THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN '/ ABRAHAM FABERT. r MARSHAL PABERT l-miii a prim in the U>itish Mint inn. PAINTED BY L.FERDINAND ENORAVfcD BY C F. POILLY. ABRAHAM FABERT GOVERNOR OF SEDAN: MARSHAL OF FRANCE THE FIRST WHO ROSE FROM THE RANKS nm LIFE AND TIMES 1599—1662 By GEORGE HOOPER AUTHOR OP 'WATKRLOO: THE DOWNFALL OF THE FIRST NAPOLEON," " THB CAMPAIGN OF SKDAN, "WELLINGTON," ETC. " His name <)uis mar.'hed on to Montauban. fabert's eakly troubles. 37 During tliis period of the painful and disastrous campaign, Fabert bad been empK»yed in front of Rocbelle. He rode thither with the Duke of Epernon and a Aveak detachment of the army ; and was sent forward to reconnoitre the place, a proof that his judgment, as well as his daring and deftness, had begun to be appreciated. He found the fortress strong, well-provided, and practically unassailable from the land side, while on the sea front the daring mariners kept the water- ways open. He reported that the only useful mode of pro- ceeding would be by blockade, and his advice was adopted by the Duke. Yet there were repeated skirmishes, the usual foolish as well as cruel devastation of the country by fire, and one or more outworks were stormed. The summer was spent in restricting the defenders to the body of the i^lace, and in preparing to construct a certain Fort Louis among the marshes. It was built and garrisoned by Pierre Arnauld, ATcstrc-dc-Camii, that is, Colonel of " Champagne," a soldier who " studied the discipline of the Romans," invented arras, trained his men to carry the pick and spade as part of their equipment, and made " Champagne " renowned for steadiness and hardihood. With 20,000 such men he believed that he could go anywhere and do anything. To distinguish him from the other Atnaulds, the stout veteran was called "Arnauld of the Fort." He was the uncle of Robert Arnauld of Andilly, and died soon afterwards from the miasma of the Rochelle marshes. While Fabert was engaged in irksome duties before Rochelle, the war had rolled away to the south and the King and his Constable had been brought to a stand before the strong city of Montauban. For La Force, the tough ex- Governor of Beam, at the head of several thousand tried soldiers, had entered the town and had joined the inhabitants, who were firmly resolved to defend it. The story of that astonishing seige does not belong to this history, but it was 38 ABRAHAM FABEKT. an event so striking in itself that some indications of its cLaracter cannot be omitted. The King sat down before it in the middle of August. Still under the influence of Luynes he rejected the wise counsel of the crafty Lesdiguieres, who advised him to defeat Rohan and clear the country of enemies before he grappled with the Huguenot stronghold. Sully, one of whose sons was with La Force, was allowed to try the effect of negotiation, and when he failed in that purpose, the blundering work began. But the royal cannon, the reckless valour of the nobles, and the common-place but ungrudging devotion of the troojss, were not more effective than Sully's exhortations in taming the spirit of the intrepid garrison. The lines of investment were so badly drawn that Rohan cleverly managed to throw in succours, and the temper of the defenders was so high that they endured the cannonade and repelled assaults with equal energy and fervour. More- over, as was wise, they retorted upon the besiegers with such vigour that more than once they swept the trenches clear and burned the gun-carriages. Neither onsets nor mines daunted this valiant garrison, and from the beginning to the end they had the upper hand. To indicate the bungling of the assailants it is only necessary to note that one of their mines exploded against them ; and of course the mischance was followed by a furious sortie. Yet there was no lack of courage in the royal ranks. Bassompierre and his Swiss had a line of gabions upon a crest above a hollow way. Daring men from the fortress entered the ravine, and drew down the gabions with hooks, and fired into the post, until they were driven off. The next night, says Bassompierre, " a Swiss of my company, named Jacques" offered, for the reward of a crown, to fetch up the gabions, and redeemed his promise. " What most astonished us," the narrator continues, " was that he bore them on his neck, so strong and robust was he." The hardy FABEHt's early TllOUJJLES. 39 Svvitzer performed the feat under fire. When he had brought up six, the officers begged liiui to desist, but lie answered that there was still one below, and that he must fetch it to fulfil his bargain. And he did so, getting off, unwounded, on the night of August 2Gth, 1621. Thus it was not for lack of resolute men that Montauban could not be taken. During this extraordinary siege, Vair, a lawyer, who held the Seals, died, and Louis gave them to Luynes, which made the sarcastic Conde, then on leave of absence at Bourges, remark that he would be a good Constable in time of peace, and a good Chancellor in time of war. But Luynes per- formed both functions. He sat in Court to hear causes, and when a cannon-shot was fired, he would pause, and thrust his head out of the window to watch the cannonade. And he had cause for anxiety. The loss of officers in the desperate combats, the Duke of Mayenne, son of the corpulent old Leaguer among them, was heart-rending. Nor did they fall before Huguenot lead and steel alone. The young Duke of Montmorency arrived with a strong reinforcement, but he and his men speedily sufifered from the maladies which raged in the filthy camps of over-worked and ill-fed soldiers. Luynes, who had taken to wife the fascinating Marie de Rohan, a daughter of the Duke of Montbazon, sought and obtained an interview with her relative, the able captain, Henri de Rohan, and endeavoured to work on his fears by threats of confiscation, a very weak device. The stern Huguenot leader was steadfast. He declared, and it was the truth, that he was prepared for any loss, and that he would not yield an inch, unless a general peace with the whole body of the Huguenots were achieved. He had pledged his word and would keep his pledge. Nothing, therefore, was gained by trying to frighten Rohan. Winter was by this time at hand in the bleak region of the Tarn. Disease had reduced the royal army by thou- 40 ABRAHAM FABERT. sands, sparing not even the prelates, three of whom died, while the sturdy garrison of Montauban, and its not less sturdy inhabitants of both sexes, were as obstinate and aggressive as ever. It was not the first time that the women of Montauban had engaged in battle. Froissart tells us how, in 13G6, they helped the Free Companions engaged in the service of the Black Prince to beat off their French assailants under the walls of the town. The like spirit animated the Huguenots, and in November Louis was obliged to raise the siege, and retire to Toulouse. It is said that the ignorance of war displayed by the Chancellor-Constable disgusted the King. If so, he was soon relieved from the task of judging his favourite, for, in turn, Luynes fell ill and died of a fever at Condom, in December 1621. "When his corpse," writes Fontenay-Mareuil, "was on its way to be buried, I believe in his Duchy of Luynes, I saw his valets playing at piquet upon the hearse, while they gave a feed to the horses." Nevertheless, as the Pere Griffet proves, the Constable had a magnificent funeral service at Tours, before his remains were borne to the tomb at Luynes on the Loire. The terrible St. Simon has not spared one whom he styles " such a Constable," or failed to excuse the royal youth who belted the sword of this great office upon one so little accus- tomed to arms. " Before his death," he says, " his young master had opened his eyes. He took shame to himself that so lofty a post had been snatched from his inexperience, amid the darkness in which he had been reared. He often spoke to my father [the subsequent ' favourite,' and the first Duke of St. Simon], and complained to him about his surprise at the ambition of Luynes, and the way in which he abused his position, lor the King found his subject clothed with a greatness which assumed too much authority." Many piquant anecdotes, told by Bassompierre, are to alike purport, and indicate that Louis, as his mind expanded from close fabeut's early troubles. 41 contact with men and things, was grievously disappointed when he came to test the character of his friend and deUverer. Relieved from Luynes, the King gave the Constable's sword to one who was at least a warrior, and hardly less an astute diplomatist, Lesdiguieres, the ruler of Dauphiny, and the scourge as well as the ally of the Dukes of Savoy. To grasp the dignity and the power it bestowed he became, at first secretly and afterwards openly, a convert to Catholicism. That had been his religion until he was twenty years of age ; at eighty, he returned to the faith of his fathers, and it is not at all improbable that each creed sat lightly on his conscience. He lived until 1626. Like-minded with Henry IV., he thought that the sword of the Constable — he was the last man who bore it — was worth a mass. He was of the race of warrior- statesmen who rise by native superiority ; and, morals apart, of which few in that day had an excess, he is one of the ofraudest and most masterful figures who shine out in the wars of the League and the conflicts at the opening of the seventeenth century. The man of that period most like him is that Henry, Duke of Montmorency, also a Constable, who in 1614 died in his bed with his helm and armour on over the Capucin raiment which he had donned, and his big sword by his side. He had ruled in Languedoc as Lesdiguieres had in Dauphiny. Encouraged by their success at Moutauban, the Protestants became more enterprising, and the unhappy war went on, although the leaders on both sides were anxious to devise, the fanatics and intriguers to avert, a modus vivendi. The question was complicated by private ambitions and external incidents, but the main fact seems to be that tlie King was resolved to rule over an united State, and not to permit any independent religions and political institutions to grow up in the realm. Accordingly, in 1622, the campaign was resumed ; and, as is usual in religious wars, each party was guilty of 42 ABEAHAM FABEKT. treachery and cruelty. The Huguenots held on to Rochelle and its neighbourhood ; seized an island in the Garonne to raise revenue ; surprised Royan, and occupied several other towns, but were the more formidable in the region of Mont- pellier. Their leaders were Soubise, La Force, Rohan, and Chatillon, The young King at this juncture behaved with decision. He himself led a night attack upon the positions held by Soubise in the islands south of Rochelle, crossing the channels at low water at the head of his troops, and dasliing in upon the Huguenot captain with such vigour that Soubise was driven to his ships and barely escaped himself, while the greater part of his bands were captured. St, Simon writes in his superb ParaUele dcs trois Premiers Rois Bourlon, that repeated efforts were made by his officers to restrain the King, and prevent him from attacking the islands. They went the length of urging that, if he persisted he would be sending the troops to slaughter. " I know it well," the King replied, " and it is because I know it that I intend to go ; because I know not how to send troops to slaughter unless it is necessary, and I lead them myself. I am obliged to you for your remonstrances, but let me hear no more on the subject." He spoke with his usual coolness and moved on. " My father," continues St. Simon, " who heard his words, repeated tliom to me, and described the inexpressible astonish- ment of those who were present." In fact, the youth, he was still only twenty-one, had become a man, and proved em- phatically that he had a will of his own. It may be said that the attack on the Poitevin Islands, so little expected and so resolute, revealed alike to soldiers and courtiers that this young King had a character, and was not the cipher they had supposed him to be. At this time Fabert was still with the Duke of Epernon, the man who was slow to obey. He had been requested to fabert's early troubles. 43 aid in the reduction of" Poitou,but Lad remained at Bordeaux, pleading, perhaps with reason, the exigencies of his own situation at a moment when the Huguenot leaders had a fort on an island in tlie Garonne, and a garrison in Royan, while La Force was in Tormeins. Epernon had failed in an effort to obtain the river stronghold by negotiation, and was not strong enougli to take it by force. Therefore the King marched upon Royan, and laid siege to it in form. Seated on a rock, surrounded on two sides by the sea, defended by deep double ditches, and well garrisoned, it seemed a formidable obstacle. Yet it was reduced within a week, but at some cost of life, for although the Gardes Fran^aises lost comparatively few men, the Duke of Epernon's troops. Champagne and his own Guards, were dreadfully cut up. Their cannon had made a breach, and the Duke of la Valette led the storming column. But, as they ascended the ruined slope the defenders fired a mine, and repelled the onset. The Duke was half buried in the debris, and OAved his life to Montigny, his squire, and Fabert, who was struck in one hand, and carried away two musket-balls in his clothes. The King's Guards, according to Puysegur, had cleverly secured a lodgment on the other front of attack, and had removed the powder from a mine, so that, although Epernon's efforts were unsuccessful, the place was practically captured. The garrison, therefore, capitu- lated ; but the fact that they were allowed to retire upon Rochelle, shows how anxious the King was to set himself free for further and more arduous enterprises. He had through- out shown a forward valour and intrepidity which made Bassompierre say that he never knew a braver man, and that even the late King, Henry IV. himself, did not surpass his son in coolness under fire. The war rolled soutliward, accompanied by an undertone of negotiations for a general peace carried on chiefly by the wise old Constable, who, backed by a strong party in the King's 44 ABRAHAM FABERT. council, sincerely desired to attain that end. Indeed, the sword played the lesser, and intrigue the greater part, during the summer months. Thus La Force, the valiant defender of Montauban, fell away from the Protestant cause, converted himself to Catholicism, and received money gifts and a Marshal's baton as his reward. Chatillon, the grandson of Coligny, followed his example, and rose to a rank which was still coveted, although it had been attained by men like Concino, Luynes, and his brother. The crafty Duke of Bouillon, now old and wearied, kept guard in Sedan ; but, although he did not take the field, he liad influence enough to bringr Mansfeldt and Christian of Brunswick, with their mercenary bands, over the Moselle and up to the Meuse. Their inroad alarmed the King and his nobles, filled Paris with apprehension, and cheered the Protestants in the South. They were the survivors of the battle on the White Moun- tain, near Prague, which wrecked the hopes of the Elector Palatine, whose wife was Elizabeth Stuart, " the Queen of Hearts." Christian, writes Carlyle, was " a high-flown, fiery young fellow, of terrible fighting gifts, he flamed up consider- ably with 'the Queen of Bohemia's glove stuck in his hat' " ; and called himself " the friend of God and the foe of priests." Ernest Mansfeldt had genuine soldierly qualities, and in his ranks rode a youth who afterwards came to be famous, Bern- hard of Saxe- Weimar. But neither Ernest nor Christian, with their ill-2)aid and unruly men, could make anything of this incursion into Champagne. After much diplomatic fencing with French envoys, who were sent to amuse the invaders and gain time, after a little fighting, and an inter- view between Mansfeldt and Bouillon " in the meadows near Douzy " on the Chicrs, as the Duke of Nevers and other Dukes were gathering forces in their front ; while Gonzalez of ('ordova, a shining captain of those days, was moving on their rear, the two adventurers and their troops suddenly rode ofif fabert's early troubles. 45 through the forests near Rocroi, and quartered themselves in Ilainault. Thus vanished the hopes which Rohan had founded upon the German diversion. The peace negotiations failed for the time, and, as Mansfeldt's bands stealthily and swiftly hastened towards the end of August down the Meuse, King Louis led his army to the siege of Montpellier. It was ill conducted by the Prince of Conde, cost the lives of many brave men, and utterly fiiled as a siege, although it led to that general peace for which Rohan had contended. Our interest in the business centres solely in one fact. Fabert, who was there, and cease- lessly active, had the good fortune to make prisoner a captain, and was presented by Epernon to the King, who then saw him for the first time — not an unimportant incident in his life, though it bore no present fruit. The great anxiety of all soldiers was to gain the notice of the King, and the sometime cadet in the Guards, and still ensign in Piedmont, had got thus far in his twenty-third year. The " peace," so hardly acquired, was a mere truce. Mont- pellier lost its sheltering walls ; the blockade of Rochelle was raised, but Fort Louis was not destroyed. Lesdiguieres, who always kept his eyes steadily on the ficts, uttered a shrewd remark which implied that he had little trust in the peace. •' Either Rochelle must take Fort Louis," he said, " or Fort Louis must take Rochelle." The contest was deferred, not terminated ; and even for the moment the terms of accom- modation were but indifferently observed. Outside the harbour of Rochelle the King had a squadron, and when Guiton, the Mayor, repaired thither that he might surrender his flag to the Duke of Guise, " I accept it," said the Duke, " but I return it to you, for I have not won it in battle." So curiously were punctilious notions of honour blended with habits of treachery and cruelty in the conduct of these grand seigneurs. At this very time the conditions of the peace were not fulfilled, and 4f) ABRAHAM FABERT. the Pere Guiffet himself confesses that the course followed by the Court towards the Huguenots was only one fit to kindle afresh the fires of war. At a later period that unhappy conflict between the King and his Protestant subjects was renewed. The interval between the makinji and the breaking^ of the truce of Montpellier was, for Fabert, a time of weary expectation and disappointed hopes. He had proved that he was brave, devoted, and capable, but his valour and services brought him no promotion. It was not a rare case. Puysegur, a noble, who was nearly his own age, and served as a cadet in the guards at the siege of Montpellier, indignantly relates how the King promised to make him an ensign, as the reward of a daring and perilous action, and how he did not redeem his word, because he had already given the first vacancy to another youth. Indeed, Puysegur did not get his colours until 1624, nor his captaincy until 1681, so tliat Fabert, who was not a noble, had no real ground for complaint on the score of slow advancement. He had, however, a grievance. The Duke of la Valette had promised to give him a company in Piedmont, but when it fell vacant in 1624, moved by his Duchess, Gabrielle-Angolique, who was an illegitimate daughter of Henry IV., the Duke gave it to her squire, a M. Conseil. This breach of faith led to a series of incidents which revealed the fiery temper of Fabert. He determined to force a duel on Conseil. That was an action quite in accordance with the spirit of the time, for when a regiment to the command of which the Marquis of Themines had a claim, was bestowed on the elder brother of the Cardinal de Piicliclieu, De Themines did not turn his wrath on the jiiiiiistcr, but, clialloii^cd and slew his brother in single combat. In like manner Fabert held accountable, not the Duke who had broken his word, but the inferior who profited fabert's early troubles. 47 by tlie wrong. When he heard that the Duchess had started for Metz, he hurried after, hoping to overtake her suite some- where in Lorraine, and beyond the reach of those edicts against duelling which few or none observed. He came up with Conseil, however, at Pont k Mousson, challenged him on the spot, and at once drew his sword. The rivals, equally infuriated, do not appear to have done more than strike out simultaneously, and almost at random. Fabert came off with a severe wound in the throat, his rival's blow having been weakened by alighting on the collar of Fabert's dress, but Conseil was pierced through the chest and fell dead on the spot. Wounded as he was, Fabert had to fly, yet, as the gates were shut, he was obliged to seek an asylum in tlie town. He must have been well known in Pont a Mousson, so near to his native place, and, aided by a comrade, the Baron of Grateloup, he soon found temporary safety in the house of a civic official, called the Captain of the Burghers. There his wound was dressed ; but as it would have been fatal to remain within reach of La Valctte, the faithful Captain quietly and carefully dropped the fugitive from the walls into the ditch, whence he was transported to Pagny, lower down the Moselle, and securely hidden. The angry Duke, unable to discover his retreat, made a formal application for his surrender to the young Duke of Lorraine, but Charles was not disposed to surrender a Fabert whose only otfence was that he had killed a rival in a duel, no crime at all in the eyes of princes and nobles. The fugitive, on the contrary, was assured that the ducal protection should shield him at any place within Lorraine. The message set Fabert at his ease, and when he had recovered his health, he boldly went to Paris itself. The resentment of La Valette had gone before him, and the Governor ordered him at once to leave the capital. 48 ABRAHAM FABERT. He now took a more audacious step. The chateau of Moulins, close to Metz, was a little fortress, having stout walls flanked by six towers, and a good ditch all round. Fabert rode off to Moulins and shut himself up in the castle under the nose of La Valette. The mere fact of retiring to a fortress when in trouble was common enough ; indeed, the great, and even the lesser nobles, regarded the possession of a well-garrisoned " ]il(Lce de sicrdd" as indispensable. Fabert does not appear to have had any soldiers .in his father's stronghold, but when summoned, as we assume he was, he kept his gates closed. The Duke then drew out a troop and a couple of guns, in order to make the young ensign hear reason. But, to her great credit, the Duchess, who was the original cause of the mischief, here interposed, recognizing, perhaps, that she had done wrong, and induced her husband to leave Fabert unharmed. It may be also that La Valette remembered how he owed his life to the young officer, and even that the elder Fabert, who was a citizen of weight as well as tact, helped the Duchess by his judicious behaviour. So his son gained, instead of losing, by au act which marked his fearlessness as well as his temerity. The succession of misfortunes and hard usage, due in some degree to his own faults, for a moment soured the temper of Fabert ; but, possessed of great common sense, he soon controlled his anger. At first, depressed as well as irritated, he brooded over a project which did not become him. He proposed to raise a troop of cavalry, and cross the Rhine to tight undur the flag of the Empire. A youth so frank could not keep such a grave inclination a secret from his father and friends. By some means, easily imagined, his wild plan was communicated to the Duke of Epernon, who at once sum- moned him to Bordeaux. Miu'h as he loved and spoiled his favourite sim, the King's brotlier- in-law. La Valette, the Duke was not blind to the levity of his behaviour ; nor was he of a fabert's early troubles. 