I4S! THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID ESSAY ON THE OF PRINTED BY THEOPHILE HAASE SONS. ON THE MINERAL WATERS OF FOR PHYSICIANS AND PATIENTS, BY CHEVALIER JOHN DE CARRO , M. D. of the Faculties of Edinburgh, Vienna and Prague, and physician at Carlsbad during the season. \V I T H OBSERVATIONS O * THE MICROSCOPIC ANIMALCULES ABOUT THE HOT SPRINGS OF CARLSBAD, B r MR. A. J. C. CORDA, OF PRAGUE, AND \ PROFESSOR 0. B. PRESL. OF VRAGCK. PttJKFAC JU. WHEN I left Vienna, after thirty-three years practice, in the spring of 1826, to recover at Carlsbad my health totally im- paired by gouty affections, and to pursue there my medical career, the english visitors scarcely amounted to twenty, and the greater part of those came not di- rectly from England, but were sent by continental physicians, whom they had consulted in the course of their travels. A great change has since taken place. Excellent roads, quicker stage-coaches, steam -boats, better accommodations, use- ful improvements in the town itself, suc- cessful treatments, have increased the M359630 VI , fame of our hot springs , upon which, since 1521, innumerable latin and german books have been published, some of them by physicians of universal renown, such as Frederick Hoffmann and Tralles in the eighteenth century, Hufeland and Kreysig in the nineteenth. Impressed with the utility of giving an account of the nature and effects of these waters, in a language universally understood among the higher orders of society and learned men of all nations, I published in French: Carlsbad, ses eaux minerales el ses nouveuux bains d vapeurs. Carlsbad, 1827; with an Appendix since 1829; and later, the Almanack de Carlsbad, ou Melanges me- dicaux, scienlifiques et litleraires, rela- iifs d ces thermes et au pays. Prague, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835. Though the booksellers, who have the copy-right, take no trouble whatever to sell them beyond the place, the good effect of these publications, bought by english visitors, and occasionally read in England by phy- sicians and invalids, has been, conjointly VTT with the above enumerated causes, so manifest , that the List of strangers, published during the last season, presents the names of 153 british ladies and gent- lemen, amongst whom are to be found their Royal Highnesses the duke and duchess of Cambridge, an ambassador, an envoy extraordinary, six lords, four baro- nets, a field-officer, a consul, an ex- lord mayor of London, a gentleman of His Majesty's privy-chamber, two doctors of medecine, a surgeon, two clergymen and several military and naval officers, most of them with their families. The establishment at Brighton, where the various german mineral springs, and also those of Carlsbad, are imitated by a chemical process, has drawn the atten- tion of the public more towards them than the best publications. The patients, who came over to us, after having drunk Carlsbad at Brighton, held all the same language. Those who thought themselves benefited by the imitation, .said: "We. come "to you to accomplish our cure:" and VIII those whom Brighton had not restored, regretted their having placed confidence in artificial preparations. Far from at- tempting to depreciate those imitations, or examining in what respects art and nature may agree or differ , my sole ob- ject is to point out the causes of the increase of english visitors at Carlsbad, Knowing that v hepatic , splenetic , dys- peptic , gravelly , herpetic and gouty cases abound in Great Britain, as indeed more or less every where, many of those invalids have encouraged me to publish an english description of the place, and a short account of the nature and effects of our waters, and of the various ways of using them, either by drinking, bathing or steam. It will be perhaps considered as a bold undertaking, to write in a lan- guage which I learned nearly half a century ago, during my medical studies at Edinburgh. My only wish is to be understood, and I shall never take it amiss, if my reader now and then smiles at a gallicism or a germanism. IX As far as I know, the english medical litterature has no other writings to pro- duce upon Carlsbad , but 1. A Letter of James Mounsey, M.D., Physician to the Czarinas army , to Mr. Baker, F. R. 8., on the hot springs of Carlsbad. Riga, 1 July 1749. Philos. Trans, vol. 46. p. 217. 2. J. Milles, Relalio de uquis minerali- bus Carolinis in Bohemia. Ibid. vol. 50: p. i. P . 25. 3. Robert Why 1C s works. Edinb.1768. 4. 4. A translation of Dr. Kreysig's (of Dresden) german work, under the title of Treatise on the use of the natural and artificial waters of Carlsbad, Ems, Marienbad, etc. London, 1824. Sold at Brighton. Though the nature of our springs has not been altered, since the three english physicians , just mentioned , wrote upon them, medical and chemical doctrines have undergone as many changes as the place itself and its institutions. Such writings, beside, inserted in scientific collections, are known but to some learned physicians, and treat only of a few ques- tions concerning our waters. As to Dr. Kreysig's work, the greatest praise is due to Dr. Gordon Thompson and Mr. F. W. Bekenn, whose translation is far more lucid and intelligible than the theoretical part of the original. Much, but not the same, can be said on natural and on artificial mineral waters, and the medical world has not yet understood how such a celebrated physician as Dr. Kreysig, could so completely assimilate art and nature , both in the text and title of his work. PRAGUE , 12th January 1835. CARLSBAD. F IVE and twenty years before Wen/el Payer, of Ellbogen f 1 ), wrote the first medical treatise on the hot springs of Carlsbad , a bohemian nobleman, Bohuslas de Lobkowitz ( 2 ), sung their virtues in the following hexameters: IN THERMAS CAROLI IV. Foils, Hcliconiadnm inerito celebrande coliorti, Vnde tiJri latices calidi , venaeve weantis Sulphitris, aut vivae, dictti mirubilc, calcis? Per terras Siculamne ignis qui provocat Aetit-uai, Id facit? An Styyii f'orsaii vicinia Ditis Has tcpefecit aquas? Jtuiarum littora cedant, Al<\u& Antenoreum prosjiectans nuda Tituaiitm, Et qitae caeruleo consuryit proxima fi/iiuo, Nolnliiata tuo, sanctissime Carole return, Interitu. (hiantas emittit in ai-ra Inllasl Asjtice quam varie lapides et marmora ]>inf fervid waters fln\v\ Hush they in subterraneous stream From where sulphureous tides in Aetna, glow, Or fraught with healing elements ,? J, Sent, when the Stygian God in snflened mind. Had bid his fires their genial influences lend, In mercy to mankind? To thee the palm must classic Ba'iae yield And^Brcntus baths by old Antenor sought.. And e'en the Rhenish springs, historic field, fWiere Charlemagne victorious f.ivght, And where they wept him dead, To. thee must bow the head. See how the bubbling water steam on high. Impatient of restraint, The rock, the marble, owns a brighter dye lhan Iris itself could paint 1 . To suffering man from nature's genial breast A boon transcendant ever may'st thou flow, Blest holy fount , still bid old age to know Reviinng vigour, and if health repressed Fade in the virgins cheek, renew its glow For love and joy, and they that in thy wave Confiding trust and thankful lave Propitious aid, and speed the stranger band, With health and life renewed to the native land. Carlsbad, 16th September 1834. ALVANLEY. u AIR TOBAR THEARLAICH IV. '$ airidli do din, Thobair ghrinn Air co' sheirw nan cliar- oiglin linn. Co as tha na mear-ghhujain bhlath, Koimh t-f/ieithan caoKhanach tha snamh? T/iflir cladach's beophronasv a'ruith, Co as tha iad sin teachd a muiijh? 'Ne Etna na Ifrin, len teas, T% cuir t-uisg'air ghoil mar can? Hi Ktiia neo - mlniirneach a chaoidh ; 'Sgad thug cliu Thimabhuis fein Anttnor fhuige mar (iouZ/i, Sguirar bhi tuille ga'n seinn; 'Stheid am fcasda gu di - chuimne. Fuarain yhornia sratli na Rnlun Dha t ainmsa stnochdaidh iad quleir* Ainm Rhiyh Tenrlach nan deagh blnagh Tha Thiisa clio urd os an-ceann S'tha csan os ctann gach sluaigh. Feucli an coileach buirn mar yhatli, * Stealladh' s na speuran le sraonl 'S an cladach shios air mhille dath, Dh' fliagas fann am bogh-braotnl Siorruidh mear bi'dh do shru cno'in,, Jocshlaint' naomh do n'chinne -dhaoinel TJioir neart do aois; '5 do n'mhaid in thinn Thoir gruaigh mar rbs is ceol - ghnth binn, 'S gachneach a nigheas ann do thbnn Cuir dhachaidh meaghrach slan le fbnn. DONALD MAC PHERSON. TURKISH VERSION. PAPICHAH CAROLOS ILIDJESI UZERINE. Tcheckinesar chit 'aril itchre mechhour, AH guiermun ne yet den itdi soudmir , Di ne yerden quizar t/uibriti reran, Yd bou emradji suroudji smiiatt? Asli mi iiuiouhi Etna-i 'azim, Dibde mi ymiuyur nari Imdjim'f liuyiiniii yalifi vire sana yer, I'e Timavose ab idett itezer, I'e yiKjuiit tiuivi liiite tcheckmes&r, Cunde Cliah Carolos bouldi metar : Ne cader quieujmrur cayuac yuirddb, Yucseyuie ue cader satchar liabub I flac ne guioun senkltr eifleyur i 'lam. Guiudjle bou uour rirur quiemani beniiin. Her reman devtet He ol djereyan, Sende boulsuii ehifd nev 'i insdn, Djutnle zahmetlere devd e>jle. Pire couvveti ten 'utd eyle. Decri tersna^uie eyle yliil imdud, Vedjhi mutiendi guiul ola dilcliad . Her (fuichi c/iai ide vatane rudjou\ Qui ibtdj suulcrundeu itdi toulon. AUGUSTUS PFITZMAYER. According to an uld tradition , supported by no historical records, the hot springs of Carlsbad were first discovered, about the middle of the fourteenth century, by Charles IV, emperor of Germany and 16 of Bohemia. One of his hounds , when following a stag, having fallen into the boiling water, gave by his. howling such indication of pain , as to cause the monarch and his retinue to approach the wells, where they saw with amazement the wonderful and high springing Sprudel , which no one, even to this day, can contemplate without admiration. The emperor, labouring under an infirmity in his leg, his physicians rccommanded him to bathe in this spring 5 he built a castle near the hot waters , encouraged the neigh- bouring peasantry to settle there, and named his new town Carlsbad (Charles 's bath). A document, of a rather questionable nature, had grounded the belief that Charles IV had used our baths in November 1347, whilst residing at Ellbogen, for the healing of wounds received at Crecy, on the 26th August 1346, where he' lost his father, the blind king John , under Philip VI of France , against Ed- ward III of England. New researches [Almanack de Carlsbad, for 1835, ch. IX.) have however demon- strated, without controversy, that Charles was not in Bohemia from the beginning of October 1347 to the 19th February 1348. That he ever bathed in our hot springs is uncertain , not one word being said about it in his "Life, written by himself, nor by any of his historians , who followed almost every step of that beloved sovereign. That he granted important pri- vileges to Carlsbad, dated from Nuremberg 14th Au- gust 1370$ that he gave his name to the town, and that he resided there in 1370 and 1376, are the only 17 historical facts we can quote. The foundation of the University of Prague, in 1348 (the oldest in Europe after those of Paris and Bologna), by Charles IV; the nomination of a great number of celebrated fo- reign and national professors, spread so much scien- tific knowledge in Bohemia, that it is probable enough that our hot springs, only known as a wonderful natural phenomenon, attracted then the attention of learned physicians, who gradually extended the fame of their medical virtues. Before a mineral spring acquires renown, it is in general known in its neighbourhood alone, till suc- cessful cases attract the attention of physicians and of the owners of the soil , who then form establish- ments for the accommodation of visitors. Such was very likely the fate of Carlsbad, called formerly and still now, by the neighbouring peasants: Warmbad. Ellbogen, one of the oldest fortresses of Bohemia, five english miles distant from Carlsbad, was, long before that time, inhabited by kings and grandees, to whom the astonishing phenomenon of the bubbling springs and their thick vapours could no more remain unknown , in a valley open at both ends , than to woodsmen , sheperds , fishers and sportsmen. How could the most ignorant boor not be struck with such a scenery? How could he not notice that the river, lower than the wells, never freezes; that snow never stays on the ground about the thermal chaldron? In short, how could so many uncommon things remain unobserved by the neighbouring population? The 2 18 existence of a castle is proved by indisputable docu- ments [Almanack de Carlsbad, 1832, ch. XXI.), and though no farther vestige of a building is now to be seen, the names of a street (Schlossberg, Castle-Hill) and of a fountain on the top of that hill [Schloss- brunn , Castle- Wells) attest sufficiently the former existence of a castle. Historical details about the successive improve- ments of Carlsbad, the calamities it has suffered by war, inundations and fire, the progress of its insti- tutions , the privileges granted to its citizens by several sovereigns , the list of its numerous bene- factors, not belonging to a sketch like this, we shall speak of the place and of its establishments, not such as they have been, but such as they are. Much has been done, in every respect, by Government and the inhabitants , since the beginning of this century. The town, without its territory, counts above 500 houses , in general clean and comfortable $ the proprietors keep for themselves the ground -floor, and let the other rooms with furniture, table and bed -linen. The population in winter is about 3000 catholic inhabitants, all germans, and is considerably augmented, during the season, by female servants, waiters and tradespeople of all descriptions , coming from every part of the country, to minister to the wants of so many visitors , the gradual increase of whom is seen by the authentic Lists, regularly pub- lished , shewing for 19 the year 1785: 445 families. 