4UUE B '. 1 f^V^ •• ■-•v-;-:->3 I SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH ■ Z\20 M B6C8 ■ |918 i r 1 ^mt 3 ^Sl 6 ""^ - . .- .•"_ 1 ■■:. ■:!■ . ^ -■ •'-■ .".•■.• ■'. ' '.'y i • ^^^H >rnia il ?W ■ ^> / i-VV ■ . ^ ^^^^^■r t. ! JA^ 50LDILRS' Spoken French With CORRLCT PHONETIC PRONUNCIATION Contains also Phrases and Vocabulary of Military and General Terms By HLLLNL CROSS (H^lene Fodor) THIRD EDITION— RLVI5LD AND IMPROVED NEW YORK L. P. DUTTON & CO. 681 FIFTH AVENUE COPYRIGHT, 1917, Bt e. p. button & CO. First printing June, 1917 Second printing July, 1917 Third printing ^ August, ,1917 Fou',thp;nnii;iy . .. I. .*. i. I. . .1. .*% . .'. .',. .'^i... . :.. . . /:./'. .*. ;A'ug7l3t,\l917 lijtl ^riii\ti^\,.'r,'. .*.: J 1 :.\\. , ,/ •. .v.*. . .-. .*-.' . .Beptef.idetr^ 1917 Sixth printing , v •-• 't •.•••••••••••• ••*-,• •, ^Octobhr*, • i9i7 Se'renth plrinfivgl . . ! . .".J. . ^•. ...... ^\. **.: ^.•!l.-j . ?. . .•*.,. \.Q^tob\r, >l^j'7 Eiyhiff friritlr}^.'. ..•..•.,? .•».•. ».».*. .•.»,-. ..•...*...'•...♦...*. .hiovembfr, 1917' Ninth printing ..'.".' March, 1918 Tenth printing July, 1918 Printed in the United States of America ^ PUBLISHERS' NOTK We believe that those of us who have wrestled with diction- ' aries and grammars iu our youth must have often envied the A.postles when the gift of tongues fell on them, and they began Ko speak to the "Parthians and Medes and Elamites and the dwellers in Mesopotamia ' ' and the rest, in their own most vari- ous languages. Unfortunately, however, nowadays, every exten- sion of our linguistic frontiers has to be paid for with much hard and irritating work and any short cut to the acquisition of a foreign tongue must be looked on as more than a mere con- venience; it is a positive blessing. Here, in this little book, is just such a short cut, and to the most important (for us) of all foreign languages. Our soldiers may be able to get along without modern Greek, without Portu- guese, without Bussian, though it would be handy for them to be able to greet their comrades of those nations, but one lan- guage is practically indispensable for them, — French. They will train in France and fight in France; they will associate with French troops, French ofiScials, French civilians, and, as a matter of practical efficiency, they must learn to express their elementary military and social needs in the language of France. Here is exactly what they will want, in the trenches, in camp, .:'rand on the way to the front; and in such a form that any man ^ who digests this little book will have all that he practically sz needs and yet not burden his memory with anything unneces- UJf As regards her method, the author of this book has had a real inspiration. Instead of laboriously compiling a phrase- ^ook in the usual way, she has written down the actual verbal 370068 French lessons sne gave to ner class ot soldiera in New Siealand, beginning straight away with words and sentences just as chil- dren learn their own language, and only giving a few short and essential gramma,tical rules one by one, as the knowledge of them becomes necessary. The book is, in fact, so arranged that it can be learned by the student without putting pen to paper: though, of course, the work, where possible, should be written. Just one word of caution to the would-be student concerning the author's original, and so far entirely successful, system of phonetic pronunciation of French. It will be noticed that Madame Cross ends her phonograms of words like le, te, with the letter *'r.'* This "r" must be kept silent in the pronun- ciation. It£ use is to ensure the correct value of the vowel before it, and it is not meant to be sounded, any more than we really sound the final < * r " in words like ' * for, " or " sooner. ' ' In fact it is an English final * ' r, ' ' and not a French one. In conclusion, we can but hope that this little book will do for the boys of America what it has already done, and is still doing, for the gallant Anzacs. THE PUBUSHEES. SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH Part I. LESSON I. PEONTJNCIATION. The approximate pronunciation of each word will be found, as the sound would be spelt in English, in brackets beside it. As, however, there is no English equivalent for the French sounds of u. un, on, an, and in, one can only aim at getting near them. If possible, a student having no French teacher should ask the nearest Frenchman to give liim those sounds, and the rest are comparatively easy. French u has no corresponding sound in English. It ia most like eu, very soft, and sounded with lips rounded, as if to whistle. This U sound, will be designated in brackets thus (it) There is a Scotch equivalent sound in the word ''guidJ* E's are rolled also in the Scotch manner. (Do not, however, roll the r's which are put only for help into the English spelling in brackets unless they are in French word also.) N or M at the end of a word or syllable (both having the same sound in French) is the sound most sinned against by- English learners. '*l/o7?,"'*nom,"should never be pronounced with the whole n sound at the end. TKe best description is that one begins to say the N as in English, and leaves the letter off in the middle— cuts off the last part, and makes it nasal witii a lift of the breath. In many books, that sound is written as "ng", and has been the cause of much mis- pronunciation. I prefer to spell it with an h after the n or m^ »s mon (monh), nom (nomh), ton (bonh), and it will thua be designated in this feook. 6 SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH The pronunciation of gn is hard to spell in English, as there is no equivalent. One is, however, familiar with the n in Spanish ' ' senora, ' ' which has a sound identical with gn in French, i.e., ''gagner.'' The g is not sounded at all, but a turn is given to the "n." The vowels in French are — A, pronounced (a?i) sometimes long, sometimes short. E, unaccented (er) E, accented, as e, k, e, {ay) I. Y {ee) O (o) XT (it) as previously explained. The remainder of the letters are called consonants. Accent is much more regularly balanced in French words than in English. On the whole, if the beginner learns to put the same stress on each syllable he does not go far wrong. The in French is called an Article, and has three forms: Masculine, singular. Feminine, singular. Plural. Le (ler) la (lar) les (lay) A vowel or a mute h at the beginning of a word has great importance, inasmuch as it changes the article in the singular from le or la into T, as Tarbre (larhr) = the tree. This leaving out of a letter and putting in an apostrophe (') is called elision, and is extensively found in French. H is never sounded in French. The so-called h aspirate merely prevents the linking of w^ords. L'homme (lomm) h. mute = the man. Le hero (ler-airo) h (so-called) aspirate = the hero. There arc only two genders. Masculine and Peminine, (hereafter written 7n. and /.) and no Neuter. Inanimate objects are thus spoken of as Jie and she, as there is no neuter word it soldiers' spoken niENCH « When the word le comes before a noun you know the noun is masculine. When la comes before a noun the noun is feminine. The plural has the same word for both genders, les (lay). Le livre, m. (leavr) - the book. La table, f. (tarhl) = the table. L'arbre, m. (Varhr) - the tree. Les livres {leavr') - the books. Les tables (tarbl) = the tables. Les arbres (lays-arhr) = the trees. K.B. S at the end of a plural word is not usually sounded. By ear. livre and livres have the same sound. The difference between singular and plural is shown by the article. Singular, la table (kir tarbl) ; Plural, les tables {lay tarbl). There are three accents; acute, as e; grave, as b; and circumflex, as e. Unless a word ends in e (with an accent on it) the final e Is not sounded; e.g. encre (onJcr) = ink. The nouns already given above all end in e mute. Although the pronunciation of French written words is very puzzling to English ears at first, the French language follows regulations much more systematically than English. Thus, if certain rules of pronunciation are learnt at the outset, the student will find that most words follow those rules. Au and Eau are like English O Er at end of a word is ay, as plancher (plonhshay) s floor. Oi = wa, as noir (nwar) = black. J. and soft G. = zh, like z in Eng. word *' azure.*' len or iens = ee-enh, as in bien, combien, viens, tiena, 8 SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH A consonant at the end of a word is not usually sounded (excepting C, T, and L. and sometimes R) ; as marchand, m. (marshonh) = shopkeeper. But wh'en an. e mute occurs at the end of a word the last consonant is then sounded, as marcliande, f. {marslionhd) - shopkeeper. Be sure to remember that the italicised words in brackets are to be pronounced in the English spelling, with the excep- tion of n, m, and u, the pronunciation of which has already been explained. Sentences to Learn. Bonjour (honhzlioor) = good morning, good day. Comment allez-vous? {komonht allay vox)) = how are you? Tr^s bien merci {tray hienh mairsee) = very well thank you. Et vous? {ay voo) = and you? Monsieur {m'syeur) = Sir, Mr. Madame {madamm) = Mada.m, Mrs. Oui {week) = yes. Non {norih) - no. Je suis Anglais {zher siveezonhglay) = I am English. J^ suis fatigue {zher sxoee fat-ee-gay) = I am tired. Donnez-moi {donnay mwar) = give me. S'il vous plait {seel voo play) = if you please, please. Merci {mairsee) = thank you, thanks. Du pain {dil panh) - some bread. De la "viande {der la veonfid) = some meat. Des biscuits {day iissJcWee) = some biscuits. De I'eau {der lo) - some water. Voici {vwarsee) = here is, here are. * SOLDIERS* SPOKEN FRENCH Exercise 1. (To read or hear spoken). 1. Bonjour, Madame, comment allez-vous? (Bonhzhoor, madamm, komonhtallay voo) 2. Tres bien, merci, monsieur, et vous? (Tray hienli, mairsee, m'syeur, ay voo) 8. Je suis fatigue, madame. (Zher sicee fat-ee-gay, madamm). 4. Donnez-moi du pain, s'il vous plait. (Donnay mwar dii panh, seel voo play). 5. Voici du pain, monsieur. (Vivarsee dii panh, m'syeur), 6. Merci, madame. (Mairsee, madamm) . 7. Voici de la viande, monsieur. (Vwarsee der lar veonJid, m'syeur)^ S. Oui, madame, merci. (Week, madamm, mairsee). 