le for)al Dii gi pOf)d-^ar)d JBook^seiiers ai)d Lbliopt)ile's AlajgiJLal Ex Libris \ C. K. OGDEN \ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES t m:tjdie:'s SELECT LIBRARY LIMITED, 30 to 34, NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON. W.O. BRANCH OFFICES : 241, Bromplon Road, s.w., and 4S, Queen Victoria Street, E.G. Also at 10 and 12, Barton Arcade, Manchester. Notice to Booksellers, Stationers, Newsagents, &c. Special attention is called to the advantages of the Three following Departments of Mudie's Library : — I. — The Second-hand Book Sale Department. A Monthly List is published of all the Books offered at Reduced Prices, and is sent gratis on application — 10 per cent. Discount for Cash being allowed to the Trade on Orders from this List. CHEAP PARCELS OF BOOKS. One HrxDRED Volumes, General Literature, being a specially high-class selection of the leading Works of Travel, Biography, and Fiction, suitable for a Library, FIVE POUNDS per PARCEL. Also selected parcels of recent Works of History, Biography, From 40s. to 50s. per PARCEL. Particulars of these Parcels noiv offered at Wet Cash Prices can be obtained on application. II. — The Subscription Department. ISpecially favourable arrangements are made with Booksellers and Stationers |lesirous of obtaining Books on Loan. Terms and Regulations forwarded on receipt of ordinary Business Card. III. — The Bookbinding Department. Binding after any Pattern or Design carried out by the best Workmen. DICTIONARIES OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES (KARL TAUCHNITZ- STEREOTYPE EDITION) PUBLISHED BY Otto Holtze's Successor, in Leipzig. a. DICTIONARIES in 8. Helms, Dano-NoPwegian-German&German-Dauo-Norwegian M. 8.25 _ Swedish-German and German-Swedish ,, »• Kaltschmidt, English-(4eiman and Geiman-English „ «-o _ French -German and Germ an -French ,, o-ou KreusslerandVolheding, Latin-German and German-Latin ... „ o./O Potoeki, Poinish-Russian .. |^-^^ _ Russian-Polnish ■ »> ^'J-^^ — Russian-German and German-Russian (in small 8) ,, 4.f>U Schmidt, Russian-German and German-Russian „ 9.-— Weber, English-German and German-English (in small 8.) ,, 4.50 _ italian-German and German-Italian ,, 9.— b. POCKET-DICTIONARIES in 16. German-Bohemian and Bohemian-German M. 3.50 — Danish and Danish-German ,, •^•50 — English and English-German ., 2.50 French and French-German ,, 2.50 — Dutch and Dutch-German ,, 3.50 — Italian and Italian-German ,, 2.50 — Newgreek and Newgreek-German ,, 3.50 — Polnish and Polnish-German ,, 3.50 — Russian and Russian-German ,, 3.50 — Spanish and Spanish-German (in the press). — Swedish and Swedish-German „ 3.50 English-Dano-Xorwegian and Dano-Norwegian English ,, 3.50 — Dutch and Dutch-English ,, 3.50 — Italian and Italian-English ,, 3.— — Polnish and Polnish-English (in the press). — Russian and Russian-English ,, 3.50 — Spanish and Spanish-English (in the press). — Swedish and Swedish-English ,, 3.50 French-Danish and Danish-French ,, 3.50 — English and English-French ,, 3.— — Dutch and Dutch-French ,, 3.50 — ■ Italian and Italian-French ,, 3. — — Polnish and Polnish-French ,, 3.50 — Russian and Russian-French ,, 3.50 — Sweilish and Swedish-French ,, 3.50 Greek-German ,, 3.50 German-Greek ,, ,3.50 Greek-Latin ,, 4._ Hebrew-German ,, ,3. — — Latin ,, 2.25 Italian-Danish and Danish-Italian ], 3.50 Russian-Polnish and Poinish-Russian 3.50 — Swedish and Swedish-Russian ,, 4.50 PUBLISHED by OTTO HOLTZE'S Snccessor, in LEIPZIG. KARL TAUCHNITZ' STEREOTYPE EDITION. EACH VOLUME SErARATKEY OBTAINABLE. I. GREEK CLASSICS, m. Aeschyli Tragoediae — .90 Anacreontis Carmina — ■. 45 Anthologia Graeca, 3 vols 3.42 Apollonii Rhodii Argouautica . — .60 Aristophanis Comoediae, 3 vols 2. 70 Eabrii Fabiilae — .50 Euripidis Tragoediae, 4 vols ... 3. — Hesiodi Carmina — . 30 Homeri Ilias, 2 vols 1.50 Homeri Odyssea, 2 vols 1.50 Orphica, Procli, Musaei et Cal- limachi Carmina — .90 Pindari Epinicia — .90 Poetae Graeci Gnomici — .60 Qiiinti Smyrnaei, Tryphiodori, Tzetzae et Cohithi Carmina de reb. Troianis 1.20 Sophoclis Tragoediae, 2 vols ... 1.50 Theocritus, Bion et Moschus ... — .60 Aeliani Varia Historia, Hera- clitles Ponticus et Nicolaus Damascenus — .90 Aeschinis oratoris Opera — .90 Aesopicae Fabulae — .60 Antonini Commentarii — .60 Apollodorus — .75 Appiani Romanae Hist., 4 vols 3.60 Aristotelis Opera omnia, 16 vols 16. — Arriani Expeditio Alexandri ... 1.20 Athenaeus Deipnosoph., 4 vols 7.20 Demosthenis Opera, 5 vols 4.50 Demostlienis Or. Philipp — .45 Dio Cassius, 4 vols 6. — Diodorus Siculus, 6 vols 9. — Diogenes Laertius, 2 vols 3. — Dionysius Halicarn. , 6 vols ... 6. — Herodiani Hist. Romana — .90 Herodotus, 3 vols 2. 70 losephus, 6 vols 9. — Isaei Orationes 1. — Isocrates, 2 vols 2.10 Luciani Opera, 4 vols 4. 80 Lysiae Orationes — .90 Pausaniae Gr. Descriptio, 3 vols 3. — Philo ludaeus, 8 vols 12. — Platonis Opera, 8 vols 9. — Plutarchi Vitae paralL, 9 vols. 8.10 Plutarchi Moralia, 6 vols 9.15 Polybii Historiae, 4 vols 6. — Ptolemaei Geograpliia, 3 vols... 5.50 Stobaei Florilegium, 3 vols 7.— Strabo, 3 vols 4.50 Theophrasti Char. , Epicteti Manuale et Cebetis Tab. H. —.30 Thucydides, 2 vols 2. 10 Xenojihontis Opera, 6 vols 3.90 IL LATIN CLASSICS. Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius.. • — .90 Horatius — .75 Lucani Pharsalia 1. — Lucretius Cams 1.50 Martialis Epigrammata 1.20 Ovidii Opera, 3 vols 2.70 Palingenii Zodiaeus vitae 1.50 Persius et luvenalis — .45 Phaedrus cum Giidii, Aviani et Faerni fabulis — .50 Phaedri Fabulae —.30 Plauti Comoediae, 4 vols 3.60 Senecae Tragoediae 1 . 50 Silius Italicus 1.50 Terentius —.90 Virgilius 1.20 Ammianus Marcellinus 2. 25 Aurelius Victor — .45 Caesar, lul. , de bello Gallico ... — .75 Caesar, lul., de bello civili — .45 Ciceronis Opera, 11 vols 23.25 Cornelius Nepos — .30 CurtiusRufus 1.20 Erasmus, Roterod., 2 vols 2.10 Eutropius — . 30 Florus —.30 Gellii Noctes Atticae 2. — lustinus — .75 Livii Opera, 6 vols 5. 75 Muretus, Orationes, 2 vols 2.40 Muretus, Epistolae 1.50 Plinii Historia Naturalis, 5 vols 9. — Plinii Epistolae 1.20 Pomponius Mela —.45 Quintilianus, 2 vols 1 . 80 Sallustius — -45 Senecae Opera philos., 5 vols... 6. — Suetonius — -90 Taciti Opera, 2 vols 2. 1 Valerius Maximus 1.35 Velleius Paterculus — .50 Vitruvius 1- — TRANSACTIONS OF THE l^ocl^dale Li'iterapy & Scientific society. 1878-1892. Complete in 3 vols., Demy 8vo., cloth, 4/- each vol. Only a few Sets remain for Sale. CONTENTS OF- »/Ot.. /. On the Bones of Extinct Pleistocene Animals found in a Cave at Matlock.— Robert Law, f.g.s Some Curious Applications of Texts of Scripture.— J. H. Wylie, m.a. Tlie Swallow. — William Watts, f.g.s. Motes on Arran. — IMrs. March. Sewers and drains, Ancient and modern, with some description of the Rochdale Sewage System.— S. S. Plait, Assoc. Mem. Inst. C.E. Weapons of Savages: their Development and Distribution, i7iitsook-liunters, &c., to inspect their extensive Collection of Works on Art, including the Gallei'ies, Costume, Por- traits, Pageants, Architecture, Decoration, Ornament, Sculpture, Emblems, Early Woodcuts, Gems, Picturesque Scenery, Artistic Anatomy, County His- tories, Practical & Theoretical Works on the Fine Arts, and (4eneral Litei'ature. 50,000 Volumes and 30,000 Engravings on Sale. ^ " There is a WELL-KNOWN SHOP in the BROMPTON ROAD wliich it is SIMPLY IMPOSSIP.LE TO PASS, for there do OLD WORKS ON ART AND ARCHITECTURE ABOUND" (vide The Builder, July 28th, 188.S). TO MASTERS OF SCHOOLS OF ART.— A Large Selection of Art Books (at less than half-price) suitable for Art Prizes. Gentlemen, Executors, and others, wishing to DISPOSE of BOOKS on ART or GENERAL LITERATURE, will tind most Liberal Buyers in E. P. & Sons, who have continual demands for the same. Removcds without expense to Vendors. PAINTINGS and DRAWINGS by the OLD MASTERS, New Gallery of Pictures, Bronzes, Miniatures, and Objets d'Art just added. Old Paintings, Drawings, and Works of Art of every description BOUGHT FOR CASH. Experienced V^aluers sent to any part of the Country. ADDRESS :-45, BROMPTON ROAD, S.W. (OPPOSITE TATTERSALL'S.) CATALOGUES issried Monthly (Post Free on application). preface. ^2Z "/ "HE demand for a Fourth Edition of this Directory, has afforded the Editor another opportunity for revisal and correction, and supplied a fresh inducement to render it still more tvortlty of acceptance by the trade for which it is mainly iiitended. The less impiortant items of the previous edition, issued in 1891, have been excluded and their place filled by new matter of a more serviceable character. Lists of Booksellers in Australasia, South Africa, Central and South Am,erica, and the West Indies, now appear for the first time. The portion of the work devoted to Public Libraries has been so largely extended that it now embraces the Libraries of the whole civilised world. It is believed that no other publication presents so complete a catalogue of these rapidly- groiving institutions, together ivith the statistics and other supplemental information furnished by the librarians them- selves. Further additions are the lists of Learned Societies and Institutions ; an enlarged Glossary ; and Bibliographical Works of Reference. For the latter — an exhaustive biblio- graphy — the Editor is chiefiy indebted to Daniel Hipwell, . Esq., of London. Thanks are also due to Mr. Kineton Parkes, Leek ; Mr. F. W. T. Lange, Gravesend Free Library ; Mr. Thomas Tardrew, London; Mr. John Anderson, Junr., New York: Mr. Geo. Hedeler, LjoApzig ; Mr. J. Neal, Paris : and to many other gentlemen for much valuable assistance freely rendered. The Editor has frequently been applied to by book- sellers, esjjecially those commencing business, for the riames and addresses of 2^'i'obable book purchasers, to whom they might j)ost their catalogues. The Directory supplies this important desideratum, and the bookseller may take his choice of at least 10,000 addresses of bookmen and book- buying institutions which the volume contains. The publication of the Directory has been considerably delayed by the necessity of making emquiries and awaiting replies from individuals in many foreign countries, every available means having been sought to ensure accuracy and fulness of information. The result tvill, it is hoped, atone for the tardy appearance of the work, by its increased efficiency as a trade manual, and the impetus which it should communicate in widening the area of trade opera- tions and extending the sale of books. rochdai.e, October 31.st, 1894. dontents. PAGE. Preface iii.-iv. Contents v.-vi. Index TO Advertisements vii.-viii. Additions and Changes ix.-x. Concerning Books ( Kineton Parke>i) 1-7 Second-hand Booksellers — The British Islands 9-47 Auction Prices of First Editions 47 Book Auctioneers — The British Islands 48 "Scrip" and "Sale" Prices of Books 49 Carriers and Forwarding Agents: London Offices 50 Second-hand Booksellers — Canada 53-55 The United States 55-83 Austria-Hungary 85-83 Belgium, Denmark 88 France 88-96 German Empire 96-1 13 Holland, Italy 113-115 Norway, Portugal, Russia 115 Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey 116-117 India, East Indies 117 New Book Dealers— Australasia 118-122 South Africa 121-122 Central and South America 122-126 West Indies 126-7 BiRKET Foster's Library 83 Sale of Literary Autographs 127 Equivalent Values of English and Foreign Money 128 Publishers in Great Britain 129-136 Publishers in Canada 137-138 Messrs. Macmillan & Co.'s Book Sizes 138 Municipal Free Libraries in the United Kingdom 141-161 VI. PAGE. rtiBLiG Libraries— The United Kingdom 162-176 Canada, United States 177-190 Central and South Amerk^a, West Indies 190-191 Africa, Asia, Australasia 192-196 Public Libraries— The Continent of Europe 1 97-203 Oriental Manuscripts in the British Muskuim 203 Learned Societies and Institutions 205-222 Theological Colleges 222-223 Burns Clubs and Scottish Societies 224-226 liooiv Collectors 227-2.34 Bibliographical Works of Reference 23r)-248 Concordances 249 Glossary of Foreign and Technical Terms 2;)0-261 Sizes of Type 261 The Best Hundred Books (Sir John LnhJinch) 262-263 Sizes of Books 264 Sizes of Writing and Printing Papers, Cards, &c 265 Rules for Exportation of Books 266-267 Copyright Registration 268-271 Trade Directories 27 1 Journals of the Book Trades — Great Britain 27.3-274 Antiquarian Journals ,, ,, 275 Journals of thk Book Trades— Foreign 276-278 Antiquarian Journals ,, 278 Notes on Books, &c 279-282 Bookbinding : Cost of Covering Books 283 Technical Mode of Correcting a Proof 284-285 Autographs of Literary Men 286-288 JowETT OF Balliol 288 3nbey to B^verti0cr0. The immbers vnthin. brackets refer to the body of the Directory ; all othf numbers to the advertisement pa/jes at the end of the book. PAGE. " Aldine Press" Publications ... [272] Amer, Richard, London 14 American Express Service [.ll] American Private Libraries ... [140] Anderson, John, junr. , N. Y. ... 83 Angus & Robertson, Sydney ... 41 Arnett, J. E. , Tenby 41 Baker, Edward, Birmingham ... 2 Baker, Thomas, London 14 Ball, H. W. , Barton-on-Humber 2 Batsford, B. T. , London 15 Baxter, S., London 15 ' ' Bazaar, Exchange, & Mart "... 48 Blackwell, B. H. , Oxford 35 Bonaventure, E. F., New York 34 Bone, W., & Son, London 15 Book Printing 50 "Book Queries," Liverpool 12 " Books and Notions," Toronto 42 Books on Ex-Libris 20 Booksellers' Catalogues 50 Boyveau & Chevillet, Paris 35 Brown, A. , Edinburgh 6 Brown, William, Edinburgh ... 7 Bryan, George, Nottingham ... 34 Burns, James, London 16 Burrows Bros. Co., Cleveland, 0. 5 Cameron, Richard, Edinburgh... 7 Campo, Zuli, &DrafFo, Shrewsbury 40 Cazenove, C. D., London 16 Challenger, William, Sheffield.. 41 Clark, Charles J., London 16 Clarke, John, London 13 Clarke, Robert, & Co. , Cincinnati 5 Clay, William F., Edinburgh ... 8 p.\oi:. Clegg, James, Rochdale... 24, 49, 50 CJommin, H. (4., Bournemouth... 4 Conway, Noel, & Co., Birm"" ... 3 Cotgreave Library Indicator ... 4 Davie, W. 0., & Co., Cincinnati 42 Dellagana & Co., Manchester ... 31 Uenham, Alex., & Co., London 16 Dent, W. , " Book Finder, " Lond. 1 3 Dictionaries of Foreign Languages 4th (0 5th j}a(/e.s preceding/ tifle-paije Douglas & Foulis, Edinburgh ... 8 Drayton, S., & Sons, Exeter ... 9 Dubois, Edmond, Paris 35 Dufosse, E., Paris 36 Eastes, J. S., London 17 Eggimann & Cie., Geneva 9 Elwert, N.G., Marburg 31 " Export Journal," Leipzig [84] Ezekiel & Bernheim, Cincinnati [52] Gay & Bird, London 17 George's, W^m., Sons, Bristol ... 5 (liilhofer & Ranschburg, Vienna 42 Gill, L. Upcott, London 48 Glaisher, William, London 51 Grant, John, p]dinburgh 8 Gray, Henry, London 18-19 Gregory, George, Bath 1 Grevel, H., & Co., London 20 Harding, George, London 17 Harrwitz, Max, Berlin 2 Hedeler, G., Leipzig [84 & 140] Hiersemann, Karl W. , Leipzig 11 Higham, Charles, London 21 Hitcliman, John 3 Hollings, Frank, London 20 Holtze, Otto, Leipzig 4th tfc 5th pages preceding title-page Humphreys & Co. , London . ... 21 Hutt, Fred. H., London 21 ' ' International Directory " 1 Jaggard, Jesse, & Co. , Liverpool 12 Jean-Fontaine, E., Paris 36 Johnston, Geo. P. , Edinburgh ... 8 Kennard, Thomas, Leamington 10 Kimpton, Henry, London 22 King, P. S., & Son, London ... 22 Koehler, K. F., Leii^zig 11 Leighton, J. & J., London 23 Libbie, Chas. F., & Co., Boston 4 " Library Manual," London 48 " Literary Light," Minneapolis 32 Lupton Bros. , Burnley 5 Luyster, S. B., London 23 Maggs, U. , London 23 Maurice, A. & Co., London 24 Mayer, Godefroy, Paris 36 Midland Educational Co. , Ld. ... 3 Milligan, Thomas, Leeds 10 Miniature Book Labels 49 Mitchell Library, Glasgow 9 Morgan, W., Birmingham 4 Mudie's Select Library, London facing front cover MuUer, F. , & Co. , Amsterdam ... 1 Murray, Frank, Derby 6 ,, ,, Leicester 10 ,, ,, Leicester 11 ,, ,, Nottingham 34 Neale, A., London 21 Neale & Wilkinson London [51] Neal's Library ,^^Paris 37 Neubner, Paul, Cologne 6 Nijhoff, Martinus, The Hague.. 10 Over, George E., Rugby 39 Parker, James, & Co., Oxford... 35 Parry & Co., Liverpool 13 PAC.B Parsons, Edwin, & Sons, London hack of title-page Pickering & Chatto, London ... 21 Pickering , G . & F. , Bath 1 Platnauer, J., London 27 Printed Address Labels 46-47 Process Blocks, Electrotypes, &c. 31 "Publishers' Circular," London [204] Puttick & Simpson, London ... 25 Rapilly, Georges, Paris 39 Reinwald, C. & Co. , Paris 38 Robsou & Kerslake, London ... 26 Rochdale Literary Society 3rd page preceding title-page Roustan, George 39 Sabin, Frank T., London 27 Sagot, Ed 39 Salisbury, Jesse, London 28 Sampson, John, York 42 Sandell & Smith, London 28 Scheibie, J. , Stuttgart 41 Seligsberg, B., Bayreuth 2 Special Boxes for Book-plates ... 20 Spencer, Walter T., London inside front cover "Stationery & Bookselling, "...44-45 Stevens, Henry, & Son, London 28 Stickphast Paste ... facing title-page Sutton, Rd. H., Manchester ... 30 Sweet & Maxwell, Ld., London 29 Ten Thousand Yorkshire Books [139] ' ' The Clique," Derby 43 Thin, James, Edinburgh 9 Trade Listitutions :Md page preceding title-page Turner, J. H. Idel, Bradford ... [139] Warde, Thomas, Sheffield 40 Wesley, Wm. , & Son, London... 29 Wheldon, John, & Co., London 30 Wildy & Sons, London 29 Winch Brothers, Colchester ... 6 Young, H. , & Sons, Liverpool ... 13 B^Mtions anb (Tbanges. BOOKSELLERS. -THE UNITED KINGDOM. Aberdake.— Frost & Smith, non- T. E. Smith (parfntrxhij) dissolrtd). Ashtox-under-Lyxe.— .•IrW Rush ton, A., 299, Ohlham road. Ayk (N.B.)—Add Bainl, Robert, Old Bridge. Add Doak, William, Old Bridge. Banbury. — Delete Burton, W. Birmingham. — Delete Forbes, D. Blackburn. — Delete (ioldsmith. William. Delete Law, Joseph. Cardiff. — Lewis, W., noin Queen street Arcade. CiRiiNCESTER. — For Baily & Son, read Baily & Woods. Cork.— Jf/f/ Evans, W. & T., 11, Patrick street. Add Mulcahy, D., & Co., 36, Patrick street. Add Murray, George, V., 7, Grand Parade. Add Religious Tract and Book Society, 35, Grand Parade. Croydon. — Delete Humphreys, C. DtJBLiN. — Add Strong, Joshua, 26, Wellington Quay. Edinburgh. — Delete Gemniel, William. Delete Robertson, John, West Tollcross. Add * Mitchell, William, 23, Lothian street. EuJiN. — Add Stewart, Robert, High street. Ely. — Delete Creak, W. (jLAS(;o\v. — Stokes, John, /or 111, read 117. Thomson & Co., remoced to MoUinsburn, Airdrie. Whitberg, L., removed, to 5 and 7, Dunmore street, South side. (iuiLDFORD. — Delete Farnfield, S., & Co. Hull. — Delete Chapman, W^illiam. Leicester. — Delete Williams-Pearce, John. Lewes. — Delete Rutland, Joseph. Liverpool. — Delete Evans, W. A., la, Roscoe Ai'cade. London. — Auvache, W. T., 7-emoved to 2, Museum street, Bloomsbury, w.c. Add Clarke, J., Commerce road. Wood Green, N. Delete Collins, 49, Queen's road, Peckham. Add *])awes, H. L. , 60, Moscow road, Bayswater, w. Add Elliott, James, & Co., Temple Chambers, Falcon-ct., Fleet-st., E.c. Everett, R. A., husiuts-s transferred to *J. S. Eastes, at same address. Modern and Export Bookseller ; rare and curious books. See advt. 2M(/e 17. Add Everett, R. A., 50, Skelton road. Forest gate, e. Delete Hardy, Thomas, & Co. Delete Hawkins, R. ' Add Howell, W. , 6, Commercial Buildings, Lavender hill, s.av. Delete Hutchinson, J. J. Delete Kingston, L. LoN DON. — continued. Kolckmann, J. W. , now Messrs. Haas & Nutt. Add *Lamley & Co., 1, Exhibition roail, s. w. Add Lincoln, W. S., 2, Holies street, Oxford street, \v. Stamp Albums, &c. Delete Marchmont, E. Delete May, C, & Co. Delete Milton, John. Delete Nanghton, J. Delete Olive, J. J., Kentish Town road Reya, Charles, removed to 78a, Great Queen street, w.c. Add Richards, E., 44,.Bird-in-Bush road, Peckham. Ridgway, W., removed to 8, Bury street, St. James's. Delete Rose, Henry Add *Savvyer, C. J. , & Co., 1, Park road, Merton, s.w. Delete Simmonds, Clara Delete Thinim, Franz, & Co. Add Waller, John, 2, Artesian road, Westbourne grove, w. LouiJHBOROUGH. — Add Riley Brothers. Macclesfield. — Delete Johnson, H. J. Manchester.— .4fW Johnson, H. J., 52, Oxford street Merthyr Tydfil. — Frost & Smith, now B. R. S. Frost. MiDDLESBOROUGH. — Add Stobbs, R., 5, Baxter street. Newcastle-upox-Tyne. — James, S. A., wo'y 44, William street. Norwich. — Hunt, William, removed to Orford street and Orford hill Nottingham. — Delete Harper, \V.; Makin, J.; and Walker, T. Oldham. — Delete Rushton, Abraham. Oswestry. — Delete Roberts, R. Pembroke. — Delete So\\i\, David William. Perth. — Barlas, James, removed to 17, King street. Peterborough. — Delete Ward, James E. Richmond [Surrey). — Delete Palmer, Geo. M. Rochdale. — Delete Warburton T. St. Heliers. — Delete Johnston, T. Sheffield.— Challenger, William, 204, Brookhill. See advt. jintje 41. Swansea. — Add Moore, R.C., 11, Alexandra Arcade. BOOKSELLERS. -AM ERICA. Boston. — Add Koehler, C. A., & Co., 149a, Tremont street. Foreign Booksellers and Importers. New York City.— Add Keppel & Co., 20, East 16th street. High-class Engravings and Etchings. Add Meyer Bros. & Co., 13, West 24th street. Importers and Publishers of French Books. Scribner's (Charles) Sons, removed to 153-157, Fifth avenue. Philadelphia.-.4cZ(Z Philadelphia Book Clearing House, 144, North 7th-st. Toronto.— Haight & Co., removed to 116, Victoria street. BOOKSELLERS.— Europe. Boulogne-sur-Mer. — Add Messrs. Merridew. English Booksellers. Constantinople.— J fW Agha, Hadji AH, Valide Hau, 99. Turkish and Russian Books. Add Baudiu, P., Place du Tiirel, Pera. French Books, second-hand only. Add Carabet, Effeiidi, Grande Rue de la Sublime Porte. Turkish and French Books. Add Lorentz & Keil, (rraude Rue de Pera, 457. French and German Books. Nalbandian, H., Grande Rue de Pera, 519 A fid Enj;lish, French, and Oriental. Add Weiss, S. H., Grande Rue de Pera, 483. French and German Books. Delett Vatiadis. Copenhagen. — Add *Clw'istensen & Zahrtmann, Niirregade, 13. BOOKSELLERS.-AUSTRALASIA. HoBART. — Add Anderson, J. 166, Liverpool street. Add Legrand, W., 60, Collins street. Melbourne. — Add Tyas, P. (Second-hand), Swanston street. Sydney. — Add Clarke, J. W. R., 5, and 6, Market buildings, George street. Importer BOOK Auctioneers. Dublin. — Add North, James H., 102, Grafton street. London. — i^efc/e Elkiny;ton. H. & C. PUBLISHERS. Hull. — Add Brown, A., & Sons London. — Add Curwen & Sons (Music), 8, Warwick lane, e.g. Add Green, Philip, 5, Essex street. Strand, w.c. Henry & Co., removed to 93, St. Martin's lane, w.c. Add Holden, A. M. (Educational), 23, Paternoster row, e.g. Add Holness, Alfred, 14, Paternoster row, e.g. Add Lund, Percy, & Co., Memorial Hall, e.g. Add, Luzac & Co., 45, (h-eat Russell street. Add McClure & Co., 33, Bedford street, w.c. Add Rice William, 86, Fleet street, e.g. Add. Rider, William, & Son, Ld., 14, Bartholomew Close, E.G. Add Salvation Army, 98-102, Clerkenwell road, E.c. Scott (Walter), Ld., removed to 1, Paternoster buildings, e.g. Add, Telephone Press, Ld. , 170, Fleet street, e.g.. Add Wilsons & Milne, 29, Paternoster row, E.G. Oswestry. — Add, Woodall, Minshall, & Co. Paisley. — Add Parlane, J. & R. BOOK COLLECTORS. Boston, Mass., U.S.A.— Add Clapp, J. B., 59, Commercial street. Stage History ; Dramatic Biography : Portraits for extra-illustrating ; Autographs ERRATUM. Page 236, line 7 : 1884-6 ■'ihould read 1894-6. ADVERTISEMENTS. Page 12. Jesse Jaggard & Co., now Jaggard & Taylor. ,, 15. W. Boae & Son, Bookbinders. Business tranxferred to James Burn & Co., Ld., Kirby street, Hatton Garden, London, e.c. Pages 44-45. Lewis Hepworth & Morriss, Ld.,' now J. S. Morriss, Ye " Aldvs" Press, 13, Paternoster row, London, E.c. LEARNED SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. Edinburgh. — Add Bibliographical Society, (George P. Johnston, Hon. Sec, 33, George street, Edinburgh. Greenock. — Add Philosophical Society : G. Murray, Secretary. London. — Add Swedenborg Society, 36, Bloomsbury street: Sec: T. H. Elliott. Manchester. — Add Ancoats Sunday Lectures' Committee, New Islington Hall, Ancoats. Add, Association of Elocutionists, Memorial Hall, Albert square. Add Conchological Society, Owen's College. Add Literary Society, Cavendish street Chapel. Add Lower Mosley street Natural History Society. Add Philatelic Society, Blackfriars Hotel. Plymouth.— x4fM Ex-Libris Society, W. H. K. Wright, Hon. Sec, Public Library, Plymouth. Concerning '^ooSi^ : AND BY WAY OF I N T RO D U CT ION . Xatest (Torrectione* BOOKSELLERS.— The United Kingdom. Bradford. — Hart, James (p. 12), removed to 65, Northgate Carlisle. — ^Grant, George S., giving up business Edinburgh. — Delete Stevenson, Thomas George Gravesend. — Ridgway, Alfred (p. 21), r&moved to Ql , Windmill-st. London. — Nichols, H. S., & Co., 62a, Piccadilly, as well as at 3, Soho square Platnauer, J. (p. 33) removed to 180, Fleet street. See advL p. 37 Add Tickell, VV. H., 61, Blessington road, Lewisham, S.E.; and 9, Paternoster row, E.G. Booksellers.— AMERICA. Cincinnati, 0.— ""Davie, W. 0., & Co. (p. 61), 16, East Fourth-st See advt. p. 4^ publishers. Lmid, Percy & Co. (p. xi), address Godwin street, Bradford BOOK COLLECTORS. Add Roeder, C, 17, Amherst street, Fallowfield, Manchester Old Parchments and Deeds, Old Lancashire Town and County Surveys, Old Postage Stamp Catalogues, Old Hebrew Books, MSS. and Journals, Old Maps and Plans, Old Mining Books and MSS., Old Manx and Welsh. BOOK-TRADE JOURNALS. Book & News Trade Gazette, 19-20, Temple Chambers, London, E.c. Weekly, Id. intinite repetition ot the pens worK, is uy uiai. itict iuur«puvy«rLui. The pen unaided by the press accomplished a great work m the days when printing was not, and the multiplication of the work of the pen to any considerable extent has been accomplished by the pen alone. True, great men wielded the weapon in those days and with a power which has stirred past time, is troubling present time, and will perplex future time until time is no more. But it is through the medium of typography rather than ot cali- araphy that these things have been done; the printing-press is BuSTON, Stage Mass. Historj , U.S.A. - ; Dramati Page 236, xii BOOK COLLECTORS. -Add Clapp, J. B. , 59, Commercial sti c Biography : Portraits for extra-illustrating eet. Autographs. ERRATUM. line 7 : 1S84-6 shoidd read 1894-(). WORKSOP, NOTTS. ROBERT WHITE, Bridge Street, In consequence of advancing age, wishes to dispose of his Topographical Books relating to most English Counties. His large Yorkshire Collection he proposes to divide into the respective towns. A LARGE Collection of antiquarian Books. SEVERAL CATALOGUES IN PREPARATION. SPECIALTY.— TAe Printing of Chiirch Registers, Privately Printed Boohs, the most elaborate Pedigrees, and every descrijjtion of Antiquarian ivork. The Opinion of an Herald on his Pedigree Printing. — " It is a model proof ! . . . I told Canon L. you would set up the Pedigree for liim hetter than any other printer, and I am glad to find my opinion was right." Concerning ^oo^^ : and by way of i n t ro d u ct lo n . By Kineton Parkes. "T^EOPLE who are concerned in any way with books have a «-■— greater cliance of earthly happiness than those who pass a bookseller's shop without a glance, or turn over a book on a table without an object. For the man who cares for books there is always a haven of refuge when the storms of life are particu- larly savage, and when the bufietings of fortune are more than usually severe. Cold as his friends may turn, yet their coldness may be forgotten in the company of a friend whose silence is always sympathetic, and whose heart speaks only when invited, but then, warmly and at length. To the bookman, a man callous of books is an almost incomprehensible being, while a fellow- bookman is a brother to be taken to one's heart and into one's library. The possession of a library is the richest thing a man can desire : emperors have made libraries and regarded them as their chiefest glory, while paupers have possessed libraries which emperors have envied. Mere money is nothing compared with a store of books : money is but useful as the means of acquiring additional volumes. Books may now be purchased in great num- bers for small sums, but before these things were, books were fewer, and money in bulk was required for their purchase. Printing presses have not been always with us, and books of old were wrought by hand in fair characters by the pen or stylus. Of the Making But inasmuch as the pen is but a frail OF Books. weapon when wielded alone : wielded as the scriveners of old wielded it, it follows that the book, which is the infinite repetition of the pen's work, is by that fact more powerful. The pen unaided by the press accomplished a great work in the days when printing was not, and the multiplication of the work of the pen to any considerable extent has been accomplished by the pen alone. True, great men wielded the weapon in those days, and with a power which has stirred past time, is troubling present time, and will perplex future time until time is no more. But it is through the medium of typography rather than of cali- graphy that these things have been done ; the printing-press is CONCERNING BOOKSELLERS. the saviour of the great works of the centuries gone, and herein the book becomes mightier than the manuscript. And inasmuch as all government proceeds from the mind of man, and where there is no mind there is no government ; and moreover, the justest government is that founded on the wisdom of the ages; and as the wisdom of the ages is to be found in the works of the world's philosophers and historians, in other words in books, it follows that the making of books is responsible for the govern- ment of men and of nations. OF We have accorded to Booksellers a great BOOKSELLERS. mission, and verily they are worthy of it or ought to be. They are by nature fitted for their calling : they are a peculiar race apart : they are good men and excellent fathers and their wives have never been known to want. And withal they work for small profits, but no returns (except at a very reduced rate). There is an astonishing diSerence between the price that one may sell a book one day to a bookseller and the price one may buy it back next day ; but the prices of some commodities are always going up ! A bookseller has many ex- penses : he has rent to pay, and the printer charges him for pro- ducing his catalogues, and yet a bookseller will send you his catalogue free and pay the postage ! Herein lies another trait of bookselling greatness. Booksellers are always affable and you may gain a great store of information about things from their lips. You may spend whole days without your meals in a book- seller's shop and he will be glad of your company. He is never put out, you never disturb his business : much of his greatness lies in his imperturbable demeanour. And how great a function is his ! He purveys the accumulated wisdom of the past, by means of which his customers shall legislate for the ages to come. Booksellers are the happiest of all men and the most favoured, for their business is the pleasantest on earth. The great booksellers of the world have been the friends of the greatest men, and the business of bookselling has always been first cousin to the learned and polite professions, and our poets, wits, historians, and philologists, have sat with their feet beneath the bookseller's mahogany many a time and oft. For how many great histories I wonder is the bookseller responsible 1 For how many other great works ? To mention only recent examples : the bookseller-friends of Carlyle and Ruskin were invaluable, and some of Mr. Gladstone's best friends are booksellers, and have been his allies. What other businesses are handed down to pos- CONCERNING BOOKSELLERS. terity like bookselling ? The history of bookselling is the history of literature, and many of the celebrated streets in London are known solely on account of the fact that books were sold there by booksellers of renown in days gone by. How many authors have been saved from starvation by the bookseller? Truly he is an "all-round" man and a public benefactor and we have him still with us. OF BOOKSELLERS' There are few greater (and cheaper) plea- Catalogues. sures that come in my way than the perusal of my bookseller's catalogues as they arrive by post, just as I am sitting down to my breakfast. How superior to the daily newspaper with its pruriency and its pestilent politics ! It is astonishing to the bookman that one should buy a morning paper when one can have a catalogue for nothing. Yet even the newspaper begins to chatter about books nowadays, and wonders when a noble tome fetches a good price. How joyous is the feeling of the bookman when he discovers a copy of one of his pet books marked at two or three times the price he gave ! And how cold the buttered toast gets, as he, having carefully wiped his fingers, takes down the beloved copy, and conjectures that it is more perfect probably than the catalogued copy ! The joys of cata- logues are unbounded however, and its sorrows, happily, are few to the fairly constituted bookworm. OF Book sales are the occasion of varying BOOK Sales. feelings. In the first place it is always sad to see a great library dispersed ; to see the work of a collection undone ; it is not pleasant either to see books one covets knocked down to a higher bidder. The temptation to envy one's neighbour (although one's neighbour's books were not mentioned in the Mosaic laws) is decidedly strong. But after all, perhaps, a book sale under favourable conditions is conducive to more pleasure than pain, and if we do lose something which has never been ours but which we wanted, we frequently become possessed of a trea- sure for which we have often longed, and the return home is accomplished with a smiling face, a springing step, and a tight clasp of the arm against the treasure. The number of book sales has largely increased of late years, and now, in the season, book sales are of almost daily occurrence, and many times, two impor- tant ones occur on the same day. It is interesting to the bookman to watch the fluctuation of the prices of rare books at tJiese sales, and book-sale-room prices are a remarkably interesting study. C0NC15KNING BOOKSELLERS. OF There are two ways of buying books, at book- BOOK BUYING. sales and from booksellers. In the long run one will probably do best by trusting entirely to one's bookseller or to booksellers who send catalogues. A collector cannot attend every book-sale — that is the bookseller's business, and there are only a few collectors living in London who are able to attend sales, and even for them, it is likely they pay as much for their purchases as they would if they had obtained them from their book- sellers. They have the excitement, of the sale, but they are often tempted into bidding for lots which they do not really require for their collections. The charm of the sale-room however is extremely small, compared with the calm joy of a morning in a bookseller's shop, where one may wander over the shelves, take down volume after volume, pick up here and there a grain of wisdom or of beauty, and having selected a heap of books, one would like to ask Mr. Bookseller to come out for a bit of lunch and after that a pipe. Then one may return, review the pile of books, reduce it by a few, pay for the rest, and taking three or four treasures in one's pocket because impatience bids one so to do, have the others sent to one's home. Not forgetting the occasional chat with Mr. Bookseller, one feels that a satisfactory day has been spent : a day which will be remembered as often as the books bought there are taken from their shelves to read or to exhibit. Book-buying from catalogues too is a rare pleasure ; sometimes excitement commands a telegram for a special treasure and an anxious waiting for a reply to it ; more frequently, how- ever, the items in the catalogue are marked and a little list made out of books to be forwarded by post or rail. Then, when the parcel arrives, the eagerness with which it is opened betokens the quality of the love one has for books. There are few plea- sures of the many the bookman knows greater than those, of book-buying. , OF Book The history of book-collecting is one of the COLLECTORS. most absorbing chapters in the story of the world's progress. When we reflect on the results which have come about because of collections of books, we can see more clearly the course which the civilisation of the world has taken. When we reflect on the disasters which have befallen great col- lections of books, we as clearly see that when libraries suffer, civilisation suffers also. Books are the record of the great pro- gression of the ages, and whoever engages in collecting them, is engaged in a work which is good at the beginning and may be great in the end. The world's greatest book-collectors have been CONCEKNINCx BOOKSELLERS. wise men or artists : tlie first, professors of wisdom ; the second, professors of the beautiful. And this leads us to another con- sideration of book-collecting : the gathering together of tliem for their beauty's sake. Books are things of beauty in a varying sense, for just as all beautiful things have their grades, so have books. In olden times the bookmen were roughly divided into these two classes, nowadays, their number is greater, and the variety of their tastes has increased in a like degree. Now, therefore, book-collecting, like many another thing, has become specialised. OF" Among all the specialisations of book- FlRST Editions. collecting proper, as distinguished from the making of a library, the collecting of First Editions has always been one of the most popular, and the earliest imprint of a classic is a prize which does not fall to the lot of every bookman. Rare as are the productions of the press of Aldus or that of Elzevir, however, there are some first editions which, even at the present day, are of frequent appearance in the book-market, but none the less sought after on that account. Perhaps the most popular phase of the collecting of first editions at the present time is that of modern authors, whose early works have either been issued in very limited editions, or else have been so popular at the time of their publication, as to have been worn out or dis- tributed in too wide a fashion for preservation. An example of the first we have in Shelley and Keats ; of the second in the cases of Dickens and Thackeray. The demand for these is so great that some examples fetch prices which are hundreds of times greater than the prices at which they were first advertised. A more artistic phase of this kind of collecting is the accumulation of illustrated works, the first editions of which were produced in a style which any later edition could only emulate. Mr Ruskin's books are a case in point, for many of these were issued with plates engraved after drawings by the author, later editions being possessed only of reproductions of such, although, it is scarcely necessary to add, that the reproductions are in themselves beautiful works of art. Some of the Ruskin books now fetch very advanced prices and their appearance in the market becomes rarer year by year. Much value is also attached to the externals of various items desirable in the eyes of the collector, such as the wrappers on the parts in which some of Dickens's novels were published, or those which enclosed Browning's " Bells and Pome- granates." The presence too of the advertisement sheets is a matter of importance, and so we see the value of a "first edition " CONCERNING BOOKSELLERS. depends on quite a multitude of small things, any one of which makes some difference in its value. ON THE Care of The best librarian is the book collector BOOKS. himself, for it is hardly needful to remark that no one cares for a valued possession more than the owner himself. It is still possible, however, that a man placed in care of a collection of books, large or small, may become so enamoured of them as to be unable to leave them, except under extreme stress of circumstance. The librarian, whether in charge of his own books or those of another, is an enviable person, and the very responsibility which is placed upon him is a source of joy. As the days and the years go by he is in constant communication with the productions of the world's greatest minds, and there is no known thing concerning which he may not learn something if he will. And the mere manipulation of a library is a pleasure ! The care of the books forming it : their bindings and their con- dition have to be looked to : the books themselves to be regarded from time to time as a doctor regards an interesting patient, for their diseases are those which may be prevented but scarcely cured. How pleasant it is to be engaged in cataloguing a new library or the additions to an old one ! To describe in full each bibliographical detail which shall tell as much of the volume as it is possible for a catalogue to speak. Cataloguing has nov.^ be- come recognised as an important branch of the science of biblio- graphy, and as the years go by is carried on with more and more method and precision. We have not yet arrived at the period when it will become a comparatively easy matter to find out where any book in the world may be found. Antonio Maglia- bechi is said to have known the home of every rare book in existence at his time, and failing our contemporary Magliabechi, we must perforce go to our bibliographies and catalogues. They are still incomplete, but real efforts are being made now which in time will result in the desideratum I have pointed out. Books are perishable property, and it is reassuring to know and feel that to-day books are more cared for than at any previous period. The custodians of books are yearly becoming more and more competent for their task, but the best of all custodians is the book-collector. OF Autographs and Closely allied to the pursuit of book- Manuscripts. collecting is that of the collecting of autographs, letters, manuscripts, and documents connected with notable men, women, and events. At the present time this phase CONCERNING BOOKSELLEliS. of " the collecting mania," as it has somewhat slightingly been called, has reached considerable dimensions, and quite recently a celebrated case of the forging of manuscripts has drawn public attention to the subject. One cannot be surprised that auto- graphs and holograph letters and manuscripts of great writers appeal to the lovers of books with great force, for there is an intimacy established between author and collector by a manu- script which cannot be established by the book alone. It is delightful to trace the evolution of a manuscript : its pauses, its rushings on, its emendations and additions, and particularly its elisions. There one may see how the writer's thoughts resolved themselves : if those thoughts were clear or if they were involved : the MS. may be compared with the printed book, and strange revelations are sometimes made in this way by the careful student. Few things are more absorbing than such a study. Autographs and manuscripts are of very varying value : you may purchase an autograph letter of an august personage for sixpence, or for one by a very small person you shall pay ten or twenty times as much. Their value depends not only on the writer but also upon the interest of the contents, and their length too is an important consideration, while the manuscripts of a celebrated work may be worth their weight in gold. Then, every item in a collection of manuscripts is of a necessity unique, and it follows that a good collection of autographs and manuscripts is a very valuable possession. Many important books are the result of this kind of collecting, and I know that collections of the late Cardinal Newman's letters have been sold for extraordinary prices to those responsible for the Life of the Cardinal when it appears. Still more recently and more astonishing is a case involving more than two hundred letters in the handwriting of Charlotte Bronte, written at all periods of her life and of the most intimate character, which have come into the hands of a very well-known collector not only of manuscripts but of modern first editions. His collection of books is unsurpassed in its way, and he intends to supplement it by a collection of manuscripts of the writers of his rare volumes, so that his collection of both when complete (of course it will never be complete !) will be a wonder and a marvellous thing. A humbler method than this, and one which commends itself to the book-collector, is to buy letters for insertion in one's favourite volumes. There is com- pound addition of interest here, for while the book or the letter alone are of interest and value, when united, they form a new interest, and become more valuable by adding each its own to the other's lustre. EXPLANATORY NOTES. T N the following pages , an asterisk (* ) denotes that the fir 7)1 publishes periodically a Catalogue of Books, 7vhich will be setit post free to bookbuyers. The figures which in some cases folloiv the address, denote the year in which the firm began business. If not otherrvise described, the stock kept by Booksellers is of a general and miscellaneous character. The populations of the cities and towns of Great Britain and Ireland are according to the census of i8gi. The populations of American cities and towns are approxi- mate only, but sufficiently indicate their relative size and importance. The flames of Advertisers are printed iti bold type. ®be 2)irector^ of Seccnb^banb Booksellera THE BRITISH ISLANDS. Places not otherwise described are in England. Abercarn, Monmouthshire. Davies, David, Book Mart. 1880 Aberdare, Glamorganshire, S. Wales. — Pop. 40,917. Frost & Smith, 8, Cannon street; also at Merthyr Tydtil Yates, E., Commercial street Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. — Pop. 124,943. * Bisset, James G., 85, Broad street. 1879 Medical, Classical, and General. * Brown, A., & Co., Union street Campbell, J., 13, Market gallery Cormack, William B., 1, Blackfriars street MacWilliam, W., 42, Castle street Martin Alexander, 13, George street. 1878 * Middleton, George, 2, Baker street. 1854 CJeneral and Antiquarian * Milne, A. & R., 229, Union street. 1852 General and Theological Telfgrams, "Milne, Booksellers, Aberdeen." Telephone, 269 * Murray, James, 28, St. Nicholas street Tbeolonical and Antiquarian Nicoll, Thomas P., 8 and 9, Market gallery * Walker & Co., 19, Bridge street. 1881 Educational, Jfedical, and General Telephone, 629. Wilson, J., 44, New Market gallery * Wyllie, D., & Son, 247, Union street. Circa 1815 Scottish History, Antiquities, &c. Telegrams, " Wyllie, Aberdeen." Telephone, 402 AccRiNGTON, Lancashire. — Pop. 38,603. * Wardleworth, John, 14 and 16, Blackburn road. 1864 Alloa, Clackmannanshire, Scotland. — Pop. 10,754. Rae, John B., Primrose sti-eet IQ SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. Altrincham, Cheshire.— Vol). 12,440. Wroe, James, 7, The Downs Arbroath, Forfarshire, Scotland.— Pop. 22,821. Hood, J. R, & Son Ogilvie, John, 8, West Port. 1888 Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire. — Pop. 40,463. Kenyon, William, 14, Market hall Littlevvood, James, 25, Warrington street Nicholson, G., Market hall AxMiNSTER, Devonshire. — Pop. 2,809. Snell, Edwin, West street Bakewell, Derbyshire. — Pop. 2,748. Cokayne, A. E., Rutland square Banbury, Oxfordshire. — Pop. 12,768. Bunton, W., Bridge street Bangor, Carnarvonshire, N. Wales. — Pop. 9,892. Jarvis & Foster, Lome House Jones, Edward, 173, High street. 1886 Welsh Books Barmouth, Merionethshire, N. Wales.— Pop. 2,757. Hughes, John, High street Barnstaple, Devonshire. — Pop. 13,058. Allen, John, 83 and 84, Boutport street Marks Brothers, 107, High street Barrow-in-Furness, Lancashire. — Pop. 51,712. Alston, James, Forshaw street. 1874 Historic, Scientific, and General Barton-on-Humber, Lincolnshire. — Pop. 5,226. * Ball, Henry William, Market lane. 1856. See advt. General Literature and Topography Telegrams, "Ball, Barton-on-Humber." Bath, Somersetshire. — Pop. 54,551. * Cleaver, H., 9, New Bond street place. 1892 standard Library Books and First Editions * Gregory, George, 5, Argyle street. 1845. See advt. Rare, Antiquarian, Classical, Theological, and General * Marsden, Herbert W., 21, New Bond street. 1875 Works on Natural History, &c. * Meehan, B. & J. F., 32, Gay street. 1867 Scarce and Valuable Editions Parker, Ernest, 16, Manvers street. 1887 History, Theology, Naval, Military, and General * Pickering, G. & F., 3, Bridge street. 1852. See advt. THE BRITISH ISLANDS. 11 Bedford, Bedfordshire. — Pop. 28,023. HocklifFe, Frederic, 88, High street Belfast, Co. Antrim, Ireland. — Pop. 273,05.5. Cleland, James, 26, Arthur street. 18G4 Dargan, Thomas, 17, Castle lane, and Smithfield. 1880 Theological, Educational, and Antiquarian Mc. Williams, James, Smithfield MuUan, William, & Son, Castle street Shone, James, & Co., 9, Lombard street. 1885 Early Printed, Irish, First Editions, Fine Art, Educational, and General Beverley, Yorkshire.— Vq-^. 12,539. Tilson, William, Butcher row Bideford, N. Devon. — 7,831. Beer, Bridge street Murphy, W. C, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Mill street. 1837 Old Books, Engi'avings, and Antiquities Birkenhead, Cheshire. — Pop. 99,857. Bennett, James, 122, Conway street. 1885 Silvester, Lucas, 193, Grange road. 1868 Silvester, Thomas, 18, Market hall. 1883 Birmingham, Warwickshire. — Pop. 478,113. * Baker, Edward, 14 and 16, John Bright street. See advt. Established 1884. First Editions, Railroadiana * Barnett, A., 77, Worcester street Bates, Joseph Bernard, 127, Sandpits, Parade. 1885 Bourne, William Robert, 99, Hill street. 1891 Art, Topography, Engravings, &c. * Brough, William, & Sons, 8, Broad street corner. 1845 Combridge, C, 5, New street * Conway, Noel, & Co., 50b, New street. See advt. Autographs and Historical Documents Telegrams, " Autograph, Birmingham." Cornish Brothers, 37, New street Crees, Ernest James, 297, Monument road, Ladywood. 1888 * Crees, William Henry, 159, Balsall Heath road. 1884 Theological, Water-colour Drawings, &c. * Downing, Wm., Chaucer's Head Library, 5, Temple row, 1836 High-class Second-hand, Topography, and Antiquarian Forbes, D., 3, Hill street Books, Bric-a-brac, &c. Godfrey, C, 84, St. Mark street, Ladywood * Hector, E., 103, John Bright street. 1886 Scientific and Foreign * Hitchman, John, 51, Cherry street. 1855. See advt. Antiquarian, Topographical, and Historical * Lowe, Charles, New street 12 SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. Birmingham — continued. * Midland Educational Co., 41-43, Corporation street ; also at Leamington. See advt. * Middleton, M. A., Dr. Johnson passage, Bull street Music and Musical Literature Nicholas, E., 66, Hill street. 1872 * Reeves, Mrs. Mary Ann, 36, Whittall street * Robinson, J., Bristol street * Thistlewood, Alfred, 302, Broad street. 1889 Ancient and Modern Books, Prints, and Musical Literature Telegrama, "Thistlewood, Birmingham." * Wilson, James, Hutton House, 35, Bull street Bishop Auckland, Durliam. — Pop. 11,765. Guy, John, Newgate street Bishop Stortford, Hertfordshire. — Pop. 6,595. Boardman, Arthur, North street. 1790 Blackburn, Lancashire. — Pop. 120,064 Cotterill, J., & Co., 5, Lord street, Marketplace. 1889 Denhani, R., & Co., King William street Goldsmith, William, 32, Anvil st., and Market ground. 1879 Law, Joseph, 8, Astley gate. 1873 Blackpool, Lancashire. — Pop. 23,846. Lawrenson, Thomas, 13, Lytham street (During the Summer Season). BoLTON, Lancashire. — 115,002. Bromley, C. J., 57, Newport street Denham, R., & Co., Newport street Fraser, J. F., 19, Hibbert street. 1874 Winterburn, G., 65, Deansgate Boston, Lincolnshire. — Pop. 14,593. Ward, William Charles (Late Borne), 2, Bridge street. 1830 South Lincolnshire Books, and Miscellaneous Bournemouth, Hampshire. — Pop. 37,781. * Bright, F. J., & Son, The Arcade * Commin, Horace G., 8, Victoria buildings, Old Christ- church road. 1892. See advt. Topography, Theology, Natural History, &c. Bradford, Yorkshire. — Pop. 216,361. * Brear, T., & Co., Limited, 17 and 19, Kirkgate * Hart, James, 25, Sackville street * Matthews & Brooke, 18 & 20, Bridge st., & 38 & 40, Market st. Branch: — New Market entrance, Darley street. 1840 * Miles, Thomas, 13, Sunbridge road. 1879 Sporting, Topographical, and General THE BRITISH ISLANDS. 13 Bradford — continued. Power, Robert, Covered market. Residence : — Shipley Waterhouse, Charles, 187 and 189, Covered market Whitham, William, 88, Godwin street Brechin, Forfarshire, Scotland. — Pop. 8,955. * Black & Johnston, 40, High street. 1817 Local Books a specialty Brecon, Brecknockshire, S. Wales. — Pop. {circa 7,000). Wheeler, Henry Burford, Old Post Office, Lion street Bridgewater, Somerset. — Pop. 12,436. Page, E. T. Brighton, S%issex. — Pop. 115,873. * Bohn, John, 5, North quadrant Rare and Curious Friend, D. B., & Co., 77, Western road Keeping, Alfred, 9, The Lanes. 1886 Moody, Charles, 31 and 32, Meeting-house lane * Smith, W. J., 41, 42, and 43, North street. 1840 Stanhope, J. W., 16, Bristol road * Thorpe, James, 53, Ship street. 1868 * Toon, Thomas, 42, Ship street Weston, Alfred J., 13, St. George's road. 1882 (at Watford) Bristol, Gloucestershire.— Vo^. 221,578. * Fawn, James, & Son, IS, Queen's road. 1828 Antiquarian, Historical, and General. Freeman, Thomas, 17, Regent street, Clifton * George, H., 33, Park street. 1875 Old Books, Engravings, and Anti(iuities * George's, William, Sons, Top cor. Park st. 1847. See advt. standard Literature, Travel, Topography, and Theology Telegrams, " Geoi'ge, Bristol." Greenslade, A. C, 49, Colston street Mathews, A. & G., 1 and 2, Upper arcade * Mathews, J., & Son, 34, Upper arcade, and 42, Lower Union street. 1865 Matthews, W. J. & J., 25-27, Lower arcade, Broadmead. 1885 * Nield, Ashton, 30, Park street * Nield, Walter, 29, Bath street Burnley, Lancashire. Pop. 87,016. Brotherton, G., Tennis street * Coulston, William, 3, Victoria buildings. 1889 * Lupton Brothers, 38 and 40, Manchester road, and Market hall. 1870. See advt. General Literature, First Editions, and prevailing specialties 14 SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. Burnley — continued. * Wild, Robert, 38, Standish street. 1872 Miscellaneous, Portraits, Old Prints, &c. Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire. — Pop. 46,047. * Waller, Thomas, Station street General and Theological Bury, Lancashire. — Pop. 57,212. Clayton, J. P., 12, Union square Smith, E. W. B., 5, HayraT,rket street Vickerman, Charles, 19, Union square Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. — 16,630. Johnson, James, Abbeygate street Smyth, J., 21, Brentgovel street Books and Prints Buxton, Derbyshire. — Pop. 4,658. Denham, R., & Co., Quadrant Camberley, Surrey. — Pop. 3,004. Norman, D., 7, London road Military Works Cambridge, Cambridgeshire. — Pop. 44,330. Bell, William, Market place (Saturdays) * Deighton, Bell, & Co., 13, Trinity street All branche.s of Literature, English and Foreign * Hall, J., & Son, 51, Trumpington street. 1798 Educational and General * Johnson, Elijah, 30, Trinity street Greek and Latin Classics, Mathematics, Natural Scienct*, Theology, &e. * Macmillan & Bowes, 1, Trinity street Mathematics, Classical, and General Redin & Co., 16, Trinity street * Tomlin, W., 24, Trinity street, and Bridge street * Torason, Octavus, 69, Trumpington street. 1887 * Wallis, Henry W., 24, Sidney street Classical, Mathematical, Scientific, and Miscellaneous Canterbury, Kent. — Pop. 22,710. * Goulden, W. E., The Athenasum, S.E.R. Station road. 1887 Antiquarian, Old Prints, and Miscellaneous Cardiff, Glajnorganshire, S. Wales. — Pop. 132,229. Grey, B., Queen street Arcade Matthews, Joseph, 20, Castle Arcade. 1890 Miscellaneous Old Books and Music Lewis, W., Castle Arcade Norton, B., & Son, 109, Queen street W^ebb, Miss, 184, Bute road Carlisle, Cumberland. — Pop. 39,112. J| * Coward, G. & T., Scotch street r« THE BRITISH ISLANDS. 15 Carlisle — continued. * Grant, George S., Devonshire street * Tliurnham, Charles, k Sons, 11, English street Carnarvon, N. Wales. — Pop. 9,804. * Jones, John D., High street Chard, Somersetshire. — Pop. 2,575. Young, Thomas, Book Stores Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. — Pop. 49,775. * Norton, William, 16, Clarence street * Pink, John William, 20, Pittville street Rawlings, H. E., 3, Bath road. 1880 Scholastic, Theological, and Standard Webb, James, 7, Winchcomb street Williams, George A., tk Son, 393, High street. 1815 Chepstow, Monmouthshire. — Pop. 3,378. Mogridge, William, 9, Moor street Chester, Cheshire. — Pop. 42,297. Davies, David, 61, Watergate row Edwards, John, 74, Foregate street Antiquarian and Local * Huke's Library, The Eastgate. 1888 First Editions of Modern Authors, Illustrated Works, &c. Mills, E., & Son, Union hall, Foregate street Thomas, Edward, 16, Pepper street. 1849 Chichester, Sussex. — Pop, 7,830. Barber, James, 63, South street Cirencester, Gloucestershire. — Pop. 7,521. * Baily ife Son, Market place Clevedon, Somerset. — Pop. 5,412. * Jefferies, Charles Sanforth. 1826 Clitheroe, Lancashire. — ^Pop. 10,815. Robinson, J., Wesleyaii row Cockermouth, Cumberland. — Pop. 5,464. Mc.Kusker, Thomas, 94, Main street Mc.Quhae, W., Shakespeare House Colchester, Essex. — Pop. 34,559. * Forster, Thomas, 101, High street. 1883 Numismatics, Local Histories, Portraits, and Engravings * Golding, Charles, Museum street. 1873 Antiquarian Books and Prints, Antiquities, and Coins Winch Bros., Dealers in Foreign Postage Stamps. See advt. 1(*> SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. CoLNE, Lancashire. — Pop. 14,023. Hartley, Joseph, Guysyke Post Office Cork, Co. Cork, Ireland.— Pop. 96,891. * Massey, Nassau, Clifton Maytield Irish, Sporting, and General Literature Michael, J. W., 51, George's street Coventry, Warwickshire. — Pop. 54,755. Gillett, P., 2, Butcher row. 1880 Crewe, Cheshire. — Pop. 28,761. Mason, Thomas, 98, West street. 1890 Cromer, Norfolk. — Pop. 2,197. Mack, Thomas, Church street Croydon, Siirrey. — Pop. 102,695. Cooper, J., 97, High street Gallop, H., 92, High street Humphreys, C, 3^ Crown hill Dalbeattie, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. — Pop. 3,149. Fraser, Thomas, 96, High street. 1875 Scottish Poetry, Local (Dumfries and Galloway) Books Telegrams, "Fraser, Dalbeattie." Darlington, Durham. — Pop. 38,033. Morris, John H., 19, Commercial st., and Market hall. 1890 Educational and General. Wilkinson, J., Post House Wynd Derby, Derbyshire. — Pop. 94,146. Clayton, Mrs. A., 5, Queen street Inger, Henry, Market hall. 1866 * Murray, Frank, Moray House, Office of " The Clique ;" also at Nottingham and Leicester. 1884. See advts. High-class Miscellaneous, First Editions, and Editions de Luxe Devonport, Devonshire. — Pop. 70,204. * Clarke, Josiah, & Sons, 16 and 17, Cumberland street Theological, Local, and Miscellaneous Doncaster, Yorkshire. — Pop. 25,933. Taylor, Mrs., Printing-office street Dover, Kent. — Pop. 33,300. Becker, Charles N., 5, Snargate street * Johnson, William, 17, Market square. 1843 Pine, George, 51, Biggin street Dublin, Co. Dublin, Ireland.— Pop. 278,896. Combridge &, Co., 18, Grafton street D'Arcy, John, 31, Wellington quay THE BRITISH ISLANDS. 17 Dublin — continued. Hodges, Figgis, & Co., Limited, 104, Grafton street. 1800 General New and Secoml-hanil Magee, William, 5, Wood quay General, School, Law, and Medical * Massey, Edward, Upper Ormonde quay standard and Scarce Literature ; Works relating to Ireland Pigott, W., 43, Lower Ormonde quay * Rooney, M. W., 37, Rathgar avenue Irish History and Miscellaneous. Publisher of Classical Translations, &c. * Traynor, Patrick, 29 and 30, Essex quay General Literature, Irish History, Antiquities, Topography, &c. Webb, George, 5, Crampton quay * Weldrick, John F., 108, Stephen's Green west General, Rare, Irish Books, Prints, &c. Dumfries, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. Pop. 17,821. * Anderson, John, &, Son, 163, High street Carrie & Co., 130, High street. 1850 Maxwell, James, . Knglish and Foreign Works in Natural and ^^.g advt. Physical .Science * Westell, James, 114, New Oxford street, w.c. 1841 Theological and General * Wheldon, John, & Co., 58, Gt. Queen st., w.c. See advt. Natural History, General Scientific, and Miscellaneous White, H., ife Son, 237, Oxford st.,w.; and 90, High Holborn,w.c. * Wohlleben, Th., 45, Great Russell street, w.c. Export and Foreign Bookseller Wigg & Son, 29, Ludtjate hill, E.G.; also at Adelaide, N.S. W. Exporters to Australia * Wildy & Sons, Lincoln's Inn Archway, Carey street, w.c. Est. 183U. Law Books, Reports, Ac, of every description ^gg advt. Telegrams, " Wildys, London." * Williams & Norgate, 14, Henrietta st, Covent Garden, w.c; also at Edinburgh Importers of Foreign Books * Willis, A., 17a, Churton street, s.w. 1890 Willis, William, 59, Great Dover street, s.E. Wilson, James, 17, Pembridge road, w. Winter, George, 52, Charing Cross road, w.c. * Wright, William, 34, Cranbourn st., Leicester square, w.c. * Zaehnsdorf, J., 144-14G, Shaftesbury avenue, w. 1840 Extra Bound, High-class LoDTH, Lincolnshire. — Pop. 10,040. Valters, H. T,, 6, Corn market Luton, Bedfordshire. — Pop. 30,006. Horley, William, The Parade. 1887 General, Local Topography, Views, &c. Wootton, D., North street Lutterworth, Leicestershire. — Pop. 1,800. Bottrill, F. W., The Library. Circa 1802 Rare, Scarce, Cruikshankiana, and Topography Lyme Regis, Dorsetshire. — Pop. 2,365. Dunster, Frederick, Broad street. 1830 Macclesfield, Cheshire. — Pop. 36,009. Gilbert, J. H., 44, Sunderland street Johnson, H. J., 35, Mill street. 1887 Shatwell, John, 53, Sunderland street Maidstone, Kent. — Pop. 32,145. Bunyard, Frederick, The Library, 29, Week street Topography Hall, R., 119, Upper Fant road Hickmott, A. E., & Son, Market buildings THE BRITISH ISLANDS. 37 Manchestkb, Lancashire. — Pop., including Salford, 703,507. Battle, F., Sraithtield market ; and at York st., Clieetham Burge, R., 11, Princess street, Albert square Carter, Mrs. E , 30 and 32, King street west * Chrystal, R. S., 11, Market street Coleman, James, 5, Oxford st., Chorlton-upon-Medlock. 1880 * Cornish, James E., 16, St. Ann's square. 1854 Davis. Charles, k, Son, 12a, London road * Hirst,' W., 1, The Grove, Eccles Jowle & Bradburn, 3, Bridge street, Deansgate Miller, John, H., 177, Great Jackson street, Hulme Mitchell, Joseph, 30, Long Millgate * Mudie, A. O., 10 and 12, Barton arcade, St. Ann's square New Church Book and Tract Depot, 19, Corporation street Swedenborgian Books Shott, H., G3, City i*oad, Hulme Smith, S., 31, Brook Street, Chorlton-upon-Medlock * Pitcher, W. N. & Co. (late Henry Sotheran, & Co.), 49, Cross street. 1816 Sutton, Albert, 8, Deansgate. 1848 Miscellaneous, Sets of Magazines, and Journals of Learned Societies * Sutton, R. H., 25, Princess street, Albert sq. See advt. Miscellaneous, Local Literature and Textile Books Whitraore, John, 19, Oxford street, Chorlton-upon-Medlock; and 13, Rusholme road, Ardwick green. 1874 * Wilson, James, Stretford road, near Paulden's. 1866 * Wilson, Thos., 142, Oxford st., Chorlton-upon-Medlock. 1840 Market Harborough, Leicestershire.— Vop. 2,131. Green, George, High street. Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. — Pop. 6,449. Haigh, John, 2, Nottingham street. 1883 Theological and General Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorganshire, South Wales. — Pop. 58,080. Frost & Smith, 135, High street ; also at Aberdare * Wilkins, W., Stamp Office Middlesborough, Yorkshire. — Pop. 75,532. Flemming, Joseph, Vegetable market ; and Grange Cottage, Linthorpe. 1881 Gallettie, Edmund J., Garden street. 1883 Local and General Johnston, John, 32, Linthorpe road. 1874 Main, A., 53 Wilson street MiRFiELD, Yorkshire. — Pop. 16,841. Hardy, John, West End Swedenborgian Books 38 SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. MoDBURY, South Devonshire. — Pop. 1406. Lakeman, E. G., & Son, 14, Broad street Mold, Flintshire, North Wales. — Pop. 11,656. Bellamy, W. N., 15, High street Montrose, Forfarshire, Scotland. — Pop. 13,048. * Davidson, David P., 21 and 23, Castle street. 1874 * Nairn, John, & Son, 4, Murray street Welsh, M., 48, High street Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland. — Pop. 4,014. * Melven Bros., 25, High street ; also at Inverness Neath, Glamorganshire, S. Wales. — Pop. 11,060, Webb, Alfred, 31, Lantwit road Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire. — Pop. 14,457. Ridge, Charles John, "Byron Library," Bridge street Telegrumg, "Ridge, Newark." Newbury, Berkshire. — Pop. 11,002. Hawkins, Thomas Bridge House Jarvis, R. H., 93, Bartholomew street Lewendon, W. E., Ye Olde Booke Shoppe Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Nortlmmberland. — Pop. 186,300. Barlow, Joseph, 134, Northumberland street * Bond, William, 57, Blackett street. 1881 Curious Books, Old China, &c. * Browne & Browne, 103, Grey street. 1884 High-class, Rare, and Fine Art Telegrams " Browne, Newcastle-upon-Tyne." Frazer, David, 59 and 60, Book market James, S. A., 38, Book market McLaren, David, 45, Book market Mawson, Swan, and Morgan, 22, Grey street Moran, James, 45 and 47, Book market Robinson, W. H., 18, 51, 52, 59, and 201, Book market Progressive and Reform * Thorne, Thomas, 40, Blackett street Newport, Shropshire. — Pop. 2,675. * Leech, George, Upper bar Newport, Isle of Wight. — Pop. 10,216. All^e, Charles Thomas, 17, Lugley street. 1880 Newport, Monmouthshire. — Pop. 54,707. George's (William) Sons, Westgate buildings ; also at Bristol Newton Stewart, Wigto7vnshire, Scotland. — Pop. 2,826. Anderson, William, 82, Victoria street THE BRITISH ISLANDS. 39 Northampton, Northam2)tonshire. — Pop. 61,012. * Billingham, William, 26, Marefair. 1850 Tlieological and General Mark, William, 27, The Drapery. 1730 Subscription Library in connection with Mudie's * Mutton, Frederick, Derngate. 1876 Educational and General * Taylor & Son, 9, College street. 1800 Antiquarian, Topographical and Miscellaneous NoRTHWiCH, Cheshire. — Pop. 938. Ledsham, James, 101, Chester road Norwich, Norfolk.— Vo^. 100,970. * Hunt, William, 7, Briggs street. Market place. 1860 Antiquarian, Topographical, and General * Jarrold & Sons, London tfc Exchange streets ; also at London Antiquarian and General Tuxford, Frederick, Bridewell alley Nottingham, Nottinghamshire. — Pop. 213,877. Benjamin, L., 29, Broad street ; and Market * Bryan, George, 4, Parliament street. See advt. Modern Poetry, First Editions of Eminent Authors, &c. Featherstone, T., 22, Parliament street Freestone, G., 4, The Poultry Harper, W., The Market Makin, J., The Market * Murray, Frank, Regent House, 1881 ; also at Derby and Leicester. See advt. High-class Miscellaneous, General, and Local Topography TeUgramg, " Murray, Bookseller, Nottingham." Smith, J., Bridlesmith gate Smith & Nequest, 80b, Union road. 1882 Walker, T., The Market Oban, Argyleshire, Scotland. — Pop. 4,377. * Boyd, Thomas, 54 to 58, George street. 1883 G relic, English Books relating to the Highlands, and Miscellaneous Oldham, Lancashire. — Pop. 131,463. Garforth, Charles, 13 and 14, Market avenue. 1889 Local and Miscellaneous Hughes, Joseph R., 1, Albion street, and 21, Lord st. 1888 Scientific, Medical, and Botanical Rushton, Abraham, 124, Market hall. 1872 Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Ireland. * Carson, Nathaniel, 22, High street. 1856 Telegramit, " Constitution, Oraagh." Oswestry, Shropshire. — Pop. 8,496. Roberts, R., Bailey street 40 SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. OswESTEY — continued. Jones, Edward, Oswald road Owen, T., The Library Oxford, Oxfordshire. — Pop. 45,742. * Blackwell, B. H., 50 and 51, Broad street. 1879. See advt. Classical, Hia;h-class Educational, and Miscellaneous * Gee, W. H., 127^^ High street * George's (William) Sons, 104, High street * Parker, James, & Co., 27, Broad street. 1870. See advt. Classical, Historical, Legal, Theological, and General Telegrams, " Nicene, Oxford." Parker, W., 21, Broad street Plummer, F. H., St. Catherine's House, Broad street. 1884 * Shrimpton, Thomas, & Son, 23 and 24, Broad street (Established 100 years) * Slatter & Rose, 2 and 3, High street Thornton, James, 33 and 41, High street * Thornton, Joseph, & Son, 11, Broad street. 1835 Classics, Mathematics, History, Science, Theology, and Educational Vincent, Joseph, 90, High street Wheeler, William Henry, 106, High street. 1830 Classical, Mathematical, and General Tyrrell, George, 5, Kingston road Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland. — Pop 66,418. * Ballantyne, John, & Son, 28, High street. 1877 Brown, Robert, Ferguslie * Gardner, Alexander, 7, Gilmour street Menzies, Matthew, 10, Gauze street. 1887 Miscellaneous, Odd Volumes, and Magazines Pembroke, Pemhrokesldre, Wales. — Pop. 14,978. John, David William, 21, Pembroke street Penzance, Cornwall. — Pop. 12,432. Doidge, John S. Tlieology King, C. W., 1, Arcade * Kinsman, John Antiquarian and Miscellaneous Perth, Perthshire, Scotland. — Pop. 29,899. Barlas, James, 263, High street. 1878 Christie, John, 32, St. John street Walker, Robert, 46, Mill street. 1860 ^ Peterborough, Northamptonshire. — Pop. 25,171. Ward, James E., " City Library " Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, Scotland.-^ Pop. 12,195. Taylor, William L., Broad street Antiquarian, Scotch Books, Ballads, Poetry, &c. THK BRITISH ISLANDS. 41 Plymouth, Devonshire.— Top. 84,248. Attwood, G. H., 24, Westwell street * Birmingham, William, 9, Wliiraple street. 1830 * Cann, Mark, 20, Tavistock place. 1867 Doidge & Co., 169 and 170, Union Street Griffiths, A., 7, Saltash street Portsmouth, Hampshire. — Pop. 159,251. Friedeberg, T, 18, Commercial road, Landport * Griffin & Co., 2, The Hard Naval Booksellers and Publishers * Long, William Henry, 120, High street. 1876 Miscellaneous. Specialty : Naval Books, Engravings, and Portraits * Trayte, George, 173, Queen street, Portsea Preston, Lancashire. — Pop. 107,573 Arkwright, J., 28, Lune street * Halewood, Alfred, Friargate * Robinson, Henry, 46, Fishergate. 1860 Piatt, J. ik H., 36, Fishergate Ramsgate, Keni. — Pop. 24,73.3. Blinko &, Son, 27, Queen street Reading, Berkshire. — Pop. 60,054. * Langley, Miss E., Lovejoy's Library, 37 & 39, London-st. 1 832 Miscellaneous, Hare First Editions, and Editions de luxe * Poynder, George A., 113, Broad street * Smith, William, 109 and 111, London street. 1874 * Thorp, Thomas, 22, King street. 1860 Redruth, Cornwall. — Pop. 10,324. Hoblyn & Tayler, 14, Fore street Retford, Nottinghamsldre. — Pop. 4,259. * Smith, John Martin, 34, Carolgate. 1870 Richmond, Surrey. — Pop. 22,684. Gregory, Henry, Hill rise. 1871 * Hiscoke & Son, Hill street. 1851 Miscellaneous and First Editions James, W., 2, Kew road Old Books, Antiquities, Bric-a-brac, &c. * Palmer, George M., Petersham road Pamphlets, Old Playbills, Magazines, &c. * Ward, William, 2, Church terrace; also at London. 1875 Fine Art, Prints, and Drawings Rochdale, Lancashire. — Pop. 71,401. * Clegg", James, "The A.ldine Press." 1857. See advts. Antiquarian, Topographical, and Miscellaneous Printer of Booksellers' Catalogues 42 SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. Rochdale — continued. Hargreaves, John, 34, John street. 1860 Howe, Williain, 9, Lord street Warburton, T., 5, John street RoMSEY, Hampshire. — VoT^. 4,27G. Sillence, Edward, Church street. 1885 Theological and General RoYSTON, Hertfordshire. — Pop. 1,701. Warren Brothers, High street Rugby, Warwickshire. — Pop. 11,262. * Lawrence, Alfred, 22, Market place. 1834 * Over, GeorgTE.r''The Rugby Press," 15, High st. 1882 Telegrams, " George Over, Rugby." See advt. Ruthin, Denbighshire, North Wales. — Pop. 2,760. Williams, William, 6, Well street Welsh Books a specialty Ryde, Isle of Wight.— Vo^. 10,952. Mason, James, 7, Cross street Saffron Walden, Essex. — Pop. 6,104. Roberts, Samuel, Market square St. Albans, Hertfordshire. — Pop. 12,898. Crowhurst, Edgar, Spencer sti'eet. 1876 St. Andrews, Fifeshire, Scotland. — 6,853. Henderson, William C, & Son, 2, Church street Booksellers and Librarians St. Heliers, Jersey. — Pop. of Jersey, 54,518. Johnston, T., York street Le Feuvre, C, Library, Beresford street St. Leonards-on-Sea, Sussex. — Pop. 7,165. Combridge, Oliver, 39, Marina Theological Pinson, William, 24, Silchester road St. Neots, Htmtingdonshire. — Pop. 2,962. * Tomson, David Richard, Cromwell Book Stores. 1860 Telegrams, " Tomson, St. Neots." St. Peter-port, Guernsey. — Pop. of Guernsey 35,339. Luflf, W. A., Bordage street. 