1795: 634 1805 : 725 1815: 1302 1825: 1660 1834: 3287 or 6165 persons. Travellers passing through Carlsbad are not in- scribed in the Visitors List , and those who do not remain above five days, have no tax to pay. That tax [Cur- Tax) is four florins silver a head 5 children under fifteen years, as well as domestics, are free from it 5 children above fifteen, coming with their parents, pay the half- tax. That revenue is entirely devoted to useful establishments and embellishments. Carlsbad, sixty german miles distant from Vienna, and sixteen from Prague , is situated in a deep and narrow valley, between granitic rocks, on both sides of the Teple, which throws itself into a larger river, the Egra, very near the town. The houses are all built on the declivity of the hills, and on the banks of the Teplc. Those hills, beautifully wooded, offer innumerable and well kept walks, the greatest variety of prospects, and an interesting field to lovers of geology and botany. According to the last observations of the Rev. A. David, royal astronomer at Prague, Carlsbad lays 50 13' 38" of latit. , 30 32' 47 ' long., and 182 fathoms above the level of the sea near Ham- burgh. 20 Invalids coming: from Prague were formerly ob- liged to descend the mountain, at the foot of which the town and its springs lay, by roads fiter for goats and woodsmen, than for heavy carriages. During one of the most calamitous periods of his reign, from 1804 to 1806, the late emperor had a magnificent ser- pentine Chaussee constructed, at the expenses of 160,000 silver florins, by which the town is approached with so much ease , and offering so delightful a prospect, that visitors have been known to say, the pleasant sen- sation this causes was sufficient alone to come here. For lighter carriages, a shorter cut of a road, called the Tappenhof- Chamsee, leads more directly down the hill, and is far easier than the Prague street (Prager Gasse). From the Egra side the roads, formerly very bad , are now excellent and flat. A statement of what has been done for the improvement of roads in all directions, in order to establish better and shorter communications between the different watering-places of Bohemia, and for the improve- ment of Carlsbad, only since the beginning of the present Grand- Bo urgrave (governor of the kingdom) count Charles Chotek's administration , viz. since 1827, is to be seen in my Almanack for 1833, ch. XII and XIII. The great improvements of roads have facilitated the establishment of Stage and Mail- couches, under the name of Eilwdgen (velociferes). For those who, by motives of health, are obliged to travel slowly (a petites journees), veturinis fLand- kutscher) are every where to be had. From Prague 21 to Carlsbad, for instance, the Eilwagen requires four- teen hours, whilst a Landkutsche, with the same horses and loaded with baggage, requires two days. According to an old custom, sometimes annoying to sick people, lodged on the Market- Place , but pleasing to those who enjoy the daily increase of visitors, watchmen, posted upon the Tower -gallery, salute with tro.mpets, more or less numerous, accor- ding to the size and elegance of the equipage, the new comers, upon whom they wait the next day, for a remuneration, entirely left to the good will of the visitor, who has, for the next evening, another tri- bute to prepare for a regular serenade , given under his windows by performers not unworthy of the philharmonic renown of Bohemia. During the whole season, the names, quality and domicile of visitors are inscribed in a List (Cur-List), published almost daily, for the price of fl. 1. 24 kr. silver, and 12 kr. for the insertion of the name. Strangers, accustomed to their own wine, can im- port, free of duty, one Eimer or eighty bottles of any foreign wine. One pound of tobacco is equally allowed to each visitor. Since 1830, an elegant reading-room for german, french and english news -papers, has been opened for the moderate price of 40 creutzers a week. During the season there are two booksellers at Carlsbad. Pianos and guitars can be hired 5 a theater, concerts, balls and other amusements are not wan- ting 5 but walking, riding and driving, offer to visitors 22 the greatest variety of resources. The company, being composed of people of all ranks, of all nations, religions and professions, every one chooses what is more analogous to himself, rather than to seek equality, as impracticable at Carlsbad as any where else. It is out of the plan of this compendium to describe the numerous places which offer agreable excursions. Those who do not bring their own horses and carriages, find here caleches, few saddle-horses, and donkeys. Carlsbad, being nothing more than a most elegant hospital , is by no means a place of dissipation. The amusements are of a quiet and moderate kind 5 the necessary early hours for atten- ding the wells in the morning prevent late ones at night; the strict prohibition of hazard - games 5 the obligation of submitting to a sober diet, and of taking much bodily exercise, have introduced very regular habits into society , and more than one gastronome and hard drinker has began at Carlsbad to understand the incalculable advantages of sobriety and temperance. We have already mentioned the external and in- ternal cleanliness of the houses, some of which are very small, others large enough for the accommo- dation of numerous families. The most elegant are on the Wiese and on the Market- Place , and more expensive than those situated in the higher and more remote streets. In most houses the beds are good, at least as good as in any part of Germany , though many tall visitors wish them longer, and the cover- lids broader. The price of lodgings varies with their 23 situation and the season, which begins with the 1st May and lasts to the end of September. It is not rare, however, to see patients at Carlsbad in April and October s ). The most crowded period is from the 15th of June to the 15th of August, and, of course, the price of lodgings then much higher than during the first part, and particularly than during the later part of the season, when proprietors, having nothing more to hope, take lodgers almost at any price. That price is always fixed weekly. Large families will act prudently in securing their lodgings before their arrival, and can apply, for that purpose, to the physician to whom they are recommanded; in which case it is indispensable to fix with precision the day of the arrival, the length of the stay, the number of rooms and beds, servants, horses, etc. Those who have not taken such precautions, will find in general temporary accommodations at the principal inns, such as the Golden Schield, the Golden Lion and the Paradise. As to living, visitors coming without their own cook , find numerous eating - houses and restaurans, where they can go to or send for their dinner. These houses are frequented by ladies as well as gentlemen. The Salle de Saxe , the Posthof and the Freund- schafts - Saal y where the dinner is at so much a head (in general one florin silver), are frequented by the best company 5 but those who prefer to choose their dishes, dine a la carte, and equally well, at the Golden Schield, the Bohemian Salle, the Stadt Paris, 24 the Three Pheasants , the Lusthaus , etc. etc. The Blue Pike (Blaue Hecht) on the Wiese sends dinners any where, but does not receive company. The coockery is plain and alike every where, and no invalid has reason to fear the temptation of dishes contrary to the laws of the cure , about which all inn -keepers have traditional and almost invariable principles, suggested by the medical Faculty. Besides, regimen and diet are always a subject of advice at the first interview between the physician and the patient. Of the articles of diet allowed, beef and mutton are of good quality; veal, chicken and pidgeons are very seldom properly fed; venison (deer) and ducks are always to be had ; partridges, pheasants and hares in their season; pore and goose are forbidden; vege- tables are neither plentiful nor cheap , and not all salutary. Carp, pike and trouts are in general to be had, but particularly on fast-days, and all that class of farinaceous compounds, called Mehlspeisen, are perfectly well understood at Carlsbad. Made dishes and scientific ragouts are never to be met with, ex- cept when particularly ordered. Salad and raw fruit are not allowed. Breakfast will be treated of later. Living, in general, is cheap, for those who are under the obligation of oeconomy, though innumerable occasions offer daily of spending money , as every where else. A very tolerable dinner, a la carte, of three or four dishes, with a bottle of good beer, can be had for half a florin (30 creutzers). For the sake 25 of those innumerable invalids , who weigh and cal- culate what they eat, and even for those who like several dishes, but little of each, half- portions are to be had in many eating- houses. The citizens of Carlsbad are in general civil and obliging, and strangers, travelling without servants, find in every house the necessary attendance. They are industrious ; all sorts of workmen and trades- people are found amongst them, and they have even acquired some renown in the fabrication of fire-arms, cabinet-work, cutlery and pins; the incrustations produced by the fixed parts of the waters , called Sprudel - stones, are an object of industry. A number of tradesmen of all sorts come , during the season, from Prague and Vienna; bohemian glasses, hyaliths, the pewter-ware of Schlaggenwald, fill very beauti- ful shops , and all the china and fine potter's - ware manufactures of the kingdom are near Carlsbad. The china or earthen cups, used by the water- drinkers, vary in foeauty and price, but are of the same size, viz., about six ounces. Dials, with mo- veable hands, assist the memory of those who drink a great number of goblets. Carlsbad has its magistracy, presided by a burgo- master; but, during the season, the Government of Prague delegates a commissary for the Inspection of the place , to whom strangers must apply about passports , in any contest that may arise between them and the inhabitants, in short, in every case where the assistance and decision of justice are requested. 26 \ Religious tolerance being complete in the Austrian dominions, I shall remark, for the tranquillity of those who might not be aware of it, that a part of the catholic church-yard is devoted to protestants, who are buried openly, and allowed to have their own funeral service performed by a clergyman of their confession, if they wish it, and if there happens to be one at Carlsbad , among the visitors. Many tomb-stones have been erected in that part of the church-yard, by non - catholics , to their deceased friends. 27 nr o T E s. f 1 ) Wenxel (Venceslas) Payer or Bayer, of Ell- bogen , born in the year 1488 , studied at Leipxic, and took his degrees in 1507. Highly protected by the counts Schlick , to whom the greatest part of the royal domain of Ellbogen , and even Carlsbad, was mortgaged for the money they often lent to the kings of Bohemia , those rich and mighty noblemen sent Payer to Italy at their own expense. Inflammed by the sight of the remains of ancient baths and of some modern bathing establishments, he paid, on his re- turn home, a particular attention to the hot springs of Carlsbad , where he first recommanded their in- ternal use and the douche , so much employed then in Italy. The title of his work is: Wenceslai Payer de Cubitu Tractatus de Thermis Carol! IV Impera- toris prope Ellbogen sitis. Lipsiae , 1521 ; 2. edi- tion, 1614. He died on the llth December 1526, thirty -eight years of age. The mode of his death is uncertain; but he died gloriously, as proved by two silver medals, coined by order of the counts Schlick, proprietors of the celebrated silver mines and of the mint of Joachimsthal, near Carlsbad, with Payer's effigy and the honourable inscription: Cum pariter omnibus moriendum, non tarde sed clare mori optan- dum. Those medals are at Vienna in the imperial numismatic Museum. Payer being represented as Curtius , precipitating himself into an abyss , it is highly probable that he died victim of his scientific 28 zeal in investigating the Sprudel. I have described and commented these medals in my work: Carlsbad, ses eaux minerales, etc. p. 206. ( 2 ) Lobkowitx, an illustrious bohemian nobleman, born in the year 1462 , died in 1510 $ he was one of the most learned men of his age , an admirable latin poet, a great traveller, a distinguished stales- man, and promoted mightily the restauration of the ancient classical litterature in Germany. He studied at Bologna and Ferrara, and visited afterwards se- veral german universities , particularly Strasbourg, then imperial. In 1490, he embarked at Venice, visited the Ionian Islands, Candia, Cyprus, Rhodes, the Dardanells, Constantinople, Asia Minor, the soil where Troy was, Smyrna, the ruins of the Temple ofEphesus, went through Cilicia, Pamphilia, Syria, Arabia, and prayed over the cradle and the grave of our Saviour. He meant to go to India , but gave up that dangerous plan. He visited Egypt, its pyra- mids and cataracts, Alexandria, Cairo, the ruins of Carthago, and Tunis ; crossing then the Adriatic, he landed at Venice in 1492. Lobkowitx, who gave an account of his travels in several latin letters, brought back a collection of the rarest and most precious ob- jects, amongst others a manuscript of Plato, for which he paid 2000 Milanese ducats, existing still atRaudnitz, belonging to his family, the princes of Lobkowitx, dukes of Raudnitx. His library was the richest in Germany. His works were published sixty years after his death: Illustris ac Generosi DD. Bohuslavi Has- senstein a Lobkowitz, Baronis Bohemici, poetae, ora- torisque clarissimi Farrago Poernatum in ordinem 29 digestorum per Thomam Mitem , Nymlwrgenum , Pragae, 1570. His Epigramma in Thermas Caroli IV is p. 179. We possess also Ms Epistolae and his Lucubrationes oratoriae. His cotemporaries called hint, the Ulysses, the Pliny, the Horace of Bohemia; they might also have called him their Juvenal , for his satire on