LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class TOM WEDGWOOD TOM WEDGWOOD THE FIRST PHOTOGRAPHER AN ACCOUNT OF HIS LIFE, HIS DIS- COVERY AND HIS FRIENDSHIP WITH SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE INCLUDING THE LETTERS OF COLERIDGE TO THE WEDGWOODS AND AN EXAMINATION OF ACCOUNTS OF ALLEGED EARLIER PHOTOGRAPHIC DISCOVERIES BY R. B. LITCHFIELD " A mind perhaps the finest I ever met with" T. CAMPBELL LONDON DUCKWORTH AND CO. 3 HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN 1903 ' " RES OMNES EARUMQUE PROGRESSUS INITIIS SUIS DEBENTUR ' LORD BACON (First words of his letter sending a copy of the " De Augmentis" to Trinity College, Cambridge, the place of his early education). INSCRIBED TO GODFREY WEDGWOOD GREAT-NEPHEW OF THE FIRST PHOTOGRAPHER, AND GREAT-GRANDSON OF THE FAMOUS POTTER, IN ADMIRATION OF A LIFE AND CHARACTER WORTHY OF THE NAME HE BEARS 221577 All rights reserved PREFACE THIS Memoir appears, it must be confessed, rather late. It was in the year 1806 that the little world of Tom Wedgwood's friends, relations, and acquaintances a little world, but it included some of the most notable Englishmen of the time were expecting the appearance of a book which was to give an account of his life and character, with an essay expounding his philosophical theories. This essay was to be written by Sir James Mackintosh, and the Memoir by Coleridge. But neither of these eminent persons did what he pro- mised. It is not certain that either even began to do it. Of Mackintosh, Coleridge once wrote : " He is one of those men with whom the meaning to do a thing means nothing." Of Coleridge himself this was absolutely true, and it was not quite untrue of Mackin- tosh ; for he was noted for his infinite capacity for procrastination, as if his rule of life was never to do a thing to-day which could possibly be put off till to-morrow. The plan of a joint Memoir by two such collaborators, two men, as it happened, not the least in sympathy one with the other, was thus virtually hope- less from the first. Mackintosh, moreover, had gone to be a Judge in India, and Coleridge was nearing that viii PREFACE saddest time in his life when his best friends could only describe his condition (produced by opium) as one of " paralysis of the will." So it has been Tom Wedg- wood's fate to be but faintly remembered carpere lividas * obliviones . . . caret quia vate sacro. But it seemed to me that, in spite of the lapse of time, partly indeed by reason of it, it might now be worth while for the humblest of biographers to essay a modest record of the man, in part reparation of the failure of those two sadly untrustworthy vates sacri. The- task seemed to come naturally in my way, as, through the accident of private connection, I had happened to have read a great number of old family letters of the Wedgwoods, preserved by the descen- dants of the photographer's brother Josiah, including a mass of correspondence formerly in the possession of Mrs. Charles Darwin, the last survivor of his many nieces and nephews, who died at the age of eighty- eight in 1896. This year 1902, the centenary of the date which justifies our calling him the " first photographer," seemed a fitting time for putting some account of him before the world, and for examining the question, which, so far as I know, has not been critically discussed before, whether that title properly applies to him. It was the more necessary to do this, as the story of what he really did had become confused with a foolish legend, a complete misrepresentation of the facts, which had unluckily been put forward in what was the only book (prior to the recent appearance of a notice in the PREFACE ix " Dictionary of National Biography ") giving information about him.* Only two persons, as far as I can ascertain, have been described as doing, or possibly doing, anything photo- graphic before the time of Wedgwood, the German Heinrich Schulze, and the French physicist Charles ; but an examination of the accounts of what they did clearly disposes, I think, of both claims. Knowing next to nothing of the technique of photographic pro- cesses, I should have no right to say this if the question turned on technical points, but that, as the reader of pp. 218-240 will see, is not the case. When one thinks of the astonishing developments of the art in these latter years, the now familiar " living pictures," the achievements of the camera in stellar astronomy, and its importance as an aid to various kinds of literary, scientific, and artistic research, with the collateral wonders that have sprung out of photography, the strange mysteries of Rontgen, Becquerel, and Cathode "Rays," with their suggestions of fresh reve- lations of yet unknown natural forces, the poor little results got by Wedgwood may well seem insignificant. But there remains the fact that the step he took was the first step, the premier pasj and his the original * "A Group of Englishmen," by Eliza Meteyard, 1872. In this book Miss Meteyard, who had written a life of Josiah the famous potter, gives a pleasant gossipy account of his sons and other relatives. It has been rightly called " an agreeable melange" but it is full of inaccuracy, the authoress habitually mixing up guesswork with fact. t " Ah ! Monsieur le Cardinal, dans de pareilles affaires, il n'y a que le premier pas qui coute." The affaire under discussion when Mme. Du Deffand said this was the famous walk of Saint Denis after his decapitation on Montmartre. The Cardinal had been wondering how the saint could possibly have walked all the way to Paris. xii PREFACE picture which has never been engraved, nor, I think, publicly exhibited. I am under like obligation to Mr. Godfrey Wedg- wood (of Idlerocks, Staffordshire), who placed at my disposal the whole of the MSS. left by the photo- grapher, and has also very kindly allowed me to re- produce in miniature the very interesting picture by Stubbs, which includes the whole of Tom Wedgwood's family as it was in the year 1780. For valuable assistance on specific points my thanks are due to Lord Kelvin and to Professor Liveing of Cambridge, who obligingly answered inquiries as to Tom Wedgwood's physical science work ; as also to Mrs. Henry Sand ford, who kindly allowed me to see some letters of the Wedgwoods, not printed in her Life of Tom Poole. I may mention that I should have printed a remarkable estimate of the character of Tom Wedg- wood written soon after his death by Tom Poole, had not this been already given at length in that biography, a book, it is needless to say, which should be read by any one interested in Coleridge and his circle. R. B. LITCHFIELD. 31 KENSINGTON SQUARE, LONDON, November 1902. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE PREFACE ... . . . . . vii SKETCH OF FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS. . . . xvii I. EARLY YEARS, 1771-1788 I II. ETRURIA AND PHYSICAL SCIENCE, 1789-1793 . . 17 III. BEDDOES AND THE PNEUMATIC INSTITUTE, 1793-1794 33 IV. THE FAMILY CIRCLE, 1795-1796 .... 39 V. POOLE AND COLERIDGE THE COLERIDGE ANNUITY, 1797-1798 . . 49 VI. WANDERINGS SETTLEMENT IN DORSETSHIRE, 1798- 1800 . . . . . . . . 65 VII. THE WEST INDIES A FAILURE, 1800 ... 86 VIII. COLERIDGE AT GRETA HALL TRAVEL PLANS, 1800 1802 102 IX. SOUTH WALES AND CRESSELLY WITH COLERIDGE, 1802 120 X. ULLESWATER TO GENEVA AND FLIGHT HOME, 1803 130 XI. CONTINUED STRUGGLE FOR HEALTH INVASION ALARMS AND VOLUNTEERING, 1803-1804 . . .143 XII. THE LAST YEAR, 1804-1805 . . . . 166 XIII. THE PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK . . . . .185 XIV. His METAPHYSICS AND PSYCHOLOGY 206 xiv CONTENTS APPENDICES PAGE A. AN ALLEGED DISCOVERY OF PHOTOGRAPHY IN 1727 SCHULZE'S WORD-PATTERNS . . . . .217 B. THE STORY OF PROFESSOR CHARLES'S SILHOUETTES . 228 C. A MYTHICAL ACCOUNT OF T. WEDGWOOD'S PHOTO- GRAPHIC WORK .241 D. ON SOME NOTICES OF T. WEDGWOOD IN HISTORIES OF PHOTOGRAPHY . . . . 246 E. As TO SOLID BODIES HAVING THE SAME TEMPERATURE AT THE POINT OF INCANDESCENCE . . . .251 F. PRIESTLEY IN AMERICA . . . . . 253 G. THE COLERIDGE ANNUITY ITS AFTER-HISTORY . . 254 H. T. WEDGWOOD'S WILL 260 I. A NOTE ON THE VALUE OF PHOTOGRAPHY TO THE WORLD. 262 SHORTENED REFERENCES TO SOME BOOKS CITED " D. C." " Samuel Taylor Coleridge, a Narrative of the Events of his Life." By James Dykes Campbell (Macmillan's, 1894). "COLERIDGE'S POETICAL WORKS." The One Volume Edition (Macmillan's, 1893), edited by J. Dykes Campbell, with a Biographical Introduction, being that which was reproduced in 1 894 as a separate work. T. P." "Thomas Poole and his Friends." By Mrs. Henry Sandford. Two vols. 1888. " COLERIDGE LETTERS." The Collection edited by Mr. E. H. Coleridge, 1895. Two vols. 8 vo, paged continuously. ILLUSTRATIONS TOM WEDGWOOD. From a chalk drawing belonging to Miss Wedgwood, of Leith Hill Place. Artist unknown Fronthpiect Facing Page THE WEDGWOOD FAMILY AT ETRURIA HALL, in or about 1780. From the picture by George Stubbs, R.A. (1724- 1806), belonging to Mr. Godfrey Wedgwood of Idlerocks, Staffordshire. (It was begun in 1780 but occupied the painter, at intervals, several years.) It shows Josiah Wedgwood of Etruria (1730-1795) with his wife Sarah Wedgwood (d. 1815) and their children. These are (beginning on the right) John (1766-1844), eldest son, afterwards of Cote House; Josiah (1769-1843), afterwards of Gunville Park and MaerHall ; Susannah (176 5-1 8 17), afterwards Mrs. Robert Darwin and mother of Charles Darwin ; Catharine (1774-1823), girl pulling carriage ; Tom (1771-1805), photographer and friend of Coleridge ; Sarah (1776-1856), girl by carriage; Mary Anne, in carriage, born 1778, died in childhood. The spire in the distance, on left, is Wolstanton Church. The object on the table under the tree is the Portland or Barberini Vase, Wedgwood's copies of which greatly advanced his fame. In the distance on the right are the chimneys of Burslem, where his pottery had previously been. Stubbs was the famous animal painter of the time, and was especially noted for his pictures of horses ... 6 ETRURIA HALL AND POTTERY in 1775. From a drawing in the possession of Mr. Godfrey Wedgwood. The Hall, T. Wedgwood's birthplace, is the large house on the left. b xvi ILLUSTRATIONS Facing Page That in the centre is " Little Etruria," the house built for Bentley, Wedgwood's partner. It was pulled down long since. The buildings below it are the Works (still carried on by Wedgwood's great-great-grandsons). The canal runs between the Works and the grounds of the Hall. The distant tower and windmill are at Hanley . i ^ FACSIMILE OF TOM WEDGWOOD'S HANDWRITING . . .21 JOSIAH WEDGWOOD (of Gunville Park and Maer Hall), brother of T. Wedgwood. From the oil painting by Owen, in possession of Miss Wedgwood of Leith Hill Place . . 38 ELIZABETH (ALLEN), WIFE OF JOSIAH WEDGWOOD. From the portrait by Romney, in possession of Miss Wedgwood. Painted when she was about twenty-eight ... 42 *HousE AT EASTBURY PARK, DORSETSHIRE. The residence of Tom Wedgwood in 1801-1805 ..... 95 *ENTRANCE TO EASTBURY PARK . . . . . .113 *VILLAGE OF TARRANT GUNVILLE . . . . . 1 1 3 *TARRANT GUNVILLE CHURCH. Burial-place of T. Wedgwood 180 * For these four views the author is indebted to the kindness of the Editors of Photography. They are from photographs taken in 1902 for the Centenary number (May 6, 1902) of that publication. CO PH 3 CO o p W rt I H I O w H o w ^ CO J . <*\ ^. !- XT g ^W a i .ipT v> >* S aH J -fit KW* S| ai, 6 lit] X* S * III H ^ r - "iJi|- 00 ~ W d. -2^o^S'-> CHAPTER I EARLY YEARS - -* --00 * The house still exists ; for many years past it has belonged to the Duchy of Lancaster, which owns the minerals under it and the surrounding lands, and is now used for purposes connected with the mines. Thomas is often called the third son, one of his elder brothers having died in infancy. A While this work was still in the press, Mr. Litchfield died at Cannes on January 11, 1903. Owing to his absence from England and other causes there had been delay in its appearance. He had greatly hoped that it would appear hi 1902, the Centenary of Tom Wedgwood's photographic work CHAPTER I EARLY YEARS 1771 1788 THOMAS WEDGWOOD, fourth son of Josiah Wedg- wood, the famous potter, was born on May 14, 1771, at Etruria Hall, near Stoke-upon-Trent. The hall was a new house which his father had built as a resi- dence for the family, hard by the Pottery, the potting business having been removed from Burslem to this site a year or two previously.^ When only six years old the boy was sent to a school kept by Mr. Holland, a Unitarian minister at Bolton, where his brothers already were, and remained there two years. The method of his education was a matter which gave his father many doubts. Josiah Wedgwood's letters to his partner and friend, Bentley, contain frequent specula- tions on the questions as to what his boys should learn, and how to secure their having a healthy bodily life while the schooling went on. " Erasmus Darwin," he says in one letter (October 1779), "has approved my idea of curtailing the educa- * The house still exists ; for many years past it has belonged to the Duchy of Lancaster, which owns the minerals under it and the surrounding lands, and is now used for purposes connected with the mines. Thomas is often called the third son, one of his elder brothers having died in infancy. & TOM WEDGWOOD tion of my boys in order to establish their health, and give the more strength to their constitution." Dr. Darwin advises him to keep them at home, and this he does. They are to have four Latin lessons a week, " only to keep up what they know, till I have decided as to this part of their learning." " I am distressed to find out a sort of compromise between the body and the mind that shall do the least injury to either." In another letter he describes the regime at length. They " read English before breakfast, newspaper or travels, writing one hour with Mr. Swift ; writing French exercises ; then ride or drive their hoop or jump over a cord, or use any exercise they please for an hour." Later in the day there are two French lessons, and " some accounts in the evening, in which the girl takes part." The earliest letter of Tom which has been preserved is one written when he was nearly twelve years old, giving an account of a scene during the bread riots, which broke out in the Potteries in 1783. His father is in London. Tom Wedgwood to his father, Josiah ETRURIA, Wednesday, March II, 1783. DEAR PAPA, As I thought you would like to hear how the mob went on I will tell you. On Sunday all was quiet. There was a meeting at Newcastle (at which my brother John was present) to consider what was the best way to quell the Mob and to keep up the market. John subscribed jlo ; a good many others also subscribed. On Monday the mob came to Bilington's where there was EARLY YEARS 3 a meeting of the Master Potters, Dr. Falkener, Mr. Ing, Mr. Sneyd of Bellmont, and harrangued to the Mob on the bad way they had begun in to lessen the price of corn, as did my brother John and also Major Sneyd (who came with the Militia) was exceedingly active in speaking to them. He said, " Why do you rise," and he answer'd him " on the same account that your father went out of the country." This distressed him so much that he cried. All their speaking was to no effect. They then raised a subscription. John subscribed ^20. This they said would not have been raised without we had risen. This speech pussled them much. They then read the riot act and said if they did not disperse in a hour's time they would fire on them. An hour gone and they did not disperse. Dr. Falkener had got the word " Fire " in his mouth when two men dropt down by accident which stopt him and he con- sidered about it more. The Woemen were much worse than the men ; as for example, Parson Sneyd had got about 30 men to follow him he hurraing and the an all [sic] but a woman cried Nay, nay that wunna do, that wunna do, and so they turned back again ; it was agreed that the corn taken in the boat* should be sold at a fair price. Bolton, Barlow are taken up and gone to Stafford the rest of the days have been quiet. John and Mr. Lomas are gone to Stone. They all send their love to you and comt 8 . to Mr. and Mrs. Byerley. I am, Your dutifull son, THOMAS WEDGWOOD. Turn over. P.S. I would have written this letter well but I have got the head ach, but did not like to miss the opportunity of a box. T.W. * A barge which was stopped and plundered at Etruria, as it was making its way to Manchester, the mob imagining that, as the corn 4 TOM WEDGWOOD Another letter to his father, of about a year later, gives a pleasant glimpse of his home life, and shows him as certainly very much grown up for a boy of thirteen. It shows, too, that he was on charmingly easy terms with his father. Tom Wedgwood to his father ETRURIA, April 20, 1/84. DEAR PAPA, By the time this letter reaches you I hope you will have had a pleasant journey and got safe and sound to London. Matthew Mills is very busy at the Garden Pools repairing the dams at the lower Pool, which the cows have damaged very much that go to drink there, and unless some remedy is thought of to secure the dam, it will be considerably damaged. Now making a drinking place just below the lower Pool with the water that runs from the Pool and fencing a post and railing round the dam, will be good security. If you will give me the post of Superintendant of your pools, I will see that they are done pro- perly and soon. My hotbed is compleated all but glazing. The Bricklayers have pulled down part of the lower wall and are building it up again and will finish at the end of the week. I have had several large fish at my line lately (fishing with a Gudgeon) and leaving it in all night. Some large fish at the top Pool struck at my Bait as I lifted it up. Another, my rod drawn in the water and the bait eat of. Still another, half my bait eat of and the other half drawn up the line. I'd be very glad if you would give me that post for indeed was going out of the district, the owners were trying to raise prices against the Staffordshire people. John Wedgwood, Tom's eldest brother, is at this time a lad of seventeen. The reply of the mob to Major Sneyd is enigmatical. Possibly Mr. Wedgwood would understand why it made him cry. The two men taken to Stafford were convicted, and Barlow executed. EARLY YEARS c J 1 would take very good care and always keep them in good order. Mathew only waits only for Command to go on and finish his job. My Aunt is much better and will drink Beer and brandy and I don't know what. I wish you would get me a pair of Buckles and send them immediately, for I have got none but a broken pair. I shall furnish all your pools with plenty of baits as I have now near a dozen hands under employment. I have got leave to fish of Mr. Stockley and the miller will get leave of the tenant of Mr. Allen and J. Beech of Mr. Jarvis, so then for Wilkes and liberty. Give my love to my sister and will answer her letter very soon. Mary Anne is very well indeed and was much pleased with her journey. Almost everybody have colds but I have escap'd yet. Mr. Chisolm is very well and sends his best respects to you and family. Give my best love to my Mother, sister and John and should be happy in hearing from them. Pray remember me to Mr. and Mrs. Byerley and believe me to be, Your dutifull son, THOS. WEDGWOOD. Would have written it better but had not time. (Address on cover : Mr. Wedgwood, London. No postmark ; it no doubt went in the box.) The person who had most to do with the education of Tom * Wedgwood, after his father, was Alexander Chisolm, Josiah Wedgwood's faithful secretary and chemical assistant. Chisolm came to Etruria, a man of middle age, in 1780, when Tom was nine years old. * I shall refer to him thus throughout the book, as he was always so-called, both in and outside of the family circle. 6 TOM WEDGWOOD He was a good chemist, a man of education, and at least something of a classical scholar. The boys became much attached to him. The various other influences which would help to mould the mind and character of a boy growing up in the Etruria household may be easily imagined from what we know of Josiah Wedgwood and his life.* Among the friends of the great Potter were some of the foremost English- men of the time. He was intimate with James Watt from 1768 onwards. Priestley, who settled in Bir- mingham in 1780, owed much to his friendship. Wedgwood sent him annually twenty-five guineas in aid of his expenditure on scientific experiments. With Erasmus Darwin and his family there was constant intercourse. Derby, where Darwin lived from about 1781, was not far off, and the children of the two houses were intimate as well as the parents. James Keir of West Bromwich, ex-captain of foot and glass manufacturer, whom James Watt called " a mighty chemist and very agreeable man/' was one of the group. Richard Lovell Edgeworth was another. It was a circle in which " advanced " ideas prevailed, ideas which * Unfortunately there is no satisfactory biography of Josiah, the Potter. Miss Meteyard's two bulky volumes give a large amount of information about him, but, as sufficiently appears from her entirely mythical account of Tom Wedgwood's photography (see p. 241) no statement of hers can be trusted which is not confirmed by other evidence, while her persistent strain of magniloquent eulogy is a constant irritation to the reader. The little book by Mr. Smiles (1894) is a lively sketch of the man and his career, but it has many technical errors, and was evidently put together in great haste. The memoir in the " Dictionary of National Biography," by Professor Church, F.R.S., is (I am told by a high authority on the subject) excellently well done. EARLY YEARS 7 were in great part a reverberation from the pre-revolu- tionary movement in France. All this could not fail to give a strong bent to Tom Wedgwood's mind. His training was scientific rather than literary, but we find him working hard at the Latin classics with Chisolm, and also with a tutor by name Lomas, who however, according to his brother Josiah's account, was a quite uninspiring teacher. A French prisoner was found to teach the boys French. In the autumn of 1786 (<*?/. fifteen), Tom joined his brother Josiah at Edinburgh University. The lads lived with Dr. Blacklock, the blind poet, who must have been an interesting man in many ways. He was one to whom the world owes something, for it was he who, at a critical moment in the life of Robert Burns, when the young poet, despairing of a career in Scotland, had resolved to leave his native country for ever and was on the point of embarking for the West Indies, induced him to give up the scheme and come to Edinburgh.* The letters of the two young men from Edinburgh show them, as one would expect, plentifully interested in the place and its student life. They are busy with their lectures and their various societies, and take a good deal of exercise golf, apparently, is the chief * " My chest was on its way to Greenock " (writes Burns to Dr. Moore, August 2, 1787) "when a letter from Dr. Blacklock to a friend of mine overthrew all my schemes, by opening new prospects to poetic ambition. His opinion that I would meet with encourage- ment in Edinburgh for a second edition fixed me so much that away I posted for that city without a single acquaintance or a single letter of introduction." (" Currie's Life," Ed. 1800. See also Sir Leslie Stephen's account in " Diet. Nat. Biog.") 8 TOM WEDGWOOD form of it, which Jos expects will keep off Tom's headaches. Jos tells his father " the students here are not very genteel ; the Divinity students are the dirtiest set I ever saw ; a company of old potters look like gentlemen compared to them." Tom corresponds with Chisolm, chiefly on chemical topics ; his letters bristle with rows of the queer old symbols for gases, acids, and metals which were still then in use among chemists. Chisolm gives him wise advice about his studies ; his letters are big folio sheets, closely written in a clear and careful hand. Some read like chapters out of a chemical journal, discussions on what Priestley or Lavoisier is doing, and the conflicting theories of the day. He addresses the boy (who is only fifteen) with the ceremonious formality of the time. Alexander Chisolm to Tom Wedgwood ETRURIA, Dec 23, 1786. DEAR SIR, I wrote to you a few lines two or three days ago along with some books, which I understand are not yet gone, and therefore I cannot let slip the opportunity of thanking you for the very sensible letter I received from you last night, and expressing my unfeigned pleasure in the avidity I observe in you for useful knowledge, and your assiduity in acquiring it. Your plan or study has my perfect approbation. . . . The classics I could wish to be a principal object this winter ; you can now read them with understanding ; you will soon read them with pleasure. [Here follows much about the question of using translations, the Latin of Livy and of Buchanan, &c. ; then advice as to how to read to the blind Dr. Blacklock, not sinking the voice EARLY YEARS 9 in the final syllables. At present let him not try to study Moral Philosophy or "Belles Lettres," but let Classics and Chemistry take his whole time.] Your elaboratory shall be taken care of [and this leads to a long chemical excursus.] I will only add that I am sincerely glad the salubrious exercise of golf is agreeable to you, and I recommend it to you as strongly for Saturdays as I would Chemistry or Classics any other day. Interpone tuis interdum gaudia curis, Ut quemvis animo possis perferre laborem. Remember me to Jos, and believe me to be, Dear Sir, Your faithful & Obedient servant, ALEX r . CHISOLM. Tom Wedgwood to his Father Dec. 31, 1786. DEAR SIR, # * * * * I have just got into a new society here, called the Philo- logical Society, in which I must exert all my oratory powers, which, as I never yet tried them in public, you know, may be very great ; but I dinna ken. There are some very clever members of it : I shall have to write a paper in a little time, but am as yet quite undetermined of the subject of it, and should be very thankful if you would help me a little in this. ***** There has been a very disagreeable thing here [story of a student having tried to pass a forged bill at a shop]. He was sent to the Tolbooth (the prison). He stands no chance for his life. This unlucky affair will confirm the townspeople a bad opinion of the Irish gentry (He was one). There has already been one hanged, and several have taken French leave. io TOM WEDGWOOD I am come to the end of my paper, and so I shall finish with desiring you to Believe me. Yours affectionately, THOS. WEDGWOOD. Auld Reekie, Dec r ., Saturday before New Year's Day, 1786. Josiah Wedgwood to *Alex r Chisolm January n, 1787. DEAR SIR, Tom began this letter and I shall finish it. ... The Philo- logical Society consists of 13 or 14 young men, among which are two or three very clever. I intend to write on the sublime ... I like Dr. Blacklock more every day. . . . We had three visits from Mr. Burns, a natural poet ; his brother is a farmer and he was the ploughman, but had a very uncommon poetic turn. He is now publishing a second edition of his poems, to which I shall subscribe. Many of them are in the Scottish dialect. My love to all at Etruria, I am your much obliged friend, JOSIAH WEDGWOOD. Tom Wedgwood spent two winter sessions, appa- rently, at Edinburgh, 1786-7 and 1787-8. In the spring of 1788 there was a scheme for his going to Rome ; but this dropped, and he remained at Etruria, taking part in the work of the pottery. We find him writing to his father, in March 1790, about such matters as the dismissal of apprentices at Etruria for over much swearing, and the colouring and furnishing of the London show-room in Greek Street. But his letters show him to be keenly eager, all this time, to go on with his studies in Natural Philosophy. This was the EARLY YEARS n main motive of a scheme which he now proposed to his father. While at Edinburgh he had made the acquaintance of John Leslie, a young man about five years older than himself who had come there as a student of Theology, but had given up the intention of becoming a minister and was working at natural science. Tom and he had not been particularly intimate at Edinburgh, but they had since corresponded at intervals. Leslie, who had no private means his father was a carpenter had been to America as a travelling tutor, and was now without any definite plans, supporting himself in a precarious way by teaching and lecturing. Tom's proposition to his father was that Leslie should be asked to come to stay at Etruria to assist him and his brother Josiah in their laboratory work and scientific studies generally. His father agreed to this, and Leslie received the offer with rapturous delight. John Leslie to 'Tom Wedgwood LONDON, Jprilis, 1790. MY DEAREST SIR, To-day I received your very kind and flattering letter of the 9th instant. Your uncommon manner of writing throws me into a maze of wonder, and transports me with heartfelt joy. What a charming picture of a polished, elegant, and feeling mind ! I am at a loss to answer your kindness. That warmth of affection, and that goodness of heart, give a lovely cast to human nature. A crowd of ideas at once rush upon me. That diffidence and extreme delicacy is highly pleasing ; but to me is unnecessary. Talk freely from you nothing can displease. . . . The idea of residing with a young man whose heart is 12 TOM WEDGWOOD of the same mould, and whose mind is so benevolent, so generous, and so enlarged, is beyond measure delightful. Every other view vanishes in an instant. Money, my dear friend, is to me no object. The situation which you describe is the most fortunate, the most happy I could picture in my imagination. . . . I am afraid, my dearest friend, you over-rate my real merit. . . . The smallness of my acquisitions will I hope be compen- sated by steady attention and warm affections. [Then follows an eulogy of the genius of Josiah Wedgwood, the father.] I have long been accustomed to admire the ingenuity and bold- ness which created a manufacture, that contributes more to the real glory and wealth of our country than our fleets and armies. . . . But I exhaust your patience and precious time with long epistles. I wait with trembling anxiety my happiness hangs upon your decision. I am, my dear Sir, Yours ever sincerely, Jo. LESLIE. Excuse this scrawl. This letter is a characteristic specimen of Leslie's epistolary style. Except when he happens to be writ- ing of thermometers or gases, we seem to be reading Mr. Collins in " Pride and Prejudice." The " scrawl " for which he excuses himself is a piece of quite perfect penmanship, without sign of erasure or alteration. It was a part of Tom Wedgwood's plan that he and Leslie should live together, not in the family house at Etruria, but in a separate house hard by. His father did not see the advantage of this, but Tom is urgent in arguing the point. Here is one of several letters in which he expounds his views. They dis- close intensely " earnest " views of life and duty. EARLY YEARS 13 9 He is full of exalted ideas of self-culture, and of devotion to the service of mankind. Tom Wedgwood to his Father May 8, 1790. * I rather suppose that you have formed a wrong idea of my intention. ... Be assured there is no danger of my entering into the selfish, insignificant character of a hermit. I know too well the purposes of my creation. I have conceived too exalted a notion of the real dignity of man, existing in Action from principle, and despise too heartily those mistaken beings who amuse themselves unprofitably in the mazes of meta- physical refinements and abstruse philosophy. My aim is to strengthen the power of reason by the habit of reflection, and by cultivating the virtues of the heart in a temporal [sic\ retire- ment from the world at large ; to purify the motives of conduct for what is Action unless the sources be pure ? With that open- ness which should subsist between a father and a son, I joyfully acquaint you that I have already made considerable progress in this most important work a thousand sensations convince me that in this confidence I am not misled by the illusions of vanity. . . . I am well aware that the next three or four years of my life are the most important. Manhood is the seal of man. Our passions and affections are all to be moderated and corrected in the season of youth. In this critical moment I shall strive hard to fashion myself so, that I may best perform the grand dutys [his spelling is not impeccable] of this life. I reflect every day on the nature of the relation between the creator and creature, and hope by these instructive speculations to arrive at the know- ledge of the purposes of creation, and hence of what these dutys consist in. The question is extremely intricate and compre- hensive, and can never receive a full decisive answer from human reason. . . . An inactive and virtuous life are incompatible, 14 TOM WEDGWOOD and I mean to exert myself for the good of my fellow crea- tures. . . . [In another letter]. Our main dutys are Beneficence and the Social. I can say for myself that whatever my situation and circumstances may be, I shall never sleep in the service of my fellow creatures. Promiscuous company has no allurements. ... I have a strong desire of enjoying the blessing the right, perhaps, of choosing my own company and of avoiding that I dislike, by easier methods than I have now recourse to. One may smile at many things in this letter, but we must remember that the writer is just nineteen years old, and that the time is ten months after the fall of the Bastille. In his aspirations after a life of " beneficence and virtue " one feels the ring of the new ideas which the great upheaval of 1789 was stirring in the young and ardent souls of the time. How Josiah Wedgwood replied to his son's eager pleadings we do not know. We may be sure that the wise father did not laugh at his young enthusiasm, though he may have been amused at the didactic solemnity with which the lad expounds his ideal of life. Nor do we know whether he and Leslie were allowed to set up house apart from the family at Etruria Hall. We might guess that Tom's friend and tutor was treated with Josiah Wedgwood's usual liberality, and received cor- dially as one of the family. Leslie lets us know, in his magnificent language, that this was the case. EARLY YEARS 15 John Leslie to 'Tom Wedgwood LONDON, April 29, 1790. ***** How shall I make a proper return ? I hope the magnitude of the offer will be an additional spur to my exertions. There is a circumstance, my dear friend, which gives me peculiar pleasure. From the generosity of your nature I am convinced that I shall be upon an easy footing. I am a moderate lover of liberty, but I am every day more riveted in a settled aversion to the fawning arts of the sycophant, and to be submitted to the caprices and tyranny of an Aristocrate [sic"] would to me be the more dreadful of punishments. At the same time my dear Sir, I hope this disposition does not arise from any overweaned conceit of myself, but springs from the consciousness of the unalienable rights and native dignity of man. . . . I am rilled with a mixture of wonder and gratitude. . . . United with a gentleman who possesses all the warmth of dis- position and the acuteness of discernment of our friend T. M. Randolph, but who possesses, besides, a virtue the most essential to the dignity and success of life, steadiness of conduct and resolution of character, whose passions are subordinate to his reason, and who has imbibed more of the spirit of the Stoic than the Epicurean philosophy and not yet nineteen ! I upbraid myself that I am five years older. This is the age of bliss, the head not hardened by jarring interests is susceptible of every delicate impression, and the soul springs unbounded. . . . What character is so benevolent and so generous as that of a young man who has just left college. You feel the justness of the remark. ***** I am, my dear Sir, Yours affect ly ., Jo. LESLIE. 