R 7p npu ? Naval Militia Cruises 1914 REPORTS BY OFFICERS OF THE U. S. NAVY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1914 GIFT OF \ \ O ~ OJWA. Nava) Militia Cruises 1914 REPORTS BY OFFICERS OF THE U. S. NAVY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1914 4? \ INDEX. State: Page. California 7 Connecticut : 76 District of Columbia 76 Illinois 10, 107 Louisiana 14 Maine 76 Maryland 18 Massachusetts 21 Michigan 30, 36, 107 Minnesota 38, 107 Missouri 76 New Jersey 40, 76 New York 43,107 North Carolina '. T 76 Ohio 67, 107 Oregon 72 Pennsylvania 73, 76, 107 Rhode Island ' 76 Washington 75 Wisconsin 36, 107 ill 36866C NAVY DEPARTMENT, DIVISION OF NAVAL MILITIA AFFAIRS, Washington, D. C., October 1, 1914- 1. The reports pf the Naval Militia cruises during the summer of 1914, are published for the information of the Naval Militia service. 2. Only those reports which were made by officers of the United States Navy are published, as these reports are made from an entirely impartial standpoint. 3. Particular attention is called to the following points and defects noted in these reports: (a) Comprehensive watch, quarter, and station bills should be prepared and kept corrected at all times. These bills should be posted in a conspicuous place. (6) Emergency drills (1) Man overboard: No sea painter rigged; lifeboats not used, and in some cases not provided; lack of familiarity with use of steering oar; confusion amongst crew on man actually falling overboard. (2) Abandon ship: Boats not properly outfitted; unfamiliarity of men with stations. (3) Collision drill: Proper provision not made in watch, quarter, and station bill; men not familiar with duties, stations, and necessary gear. (4) Fire drill: Pressure not put on main promptly. (5) General quarters: Men not familiar with stations and object of drills. (c) General drills (1) Too much time devoted to infantry drill to the neglect of ship drills. (2) Important drills, in many cases, omitted. (3) Boat drills: Unfamiliarity of both officers and men with this drill. (4) Signals: From the reports, this drill needs more attention. (5) Getting underway: Should be an "all hands" evolution. (d) Clothing (1) The needs of an organization should be anticipated and an adequate supply of clothing provided before a cruise commences. The supply of clothing is insuf- ficient and an increased allowance will be provided as funds become available. (2) Men should be carefully instructed in the proper care of clothing, how to keep it clean, stow in bags, lay out for inspection, etc. () Bags (1) Bags not clean. The supply of bags should be two (2) per man and this will ultimately be the allowance. (/) Hammocks (1) Not kept clean; frayed clews and lashings; mattress covers dirty; men do not lash hammocks, but roll them up. The supply of hammocks should be two (2) per man and this number will ultimately be supplied. (g) Other points noted were (1) The need of inspector instructors. (2) Ships overcrowded. (3) Only one organization should be on any one ship at a time. (4) Disposition of men to shirk night watches. (5) Petty officers not qualified for ratings held (especially noticeable in Engineer's divisions). (6) Men rated as coal passers not physically qualified. (7) An excessive number of men in some rates. (8) Many officers of too high rank, and excessive in numbers. (9) Details of stationing watches not thoroughly carried out. (10) The issuing of orders not anticipated. 4. The passage of the Naval Militia act places certain funds avail- able for pay, transportation, and subsistence for the officers and men of the Naval Militia. It was realized when authority was granted OF TRANSMITTAL. to mak tBueie; summer cruises .that there would be delays in pay- ment, as is always the%3ase where new leigslation is concerned. The proper filling out of pay rolls, making out of vouchers, and questions involving mileage, transportation, and subsistence have led to delays, which were unavoidable, but it is believed that during the summer cruises for 1915 the officers and men of the Naval Militia making cruises on vessels of the regular Navy will receive their pay before they leave the ships, and that officers and men cruising on vessels loaned to the Naval Militia w^ill be promptly paid by the State dis- bursing officers for Federal funds. 5. It is recommended that all Naval Militia officers and men read these reports carefully, as they contain many points of value. 6. It is thought best to publish the reports of these cruises in pam- phlet form, while they are yet fresh in the mind, instead of waiting for their publication in the Annual Report of the Division of Naval Militia Affairs. F. B. BASSETT, JR. NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. SS^S 10 :::::&: u^iii is^s WwsSS&'fe'iN! *44yi4i KSjwSasSoJa^wQHStlSSobSSob^SAiiioJL^wSAw, 6 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. The following cruises were also made, but as there were no officers from the United States Navy on board the reports are not included: Illinois U. S. S. Dubuque, June 28 to July 11. Illinois U. S. S. Dubuque, July 19 to August 1. New Jersey U. S. S. Vixen, July 18 to August 1. New York U. S. S. Gloucester, July 25 to August 2. New York U. S. S. Gloucester, August 22 to August 30. New York U. S. S. Hawk, August 28 to September 5. Florida has been given permission to make three cruises on the U. S. S. Mackenzie, but at the date of publishing this report these cruises have not been made. The following questions were prepared for the use of officers in m aking their reports and were, in general, followed : 1. Itinerary; miles steamed. 2. Coal consumed in port and at sea. 3. Average speed of vessel while under way. 4. Complement: (a) Officers; (6) crew, (1) seamen branch, (2) engineer force, (3) artificers; (c) marines. 5. Name, rank, and duty of all officers. 6. Was the assignment of billets and the stationing of the crew accomplished in a seamanlike manner? 7. Had a watch, quarter, and station bill been prepared before cruise commenced? 8. How was the evolution of getting under way accomplished? 9. At sea were lookouts and life-buoy watches properly stationed and regularly relieved? 10. Were the lifeboat crew and men of the watch mustered when going on duty? 11. What was the efficiency of the ship and crew at general quarters? 12. Fire drill: How was the evolution performed? 13. Collision drill: How was the evolution performed, and what was the condition of the collision mat? 14. Abandon ship: How was the evolution performed? 15. Boat drills: What boat drills were held? 16. How were they performed? 17. Man-overboard drill: How was the evolution performed? 18. Did signalmen, lookouts, and men at the life buoy perform their duty efficiently? 19. Bag and hammock inspection: What was the condition of the crew as regards uniforms? 20. What was the condition of the bedding? 21. What is the general condition of the ship? (a) Hull? (6) Machinery? 22. What is the general condition of the engine and fire rooms? 23. What is the condition of the ship's battery, spare parts, and accessories? 24. What is the condition of the ship's boats? 25. What is the condition of the signal outfit? 26. What is the condition of the electrical apparatus? 27. Is the wireless apparatus and service efficient? 28. Is it evident that the Navy ship keepers and the men employed by the State have endeavored to keep the ship in condition and prevent deterioration? 29. Remarks. 30. In case target practice is held you will be chief umpire and will make reports in accordance with the Gunnery Instructions, Naval Militia, which will be found on board. NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. CALIFORNIA U. S. S. MABBLBHEAD. Lieut. Commander W. V. TOMB, United States Navy. 1. Itinerary: Port visited. Date of arrival. Date of depart- ure. San Francisco Cal 1914. 1914. June 28 Santa Cruz Cal June 28 Do Santa Barbara, Cal . . June 29 June 30 San Pedro Cal June 30 July 1 San Diego, Cal July 1 July 2 Target grounds off South. Coronado Island July 2 July 3 San^Diego Cal July 3 July 5 Target grounds July 5 July 7 San Diego (coaling station) . .. . July 7 July 8 San Pedro Cal July 9 July 9 Santa Barbara Cal do Do Santa Cruz, Cal . . . July 10 July 12 Sausalito Cal July 12 Miles steamed, 1,002.9. 2. Coal consumed in port and at sea: In port, 88 tons; at sea, 238 tons. 3. Average speed of vessel while underway: 10.333 knots. 4. Complement: Naval Militia California, 256; (a) officers, 32; (6) crew, 224; United States Navy, 48; (a) officers, 2; (6) crew, 46. (1) Seaman branch, 169. Number in each rating as follows: 1 chief quartermaster; 1 chief mastei-at-arms; 3 coxswains; 2 gunners' mates, first class; 2 gunners' mates, third class; 5 boatswains' mates, first class; 4 boatswains' mates, second class; 1 mas- ter-at-arms, first class; 6 masters-at-arms, second class; 2 masters-at-arms, third class; 7 quartermasters, first class; 4 quartermasters, second class; 3 quartermasters, third class; and 128 seamen. (2) Engineer force, 36. Number in each rating as follows: 3 chief machinists' mates; 1 coppersmith; 3 electricians, first class, (G); 2 machinist mates, second class; 16 firemen, first class; 3 oilers, and 8 coal passers. Thirty- five seamen volunteered for duty with the engineer force and remained with the engineer department through- out the cruise. (3) Artificers and miscellaneous branches, as follows: 1 chief hospital steward, 1 chief commissary steward, 3 hospital apprentices, 4 electricians, second class (R); 1 ships' cook, first class; 2 ships' cooks, second class; 2 yeomen, first class; 3 yeomen, second class; and 2 yeomen, third class. (c) No marines on board. 5. Name, rank, and duty of all officers: George W. Bauer, captain, commanding. A. A. Morey, commander, executive officer. George E. Kammerer, lieutenant commander, first lieutenant. T. B. W. Leland, lieutenant commander and chief surgeon. William Speck, lieutenant commander and chief engineer. A. H. Woodbine, lieutenant commander, watch and division officer. T. S. Harloe, lieutenant, watch and division officer. John A. McGee, lieutenant, ordnance officer. John T. McMillan, lieutenant, navigator. D. M. Stewart, lieutenant, watch and division officer. George E. Link, lieutenant, watch and division officer. C. J. Bauer, lieutenant, watch and division officer. J. H. Willey, lieutenant, watch and division officer. H. A. Leopold, lieutenant, senior assistant to engineer officer. R. W. Clark, lieutenant, watch and division officer. J. Gallagher, lieutenant (junior grade) and assistant surgeon. B. H. Bush, lieutenant (junior grade) and assistant surgeon. C. W. Wright, lieutenant (junior grade), junior watch and division officer. 8 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. J. Stange, chief carpenter. R. H. Baker, lieutenant (junior grade), junior watch and division officer. L. W. Kurtzmann, pharmacist. H. K. Koebig, ensign, junior watch and division officer. W. J. Ashley, ensign, junior watch and division officer. W. E. Hubbard, ensign, junior engineer officer. D. H. Armstrong, ensign, junior watch and division officer. F. R. Seaver, ensign, junior watch and division officer. R. A. Stern, ensign, junior watch and division officer. H. S. Haynes, ensign, junior watch and division officer. N. Taylor, gunner. E. A. Brainard, machinist. E. Mossbacher, lieutenant (junior grade) and assistant paymaster. J. C. Hizar, ensign and assistant paymaster. 6. Was the assignment of billets and the stationing of the crew accomplished in a eeamanlike manner? Yes. 7. Had a watch, quarter, and station bill been prepared before the cruise com- menced? Yes. 8. How was the evolution of getting underway accomplished? Excellent. 9. At sea, were lifebuoy and lookout watches properly stationed and regularly relieved? Yes; properly stationed but not regularly relieved. On account of shortage in the number of the regular crew on board the ship's routine did not run as smoothly as on a regular man of war. 10. Were the lifeboat crew and the men of the watch mustered when going on duty? Yes. 11. What was the efficiency of the ship and crew at general quarters? Efficiency at target practice was very good, but on account of the large number of guns crews firing from 3-pounder guns and the small number of 3-pound er guns on board it was not possible to make the general station bill work with the target practice stations. In the same way, on account of the large number of 4-inch guns on board and the comparatively small number of guns' crews used to fire them it was difficult to make the general station bill and the target practice stations coincide. Further- more, there is no regular fire control installation on board the Marblehead. The pres- ent allowance of flexible voice tube is very satisfactory for elementary target practice, but a suitable and permanent fire control installation should be provided for use at general quarters if the drill at general quarters is to be taken seriously and not made perfunctory. 12. Fire drill: How was the evolution performed? First drill unsatisfactory; second drill very satisfactory. 13. Collision drill: How was the evolution performed, and what was the condition of the collision mat? Collision drill was not held, although the collision mat was ready for use and the regular crew had been drilled in its use, so that they were ready to further instruct the Naval Militia if the drill had been carried out. 14. Abandon ship: How was the evolution performed? Abandon ship drill was not held . Attention is invited to the difficulty which would be experienced in supplying provisions at abandon ship drill to the Naval Militia due to the fact that it is impossible to keep abandon ship stores in the designated locality for use at abandon ship. It is not possible to expect the Naval Militia to carry out an abandon-ship drill in the same manner as men of the regular complement of a cruising vessel unless a cruising vessel having on board one-half of the regular complement is designated to instruct the Naval Militia, using the Naval Militia to fill the regular complement. 15. Boat drills: What boat drills were held? None. 16. How were they performed? None held. 17. Man-overboard drill: How was the exercise performed? Not held. Regular crew were in readiness to act as instructors if the drill had been held. 18. Did signal men, lookouts, and man at the lifebuoy perform their duty effi- ciently? Yes. NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 9 19. Bag and hammock inspection: What was the condition of the crew as regards uniform? Bags and hammocks were not in good condition, because each man was provided with only one hammock, and when this hammock became dirty there was no way of shifting into clean hammocks. The same statement applies to bags. On account of not receiving supplies of uniforms in sufficient time, the men of the Naval Militia were very short of uniforms. Although their clothes worn aboard ship were dirty and could not be shifted, they looked very well when going ashore on lib- erty, as their one suit of blue clothes was kept for this special purpose. 20. What was the condition of the bedding? Condition of the bedding was as good as could be expected under the circumstances. Stowage facilities were entirely too small in the hammock nettings. The ship was so crowded with officers and men that every a v liable corner had to be used for stowing hammocks, bedding, or gear of some sort. The men were as a rule unable to lash their hammocks, usually merely rolling them up on the deck. Daily drills were held, in which men of the regular crew instructed members of the Naval Militia in the proper method of lashing their hammocks, but the proportion of the Naval Militia crew to the regular crew was so greatly in excess that here again much difficulty was found in properly giving instructions. 21. What is the general condition of the ship? (a) Hull? (6) Machinery? Good. (a) Hull, very good. (6) Machinery good, except as follows: The tubes of both main condensers are crystallized, being worn out in use. Both main condensers should be retubed as early as practicable. Both main engines need lining up. Port high- pressure crank-pin brasses need rebabbitting. Dynamo engines should have separate exhaust line to condenser. Present exhaust allows exhaust from anchor engine to back up in low-pressure cylinder of dynamo engines. 22. What is the general condition of the engine and firerooms? Good, except the following condition of boilers: Tubes of boilers Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 5 are pitted. It is considered advisable to retube boilers Nos. 1 and 2. The following defects were noted upon return from practice cruise in July, 1914 : Boiler No. 1: The forward combustion chamber sheets of No. 1 boiler are slightly bulged around stay bolts, area of 392 square inches; also, 14 leaky stay bolts and 1 split tube. The after combustion chamber sheets, No. 1 boiler, are slightly bulged around stay bolts, area of 392 square inches; also, 10 leaky stay bolts. Boiler No. 2: The forward combustion chamber sheets, No. 2 boiler, are slightly bulged around stay bolts, area of 490 square inches; also, 5 leaky stay bolts. The after combustion chamber, No. 2 boiler, bulged out one-eighth to one-fourth inch, covering an area of 1,225 square inches; also, 14 leaky stay bolts and 1 split tube. Compression leathers on ice machine are burnt. Valve stem guide on port after fireroom auxiliary feed pump is broken. 23. What is the condition of the ship's battery, spare parts, and accessories? Very good, except 3-pounder guns Nos. 360 and 361, which have weak counter recoil springs and tension springs, as well as inefficient clamp on range dial. [These defects have been reported to the Bureau of Ordnance, and the defects are being corrected.] Four-inch battery is in generally good condition, except that the telescope sights on 4-inch guns Nos. 50 and 48 are of an obsolete pattern and should be replaced 24. What is the condition of the ship's boats? Very good, except cutter No. 175, which was left with the Naval Militia of San Francisco, Gal., during the last visit of the ship to the navy-yard, and was therefore not overhauled along with the rest of the ship's boats. 25. What is the condition of the signal outfit? Very good. 26. What is the condition of the electrical apparatus? Very good, except thermostats of magazines and coal bunkers, also revolution indi- cator on main shaft, which is of an obsolete and most inefficient type. 27. Is the wireless apparatus and service efficient? Yes. 28. Is it evident that the Navy shipkeepers and the men employed by the State have endeavored to keep the ship in condition and prevent deterioration? A crew of 40 men is on board tne Marblehead while in reserve, and the ship is kept in a generally very good condition. It is believed, however, that the complement should be increased to at least 75 men, in order that not only the ship may be kept in the best possible condition, but also that an efficient nucleus should be available to instruct the Naval Militia on practice cruises. 10 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. It is especially important that a machinist, chief machinist, or other officer be assigned to the Marbleheadior duty as engineer officer. It is essential that the engineer department should have the supervision of a capable officer in order to maintain the department in a high state of efficiency and to instruct the officers of the Naval Militia on practice cruises. 29. Remarks: In order that the future cruises of the Naval Militia may be efficient in every way, it is necessary, first, that the regular complement of the Afarblehead consist of at least 75 men, and preferably of 125 men. In this case only enough men of the Naval Militia should be allowed to make the cruise to bring the complement up to 250 men. This, however, would, seriously handicap the Naval Militia of California and they would be unable to fire the minimum of two guns' crews for each State division. The alternative method of making a successful Naval Militia cruise is to obtain a ship of sufficient size to meet the needs of the Naval Militia of California. An obsolete battleship or large cruiser such as the Milwaukee or St. Louis would meet all conditions in a most satisfactory manner if provided with a regular crew of about 200 men in reserve. A ship of this size provided with a satisfactory watch, quarter, and station bill, and having on board a crew of 200 trained men could assimilate the men of the Naval Militia of California who are available for the summer cruise, and the ship's routine would proceed without a hitch, as there would be a running mate of the Navy for each man of the Naval Militia. The same general principles apply to the number of Naval Militia officers on a cruise. Each officer of the Navy regularly assigned to the ship should have the duty of instruct- ng not more than three or four officers of the Naval Militia. TARGET PRACTICE. It is well known that ships of the Navy going into commission are allowed a certain period for shaking down, and we are assuming too much to expect the Naval Militia to carry out all Navy drills, keep themselves clean, promptly relieve the watch, and in general carry out the routine efficiently unless they can come aboard a naval vessel which is already doing these duties efficiently, and unless they come in such small numbers that they can be taken care of by the officers and crew of the training ship. Under the adverse conditions of the cruise of the militia June and July 1914, I wish to invite the department's atteution to the very good shooting done by the Naval Militia of California. It was impossible in two weeks' time for the Naval Militia to accomplish every thing that might be required of the crew of a regular naval vessel, but they gave most of their time and attention to target practice and it is believed that from a target-practice point of view the cruise was a decided success. It will be noted that the total officers and men of the Navy and Naval Militia who made this cruise brought the ship's complement up to 304, which was 54 in excess of the authorized complement. Defects and deficiencies noted in the above report are due to the present lack of facilities in training and not to any fault of the Naval Militia officers and men. ILLINOIS TJ. S. S. ISLA DE LUZON. Lieut. (Junior Grade) K. F. SMITH, United States Navy. 1. Itinerary: Miles. Chicago, 111.] to Mackinac 336 Mackinac to Rendezvous 26 Maneuvers and to Bois Blanc 50 Bois Blanc to St. Helena Island 25 St. Helena to Harbor Springs 70 Maneuvers .- 80 Harbor Springs to Ludington 60 Ludington to Muskegon... ; 55 Muskegon to Macatawa 30 Macatawa to Chicago 103 Total : 835 2. Coal consumed in port and at sea: In port, 5 tons; at sea, 9 knots, 16 tons. 3. Average speed of vessel under way: Daring squadron maneuvers, 8 knots; cruising speed, 9 knots. NOTE. This vessel can easily make 10 knots. NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES. 1914. 11 4. Complement: (a) Officers _ (6) Crew: Seaman branch Master-at-arms, second class . .- Boatswains' mates, second class Coxswains 5 Gunner's mate, second class 1 Gunners' mates, third class 2 Quartermaster, second class Quartermaster, third class 1 Seamen 10 Ordinary seamen 20 Apprentice seamen 60 Engineers Water tender 1 Oilers 3 Firemen, first class : Firemen, second class 2 Coal passers 15 Artificers Chief machinist's mate Machinists' mates, second class 4 Electricians, first class 2 Electricians, third class - - - t 4 Ship keepers 11 Special branch- Chief yeoman 1 Yeoman, second class 1 Marines (orderly) 1 Total 154 5. Name, rank, and duty of all officers: Edward A. Evere, captain, Illinois Naval Reserve, commanding officer and captain commanding State force. James D. Davidson, lieutenant, Illinois Naval Reserve, executive officer. Otis W. Howard, lieutenant (junior grade) Illinois Naval Reserve, (ex-United States Naval Academy) navigator. James L. Foord, lieutenant commander, Illinois Naval Reserve, engineer. Lynn R. Rutter, lieutenant, Illinois Naval Reserve, ordinance and watch officer. G. H. Melvin, lieutenant (junior grade), Illinois Naval Reserve, (ex-United States Naval Academy) signal officer. Charles A. Costello, lieutenant (junior grade), (United States Naval Medical Re- serve Corps), surgeon. William A. Johnson, lieutenant, Illinois Naval Reserve, watch and division officer. Gustaf H. Brocker, lieutenant (junior grade), Illinois Naval Reserve, watch and division officer. William A. Lewis, ensign, Illinois Naval Reserve, junior engineer. Walter H. Brown, ensign, Illinois Naval Reserve, junior watch and division officer. L. G. Bock, ensign, Illinois Naval Reserve, junior watch and division officer. Walday Edwards, ensign, Illinois Naval Reserve, junior watch and division officer. 6. Was the assignment of billets and stationing of crew accomplished in a seaman- like manner? Yes; in an exceptional manner, considering the fact that the Luzon was not turned over to the Naval Militia until two days before sailing. 7. Had the watch, quarter, and station bill been prepared before cruise commenced? No. This was due to the impossibility of determining the exact number of men who wonld leave and to the fact that neither officers nor men had ever been aboard the Luzon. An efficient bill was, however, in the process of preparation during the cruise, and station billets were given each man. 8. How was the evolution of getting under way performed? In a smart, seamanlike manner, with crew at quarters. 9. At sea, were lookouts and life-buoy watches properly stationed and regularly relieved? Yes. 10. Were the lifeboat crew and men of the watch mustered when going on duty? Yes. 12 NAVAL MILITIA CEUISES 1914. 11. What was the efficiency of the ship and crew at general quarters? Excellent. 12. Fire drill: How was the evolution performed? Quicklv and without confusion, in the usual manner. 13. Collision drill: How was the evolution performed, what was the condition of the collision mat? In an efficient manner with all precautions taken. Mat in poor shape. Mat put overboard under way in four minutes. 14. Abandon ship: How was the evolution performed? In seamanlike manner. Boat facilities not sufficient for crew. Those not in boats are provided with life belts. Not all men know their proper stations, due to unfa- miliarity with this ship. 15. Boat drills: What boat drills were held? Pulling and sailing races in all types of boats. Regular running boats. 16. How were they performed? All men pulled a good cutter stroke, but apparently were unfamiliar with whale boats, though they showed a marked improvement before the end of the cruise. 17. Man-overboard drill: How was the exercise performed? The men were unfamiliar with lifeboat work and on the first drill there was some confusion and the boat poorly manned and handled, no attempt being made to don belts. The coxswain was unfamiliar with the use of a steering oar. Later in the cruise when a man actually went overboard there was a marked improvement. 18. Did signalmen, lookouts, and man at the lif j buoy perform their duty efficiently? Signalmen generally poor; others good. 19. Bag and hammock inspection: What wa* *fc condition of the crew as regards uniforms? Fair. Having only two suits of whites, it was extremely difficult to keep them in clean clothes, and in matters of underclothing, no regulation underclothes are issued. The wearing of black gymnasium slippers was a little too common. 20. What was the condition of the bedding? Bedding fair, but hammocks filthy. There is only one hammock per man, and they could not be scrubbed during the cruise. The hammocks issued for this cruise had been sent to a laundry at the completion of the previous cruise, about a week before the present cruise started, but were not properly cleaned, and no time was available to scrub the hammocks again. They were therefore dirty on issue. 21. What is the general condition of the shij)? (a) Hull? (6) Machinery? (a) Hull: Fair. (6) Machinery: Good, but in need of spares, supplies, and tools for proper maintenance. Relief valves in cylinders not large enough to clear cylin- ders. 22. What is the general condition of the engine and fire rooms? Clean, but in need of paint. Bilges clean. 23. What is the condition of the ship's battery, spare parts, and accessories? Excellent, but tools needed for maintenance. 24. What is the condition of the ship's boats? Good. 25. What is the condition of the signal outfit? Poor. Ardois in need of overhaul. Bunting rotten. 26. What is the condition of the electrical apparatus? Dynamos and motors in good shape. Wiring in some places poor and conduits full of water. Blowers in need of overhaul. In need of spare parts. 27. Is the wireless apparatus and service efficient? None installed, but should be. Previously this organization has hired an outfit from Marconi, but at present this company is charging at the rate of $400 for the sea- eon, which is considered exorbitant. 28. Is it evident that Navy ship keepers and men employed by the State have en- deavored to keep the ship in condition and prevent deterioration? No money available from the State for ship keepers. At present there are the fol- lowing ship keepers assigned by the department: 1 chief boatswain's mate; 1 chief machinist's mate; 1 boatswain's mate, first class; 1 chief yeoman; 1 gunner's mate, second class; 2 oilers; 1 water tender; 2 seamen; 1 ship's cook, first class. With the present ship and the amount of cruising done, I have to recommend an 1 fireman, first class. NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 13 The need of the carpenter is particularly felt, as there is a great deal of work to be lone on this ship before she is in good shape. 29. Remarks: I can not speak too highly of the efficiency and preparedness of the part of the Illi- nois brigade present on this cruise. They have worked under -extremely difficult circumstances. The Luzon was turned over to the militia on Friday, August 9, never having seen the ship before, and on Sunday, two days later, started on the cruise. The battery of the ship was in the freight yards on Saturday afternoon, and early Sunday morning the crew started to work, and at 9 a. m., the time set for sailing, the battery was not only aboard, but also mounted. The appearance of the ship has improved 50 per cent during the present cruise, though I believe the changes recommended under the subhead of ship keepers will be absolutely necessary to maintain the ship in condition. The Luzon is not the proper ship for the Illinois brigade. The Illinois brigade numbers 550 men and 40 officers. The most the Luzon can accommodate with any degree of comfort is 125 men and 8 officers, which would necessitate four cruises annually to exercise the entire brigade, allowing only one-quarter of the strength to receive the benefit of the squadron maneuvers. On the present cruise there are 12 officers and 154 men, overcrowding the ship to such an extent that the men are obliged to sleep about the decks and in boats and necessitating two messes. This overcrowding is due to the fact that it was believed that the cruise would be made on the Dubuque and the orders issued to make up the crew of that vessel. Two other cruises of over 2,000 miles each have already been held in the Dubuque. There are not enough officers of command rank to make four cruises, and it amounts to a big monetary loss to the senior officers to give up an additional two weeks if this vessel is retained. With the interest evinced by both officers and men in Naval Militia work it is extremely desirable to arrange if possible to take the entire force on not more than two cruises. During the summer months the Illinois brigade make Saturday and Sunday cruises each week in addition to their drill period of two hours and a half drill weekly. They have purchased an old lake freighter with private capital, rebuilt her, and turnea her into a floating armory, with drill halls, rifle ranges, locker rooms, etc. In addition, they have a 4 and a 3 inch gun mounted with dotter gears which they use during the winter months. They run a regular wardroom mess, where the officers lunch during the week. This brings the officers together almost daily, and naturally the result is extremely beneficial. In addition to the above drills during the winter months, school is held on the steamship Commodore on Sunday mornings for the officers, where they take up the study of navigation, gunnery, etc. There are, I believe, 8 officers who hold pilots' licenses for the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. This organization seems to be particularly lucky in its choice of officers, especially the heads of departments. Capt. Evers, who is in command of the entire force of the Illinois Militia, in addi- tion to command of the Luzon, is an extremely efficient and forceful man and would be a credit to the regular service. The same can be said of the other heads of depart- ments. Mr. Foord, the engineer officer, is chief inspector for the Hartford Boiler Insurance Co., and his assistant, Mr. Lewis, is an engineer with the Otis Elevator Co. Both of these men naturally are expert engineers and could take their place in case of need immediately. Mr. Rutter, the ordnance officer, is a highly trained man also, and has made a cruise, as has Mr. Lewis, with the fleet. Mr. Davidson, the executive, who has made one cruise with the fleet, is a hard and efficient worker, and should be given more opportunity to become familiar with customs of the service and routine work. Mr. Howard and Mr. Melvin are both ex-Naval Academy men and extremely enthusiastic. The watch and division officers are enthusiastic also, but lack experi- ence and know practically nothing of the customs and routine of the service. All of these officers should be encouraged to spend as much time with the fleet as possible. I believe with the passage of the Naval Militia bill the department will find the officers of this organization not only willing but anxious to avail themselves of the privilege of joining the fleet as often as business permits. In case of trouble I believe the entire eniisted personnel could be utilized at once and in two weeks' time be as useful and many of them more so than the men received from the training stations. What the enlisted personnel need more than any thing 14 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 19U. else is a knowledge of customs of the service and experience in keeping both them- selves and their quarters clean, both as to person and clothes. This would come natur- ally after a few weeks' continuous ship life, but it is extremely difficult to make them realize the necessity during only a two weeks' cruise. In regard to supplies and tools, this ship is in urgent need of tools and supplies in all departments. Very few tools were turned over with the ship and jepairs have been difficult on this cruise. On future cruises I have also to recommend that the advisory officer be detaile( from thje fleet in order that the organization may receive the benefits of the newt developments in the fleet. I have also to recommend that an officer be detailed by the department as an instructor to the Naval Militia officers, giving them at" least two days a month. The officers seem to be extremely anxious to learn the theory as well as practice of the various branches, and I believe they should be assisted in every way possible. LOUISIANA U. S. S. AMPHITBITE. Lieut. (Junior Grade) B. H. BRUCE, United States Navy. 1. The following is a brief outline of the cruise of the Louisiana Naval Militia on the U. S. S. Amphitrite, July 11 to July 20, 1914: Saturday, July 11. Officers and men reported during forenoon. Quarters at 11 a. m. Billets assigned, crew stationed, and stores received during day. Cast off moorings and got underway at 5.45 p. m. Foul anchor. Stood down river at 7 p. m. Sunday, July 12. Anchored in South Pass, just above Port Eads, at 8 a. m. f on account of heavy rains with fresh breezes. Quarters for muster at 9.30 a. m. Monday, July IS. Underway at 5.40 a. m. and stood out for Ship Island. Quarters at 9.30 a. m. Instruction in stations and duties for fire drill, followed by fire drill. Man-overboard drill. Instruction in stations and duties for collision drill in afternoon, followed by col- lision drill. Instruction in stations and duties for abandon ship. The surgeon instructed the fourth division in hygiene and first aid. Port low-pressure ahead eccentric rod wrist pin broke at 10.45 a. m. Continued under starboard engine until 2.13 p. m., when repairs were completed. Anchored off Ship Island channel at 8.05 p. m. Tuesday, July U. Pilot conducted ship to anchorage in lee of Ship Island, C. 15 to 7.45 a. m. Quarters for muster at 9.30 a. m. Forenoon devoted to cleaning and preparation for port. In afternoon, instruction in stations and duties for clear ship for action and general quarters. The surgeon instructed the first division in hygiene and first aid. Recreation parties to Ship Island, 7 to 9 p. m. Wednesday, July 15. Quarters at 9.30 a. m. Collision and abandon ship drills. In afternoon, scrub and wash clothes. All boats were taken to the beach in charge of officers and scrubbed with sand. Recreation parties to Ship Island in evening. NAVAL MILITIA CKUISES 1914. 