the nobility , gentry and people of his country, and for his very sharp letter on the morals of Prague. His works, formerly taught at Leipxic, among the roman classics, are now very rare; scar- cely more than fifteen copies are extant in the prin- cipal public and private libraries of Bohemia and Austria. He is commonly called The Great Bohe- mian (Der arosse Bo/nne). ( 3 ) A family seat, his Tusculum, where he was born, where he passed a great part of his life, and where he died , reduced now to venerable ruins, in the circle of Saa%. ( 4 ) Augustus Pfit'smayer was born at Carlsbad, on the 16lh March 1808 , where his father, a native of Wirtemberg, keeps the Posthof, one of our best Restaurans. He received his first education at Carls- bad , but, when eleven years old, he was sent to Dresden (1819), to study under Mr.Philippi, director of a celebrated institution. Three years after he went to Pilsen (a small town in Bohemia) . to attend his last philosophical classes. About that time he began to learn English, French and Italian, which he under- stands very well, and speaks as easily as can be expected from a young man, overloaded with other studies, and having few opportunities of conversation 30 with foreigners. Of late he has made astonishing progress in the danish language. In 1827 , he undertook the turk, without any teacher but Viguier's Grammar, and the various turkish books he found afterwards in the public libraries of Prague and Vienna. Having met with insurmountable difficulties of admission in the Oriental Academy of Vienna, he tried jurisprudence; but seeing that neither the law nor the turkish language could lead him to any favou- rable result, he devoted himself to medecine, and took his degrees at Prague, on the 10th of March 1835. The best proof that he has not neglected oriental lan- guages is the double turkish version of Lobkowitz's Ode on Carlsbad, which he gave me, in April 1831. Having asked him leave of submitting both to Mr. de Hammer's judgement , ivho himself, two years before, had declined to translate it at my request, as too difficult, the great orientalist of Vienna answered that ^Pfitstmayer's versions were admirable; that / could ^without any scruple print them in my Polyglot, etc." Augustus Pfitxmayer's beginning Life, his two versions and Mr. de Hammer's answers, are published in my Almanach de Carlsbad, 1882, ch. XVIII. (^ s ) Peter I, cxar of Russia, came twice to Carls- bad, towards the end of October 1711 and 1712, and the last elective king of Poland, Stanislas Poniatowski, drank our waters , during the winter of 1761, vi%. three years before his election. 31 THE WELLS. ALL the hot springs of Carlsbad, rising from the same natural reservoir, issue from different ori- fices 5 each has its name and its temperature. Their number has often varied, some of them having ap- peared, disappeared and re -appeared. Others, on both sides of the river, are found in several houses, and might be, if necessary, adapted to medical use. We have now the Sprudel , the Hygiaea, the Keubrunn , the Muhlbrunn , the Theresienbrunn, the Bernardsbrunn, the Schlossbrunn and the Spitalbrunn. The boiler, which supplies them all, formed by the mineral sediments of the water itself (the frag- ments of which are called Sprudel- Stones') , has a depth, thickness, extent and ramifications, which no human eye can scrutinize, and the enormous clouds of hot vapours, escaping from every accidental or arti- ficial opening, will probably baffle all attempts to ascertain the dimensions of that wonderful laboratory. Such trials were made in 1713 and 1727, after a 32 rupture of the boiler had taken place. The various boring and probing instruments penetrated through the calcareous crust, from one cavity to the other, till they reached at last an immense reservoir, the boundaries of which could not be attained by thirty fathoms length of poles, joined together, directed towards the Market -Place and the Hirschensprung. That a great part of the town stands upon these cavities, is sufficiently demonstrated, whenever the foundation of a new house is laid 5 copious streams of carbonic acid gaz are, moreover, incessantly seen bubbling in the river, near the wells. Situated on the right bank of the Teple, in the centre of the town, the Sprudel, to which superior powers are attributed, is 60 R. or 168 F. It has various orifices, but two only are adapted to public use. One of them is exclusively called the Sprudel ; the other, named Hygiaeia, on account of the statue of that goddess, placed near it, flows in a regular stream out of a pewter -pipe. Its vapour supplies our steam-baths. The broad square stones and long boards placed over the thermal chaldron, answer the purpose of a cuirass against the large masses of ice and floating trees, which, in their rapid course, when a thaw or an inundation takes place, might, like bat- tering rams, break through the crust, and disturb the equilibrium indispensable to the regular spouting of the mineral water. In order to prevent such rup- tures , whose cicatrisation is always slow , trouble- some and expensive, the incrustation of its orifices is 33 removed four times a year by a boring apparatus. The Sprudel water boils eggs hard, and is employed, since time immemorial, to scalding poultry and pigs, and to other such purposes, which are more oeconornical than grateful to the eye. The difference of tempe- rature between fountains, coming from the same reservoir, is generally accounted for by the various distances of their orifice from the great focus , and by the warmer or cooler soil upon which the water circulates in the impenetrable meanders of this aquatic volcano. The springs of the furious fountain (as Frederick Hoffmann called the Sprudel), the truest emblem of perpetual motion, are in general explained in the following manner: The npper parts of the reservoir fill themselves with carbonic acid gaz, escaping the more freely from the hot fluid mass, as the pressure under which it lays, diminishes in proportion to the evaporation of the gaz. In that free state, the gaz accumulates in the upper part of the cavity 5 when considerably increased, it depresses the surface of the water, which rushes out of the same orifice 5 and these two elements, under the form of vapour, escape together, giving in a minute, without intermission, eighteen or twenty ebullitions, from four to eight feet high. A hollow, unequal and subterraneous murmur accompanies the emission of so much water, which, divided into myriads of globules, falls back in the same vessel (now in the form of a large artichoke) from which it springs, and is lead, by 34 lateral pipes to the Sprudel - baths , to the evapora- ting salt -apparatus, and to the river flowing near it. The height of the springs can be more or less in- creased, according to the breadth and length of the square wooden pipe, through which the water ascends 5 but it remains nevertheless a springing fountain, even when left in a state of nature, deprived of its out- ward constructions. A peristyle, a long colonade, the elegant hall of the bath-house, a flower-garden, with a good band of music , offer to innumerable drinkers an agreable walk, during the whole season, whatever may be the weather. The Muhlbrunn (45 R. or 135 F.), the Neubrunn (50 R. or 147 F.) and the Theresienbrunn (43 R. or 132 F.) on the left side of the Teple, communicate together, and are decorated with elegant buildings, colonades and gardens. The Schlossbrunn (40 R. or 122 F/) is much less frequented, on account of its high situation. The cavernous Bernards brunn is scarcely accessible to drinkers , but its abundant water, nearly as hot as the Sprudel, is led into a reservoir, necessary for cooling the Muhlbrunn -baths. Some ophthalmic patients use its vapour at random without medical advice. Aware of the dangerous consequences of such an empirical application, I sug- gested to an eminent oculist, Dr. Ryba, of Prague, the necessity of reducing to rational principles the indications and counter-indications, according to which that vapour may bo beneficial or hurtful (^Almanack de Carlsbad, 1834, ch. VIII). 35 The Spitalbrunn supplies the baths of the Saint Bernard's Hospital, and is not frequented by other invalids. Which ever of the springs patients are recom- manded to, they regularly come from six to eight o'clock. Some of them drink a few goblets in the evening. The interval prescribed between one beaker and the other being a quarter of an hour, scarcely more than nine or ten beakers can be taken during two hours. Such a quantity proves sufficient in most cases 5 many patients, however, going far beyond that number, begin earlier. Few places in Europe offer, upon such a small spot, a more remarkable diversity of ranks, professions, countries, tongues, religions and costumes. Medical doctrines, rational or empirical, never had any influence upon the number of its visitors, which has always been increasing. Carlsbad has been often , and not improperly, called an elegant hospital. Though many invalids, unable to walk, drink in their lodgings, by far the greatest number attend the wells: DuL-.iiis e.v iftso fon.lt bibnntur Aquae. Abdominal diseases being here the most frequent, no where perhaps can jaundice and sickly complexions be seen under more forms and degrees. Most people attributing to the Sprudel an imaginary supremacy, melancholy, misanthropic and hypocondriacal patients shew a particular predilection for that fountain. If those sickly and sinister faces offer a painful sight, 36 rapid changes take place , and the same invalids, walking, on their arrival, pensive and bent, avoiding company , and exciting commiseration , begin often, and very soon, to look better, to speak with grati- tude of their improvement, and to contract gradually more sociable habits. 37 1 \ A I. YN1 * OF THE WATERS, AND THE CARLSBAD SALT. ABOUT the middle of the sixteenth century, C. G. Springsfeld and J. G. Tilling, saxon physicians, attempted to analyse the waters of Carlsbad 5 but why should we recall at present the proceedings and notions of infant chymistry? We are indebted to David Becher, of Carlsbad (born in 1725, -J- 1792), whose multifarious merits can not be too much praised, for the first regular analysis of our waters, in 1770, and Berzelius him- self, in 1822, expressed the highest admiration for the talent and chymical knowledge displayed by Becher, with such imperfect means. He examined the Sprudel, the Neubrunn, the Gartenbrunn (now Theresienbrun), and the Schlossbrunn . and found in all the same constitutive parts, viz: 38 sulfate of soda 2,52 parts carbonate of soda .... 1,54 muriate of soda 0,87 carbonate of lime .... 0,56 ,, iron oxid 0,06 5,55 parts. A later analysis by the celebrated Klaproth, of Berlin, who visited Carlsbad, in 1789, proved so similar to that of Becher, that, instead of relating it, I shall only give here the result obtained, in 1822, by Mr. Berzelius, who not only confirmed what had been found previously, but discovered many other consti- tuent parts, unknown to his predecessors. His analytic proceedings are well known to learned chymists. "The Carlsbad water," says he, "is clear and "colourless. Drunk at the wells, it tastes like weak "chicken-broth 5 but, after some time, it contracts an "alkaline and disagreable taste. It has no smell, and "the existence of sulfurous hydrogen gaz is not to be "detected by any test. Heated in a closed vessel, it "deposits a very small quantity of a light yellowish "sediment, the colour of which indicates evidently an "oxid of iron. The specific weight of the water is _t_ 18 C 1004,975. I weighed the Sprudel , the "Hygiaea, the Miihlbrunn, the Neubrunn and Spital- "brunn water, and found precisely in all the same "specific weight." As collective result of all his analytic experiments, Mr. Berzelius found in 1000 parts of weight of the Sprudel water: 39 sulfatc of yoda 2,58713 carbonate of soda 1,26237 muriate of soda 1,03852 carbonate of lime 0,30860 fluate of lime 0,00320 phosphate of lime 0,00022 carbonate of strontian . . . 0,00096 carbonate of magnesia . . . 0,17834 sub -phosphate of alumine 0,00032 carbonate of iron ...... 0,00362 carbonate of manganese . . 