1879 Summers, W., PoUet street Wright, S. J., 1, Haute ville Salisbury, Wiltshire. — Pop. 15,533. * Broadbere, Benjamin, 37, High street THE BRITISH ISLANDS. 43 Salisbury — continued. * Brown & Co., Canal Miscellaneous and Wiltshire Topogi-aphy * Simraonds, N., & Co., 33, Castle street. 1881 standard and First Editions Scarborough, Yorkshire. — Pop. 33,776. * Dalton, 102, Westborough Denham &l Co., 19, Westborough Educational and Miscellaneous Hagyard, John, 31, Nicholas street Est. in 1830 as " Theakston's Library." Hargreaves, J. A. 40, Ramshill road Harrison, Albert L., 13, Eastborough Maude, John, 28, North street. 1867 Local, Topographical, and General Wrigley, John, 14, New Parks crescent. Palsgrave. 1849 * Yule, John, 67, St. John's road. Palsgrave. 1860 Settle, Yorkshire. — Pop. 2,253. Horner, George, Church street. 1880 Sheffield, Yorkshire. — Pop. 324,243. Cadman, Mazzini, 108, Barker's pool. 1887 Challenger, William, Brookhill Hibbert Brothers, 117, Norfolk street Paget & Co., 2.5, West Bar Green 1887. Scarce and Miscellaneous Turner, Mrs. 6, Paradise street * Warde, Thomas, Norfolk Book Shop, 46, Norfolk Market. Est. 1S60. Entirely Second-hand, Englisli and Foreign ^gg (idvt. Telegrams, " Warde, Sheliield." Shrewsbury, Shropshire. — Pop. 26,967. * Bennett, John, 58 and 62, Mardol Skipton, Yorkshire. — Pop. 10,376. Smith, W., Sheep street Sleaford, Lincolnshire. — 4,112. Fawcett, Thomas, South Gate. 1888 Southampton, Hampshire. — Pop. 65,325. * Gilbert, H. M., 26, Above Bar * James (Thomas) & Co., 42 Bernard street. 1849 Southport, Lancashire. — Pop. 41,406. * Ashworth k Son, 56, Eastbank street. 1885 Stafford, Staffordshire.— Top. 20,270. Dutton, John, 2, St. Mary's place. 1875 44 SECOND-HAKD BOOKSELLERS. Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland. — Pop. 16,776. * Cook, William B., Port street Scottish Antiquarian and Historical Mackay, Eneas, 43, Murray place. 1883 Shearer, R. S., & Sons, 6, King street. 1849 Stockport, Cheshire. — Pop. 70,263. Dooley, Henry, 22, Lower Hillgate. 1865 Smith, Mrs. Thomas, 89 and 91, Lower Hillgate StocktoN-on-Tees, Durham. — Pop. 49,708. Appleby, P., 59, High street Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. — Pop. 8,318. * Trimming, Miss, 4, High street Stroud, Gloucestershire. — Pop. 11,519. * Collins, William, 21, King street. 1881 Elliott, John, High street Sunderland, Durham. — Pop. 131,015. Somerville, Thomas, 30, Norfolk street, Bishopwearmouth Sutton, Surrey. — Pop. 13,977. Holt, C. W., 69, High street Swansea, Glamorganshire, South Wales. — Pop. 90,349. Gould, William Henry, 89, Watkin street ; and the Market Est. 1888. Theological, Scientific, Medical, &c. * Price, Thomas, Postern buildings. 1874. English and Welsh, General Townsend, Robert, 13, Dillwyn street. 1842 Way & Co., A. R., Wind street Swindon, Wiltshire. — Pop. 33,001. * Woodhams & Co., 5, Bath road. 1870 Telegrams, " Woodhams, Swindon." Taunton, Somersetshire. — Pop. 18,026, Abraham, Henry, 11, Fore street * Barnicott & Pearce, 44, Fore street Telegrams, " Barpearce, Taunton." * Butland, Reuben, 31, Upper High street Tavistock, Devonshire. — Pop. 6,252. Clark, Josiah B., 6, West street Tenbury, Worcestershire. — Pop. 2,054. Knott, Riohard Mayne, Cross street. 1845 Tenby, Pembrokeshire, Wales. — Pop. 4,710. * Arnett, J. E., "The Library," High street. Circa 1850 Antiquarian, Topographical, and Miscellaneous gee advt. THE BRITISH ISLANDS. 45 Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire. — Pop. 5,269. North, William, 139, High street Thornaby-on-Tkes, Yorkshire. — Pop. 15,637. Henderson, Hodgson, Bridge street. 1880 Miscellaneous Books and Prints Tiverton, Devonshire. — Pop. 10,892. * Masland, William, 31, Fore street. Est. 50 years Miscellaneous and Scholastic ToDMORDEN, Yorkshire. — Pop. 8,904. Astin, D. H., Market hall Torquay, Devonshire. — Pop. 25,534. * Iredale, Andrew, 13, Strand. 1872 Miscellaneous, Devon Topography * King, Charles, 113, Lower Union street Antiquarian and Topograpliical Trowbridge, Wiltshire. — Pop. 11,901. Rose, George W., Church street Truro, Cornwall. — -Pop. 11,131. * Clyma, William J., 10, St. Nicholas street. 1826 * Pollard, Joseph, 5, St. Nicholas street. 1892 Miscellaneous, and Books relating to Cornwall TuNBRiDGE Wells, Kent. — Pop. 27,895. Fassnidge, James, 46, Grosvenor road. 1883 Pelton, Richard, " Parade Library " Ulverston, Lancashire. — Pop. 10,015. Atkinson, James, 6, King street. 1838 Local Books Wakefield, Yorkshire. — 33,146. Baker, John, 12, Westgate Taylor, John, 94, Northgate, and Market place. 1879 Walsall, Staffordshire.— r^op. 71,789. Millichip, J., 43, Upper Rushall street * Robinson, George, "Byron House," 4, Adams row. 1882 Scholey, E. A., 68, Dudley street. 1852 Controversial, Freetliought, and General Walthamstow, Essex. — Pop. 46,346. * Mayhew, F., Higham hill Americana, Freethought, and Curious Ware, Hertfordsltire. — Pop. 5,706. Price, George, High street Warrington, Lancashire. — Pop. 52,743. Nixon, William, Old Market Shed, 23, Stanley street 46 SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. Warrington — continued. Lea, John, 8, Watkin street Pearse, Percival, Sankey street Proud, W. A., 13, Suez street Angling, Sporting, Natural History Warwick, Warwickshire. — Pop. 11,903. Cooke, H. T., & Son, 9, High street Watford, Hertfordshire. — Pop, 20,269. Gardiner, H. T., High street Weston-super-Mare, Somersetshire. — Pop. 15,520. Gill, Frank, 15, Waterloo street. 1883 Lawrence Brothers, 28, High street Weymouth, Dorsetshire. — Pop. 13,866. Burt, George M., Royal Baths, St. Mary street Sherren & Son Egypt and Egyptology * Wheeler, Harry, 20 and 21, St. Mary street Whitehaven, Cumberland. — Pop. 12,182. Burlington, Robert, 63, Lowther street. 1874 Educational, Theological, and General Callender & Dixon, 3 Market place Pagen, William, 1, Market place WiGAN, Lancashire. — Pop. 55,013. Piatt, Richard, 17, Wallgate * Starr, James, 43 and 45, Wallgate, 1886 WiGTON, Cumberland. — Pop. 4,346. McMechan, T. WiMBORNE, Dorsetshire. — Pop. 6,763. * Fowler, E. S,, The Library, Dean's Court lane Winchester, Hampshire. — Pop. 19,073. * Warren iion, fro7n " Stationery and Bool'nellinf/." '/ I'LTHOUGH the majority of persons engaged in the bookselling ^<— 1-, trade are able to calculate the diflerence between " scrip " and " sale " purchase values in the case of Ijooks ranging in price from sixpence to six shillings, it is not so easy for many retailers to define the two terms, or to accurately adjust the differences in cost when the higher-priced volumes are concerned. With the view of making a point which has always been a difficult one, especially for beginners, more perfectly under- stood, we have considered it desii'able to have a properly authenticated table of re(jular trade prices prepared, to M'hich will be found appended a series of explanatory notes, solving certain knotty points which have puzzled even old liands. As the majority of our readers are aware, "scrip" is the term for subscription price, viz., the ordinary figure at which books are supplied to the retail trade ; whilst " sale " is equivalent to special terms, which lased only to l)e obtainable at the periodical trade dinners, some few of which still survive. The extension of "sale" terms to those who were unable, from a variety of causes, to be present at the gatherings referred to, was a natural sequence to the development of the modern style of trading, and was, after all, an act of even-handed justice on the part of the publishers. We believe the subjoined table is the only one of its kind which has appeared of late years in the columns of a trade journal : — REGULAR TRADE PRICES OF BOOKS. Retail. " Scrip." " Sale." Retail. " Scrip." " Sale." 6d. 4i 4i 6/6 4 11 4 7 8d. 6 51 11- 5 3 4 11 9d. 63 6* 7/6 5 8 5 4 1/- 9 81 8/- 6 5 8 1/3 — — 8/6 6 5 6 1 1/4 1 lU 9/- 6 9 6 5 1/6 1 li 1 1 9/6 — — 1/8 1 3 — 10/- 7 6 7 2 21- 1 6 1 5 10/6 8 7 6 2/6 1 11 1 9 12/- 9 8/6 (or 8/4) 3/- 2 3 2 1 12/6 9 6 9 3/6 2 8 2 6 14/- 10 6 10 4/- 3 2 10 15/- 11 3 10 9 4/6 3 5 3 2 16/- 12 11 4 5/- 3 10 3 7 18/- 13 6 12/10. or 12/6 5/6 4 2 3 11 20/- 15 14 4 6/- 4 6 4 2 21/- 16 15 NOTES. " Scrip " price is 25 per cent, off retail. " Sale " price about Ski. per 1/- But different firms vary their " sale" prices slightly. For instance, a book published at 12/- is generally S/G sale in one vol., and some- times 8/4 if in two vols. The latter price is considered twice 4/2, the ordinary " sale " of 6/- Prices not filled in are irregular, and the " sale " is usually fixed by each firm independently. The prices above 10/- are simply multiples of those below that figure. 50 CARRIERS AND FORWARDING AGENTS. COUNTRY AND FOREIGN CARRIERS AND FORWARDING AGENTS. LONDON OFFICES : American Express, Neale & Wilkinson, Union Court, Old Broad street, e.c. See adrt. on. op'po.iite imooks for account of Publishers, made during the Spring and Fall Seasons. Consignments can be sent direct in Bond without being opened in New York, as Cincinnati is a Port of Entry. Old Books published over Twenty Years are admitted Free of Duty. Liberal Cash Advances made upon Consignments when desired. Priced Catalogues mailed immediately after Conclusion of .Sales. Accounts of Sales with proceeds by Bank Draft on London rendered in Thirty Days. CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLUCBTEO. S^ Refer to any Mercantile Agency in London, or other princijml Cities. EZEKIEL & BERNHEIM, No. 134, Main-St., Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. CANADA. 53 AMERICA. Where towns have a less population than 10,00(1, the figures are not given. CANADA. Alliston, Ontario. — Mann, H. F. Banff, North- West Territory. — Hannam, George. 1886 Belleville, Ontario. — Harrison, Edward. Bkantford, Ontario. — Pop. 12,000. Hellish, A. H. & Co. Salmond, J. R. Sutherland, J. & J. 1883 Imi)orters Brockville, Ontario. — Mc. Mullen & Co. Calgary, North- West I'erritoy. * Thomson Brothers. 1881 Importers Charlottetown, Prince Edivard's Island. * Chappelle, Thos. L. 1874 Importer Harvie & Co. Chatham, Ontario. — Holmes, James CoBOURG, Ontario. Salisbury & Co. Trebilcock, Paul Galt, Ontario. Cranston, James K., Main street. 1885 Elmslie, A. G. Gravenhurst, Ontario. — Cockburn, J. P. 1887 GuELPH, Ontario. — Pop. 11,000. Day's (T. J.) Book store Lyon, J. W. Halifax, Noca Scotia.— Vo^. 38,000. Allen, J. C. & Co., 124 and 126, Granville street. 1882 Wholesale and Retail Booksellers and Importers Mackinlay, A. & W. Hamilton, Ontario. Eastwood, John, & Co. Greig, John Hunter, Grant, & Co. Hanover, Ontario. — Elmslie & Co. Ingersoll, Ontario. — Manning, W. H. 1888 Kingston, Ontario. — Pop. 22,000. Henderson, John, & Co. London, Ontario.— 'Po^. 28,000. Carrie, W. L. * Lively, J. T., 6, Market lane. 1880. Mills, John 54 SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. Montreal, Quebec. — Pop. 215,000. Ashford, C. Black, C. F. Brown & Co. ( William Foster), 233, St. James street Publishers and Booksellers Cadieux & Derome * Drysdale, William, & Co., 232, St. James street. 1874 Oki Canadian and American, Theological, Educational, &c. Fabre & Gravel * Grafton, F. E. & Sons, 252, St. James street. Publishers, Booksellers, and Imjjorters Harris, J. & Co., 2116, St. Catherine street. 1879 Canadian and American Works Montreal News Co., Limited, 386 and 388, St. James street. 1880 Picken Eben Renontf, E. M. Rolland, J. B., & Fils Vallett, J., St. James street Waters, David, 494, St. James street. 1875 Mount FoKEST, Ontario. — Gilles, Charles J. 1870 Ottawa, Ontario.—Vo^. 32,800. Durie, John, «& Son Guillaum.e, P. C. Hooper, J. R., 68, Albert street * Hope, James, & Co., Cor. Sparks and Eglin streets. 1866. PiCTON, OntoWo.— Allison, C. B., & Co. 1881 Quebec, Quebec Go. — Pop. 65,000. Chaperon, S. Uawson & Co. Filteau, F., 27, Rue Buade Fournier, F. X., & Co. * Gagnon, P., .53, Rue du Pont, St. Roch. 1875 Canadian Books, Views, Autographs, &c. Langlais, J. A. Marois, E., 248, St. John street. 1875 Wright & Co. Sherbrooke, Nova Scotia. — Campbell, Thomas. 1880 St. Catherine's, Ontario. — Fairfield, B. C. St. John, New BriinHvnck. MeMillan, J. & A. Morrisey, Alfred O'Brien, T, & Co. St. John's, Neiufoundland. Fenelon, M. & Co. Milligan, Geo. S., Jr. St. Thomas, Ontario. Chaisegreen, C. {^[^ McLaughlin, Robert Toronto, Ontario.— Vo^. 130,000. ,y^,^'Bain, James, & Son 1^, Boyle, Uavid, 353, Yonge street. 1882 *2Britnell, Albert, 240, Yonge street. 1893 THK UNITED STATES. 55 Toronto — continued. * Brituell, John, 2S0, Yonge street. 1884 Miscellaneous, Americana * Carswell & Co., 2(j and 28, Adelaide street east PuV)lishers and Importers of Law Books exclusively Goodwin & Co. Law Books * Haight & Co., 446, Parliament street. 1891 " Risser & Co., 248, Yonge street. 1890 TeUpho)ie, 1SS6. * Sutherland, D. & W., 286 and 288, Yonge street. 1881 Classical, Theological, and Miscellaneous Williamson Book Co., Ld. , 5, King street west Winnipeg, Manitoba. — Pop. 25,000 McBean, A. Mcintosh, T. A., Portage avenue. 1882 Richardson, Robert D. Taylor, Alex. Wimperis, A. 532, Main street. 1882 UNITED STATES. Ala.- Ariz. Ark. Cat.- Col.- Ct.—^ Dak. Del. D.C. Fla.- Ga.- III.- Ind. Ia.~ Kan -Alabama —Arizona -Arkansas -California Colorado Connecticut — Dakota —Delaware —District of Columbia -Florida -Georgia -Illinois —Indiana Iowa —Kansas ABREVIATIONS. Ky — Kentucky La. — Louisiana Mc. — Maine 3/d.— Maryland Mass. — Massachusetts Jific/i.— Michigan Minn. — Minnesota Miss. — Mississippi Mo.— Missouri Mon. — Montana Neb. — Nebraska Nev. — Nevada N.H. — New Hampshire N.J. — New Jersey N.M. — New Mexico .V. r.— New York JiT.C.— North Carolina 0.— Ohio Ore— Oregon Pa. — Pennsylvania i?./.— Rhode Island S.C. — South Carolina red)!. — Tennessee Tex. — Texas Vt. — Vermont Va. — Virginia Wash. — Washington W. Va. — West Virginia Wis. — Wisconsin Abilene, Tex. — Minter, J. R. 1884 Abingdon, 7^^.— Givens, T. E. 1886 Ada, O.—* Wagner Brothers, 63, South Main street. 1883 Albany, Ind. — Cole, Joseph S. 1888 Albany, N.Y.—Vo^. 100,000. Cadby, John W., 582, Broadway. 1888 Capitol City Old Book Store, 582, Broadway Clapp, A. H. , 32, JNIaiden lane Goffe, Henry A., 37, Maiden lane Gore, William B. , 103, South Pearl street. 1877 Harsha, David A. , Pollard street * Little, W. C, & Co., 525, Broadway 1871 Law 56 SECOND-HAND BOOKSKLLEKS. Albany — continued. * McDonough, Joseph, 53 and 55, State street. 1870 Americana, Genealogy, and General ^' Muusell's Sons, Joel, 81, State street. 1880 Quinn, B., 498, Broadway * Skinner, John, 44, North Pearl street * Werner, E. A., 35, Chestnut street Albion, ^Vet.— Ladd, W. W. 1885 Alexandria, Alinn. — Baumbach & Morisse. 1882 Allegan, Mich. — Adams, George C. 1889 Allkntown, P«.— Pop. 30,000. * Diehl, T. H., 732, Hamilton street. 1886 Shafer, J. A. , 33, North Seventh street. Stiles, C. H. Altoona, la. — Shaffer, L. 0. 1886 Altoona, Pa.— Pop. 28,000. O'Neil, John Shipman, R. \V., 1107, Eleventh street. 1883 Amboy, III. -Green, W. A., Main and Jones streets. 1885 xImericus, Ga. — Aycock, Miss Agnes. 1878 Amesbury, Mass. — Johnson, John F., 5, Main street. 1877 Anamosa, /a.— McCarn, C. H., 1882 Andover, Mass. — Cole, John N. 1887 Angola, N. F.— Sweet, W. B., & Co. 1884 Ann Arbor, Mich. — Pop. 15,000. Andrews & Co., 13, Main street. 1887 Sheehan & Co., 28, State street. 1873 Appleton City, ilfo.— King, E. M. 1873 Arcade, N. F.— Hulette, F. P. 1885 Arcola, /^^.— McMillin, W. E. & Co. 1889 Arkansas, Kan. — Smith & Dietrich, 314, Summit street Ashland, OAio.— Brandt, D. W. Ashland, Ifis.— Pop. 14,000. Clarke, J. W., 501, West Second street Astoria, /Z^.— Bonnel, W. W. 1885 Athens, (?a. — Mc. Gregor, D. W. 1888 Athens, 7'e?m.— Chessnutt, Mamie Atlanta, Ga. — Pop. 75,000. BoUas & Bruckner Old Book Store, 38, Marietta Auburn, III. — Swain, George B. 1886 A.UGUSTA, (7a.— Pop. 30,000. Duval, R. L., 1016, Broad street Stine, Z. T. , 106, Centre street THE UNITED STATES. Aurora, III.— Fop. 18,000. Watson, W. H., 22, South Broadway. 1859 Aurora, /?icL— Milbuin, J. N., 76, Second street. 1853 Aurora, A'efc.— Spafford, N. P. 1884 AiTSTiN', Tea;.— Pop. 30,000. * Gammel, H. P. N., & Co., 813, Congress avenue, 1880 ; also at Sacramento, California Kopperl, M. A. & H. B. Baldwinsville, N.Y. — Howard, H. Ballinger, T'ea:.— Pearce, H. 1). 1887 Ballston, N.Y. — Ferney, Richard B. Baltimore, McL—Vop, 450,000. * American Press Co. Cashing & Co., 34, West Baltimore street Foley, M. J., & Co., 704, West Lexington street Henderson, D. M. , corner Howard and Madison streets Kline, William & M. E. 1017, Pennsylvania avenue Murphy, J. & Co. Nolan, John T. Pippen, W. v., 327, North Charles street. 1888 Saffell, Charles C. , 713, North Strieker street Schmitt, Jacob, 837, North Howard street Scrimger, Harold B., 209, Courtland street Barnbsville, Minn. — Paterson, B. M. J. 1883 Barry, 7Z^.— Gard, E. E. 1885 Barrytown, N.Y. — ^Aspinwall, John. 1872 Bath, Ale. — Shaw, John 0. Bath, N. F.— Gage, B. S. 1880 Baxter Springs, Kan. — Tuttle, W. S. 1878 Beaufort, 5.(7.— Gibbs, J. R. 1887 Belfast, Me. — Clement, A. 1888 Bellevue, 0. — Beecher & Greenslade, 10, West Main street. 1886 Bellevue, Mich. — Johnson, Levi 0. 1874 Belton, Texan. — Austin & Hunter Berea, 0.— Noble & Mattison. 1873 Bethlehem, Pa. — * Mitman, H. , 34, Broad street Schwartz & Barron Importers Beverly, Mass. — Twohig, William H. 1885 Binghamton, N.Y.—Vop. 20,000. Ashton, Samuel, 119, Court street Hooker, L. E., & Co. Bismarck, Mo. — Bisjilinghoff, H. 1884 BlOOMlNGTOX, Ill.—Vop. 23,000. Hay, L. C. Shields, Robert, 106, North Centre street 58 SECOND-HAND BOOKSKLLKRS. Bloomville, iV. r.— Peteis, Wm. B. 1875 Blue Hill, Neb. — Norris, C. E. Blue Mound, /«.— Drysdale, G. W. 1885 Boston, J/as-s. — Pop. 550,000. Bartlett, N. J., 28, Cornhill. 1859 Importers of English Books. First Editions, Theology, &c. * Bird, F. W., 60, Cornhill * Boston Book Co., (Charles C. Soule, President), 15^ Beacon-st. 1884 Miscellaneous Second-hand ; also Publishers and Law Booksellers * Bradley, Ira, & Co., 162, Washington street. 1851 Publishers and Importers Brown, Durrell, & Co., 17, Bedford street Importers "■' Burnham Antique Book Store, Basement Old South Meeting House, Milk street. 1825 * Chadbourne, Seth H., 57, Warren street. 1886 Clarke, W. B., & Co., 17, Hawley street. 1888 * Collins, Fred S., 20, Brattle street. 1884 Cook, Henry, 47, Waltham street. 1850 Damrell & Upham, 283, Washington street. 1887 Importers * De Wolfe, Fiske, & Co., 361-365, Washington street. 1880 * Estes & Lauriat, 301-305, Washington street. 1872 Publishers, Booksellers, and Importers * Guild, Wm., & Co., 11, Bromfield street. 1873 General Back Numbers and Vols, of American Periodicals * Hastings, H. L. , 47 and 49, Cornhill. 1865 * Heath, D. C. , & Co., 19, Pemberton square. 1885 Importers Jones, George N., 123, Pearl street Importer Larrabee, B. F. , & C'o * Lee & Shepard, 10, Milk street. 1862 Publishers and Importers * Libbie, C. F. , & Co., 666, Washington street. See adrt. Auctioneers of Libraries, Engravings, Coins, &c. P.O. Box, 8236. * Little, Brown, & Co., 254, Washington street Publishers and Importers * Littlefield, Geo. E., 67, Cornhill. 1868 American History, Genealogy, and General Literature * Mason & Co., 175, Washington street. 1860 * Occult Publishing Co., 120, Tremont street * Photo-Electrotype Engraving & Manufg. Co., 1, Hartford-st. 1880 Publishers, New and Second-hand Booksellers, &c. * Polley, George H., & Co., 99, Court street. 1876 Publishers and Importers * Schoenhof, Carl, 144, Tremont street. 1878 Smith & McCanoe, 61i, Bromtield street * Ticknor & Co., 211, Tremont street. 1885 Publishers and Importers Virgin, George A., Old South Church street * Whidden, Bradlee, 18, Arch street. 1886 Publisher and Importer Bradford, III. — Plummer, D. G., & Son. 1887 Braidwood, III. — Smith, J. A., & Co. 1885 Bronson, Mich. — * Ruggles, J. Francis. 1871 Rare " O.P." and choice " L.P." Works THE UNITED STATES. 59 Brooklyn, Ct. — Windham County News Agency. 1775 School and Miscellaneous Books anil Peiiodicals. Telephone, ih — 2. Brooklyn, N. Y —Pop. 8o0,000. Burrowes, Peter, 08, Montague street Crawford, John H., 768, Bedford avenue Uownes, John, 115, Warwick street Dunn, Daniel, 574, Fulton street. 1885 Out-of-print Ameiicana, and Standard Literature Farnell, Alfred F., 42, Court street. 1880 Ford, PaulL. , 97, Clark street Haddon, Edward G., 24.3, Broadway. 1887 Jackson, J. E., 147, Court street. 1881 Kirby, Jos. M., Pearl and Willoughby streets Kleinteich, George, junior, 334, Bedford avenue. 1885 Murphy, John, Lawrence street, corner Fulton street Oppenheim, Samuel, 575, Broadway. 1876 Sudlow, William E., 428, Grand street. 1886 * Thorpe, Henry, 449, Fourteenth street. 1867 Angling, Sporting, and Miscellaneous Tredway, John C. , 202, Atlantic avenue Triangle Book Store, Flatbush avenue and Schermerhorn street Wilmer, M. E., 120, Flatbush avenue. 1883 Brownstown, /«,rf.— Daly, W. H., & Co. 1884 Brunswick, Me. — Little, George T. 1882 Americana, Art, Bibliography, &c. Bryan, 0.— Taylor Brothers. 1880 Bryan, Tex. — McConnico, A. D. 1879 Buffalo, N. F.— Pop. 240,000. Custer, Edward A., 5, Clinton street. 1884 Morrison, Mrs. George W. , 187, Second street * Otis, H. H., & Sons, 288, Main street. 1858 Publishers and Importers Paid (Peter) Book Company, 420, Main street 1874 Publishers, Booksellers, Importers Phillips, William A. , 385, Washington street Riley & Jones, 31, East Seneca street. 1841 Burlington, /a.— Pop. 30,000. Mauro & Wilson, 215, Jefferson street Cairo, 111. — Healy Francis, Twentieth st. and Commercial avenue. 1875 Calera, Ala. — Leonard Brothers. 1883 California, il/is*'. — Houser, F. W. 1876 Calmar, la. — Scott, John. 1864 CAMBRIDCiE, 71/(1*5.— Pop. 90,000. Campbell, N. R., & Co., 8, Centre street. 1879 * Houghton, Mifflin, & Co., The Riverside Press Publishers and Importers * Sever, Charles W. , 464, Havard street Publisher and Importer Waterman & Amee, 5, Havard square. 1888 Booksellers and Importers Camden, Me. — Lewis, Fred 60 SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. Camden, jV./.— Pop. 50,000. Slatterly, John, 206, Federal street. 1884 Campbellsville, Ky. — Chandler, W. A. 1885 Canajoharie, iV. F.— Abeling, W. B. 1884 Canisteo, N. F.— Lyon, William B. 1880 Canton, III. — Perkins, R. A., 50, Main street. 1873 Cakbondale, III. — Sheppard, Charles A. 1876 Carbondale, Pa. — * Aitken, John W. 1874 Books, Autographs, and MSS. Jadwin, Henry B. 1864 Jadwiu, J. >S. 1874 Caklinville, III. — Loehr, Theo. C. 1887 Carrington, Mo. — Craighead, J. A. Carroltown, Pa.— Bnck, C. A. & S. H. 1867 Cartersville, Ga. — * Wickle «& Co. 1883 Carthage, Mo. — Brown, L. F. * Deal & C4arver. 1871 Caskey, Ky. — Hancock, Frank B. 1881 Catasauqua, Pa. — Rehrig, Charles M. 1885 Central Falls, R.I. — McCnsker & Chamberlin. 1878 Centre Point, la. — Wilson, L. L. 1885 Chambersburg, Pa. — * Harbaugh, Frank P., & Co. 1887 Chanute, Kan. — Evans & Boschert. 1885 Charles City, la. — Miles Brothers Charleston, 5. C— Pop. 55,000. O'Mara, John, 78, Queen street Charlevoix, Mich. — Hines, F. G., & Co. Charlotte, Mich. — Bailey, E. H. 1868 Charlottesville, Va. — Brechin, A. C. 1870 Chatham Centre, N. Y. — Alstyne, C. Van. 1884 Empire Printing Co. Chatsworth, III. — Bangs, W. H. 1877 Chebanse, IU.—Dg Veling, J. 1882 Chicago, /ZZ.— Pop. 800,000. Allen, D. A., 106, Wabash avenue School Books Antiquarian Book Shop, 75, Madison street. 1887 Barker, G. W. & A , 171, Madison street. 1877 * Barnes, C. M., 75-77, Wabash avenue. 1877 * Beckwith, George M., 218, Clark street. 1878 Law Books and English Literature Book Shop, 169, Madison street * Brentano's, 204-206, Wabash avenue Carpenter, William F., 984, West Harrison street. 1886 I THE UNITED STATES. Gl Chicago — continued. * Chapin, H. D., 395, W. Madison street Clark, Arthur H. , Adams Express Building Cranston & Curts, 57, Washington street Falkenau, Harry, 92, Washington street. 1894 Rare and Choice " Flanagan, A., 185, Wabash avenue. 188.3 Hill, Wni. R. , 5, Monroe street Johnson, N. , 306, AVest Fourteenth street. 1885 Kenkel, F. P., 37, Clark street Koelling & Klappenbach, 48, Dearborn street * McClurg, A. C, & Co., 121, Wabash avenue 1850 Publishers, Booksellers, and Importers ■' Miller, F. C, 2, Arcade court. 1884 * Morris, Frank M., 113-115, State street. 1886 Americana, Rare English, Portraits, &c. '" Muejilbauer & Behrle, 41, La Salle street. 1870 " Myers, E. B., & Co., 147, Monroe street. 1860 Law Books * Schick, Louis, 24, Clark street. 1871 * Shepard, Frank, 184, Dearborn street 1876 Law Books Simms, J. & R. , 123, Twenty-second street. 1876 * Sizer, W. B., 189, State street. 1887 * Sprague, G. H., 531, West Madison street. 1877 Western Book & Stationery Co., 109, Wabash avenue Wilson's Book Exchange, 302, State street Chillicothe, Mo. — Pop. 10,000. Mcllwrath, William. 1882 Cincinnati, 0.— Pop. 400,000. Anderson, W. H., & Co., 223, Main street Law Brush, A. F. , 89, West Sixth street Brush, W. A., 242, West Fourth street * Clarke, Robert, & Co., 61, 63, 65, AVest Fourth St. 1875. See culvt. Law, Medical, Scientific, Americana * Cranston & Curts, 190, West Fourth street. 1884 * Davie, W. O., & Co., 16, East Fourth street. 1871 * Ezekiel & Bernheim, 134, Main street. 1870. .S'ee advt. Auctioneers for the Sale of Books, Manuscripts, Engravings, and other Liteiary Property. Catalogues weekly Telegrams, " Ezekiel, Cincinnati.' Telephone, 1368. " James, U. P., 131, West Seventh street. 1831 (Davis L. James, Proprietor) Moroney, M. B., 19, West Third street * Warren, Alfred, 278, West Sixth street. 1867 Scientific, Medical, and General Weil, Max, & Co., 412, Vine street. 1855 Wilde Co., The A. E., 225, Main street. 1887 Claremont, N.H. — * Ide, Lemuel, N. 1887 Clakence, Mo. — Wright & Davies. 1882 Clarksburg, W. Va. — Davis, Charles Cleveland, 0.— Pop. 260,000. Book Shop, The, 160, Public square 62 SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. Cleveland — continued. * Burrows Brothers Co., 23-27, Euclid avenue. 1873. See culvt. Publishers, luipuiters, Dealers in Fine and Rare Books and Americana, Teleqnuns, " Jiuirows Bros., Cleveland." Telephone, Retail Dept., 221 ; Wholesale Dept., 400. Ingham, W. A., 138, Superior street * Taylor, Austin, Co., 116, Publio square Van Sittert, \Vm., 23, Euclid avenue Cliftondale, Mass. —* Coates Brothers. 1 887 Importers Clinton, /a.— Pop. 12,000. Moses, J. C, & Son, 223, Fifth avenue. 1882 Clinton, JST. J.— Angle, G. C. 1867 Clyde, N.Y.— Smith, J. E. 1856 CoBLESKiLL, N. Y. — Bomstein, S. 1878 CoLDWATER, Jl/icA.— Davis, T). H. 1860 Columbia, Mo. — * Kirtley & Phillips. 1885 Booksellers and Importers Columbiana, 0.— Slotter, D. H., 78, Main street. 1881 Columbus, Kan. — Branin & Slease. 1886 Columbus, 0.— Pop. 90,000. * Davie, Oliver, & Co., 170, High street. 1882 * Smyth, A. H., 41, South High street. 1879 Concord, jV.IT.— Pop. 14,500. * Eastman, E. C, 120, North Main street. 1857 Conneaut, 0. — Lyon, L. 1857 .Antiquarian and Miscellaneous Covington, Pa.— Forrest, S. D. 1882 CowDEN, /«.— McDermith, S. T. 1880 Crawfordsville, /a.— Campbell & Stewart. 1886 Creston, III. — Robbins, H. C. 1886 Cumberland, Md. — Uuke, Harry K., & Co. Cynthiana, Ky. — Jett and Hinkson Dallas, Tex.— Fop. 35,000. Miller, T. S. Scott, Thomas D., 948, Elm street Dalton, (?a.— Gudger, J. B. 1876 Damariscotta, ilfe.— Dunbar, E. W. 1862 Danville, //^.— Pop. 14,000. Woodbury, A. G., 14, West Main street Danville, /«rf.— * The Normal Publishing House. 1878 Wayland, G. W. 1876 Danville, Fa.— Pop. 10,000. Averett, Thomas H., 29, Main street. 1879 Ellyson, James W., 44, Main street. 1887 Dawson, G^a. —Mize, C. L. 1871 THE UNITED STATES. 63 Dayton, 0.— Pop, 59,000. Cunningham & Sullivan Kile, Mrs. C. L. 33, East Fifth street. 1882. Ueoatur, ///.—Pop, 15,000. Hubbard, W. E., Corner Main and Water streets 1883 Decatur, J/jVA.— Browning, T., & Son. 1878 Deuham, il/«*s. — ^* Humphrey, G. W. Delaware, 0. — * Wells, L. S. , 8, North Sandusky street. 1865 Dell Roy, 0.— Randle, Henry. 1884 Denison, T^ea;.— Pop. 10,000. Chamberlain, Richard, 321, Main street. 1886 Hughes, W. J., 221, Main street. 1883 Denver, Co/.— Pop. 75,000. Ball, E. R. * Chain, Hardy, & Co., 1609-15, Arapahoe street. 1871 Curtis, J. L. , 1433, Larimer street Gardner Eros. Pierce, E. H., 1655, Arapahoe street. 1882 Raymer's Old Book Store, 834, Fifteenth street. 1890 Old, Rare, and Reference Books Smith & Co. Stone & Locke Book and Stationery Co. * Tlieis, Carl, & Co., 327, Sixteenth street. 1888 Wright, S. B., 1638, Larimer street. 1880 Derry, iV.77.— Bartlett, Charles. 1876. Derry Depot, N.H.—* Hammond, J. E. 1887 Des Moines, /a.— Pop. 45,000. * Redhead, Norton, Lathrop, & Co., 609, Locust street. 1852 Booksellers and Importers Detroit, il/jcA. —Pop. 215,000. '" Davis, George S., P.O. Box, 470. 1878 Publisher and Importer Macfarlane, John, 153, Woodward avenue Pattison, George W., 18, Lafayette avenue Reif, Herman Wanless, Andrew, 15, Grand River avenue Dexter, iV/w'A.— Curlett, Will. 1888 DiLLSBURG, Pa.— Fishel, Dr. W. H. 1886 Dlxon, ///.—Lilly, A J. 1S84 Downieville, Cal. — Smith, Mrs. V. P. Dubois, /"«.- Kirk, J. A. 1887 Dubuque, /«.— Pop. 30,000. McLaughlin & Reilly, 233, Main street. 1879 DuLUTH, il/i)t».— Pop. 30,000. Gruesen, Henry, 1886 DuNMORE, Pa. — Bone, Julius G. 1870 Durand, ///.—Norton, C. A. 1881 64 SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. Dyersville, la. — Gadsden, R. W. 1886 East Jordan, Mich. — Branch, Harry. 1887 East Saginaw, iV/iV/t.— Pop. 30,000. .Swinton & Reynolds, 121, St. Franklin street. 1883 Easton, Pa.— Pop. 15,000. Heisler, D. Y., 227, Cottill street. 1887 Vogel, E. D., 218, Northampton street. 1888 Eau Claire, Wis. — Eau Claire Book and Stationery Co., 310, Sonth Bartow street Elizabethville, Pa. — "' Victor Printing Co. 1875 Elk City, W. Fa.— Mc. Cann, J. A. 1880 Ellt.vgton, N.Y. — Wheeler, James, & Co. 1871 Elmira, ..V.r.— Pop. 23,000. Fitch & Billings, 112, Baldwin street. 1882 Elyria, 0.— Eldred, W. F., & Co. 1885 Eufaula, J^ft.— Barr, J. M., & Son. 1883 Eureka, Cal. — Mathews, James E. 1871 Eureka, .^a?;.- Morris, W. W. 1880 Evansvillf, Ind. — Pop. 45,000. Geupel, J. M., & Son, 413, Main street. 1853 Evart, il/iV/i.- Bell, Charles E. 1886 Fair Haven, F^— Shephard, H. 1871 Fairfield. la. — Higley, D. G. 1873 Fairmont, W. Fa. -Hall, A. J. 1870 Falls City, Neb. — Newkirk Brothers. 1886 Farmington, Mo. — BarroU, C. E. Fawn, Kan. — Temple, Harry Fenton, J/«V/t.— Hirst, Edward S. 1870 FiTCHBURG, Mass. — Pop. 15,500. Frost, S. C. 1884 Flemington, N.J. — Vosseller, Elias. 1870 Florence, ^^a.— Powers, Wm. E. 1888 Floyd, Fa.— Bishop, Mrs. M. L. S. 1883 Forest City, il/o. —France & Co. 1870 Fort Edward, N. F.— Davis, Fred A. 1886 Fort Plain, N. F.— Wieting, P. A. 1879 Fort Recovery, 0. — Hedrick, Charles R. 1887 Fort Wayne, /«c?.— Pop. 35,000. Katt, A. C. , 56, Calhoun street. 1887 * Siemon & Brother, 50, Calhoun street Fort Worth, Tex.—Vo^. 28,000. Kratz, H. S., .306, Houston street. 1886 Royall, Thomas, 505, Houston street. 1887 THE UNITED STATES. G5 FoSTORiA, 0.— Cunningham & C4haster. 1887 Fox Lake, JFw.— Potts, A. H. 1875 Frackville, Pa.— Bright, W. IM. 1883 Frankfort, Mich. — * Burmeister, Charles. 1878 Franklin Falls, N.H.— Stewart, W. S., & Co. Frostburg, Md. — Conner, George J. 1887 Fulton, III. — Dana, Frank P. FuLTONViLLE, X. Y. — Rickard, Charles. 1877 Galesburgh, /^^.— Pop. 14,000. Carey, Francis, 135, Main street. 1885 Galesburg, Mich. — Carson, I. N. Galveston, Tex. — Pop. 40,000. Mason, J. E., 185, Market street. 1865 Genesco, III. — Cook & Stevens. 1878 GiRARD, /ra?i.— Phillips, L. H. 187G Glens Falls, iV. F.— Pop. 10,000. Crittenden & Cowles. 1868 Goshen, Ind. — News Printing Co. 1886 Gowanda, N. r.— Allen Brothers. 1873 Grafton, Neb. — Moore, Edvi^ard. 1883 Grand Forks, Dal: — Iddings & Graham. 1888 Grand Haven, Mich. — Baar, Henry. 1882 Grand Rapids, Mich. — Pop, 55,000. Bradfield & Co. , 59, Monroe street Eaton, Lyon, & Co. Palmer, Meech, & Co. Granville, ^to.— Mallett, H. H., & Co. Greenville, Mich. — Nelson & Crittenden. 1885 Greenville, S.C— The Felton Book Store. 1888 Groton, N. F.— Rhodes, Charles 0., 4, Main street. 1869 Biblical, Fiction, School Books, and General Grundy Centre, la. — "•• Keiter & Kenyon 1880 Hackensack, N.J. — Demarest, A. S. D., 45, Main street. 1876 Hackettstown, N.J. — Kliippelberg's Son, F. W. 1870 Hale, Mo. — Dulany Brothers. 1884 Hamilton, N. Y. — Grant, James B. 1878 Hammond, /«cZ. -Fuller, G. G. 1884 Hammondsport, N.Y. — Lyon, G. B 1884 Hannibal, i¥o.— Pop. 20,000. Kemper, Miss M. 1884 Harbor Springs, Mich. — Thompson, A. L. 1882 Harmony, Me. — McLaughlin, l)r. William. 1872 66 SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. Harrisbitrgh, ///.— Hallock, William P. 1872 Harrisburrh, Pn.— Pop. 40,000. Armor, W C, 4, North Court avenue. 1890 Mississippi and Pennsylvania Government Publications Central Book Store, 335, Market street Crawshaw, William, 419, Market street German, Phillip, 15, South Market street. 1878 Harrodsburgh, Ky.— Cook, James T. 1885 Hartford, C<.— Pop. 55,000. Churchill, Geo. G., 80, Trumbull street Watson, John, 94, Pearl street. 1878 Wilson, G. W., 125, Asylum street Haubstadt, Ind. — Ziliak, A. 1879 Haverhill, J/as.s. — Pop. 25,000 * Morse, C. C, & Son, 21, Washington square. 18G7 Hazlehurst, MiHS.—* White, J. C. 1883 Hellertows, Pa. — Laubach, J. A. 1874 Hermon, iV.r. — Rogers, George P. HiCKSViLLE, 0. — Dalrymple, Frank. 1888 Highland, /;^. —Mueller, Adolph. 1862 HoLLEY, N. F.— Bishop, F. M. 1877 Holly Springs, i/m'.— Athey, J. H. 1867 Homer, ilf jc/i..— Bangham, A. D. 1886 Hopkins, Mo. — Kugler, J. H. & Co. 1884 Hornellsville, A^". F.— Pop. 10,000. Bachman, J. W., 159, Main street. 1866 Robertson & Luther. 1872 Hot Springs, Ark. — Weaver, C. H., & Co. Houston, Tex.— Pop. 30,000. Sherman, J. L., 72, Main street. 1884 Hudson, Mich. — Patterson, D. H. Imlay City, ilficA.— Palmer, Edward. 1880 School Books Indianapolis, /nd.— Pop. 120,000. * Bowen-Merrill Co., 16-18, West AVashington street. 1885 Cathcart, Cleland, & Co., 6, East Washington street * Crouse, F. M., 38, North Delaware street 1877 Americana Engelbach, H., 79, E. W^ashington street. 1873 * Pingpank, C. , 7, South Alabama street. 1882 Antiquarian and Miscellaneous * Yohn Brothers, 13, North Meridian street. 1870 Irvington, Cal. — Mack, William H. 1857 Ithaca, Mich. — Crawford, James B. 1881 Ithaca, A^.r.— Pop. 10,000. Ackley, A. N. 1850 THK UNITKD STATES. Jackson, iI/?cA.— Pop. 20,000. Duffany Brothers, 135, West Main street. 1884 Jackson, Ttnn. — Cisco, J. G. , 43, Main street. 1885 Jacksonville, Fla. — Kitts, H., 4th near Magnolia street Jacksonville, Ore. — Rostel, C. E. 1881 Jamestown, N.Y. — Harvey, E. S., Main street. 1880 Jefferson, JV. Y. — Manhattan Card Co. Jeffersonville, Ind. — Pop, 10,000. SchimpfF, Charles A., 110, Spring street. 1885 Jeffersonville, 0. — C4ray, C. W., & Brothers. 1861 Jersey City, iV./.— Pop. 120,000. Koch, H. F., 130, Beacon avenue. 1870 * Linn, F. D., & Co., 240, Washington street. 1874 Martinez, Henry, 79, Montgomery street. 1885 Jordan, Minn. — Kehrer, Joseph. 1879 Rausch, Charles F. 1879 Kalamazoo, Alkh. — 15,000. Roberts & Hillhouse, 128, West Main street. 1857 Kansas, III. — Payne, John A., & Co. 1887 Kansas City, ilfo.— Pop. 150,000. Antiquarian Book .Store, 19, East Eleventh street Bryant & Douglass Book and Stationery Co., 1002, Walnut st. 1893 Cramer, Theo. A., 1319, Grand avenue. 1884 "■ Dickinson, M. H., & Co., 620, Main street. 1857 Miscellaneous, Medical, and Juvenile Glick, Bernatha, 21, East Fifth street * Kansas City Book and News Co., 720, Main street. 1866 McArdle, James, 900, Union avenue Mathews, H. L., 1005, Walnut street Regan, Stephen, 1105, East Eighteenth street. 1876 * Wright, 720, Main street Kearney, Neb. — ^Nelson, Robert. 1887 Keyport, N.J. — Ogden, Rufus, & Son. 1869 KiRKSviLLE, Mo.—* Heiny & Co. 1883 Kosciusko, Miss. — Jackson, S. A., & Co. 1877 La Grange, 6'a.— Park, J. F., & Son. 1883 La Grange, Ind. — Dryer Bros. 1885 La Porte, la. — Cummins, I. 1884 Ladoga, Ind. — Normal Book Concern. 1886 Lancaster, N.H.—Co\hy, George Henry, & Co., 38, Main street. 1883 New England History, and Miscellaneous Lancaster, Pa. — Pop. 27,000. * Ream, Charles, 26i, East King street * Steigerwalt, Charles, 130, East King street * Zahm, S. H., & Co., 18-20, South Queen street. 1875 Lancaster, R.C. — Paysenr, L. C. 1875 08 SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. Lanesboro, Minn. — Cook & Hawley. 1883 Lansino, il/iVA.— Pop. 11,000. Emery, A. M. 1887 Lebanon, Ky.—Len, J. M. 1868 Lebanon, 0. — Hamilton, C. K., & Co. 1883 March Brothei's, 135, Mulberry street. 1880 Miscellaneous and College Text Books Leighton, Pa.— Bock, 1). S. 1881 Le Roy, Kan.— Covert, J. S. 1877 Lexington, Mans. — Harding, H. H. 1887 Lexington, Mo. — Loomis, Charles W. 1879 School Books, New and Second Hand Lime Springs, la. — Van Leuven, George M., junior. 1880 Lincoln, Xeb. — Burlingim, W. E. LiTiTZ, Pa.— Zook, John G. 1887 Little Rock, Ark.—'Pop. 30,000. Borg, A., 304, Main street. 1878 Little Valley, iV. F.— Rundell, D. F. 1885 LocKPO^T, ^V. F.— Pop. 14,000. Wright, L. J., 46, Main street. 1883 Los Angeles, Ca^.— Pop. 60,000. Eclectic Book Store Jones's Book Bazaar (F. D. Jones), 226, West First street. 1887 Louisville, Ky. — Pop. 175,000. Diehl, Frederick, 210, West Market street Flexner ]>rothers, 330, Fourth avenue * Morton, John P., & Co., 446, West Main street 1863 Publishers and Booksellers Rogers, Charles A., 232, VV. Market street Woodward, F., 531, Fourth avenue Lowell, Ind. — Post, C. P. 1877 Lowell, il/a.s.s. — Pop. 60,000. Coggeshall, F. P., 51, Merrimack street *■ Merrill Tract Repository, 55, Chapel street. 1882 Liidin(;ton, Mich.— Andrev.-, F. W., & Co. 1877 Ludlow, Fif.— Cooledge, D. F. 1870 Lynchburgh, Va. — Pop. 25,000. Suter, John D., & Co., 1017, Main street. 1884 Lynn, Mass.— Top. 48,000. Houghton, Charles E., 15, Hanover street Machias, il/e.— Sargent, I. M. 1867 McKeespokt, Pa.— Pop. 20,000. Marriott, George, 239, Fifth avenue 1876 Macon, (?a.— Pop. 25,000. * Burke, J. VV., & Co., 146, Second street, and 7, Cotton avenue 1863 I THE UNITED STATES. 69 Madison, II7.s-.— Pop. lo.OOO. Brown, (ieorge J., 435, State street. 1886 Manchester, Mich. — Steinkohl, Fred K. 1883 Manchester, JV.H.—VoTp. 40,000. Gould, S. C. , 478, Beech street Lane, Thomas \V., 16, Hanover street. 187(i Town Histoi'ies, Magazines, ami Miscellaneous Trickey, Cyprus P., 1085, KUn street. 1880 Manhattan, Kau. — Lofinok, R. E. Manheim, Pa.— Ensminger, W. A. 1885 Manistee, il/u7(.— Pop. 14,000. Lyman, A. H. 1878 Marcellus, J/«c a..— Goodrich & Nash Marseilles, IU. — Simmons, Terry. 1884 Books and Notions Marshfield, Ore. — Norton, F. P. 1884 Martinsville, Fre.— Kearfoot, C. P. 1886 Marysville, Kan. — Smith, W. H. 1877 Massillon, 0.— Pop. 10,000. Independent Co., 20, East Main street. 1887 Maynard, iJf ass. —Deane, John B. 1885 Mechanics' Falls, Me.— Bride, Andrew W. 1870 Medicine Lodge, Kan. — McCleary, A. S., & Co. 1885 Medina, N. T.— * Murdock, C. S. 1876 Mendocino, Cal. — Murray, J. 13. 1861 Mercersburgh, Pa. — Shannon, W. A. 1880 Merkel, ^Tecc.— Taylor, S. J. K. 1885 Meshoppen, Pa.— Wells, E. H. 1886 Meudon, Mich. — Hasbrouck, Charles, L. 1870 Mexia, rex.— Park, P. S. 1889 Middletown, Cf. — Starr, Frank F. Middletown, iV. Y. — Hanford & Horton. 187"2 Midway, K. F.— Collins & Head. 1885 Milford, il//.— Pop. 28,000. * Lyons, Will H., 128, Bellevue street. 1884 Chess and Draught Books 72 SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. Newton, III. — Ingram, C. E. Newton, il/a^s. — Pop. 20,000. * Maynard & Co., Charles J. 1887 New York City, N. F.— Pop. 1,650,000. Abrahams, J., 80, Fourth avenue American and Foreign Magazine Depot, 47, Dey street * Anderson, John, junior, 99, Nassau street. 1887. See advt. Rare Books and Prints, Portraits, Americana, and The Drama * Baker, Voorliis, & Co., 66, Nassau street. 1866 Law Books * Bangs & Co., 739 and 741, Broadway Auctioneers of Books, Engravings, Autographs, Coins, &e. * Banks & Brothers, 144, Nassau street Law Books * Beacham, John, 149, West Twenty-third street Fine Art and Standard Books, Back Numbers of Periodicals &c. Beers, J. B., & Co., 36, Vesey street. 1867 * Benjamin, Walter R., 287, Fourth avenue 1887 Autograph Letters * Benjamin, W^illiam Evarts, 22, East Sixteenth street. 1883 Rare Books, Autographs, and Portraits * Benziger Brothers, 36, Barclay street and 43, Dey street. 1853 * Berendsohn, Theodor, 86, Fulton street 1876 Best & Coming, 263, West Fourteenth street Black, George E. , 2082, Lexington avenue * Board of Publication of the Ref. Church in America, 26, Reade-st. 1856 * Bonaventure, E. F., 45, West Thirty-hrst street. Corner Broadway. Rare and Curious Books, Etchings, and Engravings See advt.. Book-Buyers' Union, 13, Astor place * Bouton, J. W., 8, West Twenty-eighth street Bowden & Smith, 744, Broadway * Bowers & Loy, 111, Nassau street. 1888 * Bradburn, Thomas, 78, Nassau street Bradley, J. S., junr., 1, Pine street * Brentano's, 31, Union square west. 1853 Bruckner, Max, 43, Barclay street Budd, Robert M. ^Back Number Budd), 1280, Broadway Burns, C. de F. , 49, Chambers street Autograplis Burnton, A., 49, Sixth avenue * Campbell, H., & Co., 140, Nassau street. 1880 Casey, William J., 71, Fourth avenue. 1883 Casino Book Co. (C. Wyman, Manager), 1374, Broadway. 1884 * Christern, F. W., 254, Fifth avenue. 1854 Importer of Foreign Books Christopher, James W., 47, Dey street. 1869 8ets and Back Numbers of Periodicals "^ Clark, Anna S., 34, Park row. 1865 Mostly out-of-print Works * College of Electrical Engineering, 122, East Twenty-sixth street * Cooke, Richard T>., 19, Centre street. 1869 Scarce Books and Maps, particularly relating to New York Cox, Charles P., & Co., 654, Third avenue. 1880 Miscellaneous, and Back Magazines C!rothers & Korth, 246, Fourth avenue Cummings, John, 17, Bond street. 1868 Bookseller and Importer THK UNITED STATES. 73 New York CiTi' — continued. Cunningham, P. T. , 451, Cirand street Davis, Selnaa, 261, West Fourteenth street Delaney, M. P., 200, East Fourteenth street * Dodd, Mead, & Co., 5, East Nineteenth street Dressell, George M. , 8, Cooper Union Duggan, John, 85, Sixth avenue Dunbar, Ed\vard H. , 778, Second avenue. 18SG * Duprat & Co. , 349, Fifth avenue Rare Editions in P'ine Bindintjs Dutton, E. P., & Co., 31, West Twenty-third street Erving, William, 13, East Seventeenth street Farnell, F. W., 238, Fourth avenue * Farrell, C. P., 400, Fifth avenue. 1878 Publisher, Bookseller, and Importer * Fowler & Wells Co., 733, Broadway. 1884 Publishers, Booksellers, and Importers * Francis, David G. . 12, East Fifteenth street * Funk & Wagnalls,' 18 and 20, Astor place. 1882 Grant, F. E. . 7, West Forty-second street Hamilton, Thomas, 584, Third avenue * Harper, Francis P., 17, East Sixteenth street Americana, and out-of-print Books Haverty, P. M., 14, Barclay street Helburn, William, 6'), East Ninth street Henderson, Robert R. , 136, Fourth avenue. 1889 * Hinds, Arthur, & Co., 4, Cooper Institute, Fourth avenue. 1884 School and College Books Hitchcock, U. G. , 51, West Twenty-ninth street Medical and Miscellaneous ■" Hurst & Co., 135, Grand street. 1870 *' International News Co., 85, Duane street. 1880 Booksellers and Importers Ireland, John, 1199, Broadway * Jenkins, William R. , 851, Sixth avenue * Johnson, Ernest W., 816, Broadway. 1885. Standard, Rare, and Curious Justement, Louis, 100, East Twelfth street Keane, Thomas E. , 25, Ann street. 1888 Kelly, James, 23, Clinton place * Kenedy, P. J., 5, Barclay street. 1865 Catholic Literature Lacher, Robert, 36, Avenue A. 1879 Lawrence, Charles H., 60, Nassau street * Leavitt, George A., & Co., 819, Broadway Book Auctioneers * Leggat, Brothers, 81, Chambers street Lovering, L. E,, 781, Broadway Luyster, S. B., 79, Nassau street ; also at London. 1840. Seeadcf. Standard English Books, Sporting, and Miscellaneous Maccabean Publishing Company, 208? East Seventy-third street. 1884 * Mac, E. A., 109, East Ninth street McHale & Rohde, 7 and 9, Cortlandt street. 1889 * McLean, S. F., & Co., 13, Cooper Union. 1889 Theology, Americana, and Miscellaneous Martin, Thomas'F., 80, Tompkins Market street. 1879 * Merrill, D. D. , & Co. , 44, Bible house ; also at St. Paul, Minnesota SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. New York City — continued. Miller, Henry, 112, Nassau street. 1856 * Nash, Edward W., 80, Nassau street. 1871 Americana and Miscellaneous * New Church Board of Publication, Room 20, Cooper Union. 1855 * New York School Book Clearing House, 65, Duaue street. 1884 Ameiican School Books Nolan, James C, 430, Third avenue * Pelton, E. R., 25, Bond street. 1844 * Ponce de Leon, N., 42, Broadway. 1871 * Pott, James, & Co., 14 and 16, Astor place. 1880 Theology Pratt, Charles S., Sixth avenue and Twelfth street Prowell, H. R. , 217, Bowery, and 84 Park row * Pustet, Fr., & Co., 52, Barclay street. 1865 * Putnam's (G. P.) Sons, 27 and 29, West Twenty-third street. 1872. Also at London Americana and Rare English Books Randolph, A. D. F., & Co., 182, Fifth avenue * Regand, W. C, 1160, Broadway Richmond, G. H. , & Co., 22, East Sixteenth street Roden, Hugh, 408, Canal street Rusk, W. S., 604, Eighth avenue Saalfield & Fitch, 12, Bible House * Sabin, J. F., 80, Nassau street Sadlier, D. & J., & Co., 31 and 33, Barclay street St. Clair, Charles, 34, Park row Scarboro, John, 4, Barclay street * Scribner's (Charles) Sons, 743, Broadway. 1857 Publishers and Booksellers Silk, Joseph, 147, Sixth avenue Miscellaneous, Back Magazines, Dramatic and Historical, Prints, &c. * Stechert, Gustave E. , 810, Broadway. 1872 English, French, and German Scientifle Books * Steiger, E., & Co., 25, Park place Booksellers, Importers, and Publishers * Stokes, F. A., & Brother, 182, Fifth avenue. 1887 Studio Publishing Co., 864, Broadway. 1884 Syndicate Trading Co. , 120, Franklin street Thorpe, T. M., 834, Broadway '•" Tibbals Book Co., 26, Warren street. 1848 Truthseeker Co. , 28, Lafayette place Liberal and Freethought Works Vail, J. H., & Co., 1.35, Eighth street Medical Publishers, Booksellers, and Importers Theological and Americana Van Nostrand Co., D., 23, Murray street. 1848 Publishers and Booksellers Van Siclen, H. K., 259, West Forty-fourth street Walsh, Francis, 137, East Twenty-third street Weidemeyer, J. William, 39, West Twelfth street * Werner, Edgar S., 28, West Twenty-third street. 1879 Vocal, Elocutionary, and Dramatic Literature * Westermann, B., & Co., 812, Broadway. 1852 General European and American * Williams, Harvey, 195, West Tenth street. 1887 Old Magazines, Reviews, &e. THE UNITED STATES. 75 New York City — continued. * Woodward, Charles L. , 78, Nassau street Books relating' to America Worthington Co., 747, Broadway. 1885 * Wright, J. 0., & Co., 6, East Forty-second street. 1885 Rare and Standard Books and Prints * Young, E. & J. B. , & Co., 12, Cooper Union, Fourth avenue Publisliers, Booksellers, and Importers Young, Joseph G. , 258, West One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street * Zickel, Solomon, 129, Uuane street 1857 Norfolk, Conn. — Johnson, George T. 1882 Normal, III. — Fisher Bros. 1878 Northampton, il/a.s.s. — Pop. 13,000. * Bridgman, S. E. , & Co., 72 and 7-4, Main street School, College, and Miscellaneous North East, il/d.— Beatty, Charles E. 1882 North Jackson, 0.— Phillips, B. F. 1876 Very Old Books and Relics North Manchester, Ind. — Burdge, George. 1886 Norwich, Comm.— Pop. 22,000. Cranston & Co., 158, Main street. 1887 Lovell Brothers, 125, West Main street. 1869 Noyes & Davis Nyack, iS^.F.— Hinton, W. W. 1876 Oakland, Ca^.— Pop. 40,000. Rodolph, F. B., & Co., 969, Washington street. 1869 Oberlin, 0.— McLaughlin, J. C. 1876 Odell, III. — Kidder & Hunter. 1879 Ogden, Utah. — Stone, W. S. Olympia, lfa.s7t.— Van Epps, T. C. 1881 Omaha, Neh.—Vo^. 120,000. Orff, Charles F., 117, North Sixth street. 1886 Shonfeld, Henry, Paxton block Chase and Eddy Ontario, 0.— An, John H. 1880 Opelika, Ala. — Burton Brothers. 1872 Oshkosh, Ifj.s.— Pop. 25,000. Brauer, W. G., 124, Main street. 1868 Oswego, iVT. F.— Pop. 25,000. Hees, George H. 1858 Ottawa, Z^^.— Pop. 10,000. Hapeman & Graham. 1882 Ovid, Mich.—'\^eehe, Edward D. 1871 Den Houten, Frank. 1888 Owatonna, Minn. — Dennis, Mrs. S. B. 1884 Oxford, N. F.— Galpin, J. B. 1845 Palatine Bridge, N. F— Matthews, T. P. 1882 76 SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. Pana, /;;.— Coyner, R. C. 1869 Paola, /fa/t.— Clarke, W. D. 1887 Paris, //Z.— Easton A. 1875 Parish, iV^.y.— Graves, H. F. 1879 Parker's Landing, Pa. — Blair, T. J. 1887 Passaic, iV^./.— Malcolm, William. 1879 Paterson, N.J.—Vo^. 60,000. * Osborne, .J. H., 95, Van Houten street. 1890 Rare Books and First Editions Paulsborough, N.J. — Wilson, John A. 1877 Peoria, /;;.— Pop. 45,000. Spragiie, L. T., 1924, North Adams street. 1887 Tripp, D. H., & Co., 206, Main street Perth Amboy, N.J. — Seaman & Co. 1881 Peru, III. — Seebach, B. G. 1877 Petaluma, Cal. — Atwater, Frank H., 6.3, Main street. 1882 Phelps, N. T.— Wisewell, F. H., & Co. Philadelphia, Pa.— Pop. 1,000,000. * Beale, James, 719, Sansom street. 1884 * Campbell, William J., 1009, Vv'alnut street. 1879 Campion, W. H., & Co., 1001, Chestnut street * Ehrlich, Fraz., 136, South Eleventh street. 1878 Elliott & Co.. 936, North Tenth street. 1884 '■'' Foote, Albert E., 1226, North Forty-first street. 1876 Scientific and Medical '■^ Hartranft, Rufus Clinton, 709, Sansom street. 1881. Choice Americana HoUoway, F. F. , 202^, North Thirteenth street HoUoway, Thomas F. , 201, South Second street " Johnson, T. & J. W., & Co., 535, Chestnut street. 1838 Keyser, William H., & Co., 1000, Arch street. 1879 King, John W., 138, South Tenth street Leary's Old Book Store, (Edwin S. Stuart), 9, South Ninth-st 1836. ■■' Lindsay, R. M., 1028, Walnut street Maclean, Joseph, 241, Dock street * McKay, David, 23, South Ninth street. 1882 * McVey, John Joseph, 39, North Thirteenth street. 1890 American History, Law, Medicine, Science, Tlieology * Porter & Coates, Chestnut and Juniper streets. 1867 * Potter, John E., & Co., 1111 and 1113, xMarket street. 1850 Bibles, School Books, and Miscellaneous "■■■ Price, C. J., 1004, Walnut street. 18.50 Americana, Importer of English, French, German, and Italian Books * Rigby, George H., 1113, Arch street. 1885 Americana, Fine Arts, and Miscellaneous Smith, W. H., 110, South Tenth street * Thomas, M., & Sons, 1519 & 1521, Chestnut street Book Auctioneers Thomas, W. R., 205, North Ninth street * Weiss, Remigius, 954, North Fifth street. 1876 Americana, German, Social Science, Occultism, &c Welding, R., 1335, Poplar street. 1876 THE UNITED STATES. PiNCKNEYViLLE, III. — Hepp, George J. 1879 Pittsburgh, Pa.— Pop. 210,000. Bacon, Frank, 80, Diamond street * Levi, Edward E., ."iT, Ninth street. 1877 McCracken, William, junior, 132, Fifth A\'enue Religious and Miscellaneous Weldin, J. R., & Co., 429, Wood street. 1852 Pl.vinfield, Ill.—Fi\chev, Mrs. M. L. 1869 Plattevili.e, Wis. — Jennings, W. T. 1884 Pontotoc, il/m.— Bolton, C. W. 1887 Portland, il/e.— Pop. 34,000. Bryant, H. W., 218, Middle street Loring, Short, and Harmon, 474, Congress street Publishers and Hookselleis Mosher, Thomas B. , 37, Exchange street Portland, Ore. — Pop. 45,000. Dekum, Edward, & Co., 49, Washington street. 1884 Stuart & Thompson Co. , 1 05, First street Port Leyden, N.Y. — Kenyon, A. J. 1881 POUGHKEEPSIE, X.Y.—VoT^. 24,000. Zahn, Joseph H. , junr. , 154, Main street. 1880 Prairie du Sac, Wis. — Kelsey, W. T. 1885 Preston, Minn. — Weiser, Albert. 1866 Princeton, Wis. — Lichtenberg, 0. H. 1887 Providence, i?./.— Pop. 140,000. Eddy, A. E., 100, Gallup street * Gregory's Book Store, Westminster street. 1882 Americana and ISIiscellaneous Preston & Rounds, 64, Westminster street. 1884 Booksellers and Importers Randolph, N. F.— Lusk, D. D., Main street 1879 Randolph, Wis. — Lightner, J. S. 1862 Readino, Pa,.— Pop. 60,000. Hawley, Jesse G. , 542, Penn street. 1804 School Books and Miscellaneous Red Bluff, Ca?.— Schoenfeld, S. D. 1878 Bookseller and Importer Reed City, Mich.—* Hover, Oliver H. 1880 Rich Hill, il/o.— Bird, C. A., 116, Park avenue. 1881 Richmond, Ind. — Pop. 18,000. Moorman, Miss C. T., 522, Main street. 1885 Richmond, Mich. — * Harrison, Horace E. 1882 Richmond, Va. — Pop. 85,000. Anderson, W. H. , 222, East Broad street West, Johnston, & Co. 1843 Miscellaneous, and Books relating to Virginia and Southern Confederacy SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. RiCHwooD, 0.— Hill, C. E. 1883 Roanoke, Va. — Gravatt, George, junior. 1882 Rochester, Ind. — Rannells, L. E. 1876 Rochester, iV. F.— Pop. 100,000. * Darrow, E. , & Co., Main street. 18J:6 Edwards, W. C, 87, East avenue * Humphrey, George P., 25, Exchange street. 1885 Americana and Miscellaneous * Patterson Co. (C. Venton), Limited, 60, West Main street. 1887 * Sci'antom, VVetmore, & Co. * Wilcox, W. J., 82, East Main street. 1868 * Williamson Law Book Co. 1870 Law Books, second-hand and new Rock Island, /«.— Pop. 13,000. .\ugustina Book Concern, Robbins avenue Importers RoCKFORD, /;/.— Pop. 20,000. Seccomb, J. W., 317, Main street. 1852 Andrus, D. A. K. RocKViLLE, Coiui. — W^arner, L. B. 1878 Rocky Mount, Va.—* Hale, R. C, & Co. 1884 RoNDOUT, iV.r.— Pop. 10,000. Williams, J., Strand street Old Magazines, &c. RooDHousE, III. — Roodhouse & Slaten, 510, West Clay street. 1880 Round Top, Tex. — Rosenberg, Alexander V. 1884 RusHviLLE, //^.— Gillam, B. C. 1881 Irwin, Mrs. B. A. 1884 School Books and Miscellaneous RusHViLLE, A'^.F.— Catlin, S. S. 1848 Russell, Kan. — Weed, Frank S. 1878 Rutland, F<.— Pop. 15,000. Chambers, George E., Merchants' row. 1887 * Tuttle, C, The, 11, Centre street. 1884 Sabetha, A'aw.— Doolittle, W. A., & Co. 1884 Stevens, C. F. 1886 Sacramento, Ca^.— Pop. 30,000. Gammel's Old Book Store, 1004, Third street ; also at Austin, Texas * Houghton, C. S., 615, J street. 1884 Publisher and Importer St. Charles, Minn. — Specter, J. J. 1884 St. Edward, Neh. —White, A. D. 1883 St. Joseph, Mo. — Kiefer, Henry C. St. Louis, il/o.— Pop. 450,000. Crawford, Alexander A., 1006, Olive street * Crawford, A. J., 312, North Seventh street. 1870 Americana and Miscellaneous Dunnavant, H. C, & Co., 1531, Olive street. 1886 I THE UNITED STATES. 79 St. Louis — continued. * Father, Nicholas, 927, North Broadway. 1865 * Foster Brothers, 219, North Eighth street. 1882 Healy, M. F., 605, Chestnut street. 1889 * Lang & Co., 212, North Seventh street. 1884 Linahan, Dan, South East Corner Fourth street, and Washington avenue. 1870 * Linahan, John, Sixth and Market streets. 1869 Law and Medical Books * Mills, Edward, 30'), North Ninth street, 1885 * Pha?nix Book and Stationery Co., 625, Locust street. 1885 Boeder, Philip, 307, North Fourth street St. Louis News Co., 1008, Locust street * Tonnies, August G. , 1327, Clinton street. 1875 * Volkening, Louis, Corner Fifth and Morgan streets. 1857 St. Mary's, 0.— Hauss, John J. 1888 St. Paul, Minn.—Fo]). 185,000. Beekman, W. L., 55, East Fifth street. 1890 Uunn, Giles, & Co., 22, West Sixth street. 1890 Leask, R. F., & Co., 132, East Third street. 1884 * Merrill, D. 1)., & Co., Fifth and St. Peter streets ; also at New York Michael, John, 108, West Third street Porter, Edgar W., 100 East Fourth Street * St. Paul Book and Stationery Co., 127, East Third street. 1879 * Silberman, 0. & S., 475, Wabash street. 1884 Booksellers and Importeis Salem, Ind. — Kemp, J. A. 1879 Salem, ilf a.s.s\ — Pop. 30,000. Brooks, Horace A. , 226^, Essex street. 1 870 Old Magazines Salina, ^aji.— Will, L. A. 1886 Salinas, Cal. — Burbeck, W. L. 1884 Saline, Mich. — Mason, George B. 1875 Salt Lake City, Ufah.—Vop. 30,000. Parry, Joseph, Hyrum, & Co., 26, South Main street. 1881 San Diego, Cal. — Book Exchange, 610, Fifth street San Francisco, CciZ.— Pop. 30,000. * Bancroft Co., The, 721, Market street. 1887 Beach, C. , 107, Montgomery street Bourgoin, Adolphe, 206, Montgomery ave. & 547, Washington st. 1876 English, European, and Americana Choynski, I. N., 137, Taylor street * Doxey, William, 631, Market street. 1881 Rare and Best Editions in Fine Bindings Healy & Daly, 206, Powell street Johnson & Emigh, 10, Post street King Brothers, 3, Fourth street Old Periodicals and Miscellaneous * King, James H., 15, Fourth street. 1881 O'SuUivan, John D., 1117, Market street Pierson Brothers, 225, Kearny street * Reuben, M., 321, Calforuia street. 1878 80 SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. San Francisco — contiuued. Robertson, A. M., 126, Post street * Thompson, Frank B., 1306, Market street. 1888 San Jose, Ca^.— Pop. 20,000. Haas, M. M., Co., 80, South First street San Rafael, Oal. — Netzer, Carl von. 1884 Santa Ana, Ca^.— Nourse, J. T. 1888 Saybrook, 7;;^.— Myers, Dr. James F. 1886 Schenectady, N.Y. — Pop. 15,000. Hulbert, Eugene C, 235, State street. 1888 Schoharie, N.Y. — American Magazine Exchange. 1885 Old Magazines SCHUYLERSVILLE, N. F.— Hurcl, B. L. B. 1883 Scio, N. ¥.—* Chase, William R., & Co. 1882 ScoTTViLLE, Mich. — Jones, C. W. 1882 Selin's Grove, Pa. —Carey, A. M. 1879 Seneca, Kan. — Kennard & Vickers. 1881 Seymour, Conn. — * Sharpe, William C. , 72, Main street. 1871 Genealogy and Local History Shawano, Wis. — Player, S. B. Sheldon, 7a.— Miller & Hill. 1887 Sidney, 7a. — Murphy, Joseph. 1885 Sioux City, 7a.— Pop, 24,000. Muenchrath, G., 611, Fourth street. 1875 Skowhegan, Me, — Bixby & Buck, 78, Water street South Bend, 7jic/.— Pop. 22,000. * Tribune Printing Co., 112, North Main street. 1872 South Bethlehem, Pa. — * Mitman, H., 34, Broad street Spencer, N. Y. — Emmons, L. E. 1844 School Books and Miscellaneous Sprtnofield, Mass. — Pop. 40,000. Adams Co. , The W. F. 1887 Gymnastics and Physical Education Fisher, S. B. , 78, Worthington street Springville, iV. F.- Blakeley, W. W., 83, Main street. 1867 Staunton, Va. — * Warden & Co., 4, East Main street. 1886 Sterling, 7^^. —Oliver, 0. A. 1869 Stillwater, Minn. — Pop. 18,000. Setzepfandt, E., 316, Chestnut street. 1886 Streator, III. — Pop. 15,000. McCullough, W. S.,- 31, Main street. 1885 Stuart, 7a.— Treat, J. A. 1875 Sturgis, 7)aA;.— Chase, W. S. 1885 Sullivan, III. — Lilly, John P. Sun River, ifojii!. —McKnight, J. W. 1882 THE UNITED STATKS. 81 SuNCOOK, N.H. — Gordon, George E. 1S86 Syracuse, N. r.— Pop. 60,000. Bardeen, C. W., 406, South Franklin street. 1880 Benson, E. A., 118, East Fayette street Durston, Thomas \\^ * Mosher, George A., 70, South Saliua street. 1877 Wolcott & West TaUxNton, J/a«s.— Pop. 25,000. Dickerman, Henry A., 105, Main street. 1870 * Taylor, Thomas J., 30, Clinton street. 1886 Americana Tawas City, i)/iV7i.— Casey, W. H. 1883 Texarkana, .4r^-.— Ragland, J. S. 1880 Thornton, Ind. —Bwrk, W. C. 1875 Tiffin, O.— Emich, F. L., 86, Market street. 1880 TiLTON, iV'.^.— Her rick, C. P. 1883 TiSKiLWA, /^Z.— Kellogg, G. C. 1885 Toledo, 0.— Pop. 95,000. Kaelin, A., 521, Cherry street * Our Book and Music Exchange, 408, Superior street Tomati, JFi*'.— Palmer, I. N. 1876 Tona WANDA, N. F.— Driggs, H. C. 1887 Tofeka, Kan. — Pop. 45,000. * Central School Supply Agency, 908, Kansas avenue 1880 * Crane, The George \V., Publishing Co., Kansas avenue. 1888 Trenton, Mo. — Nichols, J. Nichols, Joseph L. 1872 Trenton, N.J.—Vo^. 35,000. * Sterling, E. B. Agt. , 344, Bellevue avenue Traver, C. L., 108, South Broad street. 1873 Americana and Miscellaneous Troy, 7h(Z.— Gaesser, Theo. T. 1887 Troy, N. T.— Pop. 60,000. " Cadby, John W., Old Book Store, 397, Ptiver street ; also at Albany and New Haven. 1888 Americana and Miscellaneous Davidson, T. U., 310, River street. 1882 Mann & Hastings, 266, River street * Nims & Knight, 11, Second street. 1886 Publishers, Booksellers, and Importers Smith, Robert T., 413, Second street. 1878 * Woods, William J., 323, River street. 1875 * Young, William H., 214, River street. 1875 Turner's Falls, il/a.b«.— Brown, F. H., & Co. 1884 University Place, la. — Slayton, S. C. 1882 Urbana, III. — Knowlton & Bennett. 1887 Urbana, 0.— Winder, Royal J., North Main street. 1888 82 SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. Utica, N. r.— Pop. 35,000. Simon & Barnum, 5, Columbia street. 1882 Smith, W. T., & Co., 145, Genesee street Vermont, /;;.— Witchell, Burr. 1883 Verndale, ilfm?i.— McMillan, A. S. 1884 ViCKSBURG, Mi'-h. — Long, John. 1861 Victor, JST. Y. -Gilbert, A. W. Victoria, Tex. — Deegan, J. L. ViNCENNES, Lid. — Pop. 12,000. Milam & Pennington, 304, Main street. 1887 ViXTON, la. — Brubaker, Joseph S. 1869 ViROQUA, Wis.— Towner, F. M. 1872 Waco, Tea,-.— Pop. 20,000. Kingsbury, M. C. & R. Wakefield, B.I. — Griffin, Dan. B., Cor. Main and Robinson streets. 1885 Wallace, Neb. — Jackson, Norman. 1888 Walpole, N.H.—D&Yis, Charles C. 1866 Warsaw, N. F.— Walker, L. E., & Son. 1882 Waseca, Minn. — Ranney, A. H. Washington, D.C— Pop. 180,000. Beale, Robert, 495, Pennsylvania avenue Ballantyne, W^m., & Sons, 428, Seventh street * Brentano's, 1015, Pennsylvania avenue Byrne, John, & Co. Hamner, G. W., 507, Fourth street, N. \v. Hayden, Lewis S., 1010, F street, N.w. 1880 Literary, Scientific, Historical, and Government Publications * Hickcox, John H., 906, M street, N.w. 1882 U.S. Government Publications * Lowdermilk, W. H., & Co., 1424, F street, N.w. 1872 Standard, Choice, and Rare, in all departments of Literature Telegrams, " Loco, Washington." Maynard, George C, 1409, New York avenue, N.w. Electricity and Electricians, Telegraphy, &c. O'Neil, James, 521, Seventh street Polkinhorn, H. B., 632, La. avenue, N.w. 1881 Porter, E. W., 45 Mass. avenue Williams, A. K., 523, Seventh street, n.w. 1884 Government Publications, Miscellaneous Washington, /Z^.— Alphonso, Alfred. 1875 Washington, /a.— Robinson & Ott. 1887 Washington, 0.— Frame Brothers. 1874 Waterloo, la.—* Schmidt, J. G. 1884 Watertown, iV. F.— Oakes, R. A. Waitkon, /a.— Hancock, E. M. 1882 Waverley, la.—* Wartburgh Publishing House. 1886 THK UNITED STATES. 83 Wellington, 0.— Houghton, J. W. 1873 Wellsville, O. — Mackenzie, A. G. 1877 West Liberty, la. — Smith, D. F. West Union, 7a.-Scofield & Co. 1886 Westerville, 0.— Doherty, William. 1888 Westfield, Mass. — Conner, S. S. 1867 Westfield, JV./.— Wittke, C. F. W. 1878 Weston, W. Fa. — Finster, J. B. 1878 What Cheer, 7a.— Griffith, J. A. 1881 Wheeling, W. Va. — Stanton, Frank White Pine, W. Va.—* Sellers, R., & Co., Main street. 1881 WiLLiAMSPORT, Prt.— Pop. 30,000. Dean, J. M., & Co., 12, Market square. 1875 Wallace, E. L., 11, West Fourth street. 1887 Winchester, Ky. — Gordon, L. R. WiNFiELD, Kan. — Goldsmith, Henry Winona, iM inn.— Vo-p. 25,000. Meyer, N., 228, East Third street. 1865 * St. John, W. H., 75, West Third street. 1876 Worcester, il/ass. ^Pop. 75,000. Flynn, Richard 0. , 2U, Front street * W^hitney, George C. , 184, Front street Publisher, Bookseller and Importer Worcester, N.Y. — Ferguson, S. W. 1887 McHensch, John Yarmouth, J/e.— Merrill, Melville C. 1869 Yarmouthville, Me. — Cook, L. R., Main street. 1878 York, Pa.— Pop. 15,000. Roney, J. C, 228, West market. 1883 Ypsilanti, Mich. — Smith, Frank. 1857 MR. BIRKET FOSTER'S LIBRARY. A select portion of the choice library of Mr. Birket Foster, the artist, rich in original editions of Shakspere, was recently sold by auction in London. The following were the best prices : — X, Sliakspere's Poems, 1640, with portrait by Marshall inlaid 40 Waltcjn's CompUut Angler, 1653 150 A Midnummer Night's Dream, 1600, octavo 122 The Mtrchaiit of Venice, 1600, octavo 146 King Lear, 160S, octavo 100 Caxton's Myrrour of the tVurlde, 1491, (eighteen leaves .short) 77 Milton's copy of Leophronis Alexandra, 1601 (with the poet's mar- ginal notes 90 The quarto Shaksperiana included a copy of each of the four Folios, each an average good specimen, the First, 1623, selling for £255, the Second, 1632, for £50, the Third, 1664, £130, and the Fourth £25. The Export Journal AN INTERNATIONAL CIRCULAR FOR THE BOOK TRADE. In English, German, and French, Per Annum, Twelve Nos., Four Shillings. -^ SCALE OF CHARGES. OXE INSERTION. TWELVE. No Charge for Translation. £ s. d. £ s. d. Each Line in Column, Nonpareil .5 4 Tenth-Page 10 5 2 Quarter-Page 15 12 15 Half-Page 2 5 22 19 Whole Page 4 40 16 Prospectuses, &c., inserted in an Edition of 4,800 Copies at a Net (yliarge of 48s. for eacli 12 Drams woiglit, any size permitted. Insets to be delivered free. Classifiet) ^ra^c IDircctor\) B^vcrtiecincnts, Per Line, Nonpareil type, Gs. per annum. ^ G. HEDELER, LEIPZIG. < EUKOPE. 85 EUROPE. Aiitrioho-Hongrie. , AUSTRI A = HUNQ ARY. Oestorreich-Uii-arn. Agram. — TIartmann's, Leop. , Akad. BiichliaiKllung Suppaii's, F. K., Univ. Euchhandlung Arco. — * Emmert, C. BiELiTZ.^* Beigel, 0. BozEN^. — * Promperger'schc BiichhaiuUung Brody-i-Gal. — * West, F. Brunn. — * Brecher, L. & A. * Epstein, Bernhard, & Co. * Karafiat, Fr. Kiiautlie, R. Budapest. — Dobrowsky, August, Universitiitsgasse, 11 * Oero & Kostyal, Museiimring, .5 * Horovitz, L. , Bailgasse, 1 Kiiklor, Franz, vi. , Waitzner-Boulevai'd, 27 Kilian, F. , 28, Waitznergasse Lampel's, Robert, K. K. Hof. Buchhandlung, vi., Andrassystrasse, 21 Pfeiffer's, F. , Buchhandlung, Christoph Platz * Revai, Gebr. , iv., Waitznergasse, 11 Art and Architecture * Revai, L. , iv. , Universitatsgasse, 11 * Rozsnyai, K. , Museumring, 15 Ruzitska, Armin., Museumring, 3 * Taborszky, F. , Waitznergasse Tietz, A., Grenadiergasse, 12 Chrudim. — * Holakovsky & Keil GoRZ. — Wokulat, F. Graz. — Cieslar, Paul, Herrengasse, 29 * Sclnnidt's, C. , Antiquariats-Buchhandlung Wohlfahrt's, K., Biichhandhing u. Ant., Sporgasse, 8 HoHENMAUTH. — * Cermak, Fr. Iglau. — * Bayer, A. Lehmann'sohe Buchhandlung Innsbruck.^'' Gassner, F. J. JiciN. — * Pasek, J. * Zajicek, J. JuNGBUNZLAU. — * Kleuient, W. Kalusz.— * Glattstein, W. Karolinexthal, Prag. — Storch, Rudolf, Konigsstrasse, 67 Kasciiau. — Maurer, Adolph Klagenfurt. — Heyn, Johannes Raunecker's, A. , Buchhandlung 86 SECONB-IIAND BOOKSELLERS. Klausenburg. — Marton, Colomaii KoLlN. — * Sindelir, F. KoLOMEA. — ^* Lachs, L. KoMOTAU. — * Miindl, Jul. Krakau [Cracow]. — * FausL, A. * Friedlein, D. E., Hauptplatz, 17 Kronstadt. — * Dressnandt's Naclifolger, H. Laibach. — * Fischer, M. Lemberg,- — Pordes, J. Leon Bodek, Leon LiENZ. — * Rohracher, Fr. LiNZ A. U.— * Ebenhoch'sche Buclihandlung, F. J. Winter's Buclihandlung, F. Mahr Schoxberg. — * Emmer, J. Meran.— * Plant, F. Neubidzow. — * Stenicka, R. NiKOLSBDRG. — Thierry, Giistav Prag [Prague]. — * Audre'sche Buchhandlung K., Grabeu, 864 Brandeis, Jakob B. , i., Grosser ring, 5 * Calve'sche, J. C. , K. K. Hof-u. Universitiits Buchhandlung * Haerpfer's, Fr., Buchhandlung, Gr. Karlsgasse, 26 Reinitzer, Joh. B. , Kleinseite, Karmelitei'gasse, 380 Rivn;ic, Fr. , Graben, Museumsgebiiude ^ Storch, A., Karlsgasse, 1.50 "' Storch Sohn, A., Altstiidter ring, 4 * Taubeles, J. , i. , Bergmannsgasse, 398 "•■" Taussig, Isak, Kl. Karlsgasse, 150. * Teller, W., Briickengasse Pressburg. — Heckenast's, Gustav, Nachfolger * Natali, M. Stampfel, C. yteiner's, S. , Buchhandlung Raab. — * Gross, (i. Reichenberg. — * SchiJpfer'sche Buchhandlung RzESZow I Gal. — * Pelar, J. A. Salzburg. — Mittermiiller, Matthias, Dreifaltigkeitsstrasse, 9, Stanislaw. — * Weidenfekl, W. Steierdorf I Ung. — * Rose, V. Szegedin. — Traub, B., & Co. Varnai, L. Tarnow. — * Fenichl's Wwe. , M. Trautenau. — * Kreiml, E. Wtex [Vienna].— Altmann, Wilhelm, ix., Alserstrasse, 22 * Amonesta, A., iv., Mai'garethenstrasse, 12 * Arming'sche Buchhandlung, W., Hernals, Hauptstrasse, 23 87 WiEyi—confiiiued. Artaria & Co., i., Kohlmarkt, 9 Engravings Ascher, F. X., i., Habsburgergasse, 4 Music Bauer, A., i., Wollzeile, 2 ^ Bermaun, & Altmann, i. , Johannesgasse, 2 '"' Ereitenstein's, JNI., Buchhandlung, ix. , Wiihringerstrasse, 5 Bretzner, J. & Co., i., Essiggasse, 3 * Burzer, Hans, iii., Hauptstrasse, 50 * Ceiitral-Aati(|uariat & Buchhandlung, vi. , Museumring, 13 Daberkow, C. , vii. , Mariahilferstrasse, 12-16 * Deibler, J., i. , Hei'rengasse, 6 * Deubler, Josef, ii., Praterstrasse, 9 Dirnbock's, Jacob, Buchhandlung, i., Herrengasse, 3 Doblinger, Ludwig, i., Dorotheergasse, 10 Music * Eisentein, J., & Co., ix. , Wiihringerstrasse All IJr^inches of Literature * Gilhofer & Ranschburg, i., Bognergasse, 2. See advt. All Branches of Literature, except Medical and Technical * GoU, Anton, i., Wollzeile, 5 * Greif, Carl, i., Wollzeile, 23. 1837 New and Second-Hand * Halm & Goldmann, i. , Babenbergerstrasse, 1 u. 3 * Kende, S. , iv. , Heumiihlgasse, 3 Kirsch, H., i. , Singerstrasse 7 * Kiirper, J., i., Singerstrasse, 12 * Kratochwill's Musik Sort. u. Antiq., i., Wollzeile, 1. 1872 "" Kramer, M. , iv., Margarethenstrasse, 2 * Kubasta & Voigt, i., Sonnenfelsgasse, 15. 1872 ArchfBology, Philology, Oriental, Incunabula, &c. Kuppitsch, W. M., I., Schottenring, 8 * Lang, F. , i., Singerstrasse, S '"■ Lesk, Kar-1, i. , Eisenplatz, 3 * Lowit, R., I., Rothenthurmstrasse, 22 Manz'sche, K. K. Hof-Buchhandlung, i., Kohlmarkt, 7 * Mejstrik's, A., Buchhandlung, i., Wollzeile, 6 * Miethke, H. 0., i., Plankengasse, 2 PoUak, J. L., Fiinfhaus, Schonbrunnerstrasse, 10 Saar, H. , Fiinfhaus, Schonbrunnerstrasse, 48 * Safar, Joseph, viii., Schlosselgasse, 24 Medicine Schauhacker, Fr., & Co., i., Wipplingerstrasse, 31 * Schtinfeld, A., ix, Universitiitsstrasse, 4 * Seeding, Emil, i. Wallnerstrasse, 13 Antiquarian * Steckler, L. , viii., Josefstiidterstrasse, 35 * Stern, Michael, iv. , Hechtengasse, 1 * Stei'n, Moritz, i , Kiirntnerstrasse, 40 * Teufen, Carl, iv. , Hauptstrasse, 15 Vetter, Cornelius, iii. , Hauptstrasse, 22 Wallishauser'sche K. K. Hof-Buchhandlung, i. , Hohcr-markot, 1 * Weiger, Ed., i. , Rothenthurmstrasse, 29 Zloczow-in-Gal. — * Zuckerkandel & Sohn Zizkov-bei-Prag. — * Modestyn, C. 88 SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. Belgique. BELGIUM. Belgien. Anvers. — * Kock, Rue PiVerdy Schoepen, J. B. Bruges. — Vander Haeghen, J. Bruxelles. — * Armes' Successeurs, 80, Montague de la Coiir * Bluff, A., Librairie Ancienne, 10, Rue du Geutilliomnie. 1854 Caslaigne, Alfred, Rue Montague aux herbes potageres * Uenian, E. , 14, Rue d'Arenberg * Lamertin, Henri, 20, Rue du Mcrche-au-bois * Larcier, F. , Rue des Minimes * Mayolez & Audiarte, Rue Cantersteen * Meuleneere, Louis de, 21, Rue du Chene Muquardt, C. (Falk Succr. ), 18-22, Rue des Raroissiens * Nobele, F. de, Rue de la Tulipe * Saer6, Vve. F., .33, Rue de la Putterie * Wytsman, P., 79, Rue Neuve. 1884 Scientific, especially Natural History Gand [Ghent]. — Engelcke, H., 13, Rue de la Calandre Hoste, A. * Vander Meulen Freres * Vander .Schelde, Rue Basse Theology '^ Vyt, Camille, 1, Rue des Regnesses Lie(;e. — Desoer, C. A. * Gothier, J. Nierstrasz, Marcel Lou VAIN. — * Fonteyn, Eniile, Rue de Namur * Fonteyn, Charles, aiu6, 6, Rue de Bruxelles * Peeters, C. ■^^ Peeters-Ruelens, D. A. Daneniark. DENMARK. Diinemark. Copenhagen. — * Skaudinavisk Antiquariat, Gothersgade, 49 1883. Pliilology, History, AiUiquities, &c. * Torst, G., Antiquariat, k., Ntirregade, 7 * Hansens Efterf, M., Norrevoldgade, 19 * Liud, Th., Graabrcidretorv, 11 * Michaelsen, S. , Pilestrasse, 26 France. FRANCE. Frankreich. Agen. — Ferran Frferes * Michel et Mddau Aix {BoudieH du Ithom).—* Makaire, J. A,, 2, Rue Thiers Remondet-Aubin, Vve. Ajaccio. — Peretti, J. de. Alen 90N. — Lebouc 89 Alcjer. — Gavault-Sainb-Lager Jourdan, A. Ruff, M. Amiens. — Beauvais-Allo. Angers. — Germain et Grassin * Lachese et Cie- Anoottleme. — Coqiieniard, L. Debreuil Trillaud, A. Arras. — Galaiul, F. A. Auxerke.— * Fauchereau, F., 10, Rue d'Egleny Lanier, A. A VKJ NON. — Assaleix Durand, C. Roumanille, Vve. Bayeux. — * Tostain, Charles, Rue de Port-en-Eessiu Batonne. — Jerome, H. * Mocochain, J. , 9, Rue dea Prebendcs Beauvais. — Balthazard-Roussel Bergerac. — Combeau, P. Coste, J. BESANyoN. — Morel (Maison Marion, Morel & Co.) Bethune. — Galand, H. Beziers. — B(^n^zech, Roques, et Cie. Biarritz.— Benquet, N. Blois. — Verdier, Aug. Bordeaux. — * Brouillier, J. B. Chaumas, Vve. * ChoUet, P. * Desbois, E., 14, Cours du Jardin-publique * Dutliu, Hippolyte, 38, Cours de I'lntendance * Feret et Fils, 15, Cours de I'lntendance * Moquet, Vve., 45, Rue Porte-Dijeaux Robin, L., 17, Rue Vital Carles Boulogne-sur-Mer. — Chartier BouRG. — Gonin, A. BouRGES. —Just-Bernard * Soumard-Berneaii, 12, Rue Moyenne Tripault Brest. — Lefournier, J. A. Leli^vre Robert, Frederic Caen.—* Brunet, E., Place du Palais de Justice Massif, Paul Cahors. — Girma, J. 90 SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLKRS. Carcassonne.—* Abadie, P., 36, Rue de la Gare Librairie Ancienne et Modenie Carpentras. — Piiiet, Felix Ciialons-sur-Marne. — Denis, Vve. Chambery.