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Entered according to Act of Congress, in the 3-ear 18G7, by
George T. Chapman,
in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts.
— t —
Cl^tiS llumBU ?FoIum0
Newburyport, April 8, 1867.
After many unavoidable delays, this long-expected work issues from the
press. It was projected by the late Rev. Dr John Richards in Aug. 1858, hut
in March 1859 occurred his deeply lamented death, so that seven months only
were occupied by him in a most arduous undertaking. Previous to the com-
mencement of 1858, he had, however, assisted Prof. Sanborn in preparing the
Triennial of that year for publication, and as I had furnished the dates of the
deaths of Dartmouth Alumni, its Medical Classes and Alibi for the Triennials
of 1849, 1852, and 1855, almost entirely, he applied to me for additional in-
formation. The consequence was, that I gave him the known ages of all the
deceased in the Triennials, and added, in relation to the Alumni, the days and
months of the years when deaths had taken place, with the location thereof, to
be treasured up in the College library. These items were so numerous that they
drew from him in reply the epithet, "marvellous," and created the design of ex-
ecuting the present work. They were collected by me from 1844 to 1858, and
were most cheerfully rendered to him. So also in about forty letters, all I knew
of dead and living graduates was duly communicated.
Such being the case, on the decease of the good Doctor, all that he and a
daughter had obtained was transmitted to me for corrections and additions. But
so great were the imperfections of every kind, that from that time to this I
have been diligently employed in accumulating a mass of information which
has astonished many graduates who have seen the old and new manuscripts.
Thousands on thousands of newspapers have been consulted, with numerous
town histories, family genealogies, classologies, and periodical works. Letters,
both written and printed, have been freely despatched ; advertisements inserted
in papers and two Dartmouth Triennials, and the field of inquiry enlarged so as
to include the maternal parentage and marriages. I found also that without
exact dates of births as well as deaths it was impossible to give the con-ect age
of the deceased, no distinction being often made between a current year and its
completion, between the 70th year, for instance, and the full age of 70.
For one or two years after the papers came into my hands, Miss Julia A.
Richards, now Mrs Booth, wrote at my request to several graduates, obtaining
valuable returns, but then went to near Port Gibson, Miss, and left me unaided
by hfer. Some Class Secretaries and other Alumni, too numerous to mention,
have likewise materially benefited me by their contributions. But Mr Bax-
ter Perry Smith, of the class of 1854, has far exceeded all others by the vast
amount of intelligence he has succeeded in gaining for five or six years last past
in New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, and New York city, through per-
sonal visits and letters to graduates, their relatives and friends. And yet, even
now, there are deficiencies which living graduates could have supplied, and sur-
vivinfT relatives or friends can furnish. I have therefore concluded to publish
at present only 500 copies of the Sketches, one of which will be interleaved and
devoted to additions and emendations, which are earnestly requested by me from
all interested, so that whether I survive or not to a second edition, the materials
for a more perfect production may be kept in preservation.
Some persons may object that no more has been said of the personal or
religious character of many, especially deceased, individuals, but the little that
does appear transcends the original design of Dr Richards, which was almost
purely statistical, and has been adhered to for the most part lest too great a
bulk should enhance the price of the volume and diminish its circulation. For
the lives of tiie more distinguished, readers must repair to what has already
been recorded at length, and content themselves with the limited annals which
are here intended to preserve from oblivion the name of every educated son of
Dartmouth, no matter what may be his claim to the remembrance of posterity.
As changes of residence are continually occurring, it is to be understood that
the last place knowm may not always be the right location now.
Eleazar Wheelock, a. M.-D. D. the son of Dea. Ealph and Ruth
(Huntington) Wheelock, was bovn at Windham, Ct, April 22, 1711, and died
at Hanover, April 24, 1779, je. G8, minus nine days, as his birth was according
to Old Style. He graduated at Yale College in 1733 ; studied divinity and was
ordained pastor of the 2d Cong. Church in that part of Lebanon called Lebanon
Crank, now Columbia, Ct, in March 1735. Here his pastorate continued for
about thirty-five years, and in 1754 an Indian Charity School was established by
him and named after Mr Jo-hua Moor of Mansfield, Ct, one of its principal
American benefactors. After its existence for sixteen years, devoted to the civ-
ilization and education of Indian youth, Dr Wheelock, whose honorary degree
was conferred by the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, June 29, 1767, deter-
mined on obtaining a more suitable location for it, and adding thereto a sem-
inary of learning wherein they and English pupils should be trained up in clas-
sical, philosophical, and all literary, pursuits.
To effect this, early in 1770 he explored the western parts of New Hamp-
shire in search of the contemplated place, and eventually made choice of Han-
over, then called Dresden. A more healthy situation could not have been
selected. By the United States census of 1850, Vermont, the border State,
was found to have the smallest mortality for the ten preceding years, in propor-
tion to its relative population, of the entire Union, and Massachusetts the great-
est, while the venerable age of the early Dartmouth scholars may be seen in
what follows the sketches given of Laban Ainsworth, 1778, and Samuel Wood,
1779. The colony itself was also preferred to others in consequence of the
large landed endowments offered by the Hon. John Wentworth, Harv. Univ.
1755, its Royal Governor. Through him also was procured the charter of Dart-
mouth College, dated Dec. 13, 1769, from his Majesty King George the Third.
It was so named in compliment to William Legge, Earl of Dartmouth, one of
the excellent of the earth, who, with the woi'ld-renowned John Thornton, had
materially contributed to the pecuniary benefit of the Moor School. In this
charter, Dr Wheelock was recognised as the Founder and President of the
College, with the privilege of nominating his successor. Twelve persons, includ-
ing himself and the Governor, were also by this instrument appointed its first
Trustees, having power not only to confer degrees, but to fill vacancies, though
not to increase or diminish the original number.
President Wheelock removed to Hanover in August 1770, and was soon
joined by his wife, Mary (Brinsmaid), and their family; Bezaleel Woodward,
A. M. the first College Tutor, who became its first Professor of INIathematicks
and Natural Philosophy in 1782 ; several students, and others designing a per-
manent residence ; in all about 70 persons. A more remarkable settlement for
sudh'n iiHrposo- tk-as ncvcx iinsi(ie. ■, it was in the midst of a wilderness, and upon
a plain where a few of its pine-trees of maje.stick height had been recently
felled, and two or three log lints constituted the only shelter. But Dr Whee-
lock was the very man to contend with difliculties, and in the spirit of an en-
lar"-ed philanthropy to overcome them. The huts were multiplied ; a frame
house for himself, a College for the students, eighty feet long and two stories
h\"\\, a Commons' Hall or Refectory, were speedily constructed under his per-
sonal supervision. Nothing, however, was in sufficient forwardness to protect
them entirely from the piercing storms of winter. Upwards of four months the
snow, shielded from the rays of the sun by the evergreen forest, was four feet
in depth. Severe hardships ensued, and throughout the inclement season in-
inaid of jNIilford, Ct. His children were 10 in number, of whom
were John AVheelock, D. C. 1771, Eleazar and James Wheelock, both D. C.
The next President was his second son, the Hon. Joiix Wheelock, A. M.-
LL. D. who graduated at the first commencement in Aug. 1771, and entered
upon the duties of his office in 1779, at the early age of twenty-five years.
Dartmouth had then sustained the loss of many students, especially in the two
lower classes, in consequence of the Revolutionary War. But a reaction soon
occurred, and througiiout his long presidency of thirty-six years, it was in a
very flourishing condition. Under him the present Dartmouth Hall was built
in 17(S<), the Medical l)e|)artment establishi'd in 1798, with Nathan Smith, M. D.
for its Profes-or, and ere long a IVIedical Hall was erected. For additional par-
ticulars recourse must be had to the sketches of him in the year 1771, where
al-o will be found the reason for shunning a minute account of his ejection from
The third President was FitAxcis Bro-\vn, A. M.-D. D. of the class of 1805.
His accession was followed by painful circumstances. The legislature of New
Hampshire had passed an act materially modifying the charter of the College,
increasing the number of Trustees, and changing its title to that of Dartmouth
UnivcT.-ity, of which the Rev. William Allen, D. D. a graduate of Harvard in
1802, became President. But the old Trustees refused to acquiesce in this
proceeding, insomuch that the two institutions were carried on at the same time
in antagonism to each other. Resort was then had to a legal tribunal. In the
first instance, the case came before the State Supreme Court, by which the leg-
islative act Avas sustained and the University pronounced the only valid corpo-
ration. From this decision the College Trustees appealed to the Supreme
Court of the United States, of which the profound jurist, John Marshall, LL.
D. was Ciiief Justice. After a long argument by eminent counsel on both
sides, Daniel Webster, D. C. 1801, being one of the advocates for his Alma
Mater, the judgment of the inferior court was reversed and old Dartmouth
restored to its former position, much to the satisfaction of the country, by reason
of the maintenance of eleemosynary and vested corporate rights.
On this great occasion, President Brown went far beyond his strength in his
personal efforts to vindicate what he deemed a legitimate and righteous cause.
His health became seriously affected, and in the prime of life, to the calamitous
loss of his beloved seminary and the grief of innumerable friends, he descended
to the silent grave, after occupying his responsible station for five years. See a
notice of him in the year 1805.
Daniel Dana, A. M.-D. D. a graduate of 1788, was the fourth President
of Dartmouth, and entered upon the discharge of his duties in 1820, resigning
however in 1821. This excellent man and much-esteemed divine had therefore
small opportunity to signalize himself in the academical chair, as his class record
will show that he did most effectually in the pulpit.
Bennet Tyler, A. M.-D. D. the son of James and Anne (Hungerford)
Tyler, was born at Middlebury, Ct, July 6, 1783, and died at East Windsor, Ct,
May 14, 1858, ^.74. He graduated at Yale College in 1804 ; studied divinity
with the Rev. Asahel Hooker, A. M. of Goshen, Ct ; was ordained pastor of the
Cong. Church at South Britain, Ct, June 1, 1808, and was dismissed in 1822
to become the fifth President of Dartmouth, a situation enjoyed by him fi'om
1822 to 1828. He was next installed pastor of the Cong. Church at Portland,
Me, in Sept. 1828 ; was dismissed thence to be inducted President and Pro-
fessor of Didactick Theology at East Windsor Theo. Seminary in Ct, May 13,
1834, a position held by him for twenty-three years, to July 15, 1857, the date
of his resignation, and less than a year before his death. Nothing remarkable,
except a powerful revival of religion, came to pass during his brief presidency
of six years, but his character was veiy estimable, and all the important posts
of which he was the incumbent were filled with dignity and reputation. His
publications, 35 in number, were highly thought of. John Ellery Tyler, D. C.
1831, was his son.
Nathan Lord, A. M.-D. D. the son of the Hon. John and JMehitabel
(Perkins) Lord, was born at South Berwick, Me, Nov. 28, 1792. He graduated
at Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me, in 1809 ; taught at Exeter Academy ;
studied divinity at Andover Theo. Seminary, Ms, graduating in 1815 ; was or-
dained a colleague pastor of the Cong. Church at Amherst, May 22, 1816;
dismissed Sept. 22, 1828 ; was inaugurated the sixth President of Dartmouth,
Oct. 29, 1828, and resigned the office at the College commencement in 1863,
after holding it nearly 35 years. Throughout this long period, this eminent
divine maintained a proud position in the discharge of the arduous duties of his
elevated station. Students flocked to the institution in great numbers, and at
no previous time had it attained the celebrity gained under his auspicious rule.
The requirements for admission were materially enlarged, and a far higher
amount of scholarship exacted in order to obtain collegiate honours. He had
peculiar talents as an executive officer, and though rigid in discipline, no one
could be more popular or beloved by the youth committed to his care. In ad-
dition to thi-s the augmented corps of Professors, cooperating with him, was
composed of men of eminent abilities in their several departments, who vied
with each other in contributing to the successful pursuit of letters and phi-
So numerous indeed was the resort of students to this now famous seminary
that Dartmouth Hall was no longer adequate to their accommodation, and in
Dr Lord's time Wentworth, Thornton, and Reed, Halls came into existence,
with an Astronomical Observatory, built and furnished with instruments by the
munificence of Dr George Cheyne Shattuck, LL, D. of the class of 1803.
Great additions were also made to the Academical and Medical Libraries, as
also to those collected by the students, all comprising now about 40,000 vol-
umes. There is also a valuable Mineralogieal Cabinet given by Frederick
Hall, LL. D. of the class of 1803, and a Chemical Laboratory with an am-
ple apparatus. Nor must the Chandler Scientilick Department be forgotten,
that was founded and endowed with the noble gilt of 50,000 dollars in 1851 by
the bequest of the late Abiel Chandler, A. M. a graduate of Harvard in 1806,
and whose first class became Bachelors of Science in 1854.
Successful results like these redound to the infinite credit of the ex-president,
and long may he live reposing on the laurels adorning his brow. Many publi-
cations have proceeded from his pen, one of which, on slavery, was at variance
with Northern sentiment, and another came into collision with the anti-millena-
rian views too prevalent in our Christian community. But still in them, in ser-
mons and other productions, he is acknowledged to have exhibited talents of a
high rank, and to have expressed himself in terms where intellectual acumen
and literary scholarship predominate to an unusual degree. It is moreover a
remarkable fact, and one believed to be unprecedented in our American col-
leges, that Dr Lord is the father of eight sons who have completed their edu-
cation at Dartmouth in the years 1836, 1839, 1842, 1843, 1851, and 1856, six
of whom are still living.
Asa Dodof, Smith, A. M.-D. D. and LL. D. who graduated in the class
of 1830, where his statisticks may be found, is the seventh and present President
of Dartmouth, and was inaugurated as such Oct. 18, 1863. His antecedents
are altogether of a deserving and encouraging character, fully justifying the
choice of the Trustees and giving promise of substantial benefits accruing to the
now venerable and venerated College. Already popular within its walls, and
greatly prized by its living Alumni, he has promoted its interests with unflag-
ging zeal and perseverance. Already between 75 and 100,000 dollars have
been added to its resources, and the good work goes bravely on, challenging not
only the liberality of its graduates but of numerous friends who appear equally
anxious to render it more and more a renowned seat of learning and science.
Among others. George H(Miry Bissell, A. M. of the class of 1845, has judi-
ciously appropriated a large sum for a Gymnasium, which is now in process of
erection, if not comi)leted, at the estimated cost of 25,000 dollars. A monu-
mental edifice is also contemplated in memory of the gallant sons of Dartmouth
who perilled and lost their lives in their country's cause in the late atrocious
Rebellion. It will be of large dimensions, and some part thereof, it is said, will
be devoted to the reception of the College library. Although great numbers of
the Alumni were thus bi-illiantly employed, a complete record of their names is
yet unpublished, and the under-graduate classes were no less prodigal of their
services. Owing to this, the size of some of them was most seriously dimin-
ished, and the entrance to others greatly curtailed. But the present two lower
classes, with redoubled ranks, indicate that the old prosperity is reviving and a
bright future unerringly revealed.
Even this unpretending history Avould, however, be eminently defective were
nothing to appear pertaining to the immense benefits which have resulted from
the labours of the first President, and those who have been his successors in
office. From 1771 to 1867, inclusive, the number of Academical graduates has
been 3550 ; and though sketches of them are collected in this work, it will not
be amiss to give a condensed account of the positions some of them have occu-
pied in life. There have been 31 Judges of the U. S. and State Supreme
Courts; 15 Senators in Congress, and 61 Representatives; 2 U. S. Cabinet
Ministers; 4 Ambassadors to Foreign Courts; 1 Postmaster-General; 14
Governors of States, and 1 of a Territory; 25 Presidents of Colleges; 104
Professors of Academical, Medical, or Theological Colleges. Large numbers
also have been Judges of Minor Courts and Members of State Legislatures.
On 24 the degree of LL. D. has been conferred, and on 106 that of D. D. To
all these must be added a vast body of divines, lawyers, and physicians, with
many instructors, literary men, and authors. I could give the names of the more
distinguished and compare them without reluctance with the graduates of our
most prominent Seminaries. But numbers forbid, and the selection of a few
would be invidious to a residue equally entitled to enumeration. One circum-
stance only will be sufficient to prove that Dartmouth has deserved well of her
country. At the same time, there were residing in Boston, Ms, no less than
seven of her sons, who were justly regarded as ranking among the brightest
luminaries of the law. They were Samuel Sumner Wilde, 1789, Daniel Web-
ster, 1801, Richard Fletcher, 1806, Joseph Bell, 1807, Joel Parker, 1811,
RuCus Choate, 1819, and Charles Bishop Goodrich, 1822, Not to enlarge,
with few exceptions, her influence in religion has been emphatically conserva-
tive, and her sympathies in a national point of view eminently patriotick. She
has been the nursery of sound divines, devoted missionaries, profound jurists,
skilful physicians, brilliant statesmen, accomplished scholars, classical and learned
writers. Such are the worthies she has given to the Union, and on these rest
her claims to a nation's gratitude.
In the following pages, the State designation is not added to cities and towns
in the case of New Hampshire, nor when towns or cities of other States have
been already given in the same article will it be a second time annexed. As to
abbreviations, they will be easily understood, though D. C. for Dartmouth Col-
lege, sometimes relates to the District of Columbia.
* Levi Frisbie, A. M. the son of Elisha and Rachel (Levi) Frisbie, was
born at Branfbrd, Ct, Apr. 11, 1748, N. S. or Mar. 31, 1748, O. S. and died
at Ipswich, Ms, Feb. 25, 1806, m. 57. lie studied divinity with President
Eleazar Wheelock, D. D. at Hanover ; was there ordained as a missionary May
21, 1772; went thence, with the Rev. David M'Clure, to the Delaware Indians
on the Muskingum ; afterwards to the Indians in Canada and Maine; owing to
the Revolutionary war, the mission ended. He was installed pastor of the 1st
Cong. Ch. at Ipswich, Feb. 7, 1776, and so remained successfid and beloved to
the close of life. His publi,--lied works were ; a Poem of 180 lines, in eulogy of
JMoor's Indian Charity School and Dart. College ; an Oration on the Peace of
1783; two Fast sermons; a Thanksgiving sermon; a Eulogy on the death of
Washington ; a sermon before the Society for propagating the Gospel among the
Indians. He married, 1. Zeruiah, dan. of Capt. Samuel Sprague of Lebanon,
Ct. 2. Mehitabel, dau. of the Rev. Moses Hale of Newbury, Ms, June 1, 1780.
Levi Frisbie, a Professor in Harv. Univ. was his son.
* Samuel Gray, A. M. the son of Samuel and Lydia (Dyer) Gray, was
born at Windliam, Ct, June 21, 1751, and died there, Dec. 13, 1836, je. 85. He
read law, practising in Windham; was Assis. Commissary General in the Rev.
war to its close ; Clerk of the Windham Co. courts for more than 40 years,
resigning in 1828. He attended the Commencement at Dart, in 1827, and
pointed out the localities of the first rude college structures, with the place for a
barbecue on his own graduation. He married Charlotte, dau. of Col. Jedediah
Elderkin of Windham, in July 1 788.
* Sylvanus Ripley, A. M. the son of Jonathan and Hannah Ripley, was
born at Haliflix, Ms, Sept. 29, 1749, and died at Hanover, Feb. 5, 1787, je. 37.
He studied divinity with the Rev. Pres. Eleazar Wheelock, D. D. at Hanover ;
was ordained a missionary in 1772 ; went as such to the Caglmawagas in Canada ;
was tutor at Dart, from 1772 to 1782; trustee thereof from 1775 to 1787 ; be-
came pastor of the College Ch. in 1779, and Phillips Prof, of Theology in
1782, holding the three last positions to the day of his death, which was caused
by being thrown from a sleigh and instantly killed. He married Abigail, dau. of
Pres. E. Wheelock. John Phillips Ripley, D. C." 1791, and Eleazar Wheelock
Ripley, D. C. 1800, were his sons.
* JpHN Wheelock, A. M.-LL. D. the son of the Rev. Pres. Dr Eleazar
and Mary (Brinsraaid) Wheelock, was born at Lebanon, Ct, Jan. 28, 1754, and
died at Hanover, Apr. 4, 1817, je. 63. He was tutor at Dart, from 1772 to
1774 ; represented Hanover in the legislature in 1775 ; a Major in the N. Y.
14 ALUMNI 1771.
State service in 1777 ; Lt Col. in the Continental Army the same year; hecame
Pres. of Dart, in 1779 ; also Prof, of Civil and Eecle^iastical History in 1782 ;
visited England for tiie benefit of the College in 1783 ; suffered shipwreck, when
returning, on Cape Cod ; was removed from the Presidency by the trustees in
1815, after 36 years in office. On the controversy between him and them which
brought about this result, these sketches will be silent, for many pages Avould be
requisite to give an adequate view of its merits on the one side or the other.
Dart, conferred on Pres. Wheeloek the honorary degree in 1789. His only
publications were a Eulogy on Prof. John Smith, D. D. in 1809, and Sketches
of the History of Dartmouth College in 1816. An historical work on which he
•was engaged for many years has never been printed. A miniature likeness
i? the only memorial remaining of his appearance, taken when at the age of
29. He married Maria, dau. of Gov. Christian Suhm of St Thomas, W. 1.
in New Jersey, Nov. 29, 1786. Their only child, Maria Malleville Wheeloek,
married the Kev. Dr William Allen, late President of Bowdoin College, Me.
Eleazar Wheeloek and James Wheeloek, both D. C. 1776, were his brothers. •
* Ebenezer Gurlet, a. M. the son of Dea. Jonathan and Hannah
(Baker) Gurley, was born at Mansfield, Ct, May 25, 1747, and died at Guil-
ford, Yt, July 17, 1776, je. 29. He studied divinity with a view to a mission
among the Indians ; but, ill health frustrating the plan, was ordained pastor of
the Cong. Ch. at Guilford, Oct. 20, 1774; but soon died greatly deplored, and
the first victim to mortality among Dartmouth graduates. He married De-
sire, dau. of Capt. Timothy Dimmick of Mansfield. Royal Gurley, D. C. 1794,
was his son.
* AuGUSTiXE Hir.r.AKD, A. M. the son of Dr Joseph and Martha (Smith)
Gould Hibbard, was born at Windham, Ct, March 27, 1748, and died at Stan-
stead, C. E. Dec. 4, 1831, ^e. 83. He went on a mission to Canada Indians, but
soon returned, was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Claremont, Oct. 20,
1774; was Chaplain of Col. Timothy Bedell's Peg. Rev. arm}' in 1776 ; also in
Gen. John Stark's brigade in 1777 ; resumed his pastorate in Oct. 1777 ; was
dismissed Dec. 6, 1785. Afterwards removed to Canada East at Stanstead; era-
barked in secular pursuits ; was a magistrate and held other offices under the
* Stephen Davis, A. M. the son of Thomas and Martha (Squire) Davis,
was born at IMansfield, Ct, Nov. 17, 1850. Nothing more has been ascertained
of him.
* James Dean, A. M. the son of John and Sarah (Douglass) Dean, was born
at Groton, Ct, Aug. 20, 1748, and died at Westmoreland, N. Y. Sept. 10, 1823,
JF.. 75. From the age of 12 years to manliood, he was with a missionary, the
Rev. Ebenezer IMoseley, and the Oneidas at Oquago on the Susquehanna, and
became master of their language. In May 1773, he went with Sylvanus Rip-
ley, D. C. 1771, and Elisha Porter, D. C. 1773, on a mission to the Caghnawa-
gas, preaching in their vernacular; also in 1774, with Levi Frisbie, D. C. 1771,
and Thomas Kendall, D. C. 1773, to the same Indians, those of St Francis and
Lorette in Canada ; was soon after employed by the Continental Cong, to con-
ciliate the northern tribes in their favour, and when the Rev. war began was
ALUMNI 1773. 15
retained by the same with the rank of Major, as Agent for Indian affaiis and
Interpreter, being stationed at Fort Stanwix, N. Y. now Rome. Such was his
influence with thy Oneidas, that they gave him two square miles of their land,
which was at length exchanged for a tract in "Westmoreland, and his removal
occurred in 1786. Two or three years after this, while living with his wife and
two children, 18 Indian chiefs surprised him at midnight, entering the house and
telling him that they had come from their Council to take his life in atonement
for the murder by an unknown hand of one of their nation, so dooming him the
victim. He reasoned with them for a long time against their purpose without
avail, and they were about to execute it, when a squaw appeared who had
adopted him in his youth, and vehemently protested against their course, then
another in like manner, and then a third. Finding their protest produced no
effect, they suddenly threw off their blankets, each drew a knife and declared
that they would plunge them into their own bosoms if they killed him. The
chiefs were dismayed, interpreted it as the voice of the Great Spirit, and desisted.
See Tracy's Lectures, from which the above narrative is slightly condensed.
The rescued graduate was for many years one of the Judges of Oneida Co. and
was twice honoured with a seat in the N. Y. House of Assembly. He was a good
scholar and excellent writer. An Essay of his of considerable length on Indian
Mythology, once lent to Pres. Dwight of Yale Col. but never returned, is sup-
posed to be lost. He married, 1. Lydia Camp of Salisbury, Ct, Oct. 11, 1786.
2. Cynthia Phelps, widow of Joseph Phelps.
* Emerson Foster, A. M. the son of the Rev. Isaac and Elisabeth (Emer-
son?) Foster, was born in Stafford, Ct, in 1747, and died at Brooklyn, N. Y.
in 1814, M. 67. Having studied divinity, he was ordained pastor of the Cong.
Ch. at North Killihglyi Ct, Jan. 22, 1778; dismissed July 22, 1779; then
preached at New London, Ct, from 1780 to 1782 ; was installed pastor of the
Cong. Ch. at Orange, Ms, Dec. 12, 1782 ; dismissed in 1790 ; afterwards offi-
ciated at Clarendon and Porafret, Vt ; was next installed pastor of the Presb.
Ch. at Orient, Long Island, N. Y. in 1800; dismissed in 1805, from which
time he lived with his dau. Mrs Margaret Moore, at Brooklyn, until his death.
He married Margaret Parsons, dau. of David Foote, at Colchester, Ct, Nov. 11,
* Joseph Grover, A. M. the son of Joseph Grover, was born at Tolland,
Ct, about 1742, and died at Bristok N. Y. in 1826, je. 84. He studied divin-
ity ; went early to N. J. preaching in several places ; was ordained pastor of
the Presb. Ch. at Parsippany, N. J. in 1774 ; dismissed after many years ser-
vice, and was installed pastor of the Presb. Ch. at Bristol, N. Y. in 1800, and
there passed the residue of a long and useful life. Stephen Grover, D. C.
1786, was his brother.
* David Huntington, A. M. the son of John and Mehitabel (Metcalf)
Huntington, was born at Lebanon, Ct, Nov. 24, 1745, and died at Lyme, Ct,
Apr. 13, 1812, JK. 66. He studied theology with the Rev. Dr Solomon Wil-
liams of Lebanon ; was ordained pastor at Salem, Ct, in 1775 ; dismissed in
1776; installed at Marlborough, Ct, in 1776; dismissed in 1797; installed
over the strict Cong. Cli. at Middletown, Ct, Nov. 8, 1797; dismissed in Oct.
1803 ; installed at North Lyme, Dec. 21, 1803, and there continued to the
close of life. He married Elisabeth, dau. of Israel Foote, of Colchester, Ct,
Nova 5, 1778.
* John Smith, A. M.-D. D. the son of Joseph and Elisabeth (Palmer)
Smith, was born at Rowley, Ms, Dec. 21, 1752, and died at Hanover, Apr. 30,
1809, ^. 56. He studied divinity with the Rev.' Pres. Eleazar Wheelock, D. D.
16 ALUMNI 1773.
and was ordained to tlie ministry, probably at Hanover ; was tutor at Dart.
Coll. from 177-4 to 1778; Professor of the Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and Oriental
lanj^ua;?es from 1778 to 1809; Associate Pastor of the Presb. Ch. at Dart.
Coll. from Nov. 1772 or 1773 to Sept. 5, 1787, and sole pastor from that date
to his death. lie had great reputation as a linguist. His publications were, a
riel)rew Grammar ; Latin Grammar ; Greek Grammar ; Cicero de Oratore,
with notes and a memoir ; several ordination sermons, and a sermon at the
dedication of the new meeting-house on Dart. Coll. Plain. The Rev. Dr Eden
Burroughs preached his funeral sermon, and Pres. John Wheelock delivered a
Eulogy on his memory, which was published. Brown University conferred the
honorary degree in 1803. He married, 1. Mary, dau. of the Kev. Ebenezer
Cleaveland, of Gloucester, Ms. 2. Susan, dau. of Col. David i\Iason, of Bos-
ton, Ms. She left a manuscript history of his life, and died at Hanover. Dec.
20, 1845.^. 82. John AVheelock Smith, D. C. 1804, and Samuel Mason
Smith, D. C. 1813, were his sons.
* Thomas Kendall, A. M. was from Framingham, Ms, and died at Lebanon,
Columbia Co. N. Y. in Dec. 1836, M. 91. He studied divinity with the Rev.
Daniel Emerson at Hollis in 1775; went on a mission to the Caghnawaga In-
dians with Levi Frisbie, D. C 1771, and James Dean, D. C. 1773; was or-
dained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Foxborough, Ms, May 25, 1786 ; dismissed
Feb. 5, 1800 ; installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Kingston, R. I. Sept. 29,
1802; dismissed Nov. 3, 1818; then removed to Sutton, Ms, settling on a
farm ; thence to Lebanon, where he died at a venerable age. He was a mar-
ried man and left descendants.
* David M'Grkgoiu;, A. M. the son of the Rev. David and Mary (Boyd)
IM'Gregore, of Londonderry, was born there about the year 1750. On the
breaking out of the revolutionary war, he became a Lieut, in the army ; was
sometime aid to Gen. John Stark ; was promoted to be Capt. and eventually
Colonel. At its close, he settled at Cherry Valley, N. Y. where he lived 30
years or more ; then removed to Cattaraugus Co. N. Y. and died, while absent
from home, in 1827. >\Iuch of his time was employed in in>tructiug youth, and
preparing them for college. He married the dau. of Col. Holland, an Irish
gentlemau, who adhered to the mother country and returned to Ireland.
♦Joseph ]M'Kken, A. M.-D. D. the son of Dea. John and Mary (M'Keen)
M'Keen, was born at Londonderry, Oct. 15, 1757. and died at Brunswick, Me,
July 15, 1807, JE. 49. He taught eight years in Londonderry ; studied divinity
with the Rev. Simon Williams of Windham ; was next Assist. Teacher at Phil-
lips Acad. Andover, Ms; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Beverly,
Ms, May 11. 1785; dismissed Aug. 23, 1802 ; inducted into the Presidency
of Bowdoin College, Brunswick, INIe, Sept. 2, 1802 ; held the position unto his
death with great aliilily and distinguished consideration. Dart, conferred the
honorary degree in 1804. His publications were six occasional sermons, and
the Inaugural Address at Bowdoin. He married Alice, dau. of James An-
derson of Lontor of the Cong. Ch. at Stratham. Feb. 1, 1786; dis-
missed Oct. 15, 1807 ; installed over the Bellville Cong. Ch. at Newbury, Ms,
ALUMNI 1774. 1/
Apr. 27, 1808 ; remained thus to his death, 50 years from his first ordination.
He married Dolly, dau. of Andrew Wiggin, at Stratham, Oct. 26, 178G.
* Elisha Porter. Of this graduate, nothing certain is known unless Mrs
Joanna Hart, a respectable lady of New Haven, Ct, is correct in saying, that
Joseph Porter of Bloomfield, Ct, had tlnee sons, Joseph, Elisha, and Samuel ;
that Joseph Jr was her father, and she remembers that her uncle, Elisha, grad-
uated at Dartmouth, and studied for the ministry, but, being of a timid make,
considered himself not competent for so great duties, and settled down in a
gloomy and inactive state until his death, at Wethersfield, Conn, about 1835.
* Eleazak Sweetland was born at Hebron, Ct, and died at East Had-
dam, Ct, Mar. 25, 1777, je. 3G. He studied divinity, and was ordained pastor
of the Cong. Ch. Millington Soc. at East Haddara, May 21, 1776.
* Samuel Taggart, A. M. the son of Matthew and Jane (Anderson) Tag-
gai-t, was born in Londonderry, Mar. 24, 1754, and died at Colerain, Ms, Apr.
25, 1825, JE. 71. He studied divinity with the Rev. David M'Gregore of Lon-
donderry ; was ordained pastor of the Presb. Ch. at Colerain, Feb. 19, 1777 ;
dismissed in 41 years, Oct. 28, 1818 ; was a member of Congress from 1803 to
1817 ; while thus, it was to him that John Randolph said, "With whom hast
thou left those few sheep in the wilderness ? " He was absent-minded and ec-
centrick, caught flies in prayers at the College Chapel, and being rejjroved for
inattention, vindicated himself by repeating all that had been said in the devo-
tion. His works were, a volume on the Evidences of Christianity ; a Tract on
Perseverance ; numerous sermons, orations, and addresses ; also a long account
of British Impressments from our marine. He married, 1. Elisabeth, dau. of
George Duncan. 2. Mrs Mary Ayres, at Washington, D. C. Mar. 23, 1816.
He had 17 children^
* Cornelius Waters, A. M. was born at Millbury, Ms, May 20, 1748,
and died at Ashby, Ms, July 30, 1824, je. 76. He studied divinity; was or-
dained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Goff-town, Dec. 27, 1781 ; dismissed May 4,
1795; installed at Ashby, June 14, 1797; dismissed Feb. 14, 1816, but con-
tinued to reside at Ashby until his death.
* Nathaniel Adams, A. M. the son of Nathaniel and Elisabeth (Parker)
Adams, was born at Portsmouth in 1756, and died at Exeter, Aug. 5, 1829,
JE. 73. Soon after the revolutionary war, he was appointed clerk of the N. H.
Supreme Court, and, while attending its session at Exeter, died suddenly, leav-
ing Portsmouth, his home, to mourn the loss of one of its best and most promi-
nent citizens. He was one of the founders of the N. H. Historical Society,
and published the " Annals of Portsmouth " in 1 vol. octavo, 400 pages, in 1825.
He married, 1. Eunice Woodward, in 1784. 2. Martha Church, at Hatfield,
Ms, in Oct. 1795.
* Samuel Collins was born at Lebanon, Ct, in 1747, and died at Crafts-
bury, Vt, Jan. 7, 1807, je. 60. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of
the Cong. Ch. at Sandown, Dec. 27, 1780 ; dismissed Apr. 30, 1788 ; installed
over the Pres. Ch. at Hanover Centre, Nov. 25, 1788 ; dismissed in 1795 ; in-
stalled over the Cong. Ch. at Craftsbury in 1797 ; dismissed June 30, 1804, but
still continued his residence there. He married Betsy Hackett of Salisbury,
Ms, in 1779.
* Sylvester Gilbert, A. M. the son of Col. Samuel and Abigail (Row-
ley) Gilbert, was born at Hebron, Ct, Oct. 20, 1755, and died there, Jan. 2,
18 ALUMNI 1775.
1846,^.90. He read law at Ilartfoitl, Ct, with the Hon. Jesse Root, Late
Chief Justice of Ct ; began practice at Hebron in Nov. 1777 ; was elected to
the Ct Leg. in 1780, the youngest member thereof; served in the same office
31 years; the la>t time, 182G, was its oldest member; was town clerk of He-
bron 21 successive years; States Atty for Tolland Co. 21 years, from 1786
to 1807 ; Chief Justice of the County Court 18 years, from 1807" to 1825 ;
member of Congress from 1818 to 1819; opened a law school in wliich 56
students completed their education under "a learned jurist, incorruptible judge,
scholar, gentleman, and Cliristian." He married Patience, dau. of David Bar-
ber of Hebron, at that town, Oct. 25, 1774,
* ELl^^^A HuTCiiiNsox, A. M. the son of Samuel Hutchinson, was born
at Sliaron, Ct, Dec. 22, 1749, and died at Newport, Apr. 9, 1833, je. 83. He
went with the old President to Hanover for the College; studied divinity ; was
ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. in Westford, Ct, in March 1778 ; di>missed
in Sept. 1783; installed the first pastor of the Cong. Ch. in Pomfret, Vt, Dec.
14, 1784; dismissed Jan. 8, 1795; went to Zoar, Ms, in 1800; united there
with the Calvinistick Baptists; moved thence to a new settlement on the Sus-
fiuciianna. Pa, but was in time driven off" by the Indians ; settled next at
Mar-on, Wayne Co. N. Y. but became pastor of the Baptist Ch. at Newport
in 1814; continued so to 1821, when old age and infirmity put an end to his
active ministry. He married, 1. Jerusha Cadwell of Westford, July 16, 1778.
2. Martha, dau. of Samuel Eddy of Washington Co. N. Y.
* Jamks Hutciiinsox, the son of John Hutchinson, was born at Salisbury,
Ct, June 23, 1751, and died there (?) Feb. 27, 1778, je. 26. Nothing more is
obtained of him, except that he studied divinity and was licensed to preach.
* AxDREAV Jldsox, A. M. was horn at Stnittbrd, Ct, about 1748, and died
at Easttbrd. Ct, Nov. 15, 1804, je. 55. He was an early jiupil of Pres. Whee-
loek, devoting himself to the missionary work ; went with Thomas Kendall. D.
C. 1774. and EHsha Porter, D. C. 1774, to tlie Caghnawaga Indians in 1773 ;
but the Rev. war irustrated his design. Having studied divinity, he preached
at Cockermoutli in 1777, declining however a call to settle there ; was ordained
pastor of tlie Cong. Ch. at Eastford, Dec. 2, 1778, and died in that position.
He married, 1. EHsabeth AYork, Jan. 7, 1779. 2. Mary Work, Mar. 13, 1785.
♦David Kicllogo, A. M.-D. D. the son of Daniel and Esther (Smith)
Ktlli.izg, was born at Amherst, Ms, Nov. 10, 1755, and died at Framinghara,
Ms, Aug. 13, 1843, .i:. 87. Having studied divinity, he was ordained pastor
of tlie Cong. Ch. at Framingham, Jan. 10, 1781 ; dismissed, after a long and
honoured ministry of 55 years, Apr. 27, 1836; Dart, conferred the doctorate in
1.S21. His only known publication was a Masonick Sermon delivered in his
own pulpit. He married Sarah, dau. of the Rev. Matthew Bridsze of Framing-
ham, at F. May 27, 1781.
* William May, A. M. Tlie Antiquarian, Farmer, makes him the son of
the Rev. Eleazar JNIay of p:ast Iladdam, Ct, but as he had no son of that name,
it is thought that his father was Dea. Ezra May of Chesterfield, Ms. He was
starred in the Triennial of 1786.
* Bkx.iamin OsnoHN, the son of Benjamin 0>born, was born at Litchfield,
Ct, Nov. 5, 1751, and died at Wallingford, Yt, July 7, 1818, je. 66. He studied
divinity ; was ordained pa>tor of the Cong. Ch. at Tinmouth, Yt, Sept. 25,
1780; dismissed Oct. 11, 1787; installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Wal-
lingford in 1802, and died the night before his ministry was to close and his
successor be inducted. He had the reputation of being a learned theologian,
and published a vol. entitled " Truth Displayed." He married the dau. of
ALUMNI 1775. 19
Thomas Porter of Cornwall, Ct, and sister of the Rev. Dr Ebenezer Porter, D.
C. 1792, of And. Tlieo. Seminary. Isaac and Jeremiah Osborn, D. C. 1779, and
Jacob Osborn, D. C. 1784, were his brothers.
* Davknport Piielts, a. M. the son of Col. Alexander and Theodora
(Wheelock) Phelps, and grandson of Pres. Eleazar AVheelock, was born at
Hebron, Ct, in 1755, and died at Pultenejville, N. Y. June 27, 1813, je. 58. His
course for some time after graduation is unknown. He studied divinity ; took
orders in the Prot. Epis. Ch. and was a pioneer missionary in Western N. Y.
organizing several churches there. Ralph Phelps, D. C. 1794, was his brother.
* Samuel Stkbbins, A. M. the son of and Sarah Stebbins, was born
at Wilbraham, Ms, and died at Simsbury, Ct, Jan. 20. 1821, je. 69. He
studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Simsbury, Dec.
10, 1777 ; dismissed Nov. 17, 180G ; but there continued to reside. He married
Ursula, dau. of Edward Griswold of Windsor, Ct. His mother was three
times married, 1. to a Jones; 2. a Stebbins ; 3. a Brewei'.
* Abel Curtis, A. ]\r. the son of Simeon and Sarah (Hutchinson) Curtis,
was born at Lebanon, Ct, June 13, 1755, and died at Norwich, Vt, Oct. 1,
1783, JE. 28. He settled in Norwich as a farmer, and was also a Judge of a
County court. He married Brown of Norwich.
* Experience Estabrook, A. M. the son of Joseph and Rebecca (Porter)
Estabrook, was born at East Haddam, Ct, or Rehoboth, Ms, and died at Bath,
in Feb. 1799, je. 44. He studied divinity ; was ordained first pastor of the
Cong. Ch. at Thornton, Aug. 23, 1780 ; dismissed Dec. 26, 1786 ; installed
pastor of the Cong. Cli. at PLiinfield, Meriden Soc. June 6, 1787 ; dismissed
May 7, 1792, but continued to officiate there for some time after. He married
Jedidah AYilley.
* Caleb Jewett, A. M. the son of James and Martha (Scott) Jewett, was
born at Newbury, Ms, and died at Gorham, Me, Apr. 16, 1802, je. 49. He
studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Cli. at Gorham, Nov. 5,
1783 ; ceased preaching without being formally dismissed, in 1800. His health
was bad and death soon ensued. He married Betsey Bacon of Bradford, Ms,
in Nov. 1783.
* Silas Little, A. M. the son of Henry and Lydia (Little) Little, was
born at Newbury, Ms, Mar. 4, 1754, and died there, Oct. 6, 1845, je. 91.
He studied divinity ; preached some time ; but finally gave up the vocation,
settling as a farmer in his native town ; became a magistrate and represented
Newbury in the Mass. Legislature. His age was venerable and his character
unblemished. He married Lucretia Little, Sept. 28, 1786.
* Stephen March, A. M. the son of Col. Clement and Eleanor (Veasey)
March, was born at Greenland, June 16, 1756, and died at Cliilicotlie, Ohio,
Sept. 12, 1818,^. 62. He went early to Union, INIe ; settled as a farmer ;
taught a school at times, and was a magistrate ; removed to Chilicothe about
1816. He married the dau. of Col. John Robinson.
* Ebenezer Mattoon, A. M. the son of Ebenezer and Dorothy (Smith)
Maltoon, was born at Amherst, Ms, Aug. 19, 1755, and died there, Sept. 11.
184^, JE. 88. He early entered the Rev. army as a Major, serving with distinc-
tion under Gen. Horatio Gates, at Saratoga and other battles; returned to Am-
herst, after the struggle, and there closed his honoured life. He was a delegate
from Amherst to two Conventions, in 1776 and 1779 ; represented it in 1781,
20 ALUMNI 1776.
1794, 1812, and 1820; was aljo in the Senate, and a member of Con-
gress t'runi 18U1 to IbOo; High SlierifFof the old Co. of Hampshire for many
years, and a JNlaj. General of the Mass. mihtia for a long jjeriod. Tlie writer
was at his house wiien it was the home of three Ebenezer Matloon's ; his
father, who died Apr. 27, 180G, himself, and grandson, and on Feb. 19, 1814,
the birth of a great grandson made the fourth of the same name in direct suc-
cession. For some years preceding his death, tlie good old General was totally
blind. He married Mary, dau. of Noah Dickinson of Amherst, July 7, 1779.
Noah Dickinson Mattoon, D. C. 1803, was his son.
* John Samui:l Siikkburne, A. M. the son of John and Elisabeth (Mof-
fat) Sherburne, was born at Portsmouth in 1757, and died there, Aug. 2, 1830,
jE. 73. He read law, settling in practice at Portsmouth ; was a member
of Congress from 1793 to 1797 ; Atty of the U. S. District Court of N. H.
from 1«01 to 1804; Judge of the same from May 1804 to his death. He
had lost one of his lower limbs in the Kev. war. He married Submit, dau.
of the Hon George Boyd of Portsmouth, in Oct. 1791.
* Jonathan Shkuburne, the son of the Hon. Henry and Sarah (Warner)
Sherburne, was born at Portsmouth, and died there, Jan. 3, 1847, je. 89. His oc-
cupations through life have not been ascertained. He married Nancy Perkins
of Rye.
* Eleazak AViieelock, A. M. the son of the Rev. Pres. Dr Eleazar
and Mary (Brinsmaid) AVheelock, was born at Lebanon, Ct, Aug. 17, 1756,
and died at Boat Run, Ohio, 16 miles above Cincinnati, Dec. 7, 1811, je. 55.
He was a merchant in Hanover; but becoming embarrassed in business emi-
grated to Ohio about 1805. AVhile in the act of felling a tree, he was seized
with a third shock of apoplexy, and in a few moments expired in the arm^ of
Lis wile, who saw his fail and tiew to his assistance. He married, 1. Tryphena,
dau. of Samuel Young, of Lisbon, Ct. 2. Thankful Pen nock. Pres. John
Wheelock, D. C. 1771, and James AVheelock of this class, were his brothers.
* Ja.mes AViieelock, A. j\I. the brother of the preceding, was born at
Lebanon, Ct, Mar. 6, 1759, and died at Burlington, \t, Jan. 14, 1835, je. 75.
He was resident of the college vicinage the most of his life, and a magistrate
of the Co. of Grafton, but eventually removed to Burlington, where two
daughters resided, successively the wives of the Rev. Dr James Marsh, D. C.
1817. He married, 1. Catharine, dau. of Doct. Gideon Tiffany of Hanover. 2.
Abigail, dau. of Col. Aaron Kinsman of Hanover. James Ripley AYheelock,
D. C. 1807, was his son.
* Levi Wielahd, the son of Col. Oliver and Thankful (Doolittle) AYillard,
2 was born at llariland, Vt, and died at Sheldon, Vt, in Oct. 1839, ^._8Q. He
went early to Montreal, E. C. espousing the British cause and being" employed
in the commissary department; engaged after the war in the Fur Company,
and for several years led a wandering life among savages and trappers. Tra-
ditions have it, that previous to this he had married Jane Dailly of Montreal,
said to be an accompli-hed Irish lady ; but returning there had been informed
of her unfaitht'ulness and departure for llartland. Arriving there and finding
the nport contirmed, he walked his room in agony all night, and found in the
morning that his hair had become prematurely gray. After this, he taught
schoiil some time at Richford, Vt, but at length repaired to Sheldon, where a
daughter resided, and there this unhappy man, from being first scholar in his
class, descended to his grave in jiaintul humiliation and obscurity.
* Solomon Wolcott was born at AViudsor, Ct, but parentage, birth, and
death have passed into oblivion. His history is, however, partially unfolded.
ALUMNI 1776. 21
He stiuHetl divinity; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at North Stam-
ford, Ct, in Mar. 1784; dismissed in June 1785 ; was installed at Win-
tonbury, now Bloomfield, Ct, May 24, 1786; dismissed in May 1790. After
this, the belief is that he went to Canajoharie, N. Y. but in what capacity or
employment no one has been found to have any reliable information.
* Asa Burton, A. M.-D. D. the son of Jacob and Rachel Burton, was
born at Stonington, Ct, Aug. 25, 1752, and died at Thetford, Vt, May 1, 1836,
JE. 84. He studied divinity with the Rev. Levi Hart, D. D. of Preston, Ct;
was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Thetford, Jan. 19, 1779, where he
spent the remainder of his life, having accomplished an eminently successful
ministry of 57 years. Being accounted one of the ablest Congregational divines,
he instructed no less than 60 students in theology, and published " Essays on
some of the first Principles of Metaphysicks, Ethicks, and Theology," in one
vol. oct. of 400 pages, with 13 occasional sermons. The Essays advocated what
was called the Taste Scheme in opposition to the Exercise Scheme of the Rev.
Dr Nathaniel Emmons of Franklin, Ms. Middlebury College conferred on
him the doctorate in 1804. He married, 1. Mercy Burton, his cousili, in 1775.
2. Polly Child of Thetford, in 1801. 3. Mrs. Rhoda (Braman) White, the
relict of Solomon White, in 1808. She was the mother of the Rev. Dr
Charles White, D. C. 1821, the Pres. of Wabash College.
* Zaccheus Colby, A. M. the son of Zaccheus and Mary (Eastman)
Colby, was born at Newton, and died at Auburn, Aug. 10, 1822, je. 73. He
studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Pembroke, Mar.
22, 1780; dismissed May 11, 1803 ; installed pastor of the Presbyterian Ch.
in that part of Chester now Auburn, Oct. 15, 1803 ; dismissed in 1809, owing
to paralysis, but still resided there. He married Mary, dau. of Col. John
Calef of Kingston, in 1780.
* Gamaliel Ewer, the son of the Rev. Nathaniel and Drusilla (Covell)
P2wer, was from Newmarket, and died at his father's house in Newmarket, within
a year or two after graduation, at the age of 24. He designed the ministry, and
was rejiuted to be a young man of much promise. He was starred in the Trien-
nial of 1786.
* Daniel Foster, A. M. the son of Nathan and Elisabeth (Lanesford)
Foster, was born at Stafford, Ct, in 1751, and died at New Braintree, Ms,
Sept. 4, 1795, je. 44. He studied divinity ; was ordained colleague pastor of
th« Rev. Benjamin Ruggles over the Cong. Ch. at New Braintree, Oct. 29,
1778. The State Election Sermon was preached by him in 1790. His death
occurred while in office, and his mental powers and attainments were highly es-
teemed. He married P^lisabeth, dau. of Reuben Reed of Warren, Ms. Joel
Foster of this class and John Foster, D. C. 1783, were his brothers.
* Joel Foster, A. M. the son of Nathan and Elisabeth (Lanesford) Foster,
was born at Stafford, Ct, Apr. 8, 1755, and died at East Sudbury, now Way-
land, Ms, Sept. 24, 1812, ^. 57. He studied divinity; was ordained pastor
of the Cong. Ch. at New Salem, Ms, June 9, 1779 ; dismissed June 21, 1802;
installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at East Sudbury, Sept. 7, 1803, and died in
oflKce.^ Some of his occasional Sermons were published, also a " Literary Cor-
respondence " between him and Hosea Ballou, the Universalist. He married
Pri^cilla, dan. of the Rev. Isaac Foster of Stafford. Daniel Foster of this
class and John Foster, D. C. 1783, were his brothers.
22 ALUMNI 1777.
* David Goodall, A. M. the son of Nathan and Persis ("Whitnej') Good-
all, was born at Marlborough, Ms, Aug. 14, 1749, and died at Littleton, INIar.
4, 18.'30, yE. 80. He studied divinity with the Rev. Benjamin Brighani of
Fitzwilliam ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Halifax, Yt, in 1781 ;
dismissed in 17'J(') ; tlien moved to Littleton, becoming a farmer and preaching at
times ; also represented it 9 years in the legislature. He married Elisabeth,
dau. of Dr Brigham, Dec. 27, 1778.
* Ebknezer Haskltine, was born at M^'thuen, Ms, Oct. 28, 1755, and
died at Epsom, Nov. 1813, ^e. 58. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of
the Cung. Cli.at P^psoni, Jan. 21, 1784, and so closed his life after a ministry of
20 years. Two sermons were published by him, one to " Young People ; " an-
other at the ordination of David Lawrence Morrill at Goflf'stown. He married
Margaret, dau. of Major Andrew M'Clary, who fell at the battle of Bunker Hill.
* Solomon Howe, was born at North Brookfield, Ms, Sept. 14, 1750,
and died at New Salem, Ms, Nov. 18, 1835, je. 85. He lived in his native
town some time after graduation, also in several other places in Ms, termi-
nating in New Salem. His life was eccentrick and desultory, sometimes a
preacher, at others a printer, but farming was his main occupation. A hymn
book, wholly or partly composed by him, may be seen in the American Anti-
quarian Library at Worcester, Ms. He was a married man, and left descend-
* Walter Lyon, A. M. the son of Samuel and (Paine) Lyon, was
born at Woodstook, Ct, Sept. 23, 1757, and died at Pomfret, Ct, Feb. 11,
1826, JE. 68. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Levi Hart of Preston,
Ct ; Avas ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Abington parish in Ponit'ret,
Jan. 1, 1783, where his ministry existed until death, 43 years. He married
Mary, dau. of Capt. William Huntington of Lebanon, Ct, at L. Sept. 1,
* WixsLOAV Packard, A. M. the son of Capt. Joseph Packard, was born at
Bridgewater, Ms, in 1751, and died at Wilmington, Yt, Oct. 12, 1784, M.
33. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Wilmington,
July 3, 1781, dying in little more than three years after enjoying a very exten-
sive revival of religion, with large accessions to his church. He married
Abigail, dau. of Capt. Judah Moore, the father of the Rev. Dr Zephaniah
Swift Moore, D. C. 1793, the Pres. of both AVilliams and Amherst Colleges,
who survived him and married successively the Rev. Edmund Mills of Sutton,
Ms, and the Rev. Dr Nathaniel Emmons of Franklin, Ms.
* Daniel Simons, A. M. was a Narragansett Indian. He studied divinity ;
was ordained at Hanover, as an Evangelist ; soon -went to Stockbridge, Ms,
to (each the Indians there. On Oct. 7, 1778, he wrote the following curious
epistle to Pres. Eleazar Wheelock ; '• 1 have been preaching some about
the country since 1 left college. Do not engage long at a place on the account
I am yoinig in the ministry. I am at present keeping school at Stockbridge,
where I have thirty and forty in my school, and sometimes fifty. 1 began my
school on the lirst of ]\Iay and engaged for five months ; have preached some
in the towns round about and supplied the pulpit of the great and good Mr
West, in his absence, two Sabbaths. But JMr West and 1 am not familiar, by
reason I find, that I am in or near the centre of Gravity. It is not allowed for
a ?inner to pray here, because all things are ordained of God, and neither can
the sinner change the counsel of the Divine Being by prayer. But I may say
this, that some people's God is my devil." When Stockbridge was left is not
known, but he went as a missionary to the Indians at Cranbery, N. J. in 1783,
ALUMNI 1777. 23
and was not long after suspended from the ministry on a charge of intemperance.
This is OLir last trace of him. He was first starred in the Triennial of 1807.
* George Trimble, the son of Alexander and Sarah (M'Glaugliy) Trimble,
was born at Montgomery, N. Y. Feb. 5, 1760, and died at Crown Point,
N. Y. Jan. G, 1797, je. 3G. On leaving college, he entered the Rev. army in
the Commissary department ; on the war ending, was appointed Agent by the
Government to conclude a treaty with the Lake George Indians. About this
period, he purchased GOOO acres of land around Crown Point, and erected the
first mills at Ticonderoga, N. Y, becoming a merchant there. Under these cir-
cumstances, his property largely accumulated. His reputation was of a high
order, and his civil station was that of a Judge of the Essex Co. Court to
liis decease in the prime of life at Crown Point, his last residence. He mar-
ried Mary, dau. of James W. Cobb, of Montgomery, in 1792.
* Laban Ains^orth, a. M. the son of Capt. William and (Marcy)
Ainsworth, was birn at "Woodstock, Ct, July 19, 1757, and died at JafFrey, Mar.
17, 1858. JE. 100 ys, 7 mo. and 28 dys. He studied divinity ; was ordained
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Jaflfrey, Dec. 10, 1782, remaining such until his
death, a ministry of over 75 years. Three colleagues were settled during his
pastorate, viz. on Jan. 11, 1832, May 3, 1837, and Apr. 19, 1845 ; but still, his
labours were continued and his faculties retained to a very few years prior to his
departure. He was a man of great humour and a preacher of more than ordi-
nary ability; in person, of medium stature, thick set, good features, and well
formed, except a haiid disabled by early sickness. On the anniversary of his
100th birthday, the church services, commemorative thereof, were attended in
person. AVhile at Hanover, when the battle of Bunker Hill was fought, his at-
tention was directed to the report of cannon by the Lidian, Daniel Simons, D. C.
1777, who perceived it when lying on the ground, his ear being in contact. He
married Mary, dau. of Jonas Minot of Concord, Ms, Dec. 4, 1787. William
Ainsworth, D. C. 1811, was his son, Frederick Smith Ainsworth, D. C. 1840,
his grandson, and Andrew Ainsworth, D. C. 1794, his brother.
The year of his death, 1858, was remarkable for closing the lives of the fol-
lowing Dartmouth Graduates,
Laban Ainsworth, class 1775, M. 100 yrs, 7 mo. 28 dys.
Zachariah Green, " 1781, " 98 " 5 " 10 "
Ethan Osborn, " 1784, " .99 " 8 " 10 "
John Sawyer, " 1785, " 103 " " 5 "
Lincoln Ripley, " 1796, " 96 " 8 " 27 "
The first four averaging 100 ys, 5 mo. and 13 dys each, and the whole five
99 ys, 10 mo. and 16 dys each. Such longevity as this, in the course of a
single year of mortality, is unexampled and approachable only at a great dispar-
ity in the history of any of our colleges. It is also worthy of remark that all the
above were ministers of the gospel of Christ.
* Eli Brigham, A. M. the son of Jonas and Persis Brigham, was born at
Westborough, Ms, May 17, 1752. On leaving Dart, he embarked in mercan-
tile bqsiness at Lancaster, Ms, pursuing it for about 8 years. Not long after
this, he called on a brother at Bakersfield, Vt, on his way to Canada, having
goods in possession. Thence he took the ice on Lake Champlain, and was
never heard from afterwards by his friends, leaving them to believe that he
must have perished on or beneath the lake.
24 ALUMNI 1778.
* Elijah BnionAM, A. M. tho son of Col. Levi and Susannah (Grout)
Brigliam, was born at Westboroupli, ]\Is, Julv 7, 1751, and died at Washing-
ton, D. C Feb. 22, 1816, a-.. G4. He began the study of divinity, but soon re-
linquished it, going into mercantile business at Westborough ; was 12 years a
member of the State Senate; 2 years of the Executive Council; IG years a
judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and 6 years a member of Congress from
1810 to 181 G, dying while in the disfharge of his oirieial duties. He married,
1. Anna Sophia, dau. of the Rev. Ebenezer Parkman of Westborough, Sept.
21, 1780. 2. Sarah Hammock, a widow lady, Apr. 20, 1786. 3. Sarah, dau.
of General Artemas Ward of Shrewsbury, Ms, Dec. 16, 1792.
* Moses Brigiiam, A. M. the son of Moses and Mehitabel (Grout) Brig-
ham, was born at Westborough, Ms, May 31, 1753, and died at Delaware,
C. W. Aug. 13, 1814, JE. 61. He was a merchant at Hanover on the college
plain for many years ; but, not succeeding in his affairs, removed to Delaware,
on the river Thames, where his attention was given to landed speculations. He
married, 1. Wealthy Johnson, at Lebanon, Ct, Sept. 9,1781. 2, Lucinda,dau.
of Dr Gideon Tiffany of Hanover, in 1795.
* Ebkxkzek Bkoavx. His parentage, birth, and birthplace are not known,
but he died at Norwich, Vt, INIay 10,1830, je. 80. He studied divinity;
preached for a time at Bethel, Vt, but was never ordained, and leaving that
pursuit soon settled in Norwich as a farmer, and there attained an advanced
age. He married Patience, dau. of Samuel Bell of Norwich.
* Benjamin Buut. He is supposed to have been born in Longmeadow,
Ms, and is known to have entered college with a view to the ministry.
Death, however, soon put a period to his anticipation. He was first starred in
the Triennial of 1786.
* Nehemiaii Finn. He is thought to have originated in Salem County,
N. J. where the name abounded. He certainly went to that State, as a letter
from Joseph Grover, D. C. 1773, dated at Patterson, N. J. in May 1778, is
indorsed by " Mr Finn." His classmate, Ainsworth, spoke of him as possessed
of brilliant talents. He was first starred in the Triennial of 1786.
* David Foot, A. M. the son of Asa and Jerusha (Carter) Foot, was born
at Colchester, Ct, Oct. 5, 1760, and died at Bye, N. Y. Aug. 1, 1793, je. 32.
He studied theology ; took botii deacon's and priest's orders in the P^piscopal
Ch. probably from the Bight Rev. Samuel Seabury, D. D. Bishop of Connect-
icut ; was officiating at Hebron, Ct, in 1791, and afterwards became rector of
the church at Rye, where he soon died.
* Ebenezeu Johnson. The Antiquarian, Farmer, says, " He was from El-
lington, Ct ; taught school a number of years, and removed to the westward."
It is more probable that he was from Willington, Ct.
* Ai'.HAiiAM Jones, the son of Col. Ezra and f^lisabeth (Jennison) Jones,
was born at Barre, ]\Is, and died there in July, 1790, je. 29. John Jones,
D. C. 1779, was his brother.
* JosiAii KiM'.uiiN, A. M. the son of Josiah Kilburn, was born at Hebron,
Ct, Oct. 13, 1752, and died while on a journey at Gilsum, in Sept. 1781, je.
28. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Chester-
field, ;Ms, Nov. 9, 1780, but survived less than a year from that date. He
married Temperance, dau. of Ebenezer Dewey of (iilsum.
* Joseph Mottet, A. ]\I. the son of Joseph and Hannah (Ingalls) Mottey,
was bom at Salem, Ms, IVIay 14, 1756, and died at Lynnfield, Ms, July 9,
1821, JE. 65. He was assistant teacher in both Phillips and Dummer Acade-
mies at Andover and Byfield, Ms ; then, having studied divinity, was ordained
ALUMNI 1778. 2'0
pastor of the 2nd Cong. Ch. in Lynn, now the 1st ch. m Ljnnfield, Si^pt. 24,
178t3, where he remained until death, a ministry of 37 years. His publications
were four occasional sermons and addresses, and an article on Original Sin in
the Christian Disciple for 1820. His father was from the island of Jersey in
the British Channel, whose original name, La Mottais, was here Anglicized to
Mottey. He, the son, married Eliza Moody of York, Me, at Bytield, Apr.
12, 1780.
* Salmon Richakdson, A. M. the son of Major James Richardson, was
born at Leominster, Ms, Jan. 30, 1761. He taught in Leominster, Swanzey,
Putney, Vt, and then removed to Durham, C. E. where he paid the great debt
of nature, but when is unknown. He married Lucy, dau. of Jonas Kendall of
Leominster, May 23, 1781,
* Nathaniel Smith. He was the grandson of Nathaniel Smith of Mid-
dleborough, Ms, who wrote Pres. Eleazar Wheelock in 1774, proposing to
give 100 acres of land in Cornwall, Ct, for his grandson's education. And this
is all we know of the graduate.
* Joseph Vaill, the son of Capt. Joseph and Jerusha (Peck) Vaill, was
born at Litchfield, Ct, July 3, 1750, and died at Killingworth, Ct, Nov. 21,
1838,^.88. He studied divinity; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Hadlyme, Ct, Feb. 9, 1780, and so continued to his death, 58 years after. His
publications were a poem, " Noah's Flood," of about 550 lines, and a sermon
preached at the ordination of his son, Joseph Vaill. Tiie Rev. Isaac Parsons
of East Haddam, Ct, published his memoirs in a vol. of 236 pages, containing
interesting incidents of his college life. He married Sarah, dau. of the Rev.
Joseph Fowler, Oct. 12, 1780.
* John Webster, A. M. the son of Col. John and Hannah (Hobbs) Web-
ster, was born at Chester, Mar. 13, 1754, and died at Franklin, Vt, Jan. 7,
1838, M. 83. He studied divinity and preached a short time, but through diffi-
dence failed to proceed, and settled as a farmer in Canada, but eventually re-
moved to Franklin, and was there greatly esteemed. He married, 1. Rebecca
Webster in May 1782. 2. Lucretia Swan of Groton, Ms.
* Jacob Wood, A. M. the son of Nathan and Elisabeth (Wood) Wood,
was born at Boxford, Ms, and died at Newbury, Vt, Feb. 10, 1790, je. 32.
He was preceptor of Moor's Indian Charity School, Hanover, from 1779 to
1782; studied divinity; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Newbury,
Jan. 9, 1787, dying after a ministry of 3 years. He married Ruth, dau. of Dr
Stephen Huse, who surviving him became the wife of the Rev. Titus Theo-
dore Barton. D. C. 1790.
* Jeremiah Bradford, A.M. the son of Dr Jeremiah and Rebecca (Dart)
Bradford, was born at Chatham, Ct, Nov. 5, 1758, and died at 13erlin, Vt, Dec.
25, 1835, M. 77. He was a descendant of William Bradford; studied medi-
cine, practising a short time at Chatham ; was also a manufacturer there ; but
was long settled as a farmer in Berlin. He married Mary Smith of Chatham.
* Samuel Brigham, A. M. the son of Samuel and Ann (Gott) Brighara,
was born at Marlborough, Ms, Aug. 21, 1756, and died at Boylston, Ms,
Junev24, 1830, je. 73. He was a paymaster in the Rev. army; studied medi-
cine with Dr Stephen Ball of Northl)orough, Ms, began practice at Boyl-
ston, and there remained. He married INIary Ball.
* Jedediah Parker Buckingham, A. M. the son of Capt. Jedediah and
26 ALUMNI 1779.
Martha (Clark) Buckingham, Avas born at Lebanon, Ct, Apr. 7, 1758, and
died at Thetfbrd, Vt, Sept. 27, 1840, je. 82. lie read hiw with the Hon. Syl-
vester Gilbert, D. C. 1775, at Hebron, Ct ; began practice at Thetford ; con-
tinued it about 10 years; was Chief Justice of the Orange Co. Court ; .Judge
of Piobate of the same ; ten years a member of the Vt house of Repre-
sentatives ; also of the Executive Council. In his later life, he cultivated a
farm, and was a prominent citizen and esteemed Christian. He married, 1.
Ann, dau. of Capt. George Cook of Newburyport, Ms, May 1, 1778. 2.
Meribah, dau. of Joshua Springer of Canaan.
* Sewall Ciiapin, the son of Elisha and Miriam (Ely) Chapin, was born
at West Springfield, Ms, in 1754, and died at Westover, Ya, in 1787, ^.32.
He was a teacher of the Acad, at Westover ; but, though italicized as a clergy-
man in the Triennial, it is doubtless a mistake. He was married and left de-
* EzEKiEL CoLBURN, A. M. the son of John and Elisabeth (Lampkin)
Colburn, was born in Ct about 1754. He studied divinity; preached for a
short time at Chester, Vt ; afterwards read law, but practising little became a
farmer, and at leiigtii removed to the West, where his classmate, the Rev. Dr
Wood, supposed he died in or near 1811, je. about 57.
* William Deming, the son of Ebenezer and Elisabeth (Dana) Deming,
was born at Woodstock, Ct, about 1754, and died at Cornish, Sept. 11, 1833,
M. 78. He settled in Cornish as a farmer, and was also a landlord there for
many years. He married Sarah, dau. of Dr David Hall of Windsor, Vt.
* Elijah Deavey, the son of Capt. Elijah and Abigail (Martin) Dewey, was
born at Lebanon, Ct, Dec. 22, 1752, and died at Hanover in Dec. 1792, a-:. 39.
He began the study of medicine at Hanover, but did not live to complete it.
His gravestone is to be seen in Lebanon, N. H. and he did not marry.
* AsiiUR Hatch, A. M. the son of John and Sarah (Richards) Hatch, was
born at Rreslon, Ct, Aug. 27, 1752, and died at Rrookfield, Vt, Mar. 10, 1826,
JE. 73. He taught an Acad, at Plainfield, Ct, 2 years and at Norwich, Vt,
6 years; established himself as a farmer at Brookiield in 1791, and there con-
tinued to reside, teaching in the winters until more than 60 years old. He
married Lucy Storey, Jan. 15, 1789.
* Abraham Holland, A. M. the son of Ephraim and Thankful (Howe)
Holland, was born at Shrewsbury, Ms, in 1751, and died at Walpole, Eeb.
16, 1847, JR. 96. He studied divinity and began to preach; but soon changed
his purpose to the study of medicine with Dr Frink of Keene ; began jjractice
in Walpole and there lived to a venerable age. He married, 1. Abigail, dau.
of Henry Baldwin of Shrewsbury, June 2, 1784. 2. Mrs Hannah Fisher of
Newf'ane, Vt, in July 1824.
* John Jones, the son of Col. Ezra and Elisabeth (Jennison) Jones, was
born at Barre, Ms, about 1756, and died not many years after leaving col-
lege, his name being starred in the Triennial of 1795. Abraham Jones, D. C.
1778, was liis brother.
* Nathaniel ]Mann, A. IM. the son of John and Margaret (Peters) Mann,
was born at Hebron, Ct, about 1757, and died at Sapello Main, Geo. Mar. 19,
1797, a:. 40. He studied medicine ; removed early to Georgia and became
successful and distinguished in his jirofession, attending al-o to the raising of
cotton. He married Dolly Owen of Hebron.
* Isaac Osborn, A. M. the son of Benjamin Osborn, was born at Litch-
field, Ct, July 22, 1744, and died tlTere, Mar. 25, 1826, je. 81. He studied
divinity and preached several years without being ordaiued ; then became a
ALUMNI 1779. 27
semi-Methodist, Quaker, and Baptist ; next fell into a great mental lialliiciiia-
tion lasting a year, during which he fasted 14, 20, and even 40 days, persuaded
that so doing he could raise the dead. But failing in the attempt to revive his
buried wife, he recovered his reason ; was a deacon in the 1st Cong. CIi. highly
esteemed for his piety, zeal, and gifts ; and although again afflicted with the
like complaint, his sun went down at last without a cloud, himself being greatly
beloved and lamented. The name of his wife has not been obtained. Benja-
min Osborn, D. C. 1775, Jeremiah Osborn of this class, and Jacob Osborn,
D. C. 1784, were his brothers.
* Jeremiah Osborn, A. M. the brother of the preceding, was born at
Litchfield, Ct, Apr. 23, 1741, and died there, Sept. 13, 1829, m. 88. He was
a volunteer in the Rev. army and was present at the surrender of Gen. Bur-
goyne. After leaving college, he passed the rest of his life at Litchfield ; studied
all the liberal professions and some others ; was an astronomer, botanist, chem-
ist, mathematician, metaphysician, philosopher, poet, inventor, mechanick, poli-
tician, and Christian ; devised theories on the Divine government, particularly
on the origin of sin, theories which theologians were slow to accept, and that
were not fully accepted by himself; reviewed "Edwards on the Will" and his
brother Benjamin's " Truth Displayed." Many labour saving machines were
also invented by him. Though thus busy and multifarious in his occupations,
he was for many years a member of the 1st Cong. Ch. in Litchfield, and was
regarded as a truly pious man. He married the dau. of Capt. Joseph Vaill of
Litchfield and sister of Joseph Vaill, D. C. 1778, but had no offspring.
*Abiel Pearson, A. M. the son of Benjamin and Jane (Woodman) Pear-
son, was born at Byfield, Ms, Nov. 9, 1756, and died at Andover, Ms,
May 22, 1827, je. 70. He studied medicine wnth Dr Edward Augustus Holy-
oke of Salem, Ms ; settled in practice at Andover and so remained from
1787 to his death, much esteemed as a physician and citizen. He married, 1.
Mary, dau. of Nathaniel Adams of Portsmouth, June 12, 1788. 2. Mrs Deb-
orah (Adams) Sparhawk at Portsmouth, Aug. 20, 1816. She was the sister
of his first wife and the relict of Nathaniel Sjiarhawk of Kittery, Me.
* Elisha Smith, the son of Joseph and Mary (Webster) Smith, was born
at Lebanon, Ct, Mar. 21, 1746, and died at Washington, Vt, June 23, 1835,
JE. 89. He supported himself in college by his industry, and settled in Wash-
ington as a farmer, becoming at length the proprietor of a large landed estate.
He married, 1. Martha, dau. of Jacob Brown of Preston, Ct. 2. Sally Rowe
of Bradford, Vt.
* Jonathan Wilkins, A. M. the son of Josiah and Lois (Bush) Wilkins,
was born at Marlborough, Ms, June 19, 1755, and died at Concord, May 9,
1830, JE. 74. He studied divinity, and, preaching, received a call to be pastor
of the Cong. Ch. at Concord, Dec. 17, 1786; this invitation was declined; but
he took up his permanent residence there as a merchant and farmer, maintain-
ing through life a high character in town and church. He married Surah, dau.
of Jeremiah Hall of Concord in 1787.
* Samuel Wood, A. M.-D. D. the son of Joseph and Ellen (Palmer)
Wood, was born at Mansfield, Ct, May 11, 1752^ and died at Boscawen, Dec.
24, 1836, JE. 84. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Boscawen, Oct. 17, 1781, a position admirably sustained for 55 years and only
closed by the hand of death. Dr. Wood instructed many young men in theol-
ogy, and prepared 80 pupils for college, among whom were Daniel, D. C. 1801,
and Ezekiel, Webster, D. C 1804. Dart, conferred his doctorate in 1820.
His publications were ; the Valedictory Address delivered at his graduation at
28 ALUMNI 1779.
Dartmouth ; a Sermon preached "at the ordination of his brother, Benjamin
"Wood, D. C. 1703, at Upion, ]M>, and a Fast Sermon in 1804. Another
brotlier, Joseph Wood, lived at Lebanon, attended the first eommencement at
Dart, in 1771, and every succeeding one to that of 1858. Dr "Wood married
Eunice, dau. of Hezekiah Bliss of Lebanon in 1780.
This class presents a very remarkable instance of longevity. It contains 17
members, of whom 12 attained to 70 years and upwards. The sum of the ages
of these 12, including fractional months, amounts to 971 years, leaving their
average age 80, with 11 years extra.
* Amos Chask, A. M. the son of Moses and Hannah (Brown) Chase,
was born at Sutton, Ms, May 19, 1757, and died at Centreville, Oil Creek
township, Crawford Co. Pa, Dec. 25, 1849, M. 92. He studied divinity ; was
ordained pastor of the 2nd Cong. Ch. at Litchfield, Ct, June 27, 1787 ; dismissed
in 1814; then removed to Centreville, where he occupied a farm and preached
in vacant churches. He married, 1. Rebecca, dau. of Dr Hart. 2. Joanna
Lanman, wlio died at Centreville, Aug. 19, 1848, m. 81. Moses Chase, D. C.
1797, was his brother.
* P2i)\VARD Longfellow, A. M. the son of Edward and Joanna (Short)
Longfellow, was born at Newbury, Byfield parish, I\Is, Aug. 25, 1758, and died
there, Sept. 6, 1794, je. 36. His life was devoted to teaching. He was also the
Capt. of a company in the expedition against the rebel, Daniel Shays.
* Noah Miles, A. M. the son of Noah and Huldah (Hosraer) Miles, was
born in Westminster, Ms, Dec. 22, 1751, and died at Temple, Nov. 20, 1831,
JE. 79. He studied divinity; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Temple,
Oct. 2, 1782, dying in office after a ministry of 49 years. His only known
publication was a Eulogy on Washington. He married Pearson of
Newbiiryport, Ms.
* WiLLL\>i Patten. A. M.-D. D. tlie son of the Rev. William and Ruth
(Wheelock) Patten, and grandson of Pres. Eleazar Wlieelock, -was born at
IlaliflAx, Ms, in 17G3, and died at Hartford, Ct, Mar. 9, 1839, je. 70. He
studied divinity; was ord;iined pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Newport, R. I. May
24, 1786; dismissed after 46 years Apr. 8, 1833. His publications were, a
sermon given tlie Sunday after his ordination ; others, on the Slave Trade ; on
Christianity, the true Religion, against Paine; on the death of Pres. Stiles; on
that of Isaac Senter ; before the African Benevolent Society ; also a vol. on the
Life of his mother. Brown Univ. conferred the D. D. He married Hannah
Hurlbut of New London, Ct.
* George Peirce, A. M. the son of Nathaniel and Ann (.JafFrey) Peirce,
was born at Portsmouth about 1760, and died there. May 26, 1788, iE. 28. He
read law, and began practice at Portsmouth, but early fell a prey to consump-
* Absalom Peters, A. M. the son of John and Lj^dia (Phelps) Peters, was
born at Hebron, Ct, Mar. 5, 1754, and died in N. Y. city. Mar. 20, 1840, je.
86. He settled as a farmer in Wentworth; served in the Rev. war as aid to
Major Gen. Baile}' ; Avas a member in the Convention of the N. H. grants in 1781;
also for 6 sessions in the Vt. Leg. while claiming those grants; afterwai'ds a
member of the N. H. legislature, the High Sheriff of his county, and a Brig-
adier Gen. of the state militia. He married, 1. Mary, dau. of Nathaniel
Rogers of Leominster, Ms, in 1782. 2. Mary, dau. of Dea. Pelatiah Porter
ALUMNI 1780. 29
of Hebron, and relict, first of Dr Joel Hosford of Marlborough, Ct, and second
of the Rev. John Gurlej^of Lebanon, Ct. Absalom Peters, D. C. 1816, was his
* Peter PoiiQUONNorrEEX, was an Indian of the Stockbridge tribe, born
at Stockbridge, Ms. He was possessed of good talents and sustained an un-
blemislied character. Through life, he was called " Sir" Peter, the prefix at that
time given to the Seniors at Dartmouth. After graduation, he became a teacher
and was also a deacon in the Cong. Ch. of the Rev. Dr Stephen AVest, composed
of both whites and Indians. In 1789, he emigrated with the tribe to New
Stockbridge, Oneida Co. N. Y. and continued as he had been before one of
their chiefs. Here a collision occurred between a party devoted to him, and one
attached to Capt. Hendrick Aupaumut, another chief. The result will now be
given in the language of Levi Konkapot Jr, who writes from Stockbridge, Wise,
under the date of Sept. 22, 1858. " It is said that the spirit of party became so
enkindled, that certain individualsof the opposition began to be jealous of his grow-
ing power, influence, respectability, and fame. And in consequence, secret or-
ders were issued to put an end to his life by poison. At what age and in what
year he died, we (L. K.) are not informed." And then the writer bursts into a
panegyrick of truly Indian enthusiasm ; "Thus came to his untimely end, in the
midst of usefulness, in the midst of a bright career, in the midst of progression,
one of the most intellectual, honoured, illustrious, talented, and learned of men
of which this tribe can boast. Had he been permitted to prolong his existence,
it cannot be divined what progress he might have made in the path of human
glory." Such is the close of this very creditable, though sanguine letter, and
we may well I'egret that a native civilian of remarkable promise was tragically
depiived of the opportunity to show us the extent of Indian capabilities. He
was first starred in the Triennial of 1810.
* John Rolphe ^v^as from Mass. and died at Sheldon, N. Y. in 1819, je. G6.
He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Pres. Ch. at South Bristol,
N. Y. Jan. 12, 1797; dismissed Oct. 9, 1800. As he was ultimately deposed
from the ministry, we are led to infer some defect of character.
* Joseph Steward, A. M. the son of Joseph and Mary (Wilson) Steward,
was born at Upton, Ms, Aug. 6, 1752, and died at Hartford, Ct, Apr. 16, 1822,
JE. 69. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Levi Hart of Preston, Ct ; was
ordained an evangelist and preached extensively in New England ; received sev-
eral pressing invitations to settle that were declined from the ill-health which at
length laid him aside. He then devoted himself to painting under the guidance
of Col. John Trumbull, attaining a good degree of excellence in portraits and
fancy pieces. It was by him that Pres. Eleazar Wheelock's likeness was i)aint-
ed, taken from memory some years after the good man's death, and the features
are said to be well executed. It is now in the College Library, as is also his
portrait of the Hon. John Phillips, a college trustee and benefactor. Being
among his earliest efforts, he used to call them, facetiously, his " evil deeds. " The
museum at Hartford was established by him and kept for many years. After
the death of the Rev. Dr Nathan Strong of Hartford, his pulpit was supplied
by him for two years. A Thanksgiving sermon preached in that time was pub-
lished in 1810. His whole life was eminently good and irreproachable. 'He
married Sarah, dau. of the Rev. Samuel Moseley of Hampton parish, Wind-
ham, Ct.
* Daniel Storey, A. M. the son of William and Joanna (Appleton) Storey,
was born at Beaton, Ms, July 29, 1756, and died at Marietta, Ohio, Dec.
30, 1804, ^. 48. He studied divinity ; preached as a licentiate in Concord in
30 ALUMNI 1780.
178G, at Beverly, Ms, in 1787, and at 'Worcester, Ms, in 1789 ; went thence,
at the instance of the Ohio company, to INIarietta, as a chaph»in ; was very
successful there as both a missionary and teacher; gathered a chnrch in 1796;
but, there being then no ministers in that region to ordain him, returned
to Now Enghmd, and was ordained at Danvers, Ms, pastor of the Cong. Ch.
at Marietta, Aug. 15, 1797. Going home, lie officiated as such until" dismissed
at his own request, owing to ill heallh, Mar. 15, 1804, dying of his complaints
the same year. He is supposed to have been the first to preach the gospel in
Ohio. He never married. The distinguished Judge of the U. S. Supreme
Court, Joseph Story, was his nephew.
* John Bruce, A. M. the son of William and Abigail (Kendall) Bruce,
•was born at Marlborougli, Ms, Aug. 31, 1757, and died at Mont Vernon,
Mar. 12, 1809, je. 51. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong.
Ch. at JNIont Vernon, Nov. 3, 1785, a position retained to his death, 23 years
after. He married Lois, dau. of Josiah Wilkins of Marlborough, Dec. 15,
* Zaciiariah Greene, the son of Samuel and Jane (White) Greene, was
born at Stafford, Ct, Jan. 11, 1760, and died at Hampstead, Long Island, N. Y.
June 20, 1858, je. 98 years, 5 months, and 9 days. He was in the Rev. army
in 1775 at Dorchester Heights in Ms ; at the battle of White Plains, N. Y.
in 1776 ; at that of AVhitemarsh in 1777, where he was wounded and left the
service. Leaving college, he studied divinity ; was licensed to preach by the
Morris Co. Presbyter}'^, N.J. Jan. 1, 1785; itinerated for two years; was
ordained pastor of the Presb. Ch. at Cutchogue, Southold, L. I. June 28, 1787 ;
continued there ten yeai's ; was installed pastor of the Presb. Ch. at Setauket,
Hampstead, L. I. Sept. 27, 1797, remaining such to his death, an entire ministry
of 71 years. In July 1800, he visited Hanovei', preached at the CoHege
church, and at the next commencement received the degree of A. B. out of
course. He was a mari'ied man.
* Jasper Mukdock, A. M. the son of Thomas and Elisabctli (Hatch)
Murduck, was born at Norwich, Oct. 15, 1759, and died at Bloomingdale, Ohio,
Jan. 4, 1803, je. 43. He settled as a trader in Norwich ; removed to N. Y.
city, and then to Ohio, where he was largely and successfully engaged in land
speculations. He married, 1. Sarah, dau. of the Hon. Peter Olcott of Norwich,
at N. in 1787. 2. Margaret, her sister. 3. The dau. of the Rev. Lyman
Potter of Norwich.
* James Barxet Porter, the son of Dea. Daniel and Sarah (Barnet)
Gaylord Porter, was born at Hebron, Ct, in 1765. He sailed from New York
city for Natchez, Miss, in 1788, and was never heard from by his relatives, who
believed that he was lost on the voyage. Ambrose Porter, D. C. 1784, was
his brother.
* Louis Vincent was bom at Lorette, near Quebec, E. C. and died there in
May 1825, .E. 65. He was a Lorette Indian, who after graduating returned
to Iris tribe, and was long a very useful teacher among them. While in college,
he was the happy instrument of saving, by his alertness and skill. Amy, the
chikl of Dr Laban Gates, who was near perishing at the bottom of a well.
ALUMNI 1782. 31
* Caleb Bingham, A. M. the son of Daniel and Hannah (Conant) Bing-
ham, was born at Salisbury, Cr, in 1757, and died at Boston, Ms, Apr. 27, 1817,
M. 59. He was preceptor of Moor's Charity School on the college plain from
1782 to 1783 ; then went to Boston, teaching a Young Ladies School there
with great acceptance for several years. Ill health compelling him to relinquish
this, he opened a bookstore in Cornhill, now Washington St, in that city, that
was kept by him for a long period. He was also a director of the Mass. state
prison. His publications Avere five school books, among thein, The American
Preceptor and The Columbian Orator. These works acquired a great popularity
and a circulation amounting to 1,200,000. Other books were also published
by him, including his translation of Chateaubriand's Atala. He married Hannah
Kemble, probably the dau. of Thomas Kemble of Boston.
* Jacob Cram, A. M. the son of Col. Jonathan and Mary (Cram) Cram,
was born at Hampton Falls, Oct. 12, 17G2, and died at Exeter, Dec. 21, 1833,
M. 71. He studied divinity with the Kev. Dr Nathaniel Emmons of Frank-
lin, Ms ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Hopkinton, Feb. 25, 1789 ;
dismissed Jan. 6, 1792 ; was a missionary to the Stockbridge, Ms, Lidians, and
some others in N. Y. but at length removed to Exeter. He married Mary, dau.
of Gen. Poor of the Rev. army at Exeter, Sept. 13, 1804.
* Hugh Holmes. According to Farmer, he was from Montreal, E. C. and
became an agriculturist. He was starred in the Triennial of 1810, and nothing
more has come to our knowledge.
* Ti.MOTHY Reed, A. M. the son of the Rev. Solomon and Abigail (Hough-
ton) Reed, was born at Middleborough, Ms, in 1756, and died at Bridgewater,
Ms, in 1813, ^. 57. His occupation was that of a merchant in West Bridge-
water, Ms. He married Hannah, dau. of Caleb Kingman.
* Thomas Archibald, the son of Robert and Ann (Boyd) Archibald, was
born at Londonderry. He studied divinity ; was ordained the first minister of
the Cong. Ch. at Acworth, Nov. 11, 1789; dismissed June 14,1794. His
subsequent history is almost entirely unknown, being limited to itinerant
residences in N. Y. and Canada. There is no account of his death, except
that he was first starred in the Triennial of 1813. He was a married man.
* Isaac Babbit was born at Easton, Fairfield Co. Ct, Feb. 2G, 1757, and
died at Seneca Falls, N. Y. Aug. 8, 1833, m. 76. He studied divinity wdth
the Rev. Dr Eden Burroughs of Hanover; was ordained pastor of the Cong.
Ch. at Charlemont, Ms, Feb. 24, 1796; dismissed June 7, 1798; then resided
at Goshen, Ms, 2 or 3 years ; removed to Hartwick, N. Y. about 1801 and
occupied a farm ; went thence to Seneca Falls about 1832, and soon died
adorned with Christian graces to an eminent degree. He married Prudence,
dau. of Dea. Ezra May of Goshen, Mar. 20, 1795.
* Joseph Blodgett, the son of Joshua and Hannah (Alden) Blodgett, was
born at Stafford, Ct, May 10, 1757, and died at Greenwich, Ms, Nov. 25,
1833, ^. 76. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Greenwich, Nov. 8, 1786 ; dismissed in Nov. 1830, 44 years after. He married
Jerusha, dau. of Amos Loomis of Northampton, Ms, Dec. 26, 1786.
* Asa Day, A. M. the son of Benjamin Day of West Springfield, Ms,
32 ALUMNI 1783.
died :it Stockbridge, M?, June 8, 1819, je. 54. He taught at Sheffield, Ms,
in 17'JG ; at Canaan, Ct, in 1799, and afterwards at Stockbridge until his
* Elijah Dunbar, A. M. the son of Samuel Dunbar, was born at Bridge-
water, Ms, Apr. 23, 1759, and died at Keene, May 18, 1847, je. 88. He
read law ; began practice at Keene in 1790 ; was at Claremont from 1797 to
1804 ; but then reopened his office at Keene ; was a magistrate and represented
the town in the legislature in 1806, 1808, and 1810. He married Mary, dau.
of Alexander Ralston of Keene.
* John Foster, A. IM.-D. D. the son of Nathan and Elisabeth (Lanesford)
Foster, was born at Warren, Ms, Apr. 19, 1763, and died at Brigliton, Ms,
Sept. 15, 1829, je. 66. He studied divinity; was ordained pastor of the Cong.
Ch. at Brighton, Nov. 1, 1784; dismissed Oct. 31, 1827, after a ministry of 43
years ; but never retired from the town. Harv. conferred the doctorate on
him in 1815. He published 14 occasional sermons and 12 others in the
Christian Monitor. He married Hannah, dau. of Grant Webster of Boston,
Ms. It was his wife who wrote " Tlie Coquette," a Novel. Daniel and Joel
Foster, both D. C. 1777, were his brotliers.
* Tilly Howk, the son of Capt. Eliakim and IMatilda Howe, was born at
Ilenniker, and died at Fiyebui-g, Me, Sept. 3, 1830, je. 80. He studied
divinity ; and preached some years at Sharon, Vt, but whether ordained or not
is somewiiat uncertain.
* Henry Huntington, A. M. the son of the Hon. Benjamin and Mary
(Huntington) Huntington, was born at Norwich, Ct, May 28, 1766, and died
at Rome, N. Y. Oct. 15, 1846, je. 80. He read law ; practised a short time;
became a merchant in N. Y. city; soon removed to Rome, largely engaging in
business ; was President of the Utica bank ; in tlie N. Y. Senate in 1805, 1806,
and 1807; of the Council of Appointment in 1806 ; of tlie House of Assembly
in 1816 and 1817 ; of the Conv. to revise the State Constitution in 1821. He
married Catharine M. Havens.
* Calvin Knoavlton, the son of the Hon. Luke and Sarah (Holland)
Knowlton, was born at Newfane, Vt, Jan. 22, 1761, and died there, Jan. 20,
1800, JE. 39. He read law ; settled in practice at Newfane, and sustained
several civil offices. He married Sophia AVillard of Petersham, Ms, Feb.
3, 1793.
* Joseph Langdon, the son of Capt. Samuel and Ilanuali (Storer) Langdon,
was born at Portsmouth, May 12, 1758, and died at Portsmouth, July 29, 1824,
JE. 66. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Newing-
ton, Jan. 9, 1785 ; dismissed in Mar. 1810, after a pastorate of 25 years, and
then returned to his native town. He married Patience Pickering.
* Samuel Sargeant, A. M. the son of Jabez and Abigail (Mower) Sargeant,
was born at JMalden, Ms, Nov. 6, 1755, and died at Ciiester, Vt, June 2,
1818, JE. 62. He studied divinity witli Prof. Sylvanus Ripley, D. C. 1771, at
Hanover ; was ordained pastor of the first Cong. Ch. at Woburn, Ms, March 14,
1785 ; dismissed May 27, 1799; then removed to Chester; went on missionary
tours in Nortiiern Vt, N. Y. and Pa ; had charge also at times of the Cong.
Ch. at Chester, but without being settled. He married Nabby, dau. of Ben-
jamin Blaney, at jMalden, IMay 10, 1787. Jabez Sargeant, D. C. 1812, was his
son, and Nalinm Sargeant, I). C. 1784, his brother.
* Pele(; Sprague, A. M. tlie son of Noah and Mercy (Dexter) Sprague,
was born at Rochester, Ms, Dec. 10, 1756, and died at Keene, Apr. 20, 1800,
JE. 43. He read law with the Hon. Benjamin West at Charlestown, and was
ALUMNI 1783. 33
admitted to the bar in 1787; began practice in Fitchburg, Ms ; removed to
Keene in Jan. 1789, opening an office there; represented it in tlic legislature ;
was solicitor for Cheshire Co. in 1794, and member of Congress from 1797 to
1799. He married Rosalinda, dau. of Dr David Taylor of Charlestown, Apr.
28, 1785.
* Elisiia Ticknok, a. M. the son of CoL Elisha and Ruth (Knowles)
Ticknor, was born at Lebanon, Ct, Mar. 25, 1757, and died at Boston, Ms,
June 22, 1821, je. 64. He was preceptor of Moor's Ind. Charity School from
1783 to 1786 ; then moved to Boston, and taught a Grammar school until 1794 ;
after this, was a prosperous and highly esteemed merchant of that city, and
deacon of one of the churches. He married Betsey (Billings) widow of Doct.
Benjamin Curtis, May 2, 1790. George Ticknor, D. C. 1807, was his son.
* Heucules Weston. His parentage and birth have not been ascertained,
but his death was at Kent, Ct, Dec. 14, 1811. He studied divinity; was or-
dained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Cornwall, Ct, in June 1792; dismissed in
Nov. 1803 ; was not again settled, but removed to Kent and there expired.
* Solomon Aiken, A. M. the son of John and Jerusha (Upton) Aiken,
was born at Hardwick, Ms, July 15, 1758, and died at Hardwick, Vt, June
1, 1833, JE. 74. He served two years in the Rev. army before entering col-
lege ; studied divinity with the Rev. Elisha Fish, at Upton, Ms; Avas ordained
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Dracut, Ms, June 4, 1788 ; dismissed June 4, 1812 ;
was then chaplain in the U. S. army at Fort Independence, Boston, Ms ; on
the war ending in 1815, returned to Dracut, living there to 1818 ; then went to
Hardwick, where he died. He married Mary, dau. of Capt. Daniel Warner
of his birthplace. His publications were sermons, with some pamphlets, chiefly
of a political cast.
* Benjamin Chapman, A. M. the son of Benjamin and Jemima (Gates)
Chapman, was born at Plainfield in 1757, and died at Edgcomb, Me, July
13, 1804, ^. 47. He studied divinity; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch.
at Granby, INIs, in Feb. 1790; dismissed in Jan. 1797; installed at Edgcomb,
Mar. 4, 1801, pastor of the Cong. Ch. and in three years was numbered with
the dead. He married Matilda C. dau. of Dea. Caleb Fuller of Hanover.
Thomas Fuller Chapman, D. C. 1814, was his son.
* Nathan Church, A. M. the son of Benjamin and Ruth (Kellogg) Church,
was born at South Hadley, Ms, July 27, 1754, and died at Bridgeton, Me,
Nov. 14, 1836, JE. 82. He studied divinity; was ordained pastor of the Cong.
Ch. at Bridgeton, June 17, 1789, and long held the position. He was married.
* RuFUS Fairbanks, the son of the Rev. Eleazar Fairbanks, was born at
Killingly, Ct, Oct. 20, 1759, and died nt Halifox, Nova Scotia, July 7, 1842,
JE. 82. He early went to Halifax, and became a successful citizen there; was
a magistrate and highly esteemed. He married Ann, dau. of Jonathan Pres-
cott, Nov. 17, 1785, and had descendants of eminent standing and ability.
* Thomas Gross, A.M. His parentage and birth are not known, but his
death occurred at Batavia, N. Y. jNIar. 18, 1843, je. 84. He studied divinity;
was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Hartford, Vt, June 7, 1786; dismissed
in Feb. 1808 ; removed some time after this, and ultimately lived in Batavia.
He married, 1. Carter. 2. Mary, dau. of the Hon. Jose[)h Marsh and
relict of Thomas White Pitkin all of Hartford.
* William Montague, the son of Joseph and Sarah (Henry) Montague,
34 ALUMNI 1784.
was born at South Iladley, Ms, Sept. 23, 1757, and died at Dedliam, Ms,
July 22, 1833, ^'^ 75. lie .studied divinity; was admitted to both deacon's and
priest's orders by the Riglit Rev. Samuel Seabury, Bisliop of Ct ; was rector
of Christ Ch. Boston, i\ls, from June 1787 to IMay 1792 ; next officiated at
Christ Ch. Qiiincy, Ms, from Apr. 8, 1793, to 1779 ; was then rector of St.
Paul's Ch. Uedham to 1818; but resided there to his death. He married
Jane, dau. of Lemuel Little at IMansfield, Ms, July 22, 1801. Joseph Mon-
tague, D. C. 1788, was his brother.
* Ethan Osborn, the son of Capt. John Osborn, was born at Litchfield, Ct,
Aug. 21, 1758, and died at Fairton, Fairfield township, N. J. May 1, 1858,
M. 99 years, 8 months, and 10 days. He was in the Rev. war, in the campaign
of 177(), and retreat through New Jersey; soon after this, went to Dartmouth.
Graduating there, he studied divinity witli the Rev. Andrew Storrs of
Plymouth, Ct, and the Rev. Joseph Vaill, D. C. 1778, at Hadlyme, Ct ; was
ordained pastor of the Presb. Ch. at Fairfield, Dec. 3, 1789 ; dismissed in 1844,
but still preached occasionally, as at the " Old Stone" Ch. Mar. 20, 1850, on its
being vacated for the new. His last sermon was in 1855. in his 97th year,
though he was able to speak briefly Jan. 24, 1858, being then 99 years and 5
months old. During his ministry, more than 600 were admitted to in's church,
more than 1000 couples were married, and more than 1500 persons bui-ied. He
outlived all the original members of his church. His surviving people erected
a monument to his memory Aug. 21, 1859, in the presence of a great multi-
* Jacob Osborn, A. IM. the son of Benjamin Osborn, was born in Litchfield,
Ct, July 15, 1759, and died there in Nov. 1821, m. G2. He was a teacher in
his native place and elsewhere, and tiien lived in Litchfield as a farmer. He
married, but had no issue. Benjamin Osborn, D. C. 1775, Isaac and Jere-
miah Osborn, both D. C. 1779, were his half-brothers.
* CiiuiSTOPiiKK Paige, A. M. the son of William and Mercy (Aiken) Paige,
was born at Ilardwick, Ms, June 12, 1762, and died at Salisbury, Oct. 12,
1822, M. 60. He studied divinity ; was ordained first pastor of the Cong. Ch.
at Pittsfield in 1789 ; dismissed Jan. 7, 1796 ; afterwards supplied at Deering
from 1798 some time ; next at Washington ; was then installed first pastor of
the Cong. Ch. at Roxbury, Nov. 21, 1816; dismissed Mar. 2, 1819; removed
thence to Salisbury. He married Rebecca, relict of the Rev. Elijtih Fletcher
of Ilopkinton. His mother died at Hardwick, Feb. 19, 1823, je. 102.
* Elisha Paynk, a. M. the son of the Hon. Col. Elisha and Elisabeth
(Spaulding) Payne, was born at Ct, Mar. 24, 1763, and died at Leb-
anon. JMay 20, 1808, M. 45. He read law and settled in practice at Lebanon.
His father built Dartmouth Hall. Zenas Payne, D. C. 1790, was his brother.
* Ambrosk Portkr, A.m. tiie son ofDea. Daniel and Sarah (Barnet) Gay-
lord P()rt<'r, was born at Hebron, Ct, Feb. 5, 1768, and died at Landalf, Nov. 1,
1832, M. 64. He studied divinity with the Rev. Silas Constant at Yorktown,
N. Y. and was ordained an Evangelist at IMarlborough, N. Y. preaching there
for some time ; was then successively oiriciatiiig at New Paltz and Munroe. Or-
ange Co. — Sullivan Co. — Elmira, Vienna, Adams, and Massena, all in N. Y.
organizing the fir^t chui-ch in the la-^t place ; at length returned to New England
in 1826, preaching at North Haverhill, and afterwards at Lyman, where began
the disease which finally carried him to tiie grave. He married Vilata, dau. of
Ejiphalft iAIarsh of Hartford, Vt, March 1, 1791. James Barnet Porter, D. C.
1781, was his brother.
* David Porter, I). D. the son of Increase and Mary (Niles) Porter, was
ALUMNI 1784. 35
born at Hebron, Ct, May 27, 1761, and died of paralysis at Catskill, N. Y. Jan,
7, 1851, M. 89. He was 10 months a soldier of the revolution before j^oino' to
college, and having graduated taught two years and a half at Portsmouth, study-
ing divinity at the same time with the Rev. Dr Joseph Buckminster ; was next
ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Spencertown, N. Y. Sept. 24, 1787 ; dis-
missed in June 1803 ; Installed pastor of the first Presb. Ch. at Catskill, in Oct.
1803, a position held till .June 1831 ; was after this the efficient agent of several
benevolent societies until 80 years of age. Williams college conferred on him
the honorary degree in 1811. Dr Porter was long a coi-porate member of the
Amer. Board of Foreign Missions, and thougb very eccentrick in his manners,
was a man of deservedly great influence, and a divine who had a most suc-
cessful ministry. He married Sarah, dau. of the Rev. Daniel Collins of
Lanesborough, Ms, Oct. 11, 1791.
* William Frederick Rowland, A. M. the son of the Rev. David Sher-
man and Mary (Spalding) Rowland, was born at Plainfield, Ct, May 26, 1761,
and died at Exeter, June 11, 1843,^.82. He studied divinity; was ordained
pastor of the first Cong. Ch. at Exeter, June 2, 1790 ; dismissed Dec. 5, 1828,
but continued to live there ; preached the state election sermon in 1796, and
also in 1809, both being published. He married, 1. Sally, dau. of Col Elipha-
let Ladd of Portsmouth, July 30, 1793. 2. Ann, dau. of Col. Eliphalet Giddings
of Exeter, Aug. 29, 1802. Henry Augustus Rowland, D. C. 1789, was his
* IVaiium Sargeant, A. M. the son of Jabez and Abigail (Mower) Sargeant,
was born at Maiden, Ms, Mar. 23, 1758, and died while on a visit at Chelsea,
Ms, Oct. 7, 1792, ^. 34. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong.
Ch. at Reading, Vt, 'Nov. 23, 1787, dying after 5 years service. He married
Sarah, dau. of Ebenezer Willis, Oct. 16, 1786. Samuel Sargeant, D. C. 1783,
was his brother.
* David Searl was born in Southampton, Ms. He went South or West
and died in obscurity, the time and pLice in oblivion.
* John Wilder, A. M. the son of Jonas and Elizabeth Wilder, was born
at Templeton, Ms, Mar. 12, 1758, and died at Attleborough, Ms, Feb. 9, 1836,
M. 77. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Levi Hart of Preston, Ct ;
was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Attleborough, Jan. 27, 1790 ; dismissed
Nov. 28, 1822, after a ministry of thirty-two years. He married, 1. Esther
Tyler of Preston, Ct. 2. Mrs. Elisabeth (Griffin) Austin, dau. of George
Griffin of East Haddam, Ct, and si-ter of the Rev. Edward Dorr Griffin, D. D.
and relict of Montgomery Austin of New Hartford, Ct.
* Gilbert Tennent Williams, the son of the Rev. Simon and Mary
(Floyd) AVilliams, the father from Dublin, Ire. the mother from London, Eng.
was born at Fogg's Manor, N.J. Oct. 8, 1761, and died at Framingham, Ms,
May 20, 1823, m. 62. He studied theology with the Rev. John Murray of
Newburyport, Ms ; was ordained over the Cong. Ch. Linebrook parish,
Ipswich and Rowley, Ms, August 5, 1789 ; dismissed May 6, 1813 ; installed
at Newbury, Ms, second ch. June 1, 1814; dismissed Sept. 24, 1821, owing
to paralysis, a second attack of which carried him off at the house of his son-in-
law, Alfred W. Pike, D. C. 1815. He married Martha Morrison of Windham,
the then residence of his father, May 17, 1789. Simon Finley Williams, D. C-
1785, jvas his brother.
36 ALIBINI 1785.
* Moses Bradford, A. M. the son of "William and Mary (Cleaveland)
Bradford, was born at Canterbury, Ct, Aug. 6, 176.3, and died at Montague,
]Ms, June 13, 1838, tE. 72. He taught at Portsmouth; studied divinity with
his brother, the Eev. Ebenezer Bradford of Rowley, jMs ; vas ordained the
first pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Francestown. Sept. 8, 1790; dismissed Jan. 1,
1827 ; moved to Sullivan in 1833, and to Montague in 1837. His only pub-
lieation was an Election Sermon in 1812. He married, 1. Dorothy, dau. of
Moscs Bradstreet of Rowley, Kov. 4, 1788. 2. Sarah, dau. of Moses Eaton of
Francestown, Apr. 4, 1793. Samuel Cleaveland Bradford, D. C. 1818, was
his son.
* Elijah Braixerd, A. M. the son of Elijah and Lucy (Smith) Brainerd,
was born at Iladdam, Ct, Oct. 25, 1757, and died at Warrenton, N. C. May 23,
1828, jE. 70. He studied divinity; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Ran-
dolpli. Vt, Sept. 6, 178G; dismissed Jan. 4, 1798; settled again at Claremont
in 1808 for two years; was then installed over a Presb. Ch. at Pelham, Ms ;
eventually took orders in the Episcopal Church, officiating at Warrenton, where
he died. He married Parthenia, dau. of Lt Gov. Joseph Marsh of Hartford,
Vt, and sister of the Hon. Charles Marsh, D. C. 178G, of Woodstock, Vt.
* Sal^fox Chase, A. M. the son of Dudley and Alice (Corbet) Chase, was
born at Sutton, Ms, July 14, 1761, and died at Portland, Me, Aug. 10, 1806,
^.45. He was assistant teacher at Phillips Acad. Exeter from 1785 to 1786;
read law with the Hon. John Samuel Sherburne, D. C. 1776, at Portsmouth;
began pi-actice at Portland in 1789, where he became highly distinguished as
a lawyer, no one in the county having had a larger patronage. He married,
1. Mary Simpson of Newcastle. 2. Sarah Tyng (Winslow) Waldo, dau. of
Isaac AVinslow of Boston and relict of Samuel Waldo of Portland. Baruch
Chase, D. C. 1786, Dudley and Ileber Chase, D. C. 1791, and Bishop
Philander Chase, D. C. 1796, were his brothers.
* Joseph Clark, the son of Simeon and Lydia (Moseley) Clark, was born
in Columbia, Ct, Mar. 9, 1759, and died of apoplexy at East Hartford, Ct,
Dec. 21, 1828, ^e. 69. He served in the Rev. army, was taken prisoner, carried
to Halifax and then to England. After graduating, read law with Gen. John
Sullivan at Durham; began practice at Rochester; represented it in the legis-
lature in 1798 and 1801 ; removed thence to his native place and afterwards
to the place of his death. He married Anna H. Burleigh of New Market.
* Lake Coffeen, the son of Capt. John and Susannah (Goldsmith) Coffeen,
was born at Rindge, and died at Pike, Wyoming Co. N. Y. in 1816. lie served
in the Rev. war. On leaving college, he taught some years in Cavendish, Vt,
and was familiarly called " Master Coffeen ; " after this, was a student of divinity
in Essex Co. Ms, and licensed to preach July 29, 1806, but is not known to
have availed himself of this. He at length removed to Rushford, N. Y. and
became a farmer, and at last went to Pike. He married Ziljiah Baldwin.
* Calvin Cran'e, the son of John and Rachel (Terry) Crane, was born at
Norton, Ms, May 13, 1764, and died at Charleston, S. C. Dec. 26, 1787, m. 23.
He studi(;d divinity with the Rev. Ephraim Jndson of Taunton, Ms ; was tutor
at Dartmouth in 1787 ; was a young man of brilliant promise ; but attacked by
a pulmonary complaint, aggravated ])y intense application to his studies, it was
not a more genial climate that could reverse his untimely doom. He did not
ALUMNI 1785. 37
* Timothy Dickixson, A. M. the son of Katlian and Esther (Fouler)
Dickinson, was born at Amherst, Ms, June 25, 1761, and died at IloUislon, Ms,
July 6, 1813, JE. 52. He was in the Rev. war, and graduating, was preceptor
of Moor's Ciiarity School from 1786 to 1787 ; studied divinity with the Rev.
Dr Jolm Tucker of Newbury, Ms ; ordained pastor at Holliston, Nov. 13, 1788,
over the Cong. Ch. and died in office. He married Margaret, dan. of the Rev.
Joshua Prentiss of Holliston, Nov. 26, 1789. Samuel Fowler Dickinson, D. C
1795, was his brother.
* John Hubbard. A. M. the son of Jolm and Hannah (Johnson) Hubbard,
was born at TowMisend, Ms, Aug. 8, 1759, and died at Hanover, Aug. 14, 1810,
.a:. 51. He studied divinity but never settled ; taught at New Ipswich trom
Oct. 1788 to 1789 ; was then preceptor of its Acad, from 1789 to 1795 ; was
Judge of Probate for Chesliire Co. from 1798 to 1802 ; preceptor of Deerfield
Acad. Bis, from 1802 to 1804; professor of Mathematicks and Philosophy in
Dart. Coll. from 1804 to his death. He published several works, among them,
" Rudiments of Geography" and an " Essay on Musick." Judge Flubbard was
a man universally esteemed and beloved. He married Rebecca, dau. of Dr
John Preston of New Ipswich, at N. Aug. 10, 1791.
* Alfred Johnson, A. M. the son of Jacob Johnson, was born at Plainfield,
Ct, July 27, 1766, and died at Belfast, Me, Jan. 12, 1837, je. 70. He studied
divinity with the Rev. John Murray of Newburyport, Ms, and the Rev. Dr
Levi Hart of Preston, Ct ; was ordained the first minister of the Cong. Ch. at
Freejiort, Me, Dec. 29, 1789 ; represented it in tlie Ms legislature in 1791 ;
dismissed from F. Sept. 11, 1805 ; installed at Belfast pastor of the Cong. Ch.
Sept. 25, 1805 ; dismissed in 1813. He married Sarah, dau. of Gen. Ralph
Cross of Newburyport, May 22, 1788.
* Elijah Kellogg, A. M. the son of Joseph and Dorothy (Taylor) Kellogg,
was born at South Hadley, Ms, Aug. 17, 1761, and died at Portland, Me, Mar.
9, 1842, JE. 80. He studied divinity with the Rev. John Muriay of Newburyport,
Ms; was ordained pastor of the second Cong. Ch. at Portland, Me, Oct. 1,
1788 ; dismissed Dec. 5, 1811 ; installed pastor of the Chapel Cont. Alty of the U. S. for A''! in 1797 by Pres. AVa.-hington ;
held the office to the accession of Pres. Jefferson ; was a member of Congress
from 1815 to 1817 ; a Trustee of Dart, from 1809 to 1849 ; a corporate Mem-
ber of the Am. Bd of For. Missions ; Pres. of the Vt Bible Society ; Vice
Pres. of the Am. Bible Soc. and of Am. Education Soc. Dart, gave the LL.
D. in 1828. His reputation stood high as a lawyer, a man. and a Christian.
He married, 1. Ann, dau. of John Collins of Litchfield in 1789. 2. Susan,
dau. of Dr Elisha Perkins of Plainfield, Ct, and relict of Josiah Lvndon Ar-
nold, D. C. 1788, of St John.'-bury, Vt, June 3, 1798. Charles Malvh, D. C.
1813, Lyndon Arnold Marsh, D. C. 1819, George Perkins Marsh, D. C. 1S20,
and .Joseph jMarsh, D. C. med. class 1830, M-ere his sons.
* Nathan JMuzzey, the son of John and Mary (Ball) Muzzey, was born at
Spencer, ]Ms, Feb. 29, 1762. He studied divinity ; was licensed and preached
in Me, ; soon returned to Sjiencer where his preaching was heard several times;
then went to the AVest and South AA^;st, locating at last at IMarietta, Ohio, and
living there some years. But the end of his career is not known. He was
never ordained.
* Reed Paige, A. M. the son of Col. Timothy and Mary (Foster) Paige,
was born at Hardwick, Ms, Aug. 30, 1764, and died at Hancock, July 22, 1816,
JE. 51. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Nathaniel Emmons of Franklin,
Ms ; was oidained the first pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Hancock, Sept. 21, 1791,
an otliee only vacated by his death. Hancock was represented by him in the
legislature seven years. He married Hannah Paior Co.
He married, 1. Anna, dau. of Tlumias IMurdock of Norwich, Jan. 13, 1793.
2. Mary, dau. of the Rev. Josiah Dana of Barre, Ms, Jan. 12, 1804. James
Brown, D. C 1794, was his brother.
* Jonathan Calef, A. M. was born at Kingston, and died at Lyman, Me,
Apr. 25, 1845, ,e. 83. He studied divinity; was ordained pastor of the Cong.
Cii. at Bloomfield, INFe, June 11, 1794; dismissed in 1798 ; installed at Lyman,
Me, Dec. 2, 1801 ; dismissed May 11, 1831. He married Grace S. Atwood at
Fairfield, Me, in Jan. or Feb. 1803.
* Josiah Cakpenter, A. M. the son of John and Mary (Loomis) Carpen-
ter, was born at Stafford, Ct, Oct. 6, 1762, and died at Cliichester, Mar. 1, 1851,
JE. 88. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Chichester,
Nov. 2, 1791 ; dismissed July 24, 1827. He married Hannah Morrill of Can-
* Oliver Gallup, A. M. the son of William and Lucy (Denison) Gallup,
was born at Stonington, Ct, Oct. 28, 1763, and died at Hartland, Vt, Feb. 7,
1818, ^E. 54. He read law and settled in practice at Hartland. He married,
1. Bethiah Cobb, dau. of Benjamin Homer of Boston, Ms, at Windsor, Vt, in
Dec. 1791. 2. Eliza Devens of Boston at Windsor, Vt, in Jan. 1813. Elias
Gallup, D. C. 1804, was his brother.
ALUMNI 1787. 45
* Daniel Ordwat Gillett, A. M. the son of Israel and INTartha (Throop)
Gillett, was born at Lebanon, Ct, and died at Duanesburg, N. Y. Jan. 11, 1823,
M. 63. lie studied divinity ; was probably ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Charlotte, Vt ; dismissed in 1799. He married, 1. The widow Smedley. 2.
Asenath Mead. Jacob Gillett, D. C. 1802, was his half brother.
* William Gregg, A. M. the son of Col. William of the Rev. army and
Barbara (Aiken) Gregg, was born at Londonderry, May 19, 1764, and died at
Andover, Me, Dec. 27, 1856, .e. 92. lie studied divinity with the Rev. James
Miltimore, D. C. 1774, at Stratham ; was preceptor of Londonderry Acad, for
some time ; went to Portland, Me, in 1797 ; taught a High School there ; was
ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Cape Elisabeth, Me, Jidy 16, 1801 ; dis-
missed Nov. 6, 1806 ; then became preceptor of Portland Acad, in 1808 ; took
charge of Limerick Acad. JNIe, in 1811, staying 5 years ; installed pastor again
at Cape Elisabeth, Jan. 3, 1816; dismissed Mar. 4, 1824; owned and lived
upon a farm at Freeport, Me, from 1824 to 1832 ; removed to Andover and
there remained. He married the dau. of the Rev. Simon Williams of Windham.
* Jonathan Grout, A. M. the son of the Hon. Jonathan and Sarah (Page)
Grout, was born at Petersham, Ms, Jan. 23, 1761, and died at Philadelphia,
Pa, Mar. 12, 1820, M. 59. He read law ; practised at Belchertown, Ms; was
afterwards tlie first constructor of telegraphs by signals in this country, making
a line from Boston, Ms, to Nantucket, Ms ; removed at length to Pliiladelphia
and there opened a grammar school. Paul Grout, D. C. 1793, and George
Grout, D. C. 1795, were his brothers.
* Walter Harris, A. M.-D. D. the son of Nathaniel and Grace (Lyman)
Harris, was born at Lebanon, Ct, June 8, 1761, and died at Dunbarton, Dec.
24, 1843, ^E. 82. He was 3 years a fifer in the revolutionary army ; on leaving
college, studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Nathaniel Emmons of Franklin, Ms;
was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Dunbarton, Aug. 26, 1789 ; dismissed
July 7, 1830, after near 41 years service ; many were prepared for college by
him and others instructed in theology. His publications were 14 occasional
sermons. Dartmouth gave the doctorate in 1826. He married, 1. .lemima, dau.
of Nathaniel Fisher of Franklin, Sept. 22, 1789. 2. Elisabeth (Evans) relict
of the Rev. John Cleveland of North Wrentham, Ms, Dec. 27, 1815. 3. Jane,
relict of James Aiken of Goff-town, Apr. 11, 1831.
* Jonas Hartavell, A. M. the son of Jonas and Ruhama (Fenno) Hartwell,
was born at Bridgewater, Ms, Feb. 10, 1761, and died at Hallowell, Me, Apr. 28,
1810,^. 49. He studied divinity; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Kittery, Me, Aug. 13, 1792; resigned Mar. 1, 1798 ; went to Waterville, Me;
then to Augusta, in 1804, and thence to Hallowell. He married Sally Small-
corn of Kittery about May 1794.
* David Hazeltine. Parentage and birth not obtained. He died at Wil-
liamstown, Ms, Dec. 5, 1790, je.. 25.
* Daniel Jacobs, A. INL the son of Capt. Solomon and (Hodges) Gil-
lett Jacobs, was born at Mansfield, Ct, Aug. 31, 1764, and died at Gilmanton,
Nov. 14, 1815, JE. 51. He studied medicine at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. and N.
Y''. city ; began practice in Sanbornton in 1790j removed to Gilmanton in
1796. He married Elisabeth, dau. of the Hon. Joseph Badger Jr, of Gilman-
ton, May 20, 1798.
* J^.niEL JuDD, A. M. the son of Daniel and Lydia (Jones) Judd, was born
at Colchester, Ct, Mar. 7, 1763, and died at Chatham, Ct, Aug. 23, 1826, M. 63.
He was wounded at the storming of Fort Griswold, Ct, in the Rev. war, Sept.
6, 1781, and crippled for life. On graduating, he became a teacher at North-
46 ALUMNI 1787.
ampton, "Ms. in 1787 ; next taufrht at New Diirliam, N. Y. Returned to Ct,
and settled at Cliatliain. He married Ilannali Clark of Saybrook, Ct.
* Aaiiox Kinsman, A. M. the son of Col. Aaron Kinsman, a Cii])t. at the
battle of Bunker Hill, was born in Ipswieh, Ms, in 17GG, and died at Portland,
Me, INIay 11, 1808, je. 41. While at collejie, he procured the charter of the
N. II. Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa Soc. at Dart, from Ilarv. and Yale, and was
its first President. He studied medicine ; began practice at Portland, where his
rank in the profession was distinguished. He married Nancy Willis of Haver-
hill, Ms, June 11, 1802. Henry Willis Kinsman, D. C. 1822, was his son.
* Elijah Lyman, A. M. the son of John and Mary (Strong) Lyman, was
born at Lebanon, Ct, Mar. 18, 17G4, and died at Brookfield, Vt, Apr. 12, 1828,
M. 64. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Brook-
field, Apr. 8, 1789, and was so until his death 39 years after. He married
Mary, dau. of Silas Waterman of Lebanon, N. H. Dec. 25, 1788.
* Asa INIiLKS, A. M. the son of Reuben and Anna (Rice) IMiles, was born at
Westminster, Ms, July 11, 1762, and died there. Mar. 25, 1805, je. 42. He
stuilied medicine, practising through life in his native place. He married. 1.
Elisabeth Clouirh, dau. of the Rev. Asaph Rice of Westminster, Oct. 17, 1795.
2. Ruth, dau. oif Col. William Henshaw, Dec. 13, 1803.
* TiioJiAS MoouE, A. M. was born at Stirling, Ms, Sept. 3, 1761, and died
at Unity, Columbiana Co. Ohio, Aug. 24, 1840, Ai. 79, minus 10 days. II(; was
in the Rev. army ; on leaving colU-ge, studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Na-
thaniel E^mmons of Franklin, Ms; was ordained pastor of the Presb. or Cong.
Ch. at Unity, Ohio, in Sept. 1816 ; continued 16 years to 1832, greatly beloved ;
still preached there at times when so feeble as to be obliged to sit; his subse-
quent course and removal to Unity are not known. His name on the Triennials
has been uniformly printed More ; but his manuscript letters, written in col-
lege, are signed ^loore, and it is thus upon his grave-stone. He married, but
the record is not found.
* Calt.ij Morsk, the son of Dr IMoody and Hannah (Peaslee) Morse, was
born at Salem, and died there, ]May 17. 1844, .i:. 78. His long life has left no
other trace behind except that he married Betsey Eaton in 1795. He was the
actual graduate, and not Dr Caleb Morse of Moultonborough, as stated in the
" Memorial of the ^lorses. "
* Jamks OiiTox, A. M. the son of Thomas and Anna (Dix) Orton, was
born at Tyringham, Ms, June 7, 1765. His childhood was passed in Stock-
bridge, Ms, where his surviving parent had mai'ried Silas Bingham. He is sup-
posed to have read law. But it is certain that soon after graduation, he re-
moved to the state of N. Y. and early embarked in trade, becoming a man of
great respectability and wealth. His residence for some years was at Richland,
Otsego Co. of which county he was a Judge, and was also a member of the N.
Y. Assembly. His death is thought to have occurred at Winfield or Whites-
borough, N. Y. not far from 1840. He married Electa Graves of Pittsfield,
Ms, in May 1792.
* ELiiia Palmici?, the son of Elihu and Lois (Foster) Palmer, was Ijorn at
Canterbury, Ct, and died at Philadelpiiia, Pa, Apr. 7, 1806, M. 42. He studied
divinity, but, renouncing all belief in Christianity, became a Deist in 1791 ;
went to Augusta, tieo. about this period, and there collected materials for Morse's
Geography ; after this, lived souk; years in Philadelphia ; then in New York
city, and again in Philadel|)liia, all this time never ceasing to advocat(! Deism
publickly. He was the head of the " Columbian lUuminati " estal)lished in
1801. Among other things, he published a 4th of July oration in 1797 ; and
ALUMNI 1787. 47
" Principles of Nature " in 1802. On his mother's side, his descent is said to have
been from the Rev. Jolin Robinson of Lej'den, Holland, and tlie well known
Miles Standish. "What a falling off" was this ! !
* Hiram Payne, A. M. the son of John and Jemima (Hutchinson) Payne,
was born at Andover, Ct, in 1763, and died at Palmyra, N. Y. Mar. 22, 1845,
JE. 82. He early went to the island of Cape Breton ; after 8 years returned to
Hanover ; then lived in Pennsylvania engaged in land business ; was next at
Lyons, N. Y. a merchant ; and at length removed to Palmyra. He married
Chloe Thayer.
* John Porter, A. M. the son of Col. Asa and Mehitabel (Crocker) Porter,
was born at Haverhill. He read law and settled in Chester ; afterwards re-
moved to Broome, Canada East, dying there at an unknown date. Moses
Porter, D. C. 1798, was his brother.
* PiERSON Thurston, A. M. was born in Sterling or Lancaster, Ms, in
Dec. 17G3, and died at Leominster, Ms, Aug. 15, 1819, m. 55. He studied
divinity with the Rev. Dr Nathaniel Emmons of Franklin. Ms, and the Rev. Dr
Samuel »Spring of Newburyport, ]Ms ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. CIi. at
Somerville, Feb. 1, 1792 ; dismissed Nov. 16, 1812 ; installed at St. Johnsbury,
Vt, Oct. 25, 1815 ; dismissed Oct. 13, 1817. He married, 1. Jerusha, dau.
of Samuel Greenleaf of Newburyport, Nov. 16, 1795. 2. Loring of Hiug-
ham, Ms.
* JosiAH Lyndon Arnold, A. M. the son of Dr Jonathan and Molly
(Burr) Arnold, was born at Providence, R. L Apr. 22, 1768, and died at St
Johnsbury, Vt, Juno 7, 1796, je. 28. He was tutor in the now Brown Univ. at
Providence from 1790 to 1792 ; read law in that city, but never practised ; set
out with his wife on horseback from Plainfield, Ct, to St Johnsbury, and there
began its settlement. He had a fine literary taste, and after his premature
death a volume of poems from his pen was published. He married Su^an, dau.
of Dr P^lisha Perkins of Plainfield, Feb. 8, 1795. Lemuel Hastings Arnold, D.
C. 1811, was his half brother.
* Oliver Ayers, A. M. was born at Franklin, Ct, and died at Richland, N. Y.
in July 1832, je. 67. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Samuel Nott of
Franklin ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at West Stockbridge, Ms,
Blay 29, 1793 ; dismissed .June 14, 1807 ; was successively installed at Augusta,
Richland, and Sandy Creek, all in N. Y. He married Phebe, dau. of Elijah
Brown of Stockbridge, Ms.
* Joseph Backus, the son of the Rev. Simon and Rachel (Moseley) Backus,
was born at Dec. 26, 1764, and died at Bridgeport, Ct, Jan. 17, 1838, je.
73. He read law, practising at Stratford, Ct, but residing at Bridgeport. He
married Huldah, dau. of Stephen Burroughs of Stratford, Oct. 15, 1797.
* Sylvanus Backus, was born in Ct, and died at Pomfret, Ct, Feb. 4, 1817,
JE. 48. He read law and went into practice at Pomfret ; was State's Atty for
Windham Co. and was elected a member of Congress, but did not take his seat,
being prevented by death. He married Hannah Waldo at Pomfret in Feb.
* Thomas Brooks. All that is learnt of him is from his classmate, Dr
Dana ; " His character in College was consistent and excellent. "
* Daniel Chipman, A. M.-LL. D. the son of Samuel and Hannah (Austin)
Chipman, was born at Salisbury, Ct, Oct. 22, 1765, and died at Riptou, Vt, Apr.
48 ALIBINI 1788.
23, 1850, M. 84. He I'ead hiw with his brother, the Hon. Nathaniel Chipman,
LL. D. at Ruthind, A^t ; opened an office tliere in 1790; removed to Middle-
bury, Vt, in 1794 ; was Prof, of law in its College from 1806 to 1816 ; a mem-
ber of the Convention for revising the State constitution ; in the State Legisla-
ture for 7 years ; Speaker of the House all or part of that time ; a member of
Congress from 1815 to 1817 ; also of the Am. Acad, of Arts and Sciences. His
last years were spent at Ripton. His publications were, " An Essay on the law
of Contracts ; " a vol. of Reports of the Supreme Court ; also the lives of the
Hon. Naliianiel Chipman, Col. Scth Warner, and Gov. Thomas Chittenden.
/ Middlebury Coll. gave the LL. I), in 1849. lie married Eleutheria, dau. of
the R<^v. Lemuel iledge of AVarwick, Ms, at Windsor. Vt, Feb. 25, 1796.
* Bkxjajiix Chapman Curtis. He was ])robably from Vt. As a reference,
it may be well to state that a sister married Col. Cooley of Rupert, Vt.
* Daniel Dana, A. M.-D. D. the son of the Rev. Dr Joseph and Mary
(Staniford) Dana, was born at Ipswich, Ms, July 24, 1771, and died at New-
buryport, Ms, Aug. 26, 1859, m. 88. He taught at Exeter Acad. N. H. about
3 years ; then at Ipswich to May 15, 1793, studying divinity the while with
his father ; was ordained pastor of the first Presb. Ch. at Newburyport, IS'ov.
19, 1794; dismissed Nov. 19, 1820; was Pres. of Dart. College from 1820 to
1821 ; installed pnstor of the 2nd Pres. Ch. at Londonderry, Jan. 16, 1822 ; dis-
missed in Apr. 1826; installed pastor of the 2nd Pres. Ch. at Newburyport,
May 31, 1826 ; dismissed in 1845, but continued his residence in that city, Dr
Dana was a Trustee of And. Tlieo Sem. from 1804 to his resignation in 1856.
He was a man of deservedly high reputation wherever known, popular as a
preacher, eminent as a theologian, faithfid as a pastor, courteous as a gentleman,
and lovely as a Christian. His publications were 21 occasional sermons, several
discourses, essays, and charges at ordinations, besides some controversial writ-
ings. He married, 1. Elisabeth, dau. of Capt. William Coombs, at Newbury ]iort,
Dec. 30, 1800. 2. Sarah, dau. of Dr Joseph Emery of Fryburg, Me, at New-
bury, Ms, Nov. 8, 1814. William Coombs Dana, D. C. 1828, of Charleston,
S. C. was his son.
* JosEiMi Dana, A. M. the brother of the preceding, was born at Ipswich,
June 10, 1769, and died at Athens, Ohio, Nov. 18, 1849, M. 80. He was an
assistant teacher at Piiillips Acad. Exeter in 1789; studied divinity ; was li-
censed to preach June 9, 1765 ; ill-health ensuing, read law ; began practice at
Newburyport, Ms ; removed to Athens in 1817 ; was head of the Acad, there
connected with the Ohio Univ. in 1819 ; was next Prof, of Languages in that
Univ. in 1822, remaining so until 1835. He married, 1. Lucy, dau. of John
Temple of Newburyport, at N. May 31, 1805, 2, Hannah Lyons of Whitehall,
N. Y. at Athens, about LSI 9,
* Ei.iAS DuDLKY, A, M. the son of Daniel and Su-annah Dudley, was born at
Saybrook, Ct, Ang. 12, 1761, and died at Prospect, ]Me, Jan, 25, 1808, ^i. 46. He ^
studied divinity with tlie Rev. Dr Nathaniel Emmons of Franklin, Ms; was
ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Oxford, Ms, Apr, 13, 1791 ; dismissed in
ill-health Mar. 6, 1799; was then a merchant in Newburyport, Ms, to 1805,
and soon removed to Prospect. He marrieil Mary, dau. of John Spring of
Northbridge, Ms, Oct. 2-2, 1793.
* Jonathan Husi:, A, M, the son of Dea. John and Anna (Webster) Huse,
was born at Methuen, Ms, Feb. 23, 1767, and died at Warren, Me, July
1853, 2£.. 86. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch.
at Warren, Aug, 19, 1795, a ndation held for many years. He married Ruth
Emerson at Ilampstead in Sept, 1801, Nathaniel Huse, D. C, 1802, was his
ALUMNI 1788. 49
* Alvan Hyde, A. M.-D. D. the son of Joseph and Abifrail (Abel) Hyde,
was bora at Frankhn, Ct, Feb. 2, 1768, and died at Lee, Ms, Dec. 4, 1833,
JE. 65. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Charles Backus of Someiv, Ct,
and the Rev. Dr Stephen West of Stockbridge, Ms ; was ordained pastor of
the Cong. Ch. at Lee, June 6, 1792, continuing so until death. Dr Hyde was
one of the ablest and most successful ministers of his order tiie state has enjoyed.
In 41 years, 704 additions were made to his communion. Dartmouth gave him
tiie doctorate in 1812. His publications were 12 occasional sermons withmany
essays and reviews. A valuable life of him has appeared, written, if we recol-
lect rightlv, by one of his sons. He married Lucy, dau. of the Rev. Benjamin
Fessenden of Sandwich, Ms, at S. Apr. 25, 1793.
* Abikl Jones, A. M. was born at Somers, Ct, and died at Royalton, Vt,
Feb. 22, 1829, ^e. 68. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Charles Backus
of Somers ; was licensed to preacli June 2, 1789, and acted as a missionary in
the Western Reserve, Ohio; nothing more is known until his ordination as an
evangelist at Bridport, Vt, June 21, 1809 ; after this, nothing definite appears ;
though much res})ected, his ministry was relinquished. He then studied medi-
cine and practised successively in New Haven and Royalton, both in Vt.
* Joseph Montague, the son of Joseph and Sarah (Henry) Montague, was
born at Granby, Ms, Oct. 2. 1763, and died at Remsen, N. Y. Apr. 30, 1849,
M. 85. He was a Rev. soldier. On graduation, he taught a Female Acad, in
N. J. but ere long settled at Rem-en, and tliere passed his long protracted life.
He married Mary, dau. of Jesse Brush and i-elict of Abijali Abbott. William
Montague, D. C. 1784, was his brother.
* Ariel Parish, A. M. the son of Elijah and Eunice (Foster) Parish, was
born at Lebanon, Ct, Nov. 29, 1764, and died at Manchester, Ms, May 20,
1794, ^E. 29. He studied divinity; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Manchester, Apr. 4, 1 792, and died in office. He married Hannah, dau. ol' Daniel
Chute of Byfield, Ms. Elijah Parish, D. D.-D. C. 1785, was his brother.
* Cephas Smith, A. M. the son of Cephas Smith, was born at Suffield, Ct in
1761, and died at Ru'land, Vt, Jan. 24, 1815, m. 54. He read law with the
Hon. Israel Smith of Rutland ; opened an office there, and v\as at length Clerk
of the U. S. Circuit and District Court of Vt. He married Mary. dau. of Na-
thaniel Gove.
* William Storrs, A. M. the son of Major Joseph and Experience (Gur-
ley) Storrs, was born at Mansfield, Ct, in 1760, and died at Ashford. Ct, Nov.
30, 1824, JE. 64. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Westtbrd parish in Ashford, Nov. 10, 1790, and so continued until death. He
married Abigail Freeman, dau. of Aaron Hovey of Mansfield, in Dec. 1790.
* Royal Tyler. A. M. .as born at Uxbridge, Ms, May 24, 1760, and died
at Salem, Ct, Apr. 10, 1826, je. 65. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr
Nathaniel Emmons of Franklin, Ms ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch.
at Andover, Ct, in July 1792; dismissed in May 1817 ; installed at Salem in
Jan. 1818 ; dismissed in Dec. 1821. He mai-ried Lydia Watson of Thompson,
* Ezra Woodworth was born at Columbia, Ct, and died at Ludlow, Vt,
Sept. 11, 1836,^. 71. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Joseph Hunt-
ington of Coventry, Ct ; was ordained pastor of the first Cong. Ch. at Winsted
in W\nchester, Ct, in Jan. 1792 ; dismissed in 1799 ; preached after this chiefly
in the state of N. Y. being at one time settled in Madison.
50 ALUMNI 1789.
* Solomon Bixgiiam was born at Salisbury, Ct, Apr. 1.3, 17G7, anrl died at
the Seignory of Noyau. Canada East, Feb. 11. 1839, .e. 71. Ho read law, practic-
ing some time in Berkshire, Franklin Co. Vt, and was at one time a Judge of
the Court of Com. Pleas.
* Ebenezi;r Bracki:tt, A. M. the son of James and Abigail (Spear)
Brackett, w^as born at Quincy, Ms, May 7, 1773, and died there, May 9, 1794,
JE. 21. He studied medicine, and was a very promising youth. He did not
* Jonathan Brown, A. M. was born at Pittsfield in 1759, and died at Lon-
donderry, Jan. 9. 1838, JE. 78. He studied divinity witli the Rev. .John IMurray
of Newburyport, IMs ; was ordained pastor of the 3d Presb. Ch. at Londonderry
in 1795 ; dismissed in Sept. 1804, and was never again settled.
* John Bush, the son of Capt. Timothy and Deborah (House) Bu^h, was
from Norwich, Vt, and died at Ballston, N.Y. May 25, 1818, je. 55. He read
law, but did not practise ; kept a boarding house in Hanover some time early in
this century ; was afterwards a tcaclier at Albany, N. Y. He married Abigail
IMarvin of Norwich. George Bush, D. C. 1818, was his son, and Alexander
Bush, D. C. 1800, his brother.
* Martin Chittenden, the son of Thomas, first Gov. of Vt, and Elisabeth
(Meigs) Chittenden, was born at Salisbury, Ct, INIar. 12, 1769, and died at
Williston, Vt, Sept. 5, 1840, ^. 71. He read law, but became a fanner at both
Jericho, Vt, and Williston: was in the Leg. from Jeiicho 6 years from 1790;
Judge of Co. Court in 1793; Chief Justice in 1796; IMaj. Gen. of the militia at
the age of 33 ; memb. of Cong, from 1803 to 1813 ; Gov. of Vt in 1814 and
1815. He married Anna Bentley, Mar. 12. 1796.
* John Williamson Cox, the son of Charles and INIary (Maccarty) Cox,
was born in Londonderry, and died at Savannah, Geo. in Sept. 1803. He read
law, but did not practise ; went some time to sea ; taught in the Acad, at
Jamaica, Long Island, N. Y. and also at Savannah. He married Martha
* Samuel Dinsmoor, A. M. the son of William and Kli-abeth (Cochran)
Din>moor, was born in Londonderry July 1, 1766, and died at Keene, Mar. 15,
1835, ;e. 68. He read law ; was a State Councillor in 1821 ; a memb. of
Cong, from 1811 to 1813 ; Gov. of the State in 1831, 1832, and 1833; was
also for many years a Maj. Gen. of the militia. He married Mary, dau. of
Gen. George Reid of Londonderry. Gov. Samuel Dinsmoor, D. C. 1814, was
his son.
* Josiah Dunham, A. M. the son of Dia. Daniel and Ann (Moseley) Dun-
ham, was born at Lebanon Crank, now Columbia, Ct, Apr. 7, 1769, and died at
Lexington. Ky. May 10. 1844, m. 75. He was preceptor of Moor's Charity
Sclioul at Hanover from 1789 to 1793 ; also editor of tiie '• Dartmouth Eagle "
to May 30, 1796; was not long after made a Capt. in the U. S. army at the
instance of Washington ; resigned it in 1808, on leaving his command at Fort
Mackinac; soon established a large Female Acad, at Windsor, Vt. editing also
"The AVashiugtonian " newspaper ; was Vt Secretary of Slate some time, and
Aid de Camp to Gov. ^Martin Chittenden with ihe rank of Colonel ; removed to
Lexinj:ton in 1821, and there organized a Young Ladies school that was very
popular and patronized to a great extent. He married Susan, dau. of the Rev.
V Lemuel Hedge of Warwick, Ms, at Windsor, Feb. 25, 1796.
ALUMNI 1789. 51
Few men have lived more beloved or died more lamented. lie was 6 feet 3
inches in height and of a truly noble presence. His publications were, an ora-
tion on July 4, 1798; a eulogy on the death of Washington in 1799; and a
large pamphlet, taking the side of Pres. John Wheelock in his difficulties at
It was to him that the Father of his country addressed a letter, the writer has
often seen and of which the Col. was justly proud. It was this, " Mount
Vernon, 4th August, 1798. Sir, your favor of the 13th ulto. accompanying the
oration delivered by you on the anniversary of American Independence, I
received by the last post. For both I thank you. The sentiments expressed
therein do me much honor. They flatter me highly, and cannot fail to make
grateful impression on the sensibility of one who offers you in return his very
best wishes, and the assurance of being, Sir, your most obed't and Very Humble
servant, Geo. Washington. Mr Josiah Dunham, A. M."
*JoiiN GiuswOLD, A. M. the son of Major John and Ruth (Hewett)
Griswold, was born at Norwich, Ct, Feb. 24, 1765, and died at Pawlet, Vt,
May 4, 1852, m. 87. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong.
Ch. at Pawlet, Oct. 23, 1793 ; dismissed Aug. 11, 1830, after near 37 years
service. He married, 1. Betsey Lay of Lyme, Ct. 2. Mrs. Sarah, relict of Dr
Phineas Meigs.
* James Kasson Guarnsey, the son of Solomon and Sarah (Kasson) Guarn-
sey, was born at Bethlehem, Ct, Dec. 31, 17G9, and died at Pittsford, N. Y.
Mar. 5, 1841, vE. 71. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr John Sinalley of
New Britain, Ct, but left the pursuit; read law at Albany, N. Y. and practised
there, soon removing to Pittsford, and engaging in trade obtained wealth. He
married Hannah Trowbridge of Albany, July 19, 180G.
* Daniel Hardy, A. M. the son of Daniel and Sarah (Greenough) Hardy,
was born at Bradford, Ms in May 1773, and died at Dracut, ]\Is, Nov. 25, 1833,
M. 60. He studied divinity, but changed his vocation ; was tutor at Dart, from
1796 to 1797 ; was preceptor of the Academies at Atkinson some years, at
Chesterfield from 1805 to 1807, and at Bradford, Ms. His last residence was
at Pelliain ; and his life was lost by being thrown from a carriage when absent
from home. He was married. Aaron Hardy, D. C. 1794, was his brother.
* Daniel Merrill, A. M. the son of Thomas and Sarah (Friend) Merrill,
was born at Rowle}', Ms, Mar. 18, 1765, and died at Sedgwick, Me, June 3, 1833,
JE.. 68. He studied divinity; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Sedg-
wick, Sept. 17, 1793 ; dismissed May 15, 1805, having joined the Ba[)tists ; was
re-baptized by them and re-ordained pastor of a new ch. of that order in Sedg-
wick, May 15, 1805 ; dismissed in 1814 ; installed at Nottingham West, and
Hudson, serving from 1814 to Oct. 1820 ; then resumed the jjastorate at Sedg-
wick, retaining it until death. His publications were, " Eight letters on Open
Communion;" "Twelve letters reviewing a work of the Rev. Samuel Austin,
D. D. on Baptism ;" " Letters on two discourses of the Rev. Dr Worcester ;"
"A letter to the Rev. Benjamin Wooster ; " ''Mode and Subjects of Baptism
with its miniature history;" *' The Gospel Church;" "Balaam disappointed;"
a Thanksgiving sermon and several other discourses. He married, 1. Joanna
Colby of Sandown, Aug. 14, 1793. 2. Susanna, dau. of John C Gale of Salis-
bury, Oct. 14, 1794. Jo,-eph Merrill, D. C. 1806, and Nathaniel Merrill, D.
C. i809, were his brothers.
* Abraham Moore, A. M. the son of Dea. John and ]\Iary (Cochran)
Moore, was born at Londondei-ry, Se|)t. 8, 1768, and died at Newbury, Ms,
June 24, 1801, iE. 32. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the 1st
52 ALUMNI 1789.
Cong. Cli. at Newbury, Mar. 23, 1790, dying in office. The Rev. Dr Popkin
says, " he was a man of genius as well as goodness. " He married Sarah, dan.
of Capt. Josiali Hook of Salisbury, Ms, May 10, 1796.
* MouLTOX MouEY, A. M. the son of Gen. Israel and Martha (Palmer)
Morey, was born at Hebron, Ct, July 4, 1765, and died at Fairlee, Yt, Feb. 7.
1854, M. 88. He read law and settled in prai^'tice at Fairlee. He married
Patty, dau. of Benjamin Fri*sell of Woodstock, Ct. at Fairlee, Nov. 10, 1793.
* JoxATHAX Nash, A. ]\I. tiie son of Dea. David and Elisal)t'th (Smith)
Nash, was born at South Hadley, Ms, Nov. 5, 1760, and died at Middlefield. Ms,
Sept. 3, 1834. m. 73. He studied divinity with the Rev. Joseph Blodgctt, D.
C. 1783, at Greenwich, Ms ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Middle-
field, Oct. 31, 1792 ; dismissed July 11, 1832. He married, 1. Eunice, dau. of
Edward Taylor of Westlield, Ms, Oct. 30, 1793. 2. Rebecca, dau. of Capt. Isaac
Clark and relict of Ali)heus Russell, June 22, 1803.
* RoswELL Olcott, A. M. the son of the Hon. Lt Gov. Peter and Sarah
(Mills) Olcott, was born at Bolton, Ct, or Norwich, A^t, Apr. 11, 1768, and died
at Broome, Can. Blast, .Tune 24, 1841, M. 73. He studied no profession ; re-
sided several years at Windsor, Vt ; was a General in the Yt militia ; removed
to Broome, and there ended his days after a long residence. He married Lydia,
dau. of the Rev. Nathaniel Sherman, at East Windsor, Ct, Oct. 10, 1790. Mills
Olcott, D. C. 1790, was his brother.
* Lathrop Rockwell, A. M. the son of Josiah and Lydia (Marsh) Rock-
^vell was born at Lebanon, Ct, and died at Lyme, Ct, Mar. 14, 1828. x.. 59.
He studied divinity, and was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Lyme, Jan.
15, 1794.
* Peter Philaxthrotos Roots, A. M. the son of the Rev. Benajah and
Elisabeth (Guarns(!y) Roots, was born in Simsbury, Ct, Mar. 27, 1765, and
died at ^Mendon, N. Y. Dec. 25, 1828, ^E. 63. He studied divinity with the
Rev. Ephraim .Judson of Taunton, Ms ; became a Baptist in principle, and was
ordained as such in Sept. 1793, being, after this, mostly an itinerant, traveling
for many years 3000 miles annually, [jreaching with great acceptance in 17
States and in Canada, and founding many Baptist churches. He married Sarah,
dau. of Jabez Keep of Winfield, N. Y. Jan. 2, 1797.
* Josiah Smith, A. M. was from Tinmouth, Vt, and died at Yergennes,
Vt, Dec. 8, 1810, je.. 45. He read law; began practice at Tinmouth, and con-
tinued it at Yergennes.
* John Warrixer Thompson, A. M. the son of Jonathan and Elisabeth
(Warriner) Thompson, was born at Brimfield, Ms, July 17, 1765. and died at
Savannah, Geo. Sept. 2, 1800, M. 35. He was a Lt in the 1st Reg. of U. S.
infantry, and did not marry.
* Ch.vrles Watrous. the son of Dr John and Jerusha Watrous, was born
at Colchester, Ct, Apr. 25, 1769, and died at Philadelphia, Pa in June 1798, m..
29. He studied medicine, and was a surgeon in Gen. Wayne's army ; had
visited Natchez, Miss, and was on his return to that place from Colchester with
the view of settling there, when found dead in his bed at a boarding house.
* Joel West, the son of Capt. Samuel and Sarah (Hunt) West, was born at
Lebanon, Ct, Mar. 12, 1766, and died at East Hampton, Ct, Oct. 26,1826,.^.
60. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at East Hampton
Soc. Chatham, Ct, Oct. 17, 1792, dying in office after 34 years service. He
married Betsey, dau. of the Rev. Thomas Brockway of Lebanon, Nov. 11, 1794.
* Jotiiam Wheelock, a. M. the son of Jonathan and Ann (Drury) Whee-
lock, was born at Shrewsbur}', Ms, Aug. 26, 1763, and died at Cavendish, Yt,
Apr. 27, 1831, jf.. 67. He studied no profession and became a farmer.
ALUMNI 1789. 53
* Samuel Sumner Wilde, A. M.-LL. D. the son of Daniel and Ann
(Sumner) Wilde, was born at Taunton, Ms, Feb. 5, 1771, and died at Boston,
Ms, June 22, 1855, M. 84. He read law with the Hon. David Leonard
Barnes of Taunton ; came to the bar in 1792 ; soon began practice at AVal-
doboroiigli. Me ; moved to Warren, Me, in 1794 ; thence to Hallowell, Me,
in 1799; represented Warren in the Mass. Leg. in 1798 and 1799 ; was an
elector of Pres. and Vice Pres. of the U. S. in 1800 and 1808; a member
of the Hartford Conv. in 1814 ; became Judge of tlie Sup. Jud. Court of
Mass. in 1815 ; removed to Newburyport, Ms, in 1820, Maine having been sep-
erated in 1819 ; thence to Boston in 1831 ; resigned the office of Judge in 1850,
after holding it with spotless reputation and distinguished ability for the long
pei-iod of thirty-five years. Bowd. Coll. conferred the LL. D. in 1817, Harv.
in 1841, and Dart, in 1849. He married Eunice, dau. of Gen. David Cobb of
Taunton, in June 1792.
* Titus Tiieodoke Barton, A. M. the son of David and Hannah (Dick-
inson) P>arton, was born at Graiiby, Ms, Feb. 17, 1766, and died on the banks
of the Ohio, near P^ord's ferry, Oct. 31, 1827, M. 61. He studied divinity with
the Ilev. Dr Charles Backus of Somers, Ct ; was ordained pastor of the Cong.
Ch. atTewksbury, Ms, Oct. 11, 1792; dismissed May 18,1803; installed at
Fitchburg, Ms, Apr. 12, 1804; dismissed Feb. 26, 1813 ; left Sept. 10, 1817 ;
arrived at Hilham, Tenn. Nov. 28, 1817 ; preached and practised physiek there
near 10 years ; left for Jacksonville, Illi. Oct. 11, 1827 ; but died suddenly on
the way in Illi. or Ky, after a useful and meritorious life. Several occasional
sermons were published bv him. He married Mrs Ruth, dau. of Dr Stephen
Huse and relict of the Rev. Jacob Wood, D. C. 1778, July 31, 1794.
* Stephen Burton, the son of Elisha and Susannah (Burton) Burton, was
born at Norwich, Vt, Dec. 25, 1769, and died at Onondaga, N. Y. Dec. 25,
1812, JE. 43. He did not study a profes.^ion ; was first a trader in Norwich,
and afterwards in various ])ursuits at Onondaiia.
* Timothy Call, A. M. the son of Moses and Mehitabel (Jackman) Call, was
born at Boscawen, Feb. 13, 1763, and was drowned in Lake Cham[)lain in July
1804, iE. 41. He read law; practised in Gihnanton, but left in 1801. His
repulation suffered from chai'ges connected with spurious money. He mari'ied
Cleveland of Ct.
* Uriel Chapin, the son of Elijah Chapin, was born at Belchertown, Ms,
about 1762, and died at Bath, N. Y. about 1810, m. 48. All else has escaped
* Elihu Dwight, a. M. the son of Justus and Sarah (Lamb) Dwight, was
born at Belchertown, Ms, Oct. 22, 1763. and died at South Hadley, IMs, June
1, 1854, JE. 90. He studied medicine with Dr Ebenezer Hunt of Northamp-
ton, Ms, from Dec. 11, 1790 ; began practice at So-uth Hadley and continued it
to 1834 with great reputation. Entire blindness befel him many years before
Lis decease. He married Lydia White at Springfield, Ms. Daniel Dwight, D.
C. 1797, was his brother.
* William Eaton, A. M. the son of Nathan and Sarah Eaton, was born at
Wood>tock, Ct, Feb. 23, 1764, and died at Brimfield, Ms, June 1, 1811, M. 47.
He was a soldier in the levolution. On gi-aduation, taught 1 or 2 years ; was
then a Capt. in the U. S. army live years from 1792 ; went as Consul to Tunis,
Africa, in 1798 ; returned in 1803; was made a Navy Agent in 1804, ami di-
54 ALUMNI 1790.
rected to take active measures against Tripoli ; went to Alexandria, Egypt, and
with the exiled Bashaw Ilamet Caiamelli, Capt. now Gen. Eaton raised a force
of oUO men ; began Lis march across the desert, 600 miles in extent, to Derne
jNIar. 6, 1805 ; arrived Mar. 25, and with an army increased to 2500 strong,
aid'.'d by 3 frigates, assaulted and took the strongly fortified town, and soon
after defeated the usur[)ing Basliaw in two battle?. Every thing was now ready
for an attack on the eapiial, Tripoli, when Tobias Lear, a government agent,
made a treaty, and endrd the war much to the chagrin of our heroick General,
wlio had been wounded at Derne.
Rt-tiirning home in Nov. 1805, he was urged by Aaron Burr to unite in his
well known conspiracy, but refused to join him. For his dauntless intrepidity,
Massachu^etts presented him with 10,000 acres of land. He married Eliza, the
relict of Gen. Timotliy Uanielson of Brimlield, at Union, Ct, Aug. 21, 1792.
* RiciiAUD Clair Everett, A. M. the son of Richard and Drusilla Shurt-
leff (Clair) Everett was born at Providence, R. I. Mar. 28, 1764. and died
at Lancaster, Mar. 22, 1815, ^. 51, minus 6 days. He read law, settling
in practice at Lanca>ter and there remaining. He married Persis Wilder of
Lancaster, Dec. 17, 1793.
* Halloway Fisn, A. M. the son of the Rev. Elisha and Hannah (Forbes)
Fish, was born at Upton, Ms, Aug. 2, 17G2, and died at Marlborough, Sept. 1,
1824, JE. 62. He studied divinity with his father and the Rev. Dr Nathaniel Em-
mons of Franklin, ]Ms ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Marlborough,
Sept. 25, 1793, and so continued 31 years to his death. He married Hannah,
dau. of Joseph Harrington of Westborough, Ms, Mar. 21, 1796.
* David Fohi5KS, the son of Robert and Mary (Graham) Forbes, was born in
Rutland, Ms, and died there. June 6, 1814, M. 52. He read law; began prac-
tice in Chesterfield in 1793; then removed to Keene, remaining there until
1812, when he returned to Rutland.
* Nathaniel Hall, A. M. the son of Dea. Willis and Ann (Cage) Hall, was
born at Upton, Ms, Apr. 9, 1764, and died at East Granville, N. Y. July 31,
1820, M. 56. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Nathaniel Emmons of
Franklin, INIs ; was ordained pastor of the Presb. Ch. at Granville, N. Y. Oct.
4, 1797, and so remained until a cancer closed his life. One sermon from his
pen was published. He married Hannah, dau. of Dea. Daniel Emer>on of
Hollis, Jan. 22, 1798.
* Pekli.y Howe, A. M. the son of Simon and Lydia (Baker) Howe, was
born at Marlljorough, Ms, Sept. 19, 1762, and died at Surry, Oct. 20, 1840, M.
78. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Surry,
Sept. 16, 17i)5, a position held to his last days, though embracing Uiiitarianism.
He married Zeruiah, dau. of INIoses Barnes of Marlborough. Dec. 9, 1795.
* Charles Inoalls, A. M. the son of James and INlary (Frye) Ligalls, was
born at Methuen, i\Is in 1763, and died at Albany, N. Y. Sept. 2, 1812, .-e. 49.
He was principal of the Wa.-hinglon Acad, at Salem, N. Y. from 1791 to 1800;
read law with the Hon. Anthony I. Blanchard ; was admitted to the bar Sept.
30, 1802 ; practised at Salem to 1804 ; then at Greenwich, N. Y. until dying
while attending court at Albany. He married Cynthia, dau. of Doct. Thomas
Russell, at Piermont in May 1794.
* William Jackson, A. M.-D. D. the son of Abraham and Eleanor (Bumpus)
Jackson, was born at Cornwall, Ct, Dec. 14, 1768, and died at Dorset, Vt, Oct.
15, 1842, .E. 73. He taught at Wethersfield, Ct ; then studied divinity with the
Rev. Dr Sanuiel Spring of Newbury port, Ms, and the Rev. Dr Nathaniel Em-
mons of Franklin, Ms ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Dorset and East
ALUMNI 1790. 55
Rupert, Sept. 27, 1796; sustaining the relation with great acceptance until his
light ceased to shine. Middlebury conferred the doctorate in 1839. He mar-
ried Susannah Cram of Brentwood Nov. 3, 1796.
* P^LNATHAN Keyes was bom, it is thought, at West Hartford, Ct, and died
at Fairport, N. Y. in 1853, je. about 83. He read law; was long prominent in
his profession at Burhngton, Vt ; represented it in the State Leg. in 1796, 1797
1799, 1800, and 1801 ; removed to Penfield, N. Y. about 1820 ; thence to Pen-
nington and Fairport. He married the dau. of Gen. John Fellows of Sheffield
* Nathan Lakeman was born at Exeter, and died at Beverly, Ms, in 1807,
M. 40. He studied medicine ; settled in practice at Hamilton in 1793 ; moved
to Gloucester in 1800; thence to Beverly. He married, 1. Elisabeth, dau. of
Peter Frye of Salem, Ms, in Jan. 179-4. 2. Mary Harding at Hamilton in
Mar. or Apr. 1801.
* Joseph Lamson, the son of Benjamin and Martha (Dennis) Lamson, was
born at Exeter, Jan 11, 1771, and died at Sebec, Me, Mar. 29, 1831, je. 60.
He read law ; abandoned it ; traveled 4 years for health ; then settled in
Wayne, Me, as a merchant ; represented it in the Mass. Legislature ; left in
about 20 years for Sebec, not far from 1815. He married, 1. Mary Sewall, dau.
of the Plon. Judge WiUiam Parker at Exeter in Oct. 1800. 2. Hannah Howe
at Wayne, Me, in Oct. 1820.
* Asa Lyon, the son of Jonathan and Rebecca (Maxley) Lyon, was born at
Pomfret, Ct, Dec. 31, 1763, and died at South Hero, Vt, Apr. 4, 1841, m. 77.
He studied divinity with the Rev. Charles Backus of Somers, Ct; was ordained
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Sunderland, Ms, Oct. 24, 1792 ; dismissed Sept. 23,
1793; installed at South Hero, Dec. 21, 1802; dismissed Mar. 15, 1840. His
whole ministry lasted near 48 years. He was in the Vt Leg. 13 years ; Chief
Justice of the Ct of Com. Pleas of Grand Isle Co. 9 years ; in the Vt Council in
1808 ; member of Cong, from 1815 to 1817. Eight discourses and speeches
were pubHshed by him. His reputation stood high in his [)rofession and in the
offices he held. Robert Burns, the poet, is said to have been his first cousin.
He married Esther, dau. of the Rev. Abel Newell of Charlotte, Vt, May 12
* IcHABOD Marshall was born in Hanover, and died at Norwalk, Huron Co.
Ohio, Mar. 4, 1849, je. 80. He studied no profession, but leaving college en-
gaged in trade at Norwich, Vt, for several years ; left there for Norwalk about
1817, where he was for a long time County Surveyor and Recorder. He did
not marry.
* Sajiuel Moody, A. M. the son of Paul and Mary (Jewett) Moody,
was born at Byfield, Ms, Feb. 3, 1765, and died at Hallowell, Me, Apr. 6, 1832,
M. 67. He went to Hallowell in 1796 ; was long a teacher in that town ; rep-
resented it also in the Leg. of Ms. He married Sally, dau. of Dr Enoch Saw-
yer, at Newbury, Ms, July 17, 1797. Nathan Moody, D. C. 1795, was his
* Simon Griffin Morrison. Of his origin and history nothing except a
classmate's belief that he died at Bermuda, W.-I. has been obtained. He was
first starred in the Triennial of 1795.
* Elisha Moseley, a. M. the son of Nathaniel and Sarah (Capen) Moseley,
was^born at Windham, Ct, Jan. 9, 1766, and died at New Gloucester, Me, Feb.
10, 1826, JE. 60. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
New Gloucester, Feb. 10, 1802, and so remained. He married Nancy Lob-
dell at Falmouth, Me, in Oct. 1812.
ALUMNI 1790.
* Jereaiiah Nelson, A. IM. the son of Solomon and Elisabeth (Miiihill)
NeljQii, was boi-n at Rowley, Ms, Sept. 14, 17G9, and died at Newburypurt, Ms,
Oct. 2, 1838, M. G9. He read law; settled first at Halloweli, I\Ie, and then at
NeAvbuiyport, where his profession was chan^^ed. He became an eminent mer-
chant, and was a memb. of Congress from 1805 to 1807, and 1815 to 1823. He
married Mary, dau. of John Balch of Newburyport, Apr. 11, 1831.
* ]MiLLS Olcott, a. M. the son of the Hon. Lt Gov. Peter and Sarah
(Mill-) Olcott, was born at Norwich, Vt, May 21, 1774, and died at Hanover,
July 11, 1845, iE. 71. He read law with the Hon. Stephen Jacob of Windsor,
Vt, and the Hon. Benjamin West of Cliarlestown ; settled in practice at Hano-
ver in 1800; was Treasurer of Dart, from 1816 to 1822; Trustee from 1821
to 1845; represented Hanover in the State Leg. sevei'al years; was in the
Harttbnl Convention ; also a Corporate Member of the Am. Board of Foreign
Missions, and a liberal contiibutor to benevolent objects. He married Sarah,
dau. of Col. Asa Porter of Haverhill, Dec. 15, 1800. Edward Rufus Olcott,
D. C. 1825, William Olcott, D. C. 1827, and Charles Henry Olcott, D. C. Med.
Class 1839, were his son-, and Roswell Olcott, D. C. 1789, was his brotiier.
* Stephen Patten, the son of Dea. Willis and Hannah (Sargent) Patten,
was born at Amesbury, Ms, May 15, 1765, and died at Portland, Me, Feb.
16, 1855, JE. 89. He went to Portland in 1790 and was a teaclier there to
1793 ; in that year, opened a Bookstore, the liisi in Me, and continued it many
years, enjoying respect and confidence. He married, 1. Susan, dau. of Thomas
Hopkins, both from Axminster, England, at Portland, Nov. 9, 1808. 2. Celia
(Thompson) Lowell, relict of Ca|)t. Daniel Lowell of Portland, Jan. 20, 1811.
* Zexas Payne, the son of Col. Elisha and Elisabeth (Spaulding) Payne, was
born in Canterbury, Ct, or Plainfield, Ct, Feb. 5, 17G7, and died at Buxton,
Me, Oct. 19, 1859, je. 92. He went to Buxton in 1798 ; taught there and in
its vicinity a long time; was then one of its traders for 6 years ; was also its
Po^tn)aster tor some time, and was h<'ld in high esteem, lie married Mary,
dau. of Abel Merrill of Buxton, May 26, 1805. Elisha Payne. D. C. 1784,
was his brother.
* Samuel Pouter, A. M. the son of Jabez and Ruth (Wadsworth) Porter,
was born at Braintree, (?) Ms, Apr. 10, 1763, and died at Dummerston, Vt, Feb.
28, 1810, JE. 46. He read law, and practised first in Wethersfield, Vt, and
afterwards in Dummerston. He married.
* Gideon Rvther, the son of David Ryther, was born at Bernardston, Ms,
Nov. 16, 1768, and died there, Sept. 13, 1839, jf.. 70. He studied medi-
cine with Dr Samuel Prentiss of Northfield, Ms, and Dr Polycarpus Cushman
of Bernard-ton ; began practice in the last town and pur.-ued it through life ;
represented B. in the Leg. in 1795 ; was its first Postma-ter, holding the office
till death. He married Sylvia Alexander of Northfield.
* Naphtali Shaw, A. M. the son of William and Hannah (West) Shaw,
was born at Bridgewater, Ms, June 20, 1764, and died at Bradford, Vt, Oot. 13,
1853, /E. 89. He was a Rev. soldier; on leaving college, taught at Easton,
Ms, and Boston, Ms; then studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Zedekiah Sanger
of Bridgewater ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Kensington, Jan. 30,
1793; dismissed from ill health Jan. 13, 1803; then bought a faiin in Brad-
ford, and lived thereon the rest of his days. He married Mary, dau. of
Dr John Staples Crafts of Bridgewater, June 10, 1798.
* Ethan Smith, the son of Dea. P^lijah and Sybil (Worthington) Smith,
was born at Belchertown. Ms, Dec. 19, 1762, and died at Boylston, Ms,
Aug. 29, 1849, JE. 86. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Eden Burroughs
ALUMNI 1790. 57
of Hanover and the Rev. Dr Asa Burton, D. C. 1777, of Thetford, Vt; was
ordained [lastor of the Cong. Ch. at Haverhill, Jan. 25, 1792 ; dismissed June
23, 1799; installed pastor at Hopkinton, Mar. 12, 1800; dismissed Dee. 16,
1817; had pastoral charge of the Presb. Ch. at Hebron, N. Y. in 1818; in-
stalled pastor at Poultney, Vt, Nov. 21, 1821 ; dismissed in Dec. 1826; in-
stalled pastor at Hanover, Ms, May 16, 1827 ; dismissed Jan. 12, 1832 ; was then
City Missionary at Boston, Ms, till old age suspended his labours. He pub-
lished, '' A view of the Hebrews ; " "A key to the Revelation ; " " Prophetick
Catechism ; " " A view of the Trinity ;" "A key to the figurative language of
the Prophecies ; " " INIeraoirs of I\Irs Abigail Bailey ; " " Four lectures on the
Subjects and Modes of Baptism," and 10 occasional discourses. He mar-
ried Bathsheba, dau. of the Rev. David Sanford of Medway, Ms, Feb. 4, 1793.
Lyndon Arnold Smith, D. C. 1817, was his son.
* Jacob Smith, A. M. the son of Col. Jonathan and Esther Smith, was born
at Lanesborough, Ms, Sept. 6, 1770, and died at Royalton, Vt, Sept. 22, 1814,
M. 44. He read law with the Hon. Stephen Jacob of Windsor, Vt ; began
practice at Royalton, and there closed a useful and honourable life. He mar-
ried, 1. Martha, dau. of the Rev. Bulkley Olcott of Charlestown, Jan. 6, 1796.
2. Dolly, dau. of Dea. Jonathan Arms of Deerfield, Ms, July 12, 1810.
* William Porter White, A. M. the son of Ebenezer and Abigail (Por-
ter) White, was born in Pittsfield, Ms, Oct. 10, 1769, and died at Buenos Ayres,
S. A. Jan. 4, 1842, je. 72. He became a merchant, and lived some time in
London, Eng. where he lost his wife, and after various changes eventually went
to liuenos Ayres, and there left this world after a long residence in business.
He married Elisabeth, dau. of the Rev. Thomas Allen of Pittsfield, in June
1795. Allen White, D. C. 1816, was his son.
* Ebenezer Adams, A. M. the son of Ephraim and Rebecca (Locke) Adams,
was born at New Ipswich, Oct. 2, 1765, and died at Hanover, Aug. 15, 1841,
M. 75. He was preceptor of Leicester Acad. Ms, from 1792 to 1806 ; then
went to teach at Portland, Me ; was next Prof, of Mathematicks in Phillips
Acad. Exeter ; afterwards Prof, of languages at Dart, from 1809 to 1810 ; was
transferred to Math, and Nat. Phil, in 1810, filling the office to 1833, and
retiring with great reputation. Many literary and scientifick Societies honoured
him with membership. He married, 1. Alice, dau. of Dr John Frink of Rut-
land, Ms. 2. Beulah, dau. of Dr Timothy Minot of Concord, Ms, May 17,
1807. John Frink Adams, D. C. 1817, and Ebenezer Adams, D. C. 1831,
were his sons.
* John Waldo Ames, the son of Thaddeus and Irene (Waldo) Ames, was
born at Orange, and graduated at the age of 36. He taught at Scaghticoke,
N. Y. and studied divinity at Schenectady, N. Y. with the Rev. Dr Romaine ;
was ordained an Evangelist in the Dutch Ref. Ch. and itinerated in N. Y. and
Pa. His friends heard from him last in Toronto, Canada.
* RuFUS Anderson, the son of James and Nancy (Woodbury) Anderson,
was born at Londonderry, Mar. 5, 1765, and died at Wenhani, Ms, Feb. 11,
1814, M. 48. He taught, an assistant, at Phillips Acad. Exeter in 1792; stud-
ied di^vinity with the Rev. Dr Joseph M'Keen, D. C. 1774, at Beverly, Ms ;
was ordained pastor of 2nd Cong. Ch. at North Yarmouth, Me, Oct. 22, 1794 ;
dismissed in Sept. 1804; installed pastor at Wenham, July 10, 1805 ; dismissed
from ill health in 1810. He married, 1. Hannah, dau. of Col. Isaac Parsons,
58 ALUMNI 1791.
at New Gloucester, ]\re, Sept. 8, 1795. 2. Elisabeth Lovett of Beverly, Ms,
May 27, 1804.
* Joseph ArPhinox, the son of Dea. Isaac and Mary (Adams) Appleton,
was born at New Ipswicli, June 25, 17(54, and died at Keene, Dec. 2, 1791,
JE. 27.
* Moses Appletox, A. M. brother of tlie above, was born at Ne\v Ipswich,
Mar. 17, 1773, and died at Waterville, Me, May 5, 1,849, je. 76. He studied
medicine witli Dr, afterwards. Gov. John Brooks of Medford, Ms ; settled in
practice at Waterville in 179G, continiiinj:; it until near the close of life. The
Mass. Med. Soc. gave him the degree of M. D. He married Ann Clark.
* Thomas Ashley, the son of Joseph and Zervia (Lyon) Ashley, was born
at Hampton, Ct, Oct. 25, 1765, and died at Mt Clemens, Mich. Oct. 8, 1822,
JE. 57, minus 17 daj'S. He lived some years at Killingly, Ct ; then went to the
West ; read law at Marietta, Ohio; began practice at Batavia, N. Y. but finally
settled in practice at IMt Clemens, where he took a high rank at the bar, and
became a Judge. He married, 1. Spencer of Killingly. 2. Cady. ■
* JoHX Baldwin', A. M. the son of the Rev. Moses Baldwin, was born
at Palmer, Ms, and died at Pawtucket, R. I. Oct. 26, 1826, je. 56. He read
law and lived first in Vt, and then in R. I. He married.
* Heman Ball, A. M. -D. D. was born at West Springfield, Ms, July 5,
1764, and died at Rutland, Vt, Dec. 17, 1821, je. 57. He studied divinity with
the Rev. Dr Joseph Lathrop of West Si)ringfi(dd ; was ordained pastor of the
Cong. Cli. at Rutland, Vt, and died in office. Union Coll. gave the doctorate in
1816. He did not marry.
* Nathax Bradstreet, a. M. the son of Nathaniel and Hannah (Ham-
mond) Bi-adstrcet, was born in that part of Ipswich, which is now Rowley,
Ms, in 1770, and died at Westford, Ms, June 29, 1827, je. 57. He studied
divinity; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Chester, Oct. 30, 1793;
dismissed Sept. 12, 1817. He married Phebe Dexter of Charle.-town, Ms, in
Aug. 1797.
* Calvix Chaddock, a. M. the son of Capt. Joseph and (Bruce)
Chaddock. was born at Brookfield, i\Is, in 1765, and died at Charlestown, Va,
June 8, 1 823, ^E. 58. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Nathaniel Em-
mons of Franklin, Ms ; was ordained over the 3d Cong. Ch. at Rochester, Ms,
Oct. 10, 1793; dismissed in 1805; installed pastor at Hanover, JMs, July 23,
1806; dismissed July 23,1818; in both Rochester and Hanover founded
an Acad, and taught in each while a pastor; went to Charlestown and there
preached and taught until dc^ath. He married jMelatiah, dau. of Ebenezer
Nye of Oakham, Ms, in 1792.
* Joel Chapix, the son of Shem and ]\Irs Anna (Clark) Chapin, was born at
Ludlow, :Ms, J.ni. 13, 1761, and died at Bainbridge, N. Y. Aug. 5, 1845, .e. 84.
He studied divinity; wa-; ordained jiastor of the Presb. Ch. at North Bain-
bridge in 1793 ; was dismissed, but still lived in that vicinity. He married
Eunice Lucretia, dau. of Dea. Edward Chapin of Chicopee, Ms.
* Dudley Chase, A. M. (he son of Dudley and Alice (Corbet) Chase,
was born at Cornish, Dec. 30, 1771, and died at Randolph, Vt, Feb. 23, 1846,
^E. 74. He read law with Judge Lot Hall of Westminster, Vt ; began practice
in Randolph and Avas there through life ; was in the Vt Leg. 9 years, bi'ing
Speaker of the House from 18U8 to 1812; in its constitutional conventions
of 1814 and 1822 ; a member of the U. S. Senate from 1813 to 1817 ; Chief
Justice of the Vt Supreme Court from 1817 to 1821. He married Olive
Brown of Norwich, Vt. Salmon Chase, D. C. 1785, Baruch Chase, D. C. 1786,
ALUMNI 1791. 59
Heber Chase, D. C. 1791, and Bishop Philander Chase, D. C. 1796, \vere
his brothers.
* Heber Chase, A. M. brother of the precedin^r, was born at Corni.-h, Sept.
2, 1770, and died at Demarara, S. A. in Sept. 1797, je. 27. He studied medi-
cine at Plarv. Med. CoU. graduating JM. B. in 1794.
* Timothy Claijk, A. M. was born in Wallingford, Vt, in Oct. 17G2, and
died at Le Roy, N. Y. Apr. 11, 1841, je. 78. He studied divinity; was oi--
dained pastor of the Cong. Cli. at Greenfield, Jan. 1, 1800 ; dismissed May 1,
1811 ; afterwards removed to the State of N. Y. He married Lucy, dau. of
the Hon. Francis Smith of Plainfield.
* John Coffik, A. M. the son of William and Susan (Haseltine) Coffin,
was born at Concord, Oct. 16, 1764, and died at N. Y. city, Dec. 27, 1852,
JE. 88. He taught there Avith distinction many years, and was a Col. in the
militia. He mari'ied Patience Adams of Mai'blcheafl, ftls.
* John Cook, A. M. the son of Ashbel and Rachi 1 (Rice) Cook, was born at
Wallingford, Ct, Mar. 13, 1765, and died at Rutland, Vt, Feb. 22, 1824, je. 58.
He read law with the Hon. Nathaniel Chipman of Rutland; began prnclice at
East Poultney, Vt, and alter that pursued it at Rutland. He married Sarah
Ann Clark of that town in JMar. 1802.
* Otis Crosby, the son of Dr Samuel and Azuba (Howe) Crosby, was born
at Shrewsbury, Ms, Jan. 15, 1766, and died at New Gloucester, Me, May 29,
1795, JE. 29. He studied divinity and was probably ordained an Evangelist.
* Timothy Allen Cusiiman, the son of Alerton and Harmony (Allen)
Cnshman, was born at Coventry, Ct, Dec. 8,1768, and died at the same in
1792, JE. 24. He did not marry.
* Silas Dixsjiore, A. M. the son of John and Martha (M'Keen) Din>more,
•was born at Windham in Sept. 1766, and died at Bellevue, Ky, June 17, 1847,
JE. 80. He taught at Atkinson Academy ; was a Purser in the U. S. navy some
time, and then Agent of the U. S. government, with the rank of Col. to the Cher-
okee and Choctaw Indians ; also Collector of the port of Mobile, Ahi. Jt was
to him, a man of great energy and integrity, that a Cabinet Secretary wrote in-
quiring, " ILiw far does the Tombigbee run up into the country?" His reply
was, " The river ran down and not up at all." This sarcasm from a Federalist
cost him his office. He married Mary, dau. of John Gordon at Ilampstead in
Aug. 1806.
* John Fiske, A. IM.-D. D. the son of Peter and Sar;di (Perry) Fiske, was
born at AVarwick, Ms, Oct. 26, 1770, and died at New Braintree, Ms, Mar. 15,
1855, JE. 84. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Joseph Lyman of Hat-
field, Ms ; was ordained an Evangelist at Iladley, Ms, May 6, 1794 ; installed
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at New Braintree, Oct. 26, 1796. an office well sustained
until his death. Amherst gave the doctorate in 1844. He married
Mellen of Mendon or Framingham, Ms.
* Samuel Fuller, A. IM. the son ofDea. Samuel and Zillah (Merrill) Fuller,
was born at West Stafford, Ct, Sept. 21, 1767, and died at Rensclaerville. N. Y.
Apr. 9, 1842, JE. 74. He taught at Sheffield, Ms, in 1791 ; studied divinity with
the Rev. Ephraim Judson of Sheffield from 1791 to Oct. 1792 ; was ordained
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Rensclaerville in 1793; dismissed in 1810 ; was or-
dained a deacon in the Prot. Epis. Ch. by the Right Rev. John Henry Ilobart,
Bishop of N. Y. in 1810 ; afterwards a Presbyter by the same ; became Rector of
Trinity Ch. Rensclaerville, in 1820, and so remained to the close of life ; during
this ]ieriod, established St. Paul's Ch. Durham, N. Y. and Christ Ch. Greenville,
N. Y. besides doing missionary work in 8 counties of the State. A Sermon en-
60 ALIBINI 1791.
titled, " Preaching the go.-pel a necessary means of salvation," was published
by him, lie raamed, 1. Kutli, dan. of Edward Pond of Woodbury, Ct, at W.
Nov. 11, 1792. 2. Flora, dau. of Col. Electus Backus of the U. S. army, at
Trinity Ch. Athens, N. Y. Sept. 28, 1815.
* Eliphalet Gillkt, a. ]\I.-D. D. was born at Colchester, Ct, Nov. 19,
17G8, and died at Hallowell, Me, Oct. 19, 1848, je. 80, minus 1 month. He
taujrht at "Wethersfield, Ct ; studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Samuel Spring
of Newburyport, Ms; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Hallowell, Aug.
12, 1795; dismissed Feb. 11, 1828 ; after this, confined himself to the agency
of the Me Missionary Society. He published 15 occasional sermons. Ver-
mont Univ. conferred the D. D. in 1824. He mai'ried Mary, dau. of the Rev.
John Gurley of Lebanon, Ct, at Augusta, Me, in June, 1805.
* Alli:x Gilmax, A. M. the son of John Ward and Hannah (Emery) Gil-
man, was born at Exeter, July 16, 1773, and died at Bangor, Me, Apr. 7, 184G,
JE. 72. He read law with Judge Oliver Peabody of Exeter ; began practice at
Gardiner, Me, in 179(3 ; moved to Hallowell, Me, in 1798 ; to Brewer, Me, in
1800; last to Bangor in 1801; was Reg. of Probate for Penobscot Co. from
181 G to 1820 ; first Mayor of Bangor from 1834 to 183G. He married, 1. Pa-
mela Augusta, dau. of Gen. Henry Dearborn, at Pittston, Me, in 1798. 2.
Eleanor, dau. of Col. John Brewer of Orrington, Me, at O. in Oct. 1806.
* Joseph Goffe, A. M. the son of Maj. John and Jemima (Holden) Goffe,
was born at Bedford, Aug. 6, 176G, and died at Millbury, Ms, Apr. 24, 1846,
M. 79. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Millbury,
Sept. 10, 1794 ; dismissed Sept. 8, 1830, after serving 36 years ; then lived some
years at Boston, Ms ; but returned to Millbury. He married Elisabeth Waters
of Sutton, Ms, Dec. 20,1796.
* RuFUS GitAVES, A. M. the son of Benjamin and Thankful, (Field) Graves,
was born at Sunderland, Ms, Sept. 27, 1758, and died at Portsmouth, Ohio,
Feb. 7, 1845, ^-:. 86. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Joseph Lyman
of Hatfield, Ms, and the Rev. Dr Nathaniel Emmons of Franklin, Ms ; but ill
health turned his pursuit to merchandize ; was next a Col. of the U. S. army in
1798 on a threatened war with France ; it not occurring, went on a farm
at Leverett, Ms, in 1800 ; lectured on Chemistry at Dart, from 1812 to 1815;
left Leverett for Amherst, Ms, in 1817 ; moved to Marietta, Ohio, in 1834, and
to Portsmouth in 1837. He was the architect of the first Conn, river bridge
between Hanover and Norwich, Vt. He married Experience Graves of Sun-
derland in Feb. 1795.
* William Gkeen was born at New London, Ct, and died there, Dec. 26,
1801, JE. 30. He studied divinity ; was ordained a deacon of the Protestant
Epis. Cii. by the Right Rev. Dr Samuel Seabury, Bishop of Conn. Oct. 18,
1793; officiated at Waterbury, Ct, in 1796 and 1797; after this, went South,
and returning became an instructor of youth.
* David Hale, A. M. the son of Moses Hale, was born at Rutland, Vt, and
died at Boston, Ms, Dec. 1, 1837, .ic. 72. He was a bookseller in Boston the
most of his life. He married Mary, dau. of Thomas Child of Portland, Me.
Thomas Child Hale, D. C. 1827, was his son.
* Samuel Hidden, A. M. the son of Price and Eunice (Hodgskin) Hidden,
was born at Rowley, Ms, Feb. 22, 17G0, and died at Tamworth, Feb. 13, 1837,
JE. 77, minus 9 days. He studied divinity with the Rev. Isaac Smith of Gil-
manton ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Tamworth, Sept. 12, 1792, and
died in office after a devoted and successful ministry of rising 44 years. He
married Elisabeth, dau. of William Price of Gilmanton, Nov. 29, 1792.
ALUMNI 1791. 61
* John Kelly, A. M. the son of John and Elisabeth (Hoyt) Kelly, was born
at Araesbury, Ms, Feb. 22, 17C3, and died at Harapstead, Nov. 23, 1848, m. 85.
He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Harapstead, Dec.
5, 1792 ; dismissed in 183G after a ministry of 43 years. He married Abigail,
dau. of Dea. John S. Dearborn of Chester, Aug. 8, 1793. Henry True Kelly,
D. C. 1819, was his son,
* Heuben Kidder, the son of Col. Reuben and Susanna (Burge) Kidder,
was born at New Ipswich, Apr. 3, 1768, and died at Corydon, Harrison Co. Ind.
in 1823, M. 55. He read law at Amherst; began practice at Waterville, Me,
in 1795 ; was afterwards at Augusta, Me; removed to Lawrenceburgh, Ind. and
thence to Corydon or else died there on a journey. He married Lois Crosby.
* Sheldon Logan was born at Washington, Ct, Mar. 19, 1770, and died at
Syracuse, N. Y. Sept. 29, 1801, je. 31. He was preceptor of Chesterfield Acad,
from 1794 to 1795 ; then studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Azel Backus of
Bethlehem, Ct ; after that, read law, settled in practice at Rome, N. Y. but
moved to Salina, N. Y. in 1800, as Superintendent of the salt works there.
* Thomas Odiokne, A. M. the son of Thomas and Joanna (Gilman) Odi-
orne, was born at Exeter, Apr. 26, 1769, and died at Maiden, Ms, May 18, 1851,
M. 82. He was a bookseller in Exeter till 1800 ; then in the dry goods trade in
Boston, Ms, to 1810 or 1811, when, removing to Maiden, was there an iron
manufacturer. A vol. of poems was published by him in early youth. He
married, 1. Mary Bartlett of Haverhill, Ms, Dec. 19, 1799. 2. Mary Hussey
of Nantucket, Ms, Apr. 1, 1810.
* John Park, A. M. the son of Andrew and Mary (Cochran) Park, was
born at Windliam, Jan. 7, 1775, and died at AVorcester, Ms, Mar. 2, 1852, ^e.
77. He was preceptor of Framingham Acad, in 1793 ; studied medicine ; was
assistant Surgeon to the British array under Gen. Maitland at Port an Prince,
St Domingo ; on his return, established the " Repertory," a Newspaper at
Newburyport, Ms, which was soon transferred to Boston, Ms, and edited by
him with distinguished ability for some years ; disposing of this, a Female
High School was opened by him in Boston, that gained great celebrity and
educated many accomplished women.
After this, Dr Park lived many years at Worcester, and was truly a gentle-
man of the old school, of a fine presence, and a genial spirit. He also ranked
very high for scholarly attainments and inflexible integrity. His large library
was a great source of gratification in his declining years, and when he died the
memory of his virtues was enshrined in the hearts of numerous friends, among
whom the writer of this brief notice was proud to be numbered. He married,
1. Lois, dau. of the Rev. Moses Adams of Acton, Ms. 2. Mrs Agnes Major,
June 25, 1814, at Framingham, an English lady.
* John Usher Parsons, A. M. the son of Thomas and INIary (Poor) Par-
sons, was born at Parsonsfield, Me, and died there, Oct. 13, 1825, M. 54. He
read law, but is believed to have been a merchant in that town the most of his
days. He married Susanna Savory of Newburyport, Ms, at Kennebunk, Me,
in Feb. 1804.
* Humphrey Clark Perley, A. M. the son. of Capt. William and Sarah
(Clark) Perley, was born at Boxford, Ms, Dec. 24, 17G1, and died at George-
town, Ms, May 9, 1838, je. 76. He taught in Rowley, Ms, some time ; studied
divinit^y with the Rev. Ebenezer Bradford of Rowley, and the Rev. Ebenezer
Dutch of Groveland, Ms ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Methuen,
Ms, Dec. 2, 1795 ; dismissed May, 24, 1815 ; lived in Salem, Ms, the next 3
years ; installed pastor of the 2ud Cong. Ch. at Beverly, Ms, Dec. 2, 1818 ;
02 ALUjMNI 1791.
dismissed June 13, 1821 ; then returned to S:\lem. but removed to Georgptown
in 3 years. Hi.-; publications were 3 sermons. He married Elisabeth, dau. of
David >AIiizhill of Rowley, at R. Nov. 30, 1797.
* Nathaniel Pehlky, A. M. the son of Natlianiel and Lois (Putnam)
Perley, was born at Boxford, INIs, Mar. 22, 1763, and died at Hallo well. Me,
July 25, 1824, je. G1. He read law and settled in Hallowell and there
practised. He married Mary, dau. of Richard Dummer of Byfield, Ms, in
* Bezaleel Pinneo, a. M. the son of James and Jerusha (Strong) Pinneo,
was born at Columbia, Ct, July 28, 1769, and died at Milford, Ct, Sept. 15,
1849, JE. 80. He was of Huguenot origin ; studied divinity with the Rev. John
Smalley, D. D. of New Britain, Ct ; was ordained pastor of tlie Cong. Ch. at
Milford, in Oct. 1796, and was thus through life, near 53 years. He was an
able divine and 716 were the communion fruits of his ministry. He married.
* .John Preston, the son of Dr John and Rebecca (Farrar) Pre.-ton, was
born at New Ipswich, Feb. 15, 1770, and died there, Oct. 23, 1828, JE. 58. He ■
studied with his father and Dr Edward Augustus Holyoke of Salem, Ms ;
settled permanently in practice at New Ipswich ; was also an apothecary and a
member of the N. H. Med. Society. He married Elisabeth, dau. of the Hon.
Ebenezer Champney, Jan. 21, 1798.
* Joseph Proctor, the son of Capt. Peter or else Josiah Proctor, was born
at Littleton, Ms, Feb. 11, 1766, and died at Athol, Ms, Aug. 6, 1822. je. 56.
He read law and practised at Athol without changing his abode. He married
Mary Humphrey, dau. of Capt. Jonathan Oreutt of Athol, Jan. 15, 1811.
* John Phillips Ripley, the son of Prof. Sylvanus, D. C 1771, and Abi-
gail (Wheelock) Ripley, and grandson of Pres. Eleaznr Wheelock, was born
at Hanover, and died at Philadelphia, Pa, Mar. 7, 1816, je. 41. He was
assistant teacher in Phillips Acad. Exeter, from 1791 to 1792. He read law
and practised in Philadelphia. Eleazar Wheelock Ripley, D. C. 1800, was his
* Daniel vShepard, the son of Jo-eph and Lydia (Peirce) Shepard, was
born at Plainfield. Ct, in 1771, and died at Aurora, N. Y. Sept. 22, 1819, je.
48. He read law with Joseph Thomas, a Quaker lawyer, at Philadelphia, Pa ;
was admitted to the bar in Apr. 1794; began practice at Aurora, May 24,
1794 ; was a master in Chancery from 1813 ; after a successful professional life,
death suddenly overtook him in the meridian of his days, bearing a high stand-
ing for integrity, benevolence, and hospitality. He married Electra, dau. of
Judah Williams of Williamstown, Ms, at Utica, N. Y. in 1800.
* Thomas Stearns Sparhaw'k, A. M. the son of the Rev. Ebenezer and
Abigail (Stearns) Sparhawk, was born at Templeton, Ms, May 18, 1770, and
died at Bucksport, I\Ie, June 4, 1807, je. 37. He read law with Silas Lee of
Wiscasset, Me, and practised at Bucksport from 1796. He married Mary, dau.
of Col. Aaron Kinsman of Hanover, at H. June 12, 1796.
* Silas Stickney, A. M. the son of William and Mary (Sawyer) Stickney,
was born at Bytield, Ms, in 1764, and died at Ciiarlestown, Ms, Oct. 14, 1847,
JE. 83. He taught some years at 13yfield; then about 1796 had a school in
Beverly, Ms, and removed thence after 1827 to Ciiarlestown. He married, 1.
Betsey Thorndike of Beverly in Oct. 1796. 2. Mrs Sarah Shattnck of Brad-
ford, Ms, and dau. of Josiah Locke of Woburn, Ms, at Charlestown in Nov.
* Serenus Swiet, a. i\I. the son of the Rev. Dr Job and Mary Ann
(Sedgwick) Swift, was born at Richmond, Ms, May 27, 1774, and died at
ALUMNI 1791. Co
Manchester, Vt, Mar. 31, 18G5, m. 90. He taught at Pittstown, N. Y. in 1791
and 1792 ; read hiw with Jndge Noah Smith at Bennington, Vt, and the Hon.
Thomas Rnggles Gold of Whitesborough, N. Y. opened an olhce in Manclie.-ter
in Feb. 1797, and there passed his long and useful life, tiie last survivor of his
class. He married Rachel, dau. of Major Edward Bulkley of Wetherstield, Ct,
Aug. 11, 1805. Samuel Swift, D. C. 1800, was his brotlier.
*JoHN AValbkidge, A.m. the son of Isaac and Hannah (Smith) Wal-
bridge, was from Lebanon. He studied medicine ; practised first in Maine,
and then emigrated to the western part of New York.
* Hugh Wallis, A. M. the son of James Wallis, was born at Coleraiu, Ms,
June 15, 1767, and died at Gates, N. Y. Sept. 7, 1848, je. 81. He studied
divinity; was ordained pastor of tiie Cong. Ch. at Bath, Me, Dec. 9, 1795;
dismissed July 15, 1800 ; installed pastor of the Presb. Ch. at Pompey, N. Y.
Jan. 5, 1803 ; dismissed Jan. 1, 1809 ; installed at Litchfield, N. Y. Dec. 5,
1809; dismissed Apr. 20, 1814; preached as stated supply at Pembroke,
Sheldon, and Alden, all in N. Y. state ; was then installed at Stockton, N. Y.
and lived the last 6 years of his life at Gates. He married, 1. Mary Duncan
of Coleraiu in 1798. 2. Susannah Upham in 1808. 3. Mrs Nabby Butterfield
in 1839.
* Skth Williston, a. M.-D. D. the son of Consider and Rhoda (King)
Williston, was born at SuiField, Ct, Apr. 4, 1770, and died at Guilford,
Chenango Co. N. Y. Mar. 2, 1851, m. 80. He taught at Windsor, Ct, 1 year
and at New London, Ct, 2 years ; studied divinity with the Rev. Charles
Backus at Soniers, Ct; was ordained an Evangelist at Avon, Ct, June 7, 1797 ;
installed pastor of the Presb. Ch. at Lisle, N. Y. Oct. 19, 1797; remained 10
or more years ; was installed pastor of the Presb. Ch. at Durham, N. Y. July
4, 1810; dismissed Dec. 22, 1828; after this, went into the missionary field.
He published 11 vols, the last of which, in 1848, was "The Millenium," also
11 pamphlets and six tracts. The year before his death, he visited his Alma
Mater, and preached in the College Church. His whole ministry was near 54
years in length and the entire record good. He married Mrs Sybil Dudley of
* Elijah Wollage, A. M. was born at Bernardston, Ms, in 1769, and
died at Starkey, Yates Co. N. Y. July 18, 1847, je. 78. He studied divinity ;
was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Guilford, Vt, Mar. 13, 1793 ; dismissed
Apr. 10, 1797; settled in Cambridge, Vt, and elsewhere from 1797 to 1811;
again preached at Guilford from 1811 to 1818; installed pastor of the Cong.
Ch. at Rockingham, Vt, in 1818 ; dismissed in 1821 ; was pastor of a church
at Pulteney, N. Y. about 7 years, and was then stated supply at Wheeler and
Starkey, N. Y. He married.
* Ebenezer Woodward, A. M. the son of Joseph Woodward, was born at
Canterbury, Ct, in 1762, and died at Concord, Ms, Dec. 11, 1820, m. 58. He
read law but did not practice ; lived several years on the College Plain at
Hanover. He married, 1. Delia, dau. of James Adams, at Lincoln, Ms, Feb.
26, 1795. 2. Mrs Persis Davis at Concord, Ms, Jan. 19, 1817.
*t[ESSE Appleton, a. IM.-D. D. the son of Francis and Elisabeth (Hub-
bard) Appleton, was born at New Ipswich, Nov. 17, 1772, and died at Bruns-
wick, Me, Nov. 12, 1819, je. 47, minus 5 days. He taught a few years at Leo-
minster, Ms, Dover, and Amherst ; studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Joseph
64 ALIBINI 1792.
Latlirop of West Springfield, Ms ; was ordained pn.«for of the Conjr. Cli. at
Hampton. Feb. 22, 171)7 ; dismissed Nov. 16, 1807 ; inducted Pres. of Bowdoin
Coll. ]>runs\vick, Dec. 23, 1807, and died in office, havnig filled it with the
highest honour and deserved success. As a scholar, divine, and Christian, his
eminence was unquestioned. He published many sermons and addresses, which,
with his lectures at Bowdoin, were issued from the press in 1807, In 2 vols
octavo. Both Dart, and Ilarv. conferred the Doctorate in 1810. He married
Elisabeth, dau. of the Hon. Robert Means of Amherst, Sept. 25, 1800. His
dau. Jane married Franklin Pierce, Pres. of the United States.
*JoKL Baker, A. M. was born at Conway, ]Ms, Mar. 7, 1768, and died at
Granville, ]\Is, Sept. 1, 1833, m. 65. lie studied divinity with the Rev. Dr
Jose[)h Lyman of Ilattield, iNIs ; was ordained pastor of the 2nd Cong. Ch. in
Granville. June 23, 1797, a position occupied until his decease, more than 35
years. He married.
* Benjamin' Brewster, the son of Gen. Ebenezer and Hannah (Avery)
Brewster, was born at Preston, Ct, Dec. 25, 1773, and died at Messina,
Sicily, (?) in 1801, ^. 27. He followed the seas in the capacity of a mate, and
was impressed by Hugh Pigot, Capt. of the Hermione frigate, July 4, 1 795.
He did not marry.
* Erasmus Butterfield, the son of Isaac and Hannah (Chamberlain)
Butterfield, was born at Westmoreland, Jan. 24, 1769, and died there, Dec. 27,
1828, JE. 59. He read law and practised in his native place. He married
Esther Sweetser of Marlborough.
* RuFUS CoWLES, the son of Oliver and Irene (Dickinson) Cowles, was born
at Amherst, Ms, Oct. 27, 1765, and died there, Nov. 22, 1837, ^e. 72. He
studied medicine; settled in practice at New Salem, Ms; removed about 1805
to Amherst ; afterwards became a merchant in the druggist line. He married,
1. Mary Putnam. 2. Sarah, dau. of Robert Benney and relict of Robert
Boltwood of Amherst.
* Samuel Crossett was born at Pelham. Sis. He studied medicine and
practised for a time in Pelham; was also principal of the Acad, at Jamaica,
L. I. in N. Y.
* Joseph Field, A. M. the son of Joseph and Ruth (Parker) Field, was
born at Sunderland, Ms, IMar. 6, 1772, and died at Charlemont, Ms, June 14,
1866, yE. 94. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Charles Backus of Somers,
Ct ; was ordained pastor of a Presb. or Cong. Ch. at Fairfield, Herkimer Co.
N. Y. Dec. 4, 1797; dismissed in 1799; installed pastor of the Cong. Ch.
at Charlemont, Dec. 4, 1799; dismissed July 10, 1823, having adopted the
Unitarian faitli ; afterwards supplied at times churches of that order; has rep-
resented Chailemont 7 years in the Leg. of Ms. He has published a vol. of
"Strictures on Daniel Merrill's Work on Baptism;" a voL of 12 sermons on
the " Divine 'Government ; " a " Treatise on the Trinity ; '" " Clerical Disci-
pline," and some occasional sermons. He married Sabra, dau. of the Rev.
John Emerson of Conway, Ms, Sept. 10, 1798.
* Samuel Bautlett Goodhue, the son of the Rev. Josiah and Elis.abetb
(Fletcher) Goodhue, was born at Putney, Yt, and died at Brattleborough, Vt,
Dec. 1, 1846, a:. 76. He read laAV ; began pi-actice in Putney; after some
years, had his office at Lyndon, Yt, until 1811, and then removed to Brattle-
borough. He did not marry.
* Calvin Ingalls, A. M. the son of .Joseph and Sarah (Abbot) lugalls,
Avas born at Pomfret, Ct, Nov. 22, 1760, and died at Staffijrd, Ct, Sept. 26,
1830, yE. 69. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
ALUMNI 1792. 65
West Stafforrl, Ct, in Deo. 1796 ; dismissed in Mar. 1803 ; was soon employed by
the Conn. INIiss. Society in Vt, N. Y. and Pa, but in time returned to Stafford,
officiating to 1816. He married the dau. of the Rev. Ezra Horton of Union, Ct.
*JoHN Jackson was born at Petei-sham, Ms, July 16, 1771, and died at
Broome, Can. East, Mar. 18, 1844, ^e. 72. He studied divinity with the Rev.
Joel Foster, D. C. 1777, at New Salem, Ms, and the Rev. Judah Nash of Mon-
tague, Ms; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Gill, Ms, Jan. 10, 1798 ;
dismissed Oct. 10, 1801 ; then went to Canada ; was a missionary at Stukely,
Can. East, from 1801 to 1815; removed thence to Broome, where he was a
magistrate from 1830 to his decease. He married Rebecca, dau. of Josiah
Rogers of Petersham, Feb. 27, 1798.
* Gkorge Whitefield Kirkland, a. M. the son of the Rev. Samuel and
Jerusha (Bingham) Kirkland, was born at Little Falls, now Herkimer, N. Y.
Aug. 17, 1770, and died at Port au Prince, St Domingo, May 4, 1810, je. 39.
He was Col. of a Reg. in N. Y. state in 1795 ; was Brigade Inspector on
Gen. Hamilton's staff in the U. S. provisional army in 1798 ; was also a Col.
in Gen. Miranda's ill advised and ill fated expedition, and was dangerously
wounded in tiie thigh at Coro, Venezuela. Pres. John Thornton Kirkland of
Ilarv. Univ. was his twin brotiier.
* Michael Little, A. M. the son of Col. Josiah and Sarali (Toppan) Little,
was born at Newburyport, Ms, Mar. 14, 1771, and died there, Mar. 16, 1830,
JE. 59. He was a farmer and lived some years at Minot, Me. He married, 1.
Sally Stover of Newburyport, Oct, 19, 1800. 2. Elisabeth, dau. of Cajit.
Ebenezer Ricker of RoUinsfurd. Edward Little, D. C. 1797, was his brother.
* John Wentworth Murray, the son of the Rev. Dr John and Susannah
(Litligow) Murray, .was born at Bristol, (?) Me, and died at Noi-folk, Va, in
1798- He became a Sea Captain, and was on a voyage from home, Newbury-
port, Ms, at the time of his decease. He married Elisabeth Thomas of New-
buryport, Apr. 11, 1798.
* Ebenezer Porter, A. M.-D. D. the son of Thomas and Abigail (Howe)
Porter, was born at Cornwall, Ct, Oct. 5, 1772, and died at Andover, Ms, Apr.
8, 1834, JE. 61. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr John Smalley of New
Britain, Ct; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Wa>liington, Ct, Sept. 6,
1796; dismissed Dec. 18, 1811; inducted Prof, of Sac. Rher. at And. Theo.
Sem. A[»r. 1, 1812 ; declined to be Pres. of the Univ. of Vt in 1815 ; to be Prof,
of Divinity at Yale Coll. in 1817 ; to be Pres. of Hamilton Coll. N. Y. Middle-
bury Coll.'Vt, South Carolina Coll. S. C. and Dartmouth Coll. N. li. but he ac-
cepted the Presidency of And. Sem. in 1827. Dr Porter left the bulk of his
estate to the American Education Society. He was distinguished for liberality
and sound common sense, while the numerous overtures made him to preside
over literary institutions indicate the high opinion entertained of his meritorious
character and scholarship. Dait. gave him the Doctorate in 1814. His [)ub-
lications were, "Young Preacher's Manual;" ''Analysis of the principles of
Rhetorical Delivery;" ''Rhetorical Reader;" "Lectures on Revivals of Re-
ligion;" "Lectures on Homoleticks, Preaching and Publick Prayer;" with 16
occasional sermons. He married Lucy Pierce, dau. of the Rev. Noah Merwin
of Washington in May 1797.
* Erastus Saugeant, a. M. the son of Doct. Erastus and Elisabeth
(Partridge) Sargeant, was born at Stockbridge, Ms, Mar. 18, 1772, and died at
Lee, Ms, May 30, 1832, je. 60. He studied medicine and settled in practice at
Lee. lie was a married man. The celebrated missionary to the Indians, the
Rev. John Sargeant of Stockbridge, was his grandfather.
6 *
66 ALUMXI 1792.
* Joseph Sears, the son of Capt. "William and Elisabeth (Rohin=on) Sear?,
was born at Beverly, Ms, Mar. G, 1771, and died at Bridgton, Me, May 31,
1828, M. 57. He settled at Bridgton as a merehant.
* ZEPHANlAn Swift, A. M. the son of Chipman and Mary (Lane) Swift, was
born at Wilmington, Vt, Jan. 20, 1771, and diud at Derby. Ct, Feb. 7, 1848, M.
77. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Job Swift of Bennington, Vt ; was
ordained pastor of tlie Cong. Cli. at Koxbury, Ct, July 5, 1795 ; dismissed Apr.
1, 1812 ; installed at Derby, Ct, Nov. 17, 1813, and was thus to the close of life.
He married, 1. Sarah, dau. of Capt. Joseph Packard of Wilmington in June
1794. 2. Lydia, dau. of Dea. David Austin of New Haven, Ct, in May 1845.
* Samuel Temple, A. M. the son of Hananiah and Elisabeth (Learned)
Temple, was born at Fraraingham, Ms, in May 1770, and died at Milton, Ms,
in 181G, M. 45. He studied medicine and practised ; was afterwards an apothe-
cary in Boston, Ms. His publications were a " Primary Reading book and
Arithmetiek," and a " Concise introduction to practical Arithmetick." He
married Phebe Mason of Randolph, Ms.
* Alexander Thomas, A. M. was born at Orange, Ms, and died at Saratoga,
N. Y. July 2, 1809, m. 34. He was a Bookseller at Walpole, and proprietor of
a Newspaper called the " Farmer's INIuseum."
* William Thurstox, A. M. the son of Capt. James and Mary (.Jones)
Thurston, was born at Exeter, Sept. 29, 1772, and died at Naples, Italy, Aug.
25, 1822, JE. 49. He read law with the Hon. John Lowell of Bo-ton, Ms ;
began practice there and pur.-ued it until his voyage to Europe owing to ill
health. He married Elisabeth Peck of Boston, Scjjt. 18. 1798.
* Jonathan Ward, A. M. the son of the Rev. Nathan and Tamasin
(Ireland) Ward, was born at Plymouth, Aug. 24, 1769, and died at Brentwood,
Feb. 24, 1860, m. 90. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Nathaniel
Emmons of Franklin, Ms; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Alna, Me,
Sept. 28, 1796; dismissed July 6, 1818 ; supplied the church at Plymouth from
Aug. 1818 to Sept. 1829 ; then that at Brentwood for 3 or 4 years ; was next
a Home missionary at Thornton, Newcastle, and Nottingham until invalided by
advanced age at Brentwood. He married Philenia Gay Whitaker of Attle-
borough, Ms. Jonathan Ward, D. C. 1822, and James Wilson Ward, D. C
1826, were his sons.
* William Ward, A. M. the son of Elisha and Mary (Baldwin) Ward,
was born at Petersham, Ms, June 8, 1767, and died at Shutesbury, Ms, Dec. 10,
1827, JE. GO. He read law; began practice at Shutesbury and did not leave it.
He married Susanna Sanderson of Petersham in 1796.
* Samuel Warner, was born at New Marlborough, ^Is. and died at New
Haven, Ct, Sept. 11, 1796, je. 26. He studied medicine and did not marry.
* Silas Waterman, the son of Silas and Silence (Peck) Waterman, was
born at Lebanon in 1774, and died there, Dec. 11, 1853, m. 79. He read law
and settled in practice at St Albans, Vt ; but at length returned to Lebanon.
* John Webber, the son of John and Rachel (Harris) Webber, was born at
Byfield, iMs, May 5, 1762, and died at Carlisle, Warren Co. Ohio, Oct. 9, 1852,
JE. 90. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Sandown,
Mar. 24, 1795 ; dismissed Sept. 15, 1800 ; in.-talled pastor at Campton in Feb.
1812; dismissed Mar. 12, 1815; then emigrated to Porter, Didaware Co.
Ohio ; though not again settled, laboured much as a missionary. The Rev. Di'
Samuel Webber, Pres. of Harv. University, was his brother. He married.
* Joseph Woodbridge, the son of the Hon. Jahleel and Lucy (P^lwards)
Woodbridge, was born at Stoekbridge, Ms, July 22, 1771, and died there, Apr.
ALUMNI 1792. 67
23, 1829, JE. 57. He read law; practi:^ed in Stockbridge, and was long Cleik
of the county and other courts. He married Louii^a, dan. of" the Hon. Col.
Mark Hoi)kins of Great Barrington, Ms, May 20, 1800.
* William H. Woodward, A. M. the son of Prof. Bezaleel and Mary
(Wheelock) Woodward, and grandson of Pres. Eleazar Wheelock, was born at
Hanover, Sept. 17, 1774, and died there, Aug. 9, 1818, JE. 43. He read law ;
practised at Hanover ; was Treasurer of Dart. Coll. from 1805 to 1816 ;
also Chief Justice of the Court of Com. Pleas. He married Betsey, dau. of
Dr Benjamin Curtis of Boston, Ms, at B. July 29, 1802. William Gustavus
Woodward, D. C. 1828, and George Wheelock Woodward, D. C. 1831, were
his sons. George Woodward, D. C. 1793, James Wheelock AVoodward, D. C.
1798, and Henry Woodward, U. C. 1815, were his brothers.
* KiAH Bailey, A. M. the son of Charles and Abigail (Safford) Bailey,
was born at Brookfield, Ms, Mar. 11, 1770, and died at Hardwick, V"t, Aug. 17,
1857, iE. 87. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Nathaniel Emmons of
Franklin, Ms ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Newcastle, Me, Oct. 7,
1797 ; dismissed in 1823 ; supplied 2 yeai's and 6 months at Green.-Lorough,
Vt ; also 3 years and G months at Thornton ; then went to Hardwick in 1823,
spending the rest of his life on a farm and preaching occasionally. While in
Me, he represented Newcastle in the Mass. Leg. in 1819 and 1820, and ap-
pears to have been alive to every good word and work. His publications were
9 occasional sermons, with many tracts, besides leaving in manuscript a work
on Baptism. He.mai'ried Abigail, dau. of Hezekiah Goodhue of Newburyport,
Ms, at Harvard, Ms, in Sept. 1^794.
* Samuel Bell, A. M.-LL. D. the son of John and Mary Ann (Gilmoi'e)
Bell, was born in Londonderry, Feb. 9, 1770, and died at Cliester, Dec. 23,
1850, JE. 80. He read law with the Hon. Samuel Dana of Amherst; came to
the Hillsborough bar in 179G ; began practice in Francestown ; represented it
in the Leg. in 1804, 1805, and 1800, and was a Senator in 1807 and 1808, the
Speaker of the first and President of the last ; was in the Executive Council in
1809 ; a Judge of the State Sup. Court from 1816 to 1819 ; Gov. of the State
from 1819 to 1823 ; in the U. S. Senate from 1823 to 1835 ; then retired from
publick life loaded with deserved honours, as a jurist and statesman, to his farm
at Chester. Judge Bell was a Trustee of Dart, from 1808 to 1811, and as
Gov. from 1819 to 1823. Bowdoin Coll. conferred the LL. D. in 1821. He
married, 1. Mehitabel Bowen, dau. of Judge Samuel Danaof Amherst, Nov. 26,
1797. 2. Lucy, dau. of Jonathan Smitli of Amherst, July 4, 1828. George
Bell, D. C. 1851, and John Bell, D. C. 1852, were his sons.
* John Bellows, the son of Col. John and Rebecca (Hubbard) Bellows,
was born at W^alpole, Feb. 1, 1773, and died at St Thomas, W. 1. Aug. 14,
1797, M. 24. He read law, but ill health carried him abroad for his recovery,
though vain the effort. He did not marry.
* Benjamin Bissell, the son of Hezekiah and Phebe (Post) Bissell, was
born at Hebron, Ct, in 1772, and died there, Jmie 23, 1835, m. 63. He read
law with the Hon. Sylvester Gilbert, D. C. 1775, at Hebron; began practice
at St Johnsbury, Vt, in 1803 ; returned to Hebron in 1813, and there remained.
He Slurried Mary, dau. of Solomon Huntington of Hebron, Jan. 1, 1797.
* Asa Bullard, A. M. the son of Ebenezer BuUard, was born at New Ips-
wich, Apr. 18, 1765, and died at Mont Vernon, May 1, 1826, je. 61. He
68 ALUMNI 1793.
taught in the Franklin Scliool at Boston, Ms ; then studied medicine ; began
practiee in Boston and eoiitinued it for many years; Harv. gave him the degree
of M. D. in 1811, and he was a member of the Muss. Med 8oc. from 180G.
* David Hall Chask, the son of Gen. Jonathan and Sarah (Hall) Chase,
was born at Cornish, and died there, Aug. 18, 1794:, je. 20. He did not live
to study a jirofession and did not maiTy.
* Jonathan Davis, tlie son of Jonathan and Rebecca (Parker) Davis, was
born at Mansfield, Ct, Mar. 14, 17G3. He early removed to AVhitestown,
N. Y. and became a farmer. All else is unknown.
*CiiuiSTiAN De AVint, a. ]\I. was born at Santa Cruz, "W. I. and died
at Parsippany, N. J. Apr. 13, 1803, je. 32. He married the dau. of Dr John
Darbe of Parsippany.
* Edmund Eastman, the son of Benjamin and (Carter) Eastman,
was born at Concord in 1772, and died at Limeriek, Me, Dec. 9, 1812, je. 40.
He was a teacher in Concord ; then studied divinity ; was ordained first pastor
of the Cong. Ch. at Limerick, Nov. G, 1796, and death dissolved the relation.
He married Hannah Carter.
* Samuel Gerkisii, A. M. the son of Dea. Enoch and Mary (Pearson)
Gerrish, was born at I'oscawen in July 1773, and died at Sanbornton, Oct. 30,
1809, a:. 3G. He studied medicine with Dr Ebenezer Learned of lIo[ikinton
and Dr Edward Augustus llolyoke of Salem, Ms, and settled in practice at
* John Gove, the son of Dr Jonathan and Mary (Hubbard) Gove, was born
at Groton, Ms, Feb. 17, 1771, and died at Chilicothe, Ohio, in 1802. jV.. 31.
He read law with William Gordon of Amher.-t, and practised at Gottslown till
about 1800, when his removal to Ohio took place. He did not marry. Cliarles
Frederick Gove, D. C. 1817, was his half brother.
* Paul Grout, the son of the Hon. Jonathan and Sarah (Page) Grout, was
born at Petersham, Ms, Apr. 3, 1769, and died at Norfolk, Va, in Oct. 1802,
M. 33. He became a merchant and never married. Jonathan Grout, D. C.
1787, and George Grout, D. C. 1795, were his brothers.
* Jacob ]^)AKE11 Gurley, A. M. the son of Jacob liaker and Hannah
(Brigham) Gurley, was born at Mansfield, Ct, Aug. 2, 1771, and died at New
London, Ct, Sept. 24, 1856, JE. 85. He taught in New London; read law and
practi.-ed there ; was Slate's Atty and a Judge. He married Elisabeth, ilau. of
Dea. John Griswold of Lyme, Ct, INIar. 28, KS02.
* Ira Hall, the son ot Nathaniel and Meliitabel (Storrs) Hall, was born in
Lebanon, Dec. 20, 1772, and died at Granville, N. Y. Sept. 18, 1816, je. 43.
He studied medicine, and practised succes.-l'ully thiough life at Granville. He
married Rebecca, dau. of Peter Parker of Torriugton, Ct, Dec. 17, 1795.
* Martin Harman, the son of Daniel Ilarman, was born at Bennington, Vt,
and died at Vergennes, Vt, July 25, 1798, a:. 24. He read law, and settled in
practice at Vergennes.
* David Hkald, the son of Oliver and Lydia (Spaulding) Heald, was born
at Temple, Mar. 21, 1768, and died at AVashington, Jan. 2, 1841, je. 72. He
read law and practised permanently in Washington. He married Phebe
Burbank of that town in 1810,
* Asa M'Farland, A. M.-D. D. the son of James M'Farland, was born
at "Worcester, Ms, Apr. 19, 1769, and died at Concord, Feb. 18, 1827, je. 57.
He was Preceptor of i\Ioor's charity sch. from 1793 to 1795; tutor at Dart,
from 1795 to 1797 ; studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the 1st Cong. Ch.
at Concord, Mar. 7, 1798; dismissed July 1, 1824, owing to ill health ; was a
ALUMNI 1793. 69
Trustee of Dart, from 1809 to 1822. Yale Coll. gave the D. D. in 1812. lie
published 18 occasional sermons and left 2054 in the mannscript state. He
married, 1. Clarissa Dwight of Belchertown, Ms. 2. Nancy Dwight of Belcher-
town in 1801. 3. Elisabeth, dau. of Bartholomew Kneeland of Boston, Ms.
* William Mattocks, the son of the lion. Samuel and Sarah (Biirdell)
Mattocks, was born at Hartford, Ct, in May 1773, and died at Danville, Vt,
May 21, 1842, m. 69. He read law, practising many years at Danville. He
married Prudence Doming of Ct, Oct. 2, 1801.
* Joseph Moffat, the son of Dr Joseph MoflTat, was boi-n at Brimfield, Ms.
He read law, and is thought to have opened an office at Peachara, Vt ; if so,
removed thence to Danville, Vt, in 1802 ; was a druggist there and represented
it in the Vt Leg. in 1804; left for Brimfield in July 1807, whence he went to
Cazenovia, N. Y. where a niece, Mrs. Pringle, thinks death overtook him be-
tween 1820 and 1825.