15 Thursday, July 16. Quarters at 9.30 a. m. Ship cleared for action and exercised at general quarters. In afternoon boats exercised under oars, in formation, in obedience to signals, fol- lowed by independent sailing exercises. At 7 p. m. the first and second divisions were instructed in night signals. Recreation parties to Ship Island in evening. Friday, July 17. Quarters at 9.30 a. m., followed by physical exercises. Instruction was given the various divisions during the forenoon as follows: First period: First division, signals, flag hoists. Second division, 10-inch turrets, guns, and ammunition. Third division, 4-inch guns and ammunition. Fourth division, 1-pounder and 3-pounder guns and ammunition. Fifth division, instruction in stowage and supply of ammunition (powder). Second period: First division, 10-inch turrets, guns, and ammunition. Second division, hygiene and first aid, Third division, ground tackle. Fourth division, 4-inch guns and ammunition. Fifth division, hygiene and first aid. In the afternoon boats exercised, independently, under sail, after which all boats were beached and the boats and boat gear scrubbed with sand. At 7 p. in., third and fourth divisions were instructed in night signals. Recreation parties to Ship Island in the evening. Saturday, July 18. Morning and forenoon, general field day. In afternoon published Articles for the Government of the Navy, and held general muster. Made preparations for sea. Sunday, July 19. Underway at 5.20 a. m., and stood out for South Pass. Pilot conducted ship to entrance of channel. Quarters for muster at 9.20 a. m. Arrived at South Pass at 6 p. m. and took bar pilot. Took river pilot at head of passes. Monday, July 20. Quarters at 9.30 a. m. Inspected bags and hammocks. Preparations for mooring ship. Anchored at 10.40 and completed mooring to bank at 11.30 a. m. 2. Itinerary: Miles. (a) Left New Orleans July 11, 7 p. m.; arrived Port Eads July 12, 8 a. m. 97 Left Port Eads July 13, 5.40 a. m.; arrived off Ship Island July 13, 8.05 p. m 95 Left Ship Island Channel July 14, 6.15 a. m. ; arrived Ship Island July 14, 7.45 a. m 7 Left Ship Island July 19, 5.20 a. m.; arrived New Orleans July 20. 10.40 a. m 195 Total distance steamed (approximately) 394 (6) Average speed of vessel while underway, 6.764 knot*. Ions. (c) Coal consumed, steaming 93 Coal consumed, port 1 : 54 Total 147 64628 14 2 16 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 3. Complement: (a) Officers. 19 (6) Crew 1. Seaman branch. 2. Engineer force.. 3. Artificer branch. 4. Special branch.. 80 21 1 12 , 114 (c) [NOTE. The marines formed one deck division for the purposes of the cruise. They were rated and paid as seamen.] (d) Sixteen civilian firemen and two cooks were hired for the trip. 4. Officers: Total. Name. Rank. Duty performed. J W Bostick Commanding Lieutenant commander .... Executive officer J A Henderson Surgeon Senior medical officer W H 'Woods Passed assistant surgeon Assistant medical officer W L Abbott Paymaster Pay officer G W Robotham Lieutenant . .... Gunnery officer G W Lawes ' Civil engineer Navigator F S Scanlon Lieutenant Senior engineer officer H B Carroll do Watch and division. J H Warner do Do. J P Mulvey do Do C W J Neville do Do. J. W. Archer Lieutenant (junior grade) Do. G G Blardone do Junior watch and division D C Carey do Do W F Rackle Ensign Do. E V Lucy do Do. C M Burgdahi ..do Do. P H Pollard Boatswain Do. 5. Stationing of crew: A watch, quarter, and station bill was prepared and posted prior to the cruise. The men were assigned billets and instructed in their stations and duties during the first day, as opportunity offered. The necessary handling of stores coming on board interrupted this work from time to time. 6. Getting under way: The evolution of getting under way was always accomplished with all divisions at quarters. The anchor gear, except anchor engine, was efficiently handled by the first division, under the direction of Chief Boatswain Shanahan, United States Navy, and the chief boatswain's mate of the regular reserve complement. Some trouble was experienced in tiering the chain, due to the inexperience of the men sent below for that purpose. A foul anchor when getting under way the first time presented a valuable object lesson. 7. Lookouts and life-buoy watches: Lookouts and life-buoy watches were properly stationed and regularly relieved while at sea. 8. Night watches: On the first night at sea the lifeboat crews and men of the watches were not prop- erly mustered or reported, although they were on deck and stood their watches. This was due to a lack of knowledge of ship routine on the part of the officers. 1 instructed the officers in these particulars and thereafter the watch and lifeboat crew were properly mustered and reported to the officer of the deck at the beginning of each watch. 9. General quarters Clear ship for action: (a) The divisions were instructed in their stations and duties at clear ship for action and general quarters on Tuesday afternoon, July 14, and the drill was held on the morning of Thursday, July 16. The ship was cleared and all hands at then- stations for general quarters 1 hour and 12 minutes after the word was passed. With the exception of a few minor details the ship was properly cleared for action. (6) General quarters was carried out in a very efficient manner. The various details were well worked out and the battery was properly cast loose and prepared NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 17 for action. Officers and men were correctly stationed and understood their duties. The gun crews demonstrated a lack of experience at great gun drill, however. (c) The waste return pipe (hydraulic) in the after turret leaks so badly that the turret can not be operated. A similar condition in the forward turret hampered the the drill there to a considerable extent. 10. Fire drill: Fire drill was held while under way on the morning of Monday, July 13, immediately following instruction in stations and duties for same. Three streams were put on the scene of the fire in a little less than 2 minutes. Other details of the drill were carried out quickly and efficiently, with the exception that no axmen or smotherers were detailed. 11. Collision drills: (a) Two collision drills were held the first one while under way on the afternoon of Monday, July 13, immediately following instruction in stations and duties for same. This drill was performed in a very satisfactory manner. The mat was ready on the starboard side of the forecastle four minutes after the call, all water-tight doors and hatches having been reported closed in the meantime. The hogging lines were not rove and the mat was not put over the side. (6) The second drill was held while at anchor on the morning of Wednesday, July 15. Hatches and water-tight doors were reported in good time and the mat was in place over the side (starboard forecastle) in 7 minutes. Considering the limited expe- rience of the officers and men, the drill was remarkably well done. (c) The collision mat with its gear is in excellent condition. 12. Abandon ship: Abandon ship followed immediately after collision drill. The boats were equipped and manned at their stations, shoved off, and formed in column on either side of the ship. The last boat shoved off 9 minutes after the word was passed. The Amphitrite is not equipped with emergency rations and no rations were provided for this drill. Boat compasses, rifles, and ammunition were lacking in all boats. The responsibility for the poor showing at this drill lies with the division officers, who failed to familiarize themselves with the instructions contained in the boat book. 13. Boat drills: (a) On the afternoon of Thursday, July 16, all boats were formed in column, abreast the ship, under oars, and the flotilla was put through simple tactical evolutions by sig- nal from the ship. Following this, masts were stepped and sail was set on the port tack in obedience to signal, after which the boats exercised independently under sail. Jb) On the afternoon of the next day boats were exercised independently under . (c) Officers and men lack experience with boats and with boat signals; but, taking this fact into consideration, they made a very creditable showing. More attention should be paid to boat exercises at the periodical drills throughout the year. 14. Man-overboard drill: Man-overboard drill was held at sea on the morning of Monday, July 13. Instruc- tion in stations and duties for same had been given shortly before and the exercise was not unexpected. A box was thrown overboard from the bridge and the word passed. One metal and one cork life buoy were dropped within a few feet of the box and on the side nearest the ship. A lee was made for the lifeboat, which was manned (an ensign in charge) and lowered in 45 seconds. Flag signals were used to indicate the proper direction to the lifeboat. The coxswain and bowman of the boat were enlisted men of the Navy, the remainder of the crew being composed of members of the Naval Militia. The life buoys were picked up and returned to the ship in good time, although poor oarsmanship was displayed. The sea was smooth with gentle breezes. 15. Signalmen, lookouts, and life-buoy watches. Signalmen, lookouts, and life-buoy watches were almost wholly ignorant of their duties until instructed by the officers, after which they stood their watches efficiently. 16. (a) Bagr and hammocks were inspected shortly before the ship reached her moorings at the end of the cruise. (6) The clothes with few exceptions were very dirty. Some were rolled while others were folded. None of the men were supplied with stops. None of the bags were properly laid out, both officers and men seeming to lack knowledge on this point. (c) No mattresses or bedding were supplied the men and they slept in the bare hammocks. 17. Target practice: No target practice was held, due to nonreceipt of targets and ammunition. 18 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 18. Hull and machinery (including engine and fire rooms). The general condition of the hull and machinery of the Amphitrite is very good throughout. There is considerable improvement over conditions reported by the Board of Inspection and Survey for Ships on February 2, 1912. Considering the greatly reduced complement, the efforts of the commanding officer and crew in pre- venting deterioration have been most successful and they merit praise for the results obtained. 19. Battery: The battery, spare parts, and accessories are in excellent condition, except the waste return pipes (hydraulic) in both turrets. These pipes are so worn and leaky (beyond repair) as to practically put the turrets out of commission. The commanding officer has requested their renewal, but without result so far. 20. Boats: The boats are in good condition, but suffer somewhat from being kept out of the water much of the time. This is necessary owing to conditions in the river where the ship is moored. 21. Signal outfit: The signal outfit is in excellent condition. The Ardois board should be replaced with one conforming to the Morse code. A truck light controller is also needed. 22. Electrical apparatus: The ship is equipped with one General Electric four-pole and one Siemans two-pole generator. The latter produces a very unsteady current. It was noticed that the field windings were very warm while the machine was running. The commanding officer states that the wiring and internal communications are not in good condition. ' 23. Radio: A new radio outfit is to be installed shortly. A temporary installation was made, using part of the Stranger's outfit, but very poor results were obtained. 24. Remarks (Naval Militia): The commanding officer, officers, and men of the Naval Militia worked hard and obtained very good results. With few exceptions the officers lack experience and knowledge of ship drills and routine. All, however, were anxious to learn, and they gladly received and carried out suggestions for improvement. The officers of the deck performed their duties as well as could be expected, con- sidering their inexperience. At sea, the captain, executive officer, or navigator was always on the bridge. Pilots were taken whenever possible. It is unfortunate that results were necessarily limited by the lack of knowledge and experience of the officers. This would not have been the case had the cruise been made on a vessel of the Navy in full commission, where all could have learned by observing officers and men of the regular service in the performance of their duties. The enlisted men were anxious to learn and performed the work laid out for them cheerfully and efficiently. There was a decided lack of experienced petty officers. Officers and men lacked experience at seamanship, great guns, signals, and boats. More attention should be paid to these branches at the periodical drills during the year. The presence of a number of civilian firemen on board, who were hired for the cruise, was not conducive to good discipline. It seems to be almost impossible to get good firemen to enlist in the militia. It is suggested that at the weekly drills more attention be paid to seamanship and ship drills, and that greater advantage be taken of the vessels and boats assigned to them for the purpose of instruction. It would be advisable to establish some sort of school for officers. MARYLAND TJ. S. S. MONTGOMERY. Ensign L. C. CAREY, United States Navy. 1. July 10, 1914, sailed for Tangier Sound, Md. July 10, 1914, anchored near San Marcos, Tangier Sound. July 11, 1914, laid off range for record target practice and began making practice runs for target practice, and exercised gun crews at subcaliber, dotter, and loading gun. July 12, 1914, continued training of gun crews; exercised boats under oars. July 13, 1914, made practice runs. July 13, 1914, sailed for Hampton Roads. July 13, 1914, arrived at Hampton Roads. July 14, 1914, sailed for navy yard, Norfolk, Va. July 14, 1914, arrived at navy yard, Norfolk, Va. July 15, 1914, took on ammunition and stores. NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 19 July 16, 1914, sailed for Tangier Sound. July 16, 1914, arrived at Tangier Sound. July 17, 1914, made practice runs and exercised at ship's and gun drills. July 17, 1914, anchored near Tangier Island Light. July 18, 1914, the adjutant general of Maryland came aboard; got underway and held record target practice. July 19, 1914, held ship and boat drills. July 19, 1914, sailed for Baltimore, Md.; stopped off Annapolis to receive pay of officers and men. July 20, 1914, arrived at Baltimore, Md. During this cruise the Montgomery steamed a total of 425 miles. Tons. Hours. 2. Amount of coal used while steaming 101. 8 77. 5 Amount of coal used while at anchor. . . . 125. 4 152. 5 Total. 227. 2 230. 3. The actual average speed of the vessel under way was 5.5 knots. This low speed is accounted for by the many hours spent on the range, making practice runs. The actual average cruising speed of the vessel was 10.7 knots. 4. Complement: (a) Officers, 17. (6) Crew, 148 (1) Seaman branch 89, (2) engineer force 59, (3) artificer's branch none, (c) Marines, none. 5. Name, rank, and duty of all officers: Ralph Robinson, commander. F. A. Savage, lieutenant (acting executive officer). Robert Phillips, lieutenant (navigator). S. B. Austin, lieutenant (ordnance officer). Allen N. Malone, lieutenant (engineer officer). H. C. McElderry, lieutenant, second division. J. Asprill, lieutenant, first division. F. S. Lynn, passed assistant surgeon. H. L. Bond, assistant paymaster. H. D. Hodgdon, ensign, second division. J. S. Goob, ensign, third division. E. A. Vey, ensign, second division. W. W. Cook, ensign, first division. * H. M. Gambrill, ensign, first division. C. F. Hoshall, machinist. G. R. Marks, boatswain. Emory Smith, pay clerk. 6. Was the assignment of the crew's station billets and their stationing accomplished hi a seamanlike manner? Yes. 7. Had a watch, quarter, and station bill been prepared before the cruise com- menced? Yes. 8. How was the evolution of getting under way accomplished? Very good. The evolution of coming alongside the dock after midnight, upon the return to Baltimore, was performed in an excellent manner, and the commanding officer deserves great credit for the seamanlike manner in which he executed this difficult work. 9. At sea, were lookouts and life buoy watches properly stationed and regularly relieved? Yes. 10. Were the lifeboat crew and men of the watch mustered when going on duty? Yes. 11. What was the efficiency of the ship and crew at general quarters? Very good. 12. Fire drill: How was the evolution performed? Excellent. 13. Collision drill: How was the evolution performed, and what was the condition of the collision mat? This evolution was only fair, as it took 16 minutes to get the mat in proper condi- tion to send over the side. The mat was only partly put over and did not touch water 14. Abandon ship: How was the evolution performed? Very good. 20 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 15. Boat drills: What boat drills were held? Only boat drills under oars and no attempt was made to go through evolution in formation. 16. How were they performed? At first the handling of the oars was very ragged, but in a few days several boat crews were developed that handled boats well. 17. Man overboard drill: How was the exercise performed? Excellent. It required 1 minute and 30 seconds before the lifeboat was cleared of the ship, and in 3 minutes and 15 seconds the dummy was picked up. 18. Did signalman, lookouts, and man at the life buoy perform their duty efficiently? Yes, except there was not an efficient signalman on board, and this work was done by a Regular Navy quartermaster. 19. Bag and hammock inspection: What was the condition of the crew as regards uniforms? Very good. 20. What was the condition of the bedding? Very good. 21. What is the general condition of the ship? (a) Hull, fair; (6) machinery, good. 22. What is the general condition of the engine and firerooins? Very good. 23. What is the condition of the ship's battery, spare parts, and accessories? Fair. Report on ordnance material. At target practice, July 18, 1914: Gun No. 1, 4-inch breech-loading rifle No. 125, Mark V,mod. 2, O. D., W. N. Y., 1897. Lost motion in breech mechanism, due probably to wear. When breech is closed smartly, operating lever rebounds and rotates block sufficiently to break elec- trical connection so that piece fails to fire. This caused considerable delay and inac- curacy in firing. Gun No. 2, 4-inch breech-loading rifle No. 140, Mark V, mod. 2, O. D., W. N. Y., 1897. Same difficulties as No. 1. Gun No. 3, 4-inch breech-loading rifle No. 164, Mark V, mod. 2, American Ord- nance Co., 1898. This gun did not show the same trouble as the others, but during the firing the tray latch pivot pin jarred out, on account of extremely loose fitting, and threw the gun out of commission so that one shot was lost Gun No. 4, 4-inch breech-loading rifle No. 310, Mark V, mod. 2, O. D., W. N. Y., 1904. Same difficulties as No. 1. No. 1, 3-pounder, Mark 10, mod. 2, No. 509. This gun functioned properly in every respect. No. 2, 3-pounder, Mark 10, mod. 2, No. 521. This gun functioned properly in every respect. The defect in the 4-inch guns seriously affected the scores made and it was impossible to remedy them with any man on the ship. This constitutes a serious handicap. 24. Wnat is the condition of the ship's boats? Good. 25. What is the condition of the signal outfit? Good. 26. What is the condition of the electrical apparatus? Fair. 27. Is the wireless apparatus and service efficient? No. 28. Is it evident that the Navy ship keepers and the men employed by the State have endeavored to keep the ship in condition and prevent deterioration? Yes. 29. Remarks: (a) The cruise of the Montgomery was a decided success from every standpoint, and great credit is due all the officers and men for the interest they took in it, and for the efficient manner in which their duties were performed. Especial credit is due the commanding officer, Commander Ralph Robinson; the acting executive officer, Lieut. F. Savage; ordnance officer, Lieut. S. B. Austin, and the senior engineer officer, Lieut. Allen Malone, for their efforts in the development of the Naval Militia of Maryland and the success in bringing it to its present high state of efficiency. (6) During the cruise great difficulty was experienced in preserving meats, etc., because of the lack of an ice machine or cold-storage plant, and it was necessary for the surgeon to condemn much meat. It is therefore recommended that if expedient, the Montgomery be supplied with an ice machine and cold-storage plant. NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 21 MASSACHUSETTS TJ. S. S. CHICAGO. Lieut. Commander C. P. NELSON, United States Navy. 1. Itinerary, miles steamed:. Five hundred and eighty -seven miles. 2. Coal consumed in port and at sea: In port, 127 tons; at sea, 309 tons. 3. Average speed of vessel while under way. Seven knots. 4. Complement: (a) Officers 31 (&) Crew (1) Seaman branch 362 (2) Engineer force 88 (3) Artificers : (c) Marines 32 (d) Band 18 500 5. Name, rank, and duty of all officers (see list). 6. Was the assignment of billets and the stationing of the crew accomplished in a eeamanlike manner? Yes. 7. Had a watch, quarter, and station bill been prepared before cruise commenced? Yes, and billets ready to serve out. 8. How was the evolution of getting under way accomplished? Excellent, except for occasional difficulty in fluke hooking under bow. 9. At sea were lookouts and life-buoy watches properly stationed and regularly relieved? Yes. 10. Were the lifeboat crew and men of the watch mustered when going on duty? Yes. 11. What was the efficiency of the ship and crew at general quarters? Very good. 12. Fire drill: How was the evolution performed? Very good. 13. Collision drill: How was the evolution performed? What was the condition of the collision mat? Poor. Crew hardly understood rigging of the mat. 14. Abandon ship: How was the evolution performed? Good. 15. Boat drills: WTiat boat drills were held? Boats under oars to leave ship, make sail on signal and return. 16. How were they performed? Very good. A little slow getting away. 17. Man overboard drill: How was the exercise performed? Excellent. 18. Did signalmen, lookouts, and man at the life buoy perform their duty effi- ciently? Yes. 19. Bag and hammock inspection: What was the condition of the crew as regards uniform? No regular bag inspection was held on account of bad weather and delay on target range. General condition of uniforms and clothing very good. 20. What was the condition of the bedding? Very good. 21. What is the general condition of the ship? (1) Hull? (2) Machinery? (1) The hull is in very good condition. (2) There has been a patch put on the forward fireroom plates, which was due to deterioration and wear. The bulkhead between the after fireroom and the starboard engine room has also been patched. The double bottoms are in excellent condition, having been recently scraped and red -leaded. 22. What is the general condition of the engine and fire rooms? Very good, except six condemned boilers. 23. What is the condition of the ship's battery, spare parts, and accessories? 22 NAVAL MILITIA CEUISES 1914. Good, but in need of thorough overhauling. 24. What is the condition of the ship's boats? Condition good, but need scrubbing. 25. What is the condition of the signal outfit? Very good. 26. What is the condition of the electrical apparatus? Very good. 27. Is the wireless apparatus and service efficient? Excellent. 28. Is it evident that the Navy ship keepers and the men employed by the Stat have endeavored to keep the ship in condition and prevent deterioration? Yes. Preservation excellent; cleanliness fair. 29. Remarks: Squadron of Chicago, Adams, and Gloucester made excellent rendezvous and about on time. Weather smooth and clear. Laid course for Bar Harbor at 12.20 a. m. July 14, 1914, having squadron maneuvers constantly en route. Arrived at Bar Harbor just before dark on the 14th, remaining there until afternoon of the 16th, giving liberty, bore-sighting, and having subcaliber practice, as well as exercise of all boats under oars and sail in answer to signals from Chicago. Left Bar Harbor afternoon of 16th for Portland, having previously arranged a search problem with torpedo boats then at Portland, but wind, sea, and dense fog prevented it, and at times had to slow to 3 knots to allow Adams to keep up. Finally lost her at 2.30 a. m. of 18th, and when, at 6 a. m., picked up Boone Island off Portland, during a temporary lift in the fog, decided it best not to go into Portland at all but to proceed to Provincetown and get target range laid out so practice could begin Monday. Sent Gloucester into Portland for coal and bread, with orders to follow Chicago to Province- town. Fog cleared in afternoon and arrived at Provincetown about 10 p. m. on 18th, having organized landing force en route and having dotter practice. Sunday had landing party on Long Point and boat drill while Macdonough was planting target rafts. Sunday night the Adams arrived from Portland, also the Gloucester. After landing party Sunday got under way and standardized screws over measured mile. Monday held target practice with 4-inch guns after laying out firing range (which took an unnecessarily long time) until sundown. Tuesday went out on range, but fresh southwest breeze sprung lip freshening to moderate gale with rain, so could not fire but had ship drills. Wednesday finished all but one 4-inch gun and returned to Boston, as men had to be sent home on 7 p. m. train as their time was up. Could not delay for last 4-inch gun, as target raft was badly damaged and needed extensive repairs. Left Macdonough to tow target rafts into Provincetown and proceed to Boston. In conclusion, I wish to state that the cruise has been of great benefit in many ways to all the officers and men, and a very marked improvement in every respect was noticeable by the end of their time. The spirit of willingness and a desire to learn were both commendable and very apparent at all times. I had all officers submit sights every time it was practicable and some of them are very good navigators. They trained constantly for target practice as inclosed schedule of drill will show, and it was unfortunate that bad weather and delays prevented its completion. With regard to future cruising I would suggest the following changes: (1) Make the time two weeks instead of 10 days as at present; the cruise ends just about the time the crew have gotten shaken down. (2) Have squadron rendezvous at some base, preferably Provincetown or Gardiners Bay. (3) As so much time is lost laying out ranges, have a yard tug lay out a target range before the rendezvous. In this way one vessel can be on the range every day, one off for liberty at the nearest port, and the rest having ship and boat drill. This would probably reduce the chances of bad weather interfering with the practice. (4) There seems to be a general desire for more battleship experience, as it is con- sidered more conducive to discipline. (5) It would be well, I think, to have a naval commissary steward detailed to look after the crew's mess, as they had considerable difficulty this trip with that branch, due to the mediocre cooks supplied them and their lack of experience in handling such matters. NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. List of officers on board " Chicago, " and duty of each. 23 Name. Rank. Duty. Daniel M Goodridge Captain Commanding John T Nelson Lieutenant commander Executive officer David G. Eldridge ...do... Surgeon. Thomas R. Armstrong .do... Chief engineer. Frederick G Robinson do Navigator Walter A. Powers First lieutenant Commanding marine guard. Frank G. Wright. Lieutenant First lieutenant Milton I Deane do Paymaster Frank P. Turner .do Commissary Orland R Blair do Assistant surgeon Wm. H. McEwen ..do... Flag lieutenant. Augustus M. Summers do... Ordnance officer. Howard G Copeland do Watch officer Homer J. Parent .do Do. Clifford A. Tinker do . Do. Arthur G Watson Lieutenant (junior grade) Junior watch, officer Fred W. Ford .do Do. John W. Flannery do Do. Charles H Serpa do Do Wm. A. Prentice .do Do. Charles A. McDonald. . do Do Arthur C. Tower ...do... Second assistant engineer. Henry H. Bartlett .do First assistant engineer Frank W Lanagan Ensign Junior watch officer Preston S Lincoln do Do William N. Ramsey .do... Assistant ordnance officer Walter G. Howard do Junior watch officer Franklin H. Richardson do Do. John B. Arnold... .do. . . Do. Lewis R Morley do Do Extra caliber practice, 4-inch guns, .July 15, 1914. 10 a. m. to 10.30 a. m.- Fifth division, 'No. 4 gun; sixth division, No. 6 gun; seventh division, No. 5 gun; eighth division, No. 3 gun. 10.80 a. m. to 11 a. m. First division, No. 3 gun; second division, No. 5 gun; third division, No. 6 gun; fourth division, No. 4 gun. 11 a. m. to 11.30 a. m. Tenth division, No. 4 gun. 1.30 p. m. to 2 p. m. Fifth division, No. 4 gun; sixth division, No. 6 gun; seventh division, No. 5 gun; eighth division, No. 3 gun. 2 p. m. to 2.30 p. m. First division, No. 3 gun; second division, No. 5 gun; third division, No. G gun; fourth division, No. 4 gun. 2. SO p. m. to 3 p. m. Fifth division, No. 4 gun; sixth division, No. 6 gun; seventh division, No. 5 gun; eighth division, No. 3 gun. 3 p. m. to 3.30 p. m. First division, No. 3 gun; second division) No. 5 gun; third division, No. 6 gun; fourth division, No. 4 gun. 3.30 p. m. to 4 p. m. Tenth division, No. 4 gun. Dotter practice No. 2, 4-inch gun. Fifth division, 10 a. m. to 10.30 a. m.; sixth division, 10.30 a. m. to 11 a. m ; sev- enth division, 11 a. m. to 11.30 a. m.; eighth division, 1.30 p. m. to 2 p. m.; tenth division, 2 p. m. to 2.30 p. m.,; first division, 2.30 p. m. to 3 p. m.; second division, 3 p. m. to 3.30 p. m.; third division, 3.30 p. m. to 4 p. m.; fourth division, 4 p. m. to 4.30 p. m. Loading machine. Fourth division, 9.30 a. m. to 10.15 a. m.; third division, 10.15 a. m. to 11 a. m.; second division, 11 a. m. to 11.30 a. m.; first division, 1 p. m. to 1.45 p. m.; tenth division, 1.45 p. m. to 2.30 p. m.; eighth division, 2.30 p. m. to 3 p. m.; seventh division, 3 p. m. to 3.30 p. m.: sixth division, 3.30 p. m. to 4 p. m.; fifth division, 4 p. m. to 4.30 p. m. 6-pounder, subcaliber practice. 