16 TOM WEDGWOOD Leslie remained at Etruria about two years, from June 1790. His stay there was doubtless a great help to Tom Wedgwood in his scientific work. One may doubt whether his influence was good in other ways. He pours out his admiration for his pupil in language which is too exuberant to sound sincere, and whether sincere or not, it was hardly wholesome reading for a lad of nineteen. of a solitary Composition, has reduced himself to a terrible state of weakness, and is determined to leave this Country as soon as he has finished the poem on which he is now employed. 'Tis COLERIDGE'S LIFE IN LONDON 75 a melancholy thing so young a man, and one whose life has ever been so simple and self-denying ! Oh, for Peace, and the south of France ! I could almost wish fora Bourbon king, if it were only that Sieyes and Buonaparte might finish their career in the old orthodox way of Hanging. Thank God, I have my health perfectly and I am working hard ; yet the present state of human affairs presses on me for days together, so as to deprive me of all my chearfulness. It is probable that a man's private and personal connections and interests ought to be upper- most in his daily and hourly Thoughts, and that the dedication of much hope and fear to subjects which are perhaps dispro- portionate to our faculties and power is a disease. But I have had this disease so long, and my early Education was so undo- mestic, that I know not how to get rid of it ; or even to wish to get rid of it. Life was so flat a thing without enthusiasm, that if fora moment it leaves me, I have a sort of a stomach- sensation attached to all my Thoughts, like those which succeed to the pleasurable operation of a dose of opium. Now I make up my mind to a sort of heroism in believing the progressiveness of all nature, during the present melancholy state of Humanity; and on this subject I am now writing ; and no work on which I ever employed myself makes me so happy while I am writing. I shall remain in London till April. \The expences of my last year made it necessary for me to exert my industry ; ana many other good ends are answered at the same time. Where I next settle I shall continue, and that must be in a state o retirement and rustication. It is therefore good for me to have a run of society, and that various, and consisting of marked characters. Likewise by being obliged to write without much elaboration I shall greatly improve myself in naturalness and facility of style ; and the particular subjects on which I write for money are nearly connected with my future schemes. My mornings I give to compilations, which I am sure cannot be wholly useless, and for which by the beginning of April I shall have earned nearly an 150^; my evenings to the Theatres,as I am to conduct a sort of Dramaturgy or series of Essays on the 76 TOM WEDGWOOD Drama ; both its general principles, and likewise in reference to the present state of the English Theatres. This I shall publish in the Morning Tost. The attendance on the Theatres costs me nothing, and Stuart, the Editor, covers my expences in London. Two mornings and one whole day, I dedicate to the Essay on the possible Progressiveness of man and on the prin- ciples of Population. In April I retire to my greater work, The Life of Lessing. My German chests are arrived, but I have them not yet, but expect them from Stowey daily ; when they come I shall send a little pacquet down to you.; To pay my wife's travelling expences in London I borrowed 29j from my friend Purkis, for which I gave him an order on your Brother, York Street, dating it Jan. 5, 1800. Will you be kind enough to excuse my having done this without having previously written ; but I have every reason to believe that I shall have no occasion to draw again till the year 1801 ; and I believe, that as I now, [sic] I have not anticipated beyond the year, if I have wholly anticipated that. I shall write to Jos. to- morrow for certain. I have seen a good deal of Godwin, who has just published a novel. I like him for thinking so well of Davy. He talks of him everywhere as the most extraordinary human Being he had ever met with. I cannot say that, for I know one whom I feel to be the superior, but I never met with so extraordinary a young man. I have likewise dined with Home Tooke. He is a clear headed old man, as every man needs must be who attends to the real import of words ; but there is a sort of charlatannery in his manner that did not please me. He makes such a mystery and difficulty out of plain and palpable things, and never tells you any thing without first exciting and detaining your curiosity. But it were a bad Heart that could not pardon worse faults than these in the author of the Epea Pteroenta.* Believe me, my dear sir, with much affection, Yours, S. T. C. * Home Tooke, ex-clergyman, radical politician, and philologist, COLERIDGE'S LIFE IN LONDON 77 S. T. Coleridge to Josiah Wedgwood [Address : CORNWALLIS HOUSE, CLIFTON, BRISTOL.] Tuesday Morning, 4 Feb., 1800. 21 BUCKINGHAM STREET, STRAND. MY DEAR SIR, Your brother's health outweighs all other considerations ; and beyond a doubt he has made himself acquainted with the degree of heat which he is to experience there. The only objections that I see are so obvious, that it is idle in me to mention them : the total want of men with whose pursuits your brother can have a fellow feeling ; the length and difficulty of the return, in case of a disappointment ; and the necessity of Sea-voyages to almost every change of Scenery. I will not think of the Yellow Fever ; that, I hope, is quite out of all probability. Believe me, my dear friend, I have some difficulty in suppressing all that is within me of affection and grief ! God knows my heart ; wherever your Brother is, I shall follow him in spirit ; follow him with my thoughts and most affectionate wishes. I read your Letter, and did as you desired me. Montagu* is very cool to me. Whether I have still any of the leaven of the citizen and visionary about me, too much for his present zeal ; or whether M. is incapable of attending to more than one man at a time ; or whether from his dislike of my pressing him to do something for poor Wordsworth ; or perhaps from all these causes combined certain it is that he is shy of me. Of (born 1736, died 1812), published his " Err fa nrepoevra, or the Diversions of Purley," an entertaining medley of Etymology, Meta- physics, and Politics, in the years 1786-1805. * Basil Montagu (b. 1770, d. 1851), friend of Wordsworth, Cole- ridge, Mackintosh, and Godwin, was at this time beginning his legal career. He became known in later life by the edition of Bacon which Macaulay made the text of his famous Essay. It was some ten years after this that he was the -:ause of an unfortunate estrange- ment between Wordsworth and Coleridge by misreporting something Wordsworth had said to him. 78 TOM WEDGWOOD course, I am supposed to know but little of him distinctly from himself; this however in Montagu's case implies no loss of any authentic source of Information. From his friends I hear that the pressure of his immediate circumstances increases, and that (as how could it be otherwise, poor fellow !) he lives accumu- lating Debts and Obligations. He leaves Wordsworth without his Principal and Interest, which of course he would not do, W.'s daily bread and meat depending in great part on him, if he were not painfully embarrassed. Embarrassed I should have said ; for Pinny tells me that he suffers no pain from it. As to his views, he is now going to Cambridge to canvass for a fel- lowship in Trinity Hall. Mackintosh has kindly written to Dr. Lawrence, who is very intimate with the Master ; and he has other interest. He is also trying hard for and in expectation of a Commissionership of Bankruptcy, and means to pursue the Law with all ardour and steadiness. As to the state of his mind it is that which it was and will be. God love him ! He has a most incurable Forehead. John Pinny called on him and look- ing on his table saw by accident a letter directed to himself. "Why, Montagu ! that letter is for me, and from Wordsworth ! " " Yes ! I have had it some time." " Why did you not give it me ? " " Oh ! it wants some explanation first. You must not read it now, for I can't give you the explanation now." And Pinny, who you know is a right easy-natured man, has not been able to get his own Letter from him to this Hour ! Of his success at Cambridge Caldwell is doubtful, or more than doubtful. He says that men at Cambridge don't trust overmuch these sudden changes of Principle. And most certainly, there is a zeal, an over acted fervour, a spirit of proselytism that dis- tinguishes these men from the manners, and divides them from the sympathies, of the very persons to whose party they have gone over. Smoking hot from the oven of conversion they don't assort well with the old Loaves. So much of Montagu ; all that I know, and all, I suspect, that is to be known. A kind, gentle- manly, affectionate-hearted man, possessed of an absolute Talent for Industry ; would to God ! he had never heard of Philosophy! COLERIDGE'S LIFE IN LONDON 79 I have been three times to the House of Commons ; each time earlier than the former ; and each time hideously crowded. The two first Days the Debate was put off ; yesterday I went at a quarter before 8, and remained till 3 this morning ; and then sat writing, and correcting other men's writing till 8 a good twenty four hours of unpleasant activity ! I have not felt myself sleepy yet. Pitt and Fox completely answered my pre- formed ideas of them. The elegance and high finish of Pitt's Periods, even in the most sudden replies, is curious^ but that is all. He argues but so so, and does not reason at all. Nothing is rememberable in what he says. Fox possesses all the full and overflowing Eloquence of a man of clear head, clean heart, and impetuous feelings. He is to my mind a great orator ; all the rest that spoke were mere creatures. I could make a better speech myself than any that I heard, except Pitt's and Fox's. I reported that part of Pitt's which I have enclosed in crotchets, not that I report ex-officio ; but curiosity haying led me there, I did Stuart a service by taking a few notesA I work from morn- ing to night, but in a few weeks I shall have Completed my pur- pose ; and then adieu to London for ever ! We newspaper scribes are true Galley-Slaves. When the high winds of Events blow loud and frequent then the Sails are hoisted, or the ship drives on of itself. When all is calm and Sunshine, then to our oars. Yet it is not unflattering to a man's vanity to reflect that what he writes at twelve at night will before twelve hours is over have perhaps 5 or 6000 Readers ! To trace a happy phrase, good image, or new argument, running through the town and sliding into all the papers ! Few Wine-merchants can boast of creating more sensation. Then to hear a favourite and often- urged argument repeated almost in your own particular phrases in the House of Commons ; and quietly in the silent self-com- placence of your own heart chuckle over the plagiarism, as if you were grand Monopolist of all good Reasons ! But seriously, considering that I have newspapered it merely as means of subsistence while I was doing other things, I have been very lucky. The New Constitution, the Proposals for Peace, the Irish 8o TOM WEDGWOOD Union, &c. &c. they are important in themselves, and excellent Vehicles for general Truths. I am not ashamed of what I have written. I desired Poole to send you all the papers antecedent to your own. I think you will like the different Analyses of the French Constitution. I have attended Mackintosh regularly. He was so kind as to send me a Ticket, and I have not failed to profit by it. What I think of M. and all I think I will tell you in some future Letter. My affectionate respects to Mrs. W. God love you, my dear Sir ! I remain, with grateful and most affectionate Esteem, Your faithful Friend, S. T. COLERIDGE. It was while Tom Wedgwood was preparing for his voyage to the West Indies, that he must have been, as we may suppose, startled by receiving from Leslie a letter making a proposal for the hand of one of his sisters. It was of quite prodigious length, and of course a most ornate and poetical composition, one so re- markable indeed that I am tempted to insert part of it here, as a curiosity of amatory literature. Leslie having left no descendants, we may hope that no one's feelings will be hurt by our taking this liberty with a century-old love-story. We may remember that his first sight of Kitty and Sarah Wedgwood was when he came to stay with the family at Etruria in 1790. When he left it in 1792, Sarah, the younger, was about sixteen years old. She was now in her twenty-fourth year. He does not mention the lady's name, but it is believed that Sarah was the adored one. The letter begins without any introductory words. LESLIE A PROPOSAL 8r John Leslie to Tom Wedgwood ISLINGTON, 10 Feb., 1800. On the eve of bidding a tender adieu, may I venture at last to communicate a matter of the most serious and delicate nature ? Long has the thought fired and tortured my brain. Often have I been on the point of disclosing it and as often have I been restrained by timidity or a sense of propriety. Still I hesitate. Shall I, by one rash step, provoke your dis- pleasure ? That reflection would be the torment of my life. Yet to whom should I unbosom myself but to my early and tried friend, who has felt such a lively interest in all my concerns, and who on this occasion is called by the most sacred ties to interpose his counsel ? By dwelling on a loved object which absorbs the imagination, by cherishing a sort of forlorn hope amidst obstacles seemingly almost insurmountable, a passion full of delicious anxiety has gradually sprung up, has acquired consistency, and has at length mounted to such a pitch as to threaten my repose. I need your indulgence. I will submit to your direction. And as the ardour of my attachment is chastened by sentiments of deference and distant respect, I have some room to expect you will judge me with tenderness. Not to keep you longer in suspense, I have had the temerity to think of soliciting an alliance in your family. You startle at this declaration. It may appear presumptuous and romantic. I must intreat you to suppress your emotions until you have finished the perusal of this letter. I owe it to my conscience to disclaim the idea of being stimulated by ambitious motives. Calculations of interest would on this occasion ill comport with the warmth of my feelings. I am indeed convinced that riches would in a very slight degree, if at all, augment my happiness. I have hitherto betrayed no disposition to outstep the bounds of mediocrity. The close and artificial garb of ambition is foreign to my heart. By dis- guising or retracting my sentiments it was more than once in F 82 TOM WEDGWOOD my power to have obtained situations which the bulk of men considered respectable. I have sought only the approbation of my own mind and that of a few discerning friends. My attachment to the fair object of all my vows is founded on a certain sympathy of character, rendered irresistible by the fascination of personal charms. Her fortune and condition, so far from inviting the suit, present the most formidable bar to the accomplishment of my wishes. I have seen very few, indeed none of their sex, with whom I would compare your younger sisters. What a bewitching assemblage of all the qualities fitted to inspire love, affection and esteem ! One of them, and I believe your particular favourite, to great personal attractions unites the most un- common powers of mind. But her sister seems to possess those soft feminine charms which touch and melt the soul. The impression I first received can never be effaced. In the bloom of health and beauty but what a sweetness was expressed on every feature ! I was confused, intoxicated. Fortune soon placed me beside her, and the memory of that happy period will always affect me with delight. My prepossessions were surpassed by experience. That species of mild beauty which is most capti- vating, and those qualities of head and heart which justify the triumph ! The image was realised which my fancy had framed, of the most amiable of women. Gentle, kind, frank and open invariably, habitually chearful, without levity, and without the smallest particle of affectation. Blessed with the finest dispositions on earth, she seemed formed to be happy herself and to diffuse happiness around her. Such admirable equality of temper ! Never a frown was seen on her brow. Endued with good sense, a correct judgment, and a cultivated under- standing, with considerable accomplishments, she yet appeared unconscious of her merits, and showed on all occasions a hesitation and a modesty bordering on timidity, which in her sex is altogether irresistible. When I remarked, too, the interior economy of the family, those excellent patterns exhibited, the ease, simplicity, and decorum which prevailed, that knowledge LESLIE A PROPOSAL 83 and liberality of sentiment which seasoned every conversation I envied the happy man who was destined to enjoy those reflected charms. For my part, I durst not aspire I sighed in secret. I strove to repress every symptom that might excite suspicion. Yet a gleam of hope would at times flit across my mind and lift it to extacy. A long separation followed, but she remained undisputed mistress of my heart. . . . How I longed to see her, without daring to signify a wish ! How often my attempts were traversed ! At length I enjoyed that supreme satisfaction last summer. I found her fresh as Hebe ; and if possible more amiable than ever. What kindness and condescension ! My senses were overpowered. In the delirium of imagination, I even fancied that she betrayed some marks of partiality. I formed the resolution to disclose my passion, but I wanted courage and opportunity. The most imperious urgency only, the obligation of previously consulting your sentiments, could compel me to a confession. But why fatigue you with this amorous tale ? ... If I am guilty of an offence, I have endeavoured to make it as light as possible. Never shall the young lady need to ... [words torn away] ... on my account. The secret has not been entrusted to mortal ; it shall rest in my breast, it shall perish with me. I shall religiously avoid hurting her feelings or those of the family. Yet such is my opinion of her perfect goodness that I am persuaded she is incapable of conceiving hatred or disdain, and that even a repulse from her would be couched in obliging terms. I owe a thousand apologies for abusing your patience. It is the first time I have written in such a strain the first time I ever made profession of love. You see the state of my mind. I am agitated by conflicting passions. This is the most momentous crisis of my life. My heart swells with anxiety. I tremble to hear your advice. A few words will suffice, but let it be from your own hand. If it shall be in the least consolatory, it will give buoyancy to hope it will in part open the prospect of 84 TOM WEDGWOOD earthly elysium. A contrary presentiment weighs me down. Alas ! is all the future to be shrouded in despondency ? I fear I have already committed folly. Destroy this letter. Farewell ! JOHN LESLIE. On one of the flaps is a P.S. as to some commissions, with the following sentences : Your brother's note has at this moment fallen into my hands. It rends my heart. I had still some lingering hopes. I have a thousand things to say, and your [sic] torn prematurely from me. How the " amorous tale " ended appears from Leslie's next letter, which also gives us a glimpse of the lady's attitude towards her lover during his visit to Stoke in the preceding year. John Leslie to T'om Wedgwood (Address : COMMERSON'S HOTEL, FALMOUTH.) No date. Postmark: Feb. 21, 1800. Each new incident raises my admiration of your character, and makes me feel more intensely the pang of separation. In your last letter you appear in a light peculiarly endearing. The circumstances under which it was written, the indulgent and friendly tone of admonition all affect me extremely. There is a solemnity in the scene. It is a precious relict the last perhaps I shall receive for many months. Yet it has dashed all the gay visions of hope. I submit, whatever the effort may cost. Here the matter shall rest. My spirits are now more composed and I shall listen to the dictates of reason. Be assured that my conduct shall during your absence give no ground of uneasiness or suspicion. I will testify my devotion by observing a religious silence. That rapturous attachment can never be extinguished, LESLIE A PROPOSAL 85 but I may hope that it will finally soften down into permanent esteem. What a disclosure the letter contains ! I am indeed astonished. Nothing could have betrayed me but my em- barrassed manner and fixed absent looks, circumstances which I imagined would naturally be confounded with my ordinary habits. Is it possible that I may have hurt inadvertently the feelings of the tenderest, gentlest nymph on earth ? If I have, I am heartily concerned for it. But my pardon is already sealed. My reception at Stoke I shall never forget. On that supposition, it evinced a superiority of mind which might call forth admiration, as her other qualities inspire the most ardent love. There were some little traits which can never be effaced from my mind. But I will discourage all such reflections. This is the last time I shall fatigue you with such a theme.* The thoughts of your absence make me feel a blank in my existence. Yes, my inestimable friend, we shall meet again; the Atlantic shall not long part us. Tho' I opposed the West India project, do not imagine that after your mind was unalterably fixed that I would have declined to accompany you. On several accounts you have made a better choice. But should circumstances require any change of arrangement, depend always on my services. I will fly to join you on any spot of the globe. . . . Pray, when your spirits will permit, get Koenig to write out your metaphysical speculations. In case of accident, there should be more than one copy. If one were transmitted to me I would foster it with paternal care. I may write again before you start. My prayers and wishes will attend you on the voyage. Farewell. * Sarah Wedgwood had many suitors, some quite in middle life, but she died unmarried. A grand-niece who remembers her in her old age tells me she never can have been beautiful. She was an able and a very generous woman, spent little on herself, and gave away nearly the whole of her fortune in charity. CHAPTER VII THE WEST INDIES A FAILURE 1800 ON one of the last days of February 1800, Tom Wedgwood sailed for the West Indies, hoping that some months in the tropics might better his health. It was practically the first separation of the two brothers, and how deeply the feelings of both were stirred by it appears from a letter of Josiah written a few days later. Josiah Wedgwood to 'Tom Wedgwood GUNVILLE, February 28, 1800. MY DEAR TOM, I cannot resist the temptation of employing my first moment of leisure to unburden my heart in writing to you. The dis- tance that separates us, the affecting circumstances under which we parted, our former inseparable life and perfect friendship, unite to deepen the emotion with which I think of you, and give an importance and solemnity that is new to my communi- cation with you. I did not know till now how dearly I love you, nor do you know with what deep regret I forbore to accompany you. It was a subject I could not talk to you upon, though I was perpetually desirous to make you acquainted with all my feelings upon it. I could not without necessity leave my wife and children, and I believed that I ought not, yet my THE WEST INDIES 87 resolution was not taken without a mixture of self-reproach. But I repeat the promise I made to you at Falmouth. I have not yet been able to think of you with dry eyes, but a little time will harden me. It is not so necessary for me to see you, as to know that you are well and happy. Nothing can be more disinterested than the love I bear you. I know that my wife and children could alone render me happy, but I see with the most heartfelt concern that your admirable qualifications are rendered ineffectual for your happiness and your fame by your miserable health. But I have a full conviction that your constitution is strong and elastic, and that your present experiment bids fair to remove the derangement of your machine. I look forward with hope and joy to our meeting again, and I am sure the seeing you again well and vigorous will be a moment of the purest happiness I can feel. Perhaps this may be the last time I shall write to you in this strain. If it should for a time revive your sorrow, it cannot long injure your tranquillity to be told that I love you, esteem you, and admire you, truly and deeply. I took possession of this place this morning with very different feelings from those I should have had if we had been together. . . . The last waggon load from Upcott came about an hour after me. . . . This place will be exceedingly pleasant in summer. It is now very cold with a frost and east wind. I have written to Gregory Watt* to send me a copying machine, that I may send duplicates by another packet, a precaution you must not forget. I will send you more copying paper. I shall curse the French if they take the packet bearing your first letter. How anxiously will it be expected, and with what emotion will it be opened and read. We must not expect to hear from you in less than four months. Very few of the letters I write afford me any pleasure, but I * Son of the great inventor. He was an affectionate friend of Tom and Josiah. Copying machines had lately been invented by James Watt. 88 TOM WEDGWOOD foresee a great pleasure in writing to you all that comes, and just as it comes. There is a pleasure in tender regret for the absence and misfortunes of a person one loves, and corresponding with that person is the complete fruition of it. I feel like JEneas clasping the shade of Creusa. I call up your image, but it is not substantial. Farewell, dear Tom. This letter was, so far as the existing Wedgwood papers show, a unique outpouring of feeling on the part of Josiah. The rest of his letters to his brother contain only hints of the sorrow stirred by the con- tinual spectacle of Tom's wrecked life, hardly ever an approach to an expression of his deeper feelings. He was inexpressive in writing as in speech, and his thus breaking through the habitual reserve of years shows how deeply touched he was at this critical moment. His feeling towards his brother was a mixture of com- passion, love and admiration. Tom was in truth the great passion of his life. Tom's letters from the West Indies contain little or nothing that is of extra-personal interest, but they have a pathetic significance as showing the depth of the affection which united him to his family, and the warmth of his gratitude for the never failing sympathy which his sad condition evoked from all his brothers and sisters. His first letter home is a sort of encyclical to the family circle. He seems to have shrunk from writing to any of them individually, feeling how much he owed to all. THE WEST INDIES 89 'Tom Wedgwood to his family ST. PIERRE, MARTINIQUE, April $th, 1800. [After referring to the voyage and the circumstances of his arrival]. I staid two days at Barbadoes and gained strength and spirits every moment. . . . The climate, the beauty of the trees and shrubs, the tout ensemble, astonished and delighted us all beyond our highest expectations. We came to this place on the 3rd and found a paradise. I have been for some days in a trance of enjoyment. I am perfectly at a loss how to convey an idea of the exquisite beauty of the scenery. . . . Reconvey me to-morrow by the same intolerable journey to Europe, and I must consider myself as repaid by what I have enjoyed, and by the materials I have laid in for future enjoy- ment. . . . The near scenery is exquisite, little vallies at the feet of mountains piled on each other in a noble succession, every tree new to the eye, many loaded with brilliant flowers and fruit. Another impression which has not abated is that of a desire to have this astonishing scene disclosed more gradually. The sight aches and the spirit sinks from unceasing excitement. The mind, too full, keeps longing for a moment's respite, for leisure to pursue the various channels, the little bye-streams of those rapid and full currents of thought which pass through it in all directions. But I will not exhaust myself nor run the risk of disgusting you, for you have not these scenes and feelings present to you to enable you to sympathise in my most imperfect efforts at expression. . . . To illustrate we got here in the dark. I rose first in the morning, put