* Henry Moor, A. M. the son of William and Martha (Mack) IMoor, was
born at Londonderry, and died there, Feb. 14, 1798, M. 34. He tauglit at
Groton, now Lawrence, Acad. Ms ; returned home and became a merchant.
He did not marry.
* Zepiianiah Swift Moore, A. M.-D. D. the son of Judah and Mary
(Swift) Moore, was born at Palmer, Ms, Nov. 20, 1770, and died at Amherst,
Ms, June 30, 1823, m. 52. He taught some time at Londonderry ; studied
divinity with the Rev. Dr Charles Backus of Somers, Ct ; was ordained pastor
of the Cong. Ch. at Leicester, Ms, June 10, 1798; dismissed Oct. 28, 1811;
was Prof, of Latin and Greek at Dart. Coll. from 1811 to 1815; Pres. of
Williams Coll. from 1815 to 1821 ; Pres. of Amherst Coll. from 1821 to 1823.
He was of a sound mind and meritorious character. Dart, conferred the
Doctorate in 1816. Four discourses from his pen were published. He
mariied Phebe, dau. of Thomas Drury of Ward, now Auburn, Ms, Jan. 10,
* Richard English New^comb, A. IM. the son of Ilezekiah and Lydia
(Hunt) Newcomb, was born at Lebanon, Ct, Oct. 31, 1770, and died at Green-
field, Ms, May 14, 1849, M. 78. He read law with William Coleman of
Greenfield, afterwards editor of the N. Y. city Evening Post ; settled in prac-
tice in that town and so remained ; was a Col, in the militia for 6 years ;
States Atty for Franklin Co. and also its Judge of Probate from 1821 to 1849,
28 years. The Judge was a man of a kind, generous, and hospitable nature^
impulsive but warm and true in his friendships. He married, 1. Phebe, dau. of
Nathaniel Cushman of Bernardston, in 1793. 2. IMary, dau. of Gen. Jose[)h
Warren of Bunker Hill renown, and relict of Samuel Lyman of Northampton,
Ms, at N. May 14, 1803. 3. Elisabeth (Woodbridge) the relict of Jonathan
Hunt of Northfield, Ms. One of his sons, Joseph Warren Newcomb, is the
only grandson of the revolutionary martyr.
* Mark Newman, A. M. the .-on of Samuel and Hannah (Haskell) Newman,
was born at Ipswich, Ms, Sept. 7, 1772, and died at Andover, Ms, June 15,
1859, JE. 86. He was an assistant teacher in Phillips Acad. Andover ; then
its Principal from 1795 to 1810 ; at that time, became a Bookseller in the town
and there sustained to a protracted period the universal esteem. He married,
1. Sally, dau. of William Phillips of Boston, Ms, Sept. 24, 1795. 2. Abigail
(Mafon) relict of Larkin Dodge, at Tamworth in Nov. 1814.
* Levi Notes was from Worcester, Ms, and died at Springfield, Tenn.
Jan. 12, 1810, m. 48. He read law and had his office there.
* Moses Paul Payson, A. M. the son of Moses Paul and Deborah (Gage)
70 ALUMNI 1793.
Parson, was born at Rowley, Ms, Dec. 9, 1770, and died at Bath, Oct. 30,
1828, JE. 57. He was Preceptor of the Acad, at Haverhill ; read law ; practised
many years at Bath ; was a member of the N. H. Leg. both House and Senate ;
Pres. of the last ; also of the Grafton Bank, and a Trustee of Dart, from 1817
to his decease. He married Hannah Perley of Haverhill, Ms. Moses Paul
Payson, D. C. 1829, was his son.
* Silas Paul, the son of Edward and Elisabeth (Sliort) Paul, was born at
Killingly, Ct. He read law and practised one or two years at Leominster, Ms;
then left in 1800, and is said to have gone first to N. H. and soon after to
Madison, N. Y. and to have died there.
* Jonathan Powers, the son of the Rev. Peter and Martha (Hale) Powers,
was born at Newbury, Vt, and died at Penobscot, Me, Nov. 8, 1807,^. 45. He
studied divinity, and was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Penobscot, Aug.
26, 1795, ending ministry and life together.
*EiJKNi:zKU Prick, A. INI. the son of William and Sarah (Giddings) Pi-ice,
was born at Newburyport, Ms, Sept. 14, 1771, and died at Boston, Ms, Feb. 19^
1804, JE. 92. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Elihu Thayer of Kingston
and the Rev. Samuel Hidden, D. C. 1791, at Tamworth ; was ordained pastor
of the 1st Cong. Ch. at Belfast, Me, Dec. 29, 179G ; dismissed Sept. 22, 1802;
installed at West Boscawen, now Webster, over the 2nd Cong. Ch. Sept. 26,
1804 ; dismissed May 10, 1837 ; lived there to 1859 ; then moved to Boston
and died at B. the last survivor of his class. The IIi>tory of Boscawen was
published by him. He married Lucy, dan. of Humphrey Earrar of Hanover,
at H. Jan. 20, 1799.
* William Riddel, A. M. the son of Hugh and Jane (Morris) Riddel, was
born at Colerain, Ms, Feb. 4, 1768, and died at South Deerfield, Ms, Oct.
24, 1849, JE. 81. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Asa Burton, D. C.
1777, of Thetford, Vt, and the Rev. Dr Nathaniel Emmons of Franklin, Ms ;
was ordained colleague pastor of the Rev. Alexander M'Lean, at the Cong. Ch.
at Bristol, Me, in June 1796 ; dismissed iu 1804 ; was next a missionary in N.
Y. 1 year; at Townsend, Vt. 2 years; then lived on his farm at Gill, Ms, from
1810 to 1815 ; installed at Whitingham, Vt, Sept. 27, 1815 ; dismis.-ed in Aug.
1817 ; afterwards resided at South Hadley. Bernard-ton, and South Dccrfield,
all in Ms. He married Lucy, dau. of the Rev. Dr Samuel Hopkins of Hadley,
Ms, Sept. 4, 1797.
* Nathan Rouinson, the son of Gov. Moses and Mary (Fay) Robinson,
was born at Bennington. Vt, I\Iar. 4, 1772, and died there, Sept. 27, 1812, al.
40. He read law ; settled in practice at Bennington, in 1797 ; represented it in
the Vt Leg. in 1803. He married Jerusha, dau. of John Stanifbrd of Windham,
Ct. John Stanitbrd Robinson, Gov. of Vt from 1853 to 1854, was his son.
* WauxI'.k Rogikus, a. M. He was born at the Inland of Santa Cruz. W.
I. His history is not known, except that he married Elisabeth Shaw or Shum
at or near Parsippau}-, N. J. He was first starred in the Triennial of 1816.
* Ehastus Root, A. M. the son of William and Zeruiah (Baldwin) Root, was
born at Hebron, Ct, Mar. 16, 1773, and died at New York city, Dec. 24, 1846,
^. 73, on his way to AVashington, D. C. He was first a teacher; tiien read
law with the Hon. Sylvester Gilbert, D. C. 1775, of Hebron; began practice at
Delhi, N. Y. but after many years moved to Otsego, N. Y. He was a member
of the N. Y. Assembly in 1798 ; of Congress from 1803 to 1811, and from 1812
to 1817 ; was chosen Lt Gov. of N. Y. in 1822 ; a member again of the As-
sembly from 1831 to 1833, and of the Senate from 1839 ; was also a ]\Iaj. Gen.
of the militia. His ttandiug as a politician was among the mo^t able and popu-
ALUMNI 1793. 71
lar, and his intellect oP a high older. lie married Eliza, dau. of C. W. Stockton
of Walton, N. Y. in Oct. 180G.
* Enos Smith, the son of Phineas and Elisabeth Smith, was born at South
Iladley, U<, Jan. 16, 1770, and died at Ashfield, Ms, Oct. 11, 1856, je. 80. He
taught at Conway, Ms, in 1793 ; studied medicine there with Dr Samuel Ware ;
began practice at Ashfield, but early went to study divinity with the Rev. Dr
Charles Backus of Somers, Ct, in 1800 ; ill health however forced him to re-
sume practice at Ashfield in 1801 ; removed to Granby, Ms, in 1824; returned
in 1828 ; represented Ashfield in the Mass. Leg. 20 years, and was in the Senate
of the same while living at Granby. He mariied, 1. Hannah W. dau. of Jona-
than Ware of Conway, at C. Jan. 25, 1797. 2. Hannah, dau. of Dr Fobes of
liawley, Ms, at H. in 1840.
* Oliver Stkarns Sparhawk, the son of the Hon. Thomas and Rebecca
(Stearns) Sparhawk, was born at Walpole, July 16, 1771, and died there, July
6, 1824, JE. 53, minus 10 days. He read law; settled in practice at AValpole
and Avas Clerk of the Courts many years. He married, 1. Hannah Stearns, dau.
of Aaron Whitney, Nov. 3, 1798. 2. Naomi, dau. of the Rev. Ebenezer Spar-
hawk of Templeton, Ms. Both wives were his cousins. John Stearns Spai'-
bawk, D. C. 1796, was his brother.
* Hiram Storrs, A. M. the son of Iluckins and Jerusha (Bicknell) Storrs,
was born in Lebanon, Aug. 21, 1769, and died at Milledgeville, Geo. in 1821,
JE. 52. He read law and practised there.
* Isaac Hall Tiffany, the son of Dr Gideon and Sarah Dean (Farrar)
Tiffany, was born at Keene, Oct. 6, 1778, and died at Fultonville, N. Y. Feb.
23, 1859, JE. 80. Some time after graduating under 15 years of age, he read
law with his brother, George Titiany, at Schoharie, N. Y. His first practice
was at Cobleskill and the next at Lawyers\ ille, both in the Co. of Schoharie ;
afterwards removed to Glen in the Co. of Montgomery, and finally to Fulton-
ville. At one tiaie, he was a Judge of the Court of Com. Pleas. He was
never married, and like most old bachelors was very eccentrick, though always
popular and well beloved. His studious habits never left him, and his literary
and scientifick attainments were extensive. His good humour and disposition to
entertain prevailed to the last, and on his dying bed led him many limes to re-
peat a favourite expression, " How plea^ing it is to please." George Tiffany
and Oliver Tiff^iny, both D. C. 1786, were Ins brothers.
* Isaiah Waters, the son of Ilezekiah and Mary (Bliss) Waters, was born
at Lebanon, and died at Wiliiamsburgh, N. Y. Dec. 23, 1851, je. 78. He
studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Chesterfield, Ms,
Nov. 22, 1796 ; dismissed Nov. 6, 1831, after, 35 years service. Fie married.
* Benjamin Wood, A. M. the son of Joseph and Ellen (Palmer) Wood,
was born at Lebanon, Sept. 15, 1772, and died at Upton, Ms, Apr. 24, 1849, je.
76. He studied divinity with his brother, the Rev. Dr Samuel AVood, D. C
1779, and the Rev. Dr Nathaniel Emmons of Franklin, Ms ; was ordained
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Upton, Ms, June 1, 1796, and died in office. He
married, 1. Betsey Dustin of Haverhill. 2. Almira Howe.
* Thaddeus Mead Wood, was born at Lenox, Ms, Mar. 9, 1772, and died
at Onondaga, N. Y. Jan. 10, 1836, ^e. 63. He read hnv with the Hon. Thomas
Ruggles Gold of Whitesborough, New York, and Joseph Kirkland ; opened an
olfice i\t Onondaga and there remained ; was a Lt Col. in the war with England
in 1812 ; a Brig. Gen. in the N. Y. militia in 1818, and Maj. Gen. in 1820.
He married.
* George Woodward, A. M. the son of Prof. Bezaleel and Mary (Whee-
look) TVoodwaril, and grancl.-on of Pre>. Eloazar "Wheelock, was born at Han-
over, Aug. 20, 1776, and died at Lowell, M#, Dee. 5, 1836, je. 60. He read
law ; settled in practice at Ilaverliill ; was several years Clerk of the Courts,
and also Treasurer of Dart, from 1803 to 1805 ; removed to Lowell about 1828.
He married, 1. Elisabeth, dan. of Capt. David Webster of Plvmouth. Oct. 20,
1808. 2. Lydia Webster, her sister, at Haverhill. Dec. 28, 1809. 3. Elisabeth,
dau. of William Leverett of Windsor, Vt, at W. in Jan. 1816. William H.
Woodward, D. C. 1793, James Wheelock Woodward, D. C. 1798, and Henry
Woodward, D. C. 1815, were his brothers.
* Andrew Aixsworth, the son of Capt. William and (Marcy) Ains-
worth, was born at Woodstock, Ct,Mar. 17, 1766, and died at Livingston Manor,
N. Y. in July 1796, je. 30. He purposed following the sea. He did not marry.
* Samuel Clessox Allex, A. M. the son of Dea. Zebulon and Freedom
Allen, was born at Bernard-ton. Ms, Jan. 5, 1772, and died at Xorthtield, Ms,
Feb. 8, 1842, a:. 70. He read divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch.
at Northtleld, Nov. 25, 1795 ; dismissed Jan. 30, 1798 ; now read law ; began
practice in Greenfield, but in time removed to Northfield ; was a member of
Congress from 1817 to 1829 ; also lecturer on Political Economy in Amherst
Coll. He married, 1. Sally, dau. of Ilezekiah Newcomb of Bernardston. Sept.
22, 1793. 2. Mary, dau. of Elisha Hunt of Northfield, Apr. 13, 1795. 3. Ro-
sina Ferry at Springfield, Ms, Aug. 11,1841. Joseph Priestly Allen, D. C.
1814, was his son.
* Charles Barrett, A. M. the son of Charles and Rebecca (Minot) Bar-
rett, was born at New Ipswich, Sept. 17, 1773, and died there, Sept. 3, 1836,
M. 63, minus 1 4 days. He became a merchant in Boston, Ms, and afterwards
in New I|)swirh. He was a great business man, full of energy and spotless
probitv. He married Martha, dau. of Capt. Jonas Minot of Concord, Ms, Oct.
15, 1799.
* Nicholas Baylies, the son of Dea. Nicholas Baylies, was born at Ux-
bridge, Ms, and died at Lyndon, Vt, Aug. 17, 1847, je. 75. He read law with
the Hon. Charles ]\Iarsh, D. C. 1786, at Woodstock, Vt ; began practice there;
removed to ]\Iont[)e]ier in 1810 ; thence to Lyndon in 1836 ; was a Judge of the
Sup. Court of the State in 1831, 1833, and 1834. His publications were, "A
digested Index to the Modern Reports of the Courts of Common Law in England
and the U. S." in 3 vols, 1814, and " An E)ssay concerning the Free agency of
man, or the powers and faculties of the human mind, the decrees of God. moral
obligation, natural law, and morality." He married Mary, dau. of the Rev.
Prof. Sylvanus Ripley of Hanover, and granddaughter of Pres. Eleazar Whee-
* Bezaleel Bliss, was born in Lebanon, Ct, and died at Cincinnati, Ohio,
Sept. 29, 1832. He read law ; practised tliere and married.
* Jajies Buowx, the son of Shubael and Edith (Bradford) Brown, was
born at Canterbury, Ct, and died there. June 29, 1795, je. 25. Ebenezer
Brown, D. C. 1787, was his brother.
* Elijah Bkusii, the son of Cul. Nathaniel Brush, was born at Bennington,
Vt. His death has not been ascertained. He read law ; began practice at
Canterbury, Ct ; removed to Detroit, Mich. He was a Capt. in the U. S. army
in the war of 1812, and when D. was captured acted for Gen. William Hull in
surreuderiuir the sarrison to the English. He married.
ALUMNI 1794. 73
* Philip Carrigain, A. M. the son of Dr Philip and Elisabeth (Clougli) ^
Canigain, was born at Concord, Feb. 20, 1772, and died at tlie same, Mar. 1(5,
1842, iE. 70. He read law with the Hon. Arthur Livermore of Iloklerness ;
practised first at Concord, and afterwards at Epsom and Chichester, but finally
retui'iu^d to Concord; was N. H. Sec. of State 4 years, and also Clerk of the
Senate. He surveyed a great part of N. H. and published an excellent map of
the State. He did not marry.
* Nathaniel Cogsavell, A. M. the son of the Hon. Thomas and Ruth
(Badger) Cogswell, was born at Haverhill, Ms, Jan. 19, 1773, and died on the
Red River, Lou. or the part in Ark. in Aug. 1813, m. 40. He read law with
Ebenezer Smith of Durham; began practice at Gilmanton in 1805 ; removed his
office to Newburyport, Ms, in 1808 ; after this, joined the patriot army in Mex-
ico with the rank of General. Francis Cogswell, D. C. 1811, was his brother.
* John Conavay was born at Castleton, Vt, but the time of his death is not
known. He read law ; went, it is thought, to Tenn. and it is said became a
Methodist preacher.
* Noah Cush.aian, the sou of Noah and Mercy (Soule) Cushman, was born
at Middleborough, Ms, Apr. 4, 1773. He went soon after leaving Dart, to the
South, intending to teach and also to read law ; returned, out of health, in 3 or
A years ; in a short time, sailed as supercargo of a merchantman for the East
Indies, and, as nothing was heard from him or the ship, is supposed to have been
lost at sea. He did not marry, and was first starred in the Triennial of 1801.
Hercules Cushman, D. C. 1807, was his l)rother.
* William Dana, A. M. the son of William and Joanna (Sessions) Dana,
was born at Lebanon, and died at Berlin, Vt, Nov. 7, 1844, m. 72. He became
a farmer ; settled first in Lebanon, but removed to Berlin. He married Han-
nah IMarkham of Lebanon.
* Joshua Darling, A. M. the son of Timothy and Anna (Chase) Darling,
was born at Henniker, Jan. 13, 1775, and died there. May 16, 1842, m. 67.
He read law; settled in practice in Henniker ; was Judge of the Court of Com.
Pleas from 1816 to 1822. He married Maiy, dau. of Jonathan Proctor, Feb.
19, 1795.
* Eldad Dewey was born at Bennington, Vt, and died there, Nov. 2, 1839,
M. 64. He read law at Bennington where his office was opened, but, though a
good scholar, extreme diihdence operated against his having a large practice.
* Jacob Dunham, the son of Josiah and Experience (Williams) Dunham,
was born at Woodstock, Vt, Feb. 8, 1776, and died there, Nov. 17, 1794, x.. 18.
* Daniel Mkserve Durell, the son of Nicholas and Abigail (Meserve)
Durell, was boin at Lee, July 12, 1770, and died at Dover, Apr. 29, 1841, m.
70. He read law with Henry Melleu of Dover; began practice there in Aug.
1797 ; was a member of Cong, from 1807 to 1809 ; represented Dover in the
Leg. in 1816; was some time U. S. District Atty for his State, and Chief Jus-
tice of the Court of Com. Pleas from 1816 to 1821, and then resumed his legal
practice. He married Elisabeth, dau. of John Frost, at Dover, June 1, 1800.
* Paul P^ager, the son of Paul and Jenny (Forbes) Eager, was born at
Templeton, Ms, May 18, 1773, and died at Granville, Ohio, July 17, 1854, M.
81. He studied medicine with Dr Field of Oakham, Ms ; received his M. D.
from the Worcester Med. Society ; practised at Petersham, Ms, from June 1797
to IVIvar. 1798 ; at Swanton, Vt, from Apr. 1798 to Aug. 1800 ; at Westfoi'd, Vt,
from 1800 to Sept. A, 1817 ; removed to Granville, Feb. 22, 1818 ; practised
there to Aug. 1819 ; dealt aLo in goods and medicine 1 year, and then retired
74 ALUMNI 1794.
upoji a competency, ami lived honoured and beloved to advanced age. lie mar-
ried Eli?^abetl), dau. of Aino.> Paitrid.ire of We.-tfbrd in 1804.
* MosKS Eastman, A. M. the son of Edward and Anna (Judkins) Eastman,
was born at Salisbury, and died at Waltbam, M<, Apr. 19, 1848, iE. 78. He
read law with tlie Hon. Thomas W. Thompson of Concord ; practised in Salis-
bury ; was Postmaster there some time ; removed to Concord in 1820 ; was
Clerk of the Court of Com. Pleas of Hillsborough Co. and afterwards of Mer-
rimack Co. He married, 1. Susan, dau. of Dr Joseph Bartlett of Sali.-bury,
Oct. 12, 1800. 2. Eliza Sweelser in Dec. 1807. Joseph Bartlett Eastman,
D. C. 1821. was his son.
* Jesse Edsox. A. M. was born in Buckland, Ms, in 1773, and died at Hali-
fax, Vt, Dec. 14, 1805, jE. 32. He studied divinity with the Kev. Jolm P^iner-
son of Conway, Ms ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Halifax, Vt, Nov.
23, 1796.
* Pascal Paoli Exos, tlie son of Capt. Roger and Jeru^lia (Hayden) P]nos,
^. was born at Hartland, Vt, Feb. 19. 1770, and died in IlHnois, Apr. 28, 1832,
( .■ JE. 62. He read law"; pnictised in Hartland, Windsor, Xt, and Illinois.
* HuMi'HREY Fakrar, the son of Humphrey and Lucy (Farrar) Farrar, was
born at Lincoln, Ms, Sept. 1.5, 1773, and died in Hanover in July 1840. je. 66.
He read law and practised in N. H. Joseph Farrar of this class, George Far-
rar, D. C. 1800, and William Farrar, D. C. 1801, were his brothers.
* Joseph Farrar, brother of the preceding, was born at Lincoln, Ms, Feb.
24, 1775, and died in N. Y. city, Feb. 7, 1851, je. 76, minus 17 days. He read
law and practised first in Vt, and then in Wolfborough, finally removing to N.
Y. city. He married Mehitabel Dana.
* ASHBEL Fextox, the son of Maj. Elijah and Lois (Ilovey) Feiiton, was
born at Willington, Ct, Nov. 17, 1771. He was first starred in the Triennial of
* Gershom Galusiia, tlie son of Gov. Jonas and (Chittenden) Ga-
lusha, was born at Sliaftsbury, Vt, and died at Beach Grove, near Noilblk, Va,
about 1806, jv.. 33. He read law at Manchester, Vt, but early departed to the
South. He married a widow lady, whose name was Bn-h.
* William Adams Guiswold was born at New Marlborough, Ms, Sept.
15, 1775, and died at Burlington, Vt, Jan. 17, 1846, jf.. 70. He read law and
settled in practice at Danville, Vt ; but removed to Burlington after some years ;
was a Stale Coimcillor in 1833 and 1834; represented Burlington in the Vt
Leg. in 1841. He married, 1. Mary Follett. 2.
* Royal Gurley, the son of the Rev. Ebenezer, D. C. 1772, and Desire
(Dimmick) Gurley, was born at Mansfield, Ct, Aug. 13, 1775, and died at Port-
land, Me, in 1824, je. 48. He became a teacher, and in P. passed the prime of
liis life. He married Nancy, dau. of Capt. Samuel Hull of Derby, Ct, at New-
ton, Ms.
* Aaron Hardy, A. INI. the son of Daniel and Sarah (Greenough) Hardy,
was born at Bradford, Ms, and died at Charleston, S. C. Nov. 14, 1816, je. 41.
He was a merchant at lioston, Ms, and went to S. C. for his health. He mar-
ried, 1. Mehitabel, dau. of the Rev. Ebenezer Dutch of Bradford. 2. Harriet
Web>ter of Bradford in Dec. 1806. 3. Mary, dau. of Moses Atwood of Haver-
hill, Ms, in Oct. 1810. Daniel Hardy, D. CC 1789, was his brother.
* Joseph Harvey, A. INL died at Lawrenceburgh, Ind. in 1827, je. 60. He
read law and practised in N. H. before going West.
* Thomas Heald, A. M. the son of Col. Thomas and Sibyl Heald, was born
at New Ipswich, Mar. 31, 1768, and died at Blakely, Ala. in July 1821, ^. 53.
ALUMNI 1794. 75
He read law with Joriatlian Fay of Concord, Ms ; became a Lt in the U. S.
army in 1798 ; practised In's prot'es-ion at Waitsfield and INIontpelier, both in Vt ;
also at Concord; removed to Ahibama about 1818, and was there a Jud<;e ofthe
Sup. Court. He married Betsey, dan. ot" Jonathan Locke of Ashby, Ms, at A.
in D('c. 1800.
* James IIobart, A.M. the son of James and Hannah (Cummings) Hobart,
was born at Plymouth, Aug. 2, 17G6, and died at Berlin, Vt. July IG, 18G2, m.
96, minus 15 days. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Asa Burton, D. C.
1777, at Thetford, Vt; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Cii. at Berlin, Nov. 7,
1798 ; dismissed in Apr. 1829 ; but was ever after industriously employed in
missionary work, principally in N. H. towns, mitil he came to his end in a good
old age, venerated for his meritorious services and beloved for his Christian
virtues. He married Betsey, dau. of Zachariah Perrin of Berlin, in Aug. 1804.
Timothy Dwight Hobart, D. C. 1851, was his son.
* William Howe, A. M. the son of Dr Estes and Susanna (Dwight) Howe,
was born at Belchertown, Ms, Feb. 4, 1774, and died at Derby, Vt, Nov. 16,
1828, M. 54. He read hiw and went into practice at Derby ; represented it in
the Vt Leg. from 1813 to 1820 ; was Judge of Probate fur Orleans Co. from
1816 to 1825 and again in 1827. He married Annis Sophia Child of West
Boylston, Ms, Apr. 18, 1814. Estes Howe, D. C. 1801, was his brother.
* Jedkdiah Lane, the son of Jedediah and Phebe (Stephens) Lane, was
born at Salisbury, Ct, Dec. 10, 17G9, and died at Jericho, Vt, Feb. 2, 1849, iE.
79. He early went to that town ; began to read law, but infirm health drove
him into mercantile pursuits. Failing however in these, he resorted to success-
ful teaching for the rest of his life. He married Betsey Post in 1800.
* William Langdon, the son of Isaac Langdon, was born at Farmington,
Ct, Dec. 25, 1768, and died at Simsbury, Ct, in 1817, M. 48. He was a trader
in Rowe, Ms, from 1794 to 1806 ; then taught two years at Baltimore, Mary-
land ; was next at Slatersville, R. I. a book keeper in Slater's factory ; returned
to Rowe in 1813, devoting himself to teaching and farming ; afterwards engaged
in a school at Fort Edward, N. Y. but here, what were pi-emonitions before be-
came confirmed insanity.
In this condition, wandering off in the winter to Litchfield Co. Ct, a melan-
choly fate befell him. On Feb. 4, 1816, his feet being badly lacerated in walk-
ing through snow and ice, he took a horse from a shed and rode him 10 or 12
miles. He was pursued, arrested, and tried in the Sup. Court which began two
days after on Feb. 6, 1816. And here, a perfect stranger, without counsel and
demented, he was found guilty and sentenced to the State prison for 3 years.
In that horrid mine, sixty feet in deptli, p6or Mr Langdon was rendered fran-
tick and died a maniack. His mental malady was now proved beyond a doubt,
and the precipitate action of the Court and jury fully established. As was riglit-
ly written by Deacon John Thomas of Williamstown, Ms, who knew the vic-
tim well, " I have always considered the sentence passed on Mr Langdon the
most cruel and unjust of any sentence passed by any court in this enlightened
country, and that no stigma ought to lie upon his character in consequence."
Mr Langdon married Sally Redfield some time previous to 1806.
* Jabez Munsell, a. M. was born in Franklin, Ct, in 1772, and died at
Norfolk, Va, Aug. 1, 1832, je. 60. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr
Charles Backus of Somers, Ct ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Gill,
Ms, May 26, 1802 ; dismissed JMay 28, 1805. He then itinerated in Ct, N. Y.
and Va, doing much good.
* Ralph Phelps, A. M. the son of Col. Alexander and Theodora (Whee-
76 ALUMNI 1794.
lock) Phelps, and grandson of Pre?. Eleazar TVIieeloclc, was bom at Hebron,
Ct. He read law, and practised, it is said, in Schoharie, N. Y. Tlie date of
his birth, with his death and other particulars, has not been obtained.
* William Pidgin, A. M. the son of David and Rhoda (Wadlei^h) Pidgin,
was born at Newburyport, M-. Mar. 4, 1772, and died at Portland, Me, Feb. 8,
1848, JE. 75. He studied divinity ; w;is ordainf^d pnstor of tlie Cong. Ch. at
Hampton, Jan. 27, 1796 ; dismissed in Jnly 1807 ; installed pastor of the 2nd
Cong. Ch. at Minot, Me, Feb. 27, 1811 ; dismissed Aug. 14, 1819. He mar-
ried, 1. Judith, dau. of Capt. Joseph Noyes of Newburyport, Ms, Mar. 5, 1796.
2. Mrs Hannah Austin of Buokficid, Me.
* Josia'ii RowKLL, A. M. the son of "William and Hannah (Morse) Rowel),
was born at Newton. Ms, ]May 15,1767, and died at Claremont, Nov. 14, 1842,
jE. 75. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Nathaniel Emmons of Franklin,
Ms ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Cornish. Sept. 24, 1800 ; dismissed
Apr. 1, 1828 ; lived there for a time, and then removed to Claremont. Two
or thr(>e funeral sermons of iiis were published. He married Hannah, dau. of
Dwight Chase of Cornish in Feb. 1801 or 3.
* Caleh Siiattuck, the son of John and Elisabeth Shattiick, was born at
Pepperell, Ms, Apr. 26, 1770, and died at Lebanon. N. Y. Oct. 24, 1811, je.
41. He studied medicine and settled in practice at Paxton, Ms, but died from
home. He married Martha Kelley of Rutland, Ms.
* Darius Siiaav, A. M. He taught in the Acad, at New Ipswich ; then a
school at Lexington, Ms; was after this a trader there; left it early in 1801 ;
was soon heard of from Baltimore, Md, and since that nothing more of him has
been known, not even the place or date of his death. He married Lucy, dau. of
Simon Winship of Lexington, at L. in July 1797.
* JoHX Sjiitii, a. M.-D. D. the son of Dea. Joseph and Eunice (Ba^com)
Smith, was born at Belchertown, Ms, Mar. 5, 1766, and died at Bangor, Me,
Apr. 14, 1831, JE. 65. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Nathani(d Em-
mons of Franklin, Ms ; was ordained pastor of the Con^-. Ch. at Salem, Jan. 2,
1797; dismissed Nov. 21, 1816; installed pastor at Wenham. Ms, Nov. 26,
1817; dismissed Sept. 8, 1819; was Prof, of Theology at Bangor Theo. Sem.
from Mar. 1820 to his decease. Dart, gave him the D. D. in 1828. His publi-
cations were a treatise on Infant Baptism, and six occasional discoui*ses. He
married Ilannali, dau. of Daniel Hardy of Bradford, Ms, in 1798.
* John Smith, A. M. was born at Palmer, Ms, Sept. 17, 1768, and died at
Haverhill, Oct. 29, 1858, je. 90. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of
the Cong. Ch. at Haverhill, Dec. 23, 1802; dismissed Jan. 14, 1807, and ceased
from the ministry but never left the town. He married Rebecca, dau. of Oliver
Smith of Iladley, Ms. Oliver Marsli Smith, D. C. 1830, and John Bolton
Smitli, D. C. 1836, were bis sons.
* Jamks Ti:mi'LK, A. INI. the son of Benjamin Temple, was born at Concord,
Ms, Sept. 20, 176G, and died at Cambridge, INIar. 7, 1803, je. 36. He taught the
Grammtir school at Concord in 1795 and 1796 ; read hiw with Jonathan Fay of
that town, and opened an office at Cambridgepoit. Ms. He did not marry.
* Lovi:ll Walkkr was born at Brookfield, Ms, Oct. 29, 1767, and died at
Leominster, Ms, Mar. 25, 1840, je. 72. He read law. and practised in Winehen-
don, Templeton, and Leominster, all in Ms ; was a Representative in the Leg.
of Ms ; also a Senator in 1830 and 1831. He married, 1. Elisabeth, dau. of
Dr Russell of Paxton, Ms, at Rutland, Ms, Dec. 26, 1804. 2. Lydia, dau. of
Joseph Loring of Hinghara, Ms, at Boston, Ms, July 2, 1828.
* Abijau "Wines, A. M. the son of Abijah and Deborah (Runnells) "Wines,
ALUMNI 1794. 77
was born at Southold, Long Island, N. Y. May 28, 17GG, and died at Charles-
town, M'S, Feb. 11, 1833, je. GC. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Na-
thaniel pjuinions of Franklin, Ms ; was ordained pastor of the Cono;. Ch. at New-
port, Jan. 5, 179G; dismissed Dec. 4, 181G; was next Pj'of. of Th(;ology in the
Me Charity Sch. at Hampden, since the Bangor Theo. Sem. from 1817 to 1819 ;
was tlien acting pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Deer Isle, Me, from 1819 to 1831.
His publications were, A treatise on the Nature of the Sinner's Inability to be-
come holy, and 5 occasional sermons. He married Ruth, dau. of the Hon. Ben-
jamin Giles of Newport, Apr. 27, 178G, 5 years before entering college.
* Jerkjiiah Hall Woodman, A. M. the son of the Rev. Joseph and Esther
(Whittemore) Hall Woodman, was born at Sanbornton, Apr. 1.5, 1775, and
died at Rochester, May 8, 1854, je. 79. He read law, and settled in practice
at Warner in 1800; afterwards at Mei'edith and Rochester, and represented
the last in the N. II. Leg. He married Sarah Chase at Portsmouth in Jan.
180G. Charles William Woodman, D. C. 1829, and Theodore Chase Wood-
man, D. C. 1835, were his sons. Charles Woodman, D. C. 1813, was his
* Sa:\iuel Alden, A. M. the son of Dea. Daniel and Jane (Turner) Alden,
•was bom at Stafford, Ct, and died at Hanover, Mar. 2, 1842, je. 74. He settled
as a trader on the College plain, Hanover, and lived an esteemed citizen. He
married, 1. Abigail, dan. of the Rev. John Willard of Stafford. 2. Mrs Sarah
(Pearson) Boardman at Lancaster in Aug. 1834.
* Heman Allen, LL. D. the son of Heber Allen, was born at Colchester,
Vt, in 1777, and died at Highgate, Vt, Apr. 9, 1852, je. 74. He read law;
began practice at Milton, Vt ; was High SheriflF of Chittenden Co. in 1808 and
1809 ; was Chief Justice of its county court from 1811 to 1814; represented
Milton in theVt Leg. from 1812 to 1817 ; was Member of Congress from 1817
to 1818; U. S. Marshal of Vt from 1818 to 1823; U. S. Minister to Chili,
S. A. from 1823 to 1828 ; then lived some years at Burlington, Vt, and event-
ually at Highgate. He married, 1. Elisabeth L. dau. of Elisha Hart of Ct,
at New Haven, Ct, in Oct. 1823. 2. Eliza Davis Fay, dau. of the Hon.
Samuel Phillips Prescott Fay of Cambridge, Ms, Mar. 5, 1844.
* Abijaii Bigelow, A. M. the son of Elisha and Sarah (Goodrich) Bigelow,
was born at Westminster, Ms, Dec. 5, 1775, and died at Worcester, Ms, Apr. 4,
18G0, JE. 84. He read law with the Hon. Samuel Dana of Groton, Ms, and
the Hon. Samuel Dexter of Boston, Ms ; opened an office at Leominster, Ms,
in 1798 ; removed to Worcester in 1817 ; was Clerk of the Courts in Worcester
Co. from 1817 to 1834; represented Leominster in the Mass. Leg. in 1807,
1808, and 1809 ; was a Member of Congress from 1810 to 1815. He married
Hannah, dau. of the Rev. Francis Gardner of Leominster, Apr. 8, 1804.
"The Sabbath," a poem in 2 parts was from his pen.
* Joseph Bridgman, A. M. the son of Joseph and Ruth (Wright) Bridg-
man, was born in Belchertown, IMs, and died there in Dec. 1836, je. 63. He
read law ; settled in practice in Belchertown and never removed. He married
Ruth Hawkes of Charlemont, Ms.
* ^Samuel Burnhaji, A. M. the son of Samuel and Mary (Perkins) Burn-
ham, was born in Essex, Ms, and died at Derry, Nov. 1, 1834, je. 67. He
married Mary Dalton of Derry. Abraham Burnham, D. C. 1804, John Burn-
ham, D. C. 1807, and Amos Wood Burnham, D. C. 1815, were his brothers.
78 ALUMNI 1795.
* Asa Carpenter, the son of Jonah and Zerviah (Whitmore) Carponter,
was bora at Ashford, Ct, Oct. 10, 1770, and dit-d at Penfield, N. Y. in Sept.
182.J, JE. 54. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Asa Burton, D. C. 1777,
at Tlietford, Vt ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Cli. at AVaterford, Vt, May
30, 1798 ; dismissed June 18, 1816 ; removed to Penfield and preaclied either
as pastor or stated supph'. He married Erepha Grow.
* Alpheus Cheney was born at Sturbridge, Ms; was a Lt in the U. S-
army in Pres. John Adams' time ; then went to sea ; returning, went to Painted
Post, Steuben Co. N. Y. and is said to liave died after some years residence.
He was first starred in the Triennial of 1810.
* Juu,vn Dana, A. M. th(^ son of Jolin Winchester and Hannah Pope (Put-
nam) Dana, and grandson of Gen. Israel Putnam, was born at Pomfret, Ct, Apr.
25, 177-2, and died at Fryeburg, Me, Dec. 27, 1845, je. 73. He taught Moor's
Ind. Char. Scho. from 1795 to 1796 ; read law with Benjamin Jost^ph Gilbert
of Hanover; began practice at Fryeburg in 1798; was Co. Atty from 1805 to
1811 ; Judge of Probate from 1805 to 1822; Judge of the Com. Pleas Ct from
1811 to 1823 ; in the Conv. that formed the Maine State Constitution in 1819 ;
in the State Executive Council in 1833; a U. S. Senator from 1836 to 1837.
He married, 1. Elisabeth, dau. of Prof. Sylvanus Riidey, D. C. 1771, and
grand-dau. of Pres. Elcazar Wheelock. 2. Mehitabel (Osgood) M'Millan, relict
of Gen. John M'MillaHi of Fryeburg.
* Samuel Fowler Dickinson, A. M. tlie son of Nathan and Esther
(Fowler) Dickinson, was born at Amherst, Ms, Oct. 9, 1775, and died at Hudson,
Ohio, Apr. 23, 1838, m. 62. He read law ; practised many years at Amherst ;
represented it in the Mass. Leg. 12 years ; was also in the State Senate ; removed
at length to Hudson. He married Lucretia Gunn of Montague, Ms, Mar. 21,
1802. Timothy Dickinson, D. C. 1785, was his brother.
*JoriN Eastjian, the son of Benjamin and Eunice (Day) Eastman, was
born at Granby, Ms, Dec. 23, 1766, and died at Fowlervill'e, N. Y. Dec. 12,
1834, JE. 68, minus 11 days. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the
churches in Norwich and Hanover, Chemung Co. N. Y. and remained 23 years;
removed to York, Livingston Co. N. Y. in 1834. He married Mary Hooker
of Litchfield, Herkimer Co. N. Y. and dau. of Joseph Hooker of Farmington,
Ct, Sept. 30, 1799. Joseph Addison Eastman, D. C. 1827, was his son.
* Nicholas Emery, A. M. the son of Noah and Jane (Hale) Emery, was
born at Exeter, Sept. 4, 1776, and died at Portland, Me, Aug. 24, 1861, m. 85,
minus 11 days. He taught in Phillips Acad. Exeter in 1797 ; read law with
the Hon. Edward St Loe Livermore of Portsmouth ; began practice at Parsons-
field, Me, in 1799 ; removed to Portland in 1807; was in the Conv. that Cornicd
the Maine State Constitution in 1819; rei)resented Portland in its Leg. in 1820,
1821, and 1822 ; was a Judge of the Sup. Jud. Ct of Me, from 1834 to 1841 ;
died greatly honoured and esteemed as a lawyer and a man. He married
Nancy Taylor, dau. of the Hon. Gov. John Taylor Oilman of Exeter, at E.
Nov. 12, 1807.
* Eli Emmons, the son of Robert Emmons was born at Amherst, Ms, INIar.
14, 1774, and died there, Apr. 1, 1837, .e. 03. He studied medicine with Dr
Elihu Dwight, D. C. 1790, of South Hadley, JMs, but an incurable disease
destroyed all his cherished prospects.
* David Everett, the son of David and Su>anna Everett, was born at
Princeton, Ms, Mar. 29, 1770, and died at Marietta, Ohio, Dec. 21, 1813, je.
43. He read law; began practice in Amherst in 1803; removed to Boston,
Ms, in 1807 ; became editor of the Boston Patriot in 1809 ; of the Pilot, a Clin-
ALUMNI 1795. 79
ton paper, in 1812; went to IMarietta, Ohio, in 1813. He had acknowledged
talent and poetick geniu:?, and before going to Dart, wrote for Eliphalet Farrar,
aged 7 years, the celebrated juvenile poem,
" You'd scarce expect one of my age
" To speak in publick on the stage."
His other publications were, Common Sense in Dishabille ; Duranzel or the
Persian Poet, a Tragedy ; an Essay on the Rights and Duties of Nations ;
three orations, and Junius Americanus in the Boston Gazette. He married
Dorothj% dau. of Dea. Isaac Appleton of New Ipswich Dec. 29, 1799, who sur-
vived him to Jan. 16, 1859.
* BoHAN Prentice Field, the son of Ebenezer and Eunice (Warren)
Field, was born at Northfield, Ms, Apr. 23, 1774, and died at Belfast, Me,
Mar. 13, 1843, m. 68. He read law with Judge Dana of Portsmouth; began
practice at North Yarmouth. ISIe, in 1798 ; opened an office at Belfast, Me, in
1800, being the first lawyer in the Co. of Waldo; was Chief Justice of its Court
of Sessions from 1827 until it was abolished, and then was Chairman of County
Commissioners, the substitute, for many years. Mr Field was a man of great
integrity. He married Abigail, dau. of Benjamin Davis of Billerica, Ms, Oct.
23, 1807. Warren Asa Field, D. C. 1808, was his brother.
* George Grout, the son of the Hon. Jonathan and Sarah (Pnge) Grout,
was born at Petersham, Ms, May 5, 1774, and died at North Carolina, Apr. 7,
1807, M. 32. He read law and is said to have been successful in practice.
Such was his sti-ength and agility, that, in wrestling, he threw in succession
seven brothers, powerful athletes, who had challenged the whole college to con-
tend with them. Jonathan Grout, D. C. 1787, and Paul Grout, D. C. 1793,
wei'e his brothers.
* Jonx Haskell, A. IM. His parentage and birth are deficient. He died
at Boston, Ms, May 6, 1819, m. b'2. He had taught in a Granunar School
there for 19 years. He married Susannah Brown, dau. of Jonas Prentice of
Cambridge, Ms, in Nov. 1805.
* Joshua Heywood, the son of Nathaniel and Sarah (Wyman) Hey wood,
was born in Woburn precinct, now Burlington, Ms, Aug. 2, 1761, and died at
Boston, Ms, Nov 11, 1814, m. 53. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr
Henry Curaings of Billerica, Ms ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Dunstable, Ms, June 5, 1799. He married Lydia French of Billerica at B.
in Nov. 1800.
* Luther Jewett, the son of Capt. Daniel and Zilpah (Hibbard) Jewett,
was born at Canterbury, Ct, Dec. 24, 1772, and died at St Johnsbury, Vt,
Mar. 8, 1860, je. 87. He studied medicine; practised first at Putney, Vt ;
moved to St Johnsbury in Mar. 1800 ; graduated M. B. at Dart. IMcd. Coll. in
1810 ; in time left the profession; studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the
Cong. Ch. at Newbury, Vt, Feb. 28, 1821; dismissed Feb. 19, 1828; before
entering the ministry, had been a member of Congress from 1815 to 1817.
He published " The Farmer's Herald " at St Johnsbury, 4 years from July 8,
1828 ; also 2 years of the time " Tlie Friend," a Freemason paper ; also a
Historical discourse delivered at St Johnsbury, Dec. 3, 1818. He married, 1.
Betsey, dau. of Ephraim Adams of New Ipswich and sister of Prof. Ebenezer
Adams, D. C. 1791, Feb. 7, 1799. 2. Nancy Chamberlain of Danville, Vt,
Aug. 6, 1818. Adams Jewett, D. C. 1827, was his son.
*^Natiian Moody, A. M. the son of Paul and Mary (Jewett) Moody, was
born at By field, Ms, Sept. 11, 1768, and died at Hallo well, Me, Apr. 2, 1846,
M. 77. His life was passed there chiefly as a merchant. He married, 1.
80 ALUMNI 1795.
Judith, tlau. of Joseph Wingate of Ilallowell, Sept. 15, 1805. 2. Su>:in, dnn.
of Xailiaiiiel Clarice of Plaistow, Jan. 13, 1823. Samuel Moody, D. C. 1790,
was his brother.
* John Notes, A. M. the son oflluinphrey and Betsey (Little) Noyes, was
born at Atkinson, Apr. 2, 1764, and died at Putney, Vt,'Oct. 26, 1841, je. 77.
He tauglit the Chesterfield Acad, from 1795 to 1797 ; was Tutor at Dart, from
1797 to 1799; studied divinity; was licensed to preach but never ordained;
taught some years at Brattleborougli, Vt ; was member of Congress from 1815
to 1817; his last residence was at Putney. He married Polly, dau. of Kuth-
ford Hayes of New Haven, Ct, in Sept. 1804. John TTumphrey Noyes, D. C.
1830, was his son.
* Nathan Parks, was from Lincoln, JNIs. He read law, and either prac-
tised or taught at Gloucester, Ms, or did both, from 1805 to 1813. He uiairied
Nancy Hawes of East Sudbury, Ms, at Cambridge, Ms, in June 1805.
*Benja:mix Fhanklix Piekck, the son of John and Lydia Pierce, was
born at Worcester, Ms, Dec. 3, 1774, and was drowned, while skating on Lake-
Champlain, at Burlington, Vt, Dec. 30, 1797, je. 23.
* JosiAH Prentice, A. M. tlie son of Nailianiel S. and Martha (Howard)
Prentice, was born at Grafton, Ms, Feb. 17, 1772, and died at Nortliwood, Oct.
29, 1855, JE. 83. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Nathaniel Emmons of
Franklin, Ms, and the Rev. Dr Asa Burton, D. C. 1777, of Thetford, Vt ; was
ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Nortliwood, May 29, 1799 ; dismissed Nov.
3, 1842, alter a successful service of 43 years. He married Nancy Wiggin of
Newmarket, Feb. 12, 1801.
* George Washington Prescott, A. M. the son of the Hon. Henry and
Mary (Newmarch) Prescott, was born at Newcastle, and died at Portsmouth,
Mar. 17, 1817, je. 42. He read law with the Hon. Theophilus Parsons of New-
buryport. JNI^ and the Hon. William Prescott of Boston, Ms ; practised first at
Haverhill, Ms, then at Portsmouth ; was a Capt. in the U. S. army at the battle
of Tippecanoe under Gen. William Henry Harrison, Nov. 7, 1811; Judge of
the Court of Com. Pleas of Rockingham Co. and after that, U. S. Di>t. Atty
for N. H. from 1814 to 1817. He' married, 1. Abigail, dau. of Col Peirsc
Long of Portsmouth. 2. JNIary Grafton at Boston, Ms, in Aug. 1804.
* Thomas Snell, D. D. the son of Ebenezer and Sarah (Packard) Snell,
was born at Cummington, Ms, Nov. 21, 1774, and died at North Brooktield,
Ms, May 4, 1862, a:. 87. He read divinity with the Rev. Dr Charles Backus
of Somers, Ct ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at North Brook field,
June 27, 1798, and so continued, 64 years nearly, until death closed his
honoured ministry. Amherst bestowed the D. D. in 1828. His publications
were 24 sermons and tracts. He married Tirzah, dau. of Judah Strong of Bol-
ton, Ct, Sept. 11, 1800.
* David Stours, A. M. the son of Aaron and Rebecca (Woodward) Storrs
was born at Hanover, Mar. 27, 1777, and died at Randolph, Vt, June 8, 1804,
M. 27. He read law, settled in practice at Randolph and there remained.
* Dudley Todd, A. IM. the son of Asa and Eliza (Tinkham) Todd, was
born at Rowley, JMs, in 1776, and died at Wayne, ^Me, ]May 28, 1835, .e. 59.
He read law ; practised first at Winthrop, Me, from 1798, next at Portland, Me,
from 1809, and last at Wayne. He married Mary Tinkham at Wiscassett, Me.
* John Vose, A. M. the son of Samuel and Pliebe (Vickerv) Vose, was
born at Bedford, July 10, 1766, and died at Atkinson, May 3,"l840, ^e. 73.
He was Preceptor of Atkinson Acad. 21 years and of Pembroke Acad. 11 years,
occupying both positions with distinguished ability and success ; returned to At-
ALUMNI 1795. 81
kinson in 18.31, and there breatlied liis last. lie was a Representative in the
State Leg. and also a Senator. His pnldications were ; a Phi Beta Kappa ora-
tion ; an Ajiricultural Address ; and 2 vols on Astronomj'. He married Lydia,
dau. of the Hon. Stephen Peabody Webster of Haverhill in 1800.
* Holland Wekks, A. M. the son of Ebenezer and Hannah (Moseley)
Weeks, was born at Bi'ookline, Ct, Apr. 29, 1708, and died at Henderson, N. Y.
July 24, 1843. je. 75. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Stephen West of
Stockbridge, Ms, and the Rev. Eplu-aim Judson of Sheifield, Ms ; was ordained
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Waterbury, Ct, Nov. 20, 1799; dismissed in Dec.
180G; installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Pittsford, Vt, Dee. 30, 1807; dis-
missed in 1815 ; installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Abington, Ms, Aug. 9, 1815 ;
dismissed, having embraced Swedenborgianism, Aug. 3, 1820 ; removed to Hen-
derson and for 22 years preached his new faith gratuitously. He married, 1.
Harriet B. Hopkins of Great Barrington, Ms, Dec. 10, 1799. 2. Mrs Delia,
relict of the Rev. William ^Graves of Woodstock, Ct, Oct. 15, 1815.
* Nathaniel Wells, A. M. the son of the Hon. Nathaniel and Abigail
(Winn) Wells, was born at Wells, Me, July 13, 1774, and died at Deerheld,
Dec. 31, 1858, je. 84. He taught 2 or 3 years chiefly at Kennebunk, Me : then
became a trader, but after some years, studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Moses
Hem men way of Wells. Me ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Deertield,
July 1, 1812 ; dismissed, after a well ordered and effective ministry of 29 years,
Sept. 1, 1841. Il6 married Eunice, dau. of Dr Ilemmenway, his Rev. instructor.
Moses Hemmenway Wells, D. C. 1839, was his son.
* Benjamin Ruggles Woodbridge, A. M. the son of John and INIary
(Whitney) Woodbridge, was born at South Hadley, Ms, Jiuie, 1, 1775, and died
there. May 15, 1845, je. 70, minus 17 days. He studied divinity ; was ordained
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Norwich, now Huntington, Ms, Oct. 17, 1799 ; dis-
missed June 28, 1831, after 31 years service ; then removed to South Hadley.
He never married.
* Samuel Worcester, A. M.-D. D. the son of Noah and Lydia (Taylor)
Worcester, was born at Hollis, Nov. 1, 1770, and died at Brainerd, Geo. June 7,
1821, JE. 50. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Samuel Austin of Worces-
ter, Ms ; then taught the New Ipswich Acad, a short time ; was ordained pas-
tor of the Cong. Ch. at Fitchburg, Ms, Sept. 27, 1797 ; dismissed Aug. 29, 1802 ;
installed pastor of the Tabernacle Ch. at Salem, Ms, Apr. 20, 1803, an office
held to his dying day. He was made Secretary of the Am. Board of Com. for
For. Missions in 1810, losing his life in visiting those among the Indians in
Georgia. Princeton conferred his Doctorate in 1811. His ])ubIications were,
Letters on Baptism ; Letters to the Rev. Dr Channing ; many Reviews and
Reports, and 26 occasional Sermons. A posthumous vol. of Sermons was also
published in 1823. Dr Worcester was justly regarded as one of the most prom-
inent, able, and devoted divines of his time. He married Zerviah, dau. of Dr
Jonathan Fox of Hollis in Oct. 1797. Jonathan Fox Worcester, D. C. 1827,
was his son.
179G. ■
* Isaac Adams, the son of Israel and Elisabeth (Searle) Adams, was born
at Ry)\vley, Ms, and died at Portland, Me, July 5, 1834, je. 60. He was for
some years in Portland, and represented it in the Mass. Legislature. He did
not marry.
* Foster Alexander, A. M. the son of Col. Reuben and Sarah (Foster)
82 ALUMNI 179G.
Alexander, was born at "Winchester, July 3, 177.5, and died there, Ang. 2, 1841,
M. GG. He read h\w and began practice in Winchester; removed his office to
Keene about 1809; returned to Winchester about 1828, and thei*e continued his
* JosiAH Batchelder, the son of Josiah and Hannah (Dodge) Batchelder,
was born at Heverly, Ms. Jan. 3, 177G, and died at Fahnoutli, Me, Feb". 5, 1857,
Ai. 81. He studied medicine in Harv. Med. ColL graduating M. B. in 1799 and
M. D. in 1811 ; was a practitioner in Boston, Ms, and Beverly; removed to
Falmouth about 1818, and there passed the residue of his life. He married
Sarah Fowler.
* Ebkxk.zer Green Bradford, the son of the Rev. Ebenezer and Elisabeth
(Green) Bradford, was born at Daubury, Ct, Feb. 19, 1777, and died at P(itts-
ville. Pa, May 17, 183G, vE. 59. He read law ; began practice at Easton, Pa;
afterwards removed to Pottsville. James Bradford, D. C. 1811, was his brother.
* William Bkadley, the son of Jabez and Chloi; (Lathrop) Bradley, was
born at Tolland, Ct, Apr. 10, 1772, and died at Flatbush, in Kingston, Ulster'
Co. N. Y. Oct. U, 1820, m. 48. He read law with Barnes' of Tolland
from 179G; began practice at Granby, Ct, Dec. 1797 ; pursued it at Sutfield,
Ct, from Nov. 1803 to Oct. 1807; was next at Hartford, Ct, till Apr. 1812;
then at Flatbush until made Judge of the Co. Court, an office held from Nov.
1814 to Nov. 1819, when illness caused him to resign. He married Mary, dau.
of Caleb Hyde, May 10, 1796.
* RiCHAUD BuRuouCxHS, the son of Edmund and Grizzelle (Hubbell) Bur-
roughs, was born at Stratford, Ct, Oct. 12, 1775, and died at or near Greenfield,
Green Co. Illi. Sept. 21, 1865, m. 89. He was some years a teacher; then
studied medicine ; settled first in Canada ; afterwards at Waltham, Vt ; repre-
sented it in the Leg. of Vt ; removed in his old age to the place of his decease.
He was a distinguished mathematician ; and the Author of a " Child's Gram-
mar," and a " Treatise on Trigonometry and Navigation," published in 1807,
and containing " A new method of working right and oblique angled plain
Trigonometry, Avithout the use of instruments or tables." He married Sarah,
dau. of Phineas Brown, at Waltham, Dec. 27, 1809.
* Abraham Butterfield, the son of Peter and Hannah (Buttrick) But-
terfield, was born at Townsend, Ms, Sept. 28, 17G9, and died at Bowdoinhara,
Me, Oct. 20, 1857, je. 88. He taught at Brookline, Ms ; was next a lumber
merchant at Cliarlestown, INIs, to 1808, and in the same business at Macbias,
Me, from 1808 to 1848 ; then removed to Bowdoinliam, and at his son's closed
an active and benevolent life. He was a Maj. in the Mass. militia ; represented
Machias iu the Mass. Leg. in 1811 ; also in that of Me in 1830. He married,
1. Mary Cordis of Concord, Ms, Oct. 8, 1800. 2. Jane, dau. of Caj.t. Robert
Patten of Topsham, ]\Ie, and relict of Capt. James Peterson of Brunswick, Me,
Feb. 11, 1806. 3. Jane Jameson of Topsham, Sept. 4, 1831.
* Philander Chase, D. D. the son of Dudley and Alice (Corbet) Chase,
was born at Cornish, Dec. 14, 1775, and died at Robin's Nest, Illi. Sept. 20,
1852, JE.. 76. He studied divinity with the Rev. Thoma> Ellison of Albany, N.
Y. was ordained a deacon of the Epis. Ch. by the Rt Rev. Bishop Samuel Pre-
vost, D. D. in N. Y. city, May 10, 1798, and a presbyter by the same in that
city, Nov. 10, 1799 ; was first a missionary in the state for several years ; be-
came Rector of Christ's Ch. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. resigning in 1805 ; went to
New Orleans, La, that year ; organized Christ's Ch. there, Nov. 16. 1805 ; was
elected its Rector, Dec. 11, 1805 ; resigned in 1811 ; was next Rector of Christ's
Ch. Hartford, Ct, in 1811; resigned in 1817; went then to Ohio ; organized
ALUMNI 1796. 83
many clnirches there, al^^o the Diocese itself Jan. 5, 1818 ; was elected its Bishop
June 3, 1818; consecrated to the office by the Rt Rev. William White, D. D.
presiding Bishop, at Philadelphia, Pa, Feb. 11, 1819 ; was the Founder and first
President of Kenyon Coll. at Gambler, Ohio, having visited England and ob-
tained there and at home large sums for its benefit ; resigned his bishoprick,
Sept. 9, 1831 ; then lived some years in Michigan ; was elected Bishop of' Illi-
nois, Mar. 9, 1835 ; took up his residence at Robin's Nest, Peoria Co. in that
state; founded Jubilee Coll. there in 1838, doing for it, as he had for Kenyon,
in both the U. S. and England. Columbia Coll. N. Y. city, gave him the D. D.
in 1819. His publications were; " Plea for the West ;" " Star in the West or
Kenyon College ;" "Defence of Kenyon College;" "Reminiscences, an Auto-
biography, " in 2 vols octavo.
Bishop Chase was one of the most remarkable men of his time, having great
energy and decision of character. With indomitable courage, he overcame all
obstacles to the accomplishment of his plans, and few have excelled him in be-
nevolent offices and heartfelt devotion to the interests of the Redeemer's kingdom.
In the main features of his life, we are forcibly reminded of the noble example of
Eleazar Wheelock, the Founder of Dartmouth. He married, 1. Mary, dau. of
Daniel Fay, of Hardwick, Ms, at Bethel, Vt, in 1796. 2. Sophia May, dau. of
Duncan Ingi'aham of Philadelphia, July 4, 1819. Salmon Chase, D. C. 1785,
Baruch Chase, I). C. 1786, Dudley and Heber Chase, D. C. 1791, were his
*Abnek Cheney, the son of Ebenezer and Abigail (Thompson) Cheney,
was born at jAlilford, Ms, Nov. 10, 1765, and died at Charlestown, Nov. 11,
1797, JE. 32. He taught thei-e 1 year and passed away deeply lamented.
* Benja:mix CntrRCH, the son of Benjamin Church, was born in that part of
Dartmouth, Ms, which is now Fairhaven, in 1775, and died there, Feb. 4, 1809,
M. 33. He studied divinity, but ill health defeating his object, became a mer-
chant in Fairhaven ; hoping for recovery, went to Lisbon, Port, in 1806 ; returned
but little improved in 1807 ; represented Fairhaven in the Leg. of Ms, and was
a valued citizen, descended from Col. Benjamin Church, the celebrated warrior
against the Indians. He married Rebecca, dau. of the Hon. Lemuel Williams
of New Bedford, Sis, Oct. 28, 1798.
* Seth Currier, was born at Hopkinton, Dec. 8, 1765, and died at Bloom-
field, Me, Jan. 3, 1842, m. 76. He tauglit at Dresden, Me ; then became a
merchant at Canaan, Skowhegan, and Bloomfield, all in Me. He was also at
one time a Judge of the Court of Com. Pleas.
* Moses Dow, A. M. the son of John and Anna (Atwood) Dow, was born
at Atkinson, Feb. 4, 1771, and died at Plaistow, May 9, 1837, je. 66. He
taught the Acad, at Atkinson, 1 year ; then studied divinity ; was ordained pas-
tor of the 2nd Cong. Ch. at Beverly, Ms, Mar. 18, 1801 ; dismissed Apr. 1,
1813 ; installed at^York, Me, Nov. 9, 1815 ; dismissed Feb. 17, 1830 ; re-
moved thence to Plaistows but supplied the Hampton Falls Cong. Ch. 3 years
from 1830. He married Hannah, dau. of Eliphalet Knight of Atkinson, after-
wards of Hampstead, May 14, 1801.
* TiLTON Eastman, A. M. the son of Ebenezer and Mary (Dickinson) East-
man, was born at Amherst, Ms, Aug. 15, 1773, and died at Randolph, Vt, July
8, 1842, M. 68. He taught at Moor's Indian Char. Sch. in Hanover, from 1796
to 17^97 ; studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Randolph,
June 3, 1801 ; dismissed May 25, 1830, but still resided there. He married
Experience, dau. of Francis Smith of Plainfield, at P. Oct. 20, 1802. George
Burder Eastman, D. C. 1836, was his son, and Samuel Eastman, D. C. 1802, his
84 ALUMNI 1796.
* TnoMAS Green Fessendex, A. M. the son of tlie Rev. Thomas and
Elisabeth (Kendall) Fessenden, was born at Walpole, Apr. 22, 1771, and died
at Boston, Ms, Nov. 11, 1837, je. GG. He read law at Rutland, Vt ; went to Eng-
land in 1801, to introduce hydraulick machinery of his invention, but, failing in
the object, wrote "Terrible Tractoration, " a satirical poem of merit, ridicuHng
Perkins' Tractors ; returning home, published " Democracy Unveiled," also a
poem of the like cast against the democratick party ; then edited tbe " Weekly
Inspector" at N. Y. city 2 years; removed thence to Bellows Falls, Vt, about
181 G, editing there the " Reporter" and the "Vermont Intelligencer," be-
sides publishing " The Young Ladies Monitor," another poem ; left for Boston
in 1822, editing in that city with ability, the New England Farmer and Horti-
cultural Register. Mr Fessenden was accounted a man of genius and amiable
temi)eranient. He married Lydia Tuttle of Concord, Ms.
* Peter Lawrence Folsom, A. INI. the son of Peter and Betsey (Calef)
Folsom, was born at Gilmanton, Mar. 27, 1772, and died there, Oct. 1, 1842,
JE. 70. He taught at Fishkill, N. Y. 1 year ; was preceptor of Gilmanton Acad;
17'J7 to 180-1, and was then a merchant of that town. He married Mrs Mary
Lawrence of Fishkill, in Nov. 1797.
Peyton Randolph Freeman, A. M. the son of Col. Jonathan and Ruth
(Huntington) Freeman, was born at Hanover, Nov. 14, 1775. He taught the
Acad, at Amherst 1 year; read law with Benjamin Joseph Gilbert of Hanover ;
practised there a short time ; settled in Portsmouth about 1803, and is considered
to be a sound well read lawyer; was Clerk of the U. S. District Court from Mar.
18, 1817 to May 8, 1821.
* Walter Fullerton, whose original name was Walter Little, was born at
Peterborough, and died at Denton, Md, July 11, 1815, ^E. 41. He studied
divinity ; was ordained i)astor of the Cong. Ch. at Antrim, Sept. 3, 1800 ; dis-
missed Oct. 4, 1804 ; was then settled a few years at Hebron, N. Y. but appears
to have gone to Maryland. He married Mrs Martha Gregory of Milton, N. Y''.
dau. of Judge Thompson of Stilhvater, N. Y. at S. Oct. 9, 1806.
* Daniel Gilbert, A. M. the son of Col. Joseph and Hannah (Wheat) Gil-
bert, was born at North Brookfield, Ms, Sept. 7, 1773, and died there. Mar. 11,
1851, JE. 77. He read law with his brother, Benjamin Joseph Gilbert of Han-
over ; opened an oifice there, but soon removed it to North Brookfield. His
father distinguished himself at the battle of Bunker Hill. Mr Gilbert married
Mary, dau. of Capt. Joseph AYaters of Salem, Ms, at S. May 6, 1806.
* John Taylor Oilman, A. M. the son of Gov. John Taylor and Deborah
(Folsom) Gilman, was born at Exeter, Nov. 9, 1778, and died at Cluu'leston, S.
C. Feb. 21, 1808, je. 29. He was a merchant in Boston, Ms, who went South
for his health in vain, and was deeply lamented by numerous relatives and
friends. He did not marry.
* Samuel Hale, A. M. the son of Dr Samuel and Mindwell (Tillotson)
Hale, was born at Orford, Fel). 10, 1773, and died at Montgomi>ry, Ala. June
14, 1822, a:. 49. He was a West India trader in Boston, INIs, and lived some
time at Pepperell, i\ls, but eventually went to the South. He married Elisa-
beth Brown.
* William Niles, the son of the Hon. Nathaniel and Nancy (Lothrop)
Niles, was born on the Island of R. I. July 15, 1776, and died at P.rooklyn,
N. Y. Sept. 5, 1848, je. 72. He read law and Avent into practice at West
Fairlee, Vt, but after many years removed to Brooklyn. He married Relief,
dau. of Col. John Barron of Bradford, Vt. John Barron Niles, D. C. 1830,
William AVatson Niles, D. C. 1845, and Henry Thayer Niles, D. C. 1847, were
his sons, and William Watson Niles, D. C. 1820, was his half brother.
ALUMNI 1796. 85
* Nathan Notes, A. M. the son of Samuel and Eebecca (Wheeler) Noyes was
born at Newbury, Ms, Apr. 3, 1777, and died at Charlestown, Ms, Sept. 24,
1842, JE. 65. lie studied medicine at Dart. Med. Sch. graduating M. B. in 1799
and M. D. in 1812 ; lectured there on the Theory and Practice of Med. from
1813 to 1814. His permanent practice and residence were at Newburyport, Ms.
He married Sarah, dau. of the Hon. Nathaniel Niles of Thetford, Vt.
* Parickr Noyi-:s, A. M. the son of , the Rev. Nathaniel and Sarah (Noyes)
Noyes, was born in Southampton, Nov. 18, 1776, and died at Franklin, Aug.
18, 1852, M. 75. He taught in Dummer Acad. Byfield, Ms, 1 year ; read law
with the Hon. Tliomas W. Tiioinpson of Concord ; practised in AVaruer from
1801 to 1803 ; then removed to Franklin ; repn^sented that town in the N. H.
Leg. and was appointed a Judge of the N. FI. Sup. Court, but declined the
office. He married, 1. Eleanor Thompson of Newburyport, Ms, June 7, 1805.
2. Ann, dau. of Greenleaf Clark, also of Newburyport, Jan. 24, 1828.
* Th1':opiiilus Packard, A. M.-D. D. the son of Abel and Esther (Porter)
Packard, was born at North Bi'idgewater, Ms, Mar. 4, 1769, and died at Shel-
burne, Ms, Sept. 17, 1855, je. 86. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Asa Bur-
ton, D. C. 1777, of Thetford, Vt ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Shel-
burne, Ms, Feb. 20, 1799 ; died in office, fulfilling a ministry of 56 years ; thirty-
six students read theology with him. Dartmouth conferred the D. D. in 1824.
His publications were six occasional sermons and tlie life and death of Iiis son,
Isaac T. Packard. Shelburne sent him to the Mass. Leg. in 1829, 1830, and
1839. He married Mary, dau. of Dea. Isaac Terrill of Abington, Ms, Feb. 9,
* Proctor Pierce, A. M. the son of Abraham and Ruth (Paige) Pierce,
was born at New 'Salem, Ms, Mar. 20, 1768, and died at Boston,' Ms, Apr. 27,
1821, M. 53. He became a teacher at Greenfield, I^ynn, Cambridge, and Bos-
ton, all in Ms. He married Sukey, dau. of the Rev. Dr Roger Newton of
Greenfield, Ms, June 6, 1802. Warren Pierce, D. C. 1799, was his brother.
* Barrett Potter, the son of the Rev. Isaiah and Elisabeth (Barrett)
Potter, was born at Lebanon, May 8, 1777, and died at Portland, Me, Nov. 16,
1865, JE. 88. He read law with John Barrett of Northfield, Ms ; began pi-actice
in North Yarmouth, Me, in Nov. 1801 ; was at Gorham, Me, in Mar. 1805 ; re-
moved to Portland in June 1806; was elected to the Executive Council of
Mass. in 1819 ; was a member of the Senate of the new State of Maine from
May 1820 to Jan. 1822 ; Judge of Probate for Cumberland Co. Me, from 1822
to 1847. He married Ann Titcomb, dau. of the Hon. AVoodbury Storer of Port-
land iu July 1809. John Potter, D. C. 1806, was his lirother.
* Lincoln Ripley, the son of Noah and Lydia (Kent) Ripley, was born at
Woodstock, Ct, Sept. 17, 1761, and died at AA^aterford, Me, July 14, 1858, M.
96. He studied divinity; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at AA^aterford,
Oct. 2, 1799 ; dismissed Nov. 7, 1821 ; preached afterwards in some places in
the vicinity, but was not again settled. He married Phebe B. dau. of the Rev.
William Emerson of Concord, Ms, in Feb. 1800.
* John Stearns Sparhaavk, the son of the Hon. Thomas and Rebecca
(Stearns) Sparhawk, was born at AValpole, Aug. 21, 1778, and died at Ando-
ver, Ms, July 29, 1799, m. 20. He was studying medicine with the Hon.
Dr Thomas Kittridge of Andover. Oliver Stearns Sparhawk, D. C. 1793, was
his l^rother.
* Nathaniel Storrs, the son of Nathaniel and Ruth (Hall) Storrs, was bom
at Lebanon in 1774, and died at Boston, Ms, June 16, 1851, yE. 77. He studied
divinity and preached for a time ; then opened a private school in Boston, and
86 ALUMNI 1796.
was also a teacher in the North and Elliott schools there from 1818 many
years. He was never married.
* Benjamin Stoavkll, the son of Benjamin Stowell, was born at "Worcester,
Ms, Mar. 6, 1776, and died on a journey from Natchez, Miss, to "Worcester,
Apr. 22, 1834, je. 58. He was a merchant in business at Natchez.
* John Mokuis Tilt.otson, A. M. the son of Daniel and Mary (Sawyer)
Tillotson, was born at Orford, Ai)r. 29, 1772, and died at Northumberland, Auor,
23, 1822, JE. 50. He taught at Haverhill ; read law with Mr Sprague of that
town ; went into practice at Northumberland ; represented it one or more years
in the N. H. Leg. He married, 1. Mrs Betsey Cargill. 2. Eliza, dan. of Judge
Sabin of Guildhall, Vt.
* Caleb Tompson, the son of John and Abigail (Tompson) Tompson,
was born at Lyme, Apr. 21, 1776, and died at Sutfield, Ct, May 24, 1797, ^.
21. He taught there, and purposed the ministry.
* Henky True, the son of the Rev. Henry and Ruth (Ayer) True, was born
at Hampstead, May 20, 1770, and died at Augusta, Me, Apr. 17, 1857, je. 86.
He taught at Salisbury, also at Beverly and Tyngsborough, both in ]\Is, 5 or 6
years ; Then studied divinity with the Rev. Nathaniel Lawrence of Tyng.-borough
and the Rev. Dr Daniel Chaplin of Groton, Ms ; was ordained pastor of the
Cong. Ch. at Union, Me, Sept. 21, 1806 ; dismissed Oct. 25, 1820; was with-
out charge there until 1849 ; then went to Marion, Ohio ; returned and lived at
Augusta. He married Mary, dau. of Capt. Amos Barrett of Union, Aug. 2,
* Levi White, the son of Capt. John and Ruth (Thayer) White, was born
at Randolph, Vt, Mar. 4, 1771, and died at Gull Prairie, Mich. May 31.1836,
M. G5. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Asa Burton, D. C 1777, of Thet-
ford, Vt ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Sandisfield, Ms, June 28. 1798 ;
dismissed, INIar. 7, 1832 ; went thence to Gull Prairie and preached for some
* Tower Whiton, the son of Elijah Whiton, was born in Ashford, Ct, in
1770, and died at Groton, N. Y. in 1850, je. 80. He taught in R. I. and
studied medicine, practising at Willington, Ct, until his removal to Groton,
Tompkins Co. in 1808.
* Daniel Adams, A. M. the son of Daniel and Lucy (Taylor) Adams, was
born at Townsend, Ms, Sept. 29, 1773, and died at Keene, June 8, 1864, je.. 90.
He studied medicine with Dr Nathan Smith, Prof in Dart. Coll. Med. Sch.
graduating M. B. in 1799, and M. D. in 1822 ; began practice at Leominster,
Sis, editing also a paper called The Telescope; moved to Boston, Ms, in 1805 ;
taught there a select scliool for boys, and issued The Medical and Agricultural
Register, monthly, for 2 years ; moved to IMount Vernon in 1813, resuming
practice and farming; left for Keene in 1846, and there, leaving his profession,
lived to the close of a long, useful, and highly honoured life. He represented
Mount Vernon in the N. H. Leg. in 1838, 1839, and 1840. His publications
were, " An Oration on the death of Washington ; " " The Scholar's Arith-
metick ; " " The Tliorough Scholar, a grammar ; " " The Understanding
Reader;" " School Geograi)hy, with an Atlas;" "The Monitorial Reader;"
last of all, " Adams' Improved Arithmetick ; " prepared and published in 1861,
at the a^e of 87. These works were well executed and deservedly popular. He
married Nancy, dau. of Dr Millikin of Townsend, at T. in Aug. 1800. Dar-
win Adams, D. C. 1824, was his son.
ALUMNI 1797. 87
* William Bostwick Banister, A. M. the son of Col. Seth and Mary
(Warrinei-) Banister, was born at Brookfield, Ms, Nov. 8, 1773, and died at
Newbury port, Ms, July 1, 1853, M. 79. He read law with the Hon. Daniel
Farrand ; began practice at Newbury, Vt, in 1800 ; removed to Newburyport in
1807 ; after a few years, left the law and went into other business ; was a mem-
ber of the State Senate some years; sustained through life an excellent charac-
ter, and in his will made large bequests to benevolent institutions. He mar-
ried, 1. Susan, dau. of Capt. Pliineas Upham of Brookfield, Jan. 1, 1801. 2.
Mary, dau. of Moses Brown of Newburyport, Nov. 30, 1812. 3. Zilpah Polly,
dau. of Joel Grant of Norfolk, Ct, and a celebrated preceptress at Ipswich, Ms,
Sept. 7, 1841.
* Walter Brewster, the son of Benjamin and Elisabeth (Witter) Brew-
ster, was born in Preston, Ct, about 1765, and died at Beavertown, Pa, in
1845, M. 80. He early located at that place, and was a practical mechanician,
architect, and farmer. He was a married man,
* Sebastian Cabot, A. M. the son of Sebastian and Alice (Corbin) Cabot,
was born at Thompson, Ct, June 1, 1769, and died at Enfield, Ms, July 15,
1853, M. 84. He taught at Moor's Ind. Charity Sch. at Hanover from 1798 to
1800 ; studied divinity with the Rev. Prof. Dr John Smith, D. C. 1773, at
Hanover ; was ordained or installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Pelham, now
Prescott, Ms, May 27, 1807 ; dismissed not long after owing to ill health ; was
then em])loyed as a teacher, but spent the last 15 or 20 years of his life at En-
field. He married Electa, dau. of Zebedee Osborn of Greenwich, Ms, Oct. 10,
* Ezra Carter, A. M. the son of Ephraim and Dorcas (Hall) Carter, was
born at Concord, Eeb. 15, 1773, and died at Peacham, Vt, Oct. 10, 1811, M.
38. He was the successful preceptor of the Acad, there from 1797 to 1807.
He married, 1. Sally Fabyan. 2. Martha Ellsworth. William Chamberlain
Carter, D. C. 1821, was his son.
* Moses Chase A. M. the son of Moses and Hannah (Brown) Cliase, was
born at Cornish, Nov. 22, 1772, and died at Lyndon, Vt, Aug. 27, 1861, ^. 88.
He read law ; settled in practice at Bradford, Vt ; i-emoved to Calais, Me, about
1840; ultimately returned to Bradford and went thence to Lyndon. He mar-
ried Deborah Bull of Litchfield, Ct, Jan. 20, 1800. Amos Chase, D. C. 1780,
ivas his brother.
* Daniel Church was from East Iladdam, Ct, and died at Coburgh, Canada
West, in 1832, m. 59. He read law ; practised first at Arlington, Vt, to 1823 ;
next at Bennington to 1830, and then removed to Coburgh.
* Samuel Dakin, A. M. the son of Dea. Amos and Sarah (Minot) Dakin,
was born at Mason, Nov. 17, 1770, and died at New Hartford, N. Y. Jan. 29,
1844, M. 73. He read law ; settled in practice at JafFrey ; removed to New
Hartford about 1816. He married Mary, dau. of the Rev. Stephen Farrar of
New Ipswich.
* John Dickinson, the son of Elihu and Belinda (Graves) Dickinson, was
born at Charlestown, Dec. 17, 1781, and died at Na>hville, Tenn. July 15, 1815,
M.. 33, in the very prime of life. He taught at Knoxville, Tenn. and read law
there about 2 years ; then went to Nashville, finishing his legal studies with
Judge Overton and Judge M'Nair ; began practice there, and soon obtained
high distinction at the bar, being celebrated for his legal acumen, quick percep-
tion, and untiring industry, no less than unbending integrity and independence.
A lawless publick opinion forced him to fight a duel with the son of Judge Over-
ton in 1805, wounding his antagonist but himself escaping unhurt. The news-
Ob ALUMNI 1797.
papers of Naslivillo. announcing his cleath, weredre-sed in mourning. lie never
* Daniel Davight, A. M. the son of Justus and Sarah (Lamb) Dwight, was
born at IJelchertown, Ms, Sept. 7, 1775, and died at Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 5,
1851,^. 76. He read hiw and went into practice at Westmoreland; removed
thence to Jacksonville, lUi. in 1826, and probably died on a journey, lie mar-
ried Mary Dickinson, dau, of Gen. Ebenezer Mattoon, D. C. 1770, of Amherst,
Ms, at A. Dec. 24, 1807. Eliliu Dwight, D. C. 1790, was his brother.
* William Person, A. M. the son of James and Mary (M'Neill) Person,
was born at New Boston, Nov. 23, 1774, and died at Gloucester, Ms, Dec. 6,
1853, JE. 79. lie studied medicine and practised at Sandy Bay, Gloucester,
but removed to the Harbour parish in 1805; was then in the Custom House
until 1829 ; was also in the INIass. Senate 1 year and of its Executive Council
3 years. His ancestor, Paul INI'Pherson, emigrated to N. H. from Ireland in
1718. He married Lydia Dodge of New Boston, May 3, 1803.
* James Otis Pkkkman, A. M. the son of Col. Otis and Kuth (Bicknell)
Freeman, was born at Coventry, Ct, Sept. 29, 1773, and died at INIoultonhorough,
Mar. 30, 1815, je. 41. He read law with Aaron Hutchinson of Lebanon;
opened an office at Plymouth ; removed to Sandwich in 2 or 3 years, and thence
to Mouhonborough, practising there until death. He married Sarah French
about the year 1804.
* Joseph Gerrisit, the son of Stephen and Ruth (Page) Gerrish, was born at
Newbury[)ort, Ms, Mar. 5, 1775, and died at Newbury, Ms, Dec. 6, 1839. m.
64. He read law, but renouncing that, followed the seas as a shipmaster several
years. He married Elisabeth Kent of Newbury, Oct. 24, 1827.
* John Ham, A. M. the sou of Dodrick Ham, was born at Dover, Dec. 30,
1774, and died at Gilmanton, Mar. 7, 1837, je. 62. He read law with William
Symmes of Portland, Me, and Ebenezer Smith of Durham ; began practice in
Gilmanton and so continued ; represented it in the N. II. Leg. in 1813. 1814,
and 1815. He married Wealthy C. dau. of Moses Brigham, D. C. 1778, of
Hanover, June 9, 1808.
* Thomas Jameson, A. M. the son of Hugh and Jane (Barr) Jameson, was
born at Dunbarton and died at GoflVtown, June 10, 1813, je. 42. He read law
and settled in practice at that town. He married Isabella, dau. of Robert
M'Gaw, of New Boston, at Amherst, Sept. 24, 1805.
* John Flavel Jennison, A. M. the son of Dr William and Mary fStaples)
Jennison, was born at Brookfield, Ms, Sept. 2. 1769, and died at Boston, Ms,
Dec. 23, 1803, je. 34. He was a teacher of musiek in that city, and may have
read law. He married Betsey Rand of Boston, at B. June 13. 1803.
* Ei'HKAiM Kingsbury, A. M. the son of Ephraim and Pliebe (French)
Kingsbury, Mas born at Coventry, Ct, June 18, 1775, and died in New York
city. Mar. 28, 1855, a'.. 79. He was i)receptor of the Acad, at Haverhill many
years ; also r.ad law and practised there ; was Judge of the Grafion Co. Court ;.
removed to N. Y. city about 1835, and was assistant clerk in the U. S. District
Circuit Court. He married Margaret Pratt.
* Daniel Leavis, the son of Isaac and jMary (Epps) Lewis, was born at
Francestown, Sept. 25, 1775, and died there, Dec. 15, 1827, jr. 52. He read
law and settled in practice in that town, never removing. He married Mary
Epps, the namesake of his mother.
* Edward Little, the son of Col. Josiah and Sarah (Toppan) Little, was
born at Newbury, Ms, Mar. 12, 1773, and died at Danville, Me, Sept. 21, 1819,
JE. 76. He read law with Theophilus Parsons ; began practice in 1801 at New-
ALUMNI 1797. 89
buryport, Ms ; Ihen went to Portland, INIe, in Jan. 1813, and afterwards to Dan-
ville in 1820, bearing everywhere an estimable character. He married, 1.
Hannah, dan. of Thomas Brown of Newburyport, June 3, 1799. 2. Hannah,
dan. of Samuel Andrews and relict of Toppan Chase. Michael Little, D. C.
1792, Avas his brother.
* Joseph Locke, A. M. the son of Jonathan and Mary (Haven) Nichols
Locke, was born at Fitzwilliam, Apr. 8, 1772. and died al Lowell, IMs, Nov. 10,
1853, ./E. 81. He read law with the Hon. Timothy Bigelow at Groton, Ms ;
opened an office at Acton, Ms, in 1800 ; removed to Billerica, Ms, in 1803 ; rep-
resented it in the Mass. Leg. 8 years, first in 1806 and last in 1821 ; was ap-
pointed a Justice of the Court of Com. Pleas in 181 G ; Presidential Elector in
1816 ; Chief Justice of the Middlesex Co. Court of Sessions from 1819 to 1827 ;
in the Convention to revise the Mass. Constitution in 1820 ; of the State Ex-
ecutive Council in 1821 and 1822 ; removed to Lowell, Ms, in 1833, on becom-
ing Police Justice of that city ; resigned in Apr. 1846 ; represented Lowell in the
Mass. Leg. in 1849, and at length dying there was "a noble specimen of the
revered race of good men and true." He married Lydia, dau. of Gen. Na-
thaniel Goodwin of Plymouth, Ms, Nov. 16, 1803.
* Jacob M'Gaw, A. M. the son of Jacob and Margaret (Orr) M'Gaw, was
born at Merrimack, Sept. 8, 1778. He read law with the Hon. Thomas W,
Thompson of Concord from Dec. 1797 to Jan. 1801 ; began practice at Frye-
burg. Me, same year ; removed to Bangor, Me, in Oct. 1805 ; was Penobscot
Co. Atty from 1816 to 1820 ; left his legal ])ractice about 1836, with an envi-
able reputation for professional ability and unsullied probity. He married
Emily, dau. of Ebenezer Poor of Andover, Me, in Jan. 1806. Lsaac M'Gaw,
D. C. 1807, was his brother. Mr M'Gaw died at B. May 12, 1867, jd. 88.
* Joiix March, A. M. the son of John and Mary (Kelley) Tucker March,
was born at Londonderry, and died at Eden, N. Y. Apr. 4, 1834, m. 60. He
studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. B. in 1801 ; practised in
N. H. until 1810 ; removed that year to Eden and at length left his profession
for agricultural pursuits. He married Abisail, dau. of Solomon Hodge of Cam-
bridge, N. Y. Sept. 18, 1805.
* David Palmer, A. M. the son of the Rev. John and Lydia (Eames)
Palmer, was born at Windham, Ct, Apr. 20, 1769, and died at Townsend, Ms,
Feb. 15, 1849,^. 79. He studied divinity with the Rev. Andrew Lee of Lis-
bon, Ct, and the Rev. Stephen Farrar of New Ipswich ; was ordained pastor
of the Cong. Ch. at Townsend, Jan. 1, 1800 ; dis.missed Feb. 16, 1831 ; still re-
sided there and sometimes preached ; represented Townsend in the Mass. Leg.
1 or 2 years. He married Chloe, dau. of John Kingsley of Windham in 1794.
* Georoe Reid, a. M. the son of Gen. George and Mary (Woodburn)
Reid, was born at Londonderry, Jan. 29, 1774, and died at Boston, Ms, Jan.
30, 1848, ^, 74. He read law ; practised at Londonderry 2 years ; then opened
an office at Nobleborough, Me ; was there to late in life, but finally removed to
Boston. He man-ied, 1. Mary Borland of Nobleborough in Jan. 1810. 2.
Harriet Davidson at Boston in Aug. or Sept. 1835.
* Matthew Thornton, the son of the Hon. JMatthew, a signer of the Decla-
ration of Independence, and Hannah (Jackson) Thornton, was born at Merri-
mack, and died there, Dec. 5, 1804, je. 33. He read law at Amherst, and prac-
tised at Merrimack. Pie married Fanny, dau. of Dr Samuel Curtis of Am-
* John Phillips Thurston, A. M. the son of the Rev. Benjamin and
Sarah (Phillips) Thurston, was born at Exeter, Feb. 22, 1781, and died in N. Y.
90 ALUMNI 1797.
city, June 28, 1832, m. 51. He taught at Brarlford 2 years and at Fryeburg,
Me, 6 months ; went to Portland, Me, in 1800, and became a merchant in 1805 ;
removed to New York city in 1822. and was tiiere successful in the same occu-
pation to his death. He married INIary Tucker of Portland in Mar. 1S03.
* Bkoughtox White, the son of Joseph and Keziah (Britton) White, was
born at Westmoreland, Mar. 13. 1773, and died at Acworth. Mar. 14, 1861, iE. 88.
He taugiit the Chesterfield Acad, from 1798 to 1799 ; studied divinity ; was or-
dained an Evangelist at Surry. Jime 10, 1818 ; installed at Washington pastor
of the Cong. Ch. Dec. 3, 1818 ; dismissed in Mar. 1831 ; after this, re.-ided chiefly
at Puti\ey, Vt, acting as a missionary at difli rent places, among others at Lemp-
ster 2 years ; his last residence was at Acworth with his son in law, the Rev.
Amos Foster, D. C. 1822. He married Kuth Sabin of Putney, Nov. 30, 1798.
* PiiiNKAS White, A. M. the son of Dea. Enoch and Susanna (Goodman)
White, was born at South Hadley, Ms, Oct. 30, 1770, and died at Putney. Vt,
July 6, 1847, m. 76. He read law with the Hon. Charles Marsh. D. C. 1786,
at Woodstock, Vt, 1 year, and Samuel Porter D. C. 1790, at Dummerston, Vt, 2
years; then began practice at Putney and there remained; was Register of
Probate ; Judge of Probate ; State's Atty ; Cliief Justice of the County Court ;
also a member of Congress from 1821 to 1823. He married Esther, dau. of
Nehemiah Stevens, July 5, 1801.
* John Whitney, the son of Ezra and IVIercy (Morse) Whitney, was born
at Douglass, Ms. His mind was affected, and his wanderings abroad frequent.
This newspaper notice may relate to him ; " Died at Georgetown, Ky, Feb.
1824, John Whitney, a stranger."
* William Wilson, the son of Alexander and Mary (Crawford) Wilson,
was born at New Boston in 1773. and died at Newark, Ohio, INIay 29, 1827, M.
54. He read law with Judge Daniel Cady of Johnstown, N. Y. practised at
Chilicotiie, Ohio, from about 1805 to 1808; then became Cliief Judge of the
Court of Com. Pleas in his Judicial District from 1808 to 1823 ; Avas also a
member of Congress from 1823 to 1827, dying the last year greatly and deserv-
edl}' lamented, having been a resident of Newark from 1808. He married
Rachel, dau. of William Dixon of Chilicothe, in Nov. 1808. '
* Stei'IIEn IMoODT Bailey, the son of Isaac and Mary (Jlarch) Bailey, was
born at Newbury, Ms,? June 6, 1772, and died at Ilopkinton, May 2, 1799, iE.
26. He had taught Ilopkinton Acad. 1 term, and was studying divinity at the
time of his piemature death.
* Chaim.es IjAKER, the son of John and Elisabeth (^Manning) Baker, was
born at Windham, Ct, Oct. 26, 1776, and died at Newburg, N. Y. May 7, 1839,
M. 62. He read law and practised at Newburg, where his career was termi-
nated. He married Catharine Lindsey of Montgomery, N. Y.
* EzEKiEL LvSAXDKR Bascom, A. M. the son of Moses and Eunice (Corse)
Bascom, Avas born at Gill, Ms, Aug. 20, 1779, and died at Ashby, Ms, Apr. 2,
1811, iic. 61. He studied divinity with the Rev. Judah Nash of Montague, Ms,
and the Rev. Joel Fo~ter. D. C. 1777, at New Salem, I\Is ; was ordained pastor
of the Cong. Ch. at Phillipston, Ms, Sept. 24, 1800; dismissed Dec. 31, 1820;
installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Ashby, Jan. 3, 1821 ; dismissed in Sept.
1834; after this, preached as an Unitarian at Savannah, Geo. He married, 1.
The dau. of the Rev. Joel Foster, his divinity teacher. 2. Ruth (Henshaw)
Miles, dau. of Col. William Henshaw, and relict of Dr Asa Miles, D. C. 1787,
at Leicester, Ms, in Apr. 1806.
ALUMNI 1798. 91
* Stepiikn Bean, the son of Josliua and Ljdia (Brown) Bean, wa^^ born at
Brentwood, Apr. 4, 1772, and died at Boston, Ms, Dec. 10, 1825, M. 53. He
taught the Acad, at Salisbury ; then read law. and practised at Boston till his
deatli. He married Susan, dau. of Thomas Hubbart of Boston, May 4, 1808.
Aaron Bean, D. C. 1804, was his brotlier.
* Stephen Bemis, A. M. the son of William and Abigail (Annis) Bemis,
was born at Westminster, Ms, Sept. 10, 1774, and died at Harvard, Ms, Nov.
11, 1828, JE. 54. He was tutor at Dart, from 1791) to 1800; studieddivinity
witli the Rev. Dr Joseph Lathrop of West Springfield, Ms ; was ordained pastor
of the (^ong. Ch. at Harvard, Jinie 3, 1801 ; dismissed June 3, 1813. He married,
1. Sophronia, dau. of Capt. Phineas Chapin of Springfield, now Chicopee, Ms,
Feb. 13, 1802. 2. Susan, dau. of the Rev. Dr Daniel Chaplin of Groton, Ms,
Apr. 20, 1808. 3. Rejoice, dau. of Jonathan Wetherbee and relict of Dr War-
ren Olds of Brookfield, Ms, Dec. 8, 1811.
* Abijah Bisco, the son of John and Deborah (Prouty) Bisco, was born at
Spencer, Ms, Feb. 7, 1770, and died there, Oct. 3, 1801, je. 31. He studied
divinity with the Rev. Dr Josepli Lathrop of West Springfield, Ms ; was licensed
and preached a few Sabbaths, giving great promise of usefulness. He did not
* Archibald Burnett, A. M. Of him nothing is known save his admis-
sion to A. M. at Middlebury College in 1803.
* Peter Cochran, A. M. the son of James and Christian (Aiken) Cochran,
was born at New Boston about 1773, and died at sea in Sept. 1806,^. 33. He
taught the Acad, in New Ipswich 6 months ; then studied divinity, but, health
failing, sailed from Boston for Europe, and was lost in a month from port. He
published a grammar and did not marry.
* Ranna Cossit, the son of the Rev. Ranna and Thankful (Brooks) Cossit,
was born in Claremont, and died at Sidney, Island of Cape Brelon, about 1833.
He read law with the Hon. George Baxter Upham of Claremont, but left the
pursuit and went to Sidney and was in the Custom House. He never married.
* WiLLiAH Craig. All search for him has been in vain, except that he was
an Assistant teacher in Phillips Acad. Exeter in 1798 and 1799.
* Nathan Cutler, A. M. the son of Joseph and Mary (Read) Cutler, was
born at Western, now Warren, Ms, May 29, 1775, and died at Fai-miiigton, Me,
June 8, 1861, je. 86. He was i)rincipal of the Acad, now College, at Middle-
bury, Vt, 2 years; read law there with the Hon. Daniel Chipman, D. C. 1788,
and finished studies at Worcester, Ms, in 1801 ; began practice in Western ;
removed to Farmington in Dec. 1803 ; represented it in the Mass. Leg. in 1810,
1811, and 1819 ; was in the Convention that formed the Maine Constitution in
1820 ; then in the Maine Senate in 1828 and 1829 ; was its President the last
year, and as such, Gov. Enoch Lincoln dying, became Gov. of the State from
Oct. 1829 to Jan. 1830. He married, 1. Hannah, dau. of Isaac Moore of
Western, Sept. 10, 1804. 2. Harriet, dau. of Col. Estabrook of Brunswick,
Me, and relict of Weld, in May 1838.
* James Davis, A. M. was born at Ilopkinton, Nov. 6, 1772, and died at
Abington, Ms, May 28, 1821, je. 48. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr
Charles Backus of Somers, Ct ; Avas ordained a Cong. Evangelist at Cornwall,
Vt, Jan. 3, 1804; then began to preacii extensively as a revivalist in Vt, N. H.
R.^I. and Ms, and being bold, direct, and powerful, his ministry was attended
with great success; converts abounded and numerous additions were made to the
churches. Though very eccentrick, he was honest, upriglit, and philanthi'opick ;
assisted young men in obtaining an education for the ministry, and freely spent
92 ALUMNI 1798.
his slender resources in Christian entorprizes. Leaving the Congregationahsts,
he became a Baptist in 1816, was rebaptized and also reordained at Lyme, Ct,
Nov. 14, 1816. and for more than four years was alike zealous and effective with
this denomination as before, organizing m;niy cliurches and admittinj; many
members, until, worn out with arduous labours, iiis life was sacriliced. lie
would not marry nor be settled as a pastor, that these po.-itions might not im-
pede his higiier objects, and must be regarded as a remarkable example of
faith and works combined.
* Plinv Dickinsox, a. M. wa^ born in Granby, IMs, in 1777, and died at
Amherst, Ms, Aug. 27, 1834, m. o7. lie studied divinity ; was ordained pastor
of the Cong. Cli. at Walpole, Mar. 6, 1805 ; dismissed Apr. 13, 1831, after a
worthy paslorate of 26 vears. He married Mary Brown, dau. of Caleb Bellows
of AValpole, Oct. 20, '1819. William Dickinson, D. C. 1843, and Edward
Curran Dickinson, D. C. 1850, were his sons.
*11kl-bkn Emeusox, A. M. the son of John and Catharine (Eaton) Emerson,
was born at Asliby, Mass. Aug. 12, 1771, and died at South Reading, Ms, Mar.
11, 1860, ^-:. 88. He studied divinity with the Rev. Reed Paige, D. C. 1786,
of Hancock, and the Rev. Stephen Farrar of New Ipswich ; was ordained pas-
tor of the Cong. Ch. at the West parish, Westminster, Vt, Feb. 18, 1800; dis-
missed in Apr. 1803 ; installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at South Reading, Mar.
29, 1804, and successfully sustained the office until his death, his whole min-
istry exceeding 60 years. He married Persis Harden at Rindge in Apr. 1800.
Charles JNIilton Itraerson, D. C. 1826, was his son, and Brown Emerson, D. C.
1802, liis brother.
* Abi:l Fakley, A. ]M. the son of Caleb and Elisabeth (Farley) Farley, was
born at Hollis, July 17, 1773, and died at Go.-hen, Ms, Mar. 22, 1817, m. 43.
He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Manchester, Vt,
Feb. 6, 1805; dismissed in 1812; then removed to Goshen, and was acting
pastor there to his death. He married, 1. Hannah Dresser of Goshen. 2.
Sarah Sadh.'r of Williamsburgh, Ms, in June or July 1816.
* Joiix Boyle Fisk, A. M. the son of John and Abigail (Howe) Fisk,
was born at Framingiiam, Ms, Dec. 2, 1778, and died there, Dec. 11, 1805, je.
27. He read law and settled in practice in New York city. He did not marry.
* EiiENEZER Flint, A. M. the son of Miles and Susanna (Pillsbury) Flint,
was born at Methuen, Ms, Nov. 10, 1768, and died at Brentwood, Oct. 12,
1811,^.42. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Brentwood, May 27, 1801, and after 10 years died suddenly in office. He mar-
ried IMary, dau. of Dea. Ezra Kendall of Tewksbury, Ms.
* Alvax Foot, A. M. the son of George and Wealthy Ann (Woodward)
Foot, was born at Castleton, Vt, in 1776. and di( d at Burlington, Vt, Sept. 21,
1856, JE. 80. He read law with Judge Elijah Paine of Williamstown, Vt, and
settled in i)ractice at Burlington, and so remained. He married, 1. Priscilla,
dau. of Col. Nathan Rice of Burlington, Dec. 3, 1815. 2. Caroline (Sanger)
Clark, dau. of the Rev. Dr Zedekiah Sanger of Duxbury, Ms, and relict of the
Rev. Samuel Clark of Burlington, Jan. 13, 1845. Lorenzo Foot, D. C. 1799,
was his brother.
* Samuel Gage, the son of Samuel and Lucy Gage, was born at Chester,
and died at Hopkinton, July 5, 1800,^. 24. He read law with the Hon. John
Harris of H. frum 1798 to his death.
* IIoKACE Hall, A. M. the son of Oliver and Hannah (Terry) Hall, was born
at Charlestown in Oct. 1778, mid died there, Oct. 21, 1861, JE. 83. He went
into mercantile business in his native place. He never married.
ALUMNI 1798. 93
* Aaron Hovrt, the son of Aaron and Abipjail (Freeman) Hovey, was
born at Mansfield, Ct, June 22, 1774, and died at Saybroolv, Ct, Sept. 9, 1843,
JE. 69. He studied divinity; was ordained pastor of the Conj;. Ch. at Pet-
tipan.2;li parish in Saybrook, in Sept. 1804, and never left it nntil di'atii.
* PniNEAS Howe,. A. M. the son of Dea. Jotbam and Mary (Kimball) Howe,
was born at Hopkinton. He taught at Deerfield about 5 years; read law ; be-
gan practice at Weare ; removed to Deerfield in 1805; returned to Weare in
1809, and died at Marcellus or vicinity in N. Y. He man-ied Brown.
* William Lambert, A. M. the son of Thomas and Apphia (Gage) Lam-
bert, was born at Rowley, Ms, July 22, 1772, and died at Gloucester, Ms, Dec.
11, 1824, M. 52. He read law with the Hon. Dudley Hubbard of South Ber-
wick, Me, and settled in practice there ; after many years, went to Gloucester.
He married Abigail, dau. of Capt. Ebenezer Ricker of Rollinsford, in Oct.
* David Long, A. M. the son of Enoch and Abigail (Bailey) Long, was
born at Newbury, Ms, Feb. 3, 1772, and died at Hartford, Ct, Mar. 13, 1850, je.
78. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Walter Harris, D. C. 1787, of Dun-
barton ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Milford, Ms, May 20, 1801;
dismissed May 20, 1844, after a mini.^try of 43 years. His publications were
3 occasional sermons. He married, 1. Lois Howe of Hojjkinton, Feb. 25,
1794. 2. Rebecca, dau. of Tyler Curtis of Worcester, Ms, June 4, 1804. 3.
Sophia, dau. of Noah Rice of Marlborough, INls, April 17, 1826.
* William Miltimore, A. M. the son of William and Jane (Gregg) Milti-
more, was born at Londonderry, and died at Litchfield, May 12, 1848, M. 80.
He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Falmouth, Me,
June 19, 1803 ; dismissed in July 1833, having served 30 years. He married,
1. Betsey, dau. of the Rev. Simon Williams of Windham, at Cape Elisabeth,
Me, Apr. 19, 1804. 2. Dorcas Noyes at Falmouth, in Oct. 1826.
* William Moody, the son of Humphrey and Abigail (Peaselee) Moody,
was born at Andover, Ms. He taught at Portland, Me, but after a few years
went South ; reached Baltimore, Md ; and is supposed to have died soon.
* John Cox Morris, A. M. the son of Gen. Jacob and Mary (Cox) Morris,
was born at Philadelphia, Pa, Aug. 27, 1781, and died at Butternuts, now
Morris, Otsego Co. N. Y. Feb. 2, 1849, je. 67. He read law with Thomas
Ruggles Gold of Whitesborongli, N. Y. and practised in N. Y. city in 1806
and 1807; then removed to Butternuts, where, excepting 2 years of foreign
travel, his profession was continued until made a Judge of the Otsego Co. Court.
His fortune was very large, and his whole life honourable and humane. It was
in his room that Dartmouth Hall took fire INIar. 4, 1798, during divine service
on Sunday, and was hap|)ily extinguished with difficulty. This wooden build-
ing was erected in 1786, and has wonderfully escaped destruction by fire al-
though occupied by so many pupils. Judge IMorris did not marry.
* Benjamin Orr, the son of the Hon. John and Jane (Smith) Orr. was born
at Bedford, Dec. 1, 1772, and died at Brunswick, Me, Sept. 5, 1828, M. 55.
He read law with the Hon. Samuel Sumner Wilde, D. C. 1789 ; began practice
in Topsham, Me, in 1801, but at length moved to Brunswick. As a lawyer,
his elevation was on the loftiest pinnacle. He married Elisabeth, dau. of Capt.
Richard Toppan of Topsham, at T. in 1805. William Orr, D. C. 1815, was his
*Levi Pillsbury, a. M. th(^ sou of Dea. Joshua and Elisabeth (Sawyer)
Pillsbiu-y, was born at Dracut, Ms, Aug. 8, 1771, and died at Winchendon, Ms,
Apr. 5, 1819, JE. 47. He studied divinity ; Avas ordained pastor of the Cong.
94 ALTBINI 1798.
CIi. at TVincliondon, June 24, 1801,rcmainini,' thus until liis death. lie married
Sarah, dau. of Jo.-^hua Fickard, Oct. 15, 1801.
* Joseph Pope, the son of the Rev. Joseph and Anna (Hammond) Pope,
was born at Spencer, Ms, July 14, 1778, and died at Portland, Me, Apr. 17,
1852, je.. 73. He read law and began practice at Portland in 1802, continuing
there through life. He married, 1. Caroline M'Lellan, at Portland in Jan.
1811. 2. ilannah Wakefield, at Portland in July 1821. 3. Harriet M. dau.
of T. R. Jones, at Portland, Oct. 29, 1832. His mother died at Spencer, July
10, 1859, JE. 105.
* Moses Pouter, the son of Col. Asa and Mehitabel (Crocker) Porter,
was born at Haverhill and died there, Jan. 4, 1819, ^.. 38. John Porter,
D. C. 1787, was his brother.
* Thomas Pratt, the son of Isaac and Mehitabel (Nichols) Pratt, was born
at Reading, Ms, Oct. 9, 1772. He taught at Reading, also in Me and N. Y.
pursuing also the study of divinity till ill health obliged him to embark in trade
at Mechanicksburg, Pa, and then at Philadelphia, Pa. The date of his death
has not transpired. He never married.
* Robinson Smiley, A. M. the son of "William and Sarah (Robinson)
Smiley, was born at JafFrey, Apr. 19, 1771, and died at Springfield, Vt, June
24, 1856, M. 85. He studied divinity; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch.
at Springfield, Sept. 22, 1801 ; dismissed Oct. 2G, 1827, but remained in town.
He was a married man.
* Nathaniel Sparhaavk. He died at Roxbury, Ms, Nov. 16, 1802, x.. 21.
All else is in oblivion.
* David Starrett, A. M. the son of William and Abigail (Fisher) Star-
rett, was born at Francestown, Sept. 21, 1774, and died at Sabine Bayou, Ark.
in 1819, M. 45. He read law with the Hon. Samuel Bell, D. C. 1793, at
Francestown; began practice at Hillsborough in 1802; disappeared from an
hotel at Charlestown, Ms, Mar. 26, 1812, and for a time was thought to have
been murdered ; but a few years after was found engaged in trade at Arkan-
sas. His character had been good and the reasons for his elopement have not
been given. He married Abigail EUery, dau. of the Rev. Joseph Appleton of
North Brookfield, Ms, in Sept. 1803.
* Solon Stevens, A. M. the son of Samuel and Tabitha (Bingham) Ste-
vens, was born at Charlestown. Oct. 3, 1778. and died there, Aug. 29, 1809, je.
30. Pie i-ead law with the Hon. Benjamin W^est of that place ; began practice
at E.\.eter ; removed to Boston, Ms, and ere long returned home to breathe his
last. He did not marr_y.
* Jeremiah Stinson, the son of Archibald and Sarah (Page) Stinson, was
born at Dunbarlon, Apr. 4, 1775, and died there, Sept. 24, 1809, M. 34. He
read law ; practised in Dnnbarton and came to his death by a casualty. He
married Clarissa, dau. of the Rev. Dr AValter Harris, D. C 1787, of Dunbar-
ton, at D. Dec. 9, 1807.
* JosiAii Webster, A. M. the son of Nathan and Elisabeth (Clifford)
Webster, was born at Chester, Jan. 16, 1772, and died at Hampton, Mar. 27,
1837, JE. 65. He studied divinity with the Rev. Stephen Peabody of Atkin-
son ; was or(lain<'d i>astor of the 4th Cong. Cli. in Ipswich, Ms, Nov. 13, 1799;
dismissed July 23, 1806 ; installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Hampton, June
8, 1808, and died in office in excellent repute. Five sermons and addresses
were published by hiui. He married Elisabeth, dau. of Maj. Eliphalet Knight
of Atkinson. John Calvin Webster, D. C. 1832, Joseph Dana Webster, D. C.
1832, and Claudius Buchanan Webster, D. C. 1836, were his sons.
ALUMNI 1798. 95
* John "Williams, the son of John and Eh'sabeth (Orne) "Williams, was
born at Deerfiekl, Ms, July 10, 1778, and died at the Isle of Bourbon, East
Indies, Aug. 12. 1806, m. 28. He became a sea Capt. and died unmarried.
* James Wheelock "Woodwaed, A. M. the son of Prof. Bezaleel and
Mary (Wheelock) Woodward, and grandson of Pres. Eleazar AVheelock, was
born at Hanover, Feb. 6, 1781, and'died at Waterbury, Vt, July 20, 1847, m.
66. He studied divinity with the Eev. Dr Asa Burton, D. C. 1787, of Thet-
ford, Vt, and the Rev. Dr Nathan Strong of Hartford, Ct ; was ordained an
Evangelist at Windsor, Ct, Sept. 28, 1802; preached in N. Y. and Pa, 2
years ; installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Norwich, Vt, Sept. 5, 1804 ; dis-
missed in 1820; preached at Norwich Plain from Nov. 1823 to 1826; installed
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Brownington, Vt, Jan. 11, 1826; dismissed in 1828;
supplied again at Norwich Plain to Dec. 1831 ; was then a missionary until
disabled by paralysis. He married Sarah Partridge of Norwich, Oct. 4, 1808.
"William II. AVoodward, D. C. 1792, George "Woodward, D. C 1793, and
Henry "Woodward, D. C. 1815, were his brothers.
* "William Adams, the son of the Pev. John and Hannah (Chesley) Adams,
was born in Durham, Feb. 25, 1772. He taught 2 years ; then went into trade
at Kennebunk, Me, but a marriage with a lady, named M'CuUoch, proving un-
happy, he left suddenly in 1807 ; went to the South, and after many years was
given over by his friends at Newfield, Me, whence he went to college, as num-
bered with tlie dead. Lately however the newspapers had an account of the
death of William Adams at Buenos Ayres, S. A. Nov. 12, 1863, repi-esenting
him as an old resident of good repute and to have come from i\le. We strongly
suspect him to have been the graduate.
* Joseph Aiken, the son of Thomas and Mary (Anderson) Aiken, was born
at Deering, Oct. 5, 1773, and died there in Mar. 1803, je. 29. He was a
teacher in Boston, Ms, until near the close of life. He married Elisabeth,
dau. of Joseph Gregg of Derry, in May 1801.
* S a:\iu EL Ayer Bradley, A. M. tiie son of the Hon. John and Hannah
(Ayer) Bradley, was born in Concord, Nov. 22, 1774, and died at Fryeburg,
Me, Sept. 23, 1844, je. 69. He read law with Judge Samuel Green of Con-
cord and John Heard of Boston, Ms; began practice in Fryeburg in 1804;
was Register of Probate for Oxford Co. from 1805 to 1810 ; represented Frye-
burg in the Mass. Leg. from 1813 to 1818; abandoning his profession, removed
to Portland, Me, in 1825, where a most benevolent disposition was largely in-
dulged to many recipients of his bounty; returned to Fryeburg in July 1841.
The Col. was never married. Moses Hazen Bradley, D. C. 1807, was his
* William Briggs, A. M. the son of Eliphalet and Mary (Cobb) Briggs,
was born in June 1773 at Keene, and died at Charlestown, Jan. 27, 1847, M.
73. He read law with the Hon. Benjamin West of that town ; began practice
there about 1800, and so continued. He married Elisabeth, dau. of John Wil-
lard of Charlestown, Dec. 1, 1811.
* Charles Coffin, A. M. the son of the Rev. Paul and Mary (Gorham)
Coffin, was born in Buxton, Me, Mar. 18, 1779, and died at sea, in a voyage
from New Orleans homeward, Apr. 10, 1851, je. 72. He read law ; practised
first in Buxton and then in N. Y. city ; afterwards lived at Portland and other
places in Me. He married Mary, dau. of Anthony Davenpoit of Newbury-
port, Ms, June 30, 1808.
96 ALUMNI 1799.
* Nathanikl Coffin, A. M. son of James and Martha Coffin, was born at
Saco, Me, Oct. 26, 1781, and died at Watajrn, Illi. Apr. 7, 18G4, je. 82. He
read law with the Hon. Prentiss Mellen of Biddeford, Me ; began practice at
Surry, Me, in 1802; moved to F.idd.'ford in 1804; to Bath, Me, in 1806; to
Wiscasset, Me, in 1813, as Clerk of Lincoln Co. courts; resifjned in 1836;
went to Jacksonville, Illi. in 1837, as Treasurer and Agent of Illinois College ;
lived there to 1850 ; afterwards with his daughters at Georgetown, Ms, and
Wataga. He married Mary, dau. of Dr Aaron Porter of Biddeford in 1804.
* John Huntington Crane, A. M. the son of Dr John Crane, was born
at Hanover,? and died at Louisville, Ky, Sept. 26, 1822, m. 43. He read
law ; began practice at Sti'afford, Vt ; removed his office to Boston, Ms ; thence
to Sandusky, Ohio, and finally to Louisville. He did not marry.
* Josicrii Emerson Dow, the son of the Hon. IMoses and Phebe (Emer-
son) Dow, was boin at Haverhill, Dec. 28, 1777, and died at Franconia, Aug.
24, 1857, ^E. 79. He read law ; practised at Strafford, Vt, also in Littleton and
Franconia. He marri(>d, 1. Abigail Crawford, dau. of the Hon. Jonathan
Arnold at Woodstock, Vt, in Mar. 1803. 2. Nancy Bagley of Thornton.
* Alexander Dustin, A. M. was born in New Boston, Apr. 17, 177G, and
died at Stirling, Ms, Jan. 14, 1837, je. GO. He read law with the Hon. Sam-
uel Bell, p. C. 1793, at Francestown, William Crosby, and Joseph Locke,
D. C. 1797, at Billerica, Ms; began practice at Harvard, Ms, in 1804; went
to Westminster, Ms, in 1810, and to Stirling in 1826.
* Luther Emerson, the son of the Rev. Ezekiel and Catharine (Dorr)
Emerson, was born in Georgetown, Me, Sept. 26, 1772. He read law; began
practice at Vassalborough, Me; moved to Bangor, Me, in 1808; to Bhiehill,
Me, in 1809 ; to Sedgwick, Me, in 1813 ; left for Ohio in 1815. The date of
his death is not known. His wife's name was Holden.
* Jacob Fenton, the son of Roswell and Deborah (Freeman) Fenton, was
born at INIansfield, Ct, Jan. 21, 1775, and died at the Dry Fork of the White
Water River, Ohio, 3Iar. 21, 1843, Ai. G8. He taught a few years at Phila-
delpiiia, Pa ; removed thence to Hamilton Co. Ohio, and purchased the farm
on which he died. Though possessed of brilliant talents, his life was passed ia
seclusion and averse to all overtures for publick stations. He was married.
* LouENZO P^OOT, the son of George and Wealthy Ann (Woodward) Foot,
was born at Castleton, Vt, and died on the coast of Africa in 1805, je. 25. He
followed the seas and, being wrecked on barbarous shores, was doubtless mur-
dered by the natives. Alvan Foot, D. C. 1798, was Iiis brother.
* Levi Jackson, A. M. the son of Eleazar and Rachel (Pond) Jackson,
was born at Dudley, Ms, June 29, 1772, and died at Chesterfield, Aug. 30,
1821, JE. 49. He taught the Acad, there from 1799 to 1805 ; became a mer-
chant ; represented it in the N. H. Legislature ; was also a State Senator and
in the Executive Council from 1816 to 1818. He did not marry.
* Kendall Johnson. His parentage, birth, and birthplace are undiscov-
ered, but he died in New York city, Oct. 4, 1821, je. 49. His occupation was
that of a teacher, first in Chester, next in Roxbui'y, Ms, and last at N. Y. city.
He was married.
* Thomas Jones, the son of Asa and Sarah (Treadway) Jones, was born
at Ciaremont, Dec. 25, 1779, and died at Chelsea, Vt. Sept. 2, 1860, je. 80.
He read law ; began practice in Chelsea and there remained. He married Me-
hitabel, dau. of Pelcg Chandler, at Chelsea in Feb. 1809. Anson Jones, D. C.
1804, was his brother.
* Nathan Kinsman, A. M. the son of Natlian and Elisabeth (Shattuck)
ALUMNI 1799. 97
Kinsman, Avas born at Lincoln, Me, Nov. 14, 1777, and died at Portland, Me,
Feb. 27, 1829, M. 51. He read law ; began practice in Portland in 1803, and
did not leave it. He married Eliza Dafforne of that town, Sept. 2G, 1802.
* John Lord, A. ]M. the son of John and Sarah (Way) Lord, was born at
Lyme, Ct, Apr. 30, 1773, and died at Buffalo, N. Y. Aug. 23, 1839, j&. 66.
He studied divinity with the Rev. Charles Backus, D. D. of Somers, Ct ; was
ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Washington, Nov. 9, 1803 ; dismi.-sed June
12, 18()G ; installed at Thomaston, Me, June 15, 1809; dismissed in Apr. 1811 ;
was next settled at Nelson, N. Y. He married Sarah, dau. of the Hon. Moses
Chase of Cornish, at Plainiield, Nov. 12, 1804.
* David M'Gregore, A. M. the son of James and Agnes (Cochran)
M'Gregore, was born at Londonderry, IMar. 21, 1771, and died at Falmouth,
Me, Oct. 18, 1845, m. 74. He sludied divinity; was ordained pastor of the
Presb. Ch. at Bedford, Sept. 5, 1804; dismissed Apr. 26, 1825; was then a
teacher there ; removed to Falmouth in 1831, and occupied himself in the in-
struction of youlh. He married, 1. Rebecca Merrill at Falmouth in Jan. 1808.
2. • . 3. . Of his second and third wife, we have no account.
* Elisiia Morrill, the son of Ephraira and Susannah (Gates) Morrill, was
born at Henniker about 1775, and died at Harlem, N. Y. city, Mar. 7, 1853, m.
78. He I'ead law and practised many years in that city ; was a judge iu one
of its courts 17 years, and also a publick administrator several years. He
married Mary Lyon, dau. of Nathaniel Tucker of Mt Pleasant, West Chester
Co. N. Y.
* Abner Morton, the son of Abner and Sophia (Goddard) Morton, was
born at Atliol, Ms, Sept. 7, 1774, and died at Monroe, Mich. Sept. 5, 1863, m.
89, minus 2 days. He taught at Charlestown 1 year, and at Northfield, Ms,
another ; read law with the Hon. Benjamin West at Charlestown, and gning to
St Albans, Vt, in 1803, finished his studies there with E. W. Keyes in 2 years ;
began practice in St Albans in Oct. 1805 ; represented it in the Vt Leg. in 1812
and 1815 ; was Judge of Probate for 1 year from Oct. 1814; was also Clerk
of the Courts and editor of the " Champlain Repository;" removed to Adams,
Jefferson Co. N. Y. in 1817, and pursued practice there to Nov. 1828; then
went to Watertown, N. Y. editing the " Jefferson Reporter ; " left for IMonroe
in 1834; soon went to Detroit, Mich, to edit the " Detroit Free Press" 1 year;
returned to Monroe in 1836, and published the " Monroe Advocate" until about
1850 ; then retired but still resided there in a vigorous old age until his death.
He married Sarah, dau. of Charity French of St Albans, July 4, 1807, who
survived him,
* Jeremiah Notes, A. M. the son of Samuel and Mary (Bradbury) Noyes,
was born at Newburyport, Ms, Apr. 7, 1778, and died at Gorham, Me, Jan. 15,
1807, M. 28, He studied divinity; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch, at
Gorham, Nov. 16, 1803, and died in office. He married Lucy, dau. of the Rev.
Daniel Johnson of Harvard, Ms, at Salem, Ms, in Sept, 1806.
* Daniel Osgood, A. M. the son of Joseph and Lydia (Quimby) Osgood,
was born at Salisbury, ]\Is, July 13, 1776, and died at Havanna, Cuba, Sept.
1, 1852, M. 76. He studied med. at Dart, Med, Coll, graduating M, B. in 1802 ;
was also M. D. at Harv. in 1820; went early to Havanna ; obtained high dis-
tinction in his profession, especially in cases of yellow fever; made a handsome
fortune and became a cotton planter. He published a work on Fevers, The
Mass. Med. Society m;\de him an hon. member in 1836. He married Emma
Durkin of the island of St Thomas, W. I.
* Jacob Patch, the son of Jacob and Mary (Hazen) Patch, was born at
98 ALUMNI 1799.
Groton, Ms, Nov. 22, 1772, and died at Camden, Me, June 23, 1846, JE. 73.
lie studied medicine and settled in Camden as a physician and druggist. He
married Rebecca Woods of" Dunstable, Ms, Nov. 12, 1806.
* AVaruen PiKRCK, A. M. the son of Ahi-aliam and Ruth (Paige) Pierce,
was born at New Salem, Ms, Mar. 28, 1776, and died at Boston, Ms, May 10,
1822, M. 46. He taught the Acad, at New Ipswich; then studied divinity;
was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at New Salem, Sept. 5, 1804 ; dismissed
Aug. 20, 1807 ; then taught the Milton Acad. Ms, from 1807 to 1816, and was
after this a teacher in Boston, Ms. lie married Lydia, dau. of the Rev. Ste-
phen Farrar of New Ipswicli, Mar. 6. 1800. Charles Pierce, D. C. 1825, wa3
his son, and I'roctor Pierce, D. C. 1796, his brother.
* John Dexnie Porter, the son of John and Sarah (Martyn) Porter, was
born in Plymouth, and died at Beaufort, S. C. in 1802. He went there with
the view of teaching.
* Ly.man Potter, the son of the Rev. Lyman and Abigail (Payne) Potter,
was born at Norwich, Vt, June 26, 1778, and died on a visit at Natchez, Miss.
in 1831, JE. 53. He went to Ohio in 1800 ; became a farmer in Trumbull Co.
and represented it in the Oliio Leg. 1 year. He married Harriet, dau. of Cal-
vin Austin of Warren, Ohio, about the year 1806. Elderkin Potter, D. C.
1802, was his brother.
* Perley Pritchard, the son of Amos and Anna (Andrews) Pritchard,
was born at New Ipswich, July 18, 1778. He taught the Acad, at Billerica,
Ms, 2 years ; then studied medicine, but soon went into mercantile busines- at
Baltimore, Md. Thence he sailed, as the accoimt has gone forth, for the West
Indies, and, not being heard from, was believed to have been lost at sea, and
was starred as dead in the Dart. Triennial of 1813. But a Perley Pritcliard
was living in Charleston, S. C. in 1821, and, as there was no other of the
genealogy, bearing that name, it must have been the graduate. He married
Mrs Stone at Billerica, while teaching there.
* Thomas Rich, A. M. the son of Cyrus and Abigail (Field) Rich, was born
at Western, now Warren, Ms, Feb. 9, 1775, and died at Amesbury, Ms, Sept.
5. 1836, j:. 61. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Cli. at
Saybrook, Ct, June 13, 1804; dismissed Sept. 5, 1810; installed at Columbia,
Ct, in Mar. 1811 ; dismissed June 13, 1817 ; after this, preached succes.-ively
in Sharon, Charlton, and Salisbury, all in Ms. He married, 1. Mary Davidson
of Milford, Ct, Nov. 23, 1800. 2. Mrs Hannah (Patten) Odlin of Amesbury,
June 4, 1833.
* Thomas Weeks Rich. He died at Vergennes, Vt, in Aug. 1826, ^. 52.
He read law ; began practice at Monkton, Vt ; but in time removed iiis office
to Vergennes. He married Elisabeth, dau. of Samuel Ilarlwell of Lincoln,
JMs, Feb. 2, 1806.
* Elijah Richards, the son of Dea. Jolin and Elisabeth (Dickinson) Rich-
ards, was born at Piermont, and died at Charleston, S. C. in 1814. He taught
some years ; was then a clerk at Falmouth, Me, from 1808 to 1810 ; went
thence to Charleston and embarked in trade.
* William Rolfe, A. M. was born at Plaistow, Mar. 14, 1773, and died
at Groton, Jan. 23, 1837, je. 63. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of
Groton, Nov. 9, 1803 ; dismissed in June 1828, or, as others have it, died in
ofhce. He married Judith, dau. of William Ilaseltine of Canterbury in 1799.
Horace Hall Rolfe, D. C. 1824, was his son.
* Moses Sawyer, A. M. the son of Dea. INloses and Ann (Fitz) Sawyer,
was born at Salisbury, Mar. 11, 1776, and died at Ipswich, Ms, Aug. 27, 1847,
ALUMNI 1799. 99
M. 71. He studied divinity; whs ordained pastor of the Cong. Cli. at Ilenni-
ker, May 2G, 1802 ; dismissed Mar. 29, 1826 ; installed pastor of the Cong.
Ch. at Scarborough, Me, Sept. 18, 1828; dismissed Apr. 21, 1830; installed
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Gloucester, Ms, Mar. 2, 1831 ; dismissed about 1837.
He married Fanny, dau. of Capt. Peter Kimball, at Salisbury, July G, 1802.
Nathaniel Sawyer, D. C. 1805, was his brother.
* RosAVELL SiiURTLEFF, A. M.-D. D. the son of William and Hannah
(Cady) Shurtleff, was born at Ellington, Ct. Aug. 29, 1773, and died at Han-
over, 'Feb. 4, 1861, JE. 87. He was tutor at Dart, from 1800 to 1804 ; studied
divinity; was Prof, of Theology from 1804 to 1827; ordained an Evangelist at
Lyme, Jan. 1, 1810 : was pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Dart. Coll. fiom that date
to 1835 ; College Librarian from 1810 to 1820 ; Prof, of Moral Phil, and Po-
litical Economy from 1827 to 1838 ; Prof. Emeritus from 1838 to 1861. The
Univ. of Vt conferred the D. D. in 1834. Dr Shurtleff resided at Hanover
to the close of life, i-etaining in a remarkable degree his social vivacity and
mental acumen. He married Anna, dau. of the Rev. Joseph Pope of Spencer,
Ms, Sept. 2, 1810.
* William Stark, A. M. the son of Col. William and Mary (Stinson)
Stark, was born in Dunbarton about 1775, and died on his way from Montreal,
L. C. to Plattsburgh, N. Y. in 1808, M. 33. He lived at Dunbarton a few
years and tlien emigrated to Canada. He married Mrs Anna (Wilson) Swan
at Montreal about 1807. The celebrated Gen. John Stark was his uncle.
* Samufx Whiting, A. M. the son of the Rev. Samuel Whiting, was born
at Rockingham, Vt, Jan. 25, 1778, and died there, Nov. 23, 1806, M. 28. He
read law with Lucius Hubbard of Chester, Vt, and practised at Rockingham
2 or 3 years.
* MiGHiLL Blood, the son of Daniel and Sarah (Putnam) Blood, was bom
at HoUis, Dec. 13, 1777, and died at Bucksport, Me, Apr. 1, 1852, m. 74. He
studied divinity; was ordained j)astor of the Cong. Ch. at Buckstovvn, now
Bucksport, Me, in 1803 ; dismissed in 1840, after a service of 37 years ; after
this, resided several years at Ellsworth, Me, but returned to Bucksport and
there terminated an humble and valuable life. lie married Abigail Hill of
Billerica, Ms, at B. in Aug. 1803.
* Joseph Warren Brackett, A. M. the son of Joseph and Mary (Weeks)
Brackett, was born at Greenland or Lee in 1775, and died in New York city,
Mar. 31, 1826, ^. 51. He read law ; began practice in N. Y. city and so con-
tinued ; was also an Alderman there. His only publication was a Poem de-
livered at Dart. Commencement in 1803. He married Catharine Wiggin of
the same city. James Brackett, D. C. 1805, was his brother.
* Alexander Bush, the son of Capt. Timothy and Deborah (House) Bush,
was born in Norwich, Vt, and died at Franklintown, then in the North West
Territory, Oct. 24, 1802, M. 24. John Bush, D. C. 1789, was his brother.
* Caleb Butler, A. M. the son of Calejj and Rebecca (Frost) Butler, was
born at Pelham, Sept. 13, 1776, and died at Groton, Ms, Oct. 7, 1854, je. 78.
He taught at Moor's Charity School at Hanover from 1800 to 4^01 ; after some
time, became Preceptor of the Acad, at Groton from 1802 to 1810, and from
1812 to 1815; then, having read law, began practice at Groton in 1815, and
there lived revered to a good old age. The History of Groton was written and
100 ALUMNI 1800.
published by him. lie married Clarissa, dau. of Parker Varnum of Dracut,
Ms, Aug. 22, 1804.
* John Flavkl Caret, the son of Dea. William and Eunice (Webb) Ca-
rey, was born at Lenii)ster in 1777, and died at Attica, N. Y. Sept. 21, 1828,
M. 51. He tauiiht in Washington Co. N. Y. Lansingbnrgh, N. Y. and in Pa.
He married Esther Stanton near Windsor, Vt.
* Uenjamim Clark, A. M. the son of Norman and Sarah (Hammond) Clark,
was born at Princeton, Ms, Apr. 19, 1774, and died in New York city. Mar. 2,
1840, JE. 65. He i-ead law and began practice there, keeping school also while
pursuing his studies ; soon changed ids religious views and, joining the Society
of Friends, was honourably distinguished by the title of "the Honest Lawyer "
or, as others have it, the " Honest Quaker." He was, indeed an ornament to
his profession and of inflexible integrity in all the walks of life. He mai-ried
Deborah Morris, dau. of Thomas Franklin of New Y'ork city, July 12, 1810.
* Alexander Conkey, the son of Alexander Conkey, was born in Pel-
ham, Ms. He studied divinity ; was in the Oneida Presbytery, and preached
in that and other N. Y'. counties initil 1831, when he was deposed from the
ministry of his sect. But his ordination, settlement if settled, marriage if mar-
ried, witii the date of his death, have escaped our researches.
* David Curtis, the son of David or Joseph Curtis, was born in East Sud-
bury, now Wayland, ]\Is. He read law and went to Canada ; but subsequent
to this all traces of him are lost, unless this newspaper notice designates his
end ; '• Died at Monroe, Orange Co. N. Y. April 18;>5, David Curtis, je. 54."
* John Dane, the son of Daniel and Priscilla (Phelps) Dane, was born at
Andover, Ms, in 1778. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong.
Ch. at Newfield, Me, Feb. 15, 1802; dismissed in 1804. His ministry was
then abandoned and he went into obscurity, not even the date of his death is
* James Dean, A. M.-LL. D. the son of Willard Dean, was born at Wind-
sor, Vt, and died at Burlington, Vt, Jan. 20, 1849, m. 72. He was tutor in Vt
Univ. from 1807 to 1809 ; Prof, of Math, and Nat. Phil, from 1809 to 1814;
was also Prof, of the same in Dart. University until the U. S. Supreme Court
decided in favour of the old College and the new one ceased to exist. Prof,
Dean then resumed his position at the Vt Univ. holding it from 1822 to 1824.
He was celebrated for his mathematical attainments. His Doctorate was con-
ferred l>y the Vt Univ. in 1847. He published an xVddress on his induction as
Prof. Apr. 24, 1810, and his " Gazetteer of Vt " came out in 1808. He did
not marry.
* John Dutch, the son of the Rev. Ebenezer and Rlehitabel (Mighill)
Dutch, was born at Bradford, Ms, May 4, 1782, and died there, Jan. 29, 1836,
* George Farrar, A. M. the son of Humphrey and Lucy (Farrar) Far-
rar, was born at Hanover, Oct. 6, 1778, and died at Derry, Sept. 15, 1858, je.
79. He tauizht at Bucksport, ]\Ie ; then studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll.
graduating INI. B. in 1803, and M. D. in 1816; began ])ractice at Londonderry,
now Derry, and there passed his life, highly esteemed as a man and a physi-
cian. He married, 1. Sally, dau. of the lion. John Prentiss, at Atkinson, June
13, 1809. 2. Hannah Crocker at Derry in Jan. 1823. Humphrey and Joseph
Fariar, D. C. 1794, and William Farrar, D. C. 1801, were his brothers.
* Tristram Oilman, A. M. the son of the Rev. Tristram and Elisabeth
(Sayer) Gilman, was born at North Yarmouth, Me, in 1780, and died there,
ALUMNI 1800. ' ' "^" ■ ;^Q2
Mar. 25, 1828, je. 48. He read law with Dudley Hubbard at Berwick, Me ;
went into practice at Wells, Me, in 1810; removed to North Yarmouth in
1813 ; left tor Clinton, Oneida Co. N. Y. m 1819 ; returned to AVells in June
* Stephen Gkant, the son of Michael and Phebe (Wyman) Grant, was
born at Alstead, and died at Plymoutli, Aug. 1, 1845, m. 70. He read law,
and practised in Sandwich, Sanbornton, and Plymouth.
* George Herbert, the son of George and Honor (Dickinson) Herbert,
was born at Deerfield, Ms, Aug. 18, 1778, and died at Ellsworth, Me, Jan. 3,
1820, JE. 41. He read law with the Hon. Theodore Sedgwick of Stockbridge,
Ms ; began practice at Ellsworth in 1803 ; represented it in the Mass. Leg. in
1813, 1814, and 1815 ; was the Atty of Hancock Co. from 1816 to his much
lamented death. Few men have been more universally honoured and beloved.
He married Charlotte, dau. of William Tuttle of Littleton, Ms, Dec. 4, 1807.
* Abraham Hilliard, A. M. the son of Joseph and Anna (Lovering) Ilil-
liard, was born at Kensington, June 14, 1779, and died at Cambridge, Ms, Feb.
26, 1855, JE. 75. He taught in the Berwick Acad. Me ; read law with
Crosby of Dover 2 years and the Hon. Artemas Ward of Boston, Ms, 1 year ;
began practice at Cambridge about 1805, and there had his office for the long
period of 40 years. He did not marry.
* Estes How^e, the son of Dr Estes and Susannah (Dwight) Howe, was
born at Belchertown, Ms, Oct. 3, 1780, and died at Albany, N. Y. May 2, 1826,
M. 45. He read law and settled in practice at Albany. He married, 1. Jo-
anna, dau. of Cbiliab Smith of Hadley, Ms, at Hadley, May 8, 1805. 2. Ann
Jane, dau. of Dr Jolin Willard at Albany, in Sept. 1821. William Howe,
D. C. 1794, was his brother.
* Frederick Hunt, the son of Elisha and Polly (Lyman) Hunt, was born
at Northfield, Ms, Oct. 10, 1779, and died there, Apr. 18, 1805, je. 25. His
profession was that of the law.
* Timothy Hutchinson, the son of Plezekiah and Phebe (Farnham)
Hutcliinson, was born at Tunbridge, Vt, Apr. 29, 1777, and died at Benning-
ton, N. Y. June 16, 1857, je. 80. He became a farmer at that town. He
married, 1. Elisabeth Lasell of Tunbridge. 2. Mrs. Sophia, dau. of the Hon.
John Durkee of Hanover, and relict of Sanborn.
* AVashington Keyes, tlie son of Col. Danforth Keyes, was born at West-
ern, now Warren, Ms, Nov. 8, 1777, and died at Pittsburgh, Pa, May 18,
1814, JE. 36.
* Tiieofhilus Olcott, A. M. the son of the Rev. Bulkley and Martha
(Pomroy) Olcolt, was born at Charlestown, and died at Royalton, Vt, July 19,
1816, JE. 34. He read law with Jacob Smith, D. C. 1790, of Royalton, and
went into practice there.
* Nathaniel Peabody, A. M. the son of Isaac and Mary (Potter) Pea-
body, was born at Lancaster, Ms, and died at Perth Amboy, N. J. Jan. 1, 1855,
M. 80. He studied medicine ; was a jiractitioner first at Salem, Ms ; removed
thence to Boston, Ms ; afterwards at West Newton ; finally at Perth Amboy.
He mariied Elisabeth Palmer, Nov. 2, 1802.-
* Joseph Peck, the son of Simeon and Ruth (Wills) Peck, was born at
Lebanon in 1774, and died there, Aug. 17, 1801, je. 26. He did not many,
^* Cyrus Perkins, A. M. the son of Isaac and Joanna (Edson) Perkins,
was born at Middleborough, Ms, Sept. 4, 1778, and died at Rossville, Siaten
Island, N. Y. Apr. 23, 1849, je. 70. He studied med. at Dart. Med. Coll.
graduating M. B. 1802 and M. D. 1810 ; began practice at Boston, Ms, also
102 ' ' ' ' ' ' ALUMNI 1800.
teaching in the Hawkins St scliool ; removing to Hanover, was Prof, of Anat-
omy and Surgery at Dart, from 1810 to 1819 ; next went to N. Y. city, where
his praciiee was successful, lie was Pres. of the N. II. Med. Soc. and an hon.
member of tiie Mass. Med. Soc. An Oration of his in memory of William II.
Woodward, D. C. 1792, was ])uhlislied. lie married Abigail, dan. of the Rev.
Prof. Dr John Smith, U. C. 1773, at Hanover in Aug. or Sept. 1800. "
* Elkazau "Wheelock Ripley, the son of the Rev. Prof. Sylvanus, D. C.
1771, and Abigail (Wheelock) Ripley, and grandson of Pres. Kleazar Whee-
lock, was born at Hanover, Apr. 15, 1782, and died at West Feliciana, La,
Mar. 2, 1839, m. 5G. He read law ; began practice at llallowell. Me ; moved
to Winslow, Me, in 1806 ; to Waterville, Me, in 1810; represented it in the
Mass. Leg. in 1810 and 1811 ; was Speaker the last year; removed to Port-
land, Me, in 1811 ; was in the Mass. Senate in 1812 ; became a Lt Col. in the
U. S. army in 1813 ; soon promoted to a Colonelcy ; was at the taking of York,
Canadii, and wounded there; also at the capture of Fort George and the battle
of AVilliamsburgh ; was made Brig. General Apr. 18, 1814 ; had command at
the battle of Lundy's Lane after Gen. Winfield Scott was wounded ; at the
sortie of the British from Fort Erie was badly shot in the neck ; promoted
shortly after to be Major General by brevet. The war with England having
closed, he removed to New Orleans, La, to practice law ; was a member of
Congress from 1835 to 1839, and highly distinguished himself in all the above
positions. He married Love, dau. of the Rev. Thomas Allen of Pittslield, Ms,
July 30, 1811.
Sajiuel Swift, A. M.-LL. D. the son of the Rev. Dr Job and Mary
Ann (Sedgwick) Swift, was born at Amenia, N. Y. Aug. 3, 1782. He read
law; was tutor in Middlebury Coll. from 1801 to 1803 ; then opened his office
in that town, and has not changed his locality ; has been Secretary of State in
Vt ; Judge of Probate for Addison Co. from 1819 to 1841, and a Judge of its
County Court from 1855 to 1857. His honorary degree was conferred by Mid.
Coll. in 1860. The History of Addison Co. was written by him. He married
Catharine Bridgman, dau. of Capt. Jonathan M. Young of Middlebury, at M.
Nov. 17, 1817. Serenus Swift, D. C. 1791, was his brother.
* William Warren, the son of Joseph and Mary (Davis) Warren, was
born at New Ipswich, Mar. 17, 1776, and died at New York city, Oct. 17, 1836,
JE. 60. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Nathaniel Emmons of Franklin,
Ms ; was ordained i)astor of the Cong. Ch. at Dighton, IMs, in 1802; dismissed
in 1815 ; afterwards left the ministry, studied medicine and practised a short
time in N. Y. state. He married Clarissa, dau. of Capt. John Davis of Digh-
ton in Nov. 1804.
* Benjamin White was born in Cambridge, Ms, and died at Chelsea, Vt,
Apr. 21, 1813, M. 44. He became a farmer there ; acquired a good estate, and
though very singular was greatly regarded. He married Margaret Patterson
of N. H.
* Alpdeus Baker, the son of Sherebiah and Clotilda (Daniels) Baker, was
born at At hoi, Ms, Nov. 3, 1780, and died at Eufala, Ala. or Columbus, Geo.
Dec. 20, 1857, je.. 11. He went to Barlow Co. Ala. early, and taught with
great credit ; obtained a fortune and retired to a plantation. He married, 1.
The dau. of Capt. Dennis of Newport, R. I. 2. A lady of the South.
* James Hervey Bingham, A. M. the son of James and Lima (Hibbard)
ALUMNI 1801. 103
Bingham, was born at Lempster, Apr. 11, 1781, and died at "Washington, D.
C. Mar. 31, 1859, M. 78, minus 11 days. He read law with the Hon. Benja-
min West of Charlestown ; began practice at Alstead in 1804 ; was Cashier of
a Bank in CUiremont in 182G ; resigned in 1841 ; went to Clevehind, Ohio, in
1845 ; became a clerk in the Interior Depart, at Washington in 1847, and so
remained. He married, 1. Polly, dau. of Samuel Stevens of Charlestown, Dec.
1, 1808. 2. Charlotte, dau. of the Hon. William A. Kent of Concord, Jan.
27, 1820.
* LhMUEL Bliss, A. IM. the son of Azariah and Lvdia (Southard) Storrs
Bliss, was born at Lebanon, and died at Bradford, July 4, 1814, je.. o8. He
studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Samuel Wood, D. C. 1779 ; Avas ordained
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Bradford, Mar. 6, 1805, and died in office.
* Daniel Campbell, A. M. the son oi' Alexander and Kuth (Johnson) Camp-
bell, was born at Lebanon, Dec. 10, 1781, and died at Orford, Oet. 1, 1849, m.
67. He read law ; began practice at Winthrop, Me ; moved to Reudfield, Me,
in 1807; returned to Winthrop in 1818; left in 1824 to study theology; was
ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Kennebunk, Me, Dec. 5, 1827 ; dismissed
Dec. 10, 1828; preached at Saratoga, N. Y. and White River, Vt ; installed
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Orford, May 29, 1833, and remained until death.
He married Lucy, dau. of the Hon. Jacob Abbot, at Topsham, Me, July 24,
* John Dutton, the son of John and Mary (Savage) Dutton, was born at
Hartford, Vt, Nov. 29, 1776, and died at North Haverhill, May 18, 1848, je..
71. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Joseph Lyman at Hatfield, Ms ; was
ordained or installed pastor of the 2nd Cong. Ch. at North Yarmouth, Me, Oct.
1, 1806 ; dismissed Aug. 3, 1814 ; after this, preaclied in several places without
charge. He married, 1. Dorcas, dau. of Jacob Hayes of North Yarmouth,
May 28, 1810. 2. Betsey, dau. of Webster Bailey of Newbury, Vt, Mar. 28,
* William Fakkar, the son of Humphrey and Lucy (Farrar) Farrar, was
born at Hanover, Sept 13, 1780, and died at Lancaster, Mar. 3, 1850, m. 69.
He read hiw, and practised at Lancaster. He married, 1. Margaret Kibbe. Dec.
9, 1811. 2. TryphenaBuigin, Aug. 20, 1823. Humphrey and Joseph Farrar,
D. C. 1794, and George Farrar, D. C. 1800, were his brothers.
* Henijy Weld Fuller, A. M. the son of Dea. Caleb and Hannah (Weld)
Fuller, was born at Middletown, Ct, Jan. 1, 1784, and died suddenly at Boston,
Ms, May 29, 1841, m. 57. He read law with Benjamin Whitwell of Augusta,
Me ; began practice there, and remained during life ; was County Atty from 1822
to 1828 ; Judge of Probate for Kennebeck Co. from 1828 to his death ; repre-
sented Augusta in the Mass. Leg. in 1817, and in that of Me, in 1828. He
married Esther, dau. of Capt. Benjamin Gould of Newburyport, Ms, at Augusta,
Jan. 7, 1806.
* Charles Gilbert, the son of Nathaniel and Betty (ChafFt-e) Gilbert, was
born at Brookfield, Ms, in 1777, and died there, Mar. 12, 1805, m. 27. He
designed the ministry.
* Elisha Hotchkiss, the son of Silas and Esther (Gilbert) Hotchkiss, was
born at New Haven, Ct, Aug. 11, 1778, and died near Aurora, Ind. June 10,
1858, M. 79. He read law; began practice at Chelsea, Vt ; was Judge of
Orange Co. Court; removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1818 ; was some years
Mayor of that city ; dwelt for a time at Washington, D. C but returned to the
West. He married Phebe, dau. of William Gallup of Ilartland, Vt, in Nov.
104 ALUMNI 1801.
* AnxER HoAVE, A. M. the son of Dr Adonij:ih and Sarah (U-plcy) [Towe,
was born at .liiffit'j, and died at Btn'erly, Ms, INI ay 18, 182G,^. 47. lie studied
medicine with Di- Benjamin Rush at Phihidelpliia, Pa, and Prof. Natiian Smitli,
;M. D. of Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. B. in 1803 ; began practice at J.itiity,
but soon removed to Beverly, and was held in high esteem. He married
Thorn'like. Luke Howe, D. C 1811, and James Howe, D. C. 1817, \V(^re his
* EuEXEZKU Janes, tlie son of Ebcnezer and Meliitabel (Alexander) Janes,
was born at Northfield, Ms, Sept. 13, 1779, and died at PenfieLl, Mieh. Nov.
23, 18o0, JE. 71. He studied law, but did not practise; became a teacher at
Northfield, Greenfield, Ms, and in Jones Co. Geo. removing ihence to Penfield.
* David Jewett, the son of Jacob and PJisabeth (Cunimings) Jewett, was
born at lioUis, July IG, 1773, and died at AValthain, :\ls, July IG, 1841, .E. G8.
He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Nathaniel Emmons of Franklin, Ms, and
the Rev. Dr Samuel Sjjringof N(.'wbui-y|)ort, Ms ; was ordained jtastor of the oih
Cong. Ch. Rockport parisii, Gloucester, Ms, Oct. 30, 1805; dismissed with great
regret in 1836; his remains, 15 years after death, were intei-red at Rockport,
wlien his son, the Rev. William R. Jewett, preached a suitable discouise. He
married Rebecca, dau. of Benjamin Tyler Read of Marblehead, Ms, July 16,
1807. Leonard Jewett, D. C. 1810, was his brother.
* Joseph Kimdall, the son of and (Gallup) Kimball, was born at
Plainfieid, and died near Harrisonville, Illi. in July 1810. He read law and
practised at Mobile, Ala. but after this was a Lt in the U. S. army. He did
not marry.
* Saneord Kingsbury, A. M. the son of the Hon. Sanford and Elisabeth
(Fitch) Kingsbury, was born at Claremont, and died at Gardiner, Me, Mar. 1,
1849, JE. GG. He read law; began practice at Gardiner in 1804; became a
Judg(i of the Com. Pleas Ct, in 1821; was a Senator in the Me. Leg. from
1828 to 1830 ; removed from Gardiner in 1834 to Kingsbury, a new town, to
w'hicii his name was given, and there passed the evening of his days. He mar-
ried Hannah Agry at Ilallowell, Me, in Oct. 1807.
Aaron Loveland, the son of Jose[)h and Mercy (Bigelow) Loveland, was
born at Norwich, Vt, Aug. 10, 1780. He read law; settled permanently in
practice at Norwich, and has been Judg" of the Com. Pleas Court.
* Simeon Lyman, A. jM. the son of Elias and Hnnnah (Clapp) Lyman, was
born at Southampton, Ms, Dec. 3, 1777, and died at Hartford, Ct, Apr. 12, 1832,
JE. 54. He read law, but at last decided for a mercantile life at Hartford. He
did not marry.
* Thomas Abbot Merrill, A. M. -D. D. the son of Dea. Thomas and
Lydia (Abbot) Merrill, was born at Deering, Jan. 18, 1780, and died at Middle-
bury, Vt, Apr. 29, 1855, je. 75. He taught at IMoor's Charity Scli. at Han-
over from 1801 to 1803 ; Tutor at Dart, from 1803 to 1804. and at Middlebury
from 1804 to 1805 ; studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. there
Dec. 19, 1805, and was nearly 50 years in oflice. He was eminent in his voca-
tion and of great influence in his denomination. ]\lid. Coll. gave the Doctorate
in 1837. He married, 1. Eliza, dau. of the Rev. Jonathan Allen of Bradibrd,
Ms, June 17, 1812. 2. Lydia, dau. of Cul. Amos Boardman of South Read-
ing, Ms, at Concord, Nov. 13, 1837.
* JosiAii NovES, A. ]\I. ihe son of Humphrey and Judith (Noyes) Noyes,
was born at Atkinson, Oct. 25, 177G, and died at Clinton, N. Y. Nov. 1, 1853,
JE. 77. He taught at Concord ; studied med. at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating
M, B. in 180G ; was Tutor at Dart, from 1807 to 1808 ; went into practice at
ALUMNI 1801. 105
Clinton ; was Prof, of Chemistry and Mineralogy at Hamilton Coll. in that town,
and of Chem. and Pharmacy at the Med. Coll. at Fairfield, N. Y. He married
Frances S. Sheldon at Brooklyn, N. Y. in June 1818,
* John Nye, the son of Ebenezer and Julia (Hinckley) Nye, was born at
Oakham, Ms. and died at New Bedford, Ms, in 1826, M. 46. H(5 read law at
Providence, R. I. and went into practice at New Bedford. Salmon Nye, D.
C. 1803, was his brother.
* Daniel Parkek, A. M. the son of James and Sarah (Dickinson) Parker,
was born at Shirley, Ms, Jan. 29, 1782, and died at Wasiiingfon City, D. C,
Apr. 5, 1846, JE. 64. He read law at Lancaster, ]\Is ; began practice at Charles-
town, Ms ; was Chief Clerk in the U. S. War office under Pres. Madison ; ap-
pointed Brig. Gen. U. S. army in 1821 ; was again Chief Clerk in the War
office. He married Ann Collins of Philadelphia, Pa. Leonard Moody Parker,
D. C. 1808, was his brother.
* Nathaniel Siiattuck, the son of Nathaniel and Catharine (Andrews)
Shattuck, was born at Temple, Feb. 27, 1774, and died at Concord, Ms, Sept.
1, 1864, M. 90. He read law with Benjamin Joseph Gilbert of Hanover; be-
gan practice at Milford ; moved to Amherst in 1807 ; thence to Mason in 1830 ;
after this, his eyesight failing, to Lancaster, Ms ; then to Danvers or Lynn,
Ms, and finally to Concord. He married, 1. Mary, dau. of the Hon. James
Wallace of Temple, June 15, 1806. 2. Sally, dau. of Samuel Stanley of Am-
herst, Apr. 4, 1816.
* Ephraim Simonds was born in Templeton, Ms, and died at Hanover,
June 18, 1801, m. 26. Daniel Webster pronounced his Eulogy shortly after.
It was published at the time and was reprinted in 1858.
* Elihu Smith, A. M. the son of Nathan and Eunice (Smith) Smith, was
born at Granby, Ms, Mar. 21, 1777, and died at West Hartford, Vt, Oct. 12,
1857, JE. 80. He studied divinity with the Rev. Charles Backus of Somers,
Ct; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Castleton, Vt, Jan. 17, 1804 ; dis-
missed Nov. 1, 1826 ; preached at Surry 3 years ; after supplying from 1830,
was installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Chesterfield, May 23, 1832 ; dismissed
Dec. 2, 1834; supplied next at Hinsdale for a time; was then at Pomfret,
Vt, 10 years ; whence removing to West Hartford, preached at Sharon, Vt, un-
til his decease. He married, 1. Clarissa Preston of Granby, July 8, 1802. 2.
Chloe Howard, dau. of Levi Pratt of Al.stead, Sept. 3, 1844.
* William Coit Smith, the son of Francis and Eunice (Spalding) Smith,
was born in Plainfield in June 1778, and died there, Nov. 17, 1860, m. 82. He
read law at Woodstock, Vt, but settled at Plainfield as a farmer. He married
Clarissa, dau. of Jesse Child of Thompson, Ct, at Woodstock, Vt, Feb. 19, 1812.
Asahel Stone, A. M. the son of Phillip Stone, was born at Chesterfield,
Sept. 25, 1780. He was a teacher until the age of 30 at Vt, and perhaps N.
Y. then studied divinity ; was ordained an Evangelist ; preached as a Home
missionary in N. Y. State for 10 years; removed to Springfield, lUi. in 1831,
and there occupied and may still occupy a farm.
* JNLvTTliEw Taylor, the son of Samuel and Sarah (Fishei) Taylor, was
born at Londonderry, Apr. 10. 1770, and died at Truro, Ohio, Apr. 8, 1835, JE.
65, miims 2 days. He studied divinity ; was ordained an Evangelist in N. H.
then went to Ohio as a Presbyterian missionary, and was stated supi)ly at Truro
for^about 3 years; after this, his ministry ceased and life was passed on a farm.
He married Anna dau. of James Fisher of Francestown in 1801.
* Caleb Jewett Tenney, A. M.-D. D. the .<=on of William and Phebe
(Jewett) Tenney, was born at HoUis, May 30, 1780, and died at Northamp-
106 ALUMNI 1801.
ton, M:5, Sept. 28, 1847, je. G7. He studied divinity with llio Rev. D;- Asa
Burton, D. C. 1777, at Tlietford, Vt, and the Rev. Dr Samuel Spring of
Newbiuyport, Ms ; was ordained colleague pastor to the Rev. Dr Samuel Hop-
kins of llieCong. Ch. at Newport, II. I. Sept. 12, 1804; dismissed May 29,
1815 ; installed colleague pastor to the Rev Dr John Marsh of the Cong. Ch.
at Wethersfield, Ct, Mar. 27. 1816; dismissed in Jan. 1841 ; removed first to
Springfield and then to Northampton ; was for several years Agent of the East
Wiiid-or Theo. Sem. in Ct, and for the Am. and Mass. Colonization Societies.
His ministry is said to have been eminently devoted and successful. Yale gave
him the D. D. in 1829. His publications were 2 discourses on Baptism and 5
occasional sermons. He married Ruth, dau. of .John Ciianning of Newport, in
Sept. 1809. William Tenney, D. C. 1808, was his brother.
* Samukl Upiiam, the son of Capt. Phinehas and Sus;mna (Buckminster)
Upham. was born at Brookfield, >\Is, May 1, 1778, and died at Lowell, Vt, in
May 18G1, je. 83. He read law with Jabez Upham at Brookfield ; began prac-
tice at Fninkfort, ]\Ie. in 180.) ; left in a few years, and had his office elsewhere
until his removal to Northern Vt. He married Ann, dau. of Dr Scott of Crafts-
bury, Vt.
* Daniel Wicbster, A. M.-LL. D. the son of Ebenezer and Abigail (East-
man) AYebster, was born at Salisbury, Jan. 18, 1782, and died at Marshlield, Ms,
Oct. 24, 1852, M. 70. He read law with the Hon. Thomas W. Tliompson of
Concoid to Jan. 1802 ; then taught the Acad, at Fryeburg, Me, a short time,
when his studies were resumed Avith Mr Thompson ; left him and entered
the office of the Hon. Cliristoplier Gore of Boston, Ms, in July 1804 ; was ad-
mitted to the bar there in Mar. 1805 ; began practice at Boscawen in Apr. 1805 ;
removed to Portsmouth in Sept. 1807; was a Representative in Congress from
1813 to 1817 ; removed to Bo-ton in 181G ; was again Rep. in Cong, from 1823 to
1827 ; U. S. Senator from 1827 to 1839; went to England, arriving June 2, 1839 ;
left for home in Nov. 1839 highly gratified with his visit; was U. vS. Secretary
of State from 1841 to 1842 ; U. S. Senator again from 1845 to 1850; Sec. of
State again from 1850 to 1852. Nassau Hall conferred the LL. D. in 1818,
Dart, in 1.S23, Ilarv. and Columbia, N. Y. in 1824. He married, 1. Grace,
dau. of the Rev. EHjah Fletcher of Hopkinton, at Salisbury, May 29, 1808. 2.
Caroline Bayard, dau. of Herman Le Roy of New York city, at N. Y. Dec.
12, 1829. Edward AVebster, D. C. 1840, was his son, and Ezekiel Webster,
D. C. 1804, his brother.
Were it not foreign to the design of this work, all the materials are accessible
that would furnish a valuable article upon the distinguished merits of Mr Web-
ster as a scholar, advocate, jurist, and statesman. But the shelves of numerous
publiek and private libraries are adorned with the history of his life and the
wealth of his intellect, and this brief record must close with the briefer panegyr-
ick, that, while Dartmouth is justly proud of him as the most eminent of her
graduates, the almost unanimous voice; of his country pronounces him the fore-
most in mental ability among the illustrious orators and patriots who have
given her mei-ited renown throughout the civilized world.
* Jai5i:z Buadfoud Wihtaiceii was born at Atlleborongh, IMs, and died at
Providenre, R. L Aug. 20, 181G, M. 37. He read law, and pursued its practice
at Piovidence.
ALUMNI 1802. 107
* Augustus Alden, the son of Job and Lucy (Spooner) Alden, was born at
Middleborougb, Ms, Jan. 16, 1780, and died at Ilailowell, Me, Jan. 9,1850,^.
70, minus 9 days. He studied divinity, first ; tlien law ; began practice at
Augusta, Me, in 1807 ; moved to Norridgewock, Me, in 1818 ; next to Winthrop,
Me, and last to Hallowell. He married Hannah, dau. of Thomas Bond of
Augusta, Jan. 15, 1811.
* Amos Jones Cook, A. M. the son of Samuel and Mehitabel (Jones) Cook,
was born at Templeton, Ms, July 7, 1778, and died at Fryeburg, Me, Apr. 7,
1836, M. 57. He studied divinity, but was not ordained ; became preceptor
of Fryeburg Acad, in 1802, and so continued through a well spent life, the
revered instructor of a vast number of pupils. He married Elisabeth, dau. of
Andrew M'Millan of Conway in Nov. 1806.
* John Ruggles Cutting, the son of William Cutting, was born at Acton,
Ms. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Waldo-
borough, Me, in Aug. 1807 ; dismissed Mar. 12, 1812 ; after this, taught many
schools, among others at Boston, Worcester, and Greenfield, all in Ms ; linally
went to the South or West and ended his days.
* Nathaniel Button, the son of Nathaniel and Phebe (Hazen) Dutton,
was born at Hartford, Vt, Sept. 28, 1779, and died at Champion, N. Y. Sept. 9,
1852, .E. 73, minus 19 days. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Joseph
Lyman of Hatfield, Ms ; was ordained an Evangelist ; installed pastor of the first
Cong. Ch. at Champion, May 21, 1807, and there passed his life. He married,
1. Sally, dau. of Josiah Ward of Middletovvn, Ct, at Champion, Feb. 15, 1808.
2. Elisabeth F. Bostwick, at Canaan, N. Y. Oct. 3, 1830. 3. Mrs Clarissa
(Stirling) Fish, dau. of Capt. William Stirling of Lyme, Ct, and relict of Cal-
vin B. Fish of Rutland, N. Y. at Champion, in Jan. 1847.
Samuel Eastman, the son of Ebenezer and Mary (Dickinson) Eastman,
was born at Amherst, Ms, ]\Iar. 18, 1783. He read law; began practice at
Hardwick, Ms, in 1809 ; was in the JMass. Senate in 1820 and 1821 ; moved to
Amherst in 1825 ; thence to Springfield, ]\ls, but now lives at Amherst. He
married Sally Pynchon of Springfield. Tilton Eastman, D. C. 1796, was his
Brown Emerson, A. M.-D. D. the son of John and Catharine (Eaton)
Emerson, was born at Ashby, Ms, Jan. 8, 1778. He studied divinity with the
Rev. Reed Paige, D. C. 1786, of Hancock; was ordained colleague pastor to
the Rev. Dr Daniel Ho[)kins of the South Cong. Ch. at Salem, Ms, Apr. 20,
1805, and there remains universally esteemed. Several of his sermons have
been published ; one on the 50th anniversary of his pastorate. Dart, gave the
Doctorate in 1835. He married Mary Hopkins, dau. of the Senior Pastor in
Nov. 1806. Daniel Hopkins Emerson, D. C. 1830, and lOdwaid Brown P^mer-
son, D. C. 1832, are his sons, and Reuben Emerson, D. C. 1798, was his
* Moses Madison Fisk, the son of Moses .and Elisabeth (Bullard) Fisk,
was born at Framingham, Ms, Nov. 25, 1780, and died at Nashville, Tenn. Dec.
10, 1804, J£.. 24. He went there as a teacher. While in college, on the ques-
tion^of personal identity in despite of bodily changes. Prof. Woodward main-
tained the affirmative in the class, illustrating it by a ship whose ])arts have been
all renewed and is yet the same ship. Fisk then held out a penknife and asked
the Prof. " If 1 lose the blade and get another, is it the same knife ? Yes. If I
108 ALUMNI 1802.
next lose the handle and get a new one, is it still the same ? Yes. But my
chum iind-s both the lost blade and handle and puts them together. Wliat knife
is that ? Which is the knife 1 bought?" The Prof, was thus effectually non-
plussed and Fi-k enjoyed a triumph. lie married Polly, dau. of Josiah Temple,
at Fraininghani, Sept. 25, 1803.
* John Fkink, tlie sou of Dr John and Elisabeth (Davis) Friiik, was bora
at Kutlaiul, Ms, and died there, Apr. 21), 1807, je. 22. He studied medicine
witli liis father; began practice in Rutland, but soon died to tlie grief of all who
knew him.
Jacob Gillktt, A. M. the son of Israel and Susannah (Durkee) Gillett,
was born at Hartford, Vt. Mar. i), 1780. He was a teaciier settling in N. Y.
city ; removed after many years of professional life to Newark, N. J. and tliere
remains. He married Catharine, dau. of John Simonson of AVeslbury, Long
Ishand, N. Y. Apr. 8, 1810. Daniel Ordway Gillett, D. C. 1787, was his half
* Elisha Hammond, A. M. was born at Brookfield, Ms, Oct. 10, 1774, and
died at Macon, Geo. July 9, 1829, je. 54. He was a teacher; early went to
South Carolina; occupied a position in the S. C. College at Columbia some
years ; was then principal of the Mount Bethel Acad, at Macon. He married
Catharine F. . His son, the late Hon. John H. Hammond, was a Senator
in Cong, from S. C.
Natiianikl Huse, a. M. the son of Dea. John and Anna (Webster) Huse,
was born at Melhuen, Ms. He studied divinity ; took orders, first of Deacon and
then of Presbyter, in the Prot. Episcopal Church ; was some time rector of St
John's Cli. Warehouse Point, East Windsor, Ct ; thence removed to some church
in N. Y. but is now residing at Westfield, N. Y. without a charge. He married
Elisabeth Sewall at York, Me, in Aug. or Sept. 1810. Jonathan Huse, D. C.
1788, was his brother.
* JosiAii iMouLTON, A. M. was born at Hopkinton, Ms, in 1775, and died at
Ashford. N. Y. Sept. 1, 1827, M. 52. He studied divinity; was ordained pastor
of the Cong. Ch. at Oxford, Ms, Mar. 28, 1805 ; dismissed Apr. 6, 1813 ; in-
stalled afterwards at Hamilton, N. Y. preached also at Union, Broome Co. N.
Y. and Wilkesbarre, Pa ; then lived at Wliitesborough or Whitestown, N. Y.and
at Ashford. He married Dorcas, dau. of Nathaniel Thayer of Braintree, Ms,
Sept. 2G, 1805.
*Josi!:pn MULLIKEN, A. INI. was from Dublin, and died at Andover, I\Is,
Sept. 9, 1818, JE. 44. He taught the New Ipswich Acad, from 1803 to 1807 ;
then studied medicine and became an M. D. at Brown University in 1817.
* Josici'ii Paink, a. jM. the son of Seth and Lydia (Lester) Paine, was born
at Tunbridge, Vt, and died at Wliite River, Vt, May 9, 1811, ^. 30. He read
law and practised at White River.
* Ei.DKUKiN PoTTEit, the son of the Rev. Lyman and Abigail (Payne)
Potter, was born at Norwich, Vt, Aug. IG, 1782, and died at New Lisbon,
Ohio, in Oct. 1845, je. G3. He read law witii Obadiah Jennings, since the
Rev. Dr Jennings, at Steubenville, Ohio, in 1803; began practice at New Lis-
bon and did not leave it ; was Atty for the Co. for many years ; represented it
in the Ohio Leg. one year. He married, 1. Jane, dau. of the Rev. Dr Waugh
of Pa, about 1828. 2. Lydia, dau. of Dr Spaulding of Ct, about 1838. Lyman
Potter, D. C. 1799, was his brother.
Joseph Richardson, A. M. the son of Joseph and Martha (Chapman)
Richardson, was born at Billerlca, Ms, Feb. 1, 1778. He studied divinity with
the Rev. Dr Henry Cumings of Billerica ; was ordained pastor of the Unitarian
ALUMNI 1802. 109
Ch. at Ilingham, Ms, July 2, 1806, a position still retained; represented it
in the Leg. of Ms ; also Plymouth Co. in the State Senate, and was a member
of Congress from 1827 to 1831. His church edifice, framed of oak, is said to
be the oldest in the U. 8. having been built in 1681. He married Ann, dau.
of Benjamin Bovvers of Billerica, May 23, 1807.
* Elisha Rockwood, a. M.-D. D. the son of Elisha and Abigail (Stone)
Rockwood was born at Chesterfield, May 9, 1778, and died at Swanzey, June 19,
1858, JE. 80. He taught at Plymouth Acad, from 1802 to 1804; was Tutor at
Dart, from 1804 to 1806; studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Roswell Shurtleff,
of Hanover, D. C. 1799 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. of Westborough,
Ms, Oct. 28, 1808 ; dismissed Mar. 11, 1835; installed pastor of the Cong. Ch.
at Swanzey, Nov. 16, 1836. He published 5 sermons, the last on the text, "I
am this day four score years old," delivered May 9, 1858, and 41 days before
his lamenled death. He married, 1. Susannah Brigham, dau. of Breck Park-
man, of Westborough, Oct. 5, 1809. 2. Emily, dau. of Abel Wilder of Keene
and relict of the Rev. Osgood Ilerrick, D. C. 1826, of Milbury, Ms, Feb. 21,
1838. Dart, conferred the Hon. degree in 1855.
* LuTiiEU STONE,the son of Eliphalet and Lydia (Goddard) Stone, was born
at Marlborough Nov. 17, 1774, and died early in Ct, date unknown.
* Ajios Tavitchell, a. M. the son of Samuel and Alice (Wilson) Twitchell,
was born at Dublin, Apr. 11, 1781, and died at Keene, May 26, 1850, je. 69.
He studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. B. in 1805 and M. D. in
1811 ; began practice at Keene and so continued; became very celebrated in
his profession ; was Pres. of the N. H. Med. Society ; Fellow of the Med. Coll.
of Philadelphia,. Pa ; Hon. member of the Mass. Med. Society. He married
Betsey, dau. of Dr Josiah Goodhue of Keene in 1815.
* Samuel Walker, the son of Nathaniel and Hannah (Peaselee) Walker,
was born at Haverhill, Ms, Jan. 27, 1779, and died at Danvers, Ms, July 7,
1826, M. 47. He studied divinity with the Rev. Jonathan French of Andover,
and ihe Rev. Dr Samuel Spring of Newburyport, Ms ; was ordained pastoi- of
the 2nd Cong. Ch. at Danvers, Aug. 14, 1805, and died as such. He married
So])liia Wheeler of Worcester, Ms.
* Samuel "Whitjiore, the son of Samuel and Mary (Whitney) Wliitmore,
was bom at Gorham, Me, Mar. 26, 1780, and died there, Aug. 27, 1808, .e. 28.
He read law with John Park Little of Gorham ; began practice there in 1805 ;
was a Col. in the militia, and in tlie dawn of a most promising life fell a lamented
victim to a pulmonary disease.
* Roswell Willard, the son of Francis W^illoughby and (Blood) Wil-
lard, was born at Cliarlestown, and died there, Feb. 23, 1815, je. 35. He went
South and taught 2 years ; returning, became a merchant in Cliarlestown. He
married Elisabeth, dau. of Dr David Taylor of that town. William Chaplin
Willard, D. C. 1831, was his son.
* Nathan AVood, the son of John and Anna (Ball) Wood, was born at Han-
over. He studied medicine ; practised at Strafford, Vt, some years and was
also teaching ; then went to the AVest pursuing his practice until death, date and
place not found.
* Samuel Bascom, A. M. the son of Nathan Bascom, was born in Wilbra-
ham, Ms, May 29, 1776, and died at Sharon, Vt, Mar. 17, 1837, je. 60. He
studied divinity with the Rev. Prof. Dr John Smith of Hanover ; was ordained
110 ALUMNI 1803.
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Sharon, Mar. 12, 1826 ; dismissed Aug. 4, 1835, but
still preachf^d in the vicinity. He married,!. Mary, dau. of Elisha Burton of
Norwich, Vt, at N. Mar. 26, 1811. 2. Martha, dau. of Jacob D. Tucker of
Strafford. Vt. June 29, 1829.
* Jessk Leeds Bilmngs, the son of Amos Billings, was born at Guilford,
Vt, and died at White Ilali, N. Y. Apr. 3, 1847, je. 66. He read law ; began
practice at Petersbiirgh or Berlin, N. Y. removed thence to Salem, N. Y. and
last to AVhite Hall, practising in all. He married, 1. . 2. Eliza, duu.
of Cephas Smith, D. C. 1788, of Rutland, Vt.
* Luther Chapman, the son of Samuel and Eleanor (Belden) Chapman,
was born at Keene, Dec. 28, 1778, and died at Fitzwilliam, Aug. 15, 1856, je.
77. He read law with John Curtis Chamberlain of Charlestown ; began practice
at Fitzwilliam ; removed to Troy in 1836; but returned to Fitzwilliam in 1855.
* Jonathan Bradley Eastman, A. M. the son of Jonathan and Sarah
(Fletcher) Eastman, was born at Hollis, Feb. 8, 1780, and died there, Apr. 6,
1827, Ji:. 47. He became an Ensign in the U. S. artillery in 1803, 2nd Lt in
1804, 1st Lt in 1808, and Capt. Mar. 3, 1813 ; soon after retired from the army
and spent the residue of his life at Hollis. He married Ellen, dau. of Judge
M'Niff of Detroit, Mich.
* John Minot Fosdick was born in Boston, Ms, and died at Sing Sing, N.
Y. Aug. 3, 1856, jE. 74. He devoted himself to teaching, and passed the most
of his life at Baltimore, Md.
* Isaac Garvin, A. M. the son of Samuel and (Chamberlain) Garvin,
was born at Dunbarton, and died at Buffalo, N. Y. June 29, 1848, je. 74. He
is believed to have studied divinity witii the Rev. Dr Walter Harris, D. C. of
Dunl)arton, for the Cong. Ch. and may have been ordained. It is only certain
that he took orders late in life in the Prot. Epis. Church, and preached in the
Western parts of the State of New York.
* Samuel Haines. A. M. the son of Samuel and Hannah (Johnson) Haines,
was born at Canterbury, May 30, 1780, and died at Providence, R. I. Aug. 13,
1825, JE. 45. He read law with Fisk and Glegg of N. Y. city ; began practice
in Sanbornton ; became a Lt in the U. S. Army in 1808; on leaving the ser-
vice, practised the law at Portsmouth, but removed to Alabama in Sept. 1812,
and died on his journey in returning. An Oration of his at Sanbornton, on
Julv 4, 1808, was published. He married Eliza, dau. of Nathaniel Gookin of
Portsmouth, May 22, 1809.
* Frederick Hall, A. M.-LL. D. the son of the Rev. William Hall, was
born in Grafton, Vt, about 1779, and died at Peru, Bli. July 27, 1843, je.. 64.
He was Tutor at Dart, from 1804 to 1805 ; at Middlebury Coll. from 1805 to
1806 ; Prof of Math, and Nat. Phil, in the same from 1.S06 to 1824; became
M. D. at Castleton, Vt. Med. School in 1827; was Prof, of Chemistry and
Minerahigy at Trinity Coll. Hartford, Ct ; President INIount Hope Coll. Md ;
Prof of Chemistry and Pharmacy at Columbia Coll. Washington city. He was
eminently distinguished in all the branches of science in his department ; gave
to Dart, his valuable collection of minerals, and founded there the Professor-
ship of Mineralogy and Geology. His degree of LL. D. was conferred by his
Alma Mater in 1842. He mariied, 1. Fanny Brace of Hartford. 2. A lady
from N. Y.
* Nehemiah Hardy, the son of Nehemiah and Abigail (Dutton) Hardy, was
born in Hollis, Apr. 10, 1781, and died at Wesley, Tenn. Aug. 26, 1839, je. 58.
He read law in Boston, Ms, but never practised ; went to Wilmington, N. C.
in 1807 ; embarked thei'e in mercantile pursuits ; removed to Dixon Co. Tenn.
ALUMNI 1803. Ill
in 1815 to a plantation, and thence to Wesley in 1829. He married Ann
Buntinjr of New Hanover Co. N. C.
* Jacob Hoi-t, the son of Dane and Lydia (Ballard) Holt, was born at
Andover, Ms, June 7, 1780, and died at Merrimack, Mar. 30, 1847, je. 66,
He studied divinity; was ordained pastor of the Con^. Ch. at Brookline, Jan.
30, 1827; dismissed in 1832 ; cafter this, lived some time at Ipswich, IMs, and
then at Merrimack. He married, 1. Mary, dau. of Capt. John Frye of An-
dover, Apr. 2, 1807. 2. Lucy Kimball of Merrimack.
* Henky Hubbard, A. M. tiie son of John and Prudence (Stevens) Hub-
bard, was born at Cliarlestown, May 3, 1784, and died there, June 5, 1857, M.
73. He read law with the Hon. Jeremiah Mason at Portsmouth ; began prac-
tice in Charlestown; represented it 11 times in the Leg. being Speaker several
times; was Judge of Probate of Sullivan Co. from 1827 to 1829; member of
Congress from i829 to 1835 ; U. S. Senator from 1835 to 1841 ; Gov. of N.
H. in 1842 and 1843 ; U. S. assistant Treasurer at Boston, Ms, from 1846 to
1849, returning then to Cliarlestown. Judge Hubbard was evidently a man of
ability, and tlie numerous im|)ortant and high offices held by him show the un-
bounded confidence reposed in his faithfuhiess by the people of his State. He
manied Sally Walker Dean of Charlestown, at"C. Nov. 30, 1813.
* Neuemiah Huntington, the son of Tlieophilus and Lois (Gifford) Hunt-
ington, was born in a part of Norwich, now Bozrah, Ct, Apr. 20, 1776, and
died at Peterborough, N. Y. Mar. 20, 1855, m. 78. He read law ; began prac-
tice there and never left it; represented his district in the N. Y. Assembly in
1825 and 1826. He married Hannah Niles, dau. of Capt. Sluraan Lathrop of
Lebanon, Dec. 28, 1817.
* John Keyes, A. M. the son of John and Lucy (Hale) Keyes, was bora
at Wilton, Aug. 28. 1778, and died at Dover, Ohio, Jan. 21, 1867, m. 88. He
studied divinity witii the Rev. Dr James Richards of Morristown, N. J. and
was ordained a Presb. evangelist at Perth Amboy, N.J. Aug. 4, 1807 ; installed
at Sand Lake, N. Y^ in 1809 ; was pastor at Wolcott, Ct, from Sept. 1814 to
1824 ; next at Talmadge, Ohio, from 1824 ; preached also in the Western Re-
serve, Ohio, from 1832 to 1855 ; tiien removed to Dover, disabled by ill health.
He married Mary Carmiciiael of Morristown, Apr. 25, 1804.
* Benjamin Kimball, tlie son of Jcthro and Mary (Belding) Kimball, was
born in Swanzey, Mar. 1, 1778, and died at Keene, Sept. 18, 1830, M. 52. He
read law ; began practice at Winchester, but continued it at Keene. He mar-
ried Mary, dau. of Dr Thomas Edwards of Keene, at K. in Nov. 1819.
* Vryling Lovell, the son of John and INIartlia (Corey) Lovell, was bom
at Rockingham, Vt, Feb. 24, 1781, and died at Charlestown, June 0, 1858, M.
77. He became a merchant there and was deservedly regarded. He married
Laura, dau. of John Hubbard of Charlestown, Jan. 17, 1804.
* Elihu Lyman, the son of Major Elihu and Sarah (Stebbins) Lyman, was
born at Northfield, Ms, Sept. 25, 1782, and died at Boston, Ms, Feb. 11, 1826,
JE. 43. He read law with Ebenezer Foot of Troy, N. Y. and Richard English
Newcomb, D. C. 1793, of Greenfield, Ms; began practice there in 1807; re-
inove) Burnham, was born in Dunbarton, Nov. 18, 1775, and died at Pem-
broke, Sept. 21, 1852, JE. 70. He taught at Concord and also at Bradford
Acad. Ms, as preceptor, until Feb. 1807 ; then studied divinity with the Rev.
Dr Elijah Pari^h, D. C 1785, of By field, Ms ; was ordained pastor of the
Cong. Cli. at Pembroke, Mar. 2, 1808 ; dismissed, after an effective ministry
of 42 years, Nov. 30, 1850. His influence in the churches was extensive, and
few have been more active in promoting every social and religious interest.
Dart, gave the D. D. in 1850. He married, 1. Anna, dau. of Benjamin Per-
ley of Dunbarton, I\Iay 16, 1808. 2. Mary Calef White of PhiistoW, Jan. 23,
1810. 3. INIartha Barnard of Sterling, Ms, Nov. 15, 1814. 4. Elisabeth Rob-
inson of Exeter, Nov. 19, 1816. Samuel Burnham, D. C. 1795, John Burn-
ham, D. C. 1807, and Amos Wood Burnham, D. C. 1815, were his brothers.
George Thomas Chapman, A. M.-D. D. the son of Thomas and Char-
lotte (Carnzu) Chapman, was born at Pilton, a suburb of Barnstaple, Devon-
shire, England, Set)t. 21, 1786, and came to the U. S. in 1795. He studied
divinity with the Rev. Dr Henry Kollock of Princeton, N. J. from 1804 to
1805 ; then read law with Richard English Newcomb, D. C. 1793, at Green-
field, Ms; began practice at Bucksport, Me, in Dec. 1808; left in 1815 and
resumed former studies in private, fuiishing with the Right Rev. Bishop Alex-
ander Viels Gi-iswo!d, D. D. at Bristol, R. I. and was ordained Deacon by him
at St Jtjhn's Cli. Providence, R. I. Aug. 2, 1816 ; began preaching in Vt, and
established churches at Bellows Falls and Rutland ; was ordained Presbyter by
Bi^hop Giiswold at St Michael's Ch. Bristol, Jan. 6, 1818 ; left Vt in 1819 to
supply churches at Lenox, Great Barrington, and Lanesborough, all in Ms;
became rector of Chri.-t Ch. Lexington, Ky, July 1, 1820; resigned July 1,
1830 ; while there oi-ganized Trinity Cii. Danville, Ky, and effected the admis-
sion of that State as a diocese of the Prot. Epis. Church in the U. S. in 1829 ;
on leaving Ky, came to N. E. and secured churches at Pittsfiehl, Ms, in 1830
and 1831, and at Burlington, Vt, in 1831 and 1832; was then rector of St
Paul's Ch. Portland, Me, from 1832 to 1835; established Grace Ch. at Newark
N. J. in 1837, becoming its rector and resigning in 1841, owing to cataracts
in the eyes ; relieved by an o[)eration, preached in Belleville, N. J. in 1842 ;
went to Worcester, Ms, in 1814 and effected the erection of All Saints Ch.
there ; left in 1846, going again to Pittsfield; was made rector of St Stephen's
Ch. resigning in 1852 ; spent near 5 months at Hanover, N. II. after 50 years
absence and preached every Sunday morning for the Rev. Dr Bourns; went to
ALUMNI 1804. 117
N. J. in 1855 to promote the establishment of Grace Ch. Orange ; nrrivod next
at Lee, Ms, in June 182G, and succeeded in causing the building of 8t George's
Ch. there ; retired in 1859, owing to a fall in the dark from a railroad plat-
form in that place of a very injurious nature ; has since resided in Newbury-
port, IMs, enjoying remarkably tine health ; has published a vol. of 20 sermons
on " The ministry, worship, and doctrines of the Prot. Epis. Church," eight
editions of Avhich have gone to piess ; also a vol. of 27 " Sermons to Pre^by-
terians of all Sects;" and besides the above, 18 other Sermons, making Go in
all ; has been since 1858 diligently em[)loyed on this Dartmouth Avork. Tran-
sylvania Univ. at Lexington conferred the D. D. in 1824. lie mar]ied Alice,
dau. of Ebenezer Buck of Bucksport, Me, May 19, 1811, who still lives.
* STErHi-:N Farley, A. M. the son of Stephen and Mary (Shattuck) Far-
ley, was born at HoUis, Oct. 24, 1779, and died at Amesbury, Ms, Sept. 20,
1851, JE. 71. He studied divinity; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Claremont, Dec. 24, 1800 ; dismissed Apr. 21, 1819 ; was preceptor of Atkin-
son Acad, some 7 or 8 years ; also supplied the Cong, pulpit there during this
period ; afterwards embraced Unitarianism, and was a voluminous writer in
periodicals. He married Lucy Saunders of Kennebunk, Me, in June 1807.
Caleb Ellis Farley, D. C. 1843, was his son.
* Ebenezer Osgood Fifield, the son of Jonathan and Dorcas (Pierson)
Fifiidd, Avas born at Salisbury, June 29, 1781, and died at Lowell, Ms, Oct. 22,
1859, M. 78. He studied mediiMue with Dr Nathan Smith of Hanover and
Dr Asa BuHard, D. C. 1793, of Boston, Ms ; practised a short time and then
opened a store at Fi-ardvfort, Me, and afterwards at Boston ; was an officer in
the State bank there some time ; but his eyesight beginning to fail in 1830
caused him at length to leave all business and retire to Lowell, not totally blind
but nearly so. He married Anna Green, dau. of William Gooch of Boston, at
B. July 6, 1809.
* Elias Gallup, A. M. the son of William and Lucy (Denison) Gallup,
was born at Hartland, Vt, July 12, 1779, and died at Demerara, S. A. Oct. 16,
1829, M. 50. He studied medicine but soon embarked in mercantile pursuits ;
lived several years at the Hague, Holland, and still longer at Demerara. He
married Susan JVIaria, dau. of John Eversdyke and relict of B. Day of Dem-
erara, at the Hague, June 23, 180G. Oliver Gallup, D. C. 1787, was his
* Samuel Gile, A. M.-D. D. the son of Major Ezekiel and Gertrude (Da-
vis) Gile, was born at Plaistow, July 23, 1780, and died at Milton, ]Ms, Oct. 16,
183G, A^. 56. He studied divinity with the Rev. Jonathan French of Andover,
Ms ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Milton, Feb. 18, 1807, and after
more than 28 years service departed hence, beloved for his goodness and ad-
mired for his talents. Vt Univ. conferred the Doctorate in 183G, the year of
his death. He married Mary Henley, dau. of Isaac White, at Salem, JMs, in
June 1807.
* Allen Greely, A. M. the son of Elijihalet and Sarah (Prince) Greely,
was born at North Yarmouth, Me, May 15, 1781, and died at Tiu-ner, Me, Oct.
25, 18G6, M. 85. He taught at Deerfield Acad. Ms, from 1804 to 1805 ; was
tutor at Middlebury Coll. from 180G to 1808 ; studied divinity with the Rev.
Dr Asa Burton, D. C. 1777 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Turner,
Oct. 24, 1810 ; dismissed in 1837 without leaving the town. He married, 1.
Persis, dau. of the Rev. Job Swift, D. D. in Aug. 1813, at Addison, Vt. 2.
Nancy Harris at Po.tland, Me, in 1818. 3. Eunice T. Jones. 4. Susan, relict
of Earned Swallow, Mar. 3, 1846.
118 ALUMNI 1804.
* JoKL Harris, A. M. flic son of Ridiard and ^Mary (Athor(on) TTarriH:, ^yns
born at Harvard, jMs, in 1781, and died tlicre, Dec. 2, 1817, je. 36. lie read
law with liis brother, tlie lion. John Harris, at Ilopkinton ; began j)rac!ice
there in 1807 ; moved to Harvard in 1809 ; opened his office there and so
continned to the close of Ufe. He married Mary Blood of Bolton, Msj at B.
in 1808.
* Alkxaxder Holton, the son of Joel and Bethiah (Farwell) Holton, was
born at Westminster, Vt, Jan. 19, 1779, and died at Vernon, Ind. Aug. 4, 1823,
JE. 44. He read law with the Hon. Stephen Rowe Bradh^y of AVestminster ;
bejran practice at Hardwick, Vt, in 1807 ; removed to llartland, Vt ; thence to
Vevay, Ind. in 181 G; practised there some years, and then went to Vernon.
He married Harriet, dau. of Gen. AVarner of Hardwick. John Holton, D. C.
1805, was his brother.
* Otis Hutciiixs, A. M. the son of William and Sarah (Whitman) Hutch-
ins, w;is born at Westmoreland, Jan. 10, 1781, and died there, Oct. G, 18GG, je.
85. He taught at INIeriden Acad. Piainfield, some years ; also at Chesterfield
Acad, from 1813 to 1815, and from 1820 to 1822, and soon took up his resi-
dence at Westmoreland, maintaining to death unblemished j)urity of character.
He married, 1. Emma, dau. of Dr Linus Stevens of Claremont, Oct. 1, 1818.
2. Anna, dau. of Jonathan Cole of Westmoreland, in 1831.
* IIi;xRY HuTcmxsox, A. M. the son of Aaron and Eunice (Bailey) Hutch-
inson, was born at Lebanon, Mar. 20, 1785, and died at New York city, Sept.
15, 1838, JE. 53. He read law and settled in practice, first at Hanover, and
then at New York. He married Mary, dau. of Prof. Bezaleel Woddward of
Dart. Coll. at Hanover, Nov. 22, 1810. James Hutchinson, D. C. 180G, was
his brother.
* AxsoN JoxES, the son of Asa and Sarah (Treadway) Jones, was born at
Claremont, and died at Baton Rouge, La, in 1834; was in Half Moou, N. Y.
in 1813; after that resided in AVariier ; removed to Baton Rouge in 1821.
He married ^lary, dau. of James Goodwin of Claremont. Thomas Jones, D. C.
1798, was his brother.
* Joiix Kklly, a. M. the son of the Rev. William and Lavinia (Bayley)
Kelly, was born at Warner, Mar. 7, 178G, and died at Exeter, Nov. 3, 18G0,
JE. 74. He read law with Jeremiah Hall Woodman, D. C. 1794, at Meredith
Bridge; began practice in Ilenniker ; removed to Northwood ; represented it
in the Legislature ; was Clerk of the House of Rep. in 1828; went to Exeter
in 1831 ; was a State Councillor in 184G ; also a Trustee of Dart, from 1848
to 1857; edited for many years "The Exeter News Letter," and was much
distinguished for Antiquarian research. He married Susan Hilton of North-
wood, Aug. 8, 1817.
* Samuel Lorenzo Kxapp, A. M.-LL. D. the son of Isaac and Susannah
(Newman) Knapp, was born at Newburyport, JMs, Jan. 19, 1783, and died at
llopkinlon, Ms, July 8, 1838, ^E. 55. He read law with the Hon. Theophilus
Parsons, then of Newburyport ; began practice there in 1809 ; removed his
office to Boston. INIs, in 1817; edited the Boston Gazette in 1824; went to
New York city in 1827. Mr Knapp was justly considered a man of brilliant
talents, and was the author of " The travels of Ali Bey ;" " Sketches of Law-
yers and Statesmen;" "Sketches of Publick Characters;" "The 15achelor
and other Tales;" "Advice in the pursuit of Literature ;" " Sketches of Amer-
icans and Female Biography;" "The life of Lord Timothy Dexter." His
Hon. degree was from Paris, France. He married Mary Ann, dau. of Gen.
Amasa Davis of Boston, July 18, 1814.
ALUMNI 1804. 119
* Enos Lka^is, a. M. the son of Dr Josepli and Experience (Biivr) Lewis,
was boi-n at Norwich, Vt, Jan. 19, 1784, and died there, Sept. 14, 1823, jf.. 39.
He studied me#licine at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. B. in 1810 ; practised
his ]irofession at Norwich. lie married Keturah, dau. of Beebe Dennison of
Stonington, Ct, at Norwich, June 28, 1812.
Job Lyman, A. M. the son of Elias and Hannah (Clapp) Lyman, was
born at Northampton, Mfi, Dec. 9, 1781. He read law; settled in practice at
Woodstock, Vt ; after many years, removed to Burlington, Vt, and there re-
mains. He married Mary, dau. of Lot Hall of Westminster, Vt, at W. Jan.
22, 1811. Simeon Lyman, D. C. 1801, was his brother.
* Jacob Milleu, the son of Jedediah and Betsey (Howland) Miller, was
born at Middleboiwigh, Ms, June 26, 1778, and died at Berlin, Vt, Jan. 19, 1813,
JE. 34. He studied medicine and pursued its practice at Berlin. He married
Partliena Dewey of Hanover. Jedediah Miller, D. C. 1805, was his brother.
* William Willard Mooke, A. M. the son of Col. William and Martha
(Buckminster) Moore, was born at Greenfield, Ms, Dec. 12, 1791, and died at
Montreal, L. C. Jan. 15, 1813, m. 21. He taught the Acad, at Peacham, Vt,
about 1 year; then studied French at the College of Nicolet, Can. but at the
time of his death was preparing for the practice of the law in the office of
Stephen Sewall in Montreal. He was only 12 years, 8 months, and 10 days
old at the time of his graduation, Aug. 22, 1804, much younger than any
former or subsequent graduate in a U. S. College. His precocity was indeed
very remarkable, his scholarship bright, and sucii was his affectionate, genial
disposition that he was the pet of the class and college. At commencement he
took pait in a Hebrew dialogue and succeeded well.
* Hubbard Newton, A. M. the son of Christopher and Mary (Giles) New-
ton, was born at Newport, Jan. 1, 1780, and died there, F'eb. 15, 1847, je. 67.
He read law with the Hon. Samuel Bell, D. C. 1793, at Francestown ; began
practice at Newport in 1806 ; moved to Amherst in 1836 ; to Claremont in
1841 ; returned to Newport in 1843 ; when there before, a newspaper was
published by him from 1828 to 1833, and was doubtless conducted with his
well known ability. He married Abigail Lyon of New^port, in Dec. 1801, soon
after entering Dartmouth.
* Thomas Hale Pettengill, A. M. the son of Capt. Benjamin and Lydia
(Sleeper) Pettengill, was born at Salisbury, Nov. 20, 1780, and died there,
Aug. 8, 1856, JE. 75. He read law with the Hon. John Harris of Hopkinton ;
began practice at Canaan in 1808 ; removed to Salisbury in 1822, and, save 2
years at Franklin, spent there the residue of a respected life. He married
Aphia Morse at Cornish in Feb. 1810.
Israel Putnam Richardson, A. M. the son of Israel and Hannah (Kel-
logg) Richardson, was born at Woodstock, Vt, Feb. 6, 1785. He read law with
Nathan Robinson, D. C. 1793, at Bennington, Vt ; began practice at P^airfax,
Vt, in 1807 ; was State's Atty for Franklin Co. in 1809 ; was Dep. Collector
for 7 years; again Atty for the same Co. several years from 1819 ; then re-
moved to Burlington, Vt ; attained high standing as a lawyer; was State's Atty
for Chittenden Co. and afterwards Judge of its court ; went to Michigan about
1854 ; now lives at Pontiac, afflicted with entire loss of sight. He married
Susan, dau. of Jason Richardson of Woodstock, Aug. 16, 1813. The gallant
Maj. Gen. Israel B. Richardson, who died, Nov. 3, 1862, of wounds received
at the battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862, was his son.
* William Ritchie, the son of James and Sally Ritchie, was born at
Peterborough, Mar. 25, 1781, and died at Needham, Ms, Feb. 22, 1842, je. GO.
120 ALUMNI 1804.
He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Joseph Lathrop of West Springfield, Ms ;
was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Canton, Ms, July 1, 18U7 ; dismissed
July 1, 1820; installed over the 1st Ch. in Needliam, Dec. 12, 1821, and died
in offiee ; was first a Trinitarian and then a Unitaiian minister. He married
Clarissa, dau. of Daniel Kinihall of Bradford, Ms, June 25, 1811.
* Aaron Flint Sawyer, tlie son of Natlianiel and Jerusha (Flint) Saw-
yer, was horn at Westminster, Ms, Apr. 24, 1780, and died at Nashua. Jan. 4,
1847, M. GG. He read law witli Charles Humphrey Atherton of Amherst;
opened an olfice at Mount Vernon ; removed to Na-hua in 1832, and practised
there until death. He married Hannah, dau. of Dr Samuel Locke, Aug. 20,
1811. Samuel Locke Sawyer, D. C. 183o, was his son.
* JosiAii Willis Skaver, A. M. the son of Capt. Nathaniel and Mary
(Bush) Scaver, was born at Norwich, Vt, Apr. 12, 1777, and died at Roch-
ester, N. Y. Sept. 29, 1847, ^e. 70. He was Preceptor of South Berwick
Acad. Me, 9 years; was then Collector of the U. S. internal revenue; High
Sheriff of York Co. 8 years ; repeatedly Representative in the Leg. for South
Berwick; member of the Senate 5 years; also Po>tma,ster for 20 years; left
Me for Rochester in 1844, where was closed a useful and praiseworthy life.
He married, 1. Hannah, dau. of Gen. Ichabod Goodwin of Berwick, in June
1809. 2. Abigail S. relict of Capt. Oakman Sprague of North Yarmouth, Me,
July 3, 1822.
* John Wheelock Smith, A. ]M. the son of the Rev. Prof. Dr John, D. C.
1773, and Susan (Mason) Smith, was born at Hanover Apr. 25, 178G, and died
at London, England, Feb. 19, 1814, ^E. 27. He read law ; began practice in
Boston, 3Is, in 1808 ; ill health however drove him abroad about 1810; after
travelling in various parts of Europe, took up his aboile in London, where con-
sumption brought him to the grave. He did not marry. Samuel Mason Smith,
D. C. 1813, was his brother.
* BoswELL Stevens, A. M. the son of Lemuel and Mary (Pike) Stevens,
was born at Pomfret, Ct, Nov. 9, 1782, and died at Pembroke, Jan. 15, 183G,
M. 53. He read law with the Hon. Amos Kent of Chester from 1804 to 1807 ;
began practice that year at Pembroke, and so remained ; represented it in the
N. H. Leg. some 14 years; was also Judge of Probate of Merrimack Co. until
struck with palsy in 1832. He married, 1. Jane, dau. of Joseph Kent of Kent
Island, near Newburyport, Ms, May 19, 1810. 2. Catharine Hale, dau. of
Noah Emery of Exeter, May 9, 1814. Charles Emery Stevens, D. C. 1835,
and Ivan Stevens, D. C. 1842, were his sons.
* David Thurston, A. M.-D. D. the son of David and Mary (Bacon)
Thurston, was born at Georgetown, Ms, Feb. G, 1779, and died at Litchfield,
Me, May 7, 18G5, m. 8G. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Asa Burton,
D. C. 1777, at Thctford, Vt ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Winthrop,
Me, Feb. 18, 1807 ; dismissed Oct. 15, 1851, after more than 44 years of emi-
nently successful service ; then supplied at Searsport, Me, and next at Litch-
field I'roui Jan. 4, 1.S59, fullilling all his duties to the last and crowning a meri-
torious and honoured life wiih a peaceful and Christian death. He married, 1.
Eunice, dau. of the Hon. John Farley of Newcastle, Me, at N. Dec. 2G, 1808.
2. Prudence, dau. of Benjamin Brown of Chester and sister of Pres. Brown
of Dart. Coll. at C. Oct. 31, 1811.
Horace Utley, A. M. the son of Col. Jo-eph and Abigail (Abbot) Ulley,
was born at Hartford, Ct, Aug. 17, 1785. He followed the seas, commanding
a packet and afterwards a steamboat from Charleston, S. C. his residence for
many years, to New York city ; was president of the Sailors Missionary Soc.
ALUMNI 1804. 121
at Charleston ; removed thence to Buffalo, N. Y. and was next at Cleveland,
Ohio. He has not married.
* James Walker, A. M. the son of Capt. Joshua and Mary (Whitmore)
Walker, was born at Rindge, May 10, 1784, and died at Peterborough, Dec.
31, 1854, JL. 70. He read hiw with the Hon. Samuel Bell, D. C. 1793, at
Francestown ; began practice at New Boston in 1808 ; but soon removed to
Peterborough and there kept his office to his journey's end. He married, 1.
Sally, dau. of James Smith of Cavendish, Vt, May 31, 1819. 2. Mary A.
Toppan, dau. of the Rev. Jacob Abbot of Windham, in Feb. 1844. George
Walker, D. C. 1842, was his son, and Charles Walker, D. C. 1823, his brother.
* EzEKiEL Webster, A. M. the son of Ebenezer and Abigail (Eastman)
Webster, was born at Salisbury, Mar. 11, 1780, and died at Concord, Apr. 10,
1829, JE. 49. He read law with the Hon. Gov. James Sullivan of Boston, Ms,
and Parker Noyes, D. C. 1796, at Franklin ; began practice at Boscawen and
so continued. He was a man of sterling integrity, unimpeachable morals, sound
Christian faith, and distinguished ability. His standing as a jurist was com-
manding, and his bearing at the bar won the respect and confidence of both
judge and jury. It was while arguing an important cause, that he suddenly
fell to the floor, and was tliought to have expired before it was reached. Thus
perished a citizen universally esteemed and beloved, an honour to his college,
of which he was a Trustee from 1819 to 1829, and an ornament of his State.
He married, 1. Alice Bridges of Billerica, Ms, Jan. 13, 1809. 2. Achsa Pol-
lard at Concord, Aug. 2, 1825. Daniel Webster, D. C. 1801, was his brother.
* Uriah Wilcox, the son of Uriah and Hannah (Wright) Wilcox, was
born at Newport, 31ar. 18, 1779, and died at Riceborough, Geo. Apr. 13, 1838,
M. 59. He taught the Acad, at Peacham, Vt, 2 years ; then removed to Rice-
borough, and failed not to sustain a worthy character. He never married.
John AVilcox, D. C. 1816, was his half brother.
* Avery Williams, A. M. the son of the Rev. Henry and Susanna (Stowell)
Williams, was born at Guilford, Vt, Jan. 9, 1782, and died at Sjjartanburgh,
N. C. Feb. 4, 1816, je. 34. He studied divinity partly with the Rev. Dr
Henry Kollock of Princeton, N. J. and Prof, of Theology at Nassau Hall ; was
ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Lexington, Ms, Dec. 30, 1807, and there
this most amiable and excellent man continued until his dismission, Sept. 6,.
1815, owing to ill health. In hopes of recovery, two journeys were made to
the south, and the second proved his distemper to have been mortal. There
sleep the relicks of one beloved by all who knew him. He married Clarissa,
dau. of George Grennell of Greenfield, Ms, Feb. 25, 1807. His only publi-
cation was a century sermon, historical of Lexington.
Isaac Bartholomew Barber, the son of David and Lois (Dutton) Bar-
ber, was born at Hebron, Ct, May 20, 1787. He read law with John Barrett
of Northfiekl, Ms, the Hon. Sylvester Gilbert of Hebron, Ct, and Warren Dut-
ton of Boston, Ms ; began practice at Colerainj Ms, in 1810 ; was Reg. of Pro-
bate for Franklin Co. Ms, in 1810 ; became a Capt. in the U. S. army in 1811 ;
retired in 1814; opened an office in Parsonsfield, Me, in 1814; resumed prac-
tice in Colerain in 1817 ; was a Clerk in the Land office at Washington, D. C.
from 1837 to 1850 ; then in practice at Halifax, Vt, to 1852, when his resi-
dence began and continues at Rochester, N. Y. with his love for the Classicks
122 ALIBINI 1805.
retaine'l and that for religion steadfast. He married Nancy, dau. of Clark
Chandler of Colerain, Sept. 5, 1814.
* Asa Bkan, the son of Joshua and Mary (Bean) Bean, was born at Read-
field. Me, May G. 1779. and died at Ilavanna, Cuba, W. I. in 1811, je. 31. He
read law but did not practise ; went into trade at Frankfort, Me, and was super-
cargo of the vessel from Bangor which carried him to his untimely end by the
yellow fever. He married Lucinda? Atkinson of Boscawen.
* James Brackett, A. M. the son of Joseph and jNIary (AVeeks) Bracket!,
was born at Greenland or Lee, Mar. 31, 1782, and died at Rock Island, Illi.
May 19, 1852, je. 70. He read law ; began practice at Cherry Yaliey, N. Y.
in 1808 ; was Surrogate of Otsego Co. N. Y. for some time; removed to Rock
Island in advanced age. He married ¥A\z;\ Ely of Philadelphia, Pa. Joseph
Warren Brackett, D. C. 1800, was his brother.
* Francis Brown, A. M.-D. D. the son of Benjamin and Prudence (Kel-
ley) Brown, was born at Chester, Jan. 11, 1784, and died at Hanover, July 27,
1820, JE. 36. He was private tutor in the family of Judge Elijah Paine of
Williamstown, Vt, from 1805 to 1806; tutor at Dart, from 1806 to 1809;
meanwhile studied divinity; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at North
Yarmouth. IMe, Jan. 11, 1810; dismi-sed in 1815, to be President of Dart-
mouth Coll. his inauguration taking place Sept. 27, 1815 ; went on a tour to
Western N. Y. in 1818, having a consumptive tendency, without avail ; vitbrook, Me, and lives there deprived of sight ; has published two
orations and a Treatise on the institution, duties, and importance of Juries.
Bowdoin Coll. conferred the honorary degree in 1846. He married Deborah
Chandler of New Gloucester. Hewett Chandler Fessenden and Oliver Gris-
wold Fessenden, both D. C. 1838, and Daniel Webster Fessenden, D. C. 1842,
were his sons, and Thomas Fessenden, D. C. 1812, was his brother.
* Edmund Flagg, (he son of Josiah and Ann (Webster) Flagg, was born
at Chester, July 3, 1787, and died at St Croix, W. 1. Dec. 14, 1815, m. 28.
He taught at Moor's Charity School, Hanover, from 1806 to 1807 ; read law
ALUMNI 1806. 127
with Daniel French at Chester 2 years, and with Francis Dana Clianning at
Boston, Ms, 1 year; began practice at Wiscasset, Me, in Aug. 1810; was made
Register of Probate in 1812 ; but soon going abroad to recruit his liealth, the
State lost by bis death a youth of shining tnlents. He married Harriet, dau. of
Col. David Payson of Wiscasset, Aug. 1, 1813.
Richard Fletcher, A. M.-LL. D. the son of the Hon. Asaph and Sarah
(Green) Fletcher, was born at Cavendish, Vt, Jan. 8, 1788. He read law with
the Hon. Daniel Webster, D. C. 1801, at Portsmouth ; went into practice at
Salisbury in 1809 ; ere long removed his office permanently to Boston, Ms ;
represented it in the Mass. Legislature ; was a member of Cong, from 1837 to
1839 ; a Judge of the Supreme Court of Ms ; a Trustee of his Alma Mater
from 1848 to 1857. Dart, in 184G and Harv. in 1849, conferred the hon.
degree. The judge still lives in Boston and enjoys an enviable reputation as
a jurist and a man. Horace Fletcher, D. C. 1817, is his brother.
* Sewall Goodrich was from Winchendon, Ms, and died at Granby, C.
E. July 3, 1831, M. 51. He studied divinity and became a clergyman officiat-
ing in Canada.
* Ethan Allen Greenwood, A. M. the son of Moses and Elisabeth
(Dunlap) Greenwood, was born at Hubbardston, Ms, May 28, 1779, and died
there, May 3, 1856, je. 76. He read law and practised in his native town.
But his genius was of another cast. While in college, he took the likeness of
Ephraim Pratt of Shutesbury, Ms, aged 117 years, and for some time became
a portrait painter in Boston, Ms, but returned thence to Hubbardston. He
married Mi-s Caroline Warren, Feb. 11, 1821.
* CvRUS Hartwell, the son of Samuel and Susanna (Burr) Hartwell, was
born at Oxford, Ms, Nov. 8, 1783, and died at Parsippany, N.J. Feb. 9, 1816,
^. 32. He studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. with Dr Nathan Smith,
graduating M. B. in 1810 ; went into practice at Newark, N. J. in 1809, hav-
ing also a druggist store ; soon removed to Bloomfield, N. J. and thence to
Par-ippany, Hanover township, where a valuable life was closed. He married
Catharine Righter of that place in 1815.
* Matthew Harvey, A. M.-LL. D. the son of Matthew and Hannah
(Sargent) Harvey, was born at Sutton, June 21, 1781, and died at Concord,
Apr. 7, 18G6, je. 84. He read law with the Hon. John H:irris of Hopkinton ;
began practice there in 1809 ; removed to Concord in 1850 ; represented Hop-
kinton in the N. H. Leg. for 8 years ; was a State Senator 3 years and Presi-
dent of that body ; a member of Cong, from 1821 to 1825 ; of the State Ex-
ecutive Council from 1828 to 1830; was elected Governor of the State in
1830 ; was appointed Judge of the U. S. District Court for N. H. the same
year, an office held until death; has also been Pres. of the N. H. Hist. Society.
Dart, conferred the honorary degree on this distinguished graduate in 1855.
He married Margarette, dau. of Zebulon Rowe, at Newburyport, Ms, Sept. 25,
* Abiathar Hopkins, the son of Samuel and Elisabeth (Hastings) Hop-
kins, was born at Hardwick, Ms, July 14, 1781, and died at Petersham, Ms,
Sept. 27, 1821, m. 40. He taught in a Young Ladies School at Portland, Me,
from Sept. 1806 to Sept. 1807 ; read law with the Hon. Samuel Clesson Allen,
D. C. 1794, from 1807 to Aug. 1809, also at Litchfield, Ct, Law School, finish-
ing his studies with the Hon. John Heard of Boston, Ms, July 10, 1810; soon
after went to Harrisburg, Pa, and taught a Young Ladies Sem. for 2 years ;
then began the practice of the law there, pursuing it successfully until his la-
mented death while on a visit at his father's house. He never married.
128 ALUMNI 180G.
James IIuTCniNSON, A. M. the son of Aaron and Eunice (Railey) Hutch-
inson, was born in Lebanon, Dec. 2, 178G. He read law and probably prac-
tised in his native town, where lie has resideil the most of his life and now
resides. He married P2iinice Marsh, dau. of Richard Kimball of Plainlield in
Sept. 1815. Henry Hutchinson, D. C. 18U4, was his brother.
* Samuel Ayku Kimijall, A. M. the son of Dea. John and Ann (Ayer)
Kimball, was born at Coiicoid, Mar. 3, 1782, and died there, Oct. IG, 1858, x.
76. He taught at Gilmanton Acad, in 180G ; read law ; practised first at
Dover ; soon removed his office to Concord ; was Clerk of the Senate ; repre-
sented Concord in the lower house ; was also Dep. Sec. of State ; devoted
many of his last years to agriculture. He married P^liza, dau. of John Hazen,
at Burton, New Brunswick, Oct. 1, 1822.
* JosKPH KiTTREDGE, A. M. the SOU of Dr Thomas and Susanna (Osgood)
Kittredge, was born at Andover, Ms, Oct. 23, 1783, and died there, Sept. 6,
1847, M. G3. He studied medicine and settled in practice at Andover ; was a
Senator in the Leg. of Ms ; a State Councillor ; a Presidential P^lector. He
married ILumah, dau. of George Hodges of Salem, ]\Is, Dec. 19, 1819.
* CvuL'S Mann, A. M. the son of John and Lydia (Porter) Maun, was born
at Orford, Apr. 3, 1785, and died at Stoughton, iNIs, Feb. 9, 1859, je. 73. He
was principal of Gilmanton Acad. 2 years ; teacher of the High School at
Troy, N. Y. 1 year, studying law the while with Stephen Poss ; was tutor at
Dan. from 1809 to 1814, studying divinity during the time with the Rev. Dr
ShurtlefF, D. C 1799 ; ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Westminster, Ms,
Feb. 22, 1815 ; dismissed June 9, 1841, after an ctlective service of ri>ing 26
years; then .-up|)lied the Robinson Ch. Plymouth, Ms, 3 years; next a teacher
at Lowell, Ms, for several years ; lastly, acting pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
North Falmou'.h, Ms, from 1852 to 185G. His publications were a " Treatise
on Trigonometry;" an " Epitome of the Evidences of Christianity ;" a " His-
tory of the Temperance Reformation ;" a " Memoir of Mrs Myra W. Allen,"
wife of the Rev. David Oliver Allen of the Bombay Mission, with some ser-
mons. He married Nancy Sweetser of Westminster, Apr. 17, 1817. Joel
Mann, D. C. 1810, was his brother.
* Jesse Merrill, A. M. the son of James and Molly (Emery) Merrill,
was born at Atkinson, July 17, 1778, and died at Bradford, Vt, Mar. 18, 1854,
JE. 75. He read law and went into practice there. He married Elisabeth
Clark of Roxbury, ]\L>. Caleb Merrill, D. C. 1808, was his brother.
* Joseph INIerrill, the son of Thomas and Sarah (Friend) Merrill, was
born at Rowley, Ms, June 2, 1777, and died at Junius, N. Y. May 4, 1818, je.
70. He siudit'd divinity ; was ordained an Evangelist at Rowley, June 14,
1808 ; installed at Gorham, Ontario Co. and Middlesex, Yates Co. N. Y. July
5, 1809; dismissed from ISIiddlesex in 1821 and from Gorham in 1827; in-
stalled at Junius, Wayne Co. N. Y. in 1828 ; dismissed in 1837 ; then preached
at Sodus, same Co. from 1837 to 1839 ; returned to Junius, and officiated there
to 1843. His publications were, "The commencement of the Christian Dis-
pensation ; " "The subject and the mode of Baptism;" also three sermons.
He married, 1. Hannah (Plati) Birdseye at Gorham, Dec. 18, 1808. 2. Mar-
garet Sliepherd at Canandaigua, N. Y. Oct. 21, 1822. 3. Philomela Billings
at Vienna, N. Y. May 13, 1828. Daniel Merrill, D. C. 1789, and Nathaniel
Merrill, D. C. 1809, were his brothers.
* William Fullerton INIourison, the son of the Rev. William and Jane
(FuUcrton) JNIorrison, was born at Londonderry, Nov. G, 1785, and died at
Savannah, Geo. Oct. 28, 1831, £.. 4G, minus 9 days. He studied divinity with
ALUMNI 1806. 129
his father ; went to Savannah, but we know not what was his occupation. He
did not marry. James Morrison, D. C. 1808, was his brother.
* Elijah Parkkr, A. M. the son of Stephen and Mary (Morse) Parker,
was born at New Ipswich, Aug. 5, 1776, and died at Keene, Aug. G, 1858, m.
82. He read law ; began practice at Keene, and there remained. He married
Sally, dau. of the Rev. Aaron Hall. Henry Elijah Parker, D. C 1841, and
Horatio George Parker, D. C 1844, were his sons.
* Albion Keith Parris, the son of the Hon. Samuel and Susan (Pratt)
Parris, was born at Hebron, Me, Jan. 19, 1788, and died at Portland, Me,
Feb. 11, 1857, je. 69. He read law with the Hon. Ezekiel Whitman of that
city ; began practice at Paris, Me, in 1809 ; was County Atty in 1811 ; repre-
sented Paris in the Mass. Leg. in 1813; was State Senator there in 1814;
Rep. in Congress from 1815 to 1819 ; was in tlie Mass. Constitutional Conv.
in 1816; U. S. District Judge for Me from 1818 to 1821 ; removed to Port-
land in 1818; was in the Me Const. Convention in 1819 ; Judge of Probate
for Cumberland Co. in 1820 ; Gov. of Me from 1821 to 1826 ; U. S. Senator
in 1827 and 1828 ; Judge of the Sup. Court of Me from 1828 to 1836 ; Second
Comptroller of the U. S. Treasury at Washington, D. C. from 1836 to 1850;
left office that year and returned to Portland ; was its Mayor in 1852. Judge
Parris was therefore about 40 years in publick life, being ample evidence of
popular tact and intellectual power. He married Sarah, dau. of the Rev. Levi
Whitman of Wellfleet, Ms, in Jan. 1810.
* John Potter, the son of the Rev. Isaiah and Elisabeth (Barrett) Potter,
was born at Lebanon, Apr. 7, 1787, and died at Augusta, Me, May 11, 1865,
JE. 78. He read law with his brother at Portland, Me ; began practice at
Augusta in 1809 ; resided there the residue of a valuable life, and represented
it twice in the Me Legislature. He married Caroline, dau. of John Fox of
Portland, at P. in June 1812. Barrett Potter, D. C. 1796, was his brother.
Asa Rand, the son of Daniel and Susannah (Hemmenway) Rand, was born
at Rindge, Aug. 6, 1783. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Asa Burton,
D. C. 1777, at Thetford, Vt ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch, at Gorham,
Me, Jan. 18, 1809; dismissed June 12, 1822; was editor of the Portland
Mirror at P. Me, from 1822 to 1825 ; taught the Female Sem. at Brookfield,
Ms, in 1826 ; was co-editor of the Boston Recorder at B. Ms, from 1826 to
1831, conducting also the Youth's Companion, Education Reporter, and Volun-
teer; was next employed on the Lowell Observer at Lowell, Ms; then lectured
against slavery in Cumberland Co. Me, 1835, and Hampshire Co. Ms, in 1836
and 1837 ; preached at Pompey, N. Y. 4 years from Sept. 1837, and Peter-
borough, N. Y. 5 years ; then successively at Phillips, Me, West Union, Can-
field, and Collamer, all in Ohio ; has since resided at Ashburnham, Ms, having
retired from indefatigable labours in 1855. Mr Rand has published a sermon
on the ordination of the Rev. Francis Brown, D. C 1805, at North Yarmouth,
Me ; a vol. of Familiar Sermons ; a Review of Finney's sermon on making a
new heart; a pamphlet on the North Yarmouth 1st church controversy ; a vol.
reviewing Quaker principles ; also 2 Anti Slavery Tracts. He married, 1.