9. Au revoir, monsieur. (O rev war, m'syeur). La lettre (lettr) = the letter. La porte (iwrt) = the door. La chambre (shomhbr) = the roonu' La fenetre (fenaytr) = the window Le plafond (plafonh) = the ceiling. Le plancher {plonhslimj) = the floor. Le store (store) = the blind. La plume (pliim) = the pen. Le rideau (reedo) = the curtain. La table (tarhl) = the table. La chaise (shays) = the chair. Le bureau (bUro) = the desk. 10 SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH ta cliemin46 (shemeenay) = the mantelpiece, chimney. Le feu (fer) = the fire. Le charbon (sharhonh) = the coal. Le l3ois (bwar) = the wood. La maison (mayzonh) = the house. Le mur (miir) = the wall. L'encrier {lonKkre-ay) ='the inkstand. L'encre (lonkr) = the ink.. Et (a) = and. Montrez-moi {monhtray mwar) =. show me. Voila (vwarlar) - there is. Siir {silr) - on, upon. Bans {donh) = in. Conversation. (To be tried without the book.) Question: Montrez-moi la porte. Answer: Voici la porte. Question: Montrez-moi le mur. Answer: Voil^ le mur. (And so on, through all the words in the vocabulary, while pointing to objects in the room). _^K.B. It is impossible to repeat words and pbrases too often. Exercise 2. Write down or speak all the words in the Vocabulary from dictation or from memory, putting them into the plural. The article must be made plural, and the nouns are made plural by the addition of s, as in English, except rideau, "bureau, and feu, which take x. The s of the plural is not usually sounded, as les murs {lay miir). SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH 11 When, however, one word ends in a consonant, and tiie following word begins with a vowel, the last consonant sound is linked on to the following vowel, and that con- sonant is then sounded. Vous avez (voozavvay) = you have. This is especially the case with words which belong to each other, with no lift of the breath between. Comment allez-vouz? {komont allay voo) = How are you? Les encriers (laysonkreay) = the inkstands. An exception to this rule is the word et (a) = and, of which the t is never under any circumstances, sounded. II y a (eel ee ar) - There i^ there are. N.B. *' Voili " is used for *' there is " when one can point at the object. " II y a " can be used wherever the object is, visible or invisible. LESSON II. Sentences to be Learnt. Messieurs [messy err) - gentlemen, Messrs. Bonsoir (bonhsivar) = good evening. Je ne me iwrte pas tres bien (zher ner mer port par tray bienh) = I am not very well. C'est dommage (say dommarzlie) - That is a pity Apportes-moi (apportay mwar) = Bring me. Depecliez-vous (daypayshay voo) = Make haste. Pouvez-vous? (poovay voo) = Can you? Certainement (sairtaynmenh) = Certainly. Venez ici (vennay zeesee) = Come here. All8z-vous-en (allay voo zanh) = go away. Un, m. (ernh) = a, an^ one. Une, f, (iln) = a, an, one. Des, pi (day) = somg. 12 SOLDIERS* SPOKEN FRENCH Exercise 3. (To read and hear spoken).^ 1. Bonsoir, monsieur, comment allez-vous? 2. Tres bien, merci, madame, et vous? 3. Je ne me porte pas tr^s bi^n. 4. C'est dommage. 5. Donnez-moi de I'eau, s'il vous plait. 6. Voici de I'eau, monsieur, et voici du pain. 7. Merci, madame. 8. Apportez-moi de I'eau, s'il vouo plait. 9. Certain ement, monsieur. Venez ici, s'il vous plait. 10. Apportez-moi de la viandc, et allez-vous-en. Two students can repeat the above sentences to one another alternately. There is nothing better than frequent repetition, and the teacher or the pupils can make up fresh sentences from the foregoing ones, and from other nouns learnt. ADJECTIVES. Adjectives, like the articles le and un, have a masculine and feminine form. The masculine is used with a masculine noun, and the feminine is used with a feminine noun, becoming also plural with the noun. This is called making adjectives agree with their nouns. The feminine of adjectives is usually made by adding e to the masculine form. Mauvais, m. (jnovvay), mauvaise, /. (movvayze) = bad. Noir, m. (nwar), noire, /. {nwiir) = black. Bleu, e (hler) = blue. Brun, e (hrunh, hriin) = browii. Froid (frwar), froide frward) - cold. Ciaud, e {show, shoioed) ^ warm, hot. SOLDIERS* SPOKEN FRENCH 13 Grand, e (gronh, grond) = great, tall, large. Petit, e (pertee, perteet) = small, little. Fort, e (for, fort) = strong. Mort, e (mor, mort) = dead, deceased. Vert, 6 (vair, vairt) = green. Vrai, e (vray) = true, real. Plein, e (planh, plain) = full. Chaud, froid, fort, mort, and adjectives of colour and nationality follow the noun, as le store vert = the green blind. ConversatioxL J'ai (shay) = I have. H a (eel ar) = he has. Elle a (ell ar) = she has. Pense a (ponhsay ar) = thought of. Quelque chose (kelTcershows) = something. Est-ce"? (ayce) = is it? Ce n'est pas (ser nay par) = It is not. C'est (say) = It is. n est (eel ay) := he is. Elle est (ell ay) = she is. Exercise 4. To be spoken amongst two or more students, A. and B- or A., B., C. and D., etc A. J'ai pens6 a quelque chose. B. Est-ce la porte? A. Non, ce n'est pas la porte. C. Est-ce la maison? A. Non, ce n'est pas la maison. D. Est-ce le bureau? 14 SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH A. Non, ce n'est pas le bureau. E. Est-ce la plume? A. Non, ce n'est pas la plume. And so on, mentioning all the names they know, of objects in the room until the right word is obtained, then F. Est-ce I'encre? A. Oui, c'est I'encre. Also, a word can be written on a .piece of paper and folded up, and A. or B. says — J'ai ecrit (ayl-rce) quelque chose. C. Est-ce la cheminee? etc. etc. This is a splendid exercise in speaking. Ecrit = written. Reading Exercise 5. I. J'ai une grande porte. 2. Tl a une petite maison. 3. Elle a un plein jardin. 4. Ce n 'est pas une petite f enetre. 5. C'est un store vert. 6. Le bureau est plein. 7. La cheminee est chaude. 8. Voila I'encrier noir. 9. Voici le vrai marchand. 10. Montrez-moi la grande maison. Exercise 6, to speak or write. 1, Show me the green blind. 2. I have thought of the little windov/. 3. Is it a warm chimney? 4. Yes, it (she) is ■warm. 5. Here is the little desk. 6. There is the big blind. 7. It is not the big garden. 8. I have thought of the warm room. 9. I have the blue ink. 10. Who has the small garden? When "vous avez" (voozavvay) is turned round to avez-vous? (avvay-voo) = have you? the s of vous no longer- needs to be sounded, unless again followed by a vowel, Avez-vous les livres? (avvay-voo lay leavr)^' Avez-vous uu liVJ:e? {away'VOGsuiih leavr),. •SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH 15 Sentences to he Learnt. Je SUis (sher swee) = I am. Savez-vcus? (saway-voo) = do you know? Combien de (komhienlt) = how many? J'ai froid (zhay frwar) - I am cold. J'ai chaud {shay show) = I am warm. J'ai faim {zhay fainh) = I am hungiy, J'ai soif (swarf) = I am thirsty. J'ai does not mean I am, but I have. In French they say "I have cold," "I have warmth," "1 have hunger," etc. Dites-lui de venir (deet twee der veneer) - Tell him to come. Ou allcz-vous? {oo allay voo) - Where are you going? Je vais a la ville {zher vayzar lar veel) = I am going to the town. Ou est la ville? (oo a lar veel) = Where is the town? Par la (par lar) = over there. Mais (may) = but. Ouvert, e (oovair, oovairt) = open. Fenne, e (fairmay) = shut. Le jardin (zhardinh) = garden. Le champ (shanh) = field. PKESENT TENSE OF VEKB AVOIR (AVVWAE) = TO HAVE. J'ai (zhay) - I have. Tu as (tii ar) = Thou hast. II a (eel ar) = He has. Elle a (ell ar) - She has. Nous avons (noozavvonh) = We have. Vous avez (voosavvay) = You have. 16 soldiers' spoken FRENCH Us ont (eelzonh) = They have. EUes ont {ellzonh) ) = They have, f . Exercise 7. 1. J'ai une grande fenetre et une petite porte. 2. II a faim et elle a soif. 3. J'ai froid et j'ai faim. 4. II a soif et elle a chaud. 5. Avez-vous un encrier noir? 6. Non, j'ai une table brune. 7. Je suis dans le jardin. 8. La porte est ouverte et la fenetre est ferm^e. Exercise 8. Conversation betvs^een two or more students. A. Avez-vous froid? B. Non, j'ai chaud. A. Avons-nous faim? B. Non, nous avons soif. A. Avez-vous soif? B. Non, j'ai faim; and so on. VERB ETRE {AITR) = TO BE. Present Tense. Je suis {zTier swee) - I am. Tu es {til a) = Thou art II est {eel a) = He is. Nous sommes {noo somm) = We are. Vdus etes (voozait) = You arc. lis sont {eel sonh) = They are. Devant {devvanh) = before, in front of. Exercise 9. 1. Je suis ici. 2. Nous sommes grands. 3. II est petit. 4. Elle est petite. 5. Vous etes ici. 6. Us sont bleus. 7. Elles sont froides. 8. Vous etes dans le champ et nous sommes dans le jardin. 9. Us sont devant la chemin^e chaude., SOLDIERS ' SPOKEN FEENCH 17 LESSON III, Verbs, To commence, the exercise "J'ai pense i quelqne chose'* of Lesson 11. should be frequently repeated, mth additional words learnt subsequently. The student should become able to speak the sentences without a moment's hesitation. In asking questions with verbs, the verb and pronoun are reversed, as in English. Ai-je (ayzhe) = have If As-tu? (ar tii) - hast thou? A-t-il? [orieel) - has he? (notice the t inserted). A-t-elle? (artell) = has she? Avons-nous? (avvonh noo) - have we? Avez-vous? (avvay-voo) = have you? Ont-ils? (onhteel) = have they? Ont-elles? {onntell)'- have they, f.t Vu ivii) - seen. Exercise 10. (To read or speak.) 1. Ai-je Tencrier? 2. Oui, vous avez I'encrier et la plume. 3. A-t-il vu le charbon? 4. II a vu le charbon et le bois. 5. Avons-nous les lettres? 6. Les lettres et les iivres sont sur la table. 7. A-t-elle vu la chaise? 8. EUe a vu la chaise et le bureau dans la chambre. Exercise 11. (Spoken.) Practise with all the nouns you know: J*ai la maison. Tu as le livre. etc. Then— Ai-je I'encrier? As-tu le bureau? 18 SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH A-t-il la maison? Avons-nous la table? Avez-vous les livres? Ont-ils les rideaux?, etc. The negative not consists of^ two words, ne and pasy ne comes before the verb, and becomes n* before a vowel, and pas is placed after the verb. Je n'ai pas (isher nay par) - I have not. Tu n'as pas {tu nar par) zz thou has not. H n'a pas {eel nar par) - he has not. Nous n'avons pas {noo navvonh par) = we have not. Vous n'avez pas {voo naway par) - you have not. lis n'ont pas {eel nonh par) = they have not. Also, N'ai-je pas? {nayje par) = have I not? N*as-tu pas? {nartii par) = hast thou not? N'a-t-il pas? {narteel par) - iias he not? N'avons-nous pas? (navvonh noo par) = have we not? N' avez-vous pas? (naway voo par) = have you not? N'ont-ils pas? (nonhteel par) = have they not? Exercise 12. 