 (Robert) See Coronations. (Thos.) A History of Ancient Ceremonies, translated from the French, 8vo. ' L., 1668 Id., 8vo. L., 1669 Doujat (Joh.) Histoire du Droit Canonique, etc., 8vo. Paris, 1677 Doultreman (Philip) The true Christian Catholique, translated by John Heigham (with a remarkable dedication to Lady Willoughby, daughter of the Dean of York), M. 8vo. St. Omer's, 1622 Doulye (Geo.) A brief Instruction concerning the principall poyntes of Christian Religion, M. 8vo. Lovaine, 1604 Douza (Martin) Myrrhithecium Pcenitentise. From the Bubwith Library, 4 to. Colon., Jo. Crithius, 1610 Dove (John) A Sermon preached at Paule's Crosse, 1594, on the Second Advent, M. 8vo. L., P. Short for W. Jaggard, s. a. A Sermon on Divorcement preached at Paule's Crosse, M. 8vo. L., printed by T. C, 1601 A Perswasion to the English Recusants, to reconcile themselves to the Church of England, 4to. L., V. S., 1603 An Advertisement to the English Seminaries and Jesuites, 4to. L., pr. for Simon Water son, 1610 Dow (Chr.) A Discourse of the Sabbath, 4to. L., M. Flesherfor J. Clark, 1636 Innovations unjustly charged upon the present Church and State, in answer to . . Mr. Henry Burton, 4to. L., M. F.forJ. Clark, 1638 Dowling (J. G.) Introduction to the study of Ecclesiastical History, 8vo. L., 1838 Notitia SS. Patrum, etc., 8vo. Oxf 1839 Downam, Downham (Geo. Bp. of Derry, etc.) A Treatise concerning Antichrist, M. 4to. L.,for C. Burble, 1603 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 143 Downam, Downham (Geo.) The Christian's Sanctuarie, 4to. X., Adam Islip, 1604 Lectures on the XV Psalm e, 4to. ibid., 1604 Two Sermons, the one commending the Ministerie in generall : the other defending the Office of Bishops, 4to. i., Felix Kyngston, 1608 A Treatise upon John viii, 36, concerning Christian Liber tie, 4to. ibid., 1609 A Defence of the Sermon preached at the Consecration of the • Bishop of Bath and Wells, D. 4to. L., T. Creed, W. Hall, etc., 1611 An Abstract of the Duties commanded, and Sins forbidden in the Law of God, 8vo. L., Felix Kyngston, 1620 The Christian Arte of Thriving. A Sermon, 4to. ibid., 1620 A Treatise of Justification, fol. L., 1639 (John) The Christian Warfare, M. 4to. L., 1604 Foure Treatises tending to dissuade all Christians from . . Swearing, etc. M. 4to. L, 1609 Id., 4to. L., W. Hall and 1. R, 1613 A Treatise of Anger, 4to. Id., 1613 The Plea for the Poore, 4to. L., Edw. Griffin, 1616 The Conflict betweene the Flesh and the Spirit, or, the last Part of the Christian Warfare, 4to. L., Wm. Jones, 1618 A Treatise of Securitie, fol. L., W. Stansby, 1622 A Guide to Godly nesse, fol. L., 1629 A Treatise against Lying, 4to. L., Felix Kyngston, 1636 Downe (John) Certaine Treatises, with his funeral Sermon. By Geo. Hakewell, 4to. Oxford, 1633 A Treatise of the true Nature and Definition of Justifying Faith, 4to. Oxford, John Lichfield, 1636 Downing (Calybut) A Discourse of the State Ecclesiasticall . . in relation to the Civill, 4to. Oxford, Wm. Turner, 1633 [Drake (Francis)] A Speech . . to the Society of Free and Accepted Masons . . Dec. 27, 1726 . . Charles Bathurst, Esq., Grand Master, Da. 4to. York, Thomas Gent, Eboracum, or the History and Antiquities of York, Di. fol. L., 1736 (James) Historia Anglo-Scotica, F. 8vo. L., 1703 (Nathan, Vicar of Weighton) Assize Sermon at York against Bribery, July 8, 1695. Pres. copy, R. 4to. L., 1695 (Nathan) Literary Hours {given by the author^s brother, Mr. Drake, of York, Surgeon, 1805), 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1804 (Eoger) The Bar against Free Admission to the Lord's Supper fixed. " For my worthy freind, Mr. Samuell Fisher, minister of Thornton, in Cheshire, R.D.," C. 8vo. L., 1656 (Samuel, Vicar of Pontefract and Preb. of York) Assize Sermon at York, 15th March, 1668-9, C. 4to. L., 1670 (Samuel, Preb. of York) Eucharistica Aqua non necessario ad- miscenda : Concio ad Clerum, F. 8vo. L., 1719 Ara ignotoDeo Sacra : Concio ad Clerum, F. 4to. Cantabr., 1724 (Wm., Eector of Full Sutton) Sermon at Hatfield on the Rebellion, Oct., 1745, B. 8vo. York, John Hildyard, 1745 144 CATALOGUE OF Draxe (Thos.) The Worlde's Resurrection, 4to. X., G. Eld, 1608 (Thos.) and Smith (Hen.) -Sternum Evangelium, F. F. 8vo. leimiL 1614 Drelincourt (Laur.) La Salutaire Lever du Soleil de Justice, une Sermon, &c., D. 8vo. Leyde, 1678 Dresserus (Matt.) Confutatia Opinionis Eoberti Bellarmini de trans- latione imperii Romani a Grsecis ad Germanos, M. 8vo. Ursellis, 1591 DrexeHus (Hierem.)Aurifodina Artium et Scientiarum omnium, etc., F. 8vo. Antwerpice, 1641 Driedo (Joann.) De Ecclesiasticis Scrip turis, etc., M. fol. Colonice, Jasper Gennepceus, 1543 Drovin (Daniel) Le Miroir des Rebelles, 8vo. Tours, 1592 Drummond (G. H., Vicar of Doncaster and Preb. of York), Visita- tion Sermon at Doncaster, Aug., 1787, B. 4to. Doncaster, 1790 Verses : Social and Domestic, B. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1802 (Robert, Archbishop of York, etc.) Sermon at St. Margaret's, Westminster, Jan. 1747-8, B. 4to. L., 1748 Thanksgiving Sermon at Westminster, April, 1749, B. 4to. L., 1749 Sermon for the London Charity Schools, C. 4to. L., 1753 Sermon for the S.P.G., Feb., 1754, B. 4to. L, 1754 Sermon before the House of Lords, Feb., 1759, C. 4to. L., 1759 Coronation Sermon at Westminster Abbey, Sept. 22, 1761, a 4to. ... L., 1761 — ^Sermons, with his Life. By G. H. Drummond, his son, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1803 Drummond of Hawthornden. The Story of his Life. By D. Masson, 8vo. L., 1872 Drusius (Joann.) Liber Hasmonseorum, vulgo Prior Machab. . . cum interpr. et notis Drusii : accessit Disputatio Alb. Gentilis (which is dedicated to Archbp. Matthew), with autograph ^^Beverendis. Tobice Matthew Episcopo Dunelmensi Drusius, D.D.,'' 4to. Frisioe, 1600 Qusestionum ac Responsionum Libri III, 8vo. Lugduni, 1583 Animadversionum Libri II, M. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., J. Pcetsius, 1585 Miscellanea Locutionum Sacrarum. M. 8vo. Frankerce, 1586 Dryden (John) Poem on the death of . . Oliver Lord Protector : with other Poems, etc., by him, 4to. L., 1659 Virgil, translated into English Verse, F. fol. L., 1697 Duarenus (Fr.) De Sacris Ecclesiae Ministeriis ac Beneficiis, etc., F. 8vo. Lutetice, Matt. David, 1551 Id., D. 8vo. For Geo. Bishop, 1585 Du Bartas (Guil.) Hebdomas, M. 8vo. Parisiis, 1583 Dublin (University of) Catalogue of Graduates, 1591-1868, 8vo. Dublin, 1869 The Book of Trinity College, 4to. Belfast, 1892 Records of the Tercentenary of the University, 4to. Dublin, 1894 Dubois (H.) Le Saint Pretre, 8vo. Paris, 1871 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 145 Du Cange (C.) Glossarium ad Scriptores Medise et infimse Latini- tatis, 3 vols., fol. Lutet. Paris., 1678 Id., F. 2 vols., fol. Lugduni, 1688 Id., ed. Henschel, 7 vols., 4to. Paris, 1840, (&c. Id., ed. Henschel, 10 vols., 4to. Niort & Londres, 1884 Dudithius (Andr.) Orationes in Concilio Tridentino habitae, M. 4to. 1610 Duez (Nath.) Le vrai et parfait Guidon de la Langue Fran9ois, 8vo. Amsf., 1669 Dugdale (Sir Wm.) Monasticon Anglicanum, 3 vols., F. fol. L., 1651-61 Antiquities of Warwickshire, fol. L., 1656 Origines Judiciales, Da. 2nd ed., fol. Z., 1671 Baronage of England, 2 vols., fol. L., 1675-6 Short View of the Late Troubles in England, Da. fol. i., 1681 Life, F. 8vo. • i., 1713 Duisbourg. Miscellanea Duisburgensia, 6 vols., 8vo. Ar)istel. & Duisburgi, v. y. D(ujon) (P., Vicar of Doncaster and Preb. of York) Thanksgiving Sermon at Doncaster, May 1st, 1708, R. 4to. X., 1708 Du Lac (Melchior) La Liturgie Eomaine et les Liturgies Fran9aises, Details Historiques et Statistiques, S. 8vo. Paris, 1849 Du Moulin, Molinaeus (Car.) Commentarius ad Edictum Henrici II, regis Galliarum, contra parvas Datas et abusus Curiae Romanse, M. 4to. Basilece, Jac. Parens, 1552 (Lewis) Oratio Auspicalis, cui subjuncta est Laudatio Clarissimi Viri, Guil. Cambdeni, 4to. Oxonice, 1652 Fasciculus Epistolarum, 12mo. Fleutheropoli, 1676 A Short and True Account of the Several Advances the Church of England hath made towards Eome, 4to. L., 1680 A Lively Picture of Lewis du Moulin . . by Monsr. Daill4, 4to. L., 1680 Last Words, being his Retractation of his Reflections on the Divines of the Church of England, C. 4to. L., 1680 An Appeal of all the Non-Conformists in England . . and a . . Reply to the Author of " the Lively Picture," 4to. L., 1681 (Peter) Elementa Logica, M. 8vo. Raphelengii, ex off. Plant., 1603 Oppositions of the Word of God, 4to. L., Wm. Stanshy, 1610 Apologie pour la Sainte Cene du Seigneur contre la presence corporelle et Transubstantiation, 8vo. Genevce, 1610 The Waters of Siloe, to quench the fire of Purgatory. Transl. by I. B., 8vo. Oxford, Jo. Barnes, 1612 An Apology for the Holy Supper of the Lord, >S'. 4to. L., 1617 A Defence of the Catholicke Faith... against the Answere of N. CoefFeteau, 4to. L., 1610 [ ] Anti-Coton, or, a Refutation of Cotton's letter . . for the apologizing of the Jesuite's doctrine, touching the killing of Kings. Transl. by Geo. Hakewell, M. 4to. 1616 The Accomplishment of the Prophecies ; or the Third Booke in defense of the Catholicke faith, contained in the booke of . . King James I, 8vo. Oxford^ 1613 L 146 CATALOGUE OF Du Moulin (Peter) De Monarchia Temporali Pontificis Romani, M. 8vo. L., 1614 Father Cotton, a Jesuite . . his two and thirtie demands answered, C. 4to. X., 1614 The Anatomy of Arminianisme, 4to. X., 1620 The Buckler of the Faith : or, a Defence of the Confession of Faith of the Reformed Churches in France against M. Arnoux the Jesuite, 4to. L, 1620 Coals from the Altar. Transl. by N(ic.) M(etcalf e), M. 8vo. L., 1 623 The Comfort of a Communicant, 8vo. L., Pr. by T. S., 1623 -—The Jesuite's Shifts and Evasions, 4to. L.y 1624 (Peter, the Son) A Vindication of the Sincerity of the Protes- tant Religion, 4to. L., 1664 The Great Loyalty of the Papists to K. Charles I, 4to. L., 1673 A Week of Soliloquies and Prayers, Svo. L., 1677 A Treatise of Peace and Contentment of Mind, 3rd. ed., Svo, X., 1678 Duncombe (A., Dean of York) A Memorial of. {Lady Harriette Dun- combe, 1880), 8vo. L. and York, 1880 Dunconus (Eleazar, Preb. of York) De Adoratione versus Altare ; Determinatio pro gradu Doctoratus, F. 12mo. s. L, 1660 Duns Scotus (Joann.) Scripta super quatuor Libros Sententiarum. "Liber Domini Thomce Castell, monachi Dunelm.," M. fol. Number gee, imjpensis Anth. Koberger, 1481 Qusestiones in Metaphysicam Aristotelis, M. 4to. Fenetiis, 1499 Commentaria in xij libros Metaphysicse Aristotelis, fol. ibid., Simon de Luere, 1503 Qusestiones super IV libros Sententiarum, 2 vols., fol. ibid., Greg, de Gregoriis, 1515 Repertorium tam Libr. Sententiarum quam Quodlibetorum, M. 4to. Fenetiis, 1588 Instantes do Heroe subtil, e Mariano . . o . . Joao Duns Escoto. (Eev. a B. Norcliffe, 1886), 8vo. Lisboa, 1744 Dunwell (F. H., Vicar of Hensall) Commentary on the Gospel of St. John. {The Author, 1874), 8vo. L., 1872 Commentary on the Four Gospels, 4to. L., 1876 Dupin (L.) A New History of Ecclesiastical Writers, Century 1-17, 8 vols., fol. 1693-1725 Id. 13 vols, in 4, F. fol. L., 1696-9 Id. Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Volumes of Ecclesiastical History, in 1 vol. fol. L., 1693 A compleat History of the Canon and Writers of the Books of the Old and New Testament, F. 2 vols., fol. L., 1699 Dupont (John, Vicar of Aysgarth) Sermon at Aysgarth on the Re- bellion, 10 Nov. 1745, C. 8vo. York, J. Hildyard, 1745 [ ] A Serious Address to the People of Great Britain on the present Rebellion, R. 8vo. L., 1745 Sermon at Aysgarth on the Victory at Culloden, May, 1746, R. 8vo. York, J. Hildyard, 1746 Sermon at Aysgarth on the Thanksgiving Day, Oct. 1746, R. Svo, X., 1747 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 147 Dupont (John) Thanksgiving Sermon at Aysgarth, Apr. 25, 1749, B. 8vo. Newc.-on-Tyne, Isaac Thompson, etc., 1749 Fast Sermon at Aysgarth, Feb. 16, 1759, B. 8vo. York, Ccesar JVard, Miscellanies, Da. 2 vols., 8vo. London and York, 1751-1767 Duppa (Brian) Sermon on Angels' Eejoicing, C. 4to. L., 1648 Sermon before the King at Newport, 25th Oct., C. 4to. L., 1648 Du Praissac (Sieur) Les Discours & Questions Militaires, etc., F. 8vo. Bouen, 1636 Durseus (Joann.) Confutatio Responsionis Gul. Whitakeri, M. 8vo. Farisiis, 1582 Durandus (Guil.) Rationale Divinorum Officiorum, F. F. 4to. Lugd., 1515 Id., F. 8vo. ibid., 1584 on Symbolism. Ed. Neale and Webb, 8vo. Leeds, 1843 Durant (John) Sips of Sweetnesse, 12mo. L., 1649 A Discovery of Glorious Love, 12mo. L., 1655 Duranti (Jo.) De Ritibus Ecclesise Catholicse, F. 8vo. Col. Agr., Jo. Gymnicus, 1592 Durel (Jo.) A View of the Government and Public Worship of God in the Reformed Churches beyond the Seas, F. 4to. L., 1662 Ecclesise Anglicanae Vindiciae, F. 4to. L., 1669 Durenus (Alb.) Institutionum Geometricarum Libri IV, F. F. fol. Luteiice, Chr. Wechel, 1532 Diirer (Albert) Life and Works of, by H. Thausing, 8vo. Paris, 1878 Durham (County of) Heraldic Visitations of 1575, 1615 and 1666; ed. by Jos. Foster, L. P., Pr. pr., 8vo. L., 1857 and Northumberland Architectural, etc.. Society. Transactions, 2 parts, 8vo. L., 1863, etc. (Dean and Chapter of) Codicum MSS. Catalogus. Edd. Tho. Rud and Jac. Raine, fol. Dunelmice, 1825 Record of Benefactions . . . made by the D. and C. of Durham, 1750-1864, 2 parts, 4to. Durham, 1858-64 (St. Oswald's Church). Parish Registers to 1753. Ed. A. W. Headlam, 8vo. ihid., 1891 (University of) Catalogue of the Library bequeathed to it by Bp. Maltby. {The Univ. of Durham), 8vo. L., 1863 Catalogue of the Books bequeathed by Bp. Lightfoot. {The Univ. of Durham), 4to. Durham, 1891 (Wm.) A Serious Exhortation to the Necessary Duties of Family and Personal Instruction, 8vo. L., 1659 Duruy (Victor) History of Rome and the Roman People, ed. by Mahaffy, 6 vols., 8vo. L., 1883 History of Greece, ed. by MahaiFy, 8 vols,, 8vo. L., 1892 DuRY, DuRiEus (John) and Dur^eana — De Pacis Ecclesiasticse Rationibus inter Evangelicos Usur- pandis, C. 4to. 1635 Hypomnemata de Studio Pacis Ecclesiasticse, C. 4to. Amstelodami, 1636 De Pace inter Evangelicos procuranda Sententise Quatuor, 12mo. L., 1638 L 2 148 CATALOGUE OF Dury, etc. Motives to induce the Protestant Princes to mind the worke of peace Ecclesiasticall amongst themselves, C. 4to. 5. I., 1639 Certaine briefe Treatises . . concerning the . . government of the Church . ., C. 4to. Ootford, 1641 Good Coimsells for the Peace of Eeformed Churches by some reverend and learned Bishops and Divines, C. 4to. ibid., 1641 A Summary Discourse concerning the work of Peace Ecclesias- ticall . . .,a 4to. Camhr., 1641 A Memoriall concerning Peace Ecclesiasticall amongst Protes- tants, C. 4to. X., 1641 A Briefe Relation of that which hath been lately attempted to procure Ecclesiasticall Peace amongst Protestants. Published by Samuel Hartlib, C. 4to. L., 1641 A Petition to the . . House of Commons, F. 4to. L., 1642 A Motion tending to the publick good of this age and of pos- teritie. Published by Samuel Hartlib, C. 4to. L., 1642 An Answer to Mr. John Dury his Letter which he writ from the Hague, C. 4to. L., 1644 An Epistolary Discourse, H. 4to. L., 1644 Some new Considerations propounded as so many scruples by Mr. Henry Robinson in a Letter to Mr. John Dury upon his Epistolary Discourse: with Mr. Durye's Answer, C. 4to. L., 1646 A Model of Church-Government, C. 4to. L., 1647 A Seasonable Discourse written by Mr. John Dury . . Published by Samuel Hartlib, C. 4to. L., 1649 The humble Proposals of sundry learned and pious Divines . . concerning the Engagement, C. 4to. L., 1650 Just Re-proposals to Humble Proposals, C. 4to. Z., 1650 A Vindication of Mr. John Dury by Samuel Hartlib, C. 4to. L., 1650 Considerations concerning the present Engagement, whether it may lawfully be taken. Yea or No ? C. 4to. L., 1650 Objections against the taking of the Engagement answered . . . by J. D, a 4to. L, 1650 A Disengaged Survey of the Engagement, C. 4to. L., 1650 Two Treatises concerning the matter of the Engagement, C. 4to. i., 1650 Conscience puzzel'd about subscribing the New Engagement, C. 4to. 1650 A Pack of Old Puritans maintaining the Unlawfulness . . of subscribing the New Engagement, C. 4to. L., 1650 A Case of Conscience concerning Ministers meddling with State Matters and out of their Sermons resolved, C. 4to. X., 1651 Conscience eased : or the Main Scruple against the taking of the Engagement removed, B. 4to. L., 1651 An Earnest Plea for Gospel-Communion in the way of godliness . . by the Protestant Churches of Germanic, C. 4to. L., 1654 A Summarie Platform of the heads of a body of Practicall Divinity which the Ministers of the Protestant Churches abroad have sued for, C. 4to. X., 1654 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 149 Dury, etc. A Demonstration of the Necessity of settling some Gospel- government amongst the Churches of Christ in this Nation. Two copies, C. 4to. L., 1654 Four heads of Eeasons by which the absolute Necessity of a Religious Correspondency between the Godly party of this Commonwealth and f orraign Protestants may be made manifest, G. 4to. 5. a. S I. The Way how a Religious Correspondency may be procured and maintained, C. 4to. s. a. & I. The Effect of Master Dury's Negotiations for the Uniting of Protestants in a Gospell Interest. No title, C. 4to. Descriptio Scopi quem in Irenico studio sectatur Johannes Durseus. With autograph of Dury, C. 4to. 1654 De Mediis ad Scopum Evangelicse Unionis obtinendum requi- sitis. With autograph signature, C. 4to. De Modo Procedendi quo inter Evangelicos Unio obtineri poterit. Autograph signature, C. 4to. Declaratio Amplissimorum Helvetise Reformatse Magistratuum super negotio . . Dursei. With introduction by J. J. Huldricus. a 4to. Judicium Ecclesise et Academise Genevensis de Concordise Ecclesiasticse inter Evangelicos Studio, 4to. Tiguri, 1655 Ecclesiarum Gallo-Belgicarum Foederati Belgii . . de . . D. Jo. Dursei Irenico Judicium, C. 4to. 1656 Apographum Literarum . . Jo. Matthise Episcopi Stregnensis . . in quibus Consilia Concordiae Eccl . . commendat. G. 4to. Hagce Gomitis, 1656 Colloquium inter . . Lutheranos et Reformatos Theologos ha- bitum Lipsiae anno 1651, G. 4to. ibid., 1656 A Second Parcel of Objections against the taking of the En- gagement answered, B. 4to. L., 1656 A Case of Conscience whether it be lawful to admit Jews into a Christian Commonwealth resolved. Two copies, G. 4to. L., 1656 A Summarie Account of his former and latter Negotiations for procuring true Gospell peace, etc. G. 4to. L., 1657 Certain Positions concerning the Fundamentals of Christianity, G. 4to. L., 1657 The Effect of Master Dury's Negotiation for the Uniting of Protestants in a Gospell Interest, G. 4to. The Judgment and Advice of the Assembly of the Associated Ministers of Worcestershire . . concerning the Endeavours of . . Peace . . which Mr. John Durey doth present. By R. Baxter, G. 4to. L., 1658 The Interest ofEngland in the Protestant Cause, G. 4to. L., 1659 Syllabus Documentorum quae ab Ecclesiis et Magistratibus per Helvetiam et Germaniam Evangelicis tradita sunt Johanni Durseo, G. 4to. s. a. A Declaration . . wherein he doth make known the truth of his Way and comportment in all these Times of Trouble, G. 12mo. L, 1660 150 CATALOGUE OF Dury, etc. Articles to unite the Catholicks and Evangelicks (or Lutherans), C. 4to. L., 1661 Dutens (Louis, Rector of Elsdon) L'Ami des ]6trangers qui voyagent en Angleterre. " fFith Horace Walpole's MS. notes" Da. 8vo. L., 1787 Du Verdier (Anth.) The Treasurie of auncient and moderne Times. Transl. by Thos. Miller, F. fol. i., 1613 Dwyer (Philip) The Diocese of Killaloe, 8vo. Dublin, 1878 Dyer (T. H.) Ancient Athens, 4to. L., 1873 Dyke (Daniel) The Mystery of Self-deceiving, F. 4to. L., ... (Jer.) A Sermon preached at the Consecration of the Chapel of Epping, 4to. Z., 1623 A Worthy Communicant, 8vo. L., 1657 Dykes (Thos., of Hull) Memoir of, by John King, 8vo. L., 1849 [Dymock (Jas.)] The Great Sacrifice of the New Law expounded by the Figures of the Old, 8vo. L., 1676 (Col. Thos.) England's Dust and Ashes raked up, or, The King and People beguiled, C. 4to. 1648 Dynus, Dino (Maxellanus) Commentaria in Regulas Juris Pontificii, 8vo. Lugd., Jo. d'OgeroUes, 1555 Dysidseus (Prosper) De Loco Pauli Apost. in Ep. ad Eomanos cap. VII Disputatio, M. 8vo. Cracovim, 1583 E.I. The two Olive Trees : or the Lord's two anointed ones, C. 4to. Z., 1645 E.M. See Prynne (Wm.). E.O. See Sutchffe (Matthew). E.P. Nova Francia, or a description of that part of New France which is one continent with Virginia ; translated out of French, 4to. Z., s. a. E.S. Anthropophagus : the Man- Eater... a Discourse upon Pro v. xxvi, 25, 4to. i., 1624 Eadmer. Historia Novorum, ed. Selden, fol. Z., 1623 Id., fol. Parisiis, 1721 Earle (John) Hand-book to the Land Charters and Saxonic Docu- ments. (The Oxford Univ. Press), 8vo. Oxford, 1888 Early English, French, and German Poetry and Prose: — The Owl and the Nightingale, ed. by T. Wright for the Percy Soc, S. 8vo. L., 1843 The Poems of John Audelay, ed. by Halliwell for the Percy Soc, S. 8vo. L., 1844 An Anglo-Saxon Passion of St. George, ed. by Hardwick for the Percy Soc, S. 8vo. L., 1850 Vie du Pape Gr^goire le Grand, L^gende Fran9ais, S. 8vo. Tours, 1857 Narratiunculae Anglic^ conscriptse, ed. Cockayne, S. 8vo. L., 1861 Liber Curse Cocorum, ed. by Morris for the Philological Soc S. 8vo. Berlin, 1862 Early English Poems and Lives of Saints, ed. by Furnivall for the Philological Soc, S. 8vo. ib., 1862 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 151 Early English, etc. Castel of Love . . by Bp. Grosseteste, ed. Wey- mouth for the Philological Soc, S. 8vo. Z., 1864 Leben Jesu und Kindheit Jesu, ed. Horstmann, S. Svo. Munster, 1873 Chrestomathie de I'ancien rran9ais . . par Karl Batssh, S. 4to. Leipzig, 1876 Brun de la Montaigne, Roman d'Aventure, ed. Paul Meyer, S. 8vo. Paris, 1875 Die Englische Gregor-Legende nach dem Auchinleck MS., ed. F. Schulz, S. 8vo. Konigsberg, 1876 Early English Text Society (The Publications of). A set, *S^. 8vo. v.y. The Additional Series. A set, S. 8vo. v. y. Eberlinus (Geo.) De Origine Juris... Explicatio. "/o. Primus" F. 4to. mtebergcB, 1613 Eberus (Paulus) Calendarium Historicum, M. 8vo. Witebergce, Hcered. G. Rhaw, 1564 Ebrard (A.) Die Culdeische Kirche des sechsten, siebenten, und achten Jahrhunderts, iS*. 8vo. s. a. & I. Eburne (Richard) The Maintenance of the Ministerie, C. 4to. L., 1609 Two Sermons on the Two-fold Tribute, R. 4to. L., 1613 The Royal Law : or. The Rule of Equitie prescribed us by our Saviour Christ, C. 4to. Z., 1616 Eccardus (Jo. Geo.) Historia Studii Etymologici Linguae Germanicse, 8vo. Hanoverce, 1711 Leges Francorum Salicse et Ripuariorum, fol. Franco/. & LipsicB, 1720 Commentarii de Rebus Francise Orientalis et Episcopatus Wirceburgensis, 2 vols, in 1, fol. Wirceburgi, 172^ De Origine Germanorum, 4to. Goettingce, 1750 Ecce Deus, see Parker (Jos.) Ecce Homo. (By Professor Seeley), 6th ed., Svo. Ecchellensis(Abr.) Eutychius Alexandrinus vindicatus: sive Responsio ad Jo. Seldeni Origines . . 4to. Bomce, 1661 Ecclesia, see Church. Ecclesia. Essays, ed. by H. R. Reynolds, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1870-1 Ecclesiastical History Society. The Publications of, 17 vols., 8vo. Cambridge, 1847 Ecclesiastical Valuations : Statutes. A Book of the Valuations of all the Ecclesiastical Preferments in England and Wales, F. 12mo. 1680 Id., ed. Lloyd. (Geo. Otter, vicar of Hucknall Torkard, Notts, 1877), 8vo. L., 1788 Liber Ecclesiasticus. A Statement of the Revenues of the Established Church (Id.), 8vo. L., 1835 Ecclesiastical (The) Statutes at large, arranged by J. T. Law, 5 vols., 8vo. L, 1847 The Ecclesiastical Commission. A large Series of their Acts, Reports, Orders in Council about them. Building Acts, etc. Collected by Archbp. Thomson, fol. and Svo. v. y. Commissioners for Building New Churches. Divisions of Parishes by them, 1818-47. Their Reports. Archbp. Thomson's copies. 152 CATALOGUE OF Echard (Lawr.) The Gazeteer's or Newsman's Interpreter, F. 8vo. L., 1703 Echlin (David) Perjurium Officiosum ad . . Kobertum Ayton Equitem, 4to. i., Geo. Miller, 1626 Eckhardus (Hen.) Fasciculus Controversiarum inter Augustanae Confessionis Theologos et Calvinianos, M. 8vo. Lipsice, 1613 Eckius (Joann.) De Prsedestinatione, M. fol. Aug. Findel., ex off. Miller ana, 1514 De Sacrificio Missse, M. 4to. Colon., Jo. Soter, 1526 Enchiridion Locorum Communium adversus Lutherum, etc. M. 8vo. Colon., Hcer. A. Birckman, 1567 Ecton (John) Thesaurus Eerum Ecclesiasticarum, 4to. L., 1763 Eden (C. P., Preb. of York) Sermons, 8vo. L., 1855 Eder (Geo.) Partitiones Catechismi Catholici Tridentini, M. fol. Colonice, 1568 CEconomia Bibliorum, M. Colon., G. Calenius, 1568 Catechismi Catholici ex decreto Cone. Trident. Epitome, M. 8vo. ibid., 1569 Edersheim (Alfr.) History of the Jewish Nation, 12mo, Edinb., 1856 Edgeworth (Roger) Sermons, very fruitfull. Godly, and learned, M. 4to. L,, in ced. B. Caly, 1567 Edictum Christianum de Fide, et Sacramentis, 4to. Ingoldstadii, Alex. Weissenhorn, 1546 Edinburgh (City of) The Entertainment of ... . Charles, King of Great Britaine . . into his auncient and royal city of Edinburgh (By W. Forbes), 4to. Edinburgh, John Wreittoun, 1633 (Univ. of) Noo-To)8ta. In . . Jacobi Magnse Britannise Regis . . reditum . . Congratulatio, 4to. Edinb., A. Hart, 1617 Catalogue of the Graduates : ed. for the Bannatyne Club, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1858 -Edmondson (Jos.) Complete Body of Heraldry, 2 vols., fol. L., 1780 Account of the Family of Greville, 8vo. L., 1766 Education Enquiry. Abstract of Answers, etc., fol. 3 vols. L., 1835 Edward I. Wardrobe Book of, ed. by J. Topham. Daines Barring- ton's copy, 4to. L., 1787 Edward the Black Prince. His Life by Chandos Herald. Transl. by F. Michel, 4to. L., 1883 Edwards (Edward) Memoirs of Libraries, L. P., 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1859 Lives of the Founders of the British Museum, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1870 (John) Critical Remarks on Dr. Clarke's Papers, C. 8vo. L., 1714 (Jonathan) A Preservative against Socinianism, F. 3rd. ed., 4to. Oxj)n., 1698 (Thos.) Reasons against the Independent Government of par- ticular Congregations, two copies, H. and C. 4to. L., 1641 Gangrsena : A Catalogue and Discovery of many of the Errors, Heresies . . of the Sectaries of this time, etc., C. 3 parts, 4to. L., 1646 (Thos.) Baxterianism Barefaced, C. 4to. L., 1699 (Thos., of Halifax) Catalogue of Books sold by him, B. 8vo. 1815 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 153 Edwinstow, Notts. The Par, Kegister of, ed. Marshall and Foljambe, 8vo. Worksop^ 1891 Eedes (Richd.) Six Sermons ; preached some of them before the King's Majestie, some before Queen Elizabeth, M. Svo. L., 1604 Efferhen (Hen.) Homilise in Capp. 38, 39 Prophetae Ezechielis de Gog and Magog, sen de Turcis, M. 8vo. Argent. J Theod. Bihelius, 1571 Egan (Anth.) The Franciscan Convert, or His Eecantation Sermon, a 4to. L., 1673 The Book of Rates now used in the Sin Custom-House of the Church of Rome, C. 4to. L., 1673 Egerton (Stephen) A Brief e Method of Catechizing, Jf., 19th ed., 8vo. Z., 1612 (Thos. Lord Ellesmere) His Speech in the Exchequer Chamber touching the Post-Nati, F.F. 4to. L., 1609 Life of, by F. H. Egerton, fol. Pr. pr. s. a. & L Eglesfield (Fr.) see Charles II. Eglisham (Geo.) The Fore-runner of Revenge . . an Account of the death of James I, Da. 4to. X., 1642 Eisengrein, Eysengrein (Gul.) Catalogus Testium Veritatis omnium Orthodoxse matris Ecclesise Doctorum, M. 4to. Dilingce, 1565 (Martin) De Certitudine Gratiae : Tractatus Apologeticus, M. 8vo. Col. Agr.^ ap. Theod. Graminceum, 1569 Ecclesia Catholica a novatorum calumniis vindicata, M. 8vo. Ingolstadii, D. Sartorius, 1576 Confessionale, F. F. 8vo. Ingolstadii^ 1578 Eitzen (Paul ab) Defensio verse doctrinse de Caena Domini, M. 8vo. Ursellis, 1557 Ethicse Doctrinse Libri IV, M. 2 vols., 8vo. Witebergce, J. Schwertel, 1571 Postilla, M. 8vo. ibid., 1572 Elborow (John) Euodias and Syntyche, a Visitation Sermon at Brentwood, Feb. 28, 1636, F. 4to. L., 1637 (Thos.) A Prospect of the Primitive Christianity, transl. out of Greek, D. 8vo. L., 1668 Eliot (John) and Mayhew (Thos.) Tears of Repentance : or, a further Narrative of the progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in Newe-England, C. 4to. L., 1653 Id., another edition, C. 4to. L., 1653 Elis (John) Articulorum Eccl. Angl. Defensio, F. 8vo. Cantabr., 1694 Elizabeth (Abbess) The Boke of the Wars of God, whiche was shewed from the Angell of God Almighti unto Elizabeth, the handmayden of Christe, 1156, no title^ Svo. s. a. & I. (Elizabeth of Hungary) Chronicle of the Life of, by M. de Montalembert, transl. by A. L. Phillipps, 4to. Z., 1839 (Queen) An Account of the Rebellions against her, G. 8vo. L., 1722 Ellacombe (H. T.) The Bells of the Church, 4to. Exeter, 1872 ' Practical Remarks on Belfries and Ringers, 5th ed., Svo. L.y 1884 EUesby (Jas.) The Doctrine of Passive Obedience Asserted. "Ex dono authoris." F. 4to. L., 1685 154 CATALOGUE OF Ellicott (Bp.) Commentary on the Epistles to the Philippians, Colos- sians, and Philemon, 3rd ed. 8vo. Z., 1865 On the Ep. to the Thessalonians, 3rd ed., Svo., L., 1866 On the Ep. to the Galatians, 4th ed., 8vo. Z., 1867 On the Ep. to the Ephesians, 4th ed., Svo. L., 1868 On the Pastoral Epistles, 4th ed., 8vo. X., 1869 — —Lectures (Hulsean) on the Life of our Lord, 5th ed., 8vo. i., 1869 On the Eevision of the EngKsh New Testament, 8vo. L., 1870 Elliot (Robert) A Specimen of the Bp. of Sarum's History of the affairs of the Church and State of Great Britain, F. 8vo. Z., s. a. Ellis (Sir Henry) Letters Illustrative of English History. The three Series, 11 vols., 8vo. L.^ 1824, etc. (John) St. Austin imitated ; or. Retractations and Repentings in reference to the late Civil and Ecclesiastical Changes in this Nation, D. & C, 4to. L, 1662 (John, Rector of Gonalston, Notts) The Necessity of a National Reformation of Manners, a Sermon, F. 8vo. L., 1701 (Wm.) The Martyr Church . . of Madagascar, 8vo. L., 1870 Ellison (N. Vicar of Newc.-on-Tyne) Description of Ben well Village, 8vo. Newc.-on-Tyne^ John White, 1726 Ell way (Thos.) see Anthems. Ellys (Tobias) The Kingdom of God opened and proved to be a Kingdom of Grace and Glory, D. 8vo. i., 1678 EUyson (Thos., of Easington) Heretickes, Sectaries, and Schisma- ticks discovered to be the Antichrist, 4to. Z., 1647 Elsley (Wm., Preb. of Ripon) Charity Sermon at St. Michael-le- Belfrey, York, April, 1732, R. 8vo. York, Thos. Gent Elsynge (Hen.) The Ancient Method and Manner of holding Par- liaments in England, 8vo. L., 1675 Elton (Edw.) An Exposition of the Epistle to the Colossians in Sundry Sermons, B. fol. L., 1620 Elucidarius Dyalogicus Theologise tripartitus, 4to. Landshutt, 1514 Ely Cathedral. Catalogue of the MS. Music in the Library {D. & a of Ely), 8vo. Cambr., 1861 Episcopal Records, ed. A. Gibbons, 8vo. Pr. pr., Lincoln, 1891 Emmius (Ubbo) Vetus Grsecia illustrata, 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1626 Enchiridion Chirurgicum, F. 8vo. Lugduni, 1588 Engagement (The) see Dury (John) and Milton (J.) Englefield (Sir H.) Some Account of the Abbey Church of Bath, publ. bytheS. A., fol. L., 1798 England, etc. — The True Informer who . . . discovereth . . . the chiefe causes of the sad Distemper in Great Brittany and Ireland, C. 4to. Oxford, 1643 Queries and Conjectures concerning the present State of this Kingdome, Da. 4to. L., 1643 A Discourse . . . betwixt a Protestant, a Puritan, and a Papist, shewing the rise and progresse of England's unhappinesse, ab anno illo infortunato 1641, C. 4to. Oxford, 1645 A Parallel of Governments, or, a Politicall Discourse upon seven Positions tending to the Peace of England, C. 4to. 5. /., 1647 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 155 England, etc. The Whirligigge, turning to his Points and Numbers, and pointing at the remarkable turnes of these uncertaine Times, G. 4to. s. /., 1647 — — Certaine Considerations touching the Present Factions in the King's Dominions, C. 4to. L., 1648 A Brief Discourse of the Present Miseries of the Kingdome, C. 4to. X., 1648 Stop your Noses : or, England at her Easement, C. 4to. 5./., 1648 Passes granted ... to severall of the . . . Kebels assembled in Junto at Westminster who are now desirous to transport them- selves into New England, to Amsterdam, or Utopia, C. 4to. The Generall Complaint of the most oppressed, distressed Commons of England, C. 4to. s. a. & I. A Prospective Glasse : wherein England's bondage under the Norman yoke, ... is clearly asserted, by a Lover of English- mens' Freedomes, C. 4to. Z., 1649 Sesquiseculum Anglicanum (a German Chronicle from Henry VIII to 1649), Da. 4to. Leipzig, 1649 Pro Populo adversus Tyrannos, S. 4to. L., 1689 Plain English : in relation to the real and pretended Friends of the English Monarchy . . C. 4to. X., 1690 The Best Preservative against the Plague, with a short Account of the State of this Nation, by an Englishman, C. 8vo. L., 1721 English Historical Society. The Publications of, 29 vols. 8vo. L., 1838-56 Anglia Christiana. Publications of that Society, 3 vols., 8vo. 1846-8 The Parliamentary, or Constitutional History of England from 1072 to 1761, 24 vols., 8vo. X., 1751-61 The Ancient Laws & Institutes of England : ed. B. Thorpe, 2 vols., 8vo. X., 1840 (The Annals of) An Epitome of English History, 2 vols., 12mo. Oxf. & L., 1857 (Church) History of, 1-1 9th centuries, by Hinds, Newman, etc. 4 vols., 8vo. X., 1858 (History) Feudal Manuals of; ed. Tho. Wright, 4to. X, 1872 see Annesley, Bedford, Census, Chamberlayne, Charles II, Code, Fell, Ferguson, Gainsford, Hughes, Lansdowne, Letters, Ri- badeyneyra, Somers. Englishman (The), or a Letter from a universal friend persuading all sober Protestants to hearty and sincere love of one another, X. 4to. s. l, 1670 The true Englishman, being a Vindication of those many Loyal Addresses presented to his Majesty, B. 4to. X., 1681 Ens (Caspar) Thesaurus Politicus, 8vo. Colon., 1609 Eobanus (Hel.) Psalterium Davidis, carmine redditum, 8vo. 1537 Salomonis Ecclesiastes, carmine redditus, 8vo. Argent., Crato Mylius, 1544 Ephraem Syrus. Sermones, per Fratrem Ambrosium Camaldunen- sem de Grseco in Lat. Converso. " Orate pro anima M. Tho. Sewell canonici Pauli in urhe Londoniar., etc." M. 8vo. Farisiis, 1505 156 CATALOGUE OF Ephraem Sjrrus. Opera Omnia, ed. Assemannus, 6 vols., fol. RomcB, 1737-47 Evangelii Concordantis Expositio, 8vo. Venetiis^ 1876 Epictetus : Enchiridion, etc. M. 8vo. Basilece, Jo. Oporinus, 1563 Id., F. 24mo. Boterodami, 1654 Id., etc. ed. Aldrich, F. 8vo. Own. 1680 Epigrammatum Florilegium. " Bp. TunstalVs copy with his MS. notes." M. 8vo. ^ Aldus, 1503 Epinus (Jo.) see L'Espine (John) Epiphanius (S.) Opera omnia, M. 2 vols., fol. Parisiis, 1622 Id., B., 2 vols., fol. ColonicBy 1682 Episcopacy, Bishops — England's Complaint to Jesus Christ against the Bishop's Canons of the late Sinfull Synod, C. 4to. 1640 A very lively Portrayture of the most reverend Archbishops, the right reverend Bishops of the Church of England, G. 4to. 1640 A Decade of Grievances presented and approved to the . . Parliament against the Hierarchy and Government of the Lord Bishops, C. 4to. 1641 Certaine Frivolous Objections against the Government of the Church of England answered by Bp. Jewel, C. 4to. L., 1641 Certaine Eeasons tending to prove the unlawfulnesse and in- expediencie of all Diocesan Episcopacy, C. 4to. 1641 The Impeachment against the Bishops, sent up by Serjeant Wylde, a 4to. L., 1641 Prelacie is Miserie, C. 4to. 1641 The Petition for the Prelates briefly examined. Two copies, a 4to. 1641 Episcopal Government instituted by Christ. By R. R., F. 4to. L., 1641 The Bishops' Manifest, C. 4to. L., 1641 England's Rejoicing at the Prelats' Downfall, 0. 4to. 1641 England's glory in her Royall King and . . Parliament above her former usurped lordly Bishops' Synod, C. 4to. 1641 The Downfall of the pretended Divine Authoritie of the Hierarchy into the See of Rome. By K. N. V. C. 4to. s. a. A Collection of sundry Petitions presented to the King and Parliament in behalfe of Episcopacie, Liturgie, etc. C. 4to. 1642 The manner of Impeachment of the Twelve Bishops for High Treason, etc. F. 4to. L., 1642 The Broken Title of Episcopal Inheritance, B. 4to. L., 1642 An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons . . for the Selling of the Lands of all the Bishops, C. 4to. L., 1646 His Majestie's Paper containing severall Questions propounded to the Commissioners' Divines touching Episcopacie, with an Answer, C. 4to. L., 1648 Several Ordinances of the Lords and Commons for the abolish- ing of Archbishops and Bishops, 4to. X., 1649 His Majesties' Answer to the Paper delivered in by the Reverend Divines . . touching Church Government, C. Repr. 4to. L., 1661 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 157 Episcopacy, etc. The Answer of the Divines ... to the Second Paper delivered to them by his Majesty, Oct. 6, 1648, about Episcopal Government, G. 4to. L., 1660 His Majestie's Finall Answer concerning Episcopacie, Reprint, 4to. L., 1660 His Majestie's Eeason why he cannot in Conscience abolish the Episcopal Government, C. 4to. Z., 1660 A Landship : or a Brief Prospective of English Episcopacy, C. 4to. X., 1660 Prelatique Preachers none of Christ's Teachers : or, a Dissuasive . . from attending the ministry of those who preach by vertue of an Ordination received from Bishops, G. 4to. Z., 1663 Examen des Libelles contre les Evesques, 8vo. Gologne, 1681 The History of the Downfall and Resurrection of Episcopacy in Great Britain, 8vo. X., 1717 The Sameness of Bishops and Presbyters as to Order . . proved, a 8vo. X, 1717 The Honour of Episcopacy, 8vo. L., 1719 Advice from a Bishop ... to a young Clergyman, C. 12mo. Z., 1759 ^A Collection of Essays on Episcopacy, edited by Bp. Hobart, G. 8vo. New York 1806 see Baillie (R.), Bernard (R.), Fiennes (Nath.), Holies (Lord), Pittis (John), Prynne (Wm.), Williamson (J.) Episcopius (Simon) Opera Theologica,i). 2 vols., io\. Amsielod.ylQ5d-Q5 Epistolae. See Letters Erasmus (Desid.) — Apologise omnes adversus eos qui ilium . . calumniati sunt, fol. Basilece, Jo. Froben, 1522 Epistola Nuncupatoria ad Carolum Csesarem,etc.,8vo. ibid., 1522 Commentarius in Psalmum " Quare fremuerunt Gentes," fol. ibid., 1522 Catalogus Lucubrationum, M. 8vo. ibid., 1524 Lingua, M. 8vo. Antwerpice, G. Forstermann, 1526 Epistolae aliquot Selectse . . per Hadr. Barlandum, M. 8vo. ibid., 1526 Oratio ad Christum Opt. Max. pro Julio Secundo, Ligure, pont. max . . . Plaude, Lector, oculos recepit Germania, 4to. s. a. 4" I- Xi Germania tandem sapiente Purgatio adversus Epistolam non sobriam Martini Lutheri. With autograph of Erasmus giving the book to Martin Bucer, " D. Martino Bucero," 8vo. Basilece, Froben, 1534 Ecclesiastes, sive de Ratione Concionandi, F. 8vo. Antwerpice, M. Hellenius, 1535 Enchiridion Militis Christiani, F. 8vo. Basilece, Froben, 1535 De Puritate Tabernaculi, sive Ecclesise Christianse, etc. M. 4to. ibid., 1536 Opera Omnia, F. F. 9 vols, in 6, fol. ibid., 1540 A ryght fructefull Epystle in laude and prayse of Matrymony, translated into Englyshe by Rychard Tavernour, F. 8vo. London, B. Redman^ s. a. 158 CATALOGUE OF Erasmus (Desid.) De Duplici Copia Commentarii, 8vo. Parisiis^ 1540 Paraphrasis in Evangelia, Acta Apostt. & in Epistolas, B. 4 vol. 8vo. JBasilece, Hier. Froben. & Nic. Episcojpius, 1557 Opus de Conscribendis Epistolis, M. 8vo. AntwerpicBj Jo, Loe, 1564 Familiarium Colloquiorum Opus, 8vo. Col. Agr., 1578 Id., F. 12mo. Amst., 1679 Id., I Eagionamenti, overo Colloqui Famigliari, 8vo. Venegia, Vincenzo Falgrisi, 1549 Id.,Twenty Select Colloquies . . made English by Eo. L'Estrange, 8vo. Z., 1684 Colloquia Selecta, ed. John Clarke of Hull, Da. 8vo. York, Chas. Bourne, 1723 Id., Pilgrimages to Walsingham & Canterbury, etc., transl. and ed. by J. G. Nichols, 8vo, 2nd ed. L., 1875 Adagia, etc., F.F. fol. Aurel Allohr., 1606 Morise Encomium, F. 12mo. Amsterod., 1629 Id., The Praise of Folie : translated by Sir Thomas Chaloner, 4to. L., Tho. Berthelet, 1549 Flores, i^. 12mo. Amsterod., IQZO De Civilitate Morum Puerilium libellus, 8vo. s. a. & I. Life of. By Samuel Knight. {Rev. C. B. NorcUffe, 1886), 8vo.' Cambridge, 1726 Erasmus : His Life and Character, by E. B. Drummond, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1873 Erastus (Thomas) Defensio Libelli Hieronymi Savonarolse de Astro- logia Divinatrice, M. 4to. s. I, 1569 -- — Disputationes de Medicina nova Philippi Paracelsi. Partes I et IV. " JT. Mount," F.F. 4to. Basilece, P. Perna, 1573 De Occultis Pharmacorum Potestatibus, F.F. 4to. ibid., 1574 De Astrologia Divinatrice Epistolae, M. 4to. ibid., 1580 Explicatio Qusestionis utrum Excommunicatio, etc., mandato nitatur Divino, D. 4to. 1589 Ernesti (J. A.) Principles of Biblical Interpretation, 2 vols., 8vo. Edinb., 1833 Erpenius (Tho.) Grammatica Arabica, F. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1656 Grammatica Hebrsea, etc., F. 8vo. ibid., 1659 Erythrseus (Val.) Tabulae Partitionum Oratoriarum Ciceronis, M. fol. Argent., Chr. Mylius, 1560 Tabulae in quatuor Libros Dialecticarum Partitionum Joannis Sturmii, M. fol. ibid., 1561 DeEatione legendi, explicandi, etc., Epistolas, i^.i^. 8 vo. ibid.,\h1^ Espencaeus (Claudius) Collectaneorum de Continentia Libri VI, M. 4to. Paris, ex off. Jac. du Pays, 1565 In Epistolam Pauli Apostoli ad Titum Commentarius, M. 8vo. Parisiis, ex ced. Bhemceis, 1567 De Eucharistia, M. 8vo. Parisiis, 1573 Espin (T. E.) Critical Essays, 8vo. L., 1864 Essays. Essais de Morale, 1 2mo. Paris, 1672 -Essays and Eeviews, 12th ed., 8vo. L., 1869 -See Harley. YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 159 Essenius (Andr.) Triumphus Crucis. " Arn. Sengmdius, ex dono autoris" D. 4to. Amstel, 1649 Essex (County of) The true and exact Eelation of the several Informations . . of the late Witches, arraigned and executed in the County of Essex, C. 4to. X,, 1645 The Agreement of the Associated Ministers of the County of Essex, a 4to. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i., 1658 (Eobert, Earl of) Camp Discipline, in certain Articles and Ordinances of Warre, B. 4to. L., 1642 A Worthy Speech by him in the head of his Armie, 24 Sept., 1642, a 4to. ^ _ s.a. Descriptio Kerum Gestarum in expeditione quam suscepit ad liberationem Glocestrise, B. 4to. i., 1643 A Letter to the Gentlemen of Essex, B. 4to. L., 1643 A Kemonstrance, to vindicate him from some false Aspersions, B. 4to. 1643 A Paper delivered into the Lords' House by him at the offering up of his Commission, B. 4to. L., 1645 Laws and Ordinances of Warre, B. 4to. 1648 Est (Wm.) Sathan's Sowing Season, 8vo. L., 1611 The Mirrour of Mercy, 8vo. i., 1611 Two Sermons. The Christian's Comfort, 8vo. L., 1614 Estcourt (E. E.) The Question of Anglican Ordinations discussed, 8vo. ^ ^ L., 1873 Este (Michael) Madrigals. Quintus Part only, 4to. L., Thos. Este, 1604 Estella (Diego de) II Libro de la Vanidad del Mundo, M. 8vo. Salamanca, 1576 Estius (Gul.) Annotationes in prsecipua et difficiliora Sacrae Scrip- turae loca, D. fol. Antwerpice, 1652 In Omnes . . Epistolas Commentaria, D. fol. Paris, 1661 In Quatuor Libros Sententiarum Commentaria, D., 3 vols, in 1. Paris, 1662 Estwick (Nic.) Sermon at Thrapston, Northants, on Christ's sub- mission to His Father's Will, C. 4to. L., 1644 Etheridge (J. W.) The Syrian Churches, 8vo. L., 1846 Eucharist (The) Diallecticon de Veritate Corporis Christi in Eucha- ristia, M. 8vo. 1557 Confessio paucis Articulis complectens Summam Doctrinse de Vera Prsesentia in Coena Dominica, 8vo. Typis Cratonianis, 1574 Consensus Orthodoxus Sacrse Scripturse et Veteris Ecclesise de Coena Domini. " Ei . Dunelm . Crux Veritati comes," M. fol. Tiguri, Froschov., 1578 The Disposition or Garnishmente of the Soule to receive worthily the Blessed Sacrament, 8vo. Antwerp, 1596 The Reasonable Communicant, 8vo. L., 1708 The Doctrine of the Catholic Church in England on the Holy Eucharist, 8vo. Oxford, 1841 Euclides. Elementa Geometrica, M. fol. Parisiis, Joh. Rogerius, 1566 Id., F. 8vo. L, 1666 Id., Posteriores Libri IX, F, F. 8vo. Franco/. , 1607 160 CATALOGUE OF Eudemon- Johannes (L'Heureux) (Andr.) Ad Actionem Proditoriam Edovardi Coqui Apologia pro. R. P. Henrico Garneto, M. 8vo. Col. Agr., 1610 Epistola ad amicum Galium super Dissertatione Politica Leidh- resseri : Item Eesponsio ad Epist. Is. Casauboni ; et Castigatio Apocalypseos T. Brightmanni, M. 8vo. Col. Agr., 1613 ■ Epistola Monitoria ad Jo. Barclaium de Libro ab eo pro Patre suo contra Bellarminum scripto, M. 8vo. iUd.y 1613 Euripides. Tragoediss duae, ed. Erasmus, F. F. Svo. Basilecej FroheUj 1530 Tragoedise XVIII Latin^, M. Svo. BerncBy Matt. Apiarius, 1550 Id., ed Barnes, F. fol. Cantabr., 1694 Hippolytus Coronatus, ed. F. H. Egerton {The Editor, 1796), 4to. Oxon. 1796 Phoenissse, C. Svo. L., 1799 Eusebius (Emissenus) Homilise in Evangelia, M. Svo. Antwerpice, typisJo. Latii, 1558 (Pamphilus) Historia Ecclesiastica, fol. Lutet. Paris., E. Stephanus, 1544 Id., necnon alii Eccles. Hist. Scrip tores, F. 3 vols., fol. Moguntice, 1672-9 Id., ed. Reading, F. fol. Cantabr., 1720 Id., Eccl. History, ed. Burton and Bright, 8vo. Oxford, 1872 Libri XV Evangelicae Prseparationis, et Demonstrationis, 2 vols. in 1, fol. Lutetice, E. Stephanus, 1544-5 Id., item Opuscula, 2 vols., fol. Parisiis, 1628 Demonstratio Evangelica, ed. Gaisford, 2 vols., Svo. Oxford, 1852 Theophania, ed. S. Lee. {Mr. Wm. Gray, 1870), Svo. Cambr., 1843 Opera Omnia, M. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Basilece, ex off. Eenricpetrina, 1570 (Philadelphus) Dialogi, M. 8vo. Edinburgi, ex typis Jac. Jamcei, 1574 Eustachius (Fr.) Summa Philosophise Quadripartita, F. Svo. Cantabr., 1649 Ethica, F. 8vo. L., 1677 Eustathius (Const.) Commentarii in Iliadem et Odysseam Homeri. "Jo. Primus," F. 4 vols., fol. EomcB, Ant. Bladus, 1542-50 Eutropius : Historia Eomana ; cum Paulo Diacono de Gestis Lango- bardorum, F. fol. Basilece, Froben, 1532 Id., M. Svo. Pidavis, 1553 Id., transl. by John Clarke, Master of the Grammar School at Hull, Da. Svo., 2nd ed. York, Thos. Gent, 1728 Id., Da. 6th ed., Svo. L, 1750 Evagatorium; in quo continentur Modus Prsedicandi, Sermones XIII Michaelis de Hungaria, etc., Svo. Colonics, Martin de Werdena, 1505 Evagrius. Eccl. Hist. Libri VI, Svo. Oxonii, 1844 Evans (Edw.) Verba Dierum : or, the Daye's Report of God's glory, 4to. L., 1623 YOEK MINSTER LIBRARY. 161 Evans (John) The Case of Kneeling at the Holy Sacrament stated and resolved, G. 4to. L., 1653 Evelyn (John) Sylva : or a Discourse of Forest Trees. {Alex. Hunter, of York, M.D., 1809), fol. X., 1664 Id. (Dr. Hunter, 1809), 3rd ed., fol. L., 1679 Id. (Id.), fol. L., 1706 Id., ed. A. Hunter. (The Editor, 1777), ito. York,Ann}Fard, 17 7 6 Publick Employment and an Active Life . . prefer'd to Solitude, B. 8vo. * L., 1667 Kalendarium Hor tense, D. 8vo. L., 1673 Terra : ed. Dr. Hunter. (The Editor), 8vo. Yorh, Ann Ward, 1778 Life of Mrs. Godolphin, 8vo. L, 1847 Diary, etc., ed. Bray and Wheatley, 4 vols., 8vo. L., 1879 Evreux (Jaques Davy du Perron Bishop of, and Cardinal) A Dis- coverie of the Conference holden at Fontaine-bellau between him and M. du Plessis, May 4, 1606, 4to. L., 1601 La Censure de I'Evesque d'Eureux, M. 8vo. s. I., 1602 Lettre de M . . . du Perron envoy6e h Monsieur Casaubon estant en Angleterre, 8vo. Bouen, 1612 Traict6 de Finsuffisance de I'Escriture Saincte, etc., Imp., 8vo. -see Casaubon, Du Moulin, Mornay, Parsons, Tilenus, etc. Ewald (A. C.) Our Public Kecords, 8vo. L., 1873 (H.) History of Israel, ed. Martineau, 5 vols., 8vo. L., 1869 Life of Jesus Christ, 8vo. Cambridge, 1865 Ewick (Joh.) De officio fidelis et prudentis Magistratus tempore Pestilentise, M. 8vo. Neajpoli, 1582 Examiner (The) and Answerer, 8vo. s. a. & I. Excerpta Historica; or. Illustrations of English History, ed. S. Bentley, Da. 8vo. X., 1831 Excommunication excommunicated, C. 4to. L., 1680 Exeter Cathedral. The Ordinale & Legenda Sanctorum, from a MS. at Exeter, compiled by Bp. John Grandison, ed. H. E. Eeynolds, fol. Leeds, 1880 The Eegisters of the Bishops of Exeter, edited by F. C. Hinges- ton-Eandolph, 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1886-9 Eynathen (Max.ab) Manuale Exorcismorum, B. 8vo. Anfwerpice, 1626 Eyre (Archbp.) The History of St. Cuthbert, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1858 Eysenbach (G.) Histoire du Blason, & Science des Armoires, 8vo. Tours, 1848 Eyton (E. W.) The Court, Household and Itinerary of Henry II, 4to. L., 1878 F. E. Questions preparatory to the better, free, and more Christian Administration of the Lord's Supper, C. 4 to. L., 1655 F. M. A call unto the Seed of Israel that they may come out of Egypt's darkness, D. 4to. s. a. F. N. See Fiennes (Nath.) and France. F. E. See Farnworth (Eichard). F. S. See Felgate (Samuel). F. T. See Fitzherbert (Thos.) The first Eelation concerning the Warres now being betweene the Pope and the Duke of Ferrara, 4to. X., Jo, Windet^ 1598 M 162 CATALOGUE OF Faber (F. A.) Tracts on the Church and her Offices. With an auto graph letter from the Author to Dean Butler, 8vo. L., 1840 Life of, by J. E. Bowden, 8vo. Z., s. a. (G. S.) A Dissertation on the Prophecies, B. 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1806 The Origin of Pagan Idolatry ascertained, 3 vols., 4to. L., 1816 On Baptismal Eegeneration in reply to Dean Bethell, Di. 8vo. L., 1816 ( ) Papa mulier, sive vera . . narratio de Papa Joanna, M, 8vo. Witehergce, 1609 (Jac.) Commentarii in Epistolas Pauli. " Laurentii Twyni ex dono domini Johannis Twyni, patris sui," " TF. Mount," F. F. fol. Parisiis, H. Sfephanus, 1512 In Politica Aristotelis Introductio, M. fol. ibid., 1516 Commentarii in IV Evangelia, M. Meldis, impensis Jac. Colincei, 1522 Introductio in Ethicen Aristotelis, M. fol. Parisiis, S. Colinceus, 1535 Commentarii in Epistolas Catholicas, M. Antwerpice, 1540 (Joann. Episc. Vienn.) Opus adversus nova qusedam, et a Christiana Religione prorsus aliena, dogmata M. Lutheri, M. fol. Lipsice, M. Lottherus, 1523 (Joann., Hailbrun.) De Missa Evangelica, M. 8vo. Paris, N. Chesneau, 1558 Via Eegia, quo itinere Fidelis debeat ambulare, 8vo. Colon., hcer. Jo. Quentel, 1563 (Joann. Bambergensis) De Nardo et Epithymo adversus Jos. Scaligerum Disputatio, "/o. Pricceus," F. 4to. Bomce, 1607 (Petrus) Agonisticon, "/o. Pricceus,'" F. 4to. Lugd., 1595 Semestrium Libri III, M. fol. ibid., 1590-5 Fabretti (Raphael) De Columna Trajani Syntagma, fol. Bomce, 1690 Fabricius (Geo.) Poetarum . . Ecclesiasticorum Opera Christiana, M. fol. Basilece, Jo. Oporinus, 1564 Partitionum Grammaticarum . . . Libri III, M. ibid., s. a. (Guido) Dictionarium Syro-Chaldaicum, fol. Antwerpice, Chr. Plantin, 1573 (Joann. Alb.) Bibliotheca Ecclesiastica, fol. Hamburgi, 1718 Bibliotheca Latina (/. Dallin, Librarian, 1828), 2 vols., 4to. Venetiis, 1728 Id. ed. Ernesti, 3 vols., 8vo. Lipsice, 1773-4 Bibliotheca Antiquaria, 4to. Hamburgi, 1760 Bibliotheca Grgeca, 12 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1790-1809 (Jo. S.) De Unitate Ecclesise Britannicse Meditationes Sacrse, D. 8vo. Oxonii, 1676 Fabyan (Robert) Chronicle, imp. fol. L., John Beynes, 1542 Id., Da., 4to. ^ L., 1811 Facciolati et Forcellini, totius Latinitatis Lexicon, 4 vols., fol. Patavii, 1771 Id. ed. Bdiiley (Bishop Crosthwaite, Preb. of York, 1891), 2 vols., 4to. L., 1828 Facius (Barth.) Rerum gestarum Alphonsi I Regis Neapolitani Libri X, fol, Basilece, P. Perna^ 1566 YOEK MINSTER LIBRARY. 163 Faernus (Gabr.) FabulsB Centum, 24mo. Anfw., Plantin, 1577 Fagius (Pauliis) Sententise vere elegantes, Plae, etc. M. 4to. Isnce in Algavia, 1541 Opusculum Hebraicum Elise Levitse, M. Isnce, 1541 Fairfax (Edward, of Fuiston) Dsemonologia : a Discourse on Witch- craft as it was acted in his family at Fuiston ; ed. W. Grainge, 8vo. Harrogate, 1852 (Margaret, of Bolton Percy) Arcana Fairfaxiana, a facsimile of her E6cip6 book, 4to. Newc.-on-Tyne, 1890 (Admiral Robert) Life of, by Clements Markham, 8vo. L., 1885 (Sir Thomas, Lord) The Earl of Glamorgan's Negotiations .... discovered in several Letters taken . . by Sir Tho : Fairfax forces at Padstow, 4to. L., 1645 The King's Majestie's Declaration & two Letters from Sir Thos. Fairfax to the Speaker, 4to. L., 1647 Severall Papers from him & the Armie to the Commissioners at Alisbury, July 23, 1647, B. 4to. L., 1647. A copy of a Letter sent from the Lo : Fairfax to the Major of Hull, H. 4to. L., July 6, 1647 Two Letters to the Parliament & Lord Mayor of London, B. 4to. ^ ^ L., 1647 The Proposalls delivered to the Earl of Nottingham from him & the Army, B. 4to. L., 1647 A Declaration from him & the Councell of the Armie of their resolutions to the Parliament, B. 4to. L., s. a. A Humble Address of the Agitators of the Army to him, B. 4to. L., s. a. A Second Letter from the Agitators of the Army under him, sent to all the Seamen, B. 4to. L., 1647 The Army harmlesse, or a Discussion of the proceedings of the Army under him, B. 4to, L., 1647 • A Declaration of the Engagements, Remonstrances, . . . from him & the Councel of the Army, B. 4to. L., 1647 A cleere & full Vindication of the late Proceedings of the Armie under him, B. 4to. L., 1647 An humble Remonstrance from him and his Army concerning the present state of Affairs, B. 4to. L., 1647 A Declaration & Representation from the Forces of the Northern Associations to him, B. 4to. L., 1647 A Remonstrance from him & his Councell of Warre concerning the late Discontent in the Army, B. 4to. L., 1647 Two Declarations from his Excellency and the Generall Coun- cell of his Army, 4to. L., 1647 A Letter in Answer to the Petition of the XI Members, & a Proclamation, 4to. L., 1647 ■ A Full Vindication & Answer of the XI Accused Members . . . to " A particular charge or impeachment in the name of Sir Thomas Fairfax and the Army," 4to. L., 1647 • A Letter to both Houses of Parliament concerning the King's being brought from Holmby to London, B. 4to. L., 1647 M 2 164 CATALOGUE OF Fairfax (Sir Thomas, Lord) The humble Proposals of Lord Fairfax & of the General Councel of Officers in order to a speedy prose- cution of Justice, B. 4to. i., 1648 A Letter from his Excellency concerning the Surrender of Col- chester, 4 to. jC., 1648 The humble Answer of the General Councel under Lord Fair- fax to the demands of the Commons, B. 4to. L., 1648 A Eemonstrance of him & the Councell of Officers at St. Albans, etc. G. 4to. L., 1648 The Petition of the General Councel of Officers under the Com- mand of . . Thomas Lord Fairfax to the . . Commons of Eng- land, H. 4to. X., 1649 A Declaration from his Excellencie, with the Advice of his Councel of War, B. 4to. L., 1649 A Warrant from him to put in execution the former Ordinances & Orders of Parliament, B. 4to. i., 1649 Short Memorials of. Da. 12 mo. X., 1699 Life of, by Clements Markham, 8vo. -L., 1870 The Fairfax Correspondence ; ed. Johnson and Bell, 4 vols., 8vo. jL., 1848-9 The Fairfaxes of England and America. By E. D. Neill, 8vo. • Albany, U. S. A., 1868 Fairholt (F. W.) Costume in England. A History of Dress, 2nd, ed. 8vo. Z., 1860 Rambles of an Artist, 4to. X., s. a. Homes of English Artists, and Rambles in Rome, 4to. X., 1873 Tobacco, its History and Associations, 8vo. X., 1876 Fairlambe (Peter) The Recantation of a Brownist, F.F. 4to. Z., 1606 Faith. The Severall Ways of Resolving Faith in the Roman and Reformed Churches, Da. 8vo. York, S. BulUey, 1677 See Fisher (John). Falckenburgh (Jac.) Britannia, sive de Apollonica humilitatis, virtu- tis, et honoris porta, etc. M. 8vo. Londini, B. Gi^apheus, 1578 Falkland (Viscount) Speech to the House of Commons concerning Episcopacy, C. 4to. L., 1641 Speech to the House of Lords against Lord Finch, C. 4to. X., 1641 A Draught of a Speech concerning Episcopacy found among his Papers, C. 4to. Oxford, 1644 His Discourse of Infallibility, B. 4to. L., 1651 Falkner (Wm.) Libertas Ecclesiastica ; or, A Discourse on Liturgy and Worship, S. 8vo. L., 1674 Id., F. 8vo. L., 1677 Id., S. 4th ed. L., 1683 A Vindication of Liturgies, S. 8vo. L., 1680 Fallopius (Gabr.) Secreti diversi et Miracolosi, " Gul Mountius," F. F. 8vo. Venetiis, 1565 Tractatus de Simplicibus Medicamentis Purgantibus, F. F. 4to. Venetiis, Jord. 2ileUus, 1566 Tractatus de Medicatis Aquis atque de Fossilibus, " W. Mount" F. F, 4to, Venetiis, 1569 YOEK MINSTER LIBRARY. 165 Fallopius (Gabr.) Tractatus de Compositione Medicamentorum, F. F. 4to. ihid., 1570 Family of Love. A Supplication of the Family of Love said to be presented into the King's royall hands . . for grace and favour, examined, 4to. Cambridge, 1605 Fannant (Thos.) An Historical Narration of the Manner and Form of that Parliament which wrought wonders, begun in 1386, F. 4to. 1641 Fanshawe (Sir Richard) Original Letters of, during his Embassies in Spain and Portugal, 8vo. L., 1702 (Lady) Memoirs, written by herself, 8vo. jL., 1830 Farina (Ant.) Compendio delle cose piu curiose di Napoli, et di Pozzuoli, 8vo. Napoli, 1679 Farlseus (Rob.) Lychnocausia, sive Moralia Facum Emblemata : Light's Morall Emblems, F. 8vo. L., T. Cotes, 1638 Kalendarium Humanse Vitse : The Kalender of Man's Life, F. 8vo. L.,for W.Hope, 1638 Farnabius (Tho.) Systema Grammaticum, F. 8vo. L., 1641 Index Rhetoricus et Oratoricus, F. 8vo. Amst, 1648 Farnesius (Hen.) De Simulacro Reipublicse, M. 4to. Papice, 1593 F(arn worth) (R.) Antichrist's man of war apprehended, C. 4to. L., 1655 Farrar (F. W.) Life of Christ, 2 vols., 8vo. L., s. a, Life and Work of St. Paul, 2 vols., 8vo. L., s. a. The Silence and the Voices of God, 8vo. L., 1874 The Early Days of Christianity, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1882 •Lives of the Fathers, 2 vols., 8vo. Edinh., 1889 Fasciculus Temporum, fol. Colon., H. Quentil, 1479 Id., imp. fol. Id., F. 4to. Farisiis, Jehan Petit, 1524 Medicinae per Joann. de Retham, etc., fol. Venetiis, Jo. & Greg, de Gregoriis, 1500 Fathers (The) Lives of the Primitive Fathers, F. 4to. L., 1640 Fatio (Giulio) Trattato . . della Mortificatione delle nostre Passioni, et alFetti disordinati, M. 8vo. In Venetia, 1598 Faulkner (Thos.) Description of Chelsea, 8vo. L., 1810 Account of Fulham, 8vo. L., 1813 Faussett (A. R., Preb. of York) Studies in the CL. Psalms, 8vo. L., 1876 The Englishman's Critical and Expository Bible Cyclopaedia, 4to. L., 1878 Commentary on the Book of Judges {Dean Purey-Cust, 1885), 8vo. L., 1885 (Bryan) Inventorium Sepulchrale, ed. C. Roach Smith. The Editor's copy, with Letters, etc. inserted, 4to. L., 1856 Faventinus (Leon.) Practica Medicinalis, M. 8vo. Lugd., Symphorianus Earlier, 1561 Favour (John, Vicar of Halifax, and Preb. of York) Antiquitie triumphing over Noveltie. Dedicated to Archhp. Matthew, M. 4to. L., 1619 166 CATALOaUE OF Fawkner (Ant.) Assize Sermon at Oakham, March 10, 1627, 4to. L., 1630 Id., 4to. X., 1634 Assize Sermon at Oakham, July 31, 1629, 4to. L., 1629 Assize Sermon at Northampton, July 25, 1623, 4to. Oxford, 1635 Fayet (M.) Examen des Institutions Liturgiques de Dom Gueranger, Abb6 de Solesmes, S. 8vo. Paris^ 1846 Fayus (Ant.) Commentarii in Ecclesiasten, etc., M. Svo. Genevce, 1609 Fearn (Josiah, of Leeds) Trial of, for the Murder of Mr. Thomas Grave, B. Svo. York, Ccesar JVard, 1749 Featley (Daniel) The Eomish Fisher caught and held in his owne Net, M. 4to. L., 1624 Pelagius Eedivivus, 4to. L., 1626 Cygnea Cantio : or Learned Decisions . . for Students in Divinitie, delivered by . . King James, C. 4to. L., 1629 A Case for the Spectacles, or, a Defence of the Via Tuta of Sir Humphrey Lynde...4to. X., 1638 Transubstantiation exploded, Svo. L., ;pr. by G. M., 1638 Eoma Euens; Eome's Euins, 0. 4to. X., 1644 The Dippers dipt : or the Anabaptists duck'd and plung'd over head and eares, F. 4to. £., 1646 Id., a F. 7th ed., 4to. X., 1660 A Case for the City-Spectacles, C. 4to. X., 1648 Fechtius (Jo.) De Origine et Superstitione Missarum, S. Svo. Bostochi, 1725 Feguernekinus (Isaac) Enchiridion Locorum Communium Theo- logicorum, M. 8vo. X., 1588 Feild (Bp.) Memoir of, by H. W. Tucker, Svo. X., 1877 F(elgate) [S(am.) Vicar of Mitton in Craven] The Novelty of the Eomish Eeligion, Svo. X., 1682 Felinus (Aretius) Explanationes in Psalmos, " JF. Mount," F. F. 4to. Argent, 1529 see Bucer (M.) Felippe (Bart.) Tractado del Conseio y de los Conseiros de los Principes, M. 4to. Turin, 1589 Felisius (Matt.) Catholica Prseceptorum Decalogi Elucidatio, M . Svo. Farisiis, 1576 F61ix (E. P.) La Progres par la Christianisme, 3 vols., Svo. Paris, 1860-8 Fell (John Bp.) The Interest of England stated : or, a faithful and just account of the aims of all Parties now prevailing, C. 4to. 1659 A Paraphrase and Annotations upon all St. Paul's Epistles, F. Svo. 1702 (Margt.) The Standard of the Lord revealed, C. 4to. 1667 Fellows (Chas.) Asia Minor, Svo. X., 1839 Travels and Eesearches in Asia Minor and Syria, Svo. X., 1882 Felltham (Owen) Eesolves, B. 4th ed. 4to. X., 1631 Fen (Humfrey, of Coventry) The last Will and Testament of, with the Profession of Faith, cast out by the High Commissioners for labouring in a peaceable way the Eeformation of our Discipline, 4to. 1641 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 167 Fendall v. Wilson. Case, Opinions and Preface, ed. Pusey, 8vo. Oxford, 1864 Pension : Les Avantures de Telemaque, 5 vols., 8vo. A la Haye, 1699 : a Biographical Sketch. (By H. F. S. Lear), 8vo. X., 1877 Penner (Dudley) An Answere unto the Confutation of John Nichols his Eecantation, M. 4to. X., Jo. Wolfe, 1583 The Artes of Logike and Rethorike, 8vo. Middleburgh, B. Schilders, 1588 Sacra Theologia, M. 8vo. s. a. & I. Id, The Sacred Doctrine of Divinitie, 8vo. s. I., 1599 ( ) A Counter-Poyson modestly written for the time, M. 8vo. Z., B. JFaldegrave, s. a. A Defence of the Godlie Ministers against the slaunders of D. Bridges, 4to. s. l, 1587 (Wm.) Hidden Manna, 12mo. L., 1652 [Ferguson (Robert)] The Design of Enslaving England discovered, ^.4to. L., 1689 [ ] A Just and Modest Vindication of the Proceedings of the two last Parliaments of Charles II, 4to. L., 1689 Feme (Henry, Bp. of Chester, etc.) The Resolving of Conscience upon this Question, whether... if the King will not discharge his Trust... subjects may take up arms and resist, B. 4to. Yorh, Stephen Bidkley, 1642 Id., 4to. Oxford, 1643 ■ Conscience satisfied, that there is no Warrant for the Armes now taken up by Subjects. By Way of Reply, etc., 4to. ihid., 1643 A Reply unto Severall Treatises pleading for the Armes now taken up by Subjects in the pretended Defence of Religion and Liberty, 4to. ihid., 1643 A Plaine Fault in Plain-English, and the same in Doctor Fearne, Da. 4to. L., 1643 Sermon at St. Mary's, Oxford, 12 Apr. 1644, before the House of Commons, C. 4to. Oxford, 1644 A Vindication of the Treatise of Monarchy, containing an Answer to Dr. Feme's Reply, 4to. L., 1644 Episcopacy and Presbytery considered, C. 4to. L., 1647 Sermon before the King at Newport, Nov. 29, 1648, C. 4to. L., 1649 Certain Considerations of present concernment touching this Reformed Church of England, F. 8vo. L., 1653 The Church of England-man's Reasons for his not making the Decisions of Ecclesiastical Synods the Rule of his Faith, G. reprint, 8vo. L., 1717 (Sir John, The Bp.'s Father) The Blazon of Gentrie, Da. 4to. L., 1586 Fernelius (Joann.) Medicina, F. F. fol. Lutet. Paris., And. Wechel, 1554 Febrium Curandarum Methodus, M. 8vo. Francof, Andr. Wechel, 1577 Universa Medicina. (Cuthb. Johnson, M.D.), 4to. Genevce, 1637 168 CATALOGUE OF Ferrar (Nic.) Two Lives of, ed. J. E. B. Mayor, 8vo. Cambridge^ 1855 His Household and Friends, ed. T. T. Carter, 8vo. L., 1892 Ferrara (Gieronimo) Prediche, 2 vols., 12mo. Fenetiis, 1540-1 Ferrarius (Joann.) Orationes, F. 8vo. L,, 1657 (Octavius) De Ee Vestiaria, 4to. Patavii, 1754 (Phil.) Nova Topographia in Martyrologium Eomanum, M. 4to. Fenetiis, 1609 Lexicon Geographicum, F. fol. Mediolani, 1627 Ferrerius (Auger.) De Lue Hispanica, F. F. 8vo. Parisiis, 1564 Ferriby (John) The Lawful! Preacher, C. 4to. L., 1652 Ferris (Eichard) The most dangerous and memorable Adventure of Eichard Ferris and others, who undertooke in a small Wherry Boate to row from Tower Wharf to the Citie of Bristowe, M. 4to. L., John Wolfe, 1590 Ferrius (Paulus) Scholastici Orthodoxi Specimen, M. 8vo. Golstadii, 1616 Ferronus (Arn.) De Eebus Gestis Gallorum, M. fol. Basilece, per Sixt. Renricpetri, 1569 Fersius (Joann.) DePrsefectura S. Prsetorii Tractatus, "/o. Pricceus," F. 4to. Franco/., 1611 Ferus (Joann.) Examen Ordinandorum, 8vo. Antwerpim, 1554 Id. The copy of George Swallwell, a priest, who was executed at Darlington in 1594, with his MS. notes and prayers, M. 8vo. Lugduni, 1565 Jonas Propheta . . Explicatus, M. 8vo. Moguntice, Fr. Behem, 1556 Sermones in Epistolas et Evangelia, M. fol., 2 vols, in 1. Moguntice & Col. Agr., 1558 Exegesis in Epistolam Pauli ad Eomanos, M. 8vo. Moguntice, 1558 In totam Genesim Enarrationes, M. 8vo. Lovanii, 1565 Sermones Quadragesimales, etc., M. 8vo. Lugduni, 1567 Enarrationes in Acta Apostolorum, M. 8vo. Paris, Mich. Sonnius, 1568 In. . Evang. secundum Joannem, etc., M. 8vo. Parisiis, 1567 In Evangelium sec. Matthseum Enarrationes, M. 8vo. Antwerpice, 1570 Annotationes in Exodum, Numeros, Deuter., etc., M. 8vo. Colonice, 1571 Jobi Historise Explicatio, Jf. 8vo. ibid., 1571 Epitome Sermonum ann. 1561 in Cathedrali Wormatiensi pro Concione habita, M. 8vo. Colon., Hcer. Birckmann, 1571 Festivale. The Festyvale, or, the Direction for celebrating the princypall feestes of the yere. To which are added Quatuor Sermones, F. 4to. Wynhjnde Worde, 1515 Feu-Ardentius (Fr.) Liber Euth Oommentariis explicatus, M. 8vo. Paris., Seb. Nuellius, 1582 D. Pauli Epistola ad Philemonem . . explicata, M. 8vo. Paris., A. Sillart, 1587 Dialogi vii, M. 8vo. Col. Agr., Birckmannus, 1594 In Jonam Prophetam, et in Judse Ep. Commentarii, M. 8vo. Col. Agr., 1595 YOEK MINSTER LIBRARY. 169 Feu-Ardentius (Fr.) In Librum Esther Commentarii, M. 8vo. Col. Agr., Birckman, 1595 D. Jacobi Epistola . . explicata, M. 8vo. Paris., M. Sonnius, 1591 Epistola prima Petri . . explicata, M. 8vo. Paris, 1 600 Feudorum Tractatus, 4to. s. a. Feuguereius (Guil.)Proplietic8eet Apostolicse. . Scrip turse Thesaurus, M. fol. Lausannce, F. le Preux, 1575 Ffoulkes (Edm.) Manual of Ecclesiastical History, 8vo. Oxford, 1850 The Athanasian Creed, 8vo. s. a. The Athanasian Creed re-considered, 8vo. L., 1872 Sermons on the Difficulties of the Day, 2nd ed., 8vo. s. a. Fichardus (Eaim.) Receptae Sententise, M. fol., 2 vols. Franc, ad Mcen., Nic. Bassus, 1571-4 Ficinus (Marsilius) De Eeligione Christiana, M. 8vo. Parisiis, Guil. Guillard, 1559 Opera Omnia, M. fol. Basilece, Henricus Petri, 1561 Ficklerus (Jo.) Theologia Juridica, M. DiUngce, Seb. Mayer, 1575 Fiddes (Richard, Rector of Halsham) The Proofs and Influence of a Future Judgment, B. 4to. York, John White, s. a. Thanksgiving Sermon, Dec. 3rd, 1702, R. 4to. iUd., 1703 Practical Discourses on several Subjects, 8vo. L., 1712 A Body of Divinity, F., 2 vols., fol. L., 1718-20 Life of Cardinal Wolsey, large paper, fol. L., 1724 small paper {Archhp. Markham, 1804), fol. L., 1724 Fidelis (Lud.) De Militia Spirituali, 8vo. Paris, 1540 Field (J. E.) The Apostolic Liturgy & the Epistle to the Hebrews. Presn. copy, S. 8vo. . L., 1882 (Richard) Of the Church, F.F. 4to. L., 1606 Id., F, 3rd ed. fol. Oxford, 1635 Life of, by John Le Neve, 8vo. L., 1716-17 Fiennes (Nath.) A Speech in answer to Lord George Digby, con- cerning Bishops, etc., C. 4to. 1641 — — Unparalleled Reasons for abolishing Episcopacy, 4to. L., 1642 - — An Answer to his Relation concerning his Surrender of Bristol, B. 4to. 1643 Reply to a Pamphlet by Clement Walker, B. 4to. 1643 [ ] Monarchy Asserted, 0. 8vo. L., 1660 Fieschi (J. L., Count) Account of his Conspiracy against Genoa in 1547, transl. by Hare. From the Bibl. Curiosa; L. P. and Pr. pr., 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Edinb., 1886 Fiesque (Le Comte de) Deux Requestes au Roi, etc., 4to. Paris, 1681 Sommaire des droits de le Comte de Fiesque contre la R6pub- lique de Gennes, 4to. ibid., 1682 Figliucci (Felice) De la Filosofia Morale Lib. X, 4to. Boma, 1551 Delia Politica, 4to. Venetia, 1583 Figueiro (Petrus a) Commentarii in Lamentationes Hieremise et in Malachiam, 8vo. Lugd., ex off. Juntarum, 1596 Filesacus (Joann.) De sacra Episcoporum Auctoritate, F.F. 8vo. Parisiis, 1606 170 CATALOGUE OP Filesacus (Joann.) Selectorum Liber primus, 4to. Paris^ 1521 Fillincius (Vine.) Quaestiones Morales, F.F. 2 vols., fol. Antwerpice, 1623 Fills (E.) see Geneva. Filmer (Sir E.) The Necessity of the Absolute Power of all Kings, a 4to. L., 1648 Finseus (Orontius) De Mundi Sphsera, F.F. 4 to. Lutetice, M. Fascosanus, 1555 De Solaribus Horologiis et Quadrantibus, 4to. Parisiis, G. Cavellat, 1560 Finch (Henry, Dean of York) Sermon before the Queen at St. James' Chapel, April, 1712. Presn. copy, R. 4to. i., 1712 (John, Lord) His Accusation and Impeachment, F. & C. 4to. 1640 (E. P.) Sermon before the Sons of the Clergy at St. Paul's, 4to. X., 1768 Sermon for the London Charity School, C. 4to. L., 1774 Finezza contro Finezza. Tragicomedia, 4to. Roma, 1652 Finlay (Geo.) History of Greece and the Byzantine Empire, 5 vols,, 8vo. Edinh. & L., 1856-61 Finn (Jas.) Sephardim, or. The History of the Jews in Spain and Portugal, 8vo. L., 1841 Fioravanti (Leon.) Del Specchio de Scientia Universale, 8vo. Fenet, Hcer. de Marchio Sessa, 1572 Fisher (Ambrose) A Defence of the Liturgie of the Church of Eng- land, 4to. L., 1630 [ , Edward] An Appeale to thy Conscience, C. 4to. Oxford, 1644 (John, Bp. of Eochester) Assertionis Lutheranse Confutatio, M. fol. Antwerpice, in cedibus M. Hillenii, 1523 Defensio Eegise Assertionis contra Babylonicam Captivitatem, 4to. Colonice, 1525 De Veritate Corporis et Sanguinis Christi in Eucharistia, ad versus Jo. ^colampadium, M. fol. Colonice, P. Quentel, 1527 A Treatyse on the seven Penytencyall Psalmes, M. 8vo. s. a. & I., 1555 Life, by Thos. Baily,i^. 8vo. L., 1659 Life of, by Lewis, ed. Hudson Turner, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1855 See Baker (Thos.). [ (John)] A Treatise of Faith, M. 8vo. 1605 [ ] A Eeply to Mr. Anthony Wotton and Mr. John White, Ministers, wherein it is showed that they have not sufficiently answered the Treatise of Faith, M. 4to. s. /., 1612 [ ] A Eeply to D. White and D. Featly who have undertaken to shew a Visible Protestant Church in all Ages. Two parts, 4to. s. a. & I, 1625 Piscator (Payan) Marston Moor : Carmen, Da. 4to. L., 1650 Fishwick (H.) The Lancashire Library, L. P., 4to. L., 1875 History of Eochdale, 4to. Rochdale, 1889 Fitzherbert (Sir Anthony) La Novel Natura Brevium, F. 8vo. L., 1609 (Thos.) A Defence of the Catholyke Cause, 4to. 1602 r YOEKf^MINSTER LIBRARY. 171 Fitzherbert (Thos.) A Supplement to the Discussion of M. D. Bar- lowe's Answere to the judgment of a Catholike Englishman . . interrupted by the death of the Author, F. Robert Parsons, M. 4to. 1613 An Adjoynder to the Supplement . . M. 4to. 1613 A Treatise concerning Policy and Religion. Two parts, 4to. (Douay), 1615 The Obmutesce of F. T. to the Epphata of D. Collins, 4to. 1621 Fitz Simon (Ric.) Britannomachia Ministrorum in Fidei Fundamentis et Articulis Dissidentium, F.F. 4to. Duaci, s. a. Fitz Warine (Fulk) History of, ed. Thos. Wright for the Warton Club, 8vo. X., 1855 Flaccus (0. Val.) Argonauticon, 4to. Leidce, 1724 Flamininus (M. A.) et Spinula (Fr.) Paraph rasis in Psalmos, M. 8vo. Basilece, P. Perna, 1560 In Librum Psalmorum . . Explanatio, if. 8vo. 1561 Fleetwood (John) Life of Christ, B. 4to. L., 1768 (Wm.) see Norton (Thos.) ( Wm. Bp. of Ely) Founder's Sermon in King's College Chapel, 25 March, 1689, F. & G. 4to. Cambr., 1689 [ ] Chronicon Preciosum; or, An Account of English Money, etc., F. 8vo. . ^ X., 1707 A Complete Collection of his Sermons, Tracts and Pieces, fol. L,, 1737 Fleming (Caleb) Some Thoughts upon the Grounds of Man's Ex- pectation of a Future State, C. 8vo. X., 1739 Flemyng (Robert) Christology, B. 8vo. X., 1705 Apocalyptical Key . . on the Rise and Fall of the Papacy, B. repr., 8vo. L., 1793 Fletcher (Giles) Of the Russe Commonwealth, M. 8vo. L, T. D.for Thos. Charde, 1591 [ ] (John, of Madeley) A Second Check to Antinomianism, 8vo. Life of, by Luke Tyerman, 8vo. L., 1882 Fleury (Cardinal de) Memoirs of, C. 8vo, 2nd ed. L,, 1743 Histoire du Christianisme, 6 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1836 (Claude) The Manners of the Ancient Israelites, ed. Clarke, B. 8vo. X., 1809 Flinspachius (C.) Genealogia Christi, M> fol. Basilece, Jo. Oporinus, 1567 Flodden Field. The Famous Old Ballad, or History of, 8vo. Fork, T. Gent, s. a. — — Id., ed. C. Federer, 4to. Manchester, 1884 Florebellus (Ant.) Ad Philippam et Mariam Reges, de Restituta in Anglia Religione Oratio, 4to. Lovanii, 1555 Florentinus (M.) (Ecumenii Grseci Vetustique Scriptoris in omnes S. Pauli Epistolas Commentarii, 8vo. Basilece, Palma Ising., 1555 Florentius Wisforniensis : Chronicon. Two copies, M. & Da. 4to. L., 1592 Flores Biblise, sive Loci Communes, 8vo. s. I., 1600 172 CATALOGUE OF Florez (Fr. Enrique) Noticias sobre la Vida, Escritos, y Viages del Florez. By Fr. Mendez, C. 8vo. Madrid, 1860 Florio (John) A Worlde of Wordes, M., Presn. copy from Florio, with inscr. in Italian, 4to. L., Arnold Hatfield, 1598 Queen Anna's New World of Words, fol. L,, 1611 Florius (Fr.) De Amore Camilli et Emilise Aretinorum Liber. Parisiis, P. de Ccesaris et J. Stol, 1475 Florus (L. A.) De Gestis Romanorum, M. fol. Basilece, Jo. Hervagius, 1532 Id., M. 8vo. Antwerpice, Plantin, 1567 -Id., F. 8vo. OxonU, 1669 -Eerum Eomanarum Epitome, 4to. Paris^ 1674 Id., with an English Transl. by John Clarke, Master of the Grammar School at Hull, Da. 8vo. York, Thos. Gent, s. a. Nero Csesar ; or, Monarchie Depraved. Transl. by Ed. Bolton, fol. L., 1624 [Floyd (John)] The Overthrow of the Protestant's Pulpit-Babels, by I. R. 4to. s. I. 1612 [ ] A Pair of Spectacles for Sir Humfrey Linde to see his way withall, by I. R. 8vo. . . . 1631 Floyer (Sir John) Essays, C. 8vo. Nottingham, 1717 Flud (Robert) Utriusque Cosmi . . Metaphysica, Physica, atque Technica Historia, M. folf Oppenheimii, 1617 Fliigel's German and EngHsh Dictionary, 2nd ed., 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1843 Foley (Hen., S. J.) Records of the English Province of the Society of Jesus, 8 vols., 8vo. L., 1877, etc. Foliot (Gilb. Episc.) Epistolse, ed. Giles, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1845 Folkestone Ritual Case. The Proceedings, etc. therein, S. 8vo. L., 1878 Fontanus (Simon) In Lib. Ruth Explicatio, 8vo. Parisiis, Claude Fremy, 1560 Fonte-Moderato (Pozza) II Merito delle Donne, 4to. Venet, 1600 Fonteius (Joann.) De Prisca Csesiorum Gente. " Jo. Pricceus," F. fol. Bononice, 1582-3 Fonte-Nayo (Guido de) De Rebus Humanis, fol. Basilece, Henricus Petri, 1555 Forbes (A. P., Bishop of Brechin), Primary Charge, aS'. 8vo. L., 1857 -Answers for, to the Presentment against him, S. 4to. Edinburgh, 1860 Notes, to assist towards forming a right Judgment on the Eucharistical Controversy^ S. 8vo. Short Explanation of the Nicene Creed, 8vo., 2nd ed. Oxford,186Q Explanation of the Thirty-Nine Articles, 2 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1867 Kalendars of Scottish Saints (The Editor, 1872), 4to. Edinburgh, 1872 Memoir of him, and of his brother, G. H. Forbes. (By Miss Skene) S. 12mo. L., 1876 Memoir of, by D. J. Mackey, 8vo. L., 1888 Forbesius (Gul. Episc. Edinb.) Considerationes Modestas et Pacificse Controversiarum de Justificatione, etc. F. 8vo. L., 1657 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 173 Forbes (Jo. of Corse) A Treatise tending to cleare the Doctrine of Justification, 4to. Middelburgh, Richard Schilders, 1616 Irenicum Amatoribus Yeritatis et Pacis in Ecclesia Scoticana, D. 4to. Aberdonice, 1629 An Answere to his Peaceable Warning, B. 4to. 1638 Instructiones Historico-Theologicse, fol. Genevce, 1680 (Patrick, of Corse) A Learned Commentarie upon the Revela- tion of St. John, 4to. Middelburg, pr. by Eichard Schilders, 1614 A Defence of the Lawful Calling of the Ministers of Eeformed Churches against the . . Romanists, 4to. ibid., 1614 (Patrick) Full View of the Public Transactions in the Reign of Q. Elizabeth, Da. 2 vols., fol. L., 1740 Forbes-Leith (Wm.) Narratives of Scottish Catholics under Mary- Stuart and James VI, 8vo. Edinb., 1885 Ford (Simon) Assize Sermon at Northampton, July 4, 1665. C. 4 to. Oxf., 1665 Forde (Wm.) A Sermon . . at Constantinople , . at the Funerall of . . Lady Anne Glover, 4to. Z., 1616 Formularies of Faith put forth during the reign of Henry VIII, S. 8vo. Oxford, 1825 Fornici (T.) Institutiones Liturgicse, S. 8vo. Sancti Clodoaldi, 1831 Forster (John) Biographical Essays : Cromwell, De Foe, Steele, Churchill, 8vo. L., 1860 Arrest of the Five Members, 8vo. L., 1860 The Debates on the Grand Remonstrance, 1641, 8vo. L., 1860 Sir John Eliot ; a Biography, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1864 Fortescue (E. F. K.) The Armenian Church, 8vo. Z., (1872) Fortin (M.) Testament ou Conseils Fid61es d'un bon Pere a son Enfans, 8vo. Leide, 1655 Foscarilegia ex Nic, Scelsio edita, 4to. 1523 Foss (Edw.) A Biographical Dictionary of the Judges of England, 8vo. L., 1870 Foster (C. W.) and Green (J.) History of the Wilmer Family. Pr. pr., 4to. Leeds, 1888 (Jas.) Essay on Fundamentals in regard to the Doctrine of the Trinity, G. 8vo. L., 1726 An Answer to Dr. Stebbing's Letter on the Subject of Heresy, a 8vo. L., 1735 Sermon on the Death of Mr. Thos. Emlyn, C. 8vo. L., 1740 (Joseph) Pedigrees of Lancashire Families, 4to. L., 1873 Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage, 8vo. L., 1882 Fotherby (Martin, Bp. of Salisbury) Foure Sermons . . whereunto is added an Answer unto certaine Objections of one unresolved as concerning the use of the Crosse in Baptisme, 4to. L., 1602 Atheomastix, fol. L., 1622 Foulis (Sir Hen.) The History of the Wicked Plots and Conspiracies of our Pretended Saints, fol. Oxford, 1674 Foulkes (Robert) An Alarme for Sinners, containing his Confession . . and last words, C. 4to. L., 1679 Foullon (R. P.) Historia Leodiensis, 3 vols., fol. Leodii, 1735 Foundling Hospital. The Royal Charter for, C. 8vo. L., 1739 174 CATALOGUE OF Foundling Hospital. Account of the Foundling Hospital in Paris, C. 8vo. L., 1739 Fountayne (John, Dean of York) Fast Sermon in York Minster, Feb. 6th, 1756, R. 8vo. York, CcBsar JFard, 1756 Fourneillis (M. Des) Discourse on the Cartesian System, translated . . . B. 12mo. Z., 1670 Fowle (John, of Bermuda) Deus Visibilis : or, God Manifested in the Flesh, 8vo. ^ ^ ^ Boston, N. E., 1704 Fowler (Chr.) Dsemonium Meridianum : Satan at Noon . . an Account of the Proceedings against John Pordage, Minister of Bradfield, Berks, C. 4to. L., 1655 Fowler (Edw.) A Friendly Conference between a Minister and a Pa- rishioner of his inclining to Quakerism, F. 8vo. X., 1676 The Resolution of this Case of Conscience . . C. 2nd ed. 4to. L., 1683 A Defence of "The Resolution of this Case," C. 4to. L., 1684 Fowns (Richard) Trisagion, or, the Three Holy Offices of Jesus Christ, F. 4to. X., 1618 [Fox (Edw., Bishop of Hereford)] Opus Eximium de Vera Differentia Regise Potestatis et Ecclesiasticse, 4to. L., The. Berthelet, 1534 Id., 8vo. _ ibid., 1538 (George, the Quaker) A Primer for the Schollers and Doctors of Europe, C. 4to. L., 1659 A Battle-Door for Teachers and Professors to learn Singular and Plural, D. fol. L., 1660 To all that would know the way to the Kingdome, D. 4to. L., 1660 A Noble Salutation and a faithfuU Greeting unto thee, Charles Stuart, D. 4to. L., 1660 Something in answer to the Old Common Prayer Book, JD. 4to. L., 1660 [ ] The Pearle found in England, D. 4to. L., 1660 • (S.) Monks and Monasteries, 12mo. L., 1845 Foxe (John) Ecclesiastical History contayning the Actes and Monu- mentes of thynges passed in every Kynge's tyme, M. 2 vols. fol. L., John Daye, 1570 Id., ed. Pratt & Stoughton (/. Fleming, Precentor of York, 1878), 8 vols., 8vo. L., s. a. Id., An Abridgment of the Booke of Acts and Monumentes . . by Timothie Bright, M.D., 4to. L., J. Windet, 1589 A Sermon of Christ Crucified, preached at Paule's Crosse . . 4to. L., 1570 A Sermon preached at the Christening of a Certaine Jew at London, transl. by James Bell, 8vo. L., Chr. Barker, 1578 De Christo gratis Justificante contra Osorianam justitiam, M. 8vo. L., T. Purfutius, far G. Bijshop, 1583 . see Haddon (Walter). Syllogisticon, hoc est, Argumenta de Re et Materia Sacramenti Eucharistici, M. 4to. L., J. Day, s. a. Eicasmi seu Meditationes in Sacram Apocalypsin, M. fol. L., im/pensis G. By shop, 1587 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 175 Foxius (Seb.) Ethices Philosophise Compendium, M. 8vo. Heidelbergce, Lud. Lucius, 1561 Foy (S., Flore de) Le Miroir de la Pi6t6 Chretienne, 8vo. Liege, 1677 Fra Angelico da Fiesole, Life of, by Thos. Goodwin, 8vo. L., 1861 Fra Dolcino and his Times, by L. Mariotti, 8vo. L., 1853 Frachetta (Girolamo) II Principe, 8vo. Venet, 1599 Frambotto (Pauolo) Delle Linee Aritmetiche, etc., 4to. s. a. Frampton (Robert, Bp. of Gloucester), Life of, ed. by T. S. Evans, 8vo. L., 1876 France, Gallia — Eecueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France (Scriptores Rerum Gallicarum et Francicarum), par M. Bouquet, foL, 24 vols., folio. Paris, v. y. Gallia Christiana. The new ed., ed. Piolin, folio, ibid., 1870, etc. Commentarii, Henrico II, Francisco II, Carolo IX, Regibus, de Statu Religionis et Reipublicse in Regno Gallise, M., 3 vols. 8vo. Lugd. Bat, 1577 Histoire de France, avec les effigies des Roys, etc, 8vo. Rouen, 1606 An Epitome of all the Lives of the Kings of France from Pharamond the 1st to Lewis XIII, transl. ... by R. B., Esq., with autogr., ^' Fauconberge," F. 8vo. L., 1639 The Ancient Liturgies of the Gallican Church, ed. Neale & Forbes, S., 3 parts, 8vo. Burntisland, 1855-67 The Restorer of the French Estate discovering the true Causes of the Warres in France, M. 4to. L., R. Field, 1589 The Declarations as well of the French King as of the King of Navarre, M. 4to. ibid., 1589 The Contre-Guyse : wherein is deciphered the pretended title of the Guyses, 4to. L., John Woolfe, 1589 Advise given by a Catholic Gentleman to the Nobilitie and Commons of France . . ., transl. from the French, M. 4to. ibid., 1589 A Copie of a Letter sent by an English Gentleman out of France concerning the Great Victorie which the French King obtained against the Duke of Maine upon the fourth daie of March, 1589, M. 4to. L., W. Wright, 1590 A Discourse and True Recitall of the Victorie obtained by the French King on Wednesday the fourth of March, M., 4to. Thos. Orwin, for Richard Oliffe, 1590 Credible Reportes from France and Flanders in the moneth of May, 1590, M. 4to. ^ ^ L., 1590 An Answeare to the Supplication against him, who seemeth to give the (French) King counsel to become a Catholike, & indevoureth to stirre up his good subjectes unto Rebellion. Translated by E. A., M. 4to. L., John Wolfe, 1591 A true Declaration of the honourable Victorie obtained by the French King in winning of Noyau, and overthrow of the Duke de Maine his forces. Performed this present moneth of August, 1591, M. 4to. L., Tho. Scarlet for Tho. Nelson Newes out of France for the Gentlemen of England, M. 4to. L., for John Kid il^n) 176 CATALOGUE OF France, Gallia. The Letters Pattents of the King's Declaration for the referring of the General! Assemblie of the Princes . . unto the 15 day of March, M. 4:to. £., Tho. Orwin for Aug. Lawton A Proposition of the Princes . . . propounded to the Duke of Mayence, and other his adherents assembled in the Citie of Paris, 4to. L., John Wolfe, 1593 M6moires de M. D. L. E. sur les brigues a la mort de Louys XIII . . . 8vo. Cologne, 1669 Apologie pour les Frangois ou V6rification de leur Constance, 8vo. ibid., 1670 L'Etat de la France, 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1672 ^France Politique, ou ses Desseins ex^cutez et k executor, 8vo. Charleville, 1672 Ragles de la Discipline Ecclesiastique de France, 8vo. Paris, 1679 Arrest de la Cour de Parlement, 4to. Two Parts, ibid., 1681 Arrest du du Conseil d'Estat . . centre les Ministres de la Reli- gion Pr^tendue Reform^e . . 4to. ibid., 1681 La Politique du Clerg6 de France, 8vo. A la Haye, 1681 The Pope's Third Breve, threatening to excommunicate the most Christian King, with the Reply of the French Clergy, 4to. L., 1681 Edit du Roy sur la Declaration faite par le Clerg6 de France touchant la puissance Eccl6siastique, 4to. Paris, 1682 Edit du Roy concernant les dispositions des Biens de ceux de la R. P. R 4to. ibid., 1682 Declaration du Roy, portant que les Enfans de ceux de la Reli- gion Pr^tendue Reform6e, qui auront fait abjuration, seront instruits en la Religion Catholique, 4to. ibid., 1683 Declaration du Roy. Pour reunir aux Hospitaux les biens I6guez aux Pauvres de la R. P. R. 4to. ibid., 1683 Remerciement au Roy pour tons les Ministres convertis du Royaume, 4to. Poitiers Les Funerailles de la Reine faites au College de Louis le Grand, 4to. Paris, 1683 Remarques sur le livre d'un Protestant intitules Considerations sur les Lettres circulaires de TAssembl^e du Clerg6 de France de l'ann6e 1682, 8vo. ibid., 1683 R6ponce Apologetique k Messieurs du Clerg6 de France, 8vo. 1683 — —Les Pretendus R^formez convaincus de Schisme, 8vo. Paris, 1684 Reflexions sur la cruelle Persecution que souffre L'Eglise Reformee de France, 8vo. 1686 The Ancient Amity restor'd; or France the Best Friend, C. 8vo. L., 1712 A Genuine Account of the late Grand Expedition to the Coast of France, under the Command of Admiral Hawke, etc., 0. 