Grata, dau. of the Rev. Dr Seth I'ayson of Rindge, Nov. 6, 1812. 2. Clarissa,
dau. of Nicholas Thorndike of Beverly, Ms, Feb. 8, 1820. 3. Mary Coolidge,
dau. of the Rev. Dr John Cushing of Ashburnham and relict of Eli^ha Tile-
Etoh Coolidge, at A. July 6, 1826.
* David Sloan, A. M. the son of David and Elisabeth (Scott) Sloan, was
born at Pelham, Ms, Jan. 9, 1780, and died at Haverhill, June 7, 1860, m. 80.
He read law with George Woodward, D. C. 1793, at Haverhill, and William
130 ALUMNI 180G.
H. Woodward, D. C. 1792, at Hanover ; began practice at Haverliill and lived
there until death. He married Hannah, dan. of Capt. Thomas Johnson of
Newbury, Vt, Nov. 21, 1811. David Scott Sloan, D. C. 1836. and William
Sloan, D. C. 1841, were his sons.
HoKACE Wood Taft, the son of Lyman and Deborah (Wood) Taft, was
born at Montaa;ue, Ms, July 1, 1787. He read law with Samuel Poiter, D. C.
1790, at Dummerston, Vt, and Hezekiah Wrij^ht Strong of Deerfield, Ms ;
began practice at Sanderland, Ms, in July 1810 and there remains ; repre-
sented it in the Mass. Leg. 9 years ; was County Commissioner for Franklin
Co. 10 or 11 years. He married Mary, dau. of Dea. John Montague of Sun-
derland, Aug. 7, 1817.
* Samukl Howe Tolman, A. M. the son of Dea. Desire and Sarah (Howe)
Tolman, was born at Dorchester, Ms, Apr. 30, 1781, and died at Atkinson,
Apr. 2, 1856, m. 74. He taught at Dorchester and Charlestown, Ms ; studied
medicine there ; finished at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1812; began
and closed practice at Winchendon, Ms ; studied divinity with the Rev. Dr
John Milton Whiton of Antrim ; ordained colleague pastor of the Cong. Cli. at
Shirley, Ms, Ott. 25, 1815 ; dismissed Oct. 25, 1818; installed at Dunstable,
Ms, June 12, 1822; dismissed Jan. 28, 1829 ; after supplying from 1829, in-
stalled at South Merrimack, Jan. 5, 1831; dismissed in 1836; supplied at
Atkinson from 1836 to 1837 ; installed pastor there, July 5, 1837 ; dismissed
Oct. 29, 1839 ; supplied at Lempster from June 2, 1839 to Apr. 1844 ; also at
Hillsborough Centre in 1844, and at New Alstead 1 year or more; was again
at South Merrimack from Apr. 1848 to Apr. 1, 1853 ; returned thence to
Atkinson and there fell asleep in Jesus. He married Rachel Damon. Samuel
Howe Tolman, D. C. 1848, was his son.
* John Tuuk, the son of Jacob and Lydia (Dow) True, was born at Salis-
bury, Apr. 9, 1784, and died in Tennessee, Aug. 31, 1815, je. 31. He taught
at Salisbury and in Maine ; studied medicine widi Dr Green at Concord and at
Dart. Med. College ; began practice at Haverhill ; removed to Tenn. and there
pursued his profession. He married a widow Ray of that State in 1815.
* Levi Waliiridge, the son of Henry and INIartha (Reed) Walbridge, was
born at Western, now Warren, Ms, and died at Charleston or Edisto Island,
S. C. in 1828. He taught at St Mary's, S. C. also at Ciiarleston, for some
years ; then studied divinity for orders in the Prot. Epis. Ch. but died in the
* AVilliam Weeks, the son of Benjamin and Sarah (Weed) Weeks, was
born at Gilnianton, and died at Pottsgrove, Pa, Aug. 31, 1810, je. 23. He
read law and settled at Philadelphia, Pa, in the dawn of a promising life.
* John AVeston, A. M. the son of Natlian and Hannah (Mansfield) Weston,
was born at Rockingham, Vt, Sept. 20, 1780, and died at Halley, C E. July
18, 1832, JE. 51. He studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. B.
in 1809, and became M. D. at the Univ. of Vt, in 1826 ; began practice at
Rockingham, but soon removed to Hatley, and continued there until death
ensued from injuries inflicted by a vicious horse. He married Jane, dau. of
Nehemiah Snow of C E. Oct. 30, 1812.
* William White, the son of William and Elisabeth (Mitcliell) White,
was born at Chester, May 13, 1783, and died at Belfast, Me, June 17, 1831,
JE. 48. He read law with the Hon. Amos Kent of Chester, and the Hon. John
Wilson of Belfast ; began ]u-actice at Union, Me, in Aug. 1809 ; was post-
masier tiiere from 1810 to Sept. 1812; then removed to Tiioniaslon, Me, and
finally to Belfast in 1813; represented it in the Ma;S. Leg. in 1817; published
ALUMNI 1806. 131
a funeral oration on the death, ■\vhile in college, of his classmate, John Lane ;
several other orations, with a History of Belfast. He married, 1. Maria A.
Ashmun in 1813. 2. Lydia A. Gordon at Boston, Ms, in Aug. 1817.
* Jonathan Aiken, the son of Capt. James and Elisabeth (Pinkerton)
Aiken, was born at Londonderry, June 19, 1784, and died at Peoria, llli. Aug.
28, 1839, M. 55. He read law with Josiah Forsaith, D. C. 1807, at Goffstown
and settled in practice there ; removed to Peoria in 1839 and died tlie same
year. He married Nancy Patterson, dau. of Phineas Aiken of Bedford, Nov.
22, 1809. Charles Aiken, D. C. 1838, and James Aiken, D. C. 1839, were
his sons.
Booz Moore Atherton, A. M. the son of Dr Oliver and Abigail (Ladd)
Atherton, was born at Chesterfield, Sept. 30, ] 788. He read law and settled
in practice at New Philadelphia, Ohio, but long since changed his abode to
Morris, llli. He married Chloe Holbrook at Keene in Nov. 1813.
* Samuel Ayek, A. M. the son of Capt. Richard H. and Susan (Sargent)
Ayer, was born at Concord, Aug. 31, 1786, and died at Eastport, Me, Nov. 12,
1832, JE. 46. He was tutor at Dart, from 1808 to 1810 ; studied medicine at
Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. B. in 1810 and M. D. in the Univ. of Pa. He
practised first at Portland, Me, and afterwards at Eastport ; was also Surveyor
of Customs there. He married Sarah Connell.
* Zedekiah Belknav, a. M. the son of Zedekiah and Elisabeth (Wait) s/
Belknap, was born at Ward, now Auburn, Ms, Mar. 8, 1781, and died at
Weathersfield, Vt, June 8, 1858, M. 77. He studied divinity, and pi-eached a
few years, but was never oixlained, his only employment known to us was that
of portrait painting, and Weathersfield was his last residence. He married
Sophia Slierwin of Maine.
* Joseph Bell, LL. D. the son of John and Mary (Houston) Bell, was born
at Bedford, Mar. 21, 1787, and died at Saratoga, N. Y. July 25, 1851, je. 64.
He read law ; began practice at Haverhill ; remained until about 1847, when
his profession was pursued at Boston, Ms, until his lamented decease at the
springs, having the reputation of a profound jurist and possessed of a large
estate. Dart, conferred the honorary degree in 1837. He married Catharine,
dau. of the Hon. Mills Olcott, D. C. 1790, at Hanover, Sept. 6, 1821. Joseph
Mills Bell, D. C. 1844, was his son.
* Abijah Blanchaud, a. M.-D. D. the son of Simon and Catharine (Wy-
man) Blanchard, was born at Milford in 1780, and died at Varysburgh, Wy-
oming Co. N. Y. Sept. 19, 1852, je. 71. He studied divinity ; was ordained an
Evangelist at Henrietta, N. Y. June 2, 1830 ; established and edited the Re-
ligious Advocate ; afterwards was a Missionary in several western States ; was
installed pastor of the Presb. Ch. at Melancthon, Mich. Feb. 20, 1839 ; but was
pastor of a church at Pelham, C. W. for 8 years at or near the close of life.
Alleghany Coll. at Meadville, Pa, conferred the D. D. in 1842. He married,
1. Lydia Green of Saratoga, N. Y. 2. Mehitabel Gould at Boxford, Ms, in
Nov. 1832.
* MicAH Bradley, the son of Lsaac and Margaret (Hildreth) Bradley, was
borVi at Dracut, Ms, May 19, 1781, and died off the Island of Madeira, Atlan-
tick Ocean, in Jan. 1815, je. 33. He read law with Judge Minot of Haverhill,
Ms ; settled in practice at Amesbury, Ms, in 1812 ; sailed from Portsmouth in
the privateer Portsmouth on a cruise, Nov. 3, 1814, and is known to have been
132 ALIBINI 1807.
lost with all the crew at the period above stated. He married Frances L.
Weutworth of Portsmoutli in June 1812.
* MosKS IIazen Bkadlky, a. M. the son of the Hon. John and Hannah
(Ayer) Bradley, was born at Concord, Mar, lo, 1782, and died there, June 22,
1834, JE.. 52. He read Uiw and practised, first at Bristol, next at Saub^rnton,
and again at Bristol ; was both a Representative and a Senator in the Lejr. of
N. H. He married Mary, dau. of Dr Peter Green of Concord in Jan. 1818.
Samuel Ayer Bradley, D. C. 1799, was his brother.
JosEi'ii BuFFU.Ai, A. M. the son of Joseph and Sally (Haskell) Buffum, was
born at Fitchburg, Ms, Sept. 23, 1784. He read law with Noah Cooke at
Keene ; began practice there, and was a member of Congress from 1819 to
1821 ; then removed to Westmoreland and has been devoted to agricultural
pursuits. He has not married.
Jacob Buubank, the son of Jacob and Phebe (Adams) Burbank, was bom at
"Washington, Aug. G, 1780. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Elijah Parish
of Byfield, Ms, D. C. 1785, and the Rev. Dr John Smith, D. C. 1794, of
Salem; wms ordained an Evangelist at Pelham, Sept. 14, 1809 ; was installed
pastor of a church at Salem, N. Y. and then at Richmond, N. Y. Feb. 20, 1834;
but now resides at Palmyra, N. Y. He married Electa E. Fish of Westfield,
Ms, Sept. 25, 1809.
* John Burnham, A. M. the son of Samuel and Mary (Perkins) Burnham,
was born at Dunbarton, in Sept. 1780, and died at Hillsborough, Apr. G, 182G,
jp.. 45. He read law there with David Starrett, D. C. 1798, and with the Hon.
Samuel Bell, D, C. 1793, at Francestown ; began practice at Hillsborough in
Apr. 1812, and so continued through life. He married Sarah Hook, dau, of
the Rev. Josei)h Appleton of North Brookfield, Ms, Dec. 15, 1810. Samuel
Burnham, D. C. 1795, Abraham Burnham, D. C. 1804, and Amos Wood Burn-
ham, D. C. 1815, were his brothers.
JosiAH Pausons Cooke, A. M. the son of Noah and Mary (Rockwood)
Cooke, was born at New Ipswich, Feb. 15, 1787. He read law with his father
at Keene ; opened an office at Boston, Ms, and there resides after an extensive
practice. He married Mary, dau. of John Pratt of Boston, Dec. 7, 1826.
William Cuawfoud, A. M, was from Oakham, Ms, He studied medicine ;
settled there pursuing his profession and sustaining, it is said, some publick
offices, but we regret tiiat he has paid no attimtion to our circular.
* Hekculks Cushman, the son of Noah and Mercy (Soule) Cushman, was
born at IMiddleborough, Ms, Nov, 29, 1785, and died there, July 16, 1832, je..
46. He read law wilh Wilkes Wood; began practice at Middleborough ; re-
moved to Freetown, Ms, in 1812, but returned to M, in 1828 ; represented it
in the Mass, Leg, in 1811 and 1812, also Freetown in 1827 and 1828 ; was a
Col, in the militia from 1822 to 1827, and was in high and estimable repute.
He married, 1, Mary, dau. of Gen, Abiel Washburn, Aug. 23, 1812. 2. Bet-
sey Washburn, her sister.
Timothy Faurau, A, M. the son of the Hon. Timothy and Anna (Ban-
croft) Farrar, was born at New Ipswich, Mar. 17, 1788. He read law and
practised successively in New Ipswich, Portsmouth, Hanover, and at Boston,
Ms, near which is his country seat. He was Secretary, Treasurer, and Li-
brarian of Dart, Coll, from 1822 to 1826, and was also a Judge of the N. H.
court of Com, Pleas, He married Susan, dau, of William Adams of Ports-
mouth, Sept. 14, 1817.
LuTiiEU FiTCii, A. M, the son of Zachariah and Sibyl (Lakin) Fitch, was
born at Groton, Ms, Jan. 28, 1783. He read law with Dudley Chase, D. C.
ALUMNI 1807. 133*
1791, at Ivanclolpli, Yt, and Dana and Richardson of Groton ; began practice
at Falmoulh, Me, in 1811 ; removed to Portland, Me, in 1824; was State's
Atty for Cumberland Co. from 1819 to 1825 ; al,■^o Judge of the municipal
Court of Portland from 1825 to 1854, and there resides. He married Almira,
dau. of Andrew Phillips Titcoinb of Falmouth, June 23, 1816.
* JosiAii FoKSAiTii, the son of Dea. William and Jane (Wilson) Forsaith,
was born at Deerino', Dec. 14, 1780, and died at Newport, Mar. 30, 184G, je.
65. He read law with the Hon. George Baxter Uphara and Caleb Ellis of
Claremont ; practised at Goflfc>town from 1810 to 1823; then removed his office
to Newport, his last abode. He married Maria, dau. of William Southworth
of Iliiigham, Ms, Oct. G, 1822. AYilliam Josiah Forsaith, D. C. 1857, was his
* Abraiiaje Seaver Fox, the son of Ebenezer and Anna (Downes) Fox,
was boi-n at Poxbury, Ms, and died there, Feb. 17, 1810, je. 24. He studied
medicine, but deceased too eaily to admit of practice. He did not marry.
Charles Fox, D. C. 1813, was his brother.
* Oliver Green, the son of Oliver and Dorothy (Hildreth) Green, was
born at Pepperell, Ms, July 4, 1781, and died at Sparta parish, Hardistown,
N. J. May 24, 1810, je. 28. He taught at New Salem, Ms, from June 1807
to Oct. 1808 ; at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. from Oct. 1808 to Sept. 1809 ; at
Sparta from Oct. 1809 to Feb. 1810; had already studied divinity with the
Rev. Dr Samuel Austin of Worcester, Ms, and being licensed had both taught
and preached at Sparta until death. He did not many.
Thomas Hardt, A. M. tlie son of Oliver and E,-ther (Whitaker) Hardy,
was born tit Lebanon, June 12, 1783. He studied divinity and was licensed to
preacli, but has never settled or been ordained ; taught in Norwich, Ct, and
elsewhere ; now lives in Lebanon, and was formerly a farmer in that town. He
never married.
* Austin Hazen, A. M. the son of Asa and Susannah (Tracy) Hazen, was
born at Hartford, Yt, in June 178G, and died at Perlin, Yt, Dec. 25, 1854, je.
68. He taught at Buckingham, Pa, 1 year; studied divinity with the Rev. Dr
Ebenezer Porter, D. C. 1792, at Washington, Ct, from 1808 ; was ordained
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Hartfoi'd, May 27, 1812 ; dismissed in Apr. 1829 ;
installed at North Hartford, Yt, Feb. 3, 1830; dismissed in 1837; installed at
Berlin, Yt, Oct. 4, 1837, and died in office. He married, 1. Frances Mary,
dau. of Capt. Israel Putnam Dana of Danville, Yt. 2. Lucia, dau. of the
Rev. Azel Washburn, D. C. 1786, of Royalton, Yt. Allen Hazen, D. C. 1842,
missionary to Ahmednugger, East Indies, and Azel Washburn Hazen, D. C.
1863, were his sons, and Asa Hazen, D. C. 1812, was his bi'other.
*Amos Holbrook, the son of David and Abigail (Blake) Holbrook, was
born at Wrentham, Ms, Feb. 8, 1776, and died at Newark, N. J. July 26, 1849,
JE. 73. He became an instructor, and at length, settling at Newark, tauglit tlie
Latin, Gi'cek, and Hebrew languages. His character was emphatically good.
He married Sophia, dau. of George Cook.
* Jonathan Hunt, A. M. the son of Lt Gov. Jonathan and Lavinia (Swan)
Hunt, was born at Yernon, Yt, May 12, 1787, and died at Washington, D. C.
May 13, 1832, je. 45. He read law ; went into practice and continued it until
death at Biattleborough, Yt ; was an accomplished gentleman, and distinguished
member of Congress from 1827 to 1832, also a General in the Yt militia. He
married Maiy Jane, dau. of William Leavitt of Suffield, Ct.
* Joseph Hall Jackson, the son of Joseph and Sarah (Bennett) Jackson,
was born at Gilmanton, June 11, 1787, and died at Malone, N. Y. Jan. 7, 1856,
134 ALUMNI 1807.
M. 68. He taught at Dan vers, Ms, from 1807 to 1808 ; read law at New Dur-
ham, N. Y. and began practice there ; continued it at Albany, N. Y. but for
many years had his office at Maloiie, maintaining an elevated standing for legal
learning and rigid integrity ; was once a member of the N. Y. Assembly. He
married I'>lih of Newhuryport, Ms, at N. Mar. 12, 1829. Sidney Augustus Merriara,
D. C. 18G1, was his son.
* Calkb Merrill, A. M. the son of James and Molly (Emery) Merrill, was
born at Atkinson, May 22, 1783, and died at Pilt.field, Dec. 19, 1841, M. 58.
He read law and practised first at Chester and last at Pitt^field. He married
Nancy Temple Underbill. James Alfred Emery Merrill, D. C. 1839, and
Geoi-ge Lewis Merrill, D. C. 1840, were his sous, and Jesse Merrill, D. C.
1806, was his brother.
* James Mourison, the son of the Rev. William and Jane (Fullerton) INIor-
rison, was born at Londonderry, Mar. 25, 1789, and died at Savannah, Geo.
Dec. 17, 1831, m. 42. He read law ; went into practice at Savannah, and was
some time Mayor of that city. William Fullerton Morrison, D. C. 1806, was
bis brother.
* George Newton, the son of Nathan Brigham and Mary (Stewart) New-
ton, was born at RoyaUon, Ms, Jan. 16, 1785, and died there, June 6, 1817, M.
32. He read law; began practice at Salem, Ms, but removed in 1816, and
>\*ent t) his native place in the incipient stage of a mortal disease.
* Samuel Osgood, A. ]\L the son of Peter and Hannah (Porter) Osgood,
was born at Andover, Ms, Sept. 14, 1789, and died in N. Y. city, July 3, 1832,
M. 42. He read luw and removed there, but whether be practised his profession
140 AI.UMNI 1808.
or cinluuke) Bi-adbury,
was Iiorn at New Gloncester, Me, Nov. 19, 1783, and died there, Oct. IG, 1859,
M. 75, greatly and deservedly regretted. He i-ead law; began ])rac!ice at New
Gloucester in 1813 and so remained. He married Sarah, dau. of Samuel Mer-
rill of ihat (own, Jan. 1, 1818.
* John Buown, A. M.-D. D. the son of Shnbael Brown, was born at Brook-
lyn, Ct, July 4, 1786, and died at Hadley, Ms, Mar. 22, 1839, M. 52. He
studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. in the class of 1811 — 2 years ; then became
tutor at Dai-t. from 1811 to 1813; was ordained pastor of a ch. ai Cazenovia, N.
Y. Dec. 8, 1813 ; dismissed in Jan. 1829 ; installed pastor of the Pine street Cong.
Ch. at Pio-ton, Ms, Mar. 4, 1829 ; dismissed Feb. G, 1831 ; installed pastor of the
Cong. Ch. at Hadley, Mar. 2, 1831, and in office yielded up his spirit after a
ministry to 3 churches of uncommon usefidness. He married Sarah, dau. of
Col. Constant Murdock of Norwich, Vt, Aug. 28, 1814. Union Coll. N. Y.
conferred the D. D. in 1827. Two sermons on Baptism were from his jien.
* HouATlo BuELL, the son of Gordon and Hannah (Whittlesey) Bnell, was
born at Newport, Jan. 13, 1787, and died at Baliston, N. Y. Feb. 28, 1833, ^.
46. He read law and went into practice at Glen's Falls, N. Y.
* John Francis, A. M. the son of Asa and Prudence (Warner) Francis, was
born at Ilartfoid, Ct, Dec. 1, 1785, and died at Royalton, Vt, on his birthday,
Dec. 1, 1843, m. 58. He read law with the Hon. William Czar Bradley
at AVestminstcr, Vt, from 1809 to 1812; began to practise at Danville, Vt, in
1812 ; removed his office to Royalton in 1813 and there continued ; was in all
the grades of the Vt militia from a private to a Brig. General. He married,
1. Lucy, dau. of Dr Benjamin Dyer of Windham, Ct, Oct. 12, 1815. 2. Rebecca,
dau. of J born
at Rowley, Ms, Aug. 21, 1786, and died at Georgetown, late in Rowley, May
19, 1851, JE. 64. He studied medicine; settled in practice at Rowley, and ob-
tained the deizree of ]\L D. at Dartmouth in 1850. He married Elisabeth, dau.
of Maj. John^Mills, Sept. 7, 1814.
Ika Allen Partridge, the son of Eli and Persis (Earle) Partridge, was
born at Chesterfield, Jnly 19, 1785. He was at one time a Prof, in the Mili-
tary Acad, at MidiUetown, Ct, and no more information has been received.
* JosERii Prentiss, the son of Thomas and Mary (Spencer) Prentiss, was
born at AVeathersfield, Vt, in June 1787, and is dead. He read law with the
Hon. Sylvester Gilbert, D. C. 1775, at Hebron, Ct ; began practice at Hamp-
ton, Ct, in 1816; represented it in the Ct Legislature; removed to Douglass,
Ms ; afterwards to Rock Co. Wise, and thence to California in 1850, where his
relatives believe him to have deceased soon after, as no tidings of him have
been heard. He nnuried Betsey Avery, dau. of Dr John Brewster of Hamp-
ton in 1816.
Israel "Warburton Putnam, A. M.-D. D. the son of Eleazar and Sarah
(Fuller) Putnam, was born in Dan vers, Ms, Nov. 24, 1786. He studied law
with the Hon. Samuel Putnam of Salem, Ms ; al)andoned its pursuit, and
studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. in the class of 1814 ; was ordained pastor
of the 1st Cong. Ch. at Portsmouth, Mar. 15, 1815 ; dismissed Mar. 15, 1835;
installed pastor of the 1st Cong. Ch. at Middleborough, Ms, Oct. 28, 1835, and
so contituies, his whole ministry exceeding 52 years of faithful and successful
pastoral service. lie was a Trustee of Dart, from 1820 to 1840, and his
honorary degree was there conferred in 1853. He married, 1. Hannah, dau. of
Peter Osgood of Andover, Ms, Dec. 2, 1815. 2. Julia Ann, dau. of Samuel
Osgood and relict of Samuel Osgood, D. C. 1808, both of N. Y. city, Apr. 29,
1833. Charles Israel Putnam, D. C. 1838 and Edward Warren Putnam,
D. C. 1840, were his sons, and Archelaus Fuller Putnam, D. C. 1819, was his
* John Richards, the son of Moses and Jane (Jewett) Richards, was born
at Rowley, Ms, Aug. 22, 1788, and died tiiere, Nov. 19, 1830, m. 42. His life
was not devoted to a liberal profession. He married, 1. Mary Cleaveland, dau.
of the Rev. Ebenezer Bradford of Rowley, Apr. 22, 1811. 2. Jane, dau. of
Major Ebenezer Boynton of Rowley in 1818.
* Franklin Ripley, A. M. the ^on of Jerome and Sarah (Franklin) Rip-
ley, was boru at Greenfield, Ms, May 7, 1789, and died there, June 9, 18G0,
ALUMNI 1809. . 145
M. 71. He read law with Robert Campbell of Cooperstown, N. Y. from 1809
to 1812 ; began practice tliere with him ; then opened an office at Nortlifield,
Ms, in 1813; removed to Greenfield in 181G; went into mercantile business
with his father; left it to become cashier of tlie Greenfield Bank in 1822 ; held
that position about 30 years, and was then its President 2 years ; became Judge
of Probate in 1853 and vacated the office in four years. He married Char-
lotte, dau. of John Barrett of Northfield, Dec. 18, 18U.
Joiix Smith Sage, tlie son of the Hon. Ebenezer and Ruth (Smith) Sage,
was born at East Hampton, L. I. in N. Y. June 21, 1791. He studied medi-
cine ; practised first at Mobihi, Ala. 1 or 2 years, then pursued his profession
at Sag Harbour, L. I. and there remains, though his labours as a physician
have ceased.
* Eli Smith, the son of the Rev. Eli and Catharine (Sheldon) Smith, was
born at Sunderland, Ms, July 16, 1787, and died at South Frankfort, Ky, Oct.
23, 1839, M. 52. He studied divinity and was ordained ; became pastor of the
Presb. Ch. at Frankfort for 10 years ; was afterwards installed pastor of the
Presb. Ch. at Paris, Ky, Apr. 15, 1829. He married Mary Jane Brown at
Newburyport, Ms, Sept. 21, 1822.
* Ai.PHONSO Converse Stuakt, the son of Jonas Stuart, was born at
Claremont, and fell in a dnel at Belleville, Illi. Feb. 8, 1819. It was said that
Stuart and tlie seconds had agreed not to use bullets, and that his antagonist,
Timothy Bennett, knowing or suspecting this, put a ball into his pistol with the
above fatal result. On this charge, he was arrested, indicted for murdt^r, tried,
found guilty, sentenced to be hung, and executed in the presence of thousands,
Gov. Bond having firmly resisted all applications for paixlon. The moral effect
was good, and the duel the first and the last ever fought in Illinois.
* Charles Jesse Stuart, the son of Charles and Esther (Ferguson)
Stuart, was born at Peterborough, Sept. 20, 1788, and died at Lancaster, May
17, 1837, M. 48. He read law ; settled in practice at Sanbornton and removed
thence to Lancaster. He married Eliza, dau. of Daniel Austin of Jeflferson,
July 4, 1822. She is said to have been the first lady that ever reached the
summit of Mount Washington.
* Joseph Jacob Sylvester, the son of Caleb Sylvester, was born at Han-
over, Ms, Jan. 19, 1786, and died at Mineral Point, Wise, in Nov. 1837, je. 51.
He read law at Harvard, Ms ; went into practice at Rupert, Vt, and removed
thence to the West.
Oliver Swaine Taylor, A. M. the son of Thaddeus and Bridget (Walton)
Taylor, was born at New Ipswich, Dec. 17, 1784. He taught the Acad, at that
town from 1809 to 1811 ; studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating
M. D. in 1813 ; practised at Belchertown, Ms, and then at Hadley, Ms ; after
this, devoted himself to the education of youth ; taught at Hadley and Boston,
Ms, in New York, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and South Carolina with eminent
success ; now lives at Auburn, N. Y. He married Catharine Gould, dau. of
Nathan Parsons of Enfield, Ms.
* Henry Thorndike was born at Jaffrey, and died at Thorndike, now
Brimfield, Oliio, Mar. 22, 1831, m. 50. He read law with the Hon. Caleb Ellis
or the Hon. George Baxter Upham of Claremont ; practised at Boston, Ms,
from 1812 to 1813 ; then at Fitzwilliam ; removed thence to Thorndike; pur-
sued his profession there and was also an Iron Founder. He man-ied, 1. Har-
riet, dau. of Dr Moody Dustin of Claremont. 2. Lucy A. dau. of John H.
Sumner of Claremont, Aug. 3, 1826.
* Barn A Tisdale, the son of Barna and Tryphena (TiflTany) Tisdale, was
146 ALUMNI 1809.
born at Lebanon, July 17, 1787, and died at Bradford, Ms, Feb. 17, 1860, iE.
72. He read law, but settled at Hanover as a farmer, and thence removed to
Bradford in 1856. He married Martha, dan. of Dr Ebenezer Wright, at Han-
over, Jan. 2, 181.5.
* Elias Wei.i>, the son of the Hon. Elias and Rnth (Kingsbury) AYeld, was
born at Hartland, Yt. He studied medicine, but soon became hallucinated, and
suddenly vanished on October 19, 1813, from Hanover, and has never been
heard of since, havitig doubtless lost his life at the time of bis elopement.
* Asa "Waldo Wildes, A. M. the son of Dudley and Bethiah (Harris)
AVildes, was born at Topsfield, Ms, May 4, 1786, and died at Newburyport, Ms,
Dec. 4, 1857, m. 71. He taught in different parts of Me and Ms, including
the grammar school at Newburyport, with great acceptance ; this city became
his permanent residence, and the office of Essex County Commissioner, for 30
years, was held by him. Few men have so often and so worthily acted as
referee in litigated cases. He married Eliza Ann, dan. of Abel Lunt, at New-
buryport, June 7, 1818.
* David Willard, the son of Beriah and Catharine (Wells) Willard, was
born at Greenfield, Ms, Aug. 21, 1790, and died there. July 16, 1855, jk. 64.
He read law with Richard English Newcomb, D. C. 1793, at Greenfield, and
went into practice there in 1812; was many years Town Clerk and also an
assistant in the Clerk's office of the Sup. Jud. and C. P. courts of the Co. of
Franklin. The History of Greenfield was written and published by him. He
married Sally, dau. of Thomas Dickman of Springfield, Ms, at S. Nov. 1,
* Levi Woodbury, A. M.-LL. D. the son of the Hon. Peter C. and Mary
(Woodbury) Woodbury, was born at Francestown, Dec. 22, 1789, and died at
Portsmouth, Sept. 4, 1851, M. 61. He read law at Litchfield, Ct, Law School,
with the Hon. S. Dana of Boston, INIs, and Judge Jeremiah Smith of Exeter ;
practised at Francestown from Sept. 1812 to 1819 ; then removed to Ports-
mouth ; was Clerk of the State Senate in 1816 ; became a Judge of the N. H.
Sup. Court the same year ; was Governor of the State in 1823 ; represented
Portsmouth in the Leg. in 1825, being also Speaker of the House ; was a U. S.
Senator from 1825 to 1831 ; Secretary of the U. S. navy from May 1831 to
1834 ; Secretary of the U. S. treasury from 1834 to 1841 ; again U. S. Sena-
tor from Mar. 1841 to Sept. 1845, when he was appointed an Associate Justice
of the U. S. Supreme Court and held that position to his death, crowned with
deserved honours, and ranking among the truly great men of our country.
Dartmouth conferred the Hon. degree in 1823 and the Wesleyan Univ. in 1843.
He published a vol. of Law Reports ; many Official Reports, with numerous
speeches and literary addresses. In the estimation of multitudes, death alone
deprived him of the U. S. Presidential elevation. He married Eliza W. dau.
of the Hon. Asa Clapp of Portland, Me, in June 1819.
* George Talcott AVrioiit, the son of Aaron and Helena Talcott (Breck)
Wright, was born at Northampton, Ms, in 1795, and died at Rexford Flatts,
N. Y. July 27, 1859, m. 64. He graduated at the age of 14; read law at
Hanover and with the Hon. David Cummins, D. C. 1806, at Salem, I\Is ; opened
an office at Clifton Park, Saratoga Co. N. Y. and after two removals settled
permanently at Rexf'oid Flatis ; was postmaster there some time, but an in-
curable malady forced him to give up all business many years before his de-
cease. He married, 1. in 1834. 2. Maria, dau. of Adonijah Nash,
Nov. 26, 1842.
* Joel Wright, the son of Benjamin and Betsey (Adams) Wright, was
ALUMNI 1809. 147
born at Milfonl in 1784, and died at South Hadley, Ms, June 8. 1859, je. 75.
He tanglit at New Salem, Ms, from 1809 to 1812 ; studied divinity wiiii the
Rev. Dr Seth Payson of Rindge ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Leverelt, Ms, Dec. 9, 1812; dismissed Jan. 26, 1820; installed at Goslien, Ms,
Sept. 2G. 1821 ; dismissed in Sent. 1828; installed at Wilmington, Yt, Oct. 28,
1829 ; dismissed Jan. 2, 1834 ; installed at Sullivan, May 22, 1834 ; dismissed
Apr. 28, 1840 ; and was pastor at Bristol in 1841. He married Lucy, dau. of
the Rev. Daniel Grosvenor of Petersham, Ms.
* Charles Goldthwait Adams, A. M. the son of Dr Daniel, M. D. Med.
class 1803, and Sarah (Goldthwait) Adams, was born at Keene, and died there,
Apr. 9, 1856, JE. 63. He studied medicine at Harv. Med. Coll. graduating
M. D. in 1816 ; went into practice at Keene, and there spent his life, skilful in
his profession and of a genial temperament. He was a member of the N. H.
Med. Society. He married Mary Ann King at Keene in Nov. 1822. John
Goldthwait Adams, D. C. 1854, was his son.
* Seth Cogswell Baldwin, the son of Seth C. and (Cogswell)
Baldwin, was born at Ball^ton, N. Y. and died at Glen's Falls, N. Y. Feb. 26,
1848, JE. 55. He read law with Col. Samuel Young of BalI?ton ; began prac-
tice at Williamsburg, Warren Co. N. Y. but in a few years removed to Lake
George, N. Y. and thence about 1842 to Glen's Falls, pursuing his profession
to the last. He had been Clerk of Warren Co. Surrogate thereof, and the
First Judge of its Court of Common Pleas. He was married twice.
Joshua Barrett, the son of John and Experience (Ball) Barrett, was bora
at Concord ? Ms. He studied divinity ; but his history is blank until he be-
came pastor of the 2nd Cong. Ch. at Plymouth, Ms, Jan. 11, 1826 ; dismissed
Nov. 11, 1833; afterwards took up his abode at Westford, Ms, and is said to
live there still. He married Sai'ah Newhall of Lynn, Ms, in Nov. 1826.
David Chassell, A. M.-D. D. was born in Scotland, G. B. He studied
divinity ; was many years pastor of the Presb. Ch. at Fairfield, Herkimer Co.
N. Y'". and leaving there, was afterwards installed pastor of the Presbyterian
Ch. at Newport in the same county, where his residence is said to continue,
but without charge. His honorary degree was given by Union Coll. N. Y. in
1847. He married, 1. Lucinda, dau. of Col. Jonathan Elkins, at Peacham, Vt,
in Dec. 1810. 2. , dau. of John H. Olin of Leicester, Vt. 3. ■
* Daniel Chute, the son of James and Mehitabel (Thurston) Chute, was
born at Boxford, Ms, Juye 4, 1787, and died at Evansville, Ind. June 20, 1859,
^. 72. He went to Pittsburgh, Pa, in 1811 ; thence to Cincinnati, Oliio ; but
about 1820 removed to Evansville. and there remained ; in all these places, his
occupation was the instruction of youth, filling however in the last tlie office of
postmaster for some years. He married, 1. Rachel M'GifFen of Pittsburgh in
1813. 2. Mrs Sarah (Waters) Benjamin, Oct. 20, 1842. James Chute, D. C.
1813, was his brother.
* Henry Crosby, the son of Frederick and Martha (Maynard) Crosby, was
born at Ashburnham, Ms, m July 1785. He read law in the state of N. Y.
from 1811 to his admission at the bar, and practised there a short time ; then
went to Middlebrook Mills, Montgomery Co. Md, where his em])loyment was
teaching for many years. Not far from 1838, liis relatives heaixl of his being
about to remove to Missouri, and that is their last intelligence of him, so that
he is no doubt long since numbered with the dead.
148 ALUMNI 1810.
* Joseph Fairbanks, the i=on of Joseph and Mary (Stedman) Fairbanks,
Avas born at Ilolliston, Ms, in 17S8, and died there in Sept. 1814, je. 26. He
became an instructor and tau^jht last at St Albans, Vt.
* Samuel Fletchkr, A. M. tlie son of Joshua and Sarah (Brown) Fletcher,
was born at Plymouth, July 31, 178."), and died at Concord, Oct. 28, 1-858, JE.
73. He taught' at Gilmanton Acad, from 1810 to 1812; read law with the
Hon. Samuel Green of Concord ; began practice there in 1815 ; represented it
in the N. H. Leg. in 1823 ; removed to Andover. I\Is, as Treasurer of the And.
Theo. Sem. in 1842 ; returned to Concord in 1850, and there passed the rest
of a valuable life. Dart, enjoyed his services as Trustee from 1835 to 1858.
He mariied, 1. Nancy, dau. of Col. Boardman of South Reading, ]\Is, at S. R.
in July 1819. 2. Mrs Hannah (Chickering) Briggs, dau. of the Rev. Jabez
Chickeriiig of Dedham, IMs, and relict of Dr John Kingsbury Bricrg-, at New-
buryport, Ms, Feb. 23. 1847.
Asa Fkeemax, A. M. the son of the Hon. Jonathan and Sarah (Huntington)
Freeman, was born at Hanover, Jan. 9, 1788. He read law Avitli his brother,
Peyton Randolph Freeman, D. C. 1796, at Portsmouth and with Isaac Lyman
at York, Me, 1 year; began practice at York in 1813; opened his office at
Dover in July 1818, and there remains ; was in the N. H. Constitutional Conv.
in 1850 ; was a Commissioner in tlie U. S. Circuit Court, appointed by Judge
Joseph Story. He married Frances, dau. of the Hon. William King Atkinson
of Dover, Dec. 1, 1820. Francis Atkinson Freeman, D. C. 1841. is his son,
and his brother appears above.
* Jamics Haavkes, A.m. the son of Natlian and Sarah (Ilitchings) Hawkes,
was born in that part of Lynn, which is now Saugus, Ms, in 1777, and died at
Maysville, Ky, in 1828, M. 51.
* Russell Jarvis, the son of Samuel Gardner and Prudence (Davis) Jar-
vis, was born at Boston, Ms, and died in N. Y. city, April 17, 1853, JE. 63. He
read law and practised in Boston from 1823 to 1828; then removed to N. Y.
but devoted himself principally to journalism in that emporium. His wife and
2 children, all his family, wen^ dcploi'ably lost by the burning of the steamboat
Lexington in Long Island Sound, Jan. 13, 1840. He married Eliza, dau. of
Thoma- Cordis at Boston in Nov. 1824.
* Leonard Jeavett, the son of Jacob and Elisabeth (Cummings) Jewett,
was born at Iloliis, Oct. 2, 1787, and died there, Feb. 16, 1862, ac. 74. He
tauglit at Deerfield Acad. Ms, 1 year; studied divinity at Andover Tiieo. Sem.
graduating in 1814; went a voyage for health to St Peter.-burg, Russia, and
preached in many places before his return ; what was then done by liim for
some years is unknown to us until his ordination as j^astor of the Cong. Ch. at
Temple, Mai*. 6, 1833; dismissed July 5, 1844. His ministry was much im-
peded by disease and he repaired to Iloliis incapable of filling the pastoral
office. He married Sally, dau. of Dr Ebenezer Rockwood of Wilton in 1833.
David Jewett, D. C 1801, was his brother.
Asa Keyes, A. M. the son of Israel and AI)igail (Lowell) Ke3-es, was born
at Putney, Vt, May 30, 1788. He taught at Chesterfield Acad, from 1810 to
1812; then read law at Putney 2 years and at Boston. Ms, 1 year; began
practice at Putney in Dec. 18l4; represented it in the Vt Leg. in 1826 and
1827 ; removed to Brattleborough, Vt, in Oct. 1833 ; was its repiesentative in
the Leg. in 1835, and a member of the Vt Senate in 1855 and 1856. He
married Sarah, dau. of Asa Biilton of Cliesterfield, Jan. 7, 1815.
* Richard Ki.aiball, A. 'SI. the son of Edward and INIidiitabel (Cliadwick)
Kimball, was born at Bradford, Ms, Aug. 10, 1789, and died at Rowley, Ms,
ALUMNI 1810. 149
Dec. 1, 1842, je. 53. He became a teacher in his native town, and was also
Preceptor of Bradford Acad. 1 year in 1811. He married, 1. Eliza Hobson
of Rowley. 2. Almira Parker of Andover, Ms, in Feb. 1818.
* John Flint LiVERJioni:, the son of Braddyl and Mary (Flint) Liver-
more, was born at Paxtou, Ms, July 21, 1786, and died at York, Pa, Apr. 14,
1812, .E. 25.
* Theodore Lyman, the son of Justin Lvman, was born at Northampton,
Ms, June 22, 1790, and died at Fairfield, Ct, Oct. 8, 1812, je. 22.
* James Lyxde, the son of the Hon. Cornelius and Rebecca (Davis) Lynde,
was born at Williamstovvn, Vt, Apr. 21, 1791, and died there, June 25, 1834,
iE. 43. He read law and practised at Montpelier and at Williamstovvn ; was a
man of powerful intellect, but suffered greatly from a lingering illness that
frustrated all his business efforts. He did not marry.
Joel Mann, A. M. the son of John and Lydia (Porter) Mann, was born at
Orford, Feb. 7, 1789. Pie taught Moor's charity sch. at Hanover from 1810
to 1811 ; studied divinity with the Rev. Dr William Ellery Channing of Bos-
ton, Ms, and Pres. John Wheelock, D. C. 1771, at Hanover; was ordained col-
league pastor of the Rev. Dr Henry Wight of the Cong. Ch. at Bristol, R. I.
Nov. 15, 1815 ; dismissed Sept. 14, 1826 ; installed associate pastor with the
Rev. Ebenezer Gay of the ch. at Sutfield, Ct, Dec. 13, 1826; dismissed Dec. 2,
1829; installed at Greenwich, Ct, Sept. 1, 1830; dismissed Aug. 24, 1836;
installed pastor of the Free Presb. Ch. at N. Y. city, Jan. 18, 1837 ; dismissed
in Apr. 1838 ; installed over the Howard St Cong. Ch. at Salem, Ms, May 6,
1840 ; dismissed Apr. 14, 1847 ; was stated supply at Kingston, R, I. from Oct.
1848 to 1857, also at Hanover Four Corners, Ms, from Aug. 1857 to Nov. 1858 ;
now resides at Morrisania, N. Y. He married Catharine, dau. of Samuel
Vernon of Newport, R. I. May 12, 1816. Cyrus Mann, D. C. 1806, was his
* Moses Merrill, A. M. the son of Humphrey and (Lunt) Merrill,
was born at Falmouth, Me, May 8,1782. He went to Baltimore, IMd, soon
after graduation and was there employed as a Teacher to 1844 certainly and
perhaps longer, for although death overtook him in that city, the date thereof has
not appeared. PL; married Catharine M'Clatchie of Baltimore, Sept. 29, 1825.
* Moses Moody, tiie son of Dea. Francis and Mary (Elliot) Swan, was
born at Haverhill, Ms, and died at New Sharon or Ilallowell, Me, in Jan. 1862.
Before entering Dart, he became the adopted sou and took the name oF Moses
Moody of Haverhill, who had married Elisabeth Elliot, the sister of Mrs Swan.
The graduate was a teacher at Salem, Ms, from Oct. 29, 1816 for several years ;
then removed to New Sharon, alternately living there and at Hallowell ; resided
however some time in Boston, Ms, including the date, Nov. 20, 1850, but returned
to Me. He married Rebecca Dean of Salem.
* Ebenezer Morse, the son of Reuben and Abigail (Mason) Morse, was
born at Dublin, Aug. 13, 1785, and died at AYalpole, Dec. 30, 1863, m. 78. He
studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1813 ; settled in prac-
tice at Walpole, and there remained; was also a member of the N. H.Med.
Society. He married Esther Crafts in 181 6. ■
* Levi Newcomb, the son of Hon. Daniel and Sarah (Stearns) Newcomb,
was born at Keene, Mar. 7, 1790, and died at Hanover, Apr. 23, 1810, je. 20.
Henry Steai-ns Newcomb, D. C. 1807, was his brother.
* Grant Poavers, A. M. the son of Sampson and Elisabeth (Abbot) Pow-
ers, was born at Iluliis, May 31, 1784, and died at Goshen, Ct, Apr. 10, 1841,
^. 56. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Ilaver-
150 ALUMNI 1810.
hill, Jan. 4, 1815; dismissed in May 1829; installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Goshen, Aug. 27, 1829, and died in charge. His publications were. An Essay
on the influence of the Imagination on the Nervous System, contrihuting to a
false hope in Religion ; a History of the Coos country, and 2 occasional dis-
courses. He married EHsaheth II. Hopkins at Thetford, Vt, in Sept. 1817.
* Joiix Scott, the son of John and ]Mehitahei (Todd) Scott, was horn at
Rowley, Ms, Aug. 23, 1789, and died at Newhuryport. Ms, Nov. 18, 1825, je.
3G. He read law with the Hon. William INIercIiant Richardson at Groton, Ms
1 year, and with the Hon. El)enezer Moseley of Newhuryport, 2 years ; com-
menced practice at the last town and so continued through life. He married
Hannali, dau. of Joshua Pickard of Rowley, Aug. 9, 1815.
* MosKS Stevexs, a. M. the son of Jonathan and Susannah (Bragg) Ste-
vens, was born at Andover, Ms, Oct. 1, 1790, and died at Nashville, Tenn. Mar.
1, 1841, M. 50. He tauglit at Salem, Ms, from Dec. 1810 to 1821 or 1822,
and then removed to Nashville, closing there a successful career in instruction.
He married Sarah, dau. of Capt. Jonathan Bickford of Salem, in Oct. 1816.
* WiLLARD Thayer, the son of Benoni and (Skinner) Thayer, was born
at Peacham, Vt, and died at N. Y. city, June 13, 1832, je. 46. He studied
medicine and settled in practice there ; was also a druggist and amassed a large
estate. He married Mary, dau. of Lot Pratt of Peacham. Chancellor Walworth
also gives the marriage of Willard Thayer to Sarah, dau. of Alexander Blanchard,
and this may have been the graduate or perhaps his son.
* Daniel Wells, A. M-LL. D. the son of Col. Daniel and Rhoda (Xewton)
Wells, was born at Greenfield, Ms, Jan. 14, 1791, and died at Cambridge, Ms,
June 24, 1854, m. 63. He taught at Deerlield Acad. Ms, from 1812 to 1813;
read law with Elijah Alvord of Greenfield ; began practice at Claremont, but
soon returned to his native place and pursued his profession there with acknowl-
edged ability and success until his appointment to be Chief Justice of the Ms
Court of Com. Pleas. Cambridge became his residence not long before his
death. Williams Coll. gave the honorary degree in 1845. He married Mary,
•dau. of George Duncan, at Preble, N. Y.
* John Wilde, the son of Elisha and Abigail (Faxon) Wilde, was born at
West Fairlee, Vt, Oct. 29, 1789, and died at Montgomery, Ala. June 10, 1822, M.
32. He taught at New Lebanon, N. Y. 1 year ; went to Savannah, Geo. and kept
a school there 3 or 4 years ; was then a teller in one of its banks 2 or 3 years ;
after that, returned to West Fairlee, remaining about 2 years, when he left for
Montgomery and embarked in mercantile business. He never married.
* WiLLiA^i AiNSWORTii, A. M. the son of the Rev. Laban, D. C. 1778, and
Mary (Minoi) Ainsworth, was born at .TaflVey, Aug. 24, 1792, and died at Con-
cord, June 14, 1842, yE. 49. He read law with Samuel Dakin, D. C. 1797, at
Jaffrey, and Judge Barnes of Tolland, Ct ; began practice at Jaffiey ; repre-
sented it in the N. H. Leg. 3 years ; removed to New Ipswich to be casliier of the
Manufacturing Bank in 1831 ; represented the town in the N. H. Leg. 2 years,
and died while attending its session. He married Mary Morse, dau. of John
Stearns of Jaffrey, Se[.t. 29, 1819. Frederick Smith Ainsworth, D. C. 1840,
was his son.
* Jacob Allen, A. M. the son of Timothy and ^Nlary (Burnham) Allen, was
born at Columbia, Ct, Aug. 19, 1781, and died at Sterling, Ct, Mar. 13, 1856,
£. 74. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Asa Burton, D. C. 1777, of Thet-
ALUMNI 1811. 151
ford, Yt ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Tunbridge, Vt, Oct. 6, 1813 ;
dismissed Feb. 20, 1821 ; installed at East Glastenbury, Ct, Aug. 28, 1822 ;
dismissed Dec. 28, 1835 ; installed at Sterling, Ct, Oct, 11, 1837 ; dismissed Nov.
15, 1849; was stated supply at Preston, Ct, from 1850 to 1851; returned to
Sterling and supplied there from Apr. 1851 to his death. Several Essays and
Sermons were published by him. He married Mercy Dame of Orford, May
21, 1816.
Abraham Andrews, A. M. the son of Solomon and Susan (Bradford) An-
drews, was born at Hillsborough, Dec. 14, 1786. He read law with Judge
Clifton Claggett at Amherst, and Aaron Flint Sawyer, D. C. 1804, at Mount
Vernon ; then taught at Charlestown, Ms ; was next appointed Master of the
Bowdoin School at Boston, Ms, in 1822 and there continued until his retirement
not long since to Groton, Ms. He married, 1. Elisabeth R. Swift, Apr. 30,
1822. 2. Caroline Swift in Nov. 1830.
* Lemuel Hastings Arnold, A. M. the son of Dr Jonathan and Cynthia
(Hastings) Arnold, was born at St Johnsbury, Vt, Jan. 29, 1792, and died at
Kingston, R. L June 27,1852,^.60. He read law with the Hon. James Bui--
rill of Providence, R. I. and began practice there in Mar. 1814 ; but went into
merchandise and mannfoctures in 1821 ; represented Providence in the General
Assembly from 1826 to 1831 ; was Governor of R. I. in 1831 and 1832 ; of the
Exec. Council in 1842 and 1843 ; a member of Cong, from 1845 to 1847 ; re-
moved to Kingston in 1847. He married, 1. Sally, dau. of the Hon, Daniel
Lyman in June 1819. 2. Catharine Shonnard, June 22, 1847. Josiah Lyndon
Arnold, D. C. 1788, was his half brother.
* Joseph Bailey, the son of Luther and Experience (Bailey) Bailey, was
born at Westmoreland Feb. 2, 1784, and died at N. Y. city, Apr. 21, 1843, m.
59. He studied divinity and was licensed to preach, though he did not settle,
but was a successful teacher in New York tor many years. He married Mary
Lane Cliampney of Salem, Ms. Aug. 24, 1819.
* Israel Balch, the son of David and Sally (Peabody) Balch, was born at
Topstield, Ms, Sept. 14, 1788, and died at Amesbury, Ms, July 7, 1858, je. 69,
He taught at Topsfield and Amesbury 3 years ; studied medicine with Dr
Nathan Smith of Hanover and Dr French at Amesbury ; began practice at
Salisbury, Ms, but removed to Amesbury in 1820. He married Mary Ann M.
B. D. dau. of Thomas Goodwin of Amesbury in 1815.
* James Bradford, the son of the Rev. Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Green)
Bradford, was born at Rowley, Ms, Sept. 11, 1786, and died at Sheffield, Ms,
Dec. 16, 1858, m. 72. He studied divinity with the Rev. Moses Bradford, D.
C. 1785 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong Ch. at Sheffield, Oct, 13, 1813 ; dis-
missed in May 1852 ; has published several occasional sermons and addresses,
and was a lineal descendant of Gov, William Bradford of Plymouth Colony.
He married Margaret, dau. of Dea. Daniel Flint of Reading, Ms, Nov. 15,
1813. Ebenezer Green Bradford, D. C. 1796, was his brother.
Alexander Stearns Campbell, the son of Dr Alexander and Rhoda
(Corey) Campbell, was born at Rockingham, Vt, Nov. 3, 1789. He read law
with the Hon. William Czar Bradley of Westminster, Vt ; settled in practice at
Bellows Falls, Vt ; removed to Boston, Ms, in 1845, but returned to his native
pl^ce in 1850. He married Marie Sophia Le Tremouille of Montreal, Can.
East, July 19, 1826.
* Nathaniel Hazeltine Carter, A. M. the son of Joseph and Hannah
(Carr) Carter, was born at Concord, Sept. 17, 1787, and died at Marseilles,
France, Jan. 2, 1830, je. 42. He taught in Salisbury and also in Portland, Me ;
152 ALUMNI 1811.
read law ; was Prof, of Languages at Dart. Univ. in its brief existence from
1817 to 1819 ; then became editor and proprietor of the Albany Register at
Albany, N. Y. changing its title to the New York Statesman ; removed to N.
Y. city in 1822; travelled in Europe from 1825 to 1827 ; returning, published
"Letters from Europe" in 2 volumes; spent the winters of 1827 and 1628 in
the island of Cuba, W. I. and went to Marseilles in 1829, Avhere consumption
soon terminated his life. Mr Carter was a poet and published " The Pains of
Imagination " and other pieces in verse, and was undoubtedly an accomplished
scholar and gentleman. He did not marry.
* Calf.u Ciiask, a. M. the son of Moody and Anna ("Webster) Chase, was
born at Chester, Feb. 4, 1783, and died at Portland, Me. Sept. 20, 1850, je. 67.
He studied divinity but did not preach, devoting himself to teaching for many
years, especially in Portland. He married Susan, duu. of Joseph Burrill of
Haverhill, Ms, Dec. 3, 181G.
* NojiLAS Cobb, A. M. the son of Dr Samuel and Ann (Steele) Cobb, was
born at Springfield, Vt, Jan. 14, 1790, and died there, July 27, 1838, £. 48.
He read law with John Ilolton, D. C. 1805, at that town and began practice there
in 1815; was first Register and then Judge of Probate. His father, having
lost a son named Salmon, thouglit it a bad omen and, reversing the letters, called
him Nomlas. He married Merriel, dau. of Theophilus Bates of Springfield,
Nov. 14, 1815.
* Francis Cogswell, the son of the Hon, Thomas and Ruth (Badger)
Cogswell, Avas born at Gilmanton, Apr. 24, 1787, and died at Plattsburg, N.
Y. Dec. 8, 1812, M. 25. He taught at Tappahannock, Va, until appointed a
Lt in the U. S. army in the war of 1812 with Great Britain. He did not
marry. Nathaniel Cogswell, D. C. 1794, was his brother,
* William Cogswkll, A. M.-D. D. the son of Dr William and Judith
(Badger) Cogswell, was born at Atkinson, June 5, 1787, and died at Gilman-
ton, Apr. 18, 1850, je. 62. He taught at Hampton and Atkinson Academies;
studied divinity with the Rev. Josiah Webster, D. C. 1798, at Hampton, the
Rev. Dr Daniel Dana, D. C. 1788, at Newburyport, Ms, and the Rev. Dr
Samuel Worcester, D. C. 1795, at Salem, Ms ; was ordained pastor of the Cong.
Ch. at Dcdliam, Ms, Apr. 26, 1815 ; dismissed Dec. 15, 1829 ; became Agent
of the Am, Edu. Soc. June 27, 1829 ; also its Sec, and Director Jan, 2'), 1832 ;
resigned in Apr. 1844; was Prof, of History and Nat. Eiki. at Dart, Coll, fiom
1841 to 1844; was then elected Pres. and Prof, of Theology at Gilmanton,
Theo. Seminary; was some years editor of the Am, Quart, Register, of the N.
H. Repo-itory, and the first vol, of the New Eng, Hist, and Gen. Register.
His other publications were "A Manual of Theology and Doctrine;" "The
Christian Philanthropist ; " " The Theological Class Book ; " " Letters to Young
Men preparing for the Ministry ;" also reports of the Am. Edu, Soc. and occasional
sermons, AVilliams Coll. gave the Hon, degree in 1833. He married Joanna,
dau. of the Rev. Dr Jonathan Strong, D, C, 1786, of Randolph, i\Is, Nov, 11,
1818. William Strong Cogswell, I), C 1848, Avas his son. Nathaniel Cogs-
well, I). C. 1819, and Francis Cogswell, D, C. 1822, were his brothers,
* Joshua Converse, the son of Joseph and Elisabeth (Davis) Converse, was
born at Bedford, Aug. 19, 1786, and died at Chesterfield, Sept, 4, 1833, je. 47.
His occupation has not been ascertained. He married Joanna Hildreth of
Amasa Copp, the son of David and ^Margaret (Palmer) Copp, was born at
Wakefii'ld, Oct, 8, 1788. He read law witii Judge William King Atkinson of
Dover from Aug, 1811 to Dec 1813, and then with the lion. Amos Kent of
ALUMNI 1811. 153
Chester to Feb. 1815; began practice there; removed to Wakefield in 1815
and so continues ; represented it in the N. H. Leg. 6 years. He married, 1.
Charlotte King, dau. of the above W. K. A. at Piscataway Bridge, Dec. 31,
1813. 2. Eliza Langdon, dan. of John Remick of Milton, Dec. 13, 1821.
* Robert Cuowell, D. D. the son of Capt. Samuel and Lydia (Woodbury)
Crowell, was born at Salem, Ms, Dec. 9, 1787, and died at Essex, Ms, Nov. 10,
1855, JE. 07. He taught in Salem 1 year ; studied divinity with the Rev. Dr
Samuel Worcester, D. C. 1795 of Salem ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch.
at Essex, Aug. 10, 1814 and died in charge; published a History of Essex;
also some occasional sermons, essays, and addresses. He married, 1. Hannah,
dau. of William Frost of Andover, Ms, Aug. 29, 1814. 2. Hannah, dau. of
David Choate of Essex, Sept. 2, 1822. Dart, conferred the hon. degree in
* Jonathan Curtis, A. M. the son of Jonathan and Eunice (Thayer) Wales
Curtis, was born at Stoughton, Ms, Oct. 22, 1786, and died at Chicopee Falls,
Ms, Jan. 27, 18G1, je. 74. He taught at Hallowell, Me. from 1811 to 1814;
studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Eliphalet Gillett of Hallowell and the Rev.
Dr Asa M'Farland of Concord; was tutor at Dart, from 1814 to 1815; or-
dained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Epsom, Feb. 22, 1815; dismissed Jan. 1,
1825 ; installed pastor at Sharon, Ms, Oct. 12, 1825 ; dismissed July 24, 1834 ;
settled at Pittsfield, Oct. 1, 1834; dismissed July 1, 1845; also at Woodstock,
Ct, Feb. 18, 1846; dismissed Oct. 18, 1852; removed to Chicopee in 1860;
published an Historical Sketch of Epsom and some sermons and addresses. He
married, 1. Betsej'^, dau. of Lemuel Barker of Concord in 1816. 2. Anne, dau.
of Col. Samuel Gofran of Pembroke, Feb. 13, 1838. Thomas AV. Thompson
Curtis, D. C. 1844, was his son.
* Joseph Wait Curtis, the son of Gen. Zebina and Martha (Wait) Curtis,
was born at Windsor, Vt, in Apr. 1790, and died at Hadley, Ms, Mar. 16, 1857,
^. 66. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Asa Burton of Thetford, Vt,
and at And. Tlieo. Sem. gi-aduating in 1815 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong.
Ch. at North Yarmouth, Me, July 5, 1816 ; dismissed Jan. 22, 1817 ; installed
at Warren, Ohio, Feb. 4, 1820 ; dismissed in Sept. 1832 ; was next chaplain
of the Vt Penitentiary 3 years ; also spent 1 year on a mission in Canada, and
removed to Hadley in feeble health. He married, 1. Eliza, dau. of T. K.
Green of Putney, Vt, in Sept. 1820. 2. Mrs Lois Eastman Coolidge, dau. of
Dr William Porter of Hadley and relict of Dea. Nathaniel Coolidge of that
town, Nov. 26, 1836.
* Bezaleel Cushman, a. M. the son of Caleb and Charlotte (Packard)
Cushman, was born at Hebron, Me, Sept. 13, 1785, and died at Portland, Me,
June 21, 1857, M. 71. He taught in Bridgton Acad. Me, from 1811 to 1815;
also in Portland 26 years ; was Surveyor and Inspector of the revenue for the
District of Portland and Falmouth, Me, from 1841 to 1844, and again from
1849 to 1853. He married, 1. Lydia Jane, dau. of Henry Rust of Norway,
Me, Feb. 4, 1816. 2. Emma Motley of Portland in 1830.
* Jonas Cutter, A. M. the son of John and Abigail (Demei-y) Cutter, was
born at Jaffrey, JMar. 6, 1791, and died at Savannah, Geo. Oct. 7, 1820, je. 29.
He studied medicine witli Dr Amos Twitcliell, D. C. 1802, of Keene, Dr Nathan
Smith of Hanover, and at Yale Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1814; began
practice at Meadville, Pa ; removed to Litciitield, Ct, and thence to Savainiah
in 1815.
Josiah Danforth, A. M. the son of Josiah and Sarah (Blodgett) Danforth,
was born at Tyngsborough, Ms, Jan. 15, 1786. He read law with the Hon.
154 ALIBINI 1811.
William Merchant Ricliar(l>on of Groton, Ms, and Daniel Richardson ; bogan
practice at Litchfield : removed to Weare ; repre.-ented it in the N. II. Leg.
1 year ; now lives at Tyngsboroiigh. lie married Mary, dau. of John Farwell
of that town.
* Bkxjamix Daklixg, the son of Daniel and Eli>abcth (Leavitt) Darling,
was born at Sanliornton, Mar. 8, 1788, and was drowned at Rumney, Apr. 15,
1824, ^E. 36. lie read law with tlie Hon. Ezekiid Webster, D. C. 1804, of
Boscawen and the Hon. Joseph Bell, D. C. 1807, at Haverhill, and went into
practice at riymouth. He married Susan Read of Plymouth.
* Jonathan Fowle, A. M. the son of Jonathan and Sarah (Makepeace)
Fowle, was born at Boston, Ms, Oct. 2, 1790, and died at Philadelphia, Pa, in
Aug. 1829, JE. 38. He read law with Judge Charles Jackson of Boston ; began
practice there in 1815 ; removed to Philadelphia in 1817, and opened his law
office. He married Ann, dau. of Dr George Bensell of Germantown, Pa, in
June 1827.
* Thomas Ciiampney Gardner, the son of Thomas and Abigail (Champ-
ney) Gardner, was born at Groton, Ms, May 10, 1789, and died at N. Y. city
in 1819, ^.30. He studied medicine with Dr Amos Bancroft of Groton;
became a surgeon's mate in the U. S. navy and died in 2 years after. He did
not marry.
* DoMixrcus GoODTViN, A. M. the son of Gen. Icliabod and Mary (Wal-
lingford) Goodwin, was born at South Berwick, Me, May 19, 1791, ami died
there, Sept. 20, 1814, je. 23. He read law with Jeremiah Bradbury and Ed-
ward Payne Ilayraan of South Berwick, and had just opened his office when
summoned far away.
James Scamman Goodwin, A. M. the brother of the preceding, was born
at South Berwick, Me, Nov. 11, 1793. He studied medicine with Dr Richard
Hazeltine of that town and at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1814;
began pi-actice in Saco, Me ; removed in 4 years to South Berwick ; returned
after 17 years to Saco, and there remains. He married Hannah, dau. of Na-
thaniel Gookin of Portsmouth, Dec. 13, 1S16.
* William Gordon, A. M. the son of John and Mary (Campbell) Gordon,
was born in Bedford in 1783, and died at Charlestown, Ms, Feb. 18, 1835, M.
52. He read law with Abner Rogers of that place ; began practice there in
1815 ; represented it in the Ms Leg. sitting at the time of his death. He did
not many.
* CiiARLKS Green, the son of Benjamin and Lydia (Clark) Green, was
born at IMarblehcad, 3Is, Feb. 21, 1796, and died at Athens, Me, Aug. 24,
1852, JE. 56. He read law with his father and Dudley Hubbard of South Ber-
wick, Me; began practice there in 1814; removed to Norridgewock, Me, in
1823, and thence to Athens in 1824; was Judge of Probate for Somerset Co.
He married Sarah, dau. of Richard Sawtelle of Norridgewock, July 6, 1824.
* David Aiken Gregg, the son of Joseph and Susannah (Aiken) Gregg,
was born at Londonderry, Mar. 12, 1788, and died at Derr}', May 1866, je.
78. He read law with the Hon. Samuel Clesson Allen, D. C. 1794, of New
Salem, Ms ; began practice at Derry in Sept. 1814 ; moved to New Salem in
1817; went back to Derry in 1820; was Rep. in the N. II. Leg. in 1832;
State Senator in 1840 and 1841 ; Postmaster and Reg. of Probate for Rock-
ingham Co. He married, 1. IVIartha Hunt, dau. of S. C. A. above, at New
Salem, Oct. 23, 1817. 2. Ljdia, dau. of the Hon. George Sullivan of Exeter,
Mar. 28, 1844. 3. Charlotte, dau. of Samuel Butler of Pelham, June 22,
ALUMNI 1811. 155
* Luke Howe, A. M. the son of Dr Adonijali and Sarah (Ripley) Howe,
was boi-n at Jatfrey, Mar. 28, 1787, and died there, Deo, 21-, 1841, je. 54. He
read law with Samuel Dakin, D. C. 1797, at Jaffrey, the Hon. Samuel Clesson
Allen, D. C. 1794, at New Salem, Ms, and the Hon. Nathan Dane of Beverly,
Ms ; began practice in liis native town in 1814 ; left the profession and studied
medicine at Boston, Ms, and at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1818;
settled in Jaffrey and so continued ; was postmaster there ; Pres. of the N. H.
Med. Soc. and Hon. member of the Mass. Med. Society. He published several
essays on scientifick subjects, and introduced some new and improved instru-
ments in surgery ; was indeed a very able and distinguished physician. He
manned Mary ?I. dau. of the Hon. Peter Woodbury of P"'rancestown, and relict
of his brother, Dr Adonijah Howe, in 1819. Abner Howe, D. C. 1801, and
James Howe, D. C. 1817, were his brothers.
Amos Kendall, LL. D. the son of Dea. Zebedee and Molly (Dakin) Ken-
dall, was born at Dunstable, Ms, Aug. 16, 1789. He read law with the Hon.
William Merchant Richardson of Groton, ]\Is ; was teacher in the family of the
Hon. Henry Clay of Lexington, Ky, 1 year ; began practice at Georgetown,
Ky ; edited a paper and was postmaster thei'e ; moved to Frankfort, Ky, in
1816, and also edited a paper in that town ; was appointed 4th Auditor of the
U. S. treasury at Washington, D. C. in 1829 ; became Postmaster Gen. from
1835 to 1840, and President of the Mag. Telegraph Co. in 1846. Mr Kendall
has been a very prominent and astute politician, and has published many essays.
Dart, cave him the Hon. degree in 1849. He married, 1. Mary Bullard, dau.
of William Woolfolk of Ky, Oct. 1, 1818. 2. Jane, dau. of Alexander Kyle
of Ky, Jan. 5, 1826. John Kendall, D. C. 1853, was his son.
* Charles Lewis, A. M. tiie son of Benjamin Lewis, was born at Milford,
June 30, 1785, and died at Maiden, Ms, Aug. 7, 1865, m. 80. He read law
with David Starrett, D. C. 1798, at Hopkinton and Prof. Asahel Stearns of
Cambridge, Ms; began practice at Maiden in 1814; removed to Carabrido-e
after 1850, but ultimately returned to Maiden. He married, 1. Elisabeth, dau.
of Dea. Moses Hall of Charlestown, Ms, in Jan. 1818. 2. Sabra, dau. of James
Warren of Littleton, Ms, in Sept. 1842.
* Valentine Little, the son of William C. and Mary (Rowell) Little, was
born at Newbury port, Ms, Feb. 21, 1790, and died at Salisbury, June 4, 1852,
M. 62. He taught in Plymouth and Haverhill, Ms ; studied divinity with the
Rev. Joshua Dodge of Haverhill, D. C. 1806 ; was on a mission at Bethel and
Gilead, Me, 2 years ; then taught the Academy at Bridgton, Me, 2 years ;
again a missionary in Me 4 years ; was next ordained pastor of the Cong,
churches at Lovell and Sweden, Me, Jan. 22, 1823 ; dismissed from ill health
Jan. 22, 1834; removed to Sali.-bury in 1836, and there lingered until death.
He married, 1. Mary, dau. of Jonathan Clark of Bethel, Nov. 9, 1815. 2. Mi-
randa, dau. of the Rev. Nathan Church, D. C. 1784, of Bridgton, Sept. 27,
Stephen Webster Marston, A. M. the son of Peter and Rebecca (Web-
ster) Marston, was born at Fairlee, Vt, Dec. 28, 1787. He read law with
Abiathar G. Britton of Orford, Edward Little, D. C. 1797 and William Bost-
wick Banister, D. C. 1797, both of Newburyport, Ms, and the Hon. Daniel
Appleton White of Salem, Ms ; went into practice at Newburyport in 1815
and there continues ; has represented it in the Mass. Leg. and has been Justice
of the Police Court in that district from May 31, 1833 until 1866. He mar-
ried, 1. Mary, dau. of Capt, John White of Methuen, Ms, Dec. 30, 1816. 2.
Mary Jane, dau. of Capt. Robert Jenkins of Newburyport, Feb. 27, 1840.
156 ALOINI 1811.
* Samukl Morse, A. M. the son of the Hon. John and Hannah (Adams)
Morse, was born at Dublin, Feb. 7, 1784, and died at Croydon, Jan. 1, 1865,
M. 80. He read law with Samuel Dakin of Jaffrey, D. C. 1797, the Hon.
Jonathan Barnes of Tolland, Ct, and the Hon. George Baxter Upham of Clare-
mont ; began practiee at Croydon in Sept. 1815; represented it in the N. H.
Legislature. He married Cliloe, dau. of Dr Reuben Carroll of Croydon.
* Bknjamin Nilks, the son of Sands and Anna (Lndden) Niles, was born
at Fairlee, Vt, Aug. 3, 1787, and died at liingliampton, N. Y. July 25, 1828,
M. 40. He taught some time ; then studied divinity with the Rew Dr Asa
Burton, D. C. 1777, at Thetfbrd. Vt ; was ordained ; became pastor of a
church at Bingham[)ton and probably died in office. He married Mahlah
Joi-:l Parker, A. INI.-LL. I), the son of the Hon. Abel and Edith (Jewett)
Parker, was born at Jatircy, Jan. 25, 1795. He read law with his brother, the
Hon. Edmund Pai'ker, D. C. 1803, at Amherst ; went into practice at Keene
in Sept. 1815 ; represented it in the N. H. Leg. in 1824, 1825, and 1826; was
appointed associate Justice of the Sup. Court of N. H. Jjm. 8, 1833, and Chief
Justice thereof June 25, 1838 ; was a Trustee of Dartmouth from 1843 to
1860, and its Prof, of Med. Jurisprudence from 1847 to 1857 ; served as chair-
man of the Commissioners to revise the N. II. laws in Nov. 1840 ; was ap-
pointed Royall Prof, of Law at Ilarv. Univ. Ms, Nov. 6, 1847, an office still
retained. Judge Parker has published, exclusive of Law reports and i)eriodical
essays, a Charge to a Grand Jury, including brief memoirs of Chief Justice
"William Merchant Richardson, and an Oration before the Phi Beta Kappa,
Alpha of N. II. in 1856. Dart, conferred the Hon. degree in 1837 and Ilarv.
in 1848. He married Mary Morse, dau. of Elijah Parker, D. C. 1806, of
Keene, Jan. 20, 1848.
* JosEi'H Perry, A. M. the sou of Silas and Catharine (Hale) Perry, was
born at "Westminster, Ms, IMay 30, 1788, and died at Keene, Jan. 17, 1865, je.
76. He taught Moor's charity school at Hanover from 1811 to 1818 ; then
went to N. Y. city as a teacher ; left in Apr. 1832 for the office of a Clerk in
the U. S. Treasury ; was next a Clerk in the Postal department, and after-
wards Principal Clerk in the Inspection office until 1840. when he retired and
settled on a farm in Keene. He married Lydia, dau. of Gen. Absalom Peters,
D. C. 1780, of Wentworth.
David Pierce, A. M. the son of Dea. David and Sarah (Bridges) Pierce,
was born at Southborough, Ms, Mar. 26, 1786. He taught the Royalton Acad.
Vt, from 1811 to 1812 ; read law with the Hon. Charles Marsh, D. C. 1786,
at Woodstock, Vt ; began practice there in 1816; after some years, left the
profession and was devoted to scientifick pursuits ; had a part in the construc-
tion of the " Horizontal and Perpendicular Planing IMachine ;" was chosen by
the Vt Leg. Auditor of State accoinits in 1823, and was re-elected annually
for 23 years ; became Judge of the AVindsor Co. Court from 1846 to 1856.
Judge Pierce pnlili>lied much on hnancial concerns and against the doctrine of
secession agitated by South Carolina in 1833. He married, 1. Ruth, dau. of
John Dowdier, at Sharon, Vt, Oct. 5, 1819. 2. Mary Sparhawk, dau. of Thomas
Gardner of Brighton, Ms, Dec. 17, 1834.
* Moses Pillsbirv, the son of Moses and Anna (Iloit) Pillsbury, was
born at Amesbury, Ms, Oct. 16, 1788, and died at Petersburgh, Va, Sept. 26,
1832, JE. 43. He taught at Dracut, Ms; also at Petersburgh from 1812, read-
ing law simultaneously, and there began practice about 1815, continuing it to
bis lamented death. He did not marrv.
ALUMNI 1811. 157
* Daniel Poor, A. M.-D. D. the son of Dea. Joseph and Mary (Abbott)
Poor, was born at Danvers, Ms, June 27, 1789, and died at Jaffna, Ceylon,
Feb. 3, 1855, m. G5. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Asa Burton, D. C.
1777, at Thetford, Vt, and at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1814; was or-
dained as a missionary at Newburyport, Ms, June 21, 1815 ; sailed for Ceylon,
Oct. 23, 1815 ; arrived at Colombo, Mar. 23, 1816 ; settled at Tillipaddy, Oct.
16, 1816 ; left, July 1, 1823, to found a Missionary Scientifick Sem. at Batti-
cotta ; was its first President ; removed to Madura in Mar. 1836 ; went back
to Tillipaddy in Sept. 1841 ; left for England and the U. S. in Feb. 1848 ;
lauded at N. Y. city in Sept. 1848 ; preached much in this country, creating a
great sensation by his truly eloquent missionary appeals ; returned to Ceylon
in the full of 1850. Dr Poor was a man of eminent ability and learning, and
spent his life with the heathen in arduous and faithful labours. Dart, gave the
Hon. degree in 1835. His publications were several tracts and letters in the
English and Tamul languages. He married, 1. Susan Bulfinch at Danvers,
Ms, Oct. 9, 1815. 2. Ann, sister of the Rev. Joseph Knight, English mission-
ary in Ceylon, of Nellore, East India, Jan. 21, 1823,
* Daniel Rockwood, the son of Dr Ebenezer and Mary (Emerson) Rock-
wood, was born at Wilton, Oct. 15, 1787, and died at Santa Cruz, W. I. Jan.
31, 1821, M. 33. He read law with his brother, Ebenezer Rockwood of Bos-
ton, Ms; began practice there in 1814, but health failed and a voyage to recruit
it was unavailing. He never married.
Ether Shepley, A. M.-LL. D. the son of John and Mary (Gibson) Thur-
low Shepley, was born at Groton, Ms, Nov. 2, 1789. He read law with Dud-
ley Hubbard of South Berwick, Me, Zabdiel Boylston Adams and Judge Solo-
mon Strong of Ms ; went into practice at Saco, Me, July 4, 1814; represented
it in the Mass. Leg. in 1819 ; was U. S. Atty for Me from 1821 to 1833 ;
U. S. Senator in Cong, from 1833 to 1836 ; was made a Justice of the Sup.
Jud. Court of Me, Sept. 23, 1836, and was Chief Justice thereof from Oct. 20,
1848 to 1855 ; has lived for many years in Portland, Me. Waterville Coll.
gave the Hon. degree in 1842 and Dart, in 1845. He married Anne Foster,
June 10, 1816. George Foster Shepley, D. C. 1837, is his son.
* John Hancock Slack, A. M. the son of John and Betsey (Ide) Slack, was
born at New London in June 1789, and died at Loudon Co. Va, Aug. 2, 1857,
M. 68. He taught at Hopkinton ; read law with the Hon. Moses Paul Payson,
D. C. 1793, of Bath, the Hon. John Harris and Baruch Chase, D. C. 1786, both
of Hopkinton ; practised at Andover, Pembroke, and Goffstown : taught at
Georgetown, Dist. of Columbia ; went thence to Fairfax Co. Va, and afterwards
to Loudon Co. He married Lydia, dau. of Levi Hastings of Wilton, about 1825.
Weare Tappan, the son of John and Abigail (Weare) Tappan, was born at
East Kingston in Mai-. 1790. He read law with the Hon. Caleb Ellis of Clare-
mont until Mar. 1812 ; then taught at Hillsborough, Md, 2 years ; went next
into mercantile business for 2 years ; again studied law with the Hon. Baruch
Chase, D. C. of Hopkinton, finishing with Hubbard Newton, D. C. 1804, at
Newport ; began practice at Bi-adford in Jan. 1819 and there remained. He
married Lucinda Atkins of Clareraont, Dec. 25, 1816.
* Calvin Waite, A. M. the son of Asa and Zerviah (Smith) Waite, was
born at Fitzwilliam, Jan. 19, 1785, and is supposed to have died near Buffalo,
N. Y. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Asa Burton, D. C. 1777, at Thet-^
ford, Vt ; preached in Ct and Me ; then went to N. Y. and, being ordained,
settled at Auburn; afterwards preached at Sheldon, N. Y. in 1829, and at Mid-
dlebury, N. Y. in 1831. All else is unknown, except that he was married.
158 ALIBINI 1811.
Elisha Fuller "Wallace, the son of James and Betsey (Kimball) Wal-
lace, was born at Milford or Antrim, Mar. 30, 1792. He ■was a private tutor
in Va ; then read law with the lion. David Cummins, D. C. 180G, and the
Hon. Leverett Saltonstall, both of Salem, Ms ; went into practice at Marble-
head, Ms, in 1815 ; left in 1819 ; opened an office at Amherst in 1820 ; re-
moved to Syracuse, N. Y. in 1825 ; was appointed U. S. Consul to Cuba in
1861. He married Lydia "Wheelwright of Boston, Ms, at B. in Nov. 1820.
Edmund "Wellington', the son of Palsgrave and Abigail (S])arhawk) "Wel-
lington, was born at Brighton, Ms, Mar. 2G, 1783. He studied divinity with
the Rev. Dr Asa Burton, D. C. 1777 ; then taught in R. I. N. Y. K H. and
Pa ; after which, resumed the study of theology with the Rev. Mr Parker of
Danby, N. Y. and the Rev. Mr Arnold of Alstcad ; was licensed and preached
a year, but, losing his voice, left the pulpit, and engaged in book binding at
Alstead. He has not married.
* HosEA "Wheeler, A. M. the son of Daniel and Polly (Davis) "Wheeler,
was born at Dunbarton, Mar. 8, 1791, and died at Eastport, Me. Jan. 27, 1823,
M. 31. He studied divinity with the Rev. Abijah "Wines, D. C 1794, of New-
port ; was ordained pastor of the Baptist Ch. at Newburyport, Ms, Dec. 9,
1818; dismissed in 1822; removed then to Eastport and was pastor of the
Baptist Ch. there from July 10, 1822, to his death. A pamphlet on Baptism
was from his pen. He married Sarah, dau. of the Rev. A. W. above, in July 1813.
* Solomon Smith "VN^hipple, A. M. the son of Dea. Matthew and Elisabeth
(Smith) "Whipple, was born at Hamilton, Ms, Mar. 29, 1789, and died at Bos-
ton, Ms, Jan. 12, 1840, je. 50. He taught at Lynn, Ms, in 1811 ; read law
with Robert Wormstead Trevett of Lynn, Asa Andrews of New Ipswich, Ms,
and tlie Hon. Samuel Putnam of Salem, Ms; began pmctice at Salem in 1816,
and continued until his removal to Boston within a year of his death. He
married Sarah, dau. of Lewis Tucker of Salem, June 2, 1822.
* Justice "Willard, the son of Reuel and Margaret (Wells) "Willard, was
born at Greenfield, ]Ms, Apr. 5, 1790, and died at Springlield, Ms, Apr. 11,
18G4, JE. 74. He read law with Ebenezer Foot of Albany, N. Y. Elijah Al-
vord and the Hon. Richard English Newcomb, D. C. 1793, both of Greenfield;
began practice at Springfield in 1814; represented it in the Mass. Leg. in 1823,
and was a State Senator in 1825 ; held also the offices of Notary Publick,
Master in Chancery, and Reg. of Probate. He married Sarah, dau. of Capt.
John Bryant of Springfield, in July 1819.
* TiiEOPHiLus Wilson, A. M. the son of John and Jane (Lynn) "U'ilson,
■was born at Acworth in 1785, and died at Cazenovia, N. Y. Apr. 6, 1815, m.
30. He studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1814; be-
gan practice at Cazenovia, and lost his life from taking, by his own mistake,
corrosive sublimate for some other medicine similar in appearance. He mar-
ried Grace Staples of Ct, at Madison, N. Y. in 1814.
* Samuel "Woodp.ury, A. M. the son of AVilliam and Hannah (Kelley)
Woodbury, was born at Salem, Dec. 21, 1784, and died at Groton, Ms, July 6,
1819, -E. 34. He was preceptor of Groton, now Lawrence, Acad, from 1811
to 1812 ; read law with the Hon. William IMercliant Richardson of Groton,
and Luther Lawrence of Lowell, 3Is ; began practice at Portsmouth ; soon left
the bar and studied divinity with the Rev. Pres. Francis Brown, D. C. 1805;
was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at North Yarmouth, Me, Nov. 5, 1817 ;
feeble health caused him to leave in 1819, and, going to Groton, his decease
soon occurred to the great grief of all who knew his worth. He married Mary,
dau. of Samuel Lawrence of Groton, July 28, 1818.
ALUMNI 1811. 159
Nathaniel Wright, A. M.-LL. D. the son of Nathaniel and Mary (Page)
Wright, was born at Hanover, Jan. 28, 1789. He tauglit in Portland, Me, 3
years, and was private tutor in Va 1 year ; read law at the same time ; went
into practice at Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1818, and there remains highly distin-
guished in his profession. Dart, conferred the Hon. degree in 1857. He mar-
ried Caroline Augusta Thew of New Jersey in Apr. 1820. William Burnett
Wright, D. C. 1857, is his son.
* William Ziegler, A. M. the son of George and Mary (Blaney) Ziegler,
was born at Roxbury, Ms, in 1791, and died at Wilmington, N. C. Sept. 4,
1819, JE. 28. He read law in Boston, Ms, but, declining to practise, went to
Wilmington, and there embarked in commercial pursuits. He did not marry.
* James Bartlett, A. M. the son of Dr Joseph and Hannah (Colcord)
Bartlett, was born at Salisbury, Aug. 14, 1792, and died at Dover, July 17,
1837, JE. 44. He read law with Moses Eastman, D. C. 1794, of Salisbury
and his own brother, named below, at Portsmouth ; began practice at Deer-
field, but in a few years settled in Dover ; was Reg. of Probate for Strafford
Co. from 1819 to 1836 ; represented Dover in the N. H. Leg. some years and
was also a State Senator. He married, 1. Lydia Ballard in June 1820. 2.
Jane M. dau. of George Andrews of Dover, in June 1831. Ichabod Bartlett,
D. C. 1808, was his brother.
* Abisiiai Benson, the son of Samuel and Rebecca (Hunt) Benson, was
born at New Salem, Ms, Aug. 7, 1787, and died at Winthrop, Me, Sept. 6, 1826,
^.39. He taught at Bucksport, Me, from 1812 to 1813 ; read law there with
Samuel Metcalf Pond 1 year, and with Alexander Belcher of Winthrop 2
years ; began practice at Vassalborough, Me, in 1817 ; continued it at China, Me,
from 1819; represented it in the Me Leg. in 1825 ; was also a Capt. Major,
and Brig. Gen. in the Me militia. With an excellent character and sound legal
learning. Gen. Benson was deservedly popular. He married Hannah, dau. of
Dr Peleg Benson of Winthrop in Mar. 1818.
* John Bjxby, the son of Nathan and Martha (Twitchell) Bixby, was born
at Dublin, June 17, 1790, and died at Keene, Dec. 19, 1865, je. 75. He read
law Avith Robert Campbell of Cooperstown, N. Y. and went into practice at
Onondaga, N. Y. in July 1817 ; moved to Marcellus, N. Y. in 1818 ; but owing
to ill health left liis profession in 1837 and retired to Keene. He married
Jeannette, dau. of Dr Elisha Chapman of New Haven, Ct, Sept. 8, 1819.
* John Blanchaud, the son of and Mary (Eastman) Blanchard, was
born at Peacham, Vt, Sept. 30, 1787, and died at Harrisburgh, Pa, Mar. 9, 1849,
JE. 61. He taught at York, Pa, 2 years ; read law at the time ; began practice
at Bellefonte, Pa, and there continued; was a member of Congress from 1845
to 1849. He married Mary, dau. of Evan Miles of Bellefonte, Mar. 16, 1820.
Edmund Blanchard, D. C. 1847, was his son,
Samuel Blood, the son of Samuel and Sally (Bartlett) Blood, was born at
Groton, Ms. He taught at Gettysburg, Pa, two years, at Chambersl)Lirg, Pa,
30 years, at Pittsburgh, Pa, 10 years ; then taught again at Chambersburg
until disabled by severe bodily infirmities. He married, 1. Mary M'Lane,
Aug. 8, 1815. 2. Mary MAnulty in 1818. 3. Jane Purviance.
Daniel Breck, A. M.-LL. D. the son of the Rev. Daniel and Hannah
(Porter) Breck, was born at Topstield, Ms, Feb. 12, 1788. He read law; be-
gan practice at Richmond, Ky, in 1814; was Judge of the County Court ; in
160 ALUMNI 1812.
the Ky Leg. from 1821 to 1830; Presidential Elector in 1840; Justice of
the Ky Sup. Court in 1843 ; member of Congress from 1849 to 1851. Tran-
sylvania Univ. gave the Hon. degree in 1843. He married Jane Briggs, dau.
of Gen. Levi Todd, near Lexington, Ky, June 2, 1819.
* Samuel Clark, the son of Ninian and Mary (Ramsay) Clark, was born
at New Boston, Apr. 21, 1791, and died at "Worcester, Ms, Nov. 19, 1859, je.
68. He taught at Cambridge, Ms, 3 years ; studied divinity with the Rev. Dr
William EUery Channing at Boston, Ms ; was ordained pastor of the Unitarian
Cong. Ch. at rrinccton, Ms. June 18, 1817 ; dismissed June 23, 1833 ; installed
pastor of the U. C. Cli. at Uxbridge, Ms, Jan. 9, 1834; dismissed in 1859 and
went to Worcester. He married Sarah, dau. of Michael "Wiggleswortli, at New-
bury port, Ms, July 2G, 1819.
* LuKK Eastman, the son of Amos and Ruth (Flagg) Eastman, was born at
HoUis, June 17, 1790, and died at Lowell, Ms, Feb. 3, 1847, je. 56. He read
law with Augustus Peabody, D. C. 1803, at Boston, Ms ; went into practice
there in 1816; removed to Sterling, Ms, in 1820; then opened his olhce at
Dracut, Ms, and finally settled at Lowell as a teacher of Musick. He married
Rebecca, dau. of William Welsh, at Boston, Jan. 1, 1818.
* Thomas Fessenden, the son of the Rev. William and Sarah (Clement)
Fessenden, was born at Fryeburg, Me, in 1790, and died at Orange, N. J. Aug.
11, 1856, JE. 66. He read law ; commenced practice in N. Y. city, and worthily
prosecuted it through life. He married Eliza C. dau. of Asa Partridge, at Sag
Harbour, Long Island, N. Y. in Oct. 1818. Samuel Fessenden, D. C. 1806,
was his brotlier.
* Benjamin Frederick French, A. M. the son of Frederick and Grace
(Blanrhard) French, was born at Nashua, Oct. 2, 1791, and died at Lowell,
Ms, May 16, 1853, ^e. 61. He read law with Charles Humphrey Atherton of
Amherst; began practice at Nashua in 1817 ; represented it in the N. H. Leg.
in 1825, 1826, and 1829 ; became the agent of a manufacturing Co. there ; re-
moved to Lowell and filled the same position in that place. A work entitled
" Views of Slavery " was written and jjublished by him. He married Mary
Southgate, dau. of the Hon. Joseph Leland of Saco, Me, Nov. 15, 1819.
* Noah Hardy, the son of Pliineas and Sybil (Shattuck) Hardy, was born
at Hollis, Mar. 23, 1785, and died there, Dec. 25, 1850, .e. 65. He studied
medicine and commenced practice in his native town, pursuing it without change
to the close of life. He married Elisabeth, dau. of Benjamin Farley of Hollis,
Nov. 9, 1817.
* Thomas Hardy, the son of Thomas and Lucy (Colburn) Hardy, was born
at Dublin, Oct. 23, 1784, and died at Soutli Berwick, Me, Mar. 3, 1864, je. 79.
He read law but did not practise; taught the Chesterfiidd Acad, from 1817 to
1820 ; represented the town in the N. H. Legislature ; instructed also at Exeter,
Boston, ^Is, and Franklin Acad. Dover ; afterwards Avas in the counting room of
a manufacturing Co. in Dover. He married Sarah, dau. of Simeon Folsom of
Exeter, in Sept. 1826.
Asa Hazen, A. ]\L the son of Asa and Susannah (Tracy) Ilazen, was born
at Hartford, Vt, Dec. 9, 1792. He read law; went into practice at Olean, N.
Y. remaining there many years, but eventually removed to EUicottville, N. Y.
and is now living there. Austin Hazen, D. C. 1807, was his brother.
Benja.min Franklin Heywood, the son of the Hon. Benjamin and Mehit-
abel (Goddard) Hey wood, was born at Worcester, Ms, Apr. 24, 1792. He
studied medicine at Yale Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1815 ; settled in ])rac-
tice at Worcester and there remains. He married, 1. Nancy, dau. of Dr John
ALUMNI 1812. 161
Green of that town, Sept 28, 1820. 2. Elisabeth R. Green, her sister, June
23, 1837. Frederick lieywood, D. C. 1845, was his son.
Daniel Hough, the son of the Hon. David and Lydia (Edgerton) Hough,
was born at Lebanon, Dec. 29, 1787. He read law but did not practise ; taught
at Lexington, Ky, from 1814 to 1820 ; went that year to St Louis, Missouri ; is
a merchant ; has been County Treasurer and Pres. of a marine insurance Co.
He married Emmeline Robert of" Lexington.
Isaac M'Coxihe, A. M.-LL. D. the son of Jolm and Sarah (Campbell)
M'Conihe, was born at Merrimack, Aug. 22, 1787. He taught at Chesterfield
Acad, from 1812 to 1813 ; read law with Stephen Ross of Troy, N. Y. and be-
gan practice tliere ; was a Master and Examiner in Chancery ; Postmaster from
1832 to 1842 ; Judge of the Rensellaer Co. Court from 1828 many years ;
appointed Co. Treasurer m 1831 ; is a Trustee of several benevolent institu-
tions ; also a member of five of the Historical, Statistical, Literary, and Scientifick
Societies of the North. The whole record indicates a life of great capability ;
distinguished by the confidence of the publick ; enjoying its honours ; devoted
to valuable objects, and retentive of the early love of letters and science.
Racine Coll. conferred the Hon. degree in 1859. He married Sarah S. dau.
of Hezekiah Wright Strong of Amherst, Ms, at A. Apr. 10, 182G. Judge
M'Conihe had no less than three meritorious sons engaged in putting down the
great rebellion ; Lt Col. John M'Conihe of the 169th N. Y. Vol. killed at Cold
Harbour, Ya, June 1, 1864 ; Major Samuel M'Conihe of the 93d, and Capt.
"William M'Conihe of the 2nd, Regiments from the same state.
* James Merrill, the son of Jesse and Priscilla (Kimball) Merrill, was
born at Peacham, Vt, May 8, 1790, and died at New Berlin, Pa, Oct. 29, 1841,
^.51. He read law and settled in practice at the last town ; was also a Judge
of the County Court for some time and member of the Pa. Const. Conv. in 1838.
He married, 1, Mary Hepburn. 2. Sarah Cowden. 3. Sarah Lewis. All of
whom were of Pa. David Merrill, D. C. 1821, was his brother.
* Thomas Jewett Murdock, A. M. the son of Col. Constant and Sarah
(Jewett) Murdock, was born at Norwich, Vt, Nov. 27, 1790, and died at Canter-
bury, Ct, Dec. 15, 1826, JE. 36. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. gradu-
ating in 1818 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Portland, Me, Sept. 29,
1819 ; dismissed Mar. 21, 1821 ; installed pastor at Canterbury, Nov. 20, 1822,
and died in office, greatly lamented, and said to have been " a model of a man,
a scholar, and a christian." He married, 1. Alice Amelia, dau. of Prof. Ebenezer
Adams, D. C. 1791, of Hanover, June 16, 1819. 2. Lucia K. dau. of the Hon.
Thomas W. Thompson of Concord, in Jan. 1823. 3. Frances Jacobs, dau. of
the Hon. Daniel Farrand of Burlington, Vt. Charles Gustavus Murdock, D.
C. 1823, w^as his brother.
* Henry Harvey Orne, the son of Isaiah and Mary (Rust) Orne, was born
at Wolfborough, Feb. 23, 1786, and died there, Dec. 12, 1861, M. 75. He
read law with the Hon. John P. Hale, Sen. at Rochester and the Hon. John
Holmes of Alfred, Me ; began practice at Meredith Bridge, now Lacohia ; con-
tinued there many years, but not far from 20 years since removed to Wolfbor-
ough and settled on a farm. He married Caroline, dau. of Solomon Chaplin
of that part of Rowley, now Georgetown, Ms, Feb. 19, 1826.
^SAAC Patterson, the son of Capt. Isaac and Elisabeth (Wadsworth) Pat-
terson, was born at Piermont, Jan. 28, 1792. He taught at Haverhill Acad. 1
year ; read law with John Russell at Troy, N. Y. and the Hon. Joseph Bell, D.
C. 1807, at Haverhill ; went into practice at Lyme in Sept. 1817 ; moved to
1-1 *
162 ALUMNI 1812.
Bath in Mar. 1819 ; represented it in the N. H. Leg. in 1831, 1833, and 1834 ;
still lives and practises there. He never married.
Edward Cambridgp: Rked, the son of Phinehas and Elisabeth (Day) Reed,
was boi-n at Fitzwilliam, Mar. 8, 1793. He read law with John Russell of
Troy, N. Y. and embarked in practice at Homer, N. Y. and so remains ;■ was a
meinl)cr of Congress from 1831 to 1833. He married Amanda Minerva Weller
of Pittsfield, Ms, Feb. 16, 1820.
Jaukz Sargeant, a. M. the son of the Rev. Samnel, D. C. 1783, and Abigail
(Blaiiey) Sargeant, was born at Woburn, Ms, Felj. 1, 1789. He read law^ with
the Hon. William Prescott of Boston, Ms ; began practice at Chester, Vt ; re-
moved thence to Windsor, Yt, and there remains ; represented it in the Vt Leg.
in 1827, and was its Postmaster 12 years. He married Mary, dau. of Joseph
Pettes of Windsor, Sept. 17, 1833.
* Thomas Coleman Searle, the son of Joseph and Mary (Coleman) Searle,
was born at Rowley, Ms, Jan. 15, 1787, and died at Madison, Ohio, Oct. 15,
1821, M. 34. He studied divinity at Princeton Theo. Sera. N. J. 2 years from
1813 ; having been ordained, was a settled pastor at Bladensburg, Md, time not
learned, and afterwards removed to Madison. He manned Annette, dau. of
Prof. Bezaleel Woodward of Hanover, in Sept. 181 G. Josei)h Searle, D. C.
1815, was his brother.
* Henry Slade, the son of Samuel and Sarah (Durkee) Slade, was born at
Hanover, May 20, 1787, and died at Butialo, N. Y. May 26, 1854, J£. 67. He
read law and settled in practice at Butialo. The residue remains unknown.
Jason Steele, A. M. the son of James and Abigail (Makepeace) Steele, was
born at Randolph, Vt, Aug. 1, 1789. He read law and commenced practice at
Randolph in 1817 ; removed to Chelsea, Vt, in 1828 ; was there Cashier of the
Orange Co. bank, pursuing his profession at the same time ; was made Cashier
of the Ascutney bank at Windsor, Vt, in 1847 ; resigned in 1853, and now lives
on a farm in that town. He married Hannah Converse, Feb. 21, 1822. George
Henry Steele, D. C. 1845, was his son.
* Augustus Storks, the son of Augustus and Amy (Forbes) Storrs, was
born at Hanover, Apr. 5, 1791, and died at Carlos Ranche, Texas, July 22,
1850, JE. 59. He was an Engineer by profession and had lived in Texas the
last 10 or 12 years of his life.
* Hart Talcott, A. M. the son of Elijah and Rebecca (Olrastead) Talcott,
was born at Bolton, Ct, Nov. 8, 1787, and died at Warren, Ct. Mar. 28, 1836,
M. 48. He taught the Acad, at New Ipswich ; studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. gradiuiting in 1816; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Killing-
worth, Ct, June 11, 1817 ; dismissed in Jan. 1824 ; installed at Warren in May
1825, and died in charge. He married Clarina, dau. of Jonathan Warren of
Canaan, Columbia Co. N. Y. Oct. 18, 1826.
*JoiiN WiiiPi'LE, A. M. the son of Benjamin and Sarah (Tuttle) Whipple,
was born at Hamilton, Ms, Jan. 21, 1789, and died at Concord, Aug. 28, 1857,
2E. 68. He taught at Gloucester, Ms, 18 months ; read law with Baruch Chase,
D. C. 1786, at Ilopkinton ; began practice at Ilooksett ; was Postmaster there;
removed to Ilopkinton in 1823 ; was Clerk of the N. H. Senate 4 years ; went to
Concord iu 1833 ; was Register of Deeds from 1833 to 1836 ; Solicitor for Merri-
mack Co. from 1834 to 1839 ; was also Dep. Sec. of State, and held the oilice of
Police Magi^trate for Concord at the time of his death. He married, 1. Han-
nah Ral.-ton, dau. of the Hon. Ithamar Chase of Keene and sister of the Hon.
Salmon Porthunl Chase, D. C. 1826, at Keene, Oct. 1, 1818. 2. Mrs Means of
BuaLon, Ms, in Nov. 1856.
ALUMNI 1812. 163
* Edwin Atlee "White, the son of Major Moses and Elisabeth Amelia
(Atlee) AVhite, was born at Rutland, Ms, Mar. 9, 1794, and died between N. H.
and Canada in 1818, je. 24. He never married.
* Samuel White, A. M. the son of Solomon and Rhoda (Braman) White,
was born at Randolph, Ms, Oct. 12, 1791, and died at Rock Stream, Yates Co.
N. Y. June 9, 1864, iE. 72. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Seni, graduating
in 1815 ; was ordained by the Geneva Presbytery at Williarastown, N. Y. in
1818 ; preached at Pxldytown, N. Y. and installed at Starkey, N. Y. in 1825 ;
also in Pulteney, N. Y. Sept. 3, 1844 ; retired thence to Rockstown, N. Y. in
1853, and lived on a farm. He married Henrietta, dan. of Elder John Taylor
of Starkey, Aug. 28, 1826. Charles White, D. C. 1821, was his brother.
* James M'Kken Wilkins, A. M. the son of Jonathan and Susannah,
(Towne) Wilkins, was born at Amherst in 1784, and died at Manchester, Jan.
13, 1855, JE. 70. He taught at Clmrlestown, Ms, several years ; then read law
and went into practice at Bedford ; but ultimately removed to Manchester; was
both a Representative and Senator in the N. H. Legislature. He never mar-
Henry Jonathan Willia:ms, the son of Gen. Jonathan and Mariamne (Alex-
ander) Williams, was born at Philadelphia, Pa, Dec. 25, 1791. He read law
with the Hon. Horace Binney of Philadelphia ; then journeyed two years in
Europe ; on his return, commenced practice in his native city, and there remains
an ornament to his profession ; has been a member of the Pa Legislature and of
the city councils. He married .Julia, dau. of the celebrated Dr Benjamin Rush
of Philadelphia, June 14, 1820.
* James Adams, the son of the Hon. William and Janet (Taylor) Adams,
was born at Londonderry, Nov. 7, 1785, and died at Hampton, Apr. 15, 1817,
^.31. He taught at Hampton, and studied divinity with the Rev. Josiah Web-
ster, D. C. 1798, of that town, but was carried off by consumption on the eve of
being licensed to preach. He did not marry.
Daniel Austin, A. M. the son of Daniel and Mary (Penhallow) Austin,
was born at Boston, Ms, Nov. 21, 1793. He read law with the Hon. Jeremiah
Mason of Portsmouth 18 months; then taught a few years; after that, studied
divinity at Harv. Coll. Theo. School, graduating in 1827 ; was ordained pastor
of the Unitarian Cong. Ch. at Brighton, Ms, June 4, 1828 ; dismissed in Nov.
1837; re[)resented it in the Ms Leg. in 1832 and 1833 for 1 year; went to
Boston in 1838, and was an assistant at the Stone Chapel for 2 years; removed
to Cambridge in 1842, and assisted the Prof, of pulpit eloquence ; also founded a
course of 5 lectures on the evidences of Christianity, endowing the same ; re-
moved to Portsmouth in 1850, and there resides. He married Hannah, dau. of
Benjamin Joy of Boston, Nov. 21, 1833.
* RuFus William Bailey, A. M.-D.D. the son of Lebbeus and Sarah Sylves-
ter (Myrick) Bailey, was born at North Yarmouth, Me, Apr. 13, 1793, and died
at Huntsville, Texas, Apr. 25, 1863, M. 70. He taught an Acad, at Salisbury ;
another at Bluehill, Me ; read law with the Hon. Daniel Webster, D. C. 1801,
one year at Portsmouth ; but, changing his views, studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. one year, finishing his course with the Rev. Dr Francis Brown, D. C.
1805, Pres. of Dart. College ; was then tutor there from 1817 to 1818 ; was or-
dained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Norwich, Vt, Nov. 29, 1819 ; dismissed Nov. 12,
1823 ; installed at Pittsfield, Ms, Apr. 14, 1824 ; dismissed Sept. 27, 1827 ; taught
164 ALUMNI 1813.
in South Carolina 12 years ; at Fayetteville, N. C. 3 years ; at Staunton, Va, 7
years ; was also an Agent of the Amer. Colon. Soc. iu Va ; went to Texas in
18o4; was Prof, of Languages at Austin College, lluntsville, in that State ; re-
signed in less than 2 years ; was cho,-en its President, Dec. 16, 1858, and was
such at his death. Hampden Sidney Coll. Va, conferred the D. D. in- 1859.
His publications were "The Issue," a vol. on slavery in 1837; "The Family
Preacher," 8 sermons in 1838 ; " The Mother's Request ;" "The Beginnings of
Evil," a tract; several sermons in the National Preacher; a "Primary Gram-
mar," and a '• Manual of Grammar." lie married, 1. Lucy, dau. of the Hon.
Reuhen Hatch of Norwich, in Jiuie 1820. 2. Mrs Marriette (Perry) Lloyd of
Waterbury, Ct, about 1841 or 1842.
* Hkxuy Boxd, a. M. the son of Henry and Hannah (Stearns) Bond, was
born at Watertown, Ms, Mar. 21, 1790, and died at Piiiiadelphia, Pa, May 4,
1859, iE. 69. He studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in
1817; began practice at Concord; removed to Philadelphia in Nov. 1819;
stood there in the first rank of Physicians, and was a member of several Medi-
cal Societies, also of the Phil. Acad, of Nat. Science. He has been a liberal
benefactor to his Alma Mater, and has publisiied 15 occasional medical and sur-
gical addresses, and a voluminous History of Watertown, his native place. He
was never married.
* Jamks Burxside, the son of James and Mary (Nutter) Burnside, was born
at Nortliumberland, Oct. 27, 1793, and died at Utica, N. Y. Sept. 23, 1814, ^E.
20. He taught an Acad, and read law at Onondaga, N. Y. but was cut otf in
the morning of life. He did not marry.
* Abiel Carter, A. M. the son of Jacob and Sarah (Eastman) Carter, was
born at Concord, Mar. 2, 1791, and died at Savannah, Geo. Nov. 1, 1827, M.
30. He taught school and studied divinity 2 years in N. Y. city ; was ordained
a Deacon of the Prot. Epis. Ch. and some time after a Presbyter of the same ;
officiated at Pittsburgh, Pa, 2 years ; also at Trinity Ch. Trenton, N. J. 2 years ;
then went to Savannah and became Rector of Christ Ch. in that city, dying in
charge thereof of yellow fever. He married Maria, dau. of the Rev. Dr Abra-
ham Beach of New Brunswick, N. J. Nov. 4, 1817.
* James Chute, the son of James and Mehitabel (Thurston) Chute, was born
at Boxford, Ms, Nov. 15, 1788, and died at Fort Wayne, Ind. Dec. 28, 1835,^.
47. He was in mercantile business at Cincinnati, Ohio, for a few years ; then
studied divinity with the Rev. Dr James Wilson of that city ; was soon ordained ;
officiated at the Deaf and Dumb Asylum there; was next Cha[)lain at the State
Prison at Culumbus, Ohio, and afterwards removed to Fort Wayne. He mar-
ried, 1. ]Martlia llewes Clapp of Boston, Ms, Oct. 23, 1817. 2. Mrs Mary
Haven (Hubbard) Crane of New York city, Oct. 30, 1834. Daniel Chute, D.
C. 1810, was his brother.
* Augustus Cooledge, the son of Augustus Cooledge, was born at Boxbor-
ough, Ms, May 21, 1788, and died at Bedford, Pa, Apr. 6, 1821, je. 32. He
studied medicine with Dr Charles Newell of Stow, Ms, and then went to live
with Dr William Watson of Bedford. He was not married.
* Daxiel Cram, the son of Capt. vStephen and Sarah (Lewis) Cram, was
born at Francestown, Apr. 22, 1794, and died there, Oct. 3, 1814, je,. 20. He
began teaching at Orford, but going home on a visit was attacked with consump-
tion and soon fell its victim. He was unmarried.
* Frederick Cusiiing, the son of Col. John and Olive (Wallingford) Gush-
ing, was born at South Berwick, Me, jNIar. 24, 1792, and died at Montreal, Can.
East, Aug. 6, 1847, je. 55. He studied medicine at llarv. Med. school, gradu-
ALUMNI 1813. 165
ating M. D. in 1817; began practice at Durham; after 12 years, removed to
Burlington, Vt ; remained there until 1833, and then went to Montreal, where
he was much esteemed and very successful in his profession. He married Eliza
Lanesford, dau. of the Rev. Dr John Foster, D. C. 1784, of Brighton, Ms, in
July 1828.
* Austin Dickinson, A. M. the son of Azariah and Mary (Eastman) Dick-
inson, was born at Amherst, Ms, Feb. 15, 1791, and died in N. Y. city, Aug. 15,
1849, M. 58. He read law at Amherst from 1813 to 1815 ; taught at George-
town, D. C. in 1817 ; studied divinity at Princeton Theo. Sem. N. J. and with
the Rev. Dr Enoch Perkins of West Hartford, Ct, both in 1818; went to
Maryville, Tenn. to found a Theo. Sem. in 1819 ; next established " The
Family Visitor " in Va; returned to Amherst in June 1822; was agent of the
College there some years ; and there also was ordained an evangelist, Apr. 19,
1826 ; then began and edited " The National Preacher " in N. Y. city, issuing it
12 years to 1838; was now agent of the "N. Y. Observer" 6 years to 1844,
and then employed in imparting a religious tone to the secular press to the end
of life, which was justly said to have been devotedly and ably given to the di-
vine service. He married Laura, dau. of Joel Camp of Litchfield, Ct, Apr. 26,
James Dinsmore, the son of John and Susannah (Bell) Dinsmore, was born
at Windham, Aug. 24, 1790. He read law with John Porter, D. C. 1803, at
Londonderry and Judge Turner of Natchez, Miss, but, leaving the law, was a
cotton and sugar planter in Miss, and La for 25 years, when his removal took
place to Walnut Hills, Ky, where the remnant of his days is worthily passed.
He married Martha, dau. of Alexander Macomb of Georgetown, D. C. in 1829.
Thomas M'Kay Edwards, A. M. the son of Thomas and Matilda (Chand-
ler) Edwards, was born at Keene, Dec. 16, 1795. He read law with Foster
Alexander, D. C. 1796, at Keene, the Hon. Tristram Burgess of Providence,
R. I. and the Hon. Henry Hubbard, D. C. 1803, of Charlestown ; began prac-
tice at Keene in 1817 ; was Postmaster there from 1817 to 1829 ; represented
it in the N. H. Leg. 8 years, and was a member of Congress from 1859 to 1863.
He married Mary Hart, dau. of Phineas Fiske of Keene, May 26, 1840.
Daniel Elliott, A. M. the son of David and Lucy (Emery) Campbell
Elliott, was born at Dublin, Oct. 1, 1792. He studied medicine with Dr Cvrus
Perkins, D. C. 1800, of Hanover and Dr Amos Twitchell of Keene, D. C. 1802,
but never practised ; taught in N. Y. city in 1815 and 1816 ; was then a manufac-
turer in Ulster Co. N. Y. removing back to the city in 1827 ; was also a commis-
sion merchant there to 1844, but left about that period to live on a farm at
Marlborough, N. Y. He married Abby, dau. of Samuel Greele of Wilton, in 1818.
Ebexezer Everett, A. M. the son of Eleazar and Lucy (Battle) Everett,
was born at Francestovvn, Aug. 31, 1789. He studied divinity, and must have
been ordained about 1816; his early settlements are not known ; but he was in-
stalled pastor of a Cong, or Presb. Ch. at Oak's Corner, Ontario Co. N. Y. Feb.
15, 1842; dismissed Sept. 6, 1853; was next agent of the Genesee Bible Soc.
at Geneva, N. Y. He married, 1. Betsey Post of Durham, N. Y. Oct. 17,
1817. 2. Mrs Laura M. (Walden) Stanley, dau. of Nathan Walden of Canan-
daigua, N. Y. in Oct. 1828. 3. Maria Wier in Sept. 18G1.
* Benjamin Franklin Farnsavorth, A. IM.-D. D. the son of Dr Samuel
and Betsey (Fitch) Farnsworth, was born at Bi'idgton, Me, Dec. 17, 1793, and
died at Louisville, Ky, June 4, 1851, ^E. 57. He studied divinity with the Rev.
Dr Edward Payson of Portland, Me, and the Rev. Dr William Staughton of
Philadelphia, Pa ; was ordained pastor of the Baptist Ch. at Edenton, N. C.
166 ALTOINI 1813.
but resigned in less than 2 years ; was principal of the Bridgewater Acad. Ms,
from Sept. 1821 to 1823; then opened a Female High School at Worcester,
Ms ; was next editor of the " Cliristian Watchman " at Boston, Ms ; left in
May 1826 to be principal of the Acad. Depart, and Prof, of Theology at the
New Hampton, N. H. Theo. Institution ; departed in 1833, and had at -Provi-
dence, R. I. 2 schools for the two sexes separately ; after this, was Pres. of
Georgetown Coll. Ky, in 1836, and of Louisville Univ. Ky, from 1837. His
Hon. degree was from Georgetown. He married, 1. Julia A. dau. of John
Gushing, of Boston, Aug. 20, 1817. 2. Maria C. dau. of John Ripley of New-
ton, Ms, Aug. 2, 1821.
* Sajiuel Farxsworth, a. M. the brother of the preceding, was born at
Bridgton, Me, Oct. 19, 1791, and died there, Apr. 13, 1842, M. 50. He studied
medicine with his father, also with Dr George Cheyne Shattuck, D. C. 1803,
at Boston, Ms, and at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1816; began prac-
tice at Bridgton and in a year went to North Bridgton and there remained.
He married Nancy Mussey of Standish, Me, Sept. 16, 1817.
Joseph Barlow Felt, A. M.-LL. D. the son of Capt. John and Elisabeth
(Curtis) Felt, was born at Salem, Ms, Dec. 22, 1789. He studied divinity with
the Rev. Dr Samuel Worcester, D. C. 1795, at Salem from Jan. 7, 1814;
taught at the same time and to Dec. 19, 1819 ; was ordained pastor of the
Cong. Cli. at Sharon, Ms, Dec. 19, 1821 ; dismissed May 4, 1824 ; installed at
Hamilton, Ms, June 16, 1824; disiaiissed Dec. 4, 1833 ; then became Librarian
of the Ms Hist. Society at Boston, Ms, an office held from Apr. 28, 1842 to
1858 ; while thus employed, sailed for England May 16, 1845, on a State mis-
sion relating to manuscripts for its archives, and after visiting Scotland, Ireland,
and France arrived home Sept. 3, 1845 ; is now residing at Salem since 1858, a
distinguished antiquary, and enjoying universal esteem. Dart, conferred the
LL. D. in 1856. His publications are "The Annals of Salem ; " "History of
Ipswich, Essex, and Hamilton ;" " Class of Alumni of Dartmouth College of
1813 ; " " Ecclesiastical History of New England ; " " History of Massachu-
setts Currency;" also several occasional addresses. He married, 1. Abigail
Adam-:, dau. of the Rev. John Shaw of Haverhill, Ms, Sept. 18, 1816. 2. Mrs
Catharine (Bartlett) Meacham, dau. of the Hon. Bailey Bartlett of Haverhill
and relict of the Hon. John Meacham, at Salem, Nov. 11, 1862.
* CuARLES Fox, A. M. the son of Ebenezer and Anna (Downes) Fox, was
born at Roxbury, Ms, Feb. 6, 1794, and died at Westfield, Ms, Feb. 3, 1864,
JE. 70, minus 3 days. lie studied medicine with Dr Cyrus Perkins, D. C.
1800, at Hanover 2 years, but did not practise ; lived on a farm at Windsor, Yt,
3 years ; taught a private school at Roxbury 1 year ; was principal of its Gram-
mar School 5 years ; was then principal of the Boylston Grammar School at
Boston, INIs, a position occupied with ability and great reputation for 18 years ;
afterwards removed to We.-tfield. He marrii'd JNIary Louisa, dau. of Thomas
Stearns Sparhawk, D. C. 1791, at Hanover, jNIay 5, 1815. Abraham Seaver
Fox, D. C. 1807, was his brother.
* Augustus Greele, A. M. the son of Samuel and Olive (Read) Greele,
was born at Wilton, Dec. 27, 1787, and died at New York city, Aug. 19, 1843,
JE. 55. He taught at Manliattauville, N. Y. until 1819 ; then entered into busi-
ness at N. Y. as a dealer in paper ; visited England, France, Switzerland, and
Italy in 1832 and 1833 ; retired from business in 1838, without changing his
residence. He married Caroline Cornelia Lovett of N. Y. city in 1820.
* Benjamix Greenleaf, a. M. the son of Caleb and Susannah (Emerson)
Greenleaf, was born at Haverhill, Ms, Sept. 25, 1786, and died at Bradford,
ALUMNI 1813. 167
Ms, Oct. 29, 1864, ^. 78. He taught at Haverhill from 1813 to Mar. 27,
1814; became preceptor of Bradford Acad. Ms, Dec. 12, 1814, and held the
station with extraordinary success till Apr. 6, 1836 ; was employed upon a
series of works on Arithmetick from 1835 to 1840 ; represented Bradford in the
Mass. Leg. in 1837, 1838, and 1839; had charge of the Bradford Teachers
Sem. from Dec. 4, 1839 to 1848 ; then rewrote and republished his Arithme-
ticks ; prepared also a practical treatise on Algebra and " A System of Practi-
cal Surveying." He married Lucretia, dau, of Col. James Kimball of Brad-
ford, Nov. 20, 1821.
* HuTCHiNS Hapgood, the son of Hutchins and Elisabeth (Grout) Hap-
good, was born at Petersham, Ms, Sept. 2, 1792, and died there, June 2, 1828,
iE. 35. He read law with Major John Taylor at Northampton, Ms, from Nov. 6,
1814 to July 1815, finishing the course at Cavendish, Vt; but, abandoning the idea
of practice, became a merchant in the city of New York. He did not marry.
* Lkvi Hartshorn, the son of Edward and Lucy (Elliott) Hartshorn, was
born at Amherst, Mar. 5, 1789, and died there, Sept. 27, 1819, M. 30. He
studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Gloucester, Ms, Oct.
18, 1815, and died in office. He married Hannah Elliott, of Reading, Ms, in
Dec. 1815.
* Charles Johnston, the son of Capt. Michael and Sarah (Atkinson) Con-
verse Johnston, was born at Haverhill, June 3, 1789, and died at Ovid, N. Y.
Oct. 10, 1866, M. 77. He studied divinity with the Rev. Grant Powers, D. C.
1810, of that town, and the Rev. Dr Lyman Beecher of Litchfield, Ct ; his or-
dination is wanting ; but he was installed pastor of the Presb. Ch. at Otisco, N.
Y. in Sept. 1821, and held the position some years, until feeble health forced hira
to retire to a farm at Summer Hill, Cayuga Co. N. Y. and thence to Ovid. He
married Hannah H. dau. of Dr Jared Sanford of Ovid, in Sept. 1821. Hale At-
kinson Johnston, D. C. 1825, was his brother, and Edward Payson Johnston,
D. C. 1863, his half brother.
* Ebenezer Smith Kelley, the son of William Bowdoin and Mary (Smith)
Kelley, was born at Meredith, Feb. 1, 1794, and died at Harrisburgh, Pa, Mar.
28, 1829, JE. 35. He i-ead law with Benjamin Tappan of Steubenville, Ohio,
from Oct. 19, 1813, and finished the study with Judge Henry Baldwin of Pitts-
burgh, Pa; began practice at Kittaning, Armstrong Co. Pa, in 1815, and there
remained ; was Prothonotary of the Co. from 1816 to 1821 ; Clerk of the Oyer
and Terminer, Quarter Sessions, and Orphans Courts ; Recorder of Deeds and
Register of Wills ; became a Senator in the Pa. Leg. in 1826, and died at
the State Capital while it was in session. On that occasion, it was recorded
that " He possessed a mind strong by nature and highly cultivated and refined
by education and intense study. His talents rendered him conspicuous at the
bar and highly useful and reputable as a legislator." He married Nancy, dau.
of Hugh Davidson of Berkeley Co. Va, at Kittaning, Sept. 26, 1822.
* Jonathan Kittredge, LL. D. the son of Dr Jonathan and Apphia
(Woodman) Kittredge, was born at Canterbury, July 17, 1793, and died at
Concord, Apr. 8, 1864, je. 70. He read law with Bleecker and Sedgwick at
Albany, N. Y. and Roswell William Lewis of N. Y. city ; began practice at the
last in Oct. 1817 ; removed his office to Canaan in 1823, and was Postmaster
there some years ; went then to Lyme and finally to Concord ; represented
Can'kan in the N. H. Leg. 5 years ; delivered a temperance address, Jan. 8,
1827, Avhich was published in this country, England, France, and Germany,
exerting a powerful influence. Dart, gave the LL. D. in 1858. He married
Julia Balch of Lyme, Feb. 8, 1829. Edward Cornelius Delavan Kittredge,
D. C. 1857, was his son, and Alfred Kittredge, D. C. 1827, his brother.
168 ALUMNI 1813.
Allen Latham, the son of Arthur and Mary (Post) Latham, was born at
Lyme, July 1, 1792. He read hiw witli the Hon. Nahum Mitchell of Bridge-
water, Ms, and at Litchfield, Ct, law school ; began practice at Chilicothe, Ohio,
and so continues ; has been a Senator in the Leg. of the State, and Surveyor
General of the Virginia Military District. He married Maria, dau. of Col.
Richard C. Anderson of Soldier's Retreat, Ky, in May 1826.
* Bkxjamin Guekx Lkonakd, the son of Capt. Nathaniel, U. S. A. and
Mary (Leverett) Leonard, was born at Newport, R. I. Mar. 8, 1793, and died at
Chilicothe, Ohio, Jan. 14, 1815, M. 51. He read law at Canandaigua, N. Y.
commenced practice in Batavia, N. Y. and removed to Chilicothe in 1819. Mr
Leonard was a man of superior talents, took an elevated rank in his profession,
and was ardently devoted to philosophy and general literature. He never mar-
* Alexander Lotell, A. M. the son of Amos and Mary (Ball) Lovell, was
born at Holden, Ms, Feb. 14, 1787, and died at Nashua. July 2, 1855, je. 68. He
studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1816 ; Avas ordained pastor of
the Cong. Ch. at Yergennes, Vt, Oct. 22, 1817 ; dismissed Nov. 10, 1835 ; in-
stalled at riiillipston, Ms, Dec. 16, 1835 ; dismissed in Apr. 1844, owing to im-
paired health; afterwards only preached occasionally, while residing first at
Westboroiigh, Ms, and last at Nashua. He married Clarinda, dau. of Col
Jotham Bush of Boylston, Ms, June 8, 1819.
* Charles Marsh, A. M. the son of the Hon. Charles, D. C. 1786, and
Anna (Collins) Marsh, was born at Woodstock, Vt, Oct. 17, 1790, and died
near Louisville, Ky, July 1, 1817, je. 26. He read law with his father and at the
Litchfield, Ct, law school ; went into practice at Lansingburgh, N. Y. in Oct.
1816 ; but sickness soon blighted the brilliant promises of his youthful dawn,
and drove him from his othce in what proved to be a vain search for renovated
health. He married Mary, dau. of Timothy Leonard of Lansingburgh, Nov.
24, 1816. Lyndon Arnold Marsh, D. C. 1819, and George Perkins Marsh, D.
C. 1820, were his half brothers.
* John Nichols, the son of Daniel and Mary (Dinsmore) Nichols, was
born at Antrim, June 20, 1790, and died at Bombay, India, Dec. 9, 1824, je.
34. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1816; was ordained
at Boston, Ms, Sept. 3, 1817 ; went on a mission to India, Oct. 5, 1817 ; arrived
at Bombay, Feb. 23, 1818 ; opened a school at Tannah, Island of Salsette, in
Nov. 1818, and another at CuUian ; exerted himself faithfully in his intercourse
with the natives for 6 years, and then fell a victim to a violent fever. He mar-
ried Elisabeth Sliaw of Beverly, Ms, Sept. 30, 1817.
TiJiOTHY Parkhurst, the son of Jonathan and Rachel (Colburn) Park-
hurst, was born at Wilton, Nov. 27, 1793. He studied medicine at Amherst
from 1813 to 1816; then went into practice at Wilton and has ever since con-
tinued there ; was Postmaster for 7 years. He married, 1. Betsey, dau. of
William Abbot of Wilton, May 28, 1818. 2. Naomi Sawyer of Sharon.
Elisha Backus Perkins, the son of Dr Elisha and Eunice (Backus) Per-
kins, was born at Canterbury, Ct, June 19, 1792. He read law with the Hon.
Sylvanus Backus, D. C. 1788, at Pomfret, Ct, and the Hon. Calvin Goddard,
D. C. 1786, at Norwich, Ct ; became the partner of Mr Backus in 1816 ; went
to Baltimore, Md, in 1828, and there became a druggist ; left for Tallahassee,
Flor. in 1830, and was in tbe same occupation ; travelled in the West from
1836 to 1838 ; then settled at Marietta, Ohio; after 2 years, resumed the drug-
gist business, and there remains. He married Emily, dau. of Joseph Pope of
Boston, Ms, June 27, 1802.
ALUMNI 1813. 169
* Pkter Robinson, the son of Gen. Asa and Rhoda (Bodwell) Robinson,
was born at Pembroke, Nov. 15, 1791, and died at Bingharapton, N. Y. in 1841,
^.50. He read law; went to Binghainpton in 181 G, and taught an Acad,
some time ; then opened a law office and practised to the close of life ; was a
member of the N. Y. Assembly 5 or G years, and Speaker of that body in 1829.
He did not marry.
David Smith, the son of John and Elisabeth (Campbell) Smith, was born
at Fraiicestown, Oct. 2, 1785. He read law; settled at Columbus, Ohio, in
1814, but did not practise ; became a printer in 181G, ediiing the "Ohio Moni-
tor;" was Judge of the Court of Com. Pleas 6 years; represented Franklin
Co, in the Ohio Gen. Assembly 2 yeai-s ; left Columbus, and was a Clerk in
the General Post Office at Washington, D. C. from 1836 to 1845 ; then re-
moved to Wheeling, Va, and there remained. He married, 1. Rhoda, dau. of
James Mitchell of Haverhill, Ms, Aug. 17, 1814. 2. Harriet Mitchell, her
sister, of Boston, Ms, in May 1820.
* Samuel Mason Smith, the son of the Rev. Prof. Dr John, D. C. 1773,
and Susan (Mason) Smith, was born at Hanover, and died there, Apr. 15, 1813,
M. 18. John Wheelock Smith, D. C. 1804, was his brother.
* Experience Porter Storrs, the son of Col. Constant and Lucinda
(Howe) Storrs, was born at Lebanon, Aug. 21, 1794, and died there, Dec. 17,
1829, M. 35. He read law with his brother. Constant Storrs, at Argyle, N. Y.
and began practice at Paoli, Ind. remaining 2 years there, when ill health com-
pelled him to i-epair to the parental mansion, where his fleeting years came to
a close. He never married. Luther Storrs, D. C. 1804, and Constant Storrs,
D. C. 1807, were- his brothers.
* Joseph Wardavell, the son of Jeremiah and IMary "Wardwell, was born
at SaHsbury, July 3, 1788, and died at Boston, Ms, Feb. 3, 1814, m. 25. He
taught there until his premature decease.
* Samuel Wells, A. M. the son of Col. Samuel and Electa (Bascom)
Wells, was born at Greenfi(dd, Ms, Dec. 21, 1792, and died at Northampton,
Ms, Oct. 4, 1864, ^. 71. He read law with Elijah Alvord of Greenfitdd ; be-
gan practice there in 1816; removed to Northfield, Ms, in Aug. 1819 ; returned
in 1820 ; went to Northampton in Nov. 1822 and was the partner of the Hon.
Isaac Chapman Bates to June 1827 ; then practised alone until his appoint-
ment of Clerk for the Judicial courts of Hampshire Co. Apr. 27, 1837, an
office held to his lamented death from a pistol shot, accidentally discharged by
himself. He married, 1. Sarah Hooker, dau. of the Flon. .lonatlian Leavitt of
Greenfield, Mar. 9, 1820. 2. Mrs Marin Leonard (Arms) Carleton, relict of
Cyrus Carleton of N. Y. city. May 15, 1851. Henry Martin Wells, D. C.
1857, was his son, and Charles Arms Carleton, D. C. 1857, his son in law.
* William White, A. M. the son of James and Eunice (Kingsbury) White,
was born at Haverhill, Ms, ]\Iay 1, 1788, and died at Richmond, Va, Aug. 21,
1826, JE. 38. He taught at Gorham, Me, 2 years; was tutor at Dart, from
1815 to 1817 ; read law at Gorham and Hanover ; began [)ractice at Benning-
ton, Vt; went to Philadelphia, Pa, in 1821 and taught a Classical school 4
years ; then moved to Richmond and was principal of its High school to the
time of his decease. He published an " Essay on Greek and Latin pronuncia-
tion," and was editor of " The Saturday's Magazine." He did not marry.
*^ Fri^lderick Wood, the son of John and Lucy (Martin) Wood, was born
at Littleton, Ms, Nov. 4, 1791, and died at Leominster, Ms, about the last of
Mar. or first of Apr. 1864, ^E. 72. He studied medicine with Dr Amos Ban-
croft of Groton, Ms, Dr Jonatlian Newell of Stow, Ms, and at Dart. Med, Coll.
170 ALUMNI 1813.
without graduating. His practice was not active nor long continued, and was
early exchanged for agricultural employment. He did not marry.
* Charles Woodman, the son of the Rev. Joseph and Esther (Whitte-
more) Hall Woodman, was born at Sanbornton, Jan. 9, 1792, and died at
Dover, Oct. 31, 1822, je. 30. He read law with the brother, named below, at
Rochester and the Hon. Christopher Gore of Boston, Ms ; began practice at
Dover and remained there ; represented it in the N. H. Leg. some years, and
was Speaker of the House in 1822 ; also a candidate for Congress the year of
his death, with the moral certainty of success. He married, 1. Mary W. dau.
of Joseph Gage of Dover, in June 1818. 2. Dorothy Dix, dau. of the Hon.
John Wheeler of Dover, Nov. 5, 1821. Jeremiah Hall Woodman, D. C. 1794,
was his brother.
TnoMAS Adams, the son of Dea. Benjamin and Eunice (Hale) Adam?, was
born at P>rookfield, ]\Is, Feb. 7, 1792. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr
Thomas Snell of North Brookfield, Ms ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch.
at Vassalborough, Me, Aug. 26, 1818; dismissed in 1834; was agent of the
Temp. Soc. 1 year; installed at Waterville, Me, Sept. 27, 183G ; dismissed May
31, 1838; edited the Maine Temp. Gazette at Augusta and Portland, INIe, 5
years ; was agent of the Amer. Tract Society from 1843 to 1840 ; then preached
at Hamden, Ohio, nearly 1 year ; was next stated supply at Thompson, Ohio,
until 1856; after this, was agent of the Cong. Board of Publications, and re-
sided at Hamden ; returning to N. E. became acting pastor of the Cong. Ch.
at Pittston, Me, June 26, 1863, embracing also his old Ch. at Vassalborough,
May 8, 1864, and is now at the last named only ; has published many sermons,
addresses, and periodical papers, with a Memoir of the Rev. Dr Asa Burton,
D. C. 1777, of Thetford, Vt. He married, 1. Sarah, dau. of Joshua Barnard
of Lpicester, ]\Is, June 13, 1819. 2. Lavinia, dan. of William Swan of Wins-
low, Me, Sept. 3, 1822. 3. Catharine Swan, dau. of Caleb Lyman of North-
bridge, Ms, Aug. 16, 1827.
* JoSKPii Pkikstly Allen, A. INI. the son of the Hon. Samuel Clesson,
D. C. 1794, and Sally (Newcomb) Allen, was born at Bernardston, Ms, May
3, 1795, and died at Troy, N. Y. June 21, 1838, m. 43. He read law ; began
practice at Greentield, Ms, in 1818; i-emoved to Bernardston in 1819; next
to Cliarlemont, Ms, and after some years to Troy. He married Harriet Maria,
dau. of Joseph Newcomb of Lebanon, Ct, in Nov. or Dec. 1819.
* John Anderson, the son of William and Agnes (Clark) Anderson, was
born at Londonderry, Oct. 11, 1788, and died there, .June 5, 1818, je. 29. He
was a short period a teacher at Boston and Brighton, Ms.
Edmund Westiioop Armstk'Oxc, the son of John and Mary (Rogers)
Armstrong, was l)orn at Fredericksburgh, Up. Can. Aug. 29, 1789. He studied
medicine at the Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1818 ; began practice at
Hallowell. Bay of Quinti, Can. in 1817 ; moved to Kingston, Can. in 1820, and
thence to Roclie>ter, N. Y. in 1838. residing there ever since. Dr Armstrong
has publislied an Address I)efore tiie JNIonroe Co. I\Icd. Soc. in 1845, and an
accoinit of the Cholera at Rochester in 1852. He married Frances, dau. of
Dr Laban Gates of Hanover, in 1817.
* NiNiAN Clark Betton, the son of Samuel and Anna (Ramsay) Betton,
was born at New Boston, and died at Boston, Ms, Nov. 19, 1856, je. 68. He
read law with the Hon. Daniel Webster, D. C. 1801, at Portsmouth, and the
ALUMNI 1814. 171
Hon. Ezekiel "Webster, D. C. 1804, at Boscawen ; began practice in Boston in
1818 and there closed an honourable litie. He married Weahhy Jackson, dau.
of the Hon. Silas Betton, D. C. 1787, of Salem.
Silas Biglow, the son of Barna and Nabby (Pride) Biglow, was born
at Brookfield, Vt, June 21, 1795. He read law at Litchfield, Ct, law school ;
began practice at Lovingston, Va; taught in the family of Robert Rives of Va;
was in mercantile business at Farmville, Va, several years, publishing a news-
paper at the same time ; htis of late years been employed in various agencies
in Prince Edward Co. Va. He married Judith, dau. of Capt, Jacob Woodsou
of that county, in Mar. 1821. Abner Pride Biglow, D. C. 1827, was his
* Charles Hknry Bruce was from Boston, Ms, and died at New Orleans,
La, Aug. 23, 1817, m. 25. Nothing more could be found out.
* Ebenezer Bowditch Caldwell, A. M. the son of Stephen and Mary
(M'Intire) Caldwell, was born at Salem, Ms, Mar. 14, 1792, and died at Bath,
Ga, Aug. 4, 1819, ^. 27. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating
in 1817. The times of his ordination and settlement at Waynesborough, Ga,
have not been received. He married Hannah, dau. of William Mugford of
Salem, Nov. 5, 1817.
* Thomas Fuller Chapman, the son of the Rev. Benjamin, D. C. 1784,
and Matilda C. (Fuller) Chapman, was born at Granby, Ms, in 1795, and died
at Bayou Sara, Miss, in Mar. 1826, je,. 30. He read law ; went into practice
at Cincinnati, Ohio ; but soon became a merchant at Paoli, Ind. and his busi-
ness calling him to New Orleans, sickness and death overtook him on his
* Alexander Ralston Chase, the son of the Hon. Ithamer and Jeannette
(Ralston) Chase, was born at Cornish, Dec. 22, 1794, and died at Storrs town-
ship, near Cincinnati, Ohio, Mar. 23, 1847, je. 52. He was for some time in
mercantile business at Keene, but eventually removed to Ohio. Salmon Port-
land Chase, D. C. 1826, was his brother.
Horace Chase, the son of Samuel and Molly (Stanley) Chase, was born at
Warner, Dec. 14, 1788. He read law with the Hon. Matthew Harvey, D. C.
1806, of Hopkinton ; commenced practice in that town in 1818, and there
remains ; represented it in the N. H. Leg. in 1829 ; became Postmaster the
same year ; was Judge of Probate for Merrimack Co. 20 years from 1835 to
1855 ; has publi>hed "The N. H. Probate Directory" in 1845, and "The Pro-
ceedings of the Grand Lodge of N. IL of Free and Accepted Masons " in 1860.
He married, 1, Betsey, dau. of Stephen Blanchard of Hopkinton, at H. Dec.
24, 1818. 2. Lucy Blanchard, her sister, at Hopkinton, June 5, 1844. 3. Mrs
Ruhamah. dau. of Joseph Cochran of New Boston and relict of Daniel Clark
of Canaan, Nov. 15, 1849. Samuel Blanchard Chase, D. C. 1844, is his son.
* Warren Day, the son of Orin and Joanna (Everett) Day, was born at
Sharon, Vt, Oct. 1, 1789, and dieidence at AVestborongh, Ms; is now without a charge. He married
Lucy, dau. of Aaron Brown of Groton, Ms, at Beverly, Ms, May 29, 1821.
Benmamix Emeksox, tlu! son of Joseph and Lydia (Durell) Emer.-on, was
born at Alfred, ]\Ie, ]Mar. 20, 1792. He read law ; began practice at Gilman-
ton in 1823 ; represented it in the N. II. Leg. in 1824, 182G, 1827, and 1828;
moved to Pittslield in 1849, and is still there. He married Mrs Rebecca, dau.
of the Rev. Isaac Story of Marblehead, Ms, and relict of Emerson Porter,
June 6, 1818.
* Ei'AniKAS Goodman, A. M. the son of Moses Goodman, was born at
West Hartford, Ct, Jan. 22, 1790, and died at Chicago, Illi. June 5, 1862, je.
72. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Eleazar Thompson Fitch of New
ALUMNI 1816. 181
Haven, Ct, and the Rev. Dr Nathan Perkins of West Hartford ; was ordained
at Cliarleston, S. C. Jan, 3, 1821 ; installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Tor-
ringford, Ct, Mar. 6, 1822 ; dismissed Jan. 10, 1836 ; installed pastor at Dra-
cut, Ms, June 15, 1836 ; on being dismissed, removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, and
was editor there of the Christian Herald; went thence to Chicago, Illi. and was
Secretary of the Home Miss. Association for Illinois. He married Harriet
Whitman at Hartford, Ct, in Nov. or Dec. 1829.
* Charles Bricket Haddock, A. M.-D. D. the son of William and Abi-
gail Eastman (Webster) Haddock, was born at Franklin. June 20, 1796, and
died at West Lebanon, Jan. 15, 1861, m. 64. He studied divinity at And.
Theo. Sem. 2 years in the class of 1819; was Prof, of Rhetorick at Dart,
from 1819 to 1838; was ordained; became Prof, at Dart, of Intellectual Phil,
and Civil Polity in 1838; resigned in 1854; represented Hanover in the N.
H. Leg. 4 years ; was Charges DAffaires of the U. S. at Portugal, Europe,
from 1850 to 1854 ; resided on his return at West Lebanon, and, while at Dart,
and since, preached in the adjoining towns in vacant pulpits. Bowdoin Coll.
Me, gave the Hon. degree in 1843. Dr Haddock published a vol. of Addresses
and other writings, including occasional sermons. He was a man of genial tem-
perament, who ranked among the most accomplished scholars of the country
and wrote with distinguished ability. He married, 1. Susan Saunders, dau. of
Richard Lang of Hanover, Aug. 19, 1819. 2. Mrs Caroline (Kimball) Young,
dau. of Richard Kimball of Plainheld, July 21, 1841. Charles Haddock, D. C.
1844, was his son, and William Townsend Heydock, who thus wrote his sur-
name, D. C. 1819, was his brother.
John Hubbard, LL. D. the son of Dr John and Olive (Wilson) Hubbard,
was born at Readfield, Me, Mar. 22, 1794. He taught at Hallowell Acad. Me,
2 years and at Dinwiddle Co. Va, 2 years; studied Med. at Philadelphia in the
Univ. of Penn. graduating M. D. in 1822 ; practised in Dinwiddie Co. from
1822 to 1829 ; then spent a year in Philadelphia ; removed to Hallowell in
1830, and there remains ; was a Senator in the Me Leg. in 1843, and Gov. of
Maine in 1849, 1850, and 1851 ; was agent of the U. S. treasury for the N. E.
States from 1856 to 1858 ; was also appointed in 1859 a Commissioner under
the Reciprocity Treaty with Great Britain. Waterville Coll. Me, gave the
Hon. degree in 1851. He married Sarah Barrett of Dresden, Me, in July
* Stephen Moody, the son of Bradstreet and Edna (Gale) Moody, was born
at Sanbornton, Sept. 1, 1793. and died at sea and was buried on the Island of
St Thomas, W. I. in Jan. 1823, M. 29. He read law with Judge Lammas at
Fredericksburg, Va ; was admitted to the bar and began practice, but attacked
by disease vainly sought relief in a warmer climate. He did not marry.
* David Lowell Nichols, the son of Stephen and Martha (Robinson)
Nichols, was born at Amesbury, Ms, Apr. 12, 1794, and died at Kingston, Apr.
22, 1829, M. 35. He taught at Richmond, Va, Kennebunk, ]Me, North Yar-
mouth, Me, Groveland, Ms, and Kingston ; studied divinity and was ordained
but never settled, ill health disabling him from preaching except at intervals.
He married iMary, dau. of Matthew Parker of Litchfield, about 1817.
Absalom Peters, A. M.-D. D. the son of Gen. Absalom, D. C. 1780, and
M^ry (Rogers) Peters, was born at Wentworth, Sept. 19, 1793. He studied
divinity at Princeton Theo. Sem. N. J. 2 years and 6 months, and was ordained
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Bennington, Vt, July 4, 1820; dismissed Dec. 14,
1825 ; was Secretary of the Amer. Home Miss. Soc. from 1825 to 1837 ; then
became editor of the Amer. Bible Repository and soon also of the Amer. Eclectick ;
182 ALUMNI 1816.
resigned both in 1842 to be agent of the Union Theo. Sem. in N. Y. city ; was
also made Prof, of Ilomilelicks and Pa-;toral Theology in the same ; was
next installed pastor of th«- 1st Cong. Ch. at AVilliamstown, Ms, Nov. 10, 1844;
dismissed practically in Oct. 1853 and formally Sept. 4, 1857 ; after a short
agency for Williams Coll. returned to N. Y. city in 1856, and edited the Araer.
Jour, of Edii. and Coll. Review until its issue ceased. Besides the above peri-
odicals, Dr Peters published "A Plea for Voluntary Societies;" "Sprinkling
the only mode of Baptism known in the Scriptures ; " a sermon on Horscracing,
another on Musick, and others on special occasions ; also "Life and Time," a
birthday memorial of 70 years in a poem of 42 pages, with an appendix.
Mid. Coll. gave the lion, degree in 1833. He now resides in N. Y. city. He
married Harriet H. dau. of Maj. Reuben Hatch of Norwich, Vt, Oct. 25, 1819.
JoHX PowKRS RiCHAUDSON, the SOU of Ja«on and Mary (Powers) Richard-
son, was born at Wood-tock, Vt, Aug. 23, 1792. He read law with Judge Asa
Aldis of St Albans, Vt, and the Hon. Heman Allen of Milton, Vt ; began prac-
tice at Burlington, Vt ; removed to Pontiac, Mich, in 1837; was Dep. Collector
at Sault St Marie from 1845 to 1848 ; prosecuting Atty and Commissioner for
Chi|>peway Co. and Master in Chancery for Oakland Co. all in Michigan ; left
Pontiac for Leavenworth, Kansas, in 1854, but returned in Mar. 1864.
* John Rogkks, A. M. the son of Maj. "William and Abigail (Worth) Rogers,
was born at Newburyport, Ms, May 24, 1787, and died at Boscawen, Jan. 5,
1830, JE.. 42. He studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in
1819; began practice at Boscawen that year and so continued. He married
Sarah, dau. of Caleb Knight of Wakefield, in May 1825.
* Nathaniel Peabody Rogers, A. M. the son of Dr .John and Betsey
(Mullikcn) Rogers, was born at Plymouth. June 3, 1794, and died at Concord,
Oct. 16, 1846, JE. 52. He read law with Richard Fletcher, D. C. 1806,
and Parker Noyes, D. C. 1796, at Franklin ; began practice at Plymouth in
1820 ; removed to Concord in 1838 ; became editor there of the Herald of Free-
dom ; visited Europe in 1840, to attend the World's Anti Slavery Convention
and was a zealous advocate of abolition principles. He married Mary Porter,
dau. of the Hon. Daniel Farrand of Burlington, Vt, Jan. 31, 1822.
* Addison Searle, A. M. the son of Daniel and Hannah (Blood) Searle, was
born at Temple, Oct. 19, 1791, and died on board of the U. S. frigate Cumber-
land on the passage from Messina, Sicily, to Alexandria, Egypt, Aug. 2, 1850,
IE.. 58. He taught a Young Ladies school at Boston, Ms, from 1816 to 1818;
studied divinity with the Right Rev. Alexander Viets Griswold, D. D. Bishop
of the Eastern Diocese, at Bristol, R. I. and was ordained by him a Deacon of the
Prot. Epis. Ch.at St John's Ch. Providence. R. I. in Sept. 1819 ; then otliciated
some time at Hopkinlon and Concord ; became a Chaplain in the U. S. navy in
Apr. 1820; was ordained a Presbyter of the same Cli. by the same Bishop at
St Michael's Ch. l>rislol. K. 1. in Aug. 1820; sailed in the frigate Constitution
for the Mediterranean in INIay 1821 ; returned in 1824; was at the N. Y. navy
vard from 1824 to 1827; otiiciated at the Churches in Buffalo, N. Y. and De-
troit, Mich, in 1827 and 1828 ; was at the Pensacola, Flo. navy yard from 1829
to 1830 ; was at Charlestown, ]\Is, navy yard from 1830 to 1832, and at that of
Brooklvn, N. Y. in 1833; went to Detroit again that year, and was instituted
Rector of St Paul's Ch. there Apr. 19, 1S34; sailed in the Peacock sloop of
war for the P2ast Indies in 1835 ; returned in 1837 ; was again at the Charles-
town, Ms, navy yard from 1837 to 1849, and that year sailed on the voyage in
whicli his arduous life was closed. He did not marry.
* George Abel Simmons, A. M.-LL. D. the son of John and Susanna
ALUMNI 1816. 183
(Hewes) Simmons, was born at Lyme, Sept. 8, 1791, and died at Keeseville, N.
Y.Oct. 28, 1857,^. 66. He read law ; began piactice at Keeseville in 1825 ;
was a member of the N. Y. State Assembly 3 years ; in the State Constitutional
Convention of 1846, and in the U. S. Congress from 1853 to 1857. He was a
man of incorruptible integrity, and few in our country have arrived at tiie same
eminent rank in the science of jurisprudence. He never married. Dart, gave
the Hon. degree in 1852.
Francis Peter Smith, the son of the Rev. Lsaac and Sarah (Eaton) Smith,
was born at Gilmanton, Aug. 22, 1795. He read law with Jeremiah Hall
Woodman, D. C. 179-1, Oliver Crosby of Dover, and Augustus Peabody, D. C.
1803, at Boston, Ms ; began practice there in 1819 ; was next at Medway, Ms,
2 years; then at Kingston 1 year, and at Ossipee 10 years; left the law in 1832
and studied divinity ; in 3 years supplied his father's pulpit 1 year and that at
Epsom about 2 years ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Guildhall, Vt,
Sept. 12, 1838; dismissed in 1844; afterwards was pa>tor of the Ch. at Sebas-
ticook, Me, but has been stated supply of the Ch. at Acton, Me, since Apr. 5,
1859. He married Elisabeth Sophia, dau. of the Rev. P^zra Weld of Brain-
tree, Ms, Oct. 14, 1821.
* Zebina. Smith, the son of Levi and Catharine (Walcott) Smith, was born
at Williamstown, Vt, Dec. 8, 1791, and died at Paris, Ky, Feb. 26, 1831, je. 39.
He was an instructor of 3'outh until his decease. He married, 1. Ann Eliza
Campbell of Ky. 2. Mary Ann Hall of Ky. Simeon Smith, D. C. 1822, was
his brother.
Joseph Torrey, A. M.-D. D. the son of Dr Joseph and Mary (Cutler) Tor-
rey, was born at Rowley, Ms, Feb. 2, 1797. He studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. graduating in 1819; was ordained; became pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Royalton, Vt, in 1824 ; dismissed in 1827 ; was made Prof, of Greek and Latin
in the Univ. of Vt, at Burlington, Vt, in 1827; Prof, of Intell. and Moral
Philosophy in 1842, and Pres. of the same in 1862. He is a Fellow of the
Araer. Acad, and Harv. conferred the Hon. degree in 1850. His literary repu-
tation is of a high order, and his publications ai-e, The life and remains of the
Rev. Dr James Marsh, D. C. 1817 ; Neander's Church History; Translations in
the Biblical Re[)ository and Bibliodieca Sacra. He married.
* John Wheeler, A. M.-D. D. the son of John Brooks and Hamiah (Hills)
Wheeler, was born at Grafton, Vt, JNIar. 11, 1798, and died at Burlington, Vt,
Apr. 16, 1862, je. 64. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in
1819 ; was ordain^'d pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Windsor, Vt, Nov. 1, 1821 ;
dismissed Oct. 16, 1833 ; was made Pres. of the Univ. of Vt in 1833 ; resigned
in Aug. 1848, but did not leave Burlington; was a trustee of Dart, from 1826
to 1833. Union College at Schenectady, N. Y. gave the Hon. degree in 1834.
Dr Wheeler was an able and accomplished man, and jjublished many occasional
sermons, besides contributing to reviews. He married, 1. Sarah Ann Wait,
dau. of John Hopkins of Northampton, Ms, Sept. 23, 1822. 2. Mary Con-
stance Rignall. David Everett Wheeler, D. C. 1827, was his brother.
Allen White, the .-on of William Porter, D. C. 1790, and Elisabeth (Allen)
White, was born at Boston, Ms. He studied divinity at Andover Theo. Sem. 1
year in the class of 1819; then left that pursuit and soon went to Buenos
Ayres, S. A. and has there been occupied in teaching.
* Charles White, the son of John and Betsey (Smith) White, was born
at Peterborough, and died on a voyage from New Orleans to the north,
Aug. 10, 1817. He went south as a teaciier, but intended to study for the
184 ALUMNI 1816.
John Wilcox, tho ^on of Uriah and Hannah (Bartlett) Wilcox, was born at
Newport, June 15, 1789. He tauj^ht at Pittsfield, Ms, 2 years ; then studied
divinity ; but his heahli failed, and this compelled him to settle on a farm in
his native place, which is still retained. He married Lydia Pajre, dau. of Joseph
Sawyer of Newport, Oct. 15, 1839. Uriah Wilcox, D. C. 1804, was bis half
John Fkink Adams, A. M. the son of Prof. Ebenezf^r, D. C. 1791, and
Alice (Frink) Adams, was born at Leicester, Ms, Nov. 3, 1799. He taught at
Leicester Acad. 1 year; at Cumberland Co. Va, from 1818 to 1819 ; at Wash-
ington. D. C. 3 years ; read law at Litchfield law school, Ct ; began pi'actice at
Watertown, N. Y. remaining 2 years ; removtd to Lyme in 1825 ; went thence
to Mobile, Ala. in 1827, pursuing his profession thereto 1853 ; then became a
Clerk in the Pension office at Washington and afterwards in the Land office,
resigning in July 1857. but still living in that city. He niarrieil Elisabeth
Lovell. dau. of Lovell Walker, D. C. 1794, of Leominster, Ms, July 2, 1835.
Ebenezer Adam^^, D. C. 1831, was his half brother.
* Silas Blaisdale, the sou of Ralph and Sarah (Iladley) Blaisdale, was
born at Weare, Aug. 25, 1790, and died at Lawrence, Ms, Nov. 13. 18G1, je.
71. He taught in the Acad, at Meriden in 1817 and 1818 ; studied divinity at
And. Theo. Sem. 2 years and finished with the Right Rev. Alexander Viets
Griswold, D. D. Bisho[) of the then Eastern Diocese ; was ordained by him a
Deacon of the Prot. Epis. Ch. in 1822, and afterwards was made a Presbyter
by him ; was then principal of the Salem St Acad. Boston, Ms, some years;
after that, had the charge of Chui-ches at Ashfield, Ms ; Salem and Barkliamp-
stead, Ct ; Amesbury, Ms, and Ilopkiiiton ; was also successfully engaged in
teaching at Norwich, Ct, and at Lawrence from Oct. 1847 until dfath robbed
society of a truly pious and Christian man. He married, 1. Rebecca Wood,
dau. of Samuel Brown of Newburyport, Ms, Dec. 5, 1822. 2. Abigail, dau. of
John Perkins of Salem, Ms, Aug. 31, 1841.
*JoH>f BoARDMAN, the SOU of Johu and INIary (Bartlett) Boardman, was
born at Newburyport, Ms, Nov. 8, 1795, and died at East Douglass, INIs, Nov.
8, 1841, JS.. 46. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1820 ;
was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at West Boylston, Ms, Feb. 28, 1821 ;
dismissed Apr. 30, 1834 ; installed at East Douglass, over the 1st Ch. Feb. 25,
1835, and held the otfice to his lamented death. His only publication was a
dedication sermon ])reached at West Boylston. He married Harriet, dau. of
the Rev. Isaac Braman of North Rowley, now Georgetown, Ms, Aug. 9, 1821.
Martin Brainkud, the son of Isaac and Alice (Brainerd) Brainerd, was
born at Randolph, Vt, June 22, 1796. He read law with Othniel Williams of
Waiervilie, N. Y. Sanuu 1 Checver of Greenbush, N. Y. Sheldon and Tracy of
Buffalo, N. Y. and Richard Engli>h Newcoinb, D. C. 1793. at Greenfield, Ms;
began piacticeat Clinton, N. Y. in 1823 ; remained to Oct. 1828 ; was settled at
Blair-ville, Pa, from 1829 to 1853; went then to Beloit, Rock Co. Wise, and
soon gave up the profes^ion, but still lives there on a farm. He married Nancy,
dau. of .Judge Samuel Morehead of Pitt-burgh, Pa, in ]May 1831.
*AnKL Caldwkll, th(^ son of Benjamin and Lydia (Caldwell) Caldwell,
was born at Ipswich, Ms, Nov. 21, 1794, and died at Black Creek, N. Y. Aug.
1, 1861, JE. 66. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1821 ;
was ordained an evangelist at Norwich, N. Y. Feb. 27, 1822 ; was in the ser-
ALUMNI 1817. 185
vice of the Home MIs>. Soc. in N. Y. from 1821 to 1823; then preached at
AVestfonl, N. Y. from 1823 to 1827 ; next at Vohiey, N. Y. from 1827 some
time; alunker of Barnstead.
* Nathan Welby Fiske, A. M. the son of Nathan and Mary (Stearns)
Fi-ke, was l)()rn at Weston, INIs. Apr. 17, 1798, and died at Jerusalem in the
Holy Land, May 27, 1847, ^. 49. He taught an Aaid. at Newcastle, Me, 1
ALUMNI 1817. 187
year ; was tutor at Dart, from 1818 to 1820 ; studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. graduating in 1823 ; was ordained about this time ; went to Savannah,
Geo. and preached to seamen for 6 mouths; became Prof, of Latin and Greek
at Amherst Coll. Ms, in 1824; was made Prof, of Intellectual and Moral Phil,
there in 183G ; went to Palestine in 1846 in the hope of improving his feeble
health, but in less than a year exchanged time for eternity to the great grief
of his friends and of the College of which he was an ornament. He published
a Manual of classical literature from the German of Eschenberg, and a volume
of posthumous sermons also came from (he press. He married Deborah Water-
man, dau. of David Vinal of Boston, Ms, Nov. 4, 1828.
Horace Fletcher, A. M.-D. D. the son of Dr Asaph and Sarah (Green)
Fletcher, was born at Cavendi.-h, Vt, Oct. 28, 1706. He taught the New Salem
Acad. Ms, from 1817 to 1818 ; read law with William Czar Bradley of West-
minster, Vt ; began practice at Proctorsville, Vt, in 1822; left the law after 15
years; studied divinity with the Rev. C. W. Hedges of Bennington, Vt ; was
ordained [lastor of the Baptist Ch. at Townshend, Vt, Jan. 25, 1844, and thus
remains ; was chosen a Senator of the Vt Leg. in Sept. 1855. Madison Univ.
Hamilton, N, Y. gave the D. D. in 1860. He married Harriet, dau. of Eleazar
May of Westminster, Mar. 12, 1823. Richard Fletcher, D. C. 1806, is his
* William Goodell, A. M. the son of William and Phebe (Newton)
Goodell, was born at Templeton, Ms, Fel). 14, 1792, and died at Philadelphia,
Pa, Feb. 18, 1867, je. 75. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating
in 1820; was ordained an evangelist at New Haven, Ct, Sept. 12, 1822; went
on a mission to the East the same year ; arrived at Beyroot, Asia, Nov. 16,
1823 ; removed to Malta in the Med. Sea, May 29. 1828, and thence to Con-
stantinople, Europe, June 9, 1831 ; returned to the U. S. in 1865, and lived at
Fall River, Ms, reposing from his most faithful services until a removal to
Philadelphia. His great published work is a Translation of the Bible into the
Anneno Turkish language. He married Abigail Perkins, dau. of Lemuel
Davis, at Ilolden, Ms, Nov. 19, 1822.
* Adam Gordon, A. M. tiie son of Josiah and Jane (Walker) Gordon, was
born at Bedford, Feb. 28, 1793, and died at New Brunswick, N. J. May 6,
1861, JE. 68. He read law at Ilarv. law school, graduating LL. B. in 1825 ;
went early to Key We>t, Fla ; lived many years there, but in advanced life
came North and settled in New Brunswick. He married Eliza, dau. of Joseph
W. Page of Charleston, S. C.
* Charles Frederick Gove, A. M. the son of Dr Jonathan and Polly
(Dow) Gove, was born at GofFstown, May 13, 1793, and died at Nashua. Oct.
21, 1856, M. 63. He read law at Harv. law school, graduating LL. B. in 1820;
began practice in GofFstown ; was Clerk of the N. H. House of Rep. at one
time; represented GofFstown there in 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, and 1834; was
in the N. H. Senate and its Pres. in 1835 ; Solicitor of Hillsborough Co. from
1834 to 1837 ; Atty Gen. of the S/ate from 1837 to 1842 ; removed to Nashua
in 1839 ; was Circuit Judge of the Court of Com. Pleas from 1842 to 1848 ;
then became Superintendent of tlie Nashua -and Lowell Rail Road. He mar-
ried Mary Kennedy, dau. of Ziba Gay of Nashua, Sept. 22, 1844. John Gove,
D. C. 1793, was his half brother.
^ * James Howe, A. M. the son of Dr Adonijah and Sarah (Ripley) Strong
Howe, was born at Jaffrey, Aug. 13, 1796, and died at Pepperell, 31s, July 19,
1840, JE. 43. He taught 1 year at Concord ; studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. graduating in 1821 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Pepperell,
188 ALUMNI 1817.
Oct. IG, 1822, and died in ofTice. He marrited Harriet, dau. of Seth Na>on of
Harvard, Ms, Oct. 13, 1823. Abner Howe, D. C. 1801, and Luke Howe, D. C.
1811, were his brothers.
* Bknjamin Huntoox, the son of Dea. Benjamin and Mehitabel (Page)
Huntoon, was born at Sahsbiiry, Nov. 28, 1792. and died at Canton, Ms, Apr.
19, 18G-1, JE. 71. He .-tudied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. in the chiss of 1821
one year, and at Boston, M>, teacliing at tiii- same time ; was ordained pastor
of the Unitarian Ch. at Canton, Ms, Jan. 30, 1822; dismissed in 1821); in-
stalled at Bangor, Me, June 30, 1829 ; dismissed in 1833 ; was at Savannah,
Geo. from 1833 to 1831; in>talled at Mihon, Ms, Oct. 15, 1834; settled at
Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1837 ; at Pt-oria, Illi. in 1839 ; dismissed in Aug. 1840 ;
resettled at Canton, M:ir. 13, 1841; settled at Marblehead, Ms, in 1849; dis-
missed in 1855 ; at "Winchendon, IMs, in JNIay 185G ; dismissed Nov. 8, 1857 ;
at Westborough, Ms, in 1859 ; dismissed in Jan. 18G0, and then retired to Can-
ton. Though often changing his location owing to ill health, ^Nlr Huntoon was
much esteemed in his denomination, and 5 of his sermons and addres-es were
published. He married, 1. Susan, dau. of Dea. Amos Pettengill of Salisbury,
Sept. 4, 1820. 2. Lydia Bowman, dau. of Kdmund Baker of Dorchester,
Ms, July 7, 1841. 3. Ann Payson, dau. of Elijah Lewis of Roxbury, Ms,
July 30, 1846.
* James Marsh, A. INI.-D. D. the son of Daniel and Marion (IIar[ier)
Marsh, was boin at Hartford, Vt, July 19, 1794, and died at Colchester. Vt,
July 3, 1842, je. 48, minus IG days. He studied divinity at the And. Theo.
Sem. 1 year in the class of 1820 ; was tutor at Dart, from 1818 to 1820 ; re-
turned to Andovcr and graduated in 1822 ; was ordained an evangelist at Han-
over, Oct. 12, 1824; became Prof, of Languages at Hampden Sidney Coll. Va,
from 1824 to 1826 ; was Pres. of the Univ. of Vt from 1826 to 1833, and then
Prof, of Moral and Mental Phil, to his death. President Marsh was a mo-t
estimable man, an elaborate scholar and a profound thinker. Columbia Coll.
N. Y. city conferred his Hon. degree in 183'), and Amherst Coll. in 1833. He
published his Inaugural Address as Pres. of the Univ. of Vt ; Essay to Cole-
ridge's Aids to Reflection ; Selections from the old English writers on Prac-
tical Theology ; Translation of Herder's Hebrew poetry ; Ilegewisch's Chro-
nology ; a short Treatise on Eloquence; besides these, many articles in jieriodi-
cals. He married, 1. Lucia, dau. of James Wheelock, D. C. 1776, of Hanover,
Oct. 14, 1824. 2. Laura, her sister, Jan. 7, 1835. Leonard Marsh, D. C.
1827, was his brother.
* David Pa<;i:, the son of the Rev. Thomas and Betsey (Fowler) Page,
was born at Hanover, Jan. 29, 1790, and died at Canton, Illi. Feb. 10, 1855,
JE. 65. He studied theology at And. Theo. Sem. 1 year in tiie class of 1821.
His ordination and settlements have not been obtained. He married Haninih,
dau. of Elias Boardman of Bridgewater.
TuiMAN Pkkiun, a. M. tile son of Zachariah and Mary (Talcolt) Perrin,
was born at lierlin, Vt, Apr. 24, 1796. He studied divinity; was oidained an
evangelist at Braintree, Vt, in 1822 ; preached at Granville and Hebron, N. Y.
Brandon and Derby, Vt, also in Hebron, Groton, and Meredith, in all about 5
years; went to Vinceinies, Iiid. preaching and teacliing there several years;
afterwards was so employed at Triana, Cahawba, and Green.-borough, Ala. and
Mt Carmel, Mississippi ; returned north and has been for some time a preacher
in Vt, residing at Berlin ; has published several pamphlets on Hygiene and
Scientiiick Subjects. He married Promecy P. dau. of Dr John S. Tindall of
Tuscaloosa, Ala. in 1835.
ALUMNI 1817. 189
Henry Safford, the son of Dea. Jacob and Mary (Searle) Saffonl, was
born at Royalton, Vi, Oct. 9,' 1795. He studied divinity at botli Princeton
and And. Theo. Seminaries, graduating at the hist in 1820 ; was ordained an
evangelist at Rojalton in 1823 ; was a missionary in N. J. and Pa 8 months,
also at Augusta, Ga ; preached at Beach Ishind, S. C. and taught there ; re-
moved to Jackson Co. in Apr. 1825 ; to Chirence, N. Y. in 1826 ; to Louisville,
Ga, in 1830 ; to Cherokee Corner, Ga, in 1832 ; to Greensborough, Ga, in
1848, and there remains ; has been a Colporteur, Superintendent and Financial
Agent for the Amer. Tract Soc. in Ga and Fla since 1843. He married Eliza
Burr of Edgefield, S. C Dec. 25, 1823.
* IcHABOD Sargeant, the son of Roger and Betsey (Bartlett) Sargeant,
was born at Bath, and died at St Genevieve, Missouri, in Sept. 1850. He
taught the Acad, at Hebron, Me, 1 year; went west in 1818; studied medicine
at the Med. Coll. Cincinnati, Ohio, graduating, M. D. in 1830 ; began practice
at Prairie Du Roche, llli. living there a few years and being also its Post-
master ; then removed to St Genevieve pursuing his profession over 20 years
much respected, when consumption brought him to the grave. He married
Anstise Brown.
* Michael Bartlett Sargeant, A. M. brother of the above, was born at
Bath, and died at Hamilton, Ohio, May 19, 1830, M. 33. He read law ; went
into practice, the partner of the Hon. John Woods, at Hamilton, and was very
successful, but died suddenly from over exertion in pleading a cause before the
court and jury.
Jacob Scales, A. M. the son of Samuel and Sarah (Moulton) Scales, was '
born at Freei)or,t, Me, Mar. 7, 1788. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
graduating in 1820 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at West Chester in
Colcliester, Ct, Dec. 27, 1820 ; dismissed June 1, 1826 ; installed pastor at
Heiiniker, Jan. 17, 1827 ; dismissed Mar. 1, 1839 ; installed pastor at Cornwall,
Vt. July 3, 1839 ; dismissed June 16, 1842 ; installed stated supply at Plain-
field, Oct. 13, 1842 ; dismissed June 8, 1861, but still lives tiiere ; has pub-
lished 3 or moi-e sermons and a work on close communion. He married, 1.
Nancy, dau. of Aaron Beeman of Bridgton, Me, Jan. 17, 1821. 2. Maria
Cleaveland, dau. of the Hon. Jo>hua Darling, D. C. 1794, of Henniker, and
relict of James H. Ballard, Nov. 7, 1839. 3. Sarah Porter, dau. of Maj. Ed-
mund Freeman of Hart land, Vt, at Windsor, Vt, Dec. 10, 1844. Edward
Payson Scales, D. C. 1855, is his son.
Marshall Shedd, the son of Zachariah and Lydia (Spring) Shedd, was
born at Cambridgeport, Ms, Aug. 9, 1786. He studied divinity ; was ordained
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Acton, Ms. May 10, 1820; dismissed May 16, 1831 ;
now resides at Keysville, N. Y. on a farm. He married Eliza, dau. of Obadiah
Thayer of Newton, Ms, Apr. 16, 1818.
* Henry Smith, the son of Dea. P>nos and Anna (Sexton) Smith, was born
at Chelsea, Vt, Feb. 6, 1791, and died at Troy, Ind. Aug. 15, 1860, je. 69.
He taught in Md and Va ; read law and practised sometime in Miami Co.
Ohio ; then engaged in mechanical business and removed to Troy. He married
Sarah Klise of Miami Co. in 1835.
John Worthington Smith, the brother of the above, was born at Chelsea,
Vt, July 13, 1792. He taught at Haverhill 1 year, and in Va 3 years ; read
la^ there and with Daniel Azro Ashley Buck of Chelsea, where his practice
began and his residence remains ; has been Clerk of Windsor Co. Courts ;
Judge of the same, and Judge of Probate. He married, 1. Laura C. Eddy of
190 ALUMNI 1817.
Woodstock, Vt, Nov. 3, 1823. 2. Lucy M. Mor^ian, Jan. 5, 1842. 3. Mrs
Emmeline (Morgan) Kent, relict of I)ea. Kent of Rayalton, Vt, Mar. 7, 1857.
* Lkmuel Smith. A. M. tlie son of Luther and Ruth (Harwood) Smith,
was born at Plainfield, Ct, July 10, 1798. and died at N. Y. city. June 12,
1830, ^.31. lie read law in the Litehtield, Ct, law school 1 year from Oct.
1817, and with the lion. George Gritfin in N. Y. ci(y 2 years from Oct. 1818 ;
began practice there in Nov. 1820 ; was soon made Judge Advocate of the
State for 7 years; represented the city in the State Assembly in 1828 and
1829 ; was also Corporation Atty at the time of his death in the Court room
immediately after arguing a cause. Of him a professional brother has written,
" Lemuel Suiith was an excellent lawyer, and an honest, sagacious politician ;
and had his life been spared might well have risen to eminence in his pro-
fession and in the councils of this State and of the Union. He was genial in
his disposition and his truth and acquirements secured him the warm attach-
ment of his friends, many of whom still remember him, and delight to cherir-h
and do honour to his memory." He married Matilda, dau. of Oliver Coates of
Plainfield, Sept. 9, 1822.
* Lyndon Arnold Smith, A. M. the son of the Rev. Ethan, D. C. 1790,
and Bath-heba (Santbrd) Smith, was born at Haverhill, Nov. 11, 1795, and
died at Newark, N. J. Dec. 15, 1865, je. 70. He studied medicine with Dr
John Bott of Peter>burg, Va, also at Dart, and Williams Med. Colleges, gradu-
ating at both in 1823; began practice at Williamstown, Ms, in INIar. 1822;
removed to Newark in July 1827, and there continued. He was elected a
Fellow of the N. Y. Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons in 1843 ; a member of
the Amer. Sci. Association in 1855 ; a corporate member of the Amer. Board
for Foreign Missions in 1857; Vice Pres. of the Amer. Med. Asso. in 1859,
and Pi-es. of the N. J. Med. Society. Doct. Smith was a most worthy and in-
telligent gentleman, winning the esteem of all who knew him well, and occupy-
ing a jirominent position in the vocation to which his life was faithfully devoted.
He published many articles in Med. Journals and other periodicals, and a
Treatise on the Epidemicks of New Jersey. As the prime mover in establish-
ing the Lunatick Asylum in that state, his benevolence will be long remem-
bered. He married Frances Louisa, dau. of the Rev. Pres. Edward Dorr
Griffin, D. I), at Williamstown, Nov. 20, 1823.
* Damkl Thmtlk, the son of Dea. Daniel and Sarah (Beard) Temple, was
born in Reading, Ms, Dec. 23, 1789, and died there, Aug. 9, 1851, je. 01. He
studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1820 ; spent 1 year as agent
for the Amer. Board of Missions ; was ordained as an evangelist at North
Bridgfwater, Ms, Oct. 3, 1821 ; sailed for Malta in the Mediterranean sea, Jan.
2, 1822; di(l good service there until his return to the U. S. in Sept. 1828;
sailed again for Malta in 1830 ; was next at Smyrna fully and indefatigably
occupied with pen and press from 1833 to 1844, when his mission ended and
arriving home, his former agency for the Amer. Board was resumed. After
this, he was installed pastor of a Cong, or Presb. Ch. at Phelps, N. Y. June 24,
1847, which ill health obliged him to resign iji Nov. 1849. Besides a sermon
preached before going to Malta in 1822. his publications were numerous w^orks
in the Modern Greek, Italian, and Armenian tongu(?s ; several Scripture Histo-
ries, and a regularly issued magazine in Greek. A very interesting and valua-
ble life of this truly estimable man was publi.-hed in Boston, Ms, in 1855. He
married, 1. Rachel B. dau. of Col. Timolhy DIx of Boscawen, at Littleton,
Dec. 4, 1821. 2. ^Martha, dau. of Dea. Nathaniel Ely of Longmeadow, Ms, at
Hartford, Ct, Jan. 4, 1830.
ALUMNI 1817. 191
Zebina Thayer. Every effort to obtain tlie statisticks of this graduate has
failed except that he was from Milford, Ms.
* Francis Vose, A. M. the son of Francis and Phebe (Clement) Vose,
was born at Francestown, Oct. 31, 1788, and died at Pembroke, Aug. 8, 1851,
^. 62. He was preceptor of Atkinson Acad, several years ; of Bacon Acad,
at Colchester, Ct ; also taught at Hampton and some time at Newburjport, Ms;
was next at Topsfield Acad. Ms, from 1829 to 1831 ; then at Haverhill Acad.
Ms, in 1832 ; finally at Bloomfield Acad. Me, from 1833 to 1838 ; when, re-
linquishing teaching, the evening of his days was passed at Pembroke on a
farm. He married, 1. Elisabetli Quincy, dau. of the Hon. John Vose, D. C.
1795, Mar. 4, 1823. 2. Mary A. dau. of Thomas Brackett of Greenland, Jan.
24, 1830.
* Artemas Wheeler, A. M. the son of Gardner and Betsey (Drury)
Wheeler, was born at Grafton, Ms, and die5. lie married Sophronia, dau. of the Rev. Abijah "Wines, D. C. 1794.
William Clark Hurd, D. C. 1S4G, was his son.
Thomas Jameson, the son of John and Elisabeth (Fulton) Jameson, was
born at Dunbarton, INIar. 7, 1794. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 1
year in the ehiss of 1821 ; was ordained an evangelist at ElRngham in 1825;
installed pastor of the Cong. Cli. at Scarborough, Me, June 29, 1825; dismissed
Aug. 26, 1840 ; has long resided at Gorham, Me, without charge, owing to an
affcetion of the eyes. He married Elisabeth L. Lord at P^tfingham, Jan. 14,
1821. Jolin Jameson, D. C. 1821, is liis brother.
* Asa Mead, A. M. the son of Capt. Stejjlien and Deborah (Woodman)
]\Iead, was born at Meredith, Mar. 25, 1792, and died at East Hartfoid, Ct,
Oct. 29, 1831, JE. 39. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in
1821 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Cli. at Brunswick, Me, Dec. 18, 1822;
dismissed in July 1829 ; was installed pastor at East Hartford, Aug. 18, 1830,
and died in office. He published 2 sermons, a Call to the temperate, and a
Memoir of his son, John Mooney Mead, a child of great promise. He married
Mary Jane Gould at Gorham. Me, May 9, 1825.
Fkancis Noravood, a. M. the son of Major Francis and Lucy (Poole)
Norwood, was born at Gloucester, now Rockport, Ms, Nov. 2, 1797. He
studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1821 ; was ordained pastor
of the Cong. Ch. at jNIeredith Bridge, now Laeonia, July 5, 1825 ; dismissed
May 30, 1830 ; installed at Wilmington, Ms, May 18, 1831 : dismissed ; sup-
plied at Windsor, Ms, from 1844 to"l846 ; installed at Washington, Ms. Sept.
1, 1846 ; disn)is.sed Oct. 15, 1851 ; stated supply at Barkharastead, Ct, from
Jan. 1855 to INIar. 1857; also at Phippsburg, INIe, since June 1858. He
married Adaline A. dau. of Capt. Harvey Choate of Beverly, Ms, Feb. 22,
Hknhy Kembi.e Oliver, A. ]\L the son of the Rev. Daniel, D. C. 1785,
and Elisabeth (Kemble) Oliver, was born at Beverly, Ms. Nov. 24, 1800. He
was a teacher from June 3, 1819 of a Latin school, a High sch. and a Private
.sch. at Salem, Ms, for 25 years ; was Adj. Gen. of the Mass. militia from 1844
to 1848; Agent of the Atlantick Mills Co. at Lawrence, INIs, from 1848 to
1858; Mayor of that city in 1859 ; Treasurer of the State of Mass. from Jan.
1861 to Jan. 1, 1865 ; has published several lectures, addresses, and musical
compositions; now lives at Salem. He married Sally, dau. of Capt. Samuel
Cook of Salem in Aug. 1825.
* Thomas Peverly was born at Northumberland in 1797, and died there,
Apr. 8, 1829, je. 32. He read law ; went into practice at his native place and
there continued. He represented it in the N. II. Leg. and was also Register
of Piobate for Coos Co.
Ebenezeu Poor, the son of Jose|)h and Tamisen (Sprague) Poor, was born
at Danvers, Ms, Mar. 24, 1796. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
graduating in 1821 ; was ordained pastor of th<^ 2nd Coug. Cii. at Beverlv. Ms,
Oct. 29, 1823 ; di-missed Mar. 12. 1829 ; sui)plied at Edgarton, Martha's"Vine-
yard, 2 years ; was instalU'«l at Berkeley, INIs, June 17, 1835 ; dismissed July
31, 1(?37 ; has also olficiated more or less at Lymifield, South Hadley, and
Danvers, all in IMs, and Perrysburg. Ohio, from 1845 to 1848 ; on leaving
these, removed to Lawrence, Ms, and there remains without a charge. He
married Clarissa, dau. of Caleb Abbot, at Andover, Ms, Feb. 1, 1825.
Urias Powers, the son of Urias and Lucy (Wakefield) Powers, was born
at Croydon, May 12, 1791. He taught at Fredericksburg, Va, 1 year; studied
divinity with the Kev. Phineas Cooke of Acworth and at And. Theo. Sem.
ALUMNI 1818. 195
grarluatinnj in 1823 ; was orclaineJ an evangelist at Wethersfield, Ct, in 1823 ;
went to S. C. that year, and had charge of a Pre^b. Ch. on the Cumbahee
river nearly a j'ear ; on failure of health, went north ; returned to S. C. in
1825, and ministered to a Presb. Ch. at Cheraw until 183-4 ; was then agent
for the Anier. Siniday Sth. Union for 1 year, and for the Presb. Board of
Domestiek Missions 18 months, supplying the Ch. at Darlington, S. C. the same
time ; was next settled over the Presb. Churches at Salem and Big Licks,
Roanoke Co. Va, from 1837 to 1852, when the first named was resignetl and
the last has been retained to this time, lie married Henrietta L. dau. of Ben-
jamin Perkins of Pine Tree, S. C. Jan. 9, 1834. With her were received 12
or more slaves who were freed by him and sent to Liberia.
* David Choate Proctor, A. M. the son of John and Hannah (Cogswell)
Proctor, was born at Essex, Ms, Sept. 28, 1793, and died near Frankfort, Ky,
Jan. 17, 1865, M. 71. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in
1821 ; went at once as a Missionary to Indianapolis, Ind. taking charge of its
Presb. Church ; became pastor of the Presb. Churches at Sj)ringfield and
Lebanon, Ky, about 1822; was Pies, pro tern, of Danville Coll. Ky, in 1826;
went to Pi-ince Edward Co Va, in 1827 ; returned to Ky in 1834, and preached
in various places, including Frankfort, to the close of life. He married Mrs
Frances Watkins (Nantz) Venable, dau. of Frederick Nantz of Springfield
and relict of William S. Venable of Prince Edward Co. in Dec. 1827.
* James Shirley, the son of James and Mary (Moore) Shirley, was bora
at Goff>town, May 5, 1794, and died at Vicksburg, Miss. Aug. 8, 1863, m. 69.
He read law at Albany, N. Y. but soon left for Augusta, Geo. resuming studies
and having charge of an Acad, there; began practice at Florence, Ala. and pur-
sued it at Huntsville, Ala. but finally settled at Vicksburg, where his character
■was unblemished, his benevolence exalted, and his loyalty to the Union uncom-
promising. It was at his plantation that the interview occurred between Gen-
erals Grant and Pemberton, which led to the surrender of Vicksburg. He
married, 1. Harriet, dau. of James Walsworth of Norwich, Ct, in 1820. 2.
Adeline, dau. of Abraham Quincy of Boston, Ms, in 1835.
* Noah Smith, the son of Edward and Hannah (Chandler) Smith, was
born at Hanover, Mar. 8, 1794, and died at Southbury, Ct, Oct. 10, 1830, M.
36. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1821 ; was ordained
pastor of the Cong. Cli. at Southbury in Oct. 1822, and died in chai-ge. He
married Laura Parmele of Kiilingworth, Ct, May 21, 1820. Cyrus Porter
Smith, D. C. 1824, was his brother.
Thomas Cogswell Upham, A. M.-D. D. was born at Deerfield, Jan. 30,
1799. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1821 ; was or-
dained pastor of the Cong. Cli. at Rochester, July 16, 1823 ; dismissed May
21, 1824; became Prof, of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy at Bovvdoin Coll.
Brunswick, Me, in Feb. 1825 ; and is still in office. The Wesleyian Univ. at
Middletown, Ct, conferred the Hon. degree in 1843. His publications are, 1.
" Jahn's Biblical Archaeology," from the Latin. 2. " Ratio Disciplinai, or Con-
stitution of the Congregational Churches." 3. " Elements of Mental Philoso-
phy " and an Abridgment thereof. 4. " Philosophical and Practical Treatise
on the Will." 5. " Principles of the Interior or Hidden Life." 6. " Life of
Faith." 7. " Treatise on Divine Union." 8. " Religious Maxims." 9. " Life
of Madame Catharine Adorna." 10. "Life and Religious Opinions of Madame
Guyon." 11. "Manual of Peace." 12. "Outlines of Disordered Mental Ac-
tion." 13. "American Cottage Life," a series of Poems. 14. " Letters, ^s-
thetick, Social, and Moral," written from Europe, Egypt, and Palestine. 15.
196 ALUMNI 1818.
"Essay on a Conpress of Nations." He married Phebe, dau. of Nathaniel
Lord of Kennebunk Port, Me, in Maj 1825. Nathaniel Gookin Uphara, U. C-
1820, is his brother.
Jamks White, A. M. the son of William and Elisabeth (Mitchell) White,
was born at Chester, Sept. 2, 1792. He read law with his brother. William
White, D. C. 1805, at Belfast, Me; began practice there, Se[)t. 3, 1821, and
so continues ; was State Treasurer of Me from 1842 to 1847. He married, 1.
Lydia Shaw Wood of Winthrop, Me, June 5, 1831. 2. Mrs Hannah W. Cush-
man, Dec. 11, 1855.
* Semcca White, the son of Peter and Sarah (Moore) White, was born at
West IJoylston, Ms, Feb. 27, 1794, and died at Amherst, Jan. 11, 18G5, ^. 70.
He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. gradiiatinir in 1822 ; was ordained pas-
tor of the 2nd Cong. Ch. at Bath, Me, Sept. 10. 1823 ; dismissed in Aug. 1830 ;
installed at Wiscasset, Me, Apr. 18, 1832; dismissed Jidy 19, 1837; installed
at Marshficld, Ms, Sept. 8, 1838 ; dismissf^d, after an interregnum of 3 years,
Oct. 30, 1850 ; went thence to Amherst and lived there without a charge. Hie
married Elisabeth Stockbridge. dau. of John Winslow, at Bath, in May 1837.
* Silas AYilder, A. M. the son of Silas and Abigail (Page) Wilder, was
born at Riudge, Aug. 10, 1788, and died at Herkimer, N. Y. Oct. 29, 1865, ^.
77. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Zedekiah Smith Barstow of Keene ;
was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Lewis, N. Y. in Feb. 1825 ; dismissed
in Oct. 1829 ; preached thereafter in several vacant parishes ; removed to
Keene in Feb. 1830 ; went thence to Herkimer, and there lived on a farm.
He married, 1. Mary, dau. of Noah Cooke of Keene, Sept. 9. 1822. 2. Mrs
Olive Draper of Herkimer about 1850.
* John Aiken, A. M. the son of Phineas and Elisabeth (Patterson) Aiken,
was born at Bedford, Jan. 30, 1797, and died at Andover, Ms, Feb. 10, 1867,
M. 70. He taught 1 year at Wakefield and Dover ; was tutor at Dart, from
1820 to 1822 ; read law with the Plon. Judge Milo Lyman Bennett, and began
practice at Manchester, Vt ; removed to Lowell, Ms, in 1834; was Agent there
of a large manufacturing company until Sept. 1849 ; then became Treasurer of
the Cocheco Co. and continued such although removed to Andover in 1850.
He married, 1. Harriet Russell, dau. of Prof. Ebenezer Adams, D. C. 1791, of
Hanover, Nov. 14, 1826. 2. Mary Means, dau. of Pres. Jesse Appleton, D. D.
of Bowdoin Coll. D. C. 1792, May 28, 1832. Charles Augustus Aiken, D. C
1846, and John Francis Aiken, D. C. 1858, were his sons. Silas Aiken, D. C.
1825, and David Aiken, D. C. 1830, were his brothers.
Wyatt Clark Botden, the son of Dr Joseph and IMary (Heywood) Boy-
den, was born at Gardner, Ms, Dec. 5, 1794. He studied with his father and
at Dait. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1826; began practice at Gardner; re-
moved to Beverly, Ms, in 1825, and there remains. He married, 1. Elisabeth,
dau. of James Woodbury of Beverly. 2. Lydia L. dau. of Hawkes Lincoln of
Boston, Ms. in Feb. 1834.
* Stepiikn Ingalls Bradstreet, a. M. the son of Elijah and Elisabeth
(Ingalis) Bradstreet, was born at Pelham in 1794, and died at Perrysburg, Ohio,
June 9, 1837, M. 42. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in
1822 ; ordained ? was stated supply at Cleveland, Ohio, from Aug. 1823 to Jan.
24, 1830, in conjunction with P^udid, Ohio, from Aug. 26, 1823 to Feb. 20,
1826, and Brooklyn, Ohio, from June 25, 1826 to June 25, 1827 ; was then
ALUMNI 1819. 197
supply at Vermilion, Ohio, from Apr. 18, 1830 to July 7, 1833, including
Sandusky, Ohio, from July 25, 1830 to Jan. 25, 1831, and Florence,
Ohio, from Oct. 20, 1832 to July 7, 1833 ; was also editor of the Ohio Observer
from 1833 to 1834; and next stated supply at Stowe, Ohio, from Apr. 27, 1834
to Apr. 27, 1835 ; after this, at Perrysburg until death. He married Ann Dana
Smith at Amherst in Aug. 1824.
* David Brunson, A. M. the son of David and Lucy (Gay) Rruiison, was
born at Sulfield, Ct, Feb. 8, 1800, and died at St Michael's Parish, Talbot Co.
Md, Nov. 20, 1863, M. 63. He read law with the Hon. Charles Marsh, D.
C. 1786, at AVoodstock, Vt, and Frederick Allen of Gardiner, Me ; began prac-
tice at Anson, Me, in 1823 ; represented it in the Me Leg. in 1832 and 1834 ;
was a rejiresentative in Congress from 1841 to 1843 ; went to Augusta, Me, in
May 1843 ; was in the Senate from Kennebeck Co. in 1846; removed to Bath,
Me, in 1850, being U. S. Collector of that port from 1850 to 1854 ; also Judge
of Probate for Sagadahock Co. from 1854 to 1857. His deatli took phice from
home at the house of a son. He married Augusta C. dau. of Luther Holton of
Barre, Vt, Aug. 24, 1825.
* RuFL's Choate, a. M.-LL. D. the son of David and Miriam (Foster)
Choate, was born in that part of Ipswich which is now Essex, Ms, Oct. 1, 1799,
and died at Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 13, 1859, M. 59. He was tutor at Dart,
from 1819 to 1820; read law at Harv. Univ. law school; with David Cum-
mings, D. C. 1806, at Salem, Ms, and U. S. Atty General William AVirt ; be-
gan practice at Salem in 1823 ; removed to Danvers, Ms, in 1824 ; represented
it in the Mass. Leg. in 1825, and Essex Co. in the Mass. Senate in 1827 ; re-
moved to Salem in. 1829 ; was in the U. S. House of Representatives from 1832
to 1834 ; settled in practice at Boston, Ms, in 1834, and there remained ; served
as a Senator in Cong.from 1841 to 1845 ; was made Atty General of Mass. in 1853
and the same year a member of the State Constitutional Convention. Mr Choate
was unquestionably a man of splendid talents, and one to whom the epithet,
brilliant, applies with peculiar felicity. He was brilliant as a scholar, brilliant as
a jurist, brdliant as an advocate, brilliant as an orator, and brilliant as a states-
man. And to this shining record, it must be added that he possessed the ster-
ling qualities of a gentleman, not merely polished manners, but warm affections,
benevolent sympathies, incorruptible integrity, and untarnished purity of charac-
ter. Diirtmouth, in the long list of her worthies, justly ranks him next to the
immortal AVebster, and will never cease to cherish his memory with profound
admiration. Among his numerous published addresses, will be found, A speech
on the Tariff; another on the Oregon question, a third on the Annexation of
Texas ; an Eulogy on Harrison ; one on AV'ebster, delivered at Dart. College in
1853, and an Address at Danvers, Ms, at the dedication of the Peabody Institute.
Yale conferred the Hon. degree in 1844, Dart, and Harv. in 1845, and Amherst
in 1848. He married Helen, dau. of the Hon. Mills Olcott of Hanover, D. C.
1790, Mar. 29, 1825.
Nathanip:l Cogswell, A. M. the son of Dr William and Judith (Badger)
Cogswell, was born at Atkinson, Mar. 5, 1796. He studied divinity with his
brother named below ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Yarmouth, Ms,
Apr. 24, 1822 ; dismissed in Dec. 1859, but still lives there ; was a member of
the Mass. Constitutional Convention in 1853. He married, 1. Susan, dau. of the
Hon.^Elisha Doane of Yarmouth, in Sept. 1826. 2. Rebecca, dau. of Thomas
Jameson of Manchester, Nov. 12, 1857. John Bear Doane Cogswell, D. C.
1850, is his son. The Rev. AVilliam Cogswell, D. C. 1811, and Francis Cogs-
well, D. C. 1822, were his brothers.
198 ALUMNI 1819.
* Jacob Gumming s, A. M. the son of Solomon and Mary (Graham) Cum-
mings, was born at Warren, Ms, Dec. 5, 1792, and died at Exeter, June 20,
1860, M. 73. He studied divinity 1 year at And. Theo. Sem. in tlie class of
1822; taught at Atkinson Acad, about 2 years; was ordained j)astor of the
Cong. Ch. at Stratham, Apr. 28, 1824; dismissed Dec. 23, 1834 ; installed at
Sharon. Ms, J;ui. 21, 1«35 ; dismissed in Feb. 1837 ; instalUnl at Souihborough,
Ms, in Mar. 1838 ; dismissed in I\Iar. 1841 ; became pastor at Hillsborough,
Nov. 15, 1843 ; dismissed in 185G ; removed to Exeter in Oct. 185G, and there
continued. He married Harriet, dau. of John Sargent, Tewksbury, Apr. 21,
1824. Horace Stuart Cummings, D. C. 1862, was his son, and Solomon Cum-
mings, D. C. 1808 was his brother.
* Calvin Cutler, A. M. the son of the Hon. Charles and Chloe (Bhike)
Cutler, was born at Guildhall, Vt, Oct. 10, 1791, and died at Windham, Feb.
17, 1844, JE.. 52. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1822 ;
was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Lebanon, Nov. 6, 1823 ; dismissed
May 15, 1827 ; installed pastor at Windham, Apr. 9, 1828, and died in ciiarge.
He married Rlioda Little of Boscawen, June 3, 1824. Charles Cutler, D. C.
1852, was his son.
* Hope Lathrop Dana, the son of Capt. George and Hannah (Lathrop)
Dana, was born at Sharon, Vt, Nov. 24, 1794, and died at Darlington, S. C.
Nov. 14, 1841, J£.. 47, minus 10 days. He studied medicine at Dart. Med.
Coll. and Vt Univ. Med. vSchool, graduating M. D. at the last in 1829 ; began
and pursued practice at Richland, S. C. until his removal to Darlington. He
married the dau. of Capt. Bunce of Falmouth, Ms, at Rice Creek Springs,
Richland District, S. C. in Oct. 1832.
* Francis Danforth, A. M. the son of Jonathan and Sarah (Chandler) Dan-
forth, was born at Hillsborough. Feb. 28, 1793, and died at Clarence, N. Y.
Jan. 29, 1854, M. GO. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in
1822; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Greenfield, June, 11, 1823;
dismissed in Apr. 1831 ; installed pastor at Winchester, Aug. 18, 1831 ; dis-
missed Nov. 26, 1839 ; installed at Iladley, Ms, Dec. 11, 1839 ; dismissed Feb.
2, 1844 ; supplied at Byron and Medina, N. Y. a short time ; installed pastor
at Clarence, N. Y. in 1846, and so remained to his death. He married, 1.
Sarali Parks of Sharon, Vt. 2. and 3. Ladies whose names are not tbund.
* Elijah Darling, the son of the Rev. David and JSIoUy (Woods) Darling,
was born at Keene, Nov. 28, 1794, and died at Dover, Jime 28, 1855, jz. GO.
He studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. 1). in 1825 ; his loca-
tions are not learnt, but towards the close of life, lectures on chemistry were
delivered by him in Me, and elsewhere. He married Eliza W. Kimball, at
Haverhill, Ms, in July 1825.
* Moses Frederick Davis, the son of Moses and Nancy (Fuller) Davis,
was born at Hanover, Mar. 18, 1803, and died there. May 6, 1822, it:. 19. He
read law at Greenlield, Ms, but occupied a grave too soon to practise. Henry
Weld Fuller Davis, D. C. 1817, was his brother.
Benjamin Waterman Dewey, A. M. the son of Martin and Hannah (Wa-
terman) Dewey, was born at Lebanon, May 14, 1794. He studied medicine;
took the degree of M- D. at JMiddlebury Coll. Vt, in 1822; settled in practice
at Moriah, N. Y. and is still there. He married Harriet, dau. of Dr Matthew
Cole of Burlington, Vt, at Shoreham, Vt, Mar. 14, 1823.
* William Townsend Heydock, A. M. originally Haddock, the son of
William and Abigail Eastman (Webster) Haddock, was born at Franklin, Apr.
4, 1798, and died at Hanover, Nov. 6, 1835, je. 37. He read law with the
ALUMNI 1819. 199
Hon. Daniel Webster, D. C. 1801, at Boston, Ms ; practised successively at
Hanover, Concord, Boston, ]Ms, and Lowell, Ms, and was absent t'rora home at
his death. He married Jane Eliza, dan. of the Hon. Mills Olcott, D. C. 1790,
Dec. 21, 1823. Charles Brickett Haddock, D. C 181 G, was his brother.
* Oramel Strong Hinckley, A. M. the son of Col. Oramel and Lydia
(Strong) Hinckley, was born atThetford, Vt, Sept. 13, 1790, and died at Natchez,
Miss. Srpt. 13, 1837, M. 47. He taught at Moor's charity school at Hanover
from 1819 to 1820; was tutor at Dart, from 1821 to 1822; studied divinity at
And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1824 ; was ordained ? taught the Sylvan Acad.
in Clark Co. Ky ; became Prof, of Languages at Greenville Coll. Tenn. for
several years ; also taught at Lexington, Ky ; was afterwards Prof, of Lan-
guages at Oakland Coll. Miss, retaining the office until his death while on a
visit. He married Abby Porter, dau. of the Rev. John Gurley of Exeter, in
1824. Bushrod Washington Hinckley, D. C. 1823, was his brotlier.
* Henry True Kelly, A. M. the son of the Rev. John, D. C. 1791, and
Abigail (Dearborn) Kelly, was born at Hampstead, Aug. 13, 1794, and died
at Challuun, Canada West, Sept. 9, 1840, M. 46. He studied divinity at And.
Theo. Sem. graduating in 1822 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Churches at
Newtield and Parsonsfield, Me, June 29, 1825; dismissed June 27, 1827; in-
stalled pastor of the Pi-esb. Ch. at Kingsville, Ohio, Oct. 7, 1829 ; dismissed
July 9, 1834; installed pastor at Madison, Ohio, July 9, 1834; on his dismis-
sion, returned to Hampstead and went thence to Chatham. He married Clarissa,
dau. of Joseph Garland of Parsonsfield, in 1830.
* Jesse Kimball, the son of David and Mehitabel (Clement) Kimball, was
born at Pembroke,. May 17, 1794, and died at Cincinnati, Ohio, May 22, 1835,
£.. 41. He studied medicine and received the degree of M. D. but lelt the pro-
fession and read law with Josiah Wing of Cincinnati ; went into practice there
and so continued. He did not marry.
Lyndon Arnold Marsh, A. M. the son of the Hon. Charles, D. C. 1786,
and Su-an (Perkins) Arnold Marsh, was born at Woodstock, Vt, Feb. 26. 1799.
He read law with his father, with Nathaniel Searle of Providence, R. I. and
Ebenezer Wright of Lancaster, Pa ; be^an practice at Woodstock and resides
there yet ; has been Cashier of the Woodstock Bank ; is Register of Probate for
Windsor Co. and also a Trustee of Dart, from 1857. He married Lucy Gay,
dau. of Benjamin Swan of Woodstock, Nov. 5, 1829. Benjamin Swan Marsh,
D. C. 1852, was his son, Charles Marsh, D. C. 1813, was bis half brother, and
George Perkins Marsh, D. C. 1820, is his brother.
* Archelaus Fuller Putnam, A. M. the son of Eleazar and vSarah (Ful-
ler) Putnam, was born at Danvers, Ms, July 3, 1792, and died at Beverly, Ms,
Aug. 11, 1859, JE. 67. He was preceptor of Moor's charity school at Hanover
from 1821 to 1824 ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 1 year in the class of
1827 ; then studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1829 ;
began practice at Beverly and there paid the debt of nature unmarried. Israel
Warburion Putnam, D. C. 1809, was his brother.
John Adams Richardson, A. M. the son of Joseph and Sarah (Hanson)
Richardson, was born at Durham, Nov. 18, 1797: He taught at Haverhill, Ms,
from 1819 to 1820; read law with the Hon. John Varnum of that town until
Oct. 1823; then went into practice at Durham and there remains; was clerk of
the N. H. Senate in 1846. He married, 1. Marcia Adams, dau. of the Hon.
Alexander Rice of Kittery, Me, at K. July 5, 1829. 2. Mrs Frances Jacobs
(Farrand) Murdock, dau. of the Hon. Daniel Farrand of Burlington, Vt, and
relict of the Rev. Thomas Jewett Murdock, D. C. 1812, at Concord, Feb. 5,
200 ALUMNI 1819.
* William Siiedd, A. M. was born at Mount Vernon, July Ifi, 1797, and
died at Abin<>;ton, Ms, Nov. 11, 1830, je. 33. He taught Newport Acad, a
year; then ,>-tudied divinity at And. Tiieo. Sem. graduating in 1823; was or-
dained an evangelist at Bradford, ]Ms, Aug. 13. 1823; went to New Orleans,
La, and was Seamen's Missionary and a Coll. Prof, there for some years, going
to Europe during the time ; was installed pastor of the 1st Cong. Ch. at Abing-
ton, July 1, 1829 ; dismissed June 1, 1830, the result of feeble health ; is
said to have been a man of uncommon promise. He married Mary Howe of
* Baknabas Gibson Tenney, the son of Jonatlian and Martha (Gibson)
Tennev, was born at Pelham, Feb. 12, 1795, and died in Arkansas, near Jack-on,
Miss. Sept. G, 1841, M. 46. He read law and settled in practice at Jackson ;
became a Judge and granted an application for divorce to a lady, which caused
her husband, Gen. Charles Rowley, to send him a challenge, and, on his declin-
ing this, a second challenge was received, which he was overpersuaded by
friends to accept, crossed the Mississippi to Arkansas, fought and fell, dying on
the sjiot, the victim of a savage code.
*JosiAH TuACY TiLDEN, the SOU of Capt. Josiah and Elisabeth (Tracy)
Tilden, was born at Hartford, Vt, Feb. 13. 1795, and died in Orange Co. Va,
Au". 14, 1820, JE. 25. He taught at Kimball Union Acad, in Meriden a short
time ; then went to Va and was a tutor in a private family.
* Ebenkzeu CartehTracy, a. M. the son of Dea. Jo>eph and Ruth (Carter)
Tracy, was born at llarttbrd, Vt, June 10, 179G, and died at Windsor, Vi, May
15, 18G2, jE. G5. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 2 years in the class
of 1824; was tutor at Dart, from 1823 to 1824; became about this time
editor of the Vermont Chronicle, a religious paper, and thus continued until
death. He married Martha Sherman, dau. of the Rev. Jeremiah Evarts of
Boston, I\Is, Sept. 13, 1832. John Jay Tracy, D. C. 1864, was his son. Joseph
Tracy, D. C. 1814, and Ira Tracy, U. C. 1829, were his brothers.
* John Uwigiit Willard, A. M.-LL. D. the son of the Rev. Joseph and
Olive (Haven) AVillard, was born at Lancaster, Nov. 4, 1799, and died at Troy,
N. Y. Oct. 16, 1864, M. 64. He was principal of Royalton Acad. Vt, from
1819 to 1820; also of Bangor Acad. Me, from 1820 to 1821 ; was at Savan-
nah, Geo. fion\ 1821 to 1822 and read law 6 months with Judge Cuyler of that
city; then became tutor at Dart, from 1822 to 1823; read law again with
Robert Monell of Chenango Co. N. Y. and Isaac M'Conihe, D. C. 1812,
and John Faine at Troy; began practice there in 1826, and never removed
from it; was editor of the Troy Sentinel several years; served as a State
Senator ; was a Judge of the Court of Com. Pleas ; visited Europe twice, spend-
ing a year each time. Dart, conferred the Hon. degree in 1860, and La Grange
Univ. Ky, in 1862. The Judge was a ripe scholar and was one who adorned
his profession not only by his intellectual attainments, but b}' the purity of his
character. Jn his last will, there was a remembrance of his Alma -Mater in the
handsome bequest of $10,000. He married Laura, dau. of Blakeslee Barnes
of Berlin, Ct, at B. Nov. 16,1829. Henry Willard, D. C. 1851, was his son.
John Ball, A, M. the son of Nathaniel and Sarah (Nevins) Ball, was born
at Hebron, Nov. 12, 1794. He read law with J. C. Lansing of Lansingburg,
N. Y. ami opened an ollice there in 1824 ; in a few years, went into the manu-
facture of oil cloth until Jan. 1832 ; then journeyed across the plains and over
ALUMNI 1820. 201
the Rocky mountains to San Francisco, Cal. and sailed tlience to tlie Sandwich
and Society islands, making geological researches and publishing nuich in scien-
tifick journals; returning in 1834, practi.-ed the law at Troy, N. Y. to 1836 ;
moved that year to Grand Rapids. Portage Co. Mich, and there follows his
profession; was a member of the Mich. Leg. in 1837. He married Mary,
dau. of Arthur Livermore Webster of Plymouth. Jan. 1, 1850.
* Thornton Betton, the son of the Hon. Silas, D. C. 1787, and Mary
(Thornton) Betton, was born at Salem, and died tliere, Sept. 1, 1841, je. 41.
He read law with James Thorn, D. C. 1805, and practised at Derry, represent-
ing it in the N. PI. Leg. 2 or moi-e years. He married Mary Elisabeth Barnes
Hopkins, dau. of Capt. Hopkins Ilolyoke, at Newington in Dec. 1832. George
Onslow Betton, D. C. 1835, was his brother.
INIosES Chase, A. M. the son of Ambrose and Hannah (Hoyt) Chase, was
born at Canaan in Mar. 1797. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. gradu-
ating in 1823 ; was ordained an evangeli>t ; installed over the Ch. at Platts-
burgh. N. Y. Feb. 25, 1826 ; also at Clinton, N. Y. July 22, 1835 ; next at
Brasher Falls and Mooers, both in that State ; was afterwards installed at
West Brookfield. Ms, over the Cong. Ch. Jan. 7, 1842, and subsequently set-
tled at West Stockholm, N. Y. and again at Plattsburgh. He married a widow,
the dau. of a Dr Moore.
Nathan Crosby, A. M. the son of Dr Asa and Betsey (Hoit) Crosby, was
born at Sandwich, Feb. 12, 1798. He read law with Stephen Moody of Gil-
manton and Asa Freeman, D. C. 1810, at Dover ; opened offices at New
Chester in 1823, Gilmanton in 1824, Ame^bury, Ms, in 1826, Newburyport,
Ms. in 1830, and Lowell, Ms, in 1843 ; is the Police Judge of that city ; has
published 2 vols of Obituary notices. He married Rebecca Marquand, dau. of
Stephen Moody of Gilmanton, Sept. 28, 1824. Stephen Moody Crosby, D. C.
1849, is his son. Al[)heus Crosby, D. C. 1827, and Thomas Russell Crosby,
D. C. 1841, are his half brothers.
* Charles Lane Folsom, the son of Dea. Josiah and Sarah (Lane) Fol-
som, was born at Exeter, June 5, 1799, and died there, Nov. 8, 1829, je. 30.
He taught at Exeter Acad, from 1820, and died early much lamented. He did
not marry.
Davh> Goodwillie, the son of the Rev. David and Beatrice (Henderson)
Goodwillie, was born at Barnet, Vt, Aug. 28, 1802. He studied divinity ; was
ordained pastor of the Scotch Presb. Churches at Poland, Liberty, and Deer
Creek, Pa, at D. Apr. 26, 1826 ; was dismissed fiom Deer Cn^ek in 1833 and
from Poland in 1859, but retains the pastorate at Liberty. He married Frances,
dau. of John Hammond of Mercer, Pa, Apr. 20, 1826.
* Thomas Goodwillie, D. D. the brother of the above, was born at Bar-
net, Sept. 27, 1800, and died there, Feb. 11, 1867, je. 66. He studied divinity ;
was oidained pastor of the Scotch Presb. Ch. at Barnet, the successor of his
fatlier, Sept. 27, 1826, and was in office 40 years to his lamented death. West-
minster Coll. New Wilmington, Pa, gave the Hon. deg. in 1865. He married
Alison, dau. of the Rev. James Hogue of Kelso, Scotland, Apr. 11, 1833.
* Jacob Cram Goss, the son of Ephraim and Ruth (Camftbeli) Goss, was
born at Ilenniker, June 4, 1793, and died at Concord, Ajjr. 22, 1860, yE. 66.
He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1823 ; was oidained
pastok- of the Cong. Ch. at Topsham, Me, Dec. 8, 1824; dismissed in 1834;
installed pastor at Woolwich, Me, Aug. 26, 1835; dismissed about 1844; set-
tled next at Sanford, Me ; after that, installed pastor of the 2nd Cong. Ch. at
Wells, Me, Mar. 19, 1851 ; when dismissed, preached from 1856 some time at
202 ALUMNI 1820.
Rando]])h. Vt. He married Almira, dau. of the Hon. Mark Langdon Hill of
Phipiisburg, Me, in Dec. 1827.
Nathan Hoskixs, tlie son of Nathan and Sarali (Oakes) Hoskins. was
born at Weatliensfiekl, Vt, Apr. 27, 1795. He taught at St Albans, Vt, in
1821 and 1822, reading law also with the Hon. Asa Aldis and finishing the
study with Edniinid Hawley at Vergennes, Vt ; practised there from 1823 to
1831, editing also the Vermont Aurora for 3 years ; then liad his office at Ben-
nington, Vt, to 1859; removed that year to Williamstown, I\Is, and there re-
mains ; has published the '• History of Vermont ; " Notes on the AVest in 1833 ;
the Bennington Court controversy and Strictures on Civil Liberty as it existed
in the U. S. in 1847 and 1848. He married ISIargaret, dau. of Robert Miller
of Colerain, Ms, at C. Sept. 16, 1829.
* Thornton M'Gaw, the son of John and Hannah (Thornton) M'Gaw,
was born at Newburyport, Ms, July 24. 1799, and died at Bangor, Me, Oct. 5,
1859, s.. GO. He read law and settled in practice in that place. He married,
1. Ann Frances, dau. of Joseph Carr of Bangor, Oct. 19, 1826. 2. Mrs Esther
Thatcher Ilathorn in y\pr. 1855.
* Christopher JMarsh, A. M. the son of Edmund and Eunice (Cook)
Marsh, was born at Campton, Aug. 4, 1794, and died at Sanford, ]Me, June 30,
1859, M. 64. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Sanford, June 4. 1823 ; dismissed Dec. 11, 1827 ; installed pastor at liiddeford,
Me, May 7, 1828 ; dismissed Aug. 17, 1832 ; installed pastor at West Rox-
bury, Ms, May 17, 1837 ; dismissed Dec. 11, 1850 ; was next employed as a
Sabbath Sell, agent and also filled other agencies in Ms; returned to Sanford
in 1858. He married, 1. Nancy W. Pearson at Haverhill in Aug. 1823. 2.
Lucy Gilpatrick of Boston, Ms.
Gkorgi-: Pi:rkins Marsh, A. M.-LL. D. the son of the Hon. Charles,
D. C. 1786, and Susan (Perkins) Arnold Marsh, was born at Woodstock, Vt,
Mar. 15, 1801. He read law and went into practice at Burlington, Vt, his
present home ; represented it in the Vt Leg. in 1835; also represented his dis-
trict in Congress from 1842 to 1849; was that year aj)pointed resident minister
to Turkey in Europe, including a special mission to Grreece in 1852, and hav-
ing done good service in both realms, returned to the U. S. in 1856 ; was also
sent as resident minister to Sardinia, Europe, in 1861. He has become well
versed in the languages and literature of the north of that continent ; has pub-
lished an Icclandick Grammar ; " The Goths in New P^ngland," and several
essays pertaining to their literature and history ; also a work on the camel, and
another on the English Language, so that he may well be ranked among the
first scholars and writers our country has produced. He is a Fellow of several
learned societies, while Ilarv. Univ. and the College at Newark, Del. gave him
the Hon. degree in 1859, and Dart, in I860. He married, 1. Harriet, dau. of
Col. Ozias i{uell of Burlington, A]ir. 10, 1828. 2. Caroline Crane of Berk-
ley, Ms. Charles Marsh, D. C. 1813, was his half brother, and Lyndon Arnold
Marsh, D. C. 1819, is his brother.
Georgk Washington Nesmith, the son of Jonathan and Helena (Dickey)
Nesmith, was born at Antrim, Oct. 23, 1800. He read law with Parker Noyes,
D. C. 1795, at Salisbury; began practice at Franklin in 1825, and there con-
tinues ; represented it in the N. H. Legislature ; is a Trustee of Dart, from
1858 ; became a Judge of the Sup. Jud. Court of N. H. in 1859. He married
Mary Moore, dau. of Samuel Brooks of Bradford, Sept. 22, 1826.
* Jasi'ER Newton, the son of Dea. David and ]\lary (Ilazen) Newton, was
born at Hartford, Vt, Feb. 20, 1798, and died at Hiliiborough, Md, Nov. 9,
ALUMNI 1820. 203
1821, JE. 23. He tanght at an Acad, at St Mary Co. Md, and wont thence to
Hillsboroiifrh. Mr Newton was one of 10 brothers, who were over G feet in
height. Enos Wood Newton, D. C. 1815, was one of them.
* William Watson Niles, A. M. the son of the Hon. Nathaniel and Eliza
(Watson) Niles, was born at Fairlee, Vt, and died at La Porte, Ind. Jime 8,
1854, M. 57. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1823;
was ordained a Cong, evangelist at Bradtbrd, Ms, Aug. 13, 1823 ; was a mis-
sionary in the South West; but changing his views, was ordained by the Right
Rev. William White, D. D. Bishop of the diocese of Pa, a Deacon of the
Prot. E|>is. Ch. at Philadelphia, Pa, Apr. 13, 1834 ; after this, became a Pres-
byter of the same Cliurch, but his locations are not at hand and his death oc-
curred on a tour. He married Mary Wilson of Me. William Niles, D. C.
1796, was his half brotiier.
James Underwood Parker, A. M. the son of Dea. Matthew and Sally
(Underwood) Parker, was born at Litchfield, July 28, 1797. He read law
with the Hon. James Parker of Bedford, Artemas Rogers of Henniker, and
the Hon. Benjamin Jose[)h Gilbert of Hanover; went into practice at Merri-
mack ; represented it in the N. H. Leg. in 1844 and 1845 ; was a member and
Pres. of the State Senate in 184B ; removed his office to Litchfield ; went to
N. Y. city in 1850; lived in N. J. from 1857 to 1858; settled at Manchester
in Jan. 1859 and there remains. He married, 1. Mary Hawkins of Hanover,
Feb. 25, 1825. 2. Rebecca, dau. of Dea. Augustus Lund of Merrimack.
* Joseph Pouter, the son of William and Mary (Hodges) Porter, was
born at Haitford, Vt, and died at Jericho, Vt, July 9, 1829, m. 33. He read
law with the Hon. Joseph Bell, D. C. 1807, at Haverhill, and settled in prac-
tice at Jericho in 1824. A fall from a horse caused his death. He married
Laura Bliss of Jericho.
* George Richardson, the son of Joshua and Elizabeth (Walworth) Rich-
ardson, was born at Canaan in 1795, and died at Charlestown, Mar. 16, 1829,
M. 33. He taught at floor's charity sciiool in Hanover from 1820 to 1821 ;
was principal of New Hampton Acad, from 1821 to 1825; studied divinity;
took Deacon's orders in the Pi'ot. I-Cpis. Ch. and was ordained a Presbyter of
the same by the Right Rev. Alexander Viets Griswold, D. D. Bishop of the
Eastern diocese at Charlestown, July 26, 1828; otficiated first at Drewsville
and afterwards at Charlestown. His early death was a great loss to the Church.
He married Elisabeth, dau. of Capt. Joseph Denison of Leyden, Ms.
* William Sargent Rogers, the son of Josiah and Sarah (Ring) Rogers,
was born at Londonderry, Sept. 11, 1797, and died at Bow, Mar. 8, 1823, M.
25. He went to Washington, D. C. and taught an Acad, in its vicinity, and
also at Lynn, Ms. He did not marry.
* Marshall Southard, A. M. the son of Nathaniel and Patience (Shaw)
Southard, was born at Auburn, Ms, Mar. 14, 1796, and died at Lyme, Mar. 12,
1857, M. 61. minus 2 days. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 1 year in
the class of 1823 ; was ordained an evangelist at Newbury, Vt, Dec. 20, 1829,
but was never settled as a pastor. His residence was at Lyme as a farmer for
many years and his character pure and worthy. ■ He married Sarah, dau. of
Banci-oft Abbot, in Feb. 1829.
William Coombs Thompson, the son of the Hon. Thomas W. and Elisa-
beth (Porter) Thompson, was born at Salisbury, Mar. 17, 1802. He read law
with the Hon. George Blake of Boston, Ms, and Parker Noyes, D. C. 1796,
at Franklin; began practice at Concord in 1824; removed to Plymouth in
1826; left in 1852 for Worcester, Ms, and has there remained. He married,
204 ALUMNI 1820.
1. Martha TIig2in?;on, <1aii. of John Leverett of "Windsor, Yt, at Windsor. Oct.
15, 1.S28. 2. Susan Brewstt-r, dau. of Jolin Nidson, D. C. 1803, of Hav.'fliill,
June 21, 1843. William Charles Thompson, D. C. 1853, and Tliomas W.