1. Avez-vous le charbon, madame? 2. Non, je n'ai pas le charbon, monsieur, mais il a le bois. 3. A-t-il pense a la chaise? 4. Non, mais il a pense a la fenetre. 5. N'avons-- nous pas I'encre noire? 6. Oui, vous avez I'encre et I'encrier. 7. H n'a pas faim mais il a soif. 8. N 'avez-vous pas froid? 9. Non, nous n'avons pas froid, nous avons chaud. 10. N 'ont- ils pas pens^ a quelquc chose? SOLDIERS^ SPOKEN FRENCH 19 Exercise 13. (Conversation.) Much repetition without the book is necessai^ here. Pirst repeat — ^'J'aiiaporte." <rdinai numerals can be formed. Coinage, measures of length, weight, and capacity, ar* ill decimal in French, making arithmetic much simpler than n English. 50 SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH La moitie {mwarteay) = tlie half. Les trois quarts (kar) = three quarters. Une livre et demie {d'mee) = a pound and a half (weight). XTn mdtre (length) {maytr) = a metre (about 1yd. Sin.). Un kilometre (length) (Mllomaytr) = f of a mile. Un kilogramme (weight) (Mogram) = 2J lbs. . Un litre (leetr) r If pints. I Tin franc (fronh) = 100 centimes (senhteem) = lOdi I English money. I Tin sou (soo) = 5 centimes = ^d. English money. The centime is not a coin, but a unit for measuring value. There are 100 centimes in 1 franc, and 10 centimes go to make our English penny. If you see marked in shops, an article costing Ifr. 70 c^ that merely is equivalent to 1 franc (= lOd. Eng.) + 7d. Eng., making in English money 1/5. The usual coins in France are the 5 franc, the 2 franc, the 1 f raii.c, the 50 centimes (= 5d. Eng.), the 25 centimes (= 2|d. Eng.), and the 10 centime coin, called ' ' piece de deux sous, ' * (piayce * der der soo) = piece of 2 sous,'* equivalent to an English I penny. There is also a gold coin of 20 francs, called a louis> or napoleon. Exercise 43. You are in France, and are going shopping, on a search for food, especially for something different from what yon have had in the trenches. You enter a small shop, and there is a woman behind the counter. There is sure to be a woman, because even before the war women did most of the selling; but now 1 SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH 51 You enter, and salute. Every Frenchwoman, no matter how humble her circumstances, expects to be treated as a lady, and she, also, will treat you as a gentleman. You commence by saying: ''Bonjour, Madame.'' Madame: "BoEjour, Monsieur." You: * * Avez-vous quelque cliose de T)on a manger?' ' Madams: "Mais certainement, monsieur, que voulez-vous? J'ai de bons raisins, des prunes, des biscuits, du cliocolat." You: "Avez-vous des ceufs, madame?'* Madame: "Oui, monsieur, des ceufs tous fraio, du jambon, des saucisses, des " You: (wondering all the time what the -words *'frais" and "saucisses" mean, Madame has the sense to point to a fine string of sausages near her). "Ah, oui," you exclaim, delighted at guessing the word. " Saucisses— sausages. 23onn8z-moi deux livres de saucisses, Madame, une livre da beurre, et une doujzaine d'oeuf s. ' ' Your tastes do not run to sweet things, but you clutch the sausages, butter, and eggs delightedly. Madame smiles, but waits relentlessly for the money. You: "Combien, Madame, s'il vous plait?" Madame: "Les saucisses, cinq francs, Monsieur; le beurre, deux francs cinquante; les ceufs si frais, si frais, *Monsieur comprend que je ne pourrais les vendre moins que trois francs la douzaine." Here you have to stop and make a calculation. How much did you have to pay Madame (a) in French money, (b) in English equivalent? I leave you to find out. But in quitting ^Monsieur understanas that I could not sell them (for) less than three francs tbe clozen. S^' soldiers' spoken FRENCH the shop, you turn politely to Madame, raise your hand to your cap, and say "Bon jour, Madame." And the lady will say "Au revoir, Monsieur, merci beaucoup. Revenez im autre jour." (Come back another day). FUTURE TENSES. Every Future tense in the French language has the same Ending for its persons, viz.: — 1st. sing. .. .. ai 1st plur. .. .. ons 2nd „ .. .. as 2nd „ ..| .. ez 3rd ,^ .. ..a 3rd „ [.,] ^.. ont Future of aimer. J'almerai {zhaynieray) - I shall love. Tu aimeras (aymera) - Thou wilt love. II aimera (aymera) = He will love. Nous aimerons {aymcronli) = We shall love., Vous aimerez (aymeray) = You will love, lis aimeront (aymeronh) = ThBy will love. Porter (portay) - to carry. Lever ylevvay) - to lift. Casser (kassay) = to break. Tirer {tiray) = to fire (to draw, pull). Arborer (arhoray) - to hoist (a flag). Marcher (marshay) = to march, walk. Inonder (innonhday) = to flood. Viser {yeczay) - to aim. Parler (parley) = to speak. Esperer (espairay) = to hope. Passer (passay) = to pass. SOLDIERS* SPOKEN FRENCH 53 Bemporter (remhportay) = to gain (carry off) (a victory). GalQper (gallopay) = to gallop. Sangler (sanhglay) = to girth or strap. Fourrager (fourarzhay) = to forage. Panser (panhzay) = to groom (a horse), to .dress (a wound). Retrancher (retranhshay) = to entrench. Marquer (niarkay) = to mark (time). Rater (rartay) = to miss fire. Culbuter (Jcullbiitay) = to overthrow. Parlemonter (parlermanhtay) = to parley. Demonter {demonhiay) = to take to pieces, Rallier (ralleeay) — to rajly. Fixer (feexay) = to fix. -, Trouver (troovay) = to find. Touraer (toornay) = to turn. Manquer (manhkay) = to miss (be absient), Saluer (saliiay) = to salute. Eclairer (aylclairay) = to scout. Baser (rarsay) = to shave.' The Present Tense of all the above verbs is formed exactly like aimer. So also are the Past and Future Tenses. (1) The student should therefore take them one after the other and conjugate them with aimer as his model. It i3 impossible t<^ practise this too often. (2) Two students, or student and teacher, should now pick out verbs, and ask one another to give translation. Exercise 44. (Example). 1. I pass. 2. Thou wilt girth. 3. He has taken-to-pieees. 4. We shall turn. 5. You have dressed (the wound). 6. You 54 SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH are missing fire! (Vous ratez!). 7. They have parleyed. 8. We are rallying. 9. You will gain (victory). 10. They fixed. il. He will turn. 12. We salute. 13. I have missed. 14. They will carry. 15. You have broken. 16. Thou liftest. 17. We walk. The Imperative mood is made from the Present Tense, and presents no difficulty. Aime = love (thou). Marche = March (thou). Aimons = let us love. Marchons = Let us march, Aimez = love (ye). Marchez = March (ye). Passe = Pass (thou). Passons = Let us pass. Passez = Pass ye. Exercise 45.. •Put all the above verbs into the Imperative Mood. You have now learnt the Present, Past, and Future tenses, and the Imperative mood of verbs ending in er. Such knowledge ought to tide you over any momentary difficulty. LESSON X. One of the greatest differences between French and English is the use of pronouns. As already stated both subject pronoun (as je) and object pronoun (as me) come before the verb. There is also the indirect object-pronoun of the third person, as soldiers' spoken FRENCH 55 Lui (Iwee) = to him, for him, to her, for her. Leur (lerr) = to them, for them. These pronouns also come before the verb, bu. follow le, la, les. It is impossible to gain facility in the use of these pronouns by learning rules. The rules are given simply that the student may recognise the words when he hears them. Nothing but frequent practice will show him where to place them, but a few sentences learnt by heart will help greatly. Je le vols = I see him. tu la vols = thou seest lier. il les volt = he sees them. With I'oi and lenr — Vous lui parlez = You speak to him. Nous leur parlous = We speak to them. Me, te, se, nous, vous serve both as direct and indirect object-pronouns. For example, ''me" means me and to me, etc H me donne les fusils = He gives me the rifles- II me les donne = He gives them to me. H les leur donne = He gives them to them. H le lui donne = He gives it to him. n nous le donne = He gives it to us. H nous la donne = He gives it (f.) to us. Elle me la donne = She gives her to me. Nous vous le donnons = We give it to you. ^6 soldiers' spoken FRENCH These sentences should be learnt, and also the following table of positions; — <^ me ij . d te se nous come before le la les come before lui leur 11 d vous < ** d se Je le lui donne = (lit. I it to him give). "It" is the direct object and to Mm the indirect object, lused with the verb ^'give.'' Je les leur donne (I them to them give) =; I give them to them. Je vous le donne = I give it to you. Je la lui donne = I give her to him. Exercise 46. Two students should try and ask a question, such as *'A qui donnez-vous la plume T' Ans.: "Je la lui donne.'' Ques.: "A qui donnez-vous Tencrier, le pain, I'eau, Tceuf, le lalt, etc''? and the other should answer as above, according to the gender of the noun referred to. Words ending in al or ail change that ending to aux in the plural. Le cheval (sh'vall) = the horse. Les chevaux (sh'vo) = the horses. Le travail (trawl) = the work (ail like i in "mine"), Les travaux (travo) = the works. SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH 57 Principal (prinhseepal) = principal (adj.)* Principaux (prinhseepo) (plural). Nouns already ending in s, and those ending in x and z remain tke same in the plural. For example lie bois, les tiois; le gaz, les gaz. Some Irregular Feminin.es. Masculine. Feminine. Active (aTcteev) = Active. Heureuse (eurrers) = Happy. Blanche iblanhsh) = TVhite. Longue (lonhgue) (like gue in morgue) = long. Fausse (foe-ss) = false (like oe in foe). Neuve (nerve) = new, new-made. The formation of Comparatives is easy. With the excep- tion of one or two words, "plus" (plu) is put before the Positive, to form the Comparative, and 'Ue plus" or *'la plus" to form the superlative, for "better." The Actif (akteefy Heureux (eurer) Blanc Cblanh) Long (lonh) Faux (foe) Neuf (nerf) N.B. Never say word following is ' plus hop. " but always " meilleur ' ' que,"=" than." Positive. Comparative. Masc. Actif = active plus actif = more active. Fem. Active. plus active Masc. Keureux = plus heureux = happy; happier; Fem. Heureuse. plus heureuse le plus actif = most active la plus active le plus heureux = happiest. la plus heureuse. H est plus actif que vous = He is more active than you. Elle est plus heureuse que sa scsur = She is happier than her sister. Superlative. 