49 temper likely to leave liim in ignorance of his sentiments. In brief, Epernon soon reasoned Fabert out of bis notion of quitting France, renewed bis promise to give bim bigber rank as soon as he could, reconciled the offended ensign to La Valette, and sent him in company with the latter to Paris. Epernon had learned that the Duke of Elboeuf, a Guise, was not unlikely to fasten a quarrel on his son, and in case the difference led to a duel, Fabert was requested to act as second. In those days such a request, regarded as a great honour, must have flattered the young soldier. The paternal alarm proved to be unfounded, at least no duel ensued ; but the trust reposed in him enabled Fabert once more to visit Paris and his old comrades in the Guards. Sometime afterwards, the threatening motions of an Im- perialist army on the Rhine caused some anxiety for the safety of Metz. Governor La Valette was ordered to his post and directed to raise regiments. Again Fabert had the promise of a company in the new levies, but as the danger, if it ever existed, blew over, the order to array these frontier forces was cancelled, and the young man was left without the command he so feverishly desired. His thirst for service is commendable, but he deservedly suffered for his impatience. At length, in 1627, the Duke of Epernon, who never forgot, was able to reward bim. Returning to Bordeaux, after the fruitless sojourn in Metz, he found, on his arrival, that he had been posted to the regiment of " Rambures," and that the office he was to fill was that of Sergeant-Major. Rambures was one of the smaller " old corps " ; its Colonel belonged to a family famous in French military annals — the readers of Shakespeare will remember that " The master of the cross-bows, Lord Rambures," figures on the list of the dead at Agincourt, and on many a field did men bearing that name lie stark in after years. The 50 ABRAHAM FABERT. smaller old corps were part of the standiog army, but their strength in 1627 was only half that of the greater corps, such as those bearing the n-^.mes of Picardy, Normandy, Cham- pagne, and Piedmont, The difference was that one had six, and the other ten companies of a hundred men. The duties of a Sergeant-Major seem to have combined those of quarter-master and adjutant, and the excellence of a regiment largely depended upon the abilities of its Sergeant- Major. He was a mounted officer, and from his functions, practically second to the Mestre-dc-Camp, or Colonel. Fabert was thus promoted to a post of great responsibility, and he thought fit to consult on the occasion a certain La Hilliere, then in command at Loches, and himself Sergeant-Major of the Guards. La Hilliere, who had known him as a cadet, gave him good counsel and inspired him with confidence, for face to face with his weighty duties Fabert seems to have felt some trepidation. " A man of your age and abilities, who is afraid of failing," said La Hilliere, " is sure to succeed." Elated by the words of his old superior officer, he joined his regiment, then forming part of a force which was blockading Rochelle. From this date, he may be said to have started fairly on the loftier level which opened the road to that zealous and unremitting service which was to gain him the distinction he coveted and deserved. CHAPTER IV. FABERT BECOMES A CAPTAIN. During the five years following the peace of Montpellier, while Fabert was chafing under the stings of disappointment, or revenging his wrongs after the fashion of the day, or meditating on service in a foreign land, the Court and what, for politeness' sake, may be called the Administration, had varied in aspect from year to year. The play of intrigue in those exalted regions had been as incessant, as brilliant, and as sustained, but not so harmless as summer lightning ; and the young King, supposed erroneously to have no will of his own, no character, and not much intelligence, had, during his apprenticeship to the trade of kingcraft, tried and found want- ing many men who were thrust, or who had thrust themselves, into high places. In the fiscal and financial departments, for example, despite changes of persons, matters were always growing worse. Turkish misdeeds, under Abdul Aziz, sup- posed to be peculiarly " oriental," were not more stupid and dishonest than those which prevailed in " occidental " France. When the veterans, nicknamed the "harhons," who came in and flourished after the death of dAncre, were displaced in 1621, the Duke of Schomberg was appointed Superinten- dent of Finances. Knowing nothing of his business he could only follow the practice of his predecessors, who raised money by multiplying offices, obtaining advances of cash at high 52 ABRAHAM FABERT, rates of interest, and creating debt. Personally honest, be had neither the genius nor the power required to contend with the corrupt and corrupting methods of obtaining and disbursing money which then prevailed. He was soon " disgraced," that is, deprived of his post, and it was suggested to Louis that he had been guilty of " malversation." " If he has, it is not the fault of Schomberg, but of the King," said the blunt Robert Andilly to his Majesty. The King asked why. " Because, Sire," was the answer, " if your Majesty in making M. de Schomberg Superintendent, had at the same time given him power to nominate all those dependent on the office, he would have been responsible for their actions. But your Majesty sells the posts to the highest bidder, and only those buy who are passionately intent on growing rich." The King made no reply to the truth-teller, but he did not resent the telling of the truth. Indeed, at a later date, he wanted Andilly to purchase the post of Secretary of State for one hundred thousand crowns, which were to be paid over to the family of the defunct official. The offer was declined, with severe and uncourtly comment. Having entered the Court under Henry TV., he said, " I have been brought up in the belief that steady labour to deserve high posts would suffice, as it once did, to justify the hope that they could be obtained without payment," Now, whether he approved or not, the King was powerless to prevent the purchase and sale of places, and the custom was as thoroughly established when he died as it was when he ascended the throne. What is true of one superintendent is true of all, and La Vieuvillc, who succeeded Schomberg, fared rather worse, for he was not only disgraced, but arrested on charges never followed up. His brief term of oflico, liowevor, Avas rendered memorable by one act. He prevailed on the King to admit Richelieu, now a Cardinal, to a seat in the council. It was a mere FABEllT BECOMES A CAPTAIN. 53 foothold of power, but enough ; the Cai'diual, overcoming, by degrees, the repugnance which liad been instilled into the King, rooted himcelf every day more firmly in his confidence. The finances were not one whit the less viciously managed ; but Louis, at length, had found, and had the wit to keep, as his minister, the man of genius who had been striving so long and so fruitlessly to attain a station whence he could work, without stint, for the aggrandizement, the " pre- dominance," of France, and for her "glory" as well as his own. Surely, a monarch who could recognize, and, despite his prejudices, retain in his service a man of such unusual vigour, inventiveness and capacity, must have been very different from that mixture of cipher, idler, and slave, who inherited nothing from his father but his courage, which it has pleased so many excellent historians to compound as a fair representation of Louis XIII. The secret of the long relationship between the King and Statesman was a pro- found community of aims which led to the steadfast co- operation of both in the ambitious and exhausting task which they had set themselves to achieve — a large theme which may be more fitly handled on a later occasion. For the present we can only take note that the minister, beset on all sides, openly and furtively — by Gaston, the King's brother, by Anne the King's Avife, by women, like Marie de Rohan, the widow of Luynes and the wife of the Duke of Chevreuse, who had youth, beauty and ability, but not a spark of morality, and by men like the Vendomes and Ornanos — did more than defend himself, he retorted and triumphed. Why ? Not only because he was a strong man, but because he had the frank and steady support of the King. "By whomsoever you are attacked," wrote Louis, in 162G, "you will have me for second." The weak, vicious, and treacherous Gaston was reduced to ignoble submission, the Vendomes were imprisoned in Amboise, and Oruano shut up in the 54 ABRAHAM FABERT. Bastile where he died. The Duchess of Chevreuse, who had engaged in a plot to assassinate the Cardinal, and had pushed on to the scaffold her lover, Chalais, a Talleyrand with too much zeal (lie was her first but not her last victim), was herself banished. The punishment was slight ; but, as the P^re Grififet drily observes, these female conspirators were so audacious because women were never executed in France, an immunity which operated as a bounty on crime. " One day," writes Fontenay-Mareuil, " I saw all these ladies " — Chevreuse, Conti, La Valette — "at the bedside of Ornano, Gaston's bear leader. They were prattling to him in such a style that, if he had not been so old, and the ugliest man in the world, it might have been thought that they wanted to seduce him. He was so delighted that he could refuse them nothing ; " that is he joined the faction of both sexes, busied in con- triving the ruin of the Cardinal. Nor that only, for they wished to secure the plunder of the treasury, and to frustrate what the King and his minister held to be the patriotic policy. In that interval of five years, the King's sister Henrietta Maria, still a mere girl, had been married to Charles Stuart, and he had become King of England. One is astounded at the madness of these British marriages. The obstinacy, and we might almost say, the treachery of Marie de Medicis, forced on her boy son a Spanish bride, whose heart was Spanish to the core, while James Stuart first soiiglit a wife for Baby Charles in the bigoted Court of Madrid, and then accepted a Bourbon princess, whose religion was detested by the fierce people among whom she came to dwell, and whose royal brother was comioelled by the necessity of his position to wage war upon and subdue the high-tempered Protestants of France. How short-sighted the calculation that an alliance with England, against Austria and Spain, would be assured by such a match ! The King and his ministers, who FABERT BECOMES A CAPTAIX. 55 understood continental peoples and politics, knew little of the English, their temper or their institutions ; and the alliance soon dissolved in hostilities, not merely because Buckingham's vanity was cut to the quick by the refusal of Louis to bear with his presence in Paris, but mainly because the strong and rising Puritan party would not endure the toleration of Catholics at home or the persecution of Protestants abroad. Richelieu, who wanted internal tranquility, would have behaved fairly towards the Protestants, as such, but neither he nor the King could tolerate pretenders to a species of separate political status in the monarchy. When Soubise surprised the port of Blavet, captured and carried off the King's ships, and sought aid from Spain, war was unavoidable. The moderate section, aided by the converts, Lesdiguieres and La Force, endeavoured to restrain the enthusiasts ; but Soubise was intractable unto tlie end, and his brother Henry of Rohan felt bound in honour to stand by the cause, even when he disapproved the methods adopted to sustain it. In this second contest the Huguenots, defeated but not subdued, accepted an arrangement which left the quarrel undecided, and the French Court, at the same time, made peace with Spain, against which Power Louis was waging " unofficial war " in Italy and in the Orisons. The religious truce was not made to wear, and within a year of its conclusion, the smouldering fire broke out afresh. During the snatch of quiet the Cardinal fortified himself in his great office, bore harshly on his inveterate foes, as they would have borne upon him : demolished the feudal castles, a popular stroke ; suppressed the dignity of Constable on the death of Lesdiguieres; deprived the Duke of Mont- morency of " the Admiralty," paying him an indemnity, and took to himself what we should call the ministry of the Marine and Commerce, thus resuming the work which Sully began and Colbert completed — the establishment of the i 56 ABRAHAM FABEKT. French Navy. So that ^Yhen the Huguenots could bear their wroncfs no longer, and Enf^hmd from beinsc estranged had become openly hostile to France, the King and Richelieu found themselves strong enough to undertake a war for the subjection of the Protestants, a bitter war Avhich had begun when Fabert joined his regiment before unyielding Rochelle. Before the famous siege began he had time to take up his new duties. Although the Colonel of Rambures was a brave soldier, a " come along," and not a "go along " officer, he does not appear to have been an adept in the art of rendering his officers and men formidable by their discipline. Now Fabert had precisely those qualities which enable a man to impose his will without arousing the mutinous tendencies which order and rigour are apt to provoke. He found dissensions existing among the officers, and where that is the case the rank and file are not likely to be obedient and well in hand. He composed the differences by mingled firmness and courtesy, and inspired both officers and men with that csjmt dc corps so essential to regimental efficiency. It was his first essay in an art which he developed in perfection, and Rambures was so well trained and disciplined under the hands of Fabert, that it was called a " model regiment." He won the confidence of the corps, the lasting friendship of its gallant colonel, and the admiration of the army. An officer of that stamp was certain not to be overlooked by the King who, though re- served and undemonstrative, had an observing eye and a tenacious memory. It is also recorded of Fabert that he declined to take extra allowances and perquisites pertaining by custom to his office, and contented himself witli his pay and the fare accorded to the staff ; no slight merit in a grasp- ing and venal age. Disinterestedness was one of his character- istics throughout his life. Greedy of employment and honour, he had no ambition to grow rich. The reformation of Rambures was effected in the period FABEET BECOMES A CAPTAIN. 57 between tlic defeat of Buckingham, which preceded the arrival of Fabert in the camp, and the buikling of the " dyke " across the channel leading from the ocean to Rochelle. Tije story of the "descent on the' Isle of Re " is well known, and need not be repeated ; but one little inci- dent recorded by Puysegur, then an ensign in the Guards, and forward in the action, suggests a picture of the unlucky favourite which might have drawn a smile as well as a tear from Anne of Austria, who, the scandal-mongers say, prayed for the success of her splendid admirer. The English troops, in retreating upon their enforced point of embarkation, were compelled to traverse a narrow causeway, bordered by shallow waters and deep mud. Young Puysegur, with the leading files, " cnfan!> perdiis" he calls them, of the foremost company of Guardsmen, declares that near a one-arched bridge he recognized " Bouquinkan " (Buckingham) — thus showing how, like the brave man he was, " Steenie " fought to the last with the sturdy and hardly-pressed rear-guard. Now, the object of the little ensign was to capture the great Duke. " But," the narrative continues, " his soldiers who were on the bridge promjatly laid hands on him, some seizing him by the arm- pits, others by the legs, and, hoisting him aloft, passed him from hand to hand " until he was in safety. The bridge was short, and the summary mode of transport brief in duration, " so that he could not be captured ; " but," says the lively Gascon, " we took le Mylord Montoigre," otherwise Lord Mountjoy, who certainly was made prisoner, and conveyed, it seems, to the rear by Sergeant Chavannes, who served in the company commanded by Captain la Salle, to which Ensign Puysegur belonged. As a guardsman he must have seen Buckingham in Paris when he w^ore his " rich Avhite satin uncut velvet suit set all over" with diamonds, or one of his twenty-seven other suits, "all rich as invention could frame, or art fashion ; " and perhaps the contrast between the 58 ABRAHAM FABERT. dazzling courtier and the besmirched soldier, handled like a bale of goods, presented itself to the mind of the eager ensign, when deprived of a splendid prize. It was not the good fortune of Fabert to have any part in the defeat of Buckingham. He came too late. Nor do we know that he did anything of mark during the winter months of 1627-28, beyond his successful management of Ram- bures. Vague reports of uncertain value represent him as sedulously studying the building of the dyke, and suggesting plans for improving the methods employed in its construction. Nor is that unlikely, seeing that he was ingenious, and had a strong bias towards all kinds of mechanical contrivances ; but whether he wrote out his ideas or not, he must have lingered long on the sandy shores watching the works. It is remarkable that the originator of the scheme for shutting up Rochelle does not appear to be known. If, as one report states, the Duke of Epernon advised the construction in 1621-22, it may be that Fabert, who had reconnoitred the country about Rochelle, was the author. But the project is attributed also to an Italian engineer, and to the father and brother of Fabert, though neither he nor they ever laid claim to the honour. Fontenay-Mareuil, a sober, well-informed person, says that the enterprise, as finally undertaken, was devised by Clement Metezeau, the King's chief architect, and Jean Tiriot, one of the principal masons of Paris. It was a great work, much bungled at the beginning, but successfully accomplished in the end. During its progress the veteran Spinola came to spy into the prospects of the blockade, gave his approval, counselled patience, and left for Madrid, con- fident that Rochelle would fall by famine, and that this thorn in the side of Spain's antagonist would be removed. The old warrior-merchant did n(jt know that he was soon to begin his last siege, and die in harness in front of Casale on the Po, not far from his own native city. FABEllT BECOMES A CAPTAIN. 59 While Rochclle, sealed up by land and sea, would not yield, Henry of llolian had raised the south, and Conde \Yas sent thither to command against him. But he was no match for the greatest French soldier of his day, one whose campaigns in the mountain lands of France, in the Grisons and the Val- telline, and whose military memoirs are still studied and admired. Cond^, no soldier and a selfish politician, more apt to begin than able to finish an enterprise, was aided by the generous Montmorency, beloved in Languedoc, and the im- perious Eperuon, whose province was Guyenne, and who was not much loved anywhere. Kohan, although he liad nothing wherewith to fight and manoeuvre except armed peasants and stout burghers, was superior to the trio, and the King, before Rochclle, was 'obliged to detach troops, for the incapacity and ferocity of Conde called into the field men who were neutral, and the Huguenot leader, by wise and swift m.ovements, continuously tumbled into ruin the plans of his opponents. Among the reinforcements sent southward was the regiment of Rambures, and thus Fabert once more found himself with his exalted and captious but faithful friend the Duke of Epernon. Into the details of the campaign it is needless to enter, further than to say that the King and Richelieu being alarmed and dissatisfied, Epernon sent Fabert to explain and defend his share, and so well did he fulfil his task that the Cardinal gave up his suspicions, expressed his approval of the Duke's conduct, and took note of the envoy, the sole fact important to us. The hideous and revolting kind of warfare carried on against the Protestants in. the South, lighted up and made in some degree memorable by the heroism, the genius, and the unflagging activity of Rohan, lingered through the summer, and as winter approached, Fabert, probably in the suite of Epernon, once more joined the army engaged in reducing by stress of famine the unyielding burghers of 60 ABRAHAM FABEllT. Rochelle, Animated by Mayor Guiton, a hero half merchant, half sailor, sustained by the example of Rohan's mother and sister, the little garrison, and the emaciated townsfolk would not surrender until they had literally nothing edible left to eat. Fabert, always on the alert, was one of the first to enter the desolate city, and he has left a brief yet moving picture of the horrible scene. The streets were strewn with dead bodies, the houses were sepulchres, " one could not step without moving through a foetid atmosphere exhaled by the dead and dying. The cemeteries were covered with corpses, and I have heard," he goes on, " that numbers of persons had dug their own graves, and lain down beside them to await death and burial. Thus they died without consolation, as they had lived without hope. However they might pity one another, each one kept his charity for himself. But the rich, when I entered, had come to this — they flung from their windows a species of paste made from the leather of old boots, shoes, harness, and other execrable matters, and the poor never ceased to swallow this nourishment, until the King sent a supply of bread from the commissariat of the army." It is said that when the place at length surrendered, there were only one hundred and thirty-six men able to bear arras ! Richelieu had been thirteen months before the town ; he broke her proud spirit, abolished her franchises, and threw down her walls; but he left behind a desert. Rochelle, the last of the republican municipalities, has never regained that power and prosperity which she owed to her liberty and independence. The policy of crushing the internal enemy of unity and absolute government, in order to pave the way for that external activity which was to make France " preponderant," and enlarge her borders until they included the region of Gaul, as described by Caesar, was not yet triumphant. The FABERT BECOMES A CAPTAIN. Gl bulwark of the Protestant League had fallen, but Rohan and the people of the hill cities, and people of the South Avere in arms, their firm spirit still unsubdued. Luckily, or rather unluckily for them, since the lapse of time only prolonged their agony, the Duke of Mantua died, and was succeeded by his cousin Charles Gonzaga, whose father Ludovic had acquired the French title of Duke of Nevers by marriage with the heiress of Francois de la March Cleeves, plus the favour of Charles IX. The Duchy of Mantua was a fief of the Empire, and the Duke had large possessions in Montserrat, coveted and claimed by his uncle, Charles Emmanuel, Duke of Savoy. Neither the Emperor Ferdinand, nor the Savoyard, nor Spain, could quietly endure a French interest establislied on the Mincio and the Po, and as Louis was resolved to uphold his friendly Gonzaga, the Mantuan succession led to an Italian campaign, which was to serve the double purpose of support- ing Nevers, and of relieving Casale, where an impromptu French garrison, composed of French troops which had hurried thither from the Valtelline, was besieged by a Spanish army under that Gonzalez of Cordova, whom, in 1622, we saw on the track of MansfeWt in Champagne. Until Pocbelle surrendered, the French King could not move ; but no sooner had Guiton struck his flag, than the army was directed upon Dauphiny, and with it marched Rambures and its Sergeant-Major, Fabert. Leaving a force to watch Rohan, Louis, in the depth of winter, led his troops through the valleys and over the hills of Dauphiny ; and following the mountain road from Brian^on to Turin, over tlie Col of Mount Genevre, found his march in the early spring arrested by a triple range of barricades erected in the narrow gorge down which the Dora hurries towards the Po, and known in French histories as the Pas de Suse. Charles Emmanuel had fortified this extremely narrow defile, lioping that he would be able to hold it until the Spaniards came G2 ABRAHAM FABERT, to his assistance, and he therefore temporized as long as he could, asking for time, when Louis required a direct answer to the question — Are you a foe, or a friend ? Charles, indeed, always played too fine a game, and frequently over-reached himself, but it must be admitted that his situation, pressed upon by France, the Empire, and Spain, was most perplexing. The French, cooped up in the hills, their front being at Chiomonte, were not inclined to lose all their labour by delay, and they determined to force the pass. It was here that Fabert displayed, not only his intrepidity, that was a common quality in the camp, but his skill as a soldier, which was not so common. While lying before the works he had been directed to reconnoitre them, having already a reputation for accurate observation and sound judgment. He made a close inspection, and drew a sketch of the position occupied by the Piedmontese, which showed that it was strong in front, but could be turned on both flanks, and he indicated a farmstead, which, while it would serve best as a position for a containing force, would also facilitate an attack. Rambures was ordered to occupy this post, but some of the officers, more valorous than wise, insist- ing that it was too far from the enemy, obtained authority to push the troops forward to a collection of huts which Fabert had declared were untenable. Angered by the change, he nevertheless led the men of Rambures into this exposed spot, and although they lost heavily, he was not content until the whole position had been explored, and its untenable character demonstrated, and he made one officer, especially, accompany him across the open, under firo, to complete the survey. His reason for this reckless adventure was not only to prove that his judgment was correct, but that while he ardently wished to spare the soldiers, hn was not liiinsolf nfVnid of getting too (■hjse to the enemy. Tli;it j)urposc was achieved, and he naturally rose in the estimation of the troops as a prudent FA BERT BECOMKS A CAPTAIN. G3 as well as a brave officer. In the end, his plan of a flank attack was adopted, and the barricades were carried in one day. It has been asserted over and over again that the victory- was won by the irresistible '^ furia fraiiccse'' which triumphed on ground where a handful might stop an army. The truth is that so soon as the heights on each flank were crowned and shots dropped in from the rear, the handful (2,500 men) very properly retreated, precisely the result anticipated by Fabert. Puysegur, who was present, has put the fact in a sentence. " The barricades," he says, " although very difficult, Avere forced because means were found to turn the right and left by climbing the rocks, which the enemy thought were inaccessible. When these had been surmounted, and the French saw into the rear of the entrenchments, the defenders retired." So that the barricades were captured by the application of means which small bodies cannot resist, and large bodies only can apply. One of the regiments employed to turn a flank, as we learn from Fontenay-Mareuil, was recruited among the mountaineers of Dauphiny. The fruits of this combat were the surrender of Susa, and in a few days the acceptance by the Court of Turin of the terms offered by Louis. Charles Emmanuel himself came to Susa, and heard from his royal host the story of the Alpine march. Then the King led the Duke of Savoy to a windaw, and pointing to a sentinel on guard, said : " That soldier possesses thirty thousand livres a year, his name is Breaut^, and it was his grandfather who fought against Gravandon in Flanders. I have four hundred well-to-do gentlemen in my guards, who, before they become officers, learn the trade of a soldier in the ranks." This Breaute, tlie sentinel, came of a fighting family who lived in the Pays de Caux ; for the grandfather referred to, Cliarlos of Breaute, was he Avho, in 1600, while serving under Maurice of Nassau, got up a combat 64 ABRxVHAM FABERT. between twenty Frenchmen and twenty Flemings. He killed his adversary, says Sully, but was afterwards assassinated himself, that is, a confirmed duellist, he was executed by the Governor of Bois le Due. In fact, Breaute had been banished from France because he could not refrain from provoking and fighting duels. King Louis, we see, was wont to take note of his soldiers. Puysegur naively relates how, being shabbily dressed, and being unable to get better clothes because the heavy baggage had been left at Grenoble, the King, who wanted the ensign to look decent when the Princess of Pied- mont, his sister, arrived to witness a review, told him to choose one out of three suits, his Majesty's sole stock of raiment, and how the little man selected the most brilliant, scarlet in hue, and braided all over with silver and gold. So with Fabert. After the fight before Susa, the King presented him to Richelieu, saying : "Here is the brave major of whom I have spoken to you, and to whom I owe the success of this great day" — a sufficient testimony to the service rendered by the young staff-officer, who coidd not only draw a field sketch and make a daring reconnaissance, but had sound ideas of warfare. One effect of the bold dash over the Alps was the immediate relief of Casale, from which Cordova retired, and another to set free a part of the French army for a brief and final campaign against the Huguenots. Crequi was left at Susa witii a small force ; the rugged Thoiras, who had stopped Buckingham's career in the Isle of Re, was sent with another to Casale; while the King and Richelieu recrossed the Alps. The campaign of 1G29 aga'nst Rohan lasted not more than six weeks, for the Protestants in arms were exhausted, and their superb leader, not less than the Cirdinal, desired to end the torment. Like all continental civil wars of that date it was a hideous business, yielding only profit and no honour. When the royal army broke into the Vivarais, captured and FABERT BECOMES A CAPTAIN. 