2nd ed. 8vo. L., 1757 A Letter, giving an Account of the Battle between the English and French Fleets, Nov. 20, 1759, C, 8vo. L., 1759 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 177 Francis (of Cordova) Annotationes Catholicse in Eeligionis Articulos a Sectariis contraversos, M. 8vo. Colonice, M. ChoUnus, 1572 Francis (St. of Assisi) Opera Omnia, necnon S. Antonii Paduani, 2 vols, in 1, fol. Augustce ? 1739 The Lyfe of the gloryous Confessoure of our Lorde Jhesus Christe, Seynt Francis, F. 4to. L., R. Pynson, s. a. Life of, by Mrs. Oliphant, 8vo. L., 1879 (St., de Sales) Constitutions & Instructions Synodales, D. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1679 Introduction k la Vie Devote, 8vo. Paris, 1666 Les Epistres Spirituelles, 2 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1676 St. Francis de Sales (By H. F. Lear), 8vo. L., 1882 (St., Xavier) Missionary Life and Labours, and the General Results of Eoman Catholic Missions, by H. Venn, 8vo. L., 1862 Francis the First, and his Times. By C. Coignet, 8vo. L., 1888 Francke (Frid.) Libri Symbolici Eccl. Lutheranae, 8vo. Lipsice, 1847 Francken (Christian) Colloquium Jesuiticum, 8vo. Basilece, 1580 Id. Transl. by W. C(harke), 8vo. L, Chr. Barker, 1580 (Sebastian) Germania, fol. s. L, 1539 Francklin (R.) Orthotonia, F. 8vo. 1629 Frangipanus (Oct.) Eccl. Disciplina Ecclesiae Coloniensi prsesertim accommodata, M. 4to. Col Agr., 1597 Frank (Mark) Fifty-one Sermons, fol. L, 1672 Frankfort Book Catalogues. Catalogues of Books sold at the Fairs in 1599, 1600, 1602, 1607, 1608, 1609, 1611-20, 1622, 1623. Marked by Archbp. Matthew, 4to. Frankfort & L., v. y. Franks (A. W.) A Book of Glazing Quarries, 8vo. L. & Oxf., 1849 Franzetin (J. B.) Tractatus de Trino Deo secundum Personas, 8vo. Romce, 1874 Frarin (Peter) An Oration against the unlawfull Insurrections of the Protestantes, F. F. 8vo. Antwerp, John Fouler, 1566 Eraser (Jas. Bp. of Manchester) Memoir of, by Thos. Hughes, 8vo. L., 1887 His Lancashire Life. By J. W. Diggle, 8vo. L., 1889 Fraunce (Abr.) The Lawyer's Logike, F. F. 4to. L., W. How, 1588 Frederus (Joann.) Liber continens Doctrinam, Administrationem Sacramentorum, etc. . . in ditione Jo. Alberti et Hulderici Ducum Megapolensium, M. 8vo. Franco/., Petr. Brubacchius, 1562 Freeman (E. A.) Remarks on the Architecture of LlandafF Cathe- dral, 8vo. L., 1850 Historical Essays. First and Second Series, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1871-80 Comparative Politics, 8vo. L., 1873 Historical and Architectural Sketches, chiefly Italian, 8vo. L., 1876 Lectures on the History of the Conquest of the Saracens, 8vo. L., 1876 History of the Norman Conquest, 6 vols., 8vo. Oxf., 1877 ^—Sketches from the Subject and Neighbour Lands of Venice, 8vo. L., 1881 178 CATALOGUE OF Freeman (E. A.) The Reign of William Rufus, 2 vols., 8vo. Oxf., 1882 English Towns and Districts, 8vo. i., 1883 The Methods of Historical Study, 8vo. L., 1886 The Chief Periods of European History, 8vo. Z., 1886 The History of Sicily, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1891, &c. (Philip) The Principles of Divine Service, 2 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1873 (Sam.) A Plain . . Discourse by way of Dialogue . . concerning the Catholick Church, C. 4to. Z., 1687 Fregeuille (John) The Reformed PoKticke, that is an Apologie for the generall cause of Reformation, 4to. L., Richard Field, 1589 Freherus (Marq.) Tractatus de Fama Publica, F. 8vo. Basilece, Seh. Hemicpetri, 1591 Sapphirus Constanti Imp. Aug. exposita, "Jo. Pricceus" F. 4to. 1602 De Re Monetaria Veterum Romanorum, " Jo. Pricceus" F. 4to. Lugd., 1605 -Verisimilium Libri II, "Jo. Pricosus," F. 4to. Norimbergce, 1628 Freigius (Joann.) Paralipomena Gallicanse Historise, fol. Basilece, 1569 Partitiones Juris Utriusque, M. Imp. fol. 1570 Qusestiones Logicse et Ethicse. Archbp. Neile^s copy. 8vo. Basilece, 1576 Quaestiones (Economicae et Politicse, M. 8vo. Basilece, Seb. Henricpetri, 1578 Qusestiones Physicse, F.F. 8vo. ibid., 1579 Freind (Sir John) and Parkins (Sir Wm.) A Declaration of the Sense of the Archbishops and Bishops concerning the Proceed- ings of certain Clergymen at their Execution, F. 4to. L., 1696 French (G. J.) The Tippets of the Canons Ecclesiastical, S. 8vo. L., 1850 (John) The Yorkshire Spaws, Da. 8vo. L., 1652 Id., Da. 8vo. L., 1654 Frewen (John, Father of Archbp. Frewen) Grounds and Principles of the Christian Religion, with Memorials of his Life and Times, 4to. L., 1872 (Thos.) A Vindication of Archbishop Frewen from the Censures of Richard (Francis) Drake, 8vo. L., 1743 Friars Mendicants. Privilegia & Indulgentiae Fratrum Mendican- tium. Da. 4to. Liptzk, Baccal. Wolfgang, 1498 Fricius (Andr.) Commentariorum de Republica emendanda Libri V, M. fol. Basilece, Jo. Oporinus, 1554 Libri tres de Peccato Originis, de Libero Arbitrio, etc. M. 4 to. 1562 Friends (Society of) Extracts from the Minutes, etc., of the Yearly Meeting held in London. Archbp. Thomson's copy. 4th ed. 4to, L., 1862 Book of Christian Discipline. Ditlo, and Large Paper, 4to. L., 1883 t YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 179 Frisius (Gemma) De Principiis Astronomiae, etc. " De dono Bacclarii Bowre Prions.''^ F.F. 4to, Antwerpice, Jo. Grapheus, 1530 De Astrolabe Catholico, F.F. 8vo. Antw.j Jo. Steelsius, typis Jo. Gh^aphei, 1556 De Astronomia, etc., M. 8vo. Lutet., Bened. Prevotius, 1557 De Radio Astronomico et Geometrico, F.F. 8vo. Lutet. y Gul. Cavellat, 1558 Arithmeticse Practicse Methodus, F.F. 8vo. Antw., Petr. Bellerus, 1581 (Joann.) Bibliotheca, instituta et collecta primum a Conrado Gesnero, M. fol. Tiguri, 1583 Frobisher (Sir Martin) Life of by F. Jones, 2nd. ed. 8vo. L., 1878 Froissart (Jean) Histoire & Cronique, Da., 2 vols., fol. Lyons, 1559 Chronicles of England, France and Spain ; transl. by Johnes, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1839 An Epitome of his Chronicle, compiled by John Sleydane, and translated by P. Golding, F. 4to. L., 1608 Fromment (Ant.) Les Actes et Gestes Merveilleux de la Cit6 de Geneve, 8vo. Genhve, 1854 Frontinus (S. J.) Exemplorum, sive Stratagematum, Libri IV, fol. Basilece, Hen. Petri, 1555 Fronto (Joann.) Epistolse in quibus Ritus Antiqui in Compotationi- bus salutandi . . . tractantur, fol. Parisiis, 1660 Epistola in qua de Moribus et Vita Christianorum . . agitur, 4to ibid., 1660 Froude (J. A.) History of England from the Fall of Wolsey, to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada, 12 vols., 8vo. L., 1870 Short Studies on Great Subjects, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1872 Caesar, a Sketch, 8vo. L., 1879 Oceana, 4th ed., 8vo. . L., 1886 The English in the West Indies, 8vo. L., 1888 The Divorce of Catherine of Arragon, 8vo. L., 1891 (R. H.) Remains, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1838 Fry (John) The Clergy in their Colours ; or a Brief Character of them (cf. Davy), C. 8vo. L., 1650 Fuchsius (Leon.) De Historia Stirpium, M. fol. Basilece, in off. Isingriniana, 1542 Institutionum Medicinee Libri V, 8vo. ibid., Oporinus, 1572 Fuerst's Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon, ed. Davidson, 8vo. Leipzig, 1867 Fulgentius (Beatus) Opera Omnia, F.F. 8vo. Basilece, Hen. Petri,l566 Id., fol. Paris, 1623 Fulgosus (Bapt.) De Dictis et Factis Imperatorum, F.F. 8vo. Basilece, Bar. Westhemerus, 1541 Fulke (William) In Sacram Divi Joannis Apocalypsim Prselectiones, M. 4to. L, Tho. Purfoote, 1573 Two Treatises written against the Papistes, etc., M. 8vo. L., Tho. Vautrollier, 1577 A Rejoynder to John Martial's Reply against the Answere of Maister Calfhill to the blasphemous Treatise of the Crosse, 8vo. N 2 180 CATALOGUE OF Fulke (William) T. Stapleton and Martiall (two Popish Heretikes) confuted, 8vo. i., 1580 A Retentive to stay good Christians in true Faith and Re- ligion, against the Motives of Richard Bristow, etc., M. Svo. L., Tho. Vautrollier, 1580 A briefe Confutation of a Popish Discourse . . by J. Howlet, or some other Birde of the Night, M. 4to. L.f Tho. Dawson, 1581 A Rejoynder to Bristow's Replie in defence of Allen's Scroll of Articles and Booke of Purgatorie, 8vo. L., 1581 A Defense of the sincere and true translations of the Holie Scriptures into the English tong, against . . . G. Martin, 8vo. i., 1583 The Text of the New Testament . . translated . . by the Papistes . . . with a Confutation, M. fol. L., B. Barker, 1601 Fuller (Ignatius) Peace and Holiness : in three Sermons, D. 8vo. L., 1678 (Nic.) The Argument of Master Nicholas Fuller in the Case of Thomas Lad and Richard Maunsell, 4to. s. l, 1607 (Thos.) Feare of Losing the Old Light. A Sermon at Exeter, H. 4to. L., 1641 A Fast Sermon preached on Innocents' Day, H. 4to. L., 1642 Sermon preached at St. Peter in Westminster . . the day of his Majestie's Inauguration, 4to. L., 1643 A Sermon of Assurance, H. 4to. L., 1648 The Triple Reconciler of three Controversies, etc., F. 8vo. L., 1654 The Church History of Britain, fol. L., 1655 Id., 6 vols., 8vo. L., 1845 Worthies of England, Da. 2 vols., 4to. L., 1811 Life of, by J. E. Bailey, 8vo. L., 1874 Fullwood (Fr.) The Lawfulness of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Asserted, F. 8vo. L., 1681 ( ) Obedience due to the present King : by a Divine of the Church of England, C. 4to. L., 1689 Fulman (Wm.) Notitia Oxoniensis Academiae, 4to. L., 1675 Fulwar (Thos., Bp.) Sermon at Graye's Inne, Oct. 2, 1642, C. 4to. L., 1642 Fumanellus (Ant.) Opera, '' W. Mount;' F.F. fol. Tiguri, Andr. Gesner, 1557 Fumus (Barth.) Summa, Aurea Armilla nuncupata, M. 8vo. Antwerpm, 1583 Funcciiis (Joann.) Chronologia, F. fol. Norimbergce, G. Wachterus, 1545 Id., ab initio Mundi ad 1578, M. fol. Witebergce, 1578 Funeral Sermons. The House of Mourning Furnished. Forty- seven funeral sermons, fol. L., 1640 Funes (Martin) Speculum Morale et Practicum, M. 8vo. Venetiis,\QOO G. R. The Truth of Tithes discovered, C. 4to. Z., 1618 a R. A Testimony to the True Saviour, B. 4to. i.., 1670 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 181 Gr. T. Proditoris Proditor : sive Decachordon, plectrum admovente Horatio, concinens Liberationem Britannicam, F. F. 4to. i., 1606 G. W. A Just Apologie for an abused Armie, etc., B. 4to. L., 1646 see White (John) Gabalis (Le Comte de) Entretiens sur les Sciences Secretes, 8vo. Paris, 1671 Gabler (Bernhard) Die VoUstandige Liturgie und die 39 Artikel der Kirche von England, >S^. 8vo. Altenberg, 1843 Gabriel (Metropol. Philadelphiensis) Fides Eccl. Orientalis ; transl. by E. Simon, S. 4to. Paris, 1671 Gabucinius (Hierom.) De Comitiali Morbo. " Gul Mount." F.F. fol. Fenetiis, Aldus, 1561 Commentarius de Podagra, 4to. Fenetiis, Bap. Somascus, 1569 Gadesden ( Joann.) Eosa Anglica Practica Medicinse a capite ad pedes, " Gul. Mountius," F.F. fol. Fenetiis, Bonet. Locatellus, 1502 ? Gage (Gul.) Ulysses Eedux; Tragoedia Nova, M. 8vo. Oxonii, Jos. Barnesius, 1592 . -Eokewode (John) History and Antiquities of Suffolk: Thingoe Hundred, 4to. L., 1838 (Thos.) A Duell between a Jesuite and a Dominican, begun at Paris, gallantly fought at Madrid, and . . ended at London, May 16, 1651, C. 4to. L., 1651 -see Laud (Wm.) Gagnseius (Joann.) Divi Pauli Epistolse cum brevissimis et facillimis Scholiis, M. 8vo. Parisiis, 1539 Gaguinus (Eob.) Eerum Gallicarum Annales, M. fol. Franco/., Andr. Wechel, 1577 Gail (Chr.) Assertiones Theologicse in Epistolam D. Jacobi, M. 4to. Dilingce, Seh. Mayer, 1565 Gaillard (P. D.) M^thode qu'on droit tenir en la Lecture de I'His- ^ toire, F. 8vo. Paris, 1580 Gainford, co. Durham, Index to the Parish Eegisters, 1569-1784, 3 vols. 8vo. L., 1870 Gairdner (Jas.) History of the Life and Eeign of Eichard the Third, 2nd ed. 8vo. L., 1879 and Spedding (Jas.) Studies in English History, 8vo. Edinb.1881 The Houses of York and Lancaster, 6th ed. 12mo. L., 1886 Gains' Elements of Eoman Law, ed.-Poste, 8vo. 1875 Galarza (Petr.) Evangelicarum Institutionum Libri VIII, M. 8vo. Fenetiis, 1604 Galatinus (Petr.) Opus de arcanis Catholicse Veritatis, M. fol. Basilece, Jo. Hervagius, 1550 Gale (Sam., son of Dean Gale) The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Winchester, 8vo. L., 1715 (Theoph.) The Court of the Gentiles, 2 vols., 4to. Oxon., 1669-71 (Thos., Dean of York) Hist. Brit. . . Scriptores XV, 1 vol. F. fol. ibid., 1691 Sermons on Holy-days, B. 8vo. L., 1704 Galenus (Claud.) Opera, F.F. 6 vols, in 4, fol. Basilece^ Frohen, 1549 see Lacuna (Andr.) 182 CATALOGUE OF Gallileo Galilei and the Eoman Curia, by Von. Gebler, transl. by Sturge, 8vo. L., 1879 Gallaeus (Theod.) Illustrium Imagines, F. 4to. Antw., 1606 Gallasius (Nic.) In Exodum Comment. M. fol. GenevcBy Bust. Fignon, 1560 Galliculus (Joann.) Libellus de Compositione Cantus, 8vo. Vitebergce, Geo. Bhau, 1538 Gallois (Jean) Traits de plus belles Biblioth^ques de I'Europe, 8vo. Paris, 1680 Gallonius (Ant.) De Vita et Eebus Gestis Beati P. Philippi Nerii, M. 8vo. Mojuntice, 1606 Trattato degli Instrumenti di Martirio, etc., F. fol. Bonuiy 1591 Gallus (Ant.) De Ligno Sancto non permiscendo, "/F". Mount" F.F. 8vo. Farisiis, S. Colinceus, 1540 (Car.) Clavis Prophetica nova Apocalypsis S. Joannis, 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1592 Galtruchius (Petr.) Mathematicse totius Institutio, F. 8vo. Cantahr., 1668 Gams (P. B.) Series Episcoporum Eccl. Catholicae, 2 vols., 4to. Batisbonce, 1873-86 Garbat (Eichard, of Leeds) A Demonstration of the Eesurrection, 12mo. i., 1657 Id., 12mo. L., 1669 One come from the Dead to awaken Drunkards, B. 12mo. L. (1675) Garcseus (Joann.) Doctrina de Meteorologicis, M. 8vo. Witebergce, Jo. Scwertel, 1568 Gardellini (Aloysius) Decreta Authentica Congreg. Sacrorum Eituum, 7 vols., 4to. Bomce, 1824-6 [Garden (Geo.)] The Case of the Episcopal Clergy considered, 4to. s. l, 1703 Gardiner, Gardyner (Eichard) Sermon at St. Paul's, London, March 27, 1642, C. 4to. L., 1642 Specimen Oratoricum, F. 8vo. Oxon., 1662 (Sam.) A Dialogue or Conference . . . about the Eites and Cere- monies of the Church of England, 4to. L., Bichard Braddock, 1605 A Booke of Angling or Fishing, wherein is the agreement between the Fishermen . . of both natures shewed, M. 8vo. L., 1606 (Sam. E.) History of England from the Accession of James I to the death of Charles I, etc., 14 vols., 8vo. L., 1881 — and Mullinger (J. B.) Introduction to the Study of English History, 8vo. L., 1881 (Stephen, Bp.) De Vera Obedientia Oratio, M. 4to. Hamhurgi, Fr. Bhodius, 1544 Ad M. Bucerum de impudenti ejusdem Pseudologia Conquaestio, M. 4 to. Lovanii, apud Bescium, 1544 A Detection of the Devil's Sophistrie, imp. 4to. s. I., 1546 Confutatio Cavillationum quibus Eucharistise Sacramentum ab impiis Capharnaitis impeti solet, F.F. 8vo. Lovanii, Pet. Colonmus, 1554 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 183 Gardiner (Sir Thos.) Articles of Impeachment against him, C. 4to. L., 1641 Garencieres (Theoph., Vicar of Scarbro') General Instructions, Da., 8vo. York, J. White, 1728 Garey (Sam.) Csesaris Hostes : or, The Tragedy of Traitors, for the fift day of August, the day of the bloudy Gowrie's Treason, 4to. L., JohnBeale, 1618 Amphitheatrum Scelerum : or, the Transcendent of Treason, for the fift of November, 4to. ibid., 1618 A Breake-fast for the Bench. Two Assize Sermons at Thetford and Norwich, 4to. L., B. A., 1623 Garimberto (Hier.) Concetti suoi et altri degni Auttori, 8vo. Tenet., Ecer. di Fr. Rampazetto, 1579 Garlandius (Joann.) Compendium Alchimise, 8vo. Basilica, Pet. Perna, 1571 Garmannus (Ch. Fr.) De Miraculis Mortuorum, B. 4to. Lipsice, 1670 Garnerius (Joann.) Liberati Archidiaconi Eccl. Carthaginensis Bre- viarium causae, etc., 8vo. Parisiis, 1675 Garnet (Hen.) A true & perfect Eelation of the whole Proceedings against the late most barbarous traitors. Garnet, a Jesuite, & his Confederates, Da., 4to. L., 1606 Actio in Henr. Garnetum, etc. The same transl. into Latin by Wm. Camden, 4to. L., John Norton, 1607 Garnett (Thos.) Experiments on the Horley-Green Spaw, B. 8vo. Bradford, 1790 Treatise on the Harrogate Waters, B. 8vo. Leeds, 1804 Garrard (Sam.) The Countrie Gentleman Moderator. Collections of such Intermarriages as have beene betweene the two Eoyall Lines of England and Spaine, 4to. L., 1624 Gascoigne (Thos., Preb. of York) Loci e Libro Veritatum Ejus, ed. J. E. T. Eogers, 4to. Oxford, 1881 Gasquet (F. A.) see Henry VIIL and Bishop (Edm.) Edward VI and the Book of Common Prayer, 8vo. X., 1891 Gassendi (Petr.) Institutio Astronomica, F. 8vo. L., 1653 Gastius (Joann.) Parabolarum . . Liber, M. fol. BasilecB, Balth. Lasius, 1540 De Anabaptismi Exordio, etc., " Jacobi Calfhilli Liber," M. 8vo. Basil, B. Winter, 1544 Gastrell (Fr. Bp.) Eight Sermons, preached at the Boyle Lectures, 1697, F. 8vo. L., 1703 Gataker (Thos.) True Contentment in the Gaine of Godliness, 4to. L., 1620 Funeral Sermon on Mr. Wm. Winter, citizen of London, C. 4to. L., 1624 Jacob's Thankfulnesse to God : a Meditation, C. 4to. L., 1624 The Christian Man's Care, a Sermon, G. 4to. L., 1624 A Marriage Prayer, a Sermon, C. 4to. L-i 1624 A Discussion of the Popish Doctrine of Transubstantiation, C. 4to. L., 1624 184 CATALOGUE OF Gataker (Thos.) A Wife indeed. No title. C. 4to. L., 1624 An Anniversarie Memoriall of England's Delivery from the Spanish Invasion. A Sermon, C. 4to. L., 1626 A Funeral Sermon on Mr. Richard Stock, C. 4to. L., 1627 Of the Nature and Use of Lots, 4to. L., 1627 Gatford (Lionel) A Petition for the Publique use of the Book of Common Prayer, H. 4to. i., 1655 Gatty (Alfred, Sub-Dean of York) Sermons. Two Series. (The Author, 1885), 2 vols., 8vo. X., 1848 The Bell, its Origin, History and Use, 8vo. L., 1848 A Life at One Living, 8vo. L., 1884 Gauden (John, Bp.) His Eeligious and Loyal Protestation against the present declared Purposes and Proceedings of the Army and others : about the Trying and Destroying . . the King, a 4to. ^ L., 1648 The Case of Ministers' Maintenance by Tithes discussed, C. 4to. L, 1653 Hieraspistes : a Defence for the Ministry and Ministers of the Church of England. W^ith autogr. inscr. to Sir Robert and Lady Kemp " as a monument of hys respect, May 20, 1653," 4to. L., 1653 The Tears, Sighs, Complaints and Prayers of the Church of England, F. fol. X., 1659 Sermon at St. Paul's before the Lord Mayor, Feb. 28, 1659, C. 4to. X., 1660 Considerations touching the Liturgy of the Church of England, C. 4to. L., 1661 Gautius (Frigenillseus) Palma Christiana. ^' Bobertus Temple ex authoris dono," M. 4to. L., /. Wolfius, 1593 Gavanti (Barth.) Thesaurus Sacrorum Rituum, 2 vols., 4to. Fenetiis, 1634 Id., F. 8vo. Romce, 1635 Id., S. 4to. Fenetiis, 1788 Gayer (A. E.) Papal Infallibility and Supremacy. (The Author, 1882), 8vo. L., 1877 Gaza (Theod.) Grammaticae Institationes, M. 4to. Colonice, H. Novesiensis, 1521-3 Gebhardus (James) Antiquarum Lectionum Libri II, " Jo. Pricceus," F. 8vo. Herbornce Nassov., 1618 Gee (Alex.) The Grounde of Christianitie, 8vo. L., Bobt. Waldegrave, s. a. (Edw.) Veteres Vindicati ; in an Expostulatory Letter to Mr. Sclaterof Putney, C. 2nd ed., 4to. L., 1687 (John) The Foot out of the Snare : with a Detection of . . the Priests and Jesuits in England, M. 4to. L., 1624 Id., 4th ed., C. L., 1624 New Shreds of the Old Snare, Da. 4to. L., 1624 Geikie (C.) The Life and Words of Christ, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1883 Gall (Sir Wm.) and Gandy (J. P.) Pompeiana, 2 vols., 8vo, L. P. L., 1824 ^ YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 185 Gellius (Aulus) Noctes Atticse, M. 8vo. Lugd., Ant. Gryphius, 1565 Id., F. 24mo. Amstelodami, 1665 Id., ed. Gronovius, 2 vols., 8vo. Lipsice, 1762 (Jo.) see James I of England. Geminianus (Fr. Joann.) Summa de Exemplis et Rerum Simili- tudinibus, F.F. 4to. Lugd.^ Phil. Zingius, 1585 Convivium Quadragesimale, 8vo. Colonioe, . . Gemistus (Geo.) De Distinctionibus inter Aristotelem et Platonem, 8vo. Parisiis, 1541 Gemma (Corn.) De Arte Cyclognomica, M. 4to. Antwerpice, apud Plantin., 1569 Genealogist (The) ed. G. W. Marshall, 7 vols., 8vo. L., 1877-83 Ditto, New Series, ed. Selby, 1 vol., 8vo. 1884 Genebrardus (Gilb. ) Canticum Canticorum Versibus et Commentariis illustratum, M. 8vo. Paris, 1585 Psalmi Davidis . . cum Comment., M. 8vo. Anhverpice, 1592 Chronographiae Libri IV, F.F. fol. Parisiis, 1600 Genesis, Primus Liber Legis Mosaicse qui Genesis inscribitur, 4to. Paris, Chr. Wechel, 1536 Geneva. Ratio et Forma public^ orandi Deum et administrandi Sacramenta in Anglorum Ecclesia, quae Genevse colligitur, recepta, 8vo. Genevce, apud Jo. Crispinum, 1556 The Lawes and Statutes of Geneva . . Transl. out of French by- Robert Fills, 8vo. L., Roul. Hall and Thos. HacTcett, 1562 Les Ordonnances Eccl^siastiques de I'Eglise de Geneve, M. 8vo. Geneva, 1609 The Service, Discipline, and Forme of the Common Prayers . . used in the English Church of Geneva, H. 8vo. L., 1640 The Lawes & Statutes of Geneva, 4to. L., Thos. Fawcet, 1643 La Liturgie . . dans L'Eglise de Geneve, 4to. Genhve, 1807 Gent (Thos. of York, Printer) — Divine Entertainments : or Penitential Desires, &c.. Da. 8vo. L., M. Hotham & T. Gent, 1724 The Antient and Modern History of the famous City of York, 8vo. ^ York, 1730 The Antient and Modern History of the Loyal Town of Rippon, 8vo. ihid., 1733 The Pattern of Piety: or Tryals of Patience, being the most faith- ful Spiritual Songs of . . Job, R. 8vo. Scarborough, T. Gent, 1734 Annales Regioduni HuUini ; or the History of . . Kingston-upon- Hull, 8vo. York, 1735 Historia Compendiosa Anglicana ; or, a Compendious History of England, Da., 2 vols., 8vo. iUd., 1741 Piety Displayed in the Holy Life and Death of . . St. Robert, Hermit at Knaresbrough, 8vo. ihid., s. a. Id., 2nd ed., 8vo. ibid., s. a. The Holy Life and Death of St. Winifred. In five Parts, B. 8vo. ibid., 1743 The Contingencies, Vicissitudes or Changes of this Transitory Life . . a Prologue . . at the Tragedy . . of Jane Shore, 8vo. ibid., 1761 186 CATALOGUE OP Gent (Thos., etc.) The most Delectable . . . History of the . . Great Eastern Window . . in St. Peter's Cathedral, York, 8vo. York 1762 Historical Antiquities of Yorkshire, Da. 8vo. ibid.^ s. a. Divine Justice and Mercy Displayed . . in the . . Life . . of . . Judas Iscariot, 8vo. ibid., 1772 The Unhappy Birth, Wicked Life and Miserable Death of that vile Tray tor and Apostle, Judas Iscariot, B. 12mo. ibid., s. a. Pater Patriae : being an Elegiac Pastoral Dialogue . . on . . the death . . of Charles Howard, Earl of Carlisle, 12mo. ibid., (1735) The History of the Life and Miracles of our Blessed Saviour, Jesus Christ, 12mo. ibid., s. a. A Psalm sung in St. Margaret's Church, York, at the funeral of Mr. Wm. Heley, July 26, 1753. A broadside, E. The Customs and Orders of the Lord Mayor, Alderman, Sheriffs, Four and Twenty, and Commons of the City of York, Da. 8vo. s. a. The Strait Gate ; or the Sure Eoad to Heaven, B. 1 2mo. York, s. a. The Young Man's Compleat Key of Knowledge : or, The Youth Converted, R. 12mo. ibid., s. a. See throughout the Catalogue for other specimens of Gent's printing. Autobiography, ed. Hunter, 8vo. L., 1832 Gentilis (Alb.) De Juris interpretibus Dialogi, M. 4to. L., J. Wolfe, 1582 Lectionum et Epistolarum quae ad Jus Civile pertinent Liber I, M. 8vo. L., id., 1583 De Legationibus, M. 4to. L., Tho. Vautrollerius, 1585 De Maleficis Commentarius. Ded. to Archb. Matthew, M. 4to. Oxford, Jos. Barnes, 1593 De Jure Belli, M. 8vo. Hanov., Gul. Antonius, 1598 ■ De Jure Belli Commentatio, M, imp. 4to. De Nuptiis, M. 8vo. Eanovice, 1601 Lectiones Virgilianse. With autogr. inscr. " III"^. et Bev^\ D.D. Thobice Dunelmensi, d. suo, Albericus obtulit," M. 8vo. Eanovice, 1603 Eegales Disputationes tres, M. 4to. L., 1605 Hispanicse Advocationis Libri II, M. 4to. Eanovice, 1613 • (Scipio) Solymeidos (of Tasso) Liber primus Latinis numeris expressus, fol. L., Jo. Wolfius, 1584 Annotationes sopra La Gerusalemme Liberata di Torquato Tasso, 8vo. Leidce, 1566 ' Parergorum ad Pandectas Libri II : Originum Liber Singularis, F. 8vo. Francofurti, 1588 • Disputationes illustres de Jure Publico Populi Romani, M. 4to. NorimbergcB, 1598 ' De Jurisdictione, M. 8vo. Francof, 1601 • De Conjurationibus, M. 8vo. Eanovice, 1602 (Val.) A Short History of him by B. Aretius, transl...for the use of Dr. Sherlock, 8vo. Z., 1696 1^ YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. IS? Gentilletus (Innoc.) Examen Concilii Tridentini, F. F. 8vo. Genevce, 1586 Geometry. Trattato delle Linee Arithmetiche, 4to. Padua, s. a. Georgieuiz (Barth.) De Turcamm Moribus Epitome, M. Svo. Lugd. 1578 Georgius (A. A.) Fragmentum Evang. S. Johannis & Liturgica alia fragmenta, 4to. Bomm, 1789 (Dom.) De Liturgia Romani Pontificis in Celebratione Mis- sarum, 3 vols., 4to. ibid., 1731 (Fr.) De Harmonia Mundi totius Cantica tria, M. fol. Parisiis, 1545 In Scripturam Sacram Problemata, F. F. ibid., 1574 Gerard (John) Life of : ed. by John Morris, 8vo. L., s. a. (Peter) A Preparation to the most Holie Ministerie, transl. by N(icolas) B(ecket), M. 8vo. L., Tho. Creed for Tho. Man, 1598 Gerbelius (Nic.) In Descriptionem Graecise Sophiani Prsefatio, F. fol. Basilece, ex off. Jo. Oporini, 1545 Gerbert (Martin) Theologia Vetus et Nova circa prsesentiam Christi in Eucharistia, *S^. 8vo. Friburgi Gisgoice, 1756 De Rudolpho Suevico, Comite de Rhinfelden ... deque ejus familia, 4to. typis San-Blasianis, 1785 Geree (John) KATAAVNA^TH^ : Might overcoming Right ; an Answer to Mr. John Goodwin, C. 4to. L., 1649 His Case of Conscience sifted, F. 4to. no title Gerhard (Joann.) In Harmoniam Historise Evangelicse Com- mentarius, F.F. fol. Francofurti, 1622 Harmonise Evangelistarum Chemnitio-Lyserianse Continuatae, 4to. Jence, 1627 Exercitium Pietatis Quotidianum, F. 32mo. Lugd. Bat., 1630 Meditationes Sacrse, F. 32mo. Amstel. 1639 Id., trans... by Ralph Winterton, etc., F. 8vo. Cambridge, 1644 Id., F. 8vo. ibid., 1670-5 Aphorismi Sacri, F. 8vo. JencB, 1659 Germany. ' see Mencken, etc. Historia Germanica, 3 vols., M. fol. Basilece, 1574 Germanicarum Rerum Scriptores, vol. I, M. fol. Francofurti, 1583 Monumenta Germanise Historica ed. G. H. Pertz. A set Monumenta Germanise Historica, ab anno 500 ad 1500. A set, 4to. Hanover, v. y. • Concordata Nationis Germanicse cum Sancta sede Apostolica pro ipsius Ecclesise unione, 4to. Lovanii, 1554 Newes out of Germanic, or, the Surprizing of the Citie of Prage, etc., M. 4to. L., 1612 The Principall Passages of Germany, Italy, France, and other places, C. 4to. L,, 1636 Der Teutsche Secretarius, F. 8vo. Nurnberg, 1661 Germonius (Anast.) De Sacrorum Immunitatibus, etc. M. fol. Bomce, 1591 Gerrard (Joann.) Siglarium Romanum : sive Explicatio Notarum, etc. {Dean Markham, 1809), 4to. L., 1792 188 Catalogue o? Gerson (Joann.) Opera, M. fol. Parisiis, P. Gromorsus, 1520-1 Id., ed. Du Pin, 5 vols., fol. Antw., 1706 Gervasius (Theoph.) Panoplia Christiana, M. 8vo. s. /., 1588 Gerunda (Andr.) Episcopus, F. fol. Neapoli, 1649 Gery (Tho.) An Antidote against some Erroneous Pamphlets, H. 8vo. X., 1656 Gesner (Conr.) Pandectarum sive Partitionum Universalium Libri XXI, M. fol. 2 vols. ^ Tiguri, 1548-55 Elenchus Scriptorum Omnium, M. 4to. Basilece, Jo. Oporinus, 1551 Historise Animalium Libri IV, fol. 3 vols., M. Tiguri, 0. Froschov., 1551-8 Id., 5 vols, in 3, fol. {Jas. Atkinson, of York, 1801) Tiguri & Francof., 1587-1604 Bibliotheca, M. fol. Tiguri, 1583 (Jo. M.) Novus Linguae et Eruditionis Romanse Thesaurus, 4 vols, in 2, fol. Lipsice, 1749 Gesta Romanorum, 8vo. Paris, John Petit, 1503 Geste (Edm., Bp. of Salisbury) Life of; by H. G. Dugdale, 8vo. L., 1849 Geuderus (Jac.) Turca Niketos : hoc est, de Imperio Ottomannico evertendo . . Consilia tria, M. 8vo. Franco/., typ. WecheL, 1601 Gibbens (Nich.) Questions and Disputations concerning the Holy Scripture. Part I, dedicated to Bp. Matthew, F. F. 4to. L., s. a. Gibbes (Chas.) Thirty-one Sermons, D. 4to. L., 1677 Gibbon (Edm.) History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 6 vols., 8vo. L., 1783 Id., ed. Milman and Smith, 8 vols., 8vo. L., 1854 A Vindication of the 15th and 16th Chapters of, 8vo. L., 1779 Gibbons (Orlando) The First Set of Madrigals and Mottets, 4to. L., T. Snodham, 1612 Gibert (J. P.) Corpus Juris Canonici, 3 vols., fol. Colon. AUobr., 1735 Gibson (Edm. Bp.) Synodus Anglicana, F. 8vo. L., 1702 Id., ed. Cardwell, S., 8vo. Oxford, 1856 Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani, F. 2 vols., fol. L., 1713 Of Visitations, Parochial and General, etc., F. 8vo. L., 1717 Pastoral Letter on Infidelity, C. 8vo. L., 1728 Id., 2nd and 3rd eds. 8vo. L., 1730-1 [ ]A Preservative against Popery, 3 vols., fol. L., 1738 -Pastoral Letter against Lukewarmness and Enthusiasm, C. 4th ed. 8vo L., 1739 Directions to the Clergy, 1724, with his Charge, 1741-2, C. 8vo. L., 1744 See Convocation. (Sam.) Visitation Sermon at Oundle, Apr. 14, 1619, 4to. L., 1626 (W. S.) History of the Monastery of Tynemouth, 2 vols., 4to. L., 1846 Gifford (E. H.) On the Epistle to the Romans, 8vo. L., 1886 (George) see Gyffard. Giggeius (Ant.) Thesaurus Linguae Arabicae, 4 vols., fol. Mediolani, ex Amh'os. Colleg. typis, 1632 ^ YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 189 Gil (Alex.) Logonomia Anglica, F. 4to. X., 1621 The Sacred Philosophie of the Holy Scripture, B. fol. X., 1635 Gilbert (Claudius) The Libertine School'd . . an Answer to some Queries scattered about the City of Limerick, C. 4to. L., 1657 (Eleazer) The Prelatical Cavalier catechized, and the Protestant Souldier incouraged by a missive sent to King Charles in the name of the Protestants beyond the Seas, C. 4to. X., 1645 (John, Bp. of Llandaff, and Archbp. of York) Sermon before the House of Lords, Jan. 30, 1741-2, B. 4to. i., 1742 Sermon before the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London, B. 4to. X., 1743 Sermon before the President and Governors of the London Infirmary, March 26, 1745, B. 4to. Z., 1745 (Eichard) The Clerical Guide, 8vo. L., 1829 (Thos.) Poems, Da. 8vo. X., 1747 Gilbertus (Gul.) De Mundo nostro Sublunari Philosophia Nova, F. 4to. Amst., 1651 Gilby (Ant.) An Admonition to England and Scotland, to call them to Repentance, 8vo. Genevce, Jas. PouUain, 1558 Gillespie (Geo., of Edinburgh) Fast Sermon before the House of Commons, March 27, 1644, G. 4to. _ ^ Z., 1644 Aaron's Rod blossoming, or the Divine Ordinance of Church Government Vindicated, 4to. L., 1646 Wholesome Severity reconciled with Christian Liberty, C. 4to. s. a. A Dispute against the English-Popish Ceremonies obtruded upon the Church of Scotland, 4to. 1660 Gillow (J.) Bibliographical Dictionary of the English Catholics, 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1889, etc. Gilly (M.) and Courdil (M.) Conversion de, 8vo. FariSy 1683 Gilpin (Bernard) see Carleton (Geo.) Memoirs of, by C. S. Collingwood, B. 8vo. 1884 (Geo.) The Bee-Hive of the Romish Church. M. 8vo. L., Tho. Dawson, 1598 (Richard) Memoirs of, by Wm. Gilpin, ed. by W. Jackson, 8vo. X., 1879 (Wm.) An Exposition of the New Testament, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1793 Lives of the Reformers, B. 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1809 Ginsburg (Chr. D.) The Moabite Stone, 4to. X., 1871 Giovanus (Joann.) De Schismate, lib. I, M. 8vo. Lovanii, Jo. Foulerus, 1573 Gipps (Geo.) Fast Sermon before the House of Commons, Nov. 27, 1643, a 4to. L., 1645 Giry (Fr.) Les Vies des Saints, 2 vols., fol. Faris, 1683 Giustiniani (Seb.) Despatches. Four Years at the Court of Henry VIII, 2 vols., 8vo. ^ L., 1854 Giwara (Petr.) Compendium Manualis Navarri, M. 8vo. . Aniwerpice, 1591 Glanvil (Jos.) Scepsis Scientifica, D. 4to. L., 1665 Some Philosophical Considerations touching the Being of Witches and Witchcraft, C. 8vo. L., 1667 l90 CATALOGUE OF Glanvilla (Barth. de) see Bartholomeus. Glareanus (Hen.) De Geographia, " W. Mount," F.F. 4to. Basilece, Jo. Faber Emmeus, 1528 In Titum Livium Annotationes, M. 8vo. Lugd., Seh. Gryphceus, 1542 Glasgow (Univ. of) Monumenta Eomani Imperii in Academia Glas- guensi adservata, B. 4to. s. a. Catalogue of the Euing Musical Library there (Anderson's College, Glasgow, 1878), 4to. Registrum Episcopatus Glasguensis, ed. for the Maitland Club, 2 vols., 4to. ^ Edinb. 1842 Glasserus (Phil.) Syngramma Historiae Theoreticse, F. 4to. Argentorati, 1601 Glassius (Sol.) Philologia Sacra (Jas. Dallin, Vicar-Choral, 1816), 4to. Franco/., 1656 Glastonbury Abbey. An Inquisition of the Manors of : Liber Hen- rici de Soliaco : ed. for the Roxburghe Club by J. E. Jackson. (Marquis of Bath, 1885), 4to. L., 1882 Glinganni (Signore) Comedia recitata in Milano I'anno 1547, 8vo. Tenet., Bern. Giunti, 1582 Gloucester Cathedral. Some Account of, publ. by the Soc. Ant. Lond., 4to. L., 1809 Gloucestershire. The G. Ministers' Testimony to the truth of Jesus Christ and to the Solemne League and Covenant, C. 4to. iy.,1648 Glover (Stephen) History of the County of Derby, Repr. 2 vols., 8vo. Derby, 1829 Glycas (Mich.) Annales " Howard," ^^ Jo. Pricceus," F. 8vo. Basilece, Episcop., 1572 Glyn (Mr.) see Strafford (Thos., Earl of) Goakman (Simon) The Religious Magazine, 12mo. York, Thos. Gent, 1736 Goar (Jac.) see Greek Church. Goblerus (Justin) Methodica Juris Utriusque Traditio, M. 2 vols., 8vo. Lugd., Ant. Gryphceus, 1566 Goclenius (Rod.) Uranoscopia, Chiroscopia, et Metaposcopia, 8vo. Lichee, 1603 God and the King, see Mpcket (R.) Godartius (Joh.) Of Insects : ed. Lister, Da. 4to. York, J. White, 1682 Goddard (G. F.) The Liturgy, and the Manner of Reading it, *S^. 8vo. L., 1866 Godeau (Antoine) Paraphrase sur les Epistres de S. Paul aux Corin- thians, Galates, et Epheziens, L. P. fol. Paris, 1632 Paraphrase sur I'Epistre . . aux Romains, L. P. 4to. ibid., 1635 Paraphrase des Pseaumes de David, en vers Fran9ois, et mis en chant, 8vo. ibid., 1666 Les Tableaux de la Penitence, 8vo. ibid., 1667 Ordonnances et Instructions Synodales, 8vo. a Bruxelles, 1672 Histoire de L'Eglise, 5 vols, in 3, fol. Paris, 1672 Homilies sur les Dimanches, et Festes de TAnn^e, 4to. ibid., 1682 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 191 Godet (Fr.) Studies on the New Testament, transl. by Lyttelton, 8vo. X., 1876 Godfrey (J. T.) History of the Parish and Priory of Lenton, Notts, 8vo. L., 1884 Notes on the Churches of Notts. Dedication copy to Archbp. Thomson, 8vo. Z., 1887 Godolphin (John) Repertorium Canonicum, F. 4to. X., 1678 (Sidney, Earl of) Life of, by Hugh Elliot, 8vo. ^ L., 1888 Goffe (Thos.) Oratio Funebris in obitum...Gulielmi Goodwin, S. T. D. (Dean of Christ's Church and Chancellor of York), 4to. Oxon., Jo. Lichfield, &c., 1620 The Tragedy of Orestes .... Acted by the Students of Christ's Church at Oxford, 4to. L., 1633 Godwin (Francis, Bp.) A Catalogue of the Bishops of England, F. 4to. L., 1615 De Praesulibus Anglise Commentarius, M. 4to. L., 1616 ( ) Rerum Anglicanarum, Henrico VIII, Edwardo VI, et Maria regnantibus, Annales, F. F. io\. X., 1616 Annals of England : Englished . . by Morgan Godwyn, F fol. L, 1675 Goethals (Arn.) Chronica Mon. S. Andr. juxta Brugas; ed. W. H. J. Weale, 4to. Brugii, 1868 Goldastus (Melchior) Monomarchia S. Romani Imperii, M. 3 vols. fol. Hanovice, etc.y 1612-14 Collectio Constitutionum Imperialium, F. F. fol. Franco/, ad Mcen, 1613 Rerum Suevicarum Scriptores, 2nd ed., fol. Ulmce, 1727 Golius (Theoph.) Epitome Doctrinse Politicse, F.Svo. Argent(yrati,1614: Id., etc., F. F. 8vo. ibid., 1621 Goltzius (Hub.) Fasti Magistratuum et Triumphorum Roman orum, fol. Antwerpice, in off . Plantin., 1644 Gomarus (Fr.) Anticosterus, seu Refutatio Enchiridii, etc., M. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1599 Speculum verse Ecclesise Christi, M. 8vo. Hanovice, 1603 Gomezius (Seb.) Explicatio Psalmi Quinquagesimi, M. 8vo. Lugduni, 1601 Gonsalvius (Montanus) Sanctse Inquisitionis Hispanicse artes aliquot detectse, M. 8vo. Heidelbergce-, Mic. Schirat, 1567 Gonzaga (Lucretia) Lettere, 8vo. In Finegia, Gualt. Scotto, 1552 Good (Wm.) Fast Sermon before the House of Lords, Dec. 30, 1646, H. 4to. L., 1647 Goodman (Chr.) How Superior Powers ought to be obeyed of their subjects... with a preface by Wm. Whittingham, etc., 8vo. Geneva, Jo. Crispin, 1558 (Geo., Bp.) History of his own Times, ed. J. S. Brewer, 2 vols., 8vo. ^ ^ ^ L., 1839 (John) A Serious and Compassionate Inquiry into the causes of the present neglect and contempt of the Protestant Religion and Church of England, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1675 Visitation Sermon at Bishop's Stortford, Aug. 29th, 1677, F., a 4to. X., 1677 192 CATALOGUE OF Goodman (John) The Penitent pardoned, F. 4to. X., 1683 Id., 4th ed., 8vo. L., 1694 Winter Evening Conference between Neighbours, F. 8vo. Z/.,1686 Goodwin (H. Bishop) Plain Sermons on OvdimBMon, presentation copy , 8vo. L., 1875 The Foundations of the Creed, 8vo. L., 1889 (John) Right and Might well met... A brief e enquiry into the . . proceedings of the Army under . . Lord Fairfax, C. 4to. X., 1648 'YppLarToSLKai. The Obstructors of Justice ; a Defence of the Sentence on the late King, C. 4to. L., 1649 The Triers tried and cast by the Laws of God and of Man, B. 4to. L., 1657 (Thos.) Moses and Aaron, or, Civil and Ecclesiastical Rites used by the Ancient Hebrews, D. 4to. L., 1631 Id., F. 4to. L., 1667 An English Exposition of the Roman Antiquities. ^^ Liber Hen. Vaughan e Coll. Jesu," i.e. the poet, F. 4to. Oxford, 1631 Id., D. 4to. X., 1668 Certaine Select Cases Resolved, 4to. X., 1651 Works, ed. for Nichols' Series, 12 vols., 8vo. X., 1861 (Wm. Preb. of York, and Dean of Christ's Church) Sermon before his Majestic at Woodstocke, . . 28, 1614, 4to. Oxford, Jos. Barnes, 1614 Gordon (Jas. of Huntley, S.J.) A Summary of Controversies, 8vo. 2nd ed. . s. I., 1618 (John) Sermon of the Union of Great Brittanie, 28 Dec. 1604, before the King, C. 4to. L., 1604 Antitorto-Bellarminus, sive Refutatio Calumniarum, etc., 4to. X., 1610 Antitortor-Bellarminianus . . tonsus ac pexus, et . . ad . . Regem Jacobum remissus, 4to. Ingolstadii, 1611 -, Thos.] The Independent Whig, C. 2 vols., 8vo. X., 1732 fe ore (Chas.) Lux Mundi, 8vo, 10th ed. X., 1890 Gorham (G. C.) History of Eynesbury and S. Neots. Presn. copy, 8vo. X., 1820 Examination before Admission to a Benefice, by the Bishop of Exeter, 8vo. 1848 Gorham v. the Bp. of Exeter. The Argument of Dr. Bayford and Substance of a Speech of Edward Badeley, 8vo. X., 1849-50 A volume of Tracts on the Case, 8vo. X., 1850 Gleanings during the period of the Reformation. {Arclin. Hey, 1871), 8vo. X., 1857 Gorichem (Henr. de) Textus Sententiarum cum Conclusionibus, fol. Basilece, Nic. Keslers, 1502 Gorrseus (Joann.) Definitionum Medicarum Libri XXIV, M. fol. Francof. ad Mcen., Andr. JVechel, 1573 Gorranus (Nic.) In Novum Testamentum Commentarius, M. 3 vols., fol. Antfberpice; 1617-26 Gorrutius (Andr.) De Providentia Divina et Ejus Eft'ectis, M. 8vo. Impensis Fust. Vignon, 1585 YOEK MINSTER LIBRARY. 193 Gostwyke (Roger) The Anatomie of Ananias ; or God's Censure against Sacriledge, 4to. Cambridge^ 1606 Gothofredus (Dion.) Corpus Juris Civilis, F. 2 vols., 8vo. Lugd.^ 1589 Id., 2 vols., fol. Colon. AUobrog., 1624 (Jac.) De Statu Paganorum sub Christianis Imperatoribus . . . A.D. 1616, "/o. Primus" F. 4to. s. /., 1616 Vetus Orbis Descriptio Grseci Scriptoris. "/(Wm.) History of York, 3 vols., 8vo. ^ ih., 1818 Harington (Sir John, the younger) Tract on the Succession to the Crown in 1 602, ed. for the Boxburghe Club from the MS. in York Minster Library (Lord Houghton, 1889), 4to. L., 1888 Harlay (Fr. de, Archbp. of Paris) Synodicon Ecclesise Parisiensis, D. 8vo. Farisiis, 1674 Harleian Miscellany (The) ed. Thos. Park (Dean Markham, 1818), lOvols., 4to. X., 1808-13 Harmer (Anth.) see Wharton (Henry). YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 209 Harold. Vita Haroldi, ed. W. de G. Birch, 8vo. i., 1885 Harpsfeldius (Nic.) Historia Anglica Ecclesiastica, etc., F.F. fol. Duaci, 1622 Harrey (R. F.) Two . . Concordances . . to the Bible, 4to. L., Chr. Barker, 1578 Harrington (E. C.) The Object, Importance and Antiquity of the Rite of Consecration of Churches, S. 8vo. i., 1847 Apostolical Succession, 8vo. X., 1847 Letter on the LV Canon and the Kirk of Scotland, 8vo. iy.,1851 [ (Jas.)] The Rota : or, a Model of a Free State, or, Equall Com- monwealth, a 4to. Z., 1660 Harris (Henry) The Claims of the Priesthood considered, 8vo. Oxf. & London, 1865 (Richard) Concordia Anglicana de Primatu Ecclesise Regio, adv. Becanum, M. 8vo. Z., 1612 The English Concord, in Answer to Becane's English Jarre, M. 4to. L., 1614 (Robert) The Drunkard's Cup, 4to. X., 1622 Samuel's Funeral, a Sermon . . at the Funeral of Sir Anthonie Cope, 4to. Z., 1622 God's Goodness and Mercie . . a Sermon at Paul's Crosse, June 30, 1622, 2nd ed., 4to. Z., 1624 Peter's Enlargement, 4th ed., 4to. i., 1626 Hezekiah's Recovery, 4to. i., 1626 Six Sermons never heretofore published, 4to. L., 1628 Harrison (Benj.) Historical Inquiry into the true Interpretation of the Rubrics in the Book of Common Prayer, respecting the Sermon and the Communion Service, 8vo. L., 1845 (Dr.) Threni Hibernici : or, Ireland sympathizing with England and Scotland for the loss of their Josiah, in a Sermon on the death of the Protector Cromwell, title damaged, B. 4to. Harry (G. 0.) see James I. Harsnet (Adam) God's Summons unto a General Repentance, 12mo. L., John Dawson, 1640 (Samuel, Archbp. of York) a Catalogue of the Harsnett Library at Colchester {the Mayor and Corporation of Colchester, 1889). Privately pr., 8vo. L., 1888 Hart (Rev. Dr.) an Earnest Perswasive to a Serious Observance of the Lord's Day, B. 12mo. York, John White, 1728 (Richard) Ecclesiastical Records : an Epitome of British Coun- cils, 8vo. Camh., 1846 Hartley (David) An Address . . on the State of Public Affairs, H., 2nd ed., 8vo. York, A. Ward, 1781 (Thos.) The Doctrine of the Trinity Defended, C, 2nd ed., 8vo. X.,1791 Hartlib (Sam.) see Dury (John). Hartshorne (C. H.) Book Rarities of the University of Cambridge, Da. 8vo. L., 1829 Feudal and Military Antiquities of Northumberland, 8vo. L., 1858 -see Early English Poets. P 210 CATALOGUE OF Harvey (Lord Arthur) The Family of Harvey, 8vo. Lowestoft, 1858 (Chr.) Poems ; ed. Grosart for the Fuller Worthy Library. Pr. pr.y Large Paper , {B. Wilton, Preb. of York, 1882), 8vo. L., 1874 (G. W.) Ecclesise Anglicanse Vindex Catholicus, sive Articu- lorum Eccl. Angl. cum Scriptis SS. Patrum nova Collatio, 3 vols., 8vo. Camb., 1841 (Gul.) Exercitatio Anatomica de Cordis et Sanguinis motu, F, 8vo. Boterodami, 1648 Hasenmuller (Elias) Historia Jesuitici Ordinis, etc., M. 8vo. Francofurti, 1595 H(askard) G(reg.) Assize Sermon at Lincoln, March 9, 1667-8, G. 4to. L., 1668 [ ] a Discourse about Edification, C, 2nd ed., 4to. L., 1684 Haslerigg (Sir Arthur) Speech in Parliament clearing himself of the charge of High Treason, F. 4to. L., 1642 Hasted's History of Kent, ed. H. H. Drake, Part 1, fol. L., 1886 Hastings (Lady Eliz.) a Poem on the Death of, fol. L., 1740 Historical Character of ; by Thos. Barnard, of Leeds, 8vo. Leeds, 1742 (Sir Francis) A Watchword to all Eeligious and , True-hearted EngHshmen, M. 8vo. L., F. Kingston, 1598 An Apologie, or Defence of the Watchword, against the Viru- lent and Seditious Ward-word, 4to. L., Felix Kyngston, 1600 (Warren) Debates in the House of Lords on the Evidence delivered in his Trial {Mr. Wm, MarJcham, of Becca, 1799), 4to. L., 1797 Hatton (Edw.) A New View of London, F. 2 vols., 8vo. X., 1708 Hauranne (Jean de) Lettres, Chr6tiennes et Spirituelles, 3 vols., 8vo. Lyon, 1675 Haurisius (B. C.) Scriptores Historiae Romanse Latinse Veteres (Dean Markham, 1805), 3 vols., fol. Heidelbergce, 1743-8 Hausrath (A.) Die Zeit Jesu, 8vo. ibid., 1868 Der Apostel Paulus, 8vo. 1872 Hausted (Peter) Ten Sermons, 4to. Ij., 1636 Hautefeiiille (Jean) R6flexions sur quelques Machines a 6lever les eaux, 4to. Paris, 1682 Invention Nouvelle pour le servir facilement des plus longues Lunetes d'aproche, etc., 4to. ibid., 1683 Havergal (F. T.) Monumental Inscriptions in Hereford Cathedral, 4to. L., 1861 Haweis (H. R.) Christ and Christianity, 8vo. L., 1886 Hawes (Edward, Scholar at Westminster) Trayterous Percye's and Catesbye's Prosopopeia, with MS. dedication to Archbp. Matthew, 4to. ^ ^ Z., 1606 Hawke (Mic.) Killing is Murder and no Murder : or an Exercitation concerning a Pamphlet of one William Allen, intituled Killing no Murder, F. 4to. Z., 1657 Hawker (R. S.) Memorials of, by F. G. Lee, 8vo. L., 1876 Life of, by S. Baring-Gould, 8vo. L., 1886 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 211 Hawkins (Ernest) Notices of Missions of the Church of England, 8vo. X., 1845 (Sir John) A General History of the Science and Practice of Music, 5 vols., 4to. L., 1776 Hawkwood (Sir John) Story of a Condottiere, L. P., 8vo. L., 1889 Hay, Hayus (Archibald) Ad Reverendiss. Jacobum Betoun, S. Andrese Archiprsesulem . . . pro Collegii Erectione Oratio, with coats of arms illuminated '^ Liher domini Roherti Westwaltir monachi." ^' Liber Magistri Davidis Wod" M. 4to. Lutetice, P. Fidoveus, 1538 (John) Certaine Demandes concerning the Christian Religion and Discipline proposed to the Ministers of the New Pretended Kirk of Scotland, 8vo. Paris, Tho. Brumen, 1580 Disputationum Libri Duo, M. fol. Lugduni, Jac. Boussin, 1584 (Peter) A Vision of Balaam's Asse, wherein hee did perfectly s6e the present estate of the Church of Rome. 4to. M. who writes of the author ^^ Ex ore tuo tejudico" L., 1616 Hay mo (Episc.) Homiliarum (duo) partes, F. Colonice, ex off. Euchar. Cervicorni, 1537-40 Id., F.F., "i?. Neale & Amicorum" ibid. Hayne (Thos.) Linguarum Cognatio: seu de Linguis Dissertatio, 8vo. L., 1639 Hayter (Thos., Archdeacon of York and Bp. of Norwich) Charge at his Primary Visitation, June 28th, 1732, B. 8vo. X., 1732 [ 1 Examination of a Book lately printed entitled "A Brief Account of many of the Prosecutions of the Quakers in the Exchequer in defence of the Clergy of the Diocese of York." {Given by the author, Archdeacon Hayter, to the Library of York), 8vo. X., 1741 Sermon before the House of Commons, June, 1746, B. 4to. X., 1746 Sermon (as Bp. of Norwich) before the London Charity Schools, C. 4to. X., 1756 (Thos.) Remarks on Mr. Hume's Dialogues concerning Natural Religion, 8vo. Camb., 1780 Hayward (Sir John) The First Part of the Life and Raigne of King Henrie the IV, F. 4to. X., Jo. Wolfe, 1599 An Answer to the First Part of a certaine Conference concern- ing Succession published under the name of R. Dolman, M. 4to. hap r, for Simon Water son, L., 1603 The Sanctuarie of a Troubled Soule, newly enlarged, M. 4to. X., 1604 Id. 12mo. X., 1632 A Reporte of a Discourse concerning Supreme Power in Affaires of Religion, M. 8vo. X., 1606 David's Teares, 4to. X., John Bill, 1623 Of Supremacie in Affairs of Religion, 4to. X., 1624 Hazlitt (W. C.) Handbook to Popular, Poetical, and Dramatic Literature, Da. 8vo. X., 1867 Bibliographical Collections and Notes, Two Series, 2 vols., 8vo. X., 1876-82 The Livery Companies of London, 8vo. X., 1892 p 2 •'212 CATALOGUE OF Heard (A. F.) The Eussian Church and Russian Dissent, 8vo. L., 1887 Hearne (Thos.) a Set of his Historical Publications, viz. — Eeliquise Bodleianse, 8vo. 1703 Life of Alfred the Great, 8vo. 1709 Dodwelli Dissertatio, L. P., 8vo. 1713 Acta Apostolorum, L. P., 8vo. 1715 Rossi Hist. Regum Anglise, 8vo. 1716 T. Livius Foro-Juliensis, 8vo. 1716 Aluredus Beverlacensis, L. P., 8vo. 1716 Vitse Thomse More, 8vo. 1716 Camdeni Annales, 3 vols., 8vo. 1717 Gul. Neubrig. Historia, L. P., 3 vols., 8vo. 1719 Sprotti Chronica, L. P., 8vo. 1719 Curious Discourses, L. P., 8vo. 1720 ; Textus Roffensis, L. P., 8vo. , 1720 Hist. Rob. de Avesbury, L. P., 8vo. 1720 Fordun : Scotichronicon, L. P., 5 vols., 8vo. 1722 . History of Glastonbury, L. P., 8vo. 1722 Hemingi Chartularium, L. P., 2 vols., 8vo. 1722 Robert of Gloucester, L. P., 2 vols., 8vo. 1724 Ductor Historicus, 2 vols., 8vo. 1724 Peter Langtoft, L. P., 2 vols., 8vo. 1725 John of Glastonbury, 2 vols., 8vo. 1726 Adam of Domerham, 2 vols., 8vo. 1727 . Thomas of Elmham, L. P., 8vo. 1727 Historia Ricardi II, 8vo. 1729 John of Trokelowe, 8vo. 1729 Caii Vindicise Eccl. Anglicanae, 2 vols., 8vo. 1730 Walter Hemingford, 2 vols., 8vo. 1731 Vindication of those who take the Oath of Allegiance, L. P., 8vo. 1731 Otterbourne and Whethamstede, L. P., 2 vols., 8vo. 1732 Annales de Dunstaple, 2 vols., 8vo. 1733 Benedictus Petriburgensis, 2 vols., 8vo. 1735 . Leland's Itinerary, 9 vols, in 4, L. P. 8vo. 1770 Lives of Leland, etc., L. P., 2 vols., 8vo. 1772 . -Liber Niger Scaccarii, 2 vols., 8vo. 1774 — —Leland's Collectanea, L. P., 8 vols., 8vo. 1774 Curious Discourses, 2 vols., 8vo. 1775 Reliquiae Hearnianse, ed. Bliss {all given by Stephen Willoughhy Lawley, Sub-dean, 1869), L. P., 2 vols., 8vo. 1857 Impartial Memorials of, by several Hands, Da., 8vo. L., 1736 Bibliotheca Hearneiana: ed. Botfield, R. 8vo. Pr. pr. L., 1848 Heath (Benj.) A Catalogue of his Books, with Prices, etc., 8vo. Z., 1810 . (Jas.) Chronicle, Da. 2nd ed., fol. L., 1676 Heathcote (Ralph) Historia Astronomise, 8vo. Cantabr., 1747 Heber (Bp.) Life of: by his Widow, 2 vols., 4to. L., 1830 Hecker (J. F. C.) Epidemics of the Middle Ages, 8vo. X., 1859 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 213 Hecktors (The) or, The False Challenge : a Comedy, C. 4to. L., 1656 Hedericus (B ) Grsecum Lexicon : ed. Morell, 4to. Z., 1766 Heereboord (Adrian) Burgersdicianse Synopseos Logicse Explicatio, 8vo. Cantahr.,imZ Hefele (C. J.) Beitrage zur Kirchengeschichte, Archaologie, und Liturgik, S. 2 vols., 8vo. Tubingce, 1864 History of the Christian Councils, 2nd ed., 3 vols., 8vo. Minb., 1872-83 Hegesippus. De Bello Judaic© et Urbis Hierosolymitanse excidio, M. fol. In ced. Ascens., 1524 Hegge, Heggus (Rob. Dunelmensis) In aliquot Sacrse Paginse Locos Lectiones, D. 4to. Londinij 1647 [ ] The Legend of St. Cuthbert : with the Antiquities of the Church of Durham, by B. R. Esq. {i. e. Richard Baddeley), 8vo. L., 1663 Heigham (John) A Devout Exposition of the Holie Masse, 8vo. Douay, 1614 Heine (G.) Monumenta regni Gothorum et Arabum in Hispaniis, 8vo. Lipsice, 1848 Heineccius (Jo. Mich.) Abbildung der Alten und Neuen Griechischen Kirche, S. 4to. Leipzig, 1711 Heinsius (Daniel) Panegyrici duo illustri viro Josepho Scaligero dicti, F. F. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1608 Hercules tuamfidem !...Satyra de vita...Gaspari Schioppii, 2nd ed. 4to. iUd., 1608 In Obitum Josephi Scaligeri Orationes duse, F.F. 4to. ibid., 1609 Orationum Editio nova, etc. F. 8vo. ibid., 1642 Apologeticon adv. Satyram viri cl. Dan Heynsii, cui titulus " Cras credo, hodie nihil," 4to. s. I., 1644 (Nicholas) Bibliotheca Heinsiana. The Sale Catalogue of his Library, with the prices in MS. 12mo. Lugd. Bat., 1682 Heliand; ed. Moritz Heyne, S. 8vo. Paderborn, 1873 Id., und die Angelsachsische Genesis (i. e. Csedmon) ed. Edvard Sievers, S. 8vo. Ealle, 1875 Heliodorus (Em.) Historia Ethiopica...en vulgar Castellano. Sir Henry Savile's copy, with the autograph of " F. Windebank," 8vo. Anvers, 1554 Id., An Ethiopian Historie...transl. by T. U(nderdowne), 4to. L., 1606 *Id., L'Histoire Ethiopique, traduite.. par M. J. Amyot, 8vo. Paris, 1616 Hell. The Descent of Christ into Hell. A briefe Answere to certaine Objections to, M. 4to. Oxford, 1604 Hellier (Hen.) A Treatise concerning Schism and Schismaticks, C. Hellius (John) Mathematical Essays, 4to. X., 1788 Helmesius (Hen.) Homilise in Evangelia Dominicalia, " W. Mount," F. F. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris & Lugd., A. Petit, 1552 — — Captivitas Babylonica M. Lutheri dissoluta, M. Colon., Jasper Gennepceus, 1557 Helvicus (Chr.) Theatrum Historicum, F. fol. Giessce Hessorum, 1598 ^ Id., D. fol. Marpurgi Cattorum, 1629 214 CATALOGUE OF Helwys (Thos.) see Confessions of Faith. Hemminga (Sixtus ab) Astrologia Eefutata, M. Antw.f Chr. Plantin, 1583 Hemmingius (Nic.) Homilise in Evangelia Dominicalia, M. No title^ 8yo. [Witebergce,^ 1562] Libellus de Conjugio, Kepudio, et Divortio, M. 4to. Lijpsice, s. a. Commentarii in S. Joannis Ap. Epistolas, M. 8vo. Witebergce, Clem. Schleich, 1569 Commentarii in omnes Epistolas Apost., M. fol. Lipsice, 1572 The Professions of the true Church and of Poperie compared together, M. 8vo. L., Tho. Dawson, 1579 Enchiridion Theologicum, F. 8vo. Z., Tho. Vautrollerius, 1580 Opuscula Theologica, M. fol. Genevce, Bust. Fignon, 1586 Tractatus de Gratia Universali, M. 8vo. Haffnice, 1591 Pastor, sive Pastoris optimus vivendi agendique modus, M. 8vo. Lipsice, s. a. Hempel (P. G.) Inventarium Diplomaticum Historise Saxonise In- ferioris, etc., 3 parts in 1 vol. fol. Hanover, 1785 Henderson (Alex.) Sermon before Parliament in 1644, on the Suc- cesse near York (Marston Moor), 4to. • L., 1644 (Wm.) Notes on the Folk Lore of the Northern Counties, R 8vo. L., 1884 Hengstenberg (E. W.) Christologie des Alten Testaments, etc. (Mr. Wm. Gray, 1870), 3 vols., 8vo. Berlin, 1829 Henischius (Geo.) De Numeratione multiplici ; et de Asse et Parti- bus ejus, ''Jo. Pricceus," F., 8vo. Aug. Vindel, 1605 Arithmetics Libri VII, F.F. 4to. ibid., 1609 Henley (John) Samuel sleeping in the Tabernacle : or, the Model of Christian Preaching asserted, 8vo. L., s. a. Henrietta-Maria (Queen) The Queen's Majesties' Declaration and Desires to the States of Holland, Da. 4to. 1642 Two Letters to her from Lord Digby, etc. Da. 4 to. 1642 Id. A different edition. Da. 4to. L., 1642 A Great Discovery of the Queen's preparation in Holland, to assist the King in England, Da. 4 to. L., 1642 A True Relation of the Queen's Majestie's Eeturne out of Hol- land, 4to. York, Stephen BulUey, 1643 The Queen's Proceedings in Yorkshire, Da. 4to. L., 1643 Yorkshire's Triumph for the Queen's Safe Arrival (a Poem;. By S. H., F. 4to. 1643 Letters of, ed. by M. A. E. Green, 8vo. L., 1857 Henrion (M.) Histoire des Ordres Religieux, 8vo. Bruxelles, 1838 Henriquez (Hen.) Summa Theologise Moralis, fol. Venetiis, 1600 Henry III (of England) The Only English Proclamation of, ed. A. J. Ellis, 8vo. L., s. a. Henry IV (King of France) Helvetise Gratulatio ad Galliam de Henrico IV, M. 8vo. s. I., 1591 Edict du Roy, et Declaration sur les Precedents Ifidicts de Pacification, M. 8vo. Paris, 1599 History of the Reign of, by M. M. Walker Freer, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1860 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 215 Henry VIII of England. Assertio Septem Sacramentorum adversus M. Lutherum, F. 4to. L., in ced. Pynsonianis, 1521 Censurse Italise et Gallise Academiarum de Veritate Pro- positionis, viz. ; quod ducere relictam fratris mortui sine liberis ita sit de Jure Divino et Naturali prohibitum, etc., M. 4to. s. a. & I. The Determinations of the moste excellent Universities of Italy and France, etc., 4to. L., Tho. Berthdet. 1531 A Necessary Doctrine and Erudition for any Chrysten Man, 8vo. s. a. & I. Id., M. 8vo. Z., Tho. Berthelet, 1543 King Henry the Eighth's Scheme of Bishopricks, 8vo. L., 1839 The Reign of Henry VIII from his Accession to the death of Wolsey. By J. S. Brewer, 2 vols., 8vo. A, 1884 Henry VIII and the English Monasteries. By F. A. Gasquet, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1888 (Philip) Diaries and Letters of, ed. M. H. Lee, 8vo. X., 1882 Henshaw (Nath.) ^ro-Chalinos : or a Register for the Air, F. 8vo. L., 1677 Heraclides. Allegorise Homericse. " Jo. Pricceus" F. 24mo. GenevcBf apud Fignon, 1586 Heraldry. Glossary of, 8vo. Oxford, 1847 Herault (Louis) Le Pacifique Royal en Dueil, F. 8vo. SaumuTf 1649 Le Pacifique Royal en Joye, F. 8vo. Amsterdam, .1665 Herbert (Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury) Life of, written by himself, 4th ed., 8vo. A, 1826 (George) The Temple : Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations, F., 2nd ed., 8vo. Cambridge, 1633 Id., D. 8vo. 1638 His Remaines, F. 8vo. L., 1652 ■Poems, 8vo. L., W. Pickering, 1828 Complete Works, ed. Grosart. {Richard Wilton, Preb. of York), L. P., pr. pr., 3 vols., 8vo. See Cambridge. (Sam. Rector of Folkton) Occasional Sermons, 8vo. York, 1804 (Thos.) see Strafford (Thos. Earl of). (Sir Thomas) Some Years Travels in Africa, Asia, etc., fol. L., 1638 Memoirs of the two last years of the Reign of King Charles I, 8vo. L., 1839 Herbetus (Joann.) De Csena Domini Oratio, 8vo. Paris, Dion du Val, 1578 Herbortus (Joan.) Statuta regni Polonise, M. fol. CracovicB, L. Andreas, 1567 Chronica, sive Historise Polonicae compendiosa Descriptio, M. 4to. Basilece, Oporinus, 1571 Herdesianus (Hen. Petr.) Aulica Vita, M. 8vo. Francof ad Mcen, 1578 216 CATALOGUE OF Hereford (City of) Severall Letters from Col. Morgan and Col. Birch relating the manner of the taking of the City and Garrison, B. 4to. L., 1645 Report of the Appeal — the Canons Residentiary of Hereford V. the Dean, S. Ft. pr., 8vo. s. Z., 1838 See Rawlinson (R.) Heresbachius (Conr.) Psalmorum Explicatio, M. 4to. BasilecE, ex off. P. Pernce, 1578 Heresies and Hereticks. Sententise Doctorum de Hsereticis, an sint persequendi, M. 8vo. Magdehurgoe, Geo. Eausch, 1554 A Relation of severall Heresies, C. 4to. L., 1646 Hereticks, Sectaries, and Schismaticks discovered to be the Antichrist yet remaining, 4to. X., 1647 Moyens surs et honnestes, pour la Conversion de tons les H^r^tiques, etc., 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Cologne^ 1681 Hergenrother see Vatican Council. Hering (Fr.) Pietas Pontificia, seu Conjurationis in Jacobum Regem brevis adumbratio, 4to. X., 1606 Herle (Charles, Rector of Winwick, co. Lancaster) A Sermon before the H. of Lords, 15 June, 1643, H. 4to. Z., 1643 The Independency, or Scriptures of the Independency of Churches, H. 4to. L., 1643 Ahab's Fall, the Substance of three Sermons, 4to. X., i^. ^., 1644 Sermon before the H. of Commons, 5 Nov. 1644, H. 4to. i., 1646 Herman (Archbp. of Cologne) Simplex ac pia Deliberatio de Re- formatione, M. fol. BonncB, L. Mylius^ 1545 A simple and pious Consultacion ... by what meanes a Christian Reformation may be begon, 8vo. L.J John Daye and Wm. Seres, 1548 Hermant (Godfr.) La Vie de St. Athanase, 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1672 Les Asc6tiques, ou Traittez Spirituels de St. Basile, 8vo. ibid., 1673 La Vie de S. Basile et de S. Gr^goire de Nazianze, 2 vols., fol. ibid., 1674 Hermes : Paemander, seu de Potestate ac Sapientia Divina. *' John Hotham," F.F. 8vo. Paris, Andr. Turnebus, 1554 Id., 3 vols., fol. Cracovice, in off. Lazari, 1585-6 Hermogenes. De Arte Rhetorica, M. Basilece, P. Perna, s. a. Hero : Belopoeeca, hoc est, Telifactiva, F. 4to. August. Vindel., 1616 Herodianus. Historise : item, Zozimi Historise, with autogr. of Hen. Stephens. " Henricus Stephanus Jo. Sambuco D. D." "Jo. Pricceus," F.F. fol. Parisiis, Hen. Stephanus, 1581 Herodotus. Historiae Libri IX, M. 8vo. Francofurti, Andr. JVechel, 1584 Id., i^. fol. ibid.,\Q09> Id., ed. Gronovius, fol. Lugd. Bat., 1715 Herald (Joan.) Hgsreseologia, M. fol. Basilece, Henr. Petri, 1556 Herolt (Jo.) Sermones Discipuli de Tempore et de Sanctis, imp. 4to. s. a. & I. Id., fol. s. a. & I. YOKK MINSTER LIBRARY. 217 Herp (Hen.) Speculum Aureum de Prseceptis Divinse Legis, M. 4to. Basilece, Jo. Froberif 1496 Theologiae Mysticae, M. 4to. Bomce, 1586 Herrenschmidt (Jac.) Romanensium Dalila sceletolatrica phaleris suis ascititiis denudata, 8vo. Witehergce^^ 1609 Herring (Thos. Archbp. of York) Sermon preached in York Minster, etc., Sept. 22, 1745, on occasion of the present Rebellion in Scotland. Several editions, 8vo. X., 1745 Speech made by him at presenting an Association enter'd into at the Castle of York, Sept. 24, 1745, R fol., pp. 8. York, John Hildyard Id., on a single broad-sheet with finely engraved border, R. oblong fol. iUd. Sermon at Kensington on the Fast Day, Jan. 7, R. 4to. L., 1747 Sermon for the London Infirmary, March 31, 1747, R. 4to. X., 1747 Seven Sermons on Public Occasions, R. 8vo. L., 1763 Letters to Wm. Duncombe, Esq., 1728-57, Da. 8vo. ^ X., 1777 (Thos. Preb. of York, his son) Assize Sermon at Winchester, 23rd of May, 1765, R 4to. ^ X., 1765 Hertelius (Jac.) Definitiones ac Descriptiones Theologicse, M. 8vo. Basilece, Jo. Oporinus, 1564 Hervagius (Joann.) Sacrorum utriusque Testamenti Librorum . . Index, F.F. fol. Basilece, Jo. Hervagius, 1561 Hervetus (Gent.) see Canons. T. Fl. dementis Alexandrini Opera in Lat. conversa, etc., fol. Farisiis, 1590 Hervey (John, Lord) Memoirs of the Reign of George the Second, 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1884 Letters of Mary Lepel, Lady Hervey, 8vo. L., 1824 Herzog (Dr.) Real Encyclopadie fiir Protestantische Theologie und Kirche, 22 vols, in 12, 8vo. Hamburg, 1854-68 Heshusius (Tilemannus) De Servo Hominis Arbitrio . . . adversus Synergise Adsertores, M. 4to. Magdelurgi, Wolf. Kirchner, 1562 Explicatio Pauli Ep. ad Romanos, M. 8vo. Jence, Gunth. Huttichius, 1571 De Vera Jesu Christi Ecclesia, M. 8vo. Jence, Donat. Ritzenham, 1572 Sexcenti Errores pleni blasphemiis in Deum quos Romana Ecclesia contra Verbum Dei defendit, M. 8vo. Franco/., Geo. Corvinus, 1572 Examen Theologicum, 8vo. ibid., 1575 Hesiodus. Opera et Dies, 4to. Basilece, Jo. Froben, 1518 Id., " Jo. Primus," F., ed. Heinsius, fol. Ba^helengii, 1603 • Id., ed. Robinson, 4to. Oxonii, 1757 Heskyns (Thos.) The Parliament of Chryste, avouching the Real Presence in the Sacrament, against M. Jewel, M. fol. Antwerpe, W. Silvius, 1566 Hess (Ger.) Monumentorum Guelficorum Pars Historica, 4to. Typis Campidonensibus, 1784 21S CATALOGUE OF Hessels (Joann.) Tractatus pro Invocatione Sanctorum, etc., F.F. 8vo. Lovanii, S. Valerius, 1562 Brevis et Catholica Symboli Apostolica Explicatio, M. 8vo. Lovanii, 1562 (J. H.) Gutenberg : was he the Inventor of Printing 1 8vo. L., 1882 Haarlem the birth-place of Printing, not Mentz, 8vo. L., 1857 Hessiander (Chr.) Kefutatio Dogmatis de Fictitia Carnis Christi Omniprsesentia, 8vo. 1571 Hessius (Simon) Apologia ad versus Dom. Eoffensem Episcopum Anglic, super Concertatione ejus cumUlrico Veleus, etc., M. 4to. s. a. & I. Hesychius. Lexicon Grsecum, 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1668 Heurnius (Joann.) Institutiones Medicinse, M. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., F. Baphelengius, 1592 (Otho) Barbaricae Philosophise Antiquitatum Libri II, M. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1600 Heurtley (C. A.) Harmonia Symbolica : a Collection of Creeds belonging to the Ancient, Western and Mediaeval English Church, 8vo. Oxford, 1858 Hewitson(A.) Stonyhurst College, present and past, 8vo., Preston, 1878 Hewitt, Hewyt (John) Repentance and Conversion, the Fabrick of Salvation, F. 8vo. L., 1658 Nine Select Sermons, 8vo. L., 1658 Prayers of Intercession for those who mourn in secret for the publick calamities of this nation, with an Anniversary Prayer for the 30th of January (1649). Reprint, F. 8vo. L., 1716 A Voyce from the Grave faithfully relating the deplorable death of Dr. John Hewit. By a true Englishman, C. 4to. L., 1659 (John) Ancient Armour and Weapons in Europe, 3 vols., 8vo. Oxfm^d, 1860 Hey (John) Lectures in Divinity, 4 vols., 8vo. Cambr., 1796-8 Heylyn (Peter) — - MIKPOKO^MO:S. A Little Description of the Great World, 4th ed., 4to. Oxford, 1629 The Historie of . . St. George of Cappadocia, 2nd ed., 4to. L., 1633 The History of the Sabbath, F. 4to. L., 1636 A Coal from the Altar, or an Answer to a letter by the Bp. of Lincoln to the Vicar of Grantham, F. 4to. L., 1636 Id., S. 3rd ed., 4to. L., 1637 Antidotum Lincolniense : or, an Answer to a Book entituled " The Holy Table, Name and Thing," S. & F. 4to. L., 1637 A briefe and moderate Answere to the seditious and scandalous Challenges of Hen. Burton, F. & C. 4to. L., 1637 The History of Episcopacy, F. 4to. L., 1642-57 [ ] Lord have mercie upon us : or, a Plaine Discourse declaring that the Plague of Warre . . . tooke its beginning in . . the Citie of London, C. 4to. 1643 [ ] The Rebell's Catechisme, to let them see the hainousness of their offence, 4to. 1644 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 219 [Heylyn (Peter)] Parliament's Power in Lawes for Religion, C. 4to. Oxford, 1645 [ ] Observations on the Historic of the Reign of King Charles, a. 8vo. Z., 1656 [ ] Ecclesia Vindicata, F. 4to. L., 1657 [ ] Extraneus Yapulans : or the Observator Rescued from the . Assaults of Hamon L'Estrange, Esq., and the Back-blows of Dr. Bernard, an Irish Deane, 8vo. X., 1656 Survey of the Estate of France, etc., 8vo. i., 1656 Of Liturgies, 4to. L., 1657 The Way and Manner of the Reformation of the Church of England, 4to. L., 1657 The Undeceiving of the People in the Point of Tithes, 4to. Z., 1657 Respondet Petrus : or, the Answer of Peter Heylyn, D.D., to Dr. Bernard's book, ' The Judgment of the late Primate of Ire- land,' etc. C. 4to. X., 1658 The Stumbling-Block of Disobedience and Rebellion cunningly laid by Calvin in the Subject's way discovered, 4to. X., 1658 [ ] A Short View of the |jife and Reign of King Charles, 8vo. Z., 1658 Examen Historicum, C, 8vo. X., 1659 [ ] Certamen Epistolare, 8vo. X., 1659 — — The Parable of the Tares in Ten Sermons, 4to. X., 1659 Historia Quinqu-Articularis. With Dean Comber's autograph. 3 parts, 4to. Z., 1660 A Sermon . . in the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, in West- minster, May 29, 1661, 4to. i., 1661 ' Cyprianus Anglicanus : or the History of the Life and Death of Archbishop Laud, F. fol. Z., 1668 Aerius Redivivus : or the History of the Presbyterians, fol. i., 1670 A Help to English History, F. 8vo. L., 1671 Theologia Veterum, fol. Z.. 1673 Historical and Miscellaneous Tracts, fol. X., 1681 Cosmography, fol. X., 1682 Id., ed. Edm. Bohun, F. fol. i., 1703 Life, by George Vernon, 8vo. X., 1682 Heyrick (Richard, Warden of Manchester) Queen Esther's Resolve ; a Sermon before the H. of Commons, 27th May, 1646, H. 4to. X., 1646 Hey wood (Oliver, of North Owram and Coley) Heart-Treasure : the Substance of some Sermons preached at Coley, 8vo. X., 1667 The Sure Mercies of David : a Second Part of Heart-Treasure, 8vo. X., 1671 Closet Prayer a Christian Duty, 8vo. X., 1671 Israel's Lamentation after the Lord, 8vo. X., 1683 Baptismal Bonds renewed, 8vo. X., 1687 • A New Creature, 8vo. X., 1695 Heavenly Converse, 8vo. X., Pr. for Ephraim Johnston in Manchester , 1697 220 CATALOGUE OF Heywood (Oliver) A Treatise of Christ's Intercession, 8vo. L., Pr. for John TF7iiiv)orth, bookseller in Leeds^ 1701 Diaries, ed. J. H. Turner, 2 vols., 8vo. Brighouse^ 1881 and Dickenson (T.) Their Register at Northowram, ed. ditto, 2 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1881 Autobiography, and Diaries, ed. ditto, 4 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1882 Hibbert (Henry, of Trin. Church, Hull) Syntagma Theologicum, fol. X., 1662 Ware and Whatton. The Foundations of Manchester, 3 vols., 4to. Manchester, 1845 Hibernia, see Ireland. Hickeringill (Edm.) Gregory Father-Greybeard with his Vizard off, F. 8vo. L., 1673 Hickes (Gaspar) Fast Sermon before the H. of Commons, June 26, 1644, a 4to. L., 1644 Hickes (George). ' A Sermon before the Lord Mayor of London and Aldermen, 14th Jan., 1676-7, 4to. L., 1677 A Narrative of the Tryall of Mr. James Mitchel, 0. 4to. L., 1678 The Spirit of Enthusiasm exorcised, a Sermon before the Uni- versity of Oxford, C. 4to. L., 1680 The True Notion of Persecution stated in a Sermon preached at the Time of the late Contribution for the French Protes- tants, a 4to. L, 1681 Sermon at the Yorkshire Feast, June 11, 1682, C. 4to. L., 1682 Sermon at St. Mary-le-Bow, London, Nov. 28, 1682, on the Sovereign Power, C. 4to. L., 1682 [ ] Jovian, or an Answer to Julian the Apostate (S. Johnson), i^. 8vo. X.,1683 The Case of Infant-Baptism, in Five Questions, C. 4to. L., 1685 Discourse on the due Praise and Honour of the Virgin Mary, C. 4to. L., 1683 -An ApologeticalVindication of the Church of England, 4to. iy.,1687 Jd., a 8vo. L., 1706 -Institutiones Grammaticae Anglo-Saxonicse et Mseso-Gothicse, F. 4to. _ Oxon., 168^ -] Some Discourses upon Dr. Burnet and Dr. Tillotson, occa- sioned by the Funeral Sermon of the former upon the latter, 4to. i., 1695 -Devotions in the Ancient Way of Offices, F. 8vo. L., 1701 -Letters which passed between him and a Popish Priest on a Young Gentlewoman's leaving the Church of England for that of Rome, 2 vols., 8vo. 1705 -Antiquse Literaturse Septentrionalis Libri II, 2 vols. fol. Large Paper. Presn. copy, with the inscription, '' Eeverendis et Doctissi- mis Viris Ecclesim Metropoliticce Eboracensis Decano et Capitulo, cleri Anglicani Magnis Ornamentis, in illorum Bibliotheca ceternum servandos, Antiques Liter aturce Septenirionalis hunc et alterum librum, qua par est observantia, eis et eorum successoribus omnia bona precans, qui in Comitatus Eboracensis Trithinga Boreali natus est, offert, consecratque Georgius Hickesius" Oxon., 1705 ]Ti — U YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. ;221 [Hickes (George)] Historical Collections, 8vo. X,, 1706 Two Treatises : One of the Christian Priesthood, the other of the Dignity of the Episcopal Order, F. 8vo. X., 1707 Seventeen Sermons, 8vo. Z., 1708 Bibliotheca Scriptorum Ecclesise Anglicanse, 8vo. i., 1709 Spinoza revived, 8vo. Z., 1709 Three Short Treatises on the Priesthood, 8vo. Z., 1709 The Christian Priesthood, with several new Tracts, F. 2 vols., 8vo. X., 1711 The Gentleman Instructed, 8vo. Z., 1713 The Constitution of the Catholick Church, 8vo. Z., 1716 • Posthumous Discourses, ed. Spinckes, 8vo. X., 1726 ■ — —A Collection of Controversial Discourses between Dr. George Hickes and a Popish Priest, 2 vols., 8vo, 3rd ed. X., 1727 ■ A Declaration made by the Right Revd. Mr. George Hickes concerning the Faith and Religion in which he lived and in- tended to die. Pr. pr., C. 8vo. X., 1743 see Kettlewell (John). Hickman (Chas.) Thanksgiving Sermon before the House of Com- mons, Oct. 19, 1690, a 4to. X., 1690 (Hen.) Laudensium Apostasia, C. 4to. X., 1660 Hickson (Jas., Rector of St. Cuthbert's, York) Assize Sermon at York, July 26th, 1682, R. 4to. X., 1682 Hierocles. Commentarius in aurea Pythagorseorum carmina, i). 24mo. Parisiis, Ste. Prevosteau^ 1583 Hieron (Samuel) The Preacher's Plea, M. 8vo. X., 1604 An Answere to a Popish Ryme lately scattered Abroad in the West Parts, M. 4to. X., 1604 A Shorte Dialogue proving that the Ceremonies and some other Corruptions now in question are defended by none other Argu- ments than such as the Papists have heretofore used, 4to, s. l, 1605 Certaine Sermons, 8vo. X., 1607 Three Sermons, 4to. Camhr., John Legate, 1607 The Second Parte of the Defence of the Ministers' Reasons for Refusal of Subscription to the Booke of Common Prayer, 4to.- s. I, 1608 A Dispute upon the question of Kneeling in the acte of re- ceiving the Sacramentall Bread and Wine : A Third Parte of the Defence of the Ministers' Reasons, 4to. X., 1608 -The Christian's Journall, fol. X., 1609 The Life and Death of Dorcas, 4to. X., Melchior Bradwood, 1612 David's Penitentiall Psalmes opened, 4to. Camhr. , 1617 Hieronymus, Jerome (St.) Epistolse, B. 2 vols., 8vo. Lugd., in off. Jo. Crespin% 1528 Hebrseomastyx de Sancta Fide, M. 8vo. No title. Opera Omnia, fol., 9 vols, in 4. Parisiis, C. Guillard, 1546 Id., ed. Benedictina, 5 vols., fol. Paris, 1693-1706 Hierophilus. Festered Consciences new launced : or, Tith-paying defended against Wm.Westup and Thos. Puckle, C. 4to. X., 1650 222 CATALOGUE OF Hierurgia Anglicana (ed. J. Fuller Russell), 8vo. Z., 1848 Higden (Ranulph) The Polycronicon, transl. by John de Trevisa, M. fol. Southwerke, P. Treveris, 1527 Higgons, Hyggons (Theoph.) The First Motive of T. H. . . to suspect the integrity of his Religion. With . . an Appendix, M. 8vo. s. I, 1609 A Letter to Mr. T. H., late Minister, now fugitive, in Answere to his First Motive, 4to. By Sir Edward Hoby. L., 1609 Try before you Trust ; or, an Admonition against D. Field and D. Morton, M. 8vo. s. I, 1609 -Sermon at Paul's Crosse in testimony of his re-union with the Church of England, 4to. L., W. Hall, 1611 Mystical Babylon, or Papal Rome, M. 4to. X., 1624 Hilarius (S.) Lucubrationes, F.F. fol. Basilece, Euseb. & Nic. Episcopius, 1570 Opera, ed. Benedictina, fol. Parisiis, 1693 Hildebertus (Archiep.) Opera. Ed. Benedictina, fol. Parisiis, 1708 Hildesley (Mark, Bp. of Sodor and Man) Memoirs of, by W. Butler, 8vo. i., 1799 Hildrop (John) God's Judgments upon the Gentile Apostatised Church, 8vo. X., 1713 (John, Rector of Wath) A Letter with a Proposal to Revise . . the Ten Commandments, 8vo. i., 1739 [ ] An Essay for the Better Regulation and Improvement of Free Thinking, 8vo. L., 1739 Hildyard (Chr., Recorder of York) A List or Catalogue of all the Mayors and Bayliffes . . of the . . city of Yorke, Da., with MS. additions in an old hand, 4to. York, S. Bulkley, 1664 Id. A fine copy, just as published. ibid. (James) The Ingoldsby Letters ... on the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer, S. 2 vols., 8vo, 3rd ed. L., 1862 (John, of York, Bookseller) Book Catalogue of 30,000 volumes. The author's own copy, 8vo. York, 1751 Hill (A. G.) The Organ-cases of the Middle Age and Renaissance, 4to. L., 1883 — ^(Adam) The Defence of the Article, Christ descended into Hell, with his Reply to Alex. Humes, 4to. L., 1592 — — (Thos.) Fast Sermon before the House of Commons, Aug. 12, 1644, a 4to. L., 1644 (Wm.) The Infancie of the Soul; or, The Soul of an Infant, B. 4to. L., 1605 Hilton (Walter) The Scale or Ladder of Perfection, D. 8vo. L., 1659 Hincmarus (Archiep.) Opera Omnia, 2 vols., fol. Parisiis, 1645 Hippocrates : De Flatibus. " JF. Mount," F. F. 8vo. Parisiis, M, Juvenis, 1557 Opera Omnia, 2 vols., fol. Parisiis, 1645 Hippolytus (S.) Opera, ed. Fabricius, fol., 2 vols, in 1. Hamburgi, 1716-18 Hirscher (J. B. Von) Sympathies of the Continent, or Proposals for a New Reformation ; translated by A. C. Coxe, 8vo. Oxford, 1852 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 223 History. The Historian's Guide, in Two Parts. (By S. Clarke 1), 8vo. L., 1676 An Universal History from the Earliest Account of Time, 64 vols., 8vo. L., 1780 Hittorpius (Melchior) De Divinis Catholicae Ecclesise Officiis et Mys- teriis, F. F. fol. Paris, 1610 Hoadley (Bp.) Considerations on the Bishop of Exeter's Sermon before the Queen, C. 8vo. i., 1709 A large number of Tracts relating to the Bangorian Controversy, 8vo. V. y. Works, 3 vols., fol. X., 1773 Hoard (Sam.) Visitation Sermon at Chelmsford, March 1, 1636, F. 4to. Hoare (Henry) Memoirs of, by J. B. Sweet, 8vo. Hobbes (Thos.) De Mundo Dialogi Tres, F. 4to. Elementorum Philosophise Sectio Tertia : de Cive, Opera Philosophica, D. 3 vols., 4to. Decameron Physiologicum, F. 8vo. The Art of Ehetoric, F. 8vo. Vita ThomEe Hobbes, F, L., 1638 L., 1869 Paris, 1642 ve, F. fol. ibid., 1642 Amst. 1668 L., 1678 L., 1678 Cardlopoli, 1681 Hoby (Sir Edw.) see Higgons (Theoph.). A Counter-snarle for Ishmael Eabshacheh, a Cecropidan Ly- caonite, 4to. L., 'pr, for Nath. Butter, 1613 A Curry-Combe for a Coxe-combe ... in answer of a lewd Libell lately foricated by Jabal Eachil against Sir Edw. Hobie's Counter-snarle, 4to. L., Wm. Stansby, 1615 Hodges (C. C.) Illustrations of the Priory Church, Blyth, 4to. Privately pr., 1881 Sepulchral Slabs in the County of Durham. Two Parts, 8vo. Pr.pr., 1884 The Abbey of St. Andrew, Hexham, fol. L., 1888 Hodgkin (J. E. and E.) Examples of Early English Pottery, 4to. L., 1891 Hodgson (Chr.) An Account of the Augmentation of Small Livings by the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne, 8vo. L., 1826 Directions on the Commutation of Tithes, Di. 8vo. L., 1836 Instructions for the use of Candidates for Holy Orders, and of the Parochial Clergy, 6th ed., 8vo. L., 1845 (John) Memoirs of Thos. Gibson, J. Harle, J. Horsley, and Wm. Turner, 8vo. Newc.-on-Tyne, 1831 History of Morpeth, 4to. ihid., 1832 Life of, by Eev. James Eaine, R. 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1857 (Wm.) The Society of Friends in the Nineteenth Century {The Author, 1881), 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1875 Hodson (Phineas, Chancellor of York) The last Sermon preached before his Majestie's Funerals at Denmark House, C. 4to. L., 1625 The King's Eequest : or David's Desire. A Sermon preached at the last Generall Fast holden at Yorke, the 21 of Aprill lastj 4to. L., 1628 224 CATALOGUE OF Hody (Humphr.) The Unreasonableness of a Separation from the New Bishops, C. 4to. L, 1691 Anglican! Novi Schismatis Redargutio, C. 4to. Oxon.^ 1691 A Letter . . to a Friend touching a Collection of Canons, C. 4to. Oxfoi^d, 1692 ■ The Case of Sees vacant . . stated, C. 4to. X., 1693 Hoeflinger (Chr.) Manuale Rituum in SS. Sacrificio Missae et in aliis Eccl. Functionibus, ^S*. 8vo. Aug. Vindel, 1860 Hoffling (J. W. F.) Liturgisches Urkundenbuch, enthaltend die Akte der Communion, der Ordination, und Introduction, und der Trauung, S. 8vo. Leipzig, 1854 Hoel (Gul.) Elementa Historiae, F. 8vo. L., 1671 Hoffman (Benj.) Farewell Sermon at St. George, Buttolph Lane, London, C. 4to. i., 1683 (Chr.) De Pcenitentia, M. fol. Halce Suevorum, ex off. P. Brubachi% 1540 Commentarii in Ep. Pauli ad Titum, M. 8vo. Francof., Pet. Bruhachius, 1541 (Chr. Godf.) Scriptores Eerum Lusaticarum, 4 vols, in 2, fol. Lipsice, 1719 -(Dan.) Libellus Apologeticus respondens chartis Ministrorum Ecclesiae Bremensis, " JF. Mount" F. F. 8vo. Helmstadii, Jac. Lucius, 1585 (Fred.) Opera Omnia Physico-Medica, fol. 6 vols, in 3. Genevce, 1740 Hofmeisterus (Jo.) Loci Communes, M. 8vo. Ingolstadii, Alex. Weissenhorn, 1573 Verbum Dei Carnis factum : item totius Missse Expositio, 8vo. Paris, 1573 Holbourn (St. Andrew's) A Letter about the New Ceremonies there, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1717 Holcot (Robert) In Proverbia Salomonis Explanationes, M. 4to. In yFd. Ascens., 1510 In Librum Sapientise Salomonis Praelectiones, etc., M. fol. 1586 Holden (Hen.) Divinse fidei Analysis, F. 8vo. Paris, 1652 Holgate (Wm., Prisoner in York Castle) A Brief Collection of In- stances of Scripture . . . against Persecution, etc., 4to., s. l, 1686 Holdsworth (Richard) Sermon at St. Mary's, Cambridge, 27th March, C. 4to. Cambr., 1642 Holinshed (Raphael) Chronicle. With signature, ^' Sr. Chr. H{atton), L. Chaunceler of Englande," M., 3 vols, in 2, fol. L., 1587 Holland and West Frisia. Decretum Ordinum de . . pro pace Eccle- siarum, 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1614 Holland (Hen.) The Historic of Adam, or the Foure-fold State of Man, etc., M. 4to. L., 1606 (Philemon) A learned, elegant and religious Speech delivered to his Majesty at Coventry, etc., M. 4to. L., 1622 (Thos.) A Sermon preached at Paul's in London, 17 Nov. 1599, 4to. Oxford, 1601 HoUerius (Jac.) In Aphorismos Hippocratis Commentarii, M. 8vo. Parisiis, 1583 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 225 Holies (Denzil, Lord) His Speech on the Protestation, May 4, 1641, Da. 4to. Z., 1641 A Particular Charge or Impeachment against him and others in the name of Sir Thomas Fairfax and the Army, G. 4to. L., 1647 [ ]A Letter of a Gentleman to his Friend shewing that the Bishops are not to be Judges in Parliament in Cases Capital, a 4to. 1679 Holmes (John) A Descriptive Catalogue of his Books {The Author, 1828), 4 vols., 8vo. L., 1828 (Robert) The Annual Accounts of the Collation of MSS. of the Septuagint Version, 1789-98, B. 8vo. Oxf(yrd, 1789-98 Hollybush ( Jhon) A most Excellent and Perfect homish Apothecarye, or homely Physick booke, fol. CoUen, A. Birckman, 1561 Hollyng (Edmund, Eboracenus, Anglus) De Salubri Studiosorum Victu, 8vo. Ingolstadii, Typis Ederianis, 1602 Holstenius (Lucas) Codex Eegularum Monasticarum et Canonicorum, F. 4to. Parisiis, 1663 Holthusius (Joan.) Modus examinandi Sacrorum Ordinum Candi- dates, M. 8vo. Dilingce, Seb. Mayer, 1564 Holtzmann (H. J.) Die Synoptischen Evangelien ihr Ursprung und Geschichtlicher Charakter, 8vo. Leipzig, 1863 Holyoke (Thos.) A Dictionary, English and Latin, and Latin and English, F. fol. L., 1677 Homer : Ilias, " Jo. Pricceus," F. Venetiis, M. Stefano de Sabis, 1526 Id., 8vo. Colonice, Euchar. Cervicornus, 1537 Id., ed. H. Stephens, F. 8vo. Parisiis, 1622 Odyssea, 8vo. Paris, Andr. Wechel, 1538 Id., 8vo. Argent, Theod. Eihelius, s. a. Id., 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1655 Ilias et Odyssea, Archbp. Neile's copy, F. F. fol. Basilece, Jo. Hervagius, 1541 Id., D. 4to. Amsterdam, 1655-6 Opera Omnia, 4 vols, in 2, fol., Large Paper Glasguce, B. & A. Foulis, 1756-8 Homilies. Opus prseclarum omnium Homeliarum et Postillarum Hieronymi, Ambrosii, etc. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. Nuremburgce, Ant. Koburger, 1494 Homilise Hieronymi, Augustini, Ambrosii . . . digestse per Alchuinum Levitam, M. fol. Parisiis, 1537 Certayne Sermons appoynted...to be declared and read... 4to. L., E. Jugge ^ Jo. Cawood, 1569-70 Id., F. fol. L., 1673 Id., B. 8vo. L., 1687 Id., with the Constitutions and Canons, 8vo. L., 1846 English Metrical Homilies, ed. by John Small, S. 4to. Edinb., 1862 Honterus (Andr.) Pyramis Germano-Britannica . . ceu Paraphrasis . . Cantici Canticorum Salomonis, M. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1613 Hood (Thos.) The Use of the Globes, 8vo. L., Tho. Dawson, 1592 Hook (Dean) A Collection of his Tracts, etc., 8vo. X., 1861, etc. Q 226 CATALOGUE OF Hook (Dean) Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury, 12 vols., 8vo. Z., 1861, etc. Life of, by W. E. Stephens, 2 vols., 8vo., Srd ed. />., 1879 Hooke (Jos.) A Necessary Apology for the Baptized Believers . . against Mr. Wm. Eratt, Minister of Hatfield, near Doncaster. (Dr. Sykes, of Doncaster, 1876), 8vo. X., 1701 (Nath.) Roman History, 4 vols., 4to. Z., 1757-71 (Richard, Vicar of Halifax and Preb. of York) The Bishop's Appeale : or an Addresse to the Brethren of the Presbyteriall Judgement. Dedicated to Archbishop Frewen, F. 4to. Newcastle, Stephen Bulhley, 1661 The Non-Conformist's Champion his Challenge accepted; or, an Answer to Mr. Baxter's Petition for Peace, D. 8vo. L., 1682 Hooker (Richard) A learned Discourse of Justification, Workes . . M. 4to. Oxford, Jo. Barnes, 1612 A learned and Comfortable Sermon of the certaintie and per- petuitie of Faith in the Elect, M. 4to. ihid., 1612 A learned Sermon of the Nature of Pride, M. 4to. iUd., 1612 A Remedie against Sorrow and Eeare delivered in a funerall Sermon, M. 4to. ibid., 1612 The Answere of Mr. R. H. to a Supplication preferred by Mr. W. Travers to the H.H. Lords of the Privie Counsell, M. . 4to. ibid., 1612 Of the Lawes of Ecclesiasticall Politic, fol. i., 1611 Id., fol. L., W. Stansby, 1617 The Sixth and Eighth Books, 4to. L., Richard Bishop, 1648 Id., F. fol. L., 1670 Id., B. fol. L., 1682 A Defence and Continuation of the Ecclesiastical Politie, D. 8vo. L., 1671 Works, ed. Keble, Srd ed., 3 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1845 (Thos., of Hartford, New England) The Soule's Preparation for Christ, Srd ed., 8vo. L., 164S Mr. Hooker's Farewell Sermon at his departure out of England, H. 4to. s. a. & I. The poor, doubting Christian drawn unto Christ, F. 8vo. L., 1664 Hooper (Bp. Geo.) A Discourse concerning Lent, F. 8vo. L., 1695 (John, Bp.) A Declaracion of Christe and of his Offyce. With his autograph, " Fratri et amico suo omnium charissimo, G-uillelmo Peterson, Joa... Hop...," 8vo. Zurych, Aug. Fries, 1547 An oversight and deliberacion upon the holy Prophete Jonas . . M. 8vo. L., John Tisdale, 1550 Hope (A. J. B.) Hints towards peace in Ceremonial Matters, 8vo. L., 1874 Worship in the Church of England, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1875 The English Cathedral of the Nineteenth Century, 8vo. L., 1881 Hoppe (L. A.) Die Epiklesis der Griechischen und Orientalischen Liturgieen und der Romiscjie Consekration-Kanon, S. 8vo. ^chaffhausen, 1864 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 227 Hopper (John, of Durham) Explanation and Use of the Eotadiarium. {Mrs. Finer Ellis), 8vo. 5. I, 1788 Hopperus (Joach.) Paraphrasis in Psalmos, M. 8vo. Antw.f Plantin, 1590 HoRiE, OR Books of Hours— Horse Beatae Marise Virginia secundum usum Ecclesise Sarum, imp. F. 8vo. Rothomagi, s. a. Id., imp. F. 4to. s. a. Id., imp. 8vo. Id., imp. 32mo, of the York use. Id. Horse B. M. V. secundum usum insignis Ecclesise Ebora- censis, imp. F. 8vo. X., in cedibus Roberti Joy, 1555 Id. A Number of Leaves, Trial-pieces, etc. of Early Horse taken from the binding of a 16th century Book. Horarium Regia autoritate Editum, F. 12mo. Z., W. Seres, 1560 Heures de Notre Dame a I'usage de Rome, F. 8vo. Paris, 1620 Heures imprim6es par I'ordre de M. Le Cardinal de Noailles, archevesque de Paris, a I'usage de son Diocese, S. 8vo. ibid., 1716 Heures dedi6es au Roy par Pere de Bossu. (Rev. C. B. Nordiffe, 1877), 24mo. iUd., 1736 The Day Hours of the Church of England, S. 8vo. L., 1858 The Little Hours of the Day, S. 8vo. L., 1869 The Day Offices of the Church, ;S^. 8vo. L., 1871 Horantius (Fr.) Locorum Catholicorum Libri VII, M. fol. Venetiis, Jo. Gryphius, 1564 Horatius (Q. F.) Poemata, M. 8vo. Basilece, Nic. Bryl, 1543 Id., '' Edm. Bunny," 4to. Basilece, Henricus Petri, 1555 Id., fol. Venetiis, Jo. Mar. Bonellus, 1567 Id., "/(9. Pricceus," F. 8vo. Antw., Chr. Plantin, 1575-6 Id., ed. H. Stephanus, F. F. 8vo. Parisiis, H. Stephanus, 1588 Id., Expositio Analytica per Pet. Gualterium, M. 8vo. Basilece, 1589 Poemata, M. 4to. Veronce, 1593 Id., ed. Bond, F. 8vo. Lagd. Bat., 1663 Id., in usum Delphini, F. 8vo. , L., 1699 Id., ed. Bentley, F. 4to. Amstel, 1713 Id., Certain Selected Odes, Englished... by John Ashmore (Master of Ripon School). Dedicated to Archbp. Matthew, M. 4to. L., 1621 Id., Les (Euvres, traduites en Francois... par M. Dacier, 10 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1691 Horbery (Matt.) Visitation Sermon at Lichfield, Aug. 29, 1744, C. 8vo. Oxfoo'd, 1745 Hormannus (Guil.) Vulgaria, M. 4to. Londini, R. Pynson, 1519 Home (Bp.) Works and Life by Wm. Jones, B. 6 vols., 8vo. L., 1809 Home (T. H.) Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, 5 vols., 8vo. L., 1839 & Tregelles (S. P.) Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the N. T., 2nded. 8vo. L., 1860 Horneck (Anth.) Sermon on the Consecration of Bp. Burnett, R. 4to. L., 1689 Q 2 228 CATALOGUE OF Horsley (John) Britannia Romana, fol. L., 1732 Horstmann (C.) Altenglische Legender Neue Folge, S. 3 vols., 8vo. Paderborn, etc., 1875-8 Horton (Thos.) Sermon before the Lords at Westminster Abbey, C. 4to. L., 1646 Funeral Sermon on Wm. Adams, Esq., at St. Laurence Jury, a 4to. L., 1661 ^Assize Sermon at Southwark, C. 4to. X., 1671 Hosea. Hosee, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, cum Thargum, etc. Stephanu.% s. a. Commentarius in Hoseam, M. 8vo. Argent, 1528 Hosius (Stanisl.) Opera, fol. Parisiis, Gul. Cavellat, 1562 Id., F.F. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Colonice, 1584 A most excellent Treatise of the begynnyng of Heresyes, transl. by R. Shacklock . . . 8vo. Antwerp, ^g. Diest, 1565 Hospinianus (Jo.) Qusestionum Dialecticarum Libri VI, M. 8vo. Basileoe, Nic. Episcopius, 1557 (Rod.) De Origine, Progressu, usuet abusu Templorum, fol. Tiguri, in off. Froschov., 1587 De Origine, Progressu, Ceremoniis, et Ritibus Festorum Dierum, fol. ^ ibid., 1592 De Festis Judseorum, etc., F. fol. Genevce, 1674 De Monachis, fol. Tiguri, 1609 De Temphs, F. fol. GenevcE, 1672 Hotchkis (Thos.) A Discourse concerning the Imputation of Christ's righteousness to us, D. 8vo. L., 1675 Hotham (Charles) An Introduction to the Teutonick Philosophic, 12mo. L., 1650 His Petition and Argument before the Committee for Re- formation of the Universities, C. 4to. L., 1651 (Charles, Preb. of York) Catalogue of his Library, aS^. 8vo. Pr. pr. L., 1836 Hotomanus (Fr.) Novus Commentarius de Verbis Juris, F. fol. Basileoe, Nic. Episcopius, 1563 Franco-Gallia, M. 8vo. Francofurti, A. Wechel, 1586 Consolatio e Sacris Literis petita, M. 8vo. Genevce, 1593 Houghton (Lord) Some Writings and Speeches of, Pr. pr., Presn. copy to Archbp. Thomson, 4to. L., 1888 Life, etc., by T. W. Reid, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1890 Houlder (Robert) Barnevel's Apology ; or, Holland Mysterie, C. 4to. 1618 Household Books of Edward IV, Elizabeth of York, Henry VIII, Princess Mary, and Earl of Northumberland, ed. Sir N. H. Nicolas, Da. 4 vols., 8vo. L,, 1828, etc. Howard (Cardinal) Life of: by C. F. R. Palmer, 8vo. L., 1867 (G. B.) The Christians of St. Thomas and their Liturgies, S. 8vo. Oxford, 1864 (Henry, Preb. of York) The Books of Moses, according to the Ixx, transl. into English, 3 vols., 8vo. Cambr., 1855-7 (John, the Philanthropist) Life of, by J. Field of West Rounton, 8vo. X., 1850 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 229 Howard (John) Correspondence of, ed. Field, 8vo. i., 1855 (Leonard) A Collection of Letters, Da. 4to. L., 1753 (Philip, Earl of Arundel, etc.) Lives of, ed. by Duke of Nor- folk, 8vo. L., 1857 (Wm.) A Patterne of Christian Loyaltie, F.F. 4to. L., 1634 Howdell (W. of East Hardwick) Sermon at Bath, April 16, 1744 . . to wipe off the Aspersions . . of the Methodists, B. 8vo. York, Ccesar JVard, 1749 Howel (Laur.) Synopsis Canonum Eccles. Gr. etc., F. fol. X., 1708 Id., F. fol. X., 1710 Howell (Humphr.) Sathan discovered : or, Dsemonium Meridianum sent home with a letter to his Master, G. 4to. L., 1656 [ (James)] Down-right dealing, or the despised Protestant speak- ing plain English to the King, etc.. Da. 4to. s. /., 1647 The Instrument of a King, G. 4to. 1648 [ ] Some Sober Inspections made into the Cariage and Consults of the late Long Parliament, G. 8vo. L., 1655 Epistolse Ho-Elianse : Familiar Letters, 11th ed., 8vo. L., 1754 (Wm.) An Institution of General History, 3 vols., fol. L., 1680-5 [ 1 The Common Prayer Book the best Companion, F. 8vo. Oxford, 1686 [ ] Medulla Historise Anglicanse, F. 8vo. X., 1687 Howes (John) Assize Sermon at Northampton, Aug. 9, 1669, G. 4to. X., s. a. Howgill (Fr.) The Visitation of the Eebellious Nation of Ireland, etc., 4to. X., 1656 A Lamentation for the Scattered Tribes, D. 4to. L., 1656 Howldin (J.) The Lawe's Subversion : or Sir John Maynard's Case truly stated, G. 4to. 1648 Id., Another copy. Howson (John, Bp. of Durham) A Sermon preached at Paule's Crosse, the 4 of December, 1597, R. 4to. L., 1597 A Second Sermon preached at Paule's Crosse the 21 of May, 1598, R. 4to. L., 1598 A Sermon in defence of the Festivities of the Church of Eng- land, M. 4to. Oxford, 1603 Uxore Dimissa propter Fornicationem, aliam non licet super- inducere, R. 4to. Oxonim, 1606 Certaine Sermons made in Oxford, Anno Dom. 1616, 4to. L., 1622 (J. S., Dean of Chester) Norrisian Prize Essay, 1841, R. 8vo. Gambr., 1842 Hulsean Lectures on the Character of St. Paul, 8vo. L., 1864 Before the Table, 8vo. L., 1875 The River Dee, its Aspect and History, 4to. L., 1875 Hubberthorne (Ric.) The Record of Sufferings for Tythes in Eng- land, D. 4to. L., 1658 Hubbocke (Wm.) see James I. Huberus (Sam.) Theses, M. 4to. Tubingce, 1592 Antibellarminus, ilf., 6 vols, in 3, fol. Goslarice, 1607-9 230 CATALOGUE OF Hiibner (^mil.) Corpus Inscrr. Lat. vol. VII, The English-Roman Inscriptions, 4to. Berlin, 1873 Inscrr. Britannise Christianae, 4to. ibid., 1876 Hudson (J.) A Sermon preached at Paule's Crosse, Feb. 9, 1583, M. 8vo. L., Titos. Purfoote, 1584 (Mic.) The Divine Right of Government, C. 4to. s. I. 1647 Hueffer (Fr.) The Troubadours, a History of Proven9al Life and Literature in the Middle Ages, 8vo. L., 1875 Huetius (Dan.) Demonstratio Evangelica, B. fol. Paris, 1690 Hugh (S. of Lincoln) Recueil de Ballades. Ed. by Francisque Michel, L. P., 8vo. Paris, 1834 Metrical Life of, ed. Dimock, 8vo. Lincoln, 1860 Life of, by G. G. Perry, 8vo. L., 1879 Hughes (G.) Funl. Sermon on Master Wm. Crompton of Lancaster, H. 4to. L., 1642 (John) see Kennett (Bp.). (Lewis) Certaine Grievances, or the Errours of the Service Booke plainely laid open, 4to. 1641 The Errors of the Common Catechisme . . laid open, C. 4to. L., 1645 (Wm.) Two Sermons at St. Thomas' Hospital, South wark, Nov. 9, 1683, C. 4to. L., 1684 Hugo (Car. L.) Sacrse Antiquitatis Monumenta, fol. Stivagii, 1725 (Episc. Constantiensis) Qusestiones duse, M. 4to. Ingoldstadii, Alex. Weissenhorn, 1546 Huish (Alex.) Lectures upon the Lord's Prayer, D. 4 to. L., 1626 Hull (John) An Exposition upon a part of the Lamentations of Jeremiah, M. 4to. L., 1618 Hume, Humius (Alex.) Grammatica Nova in usum Juventutis Scoticse, M. 8vo. Edinhurgi, 1612 (David) Lusus Poetici, M. 4to. L., 1605 De Unione Insulae Britannicae, M. 4to. L., 1605 see James I of England. (David) Dialogues concerning Natural Religion, C, 2nd ed. 8vo. L., 1779 History of England ; continued by Smollett & Hughes. (/. Dal- lin. Librarian, 1838), 17 vols., 8vo. L., 1830-6 (Jac, Scoto-Britannus) Grammatica Hebrsea. Pres. copy, F. 4to. Hamburgi, 1624 (John) Jachin & Boaz : or, the Stedfast & unwavering Christian, D. 8vo. L., 1676 Humfrey (John) A Second Discourse about Re-ordination, B. 4to. L., 1662 Humfredus (Laur.) Interpretatio Linguarum, 8vo. Basilem, Froben, 1559 Optimates, sive de Nobilitate, 8vo. ib., per Joh. Oporinum, 1560 Ad...Reginam...Oratio WoodstochisB habitaanno 1572, Augusti 31, 4to. L, John Daye, 1572 " Jesuitismi Pars Prima, M. 8vo. L., Hen. Middleton, 1582 Id., Pars Secunda, M. 8vo. ibid., 1584 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 231 Humfrey (Laur.) A View of the Eomish Hydra and Monster Traison against the Lord's Annointed, condemned by David, etc. 8vo. Oxfoi'd^ Jos. Barnes^ 1588 see Jewell (Bp.) and Shepreve (Joann.) Humphreys (David) An Historical Account of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, B. 8vo. i., 1730 Humphry (W. G.) Historical and Explanatory Treatise on the Book of Common Prayer, 8vo. X., 1853 Humpton (Wm.) A Dissuasive from the Present Rebellion, A Sermon. ..at Sheffield, Nov. 27, 1715, R. 8vo. L., 1716 Hund (Wiguleus) Metropolis Salisburgensis, 3 vol. in 1, fol. Monachii, Ex. typogr. Bergiano, 1620 Hunnius (^gid.) Epistolse D. Apost. Pauli ad Corinthios prioris Expositio, F.F. 8vo. Francofurti, 1596 De Indulgentiis et Jubilseo Eomani Pontificis, Tractatus contra Bellarminum, F.F. 8vo. ibid., 1599 Eelatio Historica de habito nuper Ratisbonse Colloquio inter Augustanse Confessionis Theologos et Pontificios, 4to. mtebergce, 1602 Hunt (John) An Humble Appeale to the King's most excellent Majestie, wherein is proved that our Lord... Jesus Christ was Authour of the Catholike Roman Faith. Sir Edward Dering^s copy, with a MS. note by him, 4 to. s. L, 1620 A Briefe Discoverie of the Crafte & Policie which Protestant Ministers use in seducing their Followers, Da. 4to. s. I, 1621 (John) Essay on Pantheism, 8vo. L., 1866 History of Religious Thought in England, 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1870 Contemporary Essays in Theology, 8vo. L., 1873 (Thos.) Argument for the Bishop's right ; with the Postscript, with some Additions, C. 8vo. L., 1682 His Postscript for rectifying some Mistakes in some of the in- ferior Clergy, F. 8vo. L., 1682 Hunter (Alex, of York, M.D.), Treatise on the Buxton Waters, 8vo. L., 1768 Outlines of Agriculture, Da. 8vo. York, 1795 Men and Manners, 8vo. ibid., s. a. Georgical Essays. (The Author, 1803), 4 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1803 Lecture on the Sulphur Water of Harrogate, 8vo. ibid., 1806 Culina famulatrix Medicines : or, Receipts in Modern Cookery, Da. 8vo. ibid., 1810 see Evelyn (John). (Joseph) Who wrote Cavendish's Life of Wolsey, 4to. L., 1814 Golden Sentences, 8vo. Bath, 1826 -^—History of South Yorkshire, 2 vols., fol. L., 1828 ■ — — Hallamshire Glossary 8vo. L., 1829 — —Catalogues of Monastic Libraries, 4to. s. a. Three Catalogues : the Red Book of the Exchequer, Dodsworth's MSS., and the MSS. at Lincoln's Inn, E. 8vo. L., 1838 A true Account of the Alienation & Recovery of the Estates of the Offleys of Norton in 1754, 8vo. L., 1841 Life of Oliver Heywood, 8vo. L., 1842 232 CATALOGUE OF Hunter (Joseph) Gems Sylvestrina : Memorials of my Good and Eeligious Ancestors. Pres. copy, with autograph. Pr. pr., 8vo. 1846 Antiquarian Notices of Lupset, The Heath, and Sharlston. Pr.pr. Umo. 1848 Id., 2nd ed., royal 8vo. s. a. -Tracts ; viz., Agincourt ; the Founders of New Plymouth ; Milton ; and Robin Hood, in 1 vol., 8vo. X., 1849-52 The Connection of Bath with the Literature and Science of England. Pres. copy, with autograph, 12mo. Bath, 1853 Collections concerning the Founders of New Plymouth, 8vo. L,, 1854 ■- Pope, his Descent and Family Connections, 8vo. L., 1857 Narrative of a Remarkable Transaction in the Early Life of John Wesley, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1862 History of Hallamshire, 2nd ed., ed. A. Gatty, Subdean of York, fol. X., 1869 A Brief Memoir of (by S. J. Hunter, his Son), H. 8vo. Pr. pi\ L.y 1861 (Josiah, of York and Ouseburn) Dorcas Revived the Second Time ; or, a Sermon preached at the Funeralls of Mrs. Anne Micklethwait, the one-and-twentieth of March, 1658, with Bp. Kennett's autogr. and hook-plate, R. 4to. L., 1660 The Dreadfulness of the Plague, or, a Sermon preached in the Parish Church of St. John the Evangehst, December 6th, being a day of Publick Fasting, B. 4to. York, Stephen Bulkley, 1666 (Mr.) A Treatise of Monarchy, F. 4to. B, 1643 Id., G. 4to. B., 1689 (W. K.) History of the Priory of Coldingham, R. 4to. Edinburgh, 1858 Huntingdon (Selina, Countess of) Her Life and Times, 2 vols., 8vo. B., 1840 Huntington (Robert) Sundry Reasons inducing him to lay down his Commission, B. 4to. B, 1648 Huntley (Wm.) see Prynne (Wm.) Hurd (Richard Bp.) Twelve Sermons introductory to the Study of Prophecy (Warburton Lectures), 2nd ed. 8vo. B., 1772 Memoirs of, by F. Kilvert, 8vo. B., 1860 Hursthouse (John, jun. ) A Sermon preach'd at the Meeting-House in Lincoln, July 17, 1711, 8vo. Nottingham, John Collier, 1712 Hurtadus (Tho.) Resolutiones de vero Marty rio Fidei, fol. Col. Agr., 1656 Husband (E.) Exact Collection of all Remonstrances . . Votes . . between King and Parliament, 1641-3, Da. 4to. B., 1643 Collection of Orders, Ordinances and Declarations of Parliament, 1642-6, Da. fol. B., 1646 Husenbeth (F. C.) Emblems of Saints, ed. Jessopp, 3rd ed., 8vo. Norwich, 1882 Huss (Joann.) De Causa Boemica, 4to. s. a. & I. Hussey (R.) The Rise of the Papal Power, 12mo. Oxford, 1851 Hutchinson (Colonel) Memoirs of, 3rd ed., 2 vols., 8vo. B., 1810 Id., ed. Firth, 2 vols., 8vo. B., 1885 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 233 Hutchinson (Governor) and Oliver (Lieut. Gov.) Letters of, C. 8vo, Z., 1774 (Wm.) View of Northumberland, 2 vols., 4to. Newcastle, 1778 History of Durham, 3 vols., 4to. Newc. on Tyne, 1785 Huth (Adam.) Jus. Canonicum {Eev. C. B. Norcliffe, 1877), 8vo. Ravennce, 1758 Hutten (Leon.) An Answere to a certaine Treatise, intituled "A Short Treatise of the Crosse in Baptism," M. 4to. Oxford,1605 Hutten (Ulrich Von) Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum, aliaque sevi decimi sexti Monimenta, ed. E. Munch, S. 8vo. Leipzig, 1827 Life and Times, by D. F. Strauss, transl. by Mrs. Sturge, 8vo. L., 1874 Hutterus (Leonh.) Disputationes, M. 4to. Witebergce, 1606 Huttichius (Joann.) Imperatorum et Csesarum Vitae, cum Imagi- nibus, M. 8vo. Liigd., Balth. Arnollet, 1550 Hutton (Matt., Dean and Archbp. of York) A Sermon preached at Yorke . . at a generall Communion there, 8vo. X., 1579 Brevis et dilucida Explicatio . . doctrinae de Electione, Prsedes- tinatione, ac Reprobatione, R. 8vo. Hardrovici, 1613 (Matt., Bp. of Bangor, and Archbp. of York) Sermon before the H. of Commons, Jan. 30, 1740-1, R. 4to. L., 1741 Sermon before the H. of Lords, Jan. 30, 1743-4, R. 4to. i., 1744 Sermon for the London Hospitals, 1744, R. 4to. Z., 1744 Sermon for the Charity Schools at Christchurch, London, Apr. 26, 1744, R. 4to. X., 1744 Sermon before the Society . . for promoting English Protestant Working-Schools in Ireland, R. 4to. X., 1745 Sermon before the S. P. G., Feb. 21, 1745-6, R. 4to. X., 1745 Sermon before the President and Governors of the London Infirmary, R. 4to. X., 1745-6 Sermon before the H. of Lords, June 11, 1746, being the day of H. M. happy Accession, R. 4to. X, 1746 (Thos.) Reasons for Refusal of Subscription to the Book of Common Prayer, by certaine Ministers of Devon and Cornwall. Two Parts. C. 4to. Oxford & X., 1605-6 The Remoovall of Certaine Imputations laid upon the Minis- ters of Devon and Cornwall by one Mr. T(homas) H(utton), C. 4to. s. Z., 1606 Hyacinthe (P^re) Catholic Reform, Letters, etc., 8vo. X., 1874 Hyatt (Jas., Preacher at Liverpool) The Preacher's President, or, the Master and Scholar, in a Sermon preached at a Synode at Wigan, 21 April, 1625, 4to. X., 1625 Hyde (Edward) see Clarendon (Earl of). (Sir Henry) Copy of Sir Henry Hide's Speech on the Scaffold, 4th March, 1650. By John Hinde, C. 4to. X, 1650 Hymns, Hymnaria and Expositiones. Hymnarium Sarisburiense. Pars Prima, 4to. X. 1851 Expositio Hymnorum totius anni secundum usum Sarum, M. 4to. X., Wynkyn de Worde, 1498 Id., F. 4to. ihid., 1530 Hymnorum Latinorum Delectus, ed. J. G. Hewett, S. 8vo. X.,1861 234 CATALOGUE OP Hymns, Allgemeines Evangelisches Gesang-und Gebetbuch zumKir- chen-und Hausgebrauch, S. 8vo. Hamburg, 1846 Hymnal of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America. Fresn. copy to Ardibp. Thomson, 8vo. 1872 Hyperius (Andr.) Topica Theologica, M. 8vo. Witehergm, Petr. Seitz., 1565 Methodi Theologise Lib. Ill, M. 8vo. Basil, ex off. Oporini, 1568 Opuscula Theologica, M. 8vo, 2 vols. ibid., 1570-1 De Theologo, M. 8vo. ibid., 1572 Id., F. 8vo. ibid., 1582 In lesaise Prophetse Oracula Annotationes, M. 8vo. Basil, Oporinus, 1574 De Sacrae Scripturse Lectione, etc., M. 8vo. id., 1581 Commentarius in omnes Epistolas Pauli et in Epist. Judse, 4 vols, in 2, fol. M. Tiguri, Chr. Froschm., 1583-4 Hyrde (Richard) see Vives (Lewis). Hyspanus (Andr.) Regula Decimarum, 8vo. Farisiis, Jo. Lambert, s. a. Ibbetson (Jas.) Assize Sermon at York, 21st August, 1746, 4to. L., 1746 Id. Beprinted by his Son, 4to. L., 1846 Icones Insignium aliquot Virorum, 8vo. Lugd., Jo. Tornmsius, 1559 Iconum Promptuarium, fol. Lugd., Gul Rovilius, 1533 Ignatius (S.) Epistolse . . cum notis Is. Vossii, F. 4to. L., 1680 Id., Corpus Ignatianum, ed. Cureton, R. 8vo. L, 1849 see Cureton (Wm.) Illingworth (Cayley) Account of Scampton, co. Lincoln, 4to. L., 1810 Illyricus (M. L.) Liber de Veris et Falsis Adiaphoris, M. 8vo. Magdeburgi, 1549 Catalogus Testium Veritatis, M. fol. Argentince, P. Machmropceus, 1562 Id., M. fol. In off. Jac. Stcevr. et Jac. Ghouet, 1608 Disputatio de Originali Peccato et Libero Arbitrio. With Autograph, " Ultimus Ego Boleyn," M. 4to. s. I, 1562 Protestatio Concionatorum aliquot Augustanse Confessionis adv. Conventum Tridentinum, M. 4to. s. I, 1563 De Controversiis Religionis Papisticse, M. 4to. Basilece, P. Queckus, 1565 De Sectis, Dissensionibus . . Scriptorum et Doctorum Pontifi- ciorum, M. 4to. ibid., 1565 Apologia pro suis Demonstrationibus in Controversia Sacra- men taria, M. 8vo. 1566 Omnes Libelli hactenus in Sacramentaria Controversia editi, M. 8vo. Antw., P. Brubachius, 1567 Historia Certaminum inter Romanos Episcopos et Sextam Carthaginensium Synodum, M. Basilece, s. a. Clavis Scripturse, F.F. 2 vols., fol. Basilece., Jo. Oporinus, 1567 Incarnatus (F.) Scrutinium Sacerdotale, M. 8vo. Venetiis, 1597 Inchino (Gabr.) Conciones de Quatuor Hominis Novissimis, M. 8vo. Col Agr., 1609 YOEK MINSTER LIBRARY. 235 Indagine (Joann. ab) Introductiones in Physiognomiam, M. 8vo. Ursellis, 1603 Index Expurgatorius Librorum Prohibitorum, M. 8vo. Lugduni, 1586 Id., M. 12mo. Colonice, 1598 Id., 4to. Salmuri, 1601 Id., 8vo. Eothomagi, 1649 India. An Account of the Success of the Propagation of the Gospel in East India, B. 3 parts, 8vo. L., 1718 A Set of Tracts relating to the Affairs and direction of the East India Company, 1750-1770, C. 5 vols., 8vo. v.y. Informer. The True Informer, No. 18, C. 4to. L., 1643 Ingmethorpe (Thos., of Great Stainton, co. Durham) A Sermon upon the Words of St. Paul "Let everie Soule be subject unto the Higher Powers." Dedicated to Archhp. Matthew^ R. 4to. Z., 1619 A Shorte Oatechisme. Transl. into Hebrew, 8vo. X., M. Flesher, 1633 Ingram (T. D.) England and Rome, 8vo. L., 1892 Innes (Cosmo) Scotland in the Middle Ages, B. 8vo. Edinh., 1861 Sketches of Early Scotch History and Social Progress, 8vo. id., 1861 Lectures on Scotch Legal Antiquities, 8vo. id., 1872 Innocentius (HI. Papa) Tractatus de Sacro Altaris Mysterio, F. 4to. Lipsice, Nic. Faber, 1534 Id., M. 8vo. Lovanii, 1566 Id., S. 12mo. Leodii, 1876 Opera Omnia, F. F. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Colonic, 1576 Epistolse, fol. Tolosce, 1635 (IV. Papa) Tractatus Exceptionum, 4to. s. a. & I. Ireland. A true and credible Relation of the barbarous Cruelty and Bloudy Massacres of the English Protestants in Ireland, B. 4to. L., 1642 A Remonstrance of divers remarkable Passages concerning the Church and Kingdom of Ireland, B. 4to. L., 1642 The Irish Cabinet : or his Majestie's Secret Papers for estab- lishing the Papall Clergy in Ireland, C. 4to. L., 1645 An Accompt of the Bloudy Massacre in Ireland, G. 4to. L., 1678 A Description of Ireland, imp. G. 4to. Journal of the General Convention of the Church of Ireland. First Session, S. 8vo. Dublin, 1870 Acta Sanctorum Hiberniae, ed. by Smedt & Backer for the Marquess of Bute, 4to. Edinb., 1888 Ireland (Edmund) The most useful Tunes of the Psalmes, 2nd ed., 12mo. York, John White, 1713 — — (Thos.) The Oath of Allegeance, defended by a Sermon preached at a Synode in the Metropoliticall Church of Yorke, R. 4to. _ L., Nic. Ohes, 1610 see Twiss (Richd.) Irenseus (S.) Adversus Portentosas Haereses Valentini et aliorum, Libri V, M. fol. Parisiis, 1570 236 CATALOGUE OF Irenseus (S.) Id., ed. Feuardentius, F. F. fol. Col. Agr., in off. Birckmann, 1596 Id., B. fol. Lutet. Paris., 1639 Id., F. fol. ibid., 1675 Id., ed. Benedictina, fol. Paris., 1710 Opera, ed. Stieren, 2 vols., 8vo. lApsice, 1853 I(ronside) G.(ilb.) see Charles I. Irvine (Alex.) A Dialogue between A and B, two plain Country Gentlemen, concerning the Times, F. 4to. L., 1694 Isaacs (Hyam) Ceremonies, Customs, etc. of the Jews, 8vo. L., s. a. Isaacson (Hen.) Saturni Ephemerides, sive Tabula Historico-Chrono- logica, F. fol. L., 1633 Iscanus (Jos.) De Bello Trojano. " Jo. Pricceus." F. 4to. Francofurti, 1620 Isidorus (S., Hispalensis) Etymologiarum Libri XX, M. fol. Paris., Jo. Barhier, 1509 De Officiis Ecclesiasticis, F. 4to. Lipsice, Mich. Blum, 1534 His Gathered Counsailes to informe Man how he should flee vices and follow vertues, 8vo. L., Tho. Berthelet, 1539 Opera Omnia, fol. Paris, 1601 (S., Pelusiota) De Interpretations Divinse Scripturae, M. fol. Fx off. Commeliniana, 1606 Id., F. fol. Parisiis, 1638 Isingius (Ger.) Qusestiones futuris Catholicse Ecclesise Ministris utiles, M. 8vo. Moguntice, M. Schceffer, 1547 Isocrates : Scrip ta, 8vo. Basil., Jo. Oporinus, 1558 Orationes. (Geo. Wray, Preb. of York, 1872), 8vo. Basilece, 1565 Orationes et Epistolae. '^ Jo. Pricceits." F. fol. Hen. Stephanus, 1593 Isselt (Mich, ab) De Bello Coloniensi, M. 8vo. Col. Agr., God. Kempensis, 1584 Isthuanfius (Nic.) Historiae de Rebus Ungaricis, fol. Col. Agr., 1622 Italy. Monumenta Historise Patriae. The National Historians of Italy. A Set, fol. Turin, 1836 Ittigius (Tho.) Bibliotheca Patrum Apostolicorum Graeco-Latina, 8vo. IJpsice, 1699 De Bibliothecis et Catenis Patrum, 8vo. ibid., 1767 Ivo. (Carnotensis Episc.) Epistolae, et Chronicon de Regibus Fran- corum, M. 8vo. Paris, 1610 J. G. See Charles I. J. S. Bromleion. A Discourse of the most substantial points of Divinitie. Dedicated to Sir H. Bromley, M. 4to. L., Tho. Creede, 1595 J. S. A. Carminum Proverbialium Loci Communes, M. 8vo. Ex off. Oporin., 1576 J. T. Satan deluding by feigned Miracles discovered by the notor- ious falsehood ... of Nicholas Ware and Matthew Hall, C. 4to. L., 1655 J. T. A Medicine for the Times, or an Antidote against Faction, C. 4to. 1641 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 237 J. W. Obedience, Active and Passive, Due to the Supream Power, a 4to. ^ Oxford, 1643 Jackson (Chas.) Doncaster Charities, Past and Present, 4 to. Worksop, 1881 (Chr., Eector of St. Crux, and Preb. of York) A Sermon preached at St. Crux after the Keception of the City Charter, B. 4to. Yorh, John White, 1685 (Eliz., of Kippax) The Good Christian's Way to Mount Sion : or, the Spiritual Jerusalem, R. 8vo. Y(yrk, Thomas Gent, s. a. (J. E.) History of the Ruined Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Doncaster {The Author, 1884), 4to. L., 1853 History of St. George's Church, Doncaster (The Author, 1884), 4to. L., 1855 Guide to Farleigh and Hungerford {The Author, 1888), 3rd ed., 8vo. L. P. Chippenham, 1879 (John, Rector of Marske, Richmondshire) Ecclesiastes. The Worthy Churchman, or the faithfull minister of Jesus Christ described ... in a Synod Sermon at Richmond, G. 4to. L., 1628 (John, Rector of Rossington) Remarks on a Book, intitled ' Christianity as old as the Creation/ G. 4to. Cambridge, 1723 An Address to Deists, G. 8vo. L., 1744 Id., The Author's copy, with large MS. additions, 8vo. L., 1764 The Belief of a Future State proved to be a Fundamental Article of the Religion of the Hebrews {The Author's own copy), 8vo. L., 1745 A Defence of, a Book, intitled, " The Belief," etc. {The Author's own copy), 8vo. L., 1746 A Further Defence of the Ancient Philosophers concerning their Doctrine and Belief of a Future State, {Ditto), 8vo. L., 1747 A large Collection of Tracts by him, 8vo. v. y. (Thos.) The eternall truth of Scriptures and Christian Beleefe manifested, G. 4to. L., 1613 Judah must into Captivitie. Six Sermons in Canterbury Cathedral, C. 4to. L., 1622 A Treatise containing the Originall of Unbeliefe, etc., F. F. 4to. L., 1625 A Treatise of the Holy Catholike Faith and Church, F. F., 4to. L., 1627 A Treatise of the Divine Essence and Attributes, F. F., 4to. L., 1628 Works and Life, F., foL, 2 vols, in 1. L., 1653-7 Theological Works, 12 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1844 - — (Wm.) Sermon at Paul's Crosse, 25 Feb., 1616, on the Celestiall Husbandrie, G. 4to. L., 1616 Jacob (Henry, the Puritan) A Treatise of the Sufferings and Victory of Christ, 8vo. s. l, 1598 A Defence of the Churches and Ministery of Englande . . . against the Brownists, 4to. Middelhurgh, 1599 A Defence of a Treatise touching the Sufferings and Victorie of Christ in the Worke of our Redemption, 4to. s. I., 1600 238 CATALOGUE OF Jacob (Henry) Eeasons taken out of God's Word . . . proving a necessitie of Reforming our Churches in England, C. 4to. s. l, 1604 A Christian and Modest Offer of a most Indifferent Conference or Disputation about the . . . Controversies betwixt the Prelats and the late silenced and deprived Ministers in England, 4to. s. I, 1606 ... A humble Supplication for Toleration and Libertie to enjoy and observe the Ordinances of Christ Jesus, etc., 4to. s. ;., 1609 An Attestation . . . justifying this doctrine, viz., that the Church-Government ought to bee alwayes with the people's free consent, etc., 8vo. (Geneva), 1613 (Henry) The Hebrew Guide, C. 8vo. i., 1789 Jacobus (S.) Sermones XVIII, Armeniace et Latine, fol. Romce, iyp. Congr. de Prop. Fide, 1756 (Comes Purliliarum) De Re Militari, Libri II, 8vo. Argent., Jo. Cnoblochus, 1527 Jacombe (Thos.) Funeral Sermon on Mr. Richard Vines, H. 4to. L., 1656 Jaffe (Ph.) Regesta Pontificum Romanorum, Vol. I, 4to. Berolini, 1851 Monumenta Alcuiniana, Bambergensia, Carolina, Corbeiensia, Gregoriana, and Moguntina, 6 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1864-73 Jagel (Abr.) Catechismus Judseorum, 8vo. L., 1679 Jamaica. The Truest and Largest Account of the late Earthquake in Jamaica, June 7th, 1692, 4to. L., 1693 Jamblichus : De Mysteriis ^gyptiorum, M. 12mo. Lugd., apud Jo. Tarncesium, \552 Id., F. fol. Oxonii, 1678 James I of Scotland, Memoirs relating to his Restoration, F. 8vo. L., 1716 James I of England (VI of Scotland)— A Treatise declaring . , . the just title and right of . . . James the Sixt, King of Scotland, to the Succession of the crown of England, 4to. s. a. & I'., circa 1600 Northerne Poems congratulating the King's Majestie's most happy and peaceable entrance to the Crowne of Englande, M. 4to. _ L., 1604 The Magnificent Entertainment, given to King James . . . upon the day of his . . passage through his . . citie of London. By Th. Dekker, imp. 4to. X., T. C. for Tho. Man, 1604 An Oration Gratulatory to . . . James . . . when his Majesty entered the Tower of London to performe the residue of . . his Coronation. By Wm. Hubbocke, 4to. Oxford, Jos. Barnes, l^Oi The Miraculous and Happie Union of England and Scotland. {By Sir Wm. Cornwallis), 4to. L., for Edw. Blount, 1604 The Genealogy of King James, etc. By Geo. Owen Harry, if. 4to. L., 1604 Rapta Tatio. The Mirrour of his Majestie's present Govern- ment. {By Sir John Skynner ?), 4to, i., W, W., 1604 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 239 James I of England. AA^NIS. nOAY^TE^ANOS. An Eclog treating of Crownes and of Garlandes . . addressed to the King's Majestie by G. B[uck], Knt., 4to. L., G. Eld, 1650 God's Mercie and Justice lively manifested in this Monarch, M. 12mo. L,, 1606 Lucta Jacobi : or a Bonefire for his Majestie's double deliverie from the Deluge in Perth the 5 of August, 1600, and the Doomesday of Britaine, the 5 of November, 1605, etc., M. 4to. i., 1607 Idsea, sive de Jacobi Magnae Brit, regis virtutibus . . . enarratio. By Thos. Rose, M. 8vo. i., 1608 The Triumphs of King James the First. {By G. Marcelline). M. 4to. ^ 1610 Ad Augustissimum Monarcham Jacobum . . in Scotiam redeuntem Acclamatio. Auctore Joann. Gellio, 4to. (1617) Regi Suo . . ex Anglia redeunti, Scotiae Gratulatio. By David Hume, 4to. Edinh., Andr. Hart, 1617 . . . Jacobo VI . . Scotiam suam revisenti, 1vv€vpavTqpLov. Authore Davide Wedderburne, 4to. Edinb., Id., 1617 BA:SIAIK0N AOPON., or His Majestie's Instructions to his dearest sonne, Henry the Prince, 8vo. L., Felix Kyngston, 1603 Id., 8vo. L, E. Allde, 1603 The True Lawe of Free Monarchies, 8vo. L., Pr. by T. C, 1603 A Meditation upon the XXIV, XXV . . verses of the XV Chapter of the First Booke of . . the Kinges, 8vo. L., Felix Norton, 1603 A Fruitefull Meditation . . on the 7, 8, 9 and 10 v. of the 20 Chap, of the Revelation, 8vo. L., 1603 The King's Majestie's Speech . . in the Upper House of the Parliament . . 19 day of March, 1603, ^^ Liber Bicardi Crakan- thorp:' a 4to. L., 1604 Edictum Regium quo injungitur omnibus Jesuitis . . ut excedant regno Angliae . . ante diem 19 Martii, anni 1604, 4to. Francofurti, Wolfgang Bichter, 1604 His Majestie's Speach in this last Session of Parliament (19 Nov. 1605), with a discourse of the maner of discovery of the late intended Treason, M. 4to. L., 1605 Regis Oratio habita in postremo Regni Ordinum Conventu, Westmonasterii, die IX Nov. 1605, M. 4to. L., 1606 His Majestie's Speech to both the Houses of ParHament, March 31, 1607, 4to. L., B. Barker, s. a. Triplici Nodo Triplex Cuneus, 4to. L., 1607 Apologia pro Juramento Fidelitatis, with Boyal Arms on sides, M. 4to. L., 1609 An Apology for the Oath of Allegiance. Two Parts, 4to. L., B. Barker, 1609 The King's Majestie's Speach at Whitehall, 21 March, 1609, 4to. Idem., s. a. < The Proclamation published under the name of James King of Great Brittany, with an . , Answere thereunto, 4to. 1611 240 CATALOGUE OF James I of England. His Majestie's Declaration concerning his Proceedings with the States Generall . . in the cause of D. Con- radus Vorstius, 4to. i., it. Barker, 1612 A Publication of his Majestie's Edict and severe censure against private Combats and Combatants. With MS. note : " This Book came forth this morning, Feb. xi, 1613. Your Grace's servant, Hen. Thurscros," M. 4to. L., 1613 Supplicatio ad Imperatorem . . . super Causis Generalis Concilii convoc. contra Paulum Quintum, 4to. L., Bonham Norton, 1613 Declaration pour le droit des Eois contre la harangue de Car- dinal du Perron, M. 4to. L., 1615 Declaratio pro Jure Regis . . adv. Card. Perronii Orationem, M. 4to. X., 1616 His Majestie's Speach in the Starre Chamber, 20th June, 1616, 4to. L., R. Barker, s. a. The King's Majestie's Declaration concerning Lawful Sports, 8vo. ^ L, 1618 The Peace-Maker : or Great Brittaine's Blessing, 4to. L., Thos. Purfoot, 1619 Meditatio in Orationem Dominicam, Svo. L., Bonham Norton, etc., 1619 A Declaration of his Majestie's Royall pleasure in what sort he thinketh fit to enlarge or reserve himselfe in matter of Bountie, 4to. L, Norton and Bill, 1619 Works, edited by James, Bishop of Winchester, M. fol. L., 1620 His Maiestie's Speach in the Upper House of Parliament, 26 March, 1621, 4to. L., ibid., 1621 A Proclamation. . . . dissolving the present Parliament, 4to. L, ibid., 1621 His Majestie's Declaration touching his proceedings in the late Assemblie and Convention of Parliament, 4to. L., ibid., 1621 The Psalms translated by him, fol. L., 1636 King James his Apophthegmes ; or Table Talk. By B. J., 4to. 1643 The Prince's Cabala, written by King James I, 8vo. L., 1715 The Court and Character of King James. By Sir A. Weldon, Da. 12mo. L., 1650 Life and Reign of James I, by Arthur Wilson, Da. fol. L., 1653 James I, King of Arragon, Chronicle of, transl. by Forster, 2 vols., Svo. L., 1883 James II of England. Letter to Archbp, Sancroft about abuses in Preaching, C. 4to. L., 1685 Letters, etc., to the Archbps. of Canterbury and York about Preachers, 4to. L., 1685 A brief Vindication of the Parliamentary Proceedings against King James II, H. 4to. L., 1689 His Life, F., 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1703 James (Thomas) The Moral Philosophy of the Stoicks . . . Englished . . ., by T. J., 16mo. 1598 Bellum Papale, 4to. L., Geo. Bishop, 1600 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 241 James (Thomas) Ecloga Oxonio-Cantabrigiensis. Pres. copy to M. ''Episcopo Dunelmensi . . . Tho. James, Oxonio-Cantabr., deUti honoris et observantim ergo D. D. i)., Aug. 3, 1600." 4to. X., 1600 Concordantise Sanctorum Patrum in libro Canticorum Salomonis, M. 4to. Oxon., 1607 An Apologie for J. Wickliffe, M. 4to. ibid., 1608 A Treatise of the Corruption of Scripture, Councels, and Fathers, by Prelates ... of the Church of Rome, M. 4to. Z., 1611 The Jesuit's Downefall, 4to. Oxford, Joseph Barnes, 1612 Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecse publicse Oxon., with Suppt. of 1635, 2nd ed., 4to. Oxon.,^ 1628 Index Generalis Sanctorum Patrum ad singulos versus capitis V, secund. Matt., D. 8vo. L., 1624 A Manuduction, or Introduction unto Divinitie, 4to. For Henry Cripps, etc., Oxford, 1625 Catalogus Interpretum S. Scrip turse, 4to. Oxon., 1635 see Bury, and Wycliffe. Jamieson (John) Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language, 2 vols., 4to. Edinb., 1808 Id., ed. Donaldson, 5 vols., 4to. Edinb., 1879 Janauschek (Leopold) Origines Cistercienses, vol. I, 4to. Findobonce, 1877 Janeway (Jas.) Invisible Realities demonstrated in the Holy Life and Triumphant Death of Mr. John Janeway, 4th ed., 8vo. E, 1704 Jansenius, Jannsens (Corn.) Commentariorum in suam Concordiam . . . partes IV., F. fol. Lovanii, Jo. Masius, 1572 Id., i^.i^. fol. Lugduni, 1596 Paraphrasis in Psalm os et in Cantica, etc., M. fol. ibid., 1596 (Ger.) Decem de Ecclesia Tractatus, M. 4to. Colonice, 1576 (Herm.) Explicatio Rubricarum Missalis Romani, 8vo. Antwerpice, 1755 Explanatio Rubricarum Missalis Romani, 8vo. ibid., 1755 Janua (Jo. de) Catholicon, " De Eegistr' domini Prioris Dunelmensis. Iste liber assignatur registro ecclesice cath. Dunelm. ex donatione Magistri Johannis AwUand, Prioris, etc.'' Large folio. s. a. et I. Jansonius (Joann.) Novus Atlas {Henry Watkinson, LED., Chancellor of York), fol. Amstelodami, s. a. Jac. Liturgica, sive de Sacrificiis Materiati Altaris, 8vo. Lovanii, Joann. Masius, 1604 T'Proces van Melchisedech., 8vo. Loven, Ger. Eivius, 1618 Japonia, see Jesuits. Jaquerius (Nic.) Flagellum Hsereticorum, M. 8vo. Francof, Nic. Bossceus, 1581 Jardine (David) Narrative of the Gunpowder Plot {with autograph presn. letter), Da. 8vo. L., 1857 Jasz-Berenyi (Paulus P.) Examen Doctrinse Ariano-Socinianse, D, 8vo. E., 1662 Jeanes (Hen.) The Want of Church-Government no warrant for a totall Omission of the Lord's Supper, C, 4to. E., 1650 R 242 ' CATALOGUE OF Jebb (John) Correspondence with A. Knox, ed. C. Forster, 2 vols., 8vo. Z., 1834 Life of, by C. Forster, 2 vols., Svo. i., 1836 (John) The Choral Service of the Church of England and Ire- land, Svo. ^ L., 1843 Literal Translation of the Book of Psalms, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. i., 1846 Jefferson (Samuel) History of Carlisle, 8vo. Carlisle, 1838 Jeffrey (H.) The Lord's loud call to England, C. 4to. L., 1660 Jelf (R. W.) Lectures on the Thirty-nine Articles, 8vo. L., 1873 Jenison (Robert) The Return of the Sword . . a Sermon at Newcastle, C. 4to. L., 1648 Jenkins (David) His Vindication of Himself. No title, B. 4to. Z., 1647 His Works upon divers Statutes concerning the Liberty of the Subject, F. 8vo. L, 1648 Jenkyns (Wm.) Celeusma, seu Clamor ad Theologos Hierarchiae Anglicanse, etc., i^. 4to. Z., 1679 Jeremie (Dean) History of the Church in the Second and Third Centuries, 8vo. L., 1852 Jerningham (H. C.) Norham Castle, 8vo. Edinh., 1883 Jerome (St.) Saint Jerome, par A. Thierry, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Paris, 1867 See Hieronymus. Jerome (Stephen) The Diversion of God's Judgments, in Five Ser- mons, 4to. L., 1639 Jerusalem. An Account of, imp. 4 to. s. a. & I. Documents relating to the Bishopric of Jerusalem, compiled by F. W. Hechler, 8vo. X., 1883 Bibliographie de L'Ordre de St. Jean de Jerusalem. Par F. de Hellwald, 4to. ^ Rome, 1885 Cartulaire de Tfiglise du Saint-S^pulcre de Jerusalem, 4to. Paris, 1849 Jervis (W. H.) History of the Church of France, 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1872 Jesse (J. H.) Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents, 8vo. L., 1860 Jessop (Francis, of Broomhall) Propositiones Hydrostaticae, H. 4to. L., 1687 Jessopp (Aug.) One Generation of a Norfolk House (Walpole), 8vo. Norwich, 1878 Arcady, for better for worse, 8vo. L., 1887 The Coming of the Friars, and other Historic Essays, Svo. L., 1889 The Trials of a Country Parson, Svo. L., 1890 Studies of a Recluse, Svo. L., 1893 Jesu Maria (Nic. a) Altare Incensi, F. F. Svo. Duaci, 1630 Jesuits, The Society of Jesus — Refutatio Conviciorum et Calumniarum quas Jesuitse per orbem • Christianum sparserunt, a theologis Wirtembergicis conscripta, 4to. TuUngce, 1587 Historia Societatis Jesu, authore Nic. Orlandino, M. 4to. Ool Agr., 1615 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 243 Jesuits. Literse Apostolicse quibus Institutio, Confirmatio, et Varia Privilegia Soc. Jesu continentur, M. 8vo, 1612 Decreta Congregationum Generalium Soc. Jesu, 8vo (? by P. Coton). Romce, 1615 Compendium Privilegiorum et Gratiarum Soc. Jesu, 8vo. Romce., 1615 Canones Congregationum Generalium Soc. Jesu, D. 5 vols., 8vo. Antw., 1635 Constitutiones Soc. Jesu, 8vo. Bmnce, 1583 Id. S. 8yo. ^ L., 1838 Institutio, Confirmatio, et Statuta Communionis Hierarchise plenitudinis Societatis Jesu, pro Solatio Afflictorum, et, in primis, Captivorum Turcicorum, 4to. Viennce Austrice, 1624 Onguant pour La Brulure ou Le Secret pour empescher les J^suites de br^ler les Livres, 8vo. Cologne, P. du Manteau, 1569 Jesuitarum doctrinse prsecipua Capita, retexta et confutata. '' JF. Mount" F.F. 5 vols., 8vo. BupeU(e, apud The. Begium, 1584 The Arrainement of the Jesuites in France in the Parlement in Paris, July 12 and 13, 1594, 4to. L., Chas. Fetsweirt Esq. 1594 Eemonstrance et Eequeste des Religieux de la Compagnie de J6sus au Roy Henry IV, 8vo. Douay, 1599 Prosopopeia, or the Complaint of the Pyramis erected by the French King in the Pallace of Paris upon the banishment of the Jesuites out of France, 4to. L., 1606 Conclave Ignatii : accessit et Apologia pro Jesuitis, M. 8vo. s. a. & I. The Copie of a late Decree of the Sorbone at Paris for the con- demning of that impious opinion touching the murthering of Princes generally maintained by the Jesuites, M. 4to. B. B., 1610 The Copie of a Letter sent from Paris to the Reverend Fathers of the Society of Jesus who live in England, M. 4to. 5. /., 1611 M6moires et Advis pour rendre les J6suites utiles en France, 8vo. 1614 Le D6cret du R6v6rend Pere Claude Aqua Viva, G6n6ral de la Compagnie de Jesus, 8vo. 1614 R6ponce aux questions de Jehan Gonteri par Gilbert Primerose, pasteur de I'Eglise R6form6e de Bourdeaux, 8vo. Bergerac, 1616 La Finesse des J6suites descouverte, 8vo. 1620 Le Guet des bons peres Jesuites pour espier les Actions des Roys, 8vo. 1621 LTnnocence des J6suites, 8vo. Paris, 1621 Histoire Admirable de la Vie...du R6v^rend P^re Dominique k J 6m Maria, 8vo. Paris, 1621 The State-Mysteries of the Jesuites, 4to. Pr. for G. E., Z., 1623 Responce de Garasse aux Mesdisans, 8vo. 1624 La Sauterelle D6masqu6e a la France, 8vo. s. a. Le Manifeste du Scindic de rUniversit6 de Cahors, 8vo. 1624 The Theater of Japonia's Constancy, 4to. L., 1624 Le Hibou des Jesuites oppos6 a la Corneille de Charenton, 8vo. 1624 R 2 244 CATALOGUE OF Jesuits. Les Mysteres des Peres J^suites, 8vo. Ville Franche, 1624 Advertissement pour les Universitez de France contre les Jesuites au Eoy, 8vo. Paris, 1624 Examen de L'Apologie du Sieur Peletier pour les Jesuites, 8vo. iUd,, 1625 — Advis touchant les Prestres de I'Oratoire, 8vo. 1625 Censura Sacrse Facult. Theolog. Paris, in Seditiosum librum inscr. G. G. R. Theologi ad Ludov. XIII Admonitio, 8vo. Paris, 1625 La Sybille Fran^oise, 8vo. ■ 1626 Arrest de la Cour de Parlement prononc^ contre les p.p. du College de Clermont, 8vo. Paris, 1626 Articles des Demandes de Messieurs du Parlement aux J6suites, 8vo.^ ^ 1626 Advis Notable et Consultation des six plus fameus Advocats du Parlement de Paris contra les Freres, 8vo. 1626 La Doctrine des J6suites touchant le Temporel des Roys, 8vo. Paris, 1626 D^saveu des Jesuites presents au Roy, 8vo. 1626 Arrest du Grand Conseil pour rUniversit6 de Paris contre les J6suites, 8vo. Paris, 1626 Notes, sur le livre intitule Apologie ou Defense pour les Peres Jesuites, par S. Pelletier, 8vo. ibid., 1626 Premiere Journ^e la rencontre de Monsr. Servin & du Pere Coton, au Voyage de I'^utre Monde, 8vo. s. a. Two Spare Keyes to the Jesuites' Cabinet, 4to. L., Printed hy B. A. and T. F., 1632 A Copy of a Letter . . . wherein is manifested that the Jesuites . . . have been the only Incendiaries and contrivers of the Miseries and distractions of this Kingdome, aS'. 4to. L., 1643 ^L'lnnocence et La V6rite d6fendues contre les Calomnies et les Faussetez des Jesuites, etc., 4to. s. I., 1652 La Morale Pratique des Jesuites, 2 vols., 8vo. Colon. & Mons, 1669 Jesuite's Policy to suppress Monarchy historically displayed, D. 8vo. 1669 Satyrs upon the Jesuits, written in the Year 1679, 8vo. L., 1681 See Backer. Jewel (John, Bp.) A Replie unto M. Hardinge's Answeare, F. fol. L., H. Wyhes, 1565 Id., fol. L., 1566 A Defence of the Apologie of the Churche of England, M. fol. L., H. WyTces, 1567 An Exposition upon the two Epistles of St. Paule to the Thessalonians, M. 8vo. L., R. Newherie and H. Bynneman, 1583 Adversus Tho. Harding Volumen. Apologia Eccles. Anglicanse, etc., M. 2 vols, in l,fol. Genevce, 1585 Sermons before the Queen. A Treatise of the Sacraments, M. 8vo. X., 1603 Apologia Eccl. Anglicanae, M. 4to. L., 1617 Id., F. 8vo, Oxon., 1639 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 245 Jewel (Bp.) Vita. By Laur. Humphrey, M. 4to. i., Jo. Day, 1573 Jewers (A. J.) Wells Cathedral : its Inscriptions and Heraldry, 8vo. L., 1892 Jewitt (LI.) The Ceramic Art of Great Britain, 2nd. ed., Svo. L., 1883 Jews. The false Jew : or a wonderful Discovery of a Scot, baptized at London for a Christian . . . rebaptized at Hexham . . . but found out at Newcastle to be a Cheat, H. 4to. Printed for Wm. London, bookseller in Newcastle, 1653 Joachimus Abbas. In Jeremise Prophetiam Interpretatio, 8vo. Colon., Lud. Aledorius, 1577 Vaticinia, sive Prophetise, M. 4to. Fenet,, Hier. Porrus, 1589 Joanna Papissa. Papa mulier, sive vera . . . narratio de Papa Joanna VIII femina, M. 8vo. JVitehergoi, 1609 Joannes (St.) Eclaircissements sur L' Apocalypse de S. Jean, Svo. Amsterdam, 1687 • (Canonicus) Qusestiones super octo libros Physicorum Aristotelis, M. fol. ' Impresswn apud mllam Sandi Albani, 1481 (Chemensis) Onus Ecclesise, fol. Colon., ex ced. Quent., 1531 (Climacus) Opera, fol. Parisiis, 1633 Joannes Damascenus. Opera Omnia ; item Cassianus, fol. Basilece, 1575 Id., fol. Fenetiis, 1748 (Papa XXII) Extra vagantes, F. fol. Lutet. Paris., 1561 (Vincellensis) Sermones de Tempore et de Sanctis, 4to. s. a. & I. Jobinus (Bern.) Icones sive Imagines Virorum Uteris illustrium, 8vo. Argent, 1587 [Joceline (Nath.)] Parliament Phy sick for a sea-sick nation, C. 4to. L., 1644 Johnson (Anth.) An Account of the English Translations of the Bible, 8vo. L., 1730 (Francis) An Answere to Maister H. Jacob his Defence of the Churches and Ministery of England, 4to. s. a., 1600 and Ainsworth (Hen.) An Apologie or Defence of such true Christians as are commonly (but unjustly) called Brownists, C. 4to. 1604 Certayne Keasons and Arguments proving that it is not lawfull to heare or have any spiritual communion with the present Ministerie of the Church of England, 4to. s. /., 1608 (Jas.) Assize Sermon in York Minster, March 7th, 1669-70, R. 4to. Camhr., 1670 Id. preached July 18th, 1670, B. 4to. ibid., 1670 (John) The Clergyman's Vade Mecum, F. 2 vols., Svo. L., 1707 [ ] The Propitiatory Oblation in the Holy Eucharist truly stated and defended, F. Svo. L., 1710 The Unbloody Sacrifice, etc., F. 2 vols., Svo. L., 1714 A Collection of Ecclesiastical Laws, Canons, etc., F. 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1720 Id., 2 vols., Svo. Oxford, 1856 The Case of a Eector refusing to preach a Visitation Sermon at the Archdeacon's Command, F. Svo. L., 1721 246 CATALOGUE OF Johnson (Richd. Master of Nottingham School) Grammatical Com- mentaries, F. 8vo. L., 1706 Aristarchus Anti-Bentleianus, F. 8vo, Nottinghamice, 1717 (Ro.) The Gospell and his Maintenance : a Sermon on Tythes, a 4to. L., 1633 (Samuel) An Essay concerning Parliaments, C. 4to. L., 1693 (Samuel) Dictionary of the English Language, 4th ed., 2 vols., fol. L., 1773 Works, and Life by Murphy, 12 vols., 8vo. L., 1823 Johnston (Nath., M.D., the Yorkshire Antiquary) The Excellency of Monarchical Government. (Cuihbert Johnston, M.D., the Author's son), fol. L., 1686 The Assurance of Abbey and other Church-Lands in England to the Possessors cleared, 8vo. L., 1687 The King's Visitatorial Power asserted, being an Impartial Relation of the late Visitation of St. Mary Magdalen College in- Oxford, 4to. L, 1688 Johnstone (the Chevalier de) Memoirs of the Rebellion in 1745 and 1746, 4to. ^ Z., 1820 Jolifife and Jonson. Responsio Ven. Sacerdotum Henrici Joliffi et Roberti Jonson . . ad articulos Joannis Hoperi, Episcopi Wigornise nomen gerentis, S. 8vo. Antwerpice, 1564 Joly (Claude) Doctrine des Indulgences & du Jubil6, 8vo. Paris, 1677 Jones (John) Christus Dei : the Lord's Annoynted, C. 4to. Oxford, 1643 (Philip) Certaine Sermons preached of late at Ciceter, M. 8vo. L., Tho. Daivson, 1588 (Thos.) Prolusiones Academicse, D. 8vo. Oxon., 1660 (Wm. Basil, Archdn. of York, and Bp. of St. Davids) The Peace of God : Sermons, 8vo. L., 1869 and Freeman (E. A.) History of St. Davids (/. T. Rodmell, 1879), 4to. L., 1856 (Wm. H.) Fasti Ecclesise Sarisberiensis, 2 parts, 4to. Salisbury, 1879 Jonson (Ben) Works, F. 2 vols, in 1, fol. L., 1640 Jortin (John) Remarks on Ecclesiastical History, B. 5 vols., 8vo. L 1751-73 Id., 4 vols., 8vo. L.] 1767-73 Joseph (Petrus)' Idea Theologise Sacramentalis, 8vo. Parisiis, 1640 Josephus (Fl.) Opera, Grsec^, editio ^rinceps, M. fol. Basilece, Frohen, 1544 Id., M. fol. Francofurti, 1580 Id., ed. Hudson, L. P. {J. F. Munhy, Vicar ofHovingham, 1870), fol. Oxon., 1720 Id., 2 vols., fol. lUd., 1720 His Works, Epitomized, F. 8vo. L., 1700-1 The Folly and Wisdom of the Ancients in two Letters of Arta- xerxes, recorded by Josephus, C. 4to. L., 1661 Jossius (Nicander) Tractatus de Voluptate et Dolore, etc., M. 8vo. Francofurti, 1603 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 247 Jost (J. M,) Geschichte des Judenthum und seiner secten, 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. Leipzig^ 1857 Jovius (Paulus) Elogia Virorum bellica virtute illustrium, M. fol. Badlece, P. Perna, 1575 Elogia Virorum Uteris illustrium, M. fol. Basilece, 1577 Descriptiones Britannise, etc., M. fol. ibid., 1578 Historiarum sui temporis Libri XLV, M. fol. iUd., 1578 Vitse illustrium Virorum, M. fol. Basilece, 1577-8 Joyce (J. W.) England's Sacred Synods : a Constitutional History of the Convocations of the Clergy, S. 8vo. L., 1855 The Civil Power in its Relation to the Church, 8vo. L., 1869 The Sword and the Keys, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1881 Acts of the Church, 1531-1885, 8vo. L., 1886 Judse, Leo, Proverbia Salomonis in Latinum translata, 8vo. Tiguri, Froschov., s. a. Judges. The Judges' Judgement, C. 4to. 1641 Julian (The Apostate) Reasonable Remarks upon his Fall, by Philaretus Anthropopolita, G. 4to. L., 1681 (John) Dictionary of Hymnology, 8vo. L., 1892 Julianus (Salvius) Edictum Perpetuum, " Jo. Pricceus," F. 8vo. Parisiis, 1597 Jungnitius (Chr.) Harmonia Apocalyptica, M. 8vo. Francofurti, 1618 Junilius. De Partibus Divinse Legis, &c., M. 8vo. Parisiis, Seb. Nivellius, 1550 Junius (Adr.) The Nomenclator, a Remembrancer ; transl. by Jo. Higins, 8vo. L., R. Newberie, 1585 (Fr.) De Natura et Administrationibus Ecclesise Dei, M. 8vo. Francofurti, Andr. JVechel, 1581 Creationis Historia, M. 4to. Heidelbergce, 1589 Prselectiones Creationis a Deo factse, M. 4to. ibid., 1589 Apocalypsis S. Joannis Methodica, M. 8vo. ibid., 1591 Catholicse Doctrinse de Natura et Gratia Collatio, M. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., Plantin, 1592 Eirenicum, M. 8vo. ibid., 1593 -Theologia Vera, M. 8vo. ibid., 1594 Expositiones in Danielem et Jonam., M. 4to. Lugd. Bat. & Heidelbergce, 1594 ■ Vita, a Paulo Merula, 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1595 Analytica Explicatio librorum Mosis, F.F.,5 parts in 1 vol., 4to. Lugd. Bat. <& Heidelbergm, 1594-1603 Animadversiones in Bellarminum, M. and F.F. 5 vols., 8vo. Lugd. Bat, 1600-2 (Fr., his Son) Etymologicon Anglicanum, ed. Lye, fol. Oxon., 1743 (Hadr.) Emblemata, 8vo. Antw., 1566 (Melchior) Politicse Qusestiones, Pars I., M. 8vo. Basilece, 1601 Jurgiewicius (Andr.) Bellum Quinti Evangelii, M., 8vo. Colonice, 1595 Jurien (Pierre) Les Derniers Efforts de I'lnnocence Affligee, 8vo. La Haye, 1682 248 CATALOGUE OF Jurien (Pierre) Prejuges L6gitimes contre le Papisme, 4to. Amst, 1685 Le Vray Syst^me de TEglise et la Veritable analyse de la Foy, 8vo. Dordrecht, 1686 A Critical History of the Doctrines and Worship of the Church, F., 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1705 Jus, Jurisprudentia. Vocabularius utriusque Juris., 8vo. Paris, Fr. EegnauU, 1514 Corpus Juris Canonici, Gregorii XIII jussu editum, M. 8vo. Lugd., 1591 Id., fol. Farisiis, 1618 Id. {Mr. J. F. Walker, 1874), 4to. Lugd., 1622 Corpus Juris Canonici, 2 vols., 4to. Lipsice, 1839 Bibliotheca Juris Canonici Veteris, ex. ed. G. Voelli & H. Justelli, 2 vols., fol. Paris, 1661 The Criminal Code, printed by direction of Sir R. Peel, 7 vols., fol. L., 1825 Jusserand (J. J.) English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages, 2nd. ed., 8vo. L., 1889 The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare, 8vo. L., 1890 A French Ambassador at the Court of Charles the Second, 8vo. L., 1892 Justellus (Chr.) Codex Canonum Eccl. Universse, F. 8vo. Farisiis, 1610 Justice (Eliz.) A Voyage to Eussia, Da. 8vo. York, Thos. Gent, 1739 Justinianus (Fl.) Institutionum Imperialium Libri IV, ed. Bankes, F. 4to. Farisiis, W. Gering and B. Ilembolt, 1503 Id., F. 4to. Farisiis, B. Remholt, 1506 Digestum Novum cum casibus sen Summariis B. de Saxo Ferrato et Pauli de Castro Baldi, with arms emblazoned on title, 4 vols. Lugd., Nic. de Benedictis, 1506 Digestorum seu Pandectarum Libri L. JVifh autogr. " /. Gasau- bonus. Deus mens adjutor meus," fol. Antwerpice, Ghr. Plantin, 1573 Codicis repetitse Prselectionis Libri XII, fol. ibid., 1575 Edicta, etc., fol. ibid., 1579 Institutionum Libri IV, F. 8vo. Amst., 1622 Institutes, ed. Sandars, 8vo. Oxford, 1878 (Laur.) Opera et Vita, M. fol. Ex off. Jo. B. Ascensii, 1524 Justinus. Historiae Libri XLIV, F., no title. Typis Joan. Gnjphei Id., Epitome, M. 8vo. Ursellis, 1610 Id., D. 12mo. Oxonii, 1674 Id., 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1760 Id., transl. by John Clarke of Hull, 3rd ed., 8vo. L., 1742 Justinus Martyr. Opera, Greece, M., editio princeps, fol. Lutet.y R. Stephanus, 1551 Id., with beautifully stamped Frevich binding, probably by Grolier (G. H. Philips, Preb. Ebor). ibid., 1551 Id., M. fol. Basilece, Hier. Froben. & Nic. Episcopius, 1555 Id., F. fol. Farisiis, 1615 ■ Id., fol. ibid., 1636 Id., B., 2 vols., 8vo. Oxon., 1700-3 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 249 Justinus Martyr. Opera Omnia, ed. Benedictina, fol. Paris, 1742 Id., ed. J. C. T. Otto, 2 vols., 8vo. Jence, 1847 Dialogus cum Tryphone, ed. Jebb, B. 8vo. L., 1719 Juvenalis. Familiare Commentum in Satyras, cum Ant. Mancinelli Explanatione, fol. Lugd., Nic. Wolf, 1498 & Persius. Satyrse, M. 18mo. Lugd., Ant Gryphius, 1567 Id., ed. Langus, 4to. Friburgi, 1608 Id., ed. Schrevelius, F. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1671 Id., ed. Henninus, F. 4to. UUrapeti, 1685 Id., 4to. Birmingham, Baskerville, 1761 Juxon (Archbp.) Abp. J. and his Times, by W. H. Marah, 8vo. Oxf., 1869 Kahnis (K. F. A.) Die Lehre vom Abendmahle, 8vo. Leipsig, 1851 Kauffman (0. H.) The Dictionary of Merchandize and Nomenclature, 8vo. L., 1814 Kaye (John, Bp. of Lincoln) Account of the Writings and Opinions of Clement of Alexandria, 8vo. L., 1835 The Ecclesiastical History of the Second and Third Centuries, from the Writings of Tertullian, 3rd ed., 8vo. L., 1845 Account of the Writings and Opinions of Justin Martyr, 3rd ed., 8vo. L., 1853 Account of the Council of Nicsea in connexion with the Life of Athanasius, 8vo. L., 1853 (J. W.) Christianity in India, 8vo. ^ L., 1859 (Stephen) Eta-oTrrpoi/ rov xpto"Ttavta-/>iov, or, a Discourse touching the Excellency and Usefulness of the Christian Religion, 8vo. York, John White, 1686 Keary (C. F.) The Vikings in Western Christendom, 8vo. L., 1891 Keble (John) Sermon at Oxford on National Apostasy, 8vo. Oxford, 1833 Church Matters in 1850. Two Parts, 12mo. s. a. & I. On Eucharistical Adoration, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1859 Occasional Papers and Reviews, 8vo. Oxford, 1877 Studia Sacra, 8vo. ihid., 1877 Life of, by Sir J. T. Coleridge, 8vo. iUd., 1869 see Wilson (Thos., Bp.) Keckermannus (Barth.) Systema SS. Theologise, F.F. 8vo. Hanovice, 1602 Rhetoricse Ecclesiasticse . . Libri II, F. 8vo. ihid., 1606 Systema Logicse, M. 8vo. Francofurti, 1628 Keeling (Wm.) Liturgise Britannicse, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1851 Keim (T.) Geschichte Jesu von Nazara, 8vo. Zurich, 1867 Keith (Alex.) Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion de- rived from Prophecy, 8vo. Fdinb., 1838 ■ (R.) Catalogue of the Scottish Bishops, ed. Russell, 8vo. Fdinb., 1824 Kelhaimannus (Geo.) Partitiones in M. T. Ciceronem de Rhetorica, 8vo. Basilece, Jo. Oporinus, 1549 Kelham (Robert) Norman Dictionary, Da. 8vo. L., 1779 Domesday Book illustrated, Da. 8vo. L., 1788 ^50 CATALOGUE OF Keller (F.) The Lake Dwellings of Switzerland, etc., transl. by J. E. Lee, 2nd ed., 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1879 Kellet (Edw.) Returne from Argier, a Sermon at Minhead in Somer- set, C. 4to. i., 1628 Kellison (Matt.) A Survey of the New Religion, 8vo. Douay, 1603 Examen Reformationis Novae, prsesertim Calvinianse, M. 8vo. Duaci, 1616 Kelsey (Jos.) Visitation Sermon at Salisbury, in Latin, C. 4to. L., 1691 Kem (Sam.) Sermon at Oxford, Nov. 24, 1644, on a well-grounded Peace, C. 4to. L., 1644 An Olive Branch found after a Storme in the Northern Seas, and presented to His Majesty in a Sermon at the Court in New- Castle, H. 4to. i., 1647 Kemble (J. M.) The Saxons in England, Da. 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1849 State Papers and Correspondence from the Revolution to the Accession of the House of Hanover, 8vo. L., 1857 Kempis (Thomas a) De Imitatione Christi : the Facsimile of the Autograph MS., 12mo. L., 1879 Id., ed. Sommalius, F. 24mo. ' Duaci, 1612 Id., ex recens. Horstii, 12mo. Colonice, 1675 Id., ed. Hirsche, *S^. 8vo. Berlin, 1874 Id., A full, devoute and gostely treatyse of ye Imytacion and folowynge ye blessyd lyfe of our most mercifull Saviour, Cryst. . . translate into English by Mayster Wyllyam Atkynson, 4to. Wynlcyn de TForde (1503) Id., The Imitation or folowyng of Chryste with the fourthe boke of the Sacrament of the Aulter, Imp., F. 8vo. L., R. Wyer The Following of Christ, translated out of Latin into Englishe, newlie corrected and amended, 1 6mo. An7io 1 585. Cum pivilegio Id., newlie corrected ... by Thomas Rogers, M. 8vo. L., P. Short, 1596 Id., Limitation de J^sus Christ, traduite par Ph. Chiflet, 24mo. Anvers, 1645 Id., Traduite par P. Corneille, 8vo. Bruxelles, 1665 Id., Den Boeck der Naewolyinghe Christe, F. 8vo. AnhverpicE, 1624 Id., The Authorship of the De Imitatione Christi. By Sam. Kettlewell, 8vo. L., 1877 Thomas a Kempis and the Brothers of Common Life. By S. Kettlewell, 2 vols., 8vo. L, 1882 Ken (Thos., Bp.) Funeral Sermon on Lady Mainard, C. 4to. L., 1682 Exposition of the Church Catechism, F. 8vo. L., 1686 Directions for Prayer taken out of the Church Catechism, F. 8vo. s. a. & I. Life of (By J. L. Anderdon), 2nd ed., 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1854 Id., by E. H. Plumptre, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1889 Kennedy (Hugh, of Rotterdam) Account of a remarkable work of Grace in the United Netherlands, C. 8vo. L., 1752 (John) A new Method of stating and explaining Scripture Chronology, B. 8vo. L., 1751 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 251 Kennedy (John) System of Astronomical Chronology. {Mr. J. F. JValker, 1888), 4to. L., 1672 Kennet (Basil) Eomse Antiquae Notitia, F. 8vo. Oxford, 1704 A Brief Exposition of the Apostles' Creed, F. 8vo. L., 1705 (White, Bp.) Parochial Antiquities, F. 4to. Oxford, 1695 Ecclesiastical Synods and Convocations vindicated from the Misrepresentations of Mr. Atterbury, 8vo. L., 1701 Sermon at St. Botolph's, Aldgate, on Jan. 30, 1703-4, R., 4to. Z., 1704 The Duke of Devonshire's Funeral Sermon, with some Memoirs of the Family of Cavendish, F. 8vo. L., 1708 -A Sermon preached before the S.P.G., 8vo. L., 1712 -Historical Register, fol. L., 1744 [ ] Dr. Snape instructed, G. 8vo. L., 1718 Kenrick (John, of York) Sermon at York on the death of Mrs. Well- beloved, R. 8vo. Ym% 1823 Phoenicia, 8vo. L., 1845 Essay on Primaeval History, 8vo. L., 1846 Ancient Egypt, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1850 Historical Papers. {The Author), 8vo. York, 1864 Roman Sepulchral Antiquities. {The Author), 8vo. L., 1868 Memorials of the Presbyterian Chapel, St. Saviourgate. {The Author), 8vo. Ym-k, 1869 Kentigern (St.) The Legends and Commemorative Celebrations of St. Kentigern . . . from the Aberdeen Breviary and the Arbuthnott Missal. By Wm. Stevenson. Pr. jpr., R. 4to. Edinh., 1874 Kepler (John) Ad Vitellionem Paralipomena quibus Astronomise pars Optica traditur, F.F. 4to. Francofurti, 1604 Kershaw (S. W.) Protestants from France in their English Home, 8vo. L., 1885 Kett (Henry) History the Interpreter of Prophecy, 2 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1799 Kettlewell (John) An Help and Exhortation to Worthy Communi- cating . . ., F. 8vo. L., 1683 Of Christian Communion, C. 8vo. No title. Three Treatises against Dissenters and Occasional Communion, etc., 8vo. L., 1732 Memoirs of (By Geo. Hickes), 8vo. L., 1718 (S.) see Kempis (Thos. a) Kilby (Richard) A Sermon preached in Saint Marie's . . Oxford . . . at the funerall of Thomas Holland . . Rector of Exeter College, 4to. Oxford, Jo. Barnes, 1613 Hallelujah, Praise ye the Lord, M. 8vo. Cambridge, 1614 Kilianus (Corn.) Dictionarium Teutonico-Latino-Gallicum, F. 8vo. AmsteL, 1642 Killaloe (The Diocese of), by Philip Dwyer, 8vo. Dublin, 1878 Killen (W. D.) Ecclesiastical History of Ireland, 2 vols., 8vo. L, 1875 Killiary (Matthew) The Godly Man's Gain and the Wicked Man's Woe, 8vo. . York, L Gilfillan, 1752 252 CATALOGUE OF Killingbeck (John, Vicar of Leeds and Prebendary of York) Sermon at St. Peter's in Leeds, Dec. 28, 1709, for promoting the Charity- School erected there, R. 8vo. Z., 1710 Eighteen Sermons on Practical Subjects, Bvo. Nottingham^ 1717 Kimedoncius (Jac.) Synopsis de Eedemptione et Prsedestinatione, 8vo. Heidelbergce, 1593 Kimmel (E. J.) Libri Symbolici Ecclesise Orientalis, T. F. S. 2 vols., 8vo. Jence, 1843-50 King (C. W.) Early Christian Numismatics, etc., 8vo. L., 1873 (Hen., Bp.) Sermon at Paul's Crosse, Nov. 25, 1621, upon occasion of that false and scandalous Eeport . . touching the supposed Apostasie of . . . John King, late Lord Bishop of London, 4to. L., Felix Kyngston, 1621 Two Sermons at Whitehall, 1625 and 1626, C. 4to. X., 1626 Sermon at the Spittle, C. 4to. L., 1626 see Charles I. (John, Preb. of York and Bp. of London) Lectures upon Jonas, delivered at Yorke in 1594, 4to. Oxford, 1600 David's Strait, a Sermon, 4to. s. a. & I. Sermon at Hampton Court, Sept. 30, 1606, C. 4to. Oxford, 1607 Sermon preached Nov. 5th, 1608, M. 4to. ibid., 1608 Vitis Palatina. A Sermon appointed to be preached at White- hall upon the Tuesday after the Marriage of the Ladie Eliza- beth her Grace, 4to. Z., 1614 A Sermon of Publicke Thanksgiving for the happy recovery of his Majesty, 4to. X., Thos. Adams, 1619 The Bishop of London his Legacy : or Certaine Motives of Dr. King ... for his change of Religion and dying in the Catholike and Eoman Church, 4to. s.l., 1623 (John Glen) The Rites and Ceremonies of the Greek Church in Russia, 4to. L., 1772 (Peter) TheHistory of the Apostles' Creed, i^. 4th ed., 8vo.L., 1719 (Wm., Archbp. of Dublin) A Discourse concerning the Inventions of Men in the Worship of God, S. 8vo. L., 1694 Id., F. 8vo. L., 1696 De Origine Mali, B. 8vo. L., 1702 ■Id., with two Sermons, ed. E. Law, B. 2 vols., 8vo. Cambr,, 1758 King's Evil. The Ceremonies for the healing of, 8vo. L., 1686 Kingsley (Charles) The Hermits, 8vo. L., s. a. Life and Letters, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1877 Kingsmillus (Tho.) Classicum Poenitentiale, F. F. 4to. Oxonice, 1605 Kircherus (Conr.) Concordantise Vet. Test. Gr. Ebrseis vocibus respondentes. Ditto, 2 vols., 4to. Francof, 1607 Kirchmair (Job) Methodus Apodemica, seu Peregrinandi . . . Ratio, 8vo. Argent., 1608 [Kirk (Thos., of Cookridge, near Leeds)] A Modern Account of Scotland, C. 4to. 1679 Kirkton (Jas.) Secret and True History of the Church of Scotland, ed. C. K. Sharpe, C. 4to. Edinb., 1817 Kitchin (Thos.) Universal Atlas (Bobert Croft, Preb. of York, 1801), 4to. , L., 1800 YOEK MINSTER LIBRARY. 253 Klebitius (Wilhelm.) Tractatus perutilis libris septem distinctus, M. 4to. s. l, 1562 Klingius (Conr.) Loci Communes, M. fol. Colon., 1562 Kneeling. A Solution of Dr. Eesolutus his Eesolutions for Kneel- ing, 4to. s. /., 1619 Knell (Paul) Sermon at St. Peter's, Cornhill, May 7th, 1648, on " The Life-Guard of a loyall Christian," C. 4to. L., 1648 Knewstub (John) A Confutation of monstrous and horrible heresies taught by H. N(icholas), etc., M. 4to. L., Thos. Dawson, 1579 Id. At the end of the Epistle dedicatory is a curious Recantation of a Familist, as read by him in Sudbury Church, C. 4to. L., id., 1579 An Aunsweare unto certaine Assertions tendinge to maintaine the Churche of Rome to bee the true and Catholique Church, 4to. id., 1579 Knight (H. Gaily) Foreign and Domestic View of the Catholic Question, 7)i 8vo. L., 1828 The Normans in Sicily, 8vo. L., 1838 Saracenic and Norman Remains to illustrate " The Normans in Sicily." (The Author, 1841), L. P., fol. L., 1840 The Ecclesiastical Architecture of Italy from the time of Con- stantine. {The Author, 1843), L. P., 2 vols., fol. L., 1842-4 Knolles (Richard) The Generall Historie^of the Turkes, F. fol. L., 1638 Id., continued by Sir P. Rycaut, 2 vols., fol. L., 1687 Knox (John) The Copie of a Letter delivered to the Ladie Marie, Regent of Scotland, in the yeare of our Lord, 1556, D. 8vo. Geneva, J as. Poullain, 1558 His Appellation from the Cruell and most in just sentence pro- nounced against him by the false bishoppes and clergie of Scot- land, D. 8vo. ibid., 1558 An Answer to a great nomber of blasphemous cavillations written by an Anabaptist, etc., M. 8vo. Geneva, Jo. Crespin, 1560 The first booke of the History of the Reformation of Religioun within the realme of Scotland, etc., M. 8vo. s. a. & I. (1587) The Historie of the Reformation of the Church of Scotland, F. fol. L., 1644 see Balnaves. Knutton (Immanuel, of Beeston, Notts.) Seven Questions about the Controversie betweene the Church of England and the Sepa- ratists and Anabaptists breifely discussed, C. 4to. L., 1645 Koch (M. Joh. Christ.) Dissertatio de Cultu Serpentum apud anti- quos, B. 4to. Lipsice, 1717 Koechems (J, C.) Observationes selectae, 8vo. Jence, 1767 Konigstein (Ant. a) Postillse in Epistolarum et Evangeliorum Lec- tiones. Pars hyemalis. Title injured, 8vo. Kostlin. See Luther. Krantzius (Alb.) Ecclesiastica Historia, sive Metropolis, de primis Christianse Religionis in Saxonia initiis, fol. Francof, Andr. Wecliel, 1576 Saxonia, M. fol. ibid., 1580 254 CATALOGUE OF Krantzius (Alb.) Wandalia, M. fol. ibid., 1580 Eegnorum Aquilonarium, Danise, Sueciae, Norvagiae Chronica, fol. ibid., 1583 Krazer (August.) De Liturgiis, 8vo. Aug. Findel, 1786 Krebsius (J. F.) De Nominum Mutatione, potissimum in Religio- sorum Professione, atque Pontificum Romanorum inauguratione, S. 4to. Norimbergce, s. a. Kyspenningius (Henr.) De Meditatione Mortis, M. 8vo. Col. Agr., 1573 L. A. Certaine Observations touching ye . . . Commonwealth . . . for the benefitt of the Gentry of the County of Durham. (Ed. by R. Surtees and J. Raine), R. 4to. Durliam^ 1822 L. G. See Lauder (George). L. H. See Heylin (Peter) and Lynde (Sir Humphrey). L. J. See Lindsay (John). L. R. S. The French Tutor, 8vo. L., 1625 L. T. See Long (Thos.). Labadie (Jean de) La Reformation de I'Eglise par le Pastorat, etc., 8vo. Middelbourg, 1667 Manuel de Pi6t6, 8vo. ibid., 1668 Les Entretiens d'Esprit du Jour Chretien, 8vo. Amsterdam, 1671 Les Saintes Decades des Quatrains de Pi6t6 Chr^tienne, 8vo. ibid, 1671 Traits du Soi et des diverses sortes de Soi ou le Renoncement k soi-meme, 8vo. s. l, 1672 J6sus R6vel6 de Nouveau, 8vo. Hambourg, 1673 Recueil de Maximes de Doctrine Chrestienne, 8vo. Amsterdam, 167- Les Pseaumes Evangeliques ou les Cantiques Chr6tiens, 8vo. ibid., s. a. Labarte (Jules) Handbook of the Arts of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 8vo. L., 1855 Labbseus, Labbe (Philip) De Historise Byzantinse Scriptoribus Pub- licandis Protrepticon. Large Paper, with arms of King of France on sides, fol. Paris, typog. regis, 1648 Nova Bibliotheca MSS. Librorum, R. 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1657 and Cossart (G.) Sacrosancta Concilia, with the Apparatus, D. 18 vols. fol. Lutet. Par., 1671-2 Laborde (L6on de) Journey through Arabia to Mount Sinai, 8vo. L., 1838 Lacordaire (M.) Conferences at Notre Dame, 8vo. L., 1884 Memoir of, by Montalembert, 8vo. L., 1863 A Biographical Sketch, by H. L. S. Lear, 8vo. L., 1882 Lacroix (Paul) Science and Literature, Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages ; The Arts of the Middle Ages ; France, the XVIIIth Century, 5 vols. 8vo. L., v. y. Lactantius (L. C.) Divinarum Institutionum Libri VII, cum notis Erasmi, D. fol. Colon,, ex off. P. Quentel, 1544 Id., ed. Musurus, B. 8vo. Col Allobr., 1613 Opera, ed. Spark, B. 8vo. Own. 1684 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 255 Lactantius (L. C.) Epitome Divinarum Institutionum, ed. Jo. Da- visius, B. 8vo. Cantah\, 1718 Opera, 2 vols., 4to. Paris, 1748 Id., ed. Xaverius, 14 vols. 8vo. Bomce, 1755-8 A Relation of the Death of the Primitive Persecutors, transl. by S. Burnet, F. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1687 Lacuna (Andr.) Epitome Galeni Operum, M. fol. Basilece, Tho. Guarinus, 1571 Laetmatius (Hermas) De Instauranda Eeligione, M. fol. Basilece (1544) Lahontan (Baron) New Voyages to North America, F. 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1703 Laing (Henry) Ancient Scottish Seals, Da. 2 vols., 4to. Edinburgh, 1850-66 (Sam.) The Heimskringla, or the Sagas of the Norse Kings, from the Icelandic of Snorre Sturlason, 4 vols., 8vo. L., 1889 Laird (M.) and Oldfield (R. A.) Narrative of an Expedition into the Interior of Africa in 1832-4, 2 vols., 8vo. i., 1837 Lake (Edw.) Sermon at St. Mary-le-Bow, London, Jan. 30, 1683-4, a 4to. L., 1684 (John, Bp., Preb. of York) Sermon at St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, July 15, 1669, at the Funeral of Mr. William Cade, 4to. i..,1671 A Defence of his Profession ... on his Deathbed, with an Account of some Passages of his Life (by Robert Jenkin), 4to. L., 1690 Lalamantius (Jo.) Exterarum fere Omnium Gentium anni Ratio et cum Romano Collatio, M. 8vo. s. /., 1571 Lambardus (Gul.) Archaionomia, 4to. L., Jo. Day, 1568 Eirenarcha, or the Office of the Justices of Peace, F. 8vo. L., 1619 Lambert (Geo., of Hull) Sermons, 8vo. York, A. Ward, 1779 (Lord) Letters concerning his Victory over Sir George Booth, in Cheshire, B. 4to. ^ Z.,1659 Lambertus (Fr.) Commentarii de Prophetia, etc. M. 8vo. Argent., 1516 Commentarii in Amos, Abdiam et Jonam, Michseam, Naum, et Abacuc. M. 8vo. Argent., Jo. Hervagius, 1525 Exegeseos in Apocalypsin Libri VII, M. 8vo. Basilece, Nic. Brylingerus, 1539 Lambeth Conference. Conference of Bishops of the Anglican Com- munion, holden at Lambeth, 1867 {Archdeacon Hey, 1870), 8vo. L., 1867 Id., in 1878, S. 8vo. L., 1878 Id., Epistola Centum Episcoporum Grsece et Latine reddita. Pres. copy from Bp. Wordsworth, the translator, S. 8vo. L., 1878 Library. List of some Early Printed Books in, ed. Maitland, {C. A. Thiselton, Chapter-Clerk), 8vo. L., 1843 Index of Early Printed Books in ; ed. Maitland. Da. 8vo. L., 1845 Art Treasures of, by S. W. Kershaw, 8vo. L., 1873 - — ^see Cave-Brown. 256 CATALOGUE OF Larabillotte (L.) Clef des Melodies Gr^goriennes dans les Antiques Syst^mes de Notation, et de TUnit^ dans les Chants Liturgiques, S. 4to. Bruxelles, 1851 Lamius (Jo.) Delicise Eruditorum, B. 8vo., 8 vols. Florentice, 1737 Lamotte (Chas.) Sermon at Stamford-Baron, Aug. 1740, before the Gentlemen Florists, C. 8vo. Stamford, — Lamouroux (J. V. F. de St.) Corallina {Mr. Chas. Empson, 1838), 8vo. L., 1824 Lamplugh (Thos., Archbp. of York) Sermon preached before the House of Lords, Nov. 5, 1678, F. 4to. i., 1678 Lancaster (Duchy and County Palatine of) An Account of its begin- ning and erection, C. ito. Dei'hy, 1735 Lancelottus (J. P.) Institutiones Juris Canonici, F.F. fol. Lugd., apud Gul. Eovillium, 1579 Landon (E. H.) Manual of Councils of the Holy Catholic Church, 8vo. L., 1846 Landus (Const.) In Veterum Numismatum Romanorum Miscellanea Explicationes, "/o. Pricceus" F. 4to. Lugd., Jo. Racemius, s. a. Lanercost (Chronicon de), ed. from the Bannatyne Club, by Jos. Stevenson, Da. 4to. Edinburgh, 1839 Laney (Benj., Bp.) Sermon before the King, March 27, 1664, F. 4to. L., 1665 Sermon preached March 18, 1665-6, C. 4to. L., 1666 Lanfranc (Cantuar. Archiep.) Opera Omnia, fol. Parisiis, 1648 (de Oriano) Practica Judiciaria, 4to. Lugd., Jo. de la Place, 1515 Langbaine (Gerard) A Review of the Councell of Trent. {Sir Samuel Gerard, of Brafferton), fol. Oxford, 1638 Langdale (Alban, preb. of York) Catholica Confutatio impise cujus- dam Determinationis D. Nic. Ridlei, M. fol. Lutet, ex off. Mich. Vascosani 1556 Langford (Geo.) Search the Scriptures ; an Enquirie after Veritie, 4to. L., 1623 Langley (John) Fast Sermon before the House of Commons, Dec. 25, 1644, C. 4to. L., 1644 [Langlois (P.)] Lettre de I'Abb^ D . . aux R.R. P.P. Ben6dictins de la Congregation de Saint Maur sur le dernier Tome de leur Edition de Saint Augustin (with ten other Tracts in the same Controversy, one in MS.) S. 8vo. s. I, 1699 Languet (Hubert) Vindicise contra Tyrannos, 8vo. s. l, 1580 Lanigan (John) Ecclesiastical History of Ireland, 4 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1829 Lansbergius(Phil.) Catechesis Religionis Christian se in Eccll. Belgicis doctse, M. 8vo. Neustad. Palatin., 1595 Lanspergius (Joann.) Pharetra Divini Amoris, 8vo. Colon., Gasp. Genepius, 1533 Lapide (Corn, a) Commentarii in omnes D. Pauli Epistolas, F. F. fol. Parisiis, 1618 (Joann. de) Resolutorium Dubiorum circa Celebracionem Missarum, ^S'. 4to. Argentince, 1494 Lapinius (Euphros.) Institutionum Florentinae Linguae Libri II, 8vo. Florentice, apud Juntas, 1569 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. ' 257 Lappenberg (J. M.) History of England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, 2 vols., 8vo. i., 1845 History of England under the Norman Kings, 8vo. Oxford^ 1857 Lardner (Nath.) Works, with Life by Kippis, 11 vols., 8vo. X., 1788 Larkin (Edw.) Speculum Patrum, F. 8vo. i., 1659 Larroque (Matt, de) Conformite de la Discipline Eccl^siastique des Protestans de France avec celle des Anciens Chretiens, fol. Bouerij 1678 Larry (J. de) L'H^retiere de Guyenne, ou Histoire d'Eleanor...de Guyenne, femme de Louis VII, 8vo. Rotterdam^ 1691 see Charles I. Larwood (Jacob) and Hotten (J. C.) The History of Sign-boards, 8vo, 7th ed. Z., s. a. Lascaris (Const.) Grammatica, Gr. et Lat., etc. F. 4to. Venetiis, Aldus, 1512 De Literis Grsecis, etc. F. 4to. ibid., s. a. Las Casas (Barth. de) Narratio Eegionum Indicarum per Hispanos devastatarum, M. 4to. Francofurti, De Bry, 1598 Las Casas, the Apostle of the Indies, Life, by Arthur Helps, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1868 Lasco (Joann. a) Forma ac Ratio tota Ecclesiastici Ministerii, in peregrinorum, potissimum vero Germanorum, Ecclesia, etc. M. 8vo. (Francofurti, 1555) Id., His Early Life and Labours. By H. Dalton, 8vo. L., 1886 Lascovius (Petr.) Theorematum de puro et expresso Dei Verbo a novis Societatis Judse monachis propositorum Examen et Refu- tatio, M. Genevce, Jac. Chouet, 1584 Lashley's York Miscellany, 8vo. York, 1734 Lasitzki (Joann.) De Russorum, Muscovitarum et Tartarorum Re- ligione & diversis Scriptoribus, 31. 4to. Spirce Nemetum, 1582 Lathbury (Thos.) History of the English Episcopacy, 8vo, L., 1836 The State of Popery and Jesuitism in England, from the Re- formation to 1829, 12mo. L., 1838 Guy Fawkes : or, the Gunpowder Treason, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1840 History of the Nonjurors, 8vo. L., 1845 History of Convocation, 8vo. L., 1853 History of the Book of Common Prayer, 8vo. Oxford, 1858 Latimer (Bp.) Sermons, B. 4to. L., 1635 Latini Sermonis Observationes, 12mo. 1534 Latomus (Barth.) Epistolse de Dissidio periculoque Germanise, etc. M. 8vo. Argeniorati, 1567 (Jac.) Opera adversus horum temporum hsereses, M. fol. Lovanii, B. Gravius, 1550 L'Aubespine, see Albaspinseus. Laud (Wm. Archbp. of Canterbury) — A Sermon preached before his Majesty . . at Wanstead, 4to. L., 1621 A Sermon preached at White-Hall, March, 1621, 4to. L., Bonliam & Bill 258 CATALOGUE OF Laud (Wm.) A Sermon preached (6th Feb.) at Westminster, 4to. i., 1625 A Sermon preached before his Majestie, the lift of July, at Whitehall, 4to. L., 1626 A Sermon preached at Westminster on 17th March, 4to. Z., 1628 A Speech delivered in the Starr-Chamber . . at the Censure of John Bastwick, Henry Burton, and William Prinn, 4to. L., 1637 A Relation of the Conference between William Laud... and Mr. Fisher the Jesuite, fol. X., 1639 Id., F. fol. L., 1686 A Commemoration of King Charles his Inauguration, a Sermon preached at Paul's Crosse, 4to. Z., 1645 A Summarie of Devotions, F. 8vo. Oxford^ 1667 The Daily Office of a Christian, F. 8vo, 5th ed. L., 1688 The True Character of an Untrue Bishop, C, 4 to. 5. /., 1641 A True Description, or, rather, a Parallel betweene Cardinal Wolsey archbishop of York, and William Laud archbishop of Canterbury, 4to. s. I., 1641 Canterburie's Dreame : in which the Apparition of Cardinal Wolsey did present himselfe unto him, 4to. s. Z., 1641 A Dialogue betweene the Bishop of Canterburie and his Phisitian, 4to. s. l, 1641 A Rot among the Bishops, or a Terrible Tempest in the See of Canterbury. By Thos. Sterry. Eepr. 12mo. L., 1641 A Large Supplement of the Canterburian Self-conviction, C. 4to. s. L, 1641 The Charge of the Scottish Commissioners against Canterburie and the Lieutenant of Ireland, S. 4to. s. I, 1641 A Reasonable Motion in the behalfe of such Clergie as are now questioned, and the Conference between Wm. Archbp. of Canterbury and Thos. late Earle of Strafford, 4to. s. l, 1641 A Briefe Recitall of the Unreasonable Proceedings of Dr. Laud against T. W(armestry), 4to. L., 1641 A Discovery of the Notorious Proceedings of WilHam Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, in bringing Innovations into the Church, etc. 4to. L., 1641 Canterburie's Tooles : or. Instruments wherewith he hath effected many rare feats, and egregious exploits, 4to. 1641 Rome's A. B. C. being a short Perambulation... of a late tyrannicall Oppressour, with a Petition to the Archbishop of Canterbury, now prisoner in the Tower, 4to. 5. l.j 1641 Rome for Canterbury... a true Relation of the birth and life of Archbishop Laud, F. 4to. 1641 A Dreame or Newes from Hell, with a relation of the great god Pluto, suddenly falling sicke by reason of the present Parliament, 4to. 1641 Lambeth Faire, wherein you have all the Bishops' Trinkets set to Sale, 4to. Mercurie's Message, or, the Coppy of a Letter sent to William Laud, late Archbishop of Canterbury, now prisoner in the Tower, C. 4to, 1641 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 259 Laud (Wm.) The Copie of a Letter sent from him . . unto the Uni- versitie of Oxford, specifying his willingness to resigne his Chancellorship, C. 4to. 1641 The true Coppy of a Letter sent from... to the University of Oxford when he resigned his Office of Chancellour, with a MS. note of his gifts to Bodley's Library, C. 4to. 1641 A True Inventory of the Goods and Chattels of Superstition . . taken Feb. 1642, Da. 4to. L. 1642 Articles of the Commons assembled in Parliament, in main- tenance of their Accusation against William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, C. 4to. L., 1643 The English Pope, 4to. Z., 1643 A True Copy of certaine Passages of the Lord- Arch-Bishop of Canterbury his Speech spoken on the Scaffold, C. 4to. Oxfwd, 1644 The Archbishop of Canterbury's Speech : or His Funerall Ser- mon preacht by Himself on the Scaffold . . . written by John Hinde, G. 4to. Z., 1644 A Briefe Eelation of the Death and Sufferings of . . . the L. Archbishop of Canterbury, C. 4to. Oxford^ 1644 Mercurius Aulicus . . From Jan. 5 to Jan. 12, 1644 (giving an account of the Execution), C. 4to. An Elegie on the Most Reverend Father in God, William Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, C. 4to. 1644 The Grand Impostor {Ahp. Laud) Unmasked. By Henry Burton, H. 4to. (1644-5) Four Queries resolved for the satisfaction of all men, who are not willingly ignorant, touching the late Archbishop, C. 4to. X., 1645 History of the Troubles and Tryal of Archbishop Laud. (By H. Wharton), fol. X., 1695 Some Remarkable Passages relating to, F. 8vo. jL., 1712 See Quatermayne. Launay (M. De) Introduction a la Philosophie. " Ex dono authoris" 8vo. Paris, 1682 Launoius (Joann. de) Explicata Ecclesise Traditio circa Canonem " Omnis utriusque Sexus," 8vo. Lutetice Par., 1672 Epistolse Omnes, F. fol. * Cantabr., 1689 Laurence (Roger) The Indispensible Obligation of Ministring ex- pressly and manifestly the great necessaries of Publick Wor- ship, C. 8vo. L., 1732 Laurentius (Caspar) Catholicus et Orthodoxus Ecclesise consensus ex Verbo Dei, etc., M. 8vo. s. l, 1595 (Jac.) Conscientia Jesuitica cauterizata, M. 8vo. Amstel.^ 1615 (Sanct.) HomilisB duse, M. 4to. Parisiis, Mic. Fascosanus, 1522 Lavater (Ludov.) Historia de Origine . . Controv. Sacramentarise, 8vo. Tiguri, Chr. Froschov., 1563 In Librum Josuse Homilise, M. fol. iUd., 1565 Commentarii in Ezechiel, Job, Libros Chronicorum, Proverbio- rum, et Ecclesiasticum, M. 4 vols., fol. ibid., 1571-86 s 2 260 CATALOGUE OF Lavater (Ludov.) In Librum Judicum, Ecclesiasten, Librum Hesterse, primum librum Esdrse, et Nehemiam Homiliae, M. 5 vols,, 8vo. ibid., 1584-6 De Ritibus et Institutis Eccl. Tigurinae, Svo. s. a. & I. Lavenham Church, co. Suffolk. Specimens of Gothic Ornaments in, 4to. X., 1796 Lavington (Geo.) The Enthusiasm of Methodists and Papists com- pared, C. 2 vols., 12mo. X., 1754 Law (Edm., Bishop of Carlisle) Reflections on the Life and Charac- ter of Christ, B. & C. Svo. Cambridge, s. a. Law (The) An Exposition of certaine difficult and obscure words and termes of the Laws of this Realme, M. Svo. L.J Assigns of Chas. Zetsweirt, 1595 Institutions and principall grounds of the Lawes and Statutes of England, Svo. L., 1625 Lawne (C, etc.) The Prophane Schisme of the Brownists, M. 4to. s. /., 1612 Lawrence (John) A Sermon on the Golden Trumpet, 4to. L., 1624 (Thos.) Sermon at Whitehall, Feb. 7, 1636, C. 4to. L., 1636 Lawrie (S. S.) Lectures on the Rise and Early Constitution of Universities, Svo. L.y 1SS6 Lawson (Mrs. Dorothy) Life of, Svo. X., 1855 Lawton (Geo.) Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum de Dicecesi Ebor., 2 vols., Svo. L., 1840 The Religious Houses of Yorkshire. {Mr. Wm. Lawton, fil. 1883), Svo. L., 1853 Layard (A. H.) Nineveh and its Remains, 2 vols., Svo, 2nd ed. L., 1849 Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon, Svo. L., 1853 Early Adventures in Persia, etc., 2 vols., Svo. L., 1887 Lazamon's Brut ; or. Chronicle of Britain, ed. by Sir F. Madden, Da, 3 vols., Svo. L., 1847 Lazius (Wolfgang) Reipublicse Romanse . . . Commentariorum Libri XII. " Gul Turnems," M. fol. Basil, Jo. Oporinus, 1551 Fragmenta qusedam Caroli Magni, Imp. Romani, aliorumque de Veteris Ecclesise Ritibus ac Cseremoniis, *S^. Svo. Antwerpice, 1560 Lea (H. C.) Historical "Sketch of Sacerdotal Celibacy in the Chris- tian Church, Svo. Philadelphia, 1867 Studies in Church History, Svo. ibid., 1869 (J. W.) The Succession of Spiritual Jurisdiction in every See of the Catholic Church of England at the Reformation and Revolution, S. Pres. copy with letters, 4to. L., 1881 Leader (J. D.) see Mary Queen of Scots. League and Covenant (The) Certain Observations upon the new L. & C, C. 4to. Bristol, 1643 An Ordinance of . . Parliament, with instructions for the taking of the L. & C. in England and Wales, C. 4to. L. (1643) Worse and Worse : or a description of their desperate condition who shall presume to take the new Oath or Covenant, B. 4to. s. /., 1643 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 261 League and Covenant (The) Foedus Pactumque Solenne, C. 4to. L., 1644 The Anti-Confederacie ; or an extract of certain quaeres con- cerning the solemn L. & C, C. 4to. Oxford, 1644 Certaine Scruples . . about taking the solemn L. & C., C. 4to. ibid. The Plain-meaning Protestant, C, 4to. iUd. A Testimony to the truth of Jesus Christ and to our solemn L. & C, submitted by the Ministers in province of London, C. 4to. L., 1648 Leathes (Stanley) The Witness of SS. Paul and John for Christ ; the Boyle Lectures, 1869-70, 2 vols., 8vo. Z., 1870 The Structure of the Old Testament, 8vo. Z., 1873 The Christian Creed : its Theory and Practice, 8vo. L., 1877 Lebeus (Theoph.) Onomasticon Theologicum, M. 8vo. Witebergm, Jo. Crato, 1560 Lechaud^-d'Anisy & De S. Marie (M. M.) Recherches sur Le Domesday . . ainsi que sur Le Liber de Winton et Le Boldon Book, 4to. vol. I. Caen, 1842 Le Brun (Petrus) Voyages Liturgiques de France (Publ. under the title of Sieur de Mol6on), S. 8vo. Paris, 1718 Defense de I'Ancien Sentiment sur la forme de la Consecration de I'Eucharistie, S. 8vo. ibid., 1727 Histoire Critique des Pratiques Superstitieuses, ^S*. 4 vols., 8vo. iUd., 1750 Explicatio Precum et Cseremoniarum Missse, S. 3 vols., 4to. Venetiis, 1770 Lechler (G. V.) The Apostolic and Post Apostolic Times, 2 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1886 Lecky (W. E. H.) History of the Rise and Progress of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1882 Le Clerc (Jean) SS. Patrum Opera, 2 vols., fol. Amstel., 1724 Account of his Life and Writings, C. 8vo. L., 1712 Le Cointe (Car.) Annales Eccl. Francorum, D. 6 vols., fol. Parisiis, 1665-76 Le Comte (Louis) Lettre a Monseigneur le Due du Mayre sur les Ceremonies de la Chine, 8vo. s. I, 1700 Lectionarium S. M. V., S. Tho. Cant., S. Augustini . . . ed. W. H. Hart, Pr. Pr. 8vo. L., 1869 Lectins (Jac.) Liber Ecclesiastes, Latino Carmine redditus, M. 4to. Genevan, 1588 Lee (A. T.) The Irish Church (Archd. Hey), 12mo. L., 1866 (F. G.) The Validity of the Holy Orders of the Church of England, 8vo. L., 1869 The Christian Doctrine of Prayer for the Departed, 8vo. L., 1875 Glossary of Liturgical and Ecclesiastical Terms, 8vo. L., 1877 The Directorium Anglicanum, 4th ed., 4to. L., 1879 (John) Lectures on the History of the Church of Scotland, 2 vols., 8vo. Edinb., 1870 (J. E.) Isca Silurum, i.e. Caerleon on Usk, 8vo. L., 1862 262 CATALOGUE OF Lee (S.) Hebrew Grammar, 8vo. Z., 1832 (Wm.) On the Inspiration of Holy Scripture, 8vo, Dublin, 1864 Leech (Humfr.) The Triumph of Truth, M. 8vo. s. I, 1609 Leeds. A Narrative, with Reflections on the Management of the late Contest for the Vicarage of Leedes, 2nd ed. 8vo. s. l, 1750-1 Leeus, Lee (Edouardus, Archiep. Ebor.) Apologia contra quorundam calumnias, etc., 4to. Lovanii, Theod. Martin, 1520 Le Fevre (Jaques) Motifs Invincibles pour convaincre ceux] de la R61igion pr6tendue Eeform6e, 8vo. Paris, 1682 Legg (J. Wickham) History of the Liturgical Colours, S. Pres. copy, 8vo. L., 1882 [Legh (Geo., Vicar of Halifax)] The Uncharitableness of Modern Charity . . . by Phileleutherus Trinitoniensis, C. 8vo. L., 1732 (Gerard) The Accedence of Armorie, F. 8vo. L., 1612 Le Grand (Ant.) Historia Naturae, F. 8vo. L., 1673 Leibnitz (J. G.) Scriptores Eerum Brunsvicensium, 3 vols., fol. Hanoverce, 1707-11 (J. J.) Inclutae Bibliothecse Norimbergensis Memorabilia, 4to. Norimb., 1674 Leidhresser (D.) Super Doctrinse capitibus inter Acad. Parisiens. et Soc. Jesu patres controversis Dissertatio, M. 8vo. Franco/., 1613 Leigh (Edw.) Critica Sacra, F. 4to. L,, 1646 Select and Choice Observations concerning all the Roman and Greek Emperors, etc., F. 8vo. L., 1670 (John) Funeral Sermon on Mrs. Anne Tirwhytt of Cameringham, CO. Lincoln, C. 4to. L., 1654 (Thos) Sermon . . at a Conference of Henry Bishop of Loudon, C. 4to. L., 1684 (W.) Great Britaine's great Deliverance from the great danger of Popish Powder, M. 4to. L., 1606 L[eighton] (A[lex.)] Speculum Belli Sacri : or the Looking Glasse of the Holy War. {No title), F. 4to. L, 1625 An Appeal to the Parliament; or Sion's Plea against the Prelacie, C. 4to. 1628 (Robert, Archbp., his Son) Prselectiones Theological. Ed. by Jas. Fall, Precentor of York, 4to. L., 1693 Id., ed. J. Scholefield, R. 8vo. Cantab., 1828 A Practical Commentary upon the two first Chapters of I. Peter. Ed. by Jas. Fall, 4to. Ym% John White, 1693 Works and Remains, ed. by Wm. West, 7 vols., 8vo. L., 1870 Leland (John) Commentarii de Scriptoribus Britannicis : ed. Hall, F. 8vo. Oxon., 1709 Itinerary, ed. Hearne, F. 9 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1710-11 De Rebus Britannicis Collectanea, ed. Hearne, F. 6 vols., 8vo, ibid., 1715 (John) A Defence of Christianity, 2nd ed. 