my head out of the window what a picture then lay before me ! I called to King and we actually em- braced each other. I gain strength very rapidly. ... If I had no indigestion and headache I should be in heaven. . . . I cannot send this off without offering with tears of the 90 TOM WEDGWOOD purest love and gratitude, a simple declaration. Believe me then, I am affected in the manner I ought to be by all your kindnesses to me. I know, too, that I must too often have seemed insensible to all their claims, but do not be deceived into this cruel opinion. The languor of illness and a conflict of uneasy sensations never blinded my observation, though it prevented any expression of sentiment. But I have placed to your credit a thousand tender services which your delicacy in vain attempted to conceal from me. Nothing has more deeply affected me than your mild forbearance with my petulancies and caprices. But I dare not now proceed in this subject. I dare not indulge in the luxury of those feelings which begin to intro- duce a disordered agitation. I must add however that I have above made a most unfeigned tender of sentiment to a very numerous band. Let no one who reads this imagine an exclu- sion. Certainly some individuals have sacrificed more largely to my health and comfort than others. But a single enquiry expressed with interest I always consider as an offer and earnest of a host of kind actions. . . . I cannot write another word. THOMAS WEDGWOOD. The exhilaration produced in presence of the glories of tropical scenery did not last long. He thinks at first that he is gaining strength, but that soon turns out to be an illusion ; the old pains and physical troubles reappear, and he begins to plan for his return, if there is no sign of real amendment. He tells next to nothing as to what he sees or does. Writing exhausts him, and he cannot waste his little strength upon describing incidents of travel. And there is hardly a word as to the social condition of the people about him, and not a word as to slaves or slave holding. THE WEST INDIES 91 This is singular when we remember the general set of his ideas, and that the agitation for abolishing the trade by which these islands were supplied with slaves had been going on for many years and all Wedg- woods were keen abolitionists. But the ceaseless struggle with bodily suffering absorbs him. He is continually speculating on future plans, and as he thinks of these he is always harassed by the thought that his own miseries are spoiling the lives of those who care for him. The following letter would seem to be his answer to that written by his brother after they parted. fom Wedgwood to his brother Josiah NEVIS, May I3//5, 1800. MY DEAREST FRIEND, I cannot tell you the pleasure your letter gave me. It gave me an assurance of what my conscience and judgment bade me not to be too confident [of], your unabated esteem and affection. . . . Your most welcome assurance brought with it everything which was wanting to complete the charm of that intimate connection which has so long and so happily subsisted between us ... To the moment of our separation your tenderness and affection were continually on the increase ; I was only apprehensive that even your forbearance and pity might at length be fatigued by the importunate and dismal intercourse of a sick man. I have read your letter a dozen times over. It has inspired me with an increased craving after health. I long so ardently to contribute towards your happiness ... I cannot endure the idea of being a thorn in your side. You may judge how welcome your letter was to me when I tell you that I read the receipt to dress a pig three times, merely for the association with your hand-writing. You have never 92 TOM WEDGWOOD known to what a degree my attachment to you has long risen. When you are with me, I imagine myself an exile from home, longing, as I always do most burningly, for your society. I then exultingly bless myself that you are present to me. . . . You are my great repository, magazine, reservoir of agreeable associations and lively feelings. You are for ever present to my memory, and the chief consolation of absence and a most tedious illness. I often cannot help yielding to the illusion of our mutual affection being carried forward into a future and a better existence. . . . Whenever those separations which we both lament have been about to take place, I have always contrived to spend every moment which remained to me in your company. If you have been called from me for a few hours I feel as if robbed of some vital energy, &c. &c., for this strain is endless. Be for ever assured that you and your wife are objects of my most perfect love and esteem your children are most dear to me. Oh God ! that I had force to display my own character to act, in any degree, as I feel. I should not then be making professions. But I am so blasted by my cruel Fates, so crippled and cramped in every energy of mind and body, that with all those qualities for which you give me credit, I am absolutely inferior to the veriest imbecile that eats, drinks, and sleeps away life. But patience, patience I am determined to live as long as Nature permits, I must there- fore humbly submit and patiently bear the evils of existence Farewell. My birds are singing on all sides of me oranges by thou- sands close to the house a supper on land-crabs in prospettc and yet I crave for that desart spot, dear, dear Gunville. His first letter home (supra, p. 89), had arrived in England about June 4. Part of its contents must have been communicated by Josiah to Coleridge, who writes as follows : THE WEST INDIES 93 S. < T. Coleridge to Josiah Wedgwood BRISTOL, Thursday, June 12, 1800. MY DEAR SIR, Enclosed is 20 . . . I had heard such pleasing accounts of your dear brother, accounts exaggerated at second hand by the joy of the narrators, that T. Wedgwood's own statement came on me as a dis- appointment. Still, however, Broxham must have seen a great difference or he could not have written as he did. God in heaven bless him ! Your letter to me, that is, the account in your letter, made the tears roll down Poole's face. . . . Old Mrs. Poole is, I am afraid, dying. . . .* The doubts as to how Tom Wedgwood was faring were soon set at rest. Poole was surprised one evening at Stowey by receiving the following note : Tom Wedgwood to C T. Poole and S. T. Coleridge BRIDGEWATER, Tuesday, 6 (? clock. (Probably June 24, 1800.) MY DEAR FRIENDS, It is with the utmost reluctance that I pass so near you without a personal salutation. Accept this, however, such as it is may it carry to Stowey as warm as it leaves my heart. You are no doubt much surprised at my return. I have soon convinced myself that a stay in the West Indies would not benefit my health for many reasons which I cannot now * The omitted sentences refer to Coleridge's fruitless house- hunting about Porlock, and to his intention to try for a house in the Lake country. 94 TOM WEDGWOOD enter upon. I am now hurrying to Cote, to inquire after my friends ; and my fatigue, joined to anxiety, prevents my making any round in my journey, or I would surely see you at Stowey. Let me hear from you. It will delight me to have a good account of you and yours, particularly your excellent mother. Ever yours most cordially, T. WEDGWOOD. This must have been scribbled off while he was changing horses at Bridgewater on his way from Fal- mouth to Bristol. The meeting at Cote cannot have been a happy one. The West Indies scheme, planned with much thought and trouble, had failed. Yet he had moments when he could fancy himself really re- covering. Six weeks later we find him riding to London from Christchurch, where he had been staying with his brother Jos. Writing from a roadside inn he says (August 15, 1800): How often have I wished you jogging at my side, to enjoy what I have done, of air and scenery, and to witness and sym- pathise in my rapid progress in convalescence. But for the many cruel disappointments already experienced, I might now indulge a hope of regaining my lost health and strength. I dare not cherish the viper idea. If they are restored to me, God knows they will be welcome if not, I mean not to sink lower from disappointment. I rode 5 hours yesterday and have ridden, by n to-day, 28 miles without any fatigue. . . . Slept in an alehouse last night never lay better. Avoid great inns hot, dear, noisy. You'll hear of me by calling at the single houses, and in the " pleasant villages." . . . Believe me, le plus devout des tres humains, T. W. I * A FAILURE 95 And this is followed by a light-hearted letter talking of prospective shooting in the New Forest, and matters incidental to starting life at Gunville. Possibly the sea voyages and the stay in the tropics had made him stronger for the time. During this autumn and the succeeding winter he had continual alternations of what seemed like recovery followed by heart-sickening relapses. It was apparently in the latter part of the year 1800 that he was making his photographic experi- ments, and there can be little doubt that the persistent recurrence of these periods of illness and suffering was what prevented his following up his discovery. The following extracts from letters of this time show his variable condition : 'Tom Wedgwood to his brother Josiah 27 August, 1800. [Travelling from London to Gunville.] I am gradually fallen these last few days into the status quo ante iter. Henceforth I never will entertain, or at least com- municate to others, these sanguine anticipations of returning health. Tom to Josiah and others at Gunvillc WHITE HART INN. [Salisbury, November 12 or 13, 1800.] MY DEAREST FRIENDS, I cannot dismiss Samuel without a word to say that I am all the better for the ride hither. ... I will write on my arrival in town, and as soon after as I am encouraged to do so by any favourable change in my health. I am secure at least from dis- appointment, for I dare not cherish a hope on the subject. . . . 96 TOM WEDGWOOD Once more adieu ! It is in vain for me to repine at the cruel persecution which has soon again forced me from all I hold dear in life. In entering into new scenes I must strive to forget what I leave behind me. , Josiah Wedgwood to 'Tom Wedgwood GUNVILLE, November 13, 1800. MY DEAR TOM, ... It is useless to repine, and your separation from us was evidently necessary, yet I cannot refrain from assuring you how heartily I sympathise with you. My heart is full, and if it would do either of us good I could cry like a child. But no more of this. . . . Josiah to 'Tom Wedgwood GUNVILLE, February 6, 1801. MY DEAREST BROTHER, Your letter has excited the most painful feelings in my heart, and I know not what to write, for I have no other topic of con- solation than the truest affection and the warmest sympathy, and in your state of health and feeling that is nothing. . . . I cannot deny that every failure renders your situation more cheerless, but I cannot and will not give up my hopes that time will ameliorate your fate. ... I will not despair of a brother so dear to my heart. . . . Josiah to Tom Wedgwood i8/// February, 1801. MY DEAR TOM, ... I do not know what to think about your design of stay- ing at home. ... I can conceive the efforts it must cost you to refrain from giving yourself up to languor and despond- SOCIAL LIFE IN LONDON 97 ency. This consideration ought to reconcile you to the occa- sional uneasiness that may be excited by our observing your sufferings. To a man in this condition any regular work was of course impossible ; and yet in the early part of this winter (1800-1801), he seems to have been able to see a great deal of society of a friendly kind. He set up a temporary abode in the building in York Street, St. James's Square, in which were the London show- rooms of the Etruria firm,* and there gave frequent bachelor parties. Among the relations and friends whom he was seeing at this time we find the names of Mackintosh (then making his way at the bar and living with his wife, Josiah's sister-in-law, in Serle Street, Lincoln's Inn), Godwin, Leslie, the brothers John and James Tobin, Gregory Watt (son of the great engineer), Richard (" Conversation ") Sharp, and many more. He was often, too, at a social club which had been founded by Mackintosh, and met at a tavern in the Strand. It had grown out of a dinner-party at Mackintosh's house, at which Sharp, " Bobus " Smith (brother of Sydney), Rogers, and John Allen of Cres- selly were present, and Bobus had christened it the " King of Clubs." Tom Campbell the poet describes it, perhaps a little too magnificently, as a " gathering- place of brilliant talkers, dedicated to the meetings of the reigning wits of London," and a " lineal * The building on the east side of the southern end of the street. It afterwards became a chapel. Mr. Stopford Brooke preached there for many years. G 98 TOM WEDGWOOD descendant of the Johnson, Burke, and Goldsmith society." * About this time (November 1 800) an incident occurred which threatened to bring a cloud over the friendship between Poole and the Wedgwoods. This was what may be called a quasi-proposal of marriage made by Poole to Catharine Wedgwood, the elder of the two unmarried sisters. After a visit to Gunville he wrote to Josiah Wedgwood, saying : " I have ven- tured to write to Miss Wedgwood to request her to enter into a correspondence with me, by which she shall know me as I am." The correspondence, he explains, would be " merely a mutual communication of senti- ments on such subjects as may occur to us if you do not blame me you will be my friend, . . . and when I say this I address the same to Mr. T. Wedgwood, on whose unbounded affection shown to me I rely." This of course practically amounted to a proposal, though Poole seems to have persuaded himself it did not. Josiah, writing to Tom, who had left Gunville, de- scribes the answer he gave Poole as " friendly on my part, not uncivil, but peremptory on C.'s, and C.'s * By this he can only mean that it was a club of the old eighteenth-century type, like the one founded by Reynolds. The Johnsonian club exists still ; the "King of Clubs" lasted till 1824. Here is a glimpse of one of its meetings from a letter of T. W. to Jos. W., December 5, 1800 : "A very pleasant day on Saturday at the club. But it was rather noisy owing to some uproarious visitors, and, as Mackintosh says, afforded a very bad specimen of their meetings. I had a little conversation with Sharp, B. Smith, and Scarlett, but much less than I wished, my neighbour Pearson engrossed me too much. Among the members then or later were Lord Holland, Lord Lansdowne, Henry Brougham, Porson, Romilly, Dumont (of Geneva), Ricardo, and Hallam. POOLE A PROPOSAL 99 refusal enforced by my approbation of its propriety." It does not appear that Catharine wrote herself to Poole. He having asked Josiah to help him, she would naturally be glad to leave to her brother the disagree- able task of sending an answer. Poole accepted the rebuff in the most angelic spirit. He explains, not very successfully, why he wrote as he did ; he cannot quite see why his request was unreason- able, but the answer is so decided that he takes it as absolutely final. " I was stunned by it, though I do not know why ; . . . I stood looking at it for an hour. ... I submit to it, and assure you, from its peremptory nature, that I am perfectly satisfied.'* The refusal, it is clear, was Miss Wedgwood's, not her brothers' doing. But it is also clear that Josiah and Tom took it ill that Poole should have ventured to think of marrying their sister. Josiah thought it necessary why, it is not easy to see to " enforce " her refusal by showing his approval of it. And Tom writes to him : " I am concerned and surprised at Poole's presumption." Tom, we may be sure, did not say anything like this to Poole himself (for Poole " heartily thanks him " for his letter on the subject) ; but why should he think it a c< presumption " ? Ac- cording to the ordinary ideas of social rank, there was no such immense gap between Poole and the Wedgwoods, sons and daughters of a man who had started from a very modest position. Poole puts it fairly when he says : " I knew that Miss W. was among the heads of the class of society in which I filled a middle station." If the brothers objected to the courtship on the ground of difference of social rank TOO TOM WEDGWOOD it was an odd attitude to be taken up by philosophical radicals bound by their creed to despise all such con- ventional prejudices. But we need not attribute their surprise and displeasure to what we now call "snobbism." Another explanation is quite simple. All the accounts of Poole represent him as a man of a decidedly rough type. He was a farmer and a tanner, and had the manners of his class, though far above it, and above most men of any class, in knowledge and intelligence. One of his relatives in a younger generation tells us (T. P. ii. 312) that " his clownish exterior, and rough, im- perious manner, with his very disagreeable voice, spoilt by snuff, made a strange contrast with his great mental cultivation and excess in sensibility and tenderness of heart. I suppose," she adds, "in his republican days he cultivated clownishness just as he left off powder." This helps us to understand how Kitty was quite decided against marrying him, and how her brothers thought it out of the question. The letters show he was not all surprised at their attitude. " Though," he says, " I have not lost your friendship, I cannot but be apprehensive that your affection for me may be diminished by an action which you must with- out doubt consider as a witless presumption" This apprehension weighed much upon his mind, but the attachment between him and them does not appear to have been sensibly lessened ; though, naturally, there remained for a time a certain awkwardness. This appears when there is a question of his meeting Kitty at Gunville a year or so later. His letters on the sub- ject are excellent in taste, tone, and temper ; his POOLE A PROPOSAL' io* language is somewhat apologetic, perhaps a little too argumentative, modest, and yet dignified.^ * Had Poole's overture led to a marriage, it would have been a suitable one as regards ages. Poole was then thirty-five and Kitty twenty-six. She was rich, but he was not poor. He was sufficiently well off to be able to lead a life of leisure if he chose. There is an interesting comment on the incident in a letter written nearly half a century later by Fanny Allen, sister of Mrs. John and Mrs. Josiah Wedgwood, who was at this time a girl of eighteen. " I have been deep in the letters of the family for these ten days. Poor Tom's letters are very melancholy and touching, and some of Jos's answers very beautiful. What two men they were ! . . . Tom Poole's letters are interesting ; I never cease regretting that Kitty did not accept him. How different would have been her life to that absurd and ridiculous attachment which bound her to Miss M . Among the mass of letters his are among the most affectionate, and from the most healthful mind." (F. Allen to S. E. Wedgwood, daughter of Josiah, October 3, 1847 Darwin MSS.) Miss M was a philanthropical lady of advanced views, an early specimen of the "strong-minded" type. Fanny Allen was a clever and capable old lady, but perhaps it should be added that she was an inveterate match-maker, and so would be inclined, a priori, to take the Poole side in the matter. Kitty Wedgwood died, unmarried, in the year 1823. Family tradition represents her as an interesting and able woman. She had the family taciturnity. Bessy Wedg- wood (Mrs. Josiah) says, " the more I know her, the more I admire her character." Dr. Robert Darwin, her brother-in-law, used to say of her that she was the only woman he ever knew who thought for herself in matters of religion. CHAPTER VIII COLERIDGE AT GRETA HALL TRAVEL PLANS 1800 1802 IT was in July 1800 that Coleridge made his move to Keswick, which became for a time his settled home, and for the rest of this year he and the Wedgwoods seem not to have met. His letters to Josiah during this time include but slight references to Tom Wedg- wood, but are interesting in other ways. S. T. Coleridge to Josiah Wedgwood Thursday, July 24, 1800. MY DEAR SIR, I found your letter on my arrival at Grasmere, namely, on June 29, since which time to the present, with the exception of the last few days, I have been more unwell than I have ever been since I left school. For many days I was forced to keep my bed, and when released from that worst incarceration, I suffered most grievously from a brace of swollen Eyelids, and a head into which on the least agitation the blood felt as rushing in and flowing back again like the raking of the Tide on a coast of loose stones. However, thank God ! I am now coming about again. That Tom receives such pleasure from natural scenery strikes me as it does you ; the total incapability which I have found in myself to associate any but the most languid feelings COLERIDGE AT KESWICK 103 with the God-like objects which have surrounded me lately, and the nauseous efforts to impress my admiration into the service of nature, has given me a sympathy with his former state of health which I never before could have had. I wish from the bottom of my soul that he may be enjoying similar pleasures with those which I am now enjoying with all that newness of sensation, that voluptuous correspondence of the blood and flesh about me with breeze and sun-heat, which makes convalescence more than repay me for disease. I parted from Poole with pain and dejection. For him and for myself in him. I should have given Stowey a decisive preference ; it was likewise so conveniently situated that I was in the way of almost all whom I love and esteem. But there was no suitable house, and no prospect of a suitable house. Add to this Poole's determination to spend a year or two on the continent in case of a peace and his mother's death. God in heaven bless her ! I am sure she will not live long. This is the first day of my arrival at Keswick. My house is roomy, situated on an eminence a furlong from the Town ; before it an enormous Garden, more than two-thirds of which is rented as a garden for sale articles, but the walks, &c., are ours most completely. Behind the house are shrubberies, and a declivity planted with flourishing trees of 15 years' growth or so, at the bottom of which is a most delightful shaded walk by the River Greta, a quarter of a mile in length. The room in which I sit commands from one window the Bassenthwaite Lake, woods, and mountains ; from the opposite, the Derwent- water and fantastic mountains of Borrowdale ; and straight before me is a wilderness of mountains, catching and streaming lights or shadows at all times. Behind the house and entering into all our views is Skiddaw. My acquaintance here are pleasant, and at some distance is Sir Guilfrid Lawson's seat with a very large and expensive library, to which I have every reason to hope that I shall have free access. But when I have been settled here a few days longer, I will write you a minute account of my situation. io 4 TOM WEDGWOOD Wordsworth lives 12 miles distant ; in about a year's time he will probably settle at Keswick likewise. It is no small advan- tage here that for two-thirds of the year we are in complete retirement. The other third is alive and swarms with Tourists of all shapes and sizes and characters. It is the very place I would recommend to a novellist or farce-writer. Besides, at that time of the year there is always hope that a friend may be among the number, and miscellaneous crowd, whom this place attracts. So much for Keswick at present. Have you seen my translation of the Wallenstein ? It is a dull heavy play ; but I entertain hopes, that you will think the language for the greater part natural and good common-sense English ; to which excellence if I can lay fair claim in any work of poetry or prose, I shall be a very singular writer at least. I am now working at my introduction to the life of Lessing, which I trust will be in the press before Christmas ; that is, the Introduction, which will be published first, I believe. I shall write again in a few days. Respects to Mrs. W. God bless you and S. T. COLERIDGE. S. < T. Coleridge to Josiah Wedgwood KESWICK, November i, 1800. MY DEAR SIR, I would fain believe that the experiment which your Brother has made in the West Indies is not wholly a discouraging one. If a warm climate did nothing but only prevented him from getting worse, it surely evidenced some power ; and perhaps a climate equally favourable in a country of more various interest, Italy or the South of France, may tempt your Brother to make a longer trial. If (disciplining myself into silent chearfulness) I could be of any comfort to him by being his companion and attendant for two or three months, on the supposition that he should wish to travel and was at a loss for a companion more COLERIDGE AT KESWICK 105 fit, I would go with him with a willing affection. You will easily see, my dear friend, that I say this only to increase the range of your Brother's choice for even in chusing there is some pleasure. There happen frequently little odd coincidences in time, that recall momentary faith in the notion of sympathies acting in absence. I heard of your Brother's Return, for the first time, on Monday last (the day on which your letter is dated) from Stoddart. Had it rained on my naked skin I could not have felt more sfrangely. The three or 400 miles that are between us seemed converted into a moral distance ; and I knew that the whole of this silence I was myself accountable for ; for I ended my last letter by promising to follow it with a second and longer one before you could answer the first. But immediately on my arrival in this country I undertook to finish a poem which I had begun, entitled " Christabel," for a second volume of the Lyrical Ballads. I tried to perform my promise ; but the deep un- utterable Disgust which I had suffered in the translation of that accursed Wallenstein seemed to have stricken me with barrenness; for I tried and tried, and nothing would come of it. I desisted with a deeper dejection than I am willing to remember. The wind from Skiddaw and Borrowdale was often as loud as wind need be ; and many a walk in the clouds on the moun- tains did I take ; but all would not do, till one day I dined out at the house of a neighbouring clergyman and somehow or other drank so much wine, that I found some effort and dexterity requisite to balance myself on the hither edge of sobriety. The next day my verse-making faculties returned to me, and I pro- ceeded successfully ; till my poem grew so long and in Words- worth's opinion so impressive, that he rejected it from his volume as disproportionate both in size and merit, and as dis- cordant in its character.* In the mean time I had gotten * " Christabel " was first printed, unfinished (Parts I and 2 only), in 1816. All his life, at intervals, Coleridge talked or dreamed about completing it. Mr. Dykes Campbell, in a note of four pages ("Poetical Works," 60 1, sqq.}, brings together, with a fulness of io6 TOM WEDGWOOD myself entangled in the old Sorites of the old Sophist, Procrasti- nation. I had suffered my necessary businesses to accumulate so terribly, that I neglected to write to any one, till the Pain I suffered from not writing made me waste as many hours in dreaming about it as would have sufficed for the Letter-writing of half a life. But there is something beside Time requisite for the writing of a Letter, at least with me. My situation here is indeed a delightful situation ; but I feel what I have lost feel it deeply ; it recurs more often and more painfully than I had anticipated ; indeed, so much so that I scarcely ever feel myself impelled, that is to say, pleasurably impelled to write to Poole. I used to feel myself more at home in his great windy Parlour than in my own cottage. We were well suited to each other my animal spirits corrected his inclinations to melan- choly ; and there was something both in his understanding and in his affections so healthy and manly, that my mind freshened in his company, and my ideas and habits of thinking acquired day after day more of substance and reality. Indeed, indeed, my dear sir, with tears in my eyes, with all my heart and soul I wish it were as easy for us to meet as it was when you lived at Upcott. Yet when I revise the step I have taken, I know not how I could have acted otherwise than I did. Everything I promise myself in this country has answered far beyond my expectations. The room in which I write commands six dis- tinct Landscapes; the two Lakes, the Vale, the River, and Mountains, and Mists, and Clouds and Sunshine, make endless combinations, as if heaven and earth were for ever talking to each other. Often when in a deep study, I have walked to the window and remained there looking without seeing ; all at once knowledge which was all his own, a mass of particulars as to the wonderful poem, and much that was said and written by Coleridge on the subject, including a " final utterance " quoted from Table Talk under date July 1833 : u The reason for my not finishing ' Christabel ' is not that I don't know how to do it for I have, as I always had, the whole plan entire from beginning to end in my mind ; but I fear I could not carry on with equal success the execu- tion of the idea, an extremely subtle and difficult one." A PICTURE OF GRETA HALE 107 the lake of Keswick and the fantastic mountains of Borrowdale at the head of it have entered into my mind with a suddenness as if I had been snatched out of Cheapside and placed for the first time on the spot where I stood ; and that is a delightful feeling, these Fits and Trances of Novelty received from a long known Object. The river Greta flows behind our house, roar- ing like an untamed son of the Hills ; then winds round and glides away in the front, so that we live in a peninsula. But besides this etherial eye feeding, we have very substantial con- veniences. We are close to the town, where we have respect- able and neighbourly acquaintance, and a sensible and truly excellent medical man. Our garden is part of a large nursery garden, which is the same to us and as private as if the whole had been our own ; in this too we have delightful walks without passing our garden gate. My landlord, who lives in the Sister House (for the two Houses are built so as to look like one great one), is a modest and kind man, of a singular character. By the severest economy he has raised himself from a carrier into the possession of a comfortable independence. He was always very fond of reading, and has collected nearly 500 volumes, of our most esteemed modern writers, such as Gibbon, Hume, Johnson, &c. &c. His habits of economy and simplicity remain with him, and yet so very disinterested a man I scarcely ever knew. Lately, when I wished to settle with him about the Rent of our House, he appeared much affected, told me that my living near him, and the having so much of Hartley's* company were so great comforts to him and his housekeeper, that he had no children to provide for, and did not mean to marry ; and in short, that he did not want any rent at all from me. This of course I laughed him out of; but he absolutely refused to receive any rent for the first half-year, under the pretext that the house was not completely furnished. Hartley quite lives at the house, and it is as you may suppose, no small joy to my wife to have a * His eldest boy, now four years old. All accounts represent him as a singularly charming child. io8 TOM WEDGWOOD good affectionate motherly woman divided from her only by a wall. Eighteen miles from our house lives Sir Guilfrid Lawson, who has a princely library, chiefly of Natural History, a kind and generous, but weak and ostentatious sort of man, who has been abundantly civil to me. Among other raree shows, he keeps a wild beast or two, with some eagles, &c. The master of the beasts at the Exeter 'Change, sent him down a large Bear with it a long letter of directions concerning the food, &c., of the animal, and many solicitations respecting other agreeable Quadrupeds which he was desirous to send the Baronet at a moderate price, concluding in this manner: "And remain your honour's most devoted humble servant, J.P. Permit me, Sir Guilfrid, to send you a Buffalo and a Rhinoceros." As neat a postscript as I ever heard the tradesmanlike coolness with which these pretty little animals occurred