65 sacked Privas, and compelled Alais to surrendci-, Rolian saw that resistance was hopeless, and another peace was made on the basis of an amnesty and the confirmation of the Edict of Nantes, but the fortified towns lost their defences, and property confiscated on both sides during the war was restored. Much to the chagrin of the grasping Prince of Conde, Rohan recovered his large estates, but was ordered to quit France, a mild penalty considering that he had received subsidies from Spain to carry on the civil war. During its continuance Fabert had won fresh renown in the attack on Privas. Leading the volunteers of Rambures he carried a horn- work by escalade, and pressing the fugitives dashed into a demi-lune, but was driven out by the defenders. Wounded in the thigh by a musket-shot, he continued to command his men until they had made good and secured themselves in the horn-work. Then the pain subdued him, and he was borne out of the work and transported to Valence. His forward valour had not been unobserved. When he rejoined the King, Louis not oidy applauded his courage and endurance, he declared that such conspicuous acts should not be forcrotten. In a short time he sent him a commission as Captain in Rambures with authority to retain his post as Sergeant- Major, an innovation upon the established rule. The fastidious and scrupulous character of Fabert led him to decline the promotion. He looked on the proffer as a slight to the Duke of Epernon, from whom, as Colonel-General of Infantiy, his rank derived. He does not seem to have recog- nized the fact that Louis had in 1620 diminished the pre- rogatives of the imperious Colonel-General. At any rate, out of regard for Epernon and what he considered to be the army customs, he risked giving mortal offence to the King. His Colonel, Rambures, did all he could to mollify the royal anger, but Louis was not appeased, and he turned his back on Fabert when he appeared in Court. The King was in the GG ABRAHAM FABERT. riglit on tliis occasion and Fabert in the wrong, but he pre- ferred to hazard his chances of advancement rather than even seem ungrateful to the Duke who had always been his friend. At this juncture the Duke of la Valette was directed to escort Rohan to Venice, and Fabert thought it prudent to accompany him ; but he did not stay long in the beautiful City of the lagoons. On quitting Italy he travelled to Metz, perhaps was sum- moned thither by his father, who still desired to withdraw his son from the career of arms. He offered him land and gold, pleading that he would only receive hard knocks and ill- usage in the service of the King. The Sergeant-Major was proof against the temptation, saying that he had good hopes of winning the King's favour when he had deserved it, and that he could not take what should be shared by his brother and sister. He was sickly at Metz, and starting to rejoin his regiment too soon, he be:;ame worse at Lyons, suJBfering from dysentery and fever. Here he remained several weeks, but, despite medical warnings, he once more mounted his horse and rode forth eastward. For the quarrel with Charles Emmanuel had broken out again ; Louis was marching on )Savoy at the head of a large army, and Fabert could not willingly rest when his regiment was in the field. When he overtook the troops, he went to Conrt, and Louis, who had forgotten and forgiven, welcomed the young soldier with gracious words. The royal army easily captured Chambery, and then the regiment of Rambures was ordered to attack Fort I'Esquille. Fabert, alone, and at night, made such a close inspection of the fort, that he was able to indicate the Aveak points, and it soon surrendered, but, so far as appears, it was badly guarded and not stiffly defended. La Tour Car- l)oni('r(3, a stronger place, proved more diflHcult to reduce, and did not r.ill until (Jhanipagne liad been reinforced by Ram- bures. Tlicu the King overran the Tarentaise and the FABERT BECOMES A CAPTAIX. 67 Maurienne, aud Prince Thomas retreated into Piedmont by the Little St. Bernard. King Louis now falling ill of a fever, returned to Lyons, escorteil by the regiments of Picardy and Rambures. Quitting the field of action much against his will, Fabert employed his leisure while at Lyons in studying mathematics. He was obliged to do so in secret, for the French noblesse still looked on the profound knowledge of any science, even one which was useful to a soldier, as a personal degradation. Fabert, says the Pere Barre, concealed his serious studies so well, that during five-and-twenty years of his military life the officers with whom he served never looked on him as a learned geometrician, but believed that he had acquired what he knew solely from experience in warfare. That contempt for learning of all kinds was, as we have shown, an unhappy characteristic of a noblesse which had little in common with a genuine aristocracy except pride of birth and courage. The new war in Italy, still nominally waged for the relief of Cjsale, now besieged by Spinola, brought out the Cardinal in a new character. Prime Minister since the end of 1629, Lieutenant-General and representative of the King, Richelieu the next year led an army under his personal command through the passes into Piedmont, and figured as a fighting priest. It has been said that he was so jealous of superior military merit that he could not allow a Crequi, a Bassom- pierre, or a Schomberg to win renown at the head of an army, lest it should dim his own; just as it has been asserted that Louis XIII. gave hi.^ brother Gaston no employment lest the laurels of the Prince should eclipse those of the King. Surely this opinion rests on a profound misconception of the facts. Richelieu may have been vain of a promotion which enabled him to ride about in plumed head-gear, clad in a cuirass and armed with sword and pistol, but he must have been set over the generals in oixler to ensure unity in working 68 ABRAHAM FABERT. out the political policy, and energy in pressing on the military movements. He was a negotiator as well as a general, and none of the nobles named had sufficient capacity to fill the post. Henry of Rohan was the only living soldier-statesman who would have been competent to fulfil the task, but he was not available. Richelieu may have been a poor commander, but he was a consummate politician, and the King made him his delegate or viceroy jDrecisely because he could trust him to work for their common ends, Louis could not employ or trust Gaston, because the young man had neither ability nor character, and few things are moi'e creditable to the Kinsf than his willingness on all occasions to forgive this weak and worthless brother, whose proneness to conspire was only equalled by his readiness to betray. Richelieu, misled by Giulio Mazzarini, who first appeared on the scene in French liistory during this eventful year, had delayed his advance ; and when he marched, instead of attacking Charles Emmanuel promptly on the Dora, near Avigliana, turned southward and seized Pignerolo. He gained the command of a secure road into Italy, but he risked the loss of Mantua, which soon capitulated, and of Casale, where Thoiras had once more to show his indomitable j^luck. The plague, or some malignant malady, raged in every camp, and the French army, under Schomberg and La Force, beyond the Alps, was in danger. A greater plague and peril existed in France, where the Queen-motlier, the Queen, and a host of malcontents were striving to ruin Richelieu durinix his absence. They might have spared their labour, for he was too firmly fixed ; yet they had weight enough to bring the Cardinal back from the camp to fight alike for his i^ower and his policy. The result was a disappointment for the intriguers. Michclicu did not n^turn to Italy, as they would have wished ; but strong reinforcements were sent thither tlir(jugh Savoy under Montmorency and Effiat, the father of FABEllT BECOMES A CAPTAIN. GO Cinq Mars, and a really honest Superintendent of Finances as well as a respectable soldier. Louis and the Cardinal accompanied the troops as far as the Maurienne, and thence on their way over Mont Ceuis. It was a critical moment. The wasted army under La Force about Pignerolo was isolated. The mountain mass which separates the valley of the Dora Riparia from the Val Clusone interposed between the succours descending the Mont Cenis and the troops at Pignerolo ; while the levies of Charles Emmanuel, entrenched at Avigliana, were on the left flank of the advancing succour. The French at St. Ambrogio, on the right bank of the Dora, had to find their way to the road in the face of the menacing Italian camp. Fabert with Rambures was that day in the rear-guard ; and as the Italians attacked the French when their cokmins were committed to the flank march towards and into the hill country, they were in manifest hazard. La Force, it is true, had come up to Giaveno, but could give no aid. The defile to be passed was less than five miles, but the road was bad, and the flat country seamed with irrigation channels and rivulets. According to Effiat's account, Montmorency, whose turn to command for a week had arrived, disdained the prudent advice of La Force, which was that he should leave his baggage at Susa and march at dawn. On the contrary, he sent his heavy train forward so late that it was nearly noon before the troops could move. Then the army, which had been in position fronting Avigliana, marched off in succes- sion from the right, battalion after battalion plunging into the defile. The Italians had a great opportunity, but Prince Thomas was not quick enough, he waited until he thought the weak- looking troops in sight were a sure prey. Then he issued out in three separate columns, instead of throwing the bulk of his force upon the head of the retiring rear-guard. The 70 ABRAHAM FABERT, consequence was that Effiat and Montmorency, nsing tlie superior French horsemen, fell fiercely on and routed the Italian cavalry, drove off the astonished and discouraged infantry, and made good their junction with La Force at Giaveno. It was not a brilliant example of warfare on either side, but on this occasion the "fiiria franccsc " on horseback saved the army from disaster, and hid the blunders under a flash of glory. During the combat, however, the left Italian column gained an advantage over Picardy and R.imbures. The French faniassins, yielding to an impetuous onset, left Fabert and his colonel with a handful of men exposed to the assault of a much stronger body. The former saAV that in the narrow way his handful would be equal to their hundreds provided he fell on at once. The Colonel, admitting his argument, that safety alone could be secured by a brusque attack, and that the example thus afforded would rally the fugitives, gave in, and dashing forward, they were speedily reinforced by their conn^ades, and thus by bold, hard fighting repelled an attempt which had it been successful would have cut off the cavalry. Fabert was as prompt, cool, and sure- eyed in battle as he was judicious in council, and the day brought him new renown. The combined French force, before succouring Casale, besieged and took Saluzzo, thus recovering possession of the eastern slope of the Aljis from the Mont Cenis to the Col de I'Argentiere. In the attack on the town of Saluzzo, Fabert was engaged with his regiment, and carried away the marks of two nmsket balls in his hat. He also displayed his customary hardihood in reconnoitring the citadel ; but when he made his report to the Colonel, M. de Rambures, without questioning its accuracy, insisted on seeing for himself, saying that his duty compelled him to do so. The Colonel on horseback and Fabert on foot advanced to the ditch, made their observations, and set out to return. On the way FABERT BECOMES A CAl'TAIN. 71 from camp Fabert said to Rambures, "I liave a presentiment that some misfortune will befall yon." " Come along," answered the Colonel. Now Fabert seems at this time to have been a dandy, for he wore a satin jDourpoint, braided with gold and silver ; and Rambures, clad in sober raiment, insisted on returning that his brilliant subordinate should go in front. "Well," said the Colonel, "you are no propliet." " I hope so," was the reply, " but we are not yet out of range." The garrison, whose watch must have been very slack, at this moment caught sight of the scouting officei-s. Two shots were fired, one of which hit the horse- man in his right shoulder, and the other struck off some of the gold braid from Fabert's dress. He conducted his Colonel safely to the camp, but it is not said that, warned by the misadventure, he wore less finery when he started out to inspect a fortress. Fabert now, in common with hundreds of his comrades, was afflicted with fever, barely escaped with his life, and was carried to recruit his shattered health to Chateau Dauphiny, whence, as a peace had been patched up at Ratisbon, he travelled to Metz. A death vacancy occurred in his regiment, and the next year, 1631, at the request of the Colonel, the King not only bestowed the company upon Fabert, but permitted him as before to retain also his post of Sergeant-Major, an especial act of grace, and a strong testimony to the merit of Fabert, who had the satisfaction of knowing that Epernon approved the transaction. It is recorded that Fabert, hearincj that he was distressed, and intimating that the money came from the King, paid over the price of the company, 7000 livres, to the brother of the defunct captain, who forthwith thanked Louis ; and thus what was considered an act of remarkable generosity, became known to the Court, through the King, who often praised the disinterestedness of a man capable of paying for a death 72 ABRAHAM FABEIIT. vacancy. These are the traits which distinguish our hero, and throw his character into high rehef upon the back- ground of selfishness and depravity furnished by his age. After eighteen years' service as cadet and officer, before he obtained the rank of captain, great events had made memorable the autumn and winter months of 1G30. Charles Emmanuel, who was sixty-eight, and had reigned fifty years, died of chagrin when Saluzzo fell, and the French outposts were brought once more over the Alps. He was a man of great qualities, good and bad, and his " brave heart " broke when the work of a life was undone in a summer's day. A bold warrior, fighting sometimes pike in hand, a perfidious intriguer, cheating and being cheated, a friend of authors and poets, and a man of letters himself, a sovereign prince with big ideas of Italian regeneration — it was his fate to be styled " the disturber of Europe, and the scourge of his people,*' names he did not deserve more than his contemporaries in places of power, except that he failed where some of them succeeded. His son Victor Amadeus I. did not long keep up a show of resistance to the French, but was party to a transaction whereby some share of Montserrat came to him, and Casale was relieved. The incidents which made the close of the siege memorable liave been often told, having attracted attention because Mazzarini, who was to be famous as Mazarin, played therein such a conspicuous and dramatic part. But there was one scene in the melodrama which has not been so frequently described, although it illustrates the curious mixture of religion and ferocity often visible in seventeenth century wars. Spinola had died of vexation during the siege, and Santa Crocc, his successor, commanded the Spanish army. The French approached the lines of the besiegers on the south-eastern face, both armies were arranged for a fight, and the intrepid Thoiras was ready to break out from FA13KRT liKCOAlES A CAPTAIN. 73 the citadel and take his share in the engagement. The sun shone from a cloudless sky on that 26th of October, 1630 ; every detail on each array in the field was visible to the other, and both were beheld at once from the citadel. There were three French Marshals present, and it was Schoniberg's turn to command. He drew up his twenty thousand men in four lines, witli a spray of ciifans ]3crdiiSy or skirmishers, in front, and the regular cavalry, as well as the mounted noblesse of Dauphiny, were oppo3ite the intervals ready to charge. In this impressive order, and in " silence " — a phenomenon noticed at the time as unusual in their ranks — the French advanced until nearly within cannon shot; when, at a signal the mass halted, and simultaneously knelt down to pray — a most singular spectacle ! Then followed the order to attack, silently and cheerfully obeyed. It was not to be ; for Mazzarini, amid a sputter of musketry and cannon, suddenly appeared, and rode down at a gallop between the armies, staying the incipient fight, and bringing acceptable terms of peace, which he had been busily engaged in pressing on both sides. The terms are of little moment now to any one ; but Schoniberg's report on the campaign, detailed and precise, is well worth reading by students in the operations of war as they were conducted before Gustavus broke into Germany, and set an example which Conde of Rocroi, Guubriant, and especially Turenne were not slow to imitate and expand. In that autumn of 1630, while Fabert was recovering from his fever at Chateau Dauphiny, Richelieu ran his greatest risk of total ruin. For the King was sick unto death at Lyons ; his wife and mother, who tended liim, and tlie grandees who wished well to Spain and ill to the Cardinal, plied the suffering monarch with every kind of argument, every species of calumny, and no lack of cries and tears, in order to procure Richelieu's dismissal, probably murder. 74 ABRAHAM FAP.ERT. They counted so securely on the King's death that Bassom- pierre hid in his pocket au order from Gaston to arrest the Cardinal ! Great was their consternation and rage when Louis grew first less ill, and then able to travel slowly to Paris. Yet, in his weakly and distressed condition, the two queens, especially his mother, deprived him of needful repose by uncjasing and remorseless attacks, and so far succeeded as to extort some promise adverse to the minister. But as he regained strength his resistance grew stouter, and it is baiely conceivable that, being sound in mind and body, the King would ever part with a servant who was not oidy superior to all around him, but in thorough political accord with his master and colleague. Unity of aim was the bond that knitted these two men together, a fact which the queens and courtiers do not appear to have understood. Nor do they seem to have appreciated that strong quality in the Bourbon prince which made him capable of sacrificing the less to the greater. Personally he had no love for Richelieu, but if he did not find the man amiable, he felt that the minister was what may be called a colleague after his own heart ; and he sacrificed his dislikes for the sake of the large enterprise upon which both were engaged. Much has been made of the King's moments of weakness. Louis XIII. would have been more than mortal if he had been always strong. He evidently gave way a little to buy peace from the queens at a price which buys none. But when the real crisis came he was, in the end, always firm. It was because the queens and their confederates did not take into account the grit, as hard as millstone, which was at the back of Louis* mind, that there was a Day of Dupes. Tlie terrible scene in the Luxembourg is nowhere narrated with such dramatic vigour and authen- ticity as it is in the pages of St. Simon's ParallMe. The (Ictails of that encounter came from the elder St. Simon, the King's favourite, and the only eye and ear witness who has FABETiT BECOMES A CAITAIX. 75 reported lliein, and tlicy are set clown by the pen cf a master in the art of swift, full, and graphic narration. Finding the King so unwilling to dismiss Richelieu, Queen Marie prufessed lier readiness to meet him at the council board, and in addition to receive back into her graces his niece, Madame de Combalet, whose husband, a relative of Luynes, was killed at Montpellier. Both were to be received at the Queen's " toilette " in the Luxembourg. On the morning of November 11th, 1630, besides Marie, the King, and St. Simon, the favourite, none else were admitted, not even the Captain of the Guard, except the serving men and women, who did not count as " persons." Louis and his mother were talking of the reconciliation when Madame de Combalet was admitted. The poor lady, who knelt at the feet of her mistress, and spoke with great humility and submission, was received with a chilling stare. Then the coldness of Marie became irritation, which grew into anger, and tlien an outburst of downright passion, which exhaled " in bitter reproaches, a torrent of abuse, and by degrees that kind of abuse which is only lieard in les hallcs," or, as we should say, in Billingsgate. The King struck in, recalling the promises made to him, reminding his mother when her language became coarse that he was present, and that her Majesty should respect herself. " Nothing could arrest the torrent. From time to time the King, looking at my father, made gestures of astonishment and vexation ; and my father, motionless, with his eyes fixed on the floor, dared only cast rare and stealthy glances at the King. He never described this ' nt(!iiay-]\I;ircnil says tliiitrCorbie surrondered quickly to thoKint^, liecause llie Spaiiisli and Flemish idllcers were anxious to reach the Low Countries in time to secure ^ood winter quarters, without which their companicH, upon which they absolutely depended, would melt away in THE STAFF OFFICER. 121 greatest risk ; for the King's brother Gaston, the Count of Soissons, also a prince of the bloofl, and their more desperate adherents, who scrupled at nothing, resolved to seize if not to slay him. The King lodged iu a castle near Amiens; the Cardinal abode in the town, where the councils were held. One day in October, when the council broke up, Louis, as usual, drove off to his quarters, but Richelieu remained trans- acting business. The propitious opportunity appeared to have come, and one of the conspirators, whom we guess to have been Montresor, stealthily asking his chiefs whether they per- sisted in their design, was told that they did. When the Cardinal came down the stairs, the would-be abductors or assassins were posted in his way, so that he could not have escaped death or capture. But here Gaston's courage failed. To the disgust of Montresor, his principal fled up-stairs in such haste that all the bravo, for he was little else, could do was to seize the fugitive prince by the collar, hasten with him side by side, and remonstrate on the loss of a golden moment. Gaston would not give the signal, stammering out that he could not do it. While this conflict of will was soinsf on, the Count of Soissons, in order to detain him, stood calmly talking to Richelieu, at whose back waited a resolute assassin, supported by two others who were near at hand. Soissons, indeed, was ready for the stroke, but dared not act alone ; and when Montresor came back without an order from Gaston, they all saw that the grand design had broken down. Riche- lieu entered his carriage and drove away quietly, little think- ing, to use the words of Montresor himself, the business-like narrator of the story, that he had escaped the greatest danger he had ever run throughout his whole life. The Princes had five hundred armed gentlemen in Amiens, and none can the winter ! He also says tliat the King's levies, unaccustomed to hard- ships, sufFered dreadfully from the sickness caused by the continual rain . ]22 ABRAHAM FABERT. doubt that desperadoes like Alexander Campion, Varicarville, JMontresor, and especially St. Ibal, if it were he who was the fourth, would have stabbed or kidnapped Kichelieu had Gaston of Orleans possessed nerve enough to say a single word, which Soissons would certainly have said without a moment's hesitation. Had Richelieu been murdered at Amiens on that momentous day in October, the stream of French history would have run in other channels, and Abraham Fabert would not have become a Marshal of France. CHAPTER VII. HIS WORK IN THE CAMPAIGN OF 1G37. The King had returned to Paris when Fabert arrived from La Valette's head-quarters to give an account of the campaign; but his stay in the capital was brief, and he was back in Lorraine by the middle of December. He was present and active at the capture of St. Avoid and Cr^ange, and in February 1637 was directed to inspect the frontier forts of Picardy, so carelessly examined the year before. It is not, however, at all certain that La Capelle and St. Quentin, what- ever may have been the case with Corbie, fell an easy prey to the invaders because they were not well-provided, for the Baron de Bee, at least, was forced by his soldiers to capitulate. He was a relative of Saint Simon, who boldly took his part, but Richelieu was too strong for the "favourite," who, although obliged to forfeit his post, never lost the friendship of the King. The truth seems to be that Richelieu, or rather the War Office, had neglected the forts, and were surprised by the Spanish incursion ; and that the Governors, who were all sentenced to death in their absence, for all three escaped, paid for the oversight of the great men in Paris. Richelieu gained nothing by driving Saint Simon from the Court, since Cinq Mars, the favourite who succeeded, had none of the solid qualities of Saint Simon, and proved in the end to be an unscrupulous and dangerous conspirator. Fabert, as may be supposed, did not fail to see for himself that the frontier 124 ABRAHAM FABERT. posts were in proper order. He thoroughly explored the arsenals and magazines ; ascertained, by an exact stock- taking, that the guns and munitions were or were not there ; took note of quality as well as quantity; caused the defici- encies to be made good, and, of course, directed the completion of imperfect defensive works. He held the sound opinion that a state should be always ready to make war. Louis showed his esteem for the captain-major by giving him Rembervillers and two other small places in Lorraine, as well as by promoting him to the command of a company in the regiment of Picardy, the first on the roll of the "old" regiments. When La Valette was appointed to command an army intended to operate in Flanders, and begged the King to give him Fabert, the request was readily granted. The post he was to fill and did fill was something like that of confidential adviser, or chief of the staff, although modern terms do not apply with any precision to the loose military arrangements of those days. Thus the commander-in-chief had under him his brother, the Duke of Candale, as "lieutenant-general," a title which appears first in 1635, and the Count of Guiche, Turenne, and Rambures as mar4chaux-de-cam'p, who were also practically lieutenant- generals. Fabert's position among these old comrades and superiors in rank was peculiar. He had no title and no command ; but he had the right of being present at the secret council, and of "opining" with the rest, a right which, coupled with this constant and intimate intercourse with the soldier- cardinal, gave him considerable influence, which he always exerted on behalf of what he called "the service of the King." The machinery of warfare in those days had grave defects. There was no imity of command, the Generals, or most of them, were rivals; there was no confidence reposed ill tlic fhiof, lie and his often misnamed "subordinates" acted in daily t(;rror of offending the King or the minister; and HIS WORK IN THE CAMPAIGN OF 1G37. 