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1753 The Advantage and Necessity of the Christian Revelation, etc., 2 vols., 4to. L., 1764 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 263 Leland (John) A View of the principal Deistical Writers, 4th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. i., 1764 Id., Abridged by F. Wrangham, Pr.^pr. " From the Author" Dl 8vo. 1820 Le Long (Jac.) Bibliotheca Sacra, 2 vols, in 1, fol. Paris^ 1723 Id., ed. Masch., 4 vols., 4to. Halce, 1778-85 [Le Lorraine (M.)] De I'Ancienne Colitume de Prier, etc., T. F. S,, 2 vols., 8vo. LiSge, 1700 Lemnius (Levinus) Occulta Naturae Miracula, M. 8vo. Antwerp, Gul. Simon, 1559 Herbarum Biblise Explicatio, M., no title Lempriere (J.) Classical Dictionary, 4to. X., 1804 Lenccius (J. B.) Observationes Politicse. " Rich, Neile, 1602," F. F. 8vo. Argent., 1601 Le Neve (John) Fasti Eccl. Anglicans, fol. L., 1716 Id., ed. Hardy, 3 vols., 8vo. Oa-f., 1854 Monumenta Anglicana, 5 vols., 8vo. L., 1719 Lives and Characters of the Protestant Archbishops, F. 8vo. L., 1720 Lenfant (James) History of the Council of Constance, B. 2 vols., 4to. X., 1728 Leng (John) Sermon at the Consecration of the Chapel of St. Cathe- rine's Hall, Cambridge ; with the Form of Consecration, /. R 4to. Cambr., 1714 Lenormant (F.) Manuel D'Histoire Ancienne de L'Orient, 2 vols., 8vo. ^ Paris, 1868 Lenthal (Tho.) Sermon in the Citie of London touching the power of a King, C. 4to. L., 1643 Lentulus (Paulus) Historia Admiranda de prodigiosa Apollonise Schreivse Virginis inedia, M. 4to. Bern. Helvet., 1604 (Scipio) Italicse Grammatices Prsecepta ac Eatio, M. 8vo. Apud Joan. Crispinum, 1568 Eesponsio Orthodoxa pro Edicto . . . trium Foederum Rhsetise, adv. Hereticos, etc., M. 8vo. Tiguri, Joan, le Preux, 1592 Leo (I. Papa) Sermones et Epistolse, B. fol. Lutetice, 1623 (X, Papa) see Bembo. Leochseus (David) Philosophia Illacrymans, 4to. Aherdonioe, Edw. Babanus, 1637 Leodius (Andr.) Catechismus Romanus, 8vo. Antw., Chr. Plantin, 1583 Lepidus. Lepidi Comici Veteris Philodoxios Fabula . . ed. Aldus Manutius, "Jo. Pricceus," F. 8vo. Lucce, 1583 Lepsius (Ric.) Discoveries in Egypt, 8vo. L., 1852 Lesleus (Gugl.) see Margaret (St.) Lesley (John, Bp. of Ross) A Treatise touching the Right of Marie Queen of Scotland, and her sonn King James to the Succession of the Croune of England, M. 8vo. s. n. & I., 1584 Leslie (Charles) An Answer to a Book intituled, " The State of the Protestants in Ireland under King James' Government", C. 4to. L., 1692 [ ] Querela Temporum, F. 4to. L., 1695 264 CATALOGUE OF Leslie (Charles) The Snake in the Grass, F. 8vo. L., 1696 -]A Discourse proving the Divine Institution of Water-Baptism (against the Quakers),, C. 4to. L., 1697 JPrimitive Heresie revived in the faith and practice of the people called Quakers, C. 4 to. L., 1698 -Five Discourses, C. 8vo. L., 1700 The Case of the Regale and of the Pontificale stated, F. 8vo, X., 1700 -]The Bishop of Salisbury's proper Defence from a speech . . . said to have been spoken by him . . . against Occasional Con- formity, C. 4to. 1704 -]The Wolf stript of his Shepherd's Cloathing, 4to. L., 1704, 1707 -]The New Association of those called Moderate-Churchmen with the Modern Whigs and Fanaticks. Two Parts, C. 4to. 1705 -JCassandra, C. Two Parts, 4to. Z., 1705 lA Warning for the Church of England, C. 4to. L., 1706 ]A View of the Times ; or the Rehearsals, C. 2 vols., fol. L, 1708 ]The Constitution, Laws and Government of England Vindi- cated, a and F. 8vo. L., 1709 ]The Best Answer ... in answer to his (Dr. Hoadley's) Bill of Complaint against the Lord Bishop of Exeter. By a Student of the Temple, C. 8vo. L., 1709 -]Best of All. Being the Student's Thanks to Mr. Hoadley, etc., C. 8vo. Z., 1709 Remarks on Mr. Higden's Utopian Constitution, F. 2 vol., 8vo. L., s. a. -]The Good Old Cause ... a second Defence of the Bishop of Sarum, C. 4to. X., 1718 -]The Finishing Stroke, F. 8vo. L., 1711 -The Truth of Christianity demonstrated, F. 8vo. L., 1711 -]Salt for the Leach, or Reflections upon Reflections, C. 4to. Z., 1712 The Case stated between the Church of Rome and the Church of England, F. 8vo. Z., 1713 The Case truly Stated, wherein the Case re-stated is fully considered, F. 8vo. Z., 1714 ■ The True Church of Christ, in answer to the Case Stated, C. 2 vols., 8vo. 1714 Letter to the Bishop of Sarum, G. 4to. 1715 The Socinian Controversy discussed, B. 4to. X., 1719 A Short and Easy Way with the Deists : ed. W. Jones, B. 12mo. L., 1799 Id., Compressed by F. Wrangham, B. 8vo. York, 1802 The Truth of Christianity demonstrated, B. 12mo. L., 1799 Life and Writings of: by R. J. Leslie, 8vo. Z., 1885 (David) Two Letters to the Commissioners of Scotland residing in London, B. 4to. L., 1646 (Henry, Bp.) A Treatise of the Authority of the Church, C. 4to. Dublin, 1637 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 265 Leslie (Henry, Bp.) Fast Sermon at St. Mary's, Oxford, Feb. 9, C. 4to. Oxford, 1643 see Charles I. Lesly (John) An Epithrene : or Voice of Weeping, 8vo. L., A.M., 1631 L'Espine, Epinus (John) An Excellent and learned Treatise of Apostasie, 8vo. L., Tho. VautrolUer, 1587 A Very fruitful and Godly Exposition upon the XV Psalme made by Jhon Epinus, transl. by Nicolas Lesse, M. 8vo. L., John Daye, s. a. Two Treatises of the Lord's Supper, by Yves Kouspeau and John de L'Espine, M. 8vo. Cambridge, Tho. Thomas, s. a. Lessius (Leon.) De Justitia et Jure, &c., M. fol. Lovanii, 1605 De Summo Bono et Sterna Beatitudine Hominis, M. 8vo. Antwerp, 1616 L'Estrange (A. G.) Chronicles of Greenwich, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1886 (Hamon) The Alliance of Divine Offices, F. fol. L., 1659 (Sir Roger) A Short View of some Remarkable Transactions, a 4to. L., 1660 A Caveat to the Cavaliers, F. 4th ed., 8vo. L., 1661 The humble Apology of, to the Earl of Clarendon, F. 8vo. L., 1661 A Modest Plea both for the Caveat and the Author of it, F. 8vo. L., 1661 The Relapsed Apostate, F. 8vo. L., 1661 A Memento to those that truly reverence the Memory of King Charles the Martyr, C. 4to. L, 1662 Interest Mistaken, or, The Holy Cheat, F. 8vo. L., 1662 The Case put, concerning the Succession of the Duke of York, C. 4to. L., 1679 The Reformed Catholique, 2nd ed., 4to. L., 1679 A further Discovery of the Plot : dedicated to Dr. Titus Oates, a 4to. L., 1686 Citt and Bumpkin : a Dialogue . . . concerning matters of Religion and Government, 2 Parts, C. 4to. L., 1680 L'Estrange's Case in a civil Dialogue betwixt Zekiel and Ephraim, C. 4to. L., 1680 The Free-born Subject : or, the Englishman's Birthright, C. 2nd. ed. 4to. L., 1680 Toleration discussed, C. 3rd ed., 4to. L., 1681 A Seasonable Memorial in some Historical Notes upon the Liberties of the Presse and Pulpit, C. 4to. L., 1681 The Dialogue between the Pope and a Fanatick concerning Affairs in England revived, C. 4to. L., 1681 — —Answer to the Appeal from the Country to the City, C. 4to. L., 1681 The Dissenters' Sayings, in requital for L'Estrange's Sayings, a 4to. L., 1681 Notes upon Stephen College, C. 4to. L., 1681 The Character of a Papist in Masquerade, C. 4to. L., 1681 L'Estrange no Papist nor Jesuite, C. 4to. L., 16[81] 266 CATALOGUE OF L'Estrange (Sir Roger) An Account of the growth of Knavery, C. 4to. Z., 1681 Appeal to the King and Parliament, G. 4to. L., 1681 The Casuist uncas'd, in a Dialogue between Richard and Baxter, 2 Parts, C. 4to. L., 1681 The Assenter's Sayings, C. 4to. L., 1681 The Reformation Reformed, C. 4to. i., 1681 An Apology for the Protestants, i^. 4to. Z., 1681 The Holy Cheat, C. 4th ed., 4to. i., 1682 The Observator defended, G. 4to. L., 1685 An Answer to a Letter to a Dissenter on the Declaration of Indulgence, G. 4to. [Z., 1687] Le Suer (Jean) Histoire de L'Sglise et de L'Empire, 6 vols., 8vo, Geneve, 1674-80 Letters, Epistolse. A Coppy of a Letter found in the Privy lodgings at Whitehall, F. 4to. s. /., 1641 An honest Letter to a doubtful friend, B. 4to. York, S. Bulkeley, 1642 Beaux Esprits, Recueil de Lettres, Tome 2, F. 8vo. Paris, 1642 Refutation des erreurs contenues dans le livre intitul6 Le Miroir de la Piet6 Chretienne, Par une Lettre adressee a L'Auteur, 8vo. Douay, 1679 A Letter from No Body in the City to No Body in the Country, G. 4to. L., 1679 A Letter from Some-body in the Country, in answer to No- bodie's Letter, G. 4to. L., 1679 Two Letters to a Friend containing Certain Considerations relating to the Pulpit, G. 4to. L., 1692 Three Political Letters to a Noble Lord concerning Liberty and the Constitution, G. 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1721 Letters and Memorials which have lately passed between the Ministers of the Courts of Great Britain, France, and Spain, G. 8vo. i.., 1727 see Belgium ] Bisbie, Nath. ; Cartwright, Thos. ; Clarendon, Earl of ; Coad, Ger. ; Cromwell, Oliver ; Englishman ; London ; Mackworth, Sir H. ; Marvell, Andr. ; Monck, General ; Propa- gation of the Gospel ; Pulteney, Wm. ; Scotland ; Skene, J. -, Southwell, Robert. Leeuwenhock (Ant. de) Arcana Naturae detecta {Dean Markham, 1800), 4to. Delph. Bat, 1695 Leunclavius (Joann.) Annales Sultanorum Othmanidarum, M. 4to. Francof., Andr. Wechel hcer., 1588 Leuttner (Coel.) Historia Monasterii Wessofontani, 4to. Aug. Vindel, 1753 Le Vassor (Michel) Histoire du R^gne de Louis XIII, 8vo, 8 vols. • Amsterdam, 1700-5 Le Vayer (F.) Legatus, M. 4to. Paris, 1579 Le Vehe (Mich.)'Assertio Sacrorum quorundam Axiomatum, M. 4to. Lipsice, Mic. Blum, 1535 Lever (Chr. of Aldin Grange, co. Durham) Heaven and Earth, Religion and Policy, 8vo. H, B., L., 1608 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 267 Lever (Chr.) The Holy Pilgrime. Ded. to the D. & C. ofDurham^ 8vo. X., Barn. Alsop^ 1618 Historic of the Defenders of the Catholique Faith, C. 4to. G. M., L., 1627 Levett (Chr. of York) The Pioneer Colonist in Casco Bay. By J. P. Baxter. {Dr. Sykes, 1893), 4to. Portland, Maine, IS93 Lewin (Thos.) Life and Epistles of St. Paul, 2 vols., 8vo. i^., 1851 The Siege of Jerusalem by Titus, 8vo. L., 1863 Lewis (G. C.) The Influence of Authority in Matters of Religion, 8vo. L., 1875 (John) The Church Catechism Explained, F. 8vo. L., 1681 (Thos.) Historical Essay on the Consecration of Churches, 8vo. L., 1719 The Scourge : in Vindication of the Church of England, 8vo. L., 1719 Id., C. 8vo. L., 1721 Enquiry into the shape, &c., of the Person of Christ and of the Virgin Mary, C. 8vo. L., 1719 [ ] English Presbyterian Eloquence, C. 8vo. X., 1720 Ley (John, of Great Budworth, Cheshire) Defensive Doubts . . . for refusall of the Oath imposed by the Sixth Canon of the late Synod, C. 4to. L., 1641 The Monitor of Mortalitie, Two Sermons, H. 4to. L., 1643 The Fury of Warre and Folly of Sinne, A Sermon, H. 4to. L., 1643 Funeral Sermon on Mrs. Harpur of Chester, H. 4to. L., 1643 Light for Smoke : or a cleare and distinct Reply to . . . " The Smoke in the Temple," by John Saltmarsh, C. 4to. L., 1646 Lewkenor (Sir L.) see Spain. Leybourn (Wm.) The Compleat Surveyor, F. fol. L., 1653 Leycester (G. H.) A Disputation in Logic arguing the Moral and Religious uses of a Devil, C. 8vo. X., 1797 Lexicon Grseco-Latinum, fol. Parisiis, 1607 Lexington. The Lexington Papers, ed. by M. Manners Sutton, 8vo. L., 185— Ley den. Catalogue of English Students who have graduated at the Univ. of L. By E. Peacock, 4to. X., 1883 (Philip de) De Reipublicse cura, etc., fol. Lugd. Bat., Jo. Severinus, 1516 Lhuyd (Edw.) Archaeologia Britannica, F. fol. Oxford, 1707 (Humfr.) Britannicse Descriptionis Commentarioli fragmentum, F. 8vo. Col. Agr., Jo. Birckman, 1572 De Mona Druidum insula Epistola. " Jo. Fricceus," F. 4to. L., H. Binneman, 1573 The Historic of Cambria, M. 4to. L., R. Newherie and H. Denham, 1584 Libanius (Antiochenus) Pro Tcmplis Gentilium non exscindendis. ''Jo. Fricceus," F. 4to. Genevce, 1634 Libavius (Andr.) Alchemia, M. 4to. Francof., 1597 Liberati Breviarium, ed. Jo. Garner, D. 8vo. Paris, 1675 Libergius (Marinus) Universse Juris Historise Descriptio, M. 4to. Pidavis, En. Marnesius, 1567 268 CATALOGUE OF Liberty. A Parsenetick, or Humble Address to the Parliament and Assembly for (not loose but) Christian Libertie, C, 2nd ed., 4to. L., 1644 The Liberty of the Subject, by Magna Charta, B. 4to. s. /., 166 . Lichfield. Articles for the delivering up of Lichfield Close, B. 4to. L., 1646 (Dean and Chapter of) Catalogue of their Muniments, MSS., etc. Compiled by J. C. Cox, Pr.pr., 8vo. s. /., 1888 Catalogue of the Books and MSS. in their Library. {D. & C. of Lichfield, 1888), 8vo. L., 1888 Lichtenberger (F.) Encyclop6die des Sciences Religieuses, 13 vols., 8vo. Paris, I85i, etc. Licio (Eob. de) Sermones de Laudibus Sanctorum, F.F. fol. Spirce, Peter Drach, 1490 Liddell and Scott. Greek Lexicon, 4to. Oxford, 1869 Liddon (H. P.) Some Elements of Religion, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1873 Sermons at St. Paul's Cathedral, 4 vols., 8vo. L., 1886 Liechtenstein (Princess Marie) Holland House, 3rd ed., 8vo. L., 1875 Li^ge. Chronicles relating to. Ed. De Ram, 4to. Bruxelles, 1844 Lightfoot (John) Erubhin, or Miscellanies, 8vo. L., G. Metier, 1625 Handfull of Gleanings out of the Book of Exodus, C. 4to. L., 1643 Horse Hebraicse et Talmudicse impensse in Acta Apostolorum, C. 4to. Parisiis, 1679 His Works (Charles Howlet, Vicar of Alne), 2 vols., fol. L., 1684 The Temple Service, as it stood in the days of our Saviour, F. 4to. L., s. a. (Joseph, Bp. of Durham) St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, 3rd ed., 8vo. L., 1869 Epistle to the Philippians, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1869 Apostolic Fathers, 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1869, etc. On a Fresh Revision of the English New Testament, 8vo. L., 1871 The Epistles to the Colossians and Philemon, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1876 (Peter) A battell with a waspe's nest, C. 4to. L., 164 . Lilburne (John) The Poore Man's Cry. The miserable estate of John Lilburne, close prisoner in the Fleet, 4to. s. I., 1639 A Declaration of some Proceedings of him and his Associates, C. 4to. L., 1645 Lilienthal (Theod. Chr.) Schediasma Historico-Theologicum de Canone Miss^e Gregoriano, S. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1740 Lilly (Wm.) Monarchy or no Monarchy in England, C. 4to. L., 1651 History of his Life and Times, 8vo. L., 1822 Lily (Gul.) De Latinorum Nominum Generibus . . . cum notis Thomae Robertson, Eboracensis, 4to. Basilece, Jo. Bebelius, 1532 Limborch (Philip a) Prsestantium et Eruditorum Virorum Epistolae, fol. Amstelod., 1684 Theologia Christiana, fol. iUd.^ 1730 Linacre (Tho., Preb. of York) De Emendata Structura Latini Ser- monis, M. 4to. L., B. Pynsan, 1524 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 269 Lincoln Cathedral and Diocese. An Abridgment of that Booke which the Ministers of Lincoln Diocese delivered to His Majesty, C. two couples, 4to. s. L, 1605 Statutes of Lincoln Cathedral. (Ed. by Bp. Wordsworth), Pr.pr. R. 8vo. i., 1873 Id. Ed. Bradshaw and Wordsworth, Svo. Z., 1892 Consuetudinarium Eccl. Lincoln. Ed. H. E. Keynolds, fol. Pr. pn., 1880 Inventories of Plate, etc. in the Cathedral. Ed. Wordsworth. From Archseologia. Fresn. copy, 4to. L., 1892 Liber de Ordinationibus Ecclesiarum, temp. H. Wells Episcopi . . 1209-35, Svo. Lincoln, 1883 Catalogue of the Library of Lincoln Cathedral. Ed. G. F. Apthorp. (The Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, 1874), Svo, ibid., 1859 Account of the Vicars-Choral, etc. By A. R. Maddison. Pr. pr. Pi. 8vo. L., 1878 Abstracts of Wills in the Bishops' Registers, 1280-1547. By A. Gibbons, Svo. Lincoln, 1888 Lincoln Wills, 1500-1600, 2 vols. Ed. A. R. Maddison, Svo. L., 1888-91 Id., 1600-17. 1891 Lincoln Marriage Licences, 1598-1628. Ed. Gibbons, Svo. X., 1888 -see Hugh (St.) Lincolniensis (Rob., archiep. Paris.) Comment, in Aristotelem, fol. Fenetiis, Bon. Locotellus, 1494 Lincolnshire. Church Furniture of, destroyed in 1566. Ed. by Edward Peacock, Da. Svo. L., 1869 Record Society, Publications of. Chronicon Abbatise de Parco Ludse. {Mr. A. Gibbons, 1892), Svo. 1890-1 Notes on the Visitation of 1634. By A. Gibbons, parts 1-8. {Mr. Gibbons), 8vo. Lincoln, 1890-3 Lindanus (Wilh.) Panoplia Evangelica, M. Svo. Parisiis, 1564 Tabulae Hsereseon, M. Antwerp, De Sapientia Cselesti, M. 12mo. Antw., Chr. Plantin, 1565 Lindenbrog (Frid. Episc.) Tres Scriptores, lornandes, Isidorus, et Paulus Warnefridus, M. 4to. Hamburgi, 1611 Lindenbruch (Erpoldus) Historia Danise Regum ad Christianum IV, M. 4to. Lugd. Bat., ex off. Plantin, 1595 Historia Archiep. Bremensium, M. 4to. Lugd. Bat, 1595 Lindsay (Lord) Letters from Egypt, Edom, and The Holy Land, L. P. 2 vols., 4to. L., 1839 Q^cumenicity in relation to the Church of England, Svo. L., 1870 Sketches of the History of Christian Art, 2nd ed. 2 vols., Svo. L., 1888 Lindsey (Theophilus, Vicar of Catterick) A Number of Tracts and Sermons by, or relating to him, Svo. v. y. Lingard (John) History of the Anglo-Saxon Church, Da. 2 vols., Svo. L., 1845 Linnaeus (Car.) Species Plantarum, 2 vols., Svo. Vindobonoi, 1764 Systema Naturae, 3 vols, in 4, 8vo. ibid., 1767-70 270 CATALOGUE OF Linus (Episc.) De passione Petri et Pauli, fol. Parisiis, H. Stephanus, 1512 Lippoloo (Zach.) Res Gestse Marty rum, etc., M. 4 vols., 8vo. Col Agr., 1596 Lippomanus (Aloisius) Catena in Genesin, M. fol. Parisiis, C. Guillard, 1546 Lipsius (Justus) Animadversiones in Tragoedias quae L. Ann. Senecse tribuuntur, M. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1588 Politicorum Libri VI, M. 4to. ibid., 1589 Epistolarum Centuriai duae, M. 4to. ibid., 1596 Adversus Dialogistam Liber de una Eeligione, M. 8vo. Franco/., 1591 De Cruce, M. fol. Antw., Plantin, 1594 Id., B. 8vo. ibid., 1595 Admiranda, sive de Magnitudine Romana, M. fol. ibid., 1598 Dissertatiuncula . . item C. Plinii Panegyricus, M. fol. ibid., 1600 Monita et Exempla Politica, M. fol. ibid., 1605 Opera, F. 2 vols., fol. Lugduni, 1613 Antiquitatum Romanarum Breviarium, 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1650 Sixe Bookes of Politickes or Civil Doctrine, translated by William Jones, F. 4to. L., R. Field, 1594 Lisbon, An Account of the late dreadful Earthquake and Fire, which destroyed the City of Lisbon, 8vo. York, N. Nickson, 1755 Lisle (Wm.) A Testimony of Antiquitie : shewing the Ancient faith in the Church of England touching the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of the Lord, C. 4to. L., 1623 Listenius (Nic.) Musica, 8vo. Fitebergce, apud G. Rhau, 1547 Lister (Jos. of Bradford) Autobiography, Da. 8vo. L., 1832 (Martin) Letters and . . Discourses in Natural Philosophy, 4to. York, John White, 1683 Litanies. Litanise in alma domo Lauretanse musice decantatse, 8vo. Parisiis, T. Brumennius, 1578 Sacrse Litanise, cum brevi piaque quotidiana Exercitatione, 8vo. Antw., Plantin, 1599 Lithocomus (Joan.) Optimse quaeque Sententiae e Novo Test, selectse in usum puerorum, 8vo. Colonice, 1538 Littledale (R. F., etc.) The Holy Eastern Church, 8vo. L, 1870 [Littleton (Edw.)] The Groans of the Plantations, C. 4to. L., 1689 (Thos.) Tenures, in English, lately perused and amended, F. 8vo. L., 1627 Littr6 (E.) Dictionnaire de la Langue Fran9aise, 5 vols., 4to. Paris, 1863 Liturgies. The Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England, etc. Id. The Booke of Common Prayer (leaf 5 missing), fol. L., in off. Ric. Grafton (March), 1549 Id. (Imp.) fol. L., Edw. Whitchurch (June), 1549 The First Book of Common Prayer of Edward VI; the Ordinal of 1549 ; and the Order of Communion of 1548. Ed. Walton & Medd, 12mo. L., 1869 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 271 Liturgies. The Booke of Common Prayer, etc. F. (imp.) fol. L., Richard Grrafton, 1552 The two Liturgies of 1549 and 1552, etc. Ed. for the Parker Society. {The Society), 8vo. Cambr., 1844 The Book of Common Prayer with Musical Notes, as used in the Chapel-Eoyal of Edward VI. Compiled by John Marbeck. Ed. Eimbault, 8vo. L., 1845 The Booke of Common Prayer, etc. F. (no title), fol. L., Richard Jugge & John Cawood, 1559 The Booke of Common Prayer, etc. F. (imp. at end), fol. L., R. Barker, 1619-20 Id., 8vo. L., R. Barker, etc., 1633 Id. The C. P. B. of 1636 reproduced in Facsimile, to show the changes proposed and adopted in 1661, fol. L., 1636 Id., F. 4to. L., R. Barker, etc., 1637 -Id., fol. iUd., 1638 -Id., 8vo, two copies. L., R. Barker & J. Bill, 1638 Id., 4to. L., R. Barker, etc., 1639 Id., F. 4to. L., 1641 Facsimile of the original MS. of the B. of C. P. signed by the Convocation of Deer. 20th, 1661, and attached to the Act of Uniformity, fol. Z., 1891 The Book of Common Prayer, F. and other copies, fol. L., 1662 Id., F. fol. Cambridge, 1662 The C. P. B. reprinted from the Sealed Book of 1662, 8vo. L, 1848 The Book of C. P. bound in blue velvet, with silver clasps, and ruled with red lines. (Mr. W. H. R. Read, 1876), 8vo. L, Bill & Barker, 1664 Id., The Book of C. P. and Bible, 2 vols., 8vo. L., Bill & Barker, 1667 Id., The C. P. B., F. 4to. Cambridge, 1679 Id., F. fol. L., John Bill, 1680 Id., B. 4to. Cambridge, 1683 Id., fol. L., 1687 The Eevised Liturgy of 1689, ed. John Taylor, 8vo. i., 1689 The Alterations in the B. of C. P. in 1689. (A Blue Book), 8vo. L., 1854 Id., F. fol. L., Chas. Bill, 1706 Id., 12mo. L., John Baskett, 1712 Id., F. 8vo. L., 1716 Id., B. 8vo. L., 1718 Id. (Rev. C. B. Norcliffe), 24mo. Fdinb., 1720 -Id. (G. Wray, Preb. of York, 1874). Oxford, 1743 -Id., 12mo. L 1744 Id., 8vo. Cambridge, Baskerville, 1761 Id., B. 8vo. . Cambridge, 1769 Id., B. 8vo. ibid., 1791-3 Id., 8vo. L., 1815 Id. With Mant's Notes, 4to. Oxford, 1820 Id. With engraved borders. Fresn. copy to Archbp. Thomson, 8yo. L s. a. 272 CATALOGUE OF Liturgies. The P. B. interleaved, with notes by Campian and Bea- mont, 8vo. X., 1880 The Convocation P. B. with altered Rubrics, according to the Committees of Convocation, Svo. L., 1880 Polyglot C. P. B. — Bagster's edition of the C. P. B. in eight languages. {Archhp. Magee's copy),4:to. Z., 1821 The C. p. B. in Greek or Latin — Liber Precum Publicarum Latine. (Bev. C. B. Nordiffe, 1886), 8vo. L., T. VautroUerius, 1574 Id., transl. by Jac. Duport, Grsece, 8vo. Cantabr., 1638 Id., Greece, ed. Petilius, F. 8vo. L., 1638 The Latin P. B. of Charles II, edited by C. and W. W. Mar- shall, 8vo. Oxford, 1882 Id., Latine, F. 8vo. L., 1696 Id. (G. Wmy, Preh. of York), 3rd ed., 12mo. L., 1720 Id., S. 8vo. L., 1727 -Id. Ed. Bright & Medd, 12mo. X., 1869 The C. p. B. in other languages or uses- — The C. P. B, of the Church of America. (Presn. copy to Archhp. Magee), 8vo. New York, 1873 — The Report on the Joint Committee on the C. P. B. of Church of America. {Archhp. ThomsorC s presn, copy), 4:to. s. I., 1880 — The C. P. B. of the Church in America according to the Stan- dard of 1892. .. (^71 Honorary copy, sumptuously bound, the gift of the General Convention of the American Church, 1893), 4to. New York, 1893 — Liturgia Eccl. Angl. Arab, traducta, by E. Pocock, D. 8vo. Oxonii, 1674 — Id., La Liturgie Angloise, F. 4to. X., 1616 — Id., La Liturgie... selon I'usage de L'Eglise Anglicane, 12mo. L., 1683 — Id., La Liturgie de L'Eglise Anglicane. (G. Wray, Preb. of York, 1872), 12mo. L., 1715 — The Book of C. P. in the Irish Language, F. fol. Dublin, 1608 — Id., ace. to the use of the Church of Ireland, F. 4to. ibid., 1716 — Id., B. 12mo. ibid., 1757 — Id., The C. P. B. of the Church of Ireland. Presn. copy from the Synod to Archbp. Thomson, with autograph of the Archbp. of Armagh, 4 to. ibid., 1878 — The Book of C. P. in Manx, for the use of the Diocese of Mann, 4to. Whitehaven, 1777 — The Book of C. P. in Syriac. {Mr. W. Gray, 1870), 4to. — The C. P. B. in Welsh. Llyfr Gweddi GyfFredin, D. fol., L. P. Llundain, 1664 — See Geneva and Scotland. Miscellanea Liturgica Anglicana— — A Brief e Discourse of the Troubles begun at Frankeford, A. D. 1554, about the B. of C. P. and Ceremonies, C. 4to. Beprint — A Copie of the proceedings of some worthy and learned divines ... with considerations upon the C. P. B., C. 4to. L., 1641 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 273 Liturgies. The Anatomic of the Service Book. .. By Dwalphintramis (? John Barnard), C. 4to. s. /. (& a. His Majestie's Proclamation concerning the B. of C. P. and the Directory, C. 4to. Oxford, 1645 The New Directory and a Vindication of the Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England, 3rd ed., 0. 4to. ibid., 1646 The Judgement of Foreign Divines... touching the Discipline, Liturgie, etc., of the Church of England, C. 4to. L., 1660 A true and briefe narrative of all the several parts of the Common Prayer cleared from aspersion, C. 4to. X., 1660 A Defence of the Liturgy... an answer to the Book of divers Ministers of sundry Countries, F. 8vo. X., 1661 The Grand Debate between the... Bishops and the Presbyterian Divines... for the review and alteration of the B. of C. P., C. 4to. X., 1661 Eemarks from the Country upon the two Letters relating to the Convocation and Alterations in the Liturgy, C. 4to. X., 1689-90 Eelation des Mesures qui furent prises dans les ann^es 1711-13, pour introduire la Liturgie Anglicane dans le Eoiaume de Prusse. Transl. from Archbp. Sharp's Life. (Bev. C. B. Nor- diffe, 1876), 4to. X., 1767 A Letter to the Bishops on Liturgical Adjustment, Di. 8vo. X., 1843 Fragmentary Illustrations of the History of the B. of C. P. by Bishops Sanderson and Wren. Ed. by Bp. Jacobson, 8vo. X., 1874 LlTURGIiE VARIiE — Alterbogen det er Sondagis & Hellige Dagis Episteler oc Evangelia, etc. Ed. Palladius, F. 8vo. Bishenhafn, s. a. Liturgie ou Mani^re de c616brer le Service Divin dans les Eglises...de Montbeliard. (Confession d'Augsbourg), 8vo. Strasbourg, 1844 Liturgia Mozarabica, ed. Migne, S., 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Paris, 1850 Liturgia Tigurina (Zurich — used by the Dutch settlers in Yorks. and Lincolnshire), 8vo. X., 1693 See Greek Church, etc. The B. of C. P. reformed according to the plan of the late Dr. Samuel Clarke, 8vo. X., 1774 Liturgicarum Antiquitatum Syntagma, F. F., 3 vols, in 2, 8vo. Duaci, 1605 Liveley (Edw.) Annotationes in quinque priores ex Minoribus Prophetis, M. 8vo. X., Geo. Bishop, 1587 Liverani (Fr.) Spicilegium Liberianum, fol. Florence, 1864 Livius (Titus) Eomanse Historise, M., 2 vols, in 1, fol. Franco/., Geo. Corvinus, 1578 Id. Ed. Gruter. {Dr. Hunter, 1803), 2 vols, in 1, fol. Franco/., 1608 Id. '^ Jo. Pricceus," F. 8vo. Parisiis, 1616 Id., F., 3 vols., 8vo. Oxonii, 1708 Id. Ed. Drakenborch, 7 vols., 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1738-46 T 274 CATALOGUE OF Llamas (Hieron.) Summa Ecclesiastica, sive Instructio Confessariorum Poenitentium, F.F. 8vo. Moguntice, 1605 L(lewellyn) E((iward, Master of Pocklington School) Divine Medi- tations grounded upon Severall Texts of Sacred Scripture, 4to. York, Thos. Broad, 1650 Lloid, Lloyd (Ludov.) Eegum Gemmse Sacris Bibliis desumptse, M. 8vo. Londini, Jo. Windet, s. a. A Briefe Conference of Divers Lawes, 4to. L., Thos. Creede, 1602 The Marrow of History : revised by E. Codrington, 4to. L., 1653 (Nic.) Dictionarium Historicum, etc., fol. L., 1686 (Richard) Christian Theology. (JVm. Tesseyman of Beverley, late of York, Bookseller, 1805), 8vo. L.. 1804 (Wm.) Funeral Sermon on Bp. Pearson, E. 4to. L., 1672 Sermon at the Funeral of Sir Edmund-Berry Godfrey, 4to. L., 1678 Llorente (J. A.) History of the Inquisition of Spain, 8vo. L., 1826 Loarte (Jasper) The Exercise of a Christian Life, 8vo. s. L, 1584 Lobel (Matthias de) Plantarum seu Stirpium Historia, M. fol. Antw., ex off. Chr. Plantin, 1576 Loccenius (Joan.) De Jure Maritimo, F. 8vo. Holmice, 1651 Lochmair (Mic.) Sermones de Sanctis. " W. Mount," F.F. fol. Hagenau, Hen. Gran, 1507 Parochiale Curatorum, 8vo. Paris, s. a. Locke (John, etc.) An Essay concerning Human Understanding, F. fol., 2nd ed. L, 1694 [ ]Two Treatises of Government, F. 8vo. i., 1694 A new Critical Examination of a Passage in his Essay on the Human Understanding, C. 8vo. [ ] The History of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, F. 8vo. L., 1705 Posthumous Works, F. 8vo. L., 1706 Reflections upon Passages in Mr. Le Clerc's Life of Mr. John Locke. Thos. Hearne's copy, C. 4:to. i., 1711 A Paraphrase & Notes on the Epistles to the Galatians, etc., 4to. L., 1751 His Works, with a Life, fol., 5th ed., 3 vols. L., 1751 Lodge (Edm.) Illustrations of British History, etc., 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1838 see Caesar (Sir Julius). Peerage and Baronetage (Chancellor Lord Forester, 1885), 37th ed., 8vo. L., 1868 (Henry, Minister of the New Church, Leeds) Funeral Sermon on, by Thos. Barnard. Pres. copy, 8vo. York, Ch^ace White, 1718 Loe (Wm.) Sermon at Paul's Cross, June 18, 1609, Da. 8vo. L., 1609 Loeus (Rob.) Effigiatio Veri Sabbathismi, F.F. 4to. L., 1605 Loftie (W. J.) Memorials of the Savoy, 8vo. L., 1878 Loftus (W. K.) Travels and Researches in Chaldsea and Susiana, 8vo. L., 1857 Loggan (David) Cantabrigia Illustrata, fol. Cantabr. 1675 Oxonia Illustrata, fol. Oxonice, 1675 Logic. Grammatica Rationis, sive Institutionis Logicse, F. 8vo. Oxon., 1673 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 275 Logic. Summa Logicse, F. 8vo. L, 1685 Lohetus (Dan.) Sorex primus, oras chartarum primi libri de Repub- lica Eccles. D. Archiepiscopi Spalatensis corrodens, M. 8vo. i., 1618 Lohner (Tobias) Instructio Practica de SS. Missae Sacrificio, S. 8vo. Aug. Vindel.^ 1772 Loier (Peter de) A Treatise of Spectres and Apparitions, 4to. i., 1605 Lombard (Dan.) A Succinct History of Ancient and Modern Per- secutions, C. 8vo. i., 1747 Lombard (Peter) Libri Sententiarum cum Conclusionibus Henrici Gorichem, F. fol. Basikce, Nic. Keslew, 1502 Id., M. 4to. Lovanii, Bart. Gravius, 1566 In omnes D. Pauli Apostoli Epistolas Collectanea, M. 8vo. Parisiis, Jehan Petite 1537 London (City of ) The first & large Petition, of the City of London, ... for a Reformation in Church-Government, etc. C. 4to. 1641 The Petition of the Inhabitants of London to the Lords and Commons for Peace, and the Answer, etc. B. 4to. York, Stephen Bulkeley, 1642 A Complaint to the House of Commons by the Protestant Sub- jects of London and Westminster, B. 4to. ibid., 1642 A Letter from Mercurius Civicus to Mercurius Rusticus : or, London's Confession but not Repentance, C. 4to. 1643 A Full Answer to a Scandalous Pamphlet intituled " A Charac- ter of a London Diurnall," C. 4to. L., 1645 A Petition to Parliament from the Freemen and Citizens of London, B. 4to. s. a. & I. The Petition, of the Lord May or... with an humble representa- tion of the grievances of the well-affected Freemen and Cove- nant-engaged Citizens, C. 4to. L., 1646 A Declaration of Sir John Guise, Lord-Mayor, and others im- prisoned by the authorities of the Parliament and Army, C. 4to. 1647 The Petition of the Corporation of London to Parliament, pre- sented June 27, 1648, B. 4to. i., 1648 The Petition of the Corporation of London to Parliament, with the Answer of the Lords, B. 4to. L., 1648 An Apologetical Declaration of the . . Presbyterians of the province of London . . on the Solemn League and Covenant, G. 4to. L., 1649 Eye-salve to anoint the Eyes of the Ministers of the Province of London. By a Minister of the Gospel, C. 4to. L., 1649 A Seasonable Exhortation of sundry Ministers in London to the people of their respective congregations, C. 4to. L., 1660 London's Diurnall : communicating the most remarkable in- telligence... from his Sacred Majesty K. Charles II, etc., F. 4to. L., 1660 The Citie's Loyalty display'd : or the most famous and renowned fabricks in the City of London exactly described, G. 4to. 1661 T 2 276 CATALOGUE OF London. A true and faithful Account of the several Informations ex- hibited to the Committee... to inquire into the late dreadful burning of the City of London, C. 4to. 1667 The London Gazette, a Continuation of the Oxford Gazette — complete from Feb. 1, 1665, to Sept. 16, 1669, Da. fol. Venn and his Mermydons : or, the Linen-draper capotted ; Ad- vice to the Citizens of London... on the election of Sheriffs, C. 4to. L., 1679 London's Flames : being an Account of divers Informations concerning the fire of London in the year 1666, B. 4to. L., 1679 The Papists' Plot of Firing discovered, Da. 4to. L., 1679 London and Westminster Charity Schools. A Collection of the Annual Sermons, 1746-75, C. 4to. v. y. see Hatton (Edw.) List of Students admitted at the Inner Temple, London, 1571- 1625, 8vo. L., 1868 Catalogue of the Library at Gray's Inn. By W. Douthwaite, B. 8vo. L., 1872 Registrum Statutorum et Consuetudinum eccl. cath. S. Pauli. Ed. W. Sparrow Simpson (D. & C. of St. Paul's, 1879), 4to. L., 1873 Register of the Merchant Tailors' School, ed. C. J. Robinson, 2 vols., 8vo. i., 1882-3 The Admission Registers of St. Paul's School, ed. R. B. Gar- diner, 8vo. L, 1884 London Marriage Licences^ ed. Jos. Foster, 4to. L., 1887 Calendar of Wills proved in the Court of Husting, London. (Corporation of London, 1889), 8vo. L., 1889 Catalogue of the Library of the French Hospital, London {Dean Purey-Cust. 1891), 8vo. L., 1890 St. Paul's Cathedral Library, ed. W. S. Simpson (D. & G. of St. PauVs, 1893), 8vo. L., 1893 Inventory of St. Paul's Cathedral, temp. Edw. VI, ed. J. 0. Payne, 8vo. L., (1893) London (Wm., of Newcastle-on-Tyne) A Catalogue of the most vendible Books in England. With Supplements, 4to. . L., 1658-60 Long (G.) Synodi Niccense actiones omnes contra Iconoclastes et Iconomachos, fol. Colonim, P. Quentel, 1540 (Thos.) An Exercitation concerning the frequent use of the Lord's Prayer in Publick Worship, D. 8vo. L., 1658 Sermon at Exeter Castle, Jan. 15, 1683, G. 4to. L., 1683 Vox Cleri : or the sense of the Clergy concerning the making of alterations in the Established Liturgy, F. 4to. L., 1690 An Answer to Vox Cleri, G. 4to. L., 1690 Longini Opera. With the Autograph of the Poet Wordsworth {Mr. W. Gray, 1873), L. P., 8vo. Glasgow, Foulis, 1763 Id., ed. Toupinus, 8vo. Oxoniij 1806 Longland (Jo.) Sermones coram Hen, VIII, F.F. fol. fj., Bob. Bedman, 1532 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 277 Longman (W.) Lectures on the History of England from the Earliest Times to 1327, 8vo. L, 1863 History of the Life and Times of Edward III, 2 vols., Svo. L., 1869 History of the Three Cathedrals dedicated to St. Paul in London, 8vo. i., 1873 Longstaffe (W. H. D.) History of Darlington, 8vo. Darlington, 1854 Lonicerus (Phil.) Oollectio Chronicorum Turcicorum, M. 3 vols, in 1, fol. Francof., 1578 Lonsdale (Bp.) Life of, by Lord Grimthorpe, 8vo. X., 1868 Lopez (Joan.) Epitome Sanctorum Patrum, F. F. 3 vols., fol. Bomce, ex typogr. Facciotti, 1596 Id., F. 3 vols., fol. Antw., 1622 (Ludov.) Instructiones Conscientiae, M. 2 vols., 8vo. Lugdunij 1591 Petrus. De recto usu Divitiarum, M. 8vo. Madriti, 1580 Loredano (G. F.) The Ascents of the Soul... translated from the Itahan, fol. L., 1681 Lorichius (Jodocus) Thesaurus Theologiae Theoreticse et Practicse, D. fol. Friburgi, Brisgoice, 1609 i(Reinhart) De Institutione Principum Loci Communes, M. 8vo. Title damaged Lorinus (Joan.) In Acta Apostolorum Commentarii, M. fol. Lugd., 1605 Commentt. in Ecclesiasten, et in Ps. 67, M. 4to. Moguntice, 1607 Commentarii in Lib. . . Sapientise, M. 4to. ibid., 1608 In tres B. Joannis et duas B. Petri Epistolas Commentarii, M. fol. Lugd., 1609 Commentarii in Librum Psalmorum, 3 vols., fol. ibid., 1614-17 Loseley MSS. The LoseleyMSS. ed. by A. J. Kempe, 8vo. i., 1836 Lossius (Lucas) Annotationes in Acta Apostolorum, fol. Francof., hcer. Chr. Fgenolphi, 1558 -Annotationes Scholasticse in Evangelia Dominicalia, etc. F. F. 8vo. ibid., 1578 Annotationes in Epistolas quse Dominicis et Festis Diebus leguntur, etc. F. F. 8vo. ibid., 1586 Lottini (Gio.) Avvedimenti Civili, M. 8vo. Fenetiis, Fab. & Agost. Zojpini, 1582 Lougher (Rob.) Visitation Sermon at Cern, 18th Sept. 1623, 4to. L., 1624 Love (Chr.) Sermon at Uxbridge, Jan. 30, H. 4to. L., 1645 [ ] The Main Points of Church Government and Discipline, H. 4to. L., 1649 A Treatise of Effectual Calling and Election, C. 4to. L., 1653 The Combat between the Flesh and the Spirit, 4to. L., 1654 Mr. Love's Case, C. 4to. L., 1654 Heaven's Glory Hell's Terror, 8vo. L., 1671 (Richard) A Watchman's Watchword. A Sermon at White- hall, 4to. Cambridge, 1642 Lovell (Wm.) The Duke's Desk newly broken up, 12mo. Yorl, Alice Broade, 1661 278 CATALOGUE OF Lowde (Jas., Rector of Settrington, etc.) Visitation Sermon at Stokesley, R. 4to. L., 1684 A Discourse concerning the Nature of Man... with an Examina- tion of some of Mr. Hobbs' opinions, 8vo. L., 1694 Lowder (Charles) A Biography, Svo, 10th ed. L., 1883 Lowe (Edw.) A Review of some short directions for the perform- ance of Cathedral Worship, D. 8vo. Oxford, 1664 Lower (M. A.) English Surnames, 2nd ed. 8vo. Z., 1844 Curiosities of Heraldry, 8vo. Z., 1845 Historical and Genealogical Notices of the Pelham Family. (Earl of Chichester, 1887). Pr. pr., fol. 1873 Lowndes (W. T.) The Bibliographer's Manual, Da. 4 vols., 8vo. L., 1834 Lowth (Robt., Bp.) Assize Sermon at Durham, 1764, 3rd ed. 8vo. L., 1767 De Sacra Poesi Hebrseorum, 8vo. Oxonii, 1775 Isaiah : a New Translation, 4to. L., 1778 [ ] A Short Introduction to English Grammar, 8vo. L., 1778 (Simon) Catechetical Questions, D. 8vo. L., 1674 Of the Subject of Church-power, in whom it resides, F. 8vo. L., 1685 Historical Collections concerning Church Affairs, C. 4to. L., 1696 [ ] Excerpts from the Ecclesiastical History . . of the Donatists, Novatians and Arians, C. 4to. L., 1704 Loyola (Ignatius) Vita, a Petro Ribadeneira, M. 8vo. Ingolstadii, 1590 Life of, by Dominic Bonhours, F: 8vo. L., 1686 Loysius (Geo.) Pervigilium Mercurii, M. 8vo. Argentorati, 1608 Lubbertus (Sibr.) De Principiis Christianorum Dogmatum, M. 8vo. Franckerce, 1591 De Papa Romano, M. 8vo. Frisice, 1594 — — De Ecclesia, M. Svo. Franckerce, 1607 De Principiis Dogmatum : Replicatio ad Gretzerum, M. 8vo. ibid., 1608 Declaratio Responsionis Conr. Vorstii, M. 8vo. ibid., 1611 De Jesu Christo Servatore . . contra F. Socinum,i). 4to. ibid.,1611 Lubinus (Eilhardus) Phosphorus, de Causa et natura Mali, M. 8vo. Rostochii, 1601 Lubke (Wilhelm) Ecclesiastical Art in Germany during the Middle Ages, S. 3rd ed. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1876 Lucanus (L. D.) Facetiarum, Exemplorumque, Libri VII, 8vo. Lugd., Symph. Barbierus, 1560 (M. A.) Pharsalia : ed. Grotius, ilf..8vo. Antw., 1614 Id., ed. Farnabius, M. 8vo. L., 1618 Id., ed. Grotius, F. 12mo. Amst., 1665 Id., ed. Oudendorpius, 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1728 Lucas (Franc.) In Quatuor Evangelia Commentarius, etc., 2 vols., fol. Antic, ex off. Plant, 1606 (Lord) His Speech in the House of Peers on Feb. 22, 1670-1, G. 4to. L., s. a. His Speech in the House of Peers on the Reading of the Sub- sidy Bill, B. 4to. Middlehurg, 1673 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 279 Lucian : Deorum & Marini Dialogi, 8vo. Lovanii, Rut. Bescius, 1538-9 Opera, M. fol, Lugd., Jo. Frellonius, 1549 Id., ed. Bourdelot, "/o. Pricceus" F. fol. Lutet. Paris., 1615 Dialogi Selecti, F. 24mo. i., 1636 Opera, 4 vols., 4to. Amstelod., 1743-6 Luciferus : Opuscula, M. 8vo. Paris., apud M. Sonnium, 1568 Lucilius : Satyrarum Eeliquise, " Jo.Pricceus," F. fol. Lugd. Bat, 1597 Lucius (Ludov.) Historia Ecclesiastica, 4 vols., fol. Basilem, 1624 Luckock (H. M.) After Death, 3rd ed., 8vo. L., 1881 Studies in the History of the Book of Common Prayer, 8vo. L., 1882 Lucretius (T. C.) De Rerum Natura, F. 8vo. Antw., Plantin, 1565 Id., 2 vols. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1725 Lucy (Wm., Bp. of St. Davids) A Treatise of the Nature of a Minister, C. 4to. L., 1670 Ludewig (J. P.) Scriptores Rerum Episcopatus Bambergensis, fol. 2 vols, in 1, Franco/., 1718 Eeliquise Manuscriptorum Omnis ^vi, etc., 12 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1720-31 Ludlow (Edmund) Memoirs, Da. 4to. L., 1771 Ludolphus (Job) Lexicon ^thiopico-Latinum, D. 4to. L., 1661 Historia ^thiopica, fol. Franco/., 1681 (Lambert) Oratio de Studio et Causis Eloquentiae, 4to. Neajpoli Nemetum, M. Harnisch, 1581 Luitprandus. Opera, F. fol. Antwerpice, 1640 Lukin (H.) An Introduction to the Holy Scripture, 8vo. L., 1660 Lukis (W. Rector of Wath) An Account of Church Bells, 8vo. L., 1857 Lumby (J. R., Preb. of York) The History of the Creeds, 8vo. Camb., 1873 A Popular Introduction to the N. T. 8vo. L., 1883 Compendium of English Church History, from 1688 to 1830, 8vo. Camb., 1883 Lumnius (Jo. F.) De Extremo Dei Judicio, et Indorum Vocatione, 8vo. Antw., 1567 Lundy (Isle of) A Brief Declaration concerning the Surrender of the Garrison of Lundy, commanded by Tho. Bushell, Esq., B. 4to. L., 1652 (J. P.) Monumental Christianity, 4to. New Fork, 1876 Lupsete (Thos.) An Exhortation to yonge men, perswadinge them to walke in the patheway that leadeth to honeste and goodnes, 8vo. L., in mdibus T. Bertheleti, 1538 A Compendious and a very fruteful treatyse, teachynge the waye of Dyenge well, 8vo. ibid., 1541 Lupton (Thos.) The Christian against the Jesuite (i.e. R. Parsons), 4to. L.,/or Thos. fFoodcocke, 1582 Lupus (Christianus) Synodorum Generalium et Provincialium De- creta, D. 5 vols., 4to. Bruxelles, 1673 (Servetus) Opera, ed. Baluze, 8vo. Parisiis, 1664 Lusignano (Fr. Steffano) Chorograffia et breve Historia Universale deirisolade Ciproal, 1572, 4to. Bologna, Alessandro Benaccio, 1573 280 CATALOGUE OF Lusinga (Renatus de) De Incremento et Occasu Imperiorum Lati- norum, M. 8vo. Noribergce^ 1603 Luther (Martin) Opera Omnia, ed. Melancthon, F. F. 7 vols., fol. Witebergce, typis Z. Lelmani, etc., 1550-4 Resolutiones Lutheranse super Propositionibus suis Lipsise dis- putatis, F. imp. 4to. 1519 Prselectio in Psalmum CXXVII, An. 1533, 8vo. JVittembergce, G. Bhau, 1534 Quaestionum Sacrarum Centurise IV, M. 8vo. Basilece, Jo. Oporinus, 1561 Allegoriarum, Typorum, et Exemplorum V. & N. Test. Libri II, "Jacobi Calfhilli Liber" 8vo. Basilece, A. GymnicuSf 1561 A Commentary upon the Epistle to the Galatians, B. 4to. L., Tho. Fautr oilier, 1577 A Sermon of the Signes of the later day, transl. by T. B., M. 8vo. L., Jo. Daye, 1578 Lutheran Church. Liturgieen fur Evangelisch-Lutherische Sonn- und Festtags-Gottes dienste nebst Musi-Kalischem Anhange, S. 8vo. Greiz, 1853 Luther's Leben, by Julius Kostlin, 8vo. Leipzig, 1883 Id., Transl. into English, 8vo. London, 1883 Luttrell (Narcissus) Diary, 1678-1714, 6 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1857 Lutz (Kenh.) Harmonia Evangelistarum Quatuor, M. fol. Basilece, Hen. Petri, 1561 Lutzen. See Gustavus Adolphus. Luxborough (Lady) Letters to Shenstone, C. 8vo. L., 1775 Lycophron : Cassandra, sive Alexandra, 8vo. Basilece, Jo. Oporinus, 1558 Id., ''Jo. Fricceus," F. fol. Farisiis, 1601 Id., ed. Potter, fol. Oxonii, 1697 Lycosthenes : Apophthegmata, M. fol. Basilece, ex. off. Jo. Oporini, 1555 Id., F. F. 8vo. Paris, Jacob du Pays, 1581 L[ydeott] E[dw.] The Prodigal return'd home, or, the Motives of the Conversion to the Catholick Faith of E. L. Mr. of Arts in Univ. of Cambridge, 4to. s. I., 1684 Lydgate (John) The Hors, the Shepe, and the Ghoos, 4to., 2nd ed. s. a., W. Caxton The Chorle and the Birde, 4to. W. Caxton Lydius (Balthazar) Waldensia, M. 2 vols., 8vo. Boterdam, 1616 Lye (Edw.) Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico-Latinum, ed. Manning, 2 vols., fol. L., 1772 Lyford (Wm.) Sermon at St. Marie's, Oxford, Dec. 10th, 1647, C. 4to. Oxford, 1648 Lynch (W. F.) Narrative of the United States' Expedition to the Eiver Jordan, 8vo. L., 1849 Lynde'(Sir Humfrey) Via Tuta : the Safe Way, 3rd ed., 8vo. L., 1629 Via Devia : The By-Way, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1632 Lyndesay (Sir David) Ane Dialog betuix Experience and ane Courteour, 4to. s. I., 1552 YOEK MINSTER LIBRARY. 281 Lyndesay (Sir David) The Tragedie of the umquhyle maist reve- rend Father David . . . Cardinall and Archibyschope of Sanc- tandrous, 4 to. s. I. The Testament and Complaynt of our Soverane Lordis Papyngo, Kyng James the Fyft, 4to. s. a. & I. The Dreme of Schir David Lyndesay of the Mont, 4to. s. a. & I. (David, Bp.) A Narrative of the Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, holden at Perth, 1618, 4to. X., 1621 Lyndewode (Gul.) Provinciale, F. F. fol. Parisiis, 1501 Id., fol. Oxonice, 1679 Lynford (Thos.) Sermon at Guildhall Chapel, Nov. 16, 1679, C 4to. X., 1679 Lyonne (M. de) M^moires, &c., 8vo. s. Z., 1678 Lvra (Nicolas de) Postillse, M. 6 vols., fol. Basilece, 1506-8 -^— Id., F. 5 vols., fol. Paris, 1528 Lysias : Orationes, 4to. L., 1739 Lyte (H. M.) History of Eton College, 8vo. X., 1875 History of the Univ. of Oxford, 8vo. X., 1886 Lyttleton (Chas., Bp.) Some Account of the Cathedral Church of Exeter, fol. X., 1797 M. A. See Scotland. M. P. See Muffet (Peter). M. R The Parson's Vade Mecum, F. 8vo. X., 1693 see Mocket (Ric.) M. T. Blood for Blood ; or Murthers revenged, F. 8vo. Oxford, 1661 Mabillon (Joan.) De Ee Diplomatica, F. fol. Paris, 1709 Iter Germanicum, S. 8vo. Hamhurgi, 1717 Vetera Analecta, R., X. P. fol. Paris, 1723 Prsefationes in Acta SS. Ord. S. Benedicti, S. 4to. Tridenti, 1724 Museum Italicum, 4to. Paris, 1724 Ouvrages Posthumes de D. Jean Mabillon et de D. Thierri Ruinart, 3 vols., 4 to. ihid., 1724: De Liturgia Gallicana, 4to. ibid., 1729 Tractatus de Studiis Monasticiis, 4to, 3 vols, in 1. Feneiiis, 1729-32 Acta SS. Ord. S. Benedicti, 9 vols., fol. ibid., 1733 Annales Ord. S. Benedicti, 6 vols., fol. Lucce, 1739 — -et Montfaucon. Correspondance, ed. Val6ry, B. 3 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1846 Macarius (S.) Homiliae Spirituales, F. F. 8vo. Franco/., JVechel, 1594 Id., ed. Picus, fol. Parisiis, 1622 Macaulay (Lord) Essays, 3 vols., 8vo. X., 1843 • History of England from the Accession of James II, 5 vols., 8vo. X., 1849-61 Macabre. Chorea ab eximio Macabro versibus Alemanicis edita, F. 4to. Paris, per Guid. Mercatorem, 1490 Mac Coll (Malcolm) Lawlessness, Sacerdotalism and Ritualism, 8vo. X., 1875 Macdonald (J. M.) Life and Writings of St. John, 8vo. X, 1878 282 CATALOGUE OF Mace (Charles, Vicar of Christ-Church, York) Sermon at St. Michael-le-Belfrey's, upon occasion of the Charity Schools, 8vo. York, John White, 1714 (Thos., of York) Musick's Monument. {Mr. Wm. Gray, 1843), fol. L., 1676 Eiddles, Mervels, and Karities, 4to. L., 1698 Machiavelli (Nic.) Tutte le Opere in V Parti, 4to. 1550 Commentariorum de Eegno recte administrando Libri III adv. Machia vellum, 8vo. s. I., 1577 II Principe al Magnifico Lorenzo di Piero de Medici, ^^ Bar. Barnes,'' M. 8vo. Palermo, 1584 Histoire, M. 8vo. Fiacenza, Gab. Giolito, 1587 Id., The Florentine Historie, transl. by T(hos.) B(edingfield), F. fol. L., Tho. Creede, 1595 Disputationum de Republica Libri III, F. F. 8vo. Francofurti, 1608 -A True Copy of a Letter written by him in defence of himself and his religion, C. 4to. L., 1691 Maciejowski (M.) Essai Historique sur L'Eglise Chr^tienne Primi- tive des deux Rites chez les Slaves, S. 8vo. Berlin, 1846 Mackenzie (Bp.) Life of, by Bp. Harvey Goodwin. {Presn. copy), 8vo. L., 1865 (Sir George) Jus Regium, F. 8vo. L., 1684 A Memorial . . in Relation to the Affairs of Scotland, C. 4to. L., 1689 Mackintosh (Sir James) A Discourse on the Study of the Law of Nature and Nations, C. 8vo. L., 1799 Macknight (James) A Harmony of the Four Gospels, 4to. L., 1763 A Literal Translation of the Epistles to the Thessalonians^ 4to. L., 1787 A Literal Translation of the Apostolical Epistles, 3 vols., 4to. Edinburgh, 1793 Mac Lauchlan (Henry) Memoir of a Survey of the Eastern Branch of the Watling Street. (Duke of Northumberland, 1884). Pr. pr., 8vo. L., 1864 Maclear (G. F.) History of Christian Missions in the Middle Ages, 8vo. Cambridge, 1863 Apostles of Mediaeval Europe, 8vo. L., 1869 Macleod (Norman) Memoir of, by Donald Macleod, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1876 Macpherson (Jas.) State Papers, Da. 2 vols., 4to. L., 1776 Macray (W. D.) Annals of the Bodleian Library, 8vo. L., 1868 Macrobius : Opera, ed. Pontanus, F. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., Fr. Raphelengius, 1597 Id., ed. Pontanus & Meursius, D. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1628 Macropedius (Geo.) Methodus de Conscribendis Epistolis, F. 8vo. L., 1609 Madden (F.) History of the Jewish Coinage, 8vo. L., 1864 Maddison (A. R.) see Lincoln. Madeira. An Historical Relation of the Discovery of the Isle of Madeira, no title, C. 4to. YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 283 Madox (Thos.) Formulare Anglicanum, F. fol. L., 1702 ——The History and Antiquities of the Exchequer, F. fol. L.^ 1711 Id., 2nd ed., 2 vols., 4to. L., 1769 Firma Burgi. {Mr. Daniel Lister, 1839), fol. L., 1726 Baronia Anglica, Da. fol. X., 1741 Madrid. Eegise Bibliothecse Matritensis Codices Graeci, ed. Iriarte. (B. D. Waddilove, Dean of Ripon and Freb. of York, 1806), fol. Matriti, 1769 Msecardus (Joan.) Homilise, 8vo. Argent, 1565 Msestlinus (Mich.) Epitome Astronomise, F. 8vo. Tubingce, 1624 Maffeius, MafFei (Fr.) Verona Illustrata, 4to, L. P. Feronce, 1732 (Gio. Camill.) Scala Naturale overo Fantasia, 8vo. Fenet., 1601 (Jo. Petr.) Historiarum Indicarum Libri XVI, F. fol. Col. Agr., in off. Birckman, 1593 (Scipione) Istoria Diplomatica, 4to. Mantova, 1727 Museum Veronense, fol. Feronce, 1749 Magalianus (P. Cosmas) Operis Hierarchii, sive de Ecclesiastico Principatu, Libri III, M. 2 vols., 4to. Lugd., 1609 Magee (Wm., Archbp.) Discourses on the Atonement and Sacrifice, B. 8vo. L., 1801 Maginus (J. A.) Primum Mobile, F.F. fol. Bononice, 1609 Magirus (Joan.) Physiologise Peripateticse Libri VI, F. 8vo. Witebergm, 1606 Id., F.F. 8vo. Genevm, 1621 (Tobias) Eponymologium Criticum. {G. Wray, Freb. of Fork, 1872), 4to. Franco}, ad Mcen., 1644 Magius(Hieron.)De Mundi exustione, fol. Basilece, Hen. Petri, 1562 Mahomet. Machumetis ejusque Successorum Vitse ac doctrinse . . opera Theod. Bibliandri, fol. Basilece, Jo. Oporinus, 1543 Alcoranus. (/. Dallin, librarian, 1828), 4to. Hamburgi, 1694 Id., Englished, F. 8vo. L., 1649 Id., ed. Sale, 8vo. Bath, 1795 Mahon (Lord) see Stanhope. Mai (Cardinal) Scriptorum Veterum Collectio Nova e Vaticanis Codicibus, 10 vols., 4to. Bomce, 1825-31 Spicilegium Romanum, 10 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1839-44 Maierius (Joan.) Tractatus de Differentiis Schismatum et Concilio- rum in Ecclesia, M. 8vo. Lipsice, Andr. Schneider, 1572 Maierus (Mich.) Septimana Philosophica, M. 4to. Francofurti, 1620 Maimbourg (Louis) Histoire du Lutheranisme, 8 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1678-1682 Histoire du Calvinisme & Papisme, 4to. Rotterdam, 1653 Histoire du Pontificat de S. Gr^goire le Grand, 8vo. Paris, 1686 Maimonides (Moses) More Nevochim, D. 4to. Basilece, 1629 Canones Poenitentise, 4to. Cantabr., 1631 • Deldolatria, 4to Amsterdam, 1641 De Jure Pauperis et Peregrini apud Judseos, D. 4to. Own., 1679 De Sacrificiis, etc., D. 4to. L., 1683 Mischne Torah, fol. Amsterdam, s. a. 284 CATALOGUE OF Maine (Sir H. S.) Ancient Law, 3rd ed., 8vo. L., 1866 Maitland (Chas.) The Church in the Catacombs, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1847 (S. R.) Facts and Documents illustrative of the History . . . of the Albigenses and Waldenses, 8vo. L., 1832 Tracts on English History, S. 8vo. Z., 1835-7 The Voluntary System, 8vo. L., 1837 Enquiry into the Prophetic period of Daniel and St. John, Di. 8vo. X., 1837 Essays on the Dark Ages. {C. A. St. J. Mildmay, Rector of Marston, 1870), 8vo. _ Z., 1844 Essays on Subjects connected with the Reformation, 8vo. L., 1849 Plan for a Church-History Society, 8vo. Z., 1850 Eruvin ; or. Miscellaneous Essays, 2nd ed., 8vo. Z., 1850 Eight Essays on Various Subjects, 8vo. L., 1852 • False Worship ; an Essay, 8vo. i., 1856 see Lambeth. Major (Geo.) Refutatio horrendae prophanationis Coense Domini, im;p. 8vo. Witebergce, 1557 Enarratio Epp. S. Pauli ad Timotheum, M. 8vo. Witebergce, Jo. Lufflius, 1563 De Origine & Auctoritate Verbi Dei admonitio, M. 8vo. ibid., Jo. Crafo, 1565 Enarratio Ep. ad Hebrseos, &c., M. 8vo. ibid., 1571 Malagola (Fr.) Conclusio et Censura Sacrse Facultatis Theol. Parisiensis in F, M. et in ejus Doctrinam, etc., 4to. Paris, 1682 Malan (C.) Les Grands Traits de L'Histoire Religieuse de L'Huma- nit6, 8vo. ibid, 1883 (S. C.) History of the Georgian Church, 8vo. L., 1866 see Coptic Church, Malcolm (Jo., of Perth) Comment, in Apostolorum Actus. From the Bubwith Library, 4to. Middelburgi, Ric. Schilders, 1613 Malderus (Joan.) Anti-Synodica, sive Animadversiones in Decreta Conventus Dordraceni, M. 8vo. Antwerpice, 1620 Maldonatus (Joan.) Commentarii in Evangelistas, M. fol. Lugduni, 1598 Mallet (M.) Nouvelle Defense de la Traduction du Nouveau Test. 8vo. Cologne, 1680 Malta. Les Archives, La Bibliotheque, et le Tresor de L'Ordre de Saint Jean de Jerusalem a Malte, 8vo. Paris, 1853 Catalogo de Libri existenti nella Pubblica Biblioteca di Malta. By Vassallo, S. 4 vols., 8vo. ' Valletta, 1843 Malynes (Gerard) The Center of the Circle of Commerce, 4to. L., Wra. Jones, 1623 Malvezzi (Virg.) Opere Historiche e Politiche, 8vo. Genhve, 1656 Mamotrectus, Da. 8vo. Venetiis, 1483 Man. The Whole Duty of Man, F. 8vo. L., 1671 — — The Gentleman's Calling. By the Author of the Whole Duty of Man, D. 8vo. L., 1671 The Lady's Calling. By ditto, F., 8vo. L., 1673 YOEK MINSTER LIBRARY. 285 Man. The Government of the Tongue, F, 8vo. Oxford, 1675 Causes of the Decay of Christian Piety, D. 8vo. X., 1677 The Lively Oracles given to us, F. 8vo. Oxf., 1678 Man (The Isle of) Chronica Regum Mannise et Insularum, ed. Munch, 8vo. Chrisfiania, 1860 Manby (Thos.) A Collection of the Statutes made in the reigns of Charles I and II, fol. ^ ^ ^ L., 1667 Manchester. Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of, 2 vols., 8vo. Warrington^ 1785 The Constables' Accounts of Manchester, ed. J. P. Earwaker, 3 vols., 8vo. Manchester, 1891 (Wardenship of Coll. Ch.) The Bishop of Chester's Case with relation to, F. fol. Cambr., 1721 (Earl of) His Speech in reply to His Majestie's Answer to the City of London, B. 4to. i., 1643 A Letter to, concerning the whole Carriage of the House of Peers in general, and his Lordship in particular, C. 4to. 1648 Manchettus (Ant.) Aurei Flores Doctorum Septem, F.F. 4to. Venetiis, 1597 Mancinellus (Ant.) Sermones, 4to. Parisiis, Jo. Petit, 1511 Manning (H. E., Cardinal) Visitation Sermon at Chichester, June, 1838, R. 8vo. L., 1838 Visitation Charge, July, 1843, R. 8vo. L., 1843 Sermon at St. MichaeMe-Belfrey, York, in behalf of the Soc. for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Di. 8vo. L., 1843 Sermon for the Magdalen Hospital, R. 8vo. L., 1844 Visitation Charge, R. 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1848 Visitation Charge, R. 8vo. L., 1849 Letter to Dr. Pusey on the Workings of the Holy Spirit in the Church of England, 8vo. L., 1865 (J. E.) Lives of the Speakers of the House of Commons /. R., 8vo. L., 1851 Mannyngham (Thos.) A Sermon preached before Sir R. Clayton, Lord Mayor of London, 1679, F. 4to. L., 1680 Funeral Sermon at East-Tysted on Sir John Norton, R. 4to. L., 1687 Mansel (H. L.) The Philosophy of the Conditioned, 8vo. L., 1866 Letters, Lectures, and Reviews, 8vo. L., 1873 The Gnostic Heresies of the First and Second Centuries, 8vo. L., 1875 Mant (R. Bp.) Sermon on Cruelty to Animals, Di. 8vo. L., 1807 The Book of Common Prayer, with Notes, 4to. Oxford, 1820 Primary Charge, Di. 8vo. Dublin, 1826 Sermons on the National Church, Di. 8vo. L., 1821 Sermons & Lectures, B. 3 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1813 Letter on the Christian Sabbath, 8vo. ibid., 1830 History of the Church of Ireland, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1840 Memoir of, by Archdeacon Berens, 8vo. L., 1849 Memoirs of, by W. B. Mant, 8vo. Dublin, 1857 Mantini (Girolamo) Prediche, 8vo. Romce, typis Vaticanis, 1638 Mantuanus (Baptista) Opera, M. 4 vols, in 2, 8vo. Francof., 1573 286 CATALOGUE OF Manuale ad usum percelebris Ecclesise Sarisburiensis, F. 4to. Londini, J. Kingston & H. Sutton, 1554 Parochorum . . pro Provincia Salisburgensi, *S^. 4to. Ingolstadii, 1582 Manutius (Aldus) De Literis Grsecis, etc. 4to. Aldus, s. a. (Aldus, jun.) Vita di Cosimo de Medici, fol. Bologna, 1586 (Paulus) Antiquitatum Eomanarum Libri II, M. 8vo. Col. Agr., Jo. Gymnicus, 1582 Manzinie (M.) His most exquisite Academicall Discourses, C. 4to. L., 1655 Maraffi (Bart.) Tr^sor de Vertu, etc., M. 12nio. Paris, Etienne Grouleau, 1557 Marbecke (John) The Lyves of Holy Sainctes contayned in Holy Scripture, B. 4to. L., E. Denham, etc., 1574 Marbodus : Opuscula, fol. Parisiis, 1708 Marbury (Fr.) Two Sermons, M. 8vo. L., 1602 Marca (Peter de) Dissertationes de Concordia Sacerdotii et Imperii, seu de Libertatibus eccl. Gallicanse, etc., fol. Fenetiis, 1760 Marcellinus (Amm.) Eerum sub Impp. Constantio, Juliano, Joviano .... Historia, M. 8 vo. Lugd. 1591 Marcellus (Chr.) see Cseremoniale. (Nonius) De Proprietate Sermonum, M. 8vo. Antw., Chr. Plantin, 1565 March (John) Sermon at St. Nicolas, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 30th Janu- ary, 1676, 4to. ^ L., 1677 Th' Encaenia of St. Ann's Chapell in Sandgate, a Sermon . . . 4to. L., 1682 The False Prophet Unmaskt ... a Sermon at N. C, 4to. L., 1683 March6si (Louis) La Liturgie Gallicane dans les huit premieres siecles de I'Eglise, S. 8vo. Lyons, 1869 Maresius (Sam.) Dissertatio de Antichristo, F. 8vo. Amsfelodami,164:0 Margaret (St., Queen of Scotland) La Vita di Santa Margherita, Eeina di Scotia. By Eanuccio Pico, 4to. Fenetia, 1627 Vita de Sancta Margherita, Eegina di Scozia. By Gugl. Luigi Lesley, 8vo. Boma, 1675 Life of ; transl. by W. Forbes-Leith, 4to. Edinburgh, 1884 (Queen of France and Navarre) Les M^moires de la Eoine Mar- guerite, 8vo. Paris, 1628 Margoliouth (M.) History of the Jews in Great Britain . . 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1851 The Hebrews in East Anglia, 8vo. L., 1870 Mariana (Joan.) De Eege et Eegis Institutione, F.F. 8vo. Moguntioe, 1605 Historise de Eebus Hispanise Libri XXX, 2 vols., 4to. Moguntioe, typis Balth. Lippii, 1605 Hist. Hispanicse Appendix, fol. Francof., ap. Claud. Marnium, 1606 Tractatus, F.F. fol. Colon. Agripp., 1609 Marinella (Lucretia) Delia Nobilta et Eccellenza delle Donne, etc., 4to. Venetiis, 1600 yORK MINSTEE LIBRARY. 287 Marino (Cavalier) La Lira Rime, 8vo. Venetiis^ 1614 Dicierie Sacre, F. 8vo. s. I., 1618 Marius (Hieronym.) Eusebius captivus, sive modus procedendi in Curia Eomana contra Luteranos, M. 8vo. Basilem^ s. a. (John) Advice concerning Bills of Exchange, F. Svo. i., 1670 Markham (Clements) see Fairfax (Thos. Lord). The Fighting Veres, 8vo. L., 1888 (D. F.) History of the Markham Family, 8vo. L., 1854 (Wm., Archbp. of York) Carmina Quadragesimalia, ed. Wrang- ham. (The editor) Di. Pr. pr. 8vo. 1820 Sermon in Lambeth Chapel at the Consecration of James, Lord Bishop of Gloucester, 4to. Oxford, 1753 Concio ad Clerum in Synodo Provinciali Cantuar. Provincise, 25 Jan. 1769, 4to. L., 1779 Sermon at St. Mary's, Oxford, July 6, 1773, on the anniversary meeting of the Governors of the RadclifFe Infirmary, 4to. Oxfm^d, 1773 Sermon before the House of Lords, Jan. 31, 1774, 4to. Z., 1774 Sermon before the S. P. G. Feb. 21, 1777, 4to. L., 1777 Marlborough College Register, 1843-79, 8vo. 5. 1, 1880 (Sarah, Duchess of ) A Review of a late Treatise entituled "An Account of the Conduct of the Dowager D of M . By Britannicus," C. Two Parts, 8vo. i., 1742 Remarks upon " The Account of a certain Dutchess " in a Letter to a young Nobleman, C. 8vo. L., 1742 A True Copy of her Last Will, C. 8vo. X., 1744 Life of, a 8vo. X., 1745 A Dialogue in the Shades between Mrs. Morley & Mrs. Free- man, C. 8vo. L., 1745 Marloratus (Aug.) Expositio Ecclesiastica in Gen., Isaiam, Psalmos et Nov. Test. M. 2 vols., fol. Parisiis, H. Stephanus, 1562-7 Thesaurus S. Scripturae Propheticse, M. 8vo. Genevce, 1613 Marnix (Phil, de) Du Tableau des DifF6rens de la Religion, 8vo. Ley den, 1599 Marriott (Wharton B.) Vestiarium Christianum, 8vo. L., 1868 Memorials of, by F. J. A. Hort, 8vo. L., 1872 Marryat (Joseph) History of Pottery and Porcelain, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1857 Marsden (J. B.) History of the Early and Later Puritans, 2 vols., 8vo. X., 1850-2 (John, Preb. of York) Sermon at York, 27th March, 1783, for the benefit of the Lunatic Asylum, 4to. York, A. Ward, s. a. Marshall (G. W.) The Genealogist's Guide to Printed Pedigrees, 8vo. X., 1879 (Nath.) A Defence of our Constitution in Church and State, 8vo. X., 1717 The Penitential Discipline of the Primitive Church represented, F. 8vo. X., 1714 Sermon before the House of Commons, Jan. 30, 1721, C. 8vo. X., 1721 288 CATALOGUE OF Marshall (Steph.) The Song of Moses... a Thanksgiving Sermon before the House of Commons, June 15, 1643, 4to. X., 1643 (Wm.) Defensor Pacis, seu de Potestate Papse et Imperatoris, M. fol. s. I 1522 The Defence of Peace, translated... into Englysshe, F.F. fol. L., Rob. JFyer, 1535 Marsham (Sir John) Diatriba Chronologica, F. 4to. L., 1649 Marshe (Eichard, Vicar of Birstall, afterwards Dean of York) Ser- mon in the Metrop. Church of York, 26th Sept. 1624, on the Consecration of Eichard Senhouse, Lord Bishop of Carlisle, 4to. L., 1625 Marsilius. See Marshall (Wm.) Marston Moor. A True Eelation of the late Fight... within four miles of Yorke, 4to. L., 1644 Marsys (Le Sieur de) Histoire de la Persecution pr^sente des Catholiques en Angleterre Paris, 1646 Marta (Doctor) Tractatus de Jurisdictione, F. F. fol. Moguntice, 1609 Martellus (Hugolinus) De Anni integra in integrum Eestitutione, M. 8vo. Lugduni, 1582 Marten (Anth.) A Second Sound, or Warning of the Trumpet unto Judgment, 4to. X., Thos. Oriuin, 1589 (Henry) The Independency of England maintained against the claim of the Scottish Commissioners, B. d; C. 4to. L., 1648 The Parliament's Proceedings justified in declining a Personal Treaty with the King, B. 4to. L., 1648 Familiar Letters to his Lady of delight : also her kinde Eeturnes, a 4to. ^ 1663 Martene (Edm.) De Antiquis Ecclesiae Eitibus, F. 3 vols., 4to. Rotomagi, 1700-7 Id., S. 4 vols., fol. Antwerpice, 1763 Voyage Litt^raire de deux E6ligieux B^n^dictins de la Congre- gation de Saint Maur {i e. Martene & Montfaucon), 2 vols., 4to. Paris, 1717 & Durand (Ursin) Thesaurus Novus Anecdotorum, 5 vols., fol. ibid., 1717 Veterum Scriptorum et Monumentorum Amplissima Collectio. (S. W. Lawley, Sub-dean, 1867), 9 vols., fol. ibid., 1724 Martial : Epigrammata. {Bp. TunstalVs copy with his MS. notes), 8vo. Venetiis, Aldus, 1501 Id., ed. Perottus, fol. Parisiis, 1504 Id., ed. Junius, F.F. 24mo. Argentina, 1595 Id., "/(?. Pricwus," F. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1618 19 Id., F. 8vo. , L., 1677 Martiall (John) A Treatyse of the Crosse, B. 8vo. Antw., Jo. Latius, 1564 AEeplie to M. Calf hill's blasphemous Answer made against the Treatyse of the Crosse, M. 4to. Lovaine, Jo. Bogard, 1566 Martin (Gregory) A Discoverie of the manifold Corruptions of the Holy Scriptures by the Heretickes of our dales, specially the English Sectaries, M. 8vo. Rhemes, Jo. Fogny, 1582 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY 289 Martin Mar Prelate. Hay any Worke for Cooper . . . Printed in Europe not farre from some of the bounsing priests, C. 4to. s. a. & I. Oh read over D. John Bridges, for it is a worthy worke, 4to. s. I, 1589 A Series of the Tracts, repr. by Petheram, 8vo. L., 1843 see Maskell. (Sarah) Summary of Irish History, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1847 Martinetti ( Ant. ) Dissertatio de Psalterio Eomano, 4to. Romce, 1743 Martinius (Matthias) Christian88 Doctrinae summa capita, M. 8vo. Herhornce, S. Fassovius, 1603 (Petrus) Grammatica Hebrsea . . . et Chaldsea, M. 8vo. Bupellce, 1597 Martyn (Henry) Journals & Letters, ed. Bp. Wilberforce, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1837 Memoir of ; by John Sargent, 8vo. L., 1855 Martyr (Petrus) Una simplice Dichiaratione sopra gli XII Articoli della Fede Christiana, M. 4to. Basilece, 1544 Disputatio de Eucharistise Sacramento habita in Universitate Oxoniensi, M. 8vo. Tiguri, Andr. Gesner, 1557 A Discourse or Traictise of Petur Martyr, Vermill, . . . wherein he openly declared his whole and determinate judge- mente concernynge the Sacrament of the Lorde's Supper, 4to. L., Robert Stoughton, s. a. In Epistolam ad Eomanos Commentarii, M. fol. Basilece, P. Perna, 1558 Defensio sui ad Eic. Smythsei duos libellos de Coelibatu Sacer- dotum et Votis Monasticis, M. 8vo. ibid., 1559 Dialogus de utraque in Christo Natura, ''Jacobi Calfhilli Liber" M. 8vo. Tiguri, Chr. Froschov., 1561 Defensio Doctrinse veteris et Apostol. de Eucharistise Sacra- mento, M. fol. ibid., 1562 In Librum Judicum Commentarii, M. fol. ibid., 1565 Eegum Libri duo Posteriores cum Comment., M. fol. ibid., 1566 In Pauli Priorem ad Corinthios Epistolam Commentarius, M. fol. ibid., 1567 Commentarii in Genesin ; cum Vita Ejusdem a Josia Simlero, etc., M. fol. ' ibid., 1579 Loci Communes, M. fol. X., Tho. Vautrollerius, 1583 In Samuelis Libros II Comment., etc., M. fol. Tiguri, 1595 Martyrologium Ecclesise Germanicse, e. Bibl. Beckii, 4to. Aug. Findel, 1687 Eomanum, Gregorii XIII jussu, F. 8vo. Antw., 1678 Id., transl. & ed. by Carnaudet & Fevre, 8vo. Lyon & Paris, 1866 Sanctorum, F. 4to. Rothomagi, Jo. Manditier, 1507 Marulus (M.) Evangelistarium, etc., M. 8vo. Colon., Mil. Novesianus, 1541 De Vita religiose per exempla instituenda, fol. Basilece, Henricns Petri, 1555 Marvell (Andr.) Eosemary & Bayes, 8vo. L., 1672 U 290 CATALOGUE OF Mar veil (Andr.) An Account of the growth of Popery, & Arbitrary Government in England, C. 4to. Amsterdam, 1677 Historical Essay touching General Councils, Creeds, & Imposi- tions in Matters of Eeligion, C. 4:to. L., 1680 Works, ed. Grosart, vol. I, L. P. Pr. pr. (Richard Wilton, Preh. of York, 1882), 8vo. 1872 Mary (B. V.) Opus insigne de laudibus Beatse Marise Virginis, fol. Argentince, 1493 Corona Beatae Marise Virginis, M. fol. iUd,, 1493 Wholsome Advices from the Blessed Virgin to her indiscreet Worshippers, C. 4to. L., 1687 Piissima erga Dei Genetricem Devotio, ex Bonaventura. {Piev. a B. Nmxliffe, 1877), 24mo. Ulisippone, 1718 The Immaculate Conception of. Official Documents connected with the Definition of the Dogma, S. 8vo. Baltimore, 1855 see Horse & Officium. Mary Queen of Scots. De Maria Scotorum Regina, totaque ejus contra Regem Conjuratione, etc. (By Geo. Buchanan), M. 8vo. s. a, & I. (1571) A Discourse touching the pretended Match between Mary Queene of Scottes & the Duke of Norfolke, M. 8vo. s. a. & I. Marise Stuartse Scotorum Reginae, nuper ab Elizabetha Regina ...in arce Fodringhaye interfectse, Supplicium, M. 8vo. Colon,, God. Kempensis, 1587 Romualdi Scoti Summarium de Morte Marise Stuartse, M. 8vo. Ingoldstadii, ex off. Wolf. Ederi, 1588 Id., 8vo. ' ColonicB, 1627 Maria Stuarta, Reginse Scotise . . . innocens a csede Darnleana, Auctore Oberto Barnstapolio {i. e. Robert Turner of Barnstaple), 8vo. Colonice, 1627 Geschichte der . . Maria Stuart. From the French of Mile. Heralio. {Miss Fletcher, York, 1858), 8vo. Wien, s. a. Letters of ; transl. by W. Turnbull, 8vo. L., 1845 Mary Queen of Scots in Captivity. By J. D. Leader. {Tlie Author, 1883), 8vo. Sheffield, 1880 History of Mary Stewart from the Murder of Riccio until her flight into England. By Claude Nau : ed. Stevenson, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1883 Mascall (Leon.) The Country-man's New Art of Planting and Grafting, 4to. L., 1651 Masius (Andr. ) Syrorum Peculium (a Syriac Lexicon), tol. Antw., Chr. Plantin, 1572 Grammatica Linguse Syriacse, fol. id., 1573 Josuse Imperatoris Historia illustrata atque explicata, M. fol. id., 1574 Maskell (Wm.) History of the Martin Mar-Prelate Controversy, 8vo. X., 1845 Monumenta Ritualia. {S. W. Lawley, Sub-dean, 1862), 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1846 The Ancient Liturgies of the Church of England compared, 8vo. L., 1846 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 291 Maskell (Wm.) On the Infallibility of the Pope, 8vo. L., 1871 Mason (Ohas.) Sermon before the Lord Mayor of London, July 9, 1671, a 4to. L., 1676 (Edmund, Vicar of Newark, Notts) A Sermon before his Majestic at Oat elands, 4 to. L., John Bill, 1622 (Francis) of the Consecration of the Bishops of the Church of England, M. fol. L., 1613 Vindicise Ecclesise Anglicanse, fol. Z., 1625 The Authority of the Church in making Canons and Con- stitutions, fol. Z., 1603 Id., 6'., 2nd ed., 4to. i., 1634 (Henry) The new Art of Lying covered by Jesuites under the vaile of Equivocation, 4to. Z., 1624 Id., 12mo. Z., 1634 Three Treatises. The Cure of Cares..., 12mo. L., 1634 (Wm., Precentor of York) Elegies, K 2nd ed. 4to. Z., 1763 Poems, Da. 8vo. X., 1764 Id., 3rd ed. Da. 8vo. York, A. Ward, 1773 The English Garden. Book the First, R. 4to. Z., 1772 Id. Book the Second, R. 2nd ed. 4to. York, A. Ward, 1777 Id., R. 8vo. ed. W. Burgh. iUd., 1783 A Monody on the Death of Dr. Oliver Goldsmith, R. 4to. Z., 1774 Caractacus, a Dramatic Poem, R. 8vo. York, A. Ward, \111 Remarks on Dr. Johnson's Lives of the Poets, R. 4to. ibid., 1782 Du Fresnoy's Art of Painting, transl. into English Verse, Da. 8vo. Dublin, 1783 Sermon in York Minster on the Slave Trade, R. 2nd ed. 4to. York, A. Ward, 1788 Essays on English Church Music, Da. 12mo. York, W. Blanchard, 1795 Sixteen Sermons, R. 8vo. York, 1812 Fifteen Sermons, R. 8vo. ibid., 1814 Correspondence with Thos. Gray, ed. Mitford, 8vo. L., 1855 see Anthems. Maspero (G.) Histoire Ancienne de Peuples de L'Orient, 8vo. Paris, 1886 Egyptian Archaeology, transl. by Edwardes, L. P., 8vo. L., 1887 Life in Ancient Egypt and Assyria, 8vo. L., 1891 Mass (The) An Answer to a certain godly manne's letters... whether it be lawful... to be present at the Popishe Masse, 8vo. s. /., 1557 Massa (Antonio) Tractatus ad Formulam Cameralis Obligationis, 8vo. Venet, S. J. Ziletus, 1565 De Exercitatione Jurisperitorum, 8vo. id., 1565 (Vincent a) Institutiones Liturgiae Sacrse, 8vo. Taurini, 1835 Massillon : His Charges and Essays, B. 8vo. L., 1805 (Euvres, 3 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1848 Massingberd (F. C.) The English Reformation, 12mo. L., 1842 Matthseus (Ant.) De Nobilitate, etc., de Comitatu Hollandise et Dioecesi Ultrajectina, 4to. Amstel. & Lugd. Bat, 1686 Veteris ^vi Analecta, 5 vols., 4to. Hagce Comitum, 1738 (A. F.) Sardinia Sacra, fol. Bomce, 1761 U 2 292 CATALOGUE OF Matthew (St.) Evangelium, ed. Seb. Munster, M. fol. Basilece, Hen. Petr% 1530 Id., 8vo. Basilece, Seb. Henricpetr% 1582 Id., in the Mahratta Language. (Mrs. JDonJcin), 4:to. ' (Petrus) Summa Constitutionum...a Greg. IX ad Sixtum V, M. 4to. Lugd., 1588 (Westmonasteriensis) Flores Historiarum, M. fol. i., ex off. Tho. Marsh, 1570 (J. E.) Manual of Musical History, 8vo. L., 1892 Matthews (Sir Tobie) Life of : by Alban Butler, 8vo. Z., 1795 Matthise (Chris.) Theatrum Historicum Theoretico-Practicum, 4to. Franco/., 1684 (Jac.) Doctrina de Concionandi ratione, F. F. 4to. Basilece, Seb. Henricpetri, 1589 Matthieu (Peter) The Life and Death of Henry IV of France, transl. by Edw. Grimeston, Esq., M. 4to. L., 1612 ^lius Sejanus, F. 8vo. Rouen, 1626 Matthiolus (P. A.) Commentarii in sex libros Pedacii Dioscoridis, etc. M. fol. Fenet., ex off. Valgrisiana, 1570 Mattius (Joann.) Variarum Lectionum sive Opinionum Libri III, "/o. Pricceus," F. 4to. Venetiis, 1605 Mauclerc (Michael) De Monomarchia Divina, etc. {Eure Gower, Archdn. of Northumberland), fol. Lutet. Paris., 1622 Maundeville (Sir John) The Voiage and Travaile of, which treateth of the way to Hierusalem, ed. Halliwell, 8vo. L, 1883 Maundrell (Hen.) Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, 8vo. Oxfm-d, 1732 Maurice (F. D.) The Prayer Book considered, especially in reference to the Eoman system, S. 2nd ed. 8vo. Cambr., 1852 The Unity of the New Testament, 8vo. L., 1854 Lectures on the Ecclesiastical History of the First and Second Centuries, 8vo. Cambr., 1854 Lectures on the Apocalypse, 8vo. ibid., 1861 The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven, 8vo. L., 1864 Life of: by his Son, 3rd. ed. 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1884 (Hen.) Vindication of the Primitive Church and Diocesan Episcopacy, F. 8vo. L., 1682 A Letter to a Member of the House of Commons concerning the Bishops lately in the Tower, C. 4to. L., 1689 (T(jos.) The Ancient History of Hindostan, 2 vols., 4to. L., 1795 An Elegiac Poem to the Memory of Sir W. Jones, 4to. L., 1795 A Dissertation on the Oriental Trinities, 8vo. L., 1801 The Modern History of Hindostan, 2 vols., 4to. L., 1802-10 The Crisis of Britain : a Poem, 4to. L., 1803 Indian Antiquities, 7 vols., 8vo. L., 1806 Richmond Hill: a Poem, 4to. L., 1807 Brahminical Fraud detected, 8vo. L., 1812 Maurocenus (Andr.) Historia Veneta, fol. s. I, 1623 Maurus (Fr.)Francisciados Liber XIII, M. 8vo. Antw., Plantin, 1572 (M.) Annotationi sopra La Lettione della Spera Del Sacro Bosco, 4to, Firenze, 1550 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 293 Maurus (M.) De Jure Liberorum, "/o. Pricceus" F. fol. Lugd., Tornesius, 1558 Mawer (John, of Crathorne, etc.) Verses to... Ed ward Lord Bishop of Durham, etc. R. 8vo. L., 1731 ^A Layman's Faith, R. 8vo. Newcastle-on-Tyne, John White, 1732 Proposals for Printing . . the Book of Psalms and Solomon's Song, D. Bvo. [York, Thos. Gent] — — Canticum Canticorum Salomonis, Da. 8vo. \ihid.\ An Epistle humbly addressed to . . The Earl of Oxford, R. 8vo. ihid., s. a. A Poem humbly inscrib'd to the Queen on her Majesty's Birth- day, Da. 8vo. [ibid.], 1736 The Nature and Design of the Lord's Supper . . a Discourse deliver'd in the Author's Parish Church on Good Friday, 1736, R. 8vo. York, Alex. Staples, s. a. Visitation Sermon at Richmond, May 6th, 1735, R. 8vo. York, Thos. Gent, 1738 see Oppian. Maxey (Anth.) The Golden Chaine of Man's Salvation, 8vo. L., 1610 The Copie of a Sermon preached... before the King at White- hall, 8vo. L, 1610 Maximus (Sanctus) Opera, ed. Combefis, 2 vols., fol. Parisiis, 1675 (S. Taurinensis Episc.) Sermones, " John Hotham" F. F. fol. Basilece, 1519 Id., F. fol. Luteti(E, 1623 (Tyrius) Sermones, "John Hotham, 1636," F. F. imp. fol.. 1519 Dissertationes Philosophicse, "Jb. Pricceus," F. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1614 [Maxwell (John)] An Answer to a worthy Gentleman . . . showing how inconsistent Presbyteriall Government is with Monarchy, a 4to. 1644 [ ]The Burthen of Issachar, or the Tyrannical power and practises of the Presbyteriall Government in Scotland. Several copies. 4to. 1646 Mayer (John) The English Catechism Explained, F. 4to. L, 1622 [Mayhew (Edw.)] A Treatise of the Groundes of the Old and Newe Religion. Thos. Baker's copy. R. 4to. s. /., 1608 Maynard (Sir John) Speech concerning Lieut. -Col. John Lilburn. B. 4to. L., 1648 (John) Fast Sermon before the H. of Commons, Oct. 28, 1646, H. 4to. L., 1646 Mayne (Jasper) Sermon at St. Mary's, Oxford, shortly after the Surrender of the Garrison, C. 4to. 1646 'OxA.o-/xaxta, or the People's "War examined, C. 4to. 1647 His Sermon against False Prophets Vindicated against Fr. Cheynell, C. 4to. ^ 1647 Certaine Sermons & Letters of Defence & Resolution, C. 4to. Z., 1653 Maynus (Jaso) Ad . . Maximilianum . . regem in . . ejus & Au- gustas Blanchse Marise nuptiis Epithalamion, 4to. s. a. & I. 294 CATALOGUE OF Maynwaring (Roger) Religion & Allegiance, two Sermons before the King, C. 4to. L., 1627 Mayo (John) Assize Sermon at Dorchester, July 23rd, 1629, 4to. L., 1629 Mazochius (Jac.) Epigrammata Antiquae Urbis Romse, sive Inscrip- tiones, "/o. PriccBus" F. 4to. Eomce, 1521 Mazzonii (Jacop) Delia Difesa della Comedia di Dante, "/o Pri- cceus," F. 4to. In Cesena, Bart. Baverius, 1587 Mede (Jos.) The Name Altar . . . anciently given to the Holy Table, 4to. L., 1637 The Reverence of God's House, a Sermon . . . 4to. L., 1638 Certain Discourses, imp. F. 4to. L., 1648 Works, ed. Worthington, 2 vols., fol. X., 1664 Medici (Alessandro) Delle Azzioni et Sentenze, 8vo. Firenze, Giunt% 1580 (Cath. de) Discours Merveilleux de la Vie, Action, et Deporte- ment, 8vo. A La Haii, 1663 (Lorenzo de) Life of, by Wm. Roscoe, 2 vols., 8vo. and Illus- trations of, with autogr. of author, 4to. (Miss Fletcher, York, 1885) L., 1822-5 Medicine. Medicse Artis Principes, post Hippocraten et Galenum, 2 vol. fol. Parisiis, H. StepJmnus, 1567 Bibliotheca Anatomica, Medica, etc., 2 vols., 4to. L., 1712 Medina (Barth. a.) Expositio in Thomam Aquinatem, M. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Venetiis, 1580 Instructio Confessariorum, M. 8vo. Colonice, 1601 (Michael) Disputationum de Indulgentiis Liber I, etc., M. 4to. Venet., ex off. Jordani Zileti, 1564 Christianse Paraenesis . . Libri VIII. M. fol. id., 1564 Mediobarbus (Fr.) Imperatorum Romanorum Numismata (E. Swaine, Alderman of York, 1871), fol. Mediolani, 1730 Meditationum ac Precationum Christianarum Libellus, 8vo. Genevan, 1570 Megandius (Gaspar) In Epp. ad Timotheum et Titum Expositio, 12mo. Basilece, Tho. Platterus, 1535 Meggen (Jodocus a) Peregrinatio Hierosolymitana, F. 8vo. Dilingce, Jo. Mayer, 1580 Meisnerus (Barth.) Consultatio Catholica de Fide Lutherana capes- senda, M. 8vo. Wittehergce, 1615 (Joan.) Irenicum Durseanum . . in Acad. Wittebergensi exph- catum, C. 4to. ihid., 1675 Tractatus de Apparitionibus Daemonum, B. 4to. Lipsice, 1714 Mela (Pomponius) De Orbis Situ, fol. Basilece, And. Cratandrus, 1522 Id., fol. Basilece, M. Isingrius et Hen. Petri, 1538 Id., M. 4to. Antw., Chr. Plantin, 1582 Id., F. 8vo. Basileoi, Hen. Petri, s. a. Melancthon (Phil.) Loci Theologici, no title, F. 8vo. Basilece, s. a. Id., S. 4to. mtebergcB, 1541 Id. {JF. Hey, Archd. Cleveland, 1871), 8vo. ibid., 1577 Confessio Fidei Augustana, 4to. ibid., 1540 YOKK MINSTER LIBRARY. 295 Melancthon (Phil.) Libelli de Ecclesia, etc. " Guill Turnerus" M. 8vo. Vitebergce, Jo. Lufft, 1561 Opera, F. F. 4 vols., fol. mtebergce, Jo. Crato, 1562-77 Elementa Rhetorices : Epistolae contrarise Pici, etc. : Erotemata Dialectices, M. 8vo. LipsicE, Valent. Papa, 1565-6 Corpus Doctringe Christianse, M. 8vo. Lipsice, 1572 Initia Doctrinse Physicse, M. 8vo. Witebergce, 1572 Vom Abendmahl des Herrn Jesu Christ, T. F. S. 4to. Dresden, 1574 Chronicon Carionis expositum et auctum, 8vo. s. L, 1617 Melanelius (Matt.) De Melancholia " ^. Mount" F. F. 4to. Antw., 1540 Memel (Jo.) Lustige Gesellschafft, 8vo. s. a. Menapius (Gul.) Aula : Dialogus, 8vo. Argent., 1619 Menavino (Gio.) Ilostumi, et la Vita de Turchi con und Prophetia, etc., 8vo. Fiorenza, Lorenzo Torrentino, 1551 Mencken (Jo. Burchard) Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum, praeci- pue Saxonicarum, 3 vols., fol. Lipsice, 1728 Mendoza (Andr. de), see Charles I. Mendozza (Gonsalez de) L'Historia del Gran Regno della China, 4 to. Roma, 1586 Id., M. 8vo. In Vinegia, 1587 Mendham (Jos.) Memoirs of the Council of Trent, Pres. copy, 8vo. L., 1834 Mengus (Hieron.) Flagellum Daemonum, M. 8vo. Bononice, 1580 Merbury (Chas.) Proverbi Volgari, 4to. s. a. & I. Mercator (Gerard) Chronologia, M. 8vo. Basilem, Tho. Guarinus, 1577 Tabulae Geographicse CI. Ptolomseii, fol. Col. Agr., Godfr. Kempensis, 1578 Atlas, F. fol. Dusseldorpii, A. Busius, 1595 Evangelicse Historise quadripartita monas, sive Harmonia, ^^ Rich. Neile, et amicorum," F. F. 4to. Duishurgi Clivorum Historia Mundi, or, Mercator's Atlas, F. fol. L., T. Coates, 1635 (Marius) Opera, fol. 2 vols. Parisiis, 1673 Mercerus (Joann.) Commentarii in Lib. Job, in Proverbia, Ecclesi- asten, etc., M., 2 vols, in 1, fol. Genevm, Fust. Vignon, 1573 Commentarii in Prophetas V Priores, M. fol. Paris, s. a. Merchandize. The Rates of Merchandizes, as they are set downe in the Book of Rates for the Custome & Subsidie of Poundage, M. 4to. s. l, (16 m) Mercurialis (Hieronymus) Variarum Lectionum Libri IV. F. F. 4to. Venetiis, 1571 De Morbis Cutaneis, F. F. 4to. ibid., 1571 Mercurius. (Civicus) A Letter from Mercurius Civicus to Mercurius Rusticus : or, London's Confession but not Repentance, F. 4to. 1643 (Menippeus) The Loyal Satyrist, or Hudibras in Prose, C. 4to. L., 1682 (Rusticus) C. 8vo. i., 1685 See News and Newspapers. 296 CATALOGUE OF Meredith (Richd.) Two Sermons preached before his Majestic, B. 4to. Z., 1606 Meredith (John) The Judge of Heresies, One God, One Faith, One Church, F. 4to. L., 1624 Meres (Fr.) see Granada (Louis de). Meriton (Geo., Dean of York), A Sermon of Nobilitie preached at White-hall, 4to. L., 1607 A Sermon of Repentance, 4to. X., 1607 A Sermon before the Generall Assembly at Glascoe, June 10, 1610, 4to. L., 1611 The Christian Man's Assuring House, and the Sinner's Conver- sion. Two Sermons, C. 4to. Z., 1614 (Geo.) A Guide for Constables, etc., F. 8vo. L., 1679 The Praise of Yorkshire Ale, with a Yorkshire Dialogue, Da. 8vo. Ycrrh, John White, 1684 & 5 A Guide to the Surveyors of the Highway, F. 8vo. L., 1694 Merivale (Dean) The Conversion of the Roman Empire and the Northern Nations. The Boyle Lectures, 1864-5, 2 vols. 8vo. Z., 1864-5 Merlinus (Petr.) Homilise in lib. Esterse, M. 8vo. Genevm, 1593 Mersene (Marin) Les Questions Th^ologiques, etc., F. 8vo. Pan5,1634 Mersseus (J. P.) Electorum Ecclesiasticorum, i. e. Coloniensium, Moguntiensium, etc., Catalogus, 8vo. Col. Agr., Gul. Kempensis, 1580 Merula (Gaudentius) Memorabilia, M. 8vo. Lugd., 1556 (Geo.) Enarrationes Satyrarum Juvenalis, M. fol. Tarvisii, per Barth. de Confoloneris, 1478 (Paulus) Cosmographiae Generalis Libri III, 4to. Lugd. Bat, 1605 De Statu Reipublicse Batavicse Diatriba, F. 24mo. s. I. & a. Messie (Pierre) Les Diverses Le9ons, 8vo. Paris, 1576 Messue (Joan.) Liber de Consolacione Medicinarum Simplicium Solutivarum, " W. Mount;' F.F. Lugd., per M. Huszet et Jo. Fiber, 1478 Metcalfe (W. C.) A Book of the Knights between the 4*^ Henry VI and the Restoration of Charles II, 8vo. L., 1885 Meteranus (Eman.) Historia Belgica Universalis, M. fol. s. a. & I. Methodism. A number of Tracts about the Early Methodists, C. M. 8vo. v. y. etc. Methodius (S.) Opera, ed. Combefis, fol. Parisiis, 1644 Metius (Adrian) De Genuino usu utriusque Globi, etc., 8vo. F.F. Amstelod., 1626 Opera Astronomica, F.F. 4to. Artist, 1631 Meung (Jehan de) Rommant de la Rose, fol. Paris, J. Petit, 1531 Meursius (Joan.) Exercitationum Criticarum Partes II. " Jo. Pri- cmus," F. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., Lud. Elzevir, 1599 De Populis Atticse, 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1616 (Joan., Fil.) Arboretum Sacrum, F. 8vo. Lugd. Bat, 1642 Meyer (Jac.) Compendium Chronicorum Flandrise, Da. 4to. Norimhergce, 1538 Commentarii, sive Annales Rerum Flandricarum, M. fol. Antw., Jo. Gh'aphceus, 1561 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 297 Meyer (Seb.) Commentarius in Apocalypsin, M. fol. Tigur% s. a. (Wm., and his Wife) Trial for Murder at York, in 1780, Da. 8yo. L., Meyrick (Fred.) The Practical Working of the Church in Spain, Svo. Oxford, 1851 Mezeray (Fr.) Histoire de France, 3 vols., fol. Paris, 1643-51 Michael (Episc. Sidoniensis) Sacri Canonis Missse Paraphrastica Explicatio, Svo. Antwerpice, 1551 Brevis Institutio ad Christianam Pietatem, M. Svo. ibid., 1554 Catechismus Catholicus, M. Colon., Jo. Quentel, 1562 (Nic.) Foscarilegia, 4to. Stampata per Paulo Danza, 1523 Michaelis (J. D.) Discourses on the Correspondence of the Hebrew months with the Julian, C. Svo. L,, 1753 Introduction to the New Testament, ed. Marsh, 6 vols., 8vo. L., 1823 Michaud (M.) History of the Crusades, 3 vols. Svo. L., 1850 Michel (F.) Histoire du Commerce et de la Navigation a Bordeaux, • 2 vols., Svo. Bordeaux, 1870 Middendorpius (Jac.) De Celebrioribus Universi terrarum or bis Academiis, M. Svo. Colon., P. Horst, 1567 [Midgeley (Richd.)] Halifax and its Gibbet-Law placed in a true light. Da. 12mo. L., 1708 Miege (Guy) A New Dictionary, French and English, English and French, 4to. L., 1677 A Short French Dictionary, F. Svo. Hague, 1699 Migne (L'Abbe) Encyclop^die Th^ologique, Svo. Paris, 1846 Cours de Droit Canon, 2 vols, in 1, Svo. ibid., 1862 Militia. The Peaceable Militia ; or the Cause and Cure of this late and present Warre, shewing the manifest safety . . . under a Militia, C. 4to. L., 1648 Militiere (M. de la) The Victory of the Truth for the peace of the Church, with an Answer by Archbishop Bramhall, Svo. The Hague, 1654 Mill (Jas.) History of British India, 3 vols., 4to. L., 1817 (W. H.) Analysis of Pearson on the Creed, Svo. Cambridge, 1843 Five Sermons on the Temptation, Svo. ibid., 1844 University Sermons, Svo. ibid., 1845 Letter on Dr. Hampden's Bampton Lectures, B. Svo. L., 1848 Sermon before the Univ. of Cambridge, March, 1850, B. Svo. Cambr., 1850 Observations on the attempted Application of Pantheistic Prin- ciples to the Theory and Historic Criticism of the Gospel, S. Svo. ibid., 1855 Lectures on the Catechism, Svo. ibid., 1856 Millard (J. C.) Historical Notices of the Office of Choristers, Svo. L., 1848 -see Basingstoke. Miller (Josiah) Singers and Songs of the Church. (The Author, 187 2). 