0,00084 silice 0,07515 5,45927. He ascertained in the Muhlbrunn , Neubrunn and Theresienbrunn, not only the same constituent parts, but he found them precisely in the same proportions as in the Sprudel water. As to the quantity of carbonic acid gaz , Becher found as much of it in the Carlsbad water as its bicarbonates could contain. It appears that the Sprudel, as it issues from the wells, contains a little more carbonic acid gaz than, the quantity of the bicarbonates. The Theresienbrunn contains besides 1% of azote. The celebrity of Mr. Berzelius and his analytic proceedings, forming a new aera in the chymical inve- stigation of mineral waters, are of the highest impor- tance in our medical practice. They should calm at least the anxiety of invalids, and rectify sundry 40 erroneous notions, adopted too slightly., even by phy- sicians, about material differences between one spring and the other. The Carlsbad salt (\sulfate of soda), extracted since 1708, on the advice of Gottfried Berger, phy- sician to Augustus I, king of Poland and elector of Saxony, at the expense of much fuel, is obtained, since Becher recommanded it, by the mere evapora- tion of the mineral water. A number of kettles, filled with it, are dept in the same water. That water is constantly renewed by streams of the Sprudel, in the vicinity of which that simple and cheap operation can be seen by any one passing near it. The resi- duum is freed from its calcareous parts by a second operation in larger vessels , and in a cooler place, where the crystals form themselves. The Carlbad salt, a revenue of some importance to the town, is often prescribed to drinkers, to assist the purgative effect of the waters; and many provide themselves with one or two pounds of it, to be used, if necessary, after their departure. The salt is sold, under public authority, in boxes of various size, with the town seal. The usual dose is from two to four drachms, dissolved in water. Various experiments and calculations have been made , to ascertain the quantity of sulfate and car- bonate of soda, which the Sprudel alone, by its various orifices, might produce. The apparatus used hitherto for that measurement, was no doubt very im- perfect, but a mere view of the abundant fountain will 41 convince any one of the enormous quantity of Sprudel water running to no purpose into the river. Klaproth calculated approximatively that one could obtain yearly 746,884 U. of sulfate and 1,32,923 ft. of carbonate of soda 5 whilst another chymist, Mr. Gilbert, finding erroneous the basis of Klaproth's calculations, esti- mates the yearly quantity of those two salts to 200,000 quintals of carbonate of soda. Considering the ad- vantages which might arise from the extraction of such an enormous quantity of soda in a country, like Bohemia, where so much glass is manufactured, several speculators have been struck with the utility of an undertaking, which Mr. Berzelius {Almanach de Carlsbad, 1835, ch. Ill) thinks easy and infallible. The citizens of Carlsbad, it is true, believe still that whatever is extracted from their springs and sold abroad, must be detrimental to the prosperity of the place ; but such prejudices would easily give way to rational consideration. INSUFFICIENCY OF THE THEORIES PROPOSED FOR EXPLAI- NING THERMAL HEAT. tt No stranger," says Mr. Berzelius, "contemplates "the boiling and springing Sprudel without asking "whence its temperature proceeds. The answer is the "more difficult, as in the absolute impossibility of "reaching the hearth which imparts it, we shall never "know the means employed by Nature to form it, nor "how that water is impregnated with substances, of "which, as far as investigations have shewn, the "mountains of Carlsbad contain too little to account "for the enormous quantities of sulfate and carbonate "of soda, emitted from the wells, in the course ol "only one year." "It is highly probable," adds he, "that the heat "and nature of the substances, which impregnate this "water, are so closely united, that the cause of 43 "thermal temperature will not be explained as long "as the place from which those ingredients proceed, "remains unknown." The problem of animal heat has not engaged the attention of more eminent men, than the cause of the high temperature of the Carlsbad waters. Bohuslas de Lobkowitz proposed poetically that question (p. 11), and, after him, a series of learned physicians, chy- mists, mineralogists and geologists: Frederick Hoff- mann, Gottfried Berger, Bruckner, B. L. Tralles, David Becher, Klaproth, Leopold de Buch, Gilbert, Berzelius , de Hoff , offered, instead of proofs, inge- nious conjectures 5 each pointed out the weak sides of his predecessor's opinion, and proposed a new theory, but all acknowledged the impossibility of ascertaining the operations of that deep and myste- rious boiler, anterior to history, coeval to Creation. Masses of hornstein , of sulfuret of iron , of fossil coals, imbedded in the granite of Carlsbad, volcanos, earthquakes , revolutions of the globe , comparisons between the external forms of our environs with those of such regions (France and Iceland) , where hot springs are found ; subterraneous electric or gal- vanic action 5 violent friction of vegetable, animal, bituminous substances, heated to ignition 5 erudition, sagacity, analogy, every means in short have been tried to resolve the problem of thermal temperature 5 but, in our dark ignorance of the anatomy and phy- siology of the bowels of the earth , of which we scarcely know more than the integuments, that gordian 44 knot has neither been untied nor cut through. Those researches have in some respects promoted science, without however teaching us where the subterraneous laboratory lays, in which the Almighty prepares the mineral ingredients of our waters 5 out of what store- house he draws them 5 how he mixes and heats them; nor by what ramification of channels he leads them, in mercy to mankind, to the various orifices, where a sickly multitude flocks annually , to partake of the blessing. "Should we not believe," said Galen, spea- king of thermal waters, above two thousand years ago, "that Vulcan and all the Cyclops of his retinue, "are incessantly blowing and stirring up the fire of "their subterraneous furnaces , to maintain a tempe- "rature so equal and so constant?" I have only named here learned men who have attempted to explain the heat of our waters,- french, Italian and german men of science have paid equal attention to the phenomenon, but with as little suc- cess, in their respective countries. A\ c IB:\T v*i> PRESENT none: OF USING THE WATERS, AND CHOICE OF THE SEASON. THE very name given to the town by its founder, Charles IV, proves enough that Carls6a STEAM- BATHS. WE have seen that the fame of Carlsbad began with the use of water -baths 5 that steam -baths are the third period of our medical history; and that the superiority of our present institutions is founded upon the junction of our therapeutic resources, though drinking remains the most important part of the treatment. It would be almost impossible to describe the various cases in which water- baths prove useful, but we may say in general that they assist power- fully the internal cure , in a variety of rheumatic, gouty and herpetic cases 5 that they often facilitate the passage of biliary anxl urinary concretions , and that they are more efficacious, and less productive of congestions, when the secretory and excretory action of the water on the bowels and kidneys has already commenced. 84 Our steam - baths being a new institution, I shall give summarily the result of my observations during the seven years of their existence. The vapour, rising so copiously from our wells, had never been examined before. We are indebted for its first analysis to Mr. Nentwich , apothecary at Carlsbad, who undertook it, at my request, before they were opened to the public. "The vapour of the Hygiaea- spring, taken in the "apparatus standing the nearest of the square channel, "through which it rises, gave, on the 20th of De- Member 1826, with an external atmospheric tempe- "rature of -f- 5 R., the following result: 1. "The temperature within the closed apparatus was _!_ 36 R. 2. "100 parts of vapour, -f- 36 R. , cooled to -f- "5 R. , were reduced to 83,333 parts of space, "and that gaz was composed of 4,183 parts of "carbonic acid gaz and of 79,150 parts of atmo- "spheric air. 3. "The water, under the form of drops, is, with "the exception of a little carbonic acid gaz, en- tirely free from saline parts." We see , therefore , that the Carlsbad vapour is composed of atmospheric air, carbonic acid gaz and aqueous vapour. One might be inclined to question the powerful effects of such a simple mixture , entirely free from fixed particles 5 that power, however, will be more " 85 easily felt than understood, by any one who, expo- sing his hand or his foot to this natural heat, com- pares his sensation with what the same limbs will feel , when exposed to the vapour of an artificially heated water. That natural, telluric, heat is mild, penetrating and comfortable, even to 36 40 R., which can be considered as the middle temperature of those steam -baths, supported by some patients even to 44 46 R. , whilst the vapour of common water, heated in a kettle, is sharp, burning and in- tolerable in a few moments, under far inferior tem- perature. We have , as already mentioned , general and partial steam -baths, and if the patient takes only a half -bath, that is to say, if he sits in the box up to the pit of the stomach, he bears a few degrees of heat more than in a whole bath. The head is never exposed to the vapour, which on account of the carbonic acid gas, w r ould very soon produce dangerous effects. Few individuals support a whole steam - bath above twenty minutes, but a half -bath longer. Some patients, labouring under the tic douloureux, after having tried innumerable remedies, and even surgical operations, have been, if not radically cured, at least essentially relieved. The steam -baths have proved useful in some cases of deafness 5 and if such patients cannot support the stream of the vapour -douche in the inside of the car, it must be directed in the neighbouring parts of that organ. In rheumatism, lumbago, sciatic, stiffness of the joints, contractions 86 of muscles, the vapour offers a precious remedy, but should never be used, when attended with febrile symptoms. In herpetic eruptions, in the hepatic spots, they are useful, conjointly with the internal cure, but certainly far less than the sulfureous fumigations, which produce a much more complete desquammation of the skin than the thermal vapour. 87 VviTHOUT submitting our invalids to useless pri- vations and painful abstinences , a regular regimen must, however, accompany the use of a mineral water, which excites so manifestly the vascular system, and the action of the bowels, kidneys and skin. The few rules of our dietetic code are seldom transgressed with impunity. In enumerating our various provisions , I re- marked (p. 24) that our restaurateurs never present any dish incompatible with the use of the waters, and that dangerous dainties are not to be found at Carlsbad. The interval of an hour is necessary between the last beaker and the breakfast, and, in order to pro- mote the digestion of the water, patients, stout enough to continue the walk they have taken at the wells, should protract it about an hour longer, before their 88 breakfast, which many, when the weather permits it, take in open air. Most people drink coffee or chocolate. Without reprobating these two articles , I shall only observe that coffee aggravates hepatic disorders , attended with a disposition to inflammation, particularly when the presence of gall-stones excites pain or irritation 5 it produces in the liver a burning and pungent sen- sation, which often disappears as soon as patients adopt some milder mode of breakfasting, such as soup, an infusion of balm, or other harmless beverage. Coffee, in one word, should never be allowed to in- valids, whose abdominal organs give such signs of inflammation or sensibility to the touch, as to re- quire leeches, or any other part of the antiphlogistic treatment, so often necessary with our patients. Chocolate does not produce the same irritative effects as coffee , so remarkable for the subtility of its aromatic principles, and still less a plain decoction of cocoa; but few people digest well and relish chocolate for any length of time , as they do coffee or tea. Tea has been in general proscribed in most Ger- man watering-places, at least in those of Bohemia. Not being a national beverage, physicians and patients have so seldom a personal experience of it, that in the numberless works published on mineral waters, so minute on other articles of diet, nothing or very little is said about tea. That infusion having been found incompatible with the use of more essentially 89 chalybeate waters , that incompatibility has been, without any examination, extended to ours. Sub- mitted to exact calculation, I find that six goblets of water contain the 5S / 100 o tn P art f one grain of oxydule of iron, that is to say almost a nullity. Let us suppose that a patient drinks twelve or even eighteen goblets , what influence can such a quantity of iron have upon two or three cups of tea, taken an hour after the waters, and still less, when taken in the evening ? Innumerable visitors, coming from countries where tea is as common a beverage (England, Russia, Po- land, Holland) as coffee in Germany and France, many would find it excessively hard, as they did formerly at Carlsbad, to give up their habitual mode of breakfasting. The fact is that tea does not ex- cite the blood-vessels, as much as coffee; that it acts more directly on the nervous system, and keeps awake those who are not accustomed to it, or who take it immoderately strong 5 that such effects are never felt by people who drink it daily 5 that those who never drank it, should not begin at Carlsbad 5 but that those who are accustomed to that beverage, have no reason to discontinue it during the cure 5 and that black tea is far preferable to the more acerb and astringent green sorts. Concerning breakfast, we are daily asked whe- ther butter can agree with the internal use of the waters. Being exquisite in our valley, I never found 90 it hurtful in moderate quantity, spread upon fine white bread, which is of the best sort at Carlsbad. Strawberries are so plentiful , and last so long, that patients are tempted to eat them. Their acidity, disturbing the action of our alkaline waters, deranges the bowels, and occasions colic or diarrhea, whilst, on the other hand, the innumerable seeds of that fruit, by their astringent quality, produce sometimes costiveness. Every sort of raw fruit must be inter- dicted, but compotes are harmless. Our digestive powers being sufficiently employed with the elaboration of the water and of a moderate breakfast, warm and cold meat (dejeuners a la four- chette) are inadmissible. The dinner hour varies from one to three o'clock. The bill of fare is exactly regulated in eating-houses. Those who bring their own cook , must follow the instructions of their physician about forbidden or allowed dishes. Bohemian, Hungarian, Austrian and various fo- reign wines can be had at Carlsbad 5 but their choice depends much more upon their genuineness than upon their name 5 and whatever sort is adopted, great moderation is indispensable. The necessity of a quiet sleep, and of going the next day to the wells with an empty stomach , does not admit of a regular supper. Every patient, according to his own pre- dilection, should content himself with tea, chocolate, or soup. 01 It is imprudent to take ices , under the influence of a water which promotes perspiration. The principal conditions to be observed, besides the above dietetic precepts, are temperance, gentle exercise, no serious occupations, no profound reading, and, above all, tranquillity of mind. No where can be better applied than at Carlsbad, the well - known inscription, placed at the entrance of the Antonin's Baths : Cur arum vacuus adeas hoc templum, ul mor- borum vacuus abire <[uea$* Non curatur qui curat. 