125 in addition, the minister planted by the side of the General a commissary styled " rhomme die roi " ; while in this campaign of 1637 the Pere Joseph sent down to the cainp a charlatan who had persuaded him that he was a man of science possessed of secret inventions, and who is ironically described by Fabert as " rhomme d'csprit," of whom we may hear more. There Avas no organized body of engineer work- men ; no organized corps of artillery ; labour was secured by impressment on the spot, and transport and provisions were obtained in the best way the intendant could devise. Even the supply of gunpowder was a monopoly, not in the hands of the State, but of a contractor, who bought the exclusive right from the Grand Master of Artillery, Richelieu's nephew, La Meilleraye. He, says Fontenay-Mareuil, " gave a ' part isan ' named Sabatier the privilege of being the sole vendor of gunpowder — a thing usual in France, where the liberty is taken from the public in order to bestow an advantage upon some private person, whereof everybody suffers greatly." In 163G Sabatier's stores ran short, and the Government was obliged to buy powder in Holland ; yet the monopoly remained. The method of conducting war was hardly changed, despite the great example of Gustavus. The Generals did not seek to fight, but to avoid battles, and threw all their strength upon sieges ; so that the word campaign, as applied to their proceedings, became a misnomer, since marches and combats " in the field " were the exception and not the rule. The young Turenne was still a lieutenant- general, and Enghicn, destined to blaze out six years later at Rocroi, was a youthful student in the military academy of M. Benjamin at Paris, a really good school, when La Valette assembled his small army near Rhetel, with vague instructions from the minister and no fixed plan. Fabert joined the Cardinal at Chateau Porcien, in the middle of June, before what should be done had been 126 ABKAHAM FABERT. decided, and warm debates arose in the council upon the line of operation. In this uncertain frame of mind the army was led through a wild and wooded region, still a forest, but also a pasture land, and better provided with roads than it was in 1637. At length opinion inclined towards the seige of Landrecies on the Sambre, an enterprise which, we infer, the Cardinal and his adviser designed from the first to undertake. At that time the Spaniards were on the frontiers of old Picardy, and held all the places, strong and weak, from Hesdin on the Canche to Charlemont on the Meuse, many castles, and La Capelle, which had been seized in the preceding year, that is, the whole of the Pas do Calais and the Nord. It was a nest of fortified towns within a few marches of Paris, and French military science had no other idea than that of taking them one by one. The moment was propitious, the Spanish army was occupied in watching the Prince of Orange alout to begin the siege of Breda, and the Imperialists were afar and had their own troubles. Moving northward and skirting the Thierache, La Valette sent Turenne to seize Hirson, and Gassion to surprise Lo Cateau, both which feats were neatly done ; while the main body, passing La Capelle, detached a party to reconnoitre and threaten Avesnes on the Great Helpe, and then suddenly pounced down upon Landrecies. The Governor of that place had diminished his garrison in order to throw a succour into Avesnes, and had retained no more than five hundred men. While an officer rode to Paris for the purpose of obtaining permission to carry on the siege, Fabert and Le Rasle, a famous engineer of the day, drew the lines of circunivallation, whicli were constructed by peasants, that is by forced labour. Just as the royal consent had been signified. La Meilleraye ])r()u;4ht up a reinforcement, and three; attacks were begun, conducted by the Duke of Caiidale, La Meilleraye, and Fabert. The siege presents no fact of interest, except the effective HIS WORK IN THE CAMPAIGN OF 1G37. 127 use of twenty-four brass mortars, and the special bearing and acts of Fabert. For " I'homme iVcsprit" the Pere Joseph's pet, interfered and seriously tried his temper. The trenches were to be opened on the 9th of July, but La Valette, always afraid of the Court, felt bound to hear rhoriime d' esprit, and so much time was lost that Fabert, who had roughly refuted his adversary, declined to break ground, alleging that the day would dawn before his labourers could get cover. The Cardinal read him a lecture on the uses of dissimulation, and uttered the sagacious remark that a little policy did no injury to soldiers. The next morning he answered the Cardinal's mild and worldly wise rebuke with polite frank- ness. He could not stoop to tolerate the " talker." " Deliver me from him," he said. " I have promised that Landrecies shall fall at the end of fifteen days, and if you leave me at liberty I will keep my word." La Valette was satisfied, and promised to discountenance the intruder, but when he visited the lines of circumvallation, and heard the person point out defects, he threw the blame on Fabert. Whereupon tLe latter became indignant, for his temper was hot, said he served as a volunteer, without a title, that he meddled in the matter because he believed his services would be useful, and withdrew to his quarters. Then La Valette, who really valued him, as well he might, soothed his rufiled pride, and the trenches of his attack were opened on the 10th of July. He pushed the work with great rapidity, in the fashion then usual, and when he had got so far forward as to batter the curtain and parapet, he resolved to pass the ditch, the depth of which he had ascertained, and bring his miners into play. The miners hesitated — enough had not been done to keep down the flanking fire and the ditch had not been filled. But Fabert infused his own dauntless spirit into the breasts of these men, and leading the way waist deep through the water in the darkness, he was followed at once by the 128 ABRAHAM FABERT. boldest, and then by the rest. They carried planks and beams to form cover, made good their lodgment and plied their tools; nor could they be driven off by a torrent of missiles and flaming fascines showered down when the noise of heavy blows called the defenders to arms. La Valette learned to his surprise that Fabert and the miners had passed the ditch, and in the morning he was still more astonished to see his trusted assistant stand before his tent accompanied by a soldier who, in obedience to the usage, carried a stone from the wall. The mine was deep under the curtain, but La Valette dis- couraged the intrepid assailant — he wanted to secure the honours of the siege for his brother Candale. Fabert, however, observed that he could not stay his progress and also serve his King, adding, judiciously, that if the enemy did not arrive soon enough to raise the siege, La Meiileraye would probably enter the town, and put both the Cardinal and his brother to shame. The last argument touched the courtier, who was also a brave man. He crossed the ditch and inspected the work in daylight, thus giving renewed confid- ence to Fabert's hardy men. They drove in three mines, in shape like a trefoil, he saw them charged, and on the night of July 21 applied the match. Tlie explosion made a breach, yet not one sufficiently large, and it was so well defended that no lodgment could be effected. Nevertheless, the Governor capitulated the next day, moved perhaps by the fact that La Meiileraye had also begun to mine ; and surrendered on the 2Gtb, as, according to the conditions, no relieving army had appeared. Tlie honour was Fabert's, who left it to the Cardinal, He had fully redeemed his pledge, not for the first nor last time. [jy an odd coincidence, a French republican army in 1794 sat down before Landrecies, which had fallen to the Austrians, and opened the trenches on the 10th of July. The Conven- HIS WORK IN THE CAMPAIGN OF 1637. 129 tion, true to its spirit, had adopted a djcree declaring " tliat the four great French places, Valenciennes, Condc, Landrecies, and Le Quesuoy (captured by the Allies), should be summoned to surrender at discretion, and that in case of refusal, after a delay of twenty-four hours, the hostile garrisons should be '^ passives au Jil de Veptie" that is massacred. The Generals, to their credit, defeated the truculence of the Convention by deferring the communication of the decree until after the defenders had proposed to capitulate. In the seventeenth century military usages were often barbarous, but they must yield the palm, in that respect, to the heroes of the Reign of Terror. Yet there was one striking resemblance in the methods adopted by the Bourbons and the Jacobins ; for the " homvie du roi" if not the more objectionable " Jiomme d'esjjrit," had his counterpart in the fierce and zealous " com- missaire convoitiomiel," who had more authority than his monarchical prototype, and less humanity. There was also a most distinctive difference between the two periods — the rate and nature of the communication with Paris. In 1794 the surrender of Le Quesnoy, on the 10th of August, was telegraphed that day from Lille to the capital. Tlie message was sent by semaphore, and was the first use of that instru- ment for military purposes. M. Chappe, an engineer, had revived and developed an invention made in the seventeenth century by William Amonton, a mathematician. Disregarded in his day, forgotten until 1793, Engineer Chappe then lighted on it, and, favoured by the Convention, began the line of posts which in twelvemonths he carried to Lille. How much the Marshals and Generals who won campaigns for Louis XIV. were spared by his strange neglect of that im- portant discovery ! The remainder of the campaign of 1637 illustrates very aptly the absurd and distressing conditions under Avhich the war was carried on. The causes are on the surface. The K 130 ABRAHAM FABERT. commanders, men of inferior capacity, were jealous of each other ; the operations, if not dictated from Paris, required, as we have seen, royal, and perhaps still more ministerial sanction, and Richelieu, ever more or less in dread of being supplanted, favoured his own relatives and " creatures " whom he could trust. Thus, when he heard that the Imperialists and Spaniards had pushed an army over the Mouse, La Valette, occupying Maubeuge on the Sambre, and wishing to make it a stronghold, despatched a messenger to the Court in order to obtain the needful permission. While thus engaged, La !Meilleraye, always a smart intriguer, went to Paris, and returned with authority to besiege Avesnes. He was a mean-looking little man, rude and violent, who owed his position to his energy and bravery, but still more to his cousin Richelieu. His underhand manoeuvre filled La Valette with alarm, because, although nominally left in command, he was directed to detach a strong force and place it at the Grand Master's disposal. Fabert advised decisive measures. He recommended the Cardinal to proceed with the fortification of Maubeuge, and oblige his rival to plead for help in case of need, and the need seemed very near. The Cardinal, fearful of incurring the anger of Richelieu and the enmity of the Grand Master, declined the advice, and marched to cover the siege of Avesnes, leaving his brother and Turenne in Mau- beuge. But when Avesnes was reconnoitred closely. La Meilleraye found that he had undertaken more than he could perform. "It looks," he said, "like another Dole," an exclamation which indicates his surprise and disappointment. Tlie truth is that he did not know anything of Avesnes, and that Fabert did. He had noted that it was built on rocky ground and difficult of approach, even on the least inaccessible .side ; and in the end the Grand Master had to acknowledge the Jiocurary of Fabert's judgment. He had not forgiven that ofiicer for the grave offence of anticipating him at Landi'ecies, HIS WORK IN THE CAMPAIGN OF 1G37. 131 and so far as he dared, he had depreciated Fabert at Court. Yet when the latter complained, adroitly, without naming the Grand Master, llichelieu promptly replied that " the King was content with his services," and that " any one who thought fit to speak ill of him would lose his Majesty's confidence;" adding, " Fear nothing, and think only of serving the State." In fact, the minister, despite the Pere Joseph, had begun to see the honest and dutiful character of Fabert, and note that he stood high in the King's esteem. In the present case the Grand Master's selfish intrigues led to consequences which might have been disastrous. Frustrated at Avesnes, he suggested the recovery of La Capelle, lost in the preceding year, and the proposal was adopted. Thereupon a part of the army was marched back to Maubeuge and the rest began the siege. It is chiefly remarkable for the fact that here, for the first time in the annals of sieges, Fabert made a remarkable and vital innova- tion. It was rude, elementary, and suggested by the ground, yet it was the birth of a new principle in the art of approaches, and adds a lustre to the insignificant siege of La Capelle. Observing that a large and deep ravine ran parallel to the attacks which he conducted, and also to two half fronts of the place, Fabert connected the depression with trenches in the usual way, organized it as a place of arms to shelter a battalion, and constructed a redoubt armed with cannon as a support. It is this bold device which Colonel Bourelly, a competent judge, describes as " one of the first steps in the art of attack towards the employment of parallels." During this siege Fabert's friend and comrade, Rambures, was mortally wounded. A handful of the garrison broke into the new work ; the French fell into a panic, and Rambures was hit and Bussy-Lameth killed, when they dashed forward to rally the fugitives. "Ah, mon ixiucrc Fabert," said the wounded man with pardonable pride, " I should not have 132 ABRAHAM FABERT. been in this state had the regiment of Rambures been on guard." He fell at the beginning of the siege, which, after twelve days of open trenches, surrendered on the 20th of September. Fabert was so terribly harrassed by " lliomme d' esprit," that he again lost the control of his flaming temper, and nearly broke with the Cardinal, La Valette, however, who knew the sterling excellence of his character, and who sincerely felt how much he owed to his confidential adviser, frankly enumerated and admitted them, and in an outburst of feeling, which must have captivated Fabert, declared that he regarded and would regard him as his " best friend." But, he said, so outspoken and uncompromising was the language of his " friend," " if I did not know you through and through, I should sometimes consider your advice as an affront." The Pere Barre says that the Cardinal " often compared the out- bursts of Fabert to saltpetre, which flames up in a moment and burns itself out, yet leaves behind neither smell nor smoke." This fervid sincerity, blazing up in a world of time- serving courtiers, must have been sadly out of place. For his own sake, the Spanish governor of La Capelle surrendered too soon — found guilty of treachery, he was be- headed shortly afterwards by his countrymen ; but he only yielded just in time to avert the raising of the siege. Even before the French troops could march in, the guns of the Imperialists were heard muttering below the horizon, and La Valette soon learned that the Cardinal-Infanta and Picco- lomini had appeared before Maubeuge. Next his brother, who resigned the honour of defending; the town to Turenne, rode into the camp, and for some reason, good or bad, could not rejoin his command. The French army now moved towards the Sambre, and the generals were much puzzled how to reunite a force which they had allowed to be severed. Nor was the disjunction wholly their fault. La Valette wished to abandon Maubeuge, yet dared not do so without HFS WORK IN THE CAMPAIGN OF 1G37. 133 the King's consent ; and when that assent arrived, the Im- perialists had thrust themselves between the two fragments ! At first it was resolved that Turenne should be directed, if directions could reach him, to cross the Sambre below Mau- beuge, and by a long detour through Chimay, endeavour to save his troops. Fabert steadfastly opposed this plan with his wonted ardour, and suggested another which he supported with more than his usual persuasiveness. He took the bold course of proposing that Turenne should retreat up the river by the right bank, and that both he and La Valette should, from front and rear, fall upon the enemy posted near Pont sur Sambre. The council of war naturally exclaimed that such a scheme violated a well-known " rule " ; Fabert answered that it did not apply to the facts, since the armies were already separated, and the best way to unite them would be by a battle. He asked for a rapid march and resolute onset ; and he may have added that his plan was contrary to the ordinary practice, that the enemy would not divine it, and that if he did, no time should be allowed him to devise counter measures. Then it was asked, how Turenne could be so surely informed as to avert a disaster ? Fabert replied by producing an ingenious device. He framed and wrote down a commonplace message, copies of which were to be entrusted to three tried scouts. He then made them learn the key by heart, so that if any one were captured the writing would be valueless and the interpretation safe. Yet even this method of rescuing Turenne by a convergent march could not be attempted until the consent of the King had been obtained. It was brought by Chavigny himself, a Secretary of State and a friend of Fabert. Meantime Gassion, resolved to join Turenne, had started out with a small escort of horse. He was attacked, and his men dispersed or slain, but the intrepid warrior swam the Sambre, and joined his young comrade in arms alone. 134 ABRAHAM FABERT. Fabert's plan succeeded beautifully, though not without some peril. Turenne received his message, notified the fact by firing three guns, and forthwith started on his way. La Valette also marched from F-avril in the night ; at dawn he attacked, but could not carry the enemy's position, near Vaux, and defended by a little stream. At the same time Turenne had come up to and passed the Great Helpe ; Fabert, discovering a ford, enabled La Valette to turn the enemy's position ; and the two severed fragments of an army now joined, drove the Imperialists over the Sambre, and compelled them to retire upon Mons. That exploit in mid October was practically the close of the campaign. The army lingered in the field because Richelieu had ordered La Valette to surprise Cambrai, which one Vercourt, who looks remarkably like " lliommc d'csprit," had made the Pere Joseph believe could be taken by means of petards. The embarrassments of La Valette were so great, his fears so lively, and the methods so absurd, that in the end he despatched Fabert to Paris, on a mission which led to some dramatic scenes at Hueil and St. Germain, and brought out Fabert's character in a startling and somewhat questionable light. It was an age of intrigue, and often of very base intrigue. Cardinal de la Valette, timid and apprehensive, saw in the presence of Vercourt and the action of the Grand Master a design to bring him to shame and deprive him of command. He thought that if he endeavoured to take Cambrai by means of the charlatan's "infallible secret," he would become a laughing-stock to the army, and that if he refused to do so, Richelieu would punish him. Fabert was indignant with the impostor, tremblingly alive to the honour of his general, and ready to brave the Cardinal-Duke. The fear of consequences to himself never deterred him. He saw, or thought he saw, that the only chance of saving his chief lay in a direct appeal to the King; and La Valette, who knew HIS WORK IN THE CAMPAIGN OF 1G37. 135 iiis courage and disinterestedness, readily fell in with his plans. So he started for Paris towards the end of October, bearing a letter of compliments to Richelieu, whom it was absolutely necessary to see before he dared visit King Louis. He therefore hastened to Rueil. This country seat stood between the Seine and Mont Valerien, on the western slopes of the hills. Evelyn, who saw it in 1G41, says it was a small house, " but fairly built in the form of a castle, moated round," in the midst of magnificent gardens, which enchanted the travelling lover of artificial scenery, and even of " vineyards, cornfields, meadows, groves, and walks of vast length." Nor were fountains wanting in what the Surrey squire calls a " paradise." ^ Richelieu lived and worked in this moated castle, defended by a company of his guards, who had watched over his safety ever since Gaston, Duke of Orleans, rode up to Rueil one morning, at the head of armed men, threatened much, but, as his wont was, did not strike. Fabert found the minister in bed, attended by Des Noyers, the "petit honhommc" as Louis used playfully to call him. The little man discreetly withdrew from the bedside, but did not leave the room, and the interview began. Having read the letter, Richelieu opened the attack. " You have come from a campaign," he said, " which would have been glorious for France " — really always his first thought — " had the advice of the Grand Master been followed." Fabert, dealing ten- derly with La Meilleraye, defended his General at some length. Richelieu listened, ordered him to call forthwith on the Kinof, adding, " You will do well another time to refrain from talking to me about things which do not concern you." Fabert, saying that he had answered because he had been questioned, took leave ; but turning back to fire another shot, he heard Richelieu direct Des Noyers to hurry to St. ^ It all vanished lon;^' ago, tliis charming pleasance ; hut there is still a " chateau " and park near Rueil. 136 ABRAHAM FABERT. Germain, and listen to what Fabert would say. The latter hastened off, reached St. Germain first, and found Louis in his study. The King, as Richelieu put it, esteemed and welcomed Fabert, who, his Majesty leaning on the table and listening intently, began to unfold his story. Soon Des Noyers was announced, and entering stood aloof, but Fabert beo^2[ed that he mij>ht come near, and correct him if he erred. " Approach," said the King ; " listen to Fabert, he has put things otherwise than they have been represented to me." The frank soldier then repeated his plaints from the beginn- ing. He did not mention La Meilleraye, but he plainly indicated the nature of his conduct, especially in regard to Avesnes, and showed how, among the Grand Master's party, " some from policy, others through ignorance, and all from jealousy," decried and obstructed the commander. There was a good deal of truth in this, but La Valette might have risked less had he adopted Fabert's fearless advice to avoid finesse, and act in a bold downright fashion. Having done with the '• cabal," he fell upon Vercourt, the " great genius," describing him as a corsair, robber, and murderer, who had fled over the border from justice, and had served as a guide to the Spaniards when they invaded Picardy in 1636. " I find the proofs of what I have asserted," he said, " in the letters of full pardon lately obtained from your Majesty by these who protect him " — the Pere Joseph, to wit. He then described and refuted the puerile projects of Vercourt — how he tried to dry up a ditch with pumps which would not have emptied a well ; how he proposed — this was his grand scheme — to blow down a bastion by means of his petards inserted in the work ; and iiow, when asked by what process he would contrive to pa?s the ditch and affix his explosives, he answered that the first could be done with ladders, and the second under cover of sliot-proof cuirasses. Fabert, apologi/iiig for having to speak of sucli puerilities, broke out HIS \YORK IN THE CAMPAIGN OF 1G37. 