58 soldiers' spoken French. Si (see) = So. Pourquoi? (poorkwar) = Why? Parce que (parss ker) = Because. Encore (anhkor) = Yet, again. Exercise 47. (To Read or Hear). 1. Pourquoi etes-vous toujours si actif? 2. Parce que je suis heureux. 3. Pourquoi avez-vous encore faim? 4. Parce que j'ai beaucoup marclie aujourd'hui. 5. Connaissez-voHS ce soldat? 6. C'est monsieur le Capitaine X. 7. Quel fromage avez-vous acbete? 8. Pourquoi avez-vous apporte ce beurre? 9. Parce que je n'ai pas pu acheter de la viande. 10. C'est dommage, mais n'importe, mangeons. 11. Avez- vous vu mon cheval dans le champ? 12. Non, je n'ai pas encore ete dans le champ, je suis alle dans la ville. 13. Le colonel est plus actif que le capitaine. Words ending in eu' take x in the plural. Cheveu, clieveux (sheveur) - Hair (always plur.). Le feu {feur) = the fire ; Les f eux = the fires. En when placed before a verb means of it, of them, some or any. En avez-vous? {onavvay voo) = Have you any! En vonlez-vous? = Do you want some? II y en a (eel ee onnar) = There is some. II n'y en a pas = There is none. Y when placed before a verb means "to it," *'to them," and sometimes "there." Y allez-vous? = Are you going there? Y peasez-voiis ? Do you think of (to) it? (Eemcmber that the French say "to think to.") II y est = He is there. soldiers' spoken FRENCH 59 AUez-vous? = (lit. go you?) Are you goijig? Savez-vous? = (lit. know you?) Do you know? Asseyez-vous = Sit (you) down. Levez-vous = Get (you) up {i.e., stand up). The two former of the above phrases merely ask a question: "Are you going?" "Do you know?'* But the two latter form part of reflexive verbs, of which there are more in French than in English. "Seat yourself," "Eaise yourself," are the literal meanings. Reflexive verbs are — Se lever {lew ay) - to get up, to get out of bed. Se coucher {looslwy) = to go to bed. S'habiller {sabtecyay) - to dress oneself. Se laver (lavvay) - to wash oneself. Se bafctre {battr) = to fight. Se mettre {meitr) = to place (seat) oneself. Se promener {provi'nay) = to go for a walk. Present Tense of s'habiller. Je m'habille {^her maVoee) = I dress myself. Nous nous habillons (nop noo^a'bee-yonli) zz We dress ourselves. Vous vOuS liabillez (voo voozahee-yay) - You dress yourselves. ns s'habilleiit {eel sathee) ■= They dress themselves. Imperative Mood of se laver. Lave-toi {lav twar)- Wash thyself. Lavons-nous {lavvonli-noo) = Let us wash ourselves. Lavez-vous (lavvay-voo) = Vv^'ash yourselves. For the Past Tense, Reflexive verbs are conjugated with etre. 60 soldiers' spoken FRENCH Past Tense of se b^ttre. Je me suis battu (battii) = I have fought, I fought. Tu t'es battu = Thou hast fought. II s'est battu = He has fought. Nous nous sommes battus = We have fought. Vous vous etes battus = You have fought, lis se sont battus = They have fought. Mettez-vcus la (mettay voo lar) = Sit down there. Nous aliens nous mettre §, table = We are going to sit down to table. Mis (mee) = put. Ou avez-vous mis les legumes? (legiim) = Where have you put the vegetables? . "Avez-vous?" also means "did you?" Remember — There are no words "do" or **did'* in that sense in French. Savez-vous? = Do you know? (know you?) (a fact). Connaissez-vous (konnaysay) = Do you know? (know you?) (a person). Dimanche (deemanhsh) = Sunday. Lundi (lunhdee) - Monday. Mardi {mar dee) - Tuesday. Mercredi (mairkrerdee) = Wednesday.^ Jeudi (jerdee) = Thursday. Vendredi {venhdrerdee) - Friday. Samedi (samdee) = Saturday. Approchez-vous {approshay-voo) — Come here. J'ai grand'faim {gronh fainh) = I am very hungry. Voulez-vous a boire? (bwar) = Will you have (something) to drink? SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH 61 Singular. PluraL Quel, m. (Tcel) , tiaelle f. (Tcel) quels, m. quelles, f . = what? Qu'avez-vous? (kavvay-voo) = Wl:at is the matter with 70U? (lit. ''What have joxiV). 'Toujours (toozhoor) = always. Quelquefois (kellcerfwar) = sometimes. Comme (kom) = like. Fait (fay) = made. Exercise 48. (To Read and Speak). 1. Ou allcz-vous? 2. Je vais regarder la mitrailleuse;' 3. Qu'avez-vous, mon ami? 4. J'ai grand 'f aim et j 'ai soif aussi. 5. Alors, mettez-vous ici et reposez-vous. 6. Que voulez-vous a boire? 7. Je veux du vin et de I'eau.s'il vous plait. 8. Certainement, voici du bon pain blanc et du fromage. 9. Qu'avez-vous fait, mes amis? 10. Nous avons mis nos chevaux dans le champ, et nous nous sommes battus avec les boches. 11. Quel jour^ vous etes-vous battus? 12. C'est lundi dernier que nous avons commence. 13. Et vous voici ici maintenant sains et saufs. A la bonne heure! 14. Maintenant restez, et dinez avec nous. - 15. Ou avez-vous mis la viande, mon cher? 16. Le voici, et voila aussi les legumes. 17. Savez-vous ou sont les boches maintenant? 18. Non, je "ne le sais pas. 19. Lavez-vous et habillez-vous tout de suite. 20. Je me suis lave, et je me suis habille. 21. Ou sont nos amis? Je les vols dans la maison. 22. Donnez moi des oeufs. 23. Je vous les donne. 24. H me les a donne. 25. Voulez vous 7 aller? 26. Voulez-vous m'en donuer? Les Boches (bosh) = the Huns. Sains et saufs (sanh say soaf) = sound and safer 62 SOLDIERS' SPOSEN FRENCH Exercise 49. (Spoken). Two students should ask eaeh other: — Quest.: "Qui voyez-vous ? ^ ' = Whom do you see? Ans. : Je te vois, je l8 vols, j8 vous vois, etc. Quest.: Qui clierclies-voiis? Ans. : Je te cherclie, je le clierclie, etc. For ''A qui donnez-voiis 1© journal?'' the pronoun musi be the indirect one — "to Mm," "to tliem.'*' LESSON XI. Ce, cet, cette, ces, means this or that. To distinguish between this and that in a sentence, the word ci (see) is added to one noun, and the word la is added to the other. Co livre-ci = this book. Ce livrs-la = that book. Oette femme-ci et cet homme-l^ = This woman and that man. Ces jardiss-ci ©t ces maisons-1^ = Tliese gardens and thos© houses. Ne pas = not. Ne rien (rienh) = nothing. Ne jamais (zhamay) = never. Ne. que (Tcer) = only. On (onh) is a pronoun very frequently used, and is equivalent at times to the English "one," "they," "we," "you," "people," all indefinitely used. On dft {onh dee) = People say, we say, they say, it is said. SOtDIERS ^ SPOKEN FRENCH POSSESSIVE PEONOUNS. Sing. Plural, Masc. Fern. Masc. Fern. Le mien La mienne Les miens Les miennes = mine. (mietih) (mienn) (mienh) (mieim) Le ti.811 La tienne Les tions Les tiennes = thine. Le sien La sienne Les siens Les siennes = his, hers, its. Les notres = ours. Le notre La notre Les notres Le votre La votre Les votres Les votres = youra. Le leur La leur Les leurs Les leurs = theirs. Exercise 50. (To Eead or Translate). 1. Mon livre est le mien. 2. Ta plume est la tienne. 3. Son fusil est le sien. 4. Notre champ est le notre. 5. Vos fusils sent les votres 6. Leurs mitrailleuses sent les leurs. To Learn. A qui est la tasse? = Wliose is the cup? (To whom belongs the cup?) A qui sont les chausettes? = Whose are the socks? Les chauEsettes sont les votres = The socks are yours. De qui parlez-vous? = Of vrliom do you speak? A qui pensez-vous? = Of (lit. to) whom do you think? Qui aimez-vous? = Whom do you like? Que vouiez-vous? = What do you want? Notice that with Interrogative pronouns qui is used of persons, and que of things. Qu'avez-vous? {Tcavvay-voo) = What have you? What is the matter with you? 64 soldiers' spoken FRENCH Prepositions. A = To Devant (devvanh) = Before. Dans = In Derriere (derryair) = Behind. Sur = On Avant (avanh) - Before. De = Of Pres de {pray der) = Near. Avec = Witli Chez (sJiay) = At the house, shop Sous = Under or place of— Aprds = After Pour (poor) = For. Devant means before (of place). Avant „ "before (of time). Devant la porte = In front of the door. Avant la nuit Lemuel de ces journaux voulez-vous? Wkich of these newspapers will you have? Laquelle de ces dames est I'lnfirmiere (inhfeermiair)^ Which of these ladies is the nurse? Lesquels de ces soldats sont blesses? Which of these soldi iers are wounded? Laquelle de ces femmes est la mere de cet enfant? Which of these women is the mother of this child? Exercise 51. (Spoken between two students). Mention anything in the room, and speak about i^ at follows: — A. Laquelle de ces chaises est noire? B. Cette chaise-ci est noire. A. Lequel de ces livres est rouge? Be Ce livre-la est rouge. soldiers' spoken rRENCH 69 A. Laquelle de ces portes est ouverte? B. Cette porte-la est ouverte. A. Laquelle de ces fenetres est fenneel B. Cette-fenetre-ci est fermee. A. Lequel de ces encriers est noii? B. Cet encrier-la est noir. A. Laquelle de ces assiettes est blanche? B. Cette assiette-ci est tlanclie. A. Lequel de ces joumaux est vert? B. Ce journal-la est vert. A. Lequel de ces rideaux est jaune? B. Ce rideau-la est jaune. Questions and answers such as the above should bo thought out in French by the students. •Exercise 52. (Translate), 1. Quel livre est rouge? 2. Ce livre-U est rouge. 3. Lequel de ces soldats est bless6? 4. Ce soldat-la est blesse, et ce soldat-ci est trSs fatigue. 5. 0^ avez-vous trouve ces mitrailleuses? 6. Dans ce champ-1^ devant Peglise. 7. Quelle heure est-il? 8. II est quatre heures et demie. 9. II faut dtre k la ville avant'cinq heures. 10. Qu 'avez-vous, mon ami? 11. Je suis malade et j'ai grand 'soif. 12. Alors, asseyez- vous ici, et buvez de cette bonne eau-1^. 13. Cette eau-ci est meilleure que I'eau dans la ville, n'est-ce pas? 14. Cer- tainement, vous avez raison. 15. Ou sont nos bagagesf 16. ns sont derriire cet arbre-1^. 17. Alors allez vite les chercher. J8. Void rennemi. 19. Qui va lei? 20. Un ami. 66 soldiers' spoken frbkoh Adverbs. Add ment to the adjective to form the adverb. Add it sometimes to the feminine form. Adj. Poll, e (po-lee) = Polite. Adv. Poliment (po-lee-menh) = Politely. Adj. Vrai, e (vray) = True. Adv. Vraiment (vraymenh) = Truly. Adj. Heureux (er-er), heureuse (er-ers) - happy. Adv. Heureusement (erersmenh) = happily. In like manner — Froidement (frwardmenh) = Coldly. Chaudement (shddmenh) = Warmly, etc. Positive: Bien (hienh) = Well. Comparative: Mieux (mieur) = Better. Superlative: Le mieux = Best (adverb)* Prepositions. Entre (enhtr) = between. Au-dessus de (o dessu der) a Par (par) = by. above. Aprds (apray) = after. Au-dessous de.