— Perrin, Andre, 6, Rue des Portiques Chartres. — Selieret, R. Chateacroux. — Galliot Chaumont. — Boilet, P. Cherbourg. — Marguerie, A. Clermoxt-Ferrand. — Guyot & Busson, 36, Rue Saint-Genes Juliet, P. Ribou-Collay * Rousseau, J. B. , 14, Rue de la Treille * Thonaazet, Jules Clermont I'Herault. — Leotard, Saturniu, Place du Marclie. Autographes, Portraits, Graviires, &c. Dieppe. — Leblanc, Madame Dijon. — Armaud, H. (Maison Ropiteau) Lamarche Ratel, Justin Renaud Dole. — Krugell, A. Douai. — Crdpin Dutilleux Epinal. — Froereisen, C. Jacques, E., Fils Grenoble. — Baratier, J. * Drevet, Xavier, 14, Rue Lafayette (Maison a Uriage-les-Bains) Gratier, A. Ravanat Havre (Le). — Bourdignon, A., fils * Gonfreville, J., 10, Place del'Hotel de Ville Junca Le Mans. — Pellechat, R., 1, Rue Saint- Jacques Le Puy. — Boitaud Libourne. — Maleville, G. Lille. — Berges, B. Honor^-Beghin Lefebvre * Leleu, Gustave, 11, Rue Neuve Minart-Vaugerm^e Quarr^, Louis * Tallandier, Ch., 11 et 13, Rue de la Gare Limoges. — Ducourtieux, Vve., 7, Rue des Arenes Lyon. — Bernoux et Cumin, 6, Rue de la Republi(xue * Brun, Louis, 13, Rue du Plat I EUROPK. 91 Lyon — contiimed. * Cote, Aiiguste, 3, Place Bellecour * Uizaiii et Richard, 20, Rue Saint-Pierre * Ebrard, Gabriel, 2, Quai Fulchirou Mt^gret, M. Malines. — * Cordeiiians, Henry Marseille. — Barbe, J. P>ourrier * Domenc, Francois, 22, Rue Paradis Lafitte Freres Laveirarie, J. P., 72, Rue d'Aubagne Millaud Ruat, Paul, 22, Rue Noailles MoNTAHBAN. — Bousquet * Laforgue, Emile, 29, Rue de la Ropuljlique MoNTPELLiER. — Calas, Louis Coulet, Camille Librairie des Etuves MoNTREJEAU. — Soubirou, J. M. MouLiNS. — Place, Martial Nancy. — * Grosjean-Manpin, Madame Vve. , 20, Rue Here Husson-Lemoine, Vve. Sidot Freres Sordoillet, Paul Nantes. — Cier, Baptiste * Levy, Annand Libaros Morel * Vier, Madame Vve., 26 et 28, Passage Pommeraye Narbonne. — Caillard, F. , 2, Rue Corneille Nevers. — Mazeron Freres Michot Nice. — Cdcile, Nasa, 16, Rue Meyerbeer Sauvaigo, Gaetaii, 5, Avenue de la Gare NiMES. — Catalan, A. Dibie NiORT. — * Clouzot, Leon, 18, Rue des Acacias Orleans. — Herluison, A. Luzeray, E. Paris. — * Bailliere, J. B., et ses lils, 19, Rue Hautefeuille Medecine Baillieu, Alexandre, 43, Quai des Grands-Augustins * Baranger, M. F., 132, Rue Lafayette * Belin, Th., 29, Quai Voltaire Berthier, 0., 104, Boulevard Saint-Germain Metlecine * Bihn, Louis, 69, Rue de Richelieu Gravures Aiicienne.s, Kx-Libris, Vues et Portraits * Blauchard, E., 61, Boulevard Saint-Michel 92 SECOND-HAND BOOKS KLLKRS. Paris — continued. Bouillon, Emile, 67, Rue Richelieu BouUand, 17, Rue des Grands- Augustins * Boyveau et Chevillet, 22, Rue de la Banque. Vot/ez annonce Langues etraiifieres * Braun, 68, Boulevard Rochechouart * Brentano's, 37, Avenue de I'Opera Briquet, A., 40, Boulevard Haussmann * Brunox, Georges, 7, Rue (iuenegaud Gamut, Louis, 7, Quai Voltaire * Cantarel, P. A. , 9, Rue Mazarine * Chacornac, H., 11, Quai Saint-Michel Ghadenat, Gh., 17, Quai des Grands-Augustins Americana et Voyages * Ghallamel, Augustin, 5, Rue Jacob Marine, Algerie, Colonies Ghampion, 9, Quai Voltaire Histoire gt^n^rale et des Provinces * Gharavay, Etienne, 3, Rue de Furstenberg A'ltographes * Gharavay, Eugene, fils, 34, Rue du Faubourg-Poissonnicre Antouraphes Ghaumont, 27, Quai Saint-Michel * Ghedeville, Vve., 37, Quai des Grands-Augustins Gheronnet, Paul, 19, Rue des Grands-Augustins Ghevalier-Marescq et Gie., 20, Rue Soufflot Droit * Ghossonnery, A., 13, Rue Guenegaud * Glaudin, A., 16, Rue Dauphine Goccoz, E. A., 11, Rue de rAncienne-Gomedie Medecine Golas, J.-B., 38, Rue Le Peletier Gomptoir Geologique do Paris, P. Pierrotel, Direct. , lo, Rue de Tournez Livres et Cartes Geologiques Gonquet, L^on, 5, Rue Droiiot * Grett^ et Lemercier (E. Lemercier, Successeur), 19, Rue J. J. Rousseau Groville-Morant, 20, Rue de la Sorbonne * Delaroque, Henri, 21, Quai Voltaire * Deutu, E., 36, Avenue de I'Op^ra * Uetaille, A., 6, Rue des Beaux-Arts * Uorbon, 6, Rue de Seine Dubois, E., 18, Rue des Grands-Augustins. Voyez annonce Librairie Militaire Ancienne * Duchemin, 18, Rue Soufflot Droit * DufosS^, E., 27, Rue Guenegaud Voyez annonce Livres, Autographes, Gravures, &e., relatifs k rAmeriqiie et eaux Colonies Dupleune, Aug., 3, Quai Malaquais * Uurel, A., 21, Rue de I'Ancienne Goniedie. * Durnerin, M. M. , 33, Rue Saint- A.ndr6-des- Arts Th^ologie catholique Espagno, J. , 44, Rue de Vaugirard Estoup, H., 8, Rue de la Grande Ghaumiere * Eudes, A. F., 30, Rue du Dragon Faivre, A., et Gie., 27, Rue Bonaparte * Fechoz et Gie., 5, Rue des Saints-Peres Ferroud, 4, Rue de Savoie EUKOPE. 93 Paris — continued. Ferroud, A., 127, Boulevard Saint-Germain Fitan, Alfred, 33, Rue du Cherche-Midi Avchitectuie, Aicht'nlog;)', et 15eaux-Arts * Foulard, Albert, 7, Quai Mala(|aais Fourneau, 18, Rue de la Sorboune * Foy, A., 81, Rue de Seine Galiguani Library, 221, Rue de Rivoli * Giard eb Bri^re, 16, Rue SoutHot Droit Gibert J., 23, Quai Saint-Michel Girard, A., 17, Rue de Chateaudun * Gougy, Lucien, 15, Rue de Seine Granjeand, 17, Quai Saint-Michel * Greppe, F., 41 bis, Rue de Chateaudun * Gu6rin, 1)., 37, Rue de Rome * Hahn-Meyer, 40, Rue le Peletier Estampes Anciennes * H^naux, Vve. , 19, Quai Voltaire Hennequin, 11, Boulevard Saint-Martin * Hermann, A., 8, Rue de la Sorbonne Matht^matiques * Jamati, Vincent, 7, Boulevard Saint-Martin * Jean-Fontaine, E., 30, Boulevard Haussmann Voyez annonce * Joly, L. F., 19, Quai Saint-Michel " Jorel, E. , 8, Rue des Beaux Arts Klincksieck, Charles, 11, Rue de Lille * Laisney, A., 6, Rue de la Sorbonne Laisney, Louis, 7, Place de la Sorl)onne Larchon et Ernouf, 24, Rue SoutHot * Larose, L. , 22, Rue SoutHot Droit Larose, Vve., et Fils, II, Rue Victor Cousin Lecampion, F. A., 2, Passage du Saumon * Lechevalier, Emile, 39, Quai des Grands-Augustins Histoire des Provinces * Lechevalier, Vve. J. , 23, Rue Racine Medecine, Botanique * Lecrosnier, 39, Rue de Seine * Lef^vre, Vve. A., 47, Quai des Grands-Augustins * Lefrangois, A., 8, Rue de Rome * Lefran§ois, E., 9-10, Rue Casimir Delavigne Medecine, Histoire Naturelle Legoubin, 9, Quai Malaquais * Leliec, 37, Rue Saint-Aiulre-des-Arts * Lemallier, G., 38, Rue de Chateaudun Lemercier, 19, Rue Jean Jacques Rousseau * Lemoigne, A., 12, Rue Bonaparte. 1865 Le Soudier, H. , 174, Boulevard Saint-dlermain * Letarouilly, E. L. , 1, Quai Malaquais * Letouzey et Ane, 17, Rue du Vieux Colombier TheoloKie, Histoire, Litti5ratiire g(5nt5rale L6vy, F. , 10, Rue des Vosges Librairie Cazinophile, 23, Quai Voltaire Librairie Gt-n^rale, 79, Rue du Bac Librairie Neal, 248, Rue de Rivoli. Voyez annonce 94 SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. FARis^-continued. * Liseux, Isidore, 25, Rue Bonaparte * Lortic, P]dm. , 60, Rue de Richelieu Thi^ologie, Histoiie, et G^ii^ral * Maisonneuve, Jean, 25, Quai Voltaire Americana * Maloine, A. A., 91, Boulevard Saiut-Germain Medecine Mangin, 9, Rue de Seine Estampes et Portraits Maresq, Jeune A. A. , 23-27, Rue Soufflot Droit * Marpon & Flainmarion, Rue Rotrou ' * Martin, G., 126, Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honor^ * Martin, Jules, 19, Boulevard Haussmann * Mathias, -1 bis. Rue de Chateaudun Librairie Ancienne et Estampes * Mayer, G-Odefroy, 47, Rue Richer. 1887. Voyez annonce Portraits et Gravures Melet, A., 46, Galerie Vivienne Menard, P., 8, Rue Toullier Mendel, Albert, 47-51, Boulevard Beaumarchais * Meurillon, D. , 10, Rue Siguier Medecine Michelet, J., 25, Quai des Grauds-Augustins Mohr, H. (Bouquinerie Voltaire), 1, Quai Voltaire * Morgand, Damascene, 55, Passage des Panoramas Mulct, J. B. , 71, Rue Saint- Jacques Muzard et Ebia, 26, Place Dauphine Documents Parlementaires * Pache, Fl., 7, Quai Voltaire * Paul, E. , 100, Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honored Paul, Em. L. Huart et Guillemin, 28, Rue des Bons Eufants P^done-Lauriel, G. , 13, Rue Soufflot Droit, Diplomatie Peelman, Jules, 189, Boulevard Saint-Germain Pellet, Gustave, 9, Quai Voltaire Percheron, Hippolyte, 3 bis. Place de la Sorbonne Perrin et Cie., 35, Quai des Grands- Augustins * Perrot, H., 7, Passage JoufFroy * Picard, Alphonse, et fils, 82, Rue Bonaparte * Pillet fils, L., 33, Quai Voltaire * Pitrat, S. , 36, Rue Serpente Hpecialite Litterature Portugaise et Espagnole ; Camoens * Pontet-Brault, 4, Rue Hautefeuille * Porquet, C. , 1, Quai Voltaire * Rapilly, Georges, 53 bis, Quai des Grands-Augustins. Voh- annonce Architecture, Beaux Arts * Reguault, 17, P^ue Cujas •' Reinwald, 0., & Cie. 15, Rue de Saints-Peres. Voyez annonce * Revet, Et., 11, Quai Voltaire Rigault, A., 7, Rue des Saints-Peres * Roblin, P. , 65, Rue Saint-Lazare RoUand, E., 2, Rue des Chan tiers Boolis, Pamphlets, Documents, Engravings, &c. * Rondeau, Emile, 19, Boulevard Montmartre Rothschild, J., 13, Rue des Saints-P^res EUROPE. 95 Paris — continued. * Rouquette, Alexis, 69, Passage Choiseul * Rousseau, A., 14, Rue Soufflot Droit Roustan, G., 5, Quai Voltaire. Voyez annonce * Rouveyre, E., 76, Rue de .Seine Roux, 71, Rue des BatignoUes "' Sagot, Edmund, 18, Rue Guent^gaud Voyez annonre Autographes, Gravures, Musique * Saint- Jorre, Freres, 91, Rue Richelieu Livres rares et curieux Salmon, 10, Rue de Nesle Droit * Salmon & Cie., 26, Rue Soufflot * Sapin, L. A. , 7, Rue Bonaparte Savy, F. 77, Boulevard Saint-Germain Schlesinger, Emmanuel, 15, Rue de Seine Schulz, Albert, Librairie Internationale, 4, Rue de la Sorbonne French and Foreign New and Second-Hand. Telegrams, "Librairie Schulz. * Stecliert, G. E., 76, Rue de Rennes Taride, A., 18 et 20, Boulevard Saint-Denis * Tecliener Librairie, 219, Rue Saint-Honor6 Livres Rares, Incuna))les, etc. * Thomas, Vve. A., et Cli. Thomas, 6, Place de la Sorbonne * Thorin et fils, 4, Rue Legoffe Tignol, B. , 53 bis, Quai des Grands-Augustins Vanier, Leon, 19, Quai Saint-Michel Curiosites Littt5raires et Illustrees Victorion, J., 4, Rue Dupuytren Vieweg, F. , 67, Rue Richelieu Vigot Freres, 10, Rue Monsieur le Prince Viv^s, J. L. , 13, Rue Delambre Theologie Catholique Vivien, Henri, 6, Rue de la Victoire Soldes, Livres dociimentaires Voisin, A., 37, Rue Mazarine Autographes, Manuscrits, Documents Historiques * Welter, H., 59, Rue Bonaparte Pau. — Ribaut, Vve. Poitiers. — Blanchier, Pierre Druinaud, E., 6, Rue de la Mairie PuY (Le). — Boitaud, A., et fils Reims. — Matot, Braine Michaud, F. Rennes. — Amaites-Lafont Gavard * Plihon et Herv<5 RoANNE. — Raynal Rouen. — * Lestringant, Aug. Renard, L. Saint-Brietjc. — Prud'homme, R. Saint-Etienne. — Chevalier, G. 9G SKCOND-HANT) BOOKSELLERS. Saint-Germain-ex-Laye.— Leveque, Ch., fils Sain'T-Qctentix. — Triquenaux-Devienne, 34, Rue Croix-Belle-Porte TouLox. — Bastide Ruin^be, Hyacinthe Toulouse. — Armaing Dufour Fafur Gary Gimet-Pisseau * Marqueste, B. Soubiron Freres Tours. — Grassien * P6ricat, L. Suppligeon Tro YES. — Lacroix Uria«e-les-Bains. — * Drevet, Xavier ; voyez aussi Grenoble Valence. — Combier, A. Valenciennes.—* (iiard * Lemaitre, 14 et 16, Rue du Quesnoy. 1863 Vendome. — Ript?', Clevis Versailles.—* Bastit, M., 19, Rue de la Pompe Queiiord Roustan ViRE. — Letellier AUemagne. GERMAN EMPIRE. Deutschland. Aachen [Aix-la-Chapelle]. — Barth, Rudolf Science, Philology * Creutzer, Ant., Holzgraben, 8 Science, Theology, &c. * Schweitzer, J. Altexburg. — * Bonde, Oskar Dietz, Victor * Gutbier, R. * Meissner, P. * Reuter, C. Th. Schnuphase'sche Hof-Buehhandlung * Wermann, O. Altona. — Carstens, Th. Kalman, S., & Co. Anspach. — Eichinger's Hof-Buchhandlung Arn-STADT. — * Gimmerthal, Ferd. Aschaffenburg.— * Krebs'sche Buchhandlung, C. AsCHERSLEBEN. — * Huch's Buchhandlung, H. C. EUKOPE. Augsburg. — -Literarisches lustitut, Dr. Huttlei', Carinelitergasse ■■■ Haugg, Caspar " Votsch, Adelbert ^' Windprecht's Aiitiquariat B.\den-Baden. — Sommerme3'ei'"s Nachfolger, Emil Bamberg. — * Hepple'sche Bnclihandlung, W. E. Barmen. — Graeper, Adolf. Steinborn & Co. Bautzen. — * Weller'sche Bnclihandlung Bayreuth.— * Seligsberg'sche Antiquariatshandlung. -S''^ adrt. Bedburg. — Heckhausen, V. Berlin. — * Amsler & Ruthardt, Behrenstrasse, 29a, \v. 64 Anders & Bufleb, Potsdamerstasse, 100, w. 35 " Asher, A., & Co., Unter den Linden, 1.3 Bahr, H., Linkstrasse 13, w. 9 Law * Bahr's Buchhandlung, H. , Mohrenstrasse, 6, \v. 8 * Basch, S., Friedrichstrasse, 106, n. 24 " Beuge, Fr., Spittelmarkt, 1, c. 19 " Boas & Hesse, Luisenstrasse, 43 u. 44, N. w. 6 * Bouillon, Otto, Werderstrasse, 3 u. 4., \v. 56 * Breitkreuz, M., Neue Promenade, 7, c. 22 * Brendicke, Dr. H. , Potsdamerstrasse, 61, \v. 57 * Buchholz, Willi., Alexandrinenstrasse, 83, s. 14 * Calvary, S. , & Co., Uuter den Linden, 17, w. 64. Classics, Philology, ArclL-Bology, Scientific "■ Cassirer & Danziger, Friedrichstrasse, 85a w. 64 "" Colin, Albert, Mohrenstrasse, 53, w. 8. * Commissions u. Export-Buchhandlung, Kochstrasse, 3, s.w. 12 * Conrad's Bnclihandlung, C. F. , Friedrichstrasse, 19, s.w. 48 * Dames, Felix L. , Taubenstrasse, 47, w. Natural History and Scientific Danz'sche Buchhandlung, Leipzigerstrasse, 69, s.w. 19 David, F. , Elsasserstrasse, 73, N. 24 " Davidsolin, S., Karlstrasse, 17, N.w. 6 *■ Dierig & Siemens, Neue Promenade, 1, c. 22 " Dittbrenner, G. , Lindenstrasse, 13, s.w. 68 ■" Eichstaedt, Aug., Liitzowstrasse, 78 w. 35 * Enslin, Otto, Karlstrasse, 32, n.w. 6 " Fraenkel, Hugo, Elsasserstrasse, 26, N. 24 * Friedlander, R., & Solin, Karlstrasse, 11, n.w. 6 ■•' Friihlich's Buchhandlung, Theodor, Landsbergerstrasse, 32, N.o. 18 ■■' Fussinger's Buchhandlung, Steglitzerstrasse, 60, w. 35 "'■ Glas, A., Franztisischestrasse, 38/39, w. 56 * Goldschmidt, G., Friedrichstrasse, 44, .s. 12 ■" Greve, Ernst R. , Paulstrasse, 28 N.w. 21 * Grube, Gustav, \Vallstrasse, 90, c. 25 '■ Grundmann, B., Potsdamerstrasse, 86a "" Gsellius'sche Buchhandlung, Mohrenstrasse, 52, w. 8 * Hahlo, Julius, Unter den Linden, 22/23, w. ■" Haline, Selmar, Prinzenstrasse, 54, s. 15 "•■ Hannemann, A., Koclistrasse, 56, s.w. 12 _ _ — — 98 SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. * HaiTwitz, Max, Potsclamerstrasse, 41a. 1886 Scientific, Autographs, Portraits, Ex-libris, Nbw and Old Books * Heese's Verlag, F. 0., Kornerstrasse, 1, w. 35 * Heinrich, Richard, Dorotheenstrasse, 8, N.w. 7 * Heyne Nachf. , Otto, Halleschestrasse, 4, s.w. * Hirschvvald'sche Buchhandliing, Uiiter den Linden, 68, N.w. 7 * Honett, R. , Wassmannstrasse, 37, n.o. 18 Ihlau's Kunstantiquariat, Franzosischestrasse, 47, w. 8 Art * Jacobsthal, R., Biilowstrasse, o8, w. 57 *■ Kampffmeyer, Th., Friedriclistrasse, 20, s.w. 48 * Klonne's Nachfolger, J., Prinzenstrasse, 69, s. 14 * Kiihl, W. H., Jagerstrasse, 73, w. 8 Technology, Sport, Sciences * Kiihling & Giittner, Markgrafenstrasse, 53, \v. * Latte, Wilhelm, Miinzstrasse, 23a, c. 22 * Lazarus, Hermann, Friedrichstrasse, 66, w. 8. * Leddihn, C, Gipsstrasse, 30, c. 22 * * Lederer, F. E. , Kurstrasse, 37, c. 12 * Lehmann, Paul, Franzosischestrasse, 33e, \v. 56 * Lenz, G. F., Neue Grilnstrasse, 2.3, c. 19 * Leo, Oscar, Kurstrasse, 32, c. 19 * Lepke, R. , Kochstrasse, 28 u. 29, s.w. 12 Art * Liepmannssohn, Leo, Antiquariat, Charlottenstrasse, 63, \v. 8 Autographs, Music * Liersch, Paul, Chausseestrasse, 41, N. 4 * Lissa, Georg, Markgrafenstrasse, 48 * Loewy, Arthur, Konigsstrasse, 1 ^ Luck's Buchhandlung, A. P., Alt-Moabit, 111 * Maeter, Arthur, Karlstrasse, 23, N.w. * Mai, Emanuel, Leipzigerstrasse, 113, w. 41. 18.36 Books and Engravings * Mampe, Ad., Karlstrasse, 19, x.w. 6 * Mattheus' Verlag, B. , Kurfiirstenstrasse, 19 * Mayer & Miiller, Markgrafenstrasse, 51, w. 56. 1856 Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Philology, &c. * Mecklenburg, H. R. , Klosterstrasse, 38 * Meyer, Louis, Mittelstrasse, 4, N.w. 7 * Mirauer & Salinger, Taubenstrasse, 42, w. 8 Mode's Sortbuchhandlung, S. , Poststrasse, 28, c 2 * Miiller, K. J., Molirenstrasse, 27, w. 8 * Nauck, Georg, Friedrichstrasse, 52/53, s.w. 12 European Languages, Philosophy, Literary History Neuenhahn, Eduard, Kommandantenstrasse, 77/79, s.w. 19 Neufeld & Henius, Wilhelmstrasse, 121, s.w. 48 * Nicolai'sche Buchhandlung, Briiderstrasse, 13, c. 2 * Palm, Fritz, Buchhandlung, Dresdenerstrasse, 101, s. 14 * Reiser, W. J., Friedrichstrasse, 103, n.w. 7 All Branches of Literature, especially Medical Philipp, S., & Sohn, Neue Schonhauserstrasse, 9, c. 22 Music Poppelauer, M., Neue Friedrichstrasse, 61, c. 2 * Prager, R. L., Mittelstrasse, 21, x.w. 7 Law, Political Sciences, Natural Economy, and History EUROPE. 99 Berlin — i-oufin ued. * Prievve's Buchhandlung, G., Burgstrasse, 30, c. 2. ■" Pritschow, A., Wilsnackei'strasse, 1, x.w. ■" Piittkaminer & Miihlbreeht, Uiiter den Linden, 04, xV.w. 7 Law * Pyllemann, C. P., Alte Jakobstrasse, 74 *' Rehtwiscli & Seeler, Zimnierstrasse, 1 1 Rosenbaum & Hart, Kiirfiirstenstrasse, 8, w. 7~, * Rosenstein Ed., Burgstrasse, 27, c 2. * Rothacker, O., Friedrichstrasse, 105a, x. 24 * Rother, H. , Linkstrasse, 4 Evang. Theologie * Riibenow, W. , Brunnenstrasse, lOo, x. "■ Riihle & Hunger, Friedrichstrasse, 58, w. * Runibaner, Max, Genthinerstrasse, 33, w. * Saalmann, M., Perlebergerstrasse, 45, x.w. * Sclineider, P., & Co., Leipzigerstrasse, 129, \v. 41 * Schroeder, E. H., Muckernstrasse, 137, s. vv. 11 Portraits Schulbuchhaudlung, Sophienstiidtische, Grosse Hamburgerstr.,41, x. 24 Schultze, August, Friedrichstrasse, 131, x. 24 " Schultze- Velhagen, Komandantenstrasse, 77, s. \v. 19 Schuster & Bufleb, Kanonierstrasse, 41, w. 8 Architecture, Engineerina;, Mechanical Industries ■' Schweitzer & Mohr, Potsdamerstrasse, 35, w. 35 Senff, A., Friedrichstrasse, 232, s.w. 48 * Siebert, Richard, Oberwallstrasse, 20, w. 56 Siegismund, Karl, Mauerstrasse, 68, \v. 48 "■'■ Simon, Carl, Musikverlag, Markgrafenstrasse, 21, s.w. * Skopnik, C. , Lutherstrasse, 3, w. 62 Sonntag, Paul, Alexandrinenstrasse, 51, s. 14 Art * Spaeth, J. M. , Konigsstrasse, 52, c. 2 *■ Stargardt, J. A., Dessauerstrasse, 2. 1884 Genealogy, Heraldry, Autographs, Numismatics * Steerath, A., Panlcow Steinitz, Hugo, Kronenstrasse, 4/5, w. 8 Stiefbold & Co., Kronenstrasse, 19, w. 8 Art * Struppe & Winckler, Dorotheenstrasse, 82, x.w. 7 •"" Torlitz, W., Kochstrasse, 19, s.w. 12 Trautwein'sche Buchhandlung, T. , Leipzigerstrasse, 8, w. 41 Wagner, R., Dessauerstrasse, 2, s.w. 11 Art * Waldau, Leo, Ross-strasse, 7, c. 19 Waldow'sche Buchhandlung, Friedrichstrasse, 200, s.w. 12 Wasmuth, E. , Markgrafenstrasse, 35, w. 8 '•' Weber, W., ^Markgrafenstrasse, 46, w. 56 ■•■ Wellnitz, W. , Komandantenstrasse, s. 14 " Weyl, A., Adlerstrasse, 5, ii., c. 45 Numismatics, Coins, &c. ■•' Winclielmann's Buchhandlung, Georg, Oberwallstrasse, 16 * Zeiuie's Antiquariat, R., Prinzenstrasse, 95, s. 42 Berxburg. — * Sclimelzer's Hof-Buchliandlung Bielefeld. — Helmich's, August, Buchhandlung 100 SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. Blankenburu A. H.— * Vieweg's Buchhandlung, Chr. Fr. BocHUM. — * Endemann, A. Bonn am Rh. — * Behreudt, H., Am Hof, 5 * Buch-u. Kunst-Antiqiiariat, Rheinisches * Cohen, Friedrich * Lempertz, Matth. Paul, Otto * Rohrscheid & Ebbecke * Schergens, Johannes * Strauss', E. , Sortiment u. Antiquariat Borna. — * Schumann, H. ^ Veit, Otto Brandenburg a. H. — * Waisenhaus-Buchhandlung, G. Conrad Braunschweig. — * Fischer & Mohr Nachf. * Goeritz, Benno * Graff, A., Buchhandlung u. Antiquariat German Literature and Bibliography * Sattler, Richard. 1883 Genealogical and Historical * Wissmann'sche Buchhandlung Breklum I. ScH. — Buchhandlung, Christliche Bremen. — * Behrens, K. * Kaiser, Friedrich, la, Katherinenstrasse Bremerhaven. — * Kowalewitz, A. Vangerow, L. v. Breslau. — •* Danziger, Georg, Ohlauerstrasse, 5.3/54 Diilfer's Verlag u. Antiquariat, C. , Palmstrasse, 5 * Finkenstein, M., Poststrasse, 2 * Jacobsohn, Wilh. , & Co. , Kupferschmiedestrasse, 44 * Kelsch, H. , Antonienstrasse, 30 * Koebner, Wilhelm, Schmiedebriicke, 56 * Lesser, Heinrich, Neue Taschenstrasse, 21. 1873 Silesiaca, Slavica, Scientific, Medical * Maruschke & Berendt, Ring, 8 Morgenstern's Buchhandlung, E., Ohlauerstrasse, 15 Scientific, Classical, Medical Peuckert, G. , Schmiedebriicke, 25 Preiser, H. , Albrechtsstrasse, 44 * Preuss & Jiinger, Schmiedebriicke, 29a vSamosch, N. , Kupferschmiedstrasse, 8 * Schroeder's Gewerbe-Buchhandlung, Poststrasse, 7 Springer, Adolf, Nicolaistrasse, 64 Music r * Trewendt & Granier, Albrechtstrasse, 35/36 Winkler, Hugo, Moltkestrasse, 3 * Zibell, E., Albrechtstrasse, 44 Zimmer, Victor, Albrechtstrasse, 12 Brieg. — * Kroschel, G. W. Bromberg.— * Johne's Buchhandlung, M. W. BiJDiNGEN I. Hessen.— * Eberling'sche Hof -Buchhandlung KUKOPE. 101 BURGSTADT I. S. — * Ktjblitz, M. H. Celle I. Hannover. — * Audre, Carl * Schulze'sche Buchhandluug Charlottenburc;. — Buchhandluug, Charlotteuburger Chemxitz. — * Chemnitzer Antiquariat Focke, Ed., Antiquariat * Schon, H. * Winter's Buchhaudlung, C. CoSLix. — Hoffmann, A. Cothex. — Elvers, J. A. * Schulze's Buchliaiidlung, 0. Danzig. — * Bertling, Th. * Trosieu, A. Darmstadt. — Aigner, G. von * Schlapp, H. L. Vogelsberger, L. Delitzsch. — * Pabst, R. Demmin a. Peene. — * Groning, A. Dessau. — * Baumann's Hof -Buchhandluug, Paul * Boiling, L. DoNAUWciRTH. — Auer's Buchhandluug, L. Dortmund. — * Garms'sohe Buchhaudlung, Ch. * Kessler, R. Dresden. — * Arnold, E., Kunigliche Hof-Kunsthandlung, Schlossstrasse Engravings, Photographs, &c., * Bauersachs, A., Landhausstrasse, 21 "" Bertling, Richard, Johannesplatz, 12 * Bratfisch, L., Webergasse, 1 * Eger, Sieg. , Galeriestrasse, 5 Floessel, H., Buchhaudlung u. Antiq., Altstadt, Augustusstrasse, 5 * Goldstein, G. , Rampischestrasse, 7 '•■ Hackebeil, O. , Ziegelstrasse, 52 * Hirsch, A., Antiquariat, Johannesstrasse, 12 " Katzer, Fr., Postplatz, 1 ' Knecht, E. L., Altstadt, Bismarckplatz, 7 * Mehnert, 0., Gr. Frohng, 9 * Meyer, Franz., Altstadt, Seminarstrasse, 7 Art * Morchel's Buchhaudlung, H. * Naumann, H. J., Pirnaischestrasse, 36 Evang. Theologie * Oehlmann'sche Buchhaudlung, F. * Porges, Em., Grunaerstrasse, 12 * Rossberg, G., Altstadt, Moritzstrasse, 2 * Salomon's Antiquariat u. Verlags Buchhaudlung, G. , Moritzstrasse, 7 Tittmann, Carl, Altstadt, Seestrasse, 9 Trau, Carl, Altstadt, Schossergasse, 23 * Von Zahn & Jaensch, Schlossstrasse, 24 102 SECOND-HAJJD BOOKSELLERS. Dresden — continued. * Winter, C. , Galeriestrasse, 8 Antiquarian, Autograpli.s, Engravings * Wuuderlich, E., Urehg., 6 DuiSBURG A. Rh. — * Bautzmann, H. * Schatz, F. DtJREN. — Hassel, J. DtJsSELDORF. — Haeii'sche Buclihandliing, W. cle * Kinet, L. * Mischel, J. P. EiLENBUKO. — Becker, B. EiNBECK I. Hann. — * Ehlers, H. Eisenach.—* Berger's Buchhandlung, C. * Kirchner, K. EiSLEBEN. — Grafenhan's Buchhandlung, M. * Maehnert's Verlag u. Antiquariat, 0. Elberfeld. — * Fassbender's Buchhandlung, J. * Herrig, E. ■■' Loewenstehi, J., & Co. * Schmitz, Ferd. Ellwangen. — * Hess, J. Emden. — * Haynel, W. * Schwalbe, W. Erfurt. — * Giither, H. * Otto'sche Buchhandlung * Villaret, C. Erlangen. — "" Blaesing's Antiquarhandlung, Th. * Mencke, Max, Univ. -Buchhandlung " Merkel, Rudolf Eschweiler. — * Thielen, Gebr. Essen. — * Giiiither & Schwan * Silbermann's Buchhandlung EssLixGEN. — * Rath's Antiquariat, W. Flensbdrg. — Westphalen, A. Fdrst I. L. — Kmize, 0. Frankenberg I. S. — Stange's Buchhandlung, C. Frankenhausen. — Werneburg, C. Frankfurt a. M. — * Alt, J., Grosse Eschenheimerstrasse, 39 * Baer, Joseph, & Co., Rossmarkt, 18 English and Foreign, Manuscripts, Old Woodcuts, &c. * Blazek, jun., A., Neue Zeil, 79 * Gear, Isaac St. , Junghofstrasse, 5. 1825 All Sciences, Engravings, Ex-Libris, &c. '' Goldstein'sche Buchhandlung, A., Bleidenstrasse, 5 Hermann'sche Buchhandlung, Joh. Chr. , Zeil, 23 * Hofmann, A. .J., Allerheilstrasse, 87 * Hosp, E. , Alte Bahnhofstrasse, 9 EUROPK. 103 Frankfurt a. M. — continued. * KaufFinann, J., BSrnestrasse, 41. 1838 Hebraica and Judaica Lehmann, A., Holzgraben, 37 " Neumann, E. , Neue Kriime, 21 "' Schwelm, S. * Strauss'sche Buchhandlung, Zeil, 7- * Volcker's Verlag u. Antiquariat, Karl Th. , Rumerberg, 3 Antiquarian, Scientific Frankfort a. 0. — * Harnecker, G., & Co. Schiefer'sche Buchhandlung, L. Waldmann's Buchhandlung, B. Waldow'sche Buchhandlung Freiberg i. S. — Grimmer, R. Freiburg i. Br.—* Fehsenfeld, Fr. E. * Ohnesorge, P. * Ragoczy, G. Rossler, A. Schmidt-Vogler, L. * Stoll & Bader Troemer's Univft-sitats-Buchhandlung, C. Friedberg I. Hessen. — Bindernagel, Cai'l. FtJRTH I. B. — Rosenberg, G. Gera. — * Bauch, Karl * Bettenhauseu, J. * Griesbach, C. B. * Kanitz'sche Sort-Buchhandlung * Weller's Buchhandlung, E. GiESSEN.^ — FehsenfekVs, Universitiits-Buchhandlung, Friedrich Ernst Ricker'sche Buchhandlung, J. * Trenckmann, E. Glogau. — * Zimmermann, E. GoDESBERG.- — * Strauss' Nachf. , E. GoRLiTZ. — * Matthes, P. * Rother, R. * Tzschaschel, H. * VierUng's Nachf. , 0. Goslar. — * Wolfram's Buchhandlung, E. GoTHA. — Burow, A. * Schwalbe, K. Thienemann, E. F. Wmdaus' Buchhandlung, E. F. GoTTiNGEN. — * Akademische Buchhandlung Deuerlich'sche Buchhandlung * Dieterich'sche Universitats-Buchhandlung * Peppmiiller, Robert Grimma. — Gensel, Gustav 104 SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. Greifswald. — * Bamberg, Ludwig * Bindewald's Akademische Buchhandluiig, Julius -" Sellentin, C. H. B. GuBEN A. Neisse. — * Ai'endt, H. GiJNZBURCi A. D. — Hug, Alfons Hagen I. W. — * Stracke, C. Halberstadt. — * Biittner, H. * Gehrmann, F. * Krankeiihagen, W. Halle a. S. — Anton, Eduard * Fricke's Verlag ii. Antiquarium * Graeger, Chr. * Karmi'odt, H. * Krause, J. * Lippert'sche Buchhandlung u. Anti(|uariat, Gr. .Steinstrasse, 67 Lucius, Job. Oscbmann, M. Peter, H. Pfeffer'scbe Bucbbandhxng * Reicbardt, J. M. * Schmidt's Sortiments-Buch-u. Antiquariatsbandlung, H. W. Scbroedel, Hermann Hamburg. — Baader, Carl, St. Pauli, Tbalstrasse, 17 * Benjamin, A. J., Altenwall, 71 Berendsobn, B. S., Alster-Arkaden, 13 * Bielefeld, H. , Steinstrasse, 95/97 * Bockelmann, A., Steindamm, 22 * Boy sen & Bouardel, Eimsbiittel * Central-Bucbbandlung u. Antiquariat, Grosser Burstab, 21 * Commeter'sche Kunstbandlung, Hermannstrasse, 48/50 Uoering, C. , Speersort, 9 * Fritzche, G. j Gerbofstrasse, 5 Glogau, Carl, Nacbfolger, Scbleusenbriicke, 8 * Glogau, Moritz., jun. , Bleicbenbriicke, 6 * Glogau Sobn, L. M., Grosser Burstab,. 23 Archeology, Philology, Theology, &c. ■^ Goldscbmidt, A., Kohlhofen, 35 Henscbel & Miiller, Wexstrasse, 2 * Jiirgensen & Becker, Konigsstrasse, 12 * Lorentz, A., Alterwall, 67 Oberstedt & Sobering, Erste Brandstwiete, 13 Polack, J. D., Giinsemarkt, 30 * Rudolpbi, M., Nacbfolger, Adolfsbriicke, 1 * Tractat-Gesellscbaft, Internationale Hamm l W.— * Matt, L. Hannover. — * Borgmeyer, 0. * Brandes, C. * Brill, Tb. Cruse's Buchbandlung, Fr. * Ey, Ludwig * Frerk, Willy EUROPE. 105 Hanxover — continued. * Kiiiep'sche Buchhandlung * Pech, Franz Sachse & Heinzelmann Engravings, &c. Schmoi'l & Von Seefeld, Nachfolger Schnlbnchhandliing Schulze's Buchhandlung, Theodor Tielsch, Paul * Weidemann, Fr. Wolff & Hohorst Protestant Theologie Harzburg. — * Woldag, H. Heidelberg. — Bangel & Schmitt * Carlebach, Ernst * Sortiments & Antiquariats Buchhandlung, Heidelberger Wolff, Gebr. Heilbronn a. N. — * Becker, E. Catholic Theologie * Schmidt, C. F. Music and General Literature * Stern Musikhandlung u. Antiquariat, J. Occult and General HiLDESHEiM. — * Borgmeyer, Franz * Helmke. H. * Range, F. * Sievers & Weishoff HiRSCHBERG. — * Heilig, A. * Kuh'sche Buchhandlung * Schroeder, J. C. HoF.— * Grau, G. A., & Co. * Thelemann, F. G. Jena. — * Deistung's Buchhandlung, 0. * Doebereiner'sche Buchhandlung * Frommann'sche Buchhandlung * Junkelmann, R. * Strobel, Fr. * Walther's Buchhandlung, E. L. JuLiCH. — Fahnenschreiber, Aug. Kaiserslauterx. — Gotthold, A. Karlsruhe. — * .Intiquariat fiir Litteratur & Kunst. * Bielefeld's Hof-Buchhandlung, A. * Miiller & Graff * Schaeffer, L. Kassel. — * Baier, A., & Co. * Hiihn's Hof-Buchhandlung, Ernst Kegel's Buch-u. Kunsthandlung, G. * Klaunig's Hof-Buchhandlung, G. Vollmann'sche Buchhandlung, G. E. Kiel. — * Schleswig-Holsteinisches Antiquariat Lipsius & Tischer 106 SECOND-HAND BOOKSEIiLERS. Koblenz. — * Friediich, Gebr. KoBURG. — * Bonsack, H. * Sendelbach, G. KoESFELD. — * Hartmaiin, F. Wittneven, B. KoLBEEG. — Post'sche Buchhandlung, C. F. KoLMAE,. — * Earth, E. * Lorber, L. KoLN A. Rh. [Cologne].- — * Heberle, J. M. (H. Lempertz' Sohne) German Literature Kreiiter, Jean, Hohle, 17 * Neubner Paul, Hohestrasse, 87. 1878. See advt. History & Topography, Archaeology, Occultism, & liiterary Curiosities. Tehc/nim.-', " Buchhandlung Neubner," Telephone, 354. Roemke, C, & Co., Hohestrasse, 45 Theology Warnitz, Karl, & Co., Hohestrasse, 46 * Zacher's Buchhandlung, J. KuNiGSBERG I. Preussen. — Beyer's Buchh. , E., Franzosischestrasse, 25 * Koch, Wilhelm Classical, Dissertations, Theology * Raabe's Nachfolger, F., Franzosischestrasse, 3 KoTHEN. — Schulze's Buchhandlung Krefeld. — * Fiirst, A. * Greven, J. Kreuznach. — * Harrach, Ferdinand Landsberg a. L. — * Verza, G. Landsberg a. W. — * Sch5nrock's Nachfolger, H. * Volger & Klein Leipzig. — * Barsdorf, H. , Kiinigsstrasse, 14 Antiquarian, and all Branches of Science * Bergmann, Paul, Konigsstrasse, 5 * Boerner, C. G., Nurnbergei'strasse, 44 * Bose, Carl, Sternwartenstrasse, 77 * Brockhaus, F. A., Sortiment u. Antiquarium, Querstrasse, 16 * Central-Buchhandlung, Markt, 14 Ehrlich, P., Kurprinzstrasse, 3 * EUissen, Hans, Langestrasse, 2 * Talk, F. A. , Leplaystrasse, 12 * Fleischer, Carl Fr. , Universitatsstrasse, 3 * Fock, Gustav, Magazingasse, 4. 1879 Scientific and Modern. Telephone, 1795 Giegler, Rud., Thalstrasse, 15-17 Wholesale Bookseller, Exporter and Importer * Grafe, Emil, Universitatsstrasse, 18 * Griindel, Emil, Rossplatz, 6 Music * Grilner, Max, Blumeng. , 4 * (Tutzsehebaucli, J. A., Kurprinzstrasse, 2 * Harrassowitz, Otto, Querstrasse, 14 All Branches of Literature Hedeler, G., Ex'port Journal Office, Postsstrasse, 3. See advt. EUROPE. lO'i Leipzig — continued. Henniker, A., Central-Buchhandlung, Markt, Rathhaws-Ciewolbc, 1-4 * Herbich & Rapsilber, Thalstrasse, 18 He3'ne, Ernst, Hospitalstrasse, 2 * Hiersemann, Karl W., Kr.nigsstrasse, 2. 1884 Fine Arts, Aichitecture, Americana, Orientalia, Illuniinatod MSS. Telegrams, " Buc-hhandlung Hiersemann." Telephone, 117'2 * Hinrichs'sche Buchhaiidluug, Griimnaiscliestrasse, 3 * Holtze, Otto, Nachfolger. See advts. Publisher of Foreign Dictionaries, rAos. — Pereira, Ernesto B. , & Co. Maranhao [Maranham]. — De Almeida, Ramos, & Co. De Correa Rodrigiies, A. P., & Co. Magalhaes & Co. Par.\ [Belem]. — Bittencourt, R. L. , & Co., Rua do Imperatriz, 11 Kegliels, A., & Co., Rua do Cons. Joao Alfredo, 29 Pereira, Gomez, & Co., Rua do Cons. Joao de Alfre(lo, 40 Pereira & Faria, Rua da Industria Pinheiro, Bra.;a, & Co., Rua do Cons. Joao Alfred, 6 Tavares, Cardoso, & Co. , Rua do Cons. Joao Alfredo, 22 Taveira & Serra, Rua do Cons. Joao Alfredo Pelotas. — Hermainn, Carlos F. , Rua S. Miguel Pinto & Co. , Rua S. Miguel Pernambuco. — De Medeiros, Joao Walfrido (Livraria-Francesza) Rua lo de Marco, 9 Laporte, G., & Co., Rua do Imperador, 46 Livraria Classica, Rua do Bom Jesus, 56 Medeiros & Co. (Livraria Parisiense) Rua 10 de Marco, 7 Santos, A., & Co., (Livraria Flumineuse) Rua do Barao da Victoria, 9 Porto Allegre. — Gundlach & Co. Pinto, Carlos, & Co.'s Successors Rio de Janeiro. — Alves, Nicolau, Rua Uruguayana, 10c Alves & Co., Rua Goncalves Dias, 46 e 48 British & Foreign Bible Society, Rua 7 de Setembro, 71 Cunha, J. & Co., Rua S Jos6, 116 e 121a Da Cunha, J. L. , Rua S. Jos6, 93 De Azevedo, Jose Gomez, Rua Uruguayana, 33 De Silva, Carlos Caspar, Rua Quitanda, 111 et 113 De Souza, Joao, Rua S. Josi^, 121, e Rua Paula Mattos, 8 Dupont, Jose M., Rua Uruguayana, 1 Dupont, Luiz, Rua Uruguayana, 21 Gamier, B. L., 3, de P., Rua Ouvidor, 71 Lachaud, P. R. , Nova do Ouvidor, 18 e 20 Laemmert & Co., Rua Ouvidor, 66 Pabli.sher of Rio de .Janeiro Directory Livraria Evangelica, Rua Club Gymnastico, 15 Livraria do (41obo, Rua S. Josi^, 113 Livraria do Centro Bibliographico, Rua Goncalves Dias, 41 Livraria do Povo (Quaresma & Co.) Rua S. Jose, 65 e 67 Livraria Universal, Rua Ouvidor, 66 Magalhaes & Co., Rua Quitanda, 5 Manoel Dias Martins, Rua Quitanda, 114 Nunes, Alvario de Lossis, Rua Nova, 91, Nitherohy Cominandante Ribeiro, Joao M., trav de S. Francisco de Paula, la Seraphim, Jose Ales, Rua Sete de Setembro, 83 SOUTH AMERICA. 125 Rio Grande do Sul. — Pinto, Carlos, & Co., Rua Pedro II. Strauch & Guimaraes, Rua Pedro II. Santos. — Braga, Pedro, & Co,, Rua 25 de Marco Ue Mello, Claudio P., Rua 2.5 de Mar(;o Rao Padlo. — Azevedo, J., & Co., Rua Direita, 18 ' Teixeiro & Irniao, Rua de St. Bsnto, 65 ThoUier, Fernandes, & Co., Casa Garraux Rua 15 de Novembro, 40 BRITISH GUIANA. Georgetown. — Baldwin & Co., Water street Parnell, Estate of H. J., Main street ' Thomson, J., Water street CHILL CoNCEPCiON. — Lathrop, F. T. CopiAPO. — Baez, Juan Iquique. — Gamon, Miguel, & Hijo Peterson, Lorenzo S.VNTIAGO. — Baldrick, Domingo Lathrop, Carlos, 2° Vidal, Pedro Talca. — Vaccaro, J. Valparaiso. — Hardy, J. W., Esmeralda, 11 Lathrop, F. , Victoria, 76 Niemeyer, C. F. , Esmeralda, 13 Purves y Ca. , Esmeralda, 1 Shrigley y Wescott, Prat, 130 Sociedad Biblica, Condell, 167 COLOMBIA. Bogota [Santa Fe de Bogota] — Americana Libreria Colombiano Libreria Chavez, Rafael Perez, Lazaro Maria Panama. — Libreria Florentino, Mora del Dr. Manuel A. Mora, Carrera Paez Gaibrois, Louis, Carrera de Sucre, 1 Libreria El Globo de los Sen ores I. Preciado y Cici, Carrera Paez Remon, N. , Carrera de Sucre PERU. Lima. — Bacigalupi, P. & Co., Espadero Colville y Ca. , Plateros de San Pedro Garcia, M., Munez, 43 Gil, Benito, Carabaya, 42 Harvey y Ca. , Bodegones, 48 Newton, J., Plateros de San Pedro Palma, R. , Ucayali, 98 URUGUAY. Monte Video. — Barrerio-Mayo, 355 Ibarra, Fran, Camara, 84 Schmidt, Franco, y Ca. 126 DEALERS IN NEW BOOKS. VENEZUELA. Caracas. — Ping Ros y Hermanos, " Libreria Espanola," Oeste 4, No. 8, Sociedad de San Francisco Planchart y Velutini, " Libreria Francesca," Avenida Sur, No. 9, Gradillas a Sociedad Rothe, Alfredo, Sur 4, No. 30, Esquina de la Bolsa Rojas Hermanos, Sucesores, Sur 4, No. 36, La Bolsa a Mercadere Silva, Antonio J., Ouste 2, No. 10, Monjas a Padre Sierra CiUDAD Bolivar. — Rodriguez, Miguel Scherling, Conrado Vicentini y Ca. Puerto Cabello. — Cooper, F. S. Henriquez, B. , Segrestaa, J. A. WEST INDIES. CUBA (Spaninh Posi^ession). Cardenas. — Rotger, Guillermo, Real, 73 CiENFUEGOs. — Domingo, Jose, Santa Isabel, 26 Roca y Comana's Livraria, San Fernando, 80 Havaxa. — Alarcio, Anselmo, Ricla, 64 Diaz, Juan, Galiano, 116 Fernandez, Casona Elias, Obispo, 34 Garcia, Vazquez F., Oliispo, 46 Gutierez, Macario, Plaza del Vapor, 36 Matanzas. — Albuerne, Manuel, Ricla, 41 Carreno y Sobrino, Ricla, 27 Rodriguez y Ca. , Ricla, 53 Santiago de Cuba. — Aders y Ca., Sto. Tomas baja Cabal, Enrique, San Francisco, alta 9 Sina, Isabel, Enramadas, 11 CURACOA (Dutch Po-'^sessioji ). WiLLEMSTED. — Bethencourt e hijos GRENADA (British Possession). St. George. — Barkworth & Co., Halifax street Brathwaite, J., Young street HAYTI. Port-au-Prince. — Audain, J. J. Ritt, E. Robin, E. JAMAICA (British Possession). Kingston. — Bryant, R. W., Port Royal street, 15 Gardner & Co., Harbour street, 227 McCarthy, J., King street, 8 WEST INDIES. 127 MARTINIQUE ( Freiu-h Possession). Delys, F. , Fort de France Duval et Co. Fort de France Thomas, J., Fort de France PORTO RICO (Spanish Possession). Ponce. — Lopez, Manuel Melendez, Jos6 Oterro, Olimpio ST. THOMAS (Danish Possession). Charlotte Amalie. — Russell Brothers Taylor, E. C. SAN UOMINCO (Hayli). Puerto Plata. — Castellano, Manuel San Uominou. — Garcia & Co. TRINIDAD (British Possession). Port of Spain. — Ford & Co. Muir, Marshall, & Co. SALE OF LITERARY AUTOGRAPHS. £135 FOR A SHELLEY PAMPHLET. A collection of literary autograplis and documents formed by Mr. Arthur, of Glasgow, was recently dispersed in London. Two letters from William Blake, the artist-poet, to George Cumberland fetched £.5 and £5 5s ; of four autograph letters of Burns, the highest figure was paid for a fine specimen addressed to Cunningham, March, 1794, and containing the song, " Wilt thou be my dearie?" £27 ; an autograph letter from Byron to Mr. Bowring, dated October, 1823, on the subject of Greece, brought £8 8s. ; a letter from George Eliot to Mrs. Trollope, from Naples, £4 17s. 6d. ; four letters from Emerson to Thomas Carlyle realized £12 15s.; the manuscript of The Captive, an oratorio by Oliver Goldsmith, eighteen pages qiiarto, £40^; a letter from John Keats to Fanny Bi-awne, July, 1819, £26 ; eight autograph letters fi'om Charles Lamb to Thomas Manning, from Fel)ruary, 1801, to his last letter to Manning, May, ]8,S4, realised £.54 ; the manuscript of "A Proposal for Putting Reform to tiie Vote throughout the Kingdom," by the Hermit of Marlow — i.e., Percy Bysshe Shelley, 1817, £135 ; a letter from Shelley to Thomas Peacock, dated Leghorn, September, 1819, brought £19 ; manuscript of A Word for the Nary, by A. C. Swinburne, £12. At another sale, an autogra])h letter from Oliver Cromwell to the Hon. Sir Dudley North, dated March 30th, 1646, in an excellent state of preservation, feteiied £.14 10s. The next highest price was £32 10s., which was paiiggs & Debenham, Salisl)ury c(nirt. Fleet street, E.c. Black, Adam & Charles, Edinburgh ; and 4, 5, and 6, Sohosq., London, w. " Black & White," 63, Fleet street, E.c. Blackie & Son, Ld., 49 & 50, Old Bailey, E.c. Blacklock, Henry, & Co., All)ert square, Manchester Blackwood, James, & Co., 8, Lovell's court. Paternoster row, e.c. Blackwood, William, & Sons, 37, Paternoster row, e.g.; and at Edinburgh Bliss, Sands, & Foster, 15, Craven street. Strand, w.r. Bonner, A. & H. B., 34, Bouverie street, e.g. 1891 Progressive Theology, Politics, Sociology, and Ethics Boussod, Valadon, & Co., 116, New Bond street, w. Bradbury, Agnew, & Co., S-10, Bouverie street, e.g. Brear, Thomas, & Co., Ld. , 17-19, Kirkgate, liradford British Biographical Co., 18, New Bridge street, e.g. Brockhaus, F. A., 37-38, Warwick lane, E.G.; also at Leipzig, Berlin, Telegmms, " Brockhaus, London." Paris, and Vienna 130 PUBLISHERS IN GREAT BRITAIN. Browne & Nolan, Nassau street, Dublin Bryce, David, & Son, 129, Buchanan street, Glasgow- Burnet, Charles, & Co., 25, Henrietta street. Strand, w^c. Burns, James, 15, Southampton row, w.c. iS'ee adrf. page 16 Burns & Gates, Ld., 28, Grchard street, w. ; and 63, Paternoster row, E.c. Butterworth, H., & Co. (Law), Fleet street, E.c. Cameron & Ferguson, 88, West Nile street, Glasgow Campbell & Tudhope, 45, Cranston street, Glasgow Carr & Co., 20, Patei-noster square, e.g. Cassell & Co., Ld., La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate hill, E.c. Catholic Art and Book Co. , Leamington Catholic Truth Society, 18, West square, e.c. Chambers, W. & R. , Ld. , 47, Paternoster row, e.g.; and at Edinburgh Chapman & Hall, Ld. , 11, Henrietta street, Covent garden, w.c. Tclegrami', " Pickwick, London." Telcphune, 2711. Chapman, T. P., l.l, York street, Covent garden, w.c. Chatto & Windus, 214, Piccadilly, vv. Chiu'ch of Eng. Sunday School Institute, 13, Sergeant's Inn, Fleet-st., E.c. Church of England Temperance Society, 121, Fleet street, e.g. Church Extension Association, 56, Paternoster row, e.g. Church Missionary Society, Salisbury square, e.g. " Church Monthly " Gffice, 31, New Bridge street, e.g. Churchill, J. & A. (Medical), 11, New Burlington street, vv. Clark, Charles, J., 4, Lincoln's Iim fields, w.g. See advt. 2Jage IG Clarke, James, & Co., 14, Fleet street, e.g. Clark, R. & R. , 42, Hanover street, Edinburgh Clark, T. &. T., 38, George street, Edinburgh Clay, C. J., & Sons (Cambridge University Press), Ave Maria lane, e.g.; also at Cambridge and (Glasgow Clegg, James, " The Aldine Press," 10, Milnrow road, Rochdale Clegg, W. E., 30, Marketplace, Gldham Clive, W. B., 13, Bookseller's row. Strand, w.c. Clowes. \Villiam, & Sons, Ld. (Law), 27, Fleet street, e.g. Collingridge, \\. H. & L., 148, Aldersgate street, e.g. Collins, William, Sons, & Co., Ld. , Bridewell place, e.g.; and at Glasgow Collingwood Brothers, 65-66, Chancery lane, w.c. Compendium Publishing Co., 16, New Bridge street, e.g. Congregational Union, Memorial Hall, 15, Farringdon street, e.g. Constable, Archibald, & Co., 14, Parliament street, s. w. Cooper Brothers, 88, Chancery lane, w.c. Cornish Brothers, 37, New street, Birmingham Cornish, James, & Sons, 297, High Holborn, w.c. Cornish, J. E. , 16, St. Ann's square, Manchester. Cox, Horace, Windsor House, Bream's Buildings, Fetter lane, e.g. Crombie, Andrew, 119, Salisbury square. Fleet street, e.g. Deacon, Chas. Wm. , &Co. , Charing Cross chambers, Duke-st. , Adelphi, w.c. Dean & Son, 160a, Fleet street, e.g. Deighton, Bell, & Co., 13, Trinity street, Cambridge De La Rue, Thomas, & Co., 110, Bunhill row, e.g. Dent, J. M., & Co., 69, Great Eastern street, e.g. Dickens (Charles) & Evans, 12, St. Bride street, e.g. Dicks, John, 313, Strand, w.c. Digby, Long, & Co., 18, Bouverie street. Fleet street, E.c. Diprose'& Bateman, White Horse street, Catherine street, Strand, w.c. PUBLISHERS ly GI{RAT BRITAIN. \'M Douglas, DavicF, 10, Castle street, Edinb>irgh Drake, R. Iiigalton, Eton Draiie, Henry J., 2, Bell's buildings, Salisbury S(^uare, K.c. Drunimond's Tract Depot, Stirling, n.b. Duffy, James, Wellington Quay, Dublin Dulau & C'O. , 37, Soho square, vv. Eason & Son, Ld., SO, Middle Abbey street, Dul)lin Educational Supply Association, Ld., 42a, Holborn viaduct, e.c. " Electrician " Office, 1, 2, and 3, Salisbury court, lo.r. ' Ellis & Elvey, 29, New Boml street, w. Eniniott & Co., Ld. , 56-57, Fleet street, e.c. Evans, P. M., & Son, Holywell, North Wales Welsh Calvinistie Methodist Literature Evans, W. & Co., 4 and 5, London House yard, k.c. Eyre & Spottiswoode (tTovernment Publications), East Harding street, K.c. Fannin & Co. (Medical), 41, Grafton street, Dublin Forder, Robert, 28, Stonecutter street, E.c. Foulshani, W., & Co., 4, Pilgrim street, E.c. Fowler, L. N. , & Co., 7, Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, E.c. French, Samuel (Theatrical), 89, Strand, w.c. Friend, D. B. , & Co., 77, Western road, Brighton Frowde, Henry, Clarendon Press Warehouse, Amen-cor. , e.g. ; and at Oxford Fullarton, A., & Co. ,3, North Sherwood street, Nottingham Funk & Wagnall's Co., 44, Fleet street, e.g. (Jale & Polden, Ld. (Military), 2, Amen corner. Paternoster row, e.g. Gall & Inglis, 25, Paternoster square, e.g.; and at Edinburgh Gardner, Alex., 26, Paternoster square, e.g.; and at Paisley. Est. 1827 Gardner (Wells), Darton, & Co., 3, Paternoster buildings, e.g. (iay & Bird, 5, Chandos street, Strand, w.c. See advt. page 17 Gibbings & Co., Ld. , 18, Bury street, Bloomsbury, w.c. (Tibbon, Septimus, 160, Fleet-street, e.c. Gilbert & Rivington, St. John's House, Clerkenwell road, e.g. Gill, George, & Sons, 13, Warwick lane, e.g. Gill, L. Upcott, 170, Strand, w.c. See advt. page 4S (jlordon & Gotch, 15, St. Bride street, E.G. (iray, Henry, 47, Leicester square, w.c. See advt. pageii 1S-19 (ireen, W., & Sons (Law), 18-20, St. Giles street, Edinburgh (irevel, H. , & Co., 33, King street, Co vent garden, w.c. See add. page '0 ({riffin, Charles, & Co., 12, Exeter street. Strand, w.c. (jriffin, J., & Co. (Nautical), 2, The Hard, Portsmouth Griffith, Farran, Okeden, & Welsh, Newbery House, Charing Cross-rd., w.c. Gurney & Jackson, 1, Paternoster row, E.G. Hachette & Co. (French), 18, King Williani-st. , Strand, w.c; and at Paris Haddon, John, & Co., Bouverie House, Salisbury S(puue, E.G. Hall, J., & Son, 51, Trumpington street, C^ambridge Harper & Brothers, 30, Fleet street, e.g. Harrison & Sons, 59, Pall Mall, s. w. Hatchard, Messrs., 187, Piccadilly, w. Hazell, Watson, ARKING (Essex) Public Library : George Jackson, Librarian. Est. 1888. Number of volumes, 3,209 ; annual issue, 11,470. Annual income from penny rate ttnes, &c., £315, allowing £100 for the purchase of literature. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 10-30 p.m. Barnsley Free Library. — Opened 1890. Barrow-in-Furness Free Public Libr,\ry : Thomas Aldred, Librarian. Est. 1882. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 15,369; Reference Depart- ment, 2,284 ; annual circulation about 121,000. Annual income from library rate £800, about £200 of this being expended in books. Open on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Bedford Free Library. Acts adopted 1889. Bideford (Devon) Free Library, Bridge end : Joseph Major, Librarian. Est. 1877. 3,700 volumes ; annual circulation, 6,391. Annual income from penny rate £100. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. BiLSTON (Staffs.) Free Library: M. Fox, Librarian. Est. 1873. 7,3.% volumes ; annual circulation, 17,500. Annual income from penny rate £170, afford- ing £50 for the purchase of books. Open on week-nights from to 9 p.m. BiNGLEY (Yorks.) Public Free Library : D. Wood, Librarian. Est. 1891. 7,143 volumes ; annual circulation, 41,530. Annual income from rates about £141. Open every week-day. Birkenhead Free Public Library : Wm. May, Librarian. Est. 1856. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 35,177; Reference Department, 12,977 ; annual circulation, 240,818. The "penny rate produces £l,b(ii>, of which aluuit l'400 is annually spent in books. The Library possesses collections of Shakcspcaiiana, County Histories, and English Topography generally, English Dialectics, Technical and Scientific literature, &c. Open from 9 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. every week-day. Birmingham Free Libraries: J. D. Midlins, Librarian. Est. 1861. Seven Branches open and two more building. Number of volumes in Cential Lending Library, 26,100 ; Reference Department, 115,000 ; Branch Libraries, 38,500 ; annual circulation, 977,000. Annual income from rates £10,5i)0, about £2,000 being expended in books. Special collections : Birmingham books, Shakespeare Memorial Liljrary, Byron Collection, Cervantes Collection. Reference Library open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., and on Sundays from 3 to 9 p.m.; Lending Libraries open on week-days only from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. 142 MUNICIPAL FREE LIBRARIES. Blackbukn Free Public Library and Museum, Library-st. : R. Ashton, Librarian and Curator. Opened 1862. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 23,075 ; Reference Department, 21,S5o ; annual circulation 137,812. Annual income £1,800, derived from penny rate, affording £500 for the purcha.se of books. Collec- tion of locil books and pamphlets (over 500.) Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Thursdays, closes at 1 p.m. In the Museum is the " Drift" collection of Geological specimens made by Mr. D. Geddes, the late curator ; collection of Lancashire Birds, &,c. The Art Gallery contains the "Dodgson" collection of Water Colour Drawings and Oil Paintings, including portrait of Mrs. Barton, by Sir Joshua Reynolds. During 1892, ()7,10U persons visited the Museum. Blackpool Free Public Library, Talbot square : Miss Kate Lewtas, Librarian. Opened 1880. Number of volumes, 8,829 ; annual circulation, 51,798. Supported by rate of three farthings in the ii, which produces £482 ; about £120 is e.xpended in books. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Bolton Public Free Library : James K. VVaite, Librarian. Est. 1853. Number of volumes in Central Library, 14,424 ; four Branch Libraries, 23,,594 ; Reference Department, 36,624; total annual circulation, 334,758. Annual income from penny rate £1,650, about £60 being available for the purchase of books. A collection of local literature. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. In connection are the Chadwick Museum and Mer£ Hall Art Gallery and Museum. BooTLE {near Liverpool) Free Public Library and Museum, Oriel i-oad : John J. Ogle, Librarian and Curator. Established 1887. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 8,500; Reference Department, 2,000; annual circulation, 73,000. Annual income from penny rate and grant £2,000, of which about £400 is available for the purchase of books. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 9-30 p.m.; Fridays, closes at 1 o'clock. The Museum has a good collection of European Beetles, Trias.4ic Footprint slabs, and specimens illustrating the Timber trade. The com- mittee manage a Technical School on the premises, and administer large grants from the residue under the Local Taxation (Customs and Excise) Act for Technical Instruction. Bournemouth Free Library. Acts adopted in March, 1893. A com- mittee has been appointed to carry out the Acts. E. Davies, Hon. Sec. Bradford Public Free Libraries and Art Museum : Butler Wood, Secretary and Librarian. Established 1871. Number of volumes in Central Lend- ing Library, 18,933 ; Reference Department, 21,185 ; in eight Branch Libraries, 31,014 ; annual circulation, 507,482. The penny rate yields £4,000, about £1,000 being available for the purchase of books. Desiderata .• Books printed in or written by authors of Bradford district. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Jluseum and Reading Rooms open on Sundays from 6 to 9 p.m. By often changing the exhibits in the Art Museum the interest of the public is maintained. Brentford [Middle-sex) Public Library : Fred A. Turner, Librarian. Est. 1889. Lending Department, 3,200 ; Reference Department, 1,500 ; annual circulation about 40,000. Annual income from penny rate £266, of wliich £15 is expended in books. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Newsroom 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Specialty, Local books and Photographs. Bridgwater (Somerset) Free Public Library : Mrs. Baker, Lilirarian. Est. 1860. Number of volumes about 2,500. Open on week-days only. Brierley Hill {Staffh. ) Free Library : Joseph H. Dudley, Librarian. Est. 1875. Over 2,000 volumes ; annual is.sue 16,500. Income from library rate £120. Open on Tuesdays and Fi-idays from 7 to 9 p.m. Brighton Public Library — Victoria Lending Library, Royal Pavilion : F. W. Madden, M.R.A.S., Librarian. Public Library Est. 1873 ; Lending Library 1889. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 26,000 — annual issue 135,860 ; Reference Department, 13,000 — annual issue 175,774. Supported by a .special Pavilion rate realising £l,9."i0, atforiling £600 for library purchases. Reference Library open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Special collections : Clericetti, Cobden, Elliott, Halliwell-Phillipps, Long, Mathews, Ormerod, Paine, and Sussex. Museum and Art Gallery, B. Lomax, C.E., F.L.S., Curator, contains a very complete collection of Chalk Fossils and interesting specimens of local Archaeology ; a portrait of George IV. in Vatican mosaic ; a marble statue of Nausiciia, by Wyon ; original pictures by West, Leatham, and Lawrence. MUNICIPAL FREE LIBRARIES. 143 Bristol Museum and Library, Queen's road : E. R. Norris Mathews, Librarian. Kst. oriuinally in 1772. Now hcing transferred to the forporatinn, to be maintained under the "Museuni anil (lyninasinni " Act. About (ill.OUO volumes • annual issue .•jil.diiii. < 'ollec-tions : Chatterton MS.S., early Missals, County His' tories, Biography, Archaeology, &<: Open on week-days from 0-31) a.m. to (i-3b p.m The Museum contains local tieology, Fossils, Minerals, Zoology, d-c. Bromley {Kent) Free Libr.^ry. Not yet in operation. BuRSLEM (Stafs.) Free Library: James Rigby, Librarian. Est. 1870. About 7,000 "vols.; annual circulation 27,000. Income from penny rate t40(). Open every week-day. Buxton Free Public Library, Town hall : Herald Whyte, Librarian. Est. 1889. Number of volumes 3,000 ; annual issue 46,000. Animal income from penny rate t240, about i;i5 being expended in books. Reading Room open every week-day. A Museum is in course of formation. Cambridge Public Free Library, Guildhall : John Pink, Librarian. Est. 1853. No. of volumes in Lending Department, 23,244 ; Reference Department, 10,453; Branch Library, 5,390; total annual circulation 102,625. Annual income from library rate C9S0, allowing tl.'iofor the pui chase of liooks. Special collections : Cambridge books, Shakespeare Memorial Library, and a Dramatic Library. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. Canterbury Free Library and Museum, Guildhull-st. : A. D. Blaxland, Curator and Librarian. Est. 1858. Number of volumes 0,630 ; annual circulation 23,000. Supported by penny rate, realising £430. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. The Museum has a collection of Roman, Saxon, and other Pottery, Birds, Fossil Birds, &c. Carlisle. — TuUie House Free Li])rary, Castle street. A temporary News- room i.s in operation. In connection there is a Museum, Art Gallery, and School of Art. Carlton (Notts.) Free Public Library, Main street. Cheltenham Public Library, Clarence street : William Jones, Librarian. Est. 1883. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 12,521 : Reference Depart- ment, 8,130 ; Juvenile Library, 1,542 ; annual circulation, 137,887. Annual income from library rate £1,038, about £150 of this being expended in books. Po.s.sesses the "Day "Library of Natural History (1,200 vols.) presented by the daughter of the late Dr. Francis Day, C.I.E., and a collection of local books and pamphlets. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. In addition to the £150 spent in books, grants of £100 each have been made for the last two years by the County Council Technical Education Committee, for purchasing books or Science, Art, and Technology. Chester Free Public Library, St. John street : Thomas M. Wilcock, Librarian. Est. 1877. Lending Department, 8,907 ; Reference Department, 6,200 ; annual circulation, 49,938. Annual income £693 10s. Od., affording £164 for the purchase of books Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. The Grosvenor Museum is distinct from the Library, and under separate management. Chesterfield Free Library, Corporation street : 1). Gorman, Librarian. Est. 1880. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 10,350 ; Reference Depart- ment, 2,120 ; annual issue, 37,000. Supported l)y library rate. Des'uUmta : — Works relating to Derbyshire, Derbyshire Authors, Arts, and Manufactures. Open on week-days only. Non-residents are allowed to borrow books on payment of 5 - per annum. Chiswick {Middlesex) Public Library: Henry J. Hewitt, Librarian. Est. 1890. 3,670 volumes ; annual circulation, 57,558. Annual income from penny rate £393, affording £100 for books and binding. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays, 3 to 9 p.m. Cleator Moor {Cumberland) Free Library. — Will probaljly be opened in the autunm of 1894. Income from penny rate £150. Clitherue {Lanes.) Free Library, Town hall : Jas. Robinson, Librarian. Est. 1878. 5,700 volumes ; annual circulation, 22,046. Annual income from library rate £130, about £40 being expended in books. Open on week-days only. 144 MUNICIPAL FREE LIBRARIES. Colchester Free Library. Coventry Free Public Library. — Opened 1868. Number of volumes about 23,500. Croydon {Surrey) Public Libraries : Robert C. Chapman, Librarian. Est. 1890. Number of volumes in Central Library, Lending Department, 9,000 ; Reference Department, 2,200 ; in six Branch Libraries and Reading Rooms, 13,100 ; annual circulation, 25(5,000. Income from penny rate £2,200. Collection of local books, pamphlets, &c. Reading Rooms open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Lending Libraries from 10 a.m. to 1-30 p.m., and 3-30 to 9 p.m. Darlaston (Staffs.) Free Libk.\ry, Victoria-rd. : Annie Simkin, Librarian. Est. 1891. 3,800 vols.; annual circulation, 13,000. Supported by penny rate. Open every week-day. Darli.vgton. — The Edward Pease Public Library : B. Rowland Hill, Librarian. Est. 1885. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 14,039 ; Refer- ence Department, 5,039 ; annual circulatinn, about 11111,01111. The penny rate brings in £700, about ct;150 being expended yearly in books. Special collection of books relating to the early history of the Society of Friends, local literature, &c. Open on week-days from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Newsrooms open on Sund;i.\ s from 2 to 9 p.m. The late Edward Pease, Esq., left £10,000 to be expi.'uded in establishing a Public Library. The site was given by Sir Joseph Pease, Bart., m.p., and Arthur Pease,' Esq., J. p., brothers of the former. Darwen ( Lancfi. ) Public Free Library : Betsy Banister, Librarian. Est. 1871. Number of volumes, 14,500 ; annual circulation, 30,000. Annual income from penny rate about £430, of which £180 is expended in books. Open on week- days only. A new building is in course of erection which will contain Reference, Ladies', and Boys' Rooms. Denton and Haughton {near Manrhester), Free Library, Market street, Denton : David Smith, Librarian. Est. 1889. About 2,000 volumes ; annual circu- lation 14,640. Annual income from penny rate £160. Open on week-days from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Derby Free Public Library and Mu.seum, Wardwick : William Crowther, Librarian. Est. 1870. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 16,958 ; Refer- ence Department, 9,664 ; annual circulation, 148,147. Annual income from penny rate £1,600, affording about £500 for the purchase of books. Special collection :— "Devonshire" Library of Derbyshire Books and Pamphlets. Open on week-days only, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. The Museum contains typical collections of Minerals and Fossils, and the "Felix Joseph " collection of Derby China. Devonport Free Public Library, Duke street: Fred W. Hunt, Librarian. Est. 1880. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 13,000 ; Reference Depart- ment, 900 ; Boys' Library, 460 ; annual circulation, 38,500. Annual income from penny rate £600. Reading Room open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. A Museum in connection, contains a valuable collection of Minerals. The Library is a splendid building formerly used as a lecture hall for the ISIechanics' Institute. Dew.sbury Public Library, Wellington road : William Henry Smith, Liluarian. Est. 1890. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 8,422 ; Reference Department, 1,000 ; annual circulation, 61,731. The penny rate produces .€450, about £150 of which is expended in books. Collection of works relating to York- shire. Open on week-days only from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Newsroom from 8-30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Doncaster Borough Free Library, St. George's f4ate : J. M. Kirk, Librarian. Est. 1869. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 13,920 ; Refer- ence Department 2,644 ; annual circulation, 67,090. Annual income from penny rate £575, affording £130 for the purchase of books. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Douglas {Isle of Man) Public Library : John Taylor, Librarian. Est. 1886. Number of volumes, 8,000 ; annual circulation about 36,000. The penny rate produces about £480, affording £120 for the purchase of books. A collection of insular works and the books of the local Geological Society. Great and increasing interest is taken in the use of this library, and a larger building is much needed. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. MUNICIPAL FREE LIBRARIES. 145 Dudley ( Worcestershire) Free Library : William Soiithall, Libnirian. Est. 1884. Open on week-days only. Ealing {Middlesex) Free Public Libr.^ry^ : Thos. Bonner, Librarian. Est. 1883. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 8,852 : Reference Depart- ment, 94U ; annual circulation, 121,117. Annual income from penny rate, ttnes, &c., alaH, about £101) of this being spent in books. Newsroom open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Library from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Edmonton- {Middlesex) Public Library: P. W. Farmborough, f.z..s., Librarian. Income from rate t300. Reading Room open every week-day. Library not yet started owing to the difficulty of procuring a suitable site. ExFiELD {Middlesex) Public Library, Court House : F. C. Harrison, Librarian. Est. 1893. Number of volumes 3,G00. Annual income from penny rate ii400, affording £90 for the purchase of books. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Exeter. — Albert Memorial Museum and Free Library, Queen-st. : James Dallas, F.L.S., Curator of the JIuseum. Est. 1865. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 6,049 ; Reference Department, 5,525 ; annual issue, 35,663. Annual income from penny rate £800, about £60 being expended in books. Desiderata -. — Local works on Devon and Cornwall. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. An Art Gallery and Schools of Science and Art are attached. Falmouth Free Public Library : N. Fox and F. J. Bowles, Honorary Librarians. Opened JNIarch, 1894, with 1,300 volumes. Supported by rate and voluntary donations. Open on week-days only. Fleetwood. — Fielden Free Library : Miss M. Mason, Librarian. Est. 1887. Number of volumes about 2,500. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Folke.sto\e Free Public Library, Grace hill : Stuart G. Hills, Librarian. Est. 1879. 7156 volumes ; annual circulation, 28,854. Annual income from library rate about £900. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Gateshead-on-Tyne Public Library^, Swinburne-st. : Henry E. Johnston, Librarian. Est. 1885. Number of volumes in Lending Department 7,738 ; Reference Department, 756 ; Boys' Library, 1,064 ; annual circulation, 88,910. Supported by penny rate yielding £1,220 about £100 being expended in books. Open on week- days from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays, 2 to 5 and 6 to 9 p.m. Glossop {Derbyshire) Free Library, Fauvel road : Pollie Warhurst, Librarian. Est. ISSS. About 2,000 volumes. Supported by library rate. Open on week-days from 2 to 9 p.m. GosPORT {Hants). — Gosport and Alverstoke Public Library: Benjamin Carter, Librarian. Est. 1891. Nearly 5,000 volumes ; annual circulation 50,000. Collection of local and Hampshire books. Supported by library rate producing £276, about £100 being available for the purchase of books. Open on week-days from 11 to 1, 3 to 5, 6 to 9-30. Gravesend Public Library, Municipal Technical School : F. W. T. Lange, Librarian. Est. 1893. About 5,000 volumes. Supported by penny rate producing £420, of which £100 is available for the purchase of books. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Gray's {Essex). — ThurrockFree Public Library : Mrs. A. George, Librarian. Reading Room opened February 12th, 1894, Library in course of formation. Annual income from penny rate £110. Open on week-days from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Halifax Public Libraries & Ackroyd Mu.seum, Belle Vue: J. Whiteley, Librarian. Est. 1882. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 25,194 ; Refer- ence Department, 2,673 ; Ackroyd Brancli Library, 15,763 ; annual circulation, 184,000. Annual income from penny rate £1,300, affording £150 for the purchase of books. Open on weekdays from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Handswortit {Staff's.) Public Library : John W. Roberts, Librarian. Est. 1880. Number of volumes in Central and one Branch Library, 11,813 ; annual circulation, 8,277. Annual income from penny rate £530. Open on week-days (Fridays excepted) from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. 146 MUNICIPAL FREE LIBRARIES. Hanley Public Free Library, Pall Mall : A. J. Milward, Librarian. Est. 1887. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 6,880 ; Reference Depart- ment, 2,400 ; annual circulation, 6.5,000. Annual income from penny rate £690, about £100 being expended in books. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 8-30 p.m.; Reading Room from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m A Boy.s' Reading Room is in course of formation, the basement of the General Reading Room being adapted for that purpose at a cost of £400. Harrogate Poblic Free Library, 1, Raglan street : George W. Byers, Librarian. Est. 1887. Number of volumes, 6,229 ; annual circulation, 98,281. Annual income from penny rate £340, affording £95 for the purchase of books. Desiderata: More standard and local books. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Hartlepool (Borough of) Free Libr.^ry : James A. Ord, Librarian. Est. 1894. Library in course of formation. Newsroom open on week-days from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays 12 noon to 10 p.m. Hartlepool (West) Public Library : Higson Simpson, Town Clerk. Est. 1894. A new building is in course of erection. Hastings Corporation Reference Library, The Brassey Institute : Edward H. Marshall, M.A., Librarian. Founded by Lord Brassey in 1881, and presented by him in 1888 to the Corporation, who now provide for its maintenance. 6,300 volumes. Open on week-days, to all persons over 18 years of age, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Hereford Free Public Library and Museum : James Cockcroft, Libra- rian. Est. 1870. About 10,000 volumes ; annual circulation 36,000. Annual income from penny rate £650, affording £90 for the purchase of book.s. A fine collection of works relating to Herefordshire. Open on Week-days from 9-30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Hertford Public Library : P^rnest Lawrence, Librarian. Acts adopted 1885. Number of volumes about 12,300. Heywood Free Library : George S. Chiswell, Librarian. Established 1874. Number of volumes 11,000 ; annual issue 20,500. Annual income from penny rate £320, about £120 being expended in books. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. Sundays, 2 to 9 p.m. Hinckley (Leicestershire) Free Public Library : Peter Payne, Librarian. Est. 1888. Number of volumes 3,000 ; annual issue 20,000. The Public Libraries' Acts have been adopted, but as the population is not large enough at present to support the Library by a rate the townspeople have agreed to provide the necessary funds for five years. Open on week-days only. HiNDLEY [Lanrn.) — The Leyland Free Library and Museum : John Smith, Librarian. Established 1887. Number of volumes 4124 ; annual issue about 9,000. Income from penny rate, £190. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. - Hove (Sufisex) Free Public Libr.\ry, 11, Avenue road: John W. Lister, Librarian. Established 1891. About 5,000 volumes. Annual income from penny rate, £1,000. Open on week-days from 11 to 2, and from 5-30 to 8-30. HucKNALL-ToRKARD {jVofts. ) Free Public LIBRARY, Market Place : Henry Dennis, Librarian. Est. 1884. About 4,000 volumes ; annual circulation 26,000, Annual income from library rate £100. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Hull. — The James Reckitt Public Library, Holderness road, e. : Richard Hargreaves, Librarian. Est. 1889. Number of volumes in Reference Library, 1,600 ; Boys' Library, 800. Annual circulation, 100,llOil. Annual income from endow- ment, £600. Admission is limited to residents in Kast Hull. Open on week-days from 11 a m. to 10 p.m. Hyde (Che-<^hire) The Library Acts have been adopted. It is expected that the Hyde Mechanics' Institution Library will be handed over to the Corporation. Ipswich. — Victoria Free Library, High street: W. Fenton, Librarian: F. Woolnough, Secretary. Est. 1887. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 7,000 ; Reference Department, 8,000 ; annual issue, 69,000. Annual income from library rate £374, affording £100 for the purchase of books. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 9-30 p.m.; Sundays 3 to 5 and 7 to 9. MUNICIPAL FREE LIBRAItlES. 147 Kexdal Public Library, Sti'icklandgate : Henry Bond, Lilxrarian. Est. 1892. Number of volumes, 9,300 ; estimated annual circulation, 8."),0U0. The penny rate realises €196. Collection of local books. Open on week-days from 8 a.m. to 10 [i.m. The Newsroom was opened in September and tlie Lending Department in December, 1S92. Kidderminster Free Library, Town Hall : Archibald Sparke, Librarian. Est. 1881. Number of volumes, 5,088 ; annual issue, 33,000. The penny rate produces annually £300. Open on week-days 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. A new building is being erected in Market street, which will be opened about Christmas, 1893. KiNGSTON-UPON THAMES PiTBLic LIBRARY : Charles Baxter, Librarian. Established 1881. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 0,000 ; Heference Department, 2,569; annual circulation, 49,129. Annual income fiora penny rate £470, about £100 of this being expended in books. Desiderata : Local Dooka and prints. Open on week-days from 8-30 a.m. to 10-30 p.m. Lancaster Free Library. Acts adopted Dec. 1892. The Corporation have the matter undei- consideration. Leamington Spa Free Public Library, New Town Hall, the Parade : David B. Grant, Librarian. Est. 1857. Lending Department, 11,158, and Reference Department, 5,720 volumes ; annual circulation, 60,271. Annual income from penny rate i;706 16s. 7d., affording £200 for the purchase of books. Open on week-days, and on Sunday afternoons during winter mouths. Leeds Public Library : James Yates, Librarian. Established 1868. Number of volumes in Central Library, 43,739 ; Reference Department, 44,284 ; and in the 37 Branch Libraries, 86,432 ; annual issue, 901,600. Annual income from penny rate, less €800 for Art Gallery, £5,330, of which £1,524 is available for the purchase of books. Open on week-days only from 10 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. Said to be the largest Lending Library in the world, considering tlie population catered for. Tlie City of Leeds Art Gallery is the second largest in the provinces : on the ground floor are the permanent and general loan collections of Paintings and other Works of Art. The upper floor is reserved for special Exhibitions of Paintings, Arts and Crafts, and the like, lor admission to which a charge is made — ground floor free. The Museum is partly Archaeological but chiefly of Art objects : George Birkett, Curator. Leek {Staffs.) Free Public Library, Nicholson Institute. Kineton Parkes, Librarian. Est. 1884. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 5,827 ; Reference Department, 2,173 ; annual circulation, 31,182. Supported by penny rate and contributions from tlie Nicholson family, amounting to £397 per annum. Open on week-days from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays 5-30 to 9-30 p.m. In connection with the library is a Book Club, subscription 5/- per annum. The Museum contains local Geological and local Industry collections, and during 1892-3, a complete collec- tion of Works by Walter Crane, A.R.W.S., who is president for 1892-3. The Library Review is edited at the Nicholson Institute, which contains also a School of Art, .Science, and Technology. Leicester Free Public Library, Wellington street : Charles Vernon Kirkby, Librarian. Est. 1871. Number of volumes in Central Library, 17,548 ; Reference Department, 11,873; Branch Libraries, 9,471; annual issue, 328,249. Annual income from rates, &c., £2,100 13s. lid., about £432 of this being expended in books. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 9-30 p.m.; Sundays 6 to 9 p.m. Special collections: Books on Leicestershire, printed in Leicester.shire, and by Leicestershire authors. Leicester has also a Museum and Art Gallery, not con- nected with the library. Curator, Mr. M. Brown. Leigh (Lanes.) Public Library, Railway road : J. Ward, b.a., Librarian. Acts adopted 1892. Open every week-day. The Corporation are taking over the Library of the Leigh Literary Society. Open every week-day. Leighton {Beds.) Free Library. Leominster {Herefordshire) Free Public Library : J. B. Dowdiug, Librarian. Est. 1889. About 1,000 volumes. Income from penny rate .