am. m "v.:V-:'; && '^:B CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF THE CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF THE CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH 1907-1911 FINE ARTS LITERATURE FICTION FICTION IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES HISTORY AND TRAVEL VOLUME VII SERIES THREE. VOLUME 2 PITTSBURGH CARNEGIE LIBRARY 1914 50336 WWEUWJ I of mrswRui || PRESS 2. Fine arts 700 General works Quaritch, Bernard, comp. roi6-7 Qi8 Catalogue of works on the fine arts offered at the net prices af- fixed by Bernard Quaritch. 1909-10. Vasari, Giorgio. 700 Vaa Vasari on technique; being the introduction to the three arts of design, architecture, sculpture and painting, prefixed to the Lives of the most excellent painters, sculptors and architects; tr. by L. S. Macle- hose, ed. with introduction & notes by G. B. Brown. 1907. Dent. Study of the numerous crafts and techniques employed in Vasari's day in architec- ture, sculpture, painting, fresco, glass-work, niello, enamel, metal and wood engraving. 701 Esthetics. Theories Babbitt, Irving. 701 Bn The new Laokoon; an essay on the confusion of the arts. 1910. Houghton. "Nearly a century and a half ago, Lessing wrote the 'Laokoon' to attack the pre- vailing pseudo-classic doctrine of imitation, and especially the maxim that poetry should be pictorial ut pictura poesis. . .With a sense that we are at a spiritual pass that requires a reaction analogous to Lessing's, Prof. Irving Babbitt of Harvard has at- tempted to sketch a New Laokoon for the times... In abundant learning, lightly car- ried; in the number and importance of the distinctions it establishes, in a certain pas- sion of the intellect and masculine eloquence, the New Laokoon seems... no whit in- ferior to the old." Nation, igio. Bourne, George. 701 665 Ascending effort. 1910. Constable. An attempt to trace the psychological sources of taste and the nature and uses of art. It is in effect an idealist's argument for the pervading influence of art, its power to mold character and give new color to life, its importance as a factor in the "ascend- ing effort" of mankind. Burke, Edmund. 701 Bgi Essay on the sublime and beautiful, with an introduction by Henry Morley. 1905. Cassell. Croce, Benedetto. 701 C88 Esthetic as science of expression and general linguistic; tr. from the Italian by Douglas Ainslie. 1909. Macmillan. "Of the value of the book, there is no question. Its destructive analysis of the empirical, naturalistic, and transcendental aesthetic is enlightening and convincing. It clears the ground for constructive studies. It is written with superb clearness, vigor, and picturesqueness. Any reader who is capable of consecutive thought may under- stand it, and will not fail to find it immensely stimulating." Nation, 1910. 1277 43 1278 FINE ARTS. AESTHETICS De Garmo, Charles. q7oi Laboratory exercises in art appreciation. 1907. Bardeen. (Cornell study bulletins for teachers.) "Books of general reference," p. 15. Gives brief, practical suggestions for teachers or students and an abstract of aesthetic principles. These principles are applied in the analysis of several pictures. Gioberti, Vincenzo. 701 643 Del bello. 1849. Tipografia Elvetica. Griggs, Edward Howard. 701 G8g Art and the human spirit; the meaning and relations of sculpture, painting, poetry and music; a handbook of eight lectures. 1908. Huebsch. "Book list," p.5i-57. Hogarth, William. 701 H68 Analysis of beauty; a reprint including the plates formerly in port- folio. 1909. Silver Lotus Shop. First published in 1753. In the corner of Hogarth's admirable portrait of himself, painted in 1745 and now in the National Gallery, London, the artist drew on a palette a serpentine line with the words "The line of beauty and grace." Much speculation ensued as to the meaning of this hieroglyphic and Hogarth unfortunately resolved to explain his meaning in writing. The result was the "Analysis of beauty," in which he professed to define the principles of beauty and grace. By his adherents it was praised as a final utterance on aesthetics; by his enemies it was made the subject of endless ridicule and caricature. In this edition the marginal illustrations, which were grouped about the central illustrations of each plate, are reproduced in the size of the originals but on numerous separate pages. The two central illustrations are greatly reduced. The two plates as originally issued may be found in Hogarth's "Works" (qr759.2 H68). Howard, William Guild, ed. 701 1,64! Laokoon: Lessing, Herder, Goethe; selections ed. with an introduc- tion and a commentary. 1910. Holt. "Bibliography," p. 467-470. Of the three texts included in this volume, the first, Goethe's little essay, "Uber Laokoon," is a description and interpretation of the famous marble group as a work of plastic art; the second, Lessing's "Laokoon," is primarily a delimitation of the respective fields of what Lessing calls painting and poetry, that is, pictorial and literary art; the third, Herder's "Erstes kritisches waldchen," is a criticism of Lessing's Laocoon. "The student finds in this volume a wealth of syntactical, linguistic, philosophic, and literary notes; a valuable summary of the history of art, based on Springer; and an introduction to German aesthetic literature, preceding and contemporaneous with Lessing ...A noteworthy product of the best American scholarship." Nation, 1911. Kozlowski, WJadyslaw M. 701 KSQ Krolestwo idealow i odkupienie estetyczne. 1901. Millar, G. G. 701 M68 What is a picture? 1908. Stock. Brief explanation of the qualities which a painting should have in order to be considered a work of art. Raymond, George Lansing. 701 R24C Essentials of aesthetics in music, poetry, painting, sculpture and architecture. 1906. Putnam. The same. 1909 HOI R24e Author is (1907) professor of aesthetics in George Washington University. "In dealing with the technique of his subject Mr. Raymond follows somewhat after text-book lines. His discussions are, however, often wide and generally interesting ... It is not exactly characterized by originality, and it is perhaps of necessity largely of the nature of a pot-pourri. But it is not the less readable on this account." Outlook (London), 1907. FINE ARTS ESSAYS 1279 Raymond, George Lansing. 701 Rhythm and harmony in poetry and music, with Music as a repre- sentative art; two essays in comparative aesthetics. 1909. Putnam. Rodin, Auguste. 701 Rs8 L'art; entretiens reunis par Paul Gsell. 1911. "In his verbal utterances on art the great sculptor. . .displays something of the same lucidity and force of expression that are so eminently characteristic of his plastic work, defining in language alike virile and eloquent, what in his opinion should be the aim of every artist whatever the medium he elects to employ." Outlook (London), 1911. Scott, Fred Newton. r7oi 842 ./Esthetics; its problems and literature. 1890. Inland Press. Chiefly a list of books on aesthetics, with brief critical notes. Struve, Henryk. 701 892 Sztuka i spoleczenstwo. 1903. Work entitled "Art and society." Teichmiiller, Gustav. 701 A7izt Aristotelische forschungen. 3v. in I. 1867-73. Barthel. Contents: Beitrage zur erklarung der Poetik des Aristoteles. Aristoteles philosophic der kunst. Geschichte des begriffs der parusie. Voysey, Charles Francis Annesley. 701 Reason as a basis of art. 1906. Mathews. Little book which upholds the highest ethical aims for art. 702 Directories. 703 Dictionaries Annuaire de la curiosite et des beaux-arts, 1911. 1911. r7O2 A6i Address list of museums, artists and dealers in about 300 French towns with some added information on art affairs in other European countries. Watelet, Claude Henri, & Levesque, P. C. r7O3 W2Q Dictionnaire des arts de peinture, sculpture et gravure. Sv. 1792. 704 Essays Chesneau, Ernest. 704 42 Education of the artist; tr. by Clara Bell. 1886. Cassell. Religious, historical and decorative art, and art in its relation to modern life and to nature are some of the subjects discussed in these essays. "Contains much matter which may give valuable suggestions to the student." Sturgis and Krehbiel's Annotated bibliography of fine art. Clausen, George. 704 54 Aims and ideals in art; eight lectures delivered to the students of the Royal Academy. 1906. Methuen. Contents: On truth to nature and style. Imagination and the ideal. Invention. Taste. Drawing. Quality in colour. The relative importance of subject and treat- ment. "They have value as the confidential chats of a delightful and highly gifted painter to the beginners of his own profession. His remarks on quality in colour and... direct brush work. . .are excellent. So also is the whole chapter on drawing." Saturday rt- vitw, 1907. Illustrated by reproductions of drawings by Claude, Rembrandt and other artists. I28o FINE ARTS ESSAYS Hazlitt, William. 704 Essays on the fine arts; ed. by W. C. Hazlitt. 1873. Reeves. Contents: On Haydon's Solomon. An inquiry whether the fine arts are promoted by academies and public institutions. Character of Sir Joshua Reynolds. On the Cata- logue raisonne of the British Institution. West's picture of Death on the pale horse. On Farington's Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds. On originality. On the ideal. On judging of pictures. On William's views of Greece. On the portrait of an English lady, by Vandyck. On Lady Morgan's Life of Salvator Rosa. On Hogarth's Marriage a-la-mode. On the fine arts. On the Elgin marbles. The Vatican. English students at Rome. Fonthill abbey. On Flaxman's Lectures on sculpture. Royal Academy. Sketches of the principal picture-galleries in England, etc. Huneker, James Gibbons. 704 Promenades of an impressionist. 1910. Scribner. Contents: Paul Cezanne. Rops the etcher. Monticelli. Rodin. Eugene Car- riere. Degas. Botticelli. Six Spaniards: "El Greco." "Velasquez." Goya. For- tuny. Sorolla. Zuloaga. Chardin. Black and white: Piranesi. Meryon. John Mar- tin. Zorn. Brangwyn. Daumier. Lalanne. Legrand. Guys. Impressionism : Mo- net. Renoir. Manet. A new study of Watteau. Gauguin and Toulouse-Lautrec. Literature and art. Museum promenades. Coda. Brief critical studies. Low, Will Hicok. 704 Lgs A painter's progress; a partial survey along the pathway of art in America and Europe, with sundry examples and precepts culled from personal encounter with existing conditions and reference to the ca- reers of many artists both ancient and modern; six discourses forming the fifth annual series of the Scammon lectures, delivered before the Art Institute of Chicago, April 1910. 1910. Scribner. Contents: The awakening of vocation. The education of the artist. The problem of self-support. Experiences in the Old World. Thirty years at home and abroad. Our present and our future. Lyka, Karoly. 704 Lg8 Kis konyv a miiveszetrol. 1908. Palgrave, Francis Turner. 704 Pi8 Essays on art. 1867. Kurd. Contents: The Royal Academy of 1863-65. Mulready. Dyce and William Hunt. Hippolyte Flandrin. Herbert's "Delivery of the law." Recent works by Holman Hunt. Exhibition of F. M. Brown. George Cruikshank. Japanese art. Sensational art. Poetry and prose in art. Lost treasures. Behnes the sculptor. Thorvaldsen's life and works. The Farnese marbles. On the position of sculpture in England. Sculpture and painting. Triqueti's "Marmor Homericum." The Albert cross and Eng- lish monumental sculpture. Thackeray in the abbey. New Paris. Poynter, Sir Edward John. 704 P87 Ten lectures on art. 1879. Chapman. Contents: Decorative art. Old and new art. Systems of art education. Hints on the formation of a style. The training of art students. On the study of nature. Value of prizes. Objects of study. Professor Ruskin on Michelangelo. The influence of art on social life. Ruskin, John. 704 RSgma Mornings in Florence; being studies of Christian art for English travellers, and Time and tide, The art of England, Notes on the con- struction of sheepfolds. Estes. "The untrained student in ancient art is seriously misled and his time wasted when any attempt is made to visit and study paintings with these books in hand. After one has become familiar with the pictures, these books may be useful as suggesting an ideal of art which is certainly not the artist's view, but may still be defended by those who seek in pictures something which is not their pictorial quality." Sturgis and Krehbiel's Annotated bibliography of fine art. FINE ARTS PERIODICALS 1281 Symons, Arthur. 704 Sg8 Studies in seven arts. 1906. Dutton. Contents: Rodin. The painting of the nineteenth century. -Gustave Moreau. Watts. Whistler. Cathedrals. The decay of craftsmanship in England. Beethoven. The ideas of Richard Wagner. The problem of Richard Strauss. Eleonora Duse. A new art of the stage. A symbolist farce [Ubu roi, by Alfred Jarry]. Pantomime and the poetic drama. The world as ballet. Thackeray, William Makepeace. 704 TSS Essays on art. [1904.] Kelmscott Soc. "An essay on the genius of George Cruikshank," p.3i-88. "George Cruikshank's works," p.3i 33. Brompton edition. 705 Periodicals qr7os Ai6 Academy notes; monthly, June i9O5-date. v.i-date. i9O5-date. Issued by the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. Jan. ipio-date, issued quarterly. American art review; a journal devoted to the practice, theory, history and archaeology of art. [2v.] 1880-81. No more published. American Federation of Arts. r7os Proceedings of the annual convention (ist), 1910. 1910. 1705 Art and progress; monthly, Dec. 1909-date. v.i, no.2-date. Published by the American Federation of Arts. qb705 A78 Art et decoration; revue mensuelle d'art moderne; index, v.i-24, 1897- 1908. For volumes of magazine see preceding catalogue, first series. Art workers' quarterly; a portfolio of practical designs for decorative and applied art, igos-Oct. 1906, v.4~5. Artist; an illustrated monthly record of arts, crafts and industries. v. 16-23. 1895-98. For v. 24-34 see preceding catalogue, first series. Brush and pencil; monthly, April-Sept. 1898. v.2. 1898. qr7os 683 For later volumes see preceding catalogue, first series. qr705 C6g Collector and art critic; semimonthly, Feb. icx>5-Jan. 1907. v.3~S. 1905-07. Continuation of the "Collector." Discontinued in Oct. 1900, resumed publication Feb. 15, 1905. For v.i -2 see preceding catalogue, first series. qr?05 C75 Connoisseur; an illustrated magazine for collectors [monthly], Sept. looi-date. v.i-date. loxn-date. - Index, v.i-24, Sept. 1901 Aug. 1909. 2v. in I. Presents information useful for the collector of pictures, furniture, books, pottery, silver, medals, stamps, etc., with a monthly review of the chief sales. 1282 FINE ARTS PERIODICALS Fine arts journal, devoted to art, music & literature [monthly], 1909- date. v.2O-date. igoQ-date. qryos 625 Gazette des beaux-arts; courrier europeen de 1'art et de la curiosite [biweekly and monthly]; table generales, v.i-103, 1859-1908. v.i. For other indexes and for volumes of magazine see preceding catalogue, first series. Die Kunst fur alle [semimonthly], Oct. 1909-date. v.25~date. 1909- date. qr7os K43 Kunst und kunsthandwerk; monatsschrift des K. K. Osterr. Museums fuer Kunst und Industrie, I9o6-date. 9. jahrgang-date. Profusely illustrated magazine, devoted chiefly to information in regard to exhibi- tions in the art museums of the world, arts and crafts societies, etc. qr705 M24& Magazine of fine arts [monthly], Nov. i9OS-Aug. 1906. 2v. 1905-06. No more published. qt705 Pi8 Palette and bench; a monthly magazine for the art student and crafts- worker, Oct. I9o8-Dec. 1910. v.i-v.3, no.3. 1908-10. No more published. ryes 817 Salon of the dilettanti; a journal of comment without puff, pull or plati- tude [monthly], i9O7-March 1908. v.i-v.2, no.3. [1907-08.] Not published from July to Dec. 1907. Continuation of articles which appeared under this title in "Brush and pencil" from Dec. 1905 to Dec. 1906. Each number consists of short essays mainly on subjects of current art interest. 70S 837 School arts book [monthly], Sept. igoS-date. v.8-date. igog-date. The same, Sept. i9O7-date. v.7-date. igoS-date ............ r7O5 837 No numbers published during July and August. Intended especially for students and teachers of drawing in primary and secondary schools. Fully illustrated, partly in color. qr7os 862 Sketch book; a magazine devoted to the fine arts, Sept. I9o6-Dec. 1907. v.6-v.7, no.i. [1906-07.] Published irregularly; discontinued with v.7, no.i. r705.i A78 "Art craftsman;" technical and handicrafts year book, 1909-10. [1909.] 706 Societies Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences Museum. qb7o6 677 Memoirs of art and archaeology, v.i, no.4. 1904. Y.I, no.4. Vertical curves and other architectural refinements in the Gothic cathe- drals and churches of northern France and in early Byzantine churches at Constanti- nople, by W. H. Goodyear. For v.i, no. i -2, see preceding catalogue, second series. Hispanic Society of America. r7o6 H6i Hispanic Society of America, founded 1904. 1910. ART EDUCATION 1283 New York (city) Art commission. qr7o6 N26 Annual report for 1906-11. Commission has jurisdiction over all designs for municipal buildings, bridges, etc., and all works of art acquired by the city, which include not only paintings and statues, but stained glass, fountains, monuments, etc. In 1911 the number of questions con- sidered was 208, involving an expenditure of approximately $25,500,000. For volumes for 1904-05 see preceding catalogue, second series. New York (city) Art commission. T7o6 Na6c [Art commission of the city of New York, by J. M. Carrere and J. Q. Adams.] Brief account of the inception and growth of this commission, which has jurisdic- tion over works of art owned by the city, over structures built wholly or in part on public land and over lines, grades and plotting of public ways and grounds. Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures r7o6 867 and Commerce. Directory of the Royal Society of Arts; ed. by Sir H. T. Wood. 1909. Bell. 707 Art education Boston, Museum of Fine Arts Museum school. r7O7 664 Annual report (ioth-35th), 1885/86-1910/11. 1886-1911. Prior to 1902 the name of the school was School of Drawing and Painting of the Museum of Fine Arts. Council of Supervisors of the Manual Arts. qr7O7 C8a Year-book; annual meeting (3d-7th), 1903-07. 1903-07. "Bibliography of the manual arts" in each volume. The Council of Supervisors of the Manual Arts was organized in 1901 and dis- banded in 1907. Its chief function was the critical discussion of questions concerned with the teaching of the manual arts in the public schools. The year-book consists of papers bearing on the subject contributed by members. Dow, Arthur Wesley. 707 D?6 Theory and practice of teaching art. Reprinted, with additional plates, from "Teachers College record," v.g, no. 3, May 1908. By the professor of fine arts (1908) in the Teachers College, Columbia University. Outlines courses in drawing, modeling, painting, house decoration and art pedagogy. Numerous illustrations. Franklin Institute. r7O7 F87 Proceedings relative to the establishment of a school of design for women, 1850. Haney, James Parton, ed. 707 Art education in the public schools of the United States; a sym- posium prepared under the auspices of the American committee of the third International Congress for the Development of Drawing and Art Teaching, London, August 1908. 1908. Amer. Art Annual. Deals not only with the art work done in the public schools, colleges and art schools, but with art societies connected with public schools, the educational work of the art museums, child study in relation to elementary art education, etc. Many illus- trations. 1284 ARTS AND CRAFTS. ART GALLERIES Arts and crafts Brown, Gerald Baldwin. 707.2 878 Arts & crafts of our Teutonic forefathers; the substance of the Rhind lectures for 1909. 1910. Foulis. (Arts and crafts of the nations.) "Bibliography," p.232-238. Begins with an investigation of the artistic qualities of the early Teutons, to de- termine how far these people possessed an original art before they came into contact with the Roman world. Attention is then directed to the cemeteries in which most of the artistic remains of the Teutonic tribes have come to light, and finally, a survey of the different classes of objects is given. Illustrated. Good housekeeping. 707.2 G62 The Good housekeeping manual of home handicraft. 1908. Phelps Pub. Co. Suggestions and directions for making various household articles, such as curtains, lamp-shades, book-covers, sofa pillows, etc., most of them to be decorated with stenciling. Prices of the various designs are given. Illustrated from photographs. Pittsburgh, Art Society. r7o7.2 P67 Exhibition of artistic industries of the Pittsburgh district; arranged by the society, Feb. 8th to 23d, 1911. [1911.] Priestman, Mabel Tuke. 707.2 Pg4 Handicrafts in the home. 1910. McClurg. Contents: Introduction. Piercing sheet metal. Repousse work. Etching on metal. Pottery-making. Wood- and chip-carving. Stencil craft. Stencilling by means of acids. Block printing. Batik, an ancient Javanese handcraft. Leather work. Pyrography. Marine mosaics. Decorative window treatment. Home-made furniture. Hand-woven rugs. Fancy pattern weaving. Crocheted rugs. Pulled rugs. Beaded drawn work and other novelties. Netting. Old-time quilting. Artistic darning. Rib- bon work. Raffia needlework. Appliqui. 708 Art galleries and museums. Exhibitions Hall, Myra S. r7o8 Hi? What to see in the great galleries of Europe. 1906. Edwards. Narrower in its scope than the ordinary guide-book, for neither explanation nor criticism is included. Under each gallery is given merely a list of the more important works of art which are to be found in it. Singleton, Esther, comp. 708 S6i How to visit the great picture galleries. 1911. Dodd. The same ................................................. r7o8 S6i Miss Singleton has selected from the vast number of paintings in the European gal- leries those which are recognized by critics as the masterpieces and has culled passages descriptive of them from the works of art historians and authoritative critics. Fully illustrated. America Addison, Mrs Julia de Wolf (Gibbs). 708.1 A22 Boston Museum of Fine Arts; a descriptive and critical account of its treasures, which represent the arts and crafts from remote antiquity to the present time [1910]. 1910. Page. ART GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS 1285 Boston, Museum of Fine Arts. ryoS.i 6643 Annual report (ist-3Sth), 1876-1910. 1876-1911. ist report title reads "Proceedings at the opening, with the reports for 1876." I4th report, for 1889, wanting. Boston, Museum of Fine Arts. 1708.1 66403 Catalogue of works of art exhibited 1883/1884. v.i. 1884. v.i. Sculpture and antiquities. For v.2 see preceding catalogue, second series. Boston, Museum of Fine Arts. ryoS.i B64h Handbook. 1906. Buffalo, N. Y., Albright Art Gallery. ryoS.i B86 Catalogues and statement of condition, constitution and by-laws, list of members, etc. 1906-07. Contents: Catalogue of the zd annual exhibition of selected water-colors by Ameri- can artists. Catalogue of the permanent collection of sculpture and paintings, with some additions. Catalogue of an exhibition of contemporary German paintings, Dec. 26, 1906 to Jan. 20, 1907. Statement of condition, constitution and by-laws, list of mem- bers, etc. Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh Department of fine arts. ryoS.i Caicat Catalogue of a summer loan exhibition of paintings, Carnegie Insti- tute, August I3th through October 3Oth, 1908. [1908.] Pittsburgh. Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh Department of fine arts. r7o8.i C2icta Catalogue of a summer loan exhibition of paintings, Carnegie Insti- tute, July ist through Sept. 30, 1910. [1910.] Pittsburgh. Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh Department of fine arts. ryoS.i C2ict Catalogue of the summer exhibition at the Carnegie Institute, June 28th until Oct. 5th, 1902. [1902. Pittsburgh.] Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh Department of fine arts. ryoS.i Caico Conditions of entry and award for the international exhibition of oil paintings to be held at the Carnegie Institute from April 27th through June 3Oth, 1911. Pittsburgh. English and French text. Drexel Institute, Philadelphia. ryoS.i D82 Catalogue of the paintings in the picture gallery. 1908. Francke, Kuno. ryoS.i F8y Hand book of the Germanic Museum [Harvard University]. 1908. Harvard University. The aim of the museum is to illustrate, by reproductions of typical works of the fine arts and the crafts, the development of Germanic culture from the first contact of Germanic tribes with the civilization of the Roman empire to the present day. Maryland Historical Society. 1708.1 M43 Catalogue of paintings, engravings, &c. at the picture gallery of the Maryland Historical Society (3d-5th, 7th exhibition), 1850, 1853, 1856, 1868. 1850-68. (Maryland Historical Society. Publications.) Catalogue of sth exhibition includes that of the first exhibition of the Artists' Association of Baltimore. With this are bound the following publications of the society: Catalogue of paint- ings at the picture gallery of the society, free exhibition, 1874. Descriptive catalogue 1286 ART GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS Maryland Historical Society continued. r 708.1 M43 of statuary on exhibition at the gallery of the society, 1873. Descriptive catalogue of statuary and paintings on exhibition at the gallery of the society, 1879. Constitution nd by-laws of the society, 1867. Charter, constitution and by-laws of the society and a catalogue of the society's publications, 1844-78. Catalogue of the manuscripts, maps, medals, coins, statuary, portraits and pictures and an account of the library of the society, by Lewis Mayer, 1834- Newspapers in the Maryland Historical Society, by J. W. M. Lee. Montreal, Numismatic and Antiquarian Society. 1708.1 M8y Catalogue of the Chateau de Ramezay museum and portrait gallery; prepared by Thomas O'Leary. 1906. New York (city) Art commission. qt7o8.i N26i Catalogue of the works of art belonging to the city of New York. 1909. New York (city), Committee on Art and Exhibition of Centennial Cele- bration of the Inauguration of George Washington as First Presi- dent of the United States. Catalogue of the loan exhibition of historical portraits and relics, Metropolitan Opera House, New York city, April I7th to May 8th, 1889. 1889. New York (city), Metropolitan Museum of Art. ryoS.i N26ca Catalogue of the collection of casts. 1908. New York (city), Metropolitan Museum of Art. ryoS.i N26h Handbooks, v.2-6. 1904-07. v.z. Catalogue of the Crosby Brown collection of musical instruments of all na- tions; Europe. v.3. Catalogue of the Crosby Brown collection of musical instruments of all nations; Asia. v.4. Catalogue of the Crosby Brown collection of musical instruments of all nations; Africa, pt.i. Y.S. Catalogue of the Crosby Brown collection of musical instruments of all nations; historical groups. v.6. Catalogue of the Crosby Brown collection of musicians' portraits; biographical sketches. For v.i see preceding catalogue, first series. New York (city), Metropolitan Museum of Art. ryoS.i N26hu Hudson-Fulton celebration; catalogue of an exhibition held in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Sept.-Nov. 1909. 2v. in I. 1909. Contents: Catalogue of a collection of paintings by Dutch masters of the i7th cen- tury. Catalogue of an exhibition of American paintings, furniture, silver and other objects of art, 1625-1825. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. rjoS.i P^g Catalogue of the annual exhibition (3Oth, 66th-69th), 1853, 1896/97- 1900. For later volumes see preceding catalogue, first series. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. ryoS.i P4gl Loan exhibition of historical portraits, Dec. i, i887-Jan. 15, 1888; catalogue. 1887. Gives much interesting information about the subjects of the portraits. No illus- trations. ART GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS 1287 Preyer, David Charles. 708.1 Pga Art of the Metropolitan Museum of New York; a descriptive and critical account of its treasures, which represent the arts and crafts from remote antiquity to the present time [1909]. 1909. Page. Begins with a brief history of the museum and statement of its aims, and closes with a list of benefactors. The 19 intervening chapters give brief histories or technical explanations of each branch of art, with incidental mention of examples in the galleries. Rathbun, Richard. r^oj U25b 110.70 National gallery of art, Department of fine arts of the National museum. 1909. (In United States National museum. Bulletin no.7O.) Taylor, Talbot Jones. qr7o8.i T25 The Talbot J. Taylor collection; furniture, wood-carving and other branches of the decorative arts. 1906. Putnam. This collection at Cedarhurst, Long Island, consists chiefly of furniture, with some speciments of carved wood and a few purely decorative objects, statuettes, etc. Illustrations are half tone, with very brief text. United States Commissioners to the Paris Universal 1708.1 P23U Exposition, 1889. Official catalogue of the United States; fine arts section. 1889. Western Pennsylvania Exposition Society, Pittsburgh. r7o8.i P67 Art gallery; exposition [catalogue], 1890, 1894, 1896. [1890-96.] Pittsburgh. Catalogues for 1890 and 1894 bound with other pamphlets (1627.1 P67). England Brockwell, Maurice W. 708.2 676 National Gallery: Lewis bequest, with preface by Sir Charles Hol- royd. 1909. Allen. "Bibliography," p. 185-1 89. Carefully prepared handbook of the pictures added to the National Gallery, London, through the bequest of Thomas Denison Lewis in 1863. Cook, Edward Tyas, comp. rjoS.a CTJSL Popular handbook to the National Gallery; including notes collected from the works of Mr Ruskin. 2v. 1901-09. Macmillan. v.i. Foreign schools, v.z. British schools (including the Tate Gallery). London, National Gallery. r7o8.2 L82d Descriptive and historical catalogue of the pictures and other works of art in the National Gallery, with biographical notices of the deceased artists; British school. 1909. London, National Gallery. r7o8.2 L82de Descriptive and historical catalogue of the pictures in the National Gallery, with biographical notices of the painters; foreign schools. 1906. Manchester, England Art gallery. 1708.2 M32 Loan exhibition of works by early British masters, winter 1909. [1909. Heywood.] 1288 ART GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS Oxford University Ashmolean museum. rjo8.2 035 Ashmolean Museum; summary guide. 1909. This museum is the oldest in Great Britain and one of the oldest in Europe. It is particularly rich in yEgean, Hittite and Egyptian antiquities. The handbook has been prepared by specialists on the museum staff or allied with it. Royal Academy pictures, 1888-99. 1888-99. qr7o8.2 R8i Being the Royal Academy supplement of the "Magazine of art." For later volumes see preceding catalogue, first series. Stokes, Hugh, comp. 708.2 887 Art treasures of London; a chronological guide to the schools of painting as represented in the public galleries of London, the collec- tions at Dulwich & Hampton Court & the university museums of Ox- ford & Cambridge. 1908. Fairbairns. (Art treasures series.) Germany. Austria Addison, Mrs Julia de Wolf (Gibbs). 708.3 A22 Art of the Dresden gallery; a critical survey of the schools and painters as represented in the royal collection. 1907. Bell. "Bibliography," p.44S~446. This gallery is especially rich in Dutch and Italian works. The book contains many illustrations. Berlin, Konigliche National-Galerie. qt7o8.3 6455 Ausstellung deutscher kunst aus der zeit von 1775-1875 in der Koniglichen Nationalgalerie, Berlin, 1906; hrsg. vom vorstand der deutschen jahrhundertausstellung. 2v. 1906. Bruckmann. v.i. Auswahl der hervorragendsten bilder mit einleitendem text von Hugo von Tschudi. v.2. Katalog der gemalde mit 1137 abbildungen. In 1906 there was held in the National gallery of Berlin a centennial exhibition representative of German art from 1775 to 1875. Volume i contains a collection of reproductions of the more important paintings, with brief introductory text affording a survey of the period covered. Volume 2 is a catalogue of the complete exhibition, with smaller illustrations and brief text. Berlin, Konigliche National-Galerie. ryoS.s B455V Verzeichnis der gemalde und skulpturen in der Koniglichen Na- tional-Galerie zu Berlin. 1908. Mittler. The first part of the catalogue gives brief biographical sketches of artists, with lists of their works in the gallery. The second part consists of reproductions of some of these works. Preyer, David Charles. 708.3 Pg3 Art of the Vienna galleries; giving a brief history of the public and private galleries of Vienna with a critical description of the paintings therein contained. 1911. Page. (Art galleries of Europe.) "Bibliography," p. 3 19-320. France Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. qr7o8.4 647 Exposition d'oeuvres d'art du i8e siecle a la Bibliotheque Nationale; catalogue, miniatures, gouaches, estampes en couleurs, franchises et anglaises, 1750-1815, medailles et pierres gravees, 1700-1800, biscuits de Sevres. 1906. ART GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS 1289 Goupil & Cie, pub. qr7o8.4 674 Salon, 1883; cent planches en photogravure, v.4. 1883. The text is by various critics, among whom are Armand Dayot, Henry Havard and Georges Olmer. For other volumes see preceding catalogue, first series. Montrosier, Eugene. qr7o8.4 M87 Les chefs-d'oeuvre d'art au Luxembourg; publication hebdomadaire, 1880. no. 1-42. Baschet. Reproductions of some of the pictures of the Luxembourg with descriptive text, some notice of the artists, historical sketch of the palace, poems, and short literary sketches. Italy Cruttwell, Maud, comp. 708.5 C8g Guide to the paintings in the churches and minor museums of Flor- ence; a critical catalogue with quotations from Vasari, illustrated with miniature reproductions of the pictures and frescoes. 1908. Dent. (Art collections of Europe.) Binder's title reads "Florentine churches, etc." Cruttwell, Maud, comp. 1708.5 C8g Guide to the paintings in the Florentine galleries: the Uffizi, the Pitti [and] the Accademia; a critical catalogue with quotations from Vasari. 1907. Dent. (Art collections of Europe.) "It appears at a moment when a new critical handbook to the Uffizi, Pitti, and Accademia was sorely needed, and contains a vast amount of information in small compass. Miss Cruttwell has been wise enough to spare us the ordinary guide-book descriptions, while supplying in a clear and concise form every established fact con- nected with each picture. For criticism she has drawn largely upon Vasari." Athe- naeum, 7907. Illustrated with miniature reproductions of many of the paintings. Malaguzzi Valeri, Francesco. r7o8.5 M27 Catalogo della R. Pinacoteca di Brera, con cenno storico di Corrado Ricci. 1908. Illustrated. Naples, Real Museo Borbonico, afterward Museo T7o8.5 Ni2g Nazionale. Guida illustrata del Museo Nazionale di Napoli; approvata dal ministero della pubblica istruzione, compilata da D. Bassi [and others], per cura di A. Ruesch. [1909?] Naples, Real Museo Borbonico, afterward Museo qt7o8.5 Ni2 Nazionale. Real Museo Borbonico. v.i-15. 1824-56. The Museum was established in 1790. In 1816 Ferdinand I named it Real Museo Borbonico. Now it is the Museo Nazionale. Here are united the collections belonging to the crown, the Farnese collection from Rome and Parma, those of the palaces of Portici and Capodimonte, and the objects recovered from Herculaneum, Pompeii, Stabiae and Cumz. These united collections now form one of the finest in the world. Robertson, Alice. 708.5 RSS Roman picture galleries; a guide and handbook to all the picture galleries in the Eternal city. 1907. Bell. Catalogue of the pictures in the galleries. Brief descriptions or explanations are occasionally given, but there are no illustrations. I2QO ART GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS Waring & Gillow, London. ryoS.s W22 Warings' exhibition of Italian art, 1909; furniture, tapestries, mar- bles, bronzes, embroideries, lace, academy pictures. Spain. Russia Calvert, Albert Frederick, & Hartley, C. G. afterward 708.6 Mrs Gallichan. The Prado; a description of the principal pictures in the Madrid gallery. 1907. Lane. (Spanish series.) The authors devote several chapters to the Spanish school of painting from its early beginnings in the I4th and i$th centuries. A distinctive feature is the bringing to- gether of over 200 reproductions of works in the gallery. Les anciennes ecoles de peinture dans les palais et collections privees russes; representees a 1'exposition organisee a St-Petersbourg en 1909 par la revue d'art ancien (Starye gody); texte par P. P. Weiner [and others]. 1910. Netherlands Amsterdam, Rijks-Museum. r7o8.g A52 Beknopte gids door 's Rijks Museum, bewerkt door. W. P. Brons. Catalogue of the Rijks Museum, which contains a very valuable collection of paint- ings and engravings, being especially rich in the works of Rembrandt. Amsterdam, Rijks-Museum. 1708.9 Catalogue of the pictures, miniatures, pastels, framed drawings, etc. in the Rijks-Museum, with supplement. 1910. "Bibliography of the catalogues," p.2i 25. Preyer, David Charles. 708.9 Pga Art of the Netherland galleries; a history of the Dutch school of painting, illuminated and demonstrated by critical descriptions of the great paintings in the many galleries. 1908. Page. "Bibliography," P-37I-372. Singleton, Esther. 708.9 S6i The standard galleries; Holland. 1908. McClurg. Contents: The Hague gallery. The Rijks Museum. The Stedelijk Museum. The town hall, Haarlem. The Boijmans Museum, Rotterdam. Other countries Bendix, Carl Ludwig, & Folcker, E. G. qr7o8.g 642 Allmanna Svenska utstallningen for konsthandtverk och konstindus- tri i Stockholm, 1909. 1910. Haeggstrom. Budapest, Szemuveszeti Muzeum. ryoS.g 685 Catalogue des tableaux anciens et modernes du musee des beaux- arts de Budapest [par] Gabriel de Terey. v.i. 1910. v.i. Mai t res anciens. HISTORY OF ART 1291 Singleton, Esther. 78-9 S6ia Art of the Belgian galleries; a history of the Flemish school of paint- ing, illuminated and demonstrated by critical descriptions of the great paintings in Bruges, Antwerp, Ghent, Brussels and other Belgian cities. 1909. Page. (Art galleries of Europe.) A careful compilation from approved sources, affording a readable commentary for the tourist. Contains 48 clear half-tone cuts. 709 History of art Addison, Mrs Julia de Wolf (Gibbs). 709 A22 Arts and crafts in the middle ages; a description of mediaeval work- manship in several of the departments of applied art, together with some account of special artisans in the early renaissance. 1908. Page. "Bibliography," v-3^Z~3f>7- Excellent colored illustrations. Balch, Edwin Swift. q7og Bi8 Comparative art. 1906. Allen. The purpose of the monograph is to examine and compare the fine arts of as many races as possible for the light these arts may throw on the early development of man. Carotti, Giulio. 709 23 History of art; revised by Mrs Arthur Strong, v.i, v.2, pt.i. 1908-09. Duckworth. v.i. Ancient art. v.2, pt.i. Early Christian and neo-oriental art. European art north of the Alps. v.2, pt.i is translated by Beryl de Zoete. "Bibliography" at the end of each volume. Humphreys, Henry Noel. qr7og Hg2 Ten centuries of art; its progress in Europe from the 9th to the igth century. 1852. Grant. Brief essays in which all branches of art are discussed. HcaKOBi,, C. K. q709 129 BiHHOC BT> HCKyCCTBi. Kuhn, Albert. qr7og K43 Allgemeine kunst-geschichte, mit aesthetischer vorschule als ein- leitung zur geschichte und zum studium der bildenden kiinste; die werke der bildenden kunste vom standpunkte der geschichte, technik, aesthetik. 4v. in 7. [i89i]-i9ii. v.i, pt. i-z. Geschichte der baukunst. v.2, pt.i-2. Geschichte der plastik. v.3, pt.i-2. Gescbichte der malerei. v-4. Allgemeines register der sach-, personen- und ortsnamen und technisches volcabular. From earliest times to the 2oth century. Many illustrations, some in color. Lipparini, Giuseppe. 709 L?3 Storia dell' arte, con prefazione di Enrico Panzacchi. 1904. Bar- bera. 1292 HISTORY OF ART Liibke, Wilhelm. q?og Outlines of the history of art; ed. by Russell Sturgis. 2v. 1904. Dodd. The edition of 1904 is brought up to date by minute revision and considerable addi- tions. Many new illustrations. "This work, for some years, has had the reputation of being the most popular of the several hand-books of the history of art. It abounds in most carefully prepared illustra- tions, and .is perhaps equally adapted to interest and instruct. It is an excellent book from which to obtain the fundamental knowledge necessary for a good judgment con- cerning works of art." Adams's Manual of historical literature. Michel, Andre, ed. ie d'architectes. HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE 1319 Rosengarten, Albert. b72o.g Die architektonischen stylarten; eine kurze, allgemeinfassliche dar- stellung der charakteristischen verschiedenheiten der architektonischen stylarten, zur richtigen verwendung in kunst und handwerk. 1857. Vieweg. Schnaase, Karl Julius Ferdinand. b72O.g 835 Geschichte der bildenden ktinste. 8v. in 7. 1866-79. Buddeus, & Ebner. v.i -2. Geschichte der bildenden kiinste bei den alten; Die volker des Orients; Griechen und Romer. v.3. Geschichte der bildenden kiinste im mittelalter ; Altchristliche, byzantinische, muhammedanische, karolingische kunst. v.4. Geschichte der bildenden kiinste im mittelalter; Die romanische kunst. v-5. Geschichte der bildenden kiinste im mittelalter; Entstehung und ausbildung des gothischen styls. v.6. Geschichte der bildenden kiinste im mittelalter; Die spatzeit des mittelalters bis zur bluthe der Eyck'schen schule. v.7- Geschichte der bildenden kiinste im mittelalter; Das mittelalter Italiens und die grenzgebiete der abendlandischen kunst. v.8. Geschichte der bildenden kiinste im 15. jahrhundert. "Carl Schnaase, biographische skizze, von Wilhelm Lubke," v.8, p. 15-84. After the death of Schnaase in 1875 the work was continued by Wilhelm Lubke. Simpson, Frederick Moore. bj20.g S6i History of architectural development, v.2-3. 1909-11. Longmans. (Architects' library.) v.2. Mediaeval. v.3. Renaissance in Italy, France and England. For v.i see preceding catalogue, second series. Sturgis, Russell. qyao.g 893 History of architecture, v.i-2. 1906-09. Baker. v.i. Antiquity: Ancient Egypt; Western Asia to 300 B. C.; Greece; Italian peo- ples before Roman control. v.2. Romanesque and oriental. The same. v. 1-2 ....................................... qby2o.g Sgs Uhde, Constantin. qb720.g Ui8 Die konstruktionen und die kunstformen der architektur; ihre ent- stehung und geschichtliche entwickelung bei den verschiedenen volk- ern. v.i-4. 1902-11. Wasmuth. v.i. Die konstruktionen und die kunstformen, ihre geschichtliche systematische ent- wickelung, begrundet durch material und technik. v.2. Der holzbau, seine kiinstlerische und geschichtlich-geographische entwickelung, sowie sein einfluss auf die steinarchitektur. v.3. Der steinbau in natiirlichem stein, die geschichtliche entwickelung der gesimse in den verschiedenen baustilen. v.4. Der steinbau in kiinstlichem stein, die geschichtliche entwickelung der gesimse in dem verschiedenen baustilen. Eisen und bronze; ihre gewinnung, verarbeitung und kunstlerische gestaltung, insbesondre fur bauzwecke bis zum ausgang des 18. jahr- hunderts. Wallis, Frank Edwin. 72o.g Wi8 How to know architecture; the human elements in the evolution of styles. 1910. Harper. Contents: Pagan; the first period. Christian; the second period. Intellectual; the third period. Modern; the fourth period. Traces the main steps in the evolution of styles and draws many illustrations from American buildings. 1320 HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE Europe Britton, John. qb"j2o.g^2 675 Architectural antiquities of Great Britain; represented and illustrated in a series of views, elevations, plans, sections and details of various ancient English edifices, with historical and descriptive accounts of each. 5v. 1809-27. Longman. v-s contains Britten's "Chronological history and graphic illustrations of Christian architecture in England." The examples are largely Gothic. "The artistic excellence of the illustrations procured success for what Southey... pronounced to be the 'most beautiful work of the kind that had ever till then appeared.' " Dictionary of national biography. London, Society of Antiquaries. qbj20.g^2 L8a Vetusta monumenta, quae ad rerum Britannicarum memoriam con- servandam Societas Antiquariorum Londini sumptu suo edenda curavit. 6v. in 3. 1767-! 1842]. English text. v.3 contains index for v.i-3. v.6 is incomplete, includes plates no. 1-17 without descriptive text and plates no. 18-39 with descriptive text. Uhde, Constantin, ed. qbjzo.g^ Ui8 Baudenkmaeler in Grossbritannien. 2v. 1894. Wasmuth. One hundred and seventy-five plates, with brief historical introduction, illustrating some of the monuments of English architecture. Includes the great cathedrals, uni- versities, castles and baronial halls. Architekten-Verein, Berlin. qr72o.Q43 A6y Berlin und seine bauten; bearbeitet und hrsg. vom Architekten- Verein zu Berlin und der Vereinigung Berliner Architekten. 3v. in 2. 1896. Ernst. v. i . Einleitendes. Ingenieurwesen. v.2-3. Der hochbau: Offentliche bauten; Privatbauten. Fully illustrated history of building in Berlin, chiefly during the last quarter of the 1 9th century. Volume i is devoted to public works, including streets, squares, parks and gardens, bridges, railroads, water-works, gas works and industrial works, with chap- ters on building materials, heating, lighting, etc. Volume 2 is devoted to architectural works, including churches, museums, libraries, schools, banks and mints, hospitals, thea- tres and opera-houses, markets, etc. Bishop, Henry Halsall. 720.944 849 Pictorial architecture of France. 1893. Soc. for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Guerinet, Armand, pub. qb72o-944 Gg$ L'architecture franchise; monuments historiques du lie siecle jusqu'a nos jours [plates], izpts. in 4v. v.i -2. Exterieurs. v-3. Exterieurs (suite). InteVieurs. v.4. Interieurs (suite). Nancy; architecture, beaux-arts, monuments. Paris et sea monuments. v.i title reads "Architecture en France." Macgibbon, David. b72O.g44 Mi6 Architecture of Provence and the Riviera. 1888. Douglas. Sketch of the history of Provence from early times through the middle ages is pre- fixed to the description of its architectural monuments. Illustrated. ARCHITECTURAL CONSTRUCTION 1321 045 Descrizione delle architetture, pitture e scolture di Vicenza, con al- cune osservazioni. 2v. 1779. v.i. Delle chiese e degli oratori. v.2. Degli edificj pubblici e privati. Limburger, Walther. qb72o.g45 ~Lji Die gebaude von Florenz; architekten, strassen und platze in alpha- betischen verzeichnissen, mit einem plane des gegenwartigen Florenz und einem plane vom jahre 1783. 1910. "Abkurzungen bei den literaturangaben," p.p-n. Melani, Alfredo. b72O.Q45 Ms8 Manuale di architettura italiana antica e moderna. [1903.] Hoepli. Fully illustrated history of Italian architecture to the close of the ipth century. Caveda, Jose. b72O.Q46 Czg Geschichte der baukunst in Spanien; aus dem spanischen iibersetzt von Paul Heyse, hrsg. von Franz Kugler. 1858. Ebner. Roberts, David. qb72o.g46 Rs3 Picturesque sketches in Spain, taken during ye years 1832 and 1833 [plates]. 1837. Hodgson. Watson, Walter Crum. qb72O.Q46 Ws2 Portuguese architecture. 1908. Constable. "Books consulted," p. 272. "The author is to be congratulated on having broken fresh and very interesting ground in the subject of this volume. Nothing like a complete history of Portuguese architecture exists in any language, while there is no other English work in which more than a cursory consideration is given to it... Mr. Watson is well equipped for his task, possessing a thorough knowledge of Portuguese history and an intimate acquaintance with Portuguese buildings." Athenceum, 1908. Stappaerts, Felix. qb720.g4g S?g Monuments d'architecture et de sculpture en Belgique; dessins d'apres nature lithographies en plusieurs teintes par F. Stroobant, texte par Felix Stappaerts. [1850?] 721 Architectural construction Daubourg, E. qb72i D28 L'architecture interieure; portes, vestibules, escaliers, antichambres, salons, salles a manger, chambres a coucher, bibliotheques, bureaux de banque et de journaux, devantures et interieurs de boutique, etc.; en- sembles et details en plans, coupes, elevations et profils. 1876. Baudry. French and English text. Martin, Clarence Augustine. q?2i M42 Details of building construction. 1906. Bates. Drawings with explanatory notes. Sharpe, Edmund. b72i.8 853 Treatise on the rise and progress of decorated window tracery in England. 2v. 1849. Van Voorst. Title of v.2 reads "Decorated windows; a series of illustrations of the window tracery of the decorated style of ecclesiastical architecture." By a thorough student of the subject. Window tracery first appeared in England in the abbey church of St. Peter at Westminster, which was begun in 1245. 1322 ANCIENT AND ORIENTAL ARCHITECTURE Brisville, Hugues. qb72i.88 675 Diverses pieces de serruriers inventees par Hugues Brisuille, maitre serrurier a Paris, et gravez par Jean Berain. 1888. Quaritch. (Quaritch's reprints of rare books, no.g.) Reprint of the original edition published in Paris about 1670, with reproduction of title-page. Meyer, Alfred Gotthold. . qb72i.g M6s Eisenbauten; ihre geschichte und aesthetik; nach des verfassers tode zu ende gefiihrt von Wilhelm, freiherr von Tettau, mit einem geleitwort von Julius Lessing. 1907. Neff. At the time of his death, in 1904, the author was professor in the Konigliche Tech- nische Hochschule at Charlottenburg. The book contains many examples of the use of iron in the construction of bridges, railroad stations, etc. 722 Ancient and oriental architecture Adamy, Rudolf. b722 A22 Architektonik des orientalischen alterthums. 1881. (Architektonik auf historischer und aesthetischer grundlage, v.i, pt.2.) Espouy, Hector d', ed. qbj22 83 Fragments d'architecture antique d'apres les releves & restaurations des anciens pensionnaires de I'Academie de France a Rome [plates]. v.2. 1905. For v.i see preceding catalogue, first series. Fergusson, James. qb722.3 FsSe Essay on the ancient topography of Jerusalem, with restored plans of the temple, &c. and plans, sections and details of the church built by Constantine the Great over the Holy sepulchre, now known as the Mosque of Omar. 1847. Weale. Indian architecture [De Forest, Lockwood.] qb722.4 0371 Indian architecture and ornament. 1887. Policy. Plates, without text, illustrating architecture in India, from 1236 A. D. to modern times. The examples chosen are chiefly from Ahmedabad, Ajmir, Amber, Sikri, Agra,. Delhi, Amritza, Lahore and Multan. [De Forest, Lockwood.] qb722.4 037 Indian domestic architecture. 1885. Privately printed. Plates, without text, illustrating details of house architecture in India. Fergusson, James. b722-4 FsSa History of Indian and Eastern architecture; revised and ed. with additions by James Burgess and R. P. Spiers. 2v. 1910. Murray. "Although appearing as the third volume of the second ed. of the 'General history of architecture,' the present may be considered as an independent and original work." Preface. "Contains the only consecutive account in English of the styles of India. The ac- count of architecture in China, Japan, etc., is very inferior and slight." Sturgis and Krehbiel's Annotated bibliography of fine art. ROMAN ARCHITECTURE 1323 Fergusson, James. Picturesque illustrations of ancient architecture in Hindostan. 1848. Hogarth. Full-page plates, with descriptive text, illustrating some ancient examples of Hindu architecture, chiefly the temples of southern India. Ram Raj. qby22.4 Essay on the architecture of the Hindus. 1834. Royal Asiatic Soc. of Great Britain and Ireland. South Hindu work has been so well elucidated by Ram Raz, a native author, that its principles may be considered clearly ascertained and settled. Condensed from En- cyclopaedia Britannica. Rew, Henry Cunningham. T722-4 Address on the Taj Mahal, delivered Dec. 4, 1905, before the Tekla Society, Masten Park high school [Buffalo], upon presentation of the picture "Queen Victoria's drawing room." 1906. The Taj Mahal is the mausoleum erected near Agra, India, by Shah Jehan in memory of his favorite wife, who died in 1629. Roman architecture Adamy, Rudolf. b722.7 A22 Architektonik der Romer. 1883. Helwing. (Architektonik auf his- torischer und aesthetischer grundlage, v.i, pt.4.) Caristie, Auguste Nicolas. qb722.7 CIQ Monuments antiques a Orange: Arc de triomphe et theatre. 1856. Didot. Full-page plates, with descriptive text, illustrating two notable Roman remains in the town of Orange, France, namely, the triumphal arch, 60 feet high, celebrated for the beauty of its architecture and its richly sculptured bas-reliefs, and an ancient theatre with a well-preserved stage. Choisy, Francois Auguste. qb722.7 C45 L'art de batir chez les Romains. 1873. Ducher. Author was a French engineer and archaeologist. The book is concerned with the technical details of construction and the text is supplemented by numerous plans drawn by the author. Dutert, Ferdinand Charles Louis. qb722-7 Dgs Le Forum romain et les forums de Jules Cesar, d'Auguste, de Ves- pasien, de Nerva et de Trajan; etat actuel des decouvertes et etude restauree. 1876. Levy. Fully illustrated descriptions of the five imperial forums at Rome. Espouy, Hector d', ed. qb'j22.'j 83 Monuments antiques; releves et restaures par les architectes pen- sionnaires de I'Academie de France a Rome [plates]. 3v. in 6. [1910?] Publication de 1'Institut de France. Giani, Ernesto. qb722.7 GSS L'antico teatro di Verona; note storico-archeologiche con 19 tavole fuori testo di C. A. Baroni. 1908. "Bibliografia del teatro (opere principali)," Plates, with brief historical and archaeological notes, illustrating the Roman amphi- theatre of Verona. 1324 GREEK ARCHITECTURE Porter, Mary Winearls. 722.7 P8s What Rome was built with; a description of the stones employed in ancient times for its building and decoration. 1907. Frowde. "Works of reference," p. 103-1 04. Highly interesting book on a curious by-path in history. Devoted chiefly to the marble used in Roman buildings. Van Deman, Esther Boise. qr722.7 Vi7 The Atrium Vestae. 1909. (Carnegie Institution of Washington. Publication no.ioS.) This investigation of one of the most interesting monuments of the Roman Forum, the House of the Vestals, is a valuable contribution to the history of the architecture of the Romans and to a knowledge of their methods of construction. Illustrated. Greek architecture Adamy, Rudolf. by22.8 A22 Architektonik der Hellenen. 1882. Helwing. (Architektonik auf historischer und aesthetischer grundlage, v.i, pt.3.) Anderson, William James, & Spiers, R. P. b722.8 A54 Architecture of Greece & Rome; a sketch of its historic develop- ment. 1907. Batsford. "List of selected books relating to classic architecture," p.333~339. Development of Greek architecture is traced chronologically, while Roman structures are considered by classes arranged according to their intended purpose. Many excellent illustrations. Beule, Charles Ernest. b722.8 646 L'acropole d'Athenes. 2v. 1853-54. Didot. M. Beule was a distinguished archaeologist who labored for some time at Athens and discovered the Propylaea, the ancient entrance to the Acropolis. Boutmy, fimile Gaston. 722.8 665 Philosophic de 1'architecture en Grece. 1870. Browne, Edith A. 722.8 6799 Greek architecture. 1909. Black. (Great buildings and how to enjoy them.) Short sketch, followed by illustrative examples with notes. Dodwell, Edward. qb722.8 D67 Views and descriptions of Cyclopian or Pelasgic remains in Greece and Italy, with constructions of a later period, from drawings by Ed- ward Dodwell. 1834. Richter. Intended as a supplement to his "Classical and topographical tour in Greece during the years :8oi, 1805 and 1806." D'Ooge, Martin Luther. 722.8 073 The Acropolis of Athens. 1908. Macmillan. "Select bibliography," p.35S~36o. Detailed history and description of the Acropolis and its buildings from earliest known period to the end of the ipth century. Based on the literature of the subject and personal study at Athens. For the general reader as well as the scholar. Many illustrations from diagrams, plans and photographs. Falkener, Edward. qb722.8 Fig Ephesus and the Temple of Diana. 1862. Day. MEDIAEVAL ARCHITECTURE 1325 Fergusson, James. qbjzz.S Mausoleum at Halicarnassus restored in conformity with the re- cently discovered remains. 1862. Murray. By an authority on historical architecture. The mausoleum, erected by Queen Artemisia in 353 B. C. in memory of King Mausolus, ruler of Caria, was one of the seven wonders of the world.. "The Essay... has no pretension to being a complete account. . .All that has been attempted. . .is to recapitulate and explain the various data which have recently been brought to light. . .and to show in what manner these may be applied so as to perfect a solution of the riddle which has so long perplexed the student of classical architecture."" Preface. Lethaby, William Richard. 722.8 L6s Greek buildings, represented by fragments in the British Museum. 1908. Batsford. Contents: Diana's temple at Ephesus. The tomb of Mausolus. The Parthenon- and its sculptures. Other works. There is no full treatment of any one of the buildings discussed. The whole volume gives the impression of being in the form of rough notes intended to be worked out properly later. Marquand, Allan. 722.8 Greek architecture. 1909. Macmillan. (Handbooks of archaeology and antiquities.) Concise account of materials and construction, architectural forms, proportion, decoration, composition, style and monuments. Author is (1909) professor of art and" archaeology at Princeton University. Illustrated. Stevenson, John James. qb722.8 884 Restoration of the mausoleum at Halicarnassus. 1909. Batsford. Description of the various restorations, with an account of the data upon which- they are based and of the actual remains of the building discovered by Sir Charles- Newton. Wilkins, William, 1778-1839. qb722.8 Wy* Antiquities of Magna Graecia. 1807. Cambridge University Press. Author executed much work at Cambridge, England, designed University College,. and National Gallery, London. American architecture Long, Robert Gary. qb722.g L8z Ancient architecture of America; its historical value and parallelism of development with the architecture of the Old World; a discourse de- livered before the New York Historical Society, April 3, 1849. 1849.. Bartlett. 723 Mediaeval architecture Porter, Arthur Kingsley. qb723 P8s Medieval architecture; its origins and development, with lists of monuments and bibliographies. 2v. 1909. Baker. v.i. The origins. v.2. Normandy and the lie de France. "Bibliographies," v.i, p-333-467; v.2, p.4i 7-479. Traces the development of the formative styles from the early Christian to the- renaissance. Prominent examples of each are described in classified list of monu- ments which follows each chapter. Intended for the general reader as well as the- student of architecture. Illustrated from photographs and measured drawings. 1326 MEDIAEVAL ARCHITECTURE Adamy, Rudolf. 5723.1 Aa2 Architektonik der altchristlichen zeit. 1884. (Architektonik auf historischer und aesthetischer grundlage, v.2, pt.i.) Byzantine. Moorish Choisy, Francois Auguste. qb723.a C45 L'art de batir chez les Byzantins. 1883. Librairie de la Societe Anonynie de Publications Periodiques. Study of the principles and methods of construction used in Byzantine architecture. Contains 25 full-page plates in addition to numerous illustrations in the text. Vogiie, Charles Jean Melchior, marquis de, and others. qb723.2 Vs6 Byzantine architecture and ornament [plates]. 1890. Policy. Calvert, Albert Frederick qb723-3 Ci4a The Alhambra; being a brief record of the Arabian conquest of the peninsula, with a particular account of the Mohammedan architecture and decoration. 1907. Lane. Calvert, Albert Frederick. 723.3 Ci4 Granada and the Alhambra; a brief description of the ancient city of Granada, with a particular account of the Moorish palace. 1907. Lane. (Spanish series.) New edition of his larger work "The Alhambra." Contains a wealth of illustrations, which include not only natural scenery but ex- amples of Spanish and Saracenic architecture, details of buildings and famous works of art. Wells, Nathaniel Armstrong. qb723-3 W4Q Picturesque antiquities of Spain; described in a series of letters, with illustrations representing Moorish palaces, cathedrals and other monuments of art contained in the cities of Burgos, Valladolid, Toledo and Seville. 1846. Bentley. Romanesque Adamy, Rudolf. 