10 a. m. to 10.30 a. m. Fifth division, No. 4 gun and No. 2 gun; sixth division No. 1 gun and No. 3 gun; seventh division, No. 6 gun; eighth division, No. 5 gun. 10.30 a. m. to 11 a. m. First division, tail gun; second division, No. 2 and No. 4 gun; third division, No. 6 gun; fourth division, No. 5 gun; tenth division, No. 1 and No. 3 gun. 24 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 11 a. m. to 11. SO a. m. Fifth division, No. 2 and No. 4 gun; sixth division, No. 1 and No. 3 gun; seventh division No. 6 gun; eighth division, No 5 gun. l.SO p. m. to 2 p. m. First division, tail gun; second division, No. 2 and No. 4 gun; third division, No. 6 gun; fourth division, No. 5 gun; tenth division, No. 1 and No. 3 gun. 2 p. m. to 2.30 p. m. Fifth division, No. 2 and No. 4 gun; sixth division, No. 1 and No. 3 gun; seventh division, No. 6 gun; eighth division, No. 5 gun. 2.30 p. m. to 3 p. m. First division, tail gun; second division, No. 2 and No. gun; third division, No. 6 gun; fourth division, No. 5 gun; tenth division, No. 1 a: No. 3 gun. REPORT ON LANDING PARTY, LIEUT. COMMANDER J. T. NELSON, N. M. M. i (1) The landing party departed from the ship, under command of Lieut. Com- mander John T. Nelson, promptly at the time specified in orders, in single column, in tow of steam cutter. Landing was effected at 9.30 a. m. (2) Instructions were received that the enemy were massed 100 strong with two machine guns on sand dunes, on the seaward side, about 1,000 yards to the southwest of Long Point Light. (3) Boats proceeded around the point, deployed in line formation, landing about 150 yards southwest of the light. Marine detachment immediately deployed as scouts and skirmishers, but through a misunderstanding of the force of the enemy and of orders were practically wiped out. The first company was sent forward deployed as skir- mishers, second company forming the first line of support. Advance was made by rushes, the attacking parties relieving each other on the firing line in order of com- panies, except the fourth company, which was held in reserve for protecting the rear, and to prevent any flank movement which might be contemplated from a force in that direction. After reaching within 50 yards of the hills the order to charge was given and the enemy was driven from their position and retreated in dire confusion, being followed by the first company some distance to the southeast of the sand dunes. (4) Hills were occupied at about 10 a. m., colors raised, and the flagship signaled. In answer to communication a message of "well done" was received. (5) The ambulance party, under Surg. Blair, conducted themselves in a good manner, establishing two different bases as field hospitals. On account of the topog- raphy of the country the pioneers were assigned to duty with the ambulance party. (6) After the battle a battalion drill and maneuvers were held, when some very efficient work in the skirmish formation was done by all companies. The only difficul- ties encountered by the commanding officer at this time consisted in trying to restrain the well-meant enthusiasm of both officers and men, this matter being due primarily to the methods of drill in the armories during which companies are drilled as a unit, and so seldom as a battalion as to make it somewhat hard for the officers to resist the impulse of acting upon their own initiative. (7) On the whole, the battle and drill was very successful and was creditably carried out by all the parties. (8) The reembarkation of the battalion took place at 11.45 a. m., and was covered by the fourth company. Landing party. Lieut. Commander John T. Nelson, regimental commander; Lieut. Wright, regi- mental adjutant. Lieut. 0. R. Blair, regimental surgeon. Lieut. F. P. Turner, quartermaster and commissary. Lieut. A. M. Summers, ordnance officer. Marines, Lieut. W. A. Powers, commanding. Will land 21 privates, 2 sergeants, and 3 corporals, one squad in each of three cutters. Lieut. Powers will go in first cutter. First Battalion. Lieut. C. A. Tinker, commanding; Ensign L. R. Morley, adjutant. First Company, Lieut. H. G. Copeland, commanding. First section, first division, 22 men and 3 petty officers. Second section, second division, 22 men and 3 petty officers, and 1 division officer. Second company, Lieut. Parent, commanding. First section, third division, 22 men and 3 petty officers, and 1 division officer. Second section, fourth division, 22 men and 3 petty officers. Third company, 1 company from U. S. S. Gloucester. Lieut. Nelson, commanding. NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 25 Second Battalion. Lieut. Soper, commanding. First company from U. S. S. Adams. Second Company, Lieut, (junior grade) C. A. MacDonald, commanding. First section, fifth division, 22 men and 3 petty officers, and 1 division officer. Second section, sixth division, 22 men and 3 petty officers. Third company, Lieut, (junior grade) A. G. Watson, commanding. First section, seventh division, 22 men and 3 petty officers, and 1 division officer. Second section, eighth division, 22 men and 3 petty officers. First Battalion. First company will land in first section in steamer; second section in first cutter. Second company will land in first section in second cutter; second section in third cutter. Third company will land in boats of U. S. S. Gloucester. Second Battalion. First company will land in boats of U. S. S. Adams. Second company will land in first section in barge; second section, 15 men, in gig; and 10 men in power boat. Third company will land in first section in power boat; second section in first and second whaleboats. Lieut. Blair, with 1 hospital steward and two men from medical department with stretcher, will land in steamer. Two stretcher men from U. S. S. Adams and Gloucester will report to regimental surgeon on landing. Lieut. Turner, with 1 yeoman from commissary department, will land in steamer. The navigator of Chicago will detail 4 signal boys, 2 for regimental commander, to re- port in steamer, and 1 to each battalion commander. Signal boy for second battalion will land in power boat, and engineer officer will detail 1 chief petty officer and 5 men as pioneers, who will land in power boat. Ammunition party will consist of 1 man from each section, who will land in boats assigned to their own section. All companies will Assemble in division quarters at 8 o'clock. Uniform for officers will be white trousers, blue coats, white hats, with side arms and leggings. Uniform for men will be white working dress with rifles, belts, and leggings. Bugler not on watch will report to regimental commander in steamer. Ensign John B. Arnold will be beach master. All division officers must have their boat in the water with a coxswain and two boat keepers in each boat at 8 a. m., ready to embark landing party. Sections will embark in boats assigned and lay off beam in following order: First Battalion. Steamer; first, second, and third cutters; first and second cutters from Gloucester. Second Battalion. First and second cutters from U. S. S. Adams. Barge, gig, first and second whaleboats and power boat. First and seventh division officers will see that one Colt machine gun is mounted in bow of steamer and power boat, with a crew of 3 men for each gun from Gloucester. All companies must embark and shove off from side by 8.30, form as above, and stand by to be taken in tow by steamer. Chief Boatswain's Mate Korzeneski will act as sergeant major. Chief Yeoman J. J. Reilly will act as regimental yeoman. MASSACHUSETTS U. S. S. DUPONT. Lieut. F. N. EKLUND, United States Navy. 1. Itinerary, miles steamed: July 12, 1914, 9 a. m., got under way from Fall River, Mass., for Provincetown, Mass. July 12, 1914, 10.45 p. m., arrived at Provincetown, Mass. Miles steamed, 151. 26 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. July 13, 1914, got under way for rendezvous, lat. N. 43, long. 70 W., and Portland, Me. July 13, 1914, 5.55 p. m., arrived at Portland, Me. Distance steamed, 107 miles. July 15, 1914, 9.05 a. m., under way for Bath, Me. July 15, 1914, 11.38 a. m., arrived at Bath, Me. July 15, 1914, 3.05 p. m., under way for Portland, Me. Jul] 15, 1914, 5 32 p. m., arrived at Portland, Me. Distance steamed, 66 miles. July 16, 1914, coaled ship. July 17, 1914, 10 a. m., got under way for maneuvers off Portland, proceeding scouting position. Very rough weather. Returned to Portland Harbor, anchoring 10.15 p. m. Distance steamed, 106 miles. July 18, 1914, 8.30 a. m., under way to dock to coal. At 3.55 p. m. left dock, and at 4.05 p. m. stood out of harbor, for Boston, Mass., to bring governor of Massachusetts to Provincetown to witness target practice. 10.45 p. m., went alongside dock, Boston Navy Yard. Distance steamed, 84 miles. July 19, 1914, 11.35 a. m., under way to pick up governor of Massachusetts. 12.14 p. m. proceeded out of harbor for Provincetown, Mass. 3.26 p. m. arrived at Province- town, Mass. Steamed out to range and placed target buoy, returning to inner harbor at 8.45 p. m. Distance steamed, 60 miles. July 20, 1914, 8 a. m., to dock for water, then to anchorage off southern end of range. 8.20 p. m., returned to inner harbor. Distance steamed, 17 miles. July 21, 1914, under way to anchorage near dock for water, at 8.50 a.m. 10.20 a. m., stood out for New Bedford, Mass. 6.50 p. m., arrived at New Bedford, Mass. Dis- tance steamed, 107 miles. July 22, 1914, coaled ship. 1.40 p. m., under way for Fall River, Mass. 5.50 p. m., arrived at Fall River, Mass. Distance steamed, 60 miles. Total distance steamed on cruise, 758 miles. 2. Coal consumed in port and at sea: In port, 4 tons (10 days), 0.4 ton per day. At sea, 43.5 tons (11 days), 3.954 -f tons per day. 3. Average speed of vessel under way: 11.369 knots per hour. 4. Complement: (a) Officers, 3 Massachusetts Volunter Militia. (6) Crew (10 United States Navy and 21 Massachusetts Volunteer Militia). (1) Seaman branch, 4 United States Navy, and 9 Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. (2) Engineer's force, 6 United States Navy, and 12 Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. (3) Artificers, 0. (c) Marines, 0. The enlisted militia were assigned and did the following duties: Seaman branch: 1 boatswain's mate, first class; 1 boatswain's mate, second class; 1 quartermaster, first class; 2 quartermasters, third class; 2 seamen; 2 ship's cooks. Engineer force: 2 machinists (throttle watch), 1 water tender, 4 oilers, 5 firemen. 5. Name, rank, and duty of all officers: Lieut. Joseph C. Nowell, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, commanding officer, executive, and navigator. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Edwin W. Keith, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, engineer officer (detailed). Ensign John S. Silvia, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, watch and commissary officer. 6. Was the assignment of billets and the stationing of the crew accomplished in a seamanlike manner? Yes. 7. Had a watch, quarter, and station bill been prepared before cruise commenced? Yes. 8. How was the evolution of getting under way accomplished? Engines were warmed up; steam gotten on steering and anchor engines; engine- room annunciators tested out; ship's draft taken forward and aft; men stationed by anchor engine, or dock lines, ready for the order to heave round or cast off from dock. Bow or quarter spring being used to point clear from dock. Was very satisfactory. 9. At sea were lookouts and life-buoy watches properly stationed and regularly relieved? A lookout was stationed on forecastle and was regularly relieved. No regular life- buoy watch was stationed, this duty being done in general by lifeboat crew, who were on duty practically all the time under way. 10. Were the lifeboat crew and men of the watch mustered when going on duty? Lifeboat crew was on duty all the time while underway and were accounted for without actual muster by name. NAVAL MILITIA CKUISES 1914. 27 11. What was the efficiency of the ship and crew at general quarters? No general quarters held. 12. Fire drill: How was the evolution performed? Fire alarm sounded on ship's bell aft and word passed by mouth, "Fire aft." Time [of drill, four minutes. Very good for first drill. 13. Collision drill: How was the evolution performed and what was the condition of the collision mat? Collision drill performed in five minutes. Collision starboard side amidships. Hog- | ging line brought down under bow and aft, mat being placed over starboard rail and [hauled down to hole. 14. Abandon ship: How was the evolution performed? None held. 15. Boat drills: What boat drills were held? No regular boat drills held. Deck force manned both dinghy and whaleboat under oars for various trips to other ships and to shore on duty, and pulled a fairly good ^stroke. 16. How were they performed? Boat trips under oars were satisfactory. 17. Man overboard drill: How was the exercise performed? None held. 18. Did signalmen, lookouts, and man at the life buoy perform their duty efficiently? Lookouts did their duty very well. Signal duty was performed by quartermasters. One quartermaster was very good, one was fair, and one was indifferent. 19. Bag and hammock inspection: What was the condition of the crew as regards uniforms? No regular bag inspection held. Clothing was clean when brought on board, and men scrubbed their clothes at every opportunity . Conditions of uniforms and clothing was satisfactory, considering condition of duty. 20. What was the condition of the bedding? Clean when brought on board. Mattress covers scrubbed twice during cruise. 21 What is the general condition of the ship? (a) Hull? (6) Machinery? (a) Hull: Condition in general, good. Slight pitting along water line. Zinc rings and zinc fittings recently renewed. Pelican hooks and life lines should be renewed. Several dogs are missing on deck bunker plates, and several of deck bunker plate screws need renewing. (&) Machinery: Main engines are in good condition. Starboard engine counter is carried away, but can be repaired by ship's force. Starboard engine room feed pump has been surveyed for overhaul and for new regulator. Fireroom blowers need over- hauling. Cylinder head of starboard forward blower engine now in three pieces, held together by metal straps. Ash pans, doors, and liners of all boilers, bridge walls in No. 1 and No. 3 boilers, and bearing bars in No. 3 boiler have been surveyed for repairs and renewal. Auxiliary feed pumps are now undergoing repairs under bureau contract. Inner stacks of all boilers are badly burned out, partially carried away, and need renewing. 22. What is the general condition of the engine and fire rooms? General condition is good. 23. What is the condition of the ship's battery, spare parts, and accessories? Good condition. 24. What is the condition of the ship's boats? Good. 25. What is the condition of the ship's signal outfit? Signal outfit is worn and has several short circuits. 26. What is the condition of the electrical apparatus? Dynamo is short circuited in shunt and there are several grounds in ship's circuits. 27. Is the wireless apparatus and service efficient? None on board. 28. Is it evident that the Navy ship keepers and the men employed by the State have endeavored to keep the ship in condition and prevent deterioration? Dupont has been turned over to the Massachusetts Naval Militia for about five weeks, and condition during cruise with extra men has been considerably improved. 29. Remarks: Considering the short time of the cruise and the fact that most of the men were inexperienced in torpedo boat work, and, in the case of the militia personnel, were inexperienced in marine engineering, it is considered that the performance of the Massachusetts Naval Militia officers and men in making a cruise of nearly 800 miles with a strange ship and practically no shake-down time reflects great credit on the officers and men. Foggy and rough weather were encountered, with its resulting 28 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. handicap to the movements of the ship and the comfort of the men, but in spite of this the Dupont did her duty in a manner which should entitle her commanding officer to great credit. MASSACHUSETTS TJ. S. S. MACDONOUGH. Ensign G. M. COOK, United States Navy. 1. Itinerary: Miles. July 12, Boston to Gloucester, Mass July 13, Gloucester to rendezvous, thence to Portland, Me 82 July 15, Portland to Bath and return 69 July 16, coaled ship. July 17, war game off Portland 104 Jui^ i9'}P rtland to Provincetown, Mass 104 July 19 to target range (estimated) 35 July 20 work at target range (estimated) 35 July 21 Provincetown to Boston and return 106 July 22 target range and Provincetown to Boston 60 Total miles steamed 531$ 2. Coal consumed: In port, 45.1 tons; at sea, 55.9 tons. 3. Average speed of vessel while under way: While independent, 15 knots; when with Rodgers, 9 knots. 4. Complement: (a) Officers Lieut. W. Ratigan, Lieut. A. H. Baker, Passed Asst. Surg. G. E. Butler. (6) Crew Seaman branch, 13 militia; engineer's force, 13 militia; seaman branch, 10 (United States Navy); engineer's force, 17 (United States Navy); artificers, 3 (United States Navy). 5. Lieut. W. Ratigan, commanding; Lieut. A. H. Baker, engineer officer; Passed Asst. Surg. G. E. Butler, surgeon, deck officer, and commissary officer. 6 and 7. The regular watch, quarter, and station bill of this vessel is made out for the full complement. When the militia came on board they were assigned stations and billets which were vacant, so that the regular complement of this vessel was practically filled, and procedure the same as if a draft of regulars had been received for placing this vessel in full commission. 8. The evolution of getting under way was accomplished in a very seamanlike manner. 9. At sea the regular deck watches were stood in a regular and efficient manner. 10. No lifeboat crews were organized, as it is thought that this vessel can be handled quicker than a boat could be put over. 11. No general quarters were held. 12. At fire drill, hose was led out, water turned on, hatches closed, etc., in a fairly efficient manner with little confusion. 13. The collision drill was very well performed. Although no attempt was made for speed the mat was put over in five minutes. The militia were then instructed in the use and names of all gear pertaining to the mat. The mat was in very good con- dition and was afterwards used on the U. S. S. Rodgers. 15 and 16. No regular boat drills were held, but boats were used very frequently by the militia for running boats and in putting down and taking up target raft. The work of the men in the boats showed a marked improvement over last year. Very good experience was obtained in work around target rafts. 17. No man-overboard drill was held. 18. Signalmen and lookouts performed their duty very well. The signalmen were very good with semaphore, but did not know the wigwag or flag hoists very well. 19. The clothing and bedding of the men were in good condition, and men were well equipped with uniforms. 21 to 28. This vessel in reserve and not loaned to the Naval Militia. 29. No target practice held. 30. Remarks: The regular reserve complement of this vessel and the men from the Massachusetts Naval Militia were assigned to stations as if they were to be the regular complement of this vessel in full commission. In this way the militia worked with the regulars and profited by their example, so that by the end of the tour of duty a very good crew NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 29 had been obtained. The men soon accustomed themselves to their duties and per- formed them very well. Considerable enthusiasm and attention to duty was shown by all. The engineer's force was very efficient. One watch in the engine rooms was com- posed entirely of militiamen, and some men were in the other watches. There is little doubt that these men would be a great asset if needed, as they are employed in engineering plants ashore, and by means of week-end trips and yearly cruises become familiar with marine installation. The engineers are much more efficient in their line than the deck force in theirs. The work of the officers on this vessel was especially good. Lieut. Ratigan, the commanding officer, had had little experience in handling a vessel, but was very enthusiastic and did very well. He was given considerable chance to handle the ship, and by the end of the tour of duty had become fairly efficient. He showed a good ability for handling men, and with a little more experience would make a very good officer. His work in placing the target rafts, laying out and dismantling the range is worthy of especial mention. The engineer officer, Lieut. A. H. Baker, has had years of experience with marine installation in the merchant service and is a very efficient officer. Surg. Butler, in addition to his duties as surgeon, interested himself in deck duty. He took a watch at sea and located the position of the ship by piloting and observations of the sun. As a whole the work of the officers and men on this vessel was very good. The only real criticism I have to make is the failure of the officers in charge of the maneuvers and target practice to anticipate the needs of the situation and issue the proper orders in time to prevent needless delay and obtain the efficiency possible with the men and means at hand. When orders are once given the officers and men seem to perform their work very well, but orders are held up until the last minute. Orders relative to the tour of duty were not issued in time for the chiefs of divisions to make proper details. It was not known until the men reported on board who or how many were going on this vessel. Orders received for movements of this vessel until joining the Chicago were most indefinite. The orders for this vessel to lay out the target range were not issued until the Chicago was ready to fire. This delayed the target practice at least 24 hours. Orders for this vessel to dismantle the range and tow targets to Province- town were not given until after the Chicago had started for Boston. A little more attention to "the estimation of the situation" and ''formulation of orders" would make the Massachusetts Naval Militia quite an efficient organization. MASSACHUSETTS TJ. S. S. BODGEBS. Ensign J. H. SMITH, United States Navy. 1. Itinerary: July 12, 1914, Boston to Gloucester. July 13, 1914. Gloucester to Portland, Me. July 15, 1914,' Portland to Bath; Bath to Portland. July 17, 1914, war game off Portland. July 18, 1914, left Portland. July 19, 1914, arrived Provincetown, Mass. July 20, 1914, towing repair party, target practice. July 21, 1914, towing repair party, target practice. July 22, 1914, towing, and Provincetown to Boston. Total miles steamed, 407. 2. Coal consumed: In port, 10 tons; at sea, 30 tons. 3. Average speed: 7.9 knots. 4. Complement: (a) Officers, 3; (6) crew, 27; (1) seaman branch, 9; (2) engineer's force, 18. 5. Lieut. Dudley M. Pray, Massachusetts Naval Militia, commanding officer; Lieut. (Junior Grade) W. A. Hindon, Massachusetts Naval Militia, executive and navigating officer; Ensign E. J. Hogan, Massachusetts Naval Militia, engineer officer. 6. Yes. 7. There was no watch, quarter, and station bill, but the men were given station billets showing their stations for fire drill, collision drill, etc. 8. Very well when at anchor; from dock, only fair. 9. Yea. 30 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 10. There was detail of 1 man for lifeboat. 11. Drill not held. 12. Drill not held. 13. Drill not held. Collision mat had been surveyed and condemned before cruise. 14. Drill not held. 15 and 16. No boat drills held. 17. Drill not held. 18. Yes, considering their lack of experience. The signalmen were quite proficiei in semaphore signaling, but were poor in flag signals. 19 and 20. No bag and hammock inspection. From general observation unifc and bedding appeared to be in good condition. 21. (a) Good, except dent in port side and opening of seams due to collision witL Governor Dingley in Portland Harbor. The hull was dented from the beading to the turn of the bilge at frame 36, which was badly bent and almost broken at one point; the frames on either side were also bent. A longitudinal seam was opened for about 3 inches and several rivets pulled out. Deck buckled for about 12 feet. (6) Gei condition good, except boilers, which are old and weak, with many tubes plugged. 22. Good. 23. Good. 24. Good. 25. Good, except night signaling, the two-light ardois having been lost overbear with the mast on July 21. 26. Dynamo is good; the rest of electrical apparatus poor. 27. No wireless set. 28. The general condition of the vessel shows that the ship keepers are doing the work in an efficient manner. 29. Remarks: The work of the crew was creditable, their general proficiency depending to a great measure on the amount of previous experience, and they responded quickly to instruction. NOTE. Ensign J. H. Smith, United States Navy, left the Rodgers before the expi- ration of the Rodger's cruise, to go on board the Chicago for duty in connection with target practice. Some of the drills reported by Ensign Smith as not held, were sub- sequently held by the commanding officer of the Rodgers. On the morning of July 14, the Rodgers and the steamer Governor Dingley were in collision in the harbor of Port- land, Me. No serious damage to either vessel resulted. MICHIGAN U. S. S. DON JUAN DE AUSTRIA. Lieut. (Junior Grade) G. H. EMMERSON, United States Navy. 1. I have to submit the following report on the cruise of the first battalion of the Michigan Naval Militia on board the U. S. S. Don Juan de Austria, which commenced on September 5, 1914, and ended on September 13, 1914. The battalion was under the command of Commander Jacob Farrand Lewis, Michigan Naval Militia, and consisted of the following divisions: First division from Detroit, second division from Saginaw, third division from Detroit, fourth division from Benton Harbor. 2. The itenerary of the cruise was as follows: Place. Arrival. Departure. Distance. Detroit Put in Bay 10 35 p m Sept 5 4.20 p. m., Sept. 5 5 50 p m Sept 6 Miles. ""54 Cleveland 10 a m Sept 7 8 53 a m Sept 9 112 Buffalo 12 9 5 p m Sept 10 12 02 p m Sept i2 188 Detroit.... Total distance steamed 1.30 p. m., Sept. 13 235 589 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 31 The average speed of the vessel while under way was 7.8 miles per hour. 3. The amount of coal consumed is shown in the table below, the data having been taken from the daily reports made to the commanding officer during the cruise: Date. Coal con- sumed. Coal on hand (noon). gept 5 Tons. Tons. 200 gept 6 12 188 Sept 7 . 7 181 Sept 8 2 179 gept 9 12 167 Sept 10 4 163 Sept 11 1 162 Sept 12 . . . . 15 147 Sept 13 ... 15 132 Total 68 The vessel was under way a total of 75 hours and 25 minutes, and at anchor 113 hours and 45 minutes. No accurate account of the coal consumed was kept. The coal was not bucketed or weighed, and no tally whatever made as it was taken from the bunkers. The daily reports made were purely estimates, and there was evidently but little basis on which to make them. No proper division could be made as to the amount consumed in port and the amount consumed at sea. 4. The complement of the ship consisted of the following officers and men: Commander Lieutenant commander Lieutenants 5 Lieutenants (junior grade) 3 Ensigns 4 A. Officers. 1 1 Passed assistant surgeon. Assistant surgeon. Passed assistant paymaster. Total, B. Crew. Seaman branch: Master-at-arms, first class Boatswain's mate, first class Boatswain's mate, second class. Coxswain Chief gunner's mate Gunner's mate, first class Gunner's mate, second class Gunner's mate, third class Quartermaster, first class Quartermaster, second class . . . Quartermaster, third class Seamen Ordinary seamen Apprentice seamen 3 3 3 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 8 38 Total 72 Artificer branch: Chief machinist's mate Machinist's mate, second class. Chief electrician Electrician, radio operator Electrician, second class Electrician, third class Chief water tender. . . Artificer branch Continued. Water tenders Plumber Oilers Firemen Coal passers 1 1 1 17 2 1 5 11 8 Total 41 Special branch: Chief yeoman Yeoman, first class Yeoman, second class Yeoman, third class Chief commissary steward Cook, first class Cook, second class Cook, third class Cook, fourth class Bugler Messman Ward room mess Cabin boys Pantryman Total. 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 3 2 1 27 64628 14 3 32 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. C. Marines. None. Grand total: Officers Crew- Seaman branch 72 Artificer branch 41 Special branch 27 15 5. The name, rank, and duty of all officers are shown below: Name. Rank. Duty. Jacob F. Lewis . Commander Commanding officer. Charles B Lundy Lieu tenan t c ommander ... I' xeo'utive officer Edward Y Dow Lieutenant T ngineer officer Stuart W Utley ...do... Navigator. Marion W Rudd do .. Watch and division Richard T Brodhead do Do Charles K. Farmer ..do Signal officer, watch duty. Clarence E Burr Lieutenant (junior grade) Watch and division Warren L Cooper do Do William J. Marshall. ..do Powder division. Guy F Palmer Fnsign Junior watch officer. Clarence V Spawr do Do Milton H. Wortley .do Do. James D Ross . . .do. Do Gordon C Hall Lieutenant (passed assistant pay- Paymaster Roland B Taber .... master). Lieutenant (passed assistant sur- Surgeon. Benjamin F. A. Crane geon). Ensign (assistant surgeon) Assistant surgeon. Mai. Roy C. Vandercook, adjutant general of the State of Michigan, accompanied the Naval Militia on the cruise as far as Cleveland, Ohio. Lieut. E. Y. Dow was detached at Cleveland on September 7, 1914. Lieut. C. K. Farmer and Passed Asst. Surg. R. B. Taber reported aboard at Buffalo, N. Y., on September 11, and remained until the completion of the cruise. 6. The assignment of billets and the stationing of the crew was accomplished in a seamanlike and satisfactory manner. The divisions were called to quarters and the divisional officers served out the station billets to the men of their divisions. The divisions were then dismissed and the men given an opportunity to locate themselves on board. Later on in the afternoon hammocks and necessary bedding were served out. 7. A watch, quarter, and station bill had been partially made out before the cruise commenced. Due to the fact that the cruise had been delayed from the regular time planned, it was practically impossible to tell until shortly before the cruise com- menced just how many men would be available for duty. A complete watch, quarter, and station bill was not posted during the cruise, but the executive officer kept a rough list of the men with their stations and duties on which changes were made as found necessary. 8. The evolution of getting underway and coming to anchor was accomplished in a commendable manner. There was little confusion, considering the fact that the men had little time to get acquainted with their stations. The captain handled the ship well, especially in going alongside and leaving docks. Both in coming to anchor and on getting underway there was some uncertainty at first as to the amount of chain out, but this was obviated to a large extent as the men became more familiar with their duties. The crew was called to quarters on entering and leaving port. Men were properly stationed at the flag and jack staffs, booms, chains, etc., and carried out their duties well, with the exception that the booms were seldom gotten out with the anchor, due mostly to the fact that they were not pointed beforehand. One bad fea- ture that caused some delay at times was due to the fact that there was no means of communication from the bridge or forecastle to the anchor engine, except by means of a hatch located some distance from the anchor engine, which made it necessary to repeat orders several times before they could be understood and carried out. A voice tube has been supplied in order to have communication from the forecastle to NAVAL MILITIA CEUISES 1914. 33 the anchor engine, and when installed will greatly facilitate the carrying out of orders in this respect. 9. At sea lookout and fife-buoy watches were properly stationed and regularly relieved . 10. The lifeboat crew and men of the watch were mustered before going on duty. Watches were stood by divisions, each division going on duty with the officers of that division. All details were relieved from the watch on duty, the length of duty depend- ing upon the number of men available in the division for the various details. In general the watches were of two or four hours' duration. This method was employed in port as well as at sea. The method was a good one, as it brought the officers in con- tact with their own men practically all the time, men with whom they had been in close association in the organization on shore. Special-detail men as a rule reported individually to the officer of the deck the fact of their relief. A few of the officers required the boatswain's mate to station and report the watch, but this was the excep- tion rather than the rule. The lifeboats themselves were properly equipped for sea and in a condition for rapid lowering. 11. The drill at general quarters consisted simply in a perfunctory stationing of the men. The men had an extremely limited knowledge of their duties. Each had been given a number in a gun's crew and knew the location of his gun and his number at the gun, but had only an elementary idea of his duties. There was little attempt made at the organization of the men into practical working gun's crews, and no attempt to consolidate them as a battery. At the call for general quarters the men went to their stations promptly and quietly. Fire hose was led out and accessory boxes supplied. Tompions were removed with one or two exceptions. The organization was in general ineffective. This was probably due to a large extent to the fact that guns of a different caliber from those on board are installed in the armory at Detroit. Preparations were made for the handling of ammunition . The magazines were opened , tackles rigged, and men stationed in such a manner that with a little training an adequate supply of ammunition could be maintained. 