UC-NRLF 7 C U mm: D I m V* '* V THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID : X THE HARMONIES OF NATURE LONDON PRIMED BY Si-OTTISWOOCK AND CO. NKW-STKKKT SQUARE Frontispiece. oa = j>eire7;aai7*A>mio iffSft. w c ei/Cff(a,r.7us\arbO au' c/i/enQjiarrlttn \J>en/,s an einer^teden JX'tmt' qeflajioen, atitoffen Cos Jv sj raiiJ>e aurh rS \~s f f- J /^^(TF / am (jiiy ctJC7q nalie a er trjif em.ern ffClen per tttnen- . Rt'd/nqrrrftl-Sf.etemud If4 LAMMERGEIER ATTACKING A STEINBOCK. THE HARMONIES OF NATURE OR THE UNITY OF CREATION. BY DE. G. HAETWIG AUTHOR OF ' THE SEA AND ITS LIVING WONDERS ' AND ' THE TROPICAL WORLD. WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS. NEW YORK : D. APPLETON AND CO., 445 BROADWAY. 1866. PREFACE. HARMONY is the universal law of Nature. Of all the number- less forms of animals and plants that deck the surface of the globe, there is not one that is not perfectly fitted for its peculiar sphere. The configuration of our earth, and the physical laws that govern the waters and the atmosphere, are in complete unison with the wants of organic life ; and suns and planets wander harmoniously through illimitable space. And as it now is, thus it ever has been ; for the annals of our globe bear witness, throughout all the changes of the primeval world, to the concord which has constantly reigned between the physical condition of the earth and its inhabitants at each successive epoch. In the following pages I have endeavoured to point out some of the most striking examples of this fundamental truth, which so forcibly proclaims the unity of creation. May I have ac- quitted myself of my task so as to strengthen my readers in the conviction that an All-wise and All-powerful Legislator has constantly presided over the destinies of the universe ! GK HARTWia. HEIDELBERG : 9th April, 1866. CONTENTS CHAPTEE I. THE STARRY HEAVENS. The Setting Sun The Splendour of the Starry Vault The First Step to Astro- nomical Science The Planetary System How hare we learnt to Measure its Dimensions ? Copernicus Kepler Newton Laplace The Planetary Pertur- bations reduced to Harmony Discovery of Neptune by Calculation Shooting Stars and Meteoric Stones Their Composition Spectral Analysis of the Sun's Atmosphere by Kirchhof and Bunsen A Glimpse into the Fixed-Star Heavens Enormous Distances of the nearest Fixed Stars Our World-Island Nebulae Motions of the Fixed Stars Vast Prospects into Space and Time The Univer- sal Harmony of Worlds . , v . . . . . PAGE 1 CHAPTER II. HEAT AND LIGHT. The various Sources of Heat Effects of Heat Dependence of Terrestrial Life on the actual Distance of the Earth from the Sun Relations of the various Bodies to Heat The Prismatic Colours The Harmony between Colours and the Human Mind What is Heat ? What is Light ? Importance of the Ethereal Spaces with regard to the Distribution of Heat and Light . , : . 11 CHAPTER III. THE ATMOSPHERIC OCEAN. Immensity of the Atmospheric Ocean The Component Parts of the Atmosphere Oxygen Nitrogen Wonderful Constancy in the Composition of the Atmosphere Antagonism between Vegetable and Animal Life The System of the Winds Dependence of all Terrestrial Life upon the actual Constitution of the Atmosphere Atmospheric Air but a Mixture, no Chemical Combination of Oxygen and Nitrogen Transparency of the Air Its Influence upon the Mental Development of Mankind Air considered as the Bearer of Sounds Voices of Nature 1 6 X CONTENTS. CHAPTEK IV. THE MAJESTY OF THE OCEAN. The Immensity of the Ocean Ebb and Flood Causes of the Tides Their In- fluence on the Organic Life of the Seas Ocean Currents How produced Their Importance Evidences of Unity of Design resulting from the intimate Con- nection of the Phenomena of the Seas and the distant Celestial Bodies PAGE 21 CHAPTEK V. THE ATMOSPHERICAL PRECIPITATIONS IN THEIR RELATION TO ORGANIC NATURE. The constant Sources of the Eivers The Harmonies of the Ocean and the Atmo- sphere Distribution of Eain and Snow over the Surface of the Globe The Voice of Eivers Dew History of its Formation Clouds and Eain Snow and Ice as Protectors of Vegetable and Animal Life The Lavines The Glaciers The Tornado 27 CHAPTEE VI. THE HARMONIES BETWEEN THE PHYSICAL CONSTITUTION OF THE EARTH AND ITS INHABITANTS. The Terrestrial Eevolutions The Formation of Alluvial Plains Beneficial Effects of the Inequalities of the Earth's Surface "What do Petrifactions teach ? Coal Strata The Subterranean Treasuries of Man Influence of the Change of Seasons on Organic Life , , , . ' , , '. 37 CHAPTEE VII. THE CELLULAR CONSTRUCTION OF PLANTS. Prodigious Variety of Plants The Vegetable Cell Its Metamorphoses Its Multiplication Eapid Growth of the Lower Plants The Mushrooms The Wonderful Products of the Vegetable Cell Magnificence of the Vegetable World ' . 49 CHAPTEE VIII. THE ROOTS OF PLANTS. The Eoots of the Algse, of the Zostera Marina, of the Sand-reed, of the South African Creepers The Eoots of the Forest Trees Aerial Eoots of the Man- groves Their Influence on the Formation of Tropical Delta-lands Eadical Filaments Spongioles Properties of Vegetable Mould The Fertilising In- fluence of Winter ........ 54 CONTENTS. xi CHAPTEE IX. THE STEMS OF PLANTS. The various Growth of Trees Internal Structure of Plant-stems Wood and Fibrous Cells The Shafts of Palms Climbing Plants Their various Modes of Attachment Tree Buttresses Defences of Plants Thorns Prickles Harmonies between the Trunks of Trees and the Wants of Man The Voices of the Forest ....... PAGE 65 CHAPTEE X. THE LEAVES OF PLANTS. The chief Ornament of Spring Internal Structure of Leaves The Cuticle Stomata and Air-cells Opening and Closing of the Stomata Pliability and resisting Powers of the Leaves Their Stems Dionaea Muscipula The Mimosas Enemies of the Leaves Their Defences Hairs Prickles Secretions Harmonies between Leaves and Insects . . .71 CHAPTEE XI. BLOSSOMS. Their Functions Their Accessory and Essential Parts The Calyx The Corolla The Pistils The Anthers The Pollen Insects as Means of Fructification The Vallisneria Spiralis . : . . . . . 79 CHAPTEE XII. SEEDS AND THEIR MIGBATIONS. Defences of Seeds Their Dissemination over the Earth Feathers and Wings Cotton Influence of Watercourses Mangrove Seeds The Animals and Man as Disseminators of Plants Progress of Vegetation on the originally naked Eock ......... 84 CHAPTEE XIII. MICROSCOPICAL PLANTS. Uncertain Limits between the Animal and the Vegetable World The simplest Forms of Plants Protococci Oscillatoriae Volvocinge Desmidise Dia- tomacese Their Importance in the Household of the Seas Their Geological Agency . ....... 93 CHAPTEE XIV. MICROSCOPICAL PROTOZOA. Ehizopods and Foraminifera Their Geological Importance Phosphorescence of the Sea The Noctiluca Miliaris Polycystina Infusoria Vorticellas Ophrydinse Eapid Multiplication of the Infusoria . . .101 Xll CONTENTS. CHAPTEK XV. SPONGES. Animal Nature of Sponges Their remarkable Structure Their Skeleton Spicula Sensibility and Spontaneous Movements Their Mode of Propagation Their Importance in the Household of the Seas . . v , . . PAGE 112 CHAPTEK XVI. SEA-ANEMONES AND LITHOPHYTES. Submarine Gardens Internal Structure of the Sea-anemones Tentacles Urticating Organs Their remarkable Tenacity of Life Their Modes of Locomotion Lithophytes Social Eepublicans Coral Islands , .116 CHAPTER XVII. ACALEPEUE OR JELLY-FISHES. Medusae and Ehizostomata Their Internal Structure Their Mode of Progression Alternation of Generations Ciliograde Jelly-fishes Their Wonderful Fishing Apparatus Diphyes Agalma Physalus Velella Importance of the Acale- phae in the Economy of the Ocean $" . , . . 125 CHAPTER XVIII. ECHINODERMATA. Primeval Sea-stars Feather-stars Snake-stars Star-fishes Their Suckers and Mode of Locomotion Their Skeleton Their Victims and their Enemies Sea- Urchins Structure of their Shell Their Dental Apparatus Pedicellarise, or Sea-Cucumbers Metamorphoses of the Echinodermata . . .132 CHAPTER XIX. MOLLUSCA. The Flustrse or Sea-Mats Aviculari a Metamorphoses of the Flustrse Salpae and Ascidise Botrylli Pyrosomata Bivalve Shellfish Free and Sessile The Byssus The File of the Pholades Respiration of the Bivalve Shellfish Their Nourishment Snails Their Masticatory Apparatus Their Cautious Habits Pteropods Conical Appendages of the Clio's Head Its wonderful Dental Apparatus Cuttlefish Sucking-disks The Onychoteuthis Number and Importance of the Molluscs . .141 CHAPTER XX. WORMS. Are they in reality so helpless as is commonly supposed ? Beauty of the Free Marine Annelides Their Mode of Life Tubicolar Worms Leeches Earth- worms Nemerta Gigantea Rotifera Their Complex Organisation and their Habits 166 CONTENTS. Xlll CHAPTER XXI. CRUSTACEANS. Cirripedes Barnacles and Acorn-shells Edriophthalmia Decapoda Their Branchial Apparatus Legs and Digestive Organs Moulting Process Meta- morphoses Enemies of the Crustaceans Means of Defence, and Offensive Weapons The Birgus Pinnotheres Paguri Migratory Instinct of the Land- crabs ........ PAGE 175 CHAPTER XXII. Their Integuments Their Metamorphoses Larvse Pupse Perfect Insects An- tennae Eyes Masticatory Organs Chewing and Sucking Insects Digestive Organs of the Carnivorous and Herbivorous Insects Motions of Insects Elateridse Aquatic Insects Foot of the Fly Wings Respiratory Organs- Tracheae and Stigmata The Butterfly's Wing under the Microscope Defences of Insects Vitality Concealments The Caddice Fly The small Ermine Moth The Clothes Moth Hunting Manoeuvres of the Mantis The Ant-Lion The Larva of the Tiger Beetle Insect Plagues Insects Useful to Man -Their Numberless Enemies Their Wonderful Instincts Care for their Young The Rhynchites Betulse Dung and Sexton Beetles Their Remarkable Intelli- gence The Sand Wasp Ichneumon Flies Breeze Flies The Earwig The Mole Cricket The Dirt Dauber and Trypoxylon The Leaf-cutters The Carpenter Bee The Chartergus Nidulans The Hive Bee The Ants and Ter- mites 189 CHAPTER XXIII. SPIDERS. Venomous Apparatus Spinnarets The Spider's Web Patience of the Spiders Hunting Spiders Trap-door Spiders Water Spiders The Raft Spider Enemies of the Spiders Their Fecundity Their Maternal Affection Th<> Stalita Turn aria . . . . ... . . - . !23o CHAPTER XXIV. FISHES. The Waters a Scene of constant War Fecundity of Fishes necessary to maintain the Equilibrium Migrations of the Salmon Means of Defence and Attack The Dragon Weever The Acanthurus The Catfish The Sting-ray Dental Apparatus of Fishes Teeth of the Lamprey andScari The Sawfish Electrical Fish Fins Air-bladders Gills Respiratory Apparatus of the Lamprey and Hag of the Frogfish and Hassar The Star-gazer The Angler The Ros- trated Chsetodon The Senses of Fishes Beautiful Construction of their Eye Care of the Stickleback for its Young Parental Solicitude of the Black Goby and of the Hassar . . . . . 247 XIV CONTEXTS. CHAPTER XXV. REPTILES. Defences of the Chelonians, Lizards, Frogs, and Toads Locomotion of Serpents Legs of the Tortoise and Turtle The Gecko's Foot The Chameleon The Viper's Fang How Serpents swallow their Food Tongue of the Chameleon and of the Crocodile Vertebral Teeth of the Deirodon Maternal Affection of the Cayman Hybernation Usefulness of Reptiles Their Enemies and their Fecundity ........ PAGE 268 CHAPTER XXVI. Their Wings and Rapidity of Flight Quill-feathers Wings of the Ostrich and the Penguin Feathers Rump-gland Legs of Birds Waders Swimmers Raptorial Birds Perchers Beaks of Birds Black-skimmer Boatbill Spoon- bill Crossbill The Flamingo's and the Toucan's Tongue Digestive Apparatus of the Birds Strength of Vision Services of Birds Nests of Birds The Sand-martin The Woodpecker The Chaffinch The Cassique The Balti- more Oriole Weaver-birds The Baya The Social Grosbeak The Tailor- bird The Tallegalla The Sea-lark Heroism of Birds in defending their Young The Lammergeier Artifices of the Lapwing and Ostrich Memory and Intelligence of Birds Migratory Instinct . . . .286 CHAPTER XXVII. MAMMALIA. Modifications in the Structure of the Limbs of Mammalia Fins of the Whale, Walrus, and Seals Wings of the Bat The Nycteris The Flying Squirrel Shovels of the Mole Limbs of the Cervine and Bovine Races The colossal Pillars of the Elephant The Hare The Jumping Hare The Kangaroo The Sloth Mon- keys Leaps of the Wanderoo The Squirrels Soles and Toes Sole-pads of the Camel Prehensile Tail of the American Monkeys and other Quadrupeds Tail of the Aquatic Mammalia, of the American Ant-Bear, of the Kangaroo and Pengolin Masticatory Organs Teeth of the Carnivora, the Ruminantia, and the Rodents The Baleen of the Whale The Ant-eater's Tongue The Stomach of the Ruminants The Camel's Paunch Water-pouches of the Elephant Cheek- pouches of the Hamster Senses of the Mammalia The Elephant's Proboscis Defensive and Aggressive Weapons of Mammalia Burrows of the Prairie Dog The Hamster's Cave Habitations of the Beaver and the Musquash The Mole and the Australian Duckbill The Armadillo and the Hedgehog The Porcu- pine -The Skunk Gregarious Quadrupeds Guards Bird-guardians of the Rhinoceros and the African Buffalo Friendships of Animals The Tiger and the Dog Attachment of Domestic Animals to Man Parental Affection Pouch of the Opossum and Kangaroo Services of the Quadrupeds Sagacity of the Dog, the Horse, the Monkey, and the Elephant Hybernation Happiness of the Wild Mammalia . . . . . . .317 CONTENTS. XV CHAPTER XXVIII. MAN. Pre-eminence of Man His Greatness and his Weakness The Brain of Man The Telegraphic System of the Nerves The Optic Nerve The Organs of Hearing, Taste, Smelling, and Touch Spinal Nerves Motile Nerves Sympathetic Nerves The Human Hand Its Harmony with the Intellectual Faculties of Man Differences in the Limbs of the Ape and Man Man's Upright Walk His Privileges and his Duties . , . . . PAGE 382 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Acalephse or jelly-fishes : Agalma Okenii . . .129 Cydippe . . . .128 Diphyes Campanulifera . 129 Medusa . .128 Physalus utriculus . .130 Khizostoma . . .126 Velella septentrionalis . .131 Birds : Baya sparrow, nest of the . 308 BoatbiU, beak of the . . 296 Crow, beak of a . " . 294 Falcon, head of a . . 293 Flamingo, bill of the . . 297 Fowl, digestive apparatus of common . . . 299 Guinea fowl, beak of a . 294 Humming bird, beak of the . 294 Ibis, head and leg of . . 291 Lammergeier attacking a Steinbock . frontispiece This engraving represents an attack made in the year 1 685, on the Cirx Berg in the Tyrol, near the Martins Wand, by a Lammergeier of great size on a full-grown Steinbock. Whilst the lat- ter was standing near the edge of a precipitous rock, the Lammergeier pushed him down a depth of 180 feet, breaking his neck by the fall. The bird was shot whilst in the act of devour- ing his prey. Loxia curvirostra . 297 Pelican, foot of the . 292 beak of the . 293 Percher, foot of a . 293 Eecurvirostra Avocetta 296 Sand-martin's nest . 303 Skimmer, bill of the . 295 Spoonbill, beak of the 296 Swan, gizzard of a . 299 PAGE Birds continued. Tailor bird and its nest . 309 Talons of a bird of prey . 292 Toucan, tongue of the . 298 Woodpecker, foot of the . 292 cranium and tongue of the 298 nest of the . 304 Crustaceans : Acorn-shell . .175 Barnacles . . 175 Cirrhi . .176 Crab, larva of . .182 Sandhopper . .177 Sponge crab . .185 Whale-louse . .179 Echinodermata : Asterias rubens . .134 ,, section of a ray of 135 Echinus, or sea-urchin * . 137 Pedicellarise . . .138 Sand-star . . .133 Warted Euryale . . 133 Fishes : Cod, eye of ... 265 Dental apparatus of shark . 252 ,, of lamprey 253 of Scarus muricatus 253 of sawfish. 254 Electric eel, capture of the to face 256 Frogfish . . . .262 Lophius piscatorius . .263 Ostracion .... 250 Perch, skeleton of the . . 257 Respiratory apparatus of the lamprey . . . .260 Sawfish, rostrum of . . 254 Spine of the Siluridse . .251 Torpedo, muscles and electric batteries of . , 253 XV111 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Fishes continued. Toxotes jaculator . . 263 Trachinus Draco . .251 Insects : Alimentary canal of tiger beetle . .196 of cockchafer 197 Apple-moth, with caterpillar and chrysalis . . .191 Ateuchus sacer . . .221 Boat-fly ... . .200 Caddice-worms . . . 209 Calandra longipes . . 220 Calosoma sycophanta, larva of 191 Carpenter bee . . . 228 Chartergus nidulans, nest of 230 Elater noctilucus . .199 Ermine moths . . .210 Eyes of insects . . .194 Feet of flies . . .201 Fungus ant, nest of . . 232 Gryllotalpa vulgaris . . 198 Hawk moth, caterpillar of . 208 Hornet, larva of . . .191 pupa state of . . 192 perfect insect . . 192 Hydrometra stagnorum. . 201 Lappet-moth . . . 205 caterpillar of . 207 Mantis religiosa . . .212 Necrophorus Vespillo . .221 Nests of the Trypoxylon and Pelopseus . . .226 Peacock butterfly . . 206 Pimpla persuasoria . .223 Eaft spider . . .243 - Eed Admiral butterfly . 206 Spiders' spinnarets 226, 238, 239 Spiracle of common fly .203 Springtail . . . .199 Tiger-beetle . . .198 Termites, mounds of the . 234 Tortoise-beetle . . .198 - Walking-leaf insect . . 206 Wasp's nest . . .229 . Water-beetle . . .200 Water-scorpion, tracheal system of ./.. . . 202 Water-spiders . . .241 Whirligig . . . .200 Mammalia : Ant-eater, head of the . 339 Balsena Mysticetus, bones of the anterior fin. of the .318 Bear, dentition of the . . 340 Camel, water-cells in stomach of the , f . . 347 Cat, dentition of the . .341 Cercoleptes caudi volvulus . 335 Deer, skeleton of the . . 326 Dipus sagitta . . .329 PAGE Mammalia continued. Duckbill, burrow of the . 367 Elephant, stomach of . . 348 Hare, skeleton of the . . 328 Kangaroo, hunting the to face 352 Lion, skeleton of . .355 Mole, skeleton of the . . 325 Mules striking off the spines of the melon-cactus to face 68 Pengolin . . . .337 Pteropus, skeleton of . . 321 Pthinolophus ... , . 354 Rhinoceros . . .361 and its bird- guardian . to face 371 Rodent, dentition of a . 342 Seals catching fish to face 319 Seal, skeleton of . .319 hinder extremities of . 319 dentition of . . 342 Sheep, skull of . . .343 base of cranium of . 343 lower jaw . . 343 composite stomach of 345 Sloth, skeleton of the . . 329 hand of the . . 333 Spalax typhlus . . . 351 Squirrel, flying . . . 324 Walruses defending their young . to face 370 Walrus, tusks of . . 344 Man : Acoustic nerve, expansion of the . . . .385 Skull, human . . .390 of an Ourang-cetan . 391 Spinal nerve, origin of a . 387 Mollusca : Ascidia mammillata . .145 Botryllus violaceus . .146 Byssus, filament of a . . 150 Cellularia .... 144 Clio, prehensile organs of, 160, 161 Common cockle . . .150 Eolis . . . .157 Flustra, in its cell . . 142 Gasteropoda, digestive appa- ratus of . . . . 158 Glaucus . .. .- , 157 Hyalea Globulosa . .159 Leaf -like sea-mat . .142 Onychoteuthis, arms and ten- tacles of an . . .163 Pholades, respiration of . 151 Poulp, arm and suckers of a 162 Razor-shell . .153 Salpae . . 147 Scyllsea . . 157 Sepia . . . 162 Plants, leaves of " :." " 73 Desmidiacese 98 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. XIX Plants continued. Diatomacese Microscopical forms of vege- table life . Pollen-grains Volvox globator . Protozoa : Amoaba Infusoria Leucophrys patula Noctiluca miliaris Ophrydium versatile Polycystina . . Kotalia ornata 98 94 80 97 101, 102 . 107 . 108 . 105 . 109 . 106 . 103 . 112 Stent'or Rceselii . . . 106 Vorticella cyathina . .108 Reptiles : Chameleo Africanus . .273 tongue of 275 Gecko's toe . . .273 Iguana defending itself from the Jaguar to face 274 Reptiles continued. Serpent, poison teeth of Tortoise, internal surface carapace of Sea-anemones and lithophytes : Actinia alcyonoidea Alcyonidium elegans . Gorgonia nobilis Pennatula grisca Urticating organs Sponges : Halichondria Halina papillaris Worms : Foot of an annelide Hirudo medicinalis Nereis Philodina roseola Ptygura melicerta Sabella unispirata alveolaria Serpula contortuplicata Terebella conchilega . of 277 269 117 120 121 120 118 121 113 167 169 166 173 172 168 168 168 168 ERRATA. Page 27, chapter head, for Ravines read Lavines. , 43, line 1, for first read firs. THE HARMONIES OF NATURE, CHAPTEE I. THE STARRY HEAVENS. The Setting Sun The Splendour, of the Starry Vault The First Step to Astrono- mical Science The Planetary System How have we learnt to Measure its Dimensions ? Copernicus Kepler Newton Laplace The Planetary Per- turbations reduced to Harmony Discovery of Neptune by Calculation Shooting Stars and Meteoric Stones Their Composition Spectral Analysis of the Sun's Atmosphere by Kirchhof and Bunsen A Glimpse into the Fixed Star Heavens Enormous Distances of the nearest Fixed Stars Our "World-Island Nebulae Motions of the Fixed Stars Vast Prospects into Space and Time The Uni- versal Harmony of Worlds. THE SUN rests on the brink of the western horizon, sparkling over the ever-restless surface of the ocean. Dazzled by the excess of light, I turn my eyes from his brilliant orb and look down upon the strand at my feet, where the indefatigable tide- wave rolls upwards in broad sheets of foam, and then again falls back in a thousand little rills and with a thousand delightful murmurs. My eye has rested, and once more wishes to enjoy the aspect of the setting sun ; but the fiery globe has already sunk below the margin of the waters, to cast its streams of light over other lands and seas to awaken millions to the labours and enjoyments of a new-born day. A gorgeous canopy of clouds, glowing in every tint of gold, scarlet, and purple over the evening sky, alone remains to bear witness to the vanished sun's magnificence as after the death of a hero the memory of his deeds still lingers 2 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. behind in many a glorious tradition, and spreads a halo over his tomb. At length even the last faint glimmerings of light have disappeared ; night has fully vanquished day, and an increasing gloom seems about to cover all nature with a funereal pall. But this triumph of death is only apparent and of short duration, for as the darkness deepens, new worlds blaze forth from the dark heavens, and open the portals of the Infinite to our astonished gaze. Thus night, far from contracting our horizon, withdraws in reality the veil which hid from us the wonders of a boundless universe. Who can describe the splendour of the starry heavens ? With vivid colours the painter imitates the blushing morn or the moonbeam dancing on the lake ; the forest, the sea, the moun- tains appear on his canvas like reality itself; but the wonders of the starry heavens mock the weakness of his art, for how could he confine the boundless fields of ether within the narrow limits of a painting ? * In all times, in all zones, the aspect of the nocturnal firma- ment has awakened feelings of pious awe in the breast of man ; and surely the idea of a single and omnipotent God first dawned in his soul while his eye was plunging into the depths of the skies, and star after star shone down upon him from that amazing dome whose cupola is everywhere extended and whose pillars are nowhere to be found ? The beauties of Nature are unequally distributed over the surface of our earth ; some lands are gifted with all that can en- chant the eye, while others are scenes of barren desolation : but the starry heavens are equally magnificent at the equator and at the poles, and wherever man exists their splendour is open to his gaze. But how many centuries may have elapsed before he first raised himself from the admiring contemplation of this august spectacle to a more attentive observation of its mecha- nism before he first attempted to measure the orbits or to calculate the size of the celestial spheres ! The first step to a more accurate knowledge of the starry heavens was to ascertain the form and size of our earth, for it was thus only that a measure could be gained for the dimen- sions of the planetary system, a solid basis for the future deve- lopment of astronomical science. EISE OF ASTRONOMICAL SCIENCE. 3 History teaches us that this first step was taken by the Greeks, who, judging from the facts that a vessel when coming from sea into port first shows the tops of her masts, and then seems to rise higher and higher out of the water as she approaches, that the sun rises later and later as we travel from east to west, and that the shadow of the earth, which appears during lunar eclipses on the surface of the moon, always shows a circular form, proclaimed its spherical shape, and even made the first attempts to measure its size. But as their geographical knowledge was very limited, and their instruments of measurement imperfect, their calculations could not but be extremely defective ; and thus it was reserved for later times to ascertain that the earth is a globe flattened at the pole, with an equatorial diameter of 6,864, and a polar diameter of 6,852, geographical miles. The dimeDsions of the earth being thus known, it was now a comparatively easy task to measure the distances of the various planets belonging to our Solar System ; for the mathematician requires but to know the length of a line, and the angles which its extremities make with a third point, to obtain a full know- ledge of the dimensions of the triangle thus formed, and consequently of the comparative distances of all its parts. With triangles he invades the celestial space and subjects them to the dominion of science, as surely as by means of triangles he measures the extent of his fields or the height of his mountains. By this means it has been calculated that the moon is about 208,000 geographical miles distant from the earth, while the sun sends us his enlivening rays from a distance of 80,000,000 miles : and thus we know that while torrid Mercury, the planet nearest to the sun, revolves at a distance of 32,000,000 miles from his orb, frigid Neptune receives his scanty supply of warmth and light from the amazing distance of 2,800,000,000 miles ! According to the delusive testimony of our eyesight, the sun and all the planets move round our earth, as if it were the centre of the universe. We see the sun and moon rise and set, and the stellar canopy slowly revolving round the Polar Star. But we seem to repose in majestic immobility, and thus it ap- pears as if all those luminous worlds acknowledged the supre- macy of our globe and paid homage to its superior power. B 2 4 THE HAEMONIES OF NATURE, For thousands of years Science itself remained enthralled by these delusive appearances, until at length the master-mind of Copernicus reduced our planet to the rank of an humble follower of that sun which it had so long appeared to rule. This great man first convincingly proved that the sun does not revolve round the earth, but that we and all the planets cir- cle round the sun ; and that the earth, by turning on her axis every twenty-four hours from west to east, produces that apparent movement of the starry heavens from east to west which had deceived all previous astronomers. Where formerly darkness and error prevailed, and the most ingenious and com- plicated hypotheses had been unable to explain the intricate motions of the planets, the mystery was now solved at once in the clearest and most simple manner. Building still further on the Copernican system, the illus- trious Kepler next showed that the planets do not move in cir- cles but in ellipses round the sun, and discovered the laws which regulate the swiftness and proportions of their orbits. Twelve years after this great man's death our immortal Newton was born, who proved that the movements of all the celestial bodies flow from the supreme law of universal gravitation, or the mutual attraction of bodies according to the proportion of their masses and distances. By means of this fundamental law which regulates the move- ments of the stars as well as the fall of terrestrial bodies, the course of waters, the motions of the pendulum, and the direction of the load-line it was now possible to solve many most diffi- cult problems, which until then had baffled the sagacity of the greatest mathematicians and astronomers, to explain the pre- cession of the equinoxes, to determine the weight and the masses of the various bodies of the solar system, and finally to calculate the perturbations resulting from the mutual attrac- tions of the planets. The word perturbation might possibly lead us to fear, that at a period however remote the laws which maintain the planets in their course might ultimately be overcome by counteracting forces, and an irreparable catastrophe be the consequence ; but the calculations of Laplace have proved that all alarms on this subject are perfectly groundless, for the planetary perturbations are as subject to eternal laws as all the other motions of the EISE OF ASTRONOMICAL SCIENCE. 5 heavenly bodies ; they never exceed a certain limit, they mu- tually correct each other, and cannot possibly become dangerous. Tims, by an admirable mechanism worthy of the Supreme Archi- tect of worlds, even the deviations of the planets contribute to the eternal harmony of the spheres. When Herschel discovered Uranus, that dim planet, which re- ceives the faint rays of the sun from a distance of 1,600,000,000 geographical miles, it was supposed that the utmost limits of our solar system had been attained, and that beyond must begin the vast solitudes which separate the dominions of our sun from those of the nearest fixed star. But Uranus showed perturbations in his path, which could not be accounted for by the attraction of Saturn, and could therefore only be ascribed to an unknown planet. The calculations of Le Verrier deter- mined the position and the mass of this new celestial body ; and scarcely had he pointed out the spot where, according to all probability, it must be revolving through space, than the telescope of the Berlin astronomer Gralle verified the accuracy of his statements, and discovered Neptune, circulating as a star of the eighth magnitude, 2,800,000,000 miles from the sun. Truly a splendid triumph of mathematical science, a mag- nificent victory of the human mind, thus to calculate the ex- istence of an unknown world, and to see, as it were by the light of reason, what no human eye had ever beheld ! Possibly other planets may still roll beyond Neptune, which perhaps no telescope will ever be able to detect ; but from the perturbations they may cause, their existence will be as evident as if we could follow them on their lustrous path. Besides the planets and moons and numerous comets, a vast number of smaller planetary bodies, partly disseminated, partly grouped in annular zones, revolve on elliptic orbits round the sun. When these small planetary bodies come within the sphere of the earth's attraction, they obey its influence, and, darting down, give rise to the phenomena of shooting-stars and meteoric stones. On a bright night twenty minutes rarely pass, at any part of the earth's surface, without the appearance of at least one meteor. At certain times (the 12th of August and the 14th of November, when in all probability our earth crosses the orbit of one of those annular zones) they appear in enormous 6 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. numbers. During nine hours of observation in Boston,, when they were described as falling like snowflakes, 240,000 meteors were calculated to have been observed. The number falling in a year might perhaps be estimated at hundreds or thousands of millions, and even these would constitute but a small portion of the total crowd of asteroids that circulate round the sun. As these bodies, while obeying the earth's attraction, traverse our atmosphere with planetary velocity, they would no doubt cause a terrible bombardment, and from their vast numbers render our planet absolutely uninhabitable, if their very speed had not been made the means of neutralising their otherwise disastrous effects : for, raised to incandescence by the atmospheric friction engendered by this enormous velocity of from eighteen to thirty- six miles a second, by far the greater portion of the aerolithes are dissipated by heat, and a small number only reaches the surface of the earth under the solid form of meteoric stones. Interesting by their celestial origin, these masses are still more so as the only tangible and ponderable proofs we possess of the material existence of a world beyond our own as teaching us that the substances of which our earth is composed exist also beyond its limits : for the chemist finds the meteoric stones composed of iron, nickel, cobalt, silica, aluminium, and other terrestrial elements, nor do they contain a single atom of any substance that is unknown to us on earth. This circumstance sufficed to render it very probable that our whole solar system has been constructed of identical materials ; but the wonderful researches of Bunsen and Kirchhof have raised probability to certainty, by proving that sodium, calcium, magnesium, chro- mium, iron, and other metals are constituents of the solar at- mosphere and of the sun's central orb.