£147. Open on week-days from 9-30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Leytox {Essex) Public Library : Z. Moon, Librarian. Opened ISO.S, with 7,000 volumes ; annual circulation, 125,000. Annual income from penny rate £800, of which £200 is available for the purchase of books. Desiderata : Essex books. Open on week-days from 10-30 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. This Library, governed by tlie Leyton Local Board, supplies also the districts of Leytonstone, Harrow-Green, and Wanstead-Slip. 148 MUNICIPAL FREE LIBRARIES. Lichfield Free Library and Museum : J. P. Roberts, Librarian. Est. 1875. Number of volumes, 2,000. The penny rate, yields £100. Open Mondays and Thursdays. The Museum contains Dr. Johnson Relics, Fossils, Minerals, Local Portraits, Roman Remains, &c. Lincoln Public Library. — The Acts have been adopted, and a Library is in process of formation. B. A. MacBrair, City Engineer and Surveyor. Liverpool Free Public Library : Peter CoM-ell, Librarian. Three Branches and four evening Reading Rooms. Number of volumes in Central Reference Department, 101,262 ; in Branch Libi-aries, 60,147 ; annual circulation, 1,100,116. Supported by penny rate. Only on week-days only from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. LONDON :— Batterse.a Public Library, Lavender hill, s.w. : Lawrence Likster, Librarian. Est. 1887. Number of volumes in Central and two Branch Libraries, 22,694 ; Reference Department, 8,. "194 ; annual circulation, 300,000. Annual income from penny rate £3,200, about £300 of this being expended in books. Has a collection of Local books, Pamphlets, Topography of London, &c. Open every week-day from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays, 3 to 9 p.m. Bermondsey Public Library, Spa road, s.e. : John Frowde, Libra- rian. Est. 1891. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 10,6.')2 ; Reference Department, 365 ; Juvenile Library, 926 ; annual cnculation, 117,000. Annual income from penny rate £1,600! Collection of books relating to Bermondsey Parish and to Leather industries. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., and on Sundays from 3 to 9 p.m. Bethnal Green Free Library, "The Hall," London street, e. : G. F. Hileken, Librarian. Est. 1876. A Reference Library of 25,000 volumes, supported by voluntary contributions amounting to about £2,000 per annum. Open from 10 to 5 and from 6 to 10. feROMLEY-BY-Bow. — Commissioners of Public Libraries and Museums for the parish of Bromley St. Leonard : W. Maxwell Mead, Secretary. Library in course of formation. Camberwell Public Libr.iries, s.e.: Edward Foskett, f.r.s.l. , Chief Librarian. The first library was opened in 1890. The Central Library and thr.;e Branches contain about 4ri,(i;ii) volumes. The annual i-ssue is over 700,000, per annum. The borough includes the parliamentary divisions of Dulwich, Peckham, and North Cauibcrwell, having .i present population of 275,000. Income from penny rate €4,000. Chelsea Public Libraries, Manresa road, s.w. and w. : J. Henry Quinn, Librarian. Est. 1877. Number of volumes in Central Lending Library, 10,080; in Branch Library, at Kensal Town, w., 5,773; in Reference Library, 6,334. Annual income from penny rate and other sources £2,830. Special collections : Chelsea prints ; books by or on Sir Thomas More and Carlyleana. Reading Room open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays, 3 to 9 p.m. Christ Church, SouthM'ark, Charles street, Blackfriars road, s.e.: Henry William Bull, Librarian. Est. 1889. Number of volumes, 3,300 ; annual circulation, 20,iii»ii. Annual income £440 from penny rate. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Clapiiam Public Library, 1, North side, Clapham Common, s.w.: J. Reed Welch, Librarian. Acts passed 1887, Library opened 1889. 7,456 vols.; annual issue, 91,587. Annual income from penny rate £1,050. Open on week- days (ThursLlays excepted) from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. A Museum is in process of formation. Clerkenwell Public Library, Skinner street, e.g.: James T> Brown, Librarian. Est. 18S7. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 10,700 ; Reference Department, 2,7.56 ; annual circulation (1892) 111,851. The penny library rate yields an annual income of £1,520. Collections of Clerkenwell books and prints, books on Art Metal Work, Watch and Clockmaking, Jewellery, and Design. Desiderata : Books represented in special collections. Open on week-days, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays, 3 to 9 p.m. Here is kept the Museum of Library Appliances belonging to the Library Association of the United King- dom. Librarians and Library Managers can see this at any time on application at Clerkenwell. The only "open" library in the United Kingdom, the public being allowed free access to the shelves, an arrangement which seems to work admirably. MUNICIPAL FREE LIBRARIES. 149 EiNSBURY Park Public Library, 2, Gloucester road, BrownswoocI Park, N.; H. C. Stephens, Esq., m.p., President; A. W. Mackenzie, Treasurer. Opened April 30th, 1894. Supported l)j' vohintary contributions. About 1,000 volumes. Open on week-nights from C to 10 p.m. FuLHAM Free Public Library, Fulhain road : Henry IJurns, f.e.s., Librarian. Est, 1SS6. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 8,0(10; Reference Department, 3,000 ; animal circulation, 121,874. Annual income from penny rate £2,1)00 Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays, 3 to 9 p.m. Guildhall Library, at the Guildhall, e.g.: Charles Welch, f.s.a., Librarian. Est. 1824. A Reference Library of 80,000 volumes. Not rate supported, but established and kept up entirely by the Corporation of London. About £1,000 is annually expended in books. ATmual attenilance over 32,0(i0 ; daily average, 1,200. C'nilectioiis of London books and manuscripts ; Library of Dutch Church of London ; Library of the Clockmakers' Company ; Beaiifoy Cabinet of modern Tradesmen's Tokens, &c. Open free to ratepayers every week-day from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Museum and Art Gallery in connection. The Museum has a collection of Local Antiquities of the pre-liistoric, Briti.«ih, Roman, Saxon, Danish, Norman, and later periods. Old London signs are well represented. Hammersmith Public Library, Ravenscourt Park, w. ; Samuel Martin, Librarian. Acts adopted 1888, opened 1890. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 9,332 : Reference Department, 2,100 ; annual circula- tion, 197,000. Supported by halfpenny rate, producing £1,000 per annum, about £150 being available for the purchase of books. Open on week-days from 10-30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Reading rooms 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays, 6 to 9 p.m. Hampstead, n.w. Not yet ua operation. Harlesden Public Library, Craven park road, Harlesden, n.w.: Harry S. Newland, Librarian. Est. 1894. 6,400 volumes. Annual income from penny rate, £370. Open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. HoLBORN Public Library, 10, John street, Bedford row, w.c. : Harry Hawkes, Librarian. Est. 1893. About .5,000 volumes. Annual income from halfpenny rate £750, affording £200 for the purchase of books. Open on week- days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Kensington Public Libraries, Kensington High street : Herbert Jones, Librarian. Est. 1888. Number of volumes, 26,397 ; annual circulation, 211,851. Annual Income from halfpenny rate, about £3,800. Open on week- days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Lambeth Public Libraries, Brixton Oval, s.e. ; Frank Jas. Burgoyne, Librarian. Est. 1887. Number of volumes in Central Library, 13,000 ; Refer- ence Department, 8,000 ; and in Ave Branch Libraries, 45,000 ; annual issue, 750,000 volumes. Annual income from penny rate, £6,400. Special collections : Bacon Library and I^ocal Ijooks. Desiderata : Baconiana. Open on week-days 9 a.m to 10 p.m.; Sundays, 3 to 9 p.m. Lewisham Public Libraries, Perry hill, Catford, s.e.; Chas. Wni. F. Goss, liibrarian. Est. 1891. 9,700 volumes; annual circulation, 72,000. Annual income from library rate £982, affording £100 for the purchase of liooks. Desiderata : Kent Books. Open on week-days from 10-30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Marylebone Voluntary Free Public Library, Lisson Grove, n.w.: Wm.. E. Doubleday, Librarian. Est. 1889. 8,000 volumes, havinjj an annual circulation of 20,000. Supported by voluntary subscriptions realising £500 per annum. Open on week-days from 9-30 a.m. to 9-30 p.m., and on Sundays, in winter, from 6 to 9 p.m. Newington Public Library, Walworth road, s.e.: Rd. W. Mould, Librarian. Est. 1893. About 10,000 volumes. Annual income from penny rate £1,800. Open on week-days (Wednesday excepted) from 10-30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Penge Public Library, s.e.: Wni. Bridle, Librarian. Est. 1802. Number of volumes, 4,000. Annual income from rate £600. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays, 3 to 6 p.m. 150 MUNICIPAL FREE LIBRARIES. Poplar Public Library, East India road (temporary premises) : Harry Rowlatt, Librarian. Est. 1892. Income from library rate £13.50. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. The site ha.s been purchased for a central building in the Higli street, Poplar. Putney Free Public Library, Disraeli-rd. : C. F. Tweney, Librarian. Rst. 1S87. 6,400 volumes : annual circiilation, 57,800. Annual income from library rate £650, about £140 of which is expended in books. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. RoTiiERHiTHE PuBLic LIBRARY, Lower road, s.E. ; William Marillier, Librarian. Est. 1890. 3,200 volumes ; annual issue, 30,000. Annual income from library rate £800, about £200 being expended in books. Open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. A Museum is in contemplation. A poor parish much in want of funds. St. George's Public Libraries, Hanover-sq. : Frank Pacy, Librarian. Acts adopted 1890. 7,500 volumes. Annual income from halfpenny rate, £3,700. Two Libraries are in process of formation, and the one in Buckingham Palace road was opened July, 1894. St. Giles' Public Library, 110, Sonthampton row, w.c. : William A. Taylor, Librarian. Est. 1892. About 1,500 volumes. Annual income from rates £870. Reading Room open on week-days from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays, 3 to 10 p.m. St. Leonard's Parish, Shoreditch, Public Library, 236, Kingsland road, N.E.: VV. C. Plant, Librarian. Est. 1893. About 10,000 volumes. Annual income from three-farthings rate £2,137, affording £150 for the purchase of literature. Open on week-days from 9-30 a.m. to 10 p.m., and on (Sunday evenings. A Sluseum is in course of formation. St. Martin-in-the-Fields Free Public Library, 115, St. Martin's lane, w.c. : Thomas Mason, Librarian. Established 1887. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 12,040 ; Reference Department, 13,230 ; Boys' Library, 797 ; annual circulation, 146,428. Supported by penny rate whiclr produces £2,600. Desiderata: Books and Prints relating to the neighbourhood. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Over 600,000 persons used the magazine and newsrooms in 1892. Mr. Mason is also Librarian to the Royal Historical Society whose Library is contained in the same building. St. Saviour's, Southwark, Public Library, Southwark Bridge road, s.E.: Henry David Roberts, Librarian. About 8,000 volumes. Income from penny rate about £870. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays, 2 to 10 p.m. Stoke Newington Free Public Library, Church street, N : George Preece, Librarian. Est. 1890. About 9,000 volumes ; annual issue, 97,550. Annual income from penny rate £850. Desiderata : Books relating to Stoke Newington and celebrated residents. Open every week-day from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Streatham, s.w. — The Tate Public Library: Thomas Everatt, Librarian. Est. 1891. Number of volumes, 10,000 ; annual circulation, 145,000. Annual income from penny rate £1,400, about £400 being reserved for the purchase of books. Open on week-days (Thursdays excepted) from 10-30 a.m. to 9 ]i.m. Mr. Henry Tate, J.P., of Park hill, Streatham, built the library at a cost of nearly £8,000, on the condition that the inhabitants voted the full penny library rate for its support. The library is developing rapidly. Wandsworth Public Library, s.w.: Cecil T. Davis, Librarian. Acts adopted 1883, opened 1885. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 9,400 ; Reference Department, 4,500 ; total annual issue, 88,012. Annual income from penny library rate, fines, &c., £1,309. Collection of Local Books and Views of the Parish of Wandsworth. West Ham Public Libraries, Stratford, e.. Forest Gate, and Canning Town, F.., ttc: A. Cotgreave, Chief Librarian. Acts adopted 1890. Two Central Libraries and one Branch are in course of formation. At present 12,000 volumes have been accumulated in the Lending Department ; and 6,000 in the Reference Department, a Reading Room and temporary Reference Library being in active operation. The penny rate produces £3,000, allowing £600 annually for the purchase of books. Good collections of Topographical, aiusical, Shake- spearian, and Technical books. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. This large and rapidly increasing borough is divided into two large towns, each of which will have a Central Library, and several smaller towns which will liave Branch Libraries. We hope to get a special grant soon which will increase our income to £5,000 per annum. MUNICIPAL FREE LIBKAIUES. 151 Westminster Public Libraries, Great Smith-st, Westminster, s.w.; Branch— 3, Trevor square, Kiiightsbridge, s.w. Henry K. Poole, I-ibrarian. Est. 1S56. Supported by halfpenny rate. In the Central I>ibrary, 20,326 volumes; and in Branch Lilirary, 3,198; annual circulation, 163,000. Annual income £2,300, affording about £350 for the purchase of books. Open daily (except Sundays) from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. The new building in Great Smith street is approaching completion. Whitechapel Public Library, 77, High street : W. E. \Villiains, Librarian. Acts adopted December, 1889. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 8,421 ; annual issue, 72,820 ; in Reference Department, 2,327 ; annual issue, 30,674. Annual income from penny rate, £1,700 affording £300 for the purchase of books. Open on week days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays, 11-30 a.m. to 10 p.m. WiLLESDEN Green Public Library, High road, Willesden Green : Frank E. Chennell, Librarian. Est. 1894. Nearly 6,000 volumes. Annual income from rate about £370. Open on wefek-days only. Wood Green Free Public Library, Town Hall, n. : Arthur Douth- waite. Librarian. Est. 1892. 3,500 volumes ; annual issue, .50,000. Annual income from penny rate £380, affording £90 for the purchase of books. Open on week-niglits from 5 to 9 p.m. LoNCTON {Stafs.) Public Free Library, Town Hall buildings: J. Pratt, M.A., Librarian. 3,000 volumes. Annual income from library rate £390. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. LoU(;hborouoh Free Public Library : George H. Andrews, Librarian. 6,351 volumes ; annual issue, 40,000. Annual income from penny rate £250. Lowestoft Public Library : Miss Kate Durrant, Librarian. Macclesfield. — Chadwick Free Library : Atherton Brunt, Librarian ; Est. 1876. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 11,811 ; Reference Depart- ment, 4,524 : annual circulation, 43,000. The penny rate yields £342 annually, about £20 being expended in books. Open on week-days only from 9-30 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. The Librarian remarks that his report for 1892 is not so good as he would like it to be, but, since his appointment, the averages per month are on the increase. Maidstone (Kent) Museum, Public Library, & Art Gallery : Frederick James, Curator and Librarian. Est. 1855. Lending Library, 3,500 volumes. Tlie penny rate realises £750. Desiderata: Books, Pamphlets, MSS., or Engravings relating to Kent. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Museum has collections of Natural History, Oriental Pottery and Porcelain, Antiquities, etc. The Gallery was erected at a cost of £5,000 and presented by Mr. S. Bentlif to the town. The whole of the Museum collections are located in an old manor house (Chillington Manor), and the additions which have been made to it from time to time through the munificence of some of the inhabitants, make it now one of the largest museums in England. Manchester Public Free Libraries : Charles W. Sutton, Librarian. Est. 1852. Number of volumes in Reference Library, 97,739 ; twelve Branch Lending Libraries, 128,125 ; circulation, 1891-2 (twelve months), 1,654,568. Sup])orted by a rate limited to 2d. in the £. Amount expended in 1891-2 in the purchase of books, £2,438 ; binding, £725 ; newspapers and periodicals, £1,434 ; total, £4,597. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays, 2 to 9 p.m. There is a Corporation Museum and Art Gallery in Queen's Park, C. G. Virgo, Curator. The City Art Gallery, Mosley street, is under the Curator.ship of Mr. W. Stanfield. Mansfield [Nolt:^.) Free Public Library: William Gouk, Librarian: Est. 1891. Number of volumes 3,000 ; annual issue, 28,000. Supported by library rate. Newsroom open on week-days from 9-30 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. Middle Claydon {Bucks.) Public Library : Miss Verney, Lil)rariau. Est. 1893. Sustained by penny rate. Open Sunday and week-nights from 6 to 9-30. MiDDLESBOROUCii Free LIBRARY : Baker Hudson, Librarian. Est. 1871. Number of volumes, 16,371. Annual income from penny rate about £l,ooo. ()i)eu on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. The Museum in connection contains a tine collection of Liassic fossils. 152 MUNICIPAL FREE LIBRARIES. MiDDLETON {near Manchester) Jubilee Free Public Library, Loug st. : E. A. Bonner, Librarian. Est. 1889. Number of volume.s, 4,453. Supported by library rate. Open on week-(lay.s from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. MiDDLEWiCH (Cheshire) Free Public Library, Town Hall : Thomas L. Drinkwater, Librarian. E.st. 1889. Number of volume.s nearly 3,000 ; annual issue, 14,479. Ann\ial income from penny rate £40, allowing £10 for the purcha.se of books. Open on Tuesdays and Fridays from 6 to 9 p.m. A recent exten.sion of the district will increase the income from rate by about one-half. MiLLOM (Cumherland) Free Public Library : Alfred J. Hutchinson, Librarian. Est. 1887. Number of volumes, 3,500 ; annual issue, 13,100. Annual income from penny rate £330, about £80 of this being spent in books. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. MoRLEY [near Leeds). Acts adopted 1892. Nantwich [Cheshire) Public Library, Pilloiy street : Annie Jackson, Librarian. Est. 1888. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 2,326; Refer- ence Bepai'tment, 813 ; annual circulation, 14,812. Income from penny rate £90. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. Nelson (Lanes.) Free Public Library: D. Ru.shton, Librarian. Est. 1889. Number of volumes in Lending department, 4,485 ; Reference Deiiartment, 617 ; annual issue, 28,789. Annual income from penny rate £340, affording £80 for the purchase of books. Open on week-ilays from 9 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. Newark-on-Trent. — Gilstrap Free Library, Castle Gate: George G. Killingley, Librarian. Est. 1883. Number of volumes, 6,200 ; annual issue 45,000. Annual income derived from penny rate and endowment £340, of which £70 is expended in books. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Newcastle-under-Lyme (Staffs.) Free Public Library. Opened 1890. Newcastle-upon-Tyne Public Libraries : Basil Anderton, Librarian. Est. 1880. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 34,774 ; Reference Depart- ment, 38,045 ; Boys' Library, 2,830 ; annual eii'culation, 233,915. Annual income from penny rate £3,200, of which about £1,000 is expended on boobs. Special collections : Thomlin.son Library, Merrifield Library, Riddell Library, Walter Scott Library. Libraries open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Newsroom open on week-days fiom 8-30 a.m. to 9 p.m., and on Sundays from 2 to 9 p.m. New Mills (Derbyshire). Library in course of formation. Newport (Monmouthshire) Free Library and Museum : Jas. Matthews, Librarian. Est. 1870. Two branch Reading Rooms. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 15,027 : Reference Department, 5,000 ; annual circulation, 94,358. Annual income derived from penny rate £1,000, about £160 of this being expended in books. Reading Rooms open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. A small .Museum has been established anil forms a considerable source of attraction. South ICensinston Department has sent on loan fnc-similc Prints, Photographs, Electrotypes, Textiles, and Pottery, the remaining exhibits being contributed locally. Admission free. Hours 11 to 2 and 6 to 9. In 1892 the number of visitors amounted to 21,561. Northampton Public Free Library and Museum : Thomas J. George, Librarian. Est. 1870. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 10,290 ; Refer- ence Department, 4,560 ; annual issue, 70,000. The penny rate yields £810. about £170 of this being .spent in books. Contains the " Taylor " collection of Local books, and John Clare's Library. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday, closes at 6 p.m. The Museum has excellent collections of Local Antiquities, Geo- logical Specimens, &c. NoRTHWicn (Cheshire). — Brmmer Free Librai-y and Musenins, Witton street : Thomas J. Yarwood, Librarian. Est. 1885. Number of volume.s in Lending Department, 6,500 ; Reference Department, 1,000 ; annual circulation, 45,000. Annual income from penny rate £317. Open on week-days only from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. In addition to the General and Art Museum, there is a Museum for the staple product of the district (Salt), shewing the different kinds made in all parts of Cheshire, together with Salt from all parts of the world. The Salt Museum contains all the maps and diagrams obtainable connected with the manufacture of Salt, as well as photographs of the different processes in difl'erent parts of the world. The Salt Museum is also available as a Lecture Room. MUNICIPAL FREE LIBRAKIES. 153 Norwich Free Library : George Easter, Librarian. Est. 1857. Xuniber of volumes in Lending Department, 14,208 ; Reference Dopnrtnient, 8,916 ; Juvenile Department, 3,77S ; annual issue, 92,783 works. Annual income from penny rate £1,180, about £300 bein}>; available for the purchase of books. A laige collection of Local and County books. Reading Room open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays, 3 to 9 p.m. NoTTiNGH.AM Free Public Libraries : John Potter Briscoe, f.k.h.s. Acts adopted 1S67. Number of volumes in Central Library— Lending Department, 27,000 ; Reference Department, 20,000 ; in 13 Branch ],ibraries, 14,000 ; Children's Library, 3,.')00 ; total annual circulation, 412,000. Annual income from library rate and a grant by Council £4,.n00, about i;450 of this being expende(l in books. Special collections of books on Nottinghamshire, including Byron, Kirke White, Robin Hood, and Lace. Open on weekdays from 10 a m. to 9.30 p.m. Natural History Museum : J. W. Carr, m.a., f.g.s., Curator ; Local collections of (Jeological Specimens, &c. Art Museum : G. Harry Wallis, f.s.a., Art Director and Curator. Small per- manent collection with frequent exhibitions of Paintings and Drawings by local artists, Lace, &c. Oldbury (Salop) Free Ltbr.\ry. Acts adopted 1888. Oldham Free Public Library, Art Gallery, and Mu.seum ; Thos. W. Hand, Librarian and Curator. Established 1885. Number of volumes in l,eiuling Department, 15,000; Reference Department, 14,000; in three Branch Libraries, 5,000 ; Boys' Library, 1,500 ; annual circulation, 130,000. Annual income from library rate nearly ,i;5,000, about £000 of which is available for the purchase of books. Open on week-days from a.m. to 9-30 p.m. Newsroom open on Sundays from 3 to 7 p.m. The Art Gallery containts a permanent collection of Pictures, the Lees collection of Water-colour Drawings, and a complete set of Turner's Liber Studiorum. Oswestry (Salop) Free Public Libr.vry : Charles Burroughs, Liljraiiau, Est. 1890. About 8,500 volumes. Annual income from penny rate £120. Oxford (City of) Free Public Library : Thomas Harwood, Librarian. Established 1855. Number of volumes, 8,000. Supported by grants from Council —no rate. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., and on t-undays, in winter months, from 6 to 10 p.m. Penrith (Cumberland) Free Public Library : John Stuart, Librarian. Opened 1883. Supported by penny rate. Penz.vxce Free Public Library, Morrab road : Charles Henry Beini, Librarian. Est. 1893. Number of volumes, 6,700 ; annual circulation, (i8,oiio ; annual income from penny rate, £200. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to lo p.m. Peterborough Public Library, Park road : L. Jastrzebski Stanley, Librarian. Est. 1891. About 2,.500 volumes. Annual income from penny rate £4(0. Collection of works on the Eastern Midlands, Railways, Local books, &c. Reading Room open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. Plymouth Free Public Libr.ary : \V. H. K. Wright, Librarian. Est. 1876. Number of volumes in Central Lending Department, 20,000 ; Reference Depart- ment, 15,000 ; 15 Branch Libraries in Schools, 3,000 ; total annual issue about 200,000. Animal income from rates £1,200, of which £250 is expended in literature. Special collection : Devon and Cornwall Library of 6,000 volumes and pamphlets. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Books are issued to non-re.sidents on payment of 5/ per annum. Poole (Dorsetshire) Free Public Library, Mount street : E. E. Smith, Librarian. Est. 1886. About 7,000 volumes ; annual circulation, 41,358. Supported by penny rate. Open every week-day. Portsmouth Free Public Library, Town hall : Tweed I). A. Jewers, Librarian. Est. 1883. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 25,000 ; Refer- ence Department, 5,000 ; Branch Library, 3,000 ; Boys' Library, 950 ; annual circu- lation, 108,006. Aimual income from halfpenny rate, £1,366 ; about £600 of this iDeing expended in books. Collection of Hampshire, Isle of White, and local books. Open on week-days only from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. A Museum is in course of formation. 154 MUNICIPAL FREE LIBRARIES. Preston Free Phbltc Library and Musectm : W. S. Bramwell, Librarian. Est. 1878. N\imher of volumes 18,000 ; annual circulation, 110,319. Annual income from penny rate CI, 300, affording about £200 for the purcha.se of books. Reading Room open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. The Museum has a good geolo- gical collection, a valuable series of pictures and drawings, and many local and foreign curiosities, casts, bronzes, &c. The Art Gallery contains the Newsham betiuest of Pictures. The new Harris Library and Museum (a bequest of £105,000) will shortly be opened. This is a palatial structure, possibly without a rival in the Kingdom, built from the designs of Alderman Hibbert, a local architect. QuEENBOROUGH {Kent) Free Library, High-st. : Alfred Hall, Librarian. Est. 1887. About 500 volumes, nearly all presented by the Mayor. Open on week- evenings from 6 to 9-30 p.m. Rawmarsh {Yoi-ls.) Acts adopted 1892. Reading Free Public Libr.a.ry : VV. H. Greenhough, f.r.s.h. , Librarian. Est. 1882. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 13,461 ; Reference Depart- ment, 4,728 ; Juvenile Library, 3,189 ; total annual circulation, 151,000. Annual income £1,000 derived from penny rate, affording £150 for the purcliase of books. Collection of Local and County books. Open on week-days from 8-30 a.m. to 10 p.m. lu connection is a Museum containing the iSilchester Collection of Roman Antiqui- ties, and collection ijf Prehistoric Implements from the Thames valley. The Library and Reading Rooms are lighted at night by Electric Arc Lamps. Richmond {Surrey) Free Public Library : Albert A. Barkas, Librarian. Est. 1881. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 9,500 ; Reference Depart- ment, 8,600 ; Juvenile Books, COO ; total annual circulation about 93,000. Income from library rate £850. Desiderata : Standard Works. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Rochdale Free Public Library, Esplanade : George Hanson, Librarian. Est. 1872. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 33,289 ; Reference Depart- ment, 12,241 ; Boys' Library, 1,160 ; total annunl circulation, 225,537. Annual income from penny library rate £1,080, abo\it £230i't' this being expended in books. Special collections : Wool, Defoe's Works, Works relating to Lancashire and "Tim Bobbin." Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 9-30 p.m.; Sundays, 3 to 9 p.m. Rochester {Kent) Jubilee Free Library : W. R. Bartley, Librarian. Est. 1887. 2,500 volumes ; annual circulation, 18,000. A fund of £750 was collected in the Jubilee year. Free Library Acts adopted 1894. RoTHERHAM {Yorks.) Free Public Library: John Ridal, Librarian. Est. 1880. 12,000 volumes in Lending, and 1,500 in Reference Departments. Income from penny rate about £600. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. The Librarian remarks that " the penny rate ought to be abolished so as to make the Institution capable of doing the good which lies neglected around it for want of funds." Rugby Public Library, St. Matthews street : J. W. Kenning, Librarian. About 5,000 volumes ; annual circulation, 25,000. Income from penny rate, £260. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Runcorn {Lanes.) Free Public Library: J. D. Jones, Librarian. Est. 1882. Number of volumes, 6,286 ; annual issue, 21,757. Annual income from penny rate £234, about £70 being available for the purchase of books. Reading Room open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. Power desired to levy a rate of more than a penny in the pound. St. Alban's {Herts.) Free Public Library: Herbert Slade, Librarian. Opened 1883. 4,500 volumes. Supported by penny rate. St. Helens {Lanes.) Free Public Library, Town Hall : Alfred Lancaster, Librarian. Est. 1870. Number of volumes in Central Lending Department, 13,616 ; Reference Department, 4,237 ; and two Branch Libraries, 3,242 : annual circulation, 140,000. Yearly income from rate £1,025, about £200 of this being expended in books. Collection of historical and other works relating to Lancashire. Reading Rooms open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. every week-day ; Sundays, 2 to 9 p.m. A Boys' Reading Room and a Ladies' Reading Room are specially provided and are largely attended. A Museum has recently been opened. Sale {Cheshire) Public Free Library, Tatton road : George Bethell, Librarian. Est. 1891. About 5,000 volumes ; annual issue, 60,000. Annual income from penny rate and other sources £320, about £90 being spent in books. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays, 6 to 9-30 p.m. The Sale Public Free Library was built and paid for entirely by public subscriptions, the cost being almost £2,000. There is a large Lecture Hall and a large Reading Room. MUNICIPAL FREE LIBRARIES. 155 Salford Free Musetm and Libraries: Ben. H. Mullen, m.a., T.c.n., Curator and Chief Librarian. Esst. 1849. Number of volumes in Central LemliiiK Library, 1-2,300; Reference Department, 32,000; four IJrancli Libraries, 30,1)00; annual circulation, 318,000. Annual income from Library rate, £4,500, of wliicli about £350 i.s expended in book.s. Open on week-days from !) a.m. to p.m.; Sundays, 2 to 9 p.m. The Museum contains a line collection of I'aintinjjs and Sculptures, Shells, Natural History, Foreign Raw Products, &c. The oldest ancl finest Free Museum and Library establislied under the Ewart Fi-ee Library Act, 1852. Salisbury. Acts adopted 1S90. Sheffield Free Public Libraries, Surrey street : T. Hurst, Librcarian. Est. 1855. Number of volumes in Central Library, Lending- Department, 31,737 ; Reference Department, 14,838 ; four Branch Libraries, 52,986 ; total annual Issue, 428,000. Annual income from penny rate £4,772, about £600 being available for the purchase of books Collection of local books and pamphlets. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. The Public Museum is a separate institution. Shrewsbury Free Library and Museum : Arthur C. Phillips, Librarian. Est. 1885. Number of volumes about 7,000. Supported by penny rate. Open on week-days from 9-30 a.m. to 10 p.m. In the Museum are some Roman Remains. SiTTiNGBOURNE (Kent) Free Library. Opened 18S8. About 5,000 volumes. Smetiiwick {vear Birmhujham) Free Library, High street : Jos. Bailey, Librarian. Est. 1877. Nearly 8,000 volumes ; annual circulation, 56,060. Annual income from penny rate, £435. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Southampton Free Public Library : 0. Tatton Hopwood, Lilirariaa. Est. 1889. Number of volumes about 10,000. Supported by penny rate. Contains a good and growing collection of Hampshire books. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. The Hartley Institution of this town is also under the Corporation, and has Museum, Library, Science and Art Schools, &c. SouTHPORT. — Atkinson Free Library and Art Gallery : Thomas Newman, Librarian. Est. 1875. Number of volumes in Central Library, Lending Department, 18,000 ; Reference Department, 3,300 : Branch Library, 1,794 ; total annual circula- tion, 115,302. The Library is supported by penny rate, producing £988 19s. 6d. per annum, about £300 of this being expended in book.s. Spcci.xl collections : Paleon- tographical Publications, Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society's Publications and Works relating to the two counties. Open on week-days only from 9 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. ; Saturdays open to 10 p.m. Art Gallery : Purchases for permanent exhibi- tion (free nine months in the year) from percentage on sales. Science and Art Schools in connection, maintained by an additional halfpenny rate. South Shields (Durham) Public Library and Museum, Ocean road : Thomas Pyke, Librarian. Est. 1873. Number of volumes in Lending Depart- ment, 13,412 ; Reference Department, 6,820 ; annual circulation, 106,451. Annual income from library rate £1,387, about £150 of this being expended in books. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. The Museum contains Roman Antiquities from Roman Station at Shields Lawe, and models of Life-boats. SowERBY Bridge [Yorl-x.) Public Library, Town hall: J. Edward Ball, Librarian. Est. 1893. 3,000 volumes. Annual income from penny rate £150. Open on week-days only. Stafford Free Public Library and Wragge Museum, Borough Hall, Eastgate street: Thomas Jackson, f.s.sc, Librarian and Curator. Est. 1822. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 5,700 ; Reference Department, 2,000. Supported by penny library rate and voluntary subscriptions. Annual income £240, of which £30 is expended in books. Open on week-nights from 6 to 9. The Museum contains the Wragge Collection of Foreign Curiosities and Weetnian's Birds. Stalybridge Public Free Library, Town Hall ; Thomas Swain, Libra- rian. Est. 1889. Number of volumes, 9,800 ; annual circulation, 70,000. Annual income £350, derived from penny rate. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturdays, closes at 6 p.m. A Collection of Music, 750 volumes. Stockport (Cheshire) Public Free Library, Market place : J. D. Buck- land, Librarian. Est. 1875. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 14,7:13 ; Reference Department, 10,290 ; annual circulation, 9,500. Annual income from penny rate £750, affording about £200 for the purchase of books. Open on week- days from 9 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. A Museum in connection. 156 MUNICIPAL FREE LIBRARIES. Stockton-on-Tees Public Library : T. H. Wright, Librarian. Est. 1877. 8,500 volumes ; annual issue, 67,000. Annual income from penny rate £645, afford- ing £140 for the purchase of books. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Newsroom open on Sundays from 3 to 9 p.m. Stoke-upon-Trent Public Library : Alfred J. Caddie, Librarian. Est. 1875. 11,000 volumes ; annual issue, 50,000 ; annual income from penny rate £350. Desiderata : Staffordshire books. Open on week-days from 9-30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunderland Public Free Library, Borough road : W. T. Eraser, Libra- rian. Est. 1866. 21,000 volumes ; annual circulation, 150,000. Annual income from library rate £900, affording £160 for the purchase of books. Collection of local and county books. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. In connection is a Museum and Art Gallery also supported by the library rate. Tamworth ( IFard-iicfo/tiVe) Public Free Library and Reading Room: Frederick Hughes, Librarian. Established 1882. Open on week-days from 1 to 3 and 6 to 9 p.m. Tavistock [Devon.) Public Library, Abbey Buildings: R. Westington, Librarian. Tiiornaby-on-Tees (South Stockton) Public Library : R. Huitsoii, Libra- rian. Est. 1892. About 1,600 volumes. Annual income from library rate ,tl40. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tipton [Staffs.) Free Reading Rooms. No Library at present. Tonbridge [Kent) Free Public Library, 8.3, High street : George Press- nell, Libr.arian. Est. 1882. 4,742 volumes ; annual circulation, 14,187. Annual income from penny rate £150. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tottenham [Middlesex). Acts adopted 189L Truro [Gornnmll) Free Public Library, Public Rooms : William Gibson, Librarian. Est. 1886. Number of volumes, 5,700 ; annual circulation, about 16,000. The penny rate yields about £116. Reading Room open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tunstall [Staff's.) Free Library: M. Flint, Librarian. Est. 1885. 3,180 volumes ; annual issue, 7,576. Income from penny rate £165. Open every week-day. Twickenham [Middlesex) Free Public Library : Edwin Maynard, Libra- rian. Established 1882. Number of volumes, 10,150 ; annual issue, 50,000. The jienny rate produces annually £340, about £50 of this being expended in books. .Special collection : Editions of the works of Alexander Pope and books relating to him. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Newsroom 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tynemouth [Northumherland.) Public Free Library : George Tidey, Librarian. Est. 1870. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 24,412 ; Reference Department, 4,336 ; annual circulation, about 130,000. Annual income from library rate £700, of which £100 is expended in books. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Walsall [Staffs.) Free Library, Art Gallery and Museum, Goodall street : Alfred Morgan, Librarian and Curator. Est. 1859. Over 14,000 volumes ; annual issue, 66,000 ; Income from l^d. rate £968. Library open on week-days from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Museum from 9 a.m. to 10p.m.; Sundays, 2 to 9 p.m. Walthamstow [Essex). Acts adopted 1892. Warrington Museum : C^harles Madeley, Librarian. Est. 1848 (under Museums' Act). Number of volumes in Lending Department, 11,461 ; Reference Department, including pamphlets, 15,198 ; annual circulation, 50,000. Supported by rate and subscriptions, which bring in £1,050, about £125 is annually expended in books. Det-iderata : Local books. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. The Museum has a good collection of Natural History Specimens, Local Antiquities, Seals, Tokens, &c. Warwick Free Public Library : Thomas Haynes, Librarian. Est. 1866. Nearly 10,000 volumes ; annual issue, 23,588. Annual income from penny rate £220, about £30 of which is expended in books. Open on week-days from 12 to 2 and 6 to 9 ; Reading Room open also on Sundays from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. MUNICIPAL FREE LIBRARIES, 157 Waterloo-with-Seaforth {near Liverpool). Acts adopted 1892. Watford ( Herts. ) Public Library, Queen's street : John Woolman, Librarian. Opened 1S74. Number of volumes in Lending Department, S,ir>(j ; Reference Department, 3,650 ; annual circulation, 4(i,ono. Annual income from rate and donations €475. Collection of Locnl and Technical books. Open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. In connection with the Library are carried on a School of Art and a School of Science and Literature, consistins of upwards of 80 classes. Both are aided by grant from the County Council under the Technical Instruction Act. There is also a School of Music, the only such corporate School of Music in connexion with a Public Library in Great Britain. Wednesbury Free Public Library, Walsall street. Thomas Stanley, Librarian. Est. 1878. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 7,603 ; and in Reference Department, 2,037 ; annual circulation, 02,083. Annual income from penny rate 1:315. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. A Subscription Library was established in 1SS9, membership £1 Is. per annum. W^EST Bromwich Free Library : David Dickinson, Librarian. Est. 1870. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 10,865 ; Reference Department, 2,773 ; in three Branch Reading Rooms, 790 ; annual issue, 51,120. Annual income from penny rate €790. A collection of Staffordshire books. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. (Tliursilays excepted). Weston-.super-Mare {Somersetshire) Free Public Library, The Grove : Frank W. Coleman, Librarian. Est. 1890. About 3,000 volumes. Annual income from rate £300, affording £100 for the purchase of books. Open on week-days. Whitehaven {Cumberland) Free Public Library, Queen street : John Simpson, Librarian. Est. 1888. Number of volumes, 5,551 ; annual circulation, about 30,000. Annual income from penny rate and other sources £300, about £50 of this being expended in books. Reading Room open every week-day from 8-30 a.m. to 10 p.m. WiDNES {Lanes.) Free Public Library, Alforde street: Anne J. Proctor, Librarian. Est. 1886. About 6,000 volumes ; annual circulation, 52,000. Annual income from library rate £457, affording £160 for the purchase of books. Open on week-days from 9-30 a.m. to 10 p.m. WicAN Free Public Library : Henry Tennyson Folkard, Librarian. Established 1876. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 12,200 ; Reference Department, 28,750 ; Juvenile Library, 800 ; annual circulation. Lending Department, 02,6111 ; Reference Department, 18,526. Supported by twopenny rate. Special collections of books: Mining and Engineering, Bibliography, Local and County Histories, French Literature, Freemasonry, with special Catalogue for each. Dendemtii : Mining, Engineering, and Local books. Open on week-days from 9-30 a.m. to 9-30 p.m.; Suudiiys, from 2 to 9 p.m. The Reference Library is an especially valuable one, £12,i)[)i) living been given by a Wigan gentleman, to be expended on its books. All the great (.'ounty Histories are present, many of them on large paper. The Milling collection is the largest known. An extension of the library in the shape of a second l{eadiug Room forming an annexe to the Newsroom, was opened in 1892. It contains a specially selected reference library of 5O0 volumes. WiLLEXiiALL {Staffs.) Free LIBRARY, Upper Lichfield street. Est. 1874. K. Marsh, Librarian. Number of volumes, 4,000. Annual circulation about 8,000. Supported by penny rate and profits on Public Hall. Open on week-days from 6 to 8-30 p.m., Fridays excepted. Saturdays, 5-30 to 9 p.m. Wimbledon {Surrey) Free Library, Hill road : Tliomas H. Rabl)itt, Librarian. Est. 1886. About 7,000 volumes ; annual circulation, 85,000. Annual income from penny rate £800, about £60 being expended in books. Open on week- days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Winchester Free Library : John Thomas Burchett, Librarian. Est. 1851. Open on week-days from 9-30 a.m. to 10 p.m. A Museum of general interest is attached. Win.sford {Cheshire) Free Public Library, High street : Wm. Kissock, Librarian. Est. 1888. Over 4,000 volumes ; annual circulation, 19,879. Animal income from penny rate £197. Open on week-days from 8-30 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. 158 MUNICIPAL FREE LIBRARIES WoLVERHAMPTOX Free LIBRARY, Garfick street : John Elliot, Librarian. Est. 1809. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 26,800 ; Reference Bepart- nient, 6,289 ; annual circulation, 77,725. Income deriverl from penny rate, £1,180, about £200 being annually expended in books. Open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. A Museum in connection contains Geological specimens of the District. There is also an Art Gallery in Lichfield street, containing the costly Cartwright collection of Pictures and Drawings. A. C. C. John, Curator. WooLTON {near Liverpool). Acts adopted 1890. Worcester Public Library and Hastin'gs Museum: Samuel Smith, Librarian and Curator. Est. 1881. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 12,828 ; Reference Department, 11,508 ; annual circulation, 80,000. Annual income from library rate and other sources £800, about £210 of this being expended in books. Collection of Worcestershire and Natural History Books. Desiderata .- Worcestershire Books, Pamphlets, Documents, Deeds, Maps, Portraits, Views, &c. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. The Museum contains a miscellaneous collection, illustrating the Antiquities and Natural History of the County. A tender has been accepted for the erection of the Victoria Institute, which will accommodate Public Library, Museum, Art Gallery, and Schools of Art and Science afid Technical School ; total cost with site over £36,000. Workington (Cnmherland) Free Public Library: W. E. Jones, Libra- rian. Est. 1891. About 3,500 volumes ; annual circulation, 21,000. Annual income from penny rate £250, about £80 being expeniled in books. Desiderata : Engineering Works. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Worthing (Sussex). Acts adopted 1892. Yarmouth (Great) Free Libr.-vry, Middlegate street ; William Carter, Librarian. Est. May, 1886. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 7,881 ; Reference Department, 2,433 ; Branch Library, 773 ; total annual circulation, 128,378 ; The penny library rate brings in £971 per annum, about £100 of this being expended in books. Collections of Norfolk and Suffolk Books, Works on Fish, Fisheries, and Fishing, Yacht and Boat Building, &c. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. A Museum, chiefly Archfeological, has been recently established. York Public Library, Clifford street : Arthur H. Furnish, Librarian. Now in course of formation. The York Institute and its Library have been handed over to the Corporation. The library rate will provide the funds for maintenance. IRELAND. Belfast Free Public Library, Royal avenue : George H. Elliott, Libra- rian. Est. 1888. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 15,405 ; Reference Department, 11,389 ; annual issue, 214,581. Annual income from penny rate £2,900. Open on week-days from 10 a.m to 9 p.m. The Museum in connection contains the "Grainger" collection of Natural History objects. Art objects on loan from South Kensington Museum, bronzes, woodwork, pictures, &c. CoLERAiNE Library, Town Hall : James Henry, Librarian. Est. 1830. About 5,000 works. Annual income from subscriptions £70, allowing £25 for the purchase of books. Open to members only. The library acts were adopted but the community is too small to provide for the maintenance of a free library. Cork Public Library, Nelson's place : James Wilkinson, Librarian. Est. 1892. Over 4,000 volumes. Supported by halfpenny rate, yielding £300, about £60 of this being expended annually in books. Open every week-day from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. City of Dublin Public Library, 106, Capel street : Patrick Grogan, Librarian. Est. 1884. About 10,000 volumes ; annual circulation, 40,000. Income from Borough Fund, £500. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 10-30 p.m.; Sundays, 1 to 9 p.m. Dundalk Free Library, Town Hall : M. Comerford, Librarian. Est. 1858. 8,000 volumes ; annual circulation, 15,600. Income from penny rate £130, affording £25 for the purchase of books. Collection of Local Histories and rare Ijooks of Irish antiquarian research. Open on week-nights from 6 to 10. The first town in Ireland to adopt the Free Libraries' Acts. MUNICIPAL FREE LIBRARIES. 159 Ennis Free Library. Acts adopted 1800. KixGSTOWN Free Public Library : M. Connell, Lil)rarian. Opened 1884. Siippoiteil by halfpenny rate. Limerick Public Library, Glentworth street : John Hogan, Librarian. Opened Dee. 11th, 1803, as a Reference Library, the Lending Department being not yet in operation. Income from library rate about £204, which is e.xpected to increase. Lurgan Free Library. Acts adopted in 189L Library not yet in working order. Annual income from penny rate, about £80. Rathmines and Rathgar Public Library, Rathmines (Co. Dnhliii) : .lohu J. Loton, Librarian. Kst. 18S7. Number of volumes, .'>,01)0. .Supported Ijy rate of three farthinns in the pound. Open on week-days from !) a.m. to 10 p.m. The Township Commissioners are about to buikl larger library premises. Sligo Free Public Library : David Saultry, Librarian. Est. 1880. Reference Library of 1,000 volumes. No Lending Department. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays, 2 to 7 p.m. SCOTLAND. Aberdeen Free Public Library: Alex. W. Robertson, m.a., Librarian. Established 1884. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 22,000 ; Reference Department, 15,000; annual circulation, 308,794. The library rate produces £2,11!) per annum, about £500 of this being expended in books. Reading Room open on week days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. AiRDRiE Free Public Library : John Gardiner, Librarian. Est. \H'M. Number of volumes, 9,500 ; annual circulation, 31,000. Annual income from public rate, £180, about £40 being expended in books. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. A new building is in course of erection, towards which Mr. Andrew Carnegie subscribed £1,000. Alloa Public Library, Marr's Hill : John Simpson, Librarian. Est. 1889. 7,600 volumes and a Boys' Library of 900 volumes. Annual income from penny rate £270, affording £50 for the purchase of literature. Open every week-day. Ayr. — Carnegie Public Library .• G. B. Phillips, Librarian. Est. 189."i. Number of volumes, 17,000. Annual income from penny rate, £500. Open on week- ,days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Mr. Carnegie gave £10,000 to the library, and a splen- did building has been erected. Brechin Public Library, St. Ninian square : James Craigie, Librarian. About 8,000 volumes. Annual income from rate and endowment about £170. Crieff. — Taylor's Trust Free Library and Reading Room, 18, West High street : John Mc.Diarmid, Librarian. Established 1890. 3,140 volumes ; annual circulation, 1,800. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Dumbarton Free Public Library: Walter J. S. Paterson, Librarian. Est. 1881. Number of volumes, 4,2O0 ; annual circulation, 1C,000. Annual income from penny rate £220, about £30 being spent in books. Open every week-day from 10 to 2, and from 5 to 10. Dundee. — The Albert Institute Free Library, Museum, and Art Gallery : .John Maclauchlan, Chief Librarian, Curator, and Secretary. Est. 18(19. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 43,(Stiti : Reference Department, 18,737 ; Jiianch Library, 7,000; annual circulation, 278,606. Annual income from penny rate, £2,635 8s. 3d., about £871 of which is expended in books. Tlie Library po.sse.sses a large collection of Old Scotch Music, including some unique editions. Open on week- days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Thursday, closes at 2. Art Department : A very large and fine collection of reproiluctions of Ancient .\rt— .Sculpture, Metal, &c. Natural History Department : A large collection rei)rescnting the Arctic Fauna. A large collection of modern Pictures by distinguislied artists, acquired free, mostly as gifts from members of the Committee. There is also in a new suite of hanclsome tialleries, an annual exhibition (picture month) of contemporary Art. One year the .sales weie £8,400, and the average sales per annum are over £5,000. 160 MUNICIPAL FREE LIBRARIES. Dunfermline. — Carnegie Free Library, Abbot street : Alexander Peebles, Librarian. Est. 1883. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 12,218 ; Refer- ence Department, 2,658; Boys' Library, 1,000 ; annual circulation, 66,634. Annual income £350 from penny rate, assisted by Andre uv Carnegie, Esq., £80 boing expended in books. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and 6 to 9 p.m. Closes on Wednesdays at 2 p.m. Edinburoh Public Library, George IV. Bridge : Hew Morrison, Librarian. Est. 1887. Number of volumes in Lending Department, 45,000 ; in Reference Depart- ment, 25,000 ; Boys' Library, 6,000 : total annual issue, 750,000. Annual income from j'ates £8,700, affording t2,200 for the purchase of literature. Open every weeli- day. Eloin Public Library, Town Hall : Miss Isabella Mitchell, Librarian. Est. 1891. Number of volumes, 4,150 ; annual issue, 62,682. Annual income from library rate, £150. Open on week-days only. Forfar Free Library : William Grant, Librarian. Est. 1870. Number of volumes, 9,500 ; annual issue, 12,728. About £135 is raised by the penny rate, £50 of which is expended in books. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Gal.\shiels Free Public Libr.ary. — Opened 1874. About 6,000 volumes. Supported by penny rate. Glasgow.— The Mitchell Library, 21, Miller street : F. T. Barrett, Libra- rian. Est. 1874, opened 1877. About 95,000 volumes ; annual issue, 450,000. Sup- ported by Trust Fund, supplemented by grants from Town Council. Special collections : Glasgow books, early Glasgow Printing, Burns, Scottish Poetry generally. Covenanting. A fine public Reference Library with Magazine Room provided witli current numbers of 320 selected periodicals of all classes. No Newsroom. The Public Libraries' Act has not been adopted in Glasgow. Total of readers about 2,000 daily. Grangemouth. Acts adopted 1887. Hawick Public Library : Mrs. M. L. Elliott, Librarian. Est. 1879. About 9,000 volumes ; annual issue from penny rate £250. Open on week-days only. Inverness Public Library and Rf.ading Room, Castle Wynd : S. F. Donaldson, Librarian. Est. 1883. Number of volumes, 6,200 ; annual cir- culation, 1,300. Annual income from rate £340, affording about £97 for the pur- i2,000 annually expended in books. Collections of Theological and Medical Works, and English State Papers. Open every week-day. Watkinson Library (43,870 vols.) MiDDLETOWN. — Berkely Divinity School. (21,000 vols.) Wesleyan University Library New Haven. — Yale College (185,000 vols). Young Men's Institute New Londox. — Public Library Norwich. — Otis Library Waterbtiry. — Silas Bronson Library (44,183 vols.) Delaicare. Dover. — Delaware State Library (21,000 vols.) Wilmington. — Wilmington Institute District of Columbia. Georgetown. — The Riggs Library of Georgetown Univ., West Washington : Rev. J. F. X. Mulvany, S.J., Lib- rarian. Est. 1789. Number of vols, in Central Lending Department, 70,000 ; Reference Department, 2,500 ; in six Branch Libraries, 7,000 ; Boys' Lib. , 10,000. Possesses the Shea Collection, 12,500 vols, of Historical and Indian matter; and the Evans collection of rare editions, 601 vols. Open on week- days 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. This Library represents 270 languages and dialects. Washington. — American Medical Association. Department of Agriculture Library (20,000 vols.) Department of Justice Library Dept. of State Lib. (50,000 vols. ) Department of the Interior Library Gonzaga College Library House of Representatives (125,000 vols.) Howard University : Miss Irene C. Tyler, Librarian. Est. 1868. Number of vols, in central and four branch libraries, 13,000, Aboutiil,000 annually spent in books. Special collections : Theology, Science, Anti-Slavery, and Race problem. Dcsidemtri: English Literature, Mythology, Folk-lore, Poli- tical Economy, and Social Questions generally. Open on week-days from 9 to 4-30. Library of Congress (659,843 vols.) Library of United States Weather Bureau : O. L. Fassig, Librarian. Est. 1870. 18,000 books and pamphlets, mostly relating to Meteorology, Mag- netism, and allied branches. About si, 500 annually expended in books. Accessible to anyone interested who is properly introduced. Open on week- days from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Navy Department Library Post Office Department Library Scientific Library of Patent Office (50,000 volumes). Signal Office, U.S. Army "Solicitor of the Treasury " Lib. Surgeon General's Office, U.S. Army (104,300 vols.) Treasury Department Library U.S. Bureau of Education Library (45,000 vols.) U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Office Library U.S. Geological Survey Library (30,414 vols.) U.S. Naval (Observatory Library U.S. Senate Library (72,502 vols.) War Department Lib. (30,000 vols. ) Florida. Milton. — Public Library, Santa Rosa Academy. Georgia. Athens. — University of Georgia Lib. (26,000 vols.) Atlanta.— State Lib. (45,000 vols.) Young Men's Library Columbus. — Public Library J PUBLIC LIBRARIES. 181 Macon. — Public Library & Historical Society Newnan. — College Temple Savannah. — Georgia Historical Soc. Illinoifi. Aurora. — Public Library Belleville. — Public Library Bloomington. — Library Association Carbondale. — Southern Illinois (State) Xormal University Champakjn. — University of Illinois Library : Prof. J. D. Crawford, Lib- rarian. Est. 1S6S. A Reference Lib. of 24,000 vols. Open on week-days from S a.m. to 5 p.m. Chicago. — Hammond Library of the Chicago Theological Seminary Historical Society (20,000 vols.) Law Institute (24,618 vols.) ^IcCormick Theological Seminary Public Library : Frederick H. Hill, Librarian. Est. 1872. Number of vols, in Central Library, 190,000 ; annual circulation, 2,115,386 ; thirty delivery stations. Annual income from tax £25,000, about £5,000 being ex- pended in books. Special Collections : Periodicals, Patents, Americana, Fine Arts. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., and on Sundays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Public School Libraries (19) (21,000 vols.) St. Ignatius College Library The Newberry Library. Est. 1887. Number of vols. 60,614, pamphlets 23,958. Rich in line bindings ; early editions of the Bible, Shakespeare, Dante, Cervantes. Theological Seminary Univ. of Chicago (380,000 vols.) Decatur. — Free Public Library Elgin. -^Public Library EvANSTON. — Free Public Library North Western University Library Gale,sburg. — Knox College Library Public Library J.'VCKSonville. — Illinois College Joliet. — Business College Lake Forest. — Lake Forest Univ. Monmouth. — ^Monmouth College Warren County Library & Reading Room Morgan Park. — Bajitist Union Theo- logical Seminary. (25,000 vols.) Mount Morris. — Cassel Library Mount Morris College (25,000 vols.) Mount Vernon. — Supreme Court Law Library Normal. — State Normal University Peorl\. — Public Library : E. S. Will- cox, Librarian. Est. 1880. .50,000 vols. ; annual circulation 119,860. Annual income siri,ooo. Open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Sunday 2 to 6 p.m. RocKFORD. — Public Library Rock Isl.\nd. — ^Augustana College and Theological .Seminary Public Library Springfield. — Illinois State Library : S. T. Hinrichsen, Librarian. Est. 1842. 49,000 vols. Annual income s2,.500, about .^'1,500 being expended in books. Open every week-day. Public Library Indiana. Bloomington. — Indiana University Crawfordsville. — ^ Wabash College Library (30,000 vols.) EvANSViLLE. — Willard Lil)rary Greencastle. — De Pauw University H.\NOVER. — Hairover College Indi.\napolis. — Indiana State Law Librarv. Indiana State Library (20,832 vols.) Public Library (oO,01o vols.) Laf.wette. — Public Library Notre Dame. — University of Notre Dame (45,000 vols.) Richmond. — Morrison Library St. Marv's. — St. Mary's Academy Institute St. Meinrad. — St. Meinrad's Abbey Librai-y. loica. Burlington. — Free Public Library Ced.\r Rapids. — Iowa Masonic Lib. Council Bluffs. — Free Public Lib. Davenport. — Davenport Lib. Assoc. Des Moines. — Iowa State Libi-ary (44,500 vols.) Public Library Dubuque. — Young Men's Library Fairfield. — Jefferson County Lib. Grinnell. — Iowa College Iowa City. — Iowa State University Library (27,257 vols.) State Historical Society of Iowa Keokuk. — Keokuk Library Assoc. Mount Vernon. — Cornell College Kansas. Atchison. — St. Benedict's College Lawrence.— University of Kansas Manhattan. — State Agricultural College Library 182 PUBLIC LIBRARIKS. ToPEKA.— Free Public Lib : Mrs. E. S. Lewis, Librarian. Est. 1876. No. of volumes, 12,000 : annual issue, 49,000. Annual income, from rates and endowment, •S5,.')00 about .*1,000 being .spent in books. Z>«sirferafei .- Bibliography, Electricity, and Kansas books. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Sundays, 3 to 6 p.m. Kansas State Historical Society Kansas State Lil^rary Kentucky. Danville. -Theological Seminary Lib. Frankfort. — Kentucky State Lib. : Mrs. M. B. R. Day, Librarian. About 85,000 vols., chiefly Law books. 81200 annually expended in books. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Georgetown. — College Library Lexington. — Kentucky University Lexington Library Association Louisville. — Library Association Polytechnic Society of Kentucky (SO.OOO vols.) Preston Park Theological Seminary Southern Baptist Theol. Seminary Richmond. — Central University Louimana. Baton RoucE.-Louisiana State Uni- versity and Agricultural and Mechani- cal College (20,000 vols.) Convent P. O. — Jefferson College New Orleans. — Camatz Institute Coll. of the Immaculate Conception Fisk Free Library Howard Memorial Library : Wm. Beer, Librarian. Est. 1889. A Re- frence Library of 20,000 vols.; annual issue 19,997. Annual income from endowment i£2,000, about £500 being expended in books. Special collec- tions : History of Louisiana, Fine Arts, Bibliography. Desiderata : Books on the same subjects. Open week-days and Sundays. Medical Library, Charity Hospital Public School and Lyceum Library State Library of Louisiana (41,000 vols.) Tulane University Library Maine. Augusta. — Maine State Library (40,000 vols.) Bangor.— Public Lib. (31,029 vols.) Theological Seminary Library, Penobscot County : G. J. H. Ropes, Librarian. Est. "l814. 18,000 vols. About £120 annually spent in books. Open on week-days from 6 to 6. Brunswick. — Bowdoin College Lib. (49,000 vols.) Lewiston. — Bates College Library Portland. — Mechanics' Library . Public Library (36,588 vols.) WATERViLLE.-Coiljy University Lib. : Edward W. Hall, Librarian. Est. 1820. 28,000 vols, and 10,000 pamph- lets. Collections of books on His- tory, English Literature, Astronomy, Natural Science. Open every week- day. Maryland. Annapolis. — Maryland State Library (100,000 vols.) United States Naval Academy lAh. : Arthur Newton Brown, Librarian. Est. 18.50. About 33,000 vols, of Marine Literature, Professional, Technical, and Historical ; Mathematics, &c. De.^idenita : Marine Literature, and important works of History, Bio- graphy, and Travel. About £400 is annually expended in books. Open on week-days from 9 a m. to 6 p.m. Baltimore. — Archbishop's Library Baltimore and Ohio Emjiloyt^s' Free Circulating Library City Library John Hopkins Univ. (55,000 vols.) Library Co. of the Baltimore Bar Loyola College (30,000 vols.) Maryland Academy of Sciences Maryland Historical Society Mai'yland Institute New Mercantile Lib. (32,000 vols. ) Oddfellows' Library Peabody Institute (110,000 vols.) St. Mary's Theological Seminary of St. Sulpice (26,000 vols.) The Enoch Pratt Free Library : Bernard C. Steiner, fh.d.. Librarian. Opened 1886. Over 80,000 vols, in Central Library, and 46,000 in five Branch Libraries ; total circulation 45:i,000. Annual income 850,000, about •820,000 being expended in books. Special Collections : Sets of Periodi- cals, American Biography, History, (ierman and Spanish Literature, .shakespeariana. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Mount St. Mary's. — College Library Woodstock. — College Library (75,000 vols.) Massachusetts. Abington. — Public Library AMHER.ST. — College Library (.56,000 vols.) Massachusetts Agricultural College Library PUBLIC LIBUARIES. 183 Andover. — Memorial Ha.ll Library Theological Seminary (48,763 vols.) Arlington. — Public Liltrary Barnstable. — Sturgis Library Beverly. — Public Library Boston. — American Academy of Arts and Sciences (22,000 vols.) American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions AtheuKum : W. C. Lane, Librarian. Est. 1806. Number of vols. 177,000 ; annual circulation 52,000. Special Collections ; (ien Washington, Byron, Art Books, and Photographs. Open on week-days from 9 to ; Sundays 12 to 6. Bar Assoc, of the City of Boston Boston Medical Library Association (21,565 vols.) Boston University (33,000 vols.) Bureau of Statistics of Labour College Library (20,055 vols. ) Congregational Lib. (30,181 vols.) General Theological Library Grand Lodge of Masons Library Society (29,451 vols.) Loring's Select Library Massachusetts Historical Society (36,000 vols.) Massachusetts Inst, of Technology (22,788 vols.) Medical Library Association New England Historical Genea- logical Society Library (22,263 vols.) Public Lib. : The staff' of Librarians numbers upwards of 200. Income from City funds £24,000 per aniuim. An immense new library building, forming one side of Copley Squaie,"has been erected at a cost of £800,000. Soc. of Natural Hist. (21,116 vols.) Social Law Library (25,000 vols. ) State Library of Massachusetts (73,324 vols.) Young Men's Christian Union Lib. Braintree. — Thayer Public Library Bridoewater. — Public Lil)rary Brockton. — Public Library Brookfield. — Merrick Public Lib. Brookline. — Public library Cambridge. — Harvard Univ. Library (292,000 vols.)— Divinity School Library (23,360 volumes) Law School (28,157 vols.) Museum of Compar. Zoology (21,989 vols.) Poroellian Club Public Library (34,000 vols.) Chelsea.— Fitx Pnblic Library Chicopee. — City Library Clinton. — Bigelow Free Pul)lic Lil>. Concord. ^Free Pul>lic Library Danvers. — Peal)ody Institute Lib. Uedham. — Public Library Easthampton. — Public Lib. Assoc. Fall River. — Public Lilirary FiTCHBURG. — Public Lib.: Prescott C. Rice, Librarian. Est. 1859. 28,ii00 vols.; annual circulation 52,000. An- nual income £1,400, affording £300 for the purchase of books. Open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Sundays 2 to 6 p.m. FRAMiNciHAM. — Towii Library Haverhill. — Puljlic Lib.: Edward Capen, Librarian. Est. 1873. 52,400 vols.; annual issue, 62,.533. Annual income from endowments £960. Open on week-days only. HiNGHAM. — Public Library HoLYOKE. — Public Libraiy Ipswich. — Public Library Lancaster. — Town Lib.: Katherine M. Marvin, Librarian. Est. 1862. Number of volumes, 23,365 ; annual circulation, 11,805. Annual income £385, affording £230 for the purchase of books. Open every week-day. LAWRENCE.-Public Lib. (33,962 vols.) Lenox. — Lenox Library Leominster. — Public Library Lexington. — Gary Library Lowell. — City Library : Frederick A. Chase, Librarian. Est. 1844. .50,00(1 vols.; annual circulation, 115,000. Annual income .'?12,000, about .^,0U0 being expended in books. Open on w eek-day.s from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Middlesex Mechanics' Association : A. L. Sargent, Librarian. Est. 1825. 27,000 vols. About £100 annually expended in books. Open on week- days from 10 a.7n to 9 p.m. LYNN.-Free Public Lib. (44,821 vols.) Malden. — Public Library Marblehead. — AV)bott Public Lil). Marlboro. — Public Lil)rary Medford. — Public Library Melrose. — Pu])lic Liljrary Methuen. — Nevin's Memorial Lil). MiLFORD. — Town Library Milton. — Public Liljrary Natick. — Morse Institute New Bedford.— Free Public Library : Robert C. Ingiahani, liibrarian. Est. 1852. Over 60,000 volumes. About .•*7,000 annually expended in books. Ihxidcralii, : Local History, Genealogy, and " Friends" books. Open on week- days from 9 to 9 ; Sundays, 1 to 0. 184 PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Newburyport. —Public Li)jrary (28,077 vols.) Newton. — Free Library (34,730 vols. ) Newton Center. — Newton Theo- logical Institute North Adaim.s. — Publio Library Northampton. — Public Library (24,000 vols.) North Easton. — Ames Free Library Peabody. — Peabody Institute Lib. (30,07.5 vols.) Pittsfield. — Berkshire Athena'uni Plymouth. — Public Library QuiNCY. — Thomas Crane Public Lib. Randolph. — Turner Free Library Reading. — Public Liln-ary Rockland. — Public Library Salem. — Athen;cum (20,000 vols.) Essex Institute: Charles S. Osgood, Librarian. Est. 1848. About 60,000 vols., including an Art Library of 900 vols.; China Library of 700 vols.; Essex Co. Library of 1,300 vols., and 4,200 pamphlets. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Institute is an historical and scientific Society, the books circulating only among its members. Puljlic Library : Gardner Maynard Jones, Librarian. Est. 1889. 25,.500 vols.; annual issue, 106,142. About !|?2,100 annually expended in books. Heading Room open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. ; Sundays, 2 to 8. SoMERViLLE. — Public Library South Boston. — Perkins Inst, and Massachusetts School for the Blind. Southbridgb. — Public Library South Hadley. — Mount Holyoke Seminary and College Library South Sudbury. — (4oodnow Library Springfield.— City Library Assoc. (79,218 vols.) Taunton. — Public Library : E. C. Arnold, Librarian. Est. 1866. 36,000 vols. About ??2,400 is annually ex- pended in books. Open every week- day. Tufts College. — Tufts College Lib. (27,884 vols.) Wakefield. — Beebe Town Library Waltham. — Public Library Watertown. — Free Public Library Wayland. — Free Pulilic Library Wellesley. — Coll. Lib. (30,321 vols.) Westfield. — Athenajuni Weymouth. — Tufts Library Williamstown. — Williams Coll. Lib. (31,000 vols.) WoBURN.— Public Lib. (29,488 vols.) Worce.ster. — American Antiquarian Society : Edmund M. Barton, Libra- rian. Est. 1812. About 95,000 vols. Special Collections : Early Americana, early MSS., Spanish-American, Gene- alogy, &c. Open every week-day. Clark University Coll. of the Holy Cross (20,970 vols. ) County Mechanics' Assoc. Library County Musical Association District Medical Library Free Public Library (85,674 vols.) Worcester Society of Antiquity Michiijan. Agricultural College. — Michigan Agricultural College Library Albion. — College Library Alma. — Alma College Ann Arbor. — University of Michigan General Library (77,705 vols.) Battle Creek. — Public School Lib. Bay City. — Public LiJjrary Detroit. — Detroit Bar Lib. Assoc. Free Public Library : H. M. Utley, Lilirarian. Est. 1865. About 120,000 vols.; annual issue, 600,000. Annual income from City tax, £10,000, affording .t4,(l00 for the purchase of books. Collections of Periodicals, Society Publications, Americana, Civil War, Slavei'y, &c. Desiderata : idem. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Sundays, 2 to 9 p.m. East SA(iiNAW. — Public Library C4rand Rapids. — Public School Lib.: Lucy Ball, Librarian. E.st. 1871. About 26,000 vols. ; annual circulation, 147,552. $3,000 to .•*4,000 annually expended in books. Open on week- days from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Sundays, 1 to 6 p.m. Holland. — Hope College Van Vleck Hall Library Houghton. — Michigan Mining School Library Jackson. — Free Public Library Kalamazoo. — Public Library Lansing. — State Board of Health State Library : Mary C. Spencer, Librarian. Est. 1828. About 65,000 vols., comprising Law, Documents from other States, and General Litera- ture. About •?4,000 annually expended in books. A Free Reference Library open on week-days from 8 to 5. Muskegon. — Hackley Public Library Olivet. — College Library West Bay City. — Sage Public Lib. Ypsilanti. — Michigan State Normal School PUBLIC LIHKAUIKS. 185 Miimesofa. CoLLEUEViLLE. — St. John's Univ. MiNXE.vPOLis. — Public Library (49,000 vols.) Univ. of Minnesota General Lil). NoRTHFiELD. — Carleton College St. Paul. — Minnesota Historical Society (20,970 vols.) Public Library (30,274 vols.) State Law Library (20,079 vols.) Jackson. — Mississippi State Library (00,000 vols.) University. — Univ. of Mississippi Library Missouri. Cape GiRARDEAU.-St. Vincent's Coll. Columbia. — University of Missouri Library (20,000 voLs.) Glasoow. — Lewis Library Jefferson City. — Missouri State Library (20,000 vols.) Kansas City. — Public Library St. Louis. — Academy of Science Christian Brothers' College Law Library Association Mercantile Lib. : Horace Kephart, Librarian. Est. 1847. 