12. Fire drill was carried out in an effective manner. The organization was com- plete with the exception that no provision was made for smotherers, axmen, etc. These details were provided for after the first drill. All hose was properly led out, ports closed, gratings and tarpaulins hauled over hatches, except such as were neces- sary for a special passageway. Men were standing at these places. The drill was accomplished with precision, and quietly. 13. Collision drill was executed in a manner that served very well as an illustration of the manner of using and the need for a collision mat. The mat itself could not be found during the cruise, and consequently an improvised method was necessary. For this purpose a hammock was used . The dip rope was put over, hogging lines attached, and the hammock hauled over the side to the water line. No guys were used. The men performed their duties well under the orders of the officers. The collision mat was reported to have been in very poor condition when last seen. 14. Abandon ship was preceded by the provision call, given five minutes before- hand. The first boat got away from the ship in about two minutes after the abandon ship call itself. The last boat got away in fourteen minutes. The boats were lowered promptly but lost some time in shoving off from alongside. Good work was done in getting out the steamer and cutter from their cradles. The boats were only partially equipped and provisioned but very adequately for use in the Great Lakes. All men and officers left the ship, except the commanding officer and the men actually on watches where their services could not be spared. 15. During the cruise two boat drills were held with the boats in flotilla formation, and one boat drill with the boats acting independently. Officers went out in the boats. At flotilla drills the signals from the ship were answered promptly, but the evolutions were performed only fairly well. In column distance was poorly kept, and when in line the boats were seldom properly dressed. The stroke in general was ragged; some oars were feathered, others not. The coxswains seemed familiar with their duties, but lacked the necessary practical experience to maneuver the boats so as to make the evolutions appear smooth. The results, however, were very satisfac- tory considering the limited amount of training the men had received. The cox- swains of the power boats, the steamer, and the motor barge handled their boats excep- tionally well. Improvement was shown in boat work during the cruise and with addi- tional training the men would undoubtedly become more proficient. 16. Man-overboard drill was held several times during the cruise and the men were drilled many times at getting into the boat with all preparations being made for lowering away. At the drill the men manned the boat promptly and the boat was lowered quickly. There was always some confusion about the men getting out their 34 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. oars, generally due to a lack of intimate knowledge as to which par each man should get out. The coxswain lacked familiarity with the use of a steering oar. A life buoy was dropped. A quartermaster took station in the after rigging equipped with signal flag. There were apparently a lack of understanding between signalman and cox- swain as to the meaning of signals, as the boat generally had to maneuver considerably before locating the buoy. 17. Lookouts and life-buoy watches performed their duties very well. There was no regular signalman on watch. The quartermaster looked out for this duty. No opportunity was afforded to judge their ability in the receiving and sending of messages as the ship was cruising independently. In hoisting fl<\r;s at boat drill they performed their duties well. They were fairly well versed in the semaphore code, but had only an elementary knowledge of the Morse code. 18. Bag inspection was held once during the cruise, the bags of the first and second divisions being brought to quarters. The clothing in general was in poor condition and each man had only a very limited outfit. Very few men had what might be termed a clean bag. In one division no attempt was made to lay out the clotl.es in a regulation manner, no clothes were stopped up, and only a few marked. In the other division most of the clothes were stopped up, generally laid out in regulation manner, and most of the clothes marked. In both divisions many watch marks were lacking. At hammock inspection the hammocks of the third and fourth divisions were broken out. The hammocks were only fairly clean; many of them were rather dirty on the outside, indicating that they had been laid out on the decks at night instead of being swung. The bedding in general was clean. No mattress covers were used. None of the bedding was marked, as it was served out on the ship to each man after he came on board, the only means of identification being the number on the hammock. This resulted to a certain extent in the lack of a feeling of individual ownership that results when the men own their bedding as is the case in the regular service. 19. (a) The hull of the ship is in good condition, considering the age of the ship and the duty it has performed for several years past. At the water line the paint is prac- tically all washed away and there are indications of pitting. Above the water line the hull is in good condition, but several rust streaks were noticeable. The paint is thick and uneven in spots. The bilges are in fair shape, but need a general over- hauling. There are rust spots in practically all of them and in several there was a small amount of water. The ship needs a general scaling, inside and out. (6) The machinery is in good condition and worked very satisfactorily during the cruise. The main engines with their auxiliaries are in very good shape. Many parts need overhauling but there is nothing that could not be done by a regular engine-room force with the ship in full commission. The distillers were the only auxiliaries not in working order during the cruise. Repairs beyond the capacity of the ship's force are necessary on them. The boilers are new and in excellent shape. They were found tight in all respects and no trouble whatever was experienced with them. The boilers had not been covered with clothing and lagging, but that was to be done shortly after the completion of the cruise. 20. The general condition of the engine and the fire rooms is good. The bilges need scaling. It was found impossible to thoroughly inspect them during the cruise, but evidence of scale could be observed in many places. 21. The ship's battery is only in fair shape. It consists of two 3-pounder guns, six 6-pounder guns, and two 1-pounder guns. The two 3-pounder guns are the only ones that are in any respect modern. They have telescopic sights and deflection drums. The 6-pounder guns are antiquated, have open sights, and only two are fitted with deflection gear, and these are of a very poor and practically useless type. Good results for present-day firing could scarcely be expected with any but the 3-pounder guns. Three of the 6-pounder guns have no firing pins and there are no spare ones on board. The accessory boxes of the 3-pounder guns are in good shape, with few missing articles. One accessory box of the 1-pounder guns is in fair shape; the other con tains only a few odds and ends. The 6-pounder accessory boxes have practically nothing in the n. New accessory boxes should be supplied for these guns. The rifling of all guns is worn. The breechblocks of all guns were found in good condition. They have been kept stowed away between cruises and vaselined before stowage. 22. The ship's boats are in good condition, but their equipments are in only fair condition. Most of the oars are old and need renewing. The boat boxes have no equipment whatever. The water breakers are in good condition. 23. The signal outfit is in good condition. A new ardois stand and keyboard were installed during the cruise and the outfit worked satisfactorily. The signal flags and semaphore machine are in good condition. The searchlight is in good operating order NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 35 with the exception that the automatic control has been removed and the light must be controlled by hand. 24. The electrical apparatus is in general in good condition. The dynamos and dynamo engines are in very good working order; they need a general overhauling, however. The armature on the starboard machine needs turning down. The wiring of the ship and the conduits are in fair condition; the junction boxes in general need new gaskets. The battle circuit and the fireroom circuit had grounds in them. The entire electrical outfit could be put in first-class shape in a short time, but the work of a complete overhauling could not be accomplished during a cruise of such short duration. The electricians were all good men and had a very thorough and practical knowledge of their duties. 25. The wireless outfit is in very poor shape. The instruments were not installed at the beginning of the cruise. The operator worked almost incessantly in an endeavor to install the apparatus but had little success. Parts of the set were found scattered all over the ship. Most of the transmitting set was found, but the mercury turbine interrupter was in exceedingly poor shape and could not be gotten in condition to pump the mercury. The receiving set could not all be located. The set is veryold and practically worthless in its present condition. The radio operator brought aboard a receiving set of his own and succeeded in picking up the weather reports, time reports, and several other broadcast messages. He deserved great credit for his enthusiastic endeavor to install the wireless set and get it in working condition. 26. The Navy ship keepers have carried out their work in a satisfactory manner. The number of men detailed for this purpose is considered too small to keep the ship in proper shipshape condition. It is recommended that one fireman and one seaman be added to the present allowance. 27. Remarks: The work of the Naval Militia on board the IT. S. S. Don Juan de Austria was highly satisfactory, considering the conditions under which the cruise was started. The ship had been alongside the dock at the Marine Boiler Works, Toledo, Ohio, for about three months just previous to the cruise in order to have new boilers installed, which work was just completed in time for the ship to leave on schedule date. The ship was taken from alongside the dock on the morning of September 4 and at the time was in an exceedingly dirty and littered up condition. On arrival at Detroit on the afternoon of the same day it was necessary to coal ship. There was no chance to clean up the decks whatever before the time of sailing on September 5. Consequently the first two days out had to be spent in a general cleaning, utilizing time that could little be spared from organization and drills. Also the fact that the cruise had been delayed for about a month, combined with the uncertainty up to the last minute as to whether it would take place or not, produced another unfavorable element. An organization of the character of the Naval Militia is dependent to a large extent upon the ability of its mem- bers to arrange their vacations in such a manner as to be able to gather together at an appointed time. Many men have arranged for the time set in August, utilized their vacations at that time and could not spare further time for the cruise in September. The officers were all very enthusiastic ii their work, anxious to learn, and tried hard at all times to conform as nearly as possible to the customs of the regular service. They were in general well versed in their duties. The captain seemed familiar with the handling of the ship and had splendid ideas on the management and control of the organization. He was ably assisted by the executive officer, who was at all times very zealous and worked with the one idea of perfecting the officers and men in those details in which they appeared the most deficient. The other officers were extremely loyal to the captain and executive officer; were anxious to carry out instructions received; and to bring their departments and divisions to as high a state of efficiency as possible. The men were intelligent, willing, and had the success of the organization at heart. It might be said that the officers were, as a rule, over zealous in that they attempted to do too much of the work themselves. There was a lack of assertion of authority by the petty officers, due largely to the fact that the men had been accustomed to observe the orders from the officers, each man endeavoring to carry out the orders independ- ently. The outfit of clothing was so meager that the men could not show to good advantage in this respect. The men did not acquire the ability to keep themselves clean. There was noticeable a tendency to keep a dirty uniform for work and a clean one for quarters. The natural consequence was that during the day there was a mix- ture of clean and dirty uniforms. It is thought that this tendency would be obviated by a cruise of longer duration. The men appeared contented at all times. The messing of the crew was exceedingly satisfactory and reflected credit upon the com- missary department. The captain and navigator navigated the ship in commend- 36 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. able manner and seemed well qualified in pilotage. The watch officers stood fairly good watches. Some of them lacked experience, but this was more than compensated For by the spirit of cooperation with which they went about their duties. Marked improvement was shown in all departments as the cruise progressed. The cruise was altogether too short, but great credit is due both officers and men for the results attained. There was evidently a good theoretical knowledge of life on shipboard, but the men could not fully adapt themselves to the actual conditions in such a short time as was placed at their disposal. Those officers who had been given an opportunity to cruise with ships of the F egular Navy showed the benefits of their experience. They absorbed many of the details of naval life that can only be obtained by association. It is recom- mended that every encouragement possible be given both officers and men of the Naval Militia to take these cruises with the Regular Navy in order that the benefits may be more widely distributed. 28. No target practice was held. MICHIGAN AND WISCONSIN II. S. S. YANTIC. Lieut. (Junior Grade) D. T. HUNTER, 'United States Navy. 1. Itinerary; miles steamed: Hancock, Marquette, Mackinac, Bois Blue, Harbor Springs, Milwaukee, Mackmac. Marquette; 1,497 miles. 2. Coal consumed in port and at sea: In port, 2.25 tons; underway, 10.5 tons per day. 3. Average speed of vessel while underway: Eight and four tenths miles per hour. 4. Complement: Officers, 17; crew, 200: Seamen, 144; artificers, 10; special branch, 10; hired for cruise, 29; regulars, 7; total, 217. 5. Name, rank, and duty of all officers: G. T. Stephenson, commander, commanding. Paul J. Ruppe, lieutenant commander, executive. Joseph E. Austin, lieutenant, navigator. George M. Rees, lieutenant, surgeon. Henry W. Hecker, lieutenant, acting paymaster. James Sullivan, ensign, engineer. Roy L. Rydholm, lieutenant, third division. , L. W. Warner, first lieutenant, general cleanliness. Donald C. Bell, lieutenant, fourth division. F. E. McDonald, lieutenant, fifth division. P. J. Buckley, lieutenant (junior grade), second division. Willis Kuhn, jr., lieutenant (jurnor grade), second division. Henry Vanderwerp, lieutenant, (junior grade), fifth division. Fred M. King, lieutenant (junior grade), fourth division. J. B. Coon, ensign, first division. Fred Seabrook, ensign, third division. D. G. Vorous," ensign, first division. 6. Was the assignment of billets and the stationing of the crew accomplished in a seamanlike manner? Yes, considering the inexperience of the enlisted personnel. 7. Had a watch, quarter, and station bill been prepared before cruise commenced? A skeleton bill had been prepared, but it was impossible to station the crew on account of impossibility of knowing beforehand how many men would be available. The organizations came from widely separated towns, and only one (the Hancock organization) was on board when the cruise commenced. The rest, including the Wisconsin organization, came aboard at Marquette, Mich. 8. How was the evolution of getting underway accomplished? The evolution of getting underway was accomplished in a seamanlike manner. There was almost no confusion. 9. At sea were lookouts and life-buoy watches properly stationed and regularly relieved? Yes; but the lookouts did not seem to understand relative bearings from the ship. 10. Were the lifeboat crew and men of the watch mustered when going on duty? Yes. 11. What was the efficiency of the ship and crew at general quarters? NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 37 There was a general quarters bill and all men stationed at guns knew their stations and went to them when general quarters call was sounded, but they had evidently not had much drill at the guns. 12. Fire drill: How was the evolution performed? Fire drill was carried out in a very smart and efficient manner. 13. Collision drill: How was the evolution performed, and what was the condition of the collision mat? Evolution well performed; mat in good condition. 14. Abandon ship: How was the evolution performed? Evolution was performed well. 15. Boat drills: What boat drills were held? Under oars and sail. 16. How were they performed? Fairly well. 17. Man-overboard drill: How was the exercise performed? The lifeboat crew responded promptly to the call and the boat was lowered very [uickly. There was, however, some confusion due to a number of officers on leek who should have had nothing to do with the evolution, but endeavored to give orders to the coxswain, which, of course, confused him. 18. Did signalmen, lookouts, and men at the life buoy perform their duty efficiently? Yes. 19. Bag and hammock inspection: What was the condition of the crew as regards uniforms? The condition of the crew as regards uniforms was surprisingly good. After the ship had been at sea for a couple of days and the men had had a chance to scrub clothes their appearance was good. In the matter of regulation underclothes and shoes, however, they are rather slack. 20. What was the condition of the bedding? Fair. The hammocks of the Ashland division were very dirty, but as soon as oppor- tunity offered all hammocks were scrubbed. 21. What is the general condition of the ship? The general condition of the ship's hull is remarkably good, considering her age. Her machinery is also in good condition and has evidently been well cared for. 22. What is the general condition of the engine and fire rooms? Clean and kept well painted. 23. What is the condition of the ship's battery, spare parts, and accessories? Good and evidently well cared for. 24. What is the condition of the ship's boats? Fairly good. 25. What is the condition of the signal outfit? With the exception of the ardois, which has given considerable trouble due to grounds, the condition of the signal outfit is good. 26. What is the condition of the electrical apparatus? Good. 27. Is the wireless apparatus and service efficient? The wireless apparatus is an old United Wireless Co.'s set leased from the Marconi Co. for a peiiod of six months every year. The lease is at present canceled and the motor generator and aerial have been taken out by the company. 28. Is it evident that the Navy ship keepers and the men employed by the State have endeavored to keep the ship in condition and prevent deterioration? Yes. 29. Remarks: In my opinion the enlisted personnel of the Michigan and Wisconsin Naval Militias, from my observations on board the ship, could be readily assimilated in the regular service. They come from the source from which we draw our men, and seem inter- ested and eager to learn. In the drills which have been carried out they are fairly proficient, but in the matter of taking care of themselves on board ship and knowledge of naval customs and routine they plainly show inexperience. The officers, with the exception of a few, would be of little value to the regular service. The principal reason for this is their lack of education, and the fact that they are elected by the men of their division instead of being appointed after being examined as to their qualifications. On this ship this refers only to the watch and division officers, some of whom are earnest and eager to learn, but the majority of whom seem to have no idea of their duties and responsibilities as officer of the deck. When the captain, executive officer, or navigator are on the bridge the officer of the deck seems to feel that he is relieved of all responsibility, although it has been repeatedly explained to all watch officers that this is not the case. 38 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. Commander G. T. Stephenson, Michigan Naval Militia, is zealous, energetic, capable. He handles his ship in an efficient and seamanlike manner and would a credit to the regular service. Lieut. Commander Paul J. Ruppe, Michigan Naval Militia, is highly interested in the naval profession. He is one of the most energetic and painstaking officers that I have ever seen. His influence over the men and his command over them are good. His principal fault lies in trying to do too much of the ship's work himself. Lieut. Joseph E. Austin, Michigan Naval Militia, the navigating officer, performs his duties efficiently, and being a graduate from the United States Naval Academy, class 1908, naturally knows more about the naval profession and naval customs in general than any otner officer of the ship. Lieut. Henry W. Hecker, Michigan Naval Militia, ordinarily in command of the Hancock Division, is acting paymaster for this cruise, and is energetic and efficient in the performance of his duties. Asst. Surg. George M. Rees, Michigan Naval Militia, has done more than any other officer for the medical department of this organization. He is the chief physician for the Calumet & Hecla Mining Co., and therefore a man of high professional quali- fications. He examined physically every man of this ship]s crew before the beginning of the cruise, giving them the same examination that is given recruits for the regular service. He is endeavoring to keep a complete medical record of the men of his organization by supplying them with cards and envelopes addressed to himself, which are to be filled out by the attending physician in the case of illness of any of his men and forwarded to him. This is done entirely at his own expense. It is to be hoped that the men will cooperate with him to make this system a success. On the whole, the Michigan officers seem to be superior to those from Wisconsin. 30. Recommendations: In my opinion more good would be accomplished by assigning each State a naval officer as instructor than in any other way, because it is the officers who need the greatest amount of instruction, and 1 believe that this is the only way in which they will be able to get it. While on this cruise the greatest difficulty "encountered in handling the ships in squadron formation has been due to the lack of proficiency in signals. This is plainly due to lack of drill, and can be easily remedied. The ships are on the whole rather well equipped, but are all old and not very well fitted lor their present use. It seems to me that the money spent in keeping these old ships in repair could be used to much better advantage in building small modern gunboats, which would answer the purposes of the Naval Militia much better. If practicable the militia should have two cruises a year instead of one, as at present, as their principal deficiencies are due to lack of practice and experience. The principal needs of this ship in the matter of equipment are a ventilation system for the crew's space on the berth deck and two motor boats. The ship has at present a small regulation steam launch, which is old, not in very good condition, and really too heavy for the ship. She has also a motor boat which was made out ot an old regulation cutter, and contains a small engine purchased by the State. This engine is entirely inadequate, as it will hardly propel the boat, and the boat is entirely useless for towing and for liberty parties. MINNESOTA TJ. S. S. GOPHER. Lieut. E. F. JOHNSON, United States Navy. 1. Itinerary: Date. Arrivals. Departures. Aug 8 Left Duluth Minn Aug 10 Arrived Sault Ste. Marie Left Sault Ste Marie Arrived Mackinac Island Aug 11 Left Mackinac Island Arrived Bois Blanc Island War game. Aug. 12 Sent landing party ashore Left Bois Blanc Island Arrived Mackinac Island Aug 13 Left Mackinac Island Arrived St. Helena Arrived Harbor Springs Left St. Helena. Aug. 14-15 Daily maneuvering off Harbor Springs Aug. 16 Afternoon boat races Squadron disbanded. Miles steamed, 869. (NOTE. The Gopher, after the disbanding of the squadron, was to cruise independently to Detroit for liberty and coaling and trnnce to return to Duluth. This report includes the cruise with the squadron, and ends August 16 Harbor Springs, Mich.) NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 39 2. Coal consumed in port and at sea: At pea, 45 tons; in port, 18 tons; total, 64 tons. 3. Average speed of vessel while under way: When cruising singly, 10 knots. When cruising in squadron, 7 knots. Maximum sustained speed possible, 11 knots. 4. Complement: (//) Officers, 12. (6 1 ) Crew, 112. (1) Seamen branch, 100; (2) engineer force, 12; (3) artificers, none. (') Marines, none. 5. Name, rank and duty of all officers: Commander G. A. Eaton, commanding. Lieut. Commander C. W. Kelly, executive officer. , Lieut. Commander A. Sweiisen, navigating officer. Lieut. Commander N. F. Hugo, engineering officer. Lieutenant and Paymaster Ahred Engels, pay officer. Surg. F. D. Patton* medical officer. Lieut. R. T. Hugo, division officer. Lieut. Joseph Carhart, jr., division officer. Lieut. Robert Wilcox. division officer. Lieut. (Junior Grade) II. G. Knapp, division officer. Em-ign J. N. Shea, division officer. Ensign E. J. Blanchard, division officer. 6. Was the assignment of billets and the stationing of the crew accomplished in a seamanlike manner? Yes. 7. Had a watch quarter and station bill been prepared before the cruise commenced? Yes. 8. How was the evolution of getting underway accomplished? Quietly and efficiently. 9. At sea, were lookouts and life-buoy watches properly stationed and regularly relieved? Yes. 10. Were the lifeboats crew and men of the watch mustered when going on duty? Yes. 11. What was the efficiency of the ship and crew at general quarters? Excellent. However, without two 3-inch guns, a small range finder, and an at least primitive fire-control installation, the general quarters drill must be so simple as to make efficiency in carrying it out mainly a matter of going to stations quickly and quietly. The installation of range finder and a simple fire control is not recom- mended except in connection with the installation oi two 3-inch guns. The entire installation is recommended, but requires strengthening of gun platform. ^ It is under- stood that this question is considered in report of The Board of Inspection and Sur- vey, which inspected August 14 and August 10, 1914. 12. Fire drill: How was the evolution periormed? Excellent. Certain changes in the bill w^re recommended which are to be incor- porated in the watch quarter and station bill at the completion of this cruise (rather than cause contusion by changes during the short cruised 13. Collision drill: How was the evolution performed and what was the condition of the collision mat? There was no collision mat, and therefore no drill possible except use of pumps. The navy crew, or ship keepers, are to complete a mat as soon after the cruise as practicable. 14. Abandon ship: How was the evolution performed? Excellent. 15. Boat drills: What boat drills were held? Boat drill under oars, boats maneuvering singly and as a flotilla. 16. How were they performed? Excellent. 17. Man overboard drill: How was the exercise performed? Excellent. On signal from the flagship, buoy was dropped, ship maneuvered, boat lowered, buoy recovered, and boat hoisted in 3 mi \utes While procee lino; in formation at 7 knots, a man slipped and went overboard from starboard gangway platform. Buoy was dropped, boat lowered, ship maneuvered, man swam to buoy, man and buoy were recovered and boat hoisted in 3 minutes, 5 seconds from time of man overboard. 40 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 18. Did signalmen, lookouts, and man at the life buoy perform their duties effi- ciently? Lookouts and life buoy, yes. Signalmen, at semaphore and ardois, excellent. At flags, excellent at reading but fair at sending. At handling signals received, fair. 19. Bag and hammock inspection: What was the condition of the crew as regards uniforms? Very good except shoes and underwear. These are not furnished and were in many cases distinctly nonregulation. Jhoes were not kept shined. 20. What was the condition of the bedding? Very good. 21. What is the general condition of the ship? (a) Hull? (b] Machinery? (a) Amount of water in bilges indicates neea of docking and repairs as found neces- sary. (6) Very good. (No detailed report is here made since the ship was inspected by the Board of Inspec- tion and Survey August 14 and 16, 1914. The cleanliness of the ship from top to bot- tom, on my inspection, August 16, surprised me, although I had expected efficient work. It was such as to reflect great credit on the officers and crew.) 22. What is the general condition of the engine and fire rooms? Excellent, in view of the fact that the ship was under way practically constantly during working hours. 23. What is the condition of the ship's battery, spare parts, and accessories? Excellent. 24. What is the condition of the ship's boats? Not up to the standard of cleanliness of the ship, except the gig, than which I have never seen a better kept boat. The crew is a picked crew, the boat officer has been a boatswain's mate, second class, in the Navy, and all take a personal pride in their boat, keeping it immaculate. Other boats need removal of paint, smoothing off, and painting, and better constant care. 25. What is the condition of the signal outfit? Excellent. Some of the new pennants have not yet been received, but the few needed will be required for. A few new alphabet flags are needed to replace those torn and worn in use during cruise. Excellent care of apparatus is evident. 26. What is the condition of the electrical apparatus? Excellent. A new 7-kilowatt turbine generator has just been installed by the State. 27. Is the wireless apparatus and service efficient? This is a set rented by the State from the Marconi Co. for the time of the cruise. It is rated at 2 kilowatts. Fair to good. 28. Is it evident that the Navy ship keepers and men employed by the State have endeavored to keep the ship in condition and prevent deterioration? Yes. 29. Remarks: To sum up the above report, the ship's officers and crew have spirit and discipline, the latter to an extent which (without experience) I should consider unusual in a volun- teer organization. Tnis discipline is the basis of the ship's efficiency at drills and of her cleanliness. The State has expended a large amount of money upon the above- water body of the ship and upon her machinery and equipment. 1. Itinerary: NEW JERSEY TJ. S. S. ADAMS. Lieut. L. R. LEAHY, United States Navy. Arrive. Leave. Hoboken July 11 Bar Harbor July 14 July 16 Portland * July 18 July 19 Provincetown July 20 July 22 Menernsha Bight July 22 July 23 Gravesend Bay July 24 July 25 Hoboken July 25 Miles total, 928. NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 4:1 2. Coal consumption: Port, 18 tons; sea, 83 tons. 3. Speed: Average speed, 6J knots. 4. Complement: (a) Officers, 12. (6) Crew: (1) Seamen branch, 88; (2) engineer's force, 24; (3) artificers' branch, 3; (4) special branch, 5; total, 120. 5. Name, rank, and duty of all officers: Edward McClure Peters, commander, commanding. Jesse Foster, lieutenant commander, executive officer. Benjamin J. Soper, lieutenant, navigator and gunnery officer. Henry Sibley Colding, lieutenant, chief engineer. William M. Rouse, lieutenant, passed assistant paymaster. George F. Wilson, lieutenant, watch and division officer. George Phipps, lieutenant (junior grade), watch and division officer. Julius F. Zenneck, lieutenant (junior grade), assistant surgeon. Frank R. Brick, ensign, assistant engineer. Justus L. Schlichting, ensign, watch and division officer. Carl T. McNamara, ensign, watch and division officer. Arthur E. Krottnaurer, warrant officer, warrant machinist. 6. The assignment of billets and the stationing of the crew was done after getting under way. It wa^ impossible to do this before leaving port, because the men did not report on board until a short time before leaving, and the number of men making the cruise was uncertain. 7. The watch, quarter, and station bill had not been prepared, but was made out after getting under way. 8. The ship was gotten under way on all occasions in a seamanlike manner. 9. Lookouts and life buoy watches were properly posted, relieved, and instructed. 10. Lifeboats' crews were mustered when going on watch. 