to him just at the finishing of his letter ! ! You will in the course of three weeks see the Letters on the rise and condition of the German Boors. I found it convenient to make up a volume out of my journeys, &c., in North Germany; and the Letters (your name of course erased) are in the Printer's Hands. I was so weary of transcribing and composing^ that when I found those more carefully written than the rest, I even sent them off as they were. Poor Alfred ! I have not seen it in print. Charles Lamb wrote me the following account of it : " I have just received from Cottle a magnificent Copy of his Guinea Alfred ! Four and 20 books, to read in the Dog Days. I got as far as the mad monk the first day, and fainted. Mr. Cottle's Genius strongly points him to the very simple Pastoral^ but his inclina- tions divert him perpetually from his calling. He imitates Southey as Rowe did Shakespeare, with his * Good morrow to you, good Master Lieutenant ! ' Instead of c a man,' a woman/ ' a daughter,' he constantly writes ' one, a man,' < one, a woman/ * one, his daughter ' ; instead of ' the King,' * the Hero,' he constantly writes " He, the King,' ' He, the Hero ' two flowers of rhetoric palpably from the Joan. But Mr. Cottle soars a higher pitch, and when he is original, it is in a most COLERIDGE AT KESWICK 109 original way indeed. His terrific scenes are indefatigable. Serpents, Asps, Spiders, Ghosts, Dead Bodies, and Staircases made of NOTHING, with Adders' Tongues for Bannisters my God ! what a Brain he must have ! he puts as many Plums in his Pudding as my Grandmother used to do ; and then his emerging from Hell's Horrors into Light, and Treading of this Earth for 23 Books together ! C. L." My littlest one is a very stout boy indeed : he is christened by the name of " Derwent" a sort of sneaking affection, you see, for the poetical and the novellish which I disguise to myself under the show that my Brothers had so many Children, John's, James', George's, &c. &c., that a handsome Christian- like name was not to be had except by encroaching on the names of my little Nephews. If you are at Gunville at Christmas, I hold out hopes to myself that I shall be able to pass a week with you then. I mentioned to you at Upcott a kind of comedy that I had committed to writing, in part. This is in the wind. Wordsworth's second volume of the Ly. Ball, will, I hope and almost believe, afford you as unmingled pleasure as is in the nature of a collection of very various poems to afford to one individual mind. Sheridan has sent to him too, requesting him to write a tragedy for Drury Lane. But W. will not be diverted by anything from the prosecution of his great work. I shall request permission to draw upon you shortly for 20^ ; but if it be in the least inconvenient to you, I pray you, tell me so ; for I can draw on Longman, who in less than a month will owe me 6o., though I would rather not do it. Southey's Thalaba, in twelve books, is going to the Press. I hear his Madoc is to be nonum-in-annum'd. Besides these, I have heard of four other Epic Poems all in Quarto ! A happy age this for tossing off an Epic or two ! Remember me with great affection to your Brother; and present my kindest respects to Mrs. Wedgewood. Your late Governess wanted one thing which, where there is health, is I think indispensable to the moral character of a young person, no TOM WEDGWOOD a light and cheerful Heart. She interested me a good deal ; she appears to me to have been injured by going out of the common way without any of that imagination, which, if it be a Jack O' Lan thorn to lead us out of that way, is however at the same time a Torch to light us whither we are going. A whole essay might be written on the danger of thinking without Images. God bless you, my dear sir, and him who is with grateful and affectionate esteem, Yours ever, S. T. COLERIDGE. S. < T. Coleridge to Josiah Wedgwood November 12, 1800. [Postmark : KESWICK.] MY DEAR SIR, I received your kind letter, with the 20^. My eyes are in such a state of inflammation that I might as well write blind- fold ; they are so blood-red that I should make a very good personification of Murder. I have had Leaches twice, and have now a blister behind my right Ear. How I caught the cold, in the first instance, I can scarcely guess ; but I improved it to its present glorious state by taking long walks all the mornings, spite of the wind, and writing late at night, while my eyes were weak. I have made some rather curious observations on the rising up of Spectra in the eye, in its inflamed state, and their influence on Ideas, &c., but I cannot see to make myself intelligible to you. Present my kindest remembrance to Mrs. W. and your brother. Pray did you ever pay any particular attention to the first time of your little ones smiling and laughing ? Both I and Mrs. C. have carefully watched our little one, and noted down all the circumstances, &c., under which he smiled, and under which he laughed, for the first six times ; nor have we remitted our attention ; but I have not been able to derive the least confirmation of Hartley's or Darwin's Theory. TRAVEL PLANS in You say most truly, my dear sir, that a Pursuit is necessary. Pursuit, I say, for even praiseworthy Employment, merely for good, or general good, is not sufficient for happiness, is not fit for man. God bless you, my dear sir, and your sincerely affectionate friend, S. T. COLERIDGE. P.S. I cannot at present make out how I stand in pecuniary way ; but I believe that I have anticipated on the next year to the amount of 30 or 40 pound, probably more. A main interest of Tom Wedgwood's life was metaphysical and psychological speculation, and he seems to have been specially occupied with these sub- jects in the year 1801. In March of that year he is described as deep in " Time, Space, and Motion," and later he was discussing his theories with Mackintosh and making apparently some kind of effort to put them in a definite shape. Of this there will be more to be said in a later chapter. For the rest, his life in this and the succeeding years might be described in words we find him using to Poole : " I am just the same as last Christmas, eternally racking my brains for some plausible scheme of action, and subject every day to fits of the greatest despondency." The " plausible schemes of action " at home alternated with plans of travel abroad which were equally failures. In July 1801, for example, he crosses the Channel to begin a tour, but a few weeks later he is feeling too depressed to go on, and flies back to England. Again, in May 1 802, he has been consulting Cline, with no effective result ; he has a "loathing of going abroad," but is "unable to ii2 TOM WEDGWOOD come to any practicable scheme of living in England." He starts off on a tour which is to take him to Vienna and then to Italy for the winter. At Paris he has a pleasant time with Sharp and other friends. He spends hours daily among the ancient marbles in the Louvre, is enthusiastic about " a new Diana supposed to be by the same hand as the Belvedere Apollo," and about a young French Sculptor whose " manner is very much that of Michael Angelo." Also he has dis- covered, after infinite trouble, a delightful travelling companion, a young musical composer, Acerbi. Then comes the inevitable breakdown. " My strength and spirits have entirely failed me, and I am forced home by the same demon that drove me thence." * A month or two later he is going to take a farm in hand, near Gunville, and work it through a factotum, " so that I shall have something going on about me. I shall fit up a good room, . . . shall perhaps place some companionable musical person there, and so spend many hours a day with him. . . . But this is all a new scheme, and judging of it by its predecessors, will be extinct before this letter reaches you at Geneva." t The time of closest intimacy between Tom Wedg- wood and Coleridge was the latter part of this year, 1802. They were together continuously for more than two months. It was a sad time in the life of Cole- ridge. His estrangement from his wife was increasing, * To Poole, June 27, 1802. t To Poole, August 29, 1802. ENTRANCE TO EASTBURY PARK (1902) r9t r VILLAGE OFcTARRANT GUNVILLE (1902) COLERIDGE'S TROUBLES 113 and so was his habit of opium-eating, which was to bring him in a few years to that state which he himself described as a " pitiable slavery." This had begun, apparently, about a year earlier, and it was as yet hardly known to his most intimate friends. The Words- worths seem not to have been yet aware of it. To this there is no open reference in his letters to the Wedg- woods ; of the home trouble there is, alas ! too much. The following letter would appear to refer to one from Wedgwood mooting some scheme for their travelling together. Such schemes, and the ceaseless search for a companion for the sick man in his wanderings, make up a great part of the Wedgwood correspondence. S. C T. Coleridge to 'Tom Wedgwood (Address : EASTBURY, BLANDFORD.) GRETA HALL, KESWICK, October 20, 1802. MY DEAR SIR, This is my birthday, my thirtieth. It will not appear wonderful to you therefore, when I tell you that before the arrival of your letter I had been thinking with a great weight of different feelings concerning you and your dear Brother. For I have good reason to believe that I should not now have been alive, if in addition to other miseries I had had immediate poverty pressing upon me. I will never again remain silent so long. It has not been altogether Indolence or my habit or Procrastination which have kept me from writing, but an eager wish, I may truly say a Thirst of Spirit, to have something honourable to tell you of myself. At present I must be con- tent to tell you something cheerful. My Health is very much better. I am stronger in every respect, and am not injured by study or the act of sitting at my writing Desk. But my eyes H n 4 TOM WEDGWOOD suffer if at any time I have been intemperate in the use 'of Candle light. This account supposes another, namely, that my mind is calm, and more at ease. My dear sir, when I was last with you at Stowey, my heart was often full, and I could scarcely keep from communicating to you the tale of my dis- tresses, but how could I add to your depression, when you were low ? Or how interrupt, or cast a shade on your good spirits, that were so rare and so precious to you ? I found no comfort except in the driest speculations. In the Ode to Dejection* which you were pleased with, these lines, in the original, followed the line " My shaping spirit of Imagination : " " For not to think of what I needs must feel, But to be still and patient, all I can, And haply by abstruse Research to steal From my own Nature all the natural man * "Dejection, an Ode," was printed in the Morning Post of October 4, 1802, where probably Wedgwood had just seen it. It was written in the previous April. The passage referred to runs as follows : There was a time when, though my path was rough, This joy within me dallied with distress, And all misfortunes were but as the stuff Whence Fancy made me dreams of happiness ; For hope grew round me, like the twining vine, And fruits, and foliage, not my own, seemed mine. But now afflictions bow me down to earth ; Nor care I that they rob me of my mirth ; But oh ! each visitation Suspends what Nature gave me at my birth My shaping spirit of Imagination. For not to think of what I needs must feel, &c. " No sadder cry from the depths," says Mr. Dykes Campbell, " was ever uttered, even by Coleridge. Health was gone, and with it both the natural joy which had been his in rich abundance, and that rarer kind which, as he tells us, dwells only with the pure. Nor was this all, for he discovered that he had lost control of his most precious endowment, his ' shaping spirit of imagination.' He felt that poetically he was dead, and that if not dead spiritually, he had lost his spiritual identity." COLERIDGE'S TROUBLES. 115 This was my sole resource, my only plan, And that which suits a part infects the whole, And now is almost grown the Temper* of my soul." I give you these lines for the spirit and not for the poetry .t But better days are arrived, and are still to come. I have had visitations of Hope, that I may yet be something of which those who love me may be proud. I cannot write that without recalling dear Poole. I have heard twice, and written twice, and I fear that by a strange fatality, one of the Letters will have missed him. Leslie was here some time ago. I was very much pleased with him. And now I will tell you what I am doing. I dedicate three days in the week to the Morning Post, and shall hereafter write, for the far greater part, such things only as will be of as per- manent interest as anything I can hope to write ; and you will shortly see a little Essay of mine justifying the writing in a Newspaper. My comparison of the French with the Roman Empire was very favourably received. The Poetry which I have sent has been merely the emptying out of my Desk. The Epigrams are wretched indeed, but they answered Stuart's purpose better than better things. I ought not to have given any signature to them whatsoever. I never dreamt of acknowledging either them or the " Ode to the Rain.'* As to feeble expressions and unpolished lines, there is the rub ! Indeed, my dear sir, I do value your opinion very highly. I should think your judgment on the sentiment, the imagery, the flow of a poem decisive ; at least if it differed from my own, and after frequent considera- * Mr. Dykes Campbell, quoting this letter (" Poetical Works," p. 628), gives this word as " temple," misled, apparently, by one of Cottle's silly alterations of what Coleridge wrote. In his print of the poem (founded on the issue of 1829), it appears as "habit." t Here follows an outpour on the subject of his home troubles. n6 TOM WEDGWOOD tion mine remained different, it would leave me at least perplexed. For you are a perfect electrometer in these things ; but in point of poetic diction, i am not so well satisfied that you do not require a certain aloofness from the language of real life, which I think deadly to poetry. Very shortly, however, I shall present you from the Press with my opinions in full on the subject of Style both in prose and verse ; and I am confident of one thing, that I shall con- vince you that I have thought much and patiently on the subject and that I understand the whole strength of my Antagonist's Cause. For I am now busy on the subject, and shall in a very few weeks go to Press with a volume on the prose writings of Hall, Milton and Taylor ; and shall immedi- ately follow it up with an Essay on the writings of Dr. Johnson and Gibbon. And in these two volumes I flatter myself I shall present a fair History of English Prose.* If my life and health remain, and I do but write half as much and as regularly as I have done during the last six weeks, these will be finished by January next ; and I shall then put together my memorandum book on the subject of Poetry. In both I have endeavoured sedulously to state the Facts and the Differences clearly and acutely ; and my reasons for the preference of one style and another are secondary to this. Of this be assured, that I will never give anything to the world in propria persona, in my own name, which I have not tormented with the File. I sometimes suspect that my foul copy would often appear to general readers more polished than my fair copy. Many of the feeble and colloquial expressions have been industriously sub- stituted for others which struck me as artificial, and not standing the test ; as being neither the language of passion, nor distinct conceptions. * All this, and what follows, as to literary work must be treated as merely visionary. Confusion between things done and things which he dreamed of doing was habitual with Coleridge. He " spawned plans like a herring," as Southey tells him in a letter of about this time (Southey's "Life," ii. 190). See D.C. p. 251, on such visions. TRAVEL PLANS 117 Dear sir, indulge me with looking still further on to my literary life. I have since my twentieth year meditated an heroic poem on the Siege of Jerusalem by Titus. This is the Pride and the Stronghold of my Hope. But I never think of it except in my best moods. The work, to which I dedicate the ensuing years of my life, is one which highly pleased Leslie in prospective, and my paper will not let me prattle to you about it. I have written what you most wished me to write, all about myself. Our climate is inclement, and our houses not as compact as they might be ; but it is a stirring climate, and the worse the weather, the more unceasingly entertaining are my Study Windows ; and the month that is to come is the Glory of the year with us. A very warm Bedroom I can promise you, and one that at the same time commands our finest Lake and Mountain view. If Leslie could not go abroad with you, and I could in any way mould my manners and habits to suit you, I should of all things like to be your companion. Good nature, an affectionate disposition, and so thorough a sympathy with the nature of your complaint that I should feel no pain, not the most momentary, at being told by you what your feelings required at the time in which they required it this I should bring with me. But I need not say that you may say to me, " You don't suit me," without inflicting the least mortification. Of course this letter is for your Brother as for you ; but I shall write to him soon. God bless you, and S. T. COLERIDGE. In answer to this letter Tom Wedgwood must have replied by a proposal that Coleridge should at once join him, doubtless at Bristol. Coleridge is evidently ready, if not anxious, to leave his home, and he writes as if he thought his absence would be a long one. n8 TOM WEDGWOOD S. 'T. Coleridge to ^Tom Wedgwood KESWICK, Wednesday, Nov. 3, 1802. DEAR WEDGWOOD, It is now two hours since I received your letter ; and after the necessary consultation, Mrs. Coleridge herself is fully of opinion that to lose Time is merely to lose Spirits. Accord- ingly, I have resolved not to look the children in the Face (the parting from whom -is the only downright Bitter in the thing), but to take a chaise to morning morning, half past four for Penrith, and go to London by to-morrow's Mail. Of course I shall be in London (God permitting) on Saturday morning. I shall rest that day, and the next, and proceed to Bristol by the Monday night's mail. At Bristol I will go to Cote, and there wait your coming. If the family be not at home, I shall beg a Bed at Dr. Beddoes's, or at least leave word where I am. At all events, barring serious Illness, serious Fractures, and the et cetera of serious Unforeseen;, I shall be at Bristol, Tuesday, Noon, Nov. gth. You are aware, that my whole knowledge of French does not extend beyond the power of limping slowly, not without a Dictionary Crutch, thro' an easy French Book : and that as to Pronunciation, all my Organs of Speech, from the bottom of the Larynx to the Edge of my Lips, are utterly and naturally Anti-gallican. If only I shall have been any Comfort, any Alleviation to you, I shall feel myself at ease ; and whether you go abroad or no, while I remain with you, it will greatly contribute to my comfort, if I know you will have no hesitation, nor pain, in telling me what you wish me to do or not to do. I regard it among the Blessings of my Life, that I have never lived among men whom I regarded as my artificial superiors : that all the respect I have at any time paid has been wholly to supposed Goodness, or Talent. The con- sequence has been that I have no alarms of Pride ; no cheval de frise of Independence. I have always lived among equals. TRAVEL PLANS 11,9 It never occurs to me, even for a moment, that I am otherwise. If I have quarrelled with men, it has been as Brothers or School- fellows quarrel. How little any man can give me, or take from me, save in matters of kindness and esteem, is not so much a Thought, or Conviction with me, or even a distinct Feeling, as it is my very Nature. Much as I dislike all formal Declarations of this kind, I have deemed it well to say this. I have as strong feelings of Gratitude as any man. Shame upon me, if in the sickness and the sorrow which I have had, and which have been kept unaggravated and supportable by your kindness and your Brother's shame upon me if I did not feel a kindness, not unmixed with reverence, towards you both. But yet I never should have had my present Impulses to be with you, and this confidence that I may become an occa- sional comfort to you, if independently of all gratitude, I did not thoroughly esteem you ; and if I did not appear to myself to understand the nature of your sufferings ; and within the last year, in some slight degree to have felt, myself, something of the same. Forgive me, my dear sir, if I have said too much. It is better to write it than to say it ; and I am anxious in the event of our travelling together that you should yourself be at ease with me, even as you would with a younger Brother, to whom from his childhood you had been in the habit of saying, " Do this, Col." or "don't do that." I have been writing fast, lest I should be too late for the Post, forgetting that I am myself going with the Mail, and of course had better send the letter from London with the intelligence of my safe arrival there. Till then, all good be with us. S. T. COLERIDGE. Penrith, Thursday morning. If this letter reaches you without any further writing, you will understand by it that all the places in the Mail are engaged, and that I must wait a day but this will make no difference in my arrival at Bristol. CHAPTER IX SOUTH WALES AND CRESSELLY WITH COLERIDGE 1802 THE two friends had made plans, apparently, for a journey on the Continent, but these were adjourned. Tom Wedgwood's schemes varied from day to day, and the project of the moment was a tour in South Wales. 'Tom Wedgwood to 'Tom Poole * BATH, Nov. ii, 1802. MY DEAR FRIEND, I received yours from Paris a day or two since. It is in vain for me to seek for expressions to convey what I feel and have long felt towards you for your unwearied attentions to my comfort. Once for all, be assured that I am as much alive to services like yours as human being can be. I am now on my road to Cote House, where Coleridge, who is like another comforting spirit to me, gives me the meeting from the Bath. We then proceed to South Wales, where I shall shoot for a fortnight or so, having sent a man and seven dogs before me. Our plan is then to come and see how comfortable we can make ourselves in your new house at Stowey. * * * * * For about three weeks, I was much better and stronger than I * Wedgwood MSS., one of many letters given to Josiah by Poole. SOUTH WALES AND CRESSELLY 121 have been for some years and infinitely more cheerful. I seconded this kindly effort of Nature by every possible exertion of my own I lived in the fields shooting, walking, &c. I took a farm and wholly abandoned myself to active and cheer- ful prospects. In the midst of this occupation, as if by some vile incantation, I was without warning suddenly tumbled into the lowest condition, and left to contemplate the ruin of all my projects like the visions of a dream so completely possessed by languor and despondency that I was unable even to conceive how it can ever have entered into my existence to cherish the views and feelings which had so recently made up my whole being. I am now a little recovered, but my mind is still shaken and sore from its fall. Pray write to me at Cote House and believe me ever most faithfully Yours, T. W. The journey into South Wales was mainly a visit to Cresselly, the country house of John Bartlett Allen, father of Tom's two sisters-in-law, Jane and Elizabeth Wedgwood. On the way thither, Coleridge writes thus to his wife : S. T. Coleridge to his Wife ST. CLEAR, CARMARTHEN, 1 6 Nov. 1802. MY DEAR LOVE, ***** The inn, the Blue Boar y is the most comfortable little public house I was ever in, Miss S. Wedgwood (Tom's youngest sister) left us this morning for Cresselly, Mr. Allen's seat (the Miss Wedgwood's father), fifteen miles from this place, and T. Wedgwood is gone out cock-shooting, in high glee and spirits. He is very much better than I expected to have found him ; he says the thought of my coming, and my really coming so immediately, has sent a new life into him. He will be out all the mornings. The evenings we chat, discuss, or I read to 122 TOM WEDGWOOD him. To me he is a delightful and instructive companion. He possesses the finest, the subtlest mind and taste I have ever yet met with. His mind resembles that miniature in my "Three Graves": A small blue sun ! and it has got A perfect glory too ! Ten thousand hairs of colour'd light, Make up a glory gay and bright, Round that small orb so blue ! * * * * * * My dear love ! I have said nothing of Italy, for I am as much in the dark as when I left Keswick, indeed much more : For I now doubt very much whether we shall go or no. [Then follows more as to the utter uncertainty of all Wedg- wood's schemes of travel.] t I must subscribe myself in haste (the mail is waiting) your dear husband, S. T. COLERIDGE. A few days after this letter was written the travellers * The exact point of the comparison of Tom Wedgwood's mind to the " small blue sun " is not very evident. The quotation of the context may make it clearer. The scene in the poem is an arbour- like nook in a woody dell, wherein three people are resting and talking on a sunny morning : The sun peeps through the close thick leaves, See, dearest Ellen ! See ! 'Tis in the leaves, a little sun, No bigger than your *ee ; A small blue sun ! and it has got A perfect glory too ! Ten thousand hairs of colour'd light," &c. I imagine that the simile is meant to emphasise, as it were, his underlining the words " subtlest" "finest" " A small blue sun " became in later editions " a tiny sun." t The whole letter is printed in Mr. E. H. Coleridge's selection of S. T. C.'s letters, p. 410. It begins with an interesting comparison between the Vale of Usk, " nineteen miles of delightful country," and " our Vale of Keswick." SOUTH WALES AND CRESSELLY 123 were at Cresselly, and they remained there or in its neighbourhood for about a month, Wedgwood taking occasional trips for shooting, while Coleridge stayed with the Aliens. Cresselly is a country house and estate near Narbeth in Pembrokeshire, a few miles inland from Tenby. Writing to Poole on December 17, Coleridge tells him that he is very happy here, and that they have plenty of music and plenty of cream. For at Cresselly (I mention it as a remarkable circumstance, it being the only place I was ever at in which it was not otherwise) though they have a dairy, and though they have plenty of milk, they are not at all stingy of it. In all other houses where cows are kept, you may drink six shillings worth of wine a day, and welcome, but use three pennyworth of cream, and O Lord ! the feelings of the household. These sarcasms, according to a note put by Poole on the letter, were aimed at the dairymaid at Stowey, who thought Coleridge made too free with her clouted cream, or at himself.*" That Coleridge was happy at Cresselly is no wonder. Besides the good cream, there was the good company of the daughters of the house. The eldest of them, who was the presiding lady (the squire's wife having died long before), was Jessie Allen, then aged twenty- five, a woman of rare intelligence and singularly beauti- ful character, sympathetic, warm-hearted, responsive ; in moral qualities the counterpart of her sister Bessy, the universally beloved wife of Josiah Wedgwood. She * T. P., ii. 101. i2 4 TOM WEDGWOOD afterwards, in middle age, became the wife of Sismondi the historian. The next sister, Emma, was a person of more ordinary type, an affectionate and kindly woman. The youngest of the group, Frances, always spoken of as Fanny Allen, was in her twenty-first year. She lived to be ninety-three, dying in 1875; and was known to the multitudinous Wedgwood-Allen-Darwin cousinhood of the next two generations as one of the cleverest and most entertaining of old ladies. Her talk, like her letters, was full of piquancy and point, and in the early bloom of twenty-one she must have been a very attractive creature. Through her, as it happens, we have some slight reminiscences of this visit of Tom Wedgwood and Coleridge to Cresselly. In her old age, sixty-nine years later, she dictated to her niece, Elizabeth Wedgwood, a few sentences of " Recollections of Tom Wedgwood."* These run as follows : Fanny says there was a great charm in Uncle Tom's manner ; it was gracious and elegant, but it was more the charm of his character which made it so interesting. His ill health made him felt to be apart, but in everything he said there was sym- pathy and great sensibility, and from his not talking much he was a very keen observer, and his fine taste was easily shocked. But he judged calmly and sweetly. When he arrived at Cresselly, they were all set down to dinner before Mr. Allen, who was a great invalid, came in ; and Fanny says she never can forget the beauty of his manner when he rose and took * The paper is endorsed " written by Sarah Eliz. Wedgwood, eldest daughter of J. W. of Maer, whilst staying with Miss F. Allen at Tenby in Dec. 1871." It was found among Mrs. Charles Darwin's papers. SOUTH WALES AND CRESSELLY 125 Mr. Allen's hand with so much respect and feeling. Mr. Allen said afterwards he had never seen so fine a manner. After T. W. left Cresselly he wrote a letter to Sarah * [Wedgwood] speaking of them all with so much delicate affection and of his feeling towards them as sisters, that Fanny regretted never to have seen the letter again. One day at Cresselly Mr. Coleridge was saying something about the Ten Commandments which T. W. thought would shock Mr. Allen, and he tapped him [Coleridge] on the arm and took him out of the room and stopped him. Once in London there was a party, and Uncle Tom among them, to see a picture of Christ by Leonardo da Vinci. Dugald Stewart was of the party, and said, " You are all looking at that head I cannot keep my eyes from the head of Mr. Wedgwood (who was looking intently at the picture) ; it is the finest head I ever saw." t Another day at Cresselly, Coleridge, who was fond of reading MS. poems of Wordsworth's, asked Fanny whether she liked poetry, and when she said she did, came and sat by her on the sofa, and began to read the Leechgatherer. When he came to the passage, now I believe omitted, about his skin being so old and dry that the leeches wouldn't stick, it set Fanny a-laughing. That frightened her, and she got into a convulsive fit of laughter that shook Coleridge, who was sitting close to her, looking very angry. He put up his MS., saying he ought to ask her pardon, for perhaps to a person who had not genius (Fanny cannot exactly remember the expression) the poem might seem absurd. F. sat in a dreadful fright, everybody looking amazed, Sarah looking angry ; and she almost expected * Tom's sister, who had accompanied him and Coleridge into South Wales. t I find in a letter written by Fanny Allen to the same niece in the fifties an allusion to the " effect that Tom's appearance and manner had on Mackintosh's ' set,' as they were called, the winter he left for India Sydney Smith was almost awed." Dugald Stewart (d. 1828) was the Edinburgh Professor who had already become famous through his writings on mental and moral philosophy. 