137 with good sense and vigour. " Is it not an insult to your Majesty's army," he exclaimed, " that it should be compelled to suffer from cold and continual rains, in order that it might serve as the escort of a madman in the presence of enemies who have witnessed a spectacle so dishonouring for France ? " Well may King Louis's countenance have assumed that dark and reflective look which is so often described as " somhre et revcur." At such conjunctures he spoke little, but to the purpose. " I cannot allow that my troops should be exposed to an affront before Cambrai, nor that an enterprise which I do not approve should be pushed any further," he said to Des Noyers ; and to Fabert, " Go to the Cardinal-Minister, and give him an exact account of what you know." Thus the first battle was won. When Fabert saw Richelieu the next morning the minister, fully informed of what had passed at St. Germain, threw into his refined face that expression of restrained severity which he assumed to overawe his opponents. Fabert, respectful but dauntless, looked straight into the keen eyes of the Cardinal as he insisted on the soundness of Vercourt's project, and gave no sign of yielding to the King. Yet he did not impress his auditor with an opinion that he would not, in the end, obey his master. On leaving the room he encountered the Pere Joseph, and the fiery Capucin at once exhaled his wrath and betrayed his disappointment. He soundly rated Fabert because he had ridiculed " M. de Vercourt," a man of rare merit, who "alone possessed those secrets which had enabled the Spaniards to capture strong places in the late campaigns." " After all the trouble I have taken," he went on, " to secure him for France, you and your clique only seek to obstruct him, and disgust him with the service. It is your jealousy and presumption which have frustrated his fine designs. Only those wlio neither love the State, nor the glory of the Prince, nor their own 138 ABRAHAM FABEET. honour, would hinder, as you have done and do, his enter- prise at Cambrai." Evidently the monk thoroughly believed in Vercourt and in himself, as a man of war; and when Fabert, undismayed, enlarged, perhaps with some vehemence, on the folly of the undertaking, Joseph grew more angry. *' The King," he exclaimed, " has no need of philosophers in his armies; he wants soldiers, stirring, active and resolute men — les dissertoicurs are only useful in the schools. You are rebels," he shouted, "who must be punished, beginning Avitli the Duke of Candale, who ought to be shut up in the Bastille." So they parted, these two hot-tempered men, and Fabert drew from the interview and from his indignation an inference which led him to engage in a bold and barely excusable action. He inferred that La Valette and his brother were in imminent danger of disgrace, and he resolved, there and then, to thwart the stroke by deahng a counter-blow at Richelieu himself. He was carried away by his love for and gratitude to the Epernon family, a respectable feeling, yet not one warranting civil war. Louis XIIL was a prince subject to variable moods but devoted to constant purposes. He wished with passionate fervour to reign as an absolute monarch, to diminish the power of Austria and Spain, and to increase the strength and the territory of France. It was because Richelieu was possessed by the same haughty policy, and was endowed with a genius at once imaginative, audacious, and practical, and therefore fitted to enforce the policy common to both, that Louis selected and held fast to the Cardinal with a steadfastness nothing could shake. But this superb and impeiious minister, sometimes moved by a devouring zeal for what he considered the service of the State, some- liincs l)y that love of exercising power which is natural U) .strong characters, as well as weak ones, not unfrequently ajjplied a severe strain to the bond uniting the sovereign HIS WORK IN THE CAMPAIGN OF 1G37. 139 to his servant. This gave rise to what RicheHeu called " fdcherics" and others the changeful humour of the King, and in moments of irritation the monarch was apt to blurt out language bitter and hostile to the domineerincr states- man. It was on his irritable moods that the enemies of Richelieu relied, although certainly after the Day of Dupes they had repeated experience that Louis never allowed his temper to pervert his judgment, and had seen that a little reflection, however much he may have strayed, brought him back to the Cardinal's side. It was not slavish dependence, it was a keen and clear perception that no other man then living was capable of executing the policy which both pursued. Tlie partnership of authority and genius was remarkable, if not unique, for it was absolutely independent of even mere liking, and rested solely on what may be called a pure business foundation. The power which the King had to bestow the minister had the factdty to use, but the King was quite as much art and part in the work as the minister, who, so long as he was faithful to the cause which bound them together, remained what he was in reality, the Vicc-roi. Those who aspired to dissolve the formidable compact always relied on the King's temper, and made the grave mistake of forgetting the tenacity of his judgment in the last resort. That Fabert should have erred in this way is excusable, for he was not a courtier, and was misled by his excessive and undying gratitude to the house of Eisernon. Some years earlier, perhaps when Richelieu, wishing the Marquis of Rambures to marry Madame de Corabalet, was enraged by the refusal of the proud noble, it appears that King Louis said something to Rambures which pointed to a plan for ousting the Cardinal, a plan to be concerted with Fabert. The latter now remembered it, and in a private interview with Louis brought it to his remembrance. He 140 ABRAHAM FABERT. said that he had found the means of striking down the proud minister who persisted in giving orders contrary to those of his Majesty — in the Vercourt-Cambrai project, for example. The King must have hstened with more than his usual thoughtfulness, when he heard what were the means. Cardinal de la Valette, said the daring soldier, a faithful man, commands a good army ; with these we can pull down the minister and overawe his partizans. Very doubtful means, his Majesty must have thought, considering the timidity of La Valette. And when Fabert went on to arraign the minister, Louis, whatever he may have thought of his prudence, could not fail to admire his courage and honesty. "Your minister," he said, "is accused of sacrificing the peace of the realm to his ambition ; of continuing the war for the purpose of making himself necessary, and of perpetuating his authority," — allegations not likely to make any impression on Louis. " The people cry aloud against his abuse of your power and your finances. He employs your name to crush those who resist, and your treasures to augment his creatures. Your subjects, who receive from your Majesty brevets as a recompense for their services, behold with indignation that your favours remain without effect if the minister does not confirm them. There is no benefice in the Church, or government in the realm, no employment however trifling in tiie army, the law, or the Court, which he does not take from your faithful subjects and give to his creatures." Very extravagant assertions, yet not without some warrant; but as an indictment having this defect, that his Majesty had largely delegated his powers, as he well knew, in order to secure an agent who could achieve his great designs. Not displeased with his faithful subject, Louis temporized according to bis fashion, and pointed out that, even if he were sure that La Valette had the makings of a minister, he HIS WORK IN THE CAMPAIGN OF 1637. 141 would not be able to make himself obeyed ; but he was positive enough in his language wlien he forbade Fabert and his superiors to obey the orders of Richelieu should they be opposed to those of the King; and he put a decisive veto on the Vercourt-Cambrai project, so dear to the Pere Joseph. On taking leave Fabert tried to obtain a less inexplicit answer to his revolutionary suggestion, but warmly pressing his hand, Louis said, " Depart, I have nothing more to say." The potentate at Rueil, who, luckily for Fabert, knew nothing of these secret colloquies, would not defer at once to the King's command. That was a satisfaction to the Pere Joseph. In the presence of Fabert, who had to be checked, Noyers was requested to read aloud a formal order directing the generals to carry out Vercourt's fantastic scheme ; yet the sharp captain went from Rueil in the firm belief that a counter-order would immediately follow. His prevision was justified ; the day after he reached the camp it duly came ; the army forthwith went into winter quarters, and Fabert was ordered to relieve the acting-governor of Metz, M. de Roquepine. Richelieu's conduct on this occasion seems to admit of an easy explanation. He knew nothing of the merits or de- merits of Vercourt, but he wished to preserve his authority in the army, as was natural and, indeed, essential ; he also desired to please his faithful comrade, the monk, who helped him so well in the wide field of politics ; but he would not run counter to the King when he was, as he could be, resolute ; and he certainly would not have sanctioned any project likely to disgrace and weaken the arms of France. Hence, glad to be thwarted in time to avert one, he bore no grudge against the public action either of La Valette or Fabert. But had he known the secret proposal of the latter to the King, he would have put forth all his power to crush both. 142 ABRAHAM FABERT. Fabert was not justified in taking the course lie did take. It was bad in every way. If it had succeeded it would have furnished another evil precedent ; and if it had failed, the most likely result, the minister would have become more powerful than ever, and the King's position would have been intolerable. That it never had a chance of being adopted does not relieve Fabert from blame ; but his honest motives, at least, excuse conduct too much in harmony with the practices of princes and nobles who contrived assassination plots and rebelled to attain their own selfish ends. Although the impetuous soldier erred gravely, his intentions and disin- terestedness raised him far above their level. The operations of the year, we may briefly note, had not on the whole been unfavourable to the French. If La Valette had done little compared with what the pair of sanguine ecclesiastics in Paris expected from him, and if Rohan, through their neglect, had been obliged to abandon the Valtelline and the Grisons, the Count of Harcourt, whom we shall soon meet again, had driven the Spaniards from the islands off the coast of Provence, the Duke of Halluyn, son of Marshal Schomberg, and himself soon a Marshal, had brilliantly relieved Leucate on the coast of Lower Languedoc, and Duke Bernhard had waged successful petty warfare in Franche Comte and Upper Alsace. In Paris, Richelieu had obtained a great victory over the Spanish party in the Court by getting hold of clear proof that Queen Anne still worked in concert with the Spaniards and her old ally, Madame de Chevreuse, and by thwarting the dangerous influence which the Jesuits brought to bear on the King through the innocent agency of the pious and beautiful Mademoiselle de la Fayette. "A young girl and an old monk," says M. Henri Martin, in a characteristic sentence, "dared to attack the colossus wh(j made Europe tremble." But they failed, for on HIS WORK IN THE CAMPAIGN OF 1G37. 143 reflection the King always supported the minister who unfalteringly pursued the realization of the policy to which both were devoted. So that 1637 must rank, on the whole, among the years which gave to Richelieu his greate^^t triumphs. CHAPTER VIII. FAMINE IN THE MESSIN. The great sufferer by war in the seventeenth and in all preceding centuries was the peasant, the cultivator who dwelt outside the walled cities, and most of all the peasant whose lot was cast in the borderland. A broad belt of country from the North Sea to the Jura was incessantly furrowed, not only by armies, but by troops of plunderers issuing from the innumerable castles, which held two or three score of armed men, who sallied out at intervals and collected provisions, more like brigands than soldiers. The armies were under some sort of control, but the bands out on a foray under none. Neither respected the peasant or farmer. They seized his horses, drove off his cattle, took his carts, carried away his grain and his hay, levied contributions when they did not steal, and frequently applied the torch to consume what tliey could not bear with them. The word "raid" liad not been invented, but the thing existed in perfection. It was called a " course," and the courrcurs, if their track was not marked out by ashes, left behind them desolate homes, empty barns, and vacant pastures. So great was the dm'astation on the broad unsettled frontier fringe that the armies so-called were always liard pressed for food and transport, and the wonder is how, with such a wickedly FAMINE IN THE MESSIN. 145 wasteful system of warfare as the rule, any military ojieratiuns whatever could be conducted. The interior of France, after the civil strife had ceased, though subjected to others, was free from this species of calamity ; but Franche Comte, Burgundy, Lorraine, Champagne, Artois, Flanders, and Picardy were repeatedly harried from end to end. The consequences were constant pestilence and recurring famine. Two years of such nefarious usage had produced direful results in Lorraine and the Messin. They had been tormented not only by the King's armies, but by the levies of their Duke, men of many nations, and the foreign regiments drawn from Germany and Switzerland, the reiters and pikemen commanded by Bcrnhard being the greatest adepts in robbery and arson, and the least under control. But it would be wrong to fasten all the mischief on tliem, since the French were nearly as accomplished as their allies. Fabert returned to his native city in December 1637, to act as the King's lieutenant, and strictly he was bound to do no more than safeguard the fortress. But when he saw famine and pestilence devouring the Messin, he stepped at once beyond the narrow circle of his duties. At all times his heart was moved by the cry of distress rising up from the oppressed rural folk, and he never ceased to labour on their behalf. But the spectacle presented by the Messin, once so prosper- ous, would have appalted and revised a less tender-hearted man. To a great extent cultivation was at an end ; the peasants wandered by hundreds in the woods, and tried to appease their hunger with roots and berries and leaves. It is even related that they tore up the dead from their graves, and fell upon the corpses of men slain in combat. The Pere Barre, quoting a manuscript containing the reports made to Fabert by his surgeon. La Riviere, gives revolting details of an example of cannibalism, telling how a widow thus tried to nourish her famishing children. L 146 ABRAHAM FABERT. The Messiu was an irregular patch of territory on both banks of the Moselle, and it is still a rich and fertile district as it was before the cruel warfare of the seventeenth century had made it a desert. Fabert could look into its condition for himself, and he did, knowing well every inch of ground. Tlien he lost no time in pondering, but swiftly applied his wonderful faculty as an organizer to afford relief. He obtained an account, as far as he could, of the quantity of cereals stored up or hoarded in the towns, bourgs, and villages, and issued at once an order forbidding the sale or gift of " grains " without a permit bearing his signature. Then he had lists of persons made out, and so arranged his plans that every one could be supplied with a pound of bread per diem ; those who could pay were charged at a fixed low rate, those who could not obtained their ration gratis on the presentation of a paper signed by himself. He never spared his own labours, especially in such a cause, and we can easily imagine that his wife gave freely her ready aid. Having improvised this extensive poor law and put it in effective operation, to meet the dreadful pressing exigency, he next endeavoured to avert a future famine. He rode over the whole country a second time, and everywhere gave out that all who would resume their farm labours should be effectually helped ; and so great was the trust reposed in his word, so thoroughly did the cultivators feel that he would redeem his pledges, that they rapidly gathered in their farms and villages to resume work. He supplied seed on easy terms, asking only that his advances should be replaced by brinnning measures at the next harvest, and thus he satisfied present necessities, brought back tlie population, and provided for tlio future. Always ho had an eye to solid results, and was never content with makeshifts. Tt was at this time that thoughts long brooding in his o o o jiiiud took shape. He saw two great evils — one the seizure of FAMINE IN THE MESSIN. 147 the household goods, th3 cattle and the harness, the ploughs and implements essential to cultivation as satisfaction for the non-payment of taxes, which he thought was, if not unjust, yet certainly short-sighted policy ; and the other was that the ever-grasping seigneurs had taken possession of the common lands and woods pertaining to the bourgs and villages, lands kept in grass and essential to the system of peasant cultivation. These usurped lands in the ^lessiu he compelled, or rather began to compel, the seigneurs to surrender; and by dint of judicious effort in Paris he contrived, six years later, to obtain a royal order exempting cattle and implements of the cultivator from seizure, even for non-payment of the grinding taille, or personal tax. Six years after Fabert had been laid in his grave, Colbert, who was a youth in 1638, re-established the communal properties throughout the kingdom by a royal edict, and thus the renowned statesman completed the initial work of Fabert. His active and far-seeing mind showed its provident quality still further in attempts to restore commerce, once prosperous in Metz; and it is interesting to note that he began by endeavouring to collect exact statistics ; but this project, like many others, was interrupted by a summons which called him once more to the toils of war. Nowhere is his great and enterprising mind seen to more advantage than when he is grappling with economic or industrial difficulties; and his success in those fields throughout his career is due to the fact that, in working out peaceful as well as warlike problems, he applied sound business principles to their solution. The limitations of his powers as a statesman, and indeed as a captain, we cannot know, for he was never subjected to the extreme tests of extended scope and great responsibility ; but this we do know, that whatever he did in the field or the closet, as a manufacturer, as an organizer, as an administrator, he always did well, and it is reasonable, therefore, to believe 148 ABRAHAM FABERT. that with larger opportunities, wider fields, and more authority, he would also have shone out brightly among the foremost men of his age, as something^ more than a great, dutiful, and honourable public servant employed within comparatively limited spheres of action. CHAPTER IX. CAMPAIGNING IN ITALY. The useful labours of Fabert in the Messin were cut sbort in March 1638 by a summons from Paris. Besides fighting famine and oppression, he had stored up supplies in Metz, repaired roads and collected boats, for the siege of Thionville, which lie hoped La Valette would be authorized to under- take ; but it fell out otherwise. The French in Piedmont had built a fort at Bremo, on the left bank of the Po, just below the confluence of the Sesia. It was a sort of outpost upon what was then Spanish ground, and served as a support to Casale. The Governor of Milan beset it early in the year, and Crequi, the French commander, hurried thither with a handful of men to relieve the place. He went out to reconnoitre the enemy's position, and leaning against a tree trunk, drew forth and used his spying-glass. While he was thus engaged, his bright red raiment attracted the sharp eyes of a gunner, who aimed his j)iece so accurately, or so luckily, that the shot struck full on the Marshal and slew him out- right. The news of his death and the prompt surrender of Bremo soon reached Paris ; Montgalliard,^ who yielded too soon, was beheaded for treachery, and La Valette was directed to take the command beyond the Alps. It was the fortunate cannon-shot of the Spanish gunner which led 1 He had a garrison six hundred strong, and drew pay for seventeen hundred ! 150 ABRAHAM FABERT. Fabert once more to Italy, for La Valette demanded his aid, and the King promised to give him the rank of Sergent cle lataille, a promise not fulfilled by the minister until nearly the end of the campaign. Still it was a valid promise, and intended to be kept, for the King permitted his faithful soldier to sell his commissions of Captain and Major, and he did so, though not until, with characteristic fidelity, he had obtained the consent of the Duke of Epernon, whose friendly aid he never forgot, whose position as Colonel-General of the Infantry, curtailed in power, yet never revoked, he persisted in dutifully recognizing. The family he served does not com- mand admiration either for conduct or talents, but that does not make less striking the unfailinfr gratitude and the moral courage disj^layed by Fabert, for the Epernon family was always under a cloud. The soldier-Cardinal accepted his post with reluctance and apprehension. He lived in constant dread. The motive of his attachment to Richelieu was terror. The old grand seigneur, his father, and tlie Duke of La Valette, his brother, he well knew were suspected of disaffection, not altogether without reason, and the Cardinal believed firmly that his own subservience to the minister was the last safeguard of his family. His anxiety of mind was sharpened by the advices he received from the Court ; Chavigny, for example, bidding hitn take care how he wrote, and what he said about the Pere Joseph, who figures in the letters under the signi- ficant names of Patdin and Nero. Naturally the Cardinal did nut conceal his distress from Fabert, who was a frank though not a courtly confidant. " I count entirely on you in this war," said the Cardinal; "consider well what should be done." " The best thing for you," was the brusque rejoinder, " will be to get out of the business as soon as you can." Then, with groat perspicacity, he sketched out what would happen. * You will be deluded if you hope for any success," he said. CAMPAIGNING IN ITALY. 151 " They will leave you without money, troops, and munitions. The Duchess of Savoy (she was Regent) wants experience and her council knowledge ; the people hate, and the great folks detest the French. What can you do against a Spanish army far stronger than your own ? You should have held fast to your resolve to besiege Thionville," — that is, clung to the command in Lorraine. " But the Court," said the blunt little man, " does with you what it likes, and your complais- ance will not fail to destroy you in the end." All La Valette could answer was that his family were in peril — apt, for example, to intrigue with the Count of Soissons and Gaston, whom we have seen " willing to wound, but yet afraid to strike," at Amiens, in 1636. If he could not appease what he called the vindictiveness of Richelieu, still, La Valette said, he could prove to his father and brother that he had done everything in his power to conjure away the menacing danger. And so throughout the campaign he laboured under this dread of calamity, instead of acting, if indeed he could have acted, with foresight, vigour, and resolution. The state of affairs in Piedmont would have tried a stronger man than the Cardinal. Christine, the Regent, a sister of Louis XIIL, like her late husband, Victor, was an ally of the French, not from cl:oice but compulsion. She leaned, like her mother, Marie de Medicis, towards the Spanish side. Her brothers-in-law, Prince Thomas and Cardinal Maurice, were in the Spanish camp, and put forward a claim to be the guardians of their brother's children. The claim was doubt- less genuine, but it served as a pretext, over and above that solid reason supplied by the presence of the French, for the invasion of Piedmont. The difficulty was rendered more complex by the fact that Richelieu, having a hold on the eastern slope, did not wish to make more conquests on that side of the Alps, and therefore kept on foot there no larger body of troops than might be sufficient to occupy the 152 ABRAHAM FABERT. Spaniards and prevent them from using Piedmont against him. Where he did wish to prevail and annex territory was on the Hue between Switzerland and the North Sea, and five out of seven armies in the field were in that quarter, the sixth being on the Bidassoa and the seventh in Piedmont The real work of aggrandizement was to be done on the side next Germany and the Low Countries, for there lay the valuable prey ; the incursion into Spain and the war main- tained in Italy were in the nature of diversions, which, if successful, might have profitable results, and if negative still kept hostile troops employed. It was not a wise way of making war and it was very costly, but as yet they knew no better. The military abilities and the experience of Fabert were wasted in the Italian campaign of 1638. The army was weak in numbers ; at head-quarters nothing was known of the strength, positions, and even probable intentions of the enemy. The country, as Fabert truly said, detested the French ; and to crown all, La Valette sought, or felt himself bound to exercise, command through and under the shelter of that feeblest of all military instruments, a council of war, and that council composed of men jealous of each other, and ever seeking to curry favour with the minister. There was, of course, " tin hommc du roi," or commissary, who corresponded directly with Richelieu, having such influence as flowed from that. Fabert was admitted to the council, but not having his patent as sergent de hataillc, he could exert no authority except such as was derived from strong arguments and sound views ; and it need hardly to be said that La Valette bowed to tlie council, and that the council neutralized Fabert. Fighting talent existed in abundance, but brain power to direct it was scarce; and thus his real soldiership was expended in vain. Tlic Oovorncr of Milan, Llcgancz, a man of some capacity, CAMPAIGNING IN ITALY. 