2nd ed., Svo. L., 1869 Christianum Organum (Id., 1872), Svo. L., 1870 Milles (Thos.) Catalogue of Honor, Da. fol. L., 1610 298 CATALOGUE OF Milman (Dean) History of Latin Christianity, 6 vols., 8vo. L., 1857 History of the Jews, 3 vols., 8vo. i., 1866 History of Christianity, 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1867 Annals of St. Paul's, 8vo. L., 1869 Savonarola, Erasmus, & other Essays, 8vo. X., 1870 (Robt., Bp. of Calcutta) Memoir of. By F. M. Milman, 8vo. L., 1879 Milner (Isaac, Dean of Carlisle) Life of. By Mary Milner, 8vo. L., 1842 (Joseph, Vicar of H. Trin., Hull) Gibbon's Account of Christ- tianity considered, 8vo. Yoi-k, A. Ward, 1781 Essays, B. 8vo. York, Ward & Peacock, 1789 Life of. By Isaac Milner (his son), DL 8vo. L., 1804 [Milton (John)] Of Prelatical Episcopacy, 4to. L., 1641 EIKONOKAASTH^, in answer to a book entitl'd EIKON BA^IAIKH, a 4to. L., 1648 [ ]The Grand Case of Conscience concerning the Engagement stated and resolved, G. 4to. L., 1650 Defensio pro Populo Anglicano, 4to. L., 1651 A Defence of the People of England, C. 8vo. 1692 The Eeadie and Easie Way to establish a Free Commonwealth, and the Excellence thereof, (7. 4to. L., 1660 Paradise Lost, F. 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1674 Id. {Mr. McNah of Leith, 1816), fol. Glasgow, R. & A. Foulis, 1770 Poetical Works, 3 vols., 8vo. L., W. Pickering, 1826^ Poetical Works ; ed. Archdeacon Todd, 4th ed. 4 vols., 8vo. L., 1842 Mingarellius (J. A.) Anecdotorum Fasciculus, 4to. PiOTiim, 1756 Minot (Laur.) Poems: ed. Jos. Hall, 12mo. Oxford, 1887 Minshseus (Joh.) Ductor in Linguas, F. fol. L., 1617 A Dictionary in Spanish and English, D. fol. L., 1623 Minutius Felix. Octavius; ed. Gronovius, F. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1709 Mirabellius (Nanus) Polyanthea, M. fol. S. Gervasii, 1604 Miracle Plays, or Mysteries— Early Mysteries described ; by W. Hone, 8vo. Z., 1823 Mysteres in^dits du quinzieme siecle ; publics par Achille Jubinal, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Paris, 1837 Collection of English Miracle Plays, or Mysteries ; by W. Mar- riott, 8vo. Basel, 1838 The Harrowing of Hell : a Miracle Play written in the reign of Edward II ; ed. J. O. Halliwell, 8vo. L., 1840 The Coventry Mysteries ; ed. by J. 0. Halliwell for the Shake- speare Society, 8vo. L., 1841 La Farce de Pater-Ouaintes, piece Satyrique repr6sent6e par les EcoHers de TUniversit^ de Caen au Carnaval de 1492; ed T. Bonnin, 8vo. Evreux, 1843 The Chester Plays ; ed. by T. Wright for the Shakespeare So- ciety, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1843 Early Mysteries, and other Latin Poems of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries ; ed. T. Wright, 8vo. L., 1844 YOKE MINSTER LIBRARY. 299 Miracle Plays, or Mysteries. The Play of the Sacrament ; ed. from a MS. at Dublin, by W(hitley) S(tokes), S. 8vo. Berlin, 1862 Le Grand Mystere de J6sus Passion et Resurrection, Drame Breton, publ. par Le Vicomte de la Villemarque, 8vo. Paris, 1865 The Digby Mysteries ; ed. for the New Shakespere Soc. by F. J. Furnivall, S. 8vo. L., 1882 The York Mystery Plays ; ed. byL. T. Smith, 8vo. Oxford, 1885 An Account of the German Morality Play, entitled Depositio Cornuti Typographici. Pres. copy to H. Bradshaw, 8vo. L., 1885 Mirseus (Aub.) Origines Benedictinse, 8vo. Col. Agr.,lQl4: Codex Donationum piarum.. prsesertim Belgicarum, 4to. Bruxellis, Jo. Merecius, 1624 Bibliotheca Ecclesiastica, fol. Anfw., apud Jac. Mesium, 1639 Rerum Belgicarum Chronicon, io\. Antwerp, Gul. Lestenius, 1636 Opera Diplomatica et Historica, 4 vols., fol. Bruxellis, 1723 Miranda (Barth.) Summa Conciliorum, 8vo. Paris, s. a. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica; ed. J. J. Howard. Old Ser. 2 vols., N. S. 3 vols., 8vo. ; 5 vols. 1868-88 Sacra. See Barrington (Lord). Missals, Etc.— Ambrosianum, S. 4to. Mediolani, 1591 Rubricse Generales pro Sacro Missse faciendo, ex Missali Am- brosiano excerpta?, S. 8vo. ibid., 1849 De Arbuthnot, secundum usum eccl. S. Andrese, 4to. Burntisland, 1864 Baiocense (Bayeux), ^. 8vo. Lugduni, 1790 Cartusiani Ordinis, fol. Parisiis, 1603 Ad usum Cisterciensis Ordinis, 8vo. Parisiis, Jehan Petit, 1516 Drummondiense ; ed. G. H. Forbes, 8vo. Burntisland, 1882 Ad usum Eccl. Herefordensis ; ed. Henderson. (The Editor, 1874), 8vo. 1874 Vetus Hibernicum, at C. 0. 0. Oxford ; ed. Warren, 8vo. L., 1879 The Leofric Missal; ed. F. E. Warren, 4to. Oxford, 1883 Ad usum Eccl. Lugdunensis, F. fol. Per Petrum Ungarum, 1500 De Paris, Latin-Fran9ois, S. 4 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1739 Parvum pro Sacerdotibus in Anglia, Scotia, et Hibernia itine- rantibus, &c., F. 4to. 1626 Ordinis Prsedicatorum. {Rev. C. B. Norcliffe, 1877), 4to. Romce, 1769 Vetus Romanum, cura Cardinalis Antonelli, aS'. 4to. ibid., 1756 Romanum, S. 8vo. Venetiis, 1559 Id., 8vo. Antw., 1577 —Id., S. 4to. Antw., 1585 Id., M. fol. Antw., Plantin, 1590 Id., 8vo. Parisiis, 1616 Id., ,S'. 4to. iUd., 1623 Id., F. fol. Antw., ex off. Plantin, 1661 Id., fol. Bound I'll purple velvet. Venetiis, 1712 Id., in quo Missse Trium Ordinum S. Francisci inseruntur. (Bev. a B. Norcliffe, 1875), fol. Parisiis, 1720 300 CATALOGUE OF Missals, etc. Id., S. 8vo. Dublin, 1804 Id., Supplementum ad, interpositis Missis SS. Anglise; ed. Husenbeth, fol. Norwici, 1835 Id., S. 8vo. Eatisbon, 1862 Id., Die Eomisch-Katholische Messe, Lateinisch und Deutsch, S. 8vo. Nurnberg, 1785 Id., Das Kleine Romische Missal und Vesperal, S. 8vo. Strassburg, 1854 Id., The Missal for the Use of the Laity, ed. Husenbeth, aS'. 8vo. Z., 1850 Id., Ritus servandi . . in Missa privata et solemni, 12mo. Mechlinice, 1739 Id., Instructions and Devotions for hearing Mass, S. 8vo. 1740 Id., Exercicio Christiano y Practica Atencion para la Santa Missa, S. 8vo. " Amberes, 1760 ' Id., Canon Sacratissimse Missse, una cum Expositione ejusdem, S., black letter^ 4to. s. a. & I. Id., Expositio Mysteriorum Missse, et verus Modus rite cele- brandi. By Guil. de Gouda, S. 4to. Colonice, s. a. Id., Ordinario de la Santa Misa, S. 12mo. Madrid, 1818 — — Id., Rubricse Missalis Romani . . ad usum Cleri Augustani, *S^. 12 mo. Dilingce, 1612 Id. (Rev. a B. Norcliffe, 1877), 24mo. Olisipone, 1794 Id., Speculum Officii Missse Expositorium, S. 4to. Heidelberg, 1495 Missale ad usum insignis Ecclesise Sarum, F. 4to. Rotliomagi, in off. P. Violette, 1509 Id. " Liber Collegii Sancti Georgii Martyris infra Castrum Begium de Wyndesore . . 1558." (Mr. Anthony Thorpe of York, 1810). A splendid book, fol. Parisiis, 1510 Id., F. fol. ibid., 1526 Id., F. 4to. Parisiis, F. Begnault, 1527 Id., S., ed. Forbes & Dickinson, etc., 4 parts, 8vo. Burntislan d, 1861-83 Id., The Ordinary and Canon of the Mass according to the use of the Church of Sarum, ed. J. T. Dodd, S. 12mo. L., 1872 Id., Notes on Ceremonial, the Order of the Holy Communion, etc., from the Sarum Missal, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1882 Catalogus Missalium Ritus Latini, ed. Weale, 8vo. L., 1886 Mitchell (Jas.) see Hickes (Geo.). Mitford (Wm.) The History of Greece, 10 vols., 8vo. L., 1818 [Mocket (Richard)] Deus et Rex, M. 8vo. Z., 1615 Id., God and the King. ^^ The gift of the author, D. Mockett," 8vo. L., 1615 Id., God and the King : A Dialogue on the Oath of Allegiance, F. 8vo. York, printed by special Command, 1663 Doctrina et Politia Ecclesiae Anglicanae, M. 4to. 1616 [ ] A True Touchstone for a Counterfeite Catholike. By R. M., 8vo. L., 1619 Id., Tractatus de Politia Eccl. Anglicanse, F. 8vo. L., 1683 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 301 Moderator (The) expecting sudden Peace or certaine Ruin, C. 4to. L., 1642 Modius (Fr.) Pandectse Triumphales, M., 2 vols, in 1, fol. Franco/., 1586 Moehler (J. A.) Symbolism : or, Exposition of the Differences between Catholics and Protestants. Transl. by J. B. Robertson, ,S^., 2 vols., 8vo. X., 1843 Maeridis Lexicon Atticum, 8vo. Liigd. Bat, 1759 Mohren (D. J.) Expositio S. Missse atque Rubricarum, sen Cate- chismus Liturgicus, 8vo. Aug. Trev., 1844 Moine (Le) Secularise, 2nd ed., 8vo. Maguelone, 1677 Molanus (Joann.) Bibliotheca . . concionantibus . . praenecessaria, J^.jP. 4to. ' Gol.Agr., 1618 — (Joann.) Historia SS. Imaginum et Picturarum; ed. Pequot. {Mr. J. F. Walker, 1874), 4to. Lovanii, 1771 Les quatorze Livres sur I'histoire de la Ville de Louvain. Ed. de Ram, 2 vols., 4to. Bruxelles, 1861 Molinseus, see Du Moulin. Molinet (Claude de) Historia Summorum Pontificum a Martino V ad Innoc. XI, per eorum Numismata, F. fol. Lutetice, 1679 Molinius (Ant.) De Diversa Hominum Natura, M. 8vo. Lugd., Jo. Tornesius, 1549 Mollerus (Henr.) Commentarius in lesaiam, M. fol. Tiguri, in ofl. Froschov., 1588 Prselectiones in Psalmos Davidis, M. fol. Genevce, 1591 Mollett (J. W. ) Illustrated Dictionary of Art and Archaeology, 8vo. L., 1883 Mombrigny (M. de) Essais de Morale, 8vo. Paris, 1672 Monardus. Joyfull Newes out of the new-found World. Transl. by Frampton, Da. 4to. L, 1596 Monastic Life. De La Saintet^ et des Devoirs de la Vie Monastique, 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1683 Monck (General) A True Relation of the Rowting of Middleton's Army, in two letters to the Protector from him and Colonel . Morgan, B. 4to. L., 1654 A Letter from the Commanders ... of the Fleet to General Monck in Scotland, B. 4to. L., 1659 A Plea for Limited Monarchy ... in an Addresse to General Monck, a 4to. L., 1660 The Coppy of a Letter to him, C. 4to. L., 1660 A Collection of several Letters and Declarations sent by him, a 4to. i:.,1660 Life of, by M. Guizot, 8vo. L., 1838 Monckton (Sir Philip) The Monckton Papers. (Lord Houghton, 1885). Pr.pr.,Uo. ^ 1885 Mone (F. J.) Ubersicht der Neiderlandischen Volks-Literatur AltererZeit, 8vo. Tubingen, 1838 Lateinische und Griechische Messen, S. 4to. Franhfurt-am-Main, 1850 Lateinische Hymnen des Mittelalters, S., 3 vols., 8vo. FrieJmrg, 1853 302^ CATALOGUE OF Moniault (Xav. B. de) L'Ann^e Liturgique k Eome, *S'. 8vo. Rome, 1870 Monod (A.) Sermons, 3 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1845-60 Monro (Alex.) Presbyterian Inquisition ; as it was lately practised against the Professors of the Colledge of Edinburgh, C. 4to. L, 1691 The History of Scotch Presbytery : being an Epitome of "The Hind let loose," by Mr. Shield, C. 4to. L., 1692 A Letter to a Friend giving an Account of all the Treatises that have been published with relation to the present persecu- tion of the Church of Scotland, C. 4to. L., 1692 An Apology for the Church of Scotland, C. 4to. L., 1693 (Eobert) Ancient Scottish Lake Dwellings, 8vo. Edinb. 1882 Monsell (Harriet) Memoir of, by T. T. Carter, 8vo. L., 1884 Monson (Sir John) A Short Essay of Afflictions, 12mo. L., E. G., 1647 [ ] An Antidote against the errour in opinion . . . concerning . . Adoration, Almes, etc., 12mo. L., E. Griffin, 1647 Monstrelet's Chronicles, transl. by Johnes, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1840 Montagu (J. A.) A Guide to the Study of Heraldry, B. 4to. L, 1840 (Lady Mary Wortley) Letters and Works : ed. Lord Wharn- clifFe, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1861 Montacutius (Eichard, Bp.) Diatribse upon the First Part of the late History of Tithes, 4to. L., 1621 Analecta Ecclesiasticarum Exercitationum, fol. L., 1622 A Treatise on the Invocation of Saints, F. 4to. L., 1624 A Gagg for the New Gospell ? No : A New Gagg for an Old Goose, F. 4to. L., 1624 Antidiatribse, ad priorem partem Diatribarum J. C. Bulengeri, adv. Exercitationes Is. Casauboni, F.F. fol. 5. L, 1625 Appello Csesarem. A Just Appeale from two unjust Informers (Ward and Gates), F. 4to. L., 1625 Apparatus ad Origines Ecclesiasticas, F. fol. Oxonii, 1635 Origines Ecclesiasticse. (Archlp. Laud's copy, with his Arms), vol. I, two Parts, one L. P., fol. L., 1636:9 Id., fol. _i., 1640 The Acts and Monuments of the Church before Christ Incar- nate, F. fol. L., 1642 Montalembert (Le Comte de) Les Moines D'Occident, 5 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1860 -, — Memoir of, by Mrs. Oliphant, 2 vols. Ed. and L., 1872 Montanus (Benedict Arias) Communes et Familiares Hebraicse linguae idiotismi, fol. Antw., Plantin, 1672 Elucidationes in IV Evangelia, etc., M. 4to. id., 1575-8 Commentarii in XII Prophetas, M. fol. id., 1583 De Varia Eepublica, sive Commentarii in Libr. Judicum, 4to. id., 1592 Nature Historia, M. fol. id., 1601 (J. F.) Defensio pro Christi Ecclesia adversus improbas Fonti- donii et Cardilli . . pro Concilio Tridentino calumnias, etc., F, 8vo. 1565 YORK MINSTEE LIBRARY. 303 Monte (Claudius a) Enarrationes in Apocalypsin, 12mo. Paris, 1550 Monte Eegio (Joann. de) Tabulae Directionum : cum Erasmi Eein- holdi Tabulis, 4to. JFitebergce, 1584 Monte Rocherii (Guido de) Manipulus Curatorum, S. 4to. Argentini, 1487 Montfaucon (Bern, de) Diarium Italicum, 4to. Parisiis, 1702 Travels through Italy, translated, F. 8vo. L., 1702 Collectio Nova Patrum et Scriptorum Grsecorum, 2 vols., fol. Parisiis, 1706 Palseographia Grseca, F. fol. ibid., 1708 Bibliotheca Bibliothecarum MSS. Nova, 2 vols., fol. ibid., 1739 Montfort (Simon de) Life of, by G. W. Prothero, 8vo. L., 1877 Simon de Montfort . . the Creator of the House of Commons, 8vo. L., 1876 [Montgomery, Sir Jas.] Great Britain's just complaint for her late Measures . . B. 4to. 1692 Montholonius (Joann.) Promptuarium Divini Juris et utriusque Humani, Pontificii et Csesarii, M. 2 vols., fol. Parisiis, H. Stephens, 1520 Moore (George) Life of, by S. Smiles, 8vo. L., 1878 More (Sir George) A Demonstration of God in His Workes, M. 4to. L., 1597 (Henry) Opera Theologica et Philosophica, 3 vols., fol. L., 1675 Enchiridion Ethicum, D. 8vo. L., 1678 (Sir Thomas) His Works, M. fol. L., John Cawood, 1557 A Dialogue of Cumfort against Tribulation. {H. R. Pearson, Ficar of Ly the, 1870), Svo. Antwerj)ice, 1573 < Omnia . . . Latina Opera, fol. Lovanii, Jo. Bogardus, 1566 Life of ; by Cresacre More, ed. by Joseph Hunter, 8vo. ^ ^ L., 1828 Morelius (Gulielmus) Verborum Latinorum Graecis Anglicisque con- junctorum Commentarii, F. fol. L., Hen. Bynneman, 1583 (Joann.) De Ecclesia ab Antichristo liberanda, 4to, L., 1587 Morell (Thos.) Lexicon Grseco-Prosodiacum : ed. Maltby, 4to. Cantabr.y 1815 [Morer, Thos.] A Short Account of Scotland, F. 8vo. L., 1702 Morgan (J.) Phoenix Britannicus : a Collection of Tracts, Da. 4to. L., 1732 [Morice (Jas.)] A Brief e Treatise of Oathes exacted by Ordinaries and Ecclesiasticall Judges, 4to. 5. a. & I. (circa 1580) Morigi (Paolo) Giardino Spirituale, 24mo. In Bergamo, 1588 Moringus (Ger.) Definitio ejus . . utrum oporteat Ecclesiasticos pauperes esse, etc., M. 8vo. Antw., M. H. Hoochstratanus, 1530 Morinus (Joan.) Commentarius de Sacris Ecclesise Ordinationibus, F. fol. AntwerpicB, 1695 Morisotus (Claudius) Orbis Maritimi, . . . Generalis Historia, F. fol. Divione, 1643 Morley (Geo. Bp.) Sermon at the Coronation of Charles II, F, 4to. L., 1661 Vindication of himself against Richard Baxter, C. 4to. L., 1683 304 CATALOGUE OF Morley (Henry) Clement Marot and other Studies, 2 vols., 8vo. Z., 1871 see Agrippa (H. C.) and Cardan (J.) (Thos.) Madrigalls to foure Voyces. . . The first Booke, 4to. L., T. Est, 1594 A Plaine and Easie Introduction to Practicall Musicke, fol. i., 1597 Mornay (Philip de) Tractatus de Ecclesia, M. 8vo. s. I., 1579 Id., M. 8vo. Jo. Le Preux, 1599 De la Y6nt6 de la Eeligion Chrestienne, 8vo., 2nd ed. (From the library of Sir Henry Savile, with his autograph) Paris, Claude Micard, 1582 De Veritate Religionis Christianas, B. 8vo. Antw., Chr. Plantin, 1583 Id., M. 8vo. Lugd. Bat, Plantin, 1587 Meditations Chrestienes sur quatre Pseaumes du Prophete David, 8vo. Orthez, L. Eabier, 1585 De Sacra Eucharistia, 8vo. Hanovice, 1605 -Advertissement aux Juifs sur la Venue du Messie, 4to. Saumur, 1607 Mysterium Iniquitatis, seu Historia Papatus, M.iol. ibid., 1611 Moronessa (Q. Jacopo) II Modello di Martino Lutero, M. 8vo. Vinegia, Gab. Giolito, 1556 Morrell (Wm., alias Bowyer, the impostor) Life of. Two Parts, a 4to. L., 1692 Morris (John) The Condition of Catholics under James I. Two Series, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1871 Morton (Thos.) Prioris Corinthiacse Epistolse Expositio, 8vo. L., 1596 A Treatise of the Threefold State of Man, 8vo. L., 1629 (Thos., Prebendary of York, and Bp. of Durham, etc.) Apologia Catholica. Pars Prima. fFith autograph of author, " Th. Morton." " Tobice Dunelm, ex aucthoris dono," 4to. L., 1605 Id., Pars Secunda, M. 4to. L., 1606 Id. Both Parts. The copy of John Molle, martyr in the Inqui- sition at Borne, and Bichard Baddeley, his son-in-law, Bp. Morton's secretary and biographer, B. 4 to. L., 1606 An Exact Discoverie of Romish Doctrine in the case of Con- spiracie and Rebellion. A presn. copy from the author, " Thorrms Moi'tm," M. 4to. ^ L., 1605 A Just and Moderate Answer to . . " An Exact Discoverie," etc., 4to. s. a. & I. A full satisfaction concerning a double Romish Iniquitie ; hainous Rebellion, and more then heathenish Equivocation, B. 4to. L., 1606 ■ A Preamble unto an incounter with P. R. (R. Parsons), the author of the deceitfull Treatise of Mitigation, F. F. 4to. L., 1608 The Encounter against M. Parsons, by a Review of his last sober Reckoning, 4to. L., s. a. Id., with different title, F. F. 4to. L., 1610 A Catholike Appeal for Protestants . . . ilf. fol. Z., 1609 YOEK MINSTER LIBRARY. 305 Morton (Thos.) A Defence of the Innocencie of the three Ceremonies of the Church of England, viz. the Surplice, Crosse after Baptisme, and kneeling at the receiving of the blessed Sacrament, 4to. L., 1618 Id., the second impression, 4to. i., 1619 Causa Eegia, sive de Authoritate et dignitate principum Chris- tianorum Dissertatio adversus E. Bellarminum, M. '■^ex dono authoris,'' 4to. L., 1620 The Grand Imposture of the (now) Church of Rome . . Ba. 4to. L., 1628 Id., another edition, 4to. L., s. a. Of the Institution of the Sacrament of the . . Bodie and Blood of Christ . . fol. i., 1631 Id., second edition, fol. Z., 1635 A Discharge of five Imputations of Mis-allegations, falsely charged upon the . . Bishop of Duresme by an English Baron . . 8vo. L., 1633 Antidotum adversus Ecclesiae Eomanae de Merito proprie dicto ex condigno Venenum, . . 4to. Cantabr., 1637 Eeplica. Sen adversus nuperrimam Confutationem aliquotse particulse partis prioris Apologise Tho. Mortoni (Authore C. E. Theologo) brevis Disputatio, 4to. L., 1638 A Sermon preached before the King's Majestic in the Cathedrall Church of Durham . . Two copies, C. and Da. 4to. Newcastle-on-Tyne, R. Barker , 1639 A Vindication of the Bishop of Durham from the vile and scandalous calumnies of a Libell intituled The Downfall of Hierarchic, etc. B. 4 to. L., 1641 The Presentment of a Schismaticke, a Sermon at St. Paul's, London, 4to, C. X., 1642 [ ] The Necessity of Christian Subjection... (Not in Barwick's List, but stated on the Tract itself in MS. to be by Bp. Morton), C. 4to. Oxford, 1643 The Lord's Supper, fol. L., 1652 Ezekiel's Wheels, a Treatise concerning Divine Providence, 8vo. L., 1653 ■ cTrtoTKOTTos aTToo-ToXtKos, or thc Episcopacy of the Church of England justified, 8vo. L., 1670 IEP0NIKH5, or the Fight, Victory and Triumph of S. Paul accommodated to . . Thomas late L. Bishop of Duresme .... with the Life of the said Bishop. By John Barwick, Da. L. P., 4to. L., 1660 • Id., reprint, 8vo. London & Newcastle, 1857 The Life of Thomas Morton, late Bishop of Duresme. Begun by E(ichard) B(addeley) Secretary to his Lordship. And finished by J(oseph) N(aylor) D.D. his Lordship's chaplain Da. 8vo. York, Stephen Bulkley, 1669 Morysinus (Eic.) Apomaxis adv. Joan. Coclei calumnias, M. 4to. L., Tho. Berthelet, 1537 Mosellanus (Petr.) In M. F. Quintiliani Ehetoricas Institutiones Annotationes, fol. Sub jprcelo Ascens., 1528 X 306 CATALOGUE OF Moses Choranensis. Historise Armeniacae Libri III, 4to. L.^ 1736 Mosheim (Jo. L.) Ecclesiastical History, 2 vols., 4to. Z., 1765 Mosley (Richard, Eector of St. Saviour's, York) Assize Sermon at York, March 11, 1734-5, 8vo. York, Thos. Gent, 1735 Mossom (Robt., Preb. of York and Bp. of Londonderry) The King on his Throne : two Sermons preached in the Cathedral Church in York, C. 4to. Y(yi% S. Bulkeley, 1642 Id., R. 4to. Printed at York by special commarid, 1643 Sion's Prospect in its First View, C. 4to. L., 1651 Id., F. 4to. Z., 1653 The Preacher's Tripartite, in three books, R. fol. L., 1657 Id., 2nd. ed. fol. L., 1685 An Apology in the behalf of the Sequestred Clergy, F. 4to. L., 1660 England's Gratulation for the King and his Subjects' Happy Union, 4to. L., 1660 Mothe (Claude De la) Entretiens sur la Correspondance fraternelle de I'Eglise Anglicane avec les autres ifiglises Reform^es, 8vo. Amsterdam, 1707 (Le Vayer, Fr. De la) Jugement sur les Anciens et principaux Historiens Grecs et Latins, 4to. Paris, 1646 Motley (J. L.) The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1889 Moufetus (Thos.) Insectorum sive Minimorum Animalium Theatrum, . F.F. fol. L., 1634 Moule (Thos.) Bibliotheca Heraldica, Da. 8vo. L., 1822 Mouravieff (A. N.) History of the Church of Russia, 8vo. Oxford, 1842 Mourt[on] (G.) Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth in New Eng- land in 1620: ed. Cheever, 2nd ed., 8vo. New York, 1848 Moxon (Jos.) Mechanick Exercises, F. 8vo. L., 1703 Mozley (J. B.) Treatise on the Augustinian Doctrine of Predestina- tion, 8vo. L., 1855 A Review of the Baptismal Controversy, 8vo. L., 1862 University Sermons, 8vo. L,, 1876 Essays, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1878 Ruling Ideas in Early Ages and their Relation to Old Testament Faith, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1878 Lectures, and other Theological Papers, 8vo. L., 1883 Letters, 8vo. L., 1885 (Thos.) Reminiscences, chiefly of Oriel College and the Oxford Movement, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1882 Reminiscences of Towns, Villages and Schools, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1885 [Mudie (A.)] Scotise Indiculum, F. 8vo. L., 1682 [Muffet, P.] A Commentarie . . upon the Proverbs of Salomon, M. 12mo. L., 1596 Muggleswick. A most Lamentable Information of part of the Grievances of Mugleswick Lordship in the Bishoprick of Dur- ham, sent by master George Lilburne, major of Sunderland, to be communicated to the House of Commons, C. A folio broad- side, s. a. ^ YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 507 Muggletonians. A True Eepresentation of the absurd and mis- chievous Principles of the Muggletonians, C. 4to. Z., 1694 The Principles of the Muggletonians asserted, C. 8vo. L., 1735 Muir (Sir Wm.) Annals of the Early Caliphate, 8vo. X., 1883 Muis (Simon de) Opera Omnia, D. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Paris, 1650 Mullinger (J. B.) Cambridge Characteristics in the Seventeenth Century, 8vo. L. and C, 1867 The Ancient African Church, 8vo. - Cambr.^ 1869 The Schools of Charles the Great, 8vo. X., 1877 The New Eeformation, a Narrative of the old Catholic Move- ment from 1875. By Theodorus, 8vo. L., 1881 [Munday (Anth.)] The English Komayne Lyfe, discovering the Lives of the Enghshmen at Roome ... By A. M., 4to. L., 1582 see Sebastian, and Spain. Mundella (Aloisius) Epistolse Medicinales. 'W. Mount" F.F. 4to. Basilece, M. Isingrius, 1543 Munk (S.) Palestine, 8vo. Paris, 1845 (Wm.) Eoll of the Royal College of Physicians, 2nd ed., 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1875 Munster (Seb.) Dictionarium Trilingue, Lat., Grsec. et Hebr., M. fol. BasilecB, Hen. Petri, 1530 Id., F. fol. ibid., 1562 Horologiographia recognita, F.F. 4to. iUd., 1533 Evangelium secundum Matthseum in lingua Hebrsea, M. fol. ihid., 1537 Proverbia Salomonis. Basilece, Frohen., 1548 Dictionarium Hebraicum, M. 8vo. ibid., 1548 — — Cosmographise Universalis Libri VI, M. fol. Basilece, H. Petri, 1572 Germanise atque aliarum Regionum Descriptio. " W. Mount,"" F.F. 4to. s. a. & I Muratori (L. A.) Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, fol. 24 vols, in 27. Mediolani, 1723-51 Liturgia Romana Vetus, 2 vols., fol. Venetiis, 1748 Annali dTtalia, 2nd ed., 18 vols., 8vo. Milan, 1753 Vita, scritta da Francesco Rhina. Printed upon green paper, pres7L. copy to Sir Mark Sykes, 8vo. Milano, 1819 Murchison (Sir R. I.) The Silurian System, 4to. L., 1839 The Geology of Russia in Europe, etc., 2 vols., 4to. L., 1845 Muretus (M. A.) Epistolse, M. 8vo. Col. Agr., 1580 Orationes, M. 8vo. Col. Agr., Jo. Gymnicus, 1581 — -Variarum Lectionum Libri XV, M. 8vo. Lugd.,Hcer. GuL Eovillii, 1594 Muriel (Chr.) An Answer to the Catholiques' Supplication. No title. M. 4to. (1603) Murphy (Jas.) Plans ... of the Church of Batalha . . fol. L., 1795 Murray (J. A. H.) The Dialect of the Southern Counties of Scot- land, 8vo. L., 1873 Musaeus : De Herone et Leandro Carmen, 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1737 X 2 308 CATALOGUE OF Musculus (Wolfgang) Commentarii in Genesim, Psalmos, etc., M. fol, 9 vols, in 7. Basilem, 1557-99 Loci Communes Sacrae Theologise, M. fol. Basilece, Jo. Hermgius^ 1564 Id., Common Places, etc., B. fol. L., Reg. JFolfe, 1563 The Temporisour, M. 8vo. Edinburgh, Tho.Vautroullier, 1584 Musgrave (Chr.) Motives and Reasons for his Secession from the Church of Rome, M. 4to. L, 1621 Miislin (David) Auswahl von Predigten, 2 vols., 8vo Bern., 1813-17 Musso (Corn.) II Primo Librodelle Prediche, M. 8vo. Venetia, 1575 Quattro Libri delle Prediche, 4 vols, in 2, 4to. Torino, 1579 De Divina Historia, F.F. 4to. Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1587 In B. Pauli Epistolam ad Romanes Comment., M. ibid., 1588 Conciones Evangeliorum de Dominicis aliquot et Festis, F., 2 vols., 8vo. Colonice, 1594 Id., Vol. II, F. F. 8vo. ibid., 1594 Muston (A.) History of the Waldenses, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1875 Mutio (Grirolamo) Risposta ad una Lettera de Francesco Betti, Romano, etc., M. 24mo. s. a. & I. Myers (F.) Catholic Thoughts on the Bible and Theology, 8vo. L., 1874 Mynors (Willoughby) True Loyalty : or Non-Resistance the only Support of Monarchy, i^. 8vo. L., 1716 Myriell (Thos.) The Christian's Comfort, in a Sermon preached at St. Paul's on Candlemas Day, 1623, M. 4to. L., 1623 Mythographi Latine sc. Hyginus, etc., ed. Van Staveren, 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1742 N. E. Caesar's Dialogue, or a Familiar Communication, containing the first Institution of a Subject in Allegiance to his Sove- raigne, 8vo. L., 1601 N. N. Reflexions sur I'usage de I'Eloquence de ce temps, 8vo. Paris, 1671 N. S. See Norris (Sylvester). N. T. ^66 Howell (Wm.) N. T. The Disposition or Garnishmente of the Soule to receive worthily the Blessed Sacrament, M. 8vo. Antwerpe, Joac. Trognesius, 1596 Naclautus (Jac.) Opera, fol., 2 vols, in I, M. Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1567 Nakatenus (Wilhel.) Cceleste Palmetum. (Eev. C. B. Nordiffe, 1877), 8vo. Col. Agr., 1723 Nalson (John) The true liberty & dominion of Conscience vindi- cated, C. 8vo. L., 1678 [ ] The Common Interest of King and People, C. 8vo. L., 1678 Historical Collections, Da., 2 vols., fol. L., 1682 -Foxes and Firebrands, 2nd ed., 8vo. Dublin, 1682 (Valentine, Preb. of Ripon, his son) Twenty Sermons most of them preached in the Cathedral of York, 8vo. L., 1724 Nalton (Jas.) Fast Sermon before the House of Commons, Apr. 29, 1646, C. 4to. L., 1646 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 309 Nannius (Florianus) Catena Argentea, M. 4to. Bononice, 1687 (Petr.) Sapientia Solomonis, cum Scholiis, M. 4 to. Basilece, Hier. Froben, etc., 1552 Paraphrases et Scholia in Cantica Canticorum, M. 4to. Lovanii, ex off. St. Gual et Jo. Batenii, 1554 Napier (H. E.) Florentine History, 6 vols. L., 1846 (John) A Plaine Discovery of the whole Eevelation of St. John, M. 4to. Edinburgh, R. Waldegrave, 1593 (Macvey) Lord Bacon and Sir Walter Ealeigh, 8vo. Cambr., 1853 (Mark) Montrose and the Covenanters, 2 vols., 8vo. Z., 1838 Nash (F.) Views of St. George's Chapel, Windsor, L. P., fol. L., 1805 Nassau (Gul.) G. N. Germaniam Inferiorem libertati vindicantis ad Ordines et Popnlum Denuntiatio, 4to. s. /., 1572 Natal. Correspondence of English Bishops and the Bishop of Cape Town about the appointment of an Orthodox Bishop to Natal, 8vo. Z., 1868 Natalis (Hieron.) Adnotationes et Meditationes in Evangelia quse S. Missse sacrificio . . . leguntur, M. fol. Antwerp, M. Nutius, 1595 Natta (M. A.) De Deo, M. fol. Venetiis, P. Manutius, 1559 Nau (Claude) see Mary Queen of Scots. Nauclerus (Jo.) Chronica, M. fol. Colon., P. Quentel, 1544 Naunton (Sir R) The Court of Q. Elizabeth, L. P., 8vo. L., 1814 Nausea (Frid.) Cath. Postillarum et Homiliarum Epitome, M. 8vo. Colonm, Joann. Quentel, 1550 Naville (E.) La Vie jfiternelle, 8vo. Le Pere Celeste, 8vo. Le Probleme du Mai, 8vo. -Le Christ, 8vo. Paris, 1862 Geneve, 1865 ibid., 1868 ibid.. 1878 L., 1716 L., 1656 L.. ,1790 L., 1849 Naworth (G.) see Booker (John). Nayler (Jas.) Books & Epistles, C. 8vo. Naylor (Jas.) Love to the Lost, D. 4to. Neale (G.) Essays on Modeirn Manners, C. 12mo. (J. M.) Tetralogia Liturgica, 8vo. -History of the Holy Eastern Church, continued by Williams, 5 vols., 8vo. L., 1850, etc. Hymni Ecclesiae, 8vo. Oxon. ^ L., 1851 Sequentise ex Missalibus, 8vo. L., 1852 Lectures, principally on the Church difficulties of the Present Time, 8vo. L., 1852 Lectures at Birmingham on Confession and Absolution, 8vo. L., 1854 History of the So-called Jansenist Church of Holland, 8vo. Oxford, 1858 Voices from the East : Documents on the Oriental Church, 8vo. L., 1859 Notes on Dalmatia, ^S*. 8vo. L., 1861 Essays on Liturgiology and Church History, 8vo. L., 1863 -Liturgies of SS. Mark, James, etc., 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1865 Commentary on the Psalms, continued by Littledale, 4 vols., 8vo. L., 1871, etc. Mediaeval Preachers & Preaching, 8vo. L., 1873 310 CATALOGUE OF Neander (Mich.) Synopsis Mensurarum et Ponderum, B. 4to. Basilece, Jo. Oporinus, 1555 Nedham (M.) A Pacquet of Advices & Animadversions, B. 4to. L., 1676 Needham (Robt.) Six Sermons, D. 8vo. L., 1679 Negus (Thos.) Sermon for the London Charity Schools, G. 4to. L., 1761 Neile (Archbp.) see Dominis (M. A. de). Neligan (W. H.) Rome : its Churches, Charities, & Schools, 8vo. New York, 1858 Nelson (Robert) Memoirs of, by C. F. Secretan, 8vo. L., 1860 (Wm.) The Rights of the Clergy of Great Britain, F. 8vo. L., 1709 Nemesius de Natura Hominis, ** Jo. Prkmus'' F. 8vo. Antw., Chr. Flantin, 1565 Id., B. 8vo. Oxonii, 1671 Nepos (Cornelius) Vitse, 8vo. Lugd. Bat.^ 1734 Id., Translated by John Clarke of Hull, Da., 8th ed., 8vo. L., 1754 Neri (Philip de) see Gallonius. Nerinius (Felix) De Templo et Coenobio SS. Bonifacii et Alexii Historica Monumenta, 4to. Eomce, 1752 Nervius (Lud.) De Militia Spirituali, M. 8vo. Faris, L. Tilefanus, 1540 Neuman & Baretti. Spanish-English Dictionary, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1823 Neville (Fr. de) The Conversion of Fr. de N. the Pope's Missionary & Capuchin Preacher, 4to. L., 1644 Nevizanus (Jo.) Sylvae Nuptialis Libri V., M. 8vo. Lugd., 1572 Indices duo Scriptorum in Jure tam Pontificio quam Civili, "Jo. Fricceus," F. fol. s. I. & a. Nevyllus (Alex.) Kettus, sive de Furoribus Norfolciensium Ketto duce, F. 8vo. L., H. Binneman, 1582 Newcastle-on-Tyne. Extracts from the Municipal Accounts of ; with the Battle of Hexham, ed. by G. B. Richardson. Fres. copies to J. G. Nichols, with Letter, 8vo. 1848 Extracts from the Monthly Chronicle, 5 vols., 4to. Newc, 1887-91 Newcastle (Margt., Duchess of) Life of Wm., Duke of Newcastle, D. fol. L., 1667 Id., Memoirs of the Duke and Duchess of Newcastle ; ed. by C. H. Firth, 8vo. L., 1886 Poems & Fancies in Verse, D. 3rd ed., fol. L., 1668 Orations, D. fol. L., 1668 Plays, Z). fol. _ Z., 1668 Observations upon Experimental Philosophy, D. fol. L., 1668 The World's Olio, D. fol. L., 1671 (Wm., Earl and Duke of) A Declaration in answer to six groundless aspersions cast upon him by Lord Fairfax, F. and B. 4to. York, St. Bidkeley, 1642 A Declaration made by him for his Resolution of Marching into Yorkshire, B. 4to. iUd., 1642 YOllK MINSTER LIBRARY. 311 Newcastle ( Wm. Duke of) A Letter written to him by a noble person from the South containing a Relation of the Victory at New- berry, B. 4to. York, St. Bulkeley, 1643 A true Relation of the Passages of the Armie under him since his coming into Derbishire, B. 4to. ibid., 1643 Newcourt (Ric.) Repertorium, or Ecclesiastical History of the Diocese of London, Da. 2 vols., fol. L., 1708 New England. An Abstract of the Lawes of New England, 4to. L., 1641 Newhouse(Thos.) A learned and fruitfull Sermon, preached in Christ's Church in Norwich, 8vo. L., 1612 Certain Sermons, M. 8vo. L., 1614 Newman (J. H., Cardinal) The Arians of the Fourth Century, 8vo. L, 1833 Letter to Dr. Jelf on Tract No. 90, 8vo. Oxford, 1841 Lectures on Justification, 8vo. L., 1843 Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine (/. B.), 8vo. L, 1845 Dissertatiunculse qusedam Theologicse, 8vo. Romce, 1847 Apologia pro Vita Sua, 8vo. L., 1864 Letter to Dr. Pusey on his Eirenikon, 8vo. L., 1866 The Via Media of the Anglican Church, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1877 Vortrage iiber die gegenwartige Stellung der Katholiken in England, aus dem Englischen, 8vo. Begensburg, 1883 Letters and Correspondence of, ed. Anne Mozley, 2 vols., 8vo. L, 1890 (Samuel) A Concordance to the Bible, 2nd ed., fol. L., 1650 Id., F. 3rd ed., fol. L., 1658 News and Newspapers — Newes sent to the Ladie Princesse of Orange, translated out of the French by J. E., 4to. /.., John Wolfe, 1589 Newes from Rome, Spain e, Palermo, Geneva and France, M. 4to. L., Tho. Nelson, 1590 True Newes from one of SirFrauncesVere'sCompanie concerning Delfte's-Isle, etc., M. 4to. ibid., 1591 Newes sent out of Britayn . . . concerning the Exploits of Sir John Norris, M. 4to. L, John Wolfe, 1591 Mercurius Gallo-Belgicus, M. 15 vols., 8vo. Col. Agr., 1592-1623 Newes from Rome, Venice, and Vienna, touching the proceed- ings of the Turkes against the Christians in Austria, etc., 4to. L., Jo. Banter, 1595 The First Relation concerning the Warres now being betweene the Pope and the Duke of Ferrara, 4to. L., 1598 Newes out of Germanie, or the Surprizing of the citie of Prage, etc., M. 4to. L., 1612 Newes from Ireland out of Loughfoyle. No title, 4to . . . Newes from sundry places, both forraine and domestique, from Venice, Rome, Spaine, etc., 4to. L., 1622 A Relation of Letters . . . from Rome, Italy, Spaine, France, the Palatinate, etc. Ten Numbers, M. 4to. L., 1622-5 312 CATALOGUE OF News and Newspapers. The Continuation of our Weekely Newes from the 21 of June to the 28, and from the 11th Jany. to the 17th, 4to. L.^for Mercurius Britannicus, 1626 Mercurius Britannicus, Nos. 16, 28, 37, 48, 49 and 79, C. ; and many Numbers, 1643-6, Da. The Principall Passages of Germany, Italy, France, and other places, C. 4 to. L., 1636 The most blessed and truest Newes from Ireland, shewing the fortunate successe of the Protestants, etc., C. 4to. L.y 1642 The Kingdome's Weekly Intelligencer, Jan. 10-24, 1643, B. 4to. L., 1643 Special Passages and certain Informations, Jan. 17-24, 1643,^. 4to. s. I, 1643 The Northerne Nuntio, 7-14 Aug., 1643, B. 4to. s. I, 1643 Mercurius Aulicus for 1643, Da. ; and for Jan. 5-12, 1644, C. The Parliament Scout, Nos. 77, 84, C. s. a. & I. The Moderate Intelligencer, 21 Nos., C. 4to. L., 1647-8 Mercurius Publicus, Apr. 26— May 3, 1660, F. 4to. X., 1660 The Oxford Gazette, Nos. 4-23, with its continuation. The London Gazette, from Feb. 1, 1665, to Sept. 16, 1669, Da. fol. Domestick Intelligence, No. 35, for Nov. 4, 1679, fol. The True Protestant Mercury, Sept. 13-16, 1682, fol. L., 1682 The York Mercury. Nine Numbers, 1719-21, Da. York, Grace White and C. Bourne The Star Newspaper for 1793. (Dean Markham, 1819), fol. The True Briton for 1794 and 5. (Dean Markham), 2 vols., fol. The Sun, 1796-1804. (Dean Markham), 9 vols., fol The Sun, Jan I— May 13, 1805; The Morning Chronicle, May 14— Nov. 17, 1805 ; The Courier, Nov. 18— Dec. 31, 1805. (Dean Markham), fol. The Courier, 1806-1820. (Dean Markham), 15 vols., fol. The Courier for 1821. (Dean Markham), fol. The Cape Town Gazette for 1820. (Sir Rufus Donkin, 1822), fol. Newton (Charles) Journal of anExcursion in Asia Minor, 8vo. L., 1839 Travels and Discoveries in the Levant, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1865 (Sir Isaac) Two Letters to Mr. Le Clerc, C. 8vo. L., 1754 Opera Omnia. (Mr. Wm. Mills, York, 1811), 5 vols., 4to. L., 1779-85 (Thos., Precentor of York and Bp. of Bristol), Dissertations on the Prophecies. ("The gift of the Author,") 2nd ed., 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1759-60 Sermon for the London Charity Schools, C. 4to. L., 1765 Nibelungenleid. Das Nibelungenleid, 8vo. Stuttgart, 1867 Nicander : Theriaca et Alexipharmaca. " Jo. Pricceus," F. 4to. Colon., 1530-1 Nicanor (Lysimachus), see Corbet (John). Nicephorus (Callistus) Eccl. Hist. Libri XVIII, fol. Basilece, Oporinus & Hervagius, 1560 Id., fol. ihid., Jo. Opminus, 1561 (Greg.) Chronologia, M. fol. Basilece, Jo. Oporinus, 1561 Byzantinse Hist. Libri XI, M. fol. ibid., 1562 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 313 Nicetas : Historia ab Imperio Jo. Comneni . . ad Henricum Balduini fratrem, M. fol. ibid., 1557 Nichols, Niccols (John) A Declaration of his Recantation, 8vo. Z., s. a. John Niccols' Pilgrimage, 8vo. L., Tho. Dawson, 1581 An Oration and Sermon made at Rome, 8vo. John Charlewood, 1581 see Fenner (Dudley) and Parsons (Robert). (John) Royal Wills, 4to. L, 1780 Progresses of Queen Elizabeth, 2 vols., 4to. L., 1788 Progresses of James I, 4 vols., 4to. L., 1828 (John Bowyer) Account of the Hospital and Church of St. Katherine, near the Tower, London, 4to. L., 1824 (John Gough) London Pageants, 8vo. L., 1831 Collectanea Topographica&Genealogica, 8 vols.,8vo.iy., 1834-43 The Topographer and Genealogist, 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1845-58 (Josiah) Abraham's Faith, M. 4to. L., 1602 -The Plea of the Innocent, 8vo. s. I, 1602 (Nicholas, Rector of Patrington) Thanksgiving Sermon there, 9th Oct., 1746, B. 8vo. Hull, G. Ferraby, s. a. (Wm.) Commentary on the Book of Common Prayer, F. fol. L., 1710 Nicholson (Benj.) Some Returns to a Letter from the Officers of the Army, B. 4 to. L., 1653 (Cornelius) Annals of Kendal, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1861 (E. B.) The Gospel according to the Hebrews, 8vo. L., 1879 Nicolas (A.) La Divinity de Jesus Christ, 8vo. Paris, 1864 (Sir N. H.) Life of Wm. Davison, 8vo. L., 1823 Lady Jane Grey, 8vo. L., 1825 Testamenta Vetusta, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1826 Memoir of Augustine Vincent, Windsor Herald, 8vo. L., 1827 Journal of Bp. Beckington in 1442, Da. 8vo. L., 1828 The Siege of Carlaverock, Da. 4to. L., 1828 Catalogue of the Heralds' Visitations in the British Museum, 8vo. L., 1828 Roll of Arms . . in the reign of Edward II, 8vo. L., 1828 Rolls of Arms of the reigns of Henry III and Edward III, 8vo. L., 1829 History of the Battle of Agincourt, Da. 8vo. L., 1832 The Scrope and Grosvenor Roll, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1832 The Chronology of History, 8vo. L., 1838 Memoirs of. . Sir Chr. Hatton, 8vo. L., 1847 History of the Royal Navy, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1847 Nicolaus (Phil.) Disputatio de duobus Antechristis, Mahumete, et Pontifice Romano, 8vo. Marpurgi, P. Egenolphus, 1590 De Antichristo Romano, M. 8vo. Bostochii, 1609 Nicolls (Francis) The Life and Death of Mr. Ignatius Jurdain, Alder- man of Exeter, H. 4to. L., 1654 Nicolson (Jos.) and Burn (W.) The History and Antiquities of Westmorland and Cumberland. {Lamplugh Hird, Preb. of York, 1804), 2 vols., 4to. L., 1777 314 CATALOGUE OF Nicolson (Wm., Bp. of Gloucester) Exposition of the Church Cate- chism, F. 4to. L., 1662 (Wm., Bp. of Carlisle) The Scottish Historical Library, F. 8vo. L, 1702 The English Historical Library, 2nd ed., F. fol. L., 1714 The English, Scottish, and Irish Historical Libraries, 3rd ed., fol. L., 1736 Leges Marchiarum; or, Border Laws, R. 8vo. L., 1747 Miscellany Accounts of the Diocese of Carlisle, 8vo. L., 1877 Letters ; ed. J. Nichols, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. L., 1809 Nider (Joan.) Manuale Confessorum, Imp., M. 4to. s. a. & I. Prseceptorium Divinse Legis, F. fol. s. a. & I. Id., ed. Gibbonus, 8vo. Duad, 1612 Niem (Theod.) De Schismate Papistico inter Urbanum VI Papam et Clementem Antipapam, M. fol. Norimbenjce, Jo. Petreius, 1532 Niemeyer (H. A.) Collectio Confessionum in Ecclesiis Reformatis, 8vo. Lipsice, 1840 Nierembergius (Joan.) Homiliae catenatae, D. fol. Antw., 1651 Hieromelissa Bibliotheca, D. fol. Lugduni, 1661 Contemplations of the State of Man. " E libris Edvardi Churton, qui pannum hunc villosum Taylori purpurea assutum primus detexit, A.D. 1848." a 8vo. L., 1734 Nierses (S.) Preces sedecim Unguis. (Lady Mansfield, 1820), 8vo. Venetiis, 1818 Nieuport (G. H.) Rituum qui olim apud Romanos obtinuerunt suc- cincta Explicatio, S. 8vo. Argentorati, 1738 Nigronus (Jul.) Dissertatio de Caliga Veterum. '^ Jo. Pricceus," F. 8vo. Mediolani, 1617 Nilus (S.) Epistolarum Libri IV, fol. Piomce, 1668 Opuscula, fol. ibid., 1673 (Archiep.) De Primatu Papse Romani, F.F. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1595 Id., Transl. by M. Fl. Illyricus, 8vo. Francofurti, 1555 Nixon (Bp.) Lectures on the Church Catechism, 8vo. L., 1843 Nizolius (Marius) Thesaurus Ciceronianus, M. fol. Basilem, ex off, Hervagii, 1568 Noble (Mark) Memoirs of the Protectorate of Cromwell, C. 2 vols., 8vo Birmingham, 1784 Lives of the English Regicides, C. 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1798 Noldeke(Th.) Histoire Litt6raire de I'Ancien Testament ; translated into French, 8vo. Paris, 1873 Nolden (Josias) De Statu Nobilium Civili. ''Jo. Pricoius," F. 8vo. Gissce Hessorum, 1623 Nols (Chr.) The Signs of the Times, C. Imp., 4to. L, 1681 A Full and True Account of the late Blazing Star, C. 3 parts, 4to. s. a. & I. Nonjurors — A Vindication of the Divines who have sworn allegiance to King William and Queen Mary, C. 4to. L., 1689 A Letter to a Member of the Convention. {Bp. W. Sherlock), C. 4to. s. a. (& I. An Answer to the Author of the Letter, &c., C. 4to. s. a. YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 315 Nonjurors. An Answer to " A Letter," etc., C. 4to. s. a. & I. A Letter to the Author of the late Letter out of the Countrey, C. 4to. s. a. & I. A Modest Apology for the Suspended Bishops, C. 4to. L., 1690 The Petition of many Divines . . to the Convocation, C. ito. s. I, 1690 Reflections on the Petition and Apology for the six Deprived Bishops, C, 4to. s. a. & I. How far the Clergy ought to communicate with the Non- swearing Bishops, (J. 4to. L.^ 1690 A brief Examination of some Passages in . . a Letter written to Dr. Sherlock in his Vindication, C. 4to. L., s. a. The Resolution of a Case of Conscience. (By Sam. Grascome), C. 4to. L., s. a. Two Letters written to the Author of a Pamphlet entituled Solomon and Abiathar. (By Sam. Grascome), C. 4to. X., 1692 Unity of Priesthood necessary to the Unity of Communion in a Church. (By Nath. Bisbie), 0. 4to. Z., 1692 A Reply to the Reflector on the Gloucestershire Petition, C. 4to. L., 1693 A Letter to a Friend concerning the behaviour of Christians under the various Revolutions of State-Government, C. 4to. Z., 1693 A Communion Office taken partly from Primitive Liturgies and partly from the first English Reformed C. P. B. etc., ( The Non- jurors' Office), F. 8vo. L., 1718 The Form and Manner of Consecrating and Administering the Holy Communion, etc., according to Edward the Sixth's First Book, F. (No title). The English Catholic Nonjurors of 1715, ed. by Estcourt and Payne, 8vo. X., 1885 Nonnus (Ludov.) Commentarius in Huberti Goltzii Grseciam, etc., fol. Antwerpice, 1644 (Poeta) Translatio S. Evangelii secundum Joannem Grsece, M. 4to. Haganom, Jo. Secerius, 1527 Id., B. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., ex ofi. Plantin., 1599 ' Dionysiaca. "/o. PriccBUS," F. 8vo. Hanovice, 1610 Normandy. Inventaire de I'Histoire de Normandie, F. 4to. Bouen, 1646 Norris (Sir John) Newes sent out of Britayn and other places . . con- cerning the exploits of Sir John Norris, M. 4to. L., Jo. Wolfe, 1591 (Silvester) An Antidote . . against the Pestiferous Writings of all English Sectaries. The First Part, 4to. s. /., 1615 North (Roger) The Lives of the Norths, 3 vols., 8vo. X., 1826 Autobiography of Roger North, ed. Jessopp, 4to. L., 1887 Northamptonshire. The Testimony of the Ministers ... of London to the Solemne League and Covenant . . . attested by other Ministers . . in the County of Northampton, C. 4to. X., 1648 Northcote (J. S.) and Brownlow (W. R.) Roma Sotterranea, an Ac- count of the Catacombs, 8vo. L., 1869 316 CATALOGUE OF [Northleigh (John)] Parliamentum Pacificum, 4to. F. & S. L, 1688 Northumberland (Earl of) Three Speeches in Guildhall, London, by him, Lord Lowden, and Sir Henry Vane, jun., C. 4to. 1648 Visitation of the County in 1615; ed. G. W. Marshall, L. P., 8vo. L, 1878 Norton (John, of Ipswich, New England) The Orthodox Evangelist, 4to. L., 1654 see Cotton (John). [ (Thomas)] To the Quene's Maiestie's poore deceived Subjectes of the North Countrey, drawen into rebellion by the Earles of Northumberland and Westmerland, M. 8vo. L., 1569 The Effect of the Eecorder of London's (W. Fleetwood) Decla- ration concerning the late Attemptes of the Quene's Majestie's evil, seditious and disobedient Subjectes, M. 8vo. L,,JohnDaye, s. a. A Warning against the dangerous practises of Papistes, and specially the parteners of the late Rebellion, M. 8vo. L., s. a. A Bull graunted by the Pope to Dr. Harding and others, by reconcilement and assoyling of English Papistes, M. 8vo. L., s. a. A disclosing of the great Bull, and certain calves that he hath gotten, and specially the Monster Bull that roared at my Lord Byshop's gate, M. 8vo. L., s. «. An addition declaratorie to the BuUes, with a searching of the Maze, M. 8vo. L., s. a. [ ] A Message, termed ' Marke the truth of the Worde of God in these xiij bloes at the Pope's Bull,' M. 8vo. L, 1570 Norwich. Vox Norwici : or the Cry of Norwich vindicating their Ministers, C. 4to. L., 1646 — —An Hue-and-Cry after Vox Populi . . . reviling the Magistracy and Ministry of Norwich, C. 4to. Norwich, 1646 Norwood (Richard) Fortification, or Architecture Military, F. 4to. Lugd., 1639 (Capt. Robert) A Declaration or Testimony given by him, H. 4to. L., 1651 Nostradamus (Mich.) Les Vrayes Centuries et Propheties, 8vo. Amst, 1668 Nottingham (Records of the Borough of). {The Mayor and Corpora- tion, 1890), 4 vols., 8vo. L., 1882-9 Nottinghamshire. A Letter from divers Knights and Gentlemen of the County to Sir Tho. Hutchinson, Knt., and R. Sutton, Esq., B. 4to. York, 1642 None, Nue (Fr. de la) Discours Politiques et Militaires. "/o. Pricceus," F. fol. Basle, 1597 Novatianus. De Trinitate, etc., fol. Antw., 1584 Opera, ed. Jackson, B. 8vo. L., 1728 Novicampianus (Alb.) Scopus Biblicus V. & N. Testt., M. 8vo. Antw., Jo. Bellerus, 1555 De Corruptissimis seculi hujus Moribus, etc., M: 8vo. Colon., ap. M. Cholinum, 1561 Novus Homo (1 Newman) Supplicatio ad Imperatorem . . . super causis Generalis Concilii convocandi contra Paulum V, M. 4to. L., 1613 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 317 Nowel (Alex.) A Reproufe of M. Dorman his Proufe, M. 4to. i., H. Wykes, 1565 A Confutation as wel of M. Dorman's last Boke entituled " A Disproufe " . . . as also of D. Sander his Causes of Transubstan- tiation, M. 4to. Z., H. Bynneman, 1567 Catechismus. " Gulielmi Sagei ex dono Vemrahilis M""' Alexandri Nowelli," F. F. 8vo. L., Beg. Wolf, 1573 Id., F. 4to. L., ap. Jo. Dayum, 1574 Id., 8vo. i., Boger Warde, 1584 Id.. 8vo. ' L., 1638 N[oy] (W[m.]) A Treatise of the principall Grounds and Maximes of the Lawes of this Kingdome. C. 4to. Z., 1641 Nugse Criticse, Occasional Papers by Shirley, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1862 Nugent (Thos.) Cebetis Thebani Tabula, C. 8vo. L., 1745 Nye (Philip) Sermon on the day of the election of the Lord Mayor of London, Sept. 29, 1659, C. 4to. L., 1661 A Case of Great and Present Use, H. 8vo. L., 1677 Nysseus (Joann.) Tabulae Locorum Communium Theol. P. Melanc- thonis, M. fol. Basilece^ Jo. Oporinus, 1560 O. D. A Perswasion to Loyalty, or the Subject's Dutie, C. 4to. L., 1642 0. J. An Answer to two Questions concerning the power of the supream Magistrate about Religion . . and Tythes, C. 4to. s. a. O. L. See Owen (Lewis). 0. R. See Overton (Richard). Oakeley (F.) Historical Notes on the Tractarian Movement, 1833-45, 8vo. L., 1867 Oates (Titus) An exact Discovery of the Mystery of Iniquity amongst the Jesuits, C. 4to. L., 1679 Sermon at St. Michael's, Wood Street, Da. 4to. L., 1679 Narrative of the horrid Plot, Da. 4to. Fdinb., 1679 Oaths. A Discourse of their Nature and Obligation, B. 4to. L., 1662 Obedience. The Bounds and Bonds of Publique Obedience, H. 2nd ed., 4to. L., 1650 Obrechtus (Geo.) Tractatus de Regalibus et Jurisdictione, M — . Mulhusii, 1602 Ochinus (Bern.) Disputa intorno alia Presenza del Corpo di Giesu Christo nel Sacramento della Cena. II Catechisme, M. 8vo. Basilece, 1559-61 Prediche, M. 5 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1562 Ockould (Ric.) The Times, Places and Persons of the Holie Scrip- ture, M. fol. L., 1607 Ocland (Chr.) Anglorum Prselia, etc. L., B. Nuberie, 1582 Octavarium Romanum, 8vo. Antw., Plantin, 1661 Q^colampadius (Joan.) Annotationes in Evang. Joannis, M. 8vo. Basil., Andr. Crotandrus, 1535 Epistolarum Libri IV, M. fol. Basilece, T. Platterus et B. Lasius, 1536 Commentarii in Libros Prophetarum, et in Job Exegemeta, M. fol. Genevan, Jo. Crispinus, 1553-8 318 CATALOGUE OF (Ecumenius. Expositiones antiquae in Acta Apostolorum : in VII Epp. Cathol. S. Pauli, & in Apoc, M. 2 vols., fol. Feronce, s. a. Id., 3 vols., fol. Parisiis, 1630-1 Catena Explanationum .... in Acta App. & Epp. Cath., M, 8vo. Basilece, 1552 Commentarii in Omnes S. Pauli Epistolas, M. 4to. ibid., 1555 Officia, Offices — The Office of the Holy Week according to the Roman Missal and Breviary, S. 2nd ed., Svo. i., 1729 Id., ,S'. 4th ed., Svo. L., 1752 Uffizio della Settimana Santa, S. 1 2mo. Milan, s. a. L'Office de la Semaine Sainte. (Bev. C. B. Nordiffe, 1877), 8vo. Avignon, 1805 Liturgia Hebdomadis Sacrae et Paschalis . . Latine et Ger- manice, S. Svo. Schaffhausen, 1852 Officia propria SS. Ord. Eremitarum S. Augustini, D. Svo. Genevce, 1652 Officia propria Sanctorum et aliarum Festivitavum Ord. Carme- litarum, F. Svo. Antw., 1617 Offices propres pour L'%lise de Saint Charles des Prestres de la Doctrine Chr^tienne de Paris, S. Svo. Paris, 1758 Officium in Festo Corporis Christi. (Rev. C. B. Nordiffe, 1877), Svo. Ulisippone, 1812 Officia propria Festorum Trium Ordinum Ord. S. Francisci. Pars Hiemalis. (Id., 1877), Svo. ibid., 1798 L'Office de S. Gervais et de S. Protais, S. Svo. Paris, 1740 Officia ad usum PP. Societatis Jesu, Svo. Lugd., 1744 Officia propria SS. Rom. Pontificum ad usum . . Cath. Eccl. Lateranensis, S. Svo. Bomce, 1766 Officium B. M. V. nuper reformatum, F. 32mo. Antw., Chr. Plantin, 1582 The Office of the B. M. V. in Latin, with the Rubrics in Eng- lish, 18mo. s.l, 1633 L'Office de la Vierge. (Rev. C. B. Nordiffe, 1877), 12mo. Paris, 1752 Officia Festorum . . B. V. M. juxta Rubricas Breviarii Cister- ciensis ... ad usum Monasterii Waldassensis, Svo. Waldassii, 1760 Officium Parvum, B. M. V. ad usum Ord. Cisterciensis congreg. Portugallise. (Rev. C. B. Nordiffe, 1877), 24mo. Olisippone, 1771 Offices propres a I'usage des Religieuses de L'Ordre de S. Ursule, S. Svo. Anvers, 1767 Ogilvie (John) A true Relation of the Proceedings against him. (A Jesuit), 4to. Edinburgh, Andro Hart, 1615 Olaus Magnus : Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus, M. fol. Romm, 1553 Id. Transl. into English, F. fol. L., 1658 Olave (St.) Passio et Miracula : ed. F. Metcalfe, 4to. Ooyford, 1881 Old Catholics. Report of the Reunion Conference at Bonn, Sept. 1874, S. Svo. L., 1875 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 319 Old Catholics. Beschliisse der zweiten Synode der Altkatholiken des Deutsclien Eeiches, gehalten zu Bonn, 1875, S. 8vo. Bonn, 1875 Katholisches Rituale, herausgegeben nach den Beschiissen der beiden Ersten Synoden der Altkatholiken des Deutschen Reiches, S. 8vo. ibid., 1875 The Offices of the Old-Catholic Prayer Book done into Eng- lish, and compared with the Offices of the Roman and Old- German Rituals, ed. F. E. Warren, 8vo. Oxford, 1876 The New Reformation, a Narrative of the Old Catholic Move- ment from 1875 to the present time, with Introduction by Theodorus. (i. e., J. B, Mullinger). 8vo. L., 1881 See Scarth. Oldendor (Joann.) Loci Juris Communes, M. 8vo. Franco/.', Ch. Egenolph, 1546 Oldham (John) Works, F. 8vo. L., 1684 Oldisworth (Giles) The Holy Royalist, D. 4to. L., 1664 Olevianus (Caspar) Notse in Ep. ad Galatas, M. 8vo. Genevce, Fust. Vignon, 1578 Notse in Epp. ad Philipp. et Coloss., M. 8vo. ibid., 1580 Expositio Symboli Apostolici, M. 8vo. Francof., Andr. Wecliel, 1580 Olshausen (Herm.) Commentary on the Gospels, Acts and Epistles, 9 vols., 8vo. Edinb., 1847, &c. Oliphant (G. H. H.) The Law of Pews, 8vo. L., 1850 -The Law of Church Ornaments and Utensils, 8vo. L., 1851 (Laur.) The Land of Gilead, 8vo. L., 1880 (Mrs.) The Makers of Venice, 8vo. L., 1887 The Makers of Florence, 8vo. L., 1891 — — (T. L. R.) The Old and Middle English, 8vo. L., 1878 Oliva (Gian Paolo) Prediche, 3 vols., fol. Roma, 1664 Sermoni, 8vo. ibid., 1675 Olivarius (Petr. Jo.) De Prophetia, M. 8vo. Basilece, 1543 Oliver (Geo.) Collections illustrating the History of the Catholic Religion in the Counties of Cornwall, Devon, etc., S. 8vo. 1857 Lives of the Bishops of Exeter, etc., 8vo. Exeter, 1861 History of the City of Exeter, 8vo. ibid., 1861 (Sam.) and Crook (S.) Their Funerall Sermons ... by Chet- wind and Thomas, C. 4to. L., 1653 Olympia (Fulvia) Opera, 8vo. Basilece, P. Perna, 1580 Omphalius (Jacob.) De Civili Politia, M. fol. Colon., 1563 Onderdonk (B., Bishop of New York) Proceedings of the Court for his Trial, S. 8vo. New York, 1845 Oppian : De Venatione, etc., 8vo. Argent., 1776 Id., Cynegetics. In English Verse {by Rev. John Mawer), 8vo. Yo^% Thos. Gent, 1736 Optatus. De Schismate Donatistarum, D. 8vo. L., 1631 Opera, fol. Lutet. Paris., 1676 Oracula. Sibyllina Oracula de Grseco in Lat. conversa, M. 8vo. Basilece, Jo. Oporimis, 1546 Id., etc., ''Jo. Primus," F. 4to. Parisiis, 1599 Id. (Rev. a B. NorcUffe, 1886), 8vo. ibid., 1607 320 CATALOGUE OF Oracula. Histoire des Oracles, 8vo. PariSj 1687 Ordericus Vitalis. Historia Ecclesiastica, ed. Prevost, 5 vols. 8vo. ibid., 1855 Ordinal. The Fourme and Manner of Making and Consecratyng Bisshops, Priests, and Deacons, fol. L., Rychard Jugge and Jo. Cawood, 1559 The Ancient Manner of Ordination in the Church of England, 8vo. L., 1660 Ordinary. Th' Ordynary of Crysten men newely historyed and translated out of Frensshe, F. 4to. Z., Wynkynde Worde, 1506 Orichovius (Stan.) Chimsera : sive de Stancari funesta regni Polonise secta, M. 8vo. Colon., typis God. Cervicorni, 1563 Origen : Opera, ed. Erasmus, F. fol. Basilece, ex off. Frohen, 1536 Id., ed. Genabrardus, M. fol. 2 vols, in 1. Paris, ex off. Petri VHuillier, 1574 Id , ed. Benedictina, 4 vols., fol. Paris, 1733-59 Contra Celsum, etc., B. 4to. Cantab., 1658 Dialogus contra Marcionitas, F. 4to. Basilece, 1674 De Oratione, B. 8vo. Oxon., 1686 Hexaplorum quse supersunt, ed. Montfaucon, 2 vols., fol. Paris, 1713 Orlandinus. See Jesuits. Ormerod (Geo.) History of Cheshire, 2nd ed., ed. Thos. Helsby, 3 vols. fol. L., 1882 (Oliver) The Picture of a Puritane. Two copies, M. & C. 4to. Z.,1605 The Picture of a Papist, M. 4to. L., 1606 Ornsby (Geo., Preb. of York) Sketches of Durham, 8vo. Durham, 1846 Orosius (Paulus) Ad versus Paganos Historiarum Libri VII., F. fol. Colon., Bust. Cervicormis, 1526 Id., M. 8vo. Colon., Jasper Gennepceus, 1542 Id., 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1738 Id., Anglo-Saxon Version of, by King Alfred, ed. Bosworth, 8vo. L., 1859 Qusestiones de Trinitate, 4to. Paris, Mic. Vascosanus, 1533 Orpheus : Orphica, 8vo. Upsim, 1805 Ortelius (Abr.) Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, F. fol. Antw., Chr. Plantin, 1579 Id., fol. ibid., 1591-5 Id., in English, by W. B., fol. L., 1606 Orthus (Zach.) Trium Rom. Impp. . . . Vitae, 4to. Vitebergce, 1577 Osborn (Fr.) Works, C. 8th ed., 8vo. L., 1682 Osiander (Andr.) Harmonise Evangelicse Libri IV, M. 8vo. Antwerpice, 1539 Papa non Papa, M. 8vo. Franco/., 1600 (Lucas) Libri Josuse, Judicum, etc., transl. & Explicati, M. 2 vols., 4to. Tubingce, G. Gruppenbach, 1578 Refutatio Scripti Satanici, a Fr. Puccio editi 1592, M. 4to. Tubingce, 1593 Enchiridion Controvv. Religionis, M. 8vo. ibid., 1602 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 321 Osiander (Lucas) A Manuell, etc., M. 8vo. L., 1606 Epitome Historise Ecclesiasticae, M. 4 vols., 4to. Tubingce, 1604-8 Id., F. 5 vols., 4to. ibid., 1604-7 Eefutatio virulentse Apologise quam adv. M. L. Osiandrum, Fr. Costerus nuper edidit, M. 8vo. ibid., 1607 Osorius (Hieron.) De Gloria, etc., M. 8vo. Basilece, P. Perna, 1571 De Regis Institutione et Disciplina, M. 8vo. Col. Agr., Birckman, 1574 De Vera Sapientia, M. 8vo. ibid., 1574 De Justitia Coelesti, M. 8vo. ibid., 1574 De Rebus Emmanuelis regis Lusitanise, etc., M. 8vo. Col. Agr., her. A. Birckman, 1576 Paraphrasis in Isaiam, M. 8vo. Col. Agr., 1579 De Religione : in Gualt. Haddon, Anglum, etc., M. 8vo. Col, 1588 In Parabolas Salomonis Commentarius, M. 8vo. Antw., apvd M. Nutium, 1596 An Epistle . . to Elizabeth, Queue of England, transl. by R. Shacklock. No title. 8vo. Antwerp, 1565 (Joann.) Conciones, M. 2 vols., 8vo. Lugd., 1594 Ostervald (J. F.) Traits des Sources de la Corruption qui regne aujourdhuy parmi les Chr6tiens, 8vo. Amsterdam, 1700 Id., a Treatise concerning the Causes of the Corruption of Christians, 8vo. 1700 The Grounds and Principles of the Christian Religion Ex- plained, i^. 8vo. jL., 1704 Ott6 (E. C.) Scandinavian History, 8vo. L., 1874 Otto Frisingensis. Rerum ab Origine mundi . . gestarum Libri VIII, etc., M. fol. Argent., ex ced. Matt. Schurerii, 1519 Otto (H. M. F.) Das Abendmahlsopfer der Alten Kirche, 8vo. Gotha, 1868 (J. C. T.) Corpus Apologetarum Christianorum, 9 vols, in 7, 8vo. Jence, 1849, etc. Oudin (Antoine) Curiosit^s Frangoises, F. 8vo. Paris, 1640 Grammaire Fran9oise, F. 8vo. Rouen, 1645 (Casimir) Commentarius de Scriptt. Eccl. Antiquis, 3 vols., fol. Lipsice, 1722 Oughtred (Wm.) The Circles of Proportion, F. 4to. L., 1632 The Key of the Mathematics, F. 8vo. L., 1647 Clavis Mathematica, etc., F. 8vo. Oxon., 1652 Ousel, Oisel (Jac.) Thesaurus Selectorum Numismatum, 4to. Amst., 1677 Ouseley (Sir F. A. G.) Memorials of, 4to. L., 1889 Outram (Gul.) De Sacrificiis, 4to. L., 1679 Overall (John, Bp.) Convocation Book, F. 4to. L., 1690 Overton (J. H.) Life in the English Church, 1660-1714, 8vo. L., 1885 John Wesley, 8vo. L., 1891 (Richard) Man's Mortalitie, C. 4to. Amsterdam, 1604 Eighteen Reasons propounded to the Soldiers of the Army, B. 4to. 1647 322 CATALOGUE OF Overton (Wm.) A God lye and Pithie Exhortation made to the Judges and Justices of Sussex at the Assizes, M. L., R. Newhery and H. Bynneman, s.a. Oratio ad Praebendarios . . in Visitatione Eccl. suae Cath. (Lich- field), 1600, 4to. Oxonice, 1601 Ovid. Opera, M. 8vo. Lipsice, 1596 Id., 4 vols. 4to. Amst, 1727 De Arte Amandi, M. fol. Lugd., Nic. Wolff, 1502 Id., Flores Ovidii de Arte Amandi, 4to. Imp. — Wynhyn de Worde, Flete Strete, X., 1513 Id., L'Art d' Aimer, F. Rouen, 1634 Epistolae, etc., imp. F. 8vo. Fastorum Libri VI, " R. Neale et amicor^im" F. F. 24mo. Antw., Plantin, 1575 Metamorphoseon Libri XV, 8vo. Vol. II, F. 4. Voegelinus, 1614 Id., F. 24mo. Amstelod., 1650 Id., en Rondeaux, par R De Benserade, 8vo. Paris, 1677 Owen (David) Herod and Pontius Pilate reconciled ... for the Killing of Kings, C. 4to. Cambr., 1610 Id., a 4to. L,, 1663 Anti-Parseus, F. 8vo. Cantabr., 1622 (John) Epigrammatum Libri X, M. 8vo. L., 1612-18 Id., F. 24mo. Amst., 1633 Sermon before the H. of Commons, C. 4to. L., 1649 (John) The Church of Rome no safe Guide, C. 4to. L., 1679 (Lewis) Catholique Traditions . . turn'd into English, 4to. L.,1610 The Running Register ... a true Relation of the State of the English Colledges ... in Forraine parts, Da. 4to. L., 1626 Speculum Jesuiticum, 4 to. i., 1629 Oxford University Poems, etc., by Graduates, on Public Occasions— Peplus Illustrissimi viri D. Philippi Sidnsei supremis honoribus dicatus. {By Graduates of New College), 4to. Oxonii, Jos. Barnes, 1587 Oxoniensis Academise Funebre Officium in memoriam . . Elisabeth 86 Reginge, 4to. ibid., 1603 Acad. Oxoniensis Pietas erga . . Jacobum I. Regem . . , Elizabethse nuper Reginse legitime . . succedentem, F. F. 4to. ibid., 1603 Rex Platonicus : sive de Jacobi Brit. Regis ad Acad. Oxon. adventu Aug. 27, 1605. By Isaac Wake, public orator, F. F. 4to. ibid., 1607 Justa Oxoniensium : Lacrymse Oxon. stillantes in tumulum . . . Principis Henrici, F. F. 4to. L., Jo. Bill, 1612 Eidyllia in Obitum Fulgentissimi Henrici Wallise Principis, 4to. Oxon., Jos. Barnes, 1612 Justa Funebria Ptolemaei Oxoniensis, Thomse Bodleii Equitis Aurati, F. F. 4to. ibid., 1613 Epithalamia, sive Lusus Palatini, (imp.), 4to. ibid., 1613 Ultima Linea Savilii, sive in obitum . . Henrici Savilii Eq. Aur . . . Justa Academica, 4to. Oxxm,, Jo. Lichfield and Jac. Short, 1622 f YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 323 Oxford University Poems, etc. Votiva, sive . . de . . . Caroli Wallise Principis, etc., in Eegnum Hispanicum Adventu . . Gratulatio, F. F. 4to. ^ L., F. Kyngeston, 1623 Camdeni Insignia, 4to. Oxon., Joli. Lichfield and Jac. Short, 1624 Cenotaphium Jacobi, Laudatio Funebris . . a Job. King, Acad. Oxon. Oratore, 4to. Oxmi., Jo. Lichfield & JVm. Turner, 1625 Britannise Natalis, 4to. Oxon., Jo. Lichfield, 1630 Solis Britannici Perigseum, sive itinerantis Caroli auspicatissima Periodus, 4to. Oxonice, 1633 Musarum Oxoniensium pro Eege suo Soteria, 4to. Oxon., L L., W. T., 1633 Vitis Carolini Gemma altera, sive . . Ducis Ebor. Genethliaca, 4to. Oxon., 1633 Coronse Carolinse Quadratura, 4to. Oxon., Leon. Lichfield, 1636 Flos Britannicus Veris Novissimi, 4to. ibid., 1637 Musarum Oxoniensium Oharisteria pro . . Regina Maria, recens a nixus laboriosi discrimine recepta, 4 to. ihid., 1638 Horti Carolini Rosa altera, 4to. Oxon., 1640 Eucharistica Oxon. in. . . Caroli . . e Scotia reditum Gratula- toria, 4 to. ibid., 1641 TT/ooTeXeta Anglo-Batava . . Gulielmo Arausii et Mariae Britanni- arum, 4to. ibid., 1641 Epicedia . . in obitum . . Henrici Ducis Glocestrensis, 4to. ibid., 1660 Britannia Rediviva, 4to. ibid., 1660 Domiduca Oxoniensis, 4to. ibid., 1662 Theatri Oxon. Encaenia, sive Comitia Philologica Julii 7, anno 1677, celebrata, fol. ibid., 1677 Comitia Philologica, habita Aug. 6, anno 1677, in Gratulatione Solenni ob adventum . . . Jacobi Ormondise Ducis . . can- cellarii, fol. ibid., 1677 Strense Natalitise Academise Oxoniensis in Celsissimum Prin- cipem, fol. ibid., 1688 Pietas Universitatis Oxoniensis in obitum . . . Reginse Mariae, fol. ibid., 1695 Exequiae . . . Gulielmo Glocestriae Duci ab Oxoniensi Academia solutse, fol. ibid., 1700 Epinicion Oxoniense . . . ob res feliciter . . gestas . . contra Gallos pariterac Hispanos, fol. ibid., 1702 Plausus Oxoniensium . . . ob res prospere terra marique gestas, fol. ibid., 1704 Literae a . . Pastoribus & Professoribus Ecclesiae et Academiae Genevensis ad Universitatem Oxoniensem . . una cum Responso, fol. ibid., 1706 ^Exequiae Celsissimo Principi Georgio Principi Daniae, ab Oxoniensi Academia solutae, fol. iUd., 1708 Oratio Funebris ... in exequiis . . Thomae Turner, S. T. P. Per Gul. Tilly, S. T. P., fol. ^ ^ ibid., 1714 Pietas Universitatis Oxoniensis in obitum . . Reginae Annse, et Gratulatio in . . Regis Georgii Inaugurationem, fol. ibid., 1714 Y 2 324 CATALOGUE OF Oxford University Poems, etc. Exequise Clarissimo viro Johanni Radcliffe, M. D. ab Oxoniensi Academia solutse, fol. Oxonice, 1715 Gratulatio Academiae Oxoniensis in niiptias . . . Frederici Principis Wallise et Augustas Principissae de Saxo-Gotha, fol. ibid., 1736 Epicedia Oxoniensia in Obitum . . . Frederici Principis Walliae, fol. ibid., 1751 Gratulatio Solennis Univ. Oxon. ob . . . Georgium Fred. Aug. Walliae Principera . . . natum, fol. ibid., 1762 Oxford University and Town — Assertio Antiquitatis Oxon. Academiae, M. 8vo. L., H. Bynneman, 1568 see Twyne. The Answere of the Vice Chancellour ... of Oxford ... to the humble Petition of the Ministers of the Church of England, desiring Reformation . . . C. 4to. Own., 1603 Id., 4to. ibid., 1604 Antiquitatis Acad. Oxon. Apologia, 4to. ibid., 1608 Oxon. Univ. Statuta, D. 8vo. ibid., 1638 Id., 4to. ibid., 1768 Id., 8vo. ibid., 1869 The Petition of the University of Oxford in behalfe of Epis- copacy and Cathedrals, C. 4to. ibid., 1641 Id., An Answer to it, C. 4to. ibid., 1641 A Looking Glasse for the Oxford Junto, C. 4to. L., 1645 An Account given to the Parliament by the Ministers sent to Oxford, C. 4to. L., 1647 Judicium Univ. Oxoii. de Solemni Liga et Foedere, 8vo. L., 1648 Id. Reason of the present Judgment of the University con- cerning the Solemn League and Covenant, etc. F. 4to. L., 1660 The Oxford Gazette (Nos. 4-23), Da. fol. s. I, 1664-5 Notitia Oxon. Academiae. (By Loggan), F. fol. L., 1675 Oxonia lUustrata. {By Loggan), F. fol. Oxon., 1675 The Answer of the Chancellor, Masters ... to the Petition . . . of the City of Oxford, C. 4to. Oxford, 1678 Some brief Remarks on the Debates of the House of Commons in the last Parliament at Oxford, F. s. I., 1683 An Impartial Relation of the whole Proceedings against St. Mary Magd. Coll., 4to. 1688 A Vindication of the Proceedings, 4to. 1688 A Defence of the Rights and Privileges of the Univ., B. 4to. Oxfm-d, 1690 The Oxford Historical Society. The Publications of, 8vo., v. y. Oxford Libraries, etc. — Alumni Oxonienses, ed. Jos. Foster, 1500-1886, 8 vols., 8vo. L., 1887, etc. Catalogue of Graduates, 1659-1856, 8vo. L., 1867 Index of Wills proved in the Vice Chancellor's Court, 8vo. Oxfm-d, 1862 Catalogue of MSS. at All Souls, R., 4to. ibid., 1842 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 325 Oxford Libraries, etc. Catalogue of the Ashmole MSS. {The Uni- versity)^ 4 to. Oxford y 1845 Catalogue of the Books in the Bodleian Library ; ed. Thos. James, with Appendix, 4to.' ibid., 1620-35 Nummorum Antiqq. in Scriniis Bodleianis Catalogus, fol. iUd., 1750 — —Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Bodleian Library. {The University, 1870), 4 vols., fol. ihid., 1843-50 Calendar of Charters and Rolls in the Bodleian Library, ed. Turner and Coxe, 8vo. ibid., 1878 Catalogue of the MSS. in the Colleges and Halls. {The University), 2 vols., 4to. ibid., 1852 Catalogue of the Digby MSS. {Id.), 4to. ibid., 1883 Catalogue of the Dodsworth MSS. Vol. I. All published. {Id., 1870), 4to. ibid., 1879 Catalogue of the Douce Books and MSS. {The University), 4to. ibid., 1840 Catalogue of the Laud MSS. {Id.), 4to. ibid. The Register of Magd. Coll., ed. Bloxham. Vol. I, 8vo. ibid., 1873 Registrum Orielense. By C. L. Shadwell, 8vo. L., 1893 Plantarum Catalogus Horti Medici, F., 8vo. Own., 1668 Catalogue of the Rawlinson MSS. {The University), 2 vols., 4to. ibid., 1862-77 Catalogue of the Tanner MSS. {Id.) 4to. 1860 The Registers of Wadham College; ed. by R. B. Gardiner, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1889-95 AVadham College, Oxford. By T. G. Jackson, 4to. Ooyf. 1892 Oxlee (John, Rector of Scawton). On the Trinity and Incarnation. {Rev. John Oxlee, his son, 1880), 2 vols., 8vo. />., 1815 Oxley (Thos.) The Shepheard, a Sermon at a Synode in Durisme Minster, 4to. L., 1609 P. A. See Parkinson (A.) and Roman Catholics. P. D. B. See Bishop (Wm.) P. H. Digitus Dei, or Good Newes from Holland, C. 4to. Rotterdam, 1631 P. H. An Answer to the poysonous and seditious paper of Mr. D. Jenkins, B. 4to. York, are to be sold by Ralph Brocklebanch at his shop in the Minster-yard at York, 1647 P. P. D. An Antidote against the contagious air of Independency, C. 4to. L., 1644 P. R. The Cure of the Kingdom, an old-fashioned Sermon, F. 4to. s. l, 1648 A Messenger from the Dead, or Conference between the Ghosts of Henry VIII and Charles I in Windsore Chappel, B. 4to. L., 1658 P. S. Advice to a Friend, 8vo. L., 1673 P. T. A Fruitful Conference touching the Receiving of the Holy Communion, M. 8vo. L., 1608 326 CATALOGUE OF Pace, Paceus (Ric. Preb. of York) De Fiuctu qui ex Doctrina perci- pitur, M, 4to. Basilece, Jo. Froben, 1517 Pacieri (Giuseppe) La Fuga di Giesu Cristo in Egitto, 4to. In Roma^ 1681 Pacius (Jul.) De Dominio Maris Hadriatici. " Jo. Pricceus" F. 8vo. Liigd., 1619 Posthumus Pacianus, ed. Corvinus, F. 8vo. Amst., 1659 Paderbom. Monumenta Paderbornensia, 4th ed. 4to. Leongovice, 1714 Page (Sam.) Divine Sea-Service: containing sundry necessary and usefull Formes of Prayer and Thanksgiving for the helpe of such as travaile by sea, 4to. L., Nic. Okes, 1616 Page (Wm.) A Treatise or Justification of Bowing at the Name of Jesus. " Hen. Jackson, ex authoris dono" 4to. Oxford, J oh. Lichfield, 1631 Paget (E.) Christianography, 3rd ed., fol. L, 1640 Heresiography, Da., 4to. L., 1645 (John) An Arrow against the separation of the Brownists, C. 4 to. Amsterdam, 1618 Pagninus (Sanctes) Isagogse ad Sacras Literas Liber, M. fol. hagd. F. Justus, 1536 Epitome Thesauri Linguae Sanctse, F. 8vo. Antwerp, Ch. Plantin, 1570 Id., fol. iUd., 1572 Id., 8vo. ibid., 1578 Id., 8vo. Litgd. Bat. 1599 Id., 8vo. 1609 Hebraicarum Institutionum Libri IV, 4to. Farisiis, R. Stephanus, s. a. Palacio (Paulus de) Enarrationes in Evang. sec. S. Matthseuni, M. 8vo. Antw., 1572 In XII Prophetas Minores, etc., F. F. fol. Fill Virid. Francorum, 1581 Palseographical Society. The Publications of; the European and Oriental Series, 4to. Palseologus (Manuel) Prsecepta Educationis Regise, etc. "/o. Fricceus," F. 8vo. Basilece, P. Perna, 1578 (Michael) A Brief, with Indulgence from Pope Julius II for the ransom of " Syr Mychaell of Paleolog," who has been captured by the Turks. A broad sheet in black letter, printed in England, c. 1500-10. Found in an old house in Coppergate, Yoi'L (Mr. J. F. Walker), fol. ^ _ s. a. & I. Palseotti (Gabriel, Card.) De Consultationibus Sacri Consistorii Commentarius, F. F. 4to. Ingoldstadii, 1594 De Bono Senectutis, F. F. 4to. Antw., Plantin, 1598 Acta Concilii Tridentini, etc., ed. Mendham, 8vo. L., 1842 Palatinate (The) Copies and Letters about Occurrences in the Palatinate, 4to. L., 1622 A True Relation of all such Battailes as have beene fought in the Palatinate, 4to. L., ... A Brief e Information of the Affaires of the Palatinate, M. 4to. s. L, 1624 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 327 Paleario (Aon.) Actio in Pontifices Romanos et eorum asseclas, M. 8vo. Lipsicc, 1606 Life and Times of. By M. Young, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1860 Palestine. Early Travels in, ed. by T. Wright, 8vo. L., 1848 Palestinae Descriptiones, ssecc. iv-xv. Ed. Todler, 2 vols., 8vo. St. Gallen & Leipzig, 1869-74 The Prince of Wales' Visit to the Holy Land, 8vo. L., 1882 Paley (Wm.) Ordination Sermon at Rose Castle, July 29, 1781, 8vo. L., 1783 The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy, 4to. L., 1786 Three Sermons, B. 8vo. L., 1787 Visitation Charge at Carlisle, 4to. L., 1790 Horse Paulinse, 8vo. X., 1790 A View of the Evidences of Christianity, 2 vols., 8vo. X., 1795 Natural Theology, B. 8vo. L., 1802 Sermons on several Subjects, B. 8vo. L., 1808 Palgrave (Sir F.) The Merchant and the Friar, 8vo. L., 1837 History of Normandy and England, 4 vols., 8vo. L., 1851-64 (W. G.) Travels in Arabia, 2 vols., 8vo., 2nd ed. Z., 1865 Palingenius (Elias) Deipnosophisticse Tragcedise Procatastrophe, M. s. L, 1569 Palissy the Potter. Life of, by Henry Morley, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1852 Palladius: Historia Lausiaca, *' Jo. Pricceus,'' F. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1616 (Petr.) Isagoge ad libros Propheticos et Apostolicos, M. 8vo. Witebergce, 1573 In Epistolas Pauli, 8vo. No title. Pallavicini (Ferrante) La Susanna, 8vo. Venetiis, 1649 La Taliclea, 8vo. Amst, 1653 (Sforza, Card.) Historia del Concilio di Trento, 3 vols., 4to. In Roma, 1644 Id., fol. Augustce Vindel., 1755 Palliot (C.) Les C6r6monies observees a la Solennisation de la Paix, en r%lise Nostra Dame de Paris, le 21 Juin, 1598, M. 8vo. Paris, 1598 Palliser (Mrs. Bury) Historic Devices, Badges, and War Cries, 8vo. L., 1870 Pallory (Simon) Declaration suivant la protestation qu'el a faicte en I'Eglise Reformee de Caen, 8vo. A. Niort, 1601 Palmer (E. H.) The Desert of the Exodus, 2 vols., 8vo. Camhr., 1870 Life of, by W. Besant, 8vo. L., 1883 (Herbert) Fast Sermon before the H. of Commons, Aug. 13, 1644, C. 4to. L., 1644 Sermon, Sept. 30th, 1646, ZT. 4to. L., 1646 Fast Sermon before the H. of Commons, Sept. 30, 1646, C. 4to. L., 1646 (Sam) Nonconformists' Memorial, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1775 (Wm.) The Apostolical Jurisdiction and Succession of the Episcopacy in the British Churches vindicated, 8vo. L., 1840 Enquiry as to Church Extension without Parliamentary Grants, 8vo. />., 1841 Treatise on the Church of Christ, 2 vols., 8vo., 3rd ed. L., 1842 328 CATALOGUE OF Palmer (E. H.) Letters to Dr. Wiseman on the Errors of Eomanism, 8vo. Oxford, 1842 Palmer (Wm.) A Narrative of Events connected with the publica- tion of the Tracts for the Times, 8vo. ibid., 1843 Origines Liturgicae, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1845 The Doctrine and Development of Conscience considered, 8vo. X., 1846 (William) Notes of a Visit to the Eussian Church. Ed. Card. Newman, 8vo. Z., 1882 Dissertations on Subjects relating to the Orthodox or Eastern- Catholic Communion, aS^. 8vo. i., 1883 Palsgrave (John) Lesclarcissement de la Langue Fran9oyse, 4to. X., John HawkynSf 1530 Pamelius (Jac.) Liturgica Latinorum, M. 4to. Col. Agr., 1571 De Eeligionibus diversis non. admittendis in uno aliquo loco unius regni, M. 8vo. Antwerpice, 1589 Pancirolus (Guido) Commentarius in Notitiam utriusque Imperii, etc., F. fol. Venetiis, 1593 Rerum Memorabilium sive deperditarum Pars Prior, D. 4to. Franco/., 1631 Panegyrici Veteres, "/o. Priccem," F. 12mo. ibid., 1607 Pangratius (Andr.) Methodus Concionandi, 8vo. Witebergce, Clem. Schleich, 1574 Panigarola (Era) Dichiaratione de S. Salmi di David, M. 8vo. Fenet., Gio. B. Ussio, 1596 Conciones Quadragesi males, M. 8vo. Moguntim, 1602 Homiliae Romse habitse, 1580, F. F. 8vo. Venetiis, 1604 Panoply (The), 5 vols., 8vo. Burnt Island, 1860-75 Pantaleon (Henr.) Chronographia Eccl. Christianse, fol. Basilece, 1551 Id., M. fol. s. L, 1561 Id., F. F. fol. s. l, 1568 Prosopographia Heroum...totius Germanise, M. fol. Basil., N. Bry linger, 1565 Diarium Historicum, M. fol. Basilece, 1572 Militaris Ord. Johannistarum Rhodiorum, etc.^Historia, M. fol. ibid., 1581 Panvinius (Onuphr.) Epitome Pontificum Eomanorum, fol. Venetiis, 1557 Continuation by PetramellariuSjilf. 4to. Bononim, her. Rossii, 1559 Reipublicse Romanse Commentariorum Libri III, 8vo. Venef., ex off. Erasmiana, 1558 De Primatu Petri, M. 4to. Venetiis, 1591 Papa, Papatus, Popery, see Roman Catholics. Pappus (Joan.) Contradictiones Doctorum nunc Romanse Ecclesise, M. 4to. Argentorati, 1597 Papworth (J. W.) Alphabetical Dictionary of Coats of Arms, ed. A. W. Morant, 8vo. L., 1874 Paracelsus (Aur. Ph.) Chirurgia Magna, F.F. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Argent., 1573 De Causis, Origine, & Curatione Morborum, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. Francofurti, 1603 k^ YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 329 Paraldus (Gul.) Summarium Summse Virtutum et Vitiorum, 8vo. Parisiis, 1519 Paraphrase sur TEvangile selon S. Jean et sur Les Actes des Saints Apostres; sur les Epistres, D. 4 vols., 8vo. Saumur, 1651-3 Paraphrase and Annotations on the Epistles to the Eomans, Corinthians, and Hebrews, 8vo. Oxford, 1675 Parati Sermones de Tempore & Sanctis, 4to. s. a. & I. Parens (David) Controversiarum Eucharisticarum una, F.F. 4to. Heidelbergce, 1603 CoUegiorum Theolog. Decuria una, F.F. 8vo. ibid., 1611 R. Bellarmini Liber unus de Gratia primi hominis explicatus et castigatus, F.F. 8vo. ibid., 1612 In Bellarmini Lib. I de Verbo Dei Scripto Disputatio Aphoris- tica, F.F. 8vo. ibid., 1612 Qusestiones Controversy Theologicse de Jure Eegum & Prin- cipum contra Papam, M. 8vo. Ambergce, 1612 Commentarii in Epp. ad Eomanos, Cor., etc. B. 2 vols., 4to. Heidelbergce, 1613-21 In Priorem ad Corinth. Ep. Commentarius, F.F. 4to. ibid., 1613 R. Bellarmini de Amissione Gratiae et statu Peccati Libri VI explicati et castigati, F.F. 8vo. ibid., 1613 Irenicum, M. 4to. ibid., 1614 In Genesin Commentarius, F.F. 8vo. Genevce, 1614 R. Bellarmini de Justificatione impii Libri V explicati et casti- gati, F.F. 8vo. Heidelbergce, 1615 Calvinus Orthodoxus . . . de Sancta Trinitate, 8vo. Neostadii, s. a. (Phil.) Lexicon Plautinum, F. 8vo. Francofurti, 1614 Parez (Jas.) Expositiones in Psalmos, etc., fol. Paris., in jEd. Ascens.,. 1518 Paris. Determinatio Facultatis Theologicse in Schola Parisiensi super quamplurimis assertionibus Erasmi, 4to. AntwerpicB, Martin Ccesar, 1531 Epistola Archiepp. et Episcc. Parisiis nunc agentium super Animadversione duorum Libellorum, F.F. 4to. Paris. 1631 Censura Sacr. Fac. Theol. Propositionum . . ex Hibernia, etc., F.F. 4to. ibid., 1631 Chartularium Univ. Parisiensis, 2 vols., 4to. ibid., 1889-92 (Matthew) Historia Major Anglise, M. fol. L., Beg. Wolfius, 1570 Park (Henry, Curate of Wentworth) The Mourning Curate: a Poem ... on the death of Wm. Ill, B. fol. L., Printed for N. Simmons, Bookseller in Sheffield, 1702 Parker Society. The Publications of, 55 vols., 8vo., etc. v. y. (Henry) A Compendiouse treatise Dyalogue of Dives and Pauper, F. fol. L., B. Pynson, 1493 Id., imp. 8vo. L., Thos. Berthelet, 1536 (James) The first Prayer Book of Edward VI, 8vo. Oxford, 1877 Introduction to the Revisions of the Prayer Book, 8vo. ibid.. 1877 330 CATALOGUE OF Parker (John Henry) Glossary of Gothic Architecture, 3 vols., i?., 8vo. L., 1840 The Architectural Antiquities of the City of Wells, 8vo. Oxf. 4- L., 1866 Introduction to the Study of Gothic Architecture, 8vo. Oxford, 1867 Concise Glossary of Architecture, 8vo. ibid., 1869 (Jos.) Ecce Deus, 8vo. Edink, 1867 (Matt., Archbp.) A Godly, necessary Admonition of the decrees and Canons of the Council of Trent, F. 4to. L., J. Day, 1564 De Antiquitate Britannicae Eccl. M. fol. Hanovice, 1605 Id., ed. S. Drake, Preb. of York, Pres. Copy, F. fol. L, 1729 (Robert) A Scholastical Discourse against Symbolizing with Antichrist in Ceremonies, etc., fol. s. I. 1607 De Descensu . . Jesu Christi ad Inferos, M. 4to. Amstelod., 1611 De Politeia Ecclesiastica, M. 4 to. s. L, 1616 (Sam., Bp.) Sir Leolyn Jenkins his Letter to the late King (Jas. II). No title. C. 8vo. (Sam., his Son) Eccl. History of Eusebius transl. and abridged, 8vo. L., 1703 Parkes (Ric.) An Apologie : of three Testimonies of Holy Scripture concerning ... 'He descended into Hell,' 4to. L., 1607 Parkhurst (John) An Hebrew and English Lexicon, 4 to. L., 1778 Parkins (Sir Wm.) Speech on the Government, July, 1641, Da. 4to. s. I, 1641 Parliament — The Priviledges and Practice of Parliaments in England, C. 4to. 1641 A Protestation made by the Parliament, May 3, 1641, Da. 4to. 1641 The Heads of a Conference, delivered by Ma : Pymm, June 24, Da. 4to. 1641 A Remonstrance from Ireland to the Parliament of England, F. 4to. ^ L., 1641 ■ A Declaration of the Commons in Parliament, Sept. 9, 1641, Da. 4to. s. a. & I. A Declaration of the Lords and Commons concerning his Majesties' Proclamation for adjourning the Terms ito Oxford, B. 4to. L., 1642 The Humble Desires and Propositions of the Lords and Com- mons, pres^' to the King at Oxford, B. 4to. L., 1642 An Order by the H. of Commons for the Establishing of Preaching Lectures, with 35 Considerations on the Book of Common Prayer, Da. 8vo. L., 1642 The humble Petition of the Lords and Commons presented to his Majestic at York, B. 4to. York, 11. Barker, 1642 The Humble Petition of the Lords and Commons sent to His Majestic at York, concerning his Magazin at Hull, B. 4to. Y(yrk, R. B., 1642 The Humble Petition of, etc. to His Majestic at York, con- cerning his going into Ireland, B. 4to. York, 11. Barker, 1642 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 331 Parliament. A Declaration of the Lords and Commons... on the Commission of Array^ C. 4to. Z., 1642 The Humble Petition of the Lords and Commons to the King for a Pacification, 4to. X., 1642 A Declaration of both Houses in Answer to the King's Mes- sage concerning the Militia, B. 4to. 6'. /., 1642 An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons... for the raising... of Moneys by way of Excise, Da. 4to. L., 1643 The Eemonstrance of the Commons of England to the H. of Commons in Parliament, Da. 4to. 1643 The Declaration and Ordinance of the Lords and Commons, touching the Great Seal of England, B. 4to. Oxford, 1643 A Sacred Vow and Covenant taken by the Lords and Com- mons, B. 4to. L., 1643 An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons enjoyning the taking of the Solemn League and Covenant, F. Yorke, Thos. Broad, 1644 The Humble Desires and Propositions for a safe and well- grounded peace, agreed upon by the ParP* and pres^" to the King, 4th Nov. C. 4to. L., 1644 Id. a 4to. L., 1645 An Orderly and plaine Narration of the Beginnings and Causes of this Warre, also a... Resolution against the Warre on the Parliament's side, C. 4to. s. L, 1644 Reasons why this Kingdome ought to adhere to the Parlia- ment. No title, C. 4 to. The Old Parliament, with some Passages thereof, C. 4to. L., 1645 The Malignant's Lamentation ... for taking up Armes against the Parliament, C. 4to. L., 1645 The Question disputed, from an Answer to the two Declarations printed at Oxford, 9 March, 1643, C. 4to. L., 1645 The Cleere sense, or a just Vindication of the late Ordinance of Parliament, forbidding persons not ordained to preach, C. 4to. L., 1645 A Declaration of the Parliament of England to the States Generall of the United Provinces, B. 4to. L., 1645 England's Remembrancer, or a Catalogue of all the Victories and Strongholds obtained by the Parliament from June, 1645 to March 12, 1645, B. 4to. L., 1645 A Declaration of the Commons of England . . in Parliament of their true intentions concerning the ancient Government of the Kingdom, C. 4to. L., 1646 The Propositions of the Lords and Commons . . in Parliament for a safe and well-grounded Peace, sent to his Majestie at Newcastle, C. 4to. L., 1646 A Declaration of the Lords and Commons concerning the Papers of the Scots Commissioners, F. 4to. L., 1647 A Declaration of the Commons in Parliament assembled . . against any further Address to the King, F. 4to. L., 1647 The Petition of Colonels, Lieut. Colonels . . . that have served the great cause of the Kingdome and ParHament, B. 4to. L., 1647 332 CATALOGUE OF Parliament. A Declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament for the Suppressing of tumultuous Assemblies. A broad sheet. F. 4to. L., 1648 A List of the Members of the House of Commons, observing which are Officers of the Army, B. 4to. 1648 A Declaration of the Parliament in Vindication of their Pro- ceedings, B. 4to. X., 1649 Ordinances and Orders of Parliament concerning the regu- lating of Printing, 4to. Z., 1649 Bibliotheca Parliamenti, C. 4to. Z., 1653 Light in Darknesse, or, an Account of the Proceedings of the last Parliament in 1654, B. 4to. 1656 A Second-Narrative of the late Parliament (so called). Printed in the 5th Year of England's Slavery under its New Monarchy, B. & a 4to. 1658 The Votes of the House, or the Dayly Proceedings . . . from 21 Feb. to 16 March 1659, F. 4to. L, 1659 A Word to purpose . . . concerning the legality of the second meeting of some of the Long-Parliament Members, C. 2nd ed., 4to. 1659 A List of the Members of the Parliament begun 25 Apr. 1660, a 4to. L., 1660 The Long Parliament twice defunct . . an Answer to . . "The Long Parliament revived," C. 4to. L,, 1660 Votes and Addresses of the House of Commons in 1673, con- cerning Popery, etc., B. 4to. s. a. & I. A Journal of the Proceedings of the H. of Commons the last Session of Parliament, B. 4to. 1674 Reasons to some Justices of Peace in one of the. Northern Shires against addressing to the King, with a Petition for the Sitting of the Parliament, B. fol. 1679-80 The Privileges and Practice of Parliaments in England, G. 4to. L., 1680 Vox Populi, or the People's claim to their Parliament's sitting, ;S'. & a 4to. Z., 1681 Vox Regis, S. 4to. L, 1681 Debates of the House of Commons from Oct. 21, 1680, to Jan. 18, 1681, 8vo. i:.,1689 The Honor and Courage of our English Parliaments in the raign of Queen Elizabeth . . in defending the Protestant Reli- gion, 4to. i., 1681 The Debate at large between the Lords and Commons at the Free Conference . . anno 1688, C. 2nd ed., 8vo. X., 1710 The Church of England Man's Vade Mecum, containing a list of Members of Parliament, 1640-1660, C. 8vo. X., 1711 A Collection of the Debates in 1694 and 1^5, relating to Briberies, C. 4to. Z., 1695 Two Lists shewing the Alterations in the Houses of Commons and Peers from Henry VIII, C. 4to. Z., 1719 List of the Members at the time of the Septennial Act, C. 8vo. L, 1722 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 333 Parliament. Collection of the Protests of the Lords during this last Session, C. 8vo. L., 1722 A Complete Collection of Protests from 1641 tol737, 8vo. L., 1737 A Letter to a Young Member of the H. of Commons on the rule of Conduct in Parliament, G. 8vo. L., 1748 Parliamentary History of England, 9 vols., and one from 1641 to 1660. see De Foe (D.); Ferguson (Robt.); Howell (Jas.) ; Northleigh (John) ; Povey (Chas.) ; Toland (John). Parma (The Prince of) The Overthrow of his Forces . . on the 12th and 1 3th of July last by the Grave Maurice, M. 4to. Z., T. S., 1591 The True Coppie of a Letter wherein is perticularly set forth the Overthrowe of the Prince of Parmae's Forces, M. 4to. L., Andr, White, 1591 A True Relation of the French Kinge his good successe in winning from the Duke of Parma his fortes and trenches, etc. , 4to. L., John Wolfe, 1592 The Thinges which happened upon the Prince of Palma's retire since the 20 of Novembre, 4to. ibid., 1592 Pafoissien. Le Petit Paroissien. {Rev. C. B. Nordiffe, 1677), 12mo. Paris, 1769 Le Paroissien Romain, S. 12mo. Avignon, 1842 Le Grand Paroissien complet, ^S^. 