(o dessoo der) a Prds (pray) = near. under. The pronouns following prepositions are: — Singular. Plural. Moi (mwar) = me. Nous = us. Toi (twar) = thee. Vous = you. Lul (Iwee) - him. Eux (er) = them. EUe = her. £Iles = them, £. SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH 67 Exercise 53. (Translate). A moi, sur toi, entre nous, de lui, par elle, avec nous, apr^s vous, devant euz, derri^re elles. Exercise 54. In front of me, by thee, near us, behind him, with her, by us, in front of you, upon them, to them, f., etc. Conjunctions. Et (a) = And. Car (kar) = For. Alors (allor) = Then. Ou (oo) = Or. Parce que (parss ker) = Because. Interjections. Courage! (Jcurarzh) Courage I Garde a vous! (gard ar voo) = Look out! Gare! {garr) = Take care! Dis-donc! {dee donh) = I say! Halte-la! {atU lar) = Halt! Tout le monde (too ler monhd) = Everybody. Tous les ans (too layzanh) = Every year. Tous les mois (too lay mwar) = Every month. Toutes les semaines (toot lay sermayn) - Every week. Tous les jours (too lay shoor) = Every day. Tous les mardis (too lay mardee) - Every Tuesday. LESSON XII. Parts of the Body, la tite (tait) = The head. Le Tisage (veezarzh) = Face. soldiers' spoken FRENCH Le crane (cram) = Skull. Ii'CBil m. (oye) - Eye. Lies yeux {yer) = Eyes. Le nez (nay) = Nose. La joue (zhoo) = Cheek. La bouche (boosh) = Mouth. La dent (denh) - Tooth> La langue (langg) = Tongue. La gorge {gorzh) - Throat. Le menton (menhtonh) = Chin. Le cou (Icoo) = Neck. L'epaule (eppole) = Shoulder. j La poitrine (pwartreen) = Chest. Les poumons (poomonh) = Lung8. Le dos (doe) = Back. Le bras (hrar) = Arm. Le coude (kood) = Elbow. Le poignet (pwoyiiay) = Wrist La main (mainh) = Hand. Le doigt (dwar) = Finger. Le ponce (p'ouss) = Thumb. j Les ongles (onhgl) = Finger-naila 1 L'estomac {lestommar) = Stomach, La jambe {zTiamKb) = Leg. La cuisse (kweess) = Thigh. Le genon (zhernoo) = Knee. La cheville (shevee) = Ankle. Le talon (tallonh) = Heel. Le pied (peay) ^ Foot. Les doigts de pied (dwar de peay) - Toes. Le coeur {kerr) = Heart. La colonne vertebrale (Jcolonn vairtayhrarl) = Spine.) soldiers' spoken FRENCH 69 Remark. The parts of the body are usually spoken of with the article, e.g., my head = la tete, when there is no doubt of the possessor. For example — J'ai mal a la tete (lit. I have hurt to the head) = I have a headache. J'ai mal a Toeil = I have a sore eye. J'ai mal au bras = I have hurt my arm. J'ai mal a la main droite = I have hurt my right hand. J'ai mal au pied gauche = I have hurt my left foot. J'ai mal aux poumons = I have a pain in my lungs. J'ai mal a la gorge = I have a sore throat. J'ai mal au genou = I have hurt my knee. Exercise 55. (Important Speaking). One student should point to a part of the other's body, saying at the same time: A. Ou avez-vous mal? = (Where have you hurt!) (touching B 's arm) . B. J'ai mal au bras. A. Ou avez-vous mal? (touching head). B. J'ai mal a la tete. And so on, through all the parts of the body. Then A. and B. should change places, and recommence. In several instances a different verb is used in French from the corresponding English one. For instance, as already mentioned, I am hungry is J'ai faim (I have hunger). This is also the case with several other words: — J'ai sommeil (sommayc) - I am sleepy (lit. I have sleep). J'ai raison {rayzonli) - I am right (lit. I have right). 70 soldiers' spoken feench J'ai tort (torr) = I am wrong (lit. T have wrong). In speaking of age also, the verb to have is used in French. Quel age avez-vous? (lit. What age have you?) = How old are youf) J'ai vingt ans = I am twenty (years old). Quel age a-t-il? = How old is he? II a dix-neuf ans = He is nineteen. (The word ans = years must always be expressed in French.) Celui, m.s. {sellwee), celle, f.s. {sell), ceux m. pi. (seur)^ celles f. pi. (sell) = That one, the one, he, she, those (ones). Ceci (sersee) - this; cela (serlar or s'lar) = that. Celui que vous avez vu est arriv6 = He whom you saw has arrived Ceci est bon, cela est mauvais = This is good, that is bad. It has been said that pronouns precede the verbs in French. There is just one exception, in the case of the Imperative Mood, affirmative. Then the pronoun follows the verb. Donnez-moi = Give me. Voyez-le = See it. Begardez-les = Look at them, and so on. In speaking of the weather H fait (lit. it makes) is used for it is. Quel temps fait-il? = What weather is it? (lit. makes it? II fait beau temps = It is fine weather. II fait mauvais temps = It is bad weather,. II pleut (eel pier) = It rains. SOLDIERS* SPOKEN FRENCH 71 II neige (eel naysh) = It snows. Past — n a plu (plii), II a neige (nayzhay). Also, n fait chaud; il fait froid. n pleut averse (plertaverss) = it rains in torrents. Exercise 56. 1. Quel temps fait-il? 2. II fait mauvais temps, il pleut averse. 3. Ne sortons pas aujourd'hui. . 4. Mais il faut sortir, voici I'ennemi. 5. Levez-vous tout de suite, et regardez ces deux chevaux. 6. Celui-ci est au soldat fran^ais, et celui-la est au colonel anglais. 7. Celui-ci est le meilleur cheval. 8. Donnez-moi d 'autres crayons, j 'ai perdu ceux que vous m'avez prete. 9. Je parle de Kitchener et de Jellicoe. •10. Celui-ci est amiral et celui-la etait general. 11. Donnez- imoi cela; je n^ai pas besoin de ccci. 12. Voici mon 'fusil. Celui de mon camarade est encore plus neuf (still newer). 13. IL fait beau temps aujourd'hui, mais hier il a fait mauvais temps. That (que) must always be expressed in French. "I h-Ope you received my ^tter" = '^J'esp^re que vous avez regu ma lettre.' * Specimen Letter in French, (From a sister to her brother at the Front). To Learn. Elle-meme (ell maim) = Herself. Lui-meme (twee maim) = Himself. Fait mettre (fay mettr) = Had put. Je sals bien (zher say Menh) = I well know. Mange-en (manhzh-onh) = Eat some. Cli^ri (sherree) - Darling. Moi aussl (mwar 6-see) =1 also; me also; so am L Nous prions (preeonh) = We pray. 72 SOLDIERS* SPOKEN FRENCH Chaque {shack) - Each, every. Qu'il protege (protaizhe) = That he may protect, Qu'il renvoie (renhvwar) = That he may send back. Que tu as du (dil) = How thou must have. . . . Souffrir (sooffreer) (means to suffer) = suffered. Maudites (md-deet) = Wretched (accursed). A ce qu'on voit = By what one sees. On n'a eu rien que = They have had nothing but Rappelle-toi (rapx>ell) = Eemember. Nous pensons (pe7ihsonh) = We think. Nous travaillons (travvi-yonh) = We work. Nous prions (pree-onh) = We pray. Tu te battes (til ter batt) = Thou fightest. Tu sais (say) = Thou knowest. Notre sainte patrie (iiotr sernht pattree) - our holy motherland. Brave (brarv) = Brave. Courageux (hooraslier) - Brave, courageous. Loyal s., loyaux pi. (Iwoy-al, Iwoy-o) = loyal. Que Dieu te benisse (l:er D'yer ter henneess) = God bless thee. Ta soeur (seurr) = Thy sister. Qui t'aime (key iaim) = Who loves thee. LETTER TO THE FRONT, Mon ties cher frere,— J'espere que tu as vegu le bon gateau que nous t'avons •fenvoye T autre jour. La petite mere I'a fait elle-meme, et nous avcns aussi fait mettre dans le paquet un tas d'autres choses — du chocolat, des chaussettes, du savon et des cigarettes. Je sais bien que tu en donneras a tes camarades. soldiers' spoken FRENCH 73 mais mange-en aussi de ce bon gateau, mon petit frere cheri, parce que c'est pour toi que nous Tavons fait. Mere est tres trds brave, et moi aussi. Nous prions chaque matin et cbaque soir au bon Dieu pour qu'il te protege, et qu'il te nous renvoie sain et sauf. Que tu as dfi souffrir, mon ami, dans ces maudites tranchees ou, a ce qu'on voit dans les joumaux, on n'a eu rien que la pluie, I'eau et la bouel Rappelle-toi toujours que nous ne pensons i rien qu' a toi, aous travaillons pour toi, et nous prions pour toi jour et nuit. C'est pour nous que tu te battes.tu sais, pour notre roi, pour notre sainte patrie, et pour nos braves Allies, les Pransais, qui sont si courageux et si loyaux. Au rfiybir, f r^re cheri, que Dieu -te b^nisse, Ta soeur qui t'aime, BOSE Part II. SOME IMPORTANT TENSES OF VERBS. The Present Tense of verbs has already been givcH (pp. 43-44), and the Past Tense (pp. 46-47). It has been mentioned that the Past Tense in French is made with the past participle and an auxiliary verb, either avoir or etre; as J'ai aime = I have loved, or I loved; II a fini =: he has finished, or he finished; Je suis alle = I have gone, or I ■went, etc. The Past Tense above-mentioned is the tense used in every-day speech, as "Hier j'ai re^u une lottre" = "Yester- day I received a letter.'' It is called the Past Indefinite tense. 74 SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH There is another past tense called the Imperfect, which IS also much used. It has the same endings in every verb in the French language. The endings are as follow: — Sing. 1st pers. — ais. PI. 1st pers. — ions. 2nd pers. — ais. 2nd pers. — iez. 3rd pers. — ait. 3rd pers. — aient. Imperfect Tense of Avoir = to have. J'av-ais (shavvay) = I had, I was having. Tu av-ais (tii away) = thou hadst. II av-ait (eel away) = he had. Nous av-ions (noozavvyonTi) = we had. Vous av-iez (yoozavvyay) = you had. lis av-aient (eelzavvay) = they had. Imperfect Tense of etre = to be. J'et-ais (shettay) = I was. Tu et-ais (tii ettay) = thou wast II 6t-ait (eelettay) = he was. Nous et-ions (noozettyonh) - we were. Vous et-iez (voozettyay) - you were. lis et-aient (eelsettay) - they were. Imperfect Tense of donner = to give. Je donn-ais (donnay) = I gave, I was giving. Tu donn-ais = thou gavest. II donn-ait = he gave. Nous donn-ions = we gave, Vous donn-iez = you gave, lis donn^aient = they gave, SOLDIERS* SPOKEN FRENCH 75 Imperfect Tense of Finir = to finish. Je fin-iss-ais (finneessay) = I finished, I was finishing. Tu fin-iss-ais = thou finishedst. II fin-iss-ait = he finished. Nous fin-iss-ions = we finished. Vous fin-iss-iez = You finished. lis fin-iss-aient = They finished. (Notice the insertion of iss into regular verbs of the 2nd Conjugation ending in ir, but irregular verbs do not insert iss.) The Imperfect Tense in French is used to describe an action as going on while another took place, as: — Je finissais non diner quand le general est arrive =1 was finishing ray dinner when the general arrived. Les soldats traversaient le pont quand I'ennemi est venu = The soldiers were crossing the bridge when the enemy came. The words used to are translated into the Imperfect Tense in French. Nous parlions sou vent de nos meres = We often used-to- speak of our mothers, J'allais souvent a la ville = I often used-to-go to the town. Ensuite (enhsiveet) = then, next. Se coucher {ser 'kooshay) = to go to bed. Le lendemain {lenhdermanh) - the next day. Rejoindre (rerjicandr) = to join. La compagnie {kornhpi-ilee) = the company. Habiter (abheetay) = to live in. Demain (dermanh) = to-morrow. De bonne heure (der bonn eur) = early. Estaminet, m. (estammecnay) - cofFee-house> Loin (Iwnnh) = far, 76 soldiers' spoken french Contre (kontr) - against. Traverser {travmrsay) = to cross. Us riaient {reeay) - they laughed, were laughing. Pendant que {'pe^danh Tcer) - while. Voyager (vwayarzhay) = to travel. Ecosse (AyTcoss) = Scotland. Exercise 57. Apres le diner j'allais voir les malades k I'hopital. Ensuite je me suis couche. Le lendemain matin je suis alle rejoindre ma compagnie. Avant la guerre j'habitais une petite ville en Ecosse. J 'avals alors dix-huit ans. Main- tenant j'ai vingt-deux ans. Domain nous nous leverons de bonne heure. Hier nous sommes alles k I'estaminet. Voici les soldats Amerieains. lis sont venus de tr^s tres loin, se battre contre nos ennemis. lis ont traverse la mer, et ils sont arrives en France. Ils chantaient et riaient pendant qu'ils voyageaient Exercise 58. 