Thompson, D. C. 1851), are his sons, and Charles Edward Thompson, D. C.
1828, is his hrother.
Nathaniel Gookin Upham, A. M.-LL. D. the son of the Hon. Nathaniel
and Judith (Coirswell) Upham, was born at Rochester. lie read law ; began
practice at Bristol, but removed his office to Concord in 1829, which is still his
home; was a Judge of the Sup. Jud. Court of N. H. from 1833 to 1843;
became Commissioner to London, Eng. for the adjustment of claims between
G. B. and the U. S. in 1853. Dart, conferred the Hon. degree in 1862. He
married, 1. Betsey Watts, dau. of Nathaniel Lord of Kennebunk Port, Me, Oct.
28, 1829. 2. Eliza W. dau. of the Rev. Dr Abraham Burnham, D. C. 1804,
at Peml)roke in Sept. 1834. Nathaniel Lord Upham. D. C. 1853, is his son,
and Thomas Cogswell Upham, D. C. 1818, is his brother.
* Hi-.zKKiAH AViLLiAMS, A. M. the son of the Hon. Jesse and Hannah
(Palmer) Williams, was born at Woodstock, Vt, July 28, 1798, and died at
Castine, Me, Oct. 24, 1856, ^e. 58. He read law; went into practice at that
town and so continued ; was Register of Probate for Hancock Co. from 1824
to 1828; a Me State Senator from 1839 to 1841, and a Representative in Con-
gress from 1845 to 1849 ; was also largely engaged in commerce. He married
Eliza Patterson of Belfast, Me.
* Luke Woodbury, A. M. the son of ]\L^rk and Alice (Boyd) Woodbury,
was from Antrim, and died there, Aug. 27, 1851, M. 55. He read law; began
practice at Hancock, but in time removed to Antrim ; represented it in the N.
H. Leg. 2 years; was Judge of Probate for Hillsborough Co. from 1836 to his
* Henry Adams, the son of Joseph and Abiah (Edgerton) Adams, was born
at Grand Isle, Vt, Oct. 12, 1796, atid died at Brattlel.orougli, Vt, Feb. 3, 1854,
M. bl . He was principal of an Acad, at Milledgeville, Geo. two years from
1821 to 1823 ; then read law with the Hon. Asa Aldis at St Albans, Vt ; was
admitted to the bar there in Nov. 1824, and there began practice, pursuing it
with distinguished ability and decided success ; was State's Atty for Franklin
Co. in 1833 and 1834; from ill health relinqiii.-hed his profession in 1847; re-
sumed it at SwaiUon, Vt, in 1850 ; but was again prostrated by the same cause
in the course of a year, and removed to All)urgh, Vt, where in time the law
was repursued, the office of State's Atty for Grand Isle Co. accepted, and also
that of Deputy Collector of Customs at Alburgh, which was retained until a
severe illnes> carried him from home to die among strangers. Of him, it has
been advisedly said ; " IVIr Adams as a lawyer stood high, and as a scholar was
learned in the classicks and well read in belles lettres. He had a profound
respect for religion, and was a firm believer in its cardinal doctrines." He did
not marry.
Zachauiaii P)ATCHELDEr, the son of Zachariah and Polly (Knowlton)
Batchelder, was born at Beverly, Ms, Feb. 4. 1796. He taught at Meredith
in 1821; at Salisbury Acad, in 1H22; at Winchester in 1823; at Northfield,
Ms, in 1824; read law with Samuel I>rael Wells, 1). C. 1814, while at Salis-
burv, and with Benjamin Kimball, D. C. 1803, at Winchester from 1824 to
1827; practised at Chichester from 1827 to 1828; then opened an office at
ALUMNI 1821. 205
Wolfboroiin;h and there remains ; was Solicitor for Carroll Co. from 1841 to
184G. John Batchelder, D. C 1827, is his brother.
Caleb Burbank, the son of Samuel and Eunice (Pettengill) Burbank, was
born at Boscawen, Aug. 12, 1792. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sc^m.
graduating in 1824; was ordained an evangelist in Ai)r. 1827; became stated
supply of the Cong. Churches at Chester and Kirtland, Ohio, June 1, 1827;
dismissed from both June 1, 1829 ; in.stalled pastor at Madison, Oiuo, Jan. 27,
18o0 ; dismissed July 9, 1834 ; then stated supply at Bloomtield and Mesopota-
mia, Ohio, from May 1, 1834, 3 years ; the same at Brecksville, Ohio, 2
years; was next installed pastor at Chatham, Ohio, in July 1840 ; dismissed in
Oct. 1855, but still lives there. He married, 1. Elisabeth G. dau. of Almorin
Gillet, at Ivingsville, Ohio, in Aug. 1830. 2. Delphia, dau. of Luther Harris,
at Florence. Ohio, in June 1833.
* Thomas Oilman Buswell, A. M. was born at Salisbury, and died at
Charleston, S. C. Aug. 27, 1827, m. 27. He was studying divinity for oixlers
in the Epis. Church.
* William Chamberlain Carter, the son of Ezra, D. C. 1797, and liLartha
(Ellsworth) Carter, was born at Peacham, Vt, and died at Marietta, Pa, Mar.
8, 1828, JE.. 25. He had been at Bellefonte, Pa, and went thence to Marietta.
His object was to enter the ministry. He was unmarried.
* Eber Child, the son of William and Mary (Ileaton) Child, was born at
Thetford, Vt, July 31, 1798, and died at Fulton, Wise. Dec. 15, 1847, je.. 49.
He was preceptor of Lawrence Acad. Groton, Ms, from 1821 to 1823 ; studied
divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1826; was ordained at? installed
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Deering, Jan. 13, 1830 ; dismissed Feb. 27, 1834 ;
installed pastor at Calais, Me, Dec. 31, 1834 ; dismissed Mar. 22, 1837 ; in-
stalled pastor of the Presb. Ch. at Byron, N. Y. and afterwards at Fulton, dying
in charge. He married Nancy, dau. of Moses Tyler.
* Zenas Clapp, the son of John and Phebe (Ross) Claj:)p, was born at Deer-
field, Ms, Jan. 30, 1796, and died at St Augustine, Flo. Jan. 29, 1837, jk. 41,
minus 1 day. He studied divinity at Auburn Theo. Sem. N. Y. but was never
ordained ; taught in Academies at Ashfield, Amherst, and Deerfield, all in Ms,
Chittenango and Ovid, N. Y. and was tutor at Amherst Coll. from 1823 to
1824 ; occupied a farm at Salina, N. Y. a short time ; removed to Florida
in 1836, and died of pulmonary consumption. He married Pamela Clary in.
* Abijah Cross, the son of Abijah and Elisabeth (Parker) Cross, was boi-u
at Methuen, Ms, Oct. 25, 1793, and died at Haverhill, Ms, Apr. 14, 1856, Ai.
62. He studied divinity with the Rev. Edward Lutwyche Parker, D. C. 1807,
at Derry, the Rev. Dr Daniel Dana, D. C. 1788, at Londonderry, and at And.
Theo. Sem. part of 1 year in the class of 1825 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong,
Ch. at Salisbury, Mar. 24, 1824 ; dismissed Apr. 1, 1829 ; was then stated sup-
ply at the Cong. Ch. at Haverhill, west parish, Ms, 2 years ; installed pastor of
the same, IMay 18, 1831 ; dismissed Jan. 26, 1853, but did not leave the town
He married Pamelia, dau. of William Swan of Metluien June 22, 1824.
* Joseph Bartlett Eastman, A. M. the son of Moses, D. C. 1794, and
Susan (Bartlett) Eastman, was born at Salisbury, Feb. 4, 1804, and died at
Windsor, N. Y. Dec. 31, 1864, m. 60. He studied medicine with an uncle;
began^ practice and continued it to 1831 ; then taught at Concord and probably
at Salisbury until 1835, when his study of divinity began at And. Theo. Sem. in
the class of 1837 ; was ordained a Presb. minister by the Troy Presbytery of
N. Y. in 1844 ; was never settled as a pastor, but supplied Churches at Cald-
206 ALUMNI 1821.
well and Saiuly Hill, N. Y. also at Greenfield and Windsor, in N. Y. resnming
teaching however at Princeton, N. Y. and, returning to Windsor in 1856. was
in charge of its Acad, until the close of life. He married IMary, dan. of John
Huse of Hill.
Abneu Flint, the son of Ebenezer and Mary (Damon) Taylor. Flint, was
born at North Reading, Ms, Oct. 20, 179G. He taught at Reading, Ms, but not
long ; then at Albany, N. Y. for some years ; since then, his health failing, has
been under medical treatment at Concord for a long period. He is unmarried.
* Stephen Fostek, the son of John and Sarah (Ingalls) Foster, was born at
Andover, Ms, Feb. 15, 1798, and died at Ivnoxville, Tenn. Jan. 11, 1835, m.
36. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. some time in the class of 1824;
was ordained a missionary at ? in Oct. 1824 ; settled in Greenville, Tenn. but
removed thence to Knoxville, and was there at first. Prof, of Latin and Greek
in the College of East Tennessee, and then President of the same, discharging
the duties of both ofiices with ability. He married Ann Allison Davis of Knox-
ville, June 30, 1831. Isaac Foster, D. C. 1828, was his brother.
Thomas Sterne Fullerton, the son of Thomas S. and Electa (Norton)
Fullerton, was born at Chester, Vt, Mar. 7, 1802. He read law at Litchfield,
Ct, law school, with his future father in law, and the Hon. Horace Everett of
Windsor, Vt ; went into practice there and so continues. He married Maria
E. dau. of the Hon. Jonathan Hatch Hubbard of Windsor, Oct. 1, 1827.
John Jameson, the son of John and Elisabeth (Fulton) Jameson, was born
at Dunbarton, Nov. 5, 1797. He read law with the Hon. Rufus MTntire, D.
C. 1809, at Parsonsfield, Me ; began practice at Cornish, Me, and is still there.
He married, 1. Nancy Hubbard in Apr. 1834. 2. Elisabeth Jewett in Feb.
1853. Thomas Jameson, D. C. 1818, is his brother.
* John Hazen Kimball, the son of Judge John and Eunice (Wliite) Kim-
ball, was born at Vershire, Vt, Aug. 30, 1795, and died at Barton, Vt, Feb. 28,
1858,^. 62. He read law ; opened his office at Barton, and kept it until death.
He married Harriet Chamberlain in 1827. John Kimball, D. C. 1856, was his
Daniel Lancaster, A. M. the son of Ebenezer and Elisabeth (Davidson)
Lancaster, was born at Acworth, Nov. 30, 1796. He studied divinity at And.
Theo. Sem. graduating in 1824 ; was ordained pastor of the 1st Cong. Ch. at Gil-
manton, Sei>t. 21, 1825; dismissed July 25, 1832 ; after supplying from Aug.
1832, was installed pastor of the Centre Ch. there, Dec. 16, 1835; dismissed
Jan. 26, 1852 ; then kept a Young Ladies Sch. at Concord, being also Chaplain
of its insane Asylum ; was next installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Middle-
town, N. Y. a [)Osition since I'esigned. He married, 1. Anne E. dau. of John
Lemist of Dorchester, Ms, Aug. 29, 1827. 2. Eliza Gibbs, dau. of Daniel
Greely of Foxcroft, Me, Feb. 14, 1831.
* William M'Qdesten was born at Litchfield, Jan. 8, 1792, and died at
Moorsville, Ala. Mar. 9, 1844, ^. 52. He became a teacher and had a High
School for several years at Moorsville.
Samuel Marsh, A. M. the son of Samuel White and Sally (Brown) Marsh,
was born at Danville, Vt, July 3, 1796. He studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. some time in the class of 1824 ; was ordained an evangelist at Browning-
ton, Vt, Feb. 1, 1825 ; was installed pastor of a Ch. at Mooers, N. Y. in 1827 ;
was a Colporteur in Canada in 1830 ; now lives at Underbill, Vt. His publica-
tions are, A discourse on Ba])tism ; Hard Questions answered ; Journal of 6
months at Montreal, Canada ; The Modern Colporteur Revival System ; Univer-
salism, an attempt in disguise to make void the oath of the only true God ;
ALUMNI 1821. 207
Uncle Nathan or strict agreement with God in his word. He married Eunice
Kingsley of Brewster, Ms, Nov. 21, 1827. Cutting Marsh, D. C. 1826, is his
* David Merrill, the son of Jesse and Priscilla (Kimball) Merrill, was
born at Peacham, Vt, Sept. 8, 1798, and died there, July 22, 1850,^. 51. He
taught at Peacham from 1821 to 1822 ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
graduating in 1825; was ordained at ? became stated supply at Urbana, Ohio,
in 1827 ; was ordained an evangelist there in Apr. 1828 ; after preaching 7
years, was installed pastor of the Presb. Ch. there, May 26, 1835 ; dismissed in
1811 ; installed colleague pastor with the Rev. Leonard Worcester of the Cong.
Ch. at Peacham, Sept. 9, 1841, and was sole pastor at his lamented death. A
vol. of his sermons has been published. Among them, is the famous Ox Bow
discourse on Exodus,21, 29, "If the ox were wont to push with his horn," &c.
wdiich had an unprecedented sale of 2,500,000 copies. He married, 1. Mary
Amy, dau. of the Rev, Dr James Hughes of Urbana, Apr. 23, 1828. 2. INIary
Grandin, dau. of Dr Benjamin Van Cleve Hunt, at Urbana, Sept. 12, 1837.
James Merrill, D. C. 1812, was his brother.
* William Jackson Moody, the son of Israel and Rebecca (Jackson)
Moody, was born at Unity in 1796, and died at Racine, Wise, in 1856, ^e. 60.
He was in the war of 1812 to 1815, and lost his left arm in the service. He
read law and settled in practice at Jackson, Mich, and became a Judge of the
Circuit Court of Jackson Co. but removed to Racine about 1852. He was
married, and both himself and wife died within a few hours of each other of cholera.
* Stephen Morse, the son of Dea. Thomas and Rebecca (Cole) Morse, was
bom at Bradford, Ms, Feb. 24, 1794, and died at Thetford, Vt, May 22, 1855,
^'E. 61. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. about 1 year in the class of
1825 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Cli. at Merrimnrk, July 6, 1825; dis-
missed July 6, 1828 ; installed pastor at Troy, Aug. 28, 1829 ; dismissed Jan.
31, 1833 ; installed at Biddeford, Me, Sept. 25, 1833 ; dismissed July 9, 1835 ;
installed at Sharon, Vt, Mar. 9, 1836 ; dismissed Aug. 13, 1840 ; then supplied
at Post Mills, Vt, till 1847, when illness made him retire to Thetford. He
married jMartha, dau. of Dr Jonathan Kittredge of Salisbury.
* Samuel Russell, the son of Jeremiah and Elisabeth (Merrill) Russell,
was born at Bow, Sept. 24, 1798, and died at Norwicii, now Huntington, Ms,
Jan. 25, 1835, je. 36. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in
1824; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Boylston, Ms, June 21, 1826;
dismissed in Apr. 1832 ; installed at Huntington, Sept. 3, 1832 ; dismissed Jan.
1, 1835, and died in 24 days. He married Mary Jones, dau. of the Rev.
Nathaniel Howe of Hopkinton, Ms. Jeremiah Russell, D. C. 1826, was his
* Levi Smith, the son of John and Sarah (Lawrence) Smith, was born at Fitz-
william, Oct. 5, 1791, and died at Randolph, Vt, Oct. 8, 1823, je. 32. He read
law with the Hon. Dudley Chase, D. C. 1791, at Randolph, but an early grave
prevented practice. He did not marry.
William Lovell Walker, the son of Phineas and INIary (Weld) Walker,
was born at Roxbury, Ms, Sept. 17, 1799. He read law with Lyman B.
Walker of Gilford ; went into practice at Penobscot Co. Me; removed thence to
Somerset Co. Me ; opened an office at Boston, Ms, in Jan. 1849, having his
residence at South Braiuti-ee, Ms. He married Sarah R. Child of Augusta, Me,
in 1844.
* Joseph Storrs Washburn, the son of Dr Daniel and Lucy (Storrs)
Washburn, was born at Brookfield, Vt, and died there, Jan 7, 1836, ^. 32. He
208 ALUMNI 1821.
read law with "William Xiittlng, D. C. 1807, at Randolph, Vt, and i)ractili,
Aug. 13, 1829.
Amos Foster, A. M. the son of Richard and Esther (Jewell) Foster, was
born at Salisburv, Mar. 30, 1797. He studied diviniiv with the Rev. Piof.
Dr Roswell ShurtleU", D. C. 1799, and the Rev. Pres. Dr Bennet Tyler, both
of Hanover; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Canaan, Mar. 2, 1825;
dismissed Jan. 2, 1833 ; installed at Putney, Vt, Feb. 13, 1833; dismissed in
1853 ; settled at Ludlow, Vt, Nov. 9, 1853 ; dismissed ? installed pastor at
Acworth, Feb. 18, 1856 ; dismissed June 13, 1866; now lives at Putney; has
published 3 sermons, viz. on Thanksgiving day; to Young men ; Paul, a model
for the Christian iNIinister. He married Harriet A. dau. of the Rev. Brough-
ton White of Washingion, June 29, 1825.
Asa Emersox Foster, A. M. the son of Col. Asa and Sarah (Morrill) Fos-
ter, was born at Canterbury, Sept. 2, 1795. He taught at Newburyport, ]Ms ;
was preceptor of Gilmanton Acad, from 1825 to 1827 ; went to Erie, Pa, in
1827, and is still there, the head of an Academy. He married jMaria, dau. of
Isaac Chickering of Amherst, Sept. 8, 1830. Stephen Symonds Foster, D. C.
1838, is his brother.
George Freemax, A. M. the son of Col. Otis and Ruth (Bicknell) Free-
man, was boi'u at Hanover, May 6, 1795. He studied divinity with the Rev.
ALUMNI 1822. 211
Prof. Dr Roswell Shurtleff, D. C. 1799, and the Rev. Pres. Dr Bennet Tyler,
both of Hanover; was ordained an evangelist in Dec. 1825 ; was a mis-ionary
in Vt and N. H. 2 jears ; installed pastor of a Church at Pidaski, N. Y. in
1828 ; dismissed in 1830 ; preached at Oneida and Wampsville, N. Y. the next
3 years ; then at Orville, Groveland, Fairport, and Parma, all in N. Y ; is liv-
ing now at the last, unsettled. He married, 1. Harriet, dau. of Diarca H.
Allen of Lebanon, Sept. 16, 1828. 2. Susan M. Allen of Rochester, N. Y.
Sept. 2, 1851.
\yAKEFI^:LD Gale, A. M. the son of Joseph and Susannah (Frye) Gale,
was born at Pembroke, Jan. 18, 1797. He studied divinity at And. Tlieo. Sem.
graduating in 1825; was ordained an evangelist, May 17, 182G ; installed pas-
tor of the Cong. Ch. at Eastport, Me, Jan. 2, 1829; dismissed May 24, 1835 ;
in-tailed pastor of the 1st Cons;. Ch. in that part of Gloucester, now Rockport,
Ms, May 4, 1836; dismissed Feb. 10, 1864, but still lives there. He married,
1. Mary Louisa Bigelow of Colchester, Ct, Sept. 18, 1828. 2. Mrs Minerva
G. Colman at Eastham|)ton, Ms, Aug. 5, 1865.
Charles Bishop Goodrich, A. M. the son of Josiah and Lucy (Bishop)
Goodrich, was born at Enlield, Mar. 26, 1804. He read law with the Hon.
Levi Woodbury, D. C. 1809, of Portsmouth ; began practice at Lebanon ; re-
moved thence to Portsmouth and since that to Boston, Ms, where be now is,
occupying the position of an eminent counsellor. He married Harriet, dau. of
Chester Shattuck of Portsmouth, at P. Mar. 19, 1827.
Moses Gill Grosvenor, the son of the Rev. Daniel and Deborah (Hall)
Grosvenor, was born at Paxton, Ms, Sept. 23, 1796. He studied divinity at
And. Tlieo. Sem. graduati*ig in 1825 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Haverhill, Ms, Dec. 27, 1826 ; dismissed Apr. 22, 1829 ; installed at Acworth,
Oct. 14, 1829 ; dismissed Apr. 25, 1832 ; installed at Barre, Ms, Nov. 14,
1832; dismissed in May 1834; settled at Marlborough, May 20, 1835; dis-
mi.-sed Dec. 2, 1840; afterwards preached at Medfield, Ms; Marshall, N. Y.
Gardner, Ms, and Guilford, Vt ; is now there or at Clarendon, Vt ; has pub-
lished a discourse on Cburch Musick. He married Sophia Wilder, dau. of
John Grout of Petersham, Ms, Feb. 10, 1830. Cyrus Pitt Grosvenor, D. C.
1818, is his brother.
* Aaron Hardy, the son of Aaron and Sally (Shattuck) Hardy, was born
at Lempster, Dec. 1, 1795, and died at P:dingsvilie, S. C. Oct. 21, 1826, je. 30.
He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 1 year in the class of 1825 ; on leav-
ing, taught a short time at Lempster and then went South with that object.
He did not marry.
Aarox Beede Hott, the son of Dr Moses and Anna (Beede) Hoyt, was
born at Sandwich, July 10, 1802. He was preceptor of Sanbornton Acad. 1
year ; read law and practised in Sandwich 4 years from 1827 ; moved to Bos-
ton, jNIs, in 1831, and taught 9 or 10 years ; then kept a private school at
Baltimore, Md, 5 or 6 years ; returned in Nov. 1846 to Sandwich and there
lives on a farm, sometimes teaching. He married Catharine H. Blanchard,
Sept. 17, 1827.
* Samuel Hurd, A. M. the son of Elisha and Sally (Currier) Hurd, was
born at Corinth, Vt, .Jan. 3, 1804, and died at Troy, Miss. June 28, 1846, je.
42. He studied divinity and was ordained at ? went to Mississippi and in time
became President of Noith Mississip[)i College. At some time, there was
published a dialogue on Baptism from his pen. He married, 1. Delia Augusta,
dau. of Lothrop Willis of Hanover. 2. Eliza Price of Virginia. 3. Mrs Mary
Smith of IMississippi.
212 ALUMNI 1822.
* IIatnes JonxsON, A. M. the son of Jonathan and Hannah (Sawyer)
Johnson, was born at Newbury, Vt, Sept. 23, 18U0, and died there, Apr. 9,
185G, A^. 5.5. He lived on a farm at Newbury until about 1830 ; then studied
divinity with the Ki!V. Schuyler Chaniberhiiu and the Rev. Eleazar AVell? ;
was ordained a Deaeon of the Methodist Cli. by Bishop Iledding in 1833, and
an Elder by Bishop Emory in 1835 ; after the custom of that Church, his
stations as Deacon and Elder were very numerous, viz. at Guilford, Vt, 1 year
from 1833 ; at Wardsborough, Vt, 1 yr fr. 1834; at Athens, Vt, 1 yr fr. 1835 ;
at Marlow, 1 yr fr. 1836 ; at Canaan, 2 ys fr. 1837 ; at Warren, 2 ys fr. 1839 ;
at St Johiisbury, Vt, 1 yr fr. 1841 ; at Corinth, Vt, 2 ys fr. 1842; at Bradford,
Vt, 1 yr fr. 1844; at Hartland, Vt, 2 ys fr. 1845 ; at Newbury, Vt, 1 yr fr.
1847 ; at Barnard, Vt, 2 ys fr. 1848 ; at West Wind-or, Vt, 2 ys fr. 1850 ; at
Fairlee, Vt, 2 ys fr. 1852; at West Bradford, Vt. 1 yr fr. 1854; finally, at
Newbury, 1 yr fr. 1855 ; and thus closed the arduous work of his ministerial
life. He married Hannali, dau. of Col. Simeon Stevens of Newbury, June 10,
Albert Livingston Kklly, the son of Lsrael W. and Rhoda (Fletcher)
Kelly, was born at Bridgewater, Aug. 17, 1802. He read law; went into prac-
tice at Frankfort, Me, and there remains. He married Caroline, dau. of Waldo
Pierce of Frankfort, at Boston, Ms, Feb. 18, 1829. Webster Kelly, I). C.
1825, was his brother.
John Kimball, the son of Dea. John and Mehitabel (Carleton) Kimball,
was born at Haverhill, Sept. 30, 1796. He read law with the Hon. Moses
Paul Payson, D. C. 1793, of Bath ; began practice in Claremont in 1828 ; rep-
resented it in the N. H. Leg. in 1838 ; removed to Putney, Vt, in June 1839 ;
was State's Atty for Windham Co. from 1844 to 1846 ; State Senator from 1847
to 1849 ; is still at Putney. He married Frances Mary, dau. of the Hon.
Phineas White, D. C 1797, Sept. 4, 1834.
* Henry Willis Kinsman, A. M. the son of Dr Aaron. D. C. 1787, and
Nancy (WilHs) Kinsman, was born at Portlainl, Me. Mar. G, 1803, and died at
Newburyport, Ms, Dec. 4, 1859, je. 56. He read law with the Hon. Daniel Web-
ster, D. C. 1801, at Boston, Ms; began practice there, the partner of Mr Web-
ster, in 1826; represented it in the Mass. Leg. in 1833, 1834, and 1835 ; re-
moved his office to Newburyport in 1836; representing it also in 1839, 1849,
and 1854; was a State Senator from Essex Co. one year; Collector of Customs
at Newburyport from 1841 to 1845, also from 1849 to 1853, and was a highly
esteemed and pnblick spirited man. He married,!. Elisabeth, dau. of Benja-
min Willis of Boston. Oct. 1, 1828. 2. Martha Frothingham, dau. of Capt.
Joseph Moody Titcomb of Newburyport, Oct. 5, 1858.
* Samuel Salisbury Leverett, A.M. the son of the Hon. John and Elisa-
beth (Salisbury) Leverett, was born at Windsor, Vt, in 1804, and died there,
Apr. 30, 1826, je. 22.
Jacob Little, A. ]\I.-D. D. the son of Jesse and Martha (Gerrish) Little,
was born at Buscawen, May 1, 1795. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sera,
graduating in 1825 ; was ordained an evangelist at Goft'stown, June 7, 1826 ;
was installed pastor of tlie Cong. Ch. at Granville, Ohio, many years ago, and
there retained his pastorate with undiminished esteem and great success until
his removal to AVarsaw, Iowa, not long since ; has published several occasional
sermons. Marietta Coll. Ohio, conferred the Hon. degree in 1855. He mar-
ried, 1. Lucy, dau. of Ca[)t. Jusei)h Gerrish of Canterbury, June 1, 1826. 2.
Ann Dorothy, dau. of Judge Thomas M'Kean Thompson of Granville, Aug. 23,
1836. Henry Little, D. C 1826, is his brother.
ALUMNI 1822. 213
INIiCHAEL LovELL, the soii of Elijah and Abigail (Goldsbury) Lovell, was
born at Rockingham, Vt, May 31,1797. He read law; began practice at Bos-
ton, Ms, in 1827 ; removed thence to Sandwich, Ms, and has retired from his
* Adams Moore, A. M. the son of William and Isabella (M'Clary) Moore,
was born at Bedford, Oct. 17, 1799, and died at Littleton, Nov. 5, 1863, je. 64.
He taught at the Bradford Acad. Vt, 6 months, and at Peacham Acad. Vt, 1
year; was tutor at Dart, from 1824 to 1825 ; studied medicine with Dr Burns
of Littleton and at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1827 ; began practice
that year at Littleton and never left it ; published some valuable medical papers.
He married, 1. Anna Mary, dau. of Moses Little of Newburyport, Ms, June 1,
1829. 2. Maria Little, her sister, in 1843.
George Nelson, the son of John and Rachel (Franklin) Nelson, was born
at Lyme, Aug. 24, 1796. He studied medicine at Lyme and at Dart. Med.
Coll. graduating M. D. in 1828 ; went into practice at Canaan ; then at Natchi-
toches, La, for 2 years ; next at North East, Erie Co. Pa, for 5 years ; removed
thence to Bellingham, Ms, and is still a practitioner there. He married Eliza,
dau. of Solomon Chaplin of Salem, Ms, in Feb. 1831.
Ira Perley, A. M.-LL. D. the son of Samuel and Phebe (Dresser) Perley,
was born at Boxford, Ms, Nov. 9, 1799. He was tutor at Dart, from 1823 to
1825 ; read law with Benjamin Joseph Gilbert of Hanover ; entered upon prac-
tice there in 1827 ; was Treasurer of Dart, from 1830 to 1835 ; removed to Con-
cord in 1834 and so continues ; has represented it in the N. H. Legislature ;
was a Judge of the N. H. Sup. Jud. Court from July 1850 to Oct. 1852 ;
was appointed Chief Justice of the same Court in 1855, a position still occupied ;
has j)ublishe(l an Eulogy on Daniel Webster, delivered before the N. H. Execu-
tive and Legi.-lature, Dec. 22, 1852. He married Mary Sewall, dau. of John
Nelson, D. C. 1803, of Haverhill, in June 1840. Daniel Perley, D. C. 1828, is
his brother.
* George King Pomroy was born in Boston, Ms, in 1804, and died there,
Mar. 9, 1826, ^. 22. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. nearly 3 years,
in the class of 1826, and was a promising youth.
* Ti.-^iOTHY Olcott Porter, the son of Benjamin and Martha (Olcott)
Porter, was born at Hanover in 1804, and died at New York city, Jan. 6, 1852,
JE. Ail. He studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1832 ;
but afterwards became a teacher, and was long resident in N. Y. city, where he
was also editor of the " Spirit of the Times." George Porter, D. C. 1831, was
his brother.
Isaac Rogers, A. M. the son of William and Elisabeth (Low) Rogers, was
born at Gloucester, Ms, July 13, 1795. He studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. graduating in 1825; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Cli. at Farmington,
Mar. 9, 1826 ; dismissed Sept. 1, 1858, after a ministry of 32 years ; was stated
supply at Enfield from Feb. 13, 1859 to June 17,1860; has published sev-
eral sermons and essays. He married Eliza, dau. of Samuel French of New-
buryport, Ms, July 7, 1826.
John Sessions, A. M.-D. I), the son of John and Lucinda (Washburn) Ses-
sions, was born at Putney, Vt, Sept. 29, 1795. He studied divinity at Prince-
ton, N. J. Theo. Sem. from Sept. 1822 to July 1823 ; was ordained pastor of
the Presb. Cli. at Adams, Jefferson Co. N. Y. Jan. 19, 1825 ; left in 1830;
supplied at Brownville and Evans Mills, N. Y. to 1834; installed pastor at
Norwich, Chenango, N. Y'. Feb. 18, 1835 ; left in 1843 ; supplied at Alba and
Sandlake, Reujcllaer Co. N. Y. to 1848, having also chai'ge of the Sandlake
214 ALUMNI 1822.
Acad. 4 years of the time ; was Prof, of English Lit. at Albany Acad. N. Y.
from 1848 to 1855 ; i=ail(^d for health to the Sandwich Islands in 1855, return-
ing in 185G; was principal of the Jefferson Co. Institute at Watertown, N. Y.
from Sept. 1856 to May 1859, and is now a teacher there. The lion, degree
was from Union Coll. N. Y. He has in manuscript 7 large vols which are
tliought worthy of publication. He married Eliza Winne at Albany, Feb. 1,
Simeon Smith, the son of Levi and Catharine (Walcott) Smith, was born
at Williamstown, Vt, Sept. 4, 1797. He read law with Newell Kinsman at
Barre, Vt ; practised some time at Northfield, Vt ; moved thence to Ky ; re-
turned in time to Williamstown, but after some years settled at Covington, Ky.
He married Mrs Mary Ann (Hall) Smith, the relict of his brother, Zebina
Smith, D. C. 1816.
Cyrus Stoxe. A. M. the son of Capt. Shubael and Polly (Rogers) Stone,
was born at IMarlborough, June 9, 1793. He studied divinity at And. Theo. .
Sem. graduating in 1825 ; was ordained as a missionary at Springfield. Ms,
June 10, 1826; sailed from Boston, Ms, for Bombay, India, June 6,1827;
arrived there, Dec. 29, 1827 ; after 13 years diligent service, returned to the U.
S. in 1841 ; was installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Bingham, Me, Oct. 22, 1841 ;
dismissed ? preached next at Harwich, Ms ; has been some years editor of the
Happy Home and Parlor Magazine at Boston ; is now from 1863 acting pas-
tor of a Cong. Ch. at Beech Woods, Cohasset, Ms. He married, 1. Atossa,
dau. of Col. Joseph Frost of Marlborough, Aug. 21, 1826. 2. Abigail Holt,
dau. of John Kimball of Waterford, Me, at Bombay, Sept. 23, 1834.
* Jeremiah Stow. A. M. the son of Dea. ,Toel and Rebecca (Howe) Stow,
was born at Hillsborough, Feb. 15, 1796, and died at Livonia, N. Y. Dec. 15,
1832, JE. 36. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1825 ;
was ordained an evangelist at Springfield, Ms, May 10, 1826 ; became pastor
of a Cong, or Presb. Ch. at Livonia, and died in ofRce. He married Anstress,
dau. of David Steward, at Amherst, in July 1826.
RosM'ELL Tenney, the son of John and Lucinda (Eaton) Tenney, was born
at Hanover, Nov. 6, 1796. He studied divinity, in Va ; became a Presb. cler-
gyman ; but his ordination and settlements are wanting, and himself is living at
Marietta, Ohio, without a charge. He mari-ied Eliza, dau. of Joseph Adams of
Charlestown, Ms, July 23, 1836.
* JoxATiiAx Warid, the son of the Rev. Jonathan, D. C. 1792, and Philena
Gay (Whitaker) Ward, was born at Alna, ]Me, Nov. 30, 1800, and died at Bid-
deford. Me, Feb. 3, 1826, je. 25. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 2
years with the class of 1825 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Bidde-
ford, Oct. 26, 1825, and lived but 3 months and 7 days thereafter. He did not
marry. James Wilson Ward, D. C. 1826, was his brother.
* William Gordon Wei-.ster, A. M. the son of William and Sarah (Gor-
don) Webster, was bom at Plymouth, Aug. 20, 1800, and died there, June 14,
1839, JE. 38. He read law with Samuel Fletcher, D. C. 1810, of Concord ;
went into practice at Rochester, and afterwards removed to Concord. He mar-
ried Susan, dau. of Stephen Ambrose of Concord, at Concord, June 8, 1829.
Isaac Willey, the son of Darius and Mary (Pulsiter) Wille}-, was born at
Camptou, Sept. 8, 1793. He studied divinity with the Rev. Pres. Dr Bennet
Tyler of Hanover and at And. Theo. Sem. about a year in the class of 1825 ;
was ordained i)astor of the Cong. Ch. at Rocliester, Jan. 18, 1826; dismissed
in 1834; installed pastor at Gotfstown, Nov. 23,1837; dismissed in 1854;
became agent of the Amer. Bible Soc. and Sec. of the N. H. Bible Soc. resid-
ALUMNI 1822. 215
ing at GofFstown. He married, 1. Sarah Flint, dau. of Daniel Needliam of
Lynnfield, Ms, May 15. 1826. 2. Martha, dau. of John Steele of Peterborough,
July 3, 1850. Samuel Hopkins Willey, D. C. 1845, is his brother.
Henry AVood, A. ISl. the son of Ii^liphalet and Elisabeth (Tilton) Wood, was
born at Loudon, Apr. 10, 1796. He was tutor at Dart, from 1822 to 1823 ; stud-
ied divinity at Princeton, N. J. Theo. Sem. 11 months to 1824 ; was then Prof, of
Latin and Greek at Hampden Sidney Coll. Va, 1 year ; was ordained pastor of the
Cong. Ch. at GofFstown,' June 7, 1826 ; dismissed Nov. 30, 1831 ; installed at
Haverliill, Dec. 14, 1831 ; dismissed INIar. 3, 1835 ; settled at the College Plain
Ch. at Hanover, Mar. 8, 1835 ; dismissed Dec. 21, 1840 ; founded the Congre-
gational Journal at Concord Jan. 1, 1841 ; was its editor and owner for 13
years ; supplied the Ch. at Canaan during the time from 1851 to 1853 ; was U.
S. Consul at Syria and Palestine from 1853 to 1857 ; travelled in both, also
in Asia Minor and Egypt ; became a Chaplain in tlie U. S. navy ; was in the
Powhatan frigate in the Chinese and Japanese seas from 1858 to 1860; came
home in her with the Japanese ambassadors ; while in Japan taught 25 young
men the English language to fit them for interpreters ; also introduced the first
Protestant mission there. Mr Wood still retains his chaplaincy in the navy.
He married Harriet Frances, dau. of John M'Gaw of Bedford, Sept. 21, 1827.
Stephen Colby Badger, A. M. was born in Warner, Apr. 12, 1796. He
read law with Henry Bright Chase of Warner ; began practice at New London
in 1826 ; removed to Concord in 1833, and there remains ; was Clerk of the
Courts for Merrimack Co. from 1833 to 1846; has been Police Magistrate
several years and an acting Pension agent ; is also a practical and scientifick
engineer. He married Naomi Colby of Sutton in June 1830. Benjamin Evans
Badger, D. C. 1854, is his son.
Simeon S. Bicknell, A. M. the son of Nathaniel and Elisabeth (Dustin)
Bicknell, was born at Enfield, Nov. 6, 1794. He taught at Salem, Ms, Jeri-
cho, Vt, and Malone, N. Y. for 12 years ; studied divinity with the Rev.
Dr Aslibel Parmele of Malone ; was ordained pastor of the Presb. Ch. at
Gouverneur, N. Y. Oct. 10, 1838 ; preached at Jericho from 1842 to 1845 ;
was at Fort Atkinson, Wise, doing clerical duty from 1845 to 1864 ; removed
that year to Milton, Wise. He married Lydia S. dau. of Capt. John Sherman
of New Bedford, Ms, Oct. 22, 1825.
* George Boardman, the son of Jonas and Elisabeth (Jewett) Boardman,
was born at Norwich, Vt, Apr. 11, 1800, and died at Powelton, Geo. Sept. 12,
1825, M. 25. He was rector of a grammar school there. Elijah Boardman,
D. C. 1818, was his brother.
* Abraham Brown, A. M. the son of Abraham and Anna (Hale) Brown,
was born at Hanover,? Apr. 9, 1794, and died at Elizabethtown Point, N. J.
Oct. 15, 1840, ^. 46. He studied divinity; was ordained an evangelist or
else pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Hartford, Vt, in Oct. 1827 ; installed at Oxford,
Ct, June 2, 1830 ; dismissed in Aug. 1838 ; removed thence to Elizabethtown
Point. He married Lucy Maria Harrison of Brooklyn, N. Y.
* John Chajiberlain, the son of the Hon. John Curtis and Nancy (Hub-
bard)^Chamberlain, was born at Alstead, Oct. 24, 1803. He read law with his
father and his uncle, the Hon. Henry Hubbard, D. C. 1803, at Cliarlestown ;
began practice at Albion, N. Y''. living there 18 years ; represented Orleans Co.
in the N. Y. Assembly ; was also Judge of Probate for the same ; removed to
216 ALUMNI 1823.
Concord, lUi. in 184G ; and thence to Middleport, Illi. in 1856, and so continued ;
became Judge of Iroquois Co. in 1859. He married Mrs Orza L. Hood of
Orleans Co. Oct. 28, 18oG. Mr C. died at AVatseka, Illi. Dec. IG. 1866, je. G3.
* Samuel Wallace Clakk, the son of John and Rebecca (AVallace) Clark,
was born at Hancock, Dec. 15, 1795, and died at Greenland, Aug. 17, 1847,
JE. 51. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1827 ; was or-
dained pastor of the Cong. Cli. at Greenland, Aug. 5, 1829, and died in office
after a successful ministry of 18 years. He married, 1. Frances M. dau. of
Robert Clark of New Boston, Oct. 13, 1829. 2. Rebecca, dau. of Dr Josiah
Howe of Templeton, Ms, May 20, 1835. John Howe Clark, D. C. 1857, was
his son, and William Clark, D. C. 1822, his brotlier.
* IIkxry Clough, the son of Leavitt and Abigail (Morrill) Clcugh, was
born at Canterbury in Sept. 1801, and died at Severn, Md, Aug. 23, 1824, je.
23. He was a teacher and unmarried.
* Sylvester Cochkan, the son of Andrew and Jeannette (Wilson) Coch-
ran, was born at Antrim, May 8, 1796, and died at Northville, Mich. Mar. 14,
1860, JE. 63. He studied divinity with the Rev. John Milton Whiton, D. D.
of Antrim ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Poultney, Yt, Oct. 24,
1827 ; dismissed Oct. 13, 1834 ; colonized Vermontville, Mich, and preached
there from 1837 to 1843 ; at Howell, Mich, in 1844 ; at Northville Presb. CIi.
from 1844 to 1849 ; as a missionary from 1849 to 1854 ; was stated supply of
the Presb. Ch. at Plymouth, Mich, from 1854 to his installation as pastor
thereof from 1854 to 1856 ; dismissed in Apr. 1859, and returned to North-
ville. He married Hannah, dau. of Capt. Joseph Symonds of Hancock, in
May 1824.
Paul Couch, the son of John and Sarah (Heard) Couch, was born at
Newburyport, Ms, June 20, 1803. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
graduating in 1826 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at West Newbury,
Ms, INIar. 21, 1827; dismissed Aug. 14, 1828; installed at Bethlem, Ct, Oct.
14, 1829 ; dismissed Nov. 4, 1834; installed at North Bridgewater, INIs, Oct. 7,
1836 ; dismissed July 19, 1859 ; was stated supply at North Cambridge, Ms, 1
year ; lives now at Jewett city, Grisw^old, Ct.
Jonas Cutting, A. M.-LL. D. the son of Jonas and Elisabeth (Eames)
Cutting, was born at Croydon, Nov. 3, 1800. He read law with the Hon.
Henry Hubbard, D. C. 1803, at Charlestown and the Hon. Rcuel Williams at
Augusta, Me; began practice at Orono, Me, in 1827 ; removed to Bangor, Me,
his present home, in 1831 ; was ap])ointed Judge of the Sup. Jud. Court of
Me, in 1844. Dart, conferred the Hon. degree in 1858. He married, 1. Lu-
cretia Holland, dau. of John Bennoch of Orono in 1833. 2. Ann Russell,
dau. of Judge Samuel Fales of Taunton, Ms, in 1843.
Samuel Delano, A. M. the son of Barnabas and Ruth (Ladd) Delano,
was born at Langdon, May 20, 1795. He studied divinity with the Rev. Pres.
Dr Bennet Tyler at Hanover ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Cli. at Hart-
land, Vt, Mar. 19, 1828 ; dismissed in 1838 ; installed pastor at Haverhill in
Jan. 1842 ; dismissed in 1847 ; preached at North Haverhill 5 years, and again
at Hartland 4 years; then became stated supply at Strafford, Vt; has been a
Trustee of Dart, since 1834, until lately that he removed to Amherst, Ms.
He married Nancy Augusta, dau. of Col. Constant Murdoch of Norwich, Vt,
Apr. 7, 1828.
Abiel Foster, the son of the Rev. Abiel and INIary (Rogers) Foster, was
born at Canterbury. He became a teacher and taught in S. C. 6 years, and
afterwards at Columbus, Ohio. He married Pamela Judd.
ALUMNI 1823. 217
* Charles Gustatus Green, A. M. the son of Dr Isaac and Ann (Bar-
rett) Green, was born at Windsor, Vt, Sept. 1, 1803, and died at Gordonsville,
Va, Dec. 21, 18GG, je. G3. He studied medicine at Yale Med. School, gradii-
atinii' M. D. in 1826 ; began practice in Boston, Ms, in 182G ; removed to
Windsor in 1830 and embarked in trade; returned to Boston in 1844, and
opened a druggist store, but appears to have left it at some time for Gordons-
ville. He married Susan, dau. of the Hon. Abijah Bigelovv, D. C. 1795, of
Worcester, Ms, Nov, 1, 1831.
* Henry Greenleaf, A. M. the son of Stephen and Ruth (Pettengill)
Greenleaf, was born at Salisbury, May 15, 1797, and died at Franklin, Nov.
27, 1832, JE. 35. He taught at Columbia, S. C. 3 years, and went into mer-
cantile business on his return and thus continued. He did not marry.
* TnojiAS Hall, A. M. the son of Moody and Lois (Harrington) Hall,
was born at Cornish, Jan. 28, 1798, and died at Guildhall, Vt, Feb. 16, 1859,
M. 61. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Asa Burton, D. C. 1777, of
Thetford, Vt ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Waterford, Vt, Sept.
2S, 1825 ; dismissed Nov. 4, 1830 ; installed at Norwich, Vt, Dec. 28, 1831 ;
left and resumed his ministry at Waterford in 1834 ; dismissed again in 1844 ;
supplied successively Vershire and Guildhall, Vt, to 1854 ; became minister of
Belidehem and Franconia, Dec. 10, 1854; preached afterwards at Upper
Waterford, Vt, and Dalton until his death. He married, 1. Marina, dau. of
Beriah Loomis of Thetford, May 11, 1824. 2. Sarah Helen, dau. of Levi
Richards of Norwich, Vt, Dec. 29, 1858.
BusHROD Washington Hinckley, the son of Col. Oramel and Lydia
(Strong) Hinckley, .was born at Thetford, Vt, Mar. 12, 1803. He read law
with Abiathar G. Britton of Orfbrd ; began practice there ; removed to Orono,
Me, and thence to Bluehill, Me, in 1829 ; represented it in the Leg. of Me ;
has been a State Councillor ; was an elector of Pres. and Vice Pres. in 1850 ;
was also Collector of the Customs for Penobscot District, Me. He married
Sarah F. dau. of Jonatlian Wilcox of Orford. Oramel Strong Hinckley, D, C.
1819, was his brother.
* John Ingalls, the son of Jesse and Hannah (Chase) Ingalls, was born
at Canterbury in 1800, and died at Cambridgeport, Ms, Sept. 5, 1827, je. 27.
He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. above 2 years, but an incurable malady
brought him to a premature grave. He did not marry.
Merrick Augustus Jeavett, D. D. the son of Col. Joseph and Sarah
(Woods) Jewett, was born at Ashburnham, Ms, Aug. 26, 1799. He studied
divinity with the Rev. Dr John M. Duncan of Baltimore, Md ; was ordained
at ? and began his clerical duties at Bedford Co. Pa ; was there 8 years ; thm
became pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Terre Haute, Ind. and has been such fur
26 years or more, but is now without a charge. His Hon. degree was givrn
by ? He married Mary, dau. of George W. Moore of Baltimore, at B. Oct. 4,
John Stocker Coffin Knowlton, the son of Daniel and Mary (Stocker)
Knowlton, was born at Hopkinton, Dec. 11, 1798. He; taught at Beverly, Ms,
1 or 2 years ; edited some time the Lowell, Ms, Journal ; then removed to
AVorcester, Ms, editing and publishing the Worcester Palladium for many
years, and there remains ; has been in both branches of the Leg. of Ms; was
twice ^Mayor of Worcester ; and has been thrice elected High Sheriff of the
Co. of Worcester, serving each time 5 years. He married Anna, dau. of John
Hartwell of Littleton, Ms.
* Jonathan Knight Little, the son of Col. Jonathan and Dorothy (Little)
218 ALUMNI 1823.
Little, was born at ILimpsfcad, Mar. 2.3, 179;^, and died tlierp. May 21, 1825,
£,. 27. lie taught at Ijelleville, now in Newbiirvport. Ms, and liad begnn the
study of medicine with Dr Richard Smith SpofFord there and Dr Whiting of
Haverhill, Ms.
* James Frisbik M'Eavkn was born at East Hartford, Ct, Aug. 25, 179.3,
and died at West Brattleborough, Vt, Apr. 14, 1850, M. 56. He studied
divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1826 ; was ordained a colleague
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Bridport, Vt. June 7, 1827 ; dismissed Dec. 1, 1829 ;
installed at Topsfield, Ms, May 5, 1830 ; dismissed May 5, 1841 ; installed at
Rye, Dec. 1, 1841 ; dismissed in 1846; then retired to a farm at West Brattle-
borough. He married Hannah Cook at Claremont in Sept. 1827.
* Ralph Metcalf, the son of John and Roby (Converse) jMetcalf, was born
at Charlestown, Nov. 21, 1798, and died at Claremont, Aug. 26, 1858, je. 59.
He read law Avith the Hon. Henry Hubbard, D. C. 1803, of Charlestown,
Richard Bartlett, D. C. 1815, of Concord, and the Hon. George Baxter Upham
of Claremont; began practice at Newport in Sept. 1826; removed to Bing-
hampton, N. Y. in 1828 ; returned to N. H. and opened his oflice at Claremont
in Jan. 1830; became Secretary of State and removed to Concord in -Tune
1831 ; was next a Clerk of the U. S. Treasury at Washington, D. C. from
1838 to 1840 ; then resumed the law at Plymoutli ; was afterwards at Newport
and Bristol; was Register of Probate for Sullivan Co. in 1845. and Governor
of N. H. from 1855 to 1857. He married, 1. Lucretia Ann, dau. of Nathan
Bingham of Claremont in Jan. 1835. 2. Martha Ann, dau. of Capt. John
Gilmore of Newport, Nov. 10, 1843.
* Horack Bassett Mokse, the son of the Rev. Bryant and Susannah
(Stevens) Morse, was born at Haverhill, Mar. 18, 1804, and was drowned in
Portsmouth Harbour, June 22, 1825, je. 21. He was principal of Portsmouth
Acad, and went with his classmate, Edwin Baxter Stevens, and 5 others on a
sailing excursion to the Isle of Shoals, where these graduates distributed relig-
ious tracts and gave oral instruction to the islanders. On their return, when
about 3 miles from Portsmouth, a violent gust capsized the boat and all on
board were lost. Messrs Morse and Stevens were unmarried youth of great
worth and devoted piety, and their deaths were deeply deplored. Peabody
Atkinson Morse, D. C. 1830, was the brother of the former.
* Charles Gcstavus Murdock, the son of Col. Constant and Sarah
(Jewett) Murdock, was boi-n at Norwich, Vt, July 25, 1801, and died at
Thomaston, Geo. in 1836, je. 35. He went to the South as a teacher, but
ultimately became a merchant. He did not marry. Thomas Jewett Murdock,
D. C. 1812, was his brother.
Jonathan Walter Dandolo Osgood, A. M. the son of the Rev. Jona-
than and Orange (Wadsworth) Osgood, was born at Gardner, Ms, July 29,
1802. He studied medicine at the Univ. of Penn. and at Dart. Med. Coll.
graduating M. D. at the last in 1826; went into practice at Templeton, Ms, in
Dec. 1827; removed to Greenfield, Ms, in June 1858, and there pursues his
profession. He married, 1. Eliza, dau. of Lewis Barnard of AYorcester, Ms, in
June 1834. 2. Mima Florella, dau. of Dr James Stone of Phillipston, Ms,
June 26, 1838.
Harlin Pillsbury, a. M. the son of .Samuel and Mar}' (Currier) Pills-
bury, was born at Hanover, Nov. 30, 1797. He studied medicine with Dr
Jonas Henry Lane of l>os!on, Ms, and at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D.
in 1826; went into practice at Lowell, Ms, in 1827; was Pres. of tlie Mer-
chants Bank 5 years. He married Sophia Bigelow. dau. of the Rev. Enoch
ALUMNI 1823. 219
Pratt of Brewster, Ms, at Newark, N. J. Sept. 7, 1842. George Ilarlin Pills-
bury, D. C. 186G, is his son.
* David Page Smith, the son of the Rev. David and Ilephzibah ("Worces-
ter) Smith, was born at HolHs, Sept. 20, 1795, and died at Greenfield, Oct. 1,
1850, M. 55. He studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Samuel Wood, D. C.
1779, at Boscawen ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Sandwich, May
23, 1827 ; dismissed June 28, 1832 ; installed over the Churches at Parsons-
field and Newfield, Me. July 11, 1832; dismissed from Parsonsfield, Sept. 3,
1834, and from Newfield, Aug. 19, 1839 ; supplied the Ch. at Greenfield from
Oct. 1, 1839 to his installation there, May 8, 1845, and died in office. He
married, 1. Mary, dau. of Joseph Philbrick of Andover in Apr. 1825. 2. Mary
Jane Downes, dau. of Samuel Chandler of Bedford, July 8, 1828.
* Edavin Baxtek Stevens, the son of Josiah and Matilda (Cook) Stevens,
was born at Claremont, Nov. 24, 1800, and was drowned in Portsmouth Har-
bour, June 22, 1825, je. 24, with his classmate, Horace Bassett Morse. Turn
back to him for particulars.
William Wiek Stickney, A. M. the son of Daniel and Sarah (Morse)
Stickney, was born at Enfield, June 24, 1801. He read law with the Hon.
Henry Bright Chase of Warner ; began practice at Concord in July 182G ; re-
moved to Newmarket in 1827, and thence to Exeter, his present home, in Oct.
1847 ; was U. S. Atty for the District of N. H. from 1848 to 1852 ; is now
Judge of Probate for Rockingham Co. from June 1857. He married Frances
A. clau. of Clark Hough of Lebanon, Oct. 5, 1850.
Samuel Oilman Tennet, the son of Thomas and Elisabeth (Jewett) Ten-
i)ey, was born at Rowley, Ms, Apr. 12, 1793. He studied divinity with the
Rev. Walter Cliapin of AVoodstock, Vt ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch.
at Lyndon, Vt, June 29, 1825 ; dismissed Jan. 19, 1831 : preached at Bakers-
field, Vt, from Jan. 1831 to Nov. 1834 ; installed at Waitsfield, Vt, July 8,
1835 ; dismissed July 4, 1837 ; preached at Hillsborough 1 year, and was then
installed pastor of its Ch. July 4, 1838 ; dismissed in Mar. 1843 ; preached at
Wardsborough, Vt, from Mar. 1843, and was installed pastor of its Ch. Sept.
24, 1844; dismissed Feb. 6, 1850; was stated supply at Alstead from July
1850 to Mar. 1857 ; is now at Springfield, Vt, officiating at times in vacant
pulpits. He married Edna, dau. of Samuel Steele of that place, Sept. 15,
* Orlando Gould Thatcher, the son of Joseph and Rebecca (Gould)
Thatchei", was born at Grafton, Vt, July 2, 1795, and died at Bradibid, Aug.
17, 1837, JE. 42. He studied divinity with the Rev. Pres. Dr Bennet Tyler
of Hanover; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Colebrook, Feb. 2, 1825 ;
dismissed Mar. 20, 1829; installed pastor at Bradford, Dec. 2, 1829, and as
such entered into his eternal rest. He married Maria, dau. of Jeremiah Utley
of Hanover, Mar. 22, 182G.
* Charles Walker, A. M. the son of Joshua and Mary (Whitmore)
Walker, was born at Rindge, Nov. 21, 1795, and died at Groton, Ms, Oct. 23,
1847, JE. 51. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 182G ;
was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at New Ipsw-ich, Feb. 28, 1827 ; dismissed
Aug. 2G, 1835; installed at Windsor, Ct, Mar. 9, 183G ; dismissed in 1837;
installed at Medfield, Ms, June 21, 1837 ; dismissed in 1838 ; installed over
the 2iM Ch. at Wells, Me, May 8, 1839 ; dismissed May IG, 1844; spent the
winter of 1845 in Italy ; returned in 184G, and settled on a fiirm at Groton.
He married, 1. Martha, dau. of the Rev. Micajah Porter of Plainfield, Aug. 8,
1827. 2. Hannah P. dau. of the Rev. Samuel Walker, D. C. 1802, at Hollis,
Apr. 29, 1835. James Walker, D. C. 1804, was his brother.
220 ALUMNI 1823.
CoKXELius "Walker, A. M. the son of Andrew and Elisabeth (English)
Walker, was born at Bedford, Sept. 2G, 1799. He was master of a publick
school in Boston, Ms, from 1823 to 1855 ; published a series of Readers for
schools ; was agent of the Board of Education in Ms, 1 year. He married
Clarissa Nichols, dau. of Eli Forbe> of AVestborouph, Ms, in Feb. 1-833.
* Jamks Whittle, A. M. the son of William Whittle, was born at Weare,
July 18, 1800, and died at Cape Girardeau. jMissouri. in 1837,^. 37. He read
law with Samuel Fletcher, D. C. 1810, of Concord ; began practice at Boston,
Ms. in 1827; left in 1828, and continued it at Strafford; removed thence to
Potosi, Missouri.
* JosEi'ii Wheeler Woods, the son of the Rev. Dr Leonard and Abigail
(Wheeler) Woods, was born at West Newbury. Ms, in 1802. and died at An-
dover, Ms, Nov. 8, 1827, ^. 25. He taught at Milford ; studied divinity, and
had nearly or quite completed preparation for the Episcopal ministry. He
married Hannah Olmstead, dau. of Samuel Hawkins of Hanover, in 1824.
Darwin Adams, A. M. the son of Dr Daniel, D. C. 1797, and Nancy
(Millikin) Adams, was born at Leominster, Ms, Oct. 10, 1801. He studied
divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1827; was ordained pastor of tiie
Cong. Ch. at Camden, Me, July 11, 1828; dismissed in 183-4; installed at
Al-tead, Apr. 23, 1834; dismissed in Sept. 1842 ; supplied at Paper Mill Vil-
lage there 4 years; installed at Fayctteville, Vt. .Jan. 28, 1846 ; dismissed Feb.
21°, 1850; installed at Dunstable, Ms, Sept. 5, 1850; was afterwards at Town-
send, Ms, Auburn, Ms, and at Paper Mill Village, Al-^tead, again from 18G1.
He married Hannah C. dau. of the Rev. Eli Smith of HoUis, Oct. 10, 1828.
William Stickney Allen, the son of Ephraim Williams and Dorothy
(Stickney) Allen, was born at Newbury port, Ms, Apr. 30, 1805. He read law
with the Hon. Stephen Webster Marston, D. C 1811, at Newburyport ; began
practice tiiere in 1827; removed to St Louis, INIissouri, in 1837; is still in that
city and has been editor of the Missouri Republican. He married Margaret
Ann, dau. of Capt. John T. Ross of Newburyjjort, Dec. 19, 1832.
Richard Bekhe, A. M. the son of Richard and Betsey (Breck) Beebe, was
born at Springfield, :Ms, Feb. 5, 1802. He went South Nov. 6, 1825, and
taught at the following places in succession from Jan. 25, 1826 to May 30,
1834, Nottaway Court House, Va ; Edenton, N. C. — Hertford, N. C. —
Charlestown, Va ; near Buckeytown, INId, and also in that place ; near Cam-
bridge, Md, and in that town ; returned to Springfield, June 21, 1834, where
he has been successfully engaged in making piano fortes and improving them
by the attachment of monochords.
Jonathan Bliss, tlie sou of Jonathan and ^Martha (Martin) Bliss, was
born at Randoliih, Vt, July 15, 1799. lie read law at Northampton law schnol,
INIs ; with the Hon. Jo.-^eph Bell, D. C. 1807, at Haverhill, and the Hon. AVil-
liam Coombs Thompson, I). C. 1820, at Plymouth; went into ])ractic6 at Plym-
outh in 1828 ; moved to Haverhill in 1832, and thence to Gainesville, Ala.
in 1835, and there remains. He mairied, 1. Lucretia, dau. of the Hon. Wil-
liam Leverett of Windsor, Vt. in Oct. 1831. 2. Mary, dau. of Dr Samuel
Kidder of Charlestown, ]\Is.
Benjamin West Bonney, LL. D. the son of Peter and Eleanor (Savage)
Boiuiey, was born at Littleton, Feb. 2, 1803. He taught at Peacham Acad.
Vt, a few months; read law with the Hon. Stephen Webster Marston, D. C.
ALUMNI 1824. 221
1811, at Newbiiryport, ]\Is, Gen. Jacob Rutt^en Van Renseiiat^r at Claverack,
N. Y. and tlie Hon. Jonas Piatt of N. Y. city ; began practice at the last named
in 1829, and there continues; became a Jndge of the Sup. Jnd. Court of N. Y.
vState Jan. 1, 1860. Dart, conferred tiie Hon. degree in 1859, and elected him
a Trustee in 1865. He mai-ried Adriana, dau. of Silvanus Rapalye of N. Y.
city, Apr. 26, 1848. She was a lineal descendant of the first white child born
among the Dutch who settled at the moutii of the Hudson.
Jonathan Burnett, the son of Jonathan and Abigail (Parish) Burnett,
was born at Bethel, Vt. July 14, 1799. He read law with E. W. Walbridge
of Lansingburgh, New York ; began practice at Ticonderoga, N. Y. in 1827,
and is still there; held the office of Judge 5 years; represented Essex Co. in
the N. Y. Assembly. He married Augusta RusselL Clarence Linden Bur-
nett, D. C. 1853, is his son.
Oliver Carlton, A. M. the son of John and Mary (Weston) Carlton, was
born at Mount Vernon, July 20, 1801. He taught at Francestown in 1825 ;
was tutor at Dart, from 1825 to 182G ; tauglit at Windsor, Vt, in 1827; at
Haverhill, Ms, from 1827 lo 1830; at Marblehead, Ms, from 1830 to 1832 ; at
Salem, Ms, from Jul}' 27, 1832 to 1856 ; at Portsmouth from 1856 to 1860 ;
at Salem again from 1860 to the present time, and in all of these places with
great ability. He married, 1. Margaretta, dau. of Judge Clifton Claggett, of
Amiierst in Apr. 1828. 2. Louisa Amelia, dau. of the Hon. Bailey Bartlett
of Haverhill, Ms, Nov. 30, 1831. 3. Mary, dau. of the Rev. David Smith of
Portland, Me, in Aug. 1841.
George Boaven Chandler, the son of the Hon. John Winthrop and Susan
(Chandler) Chandler, was born at Peacham, Vt, June 17, 1803. He read law
with Gov. John Mattocks of Peacham and at the Northampton law school in
Ms ; opened an office at Danville, Vt ; removed to Concord, his present ahode,
in 1850 ; has held the offices of Judge of Probate for Caledonia Co. Vt ; Pres.
of the Bank of Caledonia, and also of the Union Bank at Concord. He mar-
ried, 1. Susan, dau. of Jacob Smith, D. C. 1790, of Royalton, Vt. 2. Helen
Maria, dau. of Samuel Colbv of Auburn, May 23, 1846. Samuel Augustus
Chandler, D. C. 1826, was, and Oliver Phelps Chandler, D. C. 1828, Ts, his
Ei'HRAi.M Weston Clark, A. M. the son of Edward and Elisabeth
(Weston) Clark, was born at Haverhill, Apr. 25, 1799. He taught at Bos-
cawen 3 months ; studied divinit}' at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1827 ; was
ordained a missionary at Brandon, Vt, Oct. 3, 1827 ; sailed for the Sandwich
Islands, Nov. 3, 1827 ; arrived Mar. 31, 1828 ; has faithfully discharged his
duties ever since with the exception of one visit to China, one to Micronesia,
and three short visits to this country ; was pastor of the first native Cong. Ch.
at Honolulu until 2 or 3 years ago ; has written and published some small
works in the Hawaiian tongue, to wit, on Marriage ; Trigonometry, Mensuia-
tion, and Astronomy ; Child's Natural Philosophy, with many articles in peri-
odicals, and besides this, has assisted in preparing a revised edition of the
Hawaiian Bible, and superintended its publication himself in N. Y. city. He
mairied, 1. Mary, dau. of Josiah Kittredge of Mount Vernon, Sept. 27, 1827.
2. Mrs Sarah Helen, dau. of Levi Richards of Norwich, Vt, and relict of the
Rev. Thomas Hall, D. C. 1823, at St Jolmsbnry, Vt, Sept. 13, 1859.
JotL Eastman, A. M. the son of Joel and Betsey (Pettengill) Eastman,
■was born at Salisbury, Feb. 22, 1798. lie read law with Samuel Israel Wells,
D. C. 1814, at Salisbury, and William Coombs Thompson, D. C. 1820, at Plym-
outh ; commenced practice at Conway and is there yet ; has been representa-
222 ALUMNI 1824.
tive in the N. H. L(\l'. fVom that town : Judji« of ProI):itf fc»r Carroll Co. ami
U. S. District Atty for N. H. from 1841 to 1840. His mother is still livinir at
the jireat ajre of 105 years. He married Kulh Gerrish, dau. of the lion.
Kiciiard Odell of Conway in Dec. 1833.
Edwin Edgkuton, tlie son of P21i|)]iah't and Wealthy (Willard) Edgerlon,
was born at Hartlaiid, Vt, Feb. 13, 1801. He read law with J[n]talled at Rutland, Vt, Mar. 29, 1849; dismissed July 1, 1863; was
Trustee of Dart, from 1840 to 1862. Verm. Univ. gave the Hon. degree in
1852. He married, 1. Mary, dau. of Joseph Osgood of Salem, 31s, Mar. 24,
1829. 2. Sophia AY. dau. of the Rev. Dr David Parsons of Amherst, Ms, May
24, 1837. Edward Aiken, D. C 1851, is his son. John Aiken, D. C. 1819,
was, and David Aiken, D. C. 1830, is, his brother.
* George Chad wick, A. M. the son of Joseph and Mary (Parker) Chadwi(.k,
was born at Bradford. Ms, Oct. 5, 18<>2, and died at Boston, Ms, Nov. 11, 1843,
^. 41. He studied medicine with Dr Rufus Longley of Haverhill, Ms, Dr
Winslow Lewis of Boston, and at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1828 ;
be'Ti'an practice at Ipswich, Ms ; removed to Chelsea, 3Is, and thence to Boston,
leaving practice and goiiiu: into mercantile business. He married Susan Brew-
ster, dau. of Benjamin Joseph Gilbert of Hanover. William Chadwick, D. C.
1830, was his brother.
* Jonx Philbkick Doe, the son of Jeremiah and Dolly (Norris) Doe, was
born at Pembroke, Fel». 20, 1805, and died there, Jan. 29, 1829, je. 23. He
read law with Buswell Stevens, D. C. 1804, and had begun practice at Loudon.
He did not marry.
Joiix FuAXKLix Emersox, A. 'M. the son of Cajit. Nathaniel and Mary
(Badger) Emerson, was born at Amherst, Nov. 22, 1804. He was preceptor of
Holmes Plyiuouth Acad. 1 year to 1826, assistant of the Friends Acad. New
ALUMNI 1825. 225
Bedford, IMs, 6 months to 1827; master of the High school there 2 years; then
kept a private school to June 1837 ; after this, master of the new High school to
the present time, making in all 40 years of instrnction in New Bedford and show-
ing how greatly his services have been appreciated. Mr E. has also repre-
sented the city in the Ms Leg. 1 year, and published a lecture before Bristol Co.
Ms teachers entitled " Co-operation of Pai'ents." He married Grace Fletcher,
dau. of John G. Doubleday, at Watertown, Ms, Aug. 6, 1828.
JosiAH W. Fairfield, the son of John and Hetty (Baker) Fairfield, was
born at New Boston, Aug. 21, 1803. He taught Cliesterfield Acad. 2 years to
1827 ; had charge of an Acad, at Hudson, N. Y. from 1827 to Apr. 1832 ; dur-
ing the time, read law with the Hon. P^lisha Williams, and went into practice at
Hudson in 1832 ; has since forsaken the law and devoted himself to Rail Road
and Bank business in that city ; is now Pres. of its 1st National Bank. He
married Laura, dau. of the Hon. Asa Britton of Chesterfield, in Apr. 1829.
Mark Wentworth P'^letcher, the son of Jonathan and Elisabeth
(Fletcher) Fletcher, was born at Thetford, Vt, Oct. 15, 1803. He taught for
some time ; then read law at Lodi, N. Y. and began practice there ; soon how-
ever opened his olfice at Geneva, Illi. and was Clerk of a Court in Kane Co.
some years; was then chiefly employed in agriculture at Fox River, Wise, and
now at Wayne, Illi. He married Harriet Dunham of Illi.
Robert Reed Heath, the son of Sargeant Heath, was born at Newport in
1801. He read law and commenced practice at Edenton, N. C. and remains
there, unless the rebellion has disturbed his relations. He is married.
Caleb Strong Henry, D. D. the son of Silas and Phebe (Pierce) Henry,
was born at Rutland, Ms, Aug. 2, 1804. He studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. 1 year in the class of 1828, and at New Haven, Ct ; was ordained pastor of
the Cong. Ch. at Greenfield, Ms, Jan. 21, 1829 ; dismissed Dec. 12, 1831 ; spent
2 years at Cambridge, Ms ; installed at West Hartford, Ct, May 12, 1833 ; dis-
missed in Mar. 1835 ; changed his relations, and was ordained a Deacon of the
Prot. Epis. Cli. June 28, 1835 ; advanced to Priest's orders, Nov. 27, 1836 ; was
Prof, of Moral and Intell. Phil, at Bristol Coll. Pa, from 1836 to 1838 ; Prof,
of Phil, and Hist, at the N. Y. city Univ. from 1839 to 1852; was also in that
time Rector of St Clement's Cli. from 1847 to 1850; retired about 1852 to
Belleville, N. J. and afterwards to Poughkeepsie, N. Y. but left there for New-
burgh, N. Y. his present abode, in 1860, and became the assistant minister of St
George's Church. Geneva, now Hobart, Coll. N. Y. gave the Hon. degree. He
married Cornelia M. dau. of James Heard of N. Y. city in 1839.
* Hale Atkinson Johnston, the son of Capt. Michael and Sarah (Atkin-
son) Converse Jolinston, was born at Haverhill, June 19, 1801, and died there,
Jan. 27, 1831, je. 29. He read law with the Hon. Joseph Bell, D. C. 1807,
and practised in Haverhill until his death. Charles Johnston, D. C. 1813, was
his brother, and Edward Payson Johnston, D. C. 1863, his half brother.
* Webster Kelly, the son of Israel W. and Rhoda (Fletcher) Kelly, was
born at Salisbury, Jan. 1, 1804, and died at Henniker, July 5, 1855, ^.51.
He read law with the Hon. Josei)h Bell, D. C. 1807, at Haverhill, and was in
practice at Boston, Ms, for some time, and aitenvards lived at Frankfort, Me,
but his residences are not sufficiently ascertained. He married Lucilia S. dau.
of AValdo Pierce of Frankfort, at Boston, Aug. 29, 1842.
* l^OGER Newton Lambert, A. M. the son of the Rev. Nathaniel and Abi-
gail (Newton) Lambert, was born at Newbury, Vt, Sept. 4, 1799, and died at
Lyme, Oct. 9, 1836, yE. 37. He studied medicine with Dr Amariah Brigham
of Greenfield, Ms, 1 year, Dr Cyrus B. Hamilton of Lyme 2 years, and at
226 ALUMNI 1825.
Ilarv. Med. School, graduating M. D. in 1829 ; practised Med. and Denti>try at
Upton, Ms, and Bangor, Me. He never married.
* Geokgk Barnky IMaxser, a. M.-D. D. the son of John and Sarah (Bar-
ney) Manser, was born at New Haven, Ct, Aug. 8, 1803, and died at Benning-
ton, Vt, Nov. 17, 1862, vK. 59. He read law with George B. Shaw of Danville,
Vt ; began practice at Williston, Vt ; was Sec. to the Gov. ofVt and Council
from 1832 to 1837 ; removed to Montpelier, Vt, in 1837 ; was Civil and Mili-
tary Sec. of Vt from 1837 to 1841 ; then abandoned the law and studied divinity
witli the Right Rev. John Henry Hopkins, D. D. Bishop of Vt ; was ordained a
Deacon of the Prot. Epis. Cli. by him at Rutland, Vt, Sept. 21, 1842, and a
Presbyter at Middlebury, Vt, June 7, 1843 ; was rector of Christ Ch. oNIont-
pelier, from 1843 to 1850 ; became rector of St Peter's Ch. Bennington in 1850,
and so continued until his valuable life was ended. Norwich Univ. Vt gave him
the Hon. degree in 1855. He married Mary, dau. of Augustin Clark of Dan-
ville, Vt, at D. June 12, 1831.
Abram Marsh, A. M. the son of Abrara and Mary (Dutton) Marsh, was
born at Hartford, Vt, June 15, 1802. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
2 years in the class of 1828 ; was ordained an evangelist at Reading, Vt, June
23, 1829; installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Tolland, Ct, Nov. 30, 1831, and
still retains the position. He married, 1. Rhoda, dau. of the Rev. Siloam Short
of Meriden, June 27, 1827. 2. Mary II. Cooley of Norwich, Ct, Ai)r. C>. 1842.
Edward Rufus Olcott, A. M. the son of the Hon. Mills, D. C. 1790. and
Sarah (Porter) Olcott, was born at Hanover, Aug. 9, 1805. He read law and
practised some time at Lowell, Ms, and afterwards in New Orleans, La ; is be-
lieved to reside at present at N. Y. city. He married, 1. Charlotte Amanda,
dau. of Thomas Burns of Gilmanton, June 17, 1829. 2. The dau. of the Rev.
Thomas JewetL Murdock, D. C. 1812, of Canterbury, Ct. 3. Mrs Elisabeth
Gosman, dau. of John Van Valkenburg, at Cincinnati, Ohio, July 13, 1852.
William Olcott, D. C. 1827, was his brother.
* John Kerr Pattersox, the son of Andrew and Mary (Kerr) Patterson,
was born at Strasburg, Franklin Co. Pa, Oct. 24, 1805, and died at New Orleans,
La, Oct. 5, 1841, je. 36, minus 19 days. He lived at Baltimore, Md, until
1827, and then removed to Cincinnati, Ohio. He married Sarah Thomas
Bliss of Cincinnati, at C. Jan. 21, 1829.
JosiAii Peabody. the son of Moses and Hannah (Ward) Peabody, was born
at Henniker, Aug. 12, 1798. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the
Cong. Ch. at Sullivan. Nov. 5, 1828; dismissed Oct. 21, 1829; supplied at
Wilmington, Vt, in IS.'U and also in other places, but retired to a farm at Sulli-
van some years ago, and has represented it in the N. H. Leg. several times. He
married Betsey Mason, dau. of Jeremiah Leland of Sullivan in June 1829.
* Charles Pierce, A. M. the son of the Rev. Warren, D. C. 1799, and
Lvdia (Farrar) Pierce, was born at New Salem, Ms, Mar. 12, 1804, and died
there, Feb. 21, 1852, ii:. 48, minus 20 days. His life was devoted to teaching,
chietly, if not entirely, in Ms, among other places at Boston and Charlestown.
He married, 1. Susan Ruggles, dau. of Gen. Micah Maynard Rutter, at East
Suilburv. now Wayland, Ms, Nov. 9, 1828. 2. Harriet Abigail, dau. of Ilosea
Ilorton'of Bernardston, Ms, at Vernon, Vt, May 11, 1838.
Isaac Fletcher Redfield, A. IM.-LL. D. the son of Dr Peleg and Han-
nah (Parker) Redfield, was born at Weathersfield. Vt, Apr. 10, 1804, He read
law with William Baxter and George C. West of Brounington, Vt ; went into
practice at Derby, Vt, in 1827 ; was State's Atty for Orli'ans Co. from 1832 to
1835 ; became a Judge of the Vt Sup. Jud. Court in 1835, and Chi(4'.Iustice of the
ALUMNI 1825. 227
same in 1858 ; was Pi-of. of Med. Jurisprudence at Dart, from 1857 to 1861;
lived at that time at Windsor, Vt, but removed to Bo.^ton, Ms, about 18G1;
has published a work on Railway law. Is now a Commissioner to adjust U. S.
claims on Great Britain. Trinity Coll. Hartford, Ct, confei-red the Hon. degree
in iy49 and the Univ. of Vt in 1855. He married, 1. Mary Ward, dau. of
Ichabod Smith of Stanstead, Can. East, Sept. 28, 1836. 2. Catharine Blanchard,
dau. of Luther Clark, May 4, 1842. Timothy Parker Redfield, D. C. 1836, is
his brother.
Joseph Robinson, A. M. the son of Josiah and Lucy (Sanborn) Robinson,
was born at Concord, Nov. 26, 1798. He taught there till 1820 ; was Dep.
Sec. of State 6 years; became Reg. of Deeds in 1836; Reg. of Probate in
1844 ; represented Concord in the N. H. Leg. in 1841 ; was also Postmaster there
4 years ; now resides on a farm.
Ar.BERT Smith, the son of the Hon. Samuel and Sarah (Garfield) Smith, was
born at Peterborough, .June 18, 1801. He studied medicine at that town and at
Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1833; began practice at Leominster, Ms,
but after 4 years removed to Peterborough and there remains ; has been Prof,
of Mat. Med. and Therapeu. at Dart, since 1850 ; and has also published sev-
eral lectures and addresses in Med. Journals. Me married Fidelia, dau. of John
Stearns of Jaffrey, Feb. 26, 1828. Frederick Augustus Smith, D. C. 1852,
was his son.
Bezaleel Smith, A. M. the son of John and Mary (Lawrence) Smith, was
born at Randolph, Yt, Apr. 2, 1797. He was preceptor of Hampton Acad.
from 1825 to 1826, and on its new organization Prof, of Math, and Nat. Phil, to
1827 ; then studied divinity with the Rev. Pres. Dr Bennet Tyler at Hanover ;
was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Rye, May 13, 1829 ; dismissed July
10, 1841 ; installed at Mount Vernon, Aug. 18, 1841 ; dismissed Apr. 30, 1850;
was stated supply at Roxbury from 1850 to 1852 ; installed at New Alstead,
June 16, 1852 ; removed thence as stated supply to Hanover Centre, and is still
in ofRce. He married, 1. Eliza Esther, dan. of John Badger Morrison of New
Hampton, Nov. 30, 1829. 2. Mrs Laura (Salisbury) Brown, dau. of Belcher
Salisbury of Randolph, and relict of Dr Henry Harrison Brown. John Beza-
leel Smith, D. C. 1854, was his son.
Horace Utlet Soper, the son of Jonathan and Esther (Gould) Soper, was
from Haverhill. He read law and went into practice at Batavia, N. Y. and
was also a Judge of one of its Courts. No more is known of him.
Thomas Tenney, A. M. the son of Silas and Rebecca (Bailey) Tenney, was
born at Chester, Nov. 10, 1798. He taught at Moor's charity school, Hanover,
from 1825 to 1826, at Hampton Acad. 2 years, and at Portland, Me, 1 year ;
studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Nathaniel Bouton of Concord ; was ordained
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Standish, Me, Dec. 23, 1829 ; dismissed in 6 years;
then taught at the Teacher's Sem. in Goi'ham, Me, 4 years ; was principal of
the Grand River Inst, at Austinburg, Ohio, 6 years ; resumed the ministry at
Somers, Wise, for 4 years, and was at Bristol, Wise. 4 years ; has preached at
Mason City, Shell Rock, and Plymouth, all in Iowa, for the last 6 or seven
years. He married INIartha Tenney, dau. of William Parker of Dunbarton, in
Apr. 1827. Sewall Tenney, D. C. 1827, Charles Tenney, D. C. 1835, and
Daniel Tenney, D. C. 1841, are his brothers.
Milton Ward, A. M. the son of Benjamin and Mary (Bartlett) Ward, was
born at Plymouth in 1807. He studied medicine at Dart. Med. Cull, graduat-
ing M. D. in 1829, and practised some time at Windham; then studied divinity
with the Rev. Calvin Cutler, D. C. 1819, at that town ; was ordained pastor of
228 ALUMNI 1825.
the Cong. Cli. at Hillsborough, July 23, 1834; dismissed Nov. 10, 1835 ; soon
became a De;icon and Presbyter of the Prot. Epis. Ch. and lias been a mission-
ary in many phices ; among others, at Lynn, Ms, in 183G, Trenton, INIich. and
Wayne and Macomb counties in that State ; is now rector of St Stephen's Ch.
Wyandotte and .St Thoiiias' Trenton, both in Mich, living at the last. He
married, 1. Sarah, dau. of John Moi-rison of Windham. 2. .
* AxDiJicw Saltkr Woods, LL. D. the son of Andrew and Isabella (Jame-
son) Woods, was born at Bath, June 2, 1803, and died there, June 20, 18G3,
M. GO. He read law with Ira Goodall of Bath ; began and continued practice
in that town ; became a Judge of the N. H. Sup. Jud. Court in 1840, and Chief
Justice of the same in 1855. Dart, gave the honorary degree in 1852. Pie
married Eliza, dau. of the Hon. James Hutchins of Bath, Jan. 7, 1830. Edward
Woods, D. C. 1857, was his son.
* Lkoxard WoKCr.STER, a. M. the son of the Rev. Leonard and Elisabeth
(IIo[)kins) Worcester, was born at Peacham, Vt, May 20, 1799, and died, while
on a visit, at AValpole, Aug. 24, 1835, je. 36. He taught at Newark, N. J. a
Young Ladies Academy. He married Susan C. dau. of Thomas Seaver of AVal-
pole, Aug. 18, 1828. Evarts Worcester, D. C. 1830, and John Hopkins Worces-
ter, D. C. 1833, were his brothers.
* Edward Parker Alden, the son of the Rev. Abishai, D. C. 1787, and
Elisabeth (Parker) Alden, was born at Montville, Ct, Apr. 17, 1805, and died
at Pinckneyville, Miss. Aug. 12, 1833, je. 28. He read law; went early to the
South West, and is said to have taught there.
* Ebenezer Allen, the son of tiie Hon. David and Hannah (Wilcox) Allen,
was born at Newport, Dec. 26, 1795, and died at Richmond, Va, in 1863, M.
67. He read law ; began practice at Bloomfield, Me, in 1831 ; became Somer-
set Co. Atty in 1834; removed at length to Galveston, Texas; was Atty Gen-
eral of that Rcpublick before the annexation to the U. S. and was also pro tern,
its Secretary of State. He married Silvina jNlorse of Skowhegan, Me.
CONSTANTIXE Blodgett, A. M.-D. D. the son uf Benjamin :md Mary (Rid-
del) Blodgett, was born at Randolph, Vt, Nov. 17, 1802. He taught in S. C.
from Oct. 1826, to Aug. 1833 ; studied divinity there ; was ordained an evangel-
ist at Marion District, S. C. Oct. 19, 1831 ; installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Newmarket, Dec. 2, 1834; dismissed June 15, 1836; installed at Pawtucket,
R. I. July 27, 1836, and yet remains ; has published several sermons and ad-
dresses. Dart, gave the lion, degree in 1860. He married Maria F. dau. of
George Dana of Sharon, Vt, Dec. 8, 1831. Dan Blodgett, D. C. 1815, was ins
* Isaac Boyd, the son of Isaac and Mary (Thompson) Boyd, was born at
Londonderry, Sept. 11, 1800, and died at West Newbury, Ms, Mar. 25, 1844,
JE. 43. He studied medicine with Dr Nathan Noyes, D. C. 1796 and Dr John
Atkinson of Newburyport, J\Is, and at Bowdoin Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in
1829. He Went into practice at West Newbury in 1829 and never left it. He
married Sarah C. Hills of West Newbury, Jan. 28, 1836.
Samuel Adams Buijns, the son of Judge Samuel and Esther (Blodgett)
Burns was born at Rumney, June 21, 1802. He read law with the Hon. Rich-
ard Fletcher, D. C. 180G, at Boston, Ms ; began practice there in 1831 ; went
to Charle.-ton, S. C. in May 1832 ; was Latin and Greek tutor in its College
from Jan. 1833 to 1836; then began a High School and continued it to 1847;
ALUMNI 1826. 229
went that year to Europe ; returning, has resided in Plymouth since 1849. He
married Pauline Henrietta Ansnian of Paris, France, Sept. 15, 1848.
* Samuel Augustus Chandler, the son of the Hon. John Wintln-op and
Susan (Chandler) Chandlei', was born at Peacham, Vt, Feb. 28, 1805, and died
there, Feb. 11, 1855, Jf.. 50, minus 17 days. He read law with tlie Hon. Gen.
Isaac Fletcher, D. C. 1808, of Lyndon, Vt; opened an office at Barnet, Vt, re-
moved it to Montpelier, Vt, and thence to Peacham ; represented it in the Vt
Legislature. He married Sophia Wilkins of Peacham. George Bowen Chand-
ler, D. C. 1824, and Oliver Pheljis Chandler, D. C. 1828, were his brothers.
Salmon Poktland Chase, LL. D. the son of the Hon. Ithamar and Jean-
nette (Ralston) Chase, was born at Cornish, Jan. 80, 1808. He kept a classi-
cal school at Washington, D. C. in 1827 ; read law with the Hon. William Wirt
of that city ; began practice at Cincinnati, Ohio ; was a member of the U. S.
Senate from 1849 to 1855 ; Gov. of Ohio from 1855 to 1859 ; again a Sena-
tor in Congress from 1861 to his becoming Secretary of the U. S. Treasury the
same year; resigned that office in 1864 and became Chief Justice of the U. S.
Sup. Jud. Court in 1865. Judge Chase has occupied a prominent position in
publick life as a statesman of commanding talents, and his legal attainments
have won tor him the highest rank in our judiciary. Dart, conferred the Hon.
degree in 1855. He married, 1. Catharine Carniss. 2. Sarah Smith. 3.
Belle Ludlow. Alexander Ralston Chase, D. C. 1814, was his brothei\
Horatio Gates Cilley, A. M. the son of Horatio Gates and Sarah (Jen-
ness) Cilley, was born at Deerfield, Nov. 25, 1805. He read law with George
Sullivan of Exeter; went into practice at Deerfield in 1830; represented it in
the N. H. Leg. in 1.851 and 1852, but at length removed to Lewiston, Me. his
existing home. He married Deborah, dau. of Thomas Jenness of Deerfield,
May 19, 1840.
RuFUS Claggett, a. M. the son of Wentworth and Jane (M'Questen) Clag-
gett, was born at Litchfield. He read law^ with William Claggett, D. C. 1808,
at Portsmouth from Sept. 6, 1826 to Apr. 17, 1829 ; began practice at Providence,
R. I. but removed to Brooklyn, N. Y. and keeps a law office in New York city.
He married Louisa King of Providence.
William Claggett, the brother of the preceding was born at Litchfield,
Feb. 4, 1796. He studied divinity with the Rev. Robert Page of Bradford and
the Rev. Dr Samuel Wood, D. C. 1779, at Boscawen ; was ordained pastor of
the Cong. Ch. at Wendell, Ms, Oct. 27, 1830; dismissed July 11, 1837 ; installed
at LudloAv, Vt, Nov. 22, 1838 ; dismissed in Nov. 1840 ; was stated supply at
Derby and Northfield, Vt, until 1846 ; installed at West Hartford, Vt, Jan. 30,
1849; dismissed? then stated supply at New Alstead from 1861, and now at
Westmoreland. He married Sarah Kimball, dau. of Dr Samuel Morrill, at
Concord, Apr. 18, 1831.
Ansel Russell Clark, the son of Ebenezer and Mindwell (Pomeroy)
Clark, was born at Lunenburg, Vt, June 27, 1800. He studied divinity at And.
Theo. Sem. graduating in 1829 ; was ordained an evangelist by the Presbytery
of Newburyport, Ms, at Boston, Ms, with 15 others, Sept. 24, 1829; next day
left for Hudson, Ohio, as agent for the Amer. Edu. Society ; served for it in
Ohio, Mich, and Ky until Jan. 1836; then edited the Ohio Observer at Hudson
to 1837, but published the same paper at Cleveland, Ohio, as the Cleveland Ob-
server,'' to Apr. 1840. Ill health caused him to leave it; on recovering, took
charge of the Cong. Ch. at Wellington, Ohio, from Dec. 1844 to Aug. 1857 ; went
thence to the Cong. Ch. at Huntington, Ohio, in July 1858, and there remains.
He married, 1. Mary Ann, dau. of Thomas Odiorne, D. C. 1791, of Maiden,
230 ALUMNI 1826.
Ms, July 31, 1832. 2. Electa P. dau. of Spencer Clark of Huntington in Nov.
* Francis Cogswell, A. M. the ?on of Ebenezer and Martha (Brown)
Cogswell, was born at Ipswich, M?, July 27, 1803, and died at Boston, Ms,
Sept. 29, 1861, je. 58. lie studied medicine; became an M. D. and settled in
practice at Boston, continuing it until death. He married Nancy G. Gage of
Beverly, Ms, x\ug. 10, 1833.
William Elliott, the son of Capt. "William and Mehitabcl (Preston)
Elliott, was born at Marblehead, Ms, Aug. 17,1803. He read law with the
Hon. Peter Oxenbridge Thatcher of Bostou, Ms ; practised one year at Marble-
head and one year at Boston; o])ened an otlice at Lewistown, lUi. in 1832;
was Postmaster there from about that time to 1837 ; Master in Chancery from
1835 to 1850 ; State's Atty for the 5th Jud. District from 1838 to 1848 ; now
lives at Elmwood Farm, llli. near Farmington ; has publislied '' Visions of
Quevedo," translated from the Spanish. He married Frances Ann, dau. of
James Cri-sey of Philadelphia, Pa, Sept. 9, 1833.
Charles Milton Emerson, the son of the Rev. Reuben, D. C. 1798, and
Persis (Harden) Emerson, was born at Westminster, Vt, Jan. 21, 1802. He
read law and practised some years at Hartford, Ct ; but removed to Providence,
La, and thence to New Orleans, La, his present location. He married, 1. Char-
lotte, dau. of Thomas Chapman of Gi'eentield, Ms, in the year 1833. 2. Emily
Broadhur^t of New Orleans.
* John S. Emekson, the son of Capt. John and Elisabeth (French) Emer-
son, was liorn at Chester, Dec. 28, 1800, and died at tiie Sandwich Islands,
PaciHck Ocean, Mar. 26, 1867, ^e. 66. He was Pieceptor of jNIoor's Charity
School at Iiano\er from 1826 to 1827; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
graduating in 1830 ; was agent of the Am. Board of Coin, for Foreign
Miss, from 1830 to 1831 ; ordained as a missionary at Meredith P>ridge, now
Laconiu, May 19, 1831 ; sailed for the Sandwich Islands, Nov. 26, 1831 ; ar-
rived at Honolulu, May 17, 1832; went to Waialua, Oahu.in July 1832; was
pastor of the Cong. Ch. there 10 years; moved to the Mission Sem. at Lahain-
aluna, Maui ; was teacher there; and pastor of the Ch. at Kaanapali 4 years ;
returned to Waialua in 1846, and had been its pastor until death; visited the U.
S. in 1860, and became M. D. at Dart, that year; after near 11 months, re-
turned to Honolulu, arriving Jan. 17, 1861. His bai)tisms have been 1105 at
AVaialua and 50 at Kaanapali ; has published 5 valuable elementary works at
the Islands, 3 of them in the Hawaiian tongue. His mission is thought to have
been eminently successlul. He married Ursula Sophia, dau. of the Rev. Gad
Newell of Nelson, Oct. 25, 1831.
Allen Gannett, the son of Dea. Matthew and Priscilla (ILnfjid) Gannett,
was born at Tamworth, Jan. 5, 1804. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
over 2 years in the class of 1831 ; after jireaching there 2 years, was ordained
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Conway, Jan. 20, 183(5; dismissed June 22, 1838;
preached at Edgartown, Ms, 2 years ; installed at Beverly, Ms, in 1847 ; dis-
missed in 1853 ; edited the Watch Tower in 1847 and 1848 ; was at Nahant, Ms,
from 1853 to 1857 ; has been stated sujiply at the 2nd Ch. in Lynnfield. Ms, from
1858, but now lives at Boston, Ms, with no charge.
Edward Pratt Harris, A. M. the son of the Rev. Samuel and Ruth
(Pratt) Harris, was born at Ashburnham, Ms, Nov. 17, 1802. He taught at
Bradford Acad. Vt ; read law with H. F. Leavitt at Hartford, Vt ; practised
there and at Avon, Rochester village, Mich, where he remains and is a County
Commissioner. He mari-ied, 1. Elisabeth, dau. of David Wright of Hartford.
2. Elizabeth, dau. of Israel Gillett, also of Hartford.
ALUMNI 1826. 231
SoLYMAN Heath, the son of Caleb and Abigail (Page) ITcatli, was born
at Newport, Feb. 10, 1805. He read law with Judge Loomis of IMontpelier,
Vt, Hubbard Newton. D. C. 1804, at Newport, and Judge Charles Green, D.
C. 1811, at Athens, Me; began practice at Belfast, Me ; after 20 years, re-
moved to Watervilie, Me, and lives there still ; has been Register of Probate,
Clerk of the Courts, and Re[)orter of the judicial opinions of the Sup. Court of
Me. He married P^niily, dau. of Asa Rcdington of Watervilie, Nov. 14, .1831.
William Heath, A. M. the son of Joshua and Rachel (Nettleton) Heath,
was born at Newport, IMar. 9, 1797. He studied divinity at Newton Theo.
Sein. Ms ; taught at New Hampton Acad, and Theo. Institution from 1832 to
1834; was ordained a Baptist minister; became pastor at South Reading, Ms,
for 5 years ; next at Shelburne Falls, Ms, 3 years ; then Missionary at Boston,
Ms, but living at Soutli Reading. He married Sarah A. Yale of that town in
* Osgood Herrick, the son of Ebenezer and Lydia (Enton) Herrick, was
born at Marlborough, Nov. 19, 1799, and died at Millbnry, Ms, Mar. IG, 1837,
M. 37. He taught at Keene from June to Nov. 182G, also at Nottaway, Va,
from 182G to Nov. 1827; then studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating
in 1830 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Millbnry, Dec. 9, 1830,
and died in office. He married Emily, dau. of Abel Wilder of Keene, Dec. 29,
Isaac Hosford, tlie son of Joseph and Abigail (Bartholomew) Hosford, was
born at Thetford. Vt, Nov. 10, 1797. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
graduating in 1829 ; was ordained a Cong, minister ; settled at Saxonvllle, Ms,
Feb. 14, 1838; was' City Missionary at Lowell, Ms, 7 years ; Chaplain at the
Worcester, Ms, Insane Asylum 3 years ; has been stated supply at Fairlee,
Vt. Benjamin Franklin Hosford, D. C. 1838, was his brother.
SroFFORD Dodge Jewett, A. M. the son of Jeremiah and Temperance
(Dodge) Jewett, was born at Barnstead. He studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. graduating 1829 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Griswold, Ct,
Feb. 3, 1830; dismissed in June 183G; installed at Windsor, Ct, June 12,
1839 ; dismissed in Oct. 1843 ; installed at West Chester, in Colchester, Ct,
May 1, 1844; dismissed in May 1858; was then stated supply at Middlefield,
in 'Mlddk^own, Ct, from 1858. He married Abigail G. Shipman of New
Britain, Ct.
John Kexdrick, A. M. the son of Stephen Kendrick, was born at Leba-
non in Jan. 1804. He was Prof, of Moral and Intell. Phil. Greek, Logick,
and Rhetorick at Kenyon Coll. Gambler, Ohio, from 1829 to 1840; afterwards
Prof, of Latin, Political Economy, and English Literature at the Coll. in
Marietta, Ohio.
Caleb Khiball, the son of Caleb and Elisabeth (Hammond) Kimball, was
born at I|)swich, Ms, June 3, 1798. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
over a year in the class of 1829; was ordained an evangelist at Barnstable,
Ms, in 1832 ; ])reac!ie(l, though entirely blind, at Harwich, Ms, from 1832 to
1834 ; also at BIddeford, Me, 2 years ; was now forced to give up the charge
of a parisli, but still officiated many years as opportunities offiired, until, broken
down in health, he retired to Medway, Ms, his [)resent abode. His publications
have been 8 vols on experimental and practical religion, one of which has
reached 24, and others 20, editions. He married Martha May, dau. of Jacob
Guild of South Dedham, Ms, Jan. 5, 1854.
Moses Kimball, the son of David and Priscilla (Herrick) Kimball, was
born at Ilopkinton, July 24, 1799. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
232 ALUMNI 1826.
graduatiiif^ in 1830 ; was onlaincd pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Randolph. Vt,
Jan. 27, ISo'l ; dismissed in Nov. 18;5."}; installed at Hopkinton, May 7, 1834;
dismissed July 15, 1846 ; installed at Tewksbiirv. INIs, the colleague of the Kev.
Jacob Coggin, Feb. 24, 1847; dismissed May 15,1849; has su!)plied at East
Weather-tield, Vt. since 1850. He married Abby Osgood, dau. of the Hon.
Bailey liartlelt of Haverhill, Ms, Sept. 20, 1832.
Henry Littlf., the son of Jesse and Martha (Gerrish) Little, was born at
Boscawen, INlar. 23, 1800. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating
in 1829; was ordained an evangelist at Boston, Ms, Sept. 24, 1829; was set-
tled over the Cong. Ch. at Oxford, Ohio ; is now agent for Home Missions, re-
siding at Madi>on, Iiid. He married Susan Norris, dau. of Obadiah Smith of
Hatfield, Ms. Jacob Little, D. C. 1822, is his brother.
Cutting Marsh, the son of Samuel White and Sally (Brown) Marsh, was
born at Danville, Vt, July 20, 1800. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
graduating in 1829 ; was ordained an evangelist at Boston, Ms, Sept. 24, 1829 ;
was missionary to the Stockbridge Indians at Statesbing. near Green Bay,
Wise, from 1830 many years ; is now stated supply of a Presb. Ch. at Wau-
paka, AVisc. He married at the mission station, Stockbridge, Eunice O. Osmar
of AVhitestown, N. Y. Nov. 2, 1837. Samuel Marsh, D. C. 1821, is his
George Punchakd, A. M. the son of John and Keziah (^lasury) Punch-
ard, was born at Salem, Ms, June 7, 1806. He studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. graduating in 1829 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Plymouth,
Mar. 11, 1830 ; dismissed in 1844; tlien left the active ministry owing to the
failure of his voice ; was joint proprietor of the Daily Evening Traveller at
Boston, Ms, from 1845 to 1855 ; but though leaving the paper, his residence is
still in Boston. His publications are, " A View of Congregationalism," 1 vol.
and the " History of Congregationalism," 2 vols. He married AVHlliamine, dau.
of William Poole of HoUis, and adopted dau. of Gen. James Poole of Hanover,
in July 1830.
* Jrkemiaii Russell, the son of Jeremiah and Elisabeth (Mf'rrill) Russell,
was born at Bow, Apr. 28, 1800, and died at Georgetown. Ms, i\Iay 22, 1860,
JE. 60. He read law with the Hon. Judge Matthew Harvey, D. C 1806, at
Hopkinton and Artemas Rogers at Henniker ; went into practice at Solon, Me,
in 1830 ; removed to New Rowley, now Georgetown, in Dec. 1830, living there
to the close of life, but his law office was at Haverhill, Ms, from A|)r. 1855.
He married Judith Dodge, dau. of Thomas Peal)ody of South Dauvers, Ms,
and sister of George Peabody, the munificent banker, Sept. 22, 1831. Samuel
Russell, D. C. 1821, was his brother.
Charles Suedd, A. M. the son of Capt. Asa and Rebecca (Adams) Shedd,
was born at Rindge, Oct. 21, 1802. He taught at Kimball Union Acad. Meri-
den, 8 years; was Preceptor of New Ipswich Acad, from 1838 to 1841 ; studied
divinity; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Campton, JMar. 24, 1842;
dismissed in 1856; removed to Mantorville, jMinn. and has l)een a missionary
there since 1858, and also at Claremont and Wasioja, I\Iinn. He married
Eliza, dau. of the Rev. Joseph Rowell, D. C. 1794, of Cornish, Aug. 15, 1828.
George Sludd, D. C. 1839, is his brother.
Henry Shedd. the son of John Haskell and Susanna (White) Shedd, was
born at Jaffrey, May 16, 1803. He studied divinity at And. Tlieo. Sem.
graduating in 1829 ; was ordained as a missionary at Boston, Ms, Sept. 24,
1829; served as such at the West 3 or 4 years; was in-tailed pastor of the
Presb. Ch. at INIt Gilead, Ohio, and two adjacent Churches, Nov. 1, 1833 ; dis-
ALUMNI 1826. 233
missed Oct. 5, 183G; installed at Lower Liberty, Ohio, May 27, 1842; dis-
missed Apr. 3, 1850; re-installed at INIl; Gilead, Apr. 28, 1854, and is still
there. He married, 1. Mary, dau. of Joseph Gerrish of Canterbury, Sept. 28,
1829. 2. Lucretia C. George of Diinbarton, Sept. 13, 1838.
Frederick Smith, the son of Timothy and Mary (Greely) Smith, was born
at Gilmanton, Apr. 29, 1799. He read law with Stephen Moody of Gilman-
ton and Sti'[)hen Carr Lyford ; began practice at Boscawen in 1829 ; but after
some years went into mercantile business at Boston, Ms.
James Wilson Ward, A. M. the son of the Rev. Jonathan, D. C. 1792,
and Philena Gay (Whitaker) Ward, was born at AIna, Me, May 21, 1803.
He tauii'ht at Ipswich Acad. Ms, from 1826 to 1827; also at South Berwick
Acad. Me, from 1829 to 1831 ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 1 year in
the class of 1830, and at New Haven, Ct, Theo. Sem. graduating in 1832 ; was
ordained pastor of the 1st Cong. Ch. at Abin^ton, Ms, May 21, 1834; travelled
in Europe, Asia, and Africa in 1847 and 1848 ; represented Abington in the
Ms Leg. in 1851 and 1852, also Plymouth Co. in the Ms Senate in 1855 ; dis-
missed from Abington, Nov. 21, 1856 ; represented it again in the Ms Leg. in
1857; removed to Madison, Wise, in 1857 owing to a bronchial affection ; but
has been Acting pastor at Lakeville, Ms, from 1863 ; has published five ser-
mons and three articles in the Bibliotheca Sacra. He married, 1. Hetta Lord,
dau. of the Hon. William Allen Hayes, D. C. 1805, at South Berwick, Sept. 9,
1834. 2. Mrs Caroline L. Ward of Lakeville, Ms, at L. Dec. 8, 1862. Jona-
than Ward, D. C. 1822, was his brother.
* Thomas Broadhead Waterjian, the son of the Rev. Thomas and Mary
(Gault) Waterman, was born at Bow, Mar. 7, 1809, and died at Savannah,
Geo. in 1842, jr. 33. No more has been obtained.
William Pickering Weeks, the son of Brackeft and Sarah (Pickering)
Weeks, was born at Greenland, Feb. 22, 1803. He read law with the Hon.
Willam Allen Hayes, D. C. 1805, and Charles N. Cogswell, both of South
Berwick, Me ; began practice at Canaan in Nov. 1829 ; represented it in the
N. H. Leg. in 1839, 1840, 1852, and 1854; was also of the N. M. Senate in
1848 and 1849, being its Pres. the last year, and of the Constitutional Con-
vention in 1850. He married Mary Eli-abelh Doe of Derry, July 28, 1833.
.Joseph Doe Weeks and William Brackett Weeks, both D. C. 1861, are his
* Ja:mes Wheelock Woodwarp, the son of Bezahel and Lucy (Farrar)
Woodwaid, and great grandson of President Eleazar Wheelock, was born at
Hanover, IVIar. 30, 1H05, and died at Toledo, Iowa, Jan. 6, 1864, je. 58. He
taught at the Kimball Union Acad, in Merideu from 1826 to 1827 ; studied
divinity at Princeton Theo. Sem. N. J. graduating in 1830 ; was ordained an
evangelist at Norwich, Ct, Nov. 10, 1830 ; became pastor of a Presb. Ch. at
Shrewsbury, N. J. in 1831. remaining 9 years ; installed pastor of the Cong.
Ch. at Columbia, Ct, JMar. 23, 1842; dismissed in Oct. 1848; removed to Flat-
bush, L. L afllicted with cancel", in 1851 ; still preached at vac-ant places; then
went into trade at Albany, N. Y. for som,e years ; moved next to Ilartfoid, Ct,
in Oct. 1858 ; then moved to Toledo, but preached at Irving, Ohio, for 2 years
and elsewhere, until his dreadful malady put a period to the ministry of this
devoted man at his brother's house. He married Jane, dau. of Dr Ten Brook
of Shrewsbury, at S. in 1834. George Henry Woodward, D. C. 1831, was his
234 ALUMNI 1827.
* James Church Alyord, A. M. the son of Elijah nnd Sabra (Wells)
Alvord, was born at Greenwich, Ms, Apr. 14, 1808, and died at Greenfield,
Ms, Se[)t. 27, 1839, je. 31. He read law with the Hon. Daniel Wells, D. C.
1810, at Greenfield and at New Haven, Ct, law school; began practice at
Greenfield in 1820 ; represented it in the Ms Leg. in 1836, and Franklin Co.
in the Ms Senate in 1837 ; was also cho.-en a member of the 2Gth Congress but
died belbre the session of 1839 commenced and so never took his seat. Mr
Alvord was one of the most promising men of his time, dee[)ly read in the law
and possessed of sterling abilities, lie married Anna, dau. of John Grew of
Boston, Ms, Oct. 20, 1836.
Benjamin Gordon Baldwin, the son of Capt. Benj. Peters and Mehitabel
(Gordon) Baldwin, was born at Bradford, Vt, May 13, 1806. He taught at
Francestown ; read law with Judge Jermain of White Creek, N. Y. and Horace
Allen of Potsdam, N. Y. from Mar. 1828 ; began practice with Allen and
Dart at Potsdam in 1832; after a time, continued it alone to 1850; was then
attached to the Ogdensburg Rail Road ; has been twice elected Suri'ogate of
the Co. of St Lawrence. He married, 1. Mary Ann Lanphier of Alstead, Aug.
2, 1833. 2. Emmeline Lanphier, her sister, Oct. 23, 1837.
Levi Bartlett, the son of Dr Ezra and Hannah (Gale) Bartlett, was born
at Warren, Oct. 4, 1806. He taught in Va ; studied medicine there, with his
father at Haverhill, and at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1837; prac-
tised at Syracuse, N. Y. a short time, but settled in Skeneatales, N. Y. in Jan.
1838, and there remains. He married, 1. Amelia Homman of Piiiladelphia,
Pa, Aug. 26, 1833. 2. Harriet Elisabeth, dau. of Dr J. B. IIo[)kins of Skene-
atales, June 19, 1838.
* John Batchelder, the son of Zachnriah and Polly (Knowlton) Batchelder,
was born at Wendell, July 18, 1801. He .studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
graduating in 1830; preached at Barrington, Pawtuxet, and Providence, all in
R. I. from 1831 to 1833; was settled, probably ordained, pastor of the Cong.
Ch. at Jacksonville, lUi. in 1833 ; dismissed in 1838; then adopted new rela-
tions, and Avas admitted to Deacon's orders in the Prot. Epis. Church ; settled
as such in what is now Christ Ch. Burlington, Iowa, in 1839; was soon or-
dained a Pre.-byter ; after many years, left Burlington, and became rector of
the Ch. of the Advent at Danville, Iowa ; at last a missionary at Des Moines
Co. in Iowa. He married Hannah Gooding of Providence, R. 1. in May 1833.
Zachariah Batchelder, D. C. 1821, is his brother.
Thomas Bellows, the son of Thomas and Eleanor (Foster) Bellows, was
born at AV^d[)ole, Sept. 23, 1807. lie studied divinity at And. Tlieo. Sem. over
a year in tiie class of 1830, and at New Haven, Ct, Tlieo. Seminary; was or-
dained pastor of the 2nd Cong. Ch. at Greenlield, Ms, Mar. 13, 1833; but
health failing, was dismissed Sept. 2, 1834 ; retired then to a farm at Walpole,
and represented it in the N. II. Leg. in 18.51.
* Abner Pride Biglow, the son of Barna and Nabby (Pride) Biglow,
was born at Brookfield, Vt, Mar. 18, 180.3, and died at Farmville, Va, May 8,
1852, .*:. 47. He was a bookseller at Lunenburg Co. Va, 5 years ; removed
his bookstore to Farmville and there expired. He did not marry. Silas Big-
low, D. C. 1814, was his brother.
Daniel Blaisdell, A. M. the son of the Hon. Elijah and Mary (Fogg)
Blaisdell, was born at Pittsfield, Aug. 26, 1806. He read law with the Hon.
ALUMNI 1827. 235
Joseph Bell, D. C. 1807, at Haverhill; went into practice at that town in
1830; removed to Lebanon in Feb. 1832; thence to Hanover, his present
abode, in July 1833 ; has been Treasurer of Dart, from 1835 to tliis time ;
represented Hanover in tiie N. H. Leg. in 1839, 1840, and 1841. He married
Charlotte Osgood of Haverhill, May 30, 1832. Alfred Osgood Blaisdell, D. C.
1853, is his son, and Joshua James Blaisdell, D. C. 184G, his brother.
* William Boyd en, the son of Asa and Martha (Minot) Boyden, was born
at Dummerston, Vt, Mar. 27, 1808, and died at Staunton, Va, Apr. 23, 1833,
JE. 25. He taught at Loudon Co. Va, AVindsor, Ct, and Waterford, Pa ; read
law with the Hon. John Phelps of Guilford, Vt, and Judge Briscoe G. Baldwin
of Staunton until his premature death. He was unmarried.
* James Morris Chase, A. M. the son of Moody and Lucy (Farnum) Chase,
was born at Cornish, Apr. 4, 1800, and died at Macomb, Illi. Feb. 10, 1865,
M. 64. He taught at Shelbyville, Ky, 10 years ; studied divinity there with
the Rev. Archibald Cameron ; was licensed by the Louisville, Ky, Presbytery
in 1831 ; ordained pastor of the Presb. Ch. at Macomb, Apr. 7, 1837 ; dismissed
in 1846 ; then supplied Camp Creek Ch. to 1853, Mount Sterling Ch. to 1854,
and Ebenezer Ch. to a short time before his death. All these were near
Macomb. He married, 1. Salina A. dau. of Judge Venable of Shelbyville in
1832. 2. Andrea C. Lange of Quincy, Illi. in 1854. Henry Chase, D. C.
1859, and Joseph Venable Chase, D. C. 1861, were his sons. Moody Chase,
D. C. 1829, George Clement Chase, D. C. 1841, and Albert Chase, D. C.
1844, were his brothers.
Charles Dexter Cleveland, A. M.-LL. D. the son of the Rev. Charles
and Mehitabel (Treadwell) Cleveland, was born al Salem, Ms, Dec. 3, 1802.
He taught at Baltimore, Md, 2 years ; was Prof, of Greek and Latin at Dick-
inson Coll. Carlisle, Pa, 2 years ; taught at New Haven, Ct, about a year ; was
Prof, of the Latin Language and Literature at the N. Y. city Univ. in 1803 ;
has had a school for young ladies at Philadelphia, Pa, since Oct. 1834. Ingham
Univ. N. Y. conferred the Hon. degree in 1861, and the Univ. of New York in
1866. He has published a Series of Latin books ; a Compendium of Greek
Antiquities ; a Compendium of English Literature ; English Literature of the
19th century, and an edition of Milton's Poetical Works. He married Alison
Nisbet, dau. of Samuel Allen M'Coskry of Carlisle, and grand daughter of the
celebrated Ciiarles Nisbet, D. D. Mar. 31, 1831.
John Kendriok Converse, A. M. the son of Joel and Elisabeth (Bixby)
Converse, was born at Lyme, June 15, 1801. He taught a school in Va ;
edited the Southern Religious Telegraph and the Literary and Evangelical
Magazine at Richmond, Va, from 1827 to 1829 ; studied divinity at Princeton,
N. J. Theo. Sem. 3 years ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Burlington,
Vt, Aug. 9, 1832 ; dismissed in Sept. 1844 ; has since been stated supply at
AVest Milton, Vt, and has also taught at the Burlington Female Seminary ; has
published some sermons and essays. He married Sarah, dau. of the Hon.
Heman Allen of Burlington, May 21, 1834. Araasa Converse, D. C. 1822, is
his bi'other.
Alfheus Crosby, A. M. the son of Dr Asa and Abigail (Russell) Crosby,
was born at Sandwich, Oct. 13, 1810. He was Precejitor of Moor's charity
school at Hanover from 1827 to 1828 ; tutor at Dart, from 1828 to 1831 ; studied
divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 2 years in the class of 1834; was Prof, of Latin
and Greek at Dart, from 1833 to 1837, of Greek only from 1837 to 1849, and
from that date has been Prof. Emeritus ; became Princi[)al of the Ms State Nor-
mal sch. at Salem, Ms, Oct. 29, 1857 ; resigned in 1865 ; has published, A Greek
236 ALUMNI 1827.
Grammar; Greek Tables ; Greek Lesson?; ; an edition ofXenophon'? Anabasis ;
First Lessons in Geometry ; a k'tter of John Fo>ter witli additions ; also an
Essay on the Second xVdvent. He married, 1. Al)i;iail G. J. dau. of Samuel
Cutler of Newbiiryport, Ms, Anir. 27. 1834. 2. Martha, dau. of Joseph King-
man of West liiidgewater, Ms,"Feb^ 12, 18G1. Nathan Crosby, D. C 1820,
is his half brotlier and Thomas Russell Cro>by, D. C. 1841, his bi-other.
JosKPii Aduisox Eastman, the son of the Rev. John, D. C. 1795. and
Mary (Hooker) Eastman, was born at Paris, N. Y. Jan. 1, 1806. He taiigiit
at Scottsville, N. Y. 8 months ; also at Fredonia, N. Y. from July 1829 to Oct.
1831 ; read law witli Tiiorj) and Buttolph of Norwich, N. Y. the Hon. James
Mullett of F'redonin, and Kirkland and Bacon of Utica, N. Y. commencing
practice at Scottsville in Mar. 1834 ; removed to Rochester, N. Y. iu INIay 1836,
and is there still ; has been City Clerk and City Atty. He married Emilie J.
dau. of Judge Calvin M'Knight of Watertown, N. Y. Oct. 17, 1835.
Eli Fuexch, A. M. the son of Samuel and Sally (Gates) French, was born
at Dummer.-ton, Vt, Sept, 8, 1800. He taught school at Dover to 1828 ; then
became a bookseller there; removed to Philadelpiiia, Pa. in Feb. 1832, and
thence to N. Y. city in Sept. 1833, pursuing the same business in both. He
married Hannah Rogers, dau. of Lemuel Draper of Dover, May 26, 1835.
* Thomas Child FTale, the son of David, D. C. 1791, and Mary (Chihl)
Hale, was born at Portland, Me, June 20, 1802, and died at Charlestown, jNIs,
Oct. 29, 1842, JE. 40. His health prevented him from engaging in any active
* Chaules Hopkins, A. M. the son of Thomas Hopkins, was born at Hart-
ford, Ct, Mar. 28, 1805, and is said to have died at Pike's Peak, Colorado, in
1864, JE. 58, the authority being a newspaper of that region. He read law
with John Nelson, D. C. 1803, at Haverhill; practised at Windsor, Vt, from
1830 to 1841 ; represented it in the Vt Leg. in 1838 ; was Solicitor of the
Land Office at Washington, D. C. from 1841 to 1845; then lived succes-
sively at Hartford, Ct, Cincinnati, Ohio, and N. Y. city, being there Clerk of the
Amer. Mining Company. He married Mary, dau. of the Hon. Horace Everett
of Windsor, Si'pt. 28, 1835.
Samlel Iloi'Kixs, A. M. the son of John and Lydia (Thompson) Hopkins,
was born at Iladley, Ms, Apr. 11, 1807. He studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sein. graduating in 1831 ; Avns ordained pastor of ihe Cong. Cii. at IMontpelier,
Vt, Oct. 26, 1831 ; dismissed in May 1835 ; installed pastor at Saco, Me, Feb.
17,1836; dismissed in Dec. 1844; was then a resident of Northampton. JNIs,
until becoming stated supply at Standi.-h, Me, May 6, 1866 ; has published
Lessons at the Cross; The History of Virginia ; also The Puiitans, or the
Church, Court, and Parliament of England, during the reigns of P^dward VI, and
Queen Elisabeth. He married Caroline W. dau. of Josiah Dwight of North-
ampton, May 29, 1832. Erastus Hopkins, D. C. 1830, is his brother.
* Hamilton Hutchins, A. M. the son of Abel and Elisabeth (Partridge)
Hutchins, was born at Concord, July 10, 1805, and died there, Apr. 6, 1851,^.
45. He read law with Samuel Fletcher, D. C. 1810, at Concord and the Hon.
Richard Fletcher, D. C. 1806, at Boston, Ms ; began practice at Boston in
1830 and continued it at Concord until death. He married Mary, dau. of
Daniel Chandler of Lexington, Ms, Oct. 30, 1845.
Elisha Jennev, the son of Levi and Susanna (Proctor) Jenney, was born
at Fairhaven, Ms, Nov. 7, 1803. He taught in Dover 1 year; studied divinity
at the New Haven, Ct, Theo. Sem. graduating in 1831 ; was ordained an
evangelist at N. Y. city, Oct. 14, 1831 ; preached at Alton, Monticello, and Wa-
ALUMNI 1827. 237
verly, Illi. but is now at Galesburp:, Illi. the missionary agent within the bounds
of the Illinois Presbytery. He married, 1. Lauretta, dan. of Dr Lucius Hitch-
cock of St Mary's, Geo. at Keene, June G, 1833. 2. Adeline Marietta Hitch-
cock, her sister, at Keene, July 24, 1835.
EuwiN Jexnisox, a. M. the son of Major William and Phebe (Field) Jenni-
son, was born at "Walpole, Aug. 2G, 1805. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
graduating in 1830; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Walpole, Aug.
17, 1831 ; dismissed Mar. 17, 1835 ; installed at Mount Vernon, Apr. 6, 1836;
dismissed Aug, 19, 1841 ; spent the summer of 1841 in Enjrland and Scotland;
installed at Ashburnham, Ms, May 12, 1842; dismissed May 12, 1846; in-
stalled at Hopkinton, Jan. G, 1847; dismissed Sept. 5, 1849; supplied next at
Paper Mill Village, Alstead, 2 years; also at Lanizdon from May 1852 to Mar.
1854. Poor health, now interfered with parochial duties and made him a
farmer at Winchester in 1860. He married Mary Barker, dau. of Dr Richard
Cutts Shannon of Saco, Me, at Ipswich, Ms, Jan. 25, 1832.
Adams Jewett, A. M. the son of the Rev. Luther, D. C 1795, and Betsey
(Adams) Jewett, was born at St Johnsbury, Vt, July 26, 1807. He taught at
Mobile, Ala. from 1827 to 1831; was Prof of Spring Hill Coll. there from
1831 to 1833; studied medicine with Dr Thomas Casey of Mobile and also at
Paris, France, from Feb. 1833 to Apr. 1838, obtaining the degree of M. D.
and then returning to the U. S. began practice at Mobile ; removed thence to
Dayton, Ohio, in 1842 and there remains. He married Mary P. dau. of Moses
Smith from Lancaster, Ms, at Mobile, July 3, 1841.
Alfred Kittredge, the son of Dr Jonathan and Apphia (Woodman)
Kittredge, was born .at Canterbury, Oct. 22, 1805. He taught at Salisbury 6
months; read law with the Hon. Jeremiah Hall Woodman, D. C. 1794, at
Rochester and the Hon. James Henry Duncan at Haverhill, Ms ; went into
practice at Ipswich, Ms, in 1831 ; removed to Haverhill, his present location, in
1832; has represented it in the Ms Leg. in 1840 and 1841, and was of the
Ms Senate in 1844 and 1845. He married IMary Emery, dau. of Nathaniel
Noyes of Salisbury, Oct. 15, 1832. Jonathan Kittredge, D. C. 1813, was his
* Charles Herbert Little, the son of Benjamin and Rhoda (Bartlett)
Little, was born at Boscawen, Dec. 4, 1804, and died there, Jan. 1, 1836, ^.
31. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1830; then taught
in S. C. 2 years ; edited the N. H. Observer at Concord from Aug. 1833 to
Feb. 1835, when disease forced him to retire to Boscaweu, where in less than a
year the grave received him.
Leonard Marsh, A. M. the son of Daniel and Marion (Harper) Marsh,
was born at Hartford, Vt, June 29, 1800. He studied medicine at N. Y. city
and at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1832 ; then began practice at
Burlington, Vt ; resides there still, and has been Prof, of Greek and Latin,
and also of Nat, Hist, and Physiology in the Univ. of Vt. He married Ann,
dau. of Judge Alvan Foot, D. C. 1798, of Burlington. James Marsh, D. C.
1817, was his brother.
* William Olcott, the son of the Hon. Mills, D. C 1790, and Sarah
(Porter) Olcott, was born at Hanover, Sept. 19, 1806. and died at Shreveport,
La, Apr. 1, 1851, je. 44. He read law at Haverhill with the Hon. Joseph
Bell, D. C. 1807 ; practised at Hanover from 1830 to 1835 ; then left his pro-
fession, removing to Rochester, N. Y. and from thence to Buffalo, N. Y. and
afterwards to Shreveport. He married Harriet, dau. of John Hinsdale of
Middletown, Ct, May 28, 18—. Edward Rufus Olcott, D. C. 1825, was his
238 ALUMNI 1827.
* Geokge Paixk, the son of the Hon. Jndse Elijah and Sarah (Porter)
Paine, was horn at Williamstown, Yt, Jan. 2, 1807, and died at ]\Ia>sillon. Ohio,
Oft. 3, 183G, JE. 2!). lie read hm with the lion. Joseph Bell, D. C. 1807, at
Haverhill ; after admission to the bar, went to Providence, K. I. and became
editor of the Providence Journal in 1833; removed tht^nce to Ma-sillon in May
1836, and died within o months. He married ]Martha Olcott, dan. of Benjamin
Porter of Hanover, May 12, 1829.
* "WiLLiAJi Pakkkr, a. M. the son of William and Martha (Teiuiey) Par-
ker, was born at Dunbarton, Sept. 8, 1802, and died at Winchester, Illi. in
May 1865, je. 62. He taught at Bradford, Ms, Concord, and Exeter until
1829 ; at Woodstock and Winchester, Va, to May 1832 ; at Canajoharie, Mont-
gomery, and Bloomingburgh, N. Y. from 1832 to 18il ; at New Paltz, N. Y.
from 1841 to 1843; at Middleton Point, N. J. from 1813 to 1851 ; at N. Y.
city from 1851 until he removed to Astoria, N. Y. and finally to Winchester,
lUi. He married Dolly, dau. of Sherburne Blake of Exeter, in Apr. 1834..
* Abkl Pattkx, the son of John and Lucy (Bowman) Patten, was born at
Billerica, Ms, May 1, 1805, and died at Lowell, .Ms, Feb. 23, 1864, je. 58.
He studied divinit}' at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1830; was ordained an
evangelist, Feb. 7, 1832; installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Carlisle, Ms,
May 22, 1833; dismissed Sept. 29, 1835; installed at Monument, Sandwich,
Ms, Dec. 16, 1835; dismissed in Aug. 1838; since that, preached at Hanson,
Ms, 1 year; at Jamaica, Vt, 3 years; at Wilmington, Vt, 3 years; also at
Marlborough, Vt, Pepperell, Ms, and Billerica several years. He married
Mary Myrick, dau. of John Rumrill of Ashby, IMs, June 1, 1836.
Elii'halkt Peaksox, a. M. the son of Samuel and Hannah (Clough)
Pearson, was born at Ilopkinton, Oct. 20, 1802. He taught at Waterford, N.
Y. 3 months ; read law there with Doe and Kimball ; began practice at Water-
ford in May 1830; removed to Ticonderoga, N. Y. in 1831 ; to ]Moriah, N. Y.
in May 1835; to Troy, N. Y. in Sept. 1838; to Waltham, Ms, in Apr. 1850,
and there remains, having his office at Boston, Ms. He married, 1. Caroline,
dau. of Nathan D. Sherwood of Waterford, in Sept. 1831. 2. Mrs Salome
(Boutwell) Brown, relict of Francis Brown of We.-tport. N. Y. in 1807.
* David Pillsijury, the son of Benjamin and Sally (Eaton) Pillsliuiy, was
born at Kaymond, Feb. 17, 1802, and died at Concord, May 2i), 1862, a:. 60.
He read law with the Hon. IltMuy Hubbard, D. C. 1803, at Charlestown, and
the Hon. Samuel Dana Bell of Chester; went into practice at Chester in 1830;
lived there many years ; represented it in the N. H. Leg. 2 years ; was also a
Major G(!neral of the N. H. militia, and had removed to Concord. He was
never married. Jesse Eaton Pillsbury, D. C. 1833, was his brother.
Lyman Lewis Rix, the son of Daniel and Anna (Cleveland) Rix, was born
at Royaltnn, Vt, Mar. 15, 1805. He studied medicine with Dr Joseph A.
Denison of Roj'alton ; began practice there in Dentistry, continuing it to Apr.
1852 ; went that year to Rochester, Vt, and has devoted liimself to agriculture.
He married Mrs Mary Wells, dau. of Daniel Merrill of Wentworth, in 1843.
* CilAKLES GiLMAX Saffokd, the son of Dudley and Elisabeth (Oilman)
Safford, was born at Exeter, Nov. 14, 1804, and died at Rutland, Ms, Apr. 27,
1847,^. 42. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1830;
was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Gilmanton, Sept. 28, 1831 ; dismissed
Sept. 28, 1836; owing to ill health, left the mini-try and studied medicine at
Dart. Med. Coll. graduating 'M. D. in 1840 ; j)racti,-ed first at Southborough,
Ms, and afterwards at Rutland. He married Mary L. dau. of Benajah Brig-
ham of Boston, Ms, Oct. 14, 1841.
ALUMNI 1827. 239
Forrest Shepherd, the son of Daniel and Anna (f^orrest) Shepherd, was
born at Bo-cawen, Oct. 31, 1800. He studied iu the New Haven, Ct, Theo.
Sem. 1 year; has been engaged through Hte in teaching and the study of the
natural sciences ; with geological and geogi-aphical ex[)loralions in the U. S.
Canada, and the Hudson Bay Co. possessions ; visited England and Wales in
1848 ; Panama, Cuba, New Granada, Western Mexico, and tlie quicksilver
mines of California in 1849; has been for some years Prof of Geology and
Chemistry at Western Reserve Coll. Hudson, Ohio. He married Sophia White
Storer of Rutland, Vt, Apr. 29, 1832.
* Samuel Smith, the son of Uriah and Olive (Burton) Smith, was born at
Francestown, Aug. 12, 1807, and died at Henniker, Aug. 18, 1837, m. 30.
He read law with the Hon. Titus Brown of Francestown and at New Haven,
Ct, law school ; went into practice at Chester, Vt, in 1830 ; removed thence to
Francestown in a year, and afterwards to Henniker. He did not marry.
* Stephen Stark, the son of Samuel and Rebecca (Whitaker) Stark, and
the nephew of Gen. John Stark, was born at Conway, Mar. 5, 1803, and died
from home at Charlcstown, Ms, Nov. 18, 1855, M. 52. He read law with Joel
Eastman, D. C. 1824, at Conway, and Bradley and Barrows at Fryeburg;
practised at Clinton, JMe, from Oct. 1830 to Oct. 1, 1837; then removed to
Waterville, Me; represented it in the Me Leg. in 1848 and 1849; was also
in the Me Senate from Kennebeck Co. in 1853 and 1854. He married Me-
hitabel Jones, dau. of Amos Jones Cook, D. C. 1802, of Fryeburg, Oct. 29,
Sewall Texney, a. IM.-D. D. the son of Silas and Rebecca (Bailey)
Tenney, was born at Bradford, Ms, Aug. 27, 1801. He taught in Saiibornton
Acad. 1 year; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1831 ; was
ordained an evangelist in Aug. 1831 ; installed pastor of the Bethel Cong. Ch.
at Portland, Me ; dismissed in 1835 ; installed pastor at Ellsworth, Me, Nov.
11, 1835, and is still in office. Bowdoin Coll. conferred the Hon. degree in
1861. He married Sarah M. dau. of John Pearson of Bangor, Me. Thomas
Tenney, D. C. 1825 ; Charles Tenney, D. C. 1835, and Daniel Tenney, D. C.
1841, are his brothers.
Jonathan Reynolds Thompson, the son of John Thompson, was born at
Conway, Jan. 21, 1799. He taught at North Yarmouth, Me, and Conway;
studied medicine with Dr Reuel Barrows of Fryeburg, Me, and at Dart. Med.
Coll. graduating M. D. in 1832; began practice at Conway in 1832 and there
continues; has represented it in the N. H. Leg. 1 year. He married, 1. Abi-
gail, dau. of Thomas Ea>tman of Conway, Jan. 21, 1836. 2. Mary Russell,
dau. of Leavitt Hill of Conway.
Erastus Chase Torrky, the son of Dr Erastus and Gratia Ann (Chase)
Torrey, was born at Windsor, Vt, Mar. 22, 1807. He studied medicine with
his father, Dr Ciiarles Goldthwaite Adams, D. C. 1810, of Keene, and at Bow-
doin Coll. Med. School, graduating M. D. in 1830 ; practised at Keene some
years and at Windsor until 1850; then at Detroit, Mich, but left it for the
Treasury depai'tment at Washington, D. C. He married Eliza, dau. of Mars-
ton Cabot of Hartland, Vt.
David Everett Wheeler, the son of John Brooks and Hannah (Hills)
Wheeler, was born at Grafton, Vt, Sept. 4, 1805. He read law at Harv.
Univ. Law School and with the Hon. Jonas Piatt of N. Y. city ; opened an
office there in 1830, and is still a resident ; represented it in the N. Y. Assem-
bly in 1844 ; was editor of two of its periodicals for 4 years ; has published a
Report on Quarantine Laws, and a Discourse before the Order of United
240 ALUMNI 1827.
Americans. He married, 1. Elisabeth, dau. of the Hon. "William Jarvis of
Weathersfield, Vt, Feb. 14, 1833. 2. Myra A. Huxton of Kent, Ct, Feb. 6,
1854. John Wlieeler, D. C. 18 1 G, was his brother.
Jonathan Fox Wouckster, A. M. the son of the Rev. Dr Samuel, D. C.
1795, and Zerviah (Fox) Worcester, was horn at Salem, 'Ms, Aug. 12, 1806.
He taught in Salem to Aug. 1829; studied medicine with Dr Abel Lawrence
Peirson of Salem and at Ilarv. Univ. ^Med. School, graduating M. D. in 1832 ;
practised in Salem 1 year, and then engaged in private instruction there. He
married, 1. Alary Heard, dau. of Jose|)h Hovey Punchard of Francestown, Oct.
15, 1833. 2. Ilaniiali, dau. of John Derby ot Salem, Nov. 1, 1837. 3. Mary,
dau. of John Barton of Salem, Sept. 9, 1841.
"William Bement, A. M. the son of Samuel and Anna Bement, was born
at Ashfield, Ms. Apr. 5, 1806. He taught at Mobile, Ala. from 1828 to 1830 ;
studied divinity at Princeton, N. J. Theo. Sem. from 1830 to 1832, and at New
Haven, Ct, Theo. Sch. from 1832 to 1833; was ordained pastor of the Cong.
Ch. at Easthampton, Ms, Oct. 16, 1833; dismissed Apr. 11, 1850; installed
at Elmira, N. Y. Mar. 5. 1851 ; dismissed Nov. 7, 1854 ; preached occasionally
in several places siill living in Elmira ; is now superintendent of its publick
schools; has pnbli-hed some sermons, also articles in the New Englander, vols
4, 8, and 9. He married Sarah Whiting, dau. of the Hon. Stephen Pynchon
of Brimfield, Ms, at Springfield, Ms, Dec. 4, 1833.
Daniel Cole Blood, the son of Stephen and Bethiah (Cole) Blood, was
born at Orford, Feb. 2, 1803. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. gradu-
ating in 1831; was ordained an evangelist at Bradford, Ms. Sept. 26, 1831;
was a Home missionary in Ky 1 year and agent for Lane Seminary, Ohio ;
preached at Chevoit and North Bend, Ohio, from 1832 to 1834; supplied at
Cleveland, Ohio, from 1834 to Nov. 30, 1834; then at Strongsville, Ohio, to
1836; was pastor of the Presli. Ch. at Tecumseh, Mich, from Jan. 1, 1837 to
1839 ; See. and Agent of the West. Reserve branch of the Amer. Edu. Soc.
from Jan. 1, 1840 to 1842; returned to Strongsville and was pastor there from
Feb. 1842 to 1851 ; went to Massillon, Ohio, in 1851, and as stated supply
served the Presb. Cii. theie to 1866 or 7. He married Delia Allyn of Ran-
dolph, Yt, at Chilicothe, Ohio, Aug. 1, 1833.
WiLLi\M Thurston Boutwell, the son of Nehemiah and Elisabeth
(Jones) Boutwell. was born at Lyndeborough, Feb. 4, 1803. He studied di-
vinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1831 ; was ordained as a missionary
at Woburn, I\Is, June 7, 1831 ; went to Mackinaw in 1831; to Ojibway in 1832;
then visited Sault St ]Marie, the Chip|)eways at Lake Superior, and La Pointe
in 1833; went next to Such Lake, 600 miles from La Pointe and there re-
mained until 1845, wln-n his mission was resigned and Stillwater, Alinn. became
bis abode, jjrcaching at various places until 1854, when regular preaching was
rehnquished. He married Mrs Hester Crooks at Fond du Lac, Sept. 11, 1834.
James l>outwell, D. C. 1836, was his brother.
Oliver Piiklps Ciian-dler, the son of the Hon. John Winthrop and Susan
(Chandler) Chandler, was horn at Peacham, Vt. He read law with his brother,
G. B. C. at Danville, Vt. and Judge Love of Buflf}\lo, N. Y. going into practice
at Woodstock, Vt, in 1S33; was in the Vt Constitutional Conv. in 1836; rep-
resented Woodstock in the Vt Leg. in 1839, 1840, and 1841, and Windsor Co.
ALUMNI 1828. 241
in the State Senate in 1848, 1849, and 1850. George Bowen Chandler, D. C.
1824, is, and Samuel Augustus Chandler, D. C. 182G, was, liis I)i-otlitM-.
Charlks Backus Dana, A. ]M.-D. D. the son of the Rev, Silvester and
Hannah (Kinihall) Dana, was born at Orford, Mar. 2G, 1806. He studied
divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 1 3ear in ihe class of 1831 ; was an instructor in
Mount Hope Sem. Md from 1829 to 1831 ; re-entered And. in 1831, <:raduating
in 1833; was then Prof, of Rhetorick and Belles Lettres at Mount Hope, be-
come a College, for a short time ; was next ordained by the Bishop of Md a
Deacon and afterwards a Presbyter of the Prot. P^pis. Church ; was rector of a
Md Cliurcli, name not given ; soon afier rector of Christ Ch. Alexandria,-jD. C.
now Va, to 1860 ; became rector of St James' Ch, at Port Gibson, Miss, in
1860 and is now rector of Trinity Ch. Natchez, Miss. Mount Hope Coll. gave
the Hon. degree. He married Ellvii-a Close of North Norwich, N. Y. in July
1860. Sylvester Dana, D. C. 1839, is his brother.
William Coombs Dana, A. M. the son of the Rev. Pres. Dr Daniel, D, C.
1788, and Elisabeth (Coombs) Dana, was born at Newburyport, Ms, Feb. 13,
1810. He taught at 'J'hetfoid Acad. Vt, in 1829, at Chesterfield Acad, in
1830, and at Weslburough Classical Sch. Ms, from June 1830 to Oct. 1831;
studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 1 year in 1834, then at Columbia, S. C.
and finishing at Piiuceton, N. J. Theo. Seminary ; was ordained pastor of the
Central Prcsb. Ch. at Charleston, S. C. Feb. 14, 1836, and is still there; has
published a Translation of Fenelon on Female PZducation, a Trans-Atlantick
Tour in 1845, and some sermons. He married Flora M'Rae Mattheson of
Charleston, July 30, 1839.
Nathan Thompson Doav, A. M. the son of Dr Jabez and Hannah (Waitt)
Dow, was born at Dover, Dec. 27, 1807. He taught at Haverhill 1 year;
read law with the Hon. Daniel Miltimore Christie, D. C. 1815, 2 years at
Dover, and the Hon. Richard Fletcher, D. C. 1806, at Boston, Ms, 1 year;
began practice at Grafion, Ms, in 1834; removed to Worcester, Ms, and thence
to Boston in 1839, where his otfice is still kept.
Nathaniel Smith Folsom, the son of iS'athaniel and Mary (Smith) Fol-
som, was born at Portsmouth. Mar. 12, 1806. He studied divinity at And.
Theo. Sem. graduating in 1831 ; was ordained an evangelist at Bradford, Ms,
Sept. 26, 1831 ; went as a Home missionary to Liberty Co. Geo. in 1831;
preached next at Cleveland, Ohio, in 1832 and 1833 ; was made a Prof, at
Lane Sem. Cinciimati, Ohio, in 1833 ; then Prof, of Biblical Literature at the
West. Reserve Coll. Ohio, from Sept. 1833 to 1836 ; returning to N. £. was
installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Francestown, Oct. 12, 1836; dismissed
Aug. 21, 1838 ; installed pastor of a Cong. Ch. at Providence, R. L Sept. 6,
1838 ; dismissed in 1840 ; installed [)astor of the Unitarian Cong. Ch. at Haver-
hill, Ms, Nov. 7, 1840; dismissed in 1847; then lived at Charlestown, M-, and
was editor of the Christian Register from 1847 to 1849; became Prof, of Lit-
erature and Biblic.d Interpretation at Meadville Coll. Pa, in Sept. 1849; re-
signed in 1861, and came back to New England. He has published an
Address on Temperance in 1839; "A Critical and Historical Interpretation of
the Prophecies of Daniel," in 1 vol. 1842 ; besides these, several articles in
Reviews and Magazines. He married Ann Wendell, dau. of the Hon. Hunk-
ing Penhallow of Portsmouth, Sept. 30, 1832.
IsaXc Foster, the son of John and Sarah (Ingalls) Foster, was born at
North Andover, Ms, July 7, 1806. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sera.
above 2 years in the class of 1831 ; taught a classical sch. at Portland, Me,
4 years; was principal of a Female Sem. in Exeter from 1834 to 1836; was
242 ALUMNI 1828.
then over an Acnd. at Kingston, R. I. 1 year, and a classical sdi. at Stoning-
ton, Ct, 1 year ; returned to Nortli Andover in 1839 and has become a farmer.
He married Frances Brewster, dan. of Ebenezer Lee of Hanover, July '2,
1834. Charles Lee Foster, D. C. 18G0, was iiis son, and Stephen Foster, D.
C. 1821, his brother.
* Gi.OHGK GouDON Galt.up, the son of Dr Joseph Adams and Abigail ("Wil-
lard) Gallup, was born at "Woodstock, Vt, Mar. 16, 180G. and died at Boston,
Ms, Apr. 7. 18G2, je. 56. He studied medicine with liis father and went into
practice at Boston, but an incurable disease frustrated all his hopes.
EDMU^'I) Garland, the son of Samuel and Mary (Baclielder) Garland, was
born at Parson-field. Me, Feb. 15, 1799. He studied divinity at And. Tlieo.
Sem. graduating in 1831 ; was ordained an evangelist in N. Y. city, Oct. 11,
1831 ; has been a Home missionary at AVest Liberty, Somerset, AVatertown,
Baltimore, Ti-enton, and Johnston, all in Ohio; a school also, in some interval of
that ministry, was taught by him in Granville, Ohio, from 1835 to 1837, and also
at liiendon, Ohio, from 1850 to 1851 ; his last known location was at Johnston, as
staled supply in a Cong, or Presb. Church. He married Mary, dau. of Daniel
Sewall of Kennebunk, Me.
Elbiudge Flagg Greenough, the son of John and Nancy (Fostor) Green-
ough, was born at Canterbury, Jan. 30, 1808. He read law witli the Hon.
Ezckicl Webster, D. C. 1804, of Boscawen, th» Hon. Richard Fletcher, D. C.
1806, at Bo.-ton, Ms, and Ebenezer Greenough of Sunbury, Pa; began practice
at Sunbury ; after 6 years, removed to Salisbury ; represented it in the N. H.
Leg. in 1842 ; but went to the west about 1861. He married Elisabeth Rog-
ers, dau. of Moses Easiman, D. C. 1794, of Salisbury, June 14, 1848.
* Jeremiah Jay Greenough, A. M. the son of William and Abigail
(Parker) Greenough, was born at Bradford, Ms, Nov. 18, 1807, and died at
Great Barrington. Ms, July 18, 1860, je. 52. Wiih the exception of a short
time spent in studying divinity at Union N. Y. Theo. Seminary in tlie class
of 1839, his vocation for the most of iiis life was the teaching of a male school
in New York city. He married Margaret Ellen Beers of that emporium, June
10, 1852.
* Jarvis Gregg, A. M. the son of Dea. James and Betsey (Iloiikins) Gregg,
was born at Londonderry, Aug. 10, 1808, and died at Hudson. Ohio, June 28,
1836, JE. 27. He was Preceptor of Boscawen Acad, from 1828 to 1830; also
at Woburn Acad. Ms, to 1831 ; studied divinity at And. Theo. S^-m. from 1831
to 1833 ; was tutor at Dart, from 1833 to 1834 ; then returned to And. graduat-
ing in 1835 ; was about this time ordained a Cong, evangelist ; became Prof, of
Math. — Nat. Philosophy, and Rhetorick at the AYestern Reserve Coll. at Hud-
son in 1835, and died in office. He was a young man of eminent abilities, great
brilliancy, extensive and various acquisitions. Several school books, publick
addresses, and articles in periodicals were published by him. He married Alice
Bridge, dau. of Ezekiel AVebster, D. C. 1804, of Boscawen, June 1, 1836.
Sherman Hai.l, the son of Aaron and Sarah (Brigham) Hall, was born at
Weathersti. Id, A^t, Apr. 30, 1800. He studied divinity at And. Tiieo. Sem.
graduating in 1831 ; was ordained an evangelist at AVoburn, Ms, June 7, 1831 ;
went on a mission to tiie Ojibway Indians, arriving at La Pointe, Aug. 30,
1831 ; was there and at Lake Superior ibr 22 years until the station was aban-
doned ; tiien went to Sauk Rapids, Minn, and in 1864 became pastor or stated
supply of a Cong. Ch. in that place. He married Betsey Parker of Pepperell,
Ms, June 10, 1831.
George AVallis Haven, the son of John and Ann (Woodward) Haven,
ALUMNI 1828. 243
was born at Portsmouth in 1808, and has lived principally, if not entirely, in
that town. He married, 1. Helen Sarah, dan. of Joseph Bell, D. C. 1807, of
Haverhill, at II. Sept. 4, 1839. 2. Mary H. dau. of William Churcliill of
Provid.Mice, R. I. May 24, 1849.
Robert Hogge, tiie son of Robert Ilogge, an emiji;rant from Ireland, was
born at Bath. He studied no profession, but is said to have gone into trade at
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Edmund Otis Hovey, A. M. the son of Roger and Martha (Freeman)
Hovey, was born at East Hanover, July 15, 1801, He studied divinity at And.
Theo. Sem. graduating in 1831 ; was ordained a Cong, evangelist at Bradford,
Ms, Sept. 2G, 1831 ; preached as a Home missionary at Newton and Coving-
ton, Fountain Co. Ind. 2 years ; became Prof, of Chem. and Geology at Wabash
Coll. Crawfurdsville, Ind. Oct. 15, 1835, and there remains. lie has published
the History of that College. He married Mary Carter of Peacham, Vt, Oct. 5,
MiLO Parker Jewett, A. M.-LL. D. the son of Dr Calvin and Sarah
(Parker) Jewett, was born at St Johnsbuiy, Vt, Apr. 27, 1808. He studied
divinity at And, Theo. Sem. jrraduating in 1833 ; was Prof, of Rhet. and Polit,
Economy at Marietta Coll. Ohio, from 1835 to 1838 ; was ordained a Baptist
minister at Marion, Ala. June 2G, 1842, and was President of the Judson Female
Institute there ; is now or has been Pres. of the Vas-ar Female Coll. at Pough-
keepsie, N. Y. Rochester Univ. N. Y. gave the Hon, degree in 18G1.
* Osgood Johnson, A. M. the son of 0-good and Fanny (Abbot) Johnson,
was born at Andover, Ms, Sept. 9, 1803, and died there, June 9, 1837, je. 33.
He was assistant teacher at Phillips Acad. Andover from 1828 to 1832, and
Principal from 1832 to his death. He married Lucretia Ely, July 9, 1829.
Osgood Johnson, D. C. 1852, was his son.
Charles Baker Kittredge, the son of Josiah and Mary (Baker) Kittredge,
was born at Mount Vernon, July 4, 1806. He taught at Boscaweu Acad, a
year; studied divinity at x\nd. Theo. Sem, graduating in 1832 ; was ordained
pastor of the Cung. Union Ch. at Gi-oton. Ms, Oct. IG, 1833 ; dismissed Aug.
31, 1836; installed at Westborough, Ms, Feb. 8, 1837 ; dismissed in 1845; in-
stalled at Monsou, Ms, Oct 21, 184G; dismissed in 1853; still resided at Mon-
son some years, but lately returned to AVestborough. He married Sarah, dau. of
Charles Brigham of Grafton, Ms, July 9, 1840.
Benjamin Labaree, A. M.-D. D.-LL. D. the son of Benjamin and Han-
nah (Farwell) Labaree, was born at Charlestown, June 3, 1801. He studied
divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1831 ; was ordained an evangelist at
Bradford, ]Ms, Sept. 26, 1831 ; was Prof, of Latin and Greek at Jackson Coll.
Columbiii, Tenn. from 1832 to 1836 and Pres. from 1836 to Apr. 1837 ; was
then Seci-elary of the Central Amer. Edu. Soc. at New York city ; becami^ Pres.
of Middlebury Coll. Vt, Oct. 1, 1840 ; resigned in 1865, The Uuiv, of Vt con-
ferred the Hon, degree of D, D, in 1841, and Dart, that of LL. D. in 1864,
Pres. Labaree has published a few sermons and addresses. He manied, 1.
Eliza Paul, dau, of Joseph Cai)en of Dorchester, Ms, Sept. 29, 1831, 2, Mrs
Susan (Freeman) Fairbank, dau, of Elijah Fi-eeman of Oakham, Ms, and relict
of Daniel Fairbank of Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct, 25, 1836,
* Clement Long, A, M,-D, D, the son of Dea. Samuel and Mary
(Clement) Long, was born at Hopkinton, Dec, 1, 1806, and died at Hanover,
Oct, 14, 1861, JE. 54, He taught the grammar sch, at Randolph, Vt, 3 years;
studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem, 1 year in the class of 1834 ; was fii->t tutor
and then Prof, of Moral and Intell, Phil, at Western Reserve Coll, Hudson,
244 ALIBINI 1828.
Ohio, from 1834 to 1844 ; also Prof, of Christian Theology there from 1844 to
1852 ; was next Prof, of Clir. Tlieo. at Auburn. N. Y. Tln-o. Sem.from 1852 to
1854; finally, Prof, of Intel). Phil, and Political Economy at Dart, from 1854
to his death. lie married Rlioda Knsign, dan. of Alpha Rockwell of Colebrook,
Ct, May 2, 1838. Samuel Lonji, D. C. 1824, was his hrotlier.
Chakles Chapman Marsh, tlie son of Ro^xcr and Mary (Chapman) Marsh,
was born at Hartford, Yt. lie read law and settled in N. Y. city, and if living
is there still.
Caleb Mills. A. M. the son of Caleb and Tamar (Cheney) Mills, was born
at Duiibarton. July 29, 180G. lie P])ent 2 years in a Sabbath sell, agency at
the We>t ; studied divinity at And. Tlieo. Seni. giaduatiug in 1833 ; was or-
dained about this time ; became Prof, of Gieek at Wabash Coll. Crawfords-
ville, Ind. in 1833, holding it to 1854, the year of his being made Superintend-
ent of Publick Instruction in that State. He has publi.-hed 6 annual addresses
on education to the Ind. State Leg. and Constitutional Conv. and 3 annual reports
of his official acts. He married Sarah INIarshall of Dunbarton, Sept 12, 1833.
* George Minot, the son of the Hon. James and Sally (Wilson) Minot,
was born at New London, Aug. 10, 180G, and died at Concord, IMar. 8, 1861,
M. 54. He read law with the Hon. Nathaniel Gookin IJpham, D. C 1820, of
Concord; began practice at Bristol; moved to Gilmanton, and thence to Con-
cord; was Ca.^hier and then President of the Mechanicks Bank there; Treas-
urer of Merrimack county ; U. S. Pension agent for his Siale. and Treasurer of
the Boston, Concord, and Montreal Rail Road, He married Sidina Walker,
dau. of George Reynolds Clark of Portsmouth at P. !May 1, 1839. Josiah
Minot, I). C. 1837, was his brother.
Edward Mitchell, a coloured Creole, was born at Martinique, W. I. Jan.
27, 1794. He studied divinity and was ordained a Baptist niinisier about 1831;
preached at Sutton 2 years ; at Windsor, Vt, 1 year; at Burke, Vt, 2 years ; at
p]aton, C. E. 4 years, and since then at Magog, Stanstead Co. C. E. He mar-
ried Ruth Cheney of Derby, Vt.
* Moses Noruis. the son of Moses and Comfort (Leavitt) Norris, was born
at Pittsfield, Sept. 16, 1799, and died at Washington, D. C Jan. 11, 1855, M.
55. He read law with Isaac O. Barnes of Barnstead ; began practice there in
1831 ; removed thence to Pittsfield ; refiresented it in the N. H. Leg. in 1839
and 1840, being Speaker of the House the last year; was a State Councillor in
1841; Solicitor for Merrimack Co. in 1843: represented his district in Con-
gress from 1845 to 1847 ; went again to the N. 11. Leg. from Pitt.-field and was
again Speaker in 1847 ; was next a Senator in Congress from 1849 to 1855,
the year of his death. He married Abiirail, dau. of Walter A. Todd of Ports-
mouth, Dec. 25, 1832.
*Fi:ei>erick Parker, the son of Thomas and INIargaret (Aiken) Parker,
was born at IWdlbrd, Oct. 3. 1799, and died at IJangor, 3Ie, May 19, 1834,^.
34. He was a teacher.
* David Peauody, A. M. the son of John and Lydia (Balch) Ptabody, was
born at Tol)^field, Ms, Apr. 16, 1805, and died at Hanover, Oct. 17, 1839, M.
34. He taught 18 months at Portsmouth ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
in the class of 1831, and at Union Theo. Sem. Prince Edward Co. Yn. teaching
at the same time ; was ordained pastor of the 1st Cong Ch. at Lynn. Ms, Nov.
15, 1832; dismissed from ill healih Apr. 22, 1835 ; installed pastor of the Cal-
vini?tick Cong. Ch. at Worcester, ISIs, July 15, 1835; dismissed in 1838; was
Prof, of Oratory and Rhetorick at Dart, from Oct. 1838 to his much lamented
death. He publi.-hed a Memoir of Horace Bas^ett Morse, D. C. 1823; the
ALUMNI 1828. 245
Palriarcli of Hebron or the History of Abraham, and also 2 sermons. He mar-
ried Maria, (bin. of Liiicohi Bi-igiiam of Cambridge, Ms, Sept. 11,1834.
Daniel I'i:klp:y, the son of Samuel and Pliel e (Dresser) Perley, was born
at Boxford, Ms, Mar. 24,1804. He studied medicine with Dr Matthias SpaW-
ing of Andierst, at Bowdoin CuH. Med. Sch. and also at Dart. INIed. Cull, gradu-
ating M. D. in 1831 ; kept the High School at Ipswich, Ms, some time ; began
practice at Georgetown, Ms, remaining 5. years; then removed to Lynn, Ms,
and there continues ; has published an Engli.-h Grammar. He mari-ied Caroline
G. dau. of Lewis Stearns of Middlebury, Vt, June 15, 1837. Ira Perley, D.
C. 1822, is his brother.
John Bkonson Richardson, the son of Nathaniel and Comfort (Stone)
Richardson, was born at Middlebury, Ct, in Nov. 1804. He studied divinity at
And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1831 ; was ordained about this time ; became
stated supply of the Cong. Cii. at Naugatuck, Ct, from 1832 to 1834 ; has also
been pastor of the Presb. Ch. at Pitisford, N. Y. and since that an agent of the
Araer. Bible Soc. for the most part of the State, residing at Geneva, N. Y. He
married, 1. Maria, dau. of Philo Bronson in 1832. 2. Susan A. Bronson, her
Charles Sabin, the son of John and Lucinda (Colton) Sabin, was born at
Wales, Ms, June 27, 1806. He read law with George W. Scott at Newark,
N. Y. in 1828, Ashley Sampson and E. Pomroy at Rochester, N. Y. in 1829;
taught at Plainfield, Ct, from 1829 to 1830 ; again studied law wiih J. Pres-
cott Hall and James Tallmadge at N. Y. city in 1830 and 1831 ; went to New
Orleans, La, and taught from 1834 to 1837 ; finished legal studies with Joseph
Eaton of Plainfield, in 1837 ; began pi-actice at Mystick, in Stonington, Ct, in
Nov. 1837 ; left the law and has been in the Insurance business there since
1841. He married Maria Louisa, dau. of Sabin Burt, at Longmeadow, Ms, Jan.
4, 1854.
Thomas Sparhawk, the son of Samuel and Elisalieth (M'Kinstry) Spar-
hawk, was born at Portsmouth, Oct. 30, 1806. He studied medicine at Con-
cord 1 year, and at Harv. ]\Ied. Sch. graduating M. D. in 1833 ; was in practice
at Conway from 1833 to 1843 ; then at Kittery, Me, from 1843 to 1845, and
now from 1845 at Amesbury, IMs. He married Elisabeth Campbell, from
Scotland, at Concord, Oct. 11, 1835.
Samuel Swasey, the son of Obadiah and Nancy (Merrill) Swasey, was
born at Haverhill. He read law, but never practised ; lived at Haverhill, and
represented it in the N. H. Leg. several times, being Speaker of the House 2
years ; was also Register of Probate for Grafton County, and next in the Custom
house at Portsmouth ; removed thence to Chicago, lUi. and is still there. He
married Edith Augusta, dau. of Natlianiel Holmes of Sanbornton.
Charles Edward Thompson, the son of the Hon. Thomas W. and Elisa-
beth (Porter) Thompson, was born at Salisbury, June 19, 181)7. He read law
with his brother, Vv . C. T. at Plymouth, and Joseph Bell, D. C. 1807, at Haver-
hill ; represented it in the N. H. Leg. several years; has also lived at Mobile,
Ala. Chicago, lUi. and is now of Philadelphia, Pa. He married Mary Porter,
dau. of the Hon. Mills Olcott, D. C. 1790, of Hanover, May 31, 1835. William
Coombs Thompson, D. C. 1820, is his brother.
John Adams Vinton, the son of Dea. Josiah and Betsey Snow (Giles) Vin-
ton, wa^ born at Boston, Ms, Feb. 5, 1805. He studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. graduating in 1831 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at New Sharon,
Me, May 31, 1832 ; dismissed, Nov. 11, 1834 ; installed at PIxeter, Me. July 1,
1835; dismissed in July 1836; installed at Chatham, Ms, Nov. 27, 1836; dis-
21 *
246 ALUMNI 1828.
missed in Nov. 1838; proachcd afierwanls at Kingston and Stoneham, M>, Kan-
dolpli and Williainstown, Vt, and Bristol. Me; was Preceptor at INIoor's cliarity
sell, at Hanover from 1844 to 1845; was seliled again at Stoneham, in Dec.
1849; removed to Boston, Ms, in 1S52, and there abides; has pnhli.-hed the
Vinton INIemorial. 534 pages, and the Giles INIemorial, GOO pJ'ges. lie married,
1. Oi-inda, dan. of Thomas Leavitt IIa>kell of Hanover. ,)ime G, 1832. 2.
Laura, dan. of Dea. Keuln^n Richardson of Stoneham, Fei). 24, 1840.
* MoRKis Edwaud White, the son of Thomas and Hannah (Ilarwood)
White, was born at Ashfield, Ms, Apr. 27. 1803, and died at Genoa, Italy, Oct.
15, 18()1, JE. 58. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1831 ;
was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Southampton, Ms, June 20. 1832 ; dis-
missed Jan. 1, 1853 ; then lived at Northam[)ton, Ms, engaged in manufactures;
at length went abroad and there departed this life. He married. 1. Louisa C
dau. of Thoma-; Payson of Boston, May 31, 1832. 2. Penelope Rowe of Milton,
Ms, Jiine 4, 1845.
William Gustavcs Woodwakd, the son of William H. — D. C. 1792, and
Betsey (Curtis) Woodward, was born at Hanover, INIay 20, 1808. He lived a
year at Cambridge, l\Is, as a resident graduate ; then read law with the Hon.
Ira Perley, D. C. 1822, from 1829 to 1830 at Hanover, at Harv. Univ. Law
Sell, from 1830 to 1831, and with the Hon. Ebenezer Moseley at Newburyport,
Ms, in 1832 ; began practice there in 1833 ; that year became the law partner of
Henry Cliapman at Greenfield, Ms ; was next at Northfieid, Ms, from 1834 to
Oct. 1839 ; then went to Muscatine, Iowa, and is jet there ; was U. S. District
Atty for that Territory to 1849, also for Muscatine Co. from 1840 to 1845;
was in 1849 one of three appointed to codify the laws of the new Slate of Iowa ;
was elected by the Leg. Judge of the Sup. Jud. Court in Jan. 1855; served
one term to Jan. 1860; became Clerk of the U. S. Circuit Court of Iowa in
July 1861 ; is still in that office and in legal practice. He mariied Arabella
Reemer, dau. of Job F. Brooks of Westmoreland, May 10, 1838. George
Wheelock Woodward, D. C. 1831, is his brother.
*Ika Young, a. M. the son of Samuel and Rebecca (Burnham) Young,
was born at Lebanon, May 23, 1801, and died at Hanover, Sept. 13, 1858, je.
57. He taught at South Berwick Acad. Me, 1 year and at Boston, Ms, 1 year;
was tutor at Dart, from 1830 to 1833 ; was Prof, of Mathematicks and Nat.
Phil, from 1833 to 1838; then Pi-of. of Astronomy Crom 1838 to the great loss
the college su>tained by his death. In 1853, he was absent for 5 months, visiting
Euroi>e tor the purcha-e of books for the College Library, and Philosophical
and Astronomical instruments. He man-ied Eliza, dau. of Prof. Ebenezer
Adams, D. C. 1791, Aug. 23, 1833. Charles Augustus Young, D. C. 1853,
and Albert Adams Y'oung, D. C. 1856, were his sons.
Diakca Howe Allen, A. M.-D. D. the son of Diarca and Rebecca (Howe)
Allen, was born at Lebanon, .July 13, 1808. He studied divinity at And. Theo.
8cm. 1 year in the class of 1832; then taught 2 years at Ciiarleston, S. C. but
returned to And. in 1832 ; soon after left to be Prof, of Mathematicks at Marietta
Coll. Ohio ; was ere long ordained an evangelist ; became Prof, of Sacred Rhet.
and Theology at Lane Theo. Sem. at Walnut Hills, near Cincinnati, Ohio, the
first in Oct. 1840, and the last, which is still held, in 1850. INIarietta Coll.
gave the Hon. degree in 1848. He married Sarah E. Howe of Lebanon in 1834.
* Alonzo Andrews, A. M. the son of Daniel and Polly (Turner) An-
ALUMNI 1S29. 247
drews, was born at New Salem, Ms, Mar. 24, 1802, and died there, Mar. 14,
1859,^.. 57, minus 10 days. He was a teacher, civil en^ineei-, and lecturer on
Astronomy ; lived in Boston, Ms, and was never married.
* Gi:OKGK Wasiiixgtox Brown, the son of Jesse and Elisabeth (Dickey)
Brown, was born at Charlestown, Ms, Dec. 16, 1807, and died at Brnttlebor-
ough, Vt, Mar. 3, 1803,^.55. A serious malady seized him soon afler leav-
ing College and he lingered with it to the close of life, incapacitated for any
* Charles Guilford Burniiam, A. M. the son of William and Hannah
(Frost) Burnham, was born at Dunbarton, Oct. 6, 1803, and died at Mont-
gomery, Ala. June 29, ISGG, je. 62. He taught in N. J. lor 7 years ; was
Principal of Pembroke Acad, lor about 5 years, and ihe same at Phillips
Acad, at Danville, Vt, for 5 years; was also Superintendent of schools in Vt,
for some time; resided last at Haverhill, Ms, and often lectured before Teachers
Institutes in N. H. and Me. He married Mary Ann, dau. of the Rev. Dr
Abraham Burnham, D. C. 1804, of Pembroke, Mar. 28, 1833.
Moody Ciiasi-:, A. M. the son of Moody and Lucy (Farnuin) Chase, was
born at Corni^h. Feb. 25, 1802. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
graduating in 1832 ; was ordained an evangelist by the Salem Presbytery at
Orange Co. Ind. in 1833 ; in.-talled at Danville, Ind. in 1835 ; was next at
Bainbiidge, Ind. in 1841 ; thence at Paikersburg, Ind. in 1847, where poor
health brought his ministry to a close in 1853, though still li\ing there. He
married, 1. Sus;in Stuart, dau. of Samuel Bailey of West Newbury, Ms, Sept.
19, 1832. 2. Hannah Jevvett of Pepperell, ]\ls, at Greencastle, Ind. June 7,
1837. James Morris Chase, D. C. 1H27, George Clement Chase, D. C. 1841,
and Albert Chase, D. C. 1844, were his brothers.
* Peter Clark, the son of Peter and Jane (Aiken) Clark, was born at
Lyndeborough in Ajir. 1810, and died at Nashua, May 29, 1841, je. 31. He
read law with the Hon. Edmund Parker, D. C. 1803, of Amherst, Samuel
Fletcher, D. C. 1810, of Concord, and at New Haven, Ct, law school ; began
practice at Francestown in 1832 ; removed to Nashua in 1834. He maiTied
Susan, dau. of Nathaniel Lord of Kennebunk Port, Me, May 28, 1834. John
Lewis Clark, D. C. 1832, was his brother.
Ira Allen Eastman, LL. D. the son of Capt. Stephen and Hannah (Page)
Eastman, was born at GUmanton, Jan. 1, 1809. He lead law with Judge
Willaid of Tioy, N. Y. and began practice there in 1832 ; removed to Gil-
manton in 1834; was Clerk of the N. II. Senate in 1835; represented Gil-
manton in the N. H. Leg. in 1836, 1837, and 1838, being Speaker of the
House the 2 last years; was Reg. of Probate for Strafford Co. from 1836 to
1839; was Representative in Congress i'rom 1839 to 1843; Circuit Justice of
the N. H. Ct of Common Pleas from 1844 to 1849 ; Judge of the Sup. Jud.
Ct from 1849 to 1859; removed to Concord in 1853 and to Manchester in
1858; returned to Concord in jNIay 1861, but has an office in both cities ; be-
came a Trustee of Dart, in 1859. Dart, conferred the Hon. degree in 1858.
He married Jane, dau. of Jolui N. Quackenbiish of Albany, N. Y. Feb. 20, 1833.
* Albert Mirabeau EdgertOxV, the son of- Asa and Emily (IMoigan) Ed-
gerton, was born at Randolph, Vt, in 1807, and died at Augusta, Geo. Apr.
7, 1839, JE. 32. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 2 years in the class
of 1834 and at Columbia Theo. Sem. S. C. but was not settled in the ministry
though ordained an evangelist ; at Augusta, his occupation was teaching. He
married Abby Ann Adams at Danvers, J\Is, in Sept. 1833.
Charles Franklin Elliot, A. M. the son of Dca. Amos and Margaret
248 ALUMNI 1829.
(Wilf'v) Elliot, wns born at Amherst, Dee. 3, 1803. He studied medicine
with l)r jMiillhias Spaldingof Amherst and at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D.
in 1834; ^vent into piaetiee at Great Falls in lS34,and is thei-e yel ; was Sch.
Commissioner for Sirailui-d Co. in 1835 and 183G, and Chairman of the IJoard
of Edii. for the Slate. He niariied Harriet A. dan. of James Tlwm, D. C.
180o. of Londonderry, at Dover in Aug. 1834.
* Jamks Moiuns Kvarts, the son of James and Jenisha (Baldwin) Evarts,
was born at Claremont, Aug. 27, 1810, and died at Newport, 11. I. Jan. 24,
1845, A'.. 34. He tau^rht at Cooperstown, N. Y. and died in the U. S. military
service. He did not marry.
* Joseph IMills Gi-Ioukn, tlie son of Charles and Ruth (Hall) Glidden,
was horn at Norihlield, Jmie 1, 1807, and died at Portsmoutli, Oliio, May 7,
18G5, M. 57. He read law and practised there, but is thought to have
become a mi-rehant in that place. He married, 1. JMary Donaldson of "Water-
loo, Ohio, in 1834. 2. Alice Young in 1843.
* INIosF.s Grkknli:af Hazki.tim:, the soji of Moses Hazeltine, was born at
Pembrohe. Sept. 13, 1807, and died at Youiigstown, Ohio, in 18G3, je. 55. He
tau'dit at Kahwav, N.J. to Apr. 1, 1830; then at Youngstown and Burton,
Ohio- went back to Rahwaj' and took charge of the Oliver Lislitute in 1833;
studied medicine at Penn. Univ. at Philadelphia, Pa, graduating M. D. in 1837;
beiran practice at Butler, Pa; removed to Pittsburgh, Pa. in 1843; returned
to Youno-^town in 1844; left for Northfield, Ohio, in 184(") ; but again went to
Young-town, and there ended his days; his house, furniture, books and pro-
visions were destroyed by fire on June 6, 1852. He married Caroline S. dau.
of Robert Montgomery, at Youngstown, June 1, 1841.
* Ai.r.KRT Gallatin Hoit, A. M. the son of Gen. Daniel and Sally
(Flanders) Hoit, was born at Sandwich, Dec. 13, 1809, and died at Jamaica
Plain, Roxbury, INIs, Dec. 18, 1856, M. 47. He devoted his life to Portrait
painting, first Jit Portland, Me, in 1831, and then at Bangor and Belfast, Me,
and St John's. N. B. until Bosion, Ms. became his permanent home in 1839,
visilins Europe however from Oct. 1842 to July 1844, and there enjoying the
galleries of art in Italy. Paris, and London. Among his productions, is a full
leno-ih portrait of Washington, copied I'rom Sluart. He married Susan A.
Hanson, Oct. 16, 1838. AVilliam Henry Hoit, D. C. 1831, was his brother.
RoGF.R SxnoxG Howard, A. M. the son of Ahijah and Oclavia (Bos-
worth) Howard, was born at Thetford, Vt, July 20, 1807. He was Principal
of the Brown High Scliool and others at Newhuryport. Ms, from 1829 to 1846;
was County Su|ieriiiten(lent of common schools while at Thetford, Vt, from
1846 to 1850, and next Piincipal of the female High School at Bangor, Me,
from 1850 to 1859. Li this last period, he studied divinity and was ordained
a Deacon and afterwards a Presbyter of the Prot. F^pis. Ch. by the Right Rev.
George BurL'ess, D. D. Bishop of Me ; became rector of St Stephen's Ch. Port-
land, Me, in Mar. 1859, and then rector of Trinity Ch. Rutland, Vt, from 1861
to 18(17, resigning that year for the recloi-,-hip of St James' Ch. Woodstock, Vt.
He married, 1. jNIartha, dau. of Richard Pike of Newhuryport, Mar. 22, 1832.
2. Laura Frances, dau. of Ezra C Scott and ado|)ted dau of Bezer Latham of
Lyme, Auix. 18, 1853. 3. Charlotte P. (Jones) Jewett, relict of Luther JewetL
of Portland, at P. July 19, 1860.
CiiAHLKS C\'RinKU Ixgalls, the son of Dr Jedediah and Flliza (Currier)
Iiio-alls, wa- horn at Durham, Aug. 31, 1807. He studied medicine with his
father and at llarv. INIed. Sch. graduating M. D. in 1833; went into practice
at Newmarket ; left it for Lowell, Ms, but not long after sellled on a farm at
North Andover. Ms, and is still there.
ALUMNI 1829. 249
* Haven Ladd, the son of Alexander and Mary Tnfton (ITavon) Ladd,
was born at Portsmouth, June 3, 1809, and died at Phil.idel|iliia, Pa, Sept. 22,
1829, JE. 20. He is said to have been an estimable }outh of iiromising pros-
Arthur Liverhore, A. M. the son of the Hon. Arthur and Louisa (Bliss)
Livermore, was born at Holderness, Jan. 7, 1811. He read law with Jonathan
Smith of Bath and the Hon. Jeremiah Mason of Portsmouth ; bf^jjan practice
at Gilmantoii in 1833 ; continued it at Lowell, Ms, and then at AVailham, Ms,
but had his office at Batli fi'om 1839 to 1857, when a plantation life began
in Western ]Mis-oiiri. He married Katliarine, dau. of Robert D. Prince of
Lowell, June 1, 1853. George Livermore, D. C. 1830, and Edward Livermore,
D. C. 1833. are his brothers.
Royal Mann, the son of John and Lucy (Dutton) Mann, was born at Or-
ford, Nov. G, 1805. He studied divinity at Union Theo. Sein. Prince Edward
Co. Va, 2 years arid at Auburn Theo. Sem. N. Y. 1 year; tiien taught in N. Y.
city about 6 years; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Cb. at Marion, Wayne
Co. N. Y. Mar. 10, 1839 ; was also teacher of Greek and Latin at the Marion
Collegiate In.-titute 3 years; after this, was installed pasior of the Cong. Ch.
at Chili ; then in succession, at the Presb. Ch. at Webster, at Marion again ; at
the Presb. Ch. at Hector, and at the Presb. Ch. at Penfield, all in N. Y. until
agriculture became his ])ursuit at Peiifield. He married, 1. Sarah P. dau. of
Elisha Lee of Clinton, Oneida Co. N. Y. at Rochester, N. Y. Oct. 13, 1839.
2. Mrs Mary A. Paymond, dau. of Samuel Rich of Brighton, Monroe Co. N.
Y'. at PenfieM, Jan. 31, 1861.
Kendriciv jNIktcalf, D. D. the son of Abel and Abigail (Eames) Metcalf,
was born at Newport, Nov. 23, 1805. He taught Laiin and Greek at Buffalo,
N. Y. in 1829 to 1830 ; then moved to Rochester, N. Y. and pursued the same
vocation and al.»o studying divinity with the Rev. Dr Henry John Whitehouse,
now Bisiioj) of Illinois; was ordained a Deacon of the Prot. Epis. Ch. by
Bishop Oiiderdonk of N. Y. in Dec. 1831, and afterwards a Presbyter; was
first a missionary at Wajne and Monroe Co's ; tlien rectoi- of St Mark's Ch.
Le Roy. 8 years; after that, took charge of Trinity Ch. Elmira in 1841, and
Christ Ch. Duaiiesburgh in 1842, all in N. Y. He became Pi-of. of Greek and
Latin at Geneva, now Hobart, Coll. N. Y. the last of which is still retained to
great acceptance and the gospel preached in vacant, i)ulpits. Columbia Coll.
N. Y. city conferred the Hon. degree in 1850. He married Susan, dau. of
Eliphalet Trask of Boston, Ms, at B. Dec. 20, 1831.
Calvin Morrill, tlie son of Joseph Ilobson and Lydia Jacques (Pearson)
Morrill, was born at Boscawen, Dec. 6, 1805. He studied divinity at And.
Theo. Sem. graduating in 1837; but was never ordained; has lived on a farm
in that part of IJoscawen which is now Webster since 1837. He married
Mary, dau. of Paul Clark of Boscawen, Feb. 28, 1805.
* Charles Grandison Parsons, A. M. the son of John W. and Abigail
(Garhuid) Par-ons, was born at Rye, Feb. 29, 1808, and died there, Sept. 9,
1844, JE. 3G. He studied medicine with Dr Sewall of Washington, D. C. and
at Columbia Coll. in that city, graduating M. I); in 1832 ; was in practice at
Shangaluo, j\liss. fiom 1834 to 1844, when consum|)tion drove him to his native
place and .--oon consigned to the grave a highly esteemed physician.
* ilosES Paul Payson, the son of Moses Paul, D. C. 1793, and Hannah
(Perley) Payson, was born at Bath in 1807, and died in N. Y. city, Mar. 9,
1854, JE. 47. He read law at Harv. Law Sch. and with the Hon. Jo-eph Bell,
D. C. 1807, at Haverhill ; opened an office at Bath in 1832 ; removed to Bos-
250 ALUMNI 1829.
ton, Ms, in 1837; soon after went into practice at N. Y. city; but leavinjr it
wa-^ at New Orleans, La, 11 years; then returned to N. Y. in 1850, and pur-
sued his piof'ession utuil death. lie never married.
* Jacoh IIooick Qlimby, A. M. the son of Jaeob and Susan (Bean)
Quiniby, was bom at Sprinj^Held, June G, 1800, and died at Baltiuiore. Md,
Feb. G, 1838, A-.. 31. He tauglit at Lewiston Acad. N. Y. 3 years ; was Prof,
of Latin and Greek at St Mary's CoH. Md, and was a distinguished scholar.
Hamilton Sjiitii, the son of Valentine and Mary (Joy) Smith, was born
in Durham. lie taught at Washington, D. C. in la29; read law and went
into piactice at Louisville, K\', about 1833 ; left in a few years for Cannelton,
Ind. his present re^,idence, and has been largely interested in coal mines and
mamifactiu'es. lie married, 1. Martha, dau. of the lion. William Hall of Bel-
lows Falls, Vt, in 1832. 2. Louisa, dau. of Dr Chrisldplier Kugg of Spring-
field, Ky, in 184G. William Ballard Smith, D. C. 1840, was his half brother.
* Hannibal Stone, tiie son of Calvin and ]\Iehitabel (Dodge) Stone, was
born at Marlborough, Aug. 8, 1803, and died at New Orleans, La, Jan. 5,
1832, JE. 28. He read law but died too young to be in practice. He did not
MosF.s Stoxk. lie was from St Johnsbury, Yt, but every effort to trace
his statistic-ks has been unsuccessful.
* David Stowkll, the son of Dea. David and Rebecca (Bowker) Stowell,
was born in Westmoreland, Dec. 29, 1804, and died at Fitzwilliam, Mar, 29,
1854, JE. 49. He taught the Derry Acad. 2 years ; studied divinity and was
ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at GofF?.to\vn, Nov. 30. 1831 ; dismissed June
28, 1837; installed at Townsend, Ms. June 28, 1837; but the rest of his min-
istry has not been obtained. He married, 1. Emeline Porter of Lebanon. 2.
Emily Caroline, dau. of David Starrett, D. C. 1798, at Mount Vernon. 3. Caro-
line Wing of Lyndon, Vt.
Mosics iM'CuuE Strong, the son of the Hon. Closes and Lucy ]\Iaria
(Smith) Strong, was born at Rutland. Vt, May 10, 1810. He read hnv there
with Royce and Hodges and at the Litchfield, Ct, law school ; began practice
at Rutland; moved to INIineral Point, AVisc. in 183G; left the bar in 1853 and
has since been occupied in Rail Road concerns; has held several offices, viz.
U. S. Atty for AVisc. Territory ; President of its State Council, anil Speaker of
its House of R('i)res('ntalives. He married Caroline Frances, dau. of Dr Isaac
Green of AVindsor, Vt, July 31, 1832.
James Sullivan, the .son of the Hon. George and Clarissa (Lamson) Sul-
livan, was born at Exeter, Dec. G, 1811. He read law with his father from
1829 to 1832; then went into practice at Pembroke; removed to Concord;
thence to Niles, Mich, next to Dowagiac, and Cassa polls, Cass. Co. both in
]\Iich. He married, 1. Nancy Morrison of Cassa[)olis. 2. Sarah Elisabeth
Ira Tracv, A. i\I. the son of Joseph and Ruth (Carter) Ti-acy, was born at
Hartford, Vt, Jan. 15. 18()G. He studied divinity at And. Tiieo. Sem. gradu-
ating in 1832; was ordained a missionary at Hartford, Oct. 2G, 1832; sailed
from N. Y. for China, June 15, 1borough, Oliio, fi'oin May 181G to Sept. 1851 ; at Patch Grove, AA^isc.
from Oct. 1851 to Apr. 185G; at Sjiring A'^alley, ^linn. from Sept. 185G to Mar.
18G1 ; returned di>abled to Patch Grove in 1801, but ere long left it for Taf-
ton, AVisc. and there remains. He married, 1. Adeline, dau. of Alfred AVhite
ALUMNI 1829. 251
of West Brookfield, M<, at Singapore, Jan. 15, 1835. 2. Mrs Elisabeth (Cliarl-
ton) Gleason, dan. of Jesse Cliarlton, at East Windsor Kill, Ct, Oct. 28, 1852.
Joseph Ti-ary, D. C. 1814, is, and Ebenezer Carter Tracy, 1819, was, his
* Silas Call Walker, the son of William and Hannah (Call) Walker,
was born at Eoscawen, and died in Arkansas in June 1858. lie went from
College to Virginia, teaching school there and studying law; began practice in
Mississippi ; removed thence to Arkansas and continued at the bar until death.
He married America J. Wood.
Nathaniel Wilson, the son of Nathaniel and Sarah (Pearson) AVilson,
was born at Haverhill, Sept. 18, 1808. He taught the Acad, at Lancaster in
1830, and also at Augusta, Me, to 1834, reading law at the same time with
the Hon. George Evans; opened an office at Orono, Me, in 1834, and is still
there. He married, 1. Adeline, dan. of Benjamin Boardman of Lancaster in
Aug. 1834. 2. Abigail A. dau. of Jeremiah Colburn of Orono, in 183U.
Charles William Woodman, the son of Jeremiah Hail, D. C. 1794, and
Sarah (Chase) Woodman, was born at Rocliester, Dec. 7, 1809. He read law
with his father at Rochester, the Hon. Ichabod Bartlett, D. C. 1808, at Ports-
mouth, and the Hon. Richard Fletcher, D. C. 180G, at Boston, Ms ; began
practice at Somersworth in 1833 ; removed to Dover in 1834 and so continues;
was Solicitor for Stratford Co. from 1839 to 1844; Judge of Probate from
1840 to 1853 ; Judge of the N. II. Circuit Court of Com. Pleas from Sept. 15,
1854 to Aug. 15, 1855, when that court was abolished and his [)ractice re-
sumed. He married, 1. Charlotte, dau. of Charles Pearse of Portsmouth, in
1840. 2. Frances J. dau. of John J. Soreii of Roxbury, Ms, at R. June 26,
1866. Theodore Chase Woodman, D. C. 1835, is his brother.
David Aikf.n, the son of Phineas and Elisabeth (Patterson) Aiken, was
born at Bedford, June 7, 1804. He read law at Greentield, Ms ; began prac-
tice at A.-hfield, Ms, in 1833; soon removed to Greenfield and has not left it;
was a Judge of the Court of Com. Pleas from 1856 to 1859, when it was
abolished. He married, 1. Lydia W. Root of Greenfield, Oct. 24, 1844. 2.
Mary E. Adams of Amherst, Ms, Nov. 28, 1848. John Aiken, D. C. 1819,
was, and Silas Aiken, D. C. 1825, is, his brother.
Jacob Batchelder. the son of Jacob and Mary (Cummings) Batchelder,
was born at Topsfield, Ms, July 10, 1806. He was Piincipal of Templeton,
Ms, High Sell. 5 years; principal of Lynn, M<, Acad, in 1835, and of the
High Sell, there to 1856; then went to Salem, Ms, and has been head of its
Classical and High Sch. to this time ; has published the " National Accountant,"
and Biographical Sketches of Aaron Burr, Jefferson, Jackson, and Harrison.
He married Mary W. dau. of the Rev. Dr Charles Wellington of Tem{)leton,
Nov. 21, 1833.
John R. Bridgman, the son of John and Lydia (Hall) Bridgman, was
from Hardwick, Vt. He read law and practised in N. Y. city ; is also said to
have gone into mercantile business there, and to have taught at Nantucket, Ms,
some years.
* \V^LLIAM CiiADWiCK, the son of Joseph and Mary (Parker) Chadwiek,
was born at Bradtbrd, Ms, Dec. 6, 1806, and died there, July 13, 1843, je. 36.
George Chadwiek, D. C. 1825, was his brother.
LoAMMi Sewall Coburn, the son of Loammi and Polly (Marshall) Coburn,
252 ALUMNI 1830.
was born at Salem, Ms, wSept. 7, 1808. lie studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
graduatinj; in 18-'io; was ordained pastor of tiie Cong. Cli. at Newfune, Vt,
Oct. 2. 1839; was Prof, of Latin and Gieek at Norwich Univ. \'t, from 1851
to 1857 ; also at some time Principal of a Classical 8cli. in Prince Edward and
Charlotte Co's, Va ; was stated supply of tlie Cong. Ch. at We,*ton, Vt, to
18GG; has pulilislud Tlie Life and Character of tlie Rev. Samuel Wallace
Clark, D. C. 1823, nf Gieeidand. lie inanieJ Caroline, dau. of John Day of
Ipswich, jVIs. June 21, 1841.
* Fri:kman Convkuse, A. M. He was from Stafford, Ct, and is reported
to have died in Md in 1847. It is known that he was a teachei- at Frederick-
town in tliat State. He married, 1. Flora Macdonald of Washington, D. C.
2. Milh^r of Middletown, Ct.
William IIknry Duncan, A. M. the son of AVilliam and Mary (M'Mur-
phy) Duncan, was born at Candia, Sept. 26, 1807. He read law with Chan-
cellor Benjamin Faneiiil Dunkin of Charleston, S. C. and came to the bar
there ; began practii-e at Hanover and has continued it with brief intervals to
the present time. He murried Sarah Murdock, dau. of the Hon. iMiils Olcott,
D. C. 1790, of Hanover, June 25, 1834.
Danikl IloTKiNS Emerson, the son of the Rev. Dr l>rown, D. C. 1802,
and Mary (Hopkins) Emerson, was born at Salem, Ms, Jan. 23. 1810. He
studied divinity at And. Tiieo. Sem. 1 year in the class of 1833; taught at
Nottaway Co. Va, 1 year and at Richmond, Va, 2 years ; was next a student
of the Theo. S m. at New Haven, Ct, 2 years; was ordained pastor of the
Cong. Evang. Cli. at Northborougii, Ms, Oct. 19, 183G; di-niissed Apr. 19,
1840; installed pastor of the Presb. Ch. at East Whiteland, Pa, Mar. 8, 1841 ;
dismissed Oct. 7, 1845 ; installed pastor of the Presb. Ch. at York, Pa, May
17, 1840; dismissed Apr. 24, 1855; installed pastor of the Presb. Ch. at St
Georges, Del. Oct. 25, 1855, and is there still. He married Lucy Ann Wil-
liams, dau. of Capt. Jerry Lee Page of Fairfax Co. Va, Nov. 7, 1830. Edward
Brown PLnier-on, D. C. 1832, is his brother.
James Woodwahd Emery, the son of Samuel and Rul)y (Woodward)
Emery, was born at Havei-hili, Ms, Nov. 30, 1808. He read law with the Hon.
Ichabod Bartlett, D. C. 1808, of Portsmouth ; was his partiKM- until Oct. 19,
1853, and then practised alone; has represented Portsmouth in the N. H. Leg.
several years; was Superintendent of the Portsmouth and C.)nc')rd Rail Road
some time, and has been Pres. of the Union Railway Co. at Cambridge, Ms,
since 1857, and now lives there. He married Martha Elisabeth, dau. of An-
drew Watkins Bell of Portsmouth, Aug. 15, 1837.
Warren Demman Gookin, the son of Richard and Rebecca (Demman)
Gookin, was born at Haverhill, Feb. 16, 1810. He was a private tutor in
Florida from 1830 to 1831 ; after travelling at the South and in INIexico, went
to Cuba, W. 1. in 1835, and was a sugar planter for 10 years; then engaged in
mercantile business in Oregon ; is now a shipping merchant of N. Y. city, residing
at Brooklyn, N. Y. He married, 1. Martha S. dau. of the Hon. S.imuel Hutchins
of Bath in 1840. 2. Lucdla G. dau. of the Hon. Dr John French of Bath, Dec.
26, 1842. 3. Hetty 1). dau. of Jesup Wakeman of Southport, Ct, Jan. 11, 1847.
William IlKNitv Gijeen, the son of Samuel and Fanny (llarwood) Green,
was born at Shrew-bury, Ms, Aug. 31, 1812. He began teaching at Skeneatales
Acad. N. Y. in 1830, but in time exchanged it for a j)rivate school and read law
with Lewis II. Sanford ; opened an office at Buffalo, N. Y. in Oct. 1838, and is
still a coun-ellor there. He married Calliarine T. dau. of William liuU of Wal-
kill, Oiange, Co. N. Y. Oct. 7, 1845. William Bull Green, D. C. 1865, and
John Bradley Green, D. C. 1867, are his sons.
ALUMNI 1830. 253
Joseph Dennison Hatch, the son of Reuben and Eunice (Dennison) Hatch,
was born at Norwich, Vt, Jan. 21, 1811. He became a niercliant at AVindsor,
Vt, and is still there in that occupation. He married Frances Spooner, dau. of
Gen. Abner Forbes of Windsor, Apr. 5, 1832. Horace Hatch, D. C. 1814, is
his broiher.
Erastus Hopkins, a. M. the son of John and Lydia (Thompson) Ho])kins,
was born at Hadley, Ms, Apr. 7, 1810. He studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. 1 year in tlie chiss of 1833, and at Princeton, N. J. Tlieo. Sem. and was
ordained pastor of the Presb. Ch. at Beech Island, S. C. in 1835; dismissed in
1837 ; installed pastor at Troy, N. Y. Sept. 13, 1837; dismissed in 1841; re-
moved to Northampton, Ms, his present home ; has represented it in the Ms
Leg. several years ; was Pres. of the Ct River R. R. company ; has pub-
lished — Tlie Family a religious institution or Heaven its Model. He mar-
ried, 1. Sarah H. Bennett of Charleston, S. C. June 25, 1835. 2. Charlotte
Frelinglmysen, dau. of the Rev. Dr William Allen of Northampton, Ms, Nov.
18, 1841. Samuel Hopkins, D. C. 1827, is his brother.
Lewis Flanders Laine, the son of Daniel and Esther (Fogg) Laine,
was born at Loudon, Sept. 7, 1806. He taught at Sanbornton Acad. 1 year ;
studied divinity at And. Theo. Sera, graduating in 1834; was ordained pastor
of a Cong, or Presb. Ch. at Brunswick, Ohio, Feb. 18, 1835, serving also at
Ilinckli'y, Ohio ; dismissed in Aug. 1837 ; installed pastor of the Cong, or
Presb. Ch. at Bath, Ohio, Nov. 26, 1839; was Postmaster there some years;
dismissed from the Bath Ch. in July 1846; installed pastor of the Presb. Ch. at
Portland, N. Y. Sept. 1, 1847 ; dismissed and now at Conisto, N. Y. He mar-
ried, 1. Charlotte, dau. of Capt. Daniel Mitchell of Boxford, Ms. 2. Vesta
Richards of Chatham, Ohio. 3. Alida Wood from Madison, Ohio.
George Livermore, the son of the Hon. Arthur and Louisa (Bliss) Liver-
more, was born at Holderness, Aug. 10, 1813. He read law with the Hon. Ira
Perley, D. C. 1822, at Hanover, and the Hon. Daniel Lord of N. Y. city ; prac-
tised there until 1843, and then returned to his native State. Hp has not mar-
ried. Arthur Livermore, D. C. 1829, and Edward Livermore, D. C. 1833, are
his brothers.
Stephen Notes Manning, A. M. the son of Aaron Manning, was born at
Sharon, Vt, Oct. 3, 1804. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating
in 1833 ; was ordained an evangelist at IMetliuen, Ms, Sept. 9, 1833 ; was a
Home missionary at Watertown, Ohio, 2 years ; taught at Covington, Ky, from
1837 to 1839 and at Lancaster, Ky, from 1839 to 1843; was a missionary again
near Cleveland, Ohio, from 1843 to 1851 ; afterwards preached in Michigan;
was then an agent of the Bible Soc. residing at Kankakee, lUi. He mazTied,
1. Harriet, dau. of Dea. Jabez Kellogg of Hanover. 2. - — ^ : — •
GouvERNEUR MoRRis, the SOU of Gen. Lewis Robert an(l Ellen (Hunt)
Morris, was born at Springfield, Vt, Feb. 1, 1809. He read law at New Haven,
Ct, law school and at Cincinnati, Ohio, with King, Chase, and Walker; began
practice at Braltleborough, Vt, but removed to Brest, Monroe Co. Mich, and
opened an office there. He married Frances Vernon, dau. of Gen. Arad Hunt
of Vernon, Vt, at Pittsfield, Ms, Apr. 28, 1834. -
Peabody Atkinson Morse, the son of the Rev. Bryan and Susanna (Ste-
vens) Morse, was born at Haverhill, Sept. 2, 1805. He went to Natchitoches,
La, and lived there many years ; then removed to California and is still its in-
habitant. He married Virginia Sompayrac of Natchitoches, May 16,1837.
Hoi'ace Bassett Morse, D. C. 1823, was his brother.
John Barron Niles, the son of the Hon. William, D. C. 1796, and Relief
254 ALUMNI 1830.
(BiUTon) Nile?, wns born at West Fairleo, Vt, Sept. 18, 1808. He read law at
New York city; hcfrati practice at La Porte, Ind. and remains tliere; was a
menibi'r of the Iiid. Constitutional Conv. a Judge of the Lid. Circuit Court, and
Prof, of Clieniistry &c. in the La Porte Univ. He married IMarv, dan. of the
Hon. William Polk. William Niles, D. C. 18-59, is his son. William AVatson
Niles, D. C. 184;"), and Henry Tliayer Niles, D. C. 1847, are his hrolhers.
GiLMAN NoYKS, A. M. the son of James and Hannah (Ilutcliins) Noyes,
was born at Atkinson, IMay 3, 1804. He studied divinity with the Pt-v. Sil-
vanus Cobl) of Maiden, Ms ; was ordained in 1832 ; installed pastor of tlie Uni-
versalist Society at Spencer, Ms. in 1833 ; dismissed in 183!) ; became pastor of
the Univ. Soc. at Soutlibridge, IMs, in 1839 ; dismissed in 1841 ; then bought a
farm at Brimfield, Ms, and there resides. He married Eliza, dau. of Col.
Issachar Prown of Brimfield, Nov. 19, 1833.
John HuMriiRicY Notes, the son of the Hon. John, D. C. 1795, and Polly
(Hayes) Noyes, was horn at Prattlehorough, Vt, Sept. 3, 1811. He first read
law at Putney, Vt ; then studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. in the class of
1834 one year ; was a Cong, licentiate ])reacher, but was never settled or or-
dained, having changed his sentiments and become a Perfectionist and Commun-
ist pronouncing marriage a fraud. With these ultraisms, he founded a new
sect at Oneida Creek 4 miles south of Oneida depot, N. Y. about 20 or 25 years
since. The situation is said to be very beautiful and the estate. GuO acres in
extent, is admirably cidlivated, having a population of 200. INIr Noyes presides
here and also over two contiguous families at Wallingfonl and Brooklyn.
Charles Lewis Putna^i, the son of John and Mary (Converse) Putnam,
was born at Chesterfield, Sept. 9, 1810. He read law with the Hon. Joel
Parker, D. C. 1811, at Keene, and the Hon. George Baxter Upham at Clare-
mont ; began practice there ; removed to Keene in 1840, and thence to Worces-
ter, Ms, in 1846, as Secretary of a Fire Insurance Co. a position still retained.
He married Dolly, dau. of Samuel Flagg of Worcester, June 23, 1835.
* AVii.LiAM Richmond, A. M. the son of Ebenezer and Abigail (Walker)
Richmond, was born at Barnard, Vt, Oct. 21, 1803, and died at Rhode's Point,
lUi. Sept. 8, 1838, ^E. 34. He taught in S. C and afterwards in Geo. and was
on a journey to the West, but was suddenly attacked by sickness and died
among strangers. He was never married.
Asa Dodge Smith, A. IM.-D. 1).-LL. D. the son of Dr Rogers and Sally
(Dodge) Smith, was born at Andierst. Sept. 21, 1804. He was principal of
Limerick, Acad. Me, from 1830 to 1831 ; studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. graduating in 1834; was ordained pastor of the Brainard, now the 14th,
St Presb. Ch. is^ Y.city, Nov. 2, 1834 ; lectured as Prof, of Pastoral Theology
at the Union Theo. Sem. from 1843 to 1844; dismissed from the 14th St
Church, Oct. 15, 18()3 ; inaugurated as the seventh President of Dartmouth
College, Oct. 18, 1863. Williams Coll. conferred the D. D. in 1849, and the
University of N. Y.city the LL. D. in 1864. Pres. Smith has published, 1.
"Letters to a Young Student," 1838. 2. "Memoir of Mrs Louisa Adams
Leavitt," 1843. 3. " Importance of a Scriptural Ministry;" a Sermon before
the Synod of N. Y. and N.J. 1848. 4. "Obedience to Human Law;" a
Thanksgiving Sermon. 1850. 5. "The Guileless Israelite;" a Sermon on
the death of Mr Joseph lirewster, 1851. G. " Personal Piety, as related to the
IMlssionary Work," a Sermon before the Foreign INIiss. Soc. of N. Y. city and
Brooklyn, 1852. 7. " God's Word magnified and illustrated," a Sermon on the
death of Mr David L. Dodge, 1852. 8. "Address at the Re-union of the Sons
of Weston ; " 1853. 9. " A Discourse on the Lite and Character of the Rev.
ALUMNI 1830. 255
Charles Hall, D. D," 10. "The Puritan Cliaracter;" an address before the
New Enj;. Society of the city of ^Montreal, 1857. 11. " Death Abolished ; "
a Sermon on tlie death of Henry C. Parkhiirst, 1859. 12. " Christian Stewnrd-
ship;" a Farewell Sermon in the 14th St Presb. Ch. N. Y. city, 1863. 13.
"Address at the Inauguration of the Author as Pres. of Dart. College," 1863.
14. •' liencficence our Life Work;" a Baecahiureate Discourse at Dart. Col-
lege, July 16, 18Go. 15. " Abuses of the Imagination ; " another Baccalaureate
at Dart. College, July 15, 1866. Also some Pamphlets. He married Sarah
Ann, dim. of John Adams, at North Andover, Ms, Nov. 9, 1836.
*Olivkr Maksii Smith, the son of the Rev. John, D. C. 1794, and Rebecca
(Smith) Smith, was born JMar. 7, 1804, at Haverhill, and died at Charleston, S.
C. July 12, 1842, m. 38. He read law and [)ractised his profession at Charles-
ton until killed by being thrown from his horse. John Bolton Smith, D. C.
1836, was his brother.
Samuel Hubbard Stevexs, the son of Jolm and Ruhamah (Fifield) Ste-
vens, was born at East Kingston, Nov. 20, 1802. He read law with Stephen
Carr Lyfbi-d of Meredith and Daniel Miltitnore Christie, D. C. 1815, at Dover
from 1830 to 1833 ; then began practice at Bristol; removed thence to Law-
rence, Ms; but became Cashier of a Bank at Exeter in 1849; resigned in 1858.
He married Seraphina Stevens, dau. of Moses Sanborn at Kingston, July 27,
John Henderson Symmes, A.M. the son of Campbell and Abigail (Dou-
ying) Symmes, was born at Ryegate, Vt, Oct. 4, 1801. He studied divinity at
Philadel|)hia, Pa, Theo. Sem. and was ordained an evangelist there in May
1833 ; installed pastor of the Presb. Ch. at Columbia, Pa ; resigned in 1838 or
1839 ; installed jiastor at Lansingburg, N. Y. in Nov. 1840, and at Cumberland,
Md, in 1844. He married Catharine MAdam of Piiiladelphia, Mar. 7, 1833.
Charles Cotesworth Wkbster, A. M. the son of Caleb and Hannah
Cook (Cremer) AVebster was born at Salem, Ms, Nov. 27, 1810. He read law
at Salem and Harv. Univ. Law School ; went into practice at Fitzwilliam in
Jidy 1833; removed to Chesterfield, and after that to Keene in 1846, and is
yet there. He married Laverna, dau. of Joseph Clark of Chesterfield, Oct. 22,
Charles March Weeks, A. M. the son of Stephen March and Mary
(Gookiii) Weeks, was born at Greeidand, Mar. 16, 1809. He studied medi-
cine at Bovvdoin Coll. Med. School, and graduated M. D. in 1833; began |)rac-
tice at St Clair, Mich, remaining 4 years ; was then at Elliott, Me, 9 years ;
at Lynn, Ms, 7 years, and has been for some time at Boston, Ms. He married
Elvina, dau. of the Rev. Huntington Porter of Rye, at Roxbury, Ms, Dec. 6,
* EvARTS Worcester, A. M. the son of the Rev. Leonard and Elisabeth
(Hopkins) Worcester, was born at Peacham, Vt, IMar. 24, 1807, and died there,
Oct. 21, 1836, JE. 29. He taught at Peacham to 1832 ; was tutor at Dart, from
1832 to 1833 ; read divinity with his father, also at Hanover to 1836 ; was or-
dained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Littleton. Mar. 17, 1836 ; ten weeks after, an
hemorrhage of the lungs occurring, his ministry was suspended and amend-
ment vainly sought for in his native home. He married Ann Pope, dau. of
the Rev. Dr Roswell Shurlleff, D. C. 1799, of Hanover, May 18, 1836. Leon-
ard Worcester, D. C. 1825, and John Hopkins Worcester, D. C. 1833, were
his brothers.
* Austin Hazen Wright, A. jM. the son of David and Elisabeth (Hazen)
Wright, was born at Hartford, Vt, Nov. 11, 1811, and died at Oroomiah, Persia,
256 ALUMNI 1830.
Jan. 4, 1865, je. 53. He taujilit at Richmond, Va, some years ; studied divinity
at Union Tlieo. Sem. in Prince Edward Co. Va, and also medicine, graduating INI.
D. at the Univ. of Va ; was ordained an evangelist ; sailed for Per.-ia as a mis-
sionary Mar. 9, 1840 ; arrived :it Oroomiah, July 25, 1840; was there very suc-
cessful in his ministry until 1800 ; then visited the U. S. but returned tohis station
in 18()4, and soon closed his valuable lifV- grealiy lamented by his associates in
tliat foreign clime. Dr Wright was one of tin; best Oiieiitai scholars this coun-
try has ever produced. In an extended Eulogy delivered at his funeral or
soon after, tlie Rev. Dr Perkins observes ; " Tiiat there have been those who
liave surpassed him in particular Christian traits and individual graces, we may
not deny ; but in the symmetrical combination, presenting the beautiful whole,
I have never known a superior model." He married Catharine A. IMyers of
Whitehall, N. Y. at Oroomiah, June 13, 1844.
* Ebknezer Adams, a. M. the son of Prof. Ebenezer, D. C. 1791, and
Beulah (Minot) Adams, was born at Hanover, Aug. G, 1813. and died there,
July "23, 1837, ^e. 24, minus 14 days. He taught at Mobile, Ala. 3 years, and
at Columbia, S. C. 3 years; studying medicine at Dart. I\Ied. Coll. in the sum-
mers, and was about taking the degree of INI. D. when death arrived. He did
not marry. John Frink Adams, 1). C. 1817, was his half brotiier.
Sktii Latiiuop Andrews, the son of the Rev. Elisha Demiiig and liot-e}'
(Lathrop) Andrews, was born at Putney, Vt, June 24, 1809. He studied
medicine at Dart. ]\Ied. Coll. but graduated M. D. elsewhere ; was sent by the
Amer. Bd of For. Miss, a missionary ))hysician to the Sandwich Islands ; re-
turneil however, and now lives in Rlichigan. He married Parnelly Pierce of
Woodbury, Ct, at Pittsford. N. Y. Nov. 11, 1836.
Frederick Augustus Barton, A. M. the son of Jabesh and Sophia
(Hoyt) Barton, was born at Chester, Vt, Jan. 24, 1809. He taught at An-
dover, Ms ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 1 year in the class of 1836 ; was
ordained an evangelist at Collinsville, Ct, Nov. 6, 1839 ; preached there from
that date to May 1843; installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Chicopee, Ms,
Sept. 13, 1843; dismissed Nov. 2, 1846; went to South America and surveyed
the railroad line in Chili ; has also acted as an engineer in several jdaces ;
was a Representative in the Mass. Leg. 1 year ; supplied the pulpit at Indian
Orchard, Springtield. ]\Is, 3 years to 1861 ; was the Ch,ij)lain of a Mass. Reg. in
the late rebellion ; is now living the agent of a corfioration at Nashua. He mar-
ried, 1. Philena Dean, dau. of Horatio vVlden, at Hartford, Ct, in Oct. 1838. 2.
Harriet, dau. of Ca|)t. Eilmund Piarllett, ot Newburyport, Ms, Sept. 8, 1840.
Samuel Oilman liROWN, A. ]\I.-D. D. the son of Pres. Francis, 1). C.
1805, and Elisabeth (Oilman) Brown, was born at North Yarmouth, Me, Jan.
4, 1813. He was principal of a High School at Ellington, Ct ; studied divinity
at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1837 ; travelled in PZurope from 18.)8 to
1840; was Prof, of Oratory and Belle Lettres at Dart, from 1840 to 1863;
was ordained a Cong, evangelist at Woodstock, Vt, Oct. 6, 1852 ; became by
transfer Prof, of Intell. Phil, and Political Economy at Dart, in 1863; resigned
in 1867 to be Pres. of Ilajnillon Coll. Clinton, N. Y. and is such now. Co-
lumbia Coll. N. Y. city, conferred the Hon, degree in 1853. Dr Brown has
pul)li,-h>-d various addresses and contributions to reviews, .also The Life of the
Hon. Rufus Choate, D. C. 1819. He married Sarah (Van Vechlen) Savage,
dau. of the Rev. Jacob Van Vechten of Schenectady, N. Y. and relict of the
Rev. Edward Savage, Feb. 10, 1846.
ALUMNI 1831. 257
John Langdon Carlton, the son of EI)enezer and TNIary (Ileatli) Carl-
ton, was born at Bath, Nov. 7, 1812. He read law at New Haven, Ct, law
sehool and at Buffalo, N. Y. beginning practice at Bath and continuing it to
18t)l ; then went to Wasiiington, D. C. and is there now in a U. S. office.
He married Lncretia Wd,~on, dan. of Ira Goodall of Bath, July 27, 1840.
Sullivan Caveuno, the son of Jeremiah and Margaret (Brewster) Cav-
erno, was born at Strafford, Mar. 21, 1807. He taught at Brockport, N. Y.
and was principal of Lewiston Acad. N. Y. 2 years in 1832 and 1833; read
law, and opened an office at Lewiston in Oct. 1835, still remaining there; was
Master and Examiner in Chancery 4 years from Jan. 183G, and Pcdice Jusiice
for Niiigara Co. from 1844 to 1848. He married Martha Elisabeth, dan. of
Thomas Kelsey of Lewiston, Dec. 10, 1835. Daniel Henry Caverno, D. C.
1860, was his son.
HouATio Gates Ford Corliss, the son of John L. and Sally (Ford) Cor-
liss, was born at Haverhill, Ms, in Oct. 1800. He read law with John Faul
Robinson of Lowell, Ms; went into practice there in 1834 and has not left.
Benjamin Ela, the son of Benjamin and Abigail (Emerson) Ela, was born
at Hartford, Vt, Aug. 4, 1809. He studied divinity at And. Tlieo. Sem. gradu-
ating in 1835 ; was ordained a Cong, evanirelist at Billerica, Ms, May 29,
1841; was engaged in literary pursuits at N. Y. city 10 years; removed to
Menimack not long after, and occupies a farm. He married Angeline, dau. of
Samuel M'C'onihe of Merrimack, Apr. 10, 1849.
Moses Hall Fitts, the son of Mo-es and Sarah (Ordway) Fitts, was
born at Candia, Jan. 1, 1808. He taught at Elk Branch Sem. Harper's Ferry,
Va ; then in a private school at Niagara Falls ; afterwards at Lewiston Acad.
N. Y. and at Union School, Lockport, N. Y. He was Postmaster at Lewiston,
and a'so Superintendent of Schools in Niagara Co. He married R J.
Harrison of Lewiston, May 13, 1835.
Walter Powers Flanders, the son of Ezra and Lucy (Harriman)
Flanders, was born at Warner, May 29, 1805. He taught in the Acad, at
Lancaster; read law with the Hon. John Dwight Willard, D. C. 1819, at Troy,
N. Y. and tlie Hon. George Washington Nesmith, D. C. 1820, at Franklin ;
began practice at New London in 1834; represented it in the N. H. Leg. in
1842 and 1843; after some years, left the State and opened an office at Mil-
waukee, Wise. He married Susan E. Greeley at New London, Sept. 23,
* Charles James Fox, the son of Jedediah and Sarah (Wheeler) Fox,
was born at Antrim, Oct. 11, 1811, and died at Nashua, Feb. 17, 184G, M. 34.
He read law with the Hon. Titus Brown at Francestown, 1 year, at the New
Haven, Ct, law school, with the Hon. Isaac 0. Barnes of Manchester and the
Hon. Daniel Abbot of Nashua ; went into partnership with Mr Abbot in 1834
and so continued through life; represented Nashua in the N. H. Leg. in 1837;
was County Solicitor from 1835 to 1844; on a committee to revise the N. II.
Statutes from 1841 to 1842; went to Egypt, Africa, in 1843. and to the West
Indies in 1844, returning in 1845 : compiled with the Rev. Samuel Osgood of
N. Y. city, '"The New Hamp>Iiire Book" of prose and poetry ; published "Tlie
History of the old town of Dun-table " and also the " Town Oilicer." ]\Ir
Fox was a man of fine talents and obtained a high rank in his |)rofession. He
marrl'ed Catharine Pickman, dau. of Mr Abbot, liis partner, of Nashua, June 3,
William PickerinCx Haines, the son of Ste[)hen and Mary (Pickering)
Haines, was born at Canterbury, Feb. 22, 1811. He taught 6 months in 1831
258 ALUMNI 1831.
and 1832; read law with Hayes and Cojrswell of South Berwick, Me, 1 year
fi'om A{)r. 1832 and finished with Gov. Joiin Fairfield of Saco, Me; was the
partner of the Gov. from 1835 to 1847 ; was Senator in the Me Leg. in 1847 ;
agent of the Saco Water Power Co. from 1847 to 1850, and of tlie Peiiperell
Maniifac Co. at Biddeford, I\Ie, liis present aljode, from 1850 to thisfitne. lie
married Harriet, dan, of Timotliy Ferguson of South Berwick, Aug. 16, 183G.
Ferguson Haines, D. C. 1800, is his son.
John Loku Hayks, A. M. the son of the Hon. "William Allen, D. C. 1805,
and Susan (Lord) Haves, was horn at South Berwick, Me, Apr. 13, 1812.
He read law witli his father and at Dane Law School ; began practice at
Portsmouth, in 1835 ; was some time Clerk of the U. S. District Court : moved
to Washington, D. C. in 1850; became Chief Clerk in the Patent Office in
June 1861. He married Caroline Sarah, dau. of Alexander Ladd of Ports-
mouth, May 28, 1839. Charles Cogswell Hayes, D. C. 1849, is his brother.
William Henry Hoit, A. M. the son of Gen. Daniel and Sally (Flanders)
Hoit, was born at Sandwich, Jan. 8, 1813. He studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. 1 year in the class of 1835; was ordained a Deacon of the Prot. Epis.
Ch. July 31, 1836, and afterwards a Presbyter; left the ministry for the Roman
Church ; studied law, and began practice at St Albans, Vt ; removed to Bur-
lington, Vt, in May 1859, and is still there. He married Ann Demming of Bur-
lington, Aug. 21,'l838. Albert Gallatin Hoir, D. C. 1829, was his brother.
* Elbridge Hosmer, a. M. the son of Jonas and Elisabeth (Willard)
Hosmer, was born at AValpole in 1807, and died at Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 14,
1852, JE.. 45. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. over 2 years in the
class of 1834; became a teacher at Craftsbury, Vt, Newton, Ms, Auburn and
Glenn's Falls, N. Y. and Cleveland, Oluo. He married Faith Cleveland, dau.
of Noah Sabin of Craftsbury.
William Chamberlain Jackson, the son of Daniel and Abigail (Merrill)
Jackson, was born at Eaton, now Madison, Feb. 17, 1808. He studied divinity
at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1835; was ordained a missionary to Asia
Minor at Lancaster, Oct. 14, 1835; arrived at Trebizond, Asia, Aug. 1, 1836;
returned to the U. S. and was released from the Mission, Apr. 18, 1848; in-
stalled pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Lincoln, Ms, K\n\ 26, 1848; dismissed July
12, 1858; installed at Dunstable, ]\Is, Nov. 2, 1859, and yet remains. He
married ^lary A. Sawyer of Westminster, Ms, Sept. 9. 1835.
Jesse Page. A. M. the son of Col. William and Elisabeth (Little) Page,
was born at Atkinson, Feb. 23, 1805. He taught the Limerick Sem. Me, 1
year from 1831 to 1832; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in
1835 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at North Andover, Ms, Sept. 9,
1835; dismissed June 7, 1843; removed to Atkinson in Nov. 1844; became
stated su|)ply of the Cong. Ch. there, June 22, 1845, and is still its faithful
shepherd. He married Ann Poor, dau. of Ezekiel Little of Atkinson, Jan. 18,
* Benjamin Rush Palmer, the son of Dr David and Lavinia (Bigelow)
Palmer, was born at Clarendon, Vt. ]\Iay 8, 1813, and died at Louisville, Ky,
July 15, 1865, x.. 52. He studied medicine and surgery with his father and at
Middlebury Coll. Med. School, graduating M. 1). in 1834; commenced practice
at Belchertown, Ms; removed thence to Woodstock, Vt ; has been Prof, and
Pres. of the Vt Acad, of medicine at AVoodstock ; also Prof, in the Berkshire
Med. Institution at Pittsfield, Ms; after that, went to Louisville, Ky, and was
Prof, of Anatomy and Physiology in its Med. College, at the same time prac-
tising there. He married Aramitta D. Graves of Bridport, Vt, in Feb. 1836.
ALUMNI 1831. 259
* Gkorge Porter, A. M. the son of Benjiimin and Martha (Olcott) Porter,
was born :it Newbury, Vt, in 1814, and died at New Oi-leans, La, May 24,
1849, JE. 35. He read Uiw witli George Ciuti.s, Eilward W. B. Curtis, and
George Brinkerhoff of N. Y. city ; opened an office there ; removed to New
Orleans and became associate editor of the N. O. Picayune to his death. He did
not marry. Timothy Olcott Porter, D. C. 1822, was his brother.
Chandler Eastman Potter, the son of Josej)!! and Anna (Drake) Potter,
was born at Concord, Mar. 7, 1807. He taught at Concord 1 year and at
Portsmoutli High School as principal from Dec. 8, 1832 to Apr. 1834; repre-
sented tlie town in the N. H. Leg. in 1835 ; was again at the High School from
July 1835 to 1838 ; then read law there witii the Hon. Ichabod Bartlett, D. C.
1808, and with Pierce and Fowler at Concord from 1841 to 1843 ; began
practice at East Concord; removed to Mancliester in 1844; was editor and
proprietor of the Manchester Democrat from JNIar. 1844 to 1848 ; was Judge
of the PoHce Court of Manchester from June 1848 to 1855 ; edited the
Farmers Monthly Visitor, a Magazine, in 1852 and 1853; also the Granite
Farmer and Monthly Visitor in 1854 and 1855; removed to Hillsborough,
Nov. 11, 1856 and tliere remains; was co-editor of the Weekly Mirror and
the Mirror and Farmer in 18G4 and 18(35, and Colonel of the Amoskcag Vet-
erans from Oct. 8, 1864. Judge Potter has published the History of Man-
chester in 1855, — 764 pages octavo, and an Address to the Amoskeag Veterans
on Feb. 22, 1855, 40 pp. oct. He married, 1. Clara Adela, dau. of John Un-
derwood of Porlsmoulli. Nov. 1, 1832. 2. Frances ISIaria, dau. of Gen. John
M'Neil, U. S. army, of Hillsborough, at H. Nov. 11, 1856.