5723.4 A22 Architektonik des muhamedanischen und romanischen stils. 1887. (Architektonik auf historischer und aesthetischer grundlage, v.2, pt.2.) Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. 1723.4 677 Illustrated catalogue of the Goodyear collection of photographs of Italian architecture and sculpture and of the survey of Italian mediaeval buildings. [1896.] Browne, Edith A. 5723.4 678 Great buildings and how to enjoy them; Norman architecture. 1907. Black. "Authorities consulted," p.8. Brief history of Norman architecture, followed by a number of illustrative exam- ples, chiefly of English cathedrals and churches. MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE 1327 Jackson, Frederick Hamilton. by234 Ji2 The shores of the Adriatic; the Italian side; an architectural and archaeological pilgrimage. 1906. Murray. "The districts chosen afford ample scope for the descriptive powers of the architect,. for within their limits are the greater of the Apulian cathedrals; the abbeys of Bari, San Clemente in Casauria, and Pomposa; the churches of Canosa, Monte Sant' Angelo, Ravenna, and Cividale; the castles of Castel del Monte, Lucera, Trani, Bari, and Brindisi...A good deal of space is devoted to Manfredonia, the city built by Manfred in the middle of the thirteenth century." Burlington magazine, 1007. Jackson, Thomas Graham. ^723,4 Ji26 Dalmatia, the Quarnero and Istria, with Cettigne in Montenegro and the island of Grado. 3v. 1887. Clarendon Press. "One of those valuable books on architecture which are made up by the author's personal observations, in a region rich in monuments of art. On the eastern coast of the Adriatic the remains of the late Roman, of early Romanesque, and later Ro- manesque art are very abundant, and have been much less studied than those of more accessible parts of Europe. To the general reader it may be said that the aspect and character of a land in which ancient buildings remain almost intact is admirably re- produced." Sturgis and Krehbiel's Annotated bibliography of fine art. Rivoira, G. Teresio. Le origini della architettura lombarda e delle sue principal! deriva- zioni nei paesi d'oltr' Alpe. 2v. 1901-07. Loescher. By an Italian architect and archaeologist who has devoted much time to the study of Romanesque architecture. Contains many illustrations of cathedrals and churches. Rohault de Fleury, Georges. qby23.4 R62t La Toscane au moyen age; architecture civile et militaire. 2v. 1873. Morel. "Bibliographic" at the end of each section. "Contains measured drawings and pictorial drawings of such interesting buildings as the Palazzo Vecchio and the Loggia dei Lanzi, at Florence, the Palazzo Pubblico of Siena, and private houses, city walls, and gates in half the cities of Tuscany. The value of the whole is greatly helped by the excellent plans of the different cities which are given, and the general views of the same cities from hill-tops near. Not students of architecture only, but readers of mediaeval and later history and students of the fine art of Italy will find this book extremely suggestive." Sturgis and Krehbiel's Annotated' bibliography of fine art. Gothic Adamy, Rudolf. by23.5 A22 Architektonik des gothischen stils. 1889. (Architektonik auf his- torischer und aesthetischer grundlage, v.2, pt-3.) Corroyer, fidouard Jules. 723.5 C82a L'architecture gothique. [1891.] Picard. (Bibliotheque de 1'en- seignement des beaux-arts.) "Good account of the origin and growth of the great styles of Western Europe from 1150 to 1500, with useful illustrations. . .The work of a very competent man." Sturgis and Krehbiel's Annotated bibliography of fine art. Cram, Ralph Adams. 723.5 C86 Gothic quest. 1907. Baker. Contents: On the restoration of idealism. Concerning architectural style. The Gothic ascendency. Meeting-houses or churches. The development of ecclesiastical ar- chitecture in England. The development of ecclesiastical architecture in America. On 1328 MODERN ARCHITECTURE Cram, Ralph Adams continued. 723.5 C86 the building of churches. The interior decoration of churches. The contemporary ar- chitecture of the Roman Catholic church. One of the lost arts. The case against the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Architectural education in the United States. The same b723.5 C86 Collection of thoughtful essays and addresses, in general emphasizing the close re- lation which art bears to civilization and in particular urging that more attention should be paid to the beautiful in church architecture. Rickman, Thomas. ^723. 5 R43 Attempt to discriminate the styles of architecture in England, from the conquest to the reformation; with a sketch of the Grecian and Ro- man orders, notices of numerous British edifices and some remarks on the architecture of a part of France; fifth edition, with very consider- able additions [by J. H. Parker]. 1848. Parker. The same; seventh edition, with considerable additions, chiefly his- torical [by J. H. Parker]. 1881 b723-5 R43a Binder's title reads "Gothic architecture." Schayes, Antoine Guillaume Bernard. Qb723-5 831 Treatise on the pointed style of architecture in Belgium; tr. by Henry Austin. 3v. in I. [1844.] One of the papers which appeared in Weale's "Quarterly papers on architecture," published in London in 1844. Schayes was a distinguished Belgian antiquarian. The treatise gives brief descrip- tions of the principal Gothic buildings erected in Belgium from the loth to the :6th century. Scott, Sir George Gilbert. b723-5 842 Remarks on secular & domestic architecture, present & future. 1857. Murray. Scott was one of the best known English architects of the igth century. The book is virtually a plea for the revival of the Gothic style. Warton, Thomas, and others. qb723-5 W26 Essays on Gothic architecture; illustrated by 12 plates of orna- ments, &c selected from ancient buildings, calculated to exhibit the various styles of different periods; to which is added a list of the ca- thedrals of England with their dimensions. 1808. Taylor. 724 Modern architecture Lambert, Andre, & Stahl, Eduard, ed. qb?24 Li8 Architektur von 1750-1850 [plates]. [1903.] Wasmuth. Riickwardt, Hermann, ed. qb724 R82 Architectural studies from Budapest; a collection for architects, com- prising the finest facades and architectural details of public and private buildings recently erected at Budapest. [1889.] Hessling. Collection of 60 plates, with brief text in German and Hungarian. Rusca, Luigi. qb724 R8g Raccolta dei disegni di diverse fabbriche costrutte in Pietroburgo e nell' interne dell' impero russo. 2v. in i. 1810. Title-page and text in Italian and French. MODERN ARCHITECTURE 1329 Renaissance Adamy, Rudolf. bjz+.i Az2 Architektonik der friihrenaissance. 1896. (Architektonik auf his- torischer und aesthetischer grundlage, v.3, pt.i.) Anderson, William James. 724.1 ASS Architecture of the renaissance in Italy. 1909. Batsford. "A list of selected books relating to the Italian renaissance," p.i86-i8p. "This is a delightful book, and... an important one... The main purpose... is to unfold, and in minor sense to criticise, the works of the earlier architects of the Renais- sance... The work leaves little to be desired in [the author's] estimate of each actor in the drama of Renaissance architecture. . .Four fifths of his book are devoted to the early and the culminating periods... We have here collected a thoroughly representative series of buildings, just such as a judicious traveller would select to visit if he wished to understand, not only the masterpieces of the painters of Italy, but also the caskets in which their works are enshrined; and the criticisms of the author are of greater value than his modesty seems to claim for them... The illustrations. . .help the study of the matter to the fullest extent. . .selected as they have been with the greatest judgment and perception." Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, 1896-97. Berty, Adolphe. qb724.i 346 La renaissance monumentale en France; specimens de composition et d'ornementation architectoniques empruntes aux edifices construits depuis le regne de Charles VIII jusqu'a celui de Louis XIV [plates]. 2v. 1864. Morel. Escosura, Patricio de la. qbj2^.i 79 Espana artistica y monumental; vistas y descripcion de los sitios y monumentos mas notables de Espana; obra dirigida y ejecutada por Genaro Perez de Villa-Amil, texto redactado por Patricio de la Esco- sura. 4v. 1842-50. v.i -3. Estampas. v.4. Texto. Spanish and French text. The engravings are chiefly of architectural subjects, but also represent Spanish life and scenery. The text is historical and descriptive. Les palais & vues de la ville de Turin et ses environs [plates]. Published by Santo Vallardi, Milan. With this are bound: Les principaux edifices de la ville de Genes et ses environs. Les curiosites de la ville de Milan et de ses environs. , Small engravings. No text. Schaefer, Carl. qb724.i 829 Die holzarchitektur Deutschlands vom 14. bis 18. jahrhundert; hrsg. vom Verbande Deutscher Architekten- und Ingenieur-Vereine und dem Gesammtvereine der Deutschen Geschichts- und Alterthums- Vereine [plates]. Wasmuth. Schiitz, Alexander, ed. qb724.i 839 Die renaissance in Italien; eine sammlung der werthvollsten er- haltenen monumente in chronologischer folge geordnet. 4v. 1905-07. v.i. Fruh renaissance. v.2. Hoch-renaissance. v.3- Decoration in stein und terracotta. v.4. Decoration in holz. 1330 MODERN ARCHITECTURE Vallance, Aymer. qr724.i Vis Art in England during the Elizabethan and Stuart periods, with a note on the first century of English engraving by M. C. Salaman; ed. by Charles Holme. 1908. (Studio. Special spring number, 1908.) Contents: Exteriors. Interiors. Furniture. Textiles and embroidery. The first century of English engraving, by M. C. Salaman. English. American Richardson, Charles James. qb7244 R4i Architectural remains of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I, from accurate drawings and measurements taken from existing specimens. v.i in 2. 1840. Privately printed. No more published. Views and details of ornament in a few of the homes of the nobility of that period. Holland house, Theobalds, the seat of Lord Burleigh and Coombe abbey, the seat of the earl of Craven are included. Singleton, Esther, ed. 724.9 S6i Historic buildings of America, as seen and described by famous writers. 1906. Dodd. The same ^24.9 S6i Contents: The Capitol, Washington, by J. B. Varnum. Within the Capitol, by Charles Dickens. Arlington, Virginia, by I. D. Hardy. Carpenters' hall, by B. J. Lossing. The Cradock house, Medford, by S. A. Drake. Fraunces tavern, by W. J. Davis. William and Mary College, by John Fiske. The Mission Dolores, San Fran- cisco, by Lady Hardy. King's chapel, Boston, by F. W. P. Greenwood. Some buildings in Havana, by Richard Davey. St. Michael's church, Charleston, by W. G. Simms. The Carlyle house, Alexandria. Independence hall, Philadelphia, by D. W. Belisle. The Castle of Chapultepec, by T. U. Brocklehurst. Parliament buildings, Ottawa, by Lady Hardy. Mount Vernon, by A. S. Martin. The Old Manse, Concord, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The Jamestown tower, by C. F. Stansbury. Nassau hall, Princeton. Castle Garden, New York, by Esther Singleton. Monticello, by E. C. Mead. The Wil- liam Penn house, Philadelphia, by J. F. Watson. The Cathedral, Mexico, by T. U. Brocklehurst. The Whipple house, Ipswich, by W. H. Downes. Fort Marion, St. Augustine, by I. D. Hardy. St. Anne de Beaupre, Quebec, by A. T. Sadlier. The Wadsworth-Longfellow house, Portland, by Nathan Goold. Washington's headquarters, Newburgh, by G. C. Verplanck. The Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, by Lady Hardy. The national Washington monument, by J. B. Varnum. The Clarke-Hancock house, Lexington. Castle St. Louis, Quebec, by J. M. LeMoine. Sunnyside, Tarrytown, by B. J. Lossing. The Old Witch house, Salem, by Esther Singleton. Shrine of Guada- lupe, by T. U. Brocklehurst. Christ church, Alexandria, by Bishop Meade. A glimpse at the houses of New Orleans, by Lady Hardy. The Chateau de Ramezay, Montreal, by A. C. Yate. The City hall, New York, by A. S. Martin. The White house. The White house of the Confederacy, Richmond. The Old state house, Boston, by E. G. Porter. The Morrisrjumel house, New York. Fort Sumter, by I. D. Hardy. Old stone tower, Newport, by B. J. Lossing. St. Paul's chapel, New York, by Charles Hem- street. Faneuil hall, Boston, by E. G. Porter. Liberty enlightening the world, New York, by Esther Singleton. 725 Public buildings Hoffmann, Ludwig, stadtbaurath von Berlin. qb725 H68 Neubauten der stadt Berlin; gesamtansichten und einzelheiten nach den mit massen versehenen originalzeichnungen der fassaden und der innenraume, sowie naturaufnahmen der bemerkenswertesten teile der seit dem jahre 1897 in Berlin errichteten stadtischen bauten; mit be- schreibenden text. v.6-io. 1907-11. Large plates of plans, details and general views. For v. 1-5 see preceding catalogue, second series. PUBLIC BUILDINGS 1331 Societe d'Architecture d' Amsterdam. qb725 867 Le Palais de la Paix a La Haye; reproductions des 6 projets primes et de 40 autres projets, choisis par la Societe d'Architecture d'Amster- dam et publics sous sa direction. [1906-07.] (Concours international de la fondation-Carnegie.) Desjardins, Antoine. qb725.i D46 Monographic de 1'hotel-de-ville de Lyon, restaure sous 1'adminis- tration de MM. Valsse et Chevreau, accompagnee d'un texte historique et descriptif. 1867. Morel. The hotel de ville was begun in 1646, damaged by fire in 1674, and restored by Jules Hardouin Mansart. The plates, of which there are a large number, give interior and exterior details. Koch, Alexander, ed. qb725.i Ks6 London County Council hall; final competition. 1908. Academy architecture. Issued as a special number of "British competitions in architecture." Gauthier, Julie Celina. r725.n 624 Minnesota capitol; official guide and history. 1907. [Pioneer Press.] Illustrated with views of the interior sculpture, mural decorations, etc. Herrenhaus und Abgeordnetenhaus in Berlin [plates]. qr725.n H47 Twenty-five large and finely executed photographs by the royal court photographer, Hermann Riickwardt. Thirteen are of the Herrenhaus and 12 of the Abgeordnetenhaus. They are mounted and bound in book form. Pennsylvania Attorney general. ^25.11 PSQ Report in re capitol investigation. 1907. Report in regard to the expenditure of funds for the new state capitol, consisting largely of correspondence between the attorney-general, the architect and the contrac- tors. Wolfrum, Friedrich, pub. qb725.2i W84 Das schaufenster; ausgefuhrte moderne schaufensteranlagen und ladenfronten, wiedergegeben nach photographischen aufnahmen von entwurfen hervorragender architekten und erlautert durch beifiigung der grundriss- und schnittzeichnungen. 1st ser. [1905-06.] Gilbert, Bradford Lee. qb725.3 038 Sketch portfolio of railroad stations and kindred structures; supple- ment. 1904. For work which this supplements see preceding catalogue, first series. Hospitals Bottger, Paul. qb725_5 664 Grundsatze fur den bau von krankenhausern. 1894. Ernst. Vortrag gehalten auf der n. wanderversammlung des Verbandes Deutscher Archi- tekten- und Ingenieur-Vereine in Strassburg am 28. August 1894. Gives plans of a few German hospitals. 1332 PUBLIC BUILDINGS Gallon, Sir Douglas Strutt. 725.5 Healthy hospitals; observations on some points connected with hos- pital construction. 1893. Clarendon Press. "List of some of the books consulted in the compilation of Healthy hospitals,'' p-9-ii. Discusses sites, heating, lighting, ventilating, the arrangement of wards and ad- ministrative buildings, with a chapter on lying-in hospitals, and some observations on children's hospitals, hospitals for incurables, etc. Written for English conditions. The author has had much experience in construction. Ochsner, Albert John, & Sturm, M. J. qby25.5 Organization, construction and management of hospitals, with nu- merous plans and details. 1907. Cleveland Press. Chiefly occupied with the question of construction. One of the authors is (1907) professor of clinical surgery in the medical department of the University of Illinois and the other a Chicago architect. Toilet, Casimir. qby25.5 TS& Les edifices hospitaliers depuis leur origine jusqu'a nos jours; de 1'assistance publique et des hopitaux jusqu'au 196 siecle; les hopitaux au 196 siecle, etudes, projets, discussions et programmes relatifs a leur construction; description de 1'hopital civil et militaire suburbain de Montpellier. 1892. [Bailliere.] M. Toilet is an authority on hospital construction and the originator of a system called by his name, which has for one of its chief characteristics the building of the roof in the form of an arch. Contains plans and illustrations. Toilet, Casimir. qb725-5 Ts8h Les hopitaux modernes au 196 siecle, description des principaux hopitaux franc.ais et etrangers; situation de 1'assistance publique en Europe, causes principales du pauperisme, valeur sanitaire des materi- aux de construction, leur emploi. 1894. Privately printed. Intended to furnish a means of comparing the different types of hospitals in vari- ous countries. Many plans are given. Baths Allen, John Kennott. 725.7 A42 Swimming pools; their construction, mechanical installation, water supply, heating the water, various types of installations adapted to dif- ferent conditions. 1907. Domestic Engineering. Cross, Alfred William Stephens. q725-7 C8g Public baths and wash-houses; a treatise on their planning, design, arrangement and fitting, having special regard to the acts arranging for their provision, with chapters on Turkish, Russian and other special baths, public laundries, engineering, heating, water supply, etc. 1906. Batsford. The same qby25.7 C8g Author is an architect and writes from the point of view of the architect rather than- that of the municipal official or sanitarian. The book contains numerous illustrations. of baths and wash-houses and the fixtures required by each. ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE 1333 Theatres Daly, Cesar Denis, & Davioud, G. J. A. qb725.8 Diy Architecture conteniporaine; les theatres de la Place du Chatelet: Theatre du Chatelet, Theatre-Lyrique. [1867?] Ducher. The authors were well-known French architects. The work consists of plans and reproductions of the ornament and decoration of these two Parisian theatres, prefaced by an account of the details of their architectural construction. Freeman, John Ripley. 725.8 Fgi On the safeguarding of life in theaters; being a study from the stand- point of an engineer. 1906. Reprinted from the "Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical En- gineers." "Contains much matter of vital importance to the public in general and to all public officers responsible for precautions against fire in places of entertainment. It is a scientific treatise by an expert, and its statements are amply fortified by facts, figures, and illustrations." Nation, 1906. Hammitzsch, Martin. qb725.8 H22 Der moderne theaterbau. 1906. v.i. Wasmuth. v.i. Der hofische theaterbau, der anfang der modernen theaterbaukunst, ihre entwicklung und betatigung zur zeit der renaissance, des barock und des rokoko. Contains numerous illustrations and plans. 726 Ecclesiastical architecture. Cathedrals Acqua, Carlo dell'. qb726 Ai8 Dell' insigne reale basilica di San Michele Maggiore in Pavia. 1875. Historical as well as descriptive account of one of the most interesting Romanesque- Lombard churches of the nth and izth centuries. Illustrated. Aitken, George Shaw. qb726 Abbeys of Arbroath, Balmerino and Lindores. 1884. Leng. Drawings and plans of these Scottish abbeys, with brief descriptions and some facts in regard to their history. Baudot, Joseph Eugene Anatole de, & Perrault-Dabot, A. qb726 6320 Les cathedrales de France [plates]. 2v. [1905-09.] v.i. A a L. v.2. M a Z. Large plates with brief historical notes, providing exterior and interior views and sometimes plans and details. Bax, Pearce B. Ironside. 726 6330 Cathedral church of Bangor; an account of its fabric and a brief his- tory of the see. 1907. Bell. (Bell's cathedral series.) Well illustrated with exterior and interior views of this Welsh cathedral. Borja, Luis Moreno y Gil de Borja, marques de. qr726 663 Panteones de reyes y de infantes en el real monasterio de el Escorial. 1909. Publicado como suplementos en "La Ilustracion espanola y americana," 1909. Bowler, George. qb726 B66a Chapel and church architecture, with designs for parsonages. 1856. Jewett. Designs for simple and inexpensive structures in the style of the middle I9th century. 1334 CATHEDRALS Brandon, John Raphael, & Brandon, J. A. qb726 B6g Parish churches; being perspective views of English ecclesiastical structures, accompanied by plans drawn to a uniform scale and letter- press descriptions. 2v. 1858. Kent. Britton, John. qb726 Bjsch Chronological history and graphic illustrations of Christian archi- tecture in England. 1835. Nattali. The same. (In his Architectural antiquities of Great Britain, v.5.) ....................................... qb72o.Q42 675 v.s "He first combined antiquarian with topographical description. He effected a great improvement in the style and character of the illustrations of ancient monuments; and the general admiration excited by the engravings in his works gave rise to a novel interest in his subject, and became one of the incitements to deeper studies and investi- gations." Encyclopaedia Britannica. Bumpus, Thomas Francis. 726 B88cat Cathedrals and churches of Belgium. [1909.] Laurie. (Cathedral series.) "List of some of the most remarkable pictures in the churches described or alluded to in this volume," p.287-29S. Although the quality of Belgium's ecclesiastical architecture is not of the highest, it possesses some notable examples of Romanesque and early Gothic work, to which the Flemish schools of painting have given an added lustre. Mr Bumpus provides both historical and architectural description. Bumpus, Thomas Francis. 726 B88c Cathedrals and churches of northern Italy. [1907.] Laurie. "Bibliography," p.36s. His itinerary was from Trent to Verona, Vicenza, Padua and Venice, thence south to Ferrara, Bologna, Ravenna, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Cremona, Pavia and Milan. The descriptions are almost entirely architectural, but useful lists are given of the pic- tures and wall-paintings in the churches he describes. Fully illustrated. Bumpus, Thomas Francis. 726 B88ca Cathedrals and churches of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. [1908.] Pott. Fully illustrated. Butler, Alfred Joshua. 726 6974 Ancient Coptic churches of Egypt. 2v. 1884. Clarendon Press. Study of the old Christian churches in and near Cairo. The first volume treats of the architecture of the churches and is illustrated with plans. The second volume is filled with a minute study of the church furniture, vestments and ritual, described with antiquarian zeal. Champneys, Arthur Charles. qb726 C35 Irish ecclesiastical architecture, with some notice of similar or re- lated work in England, Scotland and elsewhere. 1910. Bell. "Ablest and fairest account that has yet appeared on the large and interesting sub- ject of Irish architecture." Athtn745 Cg4 Grammar of Japanese ornament and design, with introductory, de- scriptive and analytical text. 1880. Batsford. Carefully selected series of characteristic examples of the natural and conventional ornament of the Japanese. Introductory text furnishes brief history of the Japanese and their industrial arts and an examination of the chief elements of their ornament. Day, Lewis Foreman. 745 0333 Nature and ornament. 2v. 1909. Batsford. v.i. Nature the raw material of design. v.2. Ornament the finished product of design. [Documents du moyen-age, 136-156 siecle, el fitudes.] r745 D66 Reproductions of designs from illuminated manuscripts. Dolmetsch, H. qb?45 D6go Der ornamentenschatz; ein musterbuch stilvoller ornamente aus alien kunstepochen. 1887. Plates, many of them colored, illustrating ornament of all periods and in all branches of art. Dupont-Auberville. qb?45 ^93 La decoration polychrome d'apres les etoffes anciennes; 100 planches en couleurs, or et argent contenant les plus beaux motifs de tous les styles, art ancien et asiatique, moyen age, renaissance, 176 et i8e siecles; recueil historique et pratique publie sous la direction de Bachelin-Deflorenne, avec des notes explicatives et une introduc- tion generale par Dupont-Auberville, dessins de Kreutzberger, Regamey, etc. [1891?] Foord, Jeanie. qr745 F?4 Decorative plant & flower studies, for the use of artists, designers, students & others; containing 40 coloured plates, accompanied by a de- scription and sketch of each plant and 450 studies of growth & detail. 1906. Batsford. ORNAMENTAL DESIGN 1381 Hatton, Richard G. qb745 Craftsman's plant-book; or, Figures of plants, selected from the herbals of the i6th century and exhibiting the finest examples of plant- drawing found in those rare works, arranged for the use of the decora- tor, with supplementary illustrations and some remarks on the use of plant-form in design. 1909. Chapman. Holland, Charles. q745 Design for schools; a handbook for teachers for use in secondary schools, the upper standards of elementary schools and elementary classes of schools of art. 1907. Macmillan. Japanese flower designs. 4v. r745 Ji8 Colored designs of the natural flowers. Leighton, John. qr745 1*56 Suggestions in design; being a comprehensive series of original sketches in various styles of ornament, arranged for application in the decorative and constructive arts, with descriptive and historical letter- press by J. K. Colling. 1881. Appleton. New York (state) Education department. 745 N26 Design and representation. 1910. The same. (In its Annual report, 1910, v.6, pt.3.).. 1379.747 Na6i2 v.6 pt-3 Handbook for teachers of drawing and design. Illustrated. Owen, E. S. D. & Bunce, L. W. qr745 034 Nature's aid to design, comprising 115 half-tone reproductions from photographs [plates]. 1907. Lane. Rehlender, Georg. qr745 Rag Allerlei sinnbilder; 1000 entwiirfe; symbole, allegorien, vignetten, chimaren, embleme, attribute, cartouchen, zierleisten, initialen, orna- mente, trophaen, heraldische motive und sonstige decorative vorbilder, [ist-2d ser.]. 2v. in i. [1892-94.] Hessling. Ross, Denman Waldo. q745 R73 Theory of pure design, harmony, balance, rhythm. 1907. Houghton. Professor Ross has been engaged for many years in the study and teaching of pure design design that is altogether dissociated from representation. His problem is to discover the laws of design and his book is written in a strictly scientific style. Semper, Gottfried. t>745 847 Der stil in den technischen und tektonischen kiinsten; oder, Prak- tische aesthetik; ein handbuch fur techniker, kunstler und kunst- freunde. 2v. 1860-63. Kunst und Wissenschaft, & Bruckmann. v.i. Die textile kunst fur sich betrachtet und in beziehung zur baukunst. v.2. Keramik, tektonik, stereotomie, metallotechnik fur sich betrachtet und in beziehung zur baukunst. Speltz, Alexander. 745 874 Styles of ornament exhibited in designs and arranged in historical order with descriptive text; a handbook for architects, designers, paint- ers, sculptors, wood-carvers, chasers, modellers, cabinet-makers and 1382 RUGS Speltz, Alexander continued. 745 874 artistic locksmiths; tr. from the second German edition by David O'Conor. [1906.] Hessling. "Reference books," p.633-635- The same; a series of 3500 examples arranged in historical order with descriptive text, for the use of architects, designers, craftsmen and amateurs; tr. from the second German edition, revised and ed. by R. H. Spiers. 1910. Batsford b745 874 Title reads "Styles of ornament from prehistoric times to the middle of the igth century." "Reference books," p.627-629. Strange, Edward Fairbrother. q745 S8g Flowers and plants for designers and schools; photographed from nature by Henry Irving. 1907. Hodder. The same qr745 S8g Stencil work Hopkins, James Frederick. 745-1 H78 Decorating fabrics by stenciling; five simple lessons. 1908. Hirsh- berg Art Co. (Art-crafts booklets.) Rugs Clifford, Chandler Robbins. Q745-2 Cs8 Rugs of the Orient. 1911. Clifford. Fully illustrated guide to the classification and identification of oriental rugs, for the dealer as well as the collector. Shows the characteristics of the different weaves and numerous design details. Dunn, Eliza. 745.2 Dga Rugs in their native land. 1910. Dodd. Author, writing from the knowledge of many years' residence in Turkey, gives the history and characteristic designs of each variety of rug. Illustrated in color. Holt, Rosa Belle. q?45-2 Rugs, oriental and occidental, antique and modern; a handbook for ready reference. 1908. McClurg. "List of authorities," p. 175-1 78. "Not intended to challenge comparison with Mr. Mumford's elaborate ... work [qr74$.2 Mg6] but 'to present in concise form certain facts that may enable a novice to appreciate the beauty and interest attaching to rugs, and assist a prospective purchaser in judging of the merits of any particular rug he may desire to buy'... The twenty-four full-page reproductions of rugs. . .add much to its value. Twelve of these are in color. . . The plates in both books [Mr. Mumford's and Miss Holt's] taken together supplement each other admirably and furnish material assistance to the student." Dial, 1901. Larkin, Thomas Joseph. 745-2 L-32 Collection of antique Chinese rugs. 1910. Privately printed. Concise descriptions and admirable illustrations, partly in color, of rugs at Messrs Larkin's in London. Pushman, Garabed T. 745.2 Pg8 Art panels from the handlooms of the far Orient, as seen by a native rug weaver, G. T. Pushman. 1905. Donnelley. Illustrated descriptions of various types of oriental rugs. ART NEEDLEWORK 1383 Yerkes, Charles Tyson. qr745.2 25 The Yerkes collection of oriental carpets; 27 facsimile reproductions in color, with critical text by J. K. Mumford. 1910. Knapp. 746 Art needlework. Lace. Tapestry Buettner (T.) & Co. Chicago. q746 B86 Designs and instructions for Irish crochet lace. 1910. Carita, pseud. Q746 Cig Lacis; practical instructions in filet brode, or darning on net, ist ser. 1908. Lippincott. "Works consulted," p. 13. Christie, Mrs Grace. 746 C46 Embroidery and tapestry weaving; a practical text-book of design and workmanship. 1906. Hogg. Chiefly valuable as a book of stitches, the historical development of embroidery and tapestry being only incidentally touched upon. Illustrated with diagrams showing most admirably the application of the stitches and the texture of materials. Dillmont, Therese de, ed. 746 Ds8 Irish crochet lace. [Dollfus.] (D. M. C. library.) Directions for making the lace. Well illustrated. Godon, Julien. Painted tapestry and its application to interior decoration; practical lessons in tapestry painting with liquid colour; tr. by B. Bucknall. 1879. Lechertier. Harvey, Lula Martha. Q746 H33 Priscilla Irish crochet book; a collection of new and original designs, with stitches and lessons for working. 1909. Priscilla Pub. Co. 746 H75 Home needlework magazine; bi-monthly, Feb. 1907-date. v.9-date. 1907-date. Jourdain, M. 746 J46 Old lace; a handbook for collectors, an account of the different styles of lace, their history, characteristics & manufacture. 1909. Bats- ford. Contents: Introduction. Lacis or darned netting. Cutwork (reticella) and punto in aria. Early Italian bobbin lace. Venetian needlepoint and Burano lace. Milanese lace. Cretan. Flanders. Belgian lace. Mechlin and Antwerp lace. Valenciennes and Dutch lace. Alengon and Argentan. Lille and Arras. Chantilly. English needle- point. English bobbin lace. English bobbin laces. Irish laces. Blondes. Not intended to supersede the classic Mrs Palliser's "History of lace" ^746 Pi 8) but to gather up the historical facts that have come to light since that work was last published, and to help the collector to name and date his lace, and distinguish between the real work and machine-made. Author is a specialist on the subject, and the book bears evidence of wide research. Condensed from Burlington magazine, 1909. Li2 Lace maker; ed. by Sara Hadley, 1903-11. v.i-4, v.5, pt.i. 1903-11. 1384 INTERIOR DECORATION Lowes, Mrs Emily Leigh. 746 Chats on old lace and needlework. 1908. Unwin. "Bibliography," Popular account of the history of lace and its different varieties with especial reference to English laces. Quotes recent sale prices for valuable pieces. The section on needlework is confined to English examples. Illustrated from photographs. Mincoff, Elizabeth, & Marriage, Mrs M. S. 746 M72 Pillow lace; a practical hand-book, with illustrations by Ernest Mar- riage and 50 patterns. 1907. Murray. "A short bibliography of pillow lace," $.223-22$. Admirable guide for amateurs in the actual making of lace. The first chapters con- tain a short historical survey of the art of lace-making. The rest of the book is entirely practical, describing tools and methods of lace-making and giving a large number of patterns with full explanations, working diagrams and directions for tracing and rubbing. Morse, Mrs T. Vernette. 746 Mg2 Embroidery. 1905. Flanagan. Brief handbook, illustrated with working designs. Thomson, W. G. qr?46 Ta8 History of tapestry from the earliest times until the present day. 1906. Putnam. By an English "examiner in art." Detailed account of the use, design and manu- facture of tapestry to the beginning of the aoth century, with descriptions of notable examples. The chapters on English tapestries are especially valuable and are based on official documents and manuscripts. Illustrated from drawings, photographs and water- colors. 747 Interior decoration Daniels, Fred Hamilton. 747 Daa Furnishing of a modest home. 1908. Davis Press. Contents: The problem. Nature the source of inspiration. The plan of the house. The walls and the floor. The hall. The living room. The dining room. The bed room. Pictures and casts. The small ornaments. Duncan, John Hudson Elder-. Q747 D8g The house beautiful and useful; being practical suggestions on fur- nishing and decoration. 1907. Lane. Contents: Introductory: A short summary of a century of applied art. General notes on decoration. Constructive and surface decoration. Old furniture. Modern furniture. Carpets, linoleums, mattings, fabrics, etc. Hints to purchasers. French, Lillie Hamilton. q747 Fgah The house dignified; its design, its arrangement and its decoration. 1908. Putnam. Contains many illustrations from photographs of rooms and details of modern palatial homes. Guerinet, Armand, pub. qb747 695 Le chateau de Chantilly; reproduction phototypique des interieurs des appartements et des details de sculpture ornementale et peintures decoratives, meubles, etc. qb747 124 Innen-dekoration; zeitschrift fur wohnungs-kunst und den gesamten inneren ausbau [monthly], 1907-09. v.i8-2o. 1907-09. Continuation of "Illustrirte kunstgewerbliche zeitschrift fur innen-dekoration." INTERIOR DECORATION 1385 Lenoir, G. Felix. qb?47 L6i Die tapezier- und dekorationskunst; theoretische und praktische ab- handlungen. [1898.] Hessling. Large number of plates illustrating various styles of drapery for windows and doors, bed-hangings, etc Lenygon, Francis. qb?47 L6iy Decoration and furniture of English mansions during the I7th and i8th centuries. 1909. Laurie. "Books on furniture & decoration published in England previous to 1800," p.2os~2O7. "Interesting account of the decorations and furniture assembled in No.3i, Old Burlington Street, by a firm with which the author is connected. The house . . . appears to be the home of various admirable examples of English decoration and furniture. The book is divided into chapters dealing with the successive periods of furniture from that of the Early English Renaissance tapestries, wood panelling, plaster ornamentation, paintings, damasks, gesso-work, carpets, and other matters. It is plentifully illustrated ...and contains a useful catalogue of reference books." Athenaum, /pop. Percier, Charles, & Fontaine, P. F. L. qby47 P42 Style empire; interior decorations, furniture, etc., executed after designs by Ch. Percier and P. F. L. Fontaine, Paris, 1801. [188 ?] Reprinted and published by Helburn & Hagen, with reproduction of title-page "Recueil de decorations interieures comprenant tout ce qui a rapport a Fameublement." Priestman, Mabel Tuke. 747 P4 Art and economy in home decoration. 1908. Lane. Contains practical chapter on "Ornamenting fabrics by means of stencilling and block printing." Sherwin-Williams Company, comp. 747 855 Your home and its decoration; a series of practical suggestions for the painting, decorating and furnishing of the home. 1910. Issued by the decorative department of the Sherwin-Williams Company of Cleve- land. Fully illustrated and accompanied by specifications for producing the effects pictured. Sparrow, Walter Shaw. 747 873 Hints on house furnishing. 1909. Nash. Contents: The subject introduced. The house in details. The house and its rooms. Designed to afford hints to the helpless householder so that he shall not be entirely at the mercy of the house decorator. The author is most useful when he applies his principles to the house in detail. He mentions names of firms who supply different fabrics, and the names of designers. Contains a chapter on furniture designed by Mr Baillie Scott. Spofford, Mrs Harriet Elizabeth (Prescott). 747 876 Art decoration applied to furniture. 1878. Harper. Brief account of the different styles of furniture followed by practical suggestions on the furnishing of the various rooms of a house. 748 Stained glass Day, Lewis Foreman. 748 0333 Windows; a book about stained & painted glass. 1909. Batsford. The same. 1902 748 033 "Definitive treatise. . .both practical and theoretic, within reasonable limits. He has also managed most laudably to explain both theory and practice through a historical sequence, beginning with a notice of the earliest facts, and coming down to the ques- tions of what is done to-day, can be done, and what should be done." John La Farge, in Bookbuyer, 1898. 1386 STAINED GLASS. FURNITURE F748 046 Designs for ornamental window glass, with explanatory remarks and an index. 1847. Martin. Small plates, some in color. Duthie, Arthur Louis. 748 Dgs Decorative glass processes. 1908. Constable. The same. 1908. Van Nostrand F748 Dgs Detailed descriptions of various methods, by a practical designer and worker in stained glass. Has chapters on leaded lights, stained and embossed glass, etc. For the specialist rather than the beginner. Illustrated. Joyce, James Gerald. ^748 J48 The Fairford windows; a monograph. 1872. Arundel Society. Fairford church is the principal ornament of a small country town in Gloucester- shire, Eng. Its famous windows, which form a complete series illustrating the history of the redemption, are among the most valuable examples of glass-painting in England. Sherrill, Charles Hitchcock. 748 855 Stained glass tours in England. 1909. Lane. "The tours proposed are four one for each of the main periods of glass-making. This scheme, if literally carried out, necessitates doubling on the trail; York, for in- stance, must be visited several times, as an exemplar not only of early English glass, but of glass of the decorated and perpendicular styles. Probably most travellers will take all their impressions of a given place at once, but they will find Mr. Sherrill's insistence on chronological sequence logically helpful. The demarcations are made on the simplest lines, disputed technical questions are not raised, elementary historical references are supplied, and the enthusiastic spirit of the author combines with the intrinsic charm of the subject to suggest a seductive programme for one's next vacation." Nation, /ooo. Winston, Charles. 1748 W^gm Memoirs illustrative of the art of glass-painting. 1865. Murray. "Biographical memoir," p.i-62. When this book was published Winston was the leading English authority on glass- painting. 749 Furniture Bates & Guild Co. pub. q749 631 English household furniture; mainly designed by Chippendale, Sheraton, Adam and others of the Georgian period; 100 plates. 1900. Candee, Helen Churchill. 749 Ciy Decorative styles and periods in the home. 1906. Stokes. Commencing with a brief history of furniture before the renaissance and conclud- ing with the art nouveau of the present time, the distinctive characteristics of the furni- ture of the different periods are discussed in a very readable manner. There are many illustrations. Dyer, Walter Alden. 749 Dg8 Lure of the antique; a book of ready reference for collectors. 1910. Century. Contents: The quest for the old and beautiful. Old chairs in modern houses. Old desks and secretaries. Tables and sideboards. Four-poster bedsteads and others. Some old clocks. The looking-glasses of a hundred years ago. Old lamps and candle- sticks. Old blue Staffordshire. The beautiful pottery of Wedgwood. Luster-ware. Lowestoft; the porcelains, salt-glaze. English and American glassware. Bohemian glass- ware. The collecting of old silverware. The pewter on the dresser. Sheffield plate. Old brass and copper utensils. Where ancient back-logs glowed. The truth about antique furniture. Many of these chapters appeared first in "Country life in America," v.9-i9, April I9o6-Dec. 1910. Accurate information is given as to makers and styles and valuable advice about the determination of genuineness and value. FURNITURE 1387 Helburn & Hagen, pub. V749 H42 Historical art furniture; specimens of English, French, German and Italian workmanship from the middle ages, renaissance-period and epochs of Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI [plates]. Koppen, Alfred, & Breuer, Carl. qb749 Ks8 Geschichte des mobels unter beriicksichtigung der architektonischen und tektonischen formen; eine stillehre fur bau- und mobeltischler; die entwicklung des mobels von den anfangen des menschlichen wohn- baus bis zur romischen kaiserzeit unter einbeziehung des mobiliars in den ostasiatischen landern. 1904. "Inhaltsiibersicht und verzeichnis der benutzten wissenschaftlichen arbeiten," p.s-8. Lockwood, Luke Vincent, comp. V749 L?6 Collection of English furniture of the 17 & 18 centuries. 1907. Tif- fany Studios. This catalogue of the collection of English furniture exhibited at the Tiffany studios will have value for collectors apart from its special purpose. Fully illustrated. Meyer, Alfred Gotthold, comp. qb749 M65 Tafeln zur geschichte der mobelformen; fortgefiihrt von Richard Graul; 3d-i2th ser. v.3-6. 1905-11. v-3. ser.3: Bett. Wiege; ser.4: Tischformen; ser.s : Truhen. .4. Plates of the above. v.5- ser.6-7: Schrankformen; ser.8: Spiegel. Rahmen; ser.g: Uhren; Englisches mobiliar; supplement ser.n-i2: Mobiliar von 17801840, empire und bieder- meierstil. v.6. Plates of the above. For v.i 2 see preceding catalogue, second series. Moore, Mrs N. (Hudson). <1749 M87C Collector's manual. 1906. Stokes. Contents: Tables and sideboards. English pottery and porcelain. Chairs and sofas. Antique glassware. Chests and cupboards. Brass and copper utensils. Old- fashioned bedsteads. Lustre ware. Old-fashioned timepieces. Desks and secretaries. Old pewter. Bureaus. Cottage ornaments. Illustrated guide for collectors and lovers of antiques, especially furniture, pottery and metal ware. Shackleton, Robert, & Shackleton, Mrs E. H. (Fleming). 749 852 Quest of the colonial. 1907. Century. Pleasantly written account of the experiences of two enthusiastic collectors of old furniture. Their search was not confined to the antique shops, but they visited villages and out-of-the-way places in New England, New York and the middle states. They offer suggestions to the prospective collector and give, briefly, distinguishing characteris- tics of the various styles of colonial furniture. Well furnished with illustrations. Singleton, Esther. qb749 S6id Dutch and Flemish furniture. 1907. McClure. "Miss Singleton has the faculty of treating her subject scientifically and exhaus- tively and yet making her book interesting. . .The general treatment and scheme... could scarcely be better or more lucid. It completely justifies its title in that it is history, not merely a collection of fine examples with descriptive notes. The illustra- tions are not only good in themselves but evince great selective care. So typical are they that a very creditable knowledge of the subject could be attained by merely study- ing the plates." Burlington magazine, 1907. Small, John William. V749 863 Ancient & modern furniture [plates. 1883]. Small. 1388 PAINTING Ungewitter, Georg Gottlob. qb749 U25 Entwiirfe gothischer mobel; perspectivische ansichten, risse und ein- zelheiten der verschiedenartigsten mobelstucke in einfachster und reich- ster ausfiihrung, ein vorlagenwerk fur mobeltischler, holzbildhauer, architekten und schulen [plates]. 2v. [1893-94.] Ware, William Rotch, ed. ^749 W23 Seats of the colonists and other furnishings; illustrated largely with measured drawings by H. C. Dunham, pt.i. 1904. Amer. Architect Co. Illustrations, chiefly of chairs, with brief introductory text. [Windsor, Henry H. ed.] 749 W78 Mission furniture, how to make it. pt.i-2, in 2v. 1909-10. Popular Mechanics Co. (Popular mechanics handbook series.) Practical directions, with working drawings, for making chairs, tables, magazine stands, lawn swings, settees, etc. Lamps Adams, John Duncan. 749-2 A2i Lamps and shades in metal and art glass; 18 complete designs, with working drawings and full directions for their making. 1911. Popular Mechanics Co. (Popular mechanics handbook series.) Benesch, Ladislaus, edler von. qr74g.2 643 Das beleuchtungswesen vom mittelalter bis zur mitte des 19. jahr- hunderts, aus Osterreich-Ungarn, inbesondere aus den Alpenlandern und den angrenzenden gebieten der nachbarstaaten. 1905. 750 Painting Binyon, Mrs Cicely Margaret (Powell), comp. 750 648 Mind of the artist; thoughts and sayings of painters and sculptors on their art, with a preface by George Clausen. 1909. Chatto. Quotations arranged under several broad headings, such as aim and ideals, methods of work, manner, color, etc. The compiler has had recourse less to comprehensive treatises on theory than to the more intimate expressions of opinion contained in letters, diaries and memoirs of artists. Blanc, Charles. 750 653 Grammar of painting and engraving; tr. by K. N. Doggett. 1879. Griggs. By a French art critic of considerable reputation, at one time editor of the "Gazette des beaux-arts." "M. Blanc's book comes as near to the ideal primer, or first book in reading the language of art, as anything we have... It is clear, it will be understood aright by a tolerably careful reader, it is consecutive, and does not ramble." Nation, 1874. Caffin, Charles Henry. 750 Ci2C Child's guide to pictures. 1908. Baker. An attempt to explain the artist's point of view, what he means by composition, tone, values, etc. There are few adults, not professional artists or closely associated with art, who know all that Mr Caffin tells the children few that would not find their apprecia- tion of the real qualities of painting stimulated and clarified by close attention to what he has to say. Condensed from Nation. 1908. PAINTING 1389 Cox, Kenyon. 750 85 Classic point of view; six lectures on painting delivered on the Scammon foundation at the Art Institute of Chicago in the year 1911. 1911. Scribner. Contents: The classic spirit. The subject in art. Design. Drawing. Light and shade and color. Technique. Herkomer, Sir Hubert von. Q75Q H47 My school and my gospel. 1908. Doubleday. Discursive account of his experiences as a teacher in the famous art school at Bushey, England. It traces the origin and rise of the school, the principles on which the teaching was conducted, and closes with an account of the dramatic performances held there, with special reference to the musical accompaniments and the novelties in stage management there introduced. Fully illustrated, both with the author's sketches and with reproductions of works by his most talented pupils. Hind, Charles Lewis. 750 Hs6 Education of an artist. 1906. Black. Imaginary experiences of an employee in a publishing house who at the age of 33 determined to become a painter, failed in the attempt and finally settled down to writing as his medium of artistic expression. The purpose of the book seems to be the binding together of the author's criticisms of some of the masterpieces of painting in European galleries. There are numerous illustrations. Holmes, Charles John. 750 H73 Notes on the science of picture-making. 1909. Chatto. Talks on art to students, considering the emphasis of design, of materials and of personal character. Shows that a good picture is a reasonable and logical performance, in which everything conduces to a perfectly definite end. Author is (1909) Slade pro- fessor of fine art, Oxford, and editor of the "Burlington magazine." "Our author keeps constantly before him the painter's actual problem; almost all that he says is for use in the studio, and we may fairly add that since Reynolds's dis- courses [q704 R37] the student has never had put before him such a fruitful and sug- gestive guide to his endeavours." Athenaeum, /pop. Ostwald, Wilhelm. 750 Ozg Letters to a painter on the theory and practice of painting; author- ized translation by H. W. Morse. 1907. Ginn. These letters deal wholly with the technicalities of painting, such as the making of pastel, the testing of pigments and the different processes involved in fresco, oil and water-color painting. Solomon, Solomon Joseph. 750 S68 Practice of oil painting and of drawing as associated with it. 1910. Seeley. (New art library.) Excellent manual from the pen of one of the foremost figure painters of the day. About half the book deals with the delineation of the figure, light and shade and the technique of painting. The second part is devoted to discussing the methods and char- acteristics of the master-painters of all the great European schools. Numerous illustra- trations. Condensed from International studio, igio. Van Dyke, John Charles. 750 Vi8s Studies in pictures; an introduction to the famous galleries. 1907. Scribner. Mr Van Dyke points out some of the elements that may be looked for in various kinds of painting landscapes, portraits, etc. There are chapters on the restoration of the old masters and on copies and forgeries. Illustrated by pictures of famous paintings. Van Dyke, John Charles. 750 Vi8w What is art? studies in the technique and criticism of painting. 1910. Scribner. 1390 PAINTING Wornum, Ralph Nicholson, ed. TTSO W8g Lectures on painting by the Royal Academicians, Barry, Opie and Fuseli; ed. with an introduction and notes, critical and illustrative, by R. N. Wornum. 1848. Bohn. 751 Materials and methods Cennini, Cennino. 751 31 Book of the art of Cennino Cennini; a contemporary practical treatise on quattrocento painting; tr. from the Italian, with notes on mediaeval art methods by C. J. Herringham. 1899. Allen. "Principal authorities and books of reference," p. 265-266. "Full and correct translation from the Florentine mss. of this remarkable treatise ... In two prefatory chapters Miss Herringham discourses interestingly on the author of the Trattato and the pedigree of the Trattato, and in a series of informing chapters which follow the translation ... she deals with mediaeval art methods generally the chemical behaviour of egg-vehicles, fresco and its resemblance to tempera, early oil painting, grounds and size, gilding, early varnishes, and so forth. The book is... an exceedingly learned and valuable one, and one which artists and art craftsmen will find not only useful but amusing." Studio, /poo. [Cosgrove, Mrs Henrietta Clarissa (Jackson).] 751 83 Amateur art; oil and water color painting, painting on china, model- ing in clay and ware painting, pyrography or burnt wood etching, by Henri Clarise [pseud.]. 1909. Donnelley. Information about materials and methods; distinctly for the amateur. Delamotte, Freeman Gage. 751 Ds8 The amateur artist; or, Oil and water color painting without the aid of a teacher. 1906. Drake. Self-educational book which gives instructions in flower and landscape painting, pastels, pen and ink drawing, china painting, pyrography and metal work. Laurie, Arthur Pillans. 751 L37m Materials of the painter's craft in Europe and Egypt from earliest times to the end of the I7th century, with some account of their preparation and use. 1910. Foulis. (Arts and crafts of the nations.) "List of books of reference," p.386-434- Survey of the methods of painting from the earliest times, the result of an examina- tion not only of paintings, but also of the very considerable number of ancient writings on the subject which have survived. Author is not only a distinguished chemist, but is also concerned with the practical manufacture of colors for artists. Condensed from Spectator, 1911. Toch, Maximilian. 751 T54 Materials for permanent painting; a manual for manufacturers, art dealers, artists and collectors. 1911. Van Nostrand. "Author is one of the foremost paint technologists; he is also a chemist, practical color manufacturer, and art connoisseur. . .The manual is not technical, yet suf- ficient of the chemistry of pigments, solvents, varnishes, driers, etc., is included to give the work a particular as well as general value." Nation, 1911. Vibert, Jehan Georges. 751 Vag Science of painting. 1892. Young. Covers the technical side of painting processes and materials. Abendschein, Albert. 751.1 Ai4 Secret of the old masters. 1906. Appleton. Attempt to discover the technical principles, methods and materials of the old masters. PAINTING 1391 Frederick, Frank Forrest. papers." A. L. A. booklist, 1907. , Kuyper, J. R. P. C. H. de. qr759 K44 Catalogue des tableaux, aquarelles & pastels composant la collec- tion de feu M.-J. R. P. C. H. de Kuyper; la vente publique aura lieu 30 mai 1911, dans la grande salle de vente de Frederik Muller & Cie. Amsterdam. 1396 PAINTING HISTORY Macfall, Haldane. q759 Mis History of painting, with a preface by Frank Brangwyn. 8v. 1911. Jack. v.i. The renaissance in central Italy. . v.2. The renaissance in Venice. v.3. Later Italians, and genius of Spain. v.4. The renaissance in the north, and the Flemish genius. v.s. The Dutch genius. v.6. The French genius. v.7. The British genius. v.8. The modern genius. Each volume contains numerous illustrations in color of masterpieces representative of the school to which the volume is devoted. Mach, Edmund Robert Otto von. 759 Mi 6 Art of painting in the 19th century. 1908. Ginn. "Brief bibliography," p.g; "List of artists," p. 171-177. Convenient small handbook, treating European, British and American art. Traces development of painting in each nation and characterizes the work of the more notable artists. Illustrated. Mach, Edmund Robert Otto von. Q759 Mi6o Outlines of the history of painting from 1200-1900 A. D. 1906. Ginn. The same ' V759 Mi6 "List of artists," p.6i-87. Of purely utilitarian character. Its most important feature is a series of tables grouping and grading all the prominent painters from the i3th century to the end of the i pth. The painters are grouped by nationalities, dates, subject-matter, style, etc. and graded as to relative importance. Meier-Graefe, Julius Alfred. Q759 M57 Modern art; being a contribution to a new system of aesthetics; from the German by Florence Simmonds and G. W. Chrystal. 2v. 1908. Putnam. v.i. The struggle for painting. The pillars of modern painting. Colour and composition. v.2. Colour and composition (continued). Modern art in Germany. The struggle for style. The same V759 M57 Chiefly concerned with painters, illustrators and sculptors of the igth century. Many illustrations. "He has a point of view, and it leads him to judgments often refreshingly at variance with those currently accepted, and the result will be found highly stimulating by those to whom, as to himself, art really means something." Athenaeum, 7009. Meynell, Wilfrid, ed. 22 Catalogue of old engraved portraits of personages famous in politics, history, literature, science and art, celebrated soldiers and sailors, ladies, etc., family portraits, many of great interest and rarity, on sale by Fredk B. Daniell & Son. 1910. Drawing-room portrait gallery of eminent personages, principally from photographs engraved on steel under the direction of D. J. Pound, with memoirs by the most able authors. 1860. Tallis. Ederheimer, R. - qr?6g 27 Catalogue of an exhibition of engravings by Marc-Antonio Rai- mondi, his pupils & followers; to be opened i8th Sept. and to last until the last of Oct. 1909; R. Ederheimer's print cabinet. 1909. Privately printed. Germany Reichsdruckerei. V7&9 032 Faksimile-nachbildungen von kupferstichen, schabkuns.tblattern und holzschnitten alter meister vom 15. jahrhundert bis ende des 18. jahr- hunderts. A large portfolio containing 4 smaller portfolios as follows: Venedig, 1500, 6 plates. Wasserzeichen, 6 plates. Schwarze bilder, 23 plates. Bunte bilder, 13 plates. Portfolio i contains a photolithographic half-size reproduction of a curious old woodcut by Jaco'po de' Barbari, showing a bird's-eye view of the city of Venice in the year 1500; portfolio 2, six water-mark portraits; portfolio 3, engravings of paintings by Rubens, Wouwerman, Du Sart, Van Dyck and others; portfolio 4, colored engravings of paintings by Gainsborough, Lawrence, Angelica Kauffmann, Romney, Opie, North- cote and others. Gray, Francis Galley. qr76g G8i Catalogue of the collection of engravings bequeathed to Harvard College by Francis Galley Gray [comp.] by Louis Thies. 1869. Welch. qr76g G82 Great men and great women of history; their portraits, from the rare and authentic collection in the Munich Pinakothek, with biographical sketches. 1885. Kirchner. Harrington, H. Nazeby. qr?6g H28 Engraved work of Sir Francis Seymour Haden; an illustrated and descriptive catalogue. 1910. Young. "Writings on art subjects," by Sir Seymour Haden, p.i6-i8; "A few of the chief articles and criticisms on the work of Sir Seymour Haden," p.iS-ig; "Engraved portraits of Sir Francis Seymour Haden," p.24. The definitive catalogue of the etchings of this English engraver (1818-1910), giving a reproduction of each print catalogued. James, John Burleigh. qr?6g Ji6 Catalogue of the fine collection of engravings formed by the Rev. J. B. James, which will be sold by auction by Messrs Sotheby, Wilkin- son & Hodge, 1877. [1877.] 1424 COLLECTIONS OF ENGRAVINGS Kay, John. qr?6g Ki4 Series of original portraits and caricature etchings, with biographi- cal sketches and illustrative anecdotes [ed. by Hugh Paton]. 2v. 1877. Black. First published in 1838. John Kay (1742-1826) was a Scottish miniature painter and caricaturist. He drew and etched many portraits, more or less caricatured. His work, which is solely of antiquarian value, affords a quaint picture of Edinburgh society in his time. He drew almost every notable Scotsman of his time, with the exception of Burns. Con- densed from Dictionary of national biography. Keppel (Frederick) & Co. pub. qr?6g Illustrated catalogue of etchings & engravings; pub. by Frederick Keppel & Co. Landscape gallery; a series of fine line engravings, views of scenery, edifices, cities, &c. in various parts of the world, copied from nature and executed by the first artists [plates], v.i. 1863. Pye, John. ry6g Pgg Notes and memoranda respecting the Liber studiorum of J. M. W. Turner; ed. with additional observations and an illustrative etching, by J. L. Roget. 1879. Van Voorst. Pye was an English landscape engraver, long associated with Turner, whose favorite engraver he was. He formed a fine collection of impressions of Turner's "Liber studiorum." Ripa, Cesare. ry6g R48 Iconologia; or, Moral emblems, wherein are express'd various images of virtues, vices, passions, arts, humours, elements and celestial bodies as design'd by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and modern Italians. 1709. Motte. Rothenstein, Will. qr?6g R75 English portraits; a series of lithographed drawings. 1898. Richards. Contents: Sir Frederick Pollock. Thomas Hardy. Sir F. S. Haden. William Archer. Dr Creighton, bishop of London. The marchioness of Granby. W. E. H. Lecky. John Sargent. A. W. Pinero. W. E. Henley. Ellen Terry. Sidney Colvin. A. Legros. Robert Bridges. C. V. Stanford. G. B. Shaw. Mrs Meynell. C. Ricketts and C. H. Shannon. Grant Allen. Walter Crane. Sir Henry Irving. George Gissing. R. B. Cuniiinghame Graham. Henry James. Salaman, Malcolm Charles. qr?6g 815 Old English colour-prints; text by M. C. Salaman, ed. by Charles Holme. 1909. (Studio. Special winter number, 1909-10.) Reproductions in color of choice examples of the art. Text is by a well-known authority on old prints. Titian. qry6g Ts3 II trionfo della fede; holzschnittfolge nach Tizians zeichnung; hrsg. von Paul Kristeller. 