126 TOM WEDGWOOD her father would turn her out of the room, but Uncle Tom came to her rescue. " Well, Coleridge, one must confess that it is not quite a 'subject for a poem." * Coleridge did not forgive Fanny for some days, putting by his reading aloud if she came in. But afterwards he was very good friends with her, and one day in particular gave her all his history, saying, amongst other things, " and there I had the misfortune to meet with my wife." The two friends seem to have lingered on at Cres- selly in a state of complete indecision as to schemes of further travel. " God knows what I can do," Tom writes to his brother Josiah, " Coleridge is all kind- ness to me, and in prodigious favour here. . . . He takes great pains to make himself pleasant. He is willing, indeed desirous, to accompany me to any part of the globe." Both men were eager to get into a warm climate. Italy, Teneriffe, Madeira, were talked of in turn. Then Tom imagines another scheme. " A Mr. Luff, a friend of Coil's in the North, a young man, for- merly of fashion, now in distress, with a pretty little wife, five years married and no children ; he is mad * The poem known in the Wordsworth household as the " Leech- gatherer " was first published in 1 807, under the title " Resolution and Independence." Neither in that nor any later edition is there anything as to the old man's skin or the leeches not sticking. Dorothy Wordsworth's diary shows that she made two copies of the poem for Coleridge, one on May 9, 1802, and one on July 5, 1802. In this same year Coleridge sent Sir George Beaumont a copy, presumably made from one of Dorothy's, it is not known which ; but that copy does not contain the passage in question. Knight's edition of the Poems, 1896, ii. 12.) Possibly it appeared 3 the copy made by Dorothy in May, and Coleridge may have been reading from that. VISITING WORDSWORTH 127 after field sports, of the best possible dispositions I think to form a trio for a year and run wild." This plan takes them at once to the Lake country, for Luff's abode is at Patterdale, and on Christmas Eve we find them calling at Wordsworth's cottage at Grasmere on their way to Keswick, which they reach the same day.^ Of this passing visit to Wordsworth I find a trace in a letter written by the poet to Josiah Wedgwood after Tom's death. " When your brother," he says, " entered the room where I am now writing, about four years ago, I was quite heart-stricken ; he was deplorably changed, which was painful to see ; but his calm and dignified manner, united with his tall person and beautiful face, produced in me an impression of sublimity beyond what I ever experienced from the appearance of any other human being." f These remarkable expressions, used by a man not given to extravagance of language, show that Wedg- wood's personal appearance must have been excep- tionally striking ; and they agree, it will be seen, with Fanny Allen's anecdote as to his meeting with Dugald Stewart and with her remarks as to his dignified bear- ing when at Cresselly. Tom's first letter from Coleridge's abode at Keswick shows that he had again fallen back into a terrible depth of despondency. * Here Coleridge finds his new-born daughter, Sara, who had appeared on the preceding day. t Written in September 1806. The letter is given in a short account of Tom's life which Josiah drew up for the information of Mackintosh. In the words "deplorably changed" Wordsworth is probably recalling Tom's visit to him at Alfoxden (anfe, p. 5 2). 128 TOM WEDGWOOD Tom Wedgwood to his brother Josiah GRETA HALL, 25 Dec., 1802. ... If that fail [a plan of settling in Wales, one of various schemes for fighting his disease] I will neither distress myself nor my friends by continuing a vain struggle with Nature, but in complete resignation yield to her an existence which she will not allow to be anything but a burden to myself, and a perpetual source of anxiety to all around me. I feel a comfort from this resolution which sustains me in my most gloomy moments I see a termination of my sufferings. . . . For God's sake understand me aright. I have for more than ten years made every possible effort to recover my health and spirits. In that time I have suffered more than I have ever told and more than can easily be conceived. I am not at all advanced. My patience is gone. I do not become inured to suffering, and I am determined, after one or two more efforts, to relieve myself from all further effort, and to minister such stimuli as shall diminish the tediousness and misery of my life to a bearable degree, and take my chance for the consequences. If for a moment you could enter into my feelings, you would not be inclined to controvert my resolve. Would to God I could devote my life to your happiness, instead of thus for ever dis- turbing it ! This letter is headed " Read this by yourself," and is marked " Private." Another following it is in the same strain : " . . . Shall I add that if the feelings of others were not involved in my decision, I should instantly resort to that final scheme which would bring immediate ease into my mind, by calmly yielding to that power which has baffled as much fore- sight, courage, and temperance as would have ensured a victory in 99 cases in a hundred ? If I am to continue yet much NEARING DESPAIR 129 longer on this earth, I must at all events be separated from all my best friends, the sensation which wrings my soul." To these despairful utterances Josiah's answer was * : Josiah Wedgwood to his brother 'Tom ETRURIA, Dec. 31, 1802. MY DEAR TOM, I got yours of the 25th only to-day. . . . Your situation fills me with anguish, and I feel it with the more bitterness, having no consolation to offer you, nor any expedient for your relief to point out. Would to God you could show me how I can alleviate your sufferings, for I love you with my heart and soul. If the expression of your feelings afford you the slightest relief, do not refrain from it from any apprehension of giving me pain. I feel your pains, and shall think myself despicable if ever I cease to feel them, but my temper is cheerful, and I am in no danger of being permanently affected. I do not wish you to exhaust yourself by writing long letters, but I beg to hear often from you. * This is a half-sheet bearing no signature. It may have been a draft only. CHAPTER X ULLESWATER TO GENEVA AND FLIGHT HOME 1803 THE new year found Tom in a pleasant resting-place, the cottage of the Luffs at the head of Ulleswater, " embarked," as he says,* " on a new scheme, not of any great promise, but at any rate a temporary relief to a most painful state of irresolution and despondency." His description of his hosts shows them as good affectionate people, doing anything they can to make the sick man's life tolerable. Their cottage is in a delightful spot, a hundred yards from the lake. Behind it are the lower slopes of Helvellyn, in front the great mass of Place Fell, rising on the opposite side of the lake. The garden is washed by the streamlet from Glen Ridding. He is only nine miles away from the Wordsworths, whom he hopes to see not seldom, for he already feels that the society of the cottage " would be dull diet without occasional season- ing " ; but there is a " tremendous mountain " [Grise- dale Pass] between him and Dove Cottage. He is on the " most cordial terms of intimacy and good under- standing " with the Luffs. The lady is a " little being of a simple but kindly nature, extremely limited in * To Josiah Wedgwood, January I, 180 3. A RETREAT ON ULLESWATER 131 general information " but with " sense of the right sort. Her steadiness of character has rescued her husband from perdition." They are living in this remote spot, partly for fishing and other sport, partly because " Luff has still some debts, and does not wish to have it much known where he is." * Here Wedgwood thinks to fix himself, at least for a time, after having persuaded these kind people, with some difficulty, to let him share their housekeeping expenses. But as the winter advances he craves for a warmer climate, and is still planning schemes of southern travel. If his strength permits he u may probably induce Luff to go too, as a sporting companion, with Coleridge for conversation." Coleridge, writing to him from Greta Hall on January 9, develops this wild scheme in his usual optimistic fashion : In some part of Italy or Sicily which we both liked, I would look out for two houses. Wordsworth and his family would take one, and I the other, and then you might have a home either with me, or if you thought of Mr. and Mrs. Luff under this modification, one of your own ; and in either case you would have neighbours, and so return to England when the home-sickness pressed heavy upon you, and so on. We hear no more of this visionary project. It is in the letter just mentioned t that Coleridge gives an often-quoted and striking description of a ride over Kirkstone Pass in the face of a furious * They were familiar friends of Wordsworth and his sister. t Printed in full in Mr. E. H. Coleridge's " Letters of S. T. C." p. 417. It is the only one of the poet's letters to T. Wedgwood which appears in that collection. 132 TOM WEDGWOOD storm, telling how at the top he met a man who had dismounted, not being able to keep on his horse, and who said to him with much feeling : " Oh ! Sir, it is a perilous buffeting." Wedgwood's reply, asking why he ventured to go on in the face of such weather, evoked the following remarkable letter : S. < T. Coleridge to Tom Wedgwood [Address : C. LUFF'S, ESQ., GLENRIDDEN, ULLESWATER.] Friday night, Jan. 14, 1803. [No postmark : evidently sent from GRETA HALL, KESWICK.] DEAR FRIEND, I was glad at heart to receive your letter (which came to me on Thursday morning), and still more gladdened by the reading of it. The exceeding kindness which it breathed was literally medicinal to me ; and I firmly believe, cured me of a nervous rheumatism in my head and teeth. I daresay that you mixed up the scolding and the affection, the acid and the oil, very compleatly at Patterdale ; but by the time it came to Keswick, the oil was atop. You ask, in God's name, why I did not return when I saw the state of the weather ? The true reason is simple, though it may be somewhat strange the thought never once entered my head. The cause of this I suppose to be that (I do not remember it at least) I never once in my whole life turned back in fear of the weather. Prudence is a plant, of which I no doubt possess some valuable specimens, but they are always in my hothouse, never out of the glasses, and least of all things would endure the climate of the mountains. In simple earnest, 1 never find myself alone with the embracement of rocks and hills, a traveller up an alpine road, but my spirit courses, drives, and eddies, like a Leaf in Autumn ; a wild activity, of thoughts, imaginations, feelings, and impulses of motion, rises up from within me ; a sort of bottom-wind, that blows to no point of the COLERIDGE AMONG THE HILLS 133 compass, comes from I know not whence, but agitates the whole of me ; my whole being is filled with waves that roll and stumble, one this way, and one that way, like things that have no common master. I think that my soul must have pre- existed in the body of a Chamois-chaser ; the simple image of the old object has been obliterated ; but the feelings, and im- pulsive habits, and incipient actions are in me, and the old scenery awakens them. The further I ascend from animated Nature, from men, and cattle, and the common birds of the woods and fields, the greater becomes in me the Intensity of the feeling of life. Life seems to me then a universal spirit, that neither has, nor can have, an opposite. " God is every- where," I have exclaimed, "and works everywhere, and where is there room for death ? " In these moments it has been my creed, that Death exists only because Ideas exist ; that life is limitless Sensation ; that Death is a child of the organic senses, chiefly of the Sight ; that Feelings die by flowing into the mould of the Intellect, and becoming ideas ; and that Ideas passing forth into action reinstate themselves again in the world of Life. And I do believe that truth lies enveloped in these loose generalisations. I do not think it possible that any bodily pains could eat out the love and joy, that is so substantially part of me, towards hills, and rocks, and steep waters ; and I have had some Trial. On Tuesday I was uncommonly well all the morning, and eat an excellent dinner ; but playing too long and too romp- ingly with Hartley and Derwent, I was very unwell that even- ing. On Wednesday I was well, and after dinner wrapped myself up warm, and walked with Sarah Hutchinson* to Lodore. I never beheld anything more impressive than the wild outline of the black masses of mountain over Lodore [here he gives a rough sketch of the mountain outline] to the Gorge of Borrowdale, seen through the bare Twigs of a grove of * Sister of Mrs. Wordsworth. Lodore is the cataract near the Borrowdale end of Derwentwater. i 3 4 TOM WEDGWOOD Birch Trees, through which the road passes ; and on emerging from the grove a red planet (so very red that I never saw a star so red, being clear and bright at the same time) stood on the edge of the point where I have put an asterisk ; it seemed to have sky behind it ; it started, as it were, from the Heaven, like an eye-ball of Fire. I wished aloud for you to have been with me at that moment. The walk appeared to have done me good, but I had a wretched Night; had shocking pains in my head, occiput, and teeth, and found in the morning that I had two blood-shot eyes. But almost immediately after the receipt and perusal of your letter the pains left me, and I have bettered to this hour ; and am now indeed as well as usual, saving that my left eye is very much blood-shot. It is a sort of duty with me to be particular respecting facts that relate to my health. I am myself not at all dispirited. I have retained a good sound appetite through the whole of it, without any craving after exhilarants or narcotics ; and I have got well, as in a moment. Rapid recovery is constitutional with me ; but the two former cir- cumstances I can with certainty refer to the system of Diet, abstinence from vegetables, wine, spirits, and beer, which I have adopted by your advice. I have no dread or anxiety respecting any fatigue which either of us is likely to undergo, even in continental Travelling. Many a healthy man would have been layed up with such a Bout of thorough wet and intense cold at the same time as I had at Kirkstone. Would to God that also for your sake I were a stronger man j but I have strong wishes to be with you, and love your society ; and receiving much comfort from you, and believing that I receive likewise much improvement, I find a delight (very great, my dear friend ! indeed it is), when I have reason to imagine that I am in return an alleviation of your destinies, and a comfort to you. I have no fears ; and am ready to leave home at a two days' warning. For myself I should say two hours ; but bustle and hurry might disorder Mrs. Coleridge, She and the three children are quite well. SCHEMES OF JOINT TRAVEL 135 I grieve that there is a lowring in politics. The Moniteur contains almost daily some bitter abuse of our ministers and parliament, and in London there is great anxiety and omening. I have dreaded war from the time that the disastrous fortunes of the expedition of Saint Domingo,* under Le Clerc, was known in France. t . . . I remain, my dear Wedgewood, with most affectionate esteem and grateful attachment, Your sincere friend, S. T. COLERIDGE. A month later, Coleridge is with Poole at Stowey, and Tom at Cote House. The scheme for their travelling together forms the burden of several more letters, but doubts and hesitations increase as the weeks go on. S. f. Coleridge to 'Tom Wedgwood [Address : COTE HOUSE, BRISTOL.] STOWEY, Thursday night I : Feb. 10, 1803. . . . You bid Poole not reply to your letter. Dear Friend, I could not, if I had wished it. Only with regard to myself and my accompanying you, let me say this much. My health is not worse than it was in the North ; indeed it is much better. I * The expedition sent by Buonaparte to enforce the re-establish- ment of slavery in the island. Only about 2000 out of 35,000 lived to return to France. It was then that Toussaint 1'Ouverture, " most unhappy man of men," was seized and carried off to die in a French dungeon. t What follows is as to errands, shoppings, &c., with an invitation to Greta Hall. \ I think it needless to print another letter he writes on this same date to Tom Wedgwood at Cote. It is without interest, except that it refers to a request made by Coleridge to Captain John Wordsworth (the poet's brother) to get from India some " bang " for Wedgwood's use. 136 TOM WEDGWOOD have no fears. But if you feel that my health being what you know it to be, the inconveniences of my being with you will be greater than the advantages, feel no reluctance in telling me so. It is so entirely an affair of spirits, that the conclusion must be made by you, not in your reason, but purely in your Spirits and Feelings. Sorry indeed should I be to know that you had gone abroad with one to whom you were comparatively indif- ferent. Sorry if there should be no one with you, who could with fellow-feeling and general like-mindedness, yield you sym- pathy in your sunshiny moments. Dear Wedgewood ! my heart swells within me as it were. I have no other wish to ac- company you than what arises immediately from my personal attachment to you, and a deep sense in my own heart, that let us be as dejected as we will, a week together cannot pass in which a mind like yours would not feel the want of affection, or be wholly torpid to its pleasurable influences. I cannot bear to think of your going abroad with a mere travelling companion ; with one at all influenced by salary, or personal conveniences. You will not suspect me of flattering you, but indeed, dear Wedgewood, you are too good and too valuable a man to deserve to receive attendance from a hireling, even for a month together, in your present state. If I do not go with you, I shall stay in England only such time as may be necessary for me to raise the travelling money, and go immediately to the south of France. I shall probably cross the Pyrenees to Bilboa, see the country of Biscay, and cross the north of Spain to Perpignan, and so on to the north of Italy, and pass my next winter at Nice. I have every reason to believe that I can live, even as a traveller, as cheap as I can in England. [Here are some lines as to a commission of Josiah's for buying some malt.] God bless you ! I will repeat no professions, even in the subscription of a Letter. You know me, and that is my serious simple wish that in everything respecting me you would think altogether of yourself, and nothing of me ; and be assured that no Resolve of yours, however suddenly adopted, or however HESITATIONS 137 nakedly communicated, will give me any pain, any at least arising from my own Bearings. Your's ever S. T. COLERIDGE. P.S. I have been so overwhelmed that I have said nothing of Poole. What indeed can or ought I to say ? You know what his feelings are, even to men whom he loves and esteems far less than you. He is deeply affected . Perhaps Leslie would accompany you. S. 'T. Coleridge to 'Tom Wedgwood [Address : COTE HOUSE, BRISTOL.] POOLE'S, Thursday , February 17, 1803. MY DEAR WEDGEWOOD, I do not know that I have anything to say that justifies me in troubling you with the Postage and Perusal of this scrawl. I received a short and kind letter from Josiah last night. He is named the sheriff [of Dorset]. Poole, who has received a very kind invitation from your Brother in a letter of last Monday, and which was repeated in last night's letter, goes with me, I hope, in the full persuasion that you will be there before he is under the necessity of returning home. He has settled both his might-have-been-lawsuits in a perfectly pleasant way, exactly to his own wish. He bids me say, what there is no occasion of saying, with what anxious affection his Thoughts follow you. Poole is a very, very good man. I like even his incorrigibility in little faults and deficiencies ; it looks like a wise determination of Nature " to let well alone." Are you not laying out a scheme which will throw your Travelling in Italy into an unpleasant and unwholesome part of the year? From all I can gather, you ought to leave this country in the first days of April at the latest. But no doubt you know these things better than I. If I do not go with you, it is very probable that we shall meet somewhere or other ; at 138 TOM WEDGWOOD all events you will know where I am, and I can come to you if you wish it. And if I go with you, there will be this Advantage, that you may drop me where you like, if you should meet any Frenchman, Italian, or Swiss, whom you liked, and who would be pleasant and profitable to you. But this we can discuss at Gunville. As to Mackintosh, I never doubted that he means to fulfil his engagements with you ; but he is one of those weak-moraled men, with whom the meaning to do a thing means nothing.* He promises with his whole Heart, but there is always a little speck of cold felt at the core that transubstantiates the whole resolve into a Lie, even in his own consciousness. But what I most fear is that he will in some way or other embroider him- self upon your Thoughts ; but you, no doubt, will see the Proof Sheets, and will prevent this from extending to the injury of your meaning. Would to Heaven it were done ! I may with strictest truth say, that I have thirsted for its appearance. I remain in comfortable Health. Warm rooms, an old Friend, and Tranquillity, are specifics for my complaints. With all my ups and downs I have a deal of joyous feeling, that I would with gladness give a good part of to you, my dear Friend ! God grant that Spring may come to you with healing on her wings ! My respectful remembrances to your Brother, and Mrs. J. Wedge wood. I desire Mrs. J. Wedgewood, when she writes to Crescelly, to remember me with affection to Miss Allen, and Fanny and Emma ; and to say how often I think with pleasure on them and the weeks I passed in their society. When you come to Gunville, please not to forget my Pens. Poole and I quarrel once a day about them. * This and what follows refers to Mackintosh's undertaking to put into shape Wedgwood's philosophical speculations, a promise which was not fulfilled. But that Coleridge of all men should com- plain of any one else as being " one with whom the meaning to do a thing means nothing" ! ! COLERIDGE A CRITICAL VIEW 139 God bless you, my dear Wedgewood ! I remain with most affectionate esteem and regular attach- ment and good wishes. Your's ever, S. T. COLERIDGE. The messages to the Cresselly sisters, and allusions in other letters, give the impression that Coleridge made good friends among the Allen ladies. That Tom's near relations, however, did not all sympathise with him in his admiration for the poet is shown by a letter from his sister Kitty which must have been written about this time. It is interesting as giving a /cooJ estimate of the man as he appeared to an intelligent, though matter-of-fact bystander. Some of her criticism was certainly of a kind not very easy to answer. Kitty Wedgwood to 'Tom Wedgwood [No date endorsed COTE, 1803.] * * * * * We shall do everything to make your bed-room warm and Mr. Coleridge's comfortable, though it cannot be smart, as he must ascend to the tower. I don't know whether we shall ever agree in our sentiments respecting this gentleman, but I hope if we do not that we may agree to differ. I certainly felt no scruples of conscience in joining the attack at Cresselly. I have never seen enough of him to overcome the first dis- agreeable impression of his accent and exterior. I confess, too, that in what I have seen and heard of Mr. Coleridge there is in my opinion too great a parade of superior feeling ; and an excessive goodness and sensibility is put too forward, which gives an appearance, at least, of conceit, and excites suspicion that it is acting j as real sensibility never endeavours to excite 140 TOM WEDGWOOD notice. I will tell you sincerely my opinion of him, whether it is well or ill founded. He appears to be an uncomfortable husband, and very negligent, of the worldly interest at least, of his children ; leaving them in case of his death to be provided for by his friends is a scheme more worthy of his desultory habits than of his talents. I think a sturdy independent spirit is so very admirable that, to be extremely candid, I have never recovered his so willingly consenting to be so much obliged to even you. You see I have not much to say, but 'tis the im- pression I have of his thinking himself much better than the world in general that inclines one to look more closely into his own life and conduct ; and as his judgments of others are not inclined to the favourable side, he does not from his own conduct claim lenity. I am almost afraid to let you see this letter, but it does as clearly as I can express contain my present opinion of Mr. Coleridge. I think I am not so rivetted to this opinion but that I can change, if upon seeing more of him he gives me sufficient grounds. That I shall ever think him very agree- able I do not imagine. I agree with you in some parts of your character entirely, and of the others I cannot judge. I think it would have been strange if he had not been very civil and obliging at Cresselly where he was so hospitably received I question whether Emma will celebrate his politeness* I hope this subject is very interesting otherwise you will be very much tired, but I was glad to state quite plainly and sincerely my opinion. At length the plan of joint travel, a hopeless one at the best, for two sick men of such abnormal tempers as Coleridge and Wedgwood, finally collapsed when, on * I find nothing in the letters to explain this doubt. Emma Allen was the one plain figure in the group, and though an intelli- gent woman, was not nearly so agreeable as her sisters ; but one would not like to think this made Coleridge less polite to her than to the rest. What " the attack " was there is nothing to show. TO GENEVA AND FLIGHT HOME 141 the top of all other difficulties, came imminent threat- enings of renewed war with France. But Tom found a companion, an artist named Underwood, and on March 25, 1803, crossed to Calais. At that moment his countrymen were all flying home. A few days previously Buonaparte had personally insulted Lord Whitworth, our Ambassador, at an official reception at the Tuiieries, and the general belief was that war was inevitable. On April 16 we find Tom at Paris, and a fortnight later he is at Geneva, planning moves to warmer regions ; but, alas ! with scarce a hope of any betterment. " Nothing," he says, " can be more hope- less than my situation." He shrinks from returning, and yet all other schemes seem impracticable. He tells his brother his troubles, blaming himself for doing so. " The repugnance I feel at again distressing you with my almost hopeless case, believe me, is most extreme." He lingered at Geneva very nearly too long, and only just escaped being caught and made a detenu under Buonaparte's iniquitous decree. On May 6, he is in fear of " the Calais passage being shut." He must have left a day or two later, and got to Paris just as the English Ambassador was leaving it. He crossed the Channel on the very day of the declaration of war, May 16; and on the 22nd Buonaparte ordered the arrest of all English residents and travellers. His travelling companion, Underwood, who had stayed in France with intent _to pursue his art studies, had the bad luck to be caught,* and was a detenu for at least two * Wedgwood did all he could to obtain his release, but without avail, and sent him supplies of money. His letters give one an i 4 2 TOM WEDGWOOD years, if not for another nine, till the end of the war. idea of the amount of undeserved suffering caused by the decree. For a long time he was unable to learn whether his old mother was dead or alive. It took about two months to get letters from England, as they had to go round by Sweden. Without Wedgwood's help he would have been nearly starved. The latest of his letters, a very sad one, is dated April 3, 1805 (three months before Wedgwood's death). The First Consul's abominable act, which was a violation of all rules of war, made about ten thousand English families miserable in this way. It is curious that the Whig pro-Buona- partists should have forgotten all this when they inveighed against the cruelty of keeping their hero at Longwood, where he was living in one of the most delightful climates in the world, and with twelve thousand a year wherewith to get himself any luxury he might fancy. CHAPTER XI CONTINUED STRUGGLE FOR HEALTH INVASION ALARMS AND VOLUNTEERING - 1804 ;,-; WEDGWOOD'S malady, whatever it was, had evidently been advancing, and from 1 803 onwards to his death two years later the burden of his letters to his brother is an increasing hopelessness : " If I recrossed the Channel it has only been to seize the last possibility of staving off a little longer that termination which nature seems determined to force upon me." But he still kept struggling on. In the summer of this year he was trying to make out something of a life for himself in London. His main abode was the house of the Wedgwood firm in York Street, St. James's, but he was often at the chambers of John Hensleigh Allen (brother-in-law of his two brothers) in the Temple. In July he says : " I am almost living with Tobin in Barnard's Inn " ; and later he is " messing with Tobin " for a month. * * This Tobin I understand to be John, the solicitor and dramatist, brother to the James who was an intimate friend of Tom's, as he was also of the Wordsworths. James was the " dear brother Jem " who figures in the first edition of" We are seven," " A simple child, dear brother Jem, Who lightly draws its breath," &c. See the Fenwick note to the poem, where Wordsworth tells how i 4 4 TOM WEDGWOOD Among his chief associates at this time were two new acquaintances with whom he quickly became in- timate, Richard (" Conversation ") Sharp and Thomas Campbell the poet. Every mention of Sharp shows him as one of the most sympathetic and helpful of friends " He is devoted to my service," " out-doing all former kindnesses," &c. Campbell was then a young man of twenty-six at the outset of his literary career. " The Pleasures of Hope " had appeared in 1799. To him Tom Wedgwood was strongly attracted, and the feeling was warmly returned. A letter of Campbell's to his great friend Dr. Currie gives us a curiously expressed record of the impression made upon him by Wedgwood. After enlarging on a singular kind of feeling which, when he is in a certain mood, prevents his writing to Currie with perfect ease and frankness, he says : The mischief is, I respect you ; I am afraid of prattling to you, and for fear of that I can say nothing. Worse than this, I have another fault of true English temperament. When the world crosses me ... or when I have a slight headache or derangement of stomach, the duty of propriety^ and above all in correspondence, stares me in the face like a gorgon. . . . Every motion of my mind grows cramped and ungraceful. I lose confidence in myself and the world. ... I thought this malady of metempsychosis peculiar to one unhappy being. . . . If I had observed symptoms of it in others, it was in some bad characters whom I did not like myself for resembling. But I found it lately, by the confession of a candid and worthy man, in one who is more than my fellow-creature in this failing, as he has it even worse than myself ; I have even been James Tobin entreated him to cancel it " for if published it will make you everlastingly ridiculous." CAMPBELL'S ACCOUNT OF HIM 145 reconciled to it from seeing it the concomitant of a mind perhaps the finest I ever met with. The person I speak of is Thorn. Wedgwood, the son of the potter, of whom you may have heard, as he is known to literary people. We have been sometime well acquainted ; and from finding him a man above par, I was fond of his conversation. We met one day, both in a cold and cramped metempsychosis, with bad health, and I was crossed with my love affair ; and our conversation got upon this subject. ... I cannot help noticing poor Wedgwood a strange and wonderful being. Full of goodness, benevo- lence, with a mind stored with ideas, with metaphysics the most exquisitely fine I ever heard delivered, a man of wonder- ful talents, a tact of taste acute beyond description with even good nature and mild manners, he is not happy. I thought till I saw him, that happiness was to be defeated by no other circumstances than weakness, vice, or an uncommanded temper.