* However vast the scale of our planetary system, however inca- pable our imagination may be to grasp its immensity, it still forms but a minute portion even of the visible universe ; for how insignificant in point of numbers, size, and distance are all the satellites revolving round our sun, in comparison to the countless hosts of the sidereal heavens ! So enormous are their distances, that the immense diameter of the earth's orbit, as * The reader will find an excellent account of the experiments which led to this brilliant discovery in Professor Tyndall's admirable Lectures on Heat, pp. 408-415. DISTANCES OF THE FIXED STARS. 7 seen from them, is only an indivisible point ; and it is only within the last few years that instruments of a precision unknown to former ages have at length brought a small number of them with- in the reach of human calculation. In these immense regions of space solar orbits are too small to serve as a unity of measure ; we are obliged to travel on the wings of light, which in a second leaves 200,000 miles behind, to be able to express, in a few numbers, distances which exceed the utmost limits of our conception. A ray of light emitted from our earth would require three years and a half to reach the nearest fixed star ; twenty years long it would have to dart through the fields of ether before it reached Sirius, and thirty years would have to pass before it rested on the Polar Star. Thus the distances of about thirty of the nearest fixed stars have been measured ; but the remaining thousands which we are able to see with the naked eye, and the millions which the telescope reveals to our gaze, roll on at such immense distances from our planet, that most probably no progress of astronomical science will ever be able to bridge over the intervening gulf. A reduction of stellar distances to a smaller scale will enable us to form some faint idea of the enormous difficulties of their calculation, and of the astonishing perfection of our instruments. Supposing the sun to be of the size of an orange, and placing it in the centre of the dome of St. Paul's, our pea-sized earth will then be performing its orbit within the circumference of the dome, while Neptune will be moving in the vicinity of the Bank, and many of the comets extending their vagrant excur- sions as far as Charing Cross. From these proportional distances we may easily conceive how, the diameter of the cathedral dome (which is here supposed to be the diameter of the earth's orbit) being known, it must be comparatively easy to measure all the angles necessary to calculate the distances of Neptune or any other planet : but when we come to consider that, according to the given proportions, the nearest fixed star would be sending us its light from the vast distance of St. Petersburg, then indeed we must be astonished at the perfection of the instruments which from so narrow a basis have been able to measure the all- but-imperceptible inclinations of the angles verging towards that distant world. 8 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. Before Bessel made the first successful attempt to determine the distance of a fixed star, Sir John Herschel had already taken the first steps towards the conquest of the sidereal heavens. Through telescopes of an increasing range, he saw with their growing power the number of the stars increase that presented themselves before his field of vision, and thus gained a measure for the form and the dimensions of the stellar system to which our sun with all his satellites belongs. This amazing cluster of worlds this our ( world-island,' as it has been appropriately called by Humboldt, consisting of all the constellations seen with the naked eye, and of the unnumbered stars that glimmer in the Milky Way is of a lenticular, flattened, oblong, or elliptic form, and swims like a prodigious archipelago in the unmeasured realms of space. We know the immense distances that separate us from the nearest fixed stars, and can thus form a faint conception of the vast dimensions of a group composed (according to Herschel) of at least twenty millions of self-luminous stars. It has been calculated that a ray of light would require at least six thousand years to measure it from end to end, and fourteen hundred years to traverse it in its breadth. But even this amazing group of stars, vast and colossal beyond the bounds of human imagination, forms but a point in the universe, for on all sides similar clusters are seen looming out of the depths of the skies at distances to which that of Siriusfrom the earth dwindles down to one of our terrestrial measures. Many of these clusters, which are either entirely invisible to the naked eye, or appear only as nebular spots on the dark background of the celestial vault, require Lord Rosse's great telescope to be dissolved into their component stars ; while others resist even this powerful test, and continue to appear as specks of mere luminous matter. Hitherto it was supposed that the immensity of their distances alone prevented them from being dissolved ; but the true nature of some of them at least has been fully established by recent investigations, which, by extending Bunsen's and Kirchhof 's solar discoveries into the world of the fixed stars, have not only been able to prove that the glowing atmosphere of Aldebaran, for instance, contains quicksilver, and that of Sirius antimony, but that many of the nebulae are in reality but immense gaseous bodies, which we may suppose to be new MOTION OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM. 9 wo.rlds in the course of formation worlds destined after in- calculable ages to become the seat of sensitive and rational beings. At the beginning of the present century, the fixed stars, our sun among the rest, were still supposed to be immovable, since, as far as our astronomical annals reach, no change has ever been observed in their mutual positions ; but the wonderful precision of our modern instruments, and the progress of astro- nomical observation, have taught us that they by no means deserve their name. As we and all our brother-planets are circling round the sun, thus also the sun with all his satellites careers through space at the rate of 800,000 miles a day; but the time of observation is as yet too short to be able to ascertain the centre of hig prodigious orbit. Similar motions have been discovered in other fixed stars, and thus we can hardly doubt that all the spheres of our world-island are engaged in constant motion nay, that our world-island itself revolves round another, and that thus eternal motion pervades all the recesses of the universe. The enormous swiftness of the fixed stars gives us an over- whelming idea of the vast proportions of the starry heavens. Every minute they leave several hundred miles behind every minute we are carried along with the sun at the same prodigious rate through the celestial regions ; and yet the starry firmament appears constantly unchanged, as it did to our fathers before us. This boundless prospect into space opens to us a no less boundless vista into time, for the sight of the distant heavens does not exhibit their present but their past condition. The rays of light which bear witness to the existence of these worlds, circling in their unfathomable depths, have many of them required millions of years to reach our planet. Many of those brilliant orbs might have become extinct ages ago, and yet their rays, sent forth up to the moment of their destruction, would still announce their past glory to countless worlds. Thus with every improvement of the telescope not only the magnitude, but also the age, of the visible universe increases ; and as we dive deeper and deeper into the abysses of celestial space, we also plunge deeper and deeper into the ocean of the past. And if we could fly to those islands of light, which even our giant telescopes are scarce able to reveal, we still should be only on 10 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. the threshold of new worlds ; and how far should we have to fly before we reached the regions of formless void, if such there be ! So much is certain that all we can see is but as a speck in the immensity of the creation, as our earth is but a speck in the solar system, and the solar system itself but an imperceptible atom in the stellar cluster of which it forms a part. The vastness of the universe may well overpower the weakness of our comprehen- sion well may we feel humbled to the dust on comparing our utter nothingness with the amazing grandeur of the surrounding world ; but our heart soon recovers from its depression at the consoling reflection, that the same bounteous Father who in- stilled into us the breath of life, maintains all this vast universe in constant harmony and beauty. As the planets revolve in regular orbits round the sun as the comets, however far they roam in their erratic course, are yet obliged, in obedience to the law of gravitation, to return to their central orb as, within the comparatively narrow confines of our solar system, the beautiful spectacle of order, regularity, and unity strikes us in every detail, thus also we cannot possibly doubt that the same order, the same harmony, the same unity of plan pervades all the unknown recesses of the universe, and that the whole of the amazing structure proclaims in all its parts, throughout all time and space, the infinite power and wisdom of Grod ! 11 CHAPTEK II. HEAT AND LIGHT. The various Sources of Heat Effects of Heat Dependence of Terrestrial Life on the actual Distance of the Earth from the Sun Relations of the various Bodies to Heat The Prismatic Colours The Harmony between Colours and the Human Mind What is Heat? What is Light? Importance of the Ethereal Spaces with regard to the Distribution of Heat and Light. SNOW covers the fields, the rivulets are ice-bound, the wintry blast howls through the leafless forest, and at an early hour the languid sun veils his weak rays behind the mists of the western horizon. The songsters of the groves are mute, the insect tribes have disappeared from the face of the earth, and every freeborn animal seeks shelter in burrows or in caves. Thus all nature seems to sink into lethargy and death but a wonderful resurrection is at hand. The sun rises higher and higher in the skies, with every returning morn he gilds the purple east sooner and sooner ; every afternoon he disappears later and later to spread his floods of light over another hemi- sphere every day bears witness to an increase of his power. The melting snow descends in a thousand rills from the moun- tains, and the river, overflowing his banks, rushes with all the energy of youthful liberty through the resounding valley. All the dormant germs of organic nature burst forth in an endless variety of forms : the naked forest clothes itself with a fresh robe of verdure, thousands of flowers enamel the fields, thousands of birds sing, and numberless insects buzz or dance in the balmy air, and the wild denizens of the woods wander through the thickets in the full enjoyment of freedom. The heat of the sun is the wonderful agent of all these various scenes of activity and happiness ; but the sun is not the only source of heat, which may also be developed in a variety of ways from all terrestrial bodies. Friction heats our 12 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. iron tools, and savage nations usually make fire by rubbing two pieces of wood against each other. Percussion and compression likewise produce heat. A cannon-ball, on striking a thick sheet of iron with full force, will instantly raise its temperature to red-heat ; and on suddenly compressing air to about one-fifth of its previous volume it will set fire to cotton. Electricity, chemical changes, the process of life, are also generators of heat; it rises out of the craters of volcanoes, or gushes in thermal springs from the bowels of the earth. A very general effect of heat is its expanding force. With a few remarkable exceptions, it universally appears as the mighty opponent of cohesion, as the adversary of terrestrial attraction. First it increases the volume of solid bodies, then it reduces them into a liquid state, and finally converts them into gases a phenomenon which no other agent is capable of producing. Hence the state of cohesion of all bodies solely depends upon their temperature. Placed at a different distance from the sun, our earth would offer a very different aspect : if considerably nearer, enormous quantities of water would constantly be vola- tilised, and then again precipitated in terrific showers ; if far removed, the sea itself would be converted into a solid body, and the circulation of fluids, the prime agent of vegetable and animal life, be arrested. Thus our existence depends upon the degree of heat resulting from the actual distance of our planets from the sun ; and as we cannot possibly attri- bute our origin to chance, thus also it is surely not this blind capricious power, but the allwise providence of a Supreme Being, which, myriads of years before the breath of life was instilled into man, determined the distance of the earth from the sun, that it might one day become his residence. If, as is by no means improbable, Mercury and Venus or Jupiter and Saturn are the abodes of rational beings, these must inevitably be very differently formed from us, as they dwell on planets where all the conditions of organic life are so totally different ; but as harmony reigns everywhere on earth, we cannot doubt that, whatever their form, they will in every respect be as perfectly adapted to their various abodes as we to our terrestrial habitation. With respect to their relations to heat, we find a remarkable difference in various substances or bodies. Some change their COMPOSITION OF LIGHT. 13 temperature with great rapidity, others but slowly ; some are good, others bad radiators of heat; some absorb it greedily, others allow it to pass freely through their molecular tissues. Thus the sun brings forth an infinite variety of actions and reactions on the surface of the earth, for the atmosphere, the waters, the solid parts of our globe are all variously affected by his rays ; and as all bodies are constantly endeavouring to equalise their temperatures, it may easily be imagined what numberless interchanges of heat are constantly taking place in all directions over the surface of the globe. But from these perpetual oscillations, from this restless striving towards a uniformity of temperature which can never be obtained (for not a cloud passes, not a sunbeam falls, without creating some new disturbance), arises that magnificent harmony between organic life and the external world of air, water, and earth, which can only have resulted from the design of a supreme regulator. If a beam of pure white light, admitted through a small hole in a window-shutter into a darkened room, be made to pass through a triangular prism of glass, it will be disentangled and reduced into a number of splendid colours, similar to those exhibited by the rainbow in all its beautiful gradations of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. These primitive tints, which are also called elementary or simple colours, as they are incapable of any further division, will reproduce colourless light, if concentred on one spot by a lens a proof of their being its component parts. If the light of the sun were simple, then all bodies would appear to us either black or white, by the absorption or re- flection of its uniform rays, and thus Nature, instead of her wonderful and many-coloured garb, would offer but a few dull and monotonous tints. As, however, but few bodies reflect or absorb the entire sunbeam, while the majority retain only a part of the prismatic colours and reject the remainder, which thus become visible to the eye, that charming variety of colours is obtained, which we admire in the glowing purple of the morning and evening sky, in the brilliant reflections of the sea, in the foliage of the trees, in the hues of flowers, in the splendid robes of the animal creation, or in the lustrous tints of the mineral world. 14 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. The immense variety of colours with which the face of Nature is adorned, not only affords the fullest gratification to our sense of the beautiful, it is even essential to our very existence, and to that of most of the higher animals ; for how should we be able to find our food, or to escape from our enemies, if all objects were uniformly black or white? Plunged in a colourless world, man could never have become a civilised being ; his fancy, his knowledge would have been crippled, his mind torpid and inert. Thus there is an intimate harmony between the coloured sunbeam and the wants of our spiritual nature, evidently proving that both proceed from the same divine source. The successful investigation of the properties of light is one of the proudest triumphs of human ingenuity. Light darts through space with an utterly inconceivable rapidity, yet man has been able to measure its speed. He knows that it undulates at the rate of 192,000 miles a second, and that as no less than 39,000 waves of red light and 57,500 waves of violet light placed end to end would be required to make up an inch, the vibrations of the former within that minute space of time amount to the truly astounding number of 474, and those of the latter to 699, millions of millions ! In passing through various media, or on striking their surfaces, light is refracted or thrown back in angles of every dimension ; yet man reduces all these deviations to fixed laws, and calculates them with mathematical precision. He knows whether light proceeds from a self-luminous star, or whether it is only reflected by a planet and thus obtains a measure for the various natures of the celestial bodies. To be able to make all these discoveries and observations, to be able to track light to inconceivable distances, or to penetrate by its means into the secrets of the microscopical world, be has armed his limited eyesight with truly magical instruments, which reveal to him both the existence of distant worlds and that of creatures so minute that many thousands find room for their activity in a single drop of water ! Within the last few years he has even forced light to do him service as a painter, and to trace portraits or landscapes with a delicacy and perfection of touch such as the human hand would vainly strive to emulate. What is heat ? what is light ? These questions, so difficult to NATURE OF HEAT AND LIGHT. 15 answer, naturally force themselves upon the attention of every thinking mind which observes their astonishing effects. Formerly the material theory, which regarded heat and light as fluids of inappreciable tenuity stored up in the inter-atomic spaces of bodies, and evolved under certain circumstances so as to become sensible to the touch or vision, had the greater number of ad- herents ; but recent discoveries leave no doubt of the truth of the dynamical theory, according to which they are merely accidents or conditions of matter namely, motions of its ulti- mate particles. These motions or vibrations communicate their undulations to the highly elastic ethereal fluid which fills all space, and in which the hosts of the celestial bodies are plunged, like islands in an infinite ocean. Eays of heat and light without number, proceeding as messengers of life from countless suns, cross each other in that vast interstellar sea itself the seat of perpetual cold, of perpetual silence, of perpetual darkness, of perpetual death. But are these silent realms mere useless voids, mere dead and dreary wastes ? No ! for through them warmth and light radiate from world to world ; they form a necessary link in the chain of influences and motions from which life proceeds, and without their night there would be no day, and no beings to enjoy the day and its infinite variety and beauty. 16 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. CHAPTER III. THE ATMOSPHERIC OCEAN. Immensity of the Atmospheric Ocean The Component Parts of the Atmosphere Oxygen Nitrogen Wonderful Constancy in the Composition of the Atmosphere Antagonism between Vegetable and Animal Life The System of the Winds Dependence of all Terrestrial Life upon the actual Constitution of the Atmosphere Atmospheric Air but a Mixture No Chemical Combination of Oxygen and Nitro- gen Transparency of the Air Its Influence upon the Mental Development of Mankind Air considered as the Bearer of Sounds Voices of Nature. OVER sea and land spreads the vast cupola of the atmospheric ocean. You might fly twenty times higher than ever the condor flies, you might pile fifty Mont Blancs one upon the other, and yet you would not reach its confines. In wondrous majesty the sea rolls its billows over three-fourths of the surface of the globe, and the plummet has not yet revealed to us all the mysteries of its depths ; but even the sea is small, when compared with the vast domains of air that rise above it to an unknown height. Of what substances is this immense aerial ocean composed ? It was a highly important step in the progress of human know- ledge when this question was first answered, when towards the end of the last century Lavoisier first discovered that the air we breathe is not a simple elementary body, but a mixture of two gases of very different properties, to which he gave the names of oxygen and nitrogen. As is well known, the first of these gases, which forms about a fifth part of the volume of the air, is extremely combustible, and has a great tendency to combine with other bodies ; while nitrogen, which occupies the remaining four-fifths of the volume of the atmosphere, is incombustible, and but little inclined to sacrifice its independent existence ; and thus, while oxygen enters largely into the composition of water, and of most of the sub- stances which form the solid earth-rind, nitrogen is chiefly con- fined to the aerial regions. ANTAGONISM BETWEEN VEGETABLE AND ANIMAL LIFE. 17 All organised beings absolutely require oxygen for their existence, and receive it from the inexhaustible sources of the atmosphere. When we reflect on the countless millions of animals which are constantly inhaling and consuming this prime necessary of life, and as constantly evolving carbonic acid, a gas destructive to life, we well may wonder how, in spite of this enormous consumption and perpetual pollution, the composition of the atmosphere still remains unchanged from age to age. This immutability in the midst of eternal disturbance, this constancy where so many changes are perpetually at work, can only be the result of a wonderful order, of a masterly balance between conflicting influences. The opposite wants of animal and vegetable life are the chief means which Providence uses for maintaining the purity of the atmosphere. Animals consume oxygen and exhale carbonic acid, while in the economy of plants the inverse operation takes place. Thus, without the plants, the animals would soon decline and perish, in consequence of the increasing impurity of the at- mosphere ; and, on the other hand, the plants could not exist without the carbonic acid, which the vital process of animals is constantly imparting to the air. Even in the narrow space of an aquarium we are able to per- ceive the beneficial effects of this opposition between vegetable and animal respiration. For if we enclose marine animals alone mollusks, annelides, star-fishes, crustaceans in one of these re- servoirs, they soon perish, in consequence of the want of oxygen and the pollution of the water; but by adding a few plants ulvse or confervas the equilibrium maintains itself, and while the latter enjoy a vigorous growth, the former are able for a long time to preserve an unimpaired health. Yet, in spite of this admirable antagonism between the vege- table and animal kingdoms, the purity of the air would have been but imperfectly maintained if the atmosphere had not been kept in a state of constant motion by the magnificent system of the winds, which force the air to wander in perpetual currents from the equator to the pole, and from the pole to the equator. The unequal influence of the heat of the sun upon the atmo- sphere between the tropics and in the higher latitudes is the first grand cause of this immense aerial circulation. In those favoured regions where the sun darts his vertical rays upon the c 1 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. earth, and pours floods of warmth into the bosom of the ocean, the rarefied air, as if attracted by the great luminary, ascends in vertical columns to the skies. But as the law of gravity tolerates no void, cold air columns keep constantly rushing in from the poles to replace the ascending equatorial air-currents, which, on reaching the higher regions of the atmosphere, in their turn gradually descend towards the poles, where, condensed by the cold, they again resume their equatorial migrations. While the sun thus perpetually ventilates the air on a truly magnificent scale, the unequal warmth of the various bodies which clothe the surface of the earth likewise causes a constant agitation of the atmosphere. Grass, stones, the leaves of the forest, the waters, are all unequally heated by the sun, radiate with unequal power the caloric they have absorbed, communicate to the contiguous air a higher or a lower temperature, and con- sequently a diminution or an increase of weight. But the air constantly strives to restore its equilibrium, and thus sweeps along in constantly renewed currents over the surface of the bodies which cause these constant perturbations. The carbonic acid which we exhale with our warm breath is carried to a distance before our breast expands for a new inspi- ration, and, in the open air, not a single atom that has ever es- caped our lungs will again return into their cells. Thus the sun, the source of light and warmth, is also one of the chief pro- moters of our health. The organisation of all plants and animals is so intimately based upon the existing composition of the atmosphere, that, supposing a change to take place in the constitution of the air, all beings actually existing must necessarily perish. If the atmosphere contained a greater proportion of oxygen, the current of our life would be accelerated for a time, but would also be much more rapidly consumed ; and if, on the other hand, its quantity was considerably reduced, the respiratory process would languish, and life soon become extinct. The petrified remains of birds and quadrupeds which we find in the deposits of the primeval ocean prove that during an in- calculable series of ages the composition of the atmosphere cannot have differed in any notable degree from its present condition, but they prove at the same time how perfect the laws must be, which during such vast periods have constantly maintained its uniformity. TRANSPARENCY OF THE AIR. 19 It is a highly important fact that the air we breathe does not consist, like water, of an intimate combination of elements, but only of a mixture of gases which are not united together by the close bonds of chemical affinity. The reduction or sepa- ration of a compound body whether solid, liquid, or gaseous into its component parts is in every case the more or less violent disruption of a more or less intimate association, and con- sequently cannot be effected without the waste or consumption of a certain amount of power. Thus we see how greatly the respiratory process of animals is facilitated by their being able to obtain their supply of oxygen, without first being obliged to separate it from an intimate connection with its accompanying nitrogen, which, going in and out of the lungs unchanged, merely performs the passive but highly important part of moderating the action of its fiery partner. The air of the atmosphere not only contains the substance which our vital process absolutely requires for its maintenance but its physical properties have likewise been made to harmonise most beautifully both with the existence of organic life and the development of our mental powers. What would have been the consequence if, instead of allowing a free passage to the calorific rays of the sun, it had been a ready absorber of their warmth ? Then the heat which is necessary for the growth of plants would never have reached the surface of the earth, but have been swal- lowed up, and again radiated into space by the upper regions of the atmosphere. The wonderful transparency of the air not only allows us to see terrestrial objects at a great distance, such as a ship rising at the brink of the horizon, or a mountain-peak raising its snow- clad summit above many miles of intervening country, but to penetrate through the whole of its crystal depths to those far- distant worlds which so magnificently bespangle the dark vault of heaven, and whose study forms one of the noblest occupations of the human mind. As the bearer of sounds which undulate along on its elastic waves, the air likewise largely contributes to the enjoyment of life and to our intellectual improvement. Our eye might ever so much delight in the aspect of a beautiful landscape, the scene would still seem desolate and dreary if it lay before us in deep uninterrupted silence. The waving corn-field, the rustling grove, would be bereft of c 2 20 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. half their charms if the breeze had no power to awaken their dormant melodies. The picturesque beauty of the murmuring brook, of the bubbling source, of the river bounding over its rocky bed, or of the foaming cataract, is wonderfully enhanced by the grace or sublimity of their peculiar music, and even the ocean would be far less majestic if he had not voices harmonising with all his humours, now gently rustling over the pebbles of the sunny beach, now frantically raving against the rock-bound coast. Thus, through our ear and through our eye, the transparent sound-bearing atmosphere holds sweet communion with our soul, and opens to its contemplation the portals of another world. 