1906. Cassirer. (Graphische Gesellschaft. I. ver- offentlichung.) [Walmsley, Edward.] qr;6g Wi8 Physiognomical portraits; 100 distinguished characters from un- doubted originals engraved in the line manner by the most eminent British artists. 2v. in I. 1824. Privately printed. English and French text. PHOTOGRAPHY 1425 Worthington, William Henry. SS Education of a music lover; a book for those who study or teach the art of listening. 1911. Scribner. Contents: The new musical education. The music lover's need of education. Definite hearing; the problem of form. The beauty of melody and rhythm. The beauty of harmony. Performance; the art of the pianist. The art of song; music and poetry. The art of song; the technique of the singer. The problem of expression; representa- tive music. Musical history and biography. The music lover and the higher law. Bibliography, p.2g 1-293. Eaton, Thomas Damant. 780.4 Musical criticism and biography. 1872. Longmans. Consists mainly of articles contributed to a Norfolk newspaper of which the author was the musical critic. Biographical sketches of Edward and James Taylor, two musi- cians of Norwich, are included. 1434 MUSIC Finck, Henry Theophilus.- 780.4 F49 Chopin, and other musical essays. 1894. Scribner. Contents: Chopin, the greatest genius of the pianoforte. How composers work. Schumann, as mirrored in his letters. Music and morals. Italian and German vocal styles. German opera in New York. Gilman, Lawrence. 780.4 642171 The music of to-morrow, and other studies. 1007. Lane. Other studies: Claude Debussy, poet and dreamer. A discussion with Vincent d'Indy. Modern music and the "love interest." Strauss and "Salome." A neglected page of Wagner's. The place of Liszt. Some Maeterlinck music. Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Wilhelm. 780.4 H68 Musikalische schriften; hrsg. von Edgar Istel. [1907.] Greiner. (Biicher der weisheit und schonheit.) Book of uncommon interest. Hoffmann was an original character who excelled in the most diversified pursuits. He was novelist, poet, jurist and caricaturist. He was also celebrated as a leader of the orchestra, director of the opera, composer and musical critic. His writings were read with interest by Schumann, Berlioz and Wagner, and contributed to their development. Condensed from Nation, 1908, Lombard, Louis. 780.4 L8io Observations d'un musicien americain; traduit de 1'anglais par Raoul de Lagenardiere. 1905. Theuveny. Mason, Daniel Gregory. 780.4 M44b Beethoven and his forerunners. 1904. Macmillan. Contents: The periods of musical history. Palestrina and the music of mysticism. The modern spirit. The principles of pure music. Haydn. Mozart. Beethoven. Conclusion. Mason, Daniel Gregory. 780.4 M44r Romantic composers. 1906. Macmillan. Contents: Introduction: Romanticism in music. Franz Schubert. Robert Schu- mann. Felix Mendelssohn. Frederic Chopin. Hector Berlioz. Franz Liszt. Introductory chapter on romanticism in music followed by essays, both critical and biographical in character, on some of its chief *xponents. Patterson, Annie W. 780.4 P$i Chats with music lovers. [1907.] Lippincott. Contents: How to enjoy music. How to practise. How to sing. How to com- pose. How to read text-books. How to prepare for examinations. How to get en- gagements. How to appear in public. How to conduct. How to be an organist. How to teach. How to organise musical entertainments. How to publish music. Streatfeild, Richard Alexander. 780.4 891 Modern music and musicians. 1906. Methuen. Contents: The beginnings of modern music. Palestrina. The secularisation ot music. Purcell. Bach and Handel. Gluck. Haydn. Mozart. Beethoven. Weber. Schubert. Berlioz. Mendelssohn and Schumann. Chopin and Liszt. Wagner. Verdi. Brahms. Tchaikovsky. Richard Strauss. Series of essays on the development of modern music, especially of program music. Attempts to trace, in a study of the works of the great composers, the growth of the idea of a poetic basis in music and to prove that it is as definite a vehicle of human emotion as the other arts. Young, Filson. 780.4 373 Mastersingers; appreciations of music and musicians, with an essay on Hector Berlioz. 1906. Contents: The Pastoral symphony. Tristan und Isolde. Bach's organ fugues. Mozart's Requiem. Tschaikovsky's sixth symphony. The music of the cafes. The com- poser in England. The old cathedral organists. Charles Halle. The spirit of the piano [Chopin]. An Irish musician [C. V. Stanford]. Hector Berlioz. Postscript. MUSIC '1435 Periodicals .s A435 Allgemeine musik-zeitung; wochenschrift fiir die reform des musik- lebens der gegenwart, 1906-08. v.33-35. 1906-08. qr78o-5 Gg6 Le Guide musical; revue internationale de la musique e-t des theatres [weekly], 1906-11. v.52-57. 1906-11. qrySo.s M62 Le Menestrel; journal du monde musical, musique et theatres [weekly], 1906-08. v.72-74. [1906-08.] qrySo.s Mg82g Musical library [monthly], July i835-June 1836. pt.i-12, in iv. 1836. Musiclovers calendar; illustrated and published annually, Dec. 1905- Jan. 1908. v.i-3. 1905-08. No more published. qrySo.s R& Rheinische musik- und theater-zeitung [weekly], 1906-08. v.7~9. [1906-08.] Rivista musicale italiana, 1906-08. v. 13-15. 1906-08. ^80.5 Societies Krehbiel, Henry Edward. rySo.G Philharmonic Society of New York; a memorial. 1892. Novello. Published on the occasion of the soth anniversary of the founding of the Philhar- monic Society, April 1892. Brief history of this society, founded for the cultivation and performance of instru- mental music and constituting the oldest established orchestra in the country. Appendix gives programs of entire series of concerts, membership (1892) and officers since its foundation. Michigan University School of music. qrySo.e M66 Annual May [musical] festival, (6th-8th, loth, I2th-I5th, I7th-i8th), 1899-1901, 1903, 1905-08, 1910-11. 1899-1911. For volume for 1904 see preceding catalogue, second series. Pittsburgh, Mozart Club. r78o.6 P6y42a Anniversary programme, Thursday evening, May 14, 1908, 30th sea- son, 12/th concert, Carnegie music hall. [1908.] McNary. Pittsburgh. Musical education Eylau, Wilhelm, & Eylau, Mrs Carrie. 780.7 Egg Profession of teaching music. 1906. Voigtlander. "The aim of their little volume is to explain what the profession of teaching music really means, and what a vast sphere of action it embraces ... The best teacher, they assert, is recognizable by the simplest methods." Nation, 1907. Farnsworth, Charles Hubert. 780.7 F24 Education through music. 1909. Amer. Book Co. "Attempt to demonstrate what method is most effective in making intelligent 1436 MUSIC Farnsworth, Charles Hubert continued. 780.7 F24 listeners and musicians of school children Instead of appealing merely to those who are musically the most talented, Professor Farnsworth thinks 'a form of work should be undertaken that will awaken musical thought and expression in the large majority of the class.' His suggestions as to how such a result can be brought about cannot but prove helpful to thousands of music teachers, in schools or out" Nation, 1910. Manchester, Arthur Livingston. r37o U25 1908, 110.4 Music education in the United States; schools and departments of music. 1908. (In United States Education bureau. Bulletin, 1908, no.4.) "Works on the history of music in America," p. 1617; "Works on music education by American writers," p.83-84- Report on its present (1908) status. The inquiry was made by means of question- naires relating to organization and management of finances; instructors, students and courses of study; graduation requirements and correlation of courses; methods of exami- nation and grading. The scope of the investigation is confined to music education in independent schools of music and in institutions maintaining music departments. Shinn, Frederick George. 780.7 855 Elementary ear-training, v.i. 1899. Vincent. (Music text books.) v.i. Melodic. "A method of training the ear to perceive and to discriminate relations of pitch, re- lations of strength, and relations of length, in so far as these constitute the elements of musical sounds, and on the writing of the same from dictation, with graduated ear- tests and dictation exercises." Subtitle. Shinn, Frederick George. 780.7 85501 Musical memory and its cultivation, also an investigation into the forms of memory employed in pianoforte playing and a theory as to the relative extent of the employment of such forms. 1898. Vincent. (Music text books.) Brief essay. Author believes that ear-training, largely a cultivation of the musical memory, is the most important element in true musical education. History of music Ambros, August Wilhelm. r78o.g A4Q Geschichte der musik. v.4~5. 1909. Ends with the time of Palestrina and the beginnings of modern music. For the time it covers, is regarded as a most thorough and scholarly work. The fifth volume is a collection of examples to the third volume and was edited by Otto Kade after the author's death. For v.i-3 see preceding catalogue, first series. Burney, Charles. 780.9 693 Present state of music in Germany, the Netherlands and United Provinces. 2v. 1773. Becket. "The volumes. . .have remained till to-day the delight of musical students, as much for the honest and straightforward style of the recital as for the vast number of signifi- cant and suggestive facts which are marshalled in their pages." Sturgis and Krehbiel's Annotated bibliography of fine art. Cooke, James Francis. 780.9 077 Standard history of music; a first history for students at all ages; 40 illustrated story lessons in the development of musical art, with a map of musical Europe. 1910. Presser. The critical estimates are remarkably sound as well as free from bias. American composers, performers and teachers are not ignored. There is a picture or portrait for nearly every page and the text strives constantly to bring out picturesque and personal aspects. Each lesson is followed by questions. Condensed from Nation, IQIO. HISTORY OF MUSIC 1437 Duncan, Edmondstoune. 780.9 D8g History of music. 1908. Vincent. (Music text books.) Compact handbook covering all countries from the earliest times to 1908. Elson, Arthur. TjSo.g 556 Music club programs from all nations; giving an historic outline of each national school of music, with questions for study and a series of programs, for the use of clubs and ether organizations. 1907. Ditson. Hubbard, William Lines, ed. qrjSo.g H8j American history and encyclopedia of music. I2v. 1908-10. Squire. The theory of music. History of foreign music. .3. History of American music. .4-5. Operas. .6. Oratorios and masses. .7. Musical instruments. .8-9. Musical biographies. .10. Musical dictionary. .11. Essentials of music. .12. Essentials of music (continued). Index. Several of the volumes contain a "Selected bibliography." Macfarren, Sir George Alexander. 780.9 Mis Musical history briefly narrated and technically discussed, with a roll of the names of musicians and the times and places of their births and deaths. 1885. Black. "A reprint, with amplifications, of the article 'Music' in the pth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. A model of encyclopaedic writing in clearness, terseness, and comprehensiveness. Touching the questions of modern musical polemics the author's attitude is extremely conservative. His Roll of Names is defective from an American point of view." Sturgis and Krehbiel's Annotated bibliography of fine art. Matthew, James Ebenezer. 780.9 M47m Manual of musical history, with illustrations of portraits, musical instruments and facsimiles of rare and curious works. 1892. Putnam. Bibliography at end of each chapter. Paine, John Knowles. 780.9 Pi6 History of music to the death of Schubert. 1907. Ginn. Author was for more than 30 years professor of music at Harvard University. His sudden death prevented the completion of his history. The chief value of Paine's history lies in the remarkable clearness of all his state- ments. Frequent iteration of the same points to constantly changing classes finally gave him the faculty of getting at the kernels of the hardest nuts with ease and showing them with stereoscopic distinctness. Petrauskas, Mikas. 780.9 ?46 Is muzikos srities. 1909. Pratt, Waldo Selden. ^80.9 P8ga Class notes in music history; general course. 1908. Schirmer. To accompany his "History of music" (780.9 PSp). Outline of course, with biblio- graphical references. Pratt, Waldo Selden. 780.9 P8g History of music; a handbook and guide for students. 1907. Schir- mer. Bibliography, p.2O 21. The same ^80.9 P8g Ritter, Frederic Louis. 780.9 History of music in the form of lectures, v.i. 1870. Ditson. 1438 HISTORY OF MUSIC Ritter, Frederic Louis. 780.9 RSI Student's history of music; the history of music from the Christian era to the present time. 1883. Ditson. Based on his "History of music in the form of lectures." Stafford, William Cooke. 780.9 877 History of music. 1830. Constable. Brief survey of the music of all countries. Untersteiner, Alfredo. 780.9 1X25 Short history of music; tr. by S. C. Very. 1905. Dodd. Bibliographies at the end of each chapter. "Principal modern works relating to the history of music," p-347~349. "The critical comments show not only intelligence, but imaginative insight. . .Nor does the author forget, in his regard for unity, how broad and deep his theme is. He treats music not as an invention but as a development. The influence of race, religion, and history on music is touched upon lightly, to be sure, but with precision." Dial, 1903. Upton, George Putnam. 780.9 Ua6 Musical memories; my recollections of celebrities of the half cen- tury, 1850-1900. 1908. McClurg. Chronicle of musical development of Chicago; one of the most valuable contributions to American musical history ever issued, while the numerous personal sketches and anecdotes make it as interesting as a novel to music lovers. Fully illustrated. Con- densed from Nation, 1908. Wallace, William, b. 1860. 780.9 Wi77 Threshold of music; an inquiry into the development of the musical sense. 1908. Macmillan. Author believes that, in spite of its past accomplishment, music is only in its in- fancy and that we are on the threshold of an art which is to attain undreamed-of dimensions. Mason, Redfern. 780.9415 M45 Song lore of Ireland; Erin's story in music and verse. 1910. Wes- sels. Beginning with the music and poetry of ancient Ireland, author shows how these have been the Irishman's medium of expression for ages. The bards and minstrels are passed in review; the soontree, or sleepy music; the goltree, or music of sadness; the gauntree, or mirthful music; hymns, battle-odes, fairy music, etc. Emphasis is placed on the music that throws light on the character of the Gael his ideals, his attitude toward the supernatural, his yearning for freedom. O'Neill, Francis. 780.9415 025 Irish folk music; a fascinating hobby, with some account of allied subjects, including O'Farrell's "Treatise on the Irish or union pipes," and Touhey's "Hints to amateur pipers." 1910. Regan Printing House. Includes much miscellaneous and ill-arranged information in regard to well-known Irish tunes and airs, early collections of Irish music, dance music, bagpipes, etc. Walker, Ernest. 780.942 Wi6 History of music in England. 1907. Clarendon Press. "The only condensed history of English music which is at once competent, com- plete and unprejudiced." Arthur Symons, in Saturday review, 1908. Contains a short but excellent chapter on Handel, who is included by reason of hav- ing lived for over 45 years in England. Madeira, Louis Cephas. ^80.973 M23 Annals of music in Philadelphia and history of the Musical Fund Society from its organization in 1820 to the year 1858; ed. by P. H. Goepp. 1896. Lippincott. THEORY OF MUSIC. HARMONY 1439 Musical courier. *3 M6sr [Roberto il Diavolo.] Robert the Devil [libretto, German and Eng- lish words]. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. qM 783.3 Mg4ca Cosi fan tutte; oper in 2 aufzugcn, clavier-auszug; bearl' Brissler und Griinbaum. Bote. German and Italian word*. Paderewski, Ignace Jan. qM73.3 Psjm Manru; an opera in three acts, book by Alfred Nosig; tr, and adapted for performance in English by II. E, Krehbiel [vocal corcj, German and English word*. French opera Bizet, Georges, Q7&2.4 649* Carmen [libretto], French-English edition, Kullman, The tame [libretto, English words], Tretbar ............ 7*1.4 84943 Delibes, Clement Philibert Le'o, r782.4 D& Lakme; opera in three acts [libretto], words by Gondinet and Ph, Gille, with English and Italian words and music of the principal air*; tr, and adapted by T. T, Barker. 1890, Ditson, Gounod, Charles Francois, 7824 G74* Faust; an opera [libretto, Italian and English words], Halevy, Jacques lie Fromental q7*2-4 Hi6j The Jewess; a grand opera; libretto, containing correct English words, The tame (libretto, English and German words] .......... 7624 Hi6 1446 OPERA Massenet, Jules fimile Frederic. q782-4 M45 Le jongleur de Notre Dame (The juggler of Notre Dame); miracle play in three acts, book by Maurice Lena, English version by C. A. Byrne [libretto, French and English words]. 1907. Burden. The same qr782.4 M45J Massenet, Jules fimile Frederic. qr78a.4 M45s Sappho; a lyric drama in five acts founded on the novel of Alphonse Daudet, words by Henri Cain and Bernede, English words by H. G. Chapman [libretto, French and English words]. Burden. Finck, Henry Theophilus. 782.4 M45zf Massenet and his operas. 1910. Lane. "Mr. Finck. . .properly accords to Hammerstein's productions of Massenet's works the first position in his volume. He deals with the Metropolitan performances after- ward, and reserves for the final part of his book consideration of those operas which are not yet known to the American public... It is pleasant to find that he has not hesitated to pay a proper tribute to such impersonators of Massenet's people as Mary Garden, Dalmores, and Renaud." Nation, jpio. Thomas, Charles Louis Ambroise. qy82.4 T37 Mignon; opera in 3 acts [libretto, English words. 1907]. Steinway. Italian opera Bellini, Vincenzo. qr782.5 641? I Puritani; a grand opera in three acts [libretto, Italian and English words, with music of the principal airs]. Academy of Music, N. Y. Bellini, Vincenzo. q782.s 641 La sonnambula [libretto, Italian and English words, with] the music of the favourite melodies. Donizetti, Gaetano. 782.5 0723 [Daughter of the regiment.] La figlia del reggimento [libretto], containing the Italian text, with an English translation and the music of all the principal airs. Donizetti, Gaetano. 782.5 D72d Don Pasquale [libretto, Italian and English words] and the music of the principal airs. 1888. Ditson. Donizetti, Gaetano. q782.s D72li Linda di Chamounix [libretto, Italian and English words], contains the music of the favourite melodies. Donizetti, Gaetano. q78a.5 Dj2\2 Lucia di Lammermoor [libretto, Italian and English words]. Donizetti, Gaetano. qM782-5 07212 Lucia di Lammermoor [opera; vocal score]. Peters. Italian and German words. Henderson, William James. 782.5 H44 Some forerunners of Italian opera. 1911. Holt. Account of mediaeval lyric drama, showing the artistic significance of the birth of recitative and leading up to the introduction of opera in the last decade of the i6th cen- tury by Peri and Caccini. Five chapters devoted to Poliziano's "Favola di Orfeo." OPERA 1447 Leoncavallo, Ruggiero. 782.5 L62a Pagliacci (Punchinello); drama in two acts [libretto, Italian and English words], English version by H. G. Chapman. 1907. Schirmer. The same [libretto, Italian and English words], English adaptation by F. E. Weatherly. Rullman 3782.5 L62 Mascagni, Pietro. 3782.5 M44 Cavalleria rusticana; music-drama in one act [libretto, English and Italian words]. Ponchielli, Amilcare. 3782.5 P78 La Gioconda; an opera in four acts [libretto, Italian and English words]. Rullman. Puccini, Giacomo. 782.5 Pg8 La Boheme; libretto [English and Italian words]. 1898. Puccini, Giacomo. 782.5 Pg8m Madam Butterfly; a Japanese tragedy founded on the book by J. L. Long and the drama by David Belasco [libretto, Italian and English words]. 1904-05. Boosey. The same ^82.5 Pg8m Puccini, Giacomo. ^82.5 Pg8t Tosca; an opera in three acts [libretto, Italian and English words]. 1900. Ricordi. The same 782.5 Pg8t Verdi, Giuseppe. 782.5 V26a Aida [libretto], containing the Italian text with an English transla- tion and the music of all the principal airs. Ditson. The same ^82.5 V26a2 Verdi, Giuseppe. qr782.s V26o "Otello;" a lyric drama in four acts [libretto, Italian and English words]. 1888. Metropolitan Print. Italian words by Arrigo Boito, tr. into English by Francis Hueffer. Verdi, Giuseppe. 3782.5 V26r3 Rigoletto; grand opera in four acts [libretto, English and Italian words and music of the principal airs], drama by Victor Hugo. Burden. The same [libretto, English words] 782.5 V26r Verdi, Giuseppe. qM782-5 V26r [Rigoletto; opera in three acts, vocal score.] Italian words. Verdi, Giuseppe. 3782.5 V26tr La traviata (The lost one); a grand opera in three acts [libretto, Italian and English words]. Burden. The same [libretto, Italian and English words] 1782 641 Bound with other librettos. The same [libretto, Italian and English words] 1783.3 H23S Bound with other librettos. Verdi, Giuseppe. qM782.5 V26tr2 II trovatore; dramma in quattro parti [vocal score]. Escudier. Italian words. 1448 OPERA Verdi, Giuseppe. 9782.5 V26tro3 II trovatore [libretto, Italian and English words]. The same [libretto, German and English words]. 1870. .9782.5 V26tro2 Title reads "Der troubadour." The same [libretto, English words] 9782.5 V26tro Title reads "The troubadour." Comic opera. Opera bouffe Fitzgerald, Percy. 782.6 F$7 Savoy opera and the Savoyards. 1894. Chatto. Book is not limited to the annals of the Savoy theatre, but deals with the whole scries of operettas and comic operas produced by Gilbert and Sullivan. The full casts of all the operas are given and many interesting details as to their comparative success. Sketches and portraits of performers are included. Lecocq, Alexandre Charles. ry82.6 L49 Le petit due; opera comique in three acts [libretto] by Henri Meil- hac and Ludovic Halevy [French and English words]. 1879. Metro- politan Print. Offenbach, Jacques. q782.6 Oi6 Madame Favart; an opera in three acts [libretto, French and Eng- lish words]. 1880. Metropolitan Print. The same [libretto, French and English words]. 1879. Metro- politan Print qr782.6 Oi6 Rossini, Gioacchino Antonio. q782.6 R74b Barber of Seville; a comic opera in two acts [libretto, English and Italian words]. Wynkoop. Lecocq, Alexandre Charles. qr782.y L49 Girofle-Girofla; opera-bouffe in three acts [libretto, French and English words]. 1877. Metropolitan Print. .Offenbach, Jacques. qr782.7 Oi6 La belle Helene; an operetta in three acts [libretto], French ami English text. 1877. Metropolitan Print. Offenbach, Jacques. ^82.7 Oi6g Genevieve de Brabant; opera bouffe in three acts; libretto [French and English words]. 1868. Gray. Offenbach, Jacques. qr782.7 Oi6j La jolie parfumeuse; opera-comique in three acts [libretto, French and English words]. 1875. Metropolitan Print. Operettas Bruch, Max. qM 782.8 682! Das lied von der glocke; gedicht von Friedrich von Schiller; fur chor, vier solostimmen, orchester und orgel, componirt von Max Bruch. 1879. Simrock. German and English words. Bunner, Henry Cuyler. 1782.8 B88 Seven old ladies of Lavender town; an operetta in two acts, music by Oscar Weil. [1910.] Harper. Appeared in "Harper's young people," v.8, Dec. 7, 1886. SACRED MUSIC 1449 Bunner, Henry Cuyler. M 782.8 B88t Three operettas; music by Oscar Weil. 1897. Harper. Contents: The three little kittens of the land of Pie. The seven old ladies of Lavender town. Bobby Shaftoe. Gaynor, Mrs Jessie Love (Smith). J782.8 025 House that Jack built; operetta for children; libretto by A. C. D. Riley, music by J. L. Gaynor. 1902. Summy. Schumann, Robert. qM782.8 Ssgp Das paradies und die peri; dichtung aus Lalla Rookh von Th. Moore, fur solostimmen, chor und orchester, klavierauszug mit text. Op. 50. Breitkopf. 783 Sacred music American Guild of Organists. ^83 ASI Calendar, April 1st, 1899. [1899.] The guild was organized in 1896 with the primary object of improving the quality of church music and of raising the standard of church organists. The calendar contains reports of meetings, list of members, etc. Lutkin, Peter Christian. 783 Lg8 Music in the church. 1910. Young Churchman Co. Contents: Hymn tunes. Congregational singing. The organ. The organist and choirmaster. The vested male choir. The development of music in the Anglican church. "Bibliography," p.25 7-263. Author is (1910) dean of the School of music at Northwestern University. Pearce, Charles William. 783.1 ?34 Practical hints and suggestions (musical and theological) for the organ accompaniment to the Psalms, whether sung to Anglican or Gregorian systems of pointing. Vincent. (Music text books.) "List of writers cited in this book," p.6-8. Binder's title reads "Organ accompaniment to the Psalms." Nicholl, Horace Wadham. qr78s.2 NSI Mass in E flat [score]. 1872. Ditson. Richardson, Alfred Madeley. 783.2 R4i The Psalms; their structure and musical rendering, with an introduc- tion by S. M. Taylor. 1903. Vincent. (Music text books!) Directions for chanting the Psalms in such a way as to interpret and emphasize the words. Siedlecki, Jan, comp. 783.2 857 Spiewniczek zawieraj^cy piesni koscielne z melodyami dla uzytku mlodziezy szkolnej. 1908. Church songs. Oratorio. Passion music Bach, Johann Sebastian. qM783-3 Bi2m Matthaus-passion, oratorium; klavierauszug. Peters. German words. The same; English translation and adaptation by Rev. Trautbeck, vocal score ed. by H. W. Nicholl. 1894. Schirmer qM783-3 B 121112 1450 SACRED MUSIC [Bach, Johann Sebastian.] qM783-3 6120 Opern und oratorien im klavier-auszug mit text; bearbeitet von Brissler, Horn, Stern, Ulrich. Peters. Contents: Actus tragicus, "Gottes zeit ist die allerbeste zeit;" cantate. Oratorium tempore nativitatis Christi (Weihnachts-oratorium). Magnificat, im klavierauszuge mit text von Gustav Rosier. Handel, Georg Friedrich. qMySs-s Israel in Egypten [an oratorio, vocal score]. Peters. With this is bound his "Ode a Sainte Cecile." German words. Taylor, Sedley. 0^783.3 Indebtedness of Handel to works by other composers; a presenta- tion of evidence. 1906. University Press. "The author of this new work has brought together, practically for the first time, the results of many years of patient investigation on the part of various authorities... Dr. Friedrich Chrysander, Dr. Seiffert, and others have already published numerous volumes, reproducing in their entirety the works upon which Handel principally drew. But Mr. Taylor has worked up this material into an accessible form. Instead of re- ferring to corresponding passages in Handel's compositions, he has set the latter side by side with the original music, and has gone to the trouble of transposition into the same key in order to render the task of comparison as easy as possible." Saturday re- t-ieu', 1907. Nicholds, Joseph. qr?83.3 NSI Babylon; an oratorio [score]; revised and ed. by Cornelius Ward. Shepherd. Gregorian. Carol Burgess, Francis. 783.5 B8g Textbook of plainsong and Gregorian music. Vincent. (Music text books.) "Bibliography," p. 124-126. Has chapters on notation, tonality, rhythm and accompaniment, recitative and melodic plainchant, etc. Hurley, Edmund G. 783.5 Hgs Gregorian chant for the teacher, the choir and the school. 1907. Schirmer. Practical little book of instruction in the singing of Gregorian chants, by a New York city choirmaster. Bramley, Henry Ramsden, ed. M783-6 B6gc Christmas- carols, new & old; the words ed. by H. R. Bramley, the music ed. by John Stainer. [1871.] Novello. The introduction gives a short account of the history of the Christmas carol. Congregational singing Psalmody. Hymnody Cowan, William, & Love, James, of Scotland. 783.9 C84 Music of the church hymnary and the psalter in metre; its sources and composers. 1001. Frowde. "Chronological list of works cited as sources," p. 177-187. German evangelical protestant church in North America. MySs.g G32k Kirchengesangbuch zum gottesdienstlichen gebrauche Deutscher evangelisch-protestantischer gemeinden von Nord-Amerika. 1901. Words and music. VOCAL MUSIC 1451 Hastings, Thomas, & Patton, William, comp. ^83.9 1*34 Christian psalmist; or, Watts' psalms and hymns with copious selec- tions from other sources, the whole carefully revised and arranged with directions for musical expression. 1836. Collier. qMySs.g Hggh Hymns ancient and modern for use in the services of the church, with accompanying tunes; historical edition, with notes on the origin of both hymns and tunes and a general historical introduction [by W. H. Frere]. 1909. Clowes. "Some principal authorities," p.8. Historical edition of "Hymns ancient and modern for use in the services of the church; comp. and arranged under the musical editorship of W. H. Monk" ^783.9 MSa). The latest revision of words and music, with a valuable historical introduction and a complete series of careful notes. The introduction is a model history in little of hym- nology and church music. Condensed from Athenceum, 1910. Moses, Isaac S. comp. M78s.g Mgss Sabbath-school hymnal; a collection of songs, services and respon- sive readings for the school, synagogue and home. 1904. Bloch. The same r?83.g Mgs MySs.g 0350 Oxford hymn book [with music]. 1908. Clarendon Press. Collection of hymns characterized by simplicity, directness, and genuineness of re- ligious feeling, chosen largely from the "old masters" Watts, the Wesleys, Doddridge, Cowper and Newton. The music also has been selected for its simplicity and dignity. Protestant Episcopal church. r 783.g Pgyhym Hymnal of the church, revised and enlarged as adopted by the gen- eral convention of the Protestant Episcopal church in the United States of America in the year of Our Lord eighteen hundred and ninety-two, with music; ed. by J. H. Darlington. 1897. Whittaker. Watson, J. comp. qrySs.g W^z Royal psalmist; or, Sacred melodies, consisting of an entirely new & elegant versification of the Psalms of David adapted to music; ar- ranged for the piano forte, organ & choir. Pinnock. 784 Vocal music Foster, Stephen Collins. qM784 F8im Melodies of Stephen C. Foster. 1909. Walker. Pittsburgh. Words and music of his songs and hymns, his instrumental compositions, and brief biographical sketch. Franz, Robert. qM;84 F88f Franz-album; ausgewahlte lieder fur eine singstimme mit klavier- begleitung; mit deutsch und engl. text; uebersetzung v. Elisabeth Riicker [und] D. V. Ashton. v. 1-4, in 2. Siegel. Grieg, Edvard. qMy84 G8gf Fifty songs; ed. by H. T. Finck; for high voice. 1908. Ditson. (Musicians library.) Haydn, Franz Joseph. . qMy84 H37l Lieder fur eine singstimme mit klavierbegleitung; hrsg. von Alfred Dorffel. I 45 2 SONGS Kobbe, Gustav. 784 Famous American songs. 1906. Crowell. Contents: Home, sweet home. Old folks at home. Dixie. Ben Bolt. The star- spangled banner. Yankee Doodle, Hail Columbia and America. Some war songs. Gives the text of the songs, an account of the circumstances under which they were written and something of the lives of the authors. Schubert, Franz Peter. qMy84 83852 Schubert-album; Die schone mullerin, Winterreise, Schwanengesang und 22 beruhmte lieder; revidirt und mit vortragsbezeichungen ver- sehen von Franz Abt, sopran oder tenor. Litolff. qM 784.2 A6g Arien-album; ?ammlung beriihmter arien fur eine sopranstimme mit pianofortebegleitung. Peters. Krehbiel, Henry Edward, ed. qMy84.2 Songs from the operas, for soprano. 1907. Ditson. Chiefly from operas before Wagner. Contains brief sketch of each of the 1 posers represented. Ballads. National songs. Folk-songs Bach, Albert Bernhard. 784-4 Bi2 The art ballad, Loewe and Schubert, with musical illustrations. 1897. Paul. "Bibliography," p.2oi-2is. Analyses of Loewe's ballads, prefixed by biographical sketches of Loewe and of Schubert. Burton, Frederick Russell. q784-4 B 95 American primitive music, with especial attention to the songs of the Ojibways. 1909. Moffat. The opening chapters give a survey of the whole field of American Indian music, but the greater part of the book is devoted to a study of Ojibway music, in which the author, as musical expert in the ethnological departments of the American Museum of Natural History and the Field Museum of Natural History, has made original research. A collection of 28 Ojibway songs for single voice, with piano accompaniment and Eng- lish words, is included, also four songs arranged for mixed quartette. Clark, Richard, ed. ^84.4 52 Account of the national anthem entitled "God save the king." 1822. Wright. "Clark. . .started the still undecided controversy as to the authorship of 'God save the King' by publishing a pamphlet upon the subject, in which he attributed it with more power of invention than critical acumen to the Elizabethan composer, John Bull. Although the untrustworthiness of Clark's statements and the worthlessness of his criticisms have been repeatedly exposed, the erroneous idea which he was the first to circulate is still accepted in some quarters." Dictionary of national biography. Oilman, Benjamin Ives. ^84.4 642 Hopi songs. 1908. Houghton. (Hemenway Southwestern Expedi- tion.) Being v.s of "Journal of American ethnology and archaeology." Publications of the Hemenway Southwestern Expedition, $.231-23$. In this volume Mr Gilman completes an inquiry into Pueblo music begun in 1891 with a study of Zuni melodies. The phonograph was used for the study and preserva- tion of aboriginal folklore, and these records show not only how Indians make music, but music itself in the making. SONGS 1453 Joyce, Patrick Weston, comp. ^784.4 J48 Ancient Irish music, comprising 100 Irish airs hitherto unpublished, many of the old popular songs and several new songs; the harmonies by [J. W.] Glover. 1906. Longmans. Most of these airs and songs were collected among the peasantry by the compiler. Lineff, Mme Eugenie Papritz, comp. 3784.4 1-72 Peasant songs of Great Russia as they are in the folk's harmoniza- tion, collected and transcribed from phonograms, 1st ser. 1905. Im- perial Academy of Science. English and Russian text. Quellien, Narcisse. 3784.4 Q24 Chansons et danses des Bretons. 1889. Saran, August. 3784.4 824 Robert Franz und das deutsche volks- und kirchenlied, mit noten- beilagen enthaltend sechs chorale fur gemischten chor und sechs alt- deutsche lieder fur eine singstimme, mit begleitung des pianoforte, be- arbeitet von Robert Franz. [1875.] Contains interesting information on the formal structure of the volkslied. Sonneck, Oscar George Theodore, comp. 3784.4 869 Report on "The star-spangled banner," "Hail Columbia," "America," "Yankee Doodle." 1909. (United States Library of Congress.) "Literature used for this report," p. 157-164. The same qr784-4 8699 Brings together the various versions of text and music, with notes as to the his- tory of the songs, and conclusions from the study of documents. Strettell, Alma, afterward Mrs Harrison, tr. 784.4 891 Spanish & Italian folk-songs. 1887. Macmillan. Folk-songs with music J784.4 641 Chansons de France pour les petits frangais, avec accompagnements de J. B. Weckerlin; illustrations par Maurice Boutet de Monvel. Plon- Nourrit. Commuck, Thomas. ^84.4 073 Indian melodies; harmonized by Thomas Hastings. 1845. Lane. Some well-known hymns set to Indian tunes. Davis, Katherine Wallace, comp. qM 784.4 DSIC Cradle songs of many nations; a musical entertainment for children. 1898. Summy. Ducoudray, Louis Albert Bourgault-, comp. qr784-4 D86t Trente melodies populaires de Basse-Bretagne; recueillies et har- monisees, avec une traduction franchise en vers adaptee a la musique par Fr. Coppee. [1885.] Elson, Louis Charles, ed. qM784-4 Essf Folk songs of many nations [words and music], with preface and an- notations. 1005. Church. Gives several characteristic songs of each nation. 1454 SONGS Erk, Ludwig, comp. Deutscher liederschatz; eine auswahl der beliebtesten volks-, vater- lands-, soldaten-, jager-, studenten- & weihnachts-lieder, fiir eine sing- stimme mit pianoforte-begleitung. 3v. [1910-11?] Herman, Reinhold L. comp. qr?84.4 H47 Cradle songs of many nations; music by R. L. Herman. 1882. Dodd. Words and music of about 30 songs. Illustrated in color. Hopekirk, Helen, ed. qM784-4 Hy8s Seventy Scottish songs; ed. with accompaniments, for high voice. 1905. Ditson. (Musicians library.) Hopekirk, Helen, ed. qM784-4 HySse Seventy Scottish songs; ed. with accompaniments, for low voice. 1905. Ditson. (Musicians library.) Joyce, Patrick Weston, ed. M784-4 5480 Old Irish folk music and songs; a collection of 842 Irish airs and songs hitherto unpublished; ed. with annotations for the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. 1909. Longmans. Contents: The Joyce collection. The Forde collection. The Pigot collection. Page, Nathaniel Clifford, ed. qM784.4 Pi4i Irish songs; a collection of airs old and new; ed. and the piano ac- companiments arranged by N. C. Page. 1907. Ditson. Sawyer, Frank Joseph, ed. ^^784.4 8273 Sawyer's graded school-song book. 1903. Vincent. (Music text books.) Words and music of English national songs, with Scottish, Welsh and Irish ex- amples. To be used in connection with author's "Manual of sight-singing" (784.9 827). Whitehead, Mrs Jane Byrd (McCall) Radcliffe-, ed. ^784.4 W6s Folk-songs and other songs for children. 1903. Ditson. English, Scottish, Irish, German, French, Scandinavian, Polish, Russian, Italian and Spanish folk-songs, also Christmas carols, patriotic songs, nursery songs, lullabies, rounds, catches and part-songs for children. Choruses. College songs Hoff, William C comp. qM784.6 H6yc Corona song book; a choice collection of choruses designed for the use of high schools, grammar schools, academies and seminaries, com- prising part songs and choruses, oratorio selections, selected hymns and tunes, national and patriotic songs. 1903. Ginn. Noyes, Charles F. qM784.6 N48v Village blacksmith, for mixed chorus with piano, organ and anvil accompaniment; words by H. W. Longfellow. 1898. Ditson. McDermid, William Albert, comp. qM784-6i Mi4s Songs of the University of Chicago. 1905. Hinds. Wordi and music. Contains also a few well-known songs not peculiar to the uni- versity. SONGS 1455 Waite, Henry Randall, comp. qM.jB^.6i Wi4c College songs; a collection of the most popular songs of the col- leges of America [with music]. 1906. Ditson. Collections of songs. Children's songs Bacon, Mrs Dolores Marbourg, (pseud, of Mrs M784.8 Bi2s Mary Schell (Hoke) Bacon), ed. Songs that every child should know; a selection of the best songs of all nations for young people [with music]. 1906. Doubleday, Bentley, Alys E. J784-8 644 Song primer; teacher's book. 1907. Barnes. Simple songs for little children. Carpenter, John, & Carpenter, Rue. QJ784.8 C22 Improving songs for anxious children. 1907. McClurg. The improving songs are, For careless children. Stout. The liar. Reproach. Humility. A wicked child. Vanity. Maria, glutton. Good Ellen. War. Spring. Lullaby. Music and colored pictures. Farnsworth, Charles Hubert, comp. M784-8 F24S Songs for schools, with accompaniments written by H. W. Loomis and B. D. Allen. 1906. Macmillan. M784.8 Hs8h Heart songs dear to the American people and by them contributed in the search for treasured songs initiated by the National magazine. 1909. Chappie. Words and music of nearly 400 popular songs. Humperdinck, Engelbert, comp. qJ784.8 Hg2 Sang und klang furs kinderherz; eine sammlung der schonsten kinderlieder, ausgewahlt von Victor Bluthgen u. E. H. Strasburger, bilder von Paul Hey. 2v. 1909-11. Johnson, Clifton, comp. M784.8 Jass Songs every one should know; 200 favorite songs for school and home. 1908. Amer. Book Co. Jones, Mary Best, comp. M784-8 J4is Songs of seasons. 1909. Amer. Book Co. Words and music of familiar songs, arranged for a school text-book. McLaughlin, James Matthew, & Gilchrist, W. W. 0^784.8 Mig New educational music course; teachers' edition for elementary grades, including a collection of rote songs, voice-training exercises, the material in the First music reader, and songs from famous com- posers. 1904. Ginn. Moorat, Joseph S. qj?84.8 M87h Humpty Dumpty, & other songs; pictured by Paul Woodroffe. [1906.] Dodge Pub. Co. Songs with music. Some of them are. There was a jolly miller. The king of France. Dapple Grey. Three little mice. Fonr & twenty tailors. Hush-a-bye, baby. [Music collection; songs and dance music.] v.5. qr784.8 Mg8 For v.i-4 see preceding catalogue, first series. 1456 SONGS Neidlinger, William Harold. J?84-3 N2i Owl and the woodchuck, with a few others; a song story, with pic- tures by Walter Bobbett. 1901. Rand. Mr Owl's song and the woodchuck's jolly ballad are set to gay little tunes. Neidlinger, William Harold. qM784.8 N2is Small songs for small singers. 1896. Schirmer. The same QJ784-8 N2i Petrauskas, Mikas. q784. Lietuviskos dainos, misriems balsams. [1908.] Riley, Mrs Alice Gushing (Donaldson), & Gaynor, 3784.8 Mrs ]. L. (Smith). Playtime songs for the school room. 1911. Summy. Includes The cucumber boat. The discontented duckling. The ginger-bread man. Little green frog. My dear Jerushy. Pussy Willow. The slumber boat. A tiny fish I'd like to be. Yourself. Riley, Mrs Alice Gushing (Donaldson), & Gaynor, qM784.8 R45S Mrs J. L. (Smith). Songs of the child-world; words by A. C. D. Riley, music by J. L. Gaynor. 2v. 1897-1904. Church. The same. 2v qJ784-8 R45 St. Nicholas songs. 1885. Century. qM784.8 8143 Over 100 songs by 32 composers. Words from "St. Nicholas magazine." Scholz, Bernhard. j?84-8 836 Weihnachtsklange; deutsche weihnachtslieder, tonsatz von Bernhard Scholz, bildschmuck von Ernst Liebermann. Terhune, Mrs Anice Morris (Stockton). qj 784.8 T$i A Chinese child's day; words & music by Anice Terhune, pictures by A. R. Wheelan. [1910.] Schirmer. Playing the samm-jim. The velly good dragon. The gift-flower. Little bat kite. The bobbing mandarin. Feast of lanterns. The dream junk, and other new songs for children. Colored pictures of little Chinese boys and girls. Vincent, Charles John, ed. qM784-8 V$4f Fifty Shakspere songs, for high voice. 1906. Ditson. Singing. Voice culture Brennan, Charles John. 784.9 672 Words in singing; a practical guide to the study of phonetics and its application to song. 1905. Vincent. (Music text books.) Curwen, John. 784.9 936 Tonic sol-fa. [1878.] (Novello, Ewer and Co.'s music primers.) FUlebrown, Thomas. 784.9 F48 Resonance in singing and speaking. 1911. Ditson. "Books consulted," p.86-88. Author, who is (1911) professor of operative dentistry and oral surgery at Harvard University, treats in the main of resonance, but also discourses soundly on registers, on placing the voice, on throat stiffness and its remedies, on the way to overcome stage fright, etc. His directions for deep breathing are, perhaps, the most lucid and valuable ever printed; they are important not only to students of singing, but to all who wish to enjoy perfect health. Condensed from Nation, 1911. SINGING. VOICE CULTURE 1457 Goldschmidt, Hugo. 784.9 Gs8 Die italienische gesangsmethode des 17. jahrhunderts und ihre bedeutung fiir die gegenwart. 1892. Schlesische buchdruckerei. "Quellen," p. 7-11. Heinrich, Max. 784.9 H42 Correct principles of classical singing. 1910. Lothrop. Contents: General remarks. Choosing a teacher. The art of singing. Oratorio singing and the art of singing "recitative:" Illustrations from "The Messiah." Illustra- tions from "Die schone mullerin." The author, an artist of the Wiillner type, was long admired as one of the best of oratorio and lieder singers. He discusses diction, the art of coloring tones, the meaning of personality, and oratorio singing, with special reference to recitative. The last hun- dred pages of his valuable little book are devoted to excerpts in musical type, from ora- torios and songs, with hints as to coloring, phrasing, diction and breathing. Henderson, William James. 784.9 H44 Art of the singer; practical hints about local technics and style. 1906. Scribner. Author is (1906) musical critic of the New York "Sun." Intended primarily for music teachers and students. Johnson, Claude Ellsworth. 784.9 Jss Training of boys' voices. 1906. Ditson. "List of choir music for boys' and men's voices," p.42-s6. "List of secular music suitable for boys' voices," p.57-6o. Author is (1906) organist and choirmaster in the Church of the Holy Cross, New York city and vocal teacher at the National Conservatory. In addition to his remarks on voice training he supplies some daily exercises for the voice and lists of choir music. Jones, Dora Duty. 784.9 Jsg Technique of speech; a guide to the study of diction according to the principles of resonance. 1909. Harper. Aims to supply a corrective to the defects of the American voice. Teaches the con- trol of the vocal organs and gives exercises in enunciation and articulation. King, Samuel Arthur. 784.9 K26 Graduated exercises in articulation. 1907. Small. Exercises designed to give systematic practice in the individual elements of speech and to cultivate purity and nicety of articulation. Lamperti, G. B. & Heidrich, Maximilian. 784.9 Lig Technics of bel canto; tr. from the German by Th[eodore] Baker. 1905. Schirmer. Outline of an Italian method of teaching singing, tested and perfected by Lamperti's own experience and exemplified in his famous pupil, Marcella Sembrich. Mackinlay, Malcolm Sterling. 784.9 Mi84 The singing voice and its training. 1910. Routledge. Author was a student of Manuel Garcia, one of the greatest vocal teachers of the last century. Distinguished from other books of its kind by the attention paid to the need of expression. Miller, Frank Ebenezer. 784.9 M6g2 The voice; its production, care and preservation, with a note by Gustav Kobbe. 1910. Schirmer. Author is (1910) a leading New York specialist for throat, nose and ear, and numbers many singers among his patients. 1458 SINGING. VOICE CULTURE Mills, Thomas Wesley. 784.9 Voice production in singing and speaking based on scientific prin- ciples. 1906. Lippincott. "It is the product of one who, by the testimony his pages bear, is thoroughly and equally versed in anatomy and music. . .While the greater part of this commendable volume is devoted to questions of vocal physiology and hygiene, the artistic side is by no means neglected." Nation, 1906. Myer, Edmund John. 784-9 M 99r Renaissance of the vocal art; a practical study of vitality, vitalized energy, of the physical, mental and emotional powers of the singer, through flexible, elastic bodily movements. 1902. Boston Music Co. Richardson, Alfred Madeley. 784.9 R4i Choir training based on voice production. [1899.] Vincent. (Music text books.) Brief directions for the formation and training of boy choirs. [Sawyer, Frank Joseph.] 784.9 827 Manual of sight-singing; authorised text book for the examinations of the Incorporated Staff-sight-singing College. 2v. 1899. Vincent. (Music text books.) v.i. Primary grade, v.z. Intermediate grade. Simmons, Robert. 784.9 859 Practical points for choral singers; written specially for the use of the "Sine Nomine" prize choir, Bristol. 1906. Vincent. (Music text books.) Collects and arranges methodically instructions which conductors usually give to their choirs at rehearsal. Taylor, David Clark. 784.9 Tas The psychology of singing; a rational method of voice culture based on a scientific analysis of all systems, ancient and modern. 1908. Mac- millan. "Bibliography," p.369~37i. "Purpose is to demonstrate the falsity of the idea of mechanical vocal manage- ment and to prove the scientific soundness of instruction by imitation. . .instruction based on the training of the ear and the musical education of the singer." Preface. 785 Orchestral music Boston Symphony Orchestra. ^85 664 Programme of the rehearsal and concert (2d-3d, 6th, 2oth, 22d), with historical and descriptive notes by Philip Hale, 1882/83-83/84, 1886/87, 1900/01, 1902/03. [1882-1903.] George Henschel, conductor, 1881-84. Wilhelm Gericke, conductor, 1884-89, 1898-1905. Many programs for 1882/83-83/84, 1886/87 are wanting. For later volumes see preceding catalogue, second series. Chicago, Theodore Thomas Orchestra. r78s C43 Program (loth season-date), looo-date. Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. ^85 C48 Symphony concerts, program (i4th-isth season), 1909/10-1910/11. iooo-[u]. ORCHESTRAL MUSIC. PIANO 1459 Coerne, Louis Adolphe. 785 C6s Evolution of modern orchestration. 1908. Macmillan. "Appendix of musical illustrations," p. 189 276. Reviews development of orchestration and of musical instruments, and the work of the classic and romantic composers. Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. qr?85 P674P [Program of the afternoon and evening concerts, with descriptive remarks by C. N. Boyd, Nov. nth-Dec. I7th, 1910. 1910.] Pittsburgh. Orchestra conducted by Carl Bernthaler. Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. ^85 P674 Prospectus; season 1910-11. [1910.] Pittsburgh. Orchestra conducted by Carl Bernthaler. Vincent, Charles John. 785 V34b The brass band and how to write for it. 1908. Vincent. Gives leading characteristics and compass of the instruments in ordinary use, with chapters on arrangement, balance of tone and transposition. Illustrated. Vincent, Charles John. 785 V34 Scoring for an orchestra. 1897. Vincent. (Music text books.) Brief papers for young musicians, giving elementary information on orchestral in- struments, with some hints and recommendations as to their combinations and effects. Gilman, Lawrence. 785.1 642 Stories of symphonic music; a guide to the meaning of important symphonies, overtures and tone-poems from Beethoven to the present day. 1907. Harper. The design of this book is to offer in compact and accessible form such information as will enable the concert-goer to prepare himself, in advance, to listen comprehendingly to those symphonic works of a suggestive or illustrative nature which are part of the standard orchestral repertoire. Condensed from preface. Weingartner, Paul Felix, edler von Munzberg. 785.1 W45a The symphony since Beethoven; from the German by Arthur Bles. 1906. Author is (1905) conductor of the royal symphony concerts, Berlin, and of the Kaim Orchestra, Munich. The composers dealt with are Beethoven, Haydn, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Brahms, Bruckner, Tschaikowsky, Berlioz, Liszt, Strauss and Mahler. Niecks, Frederick. 785.4 N33 Programme music in the last four centuries; a contribution to the history of musical expression. [1906.] Novello. "A veritable cyclopaedia of information on programme music, and full of valuable comments and criticisms." Athenaeum, 1907. 786 Piano General works New York (city), Metropolitan Museum of Art. qr786 N26 Crosby Brown collection of musical instruments of all nations; catalogue of keyboard instruments. 1903. Krehbiel, Henry Edward. 786.1 K4i The pianoforte and its music. 1911. Scribner. Contents: The instrument. The composers. The players. Study of the origin and development of the pianoforte, the music composed for it and the performers who have interpreted it. I 4 6o PIANO Weiumann, Carl Friedrich. 786.1 W 4 y History of pianoforte-playing and pianoforte-literature, with musi- cal appendices and a supplement containing the history of the piano- forte according to the latest researches; with a biographical sketch of the author and notes by Otto Lessmann; from the 2d augmented and revised German edition by Th. Baker. 1893. Schirmer. KobW, Gustav. 786.12 K 3 s The pianolist; a guide for pianola players. 1907. Moffat. White, William Braid. 786.12 W6s The player-pianist; a guide to the appreciation and interpretation of music through the medium of the player-piano. 1910. Bill. "A few suggestions for the player-pianist's library," p.i39-i42. Fischer, Jerry Cree. 786.2 52 Piano tuning, regulating and repairing; a complete course of self- instruction in the tuning of pianos and organs for the professional or amateur. 1907. Presser. Hasluck, Paul Nooncree, ed. 786.2 Has Pianos; their construction, tuning and repair. 1905. Cassell. Brief, comprehensive digest of information which has appeared in "Work," an English journal for mechanics. Illustrated. White, William Braid. 786.2 W6j Theory and practice of pianoforte building. 1906. Bill. Ehrenfechter, C. A. 786.3 Es8t Technical study in the art of pianoforte-playing (Deppe's principles), with numerous illustrations. [1891.] Reeves. Gittings, Joseph Henry. 786.3 645 A new musical truth. 1911. Privately printed. Pittsburgh. The same r786.3 645 Explanation of a theory of piano technique which the author believes will be of great value to students. Hamilton, Clarence Grant. 786.3 Hig Piano teaching; its principles and problems. 1910. Ditson. "List of books mentioned in the text," p. 163-1 65. Its 171 pages are crammed with information which every teacher and pianist needs. While some of it is elementary, telling teachers how to get and keep pupils, what to charge, how to stimulate their interest, etc., it soon soars into higher regions. Technique is not ignored, but more attention is paid to expression; and herein lies the unique value of this little treatise. Condensed from Nation, 1911. Hofmann, Josef. 786.3 H68 Piano playing; a little book of simple suggestions. 1908. McClure. Contents: The piano and its player. General rules. Correct touch and technic. The use of the pedal. Playing "in style." How Rubinstein taught me to play. Hofmann, Josef. 786.3 H68p Piano questions answered by Josef Hofmann; a little book of direct answers to 250 questions asked by piano students. 1909. Doubleday. Appeared in the "Ladies' home journal," v.26, Jan. -Nov. 1909. Contains some necessarily unsatisfactory answers to vague or foolish questions, but there are many useful specific statements on matters of technique and interpretation and some sound general advice. The material is classified and made accessible by marginal notes and two indexes. PIANO 1461 Johns, Clayton. 3786.3 Jss Essentials of pianoforte playing; a practical system of mind and finger training. 1909. Ditson. "Convenient summary, in 84 pages, of the things a student of the piano and its literature most needs to know. It is not intended for beginners, but for those who have already acquired facility in reading easy music; and there is much, too, that will help teachers who have not the opportunity to keep in touch with the latest develop- ments in musical pedagogy... A number of famous short pieces by Clementi, Bach, Schumann, Chopin, and other masters are printed, with analyses and directions for their correct rendering." Nation, 7909. Kullak, Adolf. 786.3 8:435 ^Esthetics of pianoforte-playing; tr. by Th. Baker from the German. 1893. Schirmer. Author (1823-62) was a German music teacher. "A most admirable book, suggestive alike to pianist, critic, or mere lover of the art." Sturgis and Krehbiel's Annotated bibliography of fine art. Lebert, Sigismund, & Stark, Ludwig. qr786-3 1,46 Grand theoretical and practical piano-school, pt.i. For pt.2 see preceding catalogue, first series. Mathews, William Smith Babcock. 3786.3 M47S School of the piano pedal; explanations of the best usage, fully illus- trated by numerous selections and original studies. 1906. Ditson. Siegel-Myers Correspondence School of Music. 3786.3 857 Course of 100 correspondence piano lessons and examination papers, no.i-ioo, by W. H. Sherwood. 3v. 1906-08. v.i. Lesson i to 26. v.2. Lesson 27 to 50. v.3. Lesson 51 to 100. Steinhausen, Friedrich Adolf. 786.3 882 Uber die physiologischen fehler und die umgestaltung der klavier- technik. 1905. Perry, Edward Baxter. 786.4 P44 Descriptive analyses of piano works, for the use of teachers, players and music clubs. 1906. Presser. Interpretations of some well-known compositions, especially works of Beethoven, Weber, Chopin, Liszt and Grieg. Describes their poetic and emotional significance. Scores Bach, Johann Sebastian. qM786-4 Bi2f The 48 fugues for the wohltemperirte klavier in score with proper clefs; ed. by Charles Vincent. 2v. 1891. Vincent. (Students edition.) Beethoven, Ludwig van. . qM786-4 B&v Variationen fur das pianoforte. Berr, Jules, pub. qr786.4 645 Album of music for the piano; vocal and instrumental. Berr, Jules, pub. qr786.4 645! Latest Jules Berr album of music; 40 new pieces, vocal and instru- mental. 1878. 1462 PIANO Chopin, Frederic Francois. qM786-4 Ballades pour piano [110.1-4]; revues et doigtees par Louis Kohler. Contents: Op.23, G moll. Op.aS, F dur. Op.47, AS dur. Op. 52, F moll. Chopin, Frederic Francois. qM 786.4 C45g The greater Chopin [piano compositions] ; ed. by James Huneker. 1908. Ditson. (Musicians library.) "Bibliography [selected]," p.iS- Scores of 28 compositions which in the opinion of the editor constitute Chopin's greatest works. Brief critical introduction. Chopin, Frederic Francois. qM786-4 C45S Studies; revised and fingered by Carl Mikuli, with preface tr. by Theo. Baker. 1894. (Complete works for the pianoforte.) The same ......................................... qM786-4 C45C v.3 Bound in his "Complete works for the piano-forte," v.3. Esposito, Michele, ed. qM786-4 E8ae Early Italian piano music; a collection of pieces written for the harpsichord and clavichord. 1906. Ditson. Includes compositions of Domenico and Alessandro Scarlatti, Frescobaldi, Rossi and others. Grieg, Edvard. qM786-4 G8gp Piano lyrics and shorter compositions; ed. by B. F. Tapper, with a preface by Samuel Swift. [1910.] Ditson. (Musicians library.) Contents: Piano pieces, op. i. Poetic tone pictures, op.3. Lyric pieces, book i, op. 1 2. Four album leaves, op. 28. Improvisations, op.zp. Lyric pieces, book 2, op. 38. Six songs, op.4i. Lyric pieces, book 3, op. 43. Peer Gynt suite no.i, op.46. Lyric pieces, book 4, op. 47. "Bibliography," p. 17. Haydn, Franz Joseph. qM786.4 Twenty piano compositions; ed. by Xaver Scharwenka. 1907. Ditson. "Bibliography," p. 15. Herbert, Victor, and others, ed. qM786-4 H46 The wo'rld's best music. 8v. 1906. University Soc. (Philharmonic edition.) v.i-5. Famous compositions for the piano. v.6-8. Famous songs. v.5 contains index for v.i-s; v.8 contains index for v.6-8. International Publishing Co. Chicago. qr786.4 124 New album of music; 41 new pieces for piano, vocal & instrumental. Schubert, Franz Peter. qM786-4 8385 Schubert-album; sammlung beliebter stucke fur pianoforte solo. Peters. Burchenal, Elizabeth, & Crampton, C. W. comp. qM786-45 B8gf Folk-dance music; a collection of characteristic dances of the people of various nations, adapted for use in schools and playgrounds for physical education and play. 1908. Schirmer. Mainly from Norwegian, Swedish and Danish collections. No text. ORGAN 1463 786.6 Organ Clarke, William Horatio. qr786.6 Cssv Valuable organ information for clergymen, church officers, organ- ists and architects concerning the installing of new organs built on modern progressive methods of construction. Clarke. (Organ litera- ture series.) Wedgwood, James Ingall. 786.6 Comprehensive dictionary of organ stops, English and foreign, ancient and modern; practical, theoretical, historical, aesthetic, etymo- logical, phonetic, with a foreword by Francis Burgess. 1907. Vincent. (Music text books.) "Bibliography," p.i3~is. Wicks, Mark. 786.6 W6j Organ building for amateurs; a practical guide for home-workers containing specifications, designs and full instructions for making every portion of the instrument. [1887.] Ward. Page, Arthur James. 786.7 Pi4 On organ playing; "hints to young organists," with complete method for pedal scales and arpeggios. 1899. Vincent. (Music text books.) Brief guide for beginners, relating especially to church music. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Music hall. T786.8 C2io loooth free organ recital, Carnegie music hall, Nov. I3th, 1909. 1909. "List of compositions played at 1000 free recitals in Carnegie music hall, Pittsburgh, from Nov. 6, 1895 to Nov. 13, 1909," p.7-8s. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Music hall. T786.8 C2is Souvenir program of the free organ recital (looth, 2ooth), by Frederic Archer, Jan. 16, 1897, April 9, 1898. 1897-98. Pittsburgh. Pearce, Charles William. 786.8 P34 Mendelssohn's organ sonatas technically and critically discussed. Vincent. (Music text books.) Pearce, Charles William. 786.87 P34 Organist's directory to the accompaniment of divine service, with a full list of voluntaries appropriate to every Sunday and holy day in the Christian year. Vincent. (Music text books.) Sequel to author's "Organ accompaniment to the Psalms" (783.1 P34). For young organists who are more or less unfamiliar with the demands of the Episcopal service. 787 Orchestral instruments Mason, Daniel Gregory. 7^7 ^44 Orchestral instruments and what they do; a primer for concert- goers. 1909. Baker. Object is to assist the concert-goer in recognizing the various orchestral instruments, both by sight and by hearing, and to heighten his perception of the beauties of or- chestral coloring. 