Daniel Ford Richardson, A. M. the son of David and Sarah Goodwin
(Ford) Richardson, was born at Cornish, Aug. 16, 1807. He studied divinity
at And. Theo. Sein. graduating in 1834; was Prof, of Latin and Greek at
Wake Forest Coll. N. C. from 1834 about 5 years; was ordained a Baptist
minister there, Apr. 8, 1838 ; was settled some years each, at Cavendish, Vt,
Mason Village, and Hanover; was in the Const. Conv. in 1850; represented
Hanover in the N. II. Leg. in 1850 and 1851 ; was Postmaster at Hanover
5 yeais ; has snppHed vacant Churches near Hanover some time. Hoi'ace
Richaidson, D. C. 1841, is his brother.
* Alfred Rundlet, the son of James and Jane (Hill) Rundlet, was born
at Portsmouth, Mar 3, 1811, and died at San Francisco, Cal. July 16,1851,
M. 40. He became a merchant and removed to San Francisco. He married
Martha Strong, dau of Dr Josiah Dwight, at Portsmouth, Jan. 4, 1835.
John Ellery Tyler, the son of the Rev. President Dr Bennet and Esther
(Stone) Tyler, was born at Southbury, Ct, Apr. 11, 1810. He studied divinity
at And. Theo. Sem. 1 year in the class of 1834; then taught about 2 years at
Winchester, Ky ; finished his studies at East Windsor, Ct, Theo. Sem. graduat-
ing in 1836 ; was ordained pastor of the 1st Cong. Ch. at Windham, Ct, Oct. 11,
1837 ; dismissed Dec. 2, 1851 ; then lived at East Windsor until his removal to
Vineland, Cumberland Co. N. J. in 1864. An historical discourse on the 150th
anniversary of the organization of Windham Ch. was publi>hed by him. He
married, 1. Mary H. dau. of the Hon. Eliphalet- Williams of Nortiiampton, Ms,
Oct. 26, 1837. 2. Carrie E. dau. of Dr Horace Goodrich of East Windsor,
Aug. 15, 1855.
*^MosES Webster Walker, the son of Benjamin and Hannah (Webster)
Walker, was born at Atkin-on, June 17, 1810, and died at Boston, Ms, Nov.
22, 1838, JE. 28. His profession was that of a teacher. He married Sophia
R. dau. of Edward Cutter of Charlestown, Ms, Apr. 30, 1835.
260 ALUMNI 1831.
John IIammoxd Webster, the son of Capt. John and Thankful (Clieever)
"Webster, was boni at Hariland, Vt, Feb. 23, 1808. He read law with the
Hon. Aaron Loveland, D. C. 1801, of Norwich, Vt, tcachinji at the same tniie
in Ca[jt. Allien Partridge's military school ; completed legal reading with
George Starrett at Bangor, Me ; began practice at Norridgewock.. Me, Oct.
10,1834; moved to New Toriland, Me, Dec. 2, 1835, and to Anson, Me,
Dec. G, 18-47 ; returned to Nonidgi-wock, July 10, 1849, and there remains ;
represented it in the Me Leg. I'roni 1851 to 1852, and from 1859 to 18G0. He
married Elisabeth K. dau. of Reuben Stephenson of Lancaster, Feb. 1, 1838.
AViLLiAM CiiAi'Lix AViLLAUi), the SOU of Ro-well, D. C. 1802, and Elis-
abeth (Taylor) AViilard, was boiu at Charlestown. He studied medicine at
Dart. Med. Coll. and with Dr Sammd AVebber of Charlestown, and went into
practice at Muncie, Delaware Co. Lid. He married Eliza, dau. of Henry
Putnam of Charlestown, at Muncie.
George Henry Woodward, A. M. the son of Bezaleel and Lucy (Far-
rar) Woodward, was born at Hanover, Apr. 24, 18U7. He studied divinity
at Princeton, N. J. Tlieo. Sem. from 1831 to 1833 ; then taught at Shrews-
bury, N. J. High School more than 3 yeai s ; went to East Windsor, Ct, Theo.
Sem. in Nov. 183G, graduating in 1837 ; was ordained a Presb. evangelist at
Trenton N. J. Oct. 4, 1837 ; after preaching a year or two at East S;alford,
Ct, was instaUed pastor of the 1st Cong. Cii. there Jan 29, 1840 ; dismissed, Apr.
4, 1850 ; installed pastor at Groton, Ci, Aug. 10, 1851 ; dismissed Jan. 10, 185G ;
installed at Toledo, Iowa, in 185G, and is pastor still. He married Annette
Lemon, aac Lord of Effingham. 3. Soi)hia,
dau. of the Hon. Langley Boardman of Portsmouth.
* Stephen Chase, A. INI. the son of Beujamiii P. and IMary (Chase) Chase,
was born at Chester, Aug. 12, 1813, and died at Hanover, Jan. 7, 1851, M. 37.
He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 2 years in the class of 1834; was
preceptor of Gorham Acad. Me, 1 year; taught in Va and Md 2 years ; prin-
cipal of South Berwick Acad. Me, 2 years ; was chosen tutor at Dart, in
1838 and in 3 months after Prof, of Malh. a position held to his death with
much ability. Chase's Algebra, was published by him. He married Sarah
Thom{)son, dan. of Gen. Ichabod Goodwin of South Berwick, Me, Aug. 21,
1838. Frederick Chase, D. C. I860,, and Walter Wells Chase, D. C. 18G5,
were his sons.
Richard Manning Chipman, the son of Richard Manning and Elisabeth
(Gi'ay) Chipman, was born at Salem, Ms, Jan. 12, 180G. He studied divinity
at the Princeton N. J. Theo. Sem. and in the Theo. Department of the Univ.
in N. Y. city ; was Corresp. Sec. of the Amer. Peace Soc. and editor of their
periodical, the Calumet, in New York; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch.
at Harwiuton, Ct, Mar. 4, 1835 ; dismissed Mar. 13, 1839 ; installed pastor at
Athol, Ms, Aug. 15, 1839 ; dismissed Dec. 23, 1851 ; installed over the 3d
Cong. Ch. at Guilford, Ct, Jan. 14, 1852; released May 19, 1858; engaged a3
pastor to the 1st Cong. CIi. at Wolcottville, Ct, May 15, 1859 ; is now at Fair-
mount, Ms. He lias publi.-hed, A discourse on P^cclesiastical Prosperity, 1839 ;
on Fi-ee Discussion, 1839 ; on tiie Maintenance of Morrd Purity 1841 ; a Me-
moir of Eli Thorp, 1842 ; the History of ILirwinton, Ct, 18G0 ; has also in man-
uscript a work on Elder John Chipman and the Chipman Family. He married
Mary Ann, dau. of the Rev. Fosdick Harrison of Roxbury, Ct, June 1, 1835.
* Daniel Atkinson Clark, the son of Alexander Tliompson and Sally
(Stiiison) Clark, was born at Northfield, Jan. 13, 1813, and died at Lewisburgh,
Ark. in Aug. 1839, m. 2G. He read law with Daniel Clark Atkinson, D. C.
1806, at Sanbornton, the Hon. George Washington Nesmith, D. C. 1820, at
Franklin, and Joel Adams of Lowell, Ms ; went to Ala. and taught in an Acad.
1 year ; was then a teaclier at Marianna, Fa; removed thence to Lewisburgh
and died holding the office of its Recorder. He never married.
* John Lewis Clark, the son of Peter and Jane (Aiken) Clark, was born
at Francestown, Dec. 4, 1812, and died at Audover, Ms, Nov. 29, 1854, je. 42,
minus 5 days. He became a merchant in Boston, Ms, and did not marry.
Peter Clark, D. C. 1829, was his brother.
William Cusiiman Clark, A. M. the son of Luke and Zervia (Hendee)
Clark, was born at Brookfield, Vt, Oct. 24, 1808. He was tutor at Western
Reserve Coll. Hudson, Ohio, from 1833 to 1838; studied divinity at Hudson;
was ordained pastor of a church at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, Oct. 24, 1835 ; dis-
missed ? installed pastor of the Presb. Ch. at Warren, Ohio, Nov. 15,1848,
and so remains. He mariieit ]Mary Eddy, dau. of the Rev. Harvey Coe of
Huince re-
turned to Amherst. He married Mary, dau. of Ira Gay of Nashua. Henry
Grout Cooke, D. C. 1841, is, and Phineas Cooke, D. C. 1843, was, his brother.
William Augustus Duncklke, the son of Abraham and Susan (Carter)
Duncklee, was born at Hanover, Mar. 6, 1811. He studied medicine at
Concord, and has been a dentist in Virginia. He married, 1. Eliza Cady of
Concord. 2. Mercy R. Joy at Bo-ton, Ms. in Oct. 183G.
* Fhkdhuick Augustus Eldridge, the son of Dr INIicah and Sally (But-
trick) Eldridije, was born at Dunstable, INIar. 25, 1810, and died at Na--hua,
Jan. 13, 1836, je. 25. He taught at Nashua a few months, but was soon dis-
abled by ilhiess. He had the ministry in view and was unmarried.
Edward Browx Emersox, the son of the Kev. Dr Brown, D. C. 1802,
and INlary (Hopkins) Emerson, was born at Salem, M-^, Feb. 10, 1812. He
studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1835 ; was ordained an
evangelist at Northville, Mich. Sept. 13, 1838; installed pastor of the Cong.
Ch. at Brownstown, Mich. Feb. 20. 1839; dismissed? installed pastor of the
Cong. Ch. at South Canaan, A|)r. 22, 1841 ; dismissed in May 1853; settled
at Norwich. Vt, in 1846 ; at Heath, ]\Is, in 1855 ; at Monroe, Ct, in Ai)r. 1858 ;
is now a teacher at Stratford, Ct. He married Ann, dau. of Ezra Lummus of
Salem, Apr. 10, 1841. Daniel Hopkins Emerson, D. C. 1830, is his brotlier.
* Charles Howe Greenleaf, the son of Abner and Sarah (Hale) Green-
leaf, was born at West Newljuiy, Ms, Aug. 6, 1806. and died at Bi-ookIyn,
N. Y. May 18, 1838, yE. 31. He taught there; also studied divinity, but died
before entering the jjulpit.
* Nathaniel Grover, A. M. the son of Josiah and Susan (Jewett) Grover,
was born at Atkinson, Sept. 13, 180"), and died at South Haven, i\Iich. May
10, 1HC.3, M. 57. He studied divinity, but taught at Barnstead, Norwieh, Ct,
Bradtbrd, Ms, and Kalamazoo, INIich. until 1855; was ordained and installed
at South Haven Cong. Ch. June 14, 1857. He married Sarah, dau. of John
Vose, D. C. 1795, of Atkinson, Aug. 11, 1834.
* Silas Holman Hill, A. M. the son of John Burleigh and Mary Libby
(Meloon) Hill, was born at Portsmouth, Dec. 14, 1807, and died at Washing-
ton, D. C. Oct. 13, 1860, JE. 52. He taught there a short time ; then read law
and went into practice at Washington in 1835 ; was some years an accountant
in the U. S. Treasury; a member of the city councils for 10 years, and part
of the time Pres. of each ; was also acting JNIayor at one time. Air Hill was
a very popular and estimable man. He married Mary B. dau. of James M.
Varnum, at Washington in Sept. 1835.
* JosiAii Howe, the son of Dr .Josiah and Lucy Barron (Shattuck) Howe,
was born at Templelon, M<, Jime 27, 1812, and died there, in Oct. 1858, M. 46.
He read law at Harv. Univ. Law Sch. graduating LL. B. in 1836 ; opened an
office in N. Y. city and |)raclised there through lite.
Caleb Shaver Hunt, the son of Cah-b and Kel)ecca (Poole) Hunt, was
born at Bath in 1815. He read law and practised many years at Bridge-
ALUMNI 1832. 263
water, INIs ; not long since engaged in other business at or near New Orleans,
La. He married Sarali, dau. of the Hon. John Reed of Bridgewater.
* William Henry Lord, A. M. the son of John Perkins and Sophia
(Ladd) Lord, was born at Portstnoutli, Sept. 10, 1812, and died at "Washington,
D. C. in 18G6, je. 53. He studied divinity at llie And. Theo. Sem. graduating
in 1837 ; was ordained pastor of the Unitarian Cong. Ch. at Southborongli, Ms;
dismissed? was Consul at St Thomas, W. I. under Pres. jMillard Fillmore;
removed by Pres. Franklin Pierce; settled over the Unit. Ch. at Milwaukie,
Wisconsin ; became a Clerk in the U. S. Treasury at Washington, D. C. in
July 1861. He married Persis. dau. of the Rev. Dr James Kendall, at Plym-
outh, Ms, Jan. 1, 1840. Jolm Lord, D. C. 1833, and Charles Elipbalet Lord,
D. C. 1838, were his brotliers.
* Lp:wis Manx, the son of Nathaniel and Maty (Mason) Mann, was born
at Orford, JNIar. 2, 1811, and died there, Sept. 7, 1834, je. 23.
* George Anson JMerrill, the son of the Rev. Joseph, D. C. 1814, and
Ellenor (Haines) Merrill, was born at Draeut, Ms, Apr. 14, 1813, and died at
Acwortli, May 3, 1835, je. 22. lie was principal of Plymouth Acad. 1 year ;
studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. and had nearly finished his course. He
did not marry.
Daniel James Notes, A. M.-D. D. the son of Daniel and Nancy (Weare)
Noyes, was born at Springfield, Sept. 11, 1812. He was tutor at Columbian
Coll. AVa^hington, D. C. in 1833; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. gradu-
ating in 1836; was tutor at Dart, from 1836 to 1837; ordained pastor of the
Cong. Ch. at Concord, May 2, 1837; dismissed Oct. 10, 1849; became Prof,
of Divinity at Dart. Nov. 1, 1849, and is yet in office ; has published several
sermons and addresses. The Univ. of Vt gave the Hon. degree in 1854. He
married Jane Aiken of Chester in Aug. 1837. Samuel Aiken Noyes, D. C.
1859, and Daniel James Noyes, D. C. 1861, are his sons.
Sherburne Blake Piper, the son of Jonathan and Sarah (Hovey) Piper,
was born at Northwood, May 30, 1807. He read law with William Hotchkiss
of Lewiston, N. Y. and there began and continues practice ; was Dist. Atty for
Niagara Co. from 1845 to 1851, and Pres. elector at large for N. Y. in 1852.
He married Ann Eliza Goodwin, Nov. 5, 1835.
Charles William Prentiss, tiie son of the Hon. Samuel and Lucretia
(Houghton) Pi'cntiss, was born at Montpelier, Vt, Oct. 18, 1.S12. He read law
and commenced practice at Ira.^burg, Vt; represented it in the Vt Leg. 2 years;
removed his office to Montpelier and so remains. He married Caroline Kellogg
of Peacham, Vt.
Edwin David Sanborn, A. M.-LL. D. the son of David Edwin and Har-
riet (Hook) Sanborn, was born at Gilmantnn, May 14, 1808. He taught at
Topsfield, Ms, 1 year; was preceptor of Giluianton Acad, from 1833 to 1834;
read law with Stephen Carr Lyford of Meredith ; studied divinity at And.
Theo. Sem. 1 year in tlie class of 1837 ; was an assistant at Phillips Acad, at
the same time; became tutor at Dart, in 1835 ; then Prof, of Latin and Greek
from 1835 to 1837; Prof, of Latin alone from 1837 to 1859; then Prof, of
Latin and Pres. of Wa?hington Univ. St Louis, Missouri, but returned to
Dart, as Prof, of Oratory and Belles Lettres in 1863. The Univ. of Vt gave
the Hon. degree in 1859. He married JNIary Ann, dau. of the Hon. Ezekiel
Webster, D. C. 1804, of Boscawen, at B. Dec. 11, 1837. John Sewall San-
born, D. C. 1842, is his brother.
Reuben Spalding, A. M. the son of Reuben and Jerusha (Carpenter)
Spalding, was born at Sharon, Vt, July 22, 1807. He taught in Canada 2
264 ALUMNI 1832.
years; studied medicine with Dr . Tames .S[)alding, his brother, at Montpelier,
Vt ; also at Dart. Med. Coll. and Ilarv. Univ. Med. School, gradnatinjj; M. D.
at the last in 183G; soon be^ran practice at Spencer, INI-; was then at Brattle-
boroiiirli, Vt, from 1837 to 18;)7 ; that j-ear, moved to Dedliam, Ms, and tiience
to Phillipston, Ms. in Feb. 1859, being still there on a farm and in |)ractice.
lie married, 1. Electa G. dan. of the lion. Henry Clark of Brattleborough,
May 16, 1836. 2. Mis Mary C Powers, Nov. 18, 1857.
William Taggakt. the son of IIupjli Jameson and Eli-abefh (M'Dougall)
Taggart, was born at Ilooksett, Jan. 12, 18U9. He taught school, read law,
and opened an office at Haverhill, Ms, which is still his residence ; represented
it in the INIass. Leg. in 1856 and 1857 ; is now Judge of the Police Court
there. lie married Mary Jane Marsh of Haverhill in Aug. 1842.
Samdkl Harvey Taylor, A. M.-LL. D. the son of James and Persis
(Heni|)hill) Taylor, was born at Londonderry, Oct. 3, 1807. He studied di-
vinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1837; was tutor at Dart, from 1836
to 1837 ; became principal of Phillips Acad. Andover, Ms, in Sept. 1837, a
position still retained ; lias been one of the editors of the Bil)liotlieca Sacra
since 1852 ; has published a " Method of Classical Study," 1861, in 154 pages.
Brown Univ. conferred the Hon. degree in 1854. Mr Taylor ranks wiih the
first cla-sical scholars the counfi-y has produced. He married Caroline P. dau.
of the Rev. Edward Lutwyche Parker, D. C. 1807, Dec. 8, 1837. George
Harvey Taylor, D. C. 1862, is his son.
Calvin Tracy, the son of Samuel and Phebe (Parker) Tracy, Avas born
at Cornish. He became a teacher in N. Y. city for several years; has been
Prof, of Mathematicks in the Agricultural Coll. at Lansing, Mich, some time
and so continues. He has published a Treatise on Arithmetick and other
works. He married Maria C. dau. of the Rev. Joseph Rowell, D. C. 1794, of
Cornisii. Levi Nelson Tracy, D. C. 1834, was his brother.
John Calvin Wicbstkr, A. M. the son of the Rev. Josiah, D. C. 1798,
and Eli.-abeth (Knight) Webster, was born at Ham])ton, on the cold F'riday,
Jan. 19, 1810. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1835;
was ordained as Ciiaplain to seamen in Cronstadt, Russia, at Newburyport, Ms,
Mar. 15, 1837; sailed ibr that port May 20, 1S37; returned in Jan. 1838;
was installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Ilopkinton, Ms, Dec. 19, 1838; dis-
missed Dec. 12, 1864; removed thence to Wln'aton, lUi. in 1865, and is a
Prof, of Logick and Rlietorick in Wheaton Coll. tliere; has published 3 ser-
mons; many articles in JMagazines and religious papers; al>o a vol. of 214
pages, entitled, "Worship and Work or the life of Dea. Samuel Morse." He
married, 1. Rebecca Gair, dau. of Capt. AVilliam Russell of Providence, R. I.
Jan. 1, 1839. 2. Elisabeth Ripley, dan. of tlie Rev. Dr Nathaniel Bouton of
Concord, Dec. 22, 1847. John Calvin Webster, D. C. 1864, is his son, Joseph
Dana Webster of this class, and Claudius Buchanan Webster, D. C. 1836, are
his brothers.
JosEi'ii Dana Webster, A. M. the brotluM- of the preceding, was born at
Hampton, Aug. 25, 1811. He read law wilii the Hon. Slei)hen Webster
Mar-ton, D. C. 1811, of Newburyport, Ms; but soon became a Clerk in the
Engineer and War Offices at Washington, D. C. city ; was made a U. S. Civil
Engineer in 1835; 2nd Lt of U. S. Topogra|)hical Engineers in 1838, serving
one year in the Mexican War; prumoted 1st Lt of the same in 1849, and Capt.
in 1853; resigned iu 1854; lived at Chicago, lUi. until 18G1 ; was then in the
mililarv service, first of Illinois and afterwards of the U. S. army, hohling in
both the rank of Major and Colonel ; had charge of the fortifications at Cairo,
ALUMNI 1832. 265
Illinois ; went thence as Chief of Staff to Gen. Grant, and served at tlie cap-
tures of Forts Henry and Donelson in Feb. 18G2; was both Chief of Staff and
of Artillery at the sanguinary battles of Shiloh, Apr. 6 and 7, 18G2, and was
greatly distinguished for courage and skill ; continued with Gen. Grant until
Oct. 1862, and became a Brig. Gen. of Vols in the U. S. service Oct. 14, 1862 ;
served as Superintendent of Military Rail Roads to the summer of 1863 ; then
went a> Chief of Staff to Gen. Sherman, having charge of Head Quarters at
Nashville, Tenn. and was witli Gen. Thomas at Hood's defeat before that city in
Dec. 1864; was next with Sherman in the triumphant march to Savannah, Geo.
and thence to Newbern ; ari'ived at Washington, D. C. and was there brevetted
a Major General, leaving the service in Nov. 1865 with this gratifying testi-
mony of his meritorious conduct. The General is now residing in the vicinity
of Chicago. He married Ann C. dau. of John Wright of Chicago, Sept. 19,
Charles Wingate, the son of Stephen and Abigail (Cate) Wingate, was
born at Barrington, Jan. 26, 1813. He taught at Bradford, Vt, 6 months, and
in N. Y. city from 1833 to 1851 ; was a book-keeper some time; then taught
again, and is or was in various financial agencies. He married Mary Phelps,
dau. of George Robinson of Dover, N. J. June 1, 1837.
George Warren Wood, D. D. tlie son of Samuel and Mehitabel (Pea-
body) Wood, was born at Bradford, Ms, Feb. 24, 1814. He taught at Eliza-
bethtown, N. J. until 1836; studied divinity pi'ivately and at Princeton, N. J.
Theo. Sem. a little while ; was ordained a Presb. missionary at Morristown,
N. J. May 20, 1837; sailed for Singapore, E. I. May 25, 1838; returned in
June 1840; sailed for Smyrna, Mar. 8, 1842 for the Armenian mission; spent
nearly 8 years at Constantinople, Turkey, associated with the Rev. Cyrus
Hamlin in the Bebek Seminary; returned to the U. S. Sept. 4, 1850; became
Corresp. Sec. of the Am. Bd of For. Missions in 1852, to reside in N. Y.
city, an office still held. Hamilton Coll. N. Y. conferred the Hon. degree in
1859. He married, 1. Martha Maria, dau. of Silas Johnson of Morristown,
N. J. Apr. 24, 1838. 2. Martha, dau. of William Briggs of Boston, Ms, at
Philadelphia, Pa, Dec. 29, 1841. 3. Mary C. dau. of Thomas Hastings of
N. Y. city, Jan. 18, 1855.
Charles Abbot, the son of Zebedee and Elisabeth (Hale) Abbot, was
born at Wilton, Oct. 31, 1808. He taught at Nashville in musick, at Orange,
N. J. and other places ; was said to be a manufacturer of paper hangings at
Newark, N. J. in 1858. He married Chastina C. dau. of the Rev. J. Gove at
Milford, Feb. 10, 1848.
Frederick Augustus Adams, A. M. the son of Benjamin and Olivia
(Everett) Adams, was born at New Ipswich, July 19, 1807. He taught 1
year; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 2 years in the class of 1837; was
tutor at Dart, from 1836 to 1837 ; ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Am-
herst, Nov. 15, 1837; dismissed Sej)t. 24, 1840; became principal of Duinmer
Acad. Byfield, Ms, for 6 years; taught a Young Ladies School at Orange,
N. J. for 10 years ; removed to Newark, N. J. in 1857 and took charge of the
Acad, there ; has published " Arithmetick in 2 parts, mental and written."
He married Mary Jane, dau. of David M'Gregore Means, at Amherst, Oct.
23, 1839.
Joseph Conner Bodwell, A. M.-D. D. the son of the Rev. Abraham and
266 ALUMNI 1833.
Nancy (Conner) Bodwell, was born at Sanbornton, June 11, 1812. He taught
in tlie Acad, at Ilaverliill 2 years, and Sunbornton Acad. 1 year; sliidied di-
vinity at Hi,i:;hbury Coll. London, f^ng. 2 years ; was ordained pastor of a Ch.
at Weymouth, Dor>ettor of tlif Cong. Cli. at Framinirham. Ms. June 30, 1852 ; dismissed
Nov. 5, 1862; installed pastor at Woburn, Ms Nov. 11, 1862 ; dismissed Aug.
3, 1866, to be Prof, of Theology at East "Windsor, Ct, Theii Seminary ; has
published some sermons, with articles in Reviews and Magazines, and delivered
in many places lectures on the people and institutions of P^ngland. Dart, gave
the llunorary degree in 1864. lie married Catharine, dau. of John Sykes of
Highbury Park, London, May 16, 1839.
William Craige Burke, the son of Gen. Solomon "Wait and JNIary
(Craige) Burke, was born at Woodstock, Vt, Feb. 19, 1812. He studied di-
vinity tit And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1838 ; was ordained and preached for
a time at Lancaster, but left the ministry from ill health ; then studied medi-
cine at Dart. Med. Coll. being also teacher at floor's charity sch. from 1842 to
1844 ; finished his med. course at the Univ. of N. Y. graduating M. D. in 1844;
practised in N. Y. city to 1856 ; at Skeneatales, N. Y. 6 years, and Norwalk,
Ct, 2 years; then retired to a farm bought at Skeneatales. He mai'ried Sarah
Elisabeth, dau. of the Hon. Timothy Farrar, D. C. 1807, of Boston, Ms, at B.
May 16, 1848.
David Crosby, A. M. the son of William and Sally (Noyes) Crosby, was
born at Groton, Sept. 1, 1807. He has been constantly employed in teaching,
first at Newport, then at New Hampton, and now at Nashua since Apr. 1836.
He married Emily S. Ilunton of Unity in July 1836.
Daniel Bateman Cutter, the son of Daniel and Sally (Jones) Cutter,
was born at Jaflfrey, May 10, 1808. He studied medicine with Dr Luke Howe,
D. C. 1811, of JafiVey, Dr Nehemiah Cutter of Pepperell, Ms, and at Y'ale
Med. School, graduating M. D. in 1835; began practice at Ashby, Ms, in
1835; removed to Peterborough in 1837, and is yet there; represented it in
the N. II. Leg. in 1852. He married Clementine, dau. of the Hon. Asa Parker
of Jaftrey, Dec. 8, 1835. Edward Stearns Cutter, D. C. 1844, and Isaac
Jones Cutter, D. C. 1852, are his brothers.
* Thomas Davis, the son of Amos and Olive Davis, was born at Green-
land, June 22, 1809, and died there, Dec. 3, 1834, jk. 25. He had charge of
Greenland Acad, long as health allowed it. He did not marry.
James Mauison Dodge, the son of William Bradford and Sarah (Dole)
Dodge, was born at Salem, Ms, Aug. 5, 1812. He taught at Beverly, Ms, over
a year and studied surgery; also at Portland, Me, trom 1835 to 1845; went
that year to Avon, Illi. but now lives at Milburn, lUi. and is emphatically a
working man and useful citizen. He married Jane Rainier, dau. of AVilliara
Crie of Portland, Aug. 9, 1837.
Joseph Dow, A. M. the son of Josiah and Hannah (Mouhon) Dow, was
born at Hampton, Apr. 12, 1807. He was teacher at Pembroke Acad, from
18.^3 to 1837 ; at Gardiner, INIe, from 1837 to 1838 ; at Hampton Acad, from
1838 to 1839 ; at Quhicy. Ms, from 1845 to 1846; at Exeter from 1846 to
1847 ; at East Machias, Me, from 1847 to 1852 ; at Weymouth, Ms, in 1853 ;
at Hyannis, Ms, in 1858, being principal in every case ; has published a plan
of Exeter and prepared for the pi-ess. The History of Hampton. He married
Abigail, dau. of the Rev. Dr Jonathan French of North Hampton, Apr. 14,
ALUMNI 1833. 267
* Epiiraim Eaton, the son of Henry and Hannah (Eaton) Eaton, was born
at Candia, Sept. 13, 1808, and died at Ti-oy, N. Y. Mar. 3, 18G3, je. 54. He
read law with Samuel Fletcher, D. C. 1810, at Concord; practised there unto
1853 ; moved to Troy that year, and became an Iron Founder. He married
Mary Jane, dau. of Horatio Gates Cilley, at Deerfield in 1843.
Asa Fowler, the son of Benjamin and Mehitabel (Ladd) Fowler, was born
at Peml)roke, Feb. 23, 1811. He read law with Charles liazen Peaslee, D. C.
1824; began practice at Concord in 1837 and is still there; was Clerk of the
N. H. Senate from 1835 to 1840; partner in the law with Ex-Pres. Franklin
Pierce from 1838 to 1845; represented Concord in the N. H. Leg. in 1845,
1847, and 1848; became a Judge of the Sup. Jud. Court of N. H. in 1855.
Judge Fowler furnished about 1859 a then nearly perfect account of this class.
He married Mary Dole Cilley, dau. of Robert Knox, at Epsom, July 13,
Jacob Gale, the son of Benjamin and Achsah (Bailey) Gale, was born at
Salisbury, Feb. 22, 1814. He studied medicine a brief space; was a merchant
at Peoria, lUi. from 1834 to 1835 ; then read law and opened an office at
Peoria; became Clerk of Peoria Co. Circuit Court in 1844; elected Judge of
the Judicial Circuit Court of Illi. in 1856; soon resigned and was made super-
intendent of publick schools at Peoria. He married Caroline P. dau. of Dr
Peter Bartlett, at Peoria, June 7, 1838.
PIuGii Horatio Henry, the son of Hugh and Betsey (Dodge) Henry, was
born at Chester, Vt, Oct. 18, 1814. He studied no profes?ion, but is believed
to be a prominent person in his region ; was made U. S. Marshal of Vt in
1865. He marrie.d Sarah Henry of Charlestown at C. Apr. 14, 1836.
Charles Davis Jackson, D. D. the son of John and Mary "Wendell
(Williams) .lackson, was born at Salem, Ms, Dee. 15, 1811. He was Prof, of
Latin and Greek at Lane Sem. Walnut Hills, Ohio, a short time; then taught
in an Acad, at Dover 1 year ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 2 years in
the class of 1838; was head of a Classical Scho. at Peteisburg, Va, 2 years;
taught in the Rev. Dr Francis Li.-ter Hawks' Epis. Seho. at Flushing, L. I.
about 1 year ; took a class of pupils at N. Y. city ; was ordained a Deacon in
the Prot. Epis. Church ; advanced to the order of a Presbyter in the same at
N. Y. city. Mar. 5, 1842 ; preached there at St Stephen's Ch. 1 or 2 years ;
became rector of St Luke's Ch. Staten Island ; after that, rector of St Peter's
Ch. West Chester, N. Y. and is still in office. Norwich Univ. Vt conferred
the Hon. degree in 1859. Dr Jackson has published 1 vol. on Popular Edu-
cation ; 1 vol. on the Relation of Education to Crime ; 2 vols Selected Dis-
courses; 1 vol. of Sermons on a Future State ; also several single sermons and
pamphlets. He married Elisabeth, dau. of the Hon. John Wheeler of Dover,
Aug. 25, 1837.
James Frederick Joy, A. M. the son of James and Sarah (Pickering)
Joy, was born at Durham, Dec. 2, 1810. He was tutor at Dart, from 1834 to
1835 ; read law at Harv. Univ. Law School, graduating LL. B. in 1836; went
into practice at Detroit, Mich, and is still there largely engaged in rail road con-
cerns. He married, 1. Martha, dau. of the Hon. Lt Gov. John Read, at Yar-
mouth, Ms, in June 1841. 2. Mary Bourne of Hartford, Ct.
* Thomas Kittredge, the son of Dr John and Sarah (Plummer)Kittredge,
wa^ born at Gloucester, Ms, Nov. 17, 1811, and died at Milton, Ms, July 27,
1845, JE. 33. He studied medicine with Dr John Jeffries of Boston, Ms ; at
Harv. Univ. Med. School; at the Eye Infirmary in Boston, and at Jefferson
Med. Coll. Philadelphia, Pa, graduating M. D. 1837. A classmate says, " His
2G8 ALUMNI 1833.
disposition was liappy, his heart j^enerou«, and liis manner and bearing graceful
and gentlemanly." He did not practise, nor did he marry.
* Alkxandkr IIamiltox Lawrenck, the son of Jotham and Caroline ^la-
tilda (Conner) Lawrence, was born at Exeter, June 18. 1812. and died at
Washington, 1). C. Mar. 16. 1857, a:. 44. He taught at Washington- in 1834;
was Clerk in the Gen. Land Office from 1836 to 1845; then read law and be-
gan practice at Washington in 1846. " He took an exalted stand in all the
Courts of the District of Col. and very soon in the highest known to our
Constitution, the Supreme Court of the United States." More than this, he
was among the best of men. He married Jane, dau. of Dr Alexander M'Wil-
liams of Washington in Sept. 1841.
Edward Livermoke, the son of the Hon. Arthur and Louisa (Bliss) Liver-
more, was born at Ilolderness, Mar. 18,1815. He studied divinity at tiie Gen.
Epis. Theo. Sem. in N. Y. city ; took Deacon's orders in the Prot. Epis. Ch.
Apr. 21, 1839; and Priest's orders afterwards; officiated first at Drewsville in
Walpole ; next at Waterloo, N. Y. and was then rector of the Church at East
Bloomfield, N. Y. His present location is at St Peter, Minnesota. He mar-
ried, 1. Elisabeth Green, dau. of Henry Hubbard of Boston, ]\Is. Dec. 12,
1839. 2. ^lary M'Cormick of Owego, N. Y. in 1853. Arthur Livermore,
D. C. 1829, and George Livermore, D. C. 1830, are his brothers.
Jonx Lord, A. M.-LL. D. the son of John Perkins and So|)hia (Ladd)
Lord, was born at Portsmouth, Dec. 27, 1810. He studied divinity at And.
Theo. Sem for a time ; taught at Norwich, Ct, about a year ; resumed studies
at And. graduating in 1837 ; was agent of the Atner. Peace Soc. until 1839 ; then
preached at New Marlborough, Ms ; also at other places about a year, but was
never settled or ordained, having adopted literature as a profession ; lectured
on History and Biography until 1843 ; visited Europe and lectured there ; re-
turned and delivered discourses on the same subjects in many places with eminent
success; revisited Europe in 1853 ; returned in 1855, and settled at Stamford,
Ct, his present home. Dr Lord has published 2 school Ilistoi-ies and several
other works. The Univ. of N. Y. gave the Hon. degree in 1864. He married
IVIary Porter, an English lady, at London, Eng. in 1846. William Henry
Lord, D. C. 1832, was, and Charles Eliphalet Lord, D. C. 1838, is, his brotlier.
Jesse Eaton Pilesbury, the son of John and Sally (Eaton) Pill-bury,
was born at Candia, Dec. 10, 1807. He taught at Buffalo, N. Y. but is now
iprincipal of the Acad, at Kingston, Ulster Co. N. Y. He married, ]Mary, dau.
'of Ebenezer Stratton of Williamstown, Ms, Sept. 25,1839. David Pill-bury,
D. C. 1827, was his brother.
Willard PREsnuRY, A. M. the son of Nathaniel and Martha Presbury,
■was born at Bradford, Sej)t. 22, 1807. He taught at Tuscaloosa, Ala. 2 years ;
studied divinity at Lexington, Ky, from 1835 to 1837 ; was ordained a Deacon
of the Prot. Epis. Ch. by the Rt Rev. Benj. Bosworth Smith, D. D. Bishop of
Ky, at Fraidsfort, Ky, in 1837 ; preached there 2 years and was about this
time ordained a Presbyter ; was rector of Christ Ch. at Madison, Ind. from 1839
to 1840 ; then of Christ Ch. at Springfield, Ohio, from 1840 to 1843 ; taught
and preach'-d at Elizabethtown, Ky, to 1844; went next to a plantation on
Sunflower river. Miss, and ])reaclied to the slaves ; became rector of the Epiph-
any Cli. at Claiborne Co. Miss, from 1845 to 1855; removed thence to Grace
Ch. Paduca, Ky ; then rector of St John's Cli. Early Grove, near Yazoo City,
Miss. He married Margaret Byrne Penny of London, Eng. at Frankfort in
Samuel Locke Sawyer, the son of Aaron Flint, D. C. 1804, and Hannah
ALUMNI 1833. 269
(Locke) Sawyer, was born at Mount Vernon, Nov\ 27, 1813. lie read law with
his lather ; also with Artenias Rogers of Fitchbiirg, Ms, Sill and Kidder of
Geneva, N, Y. and at Cleveland, Ohio, teaching there at the same time ; ojjcned
an office at Lexington, Missouri in Nov. 1838, and there remains ; was Circuit
Court Atty from 1848 to 1855. lie married JNIary M. dau. of the Rev. Thomas
Callaway, Dec. 23, 1841.
* Bknjamin Franklin Shepard, the son of Jo-seph and Jane (Gove)
Shepard, was born at Epping, Feb. 14, 1808, and died at Drewsville in Wal-
pole, Ojt. 23, 1835,^. 27. He studied divinity at the Prot. Epis. Sem. New
York city 1 year; went thence to Drewsville as a lay reader, but was after-
wards ordained a Deacon of the Piot. Epis. Ch. by the Rt Rev. Alexander
Viets Griswold, D. D. Bishop of the Eastern Diocese. Not long after, the ty-
phoid fever brought him to the grave. He was a fine scholar and bid fair to
be an eminently useful and succe-sful [ireacher.
Edward Si'alding, the son of Dr Matthias and Rebecca Wentworth (Ather-
ton) Spalding, was born at Amherst, Sept. 15, 1813. He studied medicine
with his father and at Harv. Univ. Med. School, graduating M. D. in 1837;
began practice immediately at Nashua and there continues ; has been often a
member of its municipal government and was Mayor of the city in 18G4; be-
came a Trustee of Dart. Coll. in 18G6. He married Dora E. dau. of Joseph
Barrett, at New Ipswich, June 23, 1841.
* Kaled Ellis Sumner, the son of Frederick Augustus and Abigail Little
(Bailey) Sumner, was born at Charlestown, Dec. 25, 1813, and died at Hart-
ford, Ct, Feb. 15, 1840, je. 2G. He began to read law, but abandoned it to en-
gage in the lumber trade, and died unmarried.
Edmund Quincy Sheafe Waldron, the son of Daniel and Olive Rindge
(Sheafe) AValdron, was born at Dovei% July 6, 1812. He kept a school of
high order at N. Y. city and afterwards at Philadelphia, Pa, being thus engaged
for 7 years ; then read law and went into practice at Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1842 ;
but becoming a convert to the Roman faith, was Prof, of Rhet. and Belles Let-
ti'es in the Univ. of St. Louis, Missouri ; returned to Philadelphia in 1847 ;
studied divinity at a Seminary under Bishop Kenrick ; was ordained by him a
Roman prie.-«t, Dec. 15, 1847 ; was made pa-tor of the southern half of New
Jersey ; then of the Cathedral Cli. at Philadidphia in 1849 ; remained 8 years
and in that space founded a Magdalen Asylum and aUo St Vincent's Home for
the cai'e of ini'ants ; took charge of St Matthew's Ch. Washington, D. C. in July
1857, but is now Pres. of Borromeo Coll. Pikesville, Bait. Co. Md.
* Benjamin West, the son of Benjamin and Charity (West) West, was born
at Boston, Ms, May 15, 1812, and died at Rochester, Jlli. June 23, 1847,^..
35. He read law at Harv. Univ. Law School, graduating LL. B. in 1836;
began practice at Rochester, lili. in 1837 ; went into the wool manufacture in
1840 ; spent the winter of 1845 and 1846 at the Island of St Thomas, W. I.
and at New Orleans, La, on account of illness; represented Sangamon Co. in
the Illi. Leg. in 184(), but, near the close of the session of 1846 and 1847, was
forced by the state of his health to go home, where death ensued in about 3
months. He married Pamela Aim Taylor of Ky in Apr. 1840.
Samuel West, the brother of the preceding, was born at Boston, Ms, Nov.
8,1813. He lives at Rochester, Illi. extensively engaged in agriculture. He
married Mrs (Putnam) Stevens, dau. of Benjamin Putnam of Unity in
Jonas Whitney, the son of Benjamin and Nancy (Fuller) Whitney, was
born at Marlborough, July 4, 1805. He taught successively at Seneca Falls,
270 ALOINI 1833.
Aurora, and Buffalo, all in N. Y. Shawneetown, llli. near St Louis, ]Mi-j.«ouri,
Liberty, ]Mis>ouri, near St Louis again ; then removed to Columbus, Oiiio, in
184G, owing to ill health ; returned to St Louis in Sept. of that year, and had
several employments until 185-i, when teaching recommenced as principal of
one of its ])ublick schools and so continues. He married Cliarlotte Forman of
Ithaca, N. Y. in Dec. 1835.
John IIoi'KINS "Worckster, A. M.-D. D. the son of the Rev. Leonard and
Elisabeth (Hopkins) Worce^ter, was born at Peacham, Vt, May 28, 1812. He
taugiit at Ikirr Sem. Manchester, Vt ; was then tutor at Dart, from 1835 to
183(1; taught again at Burr Sem. 1 year; next at BuchauansviUe, S. C.
from 1837 to 1838 ; now studied divinity and was ordained pastor of tlie 2nd
Cong. Ch. at St Johnsbury, Vt, Sept. 5, 1839 ; dismissed '^ov. 6, 1846 ; in-
stalled pastor of the Calvinistick Cung. Ch. at Builington, Vt, Mar. 10, 1847 ;
dismissed Oct. 11, 1854; but still lives there, having opened a select boarding
school for young ladies. The Univ. of Vt conferred the Hon. degree in 186G.
He married, 1. Sarah T. dan. of William Wheeler of Peacham, Aug. 16, 1836.
2. Harriet E. dau. of Dea. Elnathan Strong of Hardwick, A^t, Nov. 30, 1840. 3.
Martha P. dau. of Dea. Luther Clark of St Johnsbury, Aug. 23, 1843.
4. Catharine Fleming, Oct. 21, 1851. Leonard Worcester, D. C. 1825, and
Evarts Worcester, D. C. 1830, were his brothers.
Calf.b Robinsox Ater. He was from Newfield, Me ; read law and was
practi^ing at Cornish, Me, in 1854.
* Albert Baker, the son of Mark and Abigail (Ambrose) Baker, was born
at Bow, Feb. 5, 1810. and died at HillsboroughV Oct. 17, 1841, ^. 31. He read
law with the Hon. Franklin Pierce of Hill-borough and the Hon. Richard
Fletcher, D. C. 1806, of Boston, Ms ; went into practice at Hillsborough in
1837 ; represented it in the N. H. Leg. in 1839, 1840, and 1841. He did not
Joel Blackmer, A. M. the son of Solomon and Miriam (Benedict) Bhick-
mer, was born at Barnard, Vt, Apr. 11, 1810. He taught the Bradford, Vt,
Acad, ill 1M35 and 1836 ; was agent of the Univ. of Vt in 1837 ; then studied
divinity at And. Tlieo. Sem. graduating in 1840 ; preached as a licentiate in
Soutli W(!ymouth, Ms, 1 year; taught at Riilgebnry, Orange Co. N. Y. from
Sept. 1843, about 18 months; removed to IS'. Y. city in 1845; was there the
principal of Clinton Place Listitute for several years ; has been a Clerk in the
Kew York Custom House for some time. He married Elisabeth AVest, dau. of
the Hon. Amos Al)bot of Andover, ]\Is, Oct. 20, 1844.
Gardnm-.r SilKPARi) Brown, the son of Abijah and Sarah (Shepard) Brown,
was born at Alstead, Sept. 12, 1810. He studied divinity ; was ordained pastor
of the Cong. Ch. at Hinsdale, May 2, 1838 ; dismissed Apr. 2, 1844 ; after this,
taught in N. Y. city ; also studied medicine at the Univ. ot N. Y. graduating M.
D. in 1847 ; was settled in practice at Hartford, Ct. He married P^lisabeth
Prudence Scranton, Sept. 30, 1838.
Calvin Butler, A. M. the son of Samuel and Clarissa (Buck) Butler, was
born at Pelham, Apr. 25, 1810. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. gradu-
ating in 1837 ; was ordained colleague pastor of the Rev. Moses Miller of the
Cong. Ch. at Heath, Ms, Oct. 31, 1838; dismissed Mar. 17, 1840 ; then sup-
plied at Salisbury, Vt, 1 year; installed pastor at Bristol, Vt, in 1841 ; dismissed
Sept. 5, 1845 ; was next principal of Salem Acad. N. Y. but removed to Som-
ALUMNI 1834. 271
erville, N. J. in Sept. 1851, and is there the head of a Young Ladies Institute.
He married Eliza F. Peck at Mendon, Ms, May 20, 1839.
Alukrt Carrington. lie was born at KoyaUon, Vt, and has been for
many years a prominent Mormon, now residing with a plurality of wives at Salt
Lake city, Utah.
Benjamin Clark, the son of Benjurain and Margaret (Graves) Clark, was
born at Charlestown, July 16, 1805. He became a teacher at Urbana, Ohio;
left it in 1858, and now lives at Bloomtield, Edgar Co. Uli. He is married.
Daniel Clark, the son of Benjamin and Elisabeth (Wiggin) Clark, was
born at Stratham, Oct. 29, 1809. He read law with the Hon. George Sullivan
of Exeter from Aug. 1834 to Jan. 1836, and the Hon. James Bell from 1836
to 1837 at Exeter; began practice at Epping in Sept. 1837; moved his office
to Manchester in Apr. 1839, and there remains; represented it in the N. H.
Leg. in 1842, 1843, 1846, 1854, and 1855 ; was Senator in Cong, from 1857 to
1861 and from 1861 to 1866 ; was made Judge of the U. S. District Court of
N. H. in 1866. He married, 1. Hannah Weeks, dau. of Maxcy Robbins of
Stratliam, June 9, 1840. 2. Aim Walker, dau. of Henry Salter of Portsmouth,
May 13, 1846. David Joseph Clark, D. C. 1836, was ins brother.
* James Clark, the son of James and Betsey (Dix) Clark, was born at
Nehon, Jan. 14, 1810, and died at Savannah, Geo. July 31, 1837, .E. 27. He
studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 1 year in the class of 1838 ; went to Savan-
nah in Sept. 1836, and was there principal of Chatham Academy. He never
Moses Tenney Clougii, the son of Phineas and Judith (Currier) Clough,
was born at Hopkinton, Nov. 22, 1814. He read law with Eliplialet Pearson,
D. C. 1827, at Ticonderoga, N. Y. from Sept. 1834 to Mar. 1835 and tlien with
James J. Stevens of the same town to 1838 ; went that year into practice at Ti-
conderoga ; was District Atty for Essex Co. from 1844 to 1850, Supreme
court Commissioner, Master in Chancery, Postmaster, and Town Supervisor ;
removed to Troy, N. Y. in 1857.
William Symmes Coggin, A. M. the son of the Rev. Jacob and Mary
(Symmes) Coggin, was born at Tewk.>bury, Ms, Nov. 27, 1812. He studied
divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1837 ; was ordained pastor of the
Cong. Ch. at Boxford, Ms, May 9, 1838, and is still in oHice. He married
Mary, dau. of Dea. Oliver Clark of Tewksbury, Aug. 5, 1840. David Coggin,
D. C. 1836, was his bi'otlier.
Moody Currier, the son of Moody M. and Rhoda (Putney) Currier, was
born at Boscawen, Apr. 22, 1806. He was preceptor of Hopkinton Academy ;
read law with Horace Chase, D. C. 1814, at Hopkinton; then kept tlie High
school at Lowell, Ms, 5 years ; resumed the study of law with Knowles and
Locke: began practice at Manchester in 1841 ; was one of the proprietors and
editors of the Manchester Democrat ; Assistant Clerk and afterwards Clerk of
the N. H. Senate in 1844 and 1845 ; was also a State Senator lor 2 years, be-
ing President in one of them ; became Cashier of the Amoskeag Bank and
Treasurer of the Savings liank both in Manchester in 1848, and still lives there.
He married, 1. Lucretia C. Dustin of Bow in Dec. 1836. 2. Mary W. Kid-
der of Manchestei', Sept. 5, 1847.
* Jaaies Gkeenleaf, the son of the Hon. Prof. Simon and Ilaimah (King-
mshi) Greenleaf, was born at Gray, Me, Jinie 15, 1814, and died at Cambridge,
Ms, Aug. '2,2, 1865, m. 51. He was a merchant at New Orleans, La, but had
lived several years at Cambridge. He married Mary, dau. of the Hon. Stephen
Longfellow of Portland, Me, Oct. 9, 1839.
272 ALUMNI 1834.
IIouACE IIkrrick, the son of David and Mary (Buswell) Ilerrick, was bora
at Peachain, Vt, May 11, 1807. He taught at Jaffrey to 1836 ; was preceptor
of Groton Acad. Ms, from 183G to 1840 ; instructed then at Pe|)perell, Ms, 1
year, and at Francestuwn, 3 years; now stuilied divinity with tiie Kev. Dr
John Mihon Wliitoii of Antrim ; was ordained colleague of the Rev. John Sa-
biii (»f tile Cong. Cii. at Filzwilliam, Se[)t 4, 1844; di.-mis.-ed Sept. 15, 1847;
taught at Kirhmond, Va, 1 year ; also at Mont[)elier Acad. Vt, from Aug. 1849
for 4 years and G months ; was then agent of tlie Vt Bible Soc. 1 year; ceased
all labour, owing to an atlection of the fya^, for 3 years ; was tlien stated sup-
ply at riainiiild from May 1857 to 1859; began preaching at Wolcott, Vt, in
Feb. 18G0 and is so doing still. He married Aurelia, dau. of William Town-
send of Reading, Vt, at Boston, Ms, Dec. 1, 183G.
MosKs JonNsox, the son of Moses and Piiebe (Dow) Johnson, was born at
Kewbury. Vt, Alar. 28, 1814. He read law with Doe and Kimball at AVater-
ford, N. Y. and at Troy, N. Y. with Levinus J. Lansing ; began practice at N.
Y. city in 1841 ; went to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1847 ; left Aug. 13, 1849 ; was
then in different places to 1853 ; o[)ened an office that year at Boston, Ms, and
there remains. He married, 1. Sarah Angell. dau. of Angell Austin of Scitu-
ate, R. L Sept. 2, 1842. 2. Adeline Dean Peabody of Princeton, Ms, Aug. 5,
Joiix Jones, the son of Joseph and Anna (Rlchai'dson) Jones, was born at
Lyndeborongii, Sept. 12, 1812. He taught at Gloucester, Ms, from 1834 to
1835 ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1838 ; was ordained
pastor of tlie Cong. Cli. at Chittenden, Vt, in Feb. 1841 ; dismissed in May
1844; then suppHed at Danville, Ind. and Earlville, llli. G or 7 years; taught
at Sandu.-ky, Ohio, from Feb. 1851 to Mar. 1855; was agent of the Amer.
Bible Soc. in llli. Iroin 1855 to 18G2 ; then retired to Aleriden, lUi. jtrostrated
by disease. He married Alethina, dau. of Dea. Abel Fisk of Wilion in Oct.
RiciiAUD Burleigh Kimball, A. M. the son of Richard and Mary (Marsh)
Kimball, was born at Plainfield, Oct. 11, 181 G. He read Liw with Judge
Doe of Waterford, N. Y. and the elder Dupin at Paris, France ; began |)rac-
tice at "Waterford; removed to N. Y. city in 1840; went to Great Britain
and the Continent of Europe in 1842 ; returning, resumed his profession at N.
Y. city, continuing it to 1854; then left it; was devoted to literature and is an
author of e-tablished reputation ; a third visit abroad consumed several years ;
came home in 1859, and bought an estate in West Chester, N. Y. his present
abode. One or more of his works have been pul)lislied in both London and Leip-
zig. Tliey are, " Reminiscences of an Old Man ; " " The Young Englishman ; "
" Letters from England;" ''Letters from Cuba;" "St Leger or the Threads
of Life ; " "Cuba and the Cubans;" "Lectures before the N. Y. Law Insti-
tute;" "Undercurrents;" " Revelations of Wall St or the History of Charles
Elias Parkinson;" with many tales, reviews, and pieces of poetry. He mairied
Julia C. dau. of David Tomliiison of N. Y. city, Apr. 17, 1844. Richard Kim-
ball, D. C. 18G5, is his son.
Charles Kittkedge, the son of Joseph and Elisabeth (Gage) Kittredge,
was born at Newburyport, Ms, Aug. 1, 1808. He taught at the Woodman
Acad. Sanbornton from 1834 to 1835; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 1
year in the class of 1838; taught at Shrewsbury, N. J. over a year; was then
at the Theo. Sem. at East Windsor, Ct, 1 year ; was ordained pastor of the
Cong. Ch. at Columbia, Ct, Mar. 27, 1839 ; dismissed in Feb. 1841 ; then taught
at Marlborough, Ct, 18 months ; supplied the Cong. Ch. at Canaan, Ct, 18
ALUMNI 1834. 273
months; went to the Presb. Ch. at West Greece, N. Y.Oct. 14, 1844; in-
any," 1848. He married Lucy, dau. of Benjamin Peters Baldwin of Bradford,
Vt, Nov. 11, 1844.
* Charles Porter Ames, the son of Ezra Chandler and Joanna (Fames)
Ames, was born at Haverhill, Ms, Mar. 17, 1816, and died at Cabot ville, Chico-
pee, Ms, Oct. 19, 1842, je. 26. He read law with Alfred Kittredge, D. C.
1827, at Haverhill and also in Monroe, I\Iich. beginning practice at White
Pigeon in that State; returned to INIs, and was principal of the Higli Sch. at
CabotviUe from July 1842 to his death. He married Jeannette M. Sargeant.
Isaac Ames, D. C. 1839, was his brother.
Frederick Bartlktt, A. M. the son of Ichabod Colby and Ann (Sleeper)
ALUMNI 1835. 275
Bartlett, was born at Bristol, Nov. 29, 1815. He read law with the Hon.
George Washington Nesmith, D. C. 1820, of Franklin, also at Harv. and
Yale Law Schools ; began practice at Bristol ; left it for a form in 18-49 ; was
in the N. H. Constitutional Conv. in 1850 ; represented Bristol in tiie N. H.
Leg. in 1851 and 1860. He married Jane Sutherland, dau. of Daniel S.
Smith of Woodstock, Dec. 10, 1845.
Joseph Bartlett, A. M. the son of Samuel Colcord and Eleanor (Petten-
gill) Bartlett, was born at Salisbury, Jan. 26, 1816. He taught at Phillips
Acad. Andover, Ms, in 1837 and 1838; was tutor at Dart, from 1838 to 1841 ;
studied divinity at Union Theo. Sem. N. Y. city and And. Theo. Sem. graduat-
ing at the last in 1843 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Buxton, Me,
Oct. 7, 1847, and so remains. He married JMargaret, dau. of Capt. Robert
Motley of Gorham, Me, Oct. 26, 1847. Samuel Colcord Bartlett, D. C. 1836,
and William Henry Bartlett, D. C. 1847, are his brothers.
* Breed Batcheller, A. M. the son of John and Hannah (Griswold) Batch-
eller, was born at Roxbury, Api*. 3, 1807, and died at Baltimore, Md, Apr. 7,
1856, M. 49. He taught the Acad, at Keene ; then at Pendleton, S. C. 2
years, and Philadelphia, Pa ; studied divinity and was ordained a Deacon of
the Prot. Epis. Ch. by the Rt Rev. Alonzo Potter, D. D. Bishop of Pa in
1846 or 1847, and afterwards a Presbyter of the same; was rector of St Da-
vid's Ch. Radnor, Pa, 2 years, and of St James' Ch. Stanton, Del. 4 years ; then
retired from active service afflicted with disease. He married Sarah, dau. of
Thomas Leverett of Windsor, Vt, Mar. 27, 1838.
* George Onslow Betton, the son of the Hon. Silas, D. C. 1787, and
Mary (Thornton) Betton, was born at Salem, June 8, 1807, and died at Bosca-
wen, June 25, 1864,^. 57. He read law with his brother, T. B. named below,
at Derry ; began practice at Epping ; removed to Deri-y in 1841 ; left the law
in 1845 and became a Clerk in the Post Office at Boston, Ms. He did not
marry. Thornton Betton, D. C. 1820, was his brother.
* LiNSLEY Ketes Broavn, the son of the Hon. Titus and Jerusha (Hutch-
inson) Brown, was born at Francestown, July 31, 1815, and died there, Feb.
16, 1860, JE. 44. He travelled as a business agent many years and to many
places, but ultimately settled at Francestown. He married Asenath B. But-
ler, May 10, 1849.
* Benjamin Burge, A. M. the son of Samuel B. and Anna (May) Burge,
was born at Francestown, Apr. 25, 1812, and died at Enfield, Se[)t. 3, 1848,
M. 36. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 1 year in the class of 1838,
and finished his course at Lane Sem. Walnut Hills, Ohio ; was ordained pastor
of the Cong. Ch. at Enfield, July 1, 1840; dismissed in Feb. 1848, owing to
poor health. He married Lucretia Dewey of Hanover.
Jacob Chapman, A. M. the son of Samuel and Betsey Smith (Folsom)
Chapman, was born at Tamworth, Mar. 11, 1810. He taught at Lyndon, Vt, 1
year ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1839 ; was preceptor
of Bridgton Acad. Me, from 1839 to 1841 ; preached at Pelham 6 months in
1842, and at Kingston 3 months in 1843 ; had charge of Myerston Acad. Pa,
from 1843 to 1846; was ordained an evangelist at Fryeburg, Me, June 23,
1845 ; Prof, of Math, at Franklin Coll. Lanca>ter, Pa, from 1846 to 1850 ; Princi-
pal of Harrisburg Acad. Pa, from 1850 to 1852; installed pastor of the Cong.
Ch.^t Marshall, Illi. June 5, 1853 ; was living at South Paris, Me, without a
charge some time, but was settled minister at Onarga, Illi. in 1864, and installed
atDeerfield, May 30, 1866. He married Mary Chase, dau. of the Hon. Na-
thaniel C. Howe of Bridgton, Me, May 27, 1840.
276 ALUMNI 1835.
IIenuy Bright Chase, A. M. tlie son of Henry Brin;lit Cha?e, was born at
Warner. He read law and went into practice at Clinton, La, where was I'aised
by him a comp. of" Vols for the Mexican war, since which nothing is known
* David Hayxes Collins, A. M. the son of Samuel and Sarah (Ilaynes)
Collins, was born at Deerfield, Nov. 9, 1811, and died there, June 24, 1843, M.
31. He read law with Cliarles Hazen Peaslee, D. C. 1824, of Concord and
Josiah Qnincy of Rumncy ; practised a short time at Plymoutli, and 3 years at
Haverhill ; was Clerk of the N. H. House of Representatives, and also Reg.
of Probate for Grafton Co. from July 1839 to 1842.
* Phixeas Sanbokx Conner, the son of Gideon and Hannah (Sanborn)
Conner, was born at Newburyport, Ms, Aug. 22, 1813, and died at Cincinnati,
Ohio, Sept. 27, 1854, ^e. 41. He studied medicine at Jefferson Med. Coll.
Philadelphia, Pa, graduating M. D. in 1837 ; began practice at West Cliester,
Pa ; left in 1841 for Camden Co. N. C. and was there to 1844, when Cincin-
nati became the seat of his practice until death. He married Eliza A. San-
born, of Camden Co. July 12, 1837. Phineas Sanborn Conner, D. C. 1859,
was his son.
David Dickkt, A. M. the son of Harrii^on and Lydia (Oscood) Dickey, was
born at Epsom, Oct. 5, 1806. He read law with Albert Baker. D. C. 1834, of
Hillsborough and the Hon. Richard Fletcher, D. C. 180G, of Boston, Ms; went
into practice at Newport in 1840 ; removed to Haverhill and thence to Tewks-
bury, JMs, his present abode. He married Lois Leverett, dau. of John Nelson,
D. C. 1803, of Haverhill, at Claremont, Dec. 25, 1849.
Stephen Foavler. This graduate was from Norihfield, Ms, but no other
information has been obtained.
Daniel Goodwin, the son of Joshua and Elisabeth (.Tones) Goodwin, was
born at Londonderry, Jan. 25, 1<^09. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sera,
graduating in 1838 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Brookline, Feb.
27, 1839 : dismissed in 1855 ; was stated supply at Mason from 1857 to his in-
stallation as pastor there, Apr. 18, 1860, an office still retained. He married,
1. Julia Ann Shute of Derry, Feb. 12, 1839. 2. Martha Boynton of Pep-
perell, Ms, Aug. 24, 1846.
Stephen Sewall Norton Greely, the son of Stephen Lcavitt and Ann
(Norton) Greely, was born at Giimanton, Jan. 23, 1813. He was preceptor
of Giimanton Acad, from 1836 to 1838 ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
2 years in the class of 1838, and at Giimanton Theo. Sem. graduating in 1838 ;
was ordained pastor of the Cong. Cli. at the Giimanton Iron Works, Jan. 31,
1839; dismissed Oct. 19, 1842; installed pastor at New Market, Dec. 15,
1842 ; dismissed Feb. 23, 1847 ; was statt-d supply at Chicopee, Ms, from 1847
to 1851 ; installed pastor at Great Barriiigton, ]\Is, in 1852 ; dismissed and went,
to Grand Rapids, Mich, in 1857 ; is now supplying at Oswego. N. Y. from
1866. He married Sarah B. dau. of the Rev. Jonathan Curtis, D. C. 1811,
Sept. 29, 1840.
EzEKiEL James Madison Hale, the son of Ezekiel and Hannah (Cookson)
Hale, was born at Haverhill. Ms, Mar. 30, 1814. He has been largely and
successfully engaged in manufactures, and was a Senator from Essex Co. in the
Ms Leg. in 1847 and 1848. A princely donation of 8100,000, was recently
made by him to build and endow a jtublick library in his native town. He
married Lucy Lapham, dau. of Benjamin Parker of Groveland, Ms, in 1837.
William Ha/.eltine, the son of William and Abby (Emery) Ilazeltine,
was born at Pembroke, Oct. 9, 1809. He read law but never practised, and
ALUMNI 1835. 277
has lived nt Suncook Villaf^e, Pembroke, engaged in miscellaneous business.
He married Harriet Mary, dau. of Timothy Ilazeltine of Lyndon, Vt.
John Plummer IIkaly, A. M. the son of the Hon. Joseph and Sarah
(Cop(-land) Healy, was bom at Washington, Dec. 28, 1810. He read law with
the Hon. Daniel Webster, D. C. 1801, at lioston, Ms, from 1835 to 1838; then
went into partnership with Mr Webster, and so continued to the death of that
great man; represented Boston in the Bis Leg. in 1841, 1849, and 1850 ; was
also in its Senate in 1854 ; has been City Solicitor since 1856. He married
Mary Stickney, dau. of Jedediah Barker, Dec. 23, 1847.
Henry Hibbard, A. M. the son of David and Susannah (Streeter) Ilib-
bard, was born at Concord, Vt, July 1, 1816. He read law; went into prac-
tice at Bath in 1839 and is still there ; was Assis. Clerk of the N. H. House
of Rep. in 1839 and Clerk of the same from 1840 to 1843 ; represented Bath
in that House and was its Speaker in 1844 and 1845 ; was a State Senator
from 1846 to 1849 and had tlie office of Pres. 2 years; was also a member of
Congress from his district from 1849 to 1855. He married Mrs Sarah K.
Bellows, dau. of Salma Hale of Keene and relict of Stephen Eowe Bellows of
Walf)ole, May 13, 1848.
Moses French Hoit, A. M. the son of Capt. Moses and Betsey (Dole)
Hoit, was boi-n at Hopkinton, May 7, 1813. He taught some time ; then read
law and began practice at Living-ton, Ala. in 1839 ; removed to Nevada, Cal.
in 1850 ; was the first Mayor of that city and is yet a citizen. He married
Marianna, dau. of the Hon. John K. Hatch of Greenland, Sept. 10, 1844.
Artejias Laayrence Holmes, the son of Nathaniel and Sally (Horr)
Holmes, was born at Peterborough, July 9, 1814. He read law with the Hon.
Samuel Dana Bell of Concord ; began practice at Galena, Illi. in 1838, but
soon embarked in mercantile pursuits ; removed to St Louis, Missouri, and
thence to N. Y. city, his pi-esent abode. He married, 1. Eliza Bloomer of
Galena, 2. Mary Bloomer, her sister.
Horace Green Hutchins, A. M. the son of the Hon. Samuel and Rosanna
(Child) Hutciiins, was born at Bath, July 20, 1811. He read law with the
Hon. Rufus Choate, D. C. 1819, at Boston, Ms, and at Harv. Univ. Law
School ; opened an office in Boston in 1839 and still practises there, but his
home is at Charlestown, Ms ; has been President of its Com. Council, also
Mayor of tlie city from Jan. 1, 1860, 1 year. He married Julia Hannah, dau.
of John Hard of Boston, Oct. 22, 1844. Henry Clinton Hutchins, D. C. 1840,
is his brother.
Gideon Soutuavard Johnson, the son of Daniel and Sarah (Aklen)
Johnson, was born at Haverhill, Ms, Apr. 25, 1810. He studied divinity at
And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1840 ; was ordained an evangelist at Haveihill
in Oct. 1841 ; has been a pioneer missionary in Illi. for many years ; at one
time preached at Twelve Mile Grove, Illi. but is now at Rockford, Illi. afflicted
by the loss of his voice. He married Mary W. Jones, dau. of Jones, at
Spencer, Ms, May 25, 1841.
Henry Jones, the son of Benjamin and Polly (Adams) Jones, was born at
Hillsborough, Sept. 29, 1804. He studied divinity with the Rev. Pres. Nathan
Lord, D. D. at Hanover ; then went to Chattanooga, Tenn. as a teacher and
was in that occupation for sevei-al years ; but eventually left it for a clerkship
in some part of the same State. His ordination and ministry have escaped
research. He married Betsey, dau. of Eliphalet Symonds of Hillsborough in
Apr. 1836.
* WiLLARD Jones, the brother of the preceding, was born at Hillsborough,
278 ALUMNI 183/).
July 17, 1809, and died at Norihfield, M>, Nov. 24, 1801, je. 52. He studied
divinity at And. Tlieo. Sera. 1 year in the class of 1838, and finished at Lane
Sem. Walnut Hills, Ohio, in 1838; beeame an agent of the Amer. Ed of For.
Miss, in Tenn. and Ky ; was ordained an evangelist at North "Weymouth, Ms,
July 4, 1839 ; went as a missionary to the Nestorians and reached Oroomiah,
Nov. 17, 1839; was released from the mission Mar. 25, 1845; then returned
to the U. S. and pi'eaehed at Northfield, 4 years and 6 months ; at North
Orange, Ms, 2 years; at Middletown, Ct, 18 mf)ntlis ; at Central Falls, R. L
4 years ; thence going back to Northfield in 1S59, Avas installed pa-tor of the
Cong. Ch. there and died in oflice. He married IMiriam Pratt of Weymouth,
July 4, 1839.
* Nathaniel Abbot Keyes, the son of Abijah and Sarah (Abbot) Keyes,
was born at Wilton, Dec. 26, 1808, and died at Princeton, Il!i. Mar. 30, 1857,
M. 48. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 1 year in the class of 1838
and finished at Lane Sem. Walnut Hills, Ohio, in 1838 ; was ordained a mis-
sionary at Pelhara, Aug. 9, 1839 ; sailed for Beyroot, Syria, Jan. 24, 1840 ;
arrived Apr. 1, 1840, and remained till 1844, the year of his release; ihen re-
turned to the U. S. and preached at Charlemont and South Royalston, both in
Ms, 3 years ; was then installed paslor of a Presb. Ch. at Lancaster, Pa, in
1847 ; removed thence to Princeton, and having preached a year had accepted
a call of the Cong. Ch. at Griggsville, Illi. when stricken by the hand of death.
He married Mary Pettibone of'Weathersfield, Vt. Sept. 26, 1839.
John Savillian Ladd, A. M. the son of John and Profinda (Robinson)
Ladd, was born at Lee, July 3, 1810. He taught at Mount Holly, N. J. irom
1835 to 1836; also at Dracut, Ms, in 1837; read law with John Paul Robin-
son of Lowell, Ms ; began practice at Cambridgeport, Cambridge, Ms ; has been
Police Justice of the city since 1854 ; represented it in the Ms Leg. in 1846,
1847, 1848, and 1849; was in the State Constitutional Conv. of 1852. He
married, 1. Adelia, dau. of David Babson of Rockport, Ms, in June 1841. 2.
Mary Ann, dau. of Samuel Butler of Bedford, Ms, Sept. 5, 1847.
James Tomb M'Collom, A. M. the son of John and IMargaret (Graham)
M'Collom, was born at Salem, N. Y. Si^pt. 20, 1814. He was tutor at Dart,
fi-om 1837 to 1838 ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1840;
was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Pittston, I\Ie, June 25, 1841 ; dismissed
Sept. 24, 1844 ; installed pastor at Great Falls, Oct. 2, 1844; dismissed Dec.
25, 1853; installed paslor of the 1st Ch. at Bradford, ^Is, Jan. 25, 1854; dis-
missed Sept. 19, 1865 ; installed pastor of the Trinitarian Cong. Ch. at Mcd-
ford, Ms, Nov. 8, 1865. He married, 1. Elisabeth Phillips, dau. of the Rev.
Hosea Ilildreth, of Gloucester, Ms, May 12, 1841. 2. Mrs Louisa Reynolds
Kimball, dau. of Paul Ilopkinson of Groveland, Ms, and relict of William N.
Kimball of Bradford, Ms, Mar. 30, 1858.
* Nathaniel Maksii. the son of David and Sarah (Colby) Kendrick
Marsh, was born at Haverhill, Ms, Nov. 27, 1815, and died at N. Y. city, July
18, 1864, JE. 48. He read law with the Hon. James Henry Duncan of Haver-
hill ; went west for a short time ; took up his residence in N. Y. city about
1838 ; was there connected with the Express newspaper ; then Sec. of the
N. Y. and P2rie Rail Road Corporation from 1845 for many years; was ap-
pointed Receiver thereof in Aug. 1859, and its first President, taking charge
Jan. 1, 1862, and dying in oflice highly esteemed for his many virtues. lie
married, 1. Eliza Atheiton Brooks of Portland, Me, INIay 20, 1839. 2. Julia,
dau. of William B. Townsend of N. Y. city, Dec. 14, 1848.
David Morgan, the son of Ashby and Lucy (Burton) ]Morgan, was bora
ALUMNI 1835. 279
at Wilton, Oct. 14, 1810. He taught at Jamaica Plain, West Roxbury, Ms;
read law with Auiiu-tiis Pcabody, D. C. 1803, at Boston, ISIs ; bejian and for
several years continued practice there ; then removed his office to Minneapolis,
Minn, and became its postmaster in 18G1. He. married Mary Ann Lincoln
Pierce of Boston, Aug. 19, 1841.
* Samuel Morrill, the son of Daniel and Eliza (Kelley) Morrill, was
born at Warner in 1809, and died at Bangor, Me, Feb. 17, 1837, M. 28. He
studied divinity at Bangor, Me, Theo. Sem. and before completing the course
departed hence to the great grief of a host of friends, who had witnessed with
admiration his heartfelt piety and ardent devotion to the spiritual welfare of
the poor. He is said, perhaps erroneously, to have married Nancy, dau. of
Chellis Kimball of Warner.
* Samuel Pierce, A. M. the son of Samuel and Hannah Peaslee (Walker)
Pierce, was born at Haverhill, Ms, July 16, 1816, and died at Atkinson, Mar.
27, 1844, JE. 27. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1840;
supplied at Durham, Me, 1 year, and was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Atkinson, Apr. 19, 1843, but died in less than a year much lamented.
* James Madison Putney, A. M. the son of Amos and Elisabeth Davis
(Palmer) Putney, was born at Warren, Apr. 13, 1809, and died at Richmond,
Ky, June 27, 1841, m. 82. He taught at Richmond a year or two; then
studied divinity with the Rt Rev. Benjamin Bosworth Smith, D. D. Bishoi) of
Ky, and was by him ordained a Deacon of the Prot. Epis. Ch. Mar. 21, 1841,
but had hardly began preaching at Richmond ere deatli blighted all his hopes
of usefulness. He manied Sarah, dau. of the Rev. James N. Seaman of Provi-
dence, R. L at Richmond, Sept. 21, 1837.
Charles Reed, the son of Joseph and Elisabeth (Burnap) Reed, was born
at Thetford, Vt, Nov. 24, 1814. He read law with the Hon. William Upham
of Montpelier, Vt, and at Harv. Univ. Law School, graduating LL. B. in 1839 ;
began practice that year at Montpelier; was State's Atty for Washington Co.
in 1847 and 1848; Register of Piobate 1 year; Librarian of the Vt State
Libraiy since 1858. He married Emily Eliza Baldwin, whose mother was
granddaughter of Pres. F)leazar Wheelock, June 5, 1842.
Cyrus Smith Richards, A. M. the son of Joel and Miriam (Smith) Rich-
ards, was born at Il.irtlbrd, Vt, Mar. 11, 1808. He became {)rincipal of
Meriden Acad. Plainfield in 1835 and is still in that position; has pu!>iislied
Latin svnopses, also Latin lessons and tables. He married, 1. Helen D. dau.
of the Rev. John Milton Whiton, D. D. of Antrim, Aug. 1, 1836. 2. Maria
Williams, dau. of Oliver Parker of Plympton, Ms, Apr. 30, 1861. Jonas De
Forest Richards, D. C. 1830, is his brother.
Charles Ripley, the son of Thomas W. and Susan (Clapp) Ripley, was
born at Greenfield, Ms, Aug. 30, 1816. He read law at New Haven, Ct, and
Louisville, Ky ; began practice at the last city in 1838, and so remains. He
married Margaret Breckenridge Drake in Aug. 1858.
Nathaniel Foster Safford, the son of Nathaniel Foster and Hannah
(Woodbury) Safford, was born at Salem, Ms, Sept. 19, 1815. He read law
with the Hon. Asahel Huntington of Salem ; went into practice at Dorchester
and Milton, Ms ; still lives at the first named ; has been a Master in Chancery
and Chairman of County Commissioners for Norfolk ; represented Dorchester
in tlie Ms Leg. in 1850 and 1851. He married Jose[)hine E. dau. of Joseph
Morton of Dorchestei-, Feb. 10, 1845.
Natpianiel Tracy Sheafe, the son of Jacob and Mary (Haven) Sheafe,
was born at Portsmouth. IL- read law at Bellows Falls, Vt, and pi-actised
several years at Derby, Vt. He married Gertrude Hyde of Bellows Falls.
280 ALUMNI 1835.
* James Smith, the son of Dea. John Smith, was born in Francestown in
1815, and died in New Jersey, !Nov. 21, 1835, je. 20. His occupation was
Bradford Newcomb Stevens, the son of Jolin Stevens, was born at Bos-
cawen, lie lias been a farmer, trader, and manufacturer at Tiskil-wa, Illi. for
a long time. He married Lydia Allen.
CiiAKLKS E.MERY Stevexs, the son of the Hon. Boswell, D. C. 1804, and
Calliarine Hale (Emery) Stevens, was born at Pembioke, 3Iar. 24, 1815. He
read law Avith his father for a short time ; then studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. graduating in 1839; taught at Hinsdale, "Wortliington Acad. Fitchburgh
Acad, and the High School at Barre, Ms; edited the N. H. Statesman at Con-
cord in 1846, the Barre Patriot in Ms, from 1849 to 1852, the Daily Tran-
scri[)t at Worcester, Ms, in 1852 ; was Assistant Editor of the Ms Colonial
Records in 1853 and 1854; literary reader and editor for Gould and Lincoln,
publishers at Boston, Ms, from 1855 to 1858 ; has been Assis. Register of Pro-
bate and Insolvency for Worcester Co. Ms, since 1859. He married Caroline
Elisabeth, dau. of Seth Caldwell of Barre, Sept. 7, 1852. Ivan Stevens, U. C.
1842, is his brother.
* Henry Washixgton Swketser, the son of Benjamin Cooledge and
Abigail Sweetser, Avas born at Portsmouth in 1809, and died there, Dec. 29,
1849, JE. 40. He studied divinity at the Gen. Epis. Theo. Sem. at N. Y. city,
and was ordained a Deacon of that church by the Rt Rev. iJenjamin Tredwell
Onderdonk, D. D. Bishop of N. Y. Sept. 27, 1838, and also a Presbyter of the
same Ch. by the same Bishop at Walden, N. Y. Oct. 27, 1839 ; was rector of
St Andrew's Ch. Walden, 3 years, and Assis. ]\Iinister of St George's Ch.
Astoria, L. I. N. Y. 2 years ; then opened a parochial school in N. Y. city,
which was closed in Nov. 1849, owing to ill health. He survived only to the
next month and was never married.
Charles Tennev, A. M. the son of Silas and Rebecca (Bailey) Tenney,
was borri at Chester, Sept. 23, 1814. He was preceptor of Gilmanton Acad,
from 1835 to 1836, and of Sanbornton Acad, in 1837 ; then studied divinity at
Bangor Theo. Sem. Me, graduating in 1840; was tutor at Dart, from 1839 to
18-10; again preceptor of Gilmanton Acad, from 1841 to 1844; became Prof,
of Rhetorick at the Theo. Sem. there in 1844 ; was ordained an evangelist,
Feb. 7, 1844; installed pastor of the nortli parish Cong. Ch. at Haverhill, Ms,
in 1853; dismissed in Nov. 1858; installed pastor at Biddeford, IMe, Dec. 2,
1858, and there remains. He mariied Emily P. dau. of Josiah Paisons of
Gilmanton, Aug. 16, 1811. Thomas Tenney, D. C. 1825, Sewall Tenney,
D. C. 1827, and Daniel Tenney, D. C. 1841, are his brothers.
Benjamin Kimball True, the son of Dea. Benjamin and ]Mary (Kimball)
Roberts True, was born at Plaiiifield, Sept. 21, 1812. He read law with
Benjamin Douglass Silliman, and began practice in N. Y. city and is still
there ; has published a vol. of 184 pages, written by his sister, entitled " Poems
b}' Mrs Eunice K. Daniels, with a memoir of her life." He married, 1. Celes-
.tina Robinson. 2. Martha, dau. of Joel Bunce of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Amos Tuck, A. M. the son of John and Betsey (Fowle) Tuck, was born at
Parsonsfield, Me, Aug. 2, 1810. He read law with the Hon. James Bell of
Exeter; began practice there and was the jiartner of Mr Bell from 1838 to
1846, and with the Hon. William Wier Stickney, D. C. 1823, from 1847 to
1857 ; has represented Exeter in the N. H. Leg. 1 or more years; was a mem-
ber of Cong, from 1847 to 1853, and Naval Officer of the i)ort of Boston, Ms,
from 1861 to 1864 or 5 ; has been a Trustee of Dart, from 1857 to 1866. He
ALUMNI 1835. 281
marriecl, 1. Sarah A. dan. of Daviil Niuld of Hampton. 2. Mrs Catharine P.
Shepherd, dau. of John Tovvnsend of Salisbury and relict of Jolni G. She[)herd
of that town. Edward Tuck, D, C. 18G2, is his son.
* Ed Richard Tuckkr, tlie son of John and Ilannali (Haskell) Tucker,
was born at Newburyport, Ms, Feb. 4, 1816, and died thei-e, Jan. 11, 1866,
JE. 50. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sera, graduating; in 1838 ; was or-
dained pastor of the Presbyterian Ch. at Defiance, Oliio, July 9, 1841, a posi-
tion held to Apr. 1860, when sickness compelled him to re^i<:;n and intliree
years return to his native place. He married Lydia Cooml)S, dau. of the Rev.
Dr Daniel Dana, D. C. 1788, of Newburyport, June 6, 1844.
William Warren Tucker, the son of Alanson and VAlzn (Thorn) Tucker,
■was born at Boston, Ms, INIar. 18, 1817. He has devoted him>elf to a mer-
cantile life in Boston, and has travelled in Europe. He married Susan Elisa-
beth, dau. of the Hon. William Lawrence, of Boston, Mar. 30, 1843.
Peter Thatcher Washburn, the son of the Hon. Reuben, D. C. 1808,
and Hannah (Blaney) Wasiiburn, was born at Lynn, ]Ms, Sept. 7, 1814. He
read law with his fallier at Ludlow, Vt, the Hon. William Upham at Montpe-
lier, Vt, and at the Dane Law School, ILirv. Univ. Ms ; began practice at
Ludlow, Jan. 1, 1839; removed to Woodstock, Vt, in Nov. 1844, and there
remains ; represented it in the Vt Leg. 2 years; was a reporter of the Vt Sup.
Jnd. Court 8 years ; a Lt Col. of the 1st Ri^g. of Vt Vols in the southern re-
bellion ; is now Adj. and Inspector Gen. of the Vt Militia ; has published 8
vols of Vt Sup. Court decisions; a Digest thereof in 2 vols, and a Snp|)lement
to Akins' Practical Forms. He married, 1. Almiia E. Ferris of Swanton, Vt,
Aug. 5, 1839. 2. Almira P. Hopkins of Glenn's Falls, N. Y. in 1849. Reu-
ben Hubbard Washburn, D. C. 1842, and John Seth Washburn, D. C. 1853,
are his brothers.
JosiAii Winchester, the son of Fitch and PLannah (Fay) Winchester,
was born at Southborough, Ms, May 22, 1814. He read law with Samuel
Baker AValcott of Hopkinton, Ms, 1 year; removed to Natchez, Miss, in 1836 ;
finished his legal studies there with the Hon. George Winchester, his uncle;
then began practice in that city and so continues. He married Margaret
Sprague of Natchez.
Theodore Chase Woodman, the son of the Hon. Jeremiah Hall, D. C.
1794, and Sarah (Chase) Woodman, was boi-n at Rochester, Apr. 10, 1815 ;
read law with the Hon. Daniel Miltimore Christie, D. C. 1815, of Dover, and
the Hon. Noah Tibbetts of Dover ; began pi-actice at Haverhill ; moved to
Bucksport, Me, in 1839; was of the Executive Council in 1854, and repre-
sented Bucksport in the Me Leg. in 1857 and 1858. He married Mary Jane,
dau. of Dea. Henry Darling of Bucksport, Aug. 16, 1843. Charles VVilliam
Woodman, D. C. 1829, is his brother.
Ezra Eastman Adams, A. M.-D. D. the son of Robert IMorrill and
Daniiiris (Eastman) Adams, was born at Concord, Aug. 29, 1813. He taught
at Lyndon Acad. Vt, 3 years, reading divinity at the time ; ordained an evangelist
at Concord, Oct. 9, 18.39 ; tinished theological studies with the Rev. Dr Robert
Ferguson of London, England, in 1840 ; spent 2 summers on a mission to St
Petersburg, Russia ; then preached in England ; was next Seaman's Chaplain
at Havre de Grace, France, from 1843 to 1853; that year came home and
was installed pastor of the Pearl St Cong. Ch. at Nashua, Aug. 13, 1853;
282 AI.OINI 1836.
dismissed in 1857 ; became Sec. of tlie Amer. and For. Chri?t. Union Soc. at
Philadulpliia, Pa, in 1859 ; that year began a New School Presb. Ch. there,
and was installed its pastor in May 1860. Dart, conft'rred the Hon. degree in
1864. His publications are, 1. Tracts for Seamen : 2. Sermons for Seamen ;
3. Letters on the Frencdi Revolution ; 4. Two papers on Russia. He married, 1.
Betsey Bailey, dau. of Judge Jo-epii Berry of Newbnry, Vt, at London, May
21, 1841. 2. Frances Mehitabel, dau. of Josiali Stevens of Concord in 1847.
James Osgood Adams, D. C. 1843, is his brother.
Sa:\iui:l Colcoud Baktlktt, A. M.-D. D. the Son of Samuel Colcord
and Emily (Pettengill) Bartlett, was born at Salisbury, Nov. 25. 1817. He
was tutor at Dart, from 1838 to 1839 ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Simi.
graduating in 1842 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Monson, M?,
Aug. 2, 1843; dismissed? was Prof, of Intel. Phil, and Rhet. at West. Res.
Coll. Hudson, Ohio, from Sept. 1846 to July 1852 ; installed pastor at Man-
chester, Nov. 3, 1852 ; dismissed Feb. 18, 1858 ; installed pastor of the New
Eng. Ch. Chicago, Illi. Apr. 15, 1858; dismissed Mar. 1, 1859; has been
Prof, of Sacred Theo. at Cliicago Theo. Sem. from May 1858; has published
various sermons, addresses, and lectures. Dart, gave the Hon. degree in 1861.
He married, 1. Laura, dau. of Nehemiah Bradlee of Peacham, Vt, Aug. 16,
1843. 2. Mary Bacon, dau. of the Rev. Erastus Learned, at Fall River, Ms,
May 12, 1846. Josepii Bartlett, D. C. 1835, and William Henry Bartlett, D.
C. 1847, are his brothers.
* Samuicl Beaxk, a. IM. tlie son of William and Sarah (Webster) Beane,
was born at Lyman, IMnr. 1, 1812, and died at Norton, ]\ls, IMay 8, 1865, M.
53. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1840 ; was oi'-
dained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Great Falls, July 7, 1841 ; dismissed May
24, 1844; after preaching as stated supply more tiian a year, was installed pas-
tor at Little Compton, R. L in 1846, remaining to May 1857 ; then princijtal of
a Female Sera, at Beloit, Wise, and Lecturer on Polit. lilcon. at the lieloit
Mercantile College; resigned and was installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Norton, Sept. 26, 1860, dying in oifice. He married Elisabeth R. Knight of
Norton, June 16, 1861. John Vose Beane, D. C. 1832, was liis brotiier.
* Jaaiics BouTWELL. the son of Nehemiah and Elisabeth (Jones') Boutwell,
was born at Lyndeborough, May 14, 1814, and died at Sanbornton, A|)r. 21,
1865, A':. 50. He studied divinity at And. Tiieo. Sem. graduating in 1840 ;
tauglit at Dunkirk, N. Y. 1 year ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Brentwood, Nov. 4. 1841 ; dismissed INIay 12. 1852; installed pastor at San-
bornton, June 24, 1852, and died in office. He married INIary P. dau. of Dea.
Paschal Abbot of Andover, Ms, Apr. 10, 1837. William Thurston Boutwell,
D. C. 1828, was his brother.
Alpiii:ls Roiu^.RT Brown, A. M. the son of Abram and Eunice (Kimball)
Brown, was born at Ilopkinton, Nov. 3, 1814. He read law with Judge
Horace Chase of Hopkinton and William Smith of Lowell, Ms; went into
practice there in 1839 and so continues ; represented Lowell in the Ms Leg.
in 1852 ; was in the I\Is Constitu. Conv. in 1853 ; City Solicitor of Lowell in
1856 and 1858. He married Caroline Bradley, dau. of the Hon. Benjamin F.
Varnum of Dracut, INIs, Aug. 8, 1844.
*JoiiN Sumner Bijoavn, the son of John Ordway Webster and Mary
(Sumner) Brown, was born at Newburyport, Ms, Nov. 16, 1816, and died theie,
Jan. 13, 1842, je. 25. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 1 year in the
class of 1839.
CiiAKLES BuuNHAM, A. M. the son of James and Nancy (Smith) Burnham,
ALUMNI 1836. 283
was born at Pelhnm, July 19, 1S12. He taught at Qnincy, Illi. in 1836, 1837,
and 1838; also in Iowa, in 1838, 1839, and 1840 ; studied divinity in private
and was ordained an evangelist at Hartfoid, Des Moines Co. Iowa, Nov. 9, 1841 ;
settled at Knoxville, Ind. and afterwai-ds at Bath, INIe ; was installed pastor of
the Cong. Ch, at Meredith, Jan. 8, 1857, and thus remains ; served 8 weeks
in Nov. and Dec. 18G3, with the. Potomac Army in the Christian Commission.
lie married, 1. Adaline Eliza, dau. of Lnther Jagger of Danville, Ind.
Oct. 3,1838. 2. Ann Maria, dau. of David Page of Brighton, Washington
Co. Ind. Sept. 20, 1848. 3. Mary Malvina, dau. of James Noyes of Windham,
Feb. 8, 1857.
* IIoKACK Butler, the son of the Hon. Josiah and Hannah (.Jenness) But-
ler, was born at South Deerfield, June 5, 1814, and died at Libertyville, Illi.
Feb. 26, 1861, JE. 46. He read law and practised at Libertyville ; represented
his district in the lUi. Leg. 1 year ; was in the Constitu. Conv. of Illi. in
1848 ; Judge of Probate for Lake Co. 4 years ; Postmaster at Libertyville
8 years to his death. He married, 1. Caroline Crane of Libertyville in 1844.
2. Sarah Ann Morse of Chicago, Illi. in 1848. Wentworth Sanborn Butler,
D. C. 1848, was his brother.
William Buttekfirld, the son of Samuel and Nancy (Vose) Butterfield,
■was born at Goffstown, Sept. 18, 1815. He read law with his father, but went
to Lucas Co. Ohio, in 1839 and finished the study ; began practice there ; then
removed to Gilmanton Iron Works in 1840 ; thence to Lowell, Ms, in 1842 and
edited a paper; returned to Gilmanton in 1844; was next at Nashua in Apr.
1846, editing the Nashua Gazette ; left for Concord in Nov. 1846, becoming
editor and proprietor of the New Hampshire Patriot, and in that position still
remains ; was Assist. Clerk of the N. H. Senate in 1845. He married Rosa-
mond M. dau. of Finley W. Robinson of Gilmanton, Dee. 3, 1844.
* Henry Harrison Carroll, the son of Godfrey and Sarah (Goss) Car-
roll, was born at Hampton, Nov. 25, 1813, and died at Concord, Aug. 4, 1846,
JE. 32. He read law with the Hon. Moses Norris, D. C. 1828, the Hon. Samuel
Dana Bell of Chester, and the Hon. Franklin Pierce of Concord ; became ed-
itor ot the N. H. Patriot in 1840, and so continued until his death. He
married Plannah C. Blodgett of Brandon, Vt, in Dec. 1845.
* John, Oi!R Chandler, the son of Samuel and Margaret (Orr) Chandler,
was born at Bedford, Jan. 1, 1816, and died at Matanzas, Cuba, June 23, 1839,
JE. 23. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 1 year in the class of 1839,
but his health failed.
Frederick William Choate, A. M. the son of Hervey and Ilephzibah
(Quarles) Choate, was born at Beverly, Ms, June 7, 1815. He read law with
the Hon. John Reed of Yarmouth, Ms, and the Hon. Rufus Choate, D. C. 1819,
of Boston, Ms ; began practice at Boston in 1839 ; still keeps his office there but
has lived in Beverly since 1842 ; was a Ms Senator for Essex Co. in the Leg.
of 1866. He married Eliza M. dau. of Col. John Breck of Northampton, Ms,
Apr. 20, 1842.
* David Joseph Clark, the son of Benjamin and Elisabeth (Wiggin)
Clark, was born at Stratham, Nov. 9, 1812, antl died at Manchester, Sept. 3,
18(J6, JE. 53. He read law with the Hon. James Bell, of Exeter; began
practice at Peterborough in Se])t. 1839 ; removed to Lawrence, Ms, in Apr.
184/ ; thence to Manchester in Oct. 1850, as the partner of his brother, and
became Postmaster thfere in 1866. He married Susan Jane, dau. of Leonard
C. French of Bedford, Dec. 20, 1842. Daniel Clark, D. C. 1834, was bis
284 ALUMNI 1836.
Neiiemiah Cogstvell Coffix, a. jM. the son of Mo>05 and Su?nnnah
(Farmini) Coffin, was born at Boscawen in 1815. He studied divinity at And.
TIk'O. Scm. 1 jear in the class of 1839 ; and finished at Lane Sem. Waliuit
Hills, Ohio, jri'aduating in 1841; was ordained? and has been settled in the
ministry at Piqna, Oliio, and may be there yet. lie married Susan Kust.
* David Coggix, A. M. the son of tlie Rev. Jacob and Mary (Symmes)
Cogji;in, was born at Tewk>biiry, Ms, Sept. 14, 181G, and died at Westliampton,
]Ms, Apr. 28, 185'2, je. 35. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. jjrad-
uatiiig in 1841 ; had been before teacher in the House of Refuse at South
Boston, IMs, 2 years; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at "Westhampton,
May 11, 1842, and died in office. He married Ellen, dau. of Dr Siimuel
Kidder, of Medford, Ms, in Sept. 1842. William Symmes Coggiu, D. C. 1834,
■was his brother.
Daniel Everett Colby, A. M. the son of Gov. Anthony and j\Iary
(Everett) Colby, was born at New London in 1816. He became a merchaivt
in that town, and as such remains there ; was Adj. Gen. of the State militia
from 1803 to 1864. H married IMariha Train, dau. of Samuel Greenwood of
New London. Robert Colby, D. C. 1845, is his brother.
Stoddard Benham Colby, A. M. the son of Capt. Nehemiah and Me-
linda (Larrabee) Colby, was born at Derby, Vt, Feb. 3, 1816. He read law at
Lyndon, Vt; began practice at Derby; represented it in the Leg. of Vt ; re-
moved to Montpelier, Vt, and there remained until 1864 ; was State's Atfy. for
Washington Co. in 1851 and 1852; became Register of the U. S. Treasur}^ in
Aug. 18G4. He married, 1. Harriet Elisabeth, dau. of tlie Hon. Jabez Proctor
of Proctorsville, Vt, Feb. 11, 1840. 2. Ellen Cornelia, dau. of Caleb Hunt of
Haverhill, July 12, 1855.
* Henry Hubbard Cooke, the son of Godfrey and Abigail (Hubbard)
Cooke, was born at Claremont, Dec. 4, 1808, and died at Concord, Jan. 28,
1838, JE. 29. He was about graduating at the Gen. Theo. Sem. of the Prot.
Epis. Cli. at N. Y. city.
Benjamin White Curtis, A. M. the son of Samuel and Sarah (Littlefield)
Curtis, was born at Wells, Me, Oct. 8, 1816. He taught at Buckingham Co.
Va, a short time; was princii)al of an Acad, at Appomattox Co. Va, from 1837
to 1840; studied medicine with Dr William P. Moseley of Buckingham Co. in
the above time and then with Dr Burleigh Smart of Kennebunk, Me ; Avent to
the Univ. of Pa at Pliiladelphia in Nov. 1841, and graduated M. D. in Mar.
1843 ; began practice in Co. with Dr Smart at Kennebunk in 1843 ; moved to
Wells the same year; removed to Portsmouth, June 1, 1848, and there con-
tinues, being the City Physician and Chairman of the Board of Health. He
married Adriana Ceeilia, dau. of Leonard Cotton of Portsmouth, June 1, 1848.
George Burdeu Eastman, the son of the Rev. Tilton, D. C. 1796, and
Experience (Smith) Ea-^tman, was born at Randoljdi, Vt, Dec. 24, 1811. He
taught at Detroit and Kalamazoo, Mich, and also at Troy, N. Y. at the Epis.
Institute ; studied divinity and was ordained a Deacon of the Prot. Epis. Ch.
by the Rt Rev. Samuel Allen M'Coskry, D. D. Bishop of Mich, at Kalamazoo,
in 1839, and a Piesbyter of the same Cii. by tlie Rt Rev. Benjamin Tredwell
Onderdoiik, D. D. Bi>hop of N. Y. at Troy, Aug. 2, 1840; was rector of
Trinity Ch. at Waterford, N. Y. fiom Jan. 1, 1841 to 1843; then of St Paul's
Ch. at Woodbury, Ct ; next of Zion Ch. Avon, N. Y. and also of St Paul's
Ch. Biownville, N. Y. but has been for ,^ome years rector of St Paul's, Fond
du Lac, Wise. He married Margaret Brother of Seneca, N. Y. in Dec.
ALUMNI 1836. 285
Stephen Moody Emery, the son of Enoch and Sarah (Savpfeant) Emery,
was born at Canterbury, Dec. 26, 1809. He took charj^e of King-ton Acad.
2 years studying medicine the while witli Dr Tliomas Bassett of that town ;
was tlien principal of Woodman Acad. Sanbornton 1 year, studying there with
Dr Tliomas Prentiss Hill; finished med. course with Dr Warren E. Chase of
Boscawen and at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1842; went into prac-
tice at Concord, but removed to Fishersville, hi-; present stand, in .3 years. He
married Lucy Ann Augusta, dau. of Capt. Jacob Hosraer of Boscawen, Nov.
22, 1838.
* Augustus Everett, A. M. the son of Joshua and Ruth (Wood) Everett,
was born at Princeton, Ms, Aug. 3, 1813, and died at Baton Rouge, La, Oct.
18, 1843, JE. 30. He went to Ala. as a teacher; removed to La, in 1838;
taught at Jefferson Coll. St James' parish. La, about 2 years; was also tutor in
a private family in 1840; then Piof. of the English language in Baton Rouge
College, and last a tutor in the family of the Hon. Alexander Barrow, when
disease forced him to abandon teaching in 1842 and repair to a farm, soon how-
ever the scgie of his death. By one who knew him well it is said, "As a
teacher he had no superiors. La clearness of conception, in aptness of illus-
tration, and in investing with peculiar interest whatever subject he taught, he
had few equals."
Ekastus Everett, A. M. the twin brother of the above, was born at
Princeton, Ms, Aug. 3, 1813. He went to the South and his life has been
devoted to teaching; wa^ Prof, of English and Hi-tory at Jefferson Coll. St
James' parish. La, from 1840 to 1843 ; that year, with two associates, founded
the Orleans High School at New Orleans, La, and became its principal in 1849 ;
having been chartered as a College in 1854, was its first President, but resigned
on his removal to Brooklyn, N. Y. in 1855. There he has a select school in
the higher branches of instruction. His published works are, " A System of
Engli.-h Versification" and a Poem, entitled "Progress." Besides these, he
has in manuscript, " Monumental Names;" "Indian Antiquities;" "Consecu-
tive Trains of Thought;" " Oceanick Currents;" "The Origin of Proper
Names," and " The Nomenclature of the Sciences." He married Rosa, dau. of
Andrew Denham of Brooklyn, Sept. 16, 1836.
* Henry French, the son of Peter and Mary (Stevens) French, was born
at Kingston, Oct. 4, 1814, and died at Exeter, July 21, 1840, je. 25. He was
a teacher and was employed as such at Exeter Acad, when death arrived. He
married Abigail, dau. of Sherburne Blake at Exeter, May 25, 1840.
James Wilson Giumes, LL. D. the son of John and Betsey (Wilson)
Griuies, was born at Deering, Oct. 20, 1816. He read law with James
"^^'nlker, D. C. 1804, of Peterborough ; began practice at Burlington, Iowa, in
1836, and is still there; was a' member of the first Territorial Assembly of
Iowa and was often re-elected ; held the office of Governor of the State of
Iowa from 1854 to 1858; was a Senator of the U. S. Congress for 6 years
from 1859, and re-elected for 1865 to 1871. Both Dart, and Iowa Coll. con-
ferr(^d the Hon. degree in 1865. He married Elisabeth Sarah, dau. of Edmund
B. Nealley of Lee, Nov. 9, 1846.
RoiucRT Henry Hall, the son of Robert and Nancy (M'Gregore) Hall,
was born at GofFstown, Mar. 29, 1814. He read law with Mr llubbell of
Utica, and went into practice thei'e ; then taught a year or two in Mobile, Ala.
and longer at Bastrop, Texas; also opened an office in that town for several
years, uniting law with the disposal of land, but for some time has been raising
286 ALUMNI 1836.
stock. lie marriec], 1. Mary Morgan of Bastrop in 1847. 2. A lady of the
same town, Dec. 2, 1858.
Epiiraui Nelson IIiddex, the son of Ephraim and Dorothy (Remiok)
Hidden, was born at Tamworth, Auir. 28. 1810. He was preceptor of Gil-
raanton Acad.-from 183G to 18.38 and 1830 to 1840; studied divinity at Gil-
manton Theo. Sem. frraduating in 1840 ; was ordained pastor of the Conor. Ch.
at Deerfield, Sept. 1, 1841 ; dismissed in Oct. 1849; installed pastor at Milford,
Nov. 21, 1849; dismissed in Apr. 18."j8 ; installed at Candia, Nov. 2. l»r;0 ;
dismissed Nov. 16, 18G4; installed at Somersworth, Jan. 5, 1865, and is yet
in olRce ; has published 1 sermon. He married Mary Elisabeth, dau. of Josiah
Parsons of Gilmanton, Aug. 28, 1840.
William Harris Latham, the son of William H. and Azubah (Jenks)
Latham, was born at Lyme, Mar. 6, 1814. He studied divinity at And. Tlieo.
Sem. 1 year in the class of 1839 ; afterwards studied medicine and graduated
M. D. in some college ; is now at Indianapolis, Ind. pursuing his pror("Ssion.
He married Lydia M'llvaine of Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 2, 1843. Charles
Frencii Latham, D. C. 1848, is his brother.
Solomon Laavs, A. M. the son of Thomas and Mary (Locke) Laws, was
born at Peterborough, Nov. 13, 1806. He studied divinity; was ordained pas-
tor of the Universalist Society at Chester, Vt, Aug. 24. 1837 ; left after 4 years ;
was at Warren, Ms, 1 year; became pastor of the Universalist Society at Tem-
ple in 1842 ; hns preached also at Maill)orough and may be there still. He
married Olive Mason, dau. of Marvel Johnson of ]Mt Hulley, Vt, at Chester,
Sept. 30, 1847.
* John King Lord, A. IM. the son of the Rev. Pres. Dr Nathan and
Betsey H. (Leland) Lord, was born at Amherst, Mar. 22, 1819, and died at
Cincinnati, Ohio, July 13, 1849, M. 30. He taught at New Bedford, Ms, 1
year; was preceptor of Peacliam, Acad. Vt, 1 year; studied divinity at And.
Theo. Sem. graduating in 1841; was ord;iined pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Hart-
ford, Vt, Nov. 3, 1841 ; dismissed in July 1847 ; installed pastor of the 1st Cong.
Ch. at Cincinnati, Oct. 20, 1847, and died after a ministry of less than 2 years
to the inexpressible grief of relatives and numerous friends. He married
Laura E. dau. of Dr Aaron Smith of Hardwick. Vt, in Jan. 1842. Jo-eph
Leland Lord, D. C. 1839, Frederick Richardson' Lord, D. C. 1842, William
Hayes Lord, Henry Clark Lord, and Samuel Augustus Lord, all three D. C.
1843. Nathan Lord, D. C. 1851, and Francis Brown Lord, D. C. 1856, were
his brothers.
* HiCNUY Lorenzo Low, A. M. the son of Gen. Joseph and Fanny (Al)bot)
Low, was born at Concord, Sept. 10, 1817, and died at Somerville, Ms, Apr.
26, l'~!52, Ai. 34. He studied divinity at xVnd. Theo. Sem. 2 years in the cla-^s
of 1841 ; was tutor at Geneva, now iloltart. Coll. at Geneva, N. Y. from 1839
to 1843; kept a classical school at Milwaukie, Wise. 1 year; was Prof, of
Greek and Latin at tlie above Coll. 1 year; spent 2 years in Europe in literary
studies; then completed his theological course ; was ordained a Deacon of the
Prot. Epis. Ch. by the Rt Rev. William Heathcote Delancey, D. D. Bishop of
Western New York, at Geneva, and afterwards a Presbyter of the same
Church; then returned to N. H. and was rector of St Andrew's Ch. IIo[)kinton
from the spring of 1850. He never married. Charles French Low, D. C.
1842, was his brother.
* Geoi;ge Washington Makepeace, the son of Dea. Lysander and Sarah
(Wild) ^Makepeace, was born at Norton, M-, Apr. 12, 1810, and died at New
Orleans, La, Aug. 25, 1838, JE. 28. He began to study divinity, but health
ALUMNI 1836. 287
failing went to Savannah, Geo. and taught 6 months ; obtaining no relief there,
took a school at Vicksburg, Miss, keejjing it until life was fast ebbing away,
when on his journey lioine death ensued the day after reaching New Orleans,
and thus perislied a worthy and promising youth.
Daniel Ford Merrill, A. M. the son of the Rev. Asa and Esther (Fowl-
er) Merrill, was born at Stratham, Nov. 2, 1812. lie taught at Mobile, Ala.
for many years; was also for some time a resident teacher at llaverliill.
He married Luella Bartlett, dan. of Jacob Bell of Haverhill, at Mobile, May
23, 1845.
Edward Pinkerton Parker, A. M. the son of the Rev. Edward Lut-
wyche, D. C. 1807, and Mehitabel (Kimball) Parker, Avas born at London-
derry, Apr. 18, 1816. He taught at Pinkerton Acad. Deny, from Sept. 1836
to Sept. 1838, reading law also with Tliornton Betton, D. C. 1820, of Derry
from Oct. 1836 to Oct. 1838, and with the Hon. Oilman Parker, D. C. 1824,
at Haverhill, Ms, 1 year; practised at Derry from Aug. 1839 to Apr. 1843;
was principal of the Adams Female Acad, at Derry from Apr. 1843 to Aug.
1847 ; removed then to Menimack and practised until the spring of 1853, when
the law was left for other pursuits. He married Margaret Jane, dau. of Laac
M'Gaw, D. C. 1807. of Merrimack, at M. Mar. 13, 1850.
JosiAn Peabody, the son of Ebenezer and Mercy (Perkins) Peabody, was
born at Topsfield. Ms. Jan. 7, 1807. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
graduating in 1839; was ordained an evangelist at Clinton, N. Y. Sept. 25,
1839 ; sailed a missionary for Smyrna, Asia, Api*. 29, 1841 ; arrived June 17,
1841 ; was stationed at Irzeroom, Turkey, and afterwards at Erzeroora, Persia.
He married Mary Lawrence, dau. of George Herbert, D. C. 1800, of Ells-
worth, Me, at E. Apr. 1, 1841.
Edmund Randolph Peaslee, A. M.-LL. D. the son of James and Abi-
gail (Chase) Peaslee, was born at Newton, Jan. 22, 1814. He was tutor at
Dart, from 1837 to 1838; studied medicine at Yale Coll. Med. School, p^radu-
ating M. D. in 1840; began practice at Hanover in 1841; became Prof, of
Anatomy and Physiology at Dart, in 1842; Prof of Anatomy and Surgery at
Bowdoin Coll. Me, in 1843 ; Prof of Pathology and Physiology in N. Y. Med.
Coll. in 1851 ; after practising at Hanover 17 years, removed to N. Y. city in
1858, but still retains his professor.-hip at Dart, and is now Prof, of Obstetricks
in N. Y. Med. Coll. from 1859. Dart, conferred the Hon. degree in 1859.
Dr P. has published a work entitled " Human Histology," in 1857. He mar-
ried Martha Thankful, dau. of the Hon. Stephen Kendrick of Lebanon, at L.
July 11, 1841.
John Francis Pingrt, A. M. the son of John and Relief (Little) Pingry,
was born at Newbui'yport, Ms, Sept. 26, 1818. He studied divinity at Eliza-
beth City, N.J. and at N. Y. Theo. Seminary; was ordained pastor of the
Presb. Ch. at Fishkill, N. Y. June 27, 1842 ; dismissed in 4 years ; then taught
there 7 years ; removed to Newark, N. J. opening a family school about 1853 ;
was installed pastor of the Pre^-b. Ch. at Roseville precinct, Newark, in 1853,
and was in charge of both school and church to 1861. He married, 1. Caroline
Gllfert, dau. of James Oakley of Brooklyn, N. Y. Aug. 2, 1842. 2. Elisabeth,
dau. of Peter Van Wagenen of NeAvark, Feb. 17, 1858.
Timothy Parker Redfield, A. M. the son of Dr Peleg and Hannah
(Packer) Rcdtield, was born at Coventry, Vt, Nov. 3, 1811. He read law and
began practice at Irasburg, Vt, in 1837 ; represented it in the Vt Leg. in 1839 ;
was also a State Senator in 1848 ; removed that year to Montpelier, Vt, and
there continues, prominent in his profession. He married Helen W. dau. of
288 ALUMNI 183G.
Maj. William Grannissof Stanstead, Can. East, Feb. G, 1840. Isaac Fletcher
Redlield, D. C. 1825, is liis brother.
Jonas Die Forest Riciiauds, A. M.-LL. D. the son of Joel and IMii-iam
(Smith) Richards, was born at Harlibrd, Vt, Dec. 28, 1809. He was tuior at
Marietta Coll. Ohio ; studied divinity at Union Theo. Sein. at N. Y. citv, and
at And. Theo. Sem. graduating at tlie la-t in 1840 ; was ordained pastor of the
Cong. Ch. at Charlestown, May 28, 1841 ; dismissed Oct. 14, 1851 ; installed
pastor at Chester, Vt, in June 1853 ; dismissed in about 5 years ; then removed
to Weatliersfield, Vt, and was stated supply there until his departure for
Monroe, Mich, his present abode. Dart, confenvd the Hon. degree in 1865.
He married Hannah Bartlett, dau. of the Hon. William Jarvis of Weathers-
field, Aug. 9, 1843. Cyrus Smith Richards, D. C. 1835, is his brother.
JoHX RoDMAX Rollins, A. M. the son of Col. John and Elisabeth (Saw-
yer) Rollins, was born at JSewbury, Ms, Feb. 9, 1817. He taught at Duiumer
Acad. Byficld, Ms; then at Newburyport, Ms, 3 years ; next at Lunenburg,
Ms, from 1841 to May 1849 ; from that year, lived at Boston and Charlestown,
Ms, in the service of the Fitchburg rail road Co. 4 years ; went to Lawrence,
Ms, in Jan. 1853 ; was paymaster of the Essex Company there, and Mayor of
the city 2 years from Dec. 1857 ; became a Capt. in the Ms 9 months vols in
18C2, and was at the siege of Port Hudson; is now Director of a mining estab-
lishment in Colorado, living at Denver. He married Sarah Stearns, dau. of
Dea. James Patterson of Nashua, at Lunenburg, Nov. 20, 1844.
* David Scott Sloan, the son of David, D. C. 1806, and Hannah (John-
son) Sloan, was born at Haverhill, July 14, 1815, and was drowned in Lake
Erie at the loss of the steamer Erie, Aug. 9, 1841, .^. 26. He read law with
Joseph Bell, D. C. 1807, at Haverhill 2 years, but was instructor of a i)rlvate
school in Geneva, N. Y. at the lime of his melancholy end. William Sloan,
D. C. 1841, was his brother.
John Bolton Smith, the son of the Rev. John, D. C. 1794. and Rebecca
(Smith) Smith, was born at Haverhill, Aug. 27, 1812. He read law and has
been ])raetising many years at Yorkville, Yoik district, S. C. He married
Nancy Kerr of S. C. Oliver Marsh Smith, D. C 1830, was his brother.
FuKDEKiCK HuBBAUD Stone, tiie son of Dea. Richard and Mary (Hub-
bard) Sione, "was born at Lyndon, Vt, in 1816. He taught in Indiana, but has
been for some time a druggist at Muscatine, Iowa. He married Catharine
Hknky Davis Towne, A, jM. the son of the Rev. Josiah and Charlotte
(Penfield) Towne, was born at Hanover in Aug. 1815. He was at one time
the Cashier of a bank at Springfield, lUi. and raoi'e than this is unknown.
Claudius Buchanan Webstek, the son of Josiah, D. C. 1798, and Elisa-
beth (Knight) Webster, was born at Hampton, Dec. 10, 1815. He studied
medicine at the N. Y. Med. Coll. and graduated M. D. there ; began practice
at Northwood ; removed to Norwich, Ct, in 1845 ; opened there a family sehool
for young ladies, which was long sustained, and only left for the position of a
Surgeon in the Sanitary Commission in 1863, whose duties led him successively
to Washington, D. C. Nashville, Tenn. Louisville, Ky, and Jeffersonville, Ind.
He married Mary Elisabeth, dau. of David Web.-ter of Pembroke, Oct. 31,
1844. John Calvin Web.-ter, D. C 1832, and Josei)h Dana Webster, of the
same class, are his brothers.
John AVentworth, A. M. the son of Paul and Lydia (Cogswell) Went-
worth. was born at Sandwich, Mar. 5, 1815. He went to Chicago, Jlli. in 1836 ;
was editor of the " Chicago Democrat " from 1836 to 1843, and proprietor to
ALUMNI 1836. 289
1861 ; read law with Henry Moore of Chicago and at Harv. Univ. Law School
in 1841 ; began practice at Chicago and there remains; was a Representative
in Congress from 1843 to 1855 ; Mayor of" the city of Cln'cago in 1857 and
1860; was also in Congress elected for 2 years, 1865 to 1867. He married
Marie, dau. of Riley Loomis of Troy, N. Y. Nov. 13, 1844.
* Zknas Paine Wextwouth, A. M. the son of Tappan and Elisabeth
(Bradbury)Wentworlh, was born at Parsonsfield, Me, June 15, 1801), and died
at Houlton, Me, Sept. 2, 1864,^. 55. He read law with John Jameson, D, C.
1821, at Cornish, Me ; began practice at Houlton in 1831) ; was Register of
Probate for Aroostook Co. and afterwards Judge of Probate. He did not
Tno.MAs Burns Avery, the son of Daniel and Olive (Piper) Avery, was
born at Gilford in 1817. He read law with Stephen Carr Lyford of Meredith,
but never practised ; taught in the South for several years, and has been Ion"
engaged in manufacturing at Prattville, Ala.
Nathan Ballard, A. M. the son of Nathan and Hannah (Bass) Ballard,
was born at Concord, Mar. 31, 1816. He became a teacher and lias been livin'^-
some years at Brooklyn, N. Y. He married Emily J. L. dau. of Samuel B.
Goddard of Newburyport, Ms, at Concord, Sept. 24, 1851.
* Cyrus Parker Bradley, the son of Isaac C. and Rachel Bradley, was
born at Canterbury, Oct. 20, 1818, and died at Concord, July 6, 1838, .e. 19.
He published the Life of the Hon. Isaac Hill of Concord ; is said to have pos-
sessed extraordinary talents and his premature demise was greatly deplored.
Porter Sayward Burbank, A. M. the son of Samuel and Susan (Graves)
Burbank, was born at Newfield, Me, Mar. 13, 1810. He taught at Strafford
Acad. 3 years ; studied divinity and was ordained an evangelist at Strafford,
June 13, 1840 ; became pastor of the Freewill Baptist Ch. at Hamjjton in .June
1840; dismissed in 1847 ; was pastor at Deerfield, Danville, and New Hamp-
ton; also at West Buxton, Me ; then settled at Limerick, Me, in 185'J, and
again at Danville in 1861. He married Miriam B. dau. of Silas Burbank, at
North Parsonsfield, Me, July 16, 1837.
* Charles Hutchins Butters, the son of Thomas and Theodate (Drake)
Butters, was born at Canterbury, Jan. 29, 1818, and died at Pittsfield, May 13,
1860, JE. 42. He read law with the Hon. Ira Perley, D. C. 1822; taught at
Petersbui'g and elsewhere in Va from 1840 to 1842 ; resumed legal study with
Hayes and Cogswell of South Berwick, Me, in 1842; began practice at Pitts-
field in Co. with the Hon. Moses Norris, D. C. 1828, in 1843 ; after 2 years
was without a partner there ; represented Pittsfield in the N. H. Leg. in 1850
and 1851 ; removed his office to Concord in Nov. 1855, and did not leave
it. He married Julia Ann Hunt, adopted dau. of Amasa Trescott of Dover, at
Manchester, Dec. 10, 1845.
* William Rogers Chapjian, the son of Timothy and Betsey (Barker)
Chapman, was born at Bethel, IMe, Feb. 26, 18-12, and died at Hanover, Ms,
Oct. 25, 1855, JE. 43. He taught at Wakefield Acad, and Bethel Acad. 6
months ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 1 year in the class of 1841 ; finished
his bourse at New Haven Theo. Sem. Ct; was ordained pastor of the Garden
St Chapel Cong. Ch. at Boston, Ms, Sept. 8, 1841 ; on its union with the Green
St Cong. Ch. became the associate pastor of the Rev. Dr William Jenks for 2
years ; dismissed in 1847 ; was installed pastor of the 8th St Ch. in N. Y. city in
290 ALUMNI 1837.
1847 ; dismissed in 1849 ; tlien visited P^urope ; returninfi, was installed pastor
of the Cli. at Aurora, N. Y. Dec. 25, 1850 ; dismissed in 1854 ; removed in Aiijr.
of that year to Hanover, Ms. and supplied the pulpit to his death. He married
Emily Irene, dau. of Earl Bishop of Haverhill, ]\Is, at N. Y. city, May 16, 1842.
Jkhemiah Clark, the son of Elijah and Sarah (Paiker) Clark, \yas horn at
Grovelaiul, Ms, Feb. 2, 1812. He read law and commenced practice ; went to
California, and opened an office at San Francisco in 1850, and there continues.
He married Lottie F. dau. of l)r Kane of Plattsburof, N. Y.
CiiAi{LEs Smith Dana, A. M. the son of Israel Putnam and Sally (Smith)
Dana, and great grandson of the celebrated Gen. Israel Putnam, was born at
Danville, Yt, Nov. 18. 1815. He read law with the Hon. Paul Dillingham of
Waterbury, Vt, the Hon. Charles Marsh, D. C. 1786, of Woodstock, Yt, and at
the Harv. Dane Law School ; was admitted to the bar at Danville in Dec.
1840, but soon engaged in mercantile business for some years ; was then Judge
of Probate for 8 years, and removed to St Johnsbury, Vt, as Clerk of the Sup.
Court and Caledonia Co. Court, an office still retained. He married, A. H. dau.
of Simeon Sinclair of Hanhvick, Vt, Feb. 14, 1848.
* Nathaniel Wright Deavey, the son of Rodolplius and Diana (Wright)
Dewey, was born at Koyalton, Vt, Jan. 1, 1810, and died at Walnut Hills, Ohio,
Jan. 11, 1839, je. 29. He was there studying divinity in Lane Seminary.
* William Low Eaton, A. M. the son of Washington and Hannah (Low)
Eaton, was born at Weare, Mar. 21, 1814, and died at Kalamazoo, Mich. Dec.
25, 1853, JE. 39. He taught Jaffrey Acad, from 1837 to 1839; was Prof, of
Math, and Nat. Phil, at the Academical and Theo. Institution of New Hamp-
lon from 1839 to 1843 ; was ordained a Baptist evaiig(^list there, Apr. 20, 1842,
but was never settled as a pastor; went to Schoolcraft, Mich, teaching and
preaching from 1843 to 1845; officiated next in the same way at Ypsilanti,
Mich, from 1845 to 1848 ; tlien became a Prof, in the Theo. Institution at Kala-
mazoo, and so continued, with the exception of a brief charge of Marshall Acad.
Mich, to his much regretted death. He married Hannah Sbui'tleff, dau. of
Stephen Maine of Hartland, Vt, at Windsor, Vt, Aug. 20, 1841.
Luther Farnham, A. M. the son of Ephraim and Sarah (Brown) Farn-
ham, was born at Concord, Feb. 5, 1816. He studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. graduating in 1841 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Nortiiiield,
Ms, Nov. 20, 1844; dismissed Apr. 9, 1845 ; was next connected with the
Puritan Recorder at Boston, Ms; also supplied the pulpit at Marshfield, Ms;
has long been Secretary of the Southern Aid Society and more recently Libra-
rian of the Theological Library, both in Boston ; has published a '■ Thank>giv-
ing Sermon " and a " Ghmce at Private Libraries." He married Eugenia
Frink, dau. of Dea. Levi Fay of Boston, June 23, 1845.
Charles Darwin Fitch, A. M. the son of Dr Samuel and Eunice (Perry)
Fitch, was born at Greenfield, Nov. 29, 1815. He was principal of Henniker
Acad, from 1837 to 1838; taught at Phillii)S Acad. Andover, Ms, 1 year; at
St Francisville, La, from 1839 to 1843 ; studied medicine at Ca^tlelon Med.
School, Vt, in 1846; was principal of Atkinson Acad, from 1848 to 1849;
taugiit at South Windsor, Ct, 1 year; at Greenfield 2 years; at Amherst in
1854 ; principal of Conway Acad. Ms, 1 year, and of Pinkerton Acad. Derry,
2 terms ; is now living on a farm at Greenfield. He married Lizzie D. dau. of
Dea. Peter Peavy of Greenfield in Mar. 1857.
Eden Burroughs Foster, D. D. the son of Richard and Irene (Bur-
roughs) Foster, was born at Hanover, IMay 26, 1813. He studied divinity at
And. Theo. Sem. over a year in the class of 1841 ; was ordained pastor of the
ALUMNI 1837. 291
Cong. Ch. at Henniker, Aug. 18, 1841 ; dismissed Jan. 7, 1847 ; installed pas-
tor at Pelliain, June 21, 1848 ; dismissed Jan. 18, 1853 ; installed pastor of the
Joim 8t Ch. Lowell, Ms, Feb. 3, 1853 ; dismissed July 23, 1861 ; installed pas-
tor at West Springfield, Ms, Oct. 10, 18G1 ; dismis.-.ed Apr. 17, 1866 ; again in-
stalled over his former Ch. at Lowell, Ms, May 16, 1866. Williams Coll. con-
ferred the Hon. degree in 1861. He married Catiiarine, dau. of Oramel Pinneo
of Hanover, Aug. 11, 1840. Charles Foster, D. C 1840, and Daniel Fo^ter,
D. C. 1841, were, and William Cowper Foster, D. C. 1841, Davis and Roswell
Foster, both D. C. 1849, ai*e, his brothers.
James Washington Goodman, the son of Jeremiah Goodman, was from
Charlottesville, Va, and went south. All else is unknown.
* Benjamin Griswold. the son of Benjamin and Selinda (Howard) Gris-
wold, was born at Randolph, Vt, Aug. 13, 1811, and died at Gaboon, Africa,
July 14, 1844, je. 32. He studied medicine at Yale Coll. Med. School, and after
that divinity at And.Theo. Sem. over a year in the class of 1841 ; was ordained
an evangelist at Randolph, Sept. 2, 1841 ; was a missionary of the Amer. Bd of
For. Missions; sailed tor Gaboon in 1841 ; arrived in 1842 and early fell the
victim of a baneful climate. He married Mrs Mary (Hardcastle) Wilson, the
relict of the Rev. Alexander E. Wilson, M. D. at Gaboon, Aug. 23, 1843.
James Clay Houghton, the son of William and Marilla (Clay) Houghton,
was born at Lyndon, Vt, May 13, 1810. He studied divinity at East Windsor
Hill Theo. Sem. Ct ; was ordained an evangelist at Petersham, Ms, Dec. 22,
1840; was stated sup[)ly at East Hartland, Vt, from 1843 to 1845; also at
Granby, Ct, (rom June 1845 to Apr. 1847 ; installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Middle Iladdam, Ct, Sept. 15, 1847 ; dismissed in Feb. 1851 ; installed at New
Harttbrd, Ct, in Dec. 1851 ; dismissed in F^eb. 1854; became stated supply at
Chelsea, Vt, in 1856, but is now living there without a charge. He married
Julia, dau. of Elisha Morton of East Windsor, Nov. 4, 1840. /
Alexander George Johnson, the son of David and Lucy (Towne) John- v
son, was born at Newbury, Vt, Feb. 14, 1813. He read law with th(! Hon.
John Dwight Willard, D. C. 1819, at Troy, N. Y. and at Albany, N. Y. from
Sept. 1837 to 1841, editing also tlie Morning Mail at Troy part of the time;
practised law there in Co. with Henry Zachariah Hayner from 1842 to 1848,
and fiom 1845 to 1847 editing the Albany Freeholder ; was Dep. Superintend-
ent of N. y. common schools from Jan. 1848 to Dec. 1849 ; also Dep. Sec. of tlie
State from the last date to Dec. 31, 1851, and again during 1854 and 1855.
All this time his professional home was at Troy and is so still. He married
Charlotte Petti-;, dau. of the Hon. Allen Wardner of Windsor, Vt, at W. Se[)t.
2, 1846. Edward Carleton Johnson, D. C. 1840, is his brother.
Amasa Kinne, the son of Nathan and Elizabeth (Farrington) Kituie, was
born at Waterford, Vt. He studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating
M. D. in 1841 ; practised 1 year at Hanover ; then at Jaffrey some years ; but
^ at length removed to Ypsilanti, ]\Iich. where he pursues his profession, and is
also in mercantile business. He married Susan O. dau. of John Smith of Han-
over, at Lyme, June 21, 1840.
* Isaac Kinsman, A. M. the son of Isaac and Mary (Murray) Kinsman,
was born at Wilmot, Sept. 12, 1812, and died at Pembroke, Oct. 26, 1843, ^e.
31.^ He- was the first teacher of the People's Institute at Pembroke, and was
such from 1837 to his death. It was his design to enter the ministry.
Alfred Leavitt Lawrence, the son of Dr Ebenezer and Abigail (Leavitt)
Lawrence, was born at Hampton, May 28, 1816. He did not study a profes-
sion and is an agriculturist of Pepperell, Ms. He married Sarah, dau. of Major
Eli Boynton of Pepperell, Dec. 22, 1853.
292 ALUMNI 1837.
GiLMAX IMakston, the son of Jereminh and Theda (Sawyer) INFarston, was
born at Orford. Ana. 20. 1811. He read law with the Hon. Leonard 'Wilcox,
D. C. 1817, of Orford, Hubbard and AVatts of Boston, Ms, and at Harv. Dane
Law School ; went into practice at Exeter and there continues ; has represented
it in the N. H. Legislatuie ; was also a member of Cong, from 1850 to 18G5,
and has been rechosen to serve from 1865 to 1867. In the late rebellion, he
was Col. of the 2nd Reg. of N. Hanip. Vols, and became a Brig. General. Jere-
miah Marston, D. C. 1843, is his brother.
JosiAii MixoT, the son of the Hon. James and Sally (Wilson) Minot, was
born at liristol, Sept. 17, 1819. He read law with the Hon. John James Gil-
christ of Cliarlestown and the Hon. Samuel Dana Bell of Chester ; went into
practice at Bristol in 1840 ; removed thence to Concord ; became a Judge of
the Ct of Com. Pleas in Sept. 1852 ; resigned in Mar. 1855 ; was that year ap-
pointed Commissioner of Pensions at "Washington, but is no longer in otfice and
lias returned to Concord. He married Abba Pickering, dan. of Ste|)hen Haines
of Canterbury, Aug. 24, 1843. George Minot, D. C. 1828, was his brother.
William Davis Moore, the son of John and Tahitha (Davis) Moore, was
born at Canterbury, Jan. 13, 1810. He taught at Carlisle, Ind. from 1837 to
1839 ; then at Somerville, Tenn. 2 years and 6 months; next at Eutaw, Ala. I
year and 6 months ; also at Si)ringfield, Ohio, 1 year and 6 months, and at
Granville, Ohio, 9 years and 6 months; after this, commenced mercantile busi-
ness at Newton, Iowa, his present abode. He married Estlier, dan. of Hail
Barton of Fairfield, N. Y. Jan. 2, 1840.
* Horace Mower, the son of Lyman and Hannah (Hale) Mower, was born
at Woodstock, Vt, July 31, 1818, and died at Kalamazoo, Mich. Dec. 12, 18G0,
JE. 42. He read law with the Hon. Charles Marsh, D. C. 1786, at Woodstock ;
removed to Kalamazoo in 1839; finished studies and began practice there,
which was continued through life, with the exception of 2 years spent as U. S.
Judge in the Territory of New Mexico. He married Susan, dau. of Calvin
Robin-on of Shrewsbury, Vt, Dec. 28, 1843.
John ^Iussey, the son of Dr Reuben Dimond, D. C. 1803, and Hitty (Os-
good) Mussey, was born at Hanover, ]May 2G, 1815. He taught at or near
Richmond, Ky ; studied law at Lexington, Ky ; removed thence to Texas, but
his location and pursuits have not been ascertained. He married Susan
Shelby Hart of Kv, near Lexington. Francis Brown Mussey, D. C 1840,
Chnrfes Frederick 'Mussey, D. C'. 1848, and Reuben Delavan Mussey, D. C.
1854, are his brothers.
*IIr.XRT Miller Nichols, the son of Aaron and Nancy (Gale) Nichols,
was born at Enfield, Feb. 3, 1813, and died at Haverhill. Ms, Sept. 16, 1842,
JE. 29. He taught Lebanon Acad, about 2 years ; studied divinity at the same
time with the Rev. John Moore ; was ordained pastor of a Universalist Society
at Haverhill in June 1840, and so continued to his early passage to the grave.
He married Martha L. dau. of Elisha Brewster of :MiddIebury, Vt, Dec. 6, "1838.
A:\ios Richardson, A. M. the son of INIoses Davis and Sarah (Collins)
Richardson, was born at Springfield, Aug. 28, 1813. He taught at Fryeburg,
Me, until 1845 ; then removed to Freeliold, N. J. as principal of ayoinig ladies
Sem. and still remains its teacher, though totally blind since 1855. In writing
to his classmates, he beautifully says, ''Though the waves have clean gone over
me, and shut out the sun from my sight, and hidden the face of every earthly
friend for all time, I thank a good Heavenly Father, not a ray of liglit nor a
single glow of warmth has been withdrawn from the heart." He married Ruth,
dau. of Jonathan Freeman of Hanover, Aug. 25, 1840. Moses Charles Rich-
ardson, D. C. 1841, is his brother.
ALUMNI 1837. 293
JosEPFi MuNROE EoCKAVOOD, A. M. the son of Joseph and Anna (Chilson)
Rookwood, was born at BeUingham, Ms, July 1, 1818. lie studied divinity at
Newton Tlico. Seni. Ms, fj;iadualinji; in 1841 ; was ordained pastor of the Bap-
tist Ch. at Kuthmd, Vt, Feb. 9, 1842; installed pastor at Belchertown, M<, in
1849 ; resitjned in Oct. 1855 ; tlien began to in.^truct at a young hidies Insti-
tution at Worcester, Ms ; was next settled over the 2nd Baptist Ch. at Grafton,
Ms. He married EHsabeth H. Bixby of Newton, Ms, June 28, 1842.
Lucius Leslie Scammell, A. M. the son of John Corbett and Joaiuia
(Stearns) Scammell, was born at Bellingham, Ms, Dec. 17, 1819. He studied
medicine with Dr John G. Metcalf of INlendon, Ms, at the Med. Coll. at Wash-
ington, D. C. and at Harv. Univ. Med. School, graduating at the last M. D. in
1842; began practice at Ilopkinton, Ms ; left it after 10 years for Franklin,
Ms, and in 3 years removed to Charlestown, Ms ; is now settled at Alexandria,
D. C. He married, 1. Ami, dau. of the Rev. Sylvester F. Bucklin of ]Marll)or-
ough, Ms, Nov. 16, 1842. 2. Ann Winchester, dau. of Dea. William Arnold of
Charlestown, Jan. 15, 1852.
Benjamin Fkanklin Shaw, A. M. the son of Josiah and Tabitha (Watson)
Shaw, was born at Goi'ham, Me, Oct. 2(3, 1814. He was principal of Vassal-
borough Acad. Me, 5 years; studied divinity at Newton Theo. Sem. Ms, 1
year; was ordained pastor of the Baptist Ch. at China, Me, Mar. 16, 1843;
after 10 years service, poor health ibrced him to resign ; was then Cashier of a
bank at Daraariscotia, Me, 6 years ; next resumed the ministry at Liberty, Me,
until June 1864 ; and was at that time called to the Baptist Ch. at Thomaston,
Me, and there continues. He married Mary Jane, dau. of Benjamin Pratt, at
Yarmouth, Me, Nov. 25, 1841.
George Foster Shepley, the son of the Hon. Judge Ether, D. C. 1811,
and Anne (Foster) Shepley, was born at Saco, Me, Jan. 1, 1819. He read law
with his father at Portland, Me, and at Harv. Dane Law School ; began prac-
tice at Bangor, Me, in 1840, and in time removed to Portland, and there con-
tinues ; was U. S. Atty for Me from Nov. 8, 1848 to 1849, and again from 1853
to 1861 ; then became Col. of the 12th Reg. of Me Volunteers, and served with
distinction tliroughout the southern rebellion ; was promoted to the rank of
Brigadier Gen. July 18, 1862, and was al>o from June 2, 1862 Military Gov. of
La. At the close of the war, he resigned his commission to take effect July 1,
1865, and resumed the law at Portland. He married Lucy Anne Hayes at
Bangor, July 24, 1844.
* Loren Spencer, the son of John and Polly (Thurston) Spencer, was born
at Barnet, Vt, Apr. 23, 1812, and died at St Louis, Missouri, May 1, 1847, je.
35. He read law and opened an office at St Louis and there practised until
his death ; was also the Recorder of Spanish land titles in Missouri. He was
never married.
Benjamin Trow, the son of Israel and Hannah (Makepeace) Trow, was
born at New Braintree, Ms, Dec. 18, 1802. He has devoted himself to agricul-
tural pursuits at Richmond, Illi. and still resides there. He married Aurelia,
dau. (if Jesse Bridgman of Hanover, May 14, 1837.
* Edward Dwyer Very, the son of John Crowningshield, and Mary
(Dwyer) Very, was born at Salem, Ms, Dec. 30, 1813, and was drowned in the
Bay of Fundy, near Ilorton, N. S. June 8, 1852, M. 38. He studied divinity ;
was\)r(lained an evangelist at East Machias, Me, Sept. 10, 1838. His first pas-
toral charge was over the Baptist Ch. at Salem, and his next at Portland, N. B.
editing at the same time a religious paper at St John, N. B. He married Eliza
J. W. dau. of George Wilson of East Machias, Sept. 2, 1839. The graduate's
294 ALUMNI 1837.
father Avas one of three per.-ons saved from the ship Margaret from Naples to
Salem, wrecked May 21, 1810, after being 17 days on the wreck and 23 more
in a small open boat. The ship was full of passengers, and all else on board
were lost, except the Capt. and some of the crew who unfeelingly deserted the
Margaret soon after the disaster,
Aldack Waijckk, the son of Leonard and Cliloe (Child) "Walker, was born
at Stratford, Vt, July 20, 1812. He taught the Ili.^di School at Brattleborough,
Vt, in 1837 and 1838 ; studied divinity at Yale Coll. Theo. School 2 years and
at And. Theo. Sem. 1 year, graduating at the last in 1840 ; was ordained pas-
tor of the Cong. Ch. at West Rutland, Vt, Dec. 30, 1840; dismissed ? is now
staled supply at Wallingfbrd, Vt. He married JSIary Ann, dau. of Col. Abel
Baker of Lebanon, Apr. 30, 1841.
* Royal Nathaniel AYkigiit, the son of Dea. Royal and Diantha (Martin)
"Wriglit, was born at East Hanover, and died at Belvidere, lUi. Oct. 14, 1849,
M. 37. He studied divinity at Lane Theo. Sem. Walnut Hills, Ohio ; was or-
dained pastor of the Presb, or Cong, Ch, at Belvidere, and died in office. He
married Annette, dau, of John Smith of East IL\nover, Oct, 8, 1840,
Chaklks Aiken, the son of Jonathan, D, C. 1807, and Nancy Patterson
(Aiken) Aiken, was born at Goffstown, ]\Iar. 13, 1818. He early devoted him-
self to the business of teaching at Pa, Ky, St Louis, INIissouri, and Ohio ; has
been teaching Latin, Greek, and Musick at Cincinnati, Ohio, since 1842 ; also
studied divinity at Lane Sem. near that city, graduating in 1847, He married,
1, Cordelia Butler, dau, of Stephen Hyde of Williamsburg, Ms, at Amherst,
Ms, Aug, 20, 1840, 2, Theresa Pamelia Hyde, her sister, at Cincinnati, Jan.
31, 1850, 3, Martha Stanley, dau, of Henry L, Merrill of Grand DeTour, Illi,
at Sandusky, Ohio, Nov, 22, 18i>5. James Aiken, D. C. 1839, is his brother.
* Moses Little Atkinson, the son of William and Anna (Little) Atkin-
son, was born at Newbury, Ms, July 14, 1814, and died at Lawrence, iMs, July
13, 1852, iE. 38, minus 1 day. He studied medicine at Harv. Univ. Med.
School, graduating M. D. in 1844 ; began practice in Lawrence and so re-
mained until death. He married Catharine M. dau. of Edmund Bartlett of
Newburyport, Ms, May 7, 1845. George Henry Atkinson, D. C. 1843. was
his bi'otlier.
James Bauuett, A. M.-LL. D. the son of Martin and Dorcas (Patterson)
Barrett, was born at Stratford, Vt, IMay 31, 1814. He read law with James
Crocker of Buffalo, N. Y. in 1838 and 1839, and with the Hon. Charles Marsh,
D. C. 178G, of Woodstock, Vt, from 1839, to 1840; began practice at Wood-
stock in 1840 ; removed to Boston, Ms, in 1848; returned to Woodstock in
1849; was a Senalor in the Vt Leg. t,.wo years; State's Atty in 1854 and
1855; became a Justice of the Sup. Jud. Court of Vt in Nov. 1857, and so
continues, Middlebury Coll, conferred the Hon. degree in 18G5, He married
Maria Lord, dau. of Dr Simeon Woodworth of Coventry, Ct, Sept. 21, 1844.
* CiiKisTOi'iiER Saugknt Bell, the son of the Hon. Gov, John and Persis
(Thom) Bell, was born at Chester, June 1, 1818, and died at Cuba, W, I, or
near by at sea, Jan, 20, 1839, u?i. 20, He had begun the study of divinity at
Lane Theo, Sem. Walnut Hills, Ohio, and was a young man of great desert.
He did not marry. Charles Henry Bell, D. C. 1844, was his brother.
William Bheck, the son of James and Martha (Burr) Breck, was born at
Newport, Dec. 14, 1814. He read law with the Hon. John Dwight Willard,
ALUMNI 1838. 295
D. C. 1819, at Troy, N. Y. and also at Rochester, N. Y. where his practice be-
gan ; was Atty and Counsel of the city for 2 years ; left it in 1857 and went to
Bombay and Singapore, E. 1. as a merchant ; was U. S. Vice Consul at Singa-
pore ; retnined liome in P"'eb. 1860; is now IT. S. Consul at Swatow, China.
He married Helen Caroline, dau. of Samuel G. Williams of Boston, Ms, Dec.
18, 1851. James Breck, D. C. 1842, is his brother.
* Clark Sewall Broavn, the son of James Brown, was born at Chichester
in 1815, and died at Pontookuck, Miss. June 11, 1855, je. 40. He taught at
Moor's Charity School from 1838 to 1840; went south and became principal of
a school at Pontookuck, and was brutally murdered by Keith Wray, the brother
of a pupil whom he had rightly corrected for some breach of discipline.
* Abel Benjamin Burke, the son of Gen. Solomon Waite and Mary (Craige)
Burke, was born at Woodstock, Vt, Feb. 13, 1816, and died at Alexandria,
Burke Co. Geo. May 11, 1847, je. 31. He studied divinity and was licensed
to preach by the West Fairfield Asso. May 31, 1842, but his ordination has not
been ascertained ; went to Alexandria in poor health as a teacher. He married
Emily Pillsbury of Boscawen, at Alexandria, Dec. 10, 1846. William Craige
Burke, D. C. 1833, was his brother.
Nelson Clark, A. M. the son of Luke and Zerviah (Hendee) Clark, was
born in Brookfield, Vt, in 1814. He was tutor at Western Reserve Coll. Hud-
son, Ohio, 1 year; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. gi-aduating in 1842 ;
was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Randolph Centre in 1844; dismissed in
about 4 years ; was stated supply at Charlton, Ms, 3 years and 6 months ; in-
stalled pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Quincy, Ms, in Jan. 1850 ; dismissed in Apr.
1858 ; has preached at Tiverton, R. I. since 1858, and until becoming acting
pastor at Somerset, Ms, in 1866. He married Elisabeth S. Gilman of Tam-
worth. William Cushman Clark, D. C. 1832, is his brother.
Elliot Colby Cogsavell, the son of Dr Joseph and Judith (Colby) Cogs-
well, was born at Tamworth. He was preceptor of Gilmanton Acad, from 1838
to 1840; studied divinity at Gilmanton Theo. Sem. graduating in 1842; was
ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Nortliwood, Nov. 3, 1842 ; dismissed July
18, 1848 ; was stated supply at New Market from 1848 to 1855 ; was installed
pastor at New Boston, Oct. 31, 1855, and has been dismissed. He married
Sophia Ann, dau. of Dea. Tiiomas Adams, Aug. 12, 1842.
* James Kelsey Colby, the son of Isaac and Lucy (Perry) Colby, was born
at Hampstead, Jan. 31, 1812, and died at St .Johnsbury, Vt, Aug 13, 1866, je.
54. He taught at Petersburg, Va, 1 year ; studied divinity at Lane Theo.
Sem. Walnut Hills, Ohio, 1 year, and also at And. Theo. Sem. 1 year, in the
class of 1842; then taught at Chester in 1841 and at New Ipswich in 1842 ;
went next to St Johnsbury Acad, and there remained highly esteemed to his
dying day. He married Sarah A. Pierce of Barton, Vt, in May 1846.
* George Atherton Davis, the son of Elijah and Temperance (Ladd)
Davis, was born at Lunenburg, Vt, Jan. 3, 1813, and died at Hanover, Va, Oct.
9, 1846, iE. 33. He taught 2 years in Md ; studied divinity at Union Theo.
Sem. N. Y. city, graduating in 1844 ; went to Va in 1845, and was ordained or
installed pastor at the Pole Green and Salem Presb. Churches in Hanover Co.
in that State, and soon died much beloved and lamented.
Jason Doavner, the son of S^ and Martha (Huntington) Downer, was
born at Sharon, Vt, Sept. 9. 1813. He read law and went into piactice at Louis-
ville, Ky ; removed to Mihvaukie, Wise, in 1842, and still continues; was also
editor of the Mihvaukie Daily Sentinel 6 months in 1845. Is now Chief Jus-
tice of the Supreme Court of Wiscon.-in. He married Eliza M, dau. of John
Dunbar of Sharon, Vt, in 1847.
296 ALUMNI 1838.
* Daxikl Campbell Duxbar, the son of John and Jane (Campbell) Dun-
bar, was born at Ilaitland, Yt, in 1818, and died at Grand De Tour, Ilii. Oct. 2,
1842, M. 24. He taught in N. C. 1 year; went to Washington, D. C. in June
1839 ; read law there and instructed also ; removed thence to Grand De Tour
in 1841 ; began practice and edited a weekly pajjcr until death closed his brief
career. He never married.
Benjamin Franklin Cunningham Emerson. He was from Haveriiill ;
read law and resides at Brownstown, Ind. the Judge of Probate for Jackson
Enoch Webster Evans, the son of William and Ann (Webster) Evans,
was born at Fryeburg, Me, July IG, 1817. He read law with the Hon. Horace
Chase, D. C. 1814, and the Hon. Matthew Harvey, D. C. 180G, both of Hopkin-
ton ; began practice at Chicago, Illi. in 1840; removed to Kenosha, Wise, in
1844 ; returned to Chicago in 1859, and there abides. He married Cora Hyde
in Sept. 1846.
John Felloavs, the son of Hezekiah and Pamelia Frye (Senter) Fellows,
was born at Boscawen. Oct. 7, 1815. He studied medicine at Concord and be-
came an M. D. in some Med. College ; went into practice at SUitersville, R. I.
iu 1843; removed to Loudon in 1840; thence to Chichester in 1856, and is
yet there. He married Leonora W. dau. of Jacob Ilosmer of Boscawen, May
23, 1846.
Hewett Chandler Fessenden, the son of the Hon. Samuel, D. C. 1806,
and Deborah (Chandler) Fessenden, was born at New Gloucester, Me, Dec. 26,
1819. He studied medicine with Dr Timothy Little of Portland, Me, and at
Bowdoin Med. Coll. Me, graduating M. D. in 1841 ; began practice at Saco,
Me ; removed to East[)ort, Me, in 1855, and there remains. He married Mary
T. dau. of Capt. Daniel Peterson of Portland, Me, Dec. 5, 1844. Oliver Gris-
wold Fessenden of this class was, and Daniel Webster Fessenden, D. C. 1842,
is, his brother.
* Oliver Griswold Fessenden, the brother of the preceding, was born at
New Gloucester, Me, Mar. 28, 1818, and di<"d on his return home at Geneva,
N. Y. May 21, 1851, m. 33. He read law with his father and Thomas Amory
Deblois ot Portland, Me, and at Harv. Dane Law School; began and continued
])ractice at Portland until his health failed. He married Martha, dau. of Samuel
Trask of Portland, Sept. 25, 1844. His brothers are noticed above.
Stephen Svmonds Foster, the son of Col. Asa and Sarah (Morrili) Fos-
ter, was born at Canterbury, Nov. 17, 1809. He studied divinity at Union
Theo. Sem. N. Y. city, but relinquished it to advocate the abolition cause, and
has done it for many years with unflagging zeal. His home is upon a farm at
Worcester, Ms. He married Abby Kelley, of kindred spirit, at New Brighton,
Pa, Dec. 31, 1845. Asa P^mersou Foster, D. C. 1822, is his brother.
Franklin George, A. M. the son of the Rev. Enos and Sophia (Chesley)
George, was born at Barnstead, May 28, 1814. He was principal of Heuni-
ker Acad, from 1838 to 1839 ; then had charge of Somerville Acad. Geo. from
Dec. 1839 two years, at the same time studying medicine and taking the 31. D.
degree ; began {)ractice at Shady Dale, Jasper Co. Geo. and is there still. He
married Emma Frances, dau. of INlajor Lawson S. Holland of Shady Dale in
Nov. 1848.
* John George. He was born at Warner in 1817, and died at Talla-
hassee, Fla, Jan. 24, 1847, ^. 30. He read law and practised in Geo. some
time, but health failing, vainly sought relief at Tallahassee.
* David Gibbs, the son of the Rev. Joseph and Elisabeth (Strachan) Gibbs,
ALUMNI 1838. 297
was born at Banff, Scotland, June 25, 1814, and died at Granby, Can. East,
Mar. IG, 1848, je. .33. lie studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. o at Lane Tbeo. Sem. Walnut Hills, Ohio ; was or-
dained pastor of tbe Presb. Cb. at Waterlown, Ohio, in INIay 1842 ; dismissed
in 184G; preached at Auburn Cong. Ch. from May 184G to bis installation as
pastor tbere, Dec. 5, 1849, and is still in office. He married Amanda M. Burns
of Milfbrd, Sept. 30, 1841.
* Benjamin Franklin Hosford, the son of Josepb and Abigail (Bar-
tholomew) Ilosford^ was born at Tbetford, Vt, Nov. 11, 1817, and died at
Haverhill, Ms, Aug. 10, 18G4, ^E. 46. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sera,
graduating in 1841 ; was ordained [)astor of tbe Cong. Cb. at Haverhill, May
21, 1845; dismissed Oct. 26, 1863; bas published a Lecture to the Young;
an Address before tbe Young Men's Christian Association ; a Sermon on the
Re-dedication of bis Cimrcb at Haverhill ; tbe Catacombs of Rome, and Paul
and the chief cities of bis labours. He married jNIary Elisabeth, dau. of Luther
Stone of Framingbam, Ms, at Saxonville, Ms, July '2S, 1845. Isaac Hosibrd,
D. C. 1826, was bis brother.
* William Alonzo Howe, the son of William and Mary Polly (Ilasel-
tine) Howe, was born at Barnet, Vt, Feb. 12, 1812, and died suddenly at
Richmond, Va, Oct. 14, 1838, JE. 26. He bad gone tbere with an invalid
Charles Eliphalet Lord, tbe son of John Perkins and Sophia (Ladd)
Lord, was born at Portsmouth, Feb. 11, 1817. He taught in South Berwick
Acad. Me, 1 year, and at Kingston Acad. N. C. 2 years ; studied divinity at
Union Theo. Sem. N. Y. city, New Haven Tbeo. Sem. Ct, and Auburn Tlieo.
Sem. N. Y. in succession ; was ordained an evangelist at Jonesville, jNIich. May
8, 1844; was installed pastor of tbe Presb. Ch. at Niles, Mich. Nov. 17, 1844;
dismissed in 1847; preached then at Evansville, Ind. 1 year; at South New
Market from 1851 to 1852 ; also at Westbi'ook, Me ; was installed pastor of tbe
Cong. Ch. at Mount Vernon, Feb. 11, 1857 ; -dismissed June 20, 1861; in-
stalled colleague pastor of the Rev. Dr Luther Slieidon at the Cong. Cb. at
Easton, Ms, June 3, 1863, and tbere remains. Mr L. has made several publi-
cations. He married Eunice Elisabeth Smith, dau. of Josepb Smitli Pike of
Newburyport, Ms, Jan. 15, 1857. William Henry Lord, D. C. 1832, was, and
John Lord, D. C. 1833, is, his brother.
* Burton Onesiphokus Marble, the son of John G. and Elisabeth (Par-
298 ALUMNI 1838.
ker) IMaible, was born at Bradford. IMs, Feb. 27, 1812, and died at Dover, July
12. 184.5, M. 33. He taught at Dover Acad, from 1838 to 1843 ; afterwards at
ToiJsfit'ld. Ms, and at Taunton, Ms; but severe iHness forced him to reliie to
Dovi-r and soon yiehl to tiie hist enemy. He did not maiTy. Newton Epaph-
roditns jNIarble. D. C. 1834, was his brother.
"William Wallace Morland, A. M. the son of Robert and Hannah
(Jackson) jNIorland, was born at Philadelpliia, Pa, Sept. 1, 1818. He stu(hed
medicine with Dr Abel Lawrence Peirson at Salem, Ms, 2 years and at Harv.
Univ. Med. School, gradnating M. D. in 1841 ; travelled in Europe; studied at
Paris. France, a year, and also in London, England ; settled in practice at Bos-
ton, jNIs, and so continues ; has published three valuable medical Ti-eatises. He
married Frances Sophia, dau. of Jonathan Huntington Lyman of Northampton,
Ms, May 5, 1853.
Gkouge Washington Niles, A. M. the son of Dr Samuel and Abigail
(Wild) Nile?, was born at Thetford, Vt, Mar. 11, 1817. He read law and
went into practice at N. Y. city, but circumstances have changed his position,
and his present location has not been learnt. He married Eliza Wesson of
N. y. city.
* William Thornton Parker, A. M. the son of Benjamin and Hannah
(Moulton) Parker, was born at Bradford, Ms, Jan. 8, 1818, and died at Kox-
bury, Ms, Mar. 12, 1855, m. 37. He studied medicine with Dr Abel Law-
rence Peirson at Salem, Ms, and at Harv. Univ. Med. School, graduating M.
D. in 1841 ; practised at South Boston, Ms, until 1852 ; was at Groveland,
Ms, a short period and in Va ; went to Europe in 1852 and spent the winter
at Florence, Italy; returned in 1853 and settled at Jamaica Plain, Roxbury.
He married Clementina, dau. of Elijah ]\Iorse of Boston, Jan. 8, 1845.
Abneh Jones Phipps, the son of Robert F. and Sarah (Bickford) Phipps,
was born at Portsmouth, Apr. 13, 1816. He was an Assistant at Phillips
Acad, at Andover, IMs, till 1847 ; was then principal of Friends Acad, at New
Bedford, Ms, remaining for many years, viz. from 1847 to 1861 ; Superintendent
of Puhlick Schools in that city from 1861 to 1864; removed to Lowell, Ms, in
the last year and had the same office of Superintendent there since Jan. 1864;
has been also a member of the State Board of Education from 1862, the tenure
expiring in 1870. He married Elisabeth, dau. of Dr Ahmson Abbe of Boston,
Ms, in 1842.
Caleb Ward Piper, A. M. the son of Thomas and Sarah (Ward) Piper,
was born at Weston, Vt, Nov. 30, 1810. He taught at Peterborough 2 years
and at Lebanon 6 months, studying divinity in both places; after preaching at
Perkinsville and Weathersfiehl, both in Vt, from 1840 to 1842, was oidained
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Perkinsville, June 22, 1842 ; preached next at Crafts-
bury, Vt, 2 years, teaching at the Acad, also ; removed thence to Troy, Vt,
supi)lying its two Churches and one at Westfield, Vt, until 1854; was then
employed some years at Bakerstield, Vt, and is now stated supply at West
Town&hend, Vt, He married Sarah M. Tucker of We>t Windsor, Vt, in
Charles Israel Putnam, A. M. the son of the Rev. Dr Israel Warburton,
D. C. 1809, and Harriet (Osgood) Putnam, was born at Portsmouth, Dec. 23,
1816. He studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1843;
went to Carthagena, S. A. and practised there till 1847 ; tiien r('turn<'d to the
U. S. and lived at Somerville and Boston, bo'.h in Ms; hut went back to S. A.
in Sept. 1855, and now lives at Bogota. He married INIariquita E>colastica,
dau. of Ileiu-y Grice of Carthagena in 1847. Edward Warren Putnam, D. C.
1840, was his brother.
ALUMNI 1838. 299
Amasa Roberts, the son of Epliraim and Hannah (Roberts) Roberts, was
born at Farmington. Mar. 2, 1814. He read hnv with the Hon. Cliarles Wil-
liam Woodman, D. C. 1829, at Dover; began practice there and remains.
* Thomas Souther, the son of vSamiiel and Mary (Webster) Souther, was
born at Fryeburg, Me, in 1813, and died there, Mar. 23, 1856, je. 43. He
proposed the ministry, but, having poor health, taught first in N. J. and then as
preceptor of Fryt'burg Acad. He never mai'ried. Samuel Souther, D. C.
1842, was his brother.
Benjamin Hastings Taylor, the son of Reuben and Betsey (Oak) Taylor, y
was born at Boscawen, June 23, 1816. He taught at Windsor, Vt, in 1(S38 ; '
afterwards at Prince Edward Co. Va, and in Kentucky; was next a book-
keeper at Boston, Ms; then in mercantile business at N. Y. city and Cincinnati,
Ohio ; returned thence to N. Y. and for some years has been in real estate
business there. He married Harriet Hatch, dau. of Darius Jones of Windsor /
in Mar. 1849.
Simon Towle, the son of Henry and Susan (Pierce) Towle, was born at
Haverhill, June 23, 1817. He read law and went into practice at Tallahassee,
Fla, in 1841 ; was a memi)er of the Fla Leg. and also Mayor of Tallahassee;
removed to Detroit, Mich, in 1855 ; next to Hartford, Ct ; last to Washington,
D. C. and is yet in that city. He married, 1. Rebecca C. Parkhill of Talla-
hassee, Oct. 16, 1845. 2. Harriet, dau. of Caleb Hunt of Haverhill, Oct. 6,
* John Hancock Wakefield, A. M. the son of Thomas Bridge and Sub-
mit (Ross) Wakefield, was born at Londonderry, Vt, Dec. 5, 1814, and died at
Boston, Ms, Oct. 12, I860, M. 45. He taught at Lancaster Acad. 2 years; read
law at Bordentown, N. J. and began practice at Lambertville, N. J. in 1843 ;
was also a Master in Chancery; removed to Boston, Ms, in 1852, and ojjened
an office there. He married Minerva, dau. of Bailey Merrill of Reading, Vt,
Nov. 12, 1840. Thomas La Fayette Wakefield, D. C. 1843, was his brother.
W^iLLiAM Prentiss Webster, the son of Humphrey and Clarissa (Fowler)
W^ebster, was born at Newburyport, Ms, June 9, 1818. He taught 3 or 4
years ; read law with Lemuel Williams at Lowell, Ms ; went into practice there
about 1845, and so continues. He married Susan, dau. of Dr Israel Ilildreth
of Dracut, Ms, at Lowell, Aug. 20, 1850.
Henry Batchelder Wiggin, A. M. the son of John and Charlotte
(Batchelder) Wiggin, was born at Northwood, May 23, 1813. He had charge
of Glasgow Acad. Ky, from 1838 to 1840; was ordained? and became pastor
of the Baptist Ch. at Henderson, Ky, from 1840 to 1843 ; afterwards served
the Ch. at Union, Ky ; was then principal of the Acad, at Green River. Ky,
and is now at Rochester, Ky. He married Jane M. Mohon of Butler Co. Ky,
Mar. 3, 1842.
Jacob Jackson Abbot, A. M. the son of Jacob and Nancy (Wesson)
Abbot, was born at Groton, Vt, July 17, 1813. ■ He Avas tutor at Dart, from
1841 to 1843; studied divinity at Union Theo. Sem. N. Y. city; was ordained
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Bennington, Vt, Aug. 27, 1845; dismissed? installed
pastoi" at Uxbridge, Ms, Apr. 3, 1850; dismissed in 1865; installed pa-tor at
Yarmouth, Me, Oct. 19, 1865. He married Margaret Fletcher Wiiitin of
Whitiusville, Ms, Sept. 16, 1845.
Ephraim Adams, the son of Isaac and Sarah (Perkins) Adams, was born
300 ALUMNI 1839.
at New Ipswich, Feb. 5, 1818. He taught at Peteivbiirg, Va, 1 year; studied
divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1843 ; was ordained a Cong,
evangelist in 1843 ; preached at Mount Pleasant and Davenport, Iowa, 4
years; has been since 1857 olliciating at Decorah, Iowa. He married Elis*-
beth A. dau. of" Jabez A. Doughiss of Hanover, Sept. 16, 1845.
Jamks AiiCKN, the son of Jonatiian, D. C. 1807, and Nancy Patterson
(Aiken) Aiken, was born at Goffstown, Nov. 14, 1810. He studied divinity
at Union Theo. Sem. N. Y. city, graduating in 1842 ; was ordained pastor of
the Cong. Ch. at Ilollis, Aug. 30, 1843 ; dismissed July 3, 1848 ; installed pas-
tor at Gloucester, Ms, Nov. 22, 1848; dismissed Sept. 29, 1852; installed
pastor at Putney, Vt, Jan. 11, 1854 ; dismissed Dec. 31, 1857 ; installed pastor
at Hanover, Ms, June 16, 1859, and is pastor still. He married Caroline
Georgiana, dau. of Rufus Clarke of Brattleborough, Vt, Mar. 12, 1844. Charles
Aiken, D. C. 1838, is his brother.
Isaac Ames, the son of Ezra Chandler and .Joanna (Eames) Ame^, was
born at Haverhill, Ms, July 17, 1819. He read law with Charles Minot and
Alfred Kittredge, D. C. 1827, of Haverhill in 1839 and 1840; taught at :Med-
ford, Ms, from 1841 to 1844; then finished tiie study of law and opened an
office at Boston, Ms, and there remains; was Commissioner of Insolvency in
1855; Judge of Insolvency in 1856; Judge of Probate and Insolvency from
1858 to this time. He married Mrs Mary Carlton Phel|)s, dau. of Mazen
Morse and relict of Harrison Gray Otis Phelps, at Haverhill, June 17, 1851.
Charles Porter Ames, D. C 1835, was his brother.
JosEi'ii Badger, A. M. the son of the Hon. Gov. William and Hannah
Pearson (Cogswell) Badger, was born at Gilmanton, June 27, 1817. He has
devoted himself to agriculture at Upper Gilmanton ; was aid to Gov. Henry
Hubbard, D. C. 1803 ; has represented his town in the N. H. Leg. in 1862,
and also published a memoir of his great grandfather. Gen. Joseph Badger.
William Badger, D. C. 1848, is his brother.
Cykus Baldwin, A. M. the son of L^aac and Bethia (Poole) Baldwin, was
born at Antrim, May 14, 1811. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Seminary
1 year in the class of 1842 ; was principal of Thetford Acad. Vt, 1 term ;
tauglit at ^leriden Acad, from the autumn of 1840 to Aug. 1855 ; was then
])rincipal of Palmyra Union Acad. N. Y. 2 years; removed to Providence,
R. I. in Sept. 1857 and embarked in merchandise. He married Hannah, dau.
of William Sliattuck of i\Ieriden, Nov. 1, 1841.
Geokge Baxcroit, the son of Ebenezer and Hannah (Towne) Bancroft,
was born at Tyngsborough. Ms, Nov. 15, 1817. He read law with l>enjamin
Mark Farley of Ilollis in 1839 and 1840; Tappan and Wentworth of Lnwell,
Ms, in 1840; at Ilarv. Univ. Law Scliool in 1840 and 1841, and Henry Ilolton
Fuller of Boston, Ms, in 1841 ; then began practice in Boston and there re-
mains, lie married Sarah, dau. of B. M. F. above named.
* EzEKiEL Hale Bakstow, A. M. the son of Ezekiel and Mary Jewett
(Conner) Barstow, was born at Hanover, jNIs, May 17, 1815, and died at Haver-
hill, Apr. 10, 1862, je. 46. He was preceptor of Lawrence Acad. Groton, Ms,
from 1840 to 1844; studied divinity; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Walpole, Aug. 6, 1845 ; dismissed Dec. 30, 1851 ; then taught at Newton, Ms,
1 year ; at Fitchburg, ]\Is, 1 year ; at Camden, Ala. 1 year ; again at Newton
until 1861 ; removed thence to Haverhill in great debility and soon expired.
He married Eunice Goodenough, dau. of Rufus Clark of Brattleborough, Vt,
Aug. 31, 1842.
* Charles Thomas Berry, the son of Dea. Thomas and Mary (Dustiu)
ALmiNI 1839. 301
Berry, was born at Pittsfiekl, Apr. 3, 1819, and died there, Jan. 9, 1855, m. 35.
He taught the Academies at Salisbury and Pittsfiekl ; studied medicine at Con-
^rd and at Columbia Med. Coll. D. C. graduating M. D. there in 1843 ; settled
in practice the same year at Pitt>field and did not remove. He married Clara
D. dau. of Dr Thomas Chadbourne of Concord, May 8, 1844.
Nehemiah Chase Bekrt, the son of Joshua and Patience (Chase) Berry,
the twin son of a twin mother, w^s born at Pittsfiekl, Nov. 28, 1811., He
taught at the Pittsfield Acad, in 1840 and 1841, and at the High School in
Randolph, Ms, from 1841 to 1845 ; then read law with Aaron Prescott of Ran-
dolph ; opened an office at Boston, Ms, Jan. 16, 1850, and still practises there.
He married, 1. Elisabeth Wiggin, dau. of Ebenczer Berry of Pittsfield, Jan. 1,
1840. 2. Hannah Howe, dau. of John King of Randolph, Jan. 9, 1850.
* James Carpenter Billings was born at Sliaron, Vt, Dec. 19, 1818,
and died at Demarestville, Canada, Oct. 19, 1849, je. 30. He studied medicine
at tiie Med. Scliool of Geneva, N. Y. graduating M. D. in 1842 ; practised in
Western Pa 1 year or more ; then taught in Miss, from 1846 to 1849, and re-
moved to Demarestville and died the same year.
* Abner Hartwell Brown, A. M. the son of Abner and Polly (Ager)
Brown, was born at New Ipswich, July 6, 1816, and died at Hanover, Apr. 21,
1851, JE. 34. He was tutor at Dart, from 1840 to 1842 ; studied medicine at
Yale Coll. Med. School, graduating M. D. in 1844; settled in practice at
Lowell, Ms ; was Prof, of Chemistry at Willoughby Univ. and Prof, of Materia
Med. and Med. Jurisprudence at Berkshire Med. School in Pittsfiekl, Ms. He
married Susan Aucusta, dau. of the Rev. Dr Roswell ShurtletF, a Prof, at Dart.
College, Apr. 13, r847.
Ralph Butterfield, A. M. the son of Ralph and Jemima (Marshall)
Butterfield, was born at Chelmsford, now Lowell, Ms, Mar. 27, 1818. He
taught at Hicksford, Va, 1 year ; studied medicine at the Med. School at Phil-
adelphia, Pa, graduating M. D. in 1843 ; practised several years at Rifle Point,
La ; also at Cold Spring, Miss, about 2 years, and then removed to Natciiez,
* Philander Isaiah Carpenter, the son of Isaiah and Caroline (Bugbee)
Carpenter, was born at Waterford, Vt, Jan. 22, 1814, and died at Wilmington,
N. C. Aug. 10, 1841, M. 27.
Charles Chauncey Chase, the son of Samuel A. and Sally Ayer (Gile)
Chase, was born at Haverhill, Ms, Jan. 19, 1818. He taught in the Grammar
School at Peacham, Vt, from 1839 to 1845; has been principal of tlie High
School at Lowell, Ms, from 1845 to the present time. He married Martha
Smith, dau. of Timothy Cowles of Peacham, Vt, Nov. 30, 1841. Leverett
Milton Chase, D. C. 1856, is his brother.
Owen Burbank Cheney, A. M. the son of Moses and Abigail (Morrison)
Cheney, was born at Holderness, Dec. 10, 1816. He studied divinity at
AVhitestown, N. Y. 1 year; was ordained an evangelist July 11, 1844; was
pastor of a Free Will Baptist Ch. at Augusta, Me, about 5 years, and of
another at West Lebanon, Me, about 6 years; represented Lebanon in the Me
Leg. in 1851 and 1852; established the Maine S'tate Sem. a Free Will Baptist
Ins. at Lewiston,Me, in 1854; was its principal until changed into Bates College
in 1864 and himself made its President ; is also editor of the "Morning Star."
He married, 1. Caroline Adelia, dau. of James Rundlett of Stratham, Jan. 30,
1840. 2. Nancy St Clair Perkins of Hampton, July 29, 1847.
Daniel Clark, the son of John and Susannah (Hazen) Clark, was born at
Williamstown, Vt. He studied divinity and preached for a time at Warren,
302 ALUMNI 1839.
Vt, but has never been ordained ; has taupht at Richmond, Ya, and is paid to
be now teaching at Philadeli)hia, Pa. He married Nancy Brown of Temple-
ton, Ms.
Jonas Bowen Clark, the son of Henry and Susan (Grafton) Clark, was
born at Kennebiink Port, Me, Jan. 31, 1816. He studied divini-ty at East
Windsor Theo. Inst. Ct, graduating in 1842; was ordained pastor of the Cong.
Ch. at East Granby, Ms, Nov. 5, 1842 ; dismissed in July 1845 ; installed pas-
tor of the 2nd Cong. Ch. at Lynn, Ms, now the Ist in Swampscott, Ms, July
15, 1846; dismissed? and was made Chaplain of the 23d Reg. Ms vols, .Sept.
18, 1861, but is now a teacher at Needham, Ms; has published 5 addresses,
1 sermon, and Lectures on Sacred Musick. He married Abby Greely, dau. of
Robert Read of Amherst, Jan. 11, 1842.
Cyuus Cummings, the son of Cyrus and Susannah (Wildes) Cummings,
was born at TopsReld, Ms, Nov. 24, 1816. He was in Miss. 1 year; read law
and practised some time at Boston, Ms, but has long pursued his profession in
N. Y. city. He married, 1. Adeline D. dau. of Isaac Stevens of Boston, Mar.
22,1849. 2. .
Sylvester Daxa. the son of the Rev. Sylvester and Hannah (Kimball)
Dana, was horn at Orford, Oct. 19, 1816. He read law with Pierce and
Fowler of Concord 2 years and 4 months and at Harv. Univ. Dane Law Scho.
8 months; began practice at Concord in Sept. 1842 and has not left; was
made Police Justice of tlie city, June 3, 1862. He married Mary Jane, dau.
of Nathaniel Seavey of Chichester, Nov. 8, 1860. Charles Backus Dana, D.
C. 1828, is his brother.
Joseph Frederick Dearborn, the son of Jonathan and Sarah (Towle)
Dearborn, was born at Hampton, May 14, 1817. He read law with the Hon.
James Bell and the Hon. Amos Tuck, D. C. 1835, at Exeter 1 year; at Harv.
Univ. Law School 1 year, and with tlie Hon. John Ileniy Clifford and Harrison
Gray Otis Colby at New Bedford, Ms ; began practice at Nantucket, jNIs, in
1842; moved to Taunton, Ms, the next winter, and in the spring of 1843 to
New Bedford, his present abode, and of which he was City Solicitor in 1853.
Elbridge Gei{RY Dudley, the son of ISIoses and Nancy (Glidden) Dud-
ley, was born at Raymond, Aug. 13, 1811. He read law witli Ciiarles Fred-
erick Gove, D. C. 1817, of Nashua; opened an office at Boston, Ms, in 1842,
and there continues. He married, 1. Christina D. dau. of Isaac Duncan of
Stoddard, Oct. 6, 1846. 2. Sarah, dau. of Stephen Child. 3. INIartha A.
Child, sister of tiie above, Nov. 19, 1857.
George Nehemlvii Eastman, the son of Nehemiah and Anstriss (Barker)
Eastman, was born at Farmington, Jan. 20, 1820. He read law with his father
and the Hon. Levi Woodbury, D. C. 1809, of Portsmouth; began practice at
Boston, Ms ; returned to Farmington after some years and has his office open
still ; represented it in the N. II. Leg. 1 year. He married Ellen Frances,
dau. of Benjamin R. Gilman of Gilford, Dec. 30, 1851.
Horace Eaton, the son of John and Mary (Kimball) Eaton, was born at
Sutton, Oct. 7, 1810. He studied divinity at Union Theo. Sem. N. Y. city,
graduating in 1842 ; was ordained pastor of the 6th .St. Presb. Ch. of that
emporium in June 1813 ; dismissed? became pastor of the Weston Presb. Ch.
at Palmyra, N. Y. in June 1S48 ; has jiubli-hed several sermons. He married
Ann Kulh, dau. of Nathaniel Web>ter of Boscawen, Aug. 18, 1845.
Abraham Franklin Edwards, the son of Col. Abraham and Nancy
(Hill) Edwards, was born at Beverly, ]Ms, Mar. 17, 1817. He is a Civil Engi-
neer and has been employed upon several of our Northern rail roads with great
ALUMNI 1839. 303
credit to himself; has lived at Fitcliburg and Greenfield, both in Ms, but has
since resided at Saratoga, N. Y. He married Rebecca Lovett, dau. of Capt.
Ezra Foster of Syracuse, N. Y. in Jan. 1846.
Gkokge Gilman Fogg, the son of David and Hannah Gilman (Vickery)
Fogg, was born at Meredith, May 26, 1813. He read law with Judge Warren
Lovell and Stephen Carr Lyford of Meredith ; went into practice at Gihnanton
in 18 12 ; removed to Concord ; was editor and publisher of the Independent
Democrat from 1846 to 1861 ; Secretary of N. H. State in 1846 ; Minister of
the U. S. to Switzerland from 1861 to 1865 ; U. S. Senator from 1866 to 1867 ;
is now living in Concord.
John Deming Ford, A. M. the son of Daniel Ford, was born in Cornish,
Apr. 18, 1816. He studied medicine at Rochester, N. Y. at Dart. Med. Coll.
and the Med. School of the Univ. of Penn. at Philadelphia, graduating M. D.
in 1844; practised at Norwich, Ct, until Oct. 1856 ; removed thence to Minn,
at Winona, and there continues.
* Warren Augustus Giles, the son of Nehemiah and Mary (Cowden)
Giles, was born at Fitchburg, Ms, Mar. 27, 1820, and died at Somerville, Geo,
Dec. 12, 1839, JE.. 19. He was a teacher and went to that town in Sept.
* Timothy Ayer Goodhue, the son of Samuel and Mary (Ayer) Good-
hue, was born at Deerfield, Oct. 21, 1811, and died at Covington, Ky, Sept. 10,
1850, M. 38. He read law, but did not practise, preferring the instruction of
youth. He married Susan M. Taylor of Covington, July 25, 1843. George
Franklin Goodhue, D. C. 1841, was his brother.
William Go van, the son of the Rev. Andrew and Jane (Stark) Govan,
was born at Barnet, Vt, Aug. 12, 1816. He taught at Heath, Ms, New Wind-
sor, N. Y. and Peekskill Acad, of the same State ; then studied medicine with
Dr Stuart, also with Dr Keene of N. Y. city and the N. Y. Med. Coll. there,
graduating M. D. in 1842 ; began practice at Haverstraw, Rockland Co. N. Y.
in 1842 ; is there still and either is or has been its Postmaster. He married
Lucia, dau. of Chauncey Mitchell of Summerstovvn, N. Y. July 6, 1845.
* Horace Hall, the son of the Rev. Richard and Lucy (Farrar) Hall, was
born at Cornish, Apr. 6, 1819, and died at South Berwick, ]Me, Feb. 27, 1842,
M. 22. He was principal of Hampton Acad, in 1840; studied divinity at And.
Theo. Sem. 1 year in the class of 1843 ; went to South Berwick Acad. Me, in
1841. Richard Hall, D. C. 1847, was his brother, and George Clary, D. C.
1852, his half brother.
* Aloxzo Hayes, the son of John Wingate and Mary (Hale) Hayes, was
born at Barrington, Aug. 22, 1810, and died at Arlington Heights, Alexandria
Co. Va, July 15, 1858, M. 47. He taught at Washington, D. C. in 1839 and
1840 ; studied divinity there with the Rev. Mr M'Lane, at Union Tlieo. Sem.
N. Y. city, and at And. Theo. Sera, graduating at the last in 1842 ; was or-
dained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at West Barnstable, Ms, May 24, 1843 ; dis-
missed July 9, 1850; installed pastor at Dublin, Apr. 30, 1851 ; left in 3Iar.
1853, and dismissed in Dec. 1855 ; on leaving Dublin, went to Washington,
D. C. He married Malvina A. dau. of Ephraim Gilman of Barnstable, May
2, 1845.
* Henry Hudbard Hazeltine, the son of Joseph and Lucy (Woods)
Ha^eltine, was from Barnet, Vt, and died at Hancock, Mich. Sept. 5, 1862, .E.
45. He taught at Wolf borough ; studied divinity at Newton Tiieo. Sein. Ms;
was ordained a Baptist minister; preached at Springfield, Ms ; left the ministry
owing to poor health, and became agent of the Coppermines Co. Eagle Har-
bour, Lake Superior. He mari'led Louah Hitchcock.
304 ALUMNI 1839.
William Pickering Hill, A, M. the son of tlie Hon. Isaac and Susan
(Ayer) Hill, was born at Concord, Oct. 18, 1819. He edited the N. H.
Patriot at Concord from Auj?. 1840 to Jan. 1847; the N. H. Gazette from
1847 to June 1851 ; was a Clerk in the Naval Office, District of Boston and
Charlestown, Ms, from Oct. 5, 1855 to June 15, 18G1. He married Clara
Ann, dau. of John West of Concord, Oct. 26, 1843.
John Pinkeuton Humphrey, the son of John and Rebecca (Brewster)
Hum|)Iirey, was born at Derry, Apr. 29, 1817. He taught at tlie Haverhill
Acad, from 1839 to 1811 ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in
1844; was stated supply at Shirley, Ms, 18 months; ordained pastor of tlie
Cong. Ch. at AVinchester, Feb. 3, 1847, and so remains. He married Elisa-
beth Jane, dau. of the Rev. Nathaniel AVells, D. C. 1795, of Deerlield, Mar. 4,
* Dudley Leavitt, the son of Dudley and Judith (Glidden) Leavitt, was
born at Meredith, and died at Andover, Ms, Jan. 7, 1842. He studied divinity
at And. Theo. Sem. 2 years in the class of 1842, dying before graduation.
Allen Lincoln, the son of Thomas and Nancy IS^orcross (Simonds) Lin-
coln, was born at Cohasset, Ms, Nov. 24, 1813. He taught at the Austin St.
Acad. Cambridgeport, Ms, from 1839 to 1843 ; studied divinity with the Rev.
Dr Jacob Ide of Medway, Ms ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Gray,
Me, Nov. 5, 1845; dismissed Mar. 1, 1859; settled over a new Cong. Ch. at
Lynn, Ms, called the Tower Hill Cha])el in 1860 ; since dismissed. He mar-
ried, 1. Lucy, dau. of Stephen Richardson of Woburn, Ms, 'May 21, 1840. 2.
Julia A. dau. of Asa Holmes of North Auluirn, Me, Aug. 17, 1847. 3. Mar-
tha, dau. of Joseph Gardner of Woburn, Apr. 16, 185G.
Joseph Leland Lord, A. M. the son of the Rev. Pres. Dr Nathan and
Betsey II. (Leland) Lord, was born at Amherst, June 30, 1820. He taught
at Bo>('awen ; Wiiite River, Vt ; South Berwick, Me ; also at Moor's Charity
School, Hanover, from 1841 to 1842; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 1
year in the class of 1844; then read law with the Hon. William Allen Hayes,
D. C. 1805, at South Berwick, and the Hon. Samuel Fessenden, D. C. 1806,
at Portland, Me ; began practice at Bath, Me ; removed his office to Boston,
Ms, and later still to Saxonville, Ms. He married Julia Maria, dau. of Jona-
than Kilham of Boston, June 8, 1854. John King Lord, D. C. 1836, Fred-
erick Richardson Lord, D. C. 1842, AVilliam Hayes Lord, Henry Clark Lord,
and Samuel Augustus Lord, all three D. C 1843, Nathan Lord, D. C. 1851, and
Francis Brown Lord, D. C. 1856, were his brothers.
Lyjian Mason, A. M. the son of Daniel and Betsey (Spaulding) Mason,
was born at Cavendish, Yt, Apr. 2, 1815. He read law with G. N. Gumming
of Zanesville, Ohio, and the Hon. Richard Fletcher, D. C. 1806, at Boston,
Ms ; opened his office in that city and there remains. He married Mary
Lucretia, dau. of Dr Reuben Dimond Mussey, D. C. 1803, at Cinciiuiati, Ohio,
May 25, 1853.
AiiEL Meijhill, the son of Abel and Sarah (Henry) ]\Ierrill, was born at
Stow, Vt, Apr. 2, 1811. He read law with the Hon. Joseph Bell, D. C. 1807,
at Haverhill in 1839 and 1840, and at Ilarv. Univ. Law School, graduating
LL. B. in 1842 ; practised at Hartland, Vt, a few years; then left the profes-
sion and resides at Plainfield.
* James Alfred E:^rEi{Y Merrill, the son of Caleb, D. C. 1808, and
Nancy Temple (Underbill) Merrill, was born at Pittsfield, Mar. 29, 1818, and
died there. May 21, 1844, M. 26. He read law with the Hon. Ira Perley,
D. C. 1822, at Concord; began practice at Pittsfield; removed thence to
ALUMNI 1839. 305
Manchester and reniained until his hist ilhiess. George Lewis Merrill, D. C.
1840. was his brother.
Fitch Edward Oliver, A. M. the son of Prof. Dr Daniel and Mary
Eobinson (Pulling) Oliver, was born at Cambridge, Ms, Nov. 25, 1819. lie
studied medicine with iiis father, Dr George Cheyne Shattuck, D. C. 1803, at
Boston, Ms, and at Ilarv. Univ. Med. School, graduating M. D. in 1843 ; began
and still continues to practise in Boston ; became editor of the Boston Med.
and Surgical Journal in 1860 ; was one of the translators of a Treatise on
General Pathology in 1848, and has published some musical works. He mar-
ried Susan Lawrence, dau. of the Rev. Dr Charles Mason of Boston, Ms, at
Boston, July 17, 18GG.
Charles Peabody, the son of Ammi and Sarah (Johnson) Peabody, was
born at Newport, Nov. 8, 1816. He taught at Concord and also at New Bed-
ford, Ms; studied divinity at Union Theo. Sem. N. Y. city; was ordained an
evangelist at Boston, Ms ; became agent of the Amer. Tract. Soc. from 1846 to
1859 ; travelled through Europe, Asia Minor, Palestine, and Egypt in 1859
and 1860; is now at St Louis, Missouri, and is employed again in the agency
before named. He married, 1. Eliza Antoinette, dau. of Calvin Ilubbell of N.
Y. city, Aug. 19, 1847. 2. Henrietta G. Piercy of N. Y. city, Sept. 5, 1854.
3. Sarah, dau. of Dr Alexander Guy of Ox\.ford, Ohio, Apr. 22, 1862.
Leavis Potter, the son of Barnabas and Philena (Houghton) Potter, was
born at St Johnsbury, Vt, May 23, 1813. He taught an Acad, at Appling,
Geo. from 1839 to 1841 ; at Waynesborough, Geo. 1 year; at Quaker Springs,
Columbia, Geo. 1 terra ; at Greenwood, Abbeville, S. C. 1 year ; read law in
these places while teaching ; began practice at Crawfordsville, S. C. but ere
long resumed teaching at Alton, lili. 2 years and Edwardsville, Illi. 2 years ;
then built an Acad, at Marine, llli. occu[>ying it for 9 years, and is now living
there on a farm. He max*ried Emma E. dau. of Ozias Hart of Henderson, N.
Y. at Greenwood, Dec. 4, 1840.
William Read, A. M, the son of Robert and Rebecca (French) Read, was
born at Nashua, Jan. 29, 1820. He studied med. at Harv. Univ. Med. School,
graduating M. D. in 1842; has been long a practitioner in Boston, Ms, and
has for some time been the City Physician. He married Sarah Ann Fuller,
dau. of Isaac M'Lellan, at Boston, June 22, 1843.
LuBiM Burton Rockwood, the son of Lubim and Lydia (Burton) Rock-
wood, was born at Wilton, Apr. 8, 1816. He studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. 1 year in the class of 1843, and Union Theo. Sem. N. Y. city, leaving in
1843, but becoming its financial agent to, 1850; was ordained an evangelist
Apr. 18, 1845 ; installed colleague pastor of the Rev. Dr Calvin Chapin to the
Cong. Ch. at Rocky Hill, Ct, July 10, 1850 ; dismissed Jan. 10, 1859 ; is now
agent for the N. Y. Tract Soc. at Boston, Ms. He raarded Abby Anne, dau.
of Dea. Ezra Abbot of Wilton, May 1, 1845.
George Shattuck Sawyer, the son of Jacob and Mary (Rice) Sawyer,
was born at Westminster, Ms. He read law and was in practice at Vidalia,
Concordia Parish, and at Rifle Point, both in La, from 1842 to 1852, but his
present residence is unknown.
* David Cochran Scobey, the son of William and Jane (Dickey) ScoI)ey,
was born at Francestown, Sept. 10, 1814, and died at Lowell, Ms, Mar. 1, 185t),
^. 3o. He taught at Lyndon Acad. Vt ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
some months in die class of 1844, and was a teacher of languages at the High
School at Lowell until ill health compelled him to resign.
George Shedd, the son of Asa and Rebecca (Adams) Shedd, was born at
26 *
306 ALUMNI 1839.
Kindge, May 13, 1810. He studied medicine at Dnyton, Ohio, and at the
Med. Iiu-;titution at Cincinnati, Ohio, and became M. D. probably there ; com-
menced practice at Denmark, Iowa, in 1812, and may be there still. He mar-
ried Abby Houston of Lyndeborough, Sept. 5,1844. Charles Shedd, D. C.
182G, is his brother.
■ Alfhkd Stkvkns, the son of Nehemiah and Deborah (Goodell) Stevens,
was born at Waterford, Vt, July 30, 1810. He taught at Troy in 1839 and
1841 ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1842 ; was ordained
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at "West AYestminster, Vt, Feb. 23, 1843, and is still in
office. He married, 1. Eliza, dan. of D. W. Farrar of Tro}', Aug. 11, 1844.
2. Mary Ann, dau. of the Rev. Seth S. Arnold of AVestminster, June 23, 1846.
3. Harriet N. dau. of Amasa Wood of Milbury, Ms, Aug. 25, 1858.
Peteu Le Breton Stickxey, the son of David C. and Elisabeth (Le
Breton) Stickney, was born at Newburyport, Ms, May 10, 1814. He studied
medicine at the Jeffiirson Med. Coll. Philadelphia, Pa, graduating M. D. in
Mar. 1842 ; went into practice there ; removed to Chicopee, Ms, in 1845, and
has been there ever since, save the year 1852 spent at Terre Haute, Indiana ;
has been Postmaster at Chicopee and a Vice Pres. of the Mass. Med. Society.
He married Mary Rhea of Philadelphia. July 15, 1845.
* Samuel Mellen Stone, the son of David and Ruby (Hatch) Stone, was
born at Fitzwilliam, and died at Lebanon, Apr. 21, 1853, je. 41. He studied
divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1842 ; was ordained a Cong, minis-
ter ; preached in INlaine and New Hampshire, also at Hartford and Chester, Vt,
but closed liis labours at Nelson. He married Joanna, dau. of Isaac Allen of
*AYalti:r Harris Tenney, the son of David and Mary (Harris) Tenney,
was born at Dunbarton, .Jan. 13, 1818, and died there, July 2(i, 1844, je. 26.
He read law with the Hon. Charles Ilazen Peaslee, D. C. 1824, at Concord,
and with Bosworth and Tompkins in N. Y. city ; then taught at Woodlawn In-
stitute 1 year, and at Hicksford. Va, from Nov. 1840 to Dec. 1841 ; went next
to N. Y. city and completed legal studies with George AVashington Niles, D. C.
1838 ; then began practice there in Co. with Robert Angus in May 1843, but
soon retired to Dunbarton and paid the debt of nature. He did not marry.
George Sullivan Toavle, the son of John and Hannah (Piean) Towle,
was born at Meredith, July 3, 1815. He read law with Daniel Miltimore
Christie, D. C. 1815, of Dover ; began practice at Haverhill; moved thence to
Lebanon; was editor of the Granite State Whig and Granite State Free Press
from 1844 to 1861 ; Maj. Gen. in the N. II. militia; represented Lebanon in
the N. H. Leg. in 1850, 1856, and 1857; was in the State Senate in 1859 and
1860, being its President the last year; removed to Concord; but went to Bos-
ton, jMs, and is As.-istant De|)uty naval oilicer at the Custom House in that city.
He married Ann Elliott, dau. of Edward Towle of Haverhill.
* LuTiiER TowNSEND, the SOU of Aaron and Sylveue (Davidson) Town-
send, was born at Fitzwilliam, Aug. 12, 1813, and died there, Feb. 9, 1862, je.
48. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1842 ; after supply-
ing some sabbaths in 1844 and 1845, was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Troy, Mar. 5, 1845; dismissed May 23, 1860; stated supply at Loudon from
Oct. 1860 to Oct. 1861. He married Laura Maria, dau. of Matthew Nims of
Roxbury, Sept. 4, 1845.
Jeremiah AViiipple AA^alcott, A. M. the son of James D. AValcott, was
from Auburn, N. Y. He studied divinity at Auburn Theo. Sem. N. Y. and
was either ordained or installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Menasha, Wi^c. and
ALUMNI 1839. 307
bei?Tg (lismi>se(.l, became pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Ripon, Wise, but, though
still residing there, is now without a charge.
Moses IIemmenavay Wells, A. M. the son of the Rev. Nathaniel, D. C.
1795, and Eunice (Hemmenway) Wells, was born at Deerfield, Aug. 27, 1814.
He taught at Canandaigua, N. Y. from 1840 to 1842 ; was assistant teacher at
Lawrence Acad. Groton, Ms, in 1842 and principal from 1844 to 1845 ; studied
divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1845 ; was ordained pastor of the
Cong. Ch. at Pittsfield, Nov. 19, 1845 ; dismissed Dec. 5, 1853 ; taught at South
Berwick, Me, from 1853 to 1855 ; installed pastor at Hinsdale, May 1, 1856 ;
dismissed Aug. 31, 1865 ; but has become stated supply at Lyndon, Vt. He
married, 1. Ann Rebecca, dau. of Charles Votee of N. Y. city, at Canandaigua,
Feb. 22, 1844. 2. Emily M. dau. of Lewis Taylor, of Hinsdale, May 1, 1857.
* Charles Whiting, the son of Oliver and Hannah (Marshall) Whiting,
was born at Lyndeborough, July 25, 1813, and died at Fayetteville, Vt, May 5,
1855, M. 41. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1842 ;
was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Wilton, Jan. 11, 1843 ; dismissed Feb.
13,1850; then supplied the same Church 1 year, and afterwards that at Fay-
etteville about 4 years, when death ensued. He married Sarah, dau. of John
Wyman of Greenfield.
* Peter Trask Woodbury, the son of Dr Peter P. and Martha (Riddle)
Woodbury, was born at Bedford, May 6, 1820, and died at N. Y. city, Apr. 1,
1862, JE. 41. He read law and was a practitioner in the above city. He mar-
ried Sally H. Cist of Wilkesbarre, Pa. William Riddle Woodbury, D. C.
1843, was his brother.
John Woods, the son of the Rev. John and Achsah (Baker) Woods, was
from Newport, and no more of him has been ascertained.
David Youngman, the son of David and Ruth (Field) Youngman, was born
at Peterborough, Aug. 26, 1817. He taught in Tennessee in 1840 ; at Hart-
ford Acad. Vt, in 1841 ; also at Peterborough Acad. 2 years in 1842 and 1843 ;
studied medicine with Dr and Prof. Albert Smith at Peterborougli in 1843 and
1844, and then at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1846; began practice
that year in Winchester, Ms; removed to Boston, Ms, in 1856, where his pro-
fession is still pursued. He married Mary Ann, dau. of Enos Stone of Hartford,
Vt, at H. Aug. 1, 1842.
* James Alexander Abbot, the son of Thomas and Betsey (Lovejoy)
Abbot, was born at Dover in 1822, and died in Boston, Ms, Jan. 11, 1859, je.
36. He read law at Harv. Univ. Law vSchool, graduating LL. B. in 1843 ;
began practice in Boston the same year and continued it until his sudden death.
He married Hannah Kittredge of Dover.
Frederick Smith Ainsavortii, the son of AVilliam, D. C. 1811, and Mary
Morse (Stearns) Ainsworth, and grandson of the Rev. Laban Ainsworth, D. C.
1778, was horn at JafFrey, Apr. 17, 1820. He studied medicine with Dr Al-
bert Smith, D. C. 1825, of Peterborough and -at Harv. Univ. Med. School,
graduating M. D. in 1844; was 2 years in Paris, France, pursuing the same
studies ; settled in practice at Boston, Ms, and is yet there ; was a short time
Prof, of Physiology and Pathology in the Berkshire Med. School at Pittsfield,
Ms; also a Surgeon and Physician in the U. S. service in the Southern Re-
bellion. He married Apr. 22, 1856.
Nathaniel Hopkins Arey, the son of Solomon and Patty (Hopkins) Arey,
308 ALUMNI 1840.
was born at Wellfleet, M?, July 28,1814. lie taught at Sali>bury 1 term
and at N. Y city, 1 year; studied medicine wilh Prof. Bailey in that city and
also witli Dr Warren Cliase of Boscawen ; bej];an practice at West Boscawen,
now Webster, in 1848, and thus remains. lie married Susan Carpenter, dau. of
James Blandinj^ of Rehoboth, Ms, Nov. 20, 1843.
*SAMrKL Badgkr, a. M. the son of Benjamin and Sarah (Wadleigh)
Badger, was born at Kingston, ^Nlar. 31, 1814, and died there, June 14, 1848, ^.
34. lie studied divinity at And. Tiieo. Sem. 1 year in the class of 1843 ; then
studied medicine at the Univ. of Va, graduating M. D. at the same. It is re-
markable that he was never absent from prayers or recitations during the whole
of his college life.
* Sklavyn Bapson Bowman, the son of Jonas Bapson and Asenath
(Ladd) Bowman, w'as born at Bedford, Nov. 14, 1819, and died at West Ches-
ter, N. Y. Jan. 3, 1843, je. 23. He studied divinity above a year at And. Theo.
Sem. in the class of 1843.
Harry Brickett, A. M. the son of Jolm and Elisabeth (Putnam) Brickett,
was born at Newbury, Vt, Feb. 1, 1818. He taught at Jaffrey Acad, from
1840 to 1842 ; studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. until 1844 ; taught next at
Francestown Acad. 7 years ; at Brown High School Newburyport, Ms, 2 years ;
at Merrimack Normal Institution 4 years ; then studied divinity with the Rev.
Elbridge Gerry Little of Merrimack ; was ordained an evangeli.-t at 3Ianches-
ter, Jan. 28, 1858 ; became acting pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Hillsborough
Bridge, but is now preaching at Genesco, IMi. since 18G5. He married Eliza,
dau. of Capt. Joseph Cutter of Jaffrey, Aug. 18, 184G.
Jeremiah Browx, the son of John and Sarah (Gregg) Brown, was born at
Bradford, Sept. G, 1814. He taught at Marriott's Heights, Carroll Co. Md, in
1840 and 1841 ; studied medicine with Dr Jason H. Ames of Bradford 1 year;
left that study and read law with the Hon. Mason W. Tappan of Bradford about
3 years, devoting winters to teaching, in Ms ; finished legal studies with Ezra
AVilkinson of Dedham, Ms ; opened an office there ; removed to Boston, Ms,
after 2 years, and is still in practice in that city. Joel Henry Brown, D. C.
1841, was his brother.
Si'LVANUS BuMOX, A. M. the son of Andrew and Lavinia (Holden) Bunton,
was born at Allenslown, Mar. 8, 1812. He studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. 1 yeiir in the class of 1843 ; but after that studied medicine and graduated
M. D. at Wash. Univ. Baltimore, Md ; began practice there ; removed to JMan-
chester in 184Gand so continues; was also Assistant Surgeon and then Surgeon
of the 7th Reg. of N. H. Vols in the rebellion. He married Clara E. Conant of
Mollis in Dec. 184G.
* John Parki:r Conner, A.M. the son of Daniel and Sally (Adams) Con-
ner, was born at P^xeter, June 23, 1819, and died at Astoria, N. Y. Mar. 11,
1848, M. 28. He studied medicine and graduated M. D. at the Univ. of N. Y.
in N. Y'. city. He began practice in Astoria and was there until death. He
married Martha Ann Wallace of Lebanon, May 12, 184G.
John Thompson Dame, the son of John and Abigail (Thompson) Dame,
was born at Orford, Oct. 21, 181G. He read law at Orford, at Harv. Univ.
Law Scliool, and at Boston, Ms; began practice at Marlborough, Ms ; re-
moved thence to Clinton, Ms, his present abode; has been Postmaster there
since 1843. He married June II, 1845,
* Chai{LES Foster, the son of Richard and Irene (Burroughs) Foster, was
born at Hanover, Dec. 2G, 1819, and died at Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 21, 18G4, yE.
44, of wounds received at Atlanta, Geo. July 2G, 18G4. He read law; settled in
ALUMNI 1840. 309
practice at "Washington, Iowa, in 1849 ; was elected to the Iowa State Senate
in 1857 ; enlisted a private in the U. S. Vols, Apr. 21, 186.1 ; became Capt. in the
lltli Keg. Iowa Vols, Oct. 1, 18G1, and Major of the same, Sept. 1, 1802. His
only publication was a work on the resources of California. He married, 1.
INIary E. Baxter at Muscatine, Iowa, Nov. 20, 1853. 2. Elenore, dan. of Na-
than Hart, at Davenport, Iowa, Sept. 2G, 1858. Eden Burroughs Foster, D.
C. 18o7, Daniel and William Cowper Foster, D. C. 1841, Davis and Roswell
Foster, D. C. 1849, were his brothers.
* Frederick Foster, the son of Obadiah and Phebe (Doty) Foster, was
born at Salem, May 10, 1813, and died at Weare, Mar. 6, 1865, m. 51. He
studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Hosea Ballou of Milford, IMs ; was ordained
pastor of the Universalist Society at Winthrop, Me, in 1842; removed to Buck-
field, Me, in 1845 as pastor and also princi[)al of an Acad, there ; resigned the
pastorate in a few years and preached in the adjacent towns ; removed to Mer-
iden, Ct, and settled over the first Univ. Ch. there in 1860 ; went to Weare
as early as 1863. He married Mrs Loretta (Ayer) Currier, Dec. 29, 1841.
Frederick Fairfield Foster, D. C. 1865, was his son.
John Fullonton, A. M.-D. D. the son of Jeremiah and Hannah (Dudley)
Fullonton, was born at Raymond, Aug. 3, 1812. He taught at Parsonsfield
Sem. IMe, 3 years, also at Whitestown Sem. N. Y. 7 years ; studied divinity at
the Baptist Theo. Sem. in Whitestown ; was ordained an evangelist there, Jan.
5, 1845 ; became Prof, of Pastoral Theology in the above Sem. from 1851 to
1854, and since its transfer to New Hampton in 1854, has been the same
Prof, to the present time. Dart, conferred the Hon. degree in 1862. He
married Elisabeth, dau. of Ephraim Elliott of Haverhill, Ms, June 1, 1841.
George Pluiier Hadley, the son of Plumer and Mary (Iladley) Hadley,
was boi-n at Goff>town in 1812. He has become a farmer at Goffstown.
* Norman Hazen, the son of Solomon and Deborah (Fuller) Hazen, was
born at Hartford, Vt, Sept. 7, 1814, and died at Royalston, Ms, Feb. 13, 1852,
JE. 37. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1844; was or-
dained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Royalston, Mar. 24, 1847, and died in office.
He married Martha, dau. of the Hon. John Vose of Atkinson, Sept. 17, 1845.
Austin Carpenter Heaton, A. M. the son of Capt. William and Martha
(Childs) Heaton, was born at Thetford, Vt, May 28, 1815. He studied divinity
at Princeton Theo. Sem. and was ordained pastor or installed at the Presb. Ch.
at Harper's Ferry, Va ; is now at Princess Ann Co. Md. He married Adriana
F. Jones of Princess Ann Co. Oct. 1861.
Henry Clinton Hutchins, the son of the Hon. Samuel and Rosini (Child)
Hutchins, was born at Bath, Aug. 7, 1820. He read law with the Hon. Joseph
Bell, D. C. 1807, of Haverhill, at Harv. Univ. Law School, and with Hubbard
and Watts of Boston, Ms ; entered upon practice at Boston, Jan. 1, 1844, and so
remains. He married Louisa Grout of Bellows Falls, Vt, Oct. 9, 1845. Horace
Greene Hutchins, D. C. 1835, is his brother.
Ed\vard Cakleton Johnson, the son of David and Lucy (Towne) .Johnson,
was born at Newbury, Vt, Sept. 30, 1816. He read law with the Hon. Lucius
Peck of Montpelier, Vt, from 1851 to Apr. 25, -1843; removed to N. Y. city
in 1845 ; but leaving the law has been there engaged in mercantile pursuits.
He married Delia Maria, dau. of Adon Smith of Hamilton, ]\[adison Co. N. Y.
at H.^Aug. 31, 1847. Alexander George Johnson, 1837, is his brotlier.
* John Lewis, the son of John and Fanny (Smith) Lewis, was born at Wal-
pole, Ms, July 19, 1817, and died at Plattville, Wise. Sept. 2, 1860,^^. 43.
He studied divuiity at Union Theo. Sem. N. Y. city, graduating in 1843 ; was
310 ALUMNI 1840.
ordained at Fairplay, Grant Co. "Wise, as an evangelist, ^Nlay 6, 1844; preached
4 years in tluit County ; was installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Plattville,
Jan. 27, 1848. He married Electa Maria, dau. of Harlan Page of N. Y. July
18, 1843.
Abxer Hold en Mei^riam, the son of Nathan and Ruth (Keyes) Merriam,
was born at Westminster. Ms, ]May II, 1812. He taught at "Westminster Acad,
from 1840 to May 1847 ; also at Winchendon Acad. Ms, from 1847 to Nov.
1848 ; was next at Leominster, Ms, from 1848 to 1853, teaching there and in
its vicinity ; then removed to Templeton, where impaired health lias led him
to agriculture, mechanical pursuits, and some agency. He married Emily, dau.
of Abel "Wood of Leominster, Apr. 14, 1842.
* Nathaxiel White Merriam, the son of Matthew and Izette (Kenney)
Merriam, was born at Gilmanton, Apr. 12, 1822, and died at Charlotte Hall,
St Mary's Co. Md, Oct, 18, 1848, iE. 26. His profession was teaching. He
married Jane H. G. Kilgour of Charlotte Hall, Sept. 17, 1844.
George Lewis Merrill, the son of Caleb, D. C. 1808, and Nancy Temple
("Underhill) Merrill, was born at Pittsfield, Aug. 7, 1820. He read law at Con-
cord ; began pi-actice at Pittsfield ; removed to Janesville, Wise, and thence to
Faribault, Minn. He married Mary Ann Young, Nov. IG, 1847. James Al-
fred Emery Merrill, D. C. 1839, was his brother.
Horatio Merrill, the son of N;itiianiel and Phebe (Merrill) Merrill, was
born at Brownfield, Me, Apr. 26, 1817. He studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. graduating in 1843 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at AVest New-
bury, Ms, May 7, 1845 ; dismissed Aug. 11, 1847; became principal of Wash-
ington State School, Md, from Oct. 14, 1847, one year; was next Prof, of lan-
guages at Y^armouth Institute, Me, about a year ; then preached at Bloom-
field, Me, from 1849 to 1850; at New Gloucester, Me, from 1850 to 1854;
resided at Portland, Me, from 1854 to 1857 ; installed pastor at Salisl)ury, Mar.
19, 1859 ; dismissed 1863 ; has published 2 sermons and an address to the
Alumni of New Ipswich Acad. He married Sarah, dau. of Royal Whitman of
Turner, Me, Jan. 11, 1849.
Thomas Gilmore Mitchell, the son of Joshua and Mehitabel (Gilraore)
Mitchell, was born at Mount Vernon, Nov. 19, 1820. He studied divinity at
Bangor Tlieo. Sem. ~Me, graduating in 1845; was ordained a Cong, evangelist,
Nov. 18, 1846 ; preached at Auburn, Me, from 1846 to 1850 ; supplied at West
Minof, Me, 1 year ; removed to Madison, Me, in 1851, and has been stated sup-
ply there from Nov. 16, 1851 to the present time. He married Laura Ann,
dau. of Gen. Elliphalet Packard of Auburn in Feb. 1847.
Francis BitowN Mussey, the son of Dr Reuben Uimond, D. C. 1803, and
Hitty (Osgood) Mussey, was born at Hanover, Nov. 25, 1819. He studied
medicine with his father and at Cincinnati Med. Coll. Ohio, graduating M. D.
in Mar. 1844; settled in practice at Port-mouth, Ohio, and there remains. He
married Mary Boynton of Ohio, Apr. 27, 1847. John Mussey, D. C. 1837,
Charles Frederick Mussey, U. C. 1848, and Reuben Delavan Mussey, D. C.
1854, are his brothers.
Timothy Osgood Norris, A. M. the son of James and ^Martha (Osgood)
Norris, was born at Raymond, Aug. 13, 1812. He taught at Hampton several
years, and is now resident at Troy, Davis Co. Iowa.
* Francis Clarke Noyes, the son of Major George and Hannah (Cotton)
Noyes, was born at Dorchester, May 17, 1811, and died at Groton, Ms, Feb. 21,
1840, ^. 28.
Henry W. Palmer, the son of Gov. William Adams and Sarah (Blanchard)
ALUMNI 1840. 311
Palmer, was born at Danville, Vt, July 25, 1820. He taught musick at Dan-
ville, from 1840 to 1847; was also Register of Probate for Caledonia Co. Vt,
in 1842; went to Ms about 1847, instructing in musick at Lowell and Salem,
both in that State, and has been some time resident at Lowell in that vocation.
AuRiN Moody Payson, A. M. the son of John Phillips and Louisa (Clif-
ford) Payson, was born at Brentwood, June 27, 1809. He taught at Yarmouth
Acad. Ms, in 1840 and at Din-ham in 1841 ; had a private School at Manches-
ter in 1843 and 1844 ; studied divinity and was licensed to preach in 1844 ; be-
came preceptor of Berwick Acad. Me, from May 1845 to Oct. 1853 ; then princi-
pal of the boys High School at Portsmouth from Oct. 1853 to tlie present time.
He married Hannah, dau. of Daniel Gould of Lyndeborough, Sept. 7, 1843.
* John Boutelle Perkins, the son of Benjamin Perkins, was born at Leo-
minster, Ms, and died at Westminster, Ms, in 1861. He read law and practised
some years at Peoria, Illi.
Maris Bryant Pierce, the son of John Pierce, was from Seneca, N. Y.
He is an Indian Chief of the Seneca Tribe, whose original name was Hy-dy-a-
do-do, the Runner, though not of full Lidian blood. His abilities are of no or-
dinary cast, and it is said that the law has been his study since leaving college.
He married Mary Jane Carroll, the dau. of a British officer, at Utica, N. Y.
Nov. 21, 1843.
JosiAH Webster Pillsbury, the son of Oliver and Anna (Smith) Pills-
bury, was born at Hamilton, Ms, Mar. 20, 1811. He taught at Pepperell and
AVeymouth, both in Ms, 3 years, and at Henniker 1 year ; but his health then
failing, lived on a farm at Milford 12 years, and now resides at Amherst. He
married Elisabeth Dinsraoor of Lowell, Ms, in 1841.
* SoLOHON Morrill Pingree, the son of Solomon and Lydia (Pingree)
Pingree, was born at Franklin, Nov. 12, 1820, and died there, Oct. 20, 1840, ^.
20, minus. 23 days, deeply regretted.
Daniel Thurston Plumer, A. M. the son of Capt. Enoch and INIehitabel
(Thurston) Plumer, was born at Newbury, Ms, May 4, 1819. He studied
medicine at Harv. Univ. Med. School, graduating M. D. in 1843 ; began prac-
tice at Newbury and still pursues it there. He married Georgiana, dau. of Giles
Colvin of Evansville, Ind. at Newbury, Ind. Mar. 4, 1857.
* Horace Plumer, A. M. brother of the preceding, was born at Newbury,
Ms, Apr. 2G, 1821, and died at Evansville, Ind. Feb. 1, 1860, M. 38. He read
law with Edmund Lewis Le Breton at Newburyport, Ms; was in practice there
from 1842 to 1844; lived in Tennessee 1 year; went to Evansville, Jan. 2,
1848 ; followed his profession for 12 years, when death ensued. He married
Nancy, dau. of John AVoodwell of Newburyport, at the city of New York, Dec.
11, 1844.
William Porter, the son of Dea. William and Keziah (Washburn)
Porter, was born at Lyme in Oct. 1814. He studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. graduating in 1845 ; w^as ordained that year and became a Home Mis-
sionary in Missouri from 1845 to 1853 ; was then installed pastor of a Cong.
Ch. at Port Byron, Illi. but left in 1860 to be stated supply at Granville, Illi.
and was after that at Webster, Missouri, and is "now at Brunswick, Missouri.
He married Clementina M. dau. of Amos Jewett Locke of Hinsdale, Aug. 3,
* Sdward Warren Putnam, A. M. the son of the Rev. Dr Israel War-
burton, D. C. 1809, and Harriet (Osgood) Putnam, was born at Portsmouth,
May 1,1820, and died at North Whitetield, Me, Sept. 2, 1863,^.43. Mr
Putnam was an estimable man, but to the sorrow of his worthy father and other
312 ALUMNI 1840.
relatives embraced tlie Roman faitli ; was ordained in that communion, and had
charge of one its Churches at North "Whitefield at the time of his death, much
lamented by his people and having a reputation consolatory to his bereaved
kindred. Charles Israel Putnam, D. C. 1838, was his brother.
* Elihu Thayer Rowe, the son of Joseph Figg and Mary (Thayer) Rowe,
was born at East Kingston, Aug. 10, 1813, and died at Auburndale, jNIs, Mar.
21, 1867, ^. 53. He taught at Lancaster Acad, from 1840 to 1842, and at
Sanbornton 1 year to 1843 ; studied divinity with the Rev. Samuel Wallace
Clark, D. C. 1823, at Greenland 1 year; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch.
at Hillsborough, May 29, 1845 ; dismissed Nov. 30, 1847 ; taught next at
Derry in tlie Female Sem. 1 year, and at Pinkerton Acad. 2 years, in both
from 1847 to 1850 ; became assistant teacher in Kimball L^nion Acad, at Meri-
den in 1850; has also supplied the pulpit in White River village, Vt ; but was
absent as Chaplain of the 14th N. II. Vols about a year; has since been head
of Appleton Acad. New Ipswich from Feb. 1865 to 1866, and was then teaching
at Auburndale. He married Mary B. dau. of Reuben Stephenson of Lancas-
ter in Aug. 1845.
Jonathan Everett Sargent, A. M. the son of Ebenezer and Prudence
(Chase) Sargent, was born at New London, Oct. 23, 1816. He read law with
William Pickering AVeeks, D. C. 1826, of Canaan, and David A. Hall of Wash-
ington, D. C. and began practice with Mr Weeks in 1843 ; removed to AVent-
worth the same year and there remains ; has been a Col. in the N. H. militia ;
Solicitor for Grafton Co. from 1844 to 1854; represented Wentworlh in the N.
H. Leg. in 1851, 1852, and 1853, being Speaker the last year; was a Senator
and Pres. of the N. H. Senate in 1854; became Circuit Justice of the Ct of
Com. Pleas from Apr. 1855 to July 1859 ; was that year made Associate Jus-
tice of th(! N. II. Sup. Jud. Court, an office still held. He married, 1. Mai'ia
Cordelia Jones of Enfield, Nov. 30, 1843. 2. Louise Jennie, dau. of Col.
James K. Paige of Wentworth, Sept. 5, 1853. John Jones Sargent, D. C.
1866, is his son.
William Lovell Sartavell, A. M. the son of Asa and Mary (Williams)
Sartwell. was born at Orford. He read law ; taught in Ala. and Texas several
years ; afterwards went into legal practice at Matagorda. Texas, but has of late
retired from the law. He married Helen Dinsmore of Matagorda.
* Cortlandt Wilkins Shattuck, a. M. the son of Capt. Daniel and
Catharine (Shepley) Shattuck, was born at Groton, Ms, Sept. 23, 1816, and
died there, Oct. 12,1 847, M. 31. He taught at the South 2 or 3 years ; studied
divinity at Union Theo. Sem. New York city more than 2 years and then at
And Tlieo. Sem. graduating at the last in 1846; preached a short time at
Charlestown, Ms, but was soon numbered with the dead to the blighting of brill-
iant promises.
* Henry Augustus Siiute, the son of Henry and Eliza Rowe (Smith)
Shute, was born at Exeter, June 19, 1820, and died there, Dec. 19, 1841, ^e.
Edmund Farwell Slafter, A. M. the son of Sylvester and Mary Arm-
strong (Johnson) Slalter, was born at Norwich, Vt, May 30, 1816. He studied
divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 1 year in the class of 1843 ; taught at Topsfield
Acad. Ms, to Nov. 15, 1842 ; then resumed studies at Andover to Apr. 1844;
was ordained by the Rt Rev. ]\Ianton p]astburn, D. D. Bishop of Ms, a Deacon
of the Prot. Epis. Ch. at Trinity Ch. Boston, Ms, July 12, 1844, and also a
Presbyter by the same at St Peter's Ch. Salem, Ms, July 30, 1845 ; became
rector of St Peter's Ch. Cambridgeport, Ms, July 21, 1844 ; resigned in Sept.
ALUMNI 1840. 313
1846 ; was instituted rector of St John's Ch. Jamaica Plain, Roxbury, Ms,
Sept. 27, 1846; resin;ned Nov. 15, 1853; was assistant to the rector of St
Paul's Ch. Boston, Ms, from Nov. 20, 1853 to Mar. 1, 1857 ; became ajjent
of the Anier. Bible Soc. for the Prot. Epis. Ch. in New Eng. and the Mid-
dle States, March 1, 1857, and so continues, living in Boston. He married
Mary Ann, dau. of Charles Hazen of Boston, Aug. 16, 1849. Carlos Slafter,
D. C. 1849, is his brother.
* William Ballakd Smith, the son of Valentine and Elisabeth (Bal-
lard) Smith, was born at Durham, Jan. 31, 1821, and died at Terre Haute,
Ind. Oct. 3, 18G6, je. 45. He read law with H. S. named below, in Louisville,
Ky ; went into practice there ; removed to Cannelton, Ind. in 1853 ; represented
Perry Co. in the Gen. Assembly of Ind. 2 years and was its Speaker one of
them ; was also a Judge of the third Judicial Circuit Court of the State ;
changed his residence to Terre Haute and opened an office there in 1861.
Judging from a long account of his character, given in an ol)ituary notice in
the Cannelton Reporter, there can be no doubt of his having been one of the
excellent of the earth, beloved for his virtues and honored for his wisdom.