92 OBSERVATIONS ON THE MICROSCOPIC ANIMALCULES ABOUT THE HOT SPRINGS OF CARLSBAD, BY MR. A. JT. C. CORDA, OF PRAGUE. (Translated front, the German manuscript.) the celebrated Dane, Otho Frederick Miiller, discovered, in 1786, the Vibrio paxillifer, and described the Conferva pectinalis , it was for the cultivators of natural history a new series of beings, whose form and life appeared so problematic, that some time elapsed before they knew to what organic kingdom they belonged. Miiller had already classed the Vibrio paxilfifer among animals, and the Conferva pectinalis among plants. But this sagacious observer ranged them very soon amongst the infusory animalcules. Mr. Bory de St. Vincent (Diet, class. 03 d'histoirc naturelle, art. Arthrodiees) and Mr. Nitzsch (Beitrage zur Infusorienkunde. Halle, 1817) threw later some light on their nature. The first placed them between the two organic kingdoms , and the second acknowledged their animality. After them, the celebrated traveller in Africa and Asia, Mr. Ehren- berg, author of important discoveries, ranged the animalcules , of which we are treating , among the cuirassed Infusoria with feet alternately moving in and out ; and about the same time several naturalists, endowed with less perseverance and sagacity, and without recurring to analogy nor to anatomy, placed them in the vegetable kingdom. Professor Agardh, of Lund in Sweden , formed with them a family of plants, which he called Diatomeae , and ranged them in the lowest cathegory of the Algs. He was follo- wed by MM. Lyngbye, Turpin, Meyen, Kutzing and others. Greville, Meyen and Turpin gave the best representations of them 5 Kutzing described them in his Synopsis Diatomearum (as wretched a perfor- mance as the drawings representing these animal- cules) , without possessing the means required for similar investigations , nor the knowledge of their remarkable structure. Though incomplete, this short historical sketch will suffice, I hope, for the intelligence of this Me- moir, in which nothing farther is intended than the natural history of the thermal animalcules, which I observed last summer (1834), about the hot springs of Carlsbad. 94 Springsfeld, in 1752, and Mr. Scherer, of Vienna, in 1787, were the first who wrote upon the greenmatter (materia viridis) of the hot waters of Carlsbad, and, after them, the celebrated algologue A. C. Agardh (Almanack de Carlsbad, for 1834, ch. IV.) described particularly the Oscillatoriae and a few Frustuliae ; I he repeated the same description in his Conspectus I Diatomearwn, of which we find again the drawings, probably taken from some entirely dried and decayed specimens, in his Icones Alaar. Europ. Tab. 1 2. HABITATION OF THE ANIMALCULES. An attentive observer will scarcely pass near the springs of Carlsbad (or any other hot mineral water) without remarking upon the wood and stones, which surround the wells, a limy and gelatinous green stuff, thicker or thiner, and often lamellous. Plenty of it is to be seen upon the boards, stones and pipes, which surround the hot wells , at their outlets , in short, in every place where the hot water runs or transudes. Carefully examined , that unctuous and gelatinous substance is composed of myriads of ele- gantly and symmetrically formed beings, most of them belonging to the animal kingdom 5 and their forms, their mode of life and of propagation can only excite the highest degree of astonishment. 95 In the middle of that chaos of limy, often stin- king and putrid substances , apparently deprived of life, the eye, powerfully armed, discovers ideal pro- portions and symmetrical forms, which the most fecond imagination of an arabesque painter could not create. These myriads of beings are however animated, pre- senting, under the same type, an infinite variety of forms; these corpuscules , whose size is frequently the 0,000015, viz : the ISmillionth part of a Paris inch, and seldom more than the Othousandth part, are endowed with organs, simple indeed, if we compare them with animals of superior orders, but complicated, proportionally to their own body. They move, give signs of feelings of self-preservation and propa- gation, possess irritability, and often even the means of appropriating to themselves extraneous substances, foreign to their nature. The fluid, in which they live, is originally water, in contact with inorganic matter, with heat, and with the remains of organized bodies, the dissolution of which forms a sort of animal lime. Several natu- ralists have taken this unctuous , transparent and gelatinous substance for 'parts or organs of these beings, which they classed among plants. A more attentive investigation of the mucous inferior layer of Oscillatoriae (PI. VI.) shows, however, that the gelatinous mass is composed of the deceased animal- cules , in which we can distinguish the various de- grees of their dissolution, their fibrous remains, and their transition to a gelatinous form. This inferior 96 mucous layer (the stratum mucosum of botanists), does not constitute the organs of the animalcules, though the latter cannot live and propagate them- selves but in the middle of them. Nevertheless , I have often drawn them out of the gelatinous mass, in order to place them in river -water, where they lived a long time, without any appearance of diseased alteration. Water, a solid substance, heat, a beginning putre- faction, appear indispensable to the production and propagation of the animalcules 5 and such conditions are in fact always united. Without moisture, they never live; a solid substance must offer a basis to moisture , and , according to physical laws, the con- tact of the one with the other generates heat, and only by the simultaneous action of moisture and heat can putrefaction take place. Though often found in the froth of rivulets and rivers, they have not been generated there, but floated off by the stream. These animalcules living never in thermal water, they are only to be seen at a few inches distance from the wells, and when kept in glasses or pots, they soon retreat towards the sides of the vessel. They are never found in the limpid water of a cold spring, river or well, nor of a hot spring, even if the water has reposed for hours and days , so that we can consider as erroneous, and suggested by a fondness for marvel- lous things, the popular opinion, so generally spread, that we swallow with common water innumerable 97 animalcules. Sight and smell would disgust any one to drink a water full of these living creatures, which is always dirty and coloured In order to investigate these animal aggregations, the green gelatinous matter is collected in a glass, with a wide orifice, into which we pour a little of the water in which they lived, or, if not to be had, river - water. The microscope, intended for these investigations, must show the magnified objects clear and distinct. MM. Pistorand Schiek, in Berlin, Plossl, in Vienna, and Chevalier, in Paris, make the best instruments, which magnify 1000 3000 times. Those which magnify only 5 600 times, are unfit for such researches. A particle of the green thermal substance, of the size of a pin's head, is placed upon the object-glass, and torn between two sharp instruments, or, if wanting, with pins 5 and the green fragments are moistened with a small drop of water. The observation begins with magnifying 100 200 times, in order to detect the most distinct forms. Has an animalcule been discovered, it must rest some time under the instru- ment. The observation must be repeated with a magnification of 4 600; and after having acquired some skill in the mode of magnifying, we continue the intended investigation. After having acquired by numerous trials a certain dexterity, the anatomy of the animalcules takes place in two different ways. The first is plain and easy: A flat bit of glass, as thin as paper, very pure and 7 08 transparent, is placed over the animalcules:, which are flattened by the preure of tin: ^ I on 15 an the observation lasts. The second, requiring still more dexterity, takes place by separating the larger species, with a very sharp and cutting needle, but it require* an extremely good eye and patience. Perseverance, so necessary in fill -orts of re- searches, if indispensable in microscopic obsefT*! which must, be often repeated rind varied; but Hint trouble is amply rewarded, and the pleasure felt by the investigator, who discovc so beau- tiful, SO hurpri/ing and unexpected, is beyond de- scription. FORM AND ORGANS. According to the organisation of tfcftU animalcules, we can dixidi- them info tuo nbdi\iiled into .six families, vi/. the \r/r.if:u(f/<', Hie dovmtiriu, 1'lnti- Htru , l''rilic-(,u . t ; patent and vitreous shell, called ruirmtv (lojic.i). (PI. I. II. IV. V.V. or. the cuirass wanting, the epidermis is naked (PI. III. et VI.)- The cuirass, answering, in the greatest number of animalcules, to the \alve of muscles, is composed of (no siliceous and transparent part*, surrounding the animal. The uimahe cuirass is a leaf rolled on itself (Fie:. ;>-17., ;ts--m, the edges of which are confounded together, so that they ne>er form, except a few small openings, a >alve surrounding entirely the animaleule. That cuirass appears smooth, for instance, in the Frustulia appemlicttlata. Ag. (PI. 1. fu-. U' 13. a.\ or striped, as in the A'arri- ruta coslata (PI. I. fig. 9 110, where the stripes are distributed like ra\ s, setting from an ombilie, to be found in one of tiie middle ribs of the cuirass i. !>. a.V, or merely ribbed: or pnnidod uith Mroii and eloated ribs, such as in the iVflrrJftffa ciliata (PI. I. fig. 5. aO, where the ribs arc besides co> ered \\ ith line hair. -.rds the lo^er parts, the cuirass forms in the Xariculat and Frustuliae a tint sm -face, jrenerallv qurtdraiiirular ( parallelogram! , called pt'iittl surface (tii. ^- c.. ti^-. 1T>. b.). to ^hieh two animalcules arc ah\a> N adhering:. In the IHtittunctit' . for e\. in the Diatomu Stratum (PI. l\ . li^. :>S.). the cuira>s i< flattened on the ediv>. and cut iu half eireles, \\hilst, \\here tlu* animalcules are adheriiii' , it forms a narron sin of reunion (fig. 38. b.). The form of this surface eon e^poiids a! \\a\s with that of the eniras> , \\- it * 100 is narrow in the flat cuirass , and triangular in the triangular cuirass of the Desmidium Sicartxii (PI. IV. fig. 44.). The form of the bivalve cuirass is always analogous to that of the animalcule. Suri- rellae (for ex. the Surirella Venus (fig. 1 4.) have, according to the length of the animalcule , an open cuirass, each valve of which is like a pot, the one included in the other, in a very peculiar manner, forming a sort of inge (fig. 4. b.), nearly similar to a round snuff-box. Their edges, besides, are supplied with rounded and radiated elevations (fig. 4. A.), between which are seen furrows of the same size (fig. 4. B.). Though different, the bivalve cuirass of the Closteria has an analogous form. Each valve (fig. 61. A. A.) forms cornucopiae, the uniting point of which is seen in the middle of the animalcule, where the sexual openings (fig. 61. c.) are to be found. No inge is to be seen , but the two thin edges of the valves (fig. 62. d.) are placed immediately one upon the other. This cuirass is open at each point of a valvule , its being the place \vhere we see the opening which I consider as the mouth (fig. 61. 63. b. b. 64. 65. a. a.) In the Pleurosicyos myriopodus , the cuirass has two valves , of the same form as in the Closteria. It is, besides, octangular (fig. 69.), and on each side of an angle, 8 12 pedal holes (fig. 68. b.) are seen. The Cosmaria must be considered as double ani- mals, forming together a double cuirass, and each separately a single one. 101 The Cosmarium deltoides (fig. 18 19) has two warty cuirasses , united on their broad surface , the openings of which communicate only with the sur- face uniting both animalcules. The Cosmarium bipes (fig. 20) has a cuirass of the same form, and appears however always split on its external surface, the more so as, during fecondation, this fissure (fig. 20. a. a ) opens itself. In the middle of the lines which unite the two cuirasses of an animalcule , we see a nearly quadrangular opening of the uniting points 5 which opening is the mouth. On both sides of it are tw r o openings (fig. 20. b.), through which the ani- malcule pushes a scarcely perceptible bladder, by means of which it sticks to the inside of the glass. I name therefore these openings pedal holes. In the Colpopella viridis (fig. 28) we see, on the inferior surface of the univalve cuirass two ope- nings (a), placed opposite one another, which must be considered as those of the alimentary tube. I name coat the epidermis which surrounds entirely the animalcule; and, as far as I could observe it in some larger species of Nariculae, inhabitants of rivers , that coat is , at the same time , the pedal organ, which, under a vesicular form, passes through the valvular openings, and by means of these feet the animalcule adheres to the glass. In the cuirassed animalcules (such as the various species of Surirella, Navicula, Closlerium and Cos- marium'), the epidermis clothes the whole internal surface of the cuirass, and lines it like a bag. 102 In the Surirella Venus (PI. I. fig. 4.) the epi- dermis possesses manifestly muscular strength, and when the muscular bag opens itself, it opens the cuirass, and by its contraction , it closes entirely the valves. In the Cosmarium delto'ides (fig. 19.) the two valves of the cuirass separate themselves by the muscular strength of both bladders (a.) , passing through the holes of the cuirass , and uniting them- selves again, as soon as the bladders are drawn back. In the Cosmarium sinuosum (fig. 21), stellinum (fig. 22.), truncatum (fig. 23 24), as well as in the Closteria (PI. V.), I have seen, in the very moment when the animalcule was dying under violent galvanic strokes , the coat falling off from the cuirass, and contracting itself partly. I have already said that I shall call naked the animalcules of this series, viz. the Euastra, Pediastra and Stauridia (PI. Ill), the Scenodesmi (PI. IV. fig. 4953), the Sphaerozosmi (fig. 39), the Ophiothrix (fig. 83 84), the Sphaero- desmi (fig. 86 90) , and the Oscillatoriae (fig. 71 81.). All these genera stand at the lowest de- gree of the animal scale, and give but weak signs of life. 103 ORGANS OF MOTION. Their movement is performed by very simple organs , when in possession of them , or with the whole body. In describing the cuirass and the coat of these animalcules, I spoke of the feet passing through the holes of the cuirass, and of those which are formed by the elongation and extension of the coat. These feet are easily observed in the Frustuliae and Navi- culae of larger species. The Pharyngoglossa syg- mo'idea has, above the mouth, a longitudinal fissure (fig. 16.1).), through which the pedal bladder comes out (fig. 16. b. b. b.). A similar bladder is observed in the posterior part of the body, and at the end of the intestinal tube (fig. 16. c.). In the Frusiulia viridescens (fig. 17.) larger vesicular feet (b) are easily seen. In the Scalptrum (fig. 70.) they are seen (b.) near the extremities of the body upon the angles, where the middle opening is found. In the Pleurosicyos myriopodus (fig. 68) we see several hundreds of such feet (b.)