1464 ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENTS Stringed instruments Lyon & Healy, Chicago, pub. 3 r ?87-i L99 Hawley collection of violins, with a history of their makers and a brief review of the evolution and decline of the art of violin-making in Italy, 1540-1800. 1904. Twelve examples of the work of Stradivari, Guarnieri, Amati and other great violin makers. Contains table of measurements and numerous illustrations in color. Sandys, William, & Forster, S. A. 787-1 821 History of the violin and other instruments played on with the bow. from the remotest times to the present [1864], also an account of the principal makers, English and foreign. 1864. Smith. Does not go deeply into technicalities. Illustrations of early violins are given. Stoeving, Paul. 787.1 S8?a Art of violin-bowing; a theoretical and practical manual for students and an aid to the work of professional teachers. [1904.] Vincent. (Music text books.) Winner, Septimus. 3787.1 W78 Eureka method for the violin. 1891. Ditson. Racster, Olga. 787.3 Ria Chats on violoncellos. [1908.] Lippincott. On violoncellos, their players and their makers. Illustrated. Winner, Septimus. 3787.6 W78 Eureka method for the guitar. 1891. Ditson. Winner, Septimus. 3787.6 W78e Eureka method for the mandolin. 1891. Ditson. Winner, Septimus. 3787.7 W78 Eureka method for the banjo. 1892. Ditson. Winner, Septimus. 3787.8 W?8 Eureka method for the zither. 1894. Ditson. 788 Wind instruments Boehm, Theobald. 788.5 658 The flute and flute-playing in acoustical, technical and artistic aspects; tr. and annotated by D. C. Miller. 1908. Privately printed. Stark, Robert. qr788.6 879 Great theoretical and practical methods for the clarinet, from the first rudiments up to artistic finish, together with directions for learn- ing the basset-horn and bass-clarinet [German and English text]. Op.49, 51. 1892-1900. 789.5 Bells Lukis, William Collings. 789.5 Lg7 Account of church bells, with some notices of Wiltshire bells and bell-founders; a copious list of founders, a comparative scale of tenor bells and inscriptions from nearly 500 parishes in various parts of the kingdom. 1857. Parker Illustrated. AMUSEMENTS 1465 Raven, John James. 789.5 R23 Bells of England. 1906. Methuen. Chronological, historical and descriptive account with chapters also on ringing, legends, poetry, law and usages, etc. Both readable and scholarly. Illustrated. Walters, Henry Beauchamp. 789.5 Wig Church bells. [1908.] Mowbray. (Arts of the church.) Contents: Early history and methods of casting. The English bell-founders. Big bells, carillons and chimes, campaniles. Change-ringing. Uses and customs of bells. The decoration of bells and their inscriptions. The care of bells. 790 Amusements Adams, Joseph Henry, ed. 790 A2i Harper's outdoor book for boys. 1907. Harper. The same ................................................. J7go A2i Tells how to make wigwams, aquariums, merry-go-rounds, pet shelters, summer- houses and pergolas, weather-vanes and windmills, aerial toys, coasters, skees and snow- shoes, kites and aeroplanes, fishing-tackle, land-yachts, fire-engines, water-wheels, boats, rafts, etc. Contains also directions about camping and trapping. Angell, Emmett Dunn. 790 Play; comprising games for the kindergarten, playground, school- room and college; how to coach and play basket-ball, etc. 1910. Little. Contents: The value of play. The relation of play to gymnastics. Public play- grounds. The equipment of the playground. The director of the playground. The classification of games. How to teach games. Ball games. Jump the shot (catching fish). Tag games. Racing games. Miscellaneous games. Individual games. School- room games. Games in the water. Basket-ball for women. Bancroft, Jessie Hubbell. 790 622 Games for the playground, home, school and gymnasium. 1909. Macmillan. Contents: Introduction. To the teacher of games. Counting-out, choosing sides, who's "it?" Miscellaneous active games. Quiet games. Feats and forfeits. Singing games. Balls and bean bags. Indexes: Games for elementary schools, first to eighth years. Games for high schools. Games for playgrounds, gymnasiums and large num- bers. Games for boys' and girls' summer camps. House-party and country-club games. Games for children's parties. Seashore games. Author is (1910) assistant director of physical training in the public schools of New York city. The games have been collected from many countries and sources and much of the material has been gathered from original research among the foreign population of New York city. Excellent indexes make the material easily available. Bartlett, George Bradford. 790 627 New games for parlor and lawn, with a few old friends in new dress. 1882. Harper. Mostly indoor games of the guessing variety, with a few pantomimes, tableaux and tricks. Small space is given to outdoor games. Beard, Daniel Carter. 790 634 Field and forest handy book; new ideas for out of doors. 1906. Scribner. The same ................................................. J79O 634 Describes a large variety of outdoor recreations camping and the sports connected with it, the making of log-houses, boats, kites, toboggans, bob-sleds, hunters' clothes, moccasins, etc. I 4 66 AMUSEMENTS Beard, Lina, & Beard, A. B. 790 63433 American girls' handy-book. 1898. Scribner. Gives directions for the observance of holidays, the giving of parties and picnics, for games, for work both useful and ornamental. Same as their "How to amuse yourself and others." Beard, Lina, & Beard, A. B. 790 6343! Indoor and outdoor handicraft and recreation for girls. 1904. Scribner. The same J790 63431 Partial contents: Spinning. Weaving on a home-made loom. Things to make of common grasses. Modelling in tissue-paper. A new race of dolls. A toy colonial kit- chen. Little paper houses of Japan. May day amusements. Hallowe'en revels. How to arrange fresh flowers. Keeping store. A straw ride picnic. Beard, Lina, & Beard, A. B. 790 6343 Things worth doing and how to do them. 1906. Scribner. The same J7go 63431 Amusements and occupations for children, especially for girls. Describes a variety of parties, shows and entertainments, as well as things to make for home and fairs. Benson, J. K. ed. 790 644 Book of sports & pastimes, home pets, hobbies and many other in- teresting recreations for young people. 1907. Pearson. "Here one may learn how to play football, bridge, bowls, polo, and various card games; how to conjure, to fence, to keep dogs and birds, to make yachts, and to use a motor-cycle. In short, nothing is wanting to make the volume a worthy vade-mecum for the school-boy of variable tastes." Athenaum, 1906. Bond, Alexander Russell. 790 662 Scientific American boy; or, The camp at Willow Clump island. 1906. Munn. The same J7go 662 Simple directions for making all sorts of things, such as skate sails, snow-shoes, tents, ice-boats, canvas canoes, log cabins, windmills, kites and tramping outfits. There it also a chapter on wigwagging and heliographing. [Clarke, William, 1800-38.] r7go 53 Boy's own book; a complete encyclopedia of all the diversions, ath- letic, scientific and recreative, of boyhood and youth. 1838. Vizetelly. Davis, Michael Marks. 790 032 Exploitation of pleasure; a study of commercial recreations in New York city. [1910?] Child hygiene department. (Russell Sage founda- tion.) Study of indoor recreations in New York city which are conducted for profit. The list includes candy shops, ice-cream parlors, penny arcades, dancing academies and dance halls, commercial meeting halls, theatres and moving-picture shows. Glover, Ellye Howell. 790 GSI "Dame Curtsey's" book of novel entertainments for every day in the year. 1907. McClurg. Suggestions for holiday and birthday parties, entertainments for church and club, engagement announcements, showers, weddings, wedding anniversaries, etc. Grey, Maria. 790 G88 Two hundred indoor and outdoor gymnastic games. Freidenker. AMUSEMENTS 1467 Gulick, Luther Halsey. 790 Gg6 Popular recreation and public morality. Playground Assoc. of America. v.34, no. i, July 1909, of the "Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science." The same. 1909. (In American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals, v.34.) r$o6 A$i v.34 Hofer, Mari Ruef, comp. 790 H67 Children's singing games, old and new, for vacation schools, play- grounds, schoolyards, kindergartens and primary grades. 1901. Flana- gan. These games are not meant for show purposes but for real play under natural play conditions. Johnson, George Ellsworth. 790 Js6 Games every boy and girl should know. [1909.] Reprinted from the "American physical education review," Feb. 1909. Newell, William Wells, ed. 790 N27 Games and songs of American children. 1903. Harper. "Collections of children's games," p. 267-269. A collection, with history, of the games of the children of America, and a compari- son with those of other countries. Paret, Anna Parmly, ed. J79O P23 Harper's handy-book for girls. 1910. Harper. Contents: The home. Arts and crafts. Needlework and millinery. Gifts. Out- of-doors. Amusements and miscellany. Parsons, Belle Ragnar. 790 Pz6 Plays and games indoors and out; rhythmic activities correlated with the studies of the school curriculum; ed. by Mrs A. L. Sandford. 1909. Pitman. These rhythmic exercises are intended for use among the youngest children, in illustration of the seasons, elements, plant and animal life, and the industrial and social life of man. Pittsburgh Playground Association. r7go P67 Selected list of games for the Pittsburgh playgrounds and vacation schools. Rosciszewski, Mieczystaw. 790 R?i Figlarz salonowy. 1900. Contents: Figle z przedmiotow podre.cznych. Figle matematyczne i pamieciowe. Sztuki magiczne z objasnieniami. Figle ucieszne. Zajecia wakacyjne. Parlor magic. Thornwood, Frederick Adair. . 790 T4i Book of home games and evening entertainments. Simpkin. United States Indian bureau. 790 U25 Social plays, games, marches, old folk dances and rhythmic move- ments, for use in Indian schools. 1911. Walker, Margaret Coulson. J7QO Wi7 Lady Hollyhock and her friends; a book of nature dolls and others; drawings by M. I. Hunt. 1906. Baker. Partial contents: Radish babies. Poppy maids. Creatures of clay. The corn husk lady. Paper dolls. The gingerbread maid. Tissue-paper ladies. Shows how to make dolls and animals out of such things as hollyhocks, cucumbers and pansies. Colored pictures. I 4 68 AMUSEMENTS Walker, Margaret Coulson. jygo Wi?t Tales come true and tales made new; drawings by Louise Orwig. 1910. Baker. Shows how, from acorns, nuts, apples, peas, tooth-picks and other simple materials, children may make story-book heroes and heroines little Red Ridinghood, Peter Pump- kin Eater, Jack and Jill, Hiawatha, Robinson Crusoe, Friday, Humpty Dumpty, the pied piper of Hamelin, and many others. Pictures and verses. Wells, Carolyn. 790 W4gp Pleasant day diversions. 1909. Moffat. Describes some new games and tells how to make simple gifts, candies, a doll's house, etc. Includes two musical farces and a monologue. Wells, Carolyn. 790 W 4 g Rainy day diversions. 1907. Moffat. Contents: Uncle Bob's astonishing tricks. Holiday amusements. Children's plays. Contains a large variety of tricks with cards and dominoes, mathematical puzzles, entertainments for holidays, and two children's plays. Yale, Mrs Elsie Duncan. 790 13 When mother lets us give a party; a book that tells little folk how best to entertain and amuse their little friends. 1909. Moffat. The same J790 13 791 Public entertainments Hartt, Rollin Lynde. 791 H33 The people at play; excursions in the humor and philosophy of pop- ular amusements. 1909. Houghton. Contents: The home of burlesque. The amusement park. The dime museum. The world in motion. Melodrama. Society. The muses in the back street. The na- tional game. The greater number of these chapters appeared in the "Atlantic monthly," v. 99-1 03, May 1 907- April 1909 Illustrated by the author. Marcosson, Isaac Frederick. 791 M37 Autobiography of a clown, as told to I. F. Marcosson. 1910. Moffat. Depicts the training as well as the traditions and aspirations of a man who has high ideals in "clowning." Theatre Albright, Victor Emanuel. 792 A34 The Shaksperian stage. 1909. Columbia University. "Elaborate argument which establishes convincingly the theory that the platform- stage of the Elizabethan drama was a natural development of that of pre-Reformation times, and consisted of an outer-inner stage which secured the object of continuity dur- ing a whole act of any drama." Athentrum, 1910. Archer, William, & Barker, H. G. Q792 A67S Scheme & estimates for a national theatre. 1908. Duffield. "Although this work relates exclusively to the plans and cost of a National Theatre for Great Britain, it contains much that is of interest for those who are contemplating. .. a similar institution in this country. .. Both Mr. Archer and Mr. Barker are well quali- fied for the task which they have undertaken, the one by his long study of dramatic literature and the art of acting... and the other by his experience as a dramatist, as an actor, and a producing manager. The bulky volume which they have compiled does in- finite credit to their enthusiasm, their industry, their technical knowledge and their foresight." Nation, 1908. THEATRE 1469 Boston, Twentieth Century Club. rjgz 664 The amusement situation in the city of Boston, based on a study of the theatres for 10 weeks from Nov. 28, 1909 to Feb. 5, 1910; being a report prepared by the Drama committee of the Twentieth Century Club. [1909.] Daly, Charles Patrick. ryg2 Di7 First theater in America; when was the drama first introduced in America? an inquiry, including a consideration of the objections that have been made to the stage. 1896. Dunlap Soc. Day, Ernest Hermitage. 792 033 Ober-Ammergau and the Passion play; a practical and historical handbook for visitors. 1910. Mowbray. "Books on the Passion play," p.94. 792 DSS Diary of a Daly debutante; being passages from the journal of a mem- ber of Augustin Daly's famous company of players. 1910. Duffield. This young actress's journal of a Daly theatrical season in the early 8o's has some slight historical interest and a certain charm as a revelation of the impression of the- atrical surroundings on the mind of an unsophisticated girl. It affords some recol- lections of Augustin Daly, John Drew, Ada Rehan, Charles Leclercq, William Davidge and others. Dibdin, James C. 796.4 Pg8 Annual report (2d), 1909/10, and proceedings of annual meeting (2d), 1910. Sullivan, James Edward. 796-4 894 Olympic games at Athens, 1906. 1906. Amer. Sports Pub. Co. (Spalding's athletic library.) Full account of the international athletic contests at Athens, 1906, with a summary of the stadium events and lists of winners. Camping Bates, Frank Amasa. 796.5 631 Camping and camp cooking. 1909. Ball Pub. Co. A practical little book of information in regard to camp outfits, the pitching of tents and lean-to's, with a chapter of general advice. Breck, Edward. 796.5 672 Way of the woods; a manual for sportsmen in northeastern United States and Canada. 1908. Putnam. "Nature books," p.425~43o. As a sportsman's manual it would be hard to surpass in its breadth and compactness of information. It is intended for the northeastern United States and Canada, though most of it is applicable with but little change to a region extending much farther west- ward. After dealing fully with the life of the camp, he takes up fishing, hunting and trapping in turn, each with detailed attention to the necessary implements and the ap- proved methods of their use. A chapter on hygiene, medicine and surgery, while short, is so definite, intelligible and practical as in itself to commend the book to any one whose outing takes him beyond the range of easy access to physicians. Condensed from Nation, 1908. [Garland, Charles C] 796.5 Gi8 Word from the Maine woods. 1907. Extract from Thoreau's "Ktaadn" in his volume "The Maine woods," followed by Information in regard to four summer camps in the Katahdin region. Gibson, Henry William. 796.5 636 Camping for boys. 1911. Association Press. "Bibliography" at the end of many chapters. Author has conducted boys' camps for 23 years. His book includes chapters on location and sanitation, camp equipment, moral and religious life, food, hygiene, ath- letics, nature study, games and educational activities. 796.5 H28 Harper's camping and scouting; an outdoor guide for American boys [ed. by] G. B. Grinnell [and] E. L. Swan. 1911. Harper. (Harper's practical books for boys.) Kephart, Horace. 796.5 KIQ Book of camping and woodcraft; a guidebook for those who travel in the wilderness. 1906. Outing. OUTDOOR SPORTS 1483 Seton, Ernest Thompson. 796.5 849 Birch-bark roll of the outdoor life; containing the standards, games, constitution and laws of the Woodcraft Indians. 1908. Doubleday. "A list of books for nature students recommended by Ernest Thompson Seton," p.84-86. Plan of organization for brigade and summer camps, Chautauquas and other boys' clubs. Aims to give boys something to do and to enjoy in the woods, with a view also to character-building. White, Stewart Edward. 796.5 W63C Camp and trail. 1907. Outing. Contents: The wilderness traveler. Common sense in the wilderness. Personal equipment. Camp outfit. The cook outfit. Grub. Camp cookery. Horse outfits. Horse packs. Horses, mules, burros. Canoes. Appeared in the "Outing magazine," v. 49-51, Dec. ipo6-Oct. 1907. Boxing. Fencing [Elmer, William.] 796.8 54 Boxing; a guide book to the manly art of self defense, giving ac- curate instructions for becoming proficient in the science of boxing. 1902. Amer. Sports Pub. Co. (Spalding's athletic library.) Breck, Edward. 796.8 847 Fencing; a short, practical and complete exposition of the art of foil and sabre according to the methods of the best modern school. 1894. Amer. Sports Pub. Co. (Spalding's athletic library.) Bound with Senac's "Art of fencing." Senac, Regis, & Senac, Louis. 796.8 847 Art of fencing, including a chapter on sabre exercises by Edward Breck. 1904. Amer. Sports Pub. Co. (Spalding's athletic library.) Thimm, Carl Albert, comp. qroi6.7968 Ts6 Complete bibliography of fencing and dueling as practised by all European nations from the middle ages to the present day. 1896. Lane. Skating. Winter sports Benson, Edward Frederic. 796.91 844 English figure skating; a guide to the theory and practice of skating in the English style. 1908. Bell. Syers, Edgar, & Syers, Mrs Madge, ed. 796.91 898 Book of winter sports, with an introduction by the earl of Lytton. 1908. Arnold. Contents: Bandy, by "Sticks." Curling, by Bertram Smith. Skating, by Edgar Syers. Ski-ing, by E. Wroughton. Tobogganing; notes for novices. Tobogganing, by C. Knapp. Valsing on the ice, by Ernest Law. Each section is by an authority, who tells how to attain proficiency in his sport. Appendix contains championship records, rules for admission to certain clubs and notes on winter resorts favorable for sports. Illustrated. 1484 OUTDOOR SPORTS Swimming 796.95 An A B C of swimming; a royal road to the art, by Ex-Club Captain. [1903.] Wycil. Brewster, Edwin Tenney. 796-95 673 Swimming. 1910. Houghton. Small manual that "makes its appeal to the middle-aged, and the timid, to non- athletic persons and women, to swimmers who learned their swimming in the days of the breast stroke and want to try the newer methods" and to people who have children to teach. Develops the subject as a series of detailed and orderly lessons. Corsan, George Hebden. 796.95 C82 At home in the water; swimming, diving, life saving, water sports, natatoriums. 1910. Y. M. C. A. Press. Rilcy, Thomas Jerome. 796-95 R45 Swimming; how, when and where to swim, its progress and place in American sports, some of America's great bathing beaches, ancient history of swimming. 1903. [Blumenberg Press.] [Sterrett, James H.] 796.95 883 How to swim; a practical treatise on swimming by a practical swim- mer and a guide to the novice as well as expert. 1903. Amer. Sports Pub. Co. (Spalding's athletic library.) Boating Boardman, Edwin Augustus. 797 657 The small yacht; its management and handling for racing and sail- ing, with chapters on construction. 1909. Little. 797 Ci7 Canoes and canoeing; paddling, sailing, cruising and racing canoes and their uses, with hints on rig and management, etc. [1907.] Amer. Sports Pub. Co. (Spalding's athletic library.) . Day, Thomas Fleming. 797 0330 On yacht sailing; a simple treatise for beginners upon the art of handling small yachts and boats. 1904. Rudder Pub. Co. "List of books," p.g6. Small handbook, with plans and diagrams. Contains glossary of terms. Kunhardt, C. P. 797 K43 Ropes; their knots and splices; a manual of instruction for sailor- men and canoeists in marlinspike seamanship, knots, bends, riggings, ropes and cordage. 1893. Forest and Stream Pub. Co. Power boating [monthly], :9o8-date. v.4-date. I9o8-date. qr797 PSj Rudder [monthly], 1896-1902. v.7-13. 1896-1902. qr797 R83 For v.i4-date see preceding catalogue, second series. OUTDOOR SPORTS 1485 Horsemanship Dodge, Theodore Ayrault. 798 D67P Patroclus and Penelope; a chat in the saddle. 1885. Houghton. "The book is named from the favorite riding-horses of the author and his young friend Tom a frequent companion in his daily excursions and the direct recipient of much of his instruction. Like one talking to an intimate and sympathetic friend, Colonel Dodge dilates upon the numberless points involved in skilled riding, along the road, after hounds, in the steeple-chase, in every form and style of finished equestrianism." Dial, 1885. Illustrated. France ficole d'application de cavalerie, Saumur. 798 F86 Notes on equitation and horse training, in answer to the examina- tion questions at the School of application for cavalry at Saumur, France. 1910. U. S. Government. Ware, Francis Morgan. Q798 W222 Driving. 1905. Doubleday. Written from many years' practical experience. Discusses carriages and their ap- pointments, the proper manner of handling the reins, the management of tandems and four-in-hands, the care of the harness, stable, etc. Whyte, James Christie. r7g8 W66 History of the British turf from the earliest period to the present day [1840]. 2v. 1840. Colburn. Motoring Barzini, Luigi. 798.1 628 Pekin to Paris; an account of Prince Borghese's journey across two continents in a motor-car; tr. by L. P. de Castelvecchio, with an intro- duction by Prince Borghese. 1907. Richards. Appeals first to the automobilist as the record of the most perfect test to which the motor car has been subjected (1908). The race began June 10, 1907 and Paris was reached August 10, 10,000 miles having been covered without serious mishap. The auto- mobilist will find in the book many suggestions for his safety and comfort on a long tour, and for the general reader also there is much of interest in the vivaciously written narrative. Jarrott, Charles. 798.1 Jig Ten years of motors and motor racing. 1906. Richards. The author writes in an interesting way of the early days of motor cycles and auto- mobiles and describes graphically the numerous European races in which he has taken part. Fully illustrated. Fishing. Hunting. Trapping Bibliography Albee, Louise Rankin, comp. qroi6.7gg Bartlett collection; a list of books on angling, fishes and fish cul- ture in Harvard College Library. 1896. (Harvard University Library. Bibliographical contributions, v.3, no.Si.) 1486 FISHING. HUNTING Harting, James Edmund, comp, roi6.7gg H32 Bibliotheca accipitraria; a catalogue of books ancient and modern re- lating to falconry, with notes, glossary and vocabulary. 1891. Quaritch. Many illustrations. High, James L. roiG.ygg HSS Catalogue of a choice and very complete collection of books on angling, collected by the late James L. High, to be sold Feb. 6th-8th, 191 1 by the Merwin-Clayton Sales Company, New York. General works ,, Ceprfeft TH Monies HIT,. 799 A315 SanncKH pyjKettnaro OXOTHHKE. 1897. (EfcuiHoe codpanie COIHHCHift, T. 6.) Andersch Bros. rjgg A54 Hunters and trappers guide, describing the various animals and how to hunt and trap them, with revised game laws of all the states and territories in the U. S. 1906. Privately printed. Elaine, Delabere Pritchett. r7gg 652 Encyclopaedia of rural sports; or, A complete account of hunting, shooting, fishing and racing and other field sports and athletic amuse- ments. 1840. Longman. Brunner, Josef. 7gg 883 Tracks and tracking. 1909. Outing. Explains simply and clearly how to interpret the meaning of animal tracks and trails and other signs useful to the hunter. Fully illustrated. Camp, Samuel Granger. 7gg dsf Fine art of fishing. 1911. Outing. Sketchy little book on fresh-water fishing, written by a man who is successful both in fishing and in telling about it. Camp, Samuel Granger. 7gg Cis Fishing kits and equipment. 1910. Outing. Cleveland, Grover. 799 Cs8 Fishing and shooting sketches. 1906. Outing. Contents: The mission of sport and outdoor life. A defense of fishermen. The serene duck hunter. The mission of fishing and fishermen. Some fishing pretenses and affectations. Summer shooting. Concerning rabbit shooting. A word to fisher- men. A duck hunting trip. Quail shooting. Very brief popular articles originally published in various periodicals. Colorado & Southern Railway Company. 7gg C72 Trouting in Colorado's waters. 1908. Daniel, William Barker. r7gg D22 Rural sports. 4v. 1812-13. Longman & Crosby. Daniel's "Rural sports" were the delight of sportsmen at the beginning of the cen- tury. The book will always be valued as a general record of sport before the introduc- tion of modern guns and methods to kill game more speedily and surely. It contains one of the earliest authentic accounts of wild-fowl shooting with punt and gun, besides many incidents connected with fowling that are of great interest as records of the sport of catching and shooting ducks in days long past. Condensed from Dictionary of national biography. FISHING. HUNTING 1487 Dimock, Anthony Weston, & Dimock, J. A. 799 059 Florida enchantments. 1908. Outing. bee-hunters and the Everglades. The photographs of leaping tarpon, alligators onu crocodiles at close range and of other creatures in various stages of capture are interest- ing documents of animal life and the main feature of the book. Edward of Norwich, duke of York. 799 31 The master of game; the oldest English book on hunting; ed. by W. A. and F. Baillie-Grohman, with a foreword by Theodore Roosevelt. 1909. Duffield. "List of some books consulted," p.z68 281. Written between the years 1406 and 1413 by Edward, second duke of York, grand- son of Edward III. The greater part of the book is not the original work of Edward of York, but a careful and almost literal translation of the most famous hunting book of all times, Count Gaston de Foix's "Livre de chasse." Five chapters dealing with English hunting and numerous interpolations were added by the translator, and these are printed in italics, to distinguish them from the original work. qr799 F76 Forest and stream; a weekly journal of the rod and gun, Aug. 10, 1876- Aug. 2, 1877. v.7-8. 1876-77. For v.g-date see preceding catalogue, first series. Herbert, Agnes. 799 H46it Two Dianas in Alaska, by Agnes Herbert and a shikari. 1909. Lane. The same Englishwomen who figured in the author's "Two Dianas in Somaliland" (799 H46i) go to Alaska to hunt big game. They meet two friends in America who join the party, one of whom has written certain chapters of this popular account of travel and sport. Illustrated. Herbert, Agnes. 799 H46i Two Dianas in Somaliland; the record of a shooting trip. 1908. Lane. The book has the charm of novelty for it records the experiences of two women the author and her cousin on a search for game in Africa. The account is vivaciously written and contains some exciting adventures. Holder, Charles Frederick. 799 Big game at sea. 1908. Outing. These chapters may be considered in a sense a plea for light tackle for all the big game of the sea, as illustrated by the methods of the Tuna Club and other clubs of southern California. The author's main interest lies in the tuna, the tarpon, the sea- bass, the barracuda and the yellowtail. Holder, Charles Frederick. J799 H7i Boy anglers. 1904. Appleton. Their adventures in the Gulf of Mexico, California, the Pacific and Atlantic oceans and the lakes and streams of Canada. Many pictures. Holder, Charles Frederick. 799 H7ir Recreations of a sportsman on the Pacific coast. 1910. Putnam. Dramatic account of angling experiences, chiefly in southern California, tales of tuna, yellowtail, black sea-bass, swordfish, trout and sharks. Gifford Pinchot plays a prominent part in several chapters, especially in the I3th, which contains a description of his fight with an enormous yellowtail. Another interesting chapter describes a journey by motor car through the great cactus forest of the delta of the Rio Yaqui, in Sonora, Mexico. Fully illustrated. Hornaday, William Temple. 799 H79C Camp-fires in the Canadian Rockies. 1906. Scribner. Enthusiastic account of a hunting trip in the mountains of southeastern British I 4 88 FISHING. HUNTING Hornaday, William Temple continued. 799 Columbia, the special object of which was the pursuit of the mountain goat. Illustrated by excellent photographs taken by John M. Phillips of Pittsburgh, who accompanied the author. Hornaday, William Temple. 799 Camp-fires on desert and lava. 1908. Scribner. Vivacious chronicle of a journey through unknown regions of Arizona and Mexico. Author was sportsman of the little exploring party, which included a botanist, a zoologist nd a geographer. Numerous illustrations, some in color. Maps. House, Edward John. 799 A hunter's camp-fires. 1909. Harper. Contents: Big-game hunting in northern lands. East African experiences. In the wake of the pack-train. Sport in the Cassiar mountains of northern British Columbia. Kalbfus, Joseph. r7gg Kns Save our birds and game; recommendations as to tne trapping and care of quail, use of poison for the extermination of vermin and crows. 1908. (Pennsylvania Game commissioners board.) Kreps, Elmer Harry. 799 Science of trapping; describes the fur bearing animals, their nature, habits and distribution, with practical methods for their capture. 1909. Harding. McCutcheon, John Tinney. Q799 Mi4 In Africa; hunting adventures in the big game country. 1910. Bobbs. "Entertaining story of the cartoonist's eighteen weeks' hunting trip to equatorial Africa, his meeting with Roosevelt, and his return to America by way of India, Java, China and Manila. The many amusing cartoons are supplemented by the author's photographs. The last chapter contains information on the outfit of an African hunting expedition, the game to be found, game laws and much else of interest to hunters." A. L. A. booklist, 1911. Millais, John Guille. q799 M68 Newfoundland and its untrodden ways. 1907. Longmans. Record of author's hunting expeditions in Newfoundland, including an exhaustive description of the caribou and much information about the inhabitants, especially the Micmac Indians. Fully illustrated from Mr Millais' own photographs. The best book on the natural history of the island. Condensed from Nation, 1908. Paine, Albert Bigelow. 799 Pi6 Tent dwellers. 1908. Outing. Appeared in "Outing," v. 52-53, May-Dec. 1908. "The story of a three weeks' fishing trip in Nova Scotia written simply, swiftly, and honestly." Nation, 1908. Illustrated. Pottinger, Sir Henry. 799 P86 Flood, fell and forest. 2v. 1905. Arnold. Hunting and fishing experiences in Norway, the author having been one of the first sportsmen to seek that country. "His style is that of the old-time sporting chronicle, full of quotations and classical reminiscences and the elaborate humour of a more leisurely age. . .There are chapters on bear-hunting and on elk-shooting, both in the forests and on the fjelds. . .There are also chapters on rough shooting on the islands and the pursuit of the woodland red-deer, and certain passages on trout-fishing which stir the reader to un-Christian envy. . .The reader will find, too, much general information about the land and its people set out with sympathy and humour." Spectator, 1905. FISHING. HUNTING 1489 Rhead, Louis John. 799 Rs8b Bait angling for common fishes. 1907. Outing. Small book of practical information intended for the amateur. Includes chapters on fishing for eel, perch, pickerel and trout. Roosevelt, Theodore. 799 R68a African game trails; an account of the African wanderings of an American hunter-naturalist. 1910. Scribner. Appeared in "Scribner's magazine," v.46-48, Oct. 1909 Sept. 1910. Beside the actual accomplishments of Col. Roosevelt's "great adventure," his written record of it is of secondary importance. At the time the expedition was planned, the United States National Museum at Washington was very poorly supplied with specimens representing the African fauna. And now, by one great forward thrust, the African section of that museum is placed in the front rank of zoological collections. It must be understood that scientifically the expedition was one of conquest rather than discovery. The measure of success in its real purpose is set forth modestly in this volume, but the extent of the scientific discoveries made is as yet only partly known. The illustrations are abundant and well chosen. Condensed from Nation, igio. Roosevelt, Theodore. J799 R68 Good hunting in pursuit of big game in the West. 1907. Harper. Contents: The wapiti, or round-horned elk. A cattle-killing bear. A Christmas buck. The timber-wolf. Shooting the prong-buck. A tame white goat. Ranching. The same 799 R68g Appeared in "Harper's round table," v. 17-1 8, 1896-97. Articles on big-game hunting and outdoor life in the West. St. John, Charles William George. 799 814 Wild sports and natural history of the Highlands, with the author's notes and a memoir by M. G. Watkins. 1907. Murray. First published in 1846. "His works preserve the memory of many curious birds and animals which are now scarcer than they were in his days, and may become extinct. His style is clear and direct, and the genuine appreciation of scenery is apparent beneath the sober details in which the books abound. His writings have sent multitudes of lovers of nature and sport to the rivers and moors of the north." Dictionary of national biography. [St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad Company.] 799 8145 Feathers and fins on the Frisco. 1905. Scull, Guy Hamilton. f 799 8437 Lassoing wild animals in Africa, with an introduction by Theodore Roosevelt and a foreword by C. S. Bird. 1911. Stokes. Narrative of the expedition into British East Africa in 1909, which was led by "Buffalo Jones," the American plainsman. Selous, Frederick Courteney. 799 846!! A hunter's wanderings in Africa; being a narrative of nine years spent amongst the game of the far interior of South Africa. 1907. Macmillan. First published in 1881. The expeditions were made primarily for the collection and sale of ivory, but incidentally led to varied big-game shooting and to exploration of parts of the country till then unknown. Well illustrated. Selous, Frederick Courteney. 799 S46r Recent hunting trips in British North America. 1907. Witherby. Recounts his adventures in the pursuit of moose, caribou and wild sheep in central Canada, Newfoundland, along the Macmillan river and in the Yukon territory. The concluding chapter contains suggestions on the equipment necessary for a hunter. Illus- trated. H90 FISHING. HUNTING. SHOOTING Smith, A. Mervyn. 799 $64 Sport and adventure in the Indian jungle. 1904. Hurst. Appeared in the Calcutta "Statesman." Contains a description of an elephant hunt and of exciting encounters with wild animals. The author states that most of the adventures related fell within his own personal experience. Stebbing, E. P. 799 S8i Jungle by-ways in India; leaves from the notebook of a sportsman and a naturalist. 1911. Lane. "It is like the off-hand, rapid-fire talk of a good friend who has just returned from a camping trip... Mr. Stebbing is a keen and truthful observer, and an honest chronicler of his own adventures. He has hunted about all kinds of India big game south of the Himalayas." Nation, 1910. Stigand, C. H. Q799 S8sg Game of British East Africa. 1909. Cox. Author is more interested in hunting and tracking than in mere shooting, and his book is rich in information on the habits, haunts and appearance of African game, especially the elephant, lion, rhinoceros, buffalo, bongo and kudu. Stigand, C. H. & Lyell, D. D. q799 885 Central African game and its spoor. 1906. Cox. Storehouse of information on the habits, haunts, appearance and footprints of Afri- can game and the methods of tracking them. Storey, Harry. 799 S88 Hunting & shooting in Ceylon. 1907. Longmans. Other sportsmen of experience have also contributed to this volume, which con- tains accounts of every variety of game. Numerous illustrations. Thomas, William S. 799 Hunting big game with gun and with kodak; a record of personal experiences in the United States, Canada and Mexico. 1906. Putnam Vasse, Guillaume. 799 V23 Three years' sport in Mozambique; tr. from the French by R. & H M. Lydekker. 1909. Pitman. Account of big-game shooting. Elephants, lions, leopards, hyenas, buffaloes, zebras and deer of many kinds were among the prey. Shooting Himmelwright, Abraham Lincoln Artman, (pseud. 799-3 Heclawa). Pistol and revolver. 1908. Little. The same. 1904. Macmillan. (In Money, A. W. and others. Guns, ammunition and tackle, p. 257-355.) 799 Manual of practical information and advice for those learning to shoot. Winans, Walter. q799-3 Art of revolver shooting. 1911. Putnam. Winans, Walter. q799-3 W77S The sporting rifle; the shooting of big and little game, with a de- scription of the principal classes of sporting weapons. 1908. Putnam. Literature Bibliography Edwardes, Marian, comp. roi6.8 31 Summary of the literatures of modern Europe (England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain) from the origins to 1400. 1907. Dent. "The work is essentially an annotated and classified bibliography, with references to the most authoritative scholarly discussions of the writings included. It presents an immense mass of historical and critical information in a form that is both compact and convenient for use." Dial, 1907. Harris, William James, comp. roi6.8 Hag First printed translations into English of the great foreign classics; a supplement to text-books of English literature. 1909. Routledge. "Object of this bibliography is to give in concise form the authors and titles, trans- lators and dates of the first English translations of the chief foreign authors, and incidentally to enable students to note the effect of such translations on the works of many of our great imaginative writers. . .The most important of the Anglo-Saxon, etc., romances have been included." Preface. Mulliken, Clara Angeline, afterward Mrs Norton, comp. roi6.8 Mg6 Reading list on modern dramatists; D'Annunzio, Hauptmann, Ibsen, Maeterlinck, Phillips, Rostand, Shaw and Sudermann. 1907. Bost. Book Co. (Bulletin of bibliography pamphlets, no.iS.) 801 Literary criticism Bennett, Arnold. 801 643 Literary taste; how to form it, with detailed instructions for collect- ing a complete library of English literature. [1910.] Hodder. Counsel on how and what to read, with suggested lists of books. Kersey, John A. 801 Kai Ethics of literature. 1894. Twentieth Century Press. "Pious fraud in literature" and "Religion's obsequious homage to science" are two of the titles of chapters in a work the evident aim of which is to disparage the work of authors whom people generally unite in calling great. Saintsbury, George. 801 815 History of criticism and literary taste in Europe, from the earliest texts to the present day [1900]. v.3. 1906. v.3- Modern criticism. For v.i-2 see preceding catalogue, first series. Shuman, Edwin Llewellyn. 801 856 How to judge a book; a handy method of criticism for the general reader. 1910. Houghton. Author, who is (1910) literary editor of the "Chicago record-herald," tries to formulate a simple system of criticism by means of which the ordinary reader may judge for himself as to the real merits of the latest popular novel. 1491 I4Q2 LITERATURE Spingarn, Joel Elias. 801 87511 The new criticism; a lecture delivered at Columbia University, March 9, 1910. 1911. Columbia University Press. Appeared in "Columbia University lectures on literature" under title "Literary criticism." Thoughtfully reasoned plea for less stern and rigid methods in criticism. 803 Dictionaries Walsh, William Shepard, comp. 1803 Wi8 Handy-book of literary curiosities. 1909. Lippincott. 804 Essays Adams, William Davenport. 804 A2i By-ways in book-land; short essays on literary subjects. 1889. Lock- wood. Contents: Paper-knife pleasures. Ruskin as poet. Elections in literature. Fa- miliar verse. Shakespeare's England. Heredity in song. Stings for the stingy. Dia- logues of the dead. Sermons in flowers. "Don Quixote" in England. Bedside books. Their much speaking. Peers and poetry. The praise of Thames. English epigraphs. The "season" in song. Alden, Henry Mills. 804 Magazine writing and the new literature. 1908. Harper. Essays on literary subjects. Mr Alden has been since 1869 editor of "Harper's monthly." Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle. 804 C4i Studies in European literature; a series of studies written for the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle. 1908. (Chautauqua reading circle literature.) Contents: An epic, "The song of Roland," by F. M. Warren. Montaigne and essay writing in France, by F. M. Warren. "Tartuffe," a typical comedy of Moliere, by J. A. Harrison. Lyrists and lyrics of old France, by J. A. Harrison. Victor Hugo's "Ninety- three," by F. M. Warren. The short story in France, by W. T. Peirce. Alexandre Dumas and "The three musketeers," by B. W. Wells. Balzac's "Eugenie Grandet," by W. P. Trent George Sand, by F. M. Warren. fimile Zola, "Le reve," by R. M. Lovett. Rostand, "Cyrano de Bergerac," by R. M. Lovett. Lessing*s "Nathan the Wise," by R. W. Deering. Schiller's "Wilhelm Tell," by R. W. Deering. Goethe's "Faust," pt.:-2, by R. W. Deering. Heinrich Heine, his life and work, by R. W. Deer- ing. Maurice Maeterlinck, "The intruder," "The blind," by R. M. Lovett. Gerhart Hauptmann, "The sunken bell," by R. M. Lovett. Hermann Sudermann, "Es war," by R. M. Lovett. Henrik Ibsen, "A doll's house," by R. M. Lovett. Farrer, James Anson. 804 Literary forgeries, with an introduction by Andrew Lang. 1907. Longmans. Contents: Some classical forgeries. Bertram: "The Pausanias of Britain." Greek forgery: Constantine Simonides. Italian forgery: Annius of Viterbo. Psal- manazar, the famous Formosan. Political forgery: the Eikon Basilike. Forgery in the church. The tragedy of Chatterton. The shame of Lauder. The forged letters of Byron and Shelley. A German forger: Friedrich Wagenfeld. A French forger: Vrain- Denis Lucas. The Marie-Antoinette forgeries. The immortal hoax of Ireland. Among the ballad forgers. Some miscellaneous forgeries. A book of curious learning on some interesting cases of literary deception. LITERATURE 1493 Friswell, James Hain. 804 Fgs Varia; readings from rare books. 1866. Low. Contents: The angelic doctor [Thomas Aquinas]. Nostradamus. Thomas a Kempis and the Imitatio Christ:. Dr John Faustus. Quevedo. Madame J. M. B. de la Mothe Guion and quietism. A. P. T. Bombast of Hohenheim [Paracelsus]. Howell the traveller. Michael Scot. Lodowick Muggleton. Sir Thomas Browne. George Psalmanazar. The highwayman, real and ideal. The spirit world and its literature. "Books consulted" at the beginning of each chapter. Henderson, Archibald, b. 1877. 804 H44 Interpreters of life and the modern spirit. 1911. Duckworth. Contents: George Meredith. Oscar Wilde. Maurice Maeterlinck. Henrik Ibsen. G. B. Shaw. "Essays. . .containing a good deal of useful information, and some suggestive criti- cism. A somewhat extensive knowledge of the works of these authors is presupposed. The otherwise pleasing style is marred by the constant use of foreign words and phrases for which there are satisfactory equivalents in English." A. L. A. 'booklist, 1911. Peck, Harry Thurston. 804 Pas Studies in several literatures. 1909. Dodd. Contents: The Odyssey. Alciphron. Milton. The lyrics of Tennyson. Long- fellow. Poe as a story-writer. Hawthorne and "The scarlet letter." Emerson. Thackeray and "Vanity fair." Anthony Trollope. mile Zola. Tolstoi's "Anna Karenina." Alphonse Daudet's masterpiece. The detective story. The psychology of the printed page. "The aspects of foreign literature which attract. .. [the author], modern or ancient, are those which are most closely parallel to the most familiar aspects of contemporary life and contemporary life in America." Nation, /pop. Santayana, George. 804 823 Three philosophical poets: Lucretius, Dante and Goethe. 1910. Harvard University. (Harvard University. Studies in comparative literature, v.i.) Each poet is made the subject of a separate essay which is partly an exposition of intellectual origins, contents and character, and partly an attempt to assign the place and value, in the scheme of life and thought, of the formula of each. Lucretius is presented as the poet of naturalism; Dante, of supernaturalism; Goethe, of romanticism. Woodberry, George Edward. 804 W85 Appreciation of literature. 1907. Baker. Contents: First principles. Lyrical poetry. Narrative poetry. Dramatic poetry. Fiction. Other prose forms. Practical suggestions. Woodberry, George Edward. 804 W8st The torch; eight lectures on race power in literature delivered before the Lowell Institute of Boston, 1903. 1905. McClure. Contents: Man and the race. The language of all the world. The Titan myth. Spenser. Milton. Wordsworth. Shelley. The fundamental thesis of the book is that the race is the real maker of literature and as the race-mind is embalmed from age to age in its literary manifestations the story of mental evolution can be derived from a comparative study of these writings. 805 Periodicals. 806 Societies r8os 647 Bibelot; a reprint of poetry and prose for book lovers, chosen in part from scarce editions and sources not generally known [monthly], 1895- 98, 1905-07. v.i-4, 11-13. 1895-1907. Mosher. The Bibelot for each month is devoted usually to a single author, giving perhaps several of his poems, or an essay, or a story. A wide field is covered in the selection. 1494 LITERATURE r8os Cya Colorado College publications; language series, no. 1-28. v.i-2. 1890- 1911. no.t-14 issued in Colorado College studies, v.i-io (rsos 722). v.i (no.i-i4>. Horace Od. Ill, i, 34. Witchcraft among the Hindus. Dialect studies in West Virginia. On two passages in the Crito. On a passage in the Frogs. Note on the Hadley-Allen grammar. The etymologies in the Servian commentary to Vergil. Some notes on Blaydes" Nubes. On a passage in Euripides' Iphigenia Taurica. The conditional in German. On the eight lines usually prefixed to Horat. Serm. i, 10. Literature for children. La femme dans les chansons de geste. The earliest life of Milton. v.2 (no. 15-28). A note upon Dryden's heroic stanzas on the death of Cromwell. Some defects in the teaching of modern languages. A plea for more Spanish in the schools of Colorado. The evolution of Maeterlinck's dramatic theory. A study of Eng- lish blank verse. Lowell's conception of poetry. The church and education. Litera- ture as a force in character building. Relation of the home to the criminal. Jonson and Milton on Shakespeare. Rousseau and Wordsworth. The supernatural in Haw- thorne and Poe. "Much ado about nothing" and Ben Jonson's "The case is altered." A note on "Henry V." Pennsylvania University. qrSos Publications; series in philology and literature, v.ii-13. 1906-10. v.n. Smith, Wentworth. The Hector of Germanic; or, The Palsgrave prime elec- tor; ed. with introduction and notes by L. W. Payne. v.i2, no.i. Heywood, Thomas. The royall king and loyall subject; ed. with intro- duction and notes by K. W. Tibbals. v.i a, no.2. Mendelsohn, C. J. Studies in the word-play in Plautus. v.i 3. Rowley, William. All's lost by lust, and A shoe-maker, a gentleman, with an introduction on Rowley's place in the drama by C. W. Stork. For v.i-io see preceding catalogue, second series. Besant, Sir Walter. r8o6 646 Society of Authors; a record of its action from its foundation [in 1883]. 1893. Soc. of Authors. Brief history of a society of English authors founded for the defense of literary property and the amendment of domestic and international copyright. Lord Tennyson was its first president. 807 Study and teaching of literature Bates, Arlo. 807 631 Talks on teaching literature. 1906. Houghton. Based upon lectures delivered at the summer school of the University of Illinois in 1905. Mr Bates presents some of the problems and difficulties in the teaching of literature to children and offers helpful suggestions. Colby, June Rose. 807 C6j Literature and life in school. 1906. Houghton. Bibliography, p. 179-220. Aims to show that literature should be made a vital part of school life, not merely in formal instruction, but in many incidental ways and in a spontaneous rather than a con- ventional fashion. Appendix gives suggestions for class and outside reading. 808 Rhetoric Baldwin, Charles Sears. 808 Bigw Writing and speaking; a text-book of rhetoric. 1909. Longmans. Defines clearness and interest as the two objects of composition and shows how to achieve these ends. Includes detailed instruction in the use of the public library. Author is (1909) professor of rhetoric in Yale University. RHETORIC 1495 Beak, George Bailey. 808 634 Indexing and precis writing. 1908. Macmillan. Key 808 6343 Composed almost wholly of extracts from official correspondence, law evidence, public speeches and general literature for the student to index and summarize according to prefixed rules. Berkeley, Frances Campbell, comp. 808 645 College course in writing from models, with introduction and notes. 1910. Holt. Prose selections for use as models in composition. Blaisdell, Thomas Charles. 808 652 Steps in English; composition, rhetoric. 1906. American Book Co. Cody, Sherwin. 808 C6s Composition. 1903. Old Greek Press. (Art of writing & speaking the English language.) Cody, Sherwin. 808 C6ss Story-writing & journalism. 1905. Old Greek Press. (Art of writ- ing & speaking the English language.) Contents: Literary journalism. Short story writing. Creative composition. Same as his "Constructive rhetoric." Colles, William Morris, & Cresswell, Henry. 808 C6g Success in literature. 1911. Duffield. . Contents: The literary great. Success. Originality. The literary worker and his work. Equipment. Reading. Style. Form and treatment. On various kinds of books. Authorship. Cooper, Frederic Taber. 808 Cy86 Craftsmanship of writing. 1911. Dodd. Contents: The inborn talent. The power of self-criticism. The author's purpose. The technique of form. The gospel of infinite pains. The question of clearness. The question of style. The technique of translating. Aim is to help the would-be writer to an understanding of the technical and the artistic side of his profession, to discount its delays and disappointments and to cultivate an intelligent self-criticism. Cooper, Lane, ed. 808 C78 Theories of style, with especial reference to prose composition; es- says, excerpts and translations. 1007. Macmillan. Contents: Introduction: Wackernagel's Theory of prose and of style. Plato, from the Phsedrus. Aristotle, from the Rhetoric. Longinus, On the sublime. Swift, from A letter to a young clergyman. Buffon, Discourse on style. Voltaire, Style. Goethe, Simple imitation of nature; manner; style. Coleridge, On style. De Quincey, Style (part 4). Thoreau, from A week on the Concord and Merrimack rivers. Schopenhauer, On style. Spencer, The philosophy of style. Lewes, The principles of success in litera- ture (chapters 5, 6). Stevenson, On some technical elements of style in literature. Pater, Style. Brunetiere, The French mastery of style. Harrison, On English prose. Curry, Samuel Silas. 808 Cgs Imagination and dramatic instinct; some practical steps for their development. 1896. Expression Co. By a teacher of long experience, the founder of the Boston School of Expression. Text-book for the study of elocution, containing a large number of illustrative selections. Curry, Samuel Silas. 808 Cgsp Province of expression; a search for principles underlying adequate methods of developing dramatic and oratoric delivery. 1891. Boston School of Expression. General survey of the subject, defining its field and criticizing the traditional schools of expression. I 4 g6 RHETORIC Espenshade, Abraham Howry. 808 83 Essentials of composition and rhetoric. 1909. Heath. Gardiner, John Hays, and others. 808 Giym Manual of composition and rhetoric. 1907. Ginn. Hitchcock, Alfred Marshall. 808 H62 Theme-book in English composition. 1910. Holt. Author is (1910) a teacher in the Hartford (Conn.) High School. Suggested exer- cises in narration, exposition, description, speech-making, discussion, argument and de- bate, essays and orations. Very useful as a collection of subjects. Lacey, William Brittingham. r8o8 Li2i Illustration of the principles of rhetorick; designed for high schools, female seminaries and private students. 1834. Pittsburgh. Lockwood, Mrs Sara Elizabeth (Husted), & Emerson, M. A. 808 Composition and rhetoric for higher schools. 1901. Ginn. By experienced teachers. The book is comprehensive and practical, emphasis being laid on the pupil's own thinking and writing. Negyesy, Laszlo, ed. 808 N2i Retorika prozai olvasmanyok; elmelet. 1907. Rickard, Thomas Arthur. . 808 R43 Guide to technical writing. 1908. Mining and Scientific Press. By a practical mining engineer. Contains the fundamental rules for correct compo- sition, with especial application to writing on scientific and technical subjects. In- teresting and helpful sections on the misuse of certain words connected with mining, etc. Scott, Fred Newton, & Denney, J. V. 808 842? Paragraph-writing; a rhetoric for colleges. 1909. Allyn. "Supplementary reading," p.393~399. Sykes, Frederick Henry. 808 898 English composition for grammar schools. 1908. Scribner. "Source books for composition," p. 314. Directions for oral and written composition based on pictures and model passages. Intended as a practical text-book for sixth, seventh and eighth grades. Waddy, Virginia. 808 Wn Elements of composition and rhetoric. 1889. Amer. Book Co. (Harvey's language course.) Philosophy of poetry Aristotle. 808.1 Ayi Poetics of Aristotle [Greek and English text] ; ed. with critical notes and a translation by S. H. Butcher. 1907. Macmillan. "Editions, translations, etc." p.25-28. The same. 1902. Macmillan. (In Butcher, S. H. Aristotle's theory of poetry and fine art, p.i-in.) 701 Ayizb "Editions, translations, etc." p.3S~37- The same; tr. from Greek into English and from Arabic into Latin, with a revised text, introduction, commentary, glossary and onomas- ticon by D. S. Margoliouth. [1911.] Hodder 808.1 Ayia Bibliographies, p. 15-1 9. TECHNIQUE OF THE DRAMA 1497 Prickard, Arthur Octavius. 808.1 Ayizp Aristotle on the Art of poetry; a lecture with two appendices. 1891. Macmillan. Bradley, Andrew Cecil. 808.1 B68o Oxford lectures on poetry. 1909. Macmillan. Contents: Poetry for poetry's sake. The sublime. Hegel's theory of tragedy. Wordsworth. Shelley's view of poetry. The long poem in the age of Wordsworth. The letters of Keats. The rejection of Falstaff. Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra. Shakespeare the man. Shakespeare's theatre and audience. About a third of the book is devoted to Shakespeare, the remaining lectures deal with the theory of poetry and certain notable examples of poetic practice. Professor Bradley is a rare instance in modern days of the application of the classical critical methods. From a patient analysis of poetic experience he ascends to principles which in turn become lamps to illumine his further path. He reverences the objects of his criticism and interprets them with that insight which comes only from sympathy and laborious study. He seeks to show, not his own cleverness, but the poet's greatness and he appreciates, as few have done, the essential function of poetry. The four Shake- spearian studies reach the high-water mark of modern Shakespearian criticism. Con- densed from Spectator, /pop. "There is no work in English devoted to the interpretation of poetic experience which can claim the delicacy and sureness of Mr. Bradley's." Athenaum, /pop. Mackie, Alexander. 808.1 Mi8 Nature knowledge in modern poetry; being chapters on Tennyson, Wordsworth, Matthew Arnold and Lowell as exponents of nature- study. 1906. Longmans. Technique of the drama Caffin, Charles Henry. 808.2 Ci2 Appreciation of the drama. 1908. Baker. Studies in the literary technique of the drama, with chapters on the audience, the stage and the actor. Matthews, Brander. 808.2 M47S Study of the drama. 1910. Houghton. "Bibliographical suggestions," p. 302-307. "Comprehensive and interesting summary of the progressive steps in the develop- ment of dramatic art from the earliest classical period to our own day. In its broad outlines of general principles, conditions, and influences it furnishes about all the information on those subjects that the ordinarily intelligent reader is likely to require, while in its references to the best authorities it will be a valuable guide to the special student. It covers, if not minutely at least sufficiently, not only the English-speaking, but the principal European, stages, and the relations existing among them. From his youth up Professor Matthews has been a diligent and enthusiastic student of the theatre, at home and abroad its dramatists, its players, and its technique and few men are more conversant with the historical facts concerning it." Nation, 1910. Technique of fiction Albright, Evelyn May. 808.3 ^34 The short-story, its principles and structure. 1907. Macmillan. "Bibliographical note," p.233. "Reading list," p. 234-245. Serviceable guide for short story writers. Constructive criticism forms the sub- stance of the work, which is well illustrated with examples. Davidson, Mrs Hannah Amelia (Noyes). 808.3 D2g Creative art of fiction. 1907. 1498 ORATORY AND ORATIONS Esenwein, Joseph Berg. 808.3 E8i Writing the short-story; a practical handbook on the rise, structure, writing and sale of the modern short-story. 1908. Hinds. "Bibliography," $.427-431. Contains questions and exercises for class or individual study. Author is (1909) editor of "Lippincott's monthly magazine." Gerwig, George William. 808.3 632 Art of the short story. 1909. Werner. Studies some phases of its development in America. Green, Thomas Hill. 808.3 683 Estimate of the value and influence of works of fiction in modern times; ed. with introduction and notes by F. N. Scott. 1911. Wahr. Binder's title reads "The value and influence of works of fiction." The editor, who is (1911) professor of rhetoric in the University of Michigan, has found this essay very helpful for advanced classes in the theory of prose fiction. Hamilton, Clayton Meeker. 808.3 Materials and methods of fiction. 1908. Baker. Popular presentation of the general principles underlying the art of fiction. Home, Charles Francis. 808.3 Technique of the novel; the elements of the art, their evolution and present use. 1908. Harper. "Bibliography," p. 275-280. "Exhibits the historical development of the essential elements of the novel from an- cient Egypt till now, showing by multitudinous examples how they have been employed from age to age. . .For intelligent novel readers as well as novel writers." Outlook, 1908. Oratory and orations. Debating For Debaters' manuals, see 028 Bell, Alexander Melville. 808.5 639 Principles of elocution, with exercises and notations. 1887. Volta Bureau. Bell, David Charles, & Bell, A. M. 808.5 6399 Standard elocutionist; principles and exercises (chiefly from "Elocu- tionary manual") followed by extracts in prose and poetry classified and adapted for reading and recitation. 1911. Funk. Book-keeper Publishing Co. 808.5 663 Some after dinner speeches, with a few anecdotes of famous men and some toasts for occasion, with an introductory note by E. H. Beach. 1904. Denney, Joseph Villiers, and others. 808.5 043 Argumentation and debate. 1910. Amer. Book Co. The same 1:808.5 043 Presents briefly and clearly the theory of argumentation and furnishes a sufficient number of complete debates for a thorough course in analysis and briefing. The selec- tions are taken from great debates on critical issues of American history, politics and law. ORATORY AND ORATIONS 1499 Everts, Katherine Jewell. 808.5 ^95 The speaking voice; principles of training simplified and condensed. 1908. Harper. Simple exercises, followed by studies in vocal interpretation. Many selections in prose and poetry. Foster, William Trufant. 808.5 F8i Argumentation and debating. 