11. General quarters was held but once, no fire control communication installed,. a;nd no portable hose on board. The drill was not good. 12. Fire drill was performed in an efficient manner, improving with each drilL All special details ware properly provided for. 13. Collision drill was thoroughly performed, but slow, due to lack of experience in handling gear. With a few drills this evolution could b? smartly performed. 14. At abandon ship a few men failed to know their stations. Lists were not all corrected up to date, which caused some mistakes. No provisions, life preservers, or equipment was provided. 15-16. Boat drills improved daily. Boats were frequently exercised under oars,, and the crews showed great improvement by the end of the cruise. 17-18. Man overboard was well executed. All lookouts properly stationed. 19. Very good. 20. Excellent. 21-22. (a) The hull, in general, is in good condition. The paint should be removed both on the interior and exterior of the ship and the ship newly painted. The paint is very old and dirty. All the holds and storerooms should be thoroughly gone over and painted. The plumbing should be torn out and new plumbing installed. The ship is in a very insanitary condition, due to the lack of plumbing. (6) The machinery is generally good. The throttle valve should be overhauled and a distance gear installed on the passover. In order to maneuver ship it is neces- sary to laave the throttle open and control the steam with the main stop. Cylinder covers should be lifted and piston rings examined. Two leaky tubes developed on the cruise. On examination of these tubes I found considerable corrosion and pitting. One tube was so thin that a hole could be put in it at almost any point. The boilers should be thoroughly examined and retubed where necessary. I examined the furnaces with a template and found them in very good condition. The bilges and shaft alley were very dirty and oily. This condition, has been improved since the ship was taken over by the New Jersey Militia, but a thorough cleaning of the bilges and phaft alley should be made as soon as possible. 23-24. Ship's battery was installed three days before sailing. It has been over- hauled and put in condition as fast as time would permit. 25. Fair. 56-27. No electrical appliances installed. Oil lamps are used. A dynamo for lighting purposes should be installed. The dynamo was removed by the State of Pennsylvania, but most of the wiring remains. A portabb radio receiving set was used to great advantage; also an electric hand torch rigged up with storage batteries. 42 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 28. From my observations and the fact that this ship has only recently been turnec over to the New Jersey Militia, I think that the shipkeepers are performing theii duties properly. A great deal has already been accomplished, but a great amount of work yet remains to be done. 29. I consider that the cruise lost many of its good results by keeping the ship eea for such a large portion of the time. Sixty per cent of the time was spent at s cruising in waters that are generally covered with fog. making conditions moot trying and not conducive to carrying out an elaborate drill program . If this cruise is intende( to train men, more time should be spent in port where drills can be carried out. As suggested program, all ship? rendezvous at some central anchorage, say Gardinei Bay, and carry out a set program of drills for six or more drill days, permitting th< commanding officer to cruise at will, conduct drills, and give liberty. Maneuv could be carried out by getting under way for a few hours, and conducting these ir neuvere in the vicinity of the base. The officers displayed great interest in the cruii and a ready willingness to work and to acquire knowledge of the naval profession. consider that an active line officer should be detailed for a period of about three mont to give instructions to the officers and men to start them right. I found that lack professional knowledge was not due to lack of work or time spent, but to not gettij started right and not knowing where to look for information. If these officers wen instructed in the rudiments of navigation, ordnance, fleet routine, and naval custor for a short time it would greatly increase their efficiency, and furthermore th< interest, which would make them seek further information about the naval profession. This would make them much better instructors for the crew. Condition of ship. The condition under which this ship made this cruise was very bad. The ship left the navy yard on July 9, the cruise commencing on July 11. No opportunity was had to get the crew together or to station the men before getting under way. No night signaling appliances were installed, making it very difficult to get a signal through .it night. The battery was installed on July 7-8, but the sights were not installed until just before leaving the navy yard, all of which was hurriedly done. No training appliances were received before commencing the cruise, conse- quently no training of pointers or gun crews could be accomplished. A Springfield rifle was rigged up for ex-caliber-us?, but because of the heavy weather at Cape Cod Bay no opportunity to use it was had; it was impossible to use it at Bar Harbor or Portland, and fog interfered with it's use while at sea in company with the Chicago and Glouces- ter. Target practice was abandoned, as the ship was not prepared, and it was consid- ered that it would be a waste of time and ammunition. Rifle practice at 200 yards was held at Menemsha Bight. The results were fair considering that the men had not received the prpper course at preliminary training. On this cruise seven firemen were hired to make the cruise. From experience it has been found that the members of the engineer force, being inexperienced, can not be relied upon to properly fire the boilers and to keep up steam. It not being good policy for men to make these cruises who are not regularly enlisted in the Militia, and who are not eligible to enter the regular service, it is suggested that for these cruises a sufficient number of regular service men be ordered to the ships to make the cruises. This would assure steam being properly kept up, ind they could instruct the militiamen in firing and water tending. A full report should be required covering the amount of fire-room work done by the militia and the progress made. Sail power was used on several occasions in addition to steam, and with affair breeze about nine knots was made. In conclusion, I desire to submit the following recommendations: 1. Ship to be fully equipped with necessary articles for instruction. 2. An instructor should be detailed for a period of about three months to instruct officers and crew. 3. No one to be enlisted in the Naval Militia who are not eligible for enlistment in the regular service. 4. Officer should pass a thorough examination before commissioning and upon pro- motion. 5. Officers be compelled to make the summer cruises unless unavoidably prevented. An officer who misses two consecutive cruises should be dropped. 6. If this ship is to be used for Naval Militia purposes, it should be provided with an ice machine and cold storage, a dynamo, a steam winch, and a radio set. At present there is no cold storage, not even a place where ice can be stored. Oil lamps are used, which are both dangerous and inefficient. 7. A portable operating table, set of instruments, and medicine should be supplied for the cruise. NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 43 NEW YORK IT. S. S. WASP. Ensign H. B. GROW, United States Navy. 1-2. Itinerary: Left Ninety-seventh Street, 9.14 a. m., July 11; arrived Plum Island 8 p. m. Left Plum Island 2.15 p. m., July 12; arrived New London 4 p. m. Left New London 12.13 p. m., July 13; arrived New Bedford 7 p. m. Left New Bedford 11.50 a. m., July 14; arrived Newport 4.30 p. m. Left Newport 1.30 p. m., July 16; arrived New London 4 p. m. Left New London 1.45 p. m.," July 17; arrived Greenport, L. I., 6 p. m. Left Greenport, L. I., 10.30 a. m., July 18; arrived New Haven, Conn., 5.30 p. m. Left New Haven 10 a. m., July 19; arrived New Rochelle 3 p. m. Left New Rochelle 6 p. m., July 19; arrived Newport 9 a. m., July 20. Left Newport 4 a. m., July 21; arrived White Stone 4 a. m., July 22. Left White Stone 9 a. m., July 22; arrived West Ninety-seventh Street 4.30 p. m. Between ports time was utilized in swinging ship, maneuvering, and steaming for instruction. Miles steamed on whole cruise about 850. Coal consumption is given bv tables from noon to noon. Tons. Commences till noon, July 12 6.0 July 12 to noon, July 13 3.2 July 13 to noon, July 14 5. 3 July 14 to noon, July 15 : 6. 3 July 15 to noon, July 16 3.2 July 16 to noon, July 17 4. 7 July 17 to noon, July 18 4.5 July 18 to nopn, July 19 5.5 July 19 to noon, July 20 6. 5 July 20 to noon, July 21 5. 3 July 21 to noon, July 22 4. Total 54.5 3. The vessel steamed very well, averaging about 12 or 13 knots at standard speed. Frequently for a whole watch the engines would turn over 175 or 180 revolution per minute, equivalent to 14 or 14.5 knots. 4. Completement of the vessel: Lieut. Commander W. B. Wait, jr., commanding. Lieut. Chas. Boone, engineer officer. Lieut. Earle Farwell, navigator and executive officer. Lieut, (junior grade) C. C. Kimball, surgeon and paymaster. Lieut, (junior grade) Harry R. Brown, first division. Ensign Clarence A, Moore, second division. Ensign Chas. A. Mason, powder division. Deck force: 1 boatswain mate, first class; 1 gunner's mate, second class, acting boatswain mate, first class; 1 gunner's mate, first class, acting chief gunner's mate; 1 gunner's mate, second class, acting coxswain; 3 seaman, acting coxswain; 28 sea- men. Engineer's force: 1 chief machinist's mate; 1 chief electrician; 1 electrician; 2 water tenders; 1 machinist's mate, second class; 4 firemen. Powder division: 1 chief quartermaster; 1 chief commissary steward; 1 quartermaster, first class; 3 quartermasters, second class; 2 hospital apprentices; 2 signalmen; 1 ward room steward; 4 civilian cooks; 1 chief yeoman, acting chief master-at-arms; 1 yeoman, first class, acting chief yeoman; 1 yeoman, first class, acting master-at-arms, second class; 1 quartermaster, second class, acting radio operator; 1 seaman, acting radio operator; 1 seaman, acting bugler; 1 ship's cook. United States Navy men: 1 chief machinist's mate; 1 boatswain mate, first class; 2 seamen; 2 firemen. 5. The assignment of billets and the stationing of the crew was accomplished in a very seamanlike manner. 6. A watch, quarter, and station bill had been prepared before the cruise com- menced. 7. The evolution of getting underway was always accomplished in a seamanlike manner with no disorder. 44 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 8. Lookouts and life-buoy watches were properly stationed and relieved at sea, were proficient in the performance and knowledge of their duties. 9. The life boats' crews -were mustered in accordance with Navy Regulations, and frequently at other times. 10. General quarters were not held. 11. The evolution of fire drill was performed remarkably well. Especially notice- able was the promptness, energy, and order everywhere manifest during these drills. 12. Collision drill was performed very well, the mat and gear is in good condition. 13. Abandon ship drill was held once and was well performed. 14. Boat drill was held once during the cruise and was not very successful. This I think was due not to poor seamanship) or to poor oarsmen, but rather to the un- familiarity of the boat officers with the signal flags. 15. Man overboard drill was excellent. The evolution was performed at sea with a good ground swell running, which gave the Wasp considerable motion. The cre\v were absolutely green. The boat was lowered away from the ship with full crew and equipment in less than one minute, and it was done quietly without disorder. 16. The lookouts and life-buoy men performed their duties efficiently. There were but two or three chances to observe the signalmen, but they seemed to be very well informed as to the various methods of signaling. 17. There was no bag and hammock inspection held as such; I. however, made fre- quent observations. The men of the crew being inexperienced in seamen's ways, lacked the knowledge that most seamen have of how to keep their clothes and persons clean. At first they were very dirty, but in a few days there was a marked improve- ment, and at the end of the cruise they could compare favorably with the regulars in appearance. 18. The same remarks apply to beddings as were made of the clothing. 19. A thorough inspection was made of the Wasp, and she seems to be in excellenl condition, both hull and machinery. The engines work well, and frequently de- veloped 170 to 180 revolutions per minute, equivalent to 14 or 15 knots. They* were kept clean and neat at all times. The fire rooms are in good condition, but the small force employed rendered it impossible to spend much time cleaning up. 20. The ship's battery (two 6 pounders and four 1 pounders) is in fair condition, although of not much practical value. Spare parts for some of the guns are noi available. 21. The ship's boats are in excellent condition. 22. The signal outfit is in poor condition, flags missing from the large set, and the equipment not complete. However, I understand that there is a requisition in to cover this deficiency. 23. The electrical apparatus is, on the whole, in good condition, but should receive more attention or deterioration will follow. 24. The wireless outfit is new, having just been installed. It is in excellent condi- tion and should be taken care of. During pur visit to Newport it was used for all official communications and worked very satisfactorily. 25. The force kept on board when the vessel is not in use is evidently not sufficient to keep her in condition. This was evident in many ways throughout the ship, which, while it was in excellent condition generally, was visibly neglected in detail. It was also evident that the navy yard force had done their work hastily before she was turned over to the State. 26. In view of the fact that a very large percentage of the crew I should say 65 or 75 per cent, maybe more had never been on a ship before, I think their perform- ance during the cruise was remarkable. 27. They went at all work and duty with energy and zeal and picked up naval ways and customs rapidly. They displayed at all times great willingness and good nature and a strong desire to work and learn their jobs. Discipline among the men was excellent and their conduct on shore very commendable. 28. The officers showed great ability and proficiency in the manner in which they took this crew of 72 men, and in the short time available worked into shape a seaman- like and well-organized crew. One instance specially deserves mention. On the morning of July 22, coming through Hell Gate, the Wasp struck a submerged obstruc- tion and heeled to port and then heavily to starboard. There was absolutely no dis- order or noise, and the evolution of collision was quickly performed as if it were at drill, the men all falling in ranks when finished. NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. NEW, YORK TJ. S. S. WASP. Lieut. (Junior Grade) L. JORDAN, JR., United States Navy. 1. Itinenary: 45 Ports visited. Dates. Arrival. Depar- ture. July 26 July 27 July 27 Do. Do. July 29 Aug. 1 Aug. 2 Fort Pond Bay NY Bradford R I July 29 July 31 Aug. 1 Miles steamed, 831. 2. Quantity of coal consumed: Steaming, 35 tons; in port, 20 tons. 3. Average speed of vessel while under way: Eleven knots. 4. Complement: Officers, 7; crew, 70; seaman branch, 48; artificer branch, none; artificer branch (engine-room force), 12; special branch, none; bandsmen, none; hired men, 4 mess attendants; marines, none; 6 men, United States Navy. 5. List of officers: Name. Rank. Ship's duty. L Edson Raff .. Lieutenant. Commanding officer. Lieutenant (junior grade) Executive and navigating officer. W H Boyd do Paymaster. Berkeley JCetcham Ensiim Watch and deck. do Do. do Do. Charles A. Mason do Do. ORGANIZATION. 6. Was the assignment of billets and the stationing of the crew accomplished in a seamanlike manner? Yes. Small station bills were issued promptly to each man. 7. Had a watch, quarter, and station bill been prepared before cruise commenced? Yes; but some changes were made on the day of sailing, because of changes in crew at the last moment. 8. How was the evolution of getting under way accomplished? Very good. There seemed to be an improvement each day. 9. At sea were lookouts and life-buoy watches properly stationed and regularly relieved? Yes. Particular note was made of this. 10. Were the lifeboat crew and men of the watch mustered when going on duty? Yes. DRILLS. 11. What was the efficiency of the ship and crew at general charters? Not very good. It is considered that this was due to inexperience of the crew and to their not being properly instructed. Some did not even know their stations at the gun. 12. Fire drill; how was the evolution performed? Very well. This drill improved considerably and the time was good. 46 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 13. Collision drill; how was the evolution performed, and what was the condit of the collision mat? Drill performed very well. Time very good. Each drill showed an improvement. Mat in good condition. 14. Abandon ship; how was the evolution performed? Excellent. There was a marked improvement in thus evolution, considering that many of the crew were new. The last drill showed the enthusiasm of the entire crew and their desire to make a good showing. 15. Boat drills; what boat drills were held? Drill under oars, boat tactics, lifeboat drill. 16. How were they performed? Lifeboat drill, very good. Boat tactics under oars, good. No complete outfit of boat sails on board. 17. Man-overboard drill; how was the exercise performed? Good. The boat got away nicely. The officer of the deck showed some excitability but was quickly relieved by the commanding officer. 18. Did signalmen, lookouts, and man at the life buoy perform their duty efficiently? Yes. 19. Bag and hammock inspection; what was the condition of the crew as regards uniforms? Genera] condition very good. It is not considered that the present outfit of clothing is sufficient. One extra suit of whites and blues and an extra pair of shoes should be required. In this question and answer the reporting officer took into consideration the scarcity of clothing. 20. What was the condition of the bedding? General condition very good, considering the fact that the allowance of mattress covers is one per man. The engineer's bedding was fair as compared with the deck orce. GENERAL CONDITION OF THE SHIP. 21. What is the general condition of the ship? (a) Hull, good. (6) Machinery, good. Engine of motor dory loose on foundations and at times engine is troublesome. 22. What is the general condition of the engine and fire rooms? Good. Fireroom fitted for closed fireroom system of forced draft, but the condition of ventilators and deck overhead render this impossible due to various air leaks. 23. What is the condition of the ship's battery, spare parts, and accessories? Fair. This is not the fault of the present crew on board, however. The spare parts and accessories are few. A cap square has been missing from the forward starboard 1 pounder on main deck, rendering gun useless at present. Forward 1 pounder battery practically useless without more fittings. 24. What is the condition of the ship's boats? Good. 25. What is the condition of the signal outfit? Good. 26. What is the condition of the electrical apparatus? Good. 27. Is the wireless apparatus and service efficient? Yes; but not in use at present. No operator on board. 28. Is it evident that the Navy ship-keepers and the men employed by the State have endeavored to keep the ship in condition and prevent deterioration? (Not applicable ships in reserve commission) Yes, but it is considered that the Navy ship keepers are not sufficient in number. Should be two more men. 29. General items of interest pertaining to efficiency of Naval Militia organization and comment of the inspecting officer relative thereto. On this cruise the majority of the men were on their first cruise and very ignorant, but apparently very willing and anxious to learn. Marked improvements have been made even in one week's cruise. Capt. Raff has been very zealous in his duties and has shown tendencies toward personally attending to duties that belonged to his subordinates; but to a certain extent this is excusable when considering that th^ cruise was only for one week and that the watch and division officers, though enthusiastic, seemed more or less ignorant and green as to their duties as watch and division officers. NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 47 It 18 considered that Capt. Raff himself is a very efficient officer, but has been hand'capped as above stated. It is considered that if these officers are put under the charge of an efficient watch and division officer rapid improvement would be made in view of the enthusiasm shown. 1. Itinerary: NEW YORK U. S. S. WASP. Lieut. (Junior Grade) L. JORDAN, JR. Da te. Ports visited. Arrival. Depar- ture. steamed Aug. 8 Aug. 9 120 Aug 9 do 26 Block Island (to sea and returned to Block Island) Aug. 10 (Aug. 10 \ 71 Gardners Bay Lon^ Island An" 11 \Aug. 11 Au CT 13 115 New London, Conn Aug. 13 Aug. 14 42 Greenport and target practice \ug 14 do . 40 New Haven, Conn : Aug. 15 Aug. 15 52 Plum Gut and New York City ... do 155 2. Quantity of coal consumed: Steaming, 23.1 tons; in port, 23.9 tons. 3. Average speed of vessel while under way: Ten and six- tenths knots; revolutions per minute, 137. 4. Complement: Officers, 9; crew, 52; seaman branch, 39; artificer branch, 1; artificer branch (engine- room force), 12; special branch, none; bandsmen, none; hired men, 4; Navy men, 6; marines, none. 5. List of officers: Name. Rank. Ship's duty. Lemuel E Raff Lieutenant Commander William L. Mallon do Executive officer. Roland R Riggs Lieutenant (junior grade) Navigator. Henry T W illiams Assistant surgeon and lieutenant Surgeon and paymaster Frederick L Rupp (junior grade). Lieutenant (junior grade) Commandin 01 first division Prescott B Wiske ] nsi^n and engineer officer Engineer o 'fleer Frederick O. Denecke Ensign Commanding second division. Carl T Forsberg .. .do Commanding third division. Aunley D Marsh do . ... Junior officer first division ORGANIZATION. 6. Was the assignment of billets and the stationing of the crew accomplished in a seamanlike manner? Yes; as far as practicable. 7. Had a watch, quarter, and station bill been prepared before cruise commenced? Yes; but not completed until after cruise started. There was some delay in assign- ing individual duties. This delay seemed unnecessary. The general bill was pre- pared before cruise commenced. 8. How was the evolution of getting under way accomplished? Fair. There seemed to be confusion on the forecastle at times and lack of system. At one time the lead and line could not be found, and after much delay another replaced it. Also the leadsman was not prompt in manning the chains. At one time releasing pin was not removed for letting go the anchor. 64628] 48 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 9. At sea were the lookouts and life-buoy watches properly stationed and regularly relieved? Yes. 10. Were the lifeboat crew and men of the watch mustered when going on duty? Yes. 11. What was the efficiency of the ship and crew at general quarters? Good. This drill showed that the crew had received some instruction as to their duties previous to this drill. Only one was held. 12. Fire drill; how was the evolution performed? Very good. This drill was very complete but a little noisy at first. The noise was soon quieted, however. 13. Collision drill; how was the evolution performed, and what was the condition of the collision mat? Performance very good; condition mat very good. One real drill held. Collision was aft; dip rope delayed drill. 14. Abandon ship; how was the evolution performed? Fair. Time very poor, due to delay in rigging out boats. A little confusion shown. 15. Boat drills; what boat drills were held? Boat tactics under oars; lifeboat drill. 16. How were they performed? Poor to fair. Would credit this to the inefficiency of the boat officers, and lack of experience of the men in boats under oars. 17. Man overboard drill; how was the exercise performed? Poorly. Boats were slow in getting out oars. Boat was cast off before boat was under control. Some confusion. 18. Did signalmen, lookouts, and man at the life buoy perform their duty effi- ciently? Yes. 19. Bag and hammock inspection; what was the condition of the crew as regards uniforms? Deck force fair; engineer's force very good. Many dirty clothes, considering that deck force was equipped with three white suits per man. 20. What was the condition of the bedding? Fair to good. One mattress cover per man, therefore mattress covers generally dirty. - 21. What is the general condition of the ship? (a) Hull: Good, but main deck aft in great need of calking; many leaks into wardroom country. (6) Machinery: Good; conditions of last report still exist. 22. What is the general condition of the engine and fire rooms? Very good. Conditions of last report stiU'exist regarding closed fireroom system of forced draft. 23. What is the condition of the ship's battery, spare parts and accessories? Three-pounders good, 1-pounders poor, very few spare parts and accessories. Cap equare lost forward 1-pounder starboard side. 24. What is the condition of the ship's boats? Good, except oars; oars fair. Oars appear to be very old and need renewing. 25. What is the condition of the signal outfit? ' Good. 26. What is the condition of the electrical apparatus? Good. 27. Is the wireless apparatus and service sufficient? " No wireless operator on board, but apparatus said to be good. 28. Is it evident that the Navy shipkeepers and the men employed by the State have endeavored to keep the ship in condition and prevent deterioration? (Not applicable to ships in "reserve commission".) Yes, but it is considered that more Navy shipkeepers should be detailed for duty. There are no men regularly employed by the State kept on board. 29. Remarks: General items of interest pertaining to efficiency of Naval Militia organization and comment of the inspecting officer relative thereto. It is believed that this cruise of the Wasp would have been more successful had the watch and division officers been more enthusiastic and more attentive to duty. There appeared to be considerable lackness in this respect among the deck division officers. There were not very many drills held on this cruise. NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 49 It is recommended that at the earliest convenient time, after main deck be recalked, and especially that ward-room toilets be replaced by a more modern type. There was considerable trouble with the toilets on this cruise. This change is con- sidered very necessary. NEW YORK U. S. S. WASP. Lieut. (Junior Grade) L. JORDAN, JR., United States Navy. 1. Itinerary: Da te. Miles Arrival. Departure. steamed. New Haven Conn \ U \Aug. 28,1914 .. ..do . do Aug 29 1914 75.00 9 50 New Re^hello N Y Aug 29 1914 Aug 30 1914 R7 Wl New York Aug. 30,1914 36 00 2. Quantity of coal consumed: Steaming, 29 tons; in port, 20.3 tons. 3. Average speed of vessel while underway: Nine and sixty-five one hundredths knots. 4. Complement: Officers, 9; crew, 59; seaman branch, 31; artificer branch, 16; artificer branch (engine-room force), none; special branch (U. S. Navy crew), 6; bandsmen, none; hired men, 5; marines, none. 5. List of officers: Name. Rate. Ship's duty. William B. Wait, jr Lieutenant commander Commandin r 38 Alexandria Bay to Cape Vincent, N. Y., St. Lawrence River 26 Cape Vincent to Youngstown, N . Y. , Niagara River 150 Youngstown to Olcott Beach, N. Y., Lake Ontario 22 Olcott to Summerville, N. Y., Lake Ontario , 62 Total 500 (2) Coal consumed in port and at sea: In port, 3 tons; at sea, 11J tons; total, 15^ tons. (3) Average speed of vessel under way, 10 knots. (4) Complement: (a) 3 officers. (6) Crew of 32 men. (a) Seaman branch: 1 chief musician, acting yeoman. 1 second-class seaman, acting boatswain's mate, first class. 1 second-class seaman, acting gunner's mate, first class. 1 second-class seaman, acting quartermaster's mate, first class. 1 second-class seaman, acting quartermaster's mate, second class. 1 second-class musician. 12 second-class seamen. (6) Engineer's force: 1 fireman, second class, acting chief machinist's mate. 1 fireman, second class, acting machinist's mate, second class. 2 firemen, second class, acting firemen, first class. 1 musician, second class, acting oiler. (c) No artificers. (d) 2 civilian cooks; 1 civilian servant for officers. (e) Navy crew: 1 chief machinist's mate. 1 chief boatswain's mate. 2 seamen. 2 firemen, first class. (5) Name, rank, ajnd duty of all officers: Commander E. N. Walbridge, Naval Militia, New York, commanding officer. Paymaster W. B. Zimmer, Naval Militia, New York, rank of lieutenant, paymaster, and commissary officer. Ensign E. G. Zimmer, Naval Militia, New York, executive officer and navigator. (6) Was the assignment of billets and stationing of the crew accomplished in a seamanlike manner? Yes. (7) Had a watch, quarter, and station bill been prepared before the cruise com- menced? Yes. (8) How was the evolution of getting under way accomplished? This evolution was accomplished'in a very seamanlike manner. (9) At sea were lookouts and life-buoy watches properly stationed and regularly relieved? Yes. (10) Were the lifeboats' crew and men of the watch mustered when going on watch? There was no muster as there were only seven men on deck during each watch. Every man of the watch had a station, except one. The boatswain's mate of the watch accounted for each man and reported the lifeboat ready for lowering. The lifeboat's crew was not mustered at the falls for all of the crew were on watch, but each man 66 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. was instructed as to his duties in manning the boat in case of maft overboard. During the daytime the watch off duty was used at the lifeboat's crew. (11) What was the efficiency of the ship and crew at the general quarters? This evolution was performed in a very efficient manner, with the exception of the fact that no telescopes were provided for the 3-pounders at the first drill. Of course there were no voice tubes nor telephones with which to control the fire and in this respect they seemed sadly deficient as the commanding officer seemed quite reluctant as to using a megaphone to control the fire from the bridge. (12) Fire drill: How was the evolution performed? Very efficiently, except that there was no one stationed by the magazine flood cocks. Instead of putting pressure on the fire main as soon as the call was sounded and the controlling the water from the deck plug, both hoses had to be coupled to the plugs and the valves opened before pressure was put on the main. The reasoning for this was not very clearly explained. (13) Abandon ship: How was the evolution performed? This drill was carried out in a very seamanlike manner, except that the first time the spars and sails were forgotten and were left on the ship. No boat boxes have ever been issued to the Sandpval, but in abandoning ship tools, matches, candles, fish, leadlines, etc., were provided. There were a few emergency rations provided, but not sufficient for either boats' crew. (14) Collision drill: How was the evolution performed? What was the condition of the ship collision mat? This drill was not carried out, as there was no collision mat. (15) Boat drills: What boat drills were held? Three drills under oars. Two of these drills were conducted by signals from the ship; two drills under sail. (16) How were they performed? The drills under oars were performed in a very eeamanlike manner, but those under sails were not very creditable. (17) Man overboard drill: How was the exercise performed? Very efficiently, except that the men in manning the lifeboat did not put on life preservers. (18) Did signalman, lookouts, and man at the life buoy perform their duty effi- ciently? There was no regular detailed signalman on the ship, but the quarter- masters and seamen were wofully weak at signals. The lookouts and life buoy watches were efficient in the performance of their duty. (19) Bag and hammock inspection: What was the condition of the crew as regards to uniform? The bags at inspection were very good, but these would have I een better if clothes stops had been provided. The condition of the uniforms as a whole was very good, but toward the latter part of the cruise the blues began to look dirty and the shoes sadly in need of blacking. (20) What was the condition of the bedding? In view of the fact that the majority of the men slept in bunks and the few sleeping in hammocks had no hammock nettings in which to stow their hammocks, the condition of the bedding was excellent. (21) What is the general condition of the ship? (a) Hull? Taking in considera- tion the age of the ship and the service which it has performed, the condition of the hull is very good. There are several places, for instance the forward collision bulk- head, which has corroded through and which should be replaced if the exigencies of the service permit it. In a few places the paint has not been applied with as much care as should have been exercised, but the blame for this can be placed upon the Navy ship keepers rather than upon the Militia. (6) Machinery? The condition of the machinery was excellent. (22) What is the condition of the engine room and fireroom? Very good. (23) What is the condition of the ship's battery, spare parts, and accessories? The condition of the batteries, spare parts, and accessories is excellent, except that there is no telescope for the Mark IX bore sight for the 3-pounders guns. Capt. Walbridge states that no telescope was furnished with this bore sight. (24) What is the condition of the ship's boats? Excellent, except for the fact that no boat boxes have ever been furnished by the Government for the boats. (25) What is the condition of the signal outfit? Several flags were missing from the outfit of flags, otherwise the signal outfit was in good condition, although the signal halliards were not fitted with snap hooks which would greatly facilitate the hoisting of flags. (26) What is the condition of the electrical apparatus? The dynamo seemed to be in very good condition, but some trouble was experienced in getting the searchlight to operate properly. (27) Is the wireless apparatus and service efficient? No wireless on board. (28) Is it evident that the Navy ship keepers and the men employed by the State have endeavored to keep the ship in condition and to prevent deterioration? Yes, but they seem to have been careless in their painting. (29) Target practice was not held. NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 67 2. In my opinion there were too many men taken on this cruise. On the Sandoval there are 19 bunks and 5 billets for hammocks, or, in other words, accommodations for a crew of 24. Including the Navy crew of 6 and 2 civilian cooks there was a crew of 32 men on board. As there were no hammock nettings the men sleeping in ham- mocks were compelleed to stow their hammocks in the crews' compartments, thereby causing great disorder and confusion. Also on account of the number in the crew the men had to eat in relays, consequently the meals lasted from 1 to 2 hours, thereby causing disorder in the ship's routine. Either this battalion should be provided with a larger ship or else some of the crew should be left behind on such cruises. But taking into consideration the greenness of the men, some of whom had never been on the ship before, and the great disadvantage under which they labor they are to be congratulated upon the very good showing which they made and the excellent man- ner in which they handled themselves. The discipline was excellent, the crew inter- ested in their work and very eager to learn all they could in the short time of the cruise. 