85,000 vols.; annual circulation, 219,346. About !?3,500 annually expended in books. Collections of Works relating to Mis- .souri, Louisiana, and "The West." Desiderata : idem. Open every week- day. Public Lib. : Frederick M. Grunden, Librarian. list. 1865. Number of vols, in Central Lending Department, 60,000 ; Reference Department, 30,000 ; Branch Library, 17,00(t; Boys' Library, 5,000 ; total annual circulation, 325,000. Annual income sl9,000, affording .'?5,000 for tlie purchase (if books. Collections of Medical, Technological, and Ju- venile books. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. ; Sundays, 2 to 9. University Library. Founded 1829. 30,000 vols, and 3,000 vols, for the use of Students. A Repository of United States Government Documents. Springfield. — Drury College Library Moniaiia. Helena. — Public Library Nebraska. Lincoln. — Nebraska State Library Public Librai-y University of Nebraska Omaha.— Public Lib. (36,235 vols.) Nevada. Carson City.— Nevada State Lil)rary Neiv Hampshire. Concord. -N. H. Historical Society New Hampshire State Lib. : Arthur R. Kimbull, Librarian. Est. circa ISIS. A Reference Library of 35,000 vols. About •S'3,000 annually expended in books. Collections : Court Reports — American (complete), Canadian, I'lniilisli, Irish, Hawaiian ; Laws and liCi^islative Documents of American States. Desiderata : New Hampshire LocalHistory and early official reports. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Librarian remarks that the State Library is the lieput through which State I'ublications are sold or distributed outside the State. Public Library UovER. — Public Library Great Falls. — Manufacturers' aiul Village Library Hanover. — Dartmouth College Lil). (75,000 vols.) Manchester. -City Lib. (32,923 vols.) Nashua. — Public Library Portsmouth. — Athenaaum Free Public Library New Jersey. BuRLiNOTON. — Librai-y Coniijany of Burlington Jersey City. — Free Public Library M.\DisoN.— Drew Theol. Seminary: L. G. Ayres, Lilirariau. Est. 1866. Collections of Methodistica, Manu- scripts, Hymnology. Desiderata : Trac- tarian Movement, Evangelical Revival, Theology in general. Open to mem- bers every week-day. MoRRiSTO WN. — Morristown Library Newark. — Free Public Library (31,188 vols.) Library Association (27,523 vols.) New Jersey Historical Society New Brunswick. — Rutgers College Library (27,.568 vols.) Sage Library Theological Seminary (41,500 vols.) Paterson. — Free Public Library Plain FIELD. — Public Library and Reading Room Princeton. — College of New Jersey Library (84,221 vols.) Lib. of the Theological Seminary : Rev. J. H. Dulles, a.m.. Librarian. Est. 1812. 54,700 vols. About £.300 annually expended in books. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 186 PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Rahvvay. — Library Association Salem. — Library Company Trenton. — New Jersey State Lib. (38,580 vols.) Neiv York. Albany. — New York State Library (157,114 vols.) New York State Law Library (45,982 vols.) Young Men's Association Library (21,000 vols.) Alfred Center. — Alfred Univ. Lib. Auburn. — Seymour Library Theological Seminary BiNGHAMTON. — Central High School (64,241 vols.) Brooklyn. — Brooklyn Library (113,251 vols.) Free Lending Library of the Union for Christian Work (20,749 vols.) Institute of Arts and Sciences Law Lil)rary of second judicial district and in Brooklyn (2) Long Island Historical Society : Emma Toedteberg, Librarian. Est. 1863. A Reference Library of 48,000 vols. Collections of Local History and Family Genealogy, American Bio- graphy, &c. Open on week-days from 8-30 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. Pratt Institute Lib. (40,000 vols. ) Public School Lib. , eastern district (20,500 vols.) Y.M.C.A. Library, 52, Fulton-st.: Silas H. Berry, Librarian. Est. 1854. Six Branch Libraries. Over 19,000 vols.: annual circulation 42,325. An- nual income 84,000, afltording -SCOO for the purchase of books. Collections : Works on Political Science, Mechanical Trades, Periodical sets. Desiderata : Sets of all Periodicals indexed in Poole. Open on week-days from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays 2 to 8 p.m. Buffalo.— BufiFalo Lib. (66,786 vols.) Historical Society Canisius College Library Grosvenor Public Lib. (35,000 vols.) Canton. — St. Lawrence University Theological School Clinton. -Hamilton College (35,000 vols ) Corning. — Library Association FoRDHAM. — St. John's College (36,000 vols.) Geneseo. — Wadsworth Library Geneva. — Hobart College Library (25,556 vols.) Gloversville. — Free Library Hamilton. — Colgate University HoRNELLSViLLE. — Honiell Free Lib. Ithaca. — Cornell Library Association Cornell University Library : Geo. William Harris, Librarian. Est. 1868. 133,000 vols. Annual income £5,600, of which £3,200 is expended in litera- ture. Special collections : European and American History, Philosophy, Classical Philology, French and Ger- man Literature, Technology, Science. Open on week-days from 8 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. A Reference Library free to all who wish to use it. Jamestown. -James Prendergast Free Library Newburgh. — Free Library : Charles Estabrook, Librarian. Est. about 1852 About 19,000 vols. ; annual issue 70,000. About .$1,000 annually expended in books. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. New York. — Academy of Medicine (30,000 vols.) Academy of Sciences Aguilar Free Library American Geographical Society American Institute Library American Museum of Natural Hist. (23,000 vols.) American Soc. of Civil Engineers Apprentices' Lib. (90,374: vols. ) Association of the Bar (40,000 vols. ) Astor Library ("238,946 vols.) Catholic Club of the City of N. Y. Century Club Library College of St. Francis Xavier (30,000 vols.) Columbia Coll. Lib. (135,000 vols.) Cooper Union Lib. (31,873 vols.) Free Circulating Lib. (58,000 vols.) General Theological Seminary oif the P.E. Church (21,026 vols.) Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. Library Harlem Library Harmonia Club Library Historical Society (75,000 vols.) Hospital Library (20,000 vols.) Law Institute (40,691 vols.) Law Library of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, 120, Broadway : Thomas Campbell, Librarian. Est. 1876. Open on week-days from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Lenox Library (65,000 vols.) Library of the College of the City of New York, Lexington Avenue and Twenty-Third-st : Charles G. Herber- niann, ph.d., Librarian. Est. 1852. Over 27,000 vols. About £323 an- nually expended in books. Open every week-day. PUBLIC LIBRAKIRS. 187 New York — continued. Maimonides Library (33,090 vols.) Mercantile Library : W. T. Peoples, Librarian. Est. 1820. Number of vols, in Central Lending Dept., KiS.OlS; Reference Department, 49,000 ; two branch libraries, 2i,000 : total annual circulation, 169,627. From .^,000 to sio.ooo annually expended in books. Possesses the Tomlinson Collection of M8S. and papers relating to the American Revolution. Open on week- days from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. N.Y. Society Library (90,000 vols.) Union Theological Seminary Lib. (67,089 vols.) University of City of New York University Clnb Library Young Men's Christian Association Young Women's Christian Assoc. Oswego. — City Library PoiKiHKEEPSiE. — City Library Vassar College Library RocHE,sTER. — Central Library Court of Appeals Library of the University : H. K. Pliinney, Assistant Librarian. Est. 1850. 28,000 vols. Open every week- day. Reynolds Library (22,77-4 vols.) Theological Seminary Library : Rev. Prof. Howard Osgood, d.p., Librarian. Est. 1850. Number of vols, in Lending Department, 23,000 ; Reference De- partment, 4,000. Annual income from endowment £600, about £400 being expended in books. Open every week-day. Schenectady. — Union College Lib. Sing Sing. — Mount Pleasant Military Academy State Prison Library SYRACUSE.-Central Lib. (22,274 vols.) Court of Appeals Library University Library (40,164 vols.) Troy. — Young Men's Association Utica. — City Library School District Library West Point.— United States Military Academy (33,000 vols.) Yonkers. — Public Library North Carolina. Chapel Hill.— University of North Carolina (30,000 vols.) Davidson. — Union Library, Davidson College Raleigh. — North Carolina State Lib. Supreme Court Library Wake Forest. —College Library Ohio. Akron. — Public Lil>rary Athens. — Ohio Univ. Joint Library Chillu'othe. — Public Library Cincinnati. — Hebrew Union College Hist. & Philosophical Soc. of Ohio Lane Seminary Library Law Library Public Library (156,673 vols.) St. Xavier College Library Young Men's Mercantile Lib. Assoc. (60,000 vols.) Cleveland. — Adelbert College Lib. (25,000 vols ) Case Library (30,000 vols.) Law Liljrary Association Public Library (66,920 vols.) Western Reserve Historical Soc. Columbus. — Ohio State Library (63,.500 vols.) Ohio State University Library Public Library and Reading Room Public School Library St. Joseph's Cathedral Library State Law Library Dayton. — Public Lib. : Miss Minta I. Dryden, Libi-arian. Est. 1847. Number of vols, in Lending Depart- ment, 27,000 ; Reference Department, 5,000. About si, .500 annually expended in books. Open every weekday. Delaware. — Ohio Wesleyan Univ. Elyrta. — Elyria Library Fremont. — Birchard Library Gambier. — Kenyon College Library (20,000 vols.) Theological Library, Bexley Hall (21,000 vols.) HiLLSBORO. — Public Lil)rary Lebanon. — National Normal Univer- sity Library Marietta. — College Library (46,000 vols.) Alpha Kappa Society Oberlin.— (JoUege Lib. (24,159 vols.) Oxford. — Miami University Portsmouth. — Public Library SpriN(!FIELD. — Public Library Wittenberg College Library Toledo.— Public Lib. (31,872 vols.) Wooster. — University of Wooster Zanesvillk — Athena'um Oreyon. Portland. — Lib. Assoc, of Portland Salem.— Oregon State Library Willamette University 188 PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Pennsylvania. Allegheny. — Public School Library Wesleyaii Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian Church (25,000 vols.) Allentown. — Muhlenberg College Altooxa. — Mechanics' Library and Reading Room Association Beatty. — St. Vincent Library (40,000 vols.) Bryn Mawr.— College Library Carllsle. — Dickinson College Lib. Belles Lettres Library Union Philosophical Library Easton. — Lafayette College Library Germantown. — Friends' Free Lib. and Reading Room Gettysburg. — Library of Theologi- cal Seminary, Evangelical Lutheran Church, General Synod Pennsylvania College Liln\ary Harrisburg. — State Lib. of Pennsyl- vania : William Henry Egle, m.d.. Librarian. Est. 1777. A Reference Library of 98,000 vols. 86,000 annually expended in books. Open on week- days only from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Young Men's Christian Association Hatboro. — Union Library Company Haverford. — College Library (•28,000 vols.) Lancaster. — Mechanics' Library Theological Seminary of Reformed Church Young Men's Christian Association Leb.'VNON. — Normal University Lib. Lewisburg. — Bucknell Univ. Lib. Lincoln UNiVERSiTV.-Univ. Library Meadville. — Allegheny Coll. Lib. Theological School (23,000 vols.) OvERBRooK. — Seminary of St. Charles Borromeo (22,000 vols.) Philadelphia. — Acad, of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (33,000 vols.) American Baj^tist Historical Soc. American Philosophical Society (45,000 vols.) Apprentices' Library AtheniTJum (35,000 vols.) Carpenters' Company Library City Institute College of Physicians of Philadel- phia : Charles Perry Fisher, Libiarian. Est. 1787. 46,000 vols. About £300 is annually expended in books. Strictly a Medical collection, or works per- taining thereto. Open on week-days from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Divinity School (Protestant Epis- copal) Philadelphia — continued. Franklin Institute Library: Alfred Rigling, Librarian. Est. 1824. 38,000 vols, and 23,000 pamphlets. Special collections : Electricity, Chemistry, Metallui-gy, Patent Reports of all countries. Open every week-day. Friends' Library German Society of Pennsylvania (22,000 vols.) Girard College Grand Lodge of Pa. F.A. A. Masons Hahnemann Medical College Historical Society of Pennsylvania (28,162 vols.) La Salle College Law Association of Philadelphia (.52,000 vols.) Library Association of Friends Library Company of Philadelphia (165,487 vols.) Mercantile Library Company (166,000 vols.) Mutual Library Co. (43,400 vols.) Oddfellows' Library Pennsylvania Hospital Medical Lib. Presbyterian Historical Society St. Vincent's Seminary Spring Garden Institute Teachers' Institute Theological Seminary, Mount Airy Univ. of Pennsylvania : Gregory B. Keen, Librarian. Est. 1749. A Free Public Library of Reference, contain- ing 110,000 vols. Open on week-days from 8-30 a.m. to 5-30 p.m. Wagner Free Institute of Science, Seventeenth and Montgomery Avenue : Thomas L. Montgomery, Librarian. Est. 1864. A Reference Library of 7,900 vols., chiefly on Natural Science. About £200 annually spent in books. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Pittsburg. — Allegheny County Law Library (15,000 vols.) Library Association South Bethlehem. — Lehigh Univ. Library : William Henry Chandler, Librarian. Est. 1878. A Free Public Reference Library containing 93,000 vols. Annual income from University Fund, £5,000, affording £3,500 for the purchase of books. Open on week- days from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays 1 to 9 p.m. Swarthmore. — College Library Washington. — Washington & Jeffer- son College PUBLIC LIBRARIES. 189 Rhode Island. Bristol. — Rogers Fi-ee Libraiy Newport. — People's Lilirary Redwood Library and Atheiiceum : Richard Bliss, Librarian. Est. 1747. 37,500 vols. ; annual circulation ca. 11,200. Annual income €844, about £170 being' available for the purchase of books. Oollection.s of Portraits and Historical Antiquities. Open every week-day. Pawtucket. — Free Public Library Providence. — Atheiueum BroM'ii University Library Franklin Lyceum Public Library (51,712 vols.) Rhode Island Medical Society State Law Library Wooxsocket. — Harris Institute Lib. South Carolina. Charleston. — College of Charleston Library Society CLINTOX.-Thornwell Orphanage Lib. : Rev. William Palmer .Jacobs, d.b.. Librarian. Est. 1875. Nearly .'5,000 vols. Collections of books on Short- hand, Travels, History. Open every week-day. Columbia. — Smyth Library and Semi- nary Library (22,000 vols.) South Carolina College (27,000 vols. ) State Library (36,000 vols.) Spartanburg. — WofFord College Tennensee. KxoxviLLE. — Lawson McGhee Me- morial Libiary M.4RYVILLE. — IMary ville College Memphis. — Bar and Law Library Association Nashville. — Tennessee State Lib. University of Nashville, Peabody Normal College Vanderbilt University Library Sewanee. — University of the South Library (27,574 vols.) TuscuLUM. -Greenville and Tusculum College Texas. Austin. — Supreme Court Library Galveston. — Public Library Utah. Salt Lake City. — Masonic Public Library Pioneer Library Association University of Utah Vermont. Brattleboro. —Free Library Burlington. — Fletcher Free Library University of Vermont and State Agricultural College Library LuNENBURCi. — Cuttings Library MiDDLEBURY. — College Library Montpelier. — Vermont State Lib. St. Johnsbury. — Athentuum Vergennes. — Vergennes Li])rary Woodstock. — Norman Williams Public Library Virginia. AsHL.\ND. — Randolph Macon College Library. E.mory. — Emory and Henry College Hampden SiDXEY.-Union Theological Seminary Lexington. — Franklin Society and Library Company State Library, Virginia Military Institute Washington and Lee University Library (25,000 vols ) RicJiMOND. — College Library State Law Library Virginia Historical Society Virginia State Library : Charles Poindexter, Librarian. 40,000 vols, and a Law Library of 11,000 vols. Special Collections : U.S. and Virginia His- tory and Politics. Desiderata .- Ameri- can History and Biography. Open on week-days from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. S.\LEM. — Roanoke College Library Theologic-vl Seminary. — Protestant Episcopal Theological .Seminary Lib. University St.\tion. — University of Virginia (45,000 vols.) WaHhincjton. Olympi.*.. — Washington State Librarj' Tacoma. — Mason Public Library West Virginia. Wheeling. — Public Library Wisconsin. Appleton. — Lawrence University, Appleton Lil)rary Beloit.— College Library Fond du Lac. — Pul)lic Library La Crosse. — Public Library 190 PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Madison. — Free Library Lib. of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin : Isaac S. Bradley, Lib- rarian. Est. 1857. 155,000 books anil pamphlets for reference only, free. Annual income from the State 812,000, allowing §4,000 for the purchase of literature. Open on week-days only. University of Wisconsin Library (22,800 vols.) Wisconsin State Library : John R. Berryraan, Librarian. Est. 1836. A Reference Library of 25,820 vols., chiefly Law books. Open on week- days from 9 am. to 5-30 p.m. Milwaukee. — Marquette College Library Public Library Nashotaii.— Nashotah House Theo- logical .Seminary Racine. — College Library St. Franci.s. — Provincial Seminary of St. Francis of Sales Cheyenne. • Library Wyominrj. - Wyoming State Law CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. Arijenfina. Buenos Ayres. — Argentine Geo- graphical Institute Argentine Scientific Society Biblioteca Nacional Biblioteca Provincial Biblioteca de la Universidad Club de Residentes Estrangeros English Literary Society Medical Faculty Lib. and Museum Typographical Society Young Men's Christian Association Catamarca. — Free Library Cordoba. — Biblioteca de la Univer- sidad Geographical Institute National Academy of Science Corrientes. — Free Library QuiLMES. — Free Library RoJAS. — Free Library S.\N Fernando. — Free Library TucuMAN. — Club Library National Lilirary Brazil. Amparo. — Literary Society Baiiia. — Historical and Geographical Institute Provincial Library EspiKiTO Santo. — Provincial Library Maceo. — Archreological Listitute Provincial Library Maranhao. — Public Library Pernambuco. — Archajological and Geographical Institute Provincial Library Rio de Janeiro. — Acad, of Fine Art American Library Biblioteca da Escola Militar Rio de 'Janerio — continued. Biblioteca da Escola Polytechnica Biblioteca da Faculdade de Medi- cina Biblioteca Fluminense Biblioteca de la Gabinete Portu- guez de Leitura Biblioteca da Germania Biblioteca Nacional British Subscription Library Institutio Nacional de Musica Monastery of St. Benedict Observatorio do Rio de Janeiro Sociedad de Geographico do Rio Santa Catalina. — Provincial Lib. S.\o Paulo. — Popular Library British Guiana. Georgetown. — Queen's College Lib. Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society : J. Rod way, f.l.s., Libi-arian. 18,000 volumes ; annual issue, 24,000. Annual income tl,200, allowing £120 for the purchase of books. Desiderata : Books on Guiana. Open on week- days from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sundays, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. A Museum in connec- tion contains Natural History speci- mens collected in the Colony. Young Men's Christian Association New Amsterdam. — Berbice Reading Society Chili. Inqique. — The English Club Santiago. — Agricultural Society Lib. Biblioteca Nacional Biblioteca de la Universidad Escuela Militar Library Listituto Nacional PUBLIC LIBRAKIES. 191 Valparaiso. — Bihlioteca Puhlica Escuela Naval The English Club Valparaiso Club U. S. Colombia. Bogota. -Chemistry & Mineralogy Lib. Public Library University Library Panama. — Club International Ecuador. Quito. — Biblioteca Nacional University Library Guatemala. Guatemala Nueva. — College Library Honduras. Belize. — The Colonial Club Mexico. Guadalajara. -Biblioteca del Estado Mexico (City of). — Anglo-American Club. Biblioteca de la Escuela de Juris- prudencia Biblioteca de la Escuela Prepara- toria Biblioteca Nacional Oax.\ca. — Biblioteca del Estado PuEBLA. — Bil)lioteca Lafragua Biblioteca Palafoxiana San Luis Potose. — Biblioteca del Institutio Literaris Vera Cruz. — Biblioteca del Pueblo Zacatecas. — Biblioteca del Estado Paraguay. Asuncion. —Biblioteca Nacional College Nacional Peru. Arequipa. — Astronomico "Havard " Biblioteca de la Universidad Cu/.co. — Universidad del Cuzco Lima. — Biblioteca Nacional Museo Municipal Library Phienix Club Sociedad (Teognifica Sociedad de Preceptores Universidad Mayor de San Marcos Uruguay. Fray Bentos.— Lib. & Reading Room MoNTE Video. — Art and Science Soc. Biblioteca Nacional Military Athen;eum Musical Association Philological Society The English Club Uruguayan Athenajum Venezuela. Caraccas. — Biblioteca Nacional College of Engineers College of Physicians Department of Public Instruction Polytechnic School Maracaibo. — The University Merida. — University Library Valencia. — The University WEST INDIES. Bahamas. Grand Turk. — Public Library New Providence — Public Library Reading Room of Victoria Hotel Bermudas. Hamilton. — Public Library Reading and Recreation Rooms Pembroke. — Friendly Assoc. Library Cuba. Havana. — Biblioteca Publica Economic and Educational Society University Library Hayti. Port au Prince. — Lyceum Library Jamaica. Kingston. — Institute of Jamaica : Frank Cundall, Librarian. Est. 1879. Legislative Council Library Kingston — continued. Medical Department Library Teachers' Association Victoria Institute Spanish Town. — St. Catherine's Inst. St. Jago Literary Association : K. H. Aamond Laidley, Librarian. Leeward Islands. St. John's (Anii(jua). -Coke Coll. Lil)- Public Library : Joseph T. Thibou, Hon. Secretary. Est. 1S54. Over 8,000 volumes. Charlestown (Neris) Pul)lic Library Windward Islands. Bridgetown (Barbados) Public Lib. (Grenada.— St. (Jeorge's Public Lib. St. George's Law Library Port of Spain (Trinidad) Public Lib. RosE.\u (Dominica) Reading Room 192 PUBLIC LIBRARIES. AFRICA. Gape Colony. Aliwai^ North. — Book Society Barkly East. — Public Li):)ri:iry Beaufort West. — Public Lil>rary Bedford. — Pulilic Library Bkedasdorp. — Public Library Calvinia. — Public Library Cape Town. — Incorporated Law Society Library Library of the House of Assembly South African Public Library South African Philosophical Society South African University Library Young Men's Christian Association Carnarvon. — Public Library Cathcart. — Public Library Clan william. — Public Library CoLESBERG. — Public Library East London East. — Public Library East London West. — Public Library Fraserburg. — Public Library Georgetown. — Public Library Graaff Reinet. — Public Library Grahamsto wn. — Public Library HuMANSDORP. — Public Library Kimberley — Public Library King William's Town. — Public Lib. Knysna. — Public Library Komgha. — Public Library Ladysmith. — Public Library LovEDALE. — Public Libraiy Malmesbury. — Public Library MiDDELBURG. — Puljlic Library Montagu. — Public Library MossEL Bay. — Public Library OuDTSHOORN. — Public Library Temperance Society Library PiQUELBERG. — Publlc Library Port Elizabeth. — Public Library Young Men's Christian Association Port Nolloth. — Public Library QuEENSTOWN. — Public Library Richmond. — Public Library RiVERSDALE. — Public Library Robertson. — Pul)lic Library Somerset West. — Public Library Stellenbosch. — Public Library Sutherland. — Public Library Swellendan. — Public Library Tarkastadt. — Public Library Tulbagh. — Public Library Uitenhage. — Public Library Victoria West. — Public Library Willowmore. — Public Library Mauritius. Port Louis. — Municipal Library Royal College Liljrary Natal. Durban. — Athen;fum Club Library Public Library Estcourt. — Public Library Newcastle. — Public Librai-y PlETERMARITZBURG.-Free Pul)lic Lib. Natal Society Library Young Men's Christian Association PiNETOWN. — Public Library PoLELA. — Public Library Richmond. — Public Library STAN(iER. — ^Public Library Verulam. — Public Library North Africa. ALEXANDRiA.-Bibliotheque Publique Algiers. — Bibliotheque et Mus6e Cairo. — Bibliotheque de I'lnstitut Egyptien - Bibliotheque Kh^diviale Bibliotheque de la Socii^te G6o- graphique St. Helena. Jamestown. — Public Library I PUBLIC LIBRARIES. 193 ASIA. BURMAH. Rangoon.— Bernard Free Library | Literary Society Library CEYLON. AviSAWELLA. — Reading Room & Lib. Batticaloa. — The Library Young Men's Improvement Society Colombo. — Ceylon Law Library Ceylon Medical Library Museum Library : Gerard A. Joseph, Acting Librarian. Est. 1877. Sup- ported by the Ceylon Government. About £200 is spent in book.s annually. Open on week-days (Fridays excepted) from 10a.m. to 6 p.m., and on Sundays from 3 to 6 p.m. Royal College Library The Ceylon Branch of the Royal A.siatic Society, Colombo Museum. H. C. P. Bell, C.C.S., Archeological Commissioner, and John Harward, II. A., Oxon., Principal Royal College, Hon. Sees. ; Gerard A. Joseph, Acting Librarian. Est. 1845. Open on week- days (Fridays excepted) from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sundays 3 to 6 p.m. Young Men's Christian Association Galle. — Reading Room Young Men's Christian Association Hambantota.— Reading Room & Lib. Hattox. — Reading Room andLiljrary Jaffna.— The Library Young Men's Christian Association Kandy. — Central Town Library Oriental Library Trinity College Literary Associa- tion Library United Service Library Kegalla. — Reading Room & Library KuRUNEGALA.— Reading Room & Lib. Matale. — Reading Room & Library Matara. — Reading Room & Library Maunar. — Reading Room & Library MoRUTUWA.— Reading Room & Lib. Negombo.— Reading Room& Library NuwARA Eliya. — Reading Room and Library RuTNAPURA. — Reading Room & Lib. Trincomalee. — Pettah Library CHINA. Shanghai. — Subscription Library Victoria (Hong ^on.7). -Museum and Library, City Hall Victoria — continued. Literary Club Royal Asiatic Society INDIA. Agra. — College Library Allahabad.— Anglo-Indian & Eura- sian Association Mechanics' Institute and Railway Library Station Public Library University Library Bangalore. -Literary Union, Mysore Province : T. Krishna Rao, Librarian. Est. 1874. About 1,000 vols. Annual income Rs.800. Open week-days and Sundays Bhuj {Kutch). — Fergusson Museum and Library Black Town (Madras). — Native Library and Reading Room Medical College Lil)rary Bombay. — Anthropological Society Library, Apollo street Asiatic Society lyibrary Bar Library, High Court Catholic Library liotheque Universitaire Dole (/M7-a). -Bibliotheque de la Ville DouAi (iVorcJ). -Bibliotheque Publique Grenoble (Isere). -Bibl. Universitaire Bibliotheque de la Ville La Rochelle [Char ente- Inf.) — Bibl. Publique Le Havre [Seine-Inf.) — Bibliotheque de la Ville Le Mans [Sarthe). — Bibl. de la Ville Lille [Nord). — Bibl. Universitaire Bibliotheque de la Ville Lyon (i?Ad/ie). -Bibliotheque du Palais des Arts Bibliotheque Universitaire Bibliotheque de la Ville Marseille [Bouches du Rhone). — Bibliotheque Communale Bibl. de la Faculty des Sciences MoNTPELLiER (ZreVa;f^<)-Bibliotheque de TEcole de Medecine Bibliotheque Municipale Bibliotheque Universitaire Nancy ( Meurthe - et - Mos. ) — Biblio- theque Publique Bibliotheque Universitaire Nantes [Loire-Inf). — Bibl. Publique Nice [Alpen-Mar.). — Bibl. de la Ville NiMES (G^«?-c?). -Bibliotheque Publique Orleans [Loiret).—^ih\. Publique Paris. — Archives Nationales, Rue des Francs-Bourgeois, 60 Bibliotheque de I'Arsenal Bibl. de la Chambre des Deputes Bibl. du Conservatoire Nationale des Arts et M6tiers Bibl. du Conservatoire Nationale de Musique Bibliotheque du Conseil d'Etat Bibliotheque de la Cour de Cassation Bibliotheque du Depot des Cartes Bibliotheque du Depot de la Guerre Bibliotheque de I'Ecole Nationale et Speciale des Beaiix-Arts Bibliotheque de I'Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees Bibl. de I'Ecole de Pharmacie Bibl. de I'Ecole Polytechnique PUBLIC LIBRARIES. 199 Paris. — continued. Biblioth^que cle la Faculty de Droit Bibl. de la Faculte de Medecine Bibliotheque de I'lnstitut Bil)liotheque Mazarine Bibliotheque du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres Bibl. du Ministere des Finances Bibliotheque du Ministers de I'Instruction Publique Bibl. du Ministere du Commerce Bibl. du Ministers de la Marine Bibl. du Ministere des Travaux Publique Bibliotheque Municipale du P, 2^, 3e, etc., jusqu'au 20 airondissement, k la Mairie de rarrondissement respectif . Bibliotheque du Museum d'Histoire Natuielle Bibliotheque Nationale {a) D6partement des imprimes {b) D6partement des imprimes, section des cartes et collections geographiques (c) D^partement des manuscrits (d) D^partement des medailles et antiques (e) D^partement des estampes The Bibliotheque Nationale con- tains 2,500,000 printed books ; 92,000 MSS. ; 144,000 medals and coins ; 2,000,000 prints, &c., kept in 14,500 volumes and 4,000 portfolios ; in the Galerie de la R(5serve are preserved 80,000 of the most precious volumes. Paris — continued. Bibliotheque Polonaise Bibl. de la Prefecture de la Seine Bibliotht!(^ue Sainte-Genevieve Bibliotheque du Senat Bibliotheque de la Sorbonue Bibl. Historique de la Ville, Hotel Carnavalet, Rue St^vign^, 23 Poitiers {Vienne). — Bibliotheque de la Ville Bibliotheque Universitaire QuiJMPER (Finistire). — Bibl. Publi(][ue Reims (Marne). — Bibl. Municipale Rexnes [Ille-et- FiYnine). -Bibliotheque Publique Bibliotheque Universitaire Rouen {Seine- Inf. ). — Bibl. Municipale Saint-Germain. — Bibl. du Musee Bibliotheque de la Ville SoissoNS {Aisne). — Bibl. de la Ville Toulouse ( Haute-Garonne). — Bibl. Universitaire Bibliotheque de la Ville TovRi^[Indre-bt- Loire). — Bibliotheque Publique Troyes {Aube).—Eih\. de la Ville Verdun [Meuse.) — Bibl. Publique GERMANY. Aachen— Stadtische Bibliothek Aix-LA-CHAPELLE.-Stadt-Bibliothek Altenburg. — Herzogl. Landes-Bib. AuGSBURO. — K. Ki-eis-u. Stadt-Bib. Bamberg. — Konigliche Bibliothek Berlin. — Bibliothek des Deutschen Reichstages Bibliothek des Konigliche Joachims- thalschen Gymnasiums Konigliche Bibliothek Konigliche Kriegs-Akad. Konigliche Kammergerichts-Bib. Konigliche Obertribunal Konigliche Pr. General Stats Bib. Konigliche Statistisches Bureau Universitats Bibliothek Bonn. — Universitats Bibliothek Bremen. — Stadt-Bibliothek Breslau.— Bib. der Schles. Gesell- schaft fur vaterl. Cultur Konigliche u. UniversitJits-Bib. Stadt-Bibliothek BtJCKEBURG. — Fiirstl. Schaumburg- Lippesche Hof-Bibliothek Carlsruhe. — Grossh. Hoff-u. Landes- Bibliothek Cassel. — Landes-Bibliothek CoBURG. — Herzogl. -Bibliothek Cologne. — Gymnasium am Marzellan Stadt. -Bibliothek CoLMAR. — Stadt-Bibliothek Conscance. — Wessenberg'sche Stadt- Bibliothek Dantzig. —Stadt-Bibliothek Darmstadt. — (irossh. Cabinets-Bib. Grossh. Hof.-I5ibliotiick Dessau.— Herzogl. Bibliothek 200 PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Detmold. -Fiirstl. Landes-Bibliothek DiLLiNGEN.-K. Kreis-u. Stuclien-Bib. DONAUESCHINGEN . — Ftlrstl. Hof . -Bib. Dresden. — Bib. des Statistischen Konigliche Oeffentliche Bibliotliek Prinzl. Secundo-genitur-Bibliothek DtJssELDORF. -Konigliche Landes-Bib. Erfurt. — Konigliche Bibliothek Erlangen. — Universitiits-Bibliothek Frankfort. — Senckenbergische Bib. Stadt-Bibliothek Freiburg {Baden. )-Universitats-Bib. FuLDA. — Landes-Bibliothek FtJRSTENTEiN.-Grafl. V. Hochbergsche Majorats-Blbliothek GiESSEN. — Universitiits-Bibliothek GoRLiTZ. — Bibliothek der Oberlau- sitzer Gesellsch. d. Wissenschaften GoTHA. — Herzogliche-Bibliothek GoTTiNGEN. -Konigliche Universitats- Bililiothek Greifswald. — Konigliche Univer- sitats-Bibliothek Halle (Wittenberg). — Bibliotliek der Kais. Leolpldino-Carolinischen Deut- schen Akademie der Naturforscher Konigliche Universitiits-Bibliothek Hamburg. — Commerz-Bibliothek Stadt-Bibliothek Hanover. — Konigliche Oeffentliche Bibliothek Societiits-Bibliothek Stadt-Bibliothek Heidelberg. — Universitiits-Bib. Hildersheim. — Baverinsche-Bib. Jena. — Universitats-Bibliothek Kiel. — Universitats-Bibliothek KoNiGSBERG. — Konigliche und Uni- versitats-Bibliothek KoRNiCK (Poften). — Bib. Kornicka Leipsic. — Reichsgericht Stadt-Bibliothek Universitiits-Bibliothek LuBECK. — Stadt-Bibliothek LiJNEBERG.— Stadt-Bibliothek Luxemburg. — Bibliothek Maihingen. — Oettingen - W'aller- steinsche Bibliothek Mainz. —Stadt-Bibliothek Mannheim. — Oeffentliche-Bibliothek Marburg.— Universitiits-Bibliothek Meiningen. — -Herzogl. Oeffentliche- Bibliothek Metten. — Benediktiner Kloster-Bib. Metz. — Bibliothek Municipale Munchen. — Bibliothek d. Benedik- tiner-Stiftes St. Bonifaz Bibliothek d. Ludwig-Maximilians- Universitat Kgl. Hof-und Staats-Bibliothek Munster. — Konigliche Paulinische Bibliothek Neu-Strelitz. — Grossherzogl. Bib. Nuremberg. — Germanisches Nat. Museum Stadt-Bibliothek Oldenburi;. — Grossherzog. OeflFent- liche Bibliothek Paderburn. — Theodorianische Bib. Passau. — Bibliothek der Konigliche Kreisund Studien-Bibliothek Posen. — Griifl. Dzialynski'sche Bib. Raczynski'sche Bibliothek R.\TISB0N. — Fiirstl. Thurn-u-Taxis- 'sche Bibliothek Konigliche Kreis-Bibliothek Regrnsburg. — Fiirstl. Thurn-u- Taxis'sche Hofbibliothek Ro.sTOCK. — Universitiits-Bibliothek Rudolstadt. — Oeif. -Bibliothek Sghweidnitz. — Grafi.v. Hocbergsche- Bibliothek Schwerin. — Regierungs-Bibliothek Stralsund. — Raths- Bibliothek Strasburg. — Kath. Seminar Stadt-Bibliothek Universitiits-u. -Landes-Bibliothek Stuttgart. — Centralstelle fiir Gewerbe u. Handel Konigliche Hof. -Bibliothek Konigliche Oeffentl. Bibliothek Treves. — Stadt-Bibliothek Trier. —Stadt-Bibliothek Tubingen. — Konigliche Universitiits- Bibliothek Ulm. —Stadt-Bibliothek Warmbrunn. — V. Schaffgotsch Frei- standeslierrl. Bibliothek Weimar. — Grossherzogliche-Bib. Wernigerode. — Stolberg- W. Bib. Wiesbaden. -Konigliche Landes-Bib. W'oLFENBiJTTEL. — Herzoglichc-Bib. WuRZBURG. -Universitats-Bibliothek Athens. — National Library University Library GREECE. I Corfu. — Public Library I Dorp at. — University Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES. 201 HOLLAND. Amsterdam. — Bibliotheek der Kon. Academie Bib. van 't Lees Museum Univ. Bibliotheek Arnheim. — Openbaare Bibliotheek Haarlem. — Bibliotheek Communale Hague (The). — De Koninklijke Bib. Leyden. — Bibliotheca Acadeniioa Rotterdam. — Bibliotheek der Stad Utkecht. — Univ. Bibliotheek ITALY. Bologna. — Biblioteca della Univ. Biblioteca Coniunale Cagliari. — Biblioteca Universita Catania. — Biblioteca dell' Universita Biblioteca Ventiniilliana Cremona. — Biblioteca Governativa Ferrara. — Biblioteca Comunale Biblioteca Laurentiana Florence. — Biblioteca Medicea Biblioteca Marucelliana Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale : D. Chilovi, Librarian. Est. 1714. 420,000 vols, and 17,000 M8S. The Govern- ment grants annually 50,000 francs, of which 30,000 are set apart for the pur- chase of books. Open every week-day. Biblioteca Riccardiana Genoa. — Biblioteca della Cong, della Missione Urbana Biblioteca della Universita Lucca. — Biblioteca Governativa Macerata. — Biblioteca Comunale Mozzi Borgetti Mantua. — Biblioteca Governativa Messina. — Biblioteca dell' Universit:\ degli Htudii Milan. — Biblioteca Ambrosiana National Library of Brera (Brai- dense): Dr. Emidio Martini, Librarian. Est. 1784. About 400,000 vols.: annual issue 90,000. Annual income £1,520, about £1,120 being expended in books. Collections of Local History, Social Science, Philology, Manzoniaiat, An- cient MSS., and Incunables. Open Sundays and week-days. MoDKNA. — Biblioteca Estense Biblioteca Universitaria Monaco.— Regia Biblioteca MoNTE Cassino. — Biblio. del Monast. Naples. — Biblioteca Brancaceiana Biblioteca dei Girolamini Biblioteca Nazionale Biblioteca di S. Giacomo Biblioteca dell' Conservatorio Biblioteca dell' Universita Novara. —Biblioteca Civica Padua. — Biblioteca Universitaria Palermo. — Biblioteca Comunale Biblioteca Nazionale Parma. — Biblioteca Palatina Regia Biblioteca Biblioteca dell' Universita Pavia. — Biblioteca dell' University Perugia. — Biblioteca Civica Pisa. — Biblioteca della R. Universita Ravenna. — Biblioteca Classense Rimini. — Biblioteca Gambalunga Rome. — Biblioteca Alessaudriua dell' UniversitJi Biblioteca Angelica Biblioteca Barberini Bib. della Camera dei Deputati Biblioteca Casanatense Biblioteca Chigiana Biblioteca Corsini Biljlioteca della Propaganda Biblioteca del Senato Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Vit- torio Emanuele : Conte Domenlco Gnoli, Librarian. Est. 1876. 332,000 vols.; 155,000 pamphlets: 5,000 MSS. Annual income 99,836 lire, of which 57,500 are expended in books. Open every week-day. Biblioteca Vaticana Biblioteca Vit. Emanuele Sassari. — Biblioteca Universitaria Siena. — Biblioteca Comunale Turin. — Biblioteca dell' Universita Biblioteca Nazionale Venice. — Biblioteca Marciana Biblioteca Vecchia Biblioteca Ducale Vercelli. — Biblioteca Agnesiana Verona. — Bib. ed Archivi Comunali Biblioteca Capitolare Vicenzia. — Bib. Bertoliaua Comunale 202 PUBLIC LIBRARIKS. MALTA. Valetta. — Garrison Library Public Library Valetta — continued. University Library NORWAY. Christiana. — Athenteum Library Universitets Bibliothek Throndhjem. — K.norske Videnskab Selskab. Bibliothek PORTUGAL. CoiMBRA. — Bibliotheca da Univer. EvoRA. — Bibliotheca Archiepiscopal Lisbon. — Bibliotheca da Academia Bibliotheca Nacional Lisbon — continued. Bib. Real da Ajnda Mafra. — Bibliotheca Oporto. — Bibliotheca Pub. Municipal RUSSIA. Charkow. — UniversiUits-Bibliothek DoRPAT. — Universitats-Bibliothek Helsingfors. — Bibliothek der Kaiser Alexander-Universitat Studenten-Bibliothek Kazan. — Universitats-Bibliothek Kharkoff. — Universitats-Bibliothek KiEFF. — Universitats-Bibliothek Moscow. — Oeffentliche Bibliothek des Rumjanzew-Museums Universitats-Bibliothek Odessa. -Oeffentliche Stadt-Bibliothek Universitats-Bibliothek Reval. — Ehstland. Offent. Bibliothek Riga. — Stadt-Bibliothek St. Petersburg. — Bibliothek der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften Bibl. des Kais Botan. Gartens Bibliothek des Generalstabes Kais. Oeffentliche Bibliothek Bibl. der Medicinisch-Chirui-gischen Akademie Bibliothek des Unterrichts-Comitfe des Finanz-Mini.steriums Universitats-Bibliothek Warsaw. — Universitats-Bibliothek Grjifl. Zamoyskische Majorats-Bibl. Wilna. — Oeffentliche Bibliothek SPAIN. Barcelona. — .^rchivo de la Corona t_ de Aragon |. Biblioteca del Ateneo Barcelon^s i, Museo y Biblioteca Provincial Burgos. — Bib. Provincial y Archivo de Castilla Cadiz. — Biblioteca Provincial EscoRiAL. — Biblioteca Gibraltar. — Commercial Library, Commercial square : Wm. Ventura, Librarian. Est. 1817. A Reference Library of 6,000 vohimes ; supported by subscriptions. Open on week-day.s from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and on Sundays from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. This Librai-y is a great boon to the civilian population and to tourists and others visiting the Garrison. Introduction by a member being all that is required. PUBLIC LIBRARIES. 203 Gibraltar — continued. Garrison Library Soldiers' Institute Madrid. — Bib. del Ministerio de la Guerra Bib. del Minist. de Marina Biblioteca Nacional Biblioteca del Palacio Real Bib. de la Real Academia Espaiiola Biblioteca de San Isodoro Biblioteca particular del Senado Biblioteca de la Universidad Salamanca. — Biblioteca de la Univ. Santiago. — Biblioteca Publica Uni- versitaria y Provincial Seville Biblioteca Columbina Segovia.— Bib. de la Academia de Artilleria Seville. — Biblioteca Universitaria Tarragona. — Bib. Publica Toledo. — Biblioteca de la Catedral Biblioteca Provincial Valencia. — Biblioteca Universitaria Valladolid. — Bib. de Sta Cruz Biblioteca de la Universidad SWEDEN. Lund. — Universitetsbibliothek | Stockholm. — Kongliga or Riks Bib. SWITZERLAND. Aarau. — Aarganische Kan tons-Bib. (80,000 vols.) Basel. — Allg. Lesegesellschaft Universitats Bib. (160,000 vols.) Bern. — ^Lesegesellschaf t Stadt-Bibliothek Einsiedeln. — Stifts-Bibliothek Frauenfeld. — Thurganische Kan- tons-Bibliothek Freiburg. — Cantonale Bibliotheque Geneva. — Bibliotheque Publique (110,000 vols.) Lausanne. — Bibliotheque Cantonale (100,000 vols.) Lucerne. — Cantons-Bibliothek Neuchatel.— Bibliotheque de la Ville St. Gall.— Stadt-Bibliothek Stifts-Bibliothek Schaffhausen.— Stadt-Bibliothek SoLOTHURN. —Stadt-Bibliothek Zurich. — Kantonale Lehranstalten Stadt-Bibliothek (100,000 vols.) Oriental Manuscripts in the British Museum. In the Oriental room of the British Museum there are the Syriac library, the Ethiopic, the Hebrew, and the Persian, besides a number of books from Yemen. The history of some of these is quite romantic. The Syriac, for instance, came from the desert of Scete, in Egypt, where they had been mouldering for years, and were restored with difficulty. These books and manuscripts were originally written in Egypt, and were then taken to Mesopotamia, whence they were taken back to Egypt about the tenth century. At that time the Egyptian monks knew Syriac, and studied these books, but gradually they lost their knowledge of the language, and the writings were stowed away in subterranean caves and caverns until European scholars ascertained their existence, and with difficulty obtained possession of them some forty or fifty years ago. The Ethiopic writings composed the royal lil^rary of Magdala, and were brought to this country by Lord Napier. Other manuscripts have been obtained from all parts of the world. A descriptive list of the Hebrew and Samaritan books has been issued by the Museum authorities. SOME FACTS RELATING TO THE PuWishers' Circular & Booksellers' Record XT is the only Newspaper published weekly that represents the British and Irish Publishing and Bookselling world. It gives a transcript of the Title-page of every work published in Great Britain, and every work of interest published abroad, with short an- notations where the titles are not sufficiently explicit to define the nature of the book. In addition to its special circulation amongst the principal firms in the Book Trade at Home and Abroad, it has a general circulation amongst Literary Men, Authors, Librarians, Book Collectors, Reviewers, Secre- taries of Clubs, &c. , and its columns are open to correspondence on literary matters of every kind. Each number contains a list of about six hundred out-of-print volumes that are wanted by Subscribers. The Annual Subscription includes the large Export and Educational Numbers ; also the Special Illustrated Christmas Number, which contains over Three Hundred Full-page and other Illustrations, from all the best New Books of the Season, and every Annual Sub- scriber has the privilege of a gratis Advertisement weekly of Three Lines in the Out-of-Print Books Wanted Column, and can have extra lines at 4d. a line. It appears every Friday evening for Saturday, and advertisements should be sent to the Publishers, St. Dunstan's House, Fetter Lane, London_, E.C. , not later than twelve o'clock on Wednesdays, and earlier when proofs are desired. TERMS OF Subscription .- For One Year, post free to any part of Great Britain and Ireland... 8s. 6d. „ Six Months „ „ „ ... 4s. 6d. ,, Three Months ,, „ ,, ... 2s. 6d. To America and the Continent, annual subscription, including postage, lis. Od. LONDON : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, & COMPANY, ST. DUNSTAN'S HOUSE, FETTER LANE, E.C. LEARNED SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. 205 Xcarne^ Societies an^ 3n0titution0 IN THE BRITISH ISLES. AGRICULTURE. Angus (iV. B. ) Agricultural Society Ayrshire ,, ,, Banbury ,, ,, Bath and West and Southern Counties Society, 4, Terrace Walk, Bath. Bedfordshire Agricultural Society Belfast. — N.E. Agricultural Assoc, of Ireland, Ulster Buildings, Wareing st. Chemico- Agricultural Society of Ulster, Laboratory, 63, Upper Arthuv-st Bishops Lydeard Agricultural Society Border {Srotland) ,, ,, Brecknockshire ,, ,, Bridlington ,, ,, Bucks (Royal & Central) ,, Bute {N.B.) Farmers' Society Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely Agl. Soc. Carluke {JV.B.) Agricultural Society Chertsey Agricultui'al Society Cleveland ,, ,, Coleraine (Ireland) ,, ,, Cornwall (Royal) ,, ,, Craven ,, ,, Cumberland (West) ,, ,, Dalkeith (N.B.) Devon County ,, ,, Doncaster ,, ,, Dorchester ,, ,, Dublin. — Royal Agricultural Society Irish Land Agents' Association, 4, Kildare street Royal Dublin Soc, Kildare street Dumbartonshire Argicultural Society Dunblane (iV'.fi.) „ Dungarvan District Agricultural Soc, Secretary : J. Quinlan, Cloncaerdun, Cappoquin, Ireland Dunoon {N.B.) Agricultural Society Edinburgh Agricultural Research Association Highland & Agricultural Society of Scotland Essex ,, ,, Faversham ,, ,, Frorae and District , , , , Halifax and Calder Vale ,, Herefordshire Agricultural Society Huntingdon ,, ,, Kilmarnock (N.B.) Agricultural Soc. Lanarkshire ,, ,, Lesmahagow(A''.fi. ) ,, ,, Lincolnshire ,, ,, Lincolnshire Chamber of Agriculture Linton, West(A\5. ) Agricultural Soc. London. — Board of Agriculture, 4, Whitehall place, s.w. Central Chamber of Agriculture, Norfolk House, Norfolk street, Strand Royal Agricultural Soc. of England 12, Hanover square, w. Lothian, United East, Agricultural Society Malton Agricultural Society Melksham ,, ,, Middleton {Lanes.) Agricultural Soc. Monkland, Old {N.B.) Agrl. Society Nottinghamshire Agricultural Society Orkney {N.B.) Oswestry ,, ,, Oxfordshire ,, ,, Peebles (iV. 5.) Peterborough ,, ,, Princes Risborough ,, ,, Renfrewshire ,, „ Richmond and Shire ,, ,, Shrewsbury and West Midland Agri- cultural Society Shropshire Agricultural Society Sittingbourne ,, ,, Stirlingshire, East District of. Agri- cultural Society Suffolk Agricultural Society Teviotdale ,, ,, Teviotdale, West, Agricultural Soc Thorpe and Egham ,, ,, Tring ,, ,, Torrington, Great ,, ,, Wardle {Rochdale) Agricultural Soc Warwickshire ,, „ Westmorland ,, ,, Wetherby ,, ,, Wharf edale ,, ,, Whitby ,, ,, Wirrall ,, ,, Worcestershire ,, ,, Yorkshire ,, ,, 206 LEARNED SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. ANTHROPOLOGY. Anthropological Institute, 3, Hanover square, w. ARCHiEOLOGY. Antiquaries of London, Society of, Burlington House, w. Antiquaries of Ireland, The Eoyal Society of, University Press, Trinity College, Dublin Antiquaries of Scotland, Society of, National Museum of Antiquities, Queen street, Edinburgh Arch;«ological Association, British, 32, Sackville street, Dublin Archaiological (Royal) Institute of Gt. Britain and Ireland. Sec: H. Gosselin Arch^ological Society, London and Middlesex. Sec: Charles Welch, f.s.a., Guildhall Library London, e.g. Bath Natural History and Antiquarian Society Berkshire Archa3ological and Archi- tectural Society, The Abbey Gate, Reading Biblical Archeology, Society of, 37, Great Russell street, London, w.c. Bradford Historical and Antiquarian Society, Sunbridge road, Bradford Bristol and Gloucestershire Archteo- logical Society, Museum, Gloucester Buckinghamshire Architectural and Archaeological Society, Church street, Aylesbury Burton-on-Trent Natural History and Archajological Society, 46, High street Cambrian ( Welsh ) Archaeological Association. Hon. Secretary : Rev. R. Trevor Owen, Llangedwyn, Oswestry Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Cor- pus Christi College, Cambridge Camden Society, 25, Parliament st., London, s.w. Chester Archaeological and Historic Society, The Grosvenor Museum, Chester Clifton Antiquarian Club Cumberland and Westmorland Anti- quarian and Archaeological Society. Hon. Secretary : Titus Wilson, Aynam Lodge, Kendal Derbyshire Archseological & Natural History Society, 33, Victoria-st., Derby Dorset Natural History and Antiqua- rian Society, Weymouth Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Hon. Secretary : E. J. Chinnock, ll.d., Fern- bank, Dumfries Ecclesiological Society (St. Paul's) Chapter House, St. Paul's, London, e.c. Egypt Exploration Fund, 37, Great Russell street, London, w.c. Essex Archaeological Society, The Museum, Colchester Castle, Essex Exeter Diocesan Architectural Soc, The Close, Exeter Folk-Lore Society, 22, Albemarle-st. , London, w. Glasgow Archfeological Society, 207, Bath street, Glasgow Harleian Society, instituted for the publication of Manu.scripts relating to Genealogy, Family History, & Heraldry. Council Room : 140, Wardour street, London, w. Hawick ArchfeologicalSoc. , Buccleuch Memorial Buildings, Hawick Huguenot Society of London. Hon. Secretary : R. S. Faber, 10, Oppidans road, London, n.w. Isle of Man Natural History and Anti- quarian Society. Hon. Secretary : P. M. C. Kermode, Hillside, Ramsay Irish Archaeological and Celtic Society (Historic Literature of Ireland). Sec: J. T. Gilbert, f.s.a., Villa Nova, Black Rock, Dublin Kent Archaeological Society, Museum, St. Faith street, Maidstone Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, Chetham College, Manchester Leicestershire Architectural & Archie- ological Society, Leicester Lincoln and Nottingham, Tlie Archi- tectural and Archaeological Society of the Counties of, Eastgate street, Lincoln Maidenhead and Tajjlow Naturalists' Field Club, Hon. Sec. : James Rutland, The Gables, Taplow Manchester Field Naturalists' and Archaeologists' Society, 16, Kennedy st., Albert square, Manchester Manx Society. Hon. Secretary : C. T. C. Callow, Anfleld Hey, Douglas, Isle of Man Monmouthshire and Caerleon Anti- quarian Assoc. , Caerleon, Newport, Mon- Montrose {N.B.) Natural History and Antiquarian Society Newcastle-on-Tyne Society of Anti- quaries, The Castle, Newcastle-on-Tyne Norfolk and Norwich Archteological Society, Guildhall Hill, Norwich Northampton and Oakham, Architec- tural Society for the Archdeaconries of, Abington street, Northampton Numismatic Society of London, 22, Albemarle street, London, w. LEARNED SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. 207 Oswestry and Welshpool Naturalists' Field Club and Archfeological Society. Oxfordshire Archa?ological Society. Secretary: Rev. W. D. Macray, m.a,, Ducklington Rectory, Witney Oxford Architectural and Historical Society, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford Pala?ographical Soc. , British Museum. Hon. Sec: E. Maunde Thompson, d.c.l. Palestine Exploration Fund, ] , Adam street, Adelphi, London, w.c. Penzance Natural History and Anti- quarian Society, Public Buildings, Pen- zance. Perth Literary and Antiquarian Soc. Peterborough Natural History, Scien- tific, and Archfeological Soc, Museum, Minster Close, Peterborough Powys-Land Club, The, Powys-Land Museum and Library, Salop-rd., Welsh- pool, North Wales Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Secretary : Prof. T. W. Rhys -Davids, m.a., 3, Brick court, Temple, London, e.g. St. Albans Architectural and Arch ideo- logical Society, Town Hall, St. Albans Salt ( Wm. ) Archfeological Society, Bank Buildings, Market Place, Stafford Scarboro' Philosophical and Archreo- logical Society. Sec: J. H. Phillips, 22, Albemarle Crescent, Scarboro' Shropshire Archseological and Natural History Society, Shrewsbury Somersetshire Archreological and Na- tural History Society, Taunton Castle, Taunton Statfordshire Naturalists' Field Club and Archc'Bological Society, Municipal Buildings, Hanley Stirling Natural History and Ach;\;o- logical Society, Smith Institute, Stirling Suffolk Institute of Archieology and Natural History, AtheniEum, Bury St. Edmunds Surrey ArchiBological Soc, 8, Danes Inn, Strand, London, w.o. Sussex Archaeological Society, The Castle, Lewes Tam worth Natural History, Geologi- cal, and Antiquarian Society Thoresby Society, The, Law Institu- tion, Albion place, Leeds Warwickshire Naturalists' & Archaeo- logists' Field Club, Museum, Warwick Wiltshire Archasological and Natural History Society Worcester Diocesan Architectural and Archieological Society, Guildhall, Wor- cester Yorkshire Archaeological and Topo- graphical Association, Huddersfield ARCHITECTURE. Architects, Society of, St. James's Hall, Piccadilly, London, w. Architectural Association, The, 9, Conduit street, and 56, Great Marlboro' street, London, w. Architectural Publication Society, 9, Conduit street, London, w. British Architects, The Royal Insti- tute of, 9, Conduit street, London, w. Naval Ai'chitects, Institution of, 5, Adelphi terrace. Strand, London, w.c. Architectural Association of Ireland, Dublin Berkshire Architectural and Archreo- logical Society, Abbey gate, Reading Birmingham Arcliitectural Associa- tion, Queen's College, Paradise street, Birmingham. Affiliated with the Archi- tectural Association, London Buckinghamshire Architectural and Archaiological Society, Rooms and Mu- seum, Church street, Aylesbury Builders, Institute of, 31, Bedford street, Strand, London, w.c. Dublin. -Royal Institute of the Archi- tects of Ireland, Dawson street, Dublin Edinburgh Architectural Association, 42, George street, Edinburgh Exeter Diocesan Architectural Soc, College Hall, Exeter Glasgow Institute of Architects, 115, St. Vincent street, Glasgow Leeds and Yorkshire Architectural Society, Leeds Leicester Architectural and Archteo- logical Society, Leicester Lincoln and Nottingham, The Archi- tectural and Archajological Society of the Counties of, Bastgate-st., Lincoln Liverpool Architectural Soc. , Cook-st. Manchester Society of Architects, Diocesan Chambers, South King street Northampton and Oakham, Architec- tural Society for the Archdeaconries of, Abington street, Northampton Northern Architectural Association, The Castle, Newcastle-on-Tyne Oxford Architectural and Historical Society, New College, Oxford St. Alban's Architectural & Archaeo- logical Society, Town Hall, St. Albans Shefheld Society of Architects and Surveyors Worcester Diocesan Architectural and Archaeological Society, Guildhall York Architectural Association 208 LEARNED SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. ARTS. Arts, Commerce, and Manufactures, The Society for the Encouragement of, 18, John street, Adelphi, London, w.c. Board of Manufactures, &c. , Royal Institution, Edinburgh. Secretary : A. W. Inglis. This Board controls the School of Art in the Royal Institution, the National Gallery of Scotland, and the Scottish Portrait Gallery Chamber of Commerce and Manufac- tures, Glasgow Institute of British Carriage Manu- factm-ers. Town Hall, Westminster, s.w. Liverpool Polytechnic Society Royal Scottish Society of Arts, 117, George street, Edinburgh ASTRONOMY, METEOROLOGY, AND PHYSICS. British Astronomical Association, 26, Martin's lane, Canon st., London, e.g. Magnetic and Meteorological Depart- ment, Greenwich Observatory, s.e. Meteorologic Office, 63, Victoria st., London, s.w. Meteorological Society (Royal), 22, Great George street, London, s.w. Meteorological Society for Scotland, Edinburgh Nautical Almanac Office, 3, Verulam Buildings, London, w.c. Physical Society of London, Science Schools, South Kensington, London, s.w. Royal Astronomical Society, Burling- ton House, London, w. Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh, 18, George street, Edinburgh Observatories, &c. Bidston Observatory Cambridge Observatory Cambridge Optical and Astronomical Room, specially for the University Dublin Observatory Durham University Observatory Edinburgh Royal Observatory Falmouth Observatory Greenwich Royal Observatory The Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliographical Society, 20, Hanover .square, London, w.c. The Library Association of the United Kingdom, 20, Hanover aq., London, w.c. BIOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Challenger Expedition Reports Office, 45, Frederick street, Edinburgh Physiological Society, London. Hon. Sec; C. S. Sherrington, St. Thomas's Hospital, London, s.e. I University College Biological Society, Gower street, London, w.c. I The Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, The Laboratory, I Citadel Hill, Plymouth BOTANY AND BOTANICAL GARDENS. Botanical Exchange Club of the British Isles. Sec. and Treas. : C. Bailey, f.l.s., Ashfield College road, Whalley Range, Manchester Botanical Society of Edinburgh, 5, St, Andrew square, Edinburgh Linnaian Society, Burlington House, London, w. Royal Botanical Institution, Glasgow Royal Botanic Soc. , Botanic Gardens, Regent's Park, London, n.w. Botanical Gardens and Botanic Museums. Cambridge. — Botanic Gardens Cambridge. — Botanic Museum and Herbarium. Curator : M. C. Potter, M.A., St. Peter's, Cambridge Dublin. — Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh. — Royal Botanic Gardens Glasgow. — Royal Botanic Institution Gardens Liverpool. — Botanical Gardens, Edge lane, Liverpool London. -Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew London. — Botanic Gardens ( Royal Botanical Soc), Regent's Park, London London. — The Botanic Gardens of the Society of Apothecaries of London, Chelsea, s.w. London. — Sub-Tropical Gardens, Battersea Park, London Oxford. — Botanic Museum LEARNED SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. 209 CHEMISTRY. Chemical Society, Burlington House, London, w. Institute of Cliemistiy of Gt. Britain and Ireland, 4, Adelphi terrace, Strand, London, w.c. Pharmaceutical Society of Gt. Britain, 16, Bloomsbury-sq., London, w. ; North British Branch, 36, York place, Edin- burgh Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland) 17, Harcourt street, Dublin Society of Apothecaries, Water lane, Blackfriars, London, k.c. Society of Chemical Industry, Palace Chambers, 9, Bridge-st., Loudon, s.w. Society of Public Analysts. Secre- tary : R. H. Davies, Apothecaries' Hall, Blackfriars, London, e.c. CONCHOLOGY. The Conchological Society, Museum, Park row, Leeds DIALECTICS, &c. Accountants, The See. of, Edinburgh Accountants & Auditors, The Society of, 4, King St., Cheapside, London, e.c. Accountants' Students' Society, The Birmingham. Hon. .Secretary : C. H. Barbara, 37, Bennett's Hill, Birmingham Accountants' Students' Society, Man- chester. Hon. Secretary : H. V. Aldred, A.C.A., 8, Essex street, Manchester Actuarial Society of Edinburgii, 24, York place, Edinburgh ."Actuaries, Institute of. Staple Inn Hall, Holborn, London, w.c. Actuaries in Scotland, Faculty of, 24, York place, Edinburgh Ascham Society, 18, Baker street, London, w. Bankers, Institute of, 34, Clements lane, London, r.c. Bankers, Institute of, in Scotland, •27, Queen street, Edinl)urgh Bimetallic League, Manchester and London, 27, Gt. George st., London, s.w. British Economic Assoc, 9, Adelphi terrace, London, w.c. British Iron Trade Association, Vic- toria Mansions, London, s.w. Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Institute of, 3, Copthall Buildings, Loudon, e.c. Chartered .Iccountants, Liverpool Society of. Hon. Sec: W. C. Spencer, r.c.A., 4, Cook street, Liverpool Chartered Accountants, Manchester Society of. Hon. Sec: L. Broderick, F.r.A., 12, Booth street, Manchester Chartered Accountants, The Northern Institute of. Hon. Sec: Edwd. Sparks, F.C.A., 24, Grainger street west, New- castle-on-Tyne. Chartered Accountants, Sheffield In- corporated Society of. Hon. Secretary : S. Taylor Gill, a.c.*.. Queen's Insurance Buildings, Church street, Sheffield Chartered, The, Accountants' Stu- dents' Society of London, 3, Copthall Buildings, London, e.c. Chartered Accountants' Students' Association, The Liverpool. Hon. Sec: William Dickson, a.c.a., 26, N. John-st. Chartered Accountants' Students' Society, The Sheffield. Hon Secretary : A. E. Short, Montgomery Chambers, Hartshead, Sheffield Dialectical Society, London. Sec: Miss A. Law, 30, Victoria road, Peck- ham, London, s.e. Decimal Association, Botolph House, Eastcheap, London, e.c. Dublin. — Institute of Chartered Ac- countants in Ireland, 4, College green East India Association, 3, Victoria street, London, s.w. Howard Association for the Promotion of the best methods of Penal Treatment and Crime Prevention, .5, Bishop.sgate street without, London, k.c. Imperial Federation League, 30, Charles street, Berkeley .st]., London, w. Incorporated Accountants, Manches- ter and District Society of. Hon. Sec: A. E. Piggott, 15, High st., Manchester Incorporated Accountants, Sheffield and District Society of. Hon. Secretary : W. Sissons, 6, Fig Tree lane, Sheffield Iron and Steel Institute, Victoria Mansions, London, s.w. Manchester Statistical Society. Hon. Sees.: F. E. M. Beardsall and G. H. Pownall, 25, Booth street, Manchester Royal Statistical Society, 9, Adelphi terrace, London, w.c. Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 35, ^lolesworth st, Dublin 210 LEARNED SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. DRAMA. (See also Shakespeare Societies u Actors' Benevolent Fund, 8, Adam-st. , Adelphi, London, w.c. British Dramatic Art, The Society of, 5, Agar street, Strand, London, w.c. Dramatic and Musical .Sick Fund, 0, Adam street, Adelphi, London, w.c. English Dramatic Club, at London Athletic Club's Gymnasiuni, '26, Pancras road, London, n.w. nder History and Literature. J Garrick Club, Garrick street, Covent Garden, London, w.c. Green Room Club, 20, Bedford street, Covent Garden, London, w.c. Playgoers' Club, over the Adelphi Kestaurant, 4U9 & 410, Strand, London .Savage Club, 6 & 7, Adelphi terrace, London, w.c. EDUCATION. Association for the Oral Instruction of the Deaf and Dinnb, 11, Fitzroy-sq., London Bradford Teachers' Guild British and Foreign Blind Association for Promoting the Education and Em- ployment of the Blind, 33, Cambridge square, London, w. Education Department, Whitehall, London, s.w. Froebel Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 12, Buckingham sti'eet, London Gilchrist Educational Trust for Main- tenance of Scholarships and aid to approved Educational objects in all parts of the world, 17, Victoria street, London, s.w. London Society for Extension of LTni- versity teaching, Charterhouse, k.c. London Soc. for Teaching the Blind to read, and training them in industrial occupations, Upper Avenue road, Swiss Cottage, London, n.w. National Association for the Promo- tion of Technical and Secondary Educa- tion, 14, Dean's yard, London, s.w. National Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor in the principles of the Established Church, Broad Sanc- tuary, Westminster, London, s.w. National Union of Teachers, 71, Rus- sell square, London, w.c. National Education Dept. , Dublin Oxford & Cambridge Schools' Exami- nation Board. Sees.: E. J. Gross, m.a., Caius College, Cambridge, and P. E. Matheson, m.a.. New College, Oxford Preceptors, College of, Bloomsbury square, London, w.c. Recreative Evening Schools' Associa- tion, 37, Norfolk street, Strand, London Scotch Education Department, Dover House, Whitehall, London, s.w. .Soci^te Nationale des Professeurs de Fran^ais en Angleterre for advancement of the Study of the French Language and Literature, 20, Bedford st. , Strand, London, w.c. Society of Schoolmasters, 7, Adelphi terrace, London, w.c. Teachers' Guild of Great Britain and Ireland, 74, Gower street, London, w.c. University Correspondence College, Biu'lington House, Cambridge ENGINEERING. Aeronautical .Society of (it. Britain. Hon. Secretary : F. W. Brearey, f.s.sc, Maidenstone Hill, Blackheath, London Britisli Society of Mining .Students, Byer Moor, Buruopfield, nearNewcastle- on-Tyne. Chesterfield and Midland Counties Institution of Engineers, Stephenson Memorial Hall, Chesterfield Civil and Mechanical Engineers' Soc. , 12, Delahay street, London, s.w. Cleveland Institution of Engineers, Middlesbrough Cornwall, The Mining Association and Institute of. Library at the Mining School, Camborne Federated, The, Institution of Mining Engineers, Newcastle-on-Tyne Institution, Tlie, of Civil Engineers, 25, Great George street, London, s.w. Institution of Civil Engineers of Ire- land, 35, Dawson street, Dublin Institution, The, of Electrical En- gineers, 28, Victoria street, London, s.w. Institution of Engineers and .Ship- builders in Scotland, 207, Bath street, Glasgow Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 19, Victoria street, London, s.w. Institute, The, of Marine Engineers, Broadway, Stratford, London, e. LEARNED SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. 211 Iron and Steel, The, Institute, Victoria Mansions, London, s.w. Junior, The, Engineering Society, 04, Reedworth street, Kennington road, London, s.e. Liverpool Engineering Society, Royal Institution, Colquitt street, Liverpool Manchester Association of Engineers, 63, Barrett st. , Old Trafford, Manchester Mining Institute, The, of Scotland, Hamilton, N.B. North-East Coast Institution of En- gineers and Shipbuilders, 4, St. Nicholas Buildings, Newca.stle-on-Tyne North of England Institute of Mining and Mt'ilianical Kngineers, Neville Hall, NewiMstlc-cJii-Tyne Royal Civil i<'iiigincers, Ireland, Daw- son street, Dublin Society of Engineers, 17, Victoria st. , London, s.w. South Staffordshire and East Wor- cestershire Inst of Mining Kngineers, Mason College, Birmingham South Wales Institute of Engineers, Park Hall Buildings, Cardiff Surveyors' Institution, 12, Gt. George street, London, s.w. Surveyors' Shefheld Soc. of Architects ENTOMOLOGY. City of London Entomological and Natural History Society, Albion Hall, London Wall, e.c. Entomological Society of London, 11, Chandos st.. Cavendish sq., London, w. Lancashire and Cheshire Entomologi- cal Society, The Public Library, William Brown street, Liverpool South London Entomological and Natural History Soc, Hibernia Cham- bers, London Bridge, s.e. FORESTRY. Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society, 5, St. Andrew square, Edinlnirgh GENERAL SCIENCE. Aberdeen Philosophical Soc. Secre- tary : A. D. Milne, 147, Union street Alford {Aberdeenshire) Field Club and Scientific Society Ambleside Literary & Scientific Soc. Armagh Natural History and Philo- sophical Society, The Mall, Armagh Asiatic Society, Royal, of Gt. Britain and Ireland, 22, Albemarle-st., London Bannfshire Field Club and Scientific Society, Town & County Club Buildings, Banff, N.B. Bath Royal Literary & Scientific Soc. Secretary : A. J. King, 13, Queen square, Bath Belfast Natural History and Philoso- phical Society, Museum, College-sq., n. Birkenhead Literary and Scientific Society, 3, Oxton road Birmingham Philosophical Society, The Medical Institute, Edmund street Birmingham and Midland Institute Scientific Society. Hon. Secretary : W. E. Weaver, 221, Bioad street Bradford Philosophical Society, 33, Sunbridge road, Bradford Bradford Scientific Association, Sun- bridge road Brampton Literary and Field Natural- ists' Club Bridgnorth Institute, New Market Buildings Bristol Literary & Philosophic Club, 28, Berkeley square Bristol Museum & Library, originally Bristol Institution for the Advancement of Science, Literature, and the Fine Arts, and the Bristol Literary Society, whose objects are still retained British, The, Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, Burlington House, London, w. Buchan Field Club and Scientific Soc. , The Institute, Prince-st., Peterhead Bury Literary and Scientific Society, High School, Bury Cambridge Philosophical Soc, New Museum, Fi'ee School Lane, Cambridge Carlisle Scientific Society and Field Naturalists' Club Carmarthen Literary and Scientific Institute Chester Society of Natural Science and Literature, Grosvenor Museum City of London College Science Soc, White street, Moorfields, e.c. Chippenham Literary and Scientific Institute Cornwall. — Royal Polytechnic Soc, Polytechnic Hall, Falmouth Cumberland & Westmorland Associa- for the Advancement of Literature and Science. Sec. : J. B. Bailey, 28, Eagles- field road, Maryport 212 LEARNED SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. Doncaster Microscopical and General Scientific Society, Guildliall, Doncaster Dublin Philosophical Club, Royal Dublin Society Buildings, Kildare-st. Uubliu Society, Royal, Kildare street Dudley and Midland Geological and Scientific Society and Field Ulub Edinburgh, Royal Society of, The Mound, Edinburgh Elgin and Morayshire Literary and Scientific Association Glasgow Philosophical Society, 207, Bath street, Glasgow Gloucester Literary & Scientific Assoc. Goole Scientific Society Greenock Philosophical Society, Watt Institution, Kelly street Halifax Scientific Association Harrogate and District Naturalist and Scientific Society, Harrogate, Yorks. Hull Literary and Philosophical Soc. , Royal Institution, Albion street, Hull Hull Scientific Club Ipswich Scientific Society. Secretary: G. H. Hewetson, 3!>, Henley-rd., Ipswich Irish Academy, Royal, 19, Dawson street, Dublin Imperial Institute of the United Kingdom, Colonies, & India, Lond., s.w. Keighley Scientific and Literary Soc. Keswick Literary and Scientific Soc. Leeds Philosophical and Literary Soc. , Philosophical Hall, Park Row Leicester Philosophical and Literary Society, Town Museum Lewisham and Blackheath Scientific Society. Secretary : M. G. Saunders, 20, Southhook road, Lee, London, s.e. Leyburn Literary & Scientific Society Liverpool Philomathic Society, Royal Institute, Liverpnol Liverpool Polytechnic Society, Royal Institution, Colquitt street, Liverpool Liverpool Science Students Associa- tion, Colquitt street, Liverpool London. — Lambeth Field Club and Scientific Society, St. Mary Newington Schools, Newington Butts, London, s.n. Longtown {Cumberland) Literary and Scientific Society Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society, 36, George street, Manchester Maryport Literary and Scientific Soc. Middlesbrough. — Cleveland Literary and Philosophical .Society Montrose Scientific & Field Club Newcastle-on-Tyne Literary & Philo- sophical Society, Westgate road Oxford Ashmolean Society, University Museum, Oxford Paisley Philosophical Institution. Sec: .James Gardner, 3, County place Penrith and District Literary and Scientific Society Peterborough Natural History, Scien- tific & Archieological Society, Museum, Minster Close, Peterborough Philosoj^hical Society of Gt. Britain, 8, Adelphi terrace, London, w. c. Pocklington Scientific and Philosophi- cal Society, Pocklington Portsmouth Literary and Scientific Society. Secretary : G. F. Bell, 11, Pel- ham road. Elm Grove, Southsea Reading Literary & Scientific Society. Hon. Secretary : J. B. Hurry, m.a , 43, Castle street, Reading Redditch Literary & Scientific Insti- tute, Church street, Redditch Richmond ( Yo7'ki<. ) Scientific Society, Great Channels, Richmond Ripon Naturalists' Club and Scientific and Literary Association, Park st. , Ripon Rochdale Literary & ScientificSociety. Sec: J. R. Ashworth, 20, King st. south Royal Colonial Institute, Northumber- land avenue, London, w.c. Royal Institution of Great Britain, 21, Albemarle street, London, w. Royal Institution of South Wales, Swansea Royal Society of London, Burlington, House, Piccadilly, London, w. Scarl)orough Philosophical & Archieo- logical Society. Sec. : J. H. Phillips, 22, Albemarle crescent, Scarborough Sidcup Literary and Scientific Soc. Secretary : G. W. Davis, m.b., Sunny Dene, Sidcup, Kent Silloth and Holme Cultram Literary and Scientific Society Society of Science, Letters, and Art, of London, Addison house, 160, Holland road, w. Stamford Literary & Scientific Insti- tution and Library Sutton [S^irrey) Scientific Society. Hon. Secretary : C. H. Cathcart, 1, Grove road, Sutton Victoria Institute, The, or Philoso- phical Society of Great Britain, 8, Adelphi terrace, London, w.c. Wakefield Naturalists' and Philoso- phical Society Warrington Literary & Philosophical Society, Museum Lecture Room Whitehaven Scientific Association, 14, Howgill sti-eet Windermere Literary and Scientific .Society York Field Naturalists' and Scientific Society LEARNED SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. 