21 CHAPTER IV. THE MAJESTY OF THE OCEAN. The Immensity of the Ocean Ebb and Flood Causes of the Tides Their In- fluence on the Organic Life of the Seas Ocean Currents How Produced Their Importance Evidences of Unity of Design resulting from the intimate Connection of the Phenomena of the Seas and the distant Celestial Bodies. WHERE are the boundaries of the sea? where is its beginning or its end ? It rolls through every zone, and the continents are but islands rising from its immeasurable bosom. . Day and night, winter and summer, rule at one and the same time over its vast domains ; the sun is ever rising and ever setting over its restless waters. Here palm-groves wave their graceful fronds over its ever-smiling margin ; there eternal ice blocks up its melancholy strands; here the storm rages over the mountain-wave ; there profound peace reigns over its surface, and not a breath of air ruffles its glassy brow. Sublime in space, the sea is no less sublime in time. The present dry land bears everywhere the traces that it once rested in the bosom of the waters, and how many continents and islands may they not have swallowed in the course of unnumbered cen- turies, how often may they not have changed their seat and dis- placed their boundaries ? Countless forms of animal life have one after the other appeared and perished beneath them ; they have successively witnessed the birth and the death of the tri- lobites, of the ammonites, of the encrinites, and of the giant saurians. And how long may not the desert-ocean have rolled its waves before organic life first dawned upon it, before the first alga spread its fronds along the shore, or the first mollusk opened its valves to the tide ? What a majestic age ! what a past and what a future ! for the ocean, the sepulchre of so many extinct forms of animals and plants, is destined to be the grave of many others yet glowing 22 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. with all the energy of life ; and when perhaps nobler beings may have taken the place of man, its waves will still sparkle in the glittering sunbeam, or thunder against the coast of some land now still reposing in its depths. How numberless are the blessings we owe to the ocean, the father and sustainer of all organic life ! He it is that feasts the stream, that fills the lake, that bubbles in the spring, that foams in the cataract, or rushes along in the mountain torrent. Should his eternal fountains be dried up, then the blooming surface of the earth would be converted into a naked waste. To him we owe the magnificence of our forests, the verdure of our meadows, the beauty of our fields. It is his waters we enjoy in the luscious fruits of our orchards, or quaff in the juice of the exhilarating grape. They circulate in the veins of numberless animals, of the bee which offers us the sweet tribute of its honey, of the bird that charms us with its melodious song, of the domes- tic quadruped on whose flesh we feed, and whose services are indispensable to our welfare. Nay, our own blood is originally drawn from the wells of the ocean, and is constantly refreshed and replenished from their exhaustless sources. Far from separating from each other the nations of the earth (as the ancients, still inexperienced in navigation, supposed), the sea is the great highway of the human race, and unites all its various tribes into one common family by the' beneficial bonds of commerce. Countless fleets are constantly furrowing its bosom, to enrich, by perpetual exchanges, all the countries of the globe with the products of every zone, to convey the fruits of the tropical world to the children of the chilly north, or to trans- port the manufactures of colder climes to the inhabitants of the equatorial regions. With the growth of commerce, civilisation also spreads athwart the wide causeway of the ocean from shore to shore; it first dawned on the borders of the sea, and its chief seats are still to be found along its confines. The same power of attraction which governs the course of the stars, and compels the planets to wander in eternal ellipses round the sun, is also the Supreme Arbiter of the tides. How wonderful this regular undeviating alternation of ebb and flood, this immutable constancy in the midst of eternal change ! but our wonder increases when we learn that the cause of the grand phenomenon, which never fails to interest the observer, how- INFLUENCE OF THE TIDES. 23 ever often he may have witnessed its charming recurrence, does not reside in the bosom of the liquid element itself, but is to be sought for far away, over the remote abysses of ether, in the attractive power of the sun, and still more so of the moon, who, as she rolls along, causes the obedient waters to follow in her wake. Thus Science teaches us : and surely no accusation was ever more unfounded than the frequent reproach that she has banished poetry from Nature, and prosaically robbed her of the enchanted garb with which she had been invested by the creative fancy of past ages, for even the brilliant imagination of a Shakespeare could not possibly have conceived a greater image than that of the ever-restless tide-wave, which, following the triumphant march of the sun and moon, began as soon as the primeval ocean was formed, and is to last uninterruptedly as long as our solar system exists ! The influence of the tides upon the marine plants and animals is of the greatest importance. A vast number of polypes, mollusks, and crustaceans thrive only within, or but a few fathoms below, the littoral zone (as the belt of rock or shingle extending from high-water to low-water mark is termed), and many of the commonest algae best flourish when alternately bathed with floods of water and of air. Many of these plants and lower animals could not possibly live if the continual oscillations of the tides did not constantly saturate the coast-waters with the oxygen which is necessary for their existence; and, along with these, numbers of fishes, sea-birds, and marine mammalians, such as seals, manatees, or dugongs, that now feed upon the abundance of the shallow waters, must also have been blotted from the book of life. Thus the beautiful shells, the grotesque crustaceans, the plant- like polypes and corals which thrive best among the roaring breakers, the gulls and divers, and many other birds that dwell in the littoral zone, or hover about its skirts, are, if not all of them, yet mostly indebted for their existence to the friendly moon who sends down her rays upon them from the distance of so many , thousand miles. She bears no sea on her arid volcanic surface ; as far as we know, no atmospheric ocean rolls its billows over her lofty mountain-peaks ; but although she herself is naked and waste, she fosters life on the shores of the ocean of another 24 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. world, and thousands upon thousands of our marine animals enjoy the light of the sun through her alone. Can chance or blind physical laws have possibly caused this wonderful depen- dence, or is it a divine power which has thus linked the desti- nies of our globe to the influence of another world ? As the atmosphere is constantly wandering from the equator to the poles, and from the regions of perpetual ice to the sultry tropics, thus also the waters of the ocean are hurried along in perpetual migrations. From the deep abysses of the seas, im- penetrable to the rays of the sun, they rise to the sunny surface, or, after having revelled in the bounding wave, they again descend into the silent darkness of the submarine regions. From the coral gardens of the Pacific they are carried away to the bleak coasts where the walrus heaves his ponderous mass upon the ice, and from the desolate shores where the Esquimau harpoons the wily seal, to the delightful bay where Naples smiles upon the azure wave* The causes which force the waters of the sea to wander thus restlessly from place to place are identically the same as those which forbid the floods of the atmospheric ocean ever to know rest ; for the impulse of their migrations does not proceed from their own bosom, but from the distant sun. Absorbing the heat of his vertical beams, the expanding tropical waters are constantly rising to the surface, whence they flow onwards to the higher latitudes, where the opposite tendency takes place ; for, chilled by the icy blasts of the Arctic regions and conse- quently increasing in weight, the surface-waters are here carried down to the bottom, and ultimately find their way to the equa- torial regions. Thus the repose of the seas is constantly disturbed by tropical heat and polar frost, but the ocean has the same tendency to restore the equilibrium of its temperature as the atmosphere, and thus those numerous warm and cold currents are produced, which, furrowing the bosom of the seas in opposite directions, are constantly exchanging the waters of the different zones. In its lowest depths, the influence of the sun is felt ; he con- stantly covers the bottom of the tropical seas with frigid waters and causes the warm equatorial floods to wander to the poles, a magnificent system based upon the simple physical law of the expansion of bodies through heat and their condensation through SYSTEM OF MARINE CURRENTS. 25 cold, How many thousands or even millions of cubic miles of water may not the ocean contain, but these enormous masses, too vast for the human imagination to conceive, are moved gently but irresistibly by the power of a sphere 80,000,000 miles dis- tant from our globe ! The influence of the oceanic currents upon the organic life, not only of the seas but of the neighbouring lands, is quite incal- culable. They moderate the heat of the tropical zone, and convey a considerable portion of equatorial warmth into the higher latitudes. Without the gulf-stream, whose influence may be traced as far as the west coasts of Spitzbergen and Novaja Sewlja, Scotland and Norway, where forests clothe the moun- tain-sides up to a height of several thousand feet, would be nothing but icy deserts ; and on the other hand, the tropical west coast of South America owes its temperate climate to the cold Peruvian stream, which constantly conveys refreshing coolness from the Antarctic seas. It may easily be conceived how this vast system of currents and counter-currents, furrowing the seas in every direction, must contribute to the dissemination of marine life. Countless spores of algae, innumerable eggs and larvas, are transported by the oceanic, streams from place to place, and many land-animals attached to floating timber are in a like manner conveyed to distant regions. The ocean-currents are likewise extremely favourable to ma- rine life, from their saturating the deep waters with atmosphe- ric air ; for, as the colder superficial layers sink to the bottom, they carry along with them the oxygen they have imbibed while in contact with the air, and are thus able to impart this first necessary of life to numerous animals dwelling in the deeper waters. As the winds purify the atmosphere, thus also the currents purify the sea by- preventing the accumulation of putrefying substances and spreading them over a greater surface, where they are speedily devoured by hosts of hungry scavengers. Besides all these beneficial influences, the marine currents tend also to equalise the saline composition of sea- water, so necessary to the welfare or existence of many of the denizens of the ocean. Their movements also contribute to the formation of sand- 26 THE HAEMONIES OF NATURE. banks, where at certain seasons legions of fishes deposit their spawn, and invite the persecutions of man. The organic life of the ocean would thus be reduced to very narrow limits, if the moon and the sun the former by her attraction, the latter by the unequal action of his warmth upon the surface of the sea in different latitudes did not perpetually agitate its waters ; and this intimate connection between those distant celestial orbs and the sea and its inhabitants cannot but convince every reflecting mind that both derive their origin from the same creative power. 27 CHAPTER V. THE ATMOSPHERICAL PKECIPITATIONS IN THEIR RELATION TO ORGANIC NATURE. The constant Sources of the Eivers The Harmonies of the Ocean and the Atmo- sphere Distribution of Bain and Snow over the Surface of the Globe The Voices of Eivers Dew History of its Formation Clouds and Eain Snow and Ice as Protectors of Vegetable and Animal Life Eavines The G-laciers The Tornado. THOUGH the voices of the rivers change with the varying sea- sons loud and menacing in spring, when their floods are swollen by the melted snows, and softly whispering after a long summer's drought yet, over by far the greater portion of the earth they never rest in total silence, nor does the rain ever cease to replenish their sources or to quench the thirst of the forests on the hills and of the meadows in the plains. This uninterrupted flow of the rivers, this constant irrigation of the fields and woods, evidently points to the agency of some grand and constant law, to an admirable harmony between the wide sea below and the still more ample atmospheric ocean above. Everywhere the air absorbs humidity, but chiefly over the surface of the tropical ocean, where, volatilised by the vertical rays of an ardent sun, the aqueous vapours ascend in amazing quantities to the skies. Thus, the equatorial seas are the prin- cipal sources which feed our brooks and fill our lakes; it is from them that the greater part of the rain arises which refreshes the verdure of our plains, and of the snow which covers the northern mountains with a white mantle of dazzling brightness. But how are these vapours distributed over the surface of the globe ? how are they conveyed to the temperate zones, or even still farther onward to the frigid poles ? The same grand system of the winds which forces the air to perpetual migrations carries also the evaporation of the ocean to distant lands. I have already mentioned in a former chapter 28 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. that cold, and consequently dry, air-currents are perpetually wandering from the poles to the equator to re-establish the equilibrium of the atmosphere, which is constantly disturbed by the mighty action of the tropical sea. The rotation of the earth gradually imparts to these cold polar streams a direction from east to west as they advance towards the lower latitudes, and ultimately changes them into the constant easterly trade winds, the mariner's delight as he crosses the tropical Atlantic on his way to the New World. As during these wanderings their temperature constantly increases, they are able to absorb a constantly increasing quantity of aqueous vapours, until they are completely saturated with moisture. In their subsequent progress to the higher latitudes the con- trary tendency takes place, for, as their temperature diminishes, they become incapable of retaining the aqueous vapours they had previously absorbed, and are thus compelled to discharge them under the various forms of rain, snow, hail, or dew, until having lost by far the greater part of their moisture, they finally reach the polar regions, whence, thoroughly desiccated, they begin again their grand circulating tour. Thus evaporated and set in motion by the sun, the waters, ever rising and ever falling, migrate through the air. Enormous quantities of water constantly ascend from the ocean, but the countless rivers which they feed are as constantly restoring them to their source. Though the atmospherical precipitations are very unequally distributed over the surface of the earth, as they are favoured or impeded by a variety of local causes, such as mountain-chains or forests, both of which act as powerful condensators, the prevalence of dry or moist winds, according to the geographical position, the constitution of the soil, &c., yet, on examining each land in particular, we find a remarkable uniformity in the quantity of rain that annually falls to its share. Thus, though in England some years are more moist than others, yet the dif- ference in the annual quantity of rain only deviates a few inches from the mean average, and the deficiency of one month is generally repaired by the greater abundance of the next. The clouds that pass over our heads pay us their regular tribute, and the authority of a higher law reigns even in the apparently free empire of the air. THE VOICES OF RIVERS. 29 It is almost superfluous to point out ho\v necessary this con- stancy in the meteorological character of a country is to the well-being, or even to the existence, of its indigenous plants and animals. If after prolonged periods of continual showers, such as take place in the West Indies, equally long periods of an African drought were to follow in our country, how would then our fields and meadows be able to sustain so many millions of men and of domestic animals ? Our whole agricultural system, the whole organic life of our island, is based on the alternations of moist and dry weather which distinguish our moderate climate. If the earth were everywhere covered with impermeable strata of rock, the rains would either flow off so rapidly, or be so long retained in extensive swamps and pools upon the surface, as greatly to diminish the variety and luxuriance of vegetation. But by far the greater part of the earth-rind is composed of alternating beds or strata of impermeable clay and porous lime or sandstone, originally deposited in horizontal layers at the bottom of the primeval seas, but now more or less displaced and set on edge by the volcanic forces, which have so frequently changed the surface of the earth. Wherever permeable beds crop out on the surface, the residuary portions of rain-water, which are not disposed of by floods or by evaporation, are absorbed into the fissures and small interstices of the porous soil, and descending into their lower depths until they reach an impermeable stratum, form the subterraneous sheets or reservoirs of water from which our springs and rivers are chiefly fed. The granite, gneiss, porphyry, lava, and other unstratified and crystalline rocks of igneous origin, which cover about one-third part of the habitable globe, are likewise inter- sected by innumerable fissures and interstices, which collect and transmit rain-water, and give origin to springs. Thus the volcanic forces, which, in the course of countless centuries have moulded the earth-rind into its present form, have at the same time furnished it with the necessary filters, drains, conduits, and cisterns, for the supply of the sources, brooks, and rivers that run along its surface. The geological convulsions of the globe, the evaporation of the ocean, the circulation of the waters over the surface of the earth, thus all harmoniously tend to the maintenance of 30 THE HAKMONIES OF NATURE. organic life ; and truly, whoever reflects upon the manner how streams originate, and how their waters are constantly replen- ished, cannot fail to view them with a deeper interest than" that which their mere beauty or utility inspires. To him they are not only the melodious ornaments of the valley, the highways of com- merce, the benefactors of mankind, but the effects of a wonderful co-operation of physical laws, all tending to one common end, and as they rush along he fancies he hears a voice proclaiming the glories of their Maker. Similar harmonies strike us when we examine the nature of the various atmospherical precipitations with reference to the requirements of organic life. How beautiful is the morning dew, glittering in all the colours of the rainbow ; how it refreshes the thirsty plains ; how the plants raise their drooping heads under the influence of its grateful moisture ! Poets have made it the emblem of purity, but physical science, by revealing to us the simple laws that preside over its formation, has rendered it more beautiful still to the reflecting observer. Everybody knows that, when in summer a bottle filled with cold water is brought into a warm room, it soon gets covered with thick dew-drops, which presently trickle down its sides, although it was perfectly dry on entering. Whence does this moisture proceed ? Not from the inside of the bottle, as ignorant people might imagine, but from the surrounding atmo- sphere, in consequence of the capacity of the air to absorb or retain moisture, increasing or diminishing as its temperature grows warmer or colder. Thus, when the cold bottle is introduced into the room, the warm sheet of air, which is in immediate contact with its surface, immediately cools, and being no longer able to retain the same quantity of aqueous vapours, is obliged to deposit them on the sides of the vessel. As it cools, its weight also increases, it flows downwards, warmer air takes its place to cool in its turn, and thus there is a perpetual deposition of moisture, until the temperature of the bottle has risen to that of the surrounding atmosphere. This familiar example suffices to explain the formation of dew, and of all other atmospherical precipitations, such as rain, hail, or snow, as they all result from the influence of FORMATION OF DEW. 31 some refrigerating cause upon the air. After sunset, most bodies, by projecting or radiating heat into free space, become colder than the neighbouring air, and as soon as their refri- geration has attained a certain point, they must naturally, in consequence of the physical law above mentioned, get covered with dew. The best radiators of heat part, of course, most easily with their caloric, and for this reason grass, leaves, or plants in general, get much sooner and more plentifully covered with dew than slower radiators, such as stones, the soil, or metals, which frequently still remain dry when the meadows are already covered with plentiful moisture. Hence we can understand why, in summer, every serene night (for clouds, by reflecting or throwing back again upon the terrestrial surface the caloric which would else have been dissipated into space, prevent its rapid refrigeration) is accompanied with a copious formation of dew ; why it is more abundant in autumn and spring than at any other season, as then very cold and starlight nights frequently follow upon warm days, and why it is most copious in the torrid zone, as in those sultry regions the air is more saturated with moisture than anywhere else, and the comparatively cold nights are almost constantly serene and calm. Had naked stones been as good radiators of heat as leaves or herbs, then the latter would vainly have thirsted for refresh- ment, while the former would have been bathed in useless moisture. Had the dew been plentiful during violent winds, the plants must frequently have suffered, or been frozen to death in con- sequence of the rapid evaporation of their moisture. Where the sun has most power, where during the day he most thoroughly dries up the soil, there also the cool night is most prodigal of dew. Thus the history of dew gives us many opportunities of admiring the wisdom that has presided over its formation and distribution. While dew is merely produced on the surface of solid bodies, the refrigeration of large volumes of air forms clouds or fogs, consisting of vast numbers of minute globules, or vesicles of moisture, which float like soap-bubbles in the atmosphere, until, their quantity increasing with the cold, or in consequence 32 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. of electrical discharges, they unite to larger drops, and fall to the ground under the various forms of rain, snow, or hail. The rain-drops grow as they fall from a greater height, and traverse the warmer and more humid atmospherical strata, which are generally nearer to the surface of the ground. It is a well-known fact that there is a considerable difference in the quantity of rain falling within the same time upon the summit of a hill, or at its foot, and thus the elevated clouds, from which the rain originally descends, are merely its starting-points. This gradually increasing weight of the rain-drops as they fall is of great importance to vegetation. Had they at once at- tained their full size at a considerable height, they would have descended with terrific violence, and every shower of rain must have been equal to a hail-storm in its destructive effects. So much ground would also have been washed away from the hill- slopes by these pelting floods, that large tracts of fertile country must have been converted into naked wastes. In the tropical zone the rain indeed frequently falls in such dense torrents as to produce a painful impression on the skin ; but here the structure of the plants harmonises with the meteorological character of the climate. Genera with thick compact leathery leaves, which even the strongest rain cannot damage, are prevalent; and such plants as have a more delicate foliage mostly grow under the protecting canopy of the forest. The glasses and cereals, such as maize and the sugar-cane, are of a more robust growth than our indigenous species, and the fruits generally ripen after the rainy season is past, or grow under the shelter of a dense crown of leaves. The congelation of water at the comparatively moderate temperature of + 32 F., when it either drops as snow from the atmosphere, or covers the brooks and rivers with a sheet of ice, is of immense importance to vegetation in the higher latitudes ; for snow is so bad a conductor of heat, that under its protecting mantle the plants of the Arctic regions are able to resist the utmost rigours of the cold. Buried eight or ten feet deep under its crystal pall, they pass the long winter in a temperature not much below freezing point, while without icy blasts capable of converting mercury into a solid body howl over the naked wilderness. But for this protection, DESERT OF ICE. 33 no flowers would ever bloom in Spitzbergen or Nowaja Semlya, where now many a ranunculus or purple silene ' is born to blush unseen, And waste its sweetness on the desert air but for this, no trace of verdure could ever enliven the deso- late shore of Melville Island, or fringe the estuaries of the Mackenzie. Many of the Arctic animals that have not been gifted with the capacity, or the instinct, to undertake long journeys in quest of a milder climate, likewise owe the preservation of their life to the thick non-conducting snow-mantle under which they lie concealed during the long winter months. Without this cover- ing they would freeze in their burrows, or the iron soil would refuse them the nourishment which they find by digging or scratching in its entrails. What would become of the migratory birds, which, at the beginning of summer, arrive in countless swarms on the banks of the northern waters, if the snow had not harboured an infinite number of worms under its warm cover ? And what would be the fate of the rude inhabitants of the Arctic world, who, after the long penury of winter, anxiously are awaiting their arrival, if their winged legions were to omit their visits ? So much is certain, that if during the Arctic winter only cold showers of rain fell upon the earth, or if the frozen aqueous vapours of the atmosphere, instead of descending in light flakes of snow, were to pour down in thick hailstones, vast tracts of country now blooming with a rich summer vegetation, and capable of affording nourishment to numerous animals, would have been nothing but naked wastes. The loose movable nature of snow greatly facilitates its re- moval from the highlands of the earth. Scarcely have the warm breezes of spring fanned the mountain vales of Switzer- land, when numberless small lavines are seen to descend from every declivity like streamlets of floating silver. Their loud voices sound like delightful music to the herdsman, who greets them as the heralds of approaching abundance. For wherever they leave the slope uncovered, the sun and rain act with a double force, and thus in a short time vast quantities of snow, which would have given way but slowly to the unassisted efforts D 34 THE HAEMONIES OF STATUKE. of the sun, disappear from the hills, and soon make room for a rich carpet of verdure. Thus the lavines are of incalculable advantage to the Alpine mountaineer, who now drives his herds on many a pasture- ground which, but for them, would be condemned to perpetual sterility. It might be supposed that the snow, filling the deep gullies or basins of the higher Alps, and thence pouring in streams of solid ice into the valleys, must be eternally fixed on earth, and that their imprisoned waters could never find their way back again to the ocean. The glaciers of the Mont Blanc or of the Bernese Oberland seem perennially to defy the warmth of sum- mer; but their immobility is merely apparent, for the pres- sure of the superincumbent masses is so great as to force them perpetually downwards as if they were a viscous body, until at length the consumption below equals the supply above. Thus slowly, indeed for the velocity of the great glaciers of the Alps rarely exceeds two feet a day but yet not less surely than if they bounded in foaming cataracts down the valleys, or rolled in rapid currents through the plains, the consolidated waters above the snow-line are ultimately restored to their parent seas. In the same manner Greenland, Spitzbergen and many other mountainous countries of the Arctic zone, divest themselves of the snows which cover their dreary wastes, and thus an accu- mulation is prevented which might have been dangerous to the whole economy of organic nature. The property of water to expand and thus to become lighter on assuming the solid form of ice, is of the greatest importance to the maintenance of organic life over a great portion of the globe. If ice were heavier than water, the beds of the rivulets and rivers, of the ponds and lakes, in the higher latitudes would be covered with a sheet of congealed water as soon as the first frosts of winter appeared, and in a very few days the mightiest streams would be converted, throughout their whole depth, into one solid mass, which even a long summer would hardly have been able to thaw, or which in many cases would have triumphed over all its efforts. But ice remaining on the surface, and being, like snow, a bad conductor of heat, increases but slowly in thickness as the rigours of winter increase, and thus, even in Siberia, the DESEET OF ICE. 35 rivers are only frozen to a depth of eight or ten feet. As soon as the first warm days of spring appear, the thawed surface- waters gather under the ice-cover, raise it with irresistible force, and, bursting the bonds with which it enthralled the current, bear its fragments along to the river's mouth, where they are soon dispersed over the ocean. In a short time all is life and activity in the liberated waters. Millions upon millions of worms, mollusks, insects, and reptiles awaken from their winter lethargy, the sweet-water fishes emerge from the mud in which they lay plunged in torpor, and from the sea other legions come pouring in to trust their eggs to the warmer stream. All this would not have been possible, all this activity and enjoyment could never have existed, if the weight of ice had been superior to that of water. Then also the Arctic and Antarctic seas would have been converted into solid masses, which the sun would have been as incapable to melt as he is unable completely to liquefy the glaciers of the Alps. In consequence of the cold radiating from their surface, these vast oceans of ice would have encroached upon a great part of the temperate zones, and, by preventing that beneficial system of maritime currents through which a considerable portion of tropical heat is transported into the higher latitudes, would have still further contributed to extend the domains of perpetual winter. And, finally, the exhalations of the tropical ocean which now regularly return to its bosom, would have accumulated in such vast masses in the colder regions, that in all probability the fountains of the sea would have been finally exhausted of the greater part of their waters, and the dry land converted into an arid waste. So much is certain, that at best but a small portion of the globe would have been a fit habitation for man, who, thus confined to a narrow space and plunged in barbarism, could never have fulfilled the higher objects of his existence. Thus the physical laws on which the circulation and the migrations of the waters over the surface of the globe depend, have all been made to harmonise with the wants of animal life, or the higher requirements of the human race ; thus they all contribute to extend the domains of organic nature. The meteorological phenomena are but exceptionally or locally destructive ; their general effect is constantly beneficial. Vast D 2 36 THE HARMONIES OP NATURE. tracts of country are perpetually fertilised by refreshing showers or copious dews ; the snow covers whole zones with his pro- tecting mantle, while the pelting hail-storm generally devas- tates only narrow districts. The winds are universal ventilators : health and plenty sail along upon their invisible wings, and fleets are unceasingly wafted by their breath from shore to shore ; but the dreadful tornado is but a rare atmospherical crisis, and even the ravages it causes are not unmixed with good, for many a pestilential disease has been arrested by its appearance, and many an insect plague has been swept away by its drenching torrents. The greater violence of the tropical storms is counter- balanced by a more vigorous vegetation, which effaces their traces in a shorter time. Thus everywhere the bounty of the Creator mitigates the evils resulting from the perturbation of the regular course of nature ; thus everywhere His apparent anger is but the means of conferring new blessings upon His creatures. 