$ the animalcule being octangular, and each side having 18 20 such feet, consequently upon both sides 40 feet: 40 X 8 zzz 320 are the total number of the animal's feet. In the Oscillatoriae, the Closteria and several other genera, I never was able to discover these feet. 104 The motion of the animalcules is seldom per- formed by the vesicular feet. The Frmtuliae and Naviculae swim by a slow motion of the whole body 5 the Cosmaria and Euastra, by floating 5 the Diatomeae, by moving every one of their limbs; and the Oscil- latoriae by a vermicular creeping , similar to the motion of earth- worms. Ophiothrix derives its name from the serpentine and spiral motion, and from the quickness of this animalcule, comparatively superior to that of all the creatures of this series. The Sphaerodesmi (fig. 85 87.) roll themselves by a floating motion, and rise by a spiral one, by means of which, though slowly, these animalcules ascend from the bottom to the surface of the water, and go down again. The act of creeping, peculiar to several Oscil- latoriae seems to be performed by pressure upon neighbouring filaments or other parts. Some of these animalcules are always seen creeping in company under the microscope. The Osdllatoria subulata (fig. 71 72), standing uprigh f , cannot creep with the whole body, but that remarkable creature seems to be constantly employed to its own propagation, considering that the coat of the mother opens itself again, as well as the still younger one (c. d. e.). This last filament in the place where it abandons the opening of the coat, is articulated , as well as the coloured content of the maternal filament (d.). These articular nodes are separated by filiform intervals and represent a rosary, 105 loosing itself in its upper part into the capillary point, which is often very long, and has very thin articulations. When a filament has left by creeping the mother's body (as in fig. 72), this content (b.) forms a point, often similar to a drop, which grows gradually longer, till it acquires the form of an arti- culated filament; and in this manner the process already described is successively performed. Other Os cillatoriae (such as the Oscillatorta ele- gans Ag. fig. 73 74) creep in turning and bending the pointed extremity of their head (a.), from up- wards downwards, or from right to left, as the movement requires. If, during this movement, filaments or other exi- guous bodies present themselves on its way, the animalcule feels them with the point of the head, till it has gone round or over them. Does it meet larger bodies, it adheres to them or ascends over them, but it very soon puts aside the smaller ones, or, as the Naviculae do, drives them along with itself. The Frustuliae move in less than a minute, upon a surface of one line. The Oscillatoriae, in four and twenty hours, move from one to four inches. Our Diatomeae, found in rivers, are almost motion- less; those which inhabit the sea move quicker. Many animalcules of this class move only during the night. I have seen the Closterium costatum (fig. 61.) and the Closterium didymotocum (fig. 64.) ascend, during that time, from the bottom of a glass cylinder, from 4 30 lines, upon the inside of the glass, whilst, 106 in day-time, and at the light of a lamp, I could not observe any motion. Several Oscillatoriae creep only during the night and in dark places. Upon many of them, as well as upon various Naviculae and Frustuliae, light exercices a manifest influence. When kept in cylindrical glasses , they move towards the lighted side, and abandon the dark one. I avail myself of this circumstance, when I want to catch the finest specimens. When preserved in china vases, filled with water, they reach very soon the surface or the sides of the water, when exposed to light. In day-time, the Surirella Venus closes more its cuirass , which is never seen open but in dead individuals. During the night, and at the weak light of a lamp, I found many of them open, but they closed quickly their valves , when I directed upon them a more intense light. I have very seldom seen the points of the Pe- diastra bending and moving themselves , and it is equally rare to see the Closteria crooked 5 but these motions were much more frequent in the animalcule, when exposed to galvanic or electric strokes. 107 ORGANS OF NUTRITION. The act of nutrition and its organs are objects of difficult observation in this series of animalcules, on account of the impossibility of using the means employed by Mr. Ehrenberg in the investigation of the true Infusoria, because the creatures, mentioned in this inquiry, do not admit colouring substances. Analogy alone can assist us, and even very weakly, in these researches. In the Surirellae and Naviculae I could not dis- cover any tnbe running parallel to the body. We see, however, in the Surirella Venus a skin separating itself from one of the points of the coat, in which skin d. fig. 4.) there is an incision , lea- ding to the content (V). By means of this overture, the animalcule throws out entirely the content; but I never could distinguish upon the coat any opening nor fissure. The Naviculae, according to my classification, include the species of the most ancient genera of Frustuliae and Naviculae ; which, next to the pedal surfaces (fig. 4. 8. e.) , found in the axe of the body, are supplied with two openings (d. d.) leading to two empty tubes (f. f.) passing through the whole animal, and, on both opposite extremities, terminated also by two holes, near the smooth pedal surface. In the Navicula costata (fig. 10.} these two ope- nings arc found under the flat pedal surface, and 108 even the truncated extremities of the body (f. f.), placed on the edges of that surface. The foot (b.), resembling a scarcely perceptible wart, is to be seen in the axe of the body, between the two openings (f. f.). The Pharyngoglossa is the only genus of this series, in which the mouth, the alimentary tube and the anus of the animalcule are clearly distinguished. The head (fig. 16. A.) is casely known by the fis- sure of the cuirass , out of which the superior foot (b. b.) comes. We find under this foot the orifice fa.) , in which a stopple is seen (a. a.) moving in and out. From the mouth issues the cylindrical thin gut (f. f.) reaching the back parts of the body and unloading istelf into the orifice of the cuirass, through which the back foot (c. c.) protrudes. The Pharyngoglossa is the only animalcule of that series, in which I could distinctly see an ingestion of substance. He pushed the stopple (fig. 16. a. 2 ) much forward, with the help of a very fine and scarcely visible ligament, out of the opening of the intestinal tube , which by analogy we shall call the mouth (a), in consequence of which I saw an empty space between the stople (a. 2 ) and the mouth (a. 1 ). Water, saturated with organic atoms, penetrated of course this empty space, and dragged these atoms into it. Soon after, the second introduction of the stopple (a. 2 ) stuffed the mouth (a. 1 ) and led into it, at the same time , both the water and the sub- stances with which it was impregnated. 109 The various species of Cosmaria seem to receive substances through the hole (fig. 20. c.), which is constantly open. The Colpopelta has upon the in- ferior surface , at both extremities of the body , a longitudinal tube (fig. 28. a.)> which seems to unite both openings. In the Closteria we find upon the point of both sides of the cuirass, perforations which I consider as mouths. In the Closterium Lunu^a Nitzsch (fig. 5G 58.") this mouth (a.) is very easily found 5 it leads to a very short, and sometimes not well marked tube (b.). Moreover, we observe this orifice in the Closterium caudal um, a cumin alum , didymotocum and spirale (fig. 59 67.). In the Closterium costalum each horned extremity of the cuirass is truncated , and a larger, blunt and more opened mouth (fig. 61. 63. b. b. ) comes out of its edges. Between this orifice and the content of the animalcule, through which the intestinal tube passes, the Closteria present a peculiar organ, which I name rotatory bladder, without know- ing its functions. Some naturalists have taken those bladders for feet; but feet, entirely surrounded with a cuirass, and without any communication with the out- side, would answer very ill the purpose of moving. This spherical organ is always found under the orifice, and in the Closlerium Lnnula under the mouth (fig. 58. b.) and the intestinal tube. That bladder is transparent, round, circumscribed in itself (fig. 58. c. 62 63. a. 73. e. 65. c.)> the number of which 110 remains always almost the same. Diving downwards and upwards , they move in circular lines, as mole- cules do. In the Closterium Lunula , several are often found 5 in the Closterium costatum^ never more than one 5 in the Closterium didymotocum we see two twin globules (fig. 65. e.) , forming only one body, the union of which is still visible. In a series of species of this genus, I have seen globules without apparent bladder, moving freely towards the empty point of the valvules: which motion is distinctly seen in the Closterium acumina- tum (fig. 59. e.). The vesicle surrounds the coat contiguous to the cuirass , and that coat cannot be separated from it but by galvanic strokes. When the Closteria die, these animalcules retreat downwards, and present nothing more than a scar- cely visible spot. In squeezing them under a flat and very thin bit of glass, I sometimes succeeded in obtaining them single, and then they appeared to me quite spherical , without the least mark of adhesion. In the Closterium Lunula and didymotocum, we discover under the rotatory bladder, and above the first, the marks of an intestinal tube in right line (e. e.), surrounded with the green substance, which fills the animalcules. In spite of the finest instru- ments and innumerable trials, I never succeeded in separating this tube, because the green substance, half liquid , mixed with large oily drops , cover the whole , and baffles every direct observation. Speaking of the intestines , we must mention the Ill oloured substance of these animalcules, which, sur- ounded with the coat, colours them in a particular manner. These substances appear to me in general gelatinous, half liquid, homogeneous, containing drops f oil or of fat, and very small solid grains. In the Surirella Venus, this substance forms a jrown or green mass (fig. 4. e.) , heaped in the middle of the animalcule. In the Naviculae , the Trastuliae, and in some of the Diatomeae, this mass 'orms a small thin leaf, coloured, bent in its edges downwards, such as in the Frustidia appendiculata, PI. I. fig. 13. c. c. ) which, when the animalcule dies, is irregularly dissolved. The genus Scalplrum uid some species of non- described Naviculae, can jxpell, without dying, the coloured content, through ;he opening found on the surface of the belly (PI. V. fig. 70. b.) and these animalcules seem to possess the faculty of reproducing the content. This content is equally seen in the Diatomeae and Fragilariae, and the two extremities of the body alone, being empty , are transparent. In the articulations of the Diatoma fenestratum, it merely consits in pale globules, always single and of various size (fig. 38.). The genus Closterium, and those which are related to it, are on each side filled with a green substance, similar, though chemically different, to the chloro- phylle of leaves : which substance covers large drops of a yellow oil (fig. 57. h. fig. 64. f. ). This sub- stance is here, as well as in the Frustuliae, intercepted in the middle of the body , and consequently divided 112 into two equal parts. In the Closterium Lunula (fig. 57.) , it is partly separated by sharp teeth 5 in other species, sucli as the Closterium spiral e (fig. Q7. h. ), it appears like a green spiral ribbond in the cavity of the coat. In the Pediastra , Euastra, Stauridia , Cosmaria and in the Colpopella, the green substance fills entirely the two articulated parts of the animalcule, and hides often from one to four drops of oil (fig. 30. 31. 