* Still meditating foreign travel, Tom Wedgwood tried to get Campbell to accompany him, but had to give up the idea, as he found that Campbell was on the point of marrying. He calls this " a cruel disappoint- ment." He then thought of Hazlitt. The vivid account of Hazlitt given by Coleridge in the follow- ing letter was evidently an answer to some inquiry made by Tom in this view.f * Beattie's " Life of Campbell," i. 46. I know of nothing to explain why Campbell should apply the Greek term for the trans- migration of souls to the kind of mental malaise which he describes as common to Tom Wedgwood and himself. t William Hazlitt (b. 1778, d. 1830) was at this time twenty- five years old, seven years younger than Tom Wedgwood. He was trying portrait-painting for a livelihood, and had not yet done any literary work. 146 TOM WEDGWOOD S. T. Coleridge to 'Tom Wedgwood (At Mr. Allen's Chambers, Inner Temple.) GRETA HALL, KESWICK, September 16, Friday [1803]. MY DEAR WEDGWOOD, I reached home on yesterday noon, and it was not a Post Day. William Hazlitt is a thinking, observant, original man, of great power as a Painter of Character-Portraits, and far more in the manner of the old Painters than any living Artist, but the objects must be before him ; he has no imaginative memory. So much for his Intellectuals. His manners are to 99 in 100 singularly repulsive ; brow-hanging, shoe-contem- plative, strange. Sharp seemed to like him ; but Sharp saw him only for half an hour, and that walking. He is, I verily believe, kindly-natured ; is very fond of, attentive to, and patient with children ; but he is jealous, gloomy, and of an irritable Pride. With all this, there is much good in him. He is disinterested ; an enthusiastic lover of the great men who have been before us; he says things that are his own, in a way of his own ; and though from habitual Shyness, and the outside and bearskin at least, of misanthropy, he is strangely confused and dark in his conversation, and delivers himself of almost all his conceptions with a Forceps, yet he says more than any man I ever knew (yourself only excepted) that is his own in a way of his own ; and oftentimes when he has warmed his mind, and the synovial juice has come out and spread over his joints, he will gallop for half an hour together with real eloquence. He sends well-headed and well-feathered Thoughts straight forwards to the mark with a Twang of the Bow- string. If you could recommend him as a portrait-painter, I should be glad. To be your Companion he is, in my opinion, utterly unfit. His own Health is fitful. I have written, as I ought to do, to you most freely, into ex corde ; you know me, both head and heart, and will make what COLERIDGE'S HEALTH TROUBLES 147 deductions your reasons will dictate to you.* I can think of no other person. What wonder ? For the last years I have been shy of all mere acquaintance. " To live beloved is all I need, And when I love, I love indeed." I never had any ambition ; and now, I trust, I have almost as little vanity. For 5 months past my mind has been strangely shut up. I have taken the paper with the intention to write to you many times ; but it has been all one blank Feeling, one blank idealess Feeling. I had nothing to say, I could say nothing. How dearly I love you, my very Dreams make known to me. I will not trouble you with the gloomy tale of my Health. While I am awake, by patience, employment, effort of mind, and walking, I can keep the fiend at arm's length, but the Night is my Hell ! sleep my tormenting Angel. Three nights out of four I fall asleep struggling to lie awake ; and my frequent night-screams have almost made me a nuisance in my own House. Dreams with me are no Shadows, but the very substances and foot-thick calamities of my Life. Beddoes, who has been to me ever a very kind man, suspects that my stomach " brews vinegar." I am careful of my Diet. The supercarbonated kals does me no service, nor magnesia, neither have I any head-ach. But I am grown hysterical. Meantime my looks and strength have improved. I myself fully believe it to be either atonic, hypo- chondriacal Gout, or a scrophulous affection of the Mesenteric * Cottle's version of this sentence may be quoted to show what utter nonsense his reckless editing makes of what Coleridge wrote : " I have written as I ought to do : to you most freely. You know me, both head and heart, and I will make what deductions your reasons may dictate to me." A sentence a few lines higher up is similarly travestied out of all recognition. Here Cottle, not understanding Coleridge's odd anatomical metaphor, calmly cuts it out, and puts in a patchwork of his own : " . . . When he has wearied his mind, and the juice is come out, and spread over his spirits, he will gallop, &c." 148 TOM WEDGWOOD Glands. In the hope of drawing the Gout, if Gout it should be, into my feet, I walked, previously to my getting into the Coach at Perth, 263 miles in eight Days, with no unpleasant fatigue ; * and if I could do you any service by coming to town, and there were no Coaches, I would undertake to be with you, on foot, in 7 days. I must have strength some- where ; my head is indefatigably strong ; my limbs too are strong; but [here he launches into a wild description of his bodily troubles.] All my family are well. Southey, his wife, and Mrs. Lovell are with us. He has lost his little girl, the unexpected gift of a long marriage ; and stricken to the heart is come hither for such poor comforts as my society can afford him. To diversify this dusky letter, I will write an Epitaph, which I composed in my sleep for myself, while dreaming that I was dying. To the best of my recollection I have not altered a word. Your's dear Wedgwood, and of all that are dear to you at Gunville, gratefully and most affectionately, S. T. COLERIDGE. EPITAPH. " Here sleeps at length poor Col. and without screaming, Who died, as he had always liv'd, a dreaming : Shot dead, while sleeping, by the Gout within, Alone, and all unknown, at E'nbro' in an inn." It was on Tuesday night last, at the Black Bull, Edinburgh. Before Wedgwood received this letter he had put aside, for a time at least, the scheme of travel which prompted the inquiry about Hazlitt, and was immersed * This alludes to his solitary wanderings in the Highlands after leaving Wordsworth and his sister in the middle of the Scotch tour described in Dorothy's delightful " Recollections." He left them on the plea of being unwell, but the real reason must have been that being with them interfered with his taking laudanum. A STRANGE EXPERIMENT 149 in another project, one of the oddest of the many plans by which, when all regular doctoring had failed to do anything for him, he sought to circumvent his mysterious malady. The beginning and end of this may be told in a few sentences from his letters to Poole and to his brother. "(n Sept. 1803) . . . going to take a house in town by the week. My plan is to busy myself in the little practical con- cerns of housekeeping. I have a friend who will be with me. (17 Sept.) I am fairly embarked in my scheme, having just made the beds and explained my intentions to Frederic, and [with] a louis bribe to a discreet silence. His room is now fitting up as my kitchen. I am going to York Street for stores. At one I return to cook our dinner. If I can only escape those horrible lownesses, I shall certainly adhere to this new plan of life. As to making life pleasant on the whole, I have no such expectation. I aim only at making it tolerable. Send Frederic's flute by waggon. (19 Sept.) I persevere in my plan have cooked two dinners and made beds, &c. &c. . . I like the plan better than I expected, and find that living with one person will furnish as much work as I shall ever want, including washing and ironing. Aslet certainly will not do for that person. His temper is bad. (23 Sept.) I experienced a most cruel mortification yester- day. After nine days steady perseverance, I found myself so low and so languid that I was obliged to get Frederic to finish the cooking of the dinner, washing, &c. Cooking I resign for ever ; it deprives me of all stomach for my dinner. I am so harassed by fever, tho' I have lived on fish for the last fortnight, that I am afraid I must desist from labour for a while. I am frightened at the prospect before me. (28 Sept.) So extremely feeble I can't prosecute my labours, which, when cookery is excluded, are indeed insufficient in quantity. . . . 150 TOM WEDGWOOD And so he turns to other plans. He is " impatient to quit London," and thinks at one time of getting some additions made to a farmhouse near Gunville, where Luff and his wife can come and companionise him ; then of " running up a room " for himself with a " minute Kitchen " on his Eastbury estate. In the autumn of 1803 all England was in a ferment in the expectation of a French invasion. Napoleon's " Army of England " was encamped at Boulogne, with the flotilla of transports ready to carry 100,000 men across those few miles of sea at the first fair wind. The country was fully roused, and able-bodied men of all ranks were being enrolled as volunteers. Even Tom Wedgwood, sick as he was, fancied at moments that he might do some kind of service. " If it lasts," he says (October 3), speaking of a slight improvement in his health, " I seriously mean to offer myself for garrison service on the coast, but last night I found myself unable to get off my chair, and for the time abandoned the idea of ramming a cannon." But he could not rest without doing something towards the defence of the country. " As my health," he wrote to Poole, " will not allow me to serve in person, it is my duty to serve by my purse. I have, therefore, made an offer to Government to raise a Company of volunteers and clothe 1 them at my expense." Poole, then in London for his Poor Law work, helped him to arrange this at the War Office. He learnt that about Patterdale and the Lakes, where he had stayed with the Luffs, the men were eager to "WEDGWOOD'S MOUNTAINEERS" 151 volunteer; but that money was wanted for the 'needful expenses. He therefore, with LufFs aid, formed a Company of eighty men from among the " statesmen " of the district, clothing and arming them as riflemen. The cost of doing this, including pay for twenty days exercise, which he gave the men while they were " supernumeraries," before Government allowed them the regular pay of volunteers, came to about ^800. Luff, who had been in the army, was put at their head, and proved a most zealous organiser and com- mander. The Company decided on taking the name of its founder, and it was known as " Wedgwood's Mountaineers." They " exercised through the first winter," says Josiah Wedgwood, " often mid-leg deep in snow, many of them walking ten miles to the field." All the accounts go to show that they were a splendid set of men. An inspecting officer tells them he shall " report them as not only fit for immediate service, but perfectly equal to being brigaded with any regi- ment of the line, and to be sent on the most arduous duty." That they were grateful for Wedgwood's help is testified by a letter dated " Ulcatrow Moor," signed by "John Sutton and John Robinson Lieu- tenants," and addressed to " Charles Luff Esq., Captain Wedgwood Loyal Mountaineers," wherein they request him to " represent to our most worthy patron Mr. Wedgwood our sincere and grateful acknowledgements for the Honour, and in this county unexampled favour, he has conferred on us, by putting us in a state to serve our King and Country, where every Hand and stout Heart should join ; but without this favour we had been left, like too many others, unable though 152 TOM WEDGWOOD willing to join our brother Soldgers." In a letter of Luff's to Tom Wedgwood we have an animated account of a field-day held, in the next summer (May 1 804), at and about Gowbarrow Park : A very severe day it was, but an excellent dinner of Beef and plumb pudding, to which 120 sat down, recruited their exhausted strength. What would I not have given to have had you on the spot ! [Wedgwood was ill in Dorsetshire.] The gratitude of the men was unbounded. William Words- worth dined with us on the lawn before the house,* and declared it to be the most interesting day he ever witnessed, such as he should long remember ; and said he almost envied you your feelings on the occasion. We may imagine how the poet would be stirred by that scene when we remember that it was he who, in those memorable sonnets of 1 803, had given voice to the emotions aroused by that great national crisis. " No parleying now ! In Britain is one breath ; We are all with you now from shore to shore ; Ye Men of Kent, 'tis victory or death." The Wedgwood letters of 1 803 reflect the anxieties which must have disturbed hundreds of households, especially those near the coasts, during that memorable * The house here mentioned is presumably that known as "Lyulph's Tower," on the beautiful slope just above that bit of the Ulleswater shore which is familiar to all Wordsworth-lovers as the scene of the Daffodils. "The Wedgwood Mountaineers" continued to exist till long after the fear of an invasion had passed away with the victory of Trafalgar. Up till 1812 Josiah Wedgwood, as Tom's executor, continued to provide Luff's captain's pay, and find money for other expenses in connection with the corps. INVASION ALARMS 153 autumn. Tom, who is in London, and hears all kinds of speculations as to when and where the French may land, is naturally thinking of his mother and sisters at Eastbury and his brother's family at Gunville, only a few miles from the coast of Dorset. Jos has " ordered a tilt for his wagon," in case of having to move in bad weather, and is packing up some of the most important things, but his old mother is averse to moving, and Bess is unwilling to send the children away. 'Tom Wedgwood to Josiah Wedgwood TEMPLE, Oct. 10, 1803. DEAR Jos, It seems to be the general opinion that the French will land somewhere or other. Now your family is on the coast ; have you anticipated deliberately all the circumstances immediately arising from a landing in your neighbourhood ? I am afraid there would be a great deal of distress, great difficulty of removal. Your horses would be pressed for service. Might it not be wise, in so awful a moment of danger, for your family and my mother's to retire to the centre and most secure part of the island ? Or at any rate, to make immediate and com- plete arrangements for removal, such as packing valuables, etc., and perhaps to occupy Cote House for the next critical month. For as Pitt said at Margate : Expect the French every dark night. Don't suppose that I write in a moment of excessive alarm ; I have heard the subject a good deal canvassed lately, and I am convinced that some of the stoutest hearts in the Island are apprehensive about the event. I have made enquiries about the measures of removal, and as far as I can foresee, there will be amazing confusion the moment the landing of the French in any neighbourhood is proclaimed. Sounding the alarm is no doubt very unpleasant : but a balance must be struck. 154 TOM WEDGWOOD Tom's urgency was intelligible, considering that Gunville was only some three or four hours' march from Poole Harbour. Gloucestershire was a much safer place for non-combatants. George III., we may remember, had at this time made all arrangements for the Queen and Princesses moving from Windsor, at a few hours' notice, to the Palace of his friend Bishop Hurd, at Worcester. Weekly rehearsals were going on at Boulogne of the embarkation of the troops, and Pitt, now Warden of the Cinque Ports, was " riding up and down the coast of Kent " looking after the 3000 volunteers of the Walmer district. The prospect of seeing the French on English soil was serious enough > though some still maintain that the " Armee d'Angle- terre " was more or less of a sham, and that Napoleon's real object was a great move across the Rhine. * Kitty Wedgwood to her brother 'Tom EASTBURY, Oct. [about iCth (?), 1803]. * * * # * We are just returned from Lymington, and I own I was glad to be at home again without any alarm from the enemy. The day after, we had a slight one, which seemed to arise from the Blandford Volunteers being ordered to Poole. . . . We feel quite unsettled from having a doubt whether we will not retire * Which hardly agrees with Napoleon's having had a medal struck with the legend : " Descents en Angleterre : frappe a Londres en MDCCCIF" (A copy of this medal may be seen at Boulogne, and Earl Stanhope has one at Chevening.) Some of the plans imagined in France for transporting the troops seem to have been simply insane. Mr. Rose's recent " Life of Napoleon " gives a picture of a new kind of ship which, according to the figures given, would have a deck area of many acres. EXPECTING THE FRENCH 155 into the interior for the winter. ... I really think that we shall feel more anxiety thinking every morning that perhaps Dorsetshire is all in confusion. What I most fear is that in very bad weather we should really be obliged to go, and my mother would perhaps suffer from want of accommodation on the road ; besides, the hurry and confusion of the scene or even travelling in very cold weather is a great risk for her. She is not in the least alarmed, and I believe would dislike the thoughts of removing ; but we shall certainly consider whether we had not better. Jos will not be here in case of danger [being High Sheriff of the county] and it would be one anxiety the less for him. Wedgwood to Josiah Wedgwood TEMPLE, Oct. 17, Monday, 1803. DEAR Jos, I am afraid I shall hardly get you a guinea, as Howorth does not receive any in York St., nor can any be got at our bank.* I had begun a little store before I received yours, and have yet only amassed eight. I had no thoughts of your leaving the county, and am very glad you are so well prepared for quitting I sent the Birds to Mack's also as he has company to-day. He says he shall begin Time and Space tomorrow, and has invited me to join in the attack, which I totally declined 'Tom Wedgwood to Josiah Wedgwood HENRIETTA ST., Oct. 1 8, 1803. I don't know what to say about their continuing in Dorset- shire. I am afraid my mother's want of apprehension of * John Wedgwood's bank in Pall Mall. Howorth is the cashier at the York Street show-rooms. t Seep. 157. 156 TOM WEDGWOOD danger is derived from a very inadequate consideration of it. Mackintosh thinks a landing will certainly be effected, as the attack will probably be made at many points. Now, as Kitty says, a forced march in mid-winter happening when she may be indisposed might be very distressing. I should think Cote House tolerably secure, and [they] will much easier move forward into the interior. Pray prepare Bess and all about you for the horrors that are almost inevitable. Bess writes with too much composure for a woman who may, even probably, find herself a widow in a week. My repugnance to inactivity increases with my strength ; but I am still utterly unable to enter into any corps. ***** Howorth has a friend who has promised him 20 guineas these shall be saved for you, and a few more he has collected. What say you to a little bullion, or gold grains ? It is now at .4 is. Sd. the ounce. I shall get a few ounces. Tom's view prevailed, and before long his mother and sisters moved to John's house at Cote, near Bristol. There, too, we find Tom himself in November, reading the second edition of Malthus on Population, and corresponding with military people in London, and with Lord Lowther the Lord Lieutenant of Westmore- land, about his volunteer corps. Volunteering is the great business of the moment. Jos is distracted between his duties as Captain of a Staffordshire corps, formed from the Etruria works, and as High Sheriff of Dorset ; but as " there arc now 230,000 enrolled " this was when the population of England was about a fourth of its present amount he thinks there is " no great necessity for more." A FAMILY GATHERING 157 The family event of that winter was the departure of Mackintosh, with his wife and children, for India. He had just been made Recorder of Bombay, and there was a large muster in London of the Wedgwood-Allen families, and of intimate friends, the Sydney Smiths, the Horners, and many more, to bid them farewell. Some time before this Mackintosh had agreed to write an essay expounding Tom Wedgwood's philosophical views, about which they had had much discussion, orally and in writing, and the following letter, written about two years before this time, would seem to imply that he had made some kind of beginning of the task. font Wedgwood to Sir James Mackintosh. YORK STREET, December nth, 1801. DEAR MACKINTOSH, If I was called upon to declare the action which required the most good nature and self sacrifice and which originated in the purest disinterestedness, I should not hesitate an instant to cite your kind attempts to relieve me from my distressing per- plexities. I cannot sufficiently admire the kindness of the offer nor the unwearied patience of the execution. I feel considerably embarrassed in proceeding with the subject of my letter. Don't imagine that I feel any repugnance to lying under so great an obligation to you ; but in employing your time and talents, I am using a fund which is the peculiar property of your family. You have already had the satisfaction of a completely generous action ; it is my part to prevent the interests of your family suffering from its consequences. Take then without scruple in its behalf the retainer on the other side. I cannot write more at present so extend your good nature to giving me credit for wishing to treat your 158 TOM WEDGWOOD feelings with all possible tenderness, and believe me your ever obliged and sincere friend, THOS. WEDGWOOD. Cheque for 100 sent herewith. But Mackintosh's departure for India practically put an end to this design ; though, as we see from the following letter, he seems to have fancied that he would be able to accomplish it in what he characteris- tically calls the " long and undisturbed leisure " of his judicial life at Bombay. Sir James Mackintosh to Tom Wedgwood 17, DOVER STREET, ibth Dec., 1803. DEAR WEDGWOOD, Will you have the patience to read beyond the first line when I begin by telling you that our MS. is in the drawer of my library table on board the Winchelsea, for the present inaccessible to human hand or eye. I began in November, not only with the most honest inten- tion but with the most anxious and ardent wish, to execute our project. I sat down at least ten mornings to do it. I was constantly interrupted I was annoyed not merely by the bustle of preparation but sometimes by anxieties of so painful a kind that they left no quiet for Philosophy. Leisure I could com- mand, but tranquillity, which I found equally necessary, was not so easily to be had. It would not have been difficult to have written something but I could not bring my conscience to do injustice to speculations which I estimate so very highly. Under these circumstances, after many ineffectual attempts I resolved, at the risk of your displeasure, to send the MSS. on board ship that I might apply the long and undisturbed leisure SENDING OFF THE MACKINTOSHES 159 of Bombay to the undertaking. I did this without consulting you, because I was fearful that justly resenting my past in- fidelity and distrusting my future faith you might have recalled your MSS., which I should have very severely regretted. The first moment after my books are placed on their shelves shall be devoted to Time and Space. They are in the same drawer and will share the same fate with all the MSS. I have in the world on Metaphysics Morals and Politics. When I have finished them I shall print a dozen copies at Bombay for the sake of security and easy transmission to Europe. Great as my faults have been with respect to your philosophy, they are still more in appearance than they are in reality, and though I do not know whether with your present knowledge you can forgive me, I think I should be certain of your pardon if I could communicate to you the whole succession of incidents which have frustrated my intention. All here join in kindest good wishes to your party, and I am Dear Wedgwood Your's most affectionately JAMES MACKINTOSH. Of the gathering of friends and relatives to see the last of the Mackintoshes we have pleasant glimpses in some lively letters of Fanny Allen to her sister Bessy in the country. The merriment of Sydney Smith helped to brighten the " sadness of farewells," and we hear of amusing dinner-table discussions as to the comparative virtues of the Allen sisters, and of his, Sydney Smith's, final pronouncement on that interesting point. i6o TOM WEDGWOOD Fanny */[llen to her sister "Bessy (Mrs. Josiah II Jan. 1804. "Sydney Smith was in his highest spirits, and pleased me particularly by talking of my sisters in the way I wish to hear them talked of, as the very first of women. ' 1 cannot tell you,' he told me, * how much I admire and like all your sisters, but I think that Mrs. Jos Wedgwood surpasses you all.' " 25 Jan. 1804. " I kept back [in the previous letter] part of the good things he said of you. Mackintosh, Kitty, and I dined with the Smiths on Sunday last, and I have scarcely ever passed a merrier day. The company, as usual, were Sharp, Rogers, Horner, and Boddington. . . . You were again the subject of a very warm eulogium from more of the gentlemen than S. S. It was a very humorous dispute I will not detail it to you because of your unbelief. But Sydney put an end to that part of it which treated of the different degrees of dependence they could place in you and my other sisters in case of any emergency, by declaring he would rely on your kindness to nurse him during a fever, and Jenny's only in a toothache. This was unanswerable and unanswered." The beginning of another year found Tom Wedg- wood still in a condition which seemed to be quickly passing into a state of despair. His most frequent mood, henceforward, is that reflected in the following letters. Tom Wedgwood to Josiah Wedgwood COTE, Jany. 10, 1804. * * * * * I have endured pangs and torments such as none can con- ceive who have never been in like circumstances. These nothing shall lead me to renew. As far as the coldest prudence A SCHEME OF SECLUSION 161 can procure me peace, I will have it. I am now endeavouring to habituate myself to my near exit without dismay, to separate all idea of melancholy and repugnance from an event which may put an end to intolerable sensations, to suppress all regret of the hopes and pleasures to which my qualifications, if I know myself at all, might have been expected to lead me. Vanity may influence my opinion, but I have no concealment with you ; as far as I know other men and can examine myself, I feel very certain that at the age of fifteen I held out more promise, and united a greater variety of talent, a more ardent longing after all that is beautiful and good, in morals, things, and art, than any young man I have ever met with. That this should all perish and come to nothing, I should regret in the liveliest manner in another and I certainly do still more in my own person. But I feel that I have now made every possible effort to save myself, and I do not harass myself with any further plans. I am interrupted this is a subject on which I could write folios, but there is no harm in being stopped. 'Tom Wedgwood to Josiah Wedgwood COTE, Jany. 23, 1804. DEAR Jos, * * * * * I find myself every day more and more unable to combat with my disorder, and I am convinced of the necessity o/ keeping my room if not my bed. I cannot think of entering on this melancholy scheme at this place it would entirely destroy the comfort of the little society here. I propose returning with you to Gunville, and making the North room as noise-proof as we can. I need not expatiate to you on the extreme repugnance I feel at introducing myself and all my attendant gloom in the midst of a prosperous family like yours, but it is my fate in this life to cast a gloom around me. The pains I have taken and the sacrifices I have made to prevent it L 162 TOM WEDGWOOD are the only consolation and excuse I have left. What other alternative is left me ? ***** Though I cannot sit up, nor longer bear to be present a lifeless unparticipating thing in living scenes yet I know from several trials, that my sufferings in the seasoning to this self- entombment, are to be very acute. There may be times, and frequently, when I may require your company and patient attendance. God only knows the horrors which low spirits sometimes produce. At those times solitude is insupportable. ***** I feel that my plan has nothing definite if it had, I could not bring myself to state it. It is an act of resignation to a consuming disorder against which I have kept up a fight of twelve years. I shall no longer think of health, but administer every present comfort and I imagine this process will give such an advantage to my implacable foe, that his complete triumph and mine, no less a one, in his victory, must be hastened. Perhaps you will send your horses from Bath the chaise will meet you when you write to have it. My mother and sisters bore the communication as I could wish with feeling and composure. My kindest love to Bess. I stop because my powers and paper are exhausted or I could converse with you for a month without a stop. These are terrible letters, for a man only in his thirty-second year. Josiah's reply to them is, as always, deeply sympathetic, though he can only bid his brother struggle on. The one bright spot in this story of a wrecked life is the unwearying kindness with which the sick man's relatives and friends strove to do all that was possible to mitigate his sufferings. Outside his family, Poole, perhaps, was the most devoted of his friends, always on the alert to seek some way of cheering or helping him SYMPATHY OF FRIENDS 163 under the constant struggle. Coleridge's affection for him must have been deep and lasting, whatever we may think of the over-effusive manner of its expression. And there are signs that from various less intimate associates, Sharp, Campbell, and others, he met with much real sympathy and kindness. Josiah's devotion to his brother Tom was an absorbing passion, and was Tom's greatest solace. "I find" (he says to Josiah, Nov. 4, 1804), "that yourself and Sally always move me most to think of a love more than mortal, which cannot flourish in this chilling world, and must survive it. Your deep affection, and Sally's angelic kindness, give a certain value to life in its most trying moments.*' In a letter of this year Sally had said to him : " I have sometimes feared I must have appeared insensible to your sufferings, when my taciturnity has really been owing partly to the family infirmity." The affectionate terms on which he stood with Bessy Wedgwood are shown in the following letter, while her reply is significant of the warm and sympathetic nature which made her perhaps the best beloved member of that united family : Tom Wedgwood to Mrs. Josiah Wedgwood COTE, [Dated, in another hand, Feb. 17, 1804]. MY DEAR BESS, Pray come and stay as long as you can. Don't imagine for a moment that you can ever be in my way. I look upon you as no half-sister. I have even felt towards you as sister in full, with all rights and privileges, and, also, with a claim on you for duties and attentions as such. After ten years intimacy 1 64 TOM WEDGWOOD I am less inclined than ever to love you by halves. You must not judge always of my feelings towards you by my manners and exterior. These are under the control of sufferings greater than you have ever imagined them and my temper is nearly gone in the general wreck. I cannot now write more, nor is there to you any occasion. Everybody finds you all kindness, and the deficiencies in kindness and respect at times from me have been forgotten and forgiven by you before I had either forgotten or forgiven them myself. Ever your's most affectly, T. W. Mrs. Josiah Wedgwood to Tom Wedgwood GUNVILLE, Feby. 20, 1804. MY DEAR TOM, I was more gratified than you can imagine by the few kind lines I received from you yesterday, made doubly valuable by the inconvenience (to use the lightest expression) with which you write at present. It was impossible for a moment to doubt of your kindness, but a real want of self-confidence makes it soothing and delightful to me to receive so touching an assur- ance of it, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I cannot enter into the sympathy with which I consider your sufferings, it is deep and sincere, nor would anything I think, in this world, make me so happy as to see you restored to health and enjoyment. I wished very much to have gone with Jos to Cote, but I am deterred by the uncertainty I am in as to poor Kitty's movements at Ryde,* as I believe the wind is entirely against their sailing, and if it continues in a settled point I should not wonder if she were to come here. She has also been so very anxious to see some of us, that I am afraid of putting it out of my power to go there if I find that I cannot resist her affectionate entreaties. * Lady Mackintosh is just sailing from Spithead for Bombay. BESSY WEDGWOOD 165 A sentence in a letter of Bessy Wedgwood to her husband well shows the feeling which this warm- hearted and unselfish woman had for her sorely afflicted brother-in-law. Such an absorbing attach- ment as that of Josiah to Tom might have made some wives jealous, and she seems to have had a fear it was, of course, quite groundless that Jos might imagine this possibility in her case. " I am very glad/* she says, " that you acquit me of all jealousy with respect to dear Tom. I really deserve it, for there are no sacrifices I would not make to be of any use to him compatible with my other duties." * The situa- tion had its difficulties, and it must have needed her unalterable sweetness of character and tact to avoid friction. Tom, for one thing, made the Gunville nursery a field of philosophical study, observing and recording the doings of its little inhabitants as material for working out his various psychological and educational theories. If little Bess was out of temper, or Joe disobedient to his governess, he would note the incident as illustrating some principle of child- training, and perhaps propound a plan for correcting the infant's evil tendencies, based on the principles of Locke, Hartley, or Rousseau. An uncle given to these pursuits must have been at times a troublesome guest, and family tradition tells us that even the sweet- tempered Bessie sometimes found Tom's frequent incursions into her nursery embarrassing. * Letter of September I, 1800 (Darwin MSS.). CHAPTER XII THE LAST YEAR 1804 1805 COLERIDGE and Tom Wedgwood never met, apparently, after their parting at PatterdaJe in January 1803. Coleridge came to London in January 1804, bent on making a voyage to a warm climate for the sake of his health. He writes thus from the office in Westminster where Poole was carrying on his statis- tical poor-law work. Coleridge to 'Tom Wedgwood (Address : COTE HOUSE, BRISTOL.) 