12mo. Paris, 1844 Parr (Richd.) Assize Sermon at Southwark, March 22, 1658, C. 4to. L., 1658 Parry (Hen.) see Rainolds (John). Parsons (Earth.) Assize Sermon at Sarum, March 9, 1614, 4to. L., 1616 Parsons (Robert, the Jesuit) — De Persecutione Anglicana Libellus, 12mo. Romce, 1582 — ) A Discoverie of I. Nicols minister, mis-reported a Jesuite, lately recanted in the Tower of London . . . M., s. a. d I., 8vo. (1582) — ) The Copie of a Leter wryten by a Master of Arte of Cam- bridge . . . concerning some . . . proceedings of the Erie of Leycester and his friendesin England, 8vo. s. l, 1584 — ) Leycester's Commonwealth, 4to. L., 1641 —Id., whereunto is added Leycester's Ghost, 8vo. L., 1641 —A Christian Directorie guiding men to their Salvation. Divided into three Books, M. 8vo. 5. I, 1585 —Id., 8vo. Lovan., Laur. Kellam, 1598 — ) A Declaration of the True Causes of the Great Troubles pre- supposed to be intended against the realme of England, M. 8vo. s. I, 1592 — ) Elizabethse Reginse Anglise Edictum promulgatum Londini, 29 Novemb., anni mdxci., Andrese Philopatri . . Responsio, TIf. 8vo. s. I, 1593 — ) A Conference about the next Succession to the Crowne of Ingland. {No table), 8vo. Imprinted at N., with License (1594) — ) Id. Reprint, 8vo. s. l, 1681 334 CATALOGUE OF Parsons, R.). A Temperate Ward-word to the turbulent and seditious Watch-word of Sir Francis Hastinges Knight ... By N. D., M. 4to. (s. I, 1599 ) A Briefe Apologie, or Defence of the Catholike Ecclesiastical Hierarchie, and subordination in England, erected there of late yeeres by our Holy Father, Pope Clement the Eight . . M. 8vo. s. I. (1601) ) Appendix ad Apologiam pro Hierarchia Ecclesiastica . . . 8vo, M. s. l, 1602 — ?) A Detection of divers notable untruthes, contradictions... gathered out of Mr. Sutcliffe's Newe Challenge and Mr. Willet's Synopsis Papismi and Tetrastilon Papisticum. Pref. signed E. 0., 8vo. s. I, 1602 ) The Warn-word to Sir Francis Hastinges Wast-word, con- taining the issue of three former Treatesses, the Watch-word, the Ward-word, and the Wast-word, by N. D. M. 8vo. 1602 -) A Manifestation of the Great Folly and Bad Spirit of Cer- tayne in England calling themselves Secular Priestes, . . By Priestes lyving in obedience, M. 4to. 1602 ) A Brief and Cleere Confutation of a New, Vaine, and Vaunting Chalenge made by O. E., minister, unto N. D., author of the Ward-word . ., by W. Fv., M. 8vo. 1603 ) A Treatise of Three Conversions of England from Paganisme, to Christian Religion, by N. D., author of the Ward-word, M. 8vo. 3 parts in 2 vols. 1604 -Id., The Third Part, 8vo. s. I, 1604 — ) A Relation of the Triall . . . betweene the Bishop of Eureux, and the L. Plessis Mornay, . ., by N. D., 8vo. s. /., 1604 -) A Review of Ten Publike Disputations or Conferences held within the compasse of four yeares under K. Edward & Qu. Mary, concerning some principall points in Religion . ., by N. D., Svo. s. /., 1604 -) An Answere to the Fifth Part of Reportes lately set forth by Syr Edward Cooke Knight . ., by a Catholicke Devyne, M. 4to. 1606 -A Treatise tending to Mitigation towardes Catholicke Subjectes in England . . M. 8vo., signed P. R. 1607 -) The Dolefull Knell of Thomas Bell, that is, a full and sounde answer to his Pamphlet intituled " The Pope's Funeral," by B. C.,8vo. Roane, U01 ) The Judgment of a Catholicke Englishman, living in Banish- ment for his Religion, F.F. 4to. 1608 — ) Dutifull and Respective Considerations upon foure severall heads of Proofe and Triall in Matters of Religion, . . by a late Minister and Preacher in England (? Humphrey Leach), F.F. 4to. ' 1609 -) A Quiet and Sober Reckoning with M. Thomas Morton, somewhat set in choler by his Adversary, P. R., M. 4to. 1609 -) A Discussion of the Answere of M. William Barlow, D. of Divinity, to the Booke intituled '• The Judgment of a Catholike Englishman living in Banishment for his Religion," 4to. 1612 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 335 [Parsons]. A Little Treatise concerning the Trial of Spirits, taken for the most part out of the Works of the R. F. Robert Parsons, 8vo. s. Z., 1620 Paruta (Paolo) Soliloquio, F. 4to. Fenetiis, 1599 Discorsi Politici, F. 4to. ibid., 1599 Id., transl. by Henry Earl of Monmouth, fol. L., 1657 Historia Venetiana, 4to. Venetia, 1605 Pascal (Blaise) Lettres 6crites a un Provincial, etc., ^S*. 8vo. Paris, 1849 Id., transl. into English, D. 8vo. L., 1658 Pensees, par Astie, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Paris, 1887 Id., transl. by C. Kegan Paul, 8vo. L., 1885 Provincial Letters and Miscellaneous Writings, ed. Villemain and Pearse, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1849 Paschalius (Car.) Censura Animi ingrati, M. 8vo. Argent., 1601 Legatus, F. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1645 Pashley (R.) 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Antw., Arnold Coninx, 1591 Pausanias : Graecise Descriptio, M. fol. Francof, Andr. Wechel, 1583 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 337 Paybody (T.) Apologie for Kneeling at the Lord's Supper, C. 4to. i., 1629 [ (Wm.)] A Discourse of the Sacrifice of the Mass. With auto- graph of John Kettleivell, S. 4to. i., 1688 Pays-bas, et toutes les villes des dix-sept Provinces, 8vo. Cologne, 1669 [Peace (John)] An Apology for Cathedral Services, S. 8vo. i., 1839 Peacham (Hen.) A most True Relation of the Affaires of Cleve and Gulick, M. 4to. L., 1615 Compleat Gentleman, Imp. F. 4to. Pearce (Zach., Bp.) The Miracles of Jesus Vindicated, C. 2nd ed., 8vo. i., 1729 Commentary on the Evangelists and Acts, 2 vols., 4to. L., 1777 Pears (E. A.) The Fall of Constantinople, 8vo. L., 1885 Pearson (C. H.) The Early and Middle Ages of England, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1867 (John, Bp.) An Exposition of the Creed, F. 4to. L, 1659 Id., 2 vols., 8vo. 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L., 1779 See Weseham. ■ (Richard) Two Sermons at St. Peter's in Exeter, C. 4to. L., 1632 Peckham (John, Archbp.) Liber de . . Trinitate, cum Vita, 8vo. Lugd., 1558 Perspectivse Communis Libri tres, C. 4to. Col. Agr., 1580 Peckitt (Wm., of York) The Wonderful Love of God to Men (Mr. W. Gray, 1873), 8vo. York, 1794 Peerage. The Peerage of England to 1711, F. 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1709-11 Peirce (Thos.) A Correct copy of some Notes concerning God's decrees, C. 4to. L., 1657 The Divine Philanthropic defended . . in Vindication of ' Some Notes,' &c., C. 4to. L., 1657 338 CATALOGUE OF Peirce (Thos.) The Divine Purity defended in Vindication of ' Some Notes,' etc., C. 4to. L, 1657 Sermon at St. Paul's before the Gentlemen of Wilts, C. 4to. L., 1658 The New Discoverer discovered, by way of answer to Mr. Baxter, C. 4to. Z., 1659 Funeral Sermons of Edw. Peyto of Chesterton, Esq., C. 4to. Z., 1659 An Impartial Inquiry into the nature of Sin, C. 4to. 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A Treatise, wherein is manifestlie proved that Reformation and those that sincerely favor the same are unjustly charged to be enemies unto his Majestic and the State, M. 4to. s. I., 1590 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 339 Pepin (Gul.) Sermones Dominicales, M.^ 2 vols., 8vo. Aniw., P. Nutiusy 1571 Pepys (S.) Diary and Correspondence, ed. Bright, 6 vols., 8vo.L., 1875 Id., ed. Wheatley, 5 vols., 8vo. X., 1893-4 S. Pepys and the World he lived in, by H. B. Wheatley, 2nd ed., 8vo. X., 1880 Peraldus (Gul.) Summae Virtutum et Vitiorum, M. 2 vols., 8vo. Anfw.j P. NutiuSy 1571 Perceval (A.) Collection of Papers connected with the Theological Movement of 1833, C. 8vo. L, 1843 Percy. Annals of the House of Percy ; by E. B. de Fonblanque. (Duke of Northumberland^ 1888), 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1887 (Bp.) Reliques of Early English Poetry, ed. Hales & Furnivall, S., 3 vols., 8vo. L, 1867 Peregrinus (M. A.) De Juribus et Privilegiis Fisci, M. 8vo. Col. Agr.y Jo. GymnicuSy 1588 Peresius (Ben.) 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Giolito, 1553 -- — — Sonetti et Canzoni in vita di Madomia Laura, 8vo. s. I. i& a. YOEK MINSTER LIBRARY. 341 Petre (Edw.) Notices of the English Colleges and Convents estab- lished in the Continent after the Dissolution, R. 4to. Norwich, 1849 Petri (L. A.) Agendo der Hannoverschen Kirchenordnungen, S. 4to. Hanover, 1852 Petronii Satyricon, FF. 24mo. Lugd. Bat., ex. off. Plantin, 1596 Id., ed Burmann, 4to. Trajedi ad Bhenum, 1709 Petrucci (Lud.) Apologia contra calumniatores suos, M. 4to. Londini, 1619 (Matteo) Lettere e Trattati Spirituali e Mistici, 2 vols., 4to. In Venetiis, 1681 Petrus Venerabilis, contra Heinricianorum et Petrobrusianorum haereses, etc. 4to. Ingoldst., in off. Alex. Weissenhorn, 1546 Illustrium Miraculorum Libri II, M. 8vo. Duaci, 1595 Opera, ed Migne, with those of Wibald and Ernald, 8vo. Paris, 1854 Petsche (G. I.) Predigten. (Mr. W. Gray, 1870.) 2 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1793 Petto (S.) The Difference between the Old and New Covenant stated and explained, 12mo. 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YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 343 Philosophia Vetus et Nova ad usum Scholae . . in Regia Burgundia, F. 8vo. Paris, 1681 Philostratus, Philostratus Jun., et Callistratus, F, F. fol. Parisiis, 1608 Phiston (W.) A Testimonie of the true Church of God. By S. Voyon. Transl. by him, imp. 4to., C. L. (1560 ?) Photius. Myriobiblon. '^ Jo. Pricmus" F.io\. Genevce, IQll Id., fol. Rothomagi, 1653 Pianezza (Marquess of) The Truth of the Christian Religion, 8vo. L., 1703 Pica, sive Directorium Sacerdotum ad usum Eboracensis Ecclesiae, imp. 8vo. {Ehoraci, Hugo Goez, 1509) Picard, or Pychard. History of the Family of {Mrs. Cooke, 1880). Pr.pr., 8vo. L., 1878 Picart (Bernard) The Religious Ceremonies and Customs of the Nations of the World, 3 vols., fol. L., 1731 Picciotto (Jas.) Sketches of Anglo-Jewish History, 8vo. L., 1875 Piccolomini (Alessandro) Comedia, 8vo. Venetia, 1554 Delia Institutione di tutta la Vita dell' Huomo nato nobile et in citta libera Lib. X, 8vo. In Vineggia, 1559 Delia Institution Morale Lib. XII, 4to. In Venetia, Giord. Ziletti, 1575 Pickering (Bi M.) Handy Book of Privy Council Law, 8vo. L., 1871 The Case of the Seven Bishops the Case of the 4700, 8vo. L., 1871 Pico (Ran.) see Margaret (St.) Pictorius (Geo.) Rerum fortuito evenientium Consolationes, 8vo. Basilem, 1565 Epicycliciarum Qusestionum Libri X, 8vo. ihid., 1565 Tuendse Sanitatis Ratio, 8vo. Parisiis, 1572 Picus (J. F.) Liber de Providentia, fol. Argentorati, 1509 Pie (Thos.) Usurie's Spright conjured, M. 8vo. L., 1604 Pierce (Wm., Bp. of Bath and Wells) Articles of Accusation against, C. 4to. L., 1642 Two Sermons preached in the Tower, C. 4to. L., 1642 Pierius (Joann.) Aphorismi Hieroglyphici, M. 8vo. Lipsice, s. a. (Val.) Hieroglyphica, M. fol. Basilem, per T. Guarinum, 1575 Pierotti (E.) Customs and Traditions of Palestine, 8vo. Cambr., 1864 Pierson (Joann.) Moeridis Atticistse Lexicon Atticum, 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1759 Pighius (Albertus) De Libero hominis Arbitrio et Divina Gratia, M. fol. Colon., ex off. M. Novesiani, 1542 Controversiarum . . in Comitiis Ratisponensibus . . explicatio, M. fol. iUd., 1545 Pignoria (Lor.) L'Antenore, Le Origini di Padova, etc., " Jo. Pricmus" F. 4to. Padova, 1625 Pikering (Ben.) Fast Sermon before the H. of Commons, Nov. 27, 1644, C. 4to. L., 1645 Pilgrim. The Christian Pilgrim, 8vo. Paris, 1652 Pilgrimages. Dictionnaire de P^lerinages Religieux, ed. Migne, 2 vols., 8vo. ibid., IS'Sd 344 CATALOGUE OF Pilkington (James, Bp. of Durham) Aggeus the Prophete declared in a large Commentarye, M. 8vo. L., Wm. Seres, s. I, The Burnynge of Paule's church, London, by lyghtnynge, M. 8vo. ibid., 1563 A Godlie Exposition upon certaine Chapters of Nehemiah, M. 4to. Cambr., 1583 (Kichard) The Grounds of the new Romane Catholike and of the ancient Christian Religion . . compared, M. 4to. L., 1618 Pimenta (Nic.) India Orientalis. Relatio . . de rebus a patribus Soc. Jesu an. 1598-9 gestis, M. 8vo. Moguntice, 1601 Pimme. See Pym. Pincierus (Joan.) Antidotum adv. Enthusiastarum . . . cavillos, M. 8vo. Basilem, Jo. Oporinus, 1561 Pindari Carmina, 3 vols., 8vo. Oxonii, 1807 Pineda (Joann.) Commentarii in Job, M. fol. Colon. Agr., 1600 De rebus Salomonis regis, M. fol. Lugd., 1 609 Pinellus (Lucas) De altera Vita, M. 8vo. Colonice, 1605 Pineton (Jacques) Les Larmes, 8vo. A la Haye, 1688 Pinius (Joann.) Liturgia Mozarabica., Tractatus Historico-Chrono- logicus, S. fol. Romcey 1740 Pinkerton (Robert) see Platon. Pinssonius (Fr.) Pragmatica Sanctio, fol. Parisiis, 1666 Pintus (Hector) Opera, M. 4 vols, in 1, fol. Lugd., 1590 Pipe Roll Society. The Publications of, 8vo. L., 1884, etc. Pirrus (Dom Rocchus) Sicilia Sacra, 4 vols, in 2, iol.Panormi, 1644,etc. Pisanus (Alph.) Acta et Canones SS. primi (Ecum. Cone. Nicseni, M. 8vo. \ Dilingce, Seb. Mayer, 1572 Piscator (Joann.) Analysis Logica Epp. Pauli, M. 8vo. L., Geo. Bishop, 1591 Analysis Logica Evang. sec. Johannem, M. 8vo. Herbm'nm Nassov., Corvinus, 1591 De Justificatione Hominis coram Deo., 8vo. ibid., Ch. Corvinus, 1593 A Learned and Profitable Treatise of Man's Justification, M. 8vo. L. T. Creed, 1599 Theses Theologicse, M. 8vo. Sigence Nassov., Corvinus, 1596 Expositio brevis Dictorum selectorum ex librr. V. T., M. 8vo. Herb. Nassov., Corvinus, 1598 Commentarius in Josuam, Judices, et Ruth, M. 8vo. ibid., 1607 Commentarii in libros N. T., B. 2 vols., 4to. ibid., 1613 Pistorius (Joann.) Polonicse Historiae Corpus, D. fol., 3 vols, in 1. Basilece, 1582 Scriptores de rebus Germanicis, fol. Francofurti, 1583 Pitatus (Petr.) Almanack Novum ab an. 1552, ad. 1556 computa- tum, 4to. Tubingce, Ulric. Morhardus, 1552 Pithou, Pithseus (Pierre) Preuves des Libertez de I'Eglise Gallicane, D. fol. s./., 1639 Traites des Droits & Libertez de I'Sglise Gallicane, D. fol. s. I., 1639 Pitiscus (Barth.) Trigonometrie, 4to. L., 1630 YORK MiNSTEE LIBRARY. 345 Pitiscus (Sam.) Lexicon Antiquitatum Romanarum, 2 vols., fol. Leovardice, 1713 Pitra (J. B.) Hymnographie de I'Eglise Grecque : Dissertation, S. 4to. Rome, 1867 Pitt (Moses) The English Atlas. (Mr. George Conyers, Fellow of St. John's College, O^ord), 4 vols., fol. Oxford, 1680-3 Pius (11. Papa, iEneas Sylvius) Familiares Epistolse, 4to. Nurembergi, Ant. Koherger, 1496 Liber de Miseriis Curialium, 4to. s. a. & L Opera, M. fol. Basil, ex. off. Hen. Petri, 1571 (V., Papa) Epistolse, 4to. Ingolstad., Weissenhorn, 1556 Epistolse aliquot gravium Virorum de gestis Pii V, 8vo. Col., Gerv. Calenius, 1567 Pizarro. Life of, by A. Helps, 8vo. L., 1869 Pla^a (Petrus a) Epitome Delictorum, etc. " Jo. Pricceus," F. 8vo. Lugd., her. J. Juntce, 1560 [Placete (Jean de la)] The incurable Scepticism of the Church of Rome, F. 4to. L, 1688 The Christian Casuist, transl. by B. Kennett, F. 8vo. L., 1705 Placus (Andr.) Lexicon Biblicum, fol. Colon., ex off. M. Novesiani, 1536 Planch6 (J. R.) Regal Records, 8vo. L, 1838 The Conqueror and his Companions, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1874 The Pursuivant of Arms, 8vo. L., s. a. Cyclopaedia of Costume; or, a Dictionary of Dress, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1876-9 Platerus (Felix) De Corporis Humani structura et usu, M. fol. Basil., Amb. Froben, 1583 Platina (Bapt.) De Vitis Summorum Pontificum, F. fol. Colon., ex. off. E. Cervicorni, 1529 Id., ed. Panvinius, M. fol. Colon., 1574 Id., F. 4to. Col. Agr., 1626 Plato. De Legibus, 4to. Lovanii, But. Bescius, 1531 Georgias, etc., 4to. Argent., Bihelius, 1540-1 Opera, M. 3 vols., fol. ' H. Stephanus, 1578 Les (Euvres : ed. Dacier, 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1699 Gemmae, 8vo. Lugd., 1551 Platon. The Present State of the Greek Church in Russia, transl. by R. Pinkerton, 8vo. Edinb. 1814 Platus (Hieron.) De bono Status Religiosi, M. 4to. Ingoldstadii, ex off'. D. Sartorii, 1590 Plautus. Comoedise, ed. Lambinus, M. fol. Parisiis, Eust. Vignon, 1595 Id. {Geo. Wray, Preb. of York, 1872), 4to. Wittebergm, 1612 Id., ed. Gruterus, F. 4to. Genevce, 1621 Id., ed. Pontanus, F. 24mo. Amst., 1630 Querulus, sive Aulularia, a Vitalae Blesense Elegiaco carmine reddita, "/o. Pricceus," F. 8vo. ex typog. Hen. Commelini, 1595 [Plaxton (Geo., Rector of Barwick in Elmet)] The Yorkshire Racers: a Poem, Da. 8vo. L., circa 1710 (John, Rector of Sutton) Sermon at St. Michael-le-Belfrey, York, Nov. 17, 1745, B. 8vo. York, John Hlldyard, 1746 346 CATALOGUE OF Play fere (Thos.) Sermon before the King's Majestic, that day he entred into Oxford, at Woodstocke, 27 Aug., 1605, 4to. Cambr.j Cantrel Legge, 1609 Sermons, C. 12mo. X., 1633 Playford (John) A brief Introduction to the skill of Musick. D. 8vo. L., 1662 The whole Book of Psalms, etc., 8vo. L., 1715 Plinius (Sen.) Historia Naturalis, M. fol. Basilece, Froben., 1549 Id., F. 3 vols., 24mo. Jacob Stoer, 1593 (Jun.) Epistolse, etc., 18mo. s. /., 1632 Id., etc., D. Svo. Oxon., 1677 Plotinus de Rebus Philosophicis, F. fol. Saling.^ Jo. Sober, 1540 Plots and Conspiracies. The History of, C. 8vo. L., 1722 Plotter's Doom. A Sermon by a sincere Protestant, F. & B. 4to. Z., 1680 Plowman (Pierce) The Vision of, Da. 4to. L., Owen Rogers, 1561 Pluche (Abbede) History of the Heavens, 8vo. L., 1741 Plummer (M.) Observations on the Book of Common Prayer, S. 8vo. L., 1847 Plumptre (E. H.) Exposition of the Epistles to the Seven Churches of Asia, 8vo. , X., 1877 History of Pantheism, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1878 Plunderer. The Grand Plunderer, C. 4to. 1643 Plutarch. De Vitiosa Verecundia, ed. Erasmus, Svo. Antw., G. Vorsterman, 1526 DePlacitis Philosophorum, ed. Budaeus, imp. 4to. Basilece, Jo. Hervagius, 1531 Parallela, F. fol. Basilece, Froben., 1533 Moralia Opuscula, M., 3 vols., 8vo. Parisiis, Jo. Macceus, 1566 De Fluviorum et Montium Nominibus, "Jo. Pncceus," F. 12mo. ToloscB, 1615 Opera, F. fol. Francofurti, 1620 Lives . . transl. by Sir Thos. North, F. fol. L, 1658 Les Morales, etc., de Plutarque, etc., transl. by Amyot, 2nd vol., Svo. Anvers, Nic. Soolmans, 1577 Id., ISmo. Paris, 1667 Pocklington (John) Sunday no Sabbath : a Sermon, 4to. L., 1636 Altare Christianum, F. F. & F. 4to. L., 1637 Petition and Articles against him, Da. 4to. L., 1641 Pocock (Edw., Sen.) Carmen Tograi, Poetse Arabis, etc., Svo. Oxonii, 1661 . Commentary on the Prophecies of Hosea, Micah, and Malachi, D. 3 vols., fol. Oxfm^d, 1677-85 (Edw., Jun.) Philosophus Autodidactus, 4to. Own., 167 1 (Robert) Memorials of the Family of Tufton, Svo. Gh'avesend, 1800 Poems on Affairs of State, 1640-1704, F., vols. II and III, Svo. L., 1703-4 Poetse. Poetse Grseci principes heroici carminis, with autograph of ''Dudley Fe'^ner," " Tho. Playfere,'' F. fol. Paris, H. Stephanus, 1566 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 347 Poetse. Poetae Minores Grseci, F. 8vo. Cantahr.^ 1652 Poetse Christiani, Saec. IV, i. e. Juvencus, Severus, Sedulius, etc., ed. Migne, 8vo. Parisiis, 1846 Phrases Poeticse, F. 8vo. Franco/.^ s. a. Anthologia Grseca : ed. De Bosch, 3 vols., 4to. UUrajedi, 1795-8 Poetry. Ancient Devotional Poetry from a MS. of the 1 6th or 17th Century. {Presn. copy from the Editor^ Geo. Stokes), 4to. Z., 1849 Pois (Nic. le) De Cognoscendis & curandis internis . . morbis, M. fol. Franco/., Andr. Wechel, 1580 Polancus (Joann.) Breve Directorium ad Confessarii confitentis munus obeundum, M. 12nio. Venetiis, Stell. Ziletti, 1565 Id., M. 12mo. Antw., 1575 Poland. The Great Turke's Defiance : or his Letter to Sigismond, King of Polonia, 4to. L., Melch. Bradwood, 1613 Polanus (A.) Commentarii in Ezechiel et Danielem, M. 2 vols., 4to. Basilem, 1600-8 Sylloge Thesium Theologicarum, F.F. 8vo. ibid., 1597 Ajialysis Libelli Prophetse Malachise, M. 8vo. ibid., 1597 Fartitiones Theologicse, M. 8vo. ibid., 1599 De .(^erna Dei Prsedestinatione, M. 8vo. ibid., 1600 Analysis Libri Hosese, etc., M. 8vo. ibid., 1600-1 Symphonia Catholica, M. 8vo. Genevce, 1612 Syntagma Theologise Christianse, F. fol. Hanovice, 1625 Pole (Keg., Archbp.) Oratio qua Csesaris animum accendere conatur, a 4to. 1554 Pro Ecclesiasticse Unitatis Defensione, M. fol. s. L, 1555 Liber de Concilio, S. 8vo. Venetiis, 1562 Libri ii, primus de Concilio agit alter de Reformatione Anglise, M. 8vo. Dilingce, Seb. Mayer, 1562 A Treatise of Justification, M. 4to. Lovanii, 1569 Politi (Adr.) Dittionario Toscano, 8vo. Venetiis, 1640 Politianus (Aug.) Epistolarum Libri XII, Imp. F. 8vo. Basil, Andr. Cratander, 1522 (Jo. Aug.) Politise Christianse Rob Bellarmini Pars prima refutata, M. 4to. Ambergce, 1614 Pollanus (Val.) Antidotus adv. Joach. Westphali nomine pestilens consilium, etc., M. 8vo. s. I. et a. Pollini (F. Girol.) L'Historia Ecclesiastica della Rivoluzion d' Inghilterra, M. 4to. Eoma, Gug. Facciotti, 1594 Pollux (Jul.) Onomasticon, M. 8vo. Basilem, 1536 Poloni Fratres. Bibliotheca, D. 8 vols., fol. Irenopoli, 1656 Polonicse Historic Corpus, M. fol. Basilem, 1578 Polonus (Mart.) Chronicon Expeditissimum, M. 8vo. Antw., 1574 Polyseni Strategemata, 8vo. Lugd. Bat, 1690 Poly bins. Historiarum Libri V, M. fol. Basil, Jo. Hervagius, 1549 Id., M. fol. 2)jpis Wechelianis, 1609 Poly carpi & Ignatii Epistolse, Ed. Ussher, F. 4to. Oxonii, 1644 Pomerii Sermones de Sanctis, F.F. fol. Lugduni, B. Lescuyer, 1514 Pontanus (Geo. B.) Incineratio Mortalium i.e. Conciones Funebres, M. 4to. Col Aqr., 1611 348 CATALOGUE OP Pontanus (Joann. Isaac) Analectorum Libri III, " Jo. Pricceus" F. 4to. Rostochii, 1599 Tractatus de Globis, F.F. 4to. Amstelod., 1624 (Joann. Jovianus) De Ferdinando Primo rege Neapolitano, fol. Basilece, P. Perna, 1566 Ponte (Ludov. de) Meditationes, D. 8vo. Colon., 1611 Dux Spiritualis, M. 2 vols., 8vo. Col. Agr., 1613 Id., F. 4to. ibid., 1617 Expositio Moralis in Cantica Canticorum, D. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Parisiis, 1622 Pontificale. Liber Pontificalis Edm. Lacy, Episc. Exon : ed. R. Barnes (Dr. Oliver's interleaved copy, noted), S. 8vo. Exeter, 1847 Eomanum, F. fol. Antw., Plantin, 1627 Id., 8vo. Venetiis, 1775 The Anglo-Saxon Ceremonial of the Dedication and Consecra- tion of Churches . . from a Pontifical at Rouen, ed. John Gage, S. 4to., L.P. L., 1834 Id., S. 8vo. Mechlinice, 1862 Eccl. S. Andrese, ed. J. Wordsworth, 4to. Edinb., 1885 Poole (Matt.) Quo Warranto... the preaching of unordained persons, C. 4to. L., 1659 Synopsis Criticorum, B. 5 vols., fol. L., 1669-76 ^A Seasonable Apology for Religion, C. 4to. L., 1673 (Wm.) The Country Farrier, 12mo. L., Tho. Forcet, 1650 Poor (The) Abstract of Answers and Returns relative to the expence and maintenance of the Poor in England, fol. L., 1804 The Rights of the Poor, Di. 8vo. Leeds, 1833 Popery, see Roman Catholics. Population. Abstract of Answers and Returns of the Population of Great Britain, 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831, 6 vols., fol. L., v. y. Porchetus (Sal v.) Victoria ad Judaicam perfidiam subvertendam, F. F. fol. Paris, Gidll. Hesplains, 1520 Porr6e (Jonas) Traite des anciennes C6r6monies, 8vo. Rouen, 1673 Porsi (M. A.) Antidotario contro li Demoniis, 4to. Venet., 1601 Porson (Ric.) Letters to Archdeacon Travis on the Three Heavenly Witnesses, B. 8vo. L., 1790 Porta (Santiusde) Opus Concionatorium, fol. Hagenau, H. Gran, 1513 Porter (Jas.) Five Years in Damascus, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1855 Giant Cities of Bashan, 8vo. L., 1873 (Major) History of the Knights of Malta, 2 vols. 8vo. L., 1858 Portesius (Joann.) Oratio de Laudibus Medicinse, 8vo. Parisiis, 1550 Porteus (Beilby, Bp.) Sermons, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1794-5 Evidences of Christianity, B. 8vo. L., 1806 Works, and Life by Rev. R. Hodgson, B. 6 vols. 8vo. L., 1802-11 Porthaesius (Joann.) De Verbis Dei " Hoc facite," pro (Ecumen. Cone. Tridentino, M. 8vo. Antw., 1567 Fortius (Leon.) De Sestertio, Talentis, Ponderibus, etc., "/o. Primus," F. Romce, 1524: Id., 4to. Basilem, Froben, s. a. Port-Royal, Necrologie de L'Abbaie de N6tre Dame de. By Antoine Rivet de la Grange, 4to. Amsterdam, 1723 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 349 Port-Royal. A Contribution to the History of Religion, etc., in France. By Chas. Beard, 2 vols., 8vo. Z., 1861 Portugal (Prince Henry of) Life by R. H. Major, 8vo. L., 1868 Portus (^mil.) Libellus de Linguae Graecse pronunciatione, F. 8vo. Hanovicej 1624 Posselius (Joann.) Syntaxis Greeca, F. 8vo. Cantahr.^ 1640 Familiarium Colloquiorum Libellus, F. 8vo. Z., 1667 Possevinus (Ant.) Moscovia ; et alia Opera, M. fol. Colonice, 1587 Bibliotheca selecta de Ratione Studiorum, M. fol. Romce, ex typog. Apostol. Vatican., 1593 Judicium de Scriptis Nuse, Bodini, etc., M. 8vo. Lugd., 1593 Apparatus Sacer, M., 3 vols, in 2, fol. Fenetiis, 1603-6 Postellus (Gul.) De Orbis Terrse Concordia, M. fol. s. a. & I. Postilla. Postilla sive Expositio Epistolarum et Evangeliorum, fol. s. /., 1513 Postilles on the Gospels throughout the Year, F. Imp., 4to. 1566 Postlethwayt (M.) The Universal Dictionary of Trade and Com- merce, 2 vols., fol. L., 1766 Potter (Chr.) Sermon at the Consecration of Barnaby Potter, Bp. of Carlisle, Mar. 15, 1628, 8vo. L., 1629 Want of Charitie justly charged on all such Romanists as dare affirme that Protestancie destroyeth Salvation, 8vo. Oxfoi'd, 1633 Poulet (Sir Amias) Letter Books, ed. Morris, 8vo. L., 1874 Pound (Wm., of Malton) The Story of the Gospels in a single Narra- tive. {York Clerical Book Club, 1869), 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1869 Powel (Gabriel) The Resolved Christian, exhorting to Resolution, 8vo. L., V. S.for Thomas Bushel, 1602 The Catholike's Supplication unto the King's Majestie, for Toleration of Catholike Religion in England, M. 4to. L., 1603 A Consideration of the Papists' Reasons of State and Religion for toleration of Poperiein England, M. 4to. Oxford, 1604 Disputationum Theologicarum & Scholasticarum de Anti- christo & ejus Ecclesia Libri II, M. 8vo. L., 1605 De Adiaphoris Theses Theologicse et Scholasticse, 8vo. L., 1606 Id. Translated into English by T. L., M. 4to. L., 1607 A Consideration of the Deprived and Silenced Minister's Argu- ments, for their Restitution to the use and libertie of their ministerie, C. 4to. L., 1606 [ ] A Myld and Just Defence of Certeyne Arguments ... in behalfe of the Ministers suspended and deprived. . against an intemperat and unjust consideration of them by M. Gabriel Powell .. a 4to. ^ s. /.,1606 A Rejoynder unto the mild Defence, justifying the Considera- tions . . . C. 4to. L., s. a. A Refutation of an Epistle Apologeticall written by a Puritan- Papist to perswade the permission of the promiscuous use and . profession of all sects and heresies, M. 4to. L., 1608 Poynet, Ponet (Bp.) An Apologie fully answeringe a blasphemous Book . . against the Godly mariadge of priests, M. 8vo. s. a. & I. 1556 350 CATALOGUE OF [Poynet] A Short Treatise of Politike Power, M. 8vo. s. I, 1556 [ ] A Defence of Priestes Manages agaynst Thomas Martin, M. 4to. L., R. Jugge^ s. a. Prateolus (Gabr.) Nostrorum Temporum Calamitas, M. 8vo. Paris, 1560 De vitis, sectis, et dogmatibus Hsereticorum, M. fol. Colon., G. Calenius, etc., 1569 Pratis (Gul. de) Epistola ad M. Becanum super privilegiis Calvinist- arum, M. Oppenheimii, 1611 Prayers and Forms of Prayer — A Fourme to be used in Common Prayer twise a weeke, and also an Order of Publique Fast to be used every Wednesday in the Weeke during this tyme of mortalitie, 4to. 1563 The Order of Prayer and other Exercises upon Wednes- dayes and Frydayes, to avert and turne God's wrath from us threatned by the late terrible earthquake, 4to. L., Chr. Barker (1580) An Order for Publike Prayers to be used on Wednesdayes and Frydayes in every Parish Church within the Province of Canter- burie, 4to. ibid., s. a. Certaine Praiers collected out of a Fourme of Godly Meditations set fourth by her Majestie's authoritie in the Great Mortalitie in the fift yeere of her Highnesse raigne. (C. W. Thiselton, Chapter- clerk, 1869), 4to. L., 1593 An Order for Prayer and Thankesgiving (necessary to be used in these dangerous times), 4to. L., Chr. Barker, 1594 Certaine Prayers fit for this time, set f oorth by authoritie, 4to. L.,R. Barker, 1600 A Fourme of Prayer with Thankesgiving to be used . . the 24 of March, being the day of his Highnesse entry to his Kingdome, 4to. ihid. (1603) -^—Prayers and Thankesgiving for the Deliverance from the Gun- powder Treason, 4to. L., 1605 A Forme of Common Prayer, together with an Order of Fasting, F. F. 4to. L., 1625 A Forme of Prayer necessary to be used in these dangerous times for the safety . . of his Majestie and this realme, 4to. L., 1626 A Forme of Prayer necessary to be used in these dangerous times of Warre, 4to. L., 1628 A Forme of Prayer, to be used upon the 8th of July, being the Fast-day for averting the Plague, etc., F. 4to. L., 1640 A Forme of Common-Prayer to be used upon the Fast, on the 2nd Friday in every month ... for the ceasing of this present Rebellion, C. 4to. Oxford, 1643 A Collection of Prayers and Thanksgivings used in His Majestie's Chappell and in his Armies, upon occasion of the late Victories, 4to. Oxford, Leon. Lichfield, 1643 A Form of Common Prayer to be used upon the 30th of Jan. 4to. L., 1661 A Form of Prayer for the 29th of May, 4to. L., 1661 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 351 Prayers, etc. A Form of Prayer to be used upon the 1 2th of June. . . for a General Fast, 4to. i., 1661 A Form of Prayer for a General Fast on the 15th of Jan. 4to. X., 1661 A Form of Prayer for 5th Apr. being the day of the General Fast, 4to. L., 1665 A Form of Prayer with Thanksgiving for the late Victory, 4to. L., 1665 A Form of Prayer for the Fast on July 12, 4to. i., 1665 A Form' of Prayer with Thanksgiving for the Late Victory, 4to. L., 1666 A Form of Prayer for the Fasting in consideration of the late dreadful Fire on Oct. 9th, 4to. Z., 1666 A Form of Prayer for the Fast on 27th March, 1672, 4to. L., 1672 A Form of Prayer for a Fast day in behalf of the Englisli Fleet, F. 4to. L., 1673-4 A Form of Prayer for God's Blessing upon his Majesty, etc., 4to. L., 1678 A Form of Prayer for the Fast-day, Nov. 13th,, 4to. L., 1675 A Form of Prayer for the Fast-day, April 11th, 4to. L., 1679 A Form of Prayer with Thanksgiving... for the discovering... the late Conspiracy, 4to. Z., 1683 A Form, or Order of Thanksgiving... upon occasion of the Queen's being with Child, 4to. L., 1687 A Form of Prayer with Thanksgiving for the safe Delivery of the Queen, 4to. A Form of Prayer for the Fast-day, June 19th, 4to. Z., 1695 A Form of Prayer for the General Fast, Jan. 9th, 4to. L., 1739 A Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving for the Victory of Sir Ed- ward Hawke, 4to. Z., 1759 With many other Forms of Prayer of a later date. Prayers, Manuals of, and Devotions. Preces Privatse in Studiosorum gratiam collectse, F. 12mo. iy., Gul. Seres, 1573 A Manual of Godly Praiers and Litanies with certaine devoute and godly petitions commonly called Jesus Psalter, etc., M. 8vo. Rouen, 1613 Devotions of the Ancient Church, etc., 8vo. L., 1660 A Manual of Prayers and Litanies, 8vo. Paris, 1662 Prayers in time of Persecution, R. 12mo. s. a. Prayers for Sundays, Holy Days, and other Festivals, from the 21st Sunday after Pentecost to Lent, 12mo. s. I., 1703 The Guide of a Christian ; and the Devout Christian's Com- panion, B. 8vo. Dublin, 1758-1763 The fifteen O's and other Prayers, printed by W. Caxton in 1490, in photo-lithography, 4to. L., 1869 Courtes Prieres durant la Sainte Messe, L'Ordinaire de la Sainte Messe, 8vo. Paris, 1652 La Forme des Prieres Eccl^siastiques du Baptisme, de la C^ne, du Mariage, etc. No title. 8vo. 352 CATALOGUE OF Pieces, etc. See Cosin (John) ; Hewitt (John) ; Howell (Wm.) ; Wetenhall (Edw.) Precedents. A Booke of Presidents, 8vo. i., 1631 Predestination and Providence. A Collection of Tracts on, by Plaifere, Potter and Womock. Repr., G. 8vo. Cam&r., 1719 Prerogative, see Yelverton (Sir Henry). Presbyterianism, see Basire, Calder, Lewis, Maxwell, Ridpath, Sim- son, Skene, Sutherland. Propositions concerning Church-Government and Ordination of Ministers, C. 4to. L., 1647 The Lamentation of the Ruling Lay Elders sadly bemoaning the death of Sir John Presbyter, C. 4to. 1647 The Mystery of the two Juntos, Presbyterian and Independent, B. 4to. 1647 A Vindication of the Presbyteriall Government and Ministry, H. 4to. i., 1650 The English Presbyterian and Independent reconciled, C. 4to. i., 1656 The Character of a Presbyter, Sir John, anatomized, C. 4to. L., 1660 Heads of Agreement assented to by the United Ministers in and about London, formerly called Presbyterian and Congregational, 4to. L., 1691 An Answer to a Trifling Reply to a paper entituled Plain- dealing with the Presbyterians, F. 4to. s. /., 1763 Seditious Preachers, Ungodly Teachers exemplified in the Case of the Ejected Ministers of 1662, C. 4to. Z., 1709 The Trojan Horse of the Presbyterian Government unbowelled, C. 4to. L., 1711 An Historical Essay on the loyalty of Presbyterians from the Reformation to 1713, C. 4to. s. I, 1713 Prescott (W. H.) History of the Conquest of Mexico, 8vo. L., 1889 History of the Conquest of Peru, 8vo. L., 1889 History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, 8vo. L., 1889 Pressense (E. de) Histoire des trois premiers siecles de L'Eglise Chr^tienne, 4 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1858 The Church and the French Revolution, 8vo. L., 1869 Preston (John) The Liveles Life ; or Man's Spirituall death in Sinne, C. 4to. L., 1641 Two Treatises, C. 4to. L., 1641 (R.) The Godly Man's Inquisition, M. 4to. L., 1622 Prestonus (Tho.) et Greenseus (Tho.) Appellatio a Cardinalibus ad Summum Pontificem, M. 4to. Augustce, 1620 ad . . Gregorium XV . . Sanctamquae Sedem Apost. humillima Supplicatio, M. 4to. ibid., 1621 Preti (Girolamo) Poesi, 8vo. Bologna, 1644 Pretyman (J. R.) On the Relations of Church and State, Di. 8vo. L., 1848 Pricseus, Prisseus, Price (Sir John) Historise Britannicse Defensio contra Polyd. Vergil, "Jo. Primus," 1632, F. 4to. L., H. Binnemann, 1573 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 353 Price (Joann.) Acta Apostolorum, Sanctis Patribus et Graecis & Lat. Scrr. illustrata. {The author's own copy^ with autogr. inscr. " For the right honourable and my best friend Sr. George Badcliffe." Mr. Price's books were bought by Marm. Fothergill^ and are in this library) F. A private print. 8vo. Paris, 164:7 (Daniel) Saul's Prohibition staide . . . with a reproofe of those that traduce the Honourable Plantation of Virginia . . in a Sermon at Paul's Crosse, 4to. L., 1609 The Defence of Truth against a booke falsely called "The Triumph of Truth," sent over from Arras, A. D. 1609, by Hum- f rcy Leech, 4to. Oxford, 1610 Lamentations for the death of the late illustrious Prince Henry. Two sermons, 4to. L., Tho. Snodham, & Oxf., Jos. Barnes^ 1613 Teares shed over Abner, a sermon preached before the Prince his funerall . . before the bodie, 4to. Oxford, Jos. Barnes, 1613 (J. E.) Eoman Antiquities, London, 4to. L., 1873 A Descriptive Account of the Guildhall of the City of London {Corpo7'ation of London, 1887). Pr. pr., 4to. L., 1886 (John) Sermon at Westminster before the House of Commons, a 4to. L., 1660 (Wm.) Fast Sermon before the House of Lords, Nov. 25, 1646, a 4to. L., 1646 Prickett (Robert, a Soldier) Time's Anatomic, containing the Poore Man's plaint, Britton's trouble and her triumph, the Pope's pride, Rome's treasons, and her destruction, M. 4to. L., 1606 Prideaux (C. J.) A Practical Guide to the Duties of Churchwardens, 11th ed., 8vo. L., 1868 (Humphr.) The Validity of the Orders of the Church of Eng- land made out, C. 4to. L., 1688 The true nature of Imposture displayed in the Life of Mahomet, 5th ed., 8vo. L., 1712 The Origin and Right of Tithes, 8vo. Z., 1713 Id., 2nd ed., G. 8vo. L., 1736 Ecclesiastical Tracts, 8vo. L., 1716 The Old and New Testament connected, F. 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1720 Id., 2 vols., fol. L., 1724 Id., B. 4 vols., 8vo. L., 1749 ■ Directions to Churchwardens, F. 8vo. L., 1723 Life of, 8vo. L., 1748 (Joann.) Castigatio cujusdam Circulatoris qui Andr. Eudsemon- Joannem Cydonium seipsum nuncupat, M. 8vo. Oxonii, 1614 Lectiones novem, F. 4to. ibid., 1625 The Doctrine of the Sabbath, 2nd ed., 4to. L., 1634 • Fasciculus Controversiarum Theologicarum, F. 4to. Oxon., 1651-2 The Doctrine of Conscience, F. 8vo. L., 1656 (Matthias) An Easy and compendious Introduction for reading all sorts of Histories, F. 4to. Oxford, 1648 Id., G. 4to. ibid., 1664 Prierates (Sylvester) Aurea Rosa, super Evangelia Expositio, F. Liigd., Bened. Bonnyn^ 1528 A A 354 CATALOGUE OF Prierates (Sylvester) Modus solennis ad informandum Luteranos, 8vo. Fiomce, Jordanus, 1553 Summa Summarum, M. fol. Antiv.^ Petr. Bellerus^ 1578 Surnmse Sylvestrinse, F. 4to. Lugduni, Jo. Tholozamis, 1594 Primasius : Commentarii in Apocalypsin, M. 8vo. Basilece^ Bob. Winter, 1544 Primaudaye (Peter de la) The French Academie ; transl. by T. B(owes), B. 4to. L., Ed. BoUifant, 1580 Prime (John) An Exposition and Observations upon St. Paul to the Galatians, 31. 8vo. Oxford, Jos. Barnes, 1587 Primer (The). The Prymer of Salysbury use . . with many prayers and goodly pyctures, 8vo. Parys, Fr. Regnault, 1531 The Primer set forth by the King's Majestic and his Clergie, F. 4to. L.,R. Ch-afton, 1546 The Prymer in Englishe and Latin after Salisbury use, Imp. F. Three Primers put forth in the reign of Henry VIII: ed. Burton, S. 2nd ed., 8vo. Oxford, 1848 The Primer, or Office of the Blessed Virgin Marye, in Latin and English, F. 8vo. Antwerp, 1604 Primerose (Gilb.) Le Veen de Jacob oppos6 aux Voeux des Moines, 8vo. Berjerac, 1610 (Jas.) Academia Montpeliensis descripta, //. 4to. Oxon., Jo. Lichfield, 1637 Principles at Stake, Essays on Church Questions, ed. by G. H. Sumner, 8vo. L., 1868 Prior (Matt.) Poems {Rev. W. Dealtry, 1810), L.P., fol. L., 1718 Prisseus. See Price. Privy Council Judgments. A Collection of, ed. Brodrick and Free- mantle, 8vo. L., 1865 Privy Purse Expenses, i.e. of Eliz. of York, the Northumberland Household Book, Henry VIII, and Princess Mary, Da. 4 vols., 8vo. ^ L., 1827, etc. Probst (Ferd.) Liturgie der drei , . . ersten Christlichen Jahr- hunderte, S. 8vo. Tubingen, 1870 Processionale Cisterciense, abbatis gen. Reformatoris congreg. Lusitanse, 8vo. Lisboice, 1757 Ad usum Canon. Eegg. Congreg. S. Crucis Conimbr., Ord. S. P. Augustini, 8vo. Coimbra, 1695 Ritibus Romanae Eccl. accommodatum, S. 4to. Antwerpice, 1602 Romanum, 8vo. Mechlinice, 1866 Ad usum insignis Ecclesie Sarum, Da. 4to. in off. vid. Chr. Ruremundensis, 1544 Id., F. 4to. ibid., 1545 -Id., ed. Dr. Henderson (The Editor, 1882), 8vo. Leeds, 1882 Proclamations, A Booke of Proclamations from the beginning of James 1st to Feby 3, 1609, F.F. fol. L., 1609 Proclus: Chrestomathia Poetica, ^'Jo. Pricceus," F. 4to. Eanovice, 1615 Analecta, 4to. Romce, 1630 Procopius (Gazeus) Commentarii in pridres octo V. T. Libros, M. fol, Ti^uri, A. & J. Gesnerus, 1559 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 355 Procopius (Gazeus) Variarum in Esaiam Prophet. Commentt. Epitome. " Jer. Milks" " S. Parr" fol. Parisiis, 1580 In libros Kegum et Paralipomena Scholia. " D. Wyttenhach" 4to. Lugd. Bat, 1620 Procter (F.) History of the Book of Common Prayer, 8vo. L., 1872 (Wm.) The Watchman Warning, A Sermon at Paul's Crosse, 26 Sept. 1624, 4to. L., 1625 ProfFet (Nic.) Fast Sermon before the House of Commons, Sept. 25, 1644, C. 4to. L., 1645 Promptorium Parvulorum ; ed. A. Way. {The Editor, 1872), 4to. L., 1685 Propertius. Elegiarum Libri IV, 2 vols., 4to. Patavii, 1755 Prophecy. L'Accomplissement des Proph^ties ou la d6livrance prochaine de I'Eglise, 8vo, 2 vols, in 1. Rotterdam, 1686 Propositiones Catholicse, D. 4to. L., 1633 Prosper (S.) Opera, M. Colon., Am. Birckm,an, 1540 Id., F. fol. Parisiis, 1711 Protestants. A Relation of the Massacre of the Protestants at Paris.. .in 1572, B. 4to. L, 1678 A Defence of true Protestants, abused for the service of Popery under the name of Presbyterians, B. 4to. L., 1680 The true Protestant Mercury... Sept. 13-16, 1682, B. fol. L., 1682 R6flexions sur la Persecution de I'Eglise R^form^e de France, 8vo. Amst. 1686 Les Plaintes des Protestans de France, 8vo. Cologne, 1686 The Dying Speeches, Letters and Prayers.. .of the Protestants who suffered under Judge JefFerys in the West of England, B. 4to. L., 1689 Proposals for uniting the Protestant interest, B. 4to. L., 1689 Protestatio Concionatorum aliquot Augustanae Confessionis adv. Conventum Tridentinum, M. 4to. 1563 Prudentius : Opera, M. Antw., j^gid. Diesth, 1546 Id., B. 8vo. Hanovm, 1603 Id., B. 8vo. Amst, D. Elzevir, 1667 Carmina, 2 vols., 4to. Bomce, 1788 Prynne (William) — The Perpetuitie of a Regenerate Man's Estate, .4to. L., 1626 Id., 2nd ed., 4to. L., 1627 The Unlovelinesse of Love-lockes, B. 4to. L., 1628 A Briefe Survay and Censure of Mr. Cozens his Cousening Devotions, B. 4to. L., 1628 Healthe's Sicknesse, 4to. L., 1628 The Church of England's Old Antithesis to New Arminianisme, 4to. L., 1629 God no Impostor, nor Deluder, or an Answer to a Popish and Arminian Cavill . . 4to. 5. l, 1629 Id., 2nd ed., 4to. s. l, 1630 Anti- Arminianisme, or, The Church of England's Old Antithesis to New Arminianisme, B. & C. 4to. s. I., 1630 A A 2 356 CATALOGUE OF Prynne (W.) The Unbishopping of Timothy and Titus, 4to. s. 1, 1636 Id., 2nd ed., 4to. L., 1661 A Quench-Coale . . wherein . . all the pretences of Mr. R. Shel- ford . . in defence of Altars are answered, F. 4to. s. l, 1637 (Signed M. E.) XVI New Quaeres proposed to our Lord Prelates, C. 4to. s. l, 1637 (Under the Pseudonym of Wm. Huntley) a Breviate of the Prelates intolerable usurpations . . F. 4to. s. I., 1637 A briefe relation of certaine . . Passages and Speeches in the Starre-Chamber, occasioned and delivered June the 14th, 1637, at the censure of . . Dr. Bastwickc . . . and Mr. P . . . 4to. s. I, 1638 -) Lord Bishops none of the Lord's Bishops, C. 4to. s. /., 1640 A Terrible Out-cry against the Loytering Exalted Prelates, C. 4to. Z., 1641 The Antipathie of the English Lordly Prelacie, both to Regall Monarchy and Civill LTnity . . B. 4to. L., 1641 -) A New Discovery of the Prelates' Tyranny, in their late prosecutions of Mr. William Pryn . . Dr. John Bastwick . . and Mr. Henry Burton . . Da. 4to. L., 1641 -) A Sovereign Antidote to prevent, appease, and determine our unnaturall Civill Warrcs . . 2nd ed., C. 4to. L., 1642 -The Soveraigne Power of Parliaments and Kingdomes, Da. 4to. L., 1643 -) Rome's Master-Peece ; or, the Grand Conspiracy of the Pope . . to extirpate the Protestant Religion, C. 4to. L., 1643 .) Id., 2nd ed., 4to. L., 1644 • Great Britain's Misery, 4to. Z., 1643 The Treachery and Disloyalty of Papists to their Soveraignes . . Four Parts, 2nd ed., C. 4to. L., 1643 The Doome of Cowardise and Treachery, C 4to. L., 1643 An Humble Remonstrance against the Tax of Ship-money, C. 4to. i., 1643 The Opening of the Great Scale of England . . C. 4to. i., 1643 The Popish Royall Favourite, C. 4to. Z., 1643 A Vindication of Psalme 105, 15, " Touch not mine Anoynted" a 4to. L., 1644 A Moderate Apology against a pretended Calumny, in answer to . . James Howell, Esquire, C. 4to. L., 1644 A Full Reply to certaine briefe Observations and Anti-Queries on Master Prynne's twelve Questions about Church Government, C. 4to. _ Z., 1644 A Checke to Britannicus, for his palpable Flattery and Pre- varication in justifying condemned Nat. Fiennes . . Da. 4to. L, 1644 A Breviate of the Life of William Laud, Archbishop of Canter- bury, S. fol. i., 1644 Hidden Workes of Darkeness brought to Publike Light, or a necessary introduction to the History of the Archbishop of Canterburie's Triall, fol, L., 1645 YOEK MINSTEK LIBRARY. 357 Prynne ( W.) A Fresh Discovery of some Prodigious New Wandring, Biasing Stars and Firebrands, stiling themselves New Lights . . C. 4to. ^ L., 1645 A Vindication of foure serious Questions of grand importance, concerning Excommunication and Suspention from the Sacra- ment, C. 4to. L., 1645 Canterburie's Doome, or, the First Part of a Compleat History of the commitment ... of William Laud, late Archbishop of Canterbury, 4 to. L., 1646 Suspention Suspended . . (on the Divines of Syon Colledge). Two copies, 4to. L., 1646 Diotrephes Catechised : or, Sixteen Important Questions touch- ing the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and Ceremonies . . pretended to . . by some Over-rigid Presbyterians, 2nd ed., 4to. X., 1646 Minors no Senators, 4to. Z., 1646 The Levellers levelled to the very ground, 4to. L.^ 1647 Mr. Prinn's Charge against the King, 4 to. L. 1648 Mr. Prynn's last and finall Declaration to the Commons of England, 4to. s. /., 1648 Prynne the Member reconciled to Prynne the Barrester, or, an Answer to a Scandalous Pamphlet, intituled Prynne against Prynne, 4to. i., 1649 The Substance of a Speech made in the House of Commons by Will. Prynn ... on Dec. 4th, 1648, 3rd ed., 4to. L., 1649 A Brief Memento to the present Unparliamentary Junto, touching their present intentions and Proceedings to Depose and Execute Charles Stuart their lawful King . . C. 4to. L., 1649 Independency examined, unmasked, refuted, 4to. L., 1651 A Gospel Plea . . for the Lawfulness and Continuance of the Ancient settled Maintenance and Tenthes of the Ministers of the Gospel, 4to. X., 1653 Jus Patronatus, or, a Briefe Legal and Rational Plea for Advowsons, 4to. Z., 1654 A Declaration and Protestation against the . . New Tax and Extortion of Excise . . Two copies, 4to. L., 1654 A Seasonable, Legall, and Historicall Vindication, and Chrono- logicall Collection of the Good, Old, Fundamental Liberties, Franchises, Rights, Laws of all English Freemen, 4to. L., 1654 The Quakers unmasked and clearly detected to be but the Spawn of Romish Frogs, Jesuites, and Franciscan Fryers, C. 2nd ed., 4to. A, 1655 Ten Considerable Quseries concerning Tithes, 4to. Z., 1655 Id., 4to. L., 1659 A Short Demurrer to the Jewes long discontinued Remitter into England . . 4to. L., 1656 A Legall Resolution of two Important Quaeres . . demonstrat- ing . . the bound(3n duty of Ministers . . to administer the Sacraments, 4 to. Z., 1656 A Seasonable Vindication of free-admission and frequent ad- ministration of the Holy Communion, C. 4to. L., 1656 358 CATALOGUE OF Prynne (W.) The Lord's Supper briefly vindicated, C. 4to. Z., 1658 Some Popish Errors unadvisedly embraced and pursued by our Anti-communion Ministers, C. 4to. L., 1658 The Republicans and others Supekious [sic] good Old Cause, 4to. s. I, 1659 Concordia Discors, or the Dissonant Harmony of Sacred Pub- lique Oathes, C. 4to. L., 1659 Id., 2nd ed., C. 4to. X., 1683 Beheaded Dr. John Hewytt's Ghost, pleading, yea, crying for Exemplarie Justice . . C. 4to. L, 1659 Historiarchus, or the Exact Recorder, Da. 4to. L., 1659 A true and perfect Narrative of what was done, spoken by and between Mr. Prynne, the old and newly forcibly late secluded Members . . in the Commons' Lobby, Da. 4to. s. l, 1659 The Signal Loyalty and Devotion of God's true Saints and Pious Christians towards their Kings, Da. 4to. ' L., 1660 A Short, Sober, Pacific Examination of some Exuberances in, and Ceremonial Appurtenances to, the Common Prayer, 4to. L., 1661 Parliamentary Writs, 2 vols., vol. II. l^arge Paper ^ Da. 4to. L., 1659-64 Previa Parliamentaria Rediviva, Da. 4to. L., 1662 Aurum Reginse, Da. 4to. X., 1668 History of King John, Henry III and Edward I, Da. fol. L., 1670 Psalmanazar (Geo.) Historical and Geographical Description of the Island of Formosa, F. 8vo. L., 1705 Memoirs of, 8vo. L., 1765 PSALTERIUM, PSALMI— Psalterium Quincuplex ed. Jo. Faber. ^' Liber Thomce Swalwell Monachi (Dunelm,)" with Jiis notes ; also Bp. Barnes s copy, M. fol. Farisiis, H. Stephanus, 1509 Hebrasum, Greecum, Arabicum & Chaldaicum, F. fol. Genevan, P. Forms, 1516 Sextuplex, M. 4to. Lugd., Seb. Gnjphius, 1530 Hebraicum, Grsecum & Latinum, ed. Artopseus, M. 2 vols., 8vo. Basil., ex off. Henricpetrina, s. a. Hebraicum, 12mo. Basil., H. Froben, 1563 Psalmi Davidis Syriace, ed. Erpenius. (Mr. W. Gray, 1870), 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1635 Psalterium Greece, M. 4to. Aldus, s. a. Id., 8vo. L., s. a. Latin Psalter in the University Library, Utrecht, photographed. (Dean Duncombe), 4to. L., s. a. Id., Reports on, by Sir T. D. Hardy and Dean Stanley, B. 3 vols., 4to. L., 1874 Psalterium Davidis carmine redditum per Eobanum Hessum. Wittenbergce, 1537 Psalterium paraphrasibus illustratum, servata . . Hieronymi translatione (by Baynesius Snoygondanus), M. 12mo. Paris, Jo. Buellius, 1545 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 359 * Psalterium, Psalmi. Liber Psalmorum Davidis, etc., M. 8vo. LuteticB, R. Stephanus, 1546 Psalterium, ed. Cornerus. " JF. Mount" F.F. 8vo. Liysice^ Jo. Steinman, 1581 Id., 8vo. L., 1640 Psalterium cum Antiphonis dominicalibus . . cum Hymnis Ecclesiis Sarum et Ebor. deservientibus, F. 4to. Parisiis, sumpt. F. Byrckman, 1522* Psalterium cum Hymnis ad usum Sarum et Ebor., 8vo. s. a. & I. Psalmi seu Precationes ex variis Scriptura3 locis collectse, 8vo. i., Tho. Berthekt, 1544 Psalterium Davidicum ad usum Ecclesise Sarisburiensis im- pressum, F. 8vo. Z., 21io. Marshe (1555) The Psalter or Psalmes of David, after the translation of the Great Bible, with certain additions of Collects, etc. fol., L. P. L., in off. G. Seres, 1569 The Whole Booke of Psalms, by T. Sternhold, 4to. L., 1581 Id., by Sternhold, Hopkins, etc., F.F. fol. L., 1618 Id., 8vo. L, 1633 Id., 8vo. L., 1641 Id., 24mo. L., B. Z., 1642 Id., B. 8vo. i., 1644 Id., 4to. Cambr., 1679 The Psalter . . after the translation of the Great Bible^ fol. Z., R. Barker, 1620 Tlie Scottish Metrical Psalter of 1635. Reprinted {Mr. Wm. Euing, 1864), fol. Glasgoiv, 1864 The Psalter . . as it shall be sung or said throughout all the Churches of Scotland, fol. Edinburgh, 1636 The Psalmes . . transl. by King James I, fol. L, Tho. Harper, 1636 The Psalmes . . paraphrased and turned into English verse. By Miles Smyth, 8vo. L., 1668 Id. Of the old translation, 4to. New Version, by Brady and Tate, 12mo. L., 1712 Psalterium Gallicum Vetus, ed. Fr. Michel, 8vo. Oxonii, 1860 Les Pseaulmes en vers par Clement Marot, imp. 12mo. Le Psaultier de la Vierge Marie, S. 8vo. Paris, 1612 -Psalmen . . in Nederlandshe dich, 12mo. Amsterdam, 1660 -Psalterium Cisterciense, 8vo. Parisiis, 1754 Ptolemy (CI.) Geographia, fol. Argentina^, Jo. Schottus, 1513 — — Id. Pres. copy, ^' Martino Bucero, anno Domini, 1525," fol. Argent., Jo. Grieningerus, 1525 Id., fol. Basileoi, H. Petrus, 1545 Id., M. fol. Venetiis, V. Valgrisius, 1562 Public Records — see State Papers. Puffendorf (S.) The Divine Feudal Law, F. 8vo. L., 1703 — De Officio Hominis et Civis, B. 8vo. L., 1748 The Law of Nature and Nations, fol. L., 1749 360 CATALOGUE OF PuUeine (Thos., Vicar of Pontefract) Jeremiah's Teares, a Sermon preached in York Minster upon Trinity Sunday, 1604, when the sicknes was begunne in the Cittie, B. 4to. L., Wm. Jaggard, 1608 Pulling (Wm.) The Order of the Coif, 8vo. L., 1884 Purchas (Sam.) Purchas his Pilgrimage, B. vol. I, fol. L., 1617 Purey-Cust (A. P., Dean of York) Sermons and Tracts by him. (The Author, 1887), 2 vols., 8vo. v. y. & I. The Heraldry of York Minster. (The Author), 4to. Leeds, 1 890 Puritans (The) A brief Censure upon the Puritane Pamphlet enti- tuled " Humble Motives for Association to maintayne Keligion established," M. 12mo. s.l, 1603 A Discourse concerning the Puritans : a Vindication, C. 4to. L., 1641 English Puritanism. Documents relating to the settlement of the Church of England by the Act of Uniformity, 1662, ed. Peter Bayne, 8vo. "L., 1862 See Stuart (Ric.) Pusey (E. B.) Remarks on the Prospective and Past Benefits of Cathedral Institutions, S. 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1833 Parochial Sermons, 2 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1852 On the Real Presence, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1853 The Councils of the Church, 8vo. Oxford, 1857 The Truth and Office of the English Church : an Eirenikon, B. 8vo. iUd., 1865 Lectures on Daniel, 8vo. ibid., 1869 ^Commentary on the Minor Prophets, 4to. ibid., 1866, etc. Puteanus (E.) De Cometa anni 1618, M. 8vo. Colonice, 1619 Puteo (Fr. de) Cathena aurea super Psalmos, M. fol. Paris, G. Bossozel, 1530 Putherbeus (Gabr.) Theotimus, sive de toUendis et expungendis malis Libris, M. 8vo. Paris, ap. Jo. Boigmj, 1549 Puttocke (Roger) A Rejoynder unto Wm. Malone's Reply to the first Article about Traditions, B. 4to. Dublin, 1632 Pym, Pimme (John) Speech in Parliament, March 17, Da. 4to. L., 1641 Speech, on 12 Apr. 1641, on Lord Strafford, C. 4to. s. I., 1641 His Declaration upon the whole matter of the charge of High Treason against Thomas Earle of Strafford, C. 4to. 6-. /., 1641 His Speech in reply to his Majesties' Answer to the City of London, Jan. 13, 1642, 4to. L., 1643 Qusestiones, Questions. Duse Qusestiones de Sacris alienis ad usum praximque Angliae, F. F. 8vo. s. I, 1607 A Seasonable Question & an Usefull Answer contained in a Letter between a Parliament Man in Cornwell & a Bencher of the Temple, London, B. 4to. s. I. 1676 'Quakers. The Quacking Mountebanck, or the Jesuite turned Quaker, C. 4to. L., 1655 The Cry of the Innocent & Oppressed for Justice. C. 4to. L., 1664 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 361 Quakers. Conference between a Minister and a Parishioner in- clining to Quakerism, F. 8vo. Z., 1676 A Modest Plea in behalf of the People called Quakers, C. 8vo. L., s. a. A Vindication of the Quakers, C. 8vo. Z., 1732 Papers relating to the Quakers' Tythe Bill, C. 8vo. L., 1736 see Fowler (Edw.) and Penn (Wm.). Quarles (Fr.) The Whipper whipt, C. 4to. s. L, 1644 The New Distemper, C. 4to. Oxford, 1645 Divine Fancies, B. 7th ed., 8vo. L., 1675 Divine Poems, B. 8vo. L., 1680 Quatermayne (Roger) Quatermayn's Conquest over Canterburie's Court, 4to. L., Tho. Payne, 1642 Quicherat (J.) Histoire du Costume en France, 8vo. Paris, 1875 Quick (John) Synodicon in Gallia Reformata, 2 vols., fol. L., 1692 Quinctilian (M. F.) Institutionum Oratoriarum Lib. XII & Decla- mationes, M. fol. In ced. Ascens., 1527 Id., D. fol. Parisiis, Lud. Tilefanus, 1541 Id., F. 8vo. Lugd., Ant. Gryphius, 1575 Declaraationum Liber, &c. F. 8vo. Oxonii, 1675 De Instit. Oratoria. (Geo. Wray, Preb. of York, 1872), 4to. ibid., 1693 Quinones (Juan de) Explicacion de unas monedas de Oro de Empe- radores Romanos. " Jo. Pricoius," F. 4to. Madrid, 1620 Quintine (John de la) The Compleat Gardiner, fol. L., 1693 Quintinus (Joann.) Sermones Dominicales. (Rev. C. B. Nordifj'e, 1885), 8vo. Parisiis, F. RegnauU, s. a. Quintyne (Matt.) A short Discoverie of the Mysterie of Iniquitie, C. 4to. L., 1645 Quiquer (S.) Dictionnaire & Colloques Fran9ois et Breton, 24mo. Caen, 1638 Qwin (Walter) The Prince's Epitaph (Prince Henry), (with Frag- ments of other Elegies, collected by Dr. Bliss), 4to. s. I., 1630 R. C. Of the Distinction of Fundamental and not Fundamental points of Faith, F. 8vo. s. l, 1645 R. L See Floyd (John). R. J. Organon Republican, M. 4to. L., 1605 R. R. Episcopal Government instituted by Christ, 4to. L., 1641 R. R. M. See Rogers (Richard). R. S. See Smith (Richard). R. T. An honest Letter to a doubtful friend about the rifling of the twentieth part of his Estate, B. 4to. York, S. Bulkeley, 1642 R. W. See Parsons (Robert). Rabanus Maurus. Commentarii in Hieron. Prophetam, fol. Basilece, Henr. Petrus, 1534 Commentarii in Ecclesiasticum, fol. Basilece, in off. S. Colincei, 1544 Rada (Joann. de) Controversise Theologicse inter S. Thomam & Scotum, M. 4to. Fenetiis, 1604: Radan (Mich.) Orator Extemporaneus, F. 8vo. X., 1673 362 CATALOGUE OF Kadbert (Pascal) Opera, F.F. fol. Lutet Paris., 1618 Radcliffe (Sir Geo. ) Life and Correspondence of, ed. T. D. Whitaker, Presn. copy, 4to. Z., 1810 Raderus (Matt.) Bavaria Sancta et Pia, 3 vols., fol. Monad, 1615-28 Rsemondus (Florimondus) Fabula Joannse quae Pont. Rom. sedem occupasse falso tradita est, M. 8vo. Burdigaloi, 1605 Raguelle (Fr.) Leges PoliticsB quaj extant in libris V & N. Test., 8vo. Francofurti, s. a. Rainbow (Edw. Bishop of Carlisle) Labour forbidden and com- manded, a Sermon at St. Paul's, London, Sept. 28, 1634, 4to. L,, 1635 Funeral Sermon on Susanna, Countesse of SufFolke, at Walden in Essex, K 4to. L., 1645 Sermon preached at the Funeral of Anne, Countess of Pem- broke, Dorset and Montgomery, at Appleby, 4 to. L., 1677 Life of, and Sermon at his Funeral, by Thos. Tully, 12mo. L, 1688 Raine (James, D.C.L.) St. Cuthbert, with an Account of the Open- ing of his Tomb, E. 4to. Durham, 1828 A Brief Account of Durham Cathedral, E. 8vo. Newcastle, 1833 Catterick Church, E. 4to. L., 1834 History of North Durham. Two parts, fol. Z., 1834-52 Account of Auckland Castle, E. 4to. L,, 1852 See Hodgson (John). (James) See Dixon (W. H.) (John, Vicar of Blyth, Notts.) History of Blyth, 4to. L., 1860 Rainolds (John) Sex Theses de Sacra Scriptura et Ecclesia, M. 8vo. L., H. Middlcton, 1580 Id., M. 8vo. L., 1602 Orationes II, M. 8vo. Oxon., Jo. Barnes, 1587 De Romana3 Eccl. Idolatria, M. 4to. Oxonian, 1596 The Summe of the Conference betweene John R. and John Hart, 4to. L., 1598 Id., Summa Colloquii, etc., M. fol. Oxon., 1610 Censura Librorum Apocryphorum adv. Pontificios, F. 2 vols., 4 to. In nohili Oppenheimio, 1611 [ ] A Replye answering a defence of the Sermon preached at the consecration of the bishop of Bath and Welles, by G. Downame, 4to. 1613 Orationes XII, F. 8vo. L., 1628 (Wm.) A Refutation of sundry reprehensions, cavils, and false sleightes, by which M. Whitaker laboureth to deface the late English Translation and Catholike Annotation of the New Testa- ment, M. 8vo. Paris, 1583 Raleigh (Sir Walter) History of the World. (Mr. A. Buckle, 1888), fol. Z., 1614 A Declaration of the Demeanor and Cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh, Knt., as well in his Voyage as in, and sithence, his Returne, 4to. L., B. Carter & Jo. Bill, 1618 The Prerogative of Parliaments in England proved, F. 4to. Midelburge, 1628 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 363 Eampelogus (Ant.) Figurse Biblise, F. F. 8vo. Colonice, 1571 Ramsden (Henry, Vicar of Halifax) A Gleaning in God's Harvest, foure choyce handfuls, 4to. L., 1639 Ramsay (Andr.) see Abernethie (Thos.) (Sir James) Lancaster and York, a Century of English History, 2 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1892 (W. M.) The Church in the Roman Empire before A.D. 170, 3rd ed., 8vo. L., 1894 Ramus (Petr.) Brutinae Quaestiones in Oratorem Ciceronis, M. 4to. Parisiis, apud Jac. Bogardum, 1547 Explicatio in Somnium Scipionis, 4to. Parisiisy Th. David, 1550 Rhetoricse Distinctiones in Quintilianum, M. 8vo. Paris, Wechel, 1559 Prselectiones in Ciceronis Orationes, F. 4to. Basilem, P. Perna, 1575 Professio Regia, F. F. fol. Basilece, Seb. Henricpetri, 1576 Dialecticse Libri III, 8vo. Francofurti, JVechel, 1579 Id., F. 4to. . Malhusii, 1586 Id., F. 8vo. L., Tho. Dawson, 1589 Id., 8vo. Amst., 1645 Commentariorum de Religione Christi Libri V, 8vo. Francofurti, 1583 Ad Dialecticam Inductio, F. 8vo. L., Tho. Daivson, 1583 De Dialectica Qutestiones, F. 8vo. L., H. Middleton, 1585 Randal (J., of York) The Young Gentleman's Geometrical Class Fellow, Da. 8vo. L., 1766 Randolph (Bern.) The Ancient State of the Morea, C. 4to. Oxford, 1686 (John, Bp. of Oxford) Lectures to Candidates for Holy Orders, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1869-70 (Thos.) Poems, &c., F. 8vo. Gambr. & L., 1640-3 Ranke (F. H.) Das Leben in Christo, 8vo. Frankfurt a M., 1853 (Leopold) History of the Papacy in the 16th and 17th Centuries, 2 vols., 8vo. Glasgow, 1863 History of the Spanish and Ottoman Empires in the 16th and 17th Centuries, 8vo. L., 1843 Rantzovius (Henr.) De Gemmis Scriptum Evacis regis Arabum, M. 8vo. Luhecce, Jo. Balhornius, 1575 Catalogus Excellent. Virorum in Arte Astrologica, M. 4to. Golonice, 1585 ■ Methodus Apodemica, seu Peregrinandi Ratio, 12mo. Argentines, 1608 Rapin (P.) The History of England (Dean Fountai/ne, 1777), 2 vols., fol. L., 1732-3 M. de Rapin Examined as to his Knov^rledge of History and his Integrity in writing it, G. 8vo. s. a. & I. (Renatus) Reflections on Aristotle's Treatise of Poesie, etc. F. 8vo. L., 1674 Rastall (W. J.) History of Southwell, 4to. D, 1787 Rastell (John) The Expositions of the Termes of the Lawes of Englande, F. 8vo. L., Richard Tottel, 1573 Id., 8vo. Ass. of Ghas. Yetsweirt, 1595 364 CATALOGUE OF Rastell (John) Les Termes de la Ley . . . explained, F. 8vo. X., 1671 Chronicle, Da. 4to. X., 1811 (John) A lieplie against an Answer (falslie intitled) in defence of the Truth, F. F. 8vo. Antwerp, 1585 (Wm.) A Collection of Statutes . . to 1579, fol. L., Chr. Barker, 1579 Kathband (W.) Confutation of the Errors of the Brownists or Separatists, H. 4to. L., 1644 Ratisbon. Acta Colloquii Ratisbonensis de Norma Doctrinse Catho- licse, M. 4to. Monachii, 1602 Raulin (Jo. F.) Historia Eccl. Malabarricse . . cum Liturgia Mala- barrica, S. 4 to. Eomce, 1745 Raw (Jos.) New Miscellany of Songs, Da. 8vo. York, 1741 Rawdon. See Bramhall (John). [Rawlett (John)] A Dialogue . . shewing that the members of the Church of England are no sectaries, 8vo. L., 1686 Rawlinson (Geo.) The Seven Ancient Monarchies, 6 vols., 8vo. L., 1862, etc. The Religions of the Ancient World, 8vo. L., s. a. St. Paul in Damascus and Arabia, 12mo. L., s. a. The History of Ancient Egypt, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1882 [R(awlinson), (Ric).] History of Hereford, F. 8vo. L., 1717 Ray (Jas.) A Compleat History of the Rebellion, R. 8vo. York, John Jackson, 1749 (John) Catalogus Plantarum Anglise, etc., F. 8vo. L., 1677 -Methodus Plantarum nova, 8vo. L., 1682 Miscellaneous Discourses, 8vo. L., 1692 Historia Plantarum, F. 3 vols., fol. L., 1693-1704 Raymundi Summula, F. Paris, Thiel. Kerver, 1516 Id., M. 8vo. s. a. & I Raynerius : Pantheologia, M. 2 vols., 4to. Brixice, 1580 Rebellion Stript and Whipt, C. 4to. 1648 Declaration of the Archbps. and Bps., testifying their abhorrence of, 4to. L., 1715 of 1745, A Calm Address ... on the score of the present Rebellion, folio broadside. Sheffield, Francis Lister, 1745 Rebuflfus (Petr.) Tractatus de Decimis, 8vo. Col. Agr., Jo. Birckman, 1572 Id., 8vo. Col. Agr., 1580 Id., 4to. L., Jo. Jacson, 1585 Tractatus congruse portionis beneficiorum Vicariis maxime debitse, 8vo. Col. Agr., Birckman, 1572 Recorde (Rob.) The Urinal of Physick, F. 8vo. L., s. a. The Ground of Artes, 8vo. L., Fdcharcl Field, 1590 Records (Public) See State Papers. Redman (Joan.) De Justificatione, M. 4to. Antw.,Jo. Withagius, 1555 Reeve (Edm.) The Christian Divinitie contained in the Divine Service of the Church of England, 4to. L., 1631 Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum, M. 4to. L., John Day, 1571 Id., F. 4to. L, 1640 Id., 4to. L., 1641 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 365 Reformation. The Reformation in Germany. Vom Alten und Niien Gott. Glauben und Ler., ;S^. 4to. Jarnach, 1521 Regale. Traite de la Regale, 8vo. Cologne, 1680 Regino (Monachus) Annales, M. fol. Moguntice, in ced. Jo. ScJioeffer, (1521) De Ecclesise Disciplinis : ed. Baluze, S. 8vo. Parisiis, 1671 Regius (Urbanus) Medicina Animse, R. 12mo. Vitehergce, 1537 Prophetise V. T. de Christo, M. fol. Franco/., ex off. P. Brubachii, 1542 -Loci Theologici, M. 8vo. ibid., 1545 — — In Afflictionibus, etc., Consolationes, M. 8vo. ibid., 1545 Opera, Latine edita, M. fol. Noribergm, in off. Jo.Montani,etc., 1562 Regnier (Helyas) Casus Longi, Sixti, et Clementinarum, " Orate pro anirna Magistri Johannis Toffte . . . nwper Decani Bristollice," fol. Argentince, 1496 Reichel (O. T.) The See of Rome in the Middle Ages, 8vo. L., 1877 Reiking (Jac.) Muri Civitatis Sanctas, M. 4to. Col. Agr., 1615 Reineccius (Reiner) Syntagma de Familiis quae in monarchiis tribus prioribus rerum potitse sunt, etc. M. 4 vols, in 1, fol. Basileoi, ex off'. Henricpetri, 1574-80 In Chronicon Ditmari, fol. Francof., A7idr. Wechel, 1580 Reinesius (Tho.) Variarum Lectt. Libri III, A 4to. Altenburgi, 1640 Defensio Variarum Lectt. D. 4to. Eostochii, 1653 Ad . . . Hoffmannum . . . Rupertum . . Epistolse, D. 4to. LipsicB, 1660 Epistolae ad . . Daumium et ad Nesteros, patrem et filium, D. 4to. Jence, 1670 Syntagma Inscriptt. Antiquarum in Jani Gruteri Opere omissa- rum, fol. Lipsice et Francof urti, 1682 Religion. The Reformation of Religion by Josiah, M. 8vo., s. I. & n. Mysterium Religionis recognitum, C. 4to. L., 1649 The true Magistrate, or, the Magistrate's Duty and Power in matters of Religion, C. 4to. L., 1659 Religion and Loyalty supporting each other, B. 4to. L., 1681 Id. F. 4to. L., 1683 Conversations sur diverses matieres de Religion, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1687 see Banks (Ric.) ; Hammond (H.) ; Parsons (R.) ; Scott (Sir Walter) ; Smith (R.) ; Vaughan (Sir Wm.). Remigius (Nic.) Dsemonolatreite Libri III, imp. 4to. Lugduni Remonstrance. A Remonstrance or Plain detection of the faults . . of a Book entituled " A Demonstration of Discipline " (by John Udall) M. 4to. L., G. Bishop & 11 Newberie, 1590 The Remonstrance or Protestation of the Gentry of the Counties of Buckingham, Bedford, Hartford, and Cambridge, B. 4to. L., 1642 Remus (Geo.) In Solomonis Proverbia Spicilegium, M. 8vo. Sig. Nassov., Ch. Corvinus, (1596) Remy (Lord, of Florence) Civil Considerations upon many & Sundrie Histories, transl. by W. T. '' John Hotham," F.F. fol L., 1601 366 CATALOGUE OF Eenan (Ernest) Vie de J^sus, 8vo,' Paris, 1863 -Saint Paul, 8vo. ibid., 1869 -L'Antechrist, 8vo. ibid., 1873 Renaudot (Euseb.) Historia Patriarcharum Alexandrin-Jacobitarum (Archdeacon Hey, 1882), 4to. iUd., 1713 Liturgicarum Orientalium Collectio, F. 2 vols. 4to. ibid., 1716 Eeneccius (Jac.) Panoplia, i.e. Armatura Theologica contra Bellarmi- num, M. 4 vols, in 1, fol. WitebergcE, 1609 Renigerus (Mich.) De Pii Vet Gregorii-XIII Rom. Pontiff, furoribus contra Elizabethan! Liber, '' Edm. Bunny," 8vo. L., Tho. Dawson, (1582) Syntagma Hortationum ad regem Jacobum I, " Tob. Dunelm. ex auctoris dono," 8vo. L., 1604 Ressonaeus (Ant.) Libellus de Sacrificio Missre pro Defunctis, 8vo. Parisiis, Nic. Chesneau, 1558 Retofortus (Joann.) Commentt. de Arte Disserendi, M. 4to Reuchlinus (Joann.) De Arte Cabalistica, fol. Basilece, Jo. Hervagius, 1550 Revesby Abbey, co. Lincoln, Abstract of Deeds and Charters relating to, 4to. Pr. pr. Presn. copy from Mr. Stanhope to E. Peacock Horncastle, 1889 R6ville (A.) Etudes Critique sur Evangile selon St. Matthieu, 8vo. Leide, 1862 Prol^gom^nes de L'Histoire des Religions, 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1881 Rey (M. J.) Essais ... sur Richard III, 8vo. ibid., 1818 Reyheri Thuringia Sacra, fol. Franco/., 1737 Reynard the Fox. Reinardus Vulpes ; ed. F. J. Mone, S. 8vo. Stuttgard, 1832 Notse in Id. auct. J. A. Bormans, S. 8vo. Gandavi, 1836 Plattdeutsch nach der Liibecker ausgabe von 1498, bearbeitet von Karl Tannen, S. 8vo. Bremen, 1861 Reyner (Wm.) Fast Sermon before the H. of Commons, Aug. 28, 1644, C. 4to. /.., 1644 Reynolds (Edw., Bp.) An Explication of the 110th Psalme, F. 4to. L., 1632 Meditations on the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, F. 4to. L., 1638 Id., S. 2nd ed. 8vo. L., 1639 The Judgement of Dr. Reignolds concerning Episcopacy, C. 4to. L., 1641 Self Deniall, a Sermon before the Assembly of Divines, C. 4to. L., 1646 A Treatise on . . , the Soul of Man, D. 4to. L., 1647 Sermon before the King at Whitehall, March 22, 1667, C. 4to. L., 1668 (H. R.) Wells Cathedral ; its Foundation, Constitution, etc., Pr. pr., fol. Leeds, s, a. (John) The Triumphs of God's Revenge against Murther, F. 4to. E, 1621 (Wm.) Funeral Sermon at St. Marie's, Nottingham, March 18, 1657, on the Hon. Francis Pierepont, C. 4to. L., 1658 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 367 Ehau (Geo.) Enchiridion utriusque Musicae Practicse, 8vo. Fitebergce, . . 1538 Rhazes. Liber qui Almansor vocatus est " W. Mount." F.F., fol. Tenet., Bon. Locatellus, 1497 Rhenanus, in 0. Plinium, F. fol. Basilece, Frohen, 1526 Rhetores. Orationes Rhetorum Grsecorum, fol. Fenetiis, Aldus, 1513 Rhetores Antiqui Latine, " Jo. Pricceus." F. fol. Parisiis, ex off. Plant., 1599 Rhind (A. H.) Thebes, its Tombs and their Tenants, 8vo. L., 1862 Rhodes (John) A Briefe Summe of the Treason intended against the King and State, Nov. 5, 1605, 4to. L., 1606 [ ]The Spy, discovering the danger of Arminian Heresie and Spanish Treacherie, 4 to. Strashurgh, 1628 Rhodius(Joann.)Trina, Theologica, Philosophica, et Jocosa, M., with MS. Latin Poem by P. Baro, 8vo. Erphordice, Jo. Pistorius, 1584 Rhodomanus (Lawr.) Poesis Christiana PalaGstinse, 4to. Franco/., C. Marnius, 1589 Ribadeneyra (Pedro de) Historia Ecclesiastica del Scisma del Regno da Inglaterra, M. 8vo. En Emheres, M. Nucio, 1594 Ribera (Fr.) In Apocalypsin Commentarii, etc., M. 8vo. Antwerpice, 1593 In Libros XII Prophetarum Commentarii, M. fol. Duaci, 1611 Ricardus (Armachanus Archiep.) Summa in Qusestionibus Armen- orum, F.F. fol. Parisiis, s. a. Riccobonus (Ant.) De usu Artis Rhetoricse Aristotelis Commentarii, M. 8vo. Francofurti, 1595 Rich (Robert) Epistles to the Seven Churches, C. 4to. L., 1680 Richard (C. L.) Analysis Conciliorum, 5 vols., C. 8vo. Aug. Vindel., 1778 Richard III, History of, by Sir Thomas More, 8vo. Chisivick, 1821 by Jas. Gairdner, 8vo. L., 1879 Richards (Jacob) A Journal of the Siege and Taking of Buda, C. 4to. L., 1687 Richardson (Alex.) The Logician's Schoolmaster, F. 4to. L., 1629 (Chas.) A Sermon against Oppression and Fraudulent Dealing, at Panic's Cross, M. 4to. L., 1615 The Benefit of Affliction, a Sermon, M. 8vo. L., 1621 (John, Precentor of York) Prselectiones Ecclesiasticae, C. 2 vols. , 8vo. L., 1726 (John) The Folly ... of Pilgrimages in Ireland, especially to St. Patrick's Purgatory, 8vo. Dublin, 1727 Richerius (Edm.) Demonstratio Libelli de Eccles. et Politica Potestate, 4 to. Parisiis, 1622 See D. Testamentum, 4to. Parisiis, 1630 Historia Conciliorum Generalium, B. 4to. Colonice, 1683 Id., F. 3 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1683 (L. C.) Lectionum Antiquarum Libri XXX, fol. Basilece, Froben, 1550 Richmond (Registrum Honoris de), ed. Gale, Da. fol. L., 1722 368 CATALOGUE OF Richterus (Greg.) Axiomata Historica, etc., M. 3 vols., 4to. Gm-Ucii, 1599 Rickman's Gothic Architecture, ed. Parker, 8vo. Oxford, 1862 Ricoldus (R. P.) Propugnacuhim Fidei adv. mendaciam Alcorani, M. 4to. Fenetiis, 1609 Ricraft (Josiah) A Looking Glass for the Anabaptists, etc., C. 4to. L., 1645 Riddle (J. E.) Latin-English Dictionary, 4to. L., 1849 History of the Papacy, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1854 Rider (John) Dictionarie . . by F. R. Holyoke, 4to. L., 1648-9 Ridley (Nicholas Bp.) A Brief Declaracion of the Lorde's Supper, E. 8vo. 1559 De Csena Dominica, M. 8vo. Genevce, 1556 Declaration of the Lord's Supper, C. 4to. L., 1688 Prsefatio et Protestatio habitse xx Aprilis in scholis publicis Oxonii, anno 1555, etc., M. 8vo. L., ex off. II. Bynneman, s. a. A Pituous Lamentation of the Miserable Estate of the Church of Christe in England. " Lege, relege," M. 8vo. L., W. Powell, 1566 (Sir Thos.) A View of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Law, F. 8vo. Oxford, 1675 [Ridpath (Geo.)] An Answer to the Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence, C. 4to. L., 1693 Riera (Rafael) Historia delle cose memorabili passate nell' citta di Roma I'Anno . . 1575, 8vo. In Macerata. Seh. Martellini, 1580 Kigaltius (Nic.) Funus Parasiticum. "Jo. Pricceus," F. 4to. Lutetim, 1601 Glossarium, F. 4to. iUd., 1601 Riley (A.) Athos, or the Mountain of the Monks, 8vo. L., 1887 Rimbault (E. F.) Bibliotheca Madrigaliana, 8vo. L., 1847 A Little Book of Songs and Ballads, 8vo. L., 1851 Early English Organ Builders, 8vo. L., 1864 Rimius (Hen.) A Narrative of the Rise and Progress of the Hernn- huters, or Moravians, C. 8vo. L., 1753 Id., Supplement to . . dedicated to Archbp. of York. C. 8vo. L., 1755 Stinstra's Pastoral Letter against Fanaticism, transl., C. 8vo. L., 1753 A Second Solemn Call on Mr. Zinzendorf to answer the charges against the Moravians, C. 8vo. L., 1757 Risdon (Tristr.) Chorographical Survey of the County of Devon, F. 8vo. L., 1714 Ritter (Card.) The Comparative Geography of Palestine, 4 vols., 8vo. Edinh., 1866 (H.) Histoire de la Philosophic Chr^tienne, 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1844 RiTUALE — Cisterciense, 8vo. Parisiis, 1689 Rituale sive Obsequiale Eccl. et Dioec. Constantiensis, S. 4to. Constantice, 1721 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 369 Rituale. Constat! tiense, aS'. 4to. Constantice, 1766 Rituale Ecclesiarum Danise et Norvegise, Latine redditum, F. 8vo. Haunm, 1706 Parisiense, 4to. Lutet. Paris., 1839 Parisiense, S. 8vo. Paris, 1803 Romanum, Paiili V, F. 12mo. Col Agr., 1620 Id., F. 8vo. Parisiis, 1675 Id., 8vo. Eomce, 1750 Id., 8vo. ibid., 1816 Id. (Rev. C. B. Nm-diffe), 8vo. Mechlin, 1848 Ordo Baptizandi, etc., ex Rituali Romano, F. 8vo. L., 1686 Rituale ad usum Dioec. Silvanectensis, 4to. Silvanecti, 1764 Turonense, 4to. Turonihus, 1785 -Ritual para administrar los sanctos Sacramentos sacado casi- todo del Ritual Romano i lo de mas del Ritual Indico, F. 4to. en Manila, 1630 Ritus, Rites. Rituum Eccl. sive Sacr. Cseremoniarum Libri Tres, (Marcelli), M. fol. Fenetiis, 1516 -^— Id., M. 8vo. Col. Agr., 1558 Rivetus (Andr.) Apologeticus pro suo de verse pacis Ecclesise pro- posito, F. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1643 Opera Theologica, D. 3 vols., fol. Boterodami, 1651-60 (Andr. Jun.) Mr. Smirke: or the Divine in Mode, 5. 4to.s./., 1676 Rivington (F.) Life and Writings of St. Paul, 8vo. L., 1874 Rivius (Joann.) De iis Disciplinis quae de Sermone agunt, 8vo. Lovanii, B. Gravius, 1547-8 Tabulae trium M. T. Ciceronis Librorum de Officiis, M. fol. Basilece, Jac. Parens, 1561 Opera Theologica, M. fol. Basilew, ex off. Jo. Oporini, 1562 Robartes (Fulke) The Revenue of the Gospel is Tythes, j^. 4to. Cambridge, 1613 God's Holy House and Service, *S'. 4to. L., 1639 Roberts (Fr.) Fast Sermon before the House of Commons, Dec. 9, 1646, C. 4to. L., 1647 (Wm.) Printers' Marks, 8vo. L., 1893 Robertson (F. W.) Life and Letters, ed. by S. A. Brooke, 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1880 'Lectures and Addresses, 8vo. L., 1858 Expository Lectures on St. Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians, 8vo. L., 1859 Sermons, 4 vols., 8vo. L, 1863, etc. (J. C.) How shall we conform to the Liturgy of the Church of England, 3rd ed., 8vo. L., 1869 Remarks on the Purchas Judgment, 8vo. L., 1871 History of the Christian Church, 4 vols., 8vo. L., 1871 cf. Becket. (Jos.) Preface to his Edition of the Concilia Scoticae, 4to, one of 20 copies struck off separately on L.P. Edinb., 1866 (J. P. and W. P.) Letters on Paraguay, 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1839 (Wm.) Manipulus Linguae Sanctae, etc., F. 8vo. Cantabr., 1683 Liber Psalmorum, etc., Hebraice, 8vo. ibid., 1685 B B 370 CATALOGUE OF Eobertson (Wm.) Works, 8 vols., 4to. L, 1769-1801 Robertas (Arboricensis Prsesul) Pro tuendo sacro cselibatu axioma Catholicum, 8vo. Parisiis, 1545 Robinson (Benj.) A Review of the Case of Liturgies and their Ira- position . . in answer to Bennet, S. 8vo. L., 1710 (now Norcliffe) (C. B.) Chronicon Pretiosum Snathense. (The authm-), 8vo. 1858 History of the Peculiar of Snaith, 8vo. L., 1861 -Account of the Par. Church of the Holy Trinity, King's Square, York, 8vo. Ycn^Jc, 1862 (Edw.) Biblical Researches in Palestine, 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1841 Later Researches, 8vo. i., 1856 (F.) The People's Plea : fully vindicating the power and pro- ceedings of the Parliament, C. 4to. L., 1646 (H. G., Preb. of York) Man in the Image of God, and other Sermons, 8vo. X., 1876 (John) A Justification of Separation from the Church of England, 4to. 1610 Apologia quorundam Christianorum communiter dictorum Brownistarum, M. 8vo. 1619 New Essayes or Observations, 4to. s. L, 1628 Id., 2nd ed., 8vo. L., J. D., for I. Bellamie, 1638 An Appendix to Mr. Perkins, his Six Principles of Christian Religion, 8vo. 1641 (John) Theological Dictionary, 8vo. L., 1815 (Matthew, Rector of Burneston) Autobiography of, ed. J. E. B. Mayor, 8vo. Cambridge, 1856 (Ralph) Funeral Sermon on Mrs. Thomasin Barnardiston, H. 4to. L., 1654 Christ, the Perfect Pattern of a Christian's Practice, 12mo. L., 1657 Sermon in St. Paul's, 6 June, 1654, H. 4to. L., 1659 Roccha (Aug.) Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, M. 4to. Bomm, 1591 Rocheus (Nic.) De Morbis mulierum cura,ndis. " Gul. Mowntius" F.F. 8vo. Paris, Denys Janot, 1542 Rock (Daniel) The Church of our Fathers, 4 vols., 8vo. L., 1849, efc. Hierurgia, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1851 Rockingham (Marquis of) Life, Da, 8vo. L., 1782 Memoirs of, etc., by G. T. Earl of Albemarle, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1852 Roderick (Ric.) Visitation Sermon at Blandford-Forum, Dec. 19, 1682, a 4to. ' L., 1683 Rodericus (S.) Speculum Vite Humane, M, 8vo. Paris, Jehan Petit, 1522 Rodota (P. P.) Deir origine, Progresso, e stato presente del Rito Greco in Italia osservato, *S^. 3 vols., 4to. Bomce, 1758 Rodulphius (Petr.) Dictionarium Pauperum, M. 8vo. Lugd. 1599 Roe (Nath.) Tabulae Logarithmicae, 8vo. L., 1638 (Sir Thos.) Negotiations in his Embassy to the Ottoman Porte, fol. L, 1740 Roffin (Chr.) Commentarii omnium a creato orbe Historiarum, M. 4to. Lutetice, Jos, Benenatus, 1571 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 371 Rogers (Chas.) History of the Chapel Royal of Scotland, 8vo. L, 1882 (Fr.) Visitation Sermon at St. Margaret's Canterbury, Apr. 5, 1630, 4bo. Z., 1633 (John, the Martyr), by J. L. Chester, 8vo. Z., 1861 (Nehemiah) A Strange Vineyard in Palsestina, M. 4to. X., 1623 (Richard) Seven Treatises, M. fol. L,, 1603 Samuel's Encounter with Saul, M. 8vo. X., 1620 [ ] The Practice of Christianity, 8vo. Z., 1629 (Thos.) The English Creed, M. fol. Z., Jo. Windet & R. Waldegmve, 1585-7 An Historical Dialogue touching Antichrist and Popery, M. 8vo. Z., Jo. Windet, 1589 The Faith, Doctrine and Religion of the Church of England, as set forth in the 39 Articles, R. 4to. Cambridge, 1607 Id., F. 4to. Z., 1661 Id., a 4to. Cambr., 1681 Two Dialogues or Conferences . . concerning kneeling at the Lord's Supper, C. 4to. 1608 (Wm.) Reminiscences, 12mo, 3rd ed. Z., 1888 Roland (Martin) Testimonia SS. Patrum . . an mali et indigni sumant verum corpus et sanguinem Christi in Eucharistia, S. 4 to. Tubing ce, 1561 Rollenson (Fr.) Twelve Sermons upon Jacob's Last Will and Testa- ment, M. 4to. Z., 1612 Rollocus (Rob.) In Librum Danielis Commentarius, M. 4to. Edinburgi, R. Waldegrave, 1591 In Ep. ad Ephesios Commentarius, M. 8vo. Genevm, F. Le Preux, 1591 Roman Catholics, Pope, Popery, etc. — Antilogia Papse, i.e. de corrupto Ecclesise statu, M. 8vo. Basilece, Ojporinus, 1555 — ^— Themata . . Positions . . . against the Pope and his Clergy, M. 8vo. s. l, 1598 Ten learned persons lately converted in the realmc of France from Papistrie. Transl. by W. B., 4to. Z., 1601 — — The Confession and publike Recantation of thirteene learned personages, lately converted in France, Germanic, and the Lowe-Countrys, 4to. Z., 1602 Scisma DTnghilterra sino alia Morte Delia Reina Maria, 8vo. Milan, her. delg P. Pontio, 1602 A Supplication to the King's most Excellent Majestic, 4 to. s. I, 1603 A Reply to a notorious Libell intituled a Brief e Apologie of the Ecclesiastical Hierarchic... (By R. Parsons), with a Reply to the Appendix of the Apologie by J. B., 4to. s. l, 1603 Sixe Demaunds (from an unlearned Protestant to a learned Papist), 4to. Z., Simon Stafford, 1609 The Catholike Moderator, 4to. Z., 1623 Le Nepotisme : ou relation des raisons qui portent les Papes a aggrandir leurs Neveus, 8vo. s. L, 1660 BB 2 372 CATALOGUE OF Roman Catholics, &c. Tydings from Rome, C. 4 to. X., 1667 A Catholick's Resolution, C. 4to. L., 1668 The Burning of the Whore of Babylon, as it was acted in the Poultrey, London, Nov. 5, C. 4to. L., 1673 Votes and Addresses of the House of Commons concerning Popery, 4to. 1673 A Letter from a Catholick Gentleman to his Popish friends now to be exil'd from London, C. 4to. i>., 1678 The Weekly Character (No. 1), being the Character of a Pope, C. 4to. L., 1679 ^A Brief Account of all the hellish Plots, etc. exercised by Papists on Protestants, 4to. X., 1679 A Dialogue between the Pope and a Phanatick concerning affairs in England, C. 4to. i., 1680 A true Copy of the Journal-book of the last Parliament . . . with a discovery of the Popish Plot, 8vo. Z., 1680 The whole Series of all that hath been transacted in the H, of Peers concerning the Popish Plot, 8vo. L., 1681 Foxes and Firebrands, or, a Specimen of the danger and har- mony of Popery and Separation, 4to. L., 1681 The Story of Jetzer, and a Collection of Miracles wrought by Popish Saints, C. 4to. X., 1689 Popery a Novelty, F. 8vo. Z., 1713 Popery confuted by Papists, 2nd ed. 12mo. L., Ward and Chandler, 1738 Twenty-four Errors of the Romish Church dissected, B. 8vo. Ym% A. Ward, 1768 The Arraignment of Popery, B. 8vo. L., 1792 see Baxter (R.) j Bray (Thos.) ; Gibson (Edm.) ; Gourdon, — ; Marvell (Andr.) ; Patrick (S.) ; Placete, Jean de la ; Staveley (Thos.) ; Wake (Wm.) ; Whitby (Daniel). Romancci (Fabr.) La Secunda Parte del Thesoro Politico, M. 8vo. Bologna, 1602 Rome. Stationi et reliquie delle chiese di Roma, imp. 8vo. Roma, 15 . . Varii Historiae Romanse Scriptores, 8vo. Paris. 1568 Roma Antica e Moderna, F. 8vo. Rome, 1677 Romanoff (H. C.) Rites and Customs of the Greco-Russian Church, 8vo. • L., 1868 Romanus (^gidius) Commentationes Physicse et Metaphysicse, 8vo. Ursellis, 1604 Roms6e (T. J.) Praxis Celebrandi Missam, S. 5 vols, in 4, 8vo. Leodii, 1817 Ronsch (H.) Itala und Vulgata, 8vo. Marburg, 1875 Rosa (Thos.) see James I. Roscoff (G. Q. de)' Dictionnaire et Colloques Fran9ois et Breton, 24mo. Caen, 1638 Rose (Jonathan, Vicar of Sedbergh) The Duty of Prayer, in Three Sermons, 4to. Ym'Ic, Grace White, 1718 Rosemary and Bayes, see Stubbe (Henry). Rosenmueller (E. F. C.) Commentationes Theologicse (Rev. J. Ken- rick), 3 vols., 8vo. Lipsioe, 1825-7 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 373 Rosieres (Fr. de) Stemmatum Lotharingise ac Barri ducum Tomi VII. M. fol. Parisiis, 1580 Rosignolus (Bern.) De Disciplina Christianse Perfectionis, M. 4to. Ingoldstadii, 1600 Rosinus (Joann.) Romanarum Antiquitatum Libri X, F. fol. BasilecB^ ex off. P. Fernce, 1583 Ross (Alex.) A View of all Religions in the World, 8vo. L., 1672 (Hugh) An Essay for a New Translation of the Bible, 8vo. Z., 1702 (Sir John) Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of the North West Passage, 4to. X., 1835 Rossaeus (G. S.) De justa Reipublicse Christianse in regis impios . . authoritate, no title, M. 8vo. Antw., s. a. Rotheram (John) Apology for the Athanasian Creed (Mrs. Finer Ellis), 2nd ed. 8vo. L., 1762 Rothschild (C. and A. de) History and Literature of the Israelites, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1871 Rouen (The Press of) Des Livres de Liturgie des ifiglises d'Angle- terre (Salisbury, York and Hereford} imprimis a Rouen : ed. Frere, S. 8vo. Fcouen, 1867 Tombeaux de la Cath^drale de Rouen. Par A. Deville, 8vo. Rouen J 1833 Rougemont (F. de) Christ et ses T^moins, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Faris, 1856 Rouille (Guill.) Promptuarium Iconum Insigniorum, f ol. Lugd., 1553 Rous (Fr.) Testis Veritatis, M. 4to. L., 1626 Speech made before the Lords against Dr. Cossens . . . upon the complaint of Mr. Peter Smart, *S^. 8vo. X., 1641 Mella Patrum, F. F. 8vo. L., 1650 Seven Books of the Attic Antiquities, F. 4to. Oxford, 1667 Rouspeau (Yves) Two Treatises of the Lord's Supper ; by him and Jo. de L'Espine, M. 8vo. Cambr., Tho. Thomas, s. a. Routh (M. J.) Reliquiae Sacrse, 6 vols., 8vo, with Supplement. Oxford, 1846 Scriptorum Eccll. Opuscula, 2 vols., 8vo. id., 1858 Rowley (H.) Story of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa, 8vo. L., 1867 Rowse (Robt.) see Chrysostom. Roxburghe (John, Duke of) Catalogue of his Library. (C. Baillie, A rchdeaco7i of Cleveland, 1813), 8 vo. L., 1812 Royal Institution. Catalogue of the Library, 8vo. (Lord Dundas, 1814). L., 1809 Royalists. The Royall and the Royallist's Plea, C. 8vo. s. l, 1647 Royardus (Joann.) Homilise in Epistolas & Evang. Dominicales, F. F. 8vo. Antwerp, 1546 Id., M. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Colon., ex off'. M. Novesiani, 1550 Royaumont (Sieur de) The History of the Old and New Testament transL, F. 4to. X., 1699 Rua (Hieron. de la) Controversiae Theologicse, F. F. fol. Eomce^ ex tyjp. Vine. Aecoltiy 1584 3^74 CATALOGUE OF Rubenus (Leon.) De Falsis Prophetis et lupis rapacibus, M. No title. (Phil.) Electorum Libri 11. "Jo. Pricceus" F. fol. Antw., 1608 Eubeus (Jo. B.) Novum Rationale Divinorum Officiorum. F. imp. 4to. Riickert (L. S.) Das Abenmahl, 8vo. Leipzig, 1856 Rudd (Anth., Bp.) A Sermon before the King, June 14, 1603, M. 8vo. L., 1603 A Sermon preached at Richmond before Queene Elizabeth, 28 March, 1536, 8vo. s. l, for Thos. Man, 1603 Rudimenta Fidei Christianse. " R. Neale et amicorum" F. F. 8vo. E. Stephans, 1551 Rudyard (Thos.), etc. The Second Part of the People's antient . . Liberties asserted in his trial, B. 4to. s. l, 1670 Rudyer (Sir Benjamin) His Speeches in Parliament, Da. C. 4to. s. I, 1641 Ruffinelli (G. A.) L'Historia Ecclesiastica della Rivoluzion D'lnghil- terra, 4 to. Roma, 1594 Rugby School Register, 1675-1849, 8vo. Rugby, 1881 Ruggle (Geo.) Ignoramus ; Comoedia, i^. 8vo. L., 1668 Rulandus (Mart.) De Phebotomia, F. 8vo. Argent, Jo. Rihelius,ld67 Rule (Gilb.) A Rational Defence of Nonconformity, G. 4to. iy., 1689 Ruinart (Theod.) Acta Martyrum, fol. Veronce, 1731 Rupertus Tuitiensis : Opera, F. 2 vols., fol. Moguntice, 1631 Ruschenberger (W. S. W.) Narrative of a Voyage round the World, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1838 Rush worth (John) Historical Collections, 8 vols., fol. Z.,1721 Id., Abridged, etc. Vol. I, F. 8vo. L., 1703 Russardus (Lud.) Jus Civile emend, auctoritate Fr. Duareni, M. fol. Lugduni, 1560 Codicis repetitse Prselectionis Libri XII, fol. Lugd., 1561 Russel (Lady Eliz.) A Way of Reconciliation of a good and learned Man, touching the truth ... of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Sacrament, translated, 4to. L., R. B., 1605 Russell (F. W.) Rett's Rebellion in Norfolk, 4to. L., 1859 (M., Bp.) History of the Church of Scotland, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1834 (Rachel, Lady) Letters of, ed. Earl Russell, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. L., 1853 Ruthenus (Joann.) Locorum utriusque Test. Communium Tabulae, fol. Basikce, ex off. Jo. Parci, 1561 Rutilius (Bern.) Jurisconsultorum Vitse, F. fol. Basilece, s. a. Rutlandus (J. C.) Loci Communes Theologici, 12mo. Paris., 1573 Ruvio (Ant.) Commentarii in universam Aristotelis Dialecticam, F. 4to. L., 1641 Ruzseus (Arn.) Tractatus Juris Regalise, etc. M. 8vo. Paris., Galiot a Prato, 1551 Rycaut (Sir Paul) The present state of the Greek and Armenian Churches. F. 8vo. L., 1679 Rye (Geo.) Treatise against the Nonconforming Nonjurors, 2 vols., 8vo. L, 1719 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 375 Rye (W. B.) England as seen by Foreigners in the days of Eliza- beth and James I, 4to. Z., 1865 Rymer (Thos.) see Records (Public). Rysvinchius (H.) Paratitla et Notse . . de Diversis Regulis Juris Antiqui, etc. M. 8vo. Col. Agr., Jo. Gymnius, 1572 Ryves (Thos.) The poore Vicar's Plea, C. 4to. Z., 1620 Id., F. & a 8vo. L., 1704 S. C. A Briefe Resolution of a right Religion touching the Con- troversies in England, M. 4to. L., Roger Ward, 1590 S. E. See Sutton (Edw.) S. J. Some Observations & Considerations upon the present state of things in England, Da., 4to. s. I. 164- A Sermon against Adultery, preached 7th May, 1671, at St. Michael's, York, R. 4to. Z., 1672 S. J. The History of Monastical Conventions & Military Institu- tions, F. 8vo. L., 1686 S. J. See Sergeant (John). S. R. ^ee Sheldon (Richd.) S. S. Holy things, for Holy men... an answer to Mr. Prynn's book "The Lord's Supper briefly vindicated," G. 4to. L., 1658 S. T. See Symmons ( — ) S. W. The Compleat Christian, F. 8vo. 1643 Sa (Emanuel) Scholia in Q.uatuor Evangelia, M. fol. Antw., 1596 Notationes in S. Scripturam, M. fol. ibid., 1598 Sabellians. A True Account and Confutation of the Doctrines of, a 8vo. Z., 1716 Sabellicus (M. A.) Aurese duodecim Orationes, 4to. Paris, Nic. de Pratis, 1509 Rapsodise Historicee Enneadum xi, fol. Basil., Hervagius, 1538 Opera. With the stamp and arms of " Gavinus Comendatarius de Kilwining," fol. Basilece, 1538 Sabunde (Raym. de) Theologia Naturalis, 31. fol. Argerd., 1493 • De Natura Hominis Dialogi, M. 8vo. Lugd., Theo. Paganus, s. a. Saccus (Seigfr.) De Academica Pontificiorum dubitatione in negotio Justificationis, M. 8vo. Magdeburgce, M. Gisekem, 1569 Sacheverell (Henr.) History of the Proceedings of Parhament against him, with his Tryal, F. 8vo. L., 1710 A List of the Lords who protested against some proceedings in his Case, C. 8vo. L., 1710 Oratio coram... S en atu habita una cum Articulis contra eum exhibitis, &c. F. 8vo. L., 1710 False Notions of Liberty in Religion and Government destruc- tive of both. A Sermon, 8vo. L., 1713 Sacrobosco (Chr. a) Defensio Decreti Tridentini, M. 8vo. Antw., 1604 (Joh. de) Sphsera mundi emendata, 8vo. Anhv., Jo. Bellerus, 1582 Sadeel (Ant.) 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Orationes de Pace et tuenda Religione, 4to. Venetiis, Aldus, 1561 [Sage (John)] The Case of the present afflicted Clergy in Scotland truly stated, F. 4to. L., 1690 [ ]An Account of the late Establishment of Presbyterian Government, C, 4to. L., 1693 The principles of the Cyprianic Age with regard to Episcopal power, F. 8vo. L., 1717 Salamonius (Marius) De Principatu, M. 8vo. Paris, ... Salcolbrigiensis (Hainr.) Refutatio Becanici Examinis Plagse Regise, M. 8vo. Oppenheimii, 1611 Sales (Fr. de) Constitutions et Instructions Synodales, D. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1675 Les Epistres Spirituelles, 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1676 Introduction a la Vie D6vote, 8vo. ibid., 1666 Francis de Sales (A Life, by H. F. Lear), 8vo. L,, 1882 Salianus (Jac.) Annales Eccl. Vet. Test, etc., F.F. fol., vols. 3-5. Lut. Par., 1621-4 Salig (Chr. A.) De Diptychis Veterum, aS'. 4to. Halce Magdeb., 1731 Salignac (Bern.) Arithmeticse Libri II, etc. F.F, 4to. Franco/., 1593 Salinerius (Jul.) Annotationes ad C. Tacitum. "Jo. Pricceus," F. 4to. Genevce, 1602 Salisbury Cathedral. Statutes of, ed. Dayman & Jones, 4to. Bath, 1883 Saresberiensis (Joann) Opera, ed. Giles, 5 vols., 8vo. Ox/., 1848 PoHcraticus de nugis curialium, etc., M. 8vo. JVith finely stamped sides s. I. 1513 [ (Robt., Earl of)] An Answere to certaine scandalous Papers scattered abroad under colour of a Catholike Admonition, M. 4to. L., 1606 Sallustius (C. C.) Opera. " Bi. Dunelm. Crux veritati comes," M. 8vo. Antw., Gh. Plantin, 1599 Bellum Catalinarium, F. 24mo. Amstel., 1641 (GuiU.) Hebdomas, M. 8vo. Paris, 1583 YORK MINSTEK LIBRARY. 377 Salmasius (CI.) Plinianse Exercitationes in C. J. Solini Polyhistora. {Dean Markham, 1812), fol. Parisiis, 1629 De Modo Usurarum, F. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1639 De Primatu Papae, F. 4to. ibid., 1645 Defensio Regia pro Carolo I, L. P., F. fol. s. I. 1649 Salmeron (Alf.) Commentarii in N. Test. M. F., 16 vols, in 7, fol. Col Agr., 1602-4 Salmon (G.) The Infallibility of the Church, 8vo. L., 1888 Introduction to the N. T., 8vo., 6th ed. Z., 1892 Salon (Mic. Barth.) Commentaria in Disputationem de Justitia, M. fol. Fenetiis, 1592 Saltern (Geo.) Of the Ancient Lawes of Great Britaine, M. 4to. X., 1605 Saltmarsh (John, Rector of West Heslerton) Holy Discoveries and Flames, 8vo. Z., 1640 A Discourse upon the League & Covenant, 4to. X., 1644 The Smoke in the Temple, 2nd ed., 4to. L., 1646 Reasons for Unitie, Peace, & Love, 4to. L., 1646 The End of the Controversie . . an Answer to Master Ley's Light for Smoke, 4to. L., 1646 Some Drops of the Viall, poured out in a Season when it is neither Night nor Day : (A Reprint of Seven of his Books), 4to. L., 1646 A Letter from the Army concerning the peaceable temper of the same, i>. 4to. L., 1647 Salviani Opera, ed. Ritterhusius, F. 8vo. Noribergce, 1623 Id., ed Baluze, " Donum audoris Baluzii P. Joanni Harduino" 8vo. Paris, 1684 Sambucus (Joann.) De Imitatione Ciceroniana Dialogi, etc., M. 8vo. Paris, ap. jFgid. Gorbinum, 1561 Emblemata et alii nummi antiqui operis, M. 8vo. Antw., Plantin, 1566 Icones . . Medicorum, Philosophorumque, fol. ibid., 1571 Sanchez (Tho.) De Sancto Matrimonii Sacramento, F. F. 3 vols, in 2, fol. Antw., 1607 Sancroft (Wm., Archbp.) Sermon at Westminster Abbey at the Consecration of Seven Bishops, F. 4to. L., 1660 Lex Ignea . . A Sermon . . at the Fast for the late Fire, F. 4to. L., 1666 Sermon at the Norfolk Feast, 18 July, 1671, C. 4to. L., 1671 Sermons, 8vo. L., 1703 Life of, by Geo. D'Oyly, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1840 Sancti, The Saints. Hystorie plurimorum Sanctorum, fol. Lovanii, in domo Jo. Westfal., 1485 Meditationes Sanctorum, 8vo. in md. Ascens., 1510 Sanctius (Caspar) In quatuor Libros Regum, etc., Commentarii, F. F. fol. Antw., 1624 Sandaeus (Max.) Castigatio Conscientise Jesuiticse, M. 8vo. Herbipoli, 1617 Sander (Nic, etc.) De Typica et Honoraria Sacrarum Imaginum Adoratione, 8vo. Lovanii, apudJo. Foulerum, 1569 378 CATALOGUE OF Sander (Nic, etc.) Fidelis Servi Subdito infideli Responsio, etc. {Bij Mr. Clerke), 4to. L., John Day, 1573 Examinatio Errorum in Libro de Visibili Monarchia Ecclesiae, M. 4to. L, 1573 De Visibili Monarchia Ecclesise, M. fol. Antw., Jo. FouleruSy 1578 De Justification e, M. 8vo. Aug. Treveris, Ed. Hatot, 1585 De Origine et Progressu Schismatis Anglicani, S. 8vo. Col. Agr., 1585 Id., if., who has written " Os quod mentitur occidit animam" 8vo. Ingoldstadii, Wolfg. Eder, 1588 Id., 8vo. Col. Agr., 1610 Id., In English, ed. D. Lewis, 8vo. X., 1877 De Clave David seu Regno Christi, 4to. Bomce, Geo. Ferrarius, 1588 Anti-Sanderus, duos Dialogos continens in quibus varise Nic. Sanderi calumpnise refelluntur (By Dr. Court ?), F. F. 4to. Cantab'., 1593 A Treatise of the Images of Christ and of his Saints, 8vo. St. Omers, John Heigham, 1624 Sandercock (Edw., of York) Thanksgiving Sermon at St. Saviour- gate chapel, York, May 5th, 1763, B. 8vo. York, A. Ward, 1763 Sermons, 2 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1765-6 Sermon on the death of James Wyndlow, Esq., Sept. 7, 1760, Fi. 8vo. ibid., 1783 Sanderson (R., Bp. of Lincoln) De Juramenti Promissorii Obligatione, D. and F. 8vo. L., 1647 Sermon at Newport, Oct. 1648, C. 4to. L., 1653 De Obligatione Conscientise, F. 8vo. L., 1660 Episcopacy . . . not prejudicial to regal power, F. 8vo. L., 1661 Logicse Artis Compendium, F. 8vo. Oxonii, 1664 Eight Cases of Conscience, F. 8vo. L., 1674 Nine Cases of Conscience, 8vo. L., 1673 Thirty-four Sermons, F. 6th ed. fol. L., 1674 Works, 6 vols., 8vo. Oxfm'd, 1854 Reason & Judgment : or Special Remarques of the Life of Dr. R. Sanderson, C. and F. 4to. ibid., 1663 Life by Isaac Walton, etc., F. 8vo. L., 1678 and Wren (Bp.) Fragmentary Illustrations of the Prayer Book, ed. Bp. Jacobson, 8vo. L., 1874 Sandford (F.) Genealogical History of the Kings of England, Da. fol. L., 1677 Sandius, or Van den Sand (Chr.) Nucleus Hist. Ecclesiasticse, B. 8vo. Cosmopoli, 1669 Sandys (Edwin, Archbp.) Sermons, B. 4to. L., H. Middleton, 1585 Id., 4to. L, 1616 (Sir Edwin, his son, Preb. of York) A Relation of the State of Religion ... of these Westerne parts of the World, 4to. L., 1605 Id., 4to. L.. 1605 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 37^ Sandys (Sir Edwin) Relatione della stato della Religione, Tradotta, 4 to. Genevce^ 1625 Europse Speculum : or a Survey of the State of Religion, etc., 4to. Eagce Comitis, 1629 Id., F. 4to. L., 1632 — — (George, the Archbishop's son) Paraphrase upon the Psalmes, etc.. Sir John Goodricke's cojpy, ivith his Notes, B. 12 mo. />., 1636 Id., fol. s. a. & I Id., Selections from; by Archdeacon Todd, 12mo. X., 1839 A Paraphrase upon the Divine Poems, fol. L., 1638 Id., B. 12mo. L., 1648 Christ's Passion : a Tragedy, 8vo. L., 1640 Travailes, 5th ed., fol. L., 1652 (Sir Miles, the Archbishop's son, Preb. of York) Prudence the first of the Cardinall Virtues, 8vo. X., 1634 Sanford (J. L.) Studies and Illustrations of the Great Rebellion, 8vo. L., 1858 Estimates of the English Kings, 8vo. X., 1872 Sannazaro (Giacomo) Rime, 8vo. Venetiis, Gabr. Giolito, 1560 L' Arcadia, 8vo. Fenet, F. Eampazetto, 1562 Sanson (Nic.) Index Geographicus . . . F. 8vo. Parisiis, 1653 Voyage ou Relation de I'Etat present du Royaume de Perse, 8vo. Paris, 1695 Sansovino (Fr.) Lettere Amorose, 8vo. Fenet., Eredi del Bonelli, 1574 Santa Clara (Fr. a) Deus, Natura, Gratia, F. F., 8vo. Lugduni, 1635 Saravia (Hadr.) Defensio Tractationis de diversis Ministrorum Evan- gelii gradibus contra Bezam. An autograph presentation copy, M. 4to. Franco/,, 1601 Diversi Tractatus, F. F. fol. L., 1611 On the Holy Eucharist, transl. by Denison, S. 8vo. L., 1855 Sarcerius (M. E.) Loci Communes, 4to. Franco/., 1538 Sargant (E. B.) and Whishaw (B.) A Guide to Books, 8vo. L., 1891 Sarnani Directorium Theologicum, M. 8vo. . . . 1589 Sarpi (Paolo, Father Paul) Historia Cone. Tridentini, F. F. fol. Aiig. Trinobant., 1620 Id., traduite par P. F. Le Courayer, 2 vols., fol. L., 1736 Historia della Sacra Inquisitione, 4to. Seravalle, 1638 ' History of the Inquisition, transl. by R. Gentilis, 4to. L., 1639 A Discourse upon the Reasons of the Resolution taken in the Valteline against the tyranny of the Grisons and Heretiques. (Transl. by Sir Thos. Roe), 4to. L., 1628 Life of; by A. C. Campbell, 8vo. L., 1869 Sartorius (E.) Die Lehre von der Heiligen Liebe, 8vo. Stuttgart, 1851 Sasgerus (Gaspar) Scrutinium Divinse Scripturse pro conciliatione dissidentium dogmatum, 8vo. Tuhingm, 1527 Saubertus (Jo.) De Sacrificiis Veterum, 8vo. Lugd. Bat, 1699 Saumur. Syntagma Thesium Theologicarum . . in Academia Sal- muriensi, 4to. Salmurii, 1664 Saurin (Jacques) Discours sur les evenemens . . du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament, 6 vols., fol. a la Haye, 1728-39 380 CATALOGUE OF Savans. Le Journal des Savans, 1665-1708, 30 vols., 4to. Paris, 1665-1708 Savage (John) Confirmation Sermon at Oakham, May 17, 1683. fFith long letter in MS. to Archhp. Lamplugh. 4to. i., 1683 Savile (Sir Henry) Eerum Anglicanarum Scriptores post Bedam, fol. X., G. Bishop, &c., 1596 Prselectiones in principium Elementorum Euclidis, 4to. Oxon., 1621 Oratio coram Regina Eliz. Oxonise habita, C. 4to. ih., 1658 (Thos.) The Raising of them that are fallen, H. 4to. L.^pr.for W. Welly, 1606 Savonarola (Hieron.) Meditationes in Psalmos 51, 31, 80, 8vo. Parisiis, Jo. Bignon, 1538 De Veritate Fidei, fol. Basilece, H. Petrus, 1540 Prediche sopra L'Esodo, et questi Salmi, etc., 3 vols., 8vo. Venetia, Giov. de Folpini, 1540 Molti Devotissimi Trattati della Simplicita della Vita Chris- tiana, M. 8vo. Venetiis, 1547 Du Benefice de Jesus Christ crucifie, envers les Chrestiens, 8vo. Paris, 1610 (Michael) De Pulsibus, Urinis, et Egestionibus, fol. Venetiis, Ch. de Pensis de Mondello, 1497 Savoy. The first Savoyan, wherein is set forth the right of the Conquest of Savoy by the French, 4to. L., 1601 Saxi (Chr.) Onomasticon Literarium. {Geo. Wray,preb. of York, 1872), 8vo. Trajedi ad Rhenum, 1775 Saxo Grammaticus. Danica Historia, fol. Francof., And. Wechd, 1676 Saxonia (Alb. de) Qua^stiones super quatuor libros Aristotelis de cselo et mundo, fol. Venetiis, Ot. Papiens., 1497 (Ludolphus de) Vita Jesu Christi, " TV. Mount," F. F. fol. Paris, B. Bemholt, 1509 [Saxton, Chr.] Tabulae Angliae et Wallise, with the plot of Cadiz. ^' P. Hodson," io\. s.l, 1579-96 Say well (Wm.) The Original of all Plots in Christendom, F. 8vo. L., 1680 Evangelical and Catholic Unity maintained in the Church of England, F. 8vo. L, 1632 Scacchus (Fort.) Sacrorum Elacochrismaton Myrothecium Sacropro- phanum. "/o. Pricceus, emi Eomce, 1628," F. 8vo. Romce, 1625 Scaliger (Jos. Justus) Epistola de Vetustate et Splendore Gentis Scaligerse, 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1594 Opus de Emendatione Temporum, F. F. fol. Lugd. Bat., Plantin, 1598 Elenchus utriusque Orationis Chronologicse D. Davidis Parei, F. F. 4to. lAigd. Bat., 1607 Opuscula, ed. Is. Casaubon, 4to. Paris., Hieron. Douert, 1616 De Re Nummaria Dissertatio, 8vo. Baphelengii, in off. Plantin., 1616 Epistolse, ''Jo. Pricceus," F. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1627 see Baudius and Heinsius. YOKE MINSTER LIBRARY. 381 Scaliger. Scaligerana, Thuana, Perroniana, Pithsea, et Colomesiana, 2 vols., 8vo. Amsterdam, 1741 (Julius Caesar, Pater Josephi) Poetices Libri Septem, fol. s. I., 1561 Collectanea in M. Ter. Varronem de Lingua Latina, 12mo. Paris, R. Stephans, 1565 De Sapientia et Beatitudine, M. 8vo. Genevce, Eust. Vignon, 1573 Poemata, 8vo. s. /., 1574 Exoticarum Exercitationum Libri xv de Subtilitate, 8vo. Franco/., 1607 De Insomniis ; Commentarius in Librum Hippocratis, 8vo. Giessm, typ. Chemliniana, 1610 Epistolse et Orationes, etc., F. 8vo. Hanovice, 1612 Adv. Desid. Erasmum Orationes duse, 4to. Tolosce, 1621 De Causis Linguai Latinse, F. 8vo. In Bihliop. Commeliniano, 1623 Scapula (Jo. G.) Lexicon Graeco-Latinum, fol. Aurelim Allobr., 1609 Id., F, fol. Basilece, apud Henricpetrmos, 1 628 Id., D. fol. L., 1637 Scardeonius (Bern.) De Antiquitate Urbis Patavii. "/o. Prkceus," F. Basilece, ex off. N. Episcopii, 1560 Scargill (Daniel) His Eecantation at Great St. Marie's, Cambridge, F.F. 4to. Camhr., 1669 Scarron (Paul) Les Nouvelles Tragi-comiques, 8vo. Paris, 1661 Scarth (A. M. E.) The Story of the Old-Catholic and Kindred Movements. Presn. copy, S. 8vo. L., 1883 (H. M.) Aquae Solis, or Notices of Eoman Bath, 4to. L., 1864 Scattergood (Ant.) Annotationesin Vet. Test. & in Ep. ad Ephesios, ex MS. Jo. (Williams) Ebor. archiepiscopi, D. 8vo. Cantabr., 1653 Schsepperus (Jac.) Catechismus brevis et catholicus, M. 8vo. Antw., 1555 Schannat (Jo. Fr.) Vindemise Literarise, fol. Fuldm & Lipsice, 1723 Historia Episcopatus Wormatiensis, 2 vols, in 1, fol. Franco/, ad Moenimi, 1734 Schardius (Simon) De Jurisdictione, autoritate, et praeeminentia Im- periali, etc., M. fol. Basil., ex off. Jo. Oporini, 1566 Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum, 4 vols, in 3, fol. Basilem, ex off. Henricpetrina, 1574 Schaumius (E.) De Annulis, "/o. Pricceus," F. 4to. Franco/., 1620 Schedel (H.) Liber Chronicarum, cum figuris, fol. Nuremlergi, Ant. Koherger, 1493 Schenkel (Dr.) Das Charakterbild Jesu, 8vo. Wiesbaden, 1864 ■J6sus, Portrait Historique, 8vo. Paris, 1865 Schenkius (J. G.) De Microcosmi membris petrefactis, et de Calculis eidem . . innatis, "/o. Pricceus,'' F. 4to. Franco/., 1608 Scherer (Geo.) Prieres et Meditations, F. 8vo. Bouen, 1618 Bibliothek fiir Prediger, 4 vols., 8vo. Inshruch, 1856 Schiappal'aria (St.) Osservationi Politiche . . con la Vita de C. G. Cesare, M. 4to. Verona, 1600 Schickardus (Wilh.) Rota Hebrsea, F. 8vo. Lipsice, 1636 382 CATALOGUE OF Schleusner (J. F.) Lexicon Grseco-Latinum in N. T., 2 vols., 8vo. Lipsicej 1801 Schliemann (H.) Troy and its Remains, 8vo. L., 1875 Mycenae, 8vo. L., 1878 Ilios: the City and County of the Trojans, 8vo. i., 1880 Troja, 8vo. L., 1884 Schmidel (Huld.) Vera Historia admirandae cujusdam Navigationis in Americam, 1534-54, M. 4to. Norihergce, 1599 Schmid (Andr.) Der Christliche Altar und sein Schmuck, Archaolo- gisch-Liturgisch dargestellt, *S^. 8vo. Begenshurg, 1871 (Fr. X.) Liturgik der Christ-Katholischen Religion, S. 8vo. Passcia^ 1833 Id., S. 3 vols., 8vo. Passau, 1835 Schmidius (Er.) Novi Test. Tameion, alias Concordantise Graecse, fol. Gothce, 1717 Id., ed. Bruder, 4to. Lipsice, 1842 Schnepffuss (Erh.) Confessio de Eucharistia, M. 8vo. s. I., 1555 Schoeffer (Petr.) Geographia, fol. Argentm^ati, 1532 Schoenemann (C. T. G.) Bibliotheca Historico-literaria Patrum Lati- norum, 8vo. Lipsice, 1792 Schoepflinus (Jo. D.) Alsatia Illustrata, 2 vols. fol. Colmarice, 1751 Schonseus (Corn.) Terentius Christianus, sen Comcedise Sacrse, M. 8vo. Anhv., Plantin, 1598 Schonbornius (Barth.) Computus, vel Calendarium Astronomicum, F. F. 8vo. Witehergce, Jo. Schwertelius, 1567 Schools. Statutes, Schemes, etc., made by the Commissioners for the Public Schools, 1868. With private Papers, Schemes, etc. Archbp. Thomson's copy, 2 vols., folio. 1868, etc. Schorus (Ant.) De Ratione tractandarum Rationum. "Jo. Pricceus," F. 8vo. Hanovice, 1606 Schottarius (Chr.) Manuale N. T. 8vo. AmsL, 1683 Schottus (Andr.) Vitse Aristotelis et Demosthenis comparatse. "/o. Pricceus" F. 4to. Aug. Findel, 1603 Catalogus Catholicorum S. Scripturae Interpretum, F.F. 4to. Col. Agr., 1618 (Fr.) Italise Itinerarium, 8vo. Vincentice, 1601 Schrevelius (L.) Lexicon Grseco-Latinum, F. 8vo. Cantah\, 1668 Schualenberg (Hen.) Aphorismi Hieroglyphici, M. 8vo. Lipsice, 1592 Schultingius (C. S.) Thesaurus Antiquitatum Ecclesiasticarum, M. 7 vols, in 3, 8vo. Col. Agr., 1601 Schwarz (Karl) Zur Geschichte der Neusten Theologie, 8vo. Leipzig, 1856 Scioppius (Caspar) Verisimilum Libri IV, etc. "Jb. Pricceus," F., 2 vols, in 1. Norihergce, 1596-7 Epistola de sua ad Orthodoxos Migratione, M. 8vo. IngolcUtaclii, 1600 Elenchus Epistolse Josephi Burdonis, Pseudo-Scaligeri, de Vetus- tate et Splendore Gentis Scaligera^, 4 to. Moguntice, apudJo. Alhinuni, 1607 Ecclesiasticus auctoritati Jacobi Magnse Britannise regis opposi- tus, 4 to. Harthergce, 1611 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 383 Sclater (Wm.) Assize Sermon at Taunton, 4to. Z., 1616 Scobell (Hen.) A Collection of Acts of Parliament useful for Justices of the Peace, F. fol. L., 1653 -_ — A Collection of Acts of Parliament, 1640-1656, C. fol. Z., 1658 Scot (Patrick) A Table Booke for Princes, M. 8vo. L., s. a. ] Calderwood's Recantation, C. 4to. L., 1622 Scot (Thomas)] Vox Populi, or, Newes from Spayne, 4to. s. Z., 1620 ]Vox Dei. {Eev. C. B. NorcUffe), 4to. s. /., 1621 ]The High-Waies of God and the King... in two Sermons, M. 4 to. London, 1623 [ ]The Projector... in a Sermon before the Judges in Norwich, M. 4to. ibid., 1623 [ ]An experimental Discoverie of Spanish Practises... T^f. 4to. s. I, 1623-4 Symmachia : or a True-Love's Knot, 4to. s. a. & I. [ ]The second part of Vox Populi : or, Gondomar appearing in the likeness of Machiavell in a Spanish Parliament, 4to. Goricom, 1624 The Belgic Souldier, 4to. s. l, 1624 Votivse Angliae, 4to. 1624 Vox Coeli : or, Newes from Heaven, 4to. London, 1624 Sir Walter Rawleigh's Ghost^ or England's Forewarner, 4to. Utrecht, 1626 Vox Populi, Vox Dei, Vox Regis, Digitus Dei, The Belgick Pismire, The Tongue-Combat, Symmachia or the True-Love's Knot, The High-Wayes of God and the King, The Projector, in 1 vol.^ 4to. London, 1622-3 [ (Wm.)] The Course of Conformitie, C. 4to. 1622 Scotland. Works relating to :— Certeyne Matters relating to Scotland, C. 4to. L., 1603 Questions exhibited by the Parliament in Scotland concerning the Earle of Montrose his plott, Da. 4to. 1641 An Answer to the late Declaration of Scotland, concerning the present Second Expedition into England, B. 4to. Yorh, St. Bulkeley, 1643 Petition to the King of the Commons of the late Parliament, and others his Majestie's loyall subjects in Scotland, 0. 4to. 1643 The King's Declaration to all his Subjects of his kingdom of Scotland, B. 4to. Oxford, 1643 An unhappy game at Scotch and English, B. 4to. Edinburgh, 1646 The Declaration of ... the Earl of Leven, etc., together with their petition to his Majesty, & his Majesty's Answer, 4to. L., 1646 The Answer of the Commons to the Scots Commissioners' Papers of the 20th and 24th of Oct. C. 4to. L., 1646 A Declaration of the Kingdome of Scotland to the Parliament of England, with the Answer of the Commissioners, B. 4to. ibid., 1647 The Answer of the Scotch Commissioners to Parliament upon the new Propositions of Peace, B. 4to. L., 1647 384 CATALOGUE OF Scotland. Two Petitions from Scotland to the Commissioners for the Conservation of Peace between the two Kingdoms, B. 4to. L., s. a. A Declaration of the Committee of the Estates of the Parlia- ment of Scotland to the Parliament of England, F, 4to. Z., 1648 The History of the King's Majesties' Affairs in Scotland under the conduct of James Marques of Montrose, 1644-8, C. 4to. 1648 Id., F. 4to. Edinburgh, 1648 Copies of all Letters . . . between the Commissioners of the Parliament of England and the Parliament of Scotland, from Feb. 10, 1647, to July 8, 1648, F. 4to. L., 1648 A Declaration of the Parliament of England upon the Marching of the Armie into Scotland, C. 4to. L., 1650 The False Brother, or, a New Map of Scotland, drawn by an English pencil, C. 4to. i., 1651 A true Relation of the rowting of Middleton's Army in Scot- land, B. 4to. L., 1654 An Account of Scotland's Grievances by reason of the D. of Lauderdale's Ministrie, G. 4to. s. a. & I. An Account of the Proceedings of the Parliament of Scotland which met at Edinburgh May 6, 1703, F. 8vo. s. /., 1704 The Articles of the Union, C. 4to. L., 1707 The Historians of, ed. by W. F. Skene, 10 vols., 8vo. Edinh, 1871 see Kirke (Thos.) ; Morer (Thos.) ; Mudie (Alex.) Scotland. Service Books, etc., of the Church of, (Episco- palian & Presbyterian) The Confession of Faith of the Kirk of Scotland subscribed by the Kingis Majestie and his Household, M. 4to. Edinburgh, R. Waldegrave, 1590 Id., The Confession of Faith, B. 4to. 1638 Id., With a Proclamation about it, d. Sept. 9, 1638, B. 4to. Edinburgh, 1638 The Confession of Faith, the Larger & Shorter Catechisms . . of the Church of Scotland, 8vo. Glasgow, 1753 The Confession of Faith ; the Larger and Shorter Catechisms ; the Sum of Saving Knowledge ; Covenants ; National and Solemn League ; Directories ; Form of Church Government, B. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1773 The Book of Discipline and of Common Order : The Directory for Family Worship, etc., S. 8vo. ibid., 1836 The Book of Common Order of the Church of Scotland, com- monly known as John Knox's Liturgy, and the Directory ; ed. Sprott and Leishman, S. 8vo. ibid., 1868 The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacra- ment, etc., for the use of the Church of Scotland, no title, B. fol. ibid., 1637 Id., fol. Edinburgh, R. Young, 1637 Id., B. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1712 Id., S. 12mo. ibid., 1849 Id., S. ed. by Sprott, Svo. ibid., 1871 YORK MINSTEE LIBRARY. 385 Scotland, Service Books, etc. The Code of Canons in the Episcopal Church of, as revised in 1838, 8vo. Edinb., 1838 The Preface to the " Statuta Eccl. Scoticanse," by Jos. Robertson, L. P., one of twenty copies, 4to. ibid., 1866 The Communion Office for the use of the Church of Scotland, ed. J. B. Pratt {The Editor), 4to. Aberdeen, 1866 The Annotated Scottish Communion Office, etc., by John Dowden, Pres. copy, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1884 The Scottish Hymnal, Pi^es. copy to Archb. Thomson, 8vo. ibid., 1883 Scotland, History of the Kirk of. Information, or, A Protestation, and a Treatise from Scotland . . against Episcopacy, M. 8vo. s. I., 1608 Perth Assembly : containing the Proceedings thereof, etc. , C. 4to. 1609 A True Relation of the Forme and Government of the Kirke of Scotland, 4to. 1619 A Narrative of the Proceedings of the General Assembly . . at Perth, 1618 (By Bp. Lyndesay), 4to. L., 1621 Boanerges : or the humble supplication of the Ministers of Scotland to the High Court of Parliament in England, 4to. Edinb., 1624 A Short Relation of the State of the Kirk of S. since the Reformation, 4to. s. I., 1638 The Beast is wounded : or. Information from Scotland con- cerning their Reformation, 4to. s. I., 1638 Generall Demands concerning the Covenant propounded by the Ministers . . . in Aberdeen, ^. 4to. Edinburgh, E. Young, IQ38 The Answeres of some Brethren of the Ministrie to the reply es of the Ministers . . of Aberdene (By A. Henderson and D. Dickson), B. 4to. 1638 Reasons for a Generall Assemblie, B. 4to. 1638 A Proclamation about the Scottish Service Book and Canons. A broadside, B. 1638 The Protestation of the Subscribers of the Confession after reading the Proclamation, July 11, B. 4to. 1638 Answeres to the Particulars proposed by his Majestie's Com- missioners, B. s. a. Answer of the Commissioner to the Answerers, B. 4to. Edinb., 1638 A Vindication of himself by the Marquis of Hamilton as High Commissioner, B. 4to. Edinb., R. Young, 1638 A Letter from the Marquis of Hamilton about the Covenant, B. 4to. ibid., 1638 The Protestation of ... . the Subscribers of the Confession of Faith, 22 Sept., B. 4to. 1638 A Profession . . . made by James Marq. of Hamilton, the Royal Commissioner, B. 4to. ibid., 1638 An Answer to it, B. 4to. ibid., 1638 A Proclamation by the King relating to the Assembly, 29 Nov. A Broadside. R. Young, Edinburgh cc 386 CATALOGUE OF Scotland, History of the Kirk of. A Protestation of the Generall Assemblie made at Glasgow 28 & 29 Nov. 1638, B. 4to. Glasgow, 1638 The Scottish Liturgie considered and shewn to be taken out of the sincks of Rome, etc. 4to. No title. 1638 A Proclamation of the King, relating to the Assembly, B. 4to. Edinburgh, 1638 The Protestation of the General Assembly, Dec. 18, 4to. ibid., 1639 The Declinatour, and Protestation of the Archbishop and Bishops of the Church of Scotland ; against the Assembly at Glasgow, Nov. 21, 1638, C. 4to. L., 1639 The Declinatour and Protestation of the sometimes pre- tended Bishops refuted, B. 4to. ibid., 1639 His Majestie's Proclamation in Scotland, with an Explanation of the meaning of the Oath and Covenant, C. 4to. L., 1639 An Information to all good Christians within the Kingdome of England from the Noblemen ... of Scotland, B. 4to. Edinburgh, 1639 The Remonstrance of the Nobility .... of Scotland, vindi- cating them and their proceedings, B. 4to. ibid., 1639 A true Relation of the Forme and Government of the Kirke of Scotland, C. 4to. 1640 The Government and Order of the Church of Scotland. (By A. Henderson). B. & 0. 4to. Edinb., 1641 Arguments given in by the Church Commissioners of Scot- land for Conformitie of Church Government, B. 4to. 1641 A Declaration of the Lords & Commons to the Subjects of Scotland, 4to. York, S. Bulkeley, 1641 Id., ^.4to. ibid., 1642 Reformation of Church Government in Scotland cleered from some mistakes by the Commissioners of the General Assembly now at London, B. 4to. L., 1644 The Burthen of Issachar (by Archbp. Maxwell) C. 4to. s. l, 1646 The Advice of the Assembly of Divines concerning a Confession of Faith, C. 4to. ' Edinb., U4:7 The Advice of the Assembly of Divines concerning a Larger Catechism, C. 4to. ibid., 1647 — —A Declaration of the Lords and Commons (of England) con- cerning the Papers of the Scots Commissioners, E. 4to. L., 1647 A Coole Conference between the Scottish Commissioners, etc., 4to., Imp. B A Letter from the House of Commons to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, E. 4to. L., 1648 A Word of Advertisement to the Godly Party in Scotland, H. 4to. Edinb., s. a. A Declaration and Exhortation of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland to their brethren of England, B. 4to. L., 1648 A Remonstrance of the Presbyterie of Sterling, H. 4to. S. l.y 1651 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 387 Scotland, History of the Kirk of. An Account of the late Violence committed by some souldiers upon the General Assembly of the Kirkeof S., ^. 4to. 1653 The Address of the University of St. Andrew's to the King, 4to. X., 1689 An Account of the present Persecution of the Church in Scot- land, F. and C. 4to. L., 1609 Heads and Conclusions of the Policie of the Kirk, no title, F. 8vo. A Collection of the Papers published in relation to the Scheme for Augmenting the Stipends of the Established Clergy in Scot- land, C. 4to. Edinh., 1751 see Cockburn (John) ; De Foe (D.) ; Henderson (A.) ; Knox (John); Mackenzie (Sir Geo.); Monro (Alex.) ; Sage (John); Scot (Wm.) Scott (Sir G. G.) Gleanings from Westminster Abbey, 8vo. Oxford, 1861 (J. E.) Memorials of the Family of Scott of Scott's Hall in Kent, 4to. i., 1876 (John) The Christian Life, F. 8vo. L., 1684 Works, 2 vol., fol. L., 1718 (Thos., Vicar of Wakefield and Preb. of York) Sermon in York Minster, Jan. 29, 1709-10, E. 8vo. York, J. JVhite, 1710 (Thos.) The Rights of God, B. 8vo. L., 1793 (W.) The Course of Conformitie, 4to. s. l, 1622 (Sir W.) Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, 9 vols., 8vo. Edink, 1827 Life of, by J. G. Lockhart, 7 vols., 8vo. L., 1837-8 Scotus (Romoaldus) see Mary Queen of Scots. Scribanus (under the title of Bonarcius) Amphitheatrum Honoris, 4to. PalceopoU, 1606 Meditationes Sacrse, D. 8vo. Moguntice, 1616 Scribonius (G. Adolph.)Triumphus Logicse Ramese, " Pi,. Neale," F.F. 8vo. L., FautroUier, 1583 Rerum Naturalium Doctrina Methodica, "B. Neale," F.F. 8vo. L., H Middleton, 1583 De Sagarum natura et potestate, M. 8vo. Mar pur gi, P. Egenolphus, 1588 Scriptores Varii. Historise Angl. Scriptores Decern (ed. Twysden), fol. L., 1652 Romanae Historiae Varii Scriptores, M., 8vo. Paris, H. StepJmnus, 1568 Hist. Eccl. Scriptores Graec^, F.F. fol. Col. Agr., Hcer. Am. Birckman, 1581 Scriptores Rei Rusticse, 4to. Lipsim, 1735 Scrivener (F. H.) Notes on the New Testament, 8vo. L., 1845 Collation of about Twenty MSS. of the N. T., 8vo. Camh., 1853 Introduction to the Criticism of the N. T., 2nd ed., 8vo. iUd., 1874 (Matt.) A Course of Divinity, F. fol. L., 1674 C5C 2 388 CATALOGUE OF Scriverius (Petr.) Militaris Kes Fl. Vegetii Eenati, etc., "/o. Pricceus" F. 4to. Raphelengii, ex off. Plantin, 1607 Collectanea veterum Tragicorum, " Jo. Pricceus," F. 8vo. Lugd. Bat, 1620 Scudamore (W. E.) On the North Side of the Table, 8vo. L., 1870 Notitia Eucharistica, 8vo. L., 1872 Remarks on the Petition to Convocation of the E. C. U., 8vo. L., 1872 Scudder (Hen.) Fast Sermon before the House of Commons, Oct. 30, 1644, a 4to. Scudery (Geo. de) Les Femmes lUustres, 2 vols., 4to. Paris, 1644 Alaric, 8vo. Rouen, 1659 Scull (John) Two Sermons preached at the Assizes, Hereford, F. 4to. L., 1624 Scultetus (Abr.) Medulla Theologise Patrum, M. 3 vols., 4to. Ambergce, 1603-5 Concionum in lesaiam . . Idea confecta, M. 4to. Hanovice, 1609 Concio in Ps. XX, etc., 4to. Francof., 1620 Sermo de Imaginibus Idololatricis, 4to. ihid., 1620 Seabury (S., Bp. of Connecticut) Address to him ; Leaming's Ser- mon before the Convention ; His first Charge ; and List of the • Succession of Scots Bishops from 1688, C. 12mo. Newliaven, 1785 Communion Office in Facsimile, 'S'. 8vo. New York, 1874 Seagrave (Robt.) Letter to the People of England, on the falling away of the Clergy from the Doctrines of the Reformation, C. 4th ed., 8vo. L., s. a. Remarks upon the Bishop of London's Pastoral Letter, C. 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1739 Answer to Dr. Trapps's Sermons against Mr. Whitfield, C. 3rd ed., 8vo. 1739 Seaman (Lazarus) Fast Sermon before the House of Commons, Sept. 25th, 1644, C. 4to. Seamen. The Seamens' Protestation concerning their Ebbing and Flowing to and from the Parliament House, B. 4to. L., 1642 Sebastian (Claud.) Bellum Musicale, 4to., M. Argent, P. Machceropceus, 1563 (King of Portugal) Adventare Admirable . . touchant lez succez daroy dom Sebastian auquel il perdit, M. 8vo. s. I, 1601 Id., transl. by Anthony Munday, The strangest Adventure that ever happened, etc., 8vo. L., Frances Henson, 1601 Discourse concerning Don Sebastian, who was lost in the battle against the Infidels in AfFricke in 1578, 4to. L., 1601 Sedgwick (Adam) Life of, by Clark & Hughes, 2 vols., 8vo. CamhrA^^O Sedgwicke (Obadiah) Fast Sermon before the House of Commons, Oct. 22, 1644, C. 4to. L., 1644 Sedulius. In omnes Epp. Pauli Collectaneum, fol. Basit, Hen. Petrus, 1528 Seebohm (Fr.) The Oxford Reformers, John Colet, Erasmus, and Thomas More, 8vo, 2nd ed. L., 1869 The Era of the Protestant Revolution, 8vo. L., 1877 The English Village Community, 8vo. L., 1883 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 389 Seeley (Professor) Ecce Homo, 6th ed., 8vo. Z., 1866 Segar (Sir Wm.) Honor, Military and Civill, " Tho. James," F. fol. L., 1602 Segneri (Paolo) Quaresimale. Seconda impressione, corretta, 4to. Venetia, 1680 Concordia tra la Fatica a la Quiete nell' Orazione, 8vo. Bologna, 1681 Selborne (Lord) Notes on some Passages in the Liturgical History of the Reformed Church of England, 8vo. L., 1878 Defence of the Church of England against Disestablishment, 8vo. L, 1887 Selden (John) De Diis Syris Syntagmata, F. 8vo. Z., 1617 The Historie of Tithes, M. 4to. Z., 1618 Mare Clausum, F, fol. L., 1635 De Successionibus ad leges Ebrseorum, fol. Z., 1636 Id., F, 24mo. Lugd. Bat, 1638 De Jure Naturali et Gentium. " Liber Henrici Vaughan A. M. Coll Jesu Socii" D. fol. L., 1640 Uxor Ebraica, 4to. Z., 1646 ®6dv6po)7ros, or God made Man, F. 8vo. L., 1661 Liber de Nummis, 8vo. Lugd. Bat, 1682 The Reverse, or Back-face of the English Janus, fol. L., 1682 De Anno CiviH veterum Judseorum, 8vo. Lugd. Bat, 1683 De Synedriis et Prsefecturis Juridicis vet. Hebrseorum, 4to. Franco/., 1696 Seller (Ab.) History of Passive Obedience, C, 2 parts, 4to. s. l, 1689-90 (John) Practical Navigation, F. 4to. L., 1676 Selneccer (Nic.) In Acta Apostolorum Annotatio, M. 8vo. Jence, Tho. Rohartus, 1567 « In D. Petri Epistolas Carmen Paraphrasticum et Homilise, M. 8vo. Jence, 1567 Catalogus brevis prsecipuorum Conciliorum, M. 8vo. Franco/, ad M., 1571 Doctrinse Christianse Partes II, M. 8vo. Franco/., G. Corvinus, 1571 Symbolorum Apostolici etc. Exegesis, M. 8vo. Lipsice, Jo. Ehamba, 1575 Opera Latina, M. 2 vols. 4to. Lipsice, 1593 Selwyn (G. A. Bp.) A Verbal Analysis of the Holy Bible, compiled by him for the Melanesian Mission, Presn. copy to Bp. Armstrong, with autograph, S. fol. Garrihridge, 1855 Memoir of, by H. W. Tucker, 2 vols. 8vo. L., 1879 Id., by G. H. Curteis, 8vo. L., 1889 Sempil (Sir James) Sacrilege sacredly handled, F. 4to. L., 1619 Senault (J. F.) De L'usage des Passions, 4to. Paris, 1645 Id., put into English by H. Earl of Monmouth, D. 8vo. L., 1649 L'Homme Criminel, 2nd ed. 4to. Paris, 1647 Seneca (L. A.) De Remediis Fortuitorum, 4to. s. a. & I. Opera, F. fol. Basil, Jo. Hervagius, 1537 Id., (" Geo. Wray, Preh. o/ York, 1872,") 12mo. Lugd. Bat, 1551 390 CATALOGUE OF Seneca. Tragoedise, 8vo. Basil, Hen. Petri, 1563 Opera, M. fol. Basil., ex off. Hervagii, 1573 Summi Flores, " Tobias Dunelm. d. d. Mr. Geo. Junius, S. C." 12mo. Col. Agr., Birckman, 1589 Tragoedise " Jb. PriccBUs," F. Svo. Lugd. Bat, 1621 Opera {K V. Palmer, Rector of St. Margaret's, York, 1870), fol. Antw., 1652 Tragoediae, 4to. Delphis, 1728 Works . . transl. by Tho. Lodge, M. fol. L., Wm. Stansby, 1614 Senensis (Sixtus) Bibliotheca Sancta, F. fol. Colon., 1576 Id., M. fol. Lugd., 1593 Senhouse (Eichd., Bp. of Carlisle) Foure Sermones, preached at the Court, 4to. L., 1627 Sequentise. Expositio Sequentiarum secundum usum Sarum, 4to. s. l, 1498 Expositio Sequentiarum seu Prosarum, sec. usum Sarum, F. 4to. L, W. de Worde, 1530 Lateinische Sequenzen des Mittelalters, ed. Jos. Kehrein, Svo. Mainz, 1873 Serarius (Nic.) In Libros Tobiam, Judith, Esther, . . . commentarius, M. 4to. MogunticB, 1599 Serdonati (Fr.) De Fatti D'Arme de' Romani, M. 4to. Venetia, Giord. Ziletti, 1572 Sergeant (John) An Answer to Dr. Pierce's Sermon, D. 8vo. 1663 (John) Account of the Chapter erected by William, titular Bishop of Chalcedon, and Ordinary of England and Scotland. S. 8vo. L., 1853 Sergier (R) see Spain. Sermones, Sermons — A Godlye Sermon, preached before the Queen, M. Svo. L., Jo. Windet, 1585 Three Sermons or Homelies, to moove Compassion towards the Poore and Needie, set foorth by Authoritie, M. 4to. ibid., 1596 A Sermon no lesse fruiteful then famous, made in the yeare 1388, Svo. L., Jhon Kynge Forty Seven Funeral Sermons by D. Featley, Martin Day, Richard Gibbs, Taylor, etc. fol. L., 1640 The Saints' Refuge : a Sermon, Svo. Rotterdam, 1641 God's Good servant and the King's good subject : a Sermon preached at Andover, at a Visitation, 4to. L., 1642 The Break-neck of Presumptuousnesse in Sinning. A Sermon, C. 4to. Oxf&rd, 1644 A Compleat Collection of Farewell Sermons preached Aug. 17, 1662, by 24 Ministers, B., Svo. L., 1663 The Plotter's Doom : in a late Sermon upon hellish Plots, F., 4to. L., 1680 A Thanksgiving Sermon, Nov. 9, 1683, on Conspiracy, C, 4to. L., 1683 Sermon sur la Defense de la Reformation. Genevce, 1684 A Sermon on St. Peter's Day, C, 4to. X., 1687 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 391 Sermons. The Holy Scriptures a perfect Rule . . a Sermon preached Jan. 26, 1734, in St. Thomas Apostle, London, 8vo. L., 1735 Sermons on the Doctrines and Duties of Christianity, i>., 8vo. Bath, 1814 Serranus (Joann.) In Ecclesiasten Solomonis Commentarius, M., 8vo. Apud P. Santandreamimj 1579 Pro Vera Eccl. Cath. autoritate Defensio, if., 8vo. Jacob Steer, 1594 Servita (Paolo) see Sarpi (Paoli). Sesellius (01.) De Republica Galliaj, M. 8vo. Argent., Rihelius, 1548 Seton (Joann.) Dialecticse Libri III, 8vo. L,, Tho. Berthelet, 1560 Id., 8vo. L., Th. Dexter, 1599 Id., F.F. 8vo. Cantab:, 1631 Seviglia (Pietro di) La Salvadi varie Lezzioni, M. 8vo. Lione, Bastiano di Honor ati, 1556 Seward (Wm.) Journal of a Voyage (Methodist) from Savannah to England, G. 8vo. L., 1740 Seymour (Sir Thos.) Life of, by John Maclean, 8vo. L., 1869 Sguropulus, Syropulus (Syl.) Historia Cone. Florentini, fol. Hagae Comitis, 1660 Shakespeare (Wm.) Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies (Eev. Win. Dealtry, 1810), fol. fourth edition. L., 1685 Id., ed. Chalmers, 6 vols., 8vo. L., 1847 Shakespeare's Plays, Notes and Emendations to, ed. J. P. Collier, 8vo. L., 1853 An Inquiry into the Genuineness of the MSS. Corrections in Mr. J. P. Collier's Annotated Shakespere, by N. E. S. A. Hamilton, 4to. L., 1860 Sharp (Sir Cuthbert) History of Hartlepool, B. 8vo. Durham, 1816 Memorials of the Rebellion of 1569, 8vo. L, 1840 (Granville, grandson of Archbp. S.)a Large Series of his Tracts, given in 1821, by Mrs. Eliz. Sharp, of Clare Hall, Barnett John (Archbishop of York) A large number of his Sermons and Works, 4to and 8vo. • Life, ed. by Thos. Newcome, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1825 (Lionel) Novum Fidei Symbolum, Dialogus, M. 4to. L., 1612 Oratio Funebris in Honorem Henrici . . Walliaj Principis, 4to. L., 1612 (Sam.) The Early History of Egypt from the 0. T., etc., 4to. L., 1836 History of Egypt under the Ptolemies, 4to. ' L., 1838 History of Egypt, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1859 (Thomas, Archdn., the Archbp's. son) Charity Sermon at St. Nicholas, Newcastle, Sept. 7, 1727, 8vo. York, Charles Bourne, fm Fr. Hildyard, s. a. Id., 2nd ed., 8vo. ibid., 1721 Id., 3rd ed., 8vo. York, Thos. Gent, 1737 Id., 4th ed., 8vo. L., 1766 Id., 8vo. Durham, L. Bennington, 1792 Charity Sermon at All Saints, Newcastle, 1722, 8vo. Newcastle, J. White, 1722 392 CATALOGUE OF Sharp (T.) Sermon on the Lord's Supper, in York Minster, March 29, 1727, 8vo. Id., 4th ed. 8vo. L., 1767 Visitation Sermon at Alnwick, 24 July, 1751, 8vo. Newcastle, J. White, s. a. The Rubrics of the Book of C. P. and the Canons considered, Svo. ^ L,, 1753 Id. Reprinted by Granville Sharp, and his own copy, Svo. L., 1787 Works, 6 vols., 8vo. L., 1763 Discourses on Preaching, 3rd ed., 8vo. L., 1787 Sharrock (Robert) De Finibus Virtutis Christianae. ''For the Lord of Rochester, from the Author," D. 4to. Oxford, 1673 Hypothesis de Finibus et Officiis. " For my Ld. Bp. of Ro- chester," D. 8vo. L., 1682 Id., 8vo. Oxon., 1682 Shaw (Henry) Handbook of Mediaeval Aljihabets and Devices, 8vo. L., 1853 (John, of York), Brittain's Remembrancer... a Sermon at York Minster on the taking of the Covenant, Da., 4to. York, Tho. Broad, 1644 (John, of Newcastle) The Portraicture of the Primitive Saints, 4to. Newcastle, S{tephen) B{ulkeleij), 1652 The Catalogue of the Hebrew Saints, 4to. ibid., 1659 Origo Protestantium, C. 4 to. L., 1677 Sheafe (T.) Vindiciae Senectutis, a Plea for Old Age, 8vo. L., 1639 Shearman (J. F.) See Patrick (St.) Shebbeare (John) An Answer to the Queries contained in a Letter to him, &c., B, 8vo. L., s. a. Sheering (R., Minister, in Durham) The Heart's Happinesse, 12mo. L,, 1650 Sheldon (Richard) General Reasons proving the lawfulnesse of the Oath of Allegiance, M. 4to. i.., 1611 His Motives for renouncing Communion with the Pope of Rome, Paul V, and his Church, M. 4to. L., 1612 His first Sermon after his Conversion from the Romish Church, 4to. L., 1612 A Survey of the Miracles of the Church of Rome, M. 4to. L, 1616 Christ on his Throne, not in Popish Secrets, 4to. L., 1622 Man's Last End, the Glorious Vision and Fruition of God, 4to. L., 1634 Shelford (Robert) Five Pious and Learned Discourses, F. 8vo. Cambr., 1635 Shepheard (Thos., of New England), The Soule's Invitation to Jesus Christ, a Sermon, 8vo. 5. I, 1641 The Trial of Regeneration: a Sermon, 8vo. s. L, 1641 The Saint's Jewell... a Sermon, 8vo. s. l, 1642 The Sincere Convert, 8vo. L., 1672 Shepherd (John) A Critical . . Elucidation of the Book of Common Prayer, B. 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1817 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 393 Shepreve (John) Summa et Synopsis N. T., ed. by Lawr. Humfrey. 8vo. Oxon., 1586 Sheridan (Thos.) A Discourse... on Elocution and the English Lan- guage, C. 8vo. L., 1759 Sheringham (Eobert) De Anglorum Gentis Origine, F. 8vo. Cantab., 1676 The King's Supremacy Asserted, F. and C. fol. &4to. L., 1682 Sherlock (Richd., rector of Winwick) The Quakers' wilde questions objected against the Ministers of the Gospel answered, F. 4to. X., 1656 The Principles of Holy Christian Religion, or the Catechisme . . paraphrased, F. 8vo. L., 1681 Thos. (Bp.) A number of his Sermons and Tracts, 4to and 8vo. Discourses, 5 vols., 8vo. L., 1756-76 (Wm._, Dean of St. Paul's) A large number of his Tracts and Sermons, 4to and 8vo. Sherwin (Wm.) The Saints' first revealed and Covenanted Mercies, etc., D. 4to. L., 1671-6 Shipley (Orly) Secular Judgments in Spiritual Matters, 8vo. L., 1871 -Essays on Ecclesiastical Reform ; edited by him, 8vo. L., 1873 A Theory about Sin, 8vo. L., 1875 Ship-Money. The Case of, briefly discoursed, C. 4to. s. l, 1640 Shirley (W. A., Bp.) Letters and Memoirs of, by Thos. Hill, 8vo. L., 1849 (W. W.) Some Account of the Church in the Apostolic Age, 2nd. ed., 8vo. Oxford, 1874 Shower (SirB.) see Convocation. Sibthorpe (Robert) Apostolike Obedience . . An Assize Sermon at Northampton, Feb. 22, 1626, 4to. L., 1627 Siccama (Sibr.) Fastorum Calendarium Libri II " Jo. Pricmus" F. 4to. s. l, 1600 Sichardus (Joann.) Chronicon Divinum, F. fol: Basileoi, H. Petrus, 1529 Siden (Tho.) L'Histoire des Sevarambes, 8vo. . Paris, 1677 Sidney (H.) Diary, etc., ed. Blencowe, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1843 (Sir Philip) Correspondence with Hubert Languet, ed. S. A. Pears, 8vo. L., 1845 Memoir of, by H. R. Fox Bourne, 8vo. L., 1862 Sidonius Apollinaris : Opera, F. 4to. Parisiis, 1609 Sigonius (Car.) De antiquo Jure Italise^ M. 4to. Venetiis, Jordan Ziletus, 1562-3 Historiarum de Regno Italise Libri XV, M. 4to. Basilece, P. Perna, 1575 Historiarum de Occidentali Imperio Libri XX, M. 4to. Basilece., ex off. Tho. Guarini, 1579 De Republica Hebrseorum, M. 8vo. Francofurti, 1583 Silius Italicus. De Secundo Bello Punico, " Jo. Pricceus," F. 24mo. Lugd. Bat., 1600-1 Punicorum Libri XVII, 4to. Trajedi ad Bhenum, 1717 394 CATALOGUE OF [Silvius, Jacques] Abr^ge des changenient miraculeux arrivees Tan 1692 . . dans I'lmage a la Sainte Vierge . . honor6e chez les P6res Eecolets de la ville de Vervier, S. 2nd ed,, 12mo. LiSge, 1740 Simanca (Jac.) De Eepublica, 8vo. Antw., Chr. Planting 1574 Simeon (Rev. Charles) Life of, by W. Cams, 8vo., 3rd ed. L., 1848 Simlerus (Josias) Oratio de vita et obitu Petri Martyris, 8vo. Tigtiriy Chr. Froschov., 1563 De seterno Dei Filio, et de Spiritu Sancto, M. 8vo. ibid.^ 1568 De vera Jesu Christi in his terris prsesentia brevis Expositio, 8vo. Tiguri, 1574 De Eepublica Helvetiorum, 8vo. Tiguri, FroscJiov., 1574-6 Commentarii in Exodum, M. fol. ibid., 1584 Simon (Jules) Le Devoir, 8vo. Paris, 1855 La Eeligion Naturelle, 2nd ed. 8vo. ibid., 1856 (Eichd.) Histoire Critique du Vieux Testament, no title, 4to. ibid., 1678 Histoire de I'Origine et du Progres des Eevenus Ecclesiastiques, 8vo. Francofurti, 1684 Sentimens de quelques Theologiens de Hollande sur I'Histoire Critique du Vieux Testament, 8vo. Amsterdam, 1685 Eesponse au Livre intitule "Sentimens," etc., 4to. Rotterdam, 1686 De LTnspiration des Livres Sacres, etc., 4to. ibid., 1687 Simplicii Explicatio in Epicteti Enchiridion, " Jo. Pricceus," F. Ed. Princeps, 4to. Venetiis, Jo. Antonius & Fratres de Sabio, 1528 Commentarius in Enchiridion Epicteti, etc., 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1640 Simpson (Jos.) The Description and Use of the Artificer's Sliding- rule, 8vo. Malton, printed for the author, 1750 (E.) History of Hackney, 4 parts, 4to. Guildford, 1882-4 (Eobert) History of Lancaster, 8vo. L., 1852 (S.) Sermon at Westminster before the H. of Commons, H. 4to. L, 1643 (Wm.) Hydrologia Chymica : or, the Chymical Anatomy of Scarbrough Spaw, Da. 8vo. L., 1669 Hydrological Essayes, Da. 8vo. L., 1670 Zymologia Physica, 8vo. L., 1675 (Wm. Sparrow) Chapters in the History of Old St. Pauls, 8vo. L., 1881 Sims (Eichard) Manual for the Genealogist, etc., 8vo. L., 1856 Simson (Edw.) Chronicon ab exordio mundi ad ann. a Christo nato 71, F. fol. Oxonioi, 1672 (Leon.) The third Step of the Ladder to Eepentance, M. 8vo. L., 1585 [ (Matthias)] A Short Character of the Presbyterian Spirit, F. s. I., 1703 Singleton (Guil.) Discussio Decreti Magni Cone. Lateranensis de potestate Ecclesiae in Temporalibus, M. 8vo. Mogwntice, 1613 Sirmondus (Jac.) Eucharisticon pro Adventoria, etc., 4to. Lutet. Paris., 1621 Sivry (Louis de) and Champagnac (M.) Dictionnaire . . des Peleri- nages : ed. Migne, 2 vols., 8vo. Paris^ 1859 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 395 Sixtinus (Reg.) Tractatus de Regalibus, M. 4to. Mulhusii, 1602 Sixtus V (Papa) Brutum Fulmen adv. Henricum regem Navarrse et Hen. Borbou . . Principem Condseum, AI. 8vo. Eomce, hair. Ant. Bladii, 1585 Skeat (Herbert) History of the Free Churches of England, 1688- 1851, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1869 (W. W.) Mseso-Gothic Glossary, 4to. L., 1868 Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, 4to. Oxford, 1882 Skelton (John) Magnyfycence, an Interlude. Reprint, 4to. L., 1821 (Jos.) Pietas Oxoniensis, fol. Oxford, 1828 [Skene (John)] Plain Dealing with the Presbyterians, 4to. s. L, 1703 Skene (W. F.) Celtic Scotland, 3 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1876 Skinner (James) A Memoir, 8vo. L., 1883 (R.) Sermon before the King, C. 4to. L., 1634 (Stephen) Etymologicon Linguae Anglicanse, fol. L., 1671 Slayter (Wm.) The Compleat Christian, F. 8vo. L., 1643 Sleidan (Joann.) Commentarii, 6 vero Historic, M. a. a. & I., 1557 Id. {Rev. a B. NorcUffe, 1882), 8vo. Argent., s. a. De Quatuor Summis Imperils, F. 8vo. s. I., 1617 Histoire de la Reformation, ed. Courayer, 3 vols., 4to. A la Haye, 1767 SHngsby (Sir Henry) Diary, ed. Parsons, 8vo. L., 1836 The severall Tryalls of Sir H. S., Dr. Hewet, & John Mor- dant, Esq., & the maner of their execution, C. 4to. L., 1658 Sloss (Jas.) The Doctrine of the Trinity . . in a Sermon preached at Nottingham, C. 8vo. L., 1736 [Smalbroke (Ric.)] An Enquiry into the Authority of the Complu- tensian Edition of the N. T., G. 8vo. L., 1722 Smalridge (Geo. Bp.) Sixty Sermons, fol. Oxford, 1724 Smalwood (Alan, of Marske) Funeral Sermon, 20th Octr., 1655, on James Pennyman of Ormesby, Esq., R. 8vo. L., 1656 A Sermon preached at Carlisle, Aug. 17, 1664, R. 8vo. York, Stephen Bulkeley, 1665 Oaths no Gospel Ordinance . . in answer to a Sermon preached at Carlile. By F. H., 4to. s. l, 1666 A Reply to a Pamphlet called '• Oaths no Gospel-Ordinance," R. 8vo. York, Stephen Bulkeley, 1668 Smaragdus (Abbas) Summaria in Evangelia et Epistolas Dominicales, Henry Flllth's copy, in white gilt vellum, with the crowned rose upon it, etc., and this inscription : " This booke was founde by me in the Juell house amongstt K. Henrie the 8 his bookes, the 22th of November, 1600, in the Tower," M. 8vo. s. I., 1531 Smart (Peter, Preb. of Durham) A Sermon preached in the Cathe- drall Church of Durham, July 7, 1628, R. 4to. 1628 Id., with a Relation of the Popish Ceremonies brought in by Mr. John Cosens, R. 4to. Edenborough, 1626 Id., R. 4to. s. l, 1640 Smectymnus. An Answer to a Book entituled " An humble Re- monstrance." (By St. Marshall, etc.), B. 4to. s. I. A Vindication of the Answer, etc., B. 4to. L., 1641 396 CATALOGUE OF Smedley (E.) History of the Reformed Religion in France, 3 vols., 8vo. Z., 1832 Smelingus (Tilm.) De VII Sacramentis, F. F. Svo. Colon., Mat. Novesianus, 1538 Smetius (Joh.) Antiquitates Neomagenses, 4to. 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Return of Owners of Land in 1873, 3 vols. fol. 1875 Returns of Tithes, fol. 1848 '^. — Return of Members of Parliament, 1313-1806, 2 parts, foj. YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 405 State Papers and Public Eecords. Report of the Commrs. into the Constitution and Working of the Ecclesiastical Courts, 2 parts, fol. ^ L.,1883 Foedera, Conventiones, etc. ed. Eymer, Sanderson and Holmes, 2nd ed. 20 vols. fol. " Ex dono Hon. Henrici Finch nuper Decani Eborum:' L., 1727-35 Id., n. e., 6 vols. fol. L., 1816, etc. Syllabus of ditto, ed. T. Hardy, 2 vols. 8vo. L., 1869 Report on, with Appendices to, E. 3 vols. 8vo. L., 1869 The Taxation of Pope Nicholas IV, circa 1291, fol. L., 1802 Catalogue of the Cottonian MSS. fol. L, 1802 Calendarium Rott. Patentium, fol. L., 1802 Calendarium Rott. Chartarum et Inquis. ad quod damnum, fol. L., 1803 Abbreviatio Rotulorum Originalium, 2 vols. F. L., 1805-10 Calendarium Inquis. post Mortem, 4 vols. fol. L., 1806-28 Nonarum Inquisitiones, fol. L., 1807 Testa de Nevill, fol. X., 1807 Catalogue of the Harleian MSS. 4 vols. fol. L., 1808-12 Statutes of the Realm, 11 vols, in 12, fol. L., 1810, etc. Valor Ecclesiasticus, 6 vols., fol. L., 1810-34 Placitorum Abbreviatio, fol. L., 1811 Inquisitionum Retornatarum Abbreviatio, 3 vol., fol. L., 1811-16 Rotuli Hundredorum, 2 vols., fol. L., 1812-18 Catalogue of the Lansdowne MSS., fol. L., 1812-19 Rotuli Scotise, 2 vols., fol. L, 1814-19 Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum, fol. L., 1814 Acts of Parliament of Scotland, 1424-1707, 11 vols., fol. 1814-... Domes-Day Book, 4 vols., fol. L., 1816 Placita de Quo Warranto, fol. L., 1818 Duchy of Lancaster, Calendars, 3 vols., fol. L., 1823-34 Parliamentary Writs, 4 vols., fol. L., 1827 Calendars of the Proceedings in Chancery in reign of Elizabeth, 3 vols., fol. L., 1827-32 Public Records. The Middle Series in Folio and Octavo, bound in green cloth. Pell Records, or Issues of the Exchequer, ed. F. Devon, Da.^ 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1837 Monumenta Historica Britannica, ed. Petrie and Hardy, fol. L., 1848 Calendarium Genealogicum, ed. C. Roberts, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1865 Chronicles published under the direction of the M.R., a set, 8vo. Calendars of State Papers, a set, 4to. v. y. State Papers, from 1501 to 1726, Da., 2 vols., fol. L., 1778 -State Trials, 8 vols., fol., 3rd ed. L., 1742 Statins (Achilles) In Q. Hor. Flacci Poeticam Commentarii, "/o. Pricceus" F., 4to. Antw., M. Nutius, 1553 (Publ. P.) Opera, 3 vols., 4to. Lipsim, 1664 Silvarum Libri V, 4to. L., 1728 406 CATALOGUE OF Statutes and Acts of Parliament— Here begynnith the hole Abrygement of al the Statutes, F., 8vo. s. a. & I. {^pr. hj 11. Redman, L., 1528) Statutes made and established from Henry IH to the fyrst yere of Henry VIH, fol. L., in off. T. Berthelet, 1543 Statutes from the IX yere of Henry IHrd to the 37th yere of Henry VHI, 2 vols., fol. Z., iUd., 1546 Statutes made in the reign of Henry VIH, fol. i., ihid., 1551 Statutes made in the tyme of Kynge Edwarde the Sixte, fol. L.J in ced. B. Graf Ion, 1553 Actes made in the first year of Queen Mary, and in the i, ii, iii, iv, and v yeres of Philip and Mary, B. fol. L., in ced. Jo. Cawood, 1554-8 Actes made in the first year of Queen Elizabeth, fol. Jugge & Cawood, 1559 A Collection of Statutes from the IXth Hen. Ill to the Vllth of King James I, F.F. 8vo. L., 1611 Statutes of Ireland from the Ilird of Edward II to the 13th of James I, fol. Dublin, 1621 Acts of Parliament passed in the 21st of James 1st, F.F. fol. L., 1624 Acts of Parliament passed in the I-IV years of Charles I, fol. L., 1628-30 Acts of the Parliament of Dublin, 1634-5, F.F. fol. Dublin, 1635 Statutes of Ireland, 10th, 11th Charles I, F. fol. ibid., 1636 see Scobell. The Statutes at large from Magna Charta to the 32nd of Chas. II, fol., no title. A Collection of Statutes relating to Excise, F. 8vo. L., 1697 The Statutes at large from Magna Charta to 1722, 5 vols., fol. L, 1706-24 Acts of Parliament from 9th Geo. I to 4th Geo. II, 4 vols., fol. L., 1722-31 The Statutes of the Realm, 11 vols, in 12, fol. L., 1810, et seg. Staveley (Thos.) Romish Horseleech, F. 8vo. L., 1674 Three Historical Essays on the Titles of the English Kings, C. 4to. L., 1703 History of the Churches in England, F. 8vo. L., 1712 Staunforde Stanforde (Sir Wm.) Le Pies del Coron, M. & F. 4to. L., Bic. Tottell, 1557 Id., M. 4to. L., B. Tottell, 1567 An Exposition of the King's Prerogative, 4to. L., ibid., 1568 Id., 4to. L., 1577 Staunton (Edm.) Fast Sermon before the H. of Commons, Apr. 24, 1644, C. 4to. L., 1644 Stearne (Joann.) Tractatus de Visitatione Infirmorum, F. 8vo. L., 1700 [Steer (Wm., Preb. of York, and Vicar of Ecclesfield)] An Enquiry about the Lawfulness of Eating Blood, By a Preb. of York, B. 8vo. L., 1733 Steinmeyer (F. L.) Die Wunderthatten des Herrn, etc., 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Berlin, 1866 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 407 Stella (Diego, Didacus de) Libri della Vanita, 8vo. Fiorenza, 1573 The Contempt of the World, and the Vanities thereof, M. 8vo. Douay, 1604 Enarrationes in Lucse Evangelium, F.F. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Antw., 1600 (Joann.) Vitse ducentorum & triginta Summorum Pontificum, M., 4to. Basilece, 1507 Steno (Nic.) De Solido intra Solidum naturaliter contento Disserta- tionis prodromus, B. 4to. Florentice^ 1669 Stephanus (Byzantinus) De Urbibus, fol. Amstel, 1678 (Car.) Dictionarium Historicum et Poeticum, M. 8vo. Paris., ap. Jo. U Preux, 1567 (Comes Bellocass.) Sylvula Carminum, 8vo. Brugis, IL Gucilter et E. Verreckius, 1544 (Hen.) De Latinitate falso suspecta Expostulatio, with aiitog. ^' Operam et oleum perdidi. H. Stepha." 8vo. H. Stephanus, 1576 L'Introduction au Traite de la Conformity des Merveilles Anciennes avec les Modernes, 8vo. Paris, 1579 Concordantiae Grseco-Latinse Testamenti Novi, B. fol. Paulus Stephanus, 1600 Lexicon Grseco-Latinum, F. fol. Parisiis, 1607 Thesaurus Grsecse Linguae, 9 vols., fol. Land., 1816-28 (Robert) Interpretatio Nominum Hebr., Chald., Gr. & Lat., cum Indice V. & N. Test., 8vo. Parisiis, B. Stephanus, 1537 Concordantise Bibliorum Utriusque Test., fol. Olivce, R. Stephanus, 1555 Phrases Hebraicse, M. 8vo. Parisiis, Stephanus, 1558 Thesaurus Linguae Latinse, 4 vols., fol. L., 1734-5 Stephens (A. J.) Practical Treatise of the Laws relating to the Clergy, 2 vols., 8vo. ^ ^ L., 1837 (Edw.) An Admonition concerning a Public Fast, 4to. L., 1691 (George) The Old-Northern Runic Monuments of Scandinavia and England, 2 vols., fol. L., 1866-8 (Sir James) Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1849 Lectures on the History of France, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1851 (John) An Historical Discourse of Procurations, etc., D. 4to. L., 1661 (Lewis, Preb. of York, etc.) Sermon on the Consecration of the Chapel of St. Ann's, Kew Green, R. 4to. L., 1721 Ordination Sermon at Bishopthorpe, Sept. 1726, i2. 8vo. Z., 1727 (Wm. R.) Memorials of the South Saxon See and Church of Chichester, 8vo. L., 1876 see Chrysostom (St. John) and Hook (W. F.) Stephenson (Marm.) A Call from Death to Life, D. 4to. L., 1660 Stephonius (Bern.) Crispus Tragoedia, 8vo. Rothomagi, 1610 Sterne (Jaques, Archdn. of Cleveland, &c.) Visitation Charge, 1746, R. 4to. Ym-lc, John Gilfillan, 1747 — ^Charge to the Clergy of the East Riding, 4to. ibid., 1752 (Lawrence, Preb. of York) Charity Sermon at St. Michael-le- Belfrey, York, Apr. 17, 1747, H. 8vo. York, for J, Hildyard, 1747 408 CATALOGUE OF Sterne (L.) Assize Sermon at York, July 29, 1750, 8vo. Ywky Goesar Ward, 1750 Sermons, Svo. L., 1787 Sterry (Peter) England's Delivery from the Northern Presbytery, H. 4to. L., 1652 Steuart (Adam) Zerubbabel to Sanballat and Tobiah, C. ito. L., 1645 (Walter) Collections . . . methodized concerning the Worship . . of the Church of Scotland, C. 4to. Edinhurgh, 1709 Steuartius (Petr.) Commentarius in . . D. Jacobi Epistolam, 4to. Ingoldstadii, D. Sartorius, 1591 Steuchus (Eug.) Opera, M. 3 vols, in 1, fol. Parisiis, M. Sonnius, 1578 Stevanus (Jos.) De Osculatione pedum Romani Pontificis, Svo. Col, M. Cholinus, 1580 Steven (W.) History of the High School, Edinburgh, 8vo. Edinh., 1849 Stileman (John) A Peace . . offering ... as to Ceremonies, etc., C. 4to. X., 1662 Stillingfleet (Edw., Bp.) Sermon before the H. of Commons on the Fast day for the Fire in London, C. 4to. L., 1666 Sermon before the King, March 13, 1666-7, C. 4to. Z., 1667 Origines Sacrse, F. 4to. L., 1675 Sermon before the Lord Mayor, May 2, 1680, C. 4to., 2nd ed. i., 1680 The Unreasonableness of Separation, F. 4to., 2nd ed. i., 1681 Sermon at St. Sepulchre's on Protestant Charity, C. 4to. L., 1681 An Answer to some Papers lately printed concerning the Authority of the Catholic Church, G. 4to. L., 1686 The Doctrine of the Trinity and Transubstantiation compared. Two Parts, G. 4to. L., 1687 Sermon at Whitehall, March 23, 1689-90, R. 4to. Z., 1690 -Visitation (Primary) Charge, 1690, F. 4to. i., 1691 Ecclesiastical Cases relating to the duties and rights of the Clergy, F. 2 vols., 8vo. Z., 1698 Works and Life, 6 vols., fol. L., 1710 Three Dialogues on the Amusements of Clergymen, B. 2nd ed., 12mo. L., 1797 Origines Britannicae, 8vo. L., 1837 (Jas., Rector of Hotham) Funeral Sermon at Hull on Rev. J. King, 8vo. York, A. Ward, 1782 Sermon for the Hull Infirmary, Sept. 11, 1784, 4to. ibid., s. a. Stirling-Maxwell (Sir Wm.) see Charles V and Don John. Stirry (Thos.) see Laud (Archbp.) Stobaeus (Jerome) Loci Communes, M. fol. Franco/., A. Wechel, 1581 Stockdale (John) A Geographical . . . Description of the Empire of Germany: transl. (Geo. Russell of Leven Grove, 1801), 4to. L., 1800 Stocker (Thos.) A Tragicall History of the troubles and Civile Warres of the Lowe Countries, M. 4to. L., Jhon Kyngston, 1583 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 409 Stoery (John) Babilon's defence broken down, D. 4to. L., 1660 Stokes (Da.) A Paraphrasticall Explication of the XII Minor Pro- phets, D. 8vo. L., 1659 -(G. T.) Ireland and the Celtic Church, 8vo. L., 1886 Ireland and the Anglo-Norman Church, 8vo. i., 1889 Stonehouse (W. B.) History and Topography of the Isle of Axholme, 4to. L. 1839 Stopford (Joshua, Preb. of York) Pagano-Papismus ; or, an Exact Parallel between Rome-Pagan and Rome-Christian, 8vo. i., 1675 The Ways and Means of Rome's Advancement, 8vo. X., 1675 Stoughton (John) A Learned Treatise H. 4to. L., 1640 (John) Ecclesiastical History of England. The Church of the Restoration, aS'. 2 vols. 8vo. L., 1870 The Church of the Revolution, 8vo. L., 1874 Religion in England under Queen Anne and the Georges, 2 vols. 8vo. X., 1878 Memories of the Spanish Reformers, 4to. L., 1883 [ (Wm.)] An Assertion for true and Christian Church policie, 8vo. s. I, 1604 [ ] An iVbstract of certain Acts of Parliament ... for the Govern- ment of the Church, 2 copies, C. 4to. s. a. & I. Stow (John) Annales . . of England, F. fol. Z., 1615 Id., Da. fol. i., 1631 The Survey of London [" The gift of the Rev. Dr. Charles Blake's {Archdn. of York) exrs. to the Library of the Dean and Chapter of York, 1731 "], fol. L., Eliz. Purslow, 1633 Strabo. Geograj^hicorum Libri XVII, M. fol. Basilem, Valent. Curio, 1523 Id., ed. Falconer, 2 vols. fol. (The Delegates of the Univ. Press to Dean IFaddilove, and he to this Library). Oxon., 1807 Straccha (Benv.) Tractatus de Mercatura, M. 8vo. Venetiis, M. Bonellus, (1575) Strada (Fam.) Prolusiones Academicse, D. 8vo. Oxon., 1631 (Jac.) Fasti Consulares, fol. s. a. & I. Strafford (Thomas Wentworth, Earl of)— Two Speeches in the Parlt. at Westminster, C. 4to. 1628 Depositions and Articles against him, B. arid C. 4to. 1640 A Briefe and perfect Relation of his Answeres and Replies . . . to the Articles . . . against him, C. 4to. 1641 The Conclusion of his Defence, F. and C. 4to. 1641 An Answer to the Earle of Strafford's Conclusion, C. 4to. 1641 Annotations upon the Earle of Strafford's Conclusion, C. 4to. 1641 Letter to his Most Excellent Majestie from the Tower, F. and C. 4to. Bill of Attainder against him, F. and C. 4to. 1641 His Speech upon the Scaffold, May 12, F. 4to. 1641 , Two last Speeches : the one in the Tower, the other on the Scaffold, two editions, F. and C. 4to. 1641 A Protestation against a foolish . . Speech pretended to be spoken by him . . before his coming out of the Tower, C. 4to. 1641 410 CATALOGUE OF Strafford. Great Satisfaction concerning the death of theEarle of Straf- ford in a Discourse betweene a Scottishman and a Jesuite, C. Uo. A Letter sent by him to his Lady in Ireland a little before his death, C. 4to. 1641 Strafforde's Plot discovered and the Parliament Vindicated, C. 4to. L., 1646 Letters and Despatches, ed. W. Knowller, 2 vols. fol. Z., 1739 Stranchius (^gid.) Breviarium Chronologicum, F. 8vo. L., 1704 Strange (James [Stanley] Lord) An Impeachment of High Treason against him, C. 4to. L., 1642 Streatfield (G. S.) Lincolnshire and the Danes, 8vo. L., 1884 Strebseus (J. L.) De Electione et Collocatione Verborum, M. 4to. Paris, M, Fascosanus, 1540 Strigelius (Vict.) Argumenta et Scholia in Omnes Libros N. T., F.F. 2 vols., 4to. Lipsice, Ernest Fcegelinus, 1565 XII Minores Prophetse ad Ebraicam Veritatem recogniti, M. 8vo. Lipsice, Jo. Steinman, 1570 Libri Apocr., Tobias, Judith, etc., M. 8vo. ib., 1571 Confessio irpoaLpcTLKr] adv. Librum Conciliationis, M. 8vo. s. I, 1588 Stritterus (Joann. G.) Memorise populorum olim ad Danubium . . . incolentium, 4 to. Petropoli, 1771-9 Strode (Wm.) Sermon at St. Mary's, Oxford, April 28, 1644, C. 4to. Oxford, 1644 Struther (Wm.) Christian Observations and Resolutions, 8vo. X., 1629 A Looking Glasse for Princes and Peoples. A Sermon of Thankesgiving for the birth of the hopefull Prince Charles, Da., 4to. Edinburgh, 1632 Strutt (Jos.) Sports and Pastimes, 8vo. L., 1855 Struvius (Burc. Gotth.) Collectanea Manuscriptorum, 8vo. Jence, 1713 Bibliotheca Historise Litterarise Selecta, 3 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1754-63 Strype (John) Assize Sermon at Hertford, July 8, 1689, C. 4to. L, 1689 Annals of the Reformation, F. fol. L., 1709 Ecclesiastical Memorials, 3 vols., fol. L., 1721 "Works, viz., Ecclesiastical Memorials, Annals of the Reforma- tion, Lives of Cranmer, Parker, Whitgift, Grindall, Aylmer, Cheke, and Smith, and Indices, 27 vols. 8vo. Oxf., 1812-28 Stuart (Geo.) A Joco-Serious Discourse in two Dialogues between a Northumberland Gentleman and his Tenant, a Scotchman, 4to. L., 1686 (Richd.) Three Sermons, with a fourth by Archbp. Harsnett of York, 12mo. L., 1658 [ ]The Old Puritan detected and defeated, C. 4to. L., 1682 Stubbe (Edmund) Fraus Honesta, Comoedia Cantabrigia3 olim acta, 8vo. L, Aug. Mathews, 1632 (Henry) An Essay in Defence of the Good Old Cause, F. 8vo. L, 1659 A Censure upon certaine passages contained in the History of the Royal Society, 4to. Oxford^ 1670 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 411 Stubbe (Henry) Legends no Histories: or a Specimen of some Animad- versions upon the History of the Royal Society, C. 4to. Z., 1670 [ ]A Justification of the Present War against the Nether- lands, B. 4to. L., 1672 [ JRosemary and Bayes, B. 4to. L., 1672 (John) Discoverie of a Gaping Gulf wherinto England is like to be swallowed up by another French Marriage, 8vo. L., Hugh Singleton^ 1579 Stubbes (Philip) A Christal Glasse . . a Discourse of the Godly Life and Christian Death of Mistris Katherine Stubbes . . in Burton-upon-Trent, 4to. X., 1626 Stubbs (Bp.) Registrum Sacrum Anglicanum, 4to. Oxfm^d^ 1858 Constitutional History of England, 3 vols., 8vo. ibid., 1880 Select Charters and other Illustrations of English Constitu- tional History, 8vo. ibid., 1881 Lectures, 8vo. ibid., 1886 and Haddon (A. W.) Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents re- lating to Great Britain and Ireland, 3 vols. 8vo. ibid., 1869 Stunica (Didacus) In Job Commentaria, M. 4to. Romce, 1591 Sturmius (Joann.) Epistolse de Dissidio periculoque Germanise, 8vo. Argent, S. Emmel, 1567 De Imitatione Oratoria, F. 8vo. Argent., Bern. Minus, 1574 Manes Sturmiani, Sir H. Savile's copy, 8vo. Argentorati, 1590 Suarez (Fr.) Commentaria et Disput. in tertiam partem D. Thomse, M. 2 vols., fol. Lugduni, 1593-4 Metaphysicse Disputationes, F. fol. Moguntim, 1600 Defensio Fidei Cath. . . adv. Anglicanae Sectse errores, M. fol. Col. Agr., 1614 (J. B.) Grandezas, y antigue Dades de la Isla y Ciudad de Cadiz, "Jo. Pricceus," F. 4to. Cadiz, 1610 Subscription, or Historical Extracts inscribed to the Bishops, B. 8vo. L. 1776 Suckling (Sir John) Works, 8vo. L., 1696 Sudbury (John, Dean of Durham) Sermon before the king. May 20, 1677, 4to. L, 1677 Suetonius (C. T.) De XII Csesaribus, ed. Casaubon, F.F. 4to. Genevce, 1595 Id., 24mo. s. l, 1603 Id., "Jo. Pricceus," F. fol. Parisiis, 1610 F. 24mo. Amst., 1631 Suffolk (Henrietta Countess of) Letters, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1824 Suger (Zach.) Sermon at York on the present Rebellion, 8vo. York, John Hildyard, 1745 Id., 3rd ed., 8vo. Yoi% 1745 Sugerius (Abbas) Epistolse, with the Works of Robertus Pullus, Joselin of Soissons, Zacharias, etc., ed. Migne, 8vo. Paris, 1854 Suicer (J. C.) Thesaurus Ecclesiasticus, 2 vols., fol. Amstelod., 1682 Suidas. Historica, M., fol. Basileoi, ex. off. Hervag., 1581 Lexicon, Gr. & Lat., B. fol. Genevce, 1619 Id., F. fol., 3 vols. Cantabr., 1705 Sulpicius Severus. Opera, 2 vols., 4to. Veronce, 1741 412 CATALOGUE OF Summa in Virtutes Cardinales et Vitia illis contraria, ilf., fol. In Urbe Parisiana, Ulr. Gering et G. Maynijal, 1480 Doctrinae Christianse authoritate Philippi Anglise et Hisp. Regis., M, 8vo. Antwerpm, 1558 The Summe of true Catholike Doctrine plainly laid downe, M. 4to. L., 1613 Sumner (Bp. 0. B.) Life of, by G. H. Sumner (his son), 8vo. L, 1876 (G. H.) The Ecclesiastical Commission, B., 8vo. X., s. a. Superville (M.) Substance of . , a Discourse on " The Christian a New Creature," C. 8vo. L, 1739 Surenhusius (Guil.) De Formulis et Modis allegandi Scripturas Sacras, 4to. Amstelod., 1703 Surius (Laur.) Commentarius Rerum inOrbe gestarum ab anno 1500 ad 1574, M. 8vo. Colon,, Gerv. Calenius, 1586 Surtees (Robert) History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, 4 vols., fol. L., 1816-40 Surtees Society, the Publications of, a set (the first 21 vols, given by the Society), 93 vols., 8vo. 1834-94 SuTCLiFFE (Matthew, Dean of Exeter) — A Treatise of Ecclesiasticall Discipline, C. 4to. L., 1590 Id., G. 4to. . ^•' 1^?1 De Presbyterio, ejusque nova in Ecclesia Christiana Politeia, M. 4to. L., 1591 —^De Catholica, Orthodoxa, et vera Christi Ecclesia Libri duo, M. 4to. L., 1592 An Answer to a Certaine Libel Supplicatorie, M. and C. 4to. L, 1592 An Answere unto ... a defence of J. Throkmorton, G. 4 to. 1595 The Examination of Mr. Thomas Cartwright's late Apologie, 4to. L., Dep. of Ghr. Barker, 1596 De Turcopapismo, M. 4to. L., G. Bishop, etc., 1599 Id., ,S'. 8vo. L., 1604 Adversus R. Bellarmini de Purgatorio Disputationem, M. 4to. L., 1599 De Pontifice Romano, M. 4to. L., 1599 Id., S. 8vo. Hanovice, 1605 [ ] A Briefe Replie to a Certaine Odious and Slanderous Libel, by . . . N. D. . . . ilf. 4to. L., 1600 A Briefe Refutation of a certaine Calumnious Relation of the Conference passed betwixt the Lord of Plessis Marli, and I. Peron. (Part of the preceding), 4to. L., 1600 De vera Christi Ecclesia, adversus Rob. Bellarminum, ... itf. 4 to. L., 1600 De Conciliis, et eorum Authoritate, adv. Rob. Bellarminum, M. 4to. L., 1600 De Monachis, eorumque institutis et moribus, M. 4to. L., 1600 A Challenge concerning the Romish Church, her Doctrine and Practises, M. 4to. L., 1602 De Missa Papistica, M. 4to. L., 1603 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 413 SutclifFe (Matthew) The Supplication of certaine Masse-priests falsely called Catholikes . . with an answer, M.j 4to. L., 1604 A Full and Round Answer to N. D., alias Robert Parsons the Noddie, his foolish and rude Warne-word, M. 4to. L., 1604 An Abridgement or Survey of Poperie, M. 4to. L., 1606 The Examination and Confutation of a certaine scurrilous Treatise entituled " The Survey of the Newe Religion " pub- lished by Matthew Kellison, M. 4to. L., 1606 The Subversion of R. Parsons his confused and Worthless Worke, entituled " A treatise of three Conversions of England," M., 4to. L, 1606 A Threefold Answer unto the Third Part of a certaine Triobolar Treatise of three supposed Conversions of England, 4to. jC., John Norton, 1606 A Brief e Examination of a certaine peremptorie, menacing, & disleal petition presented . . to the King's most excellent Majestie. Ded. to Archbp. Matthew. The proof sJieets with corrections in MS., M. 4to. L., 1606 Id., M. 4to. L., 1606 (Matt.) The Practice, Proceedings, and Lawes of Armies, 4to. L, 1593 [Sutherland (Alex.)] The Practice and Doctrine of the Presbyterian Preachers about the Sacrament of Baptism, F. 4to. Edinb., 1703 [ ] A Specimen of the Method the Presbyterians take to answer arguments, F. 4to. s, a. & I. Sutor (Petr.) De Translatione Biblife, etc., M., who has written ^ Ne Sutor ultra crepidam,' fol. Parisiis, 1525 [Sutton (Mw.)] Anthropophagus, The Man-eater ... A Discourse upon Prov. xxvi. 25, 4to. L., 1624 (Thos.) Sermon at St. Mary Acts unto the Gentlemen of the Artillery Garden, 4to. L., 1624 Assize Sermon at South wark, March, 1621, 4to. L., 1631 England's First & Second Summons ; two Sermons at Paule's Crosse, 1612, 1615, 3rd ed. 12mo. L., 1633 Swadlin (Thos.) Sermon on Peace and Obedience, C, 4to. L., 1643 Swainson (C. A.) The Creeds of the Church . . The Hulsean Lectures for 1857, 8vo. Cambr., 1858 The Authority of the N. T. etc.. Lectures at Cambridge, 8vo. ibid., 1859 The Nicene and Apostles' Creed : their Literary History, etc., 8vo. L., 1875 Swale (Chr.) Jacob's Vow, a Sermon before his Majestie at Hampton Court, 4to. L., 1621 Swales (John, of Leeds, bookseller) His Book Catalogue, H. 8vo. s. a. Swallow (H. J.) De Nova Villa : The House of Nevill in Sunshine and Shade, 8vo. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1885 Swammerdam (John) The Book of Nature. {Dr. Hunter, 1809), fol. L., 1758 Swan (John) Profano-Mastix, F. 4to. L., 1639 Swartius (Eust.) Analectorum Libri III. " Jo. Pricmus," F. 4to. Lugd. Bat, 1616 414 CATALOGUE OF Sweden. Exegesis Historica causarum quibus Ordines regni Sueciae Sigismundum III regem Polonise et progeniem Suecano exuerunt diademate, etc., 4to. Stockholmice, 1620 Swedenborg (Eman.) Life, by Wm. White, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1867 Swedish Intelligencer (The), see Gustavus Adolphus. Sweertius (Fr.) Deorum, Dearumque Capita, "/o. Pricceus," F. 4to. Antw., 1612 Sweet (Henry) Anglo-Saxon Eeader, 3rd ed. 8vo. Oxford, 1881 Anglo-Saxon Primer, 2nd. ed. 8vo. ibid., 1852 Swinburn (Hen. of York) A Brief e Treatise of Testaments, F. 4to. L., John Windet, 1590 Treatise of Spousals, R. 4to. L., 1686 Sybilla (Barth) Speculum Peregrinarum Quaestionum, M. 8vo. Lugd., in ced. Jac. Myt, 1516 Sydney Papers, ed. R. W. Blencowe, 8vo. L., 1825 Sykes (A. A.) The Dean of Chichester's (Tho. Sherlock) Conduct considered in his Remarks upon the Bp. of Bangor, etc., C. 8vo. Z., 1718 [ ] An Enquiry into the meaning of Demoniacs in the N. T., a 8vo. L., 1737 A Further Enquiry, C. 8vo. X., 1737 Review of the Controversy about the Demoniacks, C. 8vo. L., 1739 (Sir M. M.) Catalogue of his Library, Da. 8vo. L., 1824 Sylburgius (Fred.) Catechesis Religionis Christianse quae in Ecclesiis et Scholis Elect. Palatinatus traditur, 8vo. Genevce, 1609 Sylveira (Jo.) Commentt. in Evangelia, Acta Apost. & Apocalypsin. {Eev, Wm. Greenwell, 1870), 9 vols, in 5, fol. Lugd., 1697-1700 Sylvius (Barth.) De Eucharistia, M. 8vo. s. I, 1551 (Joann.) De Morbi Articularis Curatione, 8vo. Antw., Ch. Plantin, 15Q5 Symeon (Antiochenus) Syntagma de Cibariorum facultate. "/o. Fricceus," F. 8vo. Basileoe, M. Isingrinius, 1538 (Dunelmensis) Dunelmensis Eccl. Exordium et Procursus, ed. Bedford. L, 1732 Id. Large paper, Svo. X., 1732 Symeoni (Gabr.) Illustratione de gli Epitaffi et Medaglie Antiche. "Jo. Fricceus," F. 4to. Lione, 1558 Symmachus. Epistolarum Libri II. M. 8vo. Basilece, Froben, 1 549 Symmons (Edw.) See Charles I. Symonds (Wm.) Virginia. A Sermon preached before the Adven- turers and Planters for Virginia, M. 4to. L., 1609 Symson (Patrick) A Short Compend of the Historic of the first Ten Persecutions, M. 4to. Edinburgh, 1613 Id., The Second Part, M. 4to. L., 1625 The History of the Church since the days of our Saviour, F. fol. L, 1634 Synesius. Opera, ed. Petavius, fol. Parisiis, 1640 Synge (E., Archbp.) The Authority of the Church in Matters of Religion, C. Svo. L., 1718 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 415 Synge (Geo., Bp.) A Rejoynder to the Reply published by the Jesuits under the name of William Malone, B. 4to. Dublin, 1632 Syra & Tenedos (Archbp. of) Report of his Journey to England, 8vo. L., 1876 Szegedinus (Ste.) Assertio vera de Trinitate contra Servetum, 8vo. Genevce, Bust. Fignon, 1573 Speculum Romanorum Pontificum, M. 8vo. s. I. (& a., 1586 Id., F. 8vo. s. I, 1592 Theologise Sincerae Loci Communes de Deo et Homine, M. fol. Basilece, 1588 Tabulae Analytic3e, M. fol. Schaphusice, 1592 T. D. The Dove & Serpent, C. 4to. L., T. C. for L. Lisle, 1614 T. H. See Tuberville (Henry). T. T. See Taylor (Thos.) and Tymme (Thos.) T. W. Vindiciae Eccl. Anglicanae, 4to. Z., 1630 Regulated Zeal, C. 4to. L., 1641 Taaffe (John) History of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 4 vols., 8vo. L., 1852 Tabernacle. A Pattern of the Tabernacle, 8vo. 1641 Taborda (N. de) Dictionnaire Espagnol Fran9ais, etc., 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1881 Tacitus (C. C.) Opera ed Lipsius, D. fol. Antw., Plantin, 1589 Id., ed. Gruter, /". 8vo. Franco/., 1607 Id., F. fol. Farisiis, 1622 Id., 4 vols., 4to. ibid., 1771 Tacquet (Andr.) Arithmeticse Theoria et Praxis, F. 8vo. Antw., 1682 Elementa Geometriae, F. 8vo. AmsL, 1683 Tacuinus de Conservanda Sanitate, " Gul. Mountius, 1577," F. F. fol. Argent, 1531 Taffin (John) The Amendment of Life, 4to. L., 1595 Taine (H. A.) History of English Literature, 2 vols., 8vo. Fdinb., 1872 Tait (Archbp.) The Dangers and Safeguards of Modern Theology, 8vo. L., 1861 Seven Visitation Addresses, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1872 Id., 8vo. L., 1876 -Life of, by Davidson and Benham, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1891 (Catherine & Craufurd) Memoir of ; ed. W. Benham, 8vo. L., 1879 Talaeus (And.) Institutiones Oratoriae, M. 8vo. Paris, Jac. Bogardus, 1545 In primum Aristotelis Librum Explicatio, M. 4to. Parisiis, Matt. David, 1550 Rhetorica, M. 8vo. Paris, A. JVechel, 1562 Id., 8vo. Amst., 1645 Opera, 4to. Basilece, Pet. Perna, 1575 Quinque Orationes de Laude Regiae Dignitatis, 8vo. Basil., Seb. Henricpetri, 1578 Talbot (Jas., Rector of Spofforth) Visitation Sermon at Tadcaster, May 14, 1707, B. 4to. L., 1708 416 CATALOGUE OF Talmud Babylonicum integrum, 12 vols., fol. Amstel, 1752 Tanner (Adam) Examen . . de Colloquio Ratisbonensi, 4to. Monachii, 1602 (Thos., Bp.) Notitia Monastica {JFm. Jackson^ Preb. of York, 1799), fol. Camhr., 1787 Tapfer (Ant.) Analytico-Literalis Expositio Incruenti Missse Sacrificii, 8vo. Landishuti, 1835 Tarcognota (Giov.) Delle Istorie del Mondo, 4 vols., fol. Venezia, J. Giuntiy 1585 Tarsia (Gr. M.) La Monarchia della Vergine, etc., *S'. 8vo. Vinegia, 1552 Tassin (Dom.) Histoire Litt6raire de la Congr6gation de Saint-Maur, 4to. BruxelleSj 1770 Tasso (Torquato) Aminta Favola Boscareccia, 8vo. Vinegia, Aldus Manutius, 1581 Discorso della Virtu heroica, et della Charita, etc., M. 4 to. Venetia, J. Giunti, 1582 Rime et Prose, 8vo. Venet., Aldus, 1583 Id., 8vo. Venet, 1587 Id., 8vo. Ferrara, 1589 Di Gerusalemme Conquistata, 8vo. Parigi, s. a. II Goffredo, overo Gierusalemme liberata, 8vo. Venet., Giov. Battist. Ciotti, 1595 Id. (Precentor Fall), 4to. Venetia, 1611 Id., F. 48mo. Roma, 1631 Tate (Nahum) Poems, F. 8vo. L., 1685 Tatham (John) The Rump . . a Comedy, F. 4to. L., 1660 Tatianus (Syrus) Oratio ad Grsecos, fol. Paris, 1636 Id., necnon Hermae Irrisio Gentilium Philosophorum, 8vo. Oxon., 1700 Tattam (Hen.) Lexicon -^gyptiaco-Latinum, 8vo. ibid., 1835 Grammar of the Egyptian Language, 8vo. L., 1863 Tauler (John) History and Life, translated by Winkworth, 4to. L., 1857 Taxse Cancellarise Apostolicse, etc., juxta exemplar Leonis X, aS'. 12mo. Sylvce. Duds, 1706 Taylor (Fr.) Fast Sermon befoie the House of Lords, May 27, 1646, a 4to. L., 1646 Isaac (Preb. of York) The Burden of the Poor. (The author, 1886), 24mo. 1867 Etruscan Researches. (The Author, 1886), 8vo. • L., 1874 The Etruscan Language. (The Author, 1886), 8vo. L., 1876 Greeks and Goths : A Study on the Runes. (The Author, 1886), 8vo. L, 1879 The Alphabet (Dean Purey-Cust, 1883), 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1883 (Bp. Jeremy) An Apology for authorized and set Forms of Liturgie, 4to. L., B. Boyston, 1649 Twenty-eight Sermons preached at Golden Grove, F. fol. L., 1651 History of the Life and Death of Jesus Christ, F. fol. X., 1653 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 417 Taylor (Bp. Jeremy) Twenty-five Sermons preached at Golden Grove, F. fol. Z., 1653 The Eule and Exercises of Holy Dying, D. 8vo. Z., 1655 The Worthy Communicant, 8vo. X., 1660 A Sermon preached at the Consecration of two Archbishops and ten Bishops in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, F. 4to. Dublin, 1661 Via IntelligentisB : a Sermon to the University of Dublin, 4to. Z., 1662 Funeral Sermon on Archbp. Bramhall, 4to. Dublin, 1663 A Dissuasive from Popery, 8vo. L., 1664 Id., 2nd Part, D. 4to. L., 1667 Ductor Dubitantium, fol. L., 1671 The Psalter of David, with Devotions, 8vo. L., 1672 Polemical Discourses, 3rd. ed., fol. L., 1674 A Course of Sermons for the Ye^r, fol. L., 1678 Collection of Offices or Forms of Prayer, 2nd ed., 12mo. L, 1690 A Discourse of the Liberty of Prophesying, B. 2nd ed. 8vo. L., 1702 A Moral Demonstration of the truth of the Christian Eeligion, re-edited by Bp. Hurd, C. 12mo. Z., 1776 Works : edited by C. P. Eden, Preb. of York, 10 vols., 8vo. L., 1849 (John, of York) Spadacrene Anglica, The English Spaw, or. The Glory of Knaresborough, 4to. York, Thos. Broad, 1649 (John) Thesaurarium Mathematicse, F. 8vo. L., 1687 (John, of Norwich) A Narrative of Mr. Jos. Eawson's Case, C. 8vo. L., 1742 Paraphrase on the Epistle to the Eomans, B. 4to. L., 1754 Id., B. 4to. L, 1769 (John) Hebrew Concordance, 2 vols., fol. L., 1756-7 (Thos.) Commentarie upon the Epistle to Titus, M. 4to. Cambridge, 1612 A Mappe of Eome, 4to. L., 1619 Circumspect Walking, F. 8vo. L., 1631 The Muggletonians Principles prevailing, C. 4to. 1695 Tedder (Eic.) Sermon at the primary Visitation of M. Wren, Bp. of Norwich, F. 4to. L., 1637 Telesius (Bern.) De Eerum Natura, fol. Nea/poli, 1587 Temple (Anth. Mr. of Eichmond School) Eemarks on (Mr. Burgh's) * Scriptural Confutation of the Arguments against the one God- head... produced by Mr. Lindsey,' B. 8vo. York, C. Ether ington, 1775 Addenda to "Eemarks"; with a Letter to Eev. Jos. Fisher B. York, id., 1775 Objections to Mr. Lindsey's Interpretation of the first 14 verses of St. John's Gospel, B. 8vo. L., 1776 Letters to Eev. Thos. Eandolph, B. 8vo. L., 1778 (Eobert) A Sermon teaching Discretion in Matters of Eehgion, M. 8vo. L., R, B., 1592 EE 418 CATALOGUE OF Temple (Sir Wm.) Memoirs, Part III, 8vo. W^ith Autograph presenia- tionfrom Dean Swift to Charles Earl of Peterhoro\ 8vo. Z., 1709 Tena (Lud. de) Commentaria et Disputationes in Ep. ad Hebrseos, etc., D. fol. L., 1661 Tenison (Edw.) A Protestation in behalf of the King's Supremacy, G. 8vo. Z., 1718 (Thos., Archbp.) The Creed of Mr. Hobbes examined, 8vo. Z., 1670 Of Idolatry, F. 4to. L., 1678 Sermon against Atheism. (/. Balmforth, Leeds, 1870), 4to. L., 1691 Terentii Comoedi^. (G. Wray,Preh. of York, 1872), 4to. Lugd., 1518 Id., F., " Fortiter & Suaviter" fol. Parisiis, B. Prevotius, 1552 Id., ed. Antesignanus. " E. Neale," F.F. 4to. Liigd., Mathias Bonhome, 1560 Id., ed. Muretus. "/o. Pricwus," F.F. 24mo. Lugd.y Commelin, 1576 Id,, in usum Delphini, F. 8vo. L., 1683 Id., see Bernard (R) Teresa (St.) Life of, 8vo. L., 1870 Terrick (S. Preb. of York) Thanksgiving Sermon in York Minster, June 27, 1706, 4to. York, John White, s. a. Tertullian. Opera, ed. Beatus Rhenanus, M. fol. Parisiis, C. Guillard, 1545 & Arnobius; ed. Ren. Laurentius, B. fol. Parisiis, 1580 Id., ed. Pamelius, M. fol. Antw., Ch. Plantin, 1584 Id., ed. Rigaltius, fol. Lutet., 1634 Id., B. fol. Lutet. Paris., 1675 Liber Apologeticus ; ed. Woodham, 8vo. Gamhr., 1850 -Opera Omnia, ed. Oehler, 3 vols., 8vo. Lipsice, 1853 Tesdale (Chr.) Fast Sermon before the H. of Commons, Aug. 28, 1644, C. 4to. L., 1644 Tesseyman(Wm., of York, bookseller) Sale Catalogue, Da., 8vo. 1788 Id., 8vo. 1795 Testamentum. See Bible, Biblia. Texeda (Ferd.) Hispanus Conversus, 4to. L., 1623 Texeda Retextus, 4to. L., 1623 Textor (J. R.) Epistolse, F. 8vo. Gol. Allohr., 1628 Thalhofer (V.) Die unblutigen Opfer des Mosaischen Cultes : ihre Liturgie, etc., aS^. 8vo. Begenshurgh, 1848 Thalmannus (Bened.) Assertio verse et orthodoxse doctrinse de Unitate personse et distinctione duar. natur. in Christo. M. 8vo. Tiguri, Gh. Froschov., 1578 Thamerus (Theob.) Apologia de variis calumniis quas tulit a Luthe- ranis Evangelistis, 4to. Moguntioi, F. Behem., 1561 Tharanta (Valescus de) Practica Medicina. " Gul. Mountius, Goll. Beg. Gant., 1568," F. F. 8vo. Lugd., Jacob. Myt., 1535 Theiner (Aug.) Vetera Monumenta Hibernorum et Scotorum, fol. Bomce, 1864 Histoire des deux Concordats de la Republique Fran9aise et de la Republique Cisalpine, 1801-3, 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1869 YOllK MINSTER LIBPvAEY. 