3. In closing this report I wish to make a few remarks upon the officers. Capt. Walbridge is unquestionably an excellent lake pilot and has the interest of the Naval Militia at heart, but his lack of prompt decision and unseamanlike method of giving his commands are not conducive to the prompt execution of his orders, nor to main- taining discipline. He is so much interested in the Militia that at times he forgets his rank and tries to do the work which should be left to his subordinates and those under his command. 4. In regard to Paymaster Zimmer he seems to take great interest in his work, and as far as I could ascertain he performed his duty in a very creditable manner. 5. I take great pleasure in commending to the department, Ensign E. G. Zimmer for his zeal and interest and the proficient manner in which he performed his duty. He handled himself, the ship, and the men under him in a very seamanlike and effi- cient manner. 6. In regard to the personnel of the Navy crew I feel it my duty to report W. A. Murphy, chief boatswain's mate, who is the senior petty officer aboard. Murphy was not only very careless in his own personal appearance, thereby setting a bad example for the Naval Militia, but he also permitted the men under him to go around out of uniform. OHIO TJ. S. S. ESSEX. Lieut. (Junior Grade) R. E. ROGERS, United States Navy. 1. Itinerary (miles steamed): Date. Ports. Miles. Speed, knots. 1914. Aug 9 Toledo to Detroit 48 5 6 4 Aug 10-11 Detroit to rendezvous ofl 249.2 8.4 Aug 11 Maokinac. Maneuvers 21.0 7 Aug. 11-12 Rendezvous to Bois Blanc 31.4 6.2 Aus 12 Bois Blanc to Maokin.ic. ... 8.1 6 7 "Do Mackinaw to Cheboygan 16 4 7 i Aug. 14 Chebovgan to Harbor Springs. 66.6 7.8 Aug 17-18 Harbor Spring? to Milwaukee . 197.5 8 Aug 20-22 Milwaukee to Detroit 501 4 8 7 Aug 23 Detroit to Toledo 48 5 7 8 2. Coal consumed: In port, 34 tons; at sea, 93 tons. 3. Average speed of vessel while underway, 8.04 knots. 4. Complement: (a) Officers, 9. (6) Crew (1) Seaman branch, 42. (2) Engineer force, 25. (3) Artificers, 11. (c) Marines, none. 5. Name, rank, and duty of all officers: Commander, A. F. Nicklett, commanding officer. Lieut. T. J. Schmitt, executive. Lieut. R. G. Willoh, engineer officer. 68 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 4. Complement Continued. Lieut. E. E. Dieball, watch and division. Lieut. (Junior Grade) J. Swarzkopf, watch and division. Ensign G. L. Gens, watch and division. Ensign E. Stabb, junior engineer officer. Paymaster W. E. Jacoby, pay officer. Surg. P. I. Mulholland. medical officer. (NOTE. No officer was assigned exclusively to duties of navigator. Lieut. Dieball performed most of this duty.) 6. Individual station billets for deck divisions and artificers were not served out for several hours after the crew were on board, and six hours after getting underway. Lifeboat crews and sea details were stationed, however, and the stationing was accom- plished without confusion and in a seamanlike manner. The engineer force were provided with billets prior to, coming on board, and were stationed in a very efficient manner, under direct supervision of Lieut. Willoh. 7. A tentative watch, quarter, and station bill had been prepared before the cruise commenced, but did not cover all details. Names, rates, watch numbers, gun stations, mess, fire quarters, stations for getting underway and coming to anchor were included. Details for abandon ship, gear provided, and of collision drill were not included, though these defects were subsequently corrected. No sea details were posted, these assignments being left to a boatswain's mate. 8. Getting underway was not an all-hands maneuver. The men detailed to handle gear went directly to their stations at "up anchor." Owing to the unsatisfactory ground-tackle installation, weighing was a very laborious maneuver, but was invari- ably accomplished without confusion. 9. At sea lookouts and life-buoy watches were properly stationed and regularly relieved. 10. The lifeboat crew was mustered at the beginning of each watch. Sunset routine was followed. The watch was mustered when going on duty, but, except sea details, were not required to remain on deck by day or night. 11. General quarters: Owing to the small armament, this exercise offers little scope. Crews went quickly to their stations, cast loose, and provided guns. Ammunition supply is satisfactory. Hose was led out, spares and accessories provided, and all essential details covered. First-aid packages were not provided. The loading drill for the two 3-pounders, the only guns available for target practice, were fairly good. More drill is needed before a target practice, however. Adequate fire control had not been worked out, but an effective and simple system is now in use, consisting of trans- mission of orders to guns by voice tube from bridge. 12. Fire drill: The crew knew their stations and ran to them on the double. All essential details were covered and the maneuver was efficiently performed. 13. Collision drill: This drill, with use of collision mat, is new to the ship. After two drills the maneuver was performed satisfactorily. The dip rope is passed under the stern, owing to projecting parts at the stem. I have recommended the shortening- of the guys and hogging lines to suit the size of the ship. The mat is new and in good condition. 14. Abandon-ship drill was not thorough in details, but was carried out with little confusion, a characteristic of all the ship's general drills. One boat officer did not have a muster list, and in two successive drills this boat was not provided with mess gear. In general, no arrangements for lowering boats were provided. All passengers and crews embark at davits. 15. One boat drill was held with the three pulling boats, maneuvering by signals from ship. 16. Simple evolutions were well executed; boats kept good distance. Tossing and boating were well done. All crews pulled an even stroke. Several practice sails were made by boats preparing for sailing races. I witnessed handling of boats under sail only in very light breezes. Boats were well handled, sails properly set and trimmed. 17. Man-overboard drill: Boat was quickly manned, life preservers put on, falls quickly and well tended, boat lowered rapidly. The ship was handled to suit con- ditions. If in a river or narrow waters the course is held, ship stopped, boat lowered immediately. This was done once at a speed of 8 knots. If there is plenty of room the "alternate method" is used, boat lowered after ship has circled back to man. These defects were noted: The port life buoy failed to release, due to sticking of the trigger, the hinge having become dirty and corroded. I could learn of no routine of overhauling and testing life buoys. At one drill the wrong buoy was tripped, the life buoy man not knowing there was another buoy. The boat was not got quickly clear of ship's side. This was due, evidently, to the sea painter being made fast too far forward, the first thwart being used. NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 69 18. The signal force is inefficient. I found signalmen on watch who knew little of either semaphore or Morse codes. Generally they were slow in answering. Signalmen on watch when at anchor were inattentive and careless, and were evidently not sufficiently prodded by the officer of the deck. The force consistsof four quartermasters and six signalmen. Three quartermasters were proficient in semaphore; one could send slowly, \\hen the cruise began none knew the Morse code thoroughly, but considerable progress was made before the end of the cruise. Four signalmen could send and receive very slowly by semaphore, but none knew the Morse code thor- oughly. Quartermasters knew the international flags. The signal officer, Mr. Die- ball, is proficient in all systems. Lookouts were vigilant and were prompt in hailing. Life buoy men were vigilant but lacked confidence, and the buoy was not dropped promptly enough. 19. Bag and hammock inspection: The outfit of clothes in most cases complete and in good condition, except in shoes. White clothes are, however, not properly scrubbed and with very few exceptions I found dirty clothes in each outfit at bag inspection, the average of white clothing being not'better than one complete uniform of clean clothes. Several men had no black shoes, and wore tan shoes or sneakers. 20. Hammocks and bedding were in good condition and clean. 21. Condition of the ship: (a) Hull. The hull is generally sound, indicating little deterioration. There is at alltimes a quantity of water in the bilges, due to the suction of the drainage pump being too high. There is a bad leak through the stern tube, the gland urgently needing repacking. There is a small leak just above the keelson at the stern, though I am of the opinion that it will not increase. If the ship is docked, as is to be recommended by the board of inspection and survey, these leaks will be easily stopped. Compart- ments and holds are generally clean and well painted. Some trash has accumulated in confined spaces, as behind steam coils and piping, usually in the nature of sweepings. Officers' quarters are clean and well painted, and this is true of crew's living spaces, except in the less easily accessible places, where some trash has accumulated. The ice boxes drain into the bilge a fault that should be remedied, particularly as the bilges can not be pumped dry. The side is well painted, but is not kept clean. The main-deck paintwork is in good condition and clean. (6) With the exception of the anchor gear the machinery is in excellent condition as regards both main engine and auxiliaries. The boiler stop on boiler No. 1 cracked badly the second day of the cruise, requiring this boiler to be disconnected, and it was used for all auxiliaries. Working parts are kept clean and well oiled. Engine framing, levers, and shafting are not kept well wiped off. The anchor engine should be condemned and replaced. In its present condition it is very difficult to operate, and is dangerous. The wildcats are practically worn out. A new engine and windlass are urgently needed. This gear has been in use for 38 years. 22. Engine and fire rooms are kept clean and free from rubbish, well painted, and in good condition. 23. Ship's battery: Mounts and mechanism are in good condition. Sights are in focus, lenses clean, scales adjusted; spare parts and accessories for 3-pounders are ample and in excellent condition. Spare parts for 1-pounders, guns used only for saluting purposes, are not complete. Missing parts have been required for. 24. Boats: First. Cutter, clean, well painted, equipped except boat box, and in good condition. Oars are old but leathers are kept renewed. Spars are old but serviceable. Sails neat, well set, gear moves in seamanlike way. Second. Cutter, an old boat, should be replaced; keel broken; strengthened with iron brace. Sailing launch, an old boat, seaworthy. Beading should be renewed. Whaleboat (gig) used as lifeboat, in excellent condition. Motor whaleboat, a new boat, excellent condition ^xcept for a broken clutch that will be repaired by ship's force when material is available. All boats are kept well painted and dry, though bright work gets little attention, except in whaleboat. 25. Signal outfit is in excellent condition. 26. Electrical outfit is in excellent condition and is efficiently operated. 27. The wireless apparatus and service are highly efficient. There are four good radio men who show a keen interest in their branch. 28. It is evident that the Navy ship keepers and men employed by the State have endeavored to keep the ship in condition and prevent deterioration. The condition of the ship and her machinery indicate frequent inspection and attention to details on the part of the officers responsible for the care of the ship. 29. The watch officers have not had adequate instruction in the subject of navi- gation, and while two at least are excellent in piloting, the captain is the only officer possessing a practical knowledge of nautical astronomy, although Lieuts. Dieball 70 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. and Swartzkopf are studying the subject. In the early part of the cruise exact methods of fixing positions were not used and positions were not habitually plotted on the chart. This was considered unnecessary in view of the officers' familiarity with the cruising grounds. Later, the officer of the deck was required to fix position whenever possible and plot the track of the ship. No azimuths were taken. The compass was, however, checked on such ranges as offered themselves, and showed very little deviation. idng a branch of the n~ain steam line were accomplished quickly and satisfactorily by the ship's own machinists. Bells were answered promptly and signals executed without delay. No difficulty was experienced with pumps and auxiliaries. Most of this force are machinists by trade and readily adapt themselves to their duties aboard ship. Saving their lack of experience with condensers and distilling plants, I con- sider that they approach very closely to a man-of-war standard. OHIO U. S. S. DOROTHEA. Lieut. (Junior Grade) E. F. BUCK, United States Navy. 1. The Dorothea got underway at 9.55 p. m., August 8, 1914, from Cleveland, Ohio, and on August 10, 1914, anchored in North Bay, Lake Huron. Got underway 4.30 a. m. August 11, 1914, lor the rendezvous of the first division in latitude 45 45' north, longitude 83 50' west, and at 8 a. m. reported to the senior officer present. In the alternoon the division held maneuvers. At sunset the approach was com- menced on Mackinac Island, the whole first division being intercepted by the second division. The fleet anchored off Bois Blanc Island and on the morning of August 12, 1914, a landing lorce, lightly equipped, was sent ashore irom each ship. In the aiternoon the fleet got underway lor maneuvers and at night anchored off St. Helena Island. Got underway morning of August 13, 1914, for maneuvers. In the alternoon leak developed in the boiler tube of forward boiler and the Doro- thea was unable to continue in lormation. Steamed into Harbor Springs, Mich., for repairs. It was impossible to make the necessary repairs in time for the Dorothea to take part in any further maneuvers during the cruise. On Monday, August 17, 1914, the Naval Militia squadron disbanded. The Doro- thea coaled and at 7.30 p. m. got underway for Mackinac Island. Anchored Mackinac Island 7.30 a. m. August 19, 1914, and at 2 p. m. got underway lor Detroit, Mich. The Dorothea returned to Cleveland, Ohio, August 22, 1914. 2. The following is the data obtained on the cruise of the Dorothea: (1) Itinerary: Miles. Cleveland, Ohio, to North Bay 297 North Bay to rendezvous 28 ^Rendezvous to Bois Blanc Island 2(> Bois Blanc Island to St. Helena Island 21 St. II elena Island to Harbor Springs, Mich 39 Harbor Springs, Mich., to Mackinac Island 52 Mackinac Island to Detroit, Mich 270 Detroit, Mich., to Cleveland, Ohio 91 Total 824 The above does not include distance steamed during maneuvers. ' (2) Coal consumed in port, 13 tons; coal consumed at sea, 99 tons. (3) Average speed of vessel while under way, 8 knots. (4) Complement: (a) Officers, 9; (6) crew, seaman branch, 63; engineer force, 19; artificers, 2; special, 26. Seaman branch: Chief gunner's mate, 1; boatswain's mate, first class, 1; master at arms, second class, 1; boatswain's mate, second class, 1; quartermasters, second class, 2; master at arms, third class, 1; coxswains, 2; gunner's mate, third class, 1; quarter- master, third class, 1; seamen, 16; ordinary seamen, 36; total, 63. Engineer's force: Chief machinist's mate, 1; machinist's mate, first class, 1; water tender, 1; oilers, 3; fireman, first class, 1; firemen, second class, 3; coal passers, 9; total, 19. Artificer's branch: Electrician, second class (general), 1; electrician, third class (radio), 1; total, 2. NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 71 Special branch: Chief yeoman, 1; hospital steward, 1; bandmaster, 1: first class, 1; Chip's cook, first class, 1: yeoman, second class, 1; hospital ap first class, 2; musician, first class, 1; ship's cook, lourth class, 1; musician yeoman, apprentice, iusicians, second , ]4; bugler, 1; mess attendant, third class, 1; total, 2j. (5) Officers on board: Lieu",. Commander E. J. Kelly, Ohio Naval Milith, commanding. Lieu". L. A. Doran, Ohio Naval Militia, executive officer. Lieut. C. D. Mason, Ohio Naval Militia, navigator. Lieu". (Junior Grade) G. W. Billington, senior engineer officer. Eneign John Homer, Ohio Naval Militia, watch and division. Ensign W. A. Taylor, Ohio Naval Militia, watch and division. Ensign C. D. Linn, Ohio Naval Militia, watch an 1 division. Passed Asst. Surg. A. E. Biddinger, Ohio Naval Militia, medical officer. Asst. Paymaster W. M. Carey, Ohio Naval 'ilitia, paymaster. (6) The alignment of billets and thj stationing of the crew was accomplished in a eeamanlike manner. (7) A watch, quarter, and station bill was prepared before the commencement of the cruise. Each man was given a station billet on reporting on board. (8) Evolution of getting underway was performed quietly and in a seamanlike manner, the men falling in at quarters except those engaged in working on the anchor gear. (9) Lookouts and life-buoy watches were properly stationed and regularly relieved, performing their duty efficiently. (10) Lifeboat crew and men of the watch were mustered when goin on duty. (11) At general quarters the men went to their stations quickly and cast loose and provided according to regulations in two minutes. Drill cartridges were provided each gun. (12) Fire drill was excellent. It is impossible to start the fire pump until all hoses are connected, as there are no valves on most of the fire plugs. First stream of water was reported in 1 minute 20 seconds. During the cruise fire was discovered in one of the ship's boats during the meal hour of the crew. Fire call was sounded and water was gotten on the fire quickly and quietly. (13) Collision drill was good, the mat being gotten over in two minutes. The con- dition of the mat is excellent. (14) At abandon ship, the men fell in abreast their boats but nothing was provided. (15) Boat drills were held every day the ship was in port. The men have learned to pull a fairly good stroke, there being many men on board making this their first cruise. Boats were exercised singly by division officers and as a flotilla by signal from the ship. (16) Drills were performed in an excellent manner. (17) The time at man overboard drill was slow, but improved by the end of the cruise. (18) Signalmen, lookouts, and man at the life buoy performed their duty efficiently. (19) Tiie crew were in regulation uniform, and after the second day all appeared neat and clean. (20) The condition of the bedding was good. (21) (a) The general condition of the hull is good, has very little rust, and the paint is thin and in good condition. (6) The general condition of the machinery is good. (22) The general condition of the engine and fire rooms is good, machinery and bilges being kept very clean. Much trouble was experienced with the boilers on the cruise, many leaks developing in the tubes. Boilers should be retubed. Engine is excellent. (23) The ship battery is good. Spare parts and accessories are incomplete. (24) The condition of the ship's boats is good. (25) The condition of the signal outfit is good. (26) The condition of the electrical apparatus is good. The insulation of the wiring in places is bad. (27) There is no radio set on board. (28) It is evident that the Navy ship keepers and the men employed by the State have endeavored to keep the ship in condition and to prevent deterioration as far as possible. (29) On the whole, the officers and men performed their duty well and appeared to take great interest in their work. (30) No target practice was held. 72 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. OREGON U. S. S. MILWAUKEE. Commander J. M. REEVES, United States Navy. 1. Complying with department's instructions, the following general report cov- ering the performance and duty of the Naval Militia of the State of Oregon is sub- mitted: 2. This organization is under the command of Lieut. Commander Blair, Oregon Naval Militia. Mr. Blair has had command a comparatively short time. He is a grad- uate of the Naval Academy and served several years afloat before resigning from the service. He is an excellent man in every respect for the work he is now performing, and it is believed that a year from now will find the Oregon Militia in a greatly im- proved condition. 3. It is difficult to make a report of this character that will be of real value to the department and at the same time do justice to the militia organization. It is not thought practicable to judge the militia by the standard of efficiency of the naval service; on the other hand, it is not desired to submit a report of a very compli- mentary character to the militia organization, as such a report would be valueless to the department and unjust to all concerned. In this report an endeavor will there- fere be made to comment on the militia from the standpoint of what it is believed they should know, having consideration for the limited amount of experience and time at their disposal. 4. The organization of the Oregon Militia is excellent, based upon the organization in divisions aboard ship. This appears the only practicable organization, and the commanding officer can make no suggestions for improvement. As to discipline, cleanliness, and adaptability, there is a wide range for comment. The organization appears to comprise young men of about the same grade as those comprising the regular enlisted force of the Navy. They are, in general, men of intelligence and good char- acter. The commanding officer was greatly gratified by the conduct of these men while on shore on liberty in Honolulu. It was almost without exception exemplary, and, to quote from a press report, "they behave like men on shore." Aboard ship there were naturally many infractions of regulations and discipline of a minor char- acter, almost entirely due to ignorance and lack of familiarity. The men were willing, and did no grumbling at any of the duties required of them. As to the military dis- cipline existing ita the organization itself, it naturally is much below that of the regular service. It is believed that this is almost wholly due to the inexperience of the offi- cers; to their personal acquaintance and association, and familiarity with the men of their divisions. It must be remembered that the officers themselves, with the exception of Mr. Blair, are as lacking and unfamiliar with military discipline as the men themselves. 5. As to cleanliness, much improvement could be made. The men naturally are not accustomed to scrub their own clothes, nor are they familiar with ship life. For this reason they became dirty much more quickly than the regular men. It is be- lieved that the rough weather the first day of the cruise, with consequent general sea- sickness lasting for several days, had much to do in producing a lack of cleanliness in the militia organization. The seasick men naturally sought every corner about the decks, where they lay down regardless of the condition of their clothes or hammocks. To this heavy weather at the early part of the cruise is attributed in large measure a certain amount of confusion with the hammocks and clothing of the men and to their lack of cleanly appearance. 6. As to adaptability, the commanding officer believes these men to be as adaptable as could be expected from this class of men. The experience the men have had is exceedingly slight, and at present is of no considerable value in making them adaptable to sea life and routine work on a man -o '-war. 7. Many suggestions for the future improvement of the organization could be made, but it is believed that many would be impracticable. It is believed that the drills and work of the militia organization under their own officers throughout the year are of very slight importance compared with the experience gained on their annual cruise. While some improvement might be gained by the detail of a regular naval officer as instructor or inspector it is not thought that this would be considerable. It is difficult to see how military discipline and efficiency can be developed beyond a certain point when the officers engaged in this endeavor are themselves lacking in experience in these respects. Furthermore, the organization is more or less voluntary, and allow- ance for that has always to be made. It is believed that great importance and greater attention should be given to the annual cruise of the Naval Militia for the reason as stated above. This experience, though brief, is considered of greater value than the combined experience throughout the year. Judging from the experience of the cruise NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. just completed it is believed better results could be obtained by taking out a smaller number of militiamen on a single ship. Under no circumstances should two State organizations be sent out together. While there was no friction whatsoever between the organizations on the Milwaukee, the large numbers made it difficult to accomplish results that could have been attained with a smaller number of men. The policy followed on this cruise is now believed to have been a mistaken one, but one that was made more or less necessary by the present system. This policy consisted in an effort to give the officers all training and experience possible under supervision in the exercise, control, and drilling of their own men and divisions. While it was foreseen that the results, so far as the men themselves were concerned, would by this method be less satisfactory than if the men had been taken in charge by the regular officers, it was believed that this would be more than offset by the experience gained by the militia officers. This policy was adopted partially because of suggestions received by the commanding officer previous to the cruise. These suggestions in general were to the effect that if the militia officers were trained and given experience that this training and experience would in time be imparted to the men themselves. The commanding officer is now of the opinion from the experience gained on this cruise that such a system is impossible of success. It is easier to train the men than the officers. The training of the officer is no simple matter and it is believed it can not be accomplished in two or three weeks' cruise once a year. It is believed that the men of the militia organization, if removed from the command of their own officers, could in a short time be made useful. On the other hand it is believed that the officers themselves if removed from their men and the existing difficulties incident to com- manding and handling green and inexperienced men would advance more rapidly in knowledge and experience. In other words, both men and the officers are handicapped, the men by being com- manded by officers little more experienced than themselves; the officers by endeav- oring to handle and drill men of practically no experience whatever. Therefore, it is suggested that on future cruises the militia organizations be sent to ships in regular commission, not more than one division of a State organization being placed aboard the same ship. These men should be broken up as a division and distributed through the ship's company in order that only a half dozen or more militiamen be under the command of a single officer. This will enable greater personal attention being given the militiamen. The militia officers should have nothing to do with the militiamen on the cruise, but should devote themselves entirely to their own training and acqui- sition of experience. It is recognized that this suggestion is directly contrary to the ideas and general desires of the militia officers, but it is believed that the officers them- selves are but poor judges of the training of which they stand in need. This training- after all is not for the benefit of the militia or militia organizations, but for the- benefit of the naval service at large whereby men of certain training and experience are to be made available for use in case of actual war. PENNSYLVANIA IT. S. S. WOLVERINE. Lieut. (Junior Grade) E. G. HAAS, United States Navy. 1. Itinerary (miles steamed): Date. Sailed from Date. Arrived Distance. 1914. Au w 8 Erie 1914. Auff 9 Detroit Miles. 99.6 169.0 72.8 45.0 82.5 41.0 Aug. 10 Aug. 11 Aug. 12 Aug. 13 Aug. 14 Aug. 15 Aug 16 Detroit Aug 11 Harbor Beach Harbor Beach Underway for maneuvers until Helenas Island Aug. 12 7.20 p. m., at Bois Blanc Islands which time anchored off St. Underway at 8.39 a. m., and me time anchored off Harbor Spri Underway for maneuvers at 8Ai Harbor Springs liberty neuvered with fleet until 7.15 p. m., at which n da v's work was not wholl r profitable, though it was noticed that the seasick officers and men on this cruise showed a more determined disposition to attend to their assigned duties than was the case on the first cruise. The following da r was fair and customs declarations were prepared, following the same procedure as on the return from Bermuda, men- tioned in paragraph 17. Arrangements were made b ' radiogram to the commandant to have the ship visited by health and customs authorities soon after anchoring. The ship anchored in Newport at 7.30 a. m. August 1, the Zlhode Island Militia disembarked early in the forenoon of the following da -, August 2, and 3 oiticers and 22 men of the Missouri detachment disembarked in the evening. 