37 CHAPTER VI. THE HARMONIES BETWEEN THE PHYSICAL CONSTITUTION OF THE EARTH AND ITS INHABITANTS. The Terrestrial Eevolutions The Formation of Alluvial Plains Beneficial Effects of the Inequalities of the Earth's Surface What do Petrifactions teach? Coal- strata The Subterranean Treasuries of Man Influence of the Change of Seasons on Organic Life. THE sun, the planets, or even our satellite the moon, are so far removed from our sphere that we can never hope to ac- quire an accurate knowledge of their structure ; but the earth, our parent and our inheritance, lies open to our view. We traverse it in all its zones, we measure the depth of its waters, we probe its superficial strata, we examine the petrified remains of extinct plants and animals which it harbours in its bosom as in a vast sarcophagus of the past ; we study its annals in the deposits of the primeval ocean, in the effects of its subterranean fires, in its volcanic eruptions, in the heavings and subsidences of its surface ; and thus many of the secrets of its history have been revealed to us, and the eye of science is able to penetrate far back into the times that have preceded the present configura- tion of its continents and seas. Thus we know that since immemorial ages water and fire, these two hostile elements, have been constantly engaged in modelling and remodelling its surface; each striving for the mastery, each eager to destroy the formations of its opponent. The subterranean fires have never ceased to react against the solid earth -rind which confines them in iron bondage, to pile up mountain- chains above the fissures caused by their expanding force, to heave up continents from the bottom of the seas, to pour forth torrents of liquid stone from the bosom of the volcano, or to shake whole continents, like a lion impatiently 38 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. bounding against the gratings of his dungeon. But the waters, in alliance with the disintegrating influences of the atmosphere, have been as constantly active in destroying the igneous forma- tions, in splitting and dissolving the mountain -peaks, in reducing crumbled rocks into smaller and smaller fragments, and in washing them down to a lower level, destined to be again and again upheaved, and then again and again swept into the ocean. Thus the actual state of the earth-rind is the result of in- numerable elementary conflicts, whose records, written in pages of stone and petrified remains, enable the geologist to recon- struct the magnificent epic of its history, as the learned deci- pherer of the hieroglyphics and cuneiform inscriptions of Egypt and Persepolis is able to exhume from the tomb of past ages the traces of an extinct civilisation. Scarcely any branch of natural history is more interesting than that which treats of the formation of our earth -rind ; but undoubtedly the most important question which geology is called upon to solve is, whether the conflicting powers of fire, water, and air have evermore been acting and reacting upon each other in blind confusion, building and destroying in chaotic and fortuitous anarchy, or whether, from the first moment that their strife began, their movements have constantly been directed by a higher hand, and rendered subservient to the establishment and progressive development of organic life ? The answer cannot for an instant be doubtful. Every chapter, every page of the annals of our globe, affords us the most con- vincing proofs that the elementary forces have ever been the docile instruments of a superior Power ; that, long before organic life appeared on earth, fire and water were busy preparing for its future residence. On the hard impenetrable rock nothing grows but a lowly race of lichens and mosses, while all plants of a higher order absolutely require a loose soil for the insertion of their roots and the supply of an adequate amount of nourishment. On examining the structure of the earth, we find how much the high mountain-chains have contributed to the formation of considerable tracts of fertile land. On their naked brows the disintegrating power of winter acts with the greatest energy. There also the clouds chiefly concentrate their vapours, there they condense most frequently into snow or rain, and there the FORMATION OF ALLUVIAL PLAINS. 39 flowing waters carry the spoils of winter most violently along in their precipitous course. Thus, in those elevated regions, new surfaces of solid rock are constantly exposed to the cor- roding atmosphere, and thus the first alluvial plains on which a more luxuriant vegetation could arise, were formed at the foot of the mountains out of the wrecks and ruins of their peaks. According to a universal hydrostatic law, the velocity at the bottom of a stream is everywhere less than in any part above it, and is greatest at the surface. The superficial particles in the middle of the stream also move more swiftly than those at the sides. This retardation of the lowest and lateral currents is produced by friction, and when the velocity is sufficiently great, the soil composing the sides and bottom gives way. A velocity of three inches per second at the bottom is ascertained to be sufficient to tear up fine clay ; six inches per second fine sand ; twelve inches per second fine gravel ; and three feet per second stones of the size of an egg. We can thus easily understand how mountain-torrents de- scending with great velocity are able to sweep along vast quantities of gravel, sand, and mud ; but a question naturally arises, how the more tranquil rivers of the valleys and plains, flowing on comparatively level ground, can remove the pro- digious burden which is discharged into them by their numerous tributaries, and by what means they are enabled to convey the whole mass to the sea ? If they had not this removing power their channels would be annually choked up, and the valleys of the lower country and the plains at the base of mountain-chains would be continually strewed over with frag- ments of rock and sterile sand. But this evil is prevented by a general law regulating the conduct of running water that two equal streams do not, when united, occupy a bed of double surface. In other words, when several rivers unite into one, the superficial area of the fluid mass is far less than the areas previously occupied by the separate streams. The col- lective waters, instead of spreading themselves out over a larger horizontal space, contract themselves into a column of which the height is greater relatively to its breadth. Hence, a smaller proportion of the whole is retarded by friction against the bottom and sides of the channel ; and in this manner the main current is often accelerated in the lower country, even when the 40 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. slope of the river's bed is lessened. It not unfrequently hap- pens, that two large rivers after their junction have only the surface which one of them had previously ; and even in some cases their united waters are confined in a narrower bed than each of them filled before. By this beautiful adjustment, the water which drains the interior country is made continually to occupy less room as it approaches the sea, and thus the most valuable part of our continents the rich deltas and great alluvial plains are prevented from being constantly under water.* The inequalities of the earth's surface, the elevation of vast tracts of country many thousand feet above the level of the sea, and the deep valleys which the torrents have gradually scooped out in the flanks of the mountains, are also prominent causes of that wonderful variety of climate which gives birth to a no less wonderful variety of plants and animals. Fancy the mountains brought down to the level of a uniform plane ; no peaks soaring aloft into the regions of perpetual snow, no declivities leading the wanderer in a few hours from Arctic coldness to the genial mildness of an Italian sky; no precipitous streams, whose foaming waters as they bound along first reflect the dark pine in their crystal mirror, then the sturdy oak, and finally the noble chestnut or the graceful laurel ; and then how monotonous would be the landscape, how uniform the character of organic life over vast tracts of country where now vegetation, thanks to the perpetual changes of elevation and aspect of the soil on which it grows, is seen revelling in an endless multipli- city of forms. The actual distribution of sea and land over the surface of the globe is likewise of the highest importance to the present condi- tion of organic life. If the ocean were considerably smaller, or if Asia and America were concentrated within the tropics, the tides, the oceanic currents, and the meteorological phenomena on which the existence of the vegetable and animal kingdoms depend, would be so profoundly modified, that it is extremely doubtful whether man could have existed, and absolutely certain that he could never have risen to a high degree of civilisation. The dependence of human progress upon the existing configu- * Sir Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology. GEADUATED FOEMS OF LIFE. 41 ration of the globe necessarily leads us to the conclusion that both must be the harmonious work of the same Almighty Power, and that a divine and immutable plan has from all eternity presided over the destinies of our planet. It is almost super- fluous to point out how largely the irregular windings and indentations of the coasts, the numerous islands scattered over the face of the waters, the promontories stretching far away into the domains of the sea, and the gulfs plunging deeply into the bosom of the land, have contributed to the civilisation of the human race by multiplying its points of contact with the ocean, the great highway of nations. A survey of the petrifactions enclosed in the various strata of the earth adds new force to the conviction, that one grand and uniform plan has constantly presided over all the periods of its history. For here we find no chaotic confusion, no arbitrary oscillations from higher to lower, or from lower to higher grades of existence (as would undoubtedly have been the case if organic development had been left to casual influences), but a gradual and constant progression from inferior to more perfect forms of life. Thus, in the oldest strata only the remains of the lower plants and animals are found of algaB and lichens, of corals, sea- urchins, mollusks, and crustaceans. At a later period the reign of the vertebrated animals begins to dawn in the fishes. Then the reptiles appear in gigantic forms, as tyrants of the coasts and the lagunes, while the empire of the birds and quadrupeds belongs to the more recent forma- tions ; and man, the most highly gifted of all the created beings we know of, appears last upon the scene. Throughout these vast epochs of time, numberless species of vegetable and animal life are doomed to perish, but they are constantly replaced by other and more perfect forms ; we see constant changes, a constant decline and death, but also a con- stant birth and resurrection, a new life perpetually springing forth from the ruins of the past. How perfect must have been the plan which has thus, through unnumbered ages, constantly maintained the balance between the changes and revolutions of the earth-rind, and the eternal progress of the organic world ! The elementary powers of fire and water might have continued their strife for ever, and yet the higher grades of animal life 42 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. could not have been called into existence if vegetable life, favoured by peculiar atmospherical conditions, had not previously cleansed the air of the pernicious gases with which it was satu- rated during the early period of our earth's history. The ocean then rolled its waves over a far greater surface than at present, for the large masses of land which now cover a con- siderable part of the northern hemisphere were then still reposing under the waters, which only appeared speckled here and there with low and comparatively insignificant islands. Thus a mild oceanic climate reigned far to the north, and its moist and genial breath decked with a verdant robe even Spitzbergen and Bear Island, where now winter with all his horrors holds undisputed sway over the ice-bound soil. Besides moisture and warmth, the immense quantities of car- bonic acid which was at that time mixed with the atmosphere, contributed to promote vegetation ;' for this gas, so deleterious to man and to the higher animals, constitutes, as is well known, the chief food of plants, which have the power of separating it into its constituent elements oxygen and carbon, restoring the former to the air, and forming out of the latter the greater part of their solid structure. The immensity of the coal-fields affords convincing proof of the abundance of carbonic acid which filled the air at that primeval epoch, for before its carbon became condensed by vegetation, it evidently must have existed in a gaseous state ; and thus also we see that the forests of this carboniferous period first paved the way for a higher development of animal life, by purifying the air and substituting oxygen for the deleterious vapours with which it was loaded. Although the vegetable remains which constitute coal are mostly in such a state of compression or transformation that no trace of the original texture remains, yet the specimens which one is able to distinguish from the mass plainly bear the cha- racter of a swampy vegetation, and show that they must have grown in submerged or at least extremely humid situations, analogous to those in which the present peat or turf formation takes place. These relics of an extinct world chiefly consist of cryptogamous or non-flowering plants, such as arborescent ferns, and reed-like calamites, stigmarias and lepidodendra, along with a few palms DURATION OF THE COAL-FORMING AGES. 43 and first ; but the beautiful and various forms of the dicotyledo- nous plants, which constitute by far the greater part of the Flora of the present day, were totally wanting in the swampy forests of the carboniferous period, which, in spite of their amazing luxuriance of growth, had but a monotonous and melancholy character. No warm-blooded quadruped enjoyed their shade, no bird enlivened them with his song. Their awful silence was only interrupted by the tones of inanimate nature, the roaring of the sea against the low beach, or the moaning of the wind in their feathery fronds. But who knows whether spirits hovering over their dreary expanse may not have whispered to each other of the nobler creation for which they paved the way ! The great uniformity of climate which then reigned over the globe caused at the same time a wonderful uniformity of vege- tation in its various zones. In the eastern as in the western hemisphere, between the tropics and beyond the Arctic circle, wherever coal has been deposited the naturalist meets with the same forms, often even with the same species of plant. The space of time required for the formation of the coal-fields is as immeasurable as the countless millions of miles that sepa- rate us from Sirius. We know by experience how thin the sheet of humus is which the annual leaf-fall of our forests or turf-plants produces, and how many decenniums must pass ere one single inch of solid residuum is gained. But there are many coal-strata twenty to thirty feet thick ; and if we consider besides the mighty pressure of the superincumbent rocks which store them in the smallest compass, we cannot possibly doubt that one such stratum must have required thousands of years for its formation. Our wonder increases when we reflect that, in many carboniferous basins no less than a hundred thick and thin seams of coal alternate with layers of sandstone and shale, so that the reckoning would swell to millions, were we able to fathom the ages of their successive growth. Thus, for instance, at Sheriff Hill, near Newcastle, we find eight strata of coal of a joint thickness of thirty-three feet and a half, but these are separated by intervening stone strata of an average thickness of from forty to sixty feet, so that the entire thickness of these coal measures amounts to 345 feet. But even these coal-bearing strata form but a small part of 44 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. . the whole carboniferous system, whose successive stages (lower carboniferous shale, carboniferous limestone, millstone grit, coal- measures, upper coal grits, lower new red sandstone) frequently measure no less than from 6,000 to 8,000 feet in thickness ; or even as in South Wales, Nova Scotia, and near Saarbruck, 13,000, 14,000, and 20,000 feet ! The wings of fancy fail to carry us over the vast chasm which separates the first of these deposits from the last ; and yet the whole system itself is but a link in the chain of successive formations of which the earth-rind, as far as we are able to sound its depth, is composed. Truly man is but the creature of a day, and yet it is for him that the primeval forests grew, that the mighty ferns waved their fronds in the desert air, and that the marshy plants spread their succulent leaves and stems, unnumbered ages before he was to appear upon the scene. The alternating strata of coal and stone of which the carbo- niferous system consists, can hardly be explained in any other manner than by a general slow subsidence of those coasts on which the vegetation flourished, alternating with periods of rest. During an epoch of subsidence, the humus-layer formed by the deposits of ages of forest growth was inundated, and gradu- ally became covered with a system of sand or mud, upon which in the following period of repose a new swampy vegetation could arise and continue to flourish until a new subsidence once more whelmed it beneath the waters. Thus gradually coal followed upon sand, or sand upon coal, until the whole mighty series was built up ! Although all coal-fields must have originally been formed in horizontal or slightly undulating situations, yet in many cases they have undergone enormous derangements from the subsequent action of volcanic powers. Thus, in the Belgian carboniferous formation, the strata are not only violently contorted, but often elevated through an angle greater than a right angle, and are thus actually inverted, so that the basin -shaped depressions in which the coal occurs are twisted out of place, and the whole geology of the district apparently thrown into confusion. Faults are in fact so common in coal-strata, that they are but rarely missing. They occur in every possible dimension, so that sometimes the severed parts of a field have been displaced many hundred feet from their original position. THE COAL-FIELDS. 45 One can easily conceive the difficulties which these disruptions frequently throw into the miner's way, who, in following what he considers a valuable seam of coal, is suddenly stopped by coming in contact with a fault, and finds the coal shifted several yards above or below, or even completely lost. On the other hand they are productive of considerable advan- tages, for by intersecting a large field of coal in all directions, and by the clayey contents which fill up the crack accompany- ing the fault, they become coffer-dams, which prevent the body of water accumulated in one part of the field from flowing into any opening which might be made in it from another. This separation of the coal-field into small areas is also important in case of fire, for in this case the combustion is prevented from spreading widely, and destroying, as it would otherwise do, the whole of the seam ignited. 6 The natural disposition of coal in detached portions,' says the author of an excellent article in the c Edinburgh Eeview,' * ' is not simply a phenomenon of geology, but it also bears upon national considerations. It is remarkable that this natural dis- position is that which renders the fuel most accessible and most easily mined. Were the coal situated at its normal geological depth, that is, supposing the strata to be all horizontal and un- disturbed or upheaved, it would be far below human reach. Were it deposited continuously in one even superficial layer, it would have been too readily, and therefore too quickly, mined, and all the superior qualities would be wrought out and only the inferior left ; but as it now lies it is broken up by geological disturbances into separate portions, each defined and limited in area, each sufficiently accessible to bring it within man's reach and labour, each manageable by mechanical arrangements, and each capable of gradual excavation without being subject to sudden exhaustion. Selfish plundering is partly prevented by natural barriers, and we are warned against reckless waste by the comparative thinness of coal-seams, as well as by the ever augmenting difficulty of working them at increased depths. By the separation of seams one from another, and by varied intervals of waste sandstones and shales, such a measured rate of mining is necessitated as precludes us from entirely robbing pos- terity of the most valuable mineral fuel, while the fuel itself is * Vol. cxi. p. 80. 46 THE HARMONIES OF NATUEE. preserved from those extended fractures and crumblings and falls, which would certainly be the consequence of largely mining the best bituminous coal, were it aggregated into one vast mass. In fact, by an evident exercise of forethought and benevolence in the Great Author of all our blessings, our invaluable fuel has been stored up for us in deposits the most compendious, the most accessible, yet the least exhaustible, and has been locally distributed into the most convenient situations. Our coal-fields are so many Bituminous Banks, in which there is abundance for an adequate currency, but against any sudden run upon them nature has interposed numerous checks ; whole reserves of the precious fuel are always locked up in the bank- cellar under the invincible protection of ponderous stone-beds. It is a striking fact, that in this nineteenth century, after so long an inhabitation of the earth by man, if we take the quantities in the broad view of the whole known coal-fields, so little coal has been excavated, and that there remains an abundance for a very remote posterity, even though our own best coal-fields may be then worked out.' But it is not only in these inexhaustible supplies of mineral fuel that we find proofs of divine foresight, all the other treasures of the earth-rind equally convince us of the intimate harmony between its structure and the wants of man. Com- posed of a wonderful variety of earths and ores, it contains in inexhaustible abundance all the substances he requires for the attainment of a higher grade of civilisation. It is for his use that iron, copper, lead, silver, tin, marble, gypsum, sulphur, rock-salt, and a variety of other minerals and metals, have been deposited in the veins and crevices, or in the mines and quarries, of the subterranean world. It is for his benefit that, from the decomposition of the solid rocks results that mixture of earths and alkalies, of marl, lime, sand, or chalk, which is most favour- able to agriculture. It is for him, finally, that, filtering through the entrails of the earth, and dissolving salutary substances on their way, the ther- mal springs gush forth laden with blessings and enriched with treasures more inestimable than those the miner toils for. Supposing man had never been destined to live, we well may ask why all those gifts of nature useless to all living beings but to him why those vast coal-fields, those beds of iron ore, those INFLUENCE OF SEASONS ON OKGANIC LIFE. 47 deposits of sulphur, those hygeian fountains, should ever have been created ? Without him there is no design, no purpose, in their existence ; with him they are wonderful sources of health or necessary instruments of civilisation and improvement. Thus the geological revolutions of the earth-rind harmoniously point to man as to its future lord ; thus, in the life of our planet and that of its inhabitants, we everywhere find proofs of a gigantic unity of plan, embracing unnumbered ages in its development and progress. The obliquity of the earth's axis to the plane of its orbit, through which in its annual course round the sun each pole is alternately presented to the rays of the great luminary, is like- wise of such vast importance to organic life, that it must have been from the beginning established with a view to the place we were one day to occupy on earth. Supposing the equator of our globe to have been invariably exposed to the vertical sunbeams, then all the year round short March or September days would have fallen to the share of the temperate zones, and both the poles would have been plunged in constant darkness. The higher latitudes, covered with per- petual ice, must have been totally uninhabitable, and the nu- merous plants which require the summer's heat for the ripening of their fruits must have been banished from our fields. The perpetual cold of the poles would no doubt have extended the domains of ice and snow far beyond their present boundaries, and man would have been restricted to a torrid belt, whose narrow confines would have condemned him for ever to a mere animal existence. And now compare reality with this imaginary picture, and see how beautifully, by the wanderings of the sun from one tropic to the other in his apparent annual motion, his genial warmth is widely distributed over the earth ; how the various seasons spring with his blossoms, summer with his nourishing corn, autumn with his abundance of fruit, and winter with his cheerful hearth are made to follow each other in charming succession, and to enrich the intellectual life of man by constantly opening new scenes and prospects to his view. It was only thus that he could become master of the earth and of its treasures, and that organic life could develope itself in countless forms up to the icy poles. 