*rs [BRARY FHE UNIVERSITY OF CAL IFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF J. LORENZ SPORER > '. -10 Li*S *> \ RENAISSANCE IN ITALY. RENAISSANCE IN ITALY JOHN ADDINGTON SYMONDS, M.A. PART I. THE AGE OF THE DESPOTS. PART II. THE REVIVAL OF LEARNING. PART III. THE FINE ARTS. PART IV. ITALIAN LITERATURE. 2 Voi.s. PART V. THE CATHOLIC REACTION. 2 Voi.s. RENAISSANCE IN ITALY THE FINE ARTS BY JOHN ADDINGTON SYMONDS AUTHOR OP 1 AIT INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF DANTK,' 'STUDIES OF THE 3RKEK POKT8,' AND ' SKETCHES IN ITALY AND GREECE.' Dii Romae indigetes, Trojae tuque auctor, Apollo. Unde genus nostrum cceli se tollit ad astra, Hanc saltern auferri laudem prohibete Latinis: Artibus emineat semper, studiisque Minervee, Italia, et gentes doceat pulcherrima Roma ; Quandoquidem armorum penitus fortuna recessit, Tanta Italos inter crevit discordia reges ; Ipsi DOS inter saevos distringimus enses, Nee patriam pudet externis aperire tyrannis. VIDA, Poetica, lib. ri. NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 1888. AUTHOR'S EDITION. College Library .5-33 AUTHOR'S NOTE TO THE AMERICAN EDITION. THIS book is one of the three written on the u Re- naissance in Italy." The other two are respectively called " The Age of the Despots" and " The Revival of Learning." They deal with the politics and the scholarship of the period. A fourth book is being written on " Italian Literature." Though these books taken together and in the order planned by the author form one connected study of Italian culture at a certain period of his- tory, still each aims at a completeness of its own, and each can be read independently of its com- panions. That the author does not regard acquaint- ance with any one of them as essential to a profit- able reading of any other has been shown by the publication of each with a separate title-page and without numeration of the volumes, while all three bear the same general heading of