25. The'ship left Newport at 8 a. m. August 3, anchoring in Gardiners Ba~ r at 1 p. m. The target range was laid out during the afternoon and checked up during the morning \vatch the following dav and was ready for use earl in the forenoon, but the weather throughout the da y was too thick to permit firing. On the following da the practice was begun in the morning watch, and though there were anno ing dela s due to dragging of target anchors and injuries inflicted on targets by gunfire, the practice was completed and_ range dismantled before dark. 26. On the evening of this day orders were receievd by radio to transport from New Haven to Newport three condemned boats, belonging to the Connecticut Militia. The ship left for New Haven at 5.3) a. m. on the 6th, arriving at 9.40 a. m., and a party was immediately dispatched to secure the boats. From information received from the officers of the Connecticut Militia it seemed probable that this would be a long operation, owing to the condition and location of the boats, but the boats arrived about the same time as orders were received from the department to expedite the landing of the militia remaining on board and to proceed on other duty. The Con- necticut Militia and remainder of the Missouri detachment were disembarked at once and the ship left for Newport at 5 p. m. Dense fog caused the ship to anchor on the way and it took until 9.20 the following mornin.fr, August 7, to reach New- port, land' the condemned boats and sail for Portland. Further delayed by fog, the ship reached Portland at 5.20 p. m. the next day, August 8, the Maine Militia disem- barked at 6 p. m. and the ship sailed for Boston at 7.10 p. m. 27. The training and experience had by the militia was undoubtedly very beneficial. Many of the militia officers voluntarily so stated, and it was apparent to all who had the militia under observation. Yet, the possible educational value of the cruises was much depreciated because of the large number of militia on board during each cruise. As has been stated above, it was necessary for the purpose of handling such large detachments of strangers, to preserve the Naval Militia organization to a certain extent, and to this extent their relation to the ship's organization were artificial. They not only could not get the maximum amount of actual experience in the duties of men-of-warsmen, but they probably received false impressions regarding organi- zation, routine, and methods'with which they would be expected to have an acquaint- ance if mustered into the Navy. Further, their large numbers ma.le individual instruction generally impracticable. They had to be handle 1 as groups rather than as individuals, and the natural consequence was that the results of instruction varied directly with the varying interest and aptitude of the individuals comprising the group. The ideal conditions under which a profitable cruise could be made would be to have on board relatively so few of the Naval Militia that at least a large proportion of the unrated men could be assigned to existing vacancies in the ship's complement, 82 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. while petty officers could, if competent, fill vacancies, or otherwise be carried as petty officers in excess of complement in their respective ratings and detailed as running mates to ship's? petty officers of similar ratings. In other words, the militiamen would, as far as organization, ship's work and routine exercises are concerned, lose their identity as militiamen, and be treated in most respects precisely as would a draft of men from the training station. In this way specific duties could be assigned and their performance exacted at all times, the relatively few men beino: under the direct supervision of petty officers and surrounded by a number of experienced men who could by example or by direct assistance show them how and when the details of these duties should be performed. As it was on these cruises, the experienced men were surrounded by groups of inexperienced strangers, too numerous to instruct or to con- trol. The routine work could be supplemented by individual or group instruction in technical subjects during the regular school periods and at other available opportu- nities. The same could be done with the officers to an extent depending upon their abilities and experience, the running-mate plan being adhered to in the cases where it seemed advisable. 28. There is little doubt that the cruises to foreign ports furnished a fuller attend- ance of militiamen than would have been the case had the cruises offered fewer attractions. There are considerable grounds for suspicion that they attracted men whose interest in militia affairs was confined to the opportunity for a pleasant vaca- tion at Government expense. It is suggested that it might be practicable to deter- mine roughly how far these suspicions are justified by comparing three rosters of the various organizations concerned, viz: (a) The one filed next prior to the announcement regarding the cruise. (6) The roster of men who made the cruise (this one can be furnished by the Rhode Island). (c) The next one received after the receipt of this report. I think that some such method as suggested in this paragraph might be adopted to determine whether the benefit of enlistment so obtained is real and lasting, and, if not, whether some modification, such as privileges of a foreign cruise only for men of a certain length of service, is not advisable. In estimating the advantages of a foreign cruise, the following disadvantages should be weighed: (a) The diverting of attention of personnel during the stay in port for liberty. Two days were virtually lost during each cruise, except with respect to training for target practice. The time of the captain and of certain others of the ship's officers was more or less taken up by the customary exchanges of civilities with foreign of- ficials. (6) Valuable time is lost in preparing customs declarations and while undergoing customs inspections, and it is possible that embarrassment may ensue, while operating on a close itinerary, through delay in such inspection, and under certain circumstances might completely upset the itinerary. The same delay is possible while waiting for pratique. 29. The itinerary laid out by the department's instructions was a very close one to which to adhere. This was especially true with regard to the limited time allowed between the finish of the first cruise and beginning of the second; as it was, it was necessary to spend Sunday in coaling, and but for phenominal absence of fog, con- sidering the locality and time of the year, the itinerary of the second cruise could not have been adhered to, either as to dates of embarkation or disembarkation. This matter of adherence to dates is one of great importance to the militia organiza- tions. With neglible exceptions none of the militia were embarked in their home towns. Delay in arrival of the ship would have completely upset their plans in some cases to the extent of causing them to spend a night in a town in which no public accommodations are available and other accommodations are inadequate. Delay in disembarkation would have been even more serious. Many of the militiamen are on the cruises with a definite agreement with their employers that they will return to their work on a certain date and it is to their interest and the interest of the organi- zation , as will be referred to in the next paragraph, that there should be no proba- bility of this agreement being broken. I am of the opinion that itineraries of future cruises should include greater allowances for unavoidable delays, and. in event of successive cruises, a sufficient interval for coaling and cleaning ship. 30. The most unsatisfactory situation that arose during the cruises was due to apparent misunderstandings between the department and the organization? as to dates of beginning and ending of their tours of duty afloat, though dates of embarkation and disembarkation were, except for the Missouri detachment, specifically given in the department's letter 4191-61 of June 17, 1914, addressed to the adjutants general, NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 83 of which a copy was shown me by the commanding o fficer of the North Carolina Militia . In some cases the dates given were interpreted, by the militia commanders, as refer- ring to the dates on which they would leave and return to their home towns; in other cases, the commanders considered the exact date of disembarking the organization, or individuals thereof, as inconsequential from a military standpoint, lotwithstanding these written orders, but of gravest consequence to the interests of the individuals and to the welfare of the militia organizations. Though 1 had not been officially furnished a copy of the circular letter, I know- its provisions and considered myself bound thereby, and was greatly embarrassed by the importunities of the militia commanders who desired me to disregard it. As has been stated above, the militiamen are in many cases under agreement to return to their civil employment on specified dates, and failure to keep their agreement means possible loss of employment and consequent disrepute of the Naval Militia in their home towns. The situation in which the commander of the Missouri detach- ment found himself for example, is shown by the following radiogram, one of a number which he sent in his efforts to obtain permission to leave the ship prior to the date specified by departmental correspondence: "From: Rhode Island, "To: Militia, Washington. "Hurried preparations for this cruise evidently caused misunderstanding. I promised my men and officers and their employers to be back in two weeks. It is important that promise be kept, both in justice to men whose jobs are jeopardized, and as evidence of good faith, which will have important bearing on enlistments and on attendance on future annual cruises. Furthermore, money allowance for cruise will only cover two weeks, inclusive. Some officers and men will volunteer to remain until August 7 without pay, but I urgently request detachment for such as must leave. Shall explain personally in Washington. Adjutant General not familiar with all details. "(Signed) SCHWARTZ." There were similar cases among other organizations. Holding the Connecticut Militia until the specified date would have overdrawn their allotment of funds. It would seem advisable that in the preparation for future cruises efforts be made to avoid any possible chance of misunderstanding regarding dates of actual departure from and return to places of employment, and that commanding officers of ships be given discretionary authority to act, upon recommendation of militia commanders, on urgent cases of this sort; or else commanding officers of organizations be directed to notify the men of their commands well in advance the exact date of disembarka- tion and that no requests for early detachment will be granted. 31. There was much uncertainty on the part of all concerned regarding responsi- bility for and method of keeping the militia pay accounts, and much time was spent in correspondence and discussion; even so we were, up to the end of the cruise, guess- ing as to whether the procedure adopted was even approximately correct. This situation was probably due to the fact that the militia was operating for the first time under a new act, requiring interpretation. It would seem desirable before the next cruise to have detailed instructions regard- ing pay accounts, method of preparing pay rolls, etc., put in the hands of all naval and militia officers concerned. In this connection it is suggested that, if practicable, the settlement of accounts, as far as may be necessary to permit payment of officers' mess bills be expedited. Militia officers who left the ship on July 20 are still indebted at this time, September 8, to the wardroom mess alone to the amount of $294, a sum which constitutes a financial burden on the mess. 32. Early in the first cruise the problem of disciplining the members of the militia organizations arose, and I could find no direct solution either in the Navy Regula- tions or the Naval Militia act, inasmuch as the militia was not operating as a part of the Navy, as provided for in certain sections of the act. The only part of the regula- tions which seems, by analogy, to have any bearing on the matter is section 4 of chapter 35. After due consideration of its provisions I decided that militia courts-martial could not be held on board this ship; and that punishments awarded at the "mast" by militia commanders must receive my approval before being carried into effect, and appropriate entries must be made in the ship's log. The matter was further complicated by the fact that I was informed that under State laws certain punish- ments could be inflicted which are not legal punishments in the Navy. I could not approve such penalties, as I had no direct knowledge of their legality. Cases at the mast among such large numbers of men were not infrequent; there were certain ones for which adequate punishments demanded trial by a court, and, 84 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. as stated, I ruled that trial must be deferred until after the offenders were landed. Whether or not this ruling is correct the results are prejudicial to discipline. It is suggested that the whole matter be authoritatively decided and appropriate instruc- tions incorporated in the Navy Regulations. 33. It was found that some of the organizations brought aboard an inadequate amount of clothing and small stores. Orders were received from the department not to issue such on credit, and many of the men had no money with which to buy clothing, soap, buckets, etc. It is suggested that in the future the Division of Naval Militia Affairs prescribe in orders for militia cruises the minimum of each article of clothing that shall be brought. This. naturally will depend upon the season and the locality; but when they are such as to require white to be worn as a general thing, at least three suits of white and two white hats should be prescribed. Militiamen generally have not acquired the knack of keeping clean under adverse conditions and when bad weather or circumstances interfere with scrubbing clothes, even for one day, the effect becomes evident immediately. Provisions should be made by which men may acquire needed articles of small stores, especially buckets and salt-water soap, without having to depend upon their reserving pocket money for the purpose. 34. It is evident from the experience with nearly all, if not all, the organizations which made these cruises that men are given ratings for which thay have no qualifi- cations. Also, if the proportion of petty officers to unrated men on this cruise is at all comparable to the proportion in the organization as a whole some organizations must be top-heavy with rated men. This matter of numbers and qualifications of petty officers appears to be covered by the Naval Militia act, to become effective later, but one matter apparently not provided for, and which was prominently brought out on these cruises, is the physical requirements for coal passers. Few of those rated or detailed as such could stand the work and the remainder would be of little value to a cruising ship. 35. Owing to the very large number of men aboard at one time it was impracticable to gain as close an estimate regarding their abilities and aptitude as would have been the case had there been but one organization present at a time. This was true not only because of the mere numbers of men to be supervised, but because it was gen- erally necessary, as referred to above, to assign one militia organization intact to one ship's division; this latter meant that each division officer could fairly judge the merits of one organization only. In other words, a concensus of opinion among the officers with whom the enlisted militiamen came into the most direct all-day contact is not obtainable. On the other hand, the fact that seven organizations (and a fraction of an eighth) were aboard during the cruises gave the ship's officers other than division officers an unusual opportunity to estimate the relative efficiencies of the different organiza- tions. This has been taken advantage of by a number of the ship's officers who submitted reports on the militia. It will be noted from the inclosures that these estimates agree closely with each other. 36. In compliance with paragraph 6, letter N-14-Mi, the following remarks upon the Naval Militia of each State are submitted : CONNECTICUT. This organization was, in my opinion, the most efficient of all. The discipline and cleanliness was very good. The enlisted personnel as a whole is ready for muster into the service, though probably not all in their respetive ratings. The command- ing officer is a very efficient officer, possessing to a marked degree the natural qualities desirable in a naval officer. The other officers appeared as a rule to be ambitious, energetic, and imbued with a military spirit. NEW JERSEY. The New Jersey appeared to be a very efficient and businesslike organization. The men are probably ready to go on board a cruising ship and render good service. There were but three line officers present. Two of them with more experience could probably render good service in lower grades than they now hold. PENNSYLVANIA. This organization appears to be well disciplined and generally efficient and would probably be effective in lower grades and ratings than they now hold. NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 85 MISSOURI. The Missouri detachment appeared to be well disciplined, neat in uniform, aud particularly anxious to create a favorable impression. If the efficiency of the organ- ization may be judged from the small detachment present on this cruise, I think that they could be depended upon to render good services with a little more training aboard a modern ship. Considering the fact that they live so far from the seacoast the interest and efficiency shown by them is remarkable. RHODE ISLAND. The Rhode Island Militia was aboard for but nine days and probably suffered by comparison with the others; first, because the first part of each cruise was more or less in the nature of a shaking-down period, and the actual merits of the efficient organizations became more apparent in the latter half; and second, because they lacked the powerful incentive of the target-practice competition to follow. On the whole, however, I found the discipline good and the organization adaptable. I am convinced that it contains excellent material which can be made highly efficient under energetic direction. MAINE. The Maine Militia was fairly well organized and appeared to be willing to do as they were told, but they seemed to lack the energetic interest which prevailed among some of the other organizations. Some of their methods and customs are not up to date. It appears likely that this organization was brought to a certain standard at some time in the past but has not progressed. Energetic direction would probably make this organization very valuable in a short time. DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA. The organization, discipline, attention to duty, attention to uniforms, and general knowledge of naval work in this organization was, in general, fair. This organization reported prior to the cruise that 120 enlisted men were expected to participate, whereas 174 came on board. This fact, in connnection with incidents which came to notice during the cruise created the impression that this organization did not take its military duties as seriously as some of the others and that many of its members looked upon the cruise in the nature of an outing. There appeared to be a large number of men who held ratings for which they were not qualified and there was an abnormal number of rated men. For instance, in an organization numbering 174 men and 12 officers, there were 19 yeomen. The hospital corps contained 2 hospital stewards and 7 hospital apprentices, first class, besides 4 hospital apprentices. The organization contains good material, but, to judge from the showing made on the cruise, I do not consider it is readj , as a whole, to go on board a man-of-war and render efficient service. NORTH CAROLINA. This organization displayed great interest in gunnery and made the best score on target practice. Outside of this it did not, as an organization, create a very favorable impression. Tha discipline appeared to be slack and the men appeared to have no idea of how to live on board ship. They seemed to have very little realization of the necessity of taking care of the clothing and bedding served out to them and were continually complaining of losses. The organization is handicapped by being recruited from a rather sparsejy settled region so that each of the various divisions comes from a separate town which makes it difficult for the commanding officer to exercise much personal supervision over them. The commanding officer is able and energetic, but has only recently attained com- mand of the organization. The other officers differ much in ability and experience. The gunnery officer is a retired officer of the Navy and is highly efficient, but generally speaking, the standard among the officers is not high. There is too much rank in the organization. There were 1 captain and 2 commanders on board with a force which mustered 132 men. The general impression which I gained of this organization is that the men and come of the officers do not take their service in the naval militia very seriously, and that many are in for social reasons . As it stands to-day its general efficiency is poor. 86 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 1 believe that the manifest interest and success in gunnery shown by the organi- zation indicates that it is practicable to greatly raise the general standard of excellence. I believe that the commanding officer will do all that is possible, and it is recom- mended that he be given an officer of the Navy to act as instructor and inspector. 37. GENERAL REMARKS: I do not think that it would be advisable in planning future cruises to send so many naval militias to one ship; especially if she is a battleship of the active fleet. I understand that it was done this year, not as a matter of choice, but of necessity. There were so many officers and men of the militia on board the Rhode Island that it was difficult to know what to do with them, and no one person, officer or man, could receive the benefit from the cruise which he had a right to expect. On the other hand the cruise was bad for the battleship. For six weeks the routine drills and exercises were upset. Twelve officers and three hundred men, including marines, had to be landed during this time. The enlisted men landed (mostly young ordinary seamen) were left on the receiving ship at Boston. Part of them were immediately transferred to the North Carolina to help take her to Hampton Roads. Here they were either sent to the receiving 'ship at Norfolk or given furlough. The men retained at Boston were used as a working gang to do any disagreeable work which might turn up on any ship at the yard. As a result some of them became discouraged and deserted, while others went so far as to refuse duty and were court- martialed. When we finally got our men back at the end of about two months, about 50 were missing (some having been sent to the North Carolina to go to Europe) and many of those who returned had been tried once or more by court-martial during their absence. If the Naval Militia is to be given practice cruises on battleships of the fleet I believe that not more than about 120 men and say 6 or 8 officers should be sent to a ship at a time, these officers and men to be carried in addition to the regular crew. I believe that the best results would be obtained by taking the men away from their own officers and dividing them up among the different divisions of the ship's company, the officers to be attached to different divisions and given such duties as the com- manding officer considered advisable. The various naval militias which served on board all seemed to have too many officers in the higher grades. None of the State organizations have a nominal strength of over 600 men. There seems to be no very apparent reason why a body of this size should be commanded by an officer above the rank of lieutenant commander. There are probably very few Naval Militia officers who are qualified to enter the service as a lieutenant commander. Section 12 of the Naval Militia act provides that commanding officers of the Regular Navy may, in the exercise of their discretion, place upon any duty to which his rank would entitle him, or duty of a lower grade, any officer of the Naval Militia under their command. It was difficult to know what duties to assign a captain or commander under these provisions. It was not practicable to give any one of the commanders the duty as executive, especially so as the situation on board was an abnormal and difficult one to handle; the command of the ship could not be transferred and it did not seem very appropriate to require such officers to stand a watch. One commande.r (Commander Hill, of Connecticut) voluntarily did all the naviga- tion work, including piloting, in a very efficient manner. At the end of the cruise I would have been perfectly willing to have made him navigator. Section 12 of the act contains the provision that "for the purposes of this section it is to be presumed that any member of the Naval Militia is competent to be detailed for any duty to which his rank would entitle him until the contrary be apparent to such commanding officer." It appears reasonable to presume that this is intended to apply only to such officers who have passed the examinations to be set by the department. I so interpreted it, at least, and the cruise was too short to allow me to form opinions of the abilities of many of the officers. It would seem that the character of the training to be given the Naval Militia must be based upon the use which it is contemplated to make of them in time of war. If they are to be used as a reserve for the fleet the plan of giving them cruises on board battleships, or large cruisers, is an excellent one. If the different ships of the fleet could each take on board a number of officers and men at the same time and continue to carry out the regular fleet routine, I believe that the result would be very bene- ficial to the militia and still not handicap the fleet. It might be possible to arrange a cruise so that each division might visit a foreign port, if this is considered necessary. I am inclined to be of the opinion that this should NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 87 not be necessary. If a militia organization requires the inducement of a foreign cruise to keep up interest and encourage enlistments it is probable that its members will not take their duties very seriously. The good results to be obtained by using competition between organizations to stir up interest was shown during the target practice. 38. Several of the ship's officers submitted reports, in writing, upon the cruise. These reports are forwarded herewith for the information of the Division of Naval Militia Affairs. They will be found interesting and contain detailed information which does not appear here. These reports represent the individual opinions of the different officers, and are submitted without further comment. 88 NAVAL MILITIA CEUISES 1914. 02 OQ t> * v2? l~^ t> 4 '% .2 "55 .2"w -.2'w "3.2 .2 | C a ' odd -d -d .03 . . . . i^ ^ . . . ^ o o o o o[3 o o o o 02 02 02 02 02 ddddddddo'd Jodd'd ! o j T3 pq T3 g -d PQ d i c> 6 PS 52 ! S^. III iS iS ioo ^ -d-d -d 73 -o T3 -d -d -d T3 -d -o 4 4 "* 10 ^t-oooJO^.cjSSSS^SSSScs S 8 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 89 l^liSr 5 5 C 9 r O rH O ww 3 aSa If III*' & & & S & & > & & & u/JH ft 2 A I a allll alllilll yH^HyWft] H3 WH S2S 3 ::::::: j9oq : : | | d d ddddddd ^dddd s-^ 3 . : ig : : : : |5 | ::::::> : '"^S w ^ ( d.d.d.d.d.d - ::::..:; :. .u j : : : o _o dddd'dd dldd'dod ". ry .' c .' . t , . ; o :;.;:; o o ddddddd d "^ *. ^ d d d ^ & r O r T3 r O r CJ k ' f O r O ^QOO f^^O 'O 'O i i : : i : ' i rjdddddd d^< .d'' d^ t) "O .n ^3 T) T3 13 T3 T3 13 Q ^ ^g Q " '"" 90 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. B. MEMORANDUM MENTIONED IN PARAGRAPH 8 (pp. 77, 80). [See Report of Capt. C. S. Williams, U. S. N., U. S. S. Rhode Island.) Deck force. General scheme is to have militia crews given ship's numbers and per- form duties and be billeted (except for messing) -as assigned by ship's watch, quarter and station bill book. In many cases men so assigned will fill actual vacancies in crew. In other cases numbers are already held by men of ship's company on board, in which case the militia and ship's individuals will work in company. In cases of certain petty officers, such as boatswain's mates, they may not necessarily be assigned to the sections to which similar ratings are assigned on ship's bill. In these cases they will not be assigned numbers, but billets will show division and section only. Deck forces of organizations will be assigned first division, Pennsylvania; second division, District of Columbia; third division, North Carolina; fourth division, New Jersey. Special branches will be assigned to corresponding fifth division numbers, the general scheme given above being followed. For muster, all naval militia men will muster with the units with which they cus- tomarily muster in their own organization, and be reported to their own executive officer by officers commanding those units. Engineer's force. -1. Engineer divisions, North Carolina, District of Columbia, and Pennsylvania (68 men, total), to report to Lieut. Meyers, the engineering officer of the ship, for assignment to duty and for meting and billeting as shown on station billets. The unrated men will fill vacancies in complement in their respective grades. Petty officers will be assigned as running mates with petty officers of engineer force of ship, as a general rule. 2. Engineer officers will confer with Lieut. Meyers regarding assignment to duty. Hospital corps. Enlisted force of hospital branch (9, total) to report to Dr. Henry, the medical officer of the ship, for assignment to duty and for billeting (three hospital stewards in isolation ward, and hospital apprentices in sick bay berths). So far as practicable, they will assist with sick of their own States, but owing to fact that not all States have hospital apprentices, Dr. Henry will arrange details with naval militia doctors. Mess as per station billets. 2. Naval Militia medical officers will confer with Dr. Henry regarding details of duties while aboard. Pay division. 1. Enlisted force of pay corps will perform duties assigned by their own pay officers. They will mess and be billeted as shown on station billets. 2. Pay officers will confer with Paymaster Gopdhue, pay officer and general store- keeper of ship, regarding office space, and also will apply to him for any desired infor- mation on professional matters. Yeomen. 1. Yeomen will perform duties assigned by the militia officers under whom they are customarily employed. They will mess and be billeted as shown on station billets. 2. Yeomen, except those required by their respective executive officers to assist in receiving reports, will fall in with the units of their own States, with which they customarily muster. The general plan is to have ship's company prepare tables for naval militia's first meal. Station billets will not be assigned until after this meal. Militia commanders will have to detail one mess cook and one striker for each mess as soon as practicable after reporting aboard. As a name is filled in on each billet, the name will also be entered on station bill. As organizations come aboard, engineer force will fall out and fall in separately. All men will be conducted by chief engineer and ship's division officers, respectively, and showed where to stow their bags and hammocks. All excess hammocks will be stowed thus: District of Columbia, brig, cell No. 3; North Carolina, brig, cell No. 4; New Jersey, brig, cell No. 2; Pennsylvania, brig, cell No. 1. The District of Columbia battalion will go to breakfast at tables provided. The North Carolina battalion will be given sandwiches and coffee. No tables will be spread. After meals men will be mustered on quarterdeck (engineer force separately) and billets served out to men, according to their rates, by their own officers. Each man will write his own name on his billet. Billets will be collected by own officers; own officers and ship's officers will prepare station billets. Ship's officer will divide organization (except engineer force, chief petty officers, and master-at-arms) into messes of 24 men each, and will appoint as messmen for each mess two men nominated by their own officers, and enter mess number on station NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 91 bill. Refer completed station bills to first lieutenant, and get directions for entering mess numbers on individual billets. Redistribute billets to men when directed by first lieutenant. Ship's officers will then instruct militia officers as may be necessary to their under- standing of the details of the following general plan. C. MEMORANDUM OP JULY 7-14 (pp. 78, 79). [See Report of Capt. C. S. Williams, U. S. N , U. S. S. Rhode Island. Opportunities for instruction in navigation of such officers of the Naval Militia as may be assigned by their respective commanding officers will be afforded according to the following general plan : The classes will be First. For officers who require instruction in the rudiments of the art, such as dead reckoning, compass deviation, etc. Ensign King will act as instructor, and the class will meet in the admiral's reception room immediately after retreat from morning drills. Officers in this class will be expected to study evenings and at such other times as they are not at drills or on watch the methods and problems presented during the instruction period. Second. For officers who are more advanced, but require actual assistance in solving problems in astronomical work. Lieut. Pence will act as instructor, and the class will meet in the after wardroom country after retreat from morning drills. Officers will be expected to take sights and work them out as opportunities permit, and to apply to Mr. Pence, during the instruction period, for any required assistance or information. Third. Officers who are already familiar with the art of navigation, but desire to take advantage of this opportunity to practice it. These will be expected to perform a navigator's "day's work," or so much of it as time permits. In other words, each officer will, at sea, assume that he is navigating the ship on his own responsibility and able to report to his own commanding officer the position at any time, course and distance to next port, etc. It is assumed that these officers do not require instruction or assistance, but will desire to compare the results of their work with these of the ship's navigator. Ensign Peirce will meet with these officers daily, in the admiral's reception room after retreat from afternoon drill period, and will endeavor to reconcile any discrepant results, should such exist. Owing to the fact that bearings can be taken only from the upper bridge, and the bridge is already crowded with the officers and men required for handling the ship while in pilot waters, it is unfortunately impracticable to afford student officers opportunity to take bearings and practice alongshore navigation except by officers on watch. It is thought however, that this should not be a serious handicap to those desiring to learn or to practice this feature of practical work, as militia officers will have opportunities to practice it on their own vessels. It is requested that commanding officers of each State organization send the under- signed a list of officers under their command who are to be instructed, and to which one of the three classes each officer should be assigned. It is desired to form the classes immediately after morning drill on Wednesday, July 8. There are sextants and navigational tables available for officers who have none aboard. D. REPORT OF LIEUT. H. L. PENCE, U. S. N. (p. 78). [See Report of Capt. C. S. Williams, U. S. N., U. S. S. Rhode Island.) 