48 THE HARMONIES OF NATUEE. The circumstance that the fruits of the earth are unequally distributed over its surface, that each zone, each country, brings its peculiar produce to the market of the world, is likewise of vast importance to the improvement of the human race. If man had everywhere found united in a small space all that is neces- sary for the maintenance and enjoyment of life, he would never have emerged from the low condition of the savage, who finds all he requires for the gratification of his simple wants in his native forest or in the neighbouring sea. But, with a wise economy, the Almighty has given to one land the fruits of Ceres and to another mineral wealth, to the tropical regions the sugar-cane and the coffee-tree, to Italy the silk- worm and the vine, to China the tea-plant, to the frozen north its huge cetaceans and costly furs, that all the nations of the earth might be united by the bonds of commerce, and the intellectual powers of man roused to exertion by the stimulus of want or the love of gain. 49 CHAPTER VIT. - THE CELLULAR CONSTRUCTION OF PLANTS. Prodigious Variety of Plants The Vegetable Cell Its Metamorphoses- Its Multiplication Rapid Growth of the Lower Plants The Mushrooms The "Wonderful Products of the Vegetable Cell Magnificence of the Vegetable World. THE immense variety of plants which decks the surface of our globe is one of the great wonders of creation. Wherever we wander, on the margin of the ocean or on the bleak and weather- beaten mountains, new forms of vegetation constantly attract our attention. Skirting the shores, the algre wave their fronds in the restless waters, while the lichens cover the naked rocks of the highlands with their thin and lively-coloured patches. The rivers and lakes abound with green filaments; mould spreads over putrefy- ing organic substances ; wood crumbles into dust ; the potato, the grape, are decomposed ; and all these phenomena result from the development and rapid multiplication of microscopical plants. A cushion of soft velvet decks the bark of ancient trees, grey beards hang from their boughs, and parasitical climbers feed upon their -juices. Flowers of every form and colour adorn the meadows, clothe the brown heaths with warmer tints, bloom out of ruins, and cover even the dark morass with a garb of beauty. With every change of climate and soil, with every degree of latitude, nay, from mile to mile, new plants make their appear- ance. The mountain-sides and the deep valleys have their characteristic vegetation, and sand, granite, chalk, and clay, all nourish different herbs and trees. The plants exhibit an amazing variety, not only in their E mental unity of the countless members of the vegetable king- dom must disappear when we come to examine their internal structure. For, armed with the microscope, botanists have discovered that every vegetable fabric consists simply of an aggregation of cells or closed membranous bags or vesicles, and their unwearied observations have been able to trace the gradual change of this simple elementary form into every variety of tissue, fibre, and vessel, which enters into the organisation of the most compli- cated plants. The permeable cell-wall absorbs the nutritious fluids with which it comes into contact, and these, by the chemical processes which are constantly going on in its interior, are changed into new substances, which the cell partly appropriates to its own uses and partly excretes, so as to be able to absorb fresh fluids in their place. The constant succession of these simple physical and chemical actions forms the whole life-history of the indi- vidual cell and consequently of every plant, which, however complicated its structure may appear, is after all but an aggre- gation of cells. During the progress of growth the primordial form of the originally globular cell assumes a great diversity of shape ; it extends in length, it branches out, it is flattened by the pressure of its neighbours, or compressed into a many-sided or prismatic figure. TITE VEGETABLE CELL. 51 Throughout all these changes the cell-wall may retain its original thinness and transparency, but very frequently it becomes thickened and opaque by the successive deposition of - layers of solid matter, while at the same time its fluid con- tents disappear and its individual growth is at an end. The thickening is generally not uniform over its whole surface, but presents frequent interruptions, so that the cell appears punctured with numerous round pores, or creviced, or covered with a network, or with a spirally wound-up band, or with a succession of opaque rings ; and from all these modifica- tions of solidification and growth result the endless varieties of texture which we admire in the vegetable kingdom, and which must appear the more astonishing when we consider the simple elementary form from which they all derive their origin. In most cases the growing cells multiply by duplicate subdi- vision, each half increasing in length, and again dividing through a transverse partition, or else new cells form in the interior of a parent cell and expanding burst open the shell or case in which they were contained. Thus the growth of all plants proceeds by a constant multiplication of cells whose number frequently increases to an incredible extent as a cubic inch of soft cellular parenchyma contains more than 100,000,000 individual cells. The simplest plants, the confervas, algse, lichens and mush- rooms, consist only of soft cellular tissues, and in these, owing to their loose nature, growth frequently proceeds with a most marvellous celerity. In twenty-five minutes a mushroom the Phallus foetidus shoots up three inches high, and in ano- ther species the Bovista gigantea 20,000 new cells form every minute, so that in a single night it swells from the size of a pin's head to that of a large pumpkin. Thus also the Nereo- cystis lutkeana, an alga occurring on the north-west coast of America, which has stems resembling whipcord, three hundred feet in length and terminating with a bunch of leaves each thirty or forty feet long, is but the produce of a single summer, so that it is hardly an exaggeration to say that one might see it grow. A proper seed formation does not take place in these in- ferior plants, they generally multiply by the emission of spores simple cells which are often generated in truly incalculable numbers. More than 1 0,000,000 of spores have been found in a single specimen of Eeticularia maxima, a mushroom growing on E 2 52 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. the trunks of felled trees each of them most likely able to produce a new individual ; and as every species of mushroom or fungus is equally productive according to its size, we can easily understand how these microscopical germs frequently float in the air in countless myriads, until the casualties of wind and weather again precipitate them upon the earth. The well-known instances of the dry rot in timber, or of the potato and grape diseases, sufficiently prove how disastrous the enormous reproductive powers of the fungi may become when circumstances favour their growth ; but in many cases they are extremely useful, by promoting the decomposition of decaying or putrefying vegetable and animal substances, and thus hastening their transition into new forms of life. The structure of the higher order of plants, such as have flowers and seeds, is far more complicated than that of these simple forms of vegetation, as they consist not merely of a more or less closely aggregated or firmly woven cellular tissue, but also of fibres and vessels that have grown out of that elementary form, and minister to the wants of a more complicated organi- sation. One of the most wonderful properties of the vegetable cell is its power of elaborating such an amazing variety of products. It receives or imbibes but few substances from the outer world, water, carbonic acid, ammonia, and some other soluble salts ; but with these few it is able to bring forth in its secret laboratory all that can gratify the eye, the smell, or the taste of man. The beautifully tinted juices to which the flowers owe their rainbow variety of colours, the sweet odours with which they perfume the air, the gums, the balsams, and the resins, sugar and starch, india-rubber and gutta-percha, medicines and poi- sons in endless profusion, are all distilled or fabricated by the vegetable cell. Even the humblest lichen, the smallest moss which clothes the weatherbeaten rock, is a truly miraculous production ; how then can we find words to express our admiration of those thousands upon thousands of flowering herbs, shrubs, and trees, whose endless and picturesque variety inspires every feeling- heart with delight and gratitude ? While the northern bard praises the stately magnificence of the oak, the Arabian minstrel sings the date-palm's stately MAGNIFICENCE OF THE VEGETABLE WORLD. 53 crown ; and the poets of all lands and of all times never tune their harps to sweeter melodies than when describing in rapturous strains the balmy groves or the verdant meads of the beloved country of their birth. It is no caprice of chance or blind agency of mechanical or physical laws which has so wonderfully decorated the earth, and gifted us with such a deep-felt sympathy with the charms of the vegetable world. When Nature revives in spring, and thousands of birds make the woods and fields resound with their song, then also a voice awakens in our heart which tells us that all these lovely scenes are but the visible revelation of an invisible (rod, an enchanted mirror in which we see the reflection of His glory. 54 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. CHAPTER VIII. THE ROOTS OF PLANTS. The Roots of the Algae, of the Zostera marina, of the Sand-reed, of the South African Creepers The Roots of the Forest Trees Aerial Roots of the Man- groves Their Influence on the Formation of Tropical Deltalands Radical Filaments Spongioles Properties of Vegetable Mould The Fertilising In- fluence of Winter. EXPOSED to the influences of every climate and destined to grow in every soil, children of the sea, the dry land, and the air, the plants needed a wonderful pliability of organisation to be able to adapt themselves to the numberless modifications of the ex- ternal world, resulting from their universal distribution over the surface of the globe. As each animal is armed at all points against hostile attacks, or provided with all the organs it requires for waging the battle of life, thus also every plant, wherever it may grow, has been endowed with the means of maintaining its existence against a host of adverse influences ; and each of its parts and organs its roots, its stem, its leaves, its flowers, its fruit is in every case a masterpiece of adaptation to the circumstances under which it is destined to flourish. Thus also the study of each vegetable organ gives the philo- sophical observer equal opportunities of admiring the profound wisdom which presided over its formation, and in his eyes the perfection of nature reveals itself as eloquently in the homely root as in the gayest blossom expanding its gorgeous colours to the sun. See the vile seaweed, exposed to all the vicissitudes of the tides; fixed on a solid rock, it is unable to plunge its roots into the stone to which it adheres ; and yet they are such excellent holdfasts, that even a violent storm is hardly able to sever the connection, and cast the plant ashore like a ship torn from its MARINE PLANTS. 55 anchors. Frequently a simple conical disc suffices to bind the weatherbeaten alga to its native cliff; and as the hardy plant advances in growth, and as new props are required to support the additional weight, the branches of the root lengthen, and others are gradually added, till a compact mass of interwoven fibres is formed, each of which takes a separate gripe of the rock by the disc at its extremity, so that their united powers of re- sistance are able to bid defiance to the swelling flood. The Laminariae, or Oar-weeds of our coasts, with their long broad leaves cloven into a great number of ribbon-like segments, sufficiently prove the strength of an adherence which enables such vegetable masses to bid defiance to the rocking waves ; but what are these to the submarine forests in the channels of Tierra del Fuego, where the Macrocystis pyrifera rises from depths of from one hundred and fifty to two hundred feet, and then con- tinues to float many fathoms on the surface of the sea ! f I know few things,' says Mr. Darwin, 'more surprising than to see this plant growing and flourishing amidst those great breakers of the western ocean, which no mass of rock, let it be ever so hard, can long resist. The stem is round, slimy, and smooth, and seldom has a diameter of so much as an inch. A few taken together are sufficiently strong to support the weight of the large loose stones to which in the inland channels they grow attached, and some of these stones are so heavy that, when drawn to the surface, they can scarcely be lifted into a boat by one person.' Fancy how beautifully calculated the strength of the resistance must be to withstand the vast strain of such a sea ! No doubt many a Macrocystis is torn from the spot on which it grew and cast into the open ocean ; but in spite of storm and breakers, the species maintains itself from century to century, for the strength with which it clings to the naked rock, and faces the fury of the elements, has been poised by the wisdom of a God. Very different from the roots of the rock-bound Alga? are those of the Zostera marina, or Grass-wrack, a flowering sea- plant, which forms extensive submarine meadows on sandy shores. On this loose soil a simple superficial attachment would have been of no avail, but the long creeping stems of the Grass- wrack send forth long roots at every joint, which, plunging deep into the sand, are most admirably adapted for securing a firm establishment on this unstable foundation. 56 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. As under the shelter of the Laminaria3 r thus also a host of marine animals and plants live and flourish under the green carpet of the submerged meadows of the Zostera, and thus in both cases the existence of a little world ultimately depends upon the peculiar structure of the roots of the protecting plant. Ascending from these 'submerged forests and meads to the sand-dunes which on many flat coasts oppose an invincible barrier to the stormy ocean, we here also find plants eminently adapted, by the structure of their roots, for flourishing on a loose and drifting soil. Of these the sand-reed (Ammophila arundinacea), which naturally grows on the sandy shores of Europe, is one of the most remarkable. Its roots penetrate to a considerable depth, ramifying in all directions and forming a complete system of rope-work, which soon binds together the loosest sands and firmly attaches the plant, while its strong tall leaves protect the surface of the soil from drought, and afford shelter to small plants, which soon grow between the reeds, and gradually form a new green surface on the bed of sand. But for the sand-reed the sea-winds would long since have wafted the drift-sand of the dunes far into the interior of the country, and converted many a fruitful acre into a waste ; but that invaluable grass opposes its stubborn resistance to the most furious gale. Like a radical democrat, the wind would willingly reduce all to one common level, but the Ammophila, an obstinate conservative, opposes an indefatigable resistance to its fury, and, after a war of centuries, still lines the flat coast with long undu- lating chains of protecting sand-hills. In the deserts and steppes of South Africa we also find a number of plants peculiarly fitted, by the formation of their roots, for the arid soil on which they grow and flourish. Thus creepers abound, which, having their roots buried far beneath the surface, feel but little the effects of the scorching sun. Those having tuberous roots are particularly abundant, a structure evidently intended to supply nutriment and moisture to the plant when, during the long droughts, they can be obtained from no other source. In his description of the Kalahari desert, Dr. Livingstone mentions one of these plants, named Leroshua by the native Bechuanas. It has linear leaves and a stalk not thicker than a THE ROOTS OF THE FOREST TREES. 57 crow's quill ; but, on digging down a foot or eighteen inches beneath, the root enlarges to a tuber often as big as the head of a young child, which, on the rind being removed, is found to be a mass of cellular tissue filled with fluid much like that in a yonng turnip. Owing to the depth beneath the surface at which it is found, it is generally deliciously cool and refreshing. Thus, even in the desert, the bounty of the Almighty not only disposes the organisation of the plants so as best to secure their own existence, but also raises them as sustenance for man ; for with- out their succulent roots these barren and poverty-stricken lands would be all but uninhabitable. The creeping plants of the desert serve, moreover, a double purpose ; for besides their use as food, they fix, by means of the extensive ramifications of their roots, the constantly shifting sands, thus rendering services similar to those of the sand-reed on the dunes along the sandy coasts of the North Sea. Those trees which naturally grow in situations where they are exposed to all the fury of the winds are invariably provided with roots of a corresponding power of resistance. On the brow of the northern hills the centenary fir defies the wintry blast; his strong vertical root dives deep into the crevices of the soil, or embraces the rock with sinewy arms. The proud columnar trunk, with its vast crown of foliage, rocks to and fro in the storm, but withstands its utmost efforts. The noble oak also is a match for the most terrific tempests, until the decay of old age has eaten its way into the trunk or roots, and undermined the venerable giant's strength. The large high-stemmed palms penetrate, while germinating, to a depth of three feet before the roots begin to spread, while the palms of lower growth, that do not require so firm an anchorage in the soil, send forth their roots near to the surface. When we consider that the cocoa-nut tree, which bears its mag- nificent tuft of colossal fronds and heavy racemes on the top of a slender shaft one hundred feet high, thrives best on the sea- shore, where the tropical hurricane has full play for its utmost fury, we can form some idea of the admirable foresight which gave its roots the necessary strength to resist the leverage of so prodigious a weight. Trees with more superficial roots, such as the common pine, which scarcely penetrates into the soil to a greater depth than \ 58 THE HARMONIES OF NATUEE. two feet, grow either in less windy situations, or find mutual protection in the social life of the forest. Surrounded by comrades which break the power of the storm, their topmost crowns alone bend under the blast, while the lower branches remain unmoved : above, the legendary wild huntsman of the woods may rave in pursuit of his phantom game ; below, the wanderer threads his way through the green arcades, and scarcely feels the motion of the air. In the tropical forests the griping power of the roots is fre- quently assisted by the climbing plants, which, like the rigging of a ship, bind or unite as it were a large number of trees into a single body. While in the East Indian thickets the ratans ascend the highest summits of the forest, so as to be able to spread out their palm-like topes in the sunshine over the waving sea of verdure beneath, the paulinias, the bannisterias, the big- nonias, and many other allied creepers, climb from branch to branch in the Brazilian woods, until their blossoms mix with the crowns of the giant trees. Often three or four of these bush- ropes, like strands in a cable, join tree to tree; others, descend- ing from on high, take root as soon as their extremity touches the ground ; while others send out parallel, oblique, horizontal, and perpendicular shoots in all directions, forming so intricate a network, that in this maze of vegetation it is utterly impossible to discover the trailing stem of the liana, whose flowers are seen- expanding above in all their purple beauty. Frequently trees more than a hundred feet high, uprooted by the storm or under- mined by the swelling river, are stopped in their fall by these amazing cables of nature, and are thus still enabled to send forth vigorous shoots, though far from their perpendicular, with their trunks inclined to every degree from the meridian to the hori- zon. Their heads remain firmly supported by the bush ropes, many of their roots soon refix themselves in the earth, and fre- quently a strong shoot will sprout out perpendicularly from near the root of the reclined trunk, and in time become a stately tree. In several plants whose original roots do not seem adequate to support their increasing size, or which grow in situations where great and peculiar powers of resistance are required, new roots issue in a truly wonderful manner from the stem or the lower branches, and, fixing themselves in the ground, serve as MANGROVE FORESTS. * 59 additional props to the weatherbeaten trunk. On viewing this miracle of nature, one might almost be tempted to adopt the belief of the ancient Greeks, and imagine each of these wonder- ful plants to be animated by a dryad, directing it to adopt the best means for securing its existence. Fringing the estuaries of rivers or the shallow lagoons of the tropical zone, and incessantly exposed to the flux and reflux of the tides, the mangroves would hardly have been able to maintain themselves on so uncertain a soil, if the extraordinary growth of their roots had not admirably adapted them for securing a footing on the unstable brink of the ocean. As the young mangrove grows upwards, pendulous roots issue from the trunk and inferior branches, and ultimately strike into the muddy ground, where they increase to the thickness of a man's leg ; so that the whole has the appearance of a complicated series of loops and arches from five to ten feet high, supporting the body of the tree like so many artificial stakes. It may thus easily be imagined what dense and inextricable thickets, what in- comparable breakwaters, plants like these, through whose mazes even the light-footed Indian can only penetrate by stepping from root to root, are capable of forming. Where plants of a peculiar growth spread over large tracts of sea or land, we frequently find their influence extending far beyond the limited sphere of their individual life. Thus we have seen a whole little world of animals depend upon the existence of the gigantic fuci of Tierra del Fuego, and have noticed the im- portant agency of the Ammophila in fixing the drift-sands and securing large tracts of fertile country, and thus also we find that the peculiar growth of the mangroves has a vast influence in promoting the increase of land at the expense of the maritime domain. Their matted roots stem the flow of the waters, and retaining the earthy particles that sink to the bottom between them, gradually raise the level of the soil. As this new forma- tion progresses, thousands of seeds begin to germinate upon its muddy foundation, thousands of cables descend still further to consolidate it, and thus foot by foot, year after year, the man- groves extend their empire and encroach upon the sea. The enormous deltas of many tropical rivers chiefly owe their im- mense development to the unceasing expansion of these lit- toral woods, whose influence deserves the full attention of the 60 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. geologist when describing the ancient and eternal strife between the ocean and the land. A similar formation of pendulous roots distinguishes the screw- pines, those singular plants whose foliage resembles that of the palm or bromelia, while their fruits remind one of the cones of the fir-tree or the pine. The older trees which require this additional support send forth their aerial roots in so opportune a manner that one might suppose them gifted with a peculiar instinct. For if the screw-pine, as is frequently the case, reclines to one side, the pendulous roots not only exclusively grow in this direction, which chiefly requires to be propped, but seem even able to choose the most proper places for their attachment. The screw-pines grow on a sandy as well as on a rocky soil, for their roots spread out in considerable ramifications, and penetrate into the smallest cavities or crevices of the stony ground. They frequently grow in fantastic forms on the brinks of precipices overhanging the abyss, and then again twist their branches into a vertical position. Content with the most meagre soil, their frugality and the ease with which they strike root render them extremely serviceable in paving the way for a more luxurious vegetation on rocks or sandy shores. Thus they are widely spread on low islands and coasts throughout the whole tropical zone, where the lively green of their long ribbon-like leaves and the glowing crimson of their fruits contribute in a great degree to the beauty of the land- scape. But of all the plants which support themselves by means of pendulous roots, there is none more remarkable than the beau- tiful and stately Banyan, the vegetable wonder of India. Each of these marvellous trees is in itself a grove, and some of them are of astonishing size, as they are continually increasing, and, contrary to most other animal and vegetable productions, seem to be exempted from decay, for every branch from the main body throws out its own roots, at first in small tender fibres, several yards from the ground, which continually grow thicker, until by a gradual descent they reach its surface, where, striking in, they increase to a large trunk and become a parent tree, throwing out new branches from the top. These in time suspend their roots, and receiving nourishment from the earth, swell into trunks, and send forth other branches, thus continuing in a state THE BANYAN TREE. 61 of progression so long as the first parent of them all supplies her sustenance. No wonder that the pious Hindoos are par- ticularly fond of this glorious tree, and that they consider its long duration, its outstretching arms, and overshadowing benefi- cence as emblems of the Deity, of whose wisdom and power it is one of the most striking monuments. Admirable as holdfasts or anchors, whose iron grasp enables the giants of the forest to brave the storm, the roots are equally remarkable as the organs which extract the nutritious particles from the soil and provide the plant with its necessary food. All our forest trees germinate with a chief or vertical root ; but as lateral branches frequently acquire a more robust growth than the central stem, thus also we find that in many cases the lateral or side-roots become stronger and more extended than the parent root from which they sprung. In older trees a difference between the original or vertical root and its lateral embranchments can thus with difficulty be traced ; and even in the oak, the beech, and the fir, which during the first year of their life possess a preponderating central root, this is not seldom at a later period far outgrown by its embranchments, each of which, under favourable circumstances, seems able to become the chief food-provider of the plant : a most wise and admirable provision, for as the trees are immovably bound to the soil, and only able to find nourishment as far as their roots can reach, they could riot possibly have attained a great age or a colossal size, had they not been endowed with the faculty of extending their subterranean organs of nutrition in all direc- tions, of conquering as it were new tributary regions, correspond- ing with the increase of their wants. It is only through the deli- cate radical filaments which proceed from the larger root-fibres that plants derive their nourishment from the earth ; for experi- ment has proved that a herb will perish in the midst of water if the ends of its roots are raised above the surface. Each of these fibrils is enveloped in a sheath of cellular substances, and terminates with a peculiarly succulent' tissue, forming what is termed the spongiole, where the process of absorption goes on with the greatest activity. Frequently the delicate fibrils are also covered with extremely fine hygroscopic hairs, destined to augment the absorbing surface. Thus endowed with the property of appropriating the nutritious juices of the 62 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. earth in its immediate vicinit} 7 ", the growing spongiole gropes its way farther and farther, branches out in every direction, and constantly coming into contact with new portions of soil, extends the territory subservient to the wants of the plant. Well may we praise the beauty of the green canopy of the woods and the mighty columns which bear aloft those verdant domes ; but let us also pay the tribute of our admiration to those humbler organs, whose incessant activity gathers in obscurity and darkness the materials of the grove, which but for them would never have so proudly crested the hill or so beautifully diversified the plain. Yet the roots, although ever so well formed for providing the plant with nourishment, still required the assistance of peculiar physical and chemical agencies to be able to perform their functions. All plants of a higher order can, as is well known, thrive, only in a soil which partly consists of the remains of a lower or preceding vegetation ; the stately monarch of the woods rises upon the ruins of many generations of trees or shrubs of a humbler growth, and the corn-field requires fertilis- ing manure to be able to reward the labours of the husbandman. The rain which irrigates the field, the meadow, or the wood, penetrates into the ground, imbibes the soluble salts contained in the vegetable mould or humus, is absorbed by the spongioles of the roots, and, ascending into the vessels of the trunk and branches, saturates the whole plant with nutritious substances. But rain frequently falls either after prolonged intermissions, or in much greater abundance than the immediate wants of vegeta- tion require ; and in both cases the plants must have suffered either from an insufficiency of moisture or from its excess, wash- ing away the nutritious salts contained in the soil, if their healthy growth, nay, their very existence, had not been protected by the admirable properties of the humus. For this wonderful substance, or rather mixture of mineral and vegetable substances, attracts water so strongly that it not only prevents the too rapid evaporation of the rain or dew, but actually condenses the aqueous vapour contained in the air, and is thus enabled con- stantly to renew the sources from which the thirsty plant derives its sustenance. As may be supposed, chemical decompositions and changes are perpetually going on among the substances of which every PROPERTIES OF VEGETABLE MOULD. 