1 6, ABINGDON STREET, WESTMINSTER, Wednesday afternoon, [25 Jan.] 1804. MY DEAR FRIEND, Some divines hold that with God to think and to create are one and the same act. If to think and even to compose had been the same as to write with me, I should have written as much too much as I have now written too little. The whole Truth of the matter is that I have been very, very ill ; your letter remained four days unread, I was so ill. What effect it had upon me I cannot express by words ; it lay under my pillow day after day. I should have written 20 times, but COLERIDGE AND THE WORDSWORTHS 167 as it often and often happens with me, my heart was too full and I had so much to say that I said nothing. I never received a delight that lasted longer upon me, " brooded on my mind and made it pregnant," than the six last sentences of your Letter, which I cannot apologize for not having answered, for I should be canting calumnies against myself, for for the last six or seven weeks I have both thought and felt more concerning you, and relatively to you, than of all other men put together. Somehow or other, whatever plan I determined to adopt, my fancy, good-natured Pandar of our wishes, always linked you on to it ; or I made it your Plan, and linked myself on. I left my home December 20, 1803, intending to stay a day and a half at Grasmere, and then to walk to Kendal, whither I had sent all my Cloaths and Viatica ; from thence to go to London, and to see whether or no I could arrange my pecuniary matters so as leaving Mrs. Coleridge all that was necessary to her comforts, to go myself to Madeira, having a persuasion strong as the life within me, that one winter spent in a really warm, genial climate, would compleatly restore me. Words- worth had, as I may truly say, forced on me a hundred Pound, in the event of my going to Madeira ; and Stuart had kindly offered to befriend me ; and during the days and affrightful nights of my disease, when my Limbs were swoln and my stomach refused to retain the food taken in in sorrow, then I looked with pleasure on the scheme. But as soon as dry frosty weather came, or the rains and damps passed off, and I was filled with elastic Health from Crown to Sole, then the Thought of the weight of pecuniary Obligation, having hitherto given no positive proof that I was a fit moral object of so much exertion from so many people, revisited me. But I have broken off my story. I stayed at Grasmere a month, f ths of the time bed-ridden ; and deeply do I feel the enthusiastic kindness of Wordsworth's Wife and Sister, who sate up by me, one or the other, in order to awaken me at the first symptoms of distressful Feeling ; and even when they went to rest, continued often and often to weep and watch for 168 TOM WEDGWOOD me even in their dreams. I left them, Saturday, Jan. 1 4th, and have spent a very pleasant week at Dr. Crompton's, at Liver- pool, and arrived at Poole's lodgings last night, at 8 o'clock. Though my right hand is so much swoln that I can scarcely keep my pen steady between my Thumb and Forefinger, yet my Stomach is easy, and my Breathing comfortable ; and I am eager to hope all good things of my health ; and that gained, I have a cheering, and I trust prideless confidence that I shall make an active perseverant use of the faculties and acquirements that have been entrusted to my keeping, and a fair trial of their Heighth, Depth, and Width. Indeed I look back on the last four months with honest Pride, seeing how much I have done, with what steady attachment of mind to the same subject, and under what vexations and sorrows from without, and amid what inward sufferings. So much of myself. When I know more, I will tell you more. I find you are still at Cote, and Poole tells me you talk of Jamaica as a summer excursion. If it were not for the Voyage, I would that you would go to Madeira, for from the Hour I get on board the vessel to the time that I once more feel England beneath my feet, I am as certain as past and unvary- ing experience can make me, that I shall be in Health, in high Health ; and then I am sure, not only that I should be a comfort to you, but that I should be so without Diminution of my activity or professional usefulness. Briefly, dear Wedg- wood ! I truly and at heart love you, and of course it must add to my deeper and moral happiness to be with you, if I can be either assistance or alleviation. If I find myself so well that I defer my Madeira Plan, I shall then go forthwith to Devon- shire to see my aged mother once more before she dies, and stay two or three months with my Brothers. But wherever I am, I never suffer a day (except when I am travelling) to pass without doing something. Poole made me promise that I would leave one side for him, and preciously I have remembered it. God bless him ! He looks so worshipful in his office, among his Clerks, that it COLERIDGE BIDS HIM STILL HOPE 169 would give you a few minutes' good spirits at least to look in upon him. I pray you as soon as you can command your pen, give me half a score Lines, and now that I am loose^ say whether or no I can be any good to you. S. T. COLERIDGE. This letter, I imagine, crossed one from Tom in which he told Coleridge of his despairful resolve to shut himself up at Gunville and to give up struggling with his disease. This Coleridge answers in a strain of passionate protest : S. T. Coleridge to 'Tom Wedgwood {Address: COTE HOUSE, BRISTOL.) 1 6 ABINGDON STREET, WESTMINSTER, Saturday, Jan. 28, 1804. MY DEAR FRIEND, It is idle for me to say to you, that my Heart and very soul ache with the dull pain of one struck down and stunned. I write to you, for my letter cannot give you unmixed Pain, and I would fain say a few words to dissuade you. What good can possibly come of your plan ? Will not the very chairs and furniture of your room be shortly more, far more intolerable to you than new and changing objects ! more insufferable Reflec- tors of Pain and Wearisomeness of Spirit? Oh, most certainly they will ! You must hope, my dearest Wedgwood ; you must act as if you hoped ! Despair itself has but that advice to give you. Have you ever thought of trying large doses of opium in a hot climate, with a diet of grapes, and the fruits of the climate ? Is it impossible that by drinking freely you might at last produce Gout, and that a violent Pain and Inflammations in the extremities might produce new trains of motion and feeling 170 TOM WEDGWOOD in your stomach, and the organs connected with the stomach, known and unknown ? Worse than what you have decreed for yourself cannot well happen. Say but a word, and I will come to you, will be with you, will go with you to Malta to Madeira to Jamaica, or (of the climate of which and its strange effects I have heard wonders, true or not) to Egypt. At all events, and at the worst, even if you do attempt to realize the scheme of going to and remaining at Gunville, for God's sake, my dear dear friend ! do keep up a correspondence with one or more ; or if it were possible for you, with several. I know by a little what your sufferings are ; and that to shut the eyes and stop up the ears is to give one's self up to storm and darkness and the lurid forms and horrors of a Dream. Poole goes off to-night, but I shall send this Letter by the Post. I scarce know why it is a feeling I have and hardly under- stand I could not endure to live if I had not a firm Faith that the Life within you will pass forth out of the Furnace : for that you have borne what you have borne, and so acted beneath such Pressure, constitutes you an awful moral Being. I am not ashamed to pray aloud for you. Your most affectionate Friend, S. T. COLERIDGE. Poole will call on you some time before Dinner on Monday, for an hour, unless he hear from you a wish to the contrary, addressed to him at Mr. King's, No. 12 RedclifFe Parade. Eight weeks after this Coleridge was leaving England for Malta. Two or three days before his departure he writes thus : S. ?*. Coleridge to 'Tom Wedgwood [No date: Postmark 24 Mch, 1804.] MY DEAR FRIEND, Though fearful of breaking in upon you, after what you have written to me, I could net have left England without having COLERIDGE'S LAST WORDS TO HIM 171 written both to you and your Brother. I received your letter at the very moment I received a note from Sharp inform- ing [me] that I must instantly secure a place in the Ports- mouth Mail for Tuesday, and if I could not, that I must do so in the Light Coach for Tuesday early morning. I am agitated by many things, and only write now because you desired an answer by return of Post. I have been dan- gerously ill, but the illness is going about, and not connected with my immediate ill health, however it may be with my general Constitution. It was the cholera morbus. But for a series of the merest accidents I should have been seized in the Streets, in a bitter East wind with cold rain ; at all events have walked through it struggling with the seizure it was Sunday night and have suffered it at Tobin's, Tobin sleeping out at Woolwich, no fire, no wine or spirit, or medicine of any kind, and no human Being within call. But luckily perhaps the occasion would better suit the word providentially Tuffin took me home with him. After the first painful Fit [Here he describes the attack.] ***** But however this is rather a History of the past than of the present. I have now only enough for memento, and already on Wednesday I considered myself in clear sunshine, out of the Shadow of the Wings of the Destroying Angel. What else relates to myself I will write on Monday. Would to heaven you were going with me to Malta, if it were not for the voyage ! For all other things I could make the passage with an unwavering mind, not without chearings of Hope. Let me mention one thing. Lord Cadogan was brought to absolute Despair and Hatred of Life by a Stomach Complaint, being now an old man. The symptoms, as stated to me, were strikingly like yours, considering the enormous difference of the two characters ; the same flitting Fevers, dire costiveness with Diarrhoea, Dejection, compelled Changes, &c. He was advised to reduce lean Beef to a pure jelly by Papin's digester, with as little water as would secure it from burning, 172 TOM WEDGWOOD and of this to take half a wine glass from 10 to 14 times a day ; this and nothing else. He did so. Sir George Beaumont saw within a few weeks a letter from Lord C. to Lord St. Asaph, in which he states the circumstance, his perseverance in it, rapid amelioration, and final recovery. " I am now," he says, " in real good Health ; as good, and in as chearful spirits as ever I was when a young man." Mingay, the medical man ot Thetford, was his attendant. I could give you all particulars. May God bless you, even here, S. T. COLERIDGE. This is the latest letter of Coleridge among the Wedgwood papers. He did not return to England till after Tom Wedgwood's death. When in Malta he wrote but little to any friends or relations, and probably not at all to Tom or his brother. The rest of the year 1804 shows no lightening of the gloom which is the dominant note of Tom Wedg- wood's letters. He was now resorting to opium as a relief from his sufferings, but to what extent or how continuously he took it is not clear. " The quantity not exceeding four grains often proves," he says^ " wholly insufficient to produce any tolerable ex- hilaration." At times the language in which he describes his sufferings (to his brother Josiah) is such as might well suggest a doubt of his complete sanity, as when he says " the nature of my miseries is too shocking for communication " ; but the tone of other letters dealing with affairs of ordinary life shows, I think, that there was no definitely mental disturbance. A frequent topic in the family correspondence of this time was " the disordered state of John's affairs." John had not the faculty of keeping his expenditure JOHN LESLIE'S BOOK 173 within his income, and his chronic state of embar- rassment was a constant source of anxiety to his brothers and sisters. In a letter of May 1804, to Josiah, Tom discusses this matter, and does so in a thoroughly rational way. It is the letter of a man in complete command of his faculties. He proposes to lend his brother " some thousands," in order to " bring his affairs completely round." He thinks John " should abandon Cote, and perhaps might be induced to live at Etruria." " Jane has given up all hope of his ever regulating his expenditure." * It was at this time Leslie brought out the book embodying the results of the investigations which the annuity given him by Tom Wedgwood had enabled him to carry on for some seven years past at his home in Fifeshire. It appeared under the title of " An Inquiry into Heat and Electricity," and it established his position as a natural philosopher. In a letter of March (1804) he had sent Wedgwood a draft of the dedication, written in his usual portentously ornate style, asking, " What alteration do you wish ? " This inquiry seems to have remained unanswered, as in another letter Leslie alludes to Wedgwood's having, " with uncommon delicacy," declined to read the draft. In the dedication as printed, he refers vaguely to being under obligation to Wedgwood, but does not mention the annuity or make any allusion to money help.f * John Wedgwood gave up Cote House shortly after this. He had a great love of planting and gardening, and was the founder, or had most to do with the founding, of the Royal Horticultural Society. His name appears still on the Society's papers. He died in the year 1844. t Nor, strange to say, is there a word about it in the Memoir 174 TOM WEDGWOOD As the year (1804) went on he was again, notwith- standing all previous disappointments, making plans of travel ; and this always involved finding a travelling companion. The discovering of a suitable person was a matter of infinite trouble, the difficulties always attending companionship in travel being aggravated in this case by his sad condition, and his more or less fastidious tastes. He was a great lover of music, and himself a player on the violin and flute. He generally tried to find some one who was accomplished in that art, while having enough knowledge and intelligence to afford the chance of rational conversation. So the problem was a complicated one. At one time he seems to have thought of getting a lady to travel with him. This idea, however, the discreet Josiah did not think one to be encouraged. Josiah to Tom Wedgwood (Address: COTE HOUSE, BRISTOL.) MAER,* July 19, 1804. MY DEAR TOM, Susan [Darwin, their sister] does not at present recollect any female at all likely to answer your purpose except a young woman that has lived as nurse and companion with Miss (Edinb., 1838) by Macvey Napier, who knew Leslie intimately, and " had the advantage " (he says) " of all the information possessed by the family." Napier represents him (p. 14 of the Memoir) as living during these years on the fruits of his own work, which shows that the biographer knew nothing of the annuity, though it was the thing that had determined Leslie's career. * A country house a few miles from the Potteries, which Josiah had lately bought, and which ultimately became the home of his family till the death of his widow in 1 846. SEEKING A TRAVEL-COMPANION 175 Pannell, and has in that situation learnt French and some other accomplishments. She has left Miss P. on some quarrel, but Miss P. is endeavouring to get her again. If she should not go to Miss P. I imagine she would not be likely to consent to accompany you, as indeed I think no young person can with safety do. Her brothers are bringing up to the Church ; she left Miss P. on account of some slight, real or supposed ; and I should suppose she or her family would be very scrupulous as to appearances and character. I will make what enquiry I can, and I understand that you mean male or female. As to Dugard [a doctor at Shrewsbury] I believe there is no chance of his quitting his present prospects. Would not a change of place be useful to you now ? Susan will in all probability leave us in a week and we can keep the house tolerably quiet and give you a quiet bedroom. My mother remains very well. Susan as usual. All unite in love to Jane and you. Your affectionate, J. W. P.S. The Etruria were inspected with the Hanley and Lane End Volunteers yesterday who have been on permanent duty. I think we are in no respect worse than them, and in steady orderly conduct and keeping our arms in order very far their superiors. Col. Broughton said he had seen no volunteers with their arms so well taken care of as ours. Nothing more was heard, apparently, of the lady- companion scheme. During the most of this year Tom divided his time between Gunville, Eastbury, and Cote ; but in the first days of October he set off for Westmoreland to stay with the Luffs, partly that he might see how his corps of "Loyal Volunteers" was getting on with its training. When there " he wrote " (says his brother) " an address to the Company, pointing 1ST TOM WEDGWOOD out the advantages and necessity of strict discipline, but was too ill to speak it to them, and Captain Luff had to read it for him." On this visit to Patterdale he is again smitten with the beauty of the lovely land of lakes and mountains, and has dreams of making it his place of abode. " This country is heavenly beau- tiful, I would buy here if I could have a day's health a week." One of the sweetest nooks in that delightful region is a little farm, called Bleawick, close to the head of Ulleswater ; a homestead surrounded by a few acres of pasture sloping to the water's edge, sheltered from east winds by the overhanging mass of Place Fell, and looking across at Glen Ridding and the crests of Helvellyn. This little place, which is as charming now as it must have been in 1804, was then for sale, and Tom seems to have tried to buy it. He writes to Jos (November 5) putting to him a case of conscience. A friend is after it, " but while he is shilly-shallying, other purchasers may carry it off." Is he bound, he asks, to let Mr. A. go on with the negotiation without having a try for it himself? The project, however, came to nothing. Meanwhile, he found the home of the kind Luffs a welcome retreat, and he was generous in helping them in their poverty. He lent them, which must have meant giving them, several hundred pounds. QThis is but one of many instances which occur in the letters testifying to his liberality in assisting friends and others in trouble. Basil Montagu and Godwin were among those whom he helped. In one of his letters to Godwin he prefaces a gift of ^100 by some admirable reasons for not giving it : HELPING GODWIN 177 tL I have no opinion of the good, upon the whole, resulting from great facility in the opulent in yielding to requests of the needy. I have no doubt that it is best that every one should anticipate with certainty the pinch and pressure of distress from indulging in indolence, or even from misfortune. It is this, certainly, which quickens the little wit that man is ordinarily endowed with and calls out all his energies. And were it removed by the idea that the rich held funds for the distressed, I am convinced that not only half the industry of the country would be destroyed, but also that misfortunes would be doubled in quantity. I confess to you I have always a doubt of the value of any donation or loan at the same time - /^j^^mg^ ' But after this exposition of perfectly sound principles, which we may guess would not particularly please the philosopher, he explains how strong is his natural desire to give relief to suffering, and how in Godwin's case he can't resist the impulse, and so he sends him the hundred pounds.^} '{Another friend whom we find him helping more than once was Campbell, the poet. A letter from him appealing for a loan of jioo discloses a singular excuse for the request. A lady who had lent Campbell ^100, and " is since mad," is publishing accounts of his "baseness, dishonesty, and ingratitude," calumnies which it is "not easy for him to refute," the debt being real. So he asks Wedgwood for ^100 to relieve him from this objectionable woman. "This letter," he says, " is, I must own, a thunderbolt of indelicacy," a phrase which is explained by his alluding to a note * Letter of April 25, 1804: Kegan Paul's "Godwin," ii. 125. A year later (K. P., ii. 141) we find another "loan " in progress. M 178 TOM WEDGWOOD for 100 which Wedgwood him sent him a year previously. Wedgwood lent him the money. But Campbell was not a borrower of the Godwin type, and three months later he repaid it " with a heart full of gratitude.^j It was in July 1805, that Tom Wedgwood's poor broken life came to an end. It had been long appa- rent that his struggle for health was a hopeless one. But he never gave it up. He again planned a voyage to the West Indies, had secured a companion, was on the point of leaving Gunville to embark, when the mortal stroke came, suddenly and painlessly. Here is the letter in which his affectionate sister-in-law sent the news to her relatives at Cresselly. Mrs. Jos. Wedgwood to her sister Emma Allen GUNVILLE, Wednesday, July 10, 1805. MY DEAR EMMA, John [their brother] arrived yesterday to carry away our Fan from me, which is a great damper to the pleasure his company always gives me. [Here she breaks off.] Friday ye I2th. I was writing to you on Wednesday morn- ing, when all the agreeable feelings with which I sat down to the employment, were cruelly dampt by the sad intelligence that poor Tom was so ill that there was no hope of his re- covery. He had not been worse than usual, and we thought him rather better, from the custom he had taken up of going out every day with Jos in the gig ; but on Monday I think he got a little chilled, which brought on much internal pain, and left him weak. On Tuesday night Joe parted with him with an engagement as usual to go and breakfast at Wood Gates, A PAINLESS END 179 but at midnight he rang his bell, and told his servant to give him something, for he was very weak, but not ill. He told him also to come in in two hours time, and see how he was, and to call Jos at 5. The servant did so, and found him as he thought sleeping, but in fact he was then without any sign of sense except that he still breathed. When Jos came he also thought him sleeping, and sat down an hour and half beside him, before he discovered that he was not ; when he did he became alarmed and sent for Dr. Crawford, who immediately said he was dying. He continued in that state, his head quietly reposing on his arm, till seven in the evening, when he expired without seeming to have suffered the least pain. What a day for poor Jos, watching him dying for 12 hours. They have all had such a preparation for this stroke by the long suffer- ings he has undergone, that it ought only to be now considered as a relief, though it is grievous just at the time; but I quite feel it a blessing to us and to him that he died now, before he went aboard-ship, rather than to have suffered all the pain of parting and then perhaps to have sunk under the first attack of seasickness, which I now suppose would certainly have been the case. We have pre- vailed on his mother and sisters to come down here, till they go to Staffordshire, which they now mean to do as soon as they can. On Tuesday will be the Funeral, and we wish them to go before that, as we are so near the Church. He is to be buried in the Vault belonging to this place. He has left his fortune equally between all his brothers and sisters, and he has left a discretionary fund in Jos's hands to supply the generous purposes that his death would otherwise have cut short, to assist a great number who have often felt his bounty before. He has also left a Memorandum with Jos that Edward Drewe * * Caroline Allen, a sister of Mrs. Jos. and Mrs. John Wedgwood,, married Edward Drewe, Rector of Broadhembury, near Honiton. One of her daughters (Georgina) married Baron Alderson, and was the mother of the late Marchioness of Salisbury ; another was wife of the first Lord Gifford. i8o TOM WEDGWOOD is to have ^20, Caroline ^20 as a remembrance from him, and each of their daughters a hundred a piece. This Caroline does not yet know, as I did not hear it till to-day ; but I am more gratified at it than I can express, as I know it will give Caroline so much pleasure to have been remembered by him. Indeed the more I think of him the more his character rises in my opinion ; he really was too good for this world. Such a crowd of feelings and remembrances fill my mind while I am recalling all his past kindnesses to me and mine, and to all his acquaint- ance, that I feel myself quite unfit to make his panegyric, but I trust my children will ever remember him with veneration as an honour to the family to which he belonged. I have been writing to Kitty Mackintosh, as the fleet is not yet sailed, and to others; and I feel nervous and shaken, so if I write in- coherently you must excuse it. Ever yours, E. W. Such a death could be thought of by his friends only as a happy release. Twenty years of childhood and youth, and fourteen of struggle with disease, made up the whole of his life of thirty-four years. Though he himself never quite despaired, there could have been no real hope of betterment. The struggle might conceivably have been prolonged, but we cannot imagine him regaining the power of effective work. " As to your poor brother's death," wrote Sydney Smith to Jos Wedgwood, " it is difficult to know in what light to consider it. It is painful to lose such a man, but who would have wished to pre- serve him at such a price of misery and pain ? He will not easily be forgotten. I know no man who appears to have made such an impression upon his friends." HIS CHARACTER BY COLERIDGE 181 A few years after Tom Wedgwood's death, a re- markable description of his character and powers, but without a mention of his name, was appended by Coleridge to one of his Essays in "The Friend." The passage is as follows it has no formal heading or introduction : A lady once asked me if I believed in ghosts and apparitions. I answered with truth and simplicity : No, madam ! I have seen far too many myself. I have indeed a whole memorandum book filled with records of these phaenomena, many of them interesting as facts and data for psychology, and affording some valuable materials for a theory of perception and its dependence on the memory and imagination. In omnem actum perceptions imagmatio influit efficienter ; says Wolff". But he is no more, who would have realised this idea : who had already established the foundations and the law of the theory ; and for whom I had so often found a pleasure and a comfort, even during the wretched and restless nights of sickness, in watching and in- stantly recording these experiences of the world within us, of the gemma natura y qua fit et facit, et creat et creatur ! He is gone, my friend; my munificent co-patron, and not less the benefactor of my intellect ! He who, beyond all other men known to me, added a fine and ever-wakeful sense of beauty to the most patient accuracy in experimental philosophy and the profounder researches of metaphysical science ; he who united all the play and spring of fancy with the subtlest dis- crimination and an inexorable judgment; and who controlled an almost painful exquisiteness of taste by a warmth of heart, which in the practical relations of life made allowances for faults as quickly as the moral taste detected them ; a warmth of heart, which was indeed noble and pre-eminent, for alas! the genial feelings of health contributed no spark toward it. Of these qualities I may speak, for they belonged to all man- kind. The higher virtues, that were blessings to his friends, and the still higher that resided in and for his own soul, are 182 TOM WEDGWOOD themes for the energies of solitude, for the awfulness of prayer ! virtues exercised in the barrenness and desolation of his animal being; while he thirsted with the full stream at his lips, and yet with unwearied goodness poured out so all around him, like the master of a feast among his kindred in the day of his own gladness ! Were it but for the remembrance of him alone and of his lot here below, the disbelief in a future state would sadden the earth around me, and blight the very grass in the field.* Part of the thought that inspired these moving words is to be found in a letter of Coleridge, written some years earlier, to his and Wedgwood's friend Richard Sharp : Of our common friends, my dear Sir, I flatter myself that you and I should agree in fixing on T. Wedgwood and on Wordsworth as genuine Philosophers, for I have often said (and no wonder, since not a day passes but the conviction of the truth of it is renewed in me, and with this conviction the * " The Friend," vol. i. p. 24.9 (ed. 1818). In this reprint the name of Wedgwood is not given ; and I suppose it was not in the original. It appears in a footnote in the edition of 1850, vol. i. p. 190. " The Friend " first appeared in June 1809, and was described in its title as "A Literary, Moral, and Political Paper, excluding Personal and Party Politics and the Events of the Day. Conducted by S. T. Cole- ridge, of Grasmere, Westmoreland. Price, each number One Shilling. Penrith : Printed and Published by J. Brown and will be delivered free of expense by post throughout the kingdom to Subscribers." It ceased to appear in 1810. Its early death was not surprising. Cole- ridge and J. Brown lived 28 miles apart, with Kirkstone Pass between them. The proofs travelled to and fro, sometimes by the weekly post, sometimes by the carrier, and sometimes by a casual post-chaise. Coleridge was habitually late with his " copy," and the interval between the issues varied from one to seven weeks. But the papers published in this absurd fashion contained some of his most characteristic utterances; and in its book form "The Friend" had, as the century went on, a lasting influence on the thought of the time. CHARACTER BY COLERIDGE 183 accompanying esteem and love), often have I said that T. Wedgwood's faults impress me with veneration for his moral and intellectual character more than almost any other man's virtues; for under circumstances like this, to have a fault only in that degree is, I doubt not, in the eye of God, to possess a high virtue. Who does not prize the retreat of Moreau more than all the straw-blaze of Napoleon's vic- tories ? And then to make it (as Wedgwood really does) a sort of crime even to think of his faults by so many virtues retained, cultivated and preserved in growth and blossom, n a climate where now the gusts so rise and eddy, that deeply rooted must that be which is not snatched up and made a plaything of by them and, now, " the parching air burns frore." W. Wordsworth does not excite that almost painfully pro- found moral admiration which the sense of the exceeding difficulty of a given virtue can alone call forth, and which, therefore, I feel exclusively towards T. Wedgwood.