I/ sv AMALGAMATED 1892. The time allowed for reading this Book % 14 days, after which time the Book should be returned or renewed for a similar period. Members who disregard this rule render them- liable to a fine. Any Member damaging or losing a periodical or Hook will be liable to pay for the same at the discretion of the Committee. GIFT OF TRAVELS NEW ZEALAND; WITH CONTRIBUTIONS TO THK GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY, BOTANY, AND NATURAL HISTORY OF THAT COUNTRY. BY ERNEST DIEFFENBACH, M.D., Late Naturalist to the Netv Zealand Cnmjxiny. t IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. Caitradf of Boiling Water at Rotu Maha* LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET. 1843. London : Printed bv WILLIAM CT.OXVKS and SONS, Stamford Street. PREFACE. THE following volumes contain an account of several journeys into various parts of New Zealand during the years 1839, 1840, and 1841, a part of which time was occupied in visiting the Chatham Islands and New South Wales. My researches as Naturalist to the New Zealand Company might have been far more complete, had it been in my power to make an entire survey of New Zealand, but circumstances rendered this im- possible ; and it appears evident, from the principle which has guided the Government and the public, that we shall be indebted rather to an extension of colonization, than to a previous examination, for a more intimate knowledge of the country. I have, therefore, no>, other pretensions in bringing these volumes before the public, than that they contain unvarnished descriptions of the places I visited. I must, however, observe that I have been over much untrodden ground. I was the first to visit or describe Mount Egmont, many places in the northern parts of the island, and some of the pic- turesque and interesting lakes and thermal springs in the interior. The excellent map which Mr. John Arrowsmith has compiled with the aid of my notes and sketches, will amply illustrate the routes I have taken. I have entered, on several occasions, upon ques- iv PREFACE. tions intimately connected with the capabilities of the country as a home for Europeans. In a time pregnant with the universal desire to search for employment, and to open a new field for exertion, foreign and unoccupied countries, previous to colo- nization, should be explored with a view of making ourselves acquainted with their soil and natural productions. Natural history and the affiliated sciences should, in that case, be merely the help- mates to noble enterprise ; and even more than that they should guide and lead it. I can but hope that those who delight in con- templating the arrangements of Nature in distribut- ing her creatures over the different countries will find something satisfactory in these volumes; this is the " Fauna of New Zealand." I am indebted for this valuable addition to my work to J. E. Gray, Esq., of the British Museum, who, with the assistance of the celebrated Arctic traveller, Dr. J. Richardson, of Messrs. G. R. Gray, Doubleday, and White, has described the animals at present at hand, and, with the descriptions of former naturalists and travellers, has made the enumeration of the animals which are found in New Zealand as complete as possible. I express here my high gratitude to J. E. Gray, Esq., as well as to the gentlemen I have mentioned, for a labour which was as arduous, as no doubt it will be useful to future travellers. ERNEST DIEFFENBACH. London, November^ 1842. CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. PART I. COOK'S STRAITS. CHAPTER I. General Remarks . CHAPTER II. Cook's Straits Queen Charlotte's Sound Te-awa-iti Cloudy Bay Whales and Whalers . ; 21 CHAPTER III. Port Nicholson Wellington Excursion into the Val- ley of the Eritonga . - . 67 CHAPTER IV. Kapiti, or Entry Island Mana, or Table Island . 107 CHAPTER V. Return to Queen Charlotte's Sound West Bay East Bay Island of Arapaoa . . . 114 CHAPTER VI. Northern Shore of Cook's Straits /r -. ; 124 CHAPTER VII. Taranaki, or Mount Egmont . ;,. - 131 CHAPTER VIII. District from Taranaki to Mokau 166 VI CONTENTS. PAGK, CHAPTER IX. The Climate of Cook's Straits and New Zealand in general .... 172 CHAPTER X. General Considerations on Cook's Straits . 185 CHAPTER XI. The Natives inhabiting the Shores of Cook's Straits 191 PART II. NORTHERN ISLAND NORTHERN DISTRICTS. CHAPTER XII. Reinga North Cape Pa-renga-renga, or Village of the Lily . . . .197 CHAPTER XIII. Harbour of Houhoura, or Mount Carmel Rangauriu Kaitaia .... 210 CHAPTER XIV. Harbour of Mango-nui, in Lauriston Bay . 222 CHAPTER XV. Harbour of Wangaroa . . 235 CHAPTER XVI. Wangape and Hokianga . . 239 CHAPTER XVIf. Waimate, Lake Maupere, and Thermal Springs 243 CHAPTER XVIII. Bay of Islands .... 256 CONTENTS. Vll I'AGE CHAPTER XIX. Wairoa, Kaipara . . . 260 CHAPTER XX. Gulf of Hauraki Coromandel Harbour Waiho, or the Thames Waitemata Harbour Auckland . 271 CHAPTER XXI. Harbour of Manukao, or Symonds Harbour . 289 CHAPTER XXII. River Waikato Wainga-roa Aotea Kawia . 299 CHAPTER XXIII. River Waipa Mission-Station of Otawao. . 315 CHAPTER XXIV. Lake Taupo and Tongariro . . . '.' 33 j CHAPTER XXV. Rotu-kaua Rotu-Mahana Tera-wera . . 374 CHAPTER XXVI. Rotu-Kareka Rotu-rua Rotu-iti . . 386 CHAPTER XXVII. Journey to Tauranga . . 4 398 CHAPTER XXVIII. Journey into the Valley of the Waiho. or Thames Mata-mata Piako . , 499 CHAPTER XXIX. Some Remarks on the Botany of New Zealand . 419 ILLUSTRATIONS. VOL. I. View of Tan po . Frontispiece. Mount Egmont To face page 131 Rua Pahu , , 331 VOL. II. Te Waro Frontispiece. Balaena Antipodum To face page 177 NEW ZEALAND. CHAPTER I. GENERAL REMARKS. IT is natural that in the selection of a new colony, in a distant region, a preference should be given to a country the climate and other circumstances of which are in some degree analogous to those of the native land of the colonists, in order that the phy- sical and intellectual energies of their posterity may not retrograde, but be developed and matured in a congenial soil, and thus may conduce in the greatest degree to the general prosperity and happiness. It is natural, also, that the attention and views of those to whom the land of their birth affords little prospect of advancement should be directed towards that country which promises from the resources within itself a steady progress^ to ultimate pros- perity without being a burthen to the mother country for a longer period than that which may be termed its infancy, whilst at the same time it insures to the latter that reciprocal benefit which she has a right to expect. It is with man as with plants and animals ; each VOL. I. B 2 GENERAL REMARKS. [CHAP. I. kind has its natural boundaries, within which it can live, and thrive, and attain its fullest vigour and beauty If we intend to propagate them in climates differing from their own, we may do so by creating an artificial state of things, resembling that of the place to which they are indigenous. But this is little practicable in the transplantation of man Many colonies have, indeed, been founded in unfavourable positions for the purpose of obtain- ing the peculiar produce of the country, as the sugar, coffee, cacao, and indigo of the West Indies, the gum of Senegal, the palm-oil of the Cape Coast. But in such cases the colony was not what would seem to be the true meaning of the word, an offset from the parent state, planted and reared to ma- turity in a foreign soil ; but merely a factory, where the ease of acquiring riches by supplying a certain commodity to the home market has rendered men reckless of the dangers of climate, and regardless of the loss of life attending the speculation. In such colonies the European population soon became decrepit, and degenerated from the strength and vigour of the stock from which they descended. In some instances they were supported by a regular system of oppression and extortion towards the original inhabitants, who had reason to curse the hour in which civilised Europeans first came amongst them ; but, more frequently, they could only exist by what might be called the colonial hothouse system, in other words, by the slavery and CHAP. I.] GENERAL REMARKS. 3 misery of thousands of their fellow-creatures. Other colonies arrived at prosperity by the labour of convicts, which Government bestowed as a liberal gift upon the settlers. In these colonies a middle class or peasantry was wanting, which forms the true tie of our social relations and is the best pledge of their durability. An artificial appearance of wealth was created, and an illusory value of landed property which could not last as soon as the importation of convicts ceased, because the pros- perity was not borne out by the capability of the country. A few Europeans, being the masters of countless numbers of a different rate, either origin- ally introduced as slaves or who have been con- quered, do not form an European colony. How different from all this is the case of New Zealand, where the climate is not only similar to that of England, but even milder than that of her most southern counties, whilst at the same time it is healthy and invigorating ! The children of Eu- ropeans, born in this country, show no deterioration from the beauty of the original stock, as they do in New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. A great part of the country possesses a soil which yields all those articles of food which are necessary for the support of Europeans, especially grain, po- tatoes, fruit, and every variety of garden vegetables ; it possesses materials for ship-building and domestic architecture in its timber, marble, and freestone; the coal which has been found will probably prove B 2 4 GENERAL REMARKS. [CHAP. I. sufficient in quantity for steam-engines and manu- factories; its coasts are studded with harbours and inlets of the sea ; it is intersected by rivers and rivulets ; its position between two large continents is extremely favourable ; in short, it unites in itself everything requisite for the support of a large po- pulation in addition to the native inhabitants. No other country possesses such facilities for the esta- blishment of a middle class, and especially of a prosperous small peasantry, insuring greatness to the colony in times to come. It is, I conceive, no small praise to a country that in it labour and industry can procure independence, and even affluence ; that in it no droughts destroy the fruits of the colonist's toil, no epidemic or pes- tilence endangers his family ; that with a little exertion he may render himself independent of foreign supply for his food ; and that when he looks around him he can almost fancy himself in England instead of at the Antipodes, were it not that in his adopted country an eternal verdure covers the groves and forests, and gives the land an aspect of unequalled freshness and fertility. More, however, than all these advantages were expected by the colonists who in the last two years have flocked by thousands to New Zealand. They found to their surprise and disappointment almost entirely a moun- tainous country, the mountains being in many cases steep and intersected by ravines instead of valleys ; whilst the cultivable land, instead of being conti- CHAP. I.] GENERAL REMARKS. 5 nuous, was much dispersed and subdivided : they found also that in many places a large proportion of the land was entirely useless ; that where they looked for extensive pasture-grounds, the food for cattle and sheep was very scanty ; that instead of natural grasses, high fern, shrubs, or a thick forest covered the ground ; and that in the latter case the thick and interwoven roots formed a very formidable barrier to successful agriculture in the easy and quickly remunerating manner they expected. Most of these emigrants did not intend to make the new colony their second home, but expected, with the help of the labour which was provided for them in return for their purchases of land, or by the cheap, and, as they hoped, almost gratuitous labour of the natives, to produce, in the shortest possible time, those articles of produce which the country was said to offer available for export, or to see their flocks increasing without exertion on their own part ; and, having thus made a rapid fortune, to return to their native country. Many came for the purpose of speculating in land, especially in town allotments, which has become such a favourite system of deception and ruin in the Australian colonies, and will retard their progress for many years to come, notwithstanding the halo of wealth produced by it, the distant reflection and splendour of which are continuing to attract thousands of emigrants from the shores of the United Kingdom. As articles of export in New Zealand, from which such quick proceeds were expected, timber, flax, and 6 GENERAL REMARKS. [CHAP. I. oil were particularly mentioned ; but, since the colony has been established, these articles have scarcely furnished any exports, and they cannot be expected to be sources of any considerable profit for some time to come. As regards timber, it will be admitted that only large and long spars, for the use of the navy, will cover the expense of bringing them to the water-side, and shipping them to a distance of 14,000 miles. After having visited nearly all the timber districts in the northern island, I became convinced that such large and sound spars are scarce, and that, in New Zealand, the kind of tree fit for exporting never forms a continuous forest as in other countries ; and as for shipping other kinds of wood, this is quite out of the question, as the price of sawn timber in New Zealand itself was, at the time of my departure, 32*. per 100 feet ; and the importation of plank from Europe has met with success. It is a fact very notorious in New Zealand, that the shipment of spars, from the enor- mous expense of bringing them to the water-side, has never been profitable to any one. There is cer- tainly a large quantity of timber of all descriptions in the island, which will become of the greatest value in the country itself, when its resources are a little more developed. Upon the labour of the natives the colonist can at present depend but little ; and although he will find them in other respects sufficiently useful, he has to pay them at the same high rate as his European workmen, without being sure that they will always work at his command. CHAP. I.] GENERAL REMARKS. 7 The export of flax, prepared by the natives, has dwindled almost to nothing in the last few years, as, from their increased intercourse with Europeans, they have been enabled, by a slight degree of agri- cultural labour, to obtain all the commodities which they require ; and they are therefore averse to the dressing of the flax, which has, moreover, always been the work of the women, and was only resorted to by the men in times of war, for the purpose of procuring muskets, powder, and shot. It is quite true that this valuable plant covers immense dis- tricts in New Zealand, and could be procured in any quantity, if a cheap method of preparing it were known ; but till then it cannot be regarded as likely to promote the commercial interests of the colony. The results of the whale-fishery on the coasts of New Zealand are of very small amount in the British market, owing to the indiscriminate slaughter of the fish during the last fifteen years, without due regard to the preservation of the dams and their young. The shore- whalers, in hunting the animal in the season when it visits the shallow waters of the coast to bring forth the young, and suckle it in security, have felled the tree to obtain the fruit, and have thus taken the most certain means of destroying an otherwise profitable and important trade. As for the belief that the ships of the several nations engaged in this trade must resort to New Zealand for refitting, as being in the centre of the 8 GENERAL REMARKS. [CHAP. I. southern whale-fishery, it is quite erroneous ; the fact being that, as soon as New Zealand became a British colony, the whalers deserted it, and went to Otaheite, or some other of the Polynesian Islands, where they could be supplied with wood and pro- visions at a much cheaper rate. I would wish to impress these facts upon the reader, for the purpose of showing that there is at present, in New Zealand, no article of export which can be depended upon, to procure that balance of trade which is necessary for the success of all com- mercial communities. Exports must be created in the island by means of the agriculturist ; and it is the highest praise of the country that they can be created, and that they do not differ from the same articles produced at home. England, in former times, had scarcely more exports than New Zealand has now ; but the internal resources and geogra- phical position which secured to Great Britain its unequalled prosperity, are, although much inferior, yet similar, in New Zealand, and may give her, in the course of time, as high a position. It will readily be concluded from these observa- tions that, in the first settlements of New Zealand, by far too much importance has been attached to commerce and to those natural products just men- tioned, and that many incorrect and exaggerated statements on the present capabilities of the colony have been brought forward. In a country like New Zealand, favoured in so many respects by nature, CHAP. I.] GENERAL REMARKS. 9 but which cannot be regarded as an entrepot or point of transit, the first question as to its future prosperity and success should be : Can the settle- ment produce all that it may require for internal consumption, and will provisions be cheap as com- pared with the price of labour ? This should, undoubt- edly, be the case in New Zealand, and, consequently, the supply of provisions to ships and to the Austra- lian colonies will be the principal source of export from the colony. To afford facilities to the first settlers of creating agricultural produce to extend the utmost liberality to those who have purchased land and intend to be- come working colonists to permit them to have an extensive choice, that they may select the good land in preference to the bad to give them legal titles accordingly, and not to allow them to consume their capital after their arrival in the colony by a delay of the surveys are the only means of securing pros- perity to New Zealand. Under such circumstances the system of land sales in England at a fixed price, and the application of the purchase money to send out agricultural labourers and mechanics, in a just ratio to the demand of labour, the price of provisions, the quantity of capital employed, and the actual pro- duce of the land, accompanied by a sound discretion as to the number of emigrants sent out, cannot, it appears to me, be easily replaced by a better one. The sooner the land is populated the sooner it pro- duces all articles of home consumption, the quicker 10 GENERAL REMARKS. [CHAP. I. it can provide a revenue for Government purposes and for the expenses of internal intercourse and administration. Every farthing drawn from emi- grants in the shape of payment for land is so much lost to the colony ; and if any other way could be devised to provide a fund for the purposes of emigra- tion besides that of selling new lands, no one can doubt that it would be better to give to the emi- grants the land for nothing, on the condition of their cultivating it. But what has happened in New Zealand ? Town and country lands were put up by auction, and land speculations were called into existence, which did not fail to damp the prospects, and exercise a most un- favourable influence on the infant colony. In these auctions Government did not consult the interests of those who had come to New Zealand as legitimate colonists, but only of those who were of no ultimate benefit to the colony the land-jobbers. There was a thriving little town at Kororarika in the Bay of Islands ; but, instead of supporting a place which already existed, a new town was proposed, that of Russel, situated in the same harbour, but in a place totally unfit for a settlement. 15,000/. were expended in the purchase of that spot ; and much time of the surveyor-general and his assistants was lost in lay- ing out a town ; but, fortunately, the project was afterwards relinquished. A short time afterwards, April 16, 1841, the town of Auckland, which is situ- ated in the estuary of Hauraki, on the eastern coast CHAP. I.J GENERAL REMARKS. 11 of the northern island, was put up for sale. The mania for becoming suddenly rich by speculations in town allotments spread like an epidemic through all classes : some of the highest Government officers were infected by it ; and, both before and after the day of auction, nothing but land sales and land prices were talked of. At the first sale only 116 allot- ments were brought to the hammer, covering a sur- face of 35 acres, 1 rod, 7 perches. Five rods and seven perches had been previously chosen by Government officers, who had that privilege ; the rest was bought by persons who had time to resort to Auckland from the Australian colonies, after three months' notice in the Sydney Government Gazette, or from other places in New Zealand. The whole realised the sum of 21,499/. 9*., and thus the Government re- ceived a sum which could be brought forward as a sign of the prosperity of the colony, and of the great value of land there : the truth, however, was, that a few land-jobbers raised the price thus high, having bought the ground in all the best situations. Not because they were convinced that the land had that value, but because they could sell it a few days after- wards, parcelled out into diminutive pieces, to the new emigrants, who daily arrived, and who required, cost what it might, a piece of land to erect their houses upon. By this the land-jobbers realized from 200 to 300 per cent. As no land for cultivation was to be obtained, every one thought it best to speculate in land, or to open public-houses, with 12 GENERAL REMARKS. [CHAP. I. which the place soon became crowded. A town was made, and nothing was done to support it ; a price was given for town land which precluded every chance of its gradually rising in value ; on the con- trary, as was foreseen by all who knew the resources of the country, it must decrease as soon as people opened their eyes, and thus cause the ruin of the unfortunate purchaser. How could it be otherwise, when a small building allotment actually sold, a short time afterwards, at the rate of 20,000/. per acre ? The auction in the first place, and the land- jobbers in the second, drained the place of its scanty supply of specie ; every article of consumption was imported and paid for in ready money, as nothing else could be given in exchange, and on account of the bad state of commercial affairs in Sydney, scarcely any credit could be obtained. Who, on learning these plain facts, would feel inclined to emigrate to New Zealand when he can get land at a much cheaper rate in Canada, or even in Van Diemen's Land, or at the Cape of Good Hope, where he has the advantage of pasturage ? The establishment of colonies has at all times given scope for speculation, and it is not more than fair that the first immigrants into a new country should derive some benefit from their superior en- terprise and discernment ; but in this case the benefit was not conferred upon the colonists, but upon a class of people appropriately called land-sharks. The true birth-place of these jobbers seems to be the CHAP. I.J GENERAL REMARKS. 