1908. Houghton. The same ............................................... r8o8.5 F8i One of the most satisfactory books in this field. It is not an academic formulation of principles, but an inside view of the art presented by one conversant with all its diffi- culties and delights. A copious appendix gives specimens of analysis, briefs, material for briefing, a forensic, and a complete specimen debate, a model for instruction to judges and for the formation of a debating league, together with 275 debatable proposi- tions. Condensed from Nation, 1908. Fulton, Robert Irving, & Trueblood, T. C. 808.5 Fg8 Essentials of public speaking for secondary schools. 1909. Ginn. Discusses simply the essential elements of good delivery and gives selections for practice. Hapgood, George. 808.5 H24 Ready-made speeches. 1908. Penn Pub. Co. Little book of model speeches for various occasions. Hevesi, Sandor. 808.5 ^49 Az eloadas mtiveszete. 1908. Kleiser, Grenville Percy. How to argue and win. 1910 . . . for law lecture, by Abraham Lincoln. Of truth, Kleiser, Grenville Percy. 808.5 How to develop power and personality in speaking, with an intro- duction by L. O. Brastow. 1909. Funk. Kleiser, Grenville Percy. 808.5 KSI How to speak in public. 1906. Funk. Written from practical experience as an elocution teacher. The author illustrates his remarks on the use of the voice by many examples from poetry and prose and his suggestions on effective public speech making are supplemented by numerous selections for practice. Knapp, Ella Adelaide, & French, J. C. ed. 808.5 K 33 The speech for special occasions. 1911. Macmillan. "General bibliography," p.393~39S- The same ............................................... 1808.5 K 33 Speeches by various speakers, suitable to constantly recurring occasions, as the speech of commemoration, of laying a corner-stone, of presentation or acceptance, of welcome, farewell, etc. Lyman, Rollo Lu Verne. 808.5 Lg8 Principles of effective debating. 1908. (Wisconsin University University extension division.) The same ................................................ r8o8-5 Lg8 Brief essay by the associate professor of rhetoric and oratory (1909) at the Uni- versity of Wisconsin. 1500 LETTER WRITING Murdoch, James Edward. r8o8.s A plea for spoken language; an essay upon comparative elocution condensed from lectures delivered throughout the United States. 1883. Van Antwerp. Pattee, George Kynett. 808.5 PSI Practical argumentation. 1909. Century. The same r8o8.5 PSI Aims to restore argumentation to its proper rank as a form of English composition. Contains about all that is essential to the subject and includes a number of suggestions for debate. Shutter, Edwin DuBois, ed. 808.5 $56 Masterpieces of modern oratory. 1906. Ginn. Contents: Conciliation with the American colonies, by Edmund Burke. The mur- der of Captain Joseph White, by Daniel Webster. "A house divided against itself can- not stand," by Abraham Lincoln. The scholar in a republic, by Wendell Phillips. The public duty of educated men, by G. W. Curtis. The race problem in the South, by H. W. Grady. The Puritan and the Cavalier, by Henry Watterson. Eulogy of Robert E. Lee, by J. W. Daniel. Eulogy of Ulysses S. Grant, by Horace Porter. The immor- tality of good deeds, by T. B. Reed. Tribute to Marcus A. Hanna, by A. J. Beveridge. Marshall and the constitution, by W. B. Cockran. International arbitration, by Carl Schurz. Opportunity, by J. L. Spalding. Salt, by Henry van Dyke. Contains bibliographies. Thomas, Ralph Wilmer. 808.5 T$7 Manual of debate. 1910. Amer. Book Co. The same r8o8-5 T37 "List of debatable questions classified according to subjects," p.2io-22o. Letter writing Bannon, Alice. 808.6 622 Letter writing and model letters. 1908. Bardeen. Chiefly model letters, both social and business, arranged by grades for school use. Cody, Sherwin. 808.6 65 Success in letter writing, business and social. 1906. McClurg. Izdebski, Wtadysfaw. 808.6 134 Najnowszy sekretarz powszechny; praktyczny podr^cznik dla sa- moukow. 1904. (Niezbe.dna ksia.zka dla wszystkich.) Universal letter writer. Loomis, Henry Thomas. 808.6 L8sa New practical letter writing. 1911. Practical Text Book Co. Humor Harris, Joel Chandler, and others, ed. 808.7 ^29 World's wit and humor. I5v. 1906. Review of Reviews Co. .1-5. American. .6-9. British. .10. French. .11. French. International caricature. .12. German. .13. Italian. Spanish. .14. Russian. Scandinavian. Miscellaneous. . 1 5. Greek. Roman. Oriental. Comprehensive anthology, of international scope though giving the fullest repre- sentation to America. Every selection is intended to be complete and comprehensible by itself. SELECTIONS FOR READING AND SPEAKING 1501 r8o8.y 1,36 Laughing philosopher; or, Fun, humour and wit, being a collection of choice anecdotes, many of which, never before in print, originated in or about the "Literary emporium." 1833. Sylvester. New York & Pittsburgh. Selections for reading and speaking Granger's "Index to poetry and recitations," an author and title index which covers many collections of poetry, may be consulted at the Reference desk and the Lending desk. Alexander, Georgia. J8o8.8 Second reader. 1909. Bobbs. (Child classics.) Fables from JEsop, easy poems, fairy and folk tales and legendary stories. Alexander, Georgia. J8o8.8 Third reader. 1909. Bobbs. (Child classics.) "List of books for home reading," p. 256. Includes The skylark's spurs. The wonderful world. The wonderful tar-baby. The miller, his son and the donkey. The last lesson in French. A mad tea party. What the old man does is always right. The husband who was to mind the house. The broken flower-pot. The leak in the dike. The lad who went to the North Wind. Alexander, Georgia, & Alexander, Grace. J8o8.8 Asyf Fourth reader. 1909. Bobbs. (Child classics.) "List of books for home reading," p.284-28s. Partial contents: Baron Miinchhausen in Russia. The merry pranks of Till Owl- glass. How they brought the good news from Ghent to Aix. Christmas at the Cratchits'. How Thor went to the land of giants. Incident of the French camp. Joan of Arc. William Tell. Titania and Oberon. Alexander, Georgia, & Alexander, Grace. J8o8.8 Fifth reader. 1909. Bobbs. (Child classics.) "List of books for home reading," p. 379-381. Selections from Shelley, Tennyson, Emerson, Scott, Lowell, Mrs Gaskell, Ruskin, Holmes, Kipling, Dickens, Charles Lamb and others. 808.8 A6s Antologia obca; wybor najcelniejszych utworow poetow cudzoziems- kich. General anthology. Barbe, Waitman. 808.8 623 Famous poems explained; helps to reading with the understanding, with biographical notes of the authors represented, with an introduc- tion by R. G. Boone. 1909. Hinds. Intended as a handbook for teachers and a help for pupils. Explains about 60 well- known short poems by English and American writers. Blair, Matilda, comp. 808.8 652 Our holidays; recitations and exercises for New Year, Lincoln's and Washington's birthdays, Memorial, Flag, Independence, Labor, Thanksgiving and Christmas days. 1906. McLoughlin. Brewer, David Josiah, ed. r8o8.8 673 Crowned masterpieces of literature that have advanced civilization, as preserved and presented by the world's best essays from the earliest period to the present time. lov. 1902. Kaiser. 1502 SELECTIONS FOR READING AND SPEAKING Carman, Bliss, ed. r8o8.8 C2i World's best poetry. lov. 1904. Morris. v.i. Of home. Of friendship. v.a. Love. v.3. Sorrow and consolation. v.4. The higher life. v.$. Nature. v.6. Of fancy. Of sentiment. v.7. Descriptive. Narrative. v.8. National spirit. v.p. Of tragedy. Of humor. Poetical quotations. The poems of this anthology are grouped under several comprehensive heads and each volume has an introductory essay on some aspect of poetry. Chociszewski, Jozef. 808.8 C44 Deklamator polski; zbior poezyi religijnych, narodowych i his- torycznych, stosownych do wyglaszania podczas uroczystosci patryo- tycznych, rodzinnych oraz wycieczek letnich z dodaniem dyalogow i sztuczek teatralnych. 1898. Book of recitations. Craig, Asa H. & Gunnison, Binney, comp. 808.8 C86 Pieces for prize speaking contests; a collection of over 100 pieces. 1899. Du Bois, Mary R. J. comp. 808.8 D8s Poems for travelers. 1908. Holt. Contents : The ocean. France. Germany. Austria. Switzerland. Italy. Greece. Foster, Elon, comp. r8o8.8 F8is Cyclopaedia of poetry, embracing the best from all sources and on all subjects. 2v. 1872-81. Crowell. v.2 embraces poems descriptive of the scenes, incidents, persons and places of the Bible, also indexes to Foster's cyclopxdias. "Partial list of works quoted," v.i, p.695-696. Foster, Elon, comp. r8o8.8 FSisn New cyclopaedia of prose illustrations, adapted to Christian teaching, embracing mythology, analogies, legends, parables, emblems, meta- phors, similes, allegories, proverbs, classic, historic and religious anec- dotes, etc., with an introduction by S. H. Tyng. 2v. 1870-77. Crowell. Fulton, Robert Irving, and others, ed. 808.8 Fg8s Standard selections; a collection and adaptation of superior pro- ductions from best authors, for use in class room and on the platform. 1907. Ginn. Garnett, Richard, 1835-1906, and others, ed. qr8o8.8 Gig Universal anthology; a collection of the best literature, ancient, mediaeval and modern, with biographical and explanatory notes. 33v. 1899. Clarke. v.33 is an index volume. [Gates, Philip, comp.] q8o8.8 623 Christmas in song and story. 1875. Cockcroft. The same qr8o8.8 623 Collection of familiar carols, poems and a few stories, including Dickens's "Christmas carol." SELECTIONS FOR READING AND SPEAKING 1503 808.8 H 3 8 Heart throbs in prose and verse dear to the American people, and by them contributed in the $10,000 prize contest initiated by the National magazine. 2v. 1905-11. Chappie. Favorite selections, including poetry, prose quotations and anecdotes. Humphrey, Lucy Henderson, comp. r8o8.8 Hg2 Poetic old-world; a little book for tourists. 1908. Holt. Small volume of the most famous poems associated with historic and classic places of Europe, arranged in the order of a possible itinerary. Lucas, Edward Verrall, comp. 808.8 Lg61 Ladies' pageant. 1908. Macmillan. Selections from poets and prose writers in praise of women, real or imaginary. [Lynch, Abigail, comp.] r8o8.8 Lgg Classified index of the materials contained in the different series of school readers. 1910. Dulfer Printing Co. Cover title reads "The Ypsilanti index." Melville, Helen, & Melville, Lewis, comp. 808.8 London's lure; an anthology in prose & verse. 1909. Bell. Admirably arranged collection. Misch, Mrs Marion L. Simons, comp. 808.8 Selections for homes and schools. 1911. Jewish Publication Soc. of America. Poems suitable for home reading and for recitations in Jewish religious schools, junior sections of the Council of Jewish Women and other Jewish organizations. Largely on biblical subjects. Ohio State commissioner of common schools. r8o8.8 Oi8 Memorial day and Peace day manual, 1910. 1910. Persons, Eleanor A. comp. 808.8 ?447 Our country in poem and prose; arranged for collateral and supple- mentary reading. 1899. Amer. Book Co. The same ................................................ J8o8.8 P44 "The pupils' interest in history depends largely upon the amount of bright, enter- taining material brought forward during the recitation. This volume is presented to the public in the hope that it may place directly in the hands of pupils the supplemental literature needed." Preface. [Revell, Ellen Isabel, comp.] 808.8 Rs6 Lincoln's birthday; exercises for the school-room. 1908. Educa- tional Pub. Co. (Teachers' help series.) Revell, Ellen Isabel, comp. 808.8 Memorial day; exercises for the school-room. 1909. Educational Pub. Co. (Teachers' help series.) Schauffler, Robert Haven, ed. 808.8 Arbor day; its history, observance, spirit and significance, with prac- tical selections on tree-planting and conservation and a nature anthol- ogy. 1909. Moffat. (Our American holidays.) The same ................................................ r8o8.8 831 1504 SELECTIONS FOR READING AND SPEAKING Schauffler, Robert Haven, ed. 808.8 Memorial day (Decoration day); its celebration, spirit and signifi- cance as related in prose and verse, with a non-sectional anthology of the Civil war. 1911. Moffat. (Our American holidays.) The same .............................................. r8o8.8 Schauffler, Robert Haven, comp. 808.8 831 Through Italy with the poets. 1908. Moffat. Collection of poems on Italy, from the different nations and centuries, arranged in the order of a natural tour from Verona and Milan to the Riviera, down the western side of Italy and up the eastern side. Scherr, Johannes, ed. 808.8 832 Bildersaal der weltliteratur; aus dem literaturschatz der morgen- lander, der alten, der Romanen, der Germanen, der Slaven, der Mag- yaren und der Neugriechen ausgewahlt, mit anmerkungen und einem literarhistorischen katalog. 1848. Scott, Robert, & Stiles, W. C. comp. qr8o8.8 842 Cyclopedia of illustrations for public speakers; containing facts, incidents, stories, experiences, anecdotes, selections, etc. for illustrative purposes, with cross-references. 1911. Funk. Skinner, Charles Rufus, comp. q8o8.8 862 Manual of patriotism, for use in the public schools of the state of New York. 1904. Collection of prose and poetry bearing upon love of country and upon notable events and names in American history. Patriotic songs are included. [Somers, Minnie R. comp.] 808.8 869 Festival recitations and exercises; comprising original and selected recitations, dialogues, readings and exercises for Christmas, New Year's, Easter, children's day, anniversary, rally day, harvest home, Thanksgiving and all other festival celebrations. 1907. MacCalla. Designed primarily for Sunday-school festivals. Spaulding, Frank Ellsworth, & Bryce, C. T. J8o8.8 873 Fourth reader, with illustrations by M. E. Webb. 1909. Newson. (Aldine readers.) Reading-book for fourth and fifth grades. Selections from Lewis Carroll, Ander- en, George Macdonald, Joel Chandler Harris, Riley, Tennyson, Longfellow, etc. A few of the titles are, The queen's croquet party. Some experiences of Baron Mun- chauscn. The heart of the Bruce. The red thread of courage. The charcoal burner who became a knight. The Inchcape rock. The pied piper of Hamelin. Spaulding, Frank Ellsworth, & Bryce, C. T. J8o8.8 S?sb Fifth reader. 1909. Newson. Reading-book for sixth, seventh and eighth grades. Selections from leading Ameri- can and English authors, arranged under the headings, For home and country. Do and dare. The traveler on his way. In the open. Wit and wisdom. Experience and ad- venture. Service and obedience. Speaker [quarterly], Dec. i9O5-date. v.i-date. 808.8 8741 Selections in prose and poetry, many of them adapted and abridged from long poems, stories and speeches. An author, title and, in case of poems, a first-line index, to the "Speaker" is kept up to date in the Reference Room. QUOTATIONS 1505 Stevenson, Burton Egbert, & Stevenson, Mrs E. S. 808.8 884 (Butler), comp. Days and deeds; prose for children's reading and speaking. 1907. Baker. The same ............................................... r8o8.8 884 Among the days included are Washington's birthday, Memorial day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Arbor day and Lincoln's birthday. In addition there are selections relating to nearly 50 prominent Americans and to the seasons of the year. Toth, Bela, ed. 808.8 T64 Szajrul szajra; a Magyarsag szallo igei. 1907. Welsh, Charles, ed. J8o8.8 Wsi Key to the treasure house; a book of reference containing complete indexes, a pronouncing vocabulary, notes on literary sources, and on- names, places, events, references and allusions 'in the Young folks' li- brary [new series]. 1902. Hall & Locke. (Young folks' library, new ser. v.2i. Werner, Edgar S. pub. 808.8 Readings and recitations. v.32-5i. iSg2-ig^2. v.32. Monologues, comp. by Stanley Schell. v.33. Including "Julia and Annie Thomas's Favorite selections." v.34. Stories, comp. by Elise West. v.3s. Cats and kittens, comp. by Mrs F. W. Fender. v.36. Sixteen 2-character plays, also encores, ed. by Pauline Phelps and Marion Short. v.37. Platform recitations, comp. by Elise West. v.38. Dialect, comp. by E. S. Werner. v.39. Dramatic, comp. by Elise West. v.40. Thanksgiving celebrations, comp. by Stanley Schell. v.4i. Werner's book of pantomimes, written or adapted by Stanley Schell. v.42. Famous modern orations, comp. by Elise West. v.43. Old-time favorites, comp. by Elise West. v.44. All-round recitations, comp. by Elise West. v.45-46. Lincoln celebrations, comp. arranged and written by Stanley Schell. v.47. Platform and all-round, comp. arranged and written by Stanley Schell. v.48. Musical effects, by Stanley Schell; music written or arranged by E. J. Biedermann [and] Arthur Gutman. v.49- Washington celebrations, by Stanley Schell. V.SD. Girl impersonations, written, comp. or arranged by Stanley Schell. v.5i. Platform and all-round recitations, comp. by Stanley Schell. For v.i -3 1 see preceding catalogue, second series. Williams, Sherman, comp. 808.8 Wy4ch Choice literature for primary grades. 2v. 1898. Amer. Book Co. Quotations Ballou, Maturin Murray, comp. r8o8.8 621 Treasury of thought; forming an encyclopaedia of quotations from ancient and modern authors. 1872. Osgood. Barrows, Mary Minerva, comp. r8o8.8 626 Value of simplicity; introduction by J. W. Howe. 1905. Caldwell. Brief quotations in verse and prose, selected from many authors. Benham, William Gurney, comp. r8o8.8 643 Cassell's book of quotations, proverbs and household words; a col- lection of quotations from British and American authors, with many I5 o6 QUOTATIONS Benham, William Gurney, camp. continued. r8o8.8 843 thousands of proverbs, familiar phrases and sayings from all sources, including Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Latin, French, German, Spanish, Italian and other languages. [1907.] Cassell. Bohn, Henry George, comp. r8o8.8 859 Dictionary of quotations from the English poets. 1881. Bell. Biichmann, Georg, comp. r8o8.8 884 Geflugelte worte; der zitatenschatz des deutschen volkes; fort- gesetzt von Walter Robert-Tornow, bearbeitet von Eduard Ippel. 1907. Haude. Handbook of phrases in all languages, but chiefly German, with sources and explana- tions. Friswell, James Hain, comp. r8o8.8 Fgs6 Familiar words; an index verborum or quotation handbook, with parallel passages of phrases which have become imbedded in our Eng- lish tongue. 1880. Low. Gould, Hialmer Day, & Hessenmueller, E. L. comp. r8o8.8 673 Best thoughts of best thinkers. 1904. Best Thoughts Pub. Co. King, William Francis Henry, comp. r8o8.8 K26 Classical and foreign quotations. 1904. Knowles, Frederic Lawrence, comp. r8o8.8 Value of courage. 1905. Caldwell. Short selections, in verse and prose, taken from many authors. Linn, S. Pollock. r8o8.8 Living thoughts of leading thinkers; a thesaurus. 1872. Foster. Pittsburgh. Quotations in prose and verse, ranging in source from Shakespeare to recent authors. Spencer, John, comp. r8o8.8 874 Things new and old; or, A storehouse of similes, sentences, alle- gories, apophthegms, adages, apologues, divine, moral, political, &c., collected and observed from the writings and sayings of the learned in all ages to this present, with a preface by Thomas Fuller. 2v. 1869. Tcgg. First published in 1658. Tonger, P. J. comp. 808.8 T6i Lebensfreude; spriiche und gedichte. Treffry, Elford Eveleigh, comp. r8o8.8 T7i Stokes* encyclopedia of familiar quotations, containing five thou- sand selections from six hundred authors. 1906. Stokes. The quotations, which are mostly poetical, are arranged under subject and are from English and American authors. Wale, William, comp. r8o8.8 Wi6 What great men have said about great men; a dictionary of quota- tions. 1902. Sonnenschein. HISTORY OF LITERATURE 1507 Walsh, William Shepard, comp. 808.8 Wi8 International encyclopedia of prose and poetical quotations from the literature of the world. 1908. Winston. The same r8o8.8 Wi8 Williams, William Horace, comp. 808.8 Wj4Q Memory gems for school and home. 1907. Barnes. 809 History of literature BpaHflect, Feopr-B Mopnci. Korent. 809 B691 JlHxepaxypa XIX Biica B-B tx rjiaBHtixt xeieHiaxt. 3 T. 1895-1900. ' T. 1. OpaHijyscKafl jmxepaxypa: JlHxepaxypa 3MHrpaHxoBT> ; PeaKu,ifl BO Opani^in ; PoMaHTHiecKafl iiiKOJia. x. 2. AnrjiiiicKaH Jinxepaxypa : HaxypajiH3Mi> BX Anrjiin ; Oaepnafl niKOJia: Baftpom. H ero rpynna. x. 3. HiMeu,Kafl jinxepaxypa : PoMaHXHiecKaa niKOJia B-B FepMaHin; Mo;io/i;afl FepManiH. Grierson, Herbert John Clifford. 809 G8g First half of the I7th century. 1906. Blackwood. (Periods of European literature.) Contents: Holland, verse and prose. Holland, drama. English drama. English poetry. English prose. French verse and prose. French drama. Italy and Germany. Author is (1906) professor of English literature in the University of Aberdeen. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. 809 L82 Origin and growth of the languages of southern Europe and of their literature. 1907. Bowdoin College. An inaugural address delivered Sept. 2, 1830 at Bowdoin College. "Of interest rather as a study of Longfellow's mind than as a contribution to knowledge of either Romance language or literature, in the light of present-day philology and criticism." Nation, 7907. Moulton, Richard Green. 809 Mg4 World literature and its place in general culture. 1911. Macmillan. "List of books," p. 483-493. "Admirable survey of the field of literature 'as seen in perspective from the point of view of the English-speaking peoples.' The five 'literary Bibles' the Holy Bible, classical epic and tragedy, Shakespeare, Dante and Milton, and the versions of the story of Faust as the nucleus of world literature are presented in comprehensive and inter- esting summaries, and collateral studies, comparative reading, strategic points in litera- ture, etc., are discussed. The chapter on the place of the world literature in education is of especial interest." A. L. A. booklist, igu. Raumer, Friedrich Ludwig Georg von. 809 R22 Handbuch zur geschichte der litteratur. 4v. in 2. 1864-66. Brock- haus. Handbook of universal literature from the early beginnings to about the middle of the 1 9th century. Ancient literatures are treated very briefly. Saintsbury, George. 809 815! Later igth century. 1907. Blackwood. (Periods of European litera- ture.) General survey of European literature from the times of Tennyson and Victor Hugo to Ibsen and Tolstoi. I 5 o8 HISTORY OF POETRY Scherr, Johannes. 809 832 Allgemeine geschichte der literatur. 2v. in i. 1869. Shackford, Martha Hale. r8og 852 European masterpieces before the iQth century. 1906. Freeman. (Key books, v.4.) "General bibliography," p.Ss-pi. Vaughan, Charles Edwyn. 809 Vas The romantic revolt. 1907. Blackwood. (Periods of European literature.) Bibliography at the end of each chapter. "Studies the growth and effects of that great resolve to recognize the rights of the emotions, the instincts and the passions, to realize the sympathy between man and the surrounding universe. . .that was and is the essence of the romantic movement. His analysis of the work of the individual leaders is always penetrating and just... Mr. Vaughan's impartial scholarship has led him, in an English book, to allow to the section on Germany that larger bulk which is undoubtedly due to the history of the German mind in this particular movement of the human spirit." Outlook (London), 1007. History and criticism of poetry Austin, Alfred. 809.1 Bridling of Pegasus; prose papers on poetry. 1910. Macmillan. Contents: The essentials of great poetry. The feminine note in English poetry. Milton and Dante; a comparison and a contrast. Byron and Wordsworth. Dante's realistic treatment of the ideal. Dante's poetic conception of woman. Poetry and pessimism. A vindication of Tennyson. On the relation of literature to politics. A conversation with Shakespeare in the Elysian fields. Blount, Sir Thomas Pope. rSog.i 656 De re poetica; or, Remarks upon poetry, with Characters and cen- sures of the most considerable poets, whether ancient or modern. 1694. Everingham. Clarke, Helen Archibald. 809.1 53 Ancient myths in modern poets. 1910. Baker. Contents: The Prometheus myth from Hesiod to Shelley. The moon and the sun from the Homeric hymns to Keats. Monge, Leon de. 809.1 M8a fitudes morales et litteraires; epopees et romans chevaleresques. 2v. in i. 1887-89. Peeters. Contents: Lcs Nibelungen. La chanson de Roland. Le poeme du Cid. Les ro- mans de la Table-Ronde. Roland furieux. Amadis. Don Quichotte et Don Juan. Noel, Roden Berkeley Wriothesley. 809.1 N39 Essays on poetry and poets. 1886. Paul. Contents: On the poetic interpretation of nature. Chatterton. Lord Byron and his times. Shelley. Wordsworth. Keats. Victor Hugo. The poetry of Tennyson. Robert Browning. Robert Buchanan's poetry. A study of Walt Whitman. Rambles by Cornish seas. Woodberry, George Edward. 809.1 W8s Inspiration of poetry. 1910. Macmillan. Contents: Poetic madness. Marlowe. Camoens. Byron. Gray. Tasso. Lucre- Inspiration. HISTORY OF THE DRAMA 1509 History and criticism of the drama Donne, William Bodham. 809.2 072 Essays on the drama. 1858. Parker. Contents: Athenian comedy. Beaumont and Fletcher. Plays and their providers. Songs from the dramatists. The drama. Charles Kemble. The drama, past and present. Popular amusements. Dukes, Ashley. 809.2 D88 Modern dramatists. [1911.] Palmer. Contents: Introductory. Modernity and the dramatist. The influence of Ibsen. SCANDINAVIA: Bjornsterne Bjornson; August Strindberg. GERMANY: Hermann Suder- mann; Gerhart Hauptmann; Frank Wedekind. ENGLAND: Bernard Shaw; Granville Barker; John Galsworthy. AUSTRIA: Arthur Schnitzler; Hugo von Hofmannsthal. RUSSIA: Tolstoy and Gorky; Anton Tchekhov. FRANCE: Alfred Capus; Brieux. BELGIUM AND HOLLAND: Maurice Maeterlinck; Hermann Heijermans. ITALY: Gabriele d'Annunzio. A summary. "List of plays," $.277-302. Hase, Karl August von. 809.2 H$3 Miracle plays and sacred dramas; a historical survey; tr. from the German by A. W. Jackson and ed. by W. W. Jackson. 1880. Triibner. Contents: The mysteries of the middle ages. Polemic plays and echoes of the mys- tery. Revival of the sacred drama in Spain. Occasional traces of the religious drama in the French classical tragedy. Hans Sachs and Lessing's "Nathan." The church and the theatre. Kueffner, Louise Mallinckrodt. r8og.2 K43 Development of the historic drama, its theory and practice; a study based chiefly on the dramas of Elizabethan England and of Germany. 1910. University of Chicago Press. Thesis for Ph. D., University of Chicago. "Bibliography," p.Ss-pj. Montague, Charles Edward. 809.2 M84 Dramatic values. [1911.] Methuen. 1 Contents: The plays of J. M. Synge. Fiscal measures. Good acting. The well- made play. Some plays of G. B. Shaw. "On the actual spot" Three acted plays of Moliere. Improvements in play-making. Some points of Ibsen. Shakspere's way with Agincourt. Oscar Wilde's comedies. Playgoing at Stratford-on-Avon. Mr Masefield's tragedies. Good and bad subjects for plays. The art of Mr Poel. The wholesome play. Vaughan, Charles Edwyn. 809.2 V23 Types of tragic drama. 1908. Macmillan. Contents: Greek tragedy: .^Eschylus; Sophocles; Euripides. Roman tragedy; Sen- eca. Modern classical tragedy: Racine; Alfieri. Romantic tragdy: Shakespeare; Cal- deron. Romantic tragedy, historical drama; Goethe's Faust. Fusion of classical and romantic tragedy: Goethe's Iphigenie; Dramas of Victor Hugo. Some types of recent drama: Browning; Maeterlinck; Ibsen. Author is (1908) professor of English literature in the University of Leeds. The book consists of lectures delivered at the university. The aim has been to show that the drama from ^Eschylus to Ibsen has developed from the outward to the inward, from presentation of action to delineation of character. History and criticism of fiction Phelps, William Lyon. 809.3 P49 Essays on modern novelists. 1910. Macmillan. Contents: William De Morgan. Thomas Hardy. W. D. Howells. Bjornstjerne Bjornson. Mark Twain. Henryk Sienkiewicz. Hermann Sudermann. Alfred O1H- vant. R. L. Stevenson. Mrs Humphry Ward. Rudyard Kipling. "Lorna Doone." Appendices: Novels as a university study. The teacher's attitude toward contemporary I 5 io AMERICAN LITERATURE Phelps, William Lyon continued. 809.3 ?49 literature. Two poems ["New Year's eve," by Thomas Hardy and "Dominus illuminatio mea," by R. D. Blackmore]. List of the publications of the novelists, by Andrew Keogh, $.261-293. Puccini, Roberto. 809.3 Pg8 II romanzo psicologico e la sua importanza educativa. 1896. Ber- nardino. "Note bibliografiche," p-365-378. Ransome, Arthur. 809.3 RiQ History of story-telling; studies in the development of narrative. [1910.] Stokes. Contents: Origins. "The romance of the rose." Chaucer and Boccaccio. The rogue novel. The Elizabethans. The pastoral. Cervantes. The essayists' contribution to story-telling. Transition : Bunyan and Defoe. Richardson and the feminine novel. Fielding, Smollett and the masculine novel. A note on Sterne. Chateaubriand and romanticism. Scott and romanticism. The romanticism of 1830. Balzac. Gautier and the East. Poe and the new technique. Hawthorne and moral romance. Merimee and conversational story-telling. Flaubert. A note on De Maupassant. Conclusion. History of satire Hannay, James, 1827-73. 809.7 ^23 Satire and satirists. 1855. Redfield. Contents: Horace and Juvenal. Erasmus, Sir David Lindsay and George Buchanan. Early European satire: Boileau, Butler, Dryden. Swift, Pope, Churchill. Political satire and squibs : Burns. Byron, Moore, etc. : present aspect of satirical literature. Hazlitt, William Carew. 809.7 Hs8 Studies in jocular literature; a popular subject more closely con- sidered. 1890. Stock. (Book lover's library.) Discussion of the different forms of the jest riddles, epigrams, ballads, etc. 810 American literature Brownell, William Crary. 810.4 B8i American prose masters: Cooper, Hawthorne, Emerson, Poe, Low- ell [and] Henry James. 1909. Scribner. Powell, Thomas. 810.4 P87 Living authors^of America, ist ser. 1850. Stringer. Contents: James Fenimore Cooper. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Nathaniel Parker Willis. Edgar Allan Poe. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. William H. Prescott. William Cullen Bryant. Fitz-Greene Halleck. Richard Henry Dana. Frances Sargent Osgood. S. Margaret Fuller. Mrs C. M. Kirkland. Jared Sparks. Vincent, Leon Henry. 810.4 ^34 American literary masters. 1906. Houghton. Contents: Washington Irving. W. C. Bryant. J. F. Cooper. George Bancroft. W. H. Prescott. R. W. Emerson. E. A. Poe. H. W. Longfellow. J. G. Whittier. Nathaniel Hawthorne. H. D. Thoreau. O. W. Holmes. J. L. Motley. Francis Park- man. Bayard Taylor. G. W. Curtis. D. G. Mitchell. J. R. Lowell. Walt Whitman. The essays follow a systematic plan, discussing the life, character and work of each author. Wauchope, George Armstrong. r8io.8 W33 Writers of South Carolina, with a critical introduction, biographical sketches and selections in prose and verse. 1910. State Co. HISTORY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE 1511 History and criticism of American literature Halleck, Reuben Post. 810.9 Hi7 History of American literature. 1911. Amer. Book Co. "References for further study" and "Suggested readings" at the end of each chapter; "Supplementary list of authors and their chief works," p-399 421. Seems to possess all the features which have made his "History of English litera- ture" such a popular and successful text-book. Its estimates and criticisms* show the same immediate contact with the subject and the same knack of presentation. There are general reviews and parallel surveys of English literature for each period; and there are references for literary and historical study. Condensed from Nation, 1911. Holliday, Carl. 810.9 Hj2 History of Southern literature. 1906. Neale. "Bibliography," p-395-397- Covers the period from 1607 to 1905. "It is the purpose of this volume to make a study of the various literary movements and their results and to show that the writings of this section are not mere disconnected efforts of isolated thinkers, but, rather, the natural, logical, and continuous productions of a people differing so materially in views and sentiments from their neighbors on the North that even civil war was necessary to prevent their becoming separate nations." Preface. Marble, Mrs Annie (Russell). 810.9 Heralds of American literature; a group of patriot writers of the Revolutionary and national periods. 1907. University of Chicago Press. Contents: Introductory: Signs of the dawn; The impulse of Franklin. Francis Hopkinson. Philip Freneau, America's first poet. John Trumbull, satirist and scholar. A group of Hartford wits. Joseph Dennie, "the lay preacher." William Dunlap, the beginnings of drama. C. B. Brown. "Bibliography," P-32I-353. Moses, Montrose Jonas. 810.9 ^93 Literature of the South. 1910. Crowell. Contents: Colonial period. Revolutionary period. Ante-bellum period. Civil war period. The new South. "Bibliography," p.475~499. "The special contribution which Mr. Moses makes to his subject is in his considera- tion of the sociaj, political, and economic forces out of which a Southern literature has developed." Dial, 1910. Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson. 810.9 Oi2 Literary history of Philadelphia. 1906. Jacobs. From Penn and the Quakers to Bayard Taylor and Charles Godfrey Leland. The author gives interesting information in regard to the early periodicals published in Philadelphia, including the once famous "Godey's lady's book" and "Graham's magazine." Stanton, Theodore, ed. 810.9 879 Manual of American literature [1607-1906]; ed. in collaboration with members of the faculty of Cornell University. 1909. Putnam. Contents: Colonial literature; The Revolutionary period, by M. C. Tyler, abridged by the editor. The igth century: The historians, by I. M. Bentley; The novelists, by C. S. Northup; The poets, by Lane Cooper; The essayists and the humorists, by E. J. Bailey; The orators and the divines, by Lane Cooper; The scientists, by C. S. Northup; The periodicals, by C. S. Northup. "American authors represented in the Tauchnitz edition," p.4S5 456. Trent, William Peterfield. 810.9 T72b Brief history of American literature. 1005. Appleton. (Twentieth century text-books.) Bibliography at the end of every chapter. I S I2 AMERICAN POETRY 811 American poetry Bibliography Roehm, Alfred I. roi6.8u Bibliographic und kritik der deutschen ubersetzungen aus der ameri- kanischen dichtung. 1910. Thesfs for Ph. D., University of Chicago. Wegelin, Oscar, comp. roi6.8n W43a Early American poetry, 1800-1820, with an appendix containing the titles of volumes and broadsides issued during the I7th and i8th cen- turies, which were omitted in the volume containing the years 1650- 1799. 1907. Privately printed. Individual works Adams, Charles Follen. 811 Azi Leedle Yawcob Strauss, and other poems. 1878. Lee. Humorous verse in German dialect. Illustrated. Bait, John Franklin. r8n Bi6 Poetical works. 1904. Henry. [Bakewell, Thomas.] r8u 617 The Pittsburgh Sanitary fair, June i, 1864 [a poem], by An old citizen. Type-written copy. The same. 1872. Bakewell. Pittsburgh. (In Campbell, Mrs N. W. & Bakewell, Thomas. Poetry and prose, p.73~78.) r8n 15 Barnes, Mrs Mary Emelia (Clark). r8n 625 Athanasia [poem]. 1907. Towne. Poem by Mrs Lemuel Call Barnes, formerly of Pittsburgh. Branch, Anna Hempstead. 811 B6gr Rose of the wind, and other poems. 1910. Houghton. B[uchanan], W. B. r8u 6849 Baltimore; or, Long, long time ago. 1853. (Maryland Historical Society. Publications.) Poem in which the author describes a visit to familiar localities of his youth in Baltimore. Three shorter poems are also included. Burgoyne, Arthur G. 811 Bgi Songs of every day. 1900. Pittsburgh Printing Co. Selected from a series of verses appearing daily in the "Pittsburgh leader" (1890- 1900) in the column headed "All sorts," and constituting a running commentary on the events of the hour. Burleigh, William Henry. r8n 892 Our country; its dangers and its destiny; a desultory poem. 1841. Allegheny Literary Soc. Allegheny. Cawein, Madison Julius. 811 C2gn New poems. 1909. Richards. AMERICAN POETRY 1513 Daly, Thomas Augustine. 811 Carmina [poems]. 1909. Lane. Drummond, William Henry. 811 D&4g The great fight; poems and sketches; ed. with a biographical sketch by M. H. Drummond. 1908. Putnam. Drummond, William Henry. 8n D84V The voyageur, and other poems. 1905. Putnam. French-Canadian dialect poems. Dunbar, Paul Laurence. 811 DSgli Life and works of Paul Laurence Dunbar, containing his complete poetical works, his best short stories, numerous anecdotes and a com- plete biography of the famous poet by L. K. Wiggins, and an intro- duction by W. D. Howells. [1907.] Nichols. Ehrmann, Max. 811 38 Poems. 1906. Viquesney Pub. Co. Elder, Cyrus. 811 43 Poems. 1909. Lippincott. Farnsworth, Edward Clarence. ' 811 Poems and essays. 1906. Smith. Field, Eugene. 811 Love-songs of childhood. 1895. Scribner. Field, Eugene. 811 Poems. 1911. Scribner. Complete edition^ The same ........................................... . ..... r8n F45 Field, Eugene. 811 With trumpet and drum. 1896. Scribner. Poems for and about children. Foss, Samuel Walter. 811 Songs of the average man [poems]. [1907.] Lothrop. Genin, Thomas Hedges. 811 629 Selections from [his] writings, with a biographical sketch. 1869. Jenkins. Genin (1796-1868) was one of the early settlers of Ohio and an active abolitionist. The selections, which are for the most part poetical, include the "Napolead," an elabo- rate poem in 12 books, describing Napoleon's career from the Russian campaign to the departure for Elba. Gould, Hannah Flagg. r8n 673 Poems. 3v. 1839-41. Hilliard. Greenwood, Grace, (pseud, of Mrs Sara Jane (Clarke) 811 G8$ Lippincott). Poems. 1851. Ticknor. Guiney, Louise Imogen. 811 Gg6h Happy ending; the collected lyrics of Louise Imogen Guiney. 1909. Houghton. Harte, Bret. r8n Poems. 1871. Osgood. 1514 AMERICAN POETRY Heil, Albert Joseph. 811 Harold and Ada, and other poems. 1906. Pittsburgh Printing Co. Pittsburgh. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. J8u Hyag2 Grandmother's story [of Bunker Hill battle], and other poems. 1891. Houghton. Biographical sketch of Holmes, p.5~7- Holmes, Oliver Wendell. 811 Iron gate, and other poems. 1880. Houghton. Howe, Mrs Julia (Ward). 811 At sunset [poems]. 1910. Houghton. Humphreys, Col. David. r8n Hga Miscellaneous works. 1790. Hodge. "Essay on the life of Israel Putnam," p. 184 330. Humphreys (1752-1818) was a Connecticut poet who served on the staff of General Putnam in the Revolution and was later an aide-de-camp to Washington. While in the army he wrote many poems to encourage the soldiers. Jewett, Sophie. 811 Jsi Poems; ed. by L. R. Jewett and M. W. Calkins. 1910. Crowell. Johnson, Felicia Ross. 811 J36i Seamstress and poet, and other verses. 1907. Badger. Keller, Helen Adams. 811 Ki6 Song of the stone wall. 1910. Century. Poem, with full-page illustrations. Leonhart, Rudolph. 811 L62 Power of love [poem]. 1900. Kerr. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. J8n L82chi Children's Longfellow. 1908. Houghton. Selection of Longfellow's poems, including such favorites as The skeleton in armor. The wreck of the Hesperus. The village blacksmith. The old clock on the stairs. The building of the ship. King Robert of Sicily. The legend beautiful. Colored pictures. 811 L82h JIB Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. 811 L82k K61temenyeib61; Makkabeus, Judas, Pandora es kisebb koltemenyek; forditotta Szasz Bela. 1897. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. 811 L82l Liriche e novelle; tradotte da Carlo Faccioli. 1896. Le Monnier. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. r8n L82m Masque of Pandora, and other poems. 1875. Osgood. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. r8n L82p Poems. 2v. 1856. Ticknor. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. 811 L82U Ultima Thule. 1880. Houghton. The same. 1890. (In his Poetical works, v.3, p.235-258.) . .811 L82 v.s AMERICAN POETRY 1515 Lowell, James Russell. 811 Lgsh Heartsease and rue. 1888. Houghton. Lowell, James Russell. 811 Vision of Sir Launfal. 1890. Houghton. M'Clintock, William J, r8u The victor crowned [a poem]. 1893. Gleaner Pub. Co. Pittsburgh. By the pastor of the Deer Creek United Presbyterian Congregation, Lewis, Pa. McDonald, Lawrence. 811 Mi4 Songs and sonnets. 1907. Weldin. Pittsburgh. Appeared in various magazines and newspapers under the name of Lawrence Sars- field. McGirr, John Joseph. 811 Mi6a Destruction of the world, and other poems. 1886. Mudge. Mackaye, Percy Wallace. 811 Mi7 Poems. 1909. Macmillan. Malone, Walter. 811 Mag Songs of east and west. 1906. Morton. Marvin, Frederic Rowland. r8n M43 Poems and translations. 1907. Pafraets Book Co. Mercedes, Sister, originally Mary Antonio Gallagher. 811 M6s Heart songs; verses. [1911.] St. Xavier Academy. Montgomery, Robert M. r8n M86 Collection of miscellaneous poems, and a college oration. 1835. Jaynes. Pittsburgh. Newell, William Wells. 811 Nay Isolt's return [a poem]. Privately printed. Author (1839-1907) was founder of the American Folk-lore Society. He made a special study of the Arthurian legend and devotes some space in the book to a com- parison of the older versions of the legend of Tristan and Iseult. Osgood, Mrs Frances Sargent (Locke). 811 Oag Poems. 1850. Carey. American poet (1812-50), much praised by the critics of her day. Illustrated. Page, Thomas Nelson. 811 Pi4 Coast of Bohemia [poems]. 1906. Scribner. Percival, James Gates. 811 P42 Poetical works, with a biographical sketch [by E. D. North]. 2v. 1859. Ticknor. Platt, Charles D. r8ii P68 Ballads of New Jersey in the Revolution. 1896. Jerseyman Print, Morristown, N. J. Author states that he has closely followed history in the various incidents which he has described. Poe, Edgar Allan. 811 P74CO Complete poems, with a critical introduction by C. F. Richardson. 1908. Putman. I 5 i6 AMERICAN POETRY Pope, John William. r8n P8is Songs and satires. 1876. Anderson. Pittsburgh. Proctor, Edna Dean. 811 Pg6s Song of the ancient people [a poem], with preface and notes by John Fiske and commentary by F. H. Gushing. 1893. Houghton. Purdy, Truman H. r8n Pg8 Legends of the Susquehanna, and other poems. 1888. Lippincott. Raymond, George Lansing. 811 R24 Ballads, and other poems. 1908. Putnam. Raymond, George Lansing. 811 Dante [a drama], and Collected verse. 1909. Putnam. Raymond, George Lansing. 811 A life in song. 1908. Putnam. Riley, James Whitcomb. 811 Morning [poems], 1907. Bobbs. Riley, James Whitcomb. J8n R45O Out to old Aunt Mary's. 1904. Bobbs. Pictures by H. C. Christy and text decorations by Margaret Armstrong. Riley, James Whitcomb. 811 R45r Rhymes of childhood. 1899. Riley, James Whitcomb. 811 R45S Songs 6' cheer. 1905. Bobbs. The same J8n R45S Robbins, Reginald Chauncey. 811 R532 Love poems. 2v. 1905-12. Riverside Press. Russell, Irwin. 8n Rgi Poems. 1888. Century. Author (1853-79) was one of the first Southern writers to appreciate the literary possibilities of the negro character. Most of the poems are in negro dialect. Saxe, John Godfrey. 811 827? Poems. 1880. Houghton. Scott, Henry Brownfield. 811 8426 The Lorelei, and other poems, with prose settings. 1910. Werner. The same. . .' r8n 8426 Scott, John D. r8n 842 Pleasures of home, and other poems. 1856. Whitney. Pittsburgh. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. 811 852 From old fields; poems of the Civil war. 1906. Houghton. Sigourney, Mrs Lydia Howard (Huntley). 811 857? Poems for the sea. 1850. Parsons. Sill, Edward Rowland. 811 SsSpo Poetical works. 1906. Houghton. First complete edition of the poetical work of the American poet (1841-87). Includes many poems which have not before been published. AMERICAN POETRY 1517 Stafford, Wendell Phillips. 811 S7?gd Dorian days; poems. 1909. Macmillan. Author is (1911) associate justice of the Supreme court of the District of Columbia. Most of the poems are on classical themes. Stanton, Frank Lebby. 811 8790 Comes one with a song [poems]. 1899. Bowen. Author is a Southern poet, at present (1910) on the staff of the "Atlanta constitu- tion." Most of his work has appeared in newspapers and magazines. Stedman, Edmund Clarence. 811 S8ip Poems. 1908. Houghton. Biographical sketch of Stedman, by Linda Stedman, p. 13-20. Stowe, Mrs Harriet (Beecher). 811 889 Religious poems. 1867. Ttcknor. Tabor, Slythe. r8ii Tn Verses. 1888. Thaw, Alexander Blair. 811 Paestum, and other poems. 1909. Brentano. The same ................................................ r8ii Townsend, George Alfred, (pseud. Gath). * 811 T66 Poems of men and events. 1899. Bonaventure. Upson, Arthur. 811 U26 Collected poems; ed. with an introduction by Richard Burton. 2v. 1909. Brooks. v.i. At the sign of the harp. Westwind songs. Octaves in an Oxford garden. The city. Sonnets. v.2. The tides of spring, and other poems. Late poems. His poetry, though lacking fulness and detachment, has many qualities to deepen regret at the untoward accident which put an untimely end to his life. Particularly at- tractive are the glimpses which the reader catches, through Dr Burton's introduction and through the poems themselves, of the young poet, both as college student and as graduate. Delicacy and fancy are the reigning characteristics of his verse. Condensed from Nation, 1910. Van Dyke, Henry. 811 Vi8w White bees, and other poems. 1909. Scribner. Wharton, Mrs Edith (Jones). 811 WSQ Artemis to Actaeon, and other verse. 1909. Scribner. Wheatley, Phillis. 811 Wsg6 Poems, as they were originally published in London, 1773. 1909. age of .foems, as tney were originally puDiisnea in .London, 1773. Wright. Author (1753-84) was a negress born in Africa, brought to America at the eight and sold into slavery. Whitman, Walt. 811 W64S Selections from [his] prose and poetry; ed. with an introduction by O. L. Triggs. 1906. Small. "Selected bibliography," ^.251-257. Includes the preface to the first edition of "Leaves of grass." "The aim of the editor. . .has been to make a representative selection He has tried to select, not what from a conventional point of view would be called 'the best' of Whitman, but rather what is most characteristic. . .The biographical chapter was made up from many sources; but it relies for its authority chiefly upon the writings of Whit- man's biographer and great friend, Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke." Preface. I5i8 COLLECTIONS OF AMERICAN POETRY Whittier, John Greenleaf. 811 W66j John Greenleaf Whittier; a sketch of his life by Bliss Perry, with selected poems. 1907. Houghton. Little volume written for the Whittier centenary. The brief introductory sketch of his life aims to present the chief formative influences which affected his career and the character of his poetry. The poems have been chosen also to illustrate the in- fluences and development of his life. Wilkinson, Elizabeth Hays. J8n W72Q The lane to sleepy town, and other verses. 1910. Reed. Pittsburgh. Verses for little children. Among them, Boy dreams. The fairies. The land of play. Story people. The gypsy child. Dreamland bells. The land of Never-to-be. The tin soldiers. Shadow people. Castles. The waiting star. The same 811 Wy2 The same r8n Wj2 Author is a Pittsburgh woman and the pictures are by a Pittsburgh artist. Collections of American poetry Banks, Louis Albert. 811.08 822 Immortal songs of camp and field; the story of their inspiration, with striking anecdotes connected with their history. 1899. Coggeshall, William Turner, ed. r8ii.o8 C66 Poets and poetry of the West, with biographical and critical notices. 1860. Follett. Contains more than 150 names, with brief selections. The writers are for the most part little known. r8ii.o8 C72 Columbian muse; a selection of American poetry from various authors of established reputation. 1794. Carey. Collection of poems of Joel Barlow, Timothy Dwight, John Trumbull, Philip Freneau, David Humphreys, Lemuel Hopkins, William Dunlap and other early American poets. Crandall, Charles Henry, comp. 811.08 C86 Representative sonnets by American poets, with an essay on the sonnet, its nature and history, including many notable sonnets of other literatures, also biographical notes. 1891. Houghton. Everest, Charles W. rSn.oS 95 The poets of Connecticut, with biographical sketches. 1864. Barnes. Indues the names of Joel Barlow, Fitz-Greene Halleck and Mrs Sigourney. The biographies and the selections are brief. Griffith, George Bancroft, comp. r8n.o8 G8g Poets of Maine; a collection of specimen poems from over 400 verse-makers of the Pine-tree state, with biographical sketches. 1888. Elwell. Griswold. Rufus Wilmot, comp. 811.08 Gg3 Poets and poetry of America. 1855. Parry. Biographical and critical sketches, with some selections from each author. A short historical introduction covers the period before Freneau (1752-1832), the first poet treated at length. Harrison, Joseph Le Roy, & Knowles, F. L. comp. 811.08 H2g Cap and gown; some college verse, v.3. 1903. For v.i-2 see preceding catalogue, first series. COLLECTIONS OF AMERICAN POETRY 1519 Hemenway, Abby Maria, ed. rSii.oS H43 Poets and poetry of Vermont. 1858. Tuttle. Short selections from many authors. In a few cases brief biographical details are given. Holliday, Carl. r8n.o8 Hy2 Three centuries of Southern poetry, 1607-1907. 1908. Publishing House of the M. E. church, Nashville, Tenn. "Bibliography," p. 260 262. Selected poems, with biographical and critical notes. Keese, John, ed. 811.08 Ki5 Poets of America; illustrated by one of her painters. 2v. 1840-42. Colman. Collection of American poems. Lancey, S. Herbert, ed. r8n.o8 L2i Native poets of Maine. 1854. Bugbee. Includes selections from the writings of about 30 poets, prefaced by very brief bio- graphical sketches. May, Caroline, ed. 811.08 M52 American female poets, with biographical and critical notices. 1848. Lindsay. Simms, William Gilmore, comp. rSii.oS 859 War poetry of the South. 1867. Richardson. Stevenson, Burton Egbert, comp. 811.08 884 Poems of American history. 1908. Houghton. Contents: Colonial period. The Revolution. The period of growth. The Civil war. The period of expansion. The same rSii.oS 884 Wellington, Mrs Nellie Urner, ed. 811.08 Wi8 American history by American poets. 2v. 1911. Duffield. Collection of poems on subjects directly connected with American history. Ex- planatory notes on each poem are provided, as well as author, title and first line indexes. History and criticism of American poetry Hubner, Charles William. 811.09 H8y Representative Southern poets. 1906. Neale. Contents: Sidney Lanier. Paul Hamilton Hayne. Henry Timrod. Abram Joseph Ryan. James Barren Hope. Francis Orrery Ticknor. Margaret Junkin Preston. Edward Coate Pinkney. Thomas Holley Chivers. Poe and some of his critics. Short essays in biography and criticism, giving frequent quotations from their poetry. Larcom, Lucy. qSn.og Ls2 Landscape in American poetry, with illustrations on wood from drawings by J. A. Brown. 1879. Appleton. Monroe, Will Seymour. rSn.og M8s Poets and poetry of the Wyoming valley. 1887. (Lackawanna In- stitute of History and Science. Special publication no.2.) Reprinted from the "Saturday Argus," March 1887. 1520 AMERICAN DRAMA Painter, Franklin Verzelius Newton. 811.09 Pi6p Poets of Virginia. 1907. Johnson. "Titles of works reviewed," P-32O-336. Over 100 names are included in this history of poetry in Virginia from colonial times to the present day. Short criticisms are given, with usually a few examples. 812 American drama Bibliography Roden, Robert F. comp. roi6.8i2 Rs8 Later American plays, 1831-1900; being a compilation of the titles of plays by American authors published and performed in America since 1831. 1900. (Dunlap Society. Publications. New ser. no.i2.) Practically a second part to Wegelin's "Early American plays, 17 14-: 830" (roi6.8ia W43). Individual works Austin, Mrs Mary (Hunter). 812 Ags The arrow maker; a drama in three acts. 1911. Duffield. Drama of Indian life. Baker, Rachel E. 812 Biy Mr Bob; a comedy in two acts. 1894. Baker. Bangs, John Kendrick. 812 B22t The real thing, and three other farces. 1909. Harper. Other farces: The Harringtons' "at home." The return of Christmas. The side- show. Satires on modern life, the first a take-off on the servant problem. Suited to dramatic reading or monologue. [Brackenridge, Hugh Henry.] r8i2 667 Death of General Montgomery in storming the city of Quebec; a tragedy, with an ode in honour of the Pennsylvania militia and the small band of regular continental troops who sustained the campaign in the depth of winter, Jan. 1777, to which are added elegiac pieces, commemorative of distinguished characters, by different gentlemen. 1777. Trumbull. Browne, Walter. 812 B8i Acting version of H. W. Savage's production of Everywoman, her pilgrimage in quest of love; a modern morality play. 1908. Fly. Chapman, John Jay. 812 C$6 Four plays for children. 1908. Moffat. Contents: The lost prince. King Ithuriel. The hermits. Christmas in Leipsic. Corbin, John. 812 C8i Husband, and The forbidden guests; two plays. 1910. Houghton. The first is a drama of domestic tragedy, the second a serious little play, touching scientific and spiritual mysteries. Dargan, Olive Tilford. 812 025 Lords and lovers, and other dramas. 1906. Scribner. Other dramas: The shepherd. The siege. The titular drama has its scene in i3th century England, with Henry III as one of its characters; "The shepherd" is a prose tragedy of contemporary Russia; "The siege" is a Sicilian tragedy of the age of the younger Dionysius. The dramas have been highly commended by critics. AMERICAN DRAMA 1521 Davis, Allan. 812 DSI The promised land; a drama in four acts. 1908. Harvard Dramatic Club. The same r8i2 DSI Serious play, having for its theme the return of the Jews to Palestine and present- ing vividly the prejudice of Jew and Christian against each other. First presented by the Harvard Dramatic Club at Cambridge in 1908. Author (Harvard '07) is a resident of Pittsburgh. Davis, Richard Harding. 812 D323f Farces: The dictator; The galloper; "Miss Civilization." 1906. Scribner. Deutsch, Gotthard. 812 048 Israel Bruna; an historical tragedy in five acts. 1908. Badger. Dix, Beulah Marie. 812 064 Allison's lad, and other martial interludes; six one-act dramas. 1910. Holt. Other martial interludes: The hundredth trick. The weakest link. The snare and the fowler. The captain of the gate. The dark of the dawn. Suited to amateur production. Doddridge, Joseph. r8i2 D66 Logan, the last of the race of Shikellemus, chief of the Cayuga na- tion; a dramatic piece, to which is added The dialogue of the back- woodsman and the dandy, first recited at the Buffaloe Seminary, July the ist, 1821. 1868. Clarke. "Reprinted from the Virginia edition of 1823, with an appendix relating to the murder of Logan's family, for William Dodge." Furniss, Grace Livingston. 812 617 Box of monkeys; a parlor farce in two acts. 1889. Baker. Bound with other dramas. Haney, John Louis. 812 H23 Monsieur D'Or; a dramatic fantasy. 1910. Egerton Press. Effective drama treating the subject of wealth, its power, use and abuse. Harby, Clifton. 812 H25 Haman and Mordecai; a Purim-play in five acts. 1886. Bloch. Hooker, Brian. 812 Hyy Mona; an opera in three acts, the poem by Brian Hooker, the music by Horatio Parker. 1911. Dodd. Without music. Hovey, Richard. r8os Py4 v.8 Taliesin; a masque. (In Poet-lore, 1896, v.8, p.i-14, 63-78, 292-306.) The same. 1900. (In his Launcelot and Guenevere, v.4.)..8n H&4la v.4 Howells, William Dean. 812 H8sa The Albany depot. 1891. Harper. Amusing farce. Howells, William Dean. 812 HSsmo The mother and the father; dramatic passages. 1909. Harper. Three dialogues in blank verse showing the feelings of the parents after three great crises in their lives the birth, marriage and death of their daughter. 1522 AMERICAN DRAMA Howells, William Dean. 812 HSspr Parting friends; a farce. 1911. Harper. Appeared in "Harper's magazine," v.i2i, Oct. 1910. Mackay, Constance D'Arcy. 812 Mi752h House of the heart, and other plays for children; designed for use in the schools. 1909. Holt. Other plays: The gooseherd and the goblin. The enchanted garden. Nimble- Wit and Fingerkin. A little pilgrim's progress. A pageant of the hours. On Christmas eve. The elf child. The princess and the pixies. The Christmas guest. The same. 1909 J8i2 Mijh One-act plays, simple, instructive and easy of representation on the school stage. Complete directions for costumes and staging are given with each play. Mackay, Constance D'Arcy. 812 Miy52 The silver thread, and other folk plays for young people; arranged for use in the grammar grades. 1910. Holt. Other plays: The forest spring. The foam maiden. Troll magic. The three wishes. A brewing of brains. Siegfried. The snow witch. The same J8i2 Miy Mackaye, Percy Wallace. 812 Miya Anti-matrimony; a satirical comedy. 1910. Stokes. Mackaye, Percy Wallace. 812 Mi7g Garland to Sylvia; a dramatic reverie, with a prologue. 1910. Mac- millan. "An early work begun originally in 1897, when Mr. MacKaye was a senior in Harvard, and completed in 1899, when he was a student in Italy... Its dramatic value is nil and its purport vain, but regarded as a poetic fantasy, born of youthful speculation in unfathomable metaphysical and psychological mysteries, it is fanciful and interesting." Nation, /p/o. Mackaye, Percy Wallace. 812 Miyj Jeanne d'Arc [a drama]. 1907. Macmillan. Mackaye, Percy Wallace. 812 Mi7m Mater; an American study in comedy. 1908. Macmillan. Satirical comedy in which a mother resorts to what she deems justifiable deception in aiding her son to win a political fight. Mackaye, Percy Wallace. 812 Miys Sappho and Phaon; a tragedy set forth with a prologue, induction, prelude, interludes and epilogue. 1907. Macmillan. "A true poetic tragedy, classic in form and spirit, not always glowing with the fire of genius, but nevertheless charged with happy inspiration. .. It is a great advance in almost every respect upon his 'Jeanne d'Arc.' " Nation, 7007. Mackaye, Percy Wallace. 812 Mi7sc The scarecrow; or, The glass of truth; a tragedy of the ludicrous. 1908. Macmillan. Idea of the play was suggested by Hawthorne's fantasy "Feathertop." Scene is laid in a Massachusetts town in the late i/th century, the interest centring in the unfolding of character rather than in plot. Mendes, Henry Pereira. 812 M6i Esther; a Purim play. Lincoln Printing Co. Merington, Marguerite. 812 M6ah Holiday plays; five one-act pieces for Washington's birthday, Lin- coln's birthday, Memorial day, Fourth of July and Thanksgiving. 1910. Doubleday. AMERICAN DRAMA 1523 Montgomery, Margaret. 812 Biy Per telephone; a farce in one act. 1893. Baker. Bound with other dramas. Moody, William Vaughn. 812 MSyfa Faith healer; a play in four acts. 1909. Houghton. Moody, William Vaughn. 812 M8yg The great divide; a play in three acts. 1909. Macmillan. The great division between Western ideals, morals and conventions and those of New England is well brought out in this drama of the man who marries his wife by force and then makes himself worthy of her. Musselman, Mrs Nancy H. r8os P74 v.i3 Mila Whendle; an "unpleasant play." (In Poet-lore, 1901, v.13, p.22-53.) Paulding, James Kirke, & Paulding, W. I. 812 P^z American comedies. 1847. Carey. Contents: The bucktails; or, Americans in England. The noble exile. -Madmen all; or, The cure of love. Antipathies; or, The enthusiasts by the ears. The first play was written by J. K. Paulding shortly after the War of 1812, the others are by his son. Peabody, Josephine Preston. 812 P33p The piper; a play in four acts. 1909. Houghton. "A little poetic play of uncommon quality, having distinct literary and dramatic value. It is a new and delicately imaginative version of the old Pied Piper of Hamelin legend." Nation, 7009. Raymond. George Lansing. 812 R24 Aztec god, and other dramas. 1908. Putnam. Other dramas: Columbus. Cecil the seer. 812 852 Shakespeare water-cure; a burlesque comedy in three acts, by "The larks." 1897. Dick. Smith, Mrs Hyacinth (Stoddart). r8os P74 v.ig Cordia; a drama in three acts. (In Poet-lore, 1908, v.i9, p. 165-192.) Thomas, Augustus. 812 As a man thinks; a play in four acts. 1911. Duffield. "Delicately handled study of the social relation of the Jewish people in America." Outlook, 1911. Torrence, Frederic Ridgely. 812 T6s Abelard and Heloise [a drama]. 1907. Scribner. "There are four acts, the first two being separated from the others by a score of years. The first half of the work gives us the Paris School and Fulbert's villa, the second half the Paraclete and Chalons. . .Its movement is, on the whole, stately and impressive." Dial, 1907. Trent, John Jason. 812 Owin' to Maggie; a comedy in one act. 1904. Baker. Willis, Nathaniel Parker. r8i2 Tortesa the usurer. 1839. Colman. Same as his "Dying to keep him." 1524 AMERICAN FICTION Monologues Fisk, May Isabel. 