153 suddenly swooped down upon Vercelli, a fortress seated on the Sesia, in a land of streams, canals, and marshes, produc- tive of rice crops then as it is now, and regarded by the experts of that day as the gate of Piedmont. The Spaniard crossed the river, and drew his main lines of entrenchment on the western side, relying on the Sesia mainly as a defence towards the east, whence ran his line of communication with Milan. The task before the little Franco-Piedmontese army was to raise the siege, but the council of war could never be got to sanction any promising scheme, and it had none of its own. Fabert, who knew the country, had a plan which, whether it succeeded or not, was workmanlike. The Hotspurs, as usual, burned to storm the entrenchments, and break in by dint of " sheer strength and stupidity." Fabert proposed the bold step of marching the whole army to the left, or Milanese bank of the Sesia, and throwing it bodily into tlie fortress, and he did so because he knew the east front was weak and easily mastered. After much delay and talk he actually succeeded in obtaining an assent to his plan, up to a certain point; but when the army attained the position, the council of war Avould not strike the blow. He proved by actual experiment that two thousand men could be sent in, for they were ; he showed that a battery of twelve guns thoroughly commanded the line of ingress, for the cannon were posted and brought into action. It was all in vain — the council of war would neither fight nor manoeuvre to any purpose ; La Valette feared to command lest he should offend the minister's courtiers, who were always thinking more of their own advancement and the discomfiture of rivals than the effective performance of their duties. Fabert, who was animated by the single-minded purpose of doing the best for the State, who had reconnoitred the hostile lines, had sounded the depth of the water-ways, was frustrated by men who had neither his ability nor his 154 ABRAHAM FABERT. knowledge, painfully and perilously acquired. The result was that the ill-used army plodded back across the many rivers by Desana to Prarolo on the right bank of the Sesia opposite Palestro ; that after an investment of six weeks the place surrendered to the Spaniard, not without some suspicion of collusion between Lleganez and the Piedmontese governor ; and that two thousand good soldiers besides the garrison, not to speak of credit, were sacrificed to ineptitude and indecision. As usual in such cases, Fabert, always welcome to the King, was despatched into France to " explain " the defeat and solicit men and money. Richelieu gave him promises which were tardily and partially redeemed in the autumn, when more indecisive marches, sieges, and skirmishes ensued. During the summer the old ^chevin and printer of Metz died, but his valiant son did not hear of the death until he had rejoined the army, and was not able to visit his family until mid-winter. He found that a perplexed succession had already been partially settled in his absence, but any disputes which arose on that score are happily unrecorded. Before a jfinal arrangement could be made Richelieu summoned him to the field, furnished him with a formal appointment as sergent de lataille, and sent him to aid La Valette in Pied- mont, whither he went in the spring of 1639. The Cardinal- Duke, who had lost the Pore Joseph, his great friend and Fabert's enemy, had found that the King trusted, and that he could trust, the frank and loyal soldier; so, with more promises of all kinds, he liurricd him over the Alps, where French interests and French arms were in peril from Pied- montese discontent and Spanish enterprise. No one could profit even by a shetch of the warfare practised at this date in Piedmont, and we refrain, except in so far as it brings out the characteristics of Fabert. It was, apparently, a struggle for strong places in order to insure CAMPAIGNING IN ITALY. 155 subsistence. Almost all the combats arose out of attempts to gain or to relieve a fortified town. Each side, however, had one object in common — the French desired to retain, their opponents to wrest from them, Casale and Turin. The earliest labour imposed upon Fabert was that of putting the capital in a state of defence, a task ren- dered more arduous by the disaffection of the inhabitants. He so far succeeded as to thwart the first tentative attacks, and was even able to take part in the field warfare by strik- ing a decisive blow against the SjDaniards who endeavoured to relieve Chivasso, and might have prevailed had not the vigilant scrgcnt de hataille seized and defended, by fine offensive as well as defensive operations, a hill neglected by the staff. While La Valette, bent on running after fortified towns, divided his army, Prince Thomas of Savoy, favoured by darkness and the citizens, mastered the town of Turin. It was done so suddenly that the Regent Christine, hastily donning a dressing-gown, only had time to enter the citadel, held by a French garrison. The blow brought back the wandering army, which, by hard fighting, having cut a road into the citadel, sent off the Regent and her little son to Susa, and prepared to strike for existence. Fabert came with them. A council of war, contrary to i^recedent, resolved upon a sortie in force by night. The leading columns driving in the enemy's outposts, pushed forward eagerly into the town ; but when they set the houses on fire the lurid light revealed their numbers and position, and a furious cannonade threw them into a disorderly fliglit. In this crisis Fabert, gathering up what troops he could collect, headed a fresh onset, carried several barricades one after the other, and only retired when ordered by the Cardinal. Struck down by a musket-shot in the middle of the fray, he had concealed his wound and fought on. It was only when the retreat had been effected that he fainted from pain long endured and from loss of blood. 156 ABRAHAM FABERT. Even La Valette, to whom he had reported, did not know until then that he was wounded. It was not the first time that he had displayed such fortitude, and the officer who exclaimed, " That man, let people say what they like, will become a Marshal of France," understood the secret of his career. The wound was severe — two musket-shots in one thigh ; and before it healed, the intervention of a Cardinal had secured a truce for two months. At one period of his cure, after the wound had closed, inflammation set in with such violence that the surgeons wished to amputate the limb. It was then that Fabert's hardihood broke forth in quaint speech. Refusing to submit to the operation, he said, " Qui a-ura le gigot, aura Ic irste du corps : j'e serai d moi-meme mon Chirurgien!' He redeemed his promise, reduced the inflam- mation by applying " cream," says the Pere Barre, and saved his leg. Cold water would have done as well, could he have had faith in it; but water or cream, the sturdy resolution exhibited is the same. By the time his health was restored, Louis XIII. and Richelieu had entered Grenoble, September 21st, and thither Fabert was summoned. While he rode over the Alpine passes, Christine joined her brother. The two long-separated and curiously contrasted children of Henry IV. met outside the town. They rushed into each other's arms with much show of affection, and before entering Grenoble walked apart for some brief space in a meadow, one claiming, the other promising aid and comfort. But political interests tyrannized over family relationship ; Christine would not concede what the King and his minister demanded — her strongest fortresses and the charge of her son ; and Richelieu has allowed us to read in his own bitter words how deeply he resented a refusal which thwarted his clierished plans. Fabert arrived during the high debate, which was prolonged for many days, and CAMPAIGNING IN ITALY. 157 ended in the departure of Christine up the Isere for Mont- meillan, the coveted stronghold which she would not " lend." It was a time of trial for the proud minister — he had lost liis tried friend and comrade, the Pere Joseph ; Duke Bernhard, victorious at Brisach, had died in his prime, died in his bed, not in siege or battle ; now came news of the mortal sick- ness, and soon of the death of La Valette, who had few talents, but was faithful to the Cardinal-Duke. That tragic incident — he could not survive his own misfortunes in Piedmont, for which, says Richelieu, he was not responsible, nor the merited disgrace of his brother, the Duke — gave a new and unexpected turn to the fortunes of Fabert. He had hurried to Rivoli, where he found his late chief dead ; and when he hastened back, Richelieu, who had tested his qualities, sent for him, and proffered his protection in exchange for hearty service. Astonished at the offer, Fabert frankly accepted it, naively indicating his surprise by saying that he had thought, not for the first time it will be remembered, of migrating to the Empire. Richelieu gave him his hand, saying that his friendship was needful to him, and that curious bargain was struck which really decided the fortunes of Fabert. He was taken into partnership with these high persons, and the consequences were soon apparent. The Count of Guiche, whose life he saved at Saverne, called the next day on Fabert to congratulate him on his nomination to the governorship of La Capelle, famous little fortress on the northern frontier. He was surprised to see his friend un- moved, and still more when Fabert said that the post was due to M. de Roquepine, who had served so well at Metz, and that he should say so to his Eminence. He kept his word by adroitly thanking Richelieu for selecting so brave and trusty an officer. A proceeding so generous and unusual struck a minister who did not find disinterestedness a common virtue ; and he answered, " Tell M. de Roquepine that you present 158 ABRAHAM FABERT. liim with the Governorship of LaCapelle." How well RiclieHeu knew his man is shown by the ftict that tlie rare action did not arouse his suspicions, and by his obtaining for Fabert a company in the Guards, which had to be purchased from an old officer for a large sum supplied by the King and the Cardinal. When the captain tendered his thanks, the minister frankly admitted that he knew no one who could serve him so well with the King as Fabert, none who could explain the Cardinal's projects in a manner which made them so acceptable. " He esteems you, and believes in you," said the great man, " rating your candour and fidelity higher than that of any one." That was why the outspoken soldier, who detested what he called the mantge de cour, and never entered into intrigues, was wanted to minimize the friction between a King who had a will, and his haughty and able chief servant. The compact, honourable to Fabert, affords a striking example of Richelieu's sagacity in penetrating the character of a blunt and accomplished soldier, who, although no courtier, perhaps for that reason was prized for his manly as well as his intellectual qualities by Louis XIII. Fabert went back to Italy, not only as a high staff officer — as marechal, a grade above that of scrgcnt de hataillc — but as honime du roi, a post which gave him a still firmer position. At his former visit to Rivoli he had paid the "*■ servants of La Valctte, and, in part, the cost of transportmg his remains to Cadillac in Guyenne, sums which, we assume, together with a loan to his son, were ultimately refunded by the octogenarian duke, at this time under surveillance in Saintonge. Fabert's unselfishness in pecuniary matters was notorious. As he said nothing of his loans to La Valette, or of the payments made on his behalf, thoughtful friends were eager to see justice done. " I fear," wrote the Governor of Savigliano to Chavigny, " that he will lose his seven or eight thousand crowns, unless bis friends take more care of his I CAMPAIGNING IN ITALY. 159 interests than he does himself." Happily the friends took the needful steps, and he lost nothing. The Count of Harcourt's instructions were based on memoranda prepared by Fabert, and the object of the autumn campaign, apparently, was the re-victualling of Casale on the Po, which was a thorn in the side of the Spaniards. Now, the French troops were at Carignano ; Prince Thomas in Turin, and Lleganez in the Milan country. In order to provision Casale, it was necessary to cover the cross roads through the hills of Montserrat from the attacks of Thomas, and move so speedily as to outstrip and anticijmte the Spaniards. Chieri, not far from Turin, a town on the San Pietro, an affluent of the Po, was selected as a place whence Prince Thomas could be effectively controlled. Thither the army moved in October, and having reduced it by a few gunshots, they encamped in this land of brooks and streams. Thence went the trains bearing stores for Casale, which they reached in safety, the plan of their march being laid down by Fabert and a Piedmontese captain. The operation, of course, took time, nearly a month ; the provisions in the camp at Chieri were exhausted, and as no properly-guarded line of regular transport service existed, Harcourt was obliged to depart in search of food and forage from his garrisons beyond the upper reaches of the Po. By this time the Spaniards, who were drawing nigh by the roads from the south, had been able to communicate with Turin, and devise a simultaneous attack from opposite sides on the French army. When Harcourt put his troops in motion westwards, he does not seem to have been aware of the proximity of the Spaniards, at least he was incredulous when Fabert insisted that the day would not pass without a combat. " Our enemies," said he, "know how to make war." Late in the afternoon Prince Thomas, marching on the road by Mon- calieri, struck the French advance, and Lleganez, moving up 160 ABRAHAM FABEHT. from Puirino, fell on the rear-guard. The French were speedily formed ; Turenne and Fabert in the van, drawing up tlie infantry in a hollow way between the Santena rivulet and a homestead, and allowed the Piedmontese to approach closely, and then the troops, delivering a volley point-blank, charged home. Their successful onset was followed up by the cavalry, Fabert and Turenne, always close friends, dashing forward in pursuit. La Motte Houdancourt also withstood the Spaniards, who retired when they saw that the attack from the Turin side had so signally failed . It was a fortunate little action, very well fought, is known as the combat of La Rota, and figures largely in French books. The road being opened, Harcourt the next day, rapidly crossing the Po, halting first at Carignano and then at Vigone, regained his communications with Pignerol and France. He had been known before in the army as Cadet la perle, because he wore a large pearl as an earring ; but now the soldiers called him the Perle dcs cadets. In the campaign histories, the names of Turenne, Plessis Praslin, and La Motte Houdancourt are read, but not that of Fabert, who as a soldier was at least the equal of all, except the young Turenne. What he thought of such niggling warfare may be imagined by the light of his great exploits in after years. CHAPTER X. FABERT WORKS WITH THE KING AND RICHELIEU. Winter had come when Harcourt, who was to achieve still greater feats, placed his troops in quarters. An order from Richelieu then summoned the maHchal tie hataille to Paris, and no fine speeches of la Pcrle clcs cadets, or friendly remonstrances from Turenne, availed to prevent prompt obedience. Thenceforth he saw service in Italy no more. He crossed the Alps for the last time, and, as a soldier, became one of the directing agents in the closet of the King and the cabinet of the minister. One result of deep con- sultations concerning the operations of 1640 grew out of a suggestion made by Fabert. Arras, a Spanish possession, not only in fact but feeling, barred the way to the acquisition of Artois, and was, besides, a " standing menace " to Picardy. Hesdin, captured in the preceding summer by La Meilleraye, who received his Marshal's h(Uo7i on the breach from the King's hand, made the first effective lodgment beyond the Somme ; and Fabert now proposed that a second and more important should be achieved by the reduction of Arras. Richelieu approved ; the King readily yielded when Fabert expounded his plans, and the secret was well kept by the trio. The next step was to obtain exact information respect- ing the condition of the fortress; and when the Cardinal asked him to name a daring man who would undertake the hazardous task, offering a very large reward, Fabert replied, M 1G2 ABRAHAM FABERT. " I am your man, and I will do the job for nothing." He could not be dissuaded by any arguments based on danger; disguised as a peasant, he threaded the hostile lines ; bearing a basket of vegetables for sale, he entered the fortress, saw as much as he could, and safely returned to Paris. Such enterprises on the part of officers were not unusual in those days — a Baron de Limieres was caught disguised as a Cor- delier ; a Marquis de Sainte Croix, got up as a sailor, escaped ; a Spanish don of high rank was long a prisoner — and Faberb's absolute fearlessness fitted him for such exploits. No wonder the King and Richelieu held in high esteem a soldier who spoke out when needful, and risked hanging in their service. The operations were designed in concert with the Prince of OrauQ-e in accordance with the methods then in vogue. The French armies assembled in April, made several marches in May intended to deceive the enemy, and then at the right moment moved on Arras, which they invested in the middle of June with a combined force of over thirty thousand men. They had time to draw their lines of circumvallation before the Spaniards were ready to march, but when the news arrived that the Cardinal-Infanta was afoot, discord broke out among the besiegers. Knowing that the main question would be one of supplies, Fabert, wlio was with the King at Amiens, volunteered to ride into the lines in order to concert measures. lie got safely through only to find the three Marshals divided in opinion. La Meilleraye wished to march out and fight the Spaniards, Chatillon would not consent without an order from the King. Fabert thereupon rode back to Doullens, whither Richelieu had come, the bearer of these unwelcome tidings. He advised the minister to insist on the siege as the main object. Richelieu then wrote, ainl Fabert galloped back to the camp bearing a letter addressed to the disputants. " I am not a soldier, nor FABERT WORKS WITH THE KING AND RICHELIEU. 1G3 competent to advise you," said the minister. " Truly I have read much, and have never found that, after taking eighteen (lays to throw up lines, they were abandoned to fight an enemy. When the King gave you the command of his armies he believed you were capable, and he does not care whether you march out or not, but you will answer with your heads if you do not take Arras." By this time the enemy had come up, spread his horsemen abroad, occupied posts where convoys could be intercepted, and seemed disposed to starve out the besiegers. Fabert got through them with his emphatic note, which he supplemented by informing tlie Marshals that two immense trains with ample escorts were on the road. Once more, indeed many times, he traversed the country beset by hostile patrols. It was thus mainly his daring and incessant activity which enabled the camps to be fed, for the convoys arrived ; his tireless energy and skill imparted the needful concert and steadiness to the operations ; and when, after repulse of the army of succour, the brave governor, an O'Niel, surrendered (August 9th) on honourable terms, the King, hearing the news, said pointing to Fabert, " Without this brave man I should not be master of Arras." But he was not a noble, or a marshal, only an able, accom- plished, and indefatigable staff-officer of a kind not common in those days. The detailed record of his labours lies buried in piles of unread correspondence, and history barely knows his name. It is worth noting that the Duke of Enghien, soon to command an army and win a thundering victory at Rocroi, saw his first service at this siege, nor less so that, profiting by his studies in the military school, he was as active with his pen and pencil as with his sword, jotting down notes, drawing plans, educating his soldierly eye and mind, taking his trade seriously at that early age, and sending the result of his toils to his father. Another personage of a different 164 ABRAHAM FABERT. stamp was seen by the sliarp eyes of that Arnauld who became an Abbe, and was then a trooper in the famous Carabins, once commanded by his stout uncle Pierre. The King gave the command of the volunteers to Cinq Mars, under whom the Duke of Beaufort and the Duke of Mercoeur, descendants of Henry IV. and Gabrielle, at once refused to serve. Commenting on the appearance of Cinq Mars, Arnauld says, " I don't know whether it was because he had been unwell, but although he was handsome and had a gracious presence, elsewhere, and was extremely par^ that day, yet he did not appear at the head of his squadron with that proud bearing which so becomes a soldier." Monglat, who was present, notes tlie contrast between the volunteers who came in from Paris and those who rode from the camp to meet the big convoy. The new-comers were dandies, shining in gold and silver, topped with fine feathers, and dressed as if for a ball. The young men who had gone through the campaign were sunburnt, clad in thick, clumsy, dirty buff coats. The dandies had just spread out their table-cloths for breakfast when the trumpet suddenly called them to battle ! It is a contrast not unfrequently repeated even now in war-time. The autumn and winter brought Fabert rest from labours in the field, but not in the cabinet, where his practical knowledge and inventiveness were so welcome. Thus he was busily engaged in a dejiartment which does so much and shows so little — organization, transport, and supply, working continuously with Richelieu at Rueil and Louis at St. Germain. At the beginning of 1641 he was employed to escort the famous Jean do Worth, captured in battle by Bernhard at Rhinfeld, to Nancy ; negotiations having been sot on foot to exchange the intrepid but somewhat headlong leader of horse for Horn, the Swede, who was a general, Kcturning from that duty he was directed to sec that La PABERT WOUKS WITH THE KING AND RICHELIEU. 1G5 Meilleraye was properly suj)plied with wliat was needful for the siege of Aire, a troublesome walled town on the Lys, and do the staff-work with the convoy. But a grave peril had come to a head in another quarter, and Fabert was called up to help, if he could. Richelieu had been for some time aware that his old enemies, the Duke of Bouillon, Turenne's elder brother, now a Catholic, and the Count of Soissons, the grandson of the Conde who was murdered in cold blood on the field of Jarnac, were engaged in a conspiracy to effect his overthrow. Nor were they alone. They were joined by Henry, Duke of Guise, a flighty personage who is chiefly known for his escapade in Naples, and they successfully sought and obtained the promise of aid from the Spaniards. Sedan, where Soissons had resided since 1637, the year after he was present at Amiens, when Gaston's cowardice prevented the assassin- ation of the hated Cardinal, was the head-quarters of the plot and, so to speak, the base of operations. It was wide- spread, all the old hands being engaged,. including the ill-used Charles, Duke of Lorraine and Madame de Chevreuse ; but the pivot of the scheme was its Bourbon leader, who besides his other griefs, never forgot that Richelieu wished him to marry Madame de Combalet. These conspirators had got together some soldiery in Sedan ; it was suspected that they looked for a body of Imperialists ; and Marshal Chatillon, an able but " lethargic " officer, was sent to watch and thwart the enterprise. He was instructed to caj^ture Bouillon, which, it was supposed, would bar the road to the troops coming from Belgium, and then storm Sedan. He did nothing, and it was his inactivity which made the impatient Richelieu send his trusted assistant to spur on the Marshal. Fabert, however, soon hurried back to the King at Abbeville with weighty information. The cautious commander on the Meuse had reasons for delay, and his judgment was confiimed 166 ABRAHAM FABERT. by receiving, after Fabert's departure, fresh orders from the Court, directing him to post his troops in such away as would cover Champagne, and there await reinforcements. In fact, the minister had learned not only that a strong Spanish division w^as on the road, but that the conspiracy of exalted malcontents was wider and deeper than he had believed. The sharpness of the crisis, in the eyes of Louis and tlie Cardinal, is indicated by the fact that the King announced his intention of bringing up a strong army, and by the despatch of Fabert once more to the scene. Meanwhile Chatillon, quitting the meadows of Douzy, had crossed the Mouse and pitched his camp at Remilly, where Fabert found him on the 1st of July. Lamboy, with his Imperialists, now appeared marching down the right bank of the Chiers towards Sedan, and his junction with Bouillon and Soissons could not be prevented. Fabert then adroitly induced the Marshal to issue orders for the march of the army to the heights above Frenois, so well-known since the war of 1870, whence they could act with advantage against an enemy who might cross the Meuse. A storm of rain was enough to delay the execution of the order, and while Chatillon, despite the ardour of his advisers, remained at Remilly, the conspirators, July 6th, passed the river above Sedan, and marched on the position, reconnoitred by Fabert. Late that morning the Royal army marched forth, moving on Bulson, and then through the hills north-west towards the Bar. Fabert, as usual in front of the column, discovered that the enemy was near the wood of Marfee, still extant between Cheveuges and Noycrs. Riding swiftly up to the Marshal, he told him what he had seen, " It is only a party which has come out to reconnoitre us," said Cliatillon. Fabert, often brusque, answered bluntly, " Parbleu, no one reconnoitres with infantry ; I have seen the pikes ; I have seen the Avholo army ! " As Cliatillon gave no heed to news of such import, the FABERT WORKS WITH THE KING AND RICHELIEU. 1G7 irritated captain turned to a noble youth, and asked liini "whether he had ever seen an army defeated." The answer was " No." " Well," rejoined Fabert, " to-day you will see one." ^ The impetuous sally roused Chatillon, who rode forward to see for himself, and immediately formed his troops for action. Then followed a foolish, scrambling battle of one hour's duration, ending in the rout of the Koyal army. Whether from sympathy with Soissons or discontent, the greater part of the troops Avould not fight. They broke and fled, Avhon they did not surrender. At the time when the battle was really lost, an officer had gathered up two hundred gendarmes, troopers as valiant as himself, and riding headlong into the hostile left wing, broke down everything before them, and what was more, killed the Count of Soissons in the hurly-burly. That modest officer, telling the story, does not mention himself, but in the report of Chatillon we read his name — Fabert, who throughout the brief conflict, " according to his habitual courage, never spared himself." He covered the flight and helped to rally the scattered army. He says in one letter that the French, panic-stricken, defeated them- selves ; and in another, still indignant, he wrote, " The example of the general, the excellent array, the astonishment of the enemy, the bad position they occcupied, and all the advantages which it is possible to have in a combat, only turned to our shame." The conspirators won the chance victory, but the death of Soissons put an end to their enter- prise. The King and Richelieu came to Rheims; the Imperialists marched back to Flanders ; and Bouillon, sub- mitting rather proudly, made his peace with Louis. It was half-hearted, and only a prelude to the tragedy of the succeeding year. Before the troubles on the Meuse were evaded rather than ' This is the earliest report of an anecdote told of many commanders. 