13 Australian colonies. Their trade is a species of gambling, which is the more certain of success from its being countenanced by Government, and from its appealing to two of the most powerful of human passions the love of independence, and the desire of gain. They generally possess no large pecuniary means in many cases no means at all ; they are the first on the spot where town-sales take place, and from the small number of lots which are put up for sale, and the very short previous notice given by the advertisements, they become the only purchasers. Immediately after the sale the allotments are sub- divided, and put up for public auction. With the pertinacity of an old-clothes Jew, the land-sharks follow the newly-arrived emigrant ; the advantage of buying an allotment is pointed out to the ignorant with systematic deceit and falsehood, and the victim is at length secured. As the first purchaser has only to pay 10 per cent, to Government at the time of sale, and the remainder in a month, the land- jobber stands the good chance of realizing before that time a large profit upon his supposed capital, which enables him to pay for his allotment; and laughing at the credulity of those whom he has im- posed upon, he leaves the town at the first oppor- tunity, with his nefarious profits, seeking another stage for his impositions. If the chances turn out against him, he forfeits his deposit, which is no great matter. Sometimes also the case happens that a land-jobber buys the land adjoining that of a re- 14 GENERAL REMAR.KS. spectable settler, from whom he extorts his price, immediately after the sale, by threatening to cut the allotment up into a number of dirty lanes and alleys. Certainly all this is as much gambling as anything that can be called by that name, and must blight the prosperity of any new settlement. The necessity of providing land for agricultural and horticultural pursuits, as no private title to property was yet acknowledged, induced the Government to put up for sale suburban allotments cultivation allotments and small farms, the sale of which took place in September, 1841. The whole consisted of eighty- five allotments, containing 1275 acres, at the upset price of 20/. for the suburban, and 31. for the cul- tivation and country allotments. Although more land had been surveyed, all was not put up for public competition; the best land was reserved, and, in consequence of this policy, only seventy-three allot- ments were sold, comprising an area of 559 acres, and these realized 4S58/., or nearly 8/. per acre Twelve allotments, or 716 acres, remained unsold, as they consisted of very indifferent land, were covered with large blocks of scorise, and, at all events, were not worth the upset price. The greater part of the country allotments did not fall into the hands of the industrious, but into those of the land-jobbers, who bought them not for the purpose of occupying them, but in order to cut them up, immediately after the sale, into towns and villages, which were put up for public competition. CHAP. I.] GENERAL REMARKS. 15 In the immediate neighbourhood of Auckland towns and villages, never destined to exist except on paper, started up like the creations of a fairy tale. No. 2 of the suburban allotments, consisting of 3 acres and 3 rods, was sold for 303/., and was cut up directly afterwards into thirty-six allotments, which were sold for 11. 15*. per foot frontage! It is amusing to skim over the weekly paper of Auck- land, and read the names of about six or eight towns, villages, and even racecourses, none of them above three miles from the town of Auckland, which were put up for sale in the short space of a fort- night. The Government, after this, ordered a new town to be surveyed at the little harbour of Mahurangi, about fifteen miles to the northward of Auckland, in a barren and unpromising place; and many more were in contemplation, not to speak of the city of Nelson, which it was intended should be the capital, and to lay the foundation of which two ships were at that very moment traversing the billowy main. It will be acknowledged on all sides, that to found a dozen capitals and commercial ports, and more than two score of villages, before any population is in the island, any produce raised to support a popu- lation, or any article of commerce ready to be ex- ported, is subverting the natural order of things, and would have raised a smile on the lips of William Penn, who is often regarded as the father of modern colonization. 16 GENERAL REMARKS. [CHAP. I, If the sale of lands in England at a fixed price seems therefore to be preferable to that by auction, it might be objected that the former carries with it one very serious evil ; that the land which does not become a prey to the land-jobber generally falls into the hands of absentee proprietors ; that the colonists sent out are almost all of the labouring class, and that the number of the latter might easily bear an undue proportion to the actual demand of labour in the colony, and fall for their support on the hands of the Government or of the Company. I am, however, inclined to think that the latter need not be feared in New Zealand, if proper measures are adopted. The more land that is sold in England the better, and the more labourers that are sent out, even if capitalists do not actually proceed to the colony, the more value the sections sold will have to the pur- chaser. But if the latter shall be the case, a free lease ought to be granted to the labourers, by the landed proprietors, or their agents, for at least fifteen years ; say of ten acres each family, at the moment of their arrival in New Zealand. No one need starve in New Zealand who works (it is different with the Australian colonies, where articles of consumption are not easily produced) ; and it is such a class of small agricultural leaseholders whose toil will pre- pare the country that it may ultimately attract capitalists. Whatever merits a great subdivision of landed property may have, I do not hesitate to say that the nature of the country requires such a CHAP. I.] GENERAL REMARKS. 17 subdivision in New Zealand, or its substitute long leases. I am well aware that it has been proposed to support the gentlemen colonists, who, however, want capital, by the establishment of a loan society by mortgaging the land sections; but I do not believe that such a society is the most legitimate means to bring the colony into a state of produc- tion, and the land to its real value. Without enter- ing into politico-economical questions, of too deep an importance to be fairly discussed here, I repeat that it need not to cause any fear if as large a stream of emigration is directed to New Zealand, of the labouring class, as the existing means allow, if some such measure as that above alluded to is adopted. The value of New Zealand as a British colony cannot be estimated too highly. For a certain class of colonists it is preferable to New South Wales, which will never be anything else than a large pasture-ground. It is situated near numerous groups of interesting and important islands the Navi- gators, the Friendly, and Society Islands, which are rapidly advancing in civilization and peaceful commerce, and some of which already afford sugar, coffee, and other colonial produce, and require in return articles of European manufacture. It is a country suited particularly to Europeans, from the nature of its climate and soil, and seems to be des- tined to become a prosperous agricultural and manu- facturing state ; but only a laborious peasantry can clear the road for this, and render the colony, in VOL. i. c 18 GENERAL REMARKS. [CHAP. I. time, an entrepot of commerce a depot for transit trade, and a manufacturing country, none of which it is at present. Nothing justifies the system of those high prices for land in New Zealand, even if a sale by auction were advantageous in other colonies ; for it is more than doubtful whether a land-fund will be raised by these sales of crown lands, since it is well known that the greater part of the land is already disposed of to private individuals and to the New Zealand Company. It is also doubtful, from the nature of the coun- try a bold shore with numerous inlets and har- bours, and inhabited already at all these points by European adventurers whether any revenue will arise by a regular system of customs, as smuggling is already carried on to a considerable extent. It is a question of great importance, whether Govern- ment could not effectually prevent all sort of land- jobbing by taxing uncultivated and unoccupied land, both in the towns and in the country ; whether this tax would not be the true source of a revenue, and the means by which the land may return again to the Government. Such a revenue would not injure the industrious colonist. The position in which New Zealand stands as a colony is quite a new one. A country as large as England and Wales, and nearly as mountainous as the latter, is being peopled with Europeans from many different points at once. The intercourse between the various settlements, CHAP. I.] GENERAL REMARKS. 19 whether by water or by land, is difficult, or at least uncertain. As in all countries of a similar nature, the centralizing power is weak, but the individual communities are strong and independent. Such countries nourish the spirit of freedom, and are the birthplace of enterprising municipal corporations. Of advantageous revenue none can be reasonably expected : if it is high, it comes from the duties on fermented liquors, and in that case it proves any- thing but prosperity. Smuggling to a great extent cannot be prevented, unless custom-house officers are established in at least fifty different places ; an arrangement which must entail great loss upon the treasury. But it is damping the spirit of the colo- nist, if what is collected in one place is spent in another. I repeat, therefore, nothing will assist New Zealand so much as good municipal institu- tions ; and the emulation naturally arising between settlements that are formed by people of the same nation will materially contribute to the general welfare of the community. New Zealand will rise slowly, but it must found its rise upon agriculture. Any material check to its prosperity need not be ap- prehended, if expectations are moderate, and if the land questions are liberally and speedily settled. Not the least important feature in this colony is, that there exists already a numerous and deserving population of natives, who perfectly understand that they have become English citizens, and are aware of their duties and rights as such. It is pleasing to c-2 20 GENERAL REMARKS. [CHAP. I. reflect that the first serious attempt will be made in New Zealand to civilise what has been termed a horde of savages, to amalgamate their interest with that of Europeans, and to make them participate in the hereditary immunities and privileges of British subjects. The natives are the national wards of England, and it seems possible to prevent another blot appearing on the pages of history, regarding the intercourse of civilised nations with savage tribes. I have attempted in the following pages to de- scribe New Zealand as far as I have become ac- quainted with the country, its natural productions, and the state of its native population ; and my pur- pose will be accomplished if future colonists obtain a true description of what they have to expect, and if they relinquish those ideas of the savage nature of its inhabitants, derived from a series of publications, written by persons whose knowledge of the country is so slight, and whose intercourse with the natives has been so limited, as to render it impossible for them to form a correct judgment. CHAP. II.] 21 PART I. CHAPTER II. Cook's Straits. Queen Charlotte's Sound. Te-awa-iti. Cloudy Bay. Whales and Whalers. AFTER a rapid voyage of only ninety-six days, on board the New Zealand Company's vessel the Tory, we sighted the land of New Zealand with much satisfaction on the noon of the 16th of August, 1839. With the exception of the Island of Palma, one of the Canaries, we had seen no land since our departure from Plymouth. After we had doubled the Cape of Good Hope we sailed between the lati- tudes of 37 and 45: the prevailing winds were from the south-west and the north-west. The at- mosphere was generally thick and hazy, the wea- ther squally, with sudden gales, accompanied by hail and sleet. The temperature of the air was some- times as low as 40 Fahrenheit. This state of the weather, and a constant cross sea, which produced an incessant rolling of the vessel, made our life uncom- fortable and monotonous. The number of sea-birds, consisting of various kinds of petrels and albatrosses, was remarkable. The habits of these feathered tribes, their elegant movements, and apparently inexhaust- ible strength of wing, were among our chief sources of amusement. The history of these birds is more 22 COOK'S STRAITS. [PART. i. obscure than is generally supposed, especially their migrations, and the boundaries between which they are found at different seasons, and which depend, probably, upon the supply of food. The history of one bird is closely allied to that of some other animal, and so on in a chain the links of which are inti- mately connected. The same is the case with other animals, flying-fishes, albicorns, sharks, dolphins, porpoises, &c., which are usually observed during the course of a sea voyage. We made the land to the southward of Cape Fare- well, in the middle island of New Zealand. Only the summits of a mountain chain were visible, and even these disappeared when we altered our course to the north-east, and hove-to for the night in the middle of Cook's Straits. On the morning of the 17th we were on deck at daybreak. We now saw more of the middle island, which seemed to consist of a chain of steep snow-capped hills, running through the middle of the island, and rising in a succession of ridges from the sea-shore. On the northern island we saw the mountains of Tararua in the neighbourhood of Port Nicholson ; these also were covered with snow. At a farther distance, in a nearly central position, a bulky snow -covered mountain appeared, which proved to be the Ruapahu. We drew nearer to the northern coast of the middle island, and approached Stephens's Island, which rises steep and abrupt from the sea, and seems to* be covered with a dense forest from the water's CHAP. II.] QUEEN CHARLOTTE'S SOUND. 23 edge to the summit. After this we neared Rangi- toto, or D'Urville's Island, the aspect of which is similar. The character of the land was in no way promising. Where no wood covered the steep sides of the hills, a barren-looking yellow stratified rock appeared. At two o'clock in the afternoon we rounded Point Jackson, the western headland of Queen Charlotte's Sound. On this point, which is a steep cliffy promontory, with a reef of rocks running out from it, we observed the palings of a native fortification. To our left we had the island which Captain Cook calls Long Island, and before us was the Island of Motuara. The former consists of a sharp ridge of hills, the formation of which is a yellow argillaceous slate. There is no land at their base, which is washed by the sea, but the island appears as if it were wearing away ; and partly by the action of tide and waves, partly by the rains, several slips have been produced at its sides, where the bare rock is now visible. When we entered the Sound we saw several canoes leaving a bay in the neighbourhood of Point Jack- son, but they did not come up to us. We steered between Long Island and Motuara. Before we came to an anchor in Ship Cove we descried a canoe coming from a neighbouring cove, called Cannibals' Cove in Cook's chart, and Anaho by the natives. It was a small and frail vessel, and contained eight men, who, it appeared, had been fishing. They were clothed in coarse mats, and some of them were painted with red ochre. When 24 QUEEN CHARLOTTE'S SOUND. [PART i. they came alongside the vessel, they lashed their canoe to the main-chain, and jumping on deck with the greatest confidence, shook hands with us, and then squatted down. They sold us some fish and Swedish turnips for a little tobacco, and left us in the evening, with a promise to come back next morning. At seven o'clock we anchored at the entrance of Ship Cove, as the wind fell calm, and a strong ebb-tide was against us : we hoisted the New Zealand flag, and saluted it with eight guns. The following morning the ship was warped deeper into Ship Cove, and moored to a tree. The scene which presented itself was very beautiful ; the cove being as smooth as a lake, and surrounded by an amphitheatre of hills, which were clothed with primeval forest, and enlivened by the song of numer- ous birds. But, with the exception of these, we seemed to be the only living beings. We remained in Ship Cove until the 31st of August; and I will here give a description of this part of the island, the result of daily excursions, which were extended as far as the dense virgin forest would allow me to penetrate. Ship Cove opens in a semicircle towards Queen Charlotte's Sound, and is formed by two branches of the network of mountains of which this part of the island -consists. In looking from our anchorage towards Cook's Straits, there appeared in the fore- ground Kapiti, or Entry Island : its shape is that of an obtuse cone. The horizon beyond it was formed by two chains of mountains, situated in the CHAP. II.] QUEEN CHARLOTTE'S SOUND. 25 northern island, the most distant of which was covered with snow. If we follow this panorama to the eastward we have the island of Motuara, which extends from N.E. by E. to E. by S. Motuara is a steep ridge of hills, the most elevated points of which are on its northern and southern extremities, and bear to N.E. and S.W. Motuara conceals from our view the southern headland of Queen Charlotte's Sound, Cape Koamaru, which is a promontory of the Island of Arapaoa. The southern end of this island is concealed by Moturoa, or Long Island- The latter is for the greater part destitute of vegeta- tion, owing to the great declivity of its sides and the barrenness of the underlying rock. The features of the land in Queen Charlotte's Sound are those of a very mountainous and thickly- wooded country. Hilly offsets run from the main chain towards the sea, and enclose small bays or .coves, which are surrounded by the steep hills in the form of an amphitheatre. These bays rarely contain more than half a square mile in area of flat land. The soil is a light earth, consisting of vegetable mould, more or less mixed with shingle or sand. In these places there are generally some native huts, inhabited chiefly at the fishing seasons ; and here also the natives find the soil most suited for the cultivation of the kumera, or sweet potato : for their other crops, however, they prefer the sides and ravines of the hills, where, after having burned the wood, they obtain for cultivation a new and 26 QUEEN CHARLOTTE'S SOUND. [PART i. fertile soil, where the surrounding forest preserves a continual supply of moisture. The geological formation of these hills is very simple. The rock is a stratified yellow argillaceous slate, or a pepper-coloured soft wacke. In a few places this rock is interrupted by basaltic masses, and in some parts by siliceous slate, or Lydian stone, of various colours. Little decay has taken place on the surface of this rock. But it is covered with a moderate layer of vegetable mould, which naturally collects to a greater thickness at the sides of the watercourses and in gorges or ravines. Generally speaking, however, the vegetable mould is only a thin stratum, and the exuberance and freshness of the vegetation are chiefly owing to the constant humidity. It is this moisture which also nourishes an extra- ordinary number of little streamlets, which discharge themselves from the sides of the hills into the sea. The profuseness of this supply of water, which is quite astonishing, is common to the whole of New Zealand, and gives her a great advantage over the dry and arid soil of New South Wales. The vegetation of these hills is very luxuriant. Near the beach appear shrublike veronicas, 1 myrtles, 2 fuchsias, 3 solanum, 4 the karaka tree, 5 tutu, 6 and flax. 7 1 Veronica ligustrifolia. ' 2 Myrtus bullata. 3 Fuchsia excorticata. 4 Solarium laciniatum. 5 Corynocarpus laevigata. 6 Coriaria sarmentosa. 7 Phormium tenax. CHAP. II.] QUEEN CHARLOTTE'S SOUND. 27 Higher up, the sides of the hills are clothed with trees, of which the rimu, 1 totara, 2 and mai 3 (all belonging to the pine tribe) are the most common, and attain the greatest thickness. Intermixed with these are the tawai 4 and hinau. 5 On the lower grounds these trees are almost impenetrably inter- woven by liands (smilax), which attain great length, and the berries of which form the favourite food of the beautiful New Zealand pigeon, 6 the plumage of which displays all the colours of the rainbow. High tree-ferns, 7 with the cabbage-palm, 8 strike the eye as the most beautiful forms of New Zealand vegeta- tion. The number of small ferns is quite incredible, and a great many species may be collected at all times in a state of fructification. Here and there steins of trees are overturned, either by the winds or from age ; and although long preserving their outward shape, they are soon thoroughly rotten, from the abundance of moisture. At the summit of the hills we find but little wood ; and the manuka 9 and kahikatoa, 10 the esculent fern 11 and euphorbium, 12 and the epacris parviflora, form the chief part of the vegetation. , The kahi- 1 Dacrydium cupressinum. 2 Podocarpus totara. 3 Dacrydium mai. 4 Leiospermum racemosum. 3 Elaeocarpus hinau. 6 Columba spadicea. 7 Cyathea medullaris and dealbata. 8 Areca sapida. 9 Leptosperraum scoparium. Leptospermum ericoides. 11 Pteris esculenta. 2 Euphorbium glaucum. 28 QUEEN CHARLOTTE'S SOUND. [PART i. katoa has sometimes a stem of about a foot in I diameter, and affords the hardest and most durable wood found in New Zealand : it is of this wood that the natives make their agricultural implements. It appeared to me as if this wood was admirably adapted for the purposes of engraving and cotton-printing. The manuka supplies the place of the tea-shrub, as its leaves furnish a balsamic and agreeable beverage. The phormium tenax also grows upon the hills : it is indeed found everywhere, in swamps, on the driest hills, and on the sea-side, where it is exposed to the spray of the salt-water. Where wood covers the summits of the hills the trees are stunted, and the forest becomes more open, as the liands seldom grow at an altitude of more than 800 feet. I ascended the two highest hills at the back of Ship Cove, which from our anchorage bore to the north-west and south-west. The latter was without wood on its summit, and was found by a trigonome- trical measurement to be 900 feet high. The former was covered with wood to its top ; and from the height of the point of boiling- water, namely, 208, with a mean temperature of 40, I judged it to be 2093 feet. The hills in this neighbourhood do not appear to average more than 1200 feet in height. The native who accompanied me was acquainted with the names of all the trees and birds, which he would tell me when I rested, after a tiresome scramble through the dense underwood. Whilst CHAP. II.] SHIP COVE. 29 walking he seldom spoke, except to relate, in broken English, tales of terrible animals, or divinities, which we should meet with on the summit of the mountain, and which would inevitably devour the poor maori (native), but could do no injury to the pakea (stranger). It appeared to me that he was sounding my belief in things about the existence of which he was not quite certain himself, and wanted to deter me from ascending to the summit. In the lower regions the forest was much enlivened by birds. I shot some parrots, 1 pigeons, 2 and wattle- birds. 3 Among the branches of the trees hopped the neat fantail flycatcher, 4 and a social bird of a yellow colour, which has been depicted by Forster, 5 and which had much the habits of the finch. But these birds were the only beings of the animal king- dom I could perceive : I did not even see an insect. The smaller birds have a touching confidence, and came so near me that I could almost have seized them with the hand. On the summit the silence was still deeper, and the white-breasted motacilla longipes (Pitoitoi) alone was heard pursuing its search from branch to branch after small dipterous insects. There was snow on the summit, and the thermometer stood at 41 Fahrenheit. The whole mountain was covered with vegetable earth. But I ascertained that the Nestor meridionalis : Kaka of the natives. Columba spadicea, Lath. Kukupa. Glaucopis cinerea, Gmel. Kokako. Muscicapa flabellifera, GmL Phvakawaka. Orthornyx heteroclytus, Lef. Popokatea. 