812 Talking woman (monologues). 1907. Harper. Contents: The invalid. At the theatre. The new baby. A woman inquiring about trains. An April shower. The saleslady. The tailor-made gown. An after- noon call. At the health resort. The boarding-house keeper. Entertaining the neigh- bor's child. Her first trip abroad. Herford, Beatrice Brooke, afterward Mrs Hayward. 812 H46 Monologues, with pictures by Oliver Herford. 1908. Scribner. Contents: A sociable seamstress. The bazaar. A lady packing. Piazza ladies. The country store. A professional boarder. Appeared in "Ladies' home journal," v. 24-25, Sept. i9O7~April 1908. Saunders, Florence Wenderoth. 812 825 Mrs De Brie says; a series of brilliant monologues. 1909. Clark. 813 American fiction Only works about American fiction are classified here. For works of fiction, see alphabetical list following the general class Literature. Bibliography Johnson, James Gibson, comp." roi6.8is Js6 Southern fiction prior to 1860; an attempt at a first-hand bibliogra- phy. 1909. Michie Co. Thesis for Ph. D., University of Virginia. General works Clarke, Helen Archibald. 813 H36zc Hawthorne's country. 1910. Baker. Contents: Far afield in New England. Historical miniatures. Puritan tragedies. "The artist of the beautiful." The Roxbury Utopia. In wonderland. English epi- sodes. Italy as Hawthorne saw it. The elixir of life. "Profusely illustrated with rather commonplace photographs, it appeals chiefly to the eye. The text consists of many extracts from Hawthorne's novels, tales, and note- books, pieced together with amiable comment and so arranged as to emphasize consecu- tively the various localities associated, now with his life, now with the scene of some one of his works." Nation, ign. Loshe, Lillie Deming. 813 L8g The early American novel. 1907. Columbia University Press. (Columbia University, New York. Studies in English.) "Bibliography," p. 106-124. Discusses fiction produced in this country from 1789 to 1830. Plots of stories are given with considerable fulness. Nead, Benjamin Matthias. r8i3 P23zn Some hidden sources of fiction; a paper read before the Historical Society of Dauphin county, Pennsylvania. 1909. Jacobs. Calls attention to points of similarity between the "Memoirs of Major Robert Stobo" and Sir Gilbert Parker's "Seats of the mighty." AMERICAN ESSAYS 1525 814 American essays See also American miscellany, 818 Alcott, Amos Bronson. 814 Asst Tablets. 1868. Roberts. Contents: PRACTICAL: The garden; Recreation; Fellowship; Friendship; Culture; Books; Counsels. SPECULATIVE: Instrumentalities; Mind; Genesis; Metamorphoses. Austin, William. 814 Ags Literary papers, with a biographical sketch by his son, J. W. Austin. 1890. Little. Contents: Peter Rugg, the missing man. The late Joseph Natterstrom. Martha Gardner; or, Moral reaction. The man with the cloaks; a Vermont legend. The suf- ferings of a country schoolmaster. Letters from London. The human character of Jesus Christ. Oration at Charlestown, Mass., June 17, 1801. Bagby, George William. 814 615 The old Virginia gentleman, and other sketches; ed. with an intro- duction by T. N. Page. 1910. Scribner. Other sketches: Bacon and greens. My uncle Flatback's plantation. My wife and my theory about wives. Fishing in the Appomattox. An unrenowned warrior. John M. Daniel's latch-key. The Virginia editor. Canal reminiscences. The sacred furni- ture wareroom. My vile beard. A piece about doctors. The Pawnee war. How Rubinstein played. Fill Joanses. After Appomattox. "George William Bagby," by E. S. Gregory, p. 17-30. Descriptive, humorous and pathetic essays, some of them in dialect, and all speaking loving loyalty to the Virginia of secession days. Bancroft, George. 814 622 Literary and historical miscellanies. 1855. Harper. Contents: Essays. Studies in German literature, 1824 and following years. Studies in history. Occasional addresses. Beecher, Henry Ward. r8i4 637 Eyes and ears. 1862. Ticknor. "His volumes made up of articles in the Independent and Ledger, such as 'Star Papers,' 1855, and 'Eyes and Ears,' 1862, contain many delightful morceaux upon coun- try life and similar topics, though they are hardly wrought with sufficient closeness and care to take a permanent place in letters." Beers's Initial studies in American letters. Bryant, William Cullen. 814 6840 Orations and addresses. 1873. Putnam. Contents: Thomas Cole. J. F. Cooper. Washington Irving. Fitz-Greene Halleck. G. C. Verplanck. The press banquet to Kossuth. The improvement of native fruits. Music in the public schools. Schiller. A birth-day. Freedom of exchange. The electric telegraph. The Metropolitan Art Museum. The Mercantile library. Italian unity. The Morse statue. Shakspeare. Reform. Scott statue. Buckham, Matthew Henry. 814 885 Cultivation of the memory [and other addresses]. 1907-09. Ver- mont University. Other addresses: The real Bible. The rustic speech of the English speaking peo- ple. The culture of the imagination. The love of difficulty. Dead languages forsooth! Reserve in matters of religion. Bunce, Oliver Bell. 814 B88 Bachelor Bluff; his opinions, sentiments and disputations. 1881. Appleton. Contents: Introducing Mr Bluff. Domestic bliss. Theory of poetry. Ideal of a house. Feminine tact and intuitions. Realism in art. Country and kindred themes. The privileges of women. Modern fiction.- Political notions. Mr Bluff as an arith- metician. Meditations in an art-gallery. Melancholy. Morals in literature and nudity in art. Mr Bluff as a critic on dress. Sundry topics. Experiences of holidays. 1526 AMERICAN ESSAYS Burroughs, John. . 814 In the Catskills; selections from the writings of John Burroughs. 1910. Houghton. Contents: The snow-walkers. A white day and a red fox. Phases of farm life. In the hemlocks. Birds'-nests. The heart of the southern Catskills. Speckled trout. A bed of boughs. Burroughs, John. 814 Bg4le Leaf and tendril. 1908. Houghton. Contents: The art of seeing things. The coming of summer. A breath of April. A walk in the fields. Gay plumes and dull. Straight seeing and straight thinking. Human traits in the animals. Animal and plant intelligence. The reasonable but un- reasoning animals. The grist of the gods. The divine soil. An outlook upon life. "All's right with the world." Burroughs, John. r8i4 694 [Works.] I4v. 1904. Houghton. v.i. Birds and poets, with other papers. v.a. Far and near. v.3- Fresh fields. v-4- Indoor studies. v.$. The light of day. v.6. Literary values, and other papers. v.7. Locusts and wild honey. v.8. Pepacton. v.9. Riverby. Signs and seasons, v.i i. Wake-robin, v.i 2. Ways of nature, v.i 3. Whitman, a study, v.i 4. Winter sunshine. Bushnell, Horace. 814 896 Work and play [and other essays]. 1881. Scribner. (Literary varieties, v.i.) Other essays: The true wealth or weal of nations. The growth of law. The founders great in their unconsciousness. Historical estimate of Connecticut. Barbarism the first danger. Life, or the lives. City plans. The doctrine of loyalty. The age of homespun. The day of roads. Religious music. Caton, John Dean. 814 28 Miscellanies. 1880. Houghton. Includes notes on the volcanoes of the Hawaiian islands and letters from Cuba. Caton was a lawyer, traveler and student of natural history, and all these interests are represented in this collection of essays. Chapman, John Jay. 814 Cs61 Learning, and other essays. 1910. Moffat. Other essays: Professorial ethics. The drama. Norway. Doctor Howe. Jesters. The comic. The unity of human nature. The doctrine of non-resistance. Climate. The influence of schools. The aesthetic. Clark, Willis Gaylord. 814 Csa Literary remains, including the Ollapodiana papers, The spirit of life and a selection from his various prose and poetical writings; ed. by L. G. Clark. 1847. Burgess. A once popular but now almost forgotten American writer (1810-41). "Ollapodiana," a scries of essays and sketches, originally appeared in the "Knicker- bocker." Cleveland, Rose Elizabeth. 814 Cs8 George Eliot's poetry, and other studies. 1885. Funk. Other studies: Reciprocity. Altruistic faith. History. Studies in the middle ages; a series of historical essays : Old Rome and new France. Charlemagne. The monastery. Chivalry. Joan of Arc. AMERICAN ESSAYS 1527 Colby, Frank Moore. 814 C67C Constrained attitudes. 1910. Dodd. Contents: Coram populo. On the brink of politics. Rusticity and contemplation. The humdrum of revolt. The usual thing. Impatient "culture" and the literal mind. Literary class distinctions. The art of disparagement. International impressionism. Quotation and allusion. Occasional verse. Conway, Moncure Daniel. 814 C76a Addresses and reprints, 1850-1907; published and unpublished work representing the literary and philosophical life of the author. 1909. Houghton. Contents: Free schools in Virginia. The golden hour [addresses on slavery]. The earthward pilgrimage. The gospel of art. The martyrdom of man. Consolers. The Madonna of Montbazon. Ellen Dana Conway. International peace and arbitra- tion. Address on Sunday opening of exhibitions. Dogma and science. Public service. William Penn. The storm [a hymn]. "Bibliography," p.437~444. Conway, Moncure Daniel. 814 Cy6 Idols and ideals, with an essay on Christianity. 1877. Holt. "There is much of... [the author's] characteristic quality about these essays, and they are very pleasantly written; but they are of the sermon class, and represent the views of an extreme party upon topics most of which are matters of sentiment rather than reason, of faith, rather than philosophy." Nation, 1877. Crothers, Samuel McChord. 814 C8ga Among friends [and other essays]. 1910. Houghton. Other essays: The Anglo-American school of polite unlearning. The hundred worst books. The convention of books. In praise of politicians. My missionary life in Persia. The Colonel in the theological seminary. The romance of ethics. The merry devil of education. Most of these essays appeared in the "Atlantic monthly,", 103-106, June- Sept. 1907, May igop-Sept. 1910. Crothers, Samuel McChord. 814 C8gb By the Christmas fire. 1908. Houghton. Contents: The bayonet-poker. On being a doctrinaire. Christmas and the litera- ture of disillusion. The ignominy of being grown-up. Christmas and the spirit of democracy. Diman, Jeremiah Lewis. 814 Ds8 Orations and essays, with selected parish sermons; a memorial volume. 1882. Houghton. Contents: A commemorative discourse, by J. O. Murray. Literary and historical addresses. Reviews. Sermons. Alcott, Amos Bronson. 814 EsSza Ralph Waldo Emerson; an estimate of his character and genius in prose and verse. 1882. Williams. Contents: Essay. Ion; a monody. The poet's countersign; an ode read by F. B. Sanborn at the opening of the Concord school, July 17, 1882. Everett, Edward. 814 95 Mount Vernon papers. 1860. Appleton. Papers on various subjects written for the "New York ledger." The author de- voted the proceeds to the fund for the purchase of Mount Vernon. Several of the articles deal with incidents in the life of Washington. Fields, James Thomas. 814 Ftfs Underbrush. 1877. Osgood. Contents: My friend's library. A peculiar case. Familiar letter to house-breakers. Our village dogmatist. A watch that "wanted cleaning." Bothersome people. Pleas- ant ghosts. The Pettibone lineage. Getting home again. How to rough it An old- time scholar. Diamonds and pearls. The author of "Paul and Virginia" [St. Pierre]. If I were a boy again. 1528 AMERICAN ESSAYS Flandrau, Charles Macomb. 814 F6i Prejudices. 1911. Appleton. Contents: Some dogs. Little pictures of people. Wanderlust Travel. Fellow passengers. Parents and children. What is education? Just a letter. In the under- taker's shop. Writers. "Ann Veronica." Holidays. Servants. Mrs Whito's. Frye, Prosser Hall. 814 Fgj Literary reviews and criticisms. 1908. Putnam. Contents: The Elizabethan sonnet. Balzac. George Sand. Zola. Jonathan Swift. Nature and Thomas Hardy. Hawthorne's supernaturalism. Dryden and the critical canons of the eighteenth century. Maupassant in English. Corneille: The neo-classic tragedy and the Greek. Anatole France. Sainte-Beuve. Emerson and the modern reports. Grayson, David, pseud. 814 G8z Adventures in contentment. 1907. Doubleday. A young man, broken in health under the strain of business life in a large city, buys a small farm. He tells of his life, his work and his new neighbors, in a pleasant, leisurely style, emphasizing the attractions and ignoring the disadvantages of farm life. Grayson, David, pseud. 814 G8aa Adventures in friendship. 1910. Doubleday. Contents: An adventure in fraternity. A day of pleasant bread. The open road. On being where you belong. The story of Anna. The drunkard. An old maid. A roadside prophet. The gunsmith. The mowing. An old man. The celebrity. On friendship. Hamilton, Gail, (pseud, of Mary Abigail Dodge). 814 H2ib Battle of the books, recorded by an unknown writer, for the use of authors and publishers; to the first for doctrine, to the second for re- proof, to both for correction and for instruction in righteousness. 1870. Hurd. Hamilton, Gail, (pseud, of Mary Abigail Dodge). 814 H2it Twelve miles from a lemon [and other essays]. 1874. Harper. Other essays: Lemon-drops. Hemlock poison. The wonders and wisdom of car- pentry. Science, pure and practical. American inventions. The pleasures of poverty. To Tudiz by railroad. The higher laws of railroads. Holidays. Conference wrong tide out. Country character. Autumn voices. On social formula and social freedom. The fashions. Sleep and sickness. Dinners. Harrison, Elizabeth. 814 H2g Some silent teachers. 1904. Sigma Pub. Co. Contents: Introduction. Our shop windows. Dumb stone and marble. The in- fluence of color. Great literature. Emphasizes the influence that the ordinary things around us beautiful architecture, nature and great books may have on life. Harvey, George Brinton McClellan. 814 HSS Women, etc.; some leaves from an editor's diary. 1908. Harper. Essays on a variety of subjects. Author is (1908) editor of the "North American Haven, Nathaniel Appleton. 814 Remains of N. A. Haven. 1827. Privately printed. Contents: Orations. Papers read before the Forensic Society. Papers published in "The Portsmouth journal." Sunday schools. Miscellaneous pieces. Poetry. Cor- respondence. Memoir of the life of N. A. Haven, by George Ticknor, p. 11-40. Hawthorne, Hildegarde. 814 ^672 Women and other women; essays in wisdom. 1908. Duffield. Contents: Forerunners. Arrival of woman. Soul of the Celtic race. Woman in all ages. Women and gardens. Sex and society. Pope's Lady Mary. Pictures of AMERICAN ESSAYS 1529 Hawthorne, Hildegarde continued. 814 Hs672 England. Parish clerk of old. Mr Slicer on happiness. The new hero. Nazimova. Footsteps. Wisdom of animals. Vision. Record of queens. Love as a joke. Maia. The sense of duty. Advice to a girl. Cinderella. The valley road. The burning bush. Hawthorne, Julian. 814 Confessions and criticisms. 1887. Ticknor. Contents: A preliminary confession. Novels and agnosticism. Americanism in fiction. Literature for children. -The moral aim in fiction. The maker of many books. Mr Mallock's missing science. Theodore Winthrop's writings. Emerson as an Amer- ican. Modern magic. American wild animals in art. Hay, John. 814 Hs68 Addresses. 1906. Century. Contents: Franklin in France. Omar Khayyam. Sir Walter Scott. Speeches before the American Society in London. A partnership in beneficence. Speech at the annual dinner of the Royal Society. Speech at the annual dinner of the Literary Fund. Speech at the opening, by Miss Helen Hay, of the Robert Browning garden. International copyright. American diplomacy. A festival of peace. William Mc- Kinley. At the universities. Commercial Club dinner. New Orleans. The Grand Army of the Republic. President Roosevelt. Edmund Clarence Stedman. Lincoln's faith. The press and modern progress. Fifty years of the Republican party. America's love of peace. Life in the White house in the time of Lincoln. Clarence King. "They show. . .the generous cosmopolitan culture which, next to his sense of humor, made John Hay one of the best poised statesmen of his time." Nation, 1906. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. 814 H73S Soundings from the Atlantic. 1864. Ticknor. Contents: Bread and the newspaper. My hunt after "the captain." The stereo- scope and the stereograph. Sun-painting and sun-sculpture, with a stereoscopic trip across the Atlantic. Doings of the sunbeam. The human wheel, its spokes and felloes. A visit to the autocrat's landlady. A visit to the asylum for aged and decayed punsters. The great instrument. The inevitable trial. Howells, William Dean. 814 Imaginary interviews. 1910. Harper. Essays from the "Easy chair." Hutton, Laurence. 814 From the books of Laurence Hutton. 1902. Harper. Contents: On some American book-plates. On Grangerism and the Grangerites. On the portraits of Mary, queen of Scots. On some portrait inscriptions. On poet- ical dedications. On poetical inscriptions. "From the books of my own library, comfortably rich in the literature of the seven- teenth and eighteenth centuries, I have gathered these oddities and curiosities of Books." Preface. James, William, 1842-1910. 814 Ji6s Memories and studies. 1911. Longmans. Contents: Louis Agassiz. Address at the Emerson centenary in Concord. R. G. Shaw. Francis Boott. Thomas Davidson; a knight-errant of the intellectual life. Herbert Spencer's "Autobiography." Frederick Myers' services to psychology. Final impressions of a psychical researcher. On some mental effects of the earthquake. The energies of men. The moral equivalent of war. Remarks at the peace banquet. The social value of the college-bred. The university and the individual: The Ph. D. octopus; The true Harvard; Stanford's ideal destiny. A pluralistic mystic [Benjamin Paul Blood]. Joline, Adrian Hoffman. 814 Ja8 At the library table. 1910. Badger. Contents: At the library table. The deliberations of a Dofob. In a library corner. Of the old fashion. W. H. Ainsworth. G. P. R. James. 1530 AMERICAN ESSAYS Joline, Adrian Hoffman. 814 Edgehill essays. 1911. Badger. Contents: About the bookshelves. The quest of the autograph. Reflections of an autograph lover. A certain affectation of the great. A Georgian poet [Mark Akenside], A famous reviewer [Francis Jeffrey]. Manners makyth man. The war on the col- leges. "Author is a collector who in bis ripe years looks back upon a life spent largely with books and lovers of books, and who somehow in his pages constructs an attractive picture of himself moving about among the shelves in his library." Nation, 1911. Jordan, David Starr. 814 542! Life's enthusiasms. 1006. American Unitarian Assoc. The text of this little essay is that "we should lay up a stock of enthusiasms in our youth or else we shall reach the end of our journey with an empty heart." Keller, Helen Adams. . 814 Ki6 The world I live in. 1908. Century. Contents: The seeing hand. The hands of others. The hand of the race. The power of touch. The finer vibrations. Smell, the fallen angel. Relative values of the senses. The five-sensed world. Inward visions. Analogies in sense perception. Be- fore the soul dawn. The larger sanctions. The dream world. Dreams and reality. A waking dream. A chant of darkness. These essays appeared in the "Century magazine," v.69, 75, 77 under the titles "A chat about the hand," "Sense and sensibility" and "My dreams." The poem "A chant of darkness" appeared in the "Century magazine," v.76. King, Mrs Anna (Eichberg), afterward Mrs Lane. 814 Ka6t Talk of the town. 1911. Lane. Contents: The tyranny of clothes. The London bus. The tragedy of the "ex." The new fashion in heroes. The tyranny of the past. The plague of monuments. The minor crimes. The craze of collecting. The trials of the celebrated. The poetry of sound. The toast-master. The gutter sphinx. The pleasures of being in the right. The wrong sex. Men's wrongs. The American and his holiday. London-by-the-sea. The camel at home. King, Henry T. 814 K264 The egotist; essays of life, its work and its fortunes, its joys and its sorrows, its success and its failure. 1880. Claxton. King, Thomas Starr. 814 K267 Patriotism, and other papers, with a biographical sketch by Richard Frothingham. 1864. Tompkins. Contents: Biographical sketch. Patriotism. Washington, or greatness. Beauty and religion. Great principles and small duties. Plato's views of immortality. Thoughts and things. True greatness. Indirect influences. Life more than meat. Inward resources. Natural and spiritual providence. Philosophy and theology. Natu- ral and revealed religion. The idea of God and the truths of Christianity. The har- mony of opposite qualities in the Saviour's character and teachings. The chief appeal of religion. Lee, Gerald Stanley. 814 L52V Voice of the machines, an introduction to the 20th century. 1906. Mount Tom Press. "Gerald Stanley Lee is an observer and commentator on contemporary life who, if he falls short of the power to compel us to his mood, can be a very refreshing and de- lightful companion when our mood coincides with his own... The Voice of the Machines . . .will speak with the beloved accents of spiritual blood-brotherhood to many an idealist who has been consciously or unconsciously responsive to the wealth of symbolic and poetic suggestion inherent in our clamorous materialism." Life, 1907. The lowly estate. 1910. Melrose. 814 Lg6 Impressions derived from the small experiences of every-day life. Author appears to be something of a recluse, which may account for the fact that his own personality looms large in his philosophy. AMERICAN ESSAYS 1531 Mabie, Hamilton Wright. 814 Much Christmas to-day. 1908. Dodd. This little book is an attempt to bring out the significance of the Christmas mes- sage for our own time. Martin, Edward Sandford. 814 M42i In a new century [essays]. 1908. Scribner. Contents: Too much success. Proclivities and compunctions. Reading. Writing. Exclusiveness. The impossibility of living on anything a year. Riches. Character and money. The spiritual quality. Noise and canned food. Divorce. The prospects of "society" in America. Summer. Convictions. Speculation. Is honesty still the best policy? Some advantages of the common lot. Woman suffrage. The seashore. The habits of the sea. Deafness. The Quondam Club. Marvin, Frederic Rowland. 814 M43 Companionship of books, and other papers. 1906. Putnam. Collection of essays, some of them mere fragmentary thoughts, covering a wide range of subject. Mathews, William. 814 Hours with men and books. 1877. Griggs. Contents: Thomas De Quincey. Robert South. C. H. Spurgeon. Recollections of Judge Story. Moral Grahamism. Strength and health. Professorships of books and reading. The morality of good living. The illusions of history. Homilies on early rising.- Literary triflers. Writing for the press. The study of the modern languages. Working by rule. Too much speaking. A forgotten wit. Are we Anglo-Saxon? A day at Oxford. An hour at Christ's Hospital. Book-buying. A pinch of snuff. Matthews, Brander. 814 The American of the future, and other essays. 1909. Scribner. Oilier essays: American character. The Americans and the British. "Blood is thicker than water." The scream of the spread-eagle. American manners. American humor. The speech of the people. English as a world-language. Simplified spelling and "fonetic reform." The question of the theater. Persuasion and controversy. Re- form and reformers. '"those literary fellows." Standards of success. Matthews, Brander. 814 Inquiries and opinions. 1907. Scribner. Contents: Literature in the new century. The supreme leaders. An apology for technic. Old friends with new faces. Invention and imagination. Poe and the de- tective-story. Mark Twain. A note on Maupassant. The modern novel and the modern play. The literary merit of our latter-day drama. Ibsen the playwright. The art of the stage-manager. Parker, Theodore. 814 P24 Critical and miscellaneous writings. 1856. Little. Contents: A lesson for the day. German literature. The life of St. Bernard of Clairvaux. Truth against the world. Thoughts on labor. A discourse of the transient and permanent in Christianity. The Pharisees. On the education of the laboring class. How to move the world. Primitive Christianity. Strauss's "Life of Jesus." Thoughts on theology. Pennell, 'Mrs Elizabeth (Robins). 814 Pag Our house and the people in it. 1910. Houghton. Contents: "Enrietter. Trimmer. Louise. Our charwomen. Clementine. The old housekeeper. The new housekeeper. Our beggars. The tenants. The quarter. "Entertaining papers, most of them reprinted from periodicals, describing Mrs. Pennell's sixteen years' experience with her servants and her neighbors in an old quarter of London." A. L. A. booklist, 1911. Perry, Bliss. 814 P44P Park-street papers. 1908. Houghton. Contents: Atlantic prologues: Number 4 Park street; Catering for the public; The cheerless reader; "A readable proposition;" Turning the old leaves. The centenary of 1532 AMERICAN ESSAYS Perry, Bliss continued. 814 P44P Hawthorne. The centenary of Longfellow. Thomas Bailey Aldrich. Whittier for to- day. The editor who never was editor [F. A. Underwood]. Essays by the editor (1908) of the "Atlantic monthly," in which magazine they have appeared. They are concerned with the magazine and some of the writers who have given distinction to its pages. Pier, Arthur Stanwood. 814 Pss6 The young in heart [and other essays]. 1907. Houghton. Other essays: Lawn tennis. Work and play. The smoking-room. Cynicism. The quiet man. "In swimming." Brawn and character. Very readable essays, presenting a cheerful, healthy outlook on life. Poe, Edgar Allan. 814 Essays and miscellanies; ed. by J. A. Harrison. 1902. Crowell. (Complete works, v.14.) The same, and Literati; Autography; ed. by J. A. Harrison. 1902. De Fau. (Complete works, v.14-15.) ................... ' ...... 814 Poe, Edgar Allan. 814 Literary criticism; ed. by J.A.Harrison. 6v. in 3. 1902. De Fau. (Complete works, v.8-13.) The same; ed. by J. A. Harrison. 6v. 1902. Crowell. (Complete works, v.8-13.) ............................................ 814 Poe, Edgar Allan. 814 P74m Marginalia, and Eureka; ed. by J.A.Harrison. 1902. De Fau. (Complete works, v.i6.) "Bibliography of the writings of E. A. Poe," p.355-379. Putnam, James Osborne. 814 Pgg Addresses, speeches and miscellanies on various occasions from 1854 to 1879. 1880. Paul. Contents: Speech on the bill requiring church property to be vested in trustees, under the act relating to religious corporations. Independence day; oration delivered at Lockport, N. Y., July 4, 1856. The Federal judiciary. Agriculture. Relations of agri- culture. Buffalo General Hospital. Buffalo State Insane Asylum. The new Buffalo armory. Independence day; oration delivered at Buffalo, July 4, 1870. Decoration day. Death of Lincoln. Birthday of Washington. The Chinese embassy. The Bible Society. Yale College. Public charities. Charles Kingsley's life and letters. Harriet Martineau's "Autobiography." Harvey Putnam. J. B. Skinner. Millard Fillmore. N. K. Hall. J. C. Lord. G. W. Heacock. G. R. Babcock. Dennis Bowen. Kossuth and intervention. John Brown's execution. Brooks-Sumner tragedy. The Missouri compromise. Lecompton (Kansas) constitution. Republican principles. Letters from Spain and Portugal. Quayle, William Alfred. J8i4 Q2i In God's out-of-doors. 1902. Jennings. Partial contents: On seeing. When spring comes home. Winter trees. Golden rod. The falls of St. Croix. A walk along a railroad in June. The windings *bf a stream. My farm. Gloaming. Many beautiful photographic illustrations. Quayle, William Alfred. 814 Cj2ip The poet's poet [Robert Browning], and other essays. 1897. Curts. Othtr essays: King Cromwell. William the Great of England. The greater Eng- lish elegies. Soliloquies of Hamlet and Macbeth. "The ebb tide." The Jew in fiction. Robert Burns. The psychology of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Shakespeare's women. "The deserted village." -George Eliot as novelist. "The ring and the book." Shylock and David as interpreters of life. Poem: "An angel came." AMERICAN ESSAYS 1533 Quayle, William Alfred. 814 Q2i The prairie and the sea. 1905. Jennings. Contents: The prairie. The north wind. I saw a bluebird. A walk in late No- vember. When the frogs sing. The spring wind. The open road. Sunflowers. The passing of autumn. Tree pillars. The summer wind. A December spring. The moun- tains. It is raining. Bird's nesting. The autumn wind. And the sea. Raymond, George Lansing. 814 R24 Fundamentals in education, art and civics; essays and addresses. 1911. Funk. Contents: Fundamentals of education in academy, college and university; a plea for college training inside or outside the university. Art and education. Art and morals. The artistic versus the scientific conception in educational methods. Teaching in draw- ing as related to the training of the intellect in general. Music as related to the other arts and to artistic culture. The function of technic in expression illustrated through elocution. The principles of successful writing and speaking fundamentally the same. The literary artist as developed by the study of elocution. The need of elocutionary training in the theological seminary. Art as the source of logical form in oratory and poetry. The laws of English orthography; suggestions for simplified spelling. The Mayflower Pilgrims and their present representatives. Individual character as developed in our Republic. National probity the price of national prosperity. The soldier's testi- mony to the spiritual in life. The city that vanished and the citizenship that survived; the great fire in Chicago. Repplier, Agnes. 814 Rssb Books and men. 1888. Houghton. Contents: Children, past and present. On the benefits of superstition. What children read. The decay of sentiment. Curiosities of criticism. Some aspects of pessimism. The cavalier. Repplier, Agnes. 814 Rssh A happy half-century, and other essays. 1908. Houghton.. Other essays: The perils of immortality. When Lalla Rookh was young. The cor- respondent. The novelist. On the slopes of Parnassus. The literary lady. The child. The educator. The pietist. The accursed annual. Our accomplished great-grand- mother. The album amicorum. Robinson, Charles Mulford. 814 R54 Call of the city [and other essays]. 1908. Elder. Other essays: The city's beauty. Its human interest. The city's fellowship. The city's comforts. The charm of the past. Opportunities. Hope for cities. When Phyl- lis is in town. Holidays. Entertainment. Sleep. Impressions of city life. Does not discuss municipal government or improvement. Rogers, Mrs Anna Alexander. 814 R6i Why American marriages fail, and other papers. 1909. Houghton. Other papers: Some faults of American men. Why American mothers fail. What we put up with. Behind the times. A few fallacies in our education. Rose, Henry. 814 R7i Maeterlinck's symbolism; The blue bird, and other essays. 1911. Dodd. Other essays: "Pippa passes;" the optimism of Robert Browning. The musical mind; a study in social harmonies. Rush, Benjamin. r8i4 R8g Essays; literary, moral & philosophical. 1798. Bradford. Includes his essay on establishing public schools in Pennsylvania and some others on education. [Saunders, Frederick.] 814 825 Mosaics. 1859. Scribner. Contents: Epistle to the reader. Author-craft. Youth and age. "The human face divine." The witchery of wit. Single blessedness. Origin of celebrated books. Night and day. Fame. The magic of music. The bright side. 1534 AMERICAN ESSAYS [Saunders, Frederick.] 814 Pastime papers. 1885. Whittaker. Contents: The apology. Notes on names. Letters and letter-writing. The old masters. Touching tailors. -Genius in jail. The marvels of memory. Concerning cob- blers. Coffee and te*. Printers of the olden time. Saunders, Frederick. 814 8253 Stray leaves of literature. 1888. Whittaker. Contents: Old book notes. Ballad and song literature. Human sympathy. The seasons and their change. Physiognomy. The mystery of music. The survival of books. Life's little day. Our social salutations. The symbolism of flowers. Head, heart and hand. Smiles and tears. Day and night. Scudder, Horace Elisha. 814 843 Men and letters; essays in characterization and criticism. 1887. Houghton. Contents: Elisha Mulford. Longfellow and his art. A modern prophet [F. D. Maurice]. Landor as a classic. Dr Muhlenberg. American history on the stage. The shaping of Excelsior. Emerson's self. Aspects of historical work. Anne Gil- christ. The future of Shakespeare. Sedgwick, Henry Dwight. 814 8448 New American type, and other essays. 1908. Houghton. Other essays: The mob spirit in literature. Mrs Wharton. Certain aspects of America. Exile. Charles Russell Lowell. American colleges. A gap in education. Miss Anne Douglas Sedgwick. Nations and the decalogue. Mark Twain. The coup d'etat of 1961. Showerman, Grant. 814 8559 With the professor. 1910. Holt. Contents: A prelude on pessimism. The strange case of Dr Scholarship and Mr Homo. Mud and nails. The professor asks for more. A desperate situation. The professor recants. The professor travels in the realms of gold. The professor laughs at education. A goodly apple rotten at the heart The professor misses the sermon. The professor spends an evening out. Midnight on the roof-garden. Reflective essays on varied subjects but treated invariably from a certain attitude of good-humored pessimism. Author is (1910) professor of Latin literature in the Uni- versity of Wisconsin. Skinner, Charles Montgomery. 814 S62W With feet to the earth. 1898. Lippincott. Contents: The wanderer. Reminiscent and personal. Some sample walks. Partly practical. Night-prowls in the streets. Some humbugs of science. A rustler's con- science. Satisfaction with the country. Solitude and company. Autumn sights and musings. Stearns, Frank Preston. 814 879 Real and ideal in literature. 1892. Cupples. Contents: Real and ideal. Classic and romantic. Romance, humor and realism. The modern novel. Idols. F. W. Loring. The art conscience. Herman Grimm. Emerson as a poet. A poetic autobiography. The Muller and Whitney controversy. The science of thought. Stewart, Charles David. 814 884 Essays on the spot. 1910. Houghton. Contents: Chicago spiders. Story of Bully. On a moraine. Kubla Khan. The study of grammar. "We." "Whether from a convalescent bed he watches the work and antics of Chicago spiders, or in the open notes the prowess of a wheel ox, or, while splitting the boulder jewels on a moraine, indulges in cosmic reflections there is a strong, winning, humor- ous, companionable quality about the man." Nation, 1910. AMERICAN ESSAYS 1535 Stewart, George. 814 8849 Evenings in the library; bits of gossip about books and those who write them. 1878. Belford. Contents : Carlyle. Emerson. Holmes. Lowell. Longfellow. Whittier. Bryant. Howells. Aldrich. [Stowe, Mrs Harriet (Beecher).] 814 889 The chimney-corner, by Christopher Crowfield [pseud.]. 1868. Ticknor. Contents: What will you do with her? or, The woman question. Woman's sphere. A family-talk on reconstruction. Is woman a worker? The transition. Bodily re- ligion; a sermon on good health. How shall we entertain our company? How shall we be amused? Dress, or who makes the fashions. What are the sources of beauty in dress? The cathedral. The New year. The noble army of martyrs. Torrey, Bradford. 814 T6sr Friends on the shelf. _ 1906. Houghton. Contents: William Hazlitt. Edward Fitzgerald. Thoreau. Thoreau's demand upon nature. Robert Louis Stevenson. A relish of Keats. Anatole France. Verbal magic. Quotability. The grace of obscurity. In defense of the traveler's notebook. Con- cerning the lack of an American literature. Trail, Florence. 814 T68 Studies in criticism. 1888. Worthington. Contents: "Pools filled with water." Glimpses into French literature. Genius and religion. Genius and morality. History in literature. Skepticism of the heart. The decline of art. Trent, William Peterfield. 814 Tyzl Longfellow, and other essays. 1910. Crowell. Other essays: The heart of Midlothian. Spenser. The relations of history and literature. Thoughts occasioned by the bi-centenary of Dr Johnson. Milton after three hundred years. The Tartarin books and their author. Thackeray's verse. -A talk to would-be teachers. The centenary of Poe. Triggs, Oscar Lovell. 814 The changing order; a study of democracy, ist ser. 1906. Kerr. Contents: Democratic art. The esoteric tendency in literature; Browning. Sub- jective landscape art; George Inness. The critical attitude. An instance of conversion; Tolstoi. A type of transition; William Morris. The philosophy of play. Democrat!? education. "Where is the poet?" The new doctrine of labor. The sociological view- point in art. The philosophy of the betterment movement. Industrial feudalism, and after. The workshop and school. A school of industrial art. The philosophic and re- ligious ground; Walt Whitman. The outlook to the East. "To describe democratic polity in the sphere of government is no part of my motive. I have in mind the more subtle effects of democracy, its radiation in art, industry, education and religion." Introduction. Tuckerman, Henry Theodore. 814 T8ic The collector; essays on books, newspapers, pictures, inns, authors, doctors, holidays, actors, preachers. [1868.] Hotten. Van Dyke, Henry. 814 Vi8c Counsels by the way. 1908. Crowell. Contents: Ships and havens: Pilgrims of the sea. Whither bound? The haven of work. The haven of character. The last port. The poetry of the Psalms. Joy and power. The battle of life. The good old way. Van Dyke, Henry. 814 Vi8d Days off, and other digressions. 1907. Scribner. Contents: Days off. A holiday in a vacation. His other engagement. Books that I loved as a boy. Among the Quantock hills. Between the lupin and the laurel. Lit- 1536 AMERICAN ESSAYS Van Dyke, Henry continued. 814 Vi8d tie red Tom. Silverhorns. Notions about novels. Some remarks on gulls. Leviathan. The art of leaving off. These "days off" are days spent in the open air, in fishing, in hunting and in thinking. Some short stories are interspersed. Wallace, Horace Binney. 814 Wi7a Art and scenery in Europe, with other papers. 1868. Lippincott. Contents: Art, an emanation of religious affection. Art, symbolical, not imitative. The law of the development of Gothic architecture. The principle of beauty in works of art. The cathedrals of the continent. Visit to Netley abbey. Notes of a tour in Switzerland. The Roman forum. Ascent of Vesuvius. The great exhibition. Re- marks upon painters. Art education in America. Nature. The drama. Summer travel in America. The rights of literature. Defence of the country. Various subjects. George Washington. Wallace, Horace Binney. 814 Wi7 Literary criticisms, and other papers. 1856. Parry. Reviews of books, fragmentary sketches, etc. Warner, Charles Dudley. 814 Wasas As we were saying; As we go; Fashions in literature. 1904. Amer. Pub. Co. (Complete writings, v.14.) "As we were saying" appeared in "Harper's magazine," v.74-8a, Dec. i887-March 1891; "As we go" appeared in "Harper's magazine," v.74-8s. Feb. i887~June 189*. Webster, Noah. r8i4 Wa8 Collection of essays and fugitiv writings on moral, historical, po- litical and literary subjects. 1/90. Privately printed. Webster was a pioneer in spelling reform and the later essays in this volume are written in accordance with his ideas on the subject. Wendell, Barrett. 814 Wsim Mystery of education, and other academic performances. 1909. Scribner. Contents: Of these academic performances. The mystery of education. The study of literature. The study of expression. E. A. Poe. De przside magnifico [a poem]. Wetmore, Mrs Elizabeth (Bisland). 814 * At the sign of the hobby horse. 1910. Houghton. Contents: The morals of the modern heroine. "The importance of being earnest." Common or garden books. The child in literature. Contemporary poets. The literature of democracy. Strong meaffor the masses. The books of the bourgeoisie. The torch-bearers. The little member. Mr Sludge, the medium. "Upon making the most of life." The psychology of pain. "A plea for greater vitality of living and for greater capacity to enjoy life as we find it." Nation, 1910. Whipple, Edwin Percy. 814 W6al Literature and life. 1892. Houghton. Contents: Authors in their relations to life. Novels and novelists: Charles Dick- ens. Wit and humor. The ludicrous side of life. Genius. Intellectual health and disease. Use and misuse of words. Wordsworth. Bryant. Stupid conservatism and malignant reform. Essays, with some lectuies which were immensely popular when first delivered 1844-46, bat though thoughtful and keen and neatly expressed yet after all the thought never goes very deep, the attraction of style was evanescent, and there is no very wide outlook. Condensed from T. If. Higginson, in Atlantic monthly, 1886. Whipple, Edwin Percy. 814 W6ao Outlooks on society, literature and politics. 1888. Ticknor. Contents: Panics and investments. A grand business man of the new school. Mr Hardback on the derivation of man from the monkey. Mr Hardback on the sensational in literature and life. The swearing habit Domestic service. Religion and scientific AMERICAN ORATORY 1537 Whipple, Edwin Percy continued. 814 W620 theories. American principles. Slavery >n its principles, development and expedients. The new opposition party. The causes of foreign enmity to the United States. Recon- struction and negro suffrage. The Johnson party. The president and his accomplices. The conspiracy at Washington. Moral significance of the Republican triumph. "Lord" Bacon. Lowell as a prose writer. In Dickens-land. White, Charles. 814 W6 3 Essays in literature and ethics. 1853. Whipple. Contents : Religion an essential part of all education. Independence of mind. Goodness indispensable to true greatness. A pure and sound literature. Political recti- tude. Western colleges. Contributions of intellect to religion. The practical element in Christianity. The conservative element in Christianity. Protestant Christianity adapted to be the religion of the world. Characteristics of the present age. Literary responsibility of teachers. Wilkinson, William Cleaver. 814 A free lance in the field of life and letters. 1874. Mason. Contents: The literary and the ethical quality of George Eliot's novels. Lowell's poetry. Lowell's "Cathedral." Lowell's prose. Bryant's poetry. Bryant's Iliad. The history of the Christian commission as a part of church history. The character and the literary influence of Erasmus. Winter, William. 814 W7Q Old shrines and ivy. 1892. Macmillan. Contents: SHRINES OF HISTORY: Storied Southampton; Pageantry and relics; The Shakespeare church; A Stratford chronicle; From London to Dover; Beauties of France; Ely and its cathedral; From Edinburgh to Inverness; The field of Culloden; Storm-bound in lona. SHRINES OF LITERATURE: The forest of Arden, As you like it; Fairy land, A midsummer night's dream; Will o' the wisp, Love's labour's lost; Shake- speare's shrew; A mad world, Antony and Cleopatra; Sheridan and the School for scan- dal; Farquhar and the Inconstant; Longfellow; A thought on Cooper's novels; A man of letters, J. R. G. Hassard. Woodrow, Mrs Nancy Mann (Waddel). 814 W86 Bird of time; being conversations with Egeria. 1907. McClure. Contents: The woman of fifty. The quality of charm. The pride of the eye. The feminine temperament. The daughters of misfortune. What women like to read. Work vs. beauty. A game of bridge. Is love enough? The supreme interest. The intellectual woman. The art of giving. Conclusion. Light essays written in the form of conversations of a clever and witty woman with some of her intimates. The conversations usually turn on the subject of women. 815 American oratory See also 308 Brainerd, Cephas, & Brainerd, E. W. ed. r8is B68 The New England Society orations; addresses, sermons and poems delivered before the New England Society in the City of New York, 1820-1885; collected and ed. by Cephas Brainerd and E. W. Brainerd. 2v. 1901. Century. Choate, Joseph Hodges. 815 448 Abraham Lincoln, and other addresses in England. 1910. Century. Other addresses: Benjamin Franklin. Alexander Hamilton. R. W. Emerson. The Supreme court of the United States. Education in America. Sir Walter Scott. The English Bible. Address at dinner given to Mr Choate by the bench and bar of England. Farewell. John Harvard. 1538 AMERICAN SATIRE AND HUMOR Harding, Samuel Bannister, comp. 815 Has Select orations illustrating American political history, with an intro- duction on oratorical style and structure, and notes by J. M. Clapp. 1909. Macmillan. Contents: The Revolution. The constitution adopted. National government estab- lished. The contest over slavery. Civil war and reconstruction. The orations range from James Otis and Patrick Henry to Carl Schurz and Booker T. Washington. McClure, Alexander Kelly, & Andrews, Byron, ed. 815 Mis Famous American statesmen & orators, past and present, with biographical sketches and their famous orations. 6v. 1902. Lovell. Shurter, Edwin DuBois, ed. 815 856 American oratory of to-day. 1910. South-West Pub. Co. Extracts from addresses by about 160 present-day (1911) speakers. Webster, Daniel. J8is Ws8 Daniel Webster for young Americans, with an introduction and notes by C. F. Richardson and an essay on Webster as a master of English style by E. P. Whipple. 1903. Little. Contains The reply to Hayne. The Bunker Hill monument. Character of Wash- ington. The landing at Plymouth. The formation and preservation of the Union, and other great speeches of "the Defender of the Constitution." To these are added the Declaration of independence, the constitution of the United States and Washington's farewell address. 816 American letters Hanscom, Elizabeth Deering, ed. 816 Has The friendly craft; a collection of American letters. 1908. Mac- millan. Companion volume to Lucas's "Gentlest art" (826 Lo6), which contains chiefly English letters. "Wide variety of letters from youths and maidens, men and women. The volume is, in our opinion, quite as entertaining as Mr. Lucas's, and that is saying a great deal. The pages contain abundant humor, with now and then a touch of pathos. The genera- tion which has grown up since the civil war will receive from some of the letters of that period say those of Lincoln, Curtis, and Greeley an uncommonly vivid impression of the intensity of the strain on men's emotions while the fate of the Union was hanging ' in doubt" Nation, 1908. 817 American satire and humor Ade, George. 817 Aaai In pastures new. 1906. McClure. Contents: In London. In Paris. In Naples. In Cairo. Alden, William Livingston. 817 Assd Domestic explosives, and other sixth column fancies. 1878. Worth- ington. Appeared in the "New York times." Humorous essays by an American journalist. Bangs, John Kendrick. 817 Ba2a Alice in Blunderland; an iridescent dream. 1907. Doubleday. Laughs at municipal ownership. AMERICAN SATIRE AND HUMOR 1539 Banner, Henry Cuyler. 817 B88 The suburban sage; stray notes and comments on his simple life. 1896. Keppler. Humorous short stories illustrating the peculiar trials and problems that confront the suburban resident. Burgess, Gelett. 817 6897 Are you a bromide? or, The sulphitic theory expounded and ex- emplified according to the most recent researches into the psychology of boredom, including many well-known bromidioms now in use. 1906. Huebsch. Reprinted, with revisions and additions, from "The sulphitic theory" published in the "Smart set," April 1906. Crothers, Samuel McChord. 817 Oliver Wendell Holmes; the autocrat and his fellow-boarders, with selected poems. 1909. Houghton. Humorous and discerning criticism; written for the Holmes centenary. [Dunne, Finley Peter.] 817 Dg2d Dissertations by Mr Dooley. 1906. Harper. [Dunne, Finley Peter.] 817 Dg2mo Mr Dooley says. 1910. Scribner. Contents: Divorce. Glory. Woman suffrage. The bachelor tax. The rising of the subject races. Panics. Ocean travel. Work. Drugs. A broken friendship. The army canteen. Things spiritual. Books. The tariff. The big fine. Expert testimony. The call of the wild. The Japanese scare. The Hague conference. Turkish politics. Vacations. Field, Chester, jr. pseud. 817 F45 Cynic's rules of conduct. 1905. Altemus. Collection of humorous maxims. Ford, Simeon. 817 F?64 A few remarks. 1903. Heinemann. Contents: Boyhood in a New England hotel. At a Turkish bath. The discom- forts of travel. Experiences in the National Guard. The landlords in Cuba. George Washington. New York. as a summer resort. Patriotism. California. Joseph Jeffer- son. Bank-notes. My first case. On woman and bloomers. A eulogy of Sir Henry Irving. Crockery. Advice to beginners in the hotel business. Rules for success in the hotel business. On policemen. Collection of after-dinner speeches. Herford, Oliver. 817 H461 Little book of bores. 1906. Scribner. Alphabet of bores, consisting of humorous verses and pictures. Herford, Oliver. 817 H46s The simple jography; or, How to know the earth and why it spins. 1908. Luce. Amusing attempt to restore some of the vanished glamour of old school geographies. Contains burlesque maps and illustrations. Condensed from Nation, 1908. Irwin, Wallace. 817 12890 Chinatown ballads. 1906. Duffield. Irwin, Wallace. 817 1289! Letters of a Japanese schoolboy ("Hashimura Togo")- IQO9- Dou- bleday. Appeared in "Collier's," v.40-42, Nov. ipo7-Feb. 1909. Entertaining satirical comment on modern American life, written in "an extremely sophisticated Anglo-Japanese." Illustrated. 1540 AMERICAN SATIRE AND HUMOR Irwin, Wallace. 817 I28gs The shame of the colleges. 1907. Outing. Contents: Harvard. Vassar. Princeton. The University of Chicago. Yale. West Point. College men, beware! Appeared in the "Saturday evening post," v.179, Aug.-Oct. 1906. Jestingly charges Harvard with being the "Amalgaihated-gentleman trust," Chicago University a "Self -made antique," etc. Irwin, Wallace. 817 I28gt The Teddysee. 1910. Huebsch. Appeared in the "Saturday evening post." Leland, Charles Godfrey. 817 Lsym Meister Karl's sketch-book. [1872.] Peterson. First published in 1855. "An extraordinary production, full of natural sentiment, wit, amiable humor, in- cidents of foreign travel, description, moralizing, original poetry, odd extracts, and curious learning." Griswold's Poets and poetry of America. Lewis, E. C. comp. 817 L67 After dinner stories. 1905. Mutual Book Co. Paulding, James Kirke. 817 P32 The Bulls and the Jonathans, comprising John Bull and Brother Jonathan, and John Bull in America; ed. by W. I. Paulding. 1867. Scribner. "John Bull and Brother Jonathan," first published in 1812, is a satire on British relations with the United States prior to the War of 1812. "John Bull in America," first published in 1825, is a burlesque on the ways of English travelers in this country. [Pearson, Edmund Lester.] r8i7 Pas Old librarian's almanack, by Philobiblos [pseud.] ; a very rare pam- phlet first published in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1773 and now re- printed for the first time. 1909. Elm Tree Press. (Librarian's series, no.i.) Purports to be the almanac kept by one Jared Bean, curator of the Connecticut Society of Antiquarians, but Jared Bean is a purely mythical person and his almanac an exceedingly clever literary hoax, which has deceived more than one serious reviewer. Alternate pages of the almanac are given to delicious comment on libraries and the daily life of the librarian. Shillaber, Benjamin Penhallow, (pseud. Mrs Partington). 817 8550 Cruises with Captain Bob on sea and land. 1880. Lee. An old sea captain's yarns told to a company of boys. Shute, Henry Augustus. 817 856! Farming it. 1909. Houghton. Judge Shute bought a farm for his health's sake, and he writes humorously of his many misadventures with live stock, crops, household matters and crusty neighbors. Shute, Henry Augustus. 817 Ss6p Plupy, "the real boy." 1911. Badger. More boyish escapades, which failed to find their way into the "Real diary of a real boy." Twain, Mark, (pseud, of Samuel Langhorne Clemens). 817 T8ga Auf dem Mississippi. 1905. (Ausgewahlte humoristische schriften, v.4-) AMERICAN SATIRE AND HUMOR 1541 Twain, Mark, (pseud, of Samuel Langhorne Clemens). 817 TSgim Im gold- und silberland. 1908. (Ausgewahlte humoristische schrif- ten, v.5.) With this are bound: Aus meiner knabenzeit. Ritters geschichte. Der mann, der bei Gadsby's abstieg. Die geschichte des invaliden. "Im gold- und silberland" is an incomplete translation of the second part of "Roughing it." Twain, Mark, (pseud, of Samuel Langhorne Clemens). 817 TSgma Mark Twain's speeches, with an introduction by William Dean Howells. 1910. Harper. Twain, Mark, (pseud, of Samuel Langhorne Clemens). 817 T8ga Nach dem fernen Westen. 1905. (Ausgewahlte humoristische schriften, v.4.) Bound with "Auf dem Mississippi." Translation of the first part of "Roughing it." Twain, Mark, (pseud, of Samuel Langhorne Clemens). 817 TSgre Reisebilder; iibers. von Margarete Jacobi u. L. Ottmann. 1907. (Ausgewahlte humoristische schriften, v.6.) "Lebensgeschichte Mark Twain's," p.247-284. Twain, Mark, (pseud, of Samuel Langhorne Clemens). 817 T8gs Skizzenbuch. 1907. (Ausgewahlte humoristische schriften, v.3.) Twain, Mark, (pseud, of Samuel Langhorne Clemens). 817 TSgth The $30,000 bequest, and other stories. Harper. Other stories: A dog's tale. Was it heaven? or hell? The Californian's tale. A helpless situation. A telephonic conversation. Edward Mills and George Benton, a tale. Saint Joan of Arc. The five boons of life. The first writing-machines. Italian without a master. Italian with grammar. A burlesque biography. General Washing- ton's negro body-servant. Wit inspirations of the "two-year-olds." An entertaining article. A letter to the secretary of the treasury. Amended obituaries. A monument to Adam. A humane word from Satan. Introduction to "The new guide of the con- versation in Portuguese and English." Advice to little girls. Post-mortem poetry. A deception. The danger of lying in bed. Portrait of King William III. Does the race of man love a lord? Eve's diary. The invalid's story. The captain's story. Mark Twain, a biographical sketch. In memoriam. The belated Russian passport. Two little tales. Diplomatic pay and clothes. Extracts from Adam's diary. The death disk. A double-barrelled detective story. Twain, Mark, (pseud, of Samuel Langhorne Clemens). r8i7 T8g Writings. 25v. 1906-07. Harper. v.i-2. The innocents abroad. v.3~4. A tramp abroad. v.s-6. Following the equator. v.7-8. Roughing it. \.g. Life on the Mississippi. The gilded age. v. 12. The adventures of Tom Sawyer. v.i 3. The adventures of Huckleberry Finn. v. 14. Pudd'nhead Wilson. v.i 5. The prince and the pauper. v.i 6. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court. v.i 7-1 8. Personal recollections of Joan of Arc by Louis de Conte. v. 19. Sketches, new and old. v.2o. Tom Sawyer abroad, Tom Sawyer detective, and other stories. v.2i. The American claimant, and other stories and sketches. v.22. How to tell a story, and other essays. v.23. The man that corrupted Hadleyburg, and other essays and stories. v.24. The $30,000 bequest, and other stories. v.2s. Christian science. AMERICAN MISCELLANY Ward, Artemus, (pseud, of Charles Farrar Browne). 817 W2ip Panorama (as exhibited at the Egyptian hall, London); ed. by T. W. Robertson & E. P. Kingston. 1869. Carleton. The same. 1905. Chatto. (In his Complete works, p. 329- 397-) ....................................................... 817 Wai Wood, Henry Firth. 817 W8s Jokes; a fresh crop. 1905. Penn Pub. Co. 818 American miscellany [Brougham, John, & Elderkin, John, comp.] r8i8 677 Lotos leaves; stories, essays and poems by members of the Lotos Club. 1875. Chatto. Whitelaw Reid, Mark Twain, John Hay and Brander Matthews are among the con- tributors. [Cozzens, Frederic Swartwout.] 818 C8s Prismatics. 1853. Appleton. Contents: The last picture. The beating of the heart. Aunt Miranda. Hetabel. Orange blossoms. Bunker Hill; an old-time ballad. A chronicle of the village of Babylon. The seasons. Old books. A Babylonish ditty. The first oyster-eater. An evening revery. On the habits of Irishmen. La bella entristecida. On the habits of Scotchmen. The locket; an ancient ballad. On societies for ameliorating the condition of the rich. Where is the holy temple? Alliteration. Album verses. The lay-figure. To . My boy in the country. A sonnet. Wit and humor. Short sketches in prose and verse. Hall, Granville Davisson. 818 Hi7 Old gold. 1907. Recollections of village life and scenes at the middle of the last century. The local- ity, although not definitely named, is presumably western Pennsylvania. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. r8i8 Hs6c Complete works, with introductory notes by G. P. Lathrop. I3v. 1884-93. Houghton. (Riverside edition.) v.i. Twice-told tales. v.2. Mosses from an old manse. v.3. The house of the seven gables. The snow-image, and other twice-told tales. v.4. A wonder-book for girls and boys. Tanglewood tales. The whole history of grandfather's chair. v.$. The scarlet letter. The Blithedale romance. v.6. The marble faun; or, The romance of Monte Beni. v.7. Our old home. Passages from the English note-books. v.&. Passages from the English note-books (continued). v.9. Passages from the American note-books. Passages from the French and Italian note-books. v.i i. The Dolliver romance. Fanshawe. Septimius Felton. The ancestral foot- step. v.ia. Tales and sketches. Biographical stories. Biographical sketches. Alice Doane's appeal. Chiefly about war matters. Life of Franklin Pierce. Sketch of the life of Nathaniel Hawthorne, by G. P. Lathrop. v.i 3. Doctor Grimshawe's secret; ed. by Julian Hawthorne. r8i8 K34 Knickerbocker gallery; a testimonial to the editor of the Knicker- bocker magazine from its contributors. 1855. Hueston. Miscellaneous collection of essays, short stories and poems. Bryant, Longfellow, Lowell, Holmes, Irving, James T. Fields, D. G. Mitchell, Bayard Taylor, G. W. Curtis and N. P. Willis are among the many contributors. ENGLISH LITERATURE 1543 Lincoln, Abraham. r8i8 Lyi Lincoln year book, containing immortal words of Abraham Lincoln; comp. by J. T. Hobson. 1906. United Brethren Pub. House. Calendar made up of selections from Lincoln's speeches and writings, with appropri- ate Bible and poetic quotations. Menken, Adah Isaacs. 818 M62 Infelicia. 1868. Lippincott. Sands, Robert Charles. 818 822 Writings in prose and verse, with a memoir of the author [by G. C. Verplanck]. 2v. 1835. Harper. v.i. Historical notice of Hernan Cortes, conqueror of Mexico. Domestic litera- ture. Isaac, a type of the Redeemer. The Caio-Gracco of Monti. The garden of Venus. Yamoyden; a tale of the wars of King Philip. v.2. Miscellaneous pieces: Scenes at Washington, etc. Sands (17991832) was one of the most promising of early American writers. His literary reputation was made chiefly by his life of Cortes, which was extravagantly praised by Bryant, and by the long poem of "Yamoyden," in which he collaborated with a friend. Sigourney, Mrs Lydia Howard (Huntley). 818 857 Lucy Howard's journal. 1858. Harper. Journal describing a young girl's school experiences, her early married life and the making of a home in the West in the earlier days. Smith, Richard Penn. 818 865 Miscellaneous works; collected by his son, H. W. Smith. 1856. Smith. Poems and stories by a Philadelphia lawyer and dramatist (1799-1854), whose plays were once popular on the stage. Thoreau, Henry David. r8i8 Tsgwr Writings (Walden edition). 2ov. 1906. Houghton. v.i. Biographical sketch, by R. W. Emerson. A week on the Concord and Merri- mack rivers. v.2. Walden. v-3. The Maine woods. v.4. Cape Cod. Miscellanies. v.s. Excursions. Translations. Poems. v.6. Familiar letters; ed. by F. B. Sanborn. v-7 20. Journal, 1837-61; ed. by Bradford Torrey. Van Dyke, Henry. 818 Vi8 Music-lover. 1907. Moffat. The thoughts of a music lover on listening to a Beethoven symphony. 820 English literature Essays Choate, Isaac Bassett. 820.4 C44 Wells of English. 1892. Roberts. Contents: Thomas of Erceldoune. John Barbour. William Langland. John Ball. Henry Bradshaw. John Skelton. William Dunbar. Robert Henryson. Sir Thomas More. Sir Thomas Elyot. Sir Thomas Wyatt. Thomas Tusser. Henry Howard. George Puttenham. Sir Walter Raleigh. George Chapman. Robert Greene. Samuel Daniel. Joshua Sylvester. Michael Drayton. Cyril Tourneur. Christopher Marlowe. Thomas Middleton. John Marston. Thomas Heywood. John Taylor. Philip Mas- singer. Robert Herrick. Izaak Walton. James Shirley. Thomas Browne. Thomas Randolph. Thomas Fuller. William Cartwright Richard Crashawe. Sir Roger L'Es- trange. Richard Lovelace. William Chamberlayne. Andrew Marvell. John Evelyn. 1544 ENGLISH LITERATURE Gilfillan, George. 820.4 G39 Modern literature and literary men; a second gallery of literary por- traits. 1850. Appleton. Brief critical estimates of 25 English and American authors, chiefly of the early 1 9th century. Author (1813-78) was a Scottish minister and miscellaneous writer. Graham, Peter Anderson. 