1G8 ABRAHAM FABERT. settled on a firm basis, messengers arrived at Mezieres with reports showing that La Meilleraye had been outwitted by the Cardinal-Infanta, who, reinforced by Lamboy, had early in August manoeuvred the Frenchman out of his position near Aire before he had destroyed the siege works. The consequence was that the enemy invested the place, making good La Meilleraye's old lines, and defying attack. A rein- forcement under De Breze enabled the two marshals to capture Lens and La Bassee, threaten Lille, and commit the havoc usual in those days. But the Imperialist would not relinquish his grip of the fort on the Lys, feeling sure that famine wonld compel the French garrison to beat chamadc. Fabert was sent to look into and report upon this unwelcome reverse. Moving actively hither and thither, he carried to the Court at Amiens the fruit of his observations. Aire could not be succoured, but Bapaume might be snatched from the enemy. The King objected, on fair grounds, that the capture could not be effected before the adversary would be in a position to break up the siege ; but the fervid soldier undertook to carry the town in eight days. Thereupon the King yielded ; Fabert hastened to the camp with full powers, and by his energy the garrison was compelled to capitulate in seven days. " Excellent man," said the King, " he promises more than one hopes, and performs more than he promises." It was at this siege that he drew on himself the remonstrances of his brother guardsmen. They held that he compromised their regiment and his dignity by acting as engineer. His answer was that he owed his honours to his zeal in the King's service, and that those who liked to grow gray in the Guards, which he did not mean to do, might act as they pleased, but for his part he should work hard at the business in hand, Avliich was to take the place, without regard to their view of the dignity of his position. So he toiled in the trenches, batteries, and galleries, according to his custom, and won Bapaume — FABERT WORKS WITH THE KING AND RICHELIEU. 169 a sharp and deserved reproof from this new kind of soldier to a noblesse so quick to look down on the working engineers who were not noble. Further services kept him some time on the frontiers of Artois with his friend, the newly promoted Marshal Guiche, and on his return to the Court he met with an adventure characteristic of the times which nearly cost him his life. During his journey to Compiegne, obliged to wait for horses, he went to bed, while the officer who accompanied him lay down in his clothes. Early in the morning Count Rantzau and Captain de Quesnai, seeing a light, rushed into his room. The uproar they made woke Fabert, who said, " Gentlemen, this is my room; there are others in the hotel, and I beg you will seek one." " Sir," was the brutal answer, " sleep if you can, I intend to make merry." Fabert, enraged, leapt out of bed, while Rantzau, laiighing, cried, " The affair is serious, the gentleman is taking to his hosen." He took to his sword, in his shirt as he was, and fell on the intruders, who, getting on each side of Fabert, wounded him in fourteen places before the hotel people could run in. They seized the trooper, and Fabert, charging, overbore Kantzau. Hold- ing his sword at the brawler's throat, he asked his name, " Beg your life or I will take it." " His name, M. de Fabert," said mine host, " is Rantzau." The young man was horror- struck at his own conduct. Fabert, hot-tempered and fierce, was ever generous, and he allowed the "young scamps," as he called them, to escape while the host sought the police. Then turning to his own attendant officer, who had slunk aside during the fight, he said, " Fly with them ; your shame- ful cowardice is as dishonouring as their crime, and merits the same punishment." Two wounds were severe, and kept him long in his chamber, tended by the King's surgeon, who was sent to the inn as soon as Fabert's servant reported the incident at Compiegne. The delinquents were arrested, and 170 ABRAHAM FABERT. prosecuted by tlie angry King, but the reiterated prayers of their victim at length secured their pardon. Fortunately he recovered soou enough to show his faith- fulness to the old Duke of Epernon. Finding that, on the strength of forged letters, the Duke was accused of conspiring to kill the King and the Cardinal, Fabert not only laboured to convict the miscreants, but promptly declared that he would answer with his head for the Duke's innocence, and proposed that he should be imprisoned in the Bastille until his pledge was made good. His offer, of course, was not accepted, but the evidence he produced showing the wicked- ness of the accuser, led to the arrest and ultimately the execution of that confirmed felon. Neither the King nor the Cardinal regarded the vehemence of Fabert's inter- position with disfavour; both knew that nothing daunted him when his heart and head were engaged to serve a friend. Epernon's request, in January 1642, that Fabert should be allowed to visit him, was therefore readily accorded. The haughty old Duke had been confined in the gloomy castle of Loches, where he kept up his state, but was a virtual jOTsoner, humbled, yet still treated with formal respect by Richelieu. He was now eighty-eight, and had long out- lived his age. He had seen the grand seigneurs of his brilliant youth destroyed or rendered powerless by the terrible minister; and had himself suffered bitter mortifi- cations with a stern unbending fortitude. He would never address the Cardinal as " Monseigneur," or, in his letters, place over his signature any words except " very humble and very affectionate," not obedient, " servant." He was not dis- loyal, had been ever a firm enemy of the League, and he represented the last wreck of provincial liberty as under- stood by the great governors. Shrewd, and full of bitter experiences, he said to the arch-conspirator Fontrailles, "Beware of the Bastille;" and implored De Thou to quit FABERT WORKS WITH THE KING AND RICHELIEU. 171 the Court for the Bench, not believing that they and Cinq Mars could overthrow a man like Richelieu. Altogether a unique figure, with a touch of the heroic in his persistent bearing. Fabert, wlio received from him his first employ- ment, stood by his death-bed in the grim chateau, and received his last message to the King, which was a request that his Majesty would protect the family of his faithful subject. " Sir," said his mournful listener, " have you for- gotten his Eminence ? One word to him will not injure your children." But the only response he could get, after a pause, was, " I pray God to bless his enterprises, I am his servant." Fabert departed ; and soon afterwards the in- flexible veteran passed quietly away. i CHAPTER XI. THE TRAGEDY OF CINQ MARS. A REVOLT in Catalonia and Roussillon, favoured and openly supported by the French Court, offered so good an oppor- tunity for the extension of the frontier to the Pyrenees, that the principal military effort, in 1642, was made on that side. Guebriant, in January, won his hdto7i at Kempen, near Cologne, where he cleverly overwhelmed one division of the Imperialists before it could be joined by another, thus safeguarding the Rhine. Harcourt, fresh from new Italian triumphs, and Guiche were on the Belgian border, and six months afterwards, having divided their forces, the latter suffered a severe defeat at Honnecourt, which was the counterpart of Kempen, in an opposite sense, and due to similar causes. But during the first half of the year the conditions were suitable for the prosecution of the war of conquest iti Roussillon, and in February the King and Richelieu set out to join the army already on the spot. They moved slowly, with an .immense train, both sickly, yet upborne by their high temper and constancy of spirit. The capital of Roussillon, Pcrpignan, a redoubtable fortress seated on the Tet, in a fertile plain, and commanding all the eastern passes through the Pyrenees, was really the object of the campaign ; but Louis carried with him all the regal apparatus, crown, sceptre, robes, needful for a state THE TRAGEDY OF CINQ MARS. 173 entry Into Barcelona when he should take formal possession of Catalonia, an ambitious design never to be accomplished. Fabert, preceding the double processional column of King and minister, joined the army under La Meilleraye while it was yet in camp. He appears to have been the bearer of a royal order, based on his own advice, directing the Marshal to reduce the sea fortress of Collioure before tackling Perpignan. Though not relished by the commander it was certainly the correct operation, because the port at that time gave the Spaniards easy access to the plain ; and they had demon- strated its value by landing a force there in January and pouring a fresh stock of provisions into the magazines of Perpignan. A little north of Collioure the rocky spurs of the hills terminate, and a low, sandy beach, backed by a chain of lakes and salt marshes, separated by rare and narrow intervals, fringes the curve of the gulf as far as the Rhone, broken only by low headlands at Leucate, Agde, and Cette. There is no safe anchoring ground off this line of coast, which is edged by moving sandbanks. In the middle of the seven- teenth century the inlet defended by Collioure, now superseded by Port Vendres, further south, had an especial value because it was unique, and thus Fabert's advice was sound. La Meilleraye, rude and violent in manner and speech, while he took care not to thwart the Cardinal, to whom he owed everything, turned his anger upon the trusted staff officer of whose influence at Court he was jealous. Discoursing at table on the qualities of his troops, he said, in a loud voice, *'We have Fabert's dianoincs," or, as we might say, carjDet kniglits or feather-bed soldiers, meaning the first battalion of the Guard, long on duty at Court. The insult rankled ; and when, the next day, the guardsman saluted the Marshal as he rode up, and the ill-bred gentleman shouted " This is not a time for idle ceremony, but for action," Fabert's sensitive temper flamed up at the stupid imputation of cowardice, and 174 ABRAHAM FABERT. he was only restrained by his cahn friend Turenne from fighting the offender there and then. The army moved down on Collioure, and it was in the presence of the enemy that La Meilleraye, who had had time for reflection, handsomely made a rough sort of reparation which ended the quarrel. He asked the opinion of his subordinate, who replied that he was there to obey orders. " Let us forget the past," said the Marshal ; " what do you advise ? " " To attack," was the brief answer. " March," rejoined the Marshal. The rapid assault and capture of an outwork speedily followed ; the army invested the fort, and the two brave men never quarrelled again. The Spaniards lost heavily in the combat, and obtaining a truce to bury the dead, Fabert volunteered as a hostage from the French side. While in the citadel his quick eyes, ever on the watch, caught sight of the tower which contained the large cistern whence the garrison derived their supply of water. When operations were renewed on his return to the besiegers' quarters, he drove a mine under that tower, blew it up, and thus compelled a surrender on April 10th, 16-12. The con- ditions were now secured which rendered the siege of Perpignan safe, for the French army in Catalonia barred the road to succour through the mountains. Fabert went off to scout about the place; he judged that, being too strong, it could only be reduced by famine, and that report he carried to the King. When Collioure surrendered, Louis had been a month at Narbonne, an ancient Roman station, built on the marshlands at the head of a lake, and unhealthy. Richelieu, feeble and alHictcd, brought to death's door by fever and abscesses, one of wliicli for some time deprived him of the use of his right liand, kept beside his master, doubtful of what might befall ; for differences had arisen between them, and the slightest opposition fi'om his King sent a shudder of anxiety through THE TRAGEDY OF CINQ MARS. 175 the Cardinal. He knew that a web of intrigue had been woven about him by the old conspirators reinforced by the youthful Cinq Mars, and his anguish of mind increased when the King, towards the end of April, set out for the camp before Perpignan, wliither the minister's infirmities prevented him from going. He had ever been nervous, distrustful, shaken by apprehensions, and now his terror was the greater, because he suspected even the constancy of Louis, on which, nevertheless, he had such good reason to rely. The army, or rather some of its officers, even those in the Guard, had been tampered with, and all the chiefs were not free from suspicion. The Cardinal, who ostentatiously made his wall, remained in Narbonne, enduring its vitiated air, until the end of May, when, under a fresh access of alarm, he sought the sea-breezes at Agde, where the Herault pours through a fruitful plain bordered by extinct volcanoes and lava beds ; and then, beset by more fears, hurried to Aries, afterwards to Tarascon, as if making for Paris. He had invoked and received the aid of the Prince of Orange, who was deeply interested in the frustration of the Cinq Mars faction, and he had taken the precaution to secure the willing help of Conde and his son Enghien, We may leave him journeying towards Tarascon, better in body somewhat, yet deeply alarmed, or seeming so, and follow the" movements of the King and Fabert, which will give some insight into the causes of Richeheu's trembling perturbation, if all the time he was not, in some degree at least, acting a part to deceive his hosts of enemies. For in Paris his friends were not afraid. Even Marie de Gonzaga wrote to Cinq Mars that his projects were as well known there as the fact that the Seine flowed under the Pont Neuf ; while old Conde scouted the notion that Louis would abandon the Cardinal ; and the shrewd Chancellor, Scguier, openly said that there would be another Day of Dupes more astounding than the first. ]7G ABRAHAM FABERT. The army blockaded Perpiguan, which rendered its fall certain ; and as we have no further interest in the operation, it may at once be said that the fine old fortress surrendered in September, and Roussillon became definitively French. The King arrived in the camp about the 24th of April, and remained until the beginning of June. Those were critical months in his reign, for Gaston, the Duke of Bouillon, Cinq Mars, and probably De Thou, had formed a gigantic plot to destroy the Cardinal, impose their will on the King, if he lived, and secure the Regency if he died. The young favourite had played his last card in the game of ambition. The Gascon Fontrailles, Count of Astarac, a man of boundless daring and not less wariness, a born conspirator, had, on behalf of his principals, negotiated a treaty with Spain which secured her help in money and troops for the furthering of her and their schemes. It was a continuation of the Soissons plot on a broader basis, and belonged to a series which the Franco-Spanish party had carried on ever since the murder of Henry IV, An act of war on the part of Spain, it was an act of treason on the part of the French faction. Cinq Mars, son of Marshal Effiat, promoted to the recognized post of favourite, and made Grand Ecuycr, took it into his foolish young head to try a fall with the Cardinal. He drew in the Duke of Bouillon, drew in Gaston, both ready to be drawn in, met the first in secret at St. Germain, and both in the Hotel de Venise, Rue Dauphinc, as it afterwards became, employed, witli his lull consent, Augustin de Thou as a go- between, and obtained the perilous commission for Fontrailles. Madame de Chevreuse, and probably Queen Anne of Austria, were no strangers to the plot, though they may not have known its full scope ; and Anne's participation, if she par- ticipated, inust have been tempered l)y anxiety for her oldest son. At the time when the King went to the IVrpignan leaguer, THE TRAGEDY OF CTNQ MARS. 177 Fontrailles had returned from Spain with his black treaty, and Cinq Mars was daily engaged in winning over adherents to his cause. He had gained, or said he had gained, some officers of the Guards, and one day, encountering Fabert, took him apart, ostensibly to play quoits, really to talk treason. What he said must be inferred from Fabert's prompt and indignant reply to the insult, and his abrujit departure. How much was revealed cannot be known ; but enough to make Fabert, who saw De Thou near by, lead him aside and implore him to break off from the Favourite and seek an asylum in Italy. De Thou, an old comrade, much esteemed, promised to cross the Alps, but did not, because a malady developed itself in his throat. The counsel shows that his friend measured correctly the dangers of the moment. Another incident proves that Louis himself was alive to the discord around him. One day he said to Fabert, "I know tliat my army is divided into two factions — Royalists and Cardinalists, to which do you belong ? " The answer was direct and frank — " The Cardinalists, Sire," adding the notable words, that he was convinced of his fidelity and zeal for the King's service. " It is true," said the King, " that the Cardinal has rendered me important services, and it would not be just that mere trifles should make me forget them." It was ever so. However great the irritation excited by the Cardinal's grand manner, overbearing even when studiously deferential, the King, who was silent and reflective, mastered his wrath. The most dangerous enemy of Richelieu was the beautiful, ingenious, and pious Mademoiselle la Fayette, but she took the veil. She also was an unconscious tool in the hands of the Spanish faction. Louis gave up Madame de Hautefort — all his attachments were platonic — when she used her influence against the Cardinal. " Your Majesty," said Brienne, " often promised that she should not be disgraced." Louis 178 ABRAHAM FABERT. answered that he had, on condition " qu'elle scroit sage ; " adding, " Moreover, she was to keep clear of cabals, and that is exactly what I could never induce her to do." Cinq Mars not only had a bias towards cabals, but was encouraged by the Queen. Louis endured him long with great patience, to such a degree that the courtiers thought the Favourite was supreme. The wiser knew better. Brienne, trying to persuade the ill-stan-ed De Thou not to join the army in Roussillon, said that the King had an aversion for Cinq Mars, and could no longer endure him. The fact revealed itself in a convincing manner before the walls of Perpignan, months after Brienne's warning to his friend. Fabert one morning submitted a military report to the King, who, as his custom was, proceeded to draw plans of the works, Fabert giving explanatory comments. Cinq Mars, who was present, ridiculed the veteran soldier's remarks, and that folly drew on him a torrent of fierce rebuke from the King. " You," said he to the impertinent youngster, " have no doubt passed the night in the trenches, since you speak so know- ingly." " Sire," rejoined Cinq Mars, " you know to the contrary." " Go," stammered out Louis, smiting the arms of his chair with fury, " go, you are insufferable. You wish peoj)le to believe that you pass your nights in ordering with me gi-eat affairs of State, when you pass them in my garde- robe with my valets reading Ariosto — go, orgucillcux, il y a six mois que je vous vomis " [" I spewed you out, proud fool, six months ago"]. The young man went, saying to Fabert as he departed, " Sir, I thank you." " What did he say ? " cried the King, " he seemed to utter a menace." " No, Sire," was the reply ; " no one dares to employ threats in the presence of your Majesty, and elsewhere they are not en- dured." A dramatic scene which, while it proves how correct was Brienne's information in the preceding February, also THE TRAGEDY OF CINQ MARS. 179 tends to render inexplicable the terrors and suspicions of Richelieu.^ At this very moment, when the credit of Cinq Mars was wholly gone, the minister, worn down with rackmg pains, was in an agony of mental torture. He had ever been a victim to his fears, his physical timidity contrasting strongly with his moral daring. " I have often heard my father relate," says St. Simon, " how the Cardinal awoke him many times in the dead of the nisfht, drawino- aside the bed curtains, and flinging himself down beside the wise favourite, crying aloud that he was lost." He dreaded the worst in every grave conjuncture, yet took infinite pains to make himself secure. During the Roussillon period he summoned the Duke of Enghien, bade him remain by his side, and quietly collect a body of his friends to act as a safeguard, which that shrewd young man did. Yet, as we have seen, there was no solid ground for terror, except from the audacity of men like Fontrailles and the reckless spirits in the army. Even Enghien saw that " M. le Grand was going from bad to worse," and Chavigny, who was sent to the royal head- quarters, returned without having spoken to Louis about his titular favourite, because he found the pair mal ensemble. The letter which the King sent to Richelieu on the 3rd of June by Chavigny, after hearing the startling news of the defeat at Honnecourt, which was taken soberly, should have completely satisfied the suspiciously apprehensive Cardinal. " I finish," wrote the King, " in assuring you, that whatever false reports may be current, I love you more than ever, and that we have been too long together to be ever separated, a fact which I wish all the world should know." It is fair to * As Fabert returned to Narbonne, April 24, after escorting the King to the camp, it is possible that he made to Richelieu some report of the roadside interview with Cinq Mars, and tlierel)y increased the Cardinal's chronic anxieties and alarms. 180 ABRAHAM FABERT. infer that the engaging modesty, frankness, and sturdy loyalty of Fabert, ^vhich formed a striking contrast to the self-seeking, flippancy, and arrogance of Cinq Mars, helped to destroy such influence as the unfortunate favourite may possibly have possessed at some early time over the King's mind. Suddenly the whole edifice of treason tumbled down with a crash. Tlie King, quitting the Perpignan camp, reached Narboune on the 11th of June. Chavigny, travelling from Aries, arrived the next day, and handed to Louis a packet from the Cardinal. It contained a copy of the treaty negoti- ated by Fontrailles at Madrid, or the substance of that document, and revealed at once the perfidy of Cinq Mars, Gaston, Bouillon, and by implication De Thou, who certainly was engaged, more or less, in the plot throughout. The papers submitted to him showed Louis that his brother was to be placed in possession of Sedan, supported by Spanish troops and money, and by their aid was to force from France a peace favourable to Spain and the Empire — reverse, in fact, at a blow the policy of the King and Richelieu. Louis could not have hesitated, as he is said to have done, in deciding on his course. Orders for the arrest of Cinq Mars were out on the 12th, and he was caught, hiding in a cottage, on the 13th of June. De Thou was also captured, and in due time Bouillon, then in command of tlie French forces in Italy, was made prisoner at Casale, lurking in a hayloft, whither he had fled at the first scent of danger. Fontrailles, a shifty and dexterous man, betook himself to England before the fatal discovery. Gaston, Duke of Orleans, behaved, as usual, meanly; he secured a bare pardon and nothing more by denouncing his confederates ; and having burned the original, produced a cojjy of the treaty. Cinq Mars and De Thou were beheaded ; Bouillon suffered only the loss of Sedan. Yet Gaston and he were the principal delinquents, for without them the other conspirators were powerless ! Whence THE TRAGEDY OF CINQ MARS. 181 Richelieu obtained the papers in the packet carried by Chavigny to Narbonne is still a subject of conjecture. Sus- picion fell on Queen Anne ; on Gaston, on his almoner, the paltry Abbe de la Riviere; on a secret agent of Richelieu's at Madrid, even on Olivarez himself! No proofs or certain indications have come to light. The secret seems to have been known to Fabert, bat if so, he kept his lips closed, and it died with him, or went to ashes when he burned his papers. When the conspiracy was discovered Fabert was directed to bring up from the camp at Perpignan several companies of the Guard. He joined the King at Montfrin, where he got fresh orders which sent him to Lyons. Before starting, he paid a hurried visit to Tarascon, purporting to visit De Thou, a prisoner in the castle there. He never deserted his friends in misfortune, and dared, under the eyes of Richelieu, to give such a proof of his deep concern. Not admitted, he went his way, not, however, without writing a letter to the prisoner's brother, the Abbe de Bonneval, although he could only report that De Thou was well in health, and express his grief at the disgrace of a tried friend for whom he was ready to do all in his power. It was while the King halted at Montfrin, sick almost unto death, that he had himself borne to the bedside of Richelieu at Tarascon. Neither could sit upright, and the famous interview, begun, it is said, with tears on both sides, showed how profoundly these two fellow-workers were touched. What passed is nowhere recorded ; yet the writers who systematically blacken Louis, in order to exalt the power and greatness of his minister, set forth in sparkling epigrams the magnanimity of the Cardinal and the trembling subservi- ency of the King. So that even the conspicuous proof which he gave of his confidence, when, departing, he conferred on Richelieu full powers, including the command of the army in Roussillon, is distorted into evidence of Louis's contrition for 182 ABRAHAM FABERT, havincr dallied with the idea of " dethroninoj " the real sovereign ! The truth is, that a character like that of the King lacked the showy qualities which appeal to the imagin- ations of men who see in the Cardinal-Duke a personification of