To select a single sentence, " He was a first class lawyer, a most scholarly
gentleman, and as a Christian all we can say is that we never once talked to
him, without feeling afterward, that we had been brought nearer Him whose
time is eternity, — in other words, he was a good and great man, and we can ill
afibrd his absence." He married Mary C. dau. of Curtis Gilbert of Terre
Haute, June 26, 1866. Hamilton Smith, D. C 1829, was his half brother.
Horatio Southgate Smith, the son of Henry and Arixene (Southgate)
Smith, was born atPoriland, Me, July 28, 1820. He studied medicine there
with Dr Little and at Bowdoin Coll. Med. School, graduating M. D. in 1843;
has been resident Physician at South Boston, Ms, hospital ; assi?tant Ph}'. of
the Maine Insane hosjjital ; practised at Augusta, Me, 2 years ; also at East-
port, Me, and at Brooklyn, N. Y. since 1847. He married Susan Edwards
Dwight, dau. of Edmund Munroe of Boston, May 16, 1849.
Alden Southavorth, a. M. the son of Luther and Elisabeth Southworth,
was born at Thetford, Vt, Nov. 4, 1810. He studied divinity at Bangor Theo.
Sem. Me, graduating in 1843 ; was a missionary in Me 1 year ; tauglit at
Woodstock Acad. Ct, in 1845 ; was principal at Nichols Acad. Dudley, Ms, 3
years to 1849 ; then went to Placer Co. Cal. but returned in 1853; was again
at Nichols Acad. 1 year; returned to Woodstock and was its Postmaster some
years from 1856; was at length ordained an evangelist at Holland, Ms, May 3,
1865, and is acting pastor there. He married Hannah Elisabeth, dau. of
Rhodes Arnold of Woodstock, Jan. 1, 1856.
John Edward Stanyan, the son of Jonathan and Elisabeth Cunningham
(Cocliran) Stanyan, was born at Pembroke, May 17, 1816. He was preceptor
of Tiietford Acad. Vt, in 1840 and 1841, and then at Pembroke Gymnasium ;
read law with the Hon. Simeon Short of Thetford ; began practice at Pembroke ;
was afterwards at Kingston and Epping; then at Haverhill, Ms, and last at
Ashby, Ms. He married, 1. Lavinia, dau. of John Towle of Meredith ii- Jan.
1841. 2. Mrs Urana (Coombs) Green of Townsend, Ms.
JosiAii Howe Stearns, A. M. the son of Dea. William and Abigail
Richards (Howe) Stearns, was born at Epping, Oct. 1, 1812. He studied
divinity at And. Theo. Sera, graduating in 1843; was ordained pastor of the
Cong. Ch. at Dennysville, Me, Nov. 6, 1844; dismissed Apr. 28, 1857; has
been stated supply at Epping since 1857. He married Eliza, dau. of John
Kilby of Dennysville in Sept. 1844.
314 ALUMNI 1840.
CnARLKS Godfrey Stevens, the son of Godfrey and ITannali (Poole)
Stevens, was born at Claremont, Sept. 16, 1821. He read law at Claremont,
Harv. Univ. Law Scliool, and Boston. Ms ; commenced practice at Boston ; re-
moved thence to Clinton, Ms, and there continues ; was a member of the Ms
State Convention in 1853. He married Lanra Russell of Bellows F'alls, Vt,
Sept. 29, 184G.
Leonakd Tenney, the son of Benjamin and Betsey (Taylor) Tenney, was
born at Groton, Aug. 5, 1814. He taught at Lyme and also at Hebron Acad,
until 1842; then studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1844; Avas
ordained pastoral colleague at the 1st Cong. Ch. at Jaffrey, Apr. 19, 1845 ; dis-
missed in Aug. 1857 ; installed pastor at Thetford, Vt, Oct. 21, 1857 ; dismissed
July 2, 1866 ; is now principal of a Young Ladies Sera, at Gorham, Me ; was
Commissioner of common schools for Cheshire Co. while at Jaffrey from 1855
to 1857. He married JMalvina, dau. of Abel Baker of Lebanon, June 26,
1845, George Tenney, D. C. 1847, is his brother.
LoREN Thayer, the son of William and Sally (Whitcomb) Thayer, was
born at Thetford, Vt, July 7, 1815. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
graduating in 1843; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at AV'indham, Nov.
5. 1845, and is pastor now. He married, 1. Matilda J. Baker of Lebanon. 2.
Hannah G. Beattie of Ryegate, Vt, Oct. 29, 1850. 3. Elisabeth C. dau. of
John Farley of Concord in Sept. 1854.
Alexander Strong Wheeler, the son of Asa and Emilia (Strong)
Wheeler, was born at Wayland, Ms, Aug. 7, 1820. He read law witli Lewis
B. Williams of Orange Co. Va, John George Britton, D. C. 1832. of Troy, N.
Y. at Harv. Univ. Law Scliool, and the Hon. Sidney Bartlett of Boston, Ms ;
went into practice at Boston in Co. with Henry Clinton Hutchins. D. C. 1840,
Jan. 1, 1844, and thus remains. He married Augusta, dau. of William Hurd of
Charlestown, Ms, Jan. 6, 1848.
Benjamin Franklin Whidden, A. M. the son of Samuel L. and Mary N.
(Goss) Whidden, was born at Greenland, Dec. 12, 1813. He read law with the
Hon. Jared Warner Williams and the Hon. John S. Wells of Lancaster ; en-
tered upon practice there in Feb. 1847, his present abode ; represented Lancas-
ter in the N. H. Leg. in 1849, 1850, and 18G7 ; was appointed Consul General
to Hayti, W. L and San Domingo in 1862 ; resigned and came home in 1865.
He married Eliza T. Spaulding of Lancaster, June 17, 1851.
John Bachelder, A. M. the son of John and Mary (Hartshorn) Bachelder,
was born at Mason, Mar. 23, 1818. He studied medicine with Dr Thomas H.
INIarshall, of Mason and at Dart. Med. College ; went into practice at Sand-
wich, Ms, June 1, 1844 ; removed to Clintonville, Plymouth, Ms, in 1858, and
there continues. He married Martha Swift, dau. of Abraham Keene of Sand-
wich, Sept. 30, 1846.
Jesse Porter Bancroft, the son of Jonathan and Betsey (Parker) Ban-
croft, was born at Gardner, Ms, Apr. 17, 1815. He studied medicine at Dart.
Med. Coll. graduating jM. D. in 1845 ; began practice at St Johnsljury, Vt ; re-
moved to Concord as Superintendent of the Insane Asylum, July 17, 1857.
He married Elisabeth, dau. of Charles Spear of Hanover, at Boston, Ms, Oct.
31, 1845.
* George Washington Benson, A. M. the son of James and Anna (Clark)
Benson, was bom at Parsonsfield, Me, Jan. 17, 1816, and died at Lawrence, Ms,
ALUMNI 1841. 315
Apr. 12, 1859, m. 43. He read law; taught at the Acad, in Hopkniton ; re-
moved to Lawrence in 1848, and practised his profession there until death ; was
City Clerk in 1855 ; City Solicitor in 1858; represented it in the Ms Leg. in
1859, and was on the Committee for the revision of the State Statutes, heing
amply qualified for the position. He married Maria Tenuey of Hanover, July
30, 1844.
* AsHER BiXBY, the son of Cyril and Mehitabel (Burgoyne) Bixby, was
born at Lyme, Jan. 29, 1814, and died at Chelsea, Vt, May 30, 1852, je. 38.
He became an artisan and also taught several years in Ms. He married Lydia
C. Barron of Washington, Vt, Apr. 5, 1848.
* Joel Henry Brown, the son of John and Sarah (Gregg) Brown, was
born at Bradford, Oct. 22, 1815, and died at West Newton, Ms, Mar. 19, 18G5,
JE.. 49. He taught at Weymouth and Boston, both in Ms ; studied medicine with
Dr Fifield of Weymouth and also at Boston ; began practice at Weymouth in
1847 ; removed to West Newton in 1848, and was a successful Physician. He
married Sarah R. P. dau. of Micah Richmond of Weymouth, at Boston, Feb.
8, 1849. Jeremiah Brown, D. C. 1840, was his brother.
* Malachi Bollard, the son of Malachi and Polly (Littlefield) Bullard,
was born at West Medway, Ms, in 1818, and died at Winchendon, Ms, May
10, 1849, JE. 31. He was Preceptor of Atkinson Acad. 1 or 2 years ; then
studied divinity with the Rev. Dr Jacob Ide of Medway ; was ordained pastor
of the Cong. Ch. at Winchendon, Nov. 9, 1846, and died in office. His only
publication was a sermon upon sinful amusements. He married Sabrina, dau.
of Natlian Bullard of West Medway.
AViLLiAM Burns, the son of the Hon. Robert and Mary (Merrill) Burns, was
born at Hebron in Mar. 1821. He read law with the Hon. Leonard Wilcox, D.
C 1817, of Orford and Harv, Univ. Law School; commenced practice at Little-
ton ; after some years removed to Lancaster, his present home ; has been in
the N. H. State Senate 2 years. He married Clementine Hayes of Orford.
John Sabin Carter, the son of Joel and Anna Maria (Lovering) Carter,
was born at Boston, Ms, June 26, 1821. He studied medicine at Geneva Med.
School, N. Y. and at Harv. Univ. Med. Scho. graduating M. D. at the last in
1S45 ; went into practice at Boston ; soon removed to N. Y. city, and thence to
Philadelpiiia and there pursues his profession. He married Martha Fenn of
N. Y. city.
George Clement Chase, A. M. the son of Moody and Lucy (Farnum)
Chase, was born at Cornish, Sept. 16, 1811. He studied medicine at Dart.
Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1847; practised some years at Lyndon, Vt,
but is now a Physician in California. He married Maria, dau. of Dr Field
of Lyndon. James Morris Chase, D. C. 1827, Moody Chase, D. C 1829, and
Albert Chase, D. C. 1844, are his brothers.
* Salmon Clapp, the son of P^liphaz and Charlotte (Gunn) Clapp, was born
at Montague, Ms, Sept. 24, 1817, and was drowned in the Tombigbee river at
Colbert, Lowndes Co. Miss. July 11, 1852, M. 34. He taught at the south 2
years ; studied medicine with Dr James Dean at Greenfield, Ms, 2 years ; re-
turned to the south, practising professionally at Colbert until his life was lost.
Timothy Farrar Clary, the son of the Rev. Joseph Ward and Anna
(Faiiar) Clary, was born at Dover, Apr. 25, 1817. He studied divinity at
And.^Theo. Sem. graduating in 1846 and living there 2 years more; was or-
dained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Tiietford, Vt, Dec. 12, 1849 ; dismissed ? in-
stalled pastor at Ashland, Ms ? dismissed Mar. 30, 1859; installed at Ware-
ham, Ms, Apr. 18, 1860, and is still there ; has published a discourse on the cen-
31 G ALUMNI 1841.
tennial annivprsary of the birth of his grandfather, the Hon. Timothy Farraf,
preached at IluUis, July 11, 1847; represented Wareham in tlie Mass. Leg. in
18GG and '67. He married Sarah Salter, dau. of Sledman Willard, at Oii'ord,
Nov. 17, 1852. George Clary, D. C. 18.52, is his half brother.
Orel Cook, A. M. the son of Orel and Loraine (Dewey) Cook, was born at
Rutland, Vt, Dec. 7, 1813. He taught at Red Hook, N. Y. 1 year; studied
medicine at Pittsfield, Ms, Med. School, also at Dartmouth, Castleton, and the
Univ. of Pa, Medical institutions, graduating M. D. probably at the last ; has
settled in practice at Rutland.
Henky Grout Cooke, the son of the Rev. Phineas and Sophia (Gi'out)
Cooke, was born at Acworth, May 30, 181 G. He read law and practised in N.
Y. city to 1829; then went south as an instructor. He married Helen M. dau.
of the Rev. John Smith, once a missionary in China. George Cooke, D. C.
1832, is, and Phineas Cooke, D. C. 1843, was, his brother.
Samuel Bartlett Gerrish Corser, the son of the Rev. Enoch and Sally
(Gerrish) Corser, was born at Loudon, Nov. 15, 1818. He taught at Siandish,
Me, Plymouth, Boscawen, and Durham 10 years; also at Franklin; but has
for some time settled down as a farmer in Boscawen.
Thomas Russell Crosby, A. M. the son of Dr Asa and Abigail (Russell)
Crosby, was born at Gilmanton, Oct. 22, 181G. He studied medicine at Dart.
Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1841 ; settled in practice at Meriden ; then at
INIanchester, editing also the Granite Farmer ; removed thence to Norwich, Vt,
but after some years took up his residence at Hanover; became however Prof,
of Anatomy, Physiology, and History at Norwich Univ. and served al>o as a
Surgeon in the rebellion. He married Louisa Partridge, dau. of Col. Oliver
Barron, U. S. army of West Point, N. Y. at Norwich, Jan. 17, 1843. Nathan
Crosby, D. C. 1820, is his half brother, and Ali)hcus Crosby, D. C. 1827,
his brother.
David Cross, the son of David and Olive (Kimball) Cross, was born at
"VVeare, July 5, 1817. He read law with Willard and Raymond of Troy, N. Y.
at Harv. Univ. Law School, and with the Hon. Daniel Clark, D. C. 1834, at
Manchester; opened his office at Manchester in Jan. 1845, and there remains;
re[)resented it in the N. H. Leg. 3 years; became Judge of Pi-obate for Hills-
borough Co. in 1856. He married Anna Quackenbush, dau. of the Hon. Ira
Allen J:astman, D. C. 1829, at Concord, Oct. 7, 1858.
James Davis, the son of William and Clarissa (Mann) Davis, was born at
Amesbury, Ms, Feb. 1, 1820. He has taught at tlie Amesbury Acad, ever
since 1841. He married Elisabeth Lamb, dau. of Samuel Coffin of Newbury-
port, Ms, at Amesbury, Dec. 31, 1851.
* Frederick AVilliam Dickinson, the son of Daniel and Persis (Wheeler)
Dickinson, was born at Boston, Ms, July 28, 1820, and died there, Apr. 21,
1860, JE. 39. He read law with Robert Rantoul of Boston; began practice in
that city, and continued it until death. He married Julia Preston, dau. of
Thomas Goodrich, of Gouverneur, St Lawrence Co. N. Y. Sept. 30, 1852.
James Dinsmoor, the son of William and Betsey (Barneit) Dinsmoor, was
born at Windham, Mar. 3, 1818. He taught at Schuylerville, N. Y. in 1841 and
1842, and at Westford, I\Is, from 1843 to 1845 ; read law with the Hon. Thomas
Ilopkinson of Lowell, Ms ; began practice there in 1846; represented it in the
Ms Leg. in 1850 and 1851 ; removed to Sterling, Illi. in 1856, and is yet its
resident. He married Amanda A. dau. of Willard Carpenter of Norwich, Vt,
at Concord, Sept. 3, 1846.
Samuel Flagg, the son of Samuel and Keziah (Clapp) Flagg, was born at
ALUMNI 1841. 317
Worcester, Ms, July 16, 1822. He studied medicine with Dr Amos Twitclndl,
D. C. 1802, from 1842 to 1844, and at the Univ. of Pa Med. Sclio. graduat-
ing M, D. in 1844; then went into practice at Worcester, continuing it to
July 18G2, when he became a Surgeon in the U. S army ; has returned to
* Daniel Foster, the son of Richard and Irene (Burroughs) Fo>ter, was
born at Hanover, Dec. 10, 1816, and was killed at Cliapin's lilull", Va, Sept. 30,
1864, JE. 47. He was first a Cong, licentiate, but ordained a Methodi.?t min-
ister in 1849, and after that a Unit;irian missionary in Kansas; was also Chap-
lain of the Ms House of Rep. in 1857 ; became Ciiaplain of the 33d Reg. of U.
S. vols, Aug. 19, 1862 ; was next a Capt. in the 37tii Reg. of U. S. coloured
troops, and in that rank lost his life at the hands of rebels. His publications
have been, "An Address on Slavery ; " " Our nation's sins and Christian
duty ; " a " Fast day's discourse," and a " Lecture upon the Constitution of
the United States." He married Deborah T. dau. of Joseph P. Swift of Cam-
bridge port, Ms, May 20, 1850. Eden Burroughs Foster, D. C. 1837, Charles
Foster, D. C. 1840, William Cowper Foster, D. C. 1841, and Davis and
Roswell Foster, both D. C. 1849, were his brothers.
Moses Foster, the son of Moses and Sarah (Baldwin) Foster, was born at
North Andover, Ms, Aug. 29. 1821. He read law with the Hon. Nathan W.
Hazen of Andover and at the Ilarv. Univ. Dane Law School ; practised at An-
dover from 1845 to 1856 ; represented it in the Ms Leg. in 1856, and has been
cashier of the Andover bank from 1856 to this time. He married, 1. Clara
Melissa, dau. of Dr D.ma Hyde, at Guilford, Vt, Oct. 28, 1851. 2. Caroline,
dau. of the Rev. Jeffries Hall, at Chesterfield, Dec. 7, 1858.
WiLLiA-M Cowper Foster, A. M. tlie brother of the preceding Daniel Fos-
ter, was born at Hanover, July 8, 1815. He studied divinity at Union Theo.
Sem. N. Y. city ; was oidained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio,
Oct. 13, 1847; di.-missed May 27, 1849; installed at Shawmut Ch. Boston,
Ms? dismissed? installed pastor of the Cential Ch. Lawrence, Ms, Jan. 16,
1852 ; dismissed Feb. 17, 1857 ; became pastor at North Becket, Ms, in 1860 ;
dismissed Nov. 15, 1863 ; was afterwards living at Wilbiaham, Ms. He mar-
ried, 1, Mary A. dau. of Clark Elliott of Middletown, Ct, in May 1848. 2.
Myra G. Elliott of that city, Sept. 28, 1858.
Francis Atkinson Freeman, the son of the Hon. Asa, D. C. 1810, and
Frances (Atkinson) Freeman, was born at Dover, Nov. 22, 1822. He read
law with his father, with the Hon. Charles William Woodman, D. C. 1829, at
Dover, and at Harv. Univ. Law School ; began practice at Boston, Ms, in 1848 ;
removed to Murphy, Calaveras Co. Cal. his present abode, in 1849, and is now
a Judge of the county court.
Samuel Prescott French, the son of Dr John and Lucy (Prescott)
French, was born at Gilmanton, Mar. 17, 1818. He taught at Boscawen Acad.
in 1842, and at Sandwich in 1843 ; studied medicine witli Dr Nahum Wight of
Gilmanton and at the Berkshire Med. School at Pittsfield, Ms, graduating M.
D. in 1844; went into practice at South Merrimack in 1845 ; removed to Rich-
mond, in Oct. 1845, and is there still ; represented it in the N. 11. Leg. in 1855.
He married Nancy H. M. Barden of Richmond, Dec. 3, 1849.
Daniel Gile, the son of Daniel and Lydia (Hawkes) Gile, was born at En-
field, June 4, 1816. He studied medicine with Dr Preston at Saratoga, N. Y.
Dr John Clough at Enfield and at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1845 ;
began practice at Marblehead, Ms, and so continues. He married Susan, dau. of
Jacob Dimmick of Queechy village, Vt, in Jan. 1851.
318 ALUMXI 1841.
* Gkokgp: Franklin Goodhue, the son of Samuel and Mary (Ayer) Good-
hue, was born at Deerfiehl, June 16, 1821, and died at South East, N. Y. Nov.
8, IBGo, ^. 44. He read law and opened an office at Covington, Ky, editing
also a paper there ; left the law in 1846 ; studied divinity at Princeton Tlieo, Sem.
N. J. graduating in 1849 ; was ordained pastor of the Presb. Ch. at Marengo,
Illi. in 1850; dismissed and elected Pres. of the Marengo coll. institute in
1857; became pastor of the Pre-^b. Ch. at Belvidere, lili. in 1858 ; was after-
wards pa-tor of the Presb. Ch. at South East, N. Y. dying in office. He mar-
ried INI. Elisabeth Lindsley of Troy, N. Y. Feb. 23, 1854. Timotiiy Ayer
Goodluie. D. C. 1839, was his brother.
Nathaniel Gordon, the son of .John S. and Frances Gordon, was born at
Exeter, Nov. 20, 1820. He read law in Maryland and is now practising at
Exeter. He married Alvira ?2. Sanborn of Kingston, at K. Dec. 26, 1853.
James Adams De Witt Gregg, the son of Dr James Adams and Priscilla
(Gliddcn) Gregg, wa-^ born at Unity, Dec. 28, 1819. He studied medicine at
a JNIed. Scliool of N. Y. Univ. in that city, graduating M. D. in 1845 ; practised
at White Creek, N. Y. and at Manchester; is now or has been mining at Mill
Valley, Calaveras Co. California.
Otis Freeman Hill, the son of John and Lucy (Freeman) Hill, was bom
at Conway, Apr. 29, 1817. He studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. graduat-
ing M. D. in 1846 ; began practice at Falmouth, Me, in 1846 ; removed to
Tenn. in 1854 and settled as a physician at Knoxville and is there still, unless
exiled by the rebellion. He married, 1. Charlotte, dau. of John Willard Par-
sons of Troy, N. Y. at Lunenburg, Vt, in 1846. 2. Catharine Anna Oeliler of
Nathaniel Hills, the son of Jeremiah and Margaret (Davidson) Hills, was
born at Windham, Dec. 5, 1815. His profession is that of a teacher and has
been long pursued at South Danvers, Ms. He married Mary A. Gordon of
Windham, May 8, 1845.
Joseph Edward Hood, the son of Joseph and Jerusha (Worthen) Hood,
was born at Amesbury, Ms, Oct. 24, 1815. He studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. in 1842; was editor of the Essex Transcript at Amesbury in 1843 ; also
of the People's Advocate at Hanover in 1844 ; also of the Granite Freeman and
Lidependent Democrat at Concord from 1845 to 1848; was Telegraph Super-
intendent at Springfield and Boston, Ms, from 1849 to 1854; editor of the
Spriii<:ficld Republican from 1854 to the present time. He married Maria,
dau. of William Savage of Hartfbrd, Vt, Feb. 11, 1845.
John Church Gushing Hoskins, A. M. the son of Dr Samuel and Har-
riet llyron (Cushing) Ho.-kins, was born at Lyman, Jan. 18, 1820. He was
Principal of Lebanon Liberal Listitute 5 or 6 years from 1841 ; then an assist-
ant engimeron the Cochituate Water Works at Boston, Ms; after this, engineer
on Rail Roads constructing in North Western Va, for 6 or 7 years ; is now living
at Sioux City, Iowa. He married Clarissa Virginia, dau. of James or J. M.
Bennett of Weston, Va, in July 1856.
Gardiner Greene Huhbard, the son of the Hon. Judge Samuel and Mary
Ann (Greene) Hubbard, was born at Boston, Ms, Aug. 25, 1822. He read
law with the Hon. William .Tosejih Hubbard of Boston in 1841, Benjamin Rob-
bins Curtis and Charles Pelham Curtis at Boston, in 1843 and at Harv. Univ.
Dane Law School in 1842 and 1843; opened an office in Boston in Dec. 1843,
and is still there. He married Gertrude Mercer, dau. of Robert Henry M'Curdy
of N. Y. city, Oct. 21, 1846.
* John Hubbard, the son of Simeon Hubbard, was born at Brimfield, Ms,
ALUMNI 1841. 319
July 26, 1814, and died at Jefferson City, Missouri, May 15, 1840, je. 34. He
taught in Va ; went thence to Bowling Green, Missouri, in 1848, and died ab-
sent fWim home.
* James Jackson, the son of Jeremiah and Anna (Niles) .Jackson, was born
at Coventry, now Benton, Nov. 19, 1814, and was drowned in the Savannah
river near Bonaventnre, Geo. Mar. 19, 1845, je. 30. He studied divinity at
And. Theo. Sem. 2 years and 6 months in the class of 1844, and finished his
course at the Episc. Theo. Sem. at Alexandria, Va, graduating in 1844 ; was
ordained a Deacon of the Prot. Episc. Ch. by the Rt Rev. Richard Channing
Moore, D. D. Bishop of Va, at Alexandria, July 14, 1844; went thence to Sa-
vannah, Geo. to supply Christ Ch. in tiie absence of its rector for 4 months ; after
this, was ciiosen assistant minister at St Joim's Ch. in that city. There his ser-
vices were highly appreciated, but failing he;dth, in his efforts to regain it, led
to an untimely end, to the great grief of relatives and his admiring parish. He
was never married.
John Wyman Jonf.s, A. M. the son of John and Ruth (Arven) Jones, was
born at P^iifield, May 2, 1822. He read law with Jolin George Britton, D. C.
1832, and Amos K. Hadley of Troy, N. Y. and Benjamin Douglas Silliman
and Charles O'Connor of N. Y. city, from 1841 to July 12, 1844; practised
there from tliat date to May 1849 ; then went to Utica, N. Y. pursuing his pro-
fession to Mi\y 1858, the date of his i-emoval to Englewood, N. J. and his relin-
quishment of practice. He married Harriette Dwight, dau. of James Dana of
Utica, at U. June 15,1846.
Ll'ther Jones, the son of Silas and Lucinda Jones, was born at Acton, Ms,
Aug. 21, 1817. He studied medicine at Acton with Dr Harris Cowdry and at
Dart. INIed. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1846; began practice at South Yar-
mouth, Ms, in 1845, and, save 2 years at the West, has continued there to this
time. He married Susanna Kelley, Dec. 30, 1847.
* Stephen Lorenzo Kelly, tiie son of Stephen and Hannah (Bartlett)
Kelly, w^as born at Amesbury, Ms, Dec. 19, 1818, and died there, Dec. 2, 1843,
M. 24. He did not marry.
* Charles Edward Kendrick, the son of Dr Thomas and Fanny (Bull)
Kendrick, was born at Tlietford, Vt, Apr. 4, 1824, and died in N. Y. city, Oct.
9, 1859,^. 35. He read law with Samuel Kendrick at Troy 2 years and with
the Hon. Ira Harris at Albany N. Y. 1 year ; went into practice at N. Y. city
in 1845 and there remained. He married Anna E. dau. of Samuel Kendrick
of Troy, Nov. 18, 1847.
* Alexander Hamilton, Kent, the son of George, D. C. 1814, and Lucie
Anne (Fariand) Kent, was born at Concord, Oct. 22, 1821, and died at Troy,
N. Y.Oct. 10, 1844, JE. 23, minus 12 days.
Walter Henry Kimball, A. M. the son of Amos and Lucy (Foster) Kim-
ball, was born at Boxford, Ms, June 20, 1820. He studied medicine at Dart.
Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1844 ; went into practice at Andover, Ms, and
has not left it. He married Mary Elisabeth, dau. of John Gage of North An-
dover, Aug. 11, 1846.
Phillip Coombs Knapp, the son of William And Tabitha (Currier) Knapp,
was born at Newburyport, Ms, Dec. 30, 1814. He taught at the High Scliool
in Lynn, Ms, some years ; is now a clerk in the Bank of Commerce at Boston,
Ms. ^ He married Sally Harriet, dau. of Isaiah Moore of Lynn, Feb. 7, 1847.
* James Bachelder Lane, the son of John and Mary (Livingston) Lane,
was born at Marlborough, July 29,1818. He taught from 1841 to 1843 ; has
been an Apothecary at Fitchburg, Ms, since Nov. 1843. He manned Abby
Esther, dau. of Joseph Merriam, at Fitchburg, Feb. 9, 1849.
320 ALUMNI 1841.
* Richard Emersox Lane, the son of John and Nabhj (Emerson) Lane,
was born at Caiidia, June 2, 1813, and died at Lewiston, N. Y. May 27, 1842,
£.. 29, minus 6 days. He taught at Menniker 1 terra ; went to Lewiston in
Kov. 1841, reading hiw and teaching uniii ih^ath occurred.
IIknry Clay Long, the son of Gen. Stephen Ilarriman, D. C. 1809, and
Martha (Ilotchkiss) Long, was born at Philadelphia, Pa, in 1824. He read
law at Marietta, Geo. in 1842, and medicine with Dr Shailer at Cincinnati,
Ohio; owing to ill health, gave up both for tiie study of civil engineering;
served in that occupation at Louisville, Ky, to the Mexican war in 184G ; then
joined tiie 1st Reg. of Ky vols and was a Capt. with Gen. Taylor in Mexico
from 1847 to 1848; became assistant engineer at the New York and Harlem
Rail Road from 1848 to 1850 ; Chief engineer of Cairo city, Illi. from 1850 to
1857 ; was next assistant engineer at the mouths of the IMississippi river from
1857 to 18G1 ; then went upon the staff of Gen. Joim C. Fremont in Missouri
to Nov. 12, 1861 ; was after that employed on Frontier fortifications, and left
the service at Buflf'alo, N. Y. Aug. 1, 18G.3, and has resided at Alton, Illi.
ever since. He married, 1. dau. of Daniel A. Webster, of N. Y. city.
2. .
John James Marsh, the son of John and Mary (Plumer) ^Nlarsli, was born
at Haverhill, Ms, May 2. 1820. He read law with Alfred Kittredge, D. C.
1827, at Haverhill, at Harv. Univ. Law School, and at N. Y. city ; com-
menced practice at Haverhill in 1845 and is there still. Moses Chandler
Marsh, D. C. 1845, is his brother.
David Haven Mason, the son of John and Mary (Haven) Mason, was born
at Sullivan, Mar. 17, 1818. He read law at Lauca-ter and also at Boston, Ms,
and Harv. Univ. Law School; went into practice at Boston and so continues
bavin"- his family residence at Newton, Ms. He married Sarah "Wilson, dau.
of John Ilazen White of Lancaster, June 17, 1845.
Josiaii Merrill, the son of the Rev. Josiah G. and Harriet (.Jones) Mer-
rill, was born at Otlsfield, Me, Jan. 31, 1819. He taught at Putney Acad. Vt,
in 1841 and 1842 ; studied divinity at Bangor, Me, Theo. Sem. gi-aduating in
1844, and was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at White River, Vt, Mar. 1,
1848 ; dismissed ? installed pastor of the 1st Cong. Ch. at Wiscasset, Me, June
17, 1857 ; dismissed July 15, 18G3, and retired to CambriJgeport, Ms. He
married Henrietta Converse of Portland, Me, Aug. 23, 1848.
Curtis Coe Meskkve, the son of Andrew and Patience (Hall) Meserve,
was born in Barrington, Mar. 28, 1818. He read law with Husband and Hast-
in'^s at Rochester, N. Y. and was admitted to the bar but never practised ;
tau<^ht at Rochester from Jan. 3, 1842 (;leven years and at Chicago, Illi. six
years and six months to July 14, 18G5 ; then left the profession and became a
Real Estate Broker in Chicago, where his business is still prosecuted. He
married Louisa Sage, dau. of Daniel Stocking at Aug. 24, 1848.
* George Washington Moor, A M. the son of John and Sirena (Rich-
ardson) Moor, was born at Princeton, Ms, Jan. 2, 1820, and died at Hampton,
Sept. 9, 18GG, X.. 4G. He studied medicine at the Univ. of Pa at Philadelphia,
graduating in Mar. 1843; commenced and continued practice at Amherst from
July 1843; became Register of Probate for Hillsborough Co. in 1852. He
married Mary Davis, dau. of Dr John Ramsay of Deertield, Sept. 2, 1845.
Henry Elijah Parker, A. M. the son of Elijah, D. C. 180G, and Sally
(Hall) Parker, was born at Keene, Apr. 17, 1820. He was tutor in Dart, from
1843 to 1844; studied divinity at Union Theo. Sem. N. Y. city, graduating in
1847 ; was ordained an evangelist at Eastport, Me, Mar. 13, 1849 ; was acting
ALUMNI 1841. 321
pastor of the South Cong. Ch. at Concord for 1 or 2 years and installed its pas-
tor M;iy 14, 1851 ; was absent as Cliaplain of the 2nd Reg. of N. H. vols from
18G1 to 18G2 ; then went to Europe on a visit; dismissed Mar. 21, 1866 ; be-
came Prof, of Latin Lang, and Lit. at Dart. Coll. in 1866. He married Mary
Elisabelli, dau. of Charles Brackett of Troy, N. Y. and relict of John W. Hunt-
ley of lirooklyn, N. Y. Apr. 22, 1856. Horatio George Parker, D. C. 1844,
is his brother.
Thomas Paul, (coloured) the son of the Rev. Thomas and Catharine (Water-
house) Paul, was born at Boston, Ms, Nov. 30, 1812. He has devoted himself
principally to teacliing at Boston, Providence, R. I. and Albany, N. Y. He
married Eusebia, dau. of George Morse of Providence, July 17, 1847.
Benjamin Hanaford Pearson was from Hanover. He studied divinity ;
■was ordained a Baptist clergyman and preached at Mount Gilead, Ohio, but all
else has eluded our research.
GiLUERT PiLLSBURY, the son of Oliver and Anna S. (Smith) Pillsbury, was
born at HamiUon, Ms, Feb. 23. 1813. He taught in N. Y. city 1 year; at
Somerville, N. J. 3 years; at Blandford, Ms, 1 year; removed to Ludlow, Ms,
as Piincipal of a Female Boarding School in 1852, and remained such when
last heard from; was a Senator from Hampden Co. in the Ms Leg. in 1856.
He mairied Ann Frances Ray of Ludlow, Nov. 12, 1841. Josiah Webster
Pillsbury, D. C. 1840, is his brother.
David Pinkerton, the son of David and Susannah (Griffin) Pinkerton,
■was born at LandafF, Nov. 3, 1814. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
graduating in 1844 ; was ordained ? preached at Elkhorn, Salem, Two Rivers,
Waupun, Fond Du Lac Co. and Maple Grove, all in Wise, and now lives at
Waupun without a charge. He married Ann, dau. of Alured Hitchcock of
Vergennes, Vt, at Galesburg, lUi. Oct. 27, 1845.
Joshua Mackrice Pitman, the son of Ebenezer and Abigail (Richardson)
Pitman, was born at Meredith, May 29, 1819. He taught at Durham ; was
prece|)tor of Gilford Acad. 1 year and Assistant Principal of Gilmanton Acad,
from 1843 to 1845 ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1848 ;
was ordained a Baptist minister ; preached at Sutton ; also at Menomanie,
Wise, and now resides at Hutchinson, M'Leod Co. Minn, preaching and
* Hannibal Porter, A. M. the son of Dr James and Ilephzibah (Whee-
lock) Porter, was born at Rutland, Vt, Nov. 10, 1819, and died there, in Aug.
1864, M. 44. He studied medicine with his father; began practice at Rutland
and there remained.
Edward Hartshorn Pratt, A. M. the son of Loca and Lucy (Hartshorn)
Pratt, was born at Amherst, Oct. 12, 18J.5. He studied medicine at Somers-
worth ; also with Dr Charles Franklin Elliott, D. C. 1829, at Dover, Dr Ed-
mund Randolph Peaslee, D. C. 1836, at Hanover, and at Bowdoin Med. Coll.
Me, graduating M. D. in 1847 ; went into practice at Somersworth and has
not removed. He married Mrs Julia Hopkinson at Buxton, Jan. 24, 1849.
Edward Reed, the son of the Hon. John and Olive (Alger) Reed, was
born at Yarmouth, Ms, Dec. 9, 1820. He read law with Theophilus P. Chand-
ler at Boston, Ms, but owing to poor health did not practise; was some time
absent in El u rope ; returning home, was agent of the Alger Forge Factory at
Soutli Boston ; has been some years a partner in the South Boston Iron Fac-
tory. He n)arried Catharine, dau. of Capt. William Howard of Boston, Nov.
6, 1848.
Horace Richardson, the son of David and Sarah Goodwin (Ford) Rich-
322 ALUMNI 1841.
ardson, was born at Cornish, Dec. 2, 1814. He studied divinity at Newton,
Ms, Tlieo. S''in. and was ordained a Baptist minister at Keene in 1845; went
thence to West Acton, Ms ; was next settled at Iowa Cit}', Iowa ; then at
Araada Co. Cal. for 10 years ; is now at San Pablo, Cal. He married Sarah
•Rand at Keene in Jan. 1846. Daniel Ford Richardson, D. C. 1831, is his
Moses Charles Richardson, the son of Moses Davis and Sarah (Collins)
Richardson, was born at Springfield, Sept. 24, 1815. He studied medicine
with Dr Israel Bailey Bradley at Fryeburg, Me ; also at Harv. Univ. Med.
School, and at the Univ. of N. Y. city, graduating M. D. at the last in 1845 ; com-
menced and now continues practice at Hallowell, Me. He married, 1. Harriet
Mussey, dau. of Dr Samuel Farnsworth, D. C. 1813, of North Bridgton, Me,
Aug. 23, 1846. 2. Mary Savary, dau. of Francis Wingate of Hallowell, Sept.
10, 1849. Amos Richardson, D. C. 1837, is his brother.
Ira Russell, the son of Eliakim and Sarah (Converse) Russell, was born
at Rindge, Nov. 9, 1814. He studied medicine with Dr Dixi Crosby of Han-
over, Dr Alvah Godding of Winchendon, Ms, and the Univ. of N. Y. city,
graduating M. D. in 1844; began practice at Winchendon in 1844; removed
to Natick, Ms, in 1853, and there remains. He married Rosannah, dau. of
Henry Greenwood of Winchendon, Ms, Apr. 29, 1844.
* William Sloax, the son of David, D. C. 1806, and Hannah (.Johnson)
Sloan, was born at Haverhill, May 23, 1819, and died at Chicago, Illi. May 18,
1855, M. 36, minus 5 days. He read law with his father 1 year and with the
Hon. Leonard Wilcox, D. C. 1817, at Orford 2 years; went into practice at
Wood.-tock, Illi. and though often absent regarded it as his home.
Jacob Shedd Spaulding, A. M. the son of Loammi and Ednah (Shedd)
Spaulding, was born at Tewksbury, Ms, Aug. 24, 1811. He taught at Ba-
kersfield, Vt, from 1841 to 1852, and has been ever since Preceptor of Barre
Acad. Vt. He married Mary AV. Taylor of Temple, Aug. 24, 1841.
Leonard Swain, A. M.-D. D. the son of Richard and Sally (Damon)
Swain, was born at Concord, Feb. 26, 1821. He taught at Derry in 1842 and
1843; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1846; was ordained
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Nashua, Aug. 24, 1847 ; dismissed Apr. 5, 1852 ; in-
stalled pastor of tlie Central Ch. Providence, R. I. in Sept. 1852; He married
Julia Maria, dau. of Dea. Abner Allen of Lebanon, Aug. 24, 1847. Brown
Univ. conferred the Hon. degree in 1857.
Daniel Tenney, the son of Silas and Rebecca (Bailey) Tenney, was born
at Chester, Dec. 10, 1816. He was Preceptor of Gihnanton Acad, from 1841
to 1843; studied divinity at Lane Sem. Walnut Hills, Ohio, graduating in
1844; was ordained pastor of the 2nd Presb. Ch. at Oxibrd, Ohio, May 13,
1845 ; dismissed in Jan. 1856 ; installed pastor of the Central Cong. Ch. at
Lawrence, INIs, Sept. 2, 1857 ; dismissed June 3, 1862 ; installed pastor of the
Springlield St Cii. at Boston, Ms, June 25, 1862; dismissed Nov. 14, 1865.
He married Mary Adams, dau. of Dea. Nathaniel Parker of Derry, Sept. 23,
1844. Thomas Tenney, D. C. 1825, Sewall Tenney, D. C. 1827, and Charles
Tenney, D. C. 1835, are his brothers.
David Turner, A. M. the son of David and Lavinia (Jenks) Turner, was
born at Lyme, Dec. 9, 1815. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 1 year
in the class of 1844 ; went to Riehmond, Va, in Oct. 1842, and was principal of
a classical and English school, liul whether there now or elsewhere is not ascer-
tained. He married Mercy Clark, dau. of the Rev. Baxter Perry of Lyme,
Sept. 4, 1855.
* Lewis Franklin Verback, the sou of William and Sarah (Colby) Ver-
ALUMNI 1841. 323
back, was born at Derby, Vt, July 13, 1820, and died at Hanover Jnne 2, 1843,
JE.. 22. He studied medicine with Dr C. C. Cox of Md, and attended lectures
at Baltimore in that state. He is said to have been a young man of very brill-
iant talents.
* William Frederick Wallis. the son of John S. and Susan (Parker)
Wallis, was born at Reading, Ms, Jan. 1, 1818, and died at Berlin, Ms, May 8,
1842, JE. 24. He taught at Westborough, Ms, in 1841, and at Lancaster, Ms,
from Dee. 1861, until a fatal disease compelled him to return home and there
breathe his last at an early date.
* Edward Webster, the son of the Hon. Daniel, D. C. 1801, and Grace
(Fletcher) Webster, was born at Boston, Ms, July 20, 1820, and died at St An-
gel, Mexico, Jan. 23, 1848, m. 27. He was emjiloyed in the Maine Boundary
Survey, and was a Major in the U. S. army in the Mexican war. He did not
Francis Brown Webster, the son of Jonathan P. and Jeannette (Wil-
kins) AVebster, and grandson of Jonathan Wilkins, D. C. 1779, was born at
Salisbury, May 27, 1816. He read law with the Hon. Samuel B. Kuggles at
N. y. city, but did not practise ; went into mercantile pursuits there and at Bos-
ton, Ms, in 1844; retired in 1856 and now lives at Barnet, Vt. He married
Martha, dau. of Robert Harvey of Barnet, Apr. 2, 1850.
John Webster, A. M. the son of Isaac and Alice (Whittier) Webster, was
born at South Kingston. He taught at South Hampton 1 term ; was also assist-
ant teacher at the Acad, in Pembroke ; studied medicine with Dr Thrall in N.
Y. city ; practised at Providence, R. I. some years ; next at Chicago, lUi. sev-
eral years ; then at-Gibson's Station, Ind. and there remains. He married Oc-
tavia Green of Appenogue, R. I.
Bartholomew Wood, the son of Bartholomew and Ann Titcomb (Todd)
Wood, was born at Newburyport, Ms, May 31, 1813. He taught at Milford,
Ms, in 1841 and 1842 ; at Lynn, Ms, from 1842 to 1843 ; at Boston, Ms, from
1843 to 1844; at Newbury, Ms, from 1844 to 1847; again in Boston from
1847 to 1852 ; then returned to Milford ; is now a U. S. inspector in the Boston
Custom House. He married, 1. Sarah, dau. of Solomon Wait Burke of Han-
over, at Lvnn, Ms, Oct. 22, 1844. 2. Jennette Bush Burke, her sister, at
Brooklyn, N. Y. Nov. 3, 1853.
Franklin Wood, A. M. the son of Benjamin F. and Lucinda (Merriam)
Wood, was born at Westminster, Ms, May 27, 1816. He taught at South-
borough, Ms, from Aug. 1841 to 1844; at Canton Acad. St Lawrence Co. N.
Y. from Aug. 1844 to July 1853 ; at Gilbertsville Acad, and Coll. Institute at
Butternuts, Otsego Co. N. Y. from Aug. 1853 to the summer of 1856; re-
moved to Minnesota in Sept. 1856 ; was made Judge of Probate for Wright Co.
in Sept. 1857 ; resigned in Dec. 1858 ; then took charge at Newcastle, Harde-
man Co. Tenn. of its male seminary ; but the rebellion caused his return to
Westminster in 1861 and open a select school in its vicinity. He married
Sarah M. dau. of Horace Richardson of Leominster, Ms, Mar. 8, 1842.
Benjamin Punchard Worcester, the son of Ebenezer and Mary (Punch-
ard) Worcester, was born at Salem, Oct. 14, 1818. He taught at Littleton in
1841 ; engaged on the Caledonian newspaper at St Johnsbury, Vt, about 2 years,
and then instructed in phonography to 1818; removed to Washington, D. C.
that year as a reporter for the press; left in 1855 and has since been a lecturer
and manager of pictorial exhibitions throughout the country.
324 ALUMNI 1842.
Amos Tappan Akerman, the son of Benjamin and Olive (^ND^loon) Aker-
nian, was born at Portsmouth, Feb. 23, 1821. He taught at Murfreesborough,
N. C. 1 year; at Portsmouth a few months; at Richmond Co. Va, 3 years; at
Savannah, Geo. 2 years ; read law witli II. 0. Merriraan at Peoria, Illi. and
practised at Clarksville, Habersham Co. Geo. but removed thence to Elbert,
Elberton Co. Geo.
John Pkkscott Averill, A. M. the son of Levi and INIary (Jones) Averill,
was born at Mount Vernon, Sept. 3, 181C. He taught at Woodstock, Ct. G years,
and at Charlestown, Ms, 2 years ; then became Principal of the Chapman School
at Boston, Ms, and there remained until a removal to Tenn. in 18G6 ; has how-
ever returned to New P^ngland. He married, 1. PLlisabeth A. dau. of Arthur
Caverno of Charlestown, Nov. 29, 1815. 2. Abby A. dau. of Daniel Foss of
Dover, Mar. 18, 1857.
Geokgk Bradley Barrows, the son of John Stuart and Ann Ayer (Brad-
ley) Barrows, was born at Fryeburg, Me, Dec. 22, 1822. He read law with
his father from Sept. 1842 two years ; settled in practice at Fryeburg; visited
England and France in 1851, and was 6 days at the World's Fair in London;
became a member of the Me Senate and was its President in 1864 ; left Frye-
burg in 18(55, and was Superintendent of the Reform Sch. at Scarborough, Me,
to 1867. He married Georgiana, dau. of Samuel Souther of Fryeburg.
* Joiix Stuart Barrows, the brother of the preceding, was born at Frye-
burg, July 26, 1824, and died there, Feb. 2, 1849, je. 24. He studied medicine
with Dr Reuel Barrows and Dr Israel Bailey Barrows at Fryeburg; al>o at
Harv. Univ. INIed. School and Bowdoin Med. Coll. graduating at the last in
Sept. 1845; began and continued practice at Lovell, Me, from 1845 to 1849 ;
left for Fryeburg in Jan. of the last named year and only survived to the next
Simon Barrows, A. M. the son of William and Asenath Barrows, was
born at Monson, Ms, Apr. 28, 1811. He studied di\inity at Union Tlieo. Sem.
N. Y. ciiy, from 1842 to 1843 ; taught at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1 year; at New Pjcd-
ford, Ms, from Oct. 1845 to June 1846 ; was Principal of the Norfolk School at
Dorchester. M-;, from June 1846 to Nov. 1851 ; resumed theo. study at Athol,
Ms, from the last date 1 year ; was ordained a Cong, minister, but his locations
are not known, though his present abode is supposed to be at Des Moines, Iowa.
He mairied Caroline Twitchell of Keene, Dec. 25, 1845.
William Barstow, A. M. the son of the Rev. Dr Zedekiah Smith and
Elisabeth Fay (Blake) Barstow, was born at Keene, Sept. 8, 1822. He studied
medicine with Dr Charles Goldihw^aite Adams, D. C. 1815, at Keene, Dr
Charles Harrison Stedman of Boston, Ms, at Yale Coll. Med. School, Univ. of
Penn. Med. School and Harv. Univ. Med. School, graduating at the last in
1848; bt'gan practice at Auburn, Placer Co. Cal. in 1849; was next at San
Francisco, Cal. and removed thence to Idaho City, Idaho Territory. Josiah
Whitney Bar.-tow, D. C. 1840, is his brother.
Silas Morrison Blanciiard, A. M. the son of Benjamin Blanchard, was
born at Windham, Mar. 9, 1820. He taught at an Acad, at Hancock Co. Geo.
4 years, and at Pembroke 2 years ; studied divinity at the Theo. Sem. at
Columbia, S. C. 1 year and at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1849 ; was or-
dained an evangelist, Oct. 27, 1853; supplied at Chichester from Nov. 1853
some time ; was installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Wentworth ; dismissed in
ALUMNI 1842. 325
Nov. 1860, but still resides there. He married, 1. Mary Bass of Hancock Co.
Dec. 3, 1842. 2. Eleanor Jane Bickford of Barnstead, at B. June 6, 1854.
Hamilton Boyd Bradshaw, the son of John and Rebecca (Knickerhacker)
Bradshaw, was born at Half Moon, Saratoga Co. N. Y. Oct. 22, 1817. He
taught some time ; then read law with Elijah H. Kimball in N. Y. city ; began
practice there, but after a few years removed to Brooklyn, N. Y. and there con-
tinues long devoted to the business of a rail road contractor. He married Caro-
line Antoinette, dau. of Samuel Peck of Amenia, Dutchess Co. N. Y. Nov. 19,
James Breok, the son of James and Martha (Burr) Breck, was born at
Newport, July 19, 1819. He read law at Rochester, N. Y. and began practice
at Chicago, Illi. but removed thence to Brooklyn, N. Y. "William Breck, D. C.
1838, is liis brother.
Lincoln Flagg Brigham, A. M. the son of Lincoln and Lucy (Forbes)
Brigham, was born at Cambridge, Ms, Oct. 4, 1819. He read law at Harv.
Univ. Law School and with the Hon. John Henry Clifford and Harrison Gray
Otis Colby at New Bedford, Ms, graduating LL. B. at Harv. in 1844; began
practice at New Bedford in June 1845 ; was District Atty for the Southern
Dist. of Ms ; removed to Boston, Ms, in 1860, having been appointed a Justice
of the Superior Court of Ms in June 1859, a position still held. He married
Ehza Endicott, dau. of Thomas Swain of New Bedford, Oct. 20, 1847.
Henry Lewis Bullen, the son of Lewis and Ellen (Grout) Bullen, was
born at East Medway, Ms, Aug. 17, 1820. He taught at Sherburne, Ms, in
1842; at West Newbury, Ms, in 1843 ; at Eatonton, Geo. in 1844 and 1845 ;
at Macon, Geo. in. 1846; at Holliston, Ms, from Mar. 1847 to May 1849;
studied divinity with the Rev. Samuel K. Tallmadge of Milledgeville, Geo. and
at And. Theo. Sem. and was ordained a Cong, minister in 1850 ; was some years
Prof, of Math, and Nat. Phil, at Iowa Coll. Davenport, Iowa ; became pastor of
the Cong. Ch. at Durant, Iowa, in 1860 and is so now. He married Mary
Farrington of Walden, Vt, Nov. 24, 1844.
Benjamin Butler, the sonof Phineasand Sarah (Barker) Butler, was born
at Pelham, Aug. 29, 1819. He taught at Natick, Ms, 6 months in 1842 and
1843; read law Avith Robert Rantoul and Jonathan P. Rogers of Boston, Ms;
settled in practice there in 1845, and has not left. He married Cornelia Little
of Hingham, Ms, June 30, 1846.
William Clark, the son of Francis and Mehitabel (Gould) Clark, was
born at Bai-re, Vt, July 6, 1819. He taught at Eatonton, Geo. 1 year, Mid-
way, Geo. 3 years, and Greensborough, Geo. 1 year; studied divinity with the
Rev. Samuel K. Tallmadge of Milledgeville, Geo. and was ordained pastor of the
Cong. Ch. at Orford, May 17, 1849 ; dismissed Apr. 22, 1852 ; sailed as a mis-
sionary for Asia Minor, Dec. 22, 1852, and arrived at Smyrna, Jan. 22, 1853;
was in the service several years, but is now residing at Milan, Italy. He mar-
ried Elisabeth Whiting, dau. of Nathaniel F'arrington of Walden, Vt, Aug. 3,
Ranslure Weld Clarke, the son of Elam and Cynthia (Lewis) Clarke,
was born at Williamstown, Vt, Jan. 27, 1816. He taught at Black River Acad.
Ludlow, Vt, 3 years ; read law with the Hon. Reuben Washburn, D. C. 1808,
at Ludlow and Jonathan Dorr Bradley of Brattleborough, Vt ; settled in prac-
tice in the last named town and so remains ; was State's Atty for Windham Co.
in 1853 and 1854; of the Vt Constitutional Conv. in 1857; in tiie Vt State
Senate in 1858 and 1859 ; made Register of Probate for Windham Co. in l.sGl.
He married Lucy C. dau. of the Hon. John Wilder of Weston, Vt, May 9,
326 ALUMNI 1842.
1849. Isaac Lewis Clarke, D. C. 1848, was, an.l Francis Erasmus Clarke.
D. C. 1851, is, his brother.
*jKRE>riAii Hall Woodmax Colby, the son of Benjamin and Polly
("Woodman) Colby, was born at Sanbornton, Jan. 14, 1821, and died at IMani-
towoc. Wise. May 11, 1853, je. 32. lie read law with Daniel -Milrimore
Christie, D. C. 1815, and the Hon. Charles William Woodman. D. C. 1S2'.I. at
Dover; bt^iran practice there as Mr Woodman's partner in 1845 ; went to W^is-
consin in 184(; ; settled at Manitowoc in 1847 ; wa* District Atty for 1 term ;
Judge of Probate for his county for a short time. His standing a> a lawyer was
high and liis character exemplary. He married Emily, dau. of Benjamin Jones
of'Chicago, llli. Oct. 29, 1850.
George Philander Comings. A. M. the son of Ebenezer and Ursula
(Child) Comings, was born at Cornish, Aug. 27, 1820. He taught at Ran-
doli)h Acad. Vt, from 1842 to 1845 ; was Prof, of Languages and Math, at Jubi-
lee Coll. Robin's Nest, llli. from 1845 to 1847 ; studied divinity there and was
ordained a Deacon of tiie Prot. Episc. Ch. by the Rt Rev. Dr Philander Chase,
D. C. 179G, Bishop of llli. in 1847 and also a Presbyter in 1848; had cliarge
as j)astor of St John's Ch. at Albion. Edwards Co. llli. from 1847 to 1848;
went that year to Palmyra, Missouri, and was some years connected with St
Paul's College there as Prof, of Math, but has been since a missionary at
Munroe, JNIissouri. He married Coi-nelia Walker of Ohio. Samuel Edward
Comings, D. C. 1845, is liis brother.
Charles Cummings, the son of Thomas and Mary (Whitney) Curamings,
was born at Hollis, June 7, 1817. He taught at Abington, Ms, 1 year ; studied
divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1846 ; has since been Principal of
the High School at JMedlbrd, Ms, to the present time. He married Elisabeth
Lavinia, dau. of Christopher Dyer of South Abington, Ms, Apr. 4, 1848.
Charles Cutter, the son of John and Betsey (Crosby) Cutter, was born
at Goshen, Feb. 22, 1822. He taught at Jaffrey ; also, in S. C. at Beaufort
and Darlington districts ; then lived at Jacksonville, Flor. studying and teach-
ing Horticulture ; is now residing at or near Cumpton. He married Sarah L.
Jo-lyn of Jaffrey, Mar. 27, 1850.
HosEA Davis, the son of Asa and Deborah (^Mason) Davis, was born at
Royalston, Ms, June 21, 1817. He studied medicine and was last heard from
practising his profession about 20 or 30 miles from Indianapolis, Ind. in 1849.
He married, 1. INlaria Cynthia Marks of Greenbush, llli. 2. Abby vStevcus of
Petersham, IMs.
* Aaron Day, the son of Aaron and Betsey (Church) Dav, was born at
Gilsum, Dec. 19, 1819, and died at White Water, Wise. May 22. 1855, je. 35.
He taught at Westmoreland in 1842 ; then at Concord Acad, to Sept. 1845 ; was
next a private tutor in Prince George's Co. Md, 15 months ; after that, taught
at Upperville, Fauquier Co. Va, to 1849 ; w^as assistant at the Rittenhouse
Acad. Wa-^hington, D. C. 1 term ; then at Eldorado, Union Co. Ark. to 1852 ;
when his teaching began at Marion, Union parish, La, and continued until his
removal to Wisconsin. He never married.
Charles Ebenezer Dearborn, the son of Ebenezer and Hannah Davis
(Dyson) Dearborn, was born at Nashua, Feb. 28. 1821. He taught at Yar-
mouth, Ms, 6 months; studied medicine with Dr Codman of Boston, Ms. 3
years, and then settled as a dentist in that city, which is still his home. He
married Caroline Maria Lawrence of Pepperell. ]\Is, at Boston, May 11, 1.S57.
Algcstus Lawson Dibble, the son of Philo Dibble, was born at Skene-
ateles, N. Y. Aug. 18, 1822. He taught about 3 years; read law as long, but
ALUMNI 1842. 62,
has never practised ; lived at Coal Mines, Chesterfield Co. Va, in 1853, and
ma}' still be there.
David Dimond, A. M. the son of David and Elisabeth Rowe (Goodhue)
Dimoiul, was born at Groton, Apr. 26. 1816. He taught for a short time at
Salisbury and also at Phillips Acad. Andover, Ms ; studied divinity at And.
Theo. Sem. graduating in 1845; was ordained a Cong, minister; preaciied at
Troy, Missouri, from 1846 to 1850, also at Rockhill and Ilanniltal, both in
Missouri ; has been stated supply at Brighton, and Shelbyville, lUi. since that
time. He married Mai"y Augusta, dau. of Samuel Coffin of Hanover, Sept. 13,
David Fogg Drew, A. M. the son of Dr Ste|)hen and Harriet (Watson)
Drew, was born at Milton, Feb. 5, 1820. He studied medicine with his father
from 1842 to 1844; was Principal of Rochester Acad, from 1844 to 1845;
read law the while witii Daniel Miltimore Christie, D. C. 1815, of Dover ; after-
wards with Theodore Otis of Roxbury, Ms, and Willey and Hutchins of Boston,
Ms; practised there from 1817 to 1849 ; then opened an office in N. Y. city;
soon became Principal of a Ward School ; but shortly after re-opened his office
and kept it until 1853; then renewed his meilical studies with his father; also
at a Med. School in N. Y. city, at Castleton Med. School, Vt, and Albany Med.
Coll. N. Y. graduating M. D. at the last in 1855 ; then began practice at
Woburn, Ms; left for Lynn, Ms, in about a year and is still a physician in that
city. He married Olivia M. dau. of 'W^inthrop W. Oilman of N. Y. city at
Brooklyn, N. Y^ May 29, 1856.
AViLLiAM Plumer Eastman, the son of Alpheus and Elisabeth (Ames)
Eastman, was born at Hollis, Sept. 20, 1813. He taught about 9 moiuhs while
at Andover; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1845 ; is an
ordained minister, and was settled at Union, Ross Co. Oliio ; present location
not known. He married Adeline M. Pearsons of Nashville, Oct. 1, 1845.
Caleb Emery, A. M. the son of William and F)lisabeth (Emei-y) Emery,
was born at Sanford, Y''ork Co. Me, Mar. 18, 1813. He taught at Westborough,
Ms, 1 year, and at Derry 2 years; studied divinity with the Rev. Charles Baker
Kittredge, D. C. 1828, at Westborough 1 year, and at And. Theo. Sem. 18
months ; was Sub Master of a Latin School at Boston, Ms, some years ; has
been since Principal of a Female High School there. He mai*ried Marcia
Perkins, dau of Isaac Perkins Choate of Derry, Aug. 16, 1848.
Daniel Webstkr Fessknden, the son of Samuel, D. C. 1806, and Deborah
(Chandler) Fessenden, was born at New Gloucester, Me, Nov. 15, 1821. He
read law with Willis and Fessenden at Portland, Me ; lived at Santa Clara, Up-
per Cal. some years; returned to Portland and practised law, but has since be-
come Clerk of the Judicial Courts of Cumberland Co. held in that city. He
married Lucy Lambard, dau. of Asaph R. Nichols of Augusta, Me, Oct. 1,
1856. Hewett Chandler Fessenden and Oliver Grisvvold Fessenden, both D.
C. 1838, were his brothers.
Benjamin Franklin Flandeks, the son of Joseph and Relief (Biown)
Flanders, was born at Bristol, Jan. 26, 1816. He went to New Orleans, La,
arriving Jan. 2, 1843, and read law with Charles Milton Emerson, D. C. 1826,
1 year ; then taught there to Sept. 1, 1845; took charge of a newspaper, The
New Orleans Tropick, for about a year; next resumed teaching until May 1,
185^2 ; then held the position of Sec. and Trea. of tiie N. O. and Opelousas Rail
Road Co. to Jan. 10, 1862, when Unionism forced him to flee to the North; re-
turned to N. O. on its being taken by Gen. Butler; became City Treasurer from
July 20 to Dec. 10, 1862, and was elected to the U. S. Congress, Dec. 3 1862,
328 ALUMNI 1842.
taking his seat Feb. 20, 18G3: was appointed by Gen. Sheridan Governor of
La in June 18G7. He married Susan H. dau. of Alvah Sawyer of Bristol,
Sept. 20, 1847.
Lyman Thomas Flixt, A. M. the son of Thomas and Azubah (Willey)
Flint, was born at "Willianistown, Vt, Sept. 29, 1817. He taught at Johnson,
Vt, 7 terms; at New Hampton, 18 months; at Plymouth Acad. 6 months;
read law with William Coombs Thompson, D. C. 1820, at Plymouth and Hiram
A. Fletcher of Colebrook ; began practice at Colebrook in 1847; removed
thence to Concord and there remains. He married Hannah W. Willard of
Lyndon, Vt, Mar. 3, 1844.
John Giles, the son of Daniel and Anna (Russell) Giles, was born at New
Ipswich, Aug. 28, 1816. He taught in New England 2 years and in Ohio 10
years ; read law with Melvin Clark of Marietta, Ohio, but has never practised ;
lived some time at Harman, Washington Co. Ohio, and was afterwards a teacher
at Coshocton, Ohio ; has travelled much in the Western states and been pros-
perous. Pie married Mary Ann Alexander of Winchester.
Robert Geddes Gratdon, the son of Alexander Graydon, was born at
Lancaster Co. Pa, Aug. 17, 1819. He studied medicine with Dr W. W. Ruth-
erford of Harrisburg, Pa, from 1842 to 1844, and at the Univ. of Pa at Philadel-
phia, graduating M. D. in 1845 ; has settled in practice at Indianapolis, Ind.
and made a tour to California, the Isthmus of Panama, and Havanna in 1850.
He married Sarah C. Todd of Marion Co. Ind. near Indianapolis, Nov. 6,
RuFUS Chandler Hardy, the son of Phineas and Olive (Parker) Hardy,
was born at Groveland, Ms, Feb. 18, 1814. He taught at Yarmoutli, Ms,
2 years ; at Georgetown, Ms, 1 year ; again at Yarmouth, 2 years ; then at
Groveland and there remains.
Allen Hazen, A. M. the son of the Rev. Austin, D. C. 1807, and Frances
Mary (Dana) Hazen, was born at Hartford, Vt, Nov. 30, 1822. He studied
divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1845 ; was ordained an evangelist at
Berlin, Vt, July 1, 1846; sailed from Boston to India as a missionary Sept. 26,
1846 ; arrived at Bombay Feb. 27, 1847, and at Ahmednugger, his station,
Mar. 30, 1847 ; left for Seroor Aug. 5, 1847, and after remaining some time re-
turned to Ahmednugger where his mission was chiefly made ; came back to the
United States in 1858 ; but has again gone to Ahmednugger. He married
Martha Ramsay, dau. of Oliver Chapin of Somers, Ct, Sept. 18, 1846. Azel
Washburn Hazen, D. C. 1863, is his half brother.
* Joel Willard Hemmenwat, the son of Solomon and Clarissa (Willard)
Hemmenway, was born at Lunenburg, Vt, Aug. 6, 1820, and died at Lancaster,
July 30, 1850, ^. 30, minus 7 days. He read law with the Hon. John S. Wells
at Lancaster ; was admitted to the bar and went to INIihvaukie, Wise, teaching
a short time, and then went into practice ; was successful in the law but the re-
verse in banking operations ; returned to Lancaster with a mortal disease upon
^lim in May 1850, and soon passed away, the wreck of a generous and aspiring
spirit. He married Christiana Brinsmade of Albion, N. Y. Sept. 4, 1845.
Timothy Hill, the son of the Rev. Ebenezer and Abigail (Jones) Steams
Hill, was born at Mason, June 30. 1819. He studied divinity at Union Theo.
Sem. N. Y. city, graduating in 1845 ; was ordained a Presb. minister ; went to
St Cliarles, Missouri, in 1845; was there until Nov. 1851 preaching; then be-
came pastor of a Presb. Ch. at St Louis, Missouri, to 1861 ; removed that year
to Rosamond, lUi. as stated supply.
Harrison Carroll Hobart, the son of Phineas Hobart, was born at Ash-
ALUMNI 1842. 329
buniham, Ms, Jan. 31, 1816. He read law with Bralford Suranei* and the lion.
Robert Rantoiil of Boston, Ms ; went into practice at Sheboygan, Wise, and so
continues; has been Speaker in the Wise. House of Rep. and al-o member of
tlie Wise. State Senate. He married Frances Imogene, dau. of Waher Lowry
of Troy, N. Y. Fab. 2, 1854.
* Albert Elisha Hodgdon, the son of Charles and Betsey (Adams)
Ilodgdon, was born at Barnstead, Apr. 22, 1822, and died there, May 20, 1847,
M. 25. He read law with the Hon. Moses Norris, D. C. 1828, at Pittslield 2
years, and the Hon. Ira Perley, D. C. 1828, at Concord ; began practice at
Centre Barnstead in 1846, but only lived to the next year. He did not marry.
Dkxter Everett Hoskixs, the son of Eli Iloskins, was born at Carroll,
Chautauque Co. N. Y. Jan. 25, 1820. He taught at Silver Creek Acad. N. Y.
1 year; at Madisonville Acad. Ky, 1 year; also at New Orleans, La, 3 years ;
was besides a Surveyor and Engineer in N. Y. and Western Pa for 3 years ;
became at length a merchant at Fond du Lac, Wise, and is thus still. He mar-
ried Catharine Pier of Jamestown, N. Y. Oct. 4, 1849.
Amos White Hovey, the son of Alfred and Abigail (Howard) Hovey, was
born at Thetford, Vt, July 4, 1818. He taught at Lyme in 1842, and was
Principal of the Lit. and Sci. institution at Brandon, Vt, 3 years; has been for
some years a farmer and land surveyor at Darlington, La Fayette Co. Wise.
He married Mary Josephine, dau. of James Scofield of Brandon, Vt, June 28,
1847. Alvah Hovey, D. C. 1844, and Charles Edward Hovey, D. C. 1852, are
his brothers.
James Lewis Hunt, the son of and Almira Hunt, was born at Jay,
Essex Co. N. Y. JSIov. 27, 1817. He taught at Peru, N. Y. and Bellevue,
Ohio ; was then in the manufacture of iron in N. Y. 4 years ; studied medicine
and attended lectures at Cleveland, Ohio, and at the Med. Coll. Cincinnati,
Ohio, graduating M. D. at the last in 1851 ; settled in practice at Plymouth,
Ms. He married Maria Baldwin of Medina, Ohio, Sept. 11, 1850.
Jeremiah Pixgree Jones, the son of Nathan and Mary (Pingree) Jones,
•was born at Wilmot, Apr. 23, 1819. He taught at Hill 1 year and at other
places ; read law with George M. Phelps of Hill, Jeremiah Russell, D. C. 1826,
at Georgetown, Ms, and Nathaniel James Loi-d, of Salem, Ms ; settled in prac-
tice at Georgetown, and represented it in the Ms Leg. in 1851. He married
Elisabeth SpofFord, dau. of Nathaniel Nelson of Georgetown, June 25, 1851.
Frederick Richardson Lord, A. M. the son of the Rev. Pres. Dr
Nathan and Betsey H. (Leland) Lord, was born at Amherst, Feb. 13, 1822.
He read law at Proctorsville, Vt, and Claremont about 2 years ; taught at Hoo-
sick Falls, N. Y. 3 years ; superintended schools at Lockport, N. Y. 4 years ;
then opened a private classical school at Buffalo, N. Y. and there continues.
He married Mary E. Patterson of Troy, N. Y. Feb. 17, 1846.
Charles French Low, the son of Gen. Joseph and Fanny (Abbot) Low,
was born at Concord, Jan. 14, 1819. He studied divinity at Union Theo. Sem.
N. Y. city, 1 year and at And. Theo. Sem. 18 months in the class of 1845 ; tlien
leaving theology, studied law with Arthur Fletcher of Concord 2 years, editing
the N. H. Courier part of the time, and finished the study with Silliman and
Du-tin at N. Y. city in 1 year. He was in the Mexican war, first as u private,
and soon after as a Lieut, in the 9th Reg. U. S. infantry ; was mustered out
after a service of 2 years and is said to have practised his })rofession at
Jamestown, Tuolumne Co. Cal. Henry Lorenzo Low, D. C. 1836, was his
Francis Horace Muzzy, the son of Reuben Muzzy, was born at Middle-
330 ALUMNI 1842.
bury. Yt, Jan. 5. 1813. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduatins in
1847 ; was ordained a Cong, minister and settled at Milton, "Wood Co. Ohio ;
has probably left the ministry and is reported as living at South Paris, Me.
He married Columbia Hall ot" South Paris, July 23, 1848.
Stki'HEN Gokdon Nash, the son of John and Abigail Ladd (Gordon) Nash,
was born at New Hampton. Apr. 4, 1822. He was a Prof, in New Hamj)ton
Institution in 1843 and 1844, and Prineipal of Noyes Acad, at Franklin 2
terms; read law with the Hon. George Washington Nesmith, D. C. 1820, at
Franklin ; commenced ])ractice at Bo>ton, Ms, in 1846 ; was made a Judge of
the Superior Court of Suffolk Co. Ms, in Oct. 1855, and left the office in 1859,
but still practises in Hoston. He married Mary, dau. of Edward Upton of
South Reading, Ms, Feb. 21, 1861.
Hiram Orcutt, A. IM. the son of John Snell and Hannah (Currier) Orcutt,
■v\'a< born at Ac worth, Feb. 3, 1815. He taught at Hebron Acad, from 1842 to
May 1843 ; was Principal of Thetford Acad, from that date to 1855 ; Princi-
pal of North Granville Acad. N. Y. from 1855 to Aug. 1860 ; has been Princi-
pal of Glenwood Ladies Sem. at West Brattleborough, Yt, from Sept. 1860
to his present similar location at West Lebanon ; was associate compiler with
Truman Rickard. D. C. 1842, of a " Class book of Prose and Poetry ; " has
also published " Hints to Common School Teachers, Parents, and Pupils," and is
associate editor of the " Yermont School Journal." He married, 1. Sarah Ames,
dau. of Daniel Cummings of Maidstone, Yt, at Haverhill, Ms, Aug. 15, 1842.
2. Eilen Lazette, dau. of Ransom Stephen Dana of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. at
Montpelier, Yt, Apr. 8, 1865.
Moses Parker, A. M. the son of Peter and Abigail (Parker) Parker, was
born at Bradford, Ms, July 1, 1821. He studied medicine with Dr George Cogs-
well of Bradford, at Harv. Univ. Med. School, and at Dart. Med. Coll. graduat-
ing M. D. at the last in 1845. He settled in practice at Melrose, Ms, He
married Eveline A. dau. of George S. Flint of Rutland, Ms. Oct. 18. 1848.
Royal Parkinson, A. M, the son of Robert and Elisabeth (Kelso) Park-
inson, was born at Columbia, Nov. 8, 1815. He studied divinity at Union
Theo. Sem. N. Y. city, and at And. Theo. Sem. graduating at the last in 1847 ;
was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Cape Elizabeth, Me, Oct. 18. 1848;
dismissed in Oct. 1851; preached at Windham, Yt. 3 years; settled at F'al-
niouth. Me, 2 years ; became stated supply at Sandwich in 1858, but his pres-
ent abode is at Milton, Yt, as stated supply. He married Joanna, dau. of
Joseph Griffm of Brunswick, Me, Nov, 21, 1848.
* Oaven Glendour Peabody, the son of Augustus, D. C. 1803, and Mi-
randa (Goddard) Peabody, was born at Boston, Ms, Apr. 23, 1822, and died at
Roxbury, Ms, Dec. 27, 1862, je. 40. He taught a Latin School in Boston in
1842 ; then read law with his father and at Harv. Univ. Law School, graduat-
ino- LL. B. in 1844 ; then went into practice at Boston.
John Philander Perry, A. M. the son of Chauncey and Abigail (Stearns)
Perry, was born at Rindge, Feb. 23, 1819. He studied divinity with the Rev.
Samuel Lee of New Ipswich, and the Rev. Amos Wood Burnham, D. C. 1815,
of Rindge ; preached at Surry, also at Ludlow, Yt ; was ordained a Swedenbor-
gian niini>ter at Boston, M-, May 9, 1852, and settled in the ministry at
Yarmouth Port, Ms. He married Caroline, dau. of Henry Thatcher of Boston,
Apr. 2, 1853.
William Oilman Perry, the son of Dr William and Abigail (Gilman)
Perry, was born at Exeter, July 21, 1823. He studied medicine with his
father, and at the Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons of N. Y. city, graduating
ALUMNI 1842. 331
M. D. in 1847 ; Avent into practice and continues it at Exeter. He married
Liicretia Morse, dau. of the Hon. Francis N. Fiske of Concord, Ang. 20, 1849.
John Dudley Philbrick, A. M. the son of tiie Rev. Peter and Betsey
(Dudley) Philbrick, was born at Deertield, May 27, 1818. He tauglit at Rox-
bury, Ms, from 1842 to 1844 ; at Boston, Ms, the P:nglish High School from
1844 to 1845 ; the Mayhew Gram. School from 1845 to 1847 ; the Quinry Gram.
Scho. from 1847 to 1852 ; then left Boston and was Principal of the Ct State
Normal Scho. at New Britain from 1852 to 1854; was next Superintendent of
the publick schools of Ct from Jan. 1, 1855 to Jan. 8, 1857 ; returned that year
to Boston and has held the same office there from Jan. 10, 1857 to the present
time; was President of the American Institute of Instruction from 1857 to
1859, and of the National Teachers Asso. in 1860 and 1861 ; has also largely
employed the press as Editor, Lecturer, and Reporter. He married Julia Ann,
dau. of Daniel Putnam of Danvers, Ms, at D. Aug. 24, 1843.
La Fayette Ranney, the son of Dr Waitstill Randolph and Phebe (At-
wood) Ranney, was born at Wardsborough, Vt, Aug. 16, 1819. He taught at
Chester Acad. Vt, from Sept. 1842 to Dec. 1844; studied medicine with Dr
Abram Lowell of Chester, Dr W. R. R. his father, at Townshend, Vt, at the
Univ. of N. Y. city, and at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. at the last in
1845 ; began practice at Hardwick, Ms, but removed to N. Y. city in 1851 or
1852. He married, 1. Adaline E. Loomis of Shaftsbury, Vt, Feb. 26, 1846.
2. Catharine Hart (Perego) Bradstreet, dau. of Ira Perego and relict of John
Milton Bradstreet, both of N. Y. city, at N. May 14, 1867. Ambrose Arnold
Ranney, D. C. 1844, is his brother.
* Truman Rickard, A. M. the son of Lemuel and Abigail (ShurtlefF) Rick-
ard, was born at Cornish, Feb. 12, 1814, and died at Woburn, Ms, Aug. 8,
1861,^. 47. He studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. in 1842; with Dr B,
Cutter at Woburn in 1842 and 1843 ; at Dart, again from Mar. 14, 1843 to
July 6, 1843 : with Dr Lewis Williams of Pomfret, Ct, from July to O.-t. 1843 ;
with Dr James W. Robbins of Uxbridge, Ms, in 1844; was then Principal of
Uxliridge Acad. 1 year, and taught at Lancaster and Meriden 3 months ; was
next at Bowdoin Med. Coll. and a third time at Dart, graduating M. D. there
in 1847 ; began practice at Woburn and was there until death ; was associate
compiler with Hiram Orcutt, D. C. 1842, of a " Class book of Prose and
Poetry." He mariied Elisabeth Read, dau. of Col. John Willard Capron of
Uxbridge, Apr. 26, 1848.
* Edward Rogers, the son of John William and Martha (Farrar) Rog-
ers, was born at Boston, Ms, May 27, 1822, and died at Chicago, lUi. June
21, 1856, M 34. He taught at Dedham, Ms, 6 months in 1842 and 1843 ; read
law with Charles Theodore Russell of Boston 2 years and at Harv. Univ. Law
School 1 year; began and ended practice at AVebster, Ms, 1845 to 1855 ; re-
moved to Chicago in Sept. 1855 and died in less than a year. He married
Charlotte Amelia, dau. of William Barron of Norwich, Vt, Oct. 15, 1851.
John Sewall Sanborn, A. M. the son of David Edwin and Hannah (Hook)
Sanborn, was born at Gilmanton, Jan. 1, 1819. He taught at Sherbrooke,
Can. East, 3 years ; read law there with Edwaixl Short and at Montreal, C. E.
with A. and G. Robertson ; settled in practice at Slierbrooke ; was a member
of the Provincial Parliament from 1850 for 2 years and from 1852 for 4 years.
He married, 1. Eleanor Hall, dau. of Samuel Brooks of Sherbrooke in July,
1847. 2. Nancy Judson, dau. of Hall Haseltine, Aug. 15, 1856. Edwin
David Sanborn, D. C. 1832, is his brother.
WiNTHROP Sargent, the son ofWinthrop and Emily (Haskell) Sargent,
332 ALUMNI 1842.
was bom at Glouce>ter, M>, July 8, 1822. He studied chemistry with James
C. Booth of Phihiil('i{)hia, Pa, over a year ; then taught at Rowley, Ms, 6
months ; next studied medicine with Ur Fitz William Sargent, his brother, at
Piiiladelphia ;. also at the Univ. of Pa in that city ; at the Woodstock, Vt, JMed.
School, and again at the Univ. of Pa, graduating M. D. in 1847 ; began prac-
tice at Abiugton, Pa, in 1847; removed to Manayunk, Pa, in 1848; thence to
Frederick, Pa, in 18.j0 ; but has been some years a physician in Philadelphia.
He married Elisabeth, dau. of Samuel Browne of Pliiladelphia, Nov. IG, 1847.
John Haskell Sargent and Thomas Parsons Sargent, both D. C. 1852, are his
Jonathan Chamberlain Shattuck, the son of Vryling and Lucinda
(Parker) Shattuck, was born at Pe[)perel!, Ms, Sept. 10, 1813. He taught at
Lempster, 6 months ; at Townsend, Ms, 6 months ; at New Utrecht, N. Y. 3
years ; studied medicine with James K. Dubois, M. D. of that town, at Pitts-
field, Ms, Med. School, and at the Coll. of Pliys. and Surg, at N. Y. city, gradu-
ating M. D. there. He began and still continues practice at Brookline. He
married Phebe Ann, dau. of Samuel Cummiiigs of Antrim, Dec. 4, 1850.
John Gile Sherburne, the son of John Sherburne, was born at Northwood,
Dec. 20, 1820. He taught some time at Manchester; read law and settled in
practice at Waterbury, Vt, but his present location has not been found out.
He married Thirza Flagg, dau. of Jesse Bridgman of Hanover in 1843.
Socrates Smith, the son of Ezekiel and Abigail (Whipple) Smith, was
born at Henniker, June 16, 1814. He studied divinity at Union Theo. Sem.
N. Y city, graduating in 1845 ; was ordained a Presb. ? minister ; preached at
Beardstown and Ciiandlersville both in Illi. 4 years ; taught at Greenville,
Bond Co. Illi. preaching at times. He married Lydia Maria, dau. of Ephraim
Harwood of Westford, Ms, June 27, 1845.
* Samuel Souther, the son of Samuel and Mary (Webster) Souther, was
born at Fryeburg, Me, Feb, 26, 1819, and was killed by the rebels at the bat-
tle of the Wilderness, Va, May 6, 1864, £. 45. He taught at Bangor, Me, 1 year,
and in the High Schools at Phillips and Searsport both in Me ; studied divinity
at Bangor Theo. Sem. graduating in 1846 ; was ordained pastor of the North
Cong. Cli. at Belfast, Me, Sept. 22, 1847; dismissed May 26, 1852 ; then be-
came agent of the Amer. Sunday School Union for the State of Me ; preached
also at Fryeburg some time ; was made city missionary at Worcester, Ms, in
Feb. 1857, officiating besides as Chaplain at the jail and in 2 years at the In-
sane Asylum; eventually enlisted in the 57th Keg. of vols of Ms, and nobly fell
in a righteous cause. He married Mary Frances, dau. of Dr Ira Towle of
Fryeburg, June 29, 1847. Thomas Souther, D. C. 1838, was his brother.
Samuel Jones Spalding, D. D. the son of Abijah and Hannah (Eastman)
Spalding, was born at Lyndeborough, Dec. 11, 1820. He studied divinity at
And. Tiieo. Sem. graduating in 1845 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Salmon Falls, Oct. 28, 1846 ; dismissed June 9, 1851 ; was installed pastor of
the Whitefield Cong. Ch. at Newburyport, Ms, June 30, 1851, and so remains;
was Chaplain of the 48th Reg. of Ms vols from Dec. 29, 1862 to Aug. 30, 1863.
Ingham Univ. N. Y. conferred the Hon. degree in 1861. He married, 1. Sarah
Lydla. dau. of the Hon. Lutiier iNIetcalf of Medway, Ms, June 27, 1848. 2.
Sarah Jane Parker, d:iu. of the Hon. Edmund Toppan of Hampton, at H. Sept.
16, 1851.
Ivan Stkvens, the son of the Hon. Boswell, D. C. 1804, and Catharine
Hale (Emery) Stevens, was born at Pembroke, July 7, 1821. He read law
with tlie Hon. James Bell and the Hon. Amos Tuck, D. C. 1835, at Exeter,
ALUMNI 1842. 333
and went into practice at Lawrence, Ms, in 1846, and so continues. Charles
Emery Stevens, D. C. 1835, is his brother.
Samuel Josiah Stevens, the son of Dea. Josiah and Mary (Fielding") Ste-
vens, was born at Claremont, Aug. 23, 1821. He taught in Murray Co. Geo.
2 years ; at Gainesville, Geo. 4 years ; and was a teacher at Rome, Floyd Co.
Geo. from 1849 to 1853, but whether there still or not is conjectural. He mar-
ried Helen M. Whittlesey of Auburndale, Ms, Aug. 23, 1849.
Joseph Wallace Tarleton, the son of Dea. William and Comfort (Wal-
lace) Tarleton, was born at Epsom, Feb. 19, 1817. He taught at Boston, Ms, 1
or 2 years ; studied divinity at And. Tlieo. Sem, 1 year in the class of 1847, and
at Yale Coll. Theo. Seminary ; was ordained an evangelist at Hooksett, Dec. 5,
1850 ; has been residing several years without a charge at Boston, but is now
actiiiir pastor at Provincetown, Ms, and living thei'e. He married Betsey Saw-
yer Dutton of South Maiden, Ms, Feb. 10, 1854.
Titus Woodward Tilden, the son of Joseph and Betsey (Woodward) Til-
den, was born at Lebanon, Nov. 15, 1816. He taught in N. J. 1 year; in
Mich. 1 year; at Fort Wayne, Ind. 4 years ; went to Perry, Lid. Apr. 4, 1849,
and was a farmer for 9 years ; then became Principal of Perry Centre Sem.
Jan. 4, 1858, a position held when last heard from. He married Elisabeth
Mary, dau. of Benjamin Crisenbury of Burlington, Ky, at Fort Wayne, Apr. 4,
Paul Porter Todd, A. M. the son of Ebenezer and Betsey (Kimball)
Todd, was born at Atkinson, Feb. 16, 1819. He was head of the Seminary at
Shepherdsville, Ky, 3 years ; read law there with the Hon. William E. Thomp-
son and with Torrey and Wood of Fitchburg, Ms ; began practice at St Louis,
Missouri ; removed his office to Blackstone, Ms, in 1847, but now practises at
Bo-ton, Ms. He married Harriet, dau. of Welcome Farnum of Blackstone,
Sept. 10, 1857. William Cleaves Todd, D. C. 1844, is his brother.
* Samuel Burge Twitchell, the son of Ezra and Betsey (Coffin) Twitch-
ell, was born at Bethel, Me, May 27, 1816, and died at Wakefield, July 25,
1855, JE. 39. He taught at Richmond Co. Geo. 1 year, and at Alexander,
Burke Co. Geo. 2 years; studied medicine with Dr Nathan Webb of N. Y.
city and at Geneva Med. Coll. N. Y. graduating M. D. there ; went into prac-
tice at Wakefield and was there until death. He married Sarah E. Swasey of
Wakefield, Aug. 8, 1847.
Benjamin Hurd Twombly, the son of Hurd and Sarah (Caverno) Twom-
bly, was born at Madbury, Jan. 15, 1821. He read law and practised at
Fayette, Howard Co. Missouri, but now is said to be a practitioner and farmer
in Kansas. He married Rowena L. Boone of Ky, a granddaughter of the fa-
mous Daniel Boone.
John Eugene Ttler, the son of John Eugene and Hannah Breck (Park-
man) Tyler, was born at Boston, Ms, Dec. 9, 1819. He taught a private
school at Newport, R. L and studied medicine there with Dr Theophilus C.
Dunn, also at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1846 ; began practice at
Salmon Falls, and represented it in the N. H. Leg. 2 years; became Superin-
tendent and Treasurer of the N. H. Asylum for the Insane at Concord in
1852 ; left after 5 years for the Insane Asylum at Somervilie, Ms, of which he
is still Superintendent. He married, 1. Caroline A. dau. of Austin Denny of
Millbury, Ms, Oct. 5, 1847. 2. Augusta Maria, dau. of the Hon. George
Denny of Westborough, Ms, Nov. 8, 1852.
Jabez Baxter IJpham, A. M. the son of the Hon. George Baxter and
Mary (Duncan) Upham, was born at Claremont, May 13, 1820. He taught as
334 ALUMNI 1842.
private tutor in the family of flie Hon. Richard Coke at Belle Farm, Gloucester
Co. Va, 1 year ; studied medicine at Dart. INIed. Coll. Bowdoin Med. Coll.
Univ. of Penn. Med. School, and at Ilarv. Univ. Med. School, graduatinj M.
D. there in 18-47 ; began and continues practice at Boston, Ms ; was Assistant
Pliysician at the city institutions at South Boston ; also Ass. Surgeon U. S. army
from Mar. 18G2 to Apr. 18G3 ; has published "A Memoir of Maculated Ty|)hoid
or Ship Fever;" spent some time in a visit to England and some parts of
Euro[)e. He married Catharine Choate, dan. of the Hon. Joseph Bell, D. C.
1807, of Boston, Oct. 31, 18-18. James Phineas Upham, D. C. 1850, is his
Clement Adams Walker, the son of Peter and Abigail (Swan) Walker,
was born at Fryeburg, Me, July 3, 1820. He studied medicine with Dr Israel
Bailey Bradley of Fryeburg, Dr Charles Harrison Stedman and Dr John
Moseley IMoriarty of Boston, Ms, and at Harv. Univ. Med. School graduating
M. D. in 1850; began practice in Boston; was Assistant Superintendent, of
Deer Island Hospital from 1849 to 1851 ; became Superintendent of the Lu-
natick Asylum and Physician to the city institutions at South Boston in 1851 ;
is still a practitioner in Boston. He married Georgiana, dan. of Capt. Ilanford
Nicliols of Fairfield, Ct,June 30, 1855.
Gkorgk Walker, A. M. the son of James, D. C. 1804, and Sally (Smith)
Walker, was born at Peterborough, Apr. 1, 1824. He read law at Harv.
Univ. Law School, graduating LL. B. in 1845 ; after this, with his father at
Peterborough and Henry Morris of Springfield, Ms ; went into practice in the last
town in 184G, and there remains ; has been a member of the 31s Senate and
also a Ms Bank Commissioner. He married Sarah Dwiglit Bliss of Spring-
field in Oct. 1849.
Abner Spicer Warner, the son of Abner and Eliza (Spicer) Warner, was
born at Marcellus, N. Y. Sept. 7, 1818. He taught at New Ipswich and at
Newport ; studied medicine with Dr Charles Harrison Stedman of Boston, Ms,
at Bowdoin and Dart. INIed. Colleges, graduating M. D. at the last in 1848;
went into practice at Welhersfield, Ct ; was Physician to the Ct State Prison,
and appointed Surgeon of the 16th Reg. of Ct vols, July 28, 1862. He mar-
ried Caroline E. Kimball of Cornish in 1847.
Sylvaxus Warren, the son of Joel Warren, was born at Westborongh, Ms,
Feb. 6, 1822. He taught in Ms 18 months and in INId. 18 months; studied
divinily at Lane Theo. Sein. Walnut Hills, Ohio, graduating in 1846; was
ordained an evangelist ; became agent of the Ainer. Tract Soc. at N. Y. city,
but lived at Brooklyn, N. Y. He married Susannah F. Morrill of Cincinnati,
Ohio, Oct. 14, 1846.
* Charles Powers Washburn, the son of Jacob and Lydia (Powers)
Washburn, was born at Cavendish, Vt, Sept. 4, 1821. and died at EUicottville,
N. Y. Mar. 3, 1853, je. 31. He taught some time in Va, studying law also with
V. jM. Eppes of Sussex Co. Va ; but the disease of a lower limb caused him to
return to Vt and compelled the use of crutches for 4 years ; resumed however
his legal studies with Peter Thatcher Washburn, D. C. 1835, of Woodstock,
Vt, and finishing afterwards with P^leazar Harmon of EUicottville ; commenced
l)ractice there in 1846; was Treasurer of Cattaraugus Co. from 1848 to Jan. 1,
1852 ; agent of the U. S. for the N. Y. Indians in 1851 ; also agent of the
General Post Office for N. Y. State from Oct. 1, 1851 until his death. Mr
W. was a young man of dislingui>hed ability and his early loss was deeply
deplored. An Address, entitled '' The Ideal Scholar," was published by him
in 1850, and a si)eech on the subject of the " Compromises " made in Dec.
ALUMNI 1842. 335
1850; an unfinished work of 400 pages, called "Prose Poems," remains unpub-
lished. He was never married.
Reuben Hubbard AVashburn, A. M. the son of the Hon. Reuben, D. C.
1808, and Hannah Blaney (Thatcher) Washburn, was born at Cavendisli, Vt,
Mar. 24, 1822. He taught at Saxton's River Sem. Vt, 2 years ; read law with
his father at Ludlow, Vt, and P. T. W. his brother, at Woodstock, Vt ; entered
into practice at Ludlow, and has been Postmaster there some years. Peter
Thatcher Washburn, D. C. 1835, and John Seth Washburn, D. C. 1853, are his
Milton Wason, the son of Thomas Boyd and Mary (Colburn) Wason, was
born at Hudson, Jan. 17, 1817. He tauglit at Piscataquog Village Acad, in Bed-
ford 1 or 2 years ; read law at Ilarv. Univ. Law School and with Bradford
Sumner of Boston, Ms ; opened an office at Nevada, Cal. and has been a Judge
of Solano Co. Cal. He married Maria Angelica Borgnis of London, Er.g. at
Cambridge, Ms, Oct. 26, 1852.
James Chase Weston, A.M. the son of the Rev. James and Sarah (Ciiase)
Weston, was born at Bath, Me, Sept. 18, 1817. He taught a short time at
Baltimore, Md. and at Hot Springs in Va 5 months in 1843 ; studied medicine
with Dr H. Willis Buxley of Baltimore ; also at a medical inst. there and at
Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. at the last in 1845 ; settled in practice at
Portland, Me ; was 3 years City Physician there, and since 1849 has been
Surgeon to its Marine Hospital for some years, but is now a practitioner at ]5an-
gor. Me. He married Eliza, dau. of Wiggins Hill of Bangor, Mar. 3, 1853.
Moses Hazen White, the son of the Hon. John Hazen and Roxana
(Robinson) White, was born at Lancaster, Oct. 2, 1817. He taught at Lan-
caster 2 terms; at New Hampton Classical List. 3 or 4 months ; at Watertown,
Ms, 2 years ; went to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1845, and has long had a private
school in that city, living at Walnut Hills near by. He married Mary Miller
AVilliams of Waterford, Vt, INIay 29, 1845.
Otis Calep. Wight, A. M. the son of Caleb and Mary (Osgood) Wight,
was born at Westford, Ms, Aug. 12, 1817. He taught at Lawrence Arad.
Groton, Ms, in 1842 ; at Lowell, Ms, a short time; at Rockville Acad. Md, 5
years; at Cincinnati, Ohio, a brief period; then purchased the Rittenhouse
Acad, at Washington, D. C. intending to make it a permanent abode. He mar-
ried Mary Isabella, dau. of Lloyd Buchanan of Baltimore, Md, July 29, 1847.
* Alanson Wilkins, the son of Jeremiah and Mary (Thompson) Wilkins,
was born at Pembroke, Mar. 31, 1822, and died there, June 16, 1863, m. 41.
He taught but little; studied divinity in private and went no farther; devoted
himself to publick lecturing and moral enterprises; has published several poems
and lectures ; among them the " Gordon Miscellany " and " The Ruins of
William Wood, the son of Eli and Lucy (Rice) Wood, was born at Hen-
niker, Dec. 2, 1818. He taught at South Weare in 1842, and at Peru, N. Y. in
1843 ; >tudied divinity at Union Theo. Sem. N. Y. city, graduating in 1847 ;
was ordained an evangelist at Henniker, July 8, 1847 ; went as a missionary to
Satara, India, and is still in that region. He maiTied, 1. Maria, dau. of Curtis
Lawrence of Groton, Ms, July 11, 1847. 2. Eliza Miller, dau. of W\dcome S.
Howard of Pittsfield, Ms, July 24, 1856.
John Smith Woodman, A. M. the son of Nathan and Abigail II. (Ches-
ley) Woodman, was born at Durham, Sept. 6, 1819. He taught at Charle-ton,
S. C. from 1842 to 1846 ; read law there with Bailey and Brewster ; visited
Europe in 1847 ; returning, finished legal studies with the Hon. Daniel Milti-
336 ALUMNI 1842.
more Christie, D. C. 1815, at Dover; practised there from 1848 to 1840, and
at KoUhisford from 1849 to 1851 ; was Prof, of Maih. at Dart, from 1851 to
1855 ; became Prof, of Civil engineering of the Cliandler department in 1856
and so remains. He married Ann Mary Pendexter, dau. of Stei)lien Perkins
Cheslej of Durham, but adopted by her grandfather, Edward Pendexter, whose
name she took, at Durham, Dec. 10, 1848.
Jonathan Wyman, A. M. the son of Jesse and Mary (Dorr) Wyman, was
born at Cornish, Feb. 25, 1817. He taught in Va, Geo. and Ala. 5 years and
at N. y. city 5 years ; resides in N. Y. still and is engaged in mercantile busi-
James Osgood Adams, the son of Robert Morrill and Damaris (Ea-tman)
Adams, v,ns born at Concord, June 5, 1818. He taught at Lyndon Acad. Vt,
from 1843 to 1845 ; read law there with Bartlett and Fletcher, 1843 to 1845;
finished with David Cross, D. C. 1841, at Manchester in 184G ; edited and
owned the " Manchester American " from 184G to 1852 ; also the " Granite
Farmer" from 1849 to 1858; spent the summer of 1851 in Europe; repre-
sented Manchester in the N. H. Leg. in 1852 and 1853; is now editor of the
"Manchester Daily American." He married, 1. Lucy Payson. dau. of Eben-
ezer Colcord Foster of Manchester, Apr. 3, 1851. 2. Eliza Ellen, dau. of
Joseph Everett, Oct. 3, 1855. Ezra Eastman Adams, D. C. 1836, is his
George Henut Atkinson, D. D. the son of William, and Anna (Little)
Atkinson, was born at Ne\vburyport,Ms, May 10, 1819. He taught at Corinth,
Vt, in 1843. and at Rutland, Yt ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduat-
ing in 1846 ; was ordained an evangelist at Newbury, Vt, Feb. 24, 1847 ;
arrived at Oregon City, Or. as a home missionary June 23, 1848 ; was acting
pastor of the Cong. Ch. there from Sept. 1848, until installed its pastor, Oct.
2, 1853 ; dismissed Mar. 13, 1866; has published several sermons. Dart, con-
ferred the Hon. degree in 1865. He married Nancy, dau. of Phineas Bates of
Springfield, Vt, Oct. 8, 1846. Moses Little Atkinson, D. C. 1838, was his
James Monroe Bailey, the son of James and Sarah (Davis) Bailey, was
born at Andover, Mar. 3, 1817. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
graduating in 1846; was ordained pastor of a Free Will Baptist Ch. at West
Buxton, Me, in Feb. 1847 ; was also pastor at Manchester ; dismissed in 1862 ;
then went to Saco, Me, and became stated supply at Great Falls in 1862. He
married Ethelinda, dau. of Dea. Joseph Hobson of West Buxton, Sept. 14,
Pliny Fisk Barnard, the son of Ebenezer and Experience (Childs) Bar-
nard, was born at Waitsfield, Vt, Nov. 9, 1820. He taught at White River,
Vt, from Sept. 1843 to Mar. 1844 ; at AVaterford, Me, in 1844 and 1845 ; at
Searsport, Me, in 1846 ; studied divinity at Bangor Theo. Sem. jNIe, from
1844. graduating in 1846; ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Richmond,
Me, Jan. 14, 1847 ; dismissed ? installed pastor at Williamstown, Vt, Sept. 19,
1860, and so continues. He married Julia, dau. of the Rev. James Hobart,
D. C. 1794, of Berlin, Vt, Nov. 4, 1847.
Harry Bingham, the son of the Hon. Warner and Lucy (Wheeler) Bing-
ham, was born at Concord, Vt, Mar. 30, 1821. He read law with the Hon.
Harry Hibbard, D. C. 1835, at Bath ; began practice at Littleton, in 1846 ;
ALUMNI 1843. 337
removed thence to Bath ; has represented it in the N. H. Leg. from 18G1 to
• Cyrus Leavis Blanchard, the son of Jonathan and Mary (Lovell) Blan-
chard, was born at Rockingham, Vt, Feb. 11, 1818. He taught at Brookville,
Ind. in 18-45 ; read law at Elizabethtown, Essex Co. N. Y. and went into prac-
tice there, but removed to Ticonderoga, N. Y. in 1863; is Clerk of the E^sex
Co. Court. He married Mary Ann, dau. of John Gardner of Whitehall,
N. Y. Aug 5, 1857.
* Andrew Jewett Blood, the son of John and Susan (Jewett) Blood,
was born at Pepperell, Ms, Aug. 9, 1822, and died at or not far from Sacra-
mento, Cal. Sept. 9, 1850, je. 28. He taught at St Louis and Franklin, Mis-
souri, about 3 years ; then went to New Mexico, the clerk of a trading party ;
on his return, taught at St Joseph's, Buchanan Co. Missouri, until setting off
for Cal. in IVIay 1850. He did not marry.
Francis Beattie Brewer, the son of Ebenezer and Julia (Emerson)
Brewer, was born at Keene, Oct. 8, 1820. He studied medicine with Dr
William Gibson Nelson at Barnet, Vt ; Dr W. W. Gerhard of Philadelphia,
Pa, and at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1846; began practice at Bar-
net in Dt'c. 1846 ; removed to Plymouth, Ms, in 1850 ; thence to Manchester,
Pa, in 1851, and afterwards to Westfield, N. Y. Dr Brewer has left his pro-
fession, and claims to have been the first to develop the oil interest of Western
Pa; to have had the article analyzed at Dart. Coll. in 1851, in order to learn
its value, and to have organizfd the first company, called " The Pennsylvania
Rock Oil Company," for producing and refining it for commercial purposes.
He married Susan H. dau. of the Rev. Heman Rood of Gilmanton, July 20,
Augustus Olcott Breavster, the son of Gen. Amos Avery and Susan
(Boudinot) Brewster, was born at Hanover, May 17, 1823. He read law with
the Hon. Ira Perley, D. C. 1822, at Concord, and the Hon. William Henry Dun-
can, D. C. 1830, of Hanover ; went into practice at Hanover ; removed to N. Y.
city in 1850, and thence to Boston, Ms, in 1852; was Assistant State's Atty
for Suffolk Co. from May 1856 to 1862. He married Georgiana Augusta,
dau. of Major George B. Bibby of the U. S. Army of Patterson, N. J. at
Parsippany, N. J. in Aug. 1846.
* Levi Brigiiam, the son of Levi and Ann Hazen (Ayer) Brigham, was
born at Concord, May 2, 1822, and died at Port Tobacco, Md, Oct. 1, 1843,
JE. 21. He went to Port Tobacco as tutor to a family living there.
Robert Ingalls Burbank, A. M. the. son of Barker and Polly (Ingalls)
Burbank, was born at Shelburne, Mar. 26, 1818. He read law with the Hon.
Daniel Webster, D. C. 1801, and the Hon. John Plummer Healy, D. C. 1835,
at Boston, Ms ; went into practice there, Oct. 27, 1846, and still remains ; has
represented the city in the Ms Leg. and is a Col. in the Ms Militia. He mar-
ried Lizzie Wheeler Christie.
* John Lee Caverly, the son of John and Olive (Jenness) Caverly, was
born at Strafford, Oct. 28, 1818. and died at Madison, Geo. Sept. 25, 1844, m.
25. He went to Madison in 1843, and had charge of its Academy.
* Francis Baruch Chase, the son of Col. Lebbeus and Nazai-illa
(March) Chase, was born at Cornish, Mar. 26, 1819, and died at N. Y. city,
Dec. ^2, 1844, ^. 25. He went to Lexington, Oglethorpe Co. Geo. in 1843
and taught 1 year, but his health failed, and death ensued on his way to Cor-
nish. Dudley Tappan Chase, D. C. 1848, was his brother.
Bradbury Poor Cilley, the son of Jacob and Harriet (Poor) Cilley,
338 ALUMNI 1843.
wa^ born at Nottingham, Jan. 2, 1824. lie read law at Yale Coll. Ct. Law
School from 1844 to 1845, and with Daniel Clark, D. C. 1834, at Manchester
from 1845 to 1847 ; began practice at Manchester in 1847, and there remains,
lie married Angeline, dau. of Dea. Nahum Baldwin of Manchester, June 30,
' * Francis Brown Clark, the son of Theodore and Eliza (Gilmaii) Clark,
was born at "Wells, Me, Nov. 22, 1820, and died at Empire City, Cal. Oct. 12,
1864, ^E. 43. He taught at South Berwick Acad. Me, from 1844 to 1845;
studied medicine at Bowdoin Med. Coll. Me, graduating M. D. in May, 1847;
left for Cal. in Apr. 1849, and practised first at Benicia for some years.
John Badger Clark, the son of Greenleaf and Julia (Cogswell) Clark,
was born at Atkinson, Jan. 30, 1820. He taught at Meredith Bridge Acad,
from 1843 to 1845; read law with W. C. C. his brother, at Manchester from
1845 to 1848; sailed for Cal. Feb. 2, 1849; returned in Jan. 1851; opened
an office at Salem, Ms, in Mar. 1851 : soon removed to Manchester and is still
there. He married Susan Greely, dau. of Enoch IMoulton of Boston, Ms,
July 29, 1852. William Cogswell Clark, D. C. 1832, is his brother.
Lorenzo Clay, the son of "Walter and Dolly (Pillsbury) Clay, was born
at Candia, Nov. 5, 1817. He read law with the Hon. Charles INIarsh, D. C.
1786, of "Woodstock, Vt, in 1843 and 1844, and with the Hon. George Evans
of Gardiner, Me, from 1844 to 1845; settled in practice at Gardiner in Aug.
1845, and has not removed. He married Abby, dau. of Benjamin Bourne of
Sandwich, Ms, Sept. 1, 1846.
* Nathan Cleaves, the son of Joshua and Elisabeth (Lincoln) Cleaves,
was born at Mount "Vernon, Feb. 2, 1819, and died near Presidio, Rio Grande,
Mexico, in Jan. or Feb. 1849, je. 30. He taught at Manchester from 1843 to
1844: in "^^oodstock, Ct, in the fall of 1844, and at Buzzard's Eoost, Franklin
Co. Ala. from Jan. 1845 to Sept. 1847, studying medicine at the same time:
went thence to Presidio and lived there to 1849, when his cruel murder was
accomplished by two negroes who were piloting him on his way to Guerrero,
Mexico, the proposed place of his medical practice. And thus foully perished
a young man of much merit and moral worth. One of the murderers was
arrested and shot, but the other escaped.
George Danforth Colony, the son of Josiah and Hannah (Taylor)
Colony, was born at Keene, May 6, 1821. He studied medicine with Dr
Amos Twitchell, D. C. 1802, of Keene, at "Woodstock Med. School, and at the
Univ. of I'enn. INI^d. Coll. graduating M. D. tliere in 1846; went into prac-
tice at Keene in 1846; removed to Athol, Ms, in Sept. 1846, and is yet there.
He married Ilamiah N. dau. of Isaac Stevens of Athol, Ms, May 23, 1.S49.
* PiiiNEAS Cooke, tlie son of the Rev. Phineas and Sophia (Grout) Cooke,
was born at Acworth, June 14, 1820, and died at Barton, Lowndes Co. Miss.
Aug. 18, 1849,^. 29. He read law at N. Y. city 18 months; then went
south, and devoted his life to teaching musical and other schools from 1845
to his decease, chiefly in Miss. He did not marry. George Cooke, D. C. 1832,
and Henry Grout Cooke, D. C. 1841, were his brothers.
* Timothy Corr, the son of Josiah and Sarah (IMorrill) Copp, was born at
Gilmanton, June 12, 1820, and died at Summerville, Geo. Mar. 28, 1845, je.
24. He had taught at Summerville jirevious to his last illness for 18 months.
He never married.
"William Dickinson, the son of the Rev. Pliny, D. C. 1798, and Mary
Brown (Bellows) Dickinson, was born at "Walpole, Sept. 22, 1822. He taught
at Spring Hill Union vScm. Maury Co. Tenn. from 1844 to 1847 ; at Aberdeen,
ALUMNI 1843. 330
Miss, from 1847 to 1849, and at Jackson, Miss, from 1849 to 1850 ; returned
to New Eng. in 1850; studied medicine at Harv. Univ. Med. School, graduat-
ing M. D. in 1851 ; practised some time at Taunton and Boston, both in Ms;
removed to St Louis, Missouri, and has been a physician there since Oct. 1859.
He married Evelina, dau. of Larra Crane of Boston, June 2, 1857. Edward
Curran Dickinson, D. C. 1850, is his brother.
* Caleb Ellis Farley, the son of the Rev. Stephen, D, C. 1804, and Lucy
(Saunders) Farley, was born at Amesbury, Ms, in June 1818, and died at
Seguin, Texas, in 1852, m. 34. He taught at San Antonio, St Marks, Corpus
Christi, and Seguin, all in Texas, until death ensued. He did not marry.
Francis Skinner Fisk, the son of Phineas and Isabella Brigham (Red-
ington) Fisk, was born at Keene, Nov. 9, 1825. He read law with William
Plumer Wheeler of Keene, and at Harv. Univ. Law School, graduating
LL. B. in 1846; began pi-actice at Keene in Nov. 1847 ; went to Europe in
1849 and passing on to Asia, was imprisoned by the Arabs in 1850; came
home in the winter of 1850 ; had sailed round the globe ; was aid to Gov.
Anthony Colby in 1847 ; became Lt Col. of the 2nd Reg. of N. H. vols
in 1861. He married Annie Farnsworth, dau. of the Hon. James Wilson of
Keene, Dec. 14, 1858.
James Fletcher, the son of John and Clarissa (Jones) Fletcher, was
born at Acton, Ms, Sept. 5, 1824. He taught at Acton from 1843 to 1844;
studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1846 ; preached as a licen-
tiate at Kingston from 1846 to 1848 ; was a resident graduate at And. Theo.
Sem. from 1848 to 1849; ordained pastor of the 3d Cong. Ch. at Danvers,
Ms, June 20, 1849 ; dismissed in July, 1864, but has lived since in that town.
He married Lydia M. dau. of the Rev. Henry Woodward, D. C. 1815, and
adopted dau. of Samuel Fletcher, D. C. 1810, then of Andover, Ms, at A.
Oct. 10, 1849.
Thomas William Freelon, A. M. the son of Capt. Thomas William, U. S.
navy, and Lydia (Emerson) Freelon, was born at Norwich, Vt, Aug. 6, 1823.
He read law and edited a newspaper at Niles, Mich, from 1843 to 1846; was
Prof, of Eng. Literature and Mod. Languages at Norwich Univ. Vt, from
1848 to 1849 ; but before this, had been a 1st Lt of the 15th Reg. U. S. Inf.
at the storming of Chapultepec and the capture of the city of Mexico ; was
also promoted to a Captaincy ; went from Norwich to San Francisco, Cal. in
1849 ; practised law there and became a Judge of its county court. He mar-
ried Louisa, dau. of Newton Partridge of Logansport, Ind. in Mar. 1863.
Edward Freeman, the son of Edward and Philena (Hough) Freeman,
was born at Plainfield, June 3, 1823. He read law and went into practice at
Marlow ; but in time left the law and became a farmer at Plainfield.
Samuel Huntington Freeman, A. M. the son of Jonathan and Mary
(Whitehouse) Freeman, was born at Hanover in Aug. 1821. He studied medi-
cine at Dart. Med. Coll. in 1845, and at Albany, N. Y. Med. Coll. graduating
M. D. at the last in 1846; settled in practice at Albany and has not removed.
He married a dau. of the Hon. Gideon Hawley of Albany.
Leonard French, the son of Leonard C. and Nancy (Hutchinson) French,
was born at Bedford, Nov. 11, 1817. He taught at Bedford 3 months and at
Piscataquog village Acad. 4 months ; studied medicine with Dr Josiah Cro.-by
and br Thomas Russell Crosby, D. C. 1841, at Manchester, and at Dart. Med.
Coll. graduating M. D. there in 1846 ; entered into practice at Bedford in
1846; removed to Ashby, Ms, Apr. 1, 1847, and thence to Fitchburg, Ms, in
1850, but has since left and is practising at Manchester. He mai'ried, 1. vSarah
340 ALUMNI 1843.
M. dau. of Henry Melville of Nelson, May 28, 1846. 2. Ann INIarcia iMdville
of Nelson, her sister, Oct. 24, 1850. 3. Mrs ^Mary Davis (Ramsay) Moor, dau.
of Dr John Ram>;ay of Dcei-rield and relict of Dr Geor<;e Washington Moor,
D. C. 1841, of Amherst, at Wilmington, Ms, June 25, 1867.
Daniel Little Fikbkr, the son of Jeremiah and Eliza (Nichols) Little
Furber, was born at Sandwich, Oct. 14, 1820. lie studied divinity at And.
TIr'O. Sem. graduating in 1847 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at New-
ton Centre, Ms, Dec. 1, 1847, and still retains the position ; has published
"Hymns and Choirs" in conjunction with Profs Phelps and Park of Andover,
Ms. He married Maria (Brigham) Peabody, dau. of Lincoln Brigham of Cam-
bridge, iMs, and relict of the Rev. David Peabody, D. C. 1828, at Hanover,
Sept. 13, 1850.
Ezra White Gale, A. M. the son of Ezra P. and Ruth (White) Gale, was
born at South Hampton, May 9, 1824. He taught at South Hampton from
1843, to 1846; at Salisbury Mills, Ms, 1846 to 1847 ; at Ipswich, Ms, 1847 to
1848 ; then at New London, Ct, Oct. 184'J, at whicii time also began to study
law with Joseph R. Merriam of that city.
Daniel Wheelwiught Goocii, the son of Jonathan and Olive (Winn)
Gooch, was born at Wells, Me, Jan. 8, 1820. He read law at South Berwick,
IMti ; Portland, Me, and Boston, Ms ; began practice at Boston and continued it
until 1865 although dwelling at Melrose, IMs ; was a representative in the Ms
Leg. in 1852, and of the State Constitutional Conv. in 1853 ; also a member
of Congress from either 1857 or 1858 to 1865 ; was appointed Naval Otticer of
the port of Boston in 1865. He married Hannah, dau. of Capt. John Pope of
Wells, Me, Oct. 26, 1848.
Joshua James Gdppet, the son of John and Hannah (Dame) Guppey, was
born at Dover. He read law and settled in practice at Columbus, Columbia
Co. Wise, in 1846 ; removed thence to Portage City, same Co. and there con-
tinues ; has been a Col. in the militia and is Judge of Columbia Co. Court ; be-
came Lt Col. of the 10th Reg. of Wise, vols; afterwards Col. of the 23d Reg.
of Wit'irast, Me. Shirley and i:rving, Ms, in 1846, 1847, and
18-18, also at Orfordville from Dec. 1848 to Feb. 22, 1850; was ordained an
evangelist at Orford, May 17, 1819; installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Lu-
nenburg, Feb. 18, 1852 ; dismissed IMar. 2(5, 1855 ; installed pastor at Lynnfield
Centre, Ms, Jan. 9, 1856 ; dismissed Nov- 30, 1858 ; was next at Westford, Ms;
then stated supply at Townsend, IMs ; is now living at Lynnfield, or Mason,
N. II. He man-ied, 1. Martha, dau. of the Rev. Ebenezer Hill of Mason, Sept.
ALUMNI 1843. 341
17, 1846. 2. Abbie Pollard, dau. of Clark Simonds of Groton, Ms, Jan. 15,
JoHX Ed^vard Bullard Jewett, the son of Henry and Rebecca (Blood)
Jewett, was born at Pe[»perell, Ms, Dec. 9, 1821. lie tauglit at the Ai'ad. at
Wakefield; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1849; was or-
dained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at East Jaffrey, Sept. 25, 1850 ; dismissed Jidy
13, 1852 ; has been living some years at Pep[)erell, Ms, without a charge. He
married, 1. Sophronia, dau. of Major Supply Wilson of New Ipswich in Feb.
1851. 2. Frances Hunt, dan. of Henry Lacy of East Jaffrey, Jan. 10, 1854.
3. Sarah Melville, adopted dau. of Jonas M. Melville of East .Jaffrey.
Edward Addison Lawrence, the son of Curtis and Luc}' (Merriam)
Lawrence, was born at Groton, Ms, Feb. 25, 1824. He was Principal of Stow
Acad. Ms, 1 year, 1843 to 1844; also of New Ipswich Acad, from 1844 to
1851 ; then taught at Stamford and Naugatuck, Ct ; next at Wyoming Sem.
Pa ; after that in the High School at Scranton, Pa ; but is now said to teacli at
Brooklyn, N. Y. He married Joanna P. dau. of Stephen Thayer of New Ips-
wich, July 26, 1850.
Edward Stephen Leavitt, the son of Miles and Sally (Brown) Leavitt,
was born at Gilford, Oct. 16, 1815. He read law at Lowell, Ms ; commenced
practice there; went to California in 1849; is now said to be a lawyer at
Winona or Rochester, Minnesota. He married Marv Jane Fernald of Saco,
Me, Apr. 14, 1855.
* Daniel Littlefield, the son of Dea. vSeth and Sarah (Crane) Littlefield,
was born at Grantham, Aug. 21, 1815, and died at West Chester, Sept. 9, 1856,
M. 41. He taught at Bridgewater, Ms, from 1843 to 1846; also at Bi'ooklyn,
N. Y. and N. Y. city, but last at Mt Cisco, AVcst Chester Co. N. Y. He mar-
ried Abigail, dau. of Joseph E. Reed of East Bridgewater, Jan. 26, 1845.
Amasa Converse Lord, the son of John and Ruth (Howe) Lord, was born
at Norwich, Vt, Dec. 4, 1816. He studied divinity at Lane Theo. Sem. Wal-
nut Hills, Ohio, graduating in 1846; was ordained an evangelist; preached
as a missionary of the Amer. Home INIiss. Soc. at Coles Co. Illi. in 1846; at
Troy Grove, Illi. 1846 to 1847 ; next in Vt 10 months, and Sharon, Whiteside
Co. Illi. 1848 to 1850; then at Freedom, La Salle Co. Illi. from May 1850;
is said to be now or lately located at Somanark, Illi. He married Sarah Leon-
ard, dau. of the Rev. Nalium Gould of Clay, La Salle Co. Illi. Nov. 8, 1848.
Henry Clark Lord, A. M. the son of the Rev. Pres. Dr Nathan and
Betsey H. (Leland) Loi'd, was born at Amherst, Oct. 2, 1825. He taught at
St Johnsbury Acad. Vt, in 1843 ; read law in Boston, Ms ; began practice there ;
removed thence to Cincinnati, Ohio, and is still pursuing his profession in that
city. He married Eliza Burnet, dau. of the Hon. Nathaniel Wright, D. C.
1811, of Cincinnati. John King Lord, D. C. 1836, Joseph Leland Lord, D. C.
1839, Frederick Richardson Lord, D. C. 1842, Samuel Augustus Lord and
William Hayes Lord, both of this class, Nathan Lord, D. C. 1851, and Francis
Brown Lord, D. C. 1856, were his brothers.
* Samuel Augustus Lord, A. M. the brother of the preceding, was born
at Amherst, Feb. 13, 1822, and died at South Danvers, Ms, Oct. 29, 1862, m.
40. He taught at Claremont ; studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. graduat-
ing M. D. in 1847; commenced practice at South Danvers and never removed.
He married Sarah Elizabeth Daniels of Danvers, Nov. 2, 1854.
William Hayes Lord, A. M. the brother of the two preceding, was born
at Amherst, Mar. 11, 1824. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduat-
ing in 1846 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Cli. at 3Iontpelier, Vt, Sept. 20,
342 ALUMNI 1843.
1(S47, and so remains. He married Harriet Adams, dau. of the Hon. John
Aiken, D. C. 1819, of Lowell, Ms, and granddaughter of Prof. Ebenezer
Adams, I). C. 1791, June 11, 1848.
Amos Lufkin, the son of Nehemiah and Rachel (Currier) Lufkin, was born
at Chester, Sept. 1, 181 G. He taught at Taunton, Ms, 2 years, and has since
that time been an instructor at Cleveland, Ohio. He married Clara Lamb of
Cleveland in Nov. 1846.
Jeremiah Makston, the son of Jeremiah and Theda (Sawyer) Marston,
was born at Orford, Nov. 13, 1819. He taught at Pleasant Grove, Tenn. 1843
to 1845 ; and at CarroUton, Ala. 1845 to 1847 ; read law with the lion. James
Knox Polk part of the above time ; edited at CarroUton a Whig paper for some
years from 1847 ; began practtice there in 1848 ; removed thence to Gainesville,
Ala. and then to Kansas, but is now at La Grange, Missouri. He married
Sarah Ann, dau. of John M. Kerr, at CarroUton, June 24, 1857. Gilraan Mai*-
ston. D C. 1837, is his brother.
* Dana Miller, the son of William and Esther (Knight) Miller, was born
at Dummerston, Vt, Apr. 16, 1818, and died at Washington, D. C. Nov. 23,
1851, JE. 33. He taught at Washington 1844 to 1846; was then a travelling
agent through the country from 1846 to 1850 ; became that year a Clerk in
the Land Office at Washington and was also in the Census Office. He never
* Rop.ERT Thomas Murdough, the son of Thomas and Catharine (M'Pher-
son) Murdough, was born at Deering, Nov. 5, 1817, and died at Acworth, Mar.
29, 1843,^. 25.
Charles Newhall, the son of Samuel and Lucretia (Tufts) Newhall, was
born at Medford, Ms, Aug. 6, 1814. He taught in 1847 and 1848, 2 terms ;
studied divinity at Newton, Ms, Theo. Sem. graduating in 1846 ; preached at
Sutton from Apr. 1848 ; was ordained a Baptist minister, Jan. 12, 1850 ; was
some time pastor of a Baptist Ch. at Hanover Centre. He married Sarah
Harris, dau. of Edward Cliapman of Rumney, Oct. 7, 1846.
Ezra Newton, the son of Ezra and Lucy (Howe) Newton, was born at
Princeton. Ms, Sept. 30,1818. He taught at Moor's charity school at Hanover,
1843 to 1844, and at Medford, N. J. 1844 to 1845 ; studied divinity at And.
Theo. Sem. a few months but chiefly in private ; was ordained pastor of the
Cong. Ch. at Shutesbury, Ms, Mar. 1, 1848; dismissed Sept. 20, 1850; has
preached at Dighton, Ms, and Antrim ; been stated supply at Swan River,
Minn, and officiated also at High Forest, I\Iinn. but is now living at Preston in
that State without a charge. He married Martha Thayer, dau. of Aaron Patten
of Kingston, Aug. 20, 1846.
Henuy Swain Parker, A. M. the son of Gabriel Parker, was born at
Southborougii, Ms, Apr. 20, 1820. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 2
years in the class of 1847 ; then gave up that pursuit and taught at Pinkerton
Acad. Derry, 1846 to 1847 ; is said to have next instructed at Wayland, Ms,
and to be then thus employed at East Thompson, Ct ; but he now lives at Sho-
piere, AVisc. He married Harriet Rawson of Southborougii, in 1846.
John Henuy Parnell, the son of John and Sarah (Bray) Parnell, was
born at Salem, Ms, Oct. 19, 1824. He went to sea, and returning studied
mechanism at Lowell, Ms ; sailed for California in Apr. 1849, and settled at
Sacramento city.
William Aaron Patten, A. M. the son of Aaron and Sarah (Chase) Pat-
ten, was born at Kingston, June 28, 1816. He taught at Weare in 1843;
studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1846 ; preached at Cole-
ALUMNI 1843. 343
brook in 1847; also at Canada East and Chesterfield; was ordained pastor
of the Cong. Ch. at Deerfield, July 18, 1850; dismissed July 21, 1852 ; in-
stalled pastor at York, Me; dismissed and became chaplain of the 32nd Reg. of
Me vols ; was appointed a missionary to Oregon by the Amer. Home Miss.
Society in 1865.
Daniel Chesley Pinkham, the son of Daniel and Esther (Chesley) Pink-
ham, was born at Jackson, Mar. 29, 1820. He taught at Conway and Lancas-
ter, adding also Beloit, Wise, from 1843 to 1847; read law with the Hon.
Jared Warner Williams of Lancaster; began practice at JeflTerson Co. Wise, in
1847 ; was made Clerk of its District Court in 1848; went to California mines
in 1849 ; removed back to Lancaster in 1853; became Clerk of the Sup. Jud.
and Com. Pleas Courts for Coos Co. in 185G, an office still held, with i-esidence
in Lancaster. He married Emily, dau. of William R. Stockwell at Lancaster,
June 20, 18G4.
* John Newton Putnam, A. M. the son of Simeon and Abigail Brigham
(Fay) Putnam, was born at Andover, ]\Is, Dec. 26, 1822, and died on board the
Steamer Al|)ha, between Halifax, N. S. and Boston, Ms, Oct. 22, 1S63, je. 40.
He taught at Newport, R. L from 1843 to 1844, and at Leicester, Ms, 1845 to
1847; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1849; was tutor at
Dart, from Feb. 1849 to his election as Prof, of the Greek Lang, and Liter, in
July 1849 ; was ordained a Cong, evangelist at Woodstock, Vt, Oct. 6, 1852.
Mr Putnam was returning from a visit to Europe when his death occurred, and
such was his popular bearing, noble spirit, and intellectual acumen, that no
greater disaster could have happened to the college than the loss of this dis-
tinguished scholar.- He married Sarah Oilman, dau. of Prof. William Cham-
berlain, D. C. 1818, of Hanover, Aug. 5, 1851.
John Wason Ray, the son of Stark and Hannah C. (Wason) Ray, was born
at Chester, Dec. 23,1814. He taught at Atkinson Acad. 1843 to 1844; at
Manchester High School 1844 to 1848 ; at Eastport, Me, 1848 to 1849 ; at
Merrimack Normal Institute in 1850 and to his being Principal of Pinkerton
Acad. Derry ; studied divinity and was ordained a Cong, evangelist at Manches-
ter, Jan. 28, 1853 ; installed pastor at Rockville, Vernon, Ct, in Dec. 1853 ; dis-
missed in Feb. 1854 ; has been stated supply at Goffstown, but, if the Cong.
Quarterly be right, lives at Manchester. He married, 1. Lucy Lee, dau. of
Benjamin Sargent of Chester, July 1, 1844. 2. Georgiana, dau. of James Babb
of Manchester, Dec. 28, 1848.
Emoue Daily Richardson, the son of John and Olive Richardson, was
born at Lisbon, May 21, 1818. He taught at Whitefield Acad, in 1843, and
at Thibodaux, La, from 1844 to 1851 ; then read law with R. C. Roby of Thib-
odaux, and was, perhaps is still, a lawyer of that town.
Jonathan Smith Ross, the son of Samuel and Fanny Putnam (Smith)
Ross, was born at Bath, Apr. 12, 1822. He studied medicine with Dr Adams
Moore, D. C. 1822, of Littleton, Dr Timothy Haynes of Concord, at Dart. Med.
Coll. and at the Univ. of Pa in Philadelphia, graduating M. D. at the last in
1846 ; began practice at Boston, Ms, in Apr. 1846 ; removed to Bath in Nov.
1846 ; went thence to RoUinsford in Somersworth ; represented it in the N. H.
Leg. in 1855; became Surgeon of the 11th Reg. N. H. vols; then Brigade
Suiwon 2nd Brig. 2nd division of the army corps, and was next stationed at
Concord. He married Martha Ann, dau. of Major Aaron Brackett of Little-
ton, Mar. 31, 1847.
* Enoch Putney Rowell, the son of Moses and Mary (Pettengill) Row-
ell, was born at Ilopkinton, Apr. 27, 1817, and died at Mobile, Ala. having
gone there for his health, Jan. 3, 1843, m. 25. He did not marry.
344 ALUMNI 1843.
* Edward Erasmus Sargknt, tlie son of Edward and Rebecca (Keyes)
Sarj^ent, was born at Ilillsboioufrh, June 17, 1820, and died at Grand Rapids,
Mich. Apr. 15, 1858, je. 37. He taught at Eatonton, Geo. 1843 to 1845, and
at Pembroke to Nov. 1846 ; read law with Judge Merri wether at Eatonton,
with the Hon. Leonard Wilcox, D. C. 1817, at Orford, and the Hon. Ira Per-
ley, D. C. 1822, at Concord ; began practice at Grand Rapids in Dec. 1846 ;
went to Europe for health in 1854 ; returned in 7 months ; became editor of
the Grand Kapids Enquirer, and before going abroad was Kent Co. Solicitor.
Mr Sargent had brilliant talents, and was so highly esteemed as a lawyer and a
man, that his elevation to the bench of the Supreme Court of the State was con-
fidently anticipated ; but a virulent cancer clouded all his prospects and de-
stroyed him in the prime of life. He married Anna, dau. of Dr Peter Marston,
of Fairlee, Vt, in Nov. 1843.
Edward Fat Shermax, the son of Edward and Lucy (Fay) Sherman, was
born at Acton. Ms, Feb. 10, 1821. He taught at Pittsfield Acad, from 1843 to
1847 ; read law there and witii the Hon. Tappan Wentworth of Lowell, Ms ;
began practice at Lowell in 1847 and has not removed. He married, 1.
Marianne M'Donough, dau. of John Berry of Pittsfield, Oct. 28, 1851. 2.
Rebecca Susan, dau. of Leonard Alden of Dedham, Ms, Dec. 15, 1855.
Lemuel Chandler Spofford, the son of Chandler and Betsey (Cobb)
Spotford, was born at Bedford, May 30, 1817. He studied divinity at Bangor
Theo. Sem. Me, graduating in 1846; was ordained a Cong, minister ; settled
the pastor of a Cli. at Fond du Lac, Wise, in Sept. 1846; went thence to De
Pere, Wise, a missionary of the Araer. Home Miss. Society. He married
Esther Parsons, dau. of Dr Josiah Dean at Bangor, Me, July 27, 1846.
Lyman Dewey Stevens, the son of Caleb and Sarah (Dewey) Stevens, was
born at Piermont, Sept. 20, 1821. He taught at Stanstead Acad. Can. East,
from 1843 to 1846; read law with Stoddard Benham Colby, D. C. 1836, at
Derby, Vt, and the Hon. Ira Perley, D. C. 1822, at Concord; commenced
praciicf at Concord in Oct. 1847 ; represented it in the N. II. Leg. in 1860,
1866, and 1867. He married Achsah Pollard, dau. of Theodore French of Con-
cord, Aug. 21,1850.
RoHEKT Stuart, the son of Joseph and Rebecca (Bell) Stuart, was born at
Newton, June 19, 1814. He read divinity at Bangor Tlico. Sera, graduating
in 1846 ; was city missionary there from 1846 to 1847 ; ordained a Cong, min-
ister in 1848 ; installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Cascade, Dubuque Co. Iowa,
in Nov. 1849; dismissed in Aug. 1852; preached at Straflbrd, Vt, from 1853 to
1854 ; then went on a farm at Norwich, Vt, to recover health, remaining to 1859 ;
at that time left for Waitsfield, Vt, and soon moved to Albany, Illi. being stated
supply there some time from 1859 ; was next supplying Green JMountain and
Indianlown Churches, Iowa, since 1861. He married Harriet Molencia, dau.
of Ashley Blodgett of Middlesex, Vt, Oct. 16, 1849.
Joseph Emeusox Swallow, the son of Joseph and Betsey (Twist) Swal-
low, was born at Nashua, Apr. 21, 1817. He taught from 1843 to 1845;
studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 1 year in the class of 1848, and at Union
Theo. Sem. N. Y. city, graduating in 1848 ; was ordained pastor of a Cong.
Ch. at Green|)ort, L. L July 18, 1848; dismissed in Apr. 1850; installed at
AVihnington, Ms, in Miu: 1851 ; dismissed in Jan. 1856 ; installed pastor of the
1st Ch. at Nantucket, Ms, in May 1856 ; dismissed ? officiated next at Stone-
ham, Ms ; was then installed at Southampton, Ms, Oct. 5, 1859 ; dismissed ; has
been some time stated supply and acting pastor at Burlington, Ms. He raai'ried
Maria Elisabeth Gibson of Townsend, Ms, Nov. 1, 1848.
ALUMNI 1843. 345
Levi BENjA:\nN Taft, the son of Benjamin and Vienna (Cooke) Taft, was
born at Bellinghara, Ms, Aiij^. G, 1821. He read law; began practice at De-
troit, Mich, but removed to Niles, Mich, and is now a practitioner at Ciiicago,
Uli. He married Julia Ann, dau. of Jacob G. Bishop at Pontiac, Oakland Co.
Mich. Dec. 24, 1846.
Jonathan Tenney, A. M. the son of Jonathan and Lydia Owen (Crane)
Tenney, was born at Corinth, Vt, Sept. 14, 1817. He was Principal of Hebron
Acad, from Aug. to Dec. 1843 ; of Newbury High School, Vt, from Dec. 1843 to
Nov. 1844 ; of Pembroke Acad, from Nov. 1844 to Aug. 1849 ; of Lawrence,
Ms, Grammar School, from Aug. 1849 to Nov. 1850; of Pittsfield, Ms, High
School from Nov. 1850 to Apr. 1853 ; of Manchester High School fi'ora Apr.
1853 to Nov. 1856 ; also edited and published there the " Stars and Stripes" a
weekly journal from Oct. 1854 to Oct. 1855 ; was School Commissioner for Hills-
borough Co. and Secretary of the N. H. Board of Education from July 1855 to
July 1857; moved to Boscawen in Oct. 1856; founded and opened the Elm-
wood Lit. Inst, there in Aug. 1857, which was successfully carried on by him;
is now Principal of Silver Lake Institute at Newton, Ms. Mr Tenney has is-
sued a Septenary Catalogue and Sketches of his college class in 1851 ; edited
the Mass. Teacher for 1852 and 1853, and was also editor of the N. H. Journal of
Education. He married, 1. Ilarriette Ackland, dau. of Dr Calvin Bachelder,
at Boston, Ms, Mar. 20, 1852. 2. Ellen J. Le Gro of Great Falls, at G. F.
Sept. 19, 1866.
* Eben Franklin Tucke, the son of Samuel and Martha (Fogg) Tucke,
was born at Kensington, Feb. 16, 1822, and died at Exeter, May 30, 1857, je.
35. He read law at Exeter and at Harv. Univ. Law School ; began practice
at Exeter and there remained until his death. He married M. Elisabeth, dau.
of Jeremiah Robinson of Exeter in June 1850.
John Riley Varney, A. M. the son of James Bowdoin and Sarah Byles
(Riley) Varney, was born at Dover, Mar. 26, 1819. He taught Franklin Acad.
Dover in 1844 and 1845 ; was a civil engineer for a time ; read law and settled
in practice at Dover; became Clerk of the Sup. Jud. Court for Strafford Co. in
1856 ; represented Dover in the N. H. Leg. in 1856 and 1857 ; was Prof, of
Matliematicks at Dart, from 1860 to 1863 ; then returned to Dover. He mar-
ried, 1. Susan Kittredge, dau. of Amos Kimball of Boxford, Ms, Nov. 21, 1848.
2. Isabella Graham, dau. of the Hon. Richard Kimball of Dover, Dec. 25,
Thomas La Fayette Wakefield, the son of Thomas Bridge and Submit
(Ross) AVakefield, was born at Londonderry, Vt, June 15, 1817. He taught at
Lancaster in 1843, and as a family tutor at Bordentown, N. J. from Dec. 1843
to Apr. 1845 ; read law there with Garret S. Cannon in 1844 and 1845, and
with Henry E. Smith at Broadalbin, N. Y. from 1845 to 1847 ; began practice
at the last town in 1846 ; removed to Boston, Ms, in Apr. 1849, and has his
office in that city still. He married, 1. Jane Perry of Chester, Vt, Jan. 16,
1845. 2. Frances A. dau. of the Rev. John P. Lathrop of Bordentown, Nov.
8, 1855. John Hancock Wakefield, D. C. 1838, was his brother.
* Daniel Smith Wheeler, the son of John and (Smith) Wheeler,
was born at South Reading, Vt, Oct. 28, 1817, and died at Minerva, 3Iason Co.
Ky,^Oct. 12, 1844, je. 27, minus 16 days. He went to Ky to take charge of
a school, opened it Oct. 3, and died of fever in 9 days. He was unmarried.
Charles Williams, the son of Isaac Williams, was born at Westminster,
Ms, Sept. 14, 1816. He taught at Jamestown, N. Y. State ; read law in Catta-
raugus Co. N. Y. and opened an office there in the town of Raiiduli)li ; but has
346 ALUMNI 1843.
removed and is now an insurance agent at Beloit, Wise. He married Mary
Farnswoilli of Westminister.
LuTHEU Orval Wixslow, the son of Luther and Mary (Hitchcock) Wins-
low, was lorn at Westfield, Vt, Apr. 30, 1817. He studied divinity; was or-
dained a Cong, minister, and settled at Selma, Dallas Co. Ala. He married
R M Gill of Marshall Co. Minn. Dec. 9, 1848.
Abel Wood, A. M. the son of Dea. Benjamin F. and Lucinda (Merriam)
Wood, was born at Westminster, Ms, June 7, 1818. He taught at Beloit, Rock
Co. Illi. and also at Canton, St Lawrence Co. N. Y. in 1849 and 1850; studied
divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1848; preached some time as a
Cong, licentiate at Warner ; was Principal of the Collegiate Listitute at Gill)erts-
ville, Otsego Co. N. Y. but has been some years an instructor at Meriden
Acad. Plaintield. He married Sarah Ann, dau. of Aaron Patten of Kingston,
July 29, 1849.
* William Riddle Woodbury, the son of Dr Peter P. and Martha (Rid-
dle) Woodbury, was born at Bedford, Dec. 31, 1821, and died there. May 27,
18G0, M. 38. He read law and began practice at Sheboygan, AVise. but at
length returned to Bedford. He married PLlisabeth Louisa Jackson of Roches-
ter, N. Y. at Detroit, Mich. Peter Trask Woodbury, D. C 1839, was his
* Harrison Andrews, the son of John and Olive (Taylor) Andrews, was
born at Hillsborough, June 22, 1819, and died at Nashua, Apr. IG, 1845, ^. 25.
He was reading law there.
* Andrew Jackson Baker, the son of Abel and Lydia (Challis) Baker,
was born at Lebanon, Dec. 1, 1818, and died at Cincinnati, Ohio, July 22, 1849,
JE. 30. He studied medicine at Jefferson Med. Coll. Philadelphia, Pa, graduat-
ing M. D. in 1847; went into practice at Cincinnati, and did not remove.
Charles Henry Bell, the son of the Hon. John and Persis (Thom) Bell,
was born at Chester, Nov. 18, 1823. He read law with the Hon. James Bell
of Chester ; commenced practice at Great Falls, remaining 6 years ; then re-
moved to Exeter ; became Solicitor for Rockingham Co. and represented Ex-
eter in the N. II. Leg. in 18G0, being Speaker of the House that year, and Presi-
dent of the Senate in 1804. He married Sarah A. Oilman in 1847. Christo-
pher Sargent Bell, D. C. 1838, was his brother.
JoSKi'ii Mills Bell, the son of the Hon. Joseph, D. C. 1807, and Cath-
arine (Olcott) Bell, was born at Haverhill, Sept. 12, 1824. He read law with
his father, and went into practice at Boston, Ms ; held the Judge Advocate
position or some other important office at New Orleans, La, soon after its cap-
ture from the rebels. He married Helen, dau. of the Hon. Rufus Choate, D. C.
1819, of Boston, Ms, Mar. 2, 1852.
William Bird, A. M. the son of the Rev. Isaac and Ann (Parker) Bird,
was born at Valetta, Malta, Europe, Aug. 17, 1823. He taught at Gilmanton ;
studied divinity at Gilmanton Theo. Sem. and also at And. Theo. Sem. graduat-
ing at the last in 1850 ; was ordained an evangelist at Merrimack, Nov. 17,
1852; went not long after as a missionary to Abeih, Syria, Asia, and is there
still. He married Sarah, dau. of Dea. John Goddard of Exeter, Feb. 12,
Adino Nye Brackett, the son of Adino Nye and Mary Wiggin (Weeks)
Brackett, was born at Lancaster, July 11, 1822. He studied medicine with Dr
ALUMNI 1844 347
J. E. Stickney and Dr J. W. Barney of Lancaster, entered into practice at
Brunswick, Vt, but afterwards settled at Neji^rofoot, Hanover Co. Va. He
married Lucy A. Bumpass of Negrofoot, Mar. 6, 1855.
JosEi'H HiLDRETH Bradley, the son of Enoch and Abigail (Hildreth)
Bradley, was born at Haverhill, Ms, Mar. 5, 1822. He read law with the
Hon. David Cummins, D. C. 1806, of Salem, Ms, and Francis Alfred Fabens
at Boston, Ms, also at Harv. Univ. Law School ; opened an office in Boston in
1847 ; has been District Atty of Suffolk Co. and a Major and Lt Col. of the Ms
militia. He married Lydia Anna, dau, of Thomas Bowler of Lynn, Ms, Aug.
31, 1850.
RuFUS Ellis Buffum, A. M. the son of William and Mary Ann Dixon
(Gordon) Buffum, was born at Walpole, Feb. 22, 1824. He read law with the
Hon. Frederick Vose of Walpole and Ezra Wilkinson of Dedham, Ms, until
Dec. 1845 ; then went to Tenn. as a teacher ; was also some years in the bank-
ing business there ; afterwards lived in California 1 year ; is now connected with
a rail road in Ky. He married Eliza M. Farley of Tenn.
Mellen Chamberlain, the son of Moses and Mary (Foster) Chamberlain,
was born at Pembroke, June 4, 1821. He taught the High School at Brattle-
borough, Vt, from May 1844 to Nov. 1846 ; read law at Harv. Univ. Law
School, graduating LL. B. in 1848 ; went into practice at Boston, Ms, in 1848,
and so continues ; was City Solicitor from 1858 to 1859 ; represented it in the
Ms Leg. from 1858 to 1859 ; was also a Senator from Suffolk Co. in the same;
appointed a Judge of the Boston Municipal Court in 1866. He married Martha
A. dan. of Col. Jesse Putnam of North Danvers, IVIs, June 6, 1849.
Albert Chase, .the son of Moody and Lucy (Farnum) Chase, was born at
Cornish, Apr. 25, 1818. He studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating
M. D. in 1847 ; practised at Hanover a short time, and is now in California.
James Morris Chase, D. C. 1827, Moody Chase, D. C. 1829, and George Clem-
ent Chase, D. C. 1841, are his brothers.
Samuel Blanchard Chase, the son of the Hon. Horace and Betsey
(Blanchard) Chase, was born at Ilopkinton, Oct. 1, 1823. He taught at Sack-
ett's Harbour, N. Y. from 1844 to 1846 ; read law with his father at Hopkin-
ton and Lewis Smith of Concord ; practised there a short space ; went to Clii-
cago, Illi. in 1850 ; is engaged in a land office, conveyancing and furnishing ab-
stracts of titles. He married Emma, dau. of Amherst Thompson of Amherst,
Ms, June 1, 1843.
Edw^a.rd Warren Clark, A. M. the son of Oliver and Abby (Ricliard-
son) Clark, was born at Tewksbury, Ms, Oct. 6, 1820. He studied divinity at
And. Theo. Sem. gi-aduating in 1847 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Reading, Ms, Jan. 1, 1850 ; dismissed in 1853 ; installed at Auburndale, Ms,
July 1.^1857 ; dismissed June 20, 1861 ; was Chaplain of the 47th Reg. of vols
from Mar. 25, 1863 to Sept. 11, 1863 ; installed at Claremont, Feb. 25, 1864
and is still in office. He married Harriet Maria, dau. of P^ibenezer Morgan
Phillips of Westborough, Ms, Apr. 2, 1850.
* Seneca Cummings, the son of Samuel and Joanna (Wyman) Cummings,
was born at Antrim, May 16, 1817, and died at New Ipswich, Aug. 12, 1856,
M. 39. He studied divinity at Union Tlieo. Sera, in N. Y. city, graduating in
1847 ; was ordained an evangelist at Antrim, Sept. 30, 1847 ; sailed for Fuh
Cha^, China, as a missionary, Nov. 11, 1847 ; arrived at Hong Kong, China,
Mar. 25, 1848 ; returned in poor health in 1855, and ere long died deservedly
lamented. He married Abigail Mary, dau. of Jesse Stearns of New Ipswich,
Oct. 28, 1847.
348 ALUMNI 1844.
Thomas W. Thompson Curtis, A. M. the son of the Rev. Jonathan,
D. C. 1811, and Betsey (Barker) Curtis, was born at Epsom, Apr. 18, 1823.
He was Preceptor of Greenland Acad, in 1845; of the OHver High School at
Lawrence, Ms, 3 years ; was also Principal of the Hi^rh School at Ilaittbrd,
Ct, several years, and is now Head of the Young Ladies School in that city,
since Sept. 18G1. He married, 1. Caroline, dau. of the Hon. John K. Hatch
of Greenland, Ang. 23, 1855. 2. Virginia 11. dau. of Gov. John Hubbard, D
C. 1816, at Hallowell, Me, Aug. 24, 1804.
Edwakd Sticarxs CuTTicR, the son of Daniel and Sally (Jones) Cutter,
was born at Jaff'rey, Mar. 27, 1822. He taught at the Peterborough Acad,
from 1844 to 1846; read law with James Walker, D. C 1804, of that town and
the Hon. Daniel Clark, D. C. 1834, of Manchester ; began practice at Peter-
borough in 1849 ; removed to Amherst in Apr. 1858, and became Clerk of the
Sup. Jud. Court for Hillsborough Co. and so remains. He married Jeannette,
dau. of Sanuiel Swan of Peterborough, May 21, 1850. Daniel Bateman Cut-
ter, D. C. 1833, and L-aac Jones Cutter, D. C. 1852, are his brothers.
Hiram Clarke Daniels, the son of Amos and Sally (Pierce) Daniels,
was born at East Medway, Ms, Aug. 10, 1815. He studied divinity at l>angor
Theo. Sem. Me, graduating in 1847; has been ordained; [)reaciied at the
Cong. Ch. at Kennebunk, Me, from 1847 to 1849 ; supplied the 2nd Cong.
Ch. at "Wells, Me, in 1850 ; lived at Boston, Ms, from 1851 to 1854, as agent
of the Amer. and Foreign Christian Union ; was in various agencies in Ms,
from 1854 to 1858 ; dwelt next at Hartford, Ct, from 1858 to 18G1, and since
that at Medway, disabled by a bronchial affection. He married Susan Miliina,
dau. of John Cressey, of Rowley, Ms, at R. June 26, 1851.
* William Pitt Denton, the son of William and Sarah (Foster) Den-
ton, w^as born at Boston, Nov. 21, 1823, and died there, Apr. 12, 1855, je. 31.
He read law at Ilarv. Univ. Law School, with William Rounsville Pierce
Washburn of Boston, and the Hon John Ilenr}' Clifford of New Bedford, Ms ;
began practice in Boston in 1847, and did not remove. He married Elisal)eth
Howell, dau. of George Randall of New Bedford, Feb. 24, 1848.
Alheut Dodge, the son of George and Huklah (Jones) Dodge, was born at
Nelson, Sept. 27, 1823. He is engaged in merchandise at N. Y. city.
Joseph William Drew, the son of William I'laisted and Maria (Drew)
Drew, was born at Dover, ]\Iay 8, 1825. He taught at Stow Acad. IMs, from
Aug. to Dec. 1844; read law with John II. White at Dover, from Dec. 1844
to Sept. 1845 ; tlien taught at Rochester Acad, to July, 1846 ; also the High
School at Braintree, Ms, from Nov. 1846 to May 1847 ; next studied medicine
with Dr Nathaniel Low, D. C. 1809, at Dover from May 1847 to Mar. 1849,
being part of the time at Harv. Univ. Med. School, and teaching at Taun-
ton, Ms ; went to California in Sept. 1849 ; was in business there to July 1850 ;
then removed to Oregon and still continues there, living at L^mpqua ; was a
member of its Territorial Leg. in 1851 and 1852 ; Deputy U. S. Marshal for
its Southern District from 1853 to 1855; Adj. and Quarter Master Gen. in
the Oregon Indian war from Oct. 1855 to 1858 ; Dep. Collector of Customs for
Cape Peipettia District in 1861 and 18()2 ; now resides at Umpqua.
Daniel Augustus Droa\^', the son of Daniel Pickering and Lois Sawyer
(Tewksbury) Drown, was born at Portsmouth, Apr. 17, 1823. He was soon
afflicted with blindness and feeble health, but has notwithstanding published a
vol. entitled " Fragrant Flowers and other Poems."
Samuel Hart Edes, the son of Amasa, D. C. 1817, and Sarali (Hart)
Edes, was born at Newport, Mar. 31, 1825. He read law with his father and
ALUMNI 1844. 349
began practice, at his native place, and there continues ; was a representative
from Newport in the N. H. Leg. in 18G0. He married Julia A. Nourse of
Acworth, in Dec. 1847.
William IIarkison Farrar, the son of Jeduthan and Sally (Cate) Far-
rar, was born at Gilmanton, Jan. 27, 1817. He was preceptor of Wolfhorough
Academy, also of the High Schools at Woonsocket, Lawrence, Ms, and Great
Falls ; is now in business at the last since 1864. He married.
LuciAN Gale, the son of Stephen Gale, was born at Meredith, May 25,
1818. He read law with Stephen Carr Lyford of Meredith ; lived at Boston,
Ms; removed to N. Y. city, remaining 1 year; then went to Chicago, lUi. but
is now practising law at Laconia. He married Sarah Elisabeth, dau. of Alex-
ander Scammell Chadbourne of Farmingdale, Me, Feb. 10, 1853.
AiU'HioN Gates, the son of Clark and Margarette (Fessenden) Gates,
was born at Chelsea, Vt, Feb. 2, 1818. He became a teacher at the Phillips
Grammar School at Boston, Ms, in 1844, and is yet an instructor in that city.
He married Charlotte Augusta Jones of Boston.
John Abel Gilfillan, the son of and Ruth (Blanchard) Gilfillan,
was bom at Barnet, Vt, May 27, 1821. He read law with William Mattocks
of Peacham, Vt, but never practised ; has been a teacher several years at St
Louis, Missouri. He married Lucinda, dau. of James Buzzell of Osceola,
Samuel Hutchins Goodall, the son of Ira and Hannah (Hutchins)
Goodall, was born at Bath, Mar. 31, 1823. He read law with his father from
Aug. 1844 to Aug. 1847 ; began and pursued practice in Bath from the last
date to Aug. 1853 ; then removed to Portsmouth, his present abode ; repre-
sented it in the N. H. Leg. in 1861. He married Sarah, dau. of John Nelson,
D. C. 1803, of Haverhill, May 22, 1850.
John Noble Goodwin, the son of John and Mary (Noble) Goodwin, was
born at South Berwick, Me, Oct. 18, 1824. He read law at South Berwick with
John Hubbard ; began ]jractice there in 1849 ; was elected a State Senator in
1854 ; represented his district in Congress from 1861 to 1863 ; became Chief
Justice of Arizona Territory from March to Aug. 1863; its Governor from
the last date to Sept. 1865 ; was also its delegate to Cong, from 1865 to 1^67,
and resides at Prescott in Arizona. He married Susan Howard, dau. of
George Robinson of Augusta, Me, in Nov. 1857.
Charles Haddock, A. M. the son of the Rev. Prof. Dr Charles Brickett,
D. C. 1816, and Susan Saunders (Lang) Haddock, was born at Hanover, July
14, 1822. He studied medicine at the Coll.. of Surg, and Phy. in N. Y. city
and at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D, at the last in 1846 ; was Assistant
Physician at the Insane Asylum in Concord ; went into practice at Beverly,
Ms. Nov. 25, 1848. He married Sarah Ellen, dau. of Capt. Michael Wiiitney
of Beverly. Ms, July 18, 1854.
Amos Hadley, the son of Willoughby and Mercy (Wheeler) Hadley, was
born at Dunbarton, May 14, 1825. He read law and settled in practice at
Concord in 1848, but has devoted himself chiefly to teaching and editing the
" State Capital Reporter." He married, 1. Laura M. dau. of Dr William
Prescott of Concord in Sept. 1851. 2. Adrianna C. Shannon of Gilmanton,
Oct. 29, 1857.
Jacob Augustine Hood, A. M. the son of the Rev. .Jacob and Sophia
(Needham) Hood, was born at Marblehead, Ms, May 5, 1822. He taught at
Buffalo and Brooklyn, N. Y. about 2 years ; studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. graduating in 1849 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Middleton
350 ALUMNI 1844.
]\U Jan. 2,1850; dismissed May 17, 1854; installed at Pittsfield. Dec. 12,
1854; dismissed; became stated supply at Loudon Centre in 1862 and is thus
still. He married. 1. Kate D. dau. of Jacob ^Nlills Hawkins of Hamptonburg,
N. Y. Dec. 27, 1849. 2. Emily Parker, dau. of Oliver P. Green of Pitts-
field. Sept. 24, 1857.
Alvaii Hoyey, D. D. the son of Alfred and Abigail (Howard) Hovey,
was born at Tiietford, Vt, Mar. 5, 1820. He studied divinity at Newton, Ms,
Tlieo. Seni. and was ordained a Baptist minister; preached at New Gloucester,
Me, about a year ; lias Iteen Prof, of Hebrew at the above Seminary for sev-
eral years ; has published a " Memoir of tiie Life and Times of Isaac Backus,"
and an Essay on the State of the impenitent dead. Brown Coll. R. I. gave the
Hon. degree in 1856. He married Augusta Maria Pice at Newton, Mass. Sept.
24, 1852. Amos White Hovey, D. C 1842, and Charles Edward Hovey,
D. C. 1852, are his brothers.
James Corbin Jackson, the son of the Hon. Eleazar and Lois (Corbin)
Jackson, was born at Cornish. Aug. 22, 1818. He studied medicine at Jeffer-
son ]Med. Coll. Philadelphia, Pa, graduating jM. D. in 1847. and is settled in
practice at Hartford, Ct. He married Mrs Mary (Wing) Child of Hartford.
Hahvet Jewell, the son of Pliny and P2mily (Alexander) Jewell, was
born at Winchester, June 26, 1820. He read law in Boston, JNIs ; began
practice Oct. 1, 1847 and still pursues it there ; has represented it in the Ms
Legislature. He married Susan A. dau. of Richard Bradlev of Concord. Dec.
26, 1849.
Amos Jones, the son of Elnathan Jones, was born at Lunenburg. IMs, -"^ng.
9, 1821. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1^47 ; he is
an ordained minister ; Avas settled at Williamsport, Iowa, Pittsburgh, Ind. and
Delphi, Ind. being stated supply at the last.
Samuel John JMills Lord, the son of John and Lucy (Bliss) Lord, was
born at Norwich, Vt, Oct. 4, 1820. He taught near Washington. JNlason, Co.
Ky ; studied divinity at Lane Theo. Sem. W;dnut Hills, Ohio, graduating in
1848; was ordained a Cong evangelist at North Truro, Ms, Dec. 21, 1851 ;
has preached there, at Orange, Ms, Wilmington, Yt, Wadham's Mills, N. Y.
and Westport, N. Y. closing at Enfield, Feb. 15, 1863. He married Harriet
B. Skinner, dau. of P. C. Butterfield of Francestown, Sept. 11, 1801.
Joshua Rich Lotiirop, the son of Caleb Lothrop, was born at Cohasset,
Ms, Oct. 16, 1822. He studied medicine at Ilarv. Univ. Metl. Coll. graduat-
ing IM. D. in 1852 ; practised some time at Boston, Ms, but ultimately removed
to Chicago, lUi. and there remains.
* Joseph M'Gaekey, the son of Josiah M'Gaffev, was born at Sandwich,
Apr. 18, 1821, and died at Benicia, Cal. INIay 25, 1850, je. 29.
William Andrew Mack, the son of Andrew, D. C. 1808, and ]Maria
Leavitt (Burns) Mack, was born at Haverhill, Oct. 4. 1824. He studied medi-
cine with Dr Nahum Wight of Gilmanton, and at Dart, and Bowdoin Med.
Colleges, graduating ]\I. D. at Dart, in 1847; began practice at Chichester;
removed to Pittsfield; j)ursued his profession in the two places 12 years; then
became a druggist in Pittsfield and there continues. He married Mrs Ellen
Salter (Lake) Naylor, dau. of Capt. John Lake of Portsmouth in Mar. 1851.
RuEUS Nichols Meriam, A. j\I. the son of Samuel and Nancy Tyler
(Nichols) ^Meriam, was born at Oxford, Ms, Jan. 14, 1818. He went into
mechanical pursuits at Oxford until 1849; then removed to Worcester. Ms, and
is yet there. He married Emily, dau. of John Totman of Worcester, Apr. 12,
ALUMNI 1844. 351
Silas Merriam, A. M. tlie son of Andrew and Ann Jane (Nixon) Merriam,
was born at Middleton, Ms, Dec. 19, 1819. He studied divinity at And. Tlieo.
Sem. 1 year in tlie class of 1847 ; then taujjht in Ky 3 years; but his health
failinji, enibarlsed in mercantile business at Marion, Iowa. He married Laura
Parkhurst of Cincinnati, Ohio, in Oct. 1850.
John Morse Okdway, A. M. the son of Samuel and Sarah (Morse) Ord-
way, was born at Amesbury, Ms, Apr, 23, 1823. He was in the Roxbury, Ms,
colour and chemical manufactory as Chemist from 1847 to 1850 ; Principal of
Grand River Coll. at Edinburgh, Missouri, from 1851 to 1854; again in the
Rox. chem. works from 1855 to 1858 ; next at the Glenville chem. works
at Johnston, R. I. in 1859 and 18G0 ; then at tlie Manchester Print Works
from Dec. 1860 to the present time. He married Virginia C. dau. of Milton L.
IMoore of Edinburgh, Jan. 26, 1854.
LIoRATio George Parker, A. M. the son of Elijah, D. C. 180G, and Sally
(Hall) Parker, was born at Keene, Apr. 26, 1823. He read law with his
fother at Keene in 1844 and 1845, and with the Hon. William Curtis Noyes
at N. Y. city in 1846 and 1847 ; began practice at Greenfield, Ms, in 1849 ;
was Judge of Probate for Franklin Co. until 1855, the date of his removal to
Boston, Ms, and opening an office in that city. Henry Elijah Parker, D. C.
1841, is his brother.
* Charles Edward Partridge, the son of Cyrus and Mary (Loveland)
Partridge, was born at Norwich, Vt, Apr. 17, 1822, and died there, Apr. 6,
1847,^. 25, minus 11 days. He became an engineer and taught at a Military
School in Harrisburg, Pa, 2 years.
Ambrose Arnold Ranxey, tlie son of Dr Waitstill Randolph and Phebe
(Atwood) Ranney, was born at Townshend, Vt, Apr. 16, 1821. He taught at
Chester Acad. Vt, from July 1844 to Dec. 1846 ; read law with Henry E.
Stoughton of Chester while in that town and Andrew Tracy of Woodstock, Vt,
from Dec. 1846 to Jan. 1848 ; began practice in Boston, Ms, in 1848, and there
continues; represented it in the Ms Leg. in 1857 and 1858. He married
Maria Dorothy, dau. of Addison Fletcher of Cavendish, Vt, Dec. 4, 1850. La
Fayette Ranney, D. C. 1842, is his brother.
* Alfred Reynolds, the son of Stephen and Sarah (Ela) Reynolds, was
born at Deny, Dec. 15, 1811, and died there. Mar. 25, 1861, M. 49. He
studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1847 ; but ill health de-
feated his ordination and consigned him to a farm in his native place. He mar-
ried Maria Louisa, dau. of George Gushing of South Scituate, Ms, Dec. 15,
Samuel Green Sewall, the son of William and Mary (Ladd) Sewall, was
born at Boston, Ms, June 2, 1823. He became a hardware merchant at Bo.—
ton ; did other business successively at Sacramento, Cal. Toronto Can. and
Augusta, Me ; was made 2nd Lt of the 11th reg. of Me vols in 1861 and was a
Capt. at the war's end ; is or was lately serving with a different corps at Dako-
tah. He married Sarah Cornelia Otis of Woburn, Ms, May 1, 1845.
Thomas Burns Shepard, the son of the Rev. John William and Eliza
(Burns) Shepard, was born at Gilmanton, Feb. 6, 1820. He is an Apothecary
at Ilolyoke, Ms. He married.
* Demson Klmball Smith, the son of Denison, D. C 1805, and Fanny
(Kimball ) Smith, was born at South Barre, Vt, Oct. 16, 1822, and died there.
Mar. 4, 1860, je. 37. He read law and went into practice at Barre in 1847 ;
represented it iu the Vt Leg. in 1855 and 1857 ; was State's Atty for Wash-
352 ALUMNI 1844.
ington Co. in 1858. He married Maria B. dau. of the Rev. Walter Follett, at
Temple, N. II. June 21, 1854.
* John M'Clary Steele, A.M. the son of Jonathan and Elisaheth Harvey
(M'Clarj) Steele, was born at Epsom, Sept. 3, 1822, and died at N. Y. city,
Apr. 6, 1857, je. 34. He .-studied divinity at And. Theo. Sera, graduating in
1847 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Cii. at Wincliester, Ms, Aug. 14, 1848 ;
dismissed Feb. 11, 1852; installed at Stratliam, Nov. 30, 1853; dismissed in
1855; installed at Columbus, Ohio, in Oct. 1855, and held tlie office until his
deatii on a journey. He married Anna Eliza Burnliam of Winchester in 1852.
Thomas Little Steele, D. C. 1847, was his brotiier.
William Alanson Stone, the son of Josiah and Experience (Stevens)
Stone, was born at Cornish, Nov. 21, 1818. He has been many years a teacher
of the High School at Woburn, Ms. He married Emily M. Sumner of Mid-
dlebury. Summit Co. Ohio, Sept. 1, 1847.
Seth Tracy Thatcher, the son of Amos and Anna (Tracy) Thatclier,
was born at Lowell, Ms, Nov. 13, 1819. He studied divinity and was ordained
a Baptist minister; his locations are not ascertained, except that he was pastor
of a Baptist Cli. at West Amesbury, Ms, in 1857. He married, 1. Deborah
Emerson. 2. Sarah M. Perry of Beverly, Ms, Jan. 23, 1857.
William Cleaves Todd, the son of Ebenezer and Betsey (Kim])all) Todd,
was born at Atkinson, Feb. 16, 1823. He tauglitat Sheplierdsville, Ky, near 2
years, and at Atkinson Acad. 6 years ; became Principal of the Female High
School at Newburyport, Ms, in 1854, and after a very successful tenure re-
signed in 1864. Paul Porter Todd, D. C. 1842, is ins brother.
KoAH Torrey, the son of Noah and Saraii (Blanciiard) Torrcy, was born at
Groton, IMs, Dec. 23, 1818. He studied medicine wnth Dr Norman Smith of
Groton, Dr Charles Gleason of South Braintree, Ms, and at Jefferson Med.
Coll. Philadelphia, Pa, graduating M. D. in 1847; settled in practice at South
Braintree and so continues. He married Lucinda, dau. of Jonathan Tiiayer of
South P.raintree, Nov. 16, 1852.
HcMi'iiREY Webster, the son of ^Matthew and Nancy (Calef) Webster, was
born at Salisbury, Feb. 19, 1821. He became a teacher at Springfield, Ms,
and then at Worcester, Ms. He married Eliza Hamilton, dau. of Lucius A.
Emery of West Newbury, Ms, Nov. 29, 1853.
William Weijster, the son of John and Lois (Colcord) Webster, was bom
at Kingston, Sept. 20, 1823. He taught at West Newbury, Ms; in Queen
Anne's Co. INIaryland, 2 years ; at West Cambridge 3 years, AVatertown 9 years,
and Boston 1 year, all in Ms. He married Martha Elisabeth, dau. of John
Price of Queen Anne's Co. Md, May 3, 1849.
* Albert Gallatin Weeks, the son of Daniel and Hannah (Gale) Weeks,
was born at Gilford, Feb. 8. 1819, and died at Barnstead, Feb. 25, 1853,^.34.
He taught at Yarmouth Port, jNIs, from 1844 to 1845, studying law the while
with the Hon. John Reed ; then taught 2 terms at New Bedford, Ms, and next
at the Acad, of Meredith Bridge ; after this, left both law and teaching owing
to ill health ; soon studied medicine with Dr George W. Garland, also at Bow-
doin and Harv. Univ. Med. Schools, graduating M. D. at the last in 1849 ; be-
"an practice at Gilford, and after a year pursued it at Barnstead until death
took away " the beloved physician." He married Mary Dudley, dau. of Me-
sheck Sanborn of Gilford, Feb. 25, 1853.
Edward Barker West, the son of William and Mary (Barker) West, was
born at Concord, Apr. 1. 1822. He was tutor in the family of President An-
drew Jackr-on at the Hermitage, Tenn. 1 year; read law and commenced prac-
ALUMNI 1844. o5o
tice at Warner in 1848 ; removed thence to Na-liiui, liis present abode. He
married Louisa J. dau. of William D. Beasom of Nasliua, Oct. 14, 1857.
* George Canning Williams, A. M. the son of the Hon. Jared Warner
and Sarah Williams, was born at Lancaster, Aug. 7, 1827, and died there, Dec.
10, 18G5, JE. 38. He read law and settled in practice at his native place, and
became Cashier of the White Mountain bank at Lancaster.
Thomas Wilson, the son of Claudio and Margaret (Downie) Wilson, was
born at Paislee, Scotland, June 15, 1822. He studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. graduating in 1847 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Palmer,
Ms, Mar. 1, 1848; dismissed July 1, 1852; installed at Westford, Ms, May 4,
1853 ; dismissed Feb. 13, 1856 ;' installed at Stoughton, Ms, Mar. 13, 1856,
and is yet in office ; was member of the Mass. Leg. for the town in 1867. He
married, 1. Sarah Elisabeth, dau. of Timothy Carter Haskell of North Brook-
field, Ms, Sept. 19, 1848. 2. Ellen Perkins, dau. of the Rev. N. Fellows at
Springfield, Ms, Nov. 28, 1866.
Hakvey Colcord Wood, A.M. the son of Asa and Elisabeth (Wiggins)
Wood, was born at Lebanon, Mar. 25, 1817. He studied divinity and was or-
dained a Methodist minister ; preached at Newbury, Vt, some time, but subse-
quently became a teacher at the West. He married Ann Jane AUis of Wood-
stock, Vt.
* James Bowdoin Allen, A. M. the son of Samuel Clesson and Elisabeth
(Halsey) Allen, was born at Northfield, Ms, July 5, 1824, and died at East
Boston, Ms, Dec. 23, 1853, je. 29. He read law at Harv. Univ. Law School,
graduating LL. B. in 1847 ; settled in practice at P^ast Boston, and remained
until his death, being at that time the Postmaster of the place.
Eli Moseley Barnum, the son of Eli Starr and Mary (Root) Barnum, was
born at Florence, Ohio, June 3, 1823. He read law with Joseph M. Root at
Norwalk, Ohio, in 1845 and 1846 ; was at Florence on a farm in 1847 ; re-
sumed legal study with Beecher and Leonard at Sandusky, Ohio, in 1848 ; was
in practice at Norwalk in 1849 and 1850 ; was a merchant in Salem, Oregon,
from 1851 to 1853; then opened a law office there in 1854, and so remains ;
was a commissioner for building the Territory Capitol in 1853 and 1854; has
been Adj. Gen. of Oregon from 1855 to this time, and served as such in the In-
dian war of 1855 and 1856. He married Frances W. dau. of Picket Latimer
of Norwalk, Nov. 1, 1849.
* Henry Snow Bartlett, A. M. the sonof Josiah and Abigail (Wheelock)
Bartlett, was born at Bath, Aug. 20, 1820. He taught in Geo. 3 years ; read
law with the Hon. George Clinton Gaboon of Lyndon, Vt ; began practice
there; was State's Atty in 1851, 1852, and 1853 ; removed to Providence, R.
I. and there opened an office. He married Sarah A. Cahoon, dau. of his law
instructor, at Lyndon in Mar. 1848.
George Henry Bissell, A M. the son of Isaac and Nina (Wempe) Bis-
sell, was born at Hanover, Nov. 8, 1821. He was Prof of Languages at Nor-
wich Univ. Vt, a short time in 1845 ; was next at Washington, D. C a corre
spondent of Newspapers ; became Principal of a High School at New Orleans.,
La, m 1846 ; was also Superintendent of its Publick Schools, and associate ed-
itor of the N. O. Delta and N. O. Crescent, with other Journals of that city ; at
the same time, read law with Charles Milton Emerson, D. C. 1826, and at
Jefferson Coll. graduating LL. B. there ; removed thence to N. Y. city and was
354 ALUMNI 1845.
admitted to the bar there in 1853, also to the U. S. Courts in 1855, and to tho?e
of Pa in 1859. Mr Bis^ell has been largely engaged in the Petroleum busi-
ness since 1853, claiming to have been the first to ascertain its value, to have
brought it into repute as an article of commerce, and to have organized " The
Pennsylvania Rock Oil Co." the first of the kind in America, at N.-Y. city in
1855, of which he was the first President, and is now the senior partner of the
firm of Geo. H. Bissell and Co. Brokers at Oil City, Pa. His noble donation
to his Alma Mater for the erection of a now completed Gymnasium is recorded
in our " Brief History." He married Ophie Louise, dau. of Charles Griffin of
N. Y. city, at N. Oct. 14. 1855.
Amos Adams Blanchard, A. M. the son of Amos Blanchard, was born at
Jamestown, N. Y. May 9, 1821. He read law and commenced practice at
Buffalo, N. Y. but removed to Lawrence, Ms ; remained there 3 years and
then returned to Buffalo. He married, 1. Ruth, dau. of Major William Ten-
ney of Hanover. 2. .
Eli Everett Boyntox, tlie son of Eli and IMary (INI'Donald) Boynton, was
born at Pepperell, Ms, July 12. 1822. He taught at Mobile. Ala. some years,
at Pep|)('rell a short time, at Swampscott and Lynn, Ms, several years each ; is
still living at Swampscott. He married Sarah Cleaveland M'Cune of Mobile.
* "William Chamberlain Bradlee, the son of Nehemiah and Elizabeth
(Chaml)erlain) Bradlee, was born at Peacham, Vt, Apr. 23, 1823, and died at
Charlestown, Ms, Nov. 20, 1850, j£.. 27. He taught at Peacham Acad. 2 years
and at Charlestown 3 years, two of which at the Winthrop School.
Charles Henry Branscomb. the son of Arthur and Sarah (Chapman)
Branscomb, was born in Newmarket in 1822. He read law ; practised some
time at Holyoke, INIs ; removed tlience to Kansas, being an agent of the Emi-
grant's Aid Society ; now lives at St Louis, Missouri and represents it in the
Legislature. He married Georgie Hubbard of Nortliampton, Ms.
John Brazer, the son of William Farwell and Phebe (Varnum) Brazer,
was born at Groton, Ms, Nov. 30, 1825. He went to Ala. as a teaciier, but re-
moved to Cal. and became a teacher, bookseller, and civil engineer, living at
San Francisco.
Joseph Brownlee Broavn, the son of the Rev. Joseph and Maria (Hunt)
Brown, was born at Charleston, S. C. Oct. 4, 1824. He read law with Benjamin
Doiigla ' •
* George Henry Steele, the son of Jason, D. C. 1812, and Abigail (Make-
peace) Steele, was born at Chelsea, Vt, Nov. 30, 1824, and died at Cambridge,
Ms, Nov. 15, 1846, m. 22, minus 15 days. He was a member of the Harv.
Univ. law class.
Reuben Henry Stephenson, the son of Reuben and Mary King (Baker)
Stephenson, was born at Lancaster, June 11, 1822. He taught at Cincinnati,
Ohio, and in Louisiana ; then read law at Cincinnati, and settled in practice
there ; has been some years Librarian of the Mercantile Libraiy Association in
that city. He married Louisa, dau. of the Hon. Nathaniel Wright, D. C. 1811,
of Cincinnati.
* James Wright Stone, A. M. the son of James and Sally (Woods) Stone,
was born at Fitzwilliam, Dec. 29, 1815, and died there, Dec. 13, 1854, je. 39,
minus 16 days. He taught several years at Nashua, Milford, and at Pepperell,
Ms ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sera, graduating in 1852, but owing to poor
health was never ordained.
William Chamberlain Strong, the son of Elnathan and Jane (Chamber-
lain) Strong, was born at Hardwick, Vt, Aug. 18, 18'23. He read law at Bos-
ton, Ms, and at Harv. Univ. Law School ; has been, since 1850, an Agriculturist
at Brighton, Ms. He married,!. Margarette, dau. of the Hon. Joseph Breck
of Brighton, June 11, 1850. 2. Mary Jane, dau. of Samuel Davis of Boston,
Oct. 7, 1864. Elnathan Ellsworth Strong, D. G. 1852, is his brother.
Mark True, the son of John and Lucy (Dole) True, was born at Frances-
town, Nov. 1, 1815. He taught Latin and Greek at New Hampton Listitute
in 1846 and 1847 ; Principal of Hancock Lit. and Scientifick Institute in 1848
and 1849, also of Brewster Acad. Ms, and teacher of the Higli School at
Winchester, Ms, in 1854; has since become a farmer at New London. He
360 ALUMNI 1845.
married, 1. Laura Ann, dan. of Daniel Fi^ke of Dublin, Apr. 26, 1847. 2.
Mary II. Crocker of Brewster, in 185o.
Gkokge "William Tuxbury, the son of Daniel and Sally (Woodman)
Tuxbury, was born at Amesbury, Ms, Nov. 8, 1822. He tauijlit at Ip-wich,
Ms, in 184G and 1847 ; read law with Jonathan C. Perkins of Salein. ^I<. in
184G and 1847; William Joseph Hubbard of Boston, Ms, from 1847 to 1849,
and Ilarv. Univ. Law School; began practice at lioston in 1849, and so con-
tinues. He married Harriet Matilda, dan. of William Beals, at Boston, June
30, 1852.
David Sands Vittum, the sou of David and Dolly (Beede) Vittum, was
born at Sandwich, Oct. 31, 1820. He read law with Stephen Carr Lyford of
Meredith ; practised there some years; removed to Baraboo, Wise, and is there
still. He married, 1. Mary E. dau. of Ebenezer Hall of Concord in Ai>r. or
May 1851. 2. Amanda Hall, her sister. Mr V. was 2 years in tl)e Wise.
State Senate, and a Capt. in the 3d vol. AVisc. Cavalry Regiment.
* Franklin Wi:dster, the son of David and Betsey (Kimball) Webster, was
born at Haverhill, Ms, June 27, 1824, and died at Munich, Bavaria, Euro|)e,
May 4, 1865,^. 40. He read law, and settled in practice at Chicago, Illinois ;
was U. S. Consul at Bavaria at the time of his death.
JosF.PH Thomas Odiorne West, the son of Bennett and Lovey (Thomas)
West, was born at Barnstead, June 21, 1823. He studied medicine with Dr
Nathan Allen at Lowell, Ms, and at Ilarv. Univ. Med. Scliool, graduating M.
D. in 1848 ; began practice in Lowell in 1848 ; removed thence to Holden,
Ms, in 1850, and aflerw^ards to Princeton, Ms, in 1854 and there remains. He
married, 1. Eliza Jane, dau. of Jacob Whittier of Meredith, Feb. 21, 1849. 2.
Mrs Eliza Jane (Williamson) Gordon, dau. of Andrew Williamson of St
John's, New Brun-'wick, Dec. 8, 1853.
Samuel Hopkins Willet, A.M. the son of Darius and Mary (Pul-ifer)
Willey, was born at Campton, Mar. 11, 1821. He studied divinity at Union
Theo. Sera. N. Y. city, graduating in 1848; was ordained pastor of the How-
ard St Cli. at San Francisco, Calitbrnia ; dismissed in 1862 ; is now Vice Pi-esi-
dent and financial agent of Oakland Coll. Oakland, in that State. He married
Martha Brewster at San Francisco in Sept. 1849. Isaac Willey, D. C. 1822,
is his bi'other.
Charles AuocsTrs Aiken, A. M. the son of the Hon. John, D. C. 1819,
and Harriet R. (Adams) Aiken, was born at INIanchester, Vt, Oct. 30, 1827.
He taught at Lawrence Acad. Groton. Ms, and Phillips Acad. Andover, Ms,
from 1846 to 1849 ; went to Halle and Berlin Universities Europe in 1851 and
1853 ; resumed studies at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1853 ; was ordained
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Yarmouth, Me, Oct. 19, 1854; dismissed Apr. 5,
1859 ; became Prof, of Latin at Dart, from 1859 to 1866 ; elected to the same
Professorshi[) at Princeton, N. J. Coll. in 1866. He married Sarah E. dau. of
Daniel Noyes of Andover, Oct. 17, 1854. John Francis Aiken, D. C 1858, is
his half brother.
LuTiiER Wilson Anderson, the son of Capt. Robert and Jane (Wilson)
Anderson, was born at June 12, 1822. He taught at Pembroke Acad. 9
months ; at liraintree, Ms, about 9 months; was Sub Master and then Princi-
pal of the Winthrop Grammar School at Ciiarlestown, Ms, fi'om 1848 to 1852;
went in Sept. 1852, as Sub Ma-ter of the English High School, to Boston, Ms,
ALUMNI 1846. 3G1
and thus continues. He married Annie Warren, dau. of Amos Warren Stetson
of Braintree, May 25, 1M53.
Georgk Thorndike Angell, a. M, the son of the Rev. George and Re-
becca (Tliorndike) Angell, was born at Southbridge, Ms, June 5, 1823. He
was an Usher in the Mather School, Boston, Ms, to 1849 ; read law with the
Hon, Richard Fletcher, D. C. 1806, and Charles Greelj Loring of Boston ; also
at Harv. Univ. Law School; began practice at Boston in 1851, and is still
there ; is Commissioner and Notary Pub. for Ms from every State and Terri-
tory in the Union.
Benjamin Franklin Ater, A. M. the son of Robert and Louisa (Sanborn)
Ayer, was born at Kingston, Apr. 22, 1825. He read law with the Hon.
George AVashington Moi'ri-on of Manchester and at Harv. Univ. Law School ;
went into practice at Manchester in July 1849 ; represented it in the N. H.
Leg. in 1853 ; was Atty for Hillsborough Co. from 1853 to 1856; removed to
Chicago, Illi. in Apr. 1857 ; was made City Atty in 1861. He married Phebe
T. dau. of the Hon. Thomas Whipple of Wentworth, at Hanover, Aug. 13,
John Gillespie Baker, the son of Dr John and Esther (Towne) Baker,
was born at Weare, Sept. 24, 1823. He taught at Columbus, Geo. and Dor-
chester, Ms ; after this, settled in N. Y. city and has been engaged in the ex-
press business on a large scale. He married Mary A. dau. of William H. La-
tham of Thetford, Vt, May 18, 1852.
JosiAH Whitney Barstow, the son of the Rev. Dr Zedekiah Smith and
Elisabeth Fay (Blake) Baistow, was born at Keene, June 21, 1826. He taught
at Shepardstown, Va, 2 yeai's ; studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. graduat-
ing M. D. in 1852 ; began practice as Assistant Physician at the N. Y. city
Hospital and at the Hospital on Blackwell's Island; lias been since 1854 em-
ployed at an Asylum for the Insane in Flushing, Long Island, N. Y. He mar-
ried Flora, dau. of Dr James Macdonald of Flushing, June 21, 1860.
Joshua James Blaisdell, A. M. the son of the Hon. Elijah and INIary
(Fogg) Blaisdell, was born at Canaan, Feb. 8, 1827. He taught at Montreal,
Can. East, from 1847 to 1848 ; read law with his father at Lebanon from Feb.
1848 to Sept. 1849 ; then studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in
1852 ; was ordained pastor of the 3d Presb. Ch. at Cincinnati, Oliio, in Feb.
1853 ; dismissed in Apr. 1859 ; has been Prof, of Rhet. and English Literature
at Beloit Coil. Wise, from Sept. 1859 to this time. He married Susan Ann,
dau. of Dea. Abner Allen of Lebanon, Feb. 1, 1853. Daniel Blaisdell, D.
C. 1827, is his brother.
John Henry Butler, the son of William and Hannah (Paine) Butler,
was born at Thomaston, INIe, Oct. 11, 1819. He was Usher in the Brim-
mer School at Boston, Ms, from 1846 to 1849 and Principal to 1852 ; read
law with Lyman Mason, D. C. 1839, Ambrose Arnold Ranney, D. C. 1844,
and Nathan Morse of Boston ; began practice there in 1852 and so remains.
He married Catharine Paine, dau. of Elliot Libbey of Portland, Me, Oct. 31,
Joseph INIills Cavis, the son of John and Nancy (Mills) Cavis, was born
at Hopkinton, July 9, 1826. He read law with the Hon. David Cros> of Man-
chester from 1847 to 1848, and Willard and Raymond at Troy, N. Y^ in Nov.
1848 ; began practice at Holyoke, Ms, in 1849 ; remained 4 years ; became a
broker at Sacramento, Cal. in 1852 ; went to the mines in 1853 ; resumed the
law at Tuolumne, Cal. in 1856 ; moved to Columbia, Cal. in 1857 ; was elected
to the Cal. State Senate in 1862, and a Judge of the 5th Judicial District in 1864.
3G2 ALUMNI 1846.
He married Emma Maria, dau. of Capt. Timothy Chandler of liopkinton, Oct.
4, 1849.
Benjamin Chapman Chase, the son of Benjamin Chapman and Ehza Ste-
vens (Koyce) Chase, was born at Cornish, Jan. 2'J, 1819. lie studied divinity
at Bangor Theo. Sem. Me, graduating in Aug. 1849 ; was ordained pastor of
the 1st Cong. Ch. at Camden, Me, Jan. 8, 18.50 ; dismissed in 1857 ; installed
over the l.-t Cong. Ch. at AtlU'borough, IMs, in July 1857; di>missed in 18 33 ;
then took charge of the Ch. at Oldtown, INIe ; has been stated supply at Fox-
croft and Dover, j\le, since 1864, but was installed at Foxcroft, May 8, 1866.
He married Almeda S. Blanchard of Bangor, Me, Feb. 1<), 1850.
George Augustus Gordon, A. I\I. the son of Ebenezer and Sophronia
Gordon, was born at Dover, July 17, 1827. He taught at Dover and read law
witli the Hon. John Parker Hale ; was a civil engineer at Lawrence, Ms, from
1847 to 1849 ; then acted in that capacity on rail roads ; was next at the Lewis-
ton, Me, "Water Co. Works 3 years ; also at those called the locomotive at De-
troit, Mich. 1 year ; after that, was editor and owner of " The Sentinel " at Law-
rence, Ms, 2 years from Sept. 1855; went thence to Charleston, S. C. in 1857,
and was there assistant editor of " The Charleston Mercury." He is said to
have been a rebel Col. but this is much doubted. He married Anne Fai'ley,
dau. of Dea. Nathaniel B. Gordon of Lawrence, Oct. 16, 1857.
Daniel Stickney Hough, A. M. the son of John and Nancy M. (Stick-
ney) Hough, was born at Lebanon, July 24, 1821. He went to N. Y. city in
1846 ; became a merchant and is still in business there. He married Lucretia
Baker of Lebanon in Aug. 1846.
* "William Clarke Hurd, the son of the Rev. Dr Carlton, D. C. 1818, and
Sophronia (Wines) Hurd, was born at Fryeburg, Me, July 25, 1826, and died at
Tecumseh, Mich, Feb. 3, 1867,^. 40. He taught for 2 years ; studied divinity
at Bangor, IMej^riieo. Sem. 1 year; then read law with the Hon. John A. Peters
of Bangor; began practice at the Falls of St Antiiony. Minn, in 1852 ; re-
moved to Fryeburg, Iowa, in 1853, and thence to Sauk Rapids, Minnesota; left
the bar in 1860, and went to Tecumseh. studying divinity there ; was ordained a
Deacon of the Prot. P>pis. Ch. by the Right Rev. Bishop Samuel Allen IM'Cos-
kry, D. D. at Detroit, IMich. Jan. 5, 1862 ; then settled as rector of St Luke's Ch.
at Kalamazoo, ]\Iioh. and was there ordained a Presbyter of the same P. E. Ch.
by the same Bishop, Oct. 18, 1863, and, though St Luke's was eventually resigned,
continued to live in that State without an immediate charge. He married Har-
riet A. dau. of Dr M. A. Patterson of Tecumseh, Oct. 16, 1802.
* MiLON Ckaig M'Clure, a. M. the son of Samuel and Anna (Nurse)
IM'Clure, was born at Acworth, Jan. 7, 1819. and died at Claremont. Sept. 1,
1860, .E. 41. He taught at Claremont Acad. 2 years; read law with Philander
Chase Freeman of Claremont ; became his partner in 1849 ; was elected to the
N. H. Council of State in 1855 and 1856, and represented his town in the N.
H. Leg. in 1857 and 1858. His character as a lawyer and a man stood high.
He did not marry.
* Gi:oRGE WiiiTEiiELn IM'Keen, the son of the Rev. Dr Silas and Hannah
(Johnston) M'Keen, was born at Bradford, Yt, Jan. 26, 1827. and died there,
.June 9, 1850, m. 23. He taught as an Assistant in Pembroke Academy, and
studied medicine in N. Y. Univ. Med. School until health failed. He did not
Arthur Ward IMarshall, the son of Andrew B. and Sally (Ward) Mar-
shall, was born at Ilampstead, Apr. 9. 1822. He taught a short time ; read
law with the Hon. Josiah Quincy of Rumney in 1847 ; was then on a farm at
ALUMNI 1846. 363
Kingston 2 years; went to Valparaiso, Chili, in 1849; was there nearly 10
years, teaching youth; returned to the U. S. in Apr. 1859, and opened a female
boarding Sciiool at Kingston, N. Y. in 1860 and still conducts it. He married
Caroline W. dau. of John W. Trumbull of Colchester, Ct, at Valparaiso, Dec.
29, 1854.
Edward Hazen Parker, A. M. the son of Isaac and Sarah (Ainsworth)
Parker, was born at Boston, Ms, Mar. 7, 1823. He studied medicine at Dart.
Med. Coll. and JeflTerson Med. Coll. Philadelphia, Pa, graduating M. D. at the
last in 1848 ; lectured on Anatomy at Bowdoin Coll. Me, in 1848 ; began prac-
tice at Concord in Jan. 1849, editing also the N. H. ]\led. Journal ; removed
to N. Y. city in 1853 ; was Prof, of Phy^iology and Pathology in the N. Y.
Med. Coll. from 1853 to 1856; established the N. Y. Med. Monthly in Jan.
1854, editing it himself; removed to Poughkeepsie, N. Y. his present home, in
1856 ; was Pres. of the N. Y. State Med. Soc. in 1861. He married Sarah 01-
cott, dau. of William Townsend Heydock, D. C. 1819, of Hanover, Dec. 14, 1848.
* Edward Altamont Partridge, the son of John Milton and Charlotte
Clapp (Emerson) Partridge, was born at Norwich, Vt, Mar. 26, 1826, and died
at Buflalo, N. Y. May 23, 1855, M. 29. He became a civil engineer and was
employed as such in N. H. until 1850 ; and afterwards in the States of Pa and
N. Y. He married Mary Elisabeth Bartow, dau. of Godfrey Cooke of Clare-
mont. Mar. 24, 1850.
Alonzo Hall Quint, A. M.-D. D. the son of George and Sally Williams
(Hall) Quint, was born at Barnstead, Mar. 22, 1828. He read medical works
and taught for about 3 years ; then studied divinity at And. Theo. Sein. gradu-
ating in 1852 ; was ordained pastor of the Mather Cong. Ch. at Roxbury, Ms,
Dec. 27, 1853 ; dismissed Apr. 23, 1863 ; was Chaplain of the 2nd Reg. of Ms
vols from June 20, 1861 to June 1, 1864 ; installed pastor of the North Cong.
Ch. at New Bedford, Ms, July 21, 1864 ; appointed on the Ms Board of Educa-
tion in 1855 ; has been one of the editors and proprietors of the Congregational
Quarterly from Jan. 1859 to this time. Dart, conferred the hon. degree in
1866. He married Rebecca Page, dau. of Allen Putnam of Salem, Ms, Dec.
27, 1853.
Samuel Winkley Rollins, the son of Augustus and Abiah (Winkley)
Rollins, was born at Somersworth, Ajjr. 11, 1825. He read law with the Hon.
Charles William Woodman, D. C. 1829, at Dover 2 years and with the Hon.
Daniel Miltimore Christie, D. C. 1815, also at Dover 1 year; began practice at
Farmington in 1849 ; removed to Alton in 1852, and thence to Meredith in
1855 ; was Solicitor for Belknap Co. from 1856 to 1861. He married Mary
E. dau. of Dr Livy of Wolf borough, Jan. 10, 1858.
Roger Moses Sargent, the son of Stephen and Fanny (Noyes) Sargent,
was born at Barton, Vt, Sept. 7, 1824. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sera,
graduating in 1849 ; preached at Farmington from Apr. 1850 to 1852 ; was or-
dained pastor of the Centre Cong. Ch. at Gihnanton, Apr. 27, 1852 ; dismissed
Jan. 31, 1860 ; installed pastor at Farmington, Mar. 27, 1860, and so remains.
He married Elisabeth Goodrich, dau. of Abijah Spalding, at Nashua, June 5,
Horace Silsby, A. M. the son of Benjamin and Polly (Mann) Sil>by, was
born at Aurora, Me, May 10, 1818. He studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll.
in 1^46 ; taught at Aurora a few months ; was principal of Bluehill Acad. Me,
from 1847 to 1854; went into trade at Bangor, Me, owing to ill health, for 3
years ; then bought a farm at Hampden, Me, and is living there, hopin;r how-
ever to be able to resume teacliinjr. He married Sophia A. dau. of Nathan
Clarke of Holden, Me, Dec. 29, 1849.
3G4 ALUMNI 184G.
Isaac "William Smith, A. M. the son of Isaac and Mary (Clark) Smith,
was born at Hampstead, May 18, 1825. He read hiw with William Smith of
Lowell, Ms, and the Hon. Daniel Clark, D. C. 1834, of Manchester : went into
practice at Manchester in July 1850; was City .Solicitor from Apr. 1854 to
1855; Justice of the Police Court in 1855 and 1856 ; represented the city in
the N. H. Leg. in 1859 and 18G0 ; was also in the State Senate in 1862
and 1863; has published an Address delivered at Hampstead in 1849 on the
anniversary of its incorporation, with a concise history of the town. He mar-
ried Amanda W. dau. of the Hon. Hiram Brown of Manchester, Aug. 16, 1854.
John Merchant Sturtevant, the son of Samuel and Sophronia (Sturte-
vanl) Sturtevant, was born at Mattapoisett, Ms, Mar. 23, 1825. He went to
Dart, entirely blind ; was successful in the course and in many studies excelled ;
on leaving Coll. became assistant teacher in the Asylum for the blind at Boston,
Ms, until Jan. 1851 ; was at that date made Superintendent of a like in-titution
at Nashville, Tenn. and so continued until the Asylum itself was razed to the
ground in 1862, one of the sad incidents of the rebellion. As it was done by
the government to facilitate the defence of the city, remuneration will doubtless
be made, and this Mr Sturtevant is trying to effect. He married Elisabeth
White, dau. of M'Aray Robinson, of Winchester, Tenn. June 10, 1855.
* John Langdon Wadleigh Tilton, the son of Abraham and Sarah
(Wadleigh) Tjlton, was born at Meredith, Jan. 18, 1815, and died at Lowell,
Ms, Mar. 18, 1850, m. 35. He read law with Daniel wSanuiel and William
Adams Richardson at Lowell, Ms, 2 years and 6 months; sailed for San Fran-
cisco, Cal. Jan. 11, 1849 ; arrived in Aug. 1849 ; then went to the mines ; was
seized with brain fever and never recovered; left for home Dec. 9, 1849, and
reached it Mar. 11, 1850, but only lived a week. He did not marry,
Asa Weeks, A. M. the son of Moses W. and Rebecca f Sanborn) Weeks,
was born at Sanbornton, Dec. 22, 1816. He taught at Moor's charity sclionl in
Hanover from 1846 to 1849; was Usher of the Mather School, South Boston,
Ms, from Dec. 1849 to 1856; then went to Sanbornton; read law there with
Gate and Brown ; removed thence to the West and is now practising at Min-
neapolis, IMinnesota. He married, 1. Agnes, dau. of Daniel Burleigh of San-
bornton. 2. Angie Clark.
Joshua Wyman AVellmax, A. M. the son of Dea. James Ripley and Phebe
(Wyinanj Wellman, was born at Cornish, Nov. 28, 1821. He taught at Meri-
den Acad, from 1846 to 1847 ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating
in 1850, teaching some months of the above time at Kimball Union Acid. Meri-
den ; was ordained pastor of the 1st Cong. Cli. at Derry, June 18, 1851 ; dis-
missed I\Iay 22,1856; installed pastor of the Elliot Ch. Newton, Ms, June
11, 1856, and there remains; has i)ul)lished The Church Polity of the Pil-
grims and 6 or 7 sermons. He married Pollen Maria, dau. of Caleb Strong
Ilolbrook of East Randolph, Ms, Oct. 24, 1854.
Lyjian White, A. M. the son of John and Esther (Wheeler) White, was
born at Ro.xbury, July 23, 1818. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
graduating in 1849 ; was ordained an evangelist at Epping, Oct. 2, 1849 ; be-
came stated supply there from May 16, 1849 to his installation as pastor of its
Cong. Ch. Jan. 4, 1854 ; dismissed in 1855 ; installed pastor at Elaston, Ms,
Oct. 24, 1855; dismissed Feb. 9, 1862; installed at Phillipston, Ms, June 10,
1863, and is pastor now. He married, 1. Pamelia G. dau. of Maj. Nathaniel
Warren of Acworth, June 5, 1850. 2. Mary C. dau. of the Rev. Dr Carlton
Hurd, D. C. 1818,of Fryeburg, Me, Nov. 80, 1859.
ALUMNI 1847. 365
ITazen Worcester Adams, tlie son of Dea. Thomas and Sopliia (Kimball)
Adams, was born at Gilmanton, July 25, 1822. He studied medicine with Dr
Nahum Wight of Gilmanton, and at N. Y. city ; went to California in 1849 ;
returned in 1859, and is now a druggist at Ilackensack, N. J.
William Henry Bartlett, the son of Samuel Colcord and Eleanor (Pet-
tengill) Bartlett, was born at Salisbury, Aug. 20, 1827. He read law with the
Hon. Ira Perley, D. C. 1822, at Concord and Henry A. Bellows also at Con-
cord; began practice there in 1851 ; was City Solicitor in 1853 and 1854; be-
came a Judge of the N. H. Sup. Court in 1861, and so continues. He married
Caroline, dau. of Abel Baker of Concord, May 8, 1856. Josei)h Bartlett, D. C.
1835, and Samuel Colcord Bartlett, D. C. 1836, are his brotliers.
Samuel Newell Bell, A. M. the son of the Hon. Judge Samuel Dana
and Mary (Healy) Bell and grandson of the Hon. Samuel Bell, D. C. 1793,
was born at Chester, Mar. 25, 1829. He read law with the Hon. William
Cogswell Clarke, D. C. 1832, at Manchester; was the partner of ]\Ir C. until
1855, and then opened an otRce for himself there.
* Abner Blaisdell Bennett, the son of John and Jane (Damrell) Bennett,
was born at Portsmouth, Nov. 19, 1821. He studied medicine at Dart. Med.
Coll. graduating M. D. in 1850 ; settled in practice at Portsmouth, and was a
Surgeon of vols in the rebellion. Dr B. died there, July 24, 1867, m. 45.
Edmund Blanchard, the son of the Hon. John, D. C. 1812, and Mary
(Miles) Blanchard-, was born at Bellefonte, Pa, about 1824. He read law and
went into practice at his native place.
Samuel Tow^le Brooks, the son of the Hon. Samuel and Elisabeth (Towle)
Brooks, was born at Sherbrooke, Can. East, Dec. 28,1822. He studied medi-
cine with Dr M'Donnell of Montreal, C. E. and at M'Gill Univ. in that city,
graduating M. D. there; began practice in Sherbrook, and tims remains. He
married, 1. Maria M. dau. of Joseph Pennoyer of Sherbi'ooke, Sept. 16, 1850.
2. Lucy, dau. of Jonas Mills of Colebrook, at St Johnsbury, Vt, June 6, 1855.
Edward Towle Brooks, D. C. 1850, is his brother.
* Charles Marshall Carpenter, the son of Charles and Anna (Pierce)
Carpenter, was born at Randolph, Vt. May 28, 1824, and died there, Nov. 21,
1851, ^. 27. He read law with the Hon. Isaac Fletcher Redfield, D. C. 1825,
at Randolph; then taught at Fulton, Ala. a short time and returned home.
Barton Walker Chase, the son of Dr Leonard and Eliza (Walker) Chase,
was born at Springfield, Vt, July 17, 1827. He studied medicine in Medical
Schools at Woodstock and Castleton, Vt, and N. Y. city, graduating M. D. at
Woodstock in 1850 ; was Assistant Physician at Brattleborougii, Vt, Insane Asy-
lum 2 years ; has been practising some time at Eau Claire, Wise. Clinton
Straw Chase, D. C. 1852, is his brother.
Charles Carroll Colby, the son of Dr Moses French and Lamira
(Strong) Colby, was born at Derby, Vt, Dec. 10, 1827. He read law with
John Sewall Sanborn, D. C. 1842, at Sherbrdoke, C. E. — H. B. Terrill of
Stanstead, C. E. and A. and G. Robertson of Montreal, C. E. and went into
practice at Stanstead in June 1855. He married Harriet H. dau. of John
Child of Weybridge, Vt, Dec. 21, 1858.
MLaurin Furber Cooke, tiie son of Thomas and Napcy Cooke, was born
at Newington, Jan. 5, 1821. He taught at Gilmanton and Greenland, at Hart-
ford, Ct, Somerville and Charlestown, Ms ; was then Sub Master of one of the
31 *
366 ALUMNI 1847.
Graniinar Schools of Boston, Ms ; studied medicine there and at Hnrv. Univ.
Med. Scliool, graduating M. D. in 1855 ; is a practitioner in Boston. He mar-
ried jMary EUsabeth, dau. of Dr Edward Moore of Boston, July 26, 1855.
* L Y.MAN Cutler, the son of Amos and Sarah (Topliflf) Cutler, was born at
Ilolliston, Ms, Aug. 4, 1826, and died at Newton, Ms, Apr. 28, 1855, ^. 28.
He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1850 ; was ordained pas-
tor of the Cong. Ch. at Pepperell, Ms, Jan. 22, 1851 ; dismissed in Nov. 1853 ;
installed pastoral Newton, Oct. 25, 1854; but soon died in olUce deservedly
lamented. lie married Elisabeth, dau. of Col. Jolm Hill of Conway, Mar. 14,
1851. Calvin Cutler, D. C. 1856, was his brother.
John Clakk Dork, the son of Ezckiel Dore, was born at Ossipee. Mar.
22, 1822. lie became a teacher at Boston, Ms; afterwaids removed to Michi-
gan and thence to Chicago, lUi. He married Ann B. Moulton of Boston, at
Danielsonville, Ct, Jan. 1, 1850.
INlAiiis. FisiiEK DuNCKLEE, the SOU of Samuel and Esther French (Fisher)
Duncklee, was born at Greenfield, Dec. 9, 1824. He taught at Pa and Del. 2
years ; read law with John H. Norris at Newport, Me ; began practice at Bos-
ton, Ms, and there has his office now, though living at Braintree, Ms. He
man-ied Mary, dau. of Greenwood Cushing Child, at Augusta, Me, Oct. 4,
Francis Flint Forsaith, the son of Dr James and Sarah (Burbank)
Bliss Forsaith, was born at Deering in 1824. He studied medicine with Dr
James A. Tibbetts of Manchester and at Dart. Med. College ; began practice
at Hampton ; soon went to Abington, Ms, and thence to Weymoiilh, JNIs, in
1861, and there remains. lie married Sarah Jane Dickerman of Providence,
R. I.
Benjamin Ela Gallup, the son of Benjamin and Susan S. (Ela) Gallup,
was born at Lebanon, July 12,1826. He studied law with Abraham Sanborn
of Bangor, Me; commenced practice at Chicago, Illi. and has not de{»arted.
He married Delia Ilurlburd of Rochester, Wise.
Richard Hall, the son of the Rev. Richard and Lucy (Farrar) Hall, was
born at Cornish, Aug. 6, 1817. He studied divinity at Union Theo. Sem. N.
Y. city, graduating in 1850; is an ordained Cong, minister; has been pastor
or settled supply at Point Douglass and St Paul's, Minn, but is now living at
the last without charge and agent of the Amer. Home Miss. Society. He
mariied Mary PI dau. of Laertes Chapin of N. Y. city, Aug. 20, 1850. Hor-
ace Hall, D. C. 1839, was his brothei-, and George Clary, D. C. 1852, is his
half brother.
Hiram Houston, the son of Alexander and Lydia (Brooks) Houston, was
born at Acworth, June 3, 1818. He studied divinity at Bangor, Me, Theo.
Sem. graduating in 1850 ; was ordained pa>tor of the Cong. Ch. at Oiland, Me,
Sept. 25. 1850 ; dismissed in 1859 ; became stated supply at Ea-t Searsport and
Stockton, Me, Jan. 30, 1859, and so remains, living at Sandy Point. He mar-
ried, Ellen Rebecca, dau. of John Davis of West Boylston, Ms, Oct. 3, 1850.
* GEOR(iE Asa Hovt, A. M. the son of Dr Enos and Grace Reed (Crosby)
Iloyt, was born at Northlield, Se[)t. 13, 1825. and died at Framingliam. Ms,
Oct. 15, 1857, JE. 32. He studied medicine with his father and at Harv. Univ.
Med. School graduating M. D. in 1851, and entered into practice at Framing-
ham. He married Maria F. dau. of Adam Hemingway in Dec. 1853.
Horace Huntj the son of Caleb and Rebecca, (Poole) Hunt, was born at
Bath, Feb. 24, 1825. He read law with the Hon. John Reed of Yarmouth,
Ms, and the Hon. Samuel Hoar of Concord, Ms ; began practice at Detroit,
ALUMNI 1847. 367
Mich, in 1851, and is there still. He married Antoinette, dan. of Henry
Towie of Haverhill in Aug. 1852. Caleb Seaver Hunt, D. C. 1832, is his
Peter Thatcher Hunt, the .son of Peter and Keziah (Hobart) Hunt, was
born at Ashburnham, Ms, Sept. 9, 1819. He is now, or was lately, at Baker's
Prairie, Thurston Co. Washington Territory.
* Luthek Johnson, the son of Leonard and Myra (Chase) Johnson, was
born at Bradford, Ms, May 2, 1824, and was drowned at Haverhill, IMs, Dec.
25, 18G2, JE. 38. He taught at Bradfbi'd and Haverhill, 1 year in each ; studied
HK^diciue with Dr George Cogswell of Bradford and at the Univ. of Pa Med.
School, graduating M. D. in 1850 ; practised at Boston, Ms, 1 year, and at
Charlcstown, Ms, 1 year ; left the profession and embarked in manufactures at
Haverhill. He married Mary Frances George of Plaverhill, Nov. 10, 1852.
James Spencer Kimball, A. M. the son of Izri and Lydia (Kobbins)
Kimball, was born at Strafford, Vt, June 12, 1847. He taugiit at St Louis,
Missouri, and since at Keokuck, Iowa. He married Clara, dan. of Otis Par-
tridge of Templeton, Ms, on board the Steamer Maid of the Mist, under the
spray of Niagara Falls, in Aug. 1848.
* RuFus Jay Kittredge, tlie son of Dr Rufus and Sarah (Underbill) Kit-
tredge, was born at Chester in 1828, and died at 1850, je. 22.
He studied medicine at Jefferson Med. Coll. Pliiladelphia, Pa, graduating M. D.
there. Edmund Webster Kittredge, D. C. 1854, was his brother.
Alpha Child May, the son of Elisha and Elethea (Woodward) May, was
born at West Fairlee, Vt, May 16, 1825. He read law with Oramel II. Smith
and Ferrand F. Merrill at IMontpelier, Vt ; began practice at Northlield, Vt, in
Dec. 1850 ; removed to Milwaukie, Wise. Nov. 10, 1852, and has not left.
He married Eliza S. dau. of Hezekiah Reed of Montpelier, Mar. 22, 1853.
David Lawrence Morrill, the son of the Hon. and Rev. Dr David Law-
rence and Lydia (Poor) Morrill, was born at Goffstown in 1827. He read law
and went into practice at Winchendon, Ms, but has removed to Brookfield, Ms.
He married Margaret Jane, dau. of Paul Went worth of Concord, Sept. 17,
Benjamin Franklin Moses, the son of Nehemiah and Elisabeth (Green)
Moses, was born at Portsmouth, Apr. 6, 1828. He went into a mercantile con-
cern at Portsmouth, and moved to Augusta, Geo. in 1858. He married Han-
nah Jane, dau. of John Muggridge of Poitsmouth.
Henry Thayer Niles, the son of William, D. C. 1796, and Relief (Bar-
ron) Niles, was born at West Fairlee, Vt, Jan. 28, 1825. He studied divinity
at And. Theo. Sem. 2 years ; then read law with his brother J. B. N. at La
Porte, Iiid. and began practice in N. Y. city; became Prof, of Greek and Eng.
Lit. at Uibana Univ. Ohio, from 1855 to 1858 ; then resumed the hiw at Ur-
bana, his present home. He married Gertrude V. dau. of Col. Joim James of
Urbana. John Barron Niles, D. C. 1830, and William Watson Niles, D. C.
1845, are his brothers.
George Barrett Nutting, the son of William, D. C 1807, and Mary
(Hubbard) Nutting, was born at Randolph, Vt,"Mar. 11, 182G. He studied di-
vinity ; was ordained an evangelist at Randolph, Aug. 20, 1851 ; went as a mis-
sioqary to Aintab, Armenia, Asia ; removed thence to Oorfa, Turkey. He
married Sarah Elvira, dau. of Dr Louis Hodges of West Bloomfield, N. J.
Dec. 30, 1852.
* Daniel Humphrey Parker, the son of William Bennett and Elisabeth
(Marshall) Parker, was born at Portsmouth in 1828, and died there, Nov.
368 ALUIMNI 1847.
21, 1848, JE. 20. He did not marry. Horatio Parker, D. C. 1850, was his
John Paul, the son of John and Eliza (Lord) Paul, was born at Wakefield,
Mar. 22, 1821. He taught at Peacham, Yi, 1 year; was next Prof, of Nat.
Pliil. and Math, in the Central Masonick Institute at Selina, Alabama ; is now
Principal of Chelsea Acad. Vt. lie married, 1. Louisa, dau. of Ira Hazen of
Norwich, Vt, July 29, 1850. 2. dau. of Tappan Sanborn of Unity, June
7, 1855.
OziAS Cornwall Pitkin, the son of Dea. Alfred and Orpha W. Pitkin, was
born at Montpelier, Vt, May 2, 1827. He taught at Morrisville, Vt, 2 years ;
was Head of tiie High School at Taunton, Ms, 5 years; removed to Clielsea,
]Ms, in 1854, and teaches its High School still. He married Caroline M. dau. of
AVilliam ]Muenscher of Taunton in Mar. 1852.
AuTEMAS Wyman Sawyer, the son of the Rev. Reuben and Susan (Wyman)
Sawyer, was born at "West Haven, Vt, Mar. 4, 1827. He was ])rinci|)al of
"Windsor, Vt, High School, 3 years; studied divinity at Kewton TIho. Sem.
Ms, giadualing in 1853; was ordained pastor of a Baptist Ch. at Lawrence, Ms,
Dec. 27, 1853 ; dismissed in Nov. 1855 ; has been since Prof, of Ancient Lang,
at Acadia Coll. "Wolfville, N. S. and later still Head of the Acad, at New Lon-
don. He married Maria E. Chase of "Wolfville. Dec. 28, 1858.
Charles Seccombe, the son of Thomas and Polly (James) Seccombe, was
born at Salem, Ms, June 10, 1817. He studied divinity at Union Theo. Sem.
N. Y. city, graduating in 1850; was ordained an evangelist Aug. 8, 1850 ; be-
came pa-tor of a Cong. Ch. at St Anthony's Falls, Minn, in 1850, and was dis-
missed June 7, ISGG. He married, 1. Ann Maria, dau. of Francis Peabody of
Amherst, Aug. 4, 1850. 2. Harriet M. dau. of the Rev. Samuel Howe Tol-
mau, D. C. 180G, at Atkinson, A[)r. 24, 1854.
Charles Paysox Smith, A. M. the son of Harvey "Walbridge and Ann
(Sawyer) Smith, was born at Bradford, Vt, May 23, 1823. He taught in Ky,
La, JMiss. Ala. and is now teaching at Centre Ridge, Miss, or was before the re-
bellion ; though a reader of law in La, never practised. He married Cali?ta A.
dau. of "William Felch of Reading, Vt, in 1857.
* Justin White Spaulding, tlie son of John and Lodema (Baker) Spaulding,
was born at Meriden, June 18, 1823, and died at Atkinson, Sept. 28, 1865, £.
42. He taught at West Boscawen ; also at Kimball Acad. Meriden, several
terms ; was Principal of Bradford Acad. Vt, from Aug. 1849 to July 1852 ; vis-
ited Ky and Tenn. on business from Sept. 1852 to June 1853 ; became Princi-
pal of Myrickville Acad, at Taunton, Ms, from Aug. 29, 1854 to July 24, 1857 ;
was Principal of Atkinson Acad, from Aug. 31, 1857 to his much regretted
death. He married Eliza Velzora, dau. of the Hon. Benjamin Franklin East-
man of Piiillips, ]\Ie, Aug. 15, 1855.
Thomas Little Steele, the son of Jonathan and Elisabeth Harvey
(M'Clary) Stet le, was born at Epsom, Dec. 1, 182G. He read law with John
A. Bolles of Winchester, Ms, in 1or, Vt; bcjjan practice there in Mar. 1ylum at Madison, Wise, since June 18G0. lie married Ellen
M. dau. of Archibald Kent of Royalton, Vt, at Chelsea. Sept. 7, 1848.
* William Strong Cogswell, the son of the Rev. Dr William, D. C.
1811, and Joanna (Strong) Cogswell, was born at Dedham, Ms, Apr. 11, 1828,
and died Apr. 6, 1848, je. 20, minus 5 days.
Alhekt Haukison Croshv, a. M. the son of Dr Dixi and ]\Iary Jane
(Moody) Cro>bv, was born at Gilmanton, Apr. 22, 1830. He read law with
the Hon. Nathan Crosby, D. C. 1820, at Lowell, Ms, in 1848 and 1849, at
Harv. Univ. Law .School, and with the Hon. Samuel Fessenden, D. C. 1806,
at Portland, Me; began practice at Franccstown in 1852; removed office to
Conn, and afterwards to New York ; in 2 or 3 years returned to Hanover and
studied medicine with his father and at Dart. Coll. Med. School, graduating M.
D. in l8tJ0 ; has been some years practising at Concord. He is married. Al-
pheus Benning Cro-by, D. C. 1853, is his brother.
Theodore Stkhisins Dame, the son of Theodore and Lucy (Stebbins)
Dame, was born at Orford, May 28,1824. He read law and Avent into practice
at Boston, Ms. in Jan. 1851, residing at Charlestown, Ms. He married ^lary
Elisabeth Palmer, Sept. 19, 1858.
Geoi;gk Jackson Davis, the son of Jonathan and Sarah Davis, was born
at Ilin-dalc, N. Y. in 1823. He read law, commencing practice at Geneseo,
N. Y. and remaining there. He married Orchestra, dau. of Chauncey Metcalf
of Geneseo, Sept. 26, 1850.
* Benjamin Willey Dean, A. INI. the son of Peter Werden and Philinda
(AVilley) Dean, was born at Manchester, Vt, Jan. 26, 1827, and died at Graf-
ton, Vt, July 6, 1863, je. 36. He read law with Abishai Stoddard of Grafton,
at Ballstou Spa, N. Y'". and with C. J. Walker at Bellows Falls, Vt ; began
ALUMNI 1848. 373
practice at Elmira, N. Y. in 1852 ; returned to Bellows Falls the same year;
removed to Grafton in May 1854; represented it in the Vt Leg. in 1856 and
1857 ; became Vt Secretary of State in Oct. 1857. He married Fanny A.
Cobb of South Windham, Yt, Jan. 5, 1853.
Stephen Folsom Drew, the son of William C. and Sally (Fuisom) Drew,
was born at Tunbridge, Vt, Oct. 12, 1823. He was some time a farmer ; studied
divinit}' at Lane Theo. Sem. Walnut Hills, Ohio ; preached as a licentiate at
Greenville, Ohio, from Sept. 1855 to Sept. 1856; also at Laurel, Ind. from
Dec. 1856 to 1857 ; was ordained an evangelist at Madison, Ohio, in 1857,
and after that preached again at Laurel to Apr. 1859 ; went to Cabot, Vt, in
Jan. 1860, and was installed i)astor of its Cong. Ch. Sept. 19, 1860, and so
continues. He married Lydia Ann, dau. of William Putnam of Tunbrido-e,
Nov. 29, 1857.
*Ira Freeman Folsom, the son of Benjamin G. and Ruth (Rowe) Fol-
som, was born at Gilford, May 20, 1821, and died there, Aug. 18, 1859, Ji. 38.
He read law with Charles Hutchins Butters, D. C. 1837, of Pittsfield ; entered
into practice at Gilford and did not remove.
Joseph Addison Goodhue, A. M. the son of Joseph and Betsey (Felch)
Goodhue, was born at New Boston, May 27, 1824. He taught at Kingston
Academy; studied divinity at Newton Theo. Sem. Ms; was ordained an evan-
gelist at Norwich, Ct, Nov. 9, 1852 ; was Prof, of Languages in the Lit. Institute
at SufHeld, Ct, from Oct. 1854 to 1855 ; installed pastor of the South Baptist
Ch. at Boston, Ms, Oct. 1, 1855 ; dismissed in 1857 ; settled at Framinghara,
Ms, Bapt. Ch. July 1, 1859 and there abides; has published "The Crucible or
Test of a Regenerate State. He married Abby, dau. of the Rev. George Leon-
ard, at Portland, Me, Dec. 8, 1852. Amos Bailey Goodhue, D. C. 1845, is his
* John Waldron Hurd, A. M. the son of Ezekiel and Maiy Pickering
(Henderson) Hurd, was born at Dover, July 3, 1828, and died there, Jan. 1,
1860,^. 31. He read law with the Hon. Charles William Woodman, I). C.
1829, of Dover, Hatch and Webster of Portsmouth, and at Harv. Univ. Law
School; began practice at Dover in 1855; removed to St Paul, Miiine.-ota ;
but his health failing left in 1859 and returned to Dover.