35. a. a.) 5 but, near these drops, small solid and dark grains (b. b.) are seen swimming, and in a continual oscillatory motion , like the corpuscules of the rota- tory vesicle of the Closteria. The same takes place in the Scenodesmi, Echinellae , Sphaerodesmi, etc. In the Oscillatoriae the content consists in small disks, placed close one another, having only a small cavity, for ex. in the Oscillatoria labyrinthiformis (PI. VI. fig. 76. a.). ORGANS OF PROPAGATION. The organs of generation are in this series very obscure and problematic. I do not know them. I shall however hazard a few observations , perhaps of some importance , which may he brought under this head, as long at least as we shall not be able to point out these organs more positively. 113 The Naviculae and Frustuliae place themselves, two and two on the side of their pedal surface, and re- main sometimes whole days in that position , and separate themselves again. I have seen a pair of the Frustulia ayrestis (fig. 14. a.) united in this way, go slowly asunder, and remarked that, in spite of that apparent separation , both individuals were joined by two very narrow tubes (fig. 14. b. c. ). And in magnifying them still more , I observed that these tubes passed through the cuirass and com- municated with the brown content. I saw also upon the orifice of the tubes an areola forming itself by a thicker and darker content. They remained united about an hour, after which the separation took place as follows: The tube (c.) drew back in the animal- cule (fig. 14. b.), and the tube (d.) towards (f.). Soon afterwards, having been able to observe the animalcule (f.) from downwards , or from the pedal surface, I saw (fig. 15.) in the middle line upon (d.) a larger opening , and upon (c.) a smaller one. In the last, the tube (fig. 14. b. d.) had drawn back; and the tube of the other animalcule entered into the first. In looking sidewise, I discovered, though rather indistinctly, both openings (d. c.). Under the opening of the mouth, we find in the Pharyngoglossa, under the middle line and under the alimentary tube, a small round wart (fig. 16. d. and 16. b. d.), perforated in the middle, of a very doubtful function, and which, considering its position, I bring under this head. 8 114 In the Cosmaricty we find in each half of the animalcule (fig. 18. and 19.) a bladder in the axe (d.) , and two other lateral ones (c. c.) of a darker colour, containing innumerable molecules, constantly turning and moving. I said above that the Cosmaria were to be considered as double animalcules, united during their whole life. In the Cosmarium dello'ides (fig. 18 19.) I have seen both halves of the ani- malcule, separated during whole days , and two blad- ders, perfectly transparent and colourless, unloading in one another , and developing themselves. The bladders, where the contact took place, were visibly perforated. Soon after the developement of these bladders , I have seen the mass of the dark mole- cules of the bladder (d.) evacuated into the trans- parent one, in consequence of which a double stream of molecules (fig. 19. a. and b.) took place, crossing itself in the common opening, so that the molecules of the one ran into the bladder of the other animal- cule, or part of it. The Cosmarium bipes (fig. 20.) offers another instance of this exchange of a molecular fluid. We see here several animalcules under the form of a chain , united by obtuse points. Soon after this union, two other united animalcules open themselves by a long fissure (f.) , and we see two streams of free molecules (fig. 2(h a. g.) moving in the direction indicated by arrows, and operating in this manner the exchange of fluids. 115 The Closterium acuminatum presents an other instance of this exchange. In all the Closteria, seen sidewise, and where the two half cuirasses join, we discover two holes (fig. 57. 67. d. d. fig. 59. d. d. fig. 61. c.) opposite one another. The destination of these two openings was long for me a matter of doubt, till I could at last distinguish the junction of the Closterium acuminatum, in which two animal- cules (fig. 59.) placed themselves obliquely one against the other, and till I saw, through these openings, the exchange of a transparent and scarcely perceptible fluid. In this union, we see also upon the cuirass an opening, both on the clear and on the convex side. This opening, however, is only visible during the union, described (fig. 59. x.). At all other times , in spite of all sorts of trials , I never could distinguish any thing. The genus Echinella Ehrenb. (fig. 54 55.), be- side the orifice (fig. 55. a.) , has upon each cutting surface of its body, three lateral pores, consequently sex in all (fig. 54. 55. b. b. b.), passing through the cuirass. Though closely adhering together by these small cutting surfaces , I never could discover any exchange of fluids operated by these pores. The propagation of the Oscillatoriae and Diato- meae is probably performed by decomposition of the parts 5 I never saw, however, propagation take place by division, admitted and even described by several naturalists, such as it may be seen in Infusoria of a higher category, and such as it has been admirably 116 described by Mr. Ehrenberg. What has been hitherto called division of individuals was only animalcules, parts of a whole or of a chain of animals. I never saw new limbs growing upon one of the animalcules separated from the chain 5 I never saw any one tur- ning double, and consequently propagating itself either by a longitudinal or transversal division, nor after such a separation, artificially or violently executed, protracting its life, and still less, maintaining it, recuperating its individuality, and producing new ani- malcules of its own species. The Oscillatoriae dissolve themselves in the already deceased lower parts, but a new animalcule never arises out of the fragments separated from that part. After having cut the filaments of the Oscillatoriae, I saw the one to which a part of the head was joined, creep , grow and continue to live , whilst the lower part, which had been cut, formed no new head, died, discoloured and discomposed itself. In a series of observations, continued during several months, the Cosmarium stellinum alone pre- sented an exception. After both animal bodies, half of which is represented (fig. 22. A.), are separated, a new sprout (fig. 22. B.) issues from the axe of each body. This sprout, at first round, exhibits later the first or principal incisions of its body, and after- wards those of the second and third rank. All the points and cuts are still obtuse and rounded 5 among the 52 points coming on each side of the body, 19 only are developed, which, divided later by new 117 incisions, grow angulous, sharp and pointed. When the young animalcule has attained the size and form of the maternal part, the union continues still some time, and is soon separated, whilst the female ani- malcule advances towards death and dissolution , to repeat the above described process , and propagate in this manner its genus and species. After having described the propagation of these animalcules , such as we have observed it , we shall venture to say a few words, upon the question of aequivocal generation, which has been in our days a subject of so much controversy. Reason speaks in its favour; I might almost say, acknowledges it, but the most direct and impartial observations seem to be in contradiction with it. The water I put in contact with pure organic matter, w r ith full certainty that no egg nor animal- cule could have been mixed to them, and abandoned to putrefaction, has generated nothing, during 4 8 months, except polygaslric Infusoria, some species of Monas and Colpoda, small Vorticellae , and very seldom a little Vibrio (Anguillula Ehrenb.). The Naviculae, the Frustuliae, and in general the animalcules belonging to this series, object of the present observations, have never appeared but in cases where I could prove their external origin. I never found these animalcules (except the Oscilla- toriae often generated in infusions) but in river or marsh waters, as well as all the more developed 118 Infusoria and rotatory animals. Their propagation can be observed and obtained ad libitum in a room. The equivocal generation has only reason in its favour and a very limited sphere of observations, owing to the excessive difficulty of observing such infinitely small creatures. Propagation by sexual generation and by the for- mation of offsprings , has in its favour the greater mass of observations: which observations are positive in this case, and seconded by the form, appearance and size of these beings. The necessary conditions to these two modes of generation can be expressed by the following formule: GENERATIO AEQUIVOCA. SPONTANEOUS GENERATION. ELEMENTS : ACT: PRODUCT: fluid substance, -+- solid sub- stance, ( K) heat. putrefaction, fermentation. living being, heterogenous to the substances employed to its generation. GENERATIO SECUNDARIA. SEXUAL GENERATION. ELEMENTS : ACT: PRODUCT : male organ, -\- female organ, (- -h) Hfe. receptivity and reception. living being, homogenous to those employed to its generation. 119 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE I. Fig. 1. Surirella Venus, weakly magnified. Natural length of the cuirass: 0,002565. Breadth: 0,000104 of an inch (Paris). 2. Seen from above, more magnified. 3. Open animalcule. 4. Another, equally open 5 a. the cuirass ; b. its inge; c. the white and transparent coat 5 d. incision, in the internal membrane 5 e. the brown or green content. 4. A. Ribs and furrows B. on the edge of the cuirass. 5. Navicula ciliata, two united animalcules. Length of the cuirass : 0,00044. 6. Separated animalcule, sidewise seen. 7. The same, seen from backwards 5 a. cuirass with angles and hairs 5 b. edge of the pedal surface 5 c. extremities of the sides 5 d. d. orifices of the alimentary tubes. 8. The same animalcule, seen from the pedal surface 5 e. d. d. orifices of the two alimentary tubes seen sidewise. 9. Kavicula costata , seen sidewise 5 length: 0,00226. 10. The same, seen from downwards ; a. cuirass ; b. the brown content 5 b * b x , pedal bladders 5 f. f. intestinal tubes, and their orifices 5 d. ombilic of the middle ribs. 11. Two united animalcules. 12. Frustulia appendiculala ; two united animal- cules. Length: 0,00139 5 breadth: 0,00055. 120 Fig. 13. The same animalcule, seen from downwards 5 a. cuirass 5 b. pedal surface 5 c. c. brown content. 14. Frustulia agrestis ; two united animalcules. Length of an animalcule: 0,00054. 14. b. The same e. f. standing and distant 5 c. d. the tubes uniting them. 15. An animalcule, seen from the pedal surface; c. d. the openings in which the tubes (fig. 14. c. d,) draw themselves back. w 15. b. The same animalcule, seen sidewise; g. h. openings in the cuirass 5 c. d. openings of the tubes. 16. Phuryngoglossa sigmo'idea ; length of the animalcule: 0,002361. a. the stopple of the tube; b. the head; c. the foot of the anus; g. the anus; d. sexual warts, f. f. intestinal tube. 16. a. Head of the animalcule , seen sidewise, strongly magnified; a. the stopple; b. the fissures of the cuirass with the foot; f. the intestinal tube. 16. b. Head of the animalcule, seen from down- wards ; a. the stopple; b. the foot; d. sexual wart; i. brown content. 16. c. Posterior extremity of the animalcule; c. the foot; g. anus; f. intestinal tube; i. content. 16. D. Stopple a 2 , drawn from the opening a 1 of the alimentary tube f. , seen round the ligament b % to which it adheres. 17. Frustulia viridescens , seen sidewise; a. a. pedal bladders. Length: 0,000185. 1 ! A T K II. 18. Cosmarium delto'ides. d. rotatory molecular bladders in the middle; c. c. the same blad- ders on both sides; e. point of junction of the two animalcules; f. warty cuirass. Size of the double animalcule: 0,000278. 121 19. The same animalcule, both halves separated; c. c. the lateral bladders; d. the middle ones with molecules; a. b. both bladders during the exchange of their molecular streams, in opposite direction. 20. Cosmarium bipes. Two double animalcules, united at their extremities; b. b. the pedal bladders; c. opening of the mouth; d. the middle molecular bladders; e. e. the lateral bladders; a. opening or fissure of the cui- rass, by which is operated the exchange of the molecular streams, f. g. size of the double animalcule: 0,00212. 21. Cosmarium sinuosiim. a. transparent edge of the cuirass; b. green content; c. middle rib; d. d. pedal bladders; e. opening of the mouth. Length of the double animalcule; 0,00075; breadth: 0,00031. 22. Cosmarium stellinum. A. Maternal animal- cule. B. The offspring Each adult half of the animalcule is provided with 52 points on the cuirass. Size of the double animalcule : 0,009545. 23. Cosmarium truncatum, seen from the sur- face. Size of the double animalcule : from 0,003635 to 0,00400. 24. The same seen from the angle. 25. Cosmarium Pelta. c. brown content; d. the same already empty. Size 0,00043. 26. Cosmarium lagenarium. a. a. darker sub- stances in the green content; c. cuirass with a shagreen surface; b. side, joining both ani- malcules. Length: 0,00894; breadth: 0,00328. 27. Cosmarium Cucumis. a. green content. Length 0,00221. 28. Colpopelta viridis. a. mouth and alimentary tube; b. shagreen -like cuirass; c. green content. Length: 0,00344. 29. Micrasterias falcata. a. oblique filament, joi- ning both halves of the animalcule. Length of one part of the cuirass : 0,000165. 122 1- I, 1 T K III. Fig. 30. Euastrum sexangulare. a. middle cell, with six corners 5 b. edge -cells in two parts 5 c. transparent middle -skin 5 d. oily drops of the green content. Size: 0,000345. 31. Euastrum hex agonum. Hexagon middle cells 5 d. transparent middle skin 5 a. thick oily drops. Size: 0,000915. w 32. Euaslrum pentangulare. a. Middle cell with five angles 5 b. cells of the octogone forked edges 5 c. transparent intermedial skin 5 d. green and solid content. Size: 0,003195. 33. Stauridium bicuspidatum. No middle -cell 5 a. intermedial transparent skin 5 green con- tent, with small moveable oily drops. Size: 0,001765. 34. Stauridium Crux Melitensis. a. Middle skin. The largest diameter: 0,00785. 35. Pediastrum quadrangulum. d. Middle qua- drangular cell, without intermedial skin, and consequently the intervals c. between the three empty and perforated cells 5 b. green content with molecules, and moveable oily drops. Size: 0,001765. 