1. My observation of the different detachments of Naval Militia which recently cruised on this ship were general rather than specific. The work and habits of the men were observed more than their drills, and the officers were observed in connec- tion with the work of the men, socially, and in the class in navigation. Two weeks is a very short time to form a basis for an opinion, but the following observations are respectfully submitted. 2. 1 believe that in no case does a detachment of enlisted men rise higher in effici- ency than the officers commanding them. For men to be efficient officers must be efficient. The merit of each organization reflected the efficiency and preparedness of its officers. Among the organizations recently on board, that from Connecticut stood well out to the front, because its commanding officer was prepared and efficient. He required his officers to be efficient. They were not mere figureheads, but had spent 92 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. time and effort in preparing themselves for the duties they had to perform. They were so much better qualified than the others that it is worthy of mention. 3. If some of the organizations would get rid of some of their dead wood amongst the officers their efficiency would be greatly improved. 4. The Missouri detachment was so small as almost to be lost in the shuffle. I think its standard was fair considering its distance from deep water. With respect to the other organizations I would rank them in all-around efficiency as follows: Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Maine, District of Columbia, North Caro- lina. 5. Of the two cruises the organizations in the latter cruise fitted into the ship organi- zation a great deal more easily than those of the first cruise, although a small amount of this result may be attributed to our knowing better how to handle them. 6. The New Jersey detachment was perhaps the smartest detachment in a military way. Discipline was very good. 7. The North Carolina detachment excelled only in gunnery and that was in a great measure due to her ordnance officer. He was a retired naval officer of experience in the fleet, and worked hard to produce the results accomplished. His spotting was uniformly good and the results showed the result of taking care of the little things in developing the gun crews. The North Carolina detachment showed very little care as to uniform, equipment, or organization. I believe that a number of the 'officers in this detachment conscientiously tried to do their duty. The trouble was they didn't know how to go about it. As long as the officers didn't know, the men could scarcely be expected to know. 8. The Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Maine detachments were uniformly good. More could not be said of them. They showed evidences of good training, with considerably more needed. 9. The District of Columbia starred in coaling ship. Beyond that she was mediocre. She had a great many high-priced mechanics and professional men, but the detach- ment was not balanced properly. This was particularly true with regards to yoemen. Sufficient work to keep 19 yoemen busy would be hard to find. There were two very good divisional officers in this detachment who are worthy of a better chance. 10. Generally speaking the militia should be drilled oftener during the year, or each drill made to count for more. The Navy Regulations, as well as other publica- tions, are furnished to the officers of the Naval Militia, and there is no excuse for these officers not being familiar with the contents of such publications. On coming aboard ship their duty should be to observe the effects of such regulations and to attempt to carry them out with their own men; not tj come aboard and hear of the regulations for the first time. The ordinary rules of the road, official courtesies, duties of divisional officers, duties of heads of departments, etc., should not be new information for a Naval Militia officer who has earnestly tried to prepare himself. 11 . While not confined possibly to the majority, yet there is a feeling running through certain rjortions of the militia that the annual cruise on board of a ship in regular commission is an outing, pure and simple, and that the minimum amount of work is to be done. As a result, trouble was experienced in getting men to do even the ship's routine cleaning. Efforts were made to get work done by working through their own officers, but this was not always successful. 12. The great number of men aboard worked to a disadvantage in that a man could be placed on a job and the minute supervision was relaxed he would leave it and lose himself in the crowd. Some men made no attempt to use their own hammocks or bed- ding. Some would rise in the morning and leave their bedding on the deck. They had used the bedding belonging to some one else which made apprehension difficult. Changing mess without authority was common. If John wanted to sit by Charley he simply traded seats with Joe who happened to be next to Charley. Frequent changing of mess cooks also led to confusion for a short time. The large number of men aboard was disadvantageous in several other ways. It taxed the ship's capacity for satis- factory accommodations both for officers and men and it made instruction too general. With one detachment aboard much could have been accomplished; individual in- struction would have been possible. With the crowd we had a great part of the time was spent in rounding them up and trying to keep them in shape. 13. As regards the qualifications of the officers to perform the duties of their grade, none were qualified. The nearest approach to this condition was the commanding officer of the Connecticut Naval Militia. I believe him qualified for a commission of lieutenant commander in the regular service. I believe that an officer of the Naval Militia should at least be competent to hold a commission in the Naval Militia which is not more than one rank above what he would hold in the regular service. The ideal condition would be for him to have equal rank and that condition should be striven for. In this connection I would like to suggest that an officer's school of some kind would be a valuable adjunct to the State Militias. This might take any one NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 19U. 93 of a number of forms. For instance, detail one officer of the regular service for each State Militia and have him visit each detachment periodically and often. Have certain work assigned for the officers and require them to measure up to a certain standard. If they fail to measure up to this standard, deprive them of their com- missions. A better plan would be to have an officer detailed with each detachment. With the number of retired officers as well as officers in lower grades now available for this duty there ought not to be any serious objection to this method. The Naval Militia is an important branch of the service and is entitled to this much attention. If this method is deemed impracticable, order enough officers to the department at Washington to eria"ble a correspondence school to be started,, especially with regard to navigation, seamanship, ordnance, and engineering. I believe this would be eagerly taken advantage of by officers of the different organizations, and much good would accrue. They are asked to qualify for certain ranks and this would prove a great incentive toward making that qualification. 14. In the two recent cruises I was assigned to instruct the advanced class in navi- gation. In both cruises the classes were small. Several dropped back to the class below, but those who remained took interest in the work. During the first cruise I had the commanding officers of each detachment, and about three officers of lower grades. During the second cruise I had three out of the four commanding officers, and about two officers of the lower grades. Of the latter commanding officers, one, the commanding officer of the Connecticut detachment, is a qualified navigator. He is the only officer coming under my observation in any of the detachments who is qualified for deep-sea navigation. I found a spirit of wanting to learn and if certain officers are officially encouraged I .believe in a comparatively short time the Naval Militia will have available navigators. 15. When possible, 1 hour or 2 hours was spent with the class dail^. The instruc- tion took the form of working problems on a blackboard and demonstrating how thev were worked; then giving similar problems to the class, having them tr them, and when failing, point out their errors to them. A groundwork of definitions and a working knowledge of tables was assumed, but eventually these points had to be gone over. 16. The following were touched upon with great thoroughness with the last class and the work of the first class was very similar: (1) A thorough understanding of Greenwich mean time and its determination. (2) Meridian altitude. (3) Reduction to the meridian. (4) Use of Azimuth tables. (5) Determination of time of sun crossing prime vertical. (6) Determination of how to set clocks back or ahead daily. (7) Determination of watch time of local apparent noon. (8) Chronometers, their care, winding, error and rate, together with an examination of chronometer book and rate curve. Also how to find C-W. (9) How to take noon tick. (10) How to get error by taking hack ashore or up to wireless office. (11) Lecture on compass errors and deviations and the practical compensation of the compass, including deviation table, Napier's Diagram, and necessar forms. Kinds of deviation; causes of each and their elimination in a standard compensating binnacle and with a standard compass; also starboard angle method. How to determine devi- ation, etc. In general terms the approximate and exact coefficient were explained and how by the use of the dygogram and certain formula a ship, after building, may be practically compensated before leaving the dock. (12) Summer lines (chord and tangent methods in general). (13) Theoretical and practical intersection of lines and the use of longitude and latitude factors. (14) New navigation. Marcq St. Hilaire (Haversine formula). 17. Instruction was gjven to two members of the last class in the use, care, and adjustment of the sextant, and also in current sailing. The commanding officer of the Rhode Island detachment wished special instruction in the conversion of me in to sidereal time, and the reverse, and the commanding officer of the 'onnecticut detach- ment wanted instruction in the means of identif ... ing a star showing through clouds of an overcast skv; this instruction was given. 18. An attempt was made to give each class just what the- r wanted. In the absence of suggestions from them, I made suggestions and the - made their choice. Less than two weeks was far too short a time to learn much navigation, but it served to freshen the memories of some who had, at one time or other, been more or less familiar with navigational work, as well as serving as a guide for the remainder of the class to follow in their subsequent work ashore. 94 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. E. REPORT OF ENSIGN J. L. KING, U. S. N. (p. 78). [See Report of Capt. C. S. Williams, U. S. N., U. S. S. Rhode Island.] 1. In compliance with verbal orders from the executive officer I gave navigation instruction to officers of the Naval Militia during the time the 7 were on board this ship. My dutv was to instruct in the elementar ~r details leading up to practical navigation, or actual use of the sextant in finding the ship's position. 2. The short time which each organization spent on board, limited the extent to which I could take up the different subjects, and when drills began to conflict, the time allowed was even less. Accordingl r , I made my whole course more a series of lectures or explanator - talks, in which an attempt was made to fit the student officers rather to be able to stud*/ navigation comprehensively in the future, than to try to make them practical navigators in such a short time. A daily instruction averaging about two hours per day was given to them, and on each cruise my class averaged about twentv officers. 3. Such subjects as the Mercator chart, dead reckoning, finding Greenwich mean time, nautical almanac, and the sextant, were taken up in detail and thoroughly explained as to their theor/, construction, and relative importance. Oth( i subjects, like compass deviation, theor r of Marcq St. Hilaire, time sights, and meridian alti- tudes, were treated more generall r , and although the theor/ of each was touched upon, it was onl ' taken up in so far as it would appeal to the interest of persons so unfamiliar with the art of navigation. 4. The interest taken by the different officers showed that they were generally speaking very anxious to learn. The degrees of information possessed by the officers of the different organizations depended to a great extent upon the ability of the com- manding officers along this line. The Connecticut officers were keen to learn, and showed knowledge of the subject. The North Carolina officers, on the other hand, knew little or nothing. One or two took an interest, but seemed to prefer thumb rule navigation hastily acquired, and in most instances this sort is the only kind they could readil grasp, due to apparent lack of education. The Washington, B.C., organization was, generall r speaking, anxious to learn, but showed little or no familiarity with the subject. Both the New Jersey and Pennsylvania officers showed experience and more interest. The Connecticut, Maine, and Missouri officers were also more familiar with navigation and it was a matter of interest to instruct them. The Rhode Island officers were less capable on the whole. 5. As far I can find out, the course was beneficial to them all, and I think an interest was created in navigation, which will lead them to pursue a course of study at home. If attempts were successful here, the 7 should not find it a difficult thing to study from textbooks, due to their being familiar with the subject matter of navigation. F. REPORT OF LIEUT. G. J. MEYERS, U. S. N. (p. 79). (See Report of Capt. C. S. Williams, U. S. N., U. S. S. Rhode Island.) 1. The following organizations that made the cruise from July 6 to August 8 con- tained officers and men in the engineer force of ranks and ratings tabulated: f i | "g . .2 g g | tj3 1 8 03 +-L 3 S" 3 % 1 a 3 UJ K i a i| 'S"OT ; 1 S w a S-3 gii S a s ^62; per cent of officers. 4.4 The number of officers in the Naval Militia should not exceed that for the Rhode Island, and officers should be sent to any ship with their organizations either for instruction or in time of war not to exceed a number to fill existing vacancies on the ships to which they are sent. Number of men in different ratings: The number of petty officers and men in each organization should be uniformly proportionate. For example, the proportion of yeomen was excessive, there being 29 yeomen on the first half of the cruise and ]4 on the second half of the cruise, while this ship is allowed only ] 2 yeomen. A reasonable number of yeomen would appear to be one for each division in each organization, under which circumstances there would be no suspicion that a considerable number of men were enlisting for the cruise in order to take an outing. In the engineer force there were 89 petty officers out of a total of 185 men, a distinctly disproportionate number of petty officers. Of the 89, 42 were machinists mates, and of this number none should have held the rating above machinists mate second class, and as a large number of the 42 were machinists or machinists helpers by trade they should not have been enlisted for more than machinists mate second class or coal passer for machinists mates, as their knowledge of the duties of their ratings was very meager and their standard of ability was far below that of the men of the ship in similar ratings. Of the 89 petty officers there were 2 chief water tenders, 12 water tenders, and 20 oilers, or a total of 44. None of these men should have held their ratings, as none of them possessed more ability in their ratings than firemen first class and firemen second class in the regular Navy, whom I would not dream of recommending for the im- portant and responsible duties of oilers and water tenders. The remaining petty officers were two coppersmiths and one boiler maker. I had opportunity to judge of the ability of only one of these, the coppersmith from the District of Columbia, who is an excellent man in his rating. Generally speaking, in case the Naval Militia is sent to fill the complement aboard ship, I believe that there should be no rated oilers or water tenders unless they are such by trade, and no machinists mates above machinists mate second class. Cleanliness of ship and men: My general observation of the men about the ship leads me to the conclusion that while the North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and District of Columbia organizations were aboard a great number of dirty uniforms was very marked, and it was very difficult to keep the ship clean; while the Connec- ticut, Rhode Island, Maine, and Missouri organizations were on board the appearance of men's uniforms was normal and the ship was in her normal state of cleanliness. Appearance of men when reporting aboard: The North Carolina organization when reporting was noisy, not clean. The Connecticut and Missouri organizations presented A remarkably neat and orderly appearance. Efficiency of organizations in engineering department: In my opinion the test of the efficiency of any organization of the Naval Militia as far as its engineer personnel is concerned is its ability to report aboard ship and fit into the organization to complete it in the same manner as a draft from the receiving ship; to take up the duties assigned and carry on the ship's work as well as this work is carried on on the average ship. The organization which completely failed to do this was that from North Carolina; the organizations which only partly realized this standard were those from District of Columbia and Pennsylvania; the organizations that most nearly approached this .were those from Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Missouri. Maine and New Jersey had no engineer personnel. Connecticut in my opinion possessed the most efficient engineer organization. Number of men sent to a ship from the Naval Militia for instruction or in time of war: Too many men from the Naval Militia were sent aboard at one time, having regard for the length of time they were aboard. The ship could not assimilate so large ja number of green men, and was in more or less of the position of a ship going into commission with a proportionate number of new recruits with insufficient time for training them. A smaller number of men at one time would have resulted in carrying on ship's work with greater facility and less comusion, and in more thoroughly instruct- ing the Naval Militia and in determining the efficiency of individuals and organizations. 11. Work and instruction assigned officers: North Carolina. Instuction watches in engine room. District of Columbia. Regular watches in engine room. Pennsyl- vania. Instruction watches in engine room. ^ Connecticut. Regular watches in engine room. Rhode Island. Regular watches in engine room. Missouri. Regular watches in engine room. Enlisted men: Petty officers were assigned billets in the regular ship organization and were paired with men of the same rating regularly attached to the ship. They stood watch and performed all the duties of the men with whom they were paired. NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. 97 Men of other ratings filled vacancies in the regular ship's organization and "were assigned to watches and cleaning and repair stations corresponding to their billets. Where possible, endeavor was made to have men perform the same duties that would be required of them were they a draft sent to complete the ship's complement. All men took part in ship's drills in accordance with billets assigned them. 12. Character of cruise: More instruction could have been given the Naval Militia had the cruise been divided equally between sea and port; that is, one continuous week at sea followed by one continuous week at some place such as Tangier Sound or Gardiners Bay, not only for target practice but for routine drills and routine work in port. While visiting a foreign port may be desirable to increase interest and enlistments in the Naval Militia, the two days given to this visiting are lost, and the practice in my opinion is questionable because it leads men to enlist for the sole purpose of the visit and not for the purpose of improving themselves for naval work. The necessity for this visit is not felt on the Great Lakes, and with an organiza- tion with dependable men the pride due to the efficiency acquired on the cruise will, I think, be compensation enough if there is not already enough offered in spending the time and money for a two weeks' cruise. 13. Whatever incentive or motive may govern the officers and men in joining the Naval Militia and devoting their time to it, the general spirit of an organization that attempts to do its best and win commendation for its real efficiency and watch with a critical eye all that goes on without jealous remark or condemnation of another organi- zation certainly deserves praise and admiration, and this can certainly be said of the organizations from Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maine, and Missouri. REPORT OP SURG. R. B. HENRY, U. S. N. (p. 79). [See Report of Capt. C. S. Williams, U. S. N., U. S. S. Rhode Island. (First cruise.) 1. The U. S. S. Rhode Island sailed from Delaware Bay July 7 bound for Bermuda, having on board the Naval Militia battalions of the District of Columbia and North Carolina and detachments from the Naval Militia of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. One medical officer accompanied each organization except the detachment from Penn- sylvania. Sick call for the regular crew was held daily by the ship's medical officer at 8.15 a. m. and for the Naval Militia organizations by their own medical officers, at 8.45, the ship's medical officer holding sick call for the Pennsylvania detachment: The Rhode Island arrived at Bermuda July 10, and left two days later for Tangier Sound to hold target practice, the cruise being finally completed July 21. 2. The men of the Naval Militia were for the most part healthy and in good physical condition to perform their duties. Some members of the fireroom force, however, were too light for their ratings, and did not bear up well under the unaccustomed labor and high temperature. The difficulty of obtaining desirable men of the proper physique for this laborious duty is fully realized, but until the general adoption of oil fuel in marine service, no effort should be spared in maintaining the personnel of this branch at the present physical standard prescribed for the fireroom force in the regular service. No serious injuries or illness occurred during the cruise, and the at- tendance at the sick bay was little larger than would be expected in a regular crew of nearly eleven hundred men. 3. The medical officers on board were Lieut. Commander R. D. Jones, Naval Militia, North Carolina, Lieut. F. W. Morhart, Naval Militia, District of Columbia, and Asst. Surg. E. C. Pechin, Naval Militia, New Jersey. These officers, who are experienced medical practitioners, displayed a keen interest in matters pertaining to the medical department, and their cooperation and courteous assistance at all times was greatly appreciated. The hospital-corps men, with the exception of a hospital steward from the New Jersey detachment, were all from the District of Columbia battalion. Their senior man is a practicing physician and an instructor in a prominent medical school, and rendered valuable assistance during the cruise. The others were for the most part students of medicine or dentistry in their second or third years, or pharmacists. One was a chemist in the Bureau of Standards. They were intelligent and willing, and while they, in many cases, lacked the practical experience which would be ob- tained in the corresponding ratings of the regular service, they represented probably the best material available for recruiting the hospital corps of a Naval Militia organiza- tion. They had been instructed in first-aid and hospital-corps drill, and with a few weeks' training in active service would do excellent work. While aboard this ship they received practical instruction in the duties of the hospital corps, and they per- formed the work assigned in a manner that betokened a lively interest and a desire to profit by the opportunities offered for improvement. 98 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. H. RKPORT OF SURG. R. B. HENRY. U. S. N. (p. 79). (Second cruise.) [See Report of Capt. C. S. Williams, U. S. N., U. S. S. Rhode Island.) 1. The U. S. S. Rhode Island took on board July 23 at New Haven, Conn., the Con- necticut Naval Reserves to the number of 244 men arid 15 officers, also at the same time and place 5 officers and 32 men of the Missouri Reserves, and on July 24, at Newport the Rhode Island Reserves, 154 men and 11 officers. Finally, at Portland, Me., on July 25, we completed our Naval Reserve complement with the Maine Naval Reserves, 145 men and 10 officers. Made a cruise to Halifax, Nova Scotia, arriving on the 27th, leaving on the 30th for Newport, R. 1., where on August 2 the Rhode Island and part of the Missouri Reserves disembarked. Target practice was conducted in Gardners Bay, and on August 6 at New Haven, the Connecticut and remaining Missouri Reserves disembarked. The cruise was completed at Portland, Me., August 8, when the Maine Reserves disembarked. 2. The health of the men and officers was good on the cruise as far as was determined by observation of the men and officers individually, and as organizations the physique was good. Men of the Rhode Island and Connecticut organizations had received antityphoid prophylaxis. 3. Dr. W. H. Crowe, of New Haven, medical officer of the Connecticut Reserves (three years Naval Reserve service), displayed keen interest in and liking for the naval service. The hospital corps consisted of one hospital steward and three hospital apprentices, first class. They were all registered pharmacists except one, who was a motorman in civil life. Five years' previous service as a nurse and several years continuously with the Naval Reserves of Connecticut has qualified him to be fairly efficient in his rate. The hospital steward was the subject of an attack of epilepsy during the cruise, and while efficient as to knowledge he is probably unfit for the service. Dr. M. W. Houghton, of Providence, medical officer of the Rhode Island Reserves, has had long experience in Naval Reserve work, having been connected with the organization for many years, itself evidence of his zeal and regard for the work. He is, in addition, acting assistant surgeon of the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service for the port of Providence. The hospital corps consisted of one hospital steward and one hospital apprentice first class, both registered pharmacists. Missouri had no medical officer and no hospital corps. Dr. M. C. Webber, of Portland, made his first cruise as medical officer of the Maine Naval Reserves. He is well equipped professionally and displayed commendable interest in acquiring familiarity with a medical officer's duties on board ship. Maine had no hospital corps. I. (Sefr Report of Capt. C. S. Williams, U. S. N , U. S. S. Rhode Island, p. 79. SCHEDULE OP DRILLS. FIRST CRUISE, JULY 0-21, 1914, NORTH CAROLINA, PENN- SYLVANIA, NEW JERSEY, AND DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (p. 79). Monday, July 6, North Carolina and District of Columbia stationed, billeted in part of ship. Drill and instruction, Tuesday, July 7, 1914. NAVAL MILITIA, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA AND NORTH CAROLINA. 8.45. Test of fire control and telephones. (All sight setters of turrets and 6-inch guns man phones and check visuals.) 9.15. Quarters. 9.30. Physical drill. 9.45. Fire drill (each man should be at his station and instructed in duties). 10. Secure. Fall in at quarters. 10.30. Collision drill (special attention paid to collision mat and water-tight doors). 10.45. Abandon ship (take stations; do not provide station crews; Naval Militia officers will take charge of their own men assigned to life rafts.) 11.15. Secure. 11.25. Retreat. 1.15 to 2.20. (a) District of Columbia, 3-inch loading gun and dotter; remainder of division instruction in 8-inch waist turrets and inspection of ship. (6) North Carolina, station at 6-inch guns and take general quarters stations. NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 11)14. 99 2.30 to 4. (a) North Carolina, 3-inch loading gun and dotter; safety precautions; remainder of division inspection of ship. (6) District of Columbia, stations for general quarters and night torpedo defense. Forenoon, Wednesday, July 8, 1914. 8.45. Fire control and tests (gun captains and sight setters man telephones, t-st phones and visuals 12-inch, 8-inch, 6-inch guns). 9.15. Quarters and inspection (all division mustered at quarters and inspected by division officers). 9.30. Physical drill. 9.45. Fire drill (division officers inspect and check up stations of men). 10.05. Secure. 10.10. Collision drill and instruction in collision mat. 10.30. Secure. 10.30 to 11.30. District of Columbia (a) Target-practice crews loading and dot'cr drill, 3-inch guns. (6) Instruction in nomenclature of ship, knotting and splicing; naval etiquette. North Carolina, 6-inch battery drill, instruction in duties at general quarters, load- ing drill at 6-inch loading machine. Pennsylvania, stations and instructions at general quarters' duties, divisional duties in part of ship, standing watch and ship's organization (use this period to "shake down. " Now Jersey, stations and instructions in general quarters' duties in part of ship, standing watch and ship's organization (use this period to "shake down.") Afternoon, Wednesday, July 8, 1914. The following hours are assigned to drilling target-practice crews at 3-inch loading and dotter drill; 1.15 to 2.15; North Carolina; 2.15 to 3.15, Pennsylvania; 3.15 to 4.15, New Jersey. 1.15. Drill call. District of Columbia (a) 8-inch turret drill, instruction in safety precautions. (b) Stations and drill, night torpedo defense. North Carolina, divisional instruction, naval etiquette, general duties in part of ship. Pennsylvania (a) Night torpedo defense stations. (6) Inspection of ship. 3.30. Retreat. Forenoon, Thursday, July 9, 1914 Field day. 9.15 to 11.15. Navigation class in wardroom mess room. Afternoon, Thursday, July 9, 1914. 1. Drill call, loading and dotter drills, assigned as follows: 1 to 2, New Jersey; 2 to 3, North Carolina; 3 to 4, Pennsylvania; 4 to 5, District of Columbia. 1 to 3. New Jersey, instruction and drill, general quarters stations. North Carolina, divisional instruction, deep-sea soundings, compass (Swedish exercise). District of Columbia, divisional instruction, signals, lead line, and naval etiquette. Pennsylvania, instruction and drill. General quarters. Night torpedo-defense stations. Three-inch pointers and sight setters may be exercised at No. 11 and No. 12 3-inch guns whenever division officers find an opportunity in afternoon. 7.30 to 8. Night torpedo-defense quarters (weather permitting). Friday, July 10, 1914. 9.15 a. m. Quarters (or when anchoring). 9.30 to 10.30 a. m. Loading and dotter drill, Pennsylvania. 10.30 to 11.30 a. m. Loading and dotter drill. District of Columbia. 1.15 to 2.15 p. m. Loading and dotter drill, North Carolina. 2.15 to 3.15 p. m. Loading and dotter drill, New Jersey. 3.15 to 4 p. m. Loading and dotter drill, District of Columbia. 4 to 5 p. m. Loading and dotter drill, New Jersey and North Carolina. 10 to 11. Class in navigation, wardroom mes* room. 100 NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES 1914. Saturday, July 11, 1914 Bermuda. 9.15 a. m. Quarters; inspection. 9.30 a. m. Physical drill. 9.30 a. m. Man following boats: First cutter, District of Columbia. Second cutter, New Jersey. First whaleboat, District of Columbia. Second whaleboat, New Jersey. First dinghy, District of Columbia. Second dinghy, New Jersey. 10.25 a. m. Boats will return and be manned as follows: First cutter, North Carolina. Second cutter, Pennsylvania. First whaleboat, North Carolina. Second whaleboat, Pennsylvania. First dinghy, North Carolina. Second dinghy, Pennsylvania. 11.40 a. m. Retreat. Loading and dotter drill: 9.45 a. m. North Carolina. 10.45 to 11 .45 a. m. New Jersey. 1.15 to 2.15 p. m. Pennsylvania. 2.15 to 3.15 p. m. District of Columbia. Sunday, July 12, 1914 Bermuda. 9.15 a. m. Quarters; inspection. 10 to 11 a. m. Navigation class; wardroom. The loading gun and dotters will be n "a 1 *! able as follows: 9.40 to 10.40 Pennsylvania 3.15 te 3.45. 10.40 to 11.40 North 'Carolina 3.45 to 4.35. 1.15 to 2.16 New Jersey 4.15 to 4.45. 2.15 to 3.15 District of Columbia 4.45 to 5.15. Monday, July 13, 1914 Passage lo Tatujici- ^nun