1. We were eating. 2. You were marching. 3. He was thinking. 4. You used-to-eat. 5. They were carrying. 6. I used-to-speak. 7. Tliey were missing-fire. 8. He was scouting. 9. They were galloping. 10. You were breaking. As already explained the Imperfect endings of all verbs are the same. Therefore when the 1st Person only is given, the student oan himself supply the remainder of the tense. Working out these tenses in speech or in writing is good exercise **Thou,'' the 2nd Pers. Sing, is used more frequently in French than in EngUsh. The French say, "tu,'' thou to intimate friends, members of the family, and young children. SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH 77 As previously stated, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Persons Singular of the Present Tenses are usually pronounced, though not spelt, exactly the same. The 3rd pers. sing, nearly always ends in t, except in verbs of the First Conjugation, as "aimer.'' As, however, all three persons sound alike, the 1st. pers. sing, only will usually be given, with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd persons plural. Future of Tinir (2nd Conj. Regular) — Je finir-ai (feeneeray) - I shall finish. Tu finir-as {fecneerar) - Thou wilt finish. H finir-a {feenecrar) - He will finish. Nous finir-ons {feeneeronh) = We shall finish. Vous finir-ez (feeneeray) = You will finish, lis finir-ont {feeneeronh) = They will finish. Future of Recevoir (3rd Conj. Reg.). Je recevr-ai (ressevray) = I shall receive, etc. Future of rompre (ronhpr) (4th Conj. Reg.) — Je rompr-ai (ronhpray) = I shall break. The Present Participle of regular verbs, and of some irregular ones, is very easily made, by taking away tho Infinitive endings in er, oir, re, and adding ant (anh). Verbs ending in ir add -issant. Irregularly-formed Present Parti- ciples will be found on page 87. Port-er Port-ant (portanh) = Carrying. Fin-ir Fln-issant = Finishing. Recev-olr Eecev-ant = Receiving. Romp-re Romp-ant = Breaking. The Infinitive is often used in French where in English we use the Present Participle, as "Avant de commencer" = <* Before commencing.'* (avvcinh der commenlisQp) 78 soldiers' spoken French IRREGULAR VERBS. Arranged Alphabetically. Aller {allay) = To go. Present Tense already given on page 44. Imperfect. J'allais (zhallay) = I was going. Future. J*ir-ai (eheeray) = I shall go. Tu ir-as (tii eerar) = Thou wilt go. II ir-a {eel eerar) ~ He will go. Nous ir-ons (noozeeronh) = We shall go. Vour ir-ez {voozeeray) = You will go. Us ir-ont (eelzeeronh) = They will go. Interrogative. Irai-je? (eerayzh) - Sh^ll I go? Irez-vous? (eeray voo) = Will you go? Or, Est-ce que j'iral? = Shall I go? Est-ce qu'il ira? Est-ce que vous irez? Courir (kooreer) = To run. Present. Je cours (Icoor) = I run. Imperative. Cours (koor) = Run (thou). Oourons (Jcooronh) = Let us run. Courez (Tcooray) = Run (ye). Imperfect. Je courais (kooroAf) = I was iMnning. SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH 79 Future. Je courrai (koor-ray) - I shall run, etc. Past. J'ai couru (kooru) =■ I ran, have run, etc. Couvrir (koovreer) = To cover. Present. Je couvre (koovr) = I cover. Nous couvrons (koovronh). Vous couvrez (koovray). Us couvr(ent) (koovr). Imperfect. Je COUvrais (koovray) = I was covering. Future. Je couvrir-ai = I shall cover. Past. J'ai couvert = I covered. Dire (deer) = To say, tell. Present. Je dis (dee) - I say. Nous disons (deezonh) = We say. Vous dites (deet) = You say. Us dls(ent) (dees) =. They say. Imperfect. Je disais {deezay) = I was saying. Future. Je dir-ai (deeray) = I shall say. Past. J'ai dit {shay dee) = I have said. 80 soldiers' spoken French Dormir {dormeer) - To sleep. Je dors {dor) - I sleep. Nous dormons (dormonli) = We sleep. Vous dormez (dormaij) = You sleep, lis dorment (dorm) = They sleep. Imperfect. Je dormais (dormay) - I was sleeping. Future. Je dormir-ai (dormeeray) = I shall sleep. Past. J'al dormi (dormee) = I slept. Ecrire {aykreer) - To write. Present. J'^cris {zhaylcree) = I write. Nous ecrivons {aylcreevonli) - We write. Vous ecrivez {aylcreevay) ~ You write, lis ecrivent (aylcreev) - They write. Imperfect. J'ecrivais {zliaykreevay) - I was writing. Future, j'ecrirai (sJiayJcreeray) = I shall write. Past. J'ai ecrit {aykree) - I wrote, I have written Envoyer {enJivwoyay) - To send. Present. J'envoie (enhvivar) = I send. Nous envoy ons (enhviuoyyonh). Vous envoyez (enhvwoyyay) . lis envoient (enJivivar). SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH 81 Imperfect. J'envoyais (enlivwoyyay) = I was sending. Puture. J'enverr-ai (onTivairay) = I shall send. Past. J'ai envoye (onhvwoyay) = I sent, have sent. Etre (aytr) = To be. Future. Je ser-ai (serray) = I shall be. Past. J'ai 6t4 (etiay) = I have been. Faire (fair) - To do, make, cause. Present. Je fais (fay) = I make, do. Nous faisons (ferzonh). Vous faites (fate). Us font (fonh). Imperfect. Je faisais (fersay) - I was doing. Future. Je fer-ai (f err ay) - I shall do, make. Past. J'ai fait (fay) - I have done, made. Lire {leer) - To read. Present. Je lis (Z^e) = I read. Nous lisons (leesonh). Vous lisez (leeway). ns lis(ent) (lees). 82 soldiers' spoken French Imperfect. Je lisais (leeway) = I was reading, Future. Je lir-ai (leeray) = I shall read. Mettre (mettr) =: To put. Imperfect. Je mettais (mettay) = I was putting. Imperative. Mets (may) = Put (thou). Mettons {mettonh) = Let us put. Mettez (mettay) = Put (ye). Future. Je mettr-ai (mettray) = I shall put Past. J'ai mis (mee) = I have put. Se mettre (ser mettr) - To seat oneself *'Mettez-vous ici" = '*Sit down here." Offrir (offreer) = To offer (like Couvrir). Ouvrir (oovreer) - To open (like Couvrir) Partir (parteer) = To go away, depart. Present. Je pars (par) = I go away. Nous partons (partonh) = We go away Vous partez (partay) = You go away. lis part(eiit) (part) = They go away. Imperfect. Je partais (partay) = I was going away. SOLDlEfts' SPOKEN FRENCH Future^ Je partir-ai (parteeroy) - t shall go away. Past. Je suls parti (partee) = I have gone away. Pleuvoir (plervwar) = To rain. Present. IJ pleut (pier) = It rains, is raining. Imperfect. II pleuvait (plervay) = It was raining. Future. n pleuvra (plervrar) = It will rain. Past. H a plu (plu) = It has rained. Pouvoir (poovwar) = To be able. Imperfect. Je pouvais (poovay) = I was able, I could. Future. Je pourr-ai (poor-ray) - I shall be able. Past. J'ai pu (pit) = I have been able. Eire (reer) = To laugh. Present. Je lis (ree) = 1 laugh. Nous rions (ree-onh) = We laugh. Vous riez (ree-ay) = You laugh. lis ri(ent) (ree) = They laugh. Imperfect. Je rials (reeay) a I was laughing. 84 SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH ruture. Je rir-ai (reeray) = I shall laugh. Past. J'ai ri (ree) = I have laughed. Savoir (savwar) = To know. Present. Je sais (say) - I know. Nous savons (savvonh) = We know. Vous savez (savvay). Us savent (saw). Imperfect. Je savais (savvay) - I used to know. Future. Je saurai (soar-ay) = I shall know. Past. J'ai su (sii) = I knew Sentir (senhteer) = To feel, smell. Present. Je sens (senh) = I feel. Nous sentons (senhtonli) - We feel. Vous sentez (senhtay) - You feel, lis sent(ent) (senht) = They feel. Imperfect. Je sentais (senhtay) - I was feeling. Future. Je sentir-ai (senhteer ay) - I shall feel, or smell. Past. J'ai senti (senhtee) = I have felt, or smelt. soldiers' spoken FRENCH 85 Sortir (sorteer) = To go out. Present. Je sors (sors) = I go out (like sentir). Imperfect. Je sortais (sortay) = I was going out. Future. Je sortir-ai (sorteeray) = I shall go out. Past. Je suis sorti (sortee) = I have gone out, I wont out. Souffrir (souffreer) = To suffer. (Same as ouvrir and couvrlr.) Sourire (sooreer) = To smile. (Same as rlre ='To laugh.) Se souvenir {sooveneer) = To remember. (Same as venir.) Past. Je me suis souvenu (soovenu) = I remembered, have remembered. Suivre (sweevr) = to follow. Present. Je suis (swee) - I follow. Nous suivons (sweevonh). Vous suivez {sweemy). lis suiv(ent) {sweev). Imperfect. Je suivais (sweevay) = 1 was following. Future. Je suivrai (sweevray) = I shall follow. Sulvez-moi (sweevay rawar) = Follow me. 86 SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH S& taire (tayre) = To be silent. Imperative. Tais-toi (tay twar) - Be (thou) silent. **fl"old yoct tongue.*' Taisez-vous (tayzay voo) = Be (you) silent. Tenir (tenneer) = To hold. (Same as venir.) Venir (venneer) = To come. Present. Je viens (vienh) = I come. Nous venons (^vennonh) = "We come, Vous venez (vennay) = You come, ns vieim(ent) (vienn) = They come. Imperfect. Je venais (vennay) = I was coming. ruture. Je viendr-ai (vienhdray) = I shall come. Past. Je suis venu (venu) ^z I have come. Vivre (vcevr) = To live. Present. Je vis (vee) = I live, etc. Nous vivons {veevonh). Vous vivez (veevay). lis viv(ent) {veev). Imperfect. Je vivais (veevay) = I was living. Future. Je vivr-ai (veevray) = I shall live. soldiers' spoken FRENCH 87 Past. J al v6cii (velcM) = I have lived. Voir (vwar) - To see. Present. Je vois {vwar) - I see. See page 32. Imperfect. Je voyais (vivoyay) = I was seeing. Future. Je verr-ai (vairay) = I shall see. Vouloir {voolwahr) - to wish. Present. Je veux {veur) - I wish; see p. 44. Imperfect. Je voulais (voolay) = 1 was wishing. Future, Je voudr-al (voodray) = I shall wish. Past. J'ai voulu (voolii) = I have wished. "Je voudrais" (voodray) = "I should like." "Veuillez" {veuy-yay) = "Be so good as." PRESENT PAETICIPLES (irregular). Apprenant (apprennanh) = Learning. 