* Another expression of Coleridge's feeling as to his dead friend appears in a letter written in 1 809, about four years later, to Sir Humphrey Davy, just after he had heard of the death of Beddoes. After expressing his deep attachment to Beddoes and the emotion with which he heard of his death, he says, "The death of T. Wedgwood pulled hard at my heart ; I am sure no week of my life almost I might have said scarce a day [has passed] in which I have not been made either sad or thoughtful by the recollection. . . . There are two things which I exceedingly wished, and in both * Letters of S. T. C., p. 448. An estimate of Wordsworth's character follows. " The parching air burns frore," is from Mil- ton's description of the icy region of Hell in " Paradise Lost," Book ii. 184 TOM WEDGWOOD have been disappointed : to have written the Life and prepared the Psychological Remains of my revered friend and benefactor, T. W. : and to have been in- trusted with the biography, etc., of Dr. B." * * " Fragmentary Remains, &c., of Sir H. Davy," by John Davy, M.D., 1858, pp. 108, no. CHAPTER XIII THE PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK OF Wedgwood's photographic work we know hardly any more than is discoverable from the " Account " in the Journal of the Royal Institution for 1802. It was evidently only an episode in his life. In his letters I find no allusion to it ; nor do I find anything in his handwriting relating to his experiments in physics, save only the " Memorandum " of 1792 as to his giving up experimenting (ante, p. 21). But in a letter of November 18, 1800, written by Leslie in London to Wedgwood at Gunville, there is a sentence which presumably refers to the photographic work. "A few days ago I left at York Street an object-glass and some thin cylinders for the solar microscope, and half a dozen bits of painted glass which will, I think, suit you. I have more pieces, which you may have at any time." This makes it probable that Wedgwood's photographic experiments, in which coloured glasses and the microscope were used, were going on at about that time ; and various letters show that he came to town on November 17, 1800, and stayed there till December 8 or later. Another little piece of evidence, however, points to photographic work some ten years earlier than that. During the discussions of 18645 on what were called the " Early Photographs " (see 186 TOM WEDGWOOD Appendix C.), there was produced at a meeting of the Photographic Society a letter, written by James Watt, apparently in 1 7 90 or 1 7 9 1 , to Josiah Wedgwood, and beginning with the following words : " Dear Sir, I thank you for your instructions as to the Silver Pictures, about which, when at home, I will make some experiments." (The rest of the letter is about a mill at Etruria.) This letter has the date " Thursday" only, but it is described as having been " docketed by Josiah Wedgwood, Jan. 1790," which date Mr. Hensleigh Wedgwood, the owner of the letter, after- wards corrected to 1791.* Tom Wedgwood was certainly working at questions of light and heat during the years preceding 1792, and as nitrate of silver was used in his later experiments we can hardly avoid the inference that the "silver pictures" men- tioned by Watt were early photographic attempts. These pictures would naturally excite interest in the Wedgwood circle, and Watt, an intimate family friend, had probably asked for information about them. The question, however, of the exact date of the experi- ments is of no special interest, there being no doubt * It is not known where this letter of Watt's now is. I quote it from the Report in the Photographic Journal of the meeting of the Society, January 5, 1864. It was obtained by Dr. Diamond, the Secretary, from the late Mr. Hensleigh Wedgwood (son of Josiah), but Dr. Diamond appears not to have returned it. The theory which it was produced to support having been clearly disproved, there would be no special reason for preserving it. There seems to have been some doubt as to its date, for Miss Meteyard (" Group of Englishmen," p. 130) describes it as "docketed 1799." If this was the date, it must have been addressed to the younger Josiah, the father having died 1795. If written in 1790 or 1791 it might have been addressed either to the old or to the young Josiah, but more probably to the father. THE PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK 187 as to the date of the first announcement of the process to the world. This was made in a paper of June 1802, printed in the first volume of the " Journals of the Royal Insti- tution." No name is appended to it, but as Humphrey Davy, then a young man of twenty-three, was at the time Assistant Editor of the Journal, and as the * Account " was included, after his death, in the collected edition of his works, we may take it to have been written by him. Presumably the experiments were made in the Laboratory of the "Royal Institution." The Insti- tution had been founded three years previously, and it occupied from the first the building in Albemarle Street which is still its home. Josiah Wedgwood (Tom's brother) was one of the first "Proprietors," subscribing a hundred guineas to its funds. Davy became "Assistant Lecturer" there early in 1802. The Wedgwoods had known him when he was an apothecary's apprentice at Penzance, and Tom must have seen much of him when he was employed by Dr. Beddoes in the " Pneumatic Institute " at Bristol. The second volume of Davy's collected works, imentale " nearly all his work (presque tous ses travaux) had been transmitted to us. This article mentions various observations of his as to electricity, gases, lightning- conductors, optics, acoustics, &c., but has no reference to the silhouettes, nor can I find in the above work of Biot any allusion to Charles in connection with the effect of light on chemicals. The " Biog. des Contemporains " (1834) says he wrote little about science " quelques memoires imprimesdans les recueils de 1' Academic des Sciences," and some mathematical articles in the " Encyclopedic Methodique," are his only works ; also, that he gave courses of lectures in physics at the Louvre up to the time of the Revolution (" jusqu'a 1'epoque de la Revolution "). None of the above notices refer to the silhouettes. The earliest mention of these which I have found is that by Arago, in the famous discourse given before the French Academy of Sciences in 1839, on the occasion when, as representative of the scientific commission which had recommended the national grants to Daguerre and to Isidore Niepce, he gave to the world the particulars of the Daguerre-Niepce method. In this address, after referring to previous speculations and discoveries bearing on the subject, Porta's " camera obscura," the attempts of the CHARLES'S SILHOUETTES 231 alchymists, &c., Arago says (I italicise in this and other quotations the more important phrases) : " Ces applications de la si curieuse propriet6 du chlorure d'argent, decouverte par les anciens alchymistes, semblaient devoir s'etre presentees d'elles-me'mes et de bonne heure ; mais ce n'est pas ainsi que precede 1'esprit humain. II nous faudra descendre jusqu'aux premieres annees du dix-neuvieme siecle pour trouver les premieres traces de Tart photographique. Alors Charles, notre compatriote, se servira, dans ses discours, d'un papier enduit pour engendrer des silhouettes a Vaide de Faction lumineuse. Charles est mart sans decrire la preparation dont il faisait usage ; et comme, sous peine de tomber dans le plus in- extricable confusion, 1'historien des sciences ne doit s'appuyer que sur des documents imprimis, authentiques, il est de toute justice de faire remonter les premieres lineaments du nouvel art a un Memoire de Wedgwood" and he goes on to describe and quote from the account of Wedgwood's discovery published in the Journal of the Royal Institution for June 1802. A later allusion to Charles is found in a tract by Arago, entitled " Le Daguerreotypie," printed in vol. vii. of his complete works. This is apparently a reprint of a former publication, but no date or title-page is given to show when the original appeared. From internal evidence, I infer it to have been written at some date near 1850. It is an account of the dis- coveries of Niepce and Daguerre. In a chapter entitled, " Examen de quelques reclamations de priorite*," he discusses the priority-claim made by Fox Talbot, and in this he says : u La premiere idee de fixer les images de la chambre obscure ou du microscope solaire sur certaines substances chimiques, n'appartient ni a M. Daguerre ni a M. Talbot. M. Charles, de 1'Academie des Sciences, qui faisait des silhouettes dans ses cours publics, a precede M. Wedgwood. Les premiers essais de M. Nie"pce pour perfectionner le precede de M. Charles ou de M. Wedg- wood sont de 1814." In section xv. of this tract Arago says : " Je me suis attache, dans cette notice, a demontrer que la photographic est une invention compltement franaise," 232 APPENDIX B adding that Talbot has undeniably the credit of a large share in the invention of processes for taking photographs on paper. This variation by Arago of his earlier account is singular. In 1839 he pat Charles's experiments in the first years of the last century, and gave no hint of his using the camera. One would like to know what led him afterwards to say Charles " preceded Wedgwood," which must mean did his experiments before 1802, the date of publication of Wedgwood's discovery. One cannot help noticing that the latter statement is in a paper the declared object of which was to show that photography was wholly a French invention. It would have been more satis- factory if he had given some indication of the actual date, instead of the loose phrase, " preceded Wedgwood." But this later account, apart from any question of the date of the experi- ment, gives a wholly new turn to the story. It would seem to imply that Charles used both the camera and the solar micro- scope, and also that he tried to " fix " his pictures. The earlier statement merely says he used a prepared paper to make sil- houettes. Now, if the "silhouette" of the tradition means, as surely it must, a shadow-picture thrown on the paper by the head of the sitter,* Charles could not have used a camera. For with the camera, as we all know, it is not the interception of light, but the light proceeding from the object, that produces the image. On this point Arago's later version seems to be quite unintelligible. And if the tradition he mentioned in 1839 included anything as to the use of a camera, or as to " fixing the image," it was surely most strange that he should then have said nothing as to these important details. The Charles story may be said now to rest upon Arago's state- ments as to the tradition existing in his time, and it is un- lucky that these statements were so lacking in precision. That Arago could be careless even when he was specially bound to be accurate, for his business in 1839 was to set forth the grounds for a grant of public money, is shown by his confusing Tom * See quotation, infra, from M. Tissandier. CHARLES'S SILHOUETTES 233 Wedgwood with his father, the potter. If he had looked at the " Biographic Universelle," it would have told him that Josiah, the father, had died seven years before the date of the Memoir from which he was quoting. Blanquart-Evrard's " Traite de Photographic sur Papier " (Paris, 1851) has an introductory sketch of the history of photography by George Ville. In this we read : " La photographic est une decouverte franfaise." ..." Elle est Pceuvre de deux hommes (Nie"pce et Daguerre)." . . . " L'idee de mettre a profit la propriete que possede la chlorure d'argent de noircir a la lumiere, pour copier des dessins, et fixer f image de la chambre noire^ n'est pas venue pour la premiere fois a MM. Niepce et Daguerre. Deja, Charles, physicien francais, Pemployait dans les cours qu'il faisait au Louvre, il y a plus cTiin demi-siede (this would mean before 1 80 1), pour produiredes silhouettes au moyen de la lumiere. Wedgwood, le Palissy de PAngleterre, Pavait employe de son cote pour copier des vitraux d'eglise, et Sir H. Davy, pour fixer Pi mage de la chambre noire." The time here indicated agrees with that mentioned by Arago in 1839, while the phraseology and the blunder as to the two Wedgwoods suggest that the writer is virtually copying from Arago's later account. But the mention of chloride of silver does not accord with Arago's statement that Charles left no record of his method. In a later book of M. Blanquart-Evrard, " La Photographic, ses origines, ses transformations" (Lille, 1870), we find yet a new account of Charles. Here, after mentioning Scheele's researches on the operations of light (1777), the writer says : " ^uelques annees plus tard, vers 1780, le Professeur Charles a excut, dans son cours public a Paris, le portrait en silhouette de ses eleves." ..." Vers le me*me temps, mais un peu plus tard, un industriel Anglais, Wedgwood [again confusion of son and father], obtenait de son cot de pareils resultats ; " and he refers to Davy's Memoir of 1802. This is the earliest mention I have found of 1780 as the date of Charles's experiments. No authority is quoted for it. 234 APPENDIX B In "La Photographic," by Mayer and Pierson (Paris, 1862), Charles is mentioned in connection with Wedgwood. P- 345)? contains expressions which seem to imply his belief that Thomas Wedgwood was in effect the discoverer of the law, whereof that paper was apparently intended to give a complete proof. Draper describes its objects thus : 1. To determine the point of incandescence of platinum and to prove that different bodies become red hot at the same temperature. 2. To determine the colour of the rays emitted by luminous bodies at different temperatures. 3. To determine the relation between the brilliance of the light and the temperature. After describing some experiments which led him to put the temperature of incandescence at 977, he says: "Against the No. 977 it may also be objected that antimony melts at a much lower temperature and yet emits light before it fuses. If this statement were true it would lead us to believe that all 252 APPENDIX E bodies have not the same point of incandescence. But I think the experiments of Mr. Wedgwood on gold and earthenware are decisive on that point ; and moreover, I have reason to believe that the melting-point of antimony is much higher than is com- monly supposed." In his preamble, Draper says : " Sir I. Newton fixed the temperature at which bodies become self-luminous at 635, Sir H. Davy at 812, Mr. Wedgwood at 947, Mr. Daniel at 900." Draper seems to be here confusing the two Wedgwoods, father and son. It was Josiah, the father, who, in a paper on his "Pyrometer," in the Phil. Trans, for 1784, gave a table of comparative temperatures, one entry wherein is " red heat fully visible in the dark 947." If he had meant by this that all bodies become luminous at that temperature, his son certainly would not have used the language we find in his paper of eight years later. I have not discovered where it is that Newton makes the statement Draper ascribes to him. It is not in his "Scala graduum caloris" given in the Phil. Trans, for 1701. A paper by Professor Kirchhoff in *Pogg. *. 192 of his book) seems to me I write it with regret, remembering what we owe to him rather lacking in the care and judgment which are generally so conspicuous in his work. I have noticed above the mistake of fact upon which it partly rests. He also remarks that " Mrs. Coleridge was the sufferer by the with- drawal, for the whole (of the annuity) had been for many years at her disposal." This may be true, but it hardly touches the main question Josiah had to decide. Any regular aid he gave the wife evidently went to remove, pro tanto^ one of the husband's chief inducements to exertion. It may be said > indeed, that a man in his then condition would not be influenced by any such notice. But this is answered by the fact that he did afterwards make the effort which led to his recovery i and who can say that he was not helped thereto by what Josiah did ? H T. WEDGWOOD'S WILL THE following is a summary made from the copy Probate at Somerset House : Will dated 13 June 1805. Proved 4 Jan. 1806. Executors : Josiah Wedgwood, of Gunville, and Dr. Robert Waring Darwin, of Shrewsbury. The main disposition is the gift of Residue to his two brothers, John and Josiah, and his three sisters, Susan Darwin, Catharine, and Sarah, in fifths. There are a number of small legacies to servants and to village people at Gunville. Bequest of furniture at Eastbury to his mother, and of plate to Catharine and Sarah : his watch and seals to his nephew, Josiah, son of his brother Josiah. Bequest of annuity for life of 150 to John Leslie (to be ^250 in case of his marriage), conditionally on his not having from other sources more than ^200 a year ; or ^300 if married. Power to buy an annuity for him. Bequest of annuity for life of 75 to " Samuel Taylor Coleridge, now or late of Stowey, near Bridgwater, gentle- man," to be paid half-yearly, clear of all deductions except in- come tax, with power to the executors to purchase an annuity for him ; he not to have power to sell, assign, or mortgage it. After this there is the following special bequest : " Whereas there are several persons to whom I have given assurance of APPENDIX H 261 pecuniary assistance towards their maintenance so long as the same shall be necessary and there may after my decease appear claims for pecuniary remunerations and advances which said several persons and the circumstances giving rise to such claims are well known to my said brother Josiah Wedgwood, I do therefore give and bequeath unto my said brother Josiah Wedg- wood the sum of five thousand pounds Upon trust to assist such persons and satisfy such claims according to his own discretion." A NOTE ON THE VALUE OF PHOTO- GRAPHY TO THE WORLD IF some competent person would take the pains to sum up the multifarious uses now made of photography, the hundred ways in which it aids study, research, and work of various kinds, scientific, artistic, social, legal, and many more, such a list would give us some measure of the importance of the art to the world. But it would be a task demanding an almost encyclo- paedic knowledge of modern activities. To take one illustra- tion only, the use of the camera in observatories seems to be daily disclosing fresh wonders in stellar astronomy, wonders which no human eye, however laboriously applied to the eye- piece of a telescope, could ever have discovered. A quite different aspect of the question may we not, perhaps, say a higher ? certainly one too often forgotten is vividly set forth in some words of John Richard Green, the historian, which I will make the epilogue to this little book. They are words which would have pleased the sympathetic soul of Tom Wedgwood. Green was, it may be remembered, for many years a hardworking clergyman in a very poor district of East London. He is giving a sketch of the noble work of Edward Denison in that region (" Stray Studies," p. 13) : " What do you look on as the greatest boon that has been conferred on the poorer classes in later years ? " said a friend to APPENDIX I 263 me one day, after expatiating on the rival claims of schools, missions, shoeblack brigades, and a host of other philanthropic efforts for their assistance. I am afraid I sank in his estimation when I answered, " sixpenny photographs." But any one who knows what the worth of family affection is among the lower classes, and who has seen the array of little portraits stuck over a labourer's fireplace, still gathering together into one the "home" that life is always parting the boy that has "gone to Canada," the girl " out at service," the little one with the golden hair that sleeps under the daisies, the old grandfather in the country will perhaps feel with me that in counteracting the tendencies, social and industrial, which every day are sapping the healthier family affections, the sixpenny photograph is doing more for the poor than all the philanthropists in the world. INDEX ABNEY, Sir W. de W., K.C.B., 198. Alderson, Georgina Lady, 1 7977. tl Alfred," Cottle's epic poem, 108. Allen, Catherine, see Mackintosh, Catherine. Allen, Elizabeth, see Wedgwood, Elizabeth. Allen, Fanny (1781-1875), sister of T. W.'s sisters-in-law, her "Re- collections," 1 24 ; her view of Poole's proposal for Kitty Wedg- wood, ioi#. ; scene with Coleridge at Cresselly, 124, 125. Allen, Jane, see Wedgwood, Jane. Annuity given by J. and T. Wedgwood to Coleridge, 55, 399 ; Wordsworth's description of it, 59 ; parallel, or partly parallel cases, 59, 59. ; an immediate result, 61 ; incident in its later history, 254, 599. Arago, Fran9ois (1786-1853), 231, 232, 233, 237. BANKS, Sir Joseph, P.R.S. (1741-1820), 17. Beddoes, Dr. Thomas (1760-1808), 33 ; the Pneumatic Institute, 34, 599; his medical theories, living with cows, &c., 35 ; his death, 183. Thomas Lovell (1803-1849), 330. Beethoven, 59^., 6on. Bell, Sir Charles, 211. Blacklock, Dr. (1721-1791), blind poet, 7, jn. Blanquart-Evrard, 233, 236, 237. Boddington, friend of Mackintosh, 160. Bull, use of, in child training, 209. CAMPBELL, Thomas (1744-1844), poet ; at the King of Clubs, 97 ; his account of T. W., 144, 145, 163. 266 INDEX Charles, J. A. C. (1746-1823), of Paris, supposed photographer, 229 ; his silhouettes variously described, 231-239; summary of dis- cussion, 239. Chisolm, Alexander, T. W.'s teacher in Chemistry, &c., 5-7; ad- vises as to his studies, 8. Coleridge, Sara, the poet's wife, 121, 126. Sara, the poet's daughter, i2/. S. T. (1772-1834) first acquaintance with T. W., 49; his fantastic scheme of life, 53 ; offered an annuity by the Wedgwoods, 54^.; accepts it, 57 ; a first result, his stay at Gottingen, 61 ; interpreter of Germany to England, 6in. ; J. S. Mill's estimate of him, 63 ; Carlyle's -satire, 64*7. ; on Malthus, 69; life in London, 74, 79; life at Keswick, 102-110; " Christabel," 105, io6. ; "accursed Wallenstein," 105; es- tranged from his wife, 112, 114; with T. W. in S. Wales and at Cresselly, 121-126; reading "The Leechgatherer," 125 ; cream and music, 123 ; at Keswick with T. W., 129 ; his feel- ings when among the hills, 132, 133 ; Kitty Wedgwood's criticism of his character, 139 ; his character of Hazlitt, 146 ; sick at Grasmere, the Wordsworths' goodness to him, 167 ; leaving for Malta, 170 ; last letter to T. W., 172 ; hearing of Beddoes' death, 183 ; "The Friend," 180,181. Letters of: to T.Wedgwood, 74, 77, 113, 118, 132, 135, 137, 146, 166, 169, 170; to Josiah Wedgwood, 68, 93, 102, 104, no ; to Poole, 120 ; to his wife, 121. Cote House, abode of John Wedgwood, 42 Cottle, Joseph (1770-1853), printer and early friend of Coleridge : his mutilation of Coleridge's letters, xii., xiii. ; Lamb's amusing description of his Epic, 108, 109, Cows, living with, a medical regime, 36. Crompton, Dr., 168. DAGUERRE, Dominique, agent of Josiah Wedgwood, 244. Louis (1789-1 85 1 ), inventor of Daguerrotypie, 202, 2020. ; a fanciful theory about him, 244. Darwin, Charles (1809-1882), T. W.'s nephew, 212, 213, 213*. ; his admiration for his uncle Josiah Wedgwood, 41. - Mrs. Charles (1808-1896), T. W.'s niece, 420. Erasmus, physician and poet (1731-1802), father-in-law of T. W.'s sister Susannah, 6, 212. INDEX 267 Darwin, Robert Waring, physician (1766-1848), husband of T.W.'s sister Susannah, 40, 42, loin. Davy, Sir Humphry, famous chemist (1778-1829), 37, 187; his lack of imagination, 194; his "Account "of T.W.'s photography, 189 sqq. ; circumstances of its so-called publication, 196-197 ; his slackness in the matter, 198, 200, 201. Dr. John, brother of Sir H. D., 198. Day, Thomas (1748-1789), 209. De Quincey (1785-1859) ; his half-mythical account of T. W., 36 ; description of T. Poole, 50. Derwentwater, scenery about, described by Coleridge, 103-110. Dick, Mr. ("David Copperfield "), 1950. Drewe, Caroline, sister of T. W.'s sisters-in-law, 179. her daughters, 1 790. EDER, Dr., writer on photography, 217, 224^., 236, 239-246, 247. Edgeworth, Maria, 420. R. Lovell, 6. Edinburgh University, in 1786-1788, the Wedgwoods' experiences, 7-10. FRANCE in 1792 : T. W. in Paris, 25. GERMAN, begun to be studied in England, 211. language and philosophy unknown to T. W., 211. Godwin, William (1756-1836), author of " Political Justice," 290. ; gets money from T. W., declines a copying machine, 29, 30 ; he and T. W. agree best at a distance, 3 1 ; correcting T. W.'s English, 31 ; in London, 97 ; helped by T. W., 177. Greta Hall, Coleridge's abode at Keswick ; set Coleridge. HARRISON, Mr. Jerome, 199, Hazlitt, William (1778-1830), 57, 1450., 146. Horner, Francis (1778-1817), 160. Hunt, Robert, 237. Hutchinson, Sarah, Wordsworth's sister-in-law, 133. INOCULATION, T. W.'s efforts to spread the practice, 44. Invasion, alarms of, 1803-1804, 150 sqq. KANT, 211. 268 INDEX Keir, James, chemist, 6, 19. "King of Clubs," 97. LA FAYETTE, 25. Lawson, Sir G., Coleridge's neighbour, 103 ; offered a buffalo and rhinoceros, 108. Leslie (Sir) John (1766-- 183 2) physicist, 1 1 ; at Etruria to instruct the Wedgwoods, 11-16; his grand epistolary style, 11-15 > has an annuity from T. W., 46, 47 ; offers marriage to Sarah Wedgwood, 80 sqq. ; his book on Heat, 173. Lodore, scenery about, described by Coleridge, 133. Lowther, Lord, 156. Lunar, miscalled " lunatic," meetings, 247. Luff, Charles, and his wife, 126, 175. MACKINTOSH, Sir James (1765-1 832), brother-in-law of T. W.'s sisters- in-law, 43 ; lecturing, 80 ; founds the " King of Clubs," 97 ; discussing metaphysics with T. W., 1 1 1 ; promises to edit his philosophical work, 157-159, 207, 208 ; goes to India, a "send- off" by family and friends, 157 ; learning German, 211, 537*. ; possibly editor of an essay by T. W., 21 in. Catherine, Lady, sister of T. W.'s sisters-in-law, 43, 160. Mayer and Pierson, MM., 234. Meteyard, Eliza : her life of Josiah Wedgwood, 6n. ; mythical account of T. W.'s photography, 241 sqq. NAPIER, Macvey, biographer of Leslie, 1740. Napoleon, his seizure of English travellers, 141; threatened invasion, 154, 154*. Niepce, Nicphore, the first successful photographer, 202, 2O2., 227. CERSTED, his discovery, 195. POOLE, Thomas (1765-1837), 49 ; described by De Quincey, 50 ; the link between Coleridge and the Wedgwoods, 51; his action as to the Coleridge annuity, 57 ; sorrow at failure to get the Wedgwoods to settle in Somerset, 67 ; seeking to marry Kitty Wedgwood, 98 ; close attachment to T. W., 67, 68. Priestley, Joseph (1733-1804), the famous chemist, 6 ; helping T. W. in his investigations, 19 ; settles in America, 28, 253 ; his account of Schulze's word-pattern experiment, 225. INDEX 269 READE, J. B., photographer, 204, 205. Rogers, Samuel, poet (1763-1855), 97. " Royal Institution of Great Britain " : Wedgwood's light-pictures done in its laboratory, 187 ; its early history, 187, 197. SALISBURY, The late Marchioness of, 179. Sandford, Mrs. H. : her memoir of T. Poole, 49. Schiendel, Dr., writer on photography, 217, 226, 236. Schulze, Hermann (1687-1744), described as the inventor of pho- tography, 218-227. Sharp, Richard (1759-1834), known as "Conversation Sharp," 17, 1 8, 97, 163 ; his view of T. W.'s metaphysics, 209. Smith, Robert or " Bobus," 97. Smith, Sydney, 157 ; on the comparative virtues of the Allen sisters, 159, 1 60. Stewart, Dugald, 125, 125^. Switzerland, T. W.'s tour in, 45. TALBOT, W. H. Fox (1800-1871), his photographic discovery, 203, 2O3//. ; a point in his process obtained indirectly from T. W t) 204, 205 ; author of a photograph falsely attributed to T. W., ,43. Tennyson, " In Memoriam" and Evolution, 213^. Tissandier, G., 234, 235. Tobin, James, friend of Wordsworth, 520.; 97, 143;*. - John, UNDERWOOD, T. W.'s travelling companion, 140. VOLUNTEERING in 1803-1804 : 150 sqq. ; at Etruria, 156 ; " Wedg- wood's Mountaineers," 152. WATT, Gregory, 97. Watt, James (1736-1819), 6, 73 ; letter as to T. W.'s light-pictures 186. Wedgwood, Bessy : see Wedgwood, Elizabeth. - Catharine ("Kitty") T. W.'s sister (1774-1823), 40; loiw., 160 ; her view of Coleridge's character, 139. - Elizabeth ( Bessy "), born Allen, wife of T. W.'s brother Josiah (1764-1846), 40 ; her character, 42 ; T. W.'s affection for her, 162-164 5 T. W. in her nursery, 165. 270 INDEX Wedgwood, Hensleigh, (1803-1891) nephew of T. W., i86. Jane, born Allen (1771-1836), wife of T. W.'s brother John, 40, 42. John (1766-1844), T. W.'s eldest brother, 2, 3, 40 ; a bad financier, leaves Cote, 173 ; founder of Horticultural Society, 173*. Josiah (1730-1795), father of T. W., 6, 6n. Josiah, (1769-1843), T. W.'s elder brother, 7 sqq., 10; his close union with Tom, 41 ; his character, Charles Darwin's account, 41 ; offer of 100 to Coleridge, 54 ; offer of annuity to Coleridge, 54 sqq. ; Sheriff of Dorset during the invasion alarms, 153 ; his action as to Coleridge in 1812, 254 sqq. - Josiah, Tom's nephew (1795-1880), 165. Sarah (17 -1815), Tom's mother, 153-156. Sarah (1776-1856), Tom's sister, 40-43 ; sought in marriage by Leslie, 80, sqq. ; her last years, 85^.; her "angelic kind- ness," 163. - Sarah Elizabeth (1793-1880), daughter of Tom's brother Josiah : records Fanny Allen's recollections of T. W., 124 ; as a baby, 165. Susannah (1765-1817), Tom's eldest sister, wife of Dr. R. Darwin ; 40, 212. Tom (1771-1 805) : birth and boyhood, I -6; a letter eet. 12, 2 ; offers to manage his father's pools, 4 ; at Edinb. Univ., 7-10 ; working at the Pottery, 10,27; at Natural Philosophy, 10; earnest views of Life, 13; working at physics, 17 sqq. ; heat and light, Roy. Soc. papers, 17 sqq. and 251, 252; experiments in vacuo, 21-23 ; has to give up experimenting, 21 ; wretched health, 23, 24, and passim; in Paris, 1792, 25; thinks of America, 28; inhaling laughing-gas, 37; butcher's shop story, 36, 37; preaching inoculation, 44; gives annuity to Leslie, 46, 47 ; acquaintance with Poole and Coleridge, 49 ; and with Wordsworth, 5 1 ; search for place of abode, 64-67 ; settles in Dorset, 72 ; voyage to W. Indies, brothers' first separation, 86 ; letter from Martinique to his family, 89 ; return from W. Indies, 93; temporarily better, 94, 95; London Life, 97; metaphysics, in ; foreign tour, in ; to Paris, 1892, 112; in S. Wales with Coleridge, 121; at Cresselly, 124; seeing Wordsworth at Grasmere, gives Wordsworth an impression of "sublimity," 127 ; terrible despondency, 128 ; to Geneva and INDEX 271 flight home, narrowly escapes being detenu, 14?; forms a Volunteer corps, 151; near despair, 1 60; trying housework, 146 ; scheme of seclusion, 161 ; at his worst, completely sane, 172 ; difficulties as to travel-companion, 173 ; to Ulleswater and the Luffs, 175 ; thinks of buying a place there, 176 ; help- ing friends, 176, 177 ; a painless end, 179. various estimates of his character : by Coleridge, in " The Friend," 181 ; by Coleridge in letters, 122, 182; by Campbell, 144, 145 ; by Sydney Smith, 180; by Wordsworth, 127 ; Fanny Allen, 124; Bessy Wedgwood, 180. his photographic work; date doubtful, 20, 186, 187; described by Davy, 187, 189-194; the so-called publication of Davy's Account, 195, 197; his process the germ of present- day processes, 198; mythical story of his work, 241-245. his Psychology and Metaphysics ; Pref., 207, 2070., 210 ; Rousseauism, 208 ; child-training methods, 209 ; Enquiry into notion of distance, 21 in. ; his Sociology pre-Darwinian, a personal link with Evolution, 212, 213. Wordsworth William (1770-1850) : T. W.'s first acquaintance with him, 52 ; his feeling as to the annuity to Coleridge, 59; his legacy from Raisley Calvert, 59;^"The Leechgatherer " read by Coleridge at Cresselly, 1 25 ; his impression of T. W.'s personal appearance, 127; with " Wedgwood Mountaineers," 152; "Lyrical Ballads," 52. Dorothy (1771-1855), 49-52. Printed by BALLANTYNE, HANSON &* Co. London &* Edinburgh UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. DEC 1 31952 LU 13 JA'62JC REG'D LD APR 16 1962 MAR IS 1968 ^^^^-^^^^J^^PPB^^^^*" ICLF (H) DEC 2 2005 LD 21-100m-9,'47(A5702sl6)476 221577