Charles Hutchinson, A. M. the son of Samuel and Sarah (Boardinan)
Hutchinson, was born at Norwich, Vt, July 15, 1820. He studied diviniiy at
And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1851 ; is an ordained minister; was settled at
Edenborough, Iowa; preached next at Columbus, Indiana; removed thence
to New Albany, Ind. and may be there still. He married Angeline Kidd(M' of
John Forness Jarvis, the son of John Jarvis, was born at Concord. Aug.
8, 1826. He studied medicine at Harv. Univ. Med. School, graduating M. D.
in 1853 ; went into practice at Boston, Ms, and there continues. He mnri'ied
Carrie C. AVhite at 13oston, June 20, 1854.
Charles French Latham, the son of AVilliam II. and Azubah (Jenks)
Latham, was born at Thettbrd, Vt, Nov. 19, 1824. He taught for a time at
Charlestown, Ms ; has been in business at Buffalo, N. Y. and for some years
past in N. Y. city. William Harris Latham, D. C. 1836, is his brother.
William Jerome Loveland, the son of William and Sarah (Hutchin-
son) Loveland, was born at Norwich, Vt, Nov. 11, 1823. He read law with
Washburn and Marsh of Woodstock, Vt ; opened an office at Lexington. Mich,
but removed it first to Worth, Mich, and then to East Sagimivv, Mich, his pres-
ent abode.
374 ALUMNI 1848.
Ansox Southakd Maksiiall, the son of Micajah and Mavtlia (Soiitli-
nrd) ]Marsli!ill, was born at Lyme. Dec. 3, 1824. He read law with the lion.
Ex Pres. Franklin Pierce and Josiah I\Iinot, D. C. 1837, of Concord; com-
menced practice there in lion-
ary at Bath, Me, 2 years; ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Wilmington, Ms,
Aug. 14, 1856, and is pastor still. He married Mary Jane Melville of Nelson,
Sept. 23, 1856.
* Thomas Woodward Wadsworth, A. M. the son of John and Sarah
(Woodward) Wad>wurih, was born at Strong. Me, Nov. 3, 1818, and died at
Phillipston, Ms, Mar. 1, 1854, m, 35. He studied medicine at Dart. Med.
376 ALUMNI 1848.
Coll. from Sept. 1848 to Oct. 1849; at Hartford, Ct, with Dr John Simkins
Butler (Vora Oct. 1849 to July 1850 ; again at D.irt. from July to Nov. 18o<> ; at
the Marine Hospital at Chelsea. 31s, with Dr Iniralls from Nov. 1850 to Feb.
1851 ; at Dart, a third time, from Feb. to July 1851, graduating M. D. that
year; began practice at I'hillipston in Sept. 1851 and continued it until death.
He married Eleanor Esther, dau. of Lore Wilson, at Phillipston, Sept. 8, 1852.
* GuAXYiLLE Wakdwkll, A. M. the son of the Rev. Granville and Lois
(Whitney) Wardwell, was born at Nelson, Dec. 7, 1819, and died at West West-
miiisier, Vt, June 24, 1858, M. 38. He studied divinity at Lane Sem. Walnut
Hills, Ohio, 1 year and at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1853, being an As-
sistant at And. Acad. 2 years of the time ; was ordained an evangelist at Sulli-
van in 1853 ; installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Kalamazoo, Mich, in 1854;
dismissed in 1857 ; taught at Andover to Nov. 1857 ; removed to Kennebunk,
Me, as stated supply to Jan. 1858, but soon left for AYest AVestminster. He
married Julia, dau. of Eleazar Harlow of that town.
EowAitD Webster, the son of Uriah Webster, was born at West Bloom-
field, N. Y. in 1818. He read law and went into j)ractice at Rochester, N. Y.
Daniix Baktlett Whittier, a. M. the son of the Hon. Richard and
Anne Lettice (Phillips) Whittier, was born at Grafton, Aug. 4, 1824. He
taught at Fisherville, 2 years ; at Palmyra, N. Y. 1 year; at Fi.-herville again
1 year; then went into business near Chillicothe, Ohio, 2 years; after that,
taught at Frankfort, Kentucky,! year; was next in mercantile business at Chi-
cago, Illi. 3 years ; also in Boston, Ms, 4 years, and for the last 4 years in New
York city, his present residence. He married Fanny Melinda, dau. of Israel
Putnam Pope of Danville, Vt, Sept. 8, 1858.
Edavin Rutiivyx Wiggin, the son of Joseph and Abigail (Snell) Wiggin,
was born at Tamworth, Sept. 15, 1825. He read law with Bradley and East-
man of Saco, Me ; began practice there in Feb. 1850 ; was State's Atty for
Y'ork Co. from 1855 to 1858. He married Sarah J. Bradley, Nov. 27, 1851.
Henry Allen, the son of Isaac and Sophronia (Allen) Allen, was born at
Lebanon, Sept. 6, 1822. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sera, grailuaiing in
1852 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Cli. at Wayland, Ms, Sept. 30, 1852 ;
dismissed in 1857 ; installed pastor at Saxonville, Ms, Nov. 7, 1857; has been
dismissed but his present location is not found out. He married Ellen M. dau.
of Matthew Towle of Charlestown, in IMar. 1850.
* Henuy Jackson Arnold, the son of Dea. William and Catharine (Snow)
Arnold, was born at Charlestown, Ms, Apr. 10, 1825, and died at INIedway, Ms,
Jan. 18, 1849, .(E. 23. He was teaching there and designed to become a Bap-
tist minister.
Mark Bailey, the son of Oliver and Jane (Mills) Bailey, was l)orn at Dun-
barton, ^lay 20, 1827. He taught at Duiibarton ; studied elocution with Prof.
William Russell, taught on the subject in 1852; alby, was born at SaHsbury, Ms, Aug. 14,
1827. He read law with his father, at Lowell, Ms, and at Harv. Utiiv. Law
School; went into practice at Francestown in 1852; removed to Manchester in
1853, leaving the bar and becoming the agent of a manufacturing co. there 4
years ; was then a manufacturer of cotton goods at Haydenville, Ms ; is now in
New York city ; was brevetted a Lt. Col. for services as Paymaster in the rebel
war. He married Annie, dau. of the Hon. Joel ILayden of Haydenville, Oct.
16, 1855.
Hknky Swan Dana, A. M. the son of Charles and Mary Gay (Swan)
Dana, was born at Woodstock, Vt, Oct. 17, 1823. He went to Washington, D.
C. and thence to Charleston, S. C. as tutor in a private family ; returned in
May 1857 to AVoodstock, and embarked in mercantile business.
Charles Doe, the son of Joseph and Mary Bodwell (Ricker) Doe, was
born in Deny, Apr. 11, 1830. He read law with the Hon. Daniel INIiitimore
Christie, D. C. 1815, of Dover: opened an oflice at Dover in 1854; has been
Clerk of the N. H. Senate and Strafford Co. Solicitor; was appointed a Judge
of the N. H. Sup. Court, Nov. 1, 1859, but has resigned the otlice.
Moses Franklin Doav^, the son of Moses and Sarah (Young) Dow, was
born at Haverhill in 1827. He taught in northern Georgia 4 years ; removed
to Aberdeen, Miss, in Aug. 1856, and became Principal of a select classical and
mathematical school ; was there when the rebellion broke out, but its effect on
him is not ascertained.
Gideon Draper, the son of Gideon and Elisabeth (Cronize) Draper, was
born at Phelps, Ontario Co. N. Y. June 22, 1828. He read law at Ballston,
N. Y. Law School ; was in practice 1 or 2 years ; s]ient nearly 3 years in
European travel and in studying at Berlin, Prussia ; returned to the U. S. and
read divinity at Union Tlieo. Sem. N. Y"". city ; was ordained a Methodist min-
ister there in jNIay 1858 ; has preached at Brooklyn, N. Y. and Lakeville, Ct ;
but for some time has been a Prof, in Genesee Coll. at Lima, N. Y. He mar-
ried Charlotte P. dau. of Amos AV. Brown, at N. Y'. city, May 11, 1857.
PiiiLETUS Fales, a. M. the son of Dea. Waterman and Sybil (Robbins)
Fules, was born at Thomaston, Me, May 7, 1825. He soon went to Europe and
amused himself with making a pedestrian tour with Daniel M'Farland, a class-
mate of the partial course ; returning, became a teacher in the Polytechnical
Institute of Washington Univ. St Louis, Missouri ; was residing at Manhattan,
Kan. when last heard from.
Davis Foster, the son of Richard and Irene (Burroughs) Foster, was born
at Hanover, Oct. 26, 1822. He taught at liucksport. Me, 3 years; studied
divinity at And. Tiieo. Sem. graduating in 1855 ; was ordained pastor of the
Cong. Ch. at W\ist Newbury, Ms, Nov. 1, 1855, a position still sustained. He
married Harriet L. dau. of Dea. Henry Darling of Bucksport. INIar. 20, 1856.
Eden Burroughs Foster, D. C. 1837, Charles Foster, D. C. 1840, Daniel Fos-
ter and William Cowper Foster, D. C. 1841, and Roswell Foster of this class
were his brothers.
Roswell Foster, the brother of the preceding, was born at Hanover, June
30, 1824. He studied divinity at And. Tlieo. Sem. graduating in 1853; was
ordained pastor of the 2nd Cong. Ch. at AValtham, Ms, INIar. 14, 1853; dis-
missed in 1856; installed pastor at Westhampton, Ms, in Mar. 1856; dismissed
in 1858 ; installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Pittsfield, Ms, in 1858 ; dismissed
ALUMNI 1849. 379
in Feb. ISGl ; was stated supply at Chicopee, Ms, from 18G1 to his installation
as pastor there, Oct. 13, 1863. Pie married Esther Josephine Lewis, Mar. 20,
* GusTAVus Adolphus Gooding, the son of Ebenezer G. Gooding, was
born at Henrietta, N. Y. Oct. 10, 1825, and died at Lockport, Illi. in Dec.
1858, JE. 33. He read law with James L. Angle and Tucker at Roches-
ter, N. Y. and began practice at Lockport in Apr. 1852, continuing it to his
death. He married Jennie, dan. of Dr Wickes of Lockport in 1854.
Byron Murray Hanks, A. M. the son of Ansel and Isabella (Murray)
Hanks, was born at Henrietta, N. Y. May 29, 1826. He was an engineer on
the Genesee valley canal and Erie canal until Feb. 1851 ; then read law with
Josei)h D. Hu>bands at Rochester, N. Y. and began practice at Fond du Lac,
Wise, but became engineer of a rail road in Ky in Sept. 1853 ; afterwards re-
sumed the law at Rochester to 1855 ; was then engineer on the Erie canal to
1860 ; is now engaged professionally and as a Surveyor in the oil regions of Pa
and Va. He married Mandaiia Ann Sherman of Henrietta in Feb. 1852.
Charles Cogswell Hayes, the son of the Hon. William Allen and Susan
(Lord) Hayes, was born at South Berwick, Me, Jan. 4, 1823. He studied
medicine at South Berwick, Boston, Ms, and the Univ. of Pa at Philadelphia,
graduating M. D. in 1851, also at Paris, France, and Dublin, Ireland; entered
upon practice at N. Y. city in July 1855 ; removed to Madison, Wise, in May
1858 and there remains. He mai-ried Florence, dau. of Simeon Mills of Madi-
son in 1859. John Lord Hayes, D. C. 1831, is his brother.
Emerson Hodges, the sou of James and Mary (Hodges) Hodges, was born
at Henrietta, N. Y. June 27, 1826. He read law with Joseph D. Husbands at
Rochester, N. Y. in 1850 and 1851 ; practised at Fond du Lac, Wise, from
1852 to 1857 ; then left the bar for a farm at Eyota, Minnesota; was in the
Minn. State Senate from 1857 to 1861 ; removed to Washington, D. C. as a
Cleik in the U. S. Treasury in Feb. 1864. He married Ambrosia, dau. of
William Buck of Susquehanna Co. Pa, Aug. 6, 1856.
JosEi'ii Opdyke Hudnut, the son of Edward Hudnut, was born at Gen-
eseo, N. Y. June 30, 1824. He was engineer on a N. Y. canal 2 years ;
also on rail roads in Ky and Tenn. 2 years ; then went to Minn, and bought
goverimient lands; laid out a rail road from Lyons on the Miss, river to the
Missouri ; taught at Geneseo in 1857 ; removed to Chicago, Illi. in 1858, teach-
ing there ; went thence to Iowa and was in its Leg. on the breaking out of the
rebellion in 1861 ; soon became Lt Col. of the 13th Reg. of Iowa vols ; was at
the siege of Vicksburg, and many important battles ; was promoted to the rank
of Brig. General. He married Marcia Webster of Nunda, N. Y.
Frederick Clarence Imlay, the son of William Henry and Phebe
(Hicks) Imlay, was born at Hartford, Ct, Dec. 9, 1827. He lived some time
at Pomfret, Ct ; was appointed an Assistant Paymaster in the U. S. navy, Dec.
6, 1862.
John Marshall Kimball, the son of Hazen and Mary Ann (Baker)
Kimball, was born at Hopkinton, Dec. 4, 1829. He traded at Contoocookville
from 1849 to 1851 ; moved to Albany, N. Y. in May 1851 and read law with
James Callanan of that city ; began practice there in Dec. 1853 ; continued it
to t4iis time except when serving in the army. He married, 1. Kate, dau. of
Peter O'llara of Greene Co. N. Y. in Nov. 1855. 2. Ellen, dau. of Anthony
Gearon of Albany, Apr. 16, 1858. Sullivan Cicero Kimball, D. C. 1860, is
his brother.
Marquis De La. Fayette Lane, A. M. the son of John Lane, was born at
380 ALIBINI 1849.
Hollis, ^le. June 11, 1825. He read law at Saco, Me, 1 year, and at Standish,
Me,teaeliing also 3 years ; began practice at Portland, Me, in 1855 ; was a Judge
of the Municipal Court there in 1859, but became U. S. Consul at Vera Cruz,
Mexico. He married Elisabeth Cliadbourne in Apr. 1854.
Caleb Spencer Marsh, the son of Thomas Spencer and Phebe (INIitchell)
Marsh, was born at Bath, Me, Jan. 20, 1830. He taught at LandafF; was
tutor in the family of the Hon. Edward Colston of Berkeley Co. Va. 1 year, and
teacher of Norwich Acad. Ct, some time ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
graduating in 1855 ; was ordained pastor of the 1st Cong. Ch. at Burlington,
Vt, Nov. 6, 1856; dismissed Feb. 8, 1860. He married Sarah Anna Hop-
kins, dau.of the Rev. Pres. Dr John Wheeler, D. C. 1816, of Burlington, May
Samukl "William Masox, A. M. the son of the Rev. Samuel Mason, was
born at Cavendish,Vt, Oct. 11, 1824. He has taught in Boston, Ms, since 1849,
reading law part of the time with the Hon. Jeremiah Mason, his uncle; began'
as Usher at the Otis School 2 years; was then Sub Master of the Elliot School
5 years, and from Sept. 1856. Master of the same, residing in Chelsea. He mar-
ried Arm W. dau. of Col. Ashbel Smith of Hanover, July, 28, 1853.
John Plummer Neayell, A. M. the son of William Hill and Olive (Den-
nett) Newell, was born at Barnstead, July 29, 1823. He was Principal of
Pittsfield Acad, in 1849 ; read law with Arthur Fitzroy Liverraore Livingston
Norris, D. C. 1845, at IMauchester from 1849 to 1851 ; was also Principal of
the Iligli School therefrom 1851 to 1853 ; studying law the while with Samuel
Hazeu Aycr and Benjamin Franklin Ayer, D. C. 1846 ; began the legal practice
there in 1853, but again took the High School from 1855 to 1862; wh»^n the
law was resinned until his removal to Derry as Principal of the Pinkcrton
Academy. He married, 1. Mary Wallis. dau. of the Hon. Judge Samuel Dana
BttU of Manchester, Aug. 14, 1855. 2. Elisabeth M. dau. of the Hon. Theo-
dore T. Abbott of Manchester. Jan. 15. 1863.
* Burroughs Phillips, the son of Isaac and Martha (Burroughs) Phillips,
was born at Romulus, N. Y. Aug. 1, 1824, and died at Waterloo, N. Y. Apr. 6,
1854,^. 29. He read law with Addison T. Knox of Waterloo ; practised at
Syracuse, N. Y. from 1851 to his untimely death, the effect of a fall from his
carriage. A classmate gives him the highest character as a scholar and a man.
He married Elisabeth, dau. of Thomas M'Clintock of Waterloo, July 27, 1852.
Harvey Thomas Phillips, A. M. was born at Henrietta? N. Y. Feb. 5,
1824. He taught in a private family of Mississippi 1 year; then removed to
Chattanooga, Tenn. teacliing at the Acad, there and editing the Chattanooga
Advertiser 3 years ; was also its Postmaster a short time ; went to Atlanta, Geo.
in 1853 and lived there when last heard from in 1864. He married Bettie
Bruckner of Georgia in 1854.
Eugene Francis Sanger, A. INI. the son of Zebulon and Charlotte
(Wayne) Sanger, was born Oct. 18, 1829. He was first engaged in teaching;
then studied medicine at Jefferson Med. Coll. Philadelphia, Pa. graduating M.
D. in 1853 ; was Assistant Surgeon and Physician from 1853 to 1855 at Chel-
sea Hospital, !Ms, and that at Blackwcll's Island near N. Y. city ; travelled in
Europe in 1855 ; began practice at Ellsworth, ]Me ; removed to Bangor, Me,
in 1857, and there continues. He married Emily Fay Pond of Ellsworth, Dec.
9, 1857.
Carlos Slafter, A. ^I. the son of Sylvester and Mary Armstrong (John-
son) Slafter, was born at Thettbrd, Vt, July 21, 1825. He taught at Lyme in
1849, at Dedham, Ms, to 1851, and Framingham,Ms, in 1852; was then Prin-
ALUMNI 1849. 381
cipal of the High School at Dedham from Sept. 1852 to 1865 ; having studied
divinity, was ordained a Deacon of the Prot. Epis. Ch. by the Rt Rev. Dr Man-
ton P:astburn, Bishop of Ms, at Trinity Cii. Bo-ton, Ms, May 17, 18(J5 ; is still
teaching at Dedhaiu. He married Rebecca, dan. of William Bullard at Ded-
ham, Aug. 4, 1853. Edmund Farwell Shifter, D. C. 1840, is his brother.
* Robert Smith, the son of Stephen Smith, was born at Buffalo? N. Y.
Jan. 19, 1828, and died at Cuba, N. Y. in 1857, je. 29. He was devoted to
mercantile and general business and was a married man.
Clinton Warrington Stanley, the son of Horace C. Stanley, was born
at Hopkinton? Dec. 5, 1830. He read law and settled in practice at Man-
chester in Apr. 1853. He married in Dec. 1857.
George Stevens, A. M. the son of Daniel and Tabitha (Sawyer) Stevens,
was born at Stoddard, Oct. 23, 1824. He taught at Gilraanton Acad, from
1849 to 1850, Pittsfield Acad. 1850 to 1851, Blount Vernon Acad. Aug. 1851
to Mar. 1854 ; read law with the Hon. Ira Allen Eastman, D. C. 1829, of Gil-
manton, the Hon. Moses Norris, D. C. 1828, at Pittsfiehl, and William Adams
Richardson of Lowell, Ms ; began practice at Lowell in Oct. 1854, and there
remains ; has been Clerk of its Police Court ; its representative in the Ms
Leg. in 1858, and an Associate Justice of its Police Court. He married Elisa-
beth R. dau. of James Kimball of Littleton, Ms, Sept. 19, 1850.
* Charles Harper Strong, the son of John and Mary (Gates) Strong,
was born at ILu-tford, Vt, Mar. 23, 1828, and died at Utica, N. Y. May 11,
1851, JE.. 23. He was an operator in a telegraph office at Rochester, N. Y. in
1850, and at Utica afterwards. Obituary notices were ardent in his com-
* Horace Webster, the son of Samuel and Lois (Smith) Webster, was
born at Barnstead, Apr. 2, 1828. He read law with William Henry Duncan,
D. C. 1830, of Hanover 3 months ; taught at Mount Vernon in 1849 and 1850 ;
resumed legal studies at Harv. Univ. Law School, graduating LL. B. in 1851,
and finished them with Albert R. Hatch of Portsmouth ; began practice there
in Dec. 1852 ; was Superintendent of Schools for Rockingham Co. in 1854 to
1855, and made U. S. Circuit Court Commissioner in May 1853. He married
Hannah Draper, dau. of the Rev. Dr Amos Blanchard of Lowell, Ms, June
14, 1860. Mr Webster died at Portsmouth, Aug. 7, 1867, M. 39.
* Luther Baker Whittemore, A. M. the son of Caleb and Dorcas
(Taylor) Whittemore, was born at Bridgewater, Feb. 1, 1824, and died at Or-
ford, Dec. 28, 1861, je. 37. He taught at Wentworth ; studied divinity at
And. Theo. Sem. 1 or 2 years in the class of 1852 ; then taught at Kimball
Acad. Meriden, 1 term; but health failing, retired to a farm at Bridgewater
until 1«58 ; then became stated supjdy at Orford to his death, though never
ordained. He mai-ried Elisabeth H. Dewey of Northfield, Vt, Sept. 17, 1851.
Carson Wilson Adams, the son of John and Margaret (Ilindman) Adams,
was born at WUrnington, Del. Nov. 29, 1825. He studied divinity at Union
Theo. Sem. N. Y. city, graduating in 1853 ; was ordained or^ became settled
pastoc of the Presb. Cii. at Pole Green, Hanover Co. Va ; dismissed ; installed
pastor of the Isl Presb. Ch. at Thompsonville, Ct ; dismissed ; then became pas-
tor of a Presb. Ch. at Richmond, Va. He married Martha Virginia llorton of
Southold, Long Island, N. Y. in July 1854.
Joseph Chandler Barrett, A. M. the son of Dea. Oliver and Lucy
382 ALUMNI 1850.
King (Cliandler) Barrett, was born at Wilton, Dec. 12, 1823. He was Prin-
cipal of tlu; Iliirh School at Saxonville, INIs, from May 1851 to Mar. 1853 ; of
the High Scliool at Chicopee, Ms, from Apr. 1853 to Mar. 185-4; Sub Master
of the High School at Cambridge, Ms, from Sept. 1854 to May 1855; Head
of the High School at Cohasset, IMs, in the fall term of 1856; of "the Mount
Pleasant High School at Nashua from Dec. 1856 to Jan. 1858 ; of the Acad,
at Hampton from IMay 1858 to May 1864. He married Sarah Ann, dan. of
John Ilillard of South Wrenlham, Ms, at S. W. Nov. 15, 1853.
Hi:nkv Klderkin Jewett Boaudman, the son of the Rev. Elderkin
Jedediah, D. C. 1815, and Ann (Gookin) Boardman, was born at Danville, Vt,
June 21, 1829. He read law; taught at Shclbyville, Tenn. Greensborough,
Ala. and Cumberland, Md ; was Prof, of Latin and Greek at the Univ. of Tenn.
at Knoxville from 1854 to 1856 ; has opened a law office at Mai'ietta, Iowa.
He married Miltie p:. Williams of Pa, Dec. 7, 1858.
David Brkmner, the son of William and Helen (Frazer) Bremner, was
born at Keitli, Bantfshire, Scotland, Jan. 25, 1828. He studied divinity at And.
Theo. Sera, graduating in 1853 ; was ordained pastor of the 2nd Cong. C'h. at
Rockport, Ms, JNIay 2, 1855; dismissed Oct. 20, 1864; represented Rociqiort
in the Ms Leg. in 1863 ; installed pastor at Plymouth, Ms, 3d Cong. Ch. Nov.
10, 1864. He married Sarah Elisabeth, dau. of Samuel Kimball of Boxford,
Ms, Sept. 20, 1854.
Edw'ahd Towle Brooks, the son of the Hon. Samuel and Elisabeth
(Towle) Brooks, was born at Lenoxville, Can. Ea.-t, July 6. 1830. He read
law with John Sewall Sanborn, D. C. 1842, at Sherbrooke, C. E. and A. and
G. Robertson of Montreal, Can. I^ast ; went into practice at Sherbrooke and
there remains. He married Sarah L. dau. of Eleazar Clarke of Sherbrooke,
Sept. 13, 1856. Samuel Towle Brooks, D. C. 1847, is his brother.
Alonzo Brown, the son of IVIoses Brown, was born at Os.-ipee, May 25,
1824. He studied divinity at Union Theo. Sem. N. Y. city ; is an ordained
Pre.-b. minister; was a Home missionary at the West; but is now a teacher iu
N. Y. city.
Robert William Carr, the son of Robert Carr, was born at Hebron, Me,
Feb. 1, 1826.
Charles Henry Citapin, the son of Henry and Catharine (Fisher) Chapin,
was born at Newport, Sept. 22, 1823. He was Principal of Newport Acad.
from 1850 to 1851; taught in a family school at Union dist. S. C from Oct.
1851 to Oct. 1852 ; had charge of Rutherford Acad. N. C. from 1852 to 1854 ;
read law also with George W. Baxter of Ruthci'fordton till 1856 ; then returned
north and finished legal studies with Edmund Lambert dishing of Charlestown ;
was his partner from 1858 to Apr. 1860; that 3-ear went to St Louis, Mis-
souri, and |)ursues his profession there. He married Sarah Ann, dau. of
Aaron Nettleton of Newport, at Claremont, Nov. 11, 1858.
Heni!V Martin Ciiai-in, the son of the Rev. Walter and Hannah (Mo-
sher) Chapin, was born at Woodstock, Vt, Apr. 21, 1825. He studied di\inity
at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1854; was ordained a Cong, minister; set-
tled at Ccresco, AVisc. and afterwards at Ripon, Wise, but is now at ]\Iaikesan,
Wise, without a charge. He married IMarv A. Leonard of Sharon, Vt, in
Mar. 1851. *
Henry Chase, A. M. the son of Barucli and 31ai'y Peabody (Blake) Chase,
was born at Claremont, Apr. 21, 1823. He taught at Washington, D. C. to
1852 ; at Claremont Acad. 1 year ; was Assistant Librarian of the Smithson
Institute at Washington from Nov. 1853 to Nov. 1854 ; taught again at Clare-
ALUMNI 1850. 383
mont 1 year ; at Concord, Ms, Hisli School 2 years, and at "Watertown, Ms;,
since Apr. 1858 ; has published " The North and the South, beiuij a statistical
view of the free and the slave states," in 1 vol. duo. 191 pages, 1857. He mar-
ried Sarah Elisabeth, dau. of Erastus Clark of Claremont, Feb. 22, 1853.
Lewis Whitehouse Clark, the son of Jeremiah and Hannah (White-
house) Clark, was born at Barnstead, Aug. 19, 1828. He taught at Pittsfield
from Aug. 1850 to Aug. 1852 ; read law there with Artliur Fitzroy Livermore
Livingston Norris, D. C. 18-45 ; beg;an 2>nactice at Pittsfield with Mr. Norris in
Sept. 1852, but ere long was alone to Apr. 1860; removed to Manchester in
July 18(30 ; represented Pittsfield in the N. H. Leg. 2 years. He married
Helen Marr Swett, dau. of Capt. William Knowlton of Pittsfield, Dec. 29, 1852.
LuciEN Buonaparte Clougii, the son of Gen. Joseph and Mehitabel
Ambrose (Chase) Clough, was born at Northfield, Apr. 17, 1823. He was
Principal of Appleton Acad, at Mount Vernon in 1850 ; read law with the Hon.
George Washington Morrison of Manchester in 1851, and with Raymond and
King at Troy, N. Y. to Sept. 1, 1851 ; spent the year 1852, in the We.-tern
States; began practice at Manchester in 1853 and is still there. He married
Maria Louisa, dau. of the Hon. Albert Gallatin Dole of Augusta, Me, at A.
Nov. 20, 1856.
John Bear Doane Cogswell, the son of the Rev. Nathaniel, D. C. 1819,
and Su-an (Doane) Cogswell, was born at Yarmouth, Ms, June 6, 1829. He
read law with the Hon. Emory Waslibui-n of AVorcester, Ms, and at Harv. L^niv.
Law School, graduating LL. B. in 1852 ; went into practice at Worcester; rep-
resented it in the Leg. of Ms ; removed to Milwaukie, Wise, in 1857 ; is U. S.
Atty for the District of Wisconsin.
Nathaniel Colver, the son of the Rev. Nathaniel Colver, was born Mar.
17, 1829.
De AVitt Clinton Cram, A. M. the son of Robert B. and Lucy (Stone)
Cram, was born at Weathersfield, Vt, Mar. 9, 1832. He was Principal of the
High School at Troy, N. Y. 2 years ; read law there with Seymour and Van-
sant ; opened an office at Dubuque, Iowa, in 1856. He married Emily, dau. of
Richard Edwards of Pittsburgh, Pa, Sept. 14, 1858.
PL I) ward Hopkins Cushing, the son of Daniel and Nancy (Antliony)
Cushing, was born at Royalton, Vt, June 11, 1829. He taught at Galveston,
Texas, from Sept. 1850 to Feb. 1851, and at Brazoria, Texas, from 1851 to Dec.
1852 ; published the Columbian Democrat at Columbia, Texas, from Jan.
1853 to Oct. 1856; also the Houston Telegraph at Houston, Texas, from
1856 to the passing time. He married, 1. Mary Barstow of Haverhill in
1854. 2. Matilda Jane, dau. of A. J. Burke of Houston, Mar. 22, 1859.
* Oliver Davis, the son of Ciiarles and I^lvira (Buss) Davis, was born at
Ashburnham, Ms, Aug. 7, 1823, and died there. Mar. 1, 1853, m. 29. He
studied medicine with Dr Alfred Hitchcock of Fitchburgh, Ms, and at Harv.
Univ. Med. School until fatally prostrated by typhoid fever.
Edward Curran Dickinson, A. M. the son of the Rev, Pliny, D. C.
1798, and Mary Brown (Bellows) Dickinson, was born at Walpole, Oct. 16,
1826. He studied medicine at Albany, N. Y. and Boston, Ms ; began and con-
tinues practice at Dubuque, Iowa. William Dickinson, D. C. 1843, is his brother.
GkcoRGE Webb Dodge, A. M. the son of Phineas and Rebecca (Hardy)
Dodge, was born at Fairlee, Vt, Aug. 26, 1820. He studied divinity in pri-
vate ; was ordained a Baptist minister; has preached at Falmouth, Ms; North
Haven, Ct ; Elmira, N. Y. Sraithfield, R. I. and North Shore, Richmond Co.
N. Y. and was also Chaplain of a Reg. of lUi. vol. Zouaves.
384 ALUMNI 1850.
JosErii Eastman, A. M. the pon of Samuel and Betsey (Pa^e) Eastman, was
born at Sandown, Mar. 9, 182G. He read law and piactised .-ome time at
Haverliill, Ms ; has been Prof, of INIathematicks at Providence Conference Sem.
at East Greenwich, R. I. since 1859. He married Nira Kelley of Ame.-biny,
Ms, in 1859.
Charles Samuel Farrar, the son of Samuel and Rebecca (Parker) Far-
rar, was born at Pepperell, Ms, Aug. 7, 1826. lie read law ; went into i)ractice at
Gilmanton ; has been Prof, of Nat. Sci. and Math, at Elmira, N. Y. Female
Sem. since 185G, and is now also Pres. of the same and director of the Farrar
Observatory, lie married Frances E. Worcester of Ilollis, Auj;. 18, 1852.
* J^uwix GooDELL, the son of Jared and Hannah (Perrin) Goodell, was
born at West Westminster, Vt, July 19, 1824, and died at Bloomficdd, Mich.
Sept. 29, 18G3. jY.. 39. He studie(l divinity at Union Theo. Sem. in N. Y. city,
graduating in 1853; was ordained an evangelist at Rocky Hill, Ct, June 12,
1854; sailed a missionary for Sn)yrna, Asia, Aug. 8, 1854; returned in ill
health in '1855 ; lived first at Birmingham, Mich, and then at Bloomfield. He
married Catharine Jones, dau. of Stephen Van Rensellaer Trowbridge of Bir-
mingham, at Troy, Mich. July 20, 1854.
Richard Hates, the son of Ichabod and Sallie (Card) Hayes, was born at
Milton, Aug. 14, 1827. He read law with Harvey Jewell, D. C. 1844, at Bos-
ton, Ms, 1 year, and at Pittsfield with Arthur Fitzroy Livermore Livingston
Norris, D. C. 1845, 2 years; was in practice at Pittsfield 4 years; then re-
moved to St Louis, Missouri, and has been engaged in the High School, teach-
ing Calculus, civil and mechanical Engineering, Astronomy, and Physicks be-
tween 8 and 9 years.
Ja:mes ]Madison Hill, the son of Reuben Hill, was born at New Portland,
Me, June 27, 1825. He read law and went into practice at Chicago, Illi.
Charles Cogsavell Jewett, the son of Thomas and PLlisabeth (Lord)
Jewett, was boin at South Berwick, Me, Jan. 1, 1831. He studied medicine
and settled in practice at Ilolliston, Ms; became .Surgeon of the IGth Reg. of
Ms vols. He married Annie S. dau. of James Freeland of Brooklyn, N. Y.
at B. Feb. 19, 18 G3.
James Harvey Kidder, the son of Capt. Ezra and Calista (Taft) Kidder,
was born at Alstead, June 5, 1825. He studied medicine at Maryland Univ.
Baltimore, 2 years ; commenced practice at Lawrence, Ms, and there remains.
He married Adelaide Sarah, dau. of George Dodge of Lancaster, Ms, June 5, 1860.
Nathan Smith Lincoln, A. M. the son of the Rev. Sumner and Gratia
Eliza (Smith) Lincoln, was born at Gardner, Ms, Apr. 3, 1828. He studied
medicine with Dr Nathan Ryno Smith of Baltimore, Md, and at the Univ. of Md,
graduating M. D. in 1852 ; began pi'actice at Baltimore ; removed to Wash-
ington, D. C. in 1854, and there remains ; was made Prof, of Chemistry and
Nat. Science in Columl>ia Coll. D. C. in 1857; resigned in 1860; appointed
Prof, of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in Col. Coll. in 1859, which was
resigned to be Prof, of Physiology and Anatomy. He married, 1. Mrs
Margaret E. Ridgate of Washington city, Apr. 26, 1859. 2. Nancy, dau. of
Col. Samuel Moale of Baltimore, at B. Oct. 3i), 1SG().
Samuel Dearborn Lord, the son of Edward Dearborn and Betsey (Os-
good) Lord, was born at P2psom, Apr. 30, 1826. He read law with the Hon.
Daniel Clark, D. C. 1834, of Manchester and went into practice there in 1853;
represented it in the N. H. Leg. in 1857 ; was City Solicitor 2 years ; Clerk
of the N. IL Leg. in 1862, 1863, and 1865; became Ass. Clerk of the Cong.
H. of Rep. in 1866 ; still practises in Manchester. He married Mary Agnes,
ALUMNI 1850. ^ 385
dau. of Francis Alton Calvei t of Lowell, Ms, at Providence, R. L Aug. 9,
Elbridge Marshall, the son of Moody and Sarah (Beard) Marshall, was
born at Weare, June 20, 1823. He studied divinity at Union Tlieo. Sein. N. Y.
and was ordained a Baptist minister at Attica, Ind. Lyman Marshall of this
class; Jonathan Marshall, D. C. 1854, and Thomas Marshall, D. C. 1857, are
his brothers. Elbridge and Lyman are twins.
Lyaian Marshall, the brother of the preceding, was born at Weare, June
20, 1823. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 2 years in the class of
1856 ; was ordained an evangelist at Manchester, Oct. 8, 1856 ; was city
Missionary there until his removal to Greenfield as stated supply in July 1860 ;
was in.-talled pastor at Ilarrisville in 1864; has been dismissed. He married
Eliza, dau. of Stephen Wiiigate of Great Falls, Nov. 25, 1851.
* Benjamin Morgan, tiie son of John Sullivan and Charlotte (Gilman) Mor-
gan, was born at Meredith, Sept. 6, 1823, and died there, Aug. 22, 1853, m. 29.
He married Jane, dau. of Freeman S. Pitman of Meredith, June 26, 1853.
John Ordronaux, A. M. the son of John and Mary Elisabeth (Charetton)
Ordronaux, was born in N. Y. cily, Aug. 3, 1829. He taught at Appleton
Acad. JMount Vernon in 1850 ; read law at Harv. Univ. Law School, graduat-
ing LL. B. in 1852, and with Nathaniel Morton at Taunton, Ms, from Sept.
1852 to Apr. 13, 1853 ; then began practice there ; removed to N. Y. city in
July 1854; in time, left tlie bar and studied medicine at the National Med.
Coll. at Washington, D. C. grasi(jnary
at South Berwick, Dec. 13, 1854; sailed for Smyrna, Asia, Dec. 21, 1(S54 ;.
arrived Feb. 8, 1855 ; returned to the U. S. in 1859 ; became acting pastor at
Burlington, ISIe, May 18, 1861 ; on dismission, settled as stated sijpply at hi-
dustry and New Vineyard, Me, Apr. 1, 1863, with Anson, Me, conjoined, Apr.
386 ALUIMNI 1850.
17, 18G4, but New Vineyard ha,^ lieen since re*ijinefl, and tluis continues.
He married Elisabeth B. Morris of Bloomfield, N. J. Nov. 29, 1854.
WiLMAM Alkxander Read, the son of Dr Alexander. D. C. 1808, and
Sarah (Willis) Read, was born at New Bedford, Mar. 4, 1828. He lives in
that city but his profession is not forthcoming.
Elias Huntington Richardson, the son of Daniel and Mary (Hunting-
ton) Richardson, was born at Lebanon, Aug. 11, 1827. He studied divinity at
And. Theo. Sem. graduating iti 18-53; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Cli. at
GoflTstown, May 18, 18.54 ; dismissed in 1856; installed pastor at Dover, Dec.
10, 1856; dismissed in 1863 ; installed pastor of Richmond St Ch. Providence,
R. I. Dec. 30, 1863. He married Jane M. Stevens of Plainfield, May 15. 1854.
Samuel AVoodbury Roberts, the son of Richard and Hannah (Willey)
Roberts, was born at Alton, Jan. 8, 1825. He taught school ; studied medicine
with Dr Samuel Burge Twitchell, D. C. 1842, of Wakefield, Dr Charles
Warren of Wolfborougli, and at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1853 ;■
began practice at Ncwtield. INIe, in Mar. 1853 ; removed to Alton in Feb. 1854,
and thence to Wakefield in Oct. 1854. He married Elisabeth Smitli oiOs.-ipee,
Apr. 15, 1853.
Alfred Russell, A. M. the son of William Wallace and Su-^an Carleton
(Webster) Russell, was born at Plymouth, Mar. 18, 1830. He read law at
Harv. Univ. Law School, graduating LL. B. in 1852; settled in practice at
Detroit, Mich, in 1853; is U. S. Atty for the District of Michiiran. Hh mar-
ried Mrs Ellen P. England of St Albans, Vt, dau. of Noah AVells, Oct. 28,
William Fellows Savain, the son of Perkins and Sally (Weymouth)
Swain, was born at Gilmanton, June 12, 1825. He was in S. C. 1 year; re-
moved to Columbia, Texas; became an editor and Postmaster there ; has also
been U. S. Deputy Marshal. He married, 1. Ilaimah Frances, dau. of
Thoma- Clarke of Gilmanton, Oct. 25, 1854. 2. Lizzie J. Crawford of Gal-
veston, Texas.
James Phineas Upham, the son of the Hon. George Baxter and Mary
(Duncan) Upham, was born at Claremont. Oct. 27, 1827. He is largely en-
gaged in both agriculture and manufactures in his native town. He married
Lizzie W. Rice at South Berwick, Me, Nov. 5, 1851. Jabez Baxter Upham,
D. C. 1842, is his brother.
Julius Henry Waterbury, A. ]\L the son of Harry and Louisa (Moore)
Waterbury, was born at N. Y. city, Sept. 25, 1826. He studied divinity and
has been ordained a Deacon and also a Presbyter of the Prot. Epis. Church ;
has officiated at Spring Grove and Elgin, Illi. and was sometime rector of St
Paul's Cli. near Winona, Minn, but is now rector of Christ Ch. Cuiia. St
John's, Wellsville, and St INIary's, Salamanca, all in N. Y. He married Jane
Rebecca Brantord of Batavia, Illi. in Sept. 1856.
John Wheeler, the son of Ilazen and Jane (Jewett) Wheeler, was born
at liarnstead, Sept. 15, 1828. He studied with Dr Jeremiah Peabody Jewett
of Lowell, jMs, in 1850 and 1851 ; Dr Charles Thomas Berry, D. C. 1839, of
Pitt^field ; at the Berkshire Med. Inst. Pittsheld, Ms. graduating M. I), there ;
at Bowdoin Coll. Med. School, and at Harv. Univ. Med. School ; began i)rac-
tice at Barnstead in 1853; removed to Pittslield in 1859. He married Mary
H. dau. of William Garland of Barnstead, Nov. 13, 1>S56.
William Wood, A. M. the son of David Wood, was born at St Johns-
bury, Vt, in Feb. 1825. He studied medicine and is said to have become a
practitioner at Cairo, Illinois.
* Enoch Charles Augustus Woods, the son of Enoch and Elisabeth
ALUMNI 1850. 387
(Frost) "Woods, was born at Newport, Sept. 11, 1824, and died at Wapello,
Iowa, Nov. 4, 1854, je. 30. He studied divinity at And. Tiieo. vSem. j^radiiat-
ing in 1853 ; was ordained a missionary of the Amer. Home Miss. Soc. at Sul-
livan, Oct 19, 1853; went forthwith to Wapello, and died exactly 1 year from
bis arrival after a faithful ministry. He married Jane Betsey, dau. of Oliver
Kingsbury Porter, at Lyme, Oct. 17, 1853.
Moses Edavin Wright, A. M. the son of Moses and Ruth (Smith) Wriglit,
was born at Enosburgh, Vt, Mar. 15, 1825. He taught at Georgia, Vt, in
1850 and 1851 ; at Chesterfield Acad, in 1851 and 1852 ; at Swanzey Ac-ad.
in 1852 and 1853; at Marlborough in 1853; Ashuelot in 1853 and 1854;
Clinton Acad. N. J. from Mar. 1, 1854 to July 1855 ; then spent a year at
Swanzey in farming and mechanism ; was next at Boston, Ms, in the news-
paper and periodical business from Sept. 185G to Aug. 1859 ; that year re-
turned to Swanzey to his farm and mechanicks and so continues. He mar-
ried Ellen Maria, dau. of Carleton Parker of Swanzey at S. May 22, 1854.
Edward Aiken, A. M. the son of the Rev. Dr Silas, D. C. 1825, and
Mary (0>good) Aiken, was born at Amherst, Apr. 10, 1830. He studied
divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1855 ; was ordained a missionary
at Rutland, Vt, Sept. 7,1855; sailed for Syria, Oct. 27, 1855; arrived at
Smyrna, Asia, Dec. 9, 1855 ; occupied 3 stations in Syria, viz. Hans, Beirut,
and Kefr Shima ; returned unwell to the U. S. in 1858 ; then studied medicine
at Yale Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1861 ; began practice at Fitzwilliam
in Feb. 1861. He married, 1. Susan Dougherty, dau. of the Hon. John Orton
Cole of Albany, N. Y. at A. Sept. 5, 1855. 2. Sarah, dan. of Dea. Cyrus
Cheney of Phillipston, Ms, at Abeih, Mount Lebanon, Asia. July 22, 1857.
JosiAH Bartlett, the son of Dr Josiah and Hannah Ellen Weeks (Thomp-
son) Bartlett, was born at Stratham, Jan. 1, 1830. He taught at Mobile, Ala.
from 1851 to 1853 ; has been since in mercantile life in N. Y. city. He mar-
ried Frances V. dau. of Jeremiah L. Robinson of Exeter, Nov. 1, 1860.
* George Sullivan Barton, the son of the Hon. Cyrus and Hanmh
(Hale) Barton, was born at Concord, Mny 9, 1831, and died there, July 24,
1857, JE. 26. He read law; began practice at Burlington, Iowa; removed to
Newport in 1854, and was Clerk of the N. H. Senate in 1855 and 1856.
* Charles Baxter, the son of Harry and Deborah (Steele) Baxter, was
born at Barton, Vt, Apr. 2, 1829, and died at New Orleans, La, Aug. 8, 1858,
M. 29. He went to California, and thence to N. 0. becoming editor of the New
Orlean-; Bee.
* George Bell, the son of the Hon. Gov. Samuel, D. C. 1793, and Lucy
(Smith) Bell, was born at Chester, .June 24, 1829, and died at Cleveland, Ohio,
Sept. 2, 1864, JE. 35. He read law with Wheeler and Faulkner of Keene ;
went into practice at Chicago, Illinois; removed thence to Manchester, and then
to Cleveland. He married Emma A. Preston of Manchester, at M. Aug. 2,
1859. John Bell, D. C. 1852, was his brother.
Enoch Paige Breed, the son of Daniel and Betsey (Peaslee) Breed, was
born at Unity, Jan. 27, 1827. He taught at Candia in the fall of 1851 ; read
law with the Hon. David Cross, D. C. 1841, at Manchester in 1852, and with the
Hon. Ogden Hoffman and John Townsend Jr in N. Y. city, until admitted to
tbe bar there, Dec. 15. 1852; then opened an offii'e and btigan practice in tliat
ety, which is still continued. He married Helen Eliza, dau. of the Hon. Jacob
C. Skillman of the same N. Y. Dec. 25, 1860.
388 ALUMNI 1851.
Gkouge "William Burlkioii, tlie >on of John A. and Sarah N. (Briard)
Burleigli, wa:^ born at South Berwick, Me, Apr. 11, 1830. He read hwv with
Wells and Bell of Somersworth ; bejran {)racti('e there in IH.Vl; is now the
Agent of a manufacturing co. in that town; was eiiosen a N. II. Senator for
18GG. He married Louisa H. Bryant of Haverhill, Sept. 2, 1854. John
Adam-^ Burleigh, D. C. 1854, is his brother.
William HKNitv Burlkigh, the son of Henry and Eliza (Gregg) Bur-
leigh, was born at Franklin, Jan. 25, 1827. He studied medicine at Dart. N.
Y. and at Bowdoin Med. Colleges, graduating M. D. at the last in 1854 ; went
into practice at Lawrence, Ms, and there remains.
Francis Erasmus Clarkk, A. IM. the son of Elam and Cynthia (Lewis)
Clarke, was born at Wiliiamstown, Vt, ]\Iar. 4, 1828. He lead law and is a
practitioner at Waukegan, Illinois. He married Hannah Scott of Iladlcy, INIs,
in Jan. 1858. Ranslure Weld Clarke, D. C. 1842, and Isaac Lewis Clarke,
D. C. 18 18, were his brothers.
* Isaac Coffin, the son of Joseph and Sarah (Clark) CofTin, was born at
Haverhill, Ms, Oct. 8, 1829, and died at Indianapolis, Ind. Jan. 4, LSOl, ^.
31. He taught at Ilallowell, Me, 1 year, and Bronkline, Ms, 1 year; read
law with Rufus P. Tapley of Saco, Me. and Cobb and Dana of Charlestown, Ms ;
began |)ractice at Indianapolis in 1854, and did not remove. He married, 1.
Rebecca L. dau. of Rufus Tapley of Danvers, Ms, Aug. 30, 1853. 2. Mary,
dan. of George G. Holman of Indianapolis in INIar. 1858.
Samukl Hilliard Folsom, the son of Samuel and Ann (Loverina) Fol-
som, was born at Ilopkinton, Feb. 23, 1826. He was Principal of Wrstford
Acad. INIs, from 1851 to 1853 ; read law with Dean and Dinsmoor at Lowell,
Ms, and at Boston, Ms ; began practice at Ea>t Cambridge, ]Ms, and is there
yet. He married Catharine Abbot, dau. of iSehemiah Porter Cram, of Hamp-
ton Falls, Oct. 18, 1857.
Richard Baxter Foster, the son of Richard and Irene (Burroughs)
Fo-ter, was born at Hanover, Dec. 25, 182G. He taught in the AVestern
States, princi|)ally in Iowa, from 1851 to 185G ; then embarked theie in farm-
ing uiuil 18G2 ; that year enlisted in an Iowa Inf. leg. as a private, but became
Adjt of the 62nd U. S. Col. reg. of vols, serving as such to the end of the
war; has since been Principal of the Lincoln Institute, a coloured school at
Jefferson City, Missouri. He married, 1. Jemima Ewing, Oct. 22, 1851. 2.
Lucy .
Chandler Freeman, the son of Samuel Freeman, was born at Jan.
18, 1824.
* David Brainerd French, the son of John and Anna (Nevers) French,
was born at Bedford, Jan. 27, 1830, and died at Half Moon, Wise. IMar. 26,
1861, JE. 31. lie studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. iit
1854; settled in jiractice at Bath, but left and [)ursued his profession at Half
Moon. He married Aralxdla Hutchinson of Norwich, Vt.
William Cutting Grant, A. INI. the son of and Dolly (Ware)
Grant, was born at Chelsea, Vt, Oct. 8, 1826. He read law and opened an
officH at Ciiicago, lUi.
* MiLO Walbripge Grow, the son of Silas Grow, was born at Crafts-
bury, Vt, INIar. 28, 1825, and died at Point Lookout, Va, Jan. 31, 1864. ^K. 38-
He read law, but ignoring tlie practice, taught at AII)any, Baker Co. Georgia ;
then entered the Confrderate service, was taken prisoner, and died in confinement.
Joshua Oilman Hall, the son of Jo.-hua Oilman and Betsey (Piumer)
Hall, was born at Wakefield, Nov. 5, 1828. He read law with tlie lion. Daniel
Miliimore Christie, D. C. 1815, of Dover; commenced practice at Wakefield ;
ALUMNI 1851. 3 89
removed thence to Union Village, but has for some years had his office in
Dover. He mai-ried S. Lizzie Bigelovv of Boston, Ms, at B. Nov. 16, 1861.
* John Moody Hayes, A. M. the son of William and Lydia (Sanborn)
Hayes, was born at Sanbornton Bridge, Jan. 10, 1830, and died at Gal^sburg,
lUi. Sept. 16, 1856, M. 26. He read law with Benjamin M. Colby of SanU)rnton
2 years; but became Pi-of, of Latin and Greek at Lombard Univ. Galeented it in the N. II. Leg. in ISOO, 1861,
and 1862, being Speaker of the House the 2 last years ; was appointed Cashier
of the U. S. internal revenue in Mar. 1863 ; promoted deputy commissioner
thereof in Feb. 1864, and thus continues at "Washington, D. C. He married
ALUMNI 1851. 391
Ellen, clan, of Jo^iah C. ITobbs of Wakefield, Sept. 2G, 1855. Daniel Gustavus
Rollins, D. C. 18G0,is his brotlit^r.
Jonathan. lioss, the son of Royal and Eliza (Mason) Ross, was bom at
Lower Wateiford, Vt, Apr. 30, 1826. He taiigiit at Craftsbury and Clielsea,
Vt ; read law with the Hon. William Hebard of Chelsea; opened an office
there ; removed to St Johnsbury, Vt, in 1856. He married Eliza Ann, dan. of
Isaiah Cai'penter of Waterford, Nov. 22, 1852.
IIkmiy Edmund Sawykk, A. M. the son of Jacob and Laura (Bartlett)
Sawyer, was born at Warner, July 14, 1826. He taught at Francestown Acad,
from liS51 to 1853 ; at Ilenniker 3 months ; at the High school Great Falls
from 1854 to 1857; at the High school Concord from 1857 to his removal to
the H gh school at Middletown, Ct : has edited in part the N. H. Journal of
Education ; studied divinity and has been a licentiate of the Cong. Cli. since
Oct. 1858. He married Julia Ann, dan. of Josiah French of Candia, Nov. 27,
Luther Eastman Shepard, A. M. the son of Jesse and Mary (Robie)
Shef)ar(l, was born at Raymond, Dec. 28, 1820. He taught at Grafton Acad.
Ms, from 1852 to 1853 ; at Westford Acad. Ms, from Aug. 1853 to 1857 ; at
Franklin Acad. 18 months from Feb. 1858; read law with H. G. Blaisdell of
Lowell, Ms, and went into practice there.
Joseph Augustus Shores, A. M. the son of Stephen and Sally (Knapp)
Shores, was born at Acton, Ms, Nov. 23, 1827. He has taught the High school
at Haverhill, Ms, several years. He married Clarissa Melissa Antoinette, dau.
of Capt. Harvey Moore Towle at Parsonsfidd, Me, Aug. 25, 1852.
Damel LE^tIS Shorey, the son of Joseph and Maria Sylvester (Hall)
Shoiey, was born at Jonesborough, Me, Jan. 31, 1824. He taught at Wash-
ington, D. C. from Sept. 1851 to Aug. 1853 ; read law there witii .Joseph Hab-
ersham Bradley, and at Harv. Univ. Law School in 1854; practised at Boston,
Ms, in 1855 and 1856; removed his office to Davenport, Iowa, in Aulj. 1856;
was City Atty there from 1862, but removed to Chicago, llli. in June 1865.
He married Mai'ia Antoinette, dau. of John A. Merriaiu of Bedford, Ms, at B.
Sept. 4, 1856.
Algernon Stevens, the son of Robert Stevens, was born at Newport, R.
I. Nov. 23, 1827. He read law and practised a short time at Newbury, Vt.
Sylvester Dana Storrs, the son of Dea. Jesse and Hannah (Hyde)
Storrs, was born at Virgil, N. Y. Sept. 11, 1820. He studied divinity at And.
Theo. Sem. graduating in 1857 ; supplied that year as a licentiate at Quindaro,
Kansas; was ordained a Cong, minister in 1858; dismissed from Quindaro
and has been preaching at Atchison, Kansas, since 1862.
Joseph How Tyler, A. M. the son of John and Jemima Merrill (How)
Tylei-, was born at Pelham, Feb. 11, 1825. He studied divinity at And.
Theo. Sem. 1 year in the class of 1856 ; then read law with Josiah Gardiner
Aljbott at Lowell, Ms; began practice there in 1853 ; removed to East Cam-
bridge, Ms, in May 1854, and so remains. He married Abby Little, dau. of
Chailes Hitchcock of Pembroke, Ms, Nov. 4, 1858.
Charles Wesley Willard, the son of Josiah Cahoon and Abigail (Car-
penter) WiUard, was born at Lyndon, Vt, June 18, 1827. He read law and
went into practice at Montpelier, Vt ; became editor and proprietor of the
" Green Mountain Freeman ; " was Secretary of Vt State in 1855, and a State
Senator in 1855 and 1856. He married Emily Doane, dau. of Ilezekiah
Hutchins Reed of Montpelier, Oct. 10, 1855.
Henry Willard, A. M. the son of the Hon. John Dwight, D. C. 1819, and
Laura (Barnes) Willard, was born at Troy, N. Y. Sept. 11, 1830. He studied
392 ALUMNI 1851.
divinity at And. Tlieo. Sem. 2 years in the class of 185G, but the 3d year at
Princeton. N. J. Theo. Scm. graduating in 18oG ; was ordained an evangeUst
at Pitt>field, Oliio, Oct. 20, 1.S.j8 ; preachrd at Monroeville, Ohio, in 18J8 and
1850 ; became pastor of tlie Cong. Cli. at Zuinbrota, Oiiio, in Aug. 185'J. preach-
ing half of the time at the adjacent town of Mazeppa for 3 years and then at
Zumbrota alone until 18G3, the year of his present location at Plainview, Minn,
lie married Jeannie AVells of Mount Vernon, Ohio, in Dec. 1858.
"Wilson Smith Abbot, the son of David and Affa (Smith) Abbot, was born
at Raymond, July 18, 1826. He was Principal of Lebanon Acad, from gradu-
ation a few months; of Westminster Acad Ms, from 1853 to 1854 ; of Brattle-
borough, Vt, High School from 1855 to 1858; was Commissioner of Schools
for Rockingham Co. in 18G0 and 18G1 and President of the N. II. Board of
Education the same years. He married Olive, dau. of Amos Knowles of
* CuAKLES Israel Adams, the son of Isaac and Lucy (S|)offord) Adams,
was born at Boxtbrd, Ms, Dec. 21, 1823, and died there. Mar. 8, 18G2, je. 38.
He taught at the High School of Gloucester, Ms, from 1852 to 185G ; then read
law at ilarv. Univ. Law School, graduating LL. B. in 1858 ; began practice
at Boston, Ms, and in four years cea^ed to live.
Ezua Judsox Alden, the son of Ezra and Clarissa (Beal) Alden, was
born at Lyme in 1827. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in
1856 ; was ordained a Cong, minister at West Springfield, Ms, July 21, 1858 ;
installed pastor at Sycamore, lUi. July 1, 1863 ; dismissed in 1804; settled at
Naperville, Illi. in 1864, and is still in office. He married Helen F. dau. of
Adna Storrs of Hanover, Dec. 29, 1858.
PiiiNEAS Ayer, the son of Perley and Mary Eastman (Worthen) Ayer,
was horn at Haverhill, May 17, 1828. He read law; began and continues
practice at Boston, Ms. H(^ married Maria E. Flanders of Boston.
Charles Piarrett, A. M. the son of Jonathan and Lucy (Joslin) Barrett,
was born at Grafton, Vt, Jan. 28, 1830. He resides on a farm at Grafion. He
married Carrie Sanford of Orwell, Vt, Dec. 5, 1859.
Pkkkins Bass, the son of Joel and Catharine W. (Burnham) Bass, was
born at "Will iamstown, A^'t, Apr. 30, 1827. He taught at Glover, Vt, from 1852
to 1853, and also at Chester Acad. V^t, reading law the while with the Hon.
Henry E. Stoughton, from 1853 to 1854; was then in the law otlice of Peck
and CoUiy at INIontpelier, Vt, in the fall of 1854 ; went to Chicago, Illi. in 1855 ;
resumed legal studies there with Cornell and Barron and taught a Publick School
at the same time; opened a law office in that city in 1855, and has practised
his profession ever since, with the exception of being President of the Illinois
State Normal University at Bloomington from Aug. 1861 to June 18G2 ; was
appointed U. S. District Atty for the Northern Dist. of Illi. by Pres. Lincoln
in Feb. 18G5 and removed by Pres. Johnson on account of his politicks in Aug.
1866. He married, 1. Louisa j\Iaria, dau. of William PatricK, of Granby,
Ms, at G. Aug. 6, 1856. 2. Clara, dau. of Dr John II. Foster of Chicago, at
C. Oct. 5, 1861.
John Bell, the son of the Hon. Gov. Samuel, D. C. 1703. and Lucy (Smith)
Bell, was liorn at Chester, July 19, 1831. He studied medicine at the Univ. of
Pa, at Philadelphia, graduating M. D. in 1854; began practice at Kingston;
removed to Deiry, and thence to N. Y. city ; was appointed Assistant Surgeon
of the 5th Reg. of Cavalry of U. S. regulai-s in July 1861. He married Mary
ALUMNI 1852. 393
Ann, (lau. of Phineas Beede of Fremont in 1854. George Bell, D. C. 1851,
wa-; his brother.
Enoch Bi.anchard, the son of Jacob and Thomasine Jefferson (Cameron)
Blanehard, was born at Peacham, Vt, July 4, 1830. He studied medicine at
Dart. Med. Coll. fjraduating M. D. in 1857 ; settled in practice at M'Indoes
Falls, Vt ; removed to Lvndon, Vt, and was an Acting Surgeon in a Vt vol.
Regiment. He married Susan, dau. of Dr Ralph Bugbee of Waterford, Vt,
Feb. IG, 1861.
* Thaddeus "Walker Bruce, A. I\I. the son of Harry and INfatilda
(Walker) Bruce, was born at Shai-on, Vt, Sept. 12, 1824, and died at Chicago,
llli. Aug. 8. 1861,^.36. He was principal of Phillips Acad, at Andover,
]Ms. from 1852 to 1853, also at Phillips Acad. Danville, Vt, 2 years ; went to
Cliicago in 1855 and in Sept. opene(i a classical school in that city, studying
divinity at the same time. He married Marcia E. Foster of Chelsea, Vt, in
Aug. 1853.
* Albi':rt Gallatin Bdrke, the son of Ora Mascall and Sally (Willard)
Burke, was born at Rockingham, Vt, Nov. G, 1827, and died at Minneapolis,
Minn, in 1866, M. 38. He taught at Concord, Ms, from 1852 to 1853; read
law from 1852 to 1854; began practice at Boston, Ms, in Dec. 1854; before
this, had been Postmaster at Bellows Falls, Vt, in 1853, and editor of the
" Republican Standard " there. He married Caroline Harrod, dau. of Samuel
Blagge of Boston, Apr. 22, 1858.
Abraham Burnham, the son of Bradford and Hannah Dane (Whipple)
Burnham, was born at Dunbarton, Apr. 9, 1829. He taught the Acad, at
Haverhill, also at Danvers, Ms, New Market, and Durham ; studied divinity
at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1857 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
East Haverhill, Ms, Sept. 30, 1857 ; dismissed Apr. 17, 1865; has since been
stated supply at Hooksett. He married Elisabeth H. dau. of Dr Ebenezer
Smith Phelps of Middleton, Ms, Nov. 27, 1856.
William Pierce Burton, the son of Harvey and Salome (Burton) Bur-
ton, was born at Norwich, Vt, Dec. 2, 1828. He taught at Baltimore, Md,
from Oct. 1, 1852 to Jan. 1, 1853 ; at Wye Island, Md, from Jan. 1853 to Dec.
1, 1853; at Fredericksburg, Va, from Dec. 1, 1853 to Aug. 1, 1854; since
then h;is been a merchant at West Lebanon. He married, 1. Rebecca, dau. of
Levi Blood of Norwich, Nov. 16, 1854. 2. Emily Eliza, dau. of Samuel Craft
of West Lebanon, Dec. 18, 1860.
John H. Buttrick, the son of John and Lucretia (Buttrick) Buttrick, was
born at Waltham, Ms, July 10, 1830. He became Cashier of the Wamesit
bank at Lowell, Ms, in 1853, and is also Treasurer of the Lowell and Law-
rence, Salem and Lowell rail roads.
Clinton Straw Chase, the son of Dr Leonard and Eliza (Walker) Chase,
was boru at Springfield, May 25, 1831. He studied medicine at Castleton, Vt,
Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1854; commenced practice at Barnard, Vt ;
removed thence to Salisbury, Vt ; is now a druggist at Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
Barton Walker Chase, D. C. 1847, is his brother.
George Clary, the son of the Rev. Joseph Ward and Lucy (Farrar) Hall
Clary, was born at Cornish, Apr. 23, 1829. He studied medicine at Wood-
stock, Vt, Med. School and at Hartford, Ct, also at N. Y. city IMed. Coll. and at
Yale Coll. Med. School, graduating M. D. at the last in 1857; then settled in
practice at Hartford. Timothy Farrar Clary, D. C. 1841, Horace Hall, D. C.
1839, and Richard Hall, D. C. 1847, are his half-brothers. The faihcrs of the
above three, Joseph ^Vard Clary aud Richard ILdl, married sisters, and Mr
394 ALUMXI 1852.
Clary for his second wife, (lie relict of IMr Hall, and George Clary was the
issue, a remarkable case ainonji jiradiiates of the same Co!le<;e.
John* Comjv, the son of Benjamin and Betsey (Tenney) Colby, was born
at York, Me, Oct. 2, 1821. He tau^jht at ^Nlount Vernon Acadi-my ; studied
divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1855 ; was ordained pastor of the
Cong. Ch. at Hampton, Oct. 31, 1855; dismissed Nov. 18, 18G3 ; installed
pastor at Southborough, ^Is, Apr. 20, 1865, and there remains. He married
Helen Lavinia, dau. of Heman Barden of Dover, May 14, 1856.
Gkorge Avery Ckosbv, A.. M. the son of Dr Josiah and Ann (Avery)
Crosby, was born at Lowell, Ms, Dec. 27, 1831. He studied medicine with his
father, also at N. Y. city, and at Dart. INIed. Coll. graduating M. D. there in
1855 ; practised at Deer Island and Chelsea, Ms, marine hospital ; went to
Peru, S. A. in Dec. 1856; returned in 1861 ; is now at Chelsea again. Daniel
Avery Crosby, D. C. 1857, was his brother.
Charli'.s Cutler, the son of the Kev. Calvin, D. C. 1819, and Khoda
(Little) Cutler, was born at Lebanon, Apr. 19. 1827. He studied divinity
at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1856 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch.
at Francestown, Nov. 18, 1857 ; dismissed Se[)t. 25, 1866. He married Laura
R. Stevens of Gilford, Dec. 25, 1857.
Isaac Jones Cutter, the son of Daniel and Sally (Jones) Cutter, was
born at Jaffrey, May 30, 1830. He read law with E. S. C. his brother, at
Peterborough and John Quiney Adams Gritfin of Charlestown, Ms, until 1855 ;
opened an office that year in Boston and so remains. He married Margarette,
dau. of James Wood of Concord, Ms, Sept. 9, 1858. Daniel Bateman Cutter,
D. C. 1833, and Edward Stearns Cutter. D. C. 1844, are his brothers.
Robert Duxcan, the son of William Duncan, was born at Granby, Can.
East, in 1826.
James Starrett Duraxt, A. M. the son of David and Nancy S. (Person)
Durant, was born at Walden, Vt, Oct. 22, 1824, He studied medicine at Paris,
Ky, arid at Dart. JNIed. Coll. graduating M. 1). in 1855 ; went into practice at
Danville, Vt.
George Dustan, A. M. the son of Jonathan and Sarah INIorrison (Center)
Dustan, was born at Lebanon, Nov. 26, 1827, He taught at New Boston, I\Iil-
ford, and Andover 2 years in all ; also at MTndoes Falls, Vt, 2 years ; studied
divinity at And. Theo, Sem. graduating in 1859 ; was ordained pastor of the
Cong. Cii. at Peterborough, Oct. 19, 1859, and is yet in office. He married,
I. Lucy A. dau. of the Rev. .Josej)!! Marsh, D. C. 1824. of Thetford, Vt, Feb.
14, 1855. 2. Sarah L. dau. of Dea, James B, Nichols of Peterborough, at
P. May 4, 1864.
Lorenzo Fairbanks, the son of Joel and Abigail (Tufts) Fairbanks, was
born at Pcpperell, Ms, Mar. 16, 1825. He read law with Strong, Bidvvell. and
Strong, at N. Y. city; began practice there in Oct. 1853; moved to the West
in 1856 ; left the bar in Jan. 1860 ; then went to Philadelphia, Pa, and was
the head of a commercial scliool : but in Nov. 1863 founded " The Quaker City
Business College," now legally incorporated as such. His success in this is un-
rivalled. From Nov. 2, 1863 to Nov. 2, 1864, 501 jiupils were admitted, and
from that date to Apr. 6, 1«65, 365 more. Of this College, Mv Fairbanks is
President and Proprietor, having under him 7 assistant instructors. It is highly
eulogized by the press, and hini>elf pronounced ever}- way competent to fulfil
his aiduous duties. Mr F. has also published " Tlie Science and Practice of
Book Keeping" in 1866, He married l\L-s Sarah Eli>abctli Parker (Heath)
Shelton of Biadford, Ms, at N, Y. city. May 15, 1856.
Martin Heald Fisk, A. M. the son of Jeremiah and Sarah (Ileald) Fisk,
ALUMNI 1852. 395
was born at Temple, May 10, 1827. He taught the High School at Fitchburg,
Ms, Mild a school at Paris, Ky, until 1854, and then became President of Pa-
ducah College, Ky.
AViLLiAJi Copp Fox, the son of John and P^lisabeth (Copp) Fox, was born
at WoUborongli, Dec. 29, 1827. He read law with Josiah Hilton Hobbs'of
Wakefield and Zacliariah Batchelder, D. C. 1821, of Wolfboi'ongh, and went
into practice at the last town. He married Julia Augusta Adelaide, dau. of
David Hayes of Farmington, at Wolf borough, Apr. 24, 1854.
* Theodore French, A. M. the son of Capt. Theodore and Ljdia (Pol-
lard) P'rench, was born at Concord, Feb. 26. 1831, and died at St Paul, Minn.
Feb. 25, 1860, je. 29. He read law with Lyman Dewey Stevens of Concord,
D. C. 1843, 1 year, and at Harv. Univ. Law School 1 year from July 1853 ;
went to St Paul in Dec. 1854; then began practice there and continued it to
the close of life with eminent ability and universal esteem. He married Harriet
Amelia, dau. of William Colburn of Lincoln, Ms, July 31, 1856.
Carlton Pennington Frost, A. M. the son of Benjamin and Mary
(Brant) Frost, was born at Sullivan, May 29, 1830. He studied medicine at
Dart. Med. Coll. and N. Y. Med. Coll. and at Dart, again, graduating M. D.
in 1857 ; began practice at St Johnsbury, Vt, and there continues. He mar-
ried Eliza A. Dubois of Randolph, Vt, Oct. 5, 1857. Henry Martyn Frost,
D. C. 1857, and Edwin Brant Frost, D. C. 1858, were his brothers.
George Warren Gardner, A. M. - D. D. the son of Samuel and Sophia
(Greely) Gardner, was born at Pomfret, Vt, Oct. 8, 1828. He studied divinity
and was ordained an evangelist in the Baptist order at New London, Aug. 17,
1858 ; had been Principal of the New London Lit. and Scien. Institute from
1853, until becoming pastor of a Baptist Ch. at Charlestown, Ms. Dart, gave
the Hon. decree in 1867. He married Celia L. Hubbard of Windsorj Vt,
Nov. 28, 1852.
Jonathan Clarkson Gibbs, coloured, was born at Philadelphia, Pa. He
studied divinity at Princeton, N. J. Theo. Sem. and has been ordained a min-
ister of the Presb. Church ; was a settled pastor at Troy, N. Y. as late as 1858,
but is now a stated supply at Philadelphia.
* James Lyman Goodale, the son of Jonathan and Lucy (Locke) Good-
ale, was born at Deering, Dec. 7, 1827, and died at Galveston, Texas, Sept. 9,
1853, JE. 25. He was Pieceptor of Wolf borough Acad, in 1852 and 1853, but
removed to Galveston in 1853, and was employed in teaching when death con-
signed him to the land of silence.
* Oliver Holmes Gould, the son of Daniel C. and Lavinia M. (Holmes)
Gould, was born at Henniker, Mar. 7, 1831, and died at Manchester, Aug. 12,
1859, JE. 28. He was a civil engineer in Ohio, 1 year ; station agent at Nashua
depot, in 1857, 1858, and 1859. He married Julia E. Yeaton of Manchester,
Nov. 20, 1855.
Isaac Holden, A. M. the son of Jonathan Holden, was born at Preston,
Ct, June 11, 1832.
Charles Edavard Hovey, the son of Alfred and Abigail (Howard) Hovey,
was born at Thetford, Vt, Apr. 26, 1827. He taught the High School at Fram-
ingham, Ms, 2 years ; also the Peoria High School, lUi. being editor of the
" Illinois Teacher " at the same time; was next President of the llli. State
Normal Univ. at Blooraington until 1861 ; then became Col. of the 33d Reg.
of llli. vols, and was promoted a Brig. Gen. of vols in 1862. He married
Harriet, dau. of Farnham Spofford of North Andover, Ms, in 1854. Amos
White Hovey, D. C. 1842, and Alvah Hovey, D. C. 1844, are his brothers.
* George Addison Hunt, the son of Col. Norton and Mary (Cummings)
396 ALUMNI 1852.
Hunt, was born at Peterboroni^li. Feb. 14, 1828. anrl died at Quincy. Tlli. INIar.
24, 18(57, yE. 39. lie read law with Joseph Frederick Dearborn, D. C. 1839,
at New liedford, ^Is, from 18o2 to 18")3, and witli David L. Seymour at Troy,
N. Y. from 1853 to 1854; went thence to Quincy in 1854; bejian practice
the*re and was elected city Atty in Apr. 1859. He married Mary Elisabeth,
dau. of Eleazar Curtis of Hanover, Sept. 6, 1853,
Elijah Mautin Husset, the son of Jonathan and Mary (Hayes) Hussey,
was born at Rochester, Jan. 20, 182G. He tauglit at Lebanon, Me, from 1852
to 1853 — 1 year and 3 months and at Dover 6 months in 1853 and 1854, read-
inw law also ; pursued the same study with Seymour and Van Santvoord at
Troy, N. Y. and practised at Albany, N. Y. from Sept. 1854 to June 1859;
then removed his olRce to N. Y. city and there remains. He married
Fanny Lucretia, dau. of Stephen Woodward of Hanover, at New Baltimore,
N. Y. Aug. 11, 1853.
* Osgood Joiinsox, the son of Osgood, D. C. 1828, and Lucretia (Bly) ■
Johnson, was born at Andover, Ms. July 31, 1831, and died at Cambridge,
Ms, Apr. 13, 1(S57, JE. 25. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 2 years in
the class of 1856; was Principal of ■\Vol)urn Acad. Ms, in 1852 and 1853;
also Master of tiie High Scliool at "Worcester, I\Is ; but became Princii)al of
the High School at Cambridge in Aug. 1855, and there ended iiis da}s, much
lamented. He did not marry. *
Charles Jonf.s, the son of Charles and Ann (Cobb) Jones, was l)<)rn at
Claremont. He read law^ with Philander Chase Freeman of Claremout ; be-
gan practice in Texas and is still there.
* EowAUi) HoLYOKE KiMiJALL, the SOU of the Rev. David and Elisabeth
Epes (Carter) Kimball, was born at Martinsburg, N. Y. Nov. 2, 1831. and
died at RaudaU's Island, N. Y. Apr. 28, 1855, je. 23. He studied medicine
and was practising in the Hospital there wlien death occurred. Henry Mar-
tyn Kimball, D. C. 1855, and William Frederick Durant Kimball, D. C. 1858,
were his l)rothers.
Edward Center Kinsman, A. M. the son of Newell and Leonora (Lamb)
Kinsman, was born at Barre, Vt, in Aug. 1831. He read law with Peck and
Colby of Montpelier, Vt ; began and continued practice at Cleveland, Ohio, for
some years ; has been Clerk of the Ohio House of Representatives. His
present abode is not known. ,
John Johnson Ladd, A. M. the son of Peabody Webster and Elisabeth
Lowell (Johnson) Ladd, was. born at Newbury, Vt, May 28, 1829. He taught
at Ludlow, Vt, Woburn, Ms, Winchester, Ms, and has been Principal ot the
High School at Providence, R. I. since Mar. 1859 ; is also or has been asso-
ciate editor of the Rhode I.-land Schoolmaster. He married Sophia Wil-
liams, dau. of the Hon. Tappan Stevens of Newbury, Vt, Dec. 1, 1853.
* Leonard Horace Lee, A. JNI. the son of Leonard and Ann Maria
(Graham) Lee, was born at N. Y. city. Mar. 5, 1832. and died at Newburgh,
N. Y. Mar. 22, l.Sf.O, .i:. 28. He studied medicine with Dr Edmund Randolph
Peaslee, D. C. 183G, but was a Clerk in the N. Y. Assist. Treasurer's ulfue at
the time of his death.
Jesse JM'Curdy, the son of James and Elisabeth C. (Moor) ^FCnnly, was
born at New Boston, Sept. 21, 1825. He was a teacher at Quitman, Miss,
when rebellion began. Witter Smith M'Curdy, D. C. 1845, is his brother.
Frederick Vose Marcy, A. M. the sou of the Hon. John S. and Ribecca
(Vose) .Marcy, was born at Hartland, Vt, Oct. 18, 1832. He taught at La
Grange, Geo. from 1852 to May 1855 ; read law with George Addison Hunt,
ALUMNI 1852. 397
D. C. 1852, at Quincy, Illi. from 1855 to Oct. 1857 ; then went into {iractice
at Qiiincy, and was chosen City Atty there in Apr. 1860.
* Benjamin Swan Marsh, A. M. the son of Lyndon Arnold, D. C. 1819,
and Lucy (Swan) Mart^h, was born at Woodstock, Vt, Sept. 16, 1830, and died
there, Jan. 24, 1861, M. 30. He read law with his father, and was a practi-
tioner at Woodstock, bidding fair to attain an elevated rank in the profession to
which his talents were devoted. He married Eliza, dau. of Joel Wil-on of
Railway, N. J. Apr. 17, 1S55.
Homer Sackett Newcomb, the son of David Newcomb, was born at Kent,
N. Y. in 1829. He was a teacher at Yonkers, N. Y. but studied divinity at
Princeton, N. J. Theo. Sem. leaving in 1864.
Joseph AVarren Ouell, the son of Dr George and Sarah Bartlett (Towle)
Odell, was born at Northampton, Mar. 18, 1831. He studied medicine with
his father, at Harv. Univ. Med. School, giaduating M. D. in 1855, and at
Philadelphia, Pa ; commenced practice at Rye, but removed to Northampton.
* Daniel Henry Ordway, the son of John and Eliza Sanborn (Chase)
Ordway, was born at Hampstead, Oct. 7, 1829, and died there, July 14, 1854,
M. 24.
Edwin Pierce, A. M. the son of Dea. Dana and Diademiah (Paul) Pierce,
was born at Barnard, Vt, June 25, 1826. He taught the classicks at Seneca
Collegiate Institute at Ovid, N. Y. from Sept. 1852 to Apr. 1856 ; was then
Prof, of Languages at Yellow Springs Coll. Des Moines, Iowa ; removed to
Jersey City, N. J. in May 1863, as Principal of Pavonia Grammar School.
He married Sarah Letitia, dau. of Peter De Forest of Brooklyn, N. Y. Apr.
10, 1855.
William Randolph Pixley, the son of William and Charlotte (Ladd)
Pixley, was born at Sharon, Vt, July 6, 1826. He taught at Barnesville and
Irwinton, Geo. some years in each ; then read law and practised in Barnesville.
He married Nancy C. Waldrup of Barnesville, Feb. 7, 1856.
Benjamin Miles Reynolds, A. M. the son of Ezekiel Reynolds, was born
at Barnard, Vt, July 12, 1825. He was a teacher at Rock Island, Illinois.
He married Mary, dau. of Mitchell Morey of Windsor, Vt. ^
* George Minot Safford, the son of Mark and Mercy (Barrett) Saf-
ford, was born at Washington, Nov. 29, 1824, and died at Nashua, Oi^t. 21,
1853, M. 28. He taught at New London, Castine, Me, and Nashua. He did
not marry.
John Haskell Sargent, the son of Winthi-op and Emily (Haskell) Sar-
gent, was born at Gloucester, Ms, Feb. 8, 1828. He studied divinity at Piince-
ton, N. J. Theo. Sem. but was never settled in the ministry, and is a machinist.
He married Frances E. Hall of Schenectady, N. Y. June 2, 1858. Winilnop
Sargent, D. C. 1842, and T. P. S. of this class, are his brothers.
Thomas Parsons Sargent, the brother of the preceding, was born at
Philadelphia, Pa, July 19, 1830. He studied mechanicks and engineering;
was em[)loyed by the Penn. rail road company, and did reside at Altona, Pa.
He married Jane Elisabeth, dau. of Ira Goodall of Bath, Dec. 13, 1854.
* Charles Parkman Sawyer, A. M. the son of the Rev. Seth and
Elisabeth Ann (Wiggin) Sawyer, was born at Alton, Dec. 7, 1830, and died at
Pitl-field, Nov. 10, 1855, m. 24. He taught at Strafford Acad, in 1852; at
Reading, Ms, in 1852 and 1853; returned to Strafford in 1853 ; studied medi-
cine with Dr Jacob Clements Hanson at Great Falls, Soraersworth, in 1853 and
1854; was Principal of Pittsfield Acad, from 1854 to hit, early death.
Francis Rush Skinner, the son of the Rev. Dolphus and Gratia (Walker)
398 ALUMNI 1852.
Skinner, was born at Utica, N. Y. Apr. 11, 1831. He studied medicine at
Castleton, Vt, INIed, School, grndiiatino; M. D. in 1855 ; commenced practice at
Stevens Point, Wise, but removed to Eau Claire, "Wise.
* Frederick Augustus Smith, A. M. the son of Dr Albert, D. C. 1825,
and Fidelia (Stearns) Smith, was born at Peterborough, Jime 18, 1830, and
died at Leominster, Ms, Dec. 26, 1857, je. 27. He studied medicine with his
father, and at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1855 ; began practice at
Leominster and soon closed a very promising life. He married Frances,
adopted dau. of the Rev. Jarvis Gregg, D. C. 1828, at Belleville, N. J. June
18. 1856.
Thomas Jefferson Smith, the son of Thomas Shepard and Lydia Pollard
(Wright) Smith, was born at Dorchester, Apr. 18, 1830. He read law with
the Hon. Jonathan Everett Sargent, D. C. 1840 ; went into practice at Went-
worth in 1855; was Postmaster there from Apr. 1853 to June 1861; repre-
sented it in the N. H. Leg. in 1861 ; became a Senator of the same in 1866
and 1867. He married Sarah Shepard, dau. of Daniel D. Kelley of Went-
worth, Sept. 17, 1854.
Elnathan Ellsworth Strong, the son of EInathan and Jane (Chamber-
lain) Strong, was born at Hardwick, Vt, May 2, 1832. He studied divinity at
And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1855 ; was ordained pastor of the John Elliott
Cong. Ch. at South Natick, Ms, Nov. 16, 1859 ; dismissed Sept. 27, 1865 ; in-
stalled pastor at Waltham, Ms, Dec. 21, 1865. He married Elisabeth G. dau.
of the Rev. David Meaubec Mitchell of Roxbury, Ms, Dec. 16, 1856. W^illiam
Chamberlain Strong, D. C. 1845, is his brother.
* J^DMUND March Tappan, the son of Jonathan and Dorothy Beede (Ilurd)
Tappan, was born at Sandwich, Sept. 3, 1824, and died at Lawrence, Ms, Dec.
13, 1860, JE. 36. He studied divinity ; was ordained a Baptist evangelist at
Foster, R. 1. Aug. 18,1852; installed pastor of the Free Baptist Ch. at Black-
stone, Ms, in June 1853 ; dismissed and became pastor of the Free Baptist Ch.
at Lawrence in Oct. 1857, and died in office. He married Lucretia Lougee,
Aug. 15, 1849.
Horace Ruel Tarbell, the son of Horace and Lucy (Ellenwood) Tar-
bell, was born at Chester, Vt, June 5, 1825. He read law with Henry E.
Stonghton of Chester and Tracy and Converse of Woodstock, Vt, but is now
residing on a farm at Chester.
* William ]\L\son Taylor, the son of Lewis and Lois (Webster) Taylor,
was born at Hinsdale, Dec. 1, 1827. and died at Galveston, Texas, in Mar.
1859, JE. 31. He taught at Mobile, Ala. a few years ; read law and settled in
practice at Galveston. He married Eleanor, dau. of Gov. Gwynne of Missis-
sippi. P2dwin Hubbard Taylor, D. C. 1856, was his brother.
Elijah Miller Topliff, the son of Abijah and Susan (Miller) Topliff,
was born at Hanover, Nov. 10, 1827. He read law with the Hon. David
Cross, D. C. 1841, of Manchester; began practice there as his partner, but is
now alone ; has been President of the city common council ; represented Man-
chester in the N. H. Leg. in 1861 and 1862. He married Hannah, dau. of
Charles Aldrich of Manchester.
Alfred Osgood Blaisdkll, A. M. the son of the Hon. Daniel, D. C.
1827, and Charlotte (Osgood) Blaisdell, was born at Lebanon, May 13, 1833.
He studied science, engineering, and mechanism at Hanover 2 years, at Man-
ALUMNI 1853. 399
Chester 2 years, and at Providence, R. I. 1 year to June 1858 ; was employed
there as an engineer to Dec. 1862, removing then to N. Y. city and still pursu-
ing the same profession. He married Mary Estabrook, dau. of the Hon.
Wheeler Martin of Providence, Dec. 31, 1860.
Jonathan C. Brown, the son of Jonathan and Sally (Fitts) Brown, was
born at Candia, Jan. 19, 1827. He taught at Fitchburg Acad. Ms, from 1853
to 1854; then the High School at Weymouth, Ms, 1 term, also Deerfield Acad.
Ms, in 1855 ; removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, in Jan. 1856; there kept a book-
store and read law; but was attacked by an incurable malady in 1858 ; returned
to Candia in Mar. 1859, and thence to Concord, Aug. 4, 1860, under medical care.
Moses Daken Brown, the son of and Deborah Brown, was born at
Appleton, Me, May 22, 1828. He taught at Randolph Acad. Vt, in 1854 and
1855; read law there with the Hon. Jefferson P. Kidder; went to Chicago,
Illi. in Nov. 1855 ; opened a law office there in 1856, and enjoys a lucrative
practice. He married Henrietta, dau. of D. M. White, of Pittsburgh, Pa, Oct.
8, 1857.
Clarence Linden Burnett, the son of the Hon. Jonathan, D. C. 1824, and
Augusta (Russell) Burnett, was born at Ticonderoga, N. Y. Aug. 17, 1831. He
taught at Staten Island, N. Y. 1 year ; at Berkshire, Tioga Co. N. Y. 6 months ;
also at Warwick Acad. N. Y. 1 year and 3 months; then read law in N. Y. city
and at Albany, N. Y. Law School, graduating LL. B. in 1858 ; began practice
at N. Y. city in Mar. 1858; left it for service as Paymaster in the U. S. navy,
Jan. 7, 1862.
Horatio Nelson Burton, the son of Stephen and Judith (Nelson) Bur-
ton, was born At Washington, Vt, Dec. 17, 1826. He studied divinity at East
Windsor, Ct, Theo. Sem. 2 years and at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1856 ;
was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Newbury, Vt, Dec. 31, 1857, and is
still in office. He married Amelia Newell of East Burke, Vt, May 18, 1858.
George William Cahoon, A. M. the son of the Hon. George Clinton and
Mary Ripley (Baylies) Cahoon, grandson of the Hon. Nicholas Baylies, D. C.
1794, great grandson of the Rev. Sylvanus Ripley, D. C. 1771, and great great
grandson of the Rev. Dr Eleazar Wheelock, first President of Dartmouth Col-
lege, was born at Lyndon, Vt, Dec. 15, 1831. He read law with his father at
Lyndon from 1853 to 1855 ; went into practice there in co. with him in 1855 ;
is a Solicitor and Master in Chancery ; an Atty and Counsellor of the U. S.
Supreme Court, and was State's Atty for Caledonia Co. from Sept. 1860 to
1862 ; still lives and practises at Lyndon. Pie married Charlotte D. Cahoon
of Portland, Me, Jan. 23, 1856.
Nathan Franklin Carter, A. M. the son of Nathan and Margery (Wads-
worth) Carter, was born at Ilenniker, Jan. 6, 1830. He was Principal of
Highland Institute, East Andover, from Aug. 1853 to Nov. 1854; Principal of
the High School at Concord from Dec. 1854 to Mar. 1855 ; Principal of the
High School at Exeter from Apr. 1855; has studied divinity at Bangor,
Me, Theo. Sem. graduating in 1865, and been licensed to preach from Apr.
1859 ; is stated supply at Pembroke ; has published upwards of six hundred
articles in various periodicals. He married Hattie Frances, dau. of Major
Nathaniel Weeks of Exeter, at E. Mar. 13, 1860.
^ Charles Monroe Chase, A. M. the son of Gen. Epaphras Bull and
Louisa (Baldwin) Chase, was born at Lyndon, Vt, Nov. 6, 1829. lie read
law and taught musick at and near Cincinnati, Ohio, from 1853 to 1856 ; did
the same at Sycamore, Illi. from 1856 to 1857 ; practised law there from 1858
to 1862 and was its Police Magistrate during that period ; also edited the De
400 ALUMNI 1853.
Kail) Co. Sentinel in 1858 ; removed in Aug. 1863 and soon settled at Kansas
City, ^Missouri.
Alphkus Bennin'g Crosby, A. M. the son of Prof. Dr Dixi and ^Nlarv Jane
(Moody) Crosby, was born at Gilmanton, Feb. "22, 1832. He stiidieil medicine
at Dait. Med. Coll. ci-aduatiii^r t\j_ Y). in 1856, passing however the year 1855
as Assist. Surgeon of the Marine Hospital at Clielsea, Ms; began practiee at
Hanover in May 1856; became Surgeoti of the 1st Reg. of N. H. vols, I\Iay 1,
1861 ; promoted Brigade Surg. Aug. 12. 1861 ; served at Ball's Bluff, the 7 (lays
battles before Richmond, and the 2nd Bull Run fight ; resigned July 16, 1862 ;
resumed practice at. Hanover and becafne Assist. Prof, of Surgery at Dart, in
1863. Dr Crosby has published, 1. " Foreign bodies in the knee joint, with
seven cases of removal." 2. "A successful ca>e of Ovariotomy." 3. '' A Me-
morial Address on Prof. David Sloan Conant of New York city." Also, in
periodicals, articles on " Abscesses," " Diabetes," and "A month in a volunteer
camp." He married Mildred Glassell Smith at St Paul's Ch. Baltimore, Md,
July 26, 1862. Albert Harrison Crosby, D. C. 1848. is his brother.
Jajiks Milligan Dicksox, the son of Robert and Jeannette (Lenny) Dick-
son, was born at Ryegate, Vt, Feb. 6, 1832. He taught at Staten Island, N.
Y. from 1853 to 1854, also at Haverstraw, N. Y. in 1854 some months;
studied divinity at Union Tiieo. Sem. N. Y. city, graduating in 1857; was or-
dained pastor of the Ch. of the Covenanters at Brooklyn, N. Y. Nov. 18,
1857 ; installed pastor of the 6th Presb. Ch. at Newark, N. J. Mar. 11, 1863.
He married, 1. Agnes A. Nelson of Ryegate, Apr. 7, 1858. 2. Helen A.
West of Dorset, Vt, Sept. 30, 1863.
John Dolbeeu Emerson, the son of the Hon. Abraham and Abigail (Dol-
beer) Emerson, was born at Candia, May 29, 1828. He was Principal of
Pembroke Acad, from 1853 to 1855; studied divinity at And. Tlieo. Sem.
graduating in 1858; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Haverhill, Oct. 1,
1858. Me married, 1. Sarah Jane, dau. of Dea. Samuel Dudley, of Candia,
June 2, 1859. 2. Mrs Elisabeth (Emerson) Bell, dau. of John Emerson of
Chelsea, Ms, and relict of Dr Charles Bell of Concord, at Chelsea, Nov. 25,
1863. Luther Wilson J^merson, D- C. 1862, is his brother.
Hexry Fairbanks, A. M. the son of Tliaddeus and Lucy Peek (Barker)
Fairbanks, was born at St Johnsbury, Vt, May 6, 1830. He studied divinity
at And. Theo. Sem. until I\Iar. 1856; then pa-sed about a year in Europe ; re-
turned to And. graduating in 1857; was ordained an evantrelist at St Johns-
bury, Vt, Feb. 17, 1858; was appointed Aj)pleton Prof, of Nat. Phil, at Dart.
July 29, 1859; is now Prof, of Nat. History in the same since 1865. He
married Annie S. dau. of the Rev. Prof. Dr Daniel James Noyes of Hanover,
D. C. 1832, at H. Apr. 30, 1862.
Jonathan Brewer Farnsavorth, the son of Capt. Jonathan Brewer and
Sarah (Slayton) Farnsworth, was born at Woodstock, Vt, Apr. 20, 1827. He
taught at the Rittenhouse Acad, at Washington, D. C. from 1853 to 1854;
Ihen read law with Converse and Barrett at Woodstock ; began to practise at
Detroit, IMich. in Feb. 1857 ; removed to Chi<'ago, Illi. in July 1862, but now
has his olRce at Windsor. Vt, .-ince Jan. 1864. He married Maria Amanda,
dau. of Henry Hatch of Woodstock, June 23, 1859.
SiLVANUs Hayward, A. M. the son of Amherst and Sarah (Fish) Hay-
ward, was born at Gilsum, Dec. 3, 1828. He was Principal of France>town
Acad, from 1853 to July 1856; of M'liidoes Falls Acad. Barnet, Vt, from
Aug. 1856 to May 1858; of Pembroke Acad, from May 1858 to May 1859 ;
assistant teacher at Kimball Union Acad. Meriden from 1859 to May 1860;
ALUMNI 1853. 401
then teacher of Nat. Sciences at Appleton Acad. New Ipswich to 1861 ; having
studied divinity, was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Diinbarton, Oct. 9,
1861 ; dismissed Apr. 12, 1866 ; installed pastor at South Berwick, Me, May
10, 1866. He married Harriet Elvira, dau. of Ziba Eaton of Middleborough,
Ms, Nov. 23, 1853.
* Calvin Gross Hollenbush, A. M. the son of John H. Hollenbush, was
born at Freeburg, Union, now Snyder, Co. Pa, Aug. 24, 1830, and died at
M'Kee's Half Falls, Pa, Aug. 6, 1861, je. 37, minus 18 days. He studied
medicine at Freeburg from Sept. 1853 to 1854, and at Philadelphia Med. CoU.
Pa, graduating M. D. in 1856; was Assist. Surgeon at Bloekley Hosp. in Apr.
1856 ; appointed to the same rank in the U. S. Army in Nov. 1856 ; was sent
to Fort Crook, Cal. in Mar. 1857; left in May 1860 for Magnolia, Flor. and
was stationed at Fort Pickens in tliat State until May 1861, being then trans-
ferred to Governor's Island, N. Y. city harbour ; but illness soon drove him
thence and the lamented death of an excellent man ensued in 5 days after
reaching a brotiier's house.
* AViLLiAM Wallace Hoavard, the son of Nahum and Sophia (Howard)
Howard, was born at Jamaica, Vt, Dec. 31, 1827, and died at Windsor, Vt,
Jan. 8, 1864, ^. 36. He was Principal of West Randolph Acad. Vt, in 1853
and 1854, 6 months ; read law with the Hon. Julius Converse and the Hon.
James Barrett, D. C. 1837, of Woodstock, Vt ; began practice at Windsor in
Feb. 1857. He married Mary A. B. dau. of Amos B. Pollard of Plymouth,
Vt, Aug. 3, 1853.
Calvin Butler Hulbert, the son of Chauncey and Charlotte (Munsell)
Hulbert, was boi-n at East Siieldou, Vt, Oct. 18, 1827. He taught at Swanton
Acad. Vt, from 1853 to 1854, and at St Albans, Vt, from 1854 to 1856 ; studied
divinity at And. Tlieo. Sem. graduating in 1859 ; was ordained pastor of the
Cong. Ch. at New Haven, Vt, Oct. 20, 1859, and so remains. He mai-ried
Mary Elisabeth, dau. of the Rev. Henry Woodward, D. C. 1815, at Sandwich,
Aug. 27, 1854.
John Hutchinson, the son of James and Sophia (Brown) Hutchinson,
was born at West Randolph, Vt, Mar. 27, 1830. He read law with the Hon.
William Henry Seward of Auburn, N. Y. and Orton, Atwood, and Orton at
Madison, Wise, settling in practice at Lawrence, Kansas, in Sept. 1854; repre-
sented it in the Territorial Leg. in 1855 ; was also in that of Topeka, and was
Speaker of the House of Rep. of Kansas State in 1855; removed to Minneap-
olis, Minn, in May 1859 ; went thence to Dacotah Terr, as its Secretary in May
1861, and lives at Yankton. He married Lydia A. Fowler at New London, Ct,
Oct. 1, 1857.
* John Kendall, tlie son of the Hon. Amos, D. C. 1811, and Jane (Kyle)
Kendall, was born at Washington, D. C. Apr. 17, 1832, and died there, Dec.
7, 1861,^. 29. He spent some time in the South and West; devoted himself
to Telegrapli operations, and was Superintendent of the line between Wasiiing-
ton and N. Y. city, dwelling in the last until sickness made home desirable.
He married Elisabeth Lawrence, dau. of Dr Joshua Green of Groton, Ms, at
Groton, Oct. 5, 1854.
* Caleb Chandler Kendrick, the son of Caleb and Sally (Chandler)
Kendrick, was born at Bedford, Mar. 14, 1832, and died there. May 26, 1853,
^.21. He proposed the legal profession.
John Augustus Lamson, A. M. the son of John and Priscilla (Averill)
Lamsou, was born at Topsfield, Ms, Mar. 3, 1831. He studied medicine with
Dr Charles Haddock, D. C. 1844, at Beverly, Ms, and at Harv. Univ. Med.
402 ALUMNI 1853.
School, prnduntinjT M. D. Mar. 12, 1856; tlien bp?an practice at Boston, 'Ms;
was Physician of tlie Bo>ton Di-p(Mi?ary from 1856 to 1859; is now Pliysician
to the Xoliliers Home from Sept. 1, 1863.
John Dudlky Lovkking, A. M. the pon of Oilman and Sarah (Stevens)
Lovi-rino;, vvas born at Raymond, Mar. 8. 1827. He tauglit the King-ton Acad,
from 1853 to 1855 ; studied medicine with Dr J. R. A>kew at Bethel, Illi. from
1855 to 1856, and at Rush Med. Coll. Chicago. lUi. to 1857 ; then began prac-
tice at Bethel ; left in 1858 ; taught at Eufala. Ala. and elsewhere in the south
to 1860; returning nortli, resumed Med. studies at Albany, N. Y. Med. School,
graduating M. 1). in 1860; settled in practice at Essex, Ms, in 1861. He mar-
ried Sarali II. B. Cogswell of Essex, at Manchester, Apr. 9, 1866.
Franklin M'Duffee, A. M. the son of John and Joanna (Hanson) M'Duf-
fee, was boin at Dover, Aug. 27, 1832. He read law with the Hon. Daniel
Miltimore Christie, D. C. 1815, 6 months; was api)ointcd Cashier of the Roch-
ester bank at Rochester in May 1854, a position still held ; went to London,
Eng. in 1858; represented Rochester in the N. H. Leg. in 1861 and 1862.
He marrie(l Mary Fannie Hayes of Rochester, Dec. 4, 1861.
Hexky Woodp.ury MooRi:, the son of James Moore, was born at Rock
Spring, Beaufort District, S. C. Sept. 24, 1832. He lived at Gillisonville, S.
C. from 1853 to 1856 ; then studied medicine at N. Y. city; began practice at
Gillisonville ; removed to Houston, Texas, in about a year : returned to S. C.
after a few months, and no more has been heard of him.
Nathan Jackson Morrison, A. M. the son of Nathan Smith and Susan-
nab (Chase) Morrison, was born at Franklin, Nov. 25, 1828. He taught at
Acworth near 3 months; studied divinity at the Theo. School of Oberlin Coll.
Ohio, 2 years, teaching languages also in its preparatory department ; was then
tutor there 1 year, reading theology the while and graduating therein in Aug.
1857 ; was ordained pa-tor of llie Cong. Cli. at Rochester, Oakland Co. Mich.
Feb. 11, 1858; di-missed Sept. 18, 1859 to be Prof of languages in Olivet
Coll. Olivet, Mich, an otlice still held ; was also for a time acting pastor of the
Cong. Ch. there. He married Minnie Capen, dau. of Isaac M. Dimond of
Br(K)klyn, N. Y. at B. July 8, 1863.
Charlks Osgood ]\Iorsf,. the son of Peter and Mary (Tukesbury) IMorse,
-was born at Newburyport, Ms, Sept. 4, 1824. He read law with Col. Eben
Francis Stone of that city from 1853 to 1856 ; began jiractice there in Sept.
1856, and so continues. He married Belinda, dau. of William Merrill of South
Hampton, at S. Dec. 15, 1850.
JojiN Hkrrick Morsk, the son of Elijah and Olive (Herrick) Morse, was
born at Brookficld, Vt, May 20,1826. He taught in Wise, some time; was
next a resident of Illi. but is now at Deerfield, Minn, teaching and faiming.
* Valkntink B. Oakf.s, the son of Col. William and Mary (Weymouth)
Oakes, was born at Sangerville, Me, Dec. 4, 1828, and was killed in the battle
at Gaines' Mill, near Richmond, Va, June 27, 1862, je. 33. He taught the
Acad, at Warren, INIe, from 1853 to 1854; read law with his brother, A. P.
Oakes, of Waldoborough, Me; began practice at Damariscotta, Me; left in
Mar. 1859; went to ^Minnesota; enlisted in the 12th U. S. Inf Dec. 23, 1861,
and fell the victim of rebellion. He did not marry.
William Stratton Palmf.r, A. IVI. the son of Stephen West and Nancy
(Stratton) Palmer, was born at Orfordville. Aug. 6, 1827. He taught at King-
ston, R. I. 2 years; was Principal of South Berwick Acad. Me, from 1855 to
Aug. 1856; aLo of the Central High School at Cleveland, Ohio, from 1856 to
•Jan. 1859 ; studied divinity at Cleveland and Orfordville ; also at And. Theo.
ALUMNI 1853. 403
Sem. from Sfpt. 1859 to Anw. 1861 ; was ordiiined pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Wells River, Vt, Feb. 19, 1862, and is thu-J still. He married Fannie Parish,
dau. of William Walbridge of Brookfield, Vt, Feb. 5, 1855.
Isaac Augustus Parker, A. M. the son of Isaac and Lucia (Wood)
Parker, was born at Woodstock, Vt, Dec. 31, 1825. He taught at the Orleans
Lib. Inst, at Glover, Vt, from Sept. 1853 to Nov. 1858; became Prof, of Lan-
guages at Lombard Univ. Galesburgb, Illi. in Dec. 1858. He married Sarah
Ann, dau. of William Labaree of Hartland, Vt, at Glover, Feb. 18, 1856.
Chase Prescott Pausons, the sonof Jo-iah and Judith (Badger) Parsons,
•was born at Gilmanton, Nov. 10, 1832. He taught at Atkinson Acad, from
Sept. 1854 to Dec. 1856 ; also at Gilmanton Acad, from 1856 to 1858 ; at Evans-
ville, Jnd. High School 1 year; at Xenia, Ohio, High School, 1 year ; at Wash-
ington, Ind. F'emale School from 1860 to 1861 ; then at Biddeford, Me, lo 1862,
the year of his return to Evansville. He married Hattie A. Howes of Evans-
ville at E. in 1863.
Daniel Perrin, the son of Calvin Perrin, was born at Northmoreland,
Wyoming Co. Pa, Dec. 23, 1832. He taught at West Killingly Acad. Ct, from
Aug. 1853 to May 1855 ; was then teacher of Paw Waw Acad. Illi. from Sept.
1855 to Mar. 1859 ; when, purchasing a farm at Wilson's Grove, Fayette Co.
Iowa, agriculture is added to his teaching vocation. He married Emily M.
Handall at Killingly, Ct, Jan. 29, 1854.
Andrew Reed, the son of Abraham Reed, was born at Kishacoquillas Val-
ley, near Reedsville, Pa, Feb. 14, 1832. He read law with Judge Washing-
ton Macartney of Easton, Pa, and E. L. Benedict of Lewi^tovvn, Pa ; began in
Aug. 1855 and continues practice at Lewistown; is also District Atty ot Mif-
flin Co. Pa.
Charles Frederick Remick, the son of Page and Laura (Ward) Rera-
ick, was born at Brownington, Nov. 11, 1829. He taught at Barnston. C. E.
6 monlhs, from Sept. 1, 1853 to Mar. 1, 1854 ; was then Dep. Protlionotary for
the District of St Francis at Sherbrooke, C. E. fiom the la>t date to Sept 1,
1855, reading law also there with John Sewall Sanborn, D. C. 1842 ; then con-
tinued the study at Harv. Univ. Law School, with Ithamer W. Beard and Gen.
Benjamin F. Butler at Lowell, Ms, to Dec. 15. 1855 ; began to practise that
month at M'Gregor, Iowa, removed his office thence to Cliicago, Illi. in Mar.
1864, and there remains. He married Harriet A. dau. of Samuel N. Harring-
ton, at Boston, Ms, Aug. 5, 1858.
Levi Robinson, the son of Charles and Elisabeth (Pease) Robinson, was
born at Vassalborough, Me, Mar. 13, 1827. He taught the High School at
Cleveland, Ohio, 1 year from 1853 ; read law there with Foote and Palmer, and
at Albany Law School, N. Y. to Mar. 1855; settled in practice at Iowa City,
Iowa, in July 1855, and there continues ; was prosecuting Atty for John.-on
Co. from Aug. 1856 to Jan. 1, 1859 ; has been Deputy Collector of I he U. S.
revenue for the 2nd div. of the 4th district of Iowa. He married Lydia Ann,
dau. of Caleb B. Curtis of Dexter, Me, at D. July 26, 1857.
Moses Thurston Runnells, A. M. the son of Moses Thurston and Caro-
line (Stearns) Runnells, was born at Cambridge, Vt, Jan. 23, 1830. He studied
divinity at East Windsor, Ct, Tlieo. Sem. graduating July 17, 1856 ; was or-
dained an evangelist at Jaffrey, Aug. 13, 1856 ; was agent of the Amer. Sun-
day Scho. Union for Wise. Texas, and Kansas from 1856 to 1858 ; also Super-
intendent of the same for New England at Boston, Ms, to Aug. 1859 ; taught
next at Durham, Illi. in 1859 and 1860, preaching there and in its vicinity; has
been stated supply at the West Cong. Ch. at Orford since Sept. 30, 1860. He
married Fannie Maria, dau. of Ilosea Swett Baker of Haverhill, July 9, 1861.
404 ALUMNI 1853.
* David James Boyd Sakgent, the son of Joseph Sargent, was born at
Tamworth, Feb. 8, 1829, and died tliere, May 9, 1858, je. 29. He taiiglit at the
Bapiist Scm. North Scitiiate, R. I. from 1853 to 1855, and while there was or-
daintd a Free "Will Baptist evangelist ; was next at the Literary Listitution at
New Hampton from 1855 to 1856, as associate teacher ; then spent about a
year at Hillsdale, Mich, as Prof, in its College and at Oberlin, Ohio ; but re-
turend to R. L and became pastor of the Baptist Ch. at Olneyville in that State
in Aug. 1857 ; in 9 months however, consumption closed the life of a man
greatly beloved and esteemed. He did not marry.
Oilman Lyman Sessions, the son of Lyman Sessions, was born at Wood-
stock, Ct, Feb. 8, 1829. He taught at Washington, D. C. 1 year; then studied
law with Gov. Daniel S. Dickinson at Binghampton, N. Y. and began practice
there, but is much interrupted in its continuance by ill health.
* Henry Elijah Stanton, the son of Dea. Charles F. and Betsey (Cook)
Stanton, was born at Brookfield, July 23, 1831, and died at Petersburg, Va,
Feb. 22, 185G, je. 24. He taught a short time at Portsmouth, Va, in 1854 and
1855 ; but removed to Petersburgh and was Prof of Languages and Mathe-
maticks in Leavenworth Collegiate Institute there in 1855 and 1856. A Vir-
ginia friend writes of him, '* I have seldom met with a young man so pure, so
gifted, so highly cultivated, possessing so little of earth's alloy, so much that was
truly lovely and attractive." He did not marry.
Francis Cummins Statham, the son of M. Walker Statham, was born at
Greensborough, Geo. Oct. 29, 1829. He studied divinity at Princeton, N.
J. Theo. Sem. from 1853 to his graduation in 1856; was ordained a Presb.
evangelist at Rome, Geo. in 1856; prcjached as a missionary at Bellevue, Geo.
Ocala, Flo. and elsewhere in those states until 1858 ; then went to N. Y. city,
and after suitable preparation was ordained by the Rt Rev. Dr Horatio Potter,
Bishop of N. Y. a Deacon of the Prot. Epis. Ch. in Nov. 1859 ; officiated on
Long Island about 2 years to Apr. 1, 1862, and has since assisted the rectors
of St Luke's Ch. at Brooklyn, N. Y. St Bartholomew, Calvary, Trinity, and St
Peter's Churches in N. Y. city.
Levi Merrick Stewart, the son of David and Eliza (Merrick) Stewart,
was born at Corinna, Me, Dec. 10, 1827. He taught the Searsport Union
School in Me; read law with his brother, David D. Stewart, at St Albans, Me,
and at Harv. Univ. Law Sclio. in 1855; settled in practice at Minneapolis,
Minn, in 1855, and has not removed.
William Charles ThompsOxN, the son of William Coombs, D. C. 1820,
and Martha Higginson (Leverett) Thompson, was born at Pljmouth, Sept 25,
1832. He read law with the Hon. Dwight Foster of Worcester, Ms, and at
Harv. Univ. Law School, graduating LL. B. in 1856; began practice at St
Paul, Minn, in Oct. 1856; left in June 1862 and after a short stay in N. Y.
renounced the bar in 1863 ; then went to Nassau, New Providence, W. I. to re-
cruit his health, and became U. S. Vice Consul there. Thomas W. Thompson,
D. C. 1859, is his brother.
William Smith Thompson, the son of Samuel and Ann True (Smith)
Thompson, was born at Wilmot, Aug. 22, 1828. He taught at Noitliwood in
1853 and 1854; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1857 ; was
ordained a Cong, evangelist at Solon, Me, Oct. 17, 1860; was stated sui)ply at
both Solon and Bingliam, Me, 1 year; removed in Mar. 1861 to AIna, Me, and
has been stated supply of the Cong. Ch. there and the 1st Cong. Ch. at New-
castle, Me, since Apr. 14, 1861. He married Martha, dau. of Enos Tibbetts of
Reading, Ms, Nov. 30, 1860.
ALUMNI 1853. 405
Nathaniel Lord Upham, A. M. the son of the Hon. Nathaniel Gookin, D.
C. 1820, and Betsey Watts (Lord) Upham, was boin at Concord, Apr. 28, 1833.
He was Sec. of the commission of chiims between the U. S. and Great Britain
at London, Eng. from 1853 to 1855 ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. gradu-
ating in 1858; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Manchester, Vt, Mar.
10, 1859 ; dismissed Oct. 30, 18(51 ; supplied at Flemington, N. J. from 1862
to Nov. 1863 ; then became Chaplain of the 35th reg. of N. J. vols. He married
Annie H. dau. of the Rev. Dr Thomas L. Janeway of Kingston, N. J. June 5,
John Seth Washburn, the son of the Hon. Reuben, D. C. 1808, and Han-
nah Blaney (Thatcher) Washburn, was born at Ludlow, Vt, July 13, 1832.
He taught at Ludlow in the Black River Academy ; read law with Washburn
and Marsh of Woodstock, Vt, and at Ilarv. Univ. Law School ; went into prac-
tice at Rutland, Vt, in Feb. 1856 ; but removed to N. Y. city in Feb. 1857 and
pursues his profession there. He married Mary L. Richardson of N. Y. city,
Nov. 25, 1862. Peter TluUcher Washburn, D. C. 1835, and Reuben Hubbard
Washburn, D. C. 1842, are his brothers.
George Parks Whitcomb, the son of Jeremiah and Saloraa (Bailey)
Whitcomb, was born at Stow, Ms, Dec. 2, 1827. He read law with the Hon.
Judge Henry Hogeboom, at Albany, N. Y. and also at Hudson, N. Y. from
Aug. 1853 to June 1855 ; commenced practice at Davenport, Iowa, in Dec.
1855, and there remains. He married Abbie Theresa Hodgkins of Davenport,
June 3, 1863.
John Fletcher Wight, A. M. the son of James Wight, was born at
Frankfort, Ky, Apr. 20, 1832. He began to read law at the Law School,
Louisville, Ky, but poor health compelled him to desist and go to Poplar Ridge,
the seat of his father, in Shelby Co. Ky, which continues his home. He married
Martha J. Oglesby of Panola, Miss. Dec. 20, 1859.
P^DWAUD Jesup Wood, the son of and Mary E. (Corliss) Wood, was
born at Marianna, Flo. Aug. 2, 1834. He went to Toledo, Ohio, in Sept. 1853,
as a civil engineer on the Rail road from Toledo to Goshen, Ind. com[)leted in
1857 ; then read law with the Hon. Joseph H. Mather of Goshen, and there
entered into practice ; continued it until Nov. 25, 1861 ; at that date became
Capt. in the 48th Reg. of Lidiana vols; promoted Major Oct. 20, 1862, and Lt
Col. in Apr. 1863, commanding the Reg. from July 1863 ; was greatly dis-
tinguished in battles at luka, Corinth, Raymond, Jackson, Cliampion Hills, Vicks-
burg, and Chattanooga. He married Jane A. dau. of C. B. Williams of Syi'a-
cu^e, N. Y. at S. Oct. 25, 1859.
Charles Augustus Young, A. M. the son of Prof. Ira, D. C. 1828, and
Eliza (Adams) Young, was born at Hanover, Dec. 15, 1834. He was Assist,
teacher at Phillips Acad. Andover, Ms from 1853 to 1855 ; studied divinity at
And. Theo. Sem. 1 year ; but became Prof, of Math, and Nat. Phil, at Western
Reserve Coll. Hudson, Ohio, in Jan. 1857; was next a Capt. in the 85tli Ohio
Inf. Vols in June 1862; retired Oct. 5, 1862, and resumed his Professorship;
was made Appleton Prof, of Natural Phil, and Prof, of Astronomy at Dart.
Coll. in 18C)5. He married Augusta S. dau. o'f Charles T. Mixer ot Saco, Me,
at Concord, Aug. 26, 1857. Albert Adams Young, D. C. 1856, is his brother.
ALUMNI 1854.
John Goldtiiwait Adams, the son of Dr Charles Goldthwait, D. C
1810, and Mary Ann (Kino:) Adaras, was born at Keene in 1834. He taught
at St Cliarles, lUi. Medford, Ms, and Charlestown, Ms, his present abode.
He married.
John Winslow Allard, the son of William and Elisabeth Ann (Hussey)
Allard, was born at Dover, July 2, 1831. He taught at Andover in 1864 ; at
Hopkinton some years ; at Hampton ; also at Dover ; was School Commis-
sioner of Strafford Co. from 1864, but is now for 1 or 2 years Principal of the
High School at Framingham, ]Ms. He married Letitia Frances, dau. of the
Eev. William De Merritt of Durham, at D. Oct. 18, 1864.
Hi:xKY Wilder Allen, the son of the Hon. AVilliam Cutter and Lucy
Maria (Holmes) Allen, was born at Alfred, Me, Oct. 18, 1834. He taught at
Alfred Acad, in 1854, and Alexandria Classical Sem. Va, in 1855; read law
with Daniel Goodenow of Alfred and Seth J. Thomas of Boston, Ms, in 1856
and 1857 ; began practice at N. Y. city in Mar. 1858, and also became U. S.
Register of Bankruptcy for the Southern District of N. Y. May 13, 1867.
Henry M'Cobb Bacon, the son of Horace and Mary Emery (Coffin) Ba-
con, was born at Biddeford, Me, Mar. 1, 1829. He has lived since 1854 at
Manchester, Port Huron, Mich. — Independence, Geo. — Wabashaw, Minn. —
Louisville, Ky, and last at Washington, D. C. as a Hospital Steward from Aug.
1862 to Dec. 1865.
Benjamin Evans Badger, the son of Stephen Coll)y, D. C. 1823, and
Naomi (Colby) Badger, was born at New London, Dec. 29, 1832. He read
law with his father; began and continues practice at Concord; has been Dep.
Sec. of State. He married Rachel Owen, dau. of Robert P^astman of Concord.
William Wallace Bailey, the son of Thomas and Jemima (Smith)
Bailey, was born at Hopkinton, Nov. 11, 1829. He read law with George and
Foster of Concord, and at Albany, N. Y. Law School, graduating LL. B. in
1856 ; went into practice at Nashua ; has represented it in the N. H. Leg. in
1863 and 1 864. He married Mary Boardman, dau. of Alfred Greely of Nashua,
Sept. 21, 1858.
John Adams Burleigh, the son of John Adams and Sarah N. (Briard)
Burleigh, was born at Somersworth, Feb. 8, 1835. He read law with Royal
Eastman of Somersworth ; was Cashier of the Soraersworth bank from Sept.
1, 1858 to Aug. 1862; has been sometime a wholesale druggist in Boston.
He married Georgiana, dau. of George Washington Bra>bridge of Somers-
worth, Dec. 15, 1856. George William Burleigli,!). C. 1851, is his brother.
Charles Caverno, A. M. the son of Jeremiah and Dorothy Kingman
(Balch) Caverno, was born at Strafford, Aug. 19, 1832. He was Principal of
Thetlbrd Acad. Vt, from 1854 to 1855 ; read law at the Albany, N. Y. Law
School in 1855 and 1856, and with his uncle, Sullivan Caverno, D. C. 1831, of
Lockport, N. Y. until 1857 ; then began practice at Milwaukee, Wise, and con-
tinued it to 1862 ; left the bar that year, and took a farm at La Fayette, Chip-
peway Co. Wise, and remained upon it to 1864; having studied divinity became
now a licentiate of the Cong. Ch. and commenced preaching at Waukesha, fear-
ing, however, that an affection of the eyes would compel him to desist and re-
sume agriculture; but has been ordained a Cong, minister and is stated supply
at Lake Mills, Wise. He married Ahbie H. dau. of Ithamer Smith of Waits-
field, Vt, at Seneca, N. Y. Nov. 14, 1859
ALUMNI 1854. 407
George Henry Chadwick, A. M. the son of Samuel and Mary Ann
(Men-ill) Chadwick, was born at Portland, Me, July 13, 1831. He studied
medicine at Portland with Dr Oilman Davies and at Albany, N. Y. Med. Coll.
graduating M. D. in 1857 ; began practice in N. Y. city, but continues it from
1858 at Portland. He married Martha Gerrish, dau. of Rufus Read of Port-
land, May 29, 1860.
Edwin Azro Charlton, A. M. the son of Walter and Mindwell (Moulton)
Charlton, was born at Littleton, Sept. 29, 1828. He was Principal of Haver-
hill Acad, from 1854 to 1855; also of Gilmanton Acad, in 1856; went to
Lockport, N. Y. in Apr. 1857, and was Head of its Union School 4 years; be-
came next teacher at the Union School Schenectady, N. Y. until returning to
Gilmanton Acad, in 1862 ; has since gone back to Schenectady as Sujter-
intendent of its Schools ; has published a work on his native State. He
married Helen Elisabeth, dau. of the Hon. Alfred Holmes of Lockport, Mar.
20, 1862.
Joseph Clark, A. M. the son of Joseph and Hannah (Cook) Clark, was
born at Campton, Apr. 2, 1826. He read law with Napoleon Bonaparte Bryant
at Plymouth, teaching part of the time there and at Gilford ; began practice
there and continues it ; was a Capt. in the 6th Reg. of N. H. vols. He mar-
ried Polly Chandler, dau. of the lion. John Noyes Thompson of Holderness,
Aug. 30, 1855. Benjamin Clark, D. C. 1855, is his brother.
Nathan James Clifford, the son of the Hon. Judge Nathan and Hannah
(Ayer) Clifford, was born at Newfield, Me, Jan. 12, 1832. He read law with
his father ; was some time Clerk of the U. S. Customs in N. Y. city ; removed
to Boston, Ms, as Clerk of the U. S. Di.-trict Court. He married Sarah A.
Gilman of N. Y. city, Apr. 2, 1861. William Henry Clifford, D. C. 1858, is
his brother.
Levi Henry Cobb, A. M. the son of Levi and Calista S. (Bugbee) Cobb,
was born at Cornish, June 30, 1827. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
graduating in 1857 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at North Andover,
Ms, Oct. 28, 1857 ; dismissed Sept. 18, 1864 ; was then at Memphis, Tenn. but
became pastor of the Cong. Ch. at vSpringfield, Vt, in Mar. 1867. He married
Harriet J. Herrick of Essex, Vt, Jan, 12, 1858.
George Anthony Collamore, the son of Dr Anthony and Caroline
(Hatch) Collamore, was born at Pembroke, Ms, Nov. 9, 1833. He taught in
Va; studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. and Harv. Univ. Med. School grad-
uating M. D. at the last in 1859 ; is practising in his native town.
John Beecher Comley, the son of Thomas Comley. He was from Prov-
idence, R. I. and was a teacher in N. Y. city.
Charles Hilliard Cram, the son of John Shepherd and Clarinda (Gregg)
Cram, was born at Hanover Mar. 22, 1832. On graduating, he went to Chicago,
lUi. and was first a clerk in a mercantile house, but has since become a mer-
chant there on his own account in a wholesale business. He married Harriet,
dau. of Timothy K. Blaisdell of Boston, Ms, at Alton, Illi. Apr. 30, 1856.
John Davenport Crehore, A. M. the son of Charles and Lucy (Bowker)
Crehore, was born at Walpole, Nov. 22, 1826." He was a teacher some years
in Mass. and Ohio; then went to St Louis, Missouri, Sept. 6, 1860; but has
beqpme a merchant at Cleveland, Ohio, since June 1863. He married Lucy,
dau. of William Williams of Cleveland, Dec. 30, 1862.
Hiram Benjamin Crosby, the son of Hiram and Nancy Elisabeth (Carew)
Crosby, was born at Norwich, Ct, Dec. 25, 1831. He read law with the Hon.
Lafayette S. Foster of that city; went into practice there in 1856; was made
408 ALUMNI 18/54.
Judse of the City Court in 18.38. He married Mary Scott of N. Y. city, Sept.
29, 18.39.
Samukl "Wood Dana, A. M. tlie son of Capt. Jedediah and Martlia (Wood)
Dana, was born at Lebanon, Sept. IG, 1827. He studied medicine at Dart.
Med. Coll. — ^with Dr George Lewis and Prof. Jolin Dalton of N. Y. city, and at
the College of Pliy.sicians and Surgeons there, graduating M. D. INIar. 8, 1858 ;
went into practice immediately; held the position of Surgeon in the N. Y. City
Dispensary from 1860 to 18G4:. He married Helena, dau. of Asahel Kayraond
of N. Y. city, at N. June 8, 18G5.
JuSTi.v Edwards Dow, A. M. the son of Nathaniel B. and Eli-abeth
(Tenney) Dow, was born in 1832. He taught at Pittsfield ; read law with
Lewis Whitehouse Clark, D. C. 18.30, of Pitt-field, 2 years; has taught at
Biu'lington, Iowa, since 18.57. He married Grace Fletcher, dau. of Josiah
White of Pittsfield, Dec. 18, 1854.
John Eaton, A. M. the son of John and Jeannette Cole (Andrews) Eaton,
was born at Sutton, Dec. 5, 1829. He was Head of Clinton St School, Cleve-
land, Ohio, from Sept. 1854 to Feb. 1856; Superintendent of Schools at
Toledo. Ohio; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sein. some time; was ordained
an evangelist, Sept. 5, 1861 ; became a Superintendent of" freedmen at Memphis,
Tenn. Lucien Bonaparte Eaton, D. C. lf>59, is his brother.
Simeon Dow Farnsworth, the son of Simeon and Eleanor (Dow) Farns-
worth, was born at Walden, Vt, A|)r. 30, 1828. He taught at the High School
at Concord until 1857 ; was then editor of the Manchester Daily and Weekly
American; Clerk of one branch of the N. H. Leg. in 1857 and 1858; Pay-
master of N. H. vols in the rebellion ; is now a merchant in Manchester, and
represented it in the N. H. Leg. in 1867. He married Jane Ambrose, dau. of
Dea. John Eastman of East Concord, Oct. 1, 1857.
Erastus Newton Fay, A. JM. the son of Hubbard Newton and Eunice
(Willis) Fay. was born at New Alstead, Feb. 4, 1826. He taught in ^Is 2
years; was Head of a High School at Peoria, Illi. and its Prof, in Lntin and
Greek for several years ; is now an instructor at Kokomo, Iiid. He married
Susan Tilden, dau. of Welcome Howard of North Bridgewater, Ms, A[)r. 3,
1856. Osnier Willis Fay, D. C. 1856, is his brother.
JosKi'ii PiTCHLYN FoLSO.M was an Indian of the Choctaw Nation, bom
in its precincts in 1823. He has been a teacher in his tribe, and is so now
Andrew Washington Freeman, the son of John Mack and Matilda Ann
(Morse) Freeman, was born at Brookfield, Vt, Oct. 3, 1829. He taught at Ran-
dolph, Vt, in 1854 and 1855, Roekford, Illi. in 1856 and 1857. and Horner, Illi-
nois, in 1858 and 1859; has been dentist at Chicago, Illi. since 1860. He
married Aura Sophronia, dau. of Waldo W. Ingalls of Brookfield, Feb. 15,
* John Fuller Gillis. A. M. the son of Thomas Worcester and Khoda
(Fuller) Gillis, was born at Wiiithiop. Me. Aug. 3, 1831, and died at ^lillbury,
Ms, Oct. 15, 1861, JE. 30. He was engaged in mercantile pursuits at Nashua,
Cuba, AV. Indies, Knoxville, Tenn. and Wheeling, Va. He did not marry.
William Whitney Godding, the son of Dr Alva and Mary (Wiiiiney)
Godding, was born at Winchendon, Ms, .May 5, 1831. He studied medicine
with his father and at Castleton Med. School, Vt, graduating M. D. in 1857;
was assist, {diysician at the N. H. Asylum for the Lisane at Concord from June
1859 to May 31, 1862 ; then practised at Fitchburg, Ms, to Sept. 1863 ; since
that has been assist, physician at the Government Hospital for the Insane at
ALUMNI 1854. 409
Washington, D. C. He married Ellen, dau. of the Hon. Elisha Murdock of
Winchendon, Ms, Dec. 4, 1860.
Galen Allen Graves, A. M. the son of Daniel and Polly Copeland
(Allen) Graves, was born at Acworth, Aug. 13, 1827. He tanglit at Walpole,
Whitehall, N. Y. and Battle Creek, Mich, also at Kalamazoo Coll. Mich, as
Latin tutor ; was next a teacher at Marshall, Mich, but leaving teaching,
read law with the Hon. Frederick Vose of Walpole and Maynard and Med-
dough at Deti'oit, Mich, where his practice began in 18fil.
Eanney Greene, the son of Ranney and Prunella (Kelsey) Greene, was
born at Randolph, Vt, in 1831. He taught in Louisiana; was Prof, of Lan-
guages at Jefferson Coll. Washington, Miss, in 1856 ; removed thence to New
Orleans, La, and embarked in business.
Daniel Hall, the sou of Gilman and Eliza (Hall) Hall, was born at Bar-
rington, Feb. 28, 1832. He was a clerk in the N. Y. city custom house from
1854 to 1858 ; read law with Daniel Miltimore Christie, D. C. 1815, at Dover
from 1858 to 1860 ; was School Com. for Strafford Co. in 1859 ; began prac-
tice at Dover in June 1860 ; left in Dec. 1861 ; lived in Va, and at Wash-
ington, D. C. in 1861 and 1862 ; became Capt. in the U. S. army in 1862 ;
was aid de camp to Major Gen. Whipple, killed at Chancellorsville, Va, and
then to Major Gen. Howard; was made U. S. Provost Marshal of the 1st Con-
gressional district of N. H. in July 1864, a position held at Portsmouth to the
end of the war ; was made in 1865 Clerk of the courts for Strafford Co.
Daniel Bliss Harvet, the son of William and Amelia (Bliss) Harvey,
was born at Lebanon, Apr. 24, 1824. He taught at Southampton, N. Y. 2
years and at Pembroke, 2 years ; was Prof, of Math, at Marshall Coll. Griffin,
Geo. from 1858 to 1861 ; then read law at All)any, N. Y. Law School, gradu-
ating LL. B. in 1862 ; has gone into practice first at PLickettstown, N. J. and
then in some part of N. Y. State. William Francis Harvey, D. C. 1864, is
bis brother.
George Haseltine, A. M. the son of Col. Richard and Rebecca (Gage)
Haseltine, was born at Bradlbrd, Ms, Aug. 17, 1829. He read law at the
Albany, N. Y. Law School from Sept. 1854 to Apr. 1855 ; went to St Louis,
Missouri, July 13, 1855; practised there from Aug. 1855 to July 26, 1856;
became LL. B. at the Albany, N. Y. Law School, Mar. 27, 1856 ; left St Louis
for England Oct. 17, 1856 ; visited America in 1857, 1858, and 1861 ; engaged
at London, P^ng. in literary and mercantile pursuits until May, 1860 ; then be-
came editor and in part proprietor of the '• London American," the first U. S.
paper published there ; has given this up some time since ; purchased a place
in London and does a large business at No. 8 Southampton Buildings, Chancery
* Franklin Aretas Haskell, the son of Aretas and Anna (Folsom)
Haskell, was born at Tunbridge, Vt, July 13, 1828, and was killed in battle at
Coal Harbour near Richmond, Va, June 3, 1864, je. 35. He read law with
Orton and Atwood of Madison, Wise, and there began and continued practice ;
became adjutant of the 6th Reg. of Wise, vols ; was afterwards promoted Col.
of the 36th Wise. Reg. and fell bravely fighting at its head, a patriot soldier.
Henry Allen Hazen, A. M. the son of Allen and Hannah Putnam
(Pana) Hazen, was born at Hartford, Vt, Dec. 27, 1832. He studied Theology
at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1857 ; was ordained an evangelist at St
Johnsbury, Vt, Feb. 16, 1858 ; was a missionary at Bridgewater and, Barnard,
Vt, from Oct. 1857 to June 1858 ; at Hardwick, Vt, from Oct. 18, 1858 to Oct.
1859 ; also at Barton, Vt, to Jan. 1861 ; then stated supply at West Randolph,
410 ALUMNI 1854.
Vt ; was next installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Plymouth, Jan. 21, 1803.
He married Charlotte Eloise, dau. of George B. Green of Windsor, Vt, July 9,
George Diah Alonzo Hf.raru, the son of Diah and Sally (Averill) Ile-
bard, was born at Brookfield, Vt, Sept. 6, 1831. He studied divinity at Union
Theo. Seni. N. Y. city, graduating in 1857; is an ordained Pre, and was promoted a Capt. in the same ; has re-
turned to Greenfield. He married Mrs Frances (Gregg) Smith, adopted dau.
of the Rev. Jarvis Gregg, D. C. 1828, and relict of Dr Frederick Augustus
Smith, D. C. 1852, at Jersey city, N. J. June 5, 1865.
Caleb Blodgett, the son of Caleb and Cliarlolte (Piper) Blodgett, was
born at Dorchester, June 4, 1832. He taught at the High School, Leominster,
Ms, from 1856 to May 1858 ; read law with Bacon and Aldrich at Worcester,
ALUMNI 1856. 419
Ms; entered upon practice at Hopkinton, M?, in 1860; but in a fevv months
opened an office at Boston, Ms, and so remains. He married Roxie B. dau. of
Jesse Martin of Canaan, at C. Dec. 14, 1865.
Isaac Bkidgman, A. M. the son of Isaac and Lucy (Chandler) Biid^man,
was born at Hanover, Oct. 2. 1833. He studied divinity at Newton. Ms, Theo.
Sem. continuinp; it at And. Theo. Sem. a short time in the class of 1859 ; then
taught at Phillips Acad. Andover, IVIs, until 1858 ; his health failing, went to
Elbridge, N. Y. but recovering returned to Andover. He married Mary E.
Gleason of M'Indoes Falls, Vt, Nov. 10, 1859.
Levf.rett Milton Ciiask, the son of Samuel A. and Sally Ayer (Gile)
Chase, was born at Haverhill, Ms, July 13, 1832. He read law 3 months;
was Principal of the Adams grammar school at Dorchester, Ms, fiom 1857 to
July 1864; ; then took chaige of the Davis school at Newton, Ms, He married
Melina, dau. of Abner Marion of Burlington, Ms, at B. June 13, 1862. Charles
Chauncey Chase, D. C. 1839, is his brother.
* BiLLiE Chenault, the son of Joseph Chenault, was born at Whitehall,
Ky, in 1833. He read law at Harv. Univ. Law School; entered the confed-
erate army ; was a Captain and was killed at the battle of Horse Shoe Nar-
rows, Ky, May 10, 1863, je. 30.
Walter Stewart Church, the son of .John Barker and Mary Trumbull
(Silliman) Church, was boi-n at Belvidere, Alleghany Co. N. Y. Aug. 31, 1833.
He was a Civil Engineer on Kail Roads in lUi. residing in Quincyof that State;
was then engaged in Surveys for the Croton Aqueduct Department of New
York; was Engineer to the Government of Peru, S. A. from 1861 to 1865, re-
siding at Lima, Cuzco, Puno, and other cities of that country ; is now resident
in N. Y. city.
Ambrose Wayland Clarke, the son of Ambrose Clarke, was born at Lu-
nenburg, Vt, Aug. 21, 1832. He studied divinity at Delafield, Wise. Epis.
seminary; became Prof, of Mathematicks at Washington Coll. Md ; has been
ordained both Deacon and Priest of the Prot. Epis. Church ; was rector of
St Paul's Ch. Chestertown, Md ; then assistant minister of St Luke's Ch. Bal-
timore, Md ; left this to be Warden of the Ch. Home and Infirmary there ; is
now rector of St John's Church at Aberdeen, Miss.
Abraham Bdrbank Coffin, the son of Warren and Hannah (Burbank)
Coffin, was born at Gilead, Me, Mar. 31, 1831. He taught in Fluvanna Co.
Va, from 1856 to 1857, studying law at the time with Dean S. Boston; also
with John Plmnraer liealy, D. C. 1835, at Boston, Ms, in 1858 ; began practice
there in Apr. 1859.
* Leaxder Collamore, the son of Horace and Laura (Briggs) Collamore,
was born at Pembroke, Ms, Nov. 18, 1831, and died at Lawrence, Kansas,
Sept. 9, 1858, m. 26. He taught at Hanover, Ms, 1 season ; went to Lawrence
in May 1857; became editor of a paper; read law and came to the bar, but
death soon put an end to his practice. He did not marry.
Amos Notes Currier, A. M. the son of Ebenezer F. and Sophia (Nojes)
Currier, was born at Canaan, Oct. 13, 1832. He became Prof, of Latin and
Greek at the Iowa Central Univ. at P«dla, Marion Co. Iowa.
Sullivan M. Cutcheon, the son of James and Hannali (Tripp) M'Cutch-
eoi\, was born at Pembroke, Oct. 4, 1833. He taught at Ypsilanti, Mich, until
Nov. 1858 ; was then Superintendent of publick schools at Springfield, Illi. but
soon returned to Ypsilanti, and, having read law, is believed to be practising
there. He married Josie Moore.
Calvin Cutler, the son of Amos and Sarah (Topliff) Cutler, was born at
420 ALUMNI 1856.
Holliston, Ms, Feb. 19, 1S33. lie taught at St Johnsbury, Vt, to Sept. 1858;
studied divinity at And. Theo. Sein. graduatinjr in 1861 ; was ordained pastor
of the Cong. Cli. at New Ipswich, Mar. 12, 1862. He married Saniii D. dau.
of the Rev. David Sanford, at INIedway, Ms, Sept. 9, 1862. Lyman Cutler,
D. C. 1847, was his brother.
* Makk Davis, the son of Ehiathan and Mary (Adams) Davis, was born at
Townsend, Ms, Apr. 12, 1836, and died there, Aug. 22, 1865, je. 29. lie taught
at Actnii, in Ms, 1856; read law with the Hon. Charles R. Train at Fiaming-
ham, i\Is, from 1856 to 1857, and at the Law School, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
graduating LL. 13. in 1858; began practice at Boston, Ms, in Apr. 1858, and
there remained.
Elijah Francis Deavixg, the son of Reuben Dewing, was born at Ash-
land, Ms, in Dec. 1833. He read law witii the Hon. Charles R. Train of
Framiiigham, Ms, and settled in practice at Natick. j\Is.
Daniel Bliss Dudley, A. M. the son of Loring Bailey and Sarah (Bliss)
Dudley, was born at Lebanon, Dec. 25, 1833. He taught at La Grange, Geo.
and Abbeville, Ala ; was agent for IMorris' Grammar in the south ; studied
divinity at Union Theo. Sem. N. Y. city, 1 year ; then read law at Albany,
N. Y. Law School, graduating LL. B. in May 1862 ; was first Assistant Clerk
of the Vt House of Rep. in 1862; became Associate Editor of the Vt Jour-
nal at Windsor, Vt, in Jan. 1863 ; was connected with the War Department
at Wa.-hington, D. C. a short time in 1863 and 1864 ; began legal prartice at
N. Y. city, in Mar. 1864, and so remains. He married Eli>abeth George,
dau. of William George Rule of the same city, Feb. 14, 1867.
AzKO Dyer, the son of Dillis and Elisabeth (Chambers) Dyer, was born at
Eumsey, Ky, Mar. 12, 1836. He read law at the Louisville, Ky, Law School,
graduating LL. B. in Mar. 1858 ; at once began and has continued practice at
Joseph Low Elkins, the son of Joseph and Lucy (Low) Elkins, was born
at Newmarket, Nov. 19, 1834. He studied medicine with Dr William Folsom
at Newmarket, and at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1860, and then
went to Harv. Univ. INled. School ; began [)raclice at Newmarket. He mar-
ried Francene Dearborn.
OsMKR Willis Fay, the son of Hubbard Newton and Eunice (Wi!li>)
Fay, was born at New Alstead, July 6, 1831. He was Principal of Granville
Acad. Ohio, from 1856 to Jan. 1857 ; was then engaged in the publick schools
at Columbus, Ohio, from the last date to June 1860; studied divinity at the
Chicago Theo. Sem. Illi. graduating in 1863; is an ordained minister of the
Cong. Ch. living at Chicago.
Leonard Zenas Ferris, the son of Sherman Ferris, was born at Ogden,
Munroe Co. N. Y. in July 1834. He taught at Wrentham, Ms; also at tlie
Hi'i'h School at Gloucester, Ms, from 1858 to 1859 ; has been studying divinity
at And. Theo. Sem. and was orilained pa>tor of the Cong. Ch. at Pilt^tield,
Nov. 30, 1865.
Carlisle Joyslin Gleason, the son of Iliizzial and Emily Henry (Rich-
ardson) Gleason, was born at Warren, Vt, Oct. 23, 1831. lie read law with
Judge Timothy Parker Redfield, D. C 1836, of Montpelier, Vt, in 1856; then
taught at South Dauvers, Ms, in the High School, from Feb. 1857 to July 1858 ;
resumed the law study with Judge Redfield and was in his office until becoming
his j)artner, Jan. 1, 1861, a relation still held ; was Vt Sec. of State from 1859
to 1861. He married Ellen Jeannette, dau, of the Hon. Oramel Hopkins
Smith of Montpelier, Dec. 12, 1860.
ALUMNI 1856. 421
Edward Nichols Goddard, the son of Edward L. and Elisabeth (Worth)
Goddard, was born at New Bedford, Ms, Oct. 26, 1834. He was a cleik at
Clareniont 1 year; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduatinff in 1860;
was stated supply at the Presb. Cli. in Markesan, Wise, in 1861 ; was or-
dained a Deacon of the Prot. Epis. Ch. by the Rt Rev. Dr Carlton Chase, D.
C. 1817, Bishop of N. H. at Trinity Ch. Clareniont, May 3, 1863 ; has since
become a priest ; was rector of Trinity Ch. Windham, N. Y. and is now ia
charge of the Otsego mission near Morris, N. Y. He married Janette, dau.
of Capt. Jesse Mumford of Portlandville, N. Y. Apr. 29, 1867.
* Zenas Goss, the son of Zenas and Abigail (Holbrook) Goss, was born at
Lower Waterfoid, Vt, Oct. 11, 1832, and died at Marash, Turkey in Asia,
Aug. 28, 1864, JE. 31. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduatino- in
1859; was ordained a Cong, missionary at Waterford, Jan. 11, I860; sailed
from Boston, Ms, for Turkey, P"'eb. 13, 1860 ; arrived in 40 days ; was first
stationed at Aiutab ; went next to Oorfa in Oct. 1862; then to Adana ; last to
Marash in 1864, reaching it July 12, to act as preacher and instructor in a the-
ological school, but in 47 days death ensued, depriving the mission of an esti-
mable man and accomplished scholar.
Elijah Atwood Gove, the son of Squiers and Dolly (Atwood) Gove, was
born at Weare, about 1833. He was Principal of Wilmington Acad. Vt 3
months in 1856^ reading law also with C. W. Davenport ; was next Head of a
school at Janesville city. Wise, from Dec. 1856 to June 1857, pursuing the leo-al
study the while with Ira C. Jenks ; began practice at Sparta, Wise, in JiTne
1857 ; removed to Tomah, Wise, in 1858 and continues there ; was made court
conmiissioner for Monroe Co. in Mar. 1862. He married Marie Louise dau.
of A>her Haynes of Wihnington, at W. Mar. 8, 1857.
William Henrt Haile, the son of Gov. William and Sabrina Shaw
(Walker) Haile, was born at Chesterfield, Sept. 23, 1833. He read law with
Beach and Bond at Springfield, Ms ; went into practice at Boston, Ms, but i-e-
moved to Hinsdale, abandoning the bar to embark in woolen manufactuiin"'.
He married Aurella L. dau. of Ethan S. Chapin of Springfield, Jan. 1, 1861.
Charles Horace Hersey, the son of George Washington and Mary
Elisabetii (Wiggin) Hersey, was born at Tuftonborough, Dec. 23, 1832. He
taught at Riclifield, Ohio, nearly 3 years ; was at Texas in 1860, and is now a
merchant at Wolfborough. Albert .James Hersey, D. C. 1859, is his brother.
Lymax Gillett HincivLey, tlie son of Lyman and Phebe (Gillett) Hinck-
ley, was born at Post Mills Vill. Hartford, Vt, Apr. 13, 1832. He i-ead law
and began practice, but is now Clerk of Orange Co. Court, and lives at Chelsea
Vt. He married Mary S. dau. of J. M. Henry of Waterbury, Vt, Nov •?7'
JosiAH Howard Hobbs, A. INI. the son of Samuel Sanborn and Judith
(Chapman) Hobbs, was born at Eaton, Dec. 22, 1834. He taught at Limino--
ton, Me, 1 year ; also at Burlington, Ms, a short time ; read law at Albany
Law School, graduating LL. B. in 1859 ; began and continues practice at
Madison; represented it in the N. H. Leg. in 1861 and 1862; was appointed
Solicitor for Carroll Co. in 1864.
William Elwyn Jewell, the son of Elwyn and Hannah (Wigain) Jewell
was born at Newmarket, Jan. 5, 1835. He taught at Meredith in 1856 ; at Or-
leans, Ms, in 1856 and 1857 ; at South Abington, Ms, from Apr. 24, 1857 to
Nov. 20, 1858 ; read law with the Hon. Benjamin W. Harris of East Brido-e-
water, Ms, from Dec. 8, 1858 to Feb. 23, 1860, and then became his partner
but has since opened his office at Randolph, Ms.
422 ALUMNI 1856.
Albiox "Wesley Johnson, A. M. the son of James and Alzira (FornaUl)
Johnson, was born at Kittery, Me, Sept. 2, 1828. IL^ taught at Seabrook 1
terra; studied medicine with Dr M. G. Delany of Portsmoutli, at Bowdoin
Med. Coll. Brunswick, Me, and at Vt Union Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in
18G1 ; has been living since at Kittery.
James Edwin Johnson, the son of the Hon. James II. Johnson, was born
at Bath in 1830. lie went into mercantile business at Chicaso, Illi.
William Royal Joyslin, the son of Royal and Julia J. (Barnard) Joyslin,
was born at Lancaster, Sept. 11, 1833. He read law at Lancaster 1 or 2
years; then studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. in the class of 1861 ; became
stated supply at Bath in 1862 and 1863 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch.
at Berlin, Vt, in 1864 ; dismissed Apr. 25, 1866 ; is now stated supply at
Burke, Vt. He married Emma Frances, dau. of the Hon. Amos Abbott of An-
dover, Ms, Jan. 1, 1863.
John Kimhall, the son of John Ilazen, D. C. 1821, and Harriet (Cham-
berlain) Kimball, was born at Barton, Vt, Oct. 10, 1831. He studied divinity
at Union Theo. Sem. N. Y. city, graduating in 18."»'J ; was a missionary there a
short time ; preached as such at Grass Valley, Cal. 1 year, and at San Fran-
cisco, Cal. 18 months ; was ordained a Presb. minister at Sacramento. Cal.
about Oct. 1, 1861; returned to New Eng. in 1863. He married Anna Esk-
ridge of Va.
Emouy William Lane, the son of William and Persis B. (Warren) Lane,
was born at Fitchburg, Ms, Oct. 8, 1834. He began teaching at Waltham, Ms,
in 1856 and continues it to this time ; represented the town in the Mass. Leg.
in 1866. He married Ellen E. dau. of Nehemiah AYarren of Waltham, Oct.
2, 1860.
Almond Orlando Lkavitt, the son of Josiah and PLlisabeth (Brown)
Leavitt, was born at Grantham in 1828. He taught at Randolph, Ms ; studied
medicine and has graduated ^I. D. at some med. college ; was, and may still
be, a Surgeon in the U. S. navy. Dearborn Dudley Leavitt, D. C. 1859, was
bis brother.
William Smith Leonard, the son of the Rev. Levi Washburn and Elisa-
beth Morii>on. (Smiih) Leonard, was born at Dublin, Oct. 13, 1832. He
Studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1860; went into
practice at Hinsdale in Nov. 1860, He married Martha E. dau. of Jackson
Greenwood of Dublin, Apr. 30, 1861.
Francis Brown Lord, the son of the Rev. Pres. Dr Nathan and Betsey
King (licland) Lord, was born at Hanover, June 6, 1833. He has been in the
Railroad bu.-iness at Indianapolis, Ind. and became Major of the 56th reg. of In-
diana vols in 1861. He married Kate Ward, dau. of Charles Cox of Indianap-
olis, June 27, 1860. John King Lord, D. C. 1836. Joseph Leland Lord, D.
C. 183U, Frederick Richardson Lord, D. C. 1842, William Hayes Lord, Henry
Clark Lord, and Samuel Augustus Lord, all D. C. 1843, with Nathan Lord, D.
C. 1851, were Ids brothers.
Augustus Lkandkr INIarden, A. M. tlie son of Nathan and Harriet
(Seavy) Marden, was born at Easton, Ms, Nov. 9, 1830. He studied divinity at
Union Theo. Sem. N. Y. city, graduating in 1859; preached at Cabot, Vt, and
some destitute places near Chichester until May 1860 ; then became stated sup-
ply of the Cong. Ch. at Piermout, and was oi'dained pastor thereof. May 30,
1861. He married Amelia D. PLrdman of Reading, Pa. Sept. 24. 1862.
Chahlks Tenney IMelvin, the son of Thomas Jefferson and Harriet (Ten-
ney) Melvin, was born at Chester, June 23, 1835. He taught at North Dan-
ALUMNI 1856. 423
vers, M?! ; studied divinity at And. Tlieo. Seni. graduatin"; in 1859; was or-
dained pastor of a Presb. Ch. at Columbus, Wise, in 1859; dismissed and is
stated supply of a Cong. Cli. at Elk Grove, Wise, since 1864. He mai-ried, 1.
Elisabeth, dau. of Thomas Tracy of Tapton, Wise, in 1860 or 1861. 2.
Sarah A. Vandenburg at Columbus, July 14, 1864.
John Leverett JSIerrill, the son of Abel K. and Mary (Leverett) Merrill,
was born at Haverhill, May 29, 1833. He studied divinity at Princeton Theo.
Sem. N. J. graduating in 1859 ; was ordained a Presb. evangelist in 1860, and
became stated supi)lyof the Presb. Ch. at Chanceford, Pa; dismissed ; in-
stalled pastor of the Cong. Ch.at Acworth, June 13, 1866. He married Mai-y
Louisa, dau. of John A. Murphy of Chanceford.
Henry Langdon Parker, the son of Asa and Ann (M'Coristone) Parker,
was born at Acton, Ms, Oct. 7, 1832. He taught at the South Woodstock
Acad. Ct, 6 months ; read law with George G. Parker at Milford ; began
practice at Hopkinton, Ms, in 1860, but has removed his office to Worcester,
Ms. He married Isabella H. dau. of the Rev. D. S. Mason of Cochituate, Ms,
Jan. 1, 1861.
William Bostwick Parsons, the son of the Hon. Sylvanus M. and Eliza
(Bostwick) Parsons, was born at Burlington, Vt, in Dec. 1834. He read law ;
came to the bar at Lawrence, Kansas ; went to Pike's Peak, Colorado, in
1859 ; is now in legal practice at Burlington, Kansas. He married Julia W.
dau. of R. A. Kinzie of Burlington, Nov. 13, 1860.
William Lawrence Peabody, the son of Enoch and Susan (Wt'ston)
Peabody, was born at Reading, Ms, Apr. 17, 1829. He read law with Dean
Peabody, D. C. 1848, of Lynn, Ms, from 1856 to 1859, teaching in the winters
at Reading ; went into practice at Lynn in 1859, and there remains. He mar-
ried Mary Cleveland, dau. of Joshua Hewes of Lynnfield, Ms, at L. Nov. 5, 1862.
AValter Henry Pomroy, the son of Frederick A. Pomroy, was born at
Yarmouth, Me, in July 1834. He is said to be a teacher in N. Y. city.
BuRRiLL Porter, the son of Burrill Porter, was born at Charlestown in
Feb. 1832. He taught at Alstead, Swanzey, and Canaan; then lived at Al-
stead some time, but was teaching at Braintree, Ms ? in 1865. He married
Harriet, dau. of Asa H. Carpenter of Alstead.
Benjamin Franklin Prescott, the son of Nathan Gove and Betsey Hills
(Richards) Prescott, was born at E[)ping, Feb. 26, 1833. He taught at Epping
in 1856 and 1857, 6 months; read law with Henry and Abel H. Bellows from
Feb. 26, 1857, at Concord, to his entering upon practice in that town in 1859,
and is still there.
* John Alvin Putney, the son of John and Sally (Batchelder) Putney, was
born at Concord, Aug. 23, 1833, and is starred in the Tri^ennial of 1867. He
read law at Concord and with Gen. Samuel Fessenden, D. C. 1806, at Port-
land, Me; practised first at Plymouth and Concord, but of late years at Mem-
phis, Tenn. until becoming a qnarterma>ter in the U. S. army. He married, 1.
Lucinda L. dau. of Harrison Roberts of Warner in 1856. 2. Celia Bovvers of
Louisville, Ky, in 1860.
Levi Parsons Sabin, the son of Henry Wells and Clarissa (Church) Sa-
bin, was born at Strongsville, Ohio, Oct. 14, 1832. He taught tlie Acad, at
FKeedom, Ohio, from Se[>t. to Dec. 1856 ; was Pi-incipal of schools at Middle-
bury, Ohio, from Jan. to July 1857; also of the High School at Portsmouth,
Ohio, from Sept. 1857 to July 1858; studied divinity at Union Theo. Sem. N.
Y. city, graduating May 6, 1861 ; was ordained a Pre>b. evangelist at New
London, Wise. Mar. 4, 1863, and became pastor of the Presb. Ch. at Stock-
bridge, Wise, that year.
424 ALUMNI 1856.
Robert Samuel, the son of Jiimcs and Elisabeth (Stevenpo-i) Samuel, was
born at Paisley, Renfrew.-hire. Scotland, June 17. 1818. He studied divinity at
And. Tlieo. Sem. 2 years in the class of 18.")9, and at Chicago, Jlli. 1 year ; was
ordained an evangelist at New Rutland, lUi. Nov. 3, 1859 ; was a missionary at
"Wataga, Knox Co. Illi. in 18G0 ; afterwards preached at Brewster, ]\Is,and was
stated supply at "West Yarmouth, Ms, from 18G3 to 1864; became acting pas-
tor at West Ilawley, Ms, in 1865. He married Lucia A. Alley of West Barn-
stable, Ms, Aug. 5,*^! 858.
George Washington Sargent, the son of John Bowen and Mercy (Horn)
Hussey Sargent, was born at Dover, Feb. 16, 1833. He studied divinity at
And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1859 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at
Raymond, Dec. 21, 1859; dismissed Jan. 10, 1865; in.-tal!ed pa^tor of the
John Elliot Ch. at South Natick, Ms, Sept. 27, 1805. He married Louisa E.
dau. of Dr Samuel Strong of North Andover, Ms Oct. 17, 1860.
Nathaniel Stone Simpkins, the son of Natiianiel Stone and Eliza Jane
(Thatcher) Simpkins, was born at Yarmouth Port. Ms, July 23, 1834. He
studied medicine with Dr George Shove of Yarmouth, but afier 1 year studied
civil engineering at Boston, Ms; lived next in Iowa 9 months; became Chief
Clerk of the Quincy Copper Mine comp. at Portage Lake, Lake Superior, in
July 1859 ; is now said to be a Broker in N. Y. city.
Charles Harrison Spring, the son of Jolni Clark and Lorena (Jaquith)
Spring, was born at Hillsborough, Aug. 22, 1831. Me taught at Longmeadow,
Ms, from Sept. 1855 to Feb. 1857; studied medicine with Dr A. Bryant Clarke
at Holyoke, Ms, Dr Francis C. Greene at P^aslhampton, Ms, and at Albany, N.
Y. Med. School, graduating M. D. June 9, 1857 ; began practice at Hoi} oke in
Oct. 1857 ; removed to Boston, Ms, and pursues his profession there since Feb.
1861 ; has published an Essay on " Curvatures of the Spine and Spinal Dis-
eases." He married Bessie, dau. of Benjamin Colton of West Spiinglield, Ms,
Mar. 18, 1858.
William Wier Sticknet, the son of Daniel Stickney, was born at Leba-
non in 1830. He read law, and is a land agent at St Louis, Missouri.
Edavin Huisbard Taylor, the son of Lewis and Lois (Webster) Taylor,
was born at Hinsdale, Oct. 25, 1833. He taught in Miss, and Missouri ; was
at Booneville, INIissouri, when last heard from. William Mason Taylor, D. C.
1852, was his brother.
James Duncan Thomson, the son of Robert and Isabella (Spence) Thom-
son, was born at Glasgow, Scotland, in Feb. 1831. He read law at Boston,
Ms, and has been some years practising there.
Edavard Woods, the son of the Hon. Andrew Salter, D. C. 1825, and
Eliza (Hutchins) Woods, was born at Bath, Oct. 24. 1835. He read law with
his father; went into practice and still pursues it at Bath. He married Mary
H. Carleton of Bath, at B. Apr. 2, 1863.
Albkrt Adams Young, A. M. the son of Prof. L-a, D. C. 1828, and Eliza
(Adams) Young, Avas born at Hanover, May 10, 1836. He taught at Meriden
Acad, and at Chester, Vt, during 1850 and 1857; studied divinity at And.
Theo. Sem. graduating in 1861 ; was ordained pa-tor of the Cong. Ch. at Lake
Mills, Wise. Jan. 27, 1863 ; dismissed ? is now stated supply at Oconto, Wise.
He married Mary Sewall at Stoughton, Wise. Aug. 28, 1865.
ALUMNI 1857. 425
MosRS "WiLLAKD Bartlett, the son of vSteplien A. Bartlett, was born at
Bath, Feb. 26, 1834. He became a tutor in Greek and Latin at Western
Coll. Linn Co. Iowa.
Richard Ridgkly Bird, A. M. the son of Lemuel and Rhoda (Ridsely)
Bird, was born at North Yarmoutli, Me, Sept. 25, 1828. lie studied divinity
at And. Theo. Sem. in 1858 ; but ill health forced him to desist ; returned to
the West, from whence he came to college, and took up his residence at liunker
Hill, Macoupin Co. Illi. hoping to be able to resume his studies. That ho[)e has
however proved illusive, and agi'icultural pursuits now occupy his time. He
married Mary Ann Victoria, dau. of P^dward Muncy Adams of Nova Scotia, at
his father's house, near Bunker Hill, Jan. 3, 1865.
John Quincy Bittinger, the son of Joseph and Lydia (Bair) Bittinger,
was born at Berwick, Pa, Mar. 20, 1831. He studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem, graduating in 1860 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Yarmouth,
Me, Oct. 25, 1860; dismissed Dec. 20, 1864; installed over the Cong. Ch. at
St Albans, Vt, Dec. 30, 1864. He married Sarah Jones, dau. of Albert Wain-
wright of Hanover, Oct. 4, 1860.
Henry Ames Blood, the son of Ephraim Whiting and Lavinia (Ames)
Blood, was born at Temple, June 7, 1836. He taught in N. H. and Ms; also
at Paris, Tenn. but is now a Clerk in the Census Bureau at Washington, D.
C. He has published " The History of Temple," 352 pag. octavo. He mar-
ried Mary Jeannle, dau. of Orlando Marshall of New Ipswich, at N. I. Aug. 15,
* Edmund Crey Brabble, the son of John J. and Susan (Dimton) Brabble,
was born in Currituck Co. N. C. Jan. 6, 1835, and was killed in battle near
Spottsylvania Court House, Va, May 10, 1864,^. 29. He taught some time
in S. C. and then read law at Columbia, Tyrrell Co. N. C. begiiming practice
there and continuing it until 1861, when he became the Capt. of a company in
the Confederate army, and eventually attained the rank of Colonel of the 32nd
Reg. of N. C. troops. It was said by his brother officers that a braver man
never fell. He did not marry.
Charles Arms Cakleton, A. INI. the son of Cyrus and Maria Leonard
(Arms) Carleton, was born at Brooklyn, N. Y. May 27, 1836. He read law
Avith his step-father, Samuel W«dls, D. C. 1813, at Northampton, Ms, about 1
year; then taught in Springfield, N. .J. some months; was next in a clothing
store at N. Y. city from Aug. 1, 1859 to June 25, 1860, and afterwards a clerk
in a N. Y. city bookstore; but enlisted as an engineer in the 12th reg. ofN. Y.
vols Apr. 19, 1861 ; became a 2nd Lt in the 4th reg. of N. II. vols Sept. 20,
1861 ; promoted 1st Lt Jan. 17,1862; Capt. July 18, 1864; Major Jan. 15,
1865 ; Lt Col. July 8, 1865 ; honorably discharged Dec. 19, 1865 ; served part
of the time as Assist. Adj. General ; was present in 16 battles and sieges, includ-
ing the operations before Richmond ai)d Petersburg ; was brevetted Lt Col.
and Col. U. S. vols Mar. 13, 1866 ; is now in the publishing line in N. Y city.
* Daniel Reynolds Carter, the son of Charles and Mandana (Safford)
Carter, was born at Wakefield, Oct. 25, 1834, and died there, INIay 17, 1865, m.
30. He was Principal of Chester Acad, from Aug. 31, 1857 to May 1859;
taught at the High School Waverly, Pa, from Nov. 7, 1859 to Apr. 19, 1861,
and that at Salmon Falls from Apr. 29, 1861 to July 26, 1861 ; then ill health
caused him to retire for upwards of a year until taking charge of Wakefield
426 ALUMNI 1857.
Acad. AujT. 25, 18G2, which was left in Feb. 1863 to be Principal of tlie Acad,
at Saco, Me, a position occupied to Jan. 1865, when the ravages of disease
caused him to seek the home of his youth, and tliere pay the great debt of na-
ture, loved and valued by all who knew him. lie did not marry.
* Amos Hkeijxer Cassell, the son of Joseph and Rebecca R. (Heebner)
Cassell, was born at Worcester, ^Montgomery Co. Pa, June 13, 1833, and died
at Norrisfonville, Pa, Mar. 2, 1858, je. 24.
"Wakren Pettengill Chase, the son of Dr Warren Edson and Ellen
Maria (Pettengill) Chase, was born at Roscawen, Nov. 30, 1835. He studied
French in Canada 1 year, but poor healiii drove liim into mercantile business
at Porthmd, Me. He married Ellen Oriana, dau. of Gilbert Chapman, at
Bethel, Me, July 11, 1865.
John Howe Clakk, the son of the Rev. Samuel Wallace, D. C. 1823, and
Rebecca (Howe) Clark, was born at Greenland, Apr. 16, 1837. He studied
medicine at Harv. Univ. Med. School, graduating M. D. in 1862; was one
year in the Ms Gen. Hospital ; entered service in the U. S. navy and was made
Assist. Surgeon Jan. 24, 1862; served in the Gulf Squadron to 1864; at
Portsmouth Navy Yard until 1865 ; is now with the North Pacifick Squadron,
stationed at California, a full Surgeon.
Ira Colby, the son of Ira and Polly (Foster) Colby, was born at Claremont,
Jan. 11, iSol. He was a teacher at Waukesha, Wisconsin, in 1857 and 1858 ;
then read law with the Hon. Milon Craig IM'Clure, D. C. 1846, at Claremont,
for 2 years, and began practice there in 1860 or 1861 ; represented the town in
the N. H. Leg. in 1864 and 1865; is still its resident. He marriid Louisa
M. dau. of Gordon Way of Claremont, at C. June 20, 1867.
Chester Cook Conant, the son of Jonathan jmd Clarissa (Dimmick)
Conant, was born at Lyme, Sept. 4, 1831. He read law with Abijah Howard
at Thelford, Vt, and at All)any, N. Y. Law School, graduating LL. 13. in May
1859 ; began practice at Greenfield. Ms, in Oct. 1859. and there continues; has
been Commissioner of Lisolvency ibr Franklin Co. since 1862, and also Register
of Probate since 1863. He married Sarah Boardman, dau. of the Rev. Roger
Strong Howard, D. C. 1829, then of Portland Me, at P. June 14, I860.
William Amherst Coult Converse, the son of Joel and Abigail (Coult)
Converse, was born at Lyme, Apr. 30. 1830. He became a teacher at Toledo,
Ohio. He married Mary Tibbetis of Stewartstown, July 11, 1858.
David Timothy Corbin, the son of Peter and Eunice (Sawyer) Corbin,
was born at Brasher, N. Y. Aug. 11, 1833. He read law with C. C Dewey,
at Wells River, Newbury, Vt, from Oct. 1857 to Jan. 1860, and wa-; then in
practice there to May 10, 1861 ; became a Capt. of the 3rd Reg. of Vt vols
July 23, 1861 ; was badly wounded at the battle of Savage's Station, Va, June
29, 1862, and taken jtrisoner ; owing to the wound, was discliarged from the
Reg. Sept. 11, 1862 ; was Special Provost 3Iarslml of Vt from Oct. 5, 1862 to
Mar. 18, 1863; Capt. of the Invalid Curps from June 3, 1863 to Dec. 1865 ;
having been before promoted Brevet Major, ]Mar. 13,1865, for gallant conduct
at Savage's Station; then served on the Freedmen's Bureau at Charleston, S.
C. as Sub. Assist. Commissioner and also as Provost Judge of that city ; re-
signed his commission and was mustered out of service A})r. 20, 1867; accepted
at that date the office of U. S. Di-trict Atty for S. C. on the appointment made
Mar. 28, 1867, a position still held. He married, 1. Eunice L. dau. of Lewis
Fowler of Norwich, Vt, at N. Sept. 28, 1856. 2. Sarah A. dau. of Nathan S.
Davis of Bath, at B. Mar. 7, 1858.
Royal Southwick Crane, the son of Alanson and Lydia (Smith) Crane,
ALUMNI 1857. 427
was born at Lowell, Ms, Jan. 6, 1836. He taught at Ellsworth, Me, 1 year;
read law with Bartlett and Rowe at Bangor, Me, and William Adams Richard-
son at Boston, Ms; opened an office at N. Y. city, in Jan. 1860. He married
Sarah E. dau. of Richard Tincker of Ellsworth, Me, Dec. 3, 1863.
* Danikl Aveky Crosby, A. M. the son of Dr Josiah and Ann (Avery)
Crosby, was born at Gilford, July 16, 1836, and died at Mancliester, Dec. 5,
1866, M. 30. He read law with the Hon. Samuel Upton, also with Clark
and Smith, all of Manchester ; went into practice there in 1860 ; left in 1862
and opened an office at St Francisco, Cal. but ill health brought him home in
July 1866. George Avery Crosby, D. C. 18/J2, was his brother.
Thomas Augustus Cushing, the son of Augustus and Rachel T. (Parker)
Cushing, was born at Somersworth, May 19, 1835. He read law with Jordan
and Rollins of Somersworth ; settled in practice at Great Falls in Feb. 1860,
but is now in the Internal Revenue Bureau, Wasliington, D. C. He married
Harriet E. dau. of Jacob Morrill of Great Falls, at G.' F. Aug. 31, 1865.
Joseph Augustus Cutter, the son of John and Martha (Sellers) Cutter,
was born at Boston, Ms, Sept. 10, 1833. He read law with Horace Greene
Hutchins, D. C. 1835, at Boston, but removed to N. Y. city, and began practice
there in June 1861. He married E. Adelaide, dau. of Capt. E. Hawkins of
West Chester, N. Y. May 15, 1866.
Wendell Davis, the son of the Hon. George Thomas and Harriet (Rus-
sell) Davis, was born at Greenfield, Ms, May 27, 1836. He read law with his
father, but has not gone into practice ; was connected with the Boston, Ms,
Courier newspa.per 1 year ; now lives at Greenfield or Northampton, Ms.
Edward Watson Denny, tlie son of George and Charlotte Sophia (Park-
man) Denny, was born at AVestborougii, Ms, Nov. 12, 1836. He has been in
business in N. Y. city. James Henry Denny, D. C. 1859, is his brother.
* Henry Doane, the son of John and Mary (Eldridge) Doane, was born at
Orleans, Ms, Jan. 22, 1834, and died there, Sept. 2, 1865, m. 31. He read
law with Hutchins and Wheeler at Boston, Ms, 1 year and at Harv. Univ. Law
School, graduating LL. B. in 1859; began practice at Boston that year; con-
tinued it to the summer of 1862, when he became a Capt. in tlie 43d or Tiger
reg. of Ms vols ; on leaving the service, returned to Boston and resumed his
relation to the bar.
RoiiERT Henry Duncan, the son of Samuel Bell, and Ruth Knox (Tick-
nor) Duncan, was born at Meriden, Nov. 12, 1833. He taught at Meriden 1
year; read law with the Hon. Jonathan Kittredge, D. C. 1813; then taught
the Friends School at Providence, R.I. from 1859 to Oct. 1860; renewed legal
study with Pennington, Sullivan and Harrison of N. Y. city until May 1862.
Samuel Augustus Duncan, D. C. 1858, is his brother.
John Atwood Follette, the son of Joseph Walton and ]Mary Black
(Towle) Follette, was born at Centre Harbour, Feb. 17, 1834. He taught at
Kingston, 1 year ; also at Southampton ; studied medicine with Dr Levi Ste-
vens Bartlett of Kingston, at Harv. Univ. Med. School and Albany, N. Y. Med.
School, graduating M. D. at the last in 1858 ; settled in practice at Kingston.
He married Martha E. Goodwin of Amesbury, Ms, at Kingston, Feb. 17,
^ William Josiah Forsaith, the son of Josiah, D. C 1807, and Maria
(Soutliworth) Forsaith, was born at Newport, Apr. 19, 1836. He read law
with Burke and Waite of Newport in 1858, Benjamin F. Mallett of Boston,
Ms, in 1858 and 1859, at Harv. Univ. Law Sciiool from Sept. 1859 to Jan.
1860, and with Ranuey and Morse of Boston ; began practice at Boston, May
428 ALIBINI 1857.
1, 18G0. He married Annie M. dau. of John "W. Yeazie of Bangor, Me, at
Bangor, Oct. 31, 1865.
* Hknry Maktyn Frost, the son of Benjamin and Mary (Brant) Frost,
was born at Sullivan, Mar. 20, 1835, and died at Thetford, Vt, F.-b. 20, 1866,
£. 30. He taught at Thetfoid Acad, and at Frankfort, Ky ; studied divinity;
was ordained a Deacon of the Prot. Epis. Ch. in Apr. 1860, and at some sub-
sequent time a Presbyter of tlie same ; his early ministrations ended, became
rector of St Stephen's Ch. Middlebury, Vt ; was there in 1864, but from ill
health gave up preaching that year. Carlton Pennington Frost, D. C. 1852
and Edwin Brant Frost, D. C. 1858, were his brothers.
Hknky William Fuller, A. M. the son of David Gordon and Jane (Con-
verse) Fuller, was born at llooksett, July 30, 1839. He read law at Harv.
Univ. Law School, graduating LL. B. in 1859; began practice at Concord;
suspended it to be 1st Lt in the 1st, Capt. in the 5th, and Lt Col. of the 15th
Reg. of N. H. vols, then Col. of the 33d U. S. Col. Tr. and finally a Brevet
Gen. of U. S. vols.
AViLLiAM John Galbraith, the son of the Rev. William and Mary
(Bachop) Galbraith, was born at Freeport, Armstrong Co. Pa, Feb. 18.1837.
He read law with Cicero Hasbrouck and John M. Kirkpatrick at Pittsburgh,
Pa, from Apr. 1, 1858 to Mar. 15, 1861 ; was appointed 1st Lt of the 78th
Reg. Penn. Vols, Sept. or Oct. 12,1861 ; soon detached with the same rank to
the U. S. Signal Corps; served therewith in every Rebel State except Florida
to May 10, 1864 ; began legal practice at Oil City, Pa, Nov. 16, 1864, and there
continues, editing also at present the Venango Republican, and being a Notary
Publick from Apr. 20, 1865. He married Mary H. dau. of Michael L. Kav-
anagh, at Rock Island, I Hi. May 24, 1864.
JosKPH GiLE, the son of Alfred A. Gile, was born at Pottsville, Schuylkill
Co. Pa, Oct. 14, 1836. He taugiit at Clarence, N. Y. in 1858. and was Princi-
pal of War>aw Union School at Warsaw, N. Y. when last heard from.
Mkrkitt Eltox Goodari), the son of Hiram and Mary (Ackley) God-
dard, was born at South Rcailing, Vt, Feb. 11, 1834. He studied divinity at
Harv. Univ. Theo. School from Sept. 1858, graduating in July 1861 ; preached
in Ms and N. Y. in 1861 and 1862, but was disabled by severe bodily infirmity
from pursuing his chosen profession, and has settled on a farm in his native
town, where lie was Superintendent of Schools in 1860 and 1861 ; represented
it also in the Vt Legislature in 1863 and 1864. Mr Goddard has edited the
Poems of Miss A. W. Sprague of Plymouth, Vt.
Hknry Anthony Guouhue, the son of Ira and Almira (vSawyer) Goodhue,
was born at Westminster, Vt, July 29, 1833. He was Principal of Plym|)ton
Acad. Ms, 18 months; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in
1862; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at West Barnstable. I\Is, May
20, 1863, and is pallor still. He married Isabella, dau. of Nathan Peikins of
Plymptoii, Ms, at P. Dec. 13, 1864.
John Cushman Hale, the son of Aaron and 'M:\vy (Kent) Hale, was born
at Orford, Mar. 3, 1831. He taught at Cleveland. Ohio, (rom 1858 to 1861 ;
read law and entered upon practice at Elyria, Ohio. He married Carrie M.
Sanborn of Cleveland. Edwin Hlaisdell Hale, D. C. 1865, is his brother.
* EriiRAiM Jewett Hardy, the ^on of Ephraim Lund and Susan (Jewett)
Hardv, was born at lloUi.-, May 26, 1830, and died at Hanover, Mar. 3, 1857,
JE. 26.
* Moses Kittredge Hazelton, the son of David and Sarah (Colby)
Ilazelton, was born at Hebron, Nov. 5, 1835, and died at Memphis, Tenn. Aug.
ALUMNI 1857. 429
3, 1863, JE. 27. He read law with the Hon. John S. Wells of Exeter; com-
menced practice at Bradford, but became a Paymaster in the U. S. army. He
did not marry.
Lloyd Wells Hixon, the son of Jacob and Roxana (Peirce) Hixon, was
born at Great Falls, Jan. 18, 1829. He was Sub-Principal of the High School
at Lowell, Ms, from 1857 to 1859 ; was then a teacher of languages at tiie same
to 1800 ; began next the study of medicine at the Univ. of Penn. at Philadel-
phia; graduated M. D. there in 1862; but went into the army Assist. Surgeon
of the 13ih Ms reg. of vols. Mar. 2, 1803; has been Principal of a Classical
and Kngli.-h Boarding School at Dracut Heights in Lowell since Sept. 1866.
Gkokgk Edavard Horne, the son of James M. and Mary (Warren) Home,
was born at Dover, May 29, 1837. He read law with the Hon. Daniel Milti-
more Christie, D. C. 1815, at Dover from Aug. 1, 1857 to Oct. 1, 1858 ; taught
at Champion, N. Y. from Oct. 1, 1858 to Feb. 1, 1859; resumed law reading
with the Hon. F. W. Hubbard at Watertown, N. Y. from Feb. 1, 1859 to Oct.
1, 1859 ; then began practice and has continued it ever since in New York city.
* Arthur Edwin Hutchins, A. M. the son of Chester Childs and Jane
(Swan) Hutchins, was born at Batii. Sept. 2, 1838, and was killed in battle near
Spottsylvania, Va, May 6, 1864, je. 25. He read law with A. P. Carpenter at
Bath 2 years and at Harv. Univ. Law School 1 year from July 1859 ; opened an
office at Bath; became a Ltin tlie 11th reg. of N. H. vols in 1862, and nobly lost
his life in one of the dreadful conflicts fought by Gen. Grant. He did not marry.
Norman Jones, the son of Norman F. and Mary (M'Lean) Jones, was born
at Washington, Ohio, Nov. 28, 1832. He studied divinity at Union Theo. Sem.
N. Y. city, 3 years ; then preaclied at Parsippany, N. J. for 5 months and at
Y'"ellow S|)i-ings, Green Co. Oiiio, in a Presb. Cli. for 3 years ; served the Chris-
tian Commission from Nov. 16, 1864, for 8 weeks, participating in the battles at
Spring Hills, Fi'anklin, and Nashville, all in Tennessee ; became Chaplain of the
170tii Keg. of Ohio vols Feb. 14, 1865, being stationed at Nashville ; since leav-
ing tiie army, has been supplying 2 churches in the vicinity of Washington,
Fayette Co. Ohio. If ordained, no account thereof has been received. He mar-
ried Josephine A. dan. of Patrick Denver at Wilmington, Clinton Co. Ohio,
Dec. 13, 1860.
Edward Cornelius Delavan Kittredge, the son of the Hon. Jonathan,
D. C. 1813, and Julia (Balch) Kittredge, was born at Lyme, Dec. 29, 1834.
He read law with his father and with Cross and Topliflf at Manchester ; prac-
tised there to Nov. 1860 ; then opened his office in N. Y. city, and is there yet.
Samuel Wright Lovkjoy, the son of Enos and Mary Susan (Hale) Love-
joy, was born at Orfbrd, July 11,1831. He was Principal of Orford Acad,
until 1859 ; I'ead law at Albany, N. Y. Law School, graduating LL. B. in 1860 ;
practised at Cohoes, N. Y. to 1862, and is now at Waterford, N. Y. He mar-
ried Mary Elvena Barber of Homer, N. Y. June 6, 1861.
George Azro Low. A. M. the son of Asa and Lucinda (Brooks) Low,
was born at Bradford, Vt, Dec. 16, 1833. He was Principal of Washington
School, Ciiicago, lUi. 1 year from 1857 ; also of Bradford Arad. Vt, from 1859.
He married Marcia Ann, dau. of the Rev. Calvin Cutler, D. C. 1819, at New
Haven, Ct, Oct. 25, 1859.
JvoRY White Richardson Marsh, the son of Peter Dudley and Sally
(Winshi[)) Marsh, was born at Londonderry, Aug. 9, 1833. He taught the
Acad, at New Salem, Ms, from Sept. 1857 to June 1858 ; also a Grammar
School at New Bedford, Ms, from June to Aug. 1858 ; read law with Ivory W.
Eichard.-on at Boston, Ms, from Aug. to Nov. 1858 ; became Principal of the
430 ALUMNI 1857.
High School at Newport, R. I. Nov. 29, 1858, and thu«: continues, readinp; law
al>o with the lion. Wilham P. Sheffield. He married Mary Shepard, dau. of
Dea. Nathan Whitman of East Bridgewater, Ms, Feb. 24, 1858.
Tho.mas iMAKriiiALL, the son of Moody and Sarali (Beard) Marshall, was
born at Ea.-t Weare, Apr. 2, 1831. He stinhed divinity at Union Thi-o. Sem.
N. Y. city, and had been before Associate Principal of Wilson Sem. N. C. Jon-
athan Marshall, D. C. 1854, and Elbridge and Lyman Marshall, D. C. 1850, are
his brotiiers.
Elliott Tucker Merrick, A. M. the son of Nathaniel and Jane (Tncker)
INIerrick, was born at Chesterfield, Jan. 6, 1833. He taught at Highland,
Madison Co. lUi. 1 year ; read law at Davenport, Iowa ; is now at St Louis,
Missouri, doing business as a General Broker.
Charles Edward Millikkn, the son of Cyrus and Mary (Smith) Milli-
ken, was born at I'itzwilliam, Feb. 5, 1830. He studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. graduating in 18G0 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Littleton,
Sept. 28, 18G0. He married Sarah W. dau. of Jesse Duncklee of Frances-
town, June 18, 18G1.
Isaac Moore, the son of Isaac INIoore, was born at Brighton, N. Y. Dec.
11, 1830. He has engaged in agriculture and horticulture at Rochester,
N. Y.
* David Priest Noyes, the son of Samuel and jNIercy (Pi-iest) Noyes, was
born at Landaff, Nov. 12, 1829, and died at Dubuque, Iowa, in May or June
18G7, M. 37. He read law at Concord and at Burlington, Vt, also at Albany,
N. Y. Law School, graduating LL. B. there ; went into practice at Dubuque,
but left it in about 2 years, embarking in Photography in that town ; attained a
high rank in IJiis branch of art, and was greatly esteemed by his fellow citizens.
lie mariied Helen Kempton of Georgia, Vt.
Edavahd Follansuee Noyes, the son of Theodore and Hannah (Stevens)
Greely Noyes, was born at Haverhill, Ms, Oct. 3, 1832. He read law with
the Hon. William Wier Stickney, D. C. 1823, and the Hon. Amos Tuck, D. C.
1835, at Exeter, and Prof. Maskell E. Curwenof the Law School at Cincinnati,
Ohio, graduating LL. B. in 1858 ; practised there from 1858 to ISGl ; l)ecame
Major of tlie 39th Reg. of Ohio Inf. vols July 8, 18G1 ; Lt Col. July 8, 1862 ;
Col. Oct. 1. 18G2 ; served in the Missouri Campaign in 18G1 ; at the siege of
New Madi-id and I>land No. 10 on the ]\Iississi|)pi river in Apr. and May 18G2 ;
at that of Corinth in INIay and June 18G2 ; was in the battles of luka, Sept. 19,
18G2 ; of Corinth, Oct. 3, and 4, 18G2 ; of Parker's Cross Roads, Jan. 1, 1863 ;
of Resaca, Geo. May 9, 13, and 14, 1864; of Dallas, Geo. June 1, 18G4 ; of Buffs
Blills, near Atlanta, Geo. July 4, 1864, wliere he lost a leg when gallantly lead-
ing an assault upon the rebel works. He then took command of Camp Denni-
soii, Ohio, in the fail of 1864 ; was made a Brig. General by brevet Mar. 13,
1865, but resigned his position and left the army Apr. 22,1865. Tiie soldier
immediately became the civilian ; was City Solicitor of Cincinnati from 1865 to
1867, and has been Judge of Probate for Hamilton Co. from Feb. 7,1867 to
the present lime, an ollice held for three years. He married Margaretta, dau.
of Benjamin Proctor, at Kingston, Feb. 15, 1863.
Ezra Knight Parker, the son of Joseph Parker, was born at Scituate,
R. I. Dec. 29, 1832.
Edwin Rutiiven Perkins, the son of True and IMary Ann (Cliapuian)
Perkins, was born at Tamworlh, Feb. 20, 1833. He became Principal of one
of the City Schools at Cleveland, Ohio, from 1857 to 1862; was then appointed
Assi.-tant Cashier of the Commercial National Bank there, a position still re-
ALUMNI 1857. 431
tained ; is also a member of the City Board of Education. He married Har-
riet, dau. of Asahel Pelton, at La Grange, Wyoming Co. N. Y. Ang. 24, 1858.
James Bailey Richardson, the son of Joel and Sarah (Bailey) Richard-
son, was born at Orlord, Dec. 9, 18-32. He read law wiih Henry A. Bellows
of Concord and Hntchins and Wheeler uf Boston, Ms ; went into practice there
in 1850 ; represented the city in the Ms Leg. in 18G6. He married Lucy
Gushing, dau. of Dr Augustus Addison Gould of Bo^^ton, at B. Nov. 16, 18G5.
* Warren Elias Ricihiond, ihe son of Amos C. and P21iza (Warren) Rich-
mond, was born at Rochester, Vt, Nov. 13, 1834, and died at Marysvllle, Cal.
Sept. 17, 18G2, m. 27. He read law with Munroe and Spencer at Cliicago, Bli.
until his admission to the bar and entry upon piactice there ; pursued this very
successfully until ill health compelled him to seek his native home in Vt, but
the climate being unfavourable, California received the victim of consumption
and consigned an only son to an early grave.
* Abiel Cooper Sargent, the son of Charles and Sarah (Cooper) Sargent,
was born at Sunapee, Dec. 11, 1829, and died there, Dec. 14, 1859, m. 30.
He read law with Araasa Edes, D. C. 1817, and Samuel Hart Edes, D. C.
1844, at Newport, a short time ; then taught the High School at Underbill,
Vt, to Dec. 1857, when consumption compelled him to return to Sunapee, and
there linger out 2 years of his brief existence. He did not marry.
* Lucius Stearns Shaw, the son of Lucius and Happylona (Steele) Shaw,
was born at Waitsfield, Vt, July 24. 1830, and was killed by the falling of
Piatt River bridge, Missouri, Sept. 3, 18G1, M. 31. He read law and went into
practice at Leavenworth, Kansas ; was a Lt in the 2nd Kansas reg. of Inf. in
the civil war; fought hei'oically under Gen. Naihaniel Lyon at Wilson's Creek,
Missouri ; escaped unhurt, but perished through rebel treachery practised on
the bridge,
*HiRA.M Leavis Sleeper, the son of Hiram Lewis and Mary (Leavitt)
Sleeper, was born at Grantham, July 1, 1832, and died at Meriden, May 29,
1864, M. 31. He read law with the Hon. Jonathan Kittredge, D. C. 1813, at
Canaan; also with William D. Booth at N. Y. city, going into practice there. .
Benjamin Hinman Steele, the son of Sandford and Mary (Hinman) ^
Steele, was born at Stanstead, Can. East, Feb. 6, 1837. He was Principal of
Barton Acad, in Vt in 1857 ; read law at Bo-ton, Ms, and at Derby Line, Vt ;
began practice there in )
Beane, was born at Candia, Dec. 19, 1835. He was Principal of Towle Acad.
Winthrop, Me, 3 months in 1858 ; studied divinity at Ilarv. Univ. Theo. School,
graduating in 1861 ; was ordained pastor of the Unit. Ch. at Chicopee, Ms, Jan.
ALUMNI 1858. 433
15, 1862 ; dismissed in Nov. 1864 ; installed pastor of the East Unit. Ch. at Sa-
lem, Ms, Jan. 1, 1865. He married Caroline Brooks, dau. of Nathan Spra^-ue
Turner of Stow, Ms, May 22, 1862.
Joshua William Bp:ede, the son of Pliineas and Hannah Locke (Pnring-
ton) Beede, was born at Poplin, now Fremont, Apr. 29, 1832. He was Princi-
pal of the Mt Pleasant High School at Na^-hua from Sept. 1858 to Mar. 1861 ;
studied medicine with Dr John Bell, D. C. 1852, at N. Y. city from Apr. 1, to
June 1, 1861, at Harv. Univ. Med. Sciiool from Nov. 1861 to 1862, and with
Dr Joseph M. Nye at Lynn, Ms, from Apr. 1, to June 10, 1862 ; has been Assist.
Physician at the N. Y. city Asylum from June 29, 1862 ; is now settled at Au-
burn, Me.
Halsey Joseph Boardman, the son of Nathaniel and Sarah (Hunt) Board-
man, was born at Norwich, Vt, May 19, 1834. He taught the High School at
Leominster, Ms, from Sept. 1, 1858 to Dec. 1, 1859; read law with Norcross
and Snow at Fitchburg, Ms, in 1859 and 1860, also a few months with Philip
Howes Sears at Boston, Ms ; began practice in that city July 4, 1860. He
married Georgia Maria, dau. of George M. Hinman, at East Boston, Ms, Nov.
6, 1862.
* Charles Henry Boyd, A. M. the son of Ebenezer and Hannah (Balch)
Boyd, was born at Francestown, Nov. 4, 1836, and died at Manchester, Jan. 5,
1866, JE. 29. He taught at Washington, D. C. 1 year ; was tutor at Dart, from
1859 to 1860; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1863 ; was
ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Mystick Bridge, Ct, May 4, 1864 ; dis-
missed from ill health, Jan. 3, 1866, and in 2 days was numbered with the
deeply deplored dead.
Harrison Everett Chadwick, the son of Benjamin Parker and Deborah
Robbins (Day) Chadwick, was born at Bradford, Ms, Sept. 15, 1828. He
taught in Illinois and Massachusetts from 1858 to 1862, reading law part of the
time with Natlianiel S. Howe of Haverhill, Ms; became a Clerk in the Internal
Revenue otfice of the 6th Dist. of Ms at Haverhill, Nov. 7, 1862, and so remains.
He married Ellen Elisabeth, dau. of Col. Stephen Tucker of Boston, Ms, June
28, 1865.
Augustus Blodget Clark, the son of Archibald Stinson and Priscilla
(Gilman) Clark, was born at Sanbornton, Aug. 1, 1834. He read law with
George AVashington Benson, D. C. 1841, at Lawrence, Ms; began and con-
tinues practice at N. Y. city; was 1st Lt in the 82nd reg. of N. Y. vols. He
married Helen E. dau. of Dr Harris Cowdrey of Acton, Ms, at A. Jan. 2, 1864.
John Theodore Clark, A. M. the son of John and Asenath (Wells) Clark,
was born at Pittsfield, Oct. 20, 1833. He taught at Hopkinton from 1858 to
1859 ; at Walpole, Ms, from 1859 to 1861 ; appointed Principal of Nichols
Acad. Dudlev, Ms, in 1861. He married Ellen A. Jewett of Dudley, at D.
Mar. 16, 1863. Stephen Wells Clarke, D. C. 1862, is his brother.
William Henry Clifford, the son of tlie Hon. Judge Nathan and Han-
nah (Ayer) Cliflford, was born at Newfield, Me, Aug. 11, 1839. He read law
with his father, with Shepley and Dana of Portland, Me, and the Hon. Benja-
min Robbins Curtis of Boston, JMs, and went into practice at Portland. Nathan
James Clifford, D. C. 1854, is his brother.
Alfred Brooks Dascomb, the son of George and Mary (Steele) Dascomb,
was born at Hillsborough Bridge, June 7, 1837. He had charge of the West-
minster, Vt, Sem. from Nov. 24, 1858 to Nov. 21, 1860 ; studied divinity in
private ; preached at Waitsfield, Vt, from about Nov. 30, 1860 ; was ordained
an evangelist there, Jan. 16, 1862; was stated supply until installed pastor of
434 ALUMNI 1858.
its Cong. Ch. Nov. 15, 18GG; lias piibli>li(?(l a "Discourse on the death of
Abniliam Liiicohi," and " Tlie Memorial Record of Westfield, Yt." He mar-
ried .Stella Kanney, dan. of Nathaniel NiitiinLT, at Westminster, Anof. 30, 1pital Med. Coll. in 1862 and 1863; became Assistant Phy-
sician at St Luke's Hospital, N. Y. city in Nov. 1863 ; was also attending lec-
tures at the Coll. of Pliysicians and Surgeons there in 1863 and 1864, gradual--
inf M. D. in Mar. 1864 ; left St Luke's as As^istant Surgeon in the U. S.
service in Oct. 1864; retired in Sept. 1865 and returned to St Luke's Hos-
pital as its resident Physician in Oct. 1865, and so remains. He married Mrs
Mary Jane (Dunham) Eustis, dau. of Silas Dunham, at N. Y. city, Sept. 25,
Joseph Fraxcis Dudley, the son of Joseph and Sarah (Dudley) Dudley,
was born at Raymond, June 11. 1830. He taught at Petersham, Ms, 1 year;
read law v^^ith Elbridge Gerry Dudley, D. C. 1839, at Boston, Ms ; then studied
divinity with the Rev. A. R. Bradbury of Candia and at Bangor, Me. Theo.
Sem. from Feb. 1860, graduating in 1862 ; was ordained an evangelist at Minne-
apolis, Minn. Dee. 28, 1864; installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at St Paul,
Minn, the same year. He married Jes^ie Duncan, dau. of George Grassie of
Bolton, Ms, at B. Apr. 22, 1864.
Samuel Augustus Dun'Can, A. M. the son of Samuel Bell and Ruth Knox
(Ticknor) Duncan, was born at Meriden, June 19, 1836. He was Principal of
the High Scliool at Quincy, Ms, from Sept. 1858 to July 1860; then tutor at
Dart, from Sept. 1860 to July 1862; also commissioner of schools for Grafton
Co. from July 1861 to July 1862 ; became Major of the 14th reg. of N. H. vols
in Sept. 1862 ; promoted Col. of the 4th reg. of U. S. vols Sept. 4, 1863; com-
manded a coloured brigade from Jan. 20 to Sept. 29, 1864 ; that day was
wounded at New iNlarket Heights, Va, and was brevetted on the spot a Brig.
General of the U. S. vols for gallantry and meritorious conduct ; has been of
late a Special Agent of the U. S. Treas. Department. Robert Henry Duncan,
D. C. 1857, is his brother.
* HoKACE jNIeekeu Dyke, the son of Augustus and Polly (Southard) Dyke,
■was born at Bethel, Vt, Aug. 8, 1834, and died near Springfield, Missouri, of
wounds received at the battle of Wibon's Creek, under Gen. Nathaniel Lyon,
Oct. 6, 1861, yE. 27. He taught at Falmouth, Ky ; read law there and at Law-
rence, Kansas ; began practice at Lawrence and left it for the army.
George Washington Emery, the son of Oliver Hubbard and Hannah
Osgood (Porter) Emery, was born at Corinth, Me, Aug. 13, 1835. He read
law at the AU^any N. Y. Law School in 1858 and 1859, and with the Hon.
Benjamin F. Butler at Bo>tou, Ms, in 1859 and I860; began practice at Boston
in 1860.
Joseph Warren Fellows, the son of John and Polly (Hilton) Fellows,
was born at Andover, Jan. 15, 1835. He read law with Butterfield and Shir-
ley at Audover from 1858 to 1859, teaching at the same time; then went to
ALUMNI 1858. 435
Georgia and taught in two places, La Grange and Marietta, for 1 a ear ; re-
sumed legal studies at the Albany, N. Y. Law School in Sept. 1860, graduating
LL. B. in June 1861 ; finished tlie same in the otfice of Pike and Barnai'd at
Franklin in Jan. 1862, and that year began practice at IManchester and there
remains. He nuirried Susan Frances, dau. of Henry E. Moore of East Cam-
bridge, Ms, at Fall River, Ms, June 9, 1865.
Abial Walstein Fisher, the son of John and Electa (Miner) Fisher, was
born at Danville, Vt, Feb. 19, 1834. He was Principal of Phiili|is Acad. Dan-
ville, 2 years, reading law there at the same time with the Hon. Bliss Nash
Davis; was admitted to the bar in June 1861 ; enli.-ted a private in the 4th reg.
Vt vols, Aug. 23, 1861 ; promoted 1st Lt Sept. 11, 1861, and Capt. Nov. 5,
1862 ; was sevei-ely wounded at the battle of the Wilderness, INFay 5, 1864, in
Va ; mustered out of service, Sept. 30, 1864; appointed by the Pres. a Cnpt. in
the U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps, Nov. 15, 1864; resigned Dec. 22, 1865;
went into legal practice and the lumber business at Bladenborough, Bladen
Co. N. C. in the spring of 1866, and so continues. He married Violetta R. dau.
of David Morse of Danville, at D. Sept. 11, 1861.
Francis Hopkins Fletcher, the son of Thomas Gilman, D. C. 1824, and
Hannah (Hills) Fletcher, was born at N. Y. city in 1831. He became 3d
Assist. Engineer in the U. S. navy Oct. 22, 1860, and 2nd A. E. Dec. 17, 1862 ;
is now at St Louis, Missouri.
John Foster, the son of Ephraim Foster, was born at Walpole, Nov. 9,
* Edwin Brant Frost, the son of Benjamin and Mary (Brant) Frost, was
born at Sullivanj Dec. 30, 1832, and was killed in battle at Coal Harbor, Va,
gallantly fighting against the enemies of the Union, June 3, 1864, je. 31. He
taught at Pittsfield a short time ; also at Royalston, Ms ; then read law a few
months, until studying medicine with his brotlier, Dr C. P. F. named below, at
St Johnsbury, Vt ; continued tiius to May 1862, when, having recruited a com-
pany in the 10th reg. of Vt vols, of which the Captaincy was conferred upon
him, civil duties were exchanged for a soldier's life and heroick death. Carl-
ton Pennington Frost, D. C. 1852, and Henry Martyn Frost, D. C. 1857,
were his brothers.
* James Wilder Gates, the son of James Wilder and Ruth H. (Safford)
Gates, was born at Cambridge, Ms, June 28, 1837, and died there, F<'b. 24,
1863. JE. 25. He went to Cardenas, Cuba, and engaged in mercantile pursuits;
retiH'ned home, and soon filled an early grave.
Samuel Lankton Gerould, the son of the Rev. Moses and Cynthia
(Lorke) Gerould, was born at New Alstead, July 11, 1834. He studied divinity
at Union Theo. Sem. N, Y. city, from 1858 to 1860; was ordained pastor of
the Cong. Ch. at Stoddard, Oct. 2, 1861 ; had leave of absen'^e for 3 years, and
became a sergeant in the 14th reg. of N, H. vols, Sept. 23, 1862; was Clerk of
several Courts Martial to Feb. 4, 1865 ; then joined Ins reg. at Savanna. i. Geo.
and left the service July 8. 1865. He married Lucy Abby, dau. of Moses
Merriam of Mason village, Sept. 20, 1860.
Walter Gibson, the son of Charles and Mary Frances (Stickney) Gibson,
was born at N. Y. city, Nov. 19, 1837. He taught at Chelsea, Vt, and Clinton,
La, from 1858 to 1861 ; but the rebellion forced him home, and he has hcA'n in
the U. S. ordnance department in N. Y. city from Sept. 1861 to Jan. 1, 1866;
but is now in the stationary business there.
Samuel Mills Glkason, the son of Richard IMills and Harriet (Mnxley)
Gleason, Avas born at Union Village, Vt, June 28, 1833. He read law with
436 ALUMNI 1858.
Cornelius "W. Clark at Chelsea, Vt ; went into practice at Tlietford, Vt, in Jan.
18G1 ; became State's Atty for Orange Co. in Sept. 18G4, for 1 year; repre-
sented Tlietford in the Vt Leg. in 18G4. lie married Sarah Lysenbee, dau.
of Dr Enoch Hilton nilsbury of llubbardston, Ms, May 13, 18G2.
* William Augustine Haseltox, A. M. the son of Benjamin B. Ilaselton,
was born at Bellows Falls, Vt, Jnly 27, 1834, and died at Swissvale, Pa, Aug.
13, 18G4, M. 30. lie studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1863,
and at the time of his death is styled Rev. as if ordained.
WiLLiAii Francis Hathaway, the son of William Hathaway, was born at
New Bedfoid, Ms. He is in mercantile business in that city.
* WiLLARD Spaulding Heath, the son of Willard and Abigail B. (Spauld-
ing) Heath, was born at Groton, July 2.5, 1835, and died there. Mar. 31, 1861,
M. 25. He read law with George and Foster, at Concord in 1858 and 1859,
but died before going into practice.
Samuel Everett Hoar, the son of Reuben Hoar, was born at Littleton,
Ms, Oct. 3, 1830. He studied divinity at East AVindsnr Theo. Sera. Ct.
Joseph Bassett Holland, A. INI. the son of Samuel and Mary (Phillips)
Holland, was born at Fayetteville, Vt, July 10, 1833. He was some time Pre-
ceptor of the Acad, at Westfield, Ms ; studied medicine before going to college
and at a Med. Coll. in Philadelphia, graduating M. D. in 1858 and at Dart.
Med. Coll. in 1865 ; was Demonstrator of Patliological Anatomy in the last
named one year ; is a Practitioner of his profession in N. Y. city.
Augustine Samuel Howard, the son of Samuel and Amanda (King)
Howard, was born at Porafret, Vt, Dec. 4, 1830. He taught at Holly Si)rings,
Miss, and its vicinity 2 years ; read law at Leavenworth, Kansas and Ann Ar-
bor, IMich. Is a Practitioner in Kansas.
John "Williaai Hudson, A. M. the son of George, originally Thomas Las-
key Lucy, and Elisabeth (Griffith) Hudson, was born at Groveland, Ms, July
24, 183G. He studied divinity at Harv. Univ. Tlieo. School ; was ordained
pastor of the Unitarian Ch, at Ware, Ms, May G, 1863. He married Abby
Story, dau. of Abram Perkins of Essex, Ms, at Newburyport, Ms, Aug. 10,
* Alexander Ingram, the son of Alexander Ingram, was born at Macduff,
Scotland, Dec. 12, 1837, and was drowned from the steamer Brother Jonathan,
near San Francisco, Cal. July 30, 18G5, je. 28. He studied medicine and was
a U. S. army Surgeon going to a north western station with troops when the
steamer was lost.
Silas Kellogg, the son of George Kellogg, was born at Erie, Pa, Dec. 17,
1835. He studied medicine at Cleveland, Oiiio.
* William Frederick Durant Kimball, the son of the Rev. David and
Elisabeth Epes (Carter) Kimball, was born at Concord, Sept. 17, 183G, and
died at Texas, Jan. 6, 1865, ^. 28. He was a teacher. Edward Holyoke
Kimball, D. C 1852, and Henry Martyn Kimball, D. C. 1855, were his
Enoch Place Ladd, the son of John and Mary (Bean) Ladd, was born at
Deerfield, Aug. 25, 1835. He taught at Salisbury, Ms, in 1859; studied di-
vinity at And. Theo. Sem. grailuating in 18G2 ; is now a Free Will-Baptist min-
ister at Alton Bay. He married II. M. Rand of Deerfield, at Raymond, Aug.
18, 1864.
Alfred Laws, A. M. the son of Col. Thomas and Abigail B. (Atkinson)
Laws, was born at Wa.-hirigton, .Tune 25. 1832. He taui:ht at Chester, also at
Lewiston and Richmond, Me. He married Maria C. Balch of Groveland, Ms.
ALUMNI 1858. 437
Alanson Bertram Long, A. IM. the son of Lemuel IL and Sabra (Flagg)
Long, was born at Greenfield, Ms, June 26, 1832. He read law at Ilarv. Univ.
Law School ; but failing liealth has interfered with its practice ; became a Capt.
in the 32nd reg. of Ms vols in 18G2 ; is now a lawyer at New Oideans, La.
George Armstrong Lyon, A. M. the son of the Rev. George A. and Mary
S. Lyon, was born at Erie, Pa, Dec. 23, 1836. He read law.
* Andrew Jackson Marshall, the son of the Hon. Samuel Jackson and
Hannah (Brown) Mar.-hall, was born at Derry, Dec. 2, 1830, and died there,
Aug. 2, 1861, M. 30. He taught at Gilmanton from 1858 to 1860.
George Franklin Merrill, A. M. the son of David Bachelder and Al-
mira (Page) Merrill, was born at Gilmanton, Nov. 25, 1834. He taught at
Plymouth 1 term, and at Culpepper, Va ; read law there; opened an olfice at
Selraa, Ala. in 1861, teaching also and editing a daily paper until the civil
war caused his removal to New England.
* Hiram Harvey Monroe, the son of Hiram and Julianna (Crane) IMonroe,
was born at Hillsborough, Feb. 27, 1832, and died at East Washington, May
2, 1863, M. 31. He studied medicine with Dr Joseph B. Par-ons of Hills-
borough, Dr John M. Fitz of Warner, and at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D.
in 1860 ; began practice at Contoocookville, but soon removed to East Wash-
ington and was Postmaster there. He married Anna, dau. of Tristram Gritfin
of' Gloucester, Ms, at G. Aug. 30, I860.
Elias Craig Neal, the son of Thomas and Sophia George (Chesley) Neal,
was born at Barnstead, Jan. 28, 1833. He taught at Rockingham Co. Va ;
studied medicine with Dr Nahum Wight of Gilmanton, at Dart. Med. Coll. and
at Bellevue Hospital Med. Coll. N. Y. city, graduating; M. D. there in 1866 ;
was an Assist. Surgeon in the U. S. navy in 1864 and 1865.
Albert Palmer, A. M. the son of Joseph and Abby (Wilson) Palmer, was
born at Candia, Jan. 17, 1831. He became a teacher at Boston, Ms. He mar-
ried Martha Ann Newell of Needham, Ms, at Somerville, Ms Nov. 25, 1863.
Alanson Palmer and Wilson Palmer, both D. C. 1860, are his brothers.
GuSTAVUs DoRMAN PiKE, the SOU of Benjamin and Huldah (Dorman) Pike,
was born at Topsfield, Ms, Aug. 6, 1831, He studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. graduating in 1861 ; was ordained colleague pastor of the Olive St Cong.
Ch. at Nashua, Apr. 23, 1862 ; dismi^sed May 10, 1865 ; is now at East Hamp-
ton, Ct. He married Helen Jane Tuttle of Acton, Ms, Aug. 2, 1861, at Rock-
port, Ms. Alpheus Justus Pike, D. C. 1855, is his brother.
Thomas Lancaster Sanborn, the son of Dr Nathan and Seus (Lancaster)
Sanborn, was born at Henniker, Jan. 4, 1836. He has been Princijial of Hen-
niker Acad, since 1858, at the same time reading law with Edward Burr Smith
Sanborn, D. C. 1855 ; but is now Collector of Internal Revenue at Alexandria,
Va. He is married.
Rudolph Warfel Shenk, A. M. the son of Christian and Mary (Warfel)
Shenk, was born at Conestoga, Lancaster Co. Pa, Oct. 4, 1834. He read law
with Thaddeus Stevens, D. C. 1814, and Oliver J. Dickey, both of Lancaster,
Pa, from 1858 to 1860; practised there from Nov. 185U to 1861 ; eidisted a
private in the 1st reg. Pa vols Apr. 19, 1861 ; was Major of the 135th reg. of
Pa vols from Aug 19, 1862 to May 24, 1863 ; became Provost Marshal of Dis-
trict No 9 in Pa, June 2, 1863; resigned Jan. 1, 1865 ; was chosen a member
of the Pa Leg. Oct. 11, 1864; lives at Lancaster since leaving the army. He
married Mary A. dau. of John Shaub at Lancaster, Nov. 4, 1863.
Samuel Morse Smith, the son of Jedediah and Fanny (Fisher) Smith, was
born at Hinsdale, Nov. 12, 1834. He read law some time; then taught in Ms
438 ALUMNI 1858.
1 year, also in Mi-:?oun and Iowa ; became a Lt in the 3rd reg. of N. II. vols
in LSGl ; but lias gone into legal practice at 8t Louis, Missouri.
Richard Calvin Stanley, the son of Richard and Sarah (Patch) Stanley,
was born at Beverly, Ms, Apr. 7, 1835. He was Princi[)al of Brattleborough
Acad. West B. Vt ; then Principal of Nashua High Scliool for soine years;
was made Prof, of Natural Sciences at Bates Coll. Lewiston, Me, in 18G6. He
married Lois Sartwell of M'Indoes Falls, Vt.
Malcolm Wkhsteu Tewksbury, the son of Moses Atkinson and Louise
(Richardson) Tewksbury, was born at Chester, Jan. 30, 1833. He taught at
Racine High School, Wise, in 1859, and at Beloit, Wise, from 18G0 to 1862;
became Capt. of the 104th reg. of Illi. vols in 1862, and Major in 1863 ; was
at the Shepherd S(;hool at Cambridge, Ms, from 1864 to 1865 ; Principal of the
Brown High School at Newburyport, JNIs, from Aug. 1865 to A[)r. 1866; then
at the Nashua High School from the last date. He married Jemiette, dau. of
John Pi;rry of Wethersfield Springs, N. Y. at Chicago, Illi. Apr. 11, 1863.
Ai Baker Thompson, A. M. the son of John Hayes and Charlotte (Baker)
Thompson, was born at liolderness, Aug. 25, 1833. He became a Lt in the
2nd reg. of N. H. vols and then a Capt. thereof; but was soon promoted a Capt.
in the U. S. army and made Assist. Provost Marshal General in N. H.
Charles Oliver Thompson, A. M. the son of the Rev. William and Eliza
(Butler) Thompson, was born at East AViudsor Hill, Ct, Sept. 25, 1836. He
taught at Peacham, Vt, to May 1860 ; was then engineer at Pierraont, Rockland
Co. N. y. to Sept. 1861 ; next resumed teaching at Peacham to Nov. 1864;
became that month Principal of the High School at West Cambridge, now Ar-
lington, Ms, to 1867. He mai'ried Maria, dau. of Dr Horace Goodrich of P^ast
AYindsor Hill, May 14, 1862. William Augustus Thompson, D. C. 1860, is his
William Luther Thompson, the son of Luther and Lydia (Fisk) Thomp-
son, was born at Medford, Ms, INIay 6, 1835. He taught at Attleborough, Ms,
from Sept. 1, 1858 to Mar. 1, 1859 ; at Randolph, Ms, from Apr. 1, 1859 to Apr.
1, 1860 ; at the Peabody High School, South Danvers, Ms, from May 1, 1861
to Sept. 1, 1862 ; was next 2nd Lt in the 5th reg. of Ms vols for 9 month- ; ad-
vanced to be 1st Lt and served on the staft'of Brig. Gen. INIorris, U. 8. army at
Fort McIIenry ; on leaving the army, read law with Gilbert Edwin Hood, D. C.
1851, at Lawrence, Ms, 2 years to Oct. 1865, and then commenced practice in
that city.
Isaac Mortimer Wellington, the son of Isaac and Lois Mirick (Smith)
Wellington, was born at Roxbury, Ms, Jan. 14, 1830. He was Principal of
Fryeburg Acad. 2 years from 1858, and then became Principal of Elraira Acad.
N. Y. but is now at Port Jervis, N. Y.
William Richards Adams, the son of Dea. Marshall and Sally Grafton
(Richards) Adams, was born at New Boston, Aug. 15, 1830. He taught in
Illi. some time.
Edward Hyde Alden, the son of Elam and Sarah (Hyde) Alden, was bom
at Windsor, Vt, June 14, 1836. He studied divinity at Bangor Theo. Sem.
Me, graduating in 1863; was ordained a Cong, missionary to the Freedmen of
La, at Windsor, Apr. 13, 1864; has been stated supply at Tunbridge, Vt, for
some time.
Henry Brydge Atherton, the son of Jonathan and Roxana (Ives) Ather-
ALUMNI 1859. 439
ton, was born at Cavendish, Vt, Sept. 21, 1835. He read law at Albany, N. Y.
Law Scliool from Sept. 1859 to May 25, 18G0, graduating LL. ii. then; began
practice at C'avendi^h in July 1860; but became Capt. in the 4tli reg. of Vt
vols, Sept. 21, 1860 ; was twice wounded at the batile of Lee's Mills, Va, Apr.
16, 1862, causing him to be honourably discharged Aug. 13, 1862 ; then began
and continues legal practice at Nashua, and was also editor of the N. IL Tele-
gra[)h there from Oct. 27, 1862 to 1864; delivered a poem at Dart. Coll. July
31, 1860, whicli was printed ; represented Nashua in the N. H. Leg. in 1867.
He married Abbie Louise, dau. of Samuel Laton Armington of Ludlow, Vt, at
L. Jan. 7, 1861.
* Charles Prescott Bailey, the son of John L. and Mary F. (Cowden)
Bailey, was born at Fitchburg, Ms, June 28, 1835, and was killed at Chicka-
mauga, Geo. Sept. 1, 1863, je. 28. He taught at New Orleans, La, from
1859, reading law at the same time ; went into practice there ; joined the rebel
army and soon lost his life.
Fisher Ames Baker, the son of John and Patty (Ellis) Baker, was born
at Dedham, Ms, Feb. 8, 1838. He taught at Sherborn. Ms, in 1859 ; read law
at Albany, N. Y. Law School, graduating LL. B. in 1860 ; practised in N. Y.
city in 1860 and 1861 ; was made 2nd Lt of the 18th Reg. of Mass. vols July
26, 1861 ; 1st Lt Dec. 12, 1861, and Adj. soon after ; served with the Reg. in
Va initil mustered out with it Sept. 2, 1861 ; was commissioned, by Gov. An-
drew of Ms, Lt Colonel of the same Reg. July 26, 1864; returned to N. Y. city
in the fall of 1864, and there resumed the practice of the law, maintaining it to
this time.
Watson Kendall Barnard, the son of William K. and Nancy (Denney)
Barnard, was born at Dorchester, Ms, Sept. 26, 1838. He read law with Ed-
ward A. Kelley of Groton, Ms, and also in Oregon ; opened an office at Gro-
ton. William Edward Barnard, D. C. 1856, is his brother.
Ainsworth P^mery Blunt, the son of Ainsworth Emery and Harriet
(Ellsworth) Blunt, was born at Brainerd, Tenn. Feb. 6, 1831. He was Prin-
cipal of a Female Coll. at Cleveland, Tenn. from July 1859 to June 23. 1861 ;
property seized by rebels July 13, 1861 ; fled to Dallon, Ga, and thence to Nash-
ville, Tenn. July 15, 1861 ; was seized himself, but escaped to Galesburg, Illi.
the same year; taught there to Nov. 1862; enlisted in the 8th Flast Tenn. Inf.
Dec. 1, 1862 ; promoted 1st Lt in the East Tenn. cavalry in 2 weeks and to be
Capt. Jan. 8, 1863; resigned from illness, Aug. 8, 1863; was agent for Brown-
low's Whig and Rebel Ventilator at Cincinnati, Ohio, from Oct. 1, 1863 to his
recent re-opening of his Cleveland College.
* Calvin Howard Brown, the son of Joseph and Elvira (Howard) Brown,
was born at Raymond, Oct. 19, 1834, and was lost in the wreck of the steamer
Melville on the way to Hilton Head, S. C. Jan. 8, 1865,^. 30. He was Prin-
cipal of the High School at Stoneham, Ms, from Sept. 5, 1859 to July 18, 1862;
began to read law with Thomas La Fayette Wakeiield, D. C. 1843, at Boston,
Ms, Aug. 21, 1862, and went into practice there, Oct. 17, 1863. He did not
marry. David Henry Brown, D. C. 1861, was his brother.
Isaac Newton Carleton, A. M. the son of Isaac and Mary (Carleton)
Carleton, was born at Bradford, Ms, June 10, 1832. He taught at Phillips
Aead. Andover, Ms, from Sept. 1859 to July 1863 ; at South Danvers, Ms, the
High School from Sept. 1863 to Aug. 1864 ; opened a Young ladies school at
Lexington, Ms, in 1864. He married Laura, dau. of Reuben Tenney of Hart-
ford, Vt, at Hanover, Aug. 8, 1860.
* Charles Whiting Carroll, the son of Sanford and Harriet (Whiting)
440 ALUMNI 1859.
Carroll, was born at Dedhain, ]\Is, May 31, 1836, anrl was mortally wounded
at the batlle of Bull Run, Va, Aug. 30, and died Sept. 2, 18G2, m. 26. lie read
law at Boston, Ms, until corning to the bar. Mar. 18, 1861 ; became a 1st Lt
and tlien a Capt. in the 18tii reg. of Ms vols in 1861, nobly perishing in the
Union cause. He married Lucy Maria, adopted dau. of James Stratton of Fox-
borough, Ms, July 30, 1861.
IIkxky Chask, the son of the Rev. James Morris, D. C. 1827, and Salina
A. (Venal)le) Chase, was born at Shelhyville, Ky, Dec. 17, 1832. Joseph
Venable Chase, D. C. 1861, is liis brother.
* Bartlktt Gkrsiiom Cilley, the son of Aaron and Sally (Carr) Cilley,
was born at Andover, June 4, 1835. He taught at Andover ; read law with
Minotand Morgridge of Concord. Mr C. died at Bradford, Aug. 21, 1867, .E. 32.