63 fertile soil is composed. Thus, for instance, carbonic acid, ammonia, and several vegetable acids are constantly forming, while decomposition proceeds in the mould or manure, and by combining with the lime, iron, magnesia, silica, and other mineral portions of the soil, give birth to a variety of soluble salts, all fit to nourish and enter into the composition of plants. No human eye has as yet been able to pierce all the mysteries of these chemical changes, but so much is certain, that they perfectly agree with the wants of vegetation, and that this beautiful coincidence between the chemical affinities of the soil and the requirements of organic life is another evident proof that the various powers of nature are all instruments of har- mony in the hands of one Almighty power. The nutritious salts thus formed would have been in a great measure lost for the purposes of vegetation, if the humus had not attracted them with a still greater power than that which it exhibits towards water. However abundantly the rain may fall, however greedily it may be absorbed by the inferior strata, the soluble substances are retained by the superficial layers of mould as by a sieve, and only the pure water percolates. The fertility of our fields, the luxuriant foliage of our woods, the perennial verdure of our meadows, depend in a great measure upon this wonderful physical property ; for vegetation could never have attained its full development, if mould, like sand, had possessed no binding power over the nutritious particles of the soil. The decomposition of the mould and the chemical changes that take place in the mineral substances of which it is partly formed, naturally proceed more rapidly, when the loosened and porous earth, which at the same time allows the spongioles of the roots to ramify more easily in all directions, permits the air to penetrate more freely into its interstices. Hence the evident utility of ploughing and digging ; but these fertilising operations, which the labourer imperfectly performs with so much fatigue and expense, are executed with the utmost per- fection and on the grandest scale by the power of winter. As I have already mentioned in a previous chapter, water possesses the remarkable property of expanding as soon as it assumes the solid form of ice; so that when the humid soil becomes hard under the influence of frost, the moisture con- 64 THE HAKMONIES OF NATURE. tained in the minute crevices of the stones or the interstices of the soil thoroughly loosens the cohesion of the ground. On the return of spring, warmth, moisture, and air are thus better able to penetrate below the surface, and to awaken the germs of dormant life. In the Arctic regions, where winter fre- quently holds vegetation for months in iron bondage, this inclement season is at the same time one of its greatest friends, not only through the protecting mantle of snow which it spreads over the earth, but chiefly through the mechanical division of the soil which it causes. Thus death becomes the parent of life ; and thus divine wisdom has made dreary winter the active helpmate of the short summer of the northern regions. The roots of one plant do not rob the soil of the same mineral substances as those of another, for the various families of plants are not constructed of identical materials. Thus the grasses and all our cereals chiefly require silica for their nourishment ; the pea and the lupin, chalk ; the potato and the turnip, potash ; the vine, soda; as the chemical analysis of their respective ashes proves. If plants of the same class were cultivated year after year on the same spot, the soil would soon be ex- hausted of the particular mineral substances they require, while by a judicious alternation of silica, potash, or chalk plants, it gains time to replace the mineral particles that have been with- drawn from it by the preceding crops. If all plants absorbed the same mineral substances, the fields which now yield an annual return must frequently have lain fallow until the slow progress of mineral dissolution had repaired their losses, and consequently the same extent of territory could only have been able to feed a much smaller population. Thus we see that the wealth and power of all agricultural nations, and, consequently, also the progress of civilisation, depend in a great measure upon the relative importance of the various mineral portions of the soil to the different plants cultivated by man. CHAPTER IX. THE STEMS OF PLANTS. The various Growth of Trees. Internal Structure of Plant-stems. Wood and Fibrous Cells. The Shafts of Palms. Climbing-plants. Their various Modes of Attachment. Tree Buttresses. Defences of Plants. Thorns. Prickles. Harmonies between the Trunks of Trees and the Wants of Man. The Voices of the Forest. How different the growth and stature of our forest-trees ! Here the fir symmetrically raises its stately pyramid to the skies; there the oak widely extends its sturdy branches, like arms, ready to give battle to the storm. The beech, the elm, the poplar, the willow, the birch, have each their own well-defined individuality, and enhance the beauty of the landscape by their picturesque contrasts. The same pleasing variety strikes us in plants of humbler pretensions. This shrub has but a few vertical shoots, while its neighbour branches out in all directions ; here growth tends ambitiously upwards ; there it humbly creeps along the ground ; here it confronts you with a military stiff- ness, as if determined rather to break than to yield ; there it appears with a courtier-like pliability, ever ready to bend as the wind blows. But, however different its growth may be, the trunk or stem of a plant is in every case admirably proportioned to the. weight it has to carry or to the resistance it has to encounter, and in every case its texture has been made to harmonise with its task. Thus, on examining the internal structure of our forest trees, we find their woody fibres, which are long and pointed at both ends like spindles, firmly wedged into each other, an ar- rangement which of course gives the fabric of the trunk or branches a greater power to resist the violence of the wind. Every year our forest trees add a new concentric layer or ring to their circumference, so that the strength of their axis. F 66 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. increases in the same proportion as the size of the crown ; but the palms of the tropical zone have a different growth, as with- out any very perceptible increase in the diameter of their stem, they rear their colossal fronds higher and higher into the air. Yet, in spite of their comparatively slender trunks, and their towering stature, which is surpassed by that of but few other trees, they as effectually withstand the pressure of the storm as our firs or oaks, or as the dicotyledonous giants of their own zone, for their fibrous cells, which unite a remarkable degree of tough- ness with a considerable pliability, are interlaced so firmly at or near the surface of the trunk, where they are most compactly arranged, that they are enabled to bend without breaking, to bow down before the hurricane, and to rise again as soon as its fury has passed. In the climbing or creeping-plants, whose thin and delicate stems are quite out of proportion to their weight, this want of self-supporting strength is compensated in various ways ; so that, in spite of their apparent weakness, they are able to carry their heads as high as if they rested on colossal trunks. Some of them embrace other plants by growing in a spiral direction, as, for instance, our beans and hops ; others, like the ivy, emit from their stem short aerial roots, which serve as hold-fasts in the crevices of old walls or trees ; and others, again, like the vine, climb upwards by means of tendrils, which, grow- ing out of the axillae of the leaves, wind round neighbouring objects, and prop the plant as it ascends. The tropical rattans, those remarkable climbing palms, whose rope-like stems often consist of a couple of hundred joints, each two or three feet long, and bearing at every knot a feathery leaf, rest so firmly upon the branches of the trees by means of the strong barbed thorns with which the petioles of their leaves are armed, and interlace themselves so frequently, that it is extremely difficult to detach them from their hold. Thus supported, they climb to the summits of the highest forest trees, and while it is impossible to distinguish their creeping stems from the intricate tangles of the matted underwood, their palm-like topes expand in the sunshine, the emblems of successful parasitism. Other tropical climbers, again, have neither thorns nor tendrils to support them, but, as soon as they have found a stay in some neighbouring tree, they begin to extend over its surface PAKASITIC PLANTS. G7 like a plastic body ; for, while the stems of most other plants generally assume a cylindrical form, these wonderful climbers have the peculiarity of divesting themselves of their rind when brought into contact with an extraneous body, and of spreading over it, until they at length enclose it in a tubular mass. When during this process the powers of the original root are weakened, the stem sends forth new props to restore the equilibrium, and thus the parasitic race continually acquires fresh strength, while the incarcerated trunk is stifled and destroyed. Several species of fig-trees are peculiarly remarkable for this destructive property, and from the facility with which their seeds take root where there is a sufficiency of moisture to permit of germination, are formidable assailants of ancient monuments. In many tropical trees which, struggling for air and light in the dense thicket of the forest, attain a prodigious altitude, or from the colossal expansion of their branches require steadying from beneath, we find buttresses projecting like rays from all sides of the trunk. They are frequently from six to twelve inches thick, and project from five to fifteen feet ; and as they ascend they gradually sink into the bole and disappear at the height of from ten to twenty feet from the ground, a beautiful provision, which effectually protects the trees from the leverage of the crown, by which they would otherwise be uprooted. Our annual herbs, which from their inconsiderable height are less exposed to the fury of the wind, naturally require no solid ligneous stem for their support. Many grow under the covering shade of some powerful protector ; while others find adequate powers of resistance in the long and tough fibrous cells with which their stems are furnished. The flax and hemp plants of our northern Flora, the Phormium tenax of New Zealand, and the Musacese and Bromeliacea3 of the tropical zone, are peculiarly distinguished by this fibrous texture, which, besides serving for their own preservation, renders them also eminently useful to man. Although unable to move from the spot, and thus to avoid by a timely flight the attacks of their enemies, the plants have not been left defenceless against man and the herbivorous animals of the woods. Thus many of our native shrubs are guarded by ramparts of thorns and prickles, but the spines of our hawthorns and bramble-bushes give but a faint idea of the size which these F 2 68 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. defensive weapons attain in the tropical zone. The cactuses, the acacias, and many of the palm-trees, bristle with sharp-pointed shafts, affording them ample protection against the attacks of hungry animals, so that they might appropriately be called vegetable hedgehogs or porcupines. The melon-cactus of the South American llanos or savannahs conceals its juicy pulp, pleasant to man and beast, under one of these formidable panoplies. Guided by an admirable instinct, the wary mule strikes off with his fore-feet the long sharp thorns of this remarkable plant, the emblem of good nature unde/ a forbidding exterior, and then cautiously approaches his lips to feast upon the refreshing marrow. Yet, in spite of every pre- caution, the attempt to quaff from these alluring sources is fre- quently attended with danger, for mules are often met with that have been lamed by wounds from the formidable prickles of the cactus. The black twigs of the buffalo-thorn (Acacia latronum), a low shrub abounding in northern Ceylon, are beset at every joint by a pair of thorns, set opposite each other like the horns of an ox, as sharp as a needle, from two to three inches in length, and thicker at the base than the stem on which they grow ; and the Acacia tomentosa, another member of the same numerous genus, has thorns so large as to be called the jungle-nail by Europeans, and the elephant-thorn by the natives. In some of these thorny plants, the spines grow, not singly but in branching clusters, each point presenting a spike as sharp as a lancet ; and where .these shrubs abound, they render the forest absolutely impassable even to animals of the greatest size and strength. The rattans and bush-ropes impede the wanderer's progress not only by the tough cordage they twine from tree to tree, but also by the strong hooks and thorns with which they are gene- rally armed, so that every attempt to force a passage would be severely punished with torn clothes and bloody hands, and large knives or heavy scythe-like axes are necessary to clear the way. Some plants are protected by thorns only up to a certain height. The Caryota horrida, a palm which raises its crown fifty feet above the surface of the soil, is so thickly studded with formidable thorns to the height of six or eight feet, that it is hardly possible to see the bark ; further upwards, where defence is no longer necessary, the trunk is unarmed. The thorny TEXTURE OF WOOD. 69 plants, which are frequently so inconvenient or injurious to man, are often used to protect his fields and plantations against wild beasts and robbers, or even as bulwarks against hostile invasions. Thus, Sir Emerson Tennent informs us that, during the existence of the Kandyan kingdom, before its conquest by the British, the frontier forests were so thickened and defended by dense plantations of thorny plants as to form a natural fortification impregnable to the feeble tribes on the other side ; and at each pass which led to the level country, movable gates, formed of the same thorny beams, were suspended as an ample security against the incursions of the naked and timid lowlanders. The trunks and stems of the plants are far more important to man than their roots, and in fact utterly indispensable to the progress of civilization. The circumstance that a large propor- tion of the cells of which they are formed acquire a ligneous texture during the progress of their growth, or change into tough and pliable fibres of a very considerable length, is of paramount importance to the welfare of man ; for what would have been his social condition if the reign of Flora had been confined to plants of a humble growth or brittle texture. Navi- gation would have remained unknown to him ; like a wild animal, he would have been obliged to live in burrows or in caves ; he would never have been enabled to manufacture any of the instruments which agriculture, industry, and the mutual inter- course of nations absolutely require ; he would always have re- mained a miserable savage, the wretched lord of a wretched inheritance. The difference of texture and consistency in the wood of dif- ferent trees is likewise an object of high importance to man. One kind of wood recommends itself to his notice by its strength and hardness, another by its pliability; a third by the ease with which it can be worked ; a fourth by its lightness : and thus the carpenter, the ship-builder, the coach-maker, the turner, and many other artizans find each of them the most suitable materials for their several purposes among the various trees of the forest. But the trunks of the trees are useful to man not only by their solid and fibrous parts, but frequently also by the juices which they contain, or the substances deposited in their cellular tissue. Thus, they provide him with an amazing variety of dyeing 70 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. substances, of resins, and gums. In the rind of the Cinchona- trees he finds quinine, the only substance which opposes an effectual resistance to the fever and ague ; and that of the cinna- mon tree surpasses all other spices in flavour. The bark of the cork-tree gives him the necessary material for preserving the rich produce of his vineyards, and that of the common oak with the astringent juices he requires for tanning the hides of his cattle. Whole nations live almost exclusively upon the pith of the sago palm, and when a deep incision is made in the trunk of the wonderful cow-tree of Gruiana, it pours forth an excellent milky fluid in such abundance as to relieve the traveller's thirst. Thus man finds innumerable treasures in the trunks of trees. Thus there is a wonderful harmony between the various wants of cultivation and the life of the forest. When the wind swept through their sacred groves, our pious ancestors fancied they heard in the moaning of the agitated leaves, in the rustling of the branches, the voice of an invisible (rod and should these awful sounds awaken no echo in our breasts, should we remain insensible to a language which so eloquently proclaims the august Being, who, in his infinite power and wisdom, has raised those beautiful temples of Nature for the use of man ? 71 CHAPTEE X. THE LEAVES OF PLANTS. The chief Ornament of Spring. Internal Structure of Leaves. The Cuticle. Stomata and Air-Cells. Opening and Closing of the Stomata. Pliability and resisting Powers of the Leaves. Their Stems. Dionsea Muscipula. The Mimosas. Enemies of the Leaves. Their Defences. Hairs. Prickles. Secretions. Harmonies between Leaves and Insects. How beautiful the lively verdure of spring, how it refreshes the eye after the gloom of winter, and where shall we find in summer a more delicious shade than under the green canopy of the woods ? As the year declines, the autumn tinges the forests with the richest colours ; and even in winter, the dark evergreens form a picturesque contrast with the dazzling snow, so that at all seasons of the year the landscape is adorned by the foliage of the trees. Were the leaves restricted to a few simple forms, to a small number of tints, they would still be one of the chief ornaments of Nature ; but their decorative power is wonderfully enhanced by their endless varieties of shape, by their infinite shades of colour. Of all the herbs we may gather on our excursions, not one is like the other ; every new species of tree that meets our eye has its own peculiar foliage, and were we to wander through all the zones of the earth, every new plant on our way would greet us with a new form of leaf. Thus, the delicate organs of vegetable life have been made, not only to minister to the wants of the plants of which they form a part, but also to afford a constant gratification to our sense of the beautiful, and to raise the mind by the delight which their every varying contrasts afford, to Him who made them. Conjointly with the roots, the leaves serve to nourish the plant ; they inhale and elaborate the gases and vapours of the 72 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. atmosphere, they are its respiratory organs, its lungs ; their expansion and their number correspond with its vital activity. Plants living in the shade, or restricted to a tardy growth, can subsist with a few scanty leaves, but the monarchs of the woods, or such plants as powerfully strive towards the sun, require a vast extent of foliage to satisfy the wants of a widety-branch- ing crown, or of a rapid vegetation. In a couple of months the herbaceous juicy stem of the plantain shoots up as thick as a man's body, to the height of fifteen or twenty feet ; but the colossal leaves of the giant harmonise with this amazing rapidity of growth, as they frequently attain a length of fifteen or twenty feet with a breadth of two feet or more. As in plants of such rapid growth as the Musaceas all the efforts of vegetation must necessarily tend to develope as fast as possible an immense foliaceous surface, the leaves of those colossal herbs are remarkably thin ; but as they are also very much exposed to boisterous winds, their middle rib contains a number of ex- tremely long and tough fibres, so that, although a slight breeze is able to tear them into transverse shreds, by which their own nutrition and their serviceableness to the plant are by no means impaired, yet even a storm cannot snap them asunder ; and thus, by a wonderful provision, the extreme fragility resulting from an extensive growth of uncommon rapidity, is found united with immense powers of resistance. The internal structure of the leaves is as wonderful as their external variety and beauty. With the exception of such as grow under water, the leaves of all the flowering or phanerogamic plants are covered with a colourless cuticle consisting of cells, the walls of which are flattened above and below, whilst they adhere closely to each other laterally, so as to form a continuous stratum. Their shape is different in almost every tribe of plants, and their walls, especially on the side nearest the atmosphere, are generally thickened by a waxy deposit, impermeable to fluids, the retention of which within the soft tissues of the leaf is obviously the purpose to be answered by the peculiar organisation of the cuticle. In most European plants the cuticle contains but a single row of thin-sided cells, whilst in the generality of tropical species there exist two, three, or even four layers of thick- sided cells, which give the leaf an almost leathery consistence. This difference of structure is most beautifully adapted to the CUTICLES AND POKES OF LEAVES. 73 various climates in which these plants have been respectively destined to flourish, for the thin cuticle of a species indigenous to temperate climates, would not have afforded a sufficient pro- tection to the interior structure had it been exposed to the vertical rays of a tropical sun, whilst the diminished heat of this country would scarcely overcome the resistance of the dense and non-conducting tegument of a species formed to exist in tropical climates. Nor must we forget that the thick- ness of the badly-conducting cuticle serves also to protect the leaves of the equinoctial plants against the great difference of temperature which frequently exists between the heat of the day and the chilly coolness of the night, a difference much greater than that which takes place in the temperate regions. As the cuticle is impermeable to air, it may well be asked how the leaves are able to perform their respiratory functions ; but the enigma is soon solved on examining a leaf through a powerful micro- scope, for then the cuticle is seen to be pierced with numerous pores, or sto- mata, leading into lacunce or air - chambers, small onpn srmppcj m'tnatprl in HIP Vertical section of portion of a leaf of Iris Open Spaces Situated m tne Germamca, taken in a transverse direction. green Cellular tissue Of the , cells of the cuticle ; 6.6, cells at the sides of the , , , . rv 1 . stomata ; c.c, small green cells placed within these ; leaf, and thus affording a d-d, openings of the stomata; e,e, lacuna? or air cells ; /./, cells of the parenchyma. passage to the atmosphere. In general, the stomata are not so numerous on the upper as on the under surface of the leaf; frequently even, as for instance in the oak, the beech, the birch, and the alder, they are en- tirely confined to the latter. In the erect leaves of the grasses they are about equal on both sides ; in leaves floating on the sur- face of the water they are found only on that side which is exposed to the air ; and in submerged leaves they are, with but few excep- tions, completely wanting. Generally, they are least numerous in succulent plants, whose moisture is destined to be retained in the system ; whilst they abound most in those species in which a rapid absorption and exhalation of the fluids takes place. In the Hydrangea, for instance, there are no less than 16,000 stomata in every square inch of the under surface of the leaves ; 74 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. in the black elder, 63,000 ; in Iris germanica each surface has nearly 12,000 stomata in every square inch ; and in Yucca, each surface has 40,000. What wonders does a close inspection thus reveal in the structure of a leaf whose surface appears uniform and unbroken to the naked eye. On that side of the leaf where the stomata and the corresponding lacunae chiefly abound or exclusively exist, the green cellular parenchyma is always of a looser texture, whilst on the opposite side, where the stomata are either less abundant or entirely wanting, it is more compact. Hence the under surface of the leaves is generally of a less intense green than the upper one, where the cells are more closely congregated. The stomata are destined to admit air, not water, which by drenching the leaf would entirely interrupt the process of respi- ration. This danger is effectually guarded against by the boundary-cells of the stoma, (d.d,) which, from their swelling or expanding in moist weather by the absorption of humidity, are able entirely to close the opening, so that no rain can penetrate into the air-chambers, and thus this simple hygroscopic property renders here the services rendered by muscular contraction in closing the cavities of the animal body. Where shall we find pliability and firmness more beautifully combined than in the structure of a leaf? A slight breath of air sets it in motion, and this circumstance is naturally very favourable to the respiratory process, as the perpetual agita- tion of the foliage brings it into contact with new sheets of air, and thus facilitates the exchange of oxygen and carbonic acid. But as the green cellular tissue of the leaf, in which the functions of respiration are carried on, is easily torn, a strong framework or skeleton was needed to give it the necessary sup- port, and this is amply afforded by its ribs, which, consisting of bundles of strong, tough, and colourless vessels, proceed from a chief middle-rib, and ramifying over the whole surface, support the green-coloured cellular tissue as firmly as the trunk, sub- dividing into numerous branches, supports a vast crown of foliage. To increase the mobility of the leaves without detriment to their strength, their mid-rib frequently forms a long stalk before merging into the body of the leaf, which, being thus freely sus- pended upon its slender and flexible support, easily gives way to the slightest disturbance of the air, as a ship at anchor gently rocks to and fro in the heaving and subsiding waters. FUNCTIONS OF LEAVES. 75 Where the foot-stalk of the leaf has to bear a considerable weight, and is moreover very much exposed to the wind, addi- tional precautions have been taken for increasing its strength. Thus, the foot-stalks of the huge fronds of the cocoa-palm are inclosed in a tough web or network, which preserves them so well from breaking, that even after death they remain attached to the tree. In the flexible grasses we find the leaves embracing the stem with a sheath, which gives to both a much greater power of re- sistance, while in many herbs the sessile leaves are placed in such a manner that the rain or dew collecting on their surface flows down the stalk to the roots, where it is most needed. In several aquatic plants, the stalks of the leaves are ventricosely distended, so as to render them buoyant, and in many of the fuci, the large air-vessels with which the stem or the fronds are furnished, answer a similar purpose. These few examples sufficiently prove that it is not by a mere caprice of growth that some leaves are barely suspended from stalks, while others embrace the stem of the plant, but that every variety of form is made to answer an especial end. No plant has been neglected, none has been encumbered with useless or unappropriate organs, but each has received all that it required. Some leaves have been gifted with a wonderful sensibility which seems almost to raise them to the level of animal life. Thus the Porliera hygrometrica foretels serene or rainy weather by the opening or closing of its leaves. Large tracts of country in Brazil are almost entirely covered with sensitive plants. The tramp of a horse sets the nearest ones in motion, and, as if by magic, the contraction of the small grey-green leaflets spreads in quiver- ing circles over the field, making one almost believe with Darwin and Dutrochet that plants have feeling, or tempting one to exclaim with Wordsworth It is my faith that every flower Enjoys the air it breathes. The leaves of the Venus's Fly-trap (Dioncea muscipula), a marsh-plant of North America, are still more curious, as their wonderful contractility gives them an offensive power quite unique in the vegetable world. They are oblong, and divided by the mid-rib into two halves inclining" towards each other, and beset on the upper surface and along the edges with long and stiff bristles. At the slightest touch the two halves 76 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. instantaneously clap together, the bristles on both sides fitting into each other, so that if a fly settles on an opened leaf it is immediately caught as in a trap, and forced to remain in its highly uncomfortable position as long as life lasts, for the least movement stimulates the contraction of the leaf. In the Hedysarum gyrans, a leguminous plant of the East Indies, we even find something like voluntary motion, as the wings of the ternate leaves are constantly oscillating upwards and downwards, quite independently of any external stimulus, so that this wonderful plant seems absolutely invested with one of the chief attributes of animal life. Thus, even in the vegetable kingdom, we find glimpses of a higher order of existence ; as in our own natures we are able to trace the dawn of a superior spiritual world. In consequence of the delicacy of their structure the leaves are exposed to innumerable hostile attacks ; but it may well be supposed that organs of such vital importance have not been left unprotected, and that bounds have been set to the voracity of their enemies. Many are invested with a thick tomentose or cottony covering, others with hairs, bristles, or prickles. Some- times these hairs bear little glandular bodies at their extremities, by the secretion of which a peculiar viscidity is given to the surface of the leaf, as in the Sundew (Drosera) ; in other in- stances the hair has a glandular body at its base, whose secre- tion is of an irritating quality, as, for instance in the Nettle, where the extremity of the hollow sting, being extremely brittle, breaks at the slightest touch, and suffers this corrosive fluid to escape. The sharp, bitter, or acrid juices with which the substance of many leaves is saturated, as well as the strongly-scented volatile oils which others exhale from their surface, no doubt serve also as powerful means of passive defence. Another circumstance favourable to the leaves is, that the attacks of many of their enemies are limited to a short space of time. Some insects feed only upon the first tender foliage of spring, so that a rapid vegetation outstrips their ravages : others make their first appearance towards the end of summer. Dur- ing all these attacks the plant is incessantly active in repairing its incessant losses ; its leaves are constantly extending their surface, or new ones are sprouting forth to replace those that VEGETABLE AND INSECT LIFE. 77 have been devoured, and, thus in spite of the large number and voracity of its enemies, the foliage is generally able to resist all their efforts. Week after week the pastures are cropped by numerous herds, or mowed by the husbandman, and yet the grass never ceases to flourish, and after countless caterpillars and beetles have feasted upon the plenty of the forest, it still bears a luxuriant crown, until finally the winter scatters its foliage to the winds. This indomitable energy of vegetation, which not only supports itself, but a whole world of animals, and sets the ravages of centuries at defiance, is indeed one of the great wonders of creation ! In all climates we find a harmonious balance between insect and vegetable life. Towards the north, where the growth of plants is confined to a few months or even weeks, they have but few enemies to encounter ; in the temperate zones hostility increases with the increase of vegetation, until finally, in the damp tropical lowlands, the herbivorous insects take the field in countless legions. But here, where the plantain raises its colossal shaft in eight or ten months to a height of twenty feet, where the bamboo grows at the rate of eighteen inches in twenty-four hours, and the same field yields three harvests in the course of the year, an amazing power of vegetation resists all these devastations ; and here, also, the defences of the plants increase with their increasing dangers; for nowhere are the leaves better protected with hairs and spines, and nowhere do they elaborate more pungent juices or exhale more penetrating odours. Thus harmony is everywhere maintained between the two great divisions of organic life, and thus firmly established on the laws of an All-wise Power, an eternal order reigns supreme amidst the conflicting interests of all created beings. Where we see so much care bestowed upon the leaves, which are but simple individual organs, we may well expect to find still greater precautions taken for the protection of the buds, in which the foliaceous rudiments of a whole branch, or even of a whole plant, are contained. A bud is seldom naked ; generally it is invested with a pano- ply of thick scales of a coriaceous or fibrous consistence, and, moreover, frequently covered with hairs or impregnated with 78 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. resin. Under this comfortable mantle, which from its being a bad conductor of heat opposes an effectual resistance to the cutting winds or nipping night-frosts of early spring, the first tender leaflets are developed by the influence of the warming sun, as safely and securely as a brood of chickens under the fostering care of a hen. Slowly they swell within the little dungeon in which they are so providently inclosed ; but as soon as they have burst their fetters, they expand with an astonishing rapidity, and in a few days the tree appears in the full beauty of its youthful verdure. 