3'asseyant (sassdyanh) = Seating oneself. Ayant (ayanh) = Having. Buvant {hilvanh) = Drinking. Comprenant (konJiprennanh) = Understanding. Conduisant (Iconhdweezanh) = Leading. Connalssant (konnayssanh) = Knowing. Bisant {deezanh) - Saying. Ecrivant (aykreevanh) = Writing. Etant (ettanh) = Being. 88 soldiers' spoken French Faisant (ferzanh) = Making, doing. liisant (leezanh) = Beading. Paraissant (parayssanh) = Appearing Prenant (prennanh) = Taking. Riant (reeanh) = Laughing. Sacbant (sashanh) = Knowing. Suivant (sweevanh) = Following. Vainquant (vainhkanh) = Conquering Voyant iywoyanh) = Seeing. N B. Never say " Je suis eci-ivant " for " I am writing. " That construc- tion is not used iti French. There is only one forni of the Present Tense. |[Je porte"^^means "I carry." and also "I am carrying."^ "Je finis," " I finish," *' I am finishing," " Je reqois " = " I receive " and " I am receiv- ing " "J'^cris" = " I am writing," etc.. etc. SOLDIERS ' SPOKEN rRENCH Paet in. SOME USEFUL PHRASES. GREETINGS. The words *' Monsieur, " ''Madame/' or "Mademoiselle" should be added to "Bonjour/' "bonsoir/' and also to most phrases- Engllsh. I beg your pardon Allow -me How are you! Pretty well, thank you I bave a cold Give my kind re- gards to your mother — your brother Goodbye Trench. Pardon Pennettez-moi Comment cela va-t-il? Assez bien merci J'ai irn rhmne Faites mes amities a madame votre mere — a mon- sieur votre frere Au revoir A tantot Proniinciation. Pardonh Fairmeitay mwar KomovJi s'lar 'varieel^ Assay bienh mairsee ■ZJiay ernh riime Fate maizammee- flay za madamm voir mair — ar m 'syeur voir fraer O rervwar Ar tonhtoe Have you seen my regiment? Go straight on Which is the best way? What town is this? ASEJNG ONE'S WAY. Avez-vous vu mon regiment? Allez tout droit Quel estlemeilleur chemin? Quelle est cette viUe? Away voo vii monk rezheemonh Allay too drwar Kel ay ler may-yeur sh 'maiih Kel ay sett veel 90 SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH Does tliis road lead to the river? A.re there any lulls to go up? Xn the hill long- steep? Estrce que cette rue m§ne a la rividre? Y a-t-il des cotes a monter? La colline est-elle longue — ^raide? Ayce leer sett r^ mane ar lar riveeair Ee art eel day coat sar monhtay Lar kolleen ait ell lonhg — rayd'i N.B. In asking a queation with a noun, the pronoun is also used, as Is the town large or small? Is the bridge far from here? Which is the short- est way to go to- — ? Which way must I (we, you, they, etc.) go? Take the first street on the left, then the second on the right. Follow the railway line Follow the tele- graph line Cross the bridge The regiment is to the north— south — east — west Where i& the firing line? La viUe est-elle grande ou petite? Le pout est-il loin d'ici? Quel est le chemin le plus court pour aller a — ? Par oti faut-il aller? Prenez la premiere rue ^ gauche, puis la deuxidme ^ droite. Suivez la ligue d6 cliemin de f er Suivez le fil tele- graphique Traversez le pout Lq n;giment est au nord — sud — a rest — k Touest Ou est la ligne de feu? Lar veel ait ell gronhd oo perteet Ler ponh ait-eel Iwanh deesee Eel ay ler sh 'manh ler plii IcGor poor allay ar Tar 00 fo teel allay Prennay lar premm- yair ru ar gosch, pwee lar derz-e- em ar drwart Sweevay lar leen der sh^manh de fair Sweevay le feel telaygrafeeh Travairsay ler ponh Le resheemonh c toe nor — sUd-- ar lest — arlwest Oo ay lar leefi der fer SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH 91 Can you direct me to the English Tegiment ? Have you seen any English soldiers? Yes (sir) cross the river and you mil find them Here, there In front of you Behind you Go that way Over there Come here It is a kilometre (away) What weather is it? It is fine The weather is fine. li is warm It is cold It is bad It is wipdy It is fitie, the sun shires, and all is \>right It is bad, the weather is stormy (ofiacer's) Insigne anJiseen Badly adv. mal mal Bag sac, m. sach Baggage bag ages, m. pi. laggarzh Baker boulanger hoolanlishay Bald chauve showv Ball (cannon) boulet, m. hoolay Ballast lest, m. lest Balloon ballon, m.^ lallonh Band musiqne, £s muzeeh Bandage bandage, n^ hanlidarzh Bandsman soldat musicien soldar miisissienh Bar (of medal) barrette, f. har-rett Barbed wire fil de fer barbete, feel der fair m. harhtay Barbed wire clipper rogneur de fil, etc. roneur der feel, etc Barbed wire en- resaux de fil, etc. rezo der feel, etc. tanglements Bareback a poll ar pwarl Barracks caserne f. hazairn (cavalry) quartier Tcartiay Basin cuvette, f. kiivett Bath bain, m. hainh Bathe V. se baigner set lainay Battalion bataillon, m. hat-U-yonh (i as in mine) Battery batterle, f . batteree or bat'ree Battle bataille, f . hatt'% 102 SOLDIEBS' SPOKEN FRENCH English. French. Pronunciation. Battle combat, m. TcomJibar „ (to give) livrer bataille leevray batt-l Bayonet haicnette, m. hi-yonett Beard barbe, f. harrb Bearer (flag of truce) parlementaire, m. parlermonhtair Beat hattre battr Beautiful beau, bel, belle bo, bell Because parce que parss leer Become devenir devenneer Bed lit, m. lee Beef bceuf, m. berf Beer biere, f . beairf Before devant (place) dcvvonh avant (time) avvoiih Begin commencer Icommonhsay Behind derrl^re derryair Belgian beige belzJi Belgium Belgique BelzJieeh Believe croire Tcrwar Bell cioche, f. Jclosh Belongs appartient appartienh Belt ceinturon, m. sanMuronh Beneath sous SOO Best le meilleur, e ler may-yeur Between entre onhtr Beware prenez garde de prennay qard der Beyond an dela de delar der Bicycle bicycle, bicyclette beeseeU, beesee- Uett billeting order billet de logement, bee-yay der * m. lozhmenh Bind Uer leeyay Bind (a prisoner) garrotter garrottay Bird oiseaUf m. wah'So SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH 103 English. FrenciL Pronunciation. Bit morceau, m. morso Bite mordre mordr Black noir 71 war Blade of »woTd lame, f . larm Blanket couverture, m. Tcoovairtiire Bleed saigner sainay Blood sang, m. sonh Blow coup, m. Tcoo (swordthrust) coup d'epee, m. loo daypay (whistle-blast) coup de sifflet, m. koo der sifflay Board planche, f . plonhsh Boat bateau, m. batto Body corps, m. kor Bolt (horse) V. s'emporter, sonhportay, s'emballer sonlallay Bomb bombe, f. hornJi'b Bone OS, m. OSS Boot botte, bottine, f. bott, boiteen Bora ne, e nay Both les deux, tous les lay deur, deux too lay dewr Bottle bouteille, f. bootdy Bottom bas, fond, m. bar, fonh Bow salut, m. sallii Bowel intestin, m. inhtestinh Bowl bol, m. bol Box boite, f. bicart Boxing la boxe lar box Boy garcon garssonh Boy (little) enfant, el^ve onhfayih, aylayve Braces bretelles, f. brettell Brandy eau de vie, f. der vee Brave brave brarv Bravery bravoure, f . brarvoor 104 SOLDIERS ' SPOKEN FRENCH English. Break Breakfast Breathe Breeches Bridge Bridge (to build a) Bridle Brief Brigade Brigadier-general Bright Bring British Broad Broken Brook Broom Brussels Brutal Bucket Build Built Bull's eye (target) Bundle Burn Burst Bush Business Busy Trencli. V. casser dejeuner, m. V. respirer culottes, f. pent, m. jeter nn pent bride, f. bref, breve; court, e brigade, f ., general de brigade brillant V. apporter (to carry to) amener(to lead to) britannique large, grand casse ruisseau, m. brosse, f. Bruxelles brutal, e seau, m. batir (ships), construire bati mouche, f. paquet, m. (hay), botte f . bruler eclater buisson, m. affaire, f. occupe Prontmciation. Tcassay day-zher-nay respeeray Jcii-lott ponh zliettay breed breff, brave; hour, kourt bregard zhaynayrdl de — bree-yonh opportay aimn'nay britanneeTc larzhe, gronh Tcassay rweesso bross Brucksell brutall so barteer Iconlistrweef bar-tee moosh paJcay, bott briday ayhlatay bweessonh affair oMpay SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH 105 English. Butt (of rifle) Button Buy By Cabbage Cable Calf Calf (leg) Call Camp Campaign Camp-kettle Can (to be able) Can (lie) Canadian Canal Candle Cannot Canteen Cap (mil.) Captain Car (balloon) Car (motor) Carburettor Care Carriage Carry Carry away Cart Cartridge Casualty Cat Catch French. Pronunciation. crosse, f. cross bouton, m. hootonh V. acheter asshtay par parr chou, m. shoo cable, m. kail veau v6 mollet, m. mollay appeler appellay camp, m. Jconh campagne, f. kanlipine marmite, f. mar meet V. pouvoir poovwar 11 peut eel per Canadien, m. kanardienh canal, m. kannal bougie, f. hoozJiee chandelle, f . shonhdel nc peut pas ner per par cantine, f . konhteen n. kepi, m. kaypee capitaine kappeetain nacelle, f. nas-sell automobile, f . otomoheel carburateur, m. karhilrarteur soin, m. swanh voiture, f . vwartiir porter portay enlever, v. enliJevay voiture, f . cartouche, f. kartoosh perte, f . pairrt chat, m. shar attraper, saisir attrapay, sayzeer 106 SOLDIERS ' SPOKEN FRENCH English. French. Pronunciation. Cauliflower chou-fleur, m. slioo-fleurr Cease fire! Cessez le feu! Sessay ler fer! Cellar cave, f. karv Censor censeur, ra. sejihseurr Chain chains, f . sliayne Challenge crier qui vive Icreeay key veev Chamber (room) chamhre, f. sliomhr Change V. changer slianshay Change-speed-gear changement de shonsliemonh der Vitesse veetess Chaplain aumonier omoneay Charge charge, f. sheer £lie Charge (to) charger, v. sharzhay Chat V. causer kosay Cheap hon marche honh marshay Cheat V. se tromper ser tronhpay Cheerful gai gay Cheering applaudissements, applodissmonh Chemist m. pharmacien, m. farmassienU Cherry cerise, f. sereeze Chicken (or fowl) poulet, m. poolay Child enfant onlifonh Choose choisir shioarzeer Chop cotelette, f. kott-lett Christmas Noel, m. no-ell Church egUse, f . aygleeze Claret bordeaux, m. Jbordo Clean propre propr Clear Clair Jclair CHmb V grimper granlipay Clock (large) horloge, f. orlozhe (small) pendule f. ponhdiil Close up (to) serrer Jes langs sairay lay rank SOLDIERS^ SPOKEN FRENCH 107 English. Clothes Cloudy Clutch (mot.) Colours (mil.) Colour-sergeant Column Comb Command Common Company Conquest Consul Consult Continue Cook Cork Cork-serew Corn Corn on foot Corporal Cost Cotton Cough Could, he Countersign Country Courtesy Cousin Cover (n) Cover (to take) Cow French. habits, m. nuageux, sombre embrayage drapeau, m. sergent-major colonne, f p eigne, m. V. commander ccmmun compagnie, f. conquete, f . consul, m. consulter V. continuer cuire bouchon, m. tire-bouchon, m. ble, m. cor, m. caporal, m. V. cotiter coton, m. toux, f . pouvait, a pu, il mot, m. (general term) pays, m. (not town) campagne, f. politesse, f. cousin, e convert, m. s'abriter, v. vache, f. Pronunciation. abhee nuarzheur, sonkhr ohnbrayarzh drappo sairzJiojiJi-marzhor Icollonn payne Tcommanhday Jcommunh Tcompi-nee JconhTcate Iconhsiil Jconhsiiltay Jcontiniiay Tcweer booshonh teerr — • May Tcorr kapporal Tcootay Jcottonh too poovay, ar pii, eel mo pay-ee Iconhpine polleetess Tcouziiih, Tcouzeen Icoovair sdbhreetay varsh 108 SOLDIERS * SPOKEN FRENCH EngUsh. French. Pronunciation. polltronh Coward poltron Cream creme, f . Icrame Cross (to) croiser, v. hrwarzay Crush (to) ^eraser, v. aylcrarzay Crutch bequille, f . layJcee Cure . gu^rison, f . guerrizonh Cut to) couper, V. Jcoopay Cyclist cycliste seeMeest Dam barrage, m. harrarzh Damp bumide iimeed Dane Danois danwar Danger danger, m. donhzhay Dare oser ozay Dark obscur, noir ohsTciir, nwar Darkness nuit, f . nwee Date date, f. datt Date (fruit) datte, f. datt Daughter fiUe, f . fee-e Day jour, m. shoor Day (whole) journee, f. zJioornay Day's march etape, f. aytap Deaf sourd, e soor, soord Dear Cher, chere share Death mort, f . more Debt dette, f. dett Deck (of ship) pont, m. ponh Deed action, f., fait, m. aJcsionh, fay Deep prof ond, e profonJi Defeat defaite, f . dayfate Defence defense, f. dayfonhse Defend (forbid) defendre dayfonhdr Demand demander, dermonhday, r^clamer rayJclamoy Dentist dentiste donhteest 60LDIEBS' SPOKEN FRENCH 109 English. French. Pronunciation. Deny V nler neeay Depart partlr parfeer Depth profondeur, f. profonhderr Descend descendre dessonMr Deserve meriter mayreetay Desire desirer dayseeray Despatch n. d^peche, f. daypaysh Destroy detmire daytrweer Detachment detachement, m. daytashmonh Die V. mourlr mooreer Difficult difficile diffeeseel Dig V. creuser krersay Dine V. diner deenay Dining-car wagon-restaurant m. vargonh-restoronh Dinner diner, m. deenay Dip (aeroplane) piquer peekay Dirty sale sal Discharge decharge, f. daysharzh (firearms) Discover decouvrir, v dayhoovreer Disguise (in war) n. camouflage kamooflarzh Dismount! pied ^ terre! piay dar lair Distance distance, f. deestonhss Ditch fosse, m. fossay Dive (aero.) plonger plonhzhay Double double doo'bl Down adv. en bas onh hat Down (get) descendezi dessonhday Do, make faire fair Done fait fay Drill V. exercer exairsay Drinking-water eau potable, f. potarhl Drive off chasser, v. shassay Driver conducteur konJidukterr 110 SOLDIERS' SPOKEN FRENCH Englisli. French. Prommciation. Dry sec, seche seek, sessh "Dug out'* casemate-abri, f. hazmart abhree During pendant ponhdanh Dutch Hollandais oll-onhday Earth, ground terre, f. tair Earthworks terrassement, m. terrcLSsmonh Easy facile faseel Elder aine aynay Embarking embarquement, m. OJihbarkmonh Empty vide veed Encamp camper konhpay End fin, f . fainh Engagement a<;tion, f.; affaire, f. aksionh, affair j> combat, m. korribar Engine machine, f. maslieen England Angleterre, f . onhglertair Enlist enroler onlirolay Enough assez assay Enter entrer dans onhtray donh Envelope, enveloppe, f. oiihvellop Epsom salts sel anglais, m. sell onhglay Equal egal aygal Equipment eqiiipement, m. aykcepmonh Escape echapper a ayshappay ar Even meme maim Ever toujours, jamais toochoor, zhammay Excavate deblayer dayhloyay Exhaust (mot.) echappement, m. ayshapmonh Explode eclater ayklattay Express train train degrande tranh der gronhd Vitesse veetess Eyes front! fixe! fe6x Fall in! a vos rangs! ar vo ranh Fall back (to) se retirer ser rerteeray SOLDIERS ' SPOKEN FRENCH 111 English. French. Pronunciation. Far loin Iwanh Fatigue duty corvee, f. korvay FeU (a tree) ahattre (un arhre) ahbatr Field cbamp, m. shonh Field day jour d* esercice zhoor dexaircease Field (in the) en campagne onh Jcomhpine Field hospital hopital de camp pit all der kanh Field-marshal marechal marayshall Fight combat, m. komJibar Fight a battle 128 SOLDIERS* SPOKEN FRENCH rrench. Pronunciation. Peairr-ponh Eng Pierrepont Pologne Poll-oyne Poland Portugal Port-ii-gall Portugal Pozieres Poz-iair St. Quentin Sanh Konhtinh Eeims Banliz Bensart Eonhsarr Eoubaix Roohay Rouen Boo-anh. Bussie Ttuss-ee Russia Sars (le) Sarr Sainte Menehoud Sanht Maynoo St. Pierre Vaast Sanh Peairr Va{r)st St. MiMel Sanh Mee-yel Seine Sayne Seine, R Serbia Sairlee Serbia Serre Sairr Somme Somm Thiepval Teepvall Thionville Teeonhveel Trieste Tree-est Turquifi Tiirr-Tcee Turkey Verdun Vair-dunh Vaucherauvllle Vo-sher-o-veel Ypres Eep^r , INDEX. Able, 44, 83, 98. Adjectives, 12, 13, 21, 89, 57. Advance! (sound), 96. Adverbs, 66. Age, 70. Ago, 47.. Aimer, 43, 45, 46, 52, 54, 63. Aller, 31, 44, 45, 47, 48, 59, 77, 78. Apple, 96. Apportez-moi, 11. Articles, 40, 41 Asking one's way, 89, 90, 91. Asking questions, 17, 18, 19, 22 24, 33, 34, 59. Asseyez-vous. 59. Attack, 96. An, k la, aux, 27-28. Avoir, 15, 17, 18, 74. Bandage, 94. Be, 16, 22, 47, 59. 60. 81. Be able, 44, 83, 98. Beau, 21. Bed, 102; to ask for. 92. Bedroom, 92. Behind, 91. Be silent, 85. Bill, 92. Body, parts of, 67, 68, 69. Break, 43, 52, 77. 95. Breakfast, 92. Bridge, 90. Bring, 95. Broken, 95. Camouflage, 109. Can, 44, 83. Cardinal numerals, 21, 22, 23, 48, 49. Carry, 77, 95. Cass6, 95. Cause, 81. _ , Ce, cette, ces, 20, 21, 62. Ceci, cela, 70. Celui, celle, 70. Cheveux, 58, 91. Coinage, 49, 50. Cold, 15, 89, 94. Collar-bone, 95. Come, 33, 47, 86. Comment, li. Conjugations, 42. Conjunctions, 67. Conversation, 13, 14, 17, 19, 24, 25, 26, 28, 34, 35, 36, 40, 41, 45, 46, 47, 56, 62, 64, 65. 69, 89 to 9G. Countries, names o'f, 125. Courir, 78, 79, 95. Couvert, 111. Couvrir, 79.' Cover, 79, 95. Cure, 95. Days of the week, 60. Degree of adjectives, 57. Depart, 47, 82. Devant, 64. Dinner, 92. Dire, 33, 79, 87. Do, 81. Doctor, 42, 95. Donner, 32, 55, .56, 74.. Dormir, 80. Dress oneself, 59. Droit, 20, 89. Droite, 20, 90. Du, de la, des, 8, 11, 30. 31. 130 INDEX Ecrire, 80, 87 En, 28, 58. English, 30, 93, 94- Envelopes, 92. Envoyer, 80, 81. Est-ce?, 24. Est-ce que?, 24. Etre, 16, 22, 47, 59, 60, 74, 81, 87 Every, all, 67 Faire, 81, 88. Feel, 84. Feminine of adjectives, 12, 21, 57 Fight, 60. Finir, 43, 45, 46, 75, 77. Finish, 43, 45, 46. 75, 77 FoiS, 26. Follow, 85. Food, 8, 30, 31. 38, 42. 96, 97- French, 93. Future Tenses, 48, 52, 53;, 77 Geographical names, 125-128i Go. 44, 45, 47, 59, 78 Go away, 82, 83 Go out, 85. Greetings, 89 Guerir, 95 Habiller, 59. Hair, 58, 93. Have, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18. 69, 70. Help!, 94. Help me!, 94. Hill, 90. Hold, 86 "Hold your tongue," 86. Hospital, 95. How many?, 15. Hungry, to be, 15, 69 Hurt. 69, 95 If you please, please, 8. II fait, 70, 71. II faut, 20. II y a, 35, 47, 58. Infinitive used for Pres. Participle, 77. Imperative Mood, 54, 59, 86. Imperfect Tenses, 74, 7 5, 76. Interjections, 67. Interrogative Pronouns, 63. 64. Know. 28, 84 Laugh, 83, 84. Le, la, les, 6, 7, 37, 41, 55, 50 Left, to the, 20, 90. Lequel, laquelle, etc., 64, 65 Letters, 9, 72, 73, 96, Levez-vous, 59. Lights out, 96. Like, 43, 114. Lire, 81, 82, 88. Live, 86. Love, 43, 46, 52, 54. Luggage, 92. Lunch. 92. Make, '81, 96. Mai, 69, 95. March, 54. Matter, it does not, 26. Matter, what is the, with you?, 61 Meals, 26, 96, 97. Measures of length, 49. 50 Merci, 8, 21. Mettre, 59, 60, 82. Mettre, se, 82. Milk, 31 Months of year, 30. Montrez-mol, 10 Mou, 21 N'est-ce pas?, 33. Negatives, 18, 19, 22, 62. Next, 48. Notepaper, 92. Nouveau, 21, Number, 40, 92, Numerals, 21, 22, 23, 48, 49. INDEX 131 Offer. 82. Officers, 96. Ofirir, 82. Cn. 62. Once, twice, etc.. 26 Open, 82 Ordinal numerals, 49. Qui, 8. Ouvrlr, 82. Piiin, 69, 95. Paper (note), 92. (news), 93. Parler, 33. Participles, past, 45, 46. Participles, present, 87, 88. Partir, 47, 82, 83. Parts of the Body, 67, G8, 69. Past tenses, 46, 47. Perdu, 80. Pitch tents, 96. Phrases, 89 to 96. Pleuvoir, 83. Plurals, 7, 10, 39, 50, 57, 50. Porter, 77, 95. Possessive adjective*, 39. Possessive case, 31. Possessive pronouns. 63. Pour aller, 31. Pouvoir, 44. 83. Prenez, 95. Prepositions, 64, 66. Present tenses, 32, 33, 53. Prochain, 48. Promener, se, 59. Pronouns, 37, 39, 40, 41, 54, 55, 56, 63, 66, 70. Pronunciation, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 40. 41, 76, 97. Put. 82. Quarters (measure), 50; (places), 96. Quel, quelle?, 61. Quelle heure est-il?, 29. Qui?, que?, 63. Quickly, 95. Railway, 90. Rain, 38, 83. Head, 81. 82. Receive, 43, 45, 46, 77 Recevoir, 43, 45, 46, 77. Reflexive verbs, 59, 60. Regiment, 26, 40, 89, 91. Remember, 85. Rendre, 45. Rest, 95. Retreat, 96. Right, 69. Right, on the, 20, 90. Eire, 83, 84, 88. Rompre, 43, 77. Room, 92. Run, 78, 79. 95. Saved, 94. Savez-vous?, 15. Savoir, 84, 88. Say. 33, 79. 94. Seat oneself, 82. 3e battre, 59, 60. See, 32, 37. 87. Seek, 62. Seen, 17, 40. Se mettre, 59, 60, 82. Send. 80, 81. S'habiller, 59. Se laver, 59. Sent-ences, 8, 11, 15, 20, 28. 29. I 39. 40, 42, 60. 63, 89 to 96. Sentlr,^ 84. Se souvenir, 85, Se taire, 86, Shave, 93. SI foF oui, 93, 124. Silent, 86. Sit down, 82. Sleep, 80. Sling, 94. Smell. 84. Smile, 85. Soldier, 92. Some, 8. 132 INDEX Sortir, 85 Souffrir, 85. Sourite, 85. Speak, 33, 93, 94. Speak French. 20, 93, 94 Stay, 96. Street, 90. Suivre, 85, 88 Sun, 91. Surrender, 96 Taisez-vous, 86 Take, 95. Tell, 79 Tenir, 86. Tenses, 73, 74, 75. 76 That, 63, 70. 71 The, 6. Thirsty, to be, 15 This, that, 62. Time, the, 29 Tobacco, 93. Tout droit, 20 Tout, toute, ptc, 67 Tout le monde. 67 Towel, 92 Train, 93. Troops, French, 124 Un, une, 11. Understand; 39, 93 Vais, je, 15, 44, 48. Vegetables, 60, 97 Venez-ici, 11 Veair, 86. Verbs, 15, 16, 17, 18. 22, 32, 33, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81. 82, 83, 84. 35, 86, S7, ^8. Vieux, 21 Vivre, 86, 87 Vocabulary of military & ordinary words, 98 to 124. VoU^, 11. Voir, 32, 45, 87, 88. Voia, Je, 32, 37 55 Votre, 23, 39. Vouloir, 44, 87 Vu. 17 46. Walk, 95 Want, 44, 96. Wash oneself, 59 Water, 8, 96, Way, 89. 90. 91. 94. Weather, 70. 71, 91 What?, 61. Wish, 44. 87 Write, 80. Wrong, to be, 70 Y, 58. Printed in the United States of America University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. PC 2120 ^608 1918 UC S'^IJTHBRN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 'I'll i!!iii!ir! rM'iiii i!'ii 111 mill B 000 001 030 6 "^1 Southe ^^saMt Libra: