'W* V 4 •» ,.■,*-■ ^V CATALOGUE OF THE New V^ork S EVV Y ORK SOUTHERN OOCIETV 4 k GARDEN LIBRARY," OF SOUTHERN AMERICANA. COMPILED BY John F. B. Lili.ard, Librarian. NEW YORK, Published for the Sociktv, MDCCCXCl. • » » » * » J> » » t * t t t » J ' J * * ^K NEW YORK SOUTHERN SOCIETY. LIBRARY. * At the last annual meeting it was announced that one of the members of the Society was engaged in collecting a Southern Historical Librar}?^, which he proposed to give to the Society. A thousand volumes, carefully selected, have already been placed in the " Home " as the first in- *^ stalment of this gift. By resolution of the Society, the library will be called the " Garden Library." The catalogue embraces man}- rare and valuable, and, in some instances, almost unknown works, histories, bi- ographies, essays, memoirs, speeches and novels portray- ing every phase of Southern life and character. Here will be found books, social, political, religious and mili- tary, by authors whose names are inseparably associated with the history of our countr}-, providing material for the future historian which he could not otherwise obtain. It has been deemed of the greatest importance, not only to Southerners residing here, but to Southerners every- where, that there should be a library in this great city, 3 in which may be found at all times documentary authority upon every subject relating to the history, literature and institutions of the South. Every effort will be made to carry out this object, and make this library a distinctive and attractive feature of the Societ3^ OQ UJ J 4i;j28i CONSTITUTION ARTICLE XIV. LITERATURE AND ART. Section i. — The Society shall, as soon as may be practicable, establish a Library, which shall be confined, as far as possible, to those works which relate to the his- tory and literature of the South, in order that it may portray the character and genius, and perpetuate the memories and traditions of the Southern people. ^ 2. — The Committee on Literature and Art, subject to the direction and control of the Executive Committee, shall have charge of the Library and Reading Room, and of all the books, periodicals, papers and works of art belonging to the Society, and shall have power to solicit and receive donations, and to select and purchase books, periodicals and works of art for the Society. HOUSE RULES. NINTH.— LIBRARY. Books required by members will be delivered In' the Librarian. No books, magazines, or newspapers may be removed from the Library- or Reading Room, except upon the written order of the members receiving the same, and under no circumstances may thev be removed from the house. They shall not be marked or otherwise defaced. Conversation in the Library is prohibited. The arrangement of the Catalogue is. triplicate, ist Alphabetical list of titles without the prefix '■'■A " and " The.''' 2d, Alphabetical list of Ajtthors^ jd. A classified list such as Alabama, Biography, Colonies, etc., zvith a condensed title otily. All Government publications are entered under United States. The appendix contains a list of nezus- papers and periodicals on file in Reading Room. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE OF TITLKS. Alphabetical Cataloguh OF TITLES. ITOl. A Tale of San Domingo, by E. W. Gilliam, M. D., Baltimore, 1890. Abolition a Sedition — by a Northern Man. Philadelphia. 1839. A Brother to Dragons and other old-time tales. By Amelie Rives. New York, i888. Addresses Delivered Before the Confederate Survivors' Association, Augusta, Ga., from June, 1883, to 1889. By Chas. C. Jones, Jr., Augusta. 1883- 1889 Addresses and Orations. 1 Address of Col. Chas. Marshall before the Va. division of the Army of Northern Virginia, Oct. 29, 1874. 2 Address of Alex. R. Lawton before the American Bar As- sociation, Saratoga, Aug. 9, 1882. 3 Oration of Gen. M. C. Butler and B. H. Rutledge at un- veiling of monument to Charleston Light Dragoons. Charleston, May 10, 1886. 4 Address of Chas. J. Faulkner before Alumni Virginia Military Institute at semi-centennial celebration, July 3, 1889. 5 Oration of John W. Daniel, at unveiling of recumbent figure to Gen. R. E. Lee, Lexington, Va., June. 28, 1883. 6 Oration of John W. Daniel on Life and Service of Jefferson Davis, before X'irginia Assembly, Jan 25, 1890. 7^ iV. }". So2ithern Society 7 Battle of Williamsburg, and the charge of the 24th Vir- ginia of Early's Brigade by Col. Richard L. Maury. 8 The campaign of Gen. R. E. Lee, an address by General Jubel A. Early, at Lexington, Va., Jan. 19, 1872. Addresses on the Presentation of the Sword of Andrew Jackson to the Congress of the United States. Washington, 1855. Advance and Retreat. Personal experience in the United States and Confederate States' Armies — By J. B. Hood, New Orleans, 1880. After Many Days; a novel. By Christian Reid, New York, 1889. A Further Account of God's Dealings — By George Whitefield, a. B, London, 1747. Alabama. Her History, Resources, War Records and Public Men, from 1540 to 1872 — By W. Brewer, Montgomery, 1872. Alexander H. Stephens in Public and Private with Letters and Speeches, before, during, and since the war — By Henry Cleveland, Philadelphia, 1866. American Annals, or a Chronological History of America — By Abiel Holmes, D. D. ; 2 Vol. London, re- printed from Cambridge Edition 1806. London, 181 3. American Atlas. Engraved on 48 copper plates — ^By Mr. Thomas Jefferys, London, 1775. American Dollar and the Anglo-German Combinat- ion — By Robert W. Hughes. (Autographic Cf)py from Author.) Richmond, 1885. American Gazeteer, Collected and Compiled from best authorities with great care. Printed in Boston. London reprinted. 1798- American Revolution, written in scriptural, or ancient historical style — By Richard Snowden, Baltimore, N.D. American Scenes and Christian Slavery — By Ebenezer DAvn:s, London, 1849. American Slavery, A Re[)rint of an article on Uncle Tom's " Garden Libi^aiy." i§ Cabin, from the Edcnburgh Review. London, 1856. American Slave Code, Its Theory and Practice — By William Goodell. London, 1853. American State constitutions a study of their growth by Henry Hitchcock, L. L. D. New York, 1887. American Union its effect on national chara'cter and policy with an inquiry, into Secession as a constitutional right by James Spence. London, 1862. An account of Discoveries in the West until i8ig and Voyages along the Atlantic Coast from 1520- 1573 Edited by Conway Robinson. Richmond, 1848. An account of the Rise and progress of the Colonies of South Carolina, 2 Vol in one. bv Alexander Hewatt, D. D. London, 1779. An address to the Government of the United States on the Cession of Louisiana to the French by a French Counsellor of State. Philadelphia, 1808. An address to the People of England, Scotland and Ireland on the present Important crises of affairs by Catharine Macaulay. London, 1775. Angel (The) m the Cloud, by Edwin W. Fuller, of Louisburg, N. C. Presented by Jas. D. Cumming. New York, 1871. Andrew Jackson as a Public Man. What he was, what chances he had, what he did with them, by William Graham .Sumner. Boston, 1889. Andrew Johnson, President of the United States. His Life and Speeches, by Lillian Foster. New York, 1866. Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War. Sketches and Character, by Alexander Garden. Charleston, 1822. Anecdotes of the American Revolution. Illustrative of Heroes and Patriots, by Alexander Garden. Second Edition. Charleston,! 1828. 1 6 N. Y. So2ithern Society An Epistle to the Inhabitants of South Carolina, by Sophia Hume. London, 1754. An Enquiry Respecting the Capture of Washington by the British, Aug. 24th, 1814, by Spectator. Washington City, 18 16. An Enquiry into the Rights of the British Colonies, by Richard Bland, of Virginia. Reprint from Williamsburg Edition. London 1769. An Errand to the South in the Summer of 1862, by Rev. William Wyndham Malet. London, 1863. An Essay on Liberty and Slavery, by Albert Taylor Bledsoe, L.L. D. Philadelphia, 1856. An Essay on Slavery. Second Edition, by Thomas R. Df.w. Richmond, 1849. An Historical Account of some Memorable Actions Particularly in Virginia, by Sir Thomas Gran- tham Knight. Richmond Reprint from London Edi- tion of 1716. 1882. An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia. 2 Vols. London, 1779. An Historical Sketch of Slavery from the Earliest Periods, by Thomas R. R. Cobb, of Georgia. Philadelphia, 1858. Annals of Annapolis From the First Settlement 1649 Until the War of 1812, By David Ridgly, Baltimore. 1841. Annals of Tennessee to the End of the Eighteenth Century. By J. G. M. Ramsey, A. M. M. D, Charleston. 1853. Annual Report of the American Anti-Slavery Society year ciuling May i, i860. New York, 1861. Ante Bellum, Southern Life as it was, by Mary Lennox. Philadelphia, 1868. Arator, Being a Series of Agricultural Essays, Practical and Political by CoL. John Taylor. Georgetown, D. C, 18 14. Archives of Maryland. 1637 to 1664, Edited by William " Garden Library y ij Hand Browne for Historical Society. Baltimore, 1883. Army of Northern Virginia, Memorial Volume, by Rev. J. William Jones, D.D. Richmond, 1880, A Side Show of the Southern Side of the War, by Charles H. Smith, "Bill Arp." New York, 1866. Atlas to the ^Va^ in ^Vest Florida and Louisiana, by Maj. a. Lacarriere Latour, Philadelphia, 1816. A Tour Through Part of Virginia in the Summer of 1808, by Dr. Samuel L. Mitchell. New York, 1809. At The Mercy of Tiberius, A Novel, by Augusta Evans Wilson. New York, 1887. Authentic Papers from America, London, 1775. Autobiography of Charles Caldwell, M. D., by Harriot W. Warner. Philadelphia, 1855. Battlefields of the South, from Bull Run to Fredricksburg, with Sketch of Confederate Commanders and Gossip of the Camp. By T. E. C, an English Combatant, 2 vols. London, 1863. Beauchampe ; or the Kentucky Tragedy. A Sequel to Charlemont, by W. Gilmore Simms. Chicago and New York, 1888. ** Beauty and Booty." the Watchword of New Orleans by Marion Southwood. New York, 1867. Belle Boyd in Camp and Prison, with an introduction by George At;rsTUS Sala, written by herself, [Mrs. Hardinge.] New York, 1865. Beechwood Tragedy, a tale of the Chickahominy, by M. J. Haw. Presented by the Authoress. Richmond, 1889. Bench and Bar of Georgia, Memoirs and Sketches 2 Vols, by Stephen F. Miller. Philadelphia 1858. Bench and Bar of Mississippi, by James D. LvxcH. New York, 1881. Bench and bar of the South and'Southwest, by Henry .S. FooTE. St. Louis, 1876. Beulah, a Novel, by Augusta Evans Wilson, New York, 1888. j8 N. Y. So2ither7i Society. Bibliotheca Americana, being a Choice Collection of Old Books relative to North and South America and the West Indies. Paris, 1840. Big (The) Brother, a Story of Indian War, by George Cary Eggleston. New York, 1888. Biographical Encyclopaedia of Kentucky. Cincinnati, 1878. Biographical Memoir of Commodore Joshua Barney, by Mary Barney. Boston, 1832. Biographical Memorials of James Oglethorpe, founder of Georgia, by Thaddeus Mason Harris, D. D. Boston, 1841. Biographical Sketches of the Bench and Bar of South Carolina, by John Benton O'Neall, LL. D., with the Original Fee Bill of 1 791. 2 vols. Charleston, 1859. Biographical Sketches of Graduates and Eleves of the Virginia Military Institute who fell in the War between the States, by Charles D. Walker. Philadelphia, 1875. Biography of Andrew Jackson, by Philo A. Goodwin, Hartford, 1832. Black Diamonds gathered in the Darkey Homes of the South, by Edward A. Pollard, of Virg^inia. New York, 1859. Blennerhassett Papers, Emboding the Private Journal and Correspondence, by William H. Safford. Cincinnati, 1864. Bonny Kate, A Novel, by Christian Reid. New York, 1890. Border and Bastille, by George Lawrence, New York, N. D. Border Beagles, A Tale of Mississippi, by W. Gilmore SIMMS. Chicago and New York, 1888. Boy's (The) Froissart, being Sir John Froissart's Chron- icles, Edited for Boys, by Sidney Lanier. New York, 1888. Boys (The) King Arthur, Being Sir Thomas Malory's His- tory, edited for Boys, by Sidney Lanier. New York, 1889. i *' Garden Library'' ig Boy's (The) Mabinogion, being The Earhest Welsh Tales. Edited for Boys, by Sidney Lanier. New York, 1881. Bright Skies and Dark Shadows, by Henry M. Field, D.D. , (Autographic Copy.) New York, 1890. EsTEN Cooke. Toronto, 1867. Camp-Fires (The) of General Lee, From the Peninsula to Appomattox, by Edward S. Ellis, Philadelphia, 1886. Campaign of the army of the Potomac, a critical history of the operation in Maryland, Virginia and Penn- sylvania, by Willi.\m Swixton. New York, 1866. Campaign (The) of the British army at \A^ashington and New Orleans, 1814-1815, by The Author of THE SuB.\LTERN, (.\L Gleig.) London, 1828. Campaign (The) of 1781 in the Carolinas. by H. Lee. Philadelphia, 1824. Campaigns (The) of Lieutenant General N.B. Forrestand of Forrest's Cavalry, by Thomas Jordan and J. P. Prvor. New York, 1868. Campaigns (The) of "Walker's Texas Division, Contain- ing a complete record of the Campaigns in Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas, by a Private Soldier. New York, 1875. Cannibals All ! or Slaves without masters, by George FiT/.iiuGH. Richmond, 1857. Canolles, The Fortunes of a Partisan of '81, by John Captain Sam, or The Boy Scouts of 1814, by George Cary Eggleston. New York, 1888. Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets relative to the Civil War in the United States, Compiled by John Russell Bartlett. Boston, 1866. Catalogue of the Library of the Union League Club of New York. New York, 1886. Cavalier (The) Dismounted, an Essay on the origin of the founders of the thirteen Colonies, by William H. Whitmore. Salem, Mass. 1864. Ceremonies on the completion of the Washington 20 A^. Y. Southe7'7t Society monument at Washington D. C. February 21st, 1885. Washington, 1885. Charlemont ; or the pride of the village a tale of Ken- tucky, by W. GlI.MORE SiMMS. Chicago, and New York. 1888. Christian Doctrine of Slavery, by George D. Arm- strong, D.D. New York, 1857. Christ in the Camp, or Religion in Lee's Army, by Rev. J. Wm. Jones, D.D. Presented by the Pubhsher. Richmond, 1888. Civil (The) ^A^ar in America, an address read at the last meeting of Manchester Union and Emancipation Society, by Goldwin Smith. London, 1866. Collections of the Georgia Historical Society, Vol. II. Savannah, 1842. Collections of the South Carolina Historical Society Vol. I. Charleston, 1857. Collections of the Virginia Historical Society, new^ Series, Vol. V., Huguenot Emigration to Virginia. Richmond, 1886. Colonial Slavery Letters of the Right Honorable \Vil- liam Huskinson on Slavery in the British Colo- nies, by John Ashton Yates. Liverpool, 1824. Columbiad,(The) a Poem, by Archibald Tucker Ritchie. Autograph of J. Ritchie. London, 1843. Comet (The ) or the Earth in her varied phases past, pre- sent and future, in 3 parts, Non quis? Sed quid? [H. W. GuiONJ. Presented by James D. Cummins. New York, 1869. Confederate (The) Secession, by the Marquess of Lo- thian. Edinburgh, 1864. Confession ; or The Blind Heart, a Domestic Story, by W. Gillmore Simms, Chicago, New York, 1888. Conquerors (Tlie) of the Nev/ World and their Bonds- men. A narrative of the principle events that led to negro slavery in West Indies, and America by Arthur Helps, 2 Vols. London, 1848. Considerations on negro slavery v^rith report of condition " Garden Library ^ 21 of Negroes in Demerara, by Alexander McDon- nell, Esq. London, 1824. Constitution of the State of Virginia and the ordin- ances adopted by the Convention at Alexandria February 13, 1864, Alexandria, 1864. Constitution of South Carolina, April 16, 1868. Columbia, 1883. Constitutional view of the late war between the States causes, character, conduct, and results, by Alexander H. Stephen, 2 Vol. Philadelphia, 1868. Continuation of the Rev Mr. \Vhitfield's Journal 2d;Edi- tion, London, 1740. Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of the United States of America, Vol. i, Virginia ; Vol. 2, Maryland, by Francis L. Hawks. New York, 1836. Compilation of the Tariff Act of the Confederate states of America approved May 21, i86i. New Orleans, 1861. Correspondence of the American Revolution by Jared Sparks. 4 Vols. Boston, 1853. Cotton trade its bearing on Commerce considered with slavery in the Confederate State, by George Mc Henry. London, 1863. Cousin Franck's Household, or Scenes in the old Do- minion, by Pocahontas. Boston, 1853. Cruise of the Alabama, by one of the Crew. Boston, 1886. Crucifixion of Christ, by Daniel H. Hill, presented by James D. Cummings. Philadelphia, 1859. Daughter (A) of Bohemia, A Novel, by Christian Reid. New York, 1889. Dead (The) Towns of Georgia, by Charles C. Jones, Jr., LL.D. Savannah, 1878. Debate (The) on a Motion for the Abolition of the Slave Trade in the House of Commons, April 18, ig, 1791. London, 1791. Debates on the Resolution for Abolition of the Slave Trade, House of Commons and House of Lords, 1806. London, 1806. 22 N. Y. Southern Society Debates and Other Proceedings of the Convention of Virginia, June, 1788. Richmond, 1805. Debates of the Several State Conventions on the Adopt- ion of the Federal Constitution of 1787. 4 Vols, and Supplement, by Johnathan Elliot. Washington, 1836. DeBows Review, July 1851 to June 1869, Uncomplete, 13 Vols. New Orleans, Washington, Charleston and Nashville, 1851-1869. Deeper (The) Wrong, or Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. Linda Brent. London, 1862. Democracy in America, by Alexis DeTocqueville, Translated by Henry Reeves, Esq., with Note by Francis Bowen. 2 Vols. Cambridge, 1863. DeOrigine Gentium Americanarum, by HugonisGrotis, with Remarks by DeLaet. Printed by Louis Elzevir. Presented by J . C. MacKowen. Amsterdam, 1643. Description of Louisiana, by Father Louis Henne- pin. Shea's Translation. New York, 1880. DeSoto's Conquest of Florida. 2 Vols., by Theodore Irving. London, 1S35. Destruction and Reconstruction. Personal Experiences in the Late War, by Richard Taylor. New York, 1^79. Detailed Minutiae of Soldier Life in the Army of Northern Virginia. 1861-1865, by Carlton Mc- Carthy. Richmond, 1882. Development (The) of the Constitution, as influenced by Chief Justice Marshall, by Henry Hitchcock, L.L.D. New York, 1889. Dew-Drop (The) of the Sunny South. A Story. Philadelphia, 1851. Diary of a Southern Refugee During the War ,by Mrs. Judith W. McGuire. Richmond, 1889. Digest and Manual of the Rules and Practices of the House of Representatives. (Presented by Hon. Thomas P. Ochiltree.) Washington, 1884. Diplomatic (The) Correspondence of the An:ierican " Garden Library." 2j Revolution, by Jared Sparks. 12 Vols. Boston, 1829-1830. Discourse on the Life and Character of Hon. Littleton Waller Tazewell, at Norfolk, Virginia, June 29, i860, by Hugh Blair Grigsby, LL.D. Norfolk, i860. Discovery, (The) Settlement, and Present State of Kentucky. 2 Vols., by G. Lmlay. New York, 1793. Domestic (The) Life of Thomas Jefferson, from Family Letters and Reminiscences by his Great Granddaughter, Sarah N. Randolph. New York, 1871. Domestic Manners of the Americans, by Mrs. Trollope. 2 \'ols. London, 1832. Down in Tennessee and Back by Way of Richmond, by James R. Gilmore, (Edmund Kirk). New York, 1864. Ebb-Tide, and Other Stories, by Christian Reid. New York, 1872. Echoes From the South, Comprising the most important Speeches, Proclamations and Public Acts Emanating from the South during the Late War. New York, 1866. Echo (Tlie) of the Seneca Hobart College. Geneva, New York, 1889. Edith, a Novel, by Mrs. Ottilie Bertron, (Autographic Copy from Author). Philadelphia, 1887. Education in Georgia, by Charles Edgeworth Jones, (Autograph Copy from Author). Washington, 18S9. Ensayo, Cronologico, Para la Historia General de la Florida, Escrito Per Don Gabriel De Cardenas. 2 Cano. Madrid, 1723. Ernest Murray, or a Dream of Life, with Sonnets, by Wm. PixKXKv, D.l). New York, 1869. Essays on Slavery and Slave Trade. London, 1 788-1 789. Essays and Studies, Educational and Literary, by Basir Lanneau Gildersleeve. Baltimoie 1890. 24 N. Y. Southei^7i Society Eulogy on Gen. Chas. Cotesworth Pinckney, Pres. Gen. of the Society of Cincinnati, delivered by appointment of the Society of Cincinnati of South Carolina, at St. Phillipp's Church, Charleston, Nov. i, 1825, by Alex- ander Garden, Member of that Society. Charleston, 1825. Eulogies and Orations on the Life and Death of George Washington, First President of the United States. Boston, 1800. Eustis, a Novel, by Robert Aphorp Boit. Presented by A. S. Walker. Boston, 1884. Eautaw, a Sequel to The Forager. A Tale of the Revolution, by W. GiLMAN SiMMS. Chicago, New York, 1888. Excursion Through the Slave States, by G. W. Feather- STONHAUGH, F. R.S. 2 Vols. London, 1844. Exiles (The) of Florida, by Joshua R. Giddings. Columbus, Ohio, 1858. Exiles in Virginia, with Observations on the Conduct of the Society of Friends during the Revolutionary War, 1777-1778. Edited by Thomas Gilpin. Philadelphia, 1848. Exploration of the Red River in Louisiana in 1852, by R. B. Marcy. . Washington, 1853. Explanatory Travels Throughjthe Western Territories of North America, by Zebalon Montgomery Pike. London, 1811. Falling [The] Flag, Evacuation of Richmond, Retreat and Surrender at Appomattox, by Edwabd M. Boykin. New York, 1874, Federalist, [The] by Alexander Hamilton. New York, 1889. Fifty Years in Both Hemispheres, or Reminiscences of a Merchant's Life, by Vincent Nolte. London, 1854. First Letter to the Freeholders of the County of York on Negro Slavery, by the Right Hon. R. Wil- MOT IloRTox. London, 1830. First Step in North Carolina History, by Cornelia P. " Garde7t Library '' ' 2^ Spencer, Compliments of Publisher, Alfred Williams cS: Co. Raleigh, 1889. First [The] Year of the War, by Edward A. Pollard. Richmond, 1862. Fiscal [The] History of Texas, from 1834 to 1852, by WiLLLVM M. Gouge. Philadelphia, 1852. Fisher's River, (North CaroHna,) Scenes and Sketches, by "Skitt." New York, 1859. Five Years in Texas, 1861-1866. A Narrative of Travels, Experiences and Observations in Texas and Mexico, by Thomas North, Cincinnati, 1871. Foragers : [The] or the Raid of the Dog-Days, by W. Gil- more SiMMS. Chicago and New York. 1888. Founders [The] of Maryland, as portrayed in Manuscript, Provincial Records and Early Documents, by Rev. Edward B. Neill, A.B. Albany, N Y. 1876. From Gettysburg to the Rapidan, The Army of the Potomac, July 1863-April 1864, by Andrew A. Hum- phreves. New York, 1883. Funeral Obsequies, in Memory of Zachary Taylor in New York. New York, 1851. Gazetteer of Virginia and the District of Columbia with a History of Virginia, by Joseph Martin. Charlottesville, 1836. General [A] History of the British Empire in America. 2 Vols., by Mr. Wynne. London, 1770. Genealogical History of the Lee Family of Virginia and Maryland from A. D. 1300 to A. D. 1866. Edited by Edward C. Mead. New York, 1871. Geographical [A] Description of the State of Louisiana l)y Wh.llam Darby. Philadelphia, 1816. Geographical [The] Reader for the Dixie Children, by Mrs. M. B. Moore. Raleigh, 1863. Geology of the James River Valley, Virginia, J. L. Campbell, LL.D. New York, 1882. Geology of Virginia, by William Barton Rodger. LL.D. [Reprint]. Ne.v York, 1884. Georgia Illustrated in a Series of Views Embracing Natural 26 N. Y. SotitJiern Society Scenery and Public Edifices, by T. Addison Rich- ards. Penfield, Georgia, 1842 Georgia Scenes, Character Incidents in the First Half Century of the Republic, by A. G. Longstreet. August, 1835. Glimpses of the Nation's Struggle. Papers Read Before the Minnesota Loyal Legion. St. Paul, 1887* God's Protecting Providence. A Journal of the Travel- ing and Suffering of Several Persons who were Ship- wrecked in the Gulf of Florida. By Jonathan Dickinson. London, 1759. Gold that Did Not Glitter. A Novel, by Virginius Dabnev. (Presented by Lucy R. Garden. ) Philadelphia, 1889. Governor Chamberlain's Administration in South Carolina. A Chapter on the Reconstruction in the Southern States, by Walter Allen. New York, 1 888. Grand Civic and Military Demonstrations in Honor of the Removal of the Remains of James Monroe from New York to Virginia. New York 1858. Grandissimes (The), a story of Creole Life, by George W. Cable. New York, 1888. Great (The) Iron Wheel, or Republicanism Back- wards and Christianity Reversed, by J. R. Graves, A. M., New York, i860. Great (The) Invasion of 1863, or Lee in Pennsylvania, by Jacob Hoke Dayton, O., 1887. Great (The) Rebellion, Its Secret History, Rise, Progress and Disastrous Failure, by John Minor Botts of Virginia. New York, 1866. "Gumbo Zhebes." Little Dictionary of Creole Proverbs Selected from the Creole Dialect, by Lafcado Hearn. Presented by Jas. D. Cumming, New York, 1885. Guy Rivers. A Tale of Georgia, by W. Gilmore Simms. Chicago and New York, 1888. Hammer and Rapier, by John Esten Cooke. New York, 1871. Hancock's Diary, or a History of the 2nd Tennessee " Gai'dcji Library!' 2^ Cavalry, C. S. A., by R. R. Hanxock, Nashville, 1887. Hand Book of Alabama. A complete index of the State, by Saffold Bernev, Mobile, 1878. Hansford. A Tale of Bacon's Rebellion, by St. George Tucker. Richmond, 1857. Hearts of Steel. A Novel, by Christian Reid. New York, 1859. Heirs (The) of St. Kilda. A Story of the Southern Past, by John W. Moore. Raleigh, 1881. Henry St. John, Gentleman. A Tale of 1774-1775, by John Esten Cooke, New York, 1859. Herod and Mariamme. A Tragedy, by Amelie Rives. Philadelphia, 1888. Hilt to Hilt, or Days and Nights on the Banks of the Shenandoah in the Autumn of 1864, by John Esten Cooke. New York, 1869. History of Alabama, and Incidently of Georgia and Mis- sissippi from the Earliest Period, by Albert James Pickett. 2 Vols. Charleston, 1851. History (The) of the American Revolution, by David Ramsay, M. D. 2 Vols. Dublin, 1795. History and Antiquities of St. Augustine, Florida, by George R. Fairfjanks. New York, 1858. History of Augusta County, Virginia, by J. Lewis Pey- ton. Staunton, 1882. History (A) of Bristol Parish, Va., by Philip Slaughter D.D. Richmond, 1879. History (A) of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781 in the Southern Provinces of North America, by Lieut. Col. Tarleton'. London, 1787. History of the Civil War in America, by Louis Philippe Albert D' Orleans, Comte de Paris. 4 Vols. Philadelphia, 187 5-1 888. History of the Confederate States' Navy, From Its Organization to the Surrender of its Last Vessel, by J. Thomas Scharf, A.M., L. L.D. New York, 1S87. History(The)of the Dividing Line between Virginia and 28 N. Y. Southern Society North Carolina as Run in 1728 and 1729, by William Byrd. 2 Vols. Richmond, 1866. History (The) of Hernando De Soto and Florida, from 1 51 2 to 1568, by Barnard Shipp. Philadelphia, 1881. History of the First Kentucky Brigade, by Ed. Porter Thompson. Cincinnati, 1868. History of the French Protestant Refugees, from the French of M. Charles Weiss, by Henry William Her- bert. 2 Vols. New York, 1854. History (The) of Georgia, by Chas. C. Jones, Jr., LL.D. 2 Vols. Boston, 18S3. History of Georgia from First Discovery by Europ- eans to 1798, by William Bacon Stevens, M. D., 2 Vols. New York, 1 847-1 859. History of the Invasion and Capture of Washington, and of the events that preceded and followed, by John S. Williams. New York, 1857. History (A) of Kentucky, Embracing Gleanings, Reminis- cences, Antiquities, Statistics and Biographical Sketches, by William B. Allen. Louisville, 1872. Histoire De Kentucky, Nouvelle Colonie a L'Ouest de la Virginia, by John Filson. Presented by Joseph L. Robertson. Paris, 1785. History of the Late War in the Western Country, by Robert B. McAfee. Lexington, Ky., 18 16. History of the Late War between the United States and Great Britain, with an account of the Military and Naval Operations, byH. M. Brackenridge. Philadelphia, 1839. History of the Life and Times of Andrew Jackson, by John Robert Irelan, M. D. Chicago, 1887. History of Louisiana, by Barbe Marbois. Philadelphia, I830. History of Louisiana, or the Western parts of Virginia and Carolina, from the PVench of M. Le Page Du Protz. London, 1774. " Garden Library ^ 2g History (The) of Maryland, from its First Settlement m 1633 to the Restoration in 1660. 2 \'ols. By John Leeds Bozman. Baltimore, 1837. History of Maryland, from first Settlement in 1634 to 1S4S, by James McSherry. Baltimore, 1849. History of Missouri, by Walter Bickford Davis and Daniel S. Durrie, A. M. St. Louis, 1876. History of Morgan's Cavalry, by Basil W. Duke. Cincinnati, 1S67. History of Norfolk, Va.,by H.W. Burton, Norfolk,: 87 7. History of North Carolina, by Francis L. Hawks, D.D., LL.D. 2 Vols. Fayetteville, 1 857-1 858. History of North Carolina, from the Earliest Discovery to the Present times. 2 Vols. By John W. Moore, Autograph Copy from Author. Raleigh, 1880. History of North Carolina, by Hugh Williamson, M.D. LL.D. 2 Vols. Philadelphia, 1812. History of Our National Flag, by Schuyler Hamilton. New York, 18S6. History of the Original Settlements on the Delaware, by Benjamin Ferris. Wilmington. 1846. History of the Presbyterian Church in Kentucky, by Robert Davidson, D. D. New York, 1847. History of the Presbyterian Church in New Bern, N. C, by Rev. L. C. Vass, A. AL Pre.sented by James D. Cummings. Richmond, 1886. History of the Republic of Texas, by N. Doran Mil- lard, Barrister-at-Law of Texas. London, 1842. History of the Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America, by Henry Wilson. 3 Vols. Boston, 1 875-' 76-' 77. History and Reminiscence of the Monumental Church, Richmond, Va. 1814-1878, by George D. Fisher. Richmond, 1S80. History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the Abolition of the African Slave trade by the British Parliament. 2 Vols, by Tho>l\s Ci.arkson, M. A. London, 1808. JO N. Y. SotUhern Society History of South Carolina, from 1670 to 1808. 2 Vols, by David Ramsay, M. D. Charleston, 1809. History of the Revolution of South Carolina. 2 Vols., by David Ramsay. Trenton, 1785. History of South Carolina from its first European Discov- ery to its Erection into a Republic, by W. GiL- MORE SIMMS. New York, i860. History of Tennessee, from its earliest Settlement to the present time, by W. H. Carpenter. Philadelphia, 1868. History of Tennessee. The making- of a State, by James Phelan. Boston, 1888. History (The) of Texas, or the Emigrants' Farmers' and Politicians' Guide to the Country, by David B. Ed- wards. Cincinnati, 1836. History of Texas, from its Discovery and Settlement, by J. M. MoRPHis. New York. 1875. History of the United States, by David Ramsay, 3 Vols., Philadelphia, 18 18. History of the United States Secret Service, by L. C. Baker. Philadelphia, 1867. History of the Valley of Virginia, by Samuel Kerche- VAL. Woodstock, Va., 1850. History (The) of Virginia, from 1706 to 1720, by a Native and Inhabitant of the Place. London, 1722. History of the Virginia Company of London, with Let- ters From the First Colony, never before printed, by Edward Neill. Albany, N. Y., 1869. History of Virginia (The), by John Burk. 4 vols. Petersburg, Va., 1804-18 16. History (A) of the Whig Party, by R. McKinley Ormsbv. Boston, 1859. Historical Collection of Georgia, by George White. M.A. New York, 1855. Historical Collection of Louisiana and Florida, by B. F. Frf;nch. Reprinted from Original. New York, 1869. Contains Memoirs to Count de Pontchartrain on the " Garden Library!' j/ Importance of Establishing a Colony in La., by M. De Remonville, 1697. Narrative of the Voyage made by Order of King of France in 1689 to take possession of Louisiana, by M. P. Le- MovNE D' Iberville, Commander of the Expedition. Historical Collection of Louisiana and Florida. Second Series. New York, 1875. Historical Sketch of St. Paul's Church, Louisville, Ky. Prepared for the Semi-Centennial Celebration, October 6, 1889, by Ruben T. Durrett. [Filson Club Series.] Louisville, 1889. Historical Collection of Virginia, by Henry Howe. Charleston, 1845. Historical Narrative (A) of the Civil and Military Services of William H. Harrison, by Moses Dawson. Cincinnati, 1824. Historical and Picturesque Savannah, by Adelaide Wilson. Presented by James Swann. Boston, 1889. Historical Research (An) on Negroes and Slaves as Citizens and as Soldiers, by George Livermore. Boston, 1862. Historical Sketch of the Chatam Artillery during the Confederate Struggle, by Charles C. Jones, Jr. LL.D. Albany, N. Y., 1867. Historical Sketch of Kentucky, with Anecdotes of Pioneer Life, by Lewis Collins. Cincinnati, 1848. Historical Sketch of North Carolina from 1584 to 1851, by John H. Wheeler. Philadelphia, 1851. Historical Sketch of the South Carolina Military Academy, by John P. Thomas. Charleston, 1879. Homes of the New World Impressions of America, by Fredrica Bremer. 2 vols. New York, 1853. Home Reminiscences of John Randolph of Roanoke, by Powhatan Bouldin. Richmond, 1878. Ida May; a story of things actual and possible, by Mary Langdon. Bostan, 1855. Impartial Enquiry into the State and utility of the province of Georgia. i74i- j2 N. Y. Southern Society Impending crisis of the South. How to meet it, by HiNTON Rowan Helper, London, i860. Incident in the Life of Jacob Barker, of New Orleans, La., from 1800 to 1855 Washington 1855. Indigenous Races of the Earth, contributed by Moury PuLSZKY and Meigs, Edited by Nott and Gliddon. Philadelphia, 1857. Inez, a tale of the Alamo, by Augusta Evans Wilson. New York, 1888. Infelice ; a novel, by Augusta Evans Wilson. New York, 1889. Information about Texas carefully, prepared by O. E. E. Braman, of Matagorda Texas. Philadelphia, 1857. Information Respecting the History, Condition and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States, collated and prepared in the Bureau of Indian affairs. 6 Parts, by Henry R. School- craft, LL.D. Philadelphia, 1853. Inquiry into the principles and policy of the Gover- ment of the United States, by John Taylor, Fredericksburg, Virginia, 18 14. Introduction to the History of the Colony an ancient Dominion of Virginia, by Charles Campbell, Author's autograph presentation inscription, Richmond, 1847. In Vinculis, or The Prisoner of \Var being the ex- perience of a Rebel in Two Federal Pens, by S. iM. Keiley. New York, 1866. Iron [The] Furnace ; or. Slavery and Secession, by Rev. John H. Aughey, a refugee from Mississippi. Philadelphia, 1863. Is Davis a Traitor or Was Secession a Constitutional Right Previous to the War of 1861, by Alrert Taylor Bledsoe, A. M., LL.D. Baltimore, 1866. Jefferson and Cabell. Letters in Regard to the Univer- sity of Virginia. Richmond. 1856. Jefferson Davis. A Memorial Address Delivered at St. " Garden Lih'ary!' jj Paul's Church, Richmond, Va., Dec. ii, 1889, by Charler Minnigerode, D.D. Richmond, 1800. Jefferson Davis. A Memoir, by his wife V. J. Davis. New York, 1890. Journal (A) Comprising an account of the Loss of the Brig Commerce upon the West Coast of Africa, by Archi- bald RoBBiNS. Hartford, 1825. Journal of the Convention of the People of North Caro- lina, Held on May 20th, 1S61. Presented by Jas. D. Cumming. Raleigh, 1862. Journal (A) of the Hardships, Sufferings, Battles, De- feat and Captivity of the Heroic Kentucky Volun- teers and Regulars Commanded by Gen. Win- chester i8i2-'i3, by Elias Darnell. Philadelphia, 1854. Journal of the House of Delegates, State of Virginia, Session of i865-'66. • Richmond, 1865. Journal of a Resident on a Georgia Plantation, i838-'39, by Frances Anxe Kemble. New York, 1863. Journal of theTexian Expedition against Mier, Subse- quent Imprisonment of the Author, his suffering and escape from Perote, by Gen. Thomas J. Green. New York, 1845. Journal (A) of a Voyage from London to Savannah in Georgia, by George Whitefield, A B. London, 1 739. Journal of a Young lady of Virginia, 1782, Edited by Emily V. Mason. Baltimore, 1S71. Journey and Explorations in the Cotton Kingdom, with obscr\ations on Cotton and Slavery, by Frederick Law Olmsted. 2 Vols. London, 1862. Journey (A) in the Seaboard Slave States, with remarks on their Economy, by Frederick Law Olmsted. London, 1856. Journey fA) through Texas or a Saddle Trip on the Southwestern Frontier, by Frederick Law Olm- sted. New York, 1857. Joy, and other Poems, by Danske Dandridge. New York, 1888. j*^ N. Y. Southerfi Society K. K. K. Sketches, Treating the more importont events of the Ku-Klux-Klan movements in the South, by James Melville Beard. Philadelphia, 1877. Katharine Walton, or the Rebel of Dorchester, by W. GiLMORE SiMMS. Chicago and New York, 1888. Kentucky, A Pioneer Commonwealth, by N. S. Shaler. Boston, 1888. King's Mountain and its Heroes, by Lyman C. Draper, LL.D. Cincinnati, 1881. ** Land of the Sky," or Adventures in Mountain By- Ways, by Christian Reid. New York, 1889. Land of the Slave and the Free, Cuba, United States, Canada, by The Hon. Henry A. Murray. 2 Vols. London, 1855. Last (The) of the Forresters. A story of the Old Virginia Frontier, by John Esten Cooke. New York, 1856. Last Ninety Days of the War in North Carolina, by Cornelia Phillips Spencer. Presented by Jas. D. Cummings. New York, 1866. Lays of Ancient Virginia, and Other Poems, by James Avis Bartley. Richmond, 1855. Leaves from the Book of Nature, by M. Schele De Vere. New York, 1872. Lectures on Constitutional Law, for use of Law Class of University of Virginia, by Henry St. George Tucker. Richmond, 1843. Lee and His Lieutenants, Comprising the Early Life, Ser- vices and Campaigns of Gen. Robert E. Lee and his Companions in Arms. (Has Autograph of R. Tooms). By Edward A. Pollard. New York, 1867. Lee, (Robert Edward.) An Address at the Dedication of the Lee Monument, Richmond, May 29th, 1890, by Archer Anderson. Richmond, 1890. Letters of the British Spy (The), by William Wirt, Esq. New York, 1856. Letters of a Confederate Officer to his Family in Europe during the War. Paris, N. D. Letters Descriptive of the Virginia Springs, the Roads " Garden Library y jj Leading Thereto and the Doings Thereat, by " Peregrine Prolix." Philadelphia, 1837. Letters from an Early Settler of Texas, by W. B, Dewees. Louisville, 1858. Letters from Illinois, by Morris Birkbeck. London, 1818. Letters from the Slave States, by James Stirling. London, 1857. Letters of John Randolph of Roanoke to a Young Rel- ative. Philadelphia, 1834. Letters on Slavery, by William Dickson, to which are added addresses to the whites and to the free Negroes of Barbadoes. London, 1789 Letters and other Writings of James Madison. 4 Vols. Published by Order of Congress. New York, 1884. Letter (A) to a Friend in a Slave State and Reply, by Charles Ingersoll. Philadelphia, 1862. Lettre a Napoleon III, Sur L'Esclarage, Aux Etats Du Sud, Par un Creole de la Louisiane. Paris 1862. Life in the Confederate Army, being the Observations and experiences of an alien in the South during the War, by William Watson. London, 1887. Life in the South, From the Commencement of the War, Spring of i860 to Aug. '62, by Miss Sarah L. Jones. (A Blockaded British Subject). 2 Vols. London, 1863. Life (The) of John James Andubon, the Naturalist, Edited by his Widow. New York, 1871. Life of Thomas H. Benton, by Theodore Roosevelt. Boston, 1887. Life (The) of Harman Blennerhassett, by William H. Saffori). Chillicothe, O., 1850. Life (The) and Adventures of Daniel Boone, The First Settler of Kentucky, by Timothy Flint. Cincinnati, 1868. Life of John C. Calhoun, by H. Von Holst, M. D. Boston, 1888 j^ jV. v. Southern Society Life (The) of John C. Calhoun, by John S. Jenkins. New York, N. D. Life of Henry Clay. 2 Vols, by Carl Schurz. Boston, 1890. Life (The) and Speeches of Henry Clay. 2 Vols, by Daniel Mallory. New York, 1844. Life and Public Service of Grover Cleveland, by Pen- dleton King. New York, 1884. Life of David Crockett. Philadelphia, N. D. Life (The) of Jefferson Davis, by Frank H. Alfriend. Philadelphia, 1868. Life and Reminiscences of Jefferson Davis, by distin- jTuished men of his time. Baltimore, 1890. Life of Jefferson Davis, with a Secret History of the South- ern Confederacy. ' ' Behind the Scenes at Richmond, by Edward A. Pollard. Philadelphia, 1869. Lives of the Deceased Bishops of the Catholic Church in the United States, by Richard H. Clarke, LL.D. (Autograph Copy to Capt. Garden from author). 3 Vols. New York, 1888. Life of Henry W. Grady, Including his Writings and Speeches. A Memorial Volume, Edited by Joel Chandler Harris. New York, 1890. Life (The) of Nathaniel Green, by George Washington Green. 3 Vols. New York, 1871. Life of Nathaniel Green, by W. Gilmore Simms. New York, 1849. Life of Patrick Henry, by Moses Coit Tyler. Boston, 1889. Life (The) of Sam Houston, The Patriot and Statesman of Te.xas, Presented by T. P. Ochiltree. Philadelphia, 1867 Life of Andrew Jackson, by William Cobbett, M. P. London, 1834. Life of Maj. Gen. Andrev^ Jackson, by John Henry l''ATyBifX Schkoe- II : Veir Yofk, 1837. Lii£ £.r. 1 Ai"'t"."_*ti .1 -*~ .'> i'.tri. M miiIj ■< sua T-:-- Jiia, by Cha^t^fs R C :.^iz. RiHwnnnd, 187&. Life The) of \Villiam ^Virt, Attoniey Genexal of the United Staies^ by J<«x P. Kek5:ed¥. 2 Vob. r^iddphia, 1830L Litersr^re :r. Le — e-H ; nbstnrri - --^ T --=rrDaodence of - -§66. Lives ::-.•--. i B^;:.- M.---tM ?;:io!i. _ o: i-e ^ ; _:-. Lond:- T-t I-iei i ••- ;-- Los: 7;. Ci-ir AV.^ --— H; - : i^t - L-:5: ~T Ne«^ YoBk, 1S89. Lacaris, a Xcrrsl by At3T=ta Zta55 Wh-SOX. -.^^ V--- r-- --- Vl jQ N. Y. Southern Society. The Influence of Climate. From the French of Ch. Victor DeBonstetten. New York, 1864. Manual of Investments. Facts and Figures regarding Southern Investment Securities. [Compliments of the Compilers, JoHN'L.WiLLiAMS&SoN.jRichmond, 1890. Manual Periera, with Views of Southern Laws, Life, and Hospitality, by F. C. Adams. London, 1852. Maps. A series of 18 in Portfolios, from 1752 to 181 1. 7 Portfolios. Marginalia, or Gleanings from an Army Note Book, by F. G. DeFontaine, "Personne." Columbia, S. C.,1864. Margret Moncrieffe, The First Love of Aaron Burr, A Ro- mance of the Revolution, by Charles BuRDETT. New York, i860. Marooner's Island, or Dr. Gordon in Search of his child- ren, by F. R. GouLDiNG. New York, 1888. Martyrs to the Revolution in the British Prison Ships In the Wallabout Bay, by George Taylor. New York, 1855. Marshall [The] Family, or a Geneological Chart of the descendants of John Marshall and Elizabeth Markham, his wife, by W. M. Paxton. Cincinnati, 1885. Maryland, The History of a Polatinate, by William Hand Browne. Boston, 1888. M'Donalds, [The] or The Ashes of Southern Homes. A Tale of Sherman's March, by William Henry Peck. New York, 1867. Medical and Surgical Memoirs. 4 Vols., by Joseph Jones, M.D. Presented by the author. New Orleans, 1 876-1 890. Mellichampe. A legend of the Santee, by W. Gilmore SiMMS. Chicago and New York, 1888. Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, by Hkros Von Borcke. 2 Vols. Edinburgh, 1866. Memoirs, Correspondence and Private Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Edited by Thomas Jefferson Randoh'H. 4 Vols. London, 1829. " Gar dim Library!' ^/ Memoirs of Col. Joshua Fry, by P. Slaughter, D. I). Riclimond, N. D. Memoires,Historiques Sur La Louisiane,by M. Dumont. Paris, 1753. Memoirs of Andrew Jackson, by "S," a Citizen of Mass- achusetts. Boston, 1828. Memoirs of Andrew Jackson, by S. Putnam Waldo. Hartford, 18 19. Memoirs of Charles Lee, with Political and Military Essays and Letters. Dublin, 1792. Memoirs of Robert E. Lee. His Military and Personal History, by A. L. Long. London, 1886. Memoirs of the Life and Campaigns of Nathaniel Green, by Charles Caldwell. Philadelphia, 1S19. Memoir [A] of the life of the Rt. Rev. William Meade, D.D., Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Va. , by Rt. Rev. J. Johns, D.D. Baltimore, 1867. Memoirs of the Mother and Wife of Washington, by Margaret C. Conklin. New York, 1858. Memoirs, Official and Personal, with Sketches of Travel Among the Indians, by Thomas L. M'Kenney, 2 Vols, in one. New York, 1846. Memoir [A] of S. S Prentis. Edited by his brother, G. L. Prentis. 2 Vols. New York, 18S6. Memoirs of Gen. Winfield Scott, Written by himself. 2 Vols. New York, 1864. Memoirs of Service Afloat during the ^Var between the States, by Raphael Semmes. Baltimore, 1869. Memoirs of a Southern Planter, by Susan Dabney Smedes. Presented by Lucy R. Garden. Baltimore, 1SS7. Memoirs of Major Robert Stobo, of the Virginia Regi- ment, by N. B. C. Pittsburgh, 1854. Memoirs of Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, U. S., by Samuel Tyler. Baltimore, 1876. Memoirs of George Washington, by Mrs. C. M. Kirk- land. New York, 1S57 ^2 N. Y. So2ithern Society Memorial of Henry W. Grady, by Marion J. Verdery, Presentation Copy for N. Y. S. S. from Author. New York, 1880. Memorials of Methodism in Virginia, from its introduct- ion into the State in 1772 to 1829, by William W. Bennett, D.D. Richmond, 187 1. Memorial Addresses in relation to Horatio Seymour. Presented by D. R. Newell. Albany, 1886. Men and Manners in America, by Thomas Hamilton. 2 Vols. Edinburgh, 1834. Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and Republican, by Brantz Mayer. 2 Vols. Hartford, 1853. Migration (A) Legend of the Creek Indians, by Al- bert S. Gatschet. 2 Vols. Philadelphia and St. Louis, 1 884-1 888. Military [The] Operations of General Beauregard in the War between the States, 1861-1865. 2 Vols, by Alfred Roman. New York, 1884. Military View of Recent Campaigns in Virginia and Maryland, by Capt. C. C. Chesney, R. E. London, 1863. Mineral [The] Springs of Western Virginia, with re- marks on their use, by William Burke. New York, 1842. Mingo, and other Sketches in Black and White, by Joel Chandler Harris. Boston, 1884. Minutes of the Union Society, of Savannah, Ga., from 1750 to 1858. Savannah, i860. Miscellany. 2 Vols. Pamphlets relative to North Carolina. Presented by James D. Cummings. Various Dates. Mississippi, as Province, Territory and State, with Bio- graphical Notes of eminent citizens, by J. F. H. Clairorne. Vol. I Jackson, Miss., 1880. Mississippi [The] River, Testimony of the engineers be- fore the United States Senate. Washington, 1890. Missouri. A Bone of Contention, by Lucien Carr. Boston, 1888. Mohun. A Novel, by John Esten Cooke. New York, 1889. " Garden Library^ ^^ Monuments of Washington's Patriotism. Fac-simile ot his writings. Washington, 1841. Morton House. A Novel, by Christian Reid. New York, 1S90. Mounds [The] of the Mississippi Valley historically considered, by LuciEN Carr. N.D. Mr. Ambrose's Letters on the Rebellion, by John P. Kennedy. New York, 1865. My Cave Life in Vicksburg, with letters of trial and travel, by a Lady. New York, 1864. My Diary in America in the midst of V^zx, by George Augustus Sala. 2 Vols. London, 1865. My Diary North and South, by William Howard Rus- sell. 2 Vols. London, 1863. Narrative [A] of the Campaign in the Valley of the Shenandoah in 1861, by Robert Patterson. Author's autograph presentation inscription. Philadelphia, 1865. Narrative [A] of Events which Occurred in Baltimore Town During the Revolutionary War, by Robert Purviance. Baltimore, 1849. Narrative (The) of Colonel David Fanning (a Tory in the Revolutionary War) with an account of adven- tures in North Carolina, 1 775-1 783. New York, 1865. Sabine Reprint of Richmond Ed. of 1861. Narrative of Military Operations Directed During the Late War Between States, by Joseph E. John- ston. New York, 1874- Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe Expedition, 2 Vols., by Geo. Wilkins Kendall. New York, 1844. Narrative ofa Voyage to the Spanish Main in the Ship " Two Friends." London, 1819. Natural (The) History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands, with colored illustrations of birds, beasts, fishes, serpents, insects and plants, by Mark Catesby, F. R. S., 2 Vols. London, 1771. Negro (The) at Home. An enquiry after his capacity for ^^ N. Y. Southern Society self government, by Lindlay Spring. Author's autograph presentation inscription. New York, 1868. Negroes and Negro " Slavery." The first an inferior race. Tlie latter its normal condition, by J. H. Van Evrie, j^I J). New York, 1861. Negro— Mania. Being an examination of the falsely as- sumed equaUty of the various races of men, by John Campbell. Philadelphia, 1851. New England's Chattels, or Life in the Northern Poor House. New York, 1858. New Orleans and Environs, a complete guide with a map, by B. M. Norman. New Orleans, 1845. New Reasons for Abolishing the Slave Trade, by the author of " War in Disguise." London, 1807. New (The) South. A description of the Southern States, by M. B. HiLLYARD. Presented by James Swann. Bakimore, 1887. New Views of the Constitution of the United States, by John Taylor, of Caroline, Va. Washington, 1823. News from Virginia (1610), A tract in verse, by R. Rich, soldier. Reprinted after the only existing copy of the original edition. Printed for private circulation. London, 1874. New York Railroad Commissioners Report, 1884, 2 Vols. Albany, 1885. Nights with Uncle Remus. Myths and legends of the old Plantation, by Joel Chandler Harris. Boston, 1889. Nina's Atonement and Other Stories, by Christian Reid. New York, 1873. North Carolina 1780-81, being a history of the invasion o( the Carolinas by the British army under Cornwallis, by David Schenck, LL.D. (Autographic copy from author.) Raleigh, 1889. North and South, by the "white Republican" of Eraser's .Magazine. London, 1864. North (The) and South, or Slavery and its Contrasts. A tale of real life. Philadelphia, 1852. " Garden Library!'' ^j Notes on Duels and Duelling, by Lorenzo Sabine. Boston, 1859. Notes of a Journey from the Coast of Virginia to the Territory of Illinois, by Morris Birkbeck. London, iSiS. Notes, Observations and Essays on the Slave Trade, 3 tracts. London, 1789. Notes on the Rebel Invasion of Maryland and Penn- sylvania and the Battle of Gettysburg, with a map, by M. Jacobs. Philadelphia, 1864. Notes Taken Duringthe " Marcy " Expedition through Unexplored Texas in 1854, by W. B. Parker. Philadelphia, 1856. Notes on Political Economy, by N. A. Ware, a Southern Planter. New York, 1844. Notes on the Settlement and Indian Wars of Western Part of Virginia and Pennsylvania, by Joseph Doddridge. Albany, 1876. Notes on the State of Virginia, by Thomas Jefferson. London, 1787. Notes on the State of Virginia, by Thomas Jefferson. Philadelphia, 1794. Notes on the United States During a Phrenological Visit, i838-'39-'40, by George Combe. 2 Vols. Philadelphia, 1841. Notices of Florida and the Campaigns, by M. M. Cohen. Charleston, 1836. Nova Britannia. Offering most excellent fruits by planting in Virginia and exciting all such as be well affected to further the same. Sabins reprint of the London Ed. of 1609. New York, 1867. Obituary Addresses on the occasion of the Death of Hon. Henry Clay, delivered to the Senate andHouse of Representatives, June 30th, 1852, Washington, 1852. Observations on the Dispute between the United States and France, 1797, by Robert Goodloe Harper. Reprinted from the Philadelphia Edition of 1797. Dublin, 1798. ^(5 A^. y- Southern Society Official Register of the United States Containing list of the Officers and Employees of the Civil, Mili- tary and Naval Services. Presented by Hon. Thomas P. Ochiltree. Washington. 1887. Old Churches, Ministers and Families of Virginia, by William Meade, D.D. 2 Vols. Philadelphia, 1889. Old Creole Days, by George W. Cable. New York, 1888. Old (The) Trunk, or Sketches of Colonial Days, by Pow- hatan Bouldin. Richmond, 1888. Omitted Chapters of History, Disclosed in the Life and Papers of Edmund Randolph, by Moncure Daniel Conway. New York, 1888. On Sherman's Track; or The South After the War, by John H. Kennaway, M. A. London, 1867. On the Prehistoric Remains of Kentucky, by Lucius Carr and O. S. Shaler, with several Plates. N.D. Orderly (The) Book, of that portion of the American Army Stationed at or near Williamsburg, Va., under the com- mand of Gen. Andrew Lewis, Mar. 18 1776 to Aug. 28th, 1776. Notes and Illustrations by Charles Campbell. (Privately Printed). Richmond, i860. Original (The) List of Persons who went from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600 to 1700. Edited by John Camden Hotten. London, 1874. Our Refugee Household, by Mrs. Louise Clack, of Louisiana. New York, 1866. Our Saviour's Divine Sermon on the Mount, by James Bi.air, M. a. 4 Vols. London, 1740. Out of the Foam. A Novel, by John Esten Cooke. New York, 1871. Outlines of a Course of Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Surgery, by E. Geddings, M. D. Prepared by Thos. S. Waring, M. D. and Sam'l Logan, M. D. Presented by Sam'l Logan, M. D. Charleston, 1858. " Garden Library ^ ^y Papers on Kentucky. 1. Dedication of Hall of Kentucky Historical Society at Frankfort, June yth, 1881. 2. Report on Big and Little Sandy Valleys. 3. Resources and conditions of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, by Bureau of Agriculture. 4. Emigration to Kentucky. 5. Kentucky Towns and Counties. 6. Transportation System. 7. Progress of Geological Survey from Jan. '82 to Jan. '84, by John R. Proctor, State Geologist. Pamphleteer (The), No. XXIX, Oct. London ,1819. Containing : The Cession of Florida to the United States, and the necessity of Cuba for Great Britain, by J. Freeman Rattenbury. Partisan (The), A Romance of the Revolution, by W. Gil- more SiMMS, Chicago and New York, 1888. Partisan Life with Mosby, by John Scott. London, 1867. Pedigree (The) and History of the "Washington Family, from B.C. 70, to George Washington, First President of the United States, by Albert Welles. New York, 1879. Personal Recollections of John F. Darby. St. Louis, 18S0. Personal Reminiscences, Anecdotes and Letters of Gen. Robert E. Lee, by J. William Jones, D.D. New York, 1876. Physical Survey of Virginia, her geographical position, its commercial advantages and national importance, by M. T. Maury, LL.D. Richmond, 1868. Picketts Men. A Fragment of War History, by Walter Harrison. New York, 1S70. Pictorial Guide to the Mammoth Cave, of Kentucky, by Horace Martin. New York, 1851. Pictorial Life of Andrew Jackson, by John Frost, LL.D. Hartford, 1848. ^g N. V. Southern Society Piney Woods Tavern, or Sam Slick in Texas. Philadelphia, 1858. Pioneer Life in Kentucky, by Daniel Drake, M. D. Cincinnati, 1870. Pioneer (The) Press of Kentucky, from the Printing of the first paper west of the Alleghanies, Aug 11, 1787 to the establishment of the Daily Press in 1830. By William Henry Perrin. [Filson Club Series.] Louisville, 1888. Plantation (The) Negro as a Freeman, by Philip A. Bruce. New York, 1889. Poems of Paul Hamilton Hayne. Complete Edition. Boston, 1882. Poems, by Sidney Lanier. New York. 1889. Poems, by Abram J. Ryan, [Father Ryan.] Baltimore, 1888. Political Works of James DeRuyter Blackwell, in 3 Vols, Vols. I and IL (Autograph copy from Author). New York, 1879. Political [The] Beginnings of Kentucky. A narrative of public events up to the time of its admission to the American Union, by John Mason Brown. [Filsom Club Series]. Louisville, 1889. Political Fallacies. An Examination of the false assump- tions and refutation of sophistical; reasonings which have brought on this Civil War, by George Judkin, D.D., LL.D. New York, 1863. Popular Life of Gen. Robert E. Lee, by Emily V. Mason. Dedicated by permission to Mrs. Lee. Baltimore, 1874. Popular (A) Treatise on the Currency Question, written from a southern point of view, by Robert W. Hughes. New York, 1879. Postscript to the Reply " Point by Point," containing an exposure of the misrepresentation of the treatment of captive Negroes at Sierra Leone, by Robert Thorp, Esq.. LL.D. London, 1815. Practical [A] View of the Present State of Slavery in " Garden Library ^ ^g the ^Vest Indies, by Alexander Barclay. London, 1828. Pretty Mrs. Gaston, and other Stories, by John Esten Cooke. New York, 1874. Prison Life of Jefferson Davis, by John J. Craven, M. D. New York, 1866. Proceedings and Debates of the Virginia State Con- vention of 1829-30. Richmond, 1830. Proceedings and Trial of Capt. John Kimber for the wilful murder of a Negro girl. Edinburgh, 1792. Proposed [The] Slave Empire, its antecedents, constitu- tion and policy, by Charles S. Maill. London, 1863. Prose (The) Writers of America, by Rufus Wilmot Griswold. London, 1847. Protocols of Proceedings of the International Marine Conference, held in Washington, D. C, Oct. i6th to Dec. 31st, 18S9. 3 vols. Washington, 1890. Publications of the Virginia Historical Society. New- series No. I. Letters of Thos. Nelson Jr. , Governor. Richmond, 1874. Public Good without Private Interest, or a compendious remonstrance of the present sad state and condition of the English colony in Virginia, by L. Gatford. London, 1657. Question [A] of Honor. A novel, by Christian Reid, New York, 1889. Quick [The] or the Dead. A study, by Amelie Rives. Philadelphia. 1889. Raids and Romance of Morgan the His Men, by Sally Rochester Ford. New York, 1864. Rambler [The] in Mexico, 1834, by Charles Joseph La- trobe. New York, 1836. Random Shots and Southern Breezes, containing critical remarks on the southern states and southern institu- tions, by Louis Fitzgerald Tasistro. 2 vols. New York, 1S42. JO N. Y. Southern Society Rear [The] Guard of the Revolution, by Jame:s K. Gil- more. New York, 1889. Reasons for an Immediate Alliance with St. Domingo and The History of Toussant L'Ouverture. London, i8o4-'i4. Rebellion [The] in America, by Baptist Wriothesley Noel, M. A. London, 1863. Rebel's [A] Recollection, by George Gary Eggleston. New Yoik, 1887. Recollections of Henry Watkins Allen, Brigadier Gen- eral of the Confederate army and ex-Governor of Louis- iana, by Sarah A. Dorsey. New York, 1866. Recollections of Mexico, by Waddy Thompson. New York, 1846. Recollections of a Ne^v England Bride and of a South- ern Matron, by Caroline Gilman. New York, 1852. Reflexiones Sobre El Bando de 25 de Junio Ultimo, by D. Pedro de la Puente. Mexico, 1812. Register of the Confederate Dead interred in the Holly- wood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia. Richmond, 1869. Reids Tramp, or a Journal of the incidents of ten months travel through Texas, New Mexico, Origon and Cali- fornia, by John C. Reid. Selma, Ala., 1858. Reminiscences of an Abolitionist, by Levi Coffin. London, N.D. Reminiscences of Forts Sumpter and Moultrie, in i860 and 1861, by Abner Doubleday. New York, 1876. Reminiscences of Public Men in Alabama for thirty years, by William Garreti'. Atlanta, 1872. Reminiscences of Wilmington, in familiar village tales, ancient and new, by PIlizabeth Montgomery. Philadelphia. 1851. Report of the Bureau of Agriculture, statistics and mines of Tennessee, by B. M. Hord. Nashville, 1889. Report of the Committee of arrangements of the Com- " Garden Library y j/ mon Council of New York, on the Obsequies of Hon. Henry Clay. New York, N.D. Report [A] of the Debates and Proceedings in the secret sessions of the Conference Convention, 1861. by L. E. Chittenden. New York, 1864. Report of the Joint Investigating Committee on Pub- lic Frauds in the election of J. J. Patterson to the U. S. Senate, made by Gen' 1. Assembly of S. C. ses- sion of 1877 and 1878. Columbia, 1878. Report on the Levees of the Mississippi River. Capt. A. A. Humphries and Lieut. H. L. Abbot Washington, 1867. Report on the Organization and Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, by George H. McClellan. New York, 1864. Reports and Tracts on Slavery and Religion, relative to the West Indies. London, 1829,-1830-1831. Report on the United States and Mexican boundary sur- vey, by William H. Emory. 3 vols. Washington, 1857-1859. Republic [The] as a form of Government, the evolutions of Democracy in America, by John Scott. Auto- graph copy from author. Raltimore, 1890. Resolutions of Virginia and Kentucky, penned by Madi- son and Jefferson in relation to the AHen and Sedit- ion laws. Richmond, 1835. Resourses of Southern Fields and P'orests, also a medi- cal botany of southern states, by F"rancis Peyre Porcher. Charleston, 1869. Resources, Soil and Climate of Texas, by A. W. .SpAKiHT, Commissioner. Galveston, 1882. Results [The] of Emancipation, by Augustin Cochin. Translated in' Mauv Booth. Boston, 1863. Review of Col. R. G. Ingersoll's Attacks upon Chris- tianity, by Mrs. Ottelie Bertron. (Autograph ronv from author). Philadelpliia, 1889. Reviewers Reviewed. A satire, by the author of " Pclayo." [.Mrs. A. C. Ritchie]. New York, 1837. ^2 N. y. Southern Society Richard Hurdis,. A tale of Alabama, by W. Gilmore SiMMS. Chicago and New York, 1888. Richmond [The] Examiner during the War, or the writings of John M. Daniels, with a memoir of his life, including a copy of the Latch Key, by Bagby. by Frederick S. Daniels. New York, 1868. Rifle and Infantry Tactics Revised and Improved, by Brig. Gen. W. J. Hardee, C. S. A. Mobile, first year of the Confederacy, i86i. Rise (The) and Fall of the Confederate Government, by Jefferson Davis, 2 vols. New York, 1881. Robert Warren, the Texan Refugee, during the late Civil War. Philadelphia, 1879. Romance of the History of Lousiana, by Charles Gay- arre. , New York, 1848. Romantic Passages in Southwestern History, Orations, Sketches, Essays, by A. B. Meek, Mobile, 1857. Rough (The) and Ready Annual, or Military Souvenir. New York, 1848. Roughing It, by Samuel L. Clemens, [Mark Twain]. Presented by Lucy R. Garden. Hartford, 1872. Science (The) of English Verse, by Sidney Lanier. New York, i888. Scout (The) ; or the Black Riders of the Congaree, byl W. Gilmore Simms. Chicago and New York, 1888. Scouting (The) Expeditions of McCollochs Texas Rangers during the Mexican War, by Samuel C. Reid, Jr. Philadelphia, N.D. Scriptural (A) Ecclesiastical and Historical View of Slavery, by John Henry Hopkins, D.D., LL.D. Bishop of Vermont. New York, 1864, Season (The) Ticket, London, 1S60. Secession, or Prose in Rhyme and East Tennessee. A poem, by Thomas A. R. Nelson, [an East Tennesseeian.] Philadelphia, 1864. Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Constitutional " Garden Library y ^j Convention of 1787, by Luther Martin, Cincinnati, 1838. Seven Decades of the Union. A memoir of John Tyler, by Henry A. Wise. Philadelphia, 1881. Shelby and His Men, or the War in the West, by John N. Edwards. Cincinnati, 1867. Shenandoah (The), or the Last Confederate Cruiser, by Cornelius E. Hunt. New York, 1867. Short (A) History of the Confederate States of Amer- ica, by Jefferson Davis. New York, 1890. Short (A) History of Mexico, by Arthur Howard Noll. (Autograph copy from author) . Chicago, 1890 Short Sketch of Charleston, S. C. How it fared in two Wars and an Earthquake. New York, 1886. Signal (The) Boys, or Captain Sam's Company, by George Cary Eggleston. New York, 1888. Siege (The) of Savannah in Dec. 1864, and the Confeder- ate operations in Georgia, by Charles C. Jones, Jr. Albany, N. Y., 1874. Siege of Washington, written expressly for little people, by F. CoLBURN Adams. New York, 1867. Sketches, by Saml. L. Clemens, (Mark Twain). Pre- sented by Lucy R. Garden. New York, 1880. Sketches of Character, illustrating the habits, occupation and pastime of the Jamaica Negroes, by L M. Belis- ARio. Kingston, Jamaica, 1837. Sketches of the Early Catholic Missions of Kentucky from 1787 to 1827, by M.J. Spalding, D.D. Louisville, 1844. Sketch (A) of the Laws Relating to Slavery in the several states of the United States, by George M. Stroud, Philadelphia, 1856. Sketch (A) of the life of Randolph Fairfax, a private in the Rock Bridge Artillery attached to "Stonewall Bri- gade," by Rev. Philip Slaughter, D.D. Baltimore, 1S78. Sketch (A) of the Life and Character of Thomas Jef- ferson, byT. J. Davis. Philadelphia, 1876. ^-^ ^V. V. SoutJiern Society Sketches, historical and descriptive of Louisiana, by Major Amos Stoddard. Philadelphia, 1812. Sketches of the life and correspondence of Nathaniel Green, by William Johnson. 2 vols. Charleston, 1822. Sketches of the life, writings and opinions of Thomas Jefferson, by B. L. Rayner. New York, 1832. Sketches of North Carolina, historical and biographical, by William Henry Foote. New York, 1846. Sketches of Party Leaders. Jefferson, Hamilton, Clay, Jackson, and Randolph, by Jo. G. Baldwin. New York, 1855. Sketches of the Rise Progress and Decline of Seces- sion, with a narrative of personal adventures among the Rebels, by W. G. Brounlow. Philadelphia, 1862. Sketches and Recollections of Lynchburg, Va. Richmond, 1858. Slave (The) Power, its character, career and probable de- signs, being an attempt to explain the real issue involved in the American contest, by J. E. Cairnes, M, A. London, 1862. Slave (The) Trade, Domestic and Foreign, why it exists and how it may be extinguished, by H. C. Carey. Philadelphia, 1859. Slavery (The) of the British West Indies Colonies De- lineated, by James Stephen, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1824 Slavery and the Domestic Slave Trade of the United States, by Prof. E. A. Andrews. Boston, 1836. Slavery and the Internal Slave Trade in the United States of North America. Addressed to the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. London, 1841. Slavery and Secession in America. Historical and Eco- nomical, l)y Thomas Ellison, F.S.S. London, 1861. Slavery in the United States. A letter to the Hon. Daniel Webster, by M. B. Sampson. London, 1845. " Garden Library ^ ^^ Social Relations in Our Southern States, by D. R. iiuNDi.KY, Esq. New York, i860. Sociology for the South, or the failure of Free Society, by CiEORGK FiTZHUGH. Richmond, 1854. Society in America, by Harriet Martineau. 2 vols. New York, 1837. Some account of the Life, Writings and Speeches of William Pinkney, by Henry Wheaton. New York, 1826. Some account of the Trade in Slaves from Africa, by James Handinel, Esq. [Author's autograph pres- entation inscription]. London, 1842. Some Historical Account of Guinea, with an inquiry into the Slave trade, by Anthony Benezet. Philadelphia, 1771. Some Historical Account of Guinea, with an inquiry o{ the Slave Trade, by Anthony Benezet. London, 1788. Some material to serve for a brief memoir of John Daly Burk, by Charles Campbell. Albany, 1868. Songs and Ballads of the American Revolution, by Frank Moore. New York, 1S56. Songs of History, by Hezekiah Butterworth. Boston, 1S87. South Carolina (The) Jockey Club, by J. B. Irving. Charleston, 1857. South Carolina. Resources and population ; institutions and industries, published by the State Board of Agri- culture. Charleston, 18S3. South Side (A) view of Slavery, or Three Months in the South in 1854, by Nehemiah Adams, D.D. Boston, 1855. South (^The) Since the W^ar. Travels and observations in Georgia and the Carolinas, by Sidney Andrews. Boston, 1866. South (The) Vindicated from the Treason and Fana- ticism of the Northern Abolitionists, by Williams. Philadelphia, 1836. ^6 N. Y. Southern Society Southern Generals, who are they and what they have done, New York, 1865. Southern Historical Society Papers. Vols, i to 17., 1876 to 1889. Richmond, 1876-1889. Southern (The) Poems of the War, collected by Miss Emily V. Mason. Baltimore, 1889. Southern (The) Quarterly Review, January 1842-January 1855. Incomplete 15 vols. New Orleans and Charleston, 1 842-1 855. Southern (The) Redemption from Poverty to Prosper- ity, by Richard H. Edmonds. [Autograph copy from author]. Baltimore, 1890. Southern Review, Feb. 1828-Feb. 1832. Incomplete 7 vols. Charleston, 1 828-1 832. Southern (The) Review. Jan. 1867-April 1876. Incom- plete 13 vols. Baltimore and St. Louis, 1867-1876. Southern (Tlie) Side ; Andersonville Prison compiled from official documents, by R. Randolph Stevenson, M. D. Baltimore, 1876. Southern (The) States, embracing papers from De Bow's Review upon Slavery. Washington, 1856. Southward Ho ! a Spell of Sunshine, by W. Gilmore SiMMS. Chicago and New York, 1888. Southward Ho ! Notes on a Tour to and through the state of Georgia, in the winter of 1 885-' 86, by Timothy Har- LEV, F. R. A. S. Presented by James Swann. London, 1886. Speeches, on the public affairs of the last twenty years, by the Rt. Hon. John Bright, M.P. London, 1869. Speeches in Virginia House of Delegates on Slavery, 1832. Richmond, 1832. Speech of ^A/'illiam Pitt, for the abolition of the slave trade, House oi Commons, 2nd April 1792., London, 1792. Statistical (A) Political and Historical Account of the United States of North America, by D. B. War- den. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1819. " Garden Library!' cj Statutes (The) at Large, of the Confederate States of Amer- ica. Richmond, 1862-63-64. St. Elmo. A novel, by Augusta Evans Wilson. New York, 1888. St. Louis' Isle, or Texiana, with observations in the United States and Canada, by Charles Hooton. London, 1847. Stock (The) Exchanges of London, Paris and New York. A comparison, by George Rutlege Gibson. (Autograph copy from author). New York, 1889. Story (The) of the American War, 1861-65, by Henry Stacke. London, 1866. Story (The) of Don Miff, as told by his friend, John Bouche Whacker. A symphony of hfe, by Virginius Dabnev. Presented by Lucy R. Garden. Philadelphia, 1886. Story (The) of the Great March. From the diary of a staff officer of Sherman. Brevt. Maj. George Ward Nichols. New York, 1865. Story (The) of Louisiana, by Maurice Thompson. Boston. 1888. Story [The] of a Monument, with the Ceremonies of the unvailing of the Latham monument to the unknown Confederate dead, at Hopkinsville, Ky., May 19, 1887. New York, 18S8. Sugar Slavery and Emancipation and The Dred Scott Case, London, 1854. New York, 1857. Summer [A] Idyl, by Christian Reid. New York, 1889. Summary [A] View oi the Rights of British America. Set forth in some resolutions intended for the inspect- ion of the present delegates of the people of Virginia, by Triijunus, a member of the House of Burgess, Lon- don. Reprinted from the Williamsburg edition, 1774. Surry of Eagle's Nest; or, the memoirs of a staff officer serving in Virginia, by John Esten Cooke. New York, 1889. Teachings of Patriots and Statesmen or the " Found- ers of the Republic " on Slavery, by Ezra B. Chase, Esq. Philadelphia, i860. ^S N. v. SoutJiern Society. Texas, the rise, progress and prospects of the Republic of Texas, by William Kennedy, Esq. 2 Vols. London, 1841. Texas and the Gulf of Mexico, or Yachting in the New- World, by Mrs. Houstoun. London, 1844. Texas, Scrap-Book, history, biography and miscellany, com- piled by D. W. C. Baker. New York, 1875. Texas and the Texans, or advance of the Anglo-Ameri- cans to the .Southwest, by Henry Stuart Foote, 2 Vols. Philadelphia, 1841. Theodicy (A), or Vindication of the Divine Glory, by Albert Taylor Bledsoe, LL.D. New York, 1856. Theory (The) and Practice of the Ophtholmoscope. A hand-book for students, by John Herbert Clair- borne, Jr.. M.D. (Autograph copy from Author.) Detroit, 1888. Three Good Giants. From the French of Francois Rabe- lais, by John Dimitav, A.M. Boston, 18S8. Three Months in the Southern States, April-June, 1863, by Lieut. Col. Fremantle, [Cold Stream Guards.] New York, 1864. Three Prize Essays on American Slavery, by Rev. R. B.Thurston, Rev. A. C. Baldwin, Rev. Timothy WiLLiSTON. Boston, 1857. Three Years in North America, by James Stuart, Esq. 2 Vols. New York, 1833. Thirty Years View of the History and Workings of the American Government, 1820-1850, by Thomas H. Benton. 2 Vols. New York, 1875. Tour (A) Around the World, by George E. Raum. New York, 1886. Tour (A) Through the Island of Jamaica in 1823, by Cynric R. Williams. London, 1827. Tracts on Slavery in the British West Indies. London, 1815- 1826, Tracts on Slavery, (4) and Anti Slavery Reports (2). 1805-1831. Tracts on Slavery, 5 in number. London, 1805-1831. ** Cranh'H Library y ^g Tracts and Papers on Carolina from 1666- 1763. London, various dates. Tramp (A) Abroad, by Samuel L. Clemens, (Mark Twain). Presented by Lucy R. Garden. Hartford, 1880. Tramp (A) Trip. How to see Europe on fifty cents a day, by Lee Meriwether. Presented by Lucy R. Garden. New York, 1887. Trans-Allegheny Pioneers. Historical sketches of the first white settlers west of the AUeghenys, by John P. Hale. Cincinnati, 1886. Travels in North America, including a summer with the Pawnee Indians, by the Hon. Charles Augustus Murray. 2 Vols. London, 1839. Travels in Trinidad, by Pierre F. M' Caelum. Liverpool, 1805. Travels to the \Vestvv^ard of the Allegheny Mountains in 1802, by F. A. Michaux, M.D. London, 1805. Treatment (The) of Prisoners During the War Bet- ween the States, by J. William Jonks, D.D. (Southern Historical Society Papers). Richmond, 1876. True (The) Travels, Adventures and Observations of Captain John Smith. 2 Vols, in one. Reprint from London edition of 1629. Richmond, 1819. Twelve (The) Decisive Battles of the War. A history of the Eastern and Western campaigns, by William SwiNTON. New York, 1867. Tyranny Unmasked, by John Taylor, of Virginia. Washington, 1822. Uncle Remus. His Songs and his Sayings. The P'olk- Lore of the old Plantation, by Joel Chandler Harris. New York, 1890. Under the Pruning-Knife. A story of Southern life, by Mary Tucker Magill. Philadelphia, 1888. Underground (The) Mail Agent, by " Vini." Philadelphia, 1853. Underground (The) Railroad. A record of facts authentic ()0 N. V. Southerti Society narrative, etc., of the slaves in their effort for freedom, by William Still. Philadelphia, 1872. Uprising (The) of a Great People. The United States in 1 86 1, by Count Agenor DeGasparin. New York, 1861. United States Census for 1820. Washington, 1821. United States Congressional Directory, 1884. Washington, 1884. United States Congressional Directory, fifty-first Con- gress. Presented by Hon. Thos. P. Ochiltree. Washington, 1890. United States. Foreign relations of the United States, 1883. Washington, 1883. United States Message and Document, 1883-1884. Abridgement. Washington, 1884. United States Message and Documents. War Depart- ment. Vol. 2, Part II, 1883-1884. Washington, 1883. United States Official Army Register, 1885, Washington, 1885. United States Official Navy Register, 1885. Washington, 1885. United States Official Postal Guide, 1885. Boston, 1885. Valerie Aylmer. A novel, by Christian Reid. New York, 1889. Vasconselos. A romance of the new world, by W. Gil- more SiMMS. Chicago and New York, 1888. Vashti; or, "Until Death us do Part." A novel, by Augusta Evans Wilson. New York, 1869. Victoire (La) Du Nord Aux Etats-Unis, par le Comte De Montalembert, Paris, 1865. Vindication (A) of Mr, Edmund Randolph's Resigna- tion, and Political Truth. Philadelphia, 1795-1796 Virginia. A history of the people, by John Esten Cooke. Boston, 1889. Virginia (The) Campaign of General Pope in 1862. Papers read before the Massachusetts Historical So- ciety. Boston, 1886. " Garden Library y 6r Virginia. A Geographical and Political Summary. Pre- pared by the Board of Emigration. Richmond, 1876. Virginia Historical Collection. Dinwiddie Papers. Vol. I. \'o\. III. New series. 1751-1755- Richmond, 1883. H. Strother. (Porte New York, 1871. Virginia Illustrated, by David Crayon. ) Virginia Military Institute Regulations. Richmond, 1854. Virginia (The) "Peerage;" or, Sketches of Virginians, by RoBT. T. Craighill. Richmond, 1880. Virginia State Papers. Vol. I. 1652-1781. Richmond, 1875. From April i, 1781, to Richmond, 188 1. P'rom Jan. i, 1782, to Richmond, 1883. From Jan. i, 1785, to Richmond, 1884. From July 2, 1790 to Richmond, 18S5. From Aug. 1 1. 1792 Richmond, 1886. Vol. VII. From Jan. i, 1794 Richmond, i8S8. Virginia State Papers. Vol. II. Dec. 31, 1781. Virginia State Papers. Vol. III. Dec. 1784. \'ol. IV. Vol. V. Vol. VI Virginia State Papers. July 2, 1789. Virginia State Papers. Aug. 10, 1792. Virginia State Papers. to Dec. 31, 1793. Virginia State Papers. to May 16, 1795. Virginia of Virginia. A story, by Amelie Rives. New York, 1888. Visitor's Guide to the World Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition and New Orleans. Louisville, 1S84. Voyages de la Louisiane, 1802-1806. C. C. Rouin. 3 Vols. Paris, 1807. Walker's Expedition to Nicaragua, with a memoir and portrait, by Wm. V. Wells. New York, 1856. W^ar (The) in America, 1863-4, by Edward Pollard. London, 1865. War (The) in America. An historical and political account of the Southern and Northern States, showing the 62 N. V. Southern Society origin and cause of the war, by Col. Tap. P. Schaf- FNER, LL.D. London, 1862. War Letters of a Disbanded Volunteer, embracing his experience as honest old Abe's bosom friend and un- official adviser. New York. 1864. War (The) of Independence, by John Fiske. Boston, 1890. "War of the Rebellion. Official records of the Union and Confederate Armies. Series L Vol. L to XXIX. Presented by Chas. U. Williams, of Richmond, Va. Washington, 1880- 1890. War of the Rebellion. Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. Series L Vol. 12. Part 2, 14, 15, 16, 1-2, 17, 1-2, 18, 19, 1-2, 20, 1-2, 21, 22, 1-2, 23, 1-2, together 17 Vols. Presented by Thomas P. Ochiltree. Washington. War Reminiscences, by the Surgeon of Mosby's Command, A MoNTEiRO. Richmond, i8go. War Reminiscences and Stuart's Cavalry Campaigns, by John S. Mosby. New York, 1887. War Pictures from the South,byB.EsTVAN.NewYork,i863. Washingtoniana (The), Containing a sketch of the life and death of Gen. George Washington. Lancaster, Pa., 1802. W^earing of the Grey. Personal portraits, scenes and ad- ventures of the late war with dashing charges, toilsome marches, sacrifices and sufferings of the Boys in Grey, by John EsTEN Cooke. New York, 1887. West Indies (The) in 1837, by Joseph Sturge and Thom- as PIarvkv. London, 1838. W^est India Tracts on Slavery. 12 in number, 1816-1825. West Virginia. Its farms and forests, mines and oil-wells, by J. R. Dodge. Philadelphia, 1865. "Where Men Only Dare to Go ; " or, the story of a boy's company, (C. S. A.), by an ex-boy. Richmond, 1885. Where the Battle was Fought. A novel, by Charles Egijert Craddock (Mary N. Murfree). Presented by Lucy R. Garden. Boston, 1885. Why the Solid South ; or, reconstruction and its results, l)y Hilary A. Herbert. Baltimore, 1890. " Garden Library y 6j Wigwam (The) and the Cabin, by W. Gilmore Simms. Chicago and Ntw York, iS88. "Wilderness (The) Road. A description of the route ol" travel by the pioneers ol Kentucky, by Thomas Spekd. (Filson Club series). Louisville, 1886. "Wild Sport in the South; or, the camp-fires of the ever- glades, by Charles E. "Whitehead. New York, i860. "Witness (The) of the Sun, by Amelie Rives. Philadelphia, 1889. "Works (The) of John C. Calhoun. 6 "Vols. New York, 1855. "Women of the South Distinguished in Literature, by Mary Forest. New York, 1866. Woodcraft ; or, Hawks about the Dovecote. A stor}' of the South at the close of the Revolution, by W. Gilmore Simms. Chicago and New York, i888. "Wreck (The) of the Red Bird. A story of the Carolina coast, by George Cary Egglf^ton. New York. 1889. "Writings of Hugh Swinton Legar^, late attorney-general of United States, with a memoir of his life, by Mar's S. Legarl. 2 Vols. Charleston. 1845-46. "Writings (The) of George "Washington. Collected and edited by Worthington Chauncey Ford, (copies No. 513 of 750). 7 Vols. New York, 1889-90. Yemassee (The). A romance of Carolina, by "W. Gilmore Simms. Chicago and New York, 1888. Young (The) Marooners of the Florida Coast, by F. R. Goulding. New York, 1S87. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE OF AUTHORS. Alphabetical Catalogue OF AUTHORS. Adams, F. C. Manuel Pereira, with views of southern laws, life, and hospitality. London, 1852. Adams, F. Colburn. Siege of Washington, written ex- pressly for litde people. New York. 1867. Adams, Henr^-. Life of John Randolph, of Roanoke. Boston, 18S9. Adams, John Quincy. The Lives of James Madison and James Monroe. Buffalo, 1S50. Adams, Nehemiah. A South Side view of Slavery, or Three Months at the South in 1854. Boston, 1855. Alfriend, Frank H. The Life of Jefferson Davis. Philadelphia, 1868. Allen, Walter. Governor Chamberlain's administration in South Carolina. A chapter on the reconstruction in the Southern States. New York, 1885. Allen, William B. A History of Kentucky, embarcing glean- ings, reniinisences, antiquities, statistics and biographi- cal sketches. Louisville, 1872. Anderson. Archer. Robert Edward Lee. An address on the dedication of the Lee Monument, Richmond, May 29, 1890. Richmond, 1S90. Andrews, Prof, E. A. Slavery and the Domestic Slave Trade in the United States. Boston, 1836. 68 N. Y. Southern Society Andrews, Sidney. The South since the War. Travel and observation in Georgia and the CaroHnas. Boston, 1866. Armstrong, George D., D.D. The Christian Doctrine ot Slavery. New York, 1857. Arnold, Isaac N. The Life of Abraham Lincoln, Chicago, 1887. Aughey, Rev. John H. The Iron Furnace, or Slavery and Secession. Philadelphia, 1863. Baker, U. \V. C. Texas Scrap Book. History, Biography and Miscellany. New York, 1875. Baker, L. C. History of the United States Secret Service. Philadelphia, 1867. Baldwin, Jo. G. Sketches of Party Leaders, Jefferson, Hamilton, Clay, Jackson and Randolph. New York, 1855. Bancroft, Aaron, A.A.S. Life of George Washington. London, 1808. Bandinel, James, Esq. Some account of the trade in slaves from Africa. Author's autograph presentation inscrip- tion. London, 1842. Barclay, Alexander. A practical view of the present state of Slavery in the West Indies. London, 1828. Barney, Mary. Biographical memoir of Commodore Joshua Barney. Boston, 1832. Bartley, James Avis. Lays of Ancient Virginia and other Poems. • Richmond, 1855. Bartlett, John Russell. Catalogue of books and pamphlets relative to the Civil War in the United States. Boston, 1866. Beard, James Melville. K. K. K. sketches, Treating the more important events of the Ku-Klux-Klan movements in the South. Philadelphia, 1877. Belisario, I. M. 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Pike, by Henry Whiting, Samuel Gorton, by John M. Mackie. Boston, 1845, Second series, vol. VI. Ezra Stiles, by James L. King- sley, John Fitch, by Charles Whittlesey, Anne Hutch- inson, by George E. Ellis. Boston, 1845. Second series, vol. VII. John Riboult, by Jared Sparks. Sebastian Rale, by Convers Francis, William Palfrey, by John G. Palfrey. Boston, 1845. Second series, vol. VIII. Charles Lee, by Jared Sparks, Joseph Reed, by Henry Reed. Boston, 1846. Second series, vol. IX. Leonard Calvert, by George W". Burnap, Samuel Ward, by William Gammell, Thomas Posey, by James Hall. Boston, 1846. Second series, vol. X. Life of Maj. Gen, Nathaniel Green, by George Washington Green. Boston, 1846. Second series, vol. XI. Stephen Decatur, by Alex- ander Slidel Mckenzie. Boston, 1846. .Second series, vol. XII. Edward Preble, by Lorenzo Sabine, William Penn, by George E. Ellis. Boston. 1846. Second series, vol. XIII. Daniel Boone, by John M. Peck, Benjamin Lincoln, by Francis Bowen. Boston, 1S47. Second scries, vol. XIV. Life of John Ledyard, the American Traveler, by Jared Starks. Boston. 1847. Second series, vol. X\'. William Richardson Davie, by Fordyce M. Hubbard. Samuel Kirkland, by Samuel K. Lathrop. Boston, 1847. 102 N. Y. SoiUherfi Society Sparks, Jared. Correspondence of the American Revolu- tion. 4 vols. Boston, 1853. The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revo- lution. 12 vols. Boston, 1829-30. Speed, Thomas. The Wilderness Road. A description of the route of travel by the Pioneers of Kentucky. (Fil- son Club Series.) Louisville, 1886. Spence, James. The American Union ; its effect on National Character and Policy, with an inquiry into Secession as a Constitutional Right. London, 1862. Spencer, Cornelia P. First Steps in North Carolina History. Compliments of the publishers, Alfred Williams & Co. Raleigh, 1889. The Last Ninety Days ot the War in North Carolina. Presented by Jas. D. Cummings. New York, 1866. Spring, Lindley. The Negro at Home. An enquiry after his capacity for Self Government. Author's auto- graph presentation inscription, New York, 186S. Stacke, Henry. The vStory of the American War, 1861-65. London, 1866. Stephens, Alexander H. A Constitutional View of the Late War between the States. Causes, Character, Conduct and Results. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1868. Stephen, James Geo. The Slavery of the British W^est Indies Colonies delineated. 2 vols. London, 1824. Stevens, William Bacon, M.D. History of Georgia from First Discovery by Europeans to 1798. 2 vols. New York, 1847-59. Stevenson, R. Randolph, M.D. The Southern Side ; or, Andersonville Prison. Compiled from official docu- ments. Baltimore, 1876. Still, William. The Underground Rail Road. A record ot facts, authentic narrative, etc., ot the Slaves in their efforts for freedom. Philadelphia, 1872. Stirling, James. Letters from the Slave States. London, 1857 " Garden Library y wj Stoddard, Major Amos. Sketches Historical and Descript- ive of Louisiana. Philadelphia, 1812. Strother, David H. (Porte Crayon.) Virginia Illustrated, New York, 1871. Stroud, George M. A Sketch of the Laws Relating to Slavery in the Several States of the United States. Philadelphia, 1856. Stuart, James, Esq. Three Years in North America. 2 vols. New York, 1S33. Sturge, Joseph, and Harvey, Thomas. The West Indies in 1837. London, 1838. Sumner, William Graham. Andrew Jackson as a F^ublic Man ; what he was, what chances he had, what he did with them. Boston, 1889. Swinton, William. Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac. A critical history of the operations in Maryland, \^ir- ginia and Pennsylvania. New York, 1866. The Twelve Decisive Battles of the War, A history of the Eastern and Western campaigns. New York, 1867. Tarleton, Lieut. Col. A History of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1 78 1, in the Southern Provinces of North America. London, 1787. Tasistro, Louis Fitzgerald. Random Shots and Southern Breezes, containing critical remarks on the Southern States and Southern Institutions. 2 vols. New York, 1842. Taylor, George. Martyrs of the Revolution in the British Prison Ships in the Wallabout Bay. New York, 1855. Taylor, J. B. Lives of the Virginia Baptist Ministers. Second edition. Richmond, 1S38. Taylor, John Col. (Arator,) Being a series of Agricultural Essays, Practical and Political. Georgetown, D. C, 1S14. Taylor, John, An Inquiry into the Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States. Fredericksburg, Va. , 18 14. New Views of the Constitution of tlie United States. Washington, 1S23. 104 ^' ^' Southern Society Taylor, John. Tyranny Unmasked. Washington, 1822. Taylor, Richard Destruction and Reconstruction. Per- sonal experiences of the Late War. New York, 1879. Thomas, John P. Historical Sketch of the South Carolina Military Academy. Charleston, 1879. Thompson, Ed. Porter. History of the First Kentucky Brigade. Cincinnati, 1868. Thompson, Maurice. The Story of Louisiana. Boston, 1888. Thompson, Waddy. Recollections of Mexico. New York, 1846. Thorp, Robert, Esq., LL.D. Postscript to the Reply " Point by Point," containing an Exposure of the Mis- representation of the Treatment of captured Negroes in Sierra Leone. London, 181 5. Trollope, Mrs. Domestic Manners of the Americans. 2 vols. London, 1832. Tucker, George. The Life of Thomas Jefferson. 2 vols. London, 1837. Tucker, Henry St George. Lectures on Constitutional Law for use of Law Class at University of Virginia. Richmond, 1843. Hansford. A Tale of Bacon's Rebellion. Richmond, 1857. Tyler, Moses Coit. Life of Patrick Henry, Boston, 1889, Tytler, Patrick Eraser, F.R.S., F.S.A. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. Edinburgh, 1840. Tyler, Samuel. Memoir of Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Baltimore, 1876. Vais, Rev. L. C, A.M. History of the Presbyterian Church in New Berne, N. C. Presented by Jas. D. Cummings. Richmond, 1866. Van Evrie, J. H., M.D. Negroes and Negro Slavery. The first an inferior race, the latter its normal condition. New York, 1861. Verdery, Marion J. Memorial of Henry W. Grady. New York, 1890. " Gai'dcn Librarxy jqc Von Borcke, Ileros. Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1.S66. Von Hoist, H., M.U. Life of John C. Calhoun. Boston, 1 888. "Waldo, S. Putnam. Memoirs of Andrew Jackson. Hartford, 18 19. Walker, Alexander, Life of Andrew Jackson. Philadel[»hia, 1866. Walker, Charles D. Biographical Sketches of the Gradu- ates and Eleves, of the Virginia Military Institute, who fell in the war between the States. Philadcli)hia, 1875. "Warden, D. B. A Statistical, Political, and Historical Account of the United States of North America. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1819. Ware, N. A. (A Southern Planter.) Notes on Political Economy. New York, 1844. "Warner, Harriot W. Autobiography of Charles Caldwell, M.D. Philadelphia, 1855. "Watson, William. Life in the Confederate Army. Being the observations and experiences of an Alien in the South during the war. London, 1SS7. "Weiss, M. Charles. History of the French Protestant Refu- gees. Translated by Henry William Herbert. 2 vols. New York, 1854. "Welles, Albert. The Pedigree of the Washington Family from B. C. 70 to George Washington, First President of United States. New York, 1879. "Wells, Wm.V. Walker's Expedition to Nicaragui : with a memoir and i)ortrait. New York. 1856. "Williams, CynricR. A Tour through the Island of Jamaica in 1823. London. 1827. Williams, John S. History of the Invasion and Capture ol Washington, and the events which proceeded and fol- lowed. New York, 1857. "Williams, . The South Vindicated from the Treason and Fanaticism of the Northern Abolitionists. Philadelphia, 1836. Io6 N. Y. Southern Society Williamson, Hugh, M.D., LL.D. The History of North Carolina. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 181 2. \A^ilson, Adelaide. Historical and Picturesque Savannah. Boston, 1889. ^Vilson, Augusta Evans. At the Mercy of Tiberius. A novel. New York. 1887. Beulah. A novel. New York, 1888. Infelice. A novel. New York, 1889. Inez. A tale of the Alamo. New York, 1888. Macaria. A novel. New York, 1888. St. Elmo. A novel. New York, 1888. Vashti ; or, ' ' Until death us do part. ' ' A novel. New York, 1869. Wilson, Henry. History of the Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America. 3 vols. Boston, 1875-76-77. Wirt, William, Esq. The Letters of the British Spy. New York, 1856. Wise, Henry A. Seven Decades of the Union ; a memoir of John Tyler. Philadelphia, 1881, Wheaton, Henry. Some account of the Life Writings and Speeches of William Pinkney. New York, 1826. Wheeler, John H. Historical Sketches of North Carolina from 1584 to 1851. Philadelphia, 1851. White, George., M. A. Historical Collections of Georgia. New York, 1855. Whitefield, George., A. B. A Journal of a voyage from London to Savannah in Georgia. London, 1739. Continuation of the Rev. Mr. Whitefield' s journal. 2d Edition. London, 1740. A further account of God's Dealings. London, 1747. V\^hitehead, Charles E. Wild Sport in the South, or the Camp Fires of the Everglades. New York. i860. M^hitemore, William H. The CavaHer Dismounted ; an Essay on the origin of the founders of the Thirteen Colonies. Salem, Mass., 1864. ^A^hitsitt, William H. Life and Times of Judge Caleb Wallace ; Some time a Justice of the Court of Appeals '"Garden Library y joj ol the State of Kentucky. ( Filson Club Series) Louisville, 1K8S. Woodberry, George. E. Life of Rdt^ar .\llen Poe. Boston. iSSS. Wynne, Mr. A general history of ihc Hritish Knipire in America. 2 vols. London, 1770. Yates, lohn Ashton. Colonial Slavery ; Letters to the Right Hon. William Hisknson, on Slavery in the British Col- onies. Liverpool, 1824. CLASSIKIKD LIST. CLASSIFIED LIST. ALABAMA. Berney's, Hand book of. Brewer's, Alabama. Garrett's, Public men in. Meek's, Romantic Passages. Pickett's, History of. 2 vols. ARKANSAS. Branner's Geolog}- of Arkansas. 3 xols. BIOGRAPHY. Adam's, Lives of Madison and Munrur. John Randolph of Roanoke. Alfriend's, Life of Jefferson Davis. Anderson's, Address on Robt. E. Lee. Arnold's, Life of Abraham Lincoln. Audubon's, Life of John James Audubon. Baldwin's, Sketches of Party Leaders. Baker's, Texas Scrap Book. Bancroft's, Life of Wa.shington. Barney's, Life of Commodore Harney. Biographical, Encyclopaedia of Ky. Bouldin's, Remini.scences of John Randolph. Caldwell's, Life of Nathaniel Greene. Campbell's, Memoir of John Daly Hurk. Clarke's, Lives Deceased Bishop.s, Catholic Church. 3 vol.s. Coale's, Life of Wilburn Waters. 112 N. Y. Southern Society BIOGRAPHY— 0«//;z?/^^. Claiborne's, Life of John A. Quitman. 2 vols. Conway's, Life of Edmund Randolph. Cobbett's, Life of Andrew Jackson. Conklin's, Memoirs of the Mother and Wife of Washington. Craven's, Prison Life of Jefferson Davis. Craighill's, Virginia Peerage, vol. i. Dabney's, Life of Thomas J. Jackson. 2 vols. Daniel's, Life of T. J. Jackson. Memoir of John M. Daniels. Davidson's, Living Writers of the South. Davis's Life of Thomas Jefferson. Davis's, Memoir of Jefferson Davis. Dawson's, Life of William H.Harrison. Douglas's, Narrative of a Slave. Dorsey's, Life of Henry W. Allen. Eaton's, Life of Andrew Jackson, Edward's, Sir Walter Ralegh. 2 vols. Eulogies on Vv ashington. Flint's, Life of Daniel Boone. Foot's, Bench and Bar Southwest. Forest's, Women of the South. Ford's, Writings of Washington. 7 vols. Foster's, Life of Andrew Johnson. Frost's, Life of Andrew Jackson. Fry's, Life of Zachary Taylor. Garland's, Life of John Randolph. Garrett's, Public Men in Alabama. Gay's, Life of James Madison. Gilman's, Life of James Munroe. Goodwin's, Life of Andrew Jackson. Grigsby's, Life of Gov. Tazewell. Greene's, Life of Nathaniel Greene. 3 vols. Harris's, Life of Henry W. Grady. Memorial of James Oglethorpe. Horry and Weem's, Life of Francis Marion. Headly's, Life of Winfield Scott. Ireland's, Life of Andrew Jackson. " Ga7'dcn Library y iij ^lOQ'RM'llY — Continued. Irving's, Life of Washington. 5 vols. Jenkin's, Life of James K. Polk. Life of John C. Calhoun. Johnson's, Life of Nathaniel Greene. 2 vols. Johnston's, Life of Albert Sidney Johnston. Jones's, Reminiscences of Robt. E. Lee. Kennedy's, Life of William Wirt. 2 vols. King's, Life of Grover Cleveland. Kirkland's, Memoirs of Washington. Lee's, Life of Arthur Lee. 2 vols. Legare's, Life and writings of Hugh S. Legare. 2 vols. Letters of John Randolph of Roanoke. and writings of James Madison. 4 vols. Life of Jefferson Davis, by men of his times. of Jacob Barker. of Sam Houston. of David Crockett. Linn's, Life ot Lewis F. Linn. Life of Thomas Jefferson. Long's, Memoir of Robert E. Lee. Lynch's, Bench and Bar of Mississippi. McClellan's, Life of J, E. B. Stuart. McCabe's, Life of Robert E. Lee. M'Kenney's, Memoirs. Magruder's, Life of John Marshall. Mallory's, Life and Speeches of Henry Clay. 2 vols. Mansfield's Life of Winfield Scott. Marshall's, Life of Washington. 5 vols. Mason's, Popular Life of R. E. Lee. Memoirs of Andrew Jackson. of Major Robert Stobo. of Charles Lee . Miller's Bench and Bar of Georgia. 2 vols. Minnigerode's, Address on Jefferson Davis. Morse's, Life of Thomas Jeflerson. Nolte's Fifty Years. Obsequies of Henry Clay in N, Y. 11^ N. Y. Southern Society IBIOQ^P^^UY—Coninmcd Obsequies of Henry Clay in U. S. S. of Zachary Taylor in N. Y. Parton's, Life of Andrew Jackson. 3 vols. Pinkney's Life of William Pinkney. Pollards' s Davis and the Secret History. Lee and his Lieutenants, Prentiss's, Life of S. S. Prentiss, Randall's, Life of Thomas Jefferson. 3 vols. Randolph's, Life Thomas Jefferson. Randolph's, Memoirs of Thomas Jefferson. 4 vols. Raynor's, Life of Thomas Jefferson. Roosevelt's, Life of Thomas H. Benton. Rough and Ready Souvenir. Safford's, Blennerhassett. Schroeder's, Life of Washington. 2 vols. Schurz's Life of Henry Clay. 2 vols. Scott, Winfield, Maj. Gen., Memoir of 2 vols. Seymour's, Memorial. Simm's, Life of Capt. John Smith. Life of Nathaniel Greene. Slaughter's, Memoir of Joshua Fry. Smith, Capt. John's True Travels, and Life oi Southern Generals. Spark's, American Biography, ist series. 10 vols. American Biography. 2d series. 15 vols. Sumner's, Andrew Jackson. Taylor's, Lives of Va. Baptist Ministers. Tucker's, Life of Thomas Jefferson. 2 vols. Tyler's, Life of Patrick Henry. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. Life of Roger B. Taney. Verdery's, Memorial of Grady. Von Hoist's, Life of John. C. Calhoun. "Waldo's, Life of Andrew Jackson. Walker's, Memorial of Virginia Military Institute. ^Valker's, Life of Andrew Jackson. "Warner's, Autobiography of Chas. Caldwell. " Garden Library y j /^ BIOGRAPHY— G^;///V/«r«'. Washingtonia. Wheaton's, Life of Win. Pinckney. Whitsitt's, Life of Caleb Wallace. Woodberry's, Life of Edgar A. Poe. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL : Bartlett's Literature of the Rebellion. Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue Library Union League Club. COLONIES : An Impartial Enquiry. 1741. Authentic Papers from America. Bland's Rights of Briti^h Colonies. Bouldin's Old Trunk. Campbell's Virginia. Gatford's Virginia, 1657. History of Colonies of S. Carolina and Georgia. History of Virginia, 1722. Jefferson's Virginia. Jeffery's Atlas, 1775. Nova Britania. Riche's News from Virginia, 1610. Rights of British America. Robinson's Early \'oyagcs. Travels of Capt. John Smith. \Ai^hitmore's Cavalier Dismounted. Wynne's British Empire in America, 2 \'ols. CONFEDERATEANA : C. S. A. Tariff Act. DeFontaine's Marginalia. Geographical Reader for Dixie Children. Hardee's Infantry Tactics. Journal of North Carolina Convention of c^i. Register of North Carolina Troops, '6i-'64. Statutes at Large of the Confederate States. DELAWARE : Caesar Rodney, l)y Thomas F. Bayard. 1 16 N. Y. Southern Society T>'El^AM^A'R'E,— Co7itimied. Ferris, Original Settlements on the. Montgomery's Wilmington. FLORIDA : Catesby's Natural History. 2 Vols. Cohen's Notices of and the Campaigns in. DeCardena's Historia General. Fairbank's St. Augustine. French's Historical Collection. 2d series. Gidding's Exiles of. Irving' s DeSoto Conquest. 2 Vols. Rattenbury's Cession of. Schipp's Hernando DeSoto. Voyage to the Spanish Main. GAZETTEERS, GUIDES, ETC. : American Atlas, 1775. American Gazetteer, 1798. Atlas of War in Florida and Louisiana. Congressional Director^'-, 1885. 1889. 1890. Gazetteer of Va. and Dist. of Columbia, 1836. Guide to Mammoth Cave. Guide to World's Fair and New Orleans, 1885, Map of Louisiana, 1788. Map of Carolina, 1765. Map of Louisiana, 1752. Map of France in America, 1720. Map of Southern States, 1861. Map of North America, 1811. Map of Novia Scotia, 1811. Map of Canada, 1811. Map of United States, 1811. Map of America, 1811. Map of a Part of the United States, 1806. Map of Part of United States, 1811. Map of North Half of South America, 1811. ''Garden Library y j/j GAZETTEERS, ^TC— Continued. Map of South Half of South America, 1811. Map of West Indies, 1S03. Map of Part of United States, iSii. Map of Virginia and Maryland, 1755. Register Confederate Dead in Hollywood. GENEALOGICAL : De Saussure Family. Gibbes Family. Lee Family. Marshall Family. Old Churches and Families of Va. Virginia Early Settlers. "Washington Family. GEORGIA: An Impartial Inquiry. Harris's Oglethorpe. Historical Society's Collection. \'ol. II. Jones's Addresses. Chatham Artillery. Dead Towns of. Education in. History of. 2 Vols. Kemble's Georgia Plantation. Miller's Bench and Bar. 2 Vols. Minutes of Union Society. Richard's Georgia Illustrated. Steven's History of. 2 Vols. ^Vhite's Historical Collections of. Whitfield's God's Dealings. Journey. Journey Continued. HISTORY : Bozman's Maryland. 2 Vols. Brewer's Alabama. Browne's Maryland. Burk's Virginia. 4 Vols. ij8 N. V. SotUhern Society H ISTO RY— Continued. Campbell's Virginia. Carpenter's Tennessee. Carr's Missouri. Collin's Kentucky. Davis's Confederate States. Davis and Durrie's Missouri. DeCardenia's Florida. DuPratz's Louisiana. Foot's North Carolina. Foote's Texas. Gayarre's Louisiana. Hav^k's North Carolina. He watt's South Carolina. Holmes' American. Hooton's Texas. Hov^es' Virginia. Imlay's Kentucky. 2 Vols. Jefferson's Virginia. Jones' Georgia. 2 Vols. Kennedy's Texas. 2 Vols. McSherry's Maryland. Marbois' Louisiana. Mayer's Mexico. 2 Vols. Moore's North Carohna. Noll's Mexico. Pickett's Alabama. 2 Vols. Ramsay's United States. 3 Vols. South Carolina. 2 Vols. Ramsay and Smith's United States. 3 Vols. Ramsey's Tennessee. Sabine's Notes on Duelling. Shaler's Kentucky. Simm's South Carolina. Spencer's North Carolina. South Carolina Colonial. 2 Vols. Steven's Georgia. 2 Vols. Thompson's Louisiana. " Garden Library.'' / jq YilSTORY—Contimied. Warden's United States. 3 vols. "Wheeler's North Carolina. Williamson's North Carolina. 2 Vols. W ynne's British Empire in America. 2 \'uls. KENTUCKY : Allen's History of. Biographical Encyclopedia of. Blackman's (Governor; Message. Brown's Political Beginnings. Carr and Shaler's Prehistoric Remains. Collin's Kentucky. Darnell's Journal. Davidson, Presbyterian Church in. Drake's Pioneer Life in. Dorrett's St. Paul's Church, Louisville. Elliot's Debates. Vol. 4. Filson's Historie De Kentucke. Imlay's Kentucky. 2 \'ols. Knott's (Governor) Message. McCreary's (Governor) Message. Martin's Mammoth Cave Guide. Michaux's Travels. Papers on. Perrin's Pioneer Press of. Shaler's Kentucky. Spalding's Early Catholic Mission in. Story of a Monument. Thompson's First Brigade. LITERATURE : Bremer's Impression of America. 2 Vols. Clemen's Sketches. DeVere's Book of Nature. Garden's Anecdotes. Gildersleeve's Essays and Studies. Oris wold's Prose Writers of America. Hamilton, Men and Manners. 2 Vols. 120 N. Y. Southern Society LITERATURE— G7«//«z^^^. Harrison's A Group of Poets. Holcombe, Literature in Letters. Lanier's Science of English Verse. Martineau's Society in America. 2 Vols. Nott and Gliddon's Indigenous Races. Preston's Cartoons. Handful of Monographs. Taylor's Essays. Trollope's Domestic Manners of Americans. 2 Vols. "Whitmore, Cavalier Dismounted. LOUISIANA: Address on Cession of to the French. Barker, Jacob, Life of. Carte de Louisiana, 1752. Clack's Refugee Household. Darby's Louisiana. Dumont's Memoirs Louisiane. DuPratz, History of. French's Historical Collection, Historical Collection. 2d Series. Gayarre's As a French Colony. Colonial History. Romance of. Guide to World's Fair and New Orleans. Hennepin's Description of. Latour's Atlas of War in. Map of 1788. Marbois' Louisiana. Nolte's Fifty Years. Norman's New Orleans and Environs. Robin's Voyages to. 3 Vols. Southwood's " Beauty and Booty." Stoddard's Sketches of. Thompson's Louisiana. MARYLAND : Archieves of, 1637-1664. " Garden Library!' 121 MARYl.AND—Co>i/haa^d. Bozman's History of. 2 Vols. Browne's Maryland, Elliot's Debates. Vol. II. Hawk's Ecclesiastical History of. McSherry's Maryland. Map of Virginia and Maryland, 1755. Neill's Founders of. Purviance's Baltimore During the Revolution. Ridgely's Annals of Annapolis. MEDICINE : Claiborne on the Optholmascope. Gedding's Surgery. Jones' Medical and Surgical Memoirs. 4 \'ols. Porcher's Materia Medica. MEXICO : Emory's Boundary Survey. 3 \''ols. Latrobe, The Rambler in. Mayer's Mexico. 2 Vols. Noll's A Short History of. Puente, Reflexions Sobre. Thompson's, Recollections. MISCELLANEOUS : Ceremonies Washington Monument. Echo of Seneca. Guion's Comet. Miscellanies, 2 Vols. Report of N. Y. Railroad Commission. 2 \'oIs. Stock Exchanges of London, Paris and New York. Sunbeams. MISSISSIPPI : Claiborne's Mississippi. Vol. i. Lynch' s Bench and Bar of. My Cave Life in Vicksburg. MISSOURI : Carr's Missouri. 122 N. Y. SoiUheni Society M\^'^0\}^\— Continued. Davis and Durrie's History of. Darby's Recollections, NORTH CAROLINA : Byrd's Dividing Line. 2 Vols. Catesby's Natural History of. 2 Vols, Elliot's Debates. Vol. 4. Farming's Narrative. Fisher's River Scenes. Foote's Sketches of Hawk's History of 2 Vols. Journal of Convention of 1861. Moore's History of 2 Vols, Reprinted Tracts on, 1600 to 1760. Schenck's North Carolina, Spencer's First Steps, Last Ninety Days of the War in, Vas-s's New Bern and Presbyterian Church. Wheeler's North Carolina. Williamson's North Carolina, 2 Vols. NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS : Doddridge's Indian Wars, Gatschet's Migration Legends. 2 Vols, M'Kenney's Memoirs and Travels, Murray's Travels, 2 Vols. Schoolcraft's Indian Tribes. 6 Vols. NOVELS AND TALES : Adams, F, C, : Manuel Pereiro. Beit, Robert Apthorp: Eustis. Breton, Mrs. Ottilie : Edith. Burdett, Charles : Margaret Moncrieffe. ''Garden Library!' j2j NOVELS AND TALES— cw/,//.^^. Cable, George W. : Grandissimes. Old Creole Days. Cooke, John Esten : Candles. Hammer and Rapier. Hilt to Hilt. Henry St. John, Gendeman. Last of the Foresters. Mohun. Out of the Foam. Pretty Mrs. Gaston. Surry of Eagles Nest. Wearing the Grey. Craddock, Charles Egbert : Despot of Broomsedge Cove. In the Clouds. Where the Battle was Fought. Dabney, Virginius : Don Miff. Gold that did. not Glitter. Dew-Drop of the Sunny South. Eggleston, George Cary : Big Brother. Captain Sam. Rebel's Recollections. Signal Boys. Wreck of the Red Bird. Field, Henry M. : Bright Skies and Dark Shadows . Gilliam, E. W. : 1791, A Tale of San Domingo. Gilman, Caroline : New England Bride. Gouldings, F. R. : Marooners Island. 12^ N. Y. Southern Society NOVELS AND TALES— C. POLITICAL ECONOMY : DeTocqueville, Democracy in America. 2 vols. Hughes' American Dollar. Currency Question. Hundley's Social Relations. Judkin's Political F'allacies. Scott's Republics. Spence's American Union. Taylor's Principles of Government. Tyranny Unmasked. Ware's Notes Taken. I2'S A. 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