419 Themistii Orationes, ed. Eemus. "Jo. Pricceus" F. 4to. Ambergce Palaf., 1605 Theocritus. Eidyllia. {Bev.C. Isherwood of Brotherton, 1816), 8vo. Franco/., Pet. Brubacchius, 1545 Id., etc. "/o. Pricceus" F. H. Stephanus, 1579 Id., with Bion and Moschus, ed. D. Heinsius. " Jo. Pricceus," F. 4to. e bibliop. Commel., 1604 Id., ed. Warton, 2 vols., 4to. Oxon., 1770 Theodore, King of Corsica, History of, C. 8vo. i., 1743 Theodoretus. Opera, i^. i^. Pamws, 1608 Id,, ed Sismondi, etc., F. 5 vols., fol. Lutet. Paris., 1642-84 Theodorus : Libellus adv. Hsereses, ed. Beza, 4to. Genevce, Bust. Vignon, 1576 (Vitus) Summaria Bibliorum, M. 8vo. Francof.,Chr. Bgenolphus, 1553 Theodosianus, see Gothofredus. Theodosius (Tripolites) Sphserica, ed. I. Barrow, 4to. B., 1675 Theofilo (Massimo) LTntelligenza di Alcuni vocaboli sparsi per el Nuovo Testamento, 8vo. In Bione, Bastiano Honor ati, 1565 Theophile (Sieur) Les (Eavres, F. Svo. Rouen, 1643 Theophilus (S.) Contra Christianae Religionis Calumniatores, ed. Fell, B. 8vo. . Oxonii, 1684 Id., ed. Wolfius, F. 8vo. ' Hamburgce, 1724^ Theophrastus (Eresius) Opera, ed. Heinsius, F. fol. Bugd. Bat., 1613 Notationes Morum, ed. I. Casaubon, D. 8vo. Bugd., 1617 Characteres, ed. Schneider, 8vo. Jeme, 1799 Theophylactus in D. Pauli Epistolas Enarrationes. W. Mount, F. F. 8vo. Colon., Eucliar. Cervicornus, 1528 Id., ed. Lonicerus, B. fol. Basilece, Andr. Cratander, 1540 Enarrationes in IV Evangelia, ed. ^colampadius. " Biher Bed. Bborum pertinens Cancellario ejusdem," M. fol. Basilece, Hcer. And. Cratander, 1541 Id., F. F. 8vo. Parisiis, Jo. Tiletanus, 1546 Explicationes in Acta Apostolorum, fol. Colon., Her. Birhiian, 1567 Opera Omnia, etc., 4 vols., fol. Venet, 1754-63 Theremin (Franz) Predigten, 9 vols, in 3, 8vo. Berlin, 1829-39 Thesaurus Verse Fidei adv. varias hsereses, M. 8vo. Basilece, Conrad. Waldkirch, 1587 Tesoro Politico . . 8vo. Colon., 1598 Thesaurus Linguae Latinse, fol. Basilece, 1613 Thevenot (Leon.) Declaration prononcee publiquementen I'Eglise du Poitiers, etc., 8vo. s. I., 1600 Thiers (J. B.) Dissertations Ecclesiastiques sur les Principaux Autels des Eglises, Les Jubes des £glises, etc.,^. 8vo. Paris, 1653 Defensio adv. Joh. de Launoy . . Appendicem, 8vo. Parisiis, 1664 De Festorum Dierum Imminutione, Svo. Bugd., 1668 L'Avocat des Pauvres, 8vo. Paris, 1676 Traite de I'Exposition du St. Sacrement de I'Autel, S. 2 vols., Svo. ibid., 1677 EE 2 420 CATALOGUE OF Thiers (J. B.) De Stola in Archidiaconorum Visitationibus gestanda a Parsecis Disceptatio, S. 8vo Paris, 1679 Traits de la Cloture des Eeligieuses, 8vo. ibid., 1681 Traits de laD^poiiille des Curez, 8vo. ibid., 1683 Trait6 des Jeux et des Divertissements qui peuvent etre permis, ou qui doisent etre d6fendus aux Chretiens, S. 8vo. ibid., 1686 Traite de L' Absolution de L'Heresie, 8vo. Lyon, 1695 Eeponse k la Lettre du Pere Mabillon touchant la pr6tendue Sainte Larme de Vendome, 8vo. Cologne, 1700 Factum contre le Chapitre de Chartres, 8vo. s. a. Observations sur le Nouveau Breviare de Cluni, S. 2 vols., 8vo. Bruxelles, 1702 De la plus Solide, la plus Necessaire, et souvent la plus negligee de toutes les Devotions, 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1702 Critique de THistoire des Flagellans, S. 8vo. ibid., 1703 Traite des Cloches, et de la Saintete de TOfFrande du Pain et du Vin, aux Messes desMorts, S. 8vo. ibid., 1721 La Guerre Seraphique, ou Histoire des perils qu'a courus la Barbe des Capucins par les violentes attaques des Cordeliers, S. 8vo. a la Haye, 1746 Traite des Superstitions qui' regard ent les Sacramens, etc., S., 5tli ed. 8vo, 4 vols. Paris, 1741 Dissertation sur la Sainte Larme de Vendome, S. 8vo. Amsterdam., 1751 Histoire des Perruques, S. 8vo. Avignon, 1111 Thirl wall (Bp.) His Eemains, ed. J. J. Perowne, 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1878 Letters, ed. Perowne and Stokes, 2 vols., 8vo L., 1881 Tholuck (A.) Das Alte Testament im Neuen Testament, 8vo. Hamburg, 1849 Thomseus (Nic.) Dialogi, 4to. Venetiis, Greg, de Gregoriis, 1524 Thomas (Wm.) The History e of Italye, M. 4to. L., Tho. Mar she, 1561 Principal Rules of the Italian Grammar, etc. M. 4to. L., H. Wyhes, 1567 The Pilgrim ; ed. J. A. Froude, R. 8vo. L., 1861 (Wm., Bp.) An Apology for the Church of England in point of Separation from it, 8vo. L., 1679 Thomasius (Tho.) Dictionarium Lat. & Anglic, 8vo. Caniabr., 1606 Thomassin (Louis) Ancienne et Nouvelle Discipline de I'Eglise touchant les B6n6fices et les Beneficiers, D. 3 vols, in 2, fol. . Paris, 1678-81 ■ Vetus et Nova Ecclesise Disciplina, fol. Venetiis, 1756 Thomlinson (Robt.) Catalogue of his Library in St. Nicholas' Church, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 8vo. Newcastle, 1829 (Luke) Sale Catalogue of his Library, 8vo. York, John Jackson, s. a. Thompson (Geo.) La Chasse de la Beste Romaine, 8vo. h Geneve, 1612 (Isaac) Poems, Da. 8vo. Newcastle, John White, 1731 Thomson (Geo.) Vindex Veritatis, adv. Justum Lipsium, 8vo. L., 1606 YOEK MINSTER LIBRARY. 421 Thomson (Jas.) Poems, R. 8vo. Dublin, 1728 (Eic.) Diatriba de Amissione et Intercissione Gratise et Justifi- cationis, 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1616 (Wm. Archbp.) Sermons preached in Lincoln's Inn Chapel, 8vo. L., 1861 Outlines of the Laws of Thought, 8vo. L., 1864 Life in the light of God's Word, 8vo. X., 1868 Word, Work and Will, 8vo. Z., 1879 Thoresby (Ralph) Ducatus Leodiensis, F. fol. L., 1715 Id., ed. Whitaker, L. P. Leeds, 1816 Vicaria Leodiensis, Da. 8vo. L., 1724 Diary and Correspondence, ed. Hunter. {S. JF. Lawleij, Sub- dean, 1886), 4 vols., 8vo. L., 1830 Thorius (Raphael) Hymnus Tabaci,i^. 4to. Lugd. Bat., Is. Elzevir, 1628 Thorndike (Herbert) Of the Government of Churches, F. 8vo. Cambr., 1641 Of Religious Assemblies, i^. 8vo. ibid.,lQ4:2 An Epilogue to the Tragedy of the Church of England, F. fol. L., 1659 Id. With the MS. Notes of Wm. Smith, Rector of Melsonby, fol. L., 1659 Just Weights and Measures, F. 4to. L., 1662 Id., C. 2nd ed. 4to. L., 1680 De Ratione ac jure finiendi Controversias Ecclesise. F. fol. L., 1670 A Discourse of the right of the Church in a Christian State, F. 8vo. L., 1670 A Discourse of the Forbearance or Penalties which a due Reformation requires, F. 8vo. L., 1670 Thorneburgh (John, Bp. of Limerick and Dean of York) A Joiefull & Blessed Reuniting the two . . . Kingdomes, England and Scotland, 4to. Oxford, s. a. A Discourse shewing the Great Happinesse . . by Re-uniting England and Scotland into one Great Britain, R. L., Richard Hearn, 1641 The Last Will and Testament of Jesus Christ, touching the Blessed Sacrament, 4to. Oxford, Wm. Turner, 1630 Thorold (Bp., Preb. of York) The Presence of Christ. (Presn. copy to Archbp. Thomson), 3rd ed. 8vo. L., 1870 The Gospel of Christ, 8vo. L., 1882 The Claim of Christ on the Young, 8vo. L., 1883 The Yoke of Christ. {Presn. copy to Archbp. Thomson), 8vo. L., 1884 Thorowgood (Thos.) Fast Sermon before the H. of Commons, Dec. 25, 1644, C. 4to. L., 1645 Thorpe (Benj.) Analecta Anglo-Saxonica, 8vo. L., 1848 Diplomatarium ^vi Saxonici, Da. 8vo. L., 1865 (Sergeant) His Charge . . to the Grand Jury at Yorke Assizes, 20th March, 1648, 4to. L., 1649 Thrasybulus (Chr.) Pontificem Rom. esse hostem Dei, etc. 8vo. s. a. 422 CATALOGUE OF Throckmorton (Francis) A Discoverie of the Treasons practised and attempted . . by Fr. T., 4to. L., 1584 Thrupp (J.) The Anglo-Saxon Home, 8vo. L., 1862 (J. F.) Antient Jerusalem, 8vo. Cambi'., 1855 Thuanus (J. A.) Historia sui Temporis, F. 6 vols., fol. Offenhaclii Ysemiurgkorum, 1609-20 Id., L. P., 7 vols., fol. L., 1733 Thucydides de Bello Peloponnesiaco, Latine, M. fol. JFitebergce, Jo. Crato, 1569 Id., Gr. & Lat. F. fol. Franco/., Hcer. Andr. Wechel, 1594 Id., fol. Amstel., 1731 Id., transl. by Hobbes, F. fol. L., 1629 Id., tradotto per Fr. di Soldo Strozzi, " Bar. Barnesii." " Beverendissimo domino meo Tohice . . . phirimum honorando Barnabas Barnes.'' In Fenetia, Bald, de Constantini, 1569 Thurloe (John) State Papers, ed. Birch, 7 vols., fol. L., 1742 Thurnmaier (J.) Annales Boiorum, M. fol. Basilece, P, Perna, 1580 Thyrseus (Petr.JDsemoniaci, F.F., 2nd ed., 4to. Col. Agr., 1598 De Gloriosa Christi Apparitione, M. 4to. ibid., 1602 TibuUus, etc., fol. Venetiis, Jo. Tridmo de Cereto, 1500 Id., 4to. Patavii, 1749 Tierney (M. A.) History and Antiquities of Arundel, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1834 Tilenus (Daniel), etc. Response a un Trait6 du Sieur du Perron, 8vo. Sedan, 1606 Positions lately held by the L. du Perron, Bishop of Evreux, etc., anwered, 4to. L., s. a. The true Copy of two Letters . . . containing the late Apos- tasie of the Earl of Lavall. Transl. by D. D. S., M. 4to. L., 1605 Speculum Antichristi, M. 8vo. Typis Bostochensibus, 1605 Disputationes tres. No title, 8vo. Id., C. 8vo. Hardevici, 1656 Paraclesis Scoti, toO tdxovto?, contra Dan. Tileni Paraenesin ad Scotos, F.F. 4to. 1622 The Examination of Tilenus before the Triers, D. 8vo. L., 1658 Tiletanus (Judocus ) Apologia Dccretorum Cone. Tridentini, M. 2vols., 8vo. Lovanii, 1568-70 Tilius (Joann.) Chronicon de Regibus Francorum, M. fol. Basilem, per Sixiimi He7iricpetri, 1569 Tillard (Richard) Sermon at York, 18th April, 1781, for the Lunatic Asylum, 4to. York, A. Ward Tillesley (Richard) Animadversions upon Selden's History of Tithes, F. and C. 4to. L., 1619 Tillotson (Archbp.) Sermons, C. 8vo. L., 1673 The Rule of Faith, C. 8vo. L., 1676 Sermon before the House of Commons, Nov. 5, 1678, F. and C. 4to. L., 1678 Sermon at the First General Meeting of the Gentlemen . . in London, born in the County of York, Dec. 3, 1678, 4to. X., 1679 YOEK MINSTER LIBRARY. 423 Tillotson (Archbp.) Sermon before the King, Apr. 2, 1680, 4to. i., 1680 Funeral Sermon for Rev. Mr. Thos. Gouge, 4 Nov. 1681, B. 8vo. X., 1682 A Persuasive to Frequent Communion, F. 8vo. L., 1688 Thanksgiving Sermon at Lincoln's Inn Chapel, 31 Jan., 1688, C. 4to. Z., 1689 Sermon before the Queen, March 7, C. 4to. L., 1690 Thanksgiving Sermon before the King and Queen, Oct. 27, 1692, F. 4to. Z., 1692 Sermon before the King and Queen, Feb. 25, 1693-4, C. 4to. L., 1694 The Charge of Socinianism against Dr. Tillotson considered, G. 4to. Edinh., 1695 Reflections upon a Libel lately printed entituled " The Charge," etc., C. 4to. L., 1695 Sermons, F. 10 vols., 8vo. Z., 1695-1704 Works, and Life, by Birch, 3 vols., fol. i., 1752 Life, by Thos. Birch, 8vo. X., 1753 Tilmannus (Godefr.) Allegorise simul et Tropologise in locos utriusque Test., M. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, Vivant. GauUhrot, 1551 Timson (John) The Bar to Free Admission to the Lord's Supper removed, 8vo. L., 1654 To receive the Lord's Supper the Actual right of all Church- members, G. 8vo. L., 1655 [Tindal, Matt.] Four Discourses, 8vo. L., 1709 Tinworth (Geo.) A Critical Essay on his Life and Works, by E. W. Gosse, obi. fol. L., 1883 Tiraquellus (Andr.) Commentarii de Nobilitate et Jure Primogeni- torum, M. Basilece, Hier. Frohen, etc., 1561 Tirinus (Jac.) In Sacram Scripturam Commentarius, 2 vols., fol. Antw., 1668 Tischendorf (Const.) When were our Gospels written 1 With a Narrative of the Discovery of the Sinaitic Manuscript, 8vo. L., s. a. Origin of the Four Gospels ; translated by W. L. Gage, 8vo. L., 1868 Synopsis Evangelica, 8vo. Lipsice, 1871 Titelmannus (Fr.) Libri II de Authoritate Libri Apocalypsis, M. 8vo. Antw., ap. M. Hillenium, 1530 Libri VI de Consideratione Dialectica, M. 8vo. Antw., S. Gocus, 1533 Compendium Naturalis Philosophise, M. 8vo. iUd., 1535 Elucidatio in omnes Psalmos, F.F. fol. Parisiis, L. Tiletanus, 1540 Mysterii Missse Expositio. "i^. Neale et ylmicorum," F. F. 8vo. Lugd., G. Bouillms, 1558 Tithes. A Defence and Vindication of the Right of Tithes, G. 4to. L., 1646 The Right of Tithes asserted by our old Saxon Laws, F. 4to. L., 1653 Tracts on, by Leslie, Gambier and Belward. Beprinted, C. 8vo. Gambr., 1811 424 CATALOGUE OF Todd (H. J., Archdn. of Cleveland) Account of the Deans of Canterbury, 8vo. i., 1793 See Cranmer (Archbp.) ; Milton (John); Sandys (Geo.); Walton (Bp.); etc. (J. H.) see Patrick (St.) and Sotheran (Messrs., of York, Booksellers). . A Set of their Sale Catalogues for the years 1766, 1775, 1779, 1780, 1783, 1785, 1787, 1788, 1789, 1790, 1791, 1792, 1794, 1795, 1797, 1798, 1799, 1800, 1801, 1803, 1804, 1806, 1808, 1809, 1812, 1814, 1817, 1818, 1820, 1821, 1825, 1827, 1829. Messrs. Todd's own copies with their notes and MS. prices and 'buyers'' names, 25 vols., 8vo. York, 17664829 Toland (John) Pantheisticon, 8vo. Cosmopoli, 1720 The Danger of Mercenary Parliaments, C. 8vo. L., 1722 Toletus (Fr.) Commentarii in III libr. Aristotelis de Anima, M. 4to. Farisiis, Jac. du Puys, 1583 Commentarii in Joannis Evang. ilf. 2vols.inl,fol. Col. Agr., 1589 Commentarii in Ev. sec. Lucam, F. F. fol. Parisiis, 1600 Instructio Sacerdotum, M. 8vo. Eomce, 1601 Summa Casuum Conscientise, M. 8vo. Col. Agr., 1603 Tollius (Jac.) Insignia Itinerarii Italici, 4to. Traj. ad PJienum, 1696 Epistolse Itinerarise, 4to. Amstel., 1714 Tolomei (CI.) De la Lettere Libri sette, 8vo. Vinegia, Dom & Aluise Giglio, 1506 Tomasinus (J. P.) De Donariis ac Tabellis Votivis. " Jo. Pricceus," F. 4to. Utini, 1639 Tombes (John) Theodulia, D. 8vo L., 1667 Animadversiones in Libr. Geo. Bulli, cui titulus " Harmonia Apostolica," D. 8vo. Oxonii, 1676 [Tomkins (Martin)] Jesus Christ the Mediator between God and Man, C. 8vo. L., 1732 (Thos.) Short Strictures on so much of Mr. Crof ton's fastening of St. Peter's bonds as concern the University of Oxford, n. 8vo. L., 1661 [ ] The Inconveniences of Toleration, C. 4to. L., 1667 Tonge (Thos.) Meditationes, H. 12mo. L., 1654 Tongue. The Management of the Tongue, done out of the French, F. 8vo. L., 1706 Tonstall, Tunstall (Cuthbert, Preb. of York, Bp. of Durham) In Laudem Matrimonii Oratio . . in Sponsalibus Marise , . regis Anglise filise et Francisci . . Francorum regis primogeniti, 4to. Basilece,Jo. Frohen, 1519 De Arte Supputandi, 8vo. Argent, ex off. Knohloch, 1551 De Veritate Corporis et Sanguinis Domini riostri Jesu Christi in Eucharistia, 4to. Lutet., ex off. Mic. Fascosani, 1554 Contra impios Blasphematores Dei Prsedestinationis opus, M. 4to. Antw., Jo. Withagius, 1555 A Sermon preached on Palme Sunday before King Henry the VIII, 8vo. L., 1633 ■ -(Geo.) Scarbrough Spaw Spagyrically Anatomized, i>a., 12mo. L., 1670 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 425 Tooker, Tucker (Wm.) Daellum, sive Singulare Certamen cum Martino Becano. Presn. copy to M. 8vo. Z., 1611 Topham (John) Account of the Coll. Chapel of St. Stephen, West- minster, L. P., fol. L., 1799 Topiarius (^gid.) Conciones in Evangelia et Epistolas, M. Svo. Antiv., Ch. Plantin, 1567-8 Tornielli Annales Sacri, F.F., 2 vols., fol. Anhv., 1620 Torre (Jas.) Antiquities of York (Chancellor Markham, 1800), 8vo. York, 1719 Torriano (Gio.) The Italian Tutor, 4to. L., 1640 Torricellius de Sphsera, &c., F. 4to. Florentice, 1644 Torry (A. F.) Founders and Benefactors of S. John's Coll., Cam- bridge, 8vo. Cambr., 1888 (Bp.) His Life and Times, ed. J. M. Neale, 8vo. L., 1856 Tosarrius (Joann.) Paraphrases in omnes Prophetas et in Sapientiam Salomonis, M. fol. Basilece, Jo. Oporinus, 1558 Tossanus (Dan.) Lamentationes Jeremise Prophetse, cum Annot. M. 8vo. Franco/., Andr. ^Fechel, 1581 Pastor Evangelicus, M. 8vo. Heidelb., 1590 Tostatus (Alph.) Opera, F.F., 13 vols., fol. Col. Agr., 1613 Totti (Pompilio) Ritratto di Roma Antica " Jo. Pricceus," F. 8vo. RomcB, 1627 Toup (Jon.) Emendationes in Suidam, 8vo. L., 1766 Tourneur (Cyril) A Griefe on the Death of Prince Henrie, 4to. L., 1613 Tours (S. Martin of) Notice sur le Tombeau de Saint Martin, 8vo. Tours, 1561 Proces- Verbal du Pillage par Hugenots des Reliques et Joyaux de Saint Martin de Tours, 8vo. ih., 1863 Tovey (De Blossiers) Anglia Judaica, 4to. Oxf., 1738 Towerson (Gabr.) An Explication of the Decalogue, D. fol. L., 1676 Explication of the Catechism, F. 3 vols., fol. L., 1678-80 Towgood, Micaiah]. See Charles I ^Towne, John] A Critical Enquiry into the Opinions and Practice of the Ancient Philosophers, C. 8vo. 1747 Townsend (F.) Calendar of Knights, 1760-1825, 8vo. L., 1828 (Geo., F., Vicar of Brantingham) The Churchman's Year {Tlie Author, 1842), 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1842 Explanation of the Morning Service of the Church, Svo. L., 1844 Townson (Thos.) Discourses on the Gospels. Presn. copy, B 4to. Oxford, 1778 Unpublished Discourses, 8vo. L., 1830 Tracts for the Times, 7 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1834 Traheren (Barth.) An Exposition of a parte of St. Johanne's Gospel, M. 8vo. 5. l, 1558 Transubstantiation. Traitte d'un Autheur de la Communion Romaine touchant la Transsustantiation, Svo. L., 1686 Trapezuntius (Geo.) Rhetoricorum Libri V, M. Svo. Paris, Wechel, 1532 Travers (H., Rector of Nunburnholme) Miscellaneous Poems and Translations, Da. Svo. York, C. Ward, 1 740 426 CATALOGUE OF Travers (Walter) Ecclesiasticse Disciplinse . . . Explicatio, M. 8vo. A damns de Monte, 1574 An Answere to a Supplicatorie Epistle of G. T. for the pretended Catholiques^ M. 8vo. i., Tho. Vautvoullier, 1583 A Supplication made to the Privy Counsel, 4to. Z., 1612 Travis (Geo.) Letters to Edw. Gibbon, Esq., B. 8vo. L., 1785 Treatise (A) see Bullinger (H.) Tregelles (S. P.) An Account of the Printed Text of the Greek N. T., 8vo. L., 1854 Trelcatius (Lucas) Scholastica . . Locorum Communium S. Theol. Institutio, 8vo. Z.,1604 Id., 8vo. Colon. Allolrog., 1611 Tremellius (Imman.) In Hoseam Interpretatio et Enarratio, M. 8vo. Nic. Barhirius, etc., 1563 Trench (Archbp.) On some Deficiencies in our English Dictionaries, R. 8vo. Z., 1857 Synonyms of the N. T., 7th ed., 8vo. X., 1871 Notes on the Parables and Miracles, 2 vols., 8vo. X., 1874 Lectures on Mediaeval Church History, 8vo. L., 1877 Trent, Tridentum (Council of) Recusatio Tridentinte Synodi ann. 1546 a Statibus Augustanse Confessionis, M. Basilece, P. Perna, s. a. Decretum Salviconductus iu Cone. T., 4to. Fenetiis, 1562 A Godly and necessary Admonition of the Decrees and Canons of the Council of Trent, 4to. L., John Day, 1564 Tridentini Cone. Canones et Decreta, F. F. 8vo. Antw., Jo. Sotealli, 1598 Id., F. 8vo. PtotJiomagi, 1649 Id., 8vo., B. Paris, 1754 Id., Acta, etc., by Cardinal Paleotti, ed. Mendham, 8vo. L., 1842 Id., S. 8vo. Lipsice, 1846 Treswell (Robt.) see Spain. Trevor (George, Preb. of York) Sermons at the Vepery Church in 1837, 8vo. Madras, 1839 Sermons, 8vo. Calcutta, 1844 The Convocations of the Two Provinces, 8vo. L., 1852 Rome and its Papal Rulers, 8vo. L., 1868 The Catholic Doctrine of the Holy Eucharist, 8vo. L., 1869 Tribescus (Jac.) Decisiones, F. F. 4to. Venetiis, apud Ant. Ferrar., 1582 Trig (Fr.) A Touchstone whereby may easilie be discovered which is the true Catholike Faith, M. 4to. L., Peter Short, 1600 Trigland (Jacques) Le Chrestien vrayement modern, 4to. Amsterdam, 1615 Trincavellius (Victor) Enchiridion Medicum, M. 8vo. Basilece, typis Oporin., 1583 Trip (C. J.) Paulus, 8vo. Leiden, 1866 Tristram (H. B.) The Great Sahara, 8vo. L., 1860 The Land of Israel, 8vo. L., 1866 The Land of Moab, 8vo. i., 1873 The Natural History of the Bible, 8vo. L., 1877 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 427 Trithemius (Joan.) Liber de Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis. {Jas. At- kinson of York, 1800), fol. Basilece, sine typogr., 1494 Liber de triplici Eegione Claustralium, M. 8vo. Parisiis, Ant. Bonemer, 1507 Sermones et Exhortationes ad Monachos. "Liber Domini Wilelmi PFylom, Monachi" (Dunehn.)^ M. fol. Argentince, Jo. KnoUouch, 1516 Catalogus Scriptorum Eccl. M. 4to. Colon., P. Quentell, 1531 Trivet (Nic.) Annales Regum Anglise : ed. Hall, Bvo. Oxonii, 1719 Trollope (T. A.) Paul the Pope & Paul the Friar, Bvo. L., 1870 Papal Conclaves as they were and are, 8vo. L., 1876 (W.) Commentary on the Liturgy, etc. aS^. 8vo. Canibr., 1861 Trommii Concordantise Grsecae Yersionis Ixx, 2 vols., fol. Amst., 1718 Troplong (M.) De L'Influence du Christianisme sur le Droit-Civil des Romains, 8vo. Paris, 1868 Troughton (John) An Apology for the Nonconformists, 4to. L., 1651 Trounmala (Bapt.) Summa Rosella, Bvo. Fenetiis, 1495 Trugilli Thesaurus Concionatorum, F.F. 2 vols., fol. Lugd., 1584 Trumpet (A) blown in Sion, B. 4to. L., 1666 Tucker (Josiah) An Apology for the present Church of England, C. 4to. Gloucester, 1772 Letters to Dr. Kippis, Bvo. ibid., 1773 A... View of the difficulties attending the Trinitarian^ Arian, and Socinian Systems, B. Bvo. ibid., 1774 An Humble Address... on the Connection with, or separation from, the Continental Colonies of America, C. Bvo. ibid., 1775 Tudeschus (Nic. Panormitanus) Commentaria in quinque libros Decretalium. From the Durham Library. " Ex dono Magistri Thomce Farn, vicarii eccl. S. Oswaldi, anno Domini, 1517," M. 3 vols., fol. Basil., Jo. Amerbach, 1488 Tuke (Thos.) Index Fidei et Religionis, M. 4to. L., 1617 Tractatus deUsurariorum statu calamitoso. If. 4to.i^r«?ico/wr^i, 1618 Tullie (Geo. Sub-dean of York) A Discourse concerning the Worship of Images, 24 May, 1686, R. 4to. L., 1689 — —Sermon before the Lord Mayor, etc. at Guildhall, May 12, 1689, 7^. 4to. L., 1689 Thanksgiving Sermon at Newcastle-on-Tyne, R. 4to. York, J. White, 1691 Thanksgiving Sermon at Newcastle-on-Tyne, Oct. 19, 1690, R. 4to. ibid., 1691 Tullius (Thos.) Praecipuorum Theologise Capitum Enchiridion Didacticum, F. Bvo. Oxonii, 1700 Tunes (Jean de) Abrege de la Geographic, 4to. Paris, 1664 Tuppius (Laur.) Tridentinae Synodi adv. Restitutionem a Pio lY indicatam opposita Gravamina, M. 4to. Argent., Sam. Emmel, 1565 Turlerus (Hier.) De Migrationibus populorum Septentrionalium, M. Bvo. Franco/., hcer. Chr. Eg en., 1564 Id., M. Bvo. HanovicB, 1601 Turnbul (Ric.) An Exposition upon the Canonicall Ep, of S. James, M. 4to. L, 1606 428 CATALOGUE OF Turnbull (Geo.) A Philosophical Enquiry concerning the Connexion between the Doctrines & Miracles of Jesus Christ, C. 8vo. L., 1732 Christianity neither false nor useless. ..an Essay, C. 8vo. L., 1732 Turnebus (Adr.) Commentarii in Lib. Ill M. T. Ciceronis de Legibus, 4to. Paris., ex. off. A. Turnebi, 1552 Adversariorum Tomi II & III, fol. Farisiis, 1565-1573 Id., Lib. XXX, fol. 3 vols, in 1 ibid., 1573-80 Opera, F.F., fol. Argentomti, 1600 Turner (Dr.) A Sermon preached before the King, F. & C. 4to. L., 1635 (Fr. Bp. of Ely) A Sermon preached before the King, F. 4to. L., 1684 Coronation Sermon in Westminster Abbey, R. 4to. L., 1685 (James) Account of his Tryal, C. 4to. L., 1663 (Sir James) Memoirs, Da. 4to. Edinh., 1824 (John) The Souldier's Catechism, C. 4to. X., 1684 (Sharon) History of the Anglo-Saxons, 7th ed. 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1852 (Wm., Preb. of York) His Herball, F. fol. CoUen, A.Birckman, 1568 A Booke of the Natures and Properties of the Bathes in Eng- land, Germanye and Italy, F. fol. The Huntyng of the Komish Fox, ed. R. Potts, 8vo. Camhr., 1851 Turnerus, Turner (Rob.) Orationes XIV, 8vo. Antw., 1597 Posthuma . . . necnon Orationes Edmundi Campiani, M. 8vo. Ingoldstadii, 1602 see Mary Queen of Scots. Turnor (Edm.) Collections for the History of the Town and Soke of Grantham, 4to, L. P. Fresn. copy to S. Lysons. i., 1806 Turrecremata, Torquemata (Joann.) Expositio in Psalterium. ^^ Liber B. Marice Overey," F.F. 8vo. ParisUs, Nic, de Pratis, s. a. De Pontificis Maximi, Concihique Generalis Auctoritate, M. 4to. Venetiis, ex off. Jord. Zileti, 1563 Turrianus (Fr.) Dogmatici Characteres Verbi Dei, M. 4to. Flor entice, L., Torrentinus, 1561 De Hierarchicis Ordinationibus Ministrorum Eccl. Catholicse, M. 4to. Dilingce, Seb. Mayer, 1569 Adversus Capita Disput. posterioris Andr. Freyhubii . . . Libri II, M. 8vo. Colonice, 1578 Tursellinus (Hor.) Lauretanse Historise Libri V, M. 8vo. MogunticB, 1600 Turvell (Tho.) The Poore Man's Pathway to Heaven, 8vo. L., 1616 Tusanus (Jac.) Lexicon Grseco-Latinum, M. fol. Paris, C. Guillard, 1552 Tusser (Thos.) Five Hundred points of good husbandry, Da. 4to. L. 1610 Twining (Thos.) Recreations and Studies of a Country Clergyman of the Eighteenth Century, 8vo. L., 1882 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 429 Twining Family. Selections from their Papers, 8vo. i., 1887 Twisse (Wm.) The Doctrine of the Synod of Dort and Aries reduced to the practise, C. 4to. im'p. Twyne (Brian) Antiquitatis Acad. Oxoniensis Apologia, M. 4to. Oxon., 1608 Twysden (Sir Eoger) Historiae Anglicanse Scriptores. fol. X., 1652 An Historical Vindication of the Church of England, F. 4to. X., 1657 Tyerman (L.) The Oxford Methodists, 8vo. L., 1873 see Fletcher (John), Wesley (Charles and John), and Whit- field (Geo.) Tymme (Thos.) A Briefe Description of Hierusalem, Da. 4to. Z., 1595 [ ] A Silver Watch-bell, M. 8vo. Z., 1606 Tymms (W. R.) and Wyatt (M. P.) The Art of Illuminating, 8vo. X., s. a. Tyndal (Wm.) The Obedience of a Christen Man, 8vo. X., T. Eanaldes & W. Hyll^ s. a. The Institution of a Christen Man, F. 4to. In (Ed. Tho. Berthelet, 1537 [Tyrrell, — ] A Brief Disquisition of the Law of Nature, 8vo. L., 1692 Tyrwhitt (R. P.) Notices of the Family of Tyrwhitt. Pr. pr., 8vo. s. l, 1872 Tytler (P. F.) England under the Reigns of Edward VI and Mary, 8vo. X., 1839 Ubaldini (Petruccio) La Vita di Carlo Magno Imperadore, 4to. Londra, Gio. Wolfio, 1581 [Udall (Ephr.)] Noli me tangere is a Thingeto be thought on, C. 4to. 1642 (John) Sermons, M. 8vo. L., B. Waldegrave & Tho. Orwin^ 1588 [ ] The State of the Church of England laide open in a Con- ference betweene Diotrephes a Byshop, etc., 12mo. (1588) [ ] A Demonstration of the trueth of that Discipline which Christ hath prescribed for the government of His Church, M. 12mo. s. a. &l. see Remonstrance. [ ] A Commentarie upon the Lamentations of Jeremy, H. 4to. X., printed hy the Widow Orwin, Key of the Holy Tongue, 8vo. Leyden, 1593 Certaine Sermones, 12mo. L., 1596 A New Discovery of Old Pontificall Practises . . . evinced by their tyrannicall persecution of . . . Mr. John Udall, E. 4to. L., 1643 Ughelli (Ferd.) Italia Sacra, 9 vols., fol. L. P. Feneiiis, 1717-22 Ugo (Senensis) Super Aphorismos Hypocratis, fol. Ferarice, L. de Valentia, etc. 1493 Ugolinus (Barth.) Tractatus de Simonia, M. fol. Fenetiis, 1599 Ulenbergius (Caspar) Causse cur Catholicis in Communione Veteris Christianismi permanendum sit. M. 8vo. Colon., Calenius, 1589 Ulfeldius (Jac.) Legatio Moscovitica, " Jo. Pricceus" F. 4to. Fmncof., 1627 430 CATALOGUE OF Ulfilas, ed. Stamm & Heyne, S. 8vo. Paderborn, 1874 Ulfilas, Apostle of the Goths, by C. A. A. Scott, 8vo. Cambridge, 1885 Ullman (C.) Keformers before the Reformation, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1855 Upton (Nic.) De Studio Militari, F. fol. L., 1654 Uranius (Chanocus) De Verbo Dei Scripto, 31. 8vo. Genevm, 1594 Ursinus, Orsini (Fulvius) Familise Romanse quas reperiuntur in anti- quis Numismatibus, F. fol. Eomce, 1577 (Zach.) Tractationes Theologicse, M. 2 vols. fol. Neustadii PalaL, M. Harnisius, 1587-9 Explicationes Catecheticse, M. 8vo. ibid., 1591 Urspergensis Abbas. Chronicum. M. fol. Argent., Crato Mylius, 1537 Usk (Adam de) Chronicon, 1377-1404 : ed. Thompson, Pr.pr. 8vo. L., 1876 Ussher (Archbp.) De Christianarum Ecclesiarum Successione et Statu, i^.i^. 4to. L., 1613 An Answer to a Challenge made by a Jesuite (W. Malone) in Ireland, F. F. 4to. ' Dublin, 1624 Gotteschalci, et Prsedestinatianse Controv. . . Historia, B. 4to. Dublinii, 1631 Veterum Epistolarum Hibern. Sylloge, B. 4to. ibid., 1632 The Judgement of Dr. Rainoldes' touching . . . Episcopacy con- firmed, C. 4to. L, 1641 De Romanse Eccl. Symbolo ApostolicoVetere,etc. D. 4to. L., 1647 Id., B. 4to. Oxonii, 1660 De Macedonum & Asianorum Anno Solari Dissertatio, " Ex dono authoris," 8vo. L., 1648 The Rights of Primogeniture, a Sermon before his Majesty, H. 4to. L., 1648 A Body of Divinity ; & Immanuel, B. fol. L., 1668-9 Annales V. & N. Test. (Pilchard Mason of York, 16 . .), 2 vols. L., 1650-4 Id., B. fol. Lutet. Paris., 1673 De Textus Hebraicii V.T. VariantibusLectionibus, D. 4to. Z., 1 652 The Reduction of Episcopacie unto the form of Synodicall Government, C. 4to. L., 1656 His direction concerning the Lyturgy & Episcopall Government (A forgery), C. 4to. L., 1660 Chronologia Sacra, B. 4 to. Colon., 1660 The Power of the Prince & the Obedience of the Subject, B. 4to. L., 1661 Twenty Sermons, F. fol. • L., 1678 Britannicarum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates, etc. fol. L., 1687 Historia Dogmatica de Scripturis, B. 4to. L., 1690 Whole Works, ed. by C. R. Elrington, 17 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1847 His Life & Death by Nic. Bernard. ^^ Ex libris Jac. Welicood, 1657," F. 8vo. L, 1656 His Life, etc. by Parr, B. fol. L., 1686 Utino (Leon de) Sermones Quadragesimales, M. 8vo. Lugd., Ant. du By, 1518 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 43l V. S. G. Defensio Eccl. Liturgise, M. 8vo. Colon., hcer. Am. Birckmanni, 1564 Vadianus (Joach.) Epitome . . Asise, Africse, et Europse, M. fol. Tiguri, Chr. Froschov., 1536 — — Apliorismorum Libri IV de Eucharistia, M. s. a. S I. Valdes (Juan de) Cent et dix Consyderations Divines, Svo. Paris, 1565 Id., in English (transl. by Nic. Ferrar), F. 4to. Oxford, 1638 Valensis (Joann.) Summa de regimine Vitse Humanae, M. Svo. Lugd., 1511 Valentine (Henry) Foure Sea-Sermons preached at . . Deptford, 4to. L., 1635 Valerius Maximus. Dictorum et Factorum Memorabilium Libri IX, M. fol. Parisiis, Jo. B. Ascensius, 1517 Id., M. 12mo. Parisiis, Simon Colinceus, 1543 Id., F. 24mo. Amstelod., 1650 Valla (Laur. de) De Linguae Latinae Elegantia, fol. Lugduni, L. Hilaire, 1528 Id., F. Svo. Cantabr., 1688 Vallensis (Rob.) De Veritate et Antiquitate Artis Chemicse, M. 8vo. Parisiis, F. Morell, 1561 Vallesius (Fr.) De Philosophia Sacra, M. 4to. Aug. Taurinorum, 1587 Van Arteveld, James and Philip. By James Hutton, 8vo. L., 1882 Van de Velde (C. W.) Journey in Syria and Palestine, 2 vols., 8vo. Edinh., 1854 Van Espen (Z. B.) Jus Ecclesiasticum Universum, 4 vols., fol. Lovanii, 1753 Van Laun (Henry) History of French Literature, 8vo. L., 1876 History of English Literature, 2 vols., 8vo. L., Van Lennep (H. J.) Travels in Asia Minor, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1870 Van Staveren (Aug.) Auctores Mythographici Latini, 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1742 Vane (Sir Henry) His Speech against Episcopall Government, Da. 4to. L., 1641 The Substance of what he intended to have spoken upon the scaffold, S. 4to. L., 1662 (Thos.) An Answer to a Libel written by D. Cosen against the great Council of Lateran, 8vo. Paris, 1646 A Lost Sheep returned home : or the Motives of the Conversion to the Catholike Faith of Thos Vane, D.D. 12mo, 4th ed. ibid., 1649 Vapereau (G.) Dictionnaire Universel des Litt^ratures, 8vo. ibid., 1876 Vargas (Fr. de) Lettres et M6moires touchant la Concile de Trente, 8vo. Amsterdam, 1700 Varillas (Anth.) Les Anecdotes de Florence, ou I'Histoire secrete de la Maison de Medicis, Svo. Haye, 1685 Histoire des Revolutions arriv^es dans I'Europe en matiere de Religion, 2 vols., Svo. Paris, 1686 R^ponse a la Critique de M. Burnet sur les deux premier tomes de I'Histoire des Revolutions, 8vo. ibid.y 1687 432 CATALOGUE OF Varley (Kich.) Life and Death of, R. 8vo. York, N. Nicksoii, 1756 Varro (M. Ter.) Opera, "/o, Priccetts," F. 8vo. Lugd. Bat, s. a. Vasquius, Vazquez (Fern.) Illustrium Controversiarum . . Libri VI, M. 2 vols., fol. Lugd., 1599 (Gabr.) De Cultu Adorationis, M. 8vo. Moguntice, 1601 Vastovius (Joann.) Vitis Aquilonia, sen Vitse Sanctorum qui Scandi- navian! Magnam ... illustrarunt, fol. Col. Agr., ex off. Ant. Herati, 1623 Vatican, Council, Registers, etc.— The Pope and the Council, by Janus (Dollinger), 8vo. L., 1869 Anti-Janus, by Dr. Hergen-rother, 8vo. Dublin, 1870 Letters from Eome on the Council, by Quirinus, 8vo. L., 1870 Documenta ad illustr. Cone. Vaticanum anni 1870, S. two parts, 8vo. Nordlingen, 1871 Constitutio Dogmatica de Fide Catholica edita in Sessione Tertia . . Cone. Vatican!, aS'. 4to. Romce, 1871 The Vatican Council. By Pomponio Leti (Marchese Vitalleschi), 8vo. L., 1876 Library. Al Sommo Pontifice Leone XIII Omaggio Giubilaro della Biblioteca Vaticana (Crtr6?ma^if«^?im??^, 1 89 1 ), fol. Roma, 1888 Les R^gistres de Benoit XI, 4to. Paris, 1883 Les Registres de Boniface VIII, 4to. ihid., 1884 Les Registres d'lnnocent IV (Bibliotheque des Ecoles Fran- daises d'Athenes & de Rome), 4to. ibid., 1881 Vaughan (C. J., Chancellor of York, and Dean of Llandafl) A set of his Theological Works, given by him, 8vo. v. ij. (Hen.) Sermon at St. Mary's, Oxford, before the House of Commons, C. 4to. Oxford, 1644 (Wm.) A Golden Fleece, under which are discovered the Errors of Religion transported from Cambrioll Colchos out of New- foundland, 4to. L., 1626 Vaux (Laur.) A Catechisme for Children, M. 8vo. s. a. & I., 1583 (W. S. W.) Nineveh. and Persepolis, 8vo. L., 1850 Vedelii Grallae, F. 8vo. Frankerce, 1646 Vegetius deRe Militari, 8vo. Parisiis, Ch. WecJiel., 1535 Id. 4to, " Jb. Pricmus," F. 4to. Raphelengii, 1607 Mulomedicina, " TF. Mount. F.F." 4to. Basil, B. Perna, 1574 Velcurio (Joann.) Commentarii in Physicen Aristotelis, 8vo. Lugduni, Seb. Gryplmus, 1554 Velenus (Ulr.) Libellus in quo probatur Apostolum Petrum Romam non venisse, M. 4to. s. a. & I. 1519 Velleius Paterculus. Historia Roman a, Editio pincejps. fol. Basilece, in ced. Jo. Froben., 1520 Id., " T. Dunelm, ex dona P. Roll Fpiscopi Dunkell," 18mo. Francofurtif Jo. Wechel, 1589 Id., F. 18mo. Monachii, 1614 Id., ed Ruhnken, 8vo, 2 vols, in 1. Lugd. Bat., 1779 Id., transl. by Sir Robert le Grys "/o/m Hotham," 18mo. L., 1632 Velserus (Marcus) Fragmenta Tabulse Antiquse in quibus aliquot per Rom. Provincias itinera ... '^ Jo. Pricceus," F. 4to. Fenetiis, Aldus, 1591 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 433 Venanzius (J. B.) De Cometis, " Jo. Pricceus" F. 4to. Perusice, Baldus Salvianus, 1580 Venatorius (i.e. Hunter) (Dan.) Enchiridion Pandectarum, 8vo. Col. Agr., Jo. Gymnicus, 1580 Venema (H.) Comment, in Psalmos (exors. of J. Jarratt, Preb. Ehor.^ 1891), 2nd ed. 6 vols., 4to. Trajed. ad Bhenum, 1782 Venn (Henry) Life of, by H. Venn, 5th ed. 8vo. L., 1837 (Henry, the Son) Memoir of, by D. Knight, 8vo. X., 1880 Venning (Ralph) Sermon before the Lord Mayor, ... Jan. 28, 1654-5, C. 4to. L., 1655 Ventura (Laur.) De Eatione conficiendi Lapidis Philosophici, 8vo, M. Basil, P. Perna, 1571 Venute (Filippo) Dittionario volgare & Latino, M. 8vo. Fenetiis, Gio. 3Iicheti, 1588 (M. L'Abbe) Dissertations sur les Anciens Monumens de la Ville de Bordeaux, 4to. Bordeaux, 1754 Verderius (CI.) In Auctores . . antiquos Correctiones, " Jo. Pricceus," F. fol. Parisiis, 1609 Vergerius (P. P.) De ingenuis Moribus ... Liber, 4to. s. a. & I. Vergilius (Polydorus) Adagiorum Liber, M. fol. Basil., ex ced. Jo. Froben., 1521 Anglic^ Hist. Libri XXVI, '' Arundell," F. fol. Basil., M. Isingrin, 1546 Id., M. fol. Basil, 1555 De Inventoribus Rerum, F. 8vo. Amst, 1671 Verhaer (Fr.) Quinquaginta duse Vitse Sanctorum, 8vo. Antw., Ch. Plantin, 1588 Vernede (J. S.) Trois Sermons sur la Providence, Di. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1771 Vernon (Jas.) Letters illustrative of the reign of Wm. Ill, 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1841 (John) The Sword's abuse asserted, C. 4to. 1648 Veron (John) The Huntynge of Purgatorye to death, 8vo. L., Jo. Tysdale, 1561 Verrepseus (Simon) Precationum Piarum Enchiridion, M. 8vo. Antw., ^gid. Badeus, 1576 Verstegan (Richard) A Restitution of decayed Intelligence, M. 4to. Antwerp, 1605 Vesalius (Andr.) De Humani Corporis Fabrica, 8vo. Lugd., Joann. Tornmsius, 1552 Vescovo (Paolo) La Vita di Ferrando Davalo, March ese di Pescara, 8vo. Fiorenza, Lor. Torreniino, 1551 Vesperale Romanum, 8vo. Mechlinice, 1870 Veuillot (L.) La Vie de J6sus Christ (2nd ed.) 8vo. Paris, 1864 Vicars (John) Jehovah-Jireh . . England's Parliamentarie Chronicle, a 4to. L., 1644 Id., Third Part, C. 4to. L., 1646 Babylon's Beautie, C. 4to. L., 1644 The Looking-glasse for Malignants enlarged, C. 4to. L., 1645 Dagon demolished, C. 4to. L., 1660 Vicary (Tho.) The Englishman's Treasure, F. 4to. L., 1641 F F 434 CATALOGUE OF Victor (S, A.) Historise Romanse Compendium, 4to. Parisiis, 1681 Victorellus (Andr.) De Angelorum Custodia, M. 4to. Fatavii^ 1605 Victoria (Fr. a) Summa Sacramentorum Ecclesise, M. 8vo. Antw., Jo. Withagius, 1568 Eelectiones, M. 8vo. ibid., 1586 Victorius (Petrus) Commentarii in VIII Libros Aristotelis de optimo statu Civitatis, fol. Florentice, 1576 Vida (M. H.) Hymni de Rebus Divinis, etc. M. 8vo. Lugduni, Seb. 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Flos Sanctorum . . in English, F. no title, 4to. Id., for Jan. -April, M. 4to. 1609 ■ Lives of SS. Patrick, Bridget, & Columbe, 4to. s. L, 1627 Villette (M.) Histoire de I'lmage Miraculeuse de Notre-Dame de Liesse, 8vo. a Laon, 1765 Villiers (Jacob, of Nottingham) Vocabularium Analogicum, F. 8vo. L., 1680 Villiomarus (Yvo) In Locos controversos Roberti Titii Animadver- sorum, 8vo. Lutetice, apud Mamertum Pattisonium, 1586 Id. "/(9. Pricoeus," F. 8vo. Lutetice, in off. B. Stephani, 1586 Villoison (J. B. C. D. de) Anecdota Grseca e regia Parisiensi, et e Veneta S. Marci bibliothecis deprompta, 2 vols., fol. L. P. Venetiis, 1781 Vincent de Paul. Life of, by C. A. Jones, 8vo. L., s. a. Id. By R. F. Wilson, 8vo. L., 1875 (T.) God's Terrible Voice in the City, Da. 8vo. L., 1667 Funeral Sermon on Mr. Abraham Janeway, 8vo. L., 1670 Vincentius (Bellovacensis) Speculi Majoris Tomi IV, M. fol. Venetiis, 1591 [Ferrerius] Tractatus de Vita Spirituali. " Liber Beatm Marice Overey," F.F. 8vo. In md. Ascens., 1510 (Lirinensis)Commonitorium adv. Hsereticos, i^. 8vo. Cantabr.,lQS7 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 435 Vincentius (Sanctus) Sermonum Pars Tertia, M. 4to. Lugd., Joann. Moylin alias Cambrai/, 1528 Vines (Eichd.) Magnalia Dei ab Aquilone ; a Thanksgiving Sermon before the H. of Commons, for the great victory . . neere Yorke, E. 4to. L., 1644 Fast Sermon before the H. of Commons, Oct. 22, 1644, C. 4to. i., 1644 Fast Sermon, Jan. 28, 1645-6, C. 4to. Z., 1646 Funeral Sermon on Eobert Earl of Essex, C. 4to. L., 1646 His Majestie's Concessions to the Bills of Abolition of Archbps. and Bps. . . stated, C. 4to. L., 1660 Viola (Petrus) De veteri novaque Romanorum temporum Ratione. ^'Jo. Poicmus" F. 4to. Fenetiis, Nic. de Bascarinis, 1546 Virellus Virel (Matt.) Religionis Christianse Compendium, M. 8vo. Genevce, Bust. VignoUy 1587 Id., transl. into English, 9th ed., 8vo. Z., Melch. Bradwood, 1612 Viretus (Petrus) La Physique Papale, 8vo. Jean Gerard, 1552 De Vero Verbi Dei . . . 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Witehergoi, 1607 Voight (Gothofr.) De Altaribus Veterum Christianorum, S. 8vo. Harnhurgi, 1709 Voiture (Vine.) Les Lettres, etc., 8vo. ci Wesel, 1668 Volanus (Andr.) Parsenesis ad omnes in regno Polonise . . . pro- fessores, M. 8vo. Spine, ap. B. Alhinum, 1582 Volaterranus (Eaphael) Commentariorum Urbanorum Libri xxxviii, " Eobertus Piidleius," M. fol. Basilece, in off. Froben, 1530 Volkelius (Joh.) De Vera Religione, D. 4to. Bacovm, 1630 Volkmar (G.) Die Eeligion Jesu, 8vo. Leipzig, 1857 Jesus Nazarenus, 8vo. Zurich, 1882 Voltaire (M.) Essay on the Age of Lewis XII, C. 8vo. L., 1739 Volusiani Epistolae, M. 8vo.. L., H. Bynneman, 1569 Von der Hardt (Herm.) Magnum (Ecumenicum Constantiense Con- cilium, 7 vols, in 4, fol. Francofurti et Lipsice, 1697-1700 Voragine (Jac. de) Sermones de Sanctis, fol. s. l, 1484 Legenda Aurea, F. F. fol. Basilece, per Nic. Kesler, 1486 Id. {Archbp. Markham, 1803), fol. Argentince, 1492 Sermones, F. imp. 4to. Lugduni, 1499 Vorstius (Conr.) Tessaradecas anti-Pistoriana, M. 8vo. Hanovice, 1607 Enchiridion Controversiarum, M. 8vo. ibid., 1608 Privata Disceptatio de Transubstantiatione cum Jo. Lotzio, M. 8vo. ibid., 1609 Anti-Bellarminus contractus, M. 4to. ibid., 1610 Tractatus Theologicus de Deo, F. F. 4to. Steinfurti, 1610 Apologetica Exegesis, F. F. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1611 Prodromus plenioris Eesponsi ad Declar. Sib. Lubberti, etc., M. 4to. ibid., 1612 Eesponsum plenius ad Scripta qusedam Eristica, etc., 4to. ibid., 1612 Commentarii in Epp. Apostolicas, B. 4to. Amsterodami, 1631 Vosmerus (Mic.) Principes Hollandise et Zelandise, fol. Antw., Chr. Plantin, 1578 Vossius (Ger. Jo.) Theses Theol. & Historicse, F. 4to. Bellositi Dobunorum, 1628 Id., D. " Ex dono Dodoris Wickham, de-cani Fboracensis." ibid. De Arte Grammatica, F. 4to. Amst., 1635 Eesponsio ad Judicium Hermanni Eavenspergeri, D. 8vo. Oxonice, 1636 Ehetorices Contractse Libri V, 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1640 Id., 8vo. ' Oxo7iim, 1640 De Origine ac Progressu Idololatrise, 2 vols., 4to. Amsferd., 1641 De Tribus Symbohs, C. 4to. Amst, 1642 YORK MINSTEE LIBRARY. 437 Vossius (Ger. Jo.) De Veterum Poetamm Temporibus, 4to. Amstelod.f 1654 Theses Theologicse, F. 4to. Hagce^ Com., 1658 Institutiones Linguae Grseca?, F. 8vo. Amstelod., 1660 Latina Grammatica, 8vo. Roterod., 1667 Tractatus de Historicis Latinis et Grsecis, 4to. Francofurti, 1677 (Isaac) De Poematum Cantu et Viribus Rythmi, F. 8vo. Oxonii, 1673 Vueckeriis (Jo. Jac.) Antidotarium Speciale. " R. Neale & Amicorum" F. F. Basilece, 1574 Vuell (Petr. k) De Usuris Tractatus, M. 8vo. Colon., hcer. Am. Birckman, 1564 Vuesthemerus (Barth.) Explicationes in Psalmos, M. fol. Basilece, Nic. et Euseb. Episcopius, 1566 Vulson (Marc de) De la Puissance du Pape & des Libertes de I'Eglise Gallicane, F. 4to. a Genhe, 1635 Vyse & Perring (Colonel) The Pyramids of Gizeh. (Miss Hewson, 1872), 4to. L., 1839 W. G. Newes out of Cheshire of the wqw found Well, in a Letter from G. W., 4to. L., 1600 The He-goat's horn broken, D. 4to. L., 1660 & N. T. The True Ministers living of the Gospel distinguished from the false, D. 4to. L., 1660 W. I. A Discoverie of the Beasts, 8vo. 1641 W. J. See Watson (John). W. L. See Womack (Lawr.) W. E. (Curate of H. Trin., Hull) Fast Sermon there on 21 Feb., 1781, i?. 4to. Hull, G. Ferrahy, Jr., s. a. W. T. >S'ee Wilcox (Thos.) W. Th. See Worthington (Thos.) W. W. See Watson (Wm.) Wace (H.) Christianity and Morality : The Boyle Lectures for 1874-5, 8vo. ' L., 1876 (Master) Chronicle of the Norman Conquest, transL, 8vo. L, 1837 Waddilove (W. J. D.) The Lamp in the Wilderness. (C. A. Thiselton, Chapter-clerk), 8vo. Hexham, s. a. Waddington (Edw.) Sermon at the Consecrn. of Bp. White Kennett, a 8vo. L, 1718 Wadesworth (James) Copies of Certaine Letters which have passed betweene Spain and England in matter of Religion, 4to. L., 1624 The English Spanish Pilgrime, 4to. 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Part I (all published), 8vo. Bij)on, 1846 Walchius (J. G.) Bibliotheca Theologica, 4 vols., 8vo. Jence, 1757-65 Bibliotheca Patristica, 8vo. ibid., 1770 Walcott (Mackenzie) The English Ordinal, 8vo. L., 1851 Cathedralia, 8vo. L., 1865 Memorials of Chichester, 8vo. Chichester, 1865 History of English Cathedrals, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1870 Church & Conventual Arrangements, S. 8vo. L., s. a. Scoti-Monasticon, 4to. L., 1874 Church- Work & Life in English Minsters, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1879 Walden (Tho.) Doctrinale Fidei Ecclesise Cath. contra Witclevistas et Hussitas. 4to. In ced. Ascens., 1523-32 Wales. A Welsh Narrative corrected . . the Disputation between Dr. Griffith & Mr. Vavasour Powell, neer New-Chappell in Mountgomery shire, H. 4to. L., 1653 Gemitus Ecclesise Cambro-Britannicse, H. 4to. L., 1654 Wales (Elkanah, of Pudsey) Mount Ebal levell'd, or Redemption from the Curse, 8vo. L., 1659 Totum Hominis, H., 2nd. ed., 8vo. L., 1681 Walker (Anth.) An Account of the Author of a Book entituled ciKwv )8acrtXtK>y, H. 4to. L., 1692 (Clement) An Answer to Col. N. Fiennes' Relation, 4to. L., 1643 The Mystery of the two Juntos, Presbyterian and Independent, a 4to. 1647 The History of Independency, C. & F. Three parts, 4to. L., 1648-51 (Eliz.) The Holy Life of Mrs. Eliz. Walker, late wife of A. W., DD., rector of Fyfield in Essex, 8vo. L., 1690 (George) The Doctrine of the Sabbath, C. 4to. A7)isterdam, 1638 (John) On the Numbers and Sufferings of the Clergy in the Grand Rebellion, F. fol. L., 1714 (Obadiah) Narration of the Life and Death of Jesus Christ, F. 4to. Oxford, 1685 (Thos.) Vindication of the Discipline & Constitutions of the Church of Scotland, B. 8vo, Edinb., 1774 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 439 Walkley (Thos.) Catalogue of the Dukes, Marquesses . . of England . . with all the Honours bestowed by the Lord Protector, 8vo. L., 1658 Wall (Wm.) Conference on Infant Baptism, C. 6th ed., r2mo. Z., 1795 History of Infant Baptism, 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1819 Id., 4 vols., 8vo. Oxfm-d, 1844 Waller (E.) Speech in Parliament, C. 4to. Z., 1641 Wallis (John) Sermon before the Univ. of Oxford, 4to. Oxford, 1679 Opera Mathematica, F. 3 vols., fol. Oxon., 1693-5 (John) Natural History of Northumberland, 2 vols., 4to. L., 1760 Wallon (H.) Vie de J6sus Christ, 8vo. Paris, 1865 Walpole (Hor.) Consid. on the present State of Affairs in Europe, C 8vo. Z.,1730 Letters, ed. Cunningham, 9 vols., 8vo. L., 1877 Walsh (Peter) The History and Vindication of the loyal Formulary or Irish Eemonstrance in 1661, 4to. 5. L, 1674 Walsingham (Fr.) A Search made into Matters of Eeligion, M. 4to. L, 1615 Waltham Abbey. The Tract * de Inventione Sanctse Crucis . . et ductione ejus apud Waltham.' Ed. Bp. Stubbs, 8vo. Oxf. & L, 1861 Waltherus (Geo. Ch.) Tractatus Juridico-Politicus, F. 8vo. Norici, 1642 (Jo. Ludolf) Lexicon Diplomaticum, fol. Ulmoe, 1756 Walton (Brian) In Biblia Polyglotta Prolegomena. Ed. Wrangham, 8vo. Cantahr., 1828 Walwin (Wm.) A Prediction of Mr. Edwards his Conversion and Recantation, H. 8vo. L., 1646 Wandesforde (Sir Chr.) Book of Instructions for his Son, and Life by Thos. Comber, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Cambr., 1777-8 Wangen (Petrus de) Physiognomia Jesuitica, M. 8vo. Lugd., 1610 Wann (Paulus) Quadragesimale, F. F. fol. Hagenau, Hen. Gran., 1501 Wansleben (J. M.) An Account of the Rebellions . . . caused by the Jesuits . . in Ethiopia, C. 4to. L., 1679 Warseus Ware (Jac.) Rerum Hibernicarum Annales, L. P., D. fol. Dublin, 1664 De Prsesulibus Hibernise, L. P., D. fol. ibid., 1665 Waramundus (Leon.) Admonitio in Anathemismatum cui Greg. XIII Gebhardum archiep. Coloniensem damnavit, M. 4to. Lugd. Bat, 1583 Warburton (G.) Sermon at East Hamsted before the King, C. 4to. L., 1623 (Bp.) Works . . 7 vols., 4to. L., 1788 Tracts, by Warburton, and a Warburtonian, B. 8vo. L., 1789 Letters to one of his Friends (Bp. Hurd), F. 8vo. L., 1809 Life of, by J. S. Watson, 8vo. L., 1863 [Ward (Edw.)] The Secret History of the Calves' Head Club {Mrs. Ellis), 8vo. L., 1705 [ ]Id., a 8vo. L., 1713 440 CATALOGUE OF Ward (John, vicar of Stmtford) Diary ; ed. Severn, C. 8vo. L., 1839 (Mary) Life of; by M. E. Chambers, 2. vols., 8vo. X., 1882-5 (Nathl.) Fast Sermon before the H. of Commons, June 30, 1647, H. 4to. Z., 1647 (Samuel, of Ipswich) A volume of Sermons by him, 8vo. L., 1622 (Bp. Seth) Vindicise Academiarum, 4to. Oxf., Leon. Lichfield ^ 1654 Funeral Sermon on Geo. Duke of Albemarle, F. 4to. L., 1670 A Sermon against Antiscripturists, 8vo. L., 1670 Life, by Walter Pope, 8vo. L., 1697 (Thos.) England's Reformation, Svo. i., 1710 Errata of the Protestant Bible, B. 4to. Dublin, 1807 Ward (Wm., of Beverley) a Practical Grammar of the English Lan- guage, 8vo. York, A. Ward (1771) (W. G.) The Ideal of a Christian Church, 8vo. Z., 1844 [Ware (Robert)] Foxes and Firebrands, C. 4to. i., 1680 Warneford (Ric, Subchantor of York) Sermons, 2 vols., 8vo. York, a Ward, 1757 Warnefridus de Gestis Langobardorum. "Jo. Piicceus," F. fol. Basil, Frohen., 1532 Id., 4to. Hamhurgi, 1612 Warner (R.) Sermons, B. 8vo. Bath, 1817 (Wm.) Albion's England, F. 4to. L., 1612 W[arre] (J[as.]) The Touchstone of Truth, 8vo. L., 1624 Id., 4th ed., 8vo. L., Augustine Mathewes, 1634 Warren (A. H.) Arms of the Episcopates of Great Britain and Ire- land, 8vo. ■ i., 1868 (Chas.) Underground Jerusalem, 8vo. L., 1876 and Wilson. The Recovery of Jerusalem, Pi. 8vo. L., 1871 (F. E.) The Liturgy and Ritual of the Celtic Church, 8vo. Oxf., 1882 Warter (J. W.) The Teaching of the Prayer Book, ,S'. 8vo. L., 1845 Warton (Anth.) x^vacrTripiov rov Stwv. The Refinement of Sion, 4to. L., 1657 (Jos.) History of English Poetry ; ed. Hazlitt, 4 vols. 8vo. L., 1871 (Thos.) Specimen of a History of Oxfordshire (Kiddington), 4to. L., 1763 Warwick (Earl of) His Surrender of . . being Lord High Admiral, F. 4to. L, 1645 (Sir Philip) Memoirs of Charles I, 8vo. Edinh., 1813 Waterhouse (Edw.) A Modest Discourse of . . . Elder Times and Christians, 8vo. L., 1655 —A Discourse and Defence of Arms and Armory, F. Svo. L., 1660 Waterland (Daniel, Chancellor of York) Eight Sermons in Defence of Our Lord's Divinity. " The gift of the Author." 8vo. Cambr., 1720 A Vindication of Christ's Divinity, F. 3rd. ed., 8vo. ibid., 1720 ——Id.,' " The gift of the Author." 4th ed., Svo. ibid., 1721 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 441 Waterland (D.) A Second Vindication of Christ's Divinity. " The gift of the Author." 8vo. L., 1723 A Further Vindication, etc., F. 8vo. L., 1724 Critical History of the Athanasian Creed, 8vo. Camb., 1728 Regeneration Stated and Explained, C. 8vo. L., 1740 Works, ed. Van Mildert, 6 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1856 A Review of the Doctrine of the Holy Eucharist, S. 8vo. ibid., 1880 Watkin (W. T.) Roman Lancashire, 4to. Liverpool, 1883 Roman Cheshire, 4to. ibid., 1886 Waters (R. E. C.) Parish Registers in England, 8vo. L., 1883 Watkinson (Edw.) Essay upon (Economy, 8th ed., 12mo. York, A. Ward, 1767 (Peter, rector of Edlington) Mary's Choice. A Funeral Sermon at Edlington on Lady Mary Wharton, R. 4to. L., 1674 Watson (F.) The Ante-Nicene Apologies . . . The Hulsean Prize Essay, 8vo. Cambr., 1570 [ (John)] The Fierie Trial of God's Saints, 4to. X., 1612 (John, Curate of Halifax) Sermon at Halifax, July 28, 1751, B. 8vo. Manchester, R. Whitworth, s. a. History of Halifax, 4to. T. D. Whitaker and J. Crossley^s copy, with many notes L., 1775 Assize Sermon at Lancaster, 25 March, 1764, R. 8vo. s. a. & I. (Richard) Sermon on Schism at St. Mary's Cambridge, C. 4to. Cambr., 1642 (Richard) Dr. J. Cosin, his Opinion . . for Communicating with Geneva rather than Rome, 8vo. L., 1684 (Richard, Bp.) A Fast Sermon before the Univ. of Cambridge, B. 8vo. Cambr., 1780 Theological Tracts, 8vo. ibid., 1785 Sermons and Tracts, 8vo. ibid., 1788 Two Sermons and a Charge, B. 8vo. L., 1795 An Apology for the Bible, B. 8vo. L., 1796 Id., Abridged by F. Wrangham. " From the Author.^' Pr. pr. Di., 8vo. 1820 An Apology for Christianity, 8vo. L., 1797 (Thos., Bp. of Lincoln) Holsome & Catholyke Doctryne con- cernino;e the Seven Sacraments, F. 4to. L., R. Caly, 1558 [ (Wm.)] A Dialogue betwixt a Secular Priest and a Lay Gentle- man, M. 8vo. Rhemes, 1601 [ ] A Sparing Discoverie of our English Jesuits, and of Fa. Par- son's Proceedings, . . . ., M. 8vo. s. I., 1601 [ ] Important Considerations which ought to move all true . . . Catholikes, etc., M. 8vo. 5. l, 1601 [ ] A Decacordon of Ten Quodlibetical Questions concerning Religion and State, M. 4to. s. l, 1602 Watsonus Watson (Rob.) ^tiologia in qua explicatur quare propter Evangelium incarceratus fuit, M. 8vo. s. I. & a. Wayland Smith, by Depping and Michel ; ed. S. W. Singer, 8vo. L., 1847 442 CATALOGUE OF Watts (Isaac) A sober Appeal to a Turk or an Indian the Trinity, C. 8vo. L., 1722 Psalms and Hymns, 2 parts, 8vo. York, Wilson & Spence, 1799 Waynflete (Bp.) Life, by R. Chandler, 8vo. L., 1811 Web (Josiah) Erastus Junior, or a fatal blow to the Clergie's Pre- tensions to Divine Eight, 4to. L., 1660 Webbe (Geo., Bp.) The Practice of Quietness, in Six Sermons, M. 8vo. L., 1615 Weber and Holtzmann : Geschichte des Volkes Israel, 2 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1867 Webster (Jas.) A Letter to Mr. James Webster in the name of the Episcopal Clergy, F. 4to. Edinb., 1703 (John) A Monumental Columne erected to . . . Henry, late Prince of Wales, 4to. Z., 1613 (John) Academiarum Examen ; Mr. J. P. Collier and Mr. Jos. Hunter's copy, with their notes, R. ito. Z., 1654 The Saint's Guide, R. 4to. ' L., 1654 (Noah) English Dictionary, 4to. L., 1831 (Wm.) A Vindication of Her Majesty's Title to the Crown, C. 8vo. L, 1747 Weckerus (J. J.) Medicinse utriusque Syntaxes, M. fol. Lugd., 1583 De Secretis, M. 8vo. Basil, Perna, 1587 Wedderburn (David) see James I of England. Weemse (John) The Christian Synagogue, etc., F. 4to. L., 1630-2 An Exposition of the Lawes of Moses, F. 2 vols., 4to. L., 1632 Observations, Naturall and Morall, F. 4to. L., 1633 Weld (Thos., etc., of Newcastle-on-Tyne) The perfect Pharisee under Monkish Holines, 4to. L., 1654 Weldon (Sir A.) see James I. Aulicus Coquinarise ; a Vindication, in answer to the above, JDa. 12mo. L., 1650 (Bennet) Chronological Notes, containing the rise ... of the English Congregation of the Order of St. Benedict, 4to. L., 1881 Welford (Richard) History of Newcastle and Gateshead, 3 vols., 8vo. L., s. a. Wellbeloved (Charles, of York) Eburacum, or York under the Romans. (The author), 8vo. York, 1842 A number of Sermons and Tracts by him, 8vo. v. y. Memoir of : by John Kenrick, R. 8vo. L., 1860 Wellerus (Hier.) Brevis Enarratio ii. Epistt. S. Petri, etc., M. 8vo. Lipsice, in off. Voegel, s. a. Wells Cathedral ; its Foundation, History and Statutes, ed. H. E. Reynolds, fol. Leeds, s. a. Wells (Edw.) A Treatise of Ancient and Present Geography, F. 8vo. Ox/m-d, 1701 (J.) The Compleat Art of Dyalling, F. 8vo. \L., 1637 Welsche (John) A Reply against Gilbert Browne, Priest, M. 4to. Fdinb., 1602 Welwood (Jas.) Memoirs of the most material Transactions in England for the last 100 years, 8vo. L., 1718 (Wm.) Abridgement of Sea-Laws, C. 4 to {no YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 443 Wemys (Thos.) Beth-Hak-Kodesh, or the Separation of places for . . service, F. 8vo. L., 1676 Wentworth. Three Branches of the Family of Went worth. By W. L. Eutton. Pt. pr., 4to. L., 1891 Papers, 1705-39, from the Correspondence of Thos. Earl of Strafford, ed. J. J. Cartwright, 8vo. L., 1883 (Paul) The Miscellanie, or, a Registrie, & Methodicall Directorie of Orizons, H. 4to. L., for J. Harrison, 1615 (Peter) A pithie Exhortation to her Majestie for Establishing her Successor, H. 8vo. s. I., 1598 Weseham (Roger de. Dean of Lincoln) Memoir of, by S. Pegge, C. 4to. L., 1771 Wesley (John and Charles) A large series of Tracts, etc., by them. Lives of, see Southey & Tyreman. (Samuel) The Pious Communicant rightly prepared, 8vo. L., 1710 The History of the 0. & N. T. in Verse. {Geo. Wray, Preb. of York, 1872), 3 vols., 8vo (one missing). 1716 Wesselus : Farrago Rerum Theologicarum, 4to. s. a. West (Richard) Assize Sermon at Dorchester, G. 4to. L., 1671 (Wm,) Symboleography, M. 4to. L., Jane Yetsiveirt, 1597 Westcott (B. F., Bp.) The Gospel of the Resurrection, 8vo. L., 1868 The Christian Life, 8vo. L., 1869 History of the English Bible, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1872 On the Canon of the N. T., 4th ed., 8vo. L., 1875 The Bible in the Church, 12mo. L., 1875 Litroduction to the Study of the Gospels, 8vo. L., 1875 The Historic Faith, 8vo. L., 1883 The Revelation of the Father, 8vo. L., 1884 The Gospel according to St. John, 8vo. L., 1887 Westfaling (Herbert) A Treatise of Reformation in Religion, M. 4to. L., Tho. Daioson, 1582 Westfield (Tho., Bp.) The White Robe ; or the Surplice Vindicated, F. 8vo. L., 1660 Westminster (Court of Upper Bench at) Rules & Orders, 4to. L., 1655 Abbey. The Registers of, ed. by Colonel Chester, 8vo. L., 1876 School. Alumni Westmonasterienses, 8vo. L., 1852 A Review of the Project for building a new square for the use of Westminster School, G. 8vo. L., 1797 Weston, Westonus (Edw.) De triplici Hominis Officio, M. 4to. Antw., 1602 Juris Pontificii Sanctuarium defensum, M. 8vo. s. I., 1613 (Stephen, Bp.) Sermons, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1755 Westphalus (Joann.) Recta Fides de Caena Domini, M. 8vo. s. a. & I. Westropp (H. M.) Handbook of Archaeology, 8vo. L., 1867 Westwood (J. 0.) Lapidarium Wallise, 4to. Oxford, 1875-9 Wetenhall (Edw.) Enter into thy Closet, 8vo. L., 1666 Catechism of the Church of England, F. 8vo. L., 1678 (Thos.) A Discourse of the Abuses now in question in the Churches of Christ, M. 4to. s. l, 1606 444 CATALOGUE OF Wey (Francis) Rome, 4to. L., 1887 Whaley (Colonel) A more ful relation of . . his Majestie's Departure from Hampton Court, B. 4to. L., 1647 [Wharton (Henry)] A Treatise of the Celibacy of the Clergy, C. 4to. i., 1688 Anglia Sacra. (John Eyre, Preh, of York, 1810). L. P., 2 vols., fol. ' L, 1691 [ ] A Defence of Pluralities, F, 8vo. L., 1692 A Specimen of some Errors and Defects in Burnet's History of the Reformation, F. 8vo. L., 1693 Historia de Episcopis et Decanis Londinensibus, F. 8vo. L., 1695 see Laud (Wm.) Whateley (Archbp.) Essays on the Kingdom of Christ (Mrs. Finer- Ellis, 1884), 8vo. L., 1841 Life, etc., of ; by E. J. Whateley, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1866 (Wm.) A Caveat for the Covetous : a Sermon at Paule's Crosse, 8vo. L., 1609 The Redemption of Time, a Sermon, 8vo. L., 1609 The New Birth, no title, 8vo. Z., 1618 God's Husbandry, two parts, 4to. L., 1622 Whatley (Robert, Preb. of York) A Letter to Lord-Chief- Justice King, on his being designed a Peer, 4to. L., 1726 A Friendly Admonition to Gentlemen in the Commission of Peace, 8vo. L., 1729 A Letter to a Bencher (Sir Peter King) on the Nature and End of Being, 8vo. L., 1729 An Impartial Review of " A Friendly Admonition," etc., 8vo. L., 1729 A Short History of a ten years negotiation between a private gentleman and a Prime Minister, 8vo. L., 1738 Letters and Applications relating to " A Short History," etc., 8vo. L., 1738 A Letter to Sir Robert Walpole, 8vo. L., 1739 Three Letters to Sir Robert Walpole and Lord Chancellor King, 8vo. L., 1739 Judgment signed in the car.se between R. W. and Sir Robert Walpole, 8vo. ^ L., 1740 -State of the Case between him and Sir R. Walpole, 8vo. L., 1742 Wheare (D.) Reflectiones Hyemales, F. 8vo. Oxon., 1637 Wheatley (Chas.) A Rational Illustration of the Book of Common Prayer, F. 8vo. L., 1722 Id., 8vo. L., 1841 Sermon at St. Paul's on "The New Enthusiasts," C. 8vo. L., 1739 [ ] The Present State of the Nation, C. 8vo. L., 1768 (Phillis, of Boston, U.S.A.) Poems, 8vo. L, 1773 Wheler (Sir George) A Journey into Greece, fol. Granville Sharp's copy L., 1682 The Protestant Monastery. Presn. copy to Lady Drake, 8vo. Pr.pr., 1698 An Arconnt of the Churches ... of the Primitive Christians, 8vo. L., 1689 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 445 Wheler (Sir G.) Officium Eucharisticum, 8vo. Granville Sharp's copy. Newcastle-on-Tyne, John White, 1720 Whetenhall, see Wetenhall. Whewell (Wm.) Architectural Notes on German Churches, E. 8vo. Camhr., 1833 Astronomy, etc., with reference to Natural Theology, 8vo. L., 1834 Account of his Life, by I. Todhunter, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1876 Life of, by Mrs. Stair Douglas, 8vo. L., 1881 Whistler (Hen.) Aime at an Upshot for Infant Baptisme. F. 4to. L., 1653 Whiston(Robt.)Cathedral Trusts and their Fulfilments, 4th ed., 8vo. Rochester^ 1850 (Wm.) Sermon at Cambridge on the Festival of the Conversion of St. Paul, F. 4to. Camb\, 1705 The Longitude and Latitude found by the Dipping Needle, C. Historical Preface to Primitive Christianity Revived, 8vo. Z., 1 7 1 1 Reflexions on an Anonymous Pamphlet entituled " A Discourse of Free Thinking," C. 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1713 Letter to the Earl of Nottingham concerning the Eternity of the Son and Holy Spirit, C. 8vo. L., 1721 An Account of the Daemoniacks, C. 8vo. L., 1737 Memoirs of, written by himself, 2 vols., 8vo. L.y 1749 The Liturgy of the Church of England reduced nearer to the Primitive Standard, S. 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1750 Whitaker (Thos., of Leeds) Sermons on several Occasions (E. i/., 1886), 8vo. />., 1712 Sermons, 8vo. L., 1714 (Thos. D.) Thoughts suitable to the approaching Fast, 4to. Leeds, Thos. might, 1794 A Fast Sermon at St. John's, Leeds, Feb. 1794, 4to. ibid., 1794 Fast Sermon at St. John's, Leeds, Feb. 25, 1795, 8vo. ibid., s. a. De Motu per Britanniam Civico annis 1745-8, 8vo. L., s. a. History of Craven, 4to. L., 1805 Id., ed. Morant, 4to. Leeds, etc., 1878 Loidis et Elmete, 2 vols., fol. L. P. Leeds, 1816 History of Richmondshire . . 2 vols., fol. L.P. L., 1823 History of Whalley, 2 vols., 4to., 4th ed., ed. Nichols and Lyons L., 1872 (Wm.) An Answere to a certeine Booke written by Mr. Wm. Rainolds, M. 8vo. L., Tho. Thomas, 1585 An Answere to the Ten Reasons of Edmund Campian, transl., F. 4to. L, 1610 Opera Theologica, 2 vols, in 1, fol. Geneva, 1610 Responsio ad Gul. Rainoldi Refutationem, 8vo. Ojjpenheimii, IQ12 Prselectiones de Sacramentis, M. 4to. Francofurti, 1624 Whitby (Daniel) A Discourse concerning the Laws . . against Heretics, approved by the Church of Rome, B. 4to. L., 1682 A Treatise in confutation of the Latin Service ... in the Church of Rome, C. 4to. L., 1687 446 CATALOGUE OP [Whitby (D.)] A Letter from a City-Minister in Vindication of the Church of England Clergy for their owning and praying for King William and Queen Mary, C. 4to. X., 1689 Paraphrase and Commentary on the N. T., F. 2 vols., fol. L., 1700-3 A Dissuasive from Enquiring into the Doctrine of the Trinity, C. 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1719 . . . the Last Thoughts of Dr. Whitby, C. 8vo. L., \121 White (Fr. Bp.) The Orthodox Faith and Way to the Church Ex- plained, M. fol. ^ Z., 1624 -A Replie to Jesuit Fisher's Answere, fol. X., 1624 A Reply to D. White and D. Featly, 4to. s. I, 1625 A Treatise of the Sabbath Day, M. and F.F. 2nd ed., 4to. L., 1635 An Examination . . of a . . Pamphlet intituled " A Briefe Answer to a late Treatise of the Sabbath Day," F. F. 4to. Z., 1637 (Fr., Major) A Copy of a Letter sent to Sir Tho. Fairfax, B., 4to. s.l, 1647 (Hen.) The Massacre of St. Bartholomew, 8vo. L., 18H8 (John, of Eccles) The Way to the True Church, 4to. L., 1608 Id., etc., M. fol. Z., 1624 A Discovery of certaine Notorious Shifts, Evasions, and Un- truthes uttered by Mr. John White, Minister, by W. G., 4to. s. /., 1614 (John) Speech concerning Episcopacy, C. 4to. s. a. Id., C. 4to. i., 1641 The First Century of Scandalous, Malignant Priests, C. 4to. L., 1643 (Nath., of Summer Islands) The Pastor's Charge and Cure, a Sermon first preached . . at Oxford (which obliged the author ... to leave his native country), C. 4to. i., 1645 (Thos.) A Discoverie of Brownisme, M. 4to. L., 1605 (Wm.) Observations on Pthisis, ed. by Dr. Hunter {The Editor ^ 1803), 8vo. York, 1792 Whitehouse (Thos.) The Syrian Church of Malabar, 8vo. Z., 1873 Whitelocke (Bulstrode) Memorials of English Affairs from Charles I to the Restoration, fol. L., 1682 Whiter (Walter) Etymologicon Universale, 4to. Cambr., 1811 White Rose of York, The Chronicles of, 8vo. L., 1845 Whitfield (George, the Methodist) A large number of Tracts and Sermons by him. Life of, by Luke Tyreman, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1876 Whitgift (John, Archbp.) An Answere to a certen Libel intituled " An Admonition to the Parliament," 4 to. H. Bynneman, L., 1572 Id., a 4to. L., 1573 The Defence of the Aunswere to the Adriionition, etc., M. fol. L., H, Bynneman, 1574 A Godlie Sermon before the Queen at Greenwiche, Reprint, 1714, 8vo. L., 1574 Whitinton (Robt.) De Heteroclitis Nominibus, Da. 4to. X., in cedibus Winandi de Worde, 1522 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 447 Whytehead (Thos.) Poetical Remains, etc., ed. Dean Howson, 8vo. L., 1877 Wicelius (Geo.) De Sanctis Ecclesise Dei, M. fol. s. I, 1530 Id., M. 8vo. Basilece, Jac. Parens, 1557 Qusestiones Catechistse, M. 8vo. Moguntice, F. Bohemus, 1543 Parallela, M. 8vo. ibid., 1544 Exegesis Apost.^Symboli, etc., 8vo. Lugd., G. Rouillius, 1555 Catechismus Major, M. 8vo. Colonice, Hcer. Jo. Quentil, 1556 Wickens (Robt.) Concordance of the English Bible, D. 8vo. Oxfoi'd, 1655 Wickins (Nath.) Wood Street Compter's Plea for its Prisoners, 4to. 1638 Wickliffe, see Wycliffe. Widdowes (Giles) The Schismatical Puritan, 4to. Oxford, 1630 The Lawlesse, Kneelesse, Schismaticall Puritan, C. 4to. ibid., 1631 Widdrington (Roger) Apologia Bellarmini pro Jure Principum, M. 8vo. Cosmopoli, 1611 Responsio Apologetica pro Jure Principum, M. 8vo. Cosmopoli, 1612 Disputatio Theologica de Juramento Fidelitatis, D. 8vo. Albionopoli, 1613 Appendix ad Disputationem, D. 8vo. ibid., 1616 Apologia Schulkenii pro Bellarmino de Potestate Romani Pon- tificis, R 8vo. ^ Col. Agr., 1613 Ad Paulum V . . humillima Supplicatio, 8vo. Albionopoli, 1616 — — Discussio . . adv. Leon. Lessium, M. 8vo. Augusice, 1618 Last Rejoinder to Tho. Fitzherbert's Reply, 4to. s. l, 1619 (Sir Tho.) Speech on the Impeachment of Bp. Wren, C. 4to. L., 1641 Wierius (Jo.) Le Lamiis, etc., F.F. fol. Basilece, Jo. Oporinus, 1577 De Ira, morbo, ejusque curatione, M. 8vo. ibid., 1577 De prsestigiis Dsemonum, F.F. fol. ibid., 1583 WifFen (J. H.) Memoirs of the House of Russell, L. P., 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1833 Wigandus (Jo.) De Neutralibus, M. 8vo. Franco/., 1552 De Justificatione Peccatoris, M. 4to. Lipsice, s. a. Syntagma, seu Corpus Doctrinse . . ex V. T., M. 4to. Basil., Oporinus, etc., 1564 Postilla, M. 8vo. Ursellis, Nic. Henricus, 1565 Danielis Explicatio, M. 8vo. Jence, Gunth. Hiittichius, 1571 De Persecutione, etc., M. 8vo. Franc, ad Mcen., Geo. Corvinus,l580 Wigmore (Mich.) Visitation Sermon, 4to. L., 1633 M^ilberforce (Henry W.)The Church and the Empires, 8vo. L., 1874 (Robert I., Archdn. E. R. Y.) Rutilius and Lucius, 12mo. L., 1842 Letter to the Gentry... of the Archdeaconry E. R., 4th ed., 8vo. Bridlington, 1842 Church Courts and Church Discipline, 8vo. L., 1843 Sermon on the Consecration of Samuel, Bp. of Oxford, D. 8vo. L., 1845 448 CATALOGUE 0^ Wilberforce (R. I.) The Doctrine of Holy Baptism. (The author), 2nd. ed., 8vo. Z., 1849 The Five Empires, 5th ed., 8vo. L., 1850 The Doctrine of the Incarnation. (JV. F. Wilberfoixe, the author's son, 1880), 8vo. X., 1850 Sketch of the History of Erastianism, 8vo. L., 1851 The Doctrine of the Holy Eucharist. (W. F. Wilberforce, 1880), 8vo. ^ X., 1853 Sermons on the Holy Communion, 8vo. L., 1854 Inquiry into the Principles of Church Authority, 8vo. X., 1854 Id., Traduit de FAnglais, S. 8vo. Paris, 1856 Seven Letters to the Weekly Register on Church Authority, 8vo. Z., 1855 Charges, 1848, etc. A set, *S^. 8vo. v. y. (Samuel, Bp.) History of the American Church, 12mo. L., 1844 Addresses to Candidates for Ordination, 4th ed., 8vo. Oxford, 1862 Words of Counsel, 8vo. ibid., 1875 Heroes of Hebrew History, 6th ed., 8vo. L., 1879 Life, by Ash well & Wilberforce, 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1880 (Wm.) A Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System, ''from the authw," B. 8vo. L., 1797 Practical View of . . . Real Christianity. Autograph presn. copy, 17th ed., 8vo. L., 1829 — —Letter to the Freeholders of Yorkshire on the late Election, B. 8vo. ^ L., 1807 Family Prayers, ed. by his son, R. I. W., 3rd ed., 8vo. L., 1834 Life and Correspondence, ed. by S. W., 7 vols., 8vo. L., 1839-40 Wm. W., his Friends and Times, by J. C. Colquhoun, 8vo. i., 1866 Wilcox (Thos.) A Short yet Sound Commentarie on the Proverbs, M. 4to. L., Tho. Orwin, 1589 Wild (Chas.) An Illustration of the Architecture of Lincoln Cathe- dral, fol. i., 1819 Wilde (Geo.) Sermon at St. Mary's, Oxford, March 3rd, 1643-4, a 4to. Oxford, 1644 Wildenbergius (Hieron.) Totius Philosophise Humanse Digestio, M. 8vo. Basilem, Oporinus, 1571 Wilkes (Wm.) A Second Memento for Magistrates, 4to. L., 1608 Wilkins (A. S.) Phoenicia & Israel, 8vo. L., 1871 (David) Leges Anglo-Saxonicae, F. fol. />., 1721 Concilia, 4 vols., fol. L., 1737 (John, Bp. of Chester) Sermon before the King, 7th March, 1668-9, a 4to. L., 1669 Sermon before the King, Feb. 27, 1669-70, C. 4to. L., 1670 Of the Principles and Duties of Natural Religion, with his Funeral Sermon, F. 8vo. X., 1698 (Wm., Jun.) The Antiquities of Magna Grsecia, fol. Cambr., 1807 (W. W.) Political Ballads of the 17th and 18th Centuries, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1860 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 449 Wilkinson (Sir J. Gardner) Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, ed. Birch, 3 vols., 8vo. X., 1878 (Robert) A Sermon of Hearing, or, Jewell for the Eare, M. 8vo. X., 1593 A Sermon at Northampton . . upon occasion of the late Eebel- lion and Riots, 4to. L., 1607 The Merchant Royall. A Sermon . . at the Nuptials of . . the Lord Hay, 4to. i., 1607 A Paire of Sermons preacht to a paire of peereles and suc- ceeding Princes (Henry & Charles), 4to. L., Felix Kyngeston, 1614 Barwick Bridge : or England & Scotland coupled . . A Sermon before the King at St. Andre wes, 4to. X., 1617 (Wm.) A Confutatione of Certaine Articles delivered unto the Family of Love, C. 4to. L., 1579 Willats (Chas., Rector of Plumtree, Notts) Assize Sermon in York Minster, July 8, 1744, R. 8vo. X., 1744 Willeius (Ric.) Poemata, M. 8vo. L., ex Bill. Totfelliana, 1573 Willelmus (S., Divionensis Abbas) Opera, ed. de-Levis, 4to. Aug. Taurinorum, 1797 Willement (Thos.) Regal Heraldry, 4to. X., 1821 Heraldic Notices of Canterbury Cathedral, R. 4to. X., 1827 Account of the principal Works in Stained Glass by him. Pr. pr., 4to. 1840 Account of the Restorations of St. George's Chapel, Windsor, 4to. X., 1844 Willet (Andr.) De Animse natura et viribus qusestiones, M. 8vo. Caniabr.f ex off. Tho. Thomasii, 1585 Tetrastylon Papisticum, 4to. L., Robert Robinson, 1593 Synopsis Papismi, M. fol. X., F. Kyngston, 1600 A Catholicon, M. 8vo. . Cambr., 1602 -An Antilogie, or Counterplea to an Apologeticall Epistle, 4to. X., 1603 Hexapla in Genesim, Exodum, et Danielem, M., 3 vols., fol. Cambr. ^ X., 1605-10 Loidoromastix, M. 4to. Cambr., 1607 An Harmonie upon the first Booke of Samuel, M. 4to. ibid., 1607 A Treatise of Salomon's Marriage, 4to. X., 1612 William III. A Letter from a City Minister in Vindication of the Ch. of England Clergy for their owning and praying for King William & Queen Mary, C. 4to. X., 1689 A Collection of all his Speeches, Messages, etc., C. 8vo. X., 1712 Williams (Daniel) The Succession of Protestant Bishops asserted, F. 8vo. X., 1721 Catalogue of his Library, 2 vols., 8vo. X., 1841 (Daniel) Sermon on the opening of Margaret Street Chapel, with a Liturgy, etc., C. 8vo. X., 1777 (Folkestone) Lives of the English Cardinals, 2 vols. Svo. X., 1868 GG 450 CATALOGUE OF Williams (Geo.) The Holy City, 2 vols., 8vo. X., 1849 The Orthodox Church of the East in the 18th Century, 8vo. 1., 1868 (Gregory, Bp. of Ossory) The Discovery of Mysteries, C. 4to. 1643 Fast Sermon at St. Mary's, Oxford, March 8, 1644, C. 4to. Oxford, 1644 Williams (John, Archbishop of York, &c.) : — A Sermon of Apparell preached before the Kings Majestie & the Prince at Theobalds, C. 4to. L., 1620 Great Britain's Salomon. A Sermon preached at the . . Funerall of . . King James . . at Westminster, 4to. i., 1625 A Sermon preached . . the Sixth of April, 1628, before the . . Lords, G. 4to. X., 1628 Perseverantia Sanctorum. A Sermon . . before the Lords of the Parliament, R. 4to. X., 1628 Fast Sermon at Westminster, Feb. 18, 1628, R. 4to. L., 1628 The Holy Table, name and thing, F. 4to. 1637 The Decoy Duck, 4to. 1644 A Manuall : or. Three Small and Plain Treatises . . . written for the Private Life of a most Noble Lady, to preserve her from the Danger of Popery, D. 8vo. X., 1672 Scrinia Reserata : A Memorial offer'd to the great deservings of John Williams, D.D. . . By John Hacket, fol. X., 1693 The Life of John Williams, Ld. Keeper of the Great Seal, Bp. of Lincoln, and Abp. of York. By Ambrose Philips, Da. 8vo. Cambridge, 1700 Id., 2nd ed. 8vo. iUd., 1703 Letters, with Documents relating to him, ed. by J. E. B. Mayor, 8vo. {The Editor, 1884) ibid., 1866 Correspondence with the Marquis of Ormond, ed. by B. H. Beedham, 8vo. X., 1869 Notices of, by B. H. Beedham. Pr. p\ 8vo. X., 1869 (John, Bp. of Chichester) History of the Gunpowder Treason, 4to. X., 1678 Id., 2nd ed. 4to. X., 1679 A Vindication of the History of the Gunpowder Treason, 4to. X., 1681 The Case of Indifferent Things used in the Worship of God, R. 4to. X., 1683 Sermon at the Northants Feast, Nov. 8, 1683, C. 4to. X., 1684 Boyle Lecture, Apr. 1696, C. 4to. X., 1696 Sermon before the King, Jan. 30, 1696, G. 4to. X., 1697 (John, Bp. of Connecticut) The World's Witness to Jesus Christ. Pres. copy to Archbp. Thomson, 4to. New York, 1882 (Sir Eoger) Newes from Sir R. Williams, etc. M. 4to. X., John Wolfe, 1591 The Politique takinge of Zutphen Skonce . . with the honour- able Enterprise of Sir Eoger Williams, M. 4to. X., John Charlwood, 1591 The Actions of the Lowe Countries, 4to. X., 1618 L., 1715 i.. 1717 i., 1719 £., 1720 i., 1721 i. , 1733 lo. 1742 2:., 1877 YORK MINSTER LIBRARY. 451 Williams (Thos.) The Strange &cru ell Martyrdom of Thomas Williams . . in the Towne of Dunkerke, M. 4to. X., Wm. Wright, 1591 [Williamson, J.] The Original & Pedigree of Sacred Episcopacy. An Essay, F. 4to. s. l, 1703 Willichius (Jodocus) In omnes Terentii Fabulas Commentaria, M, 8vo. Francof., Jo. Eichorn, 1550 Willis (Browne) Notitia Parliamentaria, F. Svo. Survey of St. David's Cathedral, F. Svo. Survey of the Cath. Church of Llandaff, F. Svo. Survey of St. Asaph Cathedral, F. Svo. Survey of Bangor Cathedral, F. Svo. Parochiale Anglicanum, 4to. Survey of the English & Welch Cathedrals, 3 vols., (E.) Serve tus & Calvin : a Study, Svo. (Robert) Remarks on the Architecture of the Middle Ages, R. Svo. Camh., 1S35 Architectural History of Canterbury Cathedral, R. Svo. L., 1S45 Architectural History of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, R. Svo. i., 1S49 Architectural History of Glastonbury Abbey, Svo. Cambridge, 1S66 & Clark (J. W.) Architectural History of the Univ. of Cambridge, 4 vols., Svo. ibid., 1SS6 (Thos.) Pathologiae cerebri etnervosi generis specimen, D. Svo. L, 166S (Thos.) Assize Sermon at Kingston-on-Thames, July 26, 16S3, C. 4to. L., 16S3 Willoughby (John) Mnemosynon Kyrio-Euchariston, Svo. Oxford, Jos. Barnes, 1603 Wilson (Arthur) see James I. (Bp. Daniel) Life of, by J. Bateman, Svo. L., 1S60 (E.) Spadacrene Dunelmensis, R. 12mo. Z., 1675 (F. R.) Survey of Churches in the Archdeaconry of Lindisfarne, Svo. Newcastle-on-Tyne, IS 70 (John) The Lands of the Bible Revisited, 2 vols., Svo. Edinb., 1847 (Joshua) Inquiry concerning the Principles ... of English Presbyterians from the Restoration to the death of Queen Anne, 2nd ed., Svo. L., 1836 (J. G.) The Centennial History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the diocese of New York, 1785-1885. Presn. copy from the Bp. of New York to Archbp. Thomson, Svo. New York, 1886 & Warren (Messrs.) The Recovery of Jerusalem, Svo. L., 1870 (Thos., Bp. of Man) The Knowledge & Practice of Christianity made Easy . . for the Instruction of the Indians, 6th ed., 12mo. L., 1747 Life, by Hugh Stowell, Svo. L., 1819 Life, by John Keble, 2 vols., Svo. Oxf, 1863 •452 CATALOGUE OF Wilson (Thos., the Bp.'s Son) The Ornaments of Churches considered, C. 4to. Oxf., 1761 (Thos., of York, bookseller) Catalogue of Books {no title), 8vo. Wilthemius (Al.) Luxemburgum Romanum, 4to. Luxemburgi, 1842 • Wilton (R., Preb. of York) Benedicite, & other Poems. {The author , 1890), 8vo. s. a. Wiltsch (J. E. T.) Handbook of the Geography & Statistics of the Church, transl. by Leitch, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1868 Wiltshire Archaeological & Natural History Magazine. {Canon J. E. Jackson, 1889), 23 vols., 8vo. Devizes, 1854, etc. Winchester College. List of the Wardens, Fellows & Scholars. By T. F. Kirby, 8vo. L., 1885 Winchilsea (Earl of) A Narrative of the Eruption of Mount iEtna, F. 4to. L., 1669 Winckelmannus (Joann.) Commentarius in Apocalypsin, M. 8vo. Francofurti, 1601 Windebanck (Sir F.) Articles against him in Parliament, C. 4to. s. l, 1641 Windeck (J. P.) Controversise de Mortis Christi Efficacia, M. 4to. Col Agr., 1602 Prognosticon Futuri Status Ecclesiae, M. 4to. ibid., 1603 Winder (Hen.) A Critical & Chronological History of Knowledge, 4to. Z., 1745 Windet (Jas.) De Vita Functorum et Statu, B. 4to. L., 1663 Windsor (St. George's Chapel at) A Series of Views of. L. P., fol. L., 1805 Winer (G. B.) Treatise on the Grammar of the N. T., 8vo. Edinb., 1879 Wingate (Edm.) Arithmetick, F. 8vo. L., 1673 An Abridgment of all Statutes . . to 1641, F. L., 1675 Winheim (F. E.) Sacrarium Agrippinse, hoc est, Designatio EccU. Coloniensium, etc., 8vo. Colonice, 1607 Winkles (B.) English Cathedrals, 3 vols., 8vo. L., 1836-42 French Cathedrals, 4to. L., 1837 Winston (Chas.) Hints on Glass Painting, 2 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1848 An Introduction to the Study of Painted Glass, 8vo. ibid,, 1849 Account of a Heraldic Window in York Minster. {The author), 8vo. s. a. Winter (V. A.) Erstes Deutsches Kritisches Messbuch, S. 8vo. Munchen, 1840 Deutsches Katholischer Ausiibender Ritual, S. 8vo. Frankfurt-a-M., 1843 Wintringham (Clifton) Tractatus de Podagra, 8vo. Eboraci, J. JFhite, 1714 (Sir Clifton, his son) An Enquiry into the Exility of the Vessels in a Human Body, Da. 8vo. L., 1743 Winwood (Sir Ralph) Memorials of Affairs of State in the reigns of Elizabeth and James. Thos. Baker's copy, 3 vols., fol. L., 1725 Wirtemberg, Wurtemburg. Refutatio conviciorum . . quas Jesuitse per orbem Christianum sparserunt a theologis Wirtembergicis conscripta, 4to. Tubingce, 1587 YOEK MINSTER LIBRARY. 453 Wisbeach. See Bagshawe (Chr.) Wiseman (Card.) Horse Syriacse, vol. I. {JV. Gray, 1870), 8vo. Romce, 1828 (Sir Wm.) The Christian Knight, F. 4to. X., 1619 Wither (Geo.) Exercises upon the First Psalme, M. 8vo. L., 1620 Withers (Thos., of York, M.D.) Eedemption, a Didactic Poem, 8vo. York, W. Blanchard, s. a. Witikindus de Eebus Saxonum gestis, M. fol. Basil, Jo. Hervagius, 1532 Witsius (Herm.) ^gyptiaca, etc., 4to. Amst., 1683 Wittichen (C.) Das Leben Jesu, 8vo. Jena, 1876 Wittie (Eobert, of York, M.D.) Primrose's Popular Errors, transl. into English, B. 8vo. X., 1651 Scarbrough Spaw, B. 12mo. L., 1660 Id., Da. 12mo. York, A. Broad, 1667 Pyrologia Mimica., B. 12mo. L. 1665 Scarbrough's Spagyrical Anatomiser Anatomised, B. 12mo. L, 1672 Gout Eaptures, B. 12mo. Camhr., 1677 Eons Scarburgensis, 12mo. L., 1678 Ovpavoo-K07ria...with Gout Eaptures, Da. 12mo. L., 1681 W(itton), J(oshua) A Sermon preached at Kingston upon Hull upon the day of Thankesgiving after the battel! . . at Hessam Moore neare York, B. 4to. L., 1644 Witty (Jo.) Essay towards a Vindication of the Exposition of the Mosaic History, 8vo. L., sold by Thos. Baxter in York, 1719 Wogan (Wm.) On the Proper Lessons (Bev. B. J. Atkinson, 1832), 4 vols. 8vo. L., 1818 Wolff (Joseph) Narrative of a Mission to Bokhara, 3rd ed. 8vo. L., 1846 Wolfius (J. C.) Bibliotheca Hebraea, 4 vols., 4to. Hamhurgi, etc., 1715-33 Wolphius (Heinr.) Chronologia Ecclesiastica, M. 4to. Tiguri, in off. Froschov., 1585 (Joann.) Commentarii in Nehemiam, M. fol. ibid., 1570 — — In Deuteronymum . . . Sermones . . in Esdram Commentarii. . . De Certitudine Ecclesise. . . De Vita et Obitu Ejusdem. M. fol. ibid., 15S4-5 In Libros Josuse, Judicum et Euthae Sermones, M. fol. Tiguri, 1592-8 Lectionum Memorabilium et reconditarum Centenarii XVI, F.F. 2 vols., fol. Lavingce, 1600-8 Wolseley (Sir Chas.) The Case of Divorce and re-marriage discussed, 24mo. L., 1673 Wolsey (Cardinal, Archb. of York) Life of, by Geo. Cavendish, ed. S. W. Singer, Da. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Chiswick, 1825 Cardinal Wolsey & his Times, by Geo. Howard, 8vo. L., 1824 Wolstenholme (John, of York) Catalogue of Books sold by him. His own copy interleaved, with prices, Da. 8vo. York, 1803 Womack (L.) Beaten Oyle for the Lamps of the Sanctuarie, 4to. Z., 1641 GG 2 454 CATALOGUE OF [Womack (L.)] Sober Sadnes : or, Historical! Observations upon the proceedings . . of a prevailing party in both Houses of Parlia- ment, G. 4to. L., 1643 The Result of False Principles, C. 4to. L., 1661 [ ] Pulpit-Conceptions, Popular Deceptions, C. 4to. L., 1662 Aron-bimnacha, C. 4to. L., 1663 The Verdict upon the Dissenters' Plea, 8vo. L., 1681 Wood (Anthony a) Athense Oxonienses, 2 vols., fol. L., 1691 Id., F. 2nd ed. 2 vols. fol. L., 1721 (Edw.) Sermons, D. 8vo. Oxford, 1656 (J. T.) Discoveries at Ephesus, 4to. Z., 1877 (Seth, of Lenton, Notts) Funeral Sermon on Sir Wm. Armyne, Bt., C. 4to. L., 1651 (Thos.) A New Institute of the Imperial or Civil Law, 8vo. L., 1704 An Institute of the Laws of England, F. 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1720 Some Thoughts concerning the Study of the Laws of England, F. 8vo. L., 1727 Woodcock (Fr.) Fast Sermon before the H. of Commons, C. 4to. i., 1644 Woodford (Bp.) Sermons preached at Bristol, 8vo, 2nd ed. L., 1860 Occasional Sermons, 2 vols., 8vo, 2nd ed. L., 1861 Sermons, 0. T. Series, 8vo. X., 1887 (Sam.) Paraphrase upon the Psalms, 4to. L., 1670 (Woodhead, Abr.) Brief Account of Ancient Church Government, a 4to. Z., 1685 [Woodward, Josiah] An Account of the Societies for the Reforma- tion of Manners, F. 8vo. L., 1699 An Abstract of the . . Footsteps of Divine Providence in build- ing a large Hospital at Glaucha . . by A. H. Franck, F. 8vo. L., 1706 (Richard) A Godly and Learned Answer to a Lewd and Un- learned Pamphlet intituled " A few . . reasons for the Catho- like Faith," 4to. L., 1608 Worcester Cathedral. Statutes of. Pr. print. (Dean and Chapter of Worcester, 1883), 4to. 1879 Catalogue of the Library, (Id. 1880), 8vo. Oxford, 1880 Wordsworth (Chas., Bp.) Remarks on Dr. Lightfoot's Essay on the Christian Ministry. Pres. copy, 8vo. ibid., 1879 Annals of my Early Life, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1891-3 (Chr., Master of Trin. Coll.) Christian Institutes. (Bev. J. L. Barnett, 1870), 4 vols., 8vo. L., 1842 -Ecclesiastical Biography, R. 4 vols. 8vo. L., 1853 (Chr., Bp. of Lincoln), Greece, 2nd ed., 8vo. L., 1844 Theophilus Anglicanus, 8th ed., 8vo. L., 1846 On the Canon of Scripture, 8vo. L., 1848 Letters to M. Goudon on the Destructive Character of the Church of Rome, 2 vols., 8vo. L., 1848 Lectures on the Apocalypse, 8vo. L., 1849 St. Hippolytus and the Church of Rome, 2nd ed. 8vo. L., 1880 Life, by J. H. Overton and E. Wordsworth, 8vo. L., 1888 YOEK MINSTER LIBRARY. 455 Wordsworth (Chr., son of Bp.) Studies at the English Universities in the 18th century, 8vo. Cambridge, 1877 World. A Map of the World, F. 4to. L., 1672 Worsaae (J. J.) Primeval Antiquities of Denmark {Archdn. Hey, 1871), 8vo. L., 1849 An Account of the Danes and Norwegians of England, etc., 8vo. L., 1852 Worship (Wm.) Assize Sermon at Nottingham, Aug. 5, 1614, 4to. L., 1614 W(orthington) Th(os.) An Anker of Christian Doctrine, 4to. Douay, 1618 (Wm., Preb. of York) Sermon before the Univ. of Oxford, Oct. 18, 1761, a 8vo. Oxford, 1761 Sermon for the London Charity Schools, C. 4to. L., 1768 Wotton (Anth.) An Answere to a Popish Pamphlet, 4to. 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L., 1806-18 Wren (Sir Chr.) His Family and Times, by Lucy Phillimore, 8vo. L., 1883 (Matt., Bp. of Ely) Sermon at Whitehall, C. 4to. Cambr., 1627 Articles of Impeachment against him, with Sir T. Widdrington's Speech, 4to. 1641 Wright (Andr.) Court Hand Restored, 4to. L., 1846 (Chas.) Poems, 4to. Yarm., John Atkinson, 1781 (Leonard) A Summons for Sleepers, 4to. L., Adam Islip, 1596 (Robert, Bp.) Speech at the Bar of the House of Commons, C. 4to. 164. (Thomas) The Passions of the Minde . . with a treatise . . of the Climactericall yeare occasioned by the death of Q. Elizabeth, 4to. L., Val Simmons, 1604 456 CATALOGUE OF Wright (Thomas) History of the Rise & Progress of the Quakers in Ireland, 2nd ed., 8vo. Z., 1840 Popular Treatises on Science written during the Middle Ages, Svo. Z., 1841 St. Patrick's Purgatory, 8vo. L., 1844 -Anecdota Literaria, 8vo. L., 1844 Biographia Britannica Literaria, 2 vols., Svo. X,, 1846 Essays on England in the Middle Ages, 2 vols., 8vo. 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Dawson, 1581 Wycliflfe, Wickliffe (John) Dialogorum Libri Quatuor. (Archdn. Churton), 4to. s. L, 1525 Two Short Treatises against the Orders of the Begging Friars, ed. by Tho. James, M. 4to. Oxford, 1608 Wickliffe's Wicket, or a Learned and Godly Treatise of the Sacrament, M. 4to. ibid., 1612 Id., Reprint by T. P. Pan tin, S. Presn. copy, L. P., 4 to. ibid., 1828 The Last Age of the Church : ed. J. H. Todd, 4to. Dublin, 1840 The Publications of the Wycliffe Society, Svo. v. y. John Wiclif & his English Precursors, by Professor Lechler, 2 vols., Svo. L., 1878 Wycliffe & Hus, by Johann Loserth, Svo. L., 1884 Wykeham (Wm. de, Preb. of York) and his Colleges, by M. E. C. Walcott, Svo. L., 1852 Life of, by G. H. Moberley, Svo. Winchester, 1887 Wylde (Zach.) The English Master of Defence. {With MS. dedi- cation to Mr. Elsley, rector of Byther), Da. Svo. York, John White, 1711 Wylie (J. H.) History of England under Henry the Fourth, 2 vol., Svo. 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