France, menacing, aggressive, terrible, and who forget that Avithout a just, sagacious, and constant Louis XIII. to bear with and sustain him, there could have been no proud and splendid Richelieu, no towering man of genius to work his life out in realizing a French patriot's ideal. Louis journeyed forward on his way to Fontainebleau, and Fabert travelled with him as far as La Bresle. Here, in the evening, the King spoke to him very freely on the recent conduct of Cinq Mars, which rankled deeply in his mind, and showed that the favourite had long been suspected by a reticent master, who could not refrain from pouring his woes into the ear of a trusted officer. The next morning his Majesty departed, after ordering Fabert to capture Trevoux, a walled town on the Rhone belonging to the Grande Mademoiselle, and held on her behalf by the troops of Gaston, her father, who, it was feared, might slip into the place for shelter. When the had been dexterously performed, Fabert was sent once more to Roussillon with a reinforcement, baseless rumours having been floated implying that the Spaniards were about to attempt the relief of Perpignan. There he remained until the capitulation was signed. The Cardinal, learning at the same time that the axe had slain Do Thou and Cinq Mars, wrote liis exulting despatch — " Sire, your troops are in Perpignan and your enemies are dead." He was still helpless, moving slowly towards Paris, having completed his work in the south. Summoning Fabert, that swift traveller overtook him at a castle near Roanne, on the upper Loire. There had been some question of appointing him Governor of Roussillon, and the report had got abroad, but the King pre- ferred another old and tried officer for that post. Richelieu THE TRAGEDY OF CINQ MARS. 183 then easily obtained from Louis the promise that Fabert sliould have the governorship of Sedan, and it was to impart the welcome news that the Cardinal called him from Roussillon, He bade him, however, keep silent, testify no joy, offer no compliments, so that he might appear to learn the fact from the King's hps, a characteristic example of Richelicn's method. " You are so disinterested," he said, " that if we do not take care of your affairs you will make a bad bargain. The King of his own motion bestows this post, but I will provide for your establishment. Madame Fabert shall have a thousand crowns per month as table allowance ; the King will grant ten thousand crowns for plate and furniture ; the rest I shall order without consulting you." Done with his usual magnificence and breadth. Fabert quietly retired as he was bidden, and hastened to the Court at Paris, where Louis confirmed the words of his minister, and directed the new Governor to assume his post at once. He was sick of the quartain ague, but there was no time to lose ; and on the 30th of September, Mazarin, aided by a body of Guards and Swiss, having previously performed the delicate task of dismissing the Duchess of Bouillon and her troops, Fabert marched in and took his place as the chief of the sovereign principality of Sedan. He Avas near the end of his forty-third year, and the thirtieth of his service. So far had he come by dint of courage, toil and devotion, on his way to the highest military honour. It is recorded that Turenne, on hearing that he might have sway in Sedan, said to Fabert, " If my house must lose this place, I would much rather that you had the government than any other officer in the army." They had served to- gether on many fields since 1635, when they first met, and Turenne's firm friendship and high regard are not the least valuable testimonies to the ability and character of Abraham Fabert. CHAPTER XII. LOUIS AND RICHELIEU. Before describing the conduct of the Governor of Sedan in his new sphere of labour, we may here place conveniently some brief comments on the two men who had so large an influence on his fortunes ; for he lost both his friends and masters within eight months after he took possession of the territory. The minister died on the 4th December, 1642, and the long-suffering monarch expired on the 14th May, 1643. Their lives were and are inseparably woven together, but the shining threads in the tissue have been allotted to the haughty Cardinal, the sober hues alone to the modest King. We may, perhaps, be allowed to differ, with proper respect, from the great artists who designed and wrought the fabric which fills them with delight. The career of Richelieu, his character, his actions, have attracted the praise and censure of historians, who applaud and accept his policy. They glory in the minister who hoped to extend the dominions of the French Crown until they were girdled by "the natural frontiers of ancient Gaul." There are others who, admiring his patriotism and sharing his love of domination, rebuke him because, in the relentless pursuit of his superb design, ho mowed down everything wliirli stood or seemed to stand between him and the accom- piisliment, of liis double purpose — absolute government at home, and the .supremacy of France in Europe. They lament LOUIS AND KICHELIEU. 185 and tliey denounce the Tarquinian policy which cut off the tallest heads, slew great nobles as well as subordinate con- spirators — respecting a Montmorency not more than a Cinq Mars — filled the prisons, multiplied the exiles, crushed the political Huguenots, coerced the Parlements, and set aside the States-General. They condemn severely fiscal and financial devices, which, unjust and often shameful, wasted the national resources, piled up debt, stimulated corruption, encouraged venality, promoted fraud, and stung the beggared peasants into useless revolt. They are eloquent and im- pressive when passing judgment on the means employed by the great minister — but the great minister's vast and costly projects, defensive and aggressive alike, are not merely sanctioned, they are sanctioned with pride and exultation. Yet, attentively considered, it will be seen that by no pro- cesses other than those he adopted could the same results which he achieved have been achieved in the same time and in the same circumstances. If it were desirable to establish the indisputable authority of the central power, then it was necessary to beat down the political pretensions of the Huguenots, who aimed at something more than religious freedom ; to enforce sub- mission from the grand seigneurs who defied the law like Bouteville, or took the field like Montmorency, or men of lesser rank who plotted like Chalais and Cinq Mars ; nay, it was necessary to constrain, if not to punish, all, whatever their rank, who were more or less leagued with Spain, even Queen Anne, the Duke of Orleans, and the Duke of Bouillon. If, again, it was desirable to wage war on Spain and the Empire, in order to push forward on all sides the boundaries of France, how could that be done effectually while there was anarchy and faction fighting within France, not only a strife of noble against noble, an eager competition for place and power, but an actual co-operation between internal 18G ABRAHAM FABERT. parties and external enemies ; so that in order to attain the great end, the aggrandizement of France, it was imperative that the noblesse should be subdued, and those who dealt in treason punished. The end does not justify the means, but those who hold that Richelieu's end was just, and that, as a patriot, he is not only entitled to gratitude but to reverence, are bound to accept his means, bloody and oppres- sive as they were, since, unless, they had been applied, there would soon have been no E.ichelieu, he would have died by the hand of an assassin, and no such manifestation of the power and splendour of France, as that in which his country- men take delight, for there was but one man of his stamp in France, himself. In like manner the fiscal exactions, the financial expedients, find their excuse in the necessity for revenue to carry on a government of concentration, and a war of conquest and glory. When the objects in view are condemned by those who adore them, it will be time to admit that their censures are justified ; but the same people are not permitted to in- toxicate themselves with the glory and gain, and flatter their sense of virtue by pouring out righteous invective on the dreadful cost by which they were won. Still less is it allow- able to magnify the moral grandeur of the aim, and ascribe to immoral passions — an insatiable love of power, personal hatreds, unscrupulous malignity — the actions by which the grand aim was to be attained. Richelieu was human, and he was a Frenchman in his virtues and vices, but he was thoroughly sincere. He believed that he was working out liis vast schemes for the glory of France, that hostility to him was hostility to them and to her ; and then, to use the terrible words ascribed to him which, if lie did not speak them, represent his thought and actions, when once he had made up his mind lie went straight towards his goal, he overturned, he cut down all before him, and afterwards LOUIS AND RICHELIEU. 187 covered liis deeds with his scarlet robe.^ The victims who survived shuddered and shrieked, and with Pierre Corneille, found the sole motives which animated the Cardinal to be "pride, ambition, interest, and avarice." Pride and ambition there was in abundance, and these were powerful springs of action. But the end achieved was the thing dear to Richelieu, and he defined it when he said on his death-bed, speaking to the King, " I leave your kingdom in a higher degree of glory and reputation than it has ever attained, and all your enemies struck down and humbled." He was not the first nor the last who sacrificed everything to power and glory, to enlarge the boundaries, to exalt the name, to secure the dominance of France in Europe. Those purposes could not be accomplished except at great cost — the destruction of provincial and municipal franchises, as well as the independ- ence of the noblesse ; the foundation, if not the creation of that irresistible State (J' personified in the son of Louis XIII. ; the conversion of a Monarchy limited in its authority by great territorial lords, local councils, Parlements, and States-General, into an Absolutism tempered by epigrams. Kichelieu is a colossal figure in French history, but his work must be taken as a whole. Not the welfare of France, her power and glory were his gods ; and if he offered up on their altars the abiding interests of his country, he also sacrificed himself, killing his weak body by the literally endless labours of his spirit, which wore its physical environment into a mere atomy of pain, yet to the last remainevorldly fortunes. I shall be content if I have conveyed some approximately correct conception of a hard-working, ingenious, valiant, and honest man, who, in essentials, is an example to all time ; who had the good fortune to figure in youth as a printer and publisher of books — " Abraham Fabert, Icjcune" may still be read on title-pages — and who, in old age, became a Marshal of France, the first of his class who attained to that splendid and coveted dignity, and one of the worthiest by whom it has ever been borne. INDEX. AcQUEviLLE, M. DE, luakes Fabert take fooil, 103 Anionton, William, inventor of the semaphore, 129 Andilly, Eobert, his frank sjjeeches to tlie King, 52 Arquien, Commandant of Metz, 11 Arriere-ban, its failure as a military institution, 105, 106 Baireuth, Albert of ("Alcibiudes "), 6 Balance of power, 5 Bastille, the, as a State Treasure- house, 5, 15, 22 Brunswick, Cliristian of, 44 Buckingham, Duke of, his mission to Paris, 55, 57 ; gallantry at Rochelle, 57 Cadastral survey of Champagne be- gun by Fabert, 232 Casale, Spinola besieges, 67 Champagne, Regiment of, its dis- cipline under Pierre Arnauld, 37 Charles Emanuel of Savoy, his death and character, 72 Chavigny, Fabert's friendship for, 214 Chavigny and Pere Joseph, 151 Cinq Mars, 123 ; at Arras, 164 ; his plot, 176 ; threatens Fabert, 178 ; is rebuked severely by Louis, 178; his schemes discovered, 180; executed, ib. Clevant, Chxude de, becomes wife of Fabert, 80 Cloud, M., refuses a bribe to release Fabert, and is complimented by the latter, 90 Colbert and Fouquet, 248 Concini, the, favourites of Marie de Medici, 25 Coneino, Marechal d'Ancre, assas- sinated, 25 Conseil, M. de, promoted in place of Fabert, 46 ; killed by Fabert in a duel, 47 Constable of France, the last (Les- diguieres), 41 Cordova, Gonzalez of, 44 Discipline, looseness of, in French army, 88, 98 Dole, attempt on, by Conde, frus- trated by the Archbishop of Besan^on, 117 Duelling, the frequency of, 21, 47 Du Perron, Cardinal, his audari us speech, 24 Effiat, father of Cinq Mars, 68, 69, 83 Epernon, Duke of, the patmn uf Abraham Fabert tlie elder, 3 ; his "natural ferocity,'' 21 ; aids Marie de Medici, 27 ; his narrow escape at Rochelle, 43 ; visited in prison by Fabert, 170 ; his death, 171 Fabert, Abraham, father of the Marshal, printer, iron-master, Maitre Echeviii of Metz, 2, 3 Fabert, Abraham (the Marshal), his birth, 1, 3, 4, 7 ; called Ic jenne on a few title-pages of books printed at Metz, 264 ; his ances- try, 2 ; his posterity, 262 ; early 266 INDEX. inclination for military service, 9, 11 ; his education, 13 et sq. ; noticed by Epernon, enters the French Guards, 16 ; goes to Paris with his regiment, 17, 19 ; serves in Regiment Piedmont, 18 ; cashiered by Luynes from Regi- ment Piedmont, but reinstated by Epernon, 27 ; at Beam and Rochelle, 35, 36, 37 ; wounded at Rochelle, 43 ; at siege of Montpel- lier, presented to tlie King, 45 ; not promoted ; his disappoint- ment, 46 ; kills his rival, M. de Conseil, and hides, 47 ; takes refuge in Moulins, 48 ; meditates taking service in Germany, 48 ; dissuaded by Epernon and posted to Regiment Rambures as Ser- geant-]\Iajor, 49, 50 ; at second siege of Rochelle, 56, 58 ; noticed by Richelieu, 59 ; ordered to Dauphiny, 61 ; turns the Pas de Suze, 62 et sq.; his audacity when reconnoitring, 62, 71, 89, 103, 114, 120, 162, 202 ; com- mer.ded by the King, 64, 65 ; his bravery at Privas, 65 ; made cap- tain but refuses the post, ib.; re- turns to Metz, 66 ; rejoins Ram- bures, ib. ; at Lyons, 67 ; in the Alps, defends rear-guard, 69 ; at Saluzzo, 70 ; becomes a cajstain, 71 ; his generosity to a comrade, ib.; at Metz, 78; domestic troubles, ib.; manages ironworks at Moy- CEUvre, ib. et sq.; transfers Moulins to liis brother Fran9ois, 78 ; his marriage, 80 ; reconnoitres Moy- envic disguised as a peasant, 81; liis daring j)]aii for its capture, il>.; in Lorraine, 83 ; trusted by the King in Lorraine, 87 ; claims right to punish his own men, 88; wliile recDniKiitring Tliinnvillc is made prisoner by the Sjianiards, 89 ; is set free, 90 ; Commandant of Metz, 90 ; liis diligence in his duties, 91, 95 ; appointed aide- de-camj) to La Valette, 97 ; his ruply to I'ernhard of Saxe Weimar, 101 ; reprovisions La Valette's army, 102, 107 ; care- lessness of his own health, 103 ; resumes his post in Rambures, 107 ; humane treatment of enemy's wounded, 108 ; proposes reforms in army, 109 ; saves the Count of Guiche at Saverne, 113; his skilful use of the artillery, ih.; aids in relieving St. Jean de Losne, 119 ; in campaign of 1637, 123 sq.; becomes a captain in the Picardy Regiment, 124 ; asked for by La Valette, ib.; Fabert and '■'■Vhomme iV esprit,^' 125, 127, 134-37; at Landrecies, ib.; his skilful use of mines, ib. ; daring proposal for a retreat, 133 ; Fabert and Pere Joseph, 137 ; Fabert and the King, 135 ; de- nounces the charlatan Vercour, 136 ; intrigues against Richelieu, 138 et sq.; fortunately does not suffer thereby ; 142 ; Fabert and the famine, 145 ; organizes relief, 146; endeavours to prevent seizure of implements for taxes, 147 ; in Italy again, 149 ; his remarks to La Valette on the Court, 150 ; at- tempts to relieve Vercelli, 153 ; death of his father, 154 ; returns tothearmyinltaly, 154; wounded at Turin, 155 ; his quaint speech regarding proposad amputation of his leg, 156 ; his aid is sought by Richelieu, 157 ; madegovernor of La Capelle ; his generous con- duct to another otficer, 157 ; re- turns to Italy as Iwinme du lioi, 158 ; revictuals Casale, 159 ; re- turnsto Paris, 161 ; advises seizure of Arras, ib.; examines it in dis- guise, 162; his energy, 163; works at armv organization, 164; with Marshal Chatillon, 166 ; well- known mut attributed to him among otliers, 166 ; covers the rout of Cliatillon's army, 167 ; lakes I'apaume "in eight days," 168 ; his rebuke to over-digni- fied comrades, 168 ; his adven- ture with two brawlers, 169 ; goes with the King and Richelieu to Roussillon, 172 ; siege of Colli- oure, 173; quarrel with La Meil- INDEX. 2G7 leraye, ib.; appeased by Turenne, 174 ; warns De Thou to keep aloof from Cinq Mars, 177 ; liis remark on tlie insolence of Cinq Mar.s, 178; tries to visit De Thou in prison, 181 ; made governor of Sedan, 183; becomes MarecJial de Cam]), 196 ; trusted by tlie Protestants of S .dan, 19G ; ar- ranges with neighbouring states for the suppression of raiding, 198 ; aids tlie French, lb.; forms a regiment, ib.; has to abandon it, 199, 202; in Catalonia, 199; is taken prisoneratKosas, 200; draws Act of Capitulation for that place, ib.; returns to Sedan, 200 ; ad- ministrative ditliculties, 201 ; iiominateil to the Council, ib.; fighting in Elba, 202 ; encourages manufactures in Sedan, 203 ; his money difficulties with Mazarin, 203 ; during the Fronde, 206 ; his health impaired, 206 ; goes to Paris to aid Chavigny, ib.; escorts Mazarin's nieces to Sedan, 207 ; maintains order against partizans of the Frondeurs, 208 ; opposes Turenne at Mouzon, 212 ; his de- pression of mind, 209, 213 ; letters to Chavigny, ib.; garden- ing, 213; helps M:izarin during his flight, 215 ; excludes from Sedan the deputies sent by the Parle- ment, 216 ; defends local institu- tions, ib.; works with Mazarin, 219, 220 ; cannotrecoveradvances of money, 222, 224 ; offered post of Superintendant of Finances, 222 ; offer withdrawn, ib.; given command of an army to operate at Liege, 223 ; at tiege of Stenay employs zigzag trenches, 225 ; Fabert and Vauban, ib.; his energy, ib.; returns to Sedan, 226 ; extended duties, 227 ; made a marquis, 213 ; claims a Mar- shal's baton, 227 ; makes Sedan a "nursery of good officers," 228 ; as an administrator, 229 ; improA^es the system of winter quarters, 230 ; tries to improve fiscal system, 231 ; begins a cadastral survey, 232 ; marriage of his daughter Anne, 238 ; is made a Marshal, 240 ; growing Aveaker, 243 ; insists on prece- dence over ambassadors, ib.; death of his wife, 244 ; his grief, 246 ; his refiections on the death of Mazarin, 246 ; Fabert and Fou- quet, 248, 261 ; ottered the Cur- don Bleu, 249 ; refuses it, ib. ; Louis's letter, 250 ; defends the Protestants of Sedan, 251, 252, and also the Jesuits, 254 ; thinks of war with the Turks, ib. ; his dislike of politics, 255 ; remarks on alchemy, 256 ; astrology, ib. ; death-bed, 257; endeavour to reconcile Protestants and Catho- lics, 257 ; his death, 261 ; his jersonal appearance, 262 ; char- acter, 263 ; reason given by him for "talking nonsense'' at table, 264; hisconsideration for the poor, 111 ; his advanced economic ideas, 233 ; proposes that the bishops should prepare statistics of their dioceses, 234; Fabert and Louis XIV., 235, 237. Fabert, Fran<^ois, brother of the Marshal, 10 ; his posterity, 262. Fiscal system of France, its bad- ness, 231 Fontrailles joins Cinq Mars and intrigues with Spain, 177 ; en- deav(nirs to win over Fabert, ib. Fort Louis, at Rochelle, 37 France, after death of Henry III., 4, 5 ; its confused state after the assassination of Henry IV., 19 et sq. French Guards, 12 French nobles, their contempt for study, 17, 67 Fronde, the, 205 ct sq. Gallas, Count, his proverbial ill- luck in war, 120 Gaston of Orleans, his meanness, 84,85 Gourville, the Sienr de, taken as a prisoner to Sedan, 216 ; his speech about strawberries, 217 ; at Arras, 226 268 INDEX. Grandees {Les Qrandts), not an aristocracy, 23, 29 Grat.loup, Baron of, shelters Fabert after liis duel with Conseil, 47 ; aids Fabert when in the hands of the Spaniards, 89 Guise, the House of, 423 Gunpowder, the monopoly of, 125 Harcourt, the Pede des Cadets, 160 Henry III. assassinated, 3 Henry of Navarre becomes a Catho- lic, 4 ; visits Metz, 9 Hepburn, Colonel, his ability and valour, a pupil of Gustavus, 114, 116 Herald, last employment of, in con- veying a declaration of war, 92 et sq. Huguenots, their political action, 28, 32, 34, 44 ; unwise treatment of, 45, 46 ; renew the contest with the Crown, 55 Joseph, le Pere (Son Eminence Grise), 36 ; imagines himself a tactician, 88 ; liis dislike of Fabert, 97 ; his ridiculous illusions as to war, 134, 137 ; his death, 154 La Capelle, first use of parallels at siege of, 131 La Hilliere, commandant at Loches, his sjige advice to Fabert, 50 La Meilleraye, Marshal, 130 ; his insidence to Fabert, 173 ; makes amends, 174, 202 La Rota, combat of, 159 La Valette, Bernard, Duke of, son of Epernon, 15 ; promotes Con- seil insteadof Kabert, 46 ; is angry with Fabert, but rectmciled, 48 La Valette, Louis, the "soldier car- dinal,'' 15 ; liis fear of the Court, 101, 111 ; his trust in Fabert, 132 ; his deatli, 157 Lace industry of Sedan, taught by Madame de Fabert, 2 44 Leipzig, Gustavus' victory at, en- ables Louis to invade Lorraine, 82 LesdiguiJjres, ruler of Daiiphiny, 35 ; wifli the King at Mnnlauban, 38 ; becomes Constable, 41 ; his character, ib. Lorraine secured for France, 86 Lorraine, the Duke of, shelters Fabert, 47 Louis XIII. neglected as a boy, 25 ; his courage, 42, 43 ; his personal knowledge of his soldiers, 64 ; his compliment to Fabert on the tak- ing of Arras, 163 ; rebiikes Cinq Mars for his arrogance, 178 ; his death, 184 ; his character, 51, 53, 182, 188, 191, 192 Louis XIV. attains his majority, 218 ; crowned, 224 ; takes the reins, 247 ; Louis XIV. and Fabert, 235, 237 Lux, Baron de, murdered by the Chancellor of Guise, 23 Luynes, Duke of, some time favour- ite of Louis XIII., 25 ; opposed by the Grandees, 27 ; sarcastic remark of Conde on, '69 ; his death, 40 Mansfeldt, Ernest, 44 Mars la Tour, 7 Mazarin, 3, 68 ; at Casale, 72 ; .ap- preciates Fabert, 192 ; succeeds Richelieu, 195 ; his quarrel with Conde, 210 ; aided by Fabert flies to Germany, 215 ; in exile, 218 ; secures Turenne, ib. ; enters Sedan, 219 ; his triumph, 220 ; makes a marriage between the Marquis of Vervins and Anne Fabert, 238 ; promises Fabert the baton., 227, 239 ; deatli of, 245 ; his character, 195 Medici, Marie de, 22 ; her banish- ment, 25 ; escapes from Blois, and takes the field, 27 ; on the " Day of Dupes," 74 ; her defeat by Richelieu, 77 Metz, siege of, by Charles V., 6 ; becomes French, 6 et sq. Louis XIII. and Richelieu at,82 ; chief magistrate of, his right to address the King with his hat on, 92 Montauban, siege of, 37 ; heroic defence, 40 Montjudlier, siege of, 45 INDEX, 2G9 Mouliiis, the jn'operly of tlie Faberts, 2, 48, 78 MoycEuvre, ironworks at, managed by Fabert, 78 et sq. ; their value, 80 ; their destruction by Spanish raiders, 95 Nogaret, Jean Louis de, Duke of Epernon, his hostility to Sully, 14, 15 Orleans, Gaston, Duke of, 30 et passim. Parallels, use of, at sie<;es, first in- troduced by Fabert, 131, 225 Padements, the, their limited powers, 30 Parlement of Paris, coerced by Epernon, 15 Passau, Treaty of, 6, 8 " Paulette," the, 30 Perpignan, Fabert at, 178, 181 ; taken, 182 Philip II. of Spain, his death, 5 Piedmont, Regiment of, ;Fabert serves in, 18 Puysegur, at liochelle, tries to cap- ture Buckingham, 57 Qiieteur de coups de inofisqnet, a nickname of Fabert in La Val- ette's army, 103 Biimbures Regiment, Fabert ap- pointed Sergeant-Major of, 49 ; becomes a "model regiment," 56 Rambures, Colonel, his dying speech to Fabert, 131 Rantzau, Colonel, 116, 119 Regiments, French, ditl'erence be- tween old and new, 50 Richelieu, 3, 26 ; obtains a seat in the Council, 52 ; his relations with the King, 53 ; leads an army to Italy, 67 ; the intrigues against him in his absence, 73 ; the "Day of Duties," 74 et sq. ; his schemes regarding Germany, 83, 91 ; crushes his opponents at home, 84 ; orders Montmorency's execution, 85 ; at first suspicious of Fabert, 97 ; failure of his cam- paign schemes in 1635, 104 ; his remarks on the levity of the French, 105 ; plot to murder him at Amiens, 121 ; begins to appre- ciate Fabert, 131 ; asks for Fabert's help, 157 ; his needless fears of the conspiracy of Cinq Mars, 175, 179 ; his death, 184 ; his character, 85, 184 et sq. Rochelle, the Huguenot assembly at, defies the Crown, 35 ; the blockade of, raised, 45 ; the great siege of, 56 et sq.; surrenders, 60 Rohan, Henry, Duke of, 29, 31 ; defends Mcmtauban, 38, 39 ; de- feats Conde, 59 ; accepts peace, 65 ; his mountain campaigns, 96 Rosas, Fabert a prisoner in, 200 ; draws Act of Capitulation of, ib. Sabatier, his gunpowder monopoly, 125 Sappers, Fabert's jiroposal to estab- lish a corps of, 109 Saxe Weimar, Bernhard of, 44 ; his answer to Pere Joseph, 88 ; kills a mutineer, 100 ; dies, 157 Sedan, a Huguenot asylum, under the Duke of Bouillon, 193 ; Fabert made governor of it, 183, 193 et sq. ; his troubles with the deposed Duke, 194; religious toleration, ib., 197; lace industry of, 244 Sedan Regiment, Fabert's, its excel- lence, 198 ; abandoned, 199, 202 Sens, Archbishop of, refuses the Cordon Blen, 2 Sergeant-Major, Fabert appointed, importance of the post, 50 Siege-works, great improvements in, introduced by Fabert, 131, 225 Soissons, the Count of, 29 ; his plot to murder Richelieu, 121 ; frus- trated by timidity of Gaston of Orleans, ib. Spimda, at Rochelle, 58 St. Evremond and the Peace of the Pyrenees, 242 St. Jean de Losne, relief of, aided by Fabert, 119 270 INDEX. St. Simon, remark on Fabert and the Archbisliop of Sens, 2 ; his opinion of Luynes, 40 ; on the courage of Louis XIII., 42 Staff, defective organization of, 124, 125 States-General, 28, 31 Statistics, Fabert's endeavours to obtain, 147 Stenay, Fabert's siege of, 224 ; em- ployment of parallels and zigzags, 225 ; Vauban present at, ib. ; capitulates, {6. Sully, his retirement, 15 Suze, Pas de, fortified by Charles Emanuel of Savoy, turned by Fabert, 62 Tarascon, interview between Louis XIII. and Richelieu at, 181 Teruel, an officer, employed by Fabert in his survey of Cham- pagne, 232 Tiers Mat, 31 Tilladet, retainer of Epernrin, sent to seize Metz, 11 Turenne, his friendship for and high opinion of Faliert, 160, 183; joins the Fronde, 208 Turin, Fabert wounded at, 155 Vauban, Fabert the precursor of, as a military engineer, 109, 225 Vercourt, tlie charlatan, persuades Pere Joseph to believe in various absurdities, 134 et sq. War, declaration of, by a herald, 92 et sq. THE END. 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