213 GEOGRAPHY. Hakluyt Society, 4, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, w.c. Liverpool Geographical Society, 6a, The Temple, Dale street, Liverpool Manchester Geographical Society, St. Mary's Parsonage, Manchester Royal Geographical Society, 1, Savile row, London, w. Royal Scottish Geographical Society, National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. Amateur Geologists now comprised in the London Amateur Scientific Society, 10, Arthur street, London Bridge, e.g. Cornwall, Royal Geological Society of, Penzance Dudley and Midland Geological and Scientific Society Edinburgh Geological Society, 5, St. Andrew square, Edinburgh Geological Survey of the United Kingdom, Jermyn street, I^ondon, s.w. Geological Survey of England and Wales, Museum of Practical Geology, Jermyn street, London, s.w. Geological Survey of Ireland, Princi- pal Office, 14, Hume street, Dublin Geological Survey of Scotland, Prin- cipal Office, Sheriff Court Buildings, Edinburgh Geologists' Association, University College, Gower street, London, w.c. Glasgow, Geological Society of, 207, Bath street, Glasgow Hull Geological Society Ireland, Royal Geological Society of. Geological Museum, Trinity College, Dublin Leeds (ireological Association, Leeds Mechanics' Institution, Cookridge street Liverpool Geological Society, Royal Institution, Colquitt street London, Geological Society of, Bur- lington House, London, w. Manchester Geological Society, 36, George street, Manchester Mineralogical Society. General Sec. : L. Fletcher, m.a., 36, Woodville road, Ealing, London, w. Museum of Practical Geology, Jermyn street, London, s.w. Palceontographical Society. Hon. Sec: Rev. Prof. T. Wiltshire, m.a., -ir), Gran- ville Park, Lewisham, London, s.e. Tamworth Natural Histoiy, Geologi- cal and Anticjuarian Society HISTORY & LITERATURE. Arundel Society, 19, St. James's-st., London, s.w. Bacon Society. Secretary : J. F. Fearon, 25, Parliament-st., London, s.w. Ballad Society. Hon. Sec: W. A. Dalziel, 67, Vietoria-rd., Finsbury Park, London, n. Bradford. — Browning Society, affilia- ted with Bradford Philosophical Soc, 33, Sunbridge roail Brontt^ Society and Museum. Sec. : J. Horsfall Turner, Idel, Bradford British Record Society. Hon. Secre- tary and Editor : W. P. W. Phillimore, M.A., 124, Chancery Lane, London, w.r. Carlyle Society, Anderton's Hotel, Fleet street, London, e.c. Chaucer Society. Hon. Secretary : W. A. Dalziel, 67, Victoria-rd., London Chetham Society, King street, Man- chester. Hon. Sec. : C. W. Sutton, Free Reference Library Cymmrodorion, Honourable Society of, Lonsdale Chambers, 27, Chancery lane, London, w.c. Dublin. — College Historical Society, Library and Committee Room, 5, Trinity College, Dublin Early English Text Society : Hon. Sec.: W. A. Dalziel, 67, Victoria road, Finsbury Park, London, w. English Dialect Society. Hon. Sec: and Literary Director : Dr. .Joseph Wright, M.A. , Professor of Comparative Philology, Oxford Folk Lore Society, 22, Albemarle-st. , London w. French Language and Literature, Societe Nationale des Professeurs de FrauQais en Angleterre, 20, Bedford st., Strand, London, w.c. (Glasgow Ballad Society. Secretary : H. Johnston, 125, Buchanan street Glasgow Celtic Society, 194, West George-st. Sec : C. M. Williamson Goethe Society. Secretary : J. F. Hobson, M.A., 17a, Goldhurst terrace, South Hampstead, London, n.w. Gypsy Lore Society. Hon. Secretary : D. Mac. Ritchie, 4, Archibald place, Edinburgh •214 LEARNED SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. Harleiaii Society, 140, Wardour-st. , London, w. Hellenic Studies, Society for the Pro- motion of, 22, Albemarle-st., London, w. Historical Association of Ireland : Secretary : J. G. Rol)ertson, Kilkenny Historical Society, Royal, 20, Hano- ver square, London, w. Historic Society, Tlie, of Lancashire and Cheshire, Royal Institution, Col- quitt street, Liverpool Huguenot Society of London. Hon. Secretary : R. S. Faber, m.a., 10, Prim- rose hill road, London, n.w, Hunterian Clulj for Printing Early Scottish and Englisli MSS. and Books. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer : .1. B. Murdoch, f.s.a., Capelrig, Meai-ns, Glasgow Irish Language, Society for the Pre- servation of the, e, Molesworth street, Dublin. Irish Society, 32, Sackville-st. , Lon- don, w. Irish Literary Society, Bloomsbury Mansion, Hart street, London, w.c. Jervaise, Society, Jersey Literature, Royal Society of, London, 20, Hanover square, London Liverpool. — Literary and Historical Society, University College, Liverpool Liverpool. — The Women's Literary Society, University College, Liverpool London. — The Philologic Institute, 72 to 74, Tower Chambers, Finsbury Pave- ment, London, e.c. London. — Shelley Society, University College, Gower street, London, w.c. London. — Society of Science, Letters and Art, 160, Holland road, London, w. Manchester Literary Club, Grand Hotel, Aytoun street, Manchester Manchester. — Heaton Chapel Literary and Philosophical Society Manchester. — Record Soc, Chetham Library Manx Society. Hon. Sec: C. T. C. Callow, Anfleld Hey, Douglas, Isle of INI an Middlesex County Record Society. Hon. Sec: B. Woodd Smith, Branch Hill Lodge, Hampstead Heath, London New Spalding Club, Public Library, Aberdeen Oxford Architectural and Historical Society, Oxford Palestine Pilgrims' Text Society, 1, Adam street, Adelphi, London, w.c. Philological Society, Cambridge. Sec. : .1. P. Postgate, Trinity College, Litt. d. Philological Society, University Coll., (iower street, London, w.c. Poland, Literary Society of Friends of. Address : Secretary, 10, Duke-st. St. James's, London, s.w. Reigate Literary Institution Scottish History Society. Hon. Sec. : \ T. G. Law, Signet Library, Edinburgh Scottish Society of Literature and Art, 144, Bath street, Glasgow Scotish Text Society. Hon. Sec. ; Rev. W. Gregor, m.a., ll.d., Pitsligo, Fraserburgh, N.B. Selden Society. Hon. Sec. & Treas. : P. E. Dove, 23, Old Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, w.c. Shakespeare Society, Clifton. Hon. Sec. : L. M. Griffiths, 9, Gordon road, Clifton, Bristol Shakespeare Society, New, University College, Gower street, London, w.c. Shakespeare Society, Assembly Hall, Collins street, ^Melbourne, Australia Shakespeare Club. W. (t. Black, Esq., 1, Alfreil place, Hillhead, Glasgow Toynbee Hall Sliakespeare Club, and Toynbee Hall Elizabethan Society, Lon- don, E. Spenser Society, King st., Manchester. Secretary : C. W. Sutton, Free Reference Library Wyclif Society. Sec: J. W. Stander- wick, General Post Office, London, e.c. HORTICULTURE. Arbroath (N.B.) Horticultural and Natural History Association, Literary Club Room, New Public Buildings N. of Scotland Horticultural Assoc, Music Hall Buildings, Aberdeen Royal Horticultural Society, Chiswick Gardens. Office : 117, Victoria street London, s.w. Royal Horticidtural Soc of Ireland, . Dublin JOURNALISM. Dublin. — Inst, of Journalists (Dublin District). Sec. : A. Dunlop, Irish Times Office London. — Foreign Press Association, 7, New Cavendish street, w. London — continued. Institute of Journalists, 78, Fleet street, e.g. Newspaper Press Fund, 55, Strand LEAllNED SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. 215 MATHEMATICS. Association foi- the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching. Sees.: K. M. Langley, m.a., 10, Adelaide square, Bed- ford, and C. Peiidlebury, m.a., 4, Glaz- bury road, London, w. Edinburgh Mathematical Society, Edinburgh Institution, S, Queen street Mathematical Society, 22, Albemarle street, London, \v. MEDICINE. Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society Belfast. — Ulster Medical Society Birkenhead Medical Society Birmingham. — ^Midland Medical Soc. , Medical Institute, Edmond street Birmingham and Midland Branch of Society of Medical Officers of Health Queen's College Medical Society Blackburn Medical Society Bournemouth Medical Society Bradford Medico-Chirurgical Society, Bradford Infirmary Medico- Ethical Society, Bradford Yorkshire Association of Medical Officers of Health, Bradford Brighton and Sussex Medico-Chirurgi- cal Society Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Society Bristol Medico-Ethical Society Buchan Medical Assoc. Hon. Sec: P. Jamie.son, f.r.c.s.e., Peterhead, N.B. Cambridge Medical Society Canterbury. — East Kent and Canter- bury Medical Society. Hon. Sec: W. P. Thornton, St. George's place Cardiff Medical Society Carlisle Medical Society Chester Medical Society Clackmannan Medical Society. Sec. : Dr. Home Hay, Alloa, N.B. Colchester Medical Society Cork County & City Medical Society, Royal Cork Institution, Cork Devonport Medical Society Dublin. — Academy of Medicine in Ireland Carmichael Medical Science Associa- tion, Carniichael College, Dublin Irish Medical Association RoyalCollegeof Physicians (Ireland) Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Edinburgh. — Harveian Society Health Society Medical Missionary Society, 50, George square Medico-Chirurgical Society Obstetrical Society, 5, St. Andrew square Odonto-Chirurgical Society Royal College of Physicians (Edin.) Edinburgh. — continued. Royal College of Surgeons (Edin.) Royal Medical Soc, 7, Mellwurne place School of Medicine for ^Vomen, Surgeon square Exeter. — Devon and Exeter Medico- Chirurgical Society Fifeshire Medical Association. Sec- retary : Dr. C. E. Douglas, Cupar, N.B. Garwich & Northern Medical Associa- tion. Sec. : Dr. Paterson, Inverurie, N.B. Glasgow. -Faculty of Medicine, Ander- son's College Medical School Faculty of Physicians & Surgeons. Secretary and Librarian : A. Duncan, B.A., Faculty Hall, 242, Vincent street Glasgow and West of Scotland, Medical Association, 7, Mitchell lane, and 81, Buchanan street Medico-Chirurgical Society Obstetrical and Gynascological Soc. Pathological Society Sanitary Association of Scotland Southern Medical Society, 11, Bridge street University Medico-Chirurgical Soc Gloucestershire Medical and Surgical Association. Hon. Secretary : Dr. Clarke, Gloucester Hahipshire Medical Society Hastings. — East Sussex Medico-Chi- rurgical Society Herefordshire Medical Association : Secretary : E. Morris, Hereford Herts, West, ]\Iedical Society. Sec- retary : F. H. Berry, m.d., Watford Huddersfield Medical Soc, Infirmary, Huddersfield Hull Medical Society Jersey Medical Society King's College Medical Soc, London Leeds and West Riding Medico-Chi- rurgical Society, Leeds Infirmary Leicester Medical Society. Hon Sec. : F. M. Cape, Campbell House Lincoln ISIedical Society, General Dispensary Liverpool Medical Institution •216 LEARNED SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. London. -Association for the Advance- ment of Medicine by Research. See, : S. Paget, 57, Wimpole street, w. ^sculapian See. of Great Britain, 373, Essex road, n. Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hon. Sec. : W. P. Her- ringham, m.p., 13, Upper Wimpole street, w. British Institute of Public Health, King's College, Strand, w.c. British Laryngological Association. Dr. G. Stoker, 14, Hertford street, w. British Medical Association, 429, Strand, w.c. British Medical Temperance Assoc. Secretary : Dr. J. J. Ridge, Carlton House, Enfield British, The, Gynaecological Society, 20, Hanover square, w. Clinical Soc. of London, Hanover-sq. Dermatological Society of London, 11, Chandos street, Cavendish-sq., w. Epidemiological Soc, 11, Chandos street, w. Guy's Hospital Pupils' Physical Society, s.k. Hampstead Medical Society. Sec. : A. H. Cook, M.B., 25, Denning-rd., n.w. Harveian Society of London, Staf- ford .street, Titchbourne St., Edgware road, w. Hospitals' Assoc, 140, Strand, w.c. Hunterian Society, London Inst., Finsbury Circus, e.c. Incorporated Society of Medical Officers of Health, 20, Hanover-st., w. Inebriety, Society for the Study of. Sec: T. A. Clifford, 42, Grove-rd., n.w. Infirmary Medical Superintendents' Society. Secretary : A. H. Robin.son, M.D., Mile End Infirmary, Bancroft road, E. Irish Medical Graduates' Assoc. Hon. Secretary : P. S. Abraham, 11, Nottingham place, w. Islington Medical Society. vSec : H. F. Stokes, 2, Highway Crescent, n. King's College Medical Society, w.c. Kent, West, Medico -Chirurgical Society, Royal Kent Dispensary, Greenwich, s.e. Medical Education & Registration, General Council of, 299, Oxford street Medical Women, Association of Registered. Sec: Mrs. Kushbrooke, 25, Upper Pliillimore place, w. Medical and Chirurgical Society, Royal, 20, Hanover square, w. Medical Officers of Schools Associa- tion, 11, Chandos street, w. London — continued. Medical, The, Society of London, 11, Chandos street, w. Medico-Psychological Association. Secretary : F. Beach, m.d., Darenth Asylum, Dartford Middlesex, The, Hospital Medical Society, Mortimer street, w. Neurological Society of London. Secretary : R. Maguire, m.d., 4, Sey- mour street New Sydenham Society. Hon. Sec. : J. Hutchinson, f.r.s., 15, Cavendish square, w. Obstetrical Society of London, 20, Hanover square, w. OdontologicalvSociety of Gt. Britain, 40, Leicester square, w.c. Opthalmological, The, Society of the United Kingdom, 11, Chandos-st., w. Pathological Society of London, 23, Berners street Poor Law Medical Officers' Associa- tion. Sec: J. W. Barnes, f.r.c.s., 3, Bolt court, i!.c. Public Health Medical Society. Secretary : Dr. F. J. Allan, 53, Devon- shire street, Portland place, w. Royal College of Physicians, Pall Mall East, s.w. Royal College of Surgeons, Associa- tion of the Fellows of the. Secretary : H. Allingham, f.u.c.s., 25, Grosvenor street, w. Royal College of Surgeons, Associa- tion of tlie Members of the. Sec- retary : Dr. W. C. Steele, m.r.c.s. , 1, Florence terrace, Ealing, w. St. Andrew's Graduates' Associa- tion. Secretary : Mr. Menzies, 11, Chandos street, w. St. Mary's Hospital Medical Soc, St. Mary's Hospital Medical School, Paddington, w. St. Thomas's Hospital Medical and Physical Society, Albert Embankment Sanitary Institute, The, 74a, Mar- garet street. Regent street, w. Sydenham District Medical Society, London, s.e. University College, Medical Soc, Gower street, w.r. Volunteer Medical Association. Hon. Secretary : Dr. J. E. Squire, 101, Great Russell street, w.c. West London Medico-Chirurgical Society, West London Hospital, Ham- mersmith road, w. Manchester. — Clinical, The, Society of Manchester Manchester Medico-Ethical Associa- tion, 16, St. Ann's Parsonage Medical Society, Owen's College I LKARNED SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. 217 Manchester — continued. Manchester Pathological Society, Owen's College Manchester and Salford Sanitary Association. Secretary : F. Scott, John Dalton street Newbury and District Medical Society Newcastle-on-Tyne. — Clinical Society Durliam University Medical Assoc. Northumberland and Durham Medi- cal Society, Infirmary Library Norwich. -Medico-Chirurgical Society Nottingham. -Medico-Chirurgical Soc. Reading Pathological Society Rochdale Medical Society Sheffield Mi'dico-Ciiirurgical Society, The Medical School, Leopold street Southampton Medical Society Stockport Medical Society Sunderland and North Durham Medi- cal Society, Sunderland Warrington Medical Society Wigan Aledical Society York Medical Society MICROSCOPY. Bath Microscopical Society, Bath Literary and Scientific Institution : Hon. Secretary : E. .J. Hunt, 18, Belmont Birmingham Microscopists'& Natural- ists' Union, 1, Broad .street corner. Easy row Birmingham Natural History and Microscopical Society, Ma.son College Bolton Microscopical Society, Mawds- ley Street Board School, Bolton Bradford Naturalists' and Micros- copical Society. Hon. Secretary : T. Wilkinson, 5i, Cai'lisle road. Manning- ham, Bradford Bristol Microscopical Society, 28, Berkeley square Chichester and West Sussex Natural History erdeciishirc) Field Club and Scientific Society Alford (iyt?ico^n.sAiVe) Naturalists' Soc. , Mechanics' Institute Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society, 20, George street Hackney Microscopical and Natural History Society, Morley Hall, Hackney, London, e. Kent, West, Natural History, Micro- scojiical and Photographic Society London, South, Microscopical and Natural History Club, Bnxton Hall, Acre lane, Brixton, London, s.w. Manchester Microscopical Society, Grand Hotel, Aytoun street Microscopical Club, Quekett, 20, Hanover sqnare, London, w. Microscopical Club, Western. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer : A. W. Stokes, P.C.S., Laboratory, Vestry Hall, Pad- dington Green, London, w. Microscopical Society, Royal, 20, Hanover square, London, w. Postal Microscopic Society. Hon. Secretary : Alfred Allen, 1, Cambridge place, Bath Ray Society. Hon. Secretary : Rev. Professor Thomas Wiltshire, f.l.s., 2.5, Granville Park, Lewi.shara, London, s.e. Scottish Microscopical Society, 18, George street, Edinburgh NAVAL SCIENCE. Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich Royal Engineers' Institute, Chatham Royal United Service Institution, Whitehall yard, London, s.w. HISTORY. Arbroath (iV.5.) Horticultural and Natural History Association, Literary Club Room, New Public Buildings Armagh Natural History and Philo- sophical Society Bacup Natural History Society Banffshire Field Club and Scientific Society, Town & County Club Buildings, Banff, N.B. 218 LEARNED SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. Barnsley Naturalists' Society, Public Hall, Barnsley Belfast Natural History and Philo- sophical Soc, Museum, College-sq., N. Berwickshire Naturalists' Club. Hou. Secretary : James Hardy, ll.d., Old- cambus, Cockburnspath, Berwickshire Birmingham. — Midland Union of Natural History Societies, Mason College Natural History and Microscopical Society, Mason College Microscopists' & Naturalists' Union, Broad street corner Bradford Naturalists' & Microscopical Society. Hon. Secretary : T. Wilkinson, 54, Carlisle-st., Manningham, Bradford Brampton Literary and Field Natural- ists' Club, Brampton, via Carlisle Bristol Naturalists' Society, Univer- sity College. Hon. Secretary : Professor A. Leipner, f.z.8., 47, Hampton Park, Clifton Buchan Field Club & Scientific Soc. , The Institute, Prince street, Peterhead Burton-on-Trent Natural History and Archreological Society, 46, High street Caradoc Field Club. Hon. Secretary : Rev. F. Auden, m. a., St. .Julian's Vicar- age, Shrewsbury Cardiff Naturalists' Society. Hon. Secretary : R. W. Atkinson, b.sc, 44, Loudoun .square Carlisle Scientific Society and Field Naturalists' Club Chester Society of Natural Science and Literature, Grosvenor Museum Chichester and West Sussex Natural History & Microscopical Society. Hon. Sec: A. G. Everard, 9, North street, Chichester Clayton West Naturalists' Society, Huddersfleld Cleveland Naturalists' Club, Middles- brough Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club. Hon. Secretary : E. Wethered, f.g.s., 5, Berkeley place, Cheltenham Croydon Microscopical and Natural History Club, Public Hall, Croydon Cumberland & Westmoreland Associa- tion for the Advancement of Literature and Science. Secretary : J. B. Bailey, 28, Eaglesfield road, Maryport Derbyshire Natural History & Philo- sophical Society. Hon. Sec: G. Hyde, 214, Osmaston road, Derby Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, 33, Victoria st , Derby Dewsbury Naturalists' Society Dudley and Midland Geological and Scientific Society and Field Club Dundee Naturalists' Society, Univer- sity College, Dundee Dundee Working-Men's Field Club East Scotland Union of Naturalists' Societies. Hon. Sec. and Treas. : W. D. Sang, c.r,.. Town send Crescent, Kirk- caldy, N.B. Edinburgh Field Naturalists' & Micro- scopical Society, 20, George street Ellesmere School Natural History Society, Harrogate Elland-cum-(ireetland Natural His- tory Society, EUand Essex Field Club, 8, Knighton Villas, Buckhurst Hill, Essex Folkestone Natural History Society, Town Museum Gilbert Club, Colchester. Sir Wm. Thomson, Pre.sident Glasgow, Natural History Society of, 207, Bath street Greenock Natural History Society, McLean's Museum, Kelly street Harrogate and District Naturalist and Scientific Society, Harrogate, Yorkshire Heckmondwike ( Yorks. ) Naturalists' Society Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club, Public Library, Watford Holmesdale Natural History Club, Museum, Public Hall, Reigate Hudderstield Naturalists' Society, Beaumont Park Museum Hull Field Naturalists' Society Kent, East, Natural History Society, 39, St. George's street, Canterbury Kirkcaldy Naturalists' Society, Kirk Wynd. Hon. Secretary : W. D. Sang, 12, Townsend Crescent Largo Field Naturalists' Society, Largo, Fife Leeds Naturalists' Club Liversedge ( Yo'ks. ) Naturalists' Soc. Liverpool Naturalists' Fiekl Club, Royal Institution, Colquitt street London. — City of London Entomo- logical ,and Natural History Society, Albion Hall, London Wall, e.g. Ealing Microscopical and Natural History Soc, Christ Church Schools, Ealing, w. Hackney Microscopical and Natural Hi.'story Soc, Morley Hall, Hackney, e. Kent, West, Natural History Micro- scopical and Photographic Society, Mi.ssion School, Blackheath Village Lambeth Field Club and Scientific Society, St. Mary Newington Schools, Newington Butts, s.e. Linnwan Society, Burlington House Malacological, The, Soc. of London- Hon. Secretary : E. R. Sykes, f.z.b. 13, Doughty street, w.c. LKARNED SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. 219 London — continued. Ray Society (for Pnblication of Works on British NatiuMl History). Hon. Secretary : Rev. Professor Thos. Wiltsliire, r.L.s., 25, Granville Park, Lewisham, s.e. Selborne .Society, 9, Adam street, Adelplii, w.c. Soutii London Entomological and Natural History Society, Hibernia Cliambors, London Bridge, s.b. Sonth London Microscopical and Natural History Club, Brixton Hall, Acre lane, s. w. Toynbee Hall Natural History Society, e. Louth Naturalists' Society Maidenhead and Taplow Naturalists' Field Club and Thames Valley Anti- quarian Society. Hon. Sec: James Rutland, The Gables, Taplow Malvern Field Club, Great Malvern Malton ( Yorks. ) Naturalists' Society Man {Me of) Natural History & Anti- quarian Society. Secretary : P. M. C. Kermode, Hillside, Kamsey, Isle of Man Manchester Field Naturalists' and AiThfeologists' Society, 16, Kennedy-st., Albert square, Manchester Marlborough ( Wilts. ) College Natural History Society Montrose (N'.B. ) Natural History and Antiquarian Society Scientific and Field Club Newbury District Field Clulx Hon. Secretary : W. Money, Newbury Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists' Soc. , Museum, Norwich Northumberland, Durham, and New- castle-on-Tyne Natural History Society, Museum, Barras bridge, Newcastle-on- Tyne Nottingham Naturalists' Soc, Not- tingham Institute, Shakespeare street Oswestry and Welshpool Naturalists' Field Club Penzance Natural History and Anti- quarian Society, Public Buildings Perthshire Society of Natural Science, Tay street, Perth Peterborough Natural History, Scien- tific, and Archaeological Soc, Museum, Minster Close, Peterborough Ravensthorpe {Dewsbury) Naturalists' Society Richmond and North Riding Natural- ists' Field Club, Museum, Tower street, Richmond, Yorkshire Ripon Naturalists' Club & Scientific and Literary Association, Park .street Ripponden (;te«;'/fa^(/aa') Naturalists' .Society Rochdale Field Naturalists' Society Rotheram Naturalists' Society Rugby School Natural History Soc. Rugby Scarborougii Naturalists' Society Sheffield. — Naturalists' Club Sheffield and Hallamshire Field Naturalists' Society Somersetshire Archaeological & Natu- ral History Society, Taunton Castle Staffordshire, North, Naturalists' Field Club and Arch.-eological Society, Municipal Buildings, Hanley Stirling Natural History and Archa-o- logical Society, Smith Institute, Stirling Stockport Society of Naturalists, St. Peter's gate, Stockport Suffolk Institute of Arclueology and Natural History Athenseum, Bury St. Edmunds Tamworth Natural History, Geo- logical and Antiquarian Society Teign Naturalists' Field Club. Hon. Secretary : F. Amery Druid, Ashburton, Devon Thirsk Naturalists' Society Toi-quay Natural History Society, Babbacombe road, Torquay Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club, Museum of Natural History Society, Newcastle-on-Tyne Wakefield Naturalists' and Philoso- phical Society Warrington Field Club, Museum Bold street, \Varrington Warwickshire Naturalists' & Archieo- logists' Field Club, Museum, Warwick Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Woolhope Naturalists' Field Chib, Free Library, Hereford York Field Naturalists' and Scientific Society York and District Field Naturalists' Society Yorkshire Naturalists' Union. Sec. : W. Dennison Roebuck, f.l.s., Sunny Bank, Leeds ORNITHOLOGY. British Ornithologists' Union, IS, Princes street, Cavendish-sq. , London, w. 220 LEARNED SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. PHOTOGRAPHY. Aberdeen Amateur Photographic Association Rath Photographic Society Batley & District Photographic Soc. Belfast. — Ulster Amateur Photo- graphic Society Birkenhead Photographic Association Birmingham Photographic Society Bolton Camera Club Bolton Photographic Society Brechin Photographic Association Brighton Photograpliic Society Bristol Amateur Photographic Association Bristol Camei'a Society Burnley Amateur Photographic Soc. Bury Photographic Club Cardiff Amateur Photographic Soc. Carlisle and County Amateur Photo- graphic Society Cheltenham Photographic Society Darlington Photographic Society Derby Photographic Society Dewsbury Amateur Photographic Soc. Dorset Amateur Photographic Association Dundee and East Scotland Photo- graphic Association Edinburgh Photographic Club Edinburgh Photographic Society Glasgow Photographic Society Glasgow and West of Scotland Ama- teur Photographic Association Gloucestershire Photographic Society, Gloucester Hastings Photographic Society. Sec. : A. Brooker, Memorial Buildings Herefordshire Amateur Photographic Society, Hereford Huddersfield Photographic Society Hyde Photographic Association Ipswich Photographic Society Ireland, Photographic Society of, 15, Dawson street, Dublin Keighley Photographic Association Kent, North, Amateur Photographic Society. Secretary : G. W. Cobhani, 3, Edwin street, Gravesend Leamington Amateur Photographic Society Leeds Photographic Society Leeds. — Yorkshire College Photo- graphic Club. Sec. : 11. B. Hall, Leeds Leicester Photographic Society Leith Amateur Photographic Assoc. Lewes Photographic Society Liverpool Amateur Photographic Association London. — Albany Institute Amateur Photographic Society. Sec : A. B. Gee, 280, Albany road, s.r. Amateur Photographic Association. Secretary : A. N. Melhuish, 58, Pall Mall, s.w. Amateur Photographic Field Club. Secretary : B. G. Wilkinson, 151, Bermondsey street, s.e. Brixton and Clapham Camera Club, Secretary : F. W. Levett, 126, Lowden road, S.E. Camera Club. Sec. : C. Davison, 21, Bedford street East Dulwich and Peckham Photo- graphic Society. .Secretary : S. W. Gardiner, 7, Barry road Hampstead Photographic Club. Sec: B. W. Wild, VVillesden lane, s.w. Holborn Camera Club. Secretary : J. E. Smith, 100, High Holborn, w.c. London & Provincial Photographic Association. Secretary : R. P. Drage, 95, Blenheim Crescent, w. North London Amateur Photo- graphic Association. Secretary : C. J. Clarke, 52, Queen's road, n. North Middlesex Photographic Club. Sec: G. R. Martin, Green lanes, n.k. North Surrey Photographic Society. Secretary : H. Senier, 88, Norwood Road, S.E. People's Palace Photographic Club. Sec: F. A. Bridge, Dalston lane, n.e. Photography Soc. of Great Britain, 50, Great Bussell-st., Bloomsbury, w.c. West Surrey Amateur Photogra- phic Society. Secretary : G. H. James, Stockwell, s.w. University College Photographic Society, w.c. West London Photographic Soc. Secretary : J. A. Hodges, 87, Chan- cery lane, vv.c. Manchester Amateur Photographic Society Manchester Camera Club Newcastle Photographic Association Oldham Photographic Society Oxford University Photographic Club Paisley Photographic Society Peterl)oro' Photographic Society Postal Photographic Club, Oxford Reading Amateur Photographic Soc. Rochdale and District Photographic Soc, Duckworth's Hotel. Secretaries : H. & W. Bamford, 242, Yorkshire street LEARNKD SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. 221 Rossendale Photographic Association. Secretary : W. Holt, Rawtenstall Sheffield Camera Clul> Shrewsbury. — Sun & Company. Sec: J. Harding, 6, College Hill Shropshire Amateur Photograi:)hic Association, Shrewsbury Southport Photographic Society Southsea Amateur Photographic Soc. Stockton Photographic Society Sunderland Photographic Association Surbiton Amateur Pliotograjjhic Soc. Sutton I'hotogra])hic Club Swansea Amateui' Pilot ((graphic Assoc. Tunbridge Wells Amateur Photo- graphic Association Wallasey, near Liverpool, Photo- graphic Association Walton Photographic Society Warrington Amateur Photographic Society York Photographic Society PHRENOLOGY. British Phrenological Association, 63, Chancery lane, London, w.c. PRINCIPAL COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS OF MUSIC. Birmingham, The, School of Singing, Broad street corner Bradford. — The Yorkshire Branch of the Victoria College of Music Cork School of Music, 8, Morrison's Quay Derby. — School of Music Dublin. — Royal Hibernian Military School. Professor Vocal Music, W. G. Goodwin, a7, Belgrave-sq., Rathmines The Royal Irish Academy of Music, 36, Westland row German Institute of Music, 46, Bedford street Edinburgh. — Lyric Club Hanley. — North Stafford School of Music, Pall Mall Leeds. — The Yorkshire Training Col- lege of Music, Victoria square Liverpool Conservatoire of Music. Director ; A. J. Phipps, 63, Canning street London. — Academy for the Higher Development of Pianoforte Playing, 12, Hinde street, Manchester-sq., w. Blackheath (Jonservatoire of Music, Bennett Park, s. i:. College of Church Musicians, 35, Wellington-st., Strand, w.c. College of Organists, Bloomsbury Mansion, Hart street, w.c. College, The, of Violinists, 14, Gray's Inn road, w.c. Crystal Palace School of Art, s.e. English College of Music, 304, Regent street, w. Forest Gate, The, School of Music, Earlham grove, s.e. Gresham College, Basinghall-st. , E.c. Guildhall School of Music, Victoria Embankment, k.c. London — continued. Hampstead, The, Conservatoire of Music and School of Art, Eton avenue, Swiss Cottage, n.w. Indigent Blind, School for the, St. George's Circus, s. k. London Conservatoire of Music, Porchester road, Hyde Park, w. London Organ School and Inter- national College of Music, 3, Princes street, Cavendish square, w. London, The, Academy of Music, St. George's Hall, Langham place, w. London, The, College of Music, 7, (ireat Marlborough street, w. London, The, School of Music, Beethoven Rooms, 27, Harley-st., w. Musical International College, 27t>, Cornwall road, w. New Lyric Club, 63, St. James's street, s.w. North East London Academy of Music, Morley Hall, Hackney, i:. Poplar School of Music, Montague place, Poplar, e. Portman Academy of Music, Port- man Rooms, 58, Baker street, w. Queen's Park School of Music, 46!), Harrow road, Queen's park, w. Royal Academy of Music, Tenterden street, Hanover square, w. Royal College of Music, Kensington Gore, s.w. Royal Military School of Music, Kneller Hall, near Hounslow Royal Society of Musicians, 84, New Bond street, w. Royal, The, Normal College and Academy of Music for the Blind. Westow street. Upper Norwood, s.i:. South London Institute of Music, 295, Camberwell New Road, s.i:. 222 LEARNED SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. London — rontimied. Tonic, The, Sol-fa College, 27, Fins- bury square, e.c. Trinity College, Mandeville Place, Mancliester square, w. Victoria College of Music, 11, Bur- leigh street, Strand, w.c. West London College of Music and Dramatic Art, Westwick Gardens, Kensington Park, w. West London Institute of Music and Operatic School, 149, Edgware road, w. Manchester. — Royal School of Music Reading Inst, of Music, 86, London-st. PSYCHOLOGY. Aristotelian Society for the Systematic Study of Philosophy, 22, Albemarle street, London, w. Edinburgh Philosophical Society, Uni- versity Psychical Research, Society for, 19, Buckingham-st., Adelphi, London, w.c. SHORTHAND, PHONOGRAPHY, &c. National Phonetic Society, 13, Fleet I Phonetic Society. Sec. and Treas. street, London, e.c. I Isaac Pitman, Bath Shorthand Writers Association, London ZOOLOGY. Royal Zoological Society of Ireland, Phtenix Park, Dublin Zoological Society of London, 3, Han- over square, London, w. theological Colleges, BAPTIST. B.\NGOR Bristol Haverfordwest Manchester Nottingham Bala Pastors' College. .1. A. Spurgeon pontypool Rawdon, Leeds Regent's Park CALVINISTIC METHODISTS. I Trevecca CHURCH OF ENGLAND. President : Rev, Birkenhead. — St. Aidan's Birmingham. — Queen's College Burgh. — St. Paul's Missionary Coll. Cambridge. — Ridley Hall Canterbury. — St. Augustine's Mis- sionary College Chichester cuddesdon Dorchester. — Foreign Missionary Ely Gloucester Highbury. — St. John's Hall, London College of Divinity Isle of Man. — Bishop Wilson's Islington. — Church Missionary Coll. Leeds. — Clergy School Lichfield Lincoln Oxford. — St. Stephen's House Oxford. — WyclifFe Hall St. Bees Salisbury Truro Warminster. — St. Boniface Mis- sionary College Wells THEOLOGICAL COLLEGES. 223 CONGREGATIONAL. Bala-Bangor (JV. Wales) Bradford (Yorkshire) Brecon Cheshunt. -Countess of Hiintiugdou's Edinburgh. — George square Hackney. — Finchley road Hampstead. — New College Manchester. — ■ Lancashire Indepen- dent College Nottingham Oxford. — Mansfield College Plymoitth JEWS. London. — Jew's College, Tavistock square, w.c. METHODIST. Belfast. — -{Wesleyan Methodist) DiDSBURY, Manchester ,, Handsworth ,, Headingley, Leeds ,, Richmond (Surrey) ,, MANCHESTER.-(Alexander-rd., Primi- tive Methodist) MANCHESTER.-(Victoria Park, Metho- dist Free Church) Ranmoor, Sheffield. — (Methodist New Connexion) PRESBYTERIAN. Aberdeen. — English Presbyterian Theological College Aberdeen. — Free Church College Belfast. — Presbyterian College Uerry.— Magee College Edinburgh. — Free Church New Coll. Edinburgh. — United Presybterian, Theological Hall Glasgow. — Free Church College ROMAN CATHOLIC. Ampleforth, York. -St. Lawrence's Bath. — St. Gregory's, Downside Bath.— SS. Peter & Paul, Prior Park Blairs, Aberdeen. — St. Mary's Chesterfield. — Mount St. Mary's Drumcondra. — All Hallows, for Foreign Missions Edgbaston, Birmingham. — The Ora- tory Fort Augustus. — Abbey School Hereford. — St. Michael's Pi-iory Leeds. — St. Joseph's Seminary Liverpool. — St. Edward's, Everton Manchester. — St. Bede's Maynooth. — St. Patrick's Mill HiLL.-St. Joseph's, for Foreign Missions THEOLOGY UNFETTERED BY DOGMA. Carmarthen.— Presbyterian College | Oxford.— Manchester College UNITARIAN. Manchester. — Unitarian College. NoTTiNG Hill. — St. Charles's OscoTT, Birmingham. — St. ISIary's Seminary Ramsgate. — St. Augustine's Ratcliffe, Leicester St. Asaph. ^— St. Beuno's St. Wilfrid's, Oakamoor, Stoke- on-Trent Stonyhurst, Blackburn Tooting. — St. Joseph's UsHAW, Durham. — St. Cuthbert's Ware.— St. Edmund's, Old Hall Wey'bridge, Woburn Park. — St. George's WiNDSOR.-St. Stanislaus', Beaumont Woolhampton, Reading. -St. Mary's 224 BURNS CLUBS AND SCOTTISH SOCIETIES. 15uni6 Clubs anb Scottisb Societies. On the roll of the Burns federation. No. Kilmarnock. -Burns Club ( Mother of the Federation). Instituted IsOS. Meetings held in Georjie Hotel, Kil- niarnofk. Secretary and Treasurer : Alexander Davidson, 58, Portland-st. London. — Burns Club. Secretary and Treasurer : A. M'Killigan, 18, Grove end road, St. John's Wood, s.w. Alex-JlNDKIA. -Burns Club, Village School, Alexandria, Dumbartonshire Glasow. — Tarn O'vShanter Club. Meet in Ancell's, Glassford street Callander. — Burns Club. Sec. : James S. Anderson, Callander Earlston. — Burns Club. Secre- tary : William Kerr, Earlston Alloa. — Burns Haggis Club. Secretary : John Donaldson, 6, Drys- dale street Glasgow. — Thistle Burns Club. Secretary : John Peters, 150, Main-st., Anderston Morpeth and District. — Burns Club. Secretary : John Dobson, Old- gate street Glasgow. — Royalty Burns Club. Treasurer & Secretary : Robt. Mason Renwick, 23, Wilson street, Hillhead Dgmbarton. — Burns Club. Sec: James M'Gilchrist, Dumbarton Chesterfield. -Burns Club. Sec. : J. H. Kerr, 11, Gladstone road Barrow.in-Furness. -Burns Club. Secretary : Alexander M'Naught, 4, Ramsden square St. Andrews. -Burns Club, Royal Hotel Dundee. -Burns Club. Secretary : John Beat, 36, Nethergate Belfast. — Burns Club. Trea- surer and Secretary : Peter Galloway, 15, Donegall place Sydney. -Burns Club. Secretary : W. Telfer, School of Arts, Pit street, Sydney, N.S.W. Nottingham. — Scottish Society Burns Club. Secretary : — D. Stuart, Hepburn, 9, Wellington Circus Liverpool. — Burns Club. Secre- tary and Treasurer : Alexander Smith, 104, Salisbury road, Wavertree Auckland. — Burns Club & Liter- ary Association, Masonic Hall, Auck- land, N.Z. No. 20 .4.IRDRIE. — Burns Club. Trea- surer and Secretary : J. Somerville, Royal Hotel 21 Greenock. — Burns Club. Secre- taries : J. B. Morison and S. C. D. Taylor, 36, Nicolson street 22 Edinburgh. — Burns Club. Sec: George A. Munro, s.s.c., 37, Castle-st. 23 ADELAiDE.-South Australian Cale- donian Society. Secretary : John Druramond, 50, Bundle street 24 Glasgow. — Bank Burns Club. Meet in M'Culloch's, 109, Argyle-st. 25 Winnipeg. -St. Andrew's Society, Unity Hall, Hain-st., Winnipeg, Man. 26 Perth. — Burns Club. Seci'etary: James Harper, Solicitor, 68, St. John street 27 Glasgow. -Springburn Burns Club. Secretary : William M'Bain, Janefleld Cottage, Springburn 28 Mauchline. — " Jolly Beggars " Burns Club. Secretary & Treasurer : James Young, Haughyett 29 Bolton. — Burns Club. Secretary : Harry George, 32, Halstead street, The Haulgh .30 Blackburn. — Burns Club. Sec: William M'Kie, Fleming square 31 San Francisco.— Scottish Thistle Club. Recorder : Geo. W. Patterson, 320, Farrell street, San Francisco, Cal. 32 Newark. -Caledonian Club. Sec: John Hogg, Caledonian Club, Newark, New .Jersey, U.S.A. 33 Glasgow. — Haggis Club. Sec : R. J. Cameron, 212, St. Vincent street 34 Glasgow. — Carrick Burns Club, 62, Glassford street 35 Dalry. — Burns Club. Secretary and Treasurer : Alexander Comrie, Accountant, Dairy, Ayrshire 36 Glasgow. — Rosebery Burns Club. Secretary «t Treasurer : James Angus, 22, Ratho terrace 37 Dollar. — Burns Club. Meet in Castle Campbell Hotel. 38 Glasgow.-" Jolly Beggars" Burns Club. Secretary : James Gillespie, Junr., 80, Gloucester street 39 Glasgow. — "St. David's" Burns Club. Meetings at 163, Ingram street 40 Aberdeen. — Burns Club. Sec: A. M. Byres, 21, Bridge street BURNS CLUBS AND SCOTTISH SOCIKTIES. •225 41 Denntstoux. — Burns Club. Meet' at Loudoun Arms Hotel, Dennistouii, Glasgow 42 Crieff. — Burns Club. Secretary: William Pickaid, Writer, Crieff ■13 Glasgow. — Northern Burns Club. Secretary : Alexander Duncansou, 24, Grafton street 44 Forfar. -Burns Club. Seci-etary : Henry Rae, 14, Montrose road 45 Cumnock. — Burns Club. Meet in Dumfries Arms Hotel 46 Warwickshire. — Burns Club. Secretary and Treasurer : Robt. Green- field, Ranelagh Nursery, Leamington 47 Glasgow. — St. Rollox Burns Club. Sec: Thomas Paton, 21, Tennant-st., St. Rollox, Glasgow 48 Paisley. — Burns Club. Hon. Sec- retary and Hon. Treasurer : James E. Campbell, m.a.,b.l.,3, County place 49 Bridgeton. — Bui-ns Club, Mech- anics' Hall, Canning street, Glasgow 50 Stirling. -Burns Club. Secretary: J. L. Hutcheon, Journal Office, 5, King street 51 Chicago. — Caledonian Society, 1-85, E. Madison street, Chicago, 111. .52 Dumfries. — Mechanics' Burns Club. Secretary : George W. Clarke, 5, Kirkowens street 53 Govan. — Fairfield Burns Club. Secretary : William .Munro, Wavorley Hotel, Langlands road 54 Perth. St. Johnstone Bums Club. Seci'etary & Treasurer : Tlios. Macgregor, 15, Balhousie street 55 Derby. — Burns Club. Joint-Sec- retaries : W. H. Cunningham and Thomas Boyd, 54, Sadler gate 56 MuiRKiRK. — Lapraik Burns Club, Secretary : Amhew Pringle, Main-st. 57 Thornliebank. Burns Club. Secretary : Malcolm Jamieson 58 Kirkcaldy. — Burns Club. Sec: Charles Robertson, 29, Links street 59 GouROCK. -" Jolly Beggars " Burns Club, Gamble Institute 60 Wolverhampton. — Burns Club. Secretary : James Killin, Beechgrove, Compton road 61 Glasgow. — The Glencairn Burns Club, 375, Paisley road 62 Cupar. — Burns Club. Treasurer and Secretary : David Walker, 6, Bonnygate, Cupar-Fife 63 Glasgow. — Mossgiel Burns Club. Meet in Mrs. Anderson's, 3, Cathcart street, Gorbals 64 Beith. — Burns Club. Secretary : William Hastings, Reform street 65 Musselburgh AND Fisherrow. — Burns Club. Sec: John Graliam, Royal Hotel, Musselburgh NOT ON THE ROLL OF THE BURNS FEDERATION. Abington. — Burns Club. Secretary : Robert Colthart, Arbory Villa, Abing- ton, N.B. .A.SHINGTON. -Burns Club. Secretary : Alex. Duncanson, Ashington, Morpeth Ayr. — Burns Club. Sec. : George Bain, Smith's Institution Balerny. — Burns Club. Secretary : John Fairbairn, Balerny Barrhead. — "Tarn o'Shanter "Club. Secretary : John M'Whirter, Gateside Bathurst. — Burns Club. Secretary : W. Ferrier, Piper-st., Bathurst, N.S.W. Battle Creek. — Clan Macdonald. Secretary : Fi-ank Reid, 34, Irving street, Battle Creek, Mich., U.S.A. Bay City. — Clan Forbes. Secretary : George E. Smith, 509, Eleventh street, Bay City, Mich., U.S.A. Bay City. — St. Andrew's Society. Secretary : G. A. Wilson, Bay City, Mich., U.S.A. Bedlington and District. — Burns Club. Sec: John Tate, Bedlington Iron Works, Northumberland Belfast. St. Andrew's Society. Secretary : J. Dewar, College Green Bellshill. — Burns Club. Secretary : John Murdoch, Commercial place Cambuslang. — Burns Club. Sec. : George Johnstone, Excelsior Villa Cardiff.— Burns Club. Secretary : Wm. Wallace Pettigrew, The Gardens, Cardiff Castle Coatbridge. — Burns Club. Sec. : J. Milne Royd, Solicitor, Colt terrace CowPEN.— The Sydney Burns Club. Sec: John Harrison, Kitty Brewster, Cowpen, Northumberland Craigneuk. — Burns Club. Sec; W. M'Millan, 3, Shieldmuir, Motherwell Crossgates. -Burns Club. Secretary : William Muir, Back street, Crossgates, Fifeshire Detroit. -Clan Cameron. Secretary: A. W. M'Xair, 12, Woodware avenue, Detroit, Mich. Douglas.— Burns Club. Secretary: G. Torrance, North Quay, Douglas, Isle of Man Dublin. -St. Andrew's Society. Sec: J. C. Anderson, 37, C^ollege Green Dumfries. —Burns Club. Secretary : H. S. Gordon, Solicitor, Mount Brae 226 BURNS CLUBS AND SCOTTISH SOCIETIES. Dumfries. — Burns " Howff " Club. Secretary : Jolin Connor, care of Mrs. Smith, Cilobe Hotel Dumfries. — " Wale of Good Fellows " Club. Sec: Robert Bower, 4, Ramsay place DuNEDiN. — Burns Club. Secretary : William Brown, Dunedin, N.Z. Duns. — Burns Club. Secretary : D. Birrell, Castle street Edinburgh. -Ayrshire Society. Sec. : A. H. Cooper, w.s., 40, Castle street Edinburgh. — Ninety Burns Club. Secretai-y and Treasurer : John A. Clues, 10, Dublin street Edinburgh. — Sir Walter Scott Club. Hon. Secretary : Kenneth Sanderson, 15, York place Edinburgh (South). — Burns Club. Treasurer & Secretary : .James Granger, 16, Melville terrace Fort Mayne. — Caledonian Society. Sec: William Lawson, Fort Mayne, Ind., U.S.A. Galashiels. — Burns Club. Sec. : James Wilson, 25, Channell street GiRVAN. — The Carrick Burns Club. Secretary : Andrew Robertson, The M'Kechnie Institute Glasgow. — Barlinnie Burns Club. Secretary : James H. Duff, Woodbank, Barlinnie Glenpatrick. — Burns Club. Sec: .John Carson, 27, High street, Johnstone GoREBRiDGE. — Bums Club. Sec. : P. Hume Patterson, Gorebridge Hamilton. — Burns Club. Secretary : John Cassels, Writer, Portland Park Hamilton. — Glencairn Burns Club. Sec. : John Ballantyne, 49, Campbell-st. HAMiLTON.-Junior Burns Club. Sec. : William Wilson, 10, Union street Hamilton. — Original Burns Club. Secretary : James Eglinton, 22, Hope-st. Hamilton (OiU.) — Clan M'Kenzie Club. Secretary : James M'Kenzie, 202, Fay street so\ith Hawick. — Burns Club. Secretary : James D. Simpson, Herron Hill Terrace Hull. — Burns Club. Secretary : J. Henry Rae, 25, De la Pole Avenue, Newington Irvine. — Burns Club. Secretary : James Dickie, Irvine. Kirn. — Burns Club. Sec: Captain Edward, Kingston Villa, Hunter's Quay Leith. — Burns Club. Sec: William Wilson, 21, Panmure Place, Edinbvugh Linlithgow. — Burns Club. Sec. : John Patrick Hardy, 34, Kelvinside Gardens, Glasgow London (Ont.)—C\a,n Eraser. Sec- John G. Jones, 241, Queen's avenue M.\nchester & Salford. -Caledonian Association. Sec: Duncan MacLean, 13, Alexandra Grove, Plymouth Grove, Manchester MiLNGAViE. Burns Club. Sec. : Peter Adams, Industry Cottage Milwaukee. — St. Andrew's Society. Sec: Hugh W. Guthrie, 207, Brady-st., Milwaukee, Wis., U.S.A. Montreal. — Clan Maclennan. Sec: George G. Barry, 40, Inspector street Newcastle & Tyneside. -Burns Club. Sec. : J. H. Peddle, 5, Bath terrace, Tynemouth, Newcastle-on-Tyne Oban. — Burns Club. Sec. : Thomas Boyd, 56, George street OvERTOWN. — Burns Club. Secretary : G. M'Dougall, Durham Bank, Orchard Drive, Wishaw Paterson. — Caledonian Club. Sec. Archibald M'Call, 131, North Ninth street, N.J., U.S.A. Philadelphia. — Burns Association. Secretary : John Sheddon, 2603, Colum- bia avenue, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Philadelphia. — Caledonian Club. Chief : J. Coupland, Philadelphia,U.S. A. Philadelphia. — Burns Statue Assoc. Sec: W R. Collins, Caledonian Hall, Thirteenth and Spring Garden streets, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Philadelphia. — Scots Thistle Soc Sec: J. Ferguson, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Philadelphia. — St. Andrew's Soc. Sec: W. R. Smith, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Philadelphia. -Tain o' Shanter Club. Sec: H. Campbell, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Pittsburg. — Waverley Society and Burns Club. Sec: Robert Thomson, Pittsburg, Pa., U.S.A. Providence. — Caledonian Society. Secretary : Geoi-ge Gibb, 408, Chalkstone ave.. Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A. Rochdale.— Burns Club St. John. — Clan Mackenzie. Sec: Joseph A. Murdoch, Haymarket square, St. John, N.B. Stow. — Burns Club. Secretary: W. H. Cook, Fountainhall, Mid-Lothian Thames.— Burns Club. Secretary: John Gibb, Gas Works, Thames, Auck- land, N.Z. Waterbury. — Burns Club. Sec : W. H. Callan, 49.'i, Washington avenue, Waterbury, N.H., U.S.A. West Bay City. — Clan Fraser. Sec. : John Kennedy, 510, N. Chilson avenue. West Bay City, Mich., U.S.A. WooDSTOCK.-Clan Sutherland. Sec: C. W. Oliver, Woodstock, Ont. Yonkers.— The Robert Burns Club. Secretary : Kenneth M'Kay, 9, Popular street, Yonkers, N.Y., U.S.A. BOOK COLLECTORS. Bool^ Collectors Wanting catalogues and Reports. Where no distinction is made, the Collector desires Catalogues or Reports of Miscellaneous Literature. In all cases it is advisable, when reporting hooks, to state the size, condition, date, and price {including jiostage or carriage. ) Allen, Charles Dexter, Hartford, Conn., U.S.A. Book-plates (Ex-Libris), Old Engravings, and Prints Almack, E., 99, Greshani street, London Eikon Basilke Allsnp, D. W., Preston Alpine, Arctic, Tiavels, Voyages Anderson, John, 300, Hart street, Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A. Dramatic Portraits ; early Americana; Sepulchral items; Poetry and the Drama Angus, Craibe, & Son, Queen street, Glasgow Editions of Burns, and Works, Pamphlets, &c., relating to Burns Arinytage, George J., Clifton Woodhead, Brighouse, Yorks. Heralds' Visitations, Book-plates Arthur, Charles, 9, Burnley road, Stockwell, London, s. \v. Book-plates (Ex-Lihris) all kinds, good prices for old or dated specimens Ashley, Henry, 20, Blenheim Mount, Leeds French History, including Napoleon I. and his Times ; Voyages and Travels, particularly in Amei-ica, Canada, Australia, Pacific Ocean, and the South Sea ; American Revolution and History ; Ex-Libris (Bookplates) large collection ; Fine English and French Engravings ; Portraits of anyone connected with American History Aylward, F. G. , Broomy Hill, Hereford Books, Pamphlets, Magazine Articles, &c., relating to George Meredith : Books and Pamphlets on Bank Notes Barber, Henry Jocelyn, Brighouse, Yorks. Old Caricatures, Facetia?, Coins, Natural History, Archreology ; Books, Por- traits, and Prints relating to Halifax. Exchanges effected and duplicates .sold Beekman, W. L., 55, East 5th street, St. Paul, Minn., U.S.A. Bibliography and Miscellanea Beer, William, Howard Memorial Library, New Orleans, La., U.S.A. Bibliography, Folk Lore, Books of Louisiana, New Orleans imprints Bellamy, C. H. , Belmont, Brook road, Heaton Chapel, Manchester Cathedrals, Architecture, Peru Bevei'idge, E. , St. Leonard's Hill, Dunfermline Books and Pamphlets printed in or relating to Dunfermline Billson, Charles J. , Clarendon Park, Leicester Folk Lore, Anthropology, Travels Blackman, Robert D. , Maclise Mansion, Kensington, w. Medical and Surgical Works, and all publications in Science, Travel, Bio- graphy, Belles Lettres, &c. Brill, W. H., St. Anthony Park, St. Paul, Minn., U.S.A. Drama and Autographs Bromwick, Rev. C. T., Gestingthorpe, Halstead, Essex Books, &c., relating to Essex Brooks, S. H. , Slade House, Levenshulme, Manchester Military and Cornwall 228 BOOK COLLECTORS. Brown, A., Bristo, Edinburgh Any Books on Photograpliy Bnrgoyne, F. J., Central Lil)rary, Brixton, London Works on or by Lord Bacon ; Plays before 1640 Barman, Dr. C. Clark, Bondgate Without, Alnwick Early Northumberland printed Books, Views, &e.; Transactions of Berwick- shire Naturalists' Club, 1S31-50 Candy, Christopher, Southampton Hampshire Books and Prints Carson, Rev. Thomas, Clarisford, Cowper road, Dublin Book-plates Casey, Joseph J., 26, East 129th street. New York, U.S.A. Genealogy and Local History— French, English, and American ; Bibliography ; priced Auction Sale Catalogues of Books, Prints, the Arts, Coins, &c. ; Philatelic matters Caspar, C. N., 437, East Water street, Milwaukee, Wis., U.S.A. Standard, Technical, Scientific, Bibliographical, Antiquarian, Incunabula Caulfield, C. W., 1321, Broadway, New York City, U.S.A. Photography Charnock, John James, Holly Croft, Chorley, Lancashire Maps, Plans, Surveys, Folk Lore, Dialects, Genealogy, Pedigrees (Lancashire in particular) Clay, C. , J. P., The Hollins, Luddenden Geographical, Ancient and Modern Travels Clay, William F., 18, Teviot place, Edinburgh Chemistry and Standard Books ; vols, and sets of Journals Cleaver, H. , 9, New Bond street place, Bath Byron—, Dickens—, Thackeray—, Shelley—, Occult—, ana Collier, John, Regent place, Leamington Warwickshire Topography ; Mechanical Subjects Colton, J. H. C, 49, Spencer street, C'arlisle Dialect, North Country, Facetise, and General Combridge, Oliver, 39, Marina, St. Leonard's-on-Sea Books, Pamphlets, Magazines, &c., relating to the Catholic Apostolic Church (so-called Irvingite) Conway, Noel, & Co., 50b, New street, Birmingham Autographs and Historical Documents Cook, W. B., Stirling, N.B. Works on Scottish History and Antiquities, Local Histories, Record Publica- tions, Stirling Books, Maps, and Views Cooke, Herbert, 146, Richmond road, Cardiff Fine Art, Alpine Corry, Thomas Charles Steuart, m.d., m.r.c.s., Eng., Glenfield place, Belfast Rare and Curious Books Crawley, W. J. Chetwode, ll.d., 11, Merrion square, Dublin Early Freemasonry Cursiter, James W., Kirkwall, N.B. Books, &c., relating to Orkney and Shetland Da Costa, His Excellency F. , Brazilian Minister, St. Petersburgh D'Alby, 12, Holtham road, St. John's Wood, London Old Juveniles Daniel, Thomas H., b.a., 8, Bruntsfield Gardens, J^dinburgh Davies, T. Witton, Principal, Midland Baptist College, Nottingham Theology (especially Old Testament), Mohammedan, Semitic Languages Denham, Alex., & Co., 175, High Holborn, London, w.c. Exporters to U.S.A. Dodds, Edwin, Home House, Low Fell, Gateshead Books on Chess, Chess Periodicals, Engravings of Chess Scenes, Portraits of Chess Players, &c. ; Arctic, Gardening, Topography Douglas, Percy, Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A. Anglican Orders ; Douglas Family BOOK COLLKCTOHS. 229 J^dge-Partington, J., Eltham, Kent Australasia ami Pacific Islands Edwards, John, Foregate street, Chester Antiquarian and Chester Books Evans, F. H., 19, Buckingham street, Strand, London, w.c. First Editions Falkenau, Henry, 92, Washington street, Chicago, U.S.A. Catalogues and Reports solicited Felch, \V. Farrund, Hartford, Conn., U.S.A., Secv / '^"^^''i*^''^" Authors' Publishing Co. ^■\ National Library League Two numbers each of General Catalogues ; also Shakespeare, Napoleon, Antiquities Fendelow, Charles, 50b, New street, Birmingham Autographs ; original Drawings by Leech, Cruikshank, Phiz, Rowlandson, Keene, &c. Ford, A. li. , Cottage Hotel, Lynton, Devon. Miscellaneous, and Books and Prints on Cricket Foskett, Edward, f.r.s.l. , Camberwell Public Libraries, Pcckham road, London, s.E. Angling, Topography, .Surrey, and Miscellaneous Fox, C. J., Butler's Wharf, South wark, London, s.E. Norfolk Books :ind Miscellaneous Foxwell, H. S. , St. John's College, Cambridge Early Books, Broadsides, or MSS. on Trade, Money, Labour, &c. Francis, Thomas, Havant Freemasonry : Books, MSS., Engravings, Jewels and Medals, China and Glass, relating to Frater, George, Bank, Wi'exham Scottish Local History, Genealogy, Nomenclature Galloway, F. C. , Greenfield House, West Bowling, Bradford, Yorks. Collector of all Books appertaining to Yorkshire, namely, Bronte's, Gent's, Cole's, Searle's, &c., &c. Garside, Henry, 201, Burnley road, Accrington Works on Numismatics, Philately, Porcelain, and Pottery Geden, Rev. A. S. , Wesleyan College, Richmond, Surrey Oriental and Classical Literature, Archeology, Geography Glenn, D. , 42, Lincoln road, Peterborough Send me your List of Wants. Works on Genealogy, History, Science, Poetry, or books in any language ; Autographs, Coins, Seals, &c., &c. Golding, Charles, Colchester, Essex Antiquarian Books and Pedigree Sheets Goodwin, U. G., Build was, Ironbridge, Shropshire Welsh Books, Tracts, Broadsides, and especially Ballad.s : Welsh Manu- sci-ipts ; Early Works in any language if relating to Wales. Hen Llyvi-an Gyniraeg. Old, Quaint, or Curious Books Goulden, W.E., The Athenicum, Canterbury Kentish Topography and Prints, Emblems, I{emainders, Catalogues, Ex- Libris Greene, C, Gt. Basford, St. Neots Bedfordshire Topography, Carlyle's Frederick, Swift, Grote's Cireece, Milman's Works, Conchology Hall, Henry, Marsden Cottage, Teddington Books of all kinds Hammersley, G. , Blackheath, New South Wales Australia — early Hankin, A., Bishop vStortford Bewick, and Woodcut illustrations Harbour, Henry, 204, Eglinton road, Plumstead Kent Topographical Harper, Francis P., 17, East 16th street. New York City, U.S.A. Americana 230 BOOK COLLECTORS. Harrwitz, Max, Potsdamerstrasse, 4'2a, Berlin Talbotype, Daguerreotype, old Photography, Incunabula, German old books, Calendars de Gotha before 1800, Ex-Libris Hart, W. 0., Attoniey-at-Law, 12, Carondelet-st. , New Orleans, La., U.S.A. Collector of General Literature, particularly of Dickensianaand Thackerayana — Books wanted relating to the Bibliography of both or either. Catalogues desired and correspondence with Collectors solicited Haxtou. John, Markinch, Fife, N.B. ' Old English Bibles Hazard, Hon. R. G., Peace Dale, Rhode Island, U.S.A. Ornithology, Oology Higham, Charles, 27a, Farringdon sti-eet, London, e.c. Theological Books ; piinted Catalogues or MS. lists of same Hindi, William A., 77, Long Acre, London Works on Irish Archaology, History, &c. Hijiwell, Daniel, 65, St. John's Wood terrace, London, N.w. Old MSS., Documents, Records, Newspapers, 18th Century and Ancient Literature Hitchiu, Samnel, Beckenhani road, Nottingham Old Books on Cricket Holgate, C, Salisbury Voyages, Topography : Hampshire, Wilts., Essex, Yorks. Holmes, Rev. R. S., Wakelield First Thackerays, Cricket Books Hooppell, Rev. I,eonard, Byers Green, Speiinynioor " Edmund of the Forest," Historical Novel, 4 vols.. Lane, 1797 ; \isitations. Family Histories, Topography, Bibliography, and bound Book Catalogues Hoppin, H. P., 403, Sunnnit avenue, St. Paul, Minn., U.S.A. Howell, G. 0., 210, Eglinton road, Plumstead Kent and Pembrokeshire Books, Tracts, Broadsides, Manuscripts, Maps, Views, Portraits, &c. Hughan, ^^"illiam J., " Dunscore," Torquay Books, &(:., on Freemasonry Hughes, Edward, Wrexham Felhan, Wrexham Welsh Books ; Books relating to Wales and Shropshire Humphreys & Co., 12, Paternoster row, London Old Magazines, Quarterlies, Punch, Graphic, News, &c. Hutt, F. H. , Clement's Inn passage. Strand, London, w.c. Alpine, Cock Fighting, Books with coloured plates Irvine, James, 37, Radipole road, Fulham road, London Books, Pamphlets, Magazines, Newspaper Articles, etc., relating to the Catholic Apostolic Church, erroneously called Irvingite Jack, T. C, 7, Crawford Head, Edinburgh Heraldry Jaggard, Jesse, 81, Lord street, Liverpool Lancashire and Cheshire Books ; First Editions of esteemed authors ; col- lections of Book-plates or Postage Stamps Jaggard, William, The Grove, Leamington First Editions of all Popular Authors James, H., Junior, Reform Club, Liverpool T «. Boxing or Wrestling Books. Miscellaneous Catalogues not required Jeffery, John, 60, East road, London, n. Book-plates (Ex-Libris), Old Poetry, &c. Johnson, R. Brimley, Llandaff House, Cambridge English Literature ; Letters Joly, Choisy le Roi, Seine, Paris Jones, W. Hall, Pennhurst, Wolverhampton Pamphlets, Tracts, &c., relating to the Independents prior to 1688 ; Crom- Kelly, The, Law Book Company, Limited, Lincoln's Inn Gate, London Law Reports, Treatises, and Text Books of all descriptions BOOK COLLKCTORS. 231 Kennard, Thomas, 22, Regent street west, Leamington Spa Warwickshire Books or Prints ; also 17tli Century or earlier Baptist Authoi-s Kennedj', W. & J. , Hawick Books on Roxburghshire anil Hawick Keogh, R. P., 7, Richmond place, Rathmines, Dublin Mathematics (general) Kidd, William, Dundee Books and Prints on Dundee Kohn, Julius, Austro-Hungarian Consulate General, 11, Queen Victoria street, London, e.c. All subjects Lee and Shepard, Boston, U.S.A. Books of all kinds Lee, W. H. , 195, Norwood road, London, s.E. Freemasonry Lewis, George, 44, St. John's Hill Grove, New Wandsworth, Sun-ey Miscellaneous and Economies Libbie, Fred J., 1S7, Neponset avenue, Dorchester, Mass., U.S.A. Book-plates, (E.\-Libris), Works relating to Book-plates, Heraldry, &c. Librarian, Odd-Fellows Library, Salinas City, California, U.S.A. Books of all kinds Loomis, John T., 1726, Corcoran street, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. Lowe, Rev. F. E., St. Stephen's, Guernsey Theology, Entomology Lowther, W. B. , Thirsk, Yorks. Hymnology Luff, W. A., Bordage street, Guernsey Books, Engravings, Manuscripts, or Autographs, relating to Channel Islands Mackay, Eneas, Bookseller, Stirling, N. B. Catalogues solicited Maclachlan, John, Free Library, Dundee All Books suitable for a Public Library Mc.Kenzie, A. W., Esq., 41, Great King street, Edinburgh McMillan, Daniel H., Buffalo, N.Y., U.S.A. Wanted : Ancient and modern publications relating to Scottish Hi.story, Literature, Arts, Sciences, Education, Religion, Poetry, Music, Social Life, Tradition, Folk Lore, Songs and Ballads ; also Scottish Antiques and Engrav- ings ; also publications relating to the Celtic Druids. Catalogues and Correspondence solicited Mc.Tear, J. S. , Bangor, Co. Down Games and Recreations Maggs, U., 159, Church street, Paddington, London, w. English Poetry before 1660 : Dramatic and other Portraits ; Catalogues, British and Foreign Maiden, A., Salisbury Heraldry, History, Topography ; Cambridge, Essex, Wilts. Marshall, Frank E., 1740, Edgeley street, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S..\. Americana, including Portraits and Engravings ; early Poetry ; Charles Lamb ; early Ameiican Imprints Marston, R. B., St. Dunstan's House, Fetter lane, London, e.c. Works on Angling and Archery, English or Foreign Martin, George, .32, ('haring Cross, London, s.w. Modern English Literature ; Limited Editions, large paper Massey, Edward, Upper Ormonde Quay, Dublin Ireland, anything relative ; Roman Catholic Divinity Maude, J. , 28, North street, Scarborough Books, Pamphlets, Engravings, Views, &c., printed at or relating to Scar- borough or neighbourhood Miller, Dewitt, Drawer 1612, Philadelphia, Penna., U.S.A. Second-hand Catalogues generally Meehan, J. F. , Bath Byron, Dickensiana, India, Batli 232 BOOK COLLECTORS. Moon, G. Washington, 16, New Burlington street, London, w. Greek Coins, Works on Numismatics Murray, Francis Edwin, Ashover, Chesterfield Books written or edited by Austin Dobson Myers, Asher J., 2, Finsbury square, London, E.c. Old Pamphlets, Prints, &c., relating to Jews Naunton, F. W., Victoria road. Great Yarmouth Works illustrated by Rowlandson, Cruikshauk, Leech, Aiken, Blake ; Sporting Newton, Professor, Magdalen College, Cambridge Works bearing on Ornithology Nield, Edward, 11, Victoria street, Clifton, Bristol O'Uonnell, John, 23, Mulgrave street, Lower Broughton, Manchester Works ill or on Shorthand, particularly very old or scarce ones ; Books on Ireland ; Chess ; Penmanship, prior to 1700 Oldfield, Rev. W. J., Missionary College, Burgh, Lincolnshire Theological and Missionary Owen, Edward H. , F.S.A., Ty Coch, near Carnarvon Welsh Books, Tracts, and Broadsides, 1540 to 1700 ; Welsh Manuscripts ; Works on Welsh Genealogy and Local History Parsons, Messrs., 45, Brompton road, London Art, Architecture, Ornament Passmore, Dr., 12, Richmond Terrace, Brighton Jerusalem ; Old Theology Peet, Henry, f.s. A., Mount Pleasant, Liverpool Books on Lincolnshire Perrin, Joseph, Ovingham, R.S.O. , Northumberland Works on Cumberland, Lancashire, Northumberland, Folk Lore Piggot, Rev. A., Leven, Fife, N.B. Fife and Fifeshire Books Proud, R., Sunnyside, Warrington Angling Books Raymer, Charles D. , 243, 4th Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A. Minnesota, Bibliography, and General Literature Raymer's Old Book Store, 834, 15th Street, Denver, Col., U.S.A. Miscellanea Read, General Meredith, f.s. a., Rue de Boetie, Champs Elys6es, Paris History, Genealogy, inedited Autographs or Manuscripts, French, English, or American Ridgway, Alfred, Gravesend Kent Topographical Prints and Gravesend Books Sampson, John, York Sound old Sporting and Local Topography Sattler, Richard, Brunswick, Germany Portraits of Princes of the Brunswick-Lunenburgh (Hanoverian) House Scheible, John, 79, Haupstatterstrasse, Stuttgart, Germany Old rare Books, Literary Curiosities, Engravings. All second-hand Catalogues wanted as issued Shearer, R. S. , & Son, Publishers, Stirling, N.B. General, Historical, Local, and Central Scotland ; Plates Smith, A. Earnshaw, Lyndewoode road, Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics, Oriental (especially Semitic), Modern Languages Smith, Alfred, & Son, Bath Old Collections of Postage Stamps and old Pamphlets; Catalogues and Magazines relating to the same Smith, J., Woolsthorpe, 35, Cleveland road, Crumpsall, Manchester Mathematical Works, Bibliography, History, and Periodicals Smith, W. J., North street, Brighton Books and Prints relating to Sussex or Brighton Spencer, J. E. , 4, Delph street, Halifax French, Novels, Philosophic and Scientific Works (modern only) BOOK COLLECTORS. 233 Spencer, Walter T., 27, New Oxford street, London, w.(;. First Editions of modern authors and of Books with humorous lllustrationH, perfect or imperfect Stephenson, Simeon, Kirkgate, Wakefield First Dickens, Chap, Yorkshire Books Stevens, Henry, & Son, 39, Great Rnssell street, London, w.c. Books and Maps relating to North America, prior to say 1830. All reports answered Stoate, William, Belmont, Burnham, Somersetshire Books, Pamphlets, Manuscripts, Prints, Tokens, &c., on Somersetshire Strong, Joshua, Wellington Quay, Dublin Catalogvies of Foreign and uncommon Books Sykes, M. C. , d.p.ii. Lond. , f.c.s. , Sykeshurst, Barnsley, Yorks. Coins, Medals, Arms Taylor, John, 9, College street, Northampton Northamptonshire Pamphlets and Engravings Taylor, John, 94, Northgate, Wakefield Novels, Remainders, Surplus Stocks, Books, Magazines, or Periodicals Taylor, R. S., Box 274, Richmond, Va., U.S.A. Americana, Bibliography, Poeana Tebb, Dr., 173, Finchley road, London, N.w. Poetry, General, Medical Thomas, James J., Law Library, Bristol Law Books Thomas, Rev. Lawrence Buckley, c/o G. E. Stechert, 810, Broadway, New York, U.S. A Thompson, G. H. , Alnwick Books and Prints relating to Northumberland and the Borders ; " Archeoglia (Eliana," Vols. I., II., O.S., General Index, 3rd series, N. & Q. Thompson, Professor Sylvanus P., Technical College, Finsbury, London Early Magnetism, Electricity, Optics ; Books printed by Peter Short (London) 1590 to 1603 ; Autographs of Electricians Tomkins, Daniel, Great Yarmouth Norfolk, Suffolk, and Sixteenth Century Books Travis, George, -34, St. John's Hill Grove, Wandsworth, London, s. \v. Tregaskis, James, 232, High Holborn, London Early printed Books, Woodcuts, Book-plates (Ex-Libris) ; also Catalogues English and Foreign Tuer, Andrew W.. The Leadenhall Press, Ltd., 50, Leadenhall street, London, e.c. Old ABC Horn-Books wanted to pui chase (the alphabet, Ac, printed on a small sheet of paper mounted on a handled wooden slab and covered with a thin sheet of translucent horn, from which children used to learn the A B C). Also early A B C children's battledores, old alphabets on card, wood, ivory, itc. The advertiser, who is engaged on a work on the horn-book, woidd be grateful for references to examples in museums and private hands Turner, J. Horsfall, Idel, Bradford Yorkshire Pamphlets, Views, Portraits, MSS. Veitch, George Seton, Friarshall, Paisley All Book Catalogues Venour, S. , Altrincham Angling, Shooting, Ornithology, Richard Jefferies' Works Vicar, Preston Candover, Basingstoke Hampshire Books, Prints, Deeds, I'amphlets Vincent, W. T. , 189, Barrage road, Woolwich Kentish Books and Prints Warde, Thomas, Norfolk Book Shop, Sheffield Catalogues of English and Foreign Booksellers respectfully solicited and books ordered therefrom Warren & Sons, Winchester Views of Winchester or Hampshire ; Buck's East Prospect of Winchester Weighell, Walter, Launceston Books on Devon and Cornwall White, J. B., Marine Board, Belfast Maritime and International Law; Ancient Sea Laws; Law and Practice of Admiralty Court Whitley, Charles, 8, Ringford road, Wandsworth, London, s.w. Whittle, Jonathan, 254, East 10th street. New York City, U.S.A. Americana and Orientalia, especially East Indies Wildy & Sons, Lincoln's Inn Archway, Carey street, London, w.c. Indian and Colonial Law Reports Wilkinson, Charles, Lansdowne Lodge, Old Charlton, London 1. Illuminated MSS. 2. Early printed books before 1475, especially those on vellum, and any with woodcuts before 1520 3. English Black-Letter Books before 1600 4. Any volumes of Early Poetry printed before 1085 5. Any plays in 4to or folio, printed before 1685 6. First Editions of any works by Oliver Goldsmith, Gray, Gay, Fielding, Sterne, Smollett, Burns, Lamb, Shelley, Lever, and Dickens's " Strange Gentleman" 7. Any autograph letters, sketches, or other MSS. of Thackeray, or his " Flore et Zephyr" 8. Any old coloured prints by Bartolozzi, Morland, Wheatley, Heath, or Aiken Williamson, Dr., The Monnt, Guildford Numismatics, Pastels, Surrey, Guilds Williams, Thomas, 64, Victoria street, London, s.w. Old books on Hunting, Boxing, Shooting, Cockfighting, or other Sports ; old humorous books with coloured plates ; odd parts, oi' imperfect or stained copies of the above, 8vo. Portraits or Autographs of Sportsmen or Sporting Authors before 1850 Winch Brothers, Colchester Foreign Stamps, Books on and Collections of Stamps Wood, George, 313, Lees road, Oldham Lancashire and Cheshire Authors Wood, G. W. , "Ballagawne," Riggindale Road, Streatham, s.w. Manx Language and Literature, Gaelic, Antiquarian, Natural History, &c. WooUcomlse, Robert Lloyd, ll.d., 14, Waterloo road, Dublin. Irish Legal Antiquities. Wright, John, 18, Eleanor street. South Shields Books on Portugal and the Portuguese "A taste for Books is the pleasure and glory of ray life. I would not exchange it for the glory of the Indies." — Ed. Gibbon. " If the crowns of all the kingdoms of Europe were laid down at my feet in exchange for my Books, and my love of Reading, I would spurn them all. " — A rchbishop Feuelon. " We may, if we choose, find more exquisite delight in reading than in aught else. True, we want a new Omar to make a vast conflagration of heaps of accumulated rubbish, but even of thoroughly good books there is an unlimited supply. Teach a boy to read, train him to love what- soever things are pure, lovely, noble, and of good report : turn him, so trained, into a free pul^lic library, and you give him for his own an imperial palace such as no monarch ever inhabited, such as no lamp of Aladdin ever built. — Archdeacon Farrar. BIBLIOGBAPHICAL WORKS OF REFERENCE. 235 Biblioorapbical Morks of iRcference, AcLAXD (Arthur H. D. ) Guide to the Choice of Books for Students and Uenei-al Readers ; Svo., 1891. AcL.\ND (Henry W. ) The Students' Library; 3rd edition, 8vo., Oxford, 1877. Adams (Charles Kendall) A Manual of Historical Literature ; 3rd edition, New York [1888]. Adams (Oscar F.) Brief Handbook of English Authors, 8vo., Boston, Mass., 1884. Brief Handbook of American Authors, Svo, Boston, Mass., 1884 Adams (W. Davenport) Dictionary of English Literature; 4to., London [1878]. Allen (John, Junr. ) Bibliothec.v Herefordiensis ; or, a descriptive Cata- logue of Books, Pamphlets, Maps, Prints, etc., relating to tlie County of Hereford ; 8vo., Hereford, 1821. Allibone (S. Austin) Critical Dictionary of English Literature and Britisli and American Authors ; 3 vols., roy. Svo., Philadelphia, 1859-1871.— Sdpple.ment, edited by John F. Kirk ; 2 vols., roy. 8vo., Pliiladelphia, 1891. A.MERicAN Catalogue of Books, 1869 ; Svo., New York, 1870. Anderson (John P. ) The Book of British Topography : a classified Cata- logue of the Topographical Works in the Library of the British Museum relating to Great Britain and Ireland ; 8vo., London, 1881. Annual American Catalogue of Books, 1871 : 8vo., New York, 1872. 1893; Svo., London, 1893 Annual CATALOCiUE for the year 1701, with Books reprinted in the year 1701; 4to. "A Catalogue of the most esteemed Modern Books that have been published for fifty years past to the present time, with the prices affixed." 8vo., London, 1751, stitched sheets. Arber (Edward) Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London, l,'j54-]640 ; 4 vols., 4to., London, 1875-7.— Vol. v.. Index, 1894. List of 837 London Publishers, 1553-1640 ; pp. 32, 4to. , Birmingham, 1890 Arnold (Matthew) The Bibliography of, arranged Chronologically from 1840 to 1888, by T. B. Smart ; 8vo., 1892. Atkinson (James) Medical Bibliography, A-B ; 8vo., York, 1833 ; 4to., London, 1834. Axon (Ernest) Bibliography of Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquities, 1890-91 ; 8vo. [Manchester], 1891-2. Axon (W. E. A.) Bibliographical List of Books illustrating the Lan- cashire Dialect ; Svo. , Manchester, 1875. The Smallest Books in the World : a Bibliogi-aphical Note ; Svo., [Manchester], 1876. B. (W. B.) Ijst of Books and Manuscripts relating to Orkney and Shetland ; 8vo., Kirkwall, 1847. Bandinel (Bulkeley) [Classed] Catalogue of the Books relating to British Topography, bequeathed to the Bodleian Library in the year MDCCXCIX., by Richard Oough, Esq., i-.s..s.; 4to., Oxford, 1814. Bannatyne Club. — Lists of Members and Rules, with a Catalogue of the Books printed for the Bannatyne Club since its Institution in 1823 ; Svo., Edin- burgh, 1867. Beaufort (Duke of) and A. E. T. Watson. — The Badminton Library OF Spoirr, &('.; 4to., 18S5, &c. Beloe (W.) Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books ; 6 vols., 8vo., London, 1807-1812. 236 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL WORKS OF REFERENCE. Bewick (Thomas and John) Descriptive and Critical Catalogue of Works, illustiatecl by, by K. J. Selwyn ; 8vo., London, 1851. The Bewick Collector : a descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Thomas and .John Bewick, by the Rev. Thomas Hugo ; Svo, London, 1866.— Supplement, 1868, Svo. BiBLioGRAPHiCA : a Magazine of Bibliography, in twelve quarterly parts, 1884-6 ; large imp. 8vo., London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner, & Co. Bibliographical AND Historical Miscellanies, 1854-1876 ; 14 vols. , Svo., Philobiblon Society, instituted in London, a.d. 1853. Bibliographical Memoranda, in illustration of Early English Literature [edited by .John Fry] ; small 4to. , Bristol, 1826. Bibliographical Miscellanies : being a Selection of Curious Pieces in Verse and Prose [edited by Philip Bliss, d.d.] ; 4to., Oxford, 1813. Bibliographical Notices of the Church Libraries at Turton and Gorton, bequeathed by Humphrey Chetham, edited by G. P. French ; small 4to., Chetham Society, 1855. Bibliography in the Birmingham Free Public Library, Reference Depart- ment, by J. D. MuUins ; 4to., Birmingham, 1884. Bibliography in the Wigan Free Public Library, Reference Department, by H. T. Folkard ; 4to., Wigan, 1887. Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica ; or, a descriptive Catalogue of a i-are and rich Collection of Early English I^oetry, in the pos-session of Longmans & Co. [by A. F. Griffiths] ; roy. 8vo., 1815. Bibliotheca Piscatoria : a Catalogue of Books on Angling, the Fisheries, and Fish Culture, with Bibliographical Notes and Appendix by T. Westwood and E. Satchell ; 8vo., 1883. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica [ed. John Nichols, &c.]; 10 vols., 4to., London, 1780-1800. BiGMORE (E. C. ) and C. W. H. Wyman.— Bibliography of Printing ; 4to., 3 vols., London, 1880-1886. Blackburn (Charles) Hints on Catalogue Titles and on Index Entries ; roy. Svo., 1884. Blackie's Modern Cyclopedia, ed. Charles Annandale, ll.d. ; 8 vols., 8vo., London, 1889-1890. Blades (William) The Life and Typography of William Caxton, England's First Printer ; 2 vols., 4to., London, 1861-3. 2nd edition, 1882 [1881], Svo. Catalogue of Books printed at (or ascribed to the Press of) William Caxton ; 8vo., London, 1865. How to Tell a Caxton, with some hints where and how the same might be found ; Svo, London, 1870. Bibliographical Mlscellanies ; 8vo., 1890, &c. How to Correct Printers' Proofs. London: Blades, East, & Blades, 1894, 6d. Blakey (R.) Historical Sketches of Angling Literature, with Biblio- graphy of English Writers on Angling ; post 8vo., 1856. Boase (George C. ) and Wm. P. Courtney. — Bibliotheca Cobnubiensis : A Catalogue of the Writings, both Manuscript and Printed, of Cornishmen, and of Works relating to the County of Cornwall, with Supplement; 3 vols., Svo. , London, 1874-18S2. BoASE (George C. ) Collectanea Cornubiensia : a Collection of Biographical and Topographical Notes relating to the County of Cornwall ; 4to., Truro, 1890. BoiiN (Henry G.) Catalogue of Books ; 8vo., London, 1841. The Biography and Bibliography of Shakespeare ; 4to. , Philobiblon Society [1863]. List of the Books printed by the Philobiblon Society ; 8vo, 1864. Bibliographical Account of the Works of Shakespeare ; Svo. [London, 1864]. Book Prices Current : a Record of the Prices at which Books have been sold at Auction; Vols, i.— viii., demy 8vo., London, 1887-1894. Books about Books, ed. Alfred W. Pollard ; Svo., London : Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co., 1893. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL WORKS OF REFERENCE. 237 Book-Lover's Library, ed. Henry B. Wheatley ; 8vo., Lon., Elliot Stock. " Bookman " (The) Directory of Booksellers, Publishers, & Authors ; Li>ndon : Hodder et Stounhton, 1893. Botfield (Beriah) Bibliotheca Membranacea Britannica ; or, Notices of Early English Books printed upon vellum ; small 4to., pp. 28, Philohiblnu Society [1855 ?] Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England ; roy. 8vo., 1849. BoucHOT (H.) and E. C. Bigmorb. — The Book : its Printers, Illustrators, and Binders ; Svo., 1890. Bowker (R. R. ) and T. Solberg. — Copyrkjht : its Law and its Litera- ture, with a Bibliograpliy of Books on Copyright ; 4to., 1880. Bowker (R. R. ) The Library List: being a List of Public Libraries in the United States and in Canada of over 1000 Volumes ; 4to, New York, 1887. Boyne (Wm., F.s.A. ) Yorkshire Library: a Bibliographical Account of Books, &c., relating to the County of York, with Collations and Notes on the Books and Authors ; 4to., 18(i9. Bragge (William) Bibliotheca Nicotiana ; or, a Catalogue of Books about Tobacco ; 4to., Birmingham, 1880. British Museum. — List of the Books of Reference in the Reading Room, ed. W. B. Rye, 8vo., 1859 ; -Znd ed., 8vo.. 1871 ; 3rd ed., revised, pp. xxv. 475, 8vo., 1889. List of Bibliographical Works in the Reading Room ; First Edition, 8vo., 1880, by G. W. Porter ; 2nd edition, 8vo., 1889, by G. K. Fortescue. Hand-List of Bibliographies, Classified Catalogues, and Indexes, p'aced in the Reading Room, ed. by G. W. Porter ; 8vo., 1881. Reading Room Catalogue. — Catalogue of Authors, A-Z ; Subject Index, A-Z ; 2 vols. G. K. Fortescue, Subject Index of the Modern Works added to the Library, 1880-5 ; 4to., 1886 ; 1885-1890 ; 8vo., 1891. Catalogue of Books placed in the Galleries in the Reading Room, compiled by G. W. Porter ; 2 vols., 8vo., 1880. Catalogue of Printed Books ; Accessions, 1894 ; Parts cxxxvi., cxxxvii. Catalogue of Books in the Library of the British Museum, printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and of Books in English printed abroad, to the year 1640, compiled by G. Bullen ; 3 vols., 8vo., London, 1884. Guide to the Printed Books exhibited to the Public, ed. (t. Bullen ; 8vo., 1SS7. Guide to the Printed Books exhibited in the King's Library [ed. Richard Garnett]; 8vo., 1891. CopiNGER (W. A.) Investigation of a Portion of the British Museum Catalogue [i.f. that containing the complete Latin Bibles] ; 8vo., 1893. BrIVOIS (J.) BiBLIOGRAPHIK DES OUVRAGES IlLUSTRES DU XlXe. SlECLE ; 8vo., Paris, 1883. Brougham (Lord) Bibliographical Lists of Lord Brougham's Publica- tions, by Olphar Hamst, pseud, (i.e. Ralph Thomas); 8vo., privately printed, 1873. Browning (Robert) Handbook to Robert Browning's Works, with Biblio- graphy, by Mrs. A. S. Sutherland Orr ; 6th edition, fcap. 8vo., 1894. Brunet (J. C.) Manuel du Libraire ; 6 vols., 8vo, Paris, 1860-5. — Suppi.EMEXT ; 2 vols., Svo, Paris, 1878-1880. See s.v. Deschamps, Pierre. Brydges (Sir Egerton) British Bibliographer ; 4 vols., Svo., 1810. Censura Literaria ; 10 vols., 8vo., London, 1805-9; 2nd edition, 10 vols., Svo, 1815. Restituta ; or. Titles, Extracts, and Characters of Old Books in English Literature revived ; 4 vols., Svo., 1814-16. Burns (Robert) Annual Burns Chronicle and Club Directory, with Bibliography of Robert Burns ; 3 vols., Svo., Kilmarnock, 1892-4. Bibliotheca Burnsiana, by J. Mac/Kie ; 8vo., Kilmarnock, 1866 The Burns Calendar : a Manual of Burnsiana, Concise Bibliography, &c.; 4to, Kilmarnock, 1874. 238 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL WORKS OF REFERENCE. Burns (Robert)— contimied. Bibliography of Robert Burns ; 8vo. , Kilmarnock, 1881. Burton (John Hill) The Book-Hunter ; 8vo., P'dinburgh [printed] and London, 186-2. 2nil edition, Edinburgh [printed] and London, 1863. New edition, Svo., Edinburgh, 1882. Butler (O. Slade) ToPO.) Porcus literarum. A literary glutton ; one who devours books without regard to quality. Portfolio. A case in the form of a book cover for the preservation of loose papers, prints, music, &c. Post(Lat.) After. Posthumous works. An autlior's writings not published until after his death. Preface. Preliminary remarks of an author or editor ; an introduction to a literary work. Press Proof. The last proof read and corrected previous to printing off. Prima facie. On the first view or appearance ; at first sight. Principia. First principles. Newton's great book. Prologue. The preface or introduction to a discourse or dramatic per- formance. Proof (in Printing). A trial impression from types, woodcuts, engraved plates, &c., taken for preliminary reading or examination. Called alsop/oo/-47icc/. When the first proof has passed tlirough the hands of tlie proofreader, and his corrections (if any) have been made, a rev he-proof is printed for final reading. The \v(jr(l press or A', written on the tinal proof signifies that the work may be printed off ; formerly the word impriviatiir was used, which meant jx-tnJ it. Proofs (of Engravings). Remarque Proofs are the earliest and best im- pressions from the plate, and usually have a device in the margin, sucli as a head, which constitutes remarqiie ; formerly a part of the engraving was left unfinished, as a button or .salt cellar, &c. The renw.rque having been completed, a .second impression is taken, termed Aktisp's Proofs, without engraved title, and some- times signed in pencil by both artist and engraver. Pkoofs before Letters, constitute the tliird impression, still without title, but with artist's and engraver's names printed close to the bottom of the work. Lettered Proofs have the title of the work sliortly and lightly engraved in a manner capable of erasui-e before the title is finally placed on the plate in the priut state. Prud'homme (Fr. ) A man of good moral intentions Ijut without either genius fir originality. One who affects a love of virtue. Pseudonym. Pen-name ; a fictitious name assumed by an author. Publisher's binding. The binding (usually cloth) in which the publisher issues a work. Quidnunc. A prying, inquisitive gossip after news. The literal meaning of quid nunc is " What now ?" Quod, scripsi, scripsi. What I have written, I have written. Words used by Pilate when he refused to alter the inscription he had written over the crucifieil Saviour. Quod vide. Which see. Quotation marks (" "). Two inverted commas placed at the beginning and two apostrophes at the end of a quoted phrase. When a quotation occurs within a quoted passage, a single comma and apostrophe is used (' '). Recherche (Fr.) Rare, exquisite, extremely nice. Reclame (Fr.) An advertisement ; newspaper notice. GLOSSARY OF TERMS. 259 Recto. The right-hand page of a book, which is always the odd-numbered page. See Verso. Remainders. The last copies of an edition of a book, placed on the market at a reduced price, either to clear out the work or to prepare the way for a new edition. Renaissance (Fr.) Revival. The revival of the arts and letters in the 15th century. The new birth — begun with Dante and ended with Petrarch. Tlie first intellectual awakening after the sleep of the dark ages was in Italy in what is known as the Renaissance or new birth. Replica. A copy of an original picture done by the hand of the same master. Roxburghe binding. A book bound with a leather back, cloth or paper sides, and without corner pieces. The back has no raised bands, but is smooth and simply lettered, with little or no ornament ; the edges are uncut, except the top edge, which is iisually gilt. Roxburglie Club for printing rare works or MSS., the copies being rigidly confined to members of the club. Named after John, Duke of Roxburghe, a celebrated collector of ancient literature, who died 1812. Since the establish- ment of this club others of a similar character have sprung up, as (1) the Camden, Clietham, Percy, Shakespeare, Surtees, and Wharton in England ; (2) the Abbotsfoi-d, Bannatyne, Maitland, and Spalding, in Scotland ; (3) the Celtic Society of Ireland. Rubricated (in books). Having the headings of chapters, capital letters, etc., printed in red ink ; to mark or distinguish with red. Sagas. Scandinavian legends and traditions, chiefly compiled in the twelfth and three following centuries. Sal Atticum. Attic salt — i.e. wit. Salmagundi. A collection of light miscellaneous reading; literally, a mixture of chopped meat and pickled herring, with oil, vinegar, pepper, and onions, the invention of Countess Salniagondi, lady of honour to Marie de Medici. Sartor resartus. The tailor patched ; the title of Carlyle's well-known work. Satire. A composition, generally poetical, holding up vice or folly to repi'obation ; an invective poem, as the Satires of Juvenal. Satis verborum. Enough of words. Savant. A learned man, a man of science, one of the literati. Sciolist. One who has a smattering of many things. Script. The name of a class of type imitating handwriting. Sculpsit, sc. He (or she) engraved it ; applied alike to an engraving or a work of sculpture. Semper idem. Always the same. Semper paratus. Always ready. Seq., sequens. That which follows. Seriatim. In a series ; in order. Sh aster, or Shastra. The sacred laws or ordinances of the Hindfts. Sic. Thus ! Used when quoting a mis-spelt or mis-used word, to indicate that it is thus in the authority quoted and not a misquotation. Signatures (in printing). The letters or figures placed at the bottom of the first page of each sheet of a book, as a direction to the binder in arranging and folding. Silhouette (Fr.) The outlines of an object filled in M'ith a black colour ; a profile. Called after the originator of this style of portrait. Sine qua non. An indispensable condition. Sinister (in Heraldry) On the left hand — opposed to dexter, on the right hand. Solecism. Unfitness, absurdity, impropriety. A word or expression not in accordance with established usage. Sonnet. A poem of fourteen lines — two stanzas of four verses each and two of three each, the rhymes being adjusted l)y a particular rule. Stanza (It.) A part of a poem, containing a number of lines or verses regularly adjusted to each other. 260 GLOSSARY OF TERMS. Stationers' Hall. The London booksellers' exchange, where the copy- riglits of books are registered. Stereotype. A plate cast from a page or column of movable types. The piiniipal newspapers are printed from stereo, plates, which can be multiplied so as to occupy several printing machines at the same time in the production of a large edition. Stet. Let it stand — i. e. remain as it was. Used in marking printers' proofs. Stipple. A mode of engraving in which the effect is produced by dots instead of lines. Strawberry Hill Press, established by Horace Walpole in 1757, at which most of his own works, and those of several other authors were printed, the impressions being limited to a smal' number of copies disposed of as presents. Subscription booKs. Books which are sold or " subscribed " in advance of publication. The edition is usually limited in number, and it is customary to raise the price after publication. In .some cases the work is supplied to sub- scribers only, and the subscribers' names and addresses are often printed at the end of the book. There is also a class of .Subscription Books issued in parts or divisions, for which orders are solicited by canvassers or agents, and which are not usually supplied to the general book trade. Sufficit. It is enough. Supra. Above. Tail -piece. An ornament printed at the end of a chapter or division, to fill up a short page. Taille douce (Fr.) Copperplates. Th(iatre (Fr.) Dramatic Works. Thesaurus. A treasury or storehouse ; often applied to a comprehensive vohime, as a dictionary or cyclopa-dia. Title-page. The subject or inscription in the beginning of a book, expressing its character ; and usually containing the author's or editor's name, imprint of tlie publisher, and date. Trilogy. A series of three dramas, which, although each of them is in one sense complete, yet bear a mutual relation, and form but parts of one historical and poetical picture, as Shakespeare's " Henry VI." Triplet. A collection or combination of three of a kind, or three united ; three lines terminating with the same rhyme. Ubi supra. Where above mentioned. Ubique. Everywhere. Uncut. A book is said to be uncut when its edges have not been trimmed by the binder ; the folds of the leaves may or may not have been cut open for reading, and yet be uncut in the technical sense of the term. Unique. The only one; without equal; used in booksellers' catalogues to describe works of which no similar copy is known to exist. Unopened edges. Said of a book that has not had its edges cut open with the paper-knife. Vade mecum. "Go with me." A book that a person carries with him as a constant companion ; a manual. Valorem ; ad valorem. A sliding scale of duty on excisable articles, regulated according to their market value. Variae Lectionis. Various Readings. Variorum. A. variorum edition is one containing notes by various commentators. Variorum notae. The notes of various authors. Verbatim et literatim. W^ord for word and letter for letter. Verso. The pages of a book on the reverse or left-hand side, in contra- distinction to recto ; the even-numbered page.s. Vide. See. Vide ut supra : see the preceding statement. Videlicet — viz. To wit ; namely. Virtu (Objects of) Antiquities, curiosities, objects of art, &c., such as are found in Museums or private collections. GLOSSAUY OP TKKMS. 261 Vignette. The word "vignette" or " little vine " was originally applied to small copperplate engravings used to embellish title pages, it being a fashion of the Fi'ench engravers to surround such designs with a running border of vine leaves. The work is still specifically applied to the small engraving on a title- page, though tlie vine-leaf border in such a position has long since been discarded. Generally, it includes any kind of engraving or ornament not enclosed in a definite border. This limitation of meaning is not, however, observed in typography. An ornament is none the le.^s a vignette because it takes the form of a shield or a medallion, or any other figure. The word "vignette" should not be applied to diagrams or illustrative designs or initial ornaments — but to a picture introduced solely for decorative purposes. — A. W. Tuer. Virtuoso. A person skilled in the fine arts, in antiquities, curiosities, and the like. Volapiik. — The new universal language invented by J. M. Schleyer. VoPWOPt (Ger. ) Fore-word; preface. VulgO. Generally ; commonly. Werke (Ger.) Works; the collective works of an author; Sdmmtliche IVerkc, everything an author has written ; Gesammdte Werke, collected works, which may not include all the writings of an author ; Avsgnvahlte Werke, select works; Avswnhl, selection; Neiie Anflage, new edition, in the sense of a new ' setting up ' (which is the literal translation) of type ; Ncue J itsgabe, new edition, or more strictly, issue, a mere re-impression, perhaps ; Unveranderte Aiisgabe, an exact re-impression, as it would be from stereotype plates. Whatman paper. A first-class quality of hand-made paper used chiefly for drawing purposes ; occasionally used for the printing of editions de luxe where the numbers are limited. Derives its names from the original maker. Worterbuch. (Ger.) Dictionary; lexicon; word-book. Yule (Norse). Christmas. Zeitung (Ger.) Newspaper. Zend Avesta (Pers.) The scriptures of the ancient Persian religion. SIZES OF TYPE. PEARL is the size of this type. Directory of Seeoud-hand Booksellers and Bibliophile's Manual, 18!I4. NONPAREIL is the size of this type. Directory of Second-hand Booksellers, &c., 1894. MINION is the size of this type. Directory of Second-hand 15ooksellers, 1894. BREVIER is the size of this type. Directory of Second-hand Booksellers. BOURGEOIS is the size of this type. Directory of Second-hand LONG PRIMER is the size of this type. Directory of Second SMALL PICA is the size of this type. Directory of PICA is the size of this type. Directory of Second Great Primer is the size of this type. 262 THE BEST HUNDRED BOOKS. ZTbe Best Ibun^rcb Bool^e. Sir JOHN LUBBOCK'S Final List. 1. The Bible. 2. Marcus Aurelius " Meilitations." 3. Epictetus. 4. Confucius " Analects." 5. " Le Bouddha et sa Religion " (St. Hilaire). 6. Aristotle " Ethics." 7. Mohamet " Koran.' 8. " Apostolic Fathers " Wake's collection. 9. St. Augustine " Confessions." 10. Thomas k Kempis " Imitation." 11. Pascal " Pens^es." 12. Spinoza " Tractatus Theologico-Politicus." 13. Comte " Cat. of Positive Philosophy " (Congreve) 14. Butler " Analogy." 15. Jeremy Taylor " Holy Living and Holy Dying." 16. Bunyan " Pilgrim's Progress." 17. Keble " Christian Year." 18. Aristotle "Politics." 19. Plato's Dialogues— at any rate the [- « Republic " 20. Bemosthenes " De Corona." 21. Lucretius. 22. Plutarch. 23. Horace. ) " De Officiis." 24. Cicero - " De Amicitia." j " De Senectute." 25. Homer " Iliad " and " Odyssey. ' 26. Hesiod. 27. Virgil. 28. Niebeluugenlied. 29. Malory " Morte d'Arthur." oQ ( " Maha Bharata " \ Epitomized by Talboys Wheeler in the first ■ '( " Ramayana " ( two vols, of his " History of India." 31. Firdusi " Shahnameh." 32. " Sheking " (Chinese Odes). j " Prometheus." •>■} i'„.i,„i.,<. ) " House of Atreus." 33. /Eschylus J Trilogy. [ or "Persae." 34. Sophocles " (Edipus " Trilogy. 35. Euripides "Medea." 36. Aristophanes " The Knights." 37. Herodotus. 38. Xenophon " Anabasis." 39. Thucydides. 40. Tacitus " Germania." THE BEST hunx)Rp:d cooks. 263 41. Livy. 42. Gibbon " Decline ami Fall." 43. Hume ■. " England." 44. Grote " Greece. 45. Carlyle " French Revolution." 46. Green " Short History of England." 47. Bacon " Novum Organum." 48 Mill " Logic." 49. ,, " Political Economy." 50. Darwin "Origin of Specie.s." 51 . Smith " Wealth of Nations " (part of). 52. Berkeley " Human Knowledge." 53. Descartes " Disconrs sur la IMethode." 54. Locke " Conduct of the Understanding." 55. Lewes " Hi-story of Philosophy." 5(3. Cook " Vogages." 57. Humboldt " Travels." 58. Darwin •' Naturalist on the r.caglc." 59. Shakspeare. 60. Milton " Paradi.se Lost " and the shorter poems. 61. Dante " Divina Commedia." 62. Spenser " Faerie Queen." 63. Dryden's Poem.s. 64. Chaucer Morris's (or, if expurgated, Clarke's or Mrs. Haweis's) edition. 65. Gray. 66. Burns. 67. Scott's Poems. 68. Wordsworth Mr. Arnold's selection. 69. Heine. 70. Pope. 71. Southey. 72. Goldsmith " Vicar of Wakefield." 73. Swift " Gulliver's Travels." 74. Defoe - " Robinson Crusoe." 75. " The Arabian Nights." 76. Cervantes " Don Quixote." 77. Boswell " .John.son." 78. Burke Select Works (Payne). Essayists : — 79. Bacon. 80. Addison. 81. Hume. 82. Montaigne. 83. Macaulay. 84. Emerson. 85. Molifere. 86. Sheridan. 87. Voltaire " Zadig." 88. Carlisle " Past and Present." on r-. 4.1 I " Faust." ^^- «°«"i« i"WilhelmMeister." 90. White " Natural History of Selborne." 91. Smiles "Self Help." 92. Miss Austen Either " Emma" or " Pride and Prejudice." 93. Thackeray " Vanity Fair." 94. ,, " Pendennis." 95. Dickens "Pickwick." 96. „ " David Coppertield." 97. George Ehot " Adam Bede. " 98. Kingsley "Westward Ho !" 99. Bulwer Lytton " Last Days of Pompeii." 100. Scott's Novels. 2G4 SIZES OP BOOKS. Sises of 1Boo\\e. THE name indicates the number of pages in the sheet, thus : in a folio book, four pages or two leaves = one sheet ; a quarto, or 4to, eight pages or four leaves to a sheet ; an octavo, or 8vo, sixteen pages or eight leaves to a sheet. In a 12mo, twenty-four pages, or twelve leaves = one sheet ; and the 18mo, thirty-six pages, or eighteen leaves = one sheet, and so on. The following are the approximate sizes of books, over all : — Koyal folio 19 in. by 12 Demy folio 18 ,, 11 Super imperial 4to...l55 ,, 1.3 RoyaUto 121 ^^ lo Demy4to lU ,, 8i Crown 4to 11 ,, 8 Royal 8vo 10 „ 6| Medium 8vo 9h ,, 6 Demy 8vo 9 ,, 5| Crown Svo 7i ,, 5 Foolscap Svo 7 in. by 4^ 12mo 7 ,, 4 16mo 6i „ 4 Square 16mo 4^ ,, 3h Demy 18mo 6 ,, 4 Royal 24mo 5^ ,, 3^ Demy 24mo 5 ,, 2^ Royal 32mo 5 ,, 3 Post 32mo 4 ,, 2^ Demy 48mo 3| ,, 2-^ The associated librarians of Great Britain, realising that the words folio, quarto, octavo, duodecimo, etc., have ceased to possess any specific meaning, have agreed to define the sizes of books by height measure- ment, as follows : — Abbre- Size In Sizes. viations. inches. Large folio La fol Over 18 Folio Fol Below 18 Small folio Sm. fol. ...Below 18 Large quarto... La. 4to. ...Below 18 Quarto 4to Below 11 Small quarto... Sm. 4to. ...Below 8 Abbre- Size in Sizes. viations. inches. Large octavo ..La. 8vo ...Below 11 Octavo Svo Below 9 Small octavo... Sm. Svo ...Below 8 Duodecimo 12mo Below 8 Decimo octavo. 18mo Is 6 Minimo Mo Below 6 According to this scale, the size of the sheet and the number of times it is folded no longer determine the size of books. The foot rule or yard stick settles it. The height and, in the case of quartos, the Avidth of the cover is measured, and according to the number of inches recorded the book receives its designation. This is by far the preferable way. Formerly nearly every paper-maker had his own standard sizes of sheets. The result was endless confusion in the nomenclature of sizes. Under this rule he can persist in them without confounding the bibliographer. The following sizes of books are taken from the catalogue of the River- side Press, the "highest authority in the United States": — Volumes lOin. ; 4to, 10 by 12iin.; and folio, 13 by 15in. Special sizes, such as small 4to, square 16mo, etc., are modifications of the sizes named above. SIZES OF PUINTING PAPERS, ETC. 265 Sizes of Writing and Printing Papers AND Cartridges. Desci'iption. Emperor Antiquarian Double Imperial Double Elephant Atlas Columbicr Imperial Elephant Super Royal Cartridge or Log Royal Medium Demy Music Demy Large Post Copy Post Foolscap Pott Sheet and Half Pott Sheet and Third Cap Sheet and Half Cap.. Sheet and Half Post Double Foolscap Double Crown Double Post Double Demy Writings. INCHES. 72 by 48 53 ,, 31 .1 2: 40 33 34i 34" 28 27 24 22 20 21 20 19 17 15 22i 22" 24* 264 26f 26 231- 22" 23 19 19 17A 151 le" 15i 13i 12i I2I 13| 13i 161 Printings. INCHES. • by . 30 30 27i 24 22i7 203 17 23i 27" 30 3U 35" 22 23 204 26 19 174 14§ 154 134 19J 174 20 194 224 Cartridges. INCHES. ... by ... 40 40 30 , 28 , 27i , 26 , 25 , 20 30 354 30 26 22 23 19^ 21 20 16i 20 SIZES OF CARDS. INCHES. Large 44 by 3^\ Carte de Visite 4^ ,, 24 Small 3f-^ „ 2j\ Reduced Small 34 ,, 2^ Extra Thirds 3-^\ ,, l| Thirds 3^^ ,, 14 Half Small 2j\ „ If Town Size Half Large Double Small Double Large Quadruple Small Quadrujile Large INCHES. 3^ by 2 AIL ^1 a " 6^ „ 7^ „ 9 „ 2i 44 64 SIZES OF BROWN PAPERS. INCHES. Casing 45 by 56 Saddleback 36 ,, 45 Double Imperial 29 ,, 45 Elephant 24 ,, 34 Double Four Pound... 21 ,, 31 Imperial Cap Haven Cap Double Crown Cap Bag Cap Kent Cap INCHES. 22 by 29 21 „ 26 20 ,, 30 194 ,, 24 18 ,, 21 266 EXPORTATION OF BOOKS. • IRules for iByportation of IBooWe From Great Britain and Ireland. Austro-Hungary. — The Importation of Books into Austro-Hungary is quite free, but a form of declaration of value must be siven to the carrier or shipping agent, or (if by mail) to the Postal authorities. As Calendars, Newspapers, and Placards are subject to stamp and control regulations, the number of these articles has to be declared. 100 Krkuutzer=1 Florin or Gulden=2s. Belgium. — Books and Typographic products, inchiding Lithographic Prints, Geographical Charts, Prints of any kind unframed, and printed Music, enter Belgium duty fnc. Consul's certificate not required. 100 Centimes=1 FRANC=10d. Brazil (United States of) The duties on Books, &c. , entering Brazil, according to the Tariff of 1890, which is still in force, are as follows :— On Printed Books, Periodicals, and Reviews, sewn together, or with paper or cardboard covers, cloth or leather bindings, with ornaments of anything but gold or silver, 100 reis per kilogram ; Books bound in ivory, mother of pearl, ortortoiseshell, 3 mil. 200 reis per kilo. ; Books bound in silk, velvet, papierniachi5, or wood, 1 mil. 600 reis per kilo.; Books with gold or silver mountings, 15 per cent, ad valorem. Invoices do not require Consular certificates. 1 MiLRKis=1000 Reis=2s. 3d. Denmark. — There is no duty on Books imported into Denmark except on Picture Books without narratives, which are subject to a duty of 4d. per lb., Danish. 100 lb. Danish=112 lb. English. The trade in other respects is absolvtdy free. No certificates are required and no Consular fees have to be paid. 100 Ore=1 Crown=1s. IJd. France. — There is no duty on Books entering France, and no limit to value. No declaration, affidavit, or other formalities to be observed. Counterfeit editions and obscene books prohibited and liable to confiscation. 100 Centimes=1 FRANC=10d. Germany. — Books imported into C4ermany are subject to no duty 'Whatsoever. There are no Consular rules, regulations, or formalities to be observed with respect to their exportation from this country. 100 Pfennige=1 Mark=1s. G reece. — Books and printed matter enter (^reece duty free. Blank books which count as stationery, come under the stationery tax. Coinage same as France. Italy. — Books printed in the Italian language, in sheets or sewed, pay duty acccording to the paper used. If printed in other languages, in sheets or sewed, they are exempt from duttj ; if bound in any way, the duty is 20 francs per quintal (100 kilos). It is not reqiiired to produce the invoice nor to obtain a certificate of origin from the Consulate. Manuscripts are exempt from dvty. 100 Centesimi=1 Lira or FRANC=10d. Netherlands (The) No duty on books. Paper is subject to a duty of 5 per cent, on its value. KXPORTATION OF BOOKS. 267 Portugal. — All printed Books, except those in Portuguese, are subject to duty. Unhonnd Books pay an ad vatnrcm duty of 2 percent.; bovnd Book.s, 100 reis per kilogram. One copy of invoice to be furnished to the Portuguese Consul. If sent by mail, no declaration of value required. 1000 Reis=1 Milheis=4s. 6d. 10 Milreis = 1 Ckown=£2 5s. Russia. — Books printed abroad (i.e. not in Russia) in the Russian language pay (\uty—inihoiind, 3 roubles gold per pond (36 lb.); half-bound, 1 rouble gold per poud. Books in foreign languages are admitted dntiifric {siihject to the Censor's regulatioiif:). No Consular certificate is required, but a form of declaration must be given to the Railway or Shipping Agent, stating contents, gross weight, and value of consignment. 100 C0PECKS = 1 R0UBLE=3S. 2d. STERLING. Spain. — All Book are subject to duty. Books bound or unbound, and other printed papers, in Spanish (under most favoured nation clause), per 100 kilos, 61 pesetas 40 centimos. If in other languages, 10 pesetas per 100 kilos. Bindings are taxed according to the materials used : when in half-binding or paper covers the bindings are subject to the same duty as printed matter. Oidy the authors or editors of Spanish works printed abroad, can, subject to authorisation, import them into Spain. News- papers printed in Spanish do not require this authority. No invoices required, but certificates of origin are necessary, for which there is no Consular charge. The importa- tion into Spain of Missals, Breviaries, and other Liturgical Works of the Catholic Church is prohibited. 4 ReAI.S = 1 PESETA = 10d. Switzerland. — The importation of Books into Switzerland is ab- solutely free. Coinage same as France. United States of America. — Books 20 years old are duty free ; undrr 20 years they are subject to a duty of 25 per cent, on invoice prices. It is necessary to make three invoices, stating the titles of the Books and the years of publication. In one column carry out the prices of all the Books that are dvtii free, and in another those thut n.re dntiabU ; total each column separately and then add both together, showing the grand total of the whole consignment. These invoices must be taken to the United States' Consulate, and aflfidavit must be made by the principal (or duly authorised manager), that the said invoices contain full and true particulars of the entire consign- ment (including also any enclosures.) The Consul's fee (which covers also that of the Commissioner of Oaths before whom affidavit is made) is 13s. One copy of the invoice is returned to the Exporter, to be forwarded in the usual way to the American Importer or his Shipping Agent at the port of entry. Consignments under £2 value need not be sworn before the Consul, but must have the total value of Books dutiable and Books duty free declared on forms that will be supplied by the Carriers, or (if going by mail) by the Post-office authorities. The new bill, which came into force Octolier 6th, 1890, provides that obscene books, pamphlets, paper, prints, drawings, &c., of any kind, are prohibited, and all such articles are to })e confiscated. Importers attempting to con- travene this regulation are punishable with fine up to £5,000, or imprisonment with hard labour up to 10 years. Books and pamphlets written exclusively in any language but English, and Books with raised type for the blind are now duty free ; both these classes of Books were previously taxed 25 per cent. The tax on photographs, auto- gi-aphs and scrap albums, wholly or partially manufactured, is 35 per cent. 100 Cents=1 Dollar=4s. 2d. 268 COPYUIGHT REGISTRY. Cop^rigbt IRcgistr^. BOOKS. Instructions for the Eegistration of Books under the provisions of the Copyright Acts, 5 and 6 Vict., c. Jf5, and 49 and 50 Vict., c. 33. Book. — The term "Book" means and includes every volume, part or division of a volume, pamphlet, sheet of letterpress, sheet of music, map, chart, or plan, separately published. Term of Copyright in Books.— If published in lifetime of author, then forty-two years from publication or life of author and seven years from his death, whichever shall be the longest term. If published after author's death, then proprietor has copyright for forty-two years from first publication. The copyright in articles in encyclopfedias, reviews, magazines, periodical works, or works published in parts, belongs to the proprietor of the work when such articles have been composed upon the terms that the copyright shall belong to him and shall have been actually paid for by him ; but after twenty-eight years from first publication the right of publishing in separate form reverts to the author ; and during such twenty- eight years the proprietor may not publish separately without the previous consent of the author or his assigns. Authors may by contract reserve to themselves the right of publishing in a separate form before the expiration of the twenty-eight years. Necessity for Registration.— Copyright is created by the Statute, and does not depend upon registration, which is permissive only, and not compulsory, but no proprietor of copyright in any book can take any proceedings in respect of any infringement of his copyright unless he has, before commencing his proceedings, registered his book. Mode of Registration. — A proprietor of copyright desiring to register at Stationers' Hall must lodge there a demand signed by him and witnessed, on a printed form provided for the purpose, together with a fee of 5s. for each entry. Special care should be taken that the full and proper title of the book, and the correct day, month, and year of frst publication, are entered, as any error or omission may invalidate the entry. No book can be registered before it is published. A proprietor of the copyright in an encyclopaedia, review, magazine, periodical work, or work published in parts, will be entitled to all the benefits of registration upon his registering the first volume, number, or part. COPYRIGHT REGISTRY. 269 Assignments.- — Registered copyi'ights, or any shai-e or shares thereof may be assigned, without payment of any stamp duty, by tlie registered proprietor lodging, at Stationers' Hall, an entry signed by him in the form preseribed by the Statute, together with a fee of os. Forms of Assignment can be obtained at Stationers' Hall. Certified Copies of entries are supplied on payment of a fee of os. each, and such copies a.ve i^rimd facie proof of the matters alleged therein. Public Libraries. — A copy of every l)Ook, and of any second or sub- sequent edition containing additions and alterations, should be forwarded to the British Museum immediately after publication, and four cojjies delivered at .Stationers' Hall for the Public Libraries at Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh, and Dublin. Newspapers. — The names of all the proprietors, and the title, of eacli newspaper must be registered at Somerset House, pursuant to the News- paper Libel and Registration Act, 1881 (44 and 45 Vict., c. 60). For forms apply to The Registrar, Companies' Registration Office, Somerset House, London, w.c. United States. — To secure Copyright in Great Britain of works intended to be published in America, simultaneous publication in both countries is essential, and the work should be registered at Stationers' Hall, and one copy delivered to the British Museum, and four copies lodged at Stationers' Hall for the Public Libraries. Foreign Reprints. — Proprietors of books first composed, or written, or printed in the United Kingdom, desiring to prevent the importation of foreign i-eprints, must give notice in writing to the Commissioners of Customs, accompanied by a statutory declaration that the copyright subsists and when it will expire. Registration at Stationers' Hall is also necessary before duties can be levied for the benefit of the proprietor of copyright on foreign reprints of British copyright works imported into the Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, British Guiana, Cape of Good Hope, Grenada, Jamaica, Natal, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, St. Christopher, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent. Applicants not conversant with the mode of registration are recom- mended in all cases to forward with the demand for registration a copy of the Book to be registered for comparison before entry, as no alteration can be made in the " Register," or any error corrected, except by an Order of the High Court of Justice, or one of the Judges thereof. Forms used at Stationers' Hall can be obtained on application, price Id. each. Postage stamps cannot be received in payment of fees. Post Office and Postal Orders to be made payable, and all communica- tions to be addressed, to The Registrar, Copyright Office, Stationers' Hall, Ludgate Hill, e.g. Office Hours 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. N.B. — Separate instructions can be obtained for registration of right to represent and perform Dramatic Pieces and Musical Compositions ; also for registration of Paintings, Drawings, and Photographs, under 25 and 26 Vict., c. 68. 270 COPYRIGHT REGISTRY. DRAMATIC PIECES AND MUSICAL COMPOSITIONS. Instructions for Registration of the right to represent and perform Dramatic Pieces and Mnsical Comjwsitions not printed and published, see o and 4 Will. IV., c. 15 ; and 5 and 6 Vict., c. 45. The Right to represent or perform a dramatic piece or musical com- position is a riglit distinct from the copyright in a book containing or consisting of such dramatic piece or musical composition, and no assignment of the copyright of any such book conveys any right of representation or performance, unless so specified ; and by the •22nd sec. of 5 and 6 Vict. , cap. 45, an entry of every such assignment should be made in the Registry Book. The Author or Assignee of the Author of any tragedy, comedy, play, opera, farce, or other scenic, musical, or dramatic entertainment, or musical composition, not printed and published, has, as his own property, the sole liberty of representing, or causing to be represented or performed, any such dramatic piece or musical composition at any place of dramatic entertainment whatever in Her Majesty's dominions for forty-two years from the first public representation or the life of the author, and seven years from his death, wliich shall be longest. Mode of Registration. — The proprietor of the right of representation of any dramatic piece or musical composition desiring to register his right at Stationers' Hall, must lodge there, for entry in the Register Book, a statement of tlie particulars, signed by him and witnessed, in the form on the back hereof, with a fee of 5s. >Special care must be taken to give the precise particulars required, and the day, month, and year of the first representation, as any error may invalidate the entry, and no alteration can be made in the "Register," or any error corrected, except by an Order of the High Court of Justice, or one of the Judges tlaereof. Begistration cannot be effected until after the date of the first representa- tion or performance. Assignments may be made by the registered proprietor of his interest, or any portion thereof, by filling up and lodging at Stationers' Hall, for entry in the Register Book, a statement signed and witnessed by him in the form prescribed by the Statute, together with a fee of 5s. Certifjed Copies of Entries can be obtained on payment of a fee of 5s., and such copies are primd facie proof of the matters alleged tlierein. Music. — Proprietors of copyright in printed musical compositions entitled to, and desirous of retaining, the right of public representation or perfoi-mance, must print on the title-page of every copy a notice to the effect tliat the right of public reiiresentation or performance is reserved. Forms of Entry and Assignment can be obtained at Stationers' Hall, price Id. each. Postage stamps cannot be received in payment of fees. Post Office and Postal Orders to be made payable, and all communica- tions to be addressed, to The Registrar, Copyright Office, Stationers' Hall, Ludgate Hill, e.c. Office Hours 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. N.B. — Separate instructions can be obtained for registration of Books ; also for registration of paintings, Drawings, and Photographs, under 25 and 26 Vict., c. 68. COPYRIGHT REGISTRY. 271 Definition of Copyrigiit. — Copyright is the exclusive liberty of printing or multiplying copies of any subject to which the word is applied. Subjects of Copyright. — Books, paintings, photographs, engravings, sculptures and similar works of art, dramatic and musical compositions and pieces. Persons entitled to Gopyrigiit. — ( 1) Subjects of Her Majesty, wherever resident. ( :.' ) Other persons who, at the time of Publication, were resident in some part of Her Majesty's dominions. Duration of Copyright.— ("7^ Books and dramatic or musical com- positions : for the longer of the two following terms — (a) 42 years from the date of publication ; (h) the life of tlie author and an additional 7 years. Posthumous publications are protected for 42 years from publication. (:! ) Paintings and photographs : during the life of the autlior and an additional 7 years, (o ) Engravings : 28 yeai'S. (4) Sculpture : 14 years, and, if tlie author be then alive, an adilitional period of 14 years. Articles in periodicals, of which the proprietor of the periodical has acquired the copyright, revert to the author at the end of 28 years from publication. During that period the articles may not be reprinted separately without the author's consent. Copyright in a novel does not preclude other persons from dramatising it. ^ra^e Birectoriee. Caspar's General Directory of the American Book, News, and Stationery Trade, 1890, $12.00. C. N. Caspar, Milwaukee, Wis. U.S. Clegg's Directory of Second-hand Booksellers, Public Libraries, Publishers, Book Collectors, &c., 1894, 6s. James Clegg, Aldine Press, Rochdale, Eng. Directory of Paper Makers, 1894, 2s. Marchant, Singer & Co., 47, St. Mary Axe, London, e.c. Export Merchant Shippers' Directory for the United Kingdom, with the class of goods usually shipped, annually, crown 8vo. , 15s. Dean & Son, Ltd., 160a, Fleet street, London, e.c. Kelly's Directory of Stationers, Printers, Booksellers, Publishers AND Paper Makers in Great Britain, 20s. Kelly & Co., 51, Great Queen street, Lincoln's Inn fields, London, w.c. Newspaper Press Directory, containing full particulars of every News- paper, Magazine, Review, and Periodical published in the United Kingdom, 1894, 2s. C. Mitchell & Co., 12 and 13, Red Lion court. Fleet street, London, E.c. Paper Makers' Directory of all Nations, printed in English, German, and French, size 10 x 6iin., 10/6. Dean & Son, Ltd., 160a, Fleet street, London, e.c. " The Bookman " Directory of Booksellers, Publishers, & Authors, 1893, fcap. 4to. ; 27, Paternoster row, London, E.c. "HlMne press" publications. Centenary Edition of the Works of " Tim Bobbin " (John Collier) with the Original Plates and other illustrations, edited by Lieut. -Colonel Fishwick, f.s.a. The Editor contributes a new and authentic Life of " Tim Bobbin " and a Bibliography of his Works. Large Paper copies, demy 4to. , half vellum, gilt tops (only 25 printed), £2 2s. od. ; ordinary copies, crown 4to. , cloth (only 200 printed) £\ Is. od. History of the Parish of Rochdale, in the County of Lancaster, by Lieut. -Col. Fishwick, f.s.a., with plates and numerous illustrations, demy 4to., roxburghe, £ I i6s. 6d. The Works of John Trafford Clegg (known to the Readers of the Rochdale Observer as " Th' Ovvd Weighver ") in the Rochdale Dialect (prose and verse), demy 8vo., cl., 500 pp., with illustrations, 10/6. Messrs. Longman.s, Green, & Co., have recently published a story by this author, entitled " David's Loom." Registers of the Parish of Rochdale, in the County of Lancaster, 15S2-1641, including copy of transcripts of Registers of Todmorden Chapels for the years 1624, 1625, 1628, 1632, and 1633, the originals of which are lost, by Lieut. -Col. Fishwick, F.S.A.; 2 vols., demy Svo. , cloth, ^'i IS. od. Registers of the Parish Church of Felkirk, in the Diocese of York, from 1701-1S12, edited by A. Nora J. Royds ; Svo, cloth, with copious Index, 10/6. Only 100 copies for sale. Transactions of the Rochdale Literary and Scientific Society, with numerous illustrations, 1878-93 ; 3 vols., Svo. , 12/- A Trip round the World, by James Duckworth (Ex-Mayor of Rochdale and President of the United Methodist Free Churches), with plates ; crown Svo. , cloth, 2/- Freemasonry. — Memorials of the Lodge of Harmony, No. 298 (Rochdale), with an Account of its Centenary Commemoration, held December 7th, 1893, compiled from the Lodge Ivecords and other sources, by Bro. Robinson Greenwood, S.D. , and Bro. Robert R. Grey, P.M. and Secretary ; 8vo., cloth, 4/6. Only 200 copies printed, each numbered and signed. JAMES CLEGG, "ALDINE PRESS," ROCHDALE. BOOK-TRADE JOURNALS. 273 3ournal6 of the IBook ^ra^es. GREAT BRITAIN. The 2)rices inrJudc 2}osfa(/e to Coun(rie>t in the Pofital Union. Q = Quarterly. M = Monthly. \\=\Veekly. ^ Price Annl. Subs. i.ONDON. per No. Post Free. s. d. £ s. d. Academy, 27, Chancery Lane, w.c W 3 17 Advertising, 132, Fleet street, E.c M 3 2 6 Art Journal, 26, Ivy lane, E.c M 1 6 AthenKum, Bream's buildings, Chancery lane, E.G. ...W 3 Author, The, (The Organ of the Incorporated Society of Authors), Bream's buildings, Chancery lane, E.G. ...M 6 6 6 Bazaar, Exchange and Mart, 170, Strand... Thrice a Week {See advt. p. 48) 2 Book Finder, 34, Southampton road, N.w M Gratis Bookman, The, 27, Paternoster row, E.c W 6 Book-Prices Current : a Record of Prices at which Books have been sold by Auction, 62, Paternoster row, e.g. . . Q 1 7 6 Bookseller, 12, Warwick lane. Paternoster row, E.c. ...M 6 ."> Book World, 25, Newcastle street, w.c M 1 16 Bookworm, 62, Paternoster row, E.G M 6 6 British Art Printer, Robert Hilton, 37-39, Essex street. Strand, w.c. (Bi-Monthly) 10 7 6 British and Colonial Printer, 58, Shoe lane, E.G W 2 12 Caslon's Circular (New Designs in Type) Q Gratis Chess-Players' Chronicle, Fleet House, Bulwer road. New Barnet W 3 English Mechanic & World of Science, 332, Strand, w.c. W 2 Fame, a Journal for Advertisers, 12, Red Lion court, Fleet street, E.c 2 2 6 Great Thoughts of Master Minds, Hal ton street. Fleet street, E.c W 1 Knowledge, 326, High Holborn, w.c M 6 Library Journal (Organ of Library Association of America) Paternoster House, Cliaring Cross road, w.c 1 Library Review, 25, Paternoster square, E.c M 6 7 Library, The, (Organ of the Library Association of the United Kingdom) 20, Hanover square, w M 8 9 Literary World, 13, Fleet street, E.c W 1 London Philatelist (Journal of the Philatelic Society), Effingham House, Arundel street. Strand, w.c 6 Nature, 29, Bedford street. Strand, w.c W 6 Newsagent and Booksellers' Review, 46, Temple cham- bers, K.c W 1 274 BOOK-TRADB JOURNALS. Price. Annl. Subs. London— co^iiwiec/. per No. Post Free s. d. £ s. d. Notes&Queries, Bream's buildings, Chancery lane, E.C..W 4 110 Paper and Printing Trades' Journal, 32 and 34, St. Bride street, E.c Q 6 2 Paper Maker and British Paper Trade Journal, 130, Fleet street, E.c 1 Paper Makers' Circular, ItJOa, Fleet street, E.c M 6 6 PaperMakers' Monthly Journal, 47, St. Mary Axe, E.c. M 6 6 Paper Making, 66, Ludgate hill, E. c By subs. Paper Record, 68, Fleet street, E.c W 10 10 6 Paper Trade Review, 58, Shoe lane, E.c W 6 1 Press News, Bear alley, Farringdon street, E.c M 2 Printers' Monthly Advertiser, 66, Imperial buildings, Lud- gate circus, e.c M 2 3 Printers' Register, 4, Bouverie street. Fleet street, E.c. 3 3 6 Printers and Stationers' Effective Advertiser, 10, Wine Office court. Fleet street, E.c M 3 4 6 Priuthig World, 35, St. Bride street, E.c M 6 8 Publishers' Circular, St. Dunstan's Ho. , Fetter lane, e.c. {See advt. p. 204) W 1^086 Reporters' Journal, 1, Amen Corner, E.c M 4 4 6 Pveporters' Magazine, 1, Amen Corner, E.c M 4 4 6 Review of Reviews, Mowbray House, Norfolk street. Strand, w.c M 6 9 Sales and Wants Advertiser (for Printers, Bookbinders, &c. ), Farringdon Printing Works, Bear alley, Farring- don street, E.c 1 10 Science Gossip, 214, Piccadilly, w W 4 Stationer, Printer, and Fancy Trades' Register, 160a, Fleet street, E.c M 6 6 6 Stationery and Bookselling, 13, Paternoster row, e.c (See adrt. jjp. U, 45) 6 5 Stationei-y Trades' Journal, 12, Warwick lane, Pater- noster row, E.c M 6 5 Stationery World, 130, Fleet street, E.c M 6 5 Provinces. Book Queries (Lists of Books Wanted and for Sale), 81, Lord street, Liverpool ,..W 2 4 British Printer, De Montfort Press, Leicester (Alternate Months) 10 7 British Lithographer, De Montfort Press, Leicester (Alter- nate Months) 10 7 Philatelic Journal, 139, Castle street, Salisbury 4 Scottish Typographical Circular, 13, Uean Park street, Edinlmrgh M 1 16 Stamp Collectors' Journal, 2, Guildhall street, Bury St. Edmunds 1 The Clique (Lists of Books Wanted and for Sale), Moray House, Derby {See advt. p. 43) 2 2 6 Typographical Circular, 69, Uucie grove, Manchester... M 1 16 ANTIQUARIAN .lOUUNALS. 275 ANTIQUARIAN JOURNALS. Antiquary, The, New Series; Illustrated Monthly, 1/-, ed. T. M. Fallow, Esq., K.s.A. ; Elliot Stock, 62, Paternoster row, London, e.c. Berkshire Archaeological Journal ; Quarterly, 2/6 per annum ; Rivers and Slaughter, Blagrare street, Reading. Bradford Antiquary ; 2/6 per annum, from the Sec: Bradford Historical Society. Bye-Gones. — Notes, Queries, and Replies on subjects referring to Wales and the Borders, from the Osirnvtri/ Advertiser; 200 cop., sin. 4to., Quarterly, 5/- per annum ; Woodall, Minshall it Co., Oswestry. Cheshire Notes and Queries ; New Series, Quarterly, annual subscription, 6/-; Swain & Bearby, "Advertiser" Office, King street park, Stockport. Cork Historical and Archaeological Society, Journal of the ; Monthly, 6d. ; Yearly, 7/6 ; John O'Mahony, Hon. Sec, 70, Patrick street, Cork. East Anglian (Founded 1858) or. Notes and Queries for Suffolk, Cambridge, Essex, and Norfolk ; New Series, Monthly, 5/- per annum ; Pawsey & Hayes, 30, Butter Market, Ipswich. Essex Review, The Literature, Antiquities, Family History, Records, Dialect, &c., of Essex ; Quarterly, 5/- per annum ; Durrant & Co., 90, High street, Chelmsford. Ex-Libris Society, Journal of the ; Monthly 1/6, Annual 10/6 ; illustrated ; A. & C. Black, 4, Soho square, London, w. Fenland Notes & Queries (Huntingdon, Cambridge, Lincoln, Northampton, Norfolk, and Suffolk) ; Quarterly 1/6, 6/- per annum ; (ieorge C. Caster, Market place, Peterborough. Folk-Lore, a Quarterly Review of Myth, Tradition, Institution, and Cus- tom [Incorporating The Archfeological Review and the Folk-Lore Journal] ; David Nutt, 270, Strand, London, w.e. Genealogist; New Series, Quarterly, 10/- per annum ; George Bell & Sons, York street, Covent CJarden, London, v/.c. Gloucestershire Notes and (j>ueries (Founded 1878) ; New Series, illustrated, .5/- per annum ; William Kent & Co., 23, Paternoster row, London, e.c. Hampshire Antiquary and Naturalist; sm. 4to, Yearly vols. , 4/1 O5 post free ; F. A. Edwards, Hampshire Independent Office, 52, Above Bar-st., Southampton. Hampshire Notes and Queries ; Yearly vols., 3/9 post free ; Hampshire Observer Office, Winchester. Herts Genealogist and Antiquary; No. 1, July, 189.S, large 8vo. ; ed. by William i?rigg, b. a.; Quarterly, 10/- per annum. IlUustrated Archtuologist ; 2/6 Quarterly, 10/6 Annual ; Charles J. Clark, 4, Lincoln's Inn fields, London, w.c. Index Library (Indexes and Calendars to British Records) ; C. J. Clark, 4, Lincoln's Inn fields, London, w c. Kentish Note-Book, The, A Collection of Notes, Queries, and Replies on Subjects connected with the County of Kent, ed. George O. Howell; vol. i., Smither Bros., Gravesend, 8vo., 1891 ; vol. 11., Henry Gray, 47, Leicester square, London, w.c. Leeds. — Thoresby Society ; Half-yearly Journal, 10/6 per annum ; G. D. Lumb, Secretary, Leeds. Leicestershire and Rutland Notes and Queries; illustrated. Quarterly, 1/6, 4'6 per annum ; John & Thomas Spencer, 20, Market place, Leicester. Lincolnshire Notes and Queries; Quarterly, -5/- per ami. ; W. K. Morton, 27, High street, Horncastle. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica ; 2nd Series, illustrated ; Quarterly, 1/-; Annual, 10/6; Mitchell & Hughes, 140, Wardour street, London, w. Northamptonshire Notes and Queries ; illustrated, Quarterly ; 5/- per ann. : John Taylor & Son, 9, College street, Northampton. Northern Notes and Queries. — See s.v. Scottish Antiquary. Notts and Derbyshire Notes and Queries; Monthly, 6d. ; 4/6 per annum ; Frank Murray, Derby, Nottingham and Leicester. Reliquai-y, The; Quarterly, 1/6, illustrated, demy 8vo. ; Bemrose & Sons, Ltd., 23, Old Bailey, v.c. 276 BOOK-TRADE JOURNALS. Scottish Antiquary and Northern Notes and Queries ; large 8vo., Quarterly, 4/- per annum ; Rev. A. W. C. Hallen, Alloa, ]S.B. Scottish Notes & Queries ; sm. 4to., illustrated; Monthly, 3d.; .3/6 perann.; D. Wyllie & Son, 247, Union street, and 41 and 43, Bridge street, Aberdeen. Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries ; demy 8vo. ; Quarterly ; 5/- per ann. , ed. Rev. F. W. Weaver, Milton Clevedon, Evercreech, Somerset, and Rev. C. H. Mayo, Long Burton Vicarage, Slierborne, Dorset. Printed by J. C. and A. T. Sawtell, Sherborne. Wiltshire Notes and Queries ; illustrated, 1/6 Quarterly ; 5/6 per annum ; C. J. Clark, 4, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, w.c. Yorkshire Archieological Journal; Half-yearly, 10/6 per ann.; Yorkshire Archfeological Society : G. W. Tomlinson, Secretary, Huddersfleld. Yorkshire County Magazine, incorporating the Yorkshire Notes & Queries, Yorkshire Folk-lore .Tournal, Yorkshire Genealogist, and Yorkshire Biblio- grapher ; Quarterly, illustrated ; 6/- per annum ; ed. by J. Horsfall Turner, Idel, Bradford. AMEIHICA. The prices include jMsfm/e to Countries in the Postal Unio AMERICA. n.ion. Nos. $ c. Amei'ican Anthropologist, Washington, D.C 4 American Art Printer, New York, 22, College place 12 .3 75 American Bookmaker, New York, 126, Duane street 12 2 50 American Bookseller, New York, 22, East ISth street 24 2 00 American Journal of Philology, Baltimore 4 4 00 American Lithographer and Printer, New York, 'XI, (Jity Hall place 52 3 00 American Notes and Queries, Philadelphia, 619, Walnut-st. 12 American Pressman, Brooklyn, N. Y., 439, Pacific street 12 1 00 American Stationer, New York, 126, Duane street 52 3 75 Art in Advertising, New York, 80, Fifth avenue 12 Art Age, New York, 132, Nassau street 12 2 00 Atlantic Monthly (Literary), Boston 12 6 00 Biblia, Meriden, Conn 12 Bibliographer and Reference List, Buffalo, New York, 37/39, Court street 12 2 00 Bibliographia Brazileira, Rio Janeiro, 46, Rua Gongalves Dias 12 2 00 Bizarre: Notes and Queries, Manchester, N.H 12 Book -Buyer, New York 12 1 50 Book Chat, New York, 31, Union s([uare west 12 1 25 Book Record, New York 6 Book Reviews, New York, 66, Fifth avenue Books and Authors, New York, 112, Fifth avenue Books and Notions, The J. B. Mc. Lean Co., Ltd., 10, Front street east, Toronto, Canada (see adrt. j). J^ii) 12 Bookmart, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania 12 Buchdrucker-Zeitung, Deutsch-Amerikanische, New York, 115, Park row 24 Canadian Bibliographer & Library Record, Hamilton, Ontario, 58, King William street 12 Canadian Bookseller, Toronto, Canada, 25, Wellington street, west 12 Chicago Specimen (Types), Chicago, 139 and 141, Monroe-st.. Collector (Autographs), New York, 287, Fourth avenue 12 Craftsman (International Typog. Union), Washington, D.C... 25 1 00 2 00 1 75 1 25 1 25 50 1 00 1 00 BOOK-TRADE JOURNALS. 277 Nos. Critic, New York, 287, Fourth avenue 52 Current Literature, New York 12 Electrotype Journal, Chicago, 119, Monroe street 4 Electrotyper, Chicago, 308/305, Dearborn street 4 Employing, The, Printer, St. Paul, Minnesota 12 Engraver and Printer, Boston, Mass 12 Forum (Literary), New York 12 Geyer's Stationer, New Y''ork, 60, Duane street 24 Index to Periodicals, New Y^^ork, 28, Elm street 4 Inland Printer, Chicago, 212, Monroe street 12 Library Journal, New York, 28, Elm street 12 Library Notes, Boston, Mass. (Library Bureau) 4 Literary Digest, The, New York Literary Light, The: Books Wanted and for Sale, "The Literary Light," Minneapolis, Minn. ... (See advt. p. 32) 12 Literary News, New York, 28, Elm street 12 Literary North West, St. Paul, Minn 12 Literary World, Boston, 1. Somerset street 26 Lithographers' Journal, Philadelphia, 1004, Chestnut street... 12 Nation, The, New York, w., 208, Broadway, 52 National Editorial Journalist, Indianapolis, Ind 12 National Publisher and Printer, Louisville, Ky 12 Overland Monthly (Literary), San Francisco 12 Pacific Printer, San Francisco, California 12 Paper and Press, Philadelphia, 1004, Chestnut street 12 Paper Mill, New York, 21, Centre street 52 Paper Trade Journal, New York 120, Duane street 52 Paper World, Springfield, Mass 12 Picture and Art Trade, Chicago, 530, Monadnock building ... 12 Poligraf o, Buenos- Ayres, Calle Artes 633 12 Press and Printer, Keene, N. H 52 Printers' Album, Chicago, 303/305, Dearborn street Printer and Publisher, Toronto, Canada 12 Printers' Quarterly, Westfield, New York 4 Printers' Register, St. Louis, Mo Printers' Review, Boston, 183 to 190, Fort Hill square Publisher, Bookseller, and Stationer, New York, 106, West 12th street Publishers' Weekly, New York, 28, Elm street 52 Publishing World, New York, 771, Broadway 12 Queries, Buffalo, New York, 37/39, Court street 12 Southern Printers' Journal, New Orleans 6 Southern Publisher and Printer, Louisville 12 Southern Trade Gazette, Louisville 12 Stationer and Printer, Chicago, 530, Monadnock building ... 24 Superior Printer, Cincinnati, 168, Vine street 6 Tipografia Argentina, Buenos Ayres, Calle General Lavalle 982 Typographic Advertiser, Philadelphia, 606/614, Sansom street Typographic Messenger, N. Y. , Centre, Reade & Duane streets United States Paper Maker, New York 24 Western Stationer, Chicago, 155, Washington street 26 Western Paper Trade, Chicago, 155, Wasiiington street 26 Writer, The, Boston, P.O. Box, 1905 12 $ c. 4 00 6 00 1 00 50 2 50 6 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 5 00 1 00 4 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 1 50 1 25 5 00 3 00 3 00 5 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 50 gratis 2 50 50 gratis gratis 4 00 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 50 2 50 1 25 4 00 gratis gratis 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 278 BOOK-TRADE JOURNALS. ANTIQUARIAN JOURNALS. American Antiquarian, Chicago, Illinois ; Monthly, $2 per ann. American Catholic Historical Researches, Philadelphia ; Quarterly. American Journal of Archffiology, Boston; Quarterly. Bangor Historical Magazine ; Monthly, $2 per ann. ; J. W. Porter, Bangor, Maine. Essex Institute Historical Collections ; Quarterly, .$3 per ann. , Salem, Mass. Historical Magazine and Notes and Queries concerning the Antiquities, History, and Biography of America ; Monthly ; New York. Hyde Park Historical Record, Hyde Park, Mass. ; Quarterly. Iowa Historical Record, Iowa City, Iowa ; Quarterly. Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder ; Quarterly, sm. 4to. , $3 per annum ; S. M. Wat.son, Portland, Maine. Miscellaneous Literary, Scientific, and Historical Notes and Queries and Answers ; Manchester, New Hampshire. New England Historical and Genealogical Register ; Quarterly, !|3 per ann. ; New England Genealogical Society, 18, Somerset street, Boston, Mass. New York Genealogist and Biographical Record ; .f 2 per annum, illustrated, Quarterly ; 64, Madison avenue, New York City. Putnam's Monthly Historical Magazine (Salem Press Hist. Gen. Record); $2 per ann., Eben Putnam, Salem, Mass. Price Annl. Subs. Australasia. perNo. Post Free. s. d. £ s. d. Australasian Typographical Journal, Trades hall, Carlton, Victoria, ; London Office, 167, Fleet street, E.G.... M 3 4 Typo, R C. Harding, Napier, Wellington, New Zealand ; London Office, 3-4, Bouverie street, E.c M 6 6 EUROPE. Ann. Nos. fr. c. Bibliographic de la France, Boulevard St. Germain 117, Paris... 52 24 Bulletin des Libraires, Rue de Buci 13, Paris 52 12 Centralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen (Library Journal), Leipzig 12 31 75 Droit D'Auteur (Official Organ of the Bureau of the Inter- national Union), Berne, Switzerland 7 60 Export Journal, The, in English, German, and French, G. Hedeler, Leipzig (See advt. ) 12 5 25 General-Anzeiger fiir den Deutschen Buchhandel, Jahnstrasse 24, 52 Munich La Reliure, Rue Coetlogon 7, Paris 12 7 L'Arte della Stampa, Firenze, 4, Via delle Seggiole 12 5 25 L' Intermediare de I'Ouest, 22, Rue Victor Hugo, Niort (Deux- Sevres) 12 gratis Repertoire des Ventes, Boulevard Pois.soniere 24, Paris 52 10 Typologie-Tucker, Rue Jacob 35, Paris 12 10 Vereinigte Desideraten-Listen, Markgrafenstrasse 51, Berlin, w. gratis L' Interm^diaire des Chercheurs et Curieux ; or, French Notes and Queries ; founded 1864, published 10th, 20th, and 30th of each month, price 1 franc each part ; Lucien Faucou, 13, Rue Cujas, Paris. India. Indian Antiquary ; 4to. ; Bombay. Indian Notes and Queries ; 4to. ; Pioneer Press, Allahabad. North Indian Notes and Queries ; 4to. ; Pioneer Press, Allahabad. motes. The sum given for Earl Spencer's Althorp Library was £225,000. M. Zola's latest Avork, " Lourdes," has been placed by the Pope on the " Index Expurgatorius." Probably the most beautiful book in the world is a Hebrew Bible in the Library of the Vatican, for which £20,600 has been refused. Use simple, plain English when sending telegrams. A gentleman recently used the M-ord " quasi," and was greatly mortified to find that it had arrived as " crazy," to the ruin of the message and the mystification of the addressee. The public library of Melbourne has adopted a plan which deserves the attention of librarians and bookbinders in this country. This plan resolves itself into a special symbol, which is either " l>lind " or gilt, stamped upon the shelf-back of each volume, and indicating the class of its contents. Thus, a leaf testifies it is a work of botany, a mask or domino that it belongs to dramatic literature, and a military weapon that it relates to army life or war. Large-papkr Editions. — A prominent London bookseller interviewed as to the cult of " lai'ge-paper editions," said : "This edition holds its own well to-day, and seems likely to remain in vogue." He added : " So far as I can judge men — for I imagine women are rarely buyers — they buy large- paper editions simply because they like beautiful books and wish to have beautiful books about them. A few may buy to sell for a rise after the edition is a little bit old, but it is only a few. Most men retain their large- paper editions, and buy more to add to them. The buyer of the large- paper edition is the man who loves a book twice — for what's in it, and for its beauty as a book. The large-paper edition is not a mere fad. There is, I take it, an aesthetic pleasure in the large-paper edition wliich there is not in other editions. And that is the whole secret." * * «■ Calf or Vellum. — The public library at Westminster received, by bequest of the late Dean Staidey, a vahiable addition in the books of that eminent divine. Mr. A. Herbert SaiTord writes to the Times to say that he has before him a volume from the collection in question bound in old calf which is rapidly perishing, and he thinks that its disintegration is due to the want of a little attention which he finds useful in his own library. His practice is periodically to wash the backs of his old books with soap and warm water, and then at once to rub in neat's foot or porpoise oil. My own experience leads me to the belief that calf is not by any means a good leather for binding. I have met with veiy few books in calf more than a hundred years old which have not gone more or less ragged — notably the backs. We cannot afford to bind all our books in Russia leather, which some hold to be the very best for the purpose. I stick, myself, to vellum, and at least half of the books I have bound every year are put into vellum "jackets," with red labels at the backs. It is the old Roman binding, and if it gets dirty it can be easily cleaned. — G. A. Sala. 280 NOTES. One of the most curious books ever prepared was a volume presented to Fraulein Marie Essipoff by her father on her wedding-day. It was bound in the most sumptuous manner, and each of its leaves was a bond for a thousand gulden. The Oldest Book in the World. — The " Frisse " papyrus now at the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, is said to be the oldest book in the world. The title is, "Precepts of the Ptah-hotep, Viceroy of the South and North." This work, written about 3,350 B.C., comprises sixteen pages, and is divided into forty-four chapters. It consists of rules how to govern justly and wisely. Ptahhotep uses sixteen times the name of "God" in his work, and always in the singular. His concluding words are — " I am now 110 years old, and have written this book myself from beginning to end." An English translation has been made by Professor Osgood. To- gether with this papyrus a few leaves of a still older work have been found, which is supposed to have been written by Kakimna, Viceroy of the King Senefrii, of the third dynasty. These leaves are older than the Pyramids, and go back to the year 3,760 B.C. * * * Bible Blunders. — A number of very strange mistakes have been made from time to time by printers of the English Bible, a few specimens of which we append, viz.: — In Tyndal, 12nio. , of 1536, it reads in second Corinthians, chap, x., "Let him tliat is soche tliinke on 'his wyfe,'" instead of "this wise." The quarto of 1548 has the same droll blunder, and has in Luke, chap. xii. , this :^" Beware of the 'eleven' of the Pharyseis," for the "leaven." In Revelations, chap, v., "and about the prestes" for " about the beasts." The first English Testament was printed in 1526, but there is a Bible the Testament of which is dated lt95 ! This has startled many ; the printer in this case having transposed 1594, the date of the Bible. There are no end of blunders and omissions in the 1613 folio ; but of all blunders the 1631 8vo. is the copstone. In the fresh com- mandments is "Thou shalt commit adultery." Hence the name of the " Wicked Bible " is given to it. A copy is in the British Museum. « * * Reading. — Frederick Robertson says : (jiirls read too much and think too little. I will answer for it that there are few girls of eighteen who have not read more books than I have, and as to religious books, I could count upon my fingers in two minutes all I ever read, but they are mine. I never knew but one or two fast readers and readers of many books whose knowledge was worth anything. Miss Martineau says of herself that she is the slowest of readei^s, sometimes a page in an hour, but then what she reads she makes her own. Comte, one of the most profound thinkers in Europe, said he had read an incredibly small number of books, and scarcely ever a review ; but what Comte reads lies there fructifying, and comes out a living tree, with leaves and fruit. This multifarious reading weakens the mind more than doing nothing, for it becomes a necessity, at last, like smoking, and is an excuse for the mind to lie dormant, whilst thought is poured in and runs through, a clear stream, over unproductive gravel, on which not even mosses grow. It is the idlest of all idlenesses, and leaves more of impotency than any other. Read hard or not at all — never skimming — never turning aside to merely inviting books, and thoughts of great minds will pass like the iron atoms of the blood into your mental constitution. Book Titles. — Coinmenting on the sale of Cumnor Park a literary gossip has the following to say on the subject of book titles : If romantic associations have a market value, there should be brisk bidding for the scene of Amy Robsart's tragedy. Sir Walter, had he had his way, would have called his novel Cumnor Hall, after the old ballad which M'as a favourite of his. Kcnilirorth was Constable's suggestion, and Scott humoured him. It might be interesting to make a list of cases where, in Scott's phrase, Mr. Accoucheur has set up for Mr. Sponsor too and the author has let the publislier stand godfather to his book. Besides Ken'du-orth, Constaljle christened Boh Boy, and got Herries changed to Bedi/auiiUet. He tried hard to turn The Abbot into IVie Nunnery, but that Scott would not have. Another eminent and well-known instance is The Mill on the Flos.s, so named by Mr. Blackwood. Sinter Maggie was George Eliot's own title. * -it * Aldine Editions. — The late Rev. E. Moore, of Boughton Malherbe Rectory, Kent, and Stonedean, Bucks, was a fastidious collector of good editions of the Greek and Latin classics, and of a variety of theological litei'ature, as well as volumes of history, topography, and antiquity. He had a taste, too, for sumptuous bindings, so, where the charm of rarity is absent, there is compensation in the way of morocco and gilt. A rare Aldine edition is that of the tragedies of Euripides, issued from the famous press of Aldus in 1503. Two years before this date commenced that series of octavo volumes of ancient and modern classics in the printing of which were used, for the first time, the type known to us as italics, and it may be remembered that with the Aldine press oi'iginated what we now call the " edition de luxe." It was Aldo Manuzio (to give his Italian appella- tion) who introduced the custom of taking special impressions on better paper than the i-est of the edition, his impressions on parchment being triumphs of the printer's art. Some of the more famous Aldine editions are rare enough now, but it has been calculated that during the century that this printing establishment continued in operation upwards of 900 works were issued. * * * A WELL-KNOWN BooKBUYER. — The late Jonas Levy, barrister-at-law and deputy-chairman of the London and South Coast Railway, was one of my oldest friends. He, John HoUingshead, J. D. Francis, and I, may at the time of his death have been the only surviving members of the old Reunion Club in Maiden Lane, Covent Garden. The Broughs, Morgan John O'Connell, Horace Green, Leicester, Buckingham, Holland, the painter, William Romer, F. G. Tondins, Bayle Bernard, Sam Joyce, Q.C., Stirling Coyne, George Honey, Frank Talfourd, all have joined the majority. Jonas Levy made admirable use of the great wealth bequeathed to him by his adoptive father, who was a turnpike tolls contractor. He was the most generous and the most charitable of mankind ; and he never let his left hand know what his right hand did in the way of writing chec^ues for the necessitous. His hospitality was princely, and when he got called to the Bar we used to say that he only donned wig and gown and joined the Home Circuit for the purpose of entertaining his forensic friends. He had a collection of some hundreds of cookery books at his chambers in Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn ; he lived to a patriarchal age, and although, like Mynheer Von Uunk, he never got drunk, he emulated that eminent Hollander by drinking cold brandy and water daily and con- tinually smoking a large meerschaum pipe. — G. A. Sala. 282 NOTES. One of the most gigantic enterprises in the direction of paper and print is rapidly coming to completion. It is described as the biggest literary work ever published in the woi'ld, and will shortly see the light. It is to be entitled "The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Officials' Record of the Union and Confederate Armies." For twenty years it has been in hand, and Avhen finished will consist of 120 huge royal 8vo. volumes, each volume consisting of 1,000 pages, with an enormous atlas. The publication will cost 2,000,000 dols. Each separate book is three inches thick, and weighs from 50 to 60 oz. The combined weight of a complete set is nearly 4o0 lbs. WiMBORNE Minster Library contains a tine volume of Sir Walter Raleigh's History of the World, 1614. It has been burnt through 104 leaves, and very beautifully mended by placing a piece of paper over each hole, the text being restored with the greatest minuteness. It has been recorded as being burnt and restored by Matthew Prior, the poet, who was a native of Wimborne — that once, when reading by the light of a candle, he fell asleep, and the candle falling on the open book, burnt through these leaves, which he afterwards repaired. Although this may not be true (as referring to Prior), yet the tradition still clings to his memory, and certainly the mending is very neatly and cleverly done. The book was newly bound by the Rev. C. Onslow, who obtained a copy of the same, and taking the pages from it corresponding with the burnt leaves, had them placed between each, thereby making the book perfect (some of the pieces having been lost). The Letters J. and W. — It is a fact not so well known but that it may be said to be curious, that the letters j and w are modern additions to our alphabet. The use of the j may be said to have become general during the time of the Commonwealth, say between 1649 and 1658. From 1630 to 1646 its use is exceedingly rare, and I have never as yet seen a book printed prior to 1625 in which it appeared. In the century imme- diately preceding the seventeenth it became the fashion to tail the last i when Roman numerals were used, as in this example : viij for 8, or xij in place of 12. This fashion still lingers, but only in physicians' prescriptions. When the Frencli use j it has the power of s as we use it in the word " vision." What nation was first to use it as a new letter is an interesting but perhaps unanswerable query. In like manner the printers and lan- guage makers, in the latter part of the sixteenth century, l)egan to recognise the fact that there was a sound in spoken English which was without a representative in the shape of an alphabetical sign or character, as the first sound in the word "wet." Prior to that time it had always been spelled as " vet," the v having the long sound of u or of two u's together. In order to convey an idea of the new sound they began to spell snch words as " wet," " weather," " web," &c., with two u's, and as the u of that date was a typical v, the three words mentioned above looked like this, "wet," "weather," "web." After a while the type-founders recognized the fact that the double u had come to stay, so they joined the two v's together and made the character so well known as w. The writer has one book in which the three forms of the w are given. The first is old doulile (w), the next is one in which the last stroke of the first v crosses the first stroke of the second, and the third is the common w as used by type-founders of the present day. BOOKBINDING. '283 Bool^biuMuG. THE COST OF COVERING BOOKS. A representative of a London paper writes : — In endeavouring to obtain an insight into the practice of " boolv binding for the trade" some interest- ing information was given me by the managers of tliree of the largest firms in London, the names of whicli, at their own request, I do not publish. The first question I put to them dealt witli the cost of covering a novel. The price naturally depends upon the number of sheets in the book, the decoration of the covers, tlie general finish, and the number to be bound. A crown octavo volume costs on the average threepence halfpenny, but this, of course, has no gilt edges, and the cloth cover is of very cheap material. The price would be more for, say, an edition of 500 if a block had to be used and the illustration required several colours. One manager stated : — " The expense of a coloured illustrated binding depends upon the amount of preliminary trouble. Sometimes a block costs eight guineas, and this sum spread over a small edition would mean an additional penny, and often twopence, to the average of tlireepence halfpenny. Where a block is used for a work by a popular author, whose books go into 10,000 or 15,000 volumes, the cost is of course infinitesimal." The head of another firm said he could give an estimate for 1,000 crown octavo, bound "neatly," for from .37s. to 40s. per hundred. Bookbinding, in the sense of really binding a book, is confined to a small trade. Nowadays masses of books are only covered. More care is required to bind a book, and care meaning cost, few persons are disposed to do more than simply throw a piece of cloth over the " naked " volume. " There is so much competition," said a publishers' binder, " that I cannot afford to bind books as strongly as I should wish. I should soon lose my business." Blue and mauve are, perhaps, the most expensive colours, but these can be bought at from threepeirce to tenpence per yard. There are over 100 tints used for l)ook-cloths. The cheaper materials are simply dipped in dyes; the more expensive are "padded," that is, the colour is pressed on to one side. Asked as to whether the public prefer glossy or plain surface books, a manager said he had a large number of orders for the plain surface, but the booksellers did not like them because they showed scratches. The plain surface coverings do not, however, show marks of perspiring hands, and already the public are indicating their preference of this material. Mildew, which shows itself in the form of roundish or irregular brown spots, cannot be cured, but its development may be effectuallj'' checked by thoroughly drying the volume, and afterwards keeping it away from the damp. In many cases the leather binding of old books will be found dilapidated. Should they be broken, rubbed, or decayed, plaster tlie part with paste to fill up the crevices ; then take the yolk of an egg, beat it up with a fork, and apply it to the leather with a sponge, having first cleansed it with a dry cloth. To produce a polished surface a hot iron must be passed over it. TECHNICAL MODE OF 5 Xdi^/ s A/ ^."