79 CHAPTER XL BLOSSOMS. Their Functions. Their Accessory and Essential Parts. The Calyx. The Corolla. The Pistils. The Anthers. The Pollen. Insects as Means of Fructification. The Vallisneria Spiralis. NOTHING can equal the immense variety of flowers, their charm- ing colours, or their delicious fragrance. How differently formed are the radiate aster and the hooded wolf's-bane, the bell-shaped campanula and the papilionaceous lupin, and yet it would be difficult to say which of them most pleases the eye. The colours with which the flowers are adorned baffle descrip- tion. The snowy whiteness of our fruit-trees adds new beauties to spring, and the purple heath invests the bleak and barren Highlands of the north with a magnificence equal to the warm tints of Italy or Spain. The humble daisy, the golden butter- cup enamel our verdant meads, and every hue of the rainbow is reflected in the gay parterres of our gardens, or in the conserva- tories where Flora assembles her favourites from all parts of the world. The foliage of many plants exhales an agreeable odour, but no leaf produces a balsam which can in any way equal the aroma of the violet or the rose, of the pink or of the lily of the valley. Without the flowers, the variety of perfumes which regale our sense of smell would be but small ; without them its faculties of enjoyment would not have harmonised with the outer world. But the corolla on which Nature has thus lavished all that can gratify the senses, plays after all but an accessory part in the economy of the vegetable kingdom, as, conjointly with the calyx, it merely serves as a protecting cover, or as an orna- mental envelope to the pistil and to the stamina, which, though generally of a more humble appearance, are the essential organs 80 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. of fructification in all the higher plants. Thus, both the corolla and the calyx may be wanting, as for instance in the vast family of the grasses, which spreads in thousands of species over the face of the globe. The pistil or pistils for they vary in number from one to twelve, and sometimes more commonly appear in the centre of the corolla, from which they rise like so many green columns. A pistil consists of three parts the stigma at its upper extremity, which is sometimes globular, sometimes cleft, sometimes cross- shaped ; the style or hollow pillar which supports the stigma ; and the germen, or seed-bud, which forms its pedestal or base, and in which the germs or ovula are contained. The stamens, which resemble threads, or pillars, usually stand between the corolla and the pistil, but are extremely various in their arrangement and number a circumstance on which Linnaeus founded his method of classifying plants. Some have but one stamen, others two, three, and so on up to ten, twelve, twenty, or even several hundreds. In some flowers we find the stamina standing apart from each other, in others united by their filaments into one or several sets ; here they are all of equal length, there of unequal dimensions ; sometimes they are attached to the inside of the calyx, sometimes to the corolla, to the receptacle, or to the pistil. They invariably consist of two parts, the anther and the filament. The anther is the summit of the stamen, and contains the mealy or powdery sub- stance called pollen, which, brought into contact with the stigma, serves to fecun- date the ovula contained within the germ. When come to maturity, the an- thers open in various ways longitudinally or trans- versely, or through the raising of a lid, or through numerous apertures, so that the pollen contained in its interior becomes free and covers its surface with a fine generally yellow-coloured powder. Pollen-Grams of a, althaea rosea ; b, cobaea scandens ; c ccerulea ; d, ipomcea purpurea. POLLEN-GKAINS. 81 If these golden cushions carried on pillars of ivory afford an agreeable spectacle to the naked eye, our admiration increases when we come to view the pollen-grains under a magnifying- glass for every genus of plants has its own characteristic form of this fructifying dust, the surface of which is often most curiously marked. Its roughening by spines or knobby pro- tuberances is a very common feature, and answers the purpose of enabling it to adhere more readily to the stigma. These elegant little globes are so small that they generally attain a diameter of only l-l,200th or 1 -3,000th of an inch; while they are so numerous that frequently many thousands are brought forth by one single flower, and thus the seed we tread under foot produces with a boundless prodigality objects so exquisitely formed and modelled that the most skilful pencil can hardly do justice to their beauty. Even the pollen-grain which the vernal wind carries in count- less billions through the air, and which man scarce ever deigns to notice, is the work of a consummate master, a wonderful monument of Almighty power ! Although both the pistils and the stamina are essential organs of fructification, and seed can only be formed by their mutual co-operation, yet they are not always united in the same blossom. Sometimes, as in the birch, we find flowers of different kinds on the same plant, some bearing pistils and others stamens only ; or, as in the willow and poplar, stamens on one plant and pistils on another ; or, even as in the common ash, the same tree will bear flowers of three different kinds. In most plants, however, the pistils and anthers are united within the same corolla, an arrangement which greatly facilitates the admission of the pollen to the stigma; and for the same purpose the stamina of most plants surround the pistilla, an arrangement which gives the pollen an opportunity of falling upon the stigma at every breeze of wind. In those flowers which stand upright, the stamina are higher than the top of the pistil, so that, as the pollen is specifically heavier than air, some of it must almost inevitably fall upon the stigma as soon as it- detaches itself from the anther, while in those flowers which hang down or incline to one side, the pistil is longer than the stamina. The flowers of most plants expand by the heat of the sun, G 82 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. and close their petals in the evening or in rainy weather. The final cause of this is to keep the moisture .from the pollen, lest it should be thereby coagulated, and of course prevented from falling or being blown upon the stigma. Thus, in the organisa- tion of the hermaphrodite flowers, every circumstance which could possibly favour their fecundation has been most admirably attended to ; and though those plants where the stamina and the pistils appear in separate flowers, or even on separate trees, might at the first view seem less well provided for, yet here also the pollen is made to reach the stigma as surely as if both had been produced within the same corolla. To effect this object, Nature has two most efficacious agents at her disposal : the wind, and the insects, who by their friendly intervention seem desirous of making amends to Flora for the ravages they are perpetually committing on her domains. The bees are particularly useful in this respect, for, while sipping the sweet juice of the nectaries at the bottom of the flowers, they brush off the pollen from the anthers of one flower with their hairy bodies, and unconsciously convey it to the stigma of another. In the extensive families of the Asclepiadeae and of the Orchids, insect intervention is not merely of assistance but absolutely necessary for their fecundation: as here the ripe pollen, instead of being a loose powder, forms a wax-like adhe- sive mass, which, sticks fast to the honey-gathering insect, and could not otherwise be brought into contact with the stigma. In these flowers the nectaries are disposed in such a manner that, to be able to reach them, the insect must necessarily graze the stigma, and thus bring the fructifying pollen to the place where it is needed, an arrangement which plainly points to the direction of a higher hand. As the moistening of flowers generally prevents their fructi- fication, (for the pollen of but very few water-plants, such as the Horn- wort (Ceratophyllum demersam), and the Grass- wrack (Zostera marina), is not damaged by wet), most of the plants that grow below water emerge when their flowers begin to blow, and swim upon the surface till they receive their impregnation, and then sink down. Thus in autumn, at the time of flowering, air is developed in the bladders, which here and there distend the linear leaves of the Utricularia vulgaris or Hooded Milfoil, a plant of frequent FRUCTIFICATION OF FLOWERS. 83 occurrence in stagnant waters. Thus buoyed up, the blossom rises to the surface, and expands its large yellow petals in the atmosphere, but as soon as fructification is accomplished, the air of the bladders escapes or is absorbed, and the sinking Utricularia returns to its more congenial element. In other cases, where the depth of the water in which it grows is too great to allow the plant to rise to the surface, as, for instance, in many species of Water-wort (Elatine), and Water-plantain (Alisma), a bubble of air is secreted within the folded corolla at the time when fructification is to take place, and forms a subaqueous atmo- spheric chamber in which the process can be safely accom- plished. But the fructification of the Vallisneria spiralis, a common plant in the ditches of the rice-fields in Italy, is beyond all others curious. This herb grows in the mud, generally several feet below the surface of the water, and has its stamens and pistils on different flowers. The anthered flowers grow in short- stemmed compact knobs at the basis of the leaves, while the stigmate-flowers are seated on long stalks spirally contracted like a corkscrew. When the time of fructification approaches, the small anthered flowers detach themselves from their stalks, and swim about upon the surface, where they freely emit their snow-white pollen ; w r hile the stigmate flowers, in which a similar separation from the maternal plant was not admissible, gradually rise to the top by the unfolding of their spiral coils. As if prompted by an animal instinct, they are constantly moving on the surface, as though they were seeking the small anthered flowers, which are at the same time swimming about in considerable quantities. When fructification is completed, their long stalk again contracts into a spiral, and the flower, having no longer the contact of the water to fear, sinks again to the bottom, where the fecundated germ grows to maturity. Thus a despised and troublesome weed shows us wonders in its organisation, which would be utterly incomprehensible if we did not attribute them to a divine and all- wise Creator ! G 2 84 THE HAKMONIES OF NATUKE. CHAPTEE XII. SEEDS AND THEIR MIGRATIONS. Defences of Seeds. Their Dissemination over the Earth. Feathers and Wings. Cotton. Influence of Water-courses. Mangrove Seeds. The Animals and Man as Disseminators of Plants. Progress of Vegetation on the originally naked Eock. CAN anything be more admirable than the provident care be- stowed upon the seeds of plants ? See how the sweet kernel of the walnut is inclosed, not only in a thick coriaceous astringent skin, but in a solid case of almost stony hardness ; and how snugly the chesnut lies concealed, like a hedgehog under its bristly coat, until, when fully ripe, it bursts the bonds which held it in salutary confinement. The tender seminal germs are not only protected by a dense envelope against the influence of the weather, so as to be able to remain for years in a state of dormant vitality ; but they also find within the seed itself the albumen, the oil, the starch, the gluten, in one word, all the nourishment they require when under favourable conditions they first awaken into active life ; and thus nothing is wanting for their equipment when, dropping from the parent stem, they launch forth to seek their own for- tunes in the wide wide world. From the sedentary nature of plants, they would have been menaced with extinction if nature had not provided means for the diffusion of their seeds over a vast area. As the spores of mosses, fungi, and lichens consist of an impalpable powder, the particles of which are scarcely visible to the naked eye, it is not difficult to account for their being dispersed throughout the atmosphere, and carried to every point of the globe, where there is a station fitted for their reception. Lichens in particular ascend to great elevations, sometimes growing two thousand feet above the line of perpetual snow, at the utmost limits of vegeta- DISPEKSION OF SEEDS. 85 tion, and where the mean temperature is nearly at the freezing point. This elevated position must contribute greatly to facili- tate the dispersion of those buoyant particles of which their fructification consists. ' The sporules of fungi/ says Fries, 6 are so infinite that in a single individual of Reticularia maxima I have counted above ten millions, and so subtile as to be scarcely visible, often resembling thin smoke ; so light that they may be raised per- haps by evaporation into the atmosphere, and dispersed in so many ways by the attraction of the sun, by insects, wind, elas- ticity, adhesion, &c., that it is difficult to conceive a place from which they may be excluded.' Among the higher plants we find a great number of seeds furnished with downy and feathery appendages, enabling them, when ripe, to float in the air, and to be wafted easily to great distances by the most gentle breeze. Thousands and thousands may perish on the way, or fall upon a barren soil, but many, favoured by fortune, find a new home far away from the spot where their parents grew, and found new starting points for further emigrations. Thus many a plant may have been extir- pated in its original seat and yet flourish in another country, reminding one of those ancient cities whose colonies still pros- per, while they themselves have long since vanished from the earth. > It would be a difficult task to describe the various and elegant forms of the feathery appendages which serve to waft the seeds through the air. Nothing can exceed in lightness and beauty the downy tufts which surmount the grains of the dandelion, the thistle, the chickory, and so many others of our compound flowers; and though not one of them resembles the other, each fully answers its purpose. Here, as in every other case, the Creator has not only provided for the utility but also for the decoration of his works. The seeds of many of our forest-trees are fitted for dispersion by means of an attached wing, as in the case of the fir-tree, the elm, the birch, the ash, the maple, so that they are caught up by the wind as they fall, and are carried to a distance. As winds often prevail for days, weeks, or even months together, in the same direction, this means of transportation may sometimes be without limits, and even the heavier grains may be borne 86 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. through considerable spaces in a very short time during ordi- nary tempests ; for strong gales, which can sweep along grains of sand, often move at the rate of about forty miles an hour. The hurricanes of tropical regions, which root up trees and throw down buildings, may carry even the heavier fruits and seeds over friths and seas of considerable width, and doubtless are often the means of introducing into islands the vegetation of adjoining continents. Whirlwinds are also instrumental in bearing along heavy vegetable substances to considerable distances. Slight ones may frequently be observed in our fields in summer, carrying up haycocks into the air, and then letting fall small tufts of hay far and wide over the country ; but they are sometimes so power- ful as to dry up lakes and ponds, and to break off the boughs of trees and carry them up in a whirling column of air. As this cause operates at different intervals of time throughout a great portion of the earth's surface, it may be the means of bearing not only plants but animals to points which they could never otherwise have reached, and from which they may then begin to propagate themselves again as from a new centre. The long downy filaments which are appended to the numer- ous seeds of the Gossypias, or cotton-plants, deserve particular notice, as they not only waft them easily through the air, but serve also to clothe a large portion of the human race, and rank as the very first of all the world-wide importations of England. Liverpool arid Manchester, with their train of minor stars, un- doubtedly the scene of the most gigantic industry known in the history of man, owe their prosperity to the wings with which Providence has furnished the seeds of a small and otherwise unimportant family of plants. Some seeds are dispersed by the sudden springing open of the elastic capsule in which they are contained. In this manner the seeds of the Balsam balsamine are jerked to a considerable distance, and the Ura crepitans, an Indian shrub, accompanies this action with an exploding noise which has been compared with that of a pistol shot. In the dispersion of seeds, rivers and marine currents arenot less instrumental than the atmospherical agencies. The mountain- stream or torrent washes down to the valley the seeds which may accidentally fall into it, or which it may happen to sweep MODES OF DISPERSION. 87 from its banks when it suddenly overflows them. Thus many Alpine plants have found their way as far as Strasburg, and the Erinus of the high mountains has been transplanted by the Eh one into the neighbourhood of Toulon. The broad and majestic river, winding along the extensive plain, and traversing the continents of the world, conveys to the distance of many hundreds of miles the seeds that may have vegetated at its source. Thus the southern shores of the Baltic are visited by seeds which grew in the interior of Germany, and the western shores of the Atlantic by seeds that have been generated in the central forests of America. The marine currents even carry seeds over the broad bosom of the ocean from continent to continent. Fruits indigenous to America and the West Indies, such as that of the Mimosa scan- dens, the cashew-nut, and others, have been known to be drifted across the Atlantic by the Grulf-stream on the western coasts of Europe, in such a state that they might have vegetated had the climate and soil been favourable. Among these the Guilandina bonduc, a leguminous plant, is particularly mentioned as having been raised from a seed found on the west coast of Ireland. On the shores of Orcadia, a sort of fruit commonly known by the name of Molucca or Orkney beans are found in large quantities, particularly after storms of westerly wind. These beans are the produce of West Indian trees, and find their way from the woods of Cuba and Jamaica by means of the Gulf- stream. As the seeds destined for long aerial migrations are light, and frequently furnished with wings or with downy and feathery appendages, thus the seeds of the littoral plants, whose dispersion chiefly takes place through the instrumentality of aqueous agents, are generally provided with hard water-proof shells, so that they may be wafted over the vast ocean without losing their germinating power. Islands, moreover, and even the smallest rocks, play an important part in aiding such migrations ; for when seeds alight upon them from the atmosphere, or are thrown up by the surf, they often vegetate and supply the winds and waves with a repetition of new and uninjured crops of fruit and seeds. These may afterwards pursue their voyage through the air or along the surface of the sea in the same direction. The number of plants found at any given time on 83 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. an islet affords us no test whatever of the extent to which it may have co-operated towards this end, since a variety of species may first thrive there, and then perish, and be followed by other chance comers like themselves. Nothing can be more remarkable than the very peculiar manner in which the seeds of the Mangroves, those wonderful trees whose semi-aquatic reign extends along the margin of the tides, have been made to harmonise with the locality in which they are destined to thrive. They germinate on the branches, and, increasing to a considerable length, finally fall down into the mud, where they stick with their sharp point buried, and soon take root. Other seeds are furnished with wings that the winds may carry them far away ; others, enveloped in water- proof shells, float on the surface of the sea, and are drifted by the currents to distant coasts ; but here we have a tree whose seeds were destined to remain fixed on an uncertain soil, close to the parent plant, and surely this purpose could not have been fulfilled in a more beautiful manner. Besides the elementary agencies of the winds and currents, nature has still other resources for conveying seeds to a distance from their place of growth. The various tribes of animals are busily engaged in furthering an object whence they themselves derive such important advantages. Sometimes an express pro- vision is found in the structure of seeds to enable them to adhere firmly by prickles, hooks, and hairs, to the coats of animals or feathers of the winged tribe, to which they remain attached for weeks or even months, and are borne along into every region whither birds or quadrupeds may migrate. Few have failed to mark the locks of wool hanging on the thorn-bushes wherever the sheep pass, and it is probable that the wolf or lion never give chase to herbivorous animals without being unconsciously instrumental in the diffusion of plants. A deer has strayed from the herd, when browsing on some rich pasture, when he is sud- denly alarmed by the approach of his foe. He instantly takes to flight, dashing through many a thicket, and swimming across many a, river and lake. The seeds of the herbs and shrubs, which have adhered to his smoking flanks, are washed off again by the waters. The thorny spray is torn off, and fixes itself in his hairy coat, until brushed off again in other thickets and ANIMAL AGENCY. 89 copses. Even on the spot where the victim is devoured, many of the seeds which he had swallowed immediately before the chase may be left on the ground uninjured and ready to spring up in a new soil. The passage, indeed, of undigested seeds through the stomachs of animals is one of the most efficient causes of the dissemina- tion of plants. Thus, a flight of larks will fill the cleanest field with a great quantity of various kinds of plants, as the melilot, trefoil, and others, whose seeds are so heavy that the wind is not able to scatter them to any distance. Pulpy fruits serve quadrupeds and birds as food, while their seeds, often hard and indigestible, pass uninjured through the intestines? and are deposited far from their original place of growth, in a condition peculiary fit for vegetation. In this manner the Gruava-tree, first introduced into the island of Tahiti about half a century ago, has been so copiously disseminated by the birds and cattle as to become the plague of the country. In their greedy attempts to monopolise the spice trade, the Dutch endeavoured to confine the Nutmeg-tree to the narrow precincts of Banda, by extirpating it on all other islands where it naturally grew ; but their baseness was defeated by the wild pigeons, who, dropping the undigested nuts in their excursions over the Moluccas and neighbouring islands, continually showed them that man cannot possibly succeed when striving against the intentions of nature. The sudden deaths to which great numbers of frugivorous birds are annually exposed must not be omitted, as auxiliary to the transportation of seeds to new habitations. When the ebbing sea withdraws from the shore, and leaves fruits and seeds on the beach or in the mud of estuaries, it might by the returning tide wash them away again, or destroy them by long immersions ; but when they are gathered by land-birds which frequent the sea-side, or by waders and water-fowl, they are often borne inland ; and if the bird to whose crop they have been consigned is killed, they may be left to grow up far from the sea. Let such an accident happen but once in a century, it will be sufficient to spread many of the plants from one continent to another ; for in estimating the activity of these causes, we must not consider whether they act slowly in relation 90 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. to the period of our observation, but in reference to the duration of species in general. Let us trace the operation of this cause in connexion with others. A tempestuous wind bears the seeds of a plant many miles through the air, and then delivers them to the ocean; the marine current drives them to a distant continent ; by the fall of the tide they become the food of numerous birds, and one of these is seized by a hawk or eagle, which, soaring across hill and dale to a place of retreat, leaves, after devouring its prey, the unpalatable seeds to spring up and flourish in a new soil. But no bird or four-footed animal is so instrumental in diffusing plants over the surface of the globe as man, that restless wanderer who claims the whole of it as his inheritance. He transports with him into every region the vegetables which he cultivates for his wants ; through him the potato has been conveyed from the New World to Europe, and the Cinnamon- tree of Ceylon made to flourish in the Western Indies. 'When the introduction of cultivated plants is of recent date,' says De Candolle, ' there is no difficulty in tracing their origin ; but when it is of high antiquity, we are often ignorant of the true country of the plants on which we feed. No one contests the American origin of the maize, nor the origin in the old world of the coffee-tree and of wheat. But there are certain objects of culture of very ancient date between the tropics, such, for example, as the banana, of which the origin cannot be verified. Armies, in modern times, have been known to carry in all directions grain and cultivated vegetables from one extremity of Europe to the other ; and thus have shown us how, in more ancient times, the conquests of Alexander, the distant expedi- tions of the Eomans, and afterwards the Crusades, may have transported many plants from one part of the world to the other.' But besides the plants used in agriculture, or introduced from foreign countries for the embellishment of our gardens, the number which have been naturalised by accident, or which man has spread unintentionally, is considerable. ' We have introduced everywhere,' observes De Candolle, ' some weeds which grow among our various kinds of wheat, and which have been received perhaps originally from Asia along with them. Thus, together with the Barbary wheat, the in- habitants of the south of Europe have sown, for many ages, the AGENCY OF MAN. 91 plants of Algiers and Tunis. With the wools and cottons of the East, or of Barbary, there are often brought into France the grains of exotic plants, some of which naturalise them- selves. Of this I will cite a striking example. There is, at the gate of Montpellier, a meadow set apart for drying foreign wool after it has been washed. There hardly passes a year without foreign plants .being found naturalised in this drying- ground. I have gathered there Centaurea parviftora, Psoralea palcestina, and Hypericum crispum.' This fact is not only illustrative of the aid which man lends inadvertently to the propagation of plants, but it also demonstrates the multiplicity of seeds which are borne about in the woolly and hairy coats of wild animals. Many plants have been naturalised in our sea-ports by the ballast of ships, and others have spread through Europe from botanical gardens, so as to have become more com- mon than many indigenous species. In the seventeenth century a ship from Japan was wrecked near Guernsey, and to this mis- fortune the beautiful Amaryllis owes its origin, which now serves to decorate the island. It is scarcely two centuries since the Canadian Erigeron, or flea-bane, was brought from America to the Botanical Garden at Paris, and already the seeds have been carried by the winds over France, the British Islands, Italy, Sicily, Holland, and Grer- many. The cereals, which we originally received from the distant East, have followed our colonists to America and Australia, but along with them the blue corn-flowers and scarlet poppies, the orna- ments of our fields, have wandered to the prairies of Illinois, or to the plains of Victoria, where their well-known sight awakens many a fond recollection of former days in the heart of the emi- grant. The plantain, or rib-wort, so common in our fields and meadows, follows everywhere the 'pale-faces' into the backwoods of America. Where the Indian sees this plant, he knows that he has not long to tarry in the land of his fathers, for the despoiling stranger is at hand. Soon after the arrival of the Spaniards in Buenos Ayres, the thistle invaded the Pampas, as the immense grass-plains of that level country are called, and in course of time has covered many square miles with its prickly vegetation. In this con- genial soil its growth is so luxurious as frequently to overtop 92 THE HARMONIES OF NATUEE. the rider on his horse, who is more at a loss to find his way through the impenetrable thicket than through the mazes of a primeval forest, as it prevents him from looking round, and affords him no solid stem on which he might climb to ascertain his position. Thus these thistle wildernesses, which owe their origin to the casual introduction, perhaps, of a single seed, have spread like a cancer over tracts of land larger than many a German principality, and have become one of the great nuisances of the country, as they not only usurp the place of useful grasses, but afford, moreover, a secure retreat to the jaguar, and to the still more dangerous banditti, who alone are acquainted with their labyrinthine paths. When we consider the variety and efficacy of the means which Providence uses for the dispersion of plants, the lightness of many seeds, particularly of the lower cryptogamous plants, the feathery or wing-like appendages of others, the constant agency of the winds and currents, and the scarce less active interference of the birds, the four-footed animals, and man, we cannot wonder that, wherever vegetation can possibly exist, it should take possession of the naked soil. The process is more rapid in the humid countries of the tropical zone, more tardy under the chilling influence of the wintry north ; but in course of time even the most desolate lava-fields, in the higher latitudes, hide their black waves of rugged stone under a more friendly gar- ment, for which they are originally indebted to the seed-bearing winds. First, lichens, mushrooms, mosses ; then, such thrifty herbs as are content to feed upon nothing, have to prepare a scanty layer of mould or humus for the reception of more pretentious guests. Gradually some small stunted shrub makes its appearance here and there in some peculiarly favoured spot, and, after all, re- quires vast powers of endurance to maintain itself on the nig- gard soil, exposed to the perpetual enmity of wind and weather. This paves the way for a more vigorous and fortunate race ; and as every year adds something to the vegetation on the mountain's side, and opposes increasing obstacles to the winds, the falling leaves and decaying herbage accumulate more and more, until dwarfish trees first find a sufficiency of soil to root upon, and finally the proud monarch of the forest spreads out his powerful arms, and raises his majestic summit to the skies. 