"\Vatu{E\ Robeut Cociii£Ane, the son of Robert Boyd and Elisabeth (War-
ren) Cochrane, was born at New Boston, Aug. 9, 1835. He taught at New Bos-
ton until Mar. 1861 ; was then appointed tutor at Dart, but resigned the same '
John Freeman Colby, the son of Jolm and Mary Iluse (Holt) Colby, was
born at Bennington, Mar. 3, 1834. He becanie Principal of Stetson High
School at Randolph, Ms, from 1859 to June 1864; read law part of the time
and fiui.-hed the study with Ranney and Morse at Boston, Ms, in Jan. 1866;
then went into practice at Boston. He married Ruth Ellen, dau. of Thomas
Cloutman of Mount Vernon. Jan. 24, 1861.
PiiiNEAS Sanboiix Conner, the son of Phineas Sanborn, D. C. 1835, and
Eliza A. (Sanborn) Conner, was born at West Chester, Pa, Aug. 23, 1839.
He studied medicine at Hartford, Ct, with Dr John S. Butler from Aug. 1,
1859 to Sept. 30, 1860 ; at Philadelphia, Pa, with Dr G. D. Gross from Oct. 1,
1860 to Mar. 8, 1861, and partly at Jetlerson Med. Coll. in that city, graduating
M. D. Mar. 9, 1861 ; afterwards at New York city with Dr Edmund Randolph
Peaslee, D. C. 1836, from the last date to Aug. 1, 1861, and at Dart. Med.
Coll. to Oct. 1, 1861 ; was Assistant Surgeon U. S. army from Apr. 16, 1862,
Brevet Capt. and Major from Mar. 13, 1865 ; resigned both the positions, Aug.
1, 1866. His stations were successively at Washington, D. C. New Orleans,
La, Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbour, and the State of N. C. From his resigna-
tion, his profession has been pursued at Cincinnati, Ohio. John Sanborn Con-
ner, D. C. 1865, is his brother.
Edward Cowles, the son of George and Mary (Bradlee) Cowles, was born
at Ryegate, Vt, July 20, 1837. He studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll.
graduaiing M. D. in 1863, and also at the I\Ied. and Cliirurg. Coll. N. Y. city;
is an Assist, Surgeon of the U. S. army and Chief Med. Officer of the Military
of tlie Rio Grande District.
John Davis, tin; son of Silas and Martha (Warren) Davis, was boin at
IIubbard>ton, Ms, Mar. 4, 1837. He read law witli Daniel Samud and George
Francis Richardson of Lowell, Ms, 1 year from Sept. 1859 to Sept. 1860; was
Principal of the High School at Qiiincy, INIs, from Sept. 1860 to Apr. 1861 ;
then renewed legal studies with the same firm, and began practice at Lowell in
James Henry Denny, the son of Charles and Charlotte Soidiia (Parkman)
Denny, was born at Westborough, jNFs, Nov. 2, 1838. He studied medicine at
Harv. Med. School, graduating M. D. in 1867. P2dward Watson Denny, D. C.
1857, is his brother.
Chase Hall Dickinson, the son of William F. and Helen M. (Hall)
Dickinson, was born at Chelsea, Vt, Dec. 8, 1837. He read law with the Hon.
ALUMNI 1859. 441
William Hebard and Cornelius W. Clarke at Chelsea, and at Albany Law
School, N. Y. graduating LL. B. in 1861 ; practised at Chicago, Illi. in 1861
and 1862 ; volunteered as a soldier in suppressing the rebellion in Aug. 1862.
Horace Fuancis Dudley, the son ot'Abnerand Mary Patterson (Hoyt)
Dudley, was born at Hanover, Jan. 31, 1832. He studied divinity at Union
Theo. Sem. N. Y. city, 1 year ; also at Auburn, N. Y. Theo. Sem. and at And.
Theo. Sem. graduating in 186 — ; was ordained pastor or made stated supply of
the Cong. Ch. at Paris Hill, N. Y. in 1865, and so remains.
LuciEN Bonaparte P^aton, the son of John and Jennet Cole (Andrews)
Eaton, was born at Sutton, Mar. 8, 1838. He read law with William Cullamer
at Woodstock, Vt, and Hills and Pratt at Toledo, Ohio ; was then head of the
Prospect St school at Cleveland, Ohio, from Jan. 18, to Oct. 5, 1861 ; became
2ud Lt of the 64th reg. of Ohio vols, and soon 1st Lt and Cai)tain ; was at
the battle of Stone River Bridge, and for a time Assist. Inspector General ;
fought with distinction at Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Resaca, and
other conflicts under Gen. Sherman ; was appointed Lt Col. of the 69th reg. of
U. S. col'd vols, and promoted Col. in 1865. John Eaton, D. C. 185-1, is his
Samuel Johnson Edgerly, the son of John and Sarah Jane (Bickford)
Edgerly, was born at Northwood, Dec. 18, 1830. He taught at Washington
Univ. St Louis, Missouri, 1 year ; has been engaged in horticultural pursuits in
Kansas since 1860.
Frederick Shubael Fisher, the son of Albigence Waldo and Fanny
(Bradburn) Fisher, was born at Lowell, Ms, Nov. 19, 1836. He studied di-
vinity at the Gen. Theo. Sem. of the Prot. Epis. Cli. at N. Y. city, graduating
in 1862; was ordained a Deacon by the Rt Rev. Dr Horatio Potter, Bishop of
N. Y. at the Transfiguration Ch. N. Y. city, June 29, 1862 ; officiated at St
Philips Ch. Japping, from Dec. 1, 1862 ; was tliere ordained a Presbyter by the
lit Rev. Dr Carlton Chase, D. C. 1817, Bishop of N. H. in July 1864; but
having left Epping is now rector of St John's Cii. Walpole and St Peter's,
Drew.sville. lie married Agnes Ellsworth, dau. of Alfred Cooke of Bridge-
port, Ct, at Keene, June 13, 1867.
* Scott French, the son of Abraham and Frances (Huston) French, was
born at Pittsfield, Dec. 8, 1838, and died there, Oct. 30, 1863, M. 24. He was
Principal of Pittsfield Acad, from Aug. 1859 to Dec. 1860; read law with
George, Foster, and Sanborn at Concord, and at Harv. Univ. Law School ;
went into practice at Pittsfield. He married Abbie, dau. of the Hon. Richard
Jewett Perley Teuney of Pitt>field, Jan. 15, 1862.
John Franklin Frye, the son of Timothy and Abby Smith (Woodbury)
Frye, was born at Lowell, Ms, Aug. 4, 1837. He read law with Robert
Boody Caverly at Lowell a short time, and became Head of tlie High School
at North Abingtou, Ms ; but has since finished his legal studies and settled in
practice at Lowell.
Alfred Payson Gage, the son of Sewall and Eliza Ann (^lorgan) Gage,
was born at Hopkinton, Apr. 13, 1836. He taught at Westbrook. N. C. from
1859 to Oct. 1864; since then at Lauriid)urgh," N. C. He married Mary E.
dau. of James Prescott of Deerfield, at Dorchester, Ms, Sept. 20, 1859.
Roger Sherman Greene, the son of the Rev. David and Mary (Evarts)
Greene, was born at Roxbury, Ms, Dec. 14, 1840. He read law a short time
at Windsor, Vt ; then taught at New London, Pa, in 1859 and 1860 ; early in
the last year named, went to N. Y. city and in Se|)t. became both clerk and
student in the law office of Evarts, Southmayd, and Choate ; was admitted to
442 ALUMNI 1859.
the N. Y. bar in INIay 18G2, and left the ahove place in Sept. next, becomhig
at the same time 2nd Lt of the 3d Reg. of Missouri vols ; was promoted 1st Lt
Mar. 11, 1863 ; left tliat Reg. and was made Capt. in tlie 1st Reg. of Missouri
Coloured Vols in June 18G3 ; served successively as Judge Advocate in tiiree
different districts of the U. S. army in the South AVest, during the year 1865,
and until discliarged with honour from the military service as Captain of the Col.
Vols Nov. 24, 1865 ; went next to Chicago, Illi. in Jan. 1866, and fortliwith
began the practice of the law, continuing it to the present time. He married
Grace E. daii. of Jesse Wooster of Naiigatnck, Ct, at Whitewater, Wise. Aug.
15, 1866. Daniel Cro>by Greene, D. C. 1864, is his brother.
Josicpn WiLLisTOX Gkosvknoh, the son of Jose|)h "Williston and INIary
Bacon (Hancock) Grosvenor, was born at Soutli Brookfield. Ms, July 26,1837.
He taught tlie natural sciences at Lockport, N. Y. from 185'.) to 18(30, and the
clashington, D. C. from 1861 to 1864 ; then a
clerk in the Interior Department, an oifioe still held ; also read law at Columbia
Coll. Law School in the ^aine citv, graduating LL. B. June 11, 1866. George
Frank Hobbs, D. C. 1862, is his'brother.
Charles HosfORD. the son of Josiah and Eliza (Sanborn) Ilosford, was
born at Thetford, Vt, Jan. 1, 1837. He studied nieilicine ; is an M. D. and
settled in practice at Thompson, Ct. He married Helen E. Gay of Boston,
Ms, at B. Sept. 12, 1862.
Edward Howe, the son of Winslow and i\Iartha (Kimball) Howe, was born
at Templeton, Ms, Nov. 24, 1830. He taught at Plymouth in 1859 and 1860 ;
ALUMNI 1859. 443
at Somerville, Ms, from Jan. 18G0 to Aug. 1864; at the High School, Quincj,
Ms, from Aug. 1864. He married Anna Maria, dau. of Joshua M. Johnson, at
Contooeook, Dec. 25, 1859.
James Taylor Jackson, the son of John and Priscilla (Taylor) Jackson,
was born at Danbury, Mar. 24, 1838. He taught at Lebanon from 1859 to
1860 ; after that at Danbury.
* Reuben Varxey Jenness, the son of Nathaniel and Lydia (Varney)
Jenness, was born at Dover, May 5, 1836, and died there, June 25, 1863, ^e. 27.
He taught at New Hampton Baptist Seminary : studied divinity there ; was or-
dained, and became pastor of the Baptist Ch. at Manchester. Benjamin Frank-
lin Jenness, D. C. 1861, was his brother.
* Charles Gustavus Jones, the son of Ephraim Jones, was born at Lu-
nenburg, Ms, Apr. 4, 1834, and died there, Sept. 19, 1859, je.. 25. He be-
gan to instruct at Upton, Ms, Aug. 22, 1859, but death occurred in less than a
* Dearborn Dudley Leavitt, the son of Josiah and Elisabeth (Brown)
Leavitt, was born at Giantham, Feb. 17, 1832, and died at Soiiora, Cal. Nov.
3, 1862, M. 30. He taught at East Windsor Hill, Ct ; studied divinity at And.
Theo. Sem. Almond Oi-lando Leavitt, D. C. 1856, was his brother.
George French Leonard, the son of Solomon Leonard, was born at
Woodstock, Me, May 4, 1832. He has taught in Me.
Leverett Leonard, the son of Nathaniel Leonard, was born at Belle Aii-,
Missouri, May 24, 1837.
Reeves Leonard, the son of Abiel and Jennette (Lewis) Leonard, was
born at Fayette, Missouri, Nov. 6, 1838. He went to Berlin, Pi-ussia, in 1H59 ;
read civil law in its University 2 years ; returned in Oct. 1862, and became
Capt. of a cavalry reg. in the Union army.
William Little, the son of Dr Jesse and Susan Copp (Merrill) Little, was
born at Warren, Mar. 20, 1833. He read law at the Albany, N. Y. Law
School, graduating LL. B. in 1861 ; commenced [)ractice at Manchester in Mar.
1861 ; was elected to the N. H. Leg. in 1864 ; has published " The History
of Warren," and an Address at a centennial celebration there.
Charles Dumjier Moody, the sou of David and Harriet (Dummer) Boyd
Moody, was born at Jacksonville, Illi. Dec. 13, 1836. He read law with Dan-
iel Samuel and George Francis Richardson at Lowell, Ms, 6 months in 1859
and 1861, and with Henry E. Dummer at Beardstovvn, Illi. and went into prac-
tice there in 1861.
James Hale Newton, the son of .James and Esther (Hale) Newton, was
born at Ilubbardston, Ms, Jan. 13, 1832. He became a teacher at Worcester,
William Niles, the son of the Hon. John Barron, D. C. 1830, and Mary
(Polk) Niles, was born at La Porte, Ind. Sept. 9, 1836.
Samuel Aiken Noyes, A. M. the son of the Rev. Dr Daniel James, D. C.
1832, and Jane (Aiken) Noyes, was born at Concord, Jan. 29, 1840. Daniel
James Noyes, D. C. 1861, is his brother.
Daniel Webster Peabody, the son of John Tarbell and Mercy Ingalls
(Burbank) Peabody, was born at Gilead, Me, Mar. 11, 1836. He read law
witl\ Robert (Ingalls) Burbank, D. C. 1843, at Boston, Ms, and began practice
there in Nov. 1862, but has removed to Nashville, Tenn.
Henry Clay Peabody, the brother of the preceding, was born at Gilead,
Me, Apr. 14, 1838.
Benjamin Lovering Pease, the son of Noah and Betsey Ann (Prescott)
444 ALUMNI 1859.
Pease, was born at Meredith, Nov. 4, 1833. PTe taup^ht at Laconia, "Wolf-
boroii^h, and Conway; read law with the Hon. Daniel Miltiraore Christie, D.
C. 18 lo, of Dover.
Albkut Coknelius Perkins, A. ]\I. the son of Nehemiah and Lydia (Brnd-
street) Perkins, wa3 born at Top>fieId, Ms, Dec. 18, 1833. He taui^ht in Pliil-
lips Acad. Andover, Ms, 2 years ; read law at Salem, Ms, 1 year; instructed in
the High School at Danvers, Ms, 1 year ; was Master of the Oliver High School
at Lawrence, Ms, from Sept. 18G3. He married Caroline Cleaveland, dau. of
Dea. Joel Rogers Peabody of Topsfield. at T. Aug. 10, 1864.
Bkxjamix FuAXKLix Peiuvixs, a. M. the son of James and Ruth (John-:on)
Perkins, was born at Hampton, Feb. 22, 1834. He taught at Westfield, jMs, 1
year; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1864; was ordained an
evangelist at Andover, Ms, Nov. 22, 1865 ; went to New London, Missouri,
and was f-ettlfd at Mirabile, Missouri, in 1866. He married Annie F. dau. of
Sereno Abbott, at Andover, Ms, Nov. 22, 1865.
CiiARLKs Walker Pickerixg, the son of the Hon. William and Susan
Burbeen (Walker) Pickering, was born at Greenland, Sept. 17, 1838. He read
LUTHEU Batchelder Pillsbury, the son of Caleb and Nancy (Nelson)
Pillsbury, was born at Bridgewater, Nov. 23, 1832. He taught at Canton, Ms,
from Dec. 1859 to Dec. 1860 ; then instructed at Reading, 3Is, and afterwards
at Hopkinton, Ms. He married Mary A. Leathe of Reading, at North Cam-
bridge, INIs, Aug. 14, 1863.
* George Washington Quimby, the son of Thomas and Delia (Huse)
Quimby, was born at Lj'ndon, Vt, Sept. 18, 1835, and was killed in battle at
Fredericksburg, Va, Dec. 13, 1862, M. 27. He taught at Barton, Vt, from
1859 to Feb. 1860, reading law at the time with John P. Sartle ; was then 1st
Lt of the 4tii reg. of Vt \ols, and Capt. of the same from 1862 to his heroick
George Eugene Ross, the son of the Hon. Isaac and Olive Armstrong
(Tenney) Ross, was born at Hanover, .June 6, 1834. He read law with tiie
Hon. .Jonathan Rennick of Circle\ille, Ohio ; practised there from Dec. 1861 to
May 1862; tlien left as Capt. in the 45th reg. of Ohio vols; was promoted
Major Nov. 1(), 1862 and Lt Col. Apr. 16. 1863; resigned with honour, owing
to disability, Aug. 16, 1864. He married Sarah Ann, dau. of Harvey Fellows
of Loudon, Ohio, June 6, 1864.
Edward Rush Ruggles, A. M. the son of Sherman and Elisabeth
(Fletcher) Ruy:gles,was born at Norwich, Vt, Oct. 22, 1836. He taught at
Bradford Acad. Vt, 1 year; was Prof, of Latin and Greek at a missionary in-
stitution in Grand Ligne, Can. East, from 1860 to 1861 ; sailed for Europe in
1861 ; studied at Frencli and German Universities, history, modern languages,
and literature from 1861 to 1864; returning home, was made instructor of mod-
ern languages at Dart, in Aug. 1864.
James Augustus Saxdersox, the son of Daniel and Eliza Parkman
(Treat) Sanderson, was born at Lowell, Ms, May 14, 1834. He studied divin-
ity at And. Theo. Sem. one term, and then at the Berkeley Theo. Sciiool of the
Prot. Epis. Ch. at INIiddletown, Ct ; was ordained a Deacon of tiie same by the
Right Rev. Dr John Williams. Bi.-hop of Ct; then officiated at Pitt>field a short
space ; removed to Eastport, Me. in 1864 ; was there ordained a Priest by the
Rt Rev. Dr George Burgess, Bishop of Me, in Ciirist Ch. June 15. 1864, where
his rectory still remained until his removal to St Paul's Ch. Wicktbrd, R. I.
* Charles Herbert Stanley, the son of Herbert Smith and Susan Per-
ALUMNI 1859. 445
kins (Appleton) Stanley, was born at Beverly, Ms, May 24, 1838, and died
there, June 8, 1864, m 26. He was Principal of Pembroke Acad, in 1859,
and then at Gilmanton Acad, going thence to study divinity at And. Tlieo. St^m.
and afterwards at Union Theo. Sem. N. Y. city ; but soon went into the army
service of the Christian commission ; was attacked by typhoid fever, and, being
sent home, died on the day of his arrival.
Samuel Sargent Taylor, the son of Jonathan and Eliza (Eaton) Taylor,
was born at Danbury, Mar. 8, 1835. He taught at New Albany, Ind. in 1859 ;
then at Ehnwood, Illi. and after that at Sidney, Ohio. He married Mary Anna,
dau. of James Putnam of Hamilton, N. Y. June 12, 1862.
Asa Wentworth Tenney, the son of John and Sophia (Wentworth) Ten-
ney, was born at Dalton, May 20, 1833. He taught at Lancaster, reading law
also with Benton and Ray, from Sept. 1859 to Apr. 1862 ; then began and con-
tinues practice in N. Y. city.
Thomas W. Thompson, the son of William Coombs, D. C 1820, and Mar-
tha Higginson (Leverett) Thompson, was born at Plymouth, Aug. 31, 1837.
He studied divinity at And. Tiieo. Sem. but went to Europe before completing
his course. William Charles Thompson, D. C. 1853, is his brother.
Luther Tracy Townsend, the son of Luther and Mary T. (Call) Town-
send, was born at Bangor, Me, Sept. 23, 1836. He studied divinity at And.
Theo. Sem. graduating in 1862; became Adj. of the 16th reg. of N. H. vols in
1862; was ordained an evangelist of the Methodist Ch. at Lebanon in 1863.
He married Laura E. dau. of Dr David T. Huckins of Watertown, Ms, at
W. Sept. 27, 1866.
George HenrY' Twiss, the son of Jeremiah Page and Elisabeth (Evans)
Twiss, was born at Dunbarton, July 22, 1833. He taught at Washington, D.
C. 2 years, and then went to Columbus, Ohio ; became Superintendent of
Schools there, and has read law. He married Susan, dau. of the Rev. Calvin
Noyes Ransom of Springfield, Ohio, Aug. 28, 1860,
Wheelock Graves Veasey, the son of Jonathan and Anna (Stevens)
Veasey, was born at Brentwood, Dec. 5, 1835. He read law in the Albany,
N. Y. Law School, graduating LL. B. in 1860, and with the Hon. Oilman
Marston, D, C. 1837, and Moses N. Collins of Exeter to Oct. 25, 1860; then
began practice at Springfield, Vt ; was a Capt. in the 3rd reg. of Vt vols, and
afterwards Col. of the 16th reg. of Vt vols from 1862 ; is now Law Reporter
for the Supreme Court of Vt. He married Julia A. dau. of the Hon. Albin
Beard of Nashua, June 23, 1861.
Peleg Wadsavorth, the son of Peleg and Susanna (Wadsworth) Wads-
worth, was born at Hiram, Me, Oct. 10, 1834. He taught at M'Indoes Falls
Acad, Vt, in 1860 ; studied medicine at Dart. Med. College ; appointed Clerk
in the U. S. war department at Washington, D. C. in Mar. 1861 ; resumed study
at the National Med. Coll. at Washington, graduating M. D, Feb, 26, 1863.
He married B dau, of Alvah Core}' of Hanover, Sept, 3, 1861.
Allen Palmer Weld, the son of Allen Hayden and Hannah Waterman
(Wood) Weld, was born at Yarmouth, Me, May 13, 1839. He is living at
River Falls, Pierce Co. Wisconsin.
James M'Millan Ater, the son of Royal and Abigail (M'Millan) Ayer, was
born at Danville, Vt, Nov. 6, 1839. He taught at Swanton, Vt, in 1860, and at
Danville Acad, from 1861 to 1862, studying medicine at the same time ; was in
446 ALUMNI 1860.
the loth Vt vols from Aug. 2o, 18G2 to July 1863, first a? private and ns
Capt. from Sept. 8, 1862 ; was next at Buenos Ayres, S. A. raising sheej) 1'rom
Nov. 1863 to Feb. 1865 ; studied medicine on his return at Burlington, \t;
made a cadet in the Military IIosp. at Fort Schuyler, N. Y. harbour, in June
1865 : resumed studies in the Coll. of Phy. and Surg, at N. Y. city in Oct.
1865, graduating M. D. in 1866; is an Assist. Phy. at St Luke's Hosp. N. Y.
Cecil Franklin Patch Banckoft, A. M. the son of James and Sarah
(Randall) Bancroft, was born at New Ipswich, Nov. 25, 1837. He was Prin-
ci})al of Mount Vernon Acad, from Sept. 1860 to July 1864 ; studied divinity
at Union Tlieo. Sem. N. Y. city from Dec. 1864 to July 1865 ; went the next
August to And. Theo. Sem. graduating in Mar. 1867 ; was ordained an evsm-
gelist at Mount Vernon, May 1, 1867 ; is now Principal of the Lookout Moun-
tain Educational Institute, near Chattanooga, Tenn. He married Fanny A.
dan. of Timothy Kittredge at Mount Vernon, May 6, 1867.
Albert Smith Bickmore, A. M. the son of John and Jane (Seavy) Bick-
more, was born at St George, Me, Mar. 1, 1839. He was assistant to Piof.
Louis Agassiz for 2 years at the Zoological Museum at Cambridge, Ms; from
Sept. 12, 1862 to June 18, 1863, was a private in the 44th Mass. Reg. of Vols ;
studied for a time in the Harv. Univ. Scientifick School ; went with Prof Agas-
siz in his exploration of the Amazon ; sailed tor the Molucca Islands in 1864;
spent some time in Sumatra ; travelled extensively in China ; had left Pekin,
when last heard from, on his way to JNIanilla, Japan, and the Amoor river, pro-
posing to pass through Siberia to St Petersburg, London, and thence home.
LoRiNG Pierce Boyd, the son of Pierce and Lucy (Whitman) Boyd, was
born at Poml'ret, Vt, June 12, 1835. He taught at Corinth, Miss, from Sept.
1860 to May 1861, and, fleeing from rebeldom, at Castile, N. Y. the same year;
read law also in 1862, continuing the study with Edwin Thayer of Buffalo, N.
Y. to May 1863; then began practice in that city, but removed his office to
Menasha, Wise, in Oct. 1863, and there remains.
Jonathan M'Duffee Brewster, A. M. the son of Daniel and Sarah
(M'Duffee) Brewster, was born at Alton, Nov. 1, 1839. He studied divinity at
New Hampton Theo. Institution, graduating in July 1862 ; was also at An-
dover Theo. Sem. as a resident licentiate until the spring of 1863 ; after pleach-
ing some time, was ordained at Springvale, Me, a Baptist minister in Dec. 18(>3 ;
soon left there, and became one of the editors of the " Morning Star," a Free
Will Ba|)tist paper at Dover, in May 1864, and so continues. He married
Marilla, dau. of Nicholas Towle IMarks of Danville, Oct. 6, 1863. John Lean-
der Brewster, D. C. 1861, is his brother.
George Byron Brooks, the son of Dr Lyman aud Mary G. (Graham)
Brooks, was born at Acworth, July 16, 1835. He taught in the Institute at
Northfield, Vt, until Mar. 1861 ; was then Superintendent of Publick Schools
at Gloucester, Ms, to July 1862, and after this in the same position at Beloit,
Wise. 2 years ; read law next with Lester and Pond at Saratoga Springs, N.
Y. 2 years from Sept. 1864, including some time at the Albany, N. Y. Law
School; has been in practice at Ea-t Saginaw, Mich, since Nov. 1866.
John Peaslee Brown, the son of Jonathan and Hannah (Heath) Brown,
was born at Raymond, Oct. 12, 1833. He was a private tutor at Bayou Sara,
La, from Sept. I860 to May 1861; then taught at AVeymouth, Ms, 2 years;
studied medicine there and also at Harv. Med. School, graduating M. D. in
1865 ; is Assist. Surgeon in the Insane Asylum at Concord. He married Caro-
line, dau. of Daniel Stevens of Mount Vernon at Lowell, Ms, Mar. 16, 1865.
ALUMNI 1860.
William Ellingwood Bunten, the son of John and Abigail D. (A\ hip-
pie) Bunten, was born at Dunbarton, Dee. 21, 1833. He taught a few months
at Dinibarton and Gloucester, Ms ; read law at Concord with Anson Southard
Marshall, D. C. 1848, at N. Y. city, and Albany, N. Y. Law School ; was a
Capt. in the Uth Reg. of N. H. Vols from Oct. 1862 to Sept. 1863 ; became a
clerk in the U. S. Quartermaster General's office at Washington, D. C. in Dec.
1863. He married Ellen M. dau. of William Shackford of Concord at C- Oct.
12, 1862.
David Augustine Caldwell, the son of David Story and Abigail (New-
man) Caldwell, was born at Byfield, Ms, Oct. 5, 1839. He tauglit at Med-
ford, Ms, 1 year ; at Deer Island Reform School, Boston, Ms, 18 months; at
Hamilton, Ms, in the winter of 1862 and 1863 ; at Deer Island again from Oct.
1863 to May 1864 ; at Fairhaven, Ms, to Sept. 1864; was usher of the Brim-
mer School, Boston, 2 years, and then resumed his position at Deer Island. He
married Mariana, dau. of Thomas E. Payson of Deer Island, Nov. 25, 1866.
Charles Henry Cajip, the son of David and Elvira (Smith) Camp, was
born at Hanover, Sept. 23, 1836. He read law with Oliver W. Lull of Mil-
ford 1 year ; became a Lt in the 8th Reg. of N. H. vols, serving in Louisiana ;
resigning, studied at the Albany, N. Y. Law School, graduating LL. B. in May
1864 ; began practice at East Saginaw, Mich, in Oct. 1864, and is there still.
He married Irene Wellington of Walpole in Sept. 1864.
* Daniel Henry Caverno, the son of Sullivan, D. C. 1831, and Martha
Elisabeth (Kelsey) Caverno, was born at Lockport, N. Y. Mar. 26, 1841, and
died at Cairo, Illi. Mar. 18, 1867, M. 26, minus 8 days. He read law with his
father at Lockporf, and at Albany, N. Y. Law School, graduating LL. B. in
1862 ; went into practice with his fatlier for 1 year; was attached to the " Lock-
port Union," a newspaper, 2 years ; embarked in trade at or near Decatur, Illi-
nois ; while making ready to enter into professional practice at Nashville, Tenn.
dropped dead in the Hotel at Cairo.
* George Ephraim Chamberlin, the son of Ephraim and INlary A.
(Chase) Chamberlin, was born at Lyndon, Vt, June 30, 1838, and died at
Harper's Ferry, Aug. 22, 1864, je. 26, of wounds incurred the day before in a
battle near Charlestown, Va. He read law at St Louis, Missouri, 1 year, and
at Ilarv. Univ. Law School from 1861 to 1862 ; became a Capt. in the 11th
Reg. of Vt Vols in Aug. 1862 ; promoted Major in the same month, and Lt
Col. in 1864, but very soon patriotically yielded his life in his country's cause.
He married Adelia Gardner at St James' Ch. N. Y. city, Oct. 1, 1863.
George Henry Chandler, A. M. the son of Nathan and Mary A. (Tucker)
Chandler, was born at Concord, Aug. 4, 1839. He read law with William E.
Chandler, his brother, at Concord to Aug. 1862, being also Deputy Sec. of State
from June 1861 ; became Adj. of the 9th Reg. of N. II. Vols Aug. 18, 1862;
promoted Major Oct. 11, 1863 ; received a musket ball througli the flesh of the
right thigh at the battle of Spott-ylvania, Va, May 12, 1864; rejoined his reg.
the next Aug. but in Nov. was made Fres. of a Court Martial at Washington,
D. C. and after that was detailed to aid the Navy Department in some in-
vestigations at Philadelphia, Pa; returned to his reg. in Apr. 1865 as Lt Col.
and with it was soon mustered out of service ; at once resumed legal studies at
Hai^v. Univ. Law School until appointed Clerk of a Commister ; on re-
turning, read law at West Lebanon to Sept. 1861, and then at Plattsburg, N.
Y. to June 1863 ; at that time became an Acting Assist. Paymaster in the U.
S. navy, serving in the Potomac flotilla; resigned in Jan. 1865; finished legal
studies at the Albany, N. Y. Law School, graduating LL. B. in May 1866;
began practice at Plattsburg, Jan. 1, 1867. He married Mary E. dau. of R. A.
Reed of Plattsburg, June 11, 1867.
Frederick Blake Dodge, the son of Frederick and Eliza Agnes (Blake)
Dodge, was born at Lyme, Mar. 19, 1838. He taught at Toledo, Ohio, in 1861
and 1862 ; was Clerk in the Adj. General's oflice at Columbus, Ohio, from Sept.
1862 to Apr. 1863; read law with Chester Cook Conant. D. C. 1857, at Green-
field, Ms, in 1863; admitted to the bar at Boston, Ms, Sept. 17, 1863; began
practice at Toledo, Jan. 1, 18G4 ; retired in July 1866 ; then went to Newbury-
I)ort, Ms, and thence to Lyme in 1.S67. He married Caroline Elisabeth Per-
kin>, dau. of Stephen Thurston and adopted dau. of Thomas Perkins, both of
Newburyport, at N. Oct. 13, 1864.
William Kelly Fletcher, the son of Quartus and Ann (Kelly)
Fletcher, w'as born at Cornish, Feb. 12, 1828. He studied medicine at Dart.
Med. Cull, and Ilarv. Med. School, graduating M. D. at the last in 1862 ; was
ALUMNI 1860. 449
Acting Assist. Surgeon in the U. S. army from May to June 1862 and from
Jan. 1863 to Dec. 18G4 ; began practice at Somerville, Ms, April 1, 1865.
* Charles Lee Foster, the son of Isaac, D. C 1828, and Frances Brew-
ster (Lee) Foster, was born at Exeter, Mar. 2, 1836, and died at New Or-
leans, La, Aug. 8, 18G3, je. 27. lie accompanied his classmate, Daniel Ashley
Dickinson, in a pedestrian tour through Great Britain in 1860; on his return,
studied medicine ami painting at both Aiidoverand Boston, Ms, until ■ Sept.
1862 ; then became Hospital Steward of the 47th Reg. of Mass. 9 months vols;
was in Gen. Banks' expedition ; fell sick in July 1863, and unable to return
home with his Reg. did not long survive its departure.
Samuel Franklin French, the son of Coffin and Dolly (French) French,
was born at Candia, Dec. 22, 1835. He spent 1 year at Washington, D. C.
from 1860 to 1861 ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. 3 years, graduating in
1864, teaching at intervals and also serving the Christian Com. with the Poto-
mac army a few weeks ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Hamilton, Ms,
Sept. 29, 1864, and is still in office. He married Martha Jane, dau. of George
Upton of Andover, Ms, Dec. 22, 1864.
John Bunce Griswold, the son of Daniel and Ann (Bunce) Griswold, was
born at Manchester, Ct, Nov. 11, 1830. He studied divinity at Bangor Theo.
Sem. in Me 3 years, graduating in 1864, teaching part of 1861 in Corinna, Me,
and also acting as a missionary in Aroostook Co. Me ; preached as a licentiate
at Solon and Bingham, Me, in 1863; at Rockport, Ms, in 1864; at Holland,
Vt, in 1865, and moved in Apr. 1865 to Braintree, Vt, where is his present lo-
Ferguson Haines, the son of William Pickering, D. C. 1831, and Har-
riet (Ferguson)-Haines, was born at Saco, Me, Mar. 2, 1840. He was employed
in the Pepperell Manufactory Co. at Biddefbrd, Me, to Oct. 1862; became a
hardware merchant at Portland, Me, from Feb. 1863 to July 1866, losing heavily
in the great fire ; returned thence to Biddeford and was chosen its Mayor Mar.
11, 1867. He married Hattie, dau. of Capt. Nehemiah Hill of Biddeford, June
1, 1865.
Oscar Adrian Hale, the son of Raymond and Sarah F. (Currier) Ilale,
was born at Troy, Vt, July 21, 1837. He taught at Ellicott's Mills, iMd, to
Apr. 1861 ; was in the Post Office Department at Washington, D. C. to Sept.
1861 ; then went back to Vt; enlisted a jn-ivate and was chosen a Capt. in the
6th Reg. ofVt vols in 1861 ; promoted JNIajor first and then Lt Col. of the same
in Mar, 1863 ; went through all the battles from Yorktown to the Va valley
in 1864 unharmed, but at that of Charlestown, Aug. 21, 1864, was slightly
wounded in the thigh; was mustered out of service in Sept. 1864, and in Doc.
went to Buenos Ayres, S. A. and is there engaged in the raising of sheep.
John William Haley, A. M. the son of Joim S. and Mary A. (Piper) Ha-
ley, was born at Tuftonborough, June 8, 1834. He was Principal of the Chris-
tian Institute at Andover, Ms, to Sept. 1861 ; then studied divinity at And.
Theo. Sem. graduating in 1864; was ordained at Tuftonborough, Sept. 23,
1864, the denomination not given, and was sooji settled at Eastport, Me ; be-
came Prof, of Logick and Metaphysicks in Union Christian Coll. at Merom, Ind.
in Aug. 1865, but ill health forced him to leave the next Oct. for Franklin ;
was'^next settled over a church at Somerset, Ms, in Mar. 1866. He married
Caroline Sophia, dau. of Titus Vespasian Wadsworth of Franklin, Nov. 12,
Samuel Gordon Haley, the son of Thomas and Eliza (Whicher) Haley,
was born at Charlestown, Ms, May 7, 1834. He taught at Falmouth, Me, to
450 ALUMNI 1860.
Feb. 18G1 ; was Principal at Ilopkinton Acad, from Jan. 1862 to Feb. 1863;
at Sabsltury from Nov. 1863 to Feb. 1864; at New Market High School from
Apr. 1864 to Oct. 1865, and then at Dover to the present time ; was also during
2 vacations in 1864 and 1865, employed by the Christian Commission six weeks
of each year.
Georgk Hakdy, the son of Abner and Mary A. (Gale) Hardy, was born at
Groveland, Ms, May 12, 1835. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. gradu-
ating in 1863 ; was ordained an evangelist at Essex, Ms, Sept. 2, 1863 ; en-
tered the service of the Amer. Home Miss. See. at once at Ellenburgh Centre,
N. Y. and there continues. He married Mary, dau. of Warren Low of Essex,
Oct. 12, 1864.
Vaoi.a John Hartshorn, the son of Timotliy and Betsey P. (Gaef)
Hartshorn, was born at Amherst, May 21, 1834. He taught at Perkinsville,
Vt, in 1860, at M'Kenzie Institute, Miilerstown, Pa, in 1861 ; studied divinity
at liangor Theo. Sem. Me, graduating in 1864 ; was ordnined pastor of the
Bethel Cong. Ch. at Portland, Me, Jan. 16, 1865; dismissed June 11, 1866; is
now stated supply at Enfield.
John William Hayes, the son of Elijah and Jane Hayes, was born at
South Berwick, Me, Aug. 30, 1838. He read law at Lockport, N. Y. to July
1861, and at Albany Law School, N. Y. graduating LL. B. in 1862 ; began
practice at Chicago, Illi. Sept. 1, 1862, and so remains. He married Fanny H.
dau. of the Hon. John A. Cole of Albany, at A. Dec. 25, 1866.
William Slade Herrick, the son of Lorenzo Dow and Zilpha Ann
(Ila.-kiiis) Herrick, was born at Randolph, Vt, May 3, 1838 ; was at the South
in the winter of 1860 and 1861 ; then taught in Illi. and had also an agency at
Wendota, Kansas. Stephen Solon Herrick, D. C. 1854. is his bi-other.
Ira Gustavus Hoitt, the son of Gorham W. and A. Page (Locke) Hoitt,
was born at Lee, July 23, 1833. He was Principal of the High School at
Holliston, Ms, 2 years; at Stoneham, Ms, from Sept. 1862 to Apr. 1863; at
Marlborough, jMs, to Sept. 1863 ; at Boston, Ms, as Associate in the Entrlish
High School to Apr. 1864 ; then removed to San Francisco, Cal. and is there
employed in the city schools. He married Julia A. Burrill of Boston or Can-
ton, jNIs, at San Francisco, Mar. 12,1865.
Lyman Bartlett How, A. M. the son of the Rev. Moses and Frances
(Dearborn) How, was born at New Bedford, Ms, Feb. 25, 1838. He studied
medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. from 1860 to Nov. 1861 ; at the Coll. of Phy. and
Surg, at N. Y. city, in the winter and spring of 1861 and 1862, also in 1862 and
1863 ; returned thence to Dart, and graduated M. D. in 1863 ; was then an As-
sistant in the Den ilt Dispensary in N. Y. city to the spring of 1864 ; went to Man-
chester and settled in practice there in June 1864, and so continues; was made
Demonstrator of Anatomy at Dart. Med. Coll. in 1864, and is now Lecturer on
Anatomy and Physiology there. He married Mrs Mary L. (Perry) Taylor of
Hanover, at New Bedford, Oct. 10, 1866.
Samuel Hason Jack.man, the son of William and Lucy (Eaton) Jackman,
was born at Entield, June 20, 1831. He taught during the winter of 1860 and
1861 ; then read law in Canaan ; but soon left and resumed teaching from July
1861 to Apr. 1863 in Illinois ; at that date, setoff overland for California ; on
the way, west of Salt Lake City, was shot in the leg by the Indians, but man-
aged to reach Sacramento, Cal. in July and there suffer confinement from the
wound for 6 months; is now instructing in that city since Feb. 1864.
Samuel Bass Kidder, the son of Lyman and Hannah (Bass) Kidder, was
ALUMNI 1860. 451
born at Darien, N. Y. Sept. 24, 1837. He is said to have been at Huntington,
St Croix Co. Wisconsin.
Henry Hastings Kimball, tlie son of Isaac and Lucinda (Tenney) Kim-
ball, was born at Temple, Sept. 4, 1835. He taught at Dedham, Canton, New-
ton Centre, and Boston, all in Ms.
Sullivan Cicero Kimball, A. M. the son of Hazen and Mary A. (Baker)
Kimball, was born at Contoocookville, July 21, 1838. He taught a Female
Sem. at Albany, N. Y. 6 months ; became Commissioner of Deeds in Dec. 18G0 ;
read law until Oct. 1861 ; was than Assist. Editor of the " Daily Statesman "
and its Reporter of the State Senate debates until Apr. 1863 ; began to study di-
vinity with the Baptists in the fall of 1863 at Concord ; was licensed to preach
in Jan. 1864 ; was Principal of Contoocook Acad, a short time from Feb. 1864 ;
supplied the Free Will Baptist Ch. at North Weare some months and was or-
dained its pastor July 30, 1865 ; has publislied a volume of poems. He mar-
ried Julia A. A. dau. of Daniel Ayer of Albany, Feb. 12, 1866.
Arthur Little, the son of Simeon B. and Harriet (Boyd) Little, was born
at Boscawen, Mar. 24, 1837. He taught at Lyndon, Thettor(l,and Ludlow, all
in Vt, from 1860 to 1861 ; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. to Aug. 1862
in the class of 1864, and at Princeton Theo. Sem. N.J. to Mar. 1863 ; was or-
dained an evangelist at Webster or West Boscawen, Mar. 16, 1863, and ap-
pointed Chaplain of the 11th Reg. of Vt vols the next day; was mustered out
of service June 24, 1865 ; some months were now spent at And. Theo. Sem.
until his installation as pastor of the 1st. Presb. Ch. at Bedford, Jan. 3, 1866.
He married Laui'a Elisabeth, dau. of Dea. Benjamin Frost of Thetford, at
Washington, D. C. Aug. 15, 1863.
Charles Little, the son of Richard and Mary Coffin (Pillsbury) Little,
was born at Boscawen, Feb. 14, 1837. He taught at Thetford Acad. Vt, from
1860 to 1861, and at Fi'ancestown in the spring of 1862; studied medicine at
Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in Nov. 1863, class of 1864; had been pre-
viously hospital steward of the lotli Vt vols from Oct. 1862 to Aug. 1863; was
Assist. Surgeon, U. S. navy from Dec. 22, 1863 to Sept. 1865, serving on the
coast of S. C. and Georgia ; spent the next fall at Dart, and after that, was at the
ColL of Phy. and Surg, at N. Y. city till Apr. 1866 ; then settled in pi-actice at
Acton, Ms. He married Helen E. dau. of Dr Harris Cowdrey of Acton, at
Manchester, June 11, 1866. Levi Little, D. C. 1854, is his bi-other.
Ralph Izard Middletox, the son of Ralph Izard and Charlotte G (Izard)
Middleton, was born at Charleston, S. C. Jan. 16, 1840. He remained at home
until July 1861, but, from that time to Aug. 1863, taught successively at Aiken,
S. C ; Athens, Geo. and Camden, S. C. having however served 4 or 5 months
of 1861 and 1862 in a S. C. military company ; was also a private in the
" Charleston Marion Artillery;" from Aug. 1863 to Apr. 1865; after the war,
was some months at home, and then visiting the north, became a Clerk in the U.
S. Treasury at Washington, D. C. in Oct. 1865; was also 2 months at a law
office in that city and returned to Charleston in Mar. 1866, resuming there his
legal reading.
Henry Albert Morrill, the son of Samuel and Martha (Tilton) Morrill,
was born at Potsdam, N. Y. Feb. 14, 1835, He taught at Lisbon in the fall
of sl860 ; went to Cincinnati, Ohio, in Dec. 1860 ; read law there with Stephen-
son and Noyes, teaching at the same time ; began practice in the same city in
Sept. 1863; became Assist. City Solicitor in 1865 ; promoted Solicitor Jan. 1,
1867, and elected to the same office Apr. 1, 1867 for 2 years.
Luther Colby Morse, the son of Daniel and Lavinia (Colby) Morse,
452 ALUMNI 1860.
•n-as born at North Haverliill, Nov. 24, 1835. He read law with Oliver "W.
Lull of'Milfoi-d 1 year ; removed to Haverhill and became Register of" Probate
for Grafton Co. Jidy 4, 18G1 ; was admitted to the bar in Oct. 1863, and re-ap-
pointed Register in 1866.
Hknky Clay Newell, the son of Dr Selim and Emmeline (Denni.-bn) New-
ell, was born at Burke, Vt, Oct. 19, 1835. He was Principal of St Johnsbury
High School 1 year ; then studied medicine at Dart. INIt^d. Coll. graduating M. D.
in Sept. 1H63 in the class of 1864 ; was made Assist. Surgeon of the 3rd Vt vols,
Oct. 2, 1863 ; served in a Hospital at Brattleboroiigh, Vt, until May 1864, and
then joined his Regiment at Spotlsylvania, Va; resigned his commission June 4,
1865, and began practice at St Jolmsbury. He married H.Maria, dau. of Lu-
cius Hazen of Newbury, Vt, Mar. 20, 1866.
Alanson Palmer, A. M. the son of Joseph and Abby (Wilson) Palmer,
was born at Candia, May 12, 1835. He taught at West Cambridge, now Ar-
lington, ]Ms, to Mar. 1865, and since that a Grammar School in N. Y. city to the'
present time. He married Mary Louise, dau. of Josiah M. Whitney of Astoria,
Long Island, N. Y. at A. Nov. 25, 1863. Albert Palmer, D. C. 1858, and Wil-
son Pahner of this class are his brothers.
Wilson Palmer, the brother of the preceding, was born at Candia, ]\lar. 1,
1833. He taught at West Cambridge, now Arlington, Ms, to the spring of 1863 ;
then read law at Mancliester to the next Sept. and at the Albany, N. Y. Law
School, graduating LL. B. in May 1864; practised at Manchester to Sept. of
that year, and tlien became the Principal of a High School at Winchester,
Ms. He married Harriet Ann, dau. of David Currier of Deny at D. Nov. 24,
Charles Edmund Parker, the son of William T. and Henrietta (Miller)
Parker, was born at Vergennes, Vt, Feb. 21, 1839. He read law with Wood-
bridge and Fisher at that town ; became Adjutant of the 7lh reg. Vt vols Feb.
12, 1862 ; is now living at Vergennes.
George Parker, A. M. tlie son of George and Margaret (Thorn) Parker,
was born at Vergennes, Vt, Sept. 2, 1840. He was a Capt. in the 6tli Reg. of
Vt vols, and, either before or after the appointment, read law at Harv. Univ.
Law School, graduating LL. B. in 1864 ; was in practice at Chicago, lUi. in
May 1866, but has since removed.
JoAB Nelson Patterson, the son of Joab and INIary (Lovering) Patter-
son, was born at IIo|)kinton, Jan. 2, 1835. He became a 1st Lt in the 2nd
Reg. N. H. vols, June 4, 1861 ; a Capt. May 23, 1862; a Lt Col. June 21,
1864 ; a Col. Jan. 10, 1865 ; brevetted a Brigadier General Mar. 13, 1865 ; dis-
tinguished himself throughout the rebellion, and was mustered out of service,
Dec. 19, 1865; represented Hopkintoii in the N. H. Leg. in 1866; was made
U. S. JNIarshal tbr N. II. Mar. 21, 1867.
Luther Burr Pearsall, the son of Gilbert and Esther (Thustin) Pear-
sail, was born at Hooper's Valley, N. Y. Oct. 16, 1836. He has studied no pro-
fession, but has been devoted to agriculture in liis native town.
George Pierce, the son of George and Deborah (Knight) Pierce, was bom
at Marblehead. Ms, Sept. 20, 1834. He studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem.
graduating in 1863 ; was ordained ]iastor of the Central Cong. Ch. at Dracut,
Ms, Oct. 14, 1863 ; dismissed May 6, 1867 ; is reported to have accepted a call
to a pastorate at Patterson, N. J. He married Allie D. dau. of Moses Cook of
Laconia, Sept. 20, 1865.
Alonzo Rea, the son of Israel and Eliza Ann Whitcomb (Titcomb) Rea,
was born at Topsfield, Ms, Oct. 28, 1837. He has been a teacher in Tops-
ALUMNI 1860. 453
field and is said to be there still, but his occupation is not ascertained unless it be
Daniel Gdstavus Rollins, the son of Daniel G. and Susan B. (Jack-
son) Rollins, was born at Great Falls, Oct. 18, 1842. He read law at home 2
years with Jordan and Rollins, and at Harv. Univ. Law School 1 year. He
practised some time at Portland, Me ; is now a Clerk in the office of the U. S.
Dist. Atty in N. Y. city. Edward Ashton Rollins, D. C. 1851, is his brother.
Daniel Webster Sanborn, A. M. the son of Jacob H. and Rebecca (Gale)
Sanborn, was born at Kingston, June 7, 183G. He was Principal of the High
School at Milford in 1860 ; Associate Principal of the Chapman Hall private
school at Boston, Ms, in 1861, and Principal of Woburn Acad. Ms, from Dec.
1861 to Apr. 1865 ; then became Agent of the Mass. Fire and Life Lisurance
Co. at Boston, still living at Woburn.
Caleb Cushing Sargent, the son of Jonathan and Sarah (Marston) Sar-
gent, was born at Candia, Dec. 24, 1835. He taught at Corinth Acad. Vt, in
the fall of 1860, and also from the spring of 1861 to that of 1863, and since that
has kept a store there ; been Superintendent of schools and a Capt. in the mili-
tia. He married Cordelia V. dau. of Theodore Cooke of Corinth, May 28, 1861.
Edward Savage, A. M. the son of the Rev. Edward and Sarah (Van Vech-
ten) Savage, was born at Schenectady, N. Y. May 26, 1840. He taught at Han-
over ; read law also there 1 year, and at Albany Law School, N. Y. graduating
LL. B. in 1862 ; soon after resumed study there ; became Commissioner of
Deeds in May 1863, and entered into piactice in May 1865 at the same city.
He married Sarah Elisabeth, dau. of Theodore Dwight Smith of Albany, Dec.
26, 1866.
James Oliver Scripture, the son of Isaac and Lydia (Mead) Scripture,
was born at Lowell, Ms, June 26, 1839. He was an Assistant at the High
School there until Dec. 1862 ; was then out of health for nearly a year ; studied
divinity at the Epis. Theo. Sem. in N. Y. city from Oct. 1, 1863, graduating in
1865 ; was ordained a Deacon of the Prot. E[)is. Ch. by the Rt Rev. Dr Manton
Easlburn, Bishop of Ms, in Trinity Ch. Boston, Ms, May 17, 1865 ; became
rector of St Peter's Ch. Salem, Ms, the same year, and was advanci^d to the
order of a Presbyter by the same Bishop at St Paul's Ch. Boston, Jan. 25, 1866.
He married Augusta, dau. of Abel AVheeler of Lincoln, Ms, at L. Oct. 17,
Richard Henry Stone, the son of Samuel and Lucy (Shattuck) Stone,
was born at Windsor, Vt, Sept. 14, 1836. He taught tiie High Sciiool at
Burlington, Vt, 1 year, and then at Gloucester, Ms, to July 1864 ; studied medi-
cine at Dart. Med. Coll. in the fall of 1864, wnth Drs Buck and How at Mau-
cliester, 1 year, and from Oct. 1865 at the Coll. of Surg, and Phy. in N. Y. city,
graduating M. D. in May 1866 ; practised 4 or 5 months at Gloucester, but re-
moved to "Brooklyn, N. Y. in Oct. 1866.
William Augustus Thompson, the son of the Rev. William and Eliza
(Butler) Thompson, was born at East Windsor Hill, Ct, Nov. 22, 1838. He
studied divinity at East Windsor Theo. Sem. graduating in 1863 ; was a Clerk
in the U. S. Treasury at Washington, D. C. from Nov. 1863 to July 1866;
passed the fall and winter of 1866 and 1867 at And. Theo. Seminary. Charles
Oliver Thompson, D. C. 1858, is his brother.
John Tredick, the son of John and Mary W. (Copp) Tredick, was born
at Dover, Feb. 14, 1838. He was at Dover to Dec. 1861; then studied
medicine with Dr Jonathan Smith Ross, D. C. 1843, at Great Falls to July
1862; enlisted as a private in the 11th Reg. N. H. vols, Aug. 15, 1862;
454 ALIBINI 1860.
served as Hospital Steward to Mar. 7, 1864; was then discharged and enlisted
as IIosp. Steward in the U. S. army, and stationed near Covington, Ivy ; on
leaving the service Aug. 19, 1865, renewed medical studies at Jefferson Med.
Coll. Philadelphia, Pa, graduating M. D. Mar. 9, 1867; is now practising at
Dunton, Cook Co. Illi.
Eakl Wehsteu Westgatr, a. M. the son of John and Betsey Ann (C lough)
Westgate. was born at Plainfield, Aug. M, 1838. He was Principal of Chester
Acad. Vt, to P>1). 1863 ; taught at Plainfield to Aug. 1863; was Principal of
Bradford Acad. Vt, to May 1866, when the same position was occupied at the
Acad, of New Ipswich. He married Julia Maria, dau. of George Porter of Leb-
anon, Aug. 21, 1861. Hollis Smith Westgate, D. C 1863, is his brother.
Charles Wheeler, the son of Daniel P. and Mary A. Wheeler, was born
at Orford, Feb. 8, 1839. He read law with Devens and Hoar at Worcester,
Ms, from Oct. 1860 to May 1861, at Ilarv. Univ. Law School from Sept. 1861
to July 1862, and with Hutchins and Wheeler at Boston, Ms, to Oct. 1863 ; at
that time, began practice there, but in the spring of 1867 removed to N. Y. city
and is now a broker there.
George Thompson White, the son of Charles and Sybil (Allen) White,
was born at Holden, Ms, Jan. 19, 1839. He read law with Devens and Hoar
at Worcester, Ms, to A|)r. 1861 ; was 3 months a Quartermaster Sergeant of
the 3rd Battery of Mass. vols ; next resumed legal study at Hudson, N. Y. from
Aug. 1861 to May 1862 ; was admitted to the bar and began practice at Hudson.
But it was soon laid aside by his appointment as 2nd Lt in the 128th N. Y. vols,
Sept. 4,1862; 1st Lt May 27, 1863, Ordnance Officer, Judge Advocate, and
Capt. in Aug. 1865, until mustered out of service and resettled in practice at
Georoe Wilcox, the son of the Hon. Judge Leonard, D. C. 1817, and
Mary (Mann) Wilcox, was born at Orford, Nov. 2, 1839. He read law with
his brother, Samuel Morey Wilcox, I). C 1847, at Exeter, 1 year, and then at
N. Y. city until May LS62, when and where his admittance to the bar occurred
and his practice commenced. Leonard Wilcox, D. C. 1865, is his brother,
and Samuel Morey Wilcox, D. C. 1847, his half brother.
II IK AM Dayton Wood, the son of Hiram and N. M. (Jewett) Wood, was
born at Nashua, Sept. 1, 1832. He was Principal of the Higii School at
Nashua some years, but his location and occupation at present are not known.
John Worthington Hopkins Baker, the son of Samuel and Marinda
(Perrin) Baker, was born at Greensborough, Vt, Feb. 7, 1835. He studied
divinity at the Bangor Theo. Sem. in Me, graduating in 1864; was ordained
pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Brighton, Vt, June 29, 1865; dismissed Oct. 9,
1866. He married Sarah A. dau. of Dea. Alexander Drummond of Bangor, at
B. Oct. 20, 1864.
John Leander Breavster, A. M. the son of Danii 1 and Sarah (M'Duf-
fee) Brewster, was born at Alton, Jan. 14, 1833. He taught at Dover, and has
since been iNIaster of a Grammar School at Lawrence, Ms. He marrierl Ada,
dau. of the Hon. William Tenney of Hanover in Aug. 1862. Jonathan ]M'Duf-
fee Brewster, D. C. 186(1, is his" brother.
David Henry Bkoavn, the son of Joseph and Elvira (Howard) Brown,
was born at Raymond, Aug. 17, 1836. He taught at Raymond, Beverly, Ms,
South Abington, Ms, and Stoneham, Ms, from 1861 to Mar. 1864, 2 years and
ALmiNI 1861. 455
8 months ; was Clerk in the U. S. Quartermaster's Depart, at Nashville, Tenn.
from 18G4 to 1865; has been with Taggard and Thompson, Publishers and
Booksellers at Boston, Ms, since 1865. Calvin Howard Brown, D. C. 1859,
was his brother.
Milton Moses Browne, the son of Moses and Sophia (Abbott) Browne,
was born at Byron, N. Y. Jan, 12, 1835.
George Anson Bruce, the son of Nathaniel and Lucy (Butterfield) Bruce,
was born at Mount Vernon, Nov. 19,1839. He was a first Lt in the 13th
Eeg. of N. H. vols in 1862 ; became a Captain ; read law and opened his olfice
at Boston, Ms.
John Ware Butterfield, the son of the Hon. Samuel and Mary (Ware)
Butterfield, was born at Andover, Feb. 17, 1841. He was a Capt. in the 12th
Reg. of N. H. vols.
* Henry Mills Caldwell, the son of William and Eliza (Ireland) Cald-
well, was born at Dunbarton, Dec. 22, 1838, and died in the U. S. Army ser-
vice at Falmouth, Va, July 12, 1862, je. 23. A friend describes him as pos-
sessed of a generous, noble, and manly nature. He was a Capt. in the 2nd Reg.
of N. H. vol. Sharpshooters, commissioned in Sept. 1861.
George Washington Cate, the son of Jonathan and Mary (Johnson)
Gate, was born at Northwood, Mar. 10, 1834. He taught at Portsmouth, Oct.
28, 1861 to Apr. 12, 1862 ; read law with S. G. Clark at Northwood from
Aug. 20, 1862, and with William Wier Stickney, D. C. 1823, at Exeter from
Jan. 3, 1863 ; was a School Commissioner for Rockingham Co. in 1864, living
in Northwood, but has now opened an office for Amesbury and Salisbury, Ms.
Joseph Venable Chase, the son of the Rev. James Morris, D. C. 1827,
and Salina Ann (Venable) Chase, was born at Shelbyville, Ky, Aug. 4, 1836.
He is in an agricultural employment at Macomb, Illi.
Wendell Hamlin Cobb, the son of Asahel and Helen Maria (Hamlin)
Cobb, was born at Sandwich, Ms, Oct. 10, 1838.
William Wallace Colburn, the son of Leonard and Mary Todd (Living-
ston) Colburn, was born at New Boston, Oct. 1, 1832. He taught in Lawrence
Acad. Groton, Ms, in 1861, also at Belmont, Ms, in 1862, also at the High
School in Manchester from Dec. 1862 to the present time. He married Mary
Elisabeth, dau. of the Hon. James Underwood Parker, D. C. 1820, of Man-
chester, July 13, 1865.
* David Farnum Cole, the son of Richard and Sophia (Dwinell) Cole, was
born at Grafton, May 22, 1836, and died at Point of Rocks, Va, Jan. 7, 1865,
M. 28. He was a Capt. in the 12th Reg. of Vt Inf and afterwards a Major
in the 107th Reg. of U. S. coloured vols.
Henry John Crippen, the son of Henry and Elisabeth (Stockwell) Crip-
pen, was born at Canterbury, England, Sept. 22, 1838. He is employed in the
State's Treasurer's office at Concord.
Eben Harlow Davis, the son of Ebenezer and Susan (Bradford) Davis,
was born at Acton, Ms, Dec. 29, 1839.
Edmund Davis, the son of David Lincoln and Olive (Shackley) Davis, was
born at Canton, Ms, Dec. 12, 1839. He taught "at Dedham, Ms, and was in the
Union army. He married Gertrude J. dau. of the Rev. S. W. Squire of Frank-
lin, l^ls, at Milford, Ms, Sept. 9, 1865.
William Wallace Dow, the son of Henry and Elisabeth (Loud) Dow,
was born at Portsmouth, Nov. 27, 1832. He studied divinity at Bangor Tlieo.
Sem. graduating in 1863 ; was ordained a Cong. Evangelist at West Brookfield,
Me, May 23, 1866, and became stated supply then and there.
456 ALUMNI 1861.
De "\Yitte Duncan, the son of John and Elisabeth (Abercrorabie) Duncan,
was born at the Cherokee Nation, Feb, 27, 1829.
Geougk TVilliaji Estabrook, the son of Joseph Ela and Mary Ann
(Porter) P^stabrook, was born at Montgomer}', Ala. Mar. 31, 1840. He was
first Lt 1st N. II. Cavalry Vols, and promoted Capt. in the same; read law;
admitted to the bar at Boston, Ms, Feb. 2, 18 Go ; there began practice and may
so remain or have removed.
James Piermont Gilman, the son of Nichols and Hannah (True) Gil-
man, was born at Gilmanton, Aug. 5, 1835.
George Le Roy Gleason, the son of the Rev. Salmon and Jerusha (Wil-
lard) Gleason, was born at Bristol, Feb. 25, 1835. He studied divinity at And.
Theo. Som. graduating in 18G4 ; was ordained pastor of the Cong. Cli. at Bris-
tol, Vt. Feb. 1, 18G5.
Andrew Jackson Goss, the son of Jonathan and Sarah (Yeaton) Goss,
was born at Epsom, Oct. 13, 183G.
* Jasper Spurziieim Grant, the son of Nathaniel and Charlotte Sophronia
(Hol)b-) Grant, was born at Wakefield, Feb. G, 1838, and died at Wasliingion,
D, C. Aug. 14, 1865, iE. 27. He studied medicine at Harv. Med. Coll. gradu-
ating M. b. in 18G3.
George Enos Hodgdon, the son of Charles Ayers and Sojjhia Jane
(George) Hodgdon, was born at Barnstead, Mar. 4, 1839.
Abel Trumbull Howard, A. M. the son of Abel and Mary Eliza (Hunt)
Howard, was born at West Hartford, Vt, Nov. 1, 1830. He married Anna
Holyoke, dau. of the Hon. Hampden Cutts of Brattleborough, Vt, in 1861.
Edmund Sawyer Hoyt, A. M. the son of Stephen Kelly and Meliitabel
(Sawyer) Hoyt, was born at Warner, Nov. 4, 1834. He became Principal of
Yarraoutii, Acad. Me, Sept. 2, 1861, and so continues. He married Sarah,
dau. of Jabez Carley of Peterborough, at Niagara Falls, N. Y. Aug. 7, 18G1.
Benjamin Franklin Jenness, the son of Nathaniel and Lydia (Varney)
Jenness, was born at Dover, Aug. 30, 1836. Reuben Varney Jenness, D. C.
1859, was his brotlier.
Amos Byron Jones, the son of Solomon Edwin and Harriet Louisa (Smith)
Jones, was born at Washington, Jan, 28, 1838. He became Capt. in the 2nd
Reg. of N. II. vol. Sharpshooters, July 29, 1861 ; promoted Major in the same.
Nathaniel Tenney Kimball, the son of Edward and Susan (Kimball)
Kimball, was born at Bradford, Ms, Oct. 9, 1838. He studied divinity at And.
Theo. Sem. graduating in 1866.
Edward Boardman Knight, the son of Asa and Melinda (Adams) Kniglit,
was bom at Hancock, Aug. 22, 1835. He taugiit at Washington to JNIar.
1862 ; read law with George W. Everett at New London ; admitted to the bar
at Newport in Sept. 1863; practised at New London to June 1864; then re-
moved his office to Dover.
George Augustus Makden, the son of Benjamin Fraidvlin and Betsey
(Buss) Maiden, was born at Mount Vernon, Aug, 9, 1839.
* George Hubbard Marsh, the son of Zebina and Mehitabel (Hubbard)
Marsh, was born at Claremont, Mar, 1, 1838, and died at Bardstown, Ky, Sept.
15, 1862, M. 24.
Sidney Augustus Merriam, the son of Dr Royal Augustus, D, C. 1808,
and Adeline (Marsh) Merriam, was born at Topsfield, Ms, Mar. 11, 1841.
Henry Kingsbury Moore, the son of Ebenezer Giles and Eliza (Hidden)
Moore, was born at Wells, Me, July 4, 1840,
George Sylvester Morris, A. M. the son of Sylvester and Susan Jack-
ALUMNI 1861. 457
son (Weston) Morris, was born at Norwich, Vt, Nov. 15, 1840. He taught at
Royahon, Vt, 1 year; was in the 16th Reg. of Vt vols from 1862 to 1863;
alt^o Tutor at Dart. Coll. from 1863 to 1864; studied divinity at Union Theo.
Sem. N. Y. city, and is now similarly employed at Berlin, Prussia.
Francis Rogers Morse, the son of Stephen and Lucy Burt (Smith)
Morse, was boiMi at Warner, Nov. 2, 1838. He studied divinity at tlie Theo.
Sem. Newton, Ms; graduated there; was ordained pastor of the 2nd Baptist
Ch. at Cambridge, Ms, and thus remains. He married Emma Bloorafield, dau.
of John Giles of Newmarket, N. J. Nov. 25, 1860.
Edward Norton, the son of Daniel and Lydia (Choate) Norton, was born
at Essex, Ms, Oct. 11, 1835. He studied divinity at And. Tiieo. Sem. giadu-
ating in 1864. Was ordained over the Cong. Ch. at Montague, Ms, Dec. 28,
Daniel James Notes, A. M. the son of Daniel James, D. C. 1832, and
Jane M. (Aiken) Noyes, was born at Concord, Dec. 23, 1832. Samuel Aiken
Noyes, D. C. 1859, is his brother.
John Palmer Olney, the son of John and Abigail Pennington (Northrup)
Olney, was born at Providence, R. I. Apr. 6, 1837.
Alfred Gilbert Osgood, the son of Gilbert Saraford and Sophia Ann
(Morse) Osgood, was born at Hanover, Jan. 28, 1840.
Benjamin Greely Page, tiie son of Benjamin and Sarah (Page) Page,
was born at Gilmanton, Jan. 3, 1835. He studied divinity at And. Tlieo. Sem.
graduating in 1864. He was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Lebanon,
Me, Sept. 27, 1865.
Harlow WinsLow Page, the son of Jabez and Lucy Woodbridge (Dean)
Page, was born at Tamvvorth, Jan. 2, 1838. He became Principal of the
Acad, at Lancaster in 1861.
Henry Pitt Page, the son of John Cummings and Mary Ann (Eastman)
Page, was born at Gilmanton, Feb. 12, 1839. He studied divinity and is at
And. Theo. Sem.
William Robie Patten, the son of Dea. Francis and Rebecca (Ivniglit)
Patten, was born at Candia, Aug. 30, 1837. He read law ; practises at Man
Chester, and has been an Assist. Clerk of the N. H. House of Rep.
Francis William Perkins, the son of Henry Griswold and Louisa Burt
(Dutton) Perkins, was born at Boston, Ms, May 25, 1840. He enlisted in the
2nd Reg. of N. H. vols in May 1861 ; promoted to Brigade Quartermaster.
Henry Marcus Putney, the son of Henry and Abby Moore (Alexander)
Putney, was born at Dunbarton, Mar. 22, 1840.
Edward Dana Redington, the son of Edward Caldwell and Caroline Dana
(Stevens) Redington, was born at Chelsea, Vt, Nov. 12, 1839.
Charles Tyng Richardson, the son of William Fox and Elisabeth
Bean (Messenger) Richardson, was bom at Boston, Ms, Jan. 6, 1840.
Edward Thomas Rowell, the son of Ira and Rebecca (Kimball) Rowell,
was born at Concord, Aug. 14, 1836. He was Major of the 2nd Reg. of N. H.
vol. Sharpshooters.
Galen Benjamin Seaman, the son of Horace and Sally Spaulding (Whip-
ple) Seaman, was born at Millport, N. Y. Aug. 8, 1837. He read law and set-
tled >^in practice at Milwaukie, Wise.
Manson Seavey, a. M. the son of Frederick and Hannah Colby (Dutton)
Seavey, was born at Sandown, May 16, 1838.
Benjamin Rush Skinner, the son of Ezekiel Erasmus Darwin and Mary
458 ALUMNI 1861.
Brown (Read) Skinner, was born at Greenport, N. Y. June 22, 1840 ; was in
the Custom House there ; read law ; admitted to the bar at Brooklyn, N. Y.
Dec. 17, 1863.
*JosErri Oliver Stkarns, the son of Joseph Shirton and Esther (Pajre)
Stearns, was born at Walpole, Ms, Jan. 7, 1836, and died at Foxborousion from July 1862 in Ya, to his lamented death.
Oilman Henry Tucker, the son of Henry and Nancy (Dudley) Tucker,
was born at Raymond, Jan. 20, 1836. He read law at Manchester; was on
the staff of the Oov. of N. H. with the rank of Col. from 1861 to 1863 ; aban-
doned the law, and went into the School Book Business at Boston, ]\Is. He
married IMary Harriet, dau. of Oeorge Barrett Oreen of Windsor, Yt, at W.
Oct. 8, 1861.
William Jewett Tucker, the son of Henry and Sarah White (Lester)
Tucker, was born at Griswold, Ct, July 13, 1839. He Avas Princi[)al of the
Acad, at Lacouia to Nov. 1861 ; then of the Iliirh School at Columbus. Ohio,
to Jiuie 1863; after this, studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. graduating in 1866.
Joseph Doe Weeks, the son of William Pickering, D. C. 1826, and Mary
Elisabeth (Doe) Weeks, was born at Canaan, Oct. 27, 1837.
William Brackett Weeks, the brother of the above, was born at Canaan,
May U. 1839.
Henry Clay Welch, the son of Arnold and Hannah Ann (Peirce) Welch,
was horn at Lowell, Ms, July 8, 1839.
James IMonroe Whitaker, A. M. the son of Janoes Betton and Roxana
(Saunders) Whitaker, was born at Windham, Apr. 27, 1831. He studied medi-
cine at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. iu 1864.
Galen Allen, the son of Winslow and Nancy (Grout) Allen, was born at
Chel>ea, Yt, Aug. 2, 1833. He has been a Teacher and is now head of the
High School at Nantucket, Ms.
James Franklin Allen, the son of Jonathan Leach and Caroline Brown
(Allison) Allen, was born at Ho[)kinton, Aug. 13, 1841. He taught the High
School at Biiulford from 1862 to Dec. 1863, reading law the while with the
Hon. JNIason W. Tappan ; the same Dec. had an appointment in the U. S.
Treasury at Washington, D. C. which is still retained ; resumed law study also
at Columbia Coll. Law School there in 1865, graduating LL. B. June 11,
1866. He married Julia A. dau. of Jesse E. Davis of Washington, at W. Oct.
25, 1866.
Augustus Alvord, the son of Martin and Martha B. (Clark) Alvord. was
born at Bolton, Ct, Aug. 30, 1834. He studied divinity ; was ordained a Chap-
lain of the U. S. Army at Berlin, Ct, Jan. 16, 1865. He married Laurestiue
Augu~ta Hartw(dl of Lisbon, at L. Sept. 6, 1866.
Frederick William Bailey, the son of Edward and Sarah (Hayden)
Bailey, was born at Jaffrey, Aug. 15, 1S38. He taught at Richmond Acad.
Me, in 1862 and 1863; read law with Wheeler and Faulkner at Kcene from
Oct. 1, 1863 to 1864 ; was a member of the N. H. Leg. from Jatfrey in 1864;
was at the Albany, N. Y. Law School from Nov, 30, 1864, two terms ; re[)re-
sentcd Jaffrey again in the N. H. Leg. in 1865; was admitted to the N. Y.
bar May 4, 1865, and to that of N. H. in Oct. 1865 ; began practice at East
Jaffrey in Mar. 1866, and there continues. He married Mary, dau. of Moses
E. Perkins of Jaffrey, Sept. 2, 1866.
ALUMNI 1862. 459
Joshua Stuart Banfield, tlie son of Joshua and Esther Parkman (Hiut)
Bai)fit4d, was born at Dover, Sept. 16, 1840. He tauj^ht at Rooliester from
1862 to 1863, and the High School at North Scitiiiite, Ms, from 1863 to 1864 ;
was then, under the Auspices of the New Eng. Freeman's Aid Soc. the teacher
of the 36lh Reg. U. S. Col. Trooi)S at Petersburg, Va, from Mar. 1864; of
its Schools at Alexandria, Va, from Se|)t. 1864 to July 1865 ; was then trans-
ferred in the same relation to Norfolk. Va, and thence to Columbus, Geo. to
July 1865 ; at which date began a similar duty under the Freedmen's Bureau
in the Western District of Georgia until Feb. 1867, when, returning North, he
became a Real Estate and Commercial Broker at Boston, Ms. Joseph Henry
Banfield, D. C. 1855, is his brother.
David Em1':ry Boutelle, the son of David Bartlett and Anna (Hobart)
Boutelle. was born at Tully, N. Y. Oct. 27, 1837. He taught in central N. Y.
from 1862 to 1865 ; at Cortland Acad. Homer, N. Y. from 1865 to Nov. 1866 ;
since that has been Principal of a Grammar School at Unionville, Ct.
Calvin Smith Brown, the son of Newell and Abigail P. (Leavitt) Brown,
was born at Seabrook, Jan. 4, 1837. He became a Capt. in the 17th Reg. of
N. H. vols from Dec. 1862 to Apr. 1863; then read law with the Hon. Aaron
Hayden of Eastport, Me, fiom July 1863 to his appointment as Capt. of a com-
pany of unassigned Intantry in Mar. 1865 ; was promoted to be Lt Col. of the
1st battalion of Me Infantry in May 1865, and mustered out of service in Apr.
1866 ; went again to the study of law in Washington Co. Me, at Eastport, and
was admitted to the bar in Oct. 1866; removed to St Louis, Missouri, in Dec.
1866, and there opened an office and continues in practice.
* Howard Malcolm Chase, the son of Elisha and Sarah (Jewell) Chase,
was born at Stratham, Oct. 17, 1839, and died at Memphis, Term. Aug. 16,
1863, M. 23.
Levi Gilbert Chase, the son of Jonathan and Phebe (Page) Chase, was
born at Loudon, Apr. 30, 1840. He taught at Wentworth Acad, in 1862;
traveled in the West in 1863; studied divinity at And. Theo. Sem. from 1863
to Dec. 1864 ; then was an agent of the U. S. Sanitary Com. in Va and Dist.
of Col. to the end of the war ; is now teaching at Loudon.
Thomas Noyes Chase, the son of Samuel Sewall and Eunice Noyes
(Colby) Chase, was born at West Newbury, Ms, July 18, 1838. He was
Principal of Royalton Acad. Vt, from 1862 to 1864; was then employed at
Wasiiington, D. C. by the city from June to Dec. 1864; next became a Clerk
in the U. S. Gen. Post Office there and so continues. He married Mary M.
dau. of Charles Tuttle of Acton, Ms, Aug; 1, 1862.
James Adams Clark, the son of Joseph and Lucy Jane (White) Clark,
was bora at Randolph, Vt, July 23, 1842.
Stephen Wells Clarke, A. M. the son of John and Asenatli (Wells)
Clarke, was born at Pittsfield, June 30, 1837. He taught Greek and Mathe-
maticks at Nichols Acad. Dudley, Ms, from 1862 to 1865; since then has been
Assistant Tearher in the Boys High School at Portsmouth. John Theodore
Clark, D. C. 1858, is his brother.
Charles Russell Clement, the son of the Rev. Jonathan and Phebe Fox-
croft (Phillips) Clement, was born at Chester, Nov. 8, 1840. John Phillips
element, D. C. 1848, is his brother.
Amos Waters Crane, the son of Gabriel and Mary Ann (Whit more)
Crane, was born at Toledo, Ohio, Nov. 7, 1837.
Oliver Lyford Cross, the son of Jeremiah and Sarah (Lyford) Cross,
was born at Northlield, June 11, 1836. He read law and went into practice at
Montgomery, Ala.
460 ALIIMNI 1862.
Horace Stuart Cummings, the son of the Rov. Jacob, D. C. 1819, and
Harriet (Te\vksl)ury) Cutnminjrs was born at Soiitliborotijih, Ms, July 1. 1840.
He read law with the Hon. Charles Henry B/II, D. C. 18-14. at Exeter from
Alls. 18G2 to Aujr. 1863 ; then at Albany Law School until admitted to the N.
Y. bar Dec. 13, 18G3, though continuing stndy in N. Y. cily until June 1HG4;
then practised at Exeter till his appointment in the U. S. Treasury at Washing-
ton city, D. C. which is still retained ; has been also three times elected Assist.
Secretary of the U. 8. Senate, viz. June 1863, June 1864, and June 1865 to
June 1867.
MiLON Davidson, the son of Alvan and Ann (Howe) Davidson, was born
at Unity, Nov. 28, 1834. He has been Mead of the Acad, at Northficld, Vt ;
is now. 1865, the same at the Acad, at Franklin, Vt, and has not left so far as is
known. He married Gratia Libby, dau. of Samuel Andrews of Richmond, Vt,
at R. Nov. 28, 1864.
David Franklin Davis, the son of Jacob and Aima (Davis) Davis, was
born at Nottingham, Nov. 25, 1833.
Jason Henry Dudley, the son of Jonathan ami IMiranda (Armstrong)
Dudlev, was born at Hanover, Nov. 24, 1842. He taught at Colebrook Acad,
from 1862 to 1865, reading law also witii William Spencer Ladd. D. C. 1H55 ;
Avas then at Phillips Acad. Danville, Vt, one year from Sept. 1865; i-emoved
thence to West Randolph, Vt, in 1866.
Luther Wilson Emerson, the son of the Hon. Abraham and Abigail (Dol-
bear) Emerson, was born at Candia, Oct. 14, 1838. He was Principal of Mun-
cie Acad. Ind. from Sept. 1862 to July 1863 ; also of a grammar school at
Columbus, Ohio, from Nov. 1863 to Apr. 1865; then taught in N. Y. city for
three months ; after this, read law there with Lewis and Cox ; was admitted to
the bar in Apr. 1866 and practises in that city. John Dolbear Emerson, D. C.
1853, is his brother.
Frederick Wood Ea'eleth. the son of John Henry and Martha (Ilolman)
Eveleth. was born at Farmington. Me, Dec. 16, 1H40.
Georg?: P'arr, the son of John and Trypiiena (Morse) Farr, Avas born at
Littleton, Feb. 12, 1836. He became a Capt. in the I3ih Reg. of N. H. vols
Sept. 19, 1862, and was desperately wounded in the battle of Coal Harbt)ur,
June 1, 1864; this inititted him for all service until made a member of a mili-
tary commission at Norfolk, Va. in Feb. 1865, which lasted to June 21, 1.S65,
when his term of service expired. He then began to read law, but his wounds
com|)elled him to desist and acce[)t the agency of a manufacturing company at
Littleton, his present home.
George Marshall Fellows, the son of Calvin Peterson and Mary Jane
(Worthen) Fellows, was born at Bristol, May 8, 1837. He was principal of an
Acad, at Contoocookville to Nov. 1862 ; then of a High School at Franklin.
He married Maria, dau. of Horace ^Merrill Emmons of Bristol, Aug. 12. 1862.
* Stark Felloavs, the S(mi of Rufus and Sarah Ann (Silver) Fellows. AvaS
born at Sandown, Apr. 15, 1840. and died at Key West, Flor. May 1864. He
was first an otlicer in the 14ih N. H. vols, but Avas soon Lt Col. of the 2nd U.
S. coloured Reg. and commanded at Fort Taylor at the time of his lamented death.
Daa^id Folsom, the son of John and Dorothy (Underhill) Folsom. was born
at Aul)urn Jan. 4, 1839. He was a merchant at Memphis, Tenn. from Sept. 1,
1862 to Sept. 1. 1863 ; at New Orleans, La. from that date to Feb. 1864, and
from ihat time to the present at St Louis, ^Missouri. He married Eleanor, dau.
of Jonas Titus of Providence, R. I. Dec. 21, 1865.
James French, the son of Moses and Almira (Herrick) French, was born
Meadville, Pa, Oct. 21, 1839.
ALUMNI 1862. 461
Nathaniel Parkkr Gage, the son of Samuel Kimball and Myra (Parker)
Gai^e, was born at Pelham, Apr. 26, 1838. He taujiht in N. II, and Mass.
from 1862 to 1864; then at Fond du Lac, Wise, from 1864 to 1866; is now
pursuing the same vocation at Fort Atkinson, Wise.
George Fuller Gill, the son of Charles and Deborah Ann (Belcher)
Gill, was born at Farmington, Me, Feb. 5, 1843. He was hospital Steward in
a R. I. Cavalry reij. in 1862 ; studied medicine at Harvard Univ. Med. Sciiool
in 1862 and 1863 ; became a U. S. Army Med. Cadet in Mar. 1863 ; attended
to the same study at the Med. Coll. of the Univ. of St Louis, Missouri, gradu-
ating M. D. in Mar. 1864 ; at that date was made Acting Assist. Surgeon of
the U. S. Army and Executive Officer at Madison Hospital in Ind. and was
on duty until July 1865 ; then left the service tor St Louis and began practice
OcTAVius Barrell Goodwin, the son of John Marston and Mehitabel
Walker (Day) Goodwin, was born at HoUis, Me, July 22, 1840. He was in
mercantile business in N. C. in 1863; returned to Me in 1864; went to Oil
City, Pa, in Mar. 1865 ; embarked in the oil business and so remains.
George Frank Hobbs, the son of Josiah Hilton and Riioda Davis (Chap-
man) Hobbs, was born at Wakefield, May 6, 1841. He read law with Cliarles
Cliesley at Wakefield and Jordan and KolHns at Great Falls until Si^pt. 1864 ;
at that date, became a private in the 1st Reg. of N. H. Heavy Artillery; was
made 1st Lt and Adjutant of the 18tii N. H. reg. of Infantry vols in Oct. 1864;
resigned from ill health Apr. 9, 1865 : resumed the legal study and began prac-
tice at Wakefield and has not removed.
Grosvenor Silliman Hubbard, the son of Dr Olivei- Payson and Faith
Wadsworth (Silliman) IIul)bard, was born at Hanover, Oct. iO, 1840. He
studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. from Aug. to Oct. 1862 ; taught at the
Grand Ligne Mission, Can. East, from Oct. 1862 to Mar. 1863 ; was a Clerk in
the Treasury at Washington, D. C. from May 1863 to July 1865 ; then read
law at New Haven, Ct, to Sept. 1866, and from that date with Mace and Par-
sons at N. Y. city, where his profession is now pursued.
Simeon Hunt, the son of William Donaldson and Lydia (Chase) Hunt, was
born at Seekonk, Ms, Apr. 27, 1837. He taught at Lyme and Auburn ; studied
medicine at Manchester, and at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1865; has
gone into practice at Springfield, Pa.
Andrew iNGRAiiA.^r, the son of Robert and Phebe (Coffin) Ingraham, was
born at New Bedford, Ms, Dec. I'J, 1841. He was a private in the 3d iMs Inf
vols; transferred to the signal corps; discharged in 1863; was Principal of
Plymouth Acad, from Apr. 1865 to Mar. 1866.
William Edward Johnson, the son of Eliakim and Harriet Augusta
(Collaraer) Johnson, was born at Woodstock, Vt, June 6, 1841. He read law
JosiAH Weare Kingsbury, the son of the Rev. Samuel and Mary (Bad-
cock) Kingsbury, was born at Underhill, Vt, Oct. 2, 1838. He studied di-
vinity at Princeton, N. J. Tlieo. Sem'y ; was ordained an evangelist, and soon
installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Queechy, Vt, June 28, 1866. He married
Mary H. Jackson of Tam worth, Oct. 2, 1865.
Arthur Sewall Lake, the son of David and Julia B. (Sanborn) Lake,
was born at Chichester, Nov. 11, 1837. He became Principal of Conway
Acad. Ms, in 1862 ; of Hinghain Acad. Ms, in 1863 ; of Hanover Acad. Ms, in
1864; of Thompson Acad. Ct, in 1865, and so continues.
Henry Phelps Lamprey, the son of Ephraim and Bridget (Phelps)
462 ALUMNI 1862.
Lamprey, was born at Groton, Nov, 3. 1832. He was employefl by the
American Tract Society from 18G2 to 18G4; then read divinity at the Free
Baptist Theo. School at N<'w Hampton from 1864 to 1866, and is now the
j)a>t()r of a church of that order at Piiillips, Me.
Bf.xjamin M'Lkran, the son of William and Eliza (Gleason) M'Leran,
was l)orn in Barnet, Vt, Feb. 5, 1 840,
Hknkt Mardex, tiie son of Samuel and Phebe (Noyes) jNIarden, was born
at New Boston, Dec. 9. 1837. He taught at Bradford, Ms, from 1862 to 1864;
at Hitchcock Acad. Brimfield, Ms, from 1864 to 1866 ; then studied divinity at
And. Theo. Sem.
John Westlet Milligan, the son of Robert and Mary Ann (Shartess)
MilHjian, was born at Braddock's Field, Pa, May 15, 1838.
Joseph Robekt ^Iileioan, the brother of the above, was born at Brad-
dock's Field. Pa, May 25, 1844. He has studied divinity at the Theo. Sem-
in Princeton. N. J.
Geoijge "Washingtox Morrill, the son of George E. and Hannah (Bart-
lett) ]\Iorrill. was born at Xa-hua, June 27, 1836. He reail law with Morri-on,
Stanley, and Chirk at Manchester ; went to N. Y. city in 1864 ; read law there
and came to the bar in May 1864 ; then engaged in Real Estate and Lisurance
business and so remains. He married Olive J. daii, of William Caldwoll of
Dunbaiton, Dec. 25, 1866.
Charles Mtrox Palmer, the .son of Asa and Pamelia (Rugg) Palmer,
was born at Orfordville, Jan. 16,1837. He tauglit the Hitchcock Free gram-
mar school at Brimfield, Ms, two years from Aug 17, 1862 ; studied divinity at
Union Theo. Sem. N. Y. city, from Nov. 1864 ; went thence to And. Theo. Sem.
in Sept. 1865. graduating in 1867.
Edavin FuaxivLIX Palmer, the son of Aaron and Sarah (Thayer) Palmer,
was born at AVaitsfiekl. Vt, Jan. 22, 1836,
George Bela Patch, the son of William and Adeline (Wright) Patch,
was born at Hartford, Vt, May 6, 1837, He was in the cily mission at Wash-
ington, D. C, in 1862 and 1863 ; then became a Clerk in the U. S, Treasury
there and so remains. He married Elisabeth, dan. of David Walker of Wash-
ington, Jan, 13, 1864.
William Hexry Peck, the son of George Clinton and Melinda P. (Win-
gate) Peck, was born at Lyndon, Vt, Jan. 3, 1841. He taught the Lyndon
Acad, in the fall of 1862, and at Gloucester. INIs, the next winter; was tiien
teaching at Union, Rock Co. and Stoughton, both in Wise, from 1863 to 1864;
was tlien principal of the High School at Mineral Point, Wise, to 1867, the
present year. lie commenced the publication of the " Wisconsin Journal of
Education " in Mar, 1866, and also of the " National Democrat," a weekly
newsjtaper in Sept. 1866, both of which are now in his charge as editor and
publisher. He married .Joanna, dau. of William Ilildebrand of Mineral Point,
at M. Oct. 26, 1864,
Jay Read Pember, the son of Dr Jacob Read and Violet (Hidden) Pem-
ber, was born at Randolph, Vt, Sept, 2, 1841, He is a Phonographick Re-
porter e-tablihavv) Dodge, was boi'n at the Dwight Mission, Cherokee Nation, Nov.
30, 1842. He studied medicine at Little Rock, Ark.
William Lapham Flagg, the son of Abe] Stearns and Eliza Lilla (Lap-
ham) Flagg, was born at Littleton, Ms, Nov. 22, 1841. He studied law and
went into |>raclice at N. Y. city, but has removed to Cincinnati, Oiiio.
Addison Howard Foster, the son of Benjamin Tenney, and Abigail
(Howaid) Foster, was born at Wilion, Nov. 13, 1838. He studied medicine
at Manchester ; was M. D. at some Med. Coll. and is in practice at Lawrence,
Ms. He mairied Su>an M. Houghton at New Ipswich in 1866.
George Henry French, tlie son of Coffin ^Nloore and Dolly (Pill^bury)
French, was born at Candia, July 27, 183S. He was Principal of Tliettbrd
Acad. Vt, and is studying divinity at And. Theo. Sem. ^Is, in the cla~s of 1868.
Zeeb Oilman, A. M. the .-on of Dr Zeeb and Naomi (M'Neal) Oilman,
was boiii at Piermont, May 13, 1841. He was a U. S. Clerk at Washington
D. C.
"William Pittson Goodellk. the son of Aaron and Eleanor (Prevost)
Goodelle, was born at Tully, N. Y. May 25, 1840. He was principal of an
Acad, at Moravia, N. Y.
ALTOINI 1863. 465
Thomas Goodwillie, the son of the Rev. Dr Thomas, D. C. 1820, and
Alison (Hogue) Goodwillie, was born at Barnet, Vt, June 28, 1840. He
studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 18G6. He married
Anna, dau. of William Coffee of Hanover, Nov. 25, 18G2.
Frank Palmer Goulding, the son of Piilmer and Fanny W. (Maynard)
Goulding, was bom at Grafton, Ms, July 2, 18.j7. He read law with the Hon.
AU^xander Hamilton Bnllook of Worcester, Ms, and has gone into practice
Edwin Green, A. M. the son of Sherburne and Abigail Locke (Saunders)
Green, was born at Pittsfield, Nov. 17, 1838. He was 1st Lt in the 9th Reg.
of N. H. vols.
Alfred Kittredge Hamilton, the son of the Hon. Irenus and Mary
F^sther (Kittredge) Hamilton, was born at Lyme, Got. 31, 1840. He is a clerk
in a brother's otfice at Fond du Lac, Wise.
AzEL Washburn Hazen, A. M. the son of the Rev. Austin, D. C. 1807,
and Lucia (Wa>hburn) Hazen, was born at Berlin, Vt, Apr. 10, 1841. He
was Ri'incipal of the High School at Randolph, Ms ; is now studying divinity
at the Tiieo. Sem. Hartford, Ct, in the class of 1868. Allen Hazen, D. C. 1842,
is his half brother.
George Swan Hutchins, A. INI. the son of Chester Childs and Jane
(Swan) Hutchins, was born at Bath, Feb. 10, 1840. He is in busine-s at N.
Y. cit3% but has lately sailed for Cuba, W. 1. to recruit his health,
Jonas Hutchinson, the son of Abel and Betsey (Bartlett) Hutchinson, was
born at IMilford, Jan. 10, 1840. He was Principal of the Fligh School at Co-
lumbus, Ohio.
Isaac Newton Jenks, the son of Isaac P. and Cordelia (Hurlbert) Jenks,
was born at Northfield, Vt, June 17, 1839. He read law in N. Y. city.
Jesse Johnson, the son of Elliot and Sarah (Taylor) Johnson, was born at
Bradford, Vt, Feb. 2, 1842. He read law and is in [)ractice in N. Y. city or
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Edward Payson Johnston, A. M. the son of Michael and Ann (Atkin-
son) Johnston, was born at Haverhill, Dec. 15, 1840. He is in business at
Memphis, Tenn. Charles Johnston, D. C. 1813, and Hale Atkinson Johnston,
D. C. 1825, were his half brothers.
Joseph Franklin Joy, the son of Samuel and Weighta (Pettigrew) Joy,
was born at New Durham, May 15, 1839. He became a teacher at Rochester,
N. Y.
Charles Franklin Kittredge, the son of Franklin Otis and Mary Ann
(Dutton) Kittredge, was born at Mount Vernon, Feb. 24, 1841. He re-ad law
wilii the Hon. Jolui Pluramer Healy, D. C. 1835, at Boston, Ms.
Maitland Charles Lamprey, the son of Ephraim and Bridget (Phelps)
Lam[)rey, was born at Groton about 1839. Henry Phelps Lamprey, D. C.
1862. is his brother.
Daniel Norris Lane, the son of Daniel Norris and Hannah (Lane) Lane,
was born at Raymond, Sept. 25, 1834. He was Principal of the High School
at Weymouth, Ms.
George Arthur Miller, the son of Nathaniel and Nancy (Paull) Miller
was bQrn at Bridgewater, Vt, Sept. 18, 1836. He was agent of the Snnitary
Commission at Ainiapolis, Md ; then Principal of a High School at South W(;y
mouth, Ms; now of an Acad, at Elmwood, lUi.
* Charles Willard Morrill, the son of David and Comfort (Morrill)
Morrill, was born at Canterlmry, Dec. 30, 1839, and died at the Hospital,
Cairo, Illi. Mar. 7, 1864, je. 24.
4GG ALUMNI 1863.
Clakenck Freeman Moulton, the pon of Horace and Lucy (Smitli)
Moulton, was born at West Randolph, Vt, Mar. 11, 1837. He became a Broker
in N. Y. city.
Bernard Paine, A. M. the son of Levi and Clementina (Leonard) Paine,
was born at East Randolph, Ms, Si-pt. 21, 1834. He studied divinity at Union
Theo. Sem. N. Y. city, and at And. Tiieo. Sem. graduatins; at the last in 18GG;
was ordained pastor of the Pacifick Cong. Ch. at New Bedford, Ms, June 6,
Charles Carroll Pearson, the son of -John H. and Mary (Buttcrtield)
Pearson, was born at Concord? Feb. 28, ISil. He went into merchandise at
John Bradley Peaslee, A. M. the son of Reuben and Harriet At wood
(Willetts) Peaslee, was born at Plaistow, Sept. 3, 1842. He was a teacher at
Cincituiati, Oliio.
Martin Van Buren Perley, the son of Silas and Elisabeth (Perley)
Perley, was born at Ipswich, Ms, Nov. 20, 1835. He was principal of Biown-
ington Acad. Vt, from 1863 to 1864; also of Danville Acad. Can. East, from
1804 to 1865 ; is now in business at Gloucester, Ms. He married while in
Gardner Carpenter Pierce, the son of the Rev. Willard and Eleanor
W. (Everett) Pierce, was born at Foxborough, Ms, Feb. 22, 1838. He studied
medicine at Harv. Med. School, graduating M. D. in 1807, and is practising at
Asliland, Ms.
Charles Alfred Pillsbury, A. M. the son of George Alfred and Mar-
garet (Carleton) Pillsbury, was i)orn at Warner, Oct. 3, 1842.- He embarked in
merchandise at Montreal, Can. Ea>t.
William Henry Pricston, A. M. the son of William and Mary (Hull)
Preston, wa> born at Danville, Vt, Aug. 7, 1840. He was Principal ot Dan-
ville Acad. Vt.
*JoiiN Milton Proctor, the son of John and Lucy (Pierce) Proctor, was
born at Townsend, ]Ms, Sept. 9, 1839, and died there in Feb. 1860, je. 20. He
read law at Townsend
Solon Shumavay Sanborn, A. M. the son of Josiah Miles and Mary (Shum-
way) Sanborn, was born at Albany, Vt, Nov. 6, 1830. He was a teacher at
Centreville, Cal. from Sept. 24, to Dec. 15, 1863; had charge of the Classical
Branch of Oakland College school in Cal. from Jan. 14, 1804 to June 14, 1806,
and also taught German in the Coll. of California from Aug. 2, 1864 to June 14,
1866; left San Francisco, June 18, and reached N. Y. city July 9, 1866; en-
tered Harv. Univ. Law School Sept. 20, 1800, and there remains.
Francis Savage, A. M. the son of Johnston and Mary (Hardy) Savage,
was born at Boxford, Ms, Sept. 21, 1835. He was Principal of a High School
at Middleton, Ms, l)ut has since taken the same position at Bradford, ]\Is.
John Scales, A. M. the son of Samuel and Betsey (True) Scales, was born
at Nottingham, Oct. 20, 1830. He first taught in the Acad, at Wolflu.rough,
but became Principal of Gilmanton Acad. Aug. 28, 1866. and so remains. He
married Ellen A. Tasker of Sti'afford, at Meredith, Oct 22, 1805.
Frank Austin SrENCER.the son of Or.-on and Enimeline (Porter) Spencer,
was born at Bridgeport, Ct, Mar. 2, 1842. He was a IJ. S. Clerk at Wa.-hing-
ton, D. C. and also a law student in Columbia College Law School.
* George Sidney True, the son of Reuben and Hannah (Duncan) True,
was born at Meriden, Mar. 26, 1839, and died at Montreal, C. E. June 23, 1864,
JE. 25.
ALUMNI 1863. 467
Isaac Walker, A. M. the son of James and Mary (Barker) Walker, was
born at Fryeburg, Me, Sept. 26, 1843. He was Principal of Pembroke
Academy in 1863, and so continues.
George Albert Weaver, the son of Lemuel and Eliza Goodwin (Hort)
Weaver, was born at Urbana, Ohio, May 22, 1842.
HoLLis Smith Westgate, the son of John and Betsey Ann (Clough) West-
gate, was born at Plainfield, Feb. 7, 1841. He studied divinity at Newton^ Ms,
Theo. Sera, and then taught a Higli School at Columbus, Ohio. Earl Webster
Westgate, D. C 18G0, is his brother.
Eri Davidson Woodbury, A. M. the son of Henry and Hannah (David-
son) Woodbury, was born at Francestown, May 30, 1837. He was 2nd Lt of
the 1st Vt cavalry vols.
John Henry Albin, A. M. the son of John and Emily (White) Albin, was
born at Randolph, Vt, Oct. 17, 1842. He read law with the Hon. Ira A. East-
man, D. C. 1829, from 1864 to 1867 at Concord.
Edwin Freeman Ambrose, the son of Nathaniel and Hannah (Roberts)
Ambrose, was born at Ossipee, Jan. 12, 1837. He was employed in a publish-
ing house at Chicago, Illi. but is now an associate teacher at Norway Acad. Me.
Henry Clinton Ayers, the son of Joseph and Lucy Caroline (Emery)
Ayers, was born at Northtield, Jan. 6, 1840. Jeremiah Emery Ayers, D. C.
1863, is his brother.
Solon Bancroft, the son of Emory and Harriet (Batchelder) Bancroft,
was born at Reading, Ms, July 22, 1839. He read law and began practice at
Boston, Ms.
Charles Dana Barrows, the son of Dr Reuel and Ann Kimball (Dana)
Barrows, \vas born at Fryeburg, Me, Apr. 21, 1844. He was Principal of
Fryeliurg Academy, and is now of Norway Acad. Me.
John Paige Bartlett, the son of John and Luna (Bailey) Bartlett, was
born at Weare, Feb. 4, 1841. He read law with Morrison, Stanley, and Clark
at Manchester in 1864; is settled in practice at Omaha, Nebraska. He is mar-
* Samuel Newton Bartlett, the son of Martin and Elima (Graham)
Bartlett, was born at liindge, Apr. 11, 1838, and died at Townsend, Ms, Dec.
28, 1864, iE. 26.
John Hale Berry, the son of Thomas and Olive (Gove) Berry, was born
at Chichester, June 17, 1839.
Nathan Cook Brackett, the son of Joshua and Mary (Cook) Brackett,
was born at Phillips, Me, July 28, 1836.
Charles Albert Bunker, A. M. the son of Alfred and Mary Emerson
(Hodgdon) Bunker, was born at Barnstead, July 21, 1840. He taught at Cor-
inth, Vi, and is now or has been Principal of M'lndoes Acad. Vt.
William Sargeant Burnham, the son of Samuel and Sally Perry (Sar-
geant) Burnham, was born at Bow, Aug. 24, 1838". He has had some employ-
ment at Boston, Ms.
Charles Caldwell, the son of David Story and Abigail (Newman; Cald-
well, was born at Byfield, Ms, July 30, 1841. lie studied medicine at Dart.
Med. Coll. 1864, and since at Harv. Univ. Med. School, graduating M. D. in
1867. David Augustine Caldwell, D. C. 1860, is his brother.
Albert Priest Charles, the son of Ambrose and Besmath (Dickey)
468 ALUMNI 1864.
Charles, was born at Lowell, Ms, Jan. 26, 1840. He read law with Samuel
Newell Bell, D. C. 1847, at Manchester.
Silas Wright Davis, the son of Eleazer and Mary A. (Gilinan) Davis,
was born at Gilford, Mar. 29, 1841. He studied medicine at Dart. Med. Coll.
graduating M. D. in 1867 ; is now at Burlington, Vt.
Edward De Forest, the son of Charles Augustus and Eliza (Kline) De
Forest, was born at Albany, N. Y. Dec. 24, 1844.
David Marks Edgerly, the son of David Leighton and Olive (Place)
Edgerly. was born at New Durham, July 11, 1839. He studied medicine at the
N. Y. Med. Coll. in N. Y. city, graduating M. D. in 1867.
Daniel Mitchell Elliott, A. M. the son of Jacob Gault and Betsey Tyler
(Moore) Elliott, was born at Littleton, Ms, Oct. 7, 1842. He was a clerk at St
Albans. Vt, in a Rail Road office from Sept. o, 1864 to May 13, 1865 ; taught
the High School at Castine, Me, from May 22, 1865 to Mar. 2, 1866 ; studied
medicine with Dr Butlei" H. Phillips of Pembroke, Drs William D. Buek and
Lyman Bartlett How, D. C. 1860, at Manchester, and at Dart. Med. College,
all from Apr. 17, 1866 ; is living at Pembroke.
John Luther Foster, the son of George and Phila (Hoskins) Foster, was
born at Lyman, Sept. 15, 1837. He read law at Manchester.
WiLLARD Wheeler Freeman, the sonof Joshua and Sarah (Brown) Free-
man, was born at Albion, Me, Oct. 4, 1839. He lead law and is in practice at
St Louis, Missouri.
Homer Taylor Fuller, A. M. the son of Sylvanus and Sarah Maria
(Taylor) Fuller, was born at Lem[)ster, Nov. 15, 1838. He was Principal of
Fredonia Aead. N. Y. from 1864 to 1867. Is now studying divinity at And.
Theo. Sem.
William Tenney Gage, the son of William and Eleanor (Kimball) Gage,
was boin at Le Roy, N. Y. Mar. 16, 1843.
John Tyler Gibson, A. M. the son of Appleton and Lydia (Stone) Gib-
son, was born at Hopkinton, Ms, Aug. 31, 1841.
Linus Almon Gould, the son of Moses and Mary (Graves) Goidd, was born
at Northlield, Vt, Oct. 9, 1842.
Daniel Crosby Greene, A. M. the son of the Rev. David and Mary
(Evans) Greene, was born at Roxbury, I\Is, Feb. 11, 1843. He studied di-
vinity in the Theo. Sem. at Chicago, Illi. in the class of 1869. Roger Sherman
Greene, D. C. 1859, is his brother.
Nathaniel Luther Hanson, the son of Nathaniel and Margaret (Evans)
Hanson, was born at Barnstead, Dec. 2, 1837. John Hanson, D. C. 1859, is
his brothi-r.
William Francis Harvey, A. M. the son of William and Amelia (Bliss)
Harvey, was born at Royalton, Vt, Oct. 10, 1838. He taught from 1864 to
Mar. 18G5; then became a Clerk in the U. S. Treasury at Washington, D. C.
and is vet there; has also attended lectures at the Georgetown Med. Coll. at
Washington in' 1866 and 1867. Daniel Bliss Harvey, D. C. 1854, is his
IcHABOD Goodwin Hobbs, A. INI. the son of William and Sarah Elliott
(Goodwin) Hobbs, was born at North Berwick, INIe, ]\Iar. 13, 1843. He be-
came an Assist. Paymaster in the U. S. navy, Feb. 22, 1867.
Elias Wilkins Howe, the son of Frederick and Mary (Wilkins) Howe,
was born at Danvers, Sept. 21, 1841. He is a Book Keeper of the Howe Ma-
chine Co. at Bridgeport, Ct.
Edward Francis Johnson, the son of Noah and Letitia Margaret (Clag-
ALUMNI 1864. 469
gett) Johnson, was born at HoUis, Oct. 21, 1842. He read law and went into
practice at Hudson, Ms.
HosEA Kingman, the son of Philip D. and Betsey B. ("Washburn) King-
man, was born at Bridgewater, Ms, Apr. 11, 1843. He read law and has
opened an office at Bridgewater.
Eugene Lewis, the son of George Gilbert and Adeline (Labaree) Lewis,
was born at Claremont, Mar. 11, 1839.
Wakren M'Clintock, A. M. the son of Luke and Nancy Bradford (Gould)
M'Clintock, was born at Hillsborough, Oct. 4, 1838.
Albert Weston IMoore, A. M. the son of Hugh Kelsea and Mary Ann
(Conner) Moore, was born at Boston, Ms, Aug. 29, 1842.
George Bradford Nichols, the son of Joel Cook and Clai'issa (Barnes)
Nichols, was born at East Montpeliei", Vt, Dec. 23, 1839. He is a Commission
Merchant at Chicago, lili.
Charles Henry Patterson, the son of William and Frances Mary
(Shepard) Patterson, was born at Henniker, Jan. 20, 1840. He read law at
Columbia Coll. Law School, Washington, D. C. graduating LL. B. in 1866,
and was admitted to the bar, but is now in the Custom House at N. Y. city.
Leander Van Ness Peck, the son of Zia and Sarah (Campbell) Peck, was
born at Acworth, Apr. 2, 1836. He became a teacher at Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
He married ■ of Acton, Ms.
John Carroll Proctor, A. M. the son of James Hervey and Eliza
(Brown) Proctor, was born at Manchester, Oct. 25, 1840. He has been a
teacher at Phillips Acad. Andover, Ms, from 1864.
Cyrus Richardson, tiie son of Samuel and Hannah (Varnum) Richardson,
was born at Dracut, Ms, Mar. 30, 1840. He is studying divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. in the class of 1869.
Williaji Richardson, the son of William Bui-pee and Rebecca (Bass)
Richardson, was born at Sterling, Ms, Dec. 19, 1838.
George Howard Malcolm Rowe, A. M. the son of Jonathan and Maria
Louisa (Morrison) Rowe, was born at Lowell, Ms, Feb. 1, 1841. He has
studied medicine at Harv. Univ. Med. School.
Jacob Osborn Sanborn, the son of Daniel Ladd and Adah Shepherd
(Moore) Sanborn, was born at July 6, 1840.
John Woodbury Scribner, the son of Jolni and Betsey Dearborn (Page)
Scribner, was born at Raymond, Mar. 7, 1840.
Charles Eben Swett, the son of Charles and Anna (Babcock) Swett, was
born at Chelmsford, Ms, Mar. 12, 1839.
Charles Augustus Towle, the son of Benjamin Marden and Hannah
(Sanborn) Towle, was born at Epsom, June 20, 1837. He is a student at And.
Theo. Sem. in the class of 1869.
John Jay Tracy, the son of Ebenezer Carter, D. C. 1819, and Martha
Sherman (Evarts) Tracy, was born at Windsor, Vt, Dec. 23, 1843.
John Calvin Webster, the son of the Rev. John Calvin, D. C. 1832, and
Rebecca Gair (Russell) Webster, was born at Hopkinton, Ms, Apr. 9, 1843.
He studied medicine ; had a position in Fort Warren, Boston, Ms ; contiimed
studies at Harvard Med. School, graduating M. D. in 1867, and is practising
at Chipago, Illi.
Barti.ett Hardy Weston, the son of Flint and Caroline Matilda (Hardy)
Weston, was born at Georgetown, Ms, Dec. 24, 1840. He was some time
Principal of Ham])ton Acad, but is now Principal of the Academick Depart, in
Wheaton Coll. at Wheaton, Illi.
470 ALUMNI 1864.
Elliott Whipple, the son of Ira aixl Pliidelia (Davis) "Whipple, was born
at St Johnsbury, Vt, Sept. 11, 1842. He raairied Samautha Byron, dau. of
Eli-^ha John.'on'at Stratford, Aujr. 27, 1863.
Nelson Wilbur, the son of Daniel Carr and Clarissa (Fisher) Wilbur, was
born at Unadilla, N. Y. Feb. 18, 1840.
Charles True Adams, the son of Samuel and Eliza A. (Saunders) Adams,
was born at Boston, Ms, Nov. 14, 1842.
Charles Carroll Arms, the son of Charles C. and Lucia (Mills) Arras,
was born at Waterburj, Vt, July 6, 1840.
Algernon Benton Baldwin, the son of Eli M. and Betsey (Jewett)
Baldwin, was born at Hanover, Oct. 9, 1840.
Frkdekick Alphoxso Benton, the son of Elmon and Susan (Gilmore)
Bpiiton, was born at Weston, Vt, Mar. 29, 1841. He read law and has been
admitted to tlie bar.
James Henry Bodge, the son of Noah and Lydia C. (Mann) Bodge, was
born at Boston, Ms, June 26, 1841. He studied medicine at Harv. Med.
Scliool, graduating M. D. in 1867 ; is practising in Boston.
CcELEB BuRNHAM, the SOU of .Job and Lydia (Holmes) Burnliam. was born
at Essex, Ms, Feb. 14, 1839. He began and has continued the study of medi-
cine with Dr John Dudley Lovering, D. C. 1853, at Essex.
Henry Eben Burnham, the son of Henry L. and Maria A. (Bailey) Burn-
ham, was born at Dunbarton, Nov. 8, 1844.
Joseph Stanley Chapman, the son of Joseph and Mary (Stanley) Chap-
man, Avas born at Irasburg, Vt, Jan. 18, 1838.
Charles Abner Chase, the son of Charles Chauncey, D. C. 1839, and
Martha Smith (Cowles) Chase, was born at Peacham, Vt, May 20, 1844. He
taught an Acad, at Craftsbury, Vt, 3 months in 1865; another at Peacham, 9
months from 1865 to 1866; became Principal of the Greene School at Lowell,
M>. in Aug. 1866, and is there still, studying medicine also with Dr Charles
Augustus Savory of that city.
Walter AVells Chase, the son of Prof. Stephen, D. C. 1832, and Sarah
Tliompson (Goodwin) Chase, was born at Hanover, May 28, 1844. Frederick
Cha^e, D. C. 1860, is his brother.
ZiBA Aldkich Colburn, the son of Abijah and Phila (Aldrich) Colburn,
wa- born at Shrewsbury, Vt, Jan. 6, 1839.
John Sanborn Conner, the son of Phineas Sanborn, D. C. 1835, and
Eliza A. (Sanborn) Conner, was born at Cincinnati, Ohio, June 30, 1844. He
reail law at Cincinnati. Phineas Sanborn Conner, D. C. 1859, is his brother.
Henry Irving Cushman, the son of Hartwell Colman and IMary Ann (Earl)
Cushman, was born at Orford, July 29, 1844. He studied divinity with the Rev.
Charles H. Leonard at Clielsea, Ms, from Sept. 1865 to Jan. 1, 1867, and was
ordained pastor of the 2iul Universalist Ch. at Cambridge, Ms. May 15, 1867.
Frank James Drake, the son of James and Betsey (Seavey) Drake, was
born at Pittsfield, Nov. 3, 1842. He is in mercantile business at Manchester,
N. H.
Frederick Fairfield Foster, the son of the Rev. Frederick, D. C. 1840,
and Loretta (Ayer) Currier Foster, was born at Winthrop, Me, Nov. 3, 1842.
He has been devoted to teaching since graduation.
William Bull Greene, the son of William Henry, D. C. 1830, and
Catharine T. (Bull) Greene, was born at Butfalo, N. Y. Jan. 4, 1847.
ALUMNI 1865. 471
Ammi Ruhamah Hahn, the son of Jacob and Sarah (Morse) Hahn, was
born at Monmouth, Me, Oct. 19, 1841. He has studied medicine at Harv.
Univ. Med. School, and with Dr William Henry Thorndike of Boston, Ms, his
own residence.
Edwin Blaisdell Hale, the son of Aaron and Mary (Kent) Hale, was
born at Orford, June 16, 1839. He was Principal of the Lawrence High
School at Boston, Ms, but has been called to be Principal of the Newton High
School at Newtonville, Ms.
Charles Carroll Hall, the son of Joseph and Lydia (Bodfish) Hall, was
born at Sandwich, Ms, June 7, ]838. He tauglit at Franklin in 1866.
Matthew Harvey, the son of Frederick Rowe and Ann J. (Rhea) Har-
vey, and grandson of Matthew Harvey, D. C. 1806, was born at Clinton, La,
Oct. 31, 1843.
Isaac Long Heath, the son of Carlton and Sarah K. (Long) Heath, was
born at Bow.
Wendell Phillips Hood, the son of John and Rebecca (Stanley) Hood,
was born at Danvers, Ms, Feb. 25, 1839. When in College, he served as a
private in a 3 months reg. from May 1862; also in the 48th Mass. 9 months
reg. from Nov. 1862. After graduating, he taught at the Dvvight School in
Boston, ]Ms ; became Superintendent of the Publick Schools at Red-Wing,
Minn, in Se|)t. 1866, and there remains. He married Maria Phelps, dau. of
William R. Putnam of Danvers, at D. Mar. 27, 1866.
Charles Lawrence Hubbard, the son of Joshua P. and Adaline (Eaton)
Hubbard, was born at Candia, July 4, 1839. He is a student of divinity at
And. Theo. Sem. in' the class of 1868.
Hiram Augustus Huse, the son of Hiram S. and Emily M. (Blodgett)
Huse, was born at Randolph, Vt, Jan. 17, 1843.
George Henry Ide, the son of Joseph A. and Lucretia A. (Fairbanks)
Ide, was born at St Johnsbury, Vt, Jan. 21, 1839. He served in the army
while in Coll. 1 year from 1862 to 1863 ; after graduation, tauglit the Gram-
mar School at St Johnsbury 1 year ; then began the study of divinity at And.
Theo. Seminary in the class of 1868.
Richard Klmball, the son of Richard Burleigh, D. C. 1834, and Julia C.
(Toralinson) Kimball, was born at New York city, Jan. 11, 1845. He read law
with A. Anthony, District Atty, at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. and was admitted to the
bar at Brooklyn, N. Y. Dec. 13, 1866 ; then began and continues practice in
his native city.
David Dana Marsh, the son of the Rev. Joseph, D. C. 1824, and Lucy
(Dana) Marsh, was born at Orford, Apr. 14, 1842. He is studying divinity at
And. Theo. Sem. in the class of 1868.
Frank Banvard Modica, the son of Joseph and Achsah (Farrar) Modica,
was born at Boston, Ms, May 13, 1843.
Luther Sullivan Morrill, the son of Luther M. and Louisa (Osgood)
Morrill, was born at Concord, July 13, 1844. He read law at Concord.
David Robinson Nuttkr, the son of William C. and Eliza (Dame) Nut-
ter, was born at Barnstead, May 26, 1842. He became a clerk in the N. Y.
city custom house ; also read law there, graduating at Columbia Coll. in 1867.
Hj-:nry Lebbeus Oak. the son of Lebbeus and Sarah E. (Merriaui) Oak,
was born at Garland, Me, May 13, 1844.
Webster Patterson, the son of William and Ruth (Adams) Patterson,
was born at Vershire, Vt, Oct. 8, 1841. He has studied divinity at And. Theo.
Sem. from 1865, in the class of 1868.
472 ALUMNI 1865.
Erastus Barton Powers, the ^on of Laniard and Ruby (Barton) Pow-
ers, was born at Cornish, Jan. 31, 1841. He read law at Harv. Law School,
graduatinfi; LL. B. in 1867.
William Alexandkr Putney, the son of Henry and Abbie M. (Alex-
ander) Putney, was born at Dunbarton, July 13, 1845.
Horace Russell, the son of Charles and Hannah (Wright) Russell, was
born at Bombay, N. Y. June 19, 1843. He read law and was adraittted to the
bar at Ogdensbnrg, N. Y.
Augustus Harrison Small, the son of Dr Harrison and Nancy P.
(Baker) Small, was born at PZast Pittston, Me, .Tan. 1, 1843. He read law with
Judge Charles Danforth at Gardiner, I\Ie, from 1865 to Jan. 1867; at that time,
began practice there, and is the Author of a work entitled " The Soldiers
Friend." He married Hannah Elisabeth, dau. of John Webb of Gardiner, at
G. June 13, 1866.
William Buknham Stevens, the son of William F. and Mary J. (Burn-
ham) Stevens, was born at Stoneliam, Ms, Mar. 23, 1843. He read law from
Sept. 1865 to July 1866 ; then went abroad, visiting Palestine, Egypt, Italy,
France, England, and Scotland; returned home in 1867; resumed law studies
with Sweetser and Gardner of Boston, Ms, and at Harv. Univ. Law School ; is
now pursuing his profession. Wliile in college, he served in the 50th Reg. of
Mass. vols in Gen. Banks' expedition and at the siege of Port Hudson.
Alphonso Everett White, the son of Charles and Amanda K. (Brown)
White, was born at Framingham, Ms. Nov. 19, 1842.
Leonard Wilcox, the son of Judge Leonard, D. C. 1817, and Mary
(Mann) Wilcox, was born at Orford, Oct. 13, 1844. He taught at Fort
Wayne, Lid. from 1865 to 1866; also at St Louis, Missouri, from Oct. 1866 to
the present time, reading law at the same time with Warren Cin'rier of that
city. Samuel Morey Wilcox, D. C. 1847, is his half brother, and George Wil-
cox, D. C. 1860, his brother.
George Roscoe Williams, the son of George B, and Mehitabel (Lilly)
Williams, was born at Woolwich, Me, Feb. 20, 1842.
Peter Woodbury, the son of Jesse and Hannah (Duncklee) Woodbury,
was born at Francestown, May 4, 1840. He has been and is a teacher in a
Grammar School at Hanover, Ms.
Alson Bailey Abbott, the son of William and Sarah (Job) Abbott, was
born at Greenfield, Nov. 3, 1844,
Horace Eaton Andrews, the son of Nathan and Dolly vSargent (Pills-
bury) Andrews, was born at Sutton, Apr. 12, 1844. He has been teaching at
Memphis, Tenn.
Samuel Peabody Atkinson, the son of Peahody and Marenda (Elliott)
Atkinson, was born at Pata-^kala. Oliio, Nov. 26, 1844.
Sa:\iuel Bell, the son of Philip and Elisabeth (Bell) M'Rafferty, was
born at St John's New Brunswick, Oct. 20, 1839. He took his mother's name.
He is studying divinity at Newton Tlieo. Sem. M-s.
Edward Nelson Bishop, the son of the Rev. Nelson and Susan (Con-
verse) Bishop, was born at Windsor, Vt, Nov. 1, 1847.
James Henry Chapman, tiie son of George Roswell and Harriet (.Tones)
Chapman, was born at Woodstock, Vt, Feb. 10, 1846. He is employed at
Woonsocket, R. I.
ALUMNI 1866. 473
Adino Burton Chase, the sou of Caleb Carlos and Lora (Goodell) Chase,
was bom at Lyme, June 7, 1843.
George Edward Chickering, the son of William and Fanny (Noyes)
Chickerino', was born at Andover, Ms, June 29, 1843. He married Hattie
Barnes of Manchester, in 1866.
Lucien Haskell Frary, the son of Charles Smith and Abigail Carpenter
(Haskell) Frary, was born at Haverhill, Mar. 19, 1839. He entered And.
Theo. Seminary, and belongs to the class of 1869.
Oren Gambell, the son of Oren and Abigail (Bicknell) Gambell, was born
at Barnard, Vt, May 23, 1848.
Marshman Williams PIazen, the son of Greenleaf and Susan Perley
(Town) Hazen, was born at Beverly, Ms, July 28, 1840.
Schiller Hosford, the son of Dr Willard and Harriet (Ilosford) Hosford,
was born at Orford, Feb. 1,1846.
Nathan Parker Hunt, the son of Jonathan Titcomb Parker and Irene
(Drew) Hunt, was born at Manchester, July 5, 1844.
Warren Gookin Hutchins, the son of Chester Childs and Jane (Swan)
Hutchins, was born at Bath, Dec. 4, 1845. He has studied medicine at Dart-
mouth and the Univ. of Vt Med. colleges. George Swan Hutchins, D. C.
1863, is his brother.
Henry Clay Ide, the son of Jacob and Lodoska (Knight) Ide, was born at
Barnet, Vt, Sept. 18, 1844. He is Principal of the Acad, at St Johnsbury, Vt.
John Edgar Johnson, the son of Moses Hoyt and Frances (Nason) John-
son, was born at Lowell, Ms, Feb. 3, 1843. He has been studying divinity at
the Harv. Univ. Theo. School.
Edward Augustus Kelley, the son of Dr Elbridge Gerry and Hannah
Pettengill (Rand) Kelley, was born at Newburyport, Ms, Mar. 18, 1845. He
went into the Stationary business at Boston, Ms, in 1866. He married Helen
Maria, dau. of Henry Brown Ward of Cambridgeport, Ms, at C. May 29.
Henry Appleton Kendall, the son of the Rev. Henry Adams and Har-
riet Greenwood (Appleton) Kendall, was born at Dublin, Mar. 29, 1845. He
has studied medicine at the Harv. Univ. Med. School.
Eugene Peck Kingsley, the son of Isaac Chauncey and Prudence (Peck)
Kingsley, was born at Tarlton, Pickaway Co. Ohio, May 23, 1845. He is em-
ployed at the Marine Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio.
Charles Edward Lane, the son of Winthrop Marstin and Frances Ann
(Morrison) Lane, was born at Wakefield, Mar. 30, 1839. He became Princi-
pal of an Acad, in Westfield, N. Y.
Francis Wesley Lewis, the son of George Gilbert and Adaline (Laba-
ree) Lewis, was born at West Claremont, Mar. 30, 1840.
John Clay M'Kowen, the son of John and Mary (Langford) M'Kowen,
was born at Jackson, La, Mar. 26, 1842.
Chester Wright Merrill, the son of Ferrand Fassett and Eliza Maria
(Wright) Merrill, was born at Montpelier, Vt, Apr. 23, 1846. He has been
an Assistant at the New Ipswich Acad.
* George Moore, the son of Nathaniel Holmes and Bethiah (Hiuit)
MoQre, was born at Peterborough,? Mar. 12, 1842. and died at Marietta, Ohio,
May 5, 1867, m. 25. He became Principal of the High School at Marietta, Ohio.
Joseph Perkins Neal, the son of Eli Perkins and Mary (Jenks) Neal,
was born at Norwich, Vt, July 24, 1843. He is employed at Woousocket,
R. L
474 ALUMNI 1866.
Waldemer Otis, the ?on of AYilliam Francis and Isabella (Merrill) Otis,
was born at Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 21, 1846. He is a mercliatit at Cleveland,
William Btrtox Perrix, the .'^on of Porter and Lucy (Kinney) Perrin,
was born at Berlin, Vt, Jan. 19, 1839.
Henry Smith Phetteflace, the son of Henry Mason and Harriet
(Smith) Phetteplace, was born at Providence, R. I. Aug. 16, 1842.
Gkorge Harlin Pillsbury, the son of Dr Harlin, D. C. 1823, and So-
phia Bijrelow (Pratt) Pillsbury, was born at Lowell, Ms, June 8, 1843. He
has studied medicine at Harv. Univ. Med. School.
James Powell. He was from Nashua, and is studying divinity at Andover
Theo. Sem. in the class of 1869.
Levi Rodgers, the son of Levi and Mehitabfl Barker (Carleton) Rodgers,
was born at Guildhall, Vt, May 9, 1843. He married Mrs Ellen Diniraick of
Queechy, Vt, in 18G6.
John Jones Sargent, the son of the Hon. Judge Jonathan Everett, D. C.
1840, and Maria Cordelia (Jones) Sargent, was born at Canaan, Oct. 5. 1844.
Waltkr Ashbel Sellew, the son of A-:hbel Robert and Jane Maria
(Tucker) Sellew, was born at Gowanda, N. Y. Feb. 27, 1844. He has been
employed in the Iron Foundry at Gowanda.
HicNRY Stoddard Sherman, the son of Charles Taylor and Eliza (Wil-
liams) Sherman, was born at Mansfield, Ohio, Apr. 29, 1844. He has been
reading law at Mansfield.
William Benjamin Tyng Smith, the son of the Rev. Henry Sumner and
Mary (Hilliard) Smith, was born at Claremont, Mar. 9, 1842. He teaches or
has taught at the High School of Fort Wayne, Lidiana.
James Alfred Spalding, the son of Lyman Dyer and Susan Parker
(Parrott) Spalding, was born at Portsmouth, Aug. 20, 1846. He has studied
medicine at the Harv. Univ. Med. Sciiool.
Charles Quincy Tirrell, the son of Dr Norton Quincy and Jane
(French) Tirrell, was born at Sharon, Ms, Dec. 10, 1844.
Benjamin Osgood True, the son of Reuben and Hannah (Duncan) True,
was born at Plainfield, Dec. 17, 1845. He is a student of divinity at Newton
Theo. Sem. Ms.
HicNRY Ward WELL, the son of Moses and Amy Swasey (Farley) Ward-
well, was born at Ipswich, Ms, Apr. 28, 1840. He became a Grammar School
Teaciier at Dorchester, Ms, in 1866.
Henky Whittemore, the son of Jonathan and Caroline Ann (Hyde)
Whittemore, was born at IIo|)kinton, Ms, July 23, 1843.
George Washington Wing, the son of Josej)h Addison and Samantha
Elisabeth (Webster) Wing, was born at Plainfield, Vt, Oct. 22, 1843.
Lewis Lionel Wood, the son of Lewis and Olive (Lamb) Wood, was
born at Calais, Vt, Feb. 10, 1842. He is Principal of the Union School at
East Jackson, Mich.
Charles Francis Atwood, the son of Hawes and Sarah (Smith) Atwood,
was born at Maiden, Ms, Dec. 4, 1845.
Samuel Colcord Bartlett, the son of Amos P. and Sarah M. (Rogers)
Bartlett, was born at Peoria, lUi. Dec. 11, 1845.
Benjamin Franklin Bkickett, the son of Franklin and Mehitabel (Dow)
Brickett, was born at Haverhill, Ms, Apr. 10, 1846.
ALUMNI 1867. 475
A BEAM Brown, the son of George and Sarah (Gihnan) Brown, was born
at Canterbury, Sept. 2, 1838.
Almond Fifield Gate, the son of John Sherburne and Jane (Moses)
Gate, was born at Epsom, May 10, 1843.
JosiAH Greene Dearborn, the son of Josiah and Sarah (Greene) Dear-
born, was born at South Weare, Mar. 20,1829. He married Sabrina L. Hay-
den of Sharon, Vt, in Oct. 1851.
Joseph Gardner Edgerly, the son of Samuel Johnson and Ehza (Bick-
ford) Edgerly, was born at Barnstead, Oct. 12, 1838. Samuel Jolmson Edg-
erly, D. C. 1859, is his half brother.
Horace Goodhue, the son of Horace and Clarissa (Braley) Goodhue,
was bom at West Westminster, Vt, Feb. 23, 1842.
John Bradley Greene, the son of William Henry, D. C. 1830, and Cath-
arine T. (Bull) Greene, was born at Buffalo, N. Y. Aug. 2, 1848. William Bull
Greene, D. C. 1865, is his brother.
RuFUS Cassius Haywood, the son of Albert and Frances Evelina (Joslin)
Haywood, was born at East Jaffrey, Apr. 7, 1847.
Henry Clay Henderson, the son of Geortje Washington and Elisabeth
Ann (Tomlinson) Henderson, was born near Williamstown, West Virginia,
Sept. 24, 1845.
HoAVARD Fremont Hill, the son of John M'Clary and Elisabeth Lord
Chase) Hill, was born at Concord, July 21, 1846.
John Nichol Iravin, the son of Stephen and Elisabeth Martha (Nichol)
Irwin, was born in Butler Co. Ohio, Dec. 25, 1845.
William Alexander Ketcham, the son of John Lewis and Jane (Mer-
rill) Ketcham, was born at Indianapolis, Ind. Jan. 2, 1846.
Charles Francis King, the son of Sanford and Susan (Burnham) King,
was born at Wilton, Jan. 30, 1843. He lives at Lowell, Ms, and married Elisa-
beth Boardman of Lowell, at L. Aug. 1, 1867.
Joseph Hartwell Ladd, the son of Caleb and Mary Ann (Watson)
Ladd, was born at Calcutta, East Indies, Aug. 14, 1845.
Thomas Lecky, the son of William Lecky, was from Boston, Ms, but no
more could be obtained.
John Joseph M'Davitt, the son of Daniel and Elisabeth Harmon (White)
M'Davitt, was born at Boston, Ms, Apr. 4, 1846.
Henry James M'Murphy, the son of James and Sarah A. (Reid) M'Mur-
phy, was born at Londonderry, Sept. 26, 1843.
Robert Gibson M'Niece, the son of John and Lydia (DivoU) M'Niece,
was born at Topsham, Vt, Jan. 10, 1839.
Charles Hamilton Mann, the son of Eben and Mary (Albee) Mann, was
born at Boston, Ms, Aug. 11, 1846.
Frederick Gregory Mather, the son of Samuel Holmes, D. C. 1834,
and Emily Worthington (Gregory) Mather, was born at Cleveland, Oliio, Aug.
11, 1844.
Elisha Burr Maynard, the son of Walter and Hannah (Burr) Maynard,
was born at Wilbraham, Ms, Nov. 21, 1842.
Charles Henry Merrill, the son of Abel Kimball and Abby (Leverett)
Mei'rill, was born at Haverhill, June 16, 1845.
George Abu ah Mosher, the son of Albert B. and Lucretia M. (Eldredge)
Mosher, was born at Sharon, Vt, Oct. 6, 1845.
Bainbridge Chaplin Noyes, the son of Hiram Newton and Caroline Ma-
tilda (Chaplin) Noyes, was born at Georgetown. Ms, Mar. 13, 1846.
476 ALUMNI 1867.
Jamks Wesley Palmer, tho son of Samuel J. Palmer, was from Great
Falls, but no more was ascertained.
John IIenky Patterson, the son of Jefferson and Julia (Johnston) Patter-
son, was born at Dayton, Ohio, Dec. 13, 1844.
Samuel Plumer Prescott, the son of Samuel Plumer and Mary Mar-
tyn (Carleton) Prescott, was born at Rowley, Ms, Oct. 14, 1844. lie has be-
come Principal of Francestown, Academy.
Charles Montgomery Reed, the son of Charles and Sophia Wilkins
(Claik) Reed, was born at Brookline, Ms, Mar. 11, 184G.
Walter Henry Sanborn, the son of Henry Frederick and Eunice (Da-
vis) Sanborn, was born at P^psom, Oct. 19, 1845.
Alfred Addison Thomas, the son of Thomas Ebenezer and Lydia (Fisher)
Thomas, was born at Hamilton, Ohio, July 4, 1845.
Robert Moore Wallace, the son of Jonas and Mary (Darling) Wallace,
was born at Henniker, May 2, 1847.
Ezekiel Webster Whipple, the son of the Rev. George and Alice
Bridge (Webster) Gregg Wliipple, was born at Oberlin, Ohio, Aug. 20, 1845.
James Richard Willard, the son of Richard Hubbard and Sarah (Havi-
land) Willard, was born at Madison, Ohio, Sept. 24, 1844.
Albert Gallatin Wilson, the son of Alexander and Mary Ann
(M'Nown) Wilson, was born at Russellville, Ohio, May 19, 1842.
Charles Carroll Woodman, the son of Joseph and Sarah (Le Gro)
Woodman, was born at Great Falls, May 28, 1845.
Amos Willets Wright, the son of Dr Aaron and Mary (Willets) Wright,
was born at N. Y. city, Nov. 20, 1844.
While this work was passing through the press, a large amount of information
was received, some of which was obtained at too late a period for insertion in
the appropriate place, and is therefore supplemented here in the regular order
of classes. G. T. C.
Newbcryport, Scjji. 21, 1867.
1779. Jedediah P. Buckingham. His 1st marriage was May 7, 1788 ; his
2nd Sept. 30, 1835.
1783. Henry Huntington. His wife was from Shelter Island, N. Y.
1784. Benjamin Chapman. His wife's Christian name was Caroline Ma-
1784. Elisha Payne. He taught at Shelter Island, N. Y. He married
Lydia Collins of Mansfield, Ct.
1786. Moses Fiske. He married Sybil Jennison of Natick, Ms, June 4,
1787. Simon Backus, the son of Andrew Backus, was born at Plainfield,
Ct, Apr. 12, 1766, and died there, Sept. 19, 1788, M. 22. Sylvanus Backus,
D. C. 1788, was his brother.
1788. Sylvanus Backus, the son of Andrew Backus, was born at Plainfield,
Ct ; represented Pomfret, Ct, in the State Leg. for 20 years; was several
years Speaker of the House, and was one of the most able and popular men of
his time. Simon Backus, D. C. 1787, was his brother.
1791. John Fiske. He married Elisabeth, dau. of Col. James Mellen of
Milfbrd. Ms. (not Mendon nor Framingham.) Moses Fiske, D. C. 1786, was
his brother.
1791. Bezaleel Pinneo. He married Stone.
1795. Heman Allen, the son of Maj. Heber and Sarah (Owen) Allen, was
born at Poultney, Vt, Feb. 23, 1779, and died at Highgate, Vt, Apr. 9, 1852,
M. 73. Tlie celebrated Ethan Allen was his uncle.
1796. Josiah Batchelder. His father was a Dr.
1796. Peyton R. Freeman. His mother's name was Sai'ah and not Ruth;
his legal instructors the Hon. William Gordon of Amherst and Benjamin J.
Gilb€irt ; began practice at Hanover but removed to Portsmouth in 1803.
1796. Daniel Gilbert began practice at Enfield and not at Hanover where
he never had an office.
1796. Nathan Noyes. His father in law was of Fairlee, Vt, not Thetford.
1801. Simeon Lyman. His brother. Job Lyman, was D. C. 1804.
1801. Daniel Webster. His law reading with Mr Thompson, was at Salis-
bury, not Concord.
1803. Jacob Holt. He tauglit some time at Durliam, and is said by his son
to have preached at Barrington and Lancaster, but when and in what relation
does not appear.
1803. Noah D. Mattoon. He read law with Samuel Fowler Dirkinson,
D. C. 1795, of Amherst; was Adj. Brigade Major, Lt Col. and Col. of the Ms
militia. As was the case with his honoured father, his old age is accompanied
with total blindness for the last seven years. Aaron Billings was the father of
his wife and his marriage took place in .June 1807.
1804. George T. Chapman was ]*rof. of History and Antiquities at Tran-
sylvania Univ. at Lexington, Ky, from 1825 to 1827 ; went to Lee in 185G not
1804. Aaron F. Sawyer represented both Mount Vernon and Nashua in
the N. H. Legislature.
1804. Ezekiel AVebster read law with Mr Noyes in that part of Sali?bury
which is now F'ranklin.
1806. Asa Bucknam, the son of Jeremiah and Dorothy (Pote) Bucknam.
He married Maria Boyd.
1806. William AVhite. His brother, James White, was D. C. in 1818.
1807. Timothy Farrar was made LL. D. at Dart, in 1867.
1807. Austin Hazen was born at Hartford, Vt, June 25, 1786; his first
wife's father should be Col. not Capt.
1807. Sylvanus Thayer. This distinguished graduate has given the mu-
nificent sura of forty thousand dollars to his Alma Mater, the half of which has
been already realized, and though the remainder should not be until his depart-
ure hence, long may he live to receive the merited thanks of his fellow gradu-
1808. Reuben Washburn. He taught first at Portland, Me ; read law with
the Hon. George Sullivan while at Exeter ; removed to Cavendish, Vt, in
1817, practising there before going to Ludlow.
1811. Edmund Wellington died at Alstead in 1860, M. 77.
1812. Samuel Blood died at Cliambersburg, Pa, in 1860.
1812. Asa Hazen died at Ellicottville, N. Y. in May 1866, .e. 73. On
leaving Olean, he taught at Huntsville, Ala. 1 year; next practised law at
New Albany, Ind. and then moved to Ellicottville. He did not marry.
1813. Jonathan Kittredge. The father of his wife was Joshua Balch.
1813. Allen Latiiam. He left Chillicothe, and has lived many years at
Cincinnati, Ohio. Richard Clough Harrison was his father in law.
1814. Edmund W. Armstrong. His marriage occurred Jan. 27, 1817.
1814. George Kent. He left his consulship at Vigo or Valencia, Spain, in
about 4 years and returned to Bangor, his existing residence, in 1866. An
Oration of his before the Phi Beta Ka[)pa Soc. of Dart. Coll. in 1832 has been
published. His full marriage date was Nov. 2, 1820.
1814. Thaddeus Stevens. Tiie degree of LL. D. was given him by the
Univ. ofVt in 1867.
1814. Joseph Tracy was made D. D. by the Univ. of Vt in 1859.
1815. Richard Steele left Newburyport, Ms, for Boston, Ms, in July or
Aug. 1867.
1816. Elijah Demond has published a Sermon on the sin of Lewdness.
1816. Benjamin Emerson. He read law with the Hon. John Holmes of
Alfred, Me. He married, 2. Frances, dau. of Samuel Leighton of Altred in
Jan. 1847.
1816. John Hubbfivd. The text should be altered so as to read, State Sena-
tor in 1842 and 1843 ; Governor in 1850, 1851, and 1852 ; was Agent of the
U. S. Treasury from 1857 to 1859 ; Commissioner &c. from 1860 to 1861. He
was an Hon. Member of the Ti-ansylvania Med. Soc. in Ky, and Fellow of
the Med. Coll. of Philadelphia, Pa. Oliver Barrett of Dresden was his father
in law and the marriage date was July 12, 1825.
1816. Absalom Peters. Besides the works already specified, he has pub-
lished a Sermon before a Branch of the Am. Edu. Society ; at the Installation
of the Rev. Rufus W. Bailey, D. C. 1813 ; an Address before the Am. Bible
Society ; a Plea for Union in the West ; a Reply to Dr J. P. Wilson's Four Prop-
ositions against the Am. Home Miss. Society ; a Brief Answer to a Reply of the
Board of Missions of the Presb. Church ; a Discourse before the Western Col-
lege Society ; a Sketch of the character of the late Rev. Dr Payson of Portland,
and another of the late Gen. Absalom Peters, D. C. 1780.
1816. Francis P. Smith. He was pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Sebasti-
cook, now Benton, Me, 14 years from 1845 to 1859.
1816. Joseph Torrey. He was ordained pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Royal-
ton, Vt, Aug. 25, 1824; dismissed June 27,4827. He married Mary Moseley,
dau. of John Paine of Sturbridge, Ms.
1817. William Goodell. He wrote a Commentary on Matthew in the Ar-
meno Turkish language, published at Smyrna, Asia ; also 48 sermons in the
same tongue ? in 1864, which are to be translated into the Bulgarian and Ar-
menian languages. The degree of D. D. was conferred upon him by both
Hamilton and Rutgers colleges in 1854.
1817. Benjamin Woodbury married the dau. of Dea. Amos Pettengill of
1818. George Bush. He married, 1. Anna Byram, dau. of Dr Lewis Con-
diet of Morristown, N. J. at M. June 10, 1825. 2. Mary Warren Fisher from
Reading, Berkshire, England, Jan. 4, 1849.
1818. William Chamberlain married Sarah Little Gilman.
1818. Francis Norwood died at Phippsburg, Me ? in 1867, .E. 69.
1818. Thomas C. Upham resigned his Professorship at Bowdoin Coll. in
1867 ; the full date of his marriage is May 18, 1825.
1819. John Aiken. From a Funeral Sermon on the Life and Character of
this truly estimable man, one of the greatest ornaments of his college, by the
Rev. Charles Smith, his pastor, this admirable eulogy is taken ; "Brethren and
Friends, we have lost a truly great man. Such is the feeling of every heart in
this house, and the expression of every body's lips in the town who knew our
friend. I have tried to set before you some of the elements of his greatness,
but I am painfully conscious of having failed to do full justice to his merits, or
to have reached in delineation the true altitude of the man. But even with this
shortcoming of mine, I think enough has been fairly set forth in his character
to commend it to the admiration of all, and to make it seem worthy of imitation
to all sensible young men. You cannot all be his equals in mental endowments
and acquisitions, for he was wise above the common measure of men, but you
can follow close in his footsteps in those respects in which his great excellency
lay. That about Mr Aiken, which made him so wonderfully complete as a
mai^, was his religion. This entered into his soul as its chief nourishment, as
sap into the trunk and branches of a tree. He would have been a remarkable
man, doubtless, without piety, but no more the symmetrical man that he was,
than the tree with sapless roots is the tree " whose leaves are for the healing of
the nations."
1819. Moses F. Davis died Mar. not May, G, 1822.
1822. Amos Foster. His father in law was D. C. 1797.
1822. Samuel Hurd lived some vears at Scottsville, Va, and also at New-
bern, N. C.
1822. Jacob Little. His removal was to Warsaw, Ind. not Iowa;
1822. Ira Perley read law with Isaac Redington Howe of Haverhill, Ms,
and Daniel Miltimore Christie, D. C. 1815, but not with Benjamin .J. Gilbert ;
substitute Hanover for there in the next line; moved to Concord in 183G not
1834. The full date of his marriage was June 11, 1840.
1822. Cyrus Stone died July 19, 1867, je. 74.
1822. Roswell Tenney is said to have died a year or more since in the
1822. Henry Wood became D. D. at Hampden Syd. Coll. Va, in 18G7.
1823, Paul Couch. He has published 4 Sermons besides some on Teniper-
ance. He married Henrietta Tyler of Griswold, Ct, May 28, 1827.
1823. Joseph W. Woods was born July 30, 1802.
1824. Jonathan Bliss married, 3. Maria Kidder of Medford, Ms.
1824. Ephraim W. Clark is now living at Middletown, Ct, diligently em-
ployed upon Hawaiian works, but still holding his mission.
1824. Abel Underwood has been made a Judge of the Sup. Jud. Court of
1825. Edward R. Olcott. His 2nd wife was Lucia Murdock.
1825. Albert Smith. The word Me should be He.
1825. Andrew S. Woods. In the last line read 1856 for 1857.
1826. Samuel A. Chandler. He married, 1. Susan, dau. of William Emer-
son of Massena, N. Y. in 1832. 2. Sophia, dau. of Jeremiah Wilkins of Pem-
broke, not Peacham.
182G. Salmon P. Chase. The names of his three wives were, 1. Catharine
Jane Garniss. 2. Eliza Ann Smith. 3. Sarah Bella Ludlow. They are
wrong on p. 229.
182G. Rufus Claggett. He was born at Merrimack, not Litchfield, Feb.
28, 1S03. Elijah King was the father of his wife.
182G. Henry Little was made D. D. at Coll. in 1867.
1S27. John Batchelder died at Burlington, Iowa. Mar. 25, 1867.
1827. Alpheus Crosby. His first wife was Abigail Grant Jones Culler.
1827. David E. Wheeler. His 2nd wife's name was Haxton not Iluxton.
1828. Milo P. Jewett. He married the dau. of Moore Russell of Plymouth.
1828. Osgood Johnson. His wife's father was James Bly of Norwich, Vt.
1828. Charles C. Marsh. He is said to be dead and is so designated in the
last Triennial.
1828. Ira Young did not cease to be Prof, of Nat. Phil, until his death.
1829. Peter Clark was born Apr. 29, 1810.
1829. Ira Tracy, was the son of Dea. Joseph and Ruth (Carter) Tracy.
1830. Erastus Hopkins. He was ordained in S. C. (as stated) in Apr. 1835 ;
removed to Northampton, Ms, in 1842 ; represented it in the Mass. Leg. in 1844,
1845, 1846, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1852, 1857, 1863, and 1864; was Director and
President of the Conn. River Rail Road Co. from 1846 to 1851. William
Swinton Bennett of Charleston, S. C was the father of Sarah Hannah Bennett,
his fir>t wife.
1830. Evarts Worcester married Anna, not Ann, Pope Shurtleff.
1831. John L. Carlton has returned to Bath.
1831. SuUivan Caverno. After Oct. 1835, on page 257, it should read, but
ere long removed to Lockport, N. Y. where he has practised many years and is
still remaining.
1831. Joiin L. Hayes. He now lives at Cambridge, Ms, doing business in
Boston, Ms.
1832. Stephen Chase, the son of Benjamin Pike and Mary (Chase) Cliase,
was born Aug. 30, not 12, 1813 ; was 1 year at And. Theo. Scm. not 2 years.
1832. Frederick A. Eldridnje taujrht at Dunstable before Nashua.
1832. Daniel J. Noyes was born Sept. 17, not 12 ; ordained May 3, not
2 ; his wife's father was Samuel Aiken of Chester, and the marriage date Aug.
1, 1838.
1832. Charles W. Prentiss has left Montpelier and opened the law practice
at Cleveland, Ohio.
1832. Edwin D. Sanborn was Prof, but not President of Washington Univ.
St Louis, Missouri.
1833. Hugh H. Henry. After 1865 insert — and resides at Chester.
1833. Jesse E. Pillsbury has gone to Mineral Point, Wise.
1833. Samuel L. Sawyer married at Lexington, Missouri.
1833. Benjamin West. His wife was from Rochester, Sangamon Co. lUi.
1833. Samuel West. The Christian name of his wife was Martha.
1834. Daniel Clark was born Oct. 24, not 27 ; his second marriage was
May 12, not 13; Dart, conferred the LL. D. on him in 1866.
1834. William S. Coggin was born Nov. 12, not 27 ; married Aug. 7, not 5.
1834. Horace Herrick represented Wolcott, in the Vt Leg. in 1862 and
1834. Moses Johnson left Boston in 1863 for N. Y. city, his present abode.
1834. Edward A. Lawrence took charge of Orford Cong. Ch. in Dec. 1865.
1834. .James H. Merrill. Correct on page 273 as follows ; He studied
divinity at And. Theo. Sem. from 1834 to May 1, 1835 ; then taught at Frye-
burg Acad. Me, to Sept. 12, 1837 ; returned at once to Andover, graduating in
1839. After continues and before marriage add; He was in the Ciiristian
Commission during jiart of the rebel war.
1834. Levi N. Tracy. He taugiit at New Britain and Hartford, Ct, some
years in each town ; also studied divinity, but was never ordained, only preach-
ing as a licentiate.
1835. Benjamin Burge married the dau. of Andrew Dewey.
1835. Phineas S. Conner married Eliza Angelina Sanborn.
1835. David Dickey has lived some years at Lowell, Ms.
1836. Samuel C. Bartlett. His mother's given name was Eleanor, not
Emily. He taught at Peacham, Vt, from 1836 to 1838 ; was dismissed from
Monson Ch. Apr. 7, 1847 ; from P'ranklin St Ch. Manchester in 1857, not 1858 ;
installed at the Ch. in Chicago in 1857, not 1858. Among his many publica-
tions are, A vol. of " Lectures on Universalism ; " " Life and Death Eternal ; "
" A Refutation of the Theory of Annihilation."
1836. Samuel Beane. His marriage was in 1841, not 1861.
1836. Alpheus R. Brown appears to have practised law some time at Bos-
ton, Ms, and to have been City Solicitor of Lowell for 5 years.
1836. Nehemiah C. Coffin was born Mar. 24, 1815 ; taught at the Acad,
at Wojfborough 2 years from Mar. 1837 ; then completed his year's study at
Andover ; was teaching while at Lane Sem. during vacations ; preached at the
Presb. Ch. at Fearing. Oiuo,more than 2 years, and during the time was ordained
its pastor Sept. 10, 1843 ; was next stated sup[)ly of the Presb. Ch. at Bremen,
Ohio, 2 years ; then supplied the Presb. Ch. at Hebron, Ohio, for 6 years to
]8ol. tiinl after teaching a short time at Granville Female Coll. in Ohio, be-
came stated supply at Piqua, Ohio. Pre>l). Ch. iiom 1852 to 18G0, when physi-
cal infirmities caused him to retire to Marblehead. Ohio, where the irrape cul-
ture has been pursued, with occasional teaching and preaching. " The Ke-
sponsibility of the Teacher" was published by him. He married Susan Jane,
dau. of the Hon. Thomas Rust of Wolfborough, at W. Dec. 6. 1842.
1836. Daniel F. Merrill. He was Principal of Haverhill Acad, from 1836
to 1838, reading hiw at the time witli the Hon. Joseph Bell. D. C. 1807: then
went to Mobile. TIk; marriage date was May 25, not 23, 1845.
1836. Edmund R. Peaslee. He taught at Lebanon Acad, from 1836 to
1837 ; his tutorship ended in 1839 not 1838 ; studied medicine with Dr Noah
Worcester, Prof. Dixi Crosby of Hanover, Dr Jonathan Knight o\ New Ha-
ven, and at Yale ; also at Paris, France, under Lisprane, Velpeau, Dubois. Ca-
zeau, and Piorry ; resigned his Professorship of Anat. and Surg, at Bowdoin
Coll. in 1859, and that of Path, and Phy. at N. Y. IMed. Coll. in 1860; is still
a prominent practitioner in N. Y. city ; has been chosen a member of no less
than 10 Medical Societies.
1836. John F. Pingry was born Sept. 18, not 26, 1818 ; after N. J. 3d line
read — under the Rev. Dr Magee ; his studies with him and at Union Sem. were
from Sept. 1840 to June 1842 ; dismissed from Fishkiil, N. Y. Presb. Ch. in
Sept, 1846 ; then taught there to Sept. 1853; was both pastor and teachei- at
Roseville, in Newark, N.J. from Sept. 1853 to Sept. 1861 ; was again teacher
at Elizabeth from the last date to July 1867 ; has publi.-hed an essay entitled
" How old art thou ? "
1836. Claudius B. Webster. He was a teacher and Civil Engineer in Illi-
nois from 1836 to 1839 ; studied medicine with Dr Eliphalet Knight Websler,
his brother, at Hill in 1840, with Drs Chadbourne and Buck of Concord in 1841
and 1842 ; then at N. Y^ city Med. Coll. until graduating M. D. in 1844. For
the rest see page 288, save that he went to Northwood in May 1844, to Nor-
wich, Ct, in Dec. 1845, and into the U. S. Army service in Dec. 1862, not
1863, leaving it Sept. 11, 1865, and now living at Norwich.
1836. John Wentworth, LL. D. He arrived at Chicago, lUi. Oct. 25,
1836 ; was a Member of Congress, the first chosen in his District, from 1843 to
1851, 8 years, from 1853 to 1855, 2 years, from 1865 to 1867, 2 years, and 12
in all; was a Member of the last Convention for revising the Constitution of
the State. Tin-ough life, the foresight and enei-gy of INIr Wentworth have been
of immense benelit to his adopted home, and now, enjoying a noble farm of 2500
acres, long may his agricultural, vie with his municipal, and national, lame. As
a tru(! farmer, he is proud of two sheep of unsurpassed value, presented to him,
as a mark of esteem, by his Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales. Dartmouth
conferred the Hon. degree in 1867.
1837. Eden B. Foster. He has publislied 20 occasional sermons. On De-
fence of the Gospel, on Salibath Schools, on Commerce, on the Life of the Rev.
Royal N. Wright, D. C. 1837, on the Life of Josiah Stickney, on the Law of
the Family, 1 each; on Temperance, on the Duties of Young Men, 2 each;
on the Kansas Difficulties, on the Civil War, 3 each ; on Baptism 4.
1837. Aldace Walker was made I). D. at Middlebury Coll. Vt, in 1867.
1838. James Barrett was a State Senator in 1844 and 1845; his marriage
date Sept. 23, not 24, 1844.
1838. William Breck. After also 1st line, page 295, read — with Orlando
Hastings and Charles M. Lee (at &c.) also after began — in 1841; returned
from Swatow, China, in 1866, and now resides at Breckville Plantation, Madi-
son Co. Mississip{)i.
1838. Nelson Clark was born Aug. 18, 1813, not 1814 ; ordained in July
1844 ; has published 1 Sermon, " The Home Charm of the Sanctuary." He
married Elisabeth Story, dau. of Jonathan Gilman, at Boston, Ms, Oct. 11,
1838. Elliott C. Cogswell is now Principal of Northwood Academy.
1838. Stephen S. Foster. Besides articles for periodicals, his only work
bears this title, " The Brotherhood of Thieves or a True Picture of the Ameri-
can Church and Clergy." It had a large circulation. His wife's father was
Wing Kelley of Worcester, and the marriage date Dec. 21, not 31, 1845.
1838. Benjamin F. Hosford. A Memorial of this graduate has been pub-
lished in a vol. of 261 pages, and it is impossible to read it without admiration
of his catholick spirit and enviable attainments. In the language of the Rev.
Dr Leonard Withington, " His talents were proportionate, clear, bright — the
endowments of nature joined to the most diligent and commendable cultiva-
tion." " His character was as transparent as his style. He had no foldings,
no disguises, but every word seemed to come from his heart. He was a sincere
Christian, and his aim seemed to be to exemplify in his own life all that he
taught to others."
1838. Charles E. Lord was dismissed from Easton, May 1, 1867; was in-
stalled pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Chester, Vt, Aug. 8, 1867.
1838. Abner J. Phipps resigned the Superintendency of Publick Schools at
Lowell in Jan. 1867 for the Agency of the Mass. State Board of Education,
and is now said to be General Agent of the Etna Insurance Co. for Massachu-
1839. John P. Humphrey was dismissed from the Ch. at Winchester, June
19, 1867.
1840. Leonard Tenney. He did not go to Gorham, Me, but still lives at
Thetford and has been stated supply to his old church since his dismission.
1840. Loren Thayer. His church at Windham was Presb. not Cong, but
he was dismissed in 1866, and is now there without a charge; represented the
town in the N. H. Leg. in 1867.
1841. Gardner G. Hubbard has published a work on the Education of Deaf
1841. Alexander H. Kent died Oct. 11, not 10, 1844, m. 23, minus 11, not
12, days. He had been reading law with Willard and Raymond of Troy, N. Y.
1841. James B. Lane died at Fitchburg, Ms, July 27, 1867, je. 49, minus
2 days.
1842. James L. Hunt. He practised medicine successively at Bellevue,
Ohio, Plymouth and North Bridgewater, both in Mass. and went from the last
a few years since to Painesville, Ohio, and there continues.
1842. John G. Sherburne. His 2nd marriage was to Mrs Hannah E.
(Carter) West, dau. of Oliver Carter of Hanover, 21, 1867.
1843. William H. Lord. The degree of D. D. was given him by Dart, in
1843. Joseph E. Swallow was installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Groton,
Ct, June 11, 1867.
1844. Amos Hadley. He was appointed State Superintendent of Publick
Instruction in N. H. Aug. 8, 1867.
1845. Henry S. Bartlett is reported to be dead, and is starred as such in the
last Triennial.
1845. George H. Bissell. His marriage date should be Oct. 13, not 14,
1845. William M. Cliambcrluin. Ilis record on pape 3.54 should road thus ;
He studied divinity at And. Tlieo. Sem. from Oct. 184.5 to Mar. 184(3 ; taucfht
in tlie Grammar School at Kandoljih, Vt, as Preceptoi-, from Aug. 1840 to Nov.
1847; was private tutor at St jNIary's Parish, La, from Dec. 1847 to July 1848;
renewed studies at Andover from Oct. 1848 to Mar. 1849 ; was an- invalid at
Hanover from the last date to Ausistant
Physician at Deer Island IIosp. Boston Harbour, Ms, from Jan. to June 1851 ;
the same at Blackwell Island Hospitals, N. Y. Harbour from June 1851 to
Dec. 1852 ; finished Med. Studies at Dart. Med. Coll. graduating M. D. in 1853 ;
practised in Astoria, Long Island, from 1853 to 1859 ; was Surgeon and Inspec-
tor in the U. S. service in 18G1 and 18G2 ; went into practice in N. Y. city in
18G3, and so continues ; was Lecturer on Obstetricks in N. Y. Med. Coll. in
1863 ; also Ex. Surgeon of the U. S. Pension Bureau ; Pliysician to Derailt
Dispensary in 1804. He married Susan Emerson, dau. of Samuel Augustus
Chandler, D. C. 1826, of Peacham, Vt, at Concord, Apr. 24, 1856.
1845. Sylvanus Converse Huntington, not Htmtingdon, and so in the next
1845. William H. L. Smith is said to have removed to Curry, Pa, and to
be the present Mayor of that city ?
1848. Theodore S. Dame read law with A. A. Dame of Boston. Ms. and
C. li. Morrison of Nashua. His wife's father was Barnabas Palmer of South
Berwick, Me.
1848. James W. Patterson taught at Woodstock, Ct, from 1848 to 1851 ;
was School Commissioner for Grafton Co. 4 years.
1848. Benjamin C. Perkins was in the ]Mass. Senate in 1867 as well as
1866 ; his first wife's father was Samuel Atkinson Pearson, D. C. 1803, and the
given name of his second wife Helen Maria.
1848. Jabez A. Sawyer read law with F. A. Worcester at Townsend, Ms,
Henry Ilolton Fuller and Benjamin Dean both of Boston, Ms, and began prac-
tice there in 1853. His wife's father was John N. Worcester of IloUis.
1848. Samuel H. Tolman taught at Pelham in 1848, and at Hudson Acad,
in 1849. His wife's father's name was Henry Melville.
1848. Edwin R. Wiggin. He was born' in 1826, not 1825; was State's
Atty from Jan. 1856 to Jan. 1859; was a member of the Me Senate in 1863
and 1864; his wife's father was Samuel Bradley of Saco.
1849. Joseph P.Brooks. Strike out from " employed — to Boston, INIs ; "
inclusive ; instead of " entering " insert, became Gen. Agent there for the Mass.
Mutual Life Insurance Co. for the West, but resigned in 4 years, and having
been since successful in financial affairs has retired from business, though still
living in Chicago.
1849. P21ias H. Richardson was dismissed from his church at Providence,
Apr. 2, 1867.
1851. Jonathan C. Gibbs has been for some time on a Missionary tour
among the Freedmen of Florida.
185:3. Nathan J. Morrison is now President of Olivet Coll.
1854. Joseph Clark. His father in law was John Hayes, not Noyes,
1854. Levi H. Cobb was installed [lastor of the Cong. Ch. at Springfield,
Vt, May, not March, 2, 1867.
1854. George A. Collamore now practises at Chicago, 111!, or Toledo, Ohio ;
was in the U. S. service 3 years as a Surgeon during the rebellion.
1854. Edmund W. Kittredge. His mother's name was Sarah Tappan Un-
derhill. He read law with Timothy Walker of Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1854 and
1855 and at Harv. Univ. Law School from 1855 to 1856 ; began practice at
Cincinnati in 1857. He married Vii'ginia E. dau. of William Yates Gholson
at Cincinnati, Feb. 20, 1866.
1854. Reuben D. Mussey taught some months at Rockport, Ms; was a
Journalist at Cincinnati, Ohio, and Boston, Ms, until 1861 ; also a Clerk for a
short time in the U. S. Pension Office at Washington city ; was made a Capt.
of U. S. Infantry in June 1861 ; Col. of the 100th reg. of U. S. col. troops in June
1864 ; Military Secretary to the President of the U. S. in Apr. 1865, which
was left in Oct. 1865 ; resigned commissions in the regular and volunteer ser-
vices in Dec. 1865, being brevetted Col. in the former and Brigadier General
in the latter; next read law with A. G. Riddle at Washington in 1866 and
1867 ; was admitted to the bar in Feb. of the last named year ; has opened his
office in Washington and so continues. Gen. Mussey was instrumental in rais-
ing about 10,000 col. soldiers at Nashville, Tenn. He married L. S. dau. of
Levi Barrett of Canaan, Me, at Cincinnati, Sept. 18, 1861.
1854. Claudius B. Pierce. He lectured on Temperance in Illinois from
Sept. 1, 1854 to June 1, 1855 ; after this taught in Texas 1 year; but health
failing, began to read law at Albany, N. Y. Law School in Dec. 1856, graduat-
ing there LL. B. in Mar. 1858 ; opened his office at Leavenworth, Kansas,
Sept. 1, 1858 ; went to the Rocky Mountains Mar. 1, 1859, but soon returned
to Leavenworth and practised there to the close of 1865, with the exception of
5 months from Sept. 1, 1861, to Feb. 1, 1862, spent as Prof, of Languages in
Pleasant Ridge Coll. Platte Co. Missouri ; left the law and embarked in the
Wholesale Dry Goods trade at Leavenworth in Dec. 1865 ; had been City
Atty there from Apr. 1863 to Feb. 1864; was also a State Senator from Jan.
1862 to Jan. 1864. He married Mary Elisabeth, dau. of William Fairchild, at
Leavenworth, Dec. 1, 1864.
1854. Baxter Perry Smith. His mother's name was (Ward,) not Perry.
1854. William W. Whitcomb was born May 10, not 11, 1830; ordained
Dec. 3, 1862. His wife's father was Robert P. Finley and his marriage near
New Vienna, Ohio, Nov. 3, 1857.
1855. John R. Baker. His mother's name was Elisabeth Harris (Rich-
1855. Jacob Dalpe. He taught tor some time at Montreal, Canada.
1855. William D. Knapp practises law at Great Falls.
1855. Stephen S. Morrill. His mother's name, with his own middle name,
should be printed Sargeant. He was born in 1832, not 1831 ; ordained May
12, 1859 ; dismissed June 24, 1864; Mound Co. should be Mound City.
1855. Alpheus J. Pike was dismissed from the church at Marlborough, Ct,
Feb. 27, 1867.
1855. Edward A. Upton, has an office at Boston, Ms, as well as at South
Reading. He married Susan Matilda, dau. of Tufton Simpson at Wiublow, Me,
June 11,1861.
185Q. Calvin Cutler was dismissed from the New IpswichCh.Apr.il,
1867 ; installed over the Cong. Ch. at Auburndale, Ms, May 9, 1867.
1857. Edward W. Denny was 1st Lt 2nd Mass. Heavy Artillery and
brevetted a Captain.
41 *
1857. Robert 11. Duncan. He married Abbie E. Vining at East Randolph,
Ms, Oct. 18, 1864.
18.">7. John A. Follette Avas Surireon of the 30th Ohio vols.
1857. Henry INI. Frost was Chnphiin of the 7lh Vt vols.
1857. Moses K. Hazclton was P:iymaster of the 1st N. II. vols; also Ad-
ditional Paymaster of the U. S. vols, not army.
1857. Thomas JMarsiiall appears to be an ordained Presl)yterian minister,
and to have published a Sermon delivered at the Dedication of the Ibt Presb.
Ch. at Mankato, Minn. Sept. 7, 1865.
1857. Ezra K. Parker, was 1st Lt in the R. I. Light Artillery.
1858. Samuel C. Bearie. His pastorate at Chicopee closed with his installa-
tion at Salem.
1858. Francis H. Fletcher. His mother's maiden name was Almira
Barnes, not Hunnali Hills. He was born in N. Y. city, Mar. 31, 1831 ; read
law with Multord K. Farrand at La Porte, Ind. to Nov. 26, 1861 ; was next
Assist. Clerk, then Chief Clerk, and at last Paymaster in the Pay Department
of the U. S. Army for Missouri to INIar. 31, 1866, and leaving the service was
brevetted a Lt Colonel ; is now Sec. of the Missouri Consolidated Mining Co.
at St Louis in that State. His supposed positions in the U. S. navy, set forth
on page 435, must be ignored. He married Helen, dau. of Alfred Clapp at St
Louis, Nov. 6, 1863.
1858. Willard S. Heath sought to recover health in a voyage to sea for 6
months and afterwards went to Texas for 3 months, but death had unerringly
mai-ked him for his prey.
1860. Moses R. Chase has taught in 3 States, Texas, N. H. and Ms.
1860. Frederick B. Dodge is in mercantile business at Lyme.
1861. Henry M. Putney. William Alexander Putney, D. C. 1865, is his
1861. William J. Tucker was ordained pastor of the Franklin St Cong. Ch.
at Manchester, Jan. 24, 1867.
1862. James F. Allen. His wife's father's name was Jesse E. Dow, not
1862. Howard M. Chase was a private in the 15th N. H. vols.
1862. James A. Clark. He read law with Austin F. Pike of Franklin ;
was admitted to the bar, and is married.
1862. Oliver L. Cross. His law office is at Montgomery City, IMissouri,
not Alabama.
1862. Horace S. Cummings. Strike out " three times " and read — elected
Assist. Sec. of the N. II. not U. S. Seitate in June 1863 and June 1864, and Sec.
of the same Jinie 1865 and June 1866, holding the two offices 4 years in all.
1862. Stark Fellows. His age at death was 24.
1862. Henry P. Lamprey. His brother, Morris C. Lamprey, was D. C.
1863. Addison II. Foster was M. D. at the Coll. of Phy. and Surg, at N.
Y. city in 1866.
1865. Joseph S. Chapman has studied divinity at Union Theo. Sem. N. Y.
city and at Lane Sem. Walnut Hills, Ohio.
1865. David R. Nutter. Though admitted to the bar is still in the N. Y.
Custom house ; served 3 months in the 7th R. I. cavalry.
1865. AYilliam A. Putney. He settled at Hamburg, Fremont Co. Iowa,
after graduation, and became editor of the Fremont Times of that town, and so
1827. Alpheus Crosby. His first wife's father was Joseph, not Samuel,
1848. Levi W. Barton. He was Solicitor for the Co. to 1864; represented
Newport in the N. H. Leg. in 1863 and 1864.
1848. George J. Davis. His mother's maiden name was (Farwell) and
his birth date, Aug. 17, 1826. He taught at Geneseo, N. Y. from Oct. 1848 to
1850, and read law with the Hon. William H Kelsey from 1850 to Sept. 1851 ;
began practice there at the last date ; was President, Trustee, and Police Ju-tice
of Genesto; District Atty for Livingston Co. from Jan. 1, 1863 to Apr. 1866 ;
removed to St Louis, Missouri, in Apr. 1866; is U. S. Commissioner for the
Missouri Districts since Jan. 1867, and Publick Assignee in Bankruptcy tor its
Eastern District since July 1, 1867. He married, 2. Cordelia E. dau. of the
Hon. Albert Smith of Milwaukie, Wise. Oct. 20,1855.
1848. Charles F. Latham. The middle name of his father is Harris ; was
in Commercial and Banking business at Buffalo, N. Y. from 1850 to 1853, and
thenceforward in N. Y. city. He married Annie, dau. of Cesar De Pras, at
Mobile, Ala. May 1, 1861.
1856. I.-aac Bridgman. On his return, he taught four more years at An-
dover ; has been some time and is now Principal of a Collegiate School for boys
at Syracuse, N. Y. His wife is Mary Elisabeth, dau. of John Clayes Gleason.
1856. Amos N. Currier. He was at the Iowa Central Univ. from Apr.
1857 to June 1867, excepting a period from Aug. 10, 1861 to Sept. 1865,
passed in the U. S. vol. service ; was to enter upon his duties as Prof, of Latin
and Greek in the Iowa State Univ. at Iowa City, Sept 12, 1867.
1856. Calvin Cutler. He left the New Ipswich Ch. in about 5 years; was
installed pastor of the Cong. Ch. at Auburndale, Ms, May 9, 1867, and i^o re-
mains. His wife's middle name is Daniels.
1856. Azro Dyer. He ])ractised law at Rumsey from Mar. 1858 to July
1864 ; at that date, removed his office to Evansville, Ind. and there remains.
He married Prudie L. dau. of Henry J. Belt, at Livermore, Ky, Jan. 3, 1861.
1856. Osmer W. Fay. He was in the Missiona,ry service from May 1863
about 4 years, but was not oi'dained until July 2, 1867, at Burlington, Wise,
whence he Myites and where he preaches without giving his exact position.
He married Fanny, dau. of Zebulon Brockway of Hadlyme, Ct, Dec. 22, 1866.
1856. Carlisle J. Gleason was born in 1832, not 1831.
1856. Elijah A. Gove was born Sept. 22, 1832 ; practised in Wise, to Nov.
1, 1866 ; removed to Farraington, Minn. Nov. 10, 1866, and still keeps his office
1856. William L. Peabody. After practising at Lynn and also at Boston,
Ms, until Mar. 1864, went into trade at Hilton Head, S. C. to Jan. 1865 ; con-
tinued it at Savannah, Geo. to Nov. 1866; then returned home and resumed
legal practice at Lynnfield Centre, Ms.
1856. Levi P. SabJn left Stockbridge in Sept. 1864; was a soldier from
that date to May 1865 in the 1st Wise. Heavy Artillery ; has been pastor of
the J St Presb.Ch. at Ellicottville, N. Y. since July 1865. He married M.
Louisa, dau. of Dr Andrew Hull Bronson of Windsor, Broome Co. N. Y. at W.
June 4, 1863.
1856. James D. Thomson. His full date of birth was Feb. 5, 1831. He
read law with Daniel Miltimore Christie of Dover to Apr. 1857; then went to
Boston, Ms.
185G. Albert A. Young. His ordination at Lake Mills was Jan. 28, not 27,
1863; dismissed in Apr. 1864; was at Oconto from June 1864 to 1866; is
now at Taftou, Wise, since June 1866. His wife is the dan. of the Rev. Robert
Sewall of Stoughton, Wise.
1858. Charles A. Baker was the son of Samuel Smith Baker. He mar-
ried Love Butler, dau. of Capt. Stephen Morse of Edgartown, Ms, at New Bed-
ford, Ms, Sept. 11, 1861.
1860. Frederick B. Dodge. Mrs Dodge was the adopted daughter of her
grandfather, Thomas Perkins.
1791. Bezaleel Pinneo. He married, 1. Mary, dau. of the Rev. Timothy
Stone of Goshen, Ct. 2. Leah, dau. of Henry Hill of Guilford, Ct.
1806. Samuel Fessenden, A. M.-LL. D. His wife was the dau. of Philip
Chandler of New Gloucester, and the date of his marriage was Dec. 16, 1813.
Five of his grandsons were otTicers of distinguished gallantry and ability in the
late rebellion, one of whom, Samuel Fessenden, fell mortally wounded in the
2nd battle of Bull Run, dying the next day.
1836. Stoddard B. Colbv died at Haverhill, Sept. 21, 1867, je. 51.
1839. Elbridge G. Dudley died at Beaufort, S. C Sept. 18, 1867, je. 56.
1847. William H. Bartlett died at Concord, Sept. 24, 1867, je. 40.
1858. John T. Clark. He left Dudley in Nov. 1861 to become Prof, of the
Classicks and Elocution in the Model School at Trenton, N. J. and there con-
tinues. His wife's father was John Jewett of Dudley.
1863. Wilder Luke Burnap, A. INI. the son of Luke and Abigail (Robbins)
Burnap, was born in Montgomery Co. N. Y. not at Grafton, Vt, Sept. 23, 1839.
He read law with the Hon. Torrey ¥j. Wales and the Hon. R. S. Taft at Bur-
lington, Vt ; was admitted to the bar in Apr. 1866 ; was Register of Probate
for Chittenden Co. from 1865 to 1867 ; in May of this last year removed to St
Peter, Minn, and there practises his profession.
1863. Martin V. Perley. He married Lydia Maria, dau. of Israel Pearson,
at Concord, Mar. 6, 1860.
1864. Charles D. Barrows. He married Marion C. dau. of the Rev. S. H.
Merrill of Portland, Me, May 16, 1866.
1864. Charles A. Bunker. He taught in the Acad, at Corinth, Vt, in 1864 ;
at Fisherville in 1864 and 1865 ; at the Acad, at M'Indoes Falls, Vt, from
1865 to 1867, and that at Peaciiam, Vt, from 1867.
1864. Charles Caldwell has settled in practice at Exeter.
1864. Edward De Forest was in the N. Y. State Collector's office at Al-
bany from Sept. 1864 to ]\Iay 1865. attending also the Law School there ; was
next the Private Sec. of the N. Y. Paymaster General's otHce from Aug. 1865 ;
then Chief Clerk in the Bureau of Military Statistieks from Dec. 1865 to his
appointment of Assist. Clerk to the State Court of Appeals in Apr. 1867 ; has
published an "Oration delivered July 4, 1866, before the Municipal Authorities
of Albany in the State Capitol."
1864. Charles II. Patterson was also a Clerk in the U. S. Treasury De-
partment at Washington city, D. C. until his removal to N. Y. city, Aug. 20,
1864. Cyrus Richardson taught at Cinclnnuti, Ohio, before going to And.
Theo. Seminary.
1864. William Richardson. He went to Piqna, Ohio, and there continues;
has been Superintendent of Publick Schools since Sept. 10, 1865, and also
County School Examiner. He married Mary Ellen, dau. of G. W. M'Laugh-
lin, at St Mary's, Ohio, Aug. 14, 1866.
1864. John W. Scribner. He has been President of Hartsville University
at Hartsville, Indiana, froin Sept. 5, 1864, to the present time ; has published an
Address entiiled, " Our duty to ourselves, our country, and our God." He mar-
ried Mollie Erniina, dau. of the Rev. Dr Hardy Wray, at Hartsville, June 13,
1864. Nelson Wilbur. He was Assist. Teacher of the High School at St
Joseph, Mis-ouri, from 1864 to 1865 ; Principal of the same from 1865 to 1866;
Principal of Windsor Acad. N. Y. from 1866 to the present time.
1865. Charles L. Hubbard. He married Emma, dau. of Uri Chandler of
Piermont, Sept. 9, 1867.
1784 Solomon
Jacob J.
1799 Joseph
James A.
1807 Jonathan
Wilson S.
1819 John
Ephraim E. P.
1825 Silas
1830 David
John E.
1838 Charles
Alson B.
1839 James
1846 Charles A.
1851 Edward
1858 John F.
1778 Laban
1794 Andrew
Charles G.
1811 William
1840 Frederick S
1842 Amos T.
John F.
Weston B.
1864 Johu H.
1787 Abisha
1795 Samuel
Frederick A.
1802 Augustus
Ezra E.
1826 Edward P.
1852 Ezra J.
James 0.
1859 Edward H.
Hazen W.
1796 Foster
Carson W.
Charles I.
1854 John W.
John G.
Lncian H.
1794 Samuel C.
William R.
1795 Ileman
Charles T.
1808 Amos
1811 Jacob
1814 Joseph P.
1824 William S.
1826 Ebenezer
1829 Diarca H.
1845 James B.
1849 Henry
1854 Henry W.
1855 William H. H.
1862 Galen
1862 James F.
1827 James C.
1862 Augustus
1864 Edwin F.
1791 John W.
1835 Charles P.
1839 Isaac
1791 Rufus
1814 John
1846 Luther W.
1856 Henry F.
1811 Abraham
1829 Alonzo
1831 Seth L.
1844 Harrison
1866 Horace E.
1840 George T.
1791 Joseph
1791 Moses
1792 Jesse
1818 Samuel H.
1783 Thomas
1840 Nathaniel H.
1787 Samuel
1865 Charles C.
18U Edmund W.
1788 Josiah L.
1811 Lemuel H.
1849 Henry J.
1791 Thomas
1806 Humphrey
1807 Booz M.
1859 Henry B.
1787 Jonathan
1806 Daniel C.
1838 Moses L.
1843 George H. ■
1866 Samuel P.
At wood
1867 Charles F.
1813 Daniel
1842 John P.
1837 Thomas B.
1807 Samuel
1834 Caleb R.
1846 Benjamin F.
1852 Pliineas
1856 Franklin D.
1860 James M.
1788 Oliver
1863 Jeremiah E.
1864 Henry C.
1783 Isaac
18^41 John
1787 Simon
1788 Joseph
1788 Sylvan us
1854 Henry M.
1823 Stephen C.
1839 Joseph
1840 Samuel
1848 William
1854 Benjamin E.
1793 Kiah
1798 Stephen M.
1808 Edmund
1811 Joseph
1813 Rufus W.
1843 James M.
1848 Stratford C. R.
1849 Mark
1854 WilhamW.
1859 Charles P.
1862 Frederick W.
1792 Joel
1798 Charles
1801 Alpheus
1834 Albert
1844 Andrew J.
1846 John G.
1848 Peyton R.
1855 John R.
1858 Charles A.
1859 Fisher A.
1861 John W. H.
1863 Henry M.
1811 Israel
1791 John
1810 Seth C.
1827 Benjamin G.
1839 Cyrus
1849 Isaac
1849 Thomas P.
1865 Algernon B.
1791 Heman
1820 John
1849 Jasper N.
1837 Nathan
1839 George
1841 Jesse P.
1860 Cecil F. P.
1864 Solon
1855 Joseph H.
1862 Joshua S.
1797 William B.
1805 Isaac B.
1822 Nathaniel
1843 Pliny F.
1856 William E.
1859 Watson K.
1855 Ira N.
1845 EliM.
1794 Charles
1810 Joshua
1822 Samuel
1838 James
1850 Joseph C.
1852 Charles
1806 Wilham
1842 George B.
1842 John S.
1842 Simon
1864 Charles D.
Bars tow
1839 Ezekiel H.
1842 William
1846 Josiah W.
1858 George K.
1808 Ichabod
1812 James
1815 Richard
1827 Levi
1835 Frederick
1836 Samuel C.
1845 Henry S.
1847 William H.
1849 Joseph G.
1851 Josiah
1856 George W.
1857 Moses W.
18Gi John P.
1864 Samuel N.
lS(i7 Samuel C.
17i)0 Titus T.
1831 Fivtlerick A.
1848 Levi W.
1851 George S.
1798 Ezekiel L.
1803 Samuel
18o2 Perkins
17 [Hj J OS i ah
1821 Zachariah
1827 John
1830 Jacob
1835 Breed
1822 James
1855 Frederick
1851 Charles
17*J4 Nicholas
1798 Stephen
1804 Aaron
1804 Joshua
1805 Asa
1832 John V.
183G Samuel
1858 Samuel C.
1824 Richard
1848 James C.
1858 Jo>]uia W.
1807 Zedekiah
1793 Samuel
1807 Joseph
1838 Christopher S.
1844 Charles li.
1844 Joseph M.
1847 Samuel N.
1851 George
1852 John
186(5 Samuel
1793 John
1827 Thomas
1828 William
1798 Stephen
1809 Hastings R.
1855 Edward R.
1847 Abner B.
1848 Leman
1812 Abisha
1841 George W.
1865 Frederick A.
1839 Charles T.
1839 Nehemiah C.
1864 John 11.
1787 Silas
1814 Ninian C.
1820 Thornton
1835 George 0.
1855 Joseph H.
1860 Alberts.
1823 Simeon S.
1795 Abijah
1814 Silas
1827 Abner P.
1 803 .lesse L.
1839 James C.
1782 Caleb
1789 Solomon
1801 James H.
1843 Henry
1863 George W.
1844 WiUiam
1857 Richard R.
1798 Abijah
1866 Edward N.
1793 Benjamin
1845 George H.
1857 John Q.
1812 John
1841 Asher
1834 Joel
1817 Silas
1827 Daniel
1846 Joshua J.
1853 Alfred 0.
1863 Barton F.
1807 Abijah
1812 John
1842 Silas M.
1843 Cyrus L.
1845 Amos A,
1847 Edmund
1852 Enoch
1794 Bezaleel
1801 Lemuel
1808 Jesse
1824 Jonathan
1783 Joseph
1815 Dan
1826 Constantine
1856 Caleb
1800 Mighill
1812 Samuel
1828 Dani(d C.
1843 Andrew J.
1857 Henry A.
1859 Ainsworth E.
Board man
1815 Elderkin J.
1817 John
1818 Elijah
1823 (itorge
1850 Henry E. J.
1858 HalseyJ.
18G5 James H.
1833 Joseph C.
1813 Henry
1855 Samuel R.
1824 Benjamin W.
1808 John
1849 John B.
1862 David E.
1828 William T.
1836 James
1863 Albert
1840 SelwynB.
1826 Isaac
1858 Charles H.
1860 Loring P.
1819 Wyatt C.
1827 William
1845 Eli E.
1857 Edmund C.
1789 Ebenezer
1800 Joseph W.
1805 James
1844 Adino N.
1864 Nathan C.
1809 William
1779 Jeremiah
1785 Moses
1796 Ebenezer G.
1811 James
1818 Samuel C.
1845 William C.
1778 Eli
1778 Elijah
1796 William
1778 Moses
1799 Samuel A.
1779 Samuel
1807 Micah
1842 Lincoln F.
1807 Moses H.
1843 Levi
1837 Cyrus P.
Brit ton
1844 Joseph H.
1832 John G.
1863 David E,
1788 Thomas
1842 Hamilton B.
1847 Samuel T.
1791 Nathan
1848 John G.
1849 Joseph P.
1850 Edward T.
1819 Stephen I.
1860 George B.
1785 Elijah
1778 Ebenezer
1817 Martin
1787 Ebenezer
1789 Jonathan
1845 Charles H.
1794 James
1805 Francis
1845 John
1809 John
1823 Abraham
1812 Daniel
1829 George W.
1838 WiUiam
1831 Samuel G.
1842 James
1832 Amos
1834 Gardner S.
1851 Enoch P.
1835 Linsley K.
1836 Alpheus R.
1850 David
1836 John S.
1838 Clark S.
1843 Francis B.
1839 Abner H.
1840 Jeremiah
1786 William
1841 Joel H.
1792 Benjamin
1845 Joseph B.
1797 Walter
1848 John S.
1843 Augustus 0.
1850 Alouzo
1860 Jonathan M.
1853 Jonathan C.
1861 John L.
1853 Moses D.
1859 Calvin H.
1840 Henry
1860 John P.
1867 Benjamin F.
1861 David H.
1862 Calvin S.
1848 Benjamin
1867 Abram
1795 Joseph
1861 Milton M.
1822 Benjamin H.
1830 John R.
1781 John
1856 Isaac
1814 Charles H.
1852 Thaddeus W
1799 William
1861 George A.
1819 David
1794 Elijah
1779 JedediahP.
1806 Asa
1809 Horatio
1807 Joseph
1841 Rufus E.
1793 Asa
1841 Malachi
1842 Henry L.
1864 Charles A.
1860 WilHam E.
1840 Sylvanus
1807 Jacob
1821 Caleb
18o7 Porter S.
1843 Robert I.
1848 Justin E.
1835 Benjamin
1833 William C.
1838 Abel B.
1852 Albert G.
1851 George W.
1851 William H.
1854 John A,
1863 Wilder L.
1798 Archibald
1824 Jonathan
1 853 Clarence L.
1795 Samuel
1804 Abraham
1807 John
1815 Amos W,
1829 Charles G.
1836 Charles
1848 Simeon C. S-
1852 Abraham
1864 William S.
1865 Cocleb
1865 Henry E.
1826 Samuel A.
1841 William
1805 Samuel M.
1813 James
1863 SanfordS.
1796' Richard
1778 Benjamin
1777 Asa
1790 Stephen
1815 William
1852 William P.
1853 Horatio N.
1789 John
1800 Alexander
1818 George
1821 Thomas G.
1800 Caleb
1834 Calvin
1836 Horace
1842 Benjamin
1846 John II.
1848 Went worth S.
1792 Erasmus
1796 Abraham
1836 AVilliam
1839 Ralph
1861 John W.
1837 Charles H.
1852 John IL
1797 Sebastian
1845 William
1853 George W.
1814 Ebenezer B.
1817 Abel
1860 David A.
1861 Henry M.
1864 Charles
1786 John
1787 Jonathan
1790 Timothy
1805 Joshua S.
1860 Charles H.
1801 Daniel
1811 Alexander S.
1800 John F.
1815 Maurice
1857 Charles A.
1859 Isaac N.
1822 Edmund
1824 Oliver
1831 John L.
1787 Josiah
1795 Asa
1839 Philander I.
1847 Charles M.
1850 Robert W.
1794 Philip
1834 Albert
1836 Henry H.
1859 Charles W.
1797 Ezra
1811 Nathaniel H.
1813 Abiel
1816 Lawson
1821 William C.
1841 John S.
1849 Joseph W. P.
1853 Nathan F.
1857 Daniel R.
1816 Samuel
1857 Amos H.
1861 George W.
1867 Almond F.
1843 John L.
1831 Sullivan
1854 Ciiarles
1860 Daniel H.
1846 Joseph M.
1808 Ichabod R.
1791 Calvin
1825 George
1830 William
1854 George H.
1858 Harrison E.
1816 Mullen
1818 William
1823 John
1844 INIellen
1845 William M.
1855 Joshua M.
1860 George E.
1855 John S.
1805 John
1824 George B.
1826 Samuel A.
1828 Oliver P.
1836 John 0.
1860 George H.
1779 Sewall
1790 Uriel
1791 Joel
1816 William A.
1845 Noah A.
1850 Charles H.
1850 Henry M.
1784 Benjamin
1803 Luther
1804 George T.
1814 Thomas F.
1835 Jacob
1837 William R.
1865 Joseph S.
1866 James H.
1864 Albert P.
1854 Edwin A.
1780 Amos
1785 Salmon
1786 Baruch
1791 Dudley
1791 Heber
1793 David H.
1796 Philander
1797 Moses
1811 Caleb
1814 Alexander R.
1814 Horace
1817 Carlton
1820 Moses
1826 Salmon P.
1827 James M.
1829 Moody
1832 Stephen
1835 Henry B.
1839 Charles C.
1841 George C.
1843 Francis B.
1844 Albert
1844 Samuel B.
1845 Rufus D.
1846 Benjamin C.
1847 Barton W.
1848 Dudley T.
1850 Henry
1852 Clinton S.
1853 Charles M.
1856 Leverett M.
1857 Warren P.
1859 Henry
1860 Frederick
1860 Moses R.
1861 Joseph V.
1862 Howard M.
1862 Levi G.
1862 Thomas N.
1865 Charles A.
1865 Walter W.
1866 Adino B.
1810 David
1856 Billie
1795 Alpheus
1796 Abner
1839 Oren B.
1848 Charles G.
1866 George E.
1821 Eber
1788 Daniel
1832 Richard M.
1789 Martin
1819 Rufus
1836 Frederick W.
1815 Daniel M.
1784 Nathan
1796 Benjamin
1797 Daniel
1856 Walter S.
1845 Charles H.
1810 Daniel
1813 James
1826 Horatio G.
1843 Bradbury P.
1859 Bartlett'G.
1808 William
1826 Rufus
1826 William
1845 Ichabod B.
1821 Zenas
1841 Salmon
1785 Joseph
1786 Erastus
1791 Timothy
1800 Benjamin
1812 Samuel
1822 William
1823 Samuel W.
1824 Ephraira W.
1826 Ansel R.
1829 Peter
1832 Daniel A.
1832 John L.
1832 William C.
1834 Benjamin
1834 Daniel
1834 James
1836 David J.
1837 Jeremiah
1838 Nelson
1839 Daniel
1839 Jonas B.
1842 William
1843 Francis B.
1844 Edward W.
1848 Sawyer B.
1850 Lewis W.
1854 Jo^eph
1855 Benjamin
1857 John H.
1858 Augustus B.
1858 John T.
1862 James A.
1832 William C.
1842 Ranslure W.
1843 John B.
1848 Isaac L.
1851 Francis E.
1855 Greenleaf
1856 Ambrose W.
1862 Stephen W.
1841 Timothy F.
1852 George
1843 Lorenzo
1843 Nathan
1848 John P.
1862 Charles R.
1863 Nathaniel H.
1827 Charles D.
1854 Nathan J.
AViUiara H.
Josiah T.
Nathan K.
1834 Moses T.
Lucian B.
Levi H.
James T.
Wendell H.
Loammi S.
Samuel P.
Warren R.
Nehemiah C
Abraham B.
William S.
Elliot C.
William S.
John B. D.
Samuel W.
Ziba A.
1777 Zaccheus
1836 Daniel E.
1836 Stoddard B.
1838 James- K.
1842 Jeremiah H. W.
1845 Robert
1847 Charles C.
1852 John
1857 Ira
1859 John F.
1863 Henry L.
1861 David F.
1854 George A.
1856 Leander
1775 Samuel
1835 David H.
1805 Henry
1843 George D.
1850 Nathaniel
1842 George P.
1845 Samuel E.
1854 Jolm B.
1815 Abel
1857 Chester C.
1800 Alexander
1835 Phineas S.
1840 John P.
1859 Phineas S.
1811 Joshua
1822 Amasa
1827 John K.
1830 Freeman
1857 William A. C.
1863 Charles B.
1794 John
1791 John
1802 Amos J.
1841 Orel
1807 Josiah P.
1832 George
183(> Henry H.
1841 Henry G.
184;5 Phineas
1847 M'Laurin F.
1813 Augustus
1811 Amasa
1843 Timothy
1857 David T.
1831 Horatio G. F.
1841 Samuel B. G.
1798 Ranna
1860 Samuel C.
1823 Paul
1792 Rufus
1859 Edward
1789 John W.
1798 William
1782 Jacob
1813 Daniel
1850 De Witt C.
1854 Charles H.
1785 Calvin
1799 John H.
1849 Charles H.
1857 Royals.
1862 Amos W.
1807 William
1854 John D.
1861 Henry J.
1791 Otis
1810 Henry
1820 Nathan
1827 Alpheus
1833 David
1841 Thomas R.
1848 Albert H.
1849 Stephen M,
1852 George A.
1853 Alpheus B.
1854 Hiram B.
1857 Daniel A.
1821 Abijah
1841 David
1862 Oliver L.
1792 Samuel
1811 Robert
1808 Solomon
1819 Jacob
1839 Cyrus
1842 Cliarles
1844 Seneca
1862 Horace S.
1806 David
1796 Seth
1818 Amos
1834 Moody
1856 Amos N.
1776 Abel
1778 Benjamin C.
ISOO David
1811 Jonathan
1811 Joseph W.
1836 Benjamin W.
1844 Thomas W. T.
1813 Frederick
1817 Jonathan P.
1850 Edward H.
1857 Thomas A.
1791 Timothy A.
1794 Noah
1807 Hercules
1811 Bezaleel
1865 Henry I.
1856 Sullivan M.
1798 Nathan
1819 Calvin
1847 Lyman
1852 Charles
1856 Calvin
1805 William P.
1811 Jonas
1833 Daniel B.
1842 Charles
1844 Edward S.
1852 Isaac J.
1857 Joseph A.
1802 John R.
1805 Samuel
1823 Jonas
1797 Samuel
1855 Jacob
1840 John T.
1848 Theodore S.
1788 Daniel
1788 Joseph
1794 William
1795 Judah
1819 Hope L.
1828 Charles B.
1828 William C.
1837 Charles S.
1839 Sylvester
1845 Judah
1849 Henry S.
1854 Samuel W.
1800 John
1811 Josiah
1819 Francis
1844 Hiram C.
1786 William
1794 Joshua
1811 Benjamin
1819 Elijah
1858 Alfred B.
1862 Milon
1773 Stephen
1793 Jonathan
1798 James
1815 John
1817 Henry W. F.
1819 Moses F.
1833 Thomas
1838 George A.
1841 James
1842 Hosea
1845 Charles A.
1848 George J.
1850 Oliver
1856 Mark
1857 Wendell
1858 Albert A.
1859 John
1861 Eben H.
1861 Edmund
1864 Silas W.
1783 Asa
1786 Elkanah
1814 Warren
1842 Aaron
1773 James
1800 James
1848 Benjamin W.
1839 Joseph F.
1842 Charles E.
1855 Sylvanus S.
1860 Samuel Q.
1867 Josiah G.
De Forest
1864 Edward
1823 Samuel
1779 William
1816 Elijah
1845 Benjamin F.
1857 Edward W.
1859 James H.
1844 William P.
1779 Elijah
1794 Eldad
1819 Benjamin W.
1837 Nathaniel W.
1856 Elijah F.
De Wint
1793 Christian
1842 Augustus L.
1818 David W.
1835 David
1785 Timothy
1795 Samuel F.
1797 John
1798 Pliny
1813 Austin
1841 Frederick W.
1843 William
1850 Edward C.
1859 Chase H.
1860 Daniel A.
1853 James M.
1842 David
1855 Nelson
1789 Samuel
1814 Samuel
1841 James
1791 Silas
1813 James
1857 Henry
1806 Joshua
1833 James M.
1844 Albert
1850 George W.
1860 Frederick B.
1863 Samuel D.
1825 John P.
1849 Charles
1847 John C.
1817 Benjamin
1786 Gordon
1796 Moses
1799 Joseph E.
1828 Nathan T.
1833 Joseph
1849 Moses F.
1854 Justin E.
1855 William D.
1861 William W.
1838 Jason
1865 Frank J.
1849 Gideon
1855 Edward G.
1842 David F.
1844 Joseph W.
1848 Stephen F.
1844 Daniel A.
1788 Elias
1839 Elbridge G.
1856 Daniel B.
1858 Joseph F.
1859 Horace F.
1862 Jason H.
1783 Elijah
1838 Daniel C.
1817 Thomas W.
1830 William H.
1852 Robert
1857 Robert H.
1858 Samuel A.
1861 De Witte
1832 William A.
1847 Mark F.
1789 Josiah
1794 Jacob
1817 John
1845 iVIark
18o2 James S.
1794 Daniel M.
1822 Silas
1852 George
1799 Alexander
1808 Oliver
1800 John
1801 John
1802 Nathaniel
1855 George
1790 Elihu
1797 Daniel
1856 Azro
1858 Horace M.
1794 Paul
1793 Edmund
1794 Moses
1795 John
1796 Tilton
1802 Samuel
1803 Jonathan B.
1812 Luke
1821 Joseph B.
1824 Joel
1827 Joseph A.
1829 Ira A.
1836 George B.
1839 George N.
1842 WilHamP.
1850 Joseph
1790 William
1833 Ephraim
1837 William L.
1839 Horace
1854 John
1859 Lucien B.
1817 Amasa
1844 Samuel H.
1859 Samuel J.
1864 David M.
1867 Joseph G.
1824 Edwin
1829 Albert M.
1794 Jesse
1813 Thomas M.
1839 Abraham F.
1831 Benjamin
1832 Frederick A.
1817 Jeremiah
1856 Joseph L.
1808 Moses
1813 Daniel
1826 William
1829 Charles F.
1864 Daniel M.
1822 John M.
1798 Reuben
1799 Luther
1802 Brown
1805 Abner
1805 Benjamin D.
1814 Samuel
1816 Benjamin
1825 John F.
1826 Charles M.
1826 John S.
1830 Daniel XL
1832 Edward B.
1838 Benjamin F. C.
1853 John D.
1862 Luther W.
1795 Nicholas
1808 Stephen
1830 James W.
1836 Stephen M.
1842 Caleb
1858 George W.
1795 Eli
1794 Pascal P.
1776 Experience
1815 Joseph
1861 George W.
1838 Enoch W.
1829 James M.
1862 Frederick W.
1790 Richard C.
1795 David
1813 Ebenezer
1836 Augustus
1836 J^rastus
1777 Gamaliel
1784 Rufus
1810 Joseph
1852 Lorenzo
1853 Henry
1825 Josiah
1849 Philetus
1798 Abel
1804 Stephen
1843 Caleb E.
1837 Luther
1813 Benjamin F.
1813 Samuel
1822 Levi
1853 Jonathan B.
1854 Simeon D.
1862 George
1794 Humphrey
1794 Joseph
1800 George
1801 AViUiam
1807 Timothy
1844 William H.
1850 Ciiarles S.
1854 Erastus N.
185C Osmer W.
1838 John
1855 Ebenezer F.
1858 Joseph W.
1862 George M.
1862 Stark
1813 Joseph B.
1794 Ashbel
179'J Jacob
1856 Leonard Z.
171)7 William
179G TliomasG.
1806 Samuel
1812 Thomas
1838 Hewitt C.
1838 Oliver G.
1842 Daniel W.
1792 Joseph
1795 Bohan P.
1808 Warren A.
1822 Joseph R.
1855 WalbridgeA.
1804 Ebenezer 0.
1778 Nehemiah
1815 Alfred
1790 Halloway
1858 Abial W.
1859 Frederick S.
1798 John B.
1802 Mo,^esM.
1814 Allen
1843 Francis S.
1852 Martin H.
1786 Moses
1791 John
1817 Nathan W.
1807 Luther
1837 Charles D.
1831 Moses H.
1818 Daniel
1822 George
180G Edmund
1841 Samuel
1863 William L.
1831 Walter P.
1842 Benjamin F.
1806 Richard
1808 Isaac
1810 Samuel
1814 Oliver
1815 John
1817 Horace
1824 Thomas G.
1825 Mark W.
1843 James
1858 Francis H.
1860 William K.
1798 Ebenezer
1821 Abner
1842 Lyman T.
1839 George G.
1857 John A.
1796 Peter L.
1820 Charles L.
1828 Nathaniel S.
1848 Ira F.
1851 Samuel H.
1854 Joseph P.
1862 David
1778 David
1798 A! van
1799 Lorenzo
1790 David
1839 John D.
1807 Josiah
1847 Francis F.
1857 William J.
1803 John M.
1773 I^merson
1777 Daniel
1777 Joel
1783 John
1821 Stephen
1822 Aaron
1822 Amos
1822 Asa E.
1823 Abiel
1828 Isaac
1837 Eden B.
1838 Stephen S.
1840 Charles
1840 Frederick
1841 Daniel
1841 Moses
1841 William
1849 Davis
1849 Roswell
1851 Richard B.
1858 John
1860 Charles L.
1863 Addison H.
1864 John L.
1865 Frederick F.
1811 Jonathan
1833 Asa
1835 Stephen
1807 Abraham S.
1813 Charles
1818 Joseph
1831 Charles J.
1852 William C.
1809 John
1866 Lucien H.
1843 Thomas W.
1796 Peyton R.
1797 James O.
1810 Asa
1822 George
1841 Francis A.
1843 Edward
1843 Samuel H.
1851 Ciiandler
1854 Andrew W.
18G4 WillardW.
1812 Benjamin F.
1824 Ebenezer
1827 Eli
1836 Henry
1841 Samuel P.
1843 Leonard
1851 David B.
1852 Theodore
1859 Scott
1860 Samuel F.
1862 James
1863 George H.
1802 John
1771 Levi
1845 Edward D.
1822 Carlton P.
1857 Henry M.
1858 Edwin B.
1859 John F.
1786 Stephen
1791 Samuel
1801 Henry W.
1857 Henry W.
1864 Homer T.
1796 Walter
1821 Thomas S.
1840 John
1843 Daniel L.
1798 Samuel
1859 AltVed P.
1862 Nathaniel P.
1864 William T.
1857 William J.
1822 Wakefield
1833 Jacob
1843 EzraW.
1844 Lucian
1787 Oliver
1804 Elias
1828 George G.
1847 Benjamin E.
1794 Gershom
1866 Oren
1826 Allen
1811 Thomas C.
1852 George W.
1828 Edmund
1803 Isaac
1844 Amphion
1858 James W.
1838 Franklin
1838 John
1858 Samuel L.
1793 Samuel
1797 Joseph
1838 David
1852 Jonathan C.
1858 Walter
1864 John T.
1775 Sylvester
1796 Daniel
1801 Charles
1804 Samuel
1841 Daniel
1857 Joseph
1839 Warren A.
1842 John
1844 John A.
1862 George F. .
1787 Daniel 0.
1791 Eli[)halet
1802 Jacob
1854 John F.
1791 Allen
1796 John T.
1800 Tristram
1838 Joseph J.
1861 James P.
1863 Zeeb
1845 Quincy A.
1856 Carlisle J.
1858 Samuel M.
1861 George L.
1815 Elisha
1829 Joseph M.
1786 Calvin
1856 Edward N.
1857 Merritt E.
1854 William W.
1791 Joseph
1843 Daniel W.
1852 James L.
1777 David
1844 Samuel H.
1817 William
1850 Edwin
1863 William P.
1792 Samuel B.
1839 Timothy A.
1841 George F.
1845 Amos B.
1848 Joseph A.
1857 Henry A.
18G7 Horace
1849 Gustavus A.
181 G Epaphras
1837 James W.
1806 Sewall
1822 Charles B.
1820 David
1820 Thomas
18G3 Thomas
1811 Dominicus
1811 James S.
1835 Daniel
1844 John N.
18G2 Oclavius B.
1830 Warren D.
178G Daniel
1811 William
1817 Adam
1841 Nathaniel
184G George A.
1824 Jacoh C.
1856 Zenas
1861 Andrew J.
1852 Oliver H.
18G4 Lhius A.
18G3 Frank P.
1839 William
1793 John
1817 Charles F.
185G Elijah A.
1800 Stephen
1851 William C.
18G1 Jaspers.
1791 Rufus
1854 Galen A.
1771 Samuel
1842 Robert G.
1813 Augustus
1804 Allen
1835 Stephen S. N.
1845 p:d\vard H.
1781 Zachariah
1791 William
1811 Charles
1823 Charles G.
1863 Edwin
1807 Oliver
1830 William H.
1854 Ranney
1859 Roger S.
1864 Daniel C.
1865 William B.
18G7 John B.
1813 Benjamin
1823 Henry
1832 Charles H.
1834 James
1828 Elbridge F.
1828 Jeremiah J.
1855 Elbridge G.
1806 Ethan A.
1787 William
1811 David A.
1824 Daniel H.
1828 Jarvis
1841 James A. D.
1808 George
1836 James W.
1789 J.-hn
1794 William A.
1837 Benjamin
18G0 John B.
1784 Thomas
1818 Cyrus P.
1822 Moses G.
1859 Joseph W.
1787 Jonathan
1793 Paul
1795 George
1845 Admatha
1773 Joseph
1786 Stephen
1832 Nathaniel
1851 MiloW.
1789 James K.
1843 Joshua J.
1772 Ebenezer
1793 .Jacob B.
1794 Royal
1816 Charles B.
1844 Charles
1809 James
1840 George P.
1844 Amos
1865 Arami R.
1856 William H.
William P.
Thomas C.
Ezekiel J. M.
John C.
Oscar A.
Edwin B.
1860 John W.
1860 Samuel G.
1790 Nathaniel
1793 Ira
1798 Horace
1803 Frederick
1814 Mo.'^es
1823 Tliomas
1828 Sherman
1836 Robert H.
1839 Horace
1847 Richard
1851 Joshua G.
1854 Daniel
1865 Charles C.
1797 John
1863 Alfred K.
1802 Elisha
1849 Byron M.
1859 John
1864 Nathaniel L;
1813 Hutchins
1805 Alpheus
1789 Daniel
1794 Aaron
1803 Neheraiah
1807 Thomas
1808 Nathaniel K.
1812 Noah
1812 Thomas
1822 Aaron
1842 Rufus C.
1855 Silas
1857 Ephraim J.
1860 George
Harm an
1793 Martin
1838 Charles A.
1787 Walter
1804 Joel
1815 James H.
1826 Edward P.
1845 Broughton D.
1855 Sidney S.
1786 William S.
1859 James A.
1813 Levi
1860 VaolaJ.
1787 Jonas
1806 Cyrus
1809 Jonathan
1794 Joseph
1806 Matthew
1854 Daniel B.
1864 William F.
1865 Matthew
1777 Ebenezer
1854 George
1855 Nathan S.
1857 Moses K.
1858 William A.
1795 John
1843 John C.
1854 Frankhn A.
1779 Ashur
1814 Horace
1830 Joseph
1858 William F.
1828 George W,
1810 James
1805 William A.
1831 John L.
1839 Alonzo
1849 Charles C.
1850 Richard
1851 John M.
1859 Benjamin F.
1860 John W.
1818 Joseph
1853 Sylvanus
1807 Rufus C.
1787 David
1829 Moses G.
1835 William
1839 Henry H.
1807 Austin
1812 Asa
1840 Norman
1842 Allen
1854 Henry A.
1803 Azel W.
1866 Marshman W.
1793 David
1794 Thomas
1835 John P.
1825 Robert R.
1826 William
1826 Solyman
1858 Willard S.
1865 Isaac L.
1840 Austin C.
1854 George D. A.
1842 Joel AY.
1843 George B.
1867 Henry C.
1825 Caleb S.
1833 Hugh H.
1800 George
1826 Osgood
1834 Horace
1854 Stephen S.
1854 William A.
1860 William S.
1856 Charles H.
1859 Albert J.
1819 William T.
1795 Joshua
1808 Levi
1812 Benjamin F.
1845 Frederick
1772 Augustine
1835 Henry
1791 Samuel
183G Ephraim N.
1818 George S.
1832 Silas H.
1839 William P.
1841 Otis F.
1842 Timothy
1850 Jame-s M.
1867 Howard F.
1800 Abraham
1841 Nathaniel
1819 OramelS.
1823 Bushrod W.
1856 Lyman G.
1851 Charles
1851 Homer 0.
1857 Lloyd W.
1858 Samuel E.
1794 James
1815 Caleb
1842 Harrison C.
1851 Timothy D.
1856 Josiah H.
1859 Isaac W.
1859 Josiah H.
1862 George F.
1864 Ichabod G.
1814 Humphrey
1842 Albert E.
1861 George E.
1849 Emerson
1843 Edwin R.
1828 Robert
1829 Albert G.
1831 William H.
1835 Moses F.
1860 Ira G.
1807 Amos
1852 Edward C.
1792 George" W.
1806 Joseph
1813 Jonathan
1827 Alfred
1828 Charles B.
1833 Thomas
1834 Charles
1847 Rufus J.
1854 Edmund W.
1857 Edward C. D.
1863 Charles F.
1804 Samuel L.
1841 Philip C.
1855 William D.
1861 Edward B.
1783 Cnlvin
1823 John S. C.
1828 Benjamin
1829 Haven
1835 John S.
1852 John J.
1855 William S.
1858 Enoch P.
1867 Joseph II.
1829 Lewis F.
1862 Arthur S.
1790 Nathan
179.S William
1825 Roger N.
1851 Morris
1862 Henry
1863 Maitland C.
1790 Joseph
1853 John A.
1821 Daniel
1794 Jedediah
1841 James B.
1841 Kicliaid E.
1845 James
1849 IMaiquis D.
185G Emory ^y.
1863 Daniel N.
18GG Charles E.
1815 John S.
1854 David R.
1783 Joseph
1794 William
1813 Allen
1830 William H.
1848 Charles F.
1833 Alexander H.
1834 Edward A.
1837 Alfred L.
1843 Edward A.
1836 Solomon
1858 Alfred
1839 Dudley
1843 Edward S.
1856 AUnondO.
1859 Dearborn D.
1867 Thomas
1852 Leonard H.
1805 George
1813 Benjamin G.
1856 AViliiam S.
1859 Geoi-ge F.
1859 Leverett
1859 Reeves
1814 Charles J.
1822 Samuel S.
1J97 Daniel
1804 Enos
1807 Amzi
1807 James
1811 Charles
1840 John
1864 Eugene
1866 Francis W.
1839 Allen
1850 Nathan S.
1776 Silas
1792 Michael
1797 Edward
1811 Valentine
1822 Jacob
1823 Jonathan K.
1826 Henry
1827 Charles H.
1854 Levi
1859 William
1860 Arlhur
1860 Charles
1843 Daniel
1810 JolmF.
1829 Arthur
1830 George
1833 Edward
1797 Joseph
1791 Sheldon
1809 William
1798 David
1809 Stephen H.
1824 Samuel
1828 Clement
1841 Henry C.
1858 Alanson B.
1780 Edward
1799 John
1832 William H.
1833 John
1836 John K. '
1838 Charles E.
1839 Joseph L.
1842 Frederick R.
1843 Amasa C.
1843 Henry C.
1843 Samuel A.
1843 William H.
1844 Samuel J. M.
1850 Samuel D.
1851 Nathan
1856 Francis B.
1844 Joshua R.
1857 Samuel W.
1801 Aaron
1848 William J.
1803 Vryling
1813 Alexander
1822 Michael
1853 John D.
1809 Nathaniel
1836 Henry L.
1842 Charles F.
1857 George A.
1843 Amos
1855 Charles C.
1787 Elijah
1801 Simeon
1803 p:iihu
1804 Job
1805 Joseph S.
1810 Theodore .
1810 James
1777 Walter
1790 Asa
1858 George A.
1864 Warren
1846 Milon C.
M' Col lorn
1835 James T.
1812 Lsaac
M' Curdy
1845 Witter S.
1852 Jesse
1867 John J.
1853 Franklin
1823 James F.
1793 Asa
M' Gaffe J
1844 Joseph
1797 Jacob
1807 Isaac
1820 Thornton
1774 David
1799 David
1809 Rufus
1808 Andrew
1844 William A.
1774 Joseph
1846 George W.
1866 John C.
1862 Benjamin
1867 Ilenry J.
1867 Robert G.
1821 William
1836 George W.
1779 Nathaniel
1806 Cvrus
1810 Joel
1829 Royal
1832 Lewis
1867 Charles H.
1830 Stephen N.
1825 George B.
1834 Newton E.
1838 Burton O.
1776 Stephen
1797 John
1852 Frederick V.
1856 Augustus L.
1861 George A.
1862 Henry
1786 Charles
1813 Charles
1817 James
1819 Lyndon A.
1820 Christopher
1820 George P.
1821 Samu.d
1824 Joseph
1825 Abram
1826 Cutting
1827 Leonard
1828 Charles C.
1835 Nathaniel
1841 John J.
1845 IMoses C.
1849 Calebs.
1852 Benjamin S.
1857 Ivory W. R.
1861 George H.
1865 David D.
1790 Ichabod
1803 Joseph A.
1846 Artliur W.
1848 Anson S.
1850 Elbridge
1850 Lyman
1854 Jonathan
1857 Thomas
1858 Andrew J.
1811 Stephen W.
1837 Gilman
1843 Jeremiah
1824 Charles L.
1808 Elihu
1814 Jonathan
1839 Lvman
1841 David H.
1849 Samuel W.
1854 Rufus O.
1834 Samuel H.
1867 Frederick G.
1834 Gf^onje P.
1854 Ed win N.
1845 Caleb W.
1793 William
Mat toon
1776 Ebenezer
1803 Nuah D.
1775 William
18-17 Alpha C.
1867 Elisha B.
1818 Asa
1856 CliarlesT.
1844 Rufus N.
1808 Royal A.
1840 Abner H.
1840 Nathaniel W.
1844 Silas
1861 Sidney A.
1857 Elliott T.
1789 Daniel
1801 Thomas A.
1806 Jesse
1806 Jo-eph
1808 Caleb
1809 Nathaniel
1810 Moses
1812 James
1814 Joseph
1821 David
1832 (ieoi'ge A.
1834 James H.
1836 Daniel F.
1839 Abel
1839 James A. E.
1840 George L.
18-10 ILiratio
1841 Josiah
I80G John L.
1808 George F.
18G6 CliL-sterW.
1867 Charles H.
1841 Curtis C.
1823 Ralph
1829 Kendrick
18G0 Ralph I.
1809 David
1780 Noah
1787 Asa
1804 Jacob
1805 Jedediah
1843 Dana
1848 Oliver
1863 George A.
1862 JohnW.
1862 Joseph R. '
1857 Charles E.
1828 Caleb
1774 James
1798 William
1828 George
1837 Josiah
1828 Edward
1840 Thomas G.
1865 Frank B.
Moffat t
1793 Joseph
1858 Hiram H.
1784 William
1788 Joseph
1848 Charles H.
Mooaxter P.
1854 Charles F.
1854 John B.
1858 Samuel M.
1866 William B. T.
1795 Thomas
1825 Horace U.
1820 Marshall
1838 Thomas
1842 Samuel
1840 Alden
1785 Solomon
1808 Amos
1832 Reuben
1833 Edward
1842 Samuel J.
1866 James A.
1791 Thomas S.
1793 Olivers.
1796 John S.
1798 Naihaniel
1815 Thomas
1828 Thomas
1815 Levi
1841 Jacob S.
1847 Justin W.
1854 Stephen L. B.
1837 Lnren
1863 Frank A.
LSlo Lemuel C.
17'83 Peleg
185G ClKulesH.
1849 Clinton W.
1858 Ricl.ard C.
1859 Ciiarles H.
1853 Henry E.
1840 Jolin E.
1799 William
1827 Stephen
1798 David
1853 Francis C.
1840 Josiah 11.
1855 Daniel
1861 Joseph O.
1775 Samuel
1848 John M.
1812 Jason
1815 David
1815 Kiehard
1844 John M.
1845 George IT.
1847 Thomas L.
1857 Bt njamin H.
1845 Keubeu II.
1798 Solon
1804 Boswell
1810 Moses
1814 Thaddeus
1823 Edwin B.
1830 Samuel II.
1835 Bradford N.
1835 Ciiarles E.
1839 Alfred
1840 Charles G.
1842 Ivan
1842 vSamuel J.
1843 Lyman D.
1849 George
1851 Algernon
1854 Be'la N.
18G2 John S. .
18G5 William B.
1780 Joseph
1853 Levi M.
1791 Silas
1823 William W.
1839 Peter L.
1856 William W.
1798 Jeremiah
1848 Stephen B.
1801 A-ahel
1802 Luther
1822 Cyrus
1829 Hannibal
1829 IMoses
1836 Frederick H.
1839 Samuel M.
1844 William A.
1815 James W.
1860 KichardIL
1780 Daniel
1803 Jonathan B.
1788 William
1793 Iliiam
1795 David
1796 Nathanle
1803 Luther
1807 Constant
1812 Augustus
1813 Experience P.
1851 Sylvester D.
1822 Jeremiah
1796 Benjamin
1829 David
1786 Jonathan
1«29 Moses M.
1845 William C.
1849 Charles IL
1852 Elnathan E.
1809 Alph C.
1809 Charles J.
1843 Robert
1846 John M.
1829 James
1786 Samuel
1833 Kaled E.
1834 Nathaniel
1841 Leonard
1850 William F.
1843 Joseph E.
1828 Samuel
1774 Eleazar
1835 Henry W.
1864 Charles E.
1791 Serernis
1792 Ze]>lianiah
1800 Samuel
1808 Rugales
1809 Joseph J.
1830 John IL
1806 Horace W.
1843 Levi B.