30 ISLAND OF MOTUARA. [PART I. same rock, a metamorphic slate, formed its entire composition. The quantity of underwood greatly circumscribed the view, and I had only a glimpse of Motuara, Long Island, and the mountains near Cape Te-ra-witi. The dense forest of the hills also prevented any very extensive survey of the neigh- bourhood of Ship Cove, and I therefore limited my excursions to places within a short distance from the ship. One of these journeys was to the Island of Motuara. There is some excellent land there, where the natives have plantations. Although we were still in the depth of winter, many shrubs were pushing forward their blossoms ; one, a creeper (Cle- matis albida, or nearly allied to that species, which is a native of Van Diemen's Land), was loaded with a profusion of white flowers, which hung in festoons over the neighbouring trees. I have no doubt that this shrub would thrive in our climate, and be- come one of the greatest ornaments of our parks. We found several natives on the island, who ram- bled with us through the bush. Pigeons, the large parrot, and a small green ground-perrokeet (tricho- glossus aurifrons, Wagl.), were there in great num- bers. The natives were merely temporary sojourners, and had come from Cannibals' Cove to catch pigs, which overrun the island. Another of my excursions was to Anaho, or Can- nibals' Cove, where a small tribe of natives is located. The chief, Nga-rewa, with his wife and son, had been our daily guests on board the vessel. On landing all the natives left their huts to receive us, CHAP, ii.] CANNIBALS' COVE. 31 and offered a shake of the hand as a welcome. Amongst the houses was a large one, which they had built for an Englishman, who at the end of the whaling season lived with them. His house formed also the meeting-house for the tribe, as they had lately become converted to Christianity by a native, who had been with the missionaries in the Bay of Islands, and had learned to read and write. Some of the tribe in Anaho had already acquired from him these arts, and all were anxious to learn them. These people were well provided with the necessaries of life; provisions were plentiful, and we were enabled to lay in a large stock of potatoes and pigs at a very moderate price. From the neighbouring whaling establishments they had ob- tained articles of European clothing in exchange for their commodities, and their condition seemed to be a happy one. I was astonished to find it so easy to deal with them ; and instead of sinister savages, brooding nothing but treachery and mis- chief, as many travellers have depicted them, they were open, confident, and hospitable, and proved of the greatest service to me during my frequent ram- bles in the woods. A party of them had soon after our arrival established themselves in temporary huts opposite our vessel in Ship Cove ; the women washed for us, and the men helped us to refit the ship. But for the interference of a noisy fellow of the name of " Dogskin," who belonged to another place, our good understanding would never have 32 SHIP COVE. [PART i. been disturbed. The interruption was not, however, serious. It appeared that Ship Cove was claimed as the property of E Hiko, now living in Entry Island, the son of the former principal chief and warrior of the whole tribe, Tupahi, a native well known in England, which he had visited. E Hiko had buried a child in Ship Cove, and for that reason the place had become sacred, or " tapu." For this " Dogskin" wanted " utu," or payment, putting himself forward as E Hiko's representative. He was, however, compelled to lower his demands, and the matter having been amicably settled by a mo- derate present of tobacco, we had thenceforth permis- sion to take as much wood and water as we wanted. Besides the natives from Anaho, we frequently had visitors from neighbouring districts . From one of these parties, which came from Admiralty Bay, in four large canoes deeply laden with pigs and potatoes, we heard for the first time that Queen Charlotte s Sound opens by a passage into Cloudy Bay. The natives and Europeans, who go from Entry Island and the other parts of Cook's Straits to the latter place, generally choose this passage, which is by far the safest way for boats and frail canoes. We also heard that there was in this passage a whaling establishment, in which many Englishmen were living. Captain Cook suspected the existence of such a passage from Queen Char- lotte's Sound, but the southern entrance of it is not laid down in his chart of the Straits, which is most CHAP. II.] SHIP COVE. 33 excellent, and far above my humble praise. At our departure from England, Nayti, the New Zealander, who had come in the Tory, had also pointed out this passage, which he said was the route commonly used by his people. But it was not known in Eng- land that there was a whaling establishment there, and still less that the passage was navigable for the largest vessels. Another of our visitors was Te Wetu (the Star), the principal chief from Rangitoto (Red Sky), or D'Urville's Island. He was a New Zealander of the old school, who took much pains to render himself agreeable. He was rather fond of the pleasures of our table, and stayed several days on board, where he at once conformed to all the rules of European etiquette, and evinced the utmost good humour. Joy and mirth, I have found from expe- rience, are always sure to find an echo in the sus- ceptible heart of the New Zealander, and are also the best means to secure his good will and con- fidence. When "the Star of Rangitoto" left us, he expressed himself delighted with the good treat- ment he had experienced on board the Tory, and invited us to come and pay him a visit. Captain Chaffers found the latitude of Ship Cove, at the end of the rocks on the south side of the beach, to be 41 5' 45' South, and the longi- tude, by means of chronometers from England, 174 20' 15" East, only differing three-quarters of VOL. I. D 34 WHALES AND WHALERS. [PART I. a mile to the West of that assigned by Captain Cook. The variation of the compass is 14 20' E. In consequence of the information which we had received from the natives, our storekeeper was sent up Queen Charlotte's Sound to the whaling esta- blishment at Te-awa-iti. He returned on the follow- ing day, and in his company were two English whalers. The sight of the first European faces we had beheld since our departure from England, and in a part of the country where we scarcely expected to see any, was very agreeable, especially as they understood the native language, and one of them was the Englishman who was living in Anaho during the summer season, and was well acquainted with the Straits, where he has spent several years in the hazardous avocation of a whaler. He under- took to pilot the Tory up the Sound to Te-awa-iti. Accordingly, Te Wetu and Ngarewa, the chiefs of Anaho, were sent ashore, as soon as we had got up our anchors, and only Wiriamu (or Williams), the native missionary, had permission to accompany us. A fine breeze swelled our sails, and, favoured by the tide, we ran up Queen Charlotte's Sound on the 31st of August. The country was very picturesque, consisting generally of wooded hills, and forming a number of bays and coves on both sides. As I shall afterwards speak of several of these bays, which I visited, and each of which forms a separate harbour, I will only mention here, that, after having seen CHAP. II.] WHALES AND WHALERS. 35 most of the good harbours of New Zealand, I still adhere to my first impression, that the Sound is the most commodious and extensive, the most easy of access and navigation, especially from the regularity of the tides, and the most sheltered, of any in New Zealand. Besides Ship Cove, East Bay and West Bay, and the proper termination of the Sound, form inlets several miles long ; in fact, the whole Sound is perfectly landlocked, and has deep water close in- shore. As a harbour it well deserves the enthusi- astic praise which Captain Cook bestowed upon it. At four o'clock in the afternoon we entered that part of the channel which Captain Chaffers after- wards surveyed, and named Tory Channel. A pyramid ical hill of some height, and without wood at the top, marks the entrance into this narrow part, which is here about a mile broad. Every- where the shore showed the clay-slate formation. A small rocky island, called Moioio, soon became visible, on the beach of which several canoes were drawn up. On its summit were formed pa's, or vil- lages, and all the inhabitants looked down on us as we passed close by. Several canoes with natives were out fishing. They had various kinds of fish, especially fine mullets and gurnets, which they of- fered for sale, but we did not admit the men on board. The number of natives on this island, I was told, was about 150. Several recognised Nayti, who belongs to the same tribe. Their character was pronounced by the whalers who accompanied D 2 36 WHALES AND WHALERS. [PART I. us to be thievish and troublesome ; but I have learned to regard the evidence of Europeans against the natives with great distrust. Her Majesty's brig Pylorus had been here during the previous year, to punish a theft which the whalers stated had been committed by the natives. The captain was satis- fied with firing some shots into the rock, and the vessel went afterwards as far as the settlement of Te-awa-iti, and returned through the north-west en- trance of Queen Charlotte's Sound. The Pylorus did not, therefore, actually go through Tory Chan- nel. At all events, I think that the account of the Tory's passage of this channel and Captain ChafFers's survey of it are the first published. We had the advantage of a strong tide, of at least five miles an hour, which was sufficient to carry us forward when the wind failed, as frequently hap- pened on account of the landlocked position of the Sound. Night had however already set in when we anchored before the settlement Te-awa-iti (the little river). But even then the aspect of this place of- fered a most exhilarating scene. Large fires glared through the darkness from the neighbouring beach, lighted for the trying out of the blubber of a large whale, which had been brought in that morning ; a confused sound of voices reached our ears, and proved to us that even in this remote corner of the world it was the custom to celebrate any happy event with profuse libations. Mr. Barret, superintendent of one of the whaling establishments, came off in his CHAP. II.] WHALES AND WHALERS. 37 boat. He has been living twelve or fifteen years in Cook's Strait, and the relation of his adventures and migrations in company with the native tribe, to which he is now joined, made the evening pass away very quickly and agreeably. His ruddy and good- humoured countenance showed, at all events, that such a life had not occasioned him many sleepless nights, and that in New Zealand a man might thrive, at least as far as regards his bodily wel- fare. On Sunday, September 1, we went ashore early in the morning. We passed several huge carcases of whales sunk under water. A curious spectacle presented itself on the beach, which was covered with remains of whales skulls, vertebrae, huge shoulder-blades and fins ; and the blubber, in pieces a square foot in size, was still boiling in large pots : the fire was fed with these pieces of blubber, after the oil had been boiled out of them. There was much stench from whale-oil, but this was disregarded, so great was the interest I felt in the whole process. After I had inspected the trying-houses, in one of which a native of Australia was occupied, of whose intelligence and quickness his master spoke very highly, I went through the village. Some of the houses were substantial wooden buildings, but the majority had thatched walls of liands and bulrushes, with a roof of the same materials. They consisted of one floor, and contained two or more rooms, with a spacious chimney. The floor is of clay firmly 38 TE-AWA-ITI. [PART i. compressed and beaten hard. All the houses have been built by the natives, and some are not inferior to those of the villages in many parts of Europe. The whalers received us with a hearty welcome wherever we came. They are about forty in number, and all live with native women. Their offspring, of whom I counted twenty-one in Te-awa-iti, have finely-cast countenances, and their features remind us little of the admixture of a coloured race ; the skin is not so dark as that of the inhabitants of the south of France ; they generally inherit from the mother the large and fine eye and the dark glossy hair ; there are, however, many individuals with flaxen hair and blue eyes. If you enter a house, you find the wife and her relations generally sitting around the fire and smoking. The " tene'i ra kokoe pakea " (wel- come, stranger) is heard from every mouth. These women do all the domestic labour, and excel their European husbands in sobriety and quiet disposition. Te-awa-iti is situated on the east side of Tory Channel, about two miles from its southern entrance, and twenty-eight miles from the northern entrance of Queen Charlotte's Sound, on the island of Arapaoa, which is throughout its extent of a very hilly na- ture, intersected by ravines and covered with wood. Towards the channel the island forms several small coves, which are now inhabited ; towards Cook's Straits, however, the shores are bold, rocky, and much worn by the fury of the tides and waves. At Te-awa-iti, Tory Channel is three miles broad, and CHAP. II.] WHALES AND WHALERS. 39 throughout its extent from ten to fifteen fathoms deep. The history of this settlement is not without interest. About twenty years ago, a Mr. Guard, who visited the shores of New Zealand on a sealing expedition, discovered the southern entrance of Tory Channel. As the seals rapidly disappeared, he turned his attention to the whales, which he found to visit the channel in great numbers. He built a house on Te-awa-iti beach, which was then uninhabited ; but he suffered much from the natives, who had just been driven from their possessions in Cook's Straits by Tupahi and Rauparaha, and who lived in a straggling manner farther to the south- ward. Guard soon quitted Te-awa-iti, but was suc- ceeded by other adventurers, especially Messrs. Thorns and Barret. These persons, being without resources, as their property consisted perhaps at first only of a whale-boat and some whaling-gear, made chase on the whales, which they killed for the sake of the baleen only. Afterwards speculators at Syd- ney gave their support, advanced merchandize to them, and annually sent vessels to transport the oil. In the train of the Europeans arrived a tribe of the Ngate Awa natives from the neighbourhood of Mount Egmont, in the northern island, and with their protection the settlers could more effectually resist the attacks of the original natives of this part of the country. There are three whaling establishments in Te- awa-iti, and in a small bay a short distance from it, 40 WHALES AND WHALERS. [PART I. called, from its proprietor, Jackson's Bay. These establishments have a number of boats in their service, manned with white people and natives. Sometimes other inhabitants of the beach have boats of their own, and sell their oil to the Europeans. The boat's crew are paid a certain sum, either for each whale brought in, or for every tun of oil, and they derive their chief profits from the practice of paying their poorer associates with the necessaries of life, slops, and articles of luxury, as tobacco, and especially spirits. The whalers are constrained to take these articles from their em- ployers, who put their own prices upon them, which are exorbitant. They take care never to allow their dependents to get out of debt ; this they ac- complish by profusely providing them with drink. I do not, however, mean to assert that they are large gainers in these transactions ; they have to do with a reckless class of people, runaway sailors and for- mer convicts from New South Wales, who do not think much about leaving their employers in debt, and go off, without giving much notice of their in- tention, in some of the numerous vessels cruising about the Sound and Cloudy Bay. The jealousy existing between the several em- ployers, the system of decoying each other's men by every means in their power, the character of the population itself, the universal use of adulterated and poisoned spirits, have created a state of society in which it is only to be wondered that, in the ab- CHAP. II.] WHALES AND WHALERS. 41 sence of all restraint and law, outrages on each other's property and persons are not of a more fre- quent occurrence. I was astonished, and at the same time gratified, to find that the character of the natives had been so little affected by this state of things. I have not seen one instance of drunkenness amongst them, common as the vice is amongst the Europeans; although mixing with the latter in the boats, they did not join in their revelries, which are contrary to their taste and inclinations, and which do not begin until the evening, after the return of the boats. In the summer season the whalers live dispersed over the Sound ; sometimes trading in a small way with the passing ships in potatoes and pigs, which they obtain through the families of their wives, but more generally spending their lives in idleness. There are, however, some very respectable men amongst them, who have been provident enough to cultivate small patches of ground, and these of course live in comparative ease and comfort, as all European vegetables thrive extremely well : poultry also increases rapidly and throughout the year: goats thrive better than cattle, to the introduction of which the almost total want of grass is a most serious objection. As whales and whaling were the principal ob- jects which in Te-awa-iti, and afterwards in Cloudy Bay, excited my curiosity, I may be allowed to give here a short account of that interesting and valu- 42 WHALES AND WHALERS. [PART I. able animal the whale ; in the chase of which, dur- ing the winter season, many boats are sent out from the establishments on the coasts of New Zealand. It is called the " black whale, or right whale" (Ba- leena Australis, or Antarctica). Sometimes chase is given to the finback and humpback whale, which, with the black whale, belong to the great division of the cetacea known by the sieve-like or screening apparatus (baleen) with which they are provided ; this it is which furnishes the whalebone of com- merce, and distinguishes the whales above referred to from the cachelots, or sperm whales. It is sel- dom, however, that either a finback or a humpback (so called, the former from possessing a true fin on his back, and the latter a fat and cellular hump) is caught, not only on account of their superior cun- ning, greater wildness and celerity, by means of which they are enabled to run out the longest line, but also because, giving less oil than the black whale, they are not so frequently pursued. The spermaceti whale is not uncommon in the latitudes of New Zealand, and often falls a prey to the whale- ships which cruise in the open sea ; but the cachelot does not approach shallow coasts and inlets, as its habits are different from those of the black whale. Shortly before I arrived at Te-awa-iti a sperm whale was driven ashore which could only have been dead a very short time ; it gave about two tuns of oil. It has been said that most of the cetaceous ani- mals are cosmopolites, and that the sperm whale CHAP. II.] WHALES AND WHALERS. 43 especially lives under every degree of latitude, both to the north and south of the equator : a statement so entirely at variance with our knowledge regarding the distribution of animals throughout the globe should be received with very great distrust. It is true that the medium in which they live offers to marine animals a very wide range, and great facili- ties to exchange, in the different seasons, the glacial seas for the equatorial ocean ; but until we have strictly examined the anatomical, and especially the osseous, structures of all the species which belong to the cetaceous tribe, we are not justified in regarding them as identical in both hemispheres. The por- poise of the New Zealand seas (Delphinus Novae Zelandise), which is figured in the 'Voyage de 1' Astrolabe,' plate 28, is decidedly a peculiar species ; and we have not yet sufficient data to pronounce that the whale is independent of what appears to be a general law of nature. The whalers, it is true, allow the identity of the Greenland sperm whale and northern right whale with those of the antarc- tic seas, but their evidence is not sufficient. Cuvier admitted the difference between the Balsena Borealis and the Balsena Australis, or Arctica and Antarctica. The latter, described by him from a specimen pre- pared at the Cape of Good Hope, differs in the num- ber of its vertebrae, as it possesses seven collar, fifteen dorsal, and thirty-seven abdominal; in the whole fifty-nine. The Balaena Arctica possesses only seven collar and thirteen dorsal vertebrae. From a very 44 WHALES AND WHALERS. [PART I. accurate drawing which Mr. Heaphy, the draughts- man, made for me of a cow whale, which was brought into Jackson's Bay, and measured sixty feet in length, I am convinced that the southern black whale is a different animal from the northern, and has been added by Mr. Gray to the system under the name of Balsena antipodarum. This whale was drawn while afloat, and just after it had been brought in ; its shape was therefore unaltered. But I was unable to determine this difference from anatomical structure, as the carcase, after having been freed of the blubber, immediately sank, and amongst the osseous remains on the beach I could find no com- plete skeleton. The black whales of the southern hemisphere ap- pear to be considerably inferior in size to those of the northern. The cow whale above alluded to was regarded as of an unusually large size ; but Scoresby tells us that he measured whales in the Greenland seas seventy or seventy- two feet long. Both the northern and southern Balsena occupy only the second place in regard to size in the animal creation. Mr. Beale measured a spermaceti whale on the coast of Japan of the " enormous size of eighty-four feet, and its circumference in this instance was not less than that of a Greenland whale of the largest size." Almost all the whales which are killed on the shores of New Zealand are females, or cows, and their calves. The male, or bull, is very rarely caught, as it never approaches the land so near as CHAP. II.] WHALES AND WHALERS. 45 the female, and is more shy and wild. The season in which whaling is carried on is from May to Oc- tober. In the beginning of May the cows approach the shallow coasts and smooth waters for the pur- pose of bringing forth their young. This period lasts about four months, as in May w r hales are seen with newly-born calves, and cows have been killed in July in full gestation. During the same months also copulation is sometimes observed by the whalers. But from these data it is impossible to draw a con- clusion on the real period of gestation in these huge animals, which has never yet been satisfactorily de- termined. In company with the cows are also the calves of the preceding year or years, for it is still uncertain at what age the whale attains its full size and leaves the mother ; these young whales are called scrags, and they yield about four tuns of oil. It appears that the female generally produces but one calf at a birth : the cow is indeed sometimes seen with two ; and although in this case it is the opinion of the whalers that one is an orphan calf, yet it is probable that the black whale, like the northern sperm whale, occasionally produces twins. A calf, which appeared full grown, and which was cut out of the mother a short time before my arrival in Te-awa-iti, measured fourteen feet. The whale is a truly migratory animal, and its migrations are the most interesting part of its history. They arrive at the coasts of New Zealand in the beginning of May from the northward, go through Cook's Straits, keeping along the coast of 46 WHALES AND WHALERS. [ PART I. the northern island, and pass between the latter and Entry Island. This is borne out by the fact that they are never seen on the opposite coast, nor do they enter the northern entrance of Queen Char- lotte's Sound. From Entry Island they sweep into Cloudy Bay, and at the end of October they go either to the eastward or return to the northward. In the beginning of the season the chase is said to be most successful in Cook's Straits and Te-awa-iti ; in the three latter months in Port Underwood, which is only thirty miles distant. From the month of June they begin to show themselves near the Chatham Islands, 150 leagues to the eastward of New Zealand, where their number increases with the termination of the season in the latter place. During the six remaining months of the year the ships cruising in the " whaling-ground " fall in with many whales. This whaling-ground extends from the Chatham Islands to the eastward of the north- ern island of New Zealand, and from thence to Nor- folk Island. It is curious that the whalers assert that this whaling-ground is nothing but a shoal, although I am not aware that soundings have ever been obtained. Perhaps Captain Ross, who is now in the South Seas provided with sounding-lines, will confirm a fact which is of some importance in the natural history of this animal. The migration of the whale is probably owing to its search for food ; but we must still regard it as a subject for inquiry, which cannot be terminated before we know many more particulars connected with it, and espe- CHAP. II.] WHALES AND WHALERS. 47 cially how far it depends on the greater or lesser quan- tity, in certain localities and at certain seasons, of the small animal of the Medusa kind upon which the black whales feed. Their approach to the shores of New Zealand, however, is particularly connected with the process of parturition, as I have already mentioned. In the month of June they are ob- served in the same condition, viz. with calves, at the Cape of Good Hope. It seems as if certain herds of whales, if I may be allowed to use that term, which occupy a limited district, visit at the end of the period of gestation the bights and inlets of those countries which are next to their feeding- grounds: the same is the case round Van Diemen's Land. But it has yet to be proved that the black whale of the Cape of Good Hope is the same with the black whale of New Zealand. Besides this general migration, which, until more accurate data are obtained, I do not conceive should be termed a circumnavigation, but merely a migra- tion of different species in a certain marine district, there exists also a daily one. These fish approach the shores and bays with the flood-tide, and quit them with the ebb. In their general migrations, also, they seem to be influenced by the direction of the tides. Whales are often seen in places where the depth of water does not much exceed their own breadth, rubbing their huge bodies against the rocks, and freeing themselves of the barnacles and other parasitical animals with which they are covered. 48 WHALES AND WHALERS. [PART I. The maternal affection of the whale for its young is very great. As soon as the mother observes a threatened danger, she clings, as it were, to the calf, tries to hide it, and often takes it between her flooks (fins) and attempts to escape. She has even been observed to carry off the calf when it had been killed, but not fastened upon. Sometimes, however, she seems to be infatuated, and heedless of all that passes around her. If the calf has been once fast- ened upon, the mother will never leave it. The whalers assert that the young cows have less affec- tion for their offspring than the old ones, and will desert them at the appearance of the least danger. It is, however, the affection of the whale for her young which becomes the principal means of her destruction. The calf, inexperienced and slow, is easily killed, and the cow is afterwards a sure prey. It is not known in what position the cow suckles her calf. The teats, which are two in number, are abdominal, and situated between membranaceous folds on both sides of the genital organs. I was asto- nished to find them so small. In a female, whose inammse were full of a fat milk resembling cow- milk in taste, the teats were not larger than those of a cow. The operation of suckling never having been observed, it is no matter of surprise to find the whalers denying that the cows suckle their calves ; there can, however, be no doubt of the fact. The manner of carrying on whaling is so well known as to render it unnecessary for me to dwell CHAP. II.] WHALES AND WHALERS. 49 upon it at any length. The whale-boats are admir- ably adapted for the purpose for which they are in- tended. They are of various construction, and are designated as English, French, or American : each has some peculiarity to recommend it. They are capable of resisting the rough sea of Cook's Straits, but are at the same time swift and buoyant. When starting on a whaling expedition, the boats leave Te-awa-iti before the dawn of the morning. Each has either five or six oars, and a crew accordingly. The boat-steerer and headsmen are the principal men in the boat, and are generally Europeans ; the rest are natives. They pull to the entrance of Tory Channel, where a view opens over Cook's Straits and Cloudy Bay from the southern head- land, where they keep a "look-out" for the spouting of a whale. The boat which kills the calf claims the cow, even though it should have been killed by another boat's crew. If a whale has been killed, the different boats assist each other in towing it to Te- awa-iti. I once saw ten or twelve boats towing-in a whale. Each boat had a little flag, and the whole scene was gay and animated. One day a calf had been killed, and the cow, having been fastened upon, but not despatched, was towed inside the channel. Gasping in the agonies of death, the tortured ani- mal, when close to our ship, threw up jets of blood, which dyed the sea all around ; and, beating about with its tail, it broke a boat right in the middle, and threw the crew into the water; but it at length VOL. I. E 50 WHALES AND WHALERS. [PART I. died, exhausted from the many wounds which the irons and harpoons had inflicted. The calf was stated by the whalers to be six weeks old (on what grounds I do not know), and was twenty-four feet long. It was cut up in a few minutes, and gave several barrels of oil. The process was so rapid, that when I came ashore I found only the head. I cut out the brains, the weight of which, amounting to five pounds and one ounce, astonished me greatly. The whalebone was very soft, and therefore useless. There were two hundred plates of it on each side of the roof of the upper jaw. I got the whole roof cut off, and, intending to dry and preserve it, I placed it on the roof of a native house ; but on the following morning I had the mortification to find that the rats and native dogs had found their way to it in the night, and had eaten all the softer parts, so that the rest fell to pieces A portion of the heart of this calf was roasted and sent to our table. In taste I found it very like beef, but it was darker in colour. The cow was sixty feet long, and measured between the fins on the belly eighty-two inches. Her skin was a velvet-like black, with the exception of a milk-white spot round the navel. As regards the colour of the whale, I have been repeatedly assured that it is sometimes speckled, and that even perfect albinos, or cream-coloured ones, are seen, which must indeed be beautiful ani- mals. The fat or blubber of this whale was nine inches thick, and yielded eight tuns and a half of oil. CHAP. II.] WHALES AND WHALERS. 51 Whales have been known to yield twelve or thirteen tuns ; but I have been told that so large a quantity is now very rarely obtained, from the great decrease of the whales. A whale which yields nine tuns is at present regarded as a very good one. The tongue was of a white or ash colour, blackish towards the root. This organ gave several barrels of oil, and is a monopoly of the " tonguer," or " cutter-in." The latter operation is performed in Te-awa-iti near the shores, where by means of a windlass the whale is raised to the surface of the water under a scaffold called the " shears." The blubber is cut off in square pieces by means of a sharp spade ; it is then carried to the shore, and immediately put into the trying-pots. The "cutting- up" of a whale, secundum artem, is a process which requires great proficiency, like that of the skilful dissector, who separates the cutis, and with it at once all fat and cellular tissue, from the subjacent muscles. In the whale the blubber is to be re- garded as the cutis, in the cellular structure of which the oily matter has been deposited. Shortly after the death of the fish the epidermis comes off' in large pieces, looking like oiled and dried satin. As soon as the process of cutting was over, the natives, who had come with their canoes from the Sound, cut off large pieces of the flesh, which they carried off to feast upon. They also fished in the evening for sharks, and a curious gelatinous fish, which fastened in numbers on the sunken carcase, E 2 52 WHALES AND WHALERS. [PART I. and which is nearly related to the Myxine glutinosa of our latitudes. There are the following whaling establishments on the coast of New Zealand : Te-awa-iti, Entry Island, Cloudy Bay, Evans's Island, Parurua, Taranaki, Banks's Peninsula, Table Cape. The number of whales annually captured by these establishments is about 120. Each whale, on an average, yields six imperial tuns of oil, making, in the aggregate, 720 tuns, which, before the esta- blishment of the settlements of the New Zealand Company, was sold on the spot to small vessels, or sent to Sydney, when the whaling was carried on at the expense of Sydney merchants. Those who were at the head of the establishments in New Zea- land were paid at the nominal price of 10/. per tun; I say nominal, because the payment was made in dear and bad slops, whaling-gear, and, most of all, in adulterated spirits. The same oil sells in the London market for 27/. per tun. The value of the oil of these shore stations is, therefore, at the high- est, 20,000/.: to this sum must be added 3000/. for the whalebone, or baleen, for which the whalers receive 78/. a ton, but which sells in London for from 122/. to 130/. A large whale yields about five cwt. of baleen. I must observe here, that the sort of shore-whal- ing which I have just described is very detrimental CHAP. II.] LEGISLATIVE MEASURES. 53 to the whale fishery in general, and the number of whales has decreased from year to year. The female whale approaches the land merely for the purpose of bringing forth and rearing her young. Later in the year, when the calf has attained a cer- tain size, the cows leave the immediate nejghbour- hood of the coast, and return to the " whaling- ground," where the males share with them the dangers resulting from the pursuit of man. Would it not, therefore, be advisable by legislative enact- ments to put an end to the whale-fishery from the coasts, and to restrict it to a certain distance from shore, where it would have to be pursued in ships ? To kill the calves in order to capture the mother, or to kill the latter in the time of gestation, is an unprofitable and cruel proceeding ; but it carries with it its own punishment. In a few years this trade, of which, from the geographical position of the " whaling-ground," New Zealand might have continued to be the centre, will be annihilated. Seals, which were plentiful in New Zealand, but were slaughtered in the same indiscriminate man- ner, have already entirely disappeared. The pro- tection proposed would only be such as the govern- ments of all civilized nations have long bestowed on their coast fisheries during certain seasons. Un- fortunately there exists a belief that the female whale in a state of gestation, or immediately after- wards, yields the greatest quantity of oil ; but I have reason to believe that this is entirely un- 54 WHALES AND WHALERS. [PART r founded. If we may judge from analogy of fishes, birds, and the whole class of mammiferous animals, the assertion must be untrue ; and this view is con- firmed by the testimony of those who carry on the fishery from ships, that, instead of the whales being fatter during that time, the contrary is the case, and that the average result of the fishing on the whaling-grounds exceeds that of the coast fisheries. I have also heard that very often cows have been brought into Te-awa-iti which were remarkably lean, and did not yield more than five or six tuns of oil. We must also expect the oil from whales in the period of gestation to be inferior in quality, from the great change which then is effected in all the solid and fluid elements of the body. 1 Whilst I am thus pleading the cause of the whale, I am well aware that the most effective mode of preserving the fishery would be to spare the cows and calves altogether, and to kill merely the bulls. The whalers can distinguish at a considerable dis- tance a bull from a cow ; the elevation near the spout-holes, called the top-knot, being much higher in the bulls, and this part is always above the water ; but such an extensive protection is probably impracticable. It would suffice if, during the winter season, or 1 From a recent report of a captain of the royal navy of France it appears that the New Zealand whaling in this year (1842) has been entirely unsuccessful, and that most of the whalers are begin- ning to cruise on the north-west coast of America. CHAP. II.] LARGE PARROT. 55 from May to October, all whaling was prohibited within a certain distance from the shores of New Zealand, and a man-of-war cutter kept to enforce obedience to this rule. Behind Te-awa-iti the land rises in steep ravines., which are covered with various kinds of wood, or are cultivated by the natives. Whenever the wea- ther permitted, I rambled through the delightful and shady forest. It was inhabited by flocks of the kaka, or large parrot (nestor hypopolius, Wag.), one of the three species which inhabit the islands of New Zealand ; it is closely allied to that isolated and now probably exterminated species, the Philip Island parrot, and has many peculiarities in its shape and habits. The bill is more elongated than that of other parrots, and of a greyish colour ; the forehead and crown are brown, with a tinge of green ; the face and ear-coverts yellow, tipped with red ; the neck, breast, and wings of a dull red, with a dark-green tint ; the abdomen is of a deep red, and the tail brownish. The male is smaller than the female, and of a redder plumage. This bird lives upon the fleshy and amylaceous fruits of the hinau (Elacocarpus hinau), of the tawai (Leiospermum racemosum), of the miro (Po- docarpus ferruginea), and of the mai (Dacrydium mai). It only feeds upon the fleshy parts of these fruits, and has not the power of opening their hard stones with its beak. The tongue is small, termi- nating in several filaments. In captivity it feeds 56 TORY CHANNEL. [PART I. upon bread and potatoes, but most readily on the latter. These parrots seem to have regular times of feeding : early in the morning they are found on the trees which yield their food. During the heat of the day they play about quietly in the topmost branches of high trees. Before the sun sets they assemble and fly with discordant screams over the forest, alighting sometimes on a dead tree in an open spot, or where their curiosity is in any way arrested. When it is dark they become silent ; but rarely an hour of the night passes that one of their fluting calls is not heard ; and with the dawn of the morn- ing they are again in full activity. They nest in hollow trees, and are said by the natives to lay four or five white eggs. Their flesh is tender and well- flavoured, and the natives are very expert in enticing them by means of decoy-birds, or by imitating their cry. When one is caught or wounded, the rest hover about it with screams, and, one after another, become the victims of their commiseration. Above Te-awa-iti, towards the southern entrance of Tory Channel, are two other bays, Wanganui and Hokokuri. The access to them is over the hills or by water, as a protruding and rocky shore separates the bay of Te-awa-iti from them ; this is, in fact, the general character of the coast in Queen Charlotte's Sound. In Hokokuri Bay, on a fine flat of fertile earth about one square mile in extent, stands a large native settlement. The natives re- ceived us with their usual politeness, and afterwards CHAP. II.] TORY CHANNEL. 57 gave us a canoe in which to return to Te-awa-iti. The man who seemed to be the principal chief was of a fine powerfully formed figure, with a noble countenance, and reminded us of a Roman tribune, wrapped, as he was, in a new native toga. On another of my excursions I traced Tory Chan- nel towards its northern entrance, for the purpose of crossing the neck of land which separates Port Underwood in Cloudy Bay from Queen Charlotte's Sound. A more accurate examination of the coast showed everywhere the argillaceous schist in strati- fications from east to west, and dipping to the north. Sometimes no stratifications could be ob- served, and the rock was of a more granular nature, but still very soft, and with fissures in many direc- tions, as if it had been acted upon by fire. I ob- served in the Straits no indications of any other kind of rock, except the occasional appearance of Lydian stone, massy basaltic rocks, and greenstone. It became very apparent to me, from the various transitions from one kind of rock to another, that they had assumed that structure in consequence of the infusion from below of the trappean rocks, and the consequent metamorphosis of the slate-rocks. I could not discover any trace of organic remains in the latter, and it is therefore most probably to the transition series that the hills in Queen Char- lotte's Sound belong. Notwithstanding the barren quality of this sub- stratum, and the want of decomposition on the sur- 58 TORY CHANNEL. [PART I. face, a character common to all the hills of this formation, the vegetation is by no means defective : the moisture of the atmosphere makes up for the deficiency of the upper stratum. The vegetation reaches to the sea-shore, and does not suffer from the salt-water. I visited the island of Moioio, and afterwards came to a native settlement called Toko Karoro, on the island of Arapaoa. The natives in the latter place were sitting around a fire ; some were busy in carving the head and stern of a new canoe, others were smoking and talking. This little village is situated on a tongue of land formed by a branch of the hills, very narrow on the top, and falling on both sides towards the sea. This singular position makes it a very strong place, and easy of defence. A steep path leads to the summit of the ridge, where clearings for native cultivations appear in the ravines. When I use the term " clearings, " I mean those spots where the forest had been set on fire : half-burned stems of trees were lying in con- fusion over each other, and in the places between were patches of potatoes. The number of pigeons in these grounds and on the skirts of the forest was very great ; in less than half an hour I shot twelve. An intelligent-looking boy, his goodnatured face painted with red ochre, pointed them out to me quicker than I could load my gun. It is also in these open and cultivated spots that the kakariki chiefly lives. This is a small CHAP. II.J TORY CHANNEL. 59 paroquet, and the second one of the parrot tribe existing in New Zealand. It is a very beautiful bird, and measures eleven inches. The crown is crimson, with a few feathers of a golden yellow at the root of the beak ; the rest of the plumage is green, and the quill-feathers of an azure blue. The tail is long and arrow-shaped. This paroquet feeds on potatoes, and on the berries of the Solanum laci- niatum and other fleshy fruits ; it lives in flocks, and on the ground, or the lower branches of dead trees. In some parts of New Zealand it is very common, but generally follows man, as it is only in cultivated places that it can find the shrubs which yield its favourite food. On both sides of the tongue of land to which I have alluded, the Sound forms deep bays, perfectly sheltered, and very fitted for the anchorage of ships. Opposite to it, on the mainland, is another large bay, called Oyster Bay, from the thick beds of rock- oysters which are found there. After leaving the village we crossed to another bay, E-Taua. This bay also is spacious and pleasant. Kingfishers, oystercatchers, tuis, 1 and cormorants, 2 enlivened the trees on its shores, and many birds were singing in the forest. From this bay we crossed the hills in order to reach Port Underwood. They form a deep saddle, over which the path leads. Everywhere on the 1 Anthochcera concinuata, Vig. and Horsfield. * Pelecanus pica, Forst. 60 TORY CHANNEL. [PART I. surface sharp shingly fragments of slate are strewed about. Low stunted fern and manuka are abun- dant. From the top of these hills the northern entrance of Queen Charlotte's Sound opened to our view. The island of Motuara bore north-by-east. We saw the sea over the narrow island of Arapaoa in Cook's Straits, and our eye wandered over Ship Cove, Shag Cove, East Bay, and part of West Bay. The land has everywhere the same mountainous and intersected character. A few paces farther another extensive panorama opens : we look into Port Underwood, a deep inlet, formed on both sides by chains of hills, from which numerous buttresses run out towards the sea, and form as many small coves. Port Underwood opens to the south-west into Cook's Straits. The coast sweeps round to- wards Cape Campbell, forming what Cook has named Cloudy Bay, and a range of high snow-clad mountains in the middle island, called Kai Koura (Feast of Crawfish), shut in the view. The chain of hills which form Port Underwood to the south-east, in fact all the land which separates that port from Tory Channel, consists of a succes- sion of steep and barren ridges. Only here and there a patch of brushwood or trees relieves the brown and gloomy tint of the Pteris esculenta. The chain to the south-west, however, on the other side of the harbour, is more wooded, although the hills are equally steep ; its offsets branch into the sea, and form a few small coves. To the south-south- CHAP. II.] PORT UNDERWOOD. 61 west these hills turn into the mainland, and the hilly character of the coast gives way to a com- paratively level country, which stretches towards Cape Campbell, and is bounded by the snowy mountains above mentioned. Here the Wairao, a moderate-sized river, with a bar at its entrance, dis- charges itself into Cloudy Bay. The quantity of level land seems to be largest in the neighbourhood of this river, and the surface is covered alternately with fern and groves of high trees. We descended on a ridge of the hills to the head of Port Underwood. On both sides of this ridge the sea forms bays. On the right is a village, with about sixty inhabitants, and the neighbourhood is well cultivated. Nayti, the New Zealander who accompanied us from England, found here many brothers, which word, however, generally means cousins. One of them, a very suspicious-looking fellow, painted over and over with kokowai, never let the tomahawk out of his' hands, and there was an appearance of sly hostility in his manner ; indeed, he was the only New Zealander who gave me any apprehension, which was probably altogether un- founded. Nayti, who was dressed in the best Bond- street style, cut a pitiful figure ; civilization had taught him nothing but to be ashamed of his rela- tions. Observing his embarrassment, we withdrew to some distance, leaving him to indulge his natural feeling in hongi and tangi, or nose-rubbing and crying. 62 PORT UNDERWOOD. [PART I. To the eastward Port Underwood forms another spacious inlet, called the Inner Harbour ; it is the most sheltered part of the whole port, but I do not know whether it is accessible for large vessels. Towards evening Nayti's relations launched a large canoe to bring us to Kakapo, a bay on the south side of the harbour, where there is a whaling esta- blishment, and where several Europeans are living, who support themselves by supplying provisions to a number of ships, which annually resort to Cloudy Bay. We were welcomed to the house of Mr. Guard, one of the earliest adventurers in New Zea- land, where he has been for twenty years. The western shore of Port Underwood forms a number of diminutive coves. It is so rocky that access from one cove to the other, along the coast, is impossible. The largest bay, near the head of the harbour, is Robin Hood's Bay, where there is a native settlement. No European lives there. The next is Ocean Bay, with a large beach, and some extent of flat but shingly land. Here are two whaling esta- blishments. The number of Europeans was thirty, and of natives about one hundred. The next is Kakapo, or Guard's Bay. This is very small, and the hills surrounding it so high that the sun can be seen only for a short time. The number of Europeans is only five, and of natives about sixty, who man the boats, and live on very in- timate terms with the Europeans. Mr. Guard was the first man who cleared this beach and settled on CHAP. II.] PORT UNDERWOOD. 63 it, and the natives came round him afterwards. Rauparaha's brother, Norua, is the chief of Kakapo. A daughter of Tupahi also lives here. Next to Kakapo is Tom King's Bay, also the station of a whaling-party ; another stands opposite to it, and is managed by an American. The geological formation, which I have already mentioned, can be well observed on an island which lies nearly abreast of Kakapo. The direction of the clay-slate is here from north-north-west to south- south-east, with a south-west dip at an angle of less than forty-five degrees. In Kakapo the same slate is traversed by dikes of bluish Lydian stone, with veins of quartz. On the coast opposite to Kakapo the slate is harder, and of a black colour, but not fit for the purposes of roofing. Whaling alone has attracted the Europeans to Cloudy Bay. The different bays look indeed like the Golgotha of the whale, so many remains of that animal are lying on the beach. But whaling is not carried on from the shore alone : ships anchoring during the season in Port Underwood engage with their boats in the pursuit; and the port is better adapted for the whale-ships than Te-awa-iti, as the anchorage is less distant from the entrance, and the rush of the tide not so strong as into the narrow southern entrance of Tory Channel. Besides, Port Underwood is ill adapted for any other purpose : not even the outer harbour, the only one yet visited, is a first-rate one, as the prevalent gales those 64 CLOUDY BAY. [PART I. from the south-west blow directly into the en- trance, and often drag the ships from their anchor- age. The high and steep hills which enclose the place on all sides give it a gloomy appearance, the sun appearing late and setting early. The name of Cloudy Bay, given by Captain Cook, although he never entered this harbour, is very appropriate : it is now called Port Underwood. Rain must be frequent, from the mountainous and woody character of the country. I was here three times, always during heavy rains. A few whalers and traders found but a scanty subsistence even while whales were plentiful and provisions from the natives cheap ; both these advantages have now ceased. The har- bour, it is true, has the nearest connection with the level land at Wairao, and it is to the latter that it must look for any importance it may in future acquire. The road to that land from Port Under- wood is even now passable, and has been driven over by cattle. A Mr. Wilton, from Sydney, attempted a farming establishment at Wairao, and drove cattle thither from Port Underwood. He lost his life through an accident, and I am not aware that any one has since renewed the attempt. Cloudy Bay and Queen Charlotte's Sound are very rich in fish. Nowhere in New Zealand have I found them in such abundance. They were of the genera Scomber, Balistes, Serranus, Raius, Labrus. Mullets also were very plentiful. A fish was often caught which is nearly allied, even if it be not the CHAP. II.] CLOUDY BAY. 65 same, to one described by Cuvier under the name of Trigla papilionacea. The natives call it kumu kumu. It is of a bright orange-colour ; its pectoral fins are large and membranous, and of an emerald- green, bordered with an azure margin. Near the tail is a spot of velvet black, dotted with white. This fish is one of the most beautiful known, and it always caused me pain to see it taken out of its ele- ment, and in expiring lose its vivid colours. Another most singular fish often took the bait : this was the Chimsera calorynchus, which is related to the shark tribe, and has a most singular fleshy proboscis. Its colours are very brilliant, of a silvery- white, or grey. It generally appears at night, at the surface of the water, preying upon the young of other tribes. The flesh is somewhat dry, and resembles that of the shark. I returned from Cloudy Bay on the 19th of Sep- tember, and at daybreak on the following day we left Te-awa-iti on the flood tide, and with a north- west wind. The southern entrance of Tory Chan- nel is narrow, and requires a leading wind and a favourable tide, in which case the navigation is easy and safe. On leaving the channel the view opened on the Two Brothers, over the rocky coast of the Island of Arapaoa. To the southward appeared the different bights of the coast before the entrance into Port Underwood. We saw the whole of the coast towards Wairao and Cape Campbell, and at a dis- tance towered the Snowy Mountains. To the north - VOL. i. F 66 WHALES AND WHALERS. [PART I. ward were the steep shores in the neighbourhood of Mana and Port Nicholson, which latter place is about thirty miles distant from the southern entrance of Tory Channel. At eight o'clock we sailed by the part of the shore of the northern island which is called Te-ra-witi (the rising sun). We beat up against the breeze, and entered the harbour of Port Nicholson. There is plenty of ship-room at the entrance, and the dangers which exist are all appa- rent. The soundings are between seventeen and eight and a half fathoms. Alter passing the inner heads a spacious basin appears. Several canoes came off, and in one of them was an old venerable-looking chief, Epuni, with his son. At three o'clock we anchored on the northern side of a large island called Matin, now Somes's Island, about a mile from the mainland. CHAP. III.] 67 CHAPTER III. Port Nicholson. Wellington. Excursion into the Valley of the Eritonga. WE stayed in Port Nicholson until the 4th of October, during which time the agent of the New Zealand Company completed the purchase of that place. Nearly three years have elapsed since our first visit ; and a spot scarcely known before that time, and rarely if ever visited by Europeans, has become the seat of a large settlement, with nearly 5000 inhabitants. Where a few hundred natives then lived in rude villages, fearful of their neigh- bours, but desirous of intercourse with Europeans, and just beginning to be initiated into the forms of Christian worship by a native missionary, there is now a town, with warehouses, wharfs, club-houses, horticultural and scientific societies, racecourse^, in short, with all the mechanism of a civilized and commercial community ; at this very place, where I then enjoyed in all its fulness the wild aspect of nature, and where the inhabitants, wild and un- tamed, accorded well with their native scenery, there is now the restless European, spreading around all the advantages and disadvantages of civilization and trade. Although aware that I have long been F2 68 PORT NICHOLSON. [PART I anticipated in the description of this place, I must beg leave to give a few remarks which I gleaned during this and subsequent visits. Port Nicholson is situated in a foreland which, in its longest extent, has a north-east to south-west direction, and which is formed to the south-east by the deep indentation of Wairarapa, or Palliser Bay, and to the north-west by the bight of the coast in which Mana, or Table Island, is situated. The outermost point of this foreland is Cape Te-ra-witi. This is the narrowest point of Cook's Straits, the distance to the nearest land in the middle island being only thirty miles. In its geological formation this foreland is a continuation of the hills which I have described as forming the chief part of the land at the other side of Cook's Straits, and it can scarcely be doubted that formerly both islands were here connected. The sea having once broken this con- nection, a rush of the tide, which comes from the southward, and runs at the rate of five knots an hour during the spring-tides, took place through the opening. The winds prevailing in this part of Cook's Straits the greater part of the year are from the south and south-east, and often increase to heavy gales, augmenting the rush of water through the straits, and making considerable inroads on the coast. Port Nicholson was doubtless thus formed, and the general aspect of the foreland, in which the harboijr is situated, bears decided proof of the wear and tear of the coasts. At the head of the harbour the hills CHAP. III.] PORT NICHOLSON. 69 of which Cape Te-ra-witi is the outermost point, and those which form the eastern boundary, leave between them a triangular space, formed of alluvial land brought down by the river Eritonga, or Hutt. A sandy beach, two miles and a half in length, borders this alluvial flat, from which the water shoals to some distance. In consequence of its be- ing opposite to the entrance of the harbour, a heavy surf is found here during southerly winds. The apex of this delta is about seven miles from the beach, where the hills approach each other and form the gorge of the river. At a distance of about forty miles a range of hills, which early in autumn are covered with snow, shuts in the view. These moun- tains the Tararua range run north and south, and are therefore best seen from off Entry Island, or Kapiti. They extend towards the centre of the northern island, and are connected, by the Rua Wahine range, with the group of the Ruapahu and Tongariro. To the westward of this range, that is, from the centre of the island towards Cape Egmont, the land is comparatively flat, with slight undula- tions, Mount Egmont excepted, which stands much isolated. The hills which bound Port Nicholson to the westward, and terminate at Cape Te-ra-witi, and those which bound it to the eastward, and terminate at Baring's Heads, are branches of the Tararua range. Their geological structure is argillaceous schist, interrupted, especially on the western shore, by 70 EARTHQUAKES. [PART I. bulky and irregular dikes of red, black, or greenish Lydian stone. Sometimes the clay is more quartzose and granular. This latter I observed on the Tara- rua Mountains, where it forms a good stone for building purposes. There are also found other trappean rocks about twenty miles up the valley, and on the banks of the river Hutt. Notwithstanding the very early formation of these schistous and trappean rocks, shocks of earthquakes are sometimes felt at Port Nicholson. They are generally very slight. 1 1 Several shocks were felt in May, 1840. " The first move- ment," says the Port Nicholson Gazette, of May 30, 1840, "took place at about twenty minutes to five o'clock on the morning of the 26th ; the second, an hour later. The following night there was another slight shock, and after that several more, which, however, were so slight as to have been felt by few. The first shock was by far the severest and longest in duration ; it was not, however, the cause of any mischief, though it alarmed some of the inhabit- ants. It appears to have been nearly equally felt all around Port Nicholson. " We did not notice anything unusual in the state of the atmo- sphere, nor in the Appearance of the sky or sea, before the earth- quake ; some persons, however, state they were struck by the re- markable appearance of the clouds in the direction of the Tararua range, and others by the stillness of the sea at night-time. We went out immediately aftehut in the view up the valley of the Eritonga. In the latter place they are called the Tararua, and their continuation into the interior the Rua-wahine. Both are distinguished by a chasm or cleft, which forms the valley of the river Manawatu. CHAP. VI.] COOK'S STRAITS. 125 The outward shape of these mountains is very uniform ; they have everywhere the same longi- tudinal ridges, with narrow crests, here and there rising to a somewhat higher summit. The woody region reaches nearly to the top, and in many cases they are entirely covered by forest. At their sides these hills send off ramifications, which form ra- vines rather than valleys, from which small streams flow to the sea-coast. These mountains thus form a good geographical division, as from them on one side the waters run into Cook's Straits, from Port Nicholson to Cape Egmont, and on the other side to the east coast, into Hawke's Bay, or into the lake Taupo. The course of these rivers is short, rising as they do not far from the sea-coast ; and from their flowing between hills, which gjive them many tributaries, the violent rains often swell them suddenly, and the streamlet becomes a mountain- torrent. It then overflows the low alluvial land forming its banks, and carries with it the stems of large trees, especially pines, which either remain fixed in its bed, or are buried near the sea-coast when driven back and left dry by the tide. I con- sequently found a great deal of drift-wood at all the rivers, the quantity bearing little proportion to the size of the streams. Of these rivers may be mentioned the Waikanahi, the Wainiea, the Malm, the Wai-e-rongo-mai, the Waikewa, the Ohou, the Waiwiri, the Orewenua, and the Wai-te-rawm, which we passed in rapid succession. At the Wai- 126 MANAWATU RIVER. [PART I. mea is stationed a large tribe of natives, the Nga-te- raukaua, whom I have already mentioned as the enemies of the Nga-te-awa. Their pa, or fortified village, is called Otaki. The river Manawatu is the longest of all these rivers. It takes its rise in the most elevated inland group of mountains, the Ruapahu. As is the case with all the rivers in Cook's Straits, the force of its waters is not strong enough to remove the sand which is thrown up at its mouth by the south- westerly and north-westerly winds ; and its depth over the bar is therefore only six feet at low water ; the tide rises eight feet. Its breadth at the mouth is about 300 yards at half-tide. From all the accounts which I received from the natives, both in Cook's Straits and in the interior of the country, the river Manawatu has a very wind- ing course ; in some places, after making a sweep of several miles, it returns within a quarter of a mile to the same spot, and in this manner forms paddocks of very fertile land, often clear, but in parts rich in many kinds of timber. Inside the bar the river deepens sufficiently to admit small vessels for about fifty miles. The natives of Taupo often descend it with their canoes to Cook's Straits. Its embouchure is, according to Captain Smith, in lat. 40 27' 23" S. From this description it must be evident that it would be of great importance for the settlers in Cook's Straits to explore the Manawatu more accurately, especially as it is reported that CHAP VI.] MANAWATU RIVER. 127 from its upper part there is an easy communication with the Hauriri in Hawke's Bay, a river which is known to have very fertile land on its banks. About six miles from the mouth of the Mana- watu, the Rangitiki, a smaller river, likewise owing its origin to the Ruapahu, falls into Cook's Straits. It brings, as does also the Wanganui, a great quan- tity of pumicestone from the Tongariro, a volcano in the interior. To the westward of a line drawn from Otaki to the Ruapahu, and thence to Mount Egmont, the country is comparatively level. Across this district the Ruapahu rears its massy head to the height of about 9000 feet, and is covered with eternal snows. Several streams run into the sea between the Rangitiki and the Wanganui, but are smaller and of less importance : they are the Wai Patiki, the Waikanahi, the Wai Kopuka, the Mahora, the Turakina, the Wangaiho, and the Kaitoki. In the evening of the 18th, the natives whom we had taken on board and amongst whom was a fine young man, E Kuru; the son of the principal chief at Wanganui looked out in vain for the entrance >f the river of that name, which we intended to isit if large enough to admit the Tory. E Kuru was an intelligent fellow, but had never seen his native place from the deck of a ship. To add to the difficulty, the coast has a great sameness of ap- pearance, and the mouths of the different rivers present little peculiarity when viewed from the sea. 128 WANGANUI RIVER. [PART I. Unable to find the mouth of the river, we stood off the land during the night, and on the following morning found ourselves to the northward of Wan- ganui, which we were unable to reach until the morning of the 20th ; for on approaching the coast we found that the water shoaled to a distance of about three miles ; and it was therefore thought advisable to send Mr. Barret, our pilot, to explore the entrance, and to convey E Kuru to his village. He afterwards reported the depth of water over the bar to be insufficient to admit the Tory, and we therefore stood again to the northward. As, how- ever, one of the Company's settlements has been formed at the mouth of this river, which is already inhabited by several hundreds of Europeans, I will give a few particulars regarding this place which I have gathered from different sources. The entrance to the Wanganui river, situated in latitude 39 55' 54" S., is half a mile broad, but at low water its depth does not exceed eight feet, so that it will only admit vessels of moderate bur- den. The largest craft that ever entered it was a vessel of 150 tons. The headlands of the river are low ; a spit of sand runs off the southern head, and the channel is near the northern. At low water the sea breaks across the bar. Inside the bar the river deepens, and is about 300 yards broad. Its banks here are low and sandy, and covered with driftwood and pumicestone, which the river brings down from its source, which is in the Tongariro. CHAP. VI.] WANGANUI RIVER. 129 At a little distance from the sea-shore is an exten- sive flat covered with flax and fern ; farther up the banks become higher, and form cliffs consisting of a blue clay, with fossils, which, from all I have seen, I should judge to belong to the newest tertiary epoch. About thirty miles from the mouth the river is enclosed between the neighbouring hills, which are well wooded, and run towards the Ton- gariro. Near the latter, however, the country is again more open and flat, although much broken ; and the soil consists of pumicestone and tufa, as I shall hereafter describe when speaking of the in- terior. A large tribe of natives live near the Wanganui, and possess several pas up the river. A station of the Church Missionary Society is now established amongst them, and the missionaries have succeeded in making several converts, but were unable to pre- vent two sanguinary battles which lately took place between this tribe and the natives from Taupo Lake. These latter are able to descend the Wan- ganui to Cook's Straits in their canoes from within a short distance of its source. We landed E Kuru ; and although we were un- able to enter the river, the possession of the district was secured for the New Zealand Company, having been obtained during our stay at Kapiti, wherfc the principal chiefs of Wanganui, who were then pre- sent at Waikanahi, had made the land " tapu " for the Company, on receiving some presents. VOL. i. K 130 COOK'S STRAITS. [PART i. The coast from Wanganui to Cape Egmont pre- sents a cliff of moderate height, on the top of which the land is flat, and rises with a very gentle slope towards Cape Egmont. In many places layers of lignite are found in the cliffs. The whole district possesses great facilities for agriculture, being co- vered with flax and fern. The forest begins at some distance inland. The rivers along the coast from Wanganui are the Waitotara, about twenty miles to the north- ward, the Wenuakura, the Patea, the Tangahohi, the Waimate, and the Kakapuni, all of which are small. There are natives on the banks of all these, and Waimate is knowi as the place where, on the shipwreck of the barque Harriet, a fierce struggle ensued between the natives and Europeans, in which several men were killed on both sides. Although this conflict, according to all the accounts I could collect, was causi|d by the Europeans, Her Majesty's vessel Alligator' afterwards inflicted a severe and summary punishment on the natives. But to return to the Tory. We left the mouth of the Wanganui immediately after Mr. Barret had come on board. The weather looked threatening, and it soon blew a gale of wind. The whole coast from Kapiti to Cape Egmont, and thence to the northward, is a complete lee-shore, on account of the prevalence of north-westerly and south-westerly winds ; a heavy swell sets towards the coast, and, as the sea to a great distance from the shore has only little depth, ships are obliged to keep a good offing. CHAP. VII.] 131 CHAPTER VII. Taranaki, or Mount Egmont. ON the 22nd of November we obtained the long- wished-for view of Mount Egmont, and also of the Ruapahu, both of which were to a great extent co- vered with snow. But they were soon again hid from our view ; and it was only on the 27th of No- vember, after having experienced much bad weather and several severe gales, that we anchored to the northward of the Sugarloaf Islands, about two miles from the shore. Soon after we had cast anchor a waterspout rose not far from us. The weather had now begun to clear up ; and I scrutinized the sides and lofty summit of Mount Egmont, which, once thrown up by the mysterious fires of the deep, was now apparently in a state of repose, to discover whe- ther there was any possibility of ascending it, an indertaking which had never yet been achieved. We had brought from Port Nicholson one of the >rincipal chiefs, Tuarau, who was delighted to see ,he land of his birth and to assist the Company's agent in the purchase of it. Our boat, which was sent ashore, was unable to land on account of the surf, but brought back two natives who had plunged into the foaming sea and swum to it. The meeting K2 13*2 MOUNT EGMONT. [PART I. on our deck between them and Tuarau was almost solemn ; they did not utter a word, and struggled to conceal the deep feelings which evidently agitated them. Our anchorage was not regarded as safe ; and as the continual gales of the last few days had left a heavy swell, which made communication with the shore difficult and hazardous, it was determined that the Tory should proceed on her voyage to the north- ward, and that Mr. Barret should remain in Taran- aki to keep possession of the land for the New Zea- land Company. I immediately resolved to stay with him, and we landed on the morning of the 28th. I could not have found a better opportunity for exa- mining a district so little known, and determined to occupy the time until the return of the Tory in as- cending Mount Egmont, which I expected would prove in more than one respect an interesting and profitable achievement. I must mention that Mr. Barret had lived for several years near the Sugar- loaf Islands, prior to the period when almost all the original natives yielded, after a long-continued con- test, to the tribe of the Waikato, who live about sixty miles to the northward. The natives of Ta- ranaki migrated to the eastward, and settled on both sides of Cook's Straits, and especially at Kapiti, Port Nicholson, and Queen Charlotte's Sound. Only a few remained, who could not be persuaded to leave the land of their forefathers, for which, indeed, all mi- grated tribes evince the greatest predilection, and CHAP. VII.] MOUNT EGMONT. 