36. Pediastrum irregulare. b. irregular middle- cells 5 a. a. cells of the forked eclges with a green molecular mass. Size: 0,000960. V JL A T E IV. 37. Sphaeroxosmaelegans. Breadth of a member: 0,000955 a. globule uniting pairs of animal- cules 5 b. b. these animalcules individually united by the intermedial membrane c. d. d. oily drops with their content. 38. Diatoma fenestratum Ag. Length of a mem- ber: 0,001035 breadth: 0,00042. a. brown content in the cells of members d. b. seen sidewise5 c. common intestinal tube of a chain of animalcules. 123 Fig. 39. Fragilaria undulata. Length: 0,000125 chain formed with three animalcules; a. a. two intestinal tubes 5 b. the foot; c. d. transversal tubes coming from each alimentary tube, so far as the edge c; e. cellular interval with a colored content. 40. The same animalcule, seen sidewise. 41. Diatoma Navicula. Length: 0,00104; breadth: 0,00025. a. orifices of a common alimentary tube ; brown or green content of each cel- lular animalcule; b. a drop of oil. 42. The same animalcule, seen from the surface of reunion. 43. Desmidium didymum. Heigth of a member: 0,00055; breadth: 0,00199. Magnified chain of animalcules; a. intestinal tube; b. cuirass; c. flake uniting two animalcules. 44. Animalcule seen from the uniting surface; a. tube ; b. cuirass. 45. Syrinx annulatum. Length: 0,00165; a. b. intestine tubes; c. cuirass; d. brown content; e. annular folds of the cuirass. 46. The same animalcule, seen from the uniting surface, a. h. intestinal tube. 47. Paradesmus foliolum. Chain of three animal- cules; a. brown flake of the content; b. sur- face uniting two animalcules. Breadth of a member: 0,000255; length: 0,000540. 48. Scenedesmus ellipticus. 0,0040. Four united animalcules, not distant. 49. The same, distant; a. the animalcules; b. muscular flake of reunion. 50. Scenedesmus caudatus ; a. b. three animal- cules near one another; d. the fourth distant; c. flake of reunion; e. pedal hairs. Length of a member: 0,00047. 51. Meridian cor datum. Circular chain of ani- malcules; length of a member: 0,0095. 52. Separated animalcule; b. brown content. 53, Scenedesmus pyrus: 0,000355. 124 Fig. 54. Echinella crenulata. Length without feet: 0,000115. 55. Two cells, a. mouth 5 b. b. lateral openings; c. c. square foot, common to both; d. d. brown content. JP fc A T E V. 56. Closterium Lunula Nitzsch; strongly magni- fied; breadth: 0,00316; length: 0,01735. 57. The same animalcule, still more magnified; a. mouth; b. rotatory bladder^ c. intestinal tube; h. green content, with yellow oily drops; f. dented section; g. transversal band, transparent for want of the green content; d. d. the two lateral intermedial openings. 58. Point of a horn of the cuirass , strongly magnified; a. mouth; b. intestinal tube; c. rotatory bladder; d. dark corpuscules of this bladder. 59. Closterium acuminatum. Length: 0,00665. Perhaps the Closterium Leibleinii Kiitzing. (His drawing is too bad to ascertain it). Two united animalcules; a. the mouth; c. rotatory globules without bladder; e. intestinal tube and content; d. d. intermedial lateral holes; x. x. the same, by means of which both ani- malcules exchange their content; g. trans- veral bands. 60. The whole animalcule of the same species. 61. Closterium costatum. Thickness: 0,00147. A. A. Horns of the cuirass; b. b. mouth; a rotatory bladder; c. intermedial openings. 62. Edge of the cuirass valve , in the point of reunion of the two horns; d. its sides. 63. Point of the cuirass of the same animalcule; a. rotatory bladder; b. truncated extremity of the cuirass, as mouth; c. the rotatory globule in the bladder. 125 . 64. Closterium didymotocum. Length: 0,00928. a. mouth ; b. rotatory bladder ; c. twin glo- bules of the bladder; e. intestinal tube; f. large oily drops surrounding the tube; h. green content; g. union of both parts of the cuirass. 65. Extremity of the cuirass, strongly magnified; a. mouth; d. rotatory bladder; e. twin glo- bules; b. direction of their movement. 66. Closterium caudatum, strongly magnified. 67. Closterium spirale, strongly magnified; b. rotatory globule; d. middle opening; h. in- testinal spiral tube (?) 68. Pleurosicyos myriopodus. Length: 0,000624. a. sides (8); b. pedal bladders; c. trans- parent and transversal band. 69. Animalcule seen from upwards. 70. Scalptrum striatum. Length: from 0,00085 to 0,00096; a. pedal bladders (?J; b. middle opening, by which the brown content is emitted; longitudinal stripes between both sides c. of the cuirass. i- r, A T *: vi. 71. Oscillatoria subulata. Thickness of the fila- ment: from 0,00039 to 0,000465, strongly magnified; a. maternal filament; b. second filament; c. third filament; d. internodes; e. points. 72. The same; a. Maternal tube; the content forms a small head b. , pushed forward for the object of creeping. 73. 74. Oscillatoria elegans. a. the head, moving in the direction of the arrow, like a pendu- lum; b. tube of the filament; c. blue greenish content, thickness of the filament: 0,000145. 75. Oscillatoria amphibia. Strongly magnified; a. the head; b. division of a filament into two parts; thickness of it: 0,00046; heigth of the members : 0,00014. 126 Fig. 76. Oscillatoria labyrinthiformis. Br. : 0,00081 ; c. tube ; b. green content with a square cavity a; d. division of the content in the tube. 77. Oscillatoria Okenii. a. the head; b. the tube; c. the content; d. the cavity found within it; thickness of the filament: 0,000325. 78. Oscillatoria interrupta. a. the head; b. the sheath; c. the content of a gall - colour 5 thickness: from 0,000045 to 0,00006. w 79. Oscillatoria laminosa. a. the head; b. the sheath; c. the content; d. empty interval; thickness of the filament: 0,000265. 80. Oscillatoria vivida. Thickness: from 0,00010 to 0,0008. a. content with small oily drops; tube. 81. Oscillatoria punctata. The green content, with black spots; lives amongst the prece- dent ones; thickness: 0,000015. 82. Melotomus Fragilaria. a. member of the cui- rass ; b. brown content; breadth of a member: 0,00033. 83. Ophiothrix sphaerocephalus. a. surrounding the Oscillatoria interrupta ; b. the head; c. the neck; thickness of the filament: 0,0017. 84. The same, more magnified; d. tube; d. green content. 85. Sphaerodesmus bicolor. Thickness of mem- bers: 0,000251; a. green globular members; b. orange -coloured internodes. 86. 87. Sphaerodesmus depressus. Breadth of a member: 0,00018. a. transparent intermedial bladder ; c. double members ; b. transparent internodes. 88. 88. Sphaerodesmus spirillum. Thickness : 0,000281. Fig. 89. natural thickness; fig. 88. rolled filament. 90. Middle cell a. and filamentous members b. of the same animalcule. 127 FLORA OF BY . II. M. D., PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF PRAGUE. THIS Flora, if we merely speak of the town, is a Flora of the forests of inferior regions 5 but, if we include the Metalliferous Mountains (Erzgebirge) and their highest points so far as Gottesgab , this forest region extends from one of its limits to the other. Although some plants of the plains of Bohemia are found about Carlsbad, they do not properly be- long to its Flora, and it is only near Lipkowitz, twenty english miles from Carlsbad, towards the interior of Bohemia, that we find, in great quantity, the species and individuals common to plains. This Flora distinguishes itself principally by plants peculiar to the forests of the middle and North of Germany, and even by those which are found in the northern parts of that country, and still more by 128 those which belong to the North of Europe. The country, with the mountains near Marienbad, and those of the environs of Ellbogen, even in its grea- test extent, as far as the heigths of the Er&gebir presents formations of primitive rocks, destitute of that multitude of plants growing in Bohemia upon calcareous and basaltic mountains of the adjoining circles (counties) of the kingdom. Carlsbad has in its vicinity neither lakes nor marshes, asylums of an immense number of plants. The country presents ridges of hills, between which are broader or narrower valleys, but, at a little distance from the town , we find two of these, viz. the one in which the Teple runs rapidly in a narrow bed , and the other , crossed by the Egra, flowing quietly in a wide bed, which grows narrower higher up near Ellbogen, and expands into a greater breadth, as it descend through fertile fields and bloo- ming meadows. Upon the left bank of the Egra, we see round hills, which, getting gradually higher, begin the Erxgebirge, incircling agreable and well cultivated valleys. These hills, seldom extending to mountains, are entirely or partly wooded, but these forests are mostly coniferous, but sometimes intermixed with leaf- trees. These valleys produce wheat, rye, barley and oats as well as vegetables. Flax, potatoes, thrive also in the higher parts. The raw climate of Carlsbad is unfavourable to fruit, and the best is brought from the warmer circles of Saaz and Leitmeritz. 129 It is truly astonishing that, in spite of the enor- mous quantity of salt, which (according to approxi- mative calculations) the waters of Carlsbad pour into the Teple, viz. U. 786,884 of carbonate of soda, and n. 1,132,92.3 of sulfate of soda, we do not find in their vicinity any saline plants, except the Spergu- laria marina, whilst near Franzensbad and several wells of bitter waters, near Seydschitz, we meet with saline and sea -shore plants. The numerous turfy grounds about Carlsbad offer many rare plants. In the following List, the Genera are ranged according to the natural method. In order to give a more complete idea of the vegetation of the country, we have not only included the plants peculiar to forests, but the rarer ones, which this Flora offers, though foreign to them. The knowledge of the cel- lular or cryptogamic plants found about Carlsbad (mosses , hepatics, lichens and algs) being hitherto very imperfect, we must differ their enumeration to another opportunity. Thali drum aquilegifo Hum . Ranunculus nemorosua. Aconitum Camarum. Adaea spicata. Dentaria bulbifera. Cardamine pratensis multiplex. Arabia Halleri. Teesdalia Iberix. 9 130 Thlaspi (ffpeslre. Viola sylvestris. Riviniana. mirabilis. Parnassia palustris. Drosera rotnndifolia. lonyifolia. Polygala oxyptera. Chamuebnxm. Dianthus superbus. Silene vis cos a. Spergularia marina. Geranium divaricatum. Staphyllea pinnata. Genista tinctoria. Trifolium spadiceum. Galega o/ficinalis. Orobus tuberosus. albus. Lathyrus sylvestris. latifolius. Vicia sylvatica. cassubica. Spiraea Aruncus. Ulmaria. Rosa pumilfi. alpina. pyrenaica. tomenlosa. Rubus pfjctttun. 131 Rubus fasligiatux. cordifblius. hirtus. corylifolius. Weyhii. nitidus. dumetorum. Bellardi. saxatilis. Comarum palustre. Potentilla alba. Epilobium ietragonum. montanum. Circaea alpina. Sedum maximum. Telephium (purpiireum Auctor}. villosum. Montia lamprosperma. Ribes alpinum. nignun. Chrysosplenium opposilifolium. Sanicula europaea. Astrantia major, ft. spinulosa : (involucri foliolis oblongo -lanceolatis apice serra- turas 1 3 spinosas gerentibus umbel- lam paulo excedentibus). Selinum palustre. Angelica vylvestris. Libanolis vulgaris. 132 Pimpinella magna. Peucedanum cervaria. Myrrhis odor at a. Lonicera nigra. Sambucus racemosa. Asperula odorata. Galium sylvaticum. rotundi folium. boreale. Valeriana officinalis , . exaltata. Scabiosa sylvatica. Cnicus heterophyllus. eriophorus. acatilis. Centaur ea nigrescens. Gn aph nlium sylv ati cum . Tussilago alba. Inula salicina. Artemisia scop aria. Arnica montana. Hieracium collinum. sylvaticum. Schmidtii. Prenanlhes purpurea. Sonchus alpinus. Phyteuma spicatum. nigrum. Vaccinium Oxycoccos. Erica car tie a. vulgaris , ft. hirsuta. 133 Pyrola rotundifolia. minor. media, chlorantha. uni flora. Thesium afpinum. Plantago atrala. Lysimachia thyrsi flora. nemo rum. Menyanthes trifoliata. Swertia perennis. Gentiana crudata. ciliata. Am ar ell a. Veronica montana. longifolia. serpyllifolia, ft. neglect a. Pinguicula vulgaris. Euphrasia Rostkotciana. Scrophularia vernalis. Digitalis ochroleuca. Verbascum Lychnitis, ft. album. Atropa Belladonna Myosotis strigulosa. sylvatica. spassiflora. Pulmonaria officinalis. Melittis Melissophyllum. Lamium rugosum. Betonica strict a. 1134 Rumex scutatus. Polygonum Bistorta. Alnus incana. Betula carpatica. nana. Salix grandifolia. sphacelata. praecox. Allium ursinum. Ornithogallum umbellatum, ft. refractum. milans. Lilium Martagon. Leucojum vernum. Orchis coriophora. latifolia, cum varietatib. sambucina. Corallorhixa innata. Gymnadenia albida. Neottia nidus avis. Listera cordata. ovata. Polygonatum verticillatum. multiflorum. Schcuchxeria palustris. Juncus squarrosus. Lu%ula maxima. Carex pulicaris. digital a. 135 Carex cypernidex. Dry me i u. Eriophorum caespitosuin. Poa sudetica. Triodia dectimbens. Bromus asper. giganteus. Molinia caerutea. Arundo sylvatica. Elymus europavus. Equisetum sylvaticum. Lycopodium clavatum. Bolrychium rutaceum. Woodsia hyperborea. ilvensis. Asplenium Adiantnm - nigrum, Aspidium Oreopteris. Thelipteris. INDEX. Preface 5 Carlsbad 11 The wells 31 Analysis of the waters, and the Carlsbad salt . 37 Insufficiency of the theories proposed for explai- ning thermal heat 42 Ancient and present method of using the waters, and choice of the season 45 Mode of action of the waters 54 Complaints which Carlsbad can cure or relieve, and those which it aggravates 58 Miscellaneous practical observations: Habitual costiveness 65 Biliary and urinary calculi 66 Arthritic and hemorroidal disorders, chlo- rotic and other female maladies; metallic influences, etc 71 Refutation of some erroneous notions concerning Carlsbad 77 Water and steam -baths 83 Regimen 87 Observations on the microscopic animalcules about the hot springs of Carlsbad, by Mr. A. J. C. Corda of Prague Explanation of the plates 1 Flora of Carlsbad by Dr. C. B. Presl .... 1 " 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED CT ?x- s: :JK p" CO h* m O c5^ **.. 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