93 CHAPTER XIII. MICROSCOPICAL PLANTS. Uncertain Limits between the Animal and the Vegetable "World. The simplest Forms of Plants. Protococci. Oscillatorise. Volvocinse. Desmidiae. Dia- tomacese. Their Importance in the Household of the Seas. Their Geological Agency. THE limits between the vegetable and the animal world are by no means so strictly denned as might be supposed when merely considering the higher classes of both kingdoms. No one can possibly doubt the vegetable nature of the tree which he sees firmly rooted in the soil, or be inclined to reckon the swift-winged bird among the plants ; but in the lowest and small- est forms of organic life, spontaneous motion ceases to be the distinctive character of animality. For the microscope has taught us not merely that the spores of the algae, and many of the minutest plants, possess a power of spontaneous movement, but also that the instruments of motion, when these can be dis- covered, are of the very same character in the plant as in many of the lower animals, being little hair-like filaments, termed cilia (from the Latin cilium, an eyelash), by w-ljose rhythmical vibrations the body of which they form a part is propelled in definite directions. The peculiar contractility of these cilia cannot be accounted for in either case, any better than in the other ; all we can say is, that it seems, in all probability, to de- pend upon the continued vital activity of the living substance of which these filaments are prolongations, and that this contractile substance has a composition essentially the same in the plant as in the animal. Thus, in the present state of our knowledge, it is very difficult to lay down any definite line of demarcation between the two kingdoms; the only character which appears to establish a difference being that the simplest animals, like the highest members of their class, depend for nutriment upon 94 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. organic compounds already formed, which they take, in some way or other, into the interior of their body ; while the lowest plants, in common with the highest, obtain their own alimentary matter by absorption from the inorganic elements (water, carbonic acid, ammonia, and various salts) on their exterior, and take in no solid particles of any description. Judged by this criterion (the only one which has any value in these days), the sponges, which were formerly supposed to be plants, have been definitively awarded to the animal kingdom ; while many minute organisa- tions, which once figured among the ranks of the Protozoa, or simplest animals, now find a more correct place among the Protophyta, or lowest members of the vegetable world. A cursory glance at a few of the most remarkable of these minutest plants will give us some idea of the wonders evolved by the process of life in spaces so small as to be invisible to the naked eye, and show us that Divine power shines forth as brilliantly in the myriads with which it peoples a single drop of water as in the creation of worlds. Among the simplest microscopical forms of vegetable life we A Encysted ' still ' cell of Protococcus. B c D E P Divisions of encysted cells into two, four, eight, and thirty-two. G Motile cells after their escape from the original cell. H I K L Transformations of motile cells. find the Protococci, globular cells surrounded by a gelatinous envelope, and measuring scarce YoVof a ^ ne ^ n diameter, which PROTOPHYT.E. 95 frequently spread themselves as a green slime over the surface of ponds and ditches. Their multiplication by duplicate sub- division is so rapid that, in spite of their minuteness, extensive areas may be quickly covered, in circumstances favourable to their growth, by the products of one primordial cell. But the most remarkable passage in the life-history of the Protococci is their alternation between a ( still ' and a f motile ' condition. A ( still' cell, consisting of a colourless matter, through which green or red-coloured granules are more or less uniformly diffused, forms, by repeated self-divisions, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 new cells or segments, which are of a very different nature from their inert parent, as they are provided with one or two cilia whose rhythmical contractions propel them rapidly through the water. For this reason they were formerly supposed to be animalcules, and made to figure in treatises on natural history as Monades, Astasiae, Uvellse, and under a variety of other names, each change of form resulting from the development of their growth being supposed to be a different genus of animal. By the loss of their cilia, and the thickening of their envelope, the f motile ' cells pass into the ( still ' form, and in this con- dition they may be completely dried up, and remain in a state of dormant vitality for many years. It is in this condition that they are wafted about in atmospheric currents ; and being brought down by the rain into pools and cisterns, they may rapidly multiply and maintain themselves until the water is dried up, or any other unfavourable circumstance occurs which either kills them throughout or forces them to pass from the active into the dormant condition. The cysts of the animalcules, precipitated conjointly with them by the rain, find, through their means, an abundant nourishment; and thus a little world of animals and plants appears, as if by magic, in the new formed waters. When the ponds dry up, then the encysted and apparently lifeless animalcules, and the c still' cells of the Protococci, rise on the wind into the atmospheric ocean, all ready for a new precipitation, and the peopling of some future pool. The Oscillatorice, another tribe of microscopical plants, con- sisting of continuous tubular filaments, formed by the elonga- tion of their primordial cells, usually lying together in bundles or in strata, and sometimes invested by gelatinous sheaths, are 96 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. chiefly remarkable by the peculiar animal-like movements which they exhibit. If a piece of the stratum of an Oscillatoria be placed in a vessel of water, and allowed to remain there for some hours, its edge will first become fringed with filaments, radi- ating as from a central point, with their tips outwards. These filaments, by their constant oscillatory movements, are con- tinually loosened from their hold on the stratum, cast into the water, and at the same time propelled forward ; and as the oscil- lation continues after the filament has left its nest, the little swimmer gradually moves along, till it not only reaches the edge of the vessel, but often, as if in the attempt to escape con- finement, continues its voyage up the sides, till it is stopped by dryness. Thus in a very short time a small piece of Oscilla- toria will spread itself over a large vessel of water. This rhythmical movement, impelling the filaments in an undeviating onward movement, is evidently of a nature very different from the truly spontaneous movements of animals, and must be considered simply as the expression of certain vital changes taking place in the interior of the cells. The Oscillatoria3 are commonly of some shade of green, but not unfrequently they are of a purplish hue, and sometimes so dark as, when in mass, to seem nearly black. They frequently form green scums on the surface of stagnant pools, but they also occur in salt waters, and sometimes in such incredible quan- tities that Professor Mayen once saw the ocean covered with them over a space of seven hundred miles. The water swarmed with small bodies of a stellar shape like snow flakes, which, on being examined through the microscope, were found to consist of bundles of Cscillatoria3. Among the marvels of microscopic vegetation, the Volv ox globator, or ( globe animalcule,' as it has been called, from a false idea of its nature, holds a conspicuous rank on account both of the animalcule-like activity of its movements, and of the great beauty and regularity of its form. Attaining a dia- meter of -gL- of an inch, it may be seen with the naked eye, when the drop containing it is held up to the light, swimming through the water which it inhabits. Its onward motion is usually of a rolling kind, but it sometimes glides smoothly along without turning on its axis ; whilst sometimes, again, it rotates like a top, without changing its position, so that it might TfiE DESMIDIACE.E. 97 easily be mistaken for a single animal. But the microscope, the great revealer of hidden wonders, shows it to be of a far different and far more complicated na- ture, as no less than two or three thousand minute green spots or cells, often connected by green threads, and each enjoying its in- dividual life, are here united to a hollow sphere. From each of the spots proceed two long cilia, so that the entire surface is be- set with these vibratile Volvox Globator (much, magnified). filaments, to whose combined action its movements are due. Within the external sphere there may generally be seen from two to twenty other globes of darker colour, and of varying sizes. The smaller of these are attached to the inner surface of the investing sphere, and project from its cavity ; but the larger lie freely within, and may often be observed to revolve by the agency of their own ciliary filaments. After a time the original sphere, too narrow to contain its growing progeny, is rent asunder, and the con- tained spherules, swimming forth and speedily developing themselves into the likeness of that within which they have been formed, in their turn give birth to new colonies, the parents of future generations. Such is the wonderful history of the Volvox, whose countless numbers frequently cover the surface of stagnant ponds and ditches to the depth of several feet, in multitudes so dense that the single spheres are hardly separated from each other by in- tervals of three or four times their own diameter. Another highly interesting form of minute vegetable life is that of the Desmidiacece, simple cells generally independent of each other, but sometimes joined together in linear series by means of a gelatinous exsudation. The outer coat, which fre- quently possesses an almost horny consistence, but does not ii 98 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. include any mineral ingredient in its composition, is generally divided by a sutural line into two equal halves, and often orna- Desmidiacese. A, Staurastrum vestitum ; B, S. aculeatum ; c, S. paradoxum ; D, E, S. brachiatum. mented with spinous projections, presenting a very symmetrical arrangement. These elegant little plants are fond of standing, though not stagnant, water. Small shallow pools, that do not dry up in summer, especially in open exposed situations, are their most congenial homes. The larger and heavier species commonly lie at the bottom, either spread out as a thin gela- tinous substance, or collected into finger-like tufts. Other species form a greenish or dirty cloud upon the stems and leaves of other aquatic plants, where they serve as pasture-grounds for Infusoria and other microscopic animals. The Diatomacece are likewise simple vegetable cells encased in a flinty envelope, consisting of two valves, usually of the most perfect symmetry, closely applied to each other like the valves of a mussel. The forms of these minute organisms are equally strange and beautiful, exhibiting mathematical fi- gures, circles, triangles, and parallelograms, such as we find in no other plants, while their surface is often most elaborately sculptured and dotted with THE DIATOMACE^E. 99 numerous apertures to admit the surrounding water into the internal cell. Many species are always met with entirely free, after the process of duplicative subdivision has once been com- pleted; others remain adherent, forming stripes or bands or spirals, or even plant-like structures of exquisite delicacy and beauty, such as the Licmophora, or Fan-bearer, which is very common .in April and May on the leaves of Algae, and is very generally distributed round the British coasts, forming gela- tinous masses of a clear brown colour on the plants it frequents. The Diatomacea? are found in fresh water streams and pools, but they chiefly abound in the ocean, no part of which is with- out its share of this ever-springing vegetation. Within the Atlantic circle, Dr. Hooker found them washed up in myriads by the sea on to the f pack and bergs,' everywhere staining the ice and snow of a pale ochreous brown. Floating masses of ice when melted yielded them in countless millions, and the sounding- lead constantly brought them up from depths that would have engulphed Chimborazo. The guano of the Chincha Islands contains innumerable shells of Diatomacese, which the birds, through whose intestinal canals they must have passed, drew forth with their prey out of the abounding water ; and they are found in the dust which, wafted from the Sahara by the hot breath of the desert, fre- quently falls upon the decks of ships 300 miles from the African coast. The indestructible nature of their flinty coverings has also served to perpetuate them from time immemorial. Man and all the higher animals pass away, and scarcely a vestige of their existence remains, but the Diatomacese build for eternity. Without cessation their remains are deposited upon the bottom of the sea ; without cessation they are raising submarine banks, and filling up estuaries and channels. At first sight it may seem a gross exaggeration to attribute so vast an agency to beings so minute, but when we recollect how quickly they multiply by division, and how their activity dates from the first dawn of organic creation, their architectural powers no longer seem in- credible. In forty-eight hours a single Diatomacea is able to multiply to eight millions, and in four days to one hundred and forty billions, when the silicious coverings of its enormous pro- geny would already suffice to fill up a space of two cubic feet ; H 2 100 THE HARMONIES OP NATURE. no wonder then that, during the course of ages, these micro- scopic plants have been able to form prodigious strata wherever circumstances favoured their propagation. Under the whole city of Kichmond in Virginia, and far beyond its limits, over an area of unknown extent, they consti- tute a stratum of eighteen feet in thickness ; and similar depo- sits are found in the Island of Mauritius, in the province of Oran in Algeria, in Bermuda, in the heaths of Luneburg in Hanover, and numberless other localities, so that there is scarce a coun- try on earth where their fossil remains have not left the traces of their history in broad geological features. Nor are they of less importance in the great household of living creation. In the Antarctic Ocean, where there is a marked deficiency of higher forms of vegetation, they supply the chief food of the minor aquatic animals, which in their turn serve as prey to the fishes and Cetaceans. And not only in the vast deserts of the Polar Seas, but wherever they abundantly germ forth, under the stones of mountain-streams or in shallow pools, or in road-side ditches, they afford nourishment to an amazing multi- tude of small creatures. It is not useless that their propagation is so rapid, since enormous losses have constantly to be repaired, and not in vain that they abound in the most inhospitable seas, where but for them no sea bird would flap its wings and no dol- phin dart through the desert waters. 101 CHAPTER XIV. MICROSCOPICAL PROTOZOA. Ehizopods and Foraminifera Their Geological Importance Luminousness of the Sea The Noctiluca miliaris Polycystina Infusoria Vorticellse Ophrydinse Eapid Multiplications of the Infusoria. THE first traces of animal life, such as they dawn forth in the Protozoa, are scarcely less interesting to the reflecting mind than the study of its highest and most developed forms. They are generally of a size so minute that the naked eye is either inca- pable of discerning them, or unable to distinguish their several parts; and one of the most splendid inventions of human inge- nuity was necessary to make us acquainted with their existence. As the astronomer at every improvement of the telescope sees new worlds beam forth from yet more distant abysses of space, thus, as the microscope increases in power, new forms of hitherto invisible life reveal themselves to the zoologist in a drop of water, in the sand of the sea, or in the dust wafted together by the wind. Armed with this marvel- lous instrument, he has as it were called forth an entirely new creation out of nothing, and discovered a little world of animated beings, where to his predecessors all seemed blank and void. As far as science has hither- to ascertained, the Rhizo- pods occupy the lowest grade Amceba. in the scale of these primitive beings. They are partly naked, partly enclosed in a shell, and owe their name to the filaments, 102 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. ^ or feet, which they are constantly protruding either for loco- motion or for the seizure of their food. The naked Ehizopods consist of minute specks of a semi- fluid, j elly-like, but granular matter, the particles of which, when the animal is in a state of activity, are con- tinually perform- ing a circulatory movement. This substance, which Showing the extemporaneous feet formed by evanescent pro- naS been termed jections of the general plastic mass of the animal. ( -. , , , , naturalists, is so plastic that the filaments protruded from the homogeneous mass, and again withdrawn into it, subdivide into finer and still finer threads, and are capable of blending with each other whenever they come into contact. Thus they are able to cast a perfect network round their prey, and to embed it in a living mucus until all its soluble parts have been absorbed. They have no stomach, no mouth, no muscles, no nerves, but each atom of their tiny composition is capable in turn of seizing, of digesting, and of moving. Other creatures excite our wonder by their complicated struc- ture, these by the excessive simplicity of their organisation. Between the families of the naked Khizopods and the shell- clad Foraminifera there are groups of intermediate types, which seemingly indicate the path of progress from the lower to the higher forms of these simple creatures. Sometimes the shell of the Foraminifera consists of only one chamber ; in most cases, however, it contains a large number of cells, arranged in a vast variety of forms. Sometimes the little animal protrudes its filaments through a single aperture, sometimes through innu- merable openings with which the shell is everywhere perforated ; and when we consider that the diameter of these pores usually ranges from 1 -3,000th to 1 -10,000th of an inch, we can form some idea of the extreme delicacy of the foot-like threads to which they afford a passage. The elegance of shape of the Foraminifera is no less remark- THE FORAMINIFERA. 103 able than their variety of form, which may well be called im- mense, as no less than 2,400 living and fossil species have A Forammiferi (Rotalia ornataj with its filaments extended. already been distinguished by naturalists. Here we see a group resembling exquisitely moulded flasks, or amphorae, with beautifully fluted sides ; there another alternately dilating and expanding like a string of chiselled beads ; whilst others again exhibit the graceful spiral of the nautilus. One of their most striking features is their marvellous minute- ness. Janus Plancus, who first discovered them in the strand of Rimini, in the year 1731, counted about 6,000 of their shells in a single ounce of drift-sand ; and Professor Schultze, of Bonn, found no less than a million and a half in the same quantity of pulverised quartz, from the shore of Mola di Gaeta. The Globigerinse, which have been found in such vast numbers in the bed of the Atlantic, are each about 1-5 Oth part of an inch in diameter, and the linear dimensions of recent British species are said by Professor Greene to vary from 1 -5,000th to 1-5 0,000th of an inch ! But the diminutive world of the Foraminifera has also its giants, particularly among the fossil species, such as the Nummulites, which occur in such 104 THE HARMONIES OP NATUKE. prodigious numbers in the limestone of the Egyptian pyramids, and whose flattened coin-like forms attain the comparative colossal diameter of from two to three inches. All the Foramini- fera are aquatic. Some are found in sweet water, others attached to sea-weeds or zoophytes, but by far the larger number in the sand or mud dredged up from the bottom of the sea. Here they frequently occur in such incalculable myriads as to form no less than half the bulk of the sand with which they are mixed. Thus, along the whole Atlantic coast of the United States, the plummet constantly brings up masses of foraminife- rous shells, so that this vast extent of ocean-bottom, which itself forms but a small part of the domains they occupy, is literally covered with their living legions or their tenantless exuviae. And as the present ocean contains them in countless multi- tudes, thus have they swarmed in the waters of the primeval seas from the first dawn of creation, and piled up the monu- ments of their existence in vast strata of limestone. A great part of the rocky belt from Riigen to the Danish isles, the white chalk cliffs, which, beginning in England, extend through France as far as southern Spain ; the limestone for- mations of Greece and Turkey, whose importance, as natural features of the country, is by some supposed to be indicated by the names of Greta and Albania, are chiefly formed of the shells of Foraminifera ; and a zone of Nummulite limestone, frequently a thousand miles broad, and in many places of a prodigious depth, may be traced from the Atlantic shores of Europe and Africa, through Western Asia, up to North India and China. So important is the part which these beings, in- dividually so minute, have performed and still perform in the geological annals of the globe. The phosphorescence of the sea is one of the most charming phenomena that Nature in all her wide range of beauty offers to our admiring gaze. Who that has sojourned on the coast, or traversed the fields of ocean and witnessed it in its full splendour, can ever forget the deep impression made upon his mind when he first saw the dark waves curl over in flashing crests of light when his vessel's bows ploughed up the waters in silvery furrows, or the rising flood broke in sheets of flame, or spangles of diamond brilliancy, on the glowing beach ! Well may we be lost in wonder at so marvellous, so fairy-like a THE NOCTILUCA MILIARIS. 105 spectacle well may we be astonished at seeing the cold waters changed as it were by a magician's wand into cradles of fire ! But our admira- tion increases when on enquiry into the causes of the gorgeous specta- cle we learn that it is not the result of inanimate agencies, magnetic or electrical, but that it derives its origin from a living source, and that the Noctiluca miliaris, a globular gelatinous Noc tihica mmaris (much magnified). animalcule, nearly re- lated to the Rhizopods, is the chief illuminator of the seas ! This wonderful little creature is just large enough to be dis- cerned by the naked eye when the water in which it may be swimming is contained in a glass jar exposed to the light ; and a tail-like appendage marked with transverse rings, which serves as an instrument of locomotion, becomes apparent under a slight magnifying power. Near the point of its implantation in the body is a definite mouth leading into a large irregular cavity, apparently channelled out in the jelly-like substance of the body. The external coat is denser than the contained sar- code, and the former sends thread-like prolongations through the latter, so as to divide the entire body into irregular cham- bers. ( The nature of its luminosity,' says Dr. Carpenter, f is found by microscopic examination to be very peculiar, for what appears to the eye to be a uniform glow, is resolvable under a sufficient magnifying power into a multitude of evanescent scin- tillations; and these are given forth. with increased intensity whenever the body of the animal receives any mechanical shock.' To fill up the length of an inch it would require 170 Noctilucse ranged in a line, and millions could be con- tained in a wine-glass. And yet in every zone they make the wide surface of the nocturnal ocean glow and sparkle with an elfish light. Among the microscopic wonders of the ocean, the Polycystina, 106 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE first discovered by Professor Ehrenberg, at Cuxhaven, on the North Sea, occupy a conspicuous rank, both by their numbers and their beauty and variety of form. The sarcode body of these minute siliceous shells extends itself like that of the Foraminifera into foot-like prolongations, which pass through the larger apertures by which they are per- forated. It is a peculiar feature of these ele- gant shells (whose delicate sculpture frequently reminds the observer of the finest specimens of the hollow ivory balls carved by the Chinese), that they are usually surmounted by a number of spine-like projections, very frequently having a radiate disposition. Some have an oblong shape, others a discoid form, from the circum- ference of which the siliceous spines project at regular intervals, so as to give them a star- They are generally of smaller size than even the Foraminifera, and appear to be almost as widely diffused, as they have been brought up by the sounding-lead from the bottom of the Atlantic and from the abysses of the Antarctic seas. They also have largely contributed to the structure of the earth-mud ; their siliceous deposits abound in the marls of Sicily and Greece, and a large proportion of the rock that prevails through an extensive district of the island of Barbadoes is chiefly composed of their remains. Polyuystma. like aspect. Stentor Roeselii (highly magnified). The Infusoria, which owe their name to the circumstance of their having been first discovered in artificial infusions of organic THE INFUSOKIA. 107 substances, occupy the highest rank in the Protozoic world. They are all exceedingly minute, but of various dimensions ; the greater number being individually in visible to the naked eye, while some, like the Stentor, attain the comparattvely large size of l-30th of an inch. This beautiful creature resembles a gelatinous trumpet, and is flexible and contractile in all direc- tions, either while swimming about freely in the water, or while attached, as it frequently is, to some foreign body by means of a little sucking disk which terminates the pointed extremity of the tail. The various species of Infusoria exhibit a great diversity of form globular, oval, cylindrical, thread-like. Most of them are free in their movements, some permanently attached to stalks; by far the greater number are colourless and trans- parent, while some have a yellowish, greenish, or reddish tinge. Compared with the Pro- tozoic families already described, their higher organic development is chiefly exhibited by their possession of a mouth and rudimentary digestive or- gan, while well-marked cilia or hair-like append- ages,disposed either along the entire margin of the body, as well as around the oval aperture, or limited to the immediate vicinity of the mouth, serve them as instruments of prey and loco- motion. During the life of the animal these cilia are in almost constant action, their motion consisting of bends in rapid succession from base to point, and of an immediate return to the original position, not unlike the undulating motion of a cornfield under the influence of the wind. Thus currents or vortices are produced which enable their tiny possessors to ingulf the still more tiny prey that comes with- in reach of their irresistible whirlpools. The exceeding minute- ness, as well as the rapid movements of the cilia, often make it difficult to observe them, though, when invisible, their existence Various Forms of Infusoria. . Coleps hirtus. 3, 4. Trachelms anas. 5. Tra- chelms ovum. o, mouth ; a, outlet of alimentary canal. 108 THE HARMONIES OF NATURE. may be frequently inferred from the agitation of minute particles in the currents they produce. Simple as these organs are, they harmonise beautifully with the wants of the little creatures to whom they have been given; they are useful as oars, as arms, as tentacles ; they hurry along the food with- out further trouble to the mouth ; they serve also for respira- tion, by bringing successive portions of water into contact with the surface of the animal, and are indeed no less admirable in their way than the elephant's proboscis or the chameleon's tongue. Sometimes instead of a multitude of short cilia, as, for instance, in Leucophrys patula, we find a small number of long slender filaments, usually proceeding from the vicinity of the mouth, while in other cases the filaments are comparatively short, and have a bristle-like firm- ness, and instead of being kept in vibration they are moved by the contraction of the substance to which their bases are attached, in such a man- ner that the animalcule crawls by their means Leucophrys V6r a SO l id SUrfaCC. patuia. Thus in this little world of animalcules, which still contains so many unravelled secrets, we find almost all the modes of movement of the higher aquatic animals the darting of the fish, the hop of the Daphnia, the gyrations of the water- beetle, and the tardy creeping of the leech. The bell-shaped Vor- ticella, one of the largest, is also one of the most beautiful and interesting of the Infusoria. In its first youth it swims freely about in the stagnant waters, but at a later period it attaches itself by a long stalk (g) to the b,c,d,e,f, exhibit the various steps of fissiparous leaves of dlick-weed Or reproduction in this animalcule the carapaces or shells of water-fleas or lacustrine snails, where THE OPHRYDIN.E. 109 it frequently presents the appearance of a group of exquisite microscopic flowers. The rim of the vase-like body is tipped with a spiral of cilia, one end of the circling row descend- ing a short distance down the side of the vase to a point where the oral aperture of the creature is placed. When the Vorticella is in search of food with its cilia in active vibration, the stalk is fully extended, but at the slightest disturbance it shrinks into close spiral folds so as to draw the little bell as far as possible from danger. The Ophrydinse, another family of Infusoria, are remarkable for their being usually found embedded in a gelatinous mass of greenish colour, which is sometimes adherent, some- times free, and may attain the diameter of four or five inches, presenting such a strong general resemblance to a mass of frog's spawn , -i , i nn Section of a portion of the periphery of Ophry as to have been mistaken dram versatile, frr