133 cherish the hope that, by the help of the European colonists, they will one day be able to return and recover their lost territory. Since the removal of the majority, the small remnant of the original na- tives of Taranaki had lived a very agitated life, often harassed by the Waikato, and seeking refuge on one of the rocky Sugarloaf Islands, at times dispersed into the impenetrable forest at the base of Mount Egmont, sometimes making a temporary truce with their oppressors, but always regarded as an enslaved and powerless tribe. They could not, however, be induced to join their relations, and the reader can well imagine with what joy they hailed the arrival of their old friend Barret, and how they cherished the hope of rising from the degradation in which they had lived for so long a time, and again becom- ing an independent tribe. We landed to the northward of Paretutu, or Sugarloaf Point, a dome-like cone of trachitic por- phyry, which rises to about 300$feet, and stands quite by itself. We turned our whale-boat over, and made preparations for passing the first night under it. As soon as we had landed the Tory weighed her anchors, and, with a favourable breeze, was soon out of sight. On the beach, from which large sand-hills here rise, I picked up many specimens of the neat and delicate shells Spirula australis. The land near the beach is, in some parts, covered 134 MOUNT EGMONT. [PART I. with shrubs ; in others the loose sand has here and there acquired some solidity from the roots and fibres of a running carex, which is the first preparatory step to its becoming fit for other plants. In several places behind these sand-hills lagoons of fresh water are found, which abound with ducks, but contain no other fish than some large eels, in order to catch which the natives formerly cut through the sand- hills and emptied the lagoon. Round these lagoons the vegetation was very rich, and amongst the shrubs was the handsome Apeiba australis, which I observed here for the first time. Towards Sugarloaf Point large boulders, all consisting of volcanic rocks of apparently an old date, as basalts, greenstones, trachyte, augitic rock, &c., were cemented together into an extremely solid conglomerate, which appeared to extend like a stream of lava from Mount Egmont into the sea, but can- not be traced far. Where the water washes these rocks the conglomerate is peculiarly hard, and this is caused by a chemical action of the salt water, either on the particles of the iron pyrites, with which several of the rocks abound, and which often cover the pebbles with a metallic crust, or else on the black titanic iron-sand which is found on the beach. In some places this chemical action is accompanied by the development of a good deal of heat, which is perceived where, at the retiring tide, the sea leaves ponds of water between the rocks. A strong smell of sulphuretted hydrogen gas may also be observed about CHAP. VII.] MOUNT EGMONT. 135 a mile from high-water mark. The natives have a whimsical story of an "atua" (spirit), who they say was drowned here, and is still undergoing decom- position. In some places the sandy downs at a little distance from the shore are covered with a hard crust of oxydated iron-clay, which forms the most fantastic shapes of tubes, saucers, &c., evidently owing to the oxydation of the particles of iron in the sand by water and air, and subsequent adhesion to each other. All this interested me much, proving a former ex- tensive activity of volcanic powers, the centre of which was Mount Egmont, situated at a distance of twenty-five miles ; its' summit afforded me a never- failing object of attraction when it was free from clouds, or when the morning or evening sun gilded its snowy summit with a rosy hue. Aqueous formations were visible on both sides of Sugarloaf Point ; they consisted of cliffs of yel- low clay, and in some places contain formations not of coal or lignite, but of wood, embedded in dis- coloured blackish earth. Towards Mokau these formations are especially visible, and form every- where one of the most remarkable features in the geology of New Zealand. Elevated about ten feet above the level of the sea, they consist, according to all that I could ascertain, of the remains of trees belonging to species still existing in the island, and are an indubitable proof that an elevation of the land above the level of the sea has taken place at a 136 MOUNT EGMONT. [PART I. period when the same vegetation existed as at pre- sent. I never found any remains of animals in these formations, which are however irregular and inter- rupted. It is a question of great interest to geologists, to what cause is to be ascribed the formation of those extensive coal-fields which form the principal source of our industry, whether they have taken their rise from the submersion of a whole forest, or the float- ing of uprooted timber into estuaries of the sea or lakes, or whether they are due to the submersion of peat-beds. Guided by the principle that the former epochs in the earth's history can be best deciphered by studying her present aspect and the alterations which are going on before our eyes, I have arrived at the opinion that our coal-formations were for- merly peat ; that the timber which is deposited in estuaries or inland lakes will ultimately become lig- nite, or brown coal, which has lost scarcely any of the qualities of wood. A river which brings vast masses of wood to the sea must of necessity deposit them in a very unequal manner, mixed with allu- vium of various descriptions, and must imbed in this formation such testaceous animals as are living near the spot. Such is the case at present with the New Zealand rivers ; such are the lignitic formations which we observe at present above the level of the sea in this country ; and of the same nature are the mines of lignite which are worked in many parts of Germany. Will anybody contend that it is pos- CHAP. VII.] MOUNT EGMONT. 137 sible by any agency whether by the pressure of a superincumbent formation, or by igneous causes from below, or by both agencies combined to convert that mixture of trees and earthy or mineral substance into the homogeneous substance which is spread out in such regular stratifications, and which we call coal ? I, for my part, cannot credit the possibility of such a change. It is different with peat, which occupies large tracts in the countries out of the tropics, very often in horizontal and equal layers, and which we see imbedding trees in an upright position. If arti- ficially compressed it resembles coal far more than does any lignitic substance that I have ever seen. I have brought specimens of peat from the Chatham Islands, taken from a layer not in actual formation, but covered by a loamy earth several feet in thick- ness. In these specimens, which it was evident were formerly pure peat, I can observe a conchoidal frac- ture and lustrous appearance greatly resembling coal, whilst in other parts of the same specimen the gradual transition from true peat is evident. I am well aware that eminent geologists have contended for the double origin of coal, and others will only admit the simple one from wood; but they will, probably, come to a different conclusion if they turn their attention more to present processes, and divest their minds of preconceived ideas regarding a differ- ence of phenomena in former days. One of the Sugarloaf Islands also consists of aqueous deposits, namely, yellow and soft sandstone. 138 MOUNT EGMONT. [PART I. But the rest of these islands are steep and conical masses of a greyish trachite, containing much feld- spar, with scarcely any vegetation on them beyond the Phormium tenax, Mesembryanthemum australe, Pteris esculenta, Peperomia d'Urvillei, Microcalia australis, epacris, linum, &c. Numerous seaweeds float at their base, amongst which were the Lamina- ria flabelliformis, Sargassum carpilli folium, Margi- naria urvilliana, &c. I found about twenty natives near Sugarloaf Point ; the place seemed only a fishing station : the remainder of the Taranaki tribes lived either on concealed potato-plantations, or farther south near Cape Egmont. On our arrival being known, they assembled around Mr. Barret, and with tears wel- comed their old friend. In a singing strain of la- mentation they related their misfortunes and the continual inroads of the Waikato. The scene was truly affecting, and the more so when we recollect that this small remnant had sacrificed everything to the love of their native place. I perceived in the evening how much they stood in dread of the Wai- kato. A fire had been observed in the direction of Kawia, and the fear that the Waikato were again on their way to Taranaki kept them awake during the greater part of the night. The principal village of the Taranaki natives for- merly stood a little to the westward of Sugarloaf Point. Besieged by the Waikato, who had come in great numbers from Kawia, they effectually kept CHAP. VII.] MOUNT EGMONT. 139 them at bay, with the help of Mr. Barret and eight other European traders, who at that time lived with them in the village. Three pieces of cannon in their possession made great havoc amongst the Waikato. The exasperation on both sides was great, and the prisoners captured at occasional sorties were de- voured. The Waikato at last raised the siege and returned to Kawia; nevertheless the Nga-te-awa resolved to quit the district, and, 2000 in number, they started together with the Europeans. This took place in November,, 1832. At a second attack the Waikato destroyed the pa, of which now scarcely any vestige remains, with the exception of the fosses; the cannons had been spiked by the Nga- te-awa on their departure, and were still lying on the beach. South of Sugarloaf Point to Cape Egmont and Waimati, the country, as I ascertained from many subsequent excursions, slopes very slowly from Mount Egmont to the sea-coast. In fact, the country is so level round the base of Mount Egmont that the latter seems almost to rise immediately from the plain. The coast forms a cliff of moderate height, and consists of a yellowish sandy loam an excellent substratum for a rich mould which covers the top, and which increases in depth towards the foot of the mountain. Near the sea-shore the soil is light, intermixed with sand. In general the land for three or four miles from the coast is open, and covered with a uniform vegetation, especially of flax or fern ; in the little 140 SUGARLOAF ISLANDS. [PART I. dales, however, are groves of trees, or swamps covered with bulrushes and reeds. A countless number of small streams here dis- charge themselves into the sea : scarcely a mile was passed without our crossing a streamlet, which was sometimes knee-deep. They came from Mount Egmont, or from several small lagoons situated be- tween it and the coast. The Sugarloaf Islands are five in number: the three nearest the shore are Pararaki, Paparoa, and Mikotai ; then Moturoa ; and afterwards Motuma- hanga, which is the outermost. Besides, there are some rocks and reefs. The native name for them, as well as for the whole district near Sugarloaf Point, and for the tribe formerly living near them, is Nga Motu the Islands. To the northward of Sugarloaf Point are three small creeks the Huatoki, the Enui, and the Wai- wakaio. Everywhere on their banks are traces of former cultivation and of native villages, but now no one lives here : thus the finest district in New Zea- land is almost uninhabited a sad instance of the mutual hatred existing among savage clans. The natives could not understand what induced me to ascend Mount Egmont ; they tried much to dissuade me from the attempt, by saying that the mountain was " tapu," that there were ngarara (crocodiles) on it, which would undoubtedly eat me ; the mysterious bird " moa," of which I shall say more hereafter, was also said to exist there. CHAP. VII.] MOUNT EGMONT. 141 But I answered that I was not afraid of these crea- tions of their lively imagination, and that if they wanted large payment for their land I must first go and look at it; that it was possible though not very probable that the monikoura (money-gold) was found on the mountain, and that if, through their refusing to provide me a guide, I was the first to reach the summit, I would make the mountain " tapu " for myself, according to their own law. An old Tohunga, or priest, was therefore persuaded to show me the way as far as he knew it, and with him, and an American man of colour, I started on the 3rd of December. Tangutu-na-Waikato, as the worthy priest was called, was particularly qua- lified for the office of guide on this expedition. In the wars between the Nga-te-awa and Waikato, the latter had carried away his two wives into slavery ; he himself escaped to the mountain, where they were unable to find him. There he lives by himself, as all his kindred are gone, and cultivates small patches in the impenetrable forest, which supply him with food. The Waikato often chased him, but he was always fortunate enough to escape. The old man was renowned for his skill in the arts and the mystic lore of a priest of his nation, and had lately become a zealous missionary ; and although he almost invariably kept his puka puka (hymn and prayer books) upside down when he pretended to sing his psalms or read the service, yet what he sung and said pretty nearly corresponded with the 142 MOUNT EGMONT. [PART I. text, as he knew the books by heart. A mat of his own manufacture, as he had no female to work it for him, was his only-- -dress ; a hatchet his only weapon. We did not take much provision with us, as the party in Nga Motu had little to spare, and as we had no means of carrying it. I trusted to my gun and to the stores of Tangutu in the bush. Our road led us along the beach to the north- ward. We crossed the Huatoki and Enui creeks, and then turned into the interior over the downs and hillocks of the coast, which were covered with fern and flax, overshadowed here and there by a picturesque ti (Dracaena australis). About two miles from the coast we came into a low shrubby forest, where the soil consisted mostly of a very dark vegetable mould. Tangutu had here cleared a place in the middle of the bush, where he had formed a clean and well- weeded garden, planted with potatoes, taro, onions, water-melons, and pumpkins. Not far from this point we crossed the river Waiwakaio, a rapid but not very deep stream, with a broad and pebbly bed, all the pebbles consisting of hard and blue trap-rock. About a mile farther we passed another deep creek the Mangorake, a tributary of the Waiwakaio, where my guide had another potato- field. The forest consisted generally of tawai ; here and there might be seen a majestic Rimu pine, or rata, bearing crimson flowers. There were many arborescent ferns, and in the deepest shade grew the Nikau palm (Areca sapida). Sometimes we came CHAP. VII.] MOUNT EGMONT. 143 to an open spot, several square miles in extent, probably cleared by natives, but now grown over with the highest Phormirm tenax I ever saw. The leaves in many instances were twelve, and the flower- stalks twenty, feet long ; their flowers contain a kind of sweet liquid in considerable quantities, the ex- traction of which forms a favourite occupation among the New Zealand children. The cryptogamous plants, ferns, jungermanmas, and mosses, bear in New Zealand rather an undue proportion to the phanerogomous a circumstance which is unfavour- able to the rearing of bees. I am not aware that there is any native bee in New Zealand, but in cer- tain seasons the European bee would find a great quantity of honey and wax in the Phormium tenax. Bees have been introduced into New Zealand from New South Wales : my excellent friend, the Rev. Richard Taylor, at Waimate, had a hive, and they were thriving remarkably well ; but in that neigh- bourhood many European plants had been intro- duced. The country began now to rise a little, but the elevation was so slight as to be scarcely perceptible. Everywhere vegetation appeared most vigorous, and the primeval forest was often almost impenetrable, on account of thick creepers, and the thorns, tata- ramoa (rubus), of which several species are found, and which tore our hands and faces severely. We scarcely ever obtained a view of the sun, and the shade of the trees produced a delightful coolness, 144 MOUNT EGMONT. [PART I. although the thermometer in open places rose to 90, and at six in the evening on a hill it stood at 80. We did not see many birds, and I need scarcely repeat that the most perfect silence reigned through the forest. Although we walked on a track, it was one visible only to the eyes of Tangutu ; and it was not until after much practice that I could distin- guish, in the turning or the pressure of a leaf, indi- cations that the path had ever been trod by mortal feet. My guide went patiently forward, carrying a heavy load for me, without a murmur, although a priest and a person of consequence among his own people. We soon came to another potato-field of Tangutu, where he had a house ; he here entered the forest, and quickly returned with some fern-root and some dried shark which he had concealed, and which greatly increased our scanty stock of provisions. In consequence of the insecurity of their persons and property, it is very usual with the Taranaki natives to have plantations of this sort in the forest, which are often known to the proprietor alone, and to which he can fall back in times of need. Frequently Tangutu would on a sudden make me stop on the way, and, entering the forest, would return either with a dried fish, or with some oil, contained in a dilated joint of kelp, with which he would grease his dark and glossy hair ; sometimes he brought a handful of leeks, which were always welcome. At sunset we arrived at the cleared summit of a hill, where we found several houses for provisions, CHAP. VII.] ANNOYANCES. 145 which are always built on posts, to guard against the rats, and also two other houses. A thick forest surrounded this place on all sides. The plantations of potatoes, all belonging to Tangutu, and planted with his own hands, were in tolerably good order. There was no want of provisions ; and pigeons, pota- toes, leeks, taro, cabbage, turnips, and the young shoots of Sonchus oleraceus were all at our command. Before it was quite dark, flights of the Austral Nestor passed over our encampment, shrieking in a dismal manner, and alighted for a moment on one of the dead trees at the skirt of the forest, to watch with a stupid curiosity what was going on below ; but they soon became quiet, with the rest of the in- habitants of the forest. In the twilight there was also a small bat flying about, but I did not succeed in shooting one. During the day a sandfly (ngamu), a tipula, is very troublesome in New Zealand, especially near the sea-shore; and, diminutive as they are, they are perhaps the most bloodthirsty animals that exist, attacking all the exposed parts of the body. With the last ray of the sun they all disappear, but are immediately replaced by the mus- quittos, which, however, are numerous only in par- ticular spots, such as the cleared places of the forest. We had taken our abode in an old house, where the rats ran over us all night, and two species of smaller animals, not to be named to ears polite, were by no means scarce. An old native house is a hotbed for all this vermin, and after this night's VOL. i. L 146 FOREST SCENERY. [PART ! experience I always preferred sleeping in the open air, or under my own tent, which I found by far the most comfortable. Before sunrise on the 4th of December the ther- mometer stood at 44. We took an east-south-east direction, and after descending the hill we had to pass a large creek flowing to the eastward. Our road lay over gently undulating hills, which were covered with a dense forest. The cabbage-palms were the highest I ever saw. We passed several other streams, and at noon halted at another plant- ation belonging to our guide. He rested here during the day to arrange our provisions for the continuance of the journey. This field was situated at the side of a river, which rolled over a pebbly and rocky bed, and was canopied by the trees on its banks. From the high tawai-trees 1 a graceful moss hung down in long festoons. This creek was the Mangorake, which we passed the day before. The temperature here at noon was 91 in the sun and 72 in the shade, and I found the heat very oppressive. I could not prevail upon Tangutu to start the next morning, as this was his last plantation. The sky was overcast, and he said that the weather would be bad for several days. We had some dried shark and potatoes, with maize, but not sufficient to last us many days. Birds are everywhere scarce, and too small to be worth powder and shot. One 1 Leiospermum racemosum. CHAP. VII.] FOREST TRAVELLING. 147 bird that I found here is of a new species ; it is called E Ihi, and belongs to the class of the honey- eaters. 1 Another bird, the tierawaki (Jcterus *- fiiator, Less.), is very common. It is as large as a * V* blackbird, of a jet-black plumage, with red-brown coverlets of the wings and tail. It has two small orange-coloured appendages at the base of the beak. This bird is seen on the lower branches of trees, is very lively, and has a loud penetrating note. It always screams when anything attracts its atten- tion- huei, huei, tierawak, tierawak. It feeds prin- cipally on fleshy berries, but also on coleopterous insects. Pouring rain lasted during this and the follow- ing day. On the afternoon of the 7th, the weather having somewhat cleared up, we started, but had not proceeded far before the rain again compelled us to halt. It must be observed that travelling through the bush in New Zealand is rather a scrambling affair, and with a load is very fatiguing, and cannot be kept up for a long time. Fifteen miles I considered a very good day's work, even in the open parts of the island. We took up our quarters under the shelter of a rata-tree. 2 Seve- ral species of the kind to which this enormous tree belongs were common ; but the pukatea was the most frequent. I was roused in the night by the psalm-singing of old Tangutu, who could not sleep, and was probably afraid that Atua was de- 1 Ptilotis cincta, Dub. 2 Metrosideros robusta. L2 148 WAIWAKAIO RIVER. [PART I. termined to oppose our ascending the sacred moun- tain by means of the bad weather which had now set in. On the 8th we several times crossed the Mango- rake. Its banks are steep, and from one of them Tangutu dug out a titi : this bird, a Procellaria, or mutton-bird as it is commonly called, has many peculiarities. In the month of December it comes from the sea to the mountains inland, especially to the fore-hills of Mount Egmont. Here the female, which is at that time very fat, but after- wards becomes thin and emaciated, lays one egg, which is remarkably large for the size of the bird. Instead of building a nest, she deposits and covers over her egg in a deep channel under the roots of trees, or at the sides of a cliff, and never leaves the place until the egg is hatched. The natives believe that during this period the female takes no food, and have accordingly named it " the bird of one feeding" (e manu wangainga tahi). On the 9th we travelled for some time on the right bank of the Waiwakaio river, which is the largest of those that take their rise on the northern side of Mount Egmont. Although of very unequal depth, it is a true mountain-stream ; it rolls over a broad bed of boulders and pebbles, and often rises suddenly when the snow melts, or when the rain has been heavy. Its banks were moderately ele- vated ; on their top the land was flat, and the whole was covered with forest of the wildest and most CHAP. VII.] WA1WITI ISLAND. 149 primeval aspect. We passed numerous tributaries of this river, some of which were of considerable depth, owing to the late rains, which had also formed stagnant pools between the roots of the old trees. At one place Tangutu conducted us into the bed of the river, whence we had the satisfaction, for the first time since we had entered the forest, of seeing Mount Egmont, which rose to the south- by-west, covered with snow, but its summit hid in the clouds. The dense forest on both sides of the river formed, as it were, a framework to the pic- ture. My guide suddenly stopped at the bank near this point, and, clearing away with his hatchet a few of the young tawai-trees, chanted some hymns, and begged of me to read a chapter from St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. On my asking the reason of this sudden procedure, he told me that many years ago, going with a party to fetch kokowai (red ochre) from the foot of the mountain, they had been surprised at this spot by a party of Waikato, and that in the struggle which ensued his mother had been killed. He had never, he said, visited that spot without paying a tribute to her memory. We stopped for the night on a low island in the Waiwakaio, called Waiwiti, grown over with kahi- katoa (Leptospermum), intermixed with a junceous plant, the Hamelinia veratroides of Achille Richard (Astelia Banksii), the seeds of which form the food of the kiwi and weka (Apterix Australis and Ral- 150 RETURN TO [PART I. lus Australis). The island bore evident marks of being frequently overflowed, as large stems of drifted trees were collected on it. The river Waiwakaio is extremely well adapted for the application of water-power to manufactories and mills ; and the whole district of Taranaki, as far as I have yet seen, rivals any in the world in fertility, beauty, and fit- ness for becoming the dwelling-place of civilised European communities. Our provisions grew very scanty ; and when on the following day the sky was again overcast, and the rain poured down in torrents, I almost gave up the hope of ever reaching the summit of Mount Egmont, especially as Tangutu now frequently lost all trace of the right direction. We proceeded, however, along the left bank of the river, wet to the skin. The trees over which we had to clamber were extremely slippery, and, although they preserved their outward shape, we often sunk knee-deep into their soft and decayed substance. To appease our hun- ger we had nothing but the young shoots of a fern, or the mucous undeveloped leaves of the Cyathea medullaris ; these, with the heart of the cabbage-palm, and, in open spots, the roots of the Pteris esculenta, are, generally speaking, the only eatables that can be obtained in a New Zealand forest. The rain had made my gun useless a matter, indeed, of less con- sequence, as there was no game, and very few of the smaller birds. The confidence shown by these birds proved that they are not often disturbed by CHAP. VII.] THE SEA-SHORE. 151 the approach of man. The boldest was a fly- catcher l of an ashy colour, which hopped con- tinually over the rotten trees, searching for insects. It builds its nest on the lowest branches of small trees, where they join the stem, and constructs it neatly of moss, lining it inside with the soft and villous cover of the young undeveloped leaves of the Cyathea medullaris. The rain continued during the 10th and llth, and all our provisions were gone. We could pro- cure no dry wood to make a fire ; we had no tent with us, and got but little shelter from the trees. During these nights the forest assumed a beautiful appearance : the fallen trees, and almost the whole surface of the ground, sparkled in a thousand places with the phosphorescence of the decayed matter ; we seemed to have entered the illuminated domain of fairy-land. When the weather cleared up we determined to return, abandoning, for the present, the attempt to reach the summit of the mountain. Taking a dif- ferent track from that by which we had come, we again stood on the sea-shore on the evening of the 15th of December. During our absence plenty had reigned at Nga Motu : the natives had daily gone out fishing, and the quantity of fish they took was so great, that they were enabled to dry large numbers in the sun for store. Pigs and potatoes had also been brought 1 Miro longipes, Less. 152 EXCURSION RESUMED [PART I. from the southward. A Waikato chief, with his followers, had come on a friendly visit from Kawia, and there was apparently a good understanding between them and the natives at this place. The abundance of food enabled me to start again on the 19th, determined, at all hazards, to accomplish the ascent of the mountain. I persuaded E Kake, one of the chiefs, to accompany me, who took a slave with him, and sent on before a female slave to one of his plantations which lay in our route, with an order to prepare maize-cakes for us to carry as pro- visions. The companions of my last trip again accompanied me, and our party was joined by Mr. Heberley, a European, who had come with us from Te-awa-iti, where he had lived for several years as a whaler, and who was most expert in find- ing his way through all the difficulties attending such an expedition as this. This time I was more fortunate. Although we took a different route, in order to obtain provisions at the settlements of E Kake, in four days we reached our last halting- place at the foot of the mountain. We had to walk for some distance along the rocky bed and through the icy water of the Waiwakaio ; but not- withstanding the force of its rapid current, which often threatened to throw us down, we heeded not the difficulty, as we had the gratification of seeing the summit of the mountain directly before us. We climbed at last up a ridge rising on the left bank of the river, and running in a north-east CHAP. VII.] TO MOUNT EGMONT. 153 direction from Mount Egmont. This ridge is very narrow, and forms, towards the river, a sharp es- carpment ; nor was it without some difficulty that we reached its crest. Higher up is a frightful pre- cipice, close to the edge of which we had to walk. Lying down, we looked over into the deep gorge, which appeared to have been split asunder by vol- canic agency, and to have been hollowed out more and more by the action of the river. This ridge was still covered with wood; but, as we ascended, the trees gradually became less lofty, and soon gave way to stunted shrubs. Low and crooked pines, especially totara and miro, and the manuka, gave a character to the vegetation as affiliated kinds of trees do to the mountain-crests of Europe. I found one plant of a new pine two feet high, and very much resembling the Taxus baccata of Europe. The thermometer rose during this day to 76, and when we halted in the evening, shortly before sun- set, it stood at 61, but fell immediately afterwards to 51, and the cold became very severe : our alti- tude was about 5500 feet. We prepared to rest amidst the stunted and dwarfish shrubs, amongst which I observed the Dracophyllum rosmarini- folium, Solidago arborescens, and several other compositous plants. We were able to obtain suf- ficient fire-wood a little way down the sides of the ridge, where we found many bleak and dry stems of large dimensions. The escarpment which I have mentioned con- 154 PLATFORM AND CONE [PART I. sisted of a blue basaltic lava, overlaid to the depth of from ten to fifteen feet by a formation of frag- mentary rocks, boulders, and pebbles, which, how- ever, I could not accurately examine. Scarcely any birds were to be seen at this height : the cry, however, of the parrots re-echoed from the woody gorges ; and a little bird, which is peculiar to these heights, busied itself in our neighbourhood ; it is related in shape and habits to our Sitta, but is much smaller, and of a dark-green plumage. It is the Acanthisitta tenuirostris of our Index, and called piwauwau by the natives. Not far from this point the ridge forms a plat- form, from which rises the pyramidical summit. We reached the platform by descending into a deep gorge which an arm of the Waiwakaio river has scooped out of the blue lava. We walked with ease in the rocky channel thus formed, and soon came to the source of this arm, which took its rise from under a frozen mass of snow which filled up the ravine and remained unmelted, although it was now the middle of summer. This place, however, is not to be regarded as lying within the -limits of perpetual snow, as the duration of this frozen mass resulted from the fact that the influence of the sun was obstructed by high walls rising on both sides. There was very little vegetation here : I collected, however, a Viola, a primulaceous and a ranuncu- laceous plant, a Myosotis, and the Microcalia Aus- tralis, the southern representative of our daisy, which CHAP. VII.] OF MOUNT EGMONT. 155 it much resembles. We now began to ascend the cone, which consisted of cinders, or slags of scoriace- ous lava, of various colours white, red, or brown, and had been reduced almost to a gravel, so as to offer no resistance to our feet. These volcanic pro- ducts cannot be distinguished in their lithological characters from scoriae of the Auvergne. We soon came to the snow, at a point about 1500 feet below the summit. The limits of perpetual congelation in New Zealand correspond nearly with the result obtained by calculation according to Kirwan's for- mula, which, taking 59 as the mean annual tem- perature of New Zealand, would give for the limit of perpetual snow 7204 feet ; deducting this number from 8839 feet, which is about the height of Mount Egmont, we have 1635 feet below its summit as the lowest point at which the snow is perpetual. Ve- getation had long ceased, not from the great ele- vation, but from the entire absence of even a patch of soil where plants might take root. In the ra- vines, as I have already observed, the snow was found much lower down. As soon as we had reached the limits of perpetual snow, my two native attendants (the third had been left behind at the last night's halting-place) squatted down, took out their books, and began to pray. No native had ever before been so high, and, in addition to that awe which grand scenes of nature and the solemn silence reigning on such heights produce in every mind, the savage views such scenes with super- 156 VOLCANIC CHARACTER [PART I. stitious dread. To him the mountains are peopled with mysterious and misshapen animals ; the black points, which he sees from afar in the dazzling snow, are fierce and monstrous birds ; a supernatural spi- rit breathes on him in the evening breeze, or is heard in the rolling of a loose stone. It is this imagina- tive superstition which gives birth to the poetry of infant nations, as we see in the old tales of the Ger- mans, which evidently have their origin in the ear- liest ages of the race, and bear the impress of the ethics and religion of a people not yet emerged from barbarism ; but with the Polynesians these fears lead to gross superstition, witchcraft, and the wor- ship of demons. My native attendants would not go any farther, not only on account of their super- stitious fears, but because, from the intensity of the cold, their uncovered feet had already suffered se- verely. I started, therefore, for the summit, accom- panied by Heberley alone. The slope of the snow was very steep, and we had to cut steps in it, as it was frozen on the surface. Higher up we found some support in large pieces of rugged scoriae, which, however, increased the danger of the ascent, as they obstructed our path, which lay along a nar- row ridge, while on both sides yawned an abyss filled with snow. However, we at length reached the summit, and found that it consisted of a field of snow about a square mile in extent. Some pro- truding blocks of scoriae, of a reddish-brown colour* and here and there slightly vitrified on the surface, in- CHAP. VII.] OF MOUNT EGMONT. 157 dicated the former existence of an active volcano. A most extensive view opened before us, and our eye followed the line of coast towards Kawia and Wai- kato. The country over which we looked was but slightly elevated ; here and there broken, or with irregular ramifications of low hills, towards the snowy group of the Ruapahu in the interior, which bore N. 60 W. I had just time to look towards Cook's Straits and distinguish Entry Island, when a dense fog enveloped us, and prevented all further view. Whilst waiting in the hope that the fog would disperse, I tried the temperature of boiling- water with one of Newman's thermometers, and found it to be 197, the temperature of the air being 49, which, taking 55 as the mean of the tempera- tures at the summit and the base, would give 8839 feet as the height of Mount Egmont; the whole calculated according to the tables given in an article published in the London 'Geographical Journal/ vol. viii., and communicated by Lieutenant-Colonel W. H. Sykes, F.R.S. I have above mentioned that the cone, forming the summit of Mount Egmont, rises from a plat- form. The cone of cinders and scoriaceous lava is separated from this platform by a deep saddle, which descends laterally towards the sides of the mountain. The high rocky walls, near the source of the Wai- wakaio, show the composition of the exterior cone to be a hard lava of a bluish-grey colour, which resounds to the hammer like phonolite or clink- 158 NATIVE TRADITION. [PART I. stone, and breaks into large tabular fragments. The wall where this rock is seen is fissured in a perpen- dicular direction. There seems to he a great scarcity of simple minerals in the principal rock of which this mountain consists. The natives have no historical account of any eruption of Mount Egmont, and maintain that the country at its base is less subject to movements of the earth than other parts of the islands, especially those which are the most mountainous. They have, in- deed, tales which, if divested of their figurative dress, might be referred to the recollection of former vol- canic activity : such is their account that the Ton- gariro and Mount Taranaki are brother and sister, and formerly lived together, but quarrelled and se- parated. The branches or buttresses which Mount Egmont throws out towards the sea-coast and to the interior being of inferior height, the cone itself appears to be very isolated. A ridge of hills runs towards Cape Egmont; another, that on which we made the ascent, goes to the north-east-by-east, and a third towards the interior, in the direction of the Rua- pahu and the still active volcano of Tongariro. On the summit of the mountain I found the en- tire skeleton of a rat, carried there, no doubt, by a hawk. After staying for some time on the summit, in the vain hope that the clouds which enveloped us would disperse, we retraced our steps, and accomplished the CHAP. VII.] HEIGHT OF MOUNT EGMONT. 159 descent with comparative ease. The natives ex- pressed their joy at seeing us again, as they had already given us up as lost. We encamped on the bank of the left branch of he Waiwakaio amidst trees of the Leptospermum species. Our resting- place which, from finding the boilin -point to be 207 Fahrenheit, while the mean temperature of the air was 57, I calculated to be 2699 feet above the level of the sea was the utmost limit of the excur- sions of the natives : at this spot they obtain the best sort of kokowai in the bed of the river, which was for some distance quite yellow from a solution in its waters of this ochreous substance, which glazed the rocks with a metallic coating. Immediately on our arrival our native companions set to work to make baskets of rushes and flax-leaves, for the car- riage of this muddy ochre, which they dug out from swamps formed by the Waiwakaio at its banks. This substance was afterwards slowly dried at the fire, and, by further burning and preparing, a fine vermilion was obtained, which they carried home as an acceptable present to their families. This ochre is formed in great quantities in many places of New Zealand, where water has become stagnant, and is constantly deposited either from the iron con- tained in vegetables or from the ferruginous soil. I have often seen the natives forming weirs at stag- nant creeks in order to obtain it. They use it for many purposes : when mixed with shark's oil, it forms a durable paint for their houses, canoes, and 160 NATIVE USES OF OCHRE. [PART I. burying-places ; it is also universally in request to rub into their faces and bodies. The custom of be- smearing the body in this manner is common to al- most all barbarous nations, and is adopted for objects widely differing. When going to battle, the savage bedaubs himself in order to strike terror and fear into the heart of his enemy; when joining in the fune- ral ceremonies or the festivities of his tribe, he em- ploys the same means to increase the beauty of his appearance : the custom of covering themselves with a thick coating of this substance at the death of a relation or of a friend may have a symbolical mean- ing, reminding them of the earth from which they have sprung, and is similar to the practice prevailing among Oriental nations of mourners heaping ashes on their heads. The New Zealander also regards this pigment as a good defence against the trouble- some sandflies and musquittos. Whether it is the cause of the sleekness of the skin for which the natives are so remarkable, I will not pretend to say ; as this may be owing to their frequent bathing and continual exposure to the air, or, which is still more probable, may be a characteristic feature of the Poly- nesian and other coloured races, in consequence of a greater development of the vascular papillae between the epidermis and cutis than is the case with the white or Caucasian races. But to return from this long digression, The Waiwakaio was at this point confined between high walls overshaded by trees ; here and there CHAP. VII.] PURCHASE OF LAND. 161 large masses of the perpendicular cliffs had fallen down and obstructed the bed of the river. In future times this picturesque valley, as well as Mount Egmont and the smiling open land at its base, will become as celebrated for their beauty as the Bay of Naples, and will attract travellers from all parts of the globe. On the 28th of December we again reached the beach without accident, and with somewhat better reason to be satisfied with our success than on our last return. I found a large number of natives at Nga Motu from the Otumatua and Waimate, as- sembled for the purpose of selling the whole Tara- naki district. As the return of the Tory was daily expected, the beach looked as if a fair was being held on it. A European also had arrived from Kawia, accompanied by many natives, for the purpose of dissuading those at Taranaki from ceding to the Company their territorial rights ; not, however, from any disinterested intention, or for the sake of the Ta- ranaki natives, but because some parties were anxious to buy the land for themselves, either from the small remaining body of the original native proprietors, or, if they would not agree to the terms proposed, from their conquerors, the Waikato tribes. It was said that the missionaries were much concerned in these transactions. On the 31st I started in the boat for the Waitara, which is eight miles to the northward of the Sugarloaf Islands. This river has a bar at the entrance, over VOL. i. M 162 WAITAKA RIVER. [PART I. which there is only five feet of water at low tide, but inside the bar it deepens considerably, and two miles from its mouth I found the depth to be two fathoms and a half. The Waitara does not take its rise in Mount Egmont, but comes from a hilly range which runs from Tongariro in a south-westerly di- rection, and is called Rangitoto. It flows through a fertile and open country. About twelve miles from its mouth, and situated on the left bank, was formerly a large and prosperous village, called Puke- rangi-ora, peopled with 1500 of the Nga-te-awa tribes. About ten years ago it was taken, after a long siege, by the Waikato, and nearly 500 of the inhabitants were slaughtered, fifty of them by the hand of Te-wero-wero, who is at present a great " Mihanere " (as the natives call those who have adopted Christianity, from the word missionary), and lives at Waitemata or Manukao; the rest of the population was carried away into slavery. There are no natives here at present, nor is there any trace of the path which formerly led from Puke-rangi-ora round the base of Mount Egmont to the districts in Cook's Straits. I returned in the evening delighted with the ge- neral aspect of the country. We were now in the middle of summer ; the wea- ther was very agreeable; the thermometer in the afternoon stood in the shade at 86, rising to 100 in the sun, and generally falling in the evening to 62. But I must observe that we were living amidst the CHAP. VII.] TEMPERATURE. 163 sand-hills of the coast, which were often so much heated that I could not bear to walk upon them. But we were never a week without rain, and some- times had a thunder-storm, after which a delightful coolness pervaded the atmosphere. The rivulets always retained their quantity of water ; the humid- ity in the forest rarely ceased; and the mosses and ferns continued as fresh as ever. Fishing was at- tended with great success, and I often had occasion to admire the expertness of the women in diving for crawfish in the surf near the Sugarloaf Islands. The New Zealanders, men, women, and children, swim well, and can continue the exertion for a long time ; in common with the North American In- dians, they swim like dogs, not dividing the water, as we do, with the palm of the hands, but paddling along with each arm alternately. Bathing was one of our favourite amusements, as there was a beau- tiful pond of fresh water immediately behind our hut, and great was the mirth and good fellowship at our daily bathing-parties. In the beginning of January two messengers of the Nga-te-awa tribe, who had been enslaved by the Wai- kato, arrived from Kawia : they brought intelligence that the Nga-te-raukaua had sent to the Waikato to request their aid in an exterminating warfare against the Nga-te-awa tribe in Waikanahi, in revenge for their losses there. They also told us that the Wai- kato were prepared to make an immediate descent on us, in order to prevent the natives of Taranaki from M2 164 MOTU-ROA ISLAND. [PART I. selling any of the land, which they regarded as their property. In consequence of this information we prepared for defence, in case a tribe of the Waikato should attack us during the night, although I did not think that our party had anything to fear. It was impossible to sleep, as the natives talked all night as to the possible result of a conflict with the Waikato. On the following morning they advised us to shift our habitation to Motu-roa, the largest of the Sugarloaf Islands, and to take all the women and children with us. The men resolved to remain on the mainland opposite the island, and to provide us with necessaries : if the Waikato should make a de- scent, they might thus more easily resist, or fly towards the mountain. We followed their advice, and lived on Motu-roa during the rest of our stay, as we daily expected the arrival of the Tory. This island is a conical rock, extremely steep, about one mile in circumference and 500 feet high ; the form* ation is trachyte. The rock contains much augite and felspar, and includes here and there fragments of a different formation. The augite appears often in nests; and micaceous iron-ore occurs in thin veins. The summit was scarcely accessible, but the native women, with their children on their backs, walked up and down the hill, and along steep precipices, with the utmost unconcern. From time immemo- rial Motu-roa has been a place of refuge and security for the Nga-te-awa tribes, but more so of late; since the departure of the greater portion of them. Wher- CHAP. VII.] MOTU-ROA ISLAND. 165 ever there was a platform, or level space on the rock, they had built dwelling-houses and stores, in which they kept wood and provisions. In case of an attack, they could, if watchful, easily keep off an enemy. We took possession of a good house on the north- west side of the island, about 190 feet above the water, and placed in a dry niche, with the rock over- hanging it. The vegetation of the island is con- fined to flax, cabbage, and parsley, which grow in the interstices of the rock. 166 [PART i. CHAPTER VIII. District from Taranaki to Mokau. ON the 10th I started on an excursion to Mokau, situated three days' journey from the Sugarloaves, in order to visit a large tribe of the Waikato living there. The son of the chief of that tribe, who had come to Taranaki a few days before, accompanied me as a guide. On the hard sandy beach which lies to the northward of the Sugarloaf Islands we passed the Huatoki, the Enui, and the Waiwakaio rivers. The escarpment of the coast shows here volcanic boulders, kept together by a yellow loam. This formation is covered with sand. From the Waiwakaio to the river Mimi the shore consists of sandy downs. We passed the latter river at low water. At its right bank is an escarpment, which consists entirely of sharp-edged volcanic fragments. A whale was lying on the beach, which seemed to have been stranded a few days before. An enormous quantity of drift-wood was imbedded in the sand, intermixed with human bones, probably the remains of the cannibal feasts held during the siege of Puke- rangi-ora. We slept on the banks of the Waitara river, after having passed several smaller streams. CHAP. VIII.] INTERVIEW WITH NATIVES. 167 From this point the sea-shore becomes elevated ; the cliffs consisting of a stiff blue clay, with a formation of yellow loam above it. We travelled, for the greater part of our route, over fertile fern-hills, with beautiful groves of trees. The vegetation continued down to the water's edge. We passed the rivers Oneiro and Urenui; the latter flowed with a sluggish stream through a deep bed of white mud. After we had crossed this river we heard voices at a distance, and soon came up with a European, who had been sent by the Wes- leyan Missionary in Kawia, and was travelling for missionary objects to the southward. With him was a large party of Waikato natives, and also men, women, and children belonging to the tribe of the Nga-te-awa at the Sugarloaf Islands. They had been taken slaves in the last war, and had been obliged to live at Kawia ; but now their masters had allowed them to go to Taranaki, for the pur- pose of paying a visit. They saluted us very heartily, rubbing noses and shaking hands ; and an old woman soon began a lamentation over me. I found out that she was the mother of Barret's wife. The undisguised joy and sorrow which she expressed when I told her of the fortunes or trials of her daughter and grandchildren showed me once more how equally Nature has distributed amongst the whole of the human family the kindly affections of the heart, which are not the privilege of any one 168 GEOLOGICAL FEATURES [PART I. race or colour, nor increased by civilization, which indeed too often blunts and destroys them. The country near the sea-coast bears, in many places, the traces of former extensive native cultiva- tion, and the ruins of several pas. Here formerly lived the Nga-te-toma and Nga-te-Motunga tribes, the present inhabitants of the Chatham Islands, who migrated there many years ago. The whole district between Taranaki and Mokau has not at present a single inhabitant, although one of the most favoured districts of New Zealand. Near the Urenui river we again reached the sea-shore ; the cliffs were here about a hundred feet high ; the lowest formation was a marly clay. About twenty feet above the level of the sea was a formation of wood, very little altered or carbonized, and ten feet in thickness, but irregular : above that was a loamy soil. From the lowest formation I dug out a quan- tity of protophosphate of iron ; it is found in small pieces or balls, is of an earthy consistence, and of a pale-blue colour ; the natives call it puke-poto, and when freed from the earthy particles and washed it is highly esteemed as paint. A little farther on the shore becomes very picturesque ; it consists of a micaceous, soft, yellowish sandstone, which the waves of the sea have worn into the most fantastic shapes ; sometimes it resembles the wall of a fort with round towers, and surrounded by balconies, crowned with beautiful shrubs. In some parts, and CHAP. VIII.] OF THE COAST. 169 at one particular level, large boulders of trap-rock protruded out of the wall, the soft mixture in which they had been deposited having been washed away ; in fact, the whole shore had the appearance of hav- ing been artificially cut out. This formation ex- tended as far as Mokau, which place we reached the following day. My arrival was espied from the first pa, which is built on a hill near the outlet of the river. I was welcomed with a salute of musketry, and conducted in the midst of the assembled chiefs, who were dressed in their best attire. The sale of lands, and the colonization of the country by Euro- peans, engrossed their whole attention, and formed the subject of our interview. On the following day we went several miles up the river, and visited some other pas, which were numerously inhabited; we were everywhere received with the most studied attention. Disunion had, however, been spread amongst them by the arrival of some native mission- aries, sent from the Wesleyan establishment at Kawia. The larger and more respectable part of the little community were not well inclined to them, as an idea prevailed that the missionaries sought to convert them only with a view to their own ag- grandizement. These natives, which are a subdivision of the tribe of the Waikato, and are called Nga-te-Meniopoto, seem to be in very prosperous circumstances. The river Mokau, which takes its rise in the mountains of Rangitoto, a hilly range running near the western 170 RIVER MOKAU. [PART I. coast, flows through a very fertile and moderately hilly district. On its banks are well-cultivated spots, bearing potatoes, maize, melons, and taro ; the natives were also growing a great proportion of the tobacco that they consumed in the year. Flax covers extensive districts; and the industry formerly displayed in manufacturing mats has not yet entirely disappeared. Their settlement never having been reached by European visitors or ships, these natives had retained their unsophisticated virtues. They sometimes, indeed, have come in contact with Euro- peans at Kawia, where they exchange their pigs for foreign commodities. A brig once entered the river, and from the general aspect it appeared to me as if there was sufficient depth over the bar for vessels of moderate burden, at all events for steamers. Inside the bar I sounded, and found three fathoms : according to the natives, there is one fathom and a half over the bar at low-water. Inside the head- lands the river takes a sharp turn, and forms a deep and completely sheltered basin. I returned to Taranaki accompanied by the prin- cipal chiefs of Mokau, and greatly satisfied with the reception they had given me, and reached the Sugar- loaf Islands after an absence of eight days. After we had waited a great length of time for the return of the Tory, a brig, the Guide, arrived on the 31st January, having on board some gentle- men belonging to the Tory, and bringing the intelligence that she was refitting at Kaipara, hav- CHAP. VIII.] TARANAKI. 171 ing grounded on the bar at the entrance to that harbour. This news relieved us from the anxiety which we had felt as to the possibility of securing the Taranaki district for the New Zealand Com- pany ; as since my arrival churchmen and laymen had vied with each other to obtain possession of that district. On the arrival of the Guide a liberal price was given to the natives for their land, and the good will of the Waikato purchased by pre- sents. Thus the New Zealand Company became proprietors of the finest district in New Zealand, which offers to the colonist, besides its natural resources, the advantage of there being no natives on the land, with the exception of the small rem- nant of the Nga-te-awa tribe at Nga-Motu. Since the above was written the settlement of New Plymouth has been established at Nga-Motu, or Sugarloaf Point, which must be prosperous even without a harbour, which is wanting there, as it possesses cultivable land, extensive facilities of land communication both with Cook's Straits and along the coast to Mokau and Kawia, and, as I can state from my own experience, a very delightful climate. On the 16th of February we left the roadstead of Taranaki, and arrived again in Port Nicholson on the 21st. 172 [PART i. CHAPTER IX. On the Climate of Cook's Straits and New Zealand in general. IN preparing these few remarks on the climate, I have had before me a nearly complete series of me- teorological observations, made at Port Nicholson, taken daily at 8 A.M., at noon, and at 5 P.M., and re- cording the temperature and pressure of the air, the quantity of rain, the winds, and the general state of the weather during an entire year. The observations on temperature were not made with the self-register- ing thermometer, and therefore do not comprise the greatest degree of heat or of cold : this, however, is of little consequence. The deductions derived from the observations made at Port Nicholson will apply to the whole of New Zealand, but not without great restrictions, as it is obvious that marked differences must exist in a country extending through nearly thirteen degrees of latitude, and in which there are central and coast positions, hills covered with forest, and mountains reaching above the limits of per- petual congelation. It must also be observed that the year in which the observations were made was a very wet one, according to the testimony of the old settlers. CHAP. IX.] CLIMATE. 173 New Zealand, being situated within the temperate zone, although nearer to the equator than Great Britain, possesses, from its peculiar geographical position, especially from its being insular, and also from the nature of its surface, a climate so modified as to resemble that of England more nearly than that of any other country I am acquainted with. It is moderate in every respect, the range of its tem- perature throughout the year and during the day being very inconsiderable. This is principally owing to the immense expanse of ocean which surrounds these narrow islands on all sides, preserving a tem- perature little varying, and moderating alike the cold of the antarctic regions and the heat of the tropics. The continent of Australia for as such we must regard it is too distant to affect the cli- mate, whi^h it would undoubtedly do if it were nearer, as New Zealand would then receive an air heated in its passage over the vast plains of Aus- tralia, which extend far within the tropics. In like manner the southerly winds, which, although at all times the coldest, as coming from a polar terra firma surrounded by eternal ice, are greatly tem- pered by the intervening ocean. If, instead of the latter, a continent extended to within a little dis- tance of New Zealand, as Europe and Asia do with reference to England, it would produce all the phenomena of climate in which we observe England to differ from New Zealand, such as the greater cold in winter and during certain winds. 174 CLIMATE OF [PART I. The east coast, on which Wellington, Auckland, and the Bay of Islands are situated, is colder than the western, where the settlements of Nelson and New Plymouth have been founded, and where the air is far softer and milder. I ascertained this by actual comparisons, and in this respect the western coast must have great advantages over the eastern. In the interior of the islands the climate is colder and less changeable, in consequence of the presence of a snow-clad mountain-group and the greater distance from the ocean. I found at Taupo the acacias of Van Diemen's Land, the Ricinus palma Christi, and potatoes, affected by the frost a cir- cumstance which never happens near the coast ; the leaves also of several trees had become yellow and deciduous ; the landscape assumed an autumnal tint, although it can scarcely be said ever to have had a wintry appearance. At Wellington, on the con- trary, and along the whole coast, the natives plant their potatoes at all seasons of the year, the forest remains evergreen, and the opening of the flower- buds is merely a little retarded during the season of winter, the presence of which is only indicated by more frequent rains and winds. Owing to the continual interchange which takes place between the heated air of the equator and the cold air of the antarctic regions, an almost continual wind is kept up, which blows either from the north and the north-west, or from the south and the south-east. Out of 365 days the entire year CHAP. IX.J NEW ZEALAND. 175 there were only twelve which could be called calm days; during 213 it blew from the north or north-west, and during 119 from the south or south-east. It is difficult to say which wind is the most violent : the south-east winds are very strong, but the most severe gales which I experienced were from the north-west. During the winter months the latter prevail ; but when the sun has a southern declination southerly winds blow, in consequence of the greater degree to which the air is heated under the equator, and the current of cold air which rushes in from the south to replace it. These winds have a very beneficial effect upon the climate : no sooner is mist or fog formed than they dispel it, and thus purify the atmosphere, and prevent the collection of obnoxious exhalations ; they produce also the remarkable feature of the continual chasing of clouds, and sudden alternations of rain and sun- shine, which follow each other in far more rapid succession than is ever experienced in England, which has been so unjustly accused of having the most changeable weather in the world. In this respect, also, the western coast is less affected than the eastern ; a violent gale has been known to blow at Wellington when there was fine weather and only light winds at Nelson. New Zealand possesses a humid and moist climate. If we consider the immense oceanic surface which surrounds it on all sides, and from which a con- 176 CLIMATE OF [PART I- tinual evaporation of watery particles proceeds, and is taken up by the air, we shall readily anticipate that the atmosphere must be almost constantly at or near the point of saturation, and that when any change of temperature takes place the moisture will at once be condensed and fall in the form of rain. The wood-covered hills and the forest-lands, which constitute the greater part of New Zealand, attract this humidity, and render rains more frequent than they would perhaps be if the land were cleared. It rains in New Zealand during all the months of the year, but the greater quantity falls in winter and spring, when there is also the greatest number of rainy days. At Port Nicholson the quantity of rain from April, 1841, to February, 1842, was 34-49 inches. The quantity of rain which falls annually at London is only 23*1 inches, according to the re- sults given by Mr. Daniell ; while in the Hebrides the amount is nearly twice as large, ranging from 35 to 46 inches. Without pronouncing a decided opinion from a single series of observations, and these taken at only one place, and during ten months, I may, I think, safely draw the conclusion that New Zealand has a rainy climate, and may be ranked, in this respect, with several places in Eng- land. The quantity of rain was distributed over the months in the following manner : CHAP. IX.] NEW ZEALAND. 177 February, 1841 March April May June July O .?;) Ins. 1-86 August . September October .ry 3-11 November . 4-12 December . 3'84 January, 1842 Ins. 4-56 4-51 2-31 2-95 5-47 1-16 This quantity fell in 133 days, which were dis- tributed thus : February March April . May . June . July . Days. 9 11 18 17 August September October November December January Days. 14 14 16 14 15 5 The dews are particularly heavy during the win- ter months, when the surface of the earth is colder* in comparison to the surrounding atmosphere, than in the other months. In the interior, where there exists a long line of lakes, fogs rest upon them in the mornings, and also upon the river-courses, especially on that of the Waikato and Thames, but they are dispelled by the sun when it has risen some degrees above the horizon, or are driven away by the winds. This great quantity of moisture accounts for the vegetation being so vigorous, even in those places where only a thin layer of vegetable earth covers the rocks. Sandy places, which in any other country would be quite barren, are covered with herbage in New Zealand ; and the hills, which in lithological and geological formation resemble those of Devon- VOL. i. N 178 CLIMATE OF [PART I. shire, may, in the course of time, be converted into pastures at least equalling those on the hilly portion of that county. Everywhere also trees and shrubs grow to the margin of the sea, and suffer no harm even from the salt spray. The humidity of New Zealand is not considered to have much injurious effect on animal life. Cattle and horses are in as good a condition as can be expected from the present scantiness of grass pastures : should they, however, be found to suffer from the moisture, the cattle can at all times be driven from the valleys up to the hills, where the drainage renders the ground sufficiently dry. I much doubt whether as good a report can be given regarding sheep, which always seemed to suffer from wet, as well as from want of suitable food ; and it cannot be denied that this moisture, with all its beneficial influence on the vegetation of the country which includes the tree-ferns, generally confined to the tropics, and a species of palm will be injurious to those fruits which are claimed as the ornaments, and almost as the symbols, of south- ern Europe, to the olive, the vine, and the orange ; and that New Zealand does not rank higher in this respect than the south of England. The humidity will also, it is to be feared, be injurious to the silk- worm. The physical configuration of New Zealand, and the geological formation of the hills, are in general such that the rain is rapidly carried towards the coast in countless streams and rivulets : the lakes, CHAP. IX.] NEW ZEALAND. 179 with which the interior of the northern island abounds, have always an outlet ; and it is only in a very few places that swamps exist, and these are owing to the clayey nature of the subsoil, but they are not sufficiently important to influence the gene- ral state of the humidity of the air, or to become insalubrious. In the neighbourhood of Port Nichol- son the rain quickly percolates through the light upper soil, and feeds the numerous streamlets, which rapidly carry it off into the sea. The temperature which, 'from its latitude, we should expect New Zealand to possess, is extensively modified by all the circumstances I have mentioned. The first of these is the narrow shape of both islands, which gives a very extensive coast-line, into the numberless harbours and inlets of which the sea enters ; and as it preserves a certain mean and moderate temperature throughout the year, it modifies the climate of land which is surrounded by it, and uniformity of temperature is in consequence characteristic of the climate of New Zealand. It is most humid, as well as most equable, on the coasts, where also vegetation is fresher than in any other portion of the islands ; there is no great heat in sum- mer, no severe cold in winter ; sometimes, indeed, in the winter nights the thermometer sinks to the freezing-point, and the stagnant waters in the in- terior are covered with a thin crust of ice ; but during the day it is very rare that the temperature is below 40. In a moderately convenient house N2 180 CLIMATE OF [PART I. fire could be dispensed with throughout the year, but the habit of having a fire every evening, summer and winter, may very easily be acquired. The mean temperature of July the coldest month was at Wellington only 48 -7 ; the greatest cold during the day was 38 ; the greatest warmth 57. On the other hand, in January the warmest month the mean temperature was 66 -4; the highest 76*5 ; and the lowest 57. The mean temperature of the whole year was at Wellington 58*2, and the mean temperature of the different months was as follows : Deg. January . . . 66'4 February . . . 64' 8 March . . - 62'5 April . . .63'5 May . . 51-8 June 51'3 Deg. July . . . 48-7 August . . .51-2 September. . . 53'5 October . . . 59'2 November . . . 60 '5 December . .64*7 From the foregoing details it will be understood why I do not consider the climate of New Zealand much suited to the vine ; 58 2, it is true, is a mean temperature sufficiently high for a country required for ripening the grape ; but the mean of the three summer months, 65-2, is too low, as a mean sum- mer heat of at least 66 2 is necessary for a wine country. The mean temperature of the winter months was not lower than 50 7 : in fact, the cli- mate is not sufficiently excessive ; the winters are too moderately cold, the summers too moderately warm ; nor must we forget that there were twenty rainy CHAP. IX.] NEW ZEALAND. 181 days in the summer months of December and Janu- ary, which is likewise prejudicial to the growth of the grape. These remarks are drawn from observa- tions made at Wellington. But in that place, from its peculiar position, the temperature is lower than at other places, for instance, than at Nelson and New Plymouth. In the latter place I often found the thermometer as high as 86 in the shade, nearly 10 higher than it ever was at Wellington. The Valley of the Hutt is exposed to the south winds, but Nelson is perfectly sheltered from them by the high mountains of the Middle Island, whilst it lies open to the balmy winds and warm rains from the north. The latitude also must exercise a great influence, as I have already observed, so that many modifica- tions must be made in the conclusions above given. The climate of a country has undoubtedly very great influence on the physical and intellectual con- ditions of its inhabitants; we therefore naturally in- quire How does New Zealand agree with the human frame? Is the climate salubrious? To what diseases does it give rise ? When might it be recommended? As the atmosphere, by its moderate warmth, its hu- midity, and constant current, is peculiarly favour- able to the vegetative powers, as we see in the luxuri- ant growth of plants, so from the same causes it suits the human frame. In the families of the mission- aries and settlers I observed no deviation from the original stock; the children grow well and strong, 182 CLIMATE OF [PART I, with fresh and rosy faces, and I am satisfied that in this respect New Zealand is in no way inferior to Great Britain. A humid and temperate atmosphere acts especially upon production, both as it regards growth of the body and the numerical strength of families. Nutrition and reproduction are in good order : in re- spect to the numerical strength of families, the climate seems to be particularly favourable to the increase of population ; at least, all the Europeans have large families. We see the effect of this hu- mid climate in certain diseases, to which Europeans, first arriving in this country, are often subjected. These are abscesses, or boils, and eruptive diseases, neither, however, of a malignant character, and both disappearing without medical aid. Amongst the natives carbuncles and diseases of the mucous mem- branes are common : here, however, other causes are acting, of which I shall speak more hereafter. The European, when once acclimatised, does not suffer from any of these causes. True inflammatory dis- eases are uncommon : the south-east wind of New Zealand is never as keen as our north-easter ; but, in consequence of the moist climate, such diseases always assume the character of catarrh. I am not aware that any endemic diseases exist in New Zea- land ; influenza, however, and sometimes croup, ap- pear epidemically, If care is not taken, rheuma- tisms also make their appearance ; but it is certain that causes which, in England, would produce vio- lent colds, and other injurious results, pass over in CHAP. IX.] NEW ZEALAND. 183 New Zealand without any bad effect, even to those colonists who are in delicate health. The purity of the atmosphere, resulting from the continual wind, imparts to the climate a vigour which gives elasticity to the physical powers and to the mind. Heat never debilitates, not even so much as a hot summer's day in England ; and near the coasts especially there is always a cooling and re- freshing breeze. The colonist who occupies him- self with agriculture can work all day, and the mechanic will not feel any lassitude whether he works in or out of doors. From all this I draw the conclusion* that as regards climate no country is better suited for a colony of the Anglo-Saxon race than New Zealand ; and were this its only recommendation, it would still deserve our utmost attention, as the future seat of European civilization and institutions in the southern hemisphere, since in the other southern colonies for instance, in that of New South Wales Europeans undergo more or less alterations from the original stock. Invalids rapidly recover in this climate, and there is no doubt that the presence of numerous thermal waters in the island, and the attractive scenery, will make New Zealand the resort of those who have been debilitated in India, and are in search of health. I subjoin in a tabular form the results of the meteorological observations at Port Nicholson. 184 METEOROLOGICAL TABLE. [PART I. s I .a .1 E j>>0 CO^COtN r 01 O t> i i " O >*CG 00 CO *^ CO C5 O5 tx CO Ci O CO g C CO .2 otSflS s TJ * i i (M n co oo o 50-50 * 't>.CNT3< O^OlOICOt^tO 2 .9 S I 5?^"*^ f to < i-^ o tx. to OO<>1 o^t^cpopcp cp ^5 *OCO O^OSO5O5CTJO O CO01