/^ CORRECTED FOR PRESS. X Madras , to which CHve had been appointed, was, at this time, perijaps, the first in importance of th^om- pany's settlements^ ^^^In~tEe preceding century^ Fort Saint George had arisen on a (s^t/Hbarren^ beaten by a raging surf^and in the neighbourhood a town, inhabited /-mafty. thousands of natives, had sprung up, as they spring up in the £as^ , with the rapidity of the prophet's gourd. " ThqTe were already in the suburj^g many white villas^each surrounded by its garden/ whither the agents of the Company retired, after the labours of the desk; to enjoy the cool breeze which springs up at sunsetifrom the Bay of Bengal/ The habits of these mercacflile grandees appear to have been/ more profuse, luxurj^is, and o)Mentatious than those of the high dicial and political functioanries who have succeeded them/ /Lord Clive, by Lord Macaulay. ,5 J2,<3y^. A X9 C^/ 93 jCcJ =6 ^ a; 28 ^ n Cri.. EXPLANATION. 1. Marks for turned commas, todesi;^nateextracis. , 2. To change a word from small letters to capitals, mark three lines under it, and write ca/f. in the margin opposite. 3. Where there is a wrong letter draw the pen through that letter, and mark the right one in the margin opposite, with a down line following it. 4. When a paragraph commences where it is not intended, connect the matter by a line, and write in 4he margin opposite tio break or run on. 5. Where a word has to be changed to italic, make a line under the word, and write italic in the margin. 6. Words to be transposed. 7. A semi-colon omitted. 8. Omission of a word is noticed by a caret, A and marki-e in the margin. 9. To draw the letters of a word close together which stand apart. 10. The marks for a paragraph, when its com- mencement has been omitted. It. Substitution of a capital for a small letter. 12. The substitution of a full point for a comma or other point. 13. Superfluous letters or words should be noticed by a line drawn through them, and this mark written in the margin {dele, take out.) 14. The marivs for closing an extract. 15. To change a word from small letters to small capitals, make two lines under the word, and write sm. caps, in the margin. 16. A letter turned upside down. 17. The mark for a space where it has been omitted bet>veen two words. CORRECTING A " PROOF." READY FOR PRESS. "MADRAS, to which Cltve had been appointed, was, at this time, perhaps, the first in importance of the Company's settlements. In the preceding century. Fort SL George had arisen on a barren spot beaten by a raging surf ; and in the neigh- bourhood a town, inhabited by many thousands of natives, had sprung up, as towns spring up in the East, with the rapidity of the prophet's gourd. "There were already in the suburbs many white villas (each surrounded by its garden), whither the agents of the Company retired, after the labours of the desk and the warehouse, to enjoy the cool breeze which springs up at sunset from the Bay of Bengal. The habits of these mercantile grandees appear to have been more profuse, luxurious, and ostentatious than those of the high judicial and political functionaries who have succeeded them," — Lord Clive, by Lord Macaulay. KXPLANATION. i3. A comma omitted. 19. When a letter of a different size to that used, or of a different face, appears in a word, draw a line either through it or under it, and write opposite w.f. (wrong fount). 20. When one or more words have been struck out, and it is subsequently decided that they shall remain, make dots under them and write stet (stand) in the margin. 21. The substitution of one word for another. 22. Where a word has to be changed from Italic to Roman, make a line under it and write rotnan in the margin opposite. 23. The substitution of a small for a capital letter 24. Marks when lines and words do not appear straight aj. The marks for parentheses. s6. A battered, broken, or misshapen letter may also be noticed by a line drawn under or through it, and a + written in the margin. 27. Where a space stands up and appears, draw a line through it, and make a strong perpendicular mark in the margin. 28. A letter omitted. 29. The transposition of letters in a word. 30. The dash omitted. The hyphen omitteil is marked by a shorter line with only one vertical mark. 31. The maimer of marking an omi.>^sion, or an insertion, when it is too long to be written in the side margin. When this occurs, it may be written either at the lop or bottom of the page. Care should always be taken that the errata are written in the order in which they occur, 286 AUTOGRAPHS OP LITERARY MEN. Hutograpbs of Xitcrar^ flDen* THE literary dabbler in autographs doubtless in the course of his collecting career obtains many an interesting peep into the past lives of our great men of letters which would have been hidden from his view had he remained a mere reader of their books instead of their letters. To the true enthusiast, a half-hour spent in the cu'-eful perusal of the latest autograph catalogue is prol)ably more pleasurable than an hour occupied with the latest "hit" in literature. Despite the fact that during the last fifty years or so the world has been flooded with volumes of correspondence, he may often stumble across an unpublished fragment from a literary pen, -which makes its first printed appearance in the pages of an autograph-dealer's catalogue, and which, therefore, is a delicacy he can enjoy to the full. In addition to this, there is the ever-present incentive to search for " bargains," in the delusive hope that he may catch some dealer sleeping ! The letters of dead authors are, perhaps, more valuable than is generally sujjposed. For instance, the writer a short time ago had the oppor- tunity of seeing a letter written by Robert Burns at Dumfries, which, in somewhat lengthy terms, introduced a presentation copy of his poems to a certain lord. The letter was closely written on two pages, quarto, and the price — thirty guineas ! Several apparently trifling considerations affect the monetary value of these literary letters, such as the standing of the author, whether he was a prolific letter-writer or not, and, lastly, its length and contents; this latter is the most important. Burns, not having been a voluminous letter- writer, examples from his pen are consequently rare — hence the above high price. The letters of Scotland's other great poet — Sir Walter Scott — are not quite so valuable. A very unique letter, closely written on three-and-a- half quarto pages, to Miss Smith (afterwards Mrs. Bartley), was catalogued quite recently at fifteen guineas. The opening portion is perhaps worth quoting — Edinburgh, Dec. 18th, 1810. " I hasten, my clear Miss Smith, to reply to yovu' inquiry about ' The Lady of the Lake ' in its dramatised form. That Mr. Hiddons'is bringing it out is very certain, but it is equally so that I have not seen, and do not intend to see, a line of it [here] : it would be like submitting to be twice tried for the same offence. My utmost knowledge has been derived from chatting with Mrs. Siddons and Mrs. Young in the green-room. . . . . I shall go to the Edinburgh piece when it is rehearsed with lights and scenes The strength will probably lie in the dimib show, music, and decora- tions, for I have no idea that the language can be rendered very dramatic. If anyone can make aught of it, I am sure you will." Here follows a graphic account of the original mad captive and her wild surroundings, the whole concluding with a minute description of correct costumes. Two other letters to Miss Smith, of three-and-half closely -printed pages each, were, in the same catalogue, priced at fourteen pounds the pair. The writer has also seen numerous copies of Sir W. Scott's letters change hands at prices ranging from four guineas to fifteen shillings— those at the latter amount being merely short notes of no particular literary interest. AUTOGRAPHS OF LITERARY MEN. 287 Charles Dickens was a most prolific letter-writer, who doubtless in the course of his literary career dashed off hundreds of letters. In spite of this they are worth possessing. A year or so ago the writer Mas permitted to examine a set of twelve early iinjjublished letters (1832-8), the interest of which was greatly increased by the fact that they covered an epoch in Dickens's life that is somewhat scantily described, even in Forster's "Life." The letters were written to a friend of his early days — a Mr. W. H. Kolle, of Aldermanbury, who was then engaged in a banking-house in the City. The apparently earliest one refers to the acceptance of his first published article. From " Bentinck Street, Tuesday morning,"' he said : " I intend, with the gracious pevniission of yourself and spouse, to look in upon you some evening this week. I do not write to you, however, for the purpose of cere- moniously making this important announcement, but to beg Mrs. K.'s criticism of a little paper of mine (the first of a series) in the .Muntlily (not the New Monthly) Magazine of this month. I haven't a copy to send you, but if tlie number falls in your way look for the article. It is the same that you saw laying on my table, but the name is trans- mogrified from ' A Sunday out of Town ' to ' A Dinner at Poplar Walk.' .... I am so dreadfully nervous that my hand shakes to such an extent as to prevent my writing a word legibly." Only one of the twelve is dated, the rest bear such vague times as " Friday morning," " Tuesday evening," &c. This was an early habit of Dickens's that caused his eldest daughter great trouble while editing " The Letters of Charles Dickens." The autograph-dealer by whose kindness we were able to examine this interesting series considered he only asked a fair price when he said, "Seventy-five guineas, sir." This price is, however, eclipsed by that paiil for a set of twelve letters of Shelley's, at an auction quite recently, when the final bid was eighty-five pounds ! The average price for single letters by Dickens varies from three poimds or four pounds for fairly lengthy specimens to about a sovereign for short notes. Thackeray's letters realise similar, and in some instances slightly higher prices, though many of his "third-person" notes, like "Mr. Thackeray will have the honour of dining with Lord and Lady John Russell on Satur- day, February 2," are marked at only a few shillings. A very characteristic letter of Thomas Carlyle's to Leigh Hunt is catalogued at ten pounds, and most of his epistles are high priced. The writer does not remember to have seen or heard of fairly lengthy letters being quoted at less than a guinea. In an auction-room, a few months back, three of his letters to Robertson, the editor of the London anil WcMminater Rerieir, were knocked down to a well-known autograph collec- tor for £15 lOs. Carlyle could be characteristic even in a short note ; in answer to a request for his autograph, he wrote on January 2, 18G0, "This is my autograph — much good may it do the young lady at Louth ! 'I'. Carlyle." Fifteen shillings was asked for this. One seldom meets with letters of Charles Lamb's at less than four pounds each ; lengthy ones will sell at nine and ten pounds. On the contrary, letters by such writers as W. Harrison Ainsworth, Barry Cornwall, Wilkie Collins, Theodore Hook, C P. R. James, Mark Lemon, Charles Lever, Bulwer Lytton, Thomas Moore, Tom Taylor, and Charles Reade rarely command higher prices than ten or fifteen shillings each. Recently, in a London bric-a-brac dealer's window there were exhibited several specimens of some of the above. For 7s. Gd. each one could have had the opportunity of possessing any of the following. 288 AUTOGRAPHS OP LITERARY MEN. In connection with a literary speculation, Harrison Ainsworth wrote (Dec. 3, 1854):— " . . . My acquisition of the jl/LsrrHft/iiy was a very suilden matter, and made without much consideration. I hope I shall have a good bargain, Ijut if I see my money back in three years it is as much as I expect." Here is G. P. R. James's opinion of his publisher : — • " . . . You are perfectly aware that I can do without Mr. Colburn, but I am equally aware that he possesses means of pushing my work and raising me to fame which I cannot obtain if I publish for myself, whatever money I may spend in the attempt. ... I will never undervalue what I believe to be a good work by accepting a des- picable price for it. . . . At the same time, let me beg you to inform him that . . . if he will give me a lilDeral price for the work at present in his hands, I shall be willing to enter into an engagement with him to let him have tlie one I am now writing. The Field of the Cloth of Gold, etc. ..." Lord Lytton was presumably a busy man, or he would not have written : — "... I have for two years been engaged to write an article for the Edinboro' on ' Cromwell and His Times,' and never yet had time for it. . . ." In the same window some letters by living writers were also shown, amongst which were two small notes by Andrew Lang, 4s. each ; a long letter by G. A. Sala, 8s.; two of Mark Twain's signed "Samuel L. Clemens," 8s. and 10s. 6d. ; two of William Black's, 4s. each ; and a lengthy one of Miss Braddon's, signed " Mary Maxwell," .5s.; while short notes by Hall Caine, James Payn, F. C. Burnand, and Walter Besant were labelled " .Album specimens, 2s. 6d. each."— Louis Mellard. JowETT OF Balliol. — A characteristic story is told of the late Rev. Benjamin Jowett, Master of Balliol College, Oxford, famous amongst other things for his paper on the Interpretation of Scripture in Esxay>^ and Revieirs, and his translation of the Dialogues of Plato. A. self-satisfied undergraduate, who had a thin smattering of all the heathen philosophies, and fancied, like many of his age, that he had made the original discovery that all the world's dolls were full of sawdust, met the Master in the "Quad." one day, and having entered into conversation with him, con- tinued to pace up and down by his side. " Master," he said after a pause, " I have searched everywhere in all philosophies, ancient and modern, and nowhere do I find the evidence of a God." "Mr. ," replied the Master, after a shorter pause than usual, " if you don't find a God by five o'clock this afternoon you must leave this college." If Dr. Jowett had really believed in the young man's professions of " philosophic doubt" as being anything but puppyish brag, he would have spent hours of valuable time in kindly and reasonable talk with him. Certainly no man had less of intellectual arrogance than Professor Jowett, but he was very positive in his opinions, and it was one of the sources of his influence over young men who like their guides and teachers to assume an attitude of papal authority. Not a few of us were convinced that when the Master said a thing about books or men, so that thing was, and there was an end of the matter ; and still more have found that his short, pithy, incisive sentences had sunk more deeply into our minds than we knew or suspected when we heard them. It is perhaps not lankind to quote the well-known rhyme which was written by not the least brilliant of his pupils in a spirit of very kindly banter : I come first ; my name is Jowett, What there is to know, I know it. I'm the Master ; mine's the college ; What I don't know isn't knowledge. The International Directory of Second°hand Booksellers and Bibliophile's Manual MAY BE HAD Fro77i any of the Advertisers herei?i, or from THE EDITOR, Aldine Press, Rochdale. Crown 8vo., cloth 6s. Do. interleaved... 7s. 6d. AMSTERDAM. FREDERIK MULLER & Co,, DOELENSTRAAT 10, -<^ 1^ S T E I^ 3D JL ISdl , ANTIQUARIAN Urint ^ loohsellers LARGE COLLECTIONS OF Portraits and Historical Prints. FINE ART SALES. Special Book di Print Catalogues : Americana.— Literature.— History— GeograiJhy. Fine Portraits. Rare and Curious Works. History of Marine.— Militaria. Law.— Mathematics.— Classics, &c. BATH. George Gregory, ENGLISH, FOREIGN, COLONIAL, AND GENERAL ISook fIDercbant Library Buyer & Exporter, 5, Argyle Street, Bath. ENGLAND. UPWARDS OF 100,000 Volumes always on Sale. THE " Bath Book Catalogue & Report " Is issued twelve times a year, and contains well elassifled Lists of Second-hand Books in ALL CLASSES OF LITERATURE, in English and Foreign Languages, Sciences (natural and exact), &c., &c. BATH. THE BATH BOOK STORE. Q. & F. PICKERING, NEW & SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS, 3, BRIDGE STREET, BATH. ^ HE Second-hand Book Stock con- tains many Thousand Volumes in all departments of Literature. CATALOGUES ISSUED, GRATIS AND POST FREE. BARTON-ON-HUMBER. Ibenri? Mm. Ball, SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLER BARTON-ON-HUMBER. Specialities— Good standard works, Theo- logy, Antiquarian & Topographical Books. Large colleclions of Books, Pamphlets, and En- ffravinps, relating to Lincolnshire, Nottingham, shire Torlishire, Derbysliire, &c. An interesting eollection of OtiRinal Au'ograph Letters A laige stocli of Old MethodiBt Literature, Engravings and Autograph Lettera, &c. Several Portfolios of En- gravings and Portraits. Catalogues issued now and then. BAYREUTH. B. Seligsberg, SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLER Engravings, Antiquities, &c., bayreuth, germany, Publishes Catalogues in every Branch of Literature and Science. Last Number, 222. BERLIN. Max Harrwitz, NEW & SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLER, Berlin W., Potsdamerstr. 41a. SPBCIAL.TY : Scarce and Curious Books, Portraits, Autographs, Ex-libris, Incunabula, Folk-lore, Sciences, Catalogues. Establisbment and Enlargement SPECIAL LIBRARIES. BIRMINGHAM. 14 & 16, JOHN BRIGHT STREET. (T^e largest Establishment in the City devoted solely to Books.) IF YOU WANT (a) Modern First Editions (b) Early Railway Books (c) School Books (d) Books on Fine Arts, Arts and Trades, Science, Economics, Fiction, Essays, Reference Books, RARE BOOKS, APPLY TO ME. To Bookbuyers generally. I reply to all coinniunications as far as possible by return of post. To Collectors. I quote low. I am a large buyer, and have special facilities for buying books cheaply. To the Trade. I am a believer in quoting lowest pos- sible terms to any member of the trade favouring me with orders large or small. BIRMINGHAM. IRoel Conway & Co., ANTIQUARIAN CHAMBERS, 50b, NEW STREET. Speciality : AUTOGRAPHS. ^^'f >''*" PURCHASED X« % ^^ ^^^ FOR CASH. "f^ ^ \ ^^ Catalogues issued at occasional intervals. ^fel. Valuations Made. S Correspondence and List of Wants invited. Expert Opinion given. CONWAY'S ILLUSTRATED AUTOGRAPH PRICE LIST, 80 pages, 4to., on antique paper, ls.6d. BIRMINGHAM. John Hitchman, BOOKSELLER, 51 & 52, CHERRY STREET (corner op temple row), BIRMINGHAM. THE LARGEST STOCK OF Antiquarian, Topographical, Historical, and General Literature IN THE MIDLAND COUNTIES. CATALOGUES ISSUED MONTHLY And sent Free to Bookbuyers. GOOD PRICE GIVEN FOR CHOICE AND RARE BOOKS. BIRMINGHAM. Midland Educational Co., LIMITED, BOOKMh;:s, Corporation-St. & Cannon-St., birmingham. Branches : — Leicester <£• Leamington. Second-hand Book Department : Write to us for any Book, New or Old, English or Foreign, and we will procure it. CATALOGUES POST FREE TO ANY PART OF THE WORLD. SPECIALTIES : First Editions of Modern Authors. Editions-de-Luxe. Natural History, &c. Our Library Catalogue and Bibliographical Reference Book, 4to. cloth, 3s., Ss.Ou., 5s., and 5s. (jd. — Specimen Sheets Free. Visitors are invited to inspect our immense Stock of New and Second-hand Books. BIRMINGHAM. THE COTGREAVE Lending Library Indicator MAGAZINE RACK, To show what Books or Magazines are in or out, location of same if in Library or who has them if out, Dates of issue and return, and much other information. Is now in use at over 200 Public Libraries in tlie United Kingdom and the Colonies, and has every- where given the utmost satisfaction by re- ducing the labour and losses to one-fourth that of any other system. Copies of Testimonials or any further in- formation sent on application to the Sole Manufacturer, W. MORGAN, 21, Cannon-St., Birmingham. BOSTON, Mass., U.S.A . Cbae. f . Xibbie 8i Co., AUCTIONEERS, 666, WASHINCTON-ST. Special Facilities for the Arrangement and Sale by Auction of BOOKS, AUTOGRAPHS, COINS, ENGRAVINGS, FURNITURE, AND OTHER PERSONAL PROPERTY. Consignments and Correspondence solicited. Catalogues mailed on application, and Pur- chases made for Librarians and Bookbuyers Free of Charge. BOURNEMOUTH. Horace Q. Commin, 8, Yicloria ^uildirigs, Old Chrislchurch I^oad, BOUBNEMOUTH. SPECIAL FEATURES :— Natural History ; Fine Art & Sporting Works; FIRST EDITIONS; Travels; Theolgy ; Remainders; ALSO Standard Works in every Branch of Literature. WHAT D'YE LACK? BOOKS! SEARCH MADE for Books not in stock and reported free of expense. CATALOGUES free to any address. BOOKBINDING carefully executed by skilled workmen. American and Colonial Importers supplied with quantities of each Catalogue for distribution as issued, upon application. LIBRARIES PURCHASED, Catalogued, or Arranged. Telegraphic & Postal Address: Commin, Bookseller, Bournemouth. BRISTOL (Old England). Wm. (5covQC*e Sons, TOP COR. PARK STREET. "Rooks only. Second Century of ^ Catalogues now issuing. About Six Pakts always current (i.e. no lots re-catalogued). Special Catalogues, Grey-covered Series, entirely ANTIQUARIAN. ORIENTALIA. AMERICANA. AFRICANA. AUSTRALIANA. TRAVEL A SPECIALTY. Standard & English Books, INCLUDING THEOLOGY. Established 1847. BURNLEY, Lane. LUPTON BROS., NEW AND Second-hand Booksellers, 38 & 40, MANCHESTER ROAD, AND MARKET HALL, Occupy premises containing 10,400 square feet of floor space, and have always in stock a collection of 100,000 vols., compris- ing General Literature, Standard History and Biography, Natural Science, Works on Art, English Topography, Americana, Occult Philosophy, Original Editions of Dickens, Thackeray, Bewick, Cruikshank, Jefferies, and others, as well as all the prevailing specialities. Scarce Books sought for and reported free of charge. LISTS of WANTS receive prompt attention. Catalogues post free on application. Collections of Books Purchased FOR CASH. LARGE DEALERS in REMAINDERS. CINCINNATI. IRobert Clarice S, Co., PUBLISHERS, ^Booksellers, jStationers AND IMPORTERS. Dealers in Law, Medical, Scientific, and Miscellaneous Books. 61, 63, & 65, West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. R. C. & Co. would be pleased to receive regularly the Catalogues of Publishers, and Dealers in Second-hand Books. CLEVELAND, Ohio, U.S.A. THE Burrows Bros. Co., PUBLISHERS, Booksellers and Importers, 23, 25, 27, EUCLID AVENUE, Clevelakd, Ohio, U.S.A. SPECIALITY: Americana; Napoleon; French Revolution ; STANDARD SETS ; History ; Political Economy ; Agriculture ; FIRST EDITIONS; Architectural ; Ornamental Designing ; and Fine and Rare Books in all classes of Literature. CATALOGUES ISSUED FREQUENTLY And Mailed Free on appUcnfion. Special facilities for supplying Libi-aries. COLCHESTER. Foreign Stamps. KOLN i RHEIN (Cologne). Paul Neubner, HOHESTRASSE, 81. Largest and most varied Stock of Works relating to HISTORY & TOPOGRAPHY ARCHEOLOGY, Genealogy and Family History, LITERARY CURIOSITIES, OCCULTISMUS, German and Foreign Literature. About Ten systematically arranged Catalogues published yearly, and sent Post Free on application. Any Books not in Stock will be procured in the shortest time, at Reasonable Prices. BUY, SELL, OR EXCHANGE. Favourably known throughout the World. ESTABLISHED 1870. 31Iustrated Iprice Xist (Bratis. AGENTS WANTED. Bonus for Trade introduced. Winch Brothers, COLCHESTER. DERBY. Moray House, Derby, Has always on hand a large and carefully selected Stock of mom, RARE, VALUABLE, AND CURIOUS BOOKS EDINBURGH. — AT — No. 15, Bristo Place, Over against the University, LIVETH A. BROWN, gecoDd-hand Bookseller, Where is sold all sorts of Fine Old BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, &c. Very delightful. You may likewise be furnished with a CATALOGUE by sending to the above Ilk. "^ Likewise Correspondmce is invited. Lists of Wants solicited and Buyers' Names. YE CLERK. CATALOGUES SENT GRATIS To any applicant in any part of the World. THE EXPORT DEPARTMENT Is separate and personally supervised. Liberal Terms to Large Buyers. Large Stocks of equal merit are also on view at his Branch Establishments at LEICESTER & NOTTINGHAM. EDINBURGH. William Brown, 26, PRINCES STREET, EDINBURGH. ►$- CJLT^LOa-TJES OIF Rare & Valuable Books MSS. AND AUTOGRAPHS, ISSUED REGULARLY, INCLUDING First Editions, Sporting and Humourous Books, Finely Illustrated Volumes, Works on Heraldry and Family History, &c., &c. EDINBURGH. Established 1868. I^icHARD Cameron, antiquarian, S'ine art, d (Bencral ISool^sellcr, No. 1, SOUTH St. DAVID STREET. (OPPOSITE THE SCOTT MONUMENT.) CATALOGUES SENT POST FREE . OF IRace an5 l^aluable Boof^s CHIEFLY IN SCOTTISH LITERATURE. ALSO SPECIALTIES IN THE FINE ARTS, COMPRISING Old Engravings, Drawings, Caricatures, &c. MODERATE PRICES. EDINBURGH. WILLIAM F.CLAY, 18, Teviot Place. SPECIALITY: Chemical and Technical Literature; Including Transactions and Journals of the Scientific and Learned Societies, complete or part sets, and odd volumes and numbers. The most extensive Stock in Great Britain. Selected Stock of Standard Books in General Literature & Medicine. Catalogues post free on application. Enquiries for above, or priced offers of any for Sale, will receive prompt attention. WANTED TO PURCHASE: The Analyst, any Vols, or Nos. ; Quarterly Journal of Chemical Society, ditto ; or any Chemical Literature. EDINBURGH. 2)ouGla5 Si fonliQ r. 9, CASTLE STREET Gatalogues of Surplus Library Books Withdrawn from circulation and offered at greatly reduced PUICEB {52 Pages, Demy 8voJ Are issued Feb. 1, Mar. 15, May 1, June 15, Sep. 1, Oct. 15, and Dec. 1, and sent post FREE to any address. These Catalogues in- clude many important works of Antiquarian and Local Interest, also Books on the Fine Arts, History, Biography, Theology, Poetry, Fiction, and Magazines. A NEW SPECIAL CATALOGUE of Ancient and Modern Books in various classes of Literature f52 Pages, Demy SvoJ will also be sent gratis and post free. EDINBURGH. JOHN GRANT, 31, GEORGE IV. BRIDGE. REMAINDERS OF PUBLICATIONS PURCHASED. Collections of Second-hand Books & Autographs. EDINBURGH. GEORGE P. JOHNSTON BOOKSELLER 33 GEORGE STREET. CTTRIOUS OLD AND RARE BOOKS CATALOGUES POST FREE ON APPLICATION. EDINBURGH. JAMES THIN, NEW AND ^econd-Pand Bookseller, 55, SOUTH BRIDGE, WILL BE PLEASED TO SEND HIS CATALOGTCJJG standard and Useful Books IN All Departments of Literature, Selected from his great stock of 200,000 VOLUMES, Post Free ou application. EXETER. [Est. 1838. S. Drayton & Sons, 201, HIGH STREET, Issue catalogues at frequent •*■ intervals of Theological, Antiqua- rian, and Miscellaneous STANDARD SECOND-HAND BOOKS, and will be glad to forward them regularly to any part of the World, Post Free. Liberal Terms to Librarians, Booksellers, and Agents. Several Copies of each issue sent Free to Exporters and Importers at home and abroad. The majority of our Stock being purchased Direct from Private Libraries, May be relied on as being in GOOD CONDITION. GENEVA. C. EQGIMANN & Cie, Rue du Rhone, 25, GENEVE. Livres Anciens, Reliures, Ex=Libris, Autographs, Livres a gravures. CATALOGUE SUR DEMANDE. GLASGOW. The Mitchell Library, Founded 1874. Opened 1877. A Free Public Reference Library ; the largest Library in Scotland to which the public have a right of free access. Contains (1894) 100,000 volumes and pamphlets. Average annual additions 5,000. Nearly 350 different periodical publications on the tables while current, and after- wards bound for preservation. Issue of volumes to readers about 500,000 per year. Catalogues, prospectuses, publishers' lists of new books, etc., may be addressed to F. T. Barrett, Librarian, Mitchell Library, Glasgow. THE HAGUE. riDartinus IRijbotf, BOOKSELLER, THE HAGUE. HOLLAND. ISSUES REGULARLY Cataloaues of bis Stocft, COMPRISING CHIEFLY Rare and Valuable Standard Works, Periodicals, History, Geography, Americana, Law, Philology, Books on Fine Arts, &c. Specialty.— Books printed InthelSth and 16th Centuries ; Anything connected with the Netherlands and its Colonies. M. N. supplies Libraries with any BooJcs wanted, new or old. LEAMINGTON SPA, Thomas Kennard, 22, REGENT STREET WEST. Reports of Books OR PRINTS ON LEAMINGTON, COVENTRY, STRATFORD-ON-AVON, RUGBY, KENILWORTH, or WARWICKSHIRE GENERALLY, ALSO OR BOOKS Of the lyth Century or earlier^ Respectfully Solicited. LEEDS. [Established 1859. Thomas Milligan, 15, PARK LANE, DEALER IN fine and T^are ^ooks. Good Price given for fine copies only of First Editions of esteemed authors. Coloured-Plate Books by Rowlandson, Leech, Doyle, "Phiz," Cruikshank, Aiken, and others. Alpine Literature and Sporting. Early English Poetry and 4to. Plays (anything printed before 1675). America, Australia, and Canada (every- thing relating to, inchiding Voyages and Travels). Boolcs collected for Foreign Public Libraries tfc Literary Institutions. CATALOGUES POST FREE, ON APPLICATION. LEICESTER. Frank Murray, Sbal^e0pearc'0 Ibeab, LEICESTER. Is the Successor of the only genuine Second- hand Bookseller in that Town (WM. WITHERS). Good General Stock replenished daily by Purchases from all parts of the Kingdom. CATALOGUES GHATXS. Peculiar facilities for procuring specially wanted Books. Foreign and Export Orders executed at the Export Department at Moray House, Derby, under the personal supervision of the Proprietor. Liberal Terms to Large Buyers. 10 LEICESTER. yrank flDurra^, 5TUART H0U5E, LEICESTER. Books of All Kinds, ANCIENT AND MODERN. Out-of-the-way and other Books Wanted, reported on free of expense.— Special and unique facilities for this class of business. New Books at fullest Discounts. Also established at "Shakespeare's Head," Leicester ; At Derby; and at Nottingham. Export and Foreign Orders executed at Moray House, Derby, under the personaZ supervision of Frank Murray. LEIPZIG. 1karl M. Ibiersemann, PUBLISHER, AND International Bookseller, KOENICSSTRASSE, Ko. 2. Larf/e Stock of Fine Art Books in all Languages. Architecture, Americana, Orientalia, Japanese and Chinese Draxoings. Bihliograjihy & Literary Curiosities. Russian Modern and Old Books kept in stock and procured. More than 175 Catalogues published ; state Br-anch required. Correspondents may expect the utmost proni2')titude in execution and per- sonal attention to the details of their orders. Competent Staff in every department. Any information readily given. LEIPZIG. [Established 1847. K. F. KOEHLER'S ANTIQUARIUM, UNIVERSITiETSSTRASSE 26. yiff^ARGE AND SELECTED StOCK of SCCOnt)a'ban& BOOftS, te of about 300,000 Volumes. CntElOQUCS, systematically arranged — from 12 to 15 issued yearly — may be had gratuitously and post free on application, the present No. being 530. Specialities: — jpbllOlOO^ (Comparative, Classical, Modern, and Oriental), SCtCnCCS and BatUral IfDlStOr^ (Anatomy, Physiology, Embryology, Zoology, Botany, Palaeontology, Geology, Mineralogy. Any Books not in stock will be procured in the shortest time at reason- able prices. Supply of New Books and Periodicals, German and Foreign, on favourable terms. Bindings executed in the best style. General Agent for Libraries. Commission Agent for Foreign Publishers and Authors. S^ To all Letters please put my FuU Address, as above. 11 LIVERPOOL. Jesse Jagqard & Co. ool^bin^ere JDool^finbers llyubli Shakespeare House 81, LOBD STREET, LIVERPOOL, "W. (CENTRALLY SITUATED NEAR G.P.O. AND CATHEDRAL) Telegraphic Address : — Jaggard, Bookseller, Liverpool. Bankers : — Baiik of Liverpool. THOUSAisTMoSlRABLFBOOKS AND . . RARE POSTAGE STAMPS . . SPECIALITIES :-FIRST EDITIONS of Esteemed Authors; Antiquarian Books ; Cheshire Literature ; Bookplates ; and Valuable Postage Stamps. BOOKFINDING :— Extraordinary facilities, possessed by no other firm, for procuring Old and Out-of-Print Books. [See Hans Breitmann's Memoirs for testimony.] PUBLICATIONS :-BOOK QUERIES. The Universal Trade Journal for Bookmen, Public Librarians and others (British, Foreign, iet. Kissel, Clemens. — Symbolical Book Plates, 25 ex-libris. Limited Edition. Svo., 4^- '^6'- otto, George. — A Score of Book Plates. Limited Edition. Svo. , 4>i- "e<- Teske, Charles. — The Book Plates of Ulrick, Duke of Mecklenburgh. Wood- cuts by Lucas Cranach and other artists. Limited Edn. Folio, 3s. net. Sattler, Joseph. — Art in Book Plates, 42 ex-libris, mostly coloured. Limited Edition. Folio, £1 lis. 6d. 33, King Street, Covent Garden, w.c. FRANK HOLLINGS, 7, Great Turnstile, LONDON, W.C. ^ O O) QJ fc»M(N a! Size, 9 in. x 6i x 2. Price, 2s. each. SPECIALTY :— First Editions of Scott, Leigh Hunt, Stevenson, Kipling, and other Standard Authors ; also Alpine and Chess Books. 20 LONDON. lenolieb R foreign ¥pE0Ii66Y. ^HE ADVERTISER possesses ^-^ One of the Largest Stocks EXTANT of Books ill every department of Theological Literature, especially of SERMONS (in Printed Volumes, Lithographed, or in Manuscript). Also a Select Stock of Books in Miscellaneous Secular Literature. Catalor/ues Issued at Frequent Intervals. CHARLES HIGHAM, 27a, Farringdon Street, E.G. LONDON. HUMPHREYS L Co., JSacft part Dealers, 58-9, Paternoster Row, London. IS THIS NOT THE FIRM YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR To supply those missing parts you want ? They keep all the Beligious Tract Society's, Cassell's, Longman's, Ward Lock's, and Chambers' Publications, "The Graphic," "London News," "Black and White," " Punch, " " Engineer, " " Engineering," "Quern," "Harper's," "Blackwood's," " Argosy," " Strand," " Contemporaby," " Century, " &c. In short, they keep almost every Paper. Magazine, Review and Quarterly published over '2d., and the Terms are Half the Published Pbices and Carriage with rare exceptions. "Years" and "Long Runs" cheaper. N.B. -The Largest Stock of Back Magazines in the World. LONDON. FREDRICK H, HUTT, 10, CLEMENTS INN PASSAGE, (Adjacent to the Royal Courts of Justice.) CATALOGUES ISSUED, Post Free on A2)plication. SPECIALITIES. — FIRST EDITIONS of Dickens, Thackeray, Lever, Meredith, Ainsworth, Sporting, Alpine, and Early Poetry. BOOKS ILLUSTRATED by Rowlandson, Cruikshank, Leech, 'Phiz' (H. K. Browne), Aiken, &c. BOOKS PURCHASED.-FULL MARKET VALUE given for Libraries, or small Collections of Books in fine state. LONDON. A. NEALE, Book & Printseller 74, TONBRIDGE-ST., W.C. LOCAL BOOKS, Old County Views and Portraits (for extra illustration), A SPECIALTY. LISTS OF WANTS always acceptable and receive personal attention. CATALOGUES FREE. ROCHDALE. Save Searching and Writing, r,Y USINU THE prir\led )\dc[ress j-abels Of Booksellers, Bookbuyers, Libraries, Literary and Scientific Institutions, Art Galleries, Museums, &c., SUPPLIED BY JAS. CLEGG, ALDINE PRESS. IVriie fur purt'culnrs. 21 LONDON. [Established 1854. HENRY KIMPTON, Medical Booteeller and Pnblisher, 32, HIGH HOL.BORN. W.C. wmmmm \/ CIRCUIATING mmi NEW BOOKS at 3d. in the Is. Discount. The Largest Stock of Second-hand Medical Books in London. OSTEOLOGY : Best Quality guar- anteed. Note-Books Dissecting Cases, etc., etc. Lists on application. BOOKS BOUGHT Large or Small Parcels. A Single Book or Library purchased for cash. Subscriptions, commencinri at any date, 21s. per Annum. Contains every Modern Medical Work of any importance ; and the New Books and New Editions are added, in unlimited numbers, ON THE DAY OF PUBLICATION. LONDON. P. S. KING & SON, Parliamentary & General Booksellers, AND BOOKBINDERS, 12 & 14, KING-ST., WESTMINSTER, S.W. SPECIALITY : Parliamentary Papers. We are able to supply Scarce OUT-OF-PRINT Parliamentary Papers, unobtainable elsewhere. Complete Sets of the Pneports of the Historical Manuscripts Commission, &c. Peerage Claims, Evidence, Pedigrees, Cases, &c. HANSARD'S PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES, Complete Sets and various Periods in Stock. Journals of the House of Lords and House of Commons. A CATALOGUE ISSUED MONTHLY. 22 LONDON. J. & J. LEICHTON, Booksellers & Bookbinders, 40, BREWER STREET, GOLDEN SQUARE, W. CATALOGUES OF Rare & Interesting- Books ISSUED OCCASIONALLY. Special attention given to the Restoration and Repairs of Old & Valuable Bindings. LONDON. S. B. LUYSTER, Eyporter OK Englisb Boohs, 98, NASSAU-ST., NEW YORK, U.S.A.; 10. SILVER-ST., BLOOMSBURY LONDON, W.C. OARLY CATALOGUES of Second- Hand Books, direct by post and not through Agent, to both the above Addresses, will be appreciated. LONDON. xj. m:a.g^gs, 159, CHURCH STREET, PADDINGTON, W. ^^ 52-page CATALOGUES issued Bi-Monthly, sent Post Free to Bookbuyers. America, Antiquarian, Australia, Curious, Drama, Early-Frinted, Heraldry, Standard and Miscellaneous, First Editiofis ; Books illustrated by Cruiksha7ik, Blake, Betvick ; Rare Works, and Best Library EditioJis generally. OOXESS XT XS. O XZ .A. S X: X3 . I am always prepared to give a Liberal Price for Libraries, or Books of above description. LONDON. A. Maurice L Co., Ancient & Modern BOOKSELLERS, St. Martin's House, GRESHAM STREET, E.G. Telegraphic Address : " MNEMOSYNE, LONDON. " FIRST EDITIONS . . AND . . SCARCE BOOKS CATALOGUES FREE. ROCHDALE. James Clecc, "The Aldine Press," ISSUES CATALOGUES OF ^oo\{ il^arities, WORKS OF LOCAL INTEREST, ©l& prints S, iBwQXViViWQSt AT INTERVALS, GRATIS AND POST FREE. ♦ Full Value given in Cash for Libraries or smaller collections of Books. LONDON. PICKERING & CHATTO, 66, HAYMARKET, St. JAMES', S.W. DEALERS IN ®lb anb IRaue Boohs. Early Poetry, Drama, First Editions of Illustrated Books, and Works by Esteemed Authors, a Speciality. ^ CATALOGUE OF NEW PURCHASES ISSUED MONTHLY. Catalogue of Stock, Price 2s. 6d., post free. Messrs. Pickering & Ciiatto are prepared to pay the highest price for any Books of Poetry or any quarto Plays (separate or in volumes) printed before 1680, and First Editions uncut copies of Books illustrated by George Cruikshank, T. Rowlandson, " Phiz " (H. K. Browne), John Leech, Henry Aiken, &c. ; and Works by Popular Authors, particularly Sir Walter Scott, Capt. Marryat, Robert Louis Stevenson, Charles Lever, Wm. M. Thackeray ; also any old Sporting Books with Coloured or other Plates. SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS' CATALOGUES SOLICITED. 24 LONDON. [Established 100 Years. ^ Literary, Musical, and Fine Art ^ AUCTIONEERS. ♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ PUTTICK & SIMPSON, 47, Leicester Square, London, HOLD FREQUENT SALES OF BOOKS & LIBRARIES, Paintings, Drawings, Engravings, Autographs, Coins, Stamps, Music, Musical Instruments, Bric=a=brac, Etc., Etc. LIBERAL ADVANCES PENDING REALIZATION, IF REQUIRED. THE BEST MEDIUM FOR ♦ CATALOGUES FREE ON APPLICATION. 25 LONDON. ROBSON & KERSLAKE, 23, Coventry Street, Haymarket, W. I'elegrajjhir Address: — "Bibliopole, London." DEALERS IN Fine & Rare Books, MSS., AUTOGRAPHS, AND PRINTS. ^PEf.'IAL ATTENTION is de\otecl to Illuminated and other MSS.; ^"^ Early Printed Books and Woodcuts ; Early English Poetry and Drama ; Early French Literature ; Works relating to America, printed before 1800. French Illustrated Books of the 18th Century, in Old Morocco bindings ; Examples of Fine Binding ; First Editions of all the great English Writers, from the 15th Century to the present time. Sporting Books, particularly those with Coloured Plates ; Military Prints of British Regiments before 1840. Book Plates ( Ex-Lihris) ; Original Drawings by Cruikshank, Leech, "Phiz," or Thackeray; Coloured Prints by Bartolozzi, Morland, and others ; Dramatic Prints and Playbills, &c., &c. Messrs. Robson & Kerslake are always willing to give the BEST MARKET PRICE for Works of the above description, in fine condition. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. Lists of '' Books Wanted " a Specialty, SUCH RECEIVE CAREFUL AND PROMPT ATTENTION. COMMISSIONS CAREFULLY EXECUTED AT ALL THE LEADING AUCTION SALES. 26 LONDON. J. PLATNAUER, IJf, FETTER LAJYE, FLEET STREET, E.G., CONTINUES TO SUPPLY BACK NUMBERS OF ALL THE LEADING Magazines, Reviews, Scientific Journals, and Periodicals. THE ONLY HOUSE IN THE TRADE Where the " Illustrated London News " and Cassell's Publications can be made up, either in Volumes or Numbers. LONDON. ^rank XT. Sabin, E)ealer in jfine Boo{?8, U8, Sbaftesbuvy Hvcnue, Xonbon, M.C. The highest possible prices given for Fine or Rare Books, Engravings, Autographs, Miniatures, &c. Catalogues i90ue^. 27 LONDON. [Est. 1884. I LONDON. [Est. 1830. Jesse Salisbury, sandeii & smith, bookseller & €xporler second-hand 48, Fleet Lane, & 5, New Court, Farrincdon Street, e.c. Books, Newspapers, & Periodicals Supplied by mail or otherwise to all parts of the world. US' Morning Papers, posted by earliest mails. COMMISSIONS AT AUCTIONS, &c. FAITHFULLY EXECUTED. BOOKSELLERS 136, CITY ROAD, E.C. Telecraphic Address:-" HELPFUL," LONDON. ^ 90,000 VOLUMES, =^ Theological and Miscellaneous, in various Departments of Literature, all arranged and classified at very LOW PRICES. LISTS OF BOOKS WANTED SOLICITED. If in stock, will report by return of post, giving full description and price. LONDON. Ibenv^ Stevens Si Son, DEALERS IN Rare Booh relating to North America, 39, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, W.C. (opposite the BRITISH MUSEUM). OWNERS OF BOOKS relating to North America are invited to offer them to us in the first instance. Having probably the largest stock of "Americana" in existence, we have consequently the best knowledge of the market, and can therefore generally afford to give the very highest price. ALL REPORTS PROMPTLY ANSWERED AND WITH AN ORDER, IF POSSIBLE. Send name and address for our new Miscellaneous Catalogue, "Stevens's Bibliophile's Mixture." NOTE OUR ONLY ADDRESS, AS ABOVE. 28 LONDON. Sweet & Maxwell, Limited, DEALERS TN Catalogues containing Law Books should be forwarded as early as possible, SALES ATTENDED IN ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. LAW LBBRARBES PURCHASED FOR CASH. Valuations made for Probate, &c. ESTIMATES POST FREE. — CATALOGUES GRATIS. -J- SWEET & MAXWELL, LIMITED. 3. CHANCERY LANE, W.C. Telegraphic Address : — '^ Suhjicio, London/' LONDON. Mm. Mcslei? & Son, Established in London since 1855, Booksellers and Publishers AGENTS FOR The Smithsonian Institution, AND U. S. Government Departments. PUBLISHERS OF Ube IRatural Ibistor^ ant) Scientific JSooF? Circular, (No. 121 issued March, IS'.)!,) A Series of Classified Catalogues of New and Second-hand Scientific Works. PURCHASERS OF SECOND-HAND SCIENTIFIC BOOKS, For Cash. — Offers desired. LONDON AGENTS FOR ASTRONOMY AND ASTRO-PUYSICS. POPULAR ASTRONOMY. LONDON. [Est. 1830. 28, ESSEX STREET, STRAND. Wildy & Sons, New and Second-hand LAW BOOKSELLERS and exporters, Lincoln s Inn Archway, Carey-St.,w.c. The Largest Stock in the Trade of ^F" Second-hand Law Books Comprising Reports in all the Conrts, Text Books, Treatises (Ancient and Modern), Trials, Statutes, &c. Catalogues and Estimates Post Free. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Telegraphic Address: — Wildys, London. 29 LONDON. Established 50 Years. Jobn mabelbon 51 da. 58, Great Queen Street, w.c. Largest and most varied Stock of Works relating to Natural History, BOTANICAL AND MICROSCOPIC, IN GREAT BRITAIN. CATALOGUES ISSUED. MANCHESTER. Richard H. Sutton, Second=hand Bookseller, 25, Princess=St. (opposite Town Hall), Has a Stock of many Thousand Volumes of Books in all classes of Literature, and will at any time furnish Reports of Books Wanted. Local Literature. Textile Books. Books on Applied Science. CATALOGUES ISSUED, GRATIS & POST FREE. 30 MANCHESTER. B. DELLAGANA <&, CO., LIMITED, ElectrotyperSj Stereotypers, 1pboto*Zinco d H^alUZonc process lEnoravei-s, 62 & 62a. Greengate, Salford, Manchester, Also at London and Liverpool. TXTE are prepared to carry oxit, in an artistic and workmanlike *^ manner, at a reasonable cost, any order that may be entrusted to us ; and can guarantee the excellence of the work done. PHOTO-ZINCO BLOCKS for Newspapers, received by first-post, are despatched same day. PROCESS BLOCKS for Letterpress Printing from Wash Drawings, Pen and Ink Sketches, Plans, Photographs, Transfers, &c. OUR STUDIOS in both London and Manchester are fitted with the Electric Light, to avoid delay in dull weather. Applications for Specimens and Estimates requested. MARBURG. N. G. ELWERT'SCHE MARBURG (Hessen), Germany. A Large Stock of Second-hand Books, especially in Hessian Literature. Catalogues post free on application. The following are still to be had : — No. XXV. Hessian, XXIV. Veterinary Sciences. XXIII. Theology. XXII. Medicine— Anatomy— Physiology. XXI. Philology. XIX. Natural Sciences. XVIII. Italian Literature. All Publications of the University of Marburg, as Dissertations, Frograms, &c., up to date ; also Programs of Hessian Schools, almost without exception in stock, or can be procured with the least possible delay. 31 MINNEAPOLIS. PRICES OF RARE BOOKS. IN OUR DAYS, the selling prices of books are subject to the most surprising changes : it is, therefore, of the highest import to Booksellers and Booklovers to be kept faithfully informed of such differences, almost incredible ; which, however, are sufficiently accounted for by some new fashionable taste, the efforts of speculation, the hasty impulses of competition during a sale, or merely the fickle fancy of fastidious bibliophiles. Thus it happens that, within a few months, the same work — sometimes the same copy, — will rise and fall in value beyond all possible expectation. One great advantage, then, among others, to be derived from our reading The Literary Light, is to see at once, whenever needed, the present, and actual worth of any tine and rare book, in all branches of literature whatsoever. The subscription, far from being expensive, will be amply repaid by the large quantity of interesting and valuable information con- tained in every number of The Literary Light, for sale by all booksellers or sent, post-paid one year on receipt of $1.00. Sample copy, 10 cents. ADDRESS : " Xiterar^ Xigbt " pub. Co., 243, 4th Ave. South, Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A. 32 NEW YORK. JOHN ANDERSON. JuNR. DEALER IN Old Books & Prints 99, NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. CATALOGUES ISSUED AND FORWARDED GRATIS TO ANY ADDRESS. THESE CONTAIN MANY UNCOMMON ITEMS. H large Qioc\{ on ban^ of all kinbs of jprinte FOR THE EXTRA-ILLUSTRATING OF BOOKS. DRAMATIC AND LITERARY PORTRAITS A SPECIALTY. Mr. Anderson begs to call particular attention to the fact, that he keeps close watch on the dispersal of the more impor- tant American private collections, and consequently has opportunities from time to time of purchasing desirable books, many of which possess greater interest and value to the English buyer than to the American. To the English collectors and dealers he offers his services, and would be pleased to receive lists of " desiderata." A moderate commission charge will be made in cases where the works are secured. Careful perusal is given to Dealers' Catalogues, which are respectfully solicited. 33 NEW YORK. E. F. BONAVENTURE, ART ROOMS, 45 CL-nd 47, 'West 31st Street, Corner Broadway (HOTEL IMPERIAL), New York. RARE ENGLISH & FOREIGN BOOKS INCUNABLES, ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS, AND FINE BINDINGS ; First Editions; Books Illustrated by Cruikshank, Leech, Rowlandson, etc., etc. KTCHINGS & KNGHAYIHGS, Sets of Book Illustrations, Portraits, and Autograph Letters. NOTTINGHAM. George Bryan 4, Upper Parliament Street. LARGE STOCK OF COMPRISING Works in various departments of Literature, many CURIOUS & SCARCE LISTS OF WANTS Carefully attended to. Catalogues G-ratis & Post Free. NOTTINGHAM . FRANK MURRAY, REGENT HOUSE, NOTTINGHAM, Is the principal Second-hand Bookseller in that town, and holds the largest Stock of desirable Stcontr-ljanir §o0hs CATALOGUES published frequently, and sent gratis to applicants. WANTS OF SPECIAL BOOKS have par- ticular attention, and Frank Murray has unique facilities for procurino; Out- of-the-Way Works. EXPORT & FOREIGN ORDERS should be sent to MORAY HOUSE, DERBY, where they are executed under the per- sonal supervision of the Proprietor. 34 OXFORD. B. H. Blackwell. 52Cond-hand and ]\few BOOKSELLER, 50 8l 51, BROAD STREET (Close to the Bodleian Library). SPECIALTIES :— Greek and Latin Classics, both Early Printed and Modern Editions; Standard English Literature ; and other High-class Educational Works. e^ All Books Plainly Priced. "^ ffioiiecttoitft of ^c»ok» ^uxti^ljt. Catalogues sent Gratis and Post Free. OXFORD. James Parker l Co., 27, BROAD STREET. English & Foreign, Classical, Theological, .\N1) Miscellaneous. Km" Scarce and Out-of-Print Books Searched for, both English, and Foreign. e^ Direct Communication with Agents in EVERY COUNTRY of Europe. SPECIALTY: LOCAL TOPOGRAPHY Catalogues Free on aqypliraUon. BOOKS PURCHASED. PARIS. BOYVEAU & CHEVILLET, Librairie Etrangere 22, RUE DE LA BANQUE. Telephone No. 12754. PARIS. EDMOND DUBOIS, Librairie Miiitaire Ancieniie 18, Rue des Grands-Augustins. Large Stock of Engllsh Second-hand Books IN ALL BRANCHES. ALWAYS IN STOCK. LIYRES MILITAIRES D'OCCASION "Le Bouquiniste Miiitaire," Catalogue de Livres Militaires, Rares ou Curieux, et envoy^ gratuitement. "La Curiosite Miiitaire," Organe des Amateurs, d'Histoire, de Litterature, et du liibliot. Militaires, publie des Questions et des Reponses de les abonnes. Parait tous les mois, 10 francs par an, pour le France ; 12 francs pour i'Etranger. PARIS. )\iTierican and Colonial BOOKSELLER. E. DUFOSSE, 27, RUE GUENEGAUD, PARIS. ■ROOKS, Manuscripts, Autographs, Documents, Maps, Views, En- gravings, Portraits, &c., &c. , relating to America and the Colonies, Asia, Africa, Oceania, Australia, &c. Old Atlases, &c. , &c. CATALOGUES Sent Free on application, and exchanges solicited. PARIS. E, JEAN-FONTAINE, ^ooh'SieileVi 30, BOULEVARD HAU8SMANN, PURCHASER OF Frencli Illustrated Books From the 16th to thk 18th Century ; BOOKS OF COSTUMES; Views of Paris and France; OLD FRENCH BINDINGS, IN MOROCCO, WITH ARMS ; All the Old French Books, RARE AND CURIOUS, IN NICE CONDITION, &c., &c. PARIS. GODEFROY MAYER, Olb e[ngrav>ing X)ealer, 47. RUE RICHER. SPECIALTIES: Old Portraits, Maps, Views, and Historical Prints relating to America. A very large and important Stock of Rare and Curious Engravings. Seventeen Catalogues in English and French published on American Prints, Napoleoniana, and other Prints, with short Biographical Notices, and thereby very useful to Collectors and Dealers, gratis and post free on application. Old Portraits and Historical Prints of Nobility, Clergy, Founders of Religious Orders, &c. A large Stock of Scarce Prints classed alphabetically. A Catalogue of these now ready. Portraits for Book-illustration. Ornamental Engravings & Books. Ex-Libris, &c. Lists of Wants receive immediate and careful attention. My relations witli French & German Second-hand Booksellers, Engraving Dealers, and Collectors, being considerable, I am able to supply Scarce Engravings and Books. ENGRAVINGS SENT ON INSPECTION. OFFERS of Old American, Frencli Portraits, Ex-Libris, Ornamental Books, French Coloured Engravings, Vieivs aiul Historical Prints, etc., etc., received for Sale. CORRESPONDENCE IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND GERMAN. PARIS. NEAL'S LIBRARY, 248, RUE DE RIVOLI (near Place de la Concorde). ii PLAN-VELO." CYCLING MAPS OF FRANCE, on "untearable" paper and flexible cloth. The most complete Tourist Maps pub- lished ; indicating best Cycling Routes, with nature of the Roads, etc. — Paris, paper ls.6d.; Environs of Paris, paper 2s., cloth 3s.; France, paper 3s., cloth 5s.; France (in sections) North and South, paper 2s., cloth 3s. each post free, folded in cloth cases for pocket. Also FRENCH ORDNANCE MAPS, m sheets. SUBSCRIPTIONS and ADVERTISEMENTS received for English and French Newspapers and Periodi(Sals, Reading Rooms, and Circulating Libraries. THE "ANGLO-AMERICAN ANNUAL."— A Directory and Handbook of British and American Residents in Paris, 3s. post free. THE " POCKET GUIDE TO THE LOUVRE."— The only sepai'ate English Guide or Catalogue published to the Museum and Galleries, 2s. post free. Second-hand Books Bought and Sold. GENERAL COMMISSION AGENCY. FRENCH AGENCY FOR ''Ube international H)irectors ot SeconD^banC) Bool^sellers, anD 3BibliopbUe's /Ibanual." ^7 PARIS. [Established 1849. C. REINWALD & Co., Ipublisbcre anb Booksellers, 15, RUE DE SAINTS-PERES, 15, Olbest ^Qcnc^ for Xiibvaries ESTABLISHED 1849. Qf PECIi\j:. ATTENTION given to Library Orders, which ^^"-^ will be promptly and carefully executed. FIRST-CLASS BOOKBINDING a feature of our Establish- ment, and all material used is of the best quality. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT is allowed on all SECOND-HAND BOOKS purchased through us. LOTS FROM AUCTION SALES purchased at lowest figures. THE Bulletin mensuel be la Xibrairie francaise A MONTHLY BIBLIOGRAPHICAL PAPER, Is published by us. and will be mailed gratis on application, CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, AND ALL INFORMATION CHEERFULLY GIVEN. 38 PARIS. LIVRES D'ART ANCIENS ET MODERNES ; ARCHITECTURE, Peinture, Sculpture, Gravure, ARTS INDUSTRIELS. Estampes Anciennes et Modernes. PARIS. DEPOT FOR Government & Official Publications (Beorges TRapill^, Libraire de I'Ecole Nat. des Beaux-Arts, euai des GR. AUGDSTINS, 83 bis. Catalogue trimestriel en distribution. George Roustan, 5, Qiiai Voltaire, Paris, BUYS AND SELLS LI BRARI ES, Especially Books and Papers published by the Government, the Senate, or Chamber of Deputies ; Political & Social Economy ; etc., etc. S^ PUBLICATIONS of the Imprimerie Nationale ; Livres Jaunes (Diplomatic Publications) ; Journals of Patents ; CUSTOMS TARIFFS of all Countries ; French Commercial Papers ; Annual Statistics relating to France ; Bulletins of all Government Departments, etc. NUMBERS AND RUNS OF THE 'Moniteur' & 'Journal Officiel. PARIS. ED. SAQOT, 39 bis, RUE DE GHATEADDDN. Twr 4--V.1 Sent Free on demand. Montniy Orkunai. Editions, Oataiogue. ^j,^^ and Curious Works of all kinds. SPECIALITY of Works relating to Music and Musicians, Singing, Singers, Musical Instruments, Acoustics, ANCIENT MUSIC, etc., etc. ALSO SECOND-HAND MODERN ETCHINGS AND RARE ENGRAVINGS. Lithography (from stone) by ALEXANDRE LUNOIS. POSTERS : Works of Jules Cheret and F^licien Pops. Illustrated Catalogue of Posters: One volume in 80, 114 pages of two columns. 15 Plates without text. 2,200 numbers with prices. Cover in 5 colours by J. Cheret. Post Free, 8s. 6d. RUGBY. George E. Over, 'The Rugby Press,' 15, HIGH STREET, BOOKSELLER, igh-(2/lass l^rinter. SPECIALTY: Small Editions = de = Luxe requiring personal care and attention. ^Q SHEFFIELD. [Established I860.] •xi'xzonvE.^^fs WILLIAM LKE) BOOKSELLER, NORFOLK BOOK SHOP, 45, NORFOLK (successor to SECOND-HAND MARKET. STOCK (entirely Second-hand) :— English and Foreign, Ancient and Modern Miscellaneous. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO— America: Books, Pamphlets, Prints, Por- traits, and Maps. Africa, Australia, India, Ceylon, and the Colonies. Aiken, Blake, Bewick, Bartolozzi, Cruik- shank, Gillray, Leech, Rowlandson, and " Phiz." Astrology, Folk Lore, and Witchcraft. Black Letter, Old Chronicles, Early Presses. Classics, Mathematics, and Philology. Fine Art Books, Bindings, and Bookplates. First Editions of Modern English Writers. History, Genealogy, Theology, and Rare Old Divinity. Napoleon : Books, Prints, and Portraits. Old French Literature and French Dialects. Prints of every description. Rarities and Curiosa. Shakespeare, Music, and the Drama. Scott, Burns, Dickens, Thackeray, Ruskin. Seventeenth Century Pamphlets. Sporring Books and Prints. Topography, Antiquities, and Architecture. Voyages and Travels. ^^ Books and Prints " wanted," searched for and reported. Catalogues of English and Foreign Booksellers respectfully solicited, and BooJcs ordered therefrom. CATALOGUES FREE TO ANY PART OF THE WORLD. On Correspond en anglais et en fran^ais. SHREWSBURY. CAMPO ! ZULU AND DRAFFO ! THREE POPULAR GAMES, ON ONE BOARD, For Is. May be obtained of all Stationers, or sent post free for Is. 2^6.. Address CAMPO, CONDOYER, Shrewsbury. Usual Terms to the Trade. CAMPO 8cZULI & DRAFFO ENTERED AT STATIONERS HALL SHEFFIELD. WILLIAM CHALLENGER, Second-hand Bookseller, Respectfully announces that he has taken over the business lately carried on by Mrs. GARSIDE, at 204.. BROOKHILL. SHEFFIELD. l^are k Curious ^ool^s AND ALL KINDS OF MISCELLANEOUS LITERATURE. Catalogues and Lists of Wants solicited. Books Purchased for Cash, STUTTGART. J. SCHEIBLE, SECOND=HAND BOOKSELLER, At STUTTGART, Germany, Publishes Two Catalogues every Month, Which are sent regularly on application to every Book Collector. COLLECTORS' NAMES SOLICITED. EXTENSIVE STOCK lit, eccry Branch of Lileralure and Science. Speciality.— Rare Okl Books, Valuable Works, Literary Curiosities, Fine Art, Engravino-s, Old Xylographic Books, Sporting- Books. Second-hand Catalogues wanted. SYDNEY. ANGUS & ROBERTSON, 89, CASTLEREAGH STREET, SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES. (€t ^^^^^ ^^'^ Largest Stock ^^*^ in the World, of BOOK.S, PAMPHLETS, PERIODICALS, &c. printed in Australasia and Polynesia. English and Foreign Booksellers requiring such would find it to their advantage to communicate with us. Angus & Robertson, 89, Castlereagh-St., Sydney. TENBY. J. E. ARNETT, (Established over 40 Years.) BOOKSELLER.— Topography, Natural History, Miscellaneous. Old engravings. Prints, MAPS, ETC. BOO KB I NDER. — High-Class I>lnding : — The Best Material and Work at moderate prices ; fiood Ordinary Bindings at low prices. Scarce Works sought for AND REPORTED FREE OF (MAKCK. Old Books, Maps, & Engravings BOUGHT. itriT Keports solicited of anything relating to Pembrokeshire or Carmarthenshire. 41 TORONTO. [Established 1884. ' Books & Notions,' Official Organ of the Booksellers and Stationers' Association of Ontario. Devoted to the Interests of thk AND FMQf §mm fmnm OF CANADA. Issued on the First Day of Every Month. Circulating in all the Provinces, it is a First- class Medium for Advertisers. Subscription, $1 Per Annum. J. B. McLean Co, Ltd,, PUBLISHERS, 10, Front-St. East, Toronto. Letters addressed to R. HAROREAVES, European Agent, care of Canadian Govern- ment Offices, 17, Victoria-St., London, W., will receive prompt attention. VIENNA. GILHOFER & RANSCHBDRG, ANTIQUARIANS VIENNA, AUSTRIA, 1. BOGNERGASSE, 2. SPECIALITIES. — Old and Rare Books. Books with woodcuts and engravings. Autographs. Old En- gravings. Sporting Books, &c. 8^ We issue about 15 Catalogues yearly, which may be had gratis and franco on application. Our Stock of Old and Second- hand Books comprises all Sciences. — When writing for Catalogues, please state your Speciality. We mjiply all publications printed in the Auatro- Hungarian monarchy. Orders to Vienna Auctions of Books, Pictures, Antiquities, are promptly executed on moderate terms. YORK. John Sampson's LATEST CATALOGUE IS RICH IN FIRST EDITIONS OF Sporting Books AND ALSO Local and Couuty Topograpliy. General Literature and Fine Arts. 13, CONEY-ST., YORK J AND STATION BOOKSTALLS. CINCINNATI, Ohio, U.S.A. W. 0. OAV E L Co.. Second-hand Booksellers. T ARGEST and most varied Collection T L of Second-hand Books in the West. NO SPECIALTY. Buy and Sell anything and everything. Catalogues issued occasionally and mailed free. t^ Buyers requesting Catalogues, will please indicate the kinds of books wanted, and we will imme- diately mail such as we have in print, and record their names for future issues. A LARGE collection OF Back Numbers of Magazines and other Periodicals in Stock. ALSO Prints for Extra Illustrating. 42 " THE CLIQUE." This "unique organization" was founded for the benefit of the Second-hand Trade. The Paper is published every Saturday, and suppHed to the Trade only. Specimen Number Gratis on receipt of trade card. Subscription, 5s. for current year. All sub- scriptions, whenever paid, expire Dec. 31st; but back numbers can be had if desired. Any live Second-hand Bookseller can make 5s. out of the first number he receives. Publishing Office : MORAY HOUSE, DERBY. 43 tt TRIO JUNCTA IN UNO." " Stationery >-^^8^-< AND >»^^s^-< jfanc^ (3oobs" IS AN INCORPORATION OF THREE D/ST/NCT PUBLICATIONS, The Stationery Trade Review AND Booksellers' Journal. Stationery AND Bookselling. The Fancy Goods AND Toy Trades Journal. THE ONLY PUBLICATION REPRESENTING ALL BRANCHES OF THE STATIONERY, BOOKSELLING, and FANCY GOODS TRADES IN ONE JOURNAL, PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE RETAILER. MONTHLY, 5S. Per ANNUM. Printed and Published by the Proprietors : LEWIS HEPWORTH & MORRISS, LIMITED, Editorial & Publishing Offices, 165, Queen Victoria-St., London, E.G. Printtnc; Works : — Vale Road, Tunbridge Wells. Specimen Gojnes and Charr/e-s for Advertisements on application. 44 SOME OF THE GOOD THINGS ALWAYS TO BE FOUND IN )tationery, [^ooksellinci, & pancy (^oods," BETTER KNOWN AS SPARKUNO a S^ ^ g/' Bli,a„r. Mr. W. A. GUNTER, Middlesbro', writes : " I have much pleasure in adding my testimony as to its usefuhiess as a trade paper ; in fact, every bookseller or stationer ought to subscribe, as there are always some valuable bits to be got out of it. I may safely say those who do not subscribe are the greatest losers." List of Publications of the Month. List of Forthcoming Works. Reviews of Books. Literary Gossip. Legal Reports. Trade Marks Column. Bankruptcy Reports. Gazette. Trade Changes. Answers to Correspondents. New Companies, New Inventions. Obituary. Provincial Notes. Trade Gossip. The Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods, Illustrated. Notices of Standard Goods, Illustrated. &c., &c., &c. pr^g^ The Journal being avowedly published in the interests of ^^^^^ the Retail Trade, its Reviews and Trade Notices can be relied ujyon as being quite uninfluenced by any consideration as to amount of advertising placed with us. MONTHLY, 5S. Pel* ANNUM. THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. LEWIS HEPWORTH & MORRISS, LIMITED, Editorial & Publishing Offices, 165, Queen Victoria-St., London, E.C. Specimen Copies and Charges for Advertisements on application. 45 an& ©tbers. /\L\/l/^yS /A/ STOCK. ADDRESS LABELS (copyright) Printed on fine Gummed Paper, and Perforated, ready for affixing to Envelopes or to any kind of Postal Wrapper. SPECIMEN LABELS. Supplied in Strips, 18 X 2i. 25 Addresses deep, and Perforated. | The operation of wetting, g. detaching, and affixing the "^ labels is so simple that a | child may do the work. ^ -5 ' to Additions and corrections made as changes occur. Sir Wm. Paulton, G.C.B., Brandersome Hall, Burlington. British Subscription Library, Bio de Janeiro, Brazil. Imperial College of Physicians, Peking, China. 2t inches wide. JAMES CLEGG, ALDINE PRESS, ROCHDALE, ENGLAND. 46 Printed Address Labels, REVISED AND CORRECTED TO DATE. ALL POST FREE FOR CASH WITH ORDER No. 1. Second-hand Booksellers in the United Kingdom— new and extended List (lOUO addresses) 3/- 2. Second-hand and New Booksellers in the United States and Canada (aljout UOO names) 3/- 3. Second-hand and New Booksellers in France, Germany, Austria, and other European Countries (about looo names) 3/- 4. Universities, Colleges, and principal Libraries in the United States (750 addresses) 3/- 5. Free Libraries in the United Kingdom (about 225) \l- 6. Other Public Libraries in the United Kingdom (about 450) 2/- 7. English Book Collectors (No Trade Firms), enlarged and revised List (250 addresses) ^/g 7a. — American Book Collectors, private bookbuyers in the United States and Canada (250 addresses) 2/- 8. Addresses of Literary Men, Contributors to the Literary Press, and private Bookbuyers generally, resident in the United Kingdom— Second issue (900 names) 5/- 9. The principal New Booksellers in the larger Towns of the United Kingdom — exclusive of London (1000 names) 4/- 10. Second List of New Booksellers in the United Kingdom- including London Booksellers — entirely different from the pre- ceding List (1200 names) 4/- 11. Public Libraries of the United States, including the Libraries of Universities, Colleges, and Publij Schools ; Literary and Scientific Societies; Theological, Historical, Agricultural, Legal, Medical, and other Institutions (2500 addresses) 3/" 12. Public Libraries of Australasia, comprising South Australia, New South \\^ales, Queensland, Victoria, and New Zealand ; including Libraries of (Toverument Institutions, Art and Literary Societies, Colleges, Mechanics' Institutions, etc (750 addresses) 3/- 13. Public Libraries of India, Ceylon, South Africa, and the West Indies (225 addresses) 1/6 14. Public Libraries of Canada, comprising all Public Libraries in the Dominion of Canada (225 addresses) l/g 15. Public Libraries of South America : Argentina, Brazil, Chili, British Guiana, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Uruguay, etc 1/- 16. Asia : The Learned and Scientific Societies and Institutions of Asia, being the resorts of English-speaking people in India, Burmah, Ceylon, China, Japan, Java, Straits Settlements, etc. (about 200 addresses) 1/- Others in Preparation. JAMES CLEGG, ALDINE PRESS, ROCHDALE. BOOKS FOR COLLECTORS, READERS, or STUDENTS, Are more readily disposed of or procured at fair prices through Zhc Basaar, Eycbange anb ^art, THAN THROUGH ANY OTHER MEDIUM. Probably more Books change hands on advantageous terms through that paper than through all others put together. Price 2d., of all Newsagents. Office : — 170, Strand, London, W.C. Price 7s. 6d. post free.— 424 pp. The Library Manual. A Guide to the formation of a Library and the Value of Rare and Standard Books. INVALUABLE TO THE BOOK COLLECTOR. ABOUT 10,000 BOOKS & EDITIONS QUOTED. London : L. UPCOTT GiLL, 170, Strand, W.C. 48 MIISriATURB Book Labels ENGRAVED TO ANY DESIGN, Western Road, Mason k Jones, BOOKSEULERS. Market Drayton R.Wood & Sons, JO, Hampron Sc SURBITON. On gummed, glazed Paper, (any colour, or assorted colours). Bound by- JtotES Tli'SlilE (2^p^)b£(Cff) & Stationer. •^.VR.JO/Vfs Booksellers, f^ Bound by S WELLINGTONiC ^ DEVIGES. / UpperHighSt Supplied in sheets, at the following Prices : Engraving Plate, 3s. 6d. 5,000 in black ink 12s. 6d.; in gold 17s. 6d. 10,000 in black ink 17s. 6d.; in gold £1 7s. 6d. Cut single, 6d. per 1,000 extra. James Clegg, Aldine Press, Rochdale. BOC Parc: "($ SPl B0( University of California Library Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ^one rfP>n^vvafs ^■<: AC NOV 1 ZOOt <^^ 188 ESTIMATES, SAMPLES, AND FULL INFORMATION ON APPLICATION TO James Clegg, ' Aldine Press,' Rochdale. f 50 L 007 118 419 6 LARGEST STOCK OF REMAINDERS IN LONDON. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY LIBR AA 001 200 025 3 AND BOOKBUYERS GENERALLY SHOULD APPLY FOR William Glaisher's CataloGue of iKemainbers CONTAINING Books in all departments of Literature, OFFERED AT A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. The Large Stock is constantly varying, and Catalogues are issued at frequent intervals. WILLIAM GLAISHER, BOOKSELLER. 265, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. 51