820.4 G?7 Nature in books; some studies in biography. 1891. Methuen. Contents: The magic of the fields (Richard Jeff cries). Art and scenery (Lord Tennyson). The philosophy of idleness (Henry David Thoreau). The romance of life (Scott). Laborare est orare (Carlyle). The poetry of toil (Burns). The divinity of nature (Wordsworth). Hales, John Wesley. 820.4 Hi6 Folia litteraria; essays and notes on English literature. 1893. Mac- millan. Contents: Old English metrical romances. The lay of Havelok the Dane. Eger and Grime. The Here prophecy. Robert of Brunne. Dante in England. Chaucer at Woodstock. Chaucer notes. The "Confessio amantis." Chevy chase. Wyatt and Surrey. Spenseriana. Sir John Davies" poems. The pilgrimage to Parnassus, with the two parts of the Return from Parnassus. Richard Brathwaite. Milton's "Mac- beth." Milton and Gray's inn walks. Milton notes. Bunyan. The revival of ballad poetry in the i8th century. The last decade of the last century. Victorian literature. Literature. 1899. Doubleday. (Home study circle.) 820.4 Contents: Robert Burns. Sir Walter Scott. Lord Byron. Reprinted from the "Chicago record." Robertson, John Mackinnon. 820.4 R54 Modern humanists; sociological studies of Carlyle, Mill, Emerson, Arnold, Ruskin and Spencer, with an epilogue on social reconstruction. 1901. Sonnenschein. Discusses the criticism of life offered in the work of each of these men. Scherer, Edmond. 820.4 $326 Essays on English literature; tr. by George Saintsbury. 1891. Scribner. Contents: George Eliot: "Silas Marner." J. S. Mill. Shakespeare. George Eliot: "Daniel Deronda." Taine's "History of English literature." Shakespeare and criticism. Milton and "Paradise lost." Laurence Sterne, or the humorist. Wordsworth. Thomas. Carlyle. "Endymion." George Eliot. Washburn, Emelyn W. 820.4 W27 Studies in early English literature. 1882. Putnam. Contents: The Anglo-Saxon time. The Anglo-Norman time. Early ballad poetry. The age of Chaucer. The age of Spenser. The English drama. English prose. Elizabethan divines. Francis Bacon. "Periods in the history of the English language and literature," p.22 1-225. Binder's title reads "Early English literature." Study and teaching Blakely, Gilbert Sykes. 820.7 652 Teachers' outlines for studies in English, based on the requirements for admission to college. 1908. Amer. Book Co. Hix, Melvin. 820.7 ^63 Fifty English classics briefly outlined. 1905. Hinds. Outlines of some of the dramas, novels, poems and essays frequently used for study in schools. ENGLISH LITERATURE 1545 Hooker, Elizabeth Robbins. 820.7 Study book in English literature from Chaucer to the close of the romantic period. 1910. Heath. "Bibliography" at the beginning of many chapters; "General bibliography," p. 1-6. Excellent outline of a course covering the greater part of the history of English literature, yet capable of being completed in one year. Most of the sections contain matter of five kinds: bibliography, list of reading, notes to the teacher, topics for study, and essay subjects. Kingsley, Maud Elma. 820.7 K27 Outline studies in college English, v.i-4. 1904-06. Palmer. v.i. Silas Marner, by George Eliot. Sir Roger de Coverley papers, by Joseph Addison. Julius Caesar; The merchant of Venice, by Shakespeare. The vicar of Wake- field, by Goldsmith. The ancient mariner, by Coleridge. Ivanhoe, by Scott. Essay on Burns, by Carlyle. The princess, by Tennyson. Vision of Sir Launfal, by Lowell. Macbeth, by Shakespeare. L'allegro and II penseroso; Comus; Lycidas, by Milton. Speech on conciliation, by Edmund Burke. Essay on Milton; Essay on Addison; Life of Johnson, by Macaulay. v.2. Life of Goldsmith, by Irving. Lady of the lake, by Scott. Idylls of the king, by Tennyson. Connecting links for the college English. Evangeline; Courtship of Miles Standish; Hiawatha, by Longfellow. Snowbound, by Whittier. Rip Van Winkle; Legend of Sleepy Hollow, by Irving. Lay of the last minstrel; Marmion, by Scott. Man without a country, by E. E. Hale. Tales of a wayside inn, by Longfellow. Two years before the mast, by R. H. Dana. Christmas carol, by Dickens. House of the seven gables, by Hawthorne. The tempest, by Shakespeare. v.3. Midsummer night's dream; Hamlet; As you like it, by Shakespeare. Last of the Mohicans, by Cooper. Saga of King Olaf, by Longfellow. The deserted village, by Goldsmith. A tale of two cities, by Dickens. Pilgrim's progress, by Bunyan. Mazeppa and The prisoner of Chillon, by Byron. Sohrab and Rustum, by Matthew Arnold. Cranford, by Mrs Gaskell. Poe's poems. Franklin's autobiography. Twelfth night, by Shakespeare. v-4. King Henry V, by Shakespeare. The rape of the lock, by Pope. Lorna Doone, by Blackmore. Lays of ancient Rome, by Macaulay. Sesame and lilies, by Ruskin. Sketch book, by Irving. Henry Esmond, by Thackeray. The English mail coach; Joan of Arc, by De Quincey.--Farewell address, by Washington; First Bunker Hill oration, by Daniel Webster. Prologue to the Canterbury tales, by Chaucer. The faerie queene, by Spenser. Heroes and hero worship, by Carlyle. Essays of Elia, by Lamb. The same ............................................... r82O-7 K27 Collections of English literature Binyon, Mrs Cicely Margaret (Powell), comp. 820.8 648 Nineteenth century prose. 1907. Methuen. Collection of short extracts from 76 representative writers of English prose. Morley, Henry, ed. 820.8 M8g Character writings of the I7th century. 1891. Routledge. Contents: Character writing before the i7th century, by _ Theophrastus, Thomas Harman, Ben Jonson. Character writings of the 171!) century,' by Sir Thomas Over- bury, Joseph Hall, John Stephens, John Earle, Nicholas Breton, Geoffrey Minshull, Henry Parrott, Micrologia, by R. M.; Whimzies; or, A new cast of characters; John Milton; Wye Saltonstall; Donald Lupton; Characte/s published between 1642 and 1646, by Sir Francis Wortley, T. Ford and others; John Cleveland; Characters published be- tween 1647 an d 1665; Richard Flecknoe; Characters published between 1673 and 1689; Samuel Butler. Character writing after the i7th century. Murray, John O'Kane, ed. 820.8 Mg? Prose and poetry of Ireland; a choice collection of literary gems from the masterpieces of the great Irish writers, with biographical sketches. 1878. Collier. Chiefly prose selections. 1546 HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE Saintsbury, George, ed. 820.8 815 Elizabethan & Jacobean pamphlets. 1892. Percival. (Pocket library of English literature.) Contents: Reply to Gosson, by Thomas Lodge. Pap with a hatchet, by John Lyly(?) A pretty and witty discourse, by Nicholas Breton. Groat's worth of wit, by Robert Greene. Precursor to Pierce's Supererogation, by Gabriel Harvey. Prognostica- tion, by Thomas Nash. The gull's hornbook, by Thomas Dekker. Saintsbury, George, comp. 820.8 8155 Specimens of English prose style from Malory to Macaulay; selected and annotated with an introductory essay by George Saints- bury. 1885. Paul. History and criticism of English literature. Beers, Henry Augustin. 820.9 6380 Outline sketch of English literature. 1886. Chautauqua Press. Bibliography at the end of each chapter. By the (1908) professor of English literature at Yale University. From the Nor- man conquest to 1886. Calisch, Edward Nathaniel. 820.9 13 The Jew in English literature, as author and as subject. 1909. Bell. "Bibliography," p.o-io; "List of non- Jewish authors who have written on or about the Jews," p. 199221; "List of Jewish authors," p. 222-265. Considers briefly the writings of Jewish authors or of Gentiles on Jewish themes which have appeared in England from the pre-Elizabethan period to 1908. Does not include commentaries on the Bible, but belles lettres only, especially poetry, fiction and the drama. Canning, Albert Stratford George. 820.9 Ci7 British writers on classic lands; a literary sketch. 1907. Unwin. "Works referred to," p.29s 296. Rather disconnected commentary on works of travel, literature and history dealing with Greece, Italy, Egypt and Palestine. Chapman, Edward Mortimer. 820.9 Cs6 English literature in account with religion, 1800-1900. 1910. Hough- ton. Aims "to set forth something of the debt which literature owes to religion for its subjects, its language, its antagonisms and inspirations, as well as in many cases for the training of its writers;" also "to suggest the debt which religion as indisputably owes to literature for the extension of its influence and the humanizing of its ideals." Clark, J. Scott. . 820.9 Csa Study of English prose writers; a laboratory method. 1908. Scrib- ner. Contents: Bacon. Milton. Bunyan. Addison. Steele. Defoe. Swift. Gold- smith. Johnson. Burke. Lamb. Scott. De Quincey. Macaulay. Thackeray. Newman. Arnold. Carlyle. Eliot. Dickens. Ruskin. Irving. Hawthorne. Emerson. Lowell. Holmes. Bibliography on the style of each writer. The same r82O.g C52 "The method consists in determining the particular and distinctive features of a writer's style... in sustaining that analysis by a very wide consensus of critical opinion, in illustrating the particular characteristics of each writer by. . .extracts from his works, and in then requiring the pupil to find. . .parallel illustrations." Preface. HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE 1547 Courtney, William Prideaux. 820.9 84 The secrets of our national literature; chapters in the history of the anonymous and pseudonymous writings of our countrymen. 1908. Constable. Information about English books and authors, gathered from scattered sources. Crawshaw, William Henry. 820.9 C8y Making of English literature. 1907. Heath. "Reading and study list," p.4i 7-427. Author is (1908) professor of English literature at Colgate University. "Beginning with Beowulf, and the few earlier relics of Anglo-Saxon poetry, and ending with Tennyson, to the exclusion of living writers, Mr. Crawshaw has given an adequate, and in some cases a distinctly concise and happy estimate of the work of all the chief figures in our literary history." Outlook (London), 1907. Dixon, James Main. 1820.9 D64 Survey of Scottish literature in the ipth century, with some reference to the i8th. 1906. (California University. Library bulletin no.15.) "Bibliography," p.25~53- Fifty-three page pamphlet. Considers the influences bearing upon literary pro- duction in Scotland; Scottish publishers, journals and editors. Garnett, Richard, 1835-1906, & Gosse, E. W. q82o.g Gige English literature; an illustrated record. 4v. 1903-04. Grosset. v.i. From the beginnings to the age of Henry VIII, by Richard Garnett. v.2. From the age of Henry VIII to the age of Milton, by Richard Garnett and Edmund Gosse. v-3. From Milton to Johnson, by Edmund Gosse. v.4- From the age of Johnson to the age of Tennyson, by Edmund Gosse. "Even putting the text aside, the abundance and excellence of the illustrations, in- cluding facsimiles of mss., autographs, engravings and title-pages, portraits, views of places, buildings, etc., o'n a scale never before attempted in a work of this kind in Eng- lish... give it a quite peculiar value, and that not to the eye alone. We not only enjoy a writer more, but we understand him better, when we have seen his portrait, his hand- writing, and his home or favorite haunts." Nation, 1903. Jusserand, Jean Jules. 820.9 Jss Literary history of the English people, v.3- 1909. Putnam. v.3. From the renaissance to the civil war: The age of Elizabeth (continued); The predecessors of Shakespeare; Shakespeare, personal and literary biography; Shake- speare; his dramatic work; The contemporaries and successors of Shakespeare; The aftermath. "What Englishmen have written interests him chiefly for the light it throws on what Englishmen have been and are. The facts which he selects for fullest exposition are those which seem to him to illustrate the English national character, or the causes which have contributed to its development. . .M. Jusserand. . .has already gained great distinction as an original investigator in more than one period of English literary his- tory." Atheneeum, 1895. For v.i-2 see preceding catalogues. Lee, Sir Sidney. 820.9 French renaissance in England; an account of the literary relations of England and France in the :6th century. 1910. Clarendon Press. Based on a series of six lectures delivered before the University of Oxford during the summer term of 1909, under the title "Literary relations of England and France during the i6th century." Long, William Joseph. 820.9 L82 English literature; its history and its significance for the life of the English-speaking world; a text-book for schools. 1909. Ginn. "General bibliography," p. 569-572. 1548 HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE MacMurchy, Archibald. 820.9 M2i Handbook of Canadian literature (English). 1906. Briggs. Gives briefly biographical details in regard to a large number of Canadian authors, with lists of their works and occasional selections from them. Marshall, Henrietta Elizabeth. j82o.g M4i Child's English literature; illustrated with drawings in colour by J. R. Skelton. [1909.] Stokes. "Chronological list of writers noticed in this volume," p.68o. The author says "I have tried to show how from a rough foundation of minstrel tales and monkish legends the great palace of our literature has slowly risen to be a glorious house of song." A few of the stories are, In the listening time. The begin- ning of the reading time. "The passing of Arthur." The story of Beowulf. How Caedmon sang, and how he fell once more on silence. About some song stories. The land of Nowhere. Jonson, "Every man in his humour." Addison, "The Spectator." Wordsworth and Coleridge, the Lake poets. Scott, "the Wizard of the North." Moody, William Vaughn, & Lovett, R. M. 820.9 M8y History of English literature. 1909. Scribner. Bibliography, p. 358-4 1 1 . Pancoast, Henry Spackman. 820.9 P2ii2 Introduction to English literature. 1907. Holt. Pancoast, Henry Spackman, comp. 820.9 P2iis Study lists, chronological tables and maps to accompany [his] Intro- duction to English literature. 1908. Holt. "List of authors to accompany literary map of England," p. 629 632. Schelling, Felix Emmanuel. 820.9 832 English literature during the lifetime of Shakespeare. 1910. Holt. "Bibliography," p.427-459. "No other book of similar compass presents so fully and organically the complex literary activities of Englishmen from the birth to the death of Shakespeare." Nation, 1910. Schofield, William Henry. 820.9 836 English literature from the Norman conquest to Chaucer. 1906. Macmillan. / "Bibliographical notes," p.466-486. Instead of treating the development of the literature of this period as a whole he traces separately the evolution of each type, and devotes much attention to Anglo-Latin and Anglo-French literature as the principal source of the vernacular literature of the time. Excellent general authority for this period. Shackford, Martha Hale. r82o.g 852 English masterpieces of the I9th century. 1906. Freeman. (Key books, v.5.) "Bibliography," p.78-86. TOMECT,, BajiBTept. 820.9 T37 HcTOpifl anrjiiftcKoft jiHxepaxypu. Toynbee, Paget. 1820.9 D23zt Dante in English literature from Chaucer to Gary (c. 1380-1844), with introduction, notes [and] biographical notices. 2v. [1909.] Methuen. "Chronological list of authors, etc., with dates of works quoted," v.2, $.703-723. Collection of references to Dante in English literature during the period covered, so admirably arranged that the history of Dante's fame in England is traced with ease. Between 500 and 600 authors are represented and more than 1,000 separate works are quoted. Special pains have been taken to represent as fully as possible the large array ENGLISH POETRY 1549 Toynbee, Paget continued. r82o.g D23zt of anonymous periodical literature, which is of the highest value for the purposes of this work, as reflecting the influence of Dante on the popular writers and critics of the day. Introductory essay sums up the conclusions of the research. Tucker, Thomas George. 820.9 T8if Foreign debt of English literature. 1907. Bell. Deals with the interdependence of literatures, especially with the influence exerted by Greek, Latin, Italian and French literatures upon English. The diagrams of pedi- grees and tabular arrangements of each nation's literary history are modern and useful. Tucker, Thomas George, & Murdoch, W. L. F. 820.9 T8i New primer of English literature. 1909. Bell. Clearly written and thoroughly readable survey of English literary history. Ward, Adolphus William, & Waller, A. R. ed. 820.9 W2i Cambridge history of English literature, v.i-9. 1907-13. Putnam. v.i. From the beginnings to the cycles of romance. v.2. The end of the middle ages. v-3. Renascence and reformation. v.4. Prose and poetry, Sir Thomas North to Michael Drayton. v.s 6. The drama to 1642. v.7. Cavalier and Puritan. v.8. The age of Dryden. v.g. From Steele and Addison to Pope and Swift. Bibliography at the end of each volume. The chapters are by different authors, and the work displays the merits and faults incident to the cooperative method of writing history. Contains a large store of ordered and generally reliable information, with especially valuable bibliographies. 821 English poetry Bibliography Corson, Livingston, comp. roi6.82i C82 Finding list of political poems referring to English affairs of the I3th and I4th centuries. Thesis for Ph. D., University of Pennsylvania. Individual works Alexander, William, earl of Stirling, 1580-1640. 821 A$y Poetical works, with memoir and notes. 3v. 1870-72. Ogle. v.i. Introductory memoir. Commendatory verses. Aurora. Paraenesis to Prince Henrie. Elegie on Prince Henrie. To his majestie. A short view of the state of man. Jonathan. The monarchicke tragedies: Croesus. v.2. The tragedy of Darius; The Alexandraean tragedy; The tragedy of Julius Csesar. Miscellaneous pieces. v.3. Doomes-day. Alma-Tadema, Miss Laurence. 821 A few lyrics. 1909. Mathews. Arnold, Sir Edwin. 821 Light of Asia; or, The great renunciation (Mahabhinishkramana); being the life and teaching of Gautama, prince of India and founder of Buddhism, as told in verse by an Indian Buddhist. 1906. Little. The same. 1892. (In his Poetical works, v.i.) .......... 821 A75 v.i 1550 ENGLISH POETRY Arnold, Matthew. 821 Poems, with an introduction by A. C. Benson. 1900. Lane. Arthur, King. r82i A78 Arthur; a short sketch of his life and history in English verse of the first half of the isth century; ed. by F. J. Furnivall. 1869. (Early Eng- lish Text Society. Publications, v.2.) Aytoun, William Edmondstoune. qj82i Ag8 Lays of the Scottish cavaliers, and other poems. 1881. Blackwood. Partial contents: Edinburgh after Flodden. The execution of Montrose. The heart of the Bruce. The burial-march of Dundee. The widow of Glencoe. The island of the Scots. Blind old Milton. The buried flower. The refusal of Charon. Martial poems. Barbauld, Mrs Anna Letitia (Aikin). r82i 6232 Works, with a memoir by Lucy Aikin. 2v. 1825. Longman. v.i. Memoir. Poems. v.2. Correspondence. Miscellaneous pieces. English poet and miscellaneous writer (1743-1825). The first volume contains her poems, the second, letters and essays on various subjects. "The poems of Mrs. Barbauld are chiefly written in the elegant pseudo-classic style of the close of the last century. She expresses herself clearly and with grace; a certain artificiality of manner harmonises with her choice of subject. Her poetry is without deep thought or passion; but it is free from blunders of an avoidable kind." Ward's English poets. Baring, Maurice. 821 6239 Collected poems. 1911. Lane. Barlow, Jane. 821 624111 The mockers, and other verses. 1908. Begbie, Agnes H. 821 638 Christmas songs and carols. 1908. Mathews. Belloc, Hilaire. 821 B4iv Verses. [1910.] Duckworth. Benson, Arthur Christopher. 821 844 Peace, and other poems. 1905. Lane. Berinus. r82i 645 Tale of Beryn, with A prologue of the merry adventure of the par- doner with a tapster at Canterbury; ed. by F. J. Furnivall & W. G. Stone, with an English abstract of the French original and Asiatic ver- sions of the tale, by W. A. Clouston. 1909. (Early English Text So- ciety. Publications, extra series, v.ios.) An amusing middle English poem found in one of the manuscripts of Chaucer's "Canterbury tales." The prologue is a valuable piece of contemporary social history, showing how pilgrims like Chaucer's. disported themselves in the town and at the shrine of the martyr. Blake, William. 821 6520 Die ethik der fruchtbarkeit; zusammengestellt aus seinen werken und aufzeichnungen, ubersetzt und eingeleitet von Otto, freiherrn von Taube. 1907. Diederich. "Auswahl aus der englischen und deutschen literatur iiber William Blake und aus den posthumen ausgaben seiner werke," p.i45~i47. ENGLISH POETRY 1551 Brathwait, Richard. 821 671 Barnabae itinerarium; or, Barnabee's journal, with a life of the author, a bibliographical introduction to the itinerary and a catalogue of his works; ed. by Joseph Haslewood. 1876. Reeves. The most famous work of this i?th century British poet, a sprightly record of Eng- lish travel, in Latin and English doggerel verse. Bronte, Charlotte, afterward Mrs Nicholls, (pseud. Currer Bell). 821 677 Poems by Charlotte, Emily & Anne Bronte, with Cottage poems by Patrick Bronte. 1893. Bronte, Emily, (pseud. Ellis Bell). 821 6771 Complete poems; ed. by Clement Shorter, with introductory essay by W. R. Nicoll. 1908. Hodder. Browning, Robert. 821 BSigco [Complete works]; from the author's revised text; ed. with intro- ductions and notes by Charlotte Porter and H. A. Clarke. I2v. 1898. Crowell. (Camberwell edition.) v.i. Biographical introduction. Pauline. Paracelsus. Pippa passes. King Victor and King Charles; a tragedy. v.2. Strafford: a tragedy. Sordello. v.3. The return of the Druses; a tragedy. A blot in the 'scutcheon; a tragedy. Colombe's birthday; a play. Luria; a tragedy. A soul's tragedy. v-4- Dramatic lyrics. Dramatic romances. Christmas-eve and Easter-day. v.j. Men and women. In a balcony. Dramatis personae. v.6-7. The ring and the book. v.8. Balaustion's adventure. Aristophanes' apology. v.g. Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau, saviour of society. Fifine at the fair. Pac- chiarotto and how he worked in distemper, etc. v. 10. Red cotton night-cap country; or, Turf and towers. The inn album. The two poets of Croisic. v.i i. The Agamemnon of ^schylus. La Saisiaz. Dramatic idyls, ist-zd series. Jocoseria. v. 12. Ferishtah's fancies. Parleyings with certain people of importance in their day. Asolando. Fugitive poems and verses for occasions. Introductory essay for "Letters of Shelley," 1851. Introduction to "The divine order," by Thomas Jones, 1884. "Chronological bibliography," v.i, p.3i 38. Browning, Robert. qj82i B8igpi2 Pied piper of Hamelin; a child's story; illustrated by Hope Dunlap. 1910. Rand. The same; illustrated by Kate Greenaway. [1910.] Warne qj82i BSigpis Browning, Robert, & Browning, Mrs Elizabeth (Barrett). 821 B8igf Florence in the poetry of the Brownings; being a selection of [their] poems which have to do with the history, the scenery and the art of Florence; ed. by A. B. McMahan. 1907. McClurg. Contents: Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Casa Guidi windows; The dance. Robert Browning: Old pictures in Florence; Fra Lippo Lippi; Andrea del Sarto; The statue and the bust; The ring and the book, book i; One word more. Illustrated. Clarke, Helen Archibald. 821 BSigzcla Browning's England; a study of English influences in Browning. 1908. Baker. Among these influences are considered the English poets, especially Shakespeare, certain periods of English history and the trend of religious thought in the ipth century. Many quotations. Illustrated. 1552 ENGLISH POETRY Clarke, Helen Archibald. 821 BSigzcl Browning's Italy; a study of Italian life and art in Browning. 1907. Baker. Contains more of Browning than of Italy, being intended as a study of his Italian poems and not in any sense a record of the years he spent in Florence and in Rome. Duff, David. 821 BSigzd Exposition of Browning's "Sofdello," with historical and other notes. 1906. Blackwood. "An extremely useful rendering into blunt, unpoetical English." Contemporary review, 1906. Griggs, Edward Howard. 821 BSigzg Poetry and philosophy of Browning. 1905. Huebsch. "Book list," p.46-5i. Outline of each lecture is given, topics for study and discussion are suggested and references cited. Hodell, Charles Wesley, ed. qr82i BSigzh The old yellow book, source of Browning's The ring and the book, in complete photo-reproduction, with translation, essay and notes by C. W. Hodell. 1908. (Carnegie Institution of Washington. Publication no.Sg.) Contents: The old yellow book. Translation of the old yellow book. Translation of the secondary source. Translation of the Casanatense version of the Franceschini murder. The making of a great poem. Hornbrooke, Francis Bickford. * 821 BSigzh The ring and the book by Robert Browning; an interpretation. 1909. Little. "Written in 1903, five years before the publication of 'The Old Yellow Book,' it contains one or two errors of fact. . .Otherwise, so far as it goes, Dr. Hornbrooke's work is impeccable. It is almost entirely free from silly moralizing, and it attempts practically nothing in the way of criticism. In fact, the main difference between 'The Ring and the Book" and 'The Ring and the Book, an Interpretation,' is that Browning's version is 477 pages long, and in verse, while Dr. Hornbrooke's version is only 235 pages long, and is, for the most part, in prose." Nation, jyio. Peterson, Hans Christian. 821 BSigzpe Inductive studies in Browning for secondary schools, colleges and literature clubs. 1908. Ainsworth. Contains 20 of the shorter poems, each with a list of inductive questions on the text and a brief paragraph in elucidation. Burns, Robert. r82i Bgs Complete works (self-interpreting). (Skibo edition.) 6v. in 12. 1896. Gebbie. "The life of Burns, by Alexander Smith," v.6, pt.2, p. 213-256. "Chronological and topographical table of all known editions of Burns's works," T.6. pt.2, p.336-342- Burns, Robert. 821 Poetical works. 3v. in I. Houghton. (British poets.) The same; ed. by John Fawside. 1896. Longmans ......... 821 The same; ed. with a critical memoir by W. M. Rossetti; illustrated by J. M. Smith. [1879.] Moxon ........................... r82i Bgspo EaftpoHi, ,ZJ/KopAJKT> Hoajib Popcorn,, jiopflT>. q821 B99pol [HojiHoe co6panie coHHHCHitt.] 3 T. 1904-05. (Bn6jiio- ENGLISH POETRY 1553 Byron, George Gordon Noel, lord. 821 Bggw With Byron in Italy; being a selection of the poems and letters of Lord Byron which have to do with his life in Italy from 1816 to 1823; selected and arranged by A. B. McMahan. 1906. McClurg. Illustrated. Caldecott, Randolph. j82i Ci2c Caldecott's collection of pictures & songs. 2v. Warne. v.i. The diverting history of John Gilpin. The house that Jack built. An elegy on the death of a mad dog. The babes in the wood. The three jovial huntsmen. Sing a song for sixpence. The queen of hearts. The farmer's boy. v.2. The milkmaid. Hey diddle diddle. Baby Bunting. The fox jumps over the parson's gate. A frog he would a-wooing go. Come lasses and lads. Ride a cock- horse to Banbury Cross. A farmer went trotting upon his grey mare. Mrs Mary Blaize. The great Panjandrum himself. Verses and colored pictures. Campbell, Thomas. 821 Ci6c Complete poetical works; ed. with notes by J. L. Robertson. 1907. Frowde. Campbell, Thomas. 821 Ci6 Poetical works. 1891. Bell. Sketch of the life of Campbell, by William Allingham, p.g-74- The same; ed. with a critical memoir by W. M. Rossetti; illustrated by Thomas Seccombe. [1880.] Moxon r82i Ci6 [Carpenter, Edward.] 821 C22 Towards democracy [poems]. 1907. Sonnenschein. Of the school which Whitman has called into being, Carpenter is now the foremost living exponent. He is a striking and original .thinker who has seemingly steeped him- . self thoroughly in the "Leaves of grass" and then given forth his own conception of life and the boundless universe. Condensed from. Westminster review, 1901. Caxton, William. qr82i C2Q Book of curtesye, printed at Westminster about 1477-8 A. D. and now reprinted, with two ms. copies of the same treatise, from the Oriel ms. 79, and the Balliol ms. 354; ed. by F. J. Furnivall. 1868. Triibner. (Early English Text Society. Publications, extra ser. v.3.) "The book itself, Lytill Johan, is by a disciple of Lydgate's. . .and contains. . .the usual directions how to dress, how to behave in church, at meals, and when serving at table, a wise man's advice on the... best English poets, then Gower, Chaucer, Occleve, and Lydgate." Preface. Chaucer, Geoffrey. 821 C4icl The clerkes tale, and The squieres tale; ed. by Lilian Winstanley. 1908. Cambridge University Press. Introduction contains useful chronological tables of Chaucer's life and works, chap- ter on the "Grammar and metre of Chaucer" and an exceptionally full history of the two tales. The notes are brief and to the point. Chaucer, Geoffrey. 821 C4ipa The parliament of birds, and The house of fame; done into modern English by Professor Skeat. 1908. Chatto. Chaucer, Geoffrey. 821 C4ipr Prologue to The Canterbury tales, The romaunt of the rose, and minor poems; done into modern English by [W. W.]' Skeat. 1907. Chatto. 1554 ENGLISH POETRY Chaucer, Geoffrey. 821 Riches of Chaucer, in which his impurities have been expunged, his spelling modernised, his rhythm accentuated and his obsolete terms ex- plained, also have been added a few explanatory notes and a new memoir of the poet by C. C. Clarke. 1896. Macmillan. First published in 1835. Chaucer, Geoffrey. qr82i C4i Works of Geoffrey Chaucer and others; being a reproduction in facsimile of the first collected edition 1532, from the copy in the Brit- ish Museum, with an introduction by W. W. Skeat. [1905.] Moring. Kelman, Janet Harvey. J82i C4is Stories from Chaucer; told to the children. [1905.] Jack. (Told to the children series.) Contents: Dorigen, the story by the man of land. Emelia, the story by the man of might. Griselda, the story by the man of books. Constance, the story by the man of law. Retold from Chaucer's "Canterbury tales." Colored pictures. McSpadden, Joseph Walker. J82i C4ist Stories from Chaucer; retold from the Canterbury tales. 1907. Crowell. Contains the prologue, "in which Chaucer describeth the Company of Canterbury Pilgrims, and telleth how the Tales came to be told," and nine stories, including The cock and the fox. The three rioters. Patient Griselda. A woman's wish. Palamon and Arcite. Rands, William Brighty, (pseud. Matthew Browne). 821 C4izra Chaucer's England, by Matthew Browne. 2v. 1869. Hurst. Commentary on the picture of English life which Chaucer gives in his poetry, especially in the "Canterbury tales." Root, Robert Kilburn. 821 C4izr Poetry of Chaucer; a guide to its study and appreciation. 1906. Houghton. Bibliography, p. 291-292. "Agreeably written book of popular character which in accuracy of statement and fulness of information satisfies all scientific requirements. . .The author has utilized all Chaucer investigations up to the present year." Nation, /pod. Sypherd, Wilbur Owen. r82i C4izs Studies in Chaucer's Hous of fame. 1907. (Chaucer Society. Pub- lications, 2d ser. v.39.) Considers the relation between Chaucer's dream-poems and the Old French love- vision literature of the I3th and I4th centuries. Shows the connection between the "Hous of fame" and Dante's "Divine comedy," and gives the inner meaning of Chaucer's poem. Tappan, Eva March. J82i C4icha The Chaucer story book. 1908. Houghton. Contents: At the Tabard inn. Palamon and Arcite. Story of Constance. Little Hugh of Lincoln. The cock, the hen and the fox. The revelers who went out to meet Death. The unknown bride. Story of the summoner. Patient Griselda. Cambuscan and the brazen horse. The promise of Dorigen. The priest who learned to be a philosopher. ENGLISH POETRY 1555 Churchyard, Thomas. r82i 460 Chips concerning Scotland; being a collection of his pieces relative to that country, with historical notices and a life of the author by George Chalmers. 1817. Longman. Churchyard was an English poet and miscellaneous writer (i 520?-i6o4) . The volume contains poems on the siege of Leith, at which the author was present, on the siege of Edinburgh, and on the conspiracies of James Douglas, earl of Morton, a promi- nent figure in the reign of Mary, queen of Scots, Collins, William. r82i Cyi Poetical works, enriched with elegant engravings, to which is pre- fixed a life of the author by Dr Johnson. 1800. Bensley. "His entire existing work does not extend to much more than fifteen hundred lines, at least two-thirds of which must live with the best poetry of the century." Gosse's His- tory of eighteenth century literature. Colonne, Guido delle. r82i Cj2 The "gest hystoriale" of the destruction of Troy; an alliterative romance; tr. from "Hysteria Troiana," ed. by G. A. Panton and David Donaldson, v.i. 1869. (Early English Text Society. Publications, v.3Q.) Cook, Eliza. 821 C^^ Poetical works. 1870. Warne. Eliza Cook (1818-89) was an English poet whose unpretentious verse has been popu- lar among a wide circle of readers. Cowley, Abraham. 821 C848 Poems: Miscellanies, The mistress, Pindarique odes, Davideis [and} Verses written on several occasions; the text ed. by A. R. Waller. 1905. Cambridge University Press. (Cambridge English classics.) Cowper, William. 821 C84 Poetical works. 3v. in 2. 1854. Houghton. (British poets.) Memoir of Cowper, by Sir Harris Nicolas, v.i, p. 7-90. v.i. Poems. The task. v.2. Translations from the French of Madame de La Mothe Guion. Translations of the Latin and Italian poems of Milton. Translations from Vincent Bourne. Minor poems. Translations of Greek verses. Epigrams translated from the Latin of Owen. Translations from the fables of Gay. Olney hymns. The same; ed. by Robert Southey. 2v. 1854. Bohn 821 C84a The same; ed. with a critical memoir by W. M. Rossetti; illustrated by Thomas Seccombe. [1879.] Moxon r82i C84 Neve, John. r82i C84n Concordance to the poetical works of William Cowper. 1887. Low. Crabbe, George. 821 CSspo Poems; ed. by A. W. Ward. 3v. 1905-07. Cambridge University Press. "Bibliography of Crabbe's poems, by A. T. Bartholomew," v.3, p. 554-567. Darley, George. 821 D25 Complete poetical works; reprinted from the rare original editions in the possession of the Darley family, ed. with an introduction by Ram- say Colles. [1908.] Routledge. 1556 ENGLISH POETRY r82i Eiy Early English alliterative poems in the West-Midland dialect of the I4th century; ed. by Richard Morris. 1869. (Early English Text So- ciety. Publications, v.i.) Contents: The Pearl. Cleanness. Patience. Emare. r82i 58 Romance of Emare; re-edited from the ms., with introduction, notes and glossary by Edith Rickert. 1907. Thesis by Edith Rickert for Ph. D., University of Chicago. Middle-English poem (about 1400), giving a simple, even bald version of an old English legend. Erthe upon erthe. r82i 78 The middle English poem, Erthe upon erthe, printed from 24 manu- scripts; ed. with introduction, notes and glossary by H. M. R. Murray. 191 1. Paul. (Early English Text Society. Publications, v.i4i.) Fanshawe, Reginald. 821 F22 Corydon; an elegy in memory of Matthew Arnold and Oxford. 1906. Frowde. "The evolution of the intellectual life of Oxford during the last sixty years is traced with knowledge and insight, and there is some felicitous literary criticism by the way." Athenirum, 1906. Fletcher, Phineas. r82i F6s Purple island; a poem, with the critical remarks of Henry Headley and a biographical sketch by William Jaques. 1816. Burton. Fletcher (1582-1650) was an English poet. " 'The Purple Island,' in twelve cantos of seven-line stanzas, is an elaborate al- legorical description of the human body and of the vices and virtues to which man is subject. . .The body is represented as an island, of which the bones stand for the founda- tions, the veins for brooks, and so forth in minute detail. . .Fletcher's allegory is over- loaded with detail, and as a whole is clumsy and intricate. His diction is, however, singularly rich, and his versification melodious. . .There is a majesty in his personifica- tions of some vices and virtues which suggest Milton, who knew Fletcher's works well." Dictionary of national biography. Gawain, Sir. r82i 624 Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight; an alliterative romance-poem, ab. 1360 A. D.; ed. by Richard Morris. 1869. (Early English Text So- ciety. Publications, v.4.) Gosse, Edmund William. 821 G6ga The autumn garden [poems]. 1909. Heinemann. Cook, Albert Stanburrough, ed. r82i GSizc Concordance to the English poems of Thomas Gray. 1908. Hough- ton. The first volume to appear under the auspices of the Concordance Society, which was organized at Yale University in 1906. The basis of the concordance is Gosse's edition of Gray. Hardy, Thomas. 821 H26t Time's laughingstocks, and other verses. 1909. Macmillan. Poems chiefly on the disillusionment of love. ENGLISH POETRY 1557 Heber, Reginald, bp. 821 H38 Poetical works, with an introductory essay by M. A. D. Howe. 1858. Butler. Includes hymns and translations. "His poetry is of a high order. He is imaginative, glowing and vigorous, with a skill in the management of his means unsurpassed by that of any writer of his time, but without any high degree of originality." Poe's Marginalia. Hemans, Mrs Felicia Dorothea (Browne). 821 Poetical works. Crowell. Prefatory notice of Mrs Hemans by W. M. Rossetti, p. 11-24. Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, baron. 821 Poems; ed. with an introduction by J. C. Collins. 1881. Chatto. "As a poet he was a disciple of Donne, and excelled his master in obscurity and ruggedness . . . His satires are very poor, but some of his lyrics have the true poetic ring, and at times suggest Herrick. . .His Latin verses are scholarly, and chiefly deal with philosophic subjects." Dictionary of national biography. Hood, Thomas, 1798-1845. J82i Faithless Nelly Gray; a pathetic ballad; illuminated and explained by numerous drawings by Robert Seaver. 1907. Houghton. Humorous poem. Howitt, Mrs Mary (Botham). 821 H86 Ballads, and other poems. 1847. Longman. The name of Mrs Howitt, little known to-day, was a familiar one in the first half of the igth century. She was an industrious composer of tales for children, essays and poems. Hunt, Leigh. 821 Poetical works of Leigh Hunt and Thomas Hood (selected); ed. with an introduction by J. H. Panting. Walter Scott Pub. Co. Keats, John. J82i Eve of St. Agnes, and sonnets. Putnam. Keats, John. 821 Poetical works; given from his own editions and other authentic sources and collated with many manuscripts; ed. with notes and ap- pendices by H. B. Forman. 1895. Crowell. Biographical sketch, by N. H. Dole, p.p-zo. The same; ed. with a critical memoir by W. M. Rossetti; illustrated by Thomas Seccombe. [1880.] Moxon ...................... r82i Kis Kemble, Frances Anne. 821 Kiy Poems. 1859. Ticknor. Kipling, Rudyard. 821 K2yba Barrack room ballads, and other poems, with an introduction by N. H. Dole. 1899. Crowell. The satne. [1909.] Methuen ........................... 821 Kipling, Rudyard. 821 Collected verse. 1907. Doubleday. The same. . .......... r82i I 5 s8 ENGLISH POETRY Kipling, Rudyard. 821 K27V2 Verses, 1889-1896. 1898. Scribner. (Writings in prose and verse, Contents: Barrack-room ballads. Other verses. The seven seas. Barrack-room ballads (continued). Le Gallienne, Richard. 821 Kz-jzl Rudyard Kipling; a criticism, with a bibliography by John Lane. 1900. Lane. Contents: The poetry. The stories. Mr Kipling's general significance and influ- ence. Bibliography. "Where there is so unbridgable a gulf in temperament as that which yawns between Mr. Kipling and Mr. Le Gallienne, criticism becomes impossible. . .He admits Mr. Kip- ling's genuine gift of humour... but he is as incapable of rendering justice to Mr. Kip- ling's great qualities as he is of estimating his shortcomings as an artist or a moralist." Spectator, /poo. Landor, Walter Savage. 821 L22a [Poems.] 2v. 1876. Chapman. (Works and life, v.7-8.) v.i. Gebir. Acts and scenes. Hellenics. v.2. Miscellaneous poems. Criticisms on Theocritus, Catullus and Petrarch. Langhorne, John. r82i L255 Poetical works; to which are prefixed, Memoirs of the author, by J. T. Langhorne. 2v. 1804. Mawman. English poet d735-79>- "Langhorne was a popular writer in his day, but his sentimental tales and his pretty verses have long ceased to please." Dictionary of national biography. Manly, John Matthews. r82i L25a Piers the Plowman and its sequence. 1908. (Early English Text Society. Publications, V.I35B.) Contributed to the "Cambridge history of English literature," v.z; reprinted by per- mission for members of the Early English Text Society. Sets forth the evidence in favor of the plural authorship of the poem or poems which have hitherto gone under the name of William Langland. r82i L2532 Piers Plowman controversy, sv. in i. 1910. (Early English Text So- ciety. Publications, V.I39B-I39F.) Contents: Piers Plowman, the work of one or of five; J. J. Jusserand's first reply to Prof. Manly. J. M. Manly's answer to J. J. Jusserand. Dr Jusserand's second reply to Prof. Manly. The authorship of Piers Plowman, by R. W. Chambers. The author- ship of Piers the Plowman, by Henry Bradley. Lauder, William, I52O?~73. r82i La6 Ane compendious and breve tractate concernyng the office and dewtie of kyngis, spiritual! pastoris and temporall jugis; ed. by Fitz- edward Hall. 1869. (Early English Text Society. Publications, v.3.) Linton, William James. 821 L72 Poems and translations. 1889. Nimmo. The translations, with the exception of some lines from Catullus, are from the French and range from the izth to the igth century. Lydgate, John. r82i Lg8 Lydgate's Troy book, A. D. 1412-20; ed. from the best manuscripts, with introduction, notes and glossary by Henry Bergen. 3v. in 2. 1906- 10. (Early English Text Society. Publications, extra ser. v.97, 103, 106.) Long poem on the destruction of Troy, mainly paraphrased from earlier Latin- French originals. Interesting and valuable as the work of one of the few poets imme- diately after the time of Chaucer, whom he claimed as his master. ENGLISH POETRY 1559 Macpherson, James, (pseud. Ossian). qr82i M222p Poems of Ossian in the original Gaelic, with a literal translation into English and a dissertation on the authenticity of the poems, together with the English translation by Macpherson. 2v. 1870. Blackwood. Marsh, George Linnaeus. 821 M4i Sources and analogues of "The flower and the leaf." 1906. Uni- versity of Chicago Press. Reprinted from "Modern philology," v.4, no. 1-2. Thesis for Ph. D., University of Chicago. "The flower and the leaf" is a isth century anonymous poem often incorrectly attributed to Chaucer. Masefield, John. 821 M44 Ballads and poems. 1910. Mathews. Trevelyan, George Macaulay. 821 M635zt Poetry and philosophy of George Meredith. 1906. Constable. "The most detailed and elaborate study of Mr. Meredith's poetry that has yet appeared. It is... the work of an enthusiastic admirer... It is also mainly just and dis- criminating in temper." Athenaeum, 1906. Milman, Henry Hart. 821 MJII Poetical works. 3v. 1839. Murray. Partial contents: v.i. The fall of Jerusalem. The martyr of Antioch. Belshazzar. v.2. Samor, lord of the bright city. v-3- Anne Boleyn; a dramatic poem. Fazio; a tragedy. Milnes, Richard Monckton, baron Houghton. 1821 M7I5 Poems. 2v. 1838. Moxon. v.i. Poems of many years. v.2. Memorials of a residence on the continent. "His poems excited some public interest, and a few of them became popular, especi- ally when set to music... His poetry is of the meditative kind, cultured and graceful; but it lacks fire." Dictionary of national biography. Milton, John. 3821 Myi L'Allegro and II Penseroso, together with the sonnets and odes. Putnam. Partial contents: To the nightingale. When the assault was intended to the city. On his blindness. On the morning of Christ's nativity. Song on May morning. _ Lockwood, Laura Emma, comp. r82i Myizl Lexicon to the English poetical works of John Milton. 1907. Mac- millan. Moore, Thomas, 1779-1852. r82i M87 Epistles, odes and other poems, to which is prefixed a notice, critical and biographical, of the author. 1806. Watts. Newman, John Henry, cardinal. 821 N28d Dream of Gerontius. 1907. Longmans. "The Dream is a rare poetic rendering into English verse of that high ritual which, from the death-bed to the Mass of Supplication, encompasses the faithful soul. It pierces, indeed, beyond the veil, but in strict accordance or analogy with what every Catholic holds to be there." William Barry's Newman. Noyes, Alfred. 8ai N48c Collected poems. 2v. 1910. Blackwood. v.i. The loom of years. The flower of old Japan. The forest of wild thyme. Forty singing seamen. v.2. Drake. The enchanted island. New poems. 1560 ENGLISH POETRY Noyes, Alfred. 821 Drake; an English epic, books 1-3. 1906. Blackwood. "Fine attempt to render in verse what is perhaps the most striking and pregnant epoch in the history of England The lines themselves are at once musical and majes- tic, the epithets are charged with fire and colour and the tale is carried on with splendid energy." Academy, 1906. Noyes, Alfred. 821 Enchanted island, and other poems. 1910. Stokes. Noyes, Alfred. 821 Golden hynde, and other poems. 1908. Macmillan. Noyes, Alfred. 821 Poems. 1904. Blackwood. By the young English poet whose epic, "Drake," has been received by the English reviews with such acclaim. As yet Mr Noyes is a little too adventurous in his quest of the striking subject, too proud of the mere muscles of his verse; but there is a gusto in his work, a savor of opulence, variety, and ease that is full of hope. Condensed from Nation, 1906. Parker, B. qj82i P23 Book of baby birds; verses by B. Parker, illustrations by N. Parker. 1905. Stokes. Patmore, Coventry Kearsey Dighton. 821 P2Q Poems, with an introduction by Basil Champneys. 1906. Bell. Contains a Life of Patmore, p. 17 31. 821 P346 Pearl, a fourteenth-century poem; rendered into modern English by G. G. Coulton. 1906. Nutt. Modern rendering of an early English anonymous poem, in all probability by the author of "Sir Gawain and the green knight." It is the poet's lament over the loss of an infant daughter. Phillips, Stephen. 821 Psine The new inferno. 1910. Lane. The same ............................................... r82i Psme "Of an inferno which every man creates for himself, of the torment in which he must exist till hate in him and hate for him have ceased, these nine cantos sing." A. L. A. booklist, jo//. Phillips, Stephen. 821 Psin New poems. 1907. Lane. The same ................................................ 1821 Psin Phillpotts, Eden. 821 Psi8 Wild fruit [poems]. 1911. Lane. Pope, Alexander. r82i P8ip La boucle de cheveux enleve'e; poeme heroicomique; tr. de 1'anglois par M. L. D. F. 1738. Bound with his "Les principes de la morale." Pope, Alexander. r82i P8ie Essay on man; with the notes of William, lord bishop of Gloucester. 1774. Strahan. The same. 1902. (In his Complete poetical works, p.i37-i55-)-82i P8iC2 The same. (In the Poetical works of Pope and Collins, v.2, p.31-84.) ............................................ . . .821 P8i v.i-2 The same. 1895. (In his Poetical works, p.i9i-226.) ....... r82i P8i ENGLISH POETRY IS 6i Pope, Alexander. r82i P8ip Les principes de la morale [ou, Essai sur 1' homme] ; et Du gout [ou, Essai sur la critique]; en deux poemes, tr. de 1'anglois par Du Resnel. 1738. Briasson. Robson, John, ed. 821 Rs6 Three early English metrical romances, with an introduction and glossary. 1842. (Camden Society. Publications, v.i8.) Contents: The anturs of Arther at the Tarnewathelan. Sir Amadace. The avowynge of King Arther, Sir Gawan, Sir Kaye and Sir Bawdewyn of Bretan. Roscoe, William Caldwell. 821 Rji Poems and essays; ed. with a prefatory memoir by R. H. Hutton. 2v. 1860. Chapman. v.i. Memoir of the author. Letter from J. H. Thorn. Letter from Walter Bage- hot. POEMS: Minor poems; Sonnets; Eliduke, count of Yveloc, a tragedy; Violenzia, a tragedy. v.z. ESSAYS: Tennyson; The classical school of English poetry: Matthew Arnold; Mrs Browning; The conversation and poetry of Rogers; Thomas Moore; The theory of poetic expression: Gray; Unideal poetry: Crabbe; Unideal fiction: De Foe; W. M. Thackeray, artist and moralist; The Miss Brontes; Sir E. B. Lytton, novelist, philoso- pher and poet; Woman; Ghosts of the old and new school; Fictions for children; Children's fairy-tales and George Cruikshank; The police; Thackeray on Swift. Roscoe (1823-59) was an English poet and essayist. He published a considerable amount of fugitive poetry and numerous essays contributed to the "Prospective review" and the "National review." "Violenzia," his principal work, is a finely conceived and frequently eloquent tragedy. As a critic Roscoe did excellent work. Condensed from Dictionary of national biography. Savage, Richard, 1698-1743. r82i 826 Works, with an account of the life and writings of the author by Samuel Johnson. 2v. 1775. Evans. English poet (d. 1743). The biography by Johnson is also to be found in his "Lives of the poets." "As an author Savage was unequal. 'The Bastard' is a poem of considerable merit, and 'The Wanderer' contains passages of poetic power. His satires are vigorous, though extremely bitter. But most of his pieces are mere hack-work written to supply the exigencies of the moment." Dictionary of national biography. Scott, Sir Walter. r82i 8433 Poetical works; ed. with a critical memoir by W. M. Rossetti; illus- trated by Thomas Seccombe. [1870.] Moxon. Contents: The lay of the last minstrel. Marmion. The lady of the lake. The vision of Don Roderick. Rokeby. The bridal of Triermain. The lord of the isles. Ballads. Miscellaneous. Translations and imitations of German ballads. Sharp, William. 821 8531? Poems and dramas, by "Fiona Macleod." 1911. Duffield. "Bibliographical note," by Mrs E. A. Sharp. The dramas are: "The immortal hour" and "The house of Usna." Contains a sonnet to Fiona Macleod by Alfred Noyes. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. J8i 854 Poems; selected and arranged by S.A.Brooke. 1906. Macmillan. Partial contents: The poet's world. The moon and the earth. Hymn of Apollo. Arethusa. The sensitive plant. Ode to the west wind. Adonais. Song of Proserpine The music of the woods. The cloud. To a skylark. The Indian serenade. Thompson, Francis. 8ai S 54*t Shelley, with an introduction by George Wyndham. 1909. Scribner. Reprinted from the "Dublin review," July 1908. "Brilliant, picturesque. . .tribute from one poet to another and greater one to whom he was not a little akin in spirit." Dial, 1909. 1562 ENGLISH POETRY Woodberry, George Edward. qr82i Notes on the ms. volume of Shelley's poems in the library of Har- vard College. 1889. (Harvard University Library. Bibliographical contributions, v.2, no.35.) Somerville, William. r82i 869 Poetical works; collated with the best editions by Thomas Park. 2v. in i. 1811-12. Suttaby. English poet (1675-1742). "Somerville's fame rests chiefly on 'The Chase,' a poem of four books in blank verse, to which 'Field Sports' may be considered a supplement. It contains a vivid description of his favourite pastime and some lively pictures of animal life." Dictionary of notional biography. Sowerby, Githa. qj82i 873 Childhood; illustrated by Millicent Sowerby, written in verse by Githa Sowerby. 1907. Duffield. Colored pictures and verses about The little king. His book. Eight o'clock. The good queen. The shell. Spenser, Edmund. , 821 8740 Complete poetical works (Cambridge edition). 1908. Houghton. Biographical sketch, p. 11-23. The same r82i 8740 Spenser, Edmund. r82i 874! Faerie queene; ed. by J. C. Smith. 2v. 1909. Clarendon Press. (Poetical works.) v.i. Books I-III. v.2. Books IV-VII. Contains two facsimile title-pages. "Bibliographical note,'' v.i, p.2i-22. Spenser, Edmund. r82i 874111 Minor poems; ed. by Ernest De Selincourt. 1910. Clarendon Press. Contains reproductions of original title-pages. Spenser, Edmund. 821 S;4w Works (Globe edition); ed. by R. Morris, with a memoir by J. W. Hales. 1909. Macmillan. Brooks, Edward. 821 87451 Story of the Faerie queene. 1908. Penn. Prose version of the principal incidents of Spenser's poem. Intended for young people who are fond of tales of chivalry. Illustrated. Craik, George Lillie. 821 S74zc Spenser and his poetry. 3v. in I. 1845. Knight. Contents: Spenser's early life and lost poems. The shepherd's calendar. The fairy queen. Spenser's remaining poetry and life. Harper, Carrie Anna. r82i S74zh Sources of the British chronicle history in Spenser's Faerie queene. 1910. (Bryn Mawr College. Monographs; monograph series, v.7.) "Table of editions to which reference is made," p. 5-6. Thesis for Ph. D., Bryn Mawr College. Hart, John Seely. 821 S74zh Essay on the life and writings of Edmund Spenser, with a special exposition of the Fairy queen. 1847. Wiley. Four chapters are devoted to the life and miscellaneous writings of Spenser. The bulk of the book is an exposition of the "Faerie queene" and consists largely of extracts from the poem. ENGLISH POETRY 1563 Stevenson, Robert Louis. 821 8841: Underwoods [poems]. 1887. Scribner. Strode, William. 821 Sgi Poetical works, now first collected from manuscript and printed sources; to which is added The floating island, a tragi-comedy, now first reprinted from the original edition of 1655; e d. by Bertram Dobell with a memoir of the author. 1907. Privately printed. Swinburne, Algernon Charles. 821 Sg7ta Tale of Balen [poem]. 1896. Scribner. Mackail, John William. 821 Sgyzm Swinburne; a lecture delivered before [Oxford] University on April 30, 1909. 1909. Clarendon Press. Brief critical study. Symons, Arthur. 821 Sg88 Fool of the world, and other poems. 1906. Heinemann. Tennyson, Alfred, lord. 821 T2gk Kiraly-idylljei; angolbol forditotta es bevezette Szasz Karoly. 1889. Tennyson, Alfred, lord. 821 T2gw2 [Works] ; annotated by Alfred, lord Tennyson, ed. by Hallam, lord Tennyson, v.i-o. 1907-08. Macmillan. v.i -2. Poems v-3. Enoch Arden, and In memoriam. v-4. The Princess, and Maud. v.5. Idylls of the king. v.6. Ballads, and other poems. v.7. Demeter, and other poems. v.8. Queen Mary, and Harold. v.g. Becket, and other plays. Brightwell, D. Barren. r82i T2gzb Concordance to the entire works of Alfred Tennyson. 1869. Moxon. Genung, John Franklin. 821 T2gzgen The idylls and the ages; a valuation of Tennyson's Idylls of the king, elucidated in part by comparisons between Tennyson and Brown- ing. 1907. Crowell. Gordon, William Clark. 821 T2gzgo Social ideals of Alfred Tennyson as related to his time. 1906. "Bibliography," p.2Si-2S2. Thesis for Ph. D., University of Chicago. Griggs, Edward Howard. 821 T2gzgr Poetry and philosophy of Tennyson; a handbook of six lectures. 1906. Huebsch. "Book list," p.40-44. Outline of each lecture is given, topics for study and discussion are suggested and references cited. Lockyer, Sir Joseph Norman, & Lockyer, W. L. 821 T2gzlo Tennyson as a student and poet of nature, with an introduction and notes. 1910. Macmillan. Gathers together and classifies all the passages from Tennyson's works which deal with the scientific aspects of nature. Introduction and notes aim to show how true to fact his descriptions are*. 1564 ENGLISH POETRY Mustard, Wilfred Pirt. 821 Tagzmu Classical echoes in Tennyson. 1904. Macmillan. (Columbia Uni- versity, New York. Studies in English.) Collection of the passages even reminiscent of anything in classical literature, each one compared with its parallel. Salt, Henry Stephens. 821 T2gzsa Tennyson as a thinker. 1909. Fifield. Van Dyke, Henry. 821 T2QZV2 Poetry of Tennyson. 1907. Scribner. "Chronology of Tennyson's life and works," p-353-387. Interesting study of Tennyson's mind, art and methods. Tennyson, Frederick. 821 T2Q5 Daphne, and other poems. 1891. Macmillan. By the elder brother of Alfred Tennyson. Subjects of the poems are drawn from Greek mythology. Tennyson, Frederick. 821 Days and hours [poems]. 1854. Parker. Tennyson, Frederick. 821 Isles of Greece; Sappho and Alcaeus [poems]. 1890. Macmillan. Tennyson, Frederick. 821 T2Q5p Poems of the day and year. 1895. Lane. "Frederick Tennyson was from the first overshadowed by the greater genius of his brother Alfred. His lyric gift was considerable, his poetic workmanship choice and fine, and the atmosphere of his poetry always noble." Dictionary of national biography. Thomas of Erceldoune, called the Rhymer. r82i Sir Tristrem; a metrical romance of the I3th century; ed. from the Auchinleck ms. by Walter Scott. 1806. Constable. "[Thomas of Erceldoune] occupies much the same position in Scottish popular lore as Merlin does in that of England, but with some historical foundation. . .To Thomas of Erceldoune is attributed a poem on the Tristrem story, belonging to the Arthurian cycle of romance ... Scott and Irving considered the poem the undoubted work of Thomas." Dictionary of national biography. rs66.i Hi8 Torrent of Portugal; an English metrical romance, now first published from an unique manuscript of the I5th century; ed. by J. O. Halliwell. 1842. Smith. Bound with Halliwell-Phillipps's "Early history of freemasonry in England." Watson, William, b. 1858. 821 New poems. 1909. Lane. Williams, John, 1761-1818, (pseud. Anthony Pasquin). r8ai Pin-basket to the children of Thespis, with notes historical, criti- cal and biographical. 1797. Symonds. A curious poem characterizing the actors and actresses of the English stage of the period in which the author lived. Wilson, John, (pseud. Christopher North). 821 Wy6 Poetical works. 1858. Blackwood. (Works, v.2.) "Wilson is most successful as a descriptive poet. His fancy is somewhat too exuberant, his metaphors too profuse: but they are from life and nature, and not from the elder bards. He has great delicacy of sentiment, and some of his delineations of character are not surpassed in English poetry." Griswold's Poetf and poetry of England. COLLECTIONS OF ENGLISH POETRY 1565 Hudson, Henry Norman. 821 WSgzh Studies in Wordsworth; Culture and acquirement; Ethics of tragedy, and other papers. 1884. Little. The "Studies in Wordsworth" are both biographical and critical. Yeats, William Butler. 821 Y22g The green helmet, and other poems. 1910. Cuala Press. Yeats, William Butler. 821 Y22p Poetical works. 2v. 1906-09. Macmillan. v.i. Lyrical poems. v.2. Dramatical poems. Collections of English poetry Aikin, John, comp. r82i.o8 A2QV Vocal poetry; or, A select collection of English songs, to which is prefixed An essay on song-writing. 1810. Johnson. Blake, Katherine Devereux, & Alexander, Georgia, comp. 3821.08 652 Graded poetry, first to eighth years. 8v. in 7. 1906. Maynard. v.i-2. First and second years. v-3. Third year. v.4. Fourth year. v-5. Fifth year. v.6. Sixth year. v.7. Seventh year. v.8. Eighth year. Bronson, Walter Cochrane, ed. 821.08 676 English poems; selected and ed. with illustrative and explanatory notes and bibliographies. 4v. 1907-10. Chicago University Press. v.i. Old English and middle English periods, 450-1550. v.2. The Elizabethan age and the Puritan period (1550-1660). v.3- The restoration and the i8th century (16601800). v.4. The i gth century. "Bibliography," v.i, ^409-417; v.2, p.5i7-S3o; v-3, p.sip-528; v.4, ^591-607. Bullen, Arthur Henry, ed. 821.08 687 Lyrics from the dramatists of the Elizabethan age. 1901. Bullen. Bullen, Arthur Henry, ed. 821.08 687! Lyrics from the song-books of the Elizabethan age. 1897. Law- rence. "List of song-books," p.22g-233. Gary, Alpheus, comp. r82i.o8 C24 Collection of epitaphs suitable for monumental inscriptions, from approved authors. 1865. Privately printed. Chisholm, Louey, comp. J82i.o8 C44 Golden staircase; poems and verses for children, with pictures by M. D. Spooner. [1907.] Putnam. "The Golden Staircase has two hundred steps. If a child begins to climb when he is four years old, and climbs twenty steps each year, on his fourteenth birthday he will reach the top. Behind him will descend the staircase from which he has caught glimpses of the merriment and beauty and heroism beyond; before him will stretch those Elysian fields through which his feet have been prepared to roam. Following the two hundred 1566 COLLECTIONS OF ENGLISH POETRY Chisholm, Louey, camp. continued. j 821. 08 C44 poems and verses of the Golden Staircase are twenty Cradle Songs... and the book ends with a selection of forty Carols, Hymns and Sacred Verses." Preface. Colored pictures. The same ............................................. J82i.o8 443 In this edition the carols and hymns and some of the other verses have been omitted and the poems are arranged in nine parts, each with separate paging. Cooke, John, of Dublin, ed. 821.08 C^^ Dublin book of Irish verse, 1728-1909. 1909. Hodges. Representative selection of Anglo-Irish verse, on the lines of the "Oxford book of English verse." Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller, comp. 821.08 Oxford book of ballads. 1910. Clarendon Press. English and Scotch popular ballads selected with admirable taste and arranged by subject Carefully edited, with foot-notes furnishing a slight glossary. Cox, Frederick Arthur, ed. 821.08 85 English madrigals in the time of Shakespeare, with an introduction. [1899.] Dent. Cunningham, Allan, ed. r82i.o8 Cg2 Songs of Scotland, ancient and modern, with an introduction and notes, historical and critical, and characters of the lyric poets. 4v. 1825. Taylor. [Dalrymple, Alexander, comp.} 1821.08 Diy Collection of English songs, with an appendix of original pieces [by James Dalrymple]. 1796. Bennett. Dixon, William MacNeile, comp. 821.08 D64e Edinburgh book of Scottish verse, 1300-1900. 1910. Meiklejohn. Dixon, William MacNeile, & Grierson, H. J. C. ed. 821.08 064 The English Parnassus; an anthology of longer poems, with intro- duction and notes. 1909. Clarendon Press. "Contains eighty-eight complete poems, to one and all of which there belongs, by common consent or critical verdict, the rank of a classic... To the Introduction, and the critical and historical Notes, unqualified praise must be given." Athenaeum, 1910. Dobson, Austin, comp. 821.08 0650 Old English songs from various sources, with illustrations by Hugh Thomson and an introduction by Austin Dobson. 1894. Macmillan. Collection of 10 songs, Gay, Swift and Fielding being among the authors. Dyboski, Roman, ed. r82i.o8 Dg8 Songs, carols and other miscellaneous poems, from the Balliol ms. 354, Richard Hill's commonplace-book. 1908. (Early English Text Society. Publications, extra ser. v.ioi.) Transcript of late middle-English and early modern English poems made during the earlier part of the reign of Henry VIII. Edgar, Madalen G. comp. J82i.o8 28 Treasury of verse for little children. [1908.] Crowell. Many poems, including A boy's song. The lost doll. The butterfly's ball. Won- derful world. Buttercups and daisies. How the leaves came down. Wynken, Blynken and Nod. The willow-man. A sea-song from the shore. The owl and the pussy-cat. Pictures in black and white and in color. COLLECTIONS OF ENGLISH POETRY 1567 Ellis, George, 1753-1815, ed. 1821.08 53 Specimens of the early English poets, to which is prefixed an histor- ical sketch of the rise and progress of the English poetry and language, with a biography of each poet, &c. 3v. 1845. Washbourne. Finlay, John, comp. r82i.o8 F4Q Scottish historical and romantic ballads, chiefly ancient, with some remarks on the early state of romantic composition in Scotland. 2v. 1808. Ballantyne. "Almost all these ballads had been previously published in different works; but the notes with which he illustrated them are. . .valuable. . .He has investigated ... the introduction of the artificial Poetry of the Minstrels into the different languages of Europe, and he has there shewn how far the history of our Scottish romance is connected with that investigation." Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, 1817. Griswold, Rufus Wilmot, comp. r82i.o8 Ggsp Poets and poetry of England in the ipth century. 1845. Carey. Selections, with brief biographical sketches, from the works of 76 English poets. Gummere, Francis Barton, ed. 821.08 Ggy Old English ballads. 1894. Ginn. (Athenaeum press series.) Text of more than so ballads, with an introduction, notes, glossary, and appendixes on the ballads of Europe, on metre, style and form, on minstrels and on the authorship of ballads. Full and minute references make the introduction, supplemented by the appendixes, a valuable study of ballad literature. Hales, John Wesley, ed. 821.08 Hi6 Longer English poems, with notes, philological and explanatory and an introduction on the teaching of English. 1889. Macmillan. Contents: Suggestions on the teaching of English. Spenser. Milton. Dryden. Pope. Johnson. Collins. Gray. Goldsmith. Burns. Cowper. Coleridge. Scott. Wordsworth. Byron. Keats. Shelley. Harland, John, ed. 821.08 H27 Ballads & songs of Lancashire, chiefly older than the igth century, with notes. 1865. Whitaker. "Some of the ballads relate to old feudal quarrels, some to famous battles, such as that of Flodden Field; some to the share of Lancashire men in the rising of 'the forty- five.' Others belong to more domestic themes. . .These lyrics of the people seldom rise into poetry, but many of them are rich in idiomatic force, and throw much light, not only upon local customs, but upon the feelings of the masses at various periods." Athenceum, 1865. Henley, William Ernest, comp. 821.08 ^44 Lyra heroica; a book of verse for boys. 1908. Scribner. Ingledew, C. J. Davison, ed. 821.08 124 Ballads and songs of Yorkshire; transcribed from private manu- scripts, rare broadsides and scarce publications, with notes and a glos- sary. 1860. Bell. "Dr. Ingledew's collection is not so much illustrative of Yorkshire dialects as of county incidents and town and country life and character. Thus we have some local legends; triumphant odes on victorious racers; old rhyming stories connected with old castles; adventures of roving Yorkshiremen; tricks of Yorkshire horse-touters, and a few love-passages of rather a robust and anti-sentimental. . .character." Athentfum, 1860. Jenks, Joseph William, comp. q82i.o8 Jas Rural poetry of the English language, illustrating the seasons and months of the year, their changes, employments, lessons and pleasures, topically paragraphed. 1856. Jewett. "Selections. . .from the entire range of English and American pastoral poetry, from 1568 COLLECTIONS OF ENGLISH POETRY Jenks, Joseph William, comp. continued. q82i.o8 J25 Tusscr to Longfellow. They are made with intelligence and care, and show that Mr. Jenks has studied faithfully the subject which he loves and illustrates." Putnam's monthly magasine, 1856. Johnson, Reginald Brimley, comp. 821.08 J3&4 Popular British ballads, ancient and modern. 4v. 1894. Dent. Lang, John, & Lang, Jean, comp. 821.08 L23Q Poetry of empire; 19 centuries of British history. [1911.] Jack. Collection of English poems selected with the thought of giving as far as possible in verse form a chronological history of the British nation. Lucas, Edward Verrall, comp. 821.08 Lg6 Another book of verses for children. 1907. Macmillan. The same ..................................... . ....... 3821.08 Lg6a Lucas, St. John Welles Lucas, comp. 821.08 Lg6g Rose-winged hours; English love lyrics. 1908. Arnold. Mabie, Hamilton Wright. 821.08 Mni Introductions to notable poems. 1909. Dodd. Contents: The blessed damosel. The banks o' Doon, and For a' that and a' that. To a skylark. Six sonnets from Longfellow. The lines on Tintern abbey. To Helen, and Israfel. Ode on a Grecian urn. The hamadryad. Four English songs. Richard Crashaw. Four famous ballads. Shakespeare's sonnets. Tennyson's Ulysses. Contains the poems themselves as well as the introductions. In the latter the de- velopment of the poem and of the poet is briefly sketched. Manly, John Matthews, comp. 821.08 MSS English poetry (1170-1892). 1907. Ginn. Judiciously selected anthology, intended for students of English literature and con- taining brief but useful critical introduction. Masefield, John, comp. 821.08 M444 Sailor's garland. 1906. Macmillan. Collection of poems about sailors and the sea. Morris, George Perkins, & Willis, N. P. comp. qrSai.oS Mgi Prose and poetry of Europe and America; consisting of literary gems and curiosities and containing the productions of many of the most popular writers of the past and present age. 1855. Leavitt. Nichols, John, comp. r82i.o8 Select collection of poems, with notes, biographical and historical. 8v. 1780-82. Nichols. v.8 contains a complete index. Valuable particularly for many short poems by authors not usually included in collections. Oliphant, Thomas. 821.08 023 La musa madrigalesca; or, A collection of madrigals, ballets, roun- delays, etc., chiefly of the Elizabethan age, with remarks and annota- tions. 1837. Calkin. Our children's songs. 1904. Harper. J82i.o8 032 Contents: Songs for the nursery. Songs for childhood. Songs for girlhood. Songs for boyhood. Hymns for the nursery. Hymns for childhood. Contains many of the children's favorite poems. COLLECTIONS OF ENGLISH POETRY 1569 Padelford, Frederick Morgan, & Benham, A. R. ed. r82i.o8 Pi3 Songs of Rawlinson ms. C. 813. 1909. (Washington (state) Uni- versity. University studies, no.i.) Pt.4 of "Liedersammlungen des 16. jahrhunderts besonders aus der zeit Heinrichs VIII." Reprinted from "Anglia," new ser. v.ip, Aug. 1908. Collection of English poems from a manuscript written probably in the second half of the i 6th century. Perkins, Mrs Lucy (Fitch), comp. qj82i.o8 ?43 Robin Hood. [1906.] Stokes. His deeds and adventures as recounted in the old English ballads, with colored pic- tures. Some of the ballads are, Robin Hood and Alan-a-Dale. Robin Hood and the bishop. The noble fisherman. Robin Hood's chase. Robin Hood and the curtal friar. Rickert, Edith, ed. 821.08 R43 Early English romances in verse, done into modern English; ro- mances of love. 1908. Chatto. (New medieval library.) [Ritson, Joseph, camp.} r82i.o8 RSIC English anthology. 3v. 1793-94. Egerton. Ritson, Joseph, comp. r82i.o8 RSIS Select collection of English songs with their original airs, and A historical essay on the origin and progress of national song; with addi- tional songs and occasional notes by Thomas Park. 3v. 1813. Riving- ton. Rodd, Sir James Rennell, ed. 821.08 Rs8 The Englishman in Greece; being a collection of the verse of many English poets, with an introduction by Sir Rennell Rodd. 1910. Claren- don Press. Sayers, Mrs H. W. T. comp. rSai.oS 827 A mother's souvenir; comp. from the writings of some of the most distinguished poets and poetesses of the day, ed. by D. A. Pierce. 1872. Anderson. Pittsburgh. r82i.o8 8431 Scottish minstrel; the songs and song writers of Scotland subsequent to Burns. 1870. Lee. Includes about 200 names. Short biographical sketches of each of the poets are given, followed by selections from their works. Smith, Jessie Willcox, comp. J82i.o8 865 Child's book of old verses; selected and illustrated by J. W. Smith. 1910. Duffield. Collection of quaint, old-fashioned poems, such as Auld Daddy Darkness. The pin. Do you know how many stars? The lark and the rook. Lady Moon. The ant and the cricket. Meddlesome Matty. Willie Winkie. Who stole the bird's nest? Ten full-page colored pictures. Stevenson, Burton Egbert, & Stevenson, Mrs E. S. 821.08 884 (Butler), comp. Days and deeds; a book of verse for children's reading and speaking. 1906. Baker. The same J82i.o8 884 The same r8aix>8 884 Useful collection of poems relating to holidays, celebrated Americans and the sea- sons of the year. 1570 COLLECTIONS OF ENGLISH POETRY Stoddard, Richard Henry, ed. qr82i.o8 S86 Loves and heroines of the poets. 1861. Derby. Collection of love poetry, with brief biographies of the poets. Illustrated. Symons, Arthur, comp. 821.08 Sg8 Pageant of Elizabethan poetry. 1906. Blackie. Collection of Elizabethan poetry. Campion, Donne, Drayton, Drummond, Fletcher, Herrick, Ben Jonson, Shakespeare, Sidney, Spenser, and other less known poets are amply represented. Tappan, Eva March, comp. J82i.o8 Tig Poems & rhymes. 1907. Houghton. (The children's hour, v.Q.) Many delightful poems arranged under the headings, Poems about children. Story- telling poems. Nonsense verse. Songs. Christmas poems. Poems of nature. Poems of our country. Poems to think about. Other poems. Tileston, Mrs Mary Wilder (Foote), comp. J82i.o8 T46c Children's book of ballads. 1883. Little. Stirring ballads of heroism and adventure, such as Horatius. Sir Patrick Spens. Bannockburn. Flodden Field. Kinmont Willie. The burial-march of Dundee. Song of Marion's men. The red thread of honor. Sheridan's ride. A selection of 17 of these poems of battle and bravery is also published under the title "Book of heroic ballads." [Vizetelly, Henry, comp.} 821.08 Christmas with the poets; a collection of songs, carols and descrip- tive verses relating to the festival of Christmas from the Anglo-Nor- man period to the present time. 1851. Bogue. Warren, Ina Russelle, comp. 821.08 W24U Under the holly bough; a collection of Christmas poems. [1907.] Jacobs. Weber, Henry William, ed. 821.08 Metrical romances of the I3th, I4th and I5th centuries; published from ancient manuscripts, with an introduction, notes and a glossary. 3v. 1810. Ramsay. v.t. Introduction. Appendix. Kyng Alisaunder. Sir Cleges. Lay Le Freine. Various readings. v.2. Richard Coer de Lion. The lyfe of Ipomydon. Amis and Amiloun. Vari- ous readings. v-3. The proces of the seuyn sages. Octouian imperator. Sir Amadas. Wells, Carolyn, comp. 821.08 W4Q Vers de societe anthology. 1907. Scribner. "Collection of the choicest light verse from Sir Philip Sydney to the present." A. L. A. booklist, 1908. Welsh, Charles, ed. 821.08 Wsi Golden treasury of Irish songs and lyrics. 2v. 1907. Dodge. Half a dozen collections of Irish poetry have already appeared, but none so com- prehensive as Mr Welsh's. The best of its predecessors, the "Treasury of Irish poetry" by Brooke and Rolleston [821.08877] is only about half the size of the present work, but its arrangement is more satisfactory, being chronological instead of alphabetical. Condensed from Nation, 7007. Wiggin, Mrs Kate Douglas, afterward Mrs Riggs, & 821.08 W68g Smith, N. A. comp. Golden numbers; a book of verse for youth, with introduction and interleaves by K. D. Wiggin. 1910. Doubleday. HISTORY OF ENGLISH POETRY 1571 Wiggin, Mrs Kate Douglas, afterward Mrs Riggs, & J82i.o8 W68p Smith, N. A. comp. Pinafore palace; a book of rhymes for the nursery. 1907. McClure. Mother Goose rhymes, nonsense verses, guessing games, lullabies and slumber songs. Windsor, M. E. & Turral, J. comp. 821.08 Wy8 Lyra historica; poems of British history, A. D. 61-1910, with preface by J. C. Smith. 3 pts. in iv. 1911. Clarendon Press. Witham, Rose Adelaide, ed. 821.08 W82 English and Scottish popular ballads; selected and ed. for study under the supervision of W. A. Neilson. 1909. Houghton. (Riverside literature series.) Binder's titles read "Popular ballads" and "Representative English and Scottish popular ballads." Designed to meet the needs of a less advanced class of students than is provided for in the comprehensive collection of Professor Child (qrSzi.oS 043). Introduction gives the gist of the most recent scholarship concerning the characteristics and the origin of ballads. History and criticism of English poetry Brooke, Stopford Augustus. 821.09 6772 Four Victorian poets; a study of Clough, Arnold, Rossetti, Morris, with an introduction on the course of poetry from 1822 to 1852. 1908. Putnam. Brooke, Stopford Augustus. 821.09 67723 Studies in poetry. 1908. Duckworth. Contents: William Blake. Sir Walter Scott. Inaugural address to the Shelley Society. The lyrics of Shelley. Epipsychidion. Keats. "The best of the book is the essay on Scott, a fair and discriminating appreciation of his poetry." Nation, 1908. Brooke, Stopford Augustus. r82i.og 677 Theology in the English poets: Cowper, Coleridge, Wordsworth and Burns. 1880. Paul. Lectures given at St. James's chapel, London, 1872. Bryan, John Thomas Ingram. 821.09 684 The feeling for nature in English pastoral poetry. 1908. "Bibliography," p. 106-108. Thesis for Ph. D., University of Pennsylvania. Carpenter, William Boyd, bp. 821.09 22 The religious spirit in the poets. 1901. Crowell. Contents: Kinship between religion and poetry. Religion and literary inspiration. The genuine and superficial religious element. Edmund Spenser. Marlowe's "Faustus." Shakespeare's "Tempest." Milton's "Comus." "The ancient mariner." Tennyson. Tennyson; "In memoriam." Browning. Collier, John Payne. 821.09 C6g Poetical Decameron; or, Ten conversations on English poets and poetry, particularly of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. 2v. 1820. Constable. History and criticism of English poetry in the form of conversations. 1572 HISTORY OF ENGLISH POETRY Courthope, William John. 821.09 84 History of English poetry, v.6. 1910. Macmillan. v.6. The romantic movement in English poetry. Effects of the French revolution. Author's object is "to trace through our poetry the growth of the national imagina- tion, and to estimate the place occupied by each poet in a continuous movement of art." "Worked out with excellent thoroughness, a cultivated taste, and in an attractive style." Academy, 1903. For v.i -5 see preceding catalogue, second series. Deshler, Charles D. 821.09 ^46 Afternoons with the poets. 1879. Harper. Informal talks on the sonnet in English literature. A few American poets are included. Gummere, Francis Barton. 821.09 Ggj The popular ballad. 1907. Houghton. "Bibliographical notes," p-346-349- The author is (1907) professor of English in Haverford College and a recognized authority on ballad literature. He discusses the definition and origin of ballads, their classification and sources and lastly their worth. Hazlitt, William. 827 H 3 8 Lectures on the English poets; from the third London edition, ed. by his son. 1848. Carey. (Miscellaneous works, v.4.) Contents: Introductory: On poetry in general. On Chaucer and Spenser. On Shakspeare and Milton. On Dryden and Pope. On Thomson and Cowper. On Swift, Young, Gray, Collins, &c. On Burns, and the old English ballads. On the living poets. First published in 1818. Bound with his "Lectures on the English comic writers." Lang, Andrew, ed. 821.09 L23 Poets' country; contributors J. C. Collins and others, with illustra- tions in colour by F. S. Walker. 1907. Jack. Its purpose is to trace the relations of the poets with the aspects of their own coun- try and the scenes of their homes. The chapters on individual poets are contributed by different writers. Prof. J. Churton Collins contributes the bulk of the book and pro- vides some really valuable study of the relation of nature to the poetic imagination. Mackail, John William. 821.09 Miy The springs of Helicon; a study in the progress of English poetry from Chaucer to Milton. 1909. Longmans. Contents: Chaucer. Spenser. Milton. Revision of lectures delivered at Oxford by the professor of poetry (1909). "Rather to be valued for its general suavity of tone than judged in accordance with the correctness or originality of its separate ideas." Nation, /pop. Reed, Henry. 821.09 R28 Lectures on the British poets. 2v. 1857. Parry. v.i. Object of the course. The nature of poetry and its ministrations. Chaucer. Spenser and the minstrelsy. Shakspeare. Milton. Minor poetry of the I7th cen- tury. The age of the restoration: Dryden. The age of Queen Anne: Pope. Poets of the later part of the i8th century: Cowper. v.a. Burns, with notices of Johnson's Lives of the poets. Contemporary litera- ture. Coleridge. Southey, with notice of Charles Lamb. Byron. Wordsworth. Mis- cellaneous essays on English poetry: English sonnets; Poems of Hartley Coleridge. Reynolds, Myra. 821.09 Rs7 Treatment of nature in English poetry between Pope and Words- worth. 1909. University of Chicago Press. Contents: Introduction. The treatment of nature in English classical poetry. Indications of a new attitude toward nature in the poetry of the i8th century. Fiction. Travels. Gardening. Landscape painting. General summary. "Bibliographical index," p.36o-377. Highly valuable as a book of reference. The material is so arranged and classified u to show very clearly the gradual change from the classical school of Pope to the romantic school of Wordsworth. Condensed from Nation, 1910. ENGLISH DRAMA 1573 Stebbing, William. 821.09 S8n Poets, Geoffrey Chaucer to Alfred Tennyson, 1340-1892; impres- sions. 2v. 1907. Frowde. With the exception of Lowell, Emerson, Poe and Longfellow the poets included in these appreciations are English. Mr Stebbing writes pleasantly and his sympathy with his subject is evident. A generous use is made of quotations from the works of the poets. 822 English drama Bibliography Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard, contp. roi6.822 Hi8 Dictionary of old English plays, existing either in print or in manu- script, from the earliest times to the close of the I7th century, including also notices of Latin plays written by English authors during the same period. 1860. Smith. The source of each play is given when known, date of publication and often brief critical comment. McFadden, Elizabeth, A. & Davis, L. E..comp. 1016.822 Mis Selected list of plays for amateurs and students of dramatic expres- sion in schools and colleges, with an introduction by L. L. Peck. 1908. Privately printed. Contents: General list. Plays for children. Christmas plays. Bibliographies of Christmas literature. Outdoor plays; Outdoor plays for children. Old English plays. Addenda. Individual works Arnold, Sir Edwin. 822 A75 Adzuma; or, The Japanese wife; a play in four acts. 1893. Long- mans. Bennett, Arnold. 822 643 What the public wants; a play in four acts. 1909. Doran. Appeared in "McClure's magazine," v-34, Jan.-March 1910. Travesty on modern newspaper methods. Benson, Robert Hugh. 822 6440 Cost of a crown; a story of Douay & Durham; a sacred drama in three acts. 1910. Longmans. Benson, Robert Hugh. 822 644 A mystery play in honour of the nativity of our Lord. 1908. Long- mans. Produced in 1907 and 1908 by the girls in an English convent school. Contains stage directions and advice about the scenery, costumes and method of acting. Illustrated. Besier, Rudolf. 822 646 Don; a comedy in three acts. Unwin. (Plays of to-day and to- morrow.) Birth of Hercules. r822 649 Birth of Hercules. 1911. Malone Soc. (Malone Society reprints, Printed from a manuscript written probably early in the I7th century. "The Birth of Hercules is a pretty close adaptation, or even translation, of the Amphitruo of Plautus, increased in bulk nearly one third." Preface. 1574 ENGLISH DRAMA Boucicault, Dion. 822 665 London assurance; a comedy in five acts; an entirely new acting edition; ed. by A. B. Sedgwick. 1877. Dramatic Pub. Co. [Brandon, Samuel.] r822 B6g The virtuous Octavia, 1598. 1909. Malone Soc. (Malone Society reprints, 1909.) . Reprint of London edition of 1598, with facsimile of title-page "The tragicomocdi of the vertuous Octavia." "The play is closely modelled on Samuel Daniel's Cleopatra Of the author nothing whatever is known, and no other work from his pen appears to be extant." Introduction. Browne, Horace B. 822 Dssb Short plays from Dickens, for the use of amateur and school dra- matic societies. 1908. Chapman. Illustrations by "Phiz," George Cruikshank, George Cattermole and Marcus Stone. Byron, George Gordon Noel, lord. 822 699 Kain; mysterium; forditotta Gyory Ilona. 1895. Byron, George Gordon Noel, lord. 822 Bggk Kainas; misterija; verte Vincas Kudirka. 1903. The same. 1909. (In Kudirka, Vincas. Rastai, v.6, p.3ii- 402.) 891.928 K43 v.5-6 Celestina. r822 GSI Interlude of Calisto and Melebea. 1908. Malone Soc. (Malone Society reprints, 1908.) Reprint of only known copy, with title "A new comodye in Englysh in maner of an enterlude ryght elygant & full of craft of rethoryk wherein is shewd & dyscrybyd as well the bewte & good propertes of women as theyr vycys & euyll condicions with a morall conclusion & exhortacyon to vertew." Chapman, George, & Shirley, James. qrSos Psg Tragedie of Chabot, admirall of France; reprinted from the quarto of 1639; ed. by Ezra Lehman. 1906. (In Pennsylvania University. Publications; series in philology and literature.) "Bibliography," p.iai. Crawfurd, Oswald John Frederick, ed. 822 C8y English comic dramatists. 1884. Appleton. Selections from comedies by 14 dramatists, ranging from Shakespeare to Sheridan, with brief critical comments. Debenham, Mary H. 822 035 More dialogues, duologues and monologues. Gardner. Contents: A needle in a haystack. Spade work. A suitable colonist. Polly, put the kettle on. Number 10. A plunge into the world. Three blind mice. A defensive alliance. Dekker, Thomas. r822 038 Dramatic works, now first collected, with illustrative notes and a memoir of the author. 4v. 1873. Pearson. v.i. Memoir of Thomas Dekker. A pleasant comedie of the gentle craft. The comedie of old Fortunatus. Satiro-mastix; or, The untrussing of the humorous poet. The magnificent entertainment given to King James. v.a. The honest whore. The whore of Babylon. Westward-hoe. v.j. Northward-hoe. The famous history of Sir Thomas Wyat. The roaring girle. London triumphing. If this be not a good play the divell is in it. v.4- The virgin martir. Brittannia's honor. Londons Tempe. A tragi-comedy, called Match mee in London. The wonder of a kingdome. The sun's darling. The witch of Edmonton. ENGLISH DRAMA 1575 Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes. 822 0553 From king to king; the tragedy of the Puritan revolution. 1907. McClure. In short dramatic dialogues, some of the leading figures in the revolution are portrayed Eliot, Hampden, Archbishop Laud, Vane and Cromwell, among others. Doughty, Charles Montagu. 822 075 Adam cast forth. 1908. Duckworth. Dramatic narrative in blank verse of the life of Adam and Eve, from their meeting after the fall until the birth of Cain and Abel. Dryden, John. 822 D8s [Best plays]; ed. with an introduction and notes by George Saints- bury. 2v. [1904?] Unwin. (Mermaid series.) v.i. Almanzor and Almahide. Marriage a la mode. Aureng-Zebe. v.2. All for love. The Spanish friar. Albion and Albanius. Don Sebastian. Fagan, James Bernard. 822 Fis The earth; a modern play in four acts. 1910. Duffield. (Plays of to-day and to-morrow.) Ford, John. r822 M45 Dramatic works of Massinger and Ford, with an introduction by Hartley Coleridge. 2v. in i. 1840. Moxon. Contents: MASSINCER: The virgin-martyr; The unnatural combat; The duke of Milan; The bondman; The renegado; The parliament of love; The Roman actor; The great duke of Florence; The maid of honour; The picture; The emperor of the East; The fatal dowry; A new way to pay old debts; The city madam; The guardian; A very woman; The bashful lover; The old law; Poems. FORD: The lover's melancholy; 'Tis pity she's a whore; The broken heart; Love's sacrifice; Perkin Warbeck; The fancies chaste and noble; The lady's trial; The sun's darling; The witch of Edmonton. Galsworthy, John, (pseud. John Sinjohn). 822 Justice; a tragedy in four acts. 1910. Duckworth. A play of great tragic power and realism depicting the relentlessness of justice. Galsworthy, John, (pseud. John Sinjohn). 822 The little dream; an allegory in six scenes. 1911. Scribner. Galsworthy, John, (pseud. John Sinjohn). 822 Gi5 Plays. 1909. Putnam. Contents: The silver box. Joy. Strife. These really readable plays are keen studies of situations common to every-day life. Gilbert, Sir William Schwenck. 822 Gs8 Original plays, v.4. 1911. Chatto. v.4. The fairy's dilemma. The grand duke. His excellency. "Haste to the wed- ding." Fallen fairies. The gentleman in black. Brantinghame hall. Creatures of im- pulse. Randall's thumb. The fortune-hunter. Thespis. For v.i -3 see preceding catalogue, first series. Greene, Robert. 822 G8s Dramatic and poetical works of Robert Greene & George Peele, with memoirs of the authors and notes by Alexander Dyce. 1861. Routledge. "Greene's fame rests chiefly on the poetry that is scattered through his romances. The romances themselves are frequently insipid; but in some of his numerous songs and eclogues he attained perfection. His plays are interesting to students of dramatic his- tory, but have slender literary value. . .Peele is one of the most prominent figures among those of Shakespeare's 'predecessors' and earlier contemporaries ... His blank verse, usually fluent though monotonous, rises here and there to grandeur and force; and scattered through his plays and pastorals are more than one lyric of imperishable charm." Dictionary of national biography. I S7 6 ENGLISH DRAMA [Greene, Robert.] r822 683 History of Orlando Furioso, 1594. 1907. Malone Soc. (Malone Society reprints, 1907.) Reprint of London edition of 1594, with facsimile of title-page "The historic of Orlando Furioso; one of the twelue pieres of France." Greene, Robert. 822 G8ap [Plays] ; ed. with introduction and notes by T. H. Dickinson. [1909.] Unwin. (Mermaid series.) Contents: Alphonsus, king of Arragon. A looking-glass for London and Eng- land. Orlando Furioso. Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay. James the Fourth. George- a-Greene, the pinner of Wakefield. Appendix: The jolly pinder of Wakefield with Robin Hood, Scarlet and John. [Greene, Robert.] r822 G8at Tragical reign of Selimus, 1594. 1908. Malone Soc. (Malone So- ciety reprints, 1908.) Reprint of London edition of 1594, with facsimile of title-page "The first part of the tragical! raigne of Selimus, sometime emperour of the Turkes." Gregory, Augusta (Persse), lady. 822 G86 Seven short plays. 1911. Maunsel. Contents: Spreading the news. Hyacinth Halvey. The rising of the moon. The jackdaw. The workhouse ward. The travelling man. The gaol gate. Music for the songs in the plays. Notes, &c. Hamilton, Cecily Mary, & St. John, Christopher. 822 Hig How the vote was won; text of the play. 1909. Garden City Press. Hardy, Thomas. 822 H26 The dynasts; a drama of the Napoleonic wars, in three parts, nine- teen acts & one hundred and thirty scenes, pt.3. 1908. Macmillan. For pt. 1-2 see preceding catalogue, second series. Henley, William Ernest, & Stevenson, R. L. S848wi Plays. 1896. (In Stevenson's Weir of Hermiston, p. 167-442.) Contents: Deacon Brodie; or. The double life. Beau Austin. Admiral Guinea. Macaire. The same. 1906. DaVos Press. (In Stevenson's Poems, ballads and plays, p. 243-464.) 821 S84P2 Hewlett, Maurice Henry. 822 H4ga The agonists; a trilogy of God and man. 1911. Scribner. Contents: Minos, king of Crete. Ariadne in Naxos. The death of Hippolytus. Each of these tragedies may be read independently, but a unity of theme the decline and utter destruction of the royal line of Minos binds them together. Heywood, Thomas. qrSos PSQ v.i2 no.i Royall king and loyall subject; reprinted from the quarto of 1637 and ed. with introduction and notes by K. W. Tibbals. 1906. (In Penn- sylvania University. Publications; series in philology and literature, v.12, no.i.) Johan the Evangelist. r822 Jss Interlude of Johan the Evangelist. 1907. Malone Soc. (Malone Society reprints, 1907.) Reprint of London edition printed about 1565, with facsimile of title-page "Here begynneth the enterlude of Johan the Euangelyst." Jones, Henry Arthur. 822 J4im The middleman; a play in four acts. 1907. French. ENGLISH DRAMA 1577 Kennedy, Charles Rann. 822 Ki8 The servant in the house. 1908. Harper. The interest of the play centres in the personality of Manson, an Indian servant who comes to live in the household of an English vicar and who exerts a subtle influence for good on every one who comes in contact with him. Kennedy, Charles Rann. 822 Ki8w Winterfeast. 1908. Harper. Scene of the drama is a home in Iceland in 1020 A. D. The interplay of character and destiny is woven about a lie, which brings catastrophes in its wake. Illustrated from photographs of stage presentation. King Lear. r822 K26 History of King Leir, 1605. 1907. Malone Soc. (Malone Society reprints.) Reprint of London edition of 1605, with facsimile of title-page "The true chronicle history of King Leir and his three daughters, Gonorill, Ragan and Cordelia." Knack to know an honest man. 1822 K33 Knack to know an honest man, 1596. 1910. Malone Soc. (Malone Society reprints, 1910.) Reprint of London edition of 1596, with facsimile of title-page "A pleasant con- ceited comedie, called, A knacke to know an honest man." Locrine. r822 L76 Tragedy of Locrine, 1595. 1908. Malone Soc. (Malone Society reprints, 1908.) Reprint of London edition of 1595. with facsimile of title-page "The lamentable tragedie of Locrine." Lodge, Thomas. r822 L765 Wounds of civil war, 1594. 1910. Malone Soc. (Malone Society reprints, 1910.) Reprint of London edition of 1594, with facsimile of title-page. "At the commencement of his literary career [Lodge] composed in monotonous blank verse a heavy tragedy in which he made liberal use of Plutarch and Sallust. Though perhaps produced in 1587, it was not published till 1594 when the title ran 'The Wounds of Civill War : lively set forth in the true Tragedies of Marius and Scilla' . . . The characters of the two heroes are drawn with some power, but the comic scenes are contemptible, and the play as a whole is undistinguished." Dictionary of national biography. Malone Society. r822 M2g Collections, v.i, pt.i-5. 1907-11. Contains notes on the society's publications, dramatic records and reprints of frag- ments of plays. Massinger, Philip. r822 M45 Dramatic works of Massinger and Ford, with an introduction by Hartley Coleridge. 2v. in I. 1840. Moxon. Contents: MASSINGER: The virgin-martyr; The unnatural combat; The duke of Milan; The bondman; The renegado; The parliament of love; The Roman actor; The great duke of Florence; The maid of honour; The picture; The emperor of the East; The fatal dowry; A new way to pay old debts; The city madam; The guardian; A very woman; The bashful lover; The old law; Poems. FORD: The lover's melancholy; 'Tis pity she's a whore; The broken heart; Love's sacrifice; Perkin Warbeck; The fancies chaste and noble; The lady's trial; The sun's darling; The witch of Edmonton. Mayne, Rutherford. 822 The troth; a play in one act. 1909. Maunsel. 1578 ENGLISH DRAMA Methley, Violet M. 822 M64 Sauce for the gander, and other plays. 1910. Skeffington. Other plays. The vengeance of Anne. In the dark. A matinee idol. A warm reception. The sack. A hasty conclusion. Cousin Amy. Mystery plays. r822 Mgg Non-cycle mystery plays, together with the Croxton Play of the sacrament and The pride of life; re-edited from the manuscripts by Osborn Waterhouse. 1909. (Early English Text Society. Publica- tions, extra series, V.IO4.) Besides the two plays mentioned in the title, the collection comprises the following remains of early English religious drama:' Officium pastorum, Officium resurrectionis, Officium peregrinorum, Creation of Eve, Noah's ship, and Abraham and Isaac, the latter in both Dublin and Brome versions. Neilson, William Allan, comp. 822 N2i Chief Elizabethan dramatists, excluding Shakespeare; selected plays; ed. from the original quartos and folios, with notes [and] biographies. 1911. Houghton. Contents: Endymion, the man in the moon, by John Lyly. The old wives' tale, by George Peele The honourable history of Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay, by Robert Greene. Tamburlaine, by Christopher Marlowe, pt.i. The tragical history of Doctor Faustus, by Christopher Marlowe. The Jew of Malta, by Christopher Marlowe. The troublesome reign and lamentable death of Edward the Second, by Christopher Marlowe. The Spanish tragedy; or, Hieronimo is mad again, by Thomas Kyd. Bussy d'Ambois, by George Chapman. Every man in his humour; Sejanus, his fall; Volpone; or, The fox; The alchemist, by Ben Jonson. The shoemakers' holiday; The honest whore, by Thomas Dekker. The malcontent, by John Marston and John Webster. A woman killed with kindness, by Thomas Hey wood. The knight of the burning pestle; Philaster; or, Love lies a-bleeding; The maid's tragedy, by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher. The faithful shepherdess; The wild-goose chase, by John Fletcher. The duchess of Malfi, by John Webster. A trick to catch the old one, by Thomas Middleton. The changeling, by Thomas Middleton and William Rowley. A new way to pay old debts, by Philip Massinger. The broken heart, by John Ford. The lady of pleasure; The cardinal, by James Shirley. "Bibliographies," p.86i-867. Parker, Louis N. comp. qr822 P23 Souvenir and book of words of the Colchester [Eng.] pageant, June 21-26, 1909, invented and arranged by L. N. Parker. 1909. Jarrold. [Pasqualigo, Luigi, conte.} r822 P28 Fidele and Fortunio, the two Italian gentlemen. 1909. Malone Soc. (Malone Society reprints, 1909.) Reprint of edition with title "The pleasaunt and fine conceited comoedie of two Italian gentlemen." Adapted from Pasqualigo's Italian play "II fedelc." Peacock, Thomas Love. 822 P34 Plays, published for the first time; ed. by A. B. Young. 1910. Nutt. Contents: The dilettanti; a farce in two acts. The Circle of Loda; a drama in two ct. The three doctors; a musical farce in two acts. [Peele, George.] r822 Pa6a The arraignment of Paris, 1584. 1910. Malone Soc. (Malone So- ciety reprints, 1910.) Reprint of London edition of 1584, with facsimile of title-page "The araygnement of Paris." ENGLISH DRAMA 1579 [Peele, George.] r822 Battle of Alcazar, 1594. 1907. Malone Soc. (Malone Society re- prints, 1907.) Reprint of London edition of 1594, with facsimile of title-page "The battell of Alcazar." [Peele, George.] r822 Pa6o Old wives tale, 1595. 1908. Malone Soc. (Malone Society reprints, 1908.) Reprint of London edition of 1595, with facsimile of title-page "The old wiues tale." Phillip, John, fl. 1570-91. r822 PSI Play of patient Grissell. 1909. Malone Soc. (Malone Society re- prints, 1909.) With facsimile of title-page of original edition "The commodye of pacient and meeke Grissill." Phillips, Stephen. 822 Psip Pietro of Siena; a drama. 1910. Macmillan. The same ............................................... r822 Pinero, Arthur Wing. 822 P62hi His house in order; a comedy in four acts. 1906. Heinemann. Pinero, Arthur Wing. 822 P62mi Mid-channel; a play in four acts. 1911. Heinemann. Pinero, Arthur Wing. 822 P62th The thunderbolt; an episode in the history of a provincial family; in four acts. 1909. Heinemann. Procter, Bryan Waller, (pseud. Barry Cornwall). 822 Pg6 Dramatic scenes, with other poems. 1857. Chapman. Randolph, Thomas. 822 Ri8 Poetical and dramatic works; now first collected and ed. from the early copies and from mss. with some account of the author and occa- sional notes by W. C. Hazlitt. 2v. 1875. Reeves. v.i. Some account of Thomas Randolph. Plays: Aristippus; or, The jovial philosopher; The conceited peddler; The jealous lovers; The muses' looking-glass; Amyntas; or, The impossible dowry. v.2. Amyntas (continued) ; Hey for honesty. Poems. Oratio praevaricatoria. English dramatist and poet (1605-35). "Randolph achieved a wide reputation in his own day, and was classed by his contemporaries among 'the most pregnant wits of his age.' Fertile in imagination, he could on occasion express himself with rare power and beauty. But his promise, as might be expected from his irregular life and premature death, was greater than his performance." Dictionary of national biography. Rowley, William. qrSos PSQ v.i3 All's lost by lust, and A shoe-maker, a gentleman, with an introduc- tion on Rowley's place in the drama by C. W. Stork. 1910. (In Penn- sylvania University. Publications; series in philology and literature, V-I3-) "Bibliography," p.zSo 281. Second maiden's tragedy. r822 844 Second maiden's tragedy, 1611. 1909. Malone Soc. (Malone So- ciety reprints, 1909.) Printed from a manuscript dated 1611, with title "The second maydens tragedy." I 5 8o ENGLISH DRAMA Shaw, George Bernard. 822 The doctor's dilemma; Getting married, and The shewing-up of Blanco Posnet. 1911. Brentano. The same ................................................. r822 853 Three plays of little dramatic value, each introduced by a long preface which en- larges on the theories exploited in the dramas. The first is a tirade against the medical profession, the second against conventional views of the marriage institution and the third against the censorship of the drama. Plays and prefaces show the author's customary cleverness and a substratum of truth overlaid with paradox and exaggeration. Shaw, George Bernard. 822 S534J John Bull's other island, and Major Barbara; also How he lied to her husband. 1907. Constable. "His are dramas of talk, not of incident of ideas, not of emotions. He brings on to the stage a group of characters, and sets them to discuss some topic which has ab- sorbed his attention it may be the relations of England and Ireland, as in 'John Bull's Other Island;' it may be the conflicting doctrines of Christianity and the 'Superman' philosophy on the problem of poverty, as in 'Major Barbara.' In any case they talk, and in their debates reveal differences of mental constitution and diversities of opinion." Athentrum, 1907. "How he lied to her husband" is a clever, short farce. Deacon, Renee M. 822 Bernard Shaw as artist-philosopher; an exposition of Shavianism. 1910. Lane. A sort of student's primer of Shavian philosophy, in which Mr Shaw's dramatic theory, conception of life and artistic function are analyzed with uncritical admiration. Bates, Ernest Sutherland. 822 S54zba Study of Shelley's drama "The Cenci." 1908. (Columbia University, New York. Studies in English.) Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Butler. 822 Rivals, with an introduction by Brander Matthews. 1907. Crowell. The same. (In British theatre, v.19.) ................... r822 675 v.ig Simpson, Richard, cd. r822 S6i School of Shakspere. 2v. 1878. Chatto. v.i. The stories of the plays of "Captain Stucley" and "Nobody and somebody." Biography of Sir Thomas Stucley. The famous history of the life and death of Captain Thomas Stucley. Nobody and somebody. v.a. Histrio-mastix; or, The player whipt. The prodigal son. Jacke Drums enter- tainment. A warning for faire women. Faire Em, the miller's daughter of Manchester. An account of Robert Greene, his life and works and his attacks on Shakspere and the players. Sir John Oldcastle. 822 S6i First part of Sir John Oldcastle; a historical drama by Michael Drayton, Anthony Munday, Richard Hathway and Robert Wilson; ed. with an introduction, critical text and notes by J. R. Macarthur. 1907. "Bibliography," p. 153-1 57. Thesis by J. R. Macarthur for Ph. D., University of Chicago. "A play which, having been published in 1600 with the name of Shakspere on the title-page (though this would seem to have been afterwards removed), has naturally oc- cupied the attention of sanguine critics. But. . .Malone placed its real authorship beyond doubt; and its merits must be discussed without reference to any Shaksperean origin . ..Whether or not the lost Second Part may have been able to make the hero as interest- ing on the stage as he is in history, the First fails to attain to this end. . .But the play is very stirring in its action; and contains both situations and characters of a very viva- cious humour." Ward's History of English dramatic literature. ENGLISH DRAMA 1581 Sir John Oldcastle. r822 S6ig Life of Sir John Oldcastle, 1600. 1908. Malone Soc. (Malone Society reprints, 1908.) Reprint of London edition of 1600, with facsimile of title-page "The first part of the true and honorable historic of the life of Sir John Old-castle, the good Lord Cob- ham." Smith, Wentworth. qrSos P^g v.u Hector of Germanic; or, The Palsgrave prime elector; reprinted from the quarto of 1615 and ed. with introduction and notes by L. W. Payne. 1906. (In Pennsylvania University. Publications; series in philology and literature, v.u.) Hoffsten, Ernest Godfrey. r822 Sgizh The floating island, by William Strode, with an account of the life of the author and a review of the university drama in England, chiefly after the year 1600. 1908. [Gottschalk Printing Co.] "Bibliography," p. 29-31. Thesis for Ph. D., University of Pennsylvania. '"The floating island" was presented at Christ Church College, Oxford, in 1636 in honor of the visit of King Charles I and Queen Henrietta. Suckling, Sir John. 1822 894 Fragmenta aurea; a collection of all the incomparable peeces written by Sir John Suckling, and pub. by a friend to perpetuate his memory. 4v. in i. 1648. Moseley. Contents: Poems. Letters to divers eminent personages. Aglaura. The goblins. Brennoralt. Suckling's works consist of a slender collection of lyrical and complimentary poems, known as the "Fragmenta aurea" and of four plays, one of them incomplete. The "Aglaura" is a monster of tedious pageantry. "Brennoralt" contains some fine tragic writing. The only real merit of the plays consists in the beautiful songs they harbor. The lyrical pieces are very unequal in merit. Side by side with songs that will be en- joyed as long as the English language exists, we find stanzas which it is impossible either to scan or to construe. Condensed from Edmund Gosse, in Ward's English poets. Swinburne, Algernon Charles. 822 Sgyd Duke of Gandia. 1908. Harper. Short dramatic poem, its four brief scenes dealing slightly with an episode in the story of the Borgias, the death of the young duke of Gandia, assassinated by the com- mand of his elder brother, Caesar Borgia. Synge, John Millington. 822 Sggpl Playboy of the western world; a comedy in three acts. 1911. Maunsel. Synge, John Millington. 822 Sggp [Plays, poems and translations.] 2v. 1910. Maunsel. (Works, V.I -2.) v.i. Plays: The shadow of the glen; Riders to the sea; The well of the saints; The tinker's wedding. v.2. Plays (continued): The playboy of the western world; Deirdre of the sor- rows. Poems. Translations from Petrarch. Translations from Villon and others. Synge, John Millington. 822 Sgg Shadow of the glen, and Riders to the sea. 1910. Mathews. Two one-act plays written for the Irish theatre. Simple and impressive and per- vaded by an atmosphere of unrelieved gloom. 1582 ENGLISH DRAMA Syrett, Netta. J822 Sgg Six fairy plays for children. 1911. Lane. Contents: The dream-lady. Little Bridget. White magic. The gift of the fairies. The wonderful rose. In Arcady. Thayer, William Roscoe, ed. 822 T34 Best Elizabethan plays. 1890. Ginn. Contents: The Jew of Malta, by Marlowe. The alchemist, by Jonson. Philaster, by Beaumont and Fletcher. The two noble kinsmen, by Fletcher and Shakespeare. The duchess of Malfi, by Webster. "Bibliography," p.2o. Tom Tyler and his wife. r822 Tom Tyler and his wife. 1910. Malone Soc. (Malone Society reprints, 1910.) Reprint of London edition of 1661, with facsimile of title-page. Old English play or interlude, of unknown date and authorship. Townley, James. 822 T66 High life below stairs; a farce in two acts. [1759.] French. Wealth and health. r822 Interlude of wealth and health. 1907. Malone Soc. (Malone So- ciety reprints, 1907.) With facsimile of title-page of original edition "An enterlude of welth and helth." Wells, Charles Jeremiah. 822 W4Q Joseph and his brethren; a dramatic poem, with an introduction by A. C. Swinburne and a note on Rossetti and Charles Wells by Theodore Watts-Dunton. [1908.] Frowde. (The world's classics.) Wilde, Oscar. r8os ?74 v.i8 Salome; a tragedy in one act; tr. from the French. (In Poet-lore, 1907, v.i8, p.199-223.) Wycherley, William. r822 W7 Dramatic works of Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar, with biographical and critical notices by Leigh Hunt. 1840. Moxon. Contents: WYCHERLEY: Love in a wood; The gentleman dancing-master; The coun- try wife; The plain dealer. CONGREVE: The old bachelor; The double-dealer; Love for love; The mourning bride; The way of the world; The judgment of Paris; Semele. VANBRUGH: The relapse; The provoked wife; jEsop; The false friend; The confederacy; The mistake; The country house; A journey to London. FARQUHAR: Love and a bot- tle; The constant couple; Sir Harry Wildair; The inconstant; The twin-rivals; The re- cruiting officer; The beaux-stratagem. Yeats, William Butler, & Gregory, Augusta (Persse), lady. 822 2211 The unicorn from the stars, and other plays. 1908. Macmillan ; Other plays: Cathleen ni Houlihan, by W. B. Yeats. The hour-glass, by W. B. Yeat*. First play is one of the most ambitious productions of the Irish theatre and less a drama than a study of various types of Irish character and an embodiment of the pas- sionate national yearnings in the heart of the race. Condensed from Nation, 1908. Zangwill, Israel. 822 Z28 The melting-pot; drama in four acts. 1909. Macmillan. "America is God's crucible, the great melting-pot where all the races of Europe are melting and refining." This quotation suggests the theme of the play. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH DRAMA 1583 History and criticism of the English drama Borsa, Mario. 822.09 663 The English stage of to-day; tr. from the original Italian and ed. with a prefatory note by Selwyn Brinton. 1908. Lane. Contents: The playgoers. Realism and the English drama. The experimental theatre. G. B. S[haw]. From Stratford-on-Avon to Drury lane. The literary drama. The critics and the players. The Irish national theatre. Brereton, John Le Gay. r822.og 673 Elizabethan drama; notes and studies. 1909. Brooks. Notes on the text of dramas by Marlowe, Greene, Kydd, Chapman, Shakespeare, Jonson, Webster, Marston, Day, Heywood, Beaumont and Fletcher. Gayley, Charles Mills. 822.09 625 Plays of our forefathers and some of the traditions upon which they were founded. 1907. Duffield. Study of the mediaeval drama, especially of the English miracle play, by the pro- fessor of English language and literature at the University of California (1907). Hazlitt, William. 822.09 Hs8 Lectures on the dramatic literature of the age of Elizabeth. 1848. Carey. (Miscellaneous works, v.3.) Contents: Introductory: General view of the subject. On the dramatic writers contemporary with Shakspeare, Lyly, Marlowe, Heywood, Middleton and Rowley. On Marston, Chapman, Decker and Webster. On Beaumont and Fletcher, Ben Jonson, Ford and Massinger. On single plays, poems, &c., the Four P's, The return from Parnassus, Gammer Gurton's needle and other works. On miscellaneous poems, F. Beaumont, P. Fletcher, Drayton, Daniel, &c., Sir P. Sidney's Arcadia and sonnets. Character of Lord Bacon's works, compared as to style with Sir Thos. Brown and Jeremy Taylor. On the spirit of ancient and modern literature; On the German drama, contrasted with that of the age of Elizabeth. Hone, William. 1822.09 H76 Ancient mysteries described, especially the English miracle plays, founded on apocryphal New testament story extant among the un- published manuscripts in the British Museum, including notices of ecclesiastical shows. 1823. Reeves. Molloy, Joseph* Fitzgerald. 822.09 Myg Famous plays, with a discourse by way of prologue on the play- houses of the restoration. 1886. Ward. Contents: Congreve's Love for love. Addison's Cato. John Gay's Beggar's opera. Dr Johnson's Irene. Oliver Goldsmith's She stoops to conquer. R. B. Sheridan's Rivals and School for scandal. Sheridan Knowles' Virginius and The hunchback. Lord Lytton's plays. Miscellaneous information and anecdotes connected with the first presentation of well-known English plays of the :8th and early igth centuries. Schelling, Felix Emmanuel. 822.09 8326 Elizabethan drama, 1558-1642; a history of the drama in England from the accession of Queen Elizabeth to the closing of the theaters, to which is prefixed a resume of the earlier drama from its beginnings. 2v. 1908. Houghton. "Bibliographical essay," v.z, p.433-537- Author is (1908) professor of English literature in the University of Pennsylvania and one of the best known American scholars in his field. His purpose is to present a connected and consecutive history of the Tudor and early Stuart drama, taking into consideration the whole body of plays written and acted, their authorship and the in- volved history of the stage. 1584 SHAKESPEARE Swinburne, Algernon Charles. 822.09 $97 Age of Shakespeare. 1908. Harper. Contents: Christopher Marlowe. John Webster. Thomas Dekker. John Marston. Thomas Middleton. William Rowley. Thomas Heywood. George Chapman. Cyril Tourneur. Taylor, George Coffin. q822.og T25 Relations of lyric and drama in mediaeval England. 1907. Thesis for Ph. D., University of Chicago. Reprinted from "Modern philology," v.4, no. 4, v.5, no. i, April and July 1907. Thompson, Elbert Nevius Sebring. ro6i 675 v.i4 The English moral plays. 1910. (In Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. Transactions, v.14, p.29i~4i4.) Bibliography, p.4O4~4i3. Thorndike, Ashley Horace. 822.09 Tsg Tragedy. 1908. Houghton. (Types of English literature.) Contents: Definitions. The medieval and the classical influences. The beginnings of tragedy. Marlowe and his contemporaries. Shakespeare and his contemporaries. Shakespeare. The later Elizabethans. The restoration. The i8th century. The romantic movement. Conclusion. Bibliography at the end of each chapter. Shakespeare Bibliography Dodd, Mead & Company. r822.33 Aa The four folios of Shakespeare's plays; an account of the four col- lected editions together with a census of the known perfect copies of the first folio. 1907. Dodd. [Hopper, Clarence, comp.] r822.33 AS Catalogue of the books, manuscripts, works of art, antiquities and relics illustrative of the life and works of Shakespeare and of the his- tory of Stratford-upon-Avon, which are preserved in the Shakespeare Library and Museum in Henley street. 1868. Shakespeare Fund. Jaggard, William, comp. r822-33 AS Shakespeare bibliography; a dictionary of every known issue of the writings of our national poet and of recorded opinion thereon in the English language, with historical introduction, facsimiles [and] por- traits. 1911. Shakespeare Press. "The most important contribution to Shakespeare bibliography which has yet ap- peared." Athenaum, 1911. Pollard, Alfred William. qr822.33 A4 Shakespeare folios and quartos; a study in the bibliography of Shakespeare's plays, 1594-1685. 1909. Methuen. Since the text of Shakespeare began to be studied seriously there have always been wrangles over the merits and demerits of the folio and the quartos. Mr Pollard states in bis preface that one of his objects is to vindicate the editors of the first folio and the printers of the better quartos from the disparagement of their modern detractors. His arguments are mainly directed against Mr Sidney Lee. He gossips pleasantly about Elizabethan and Jacobean printers and their methods of doing business. Condensed from Saturday review, 1909. SHAKESPEARE 1585 Complete works Shakespeare, William. 822.33 Is Complete dramatic and poetic works (Cambridge edition) ; ed. from the text of the early quartos and the first folio by W. A. Neilson. 1906. Houghton. Shakespeare, William. 1822.33 J6 Complete works (Caxton edition), with annotations and a general introduction by Sidney Lee. 2ov. [1910.] Caxton. v.i. The comedy of errors. The two gentlemen of Verona. v.2. Love's labour's lost. The merchant of Venice. v.3. All's well that ends well. A midsummer-night's dream. v.4- The taming of the shrew. The merry wives of Windsor. v.5- Much ado about nothing. As you like it. v.6. Twelfth night; or, What you will. Measure for measure. v-7. Pericles. Cymbeline. v.8. The winter's tale. The tempest. v.p. The first part of King Henry VI. The second part of King Henry VI. The third part of King Henry VI. King Richard III. v.i i. The tragedy of King Richard II. The life and death of King John. v.i 2. The first part of King Henry IV. The second part of King Henry IV. v.i 3. The life of King Henry V. King Henry the Eighth. v.i 4. Romeo and Juliet. Titus Andronicus. v.i 5. Julius Casar. Hamlet. v.i 6. Troilus and Cressida. Othello. v.i 7. Macbeth. King Lear. v.i 8. Timon of Athens. Antony and Cleopatra. v.i 9. Coriolanus. Sonnets. v.2o. Introduction by Alfred Austin. Poems: Venus and Adonis. The rape of Lucrece. The passionate pilgrim. A lover's complaint. The phoenix and the turtle. v.20 contains indices and glossary. Shakespeare, William. r822.33 17 Complete works (Pembroke edition) ; ed. by Charlotte Porter and H. A. Clarke. I2v. 1903. De Fau. v.i. The tempest. Two gentlemen of Verona. Merry wives of Windsor. Mea- sure for measure. v.2. Comedie of errors. Much adoe. Loves labour's lost. Midsommer nights dreame. v.3- Merchant of Venice. As you like it. Taming of the shrew. All's well. v.4. Twelfe night. The winters tale. King John. King Richard Second. v.s. Henry the Fourth. Henry the Fifth. v.6. Henry the Sixt. v.7- Richard the Third. Henry the Eight. Titus Andronicus. v.8. Coriolanus. Romeo and Juliet. Tymon of Athens. v.g. Julius Caesar.- Macbeth. Hamlet. King Lear. Othello. Anthonie and Cleopatra. v.i i. Cymbeline. Troylus and Cressida. Pericles. v.i 2. Life of Shakespeare. Sonnets. Poems. Shakespeare, William. q822-33 J6 New variorum edition of Shakespeare; ed. by H. H. Furness. v.i6. 1908. Lippincott. v.i 6. The tragedy of Richard the Third, with The landing of Earle Richmond, and The battell at Bosworth field. The same qr822.33 J With bibliographies of the separate plays. For v. 1-15 see preceding catalogues. Shakespeare, William. qr822.33 Js Shakespeare's plays, with his life; illustrated with many hundred I 5 86 SHAKESPEARE Shakespeare, William continued. qr822.33 Js wood-cuts executed by H. W. Hewet after designs by Kenny Meadows, Harvey and others; ed. by G. C. Verplanck, with critical introductions, notes, etc., original and selected. 3v. 1847. Harper. v.i. Order of the plays. Life of William Shakespeare, by Rowe. Life of William Shakespeare; abridged from Collier. Shakespeare's will. Folio editions of Shake- speare's plays. Commendatory verses. Shakespeare's name and autographs. Histories. v.2. Comedies. v.3. Tragedies. Later the title was changed to "Harper's illuminated and illustrated Shakespeare." Shakespeare, William. 822.33 J8 Works. 2Ov. Constable. v.i. The comedy of errors. Love's labour lost. v.a. Two gentlemen of Verona. A midsummer-night's dream. v-3. The taming of the shrew. The winter's tale. v-4. The merry wives of Windsor. All's well that ends well. v.s. The merchant of Venice. Much ado about nothing. v.6. Twelfth night. As you like it. v.7. Measure for measure. The tempest. v.8. Henry VI, pt.i-2. v.9- Henry VI, pt.3- King John. Richard II. Richard III. v.i i. Henry IV. v.i 2. Henry V. Henry VIII. v.i 3. Julius Caesar. Titus Andronicus. v.i 4. Romeo and Juliet. Macbeth. v.i 5. Othello. Troilus and Cressida. v.i6. Hamlet. King Lear. v. 17. Antony and Cleopatra. Timon of Athens. v.i 8. Cymbeline. Coriolanus. v.i 9. Pericles. Venus and Adonis. v.2o. Sonnets. Poems. Shakespeare, William. 822.33 J7 Works; ed. by R. G. White. I2v. 1857-65. Little. v.i. Supplementary notes. Memoirs. Account of the English drama. Essay on Shakespeare's genius. Historical sketch of the text. Poems. v.2. COMEDIES: The tempest; The two gentlemen of Verona; The merry wives of Windsor. v.3. COMEDIES (continued): Measure for measure; The comedy of errors; Much ado about nothing; Love's labour's lost. v-4. COMEDIES (continued): A midsummer night's dream; The merchant of Venice; As you like it; The taming of the shrew. v.s. COMEDIES (continued): All's well that ends well; Twelfth night; or, What you will; The winter's tale. v.6. HISTORIES: King John; Richard the Second; King Henry the Fourth. v.7. HISTORIES (continued): King Henry the Fifth; King Henry the Sixth, pt.i-2. v.8. HISTORIES (continued): King Henry the Sixth, pt.3; King Richard the Third; King Henry the Eighth. v.9. TRAGEDIES: Troilus and Cressida; Coriolanus; Titus Andronicus. TRAGEDIES (continued): Romeo and Juliet; Timon of Athens; Julius Caesar; Macbeth. v.i i. TRAGEDIES (continued): Hamlet; King Lear; Othello. v.i2. TRAGEDIES (continued): Antony and Cleopatra; Cymbeline; Pericles. Shakespeare, William. 822.33 14 [Works; personal edition] introduction by Esther Wood, biographi- cal study by Goldwin Smith. I2v. 1904. Doubleday. v.i. Loves labour's lost. The comedie of errors. The two gentlemen of Verona. v.a. Henry the Sixt Romeo and Juliet. T.S. Titus Andronicus. Sonnets. Poems. v.4. Richard the Third. King Richard the Second. The merchant of Venice. v.s. King John. A midsommer nights dreame. All's well that ends well. r.6. The taming of the shrew. Henry the Fourth. The merry wives of Windsor. SHAKESPEARE 1587 Shakespeare, William continued. 822.33 14 v.7. Henry the Fift. Much adoe about nothing. As you like it. v.8. Twelfe night. Julius Caesar. Hamlet. v.9. Troylus and Cressida. Othello. Measure for measure. Macbeth. King Lear. Tymon of Athens. v.i i. Pericles. Anthonie and Cleopatra. Coriolanus. v.i2. Cymbeline. The winters tale. The tempest. King Henry the Eight Shakespeare, William. 822.33 K2 Dziela. v.2-9, in 7. 1895-97. v.2. Koryolan. Juliusz Cezar. Antoniusz i Kleopatra. Objasnienia. v. 3 . Krol Jan. Krol Ryszard II. Krol Henryk IV. Krol Henryk V. Objasnienia. v.4. Krol Henryk VI. Krol Ryszard III. Objasnienia. v.5- Sen nocy letniej. Opowiesc zimowa. Burza. Objasnienia. v.6. Stracone zachody milosne. Dwaj panowie z Werony. Komedya omylek. Uglaskanie sekutnicy. Objasnienia. v.7-8. Kupiec Wenecki. Figle kobiet. Wiele halasu o nic. Objasnienia. Jak warn sie podoba. Noc trzech kroli. Wszystko dobre, co sie konczy dobrze. Objasnienia. v.g. Miarka za miarke. Troilus i Kresyda. Cymbelin. Objasnienia. J. Zahorski: Szekspir w Polsce. Shakespeare, William. 822.33 KS CEuvres completes; F. V. Hugo traducteur. i8v. 1863-73. Pagnerre. v.i. Les deux Hamlet [editions of 1603 and 1604]. v.z. Feeries: Le songe d'une nuit d'ete; La tempete. v.3. Les tyrans: Macbeth; Le roi Jean; Richard III. v.4. Les jaloux: Troylus et Cressida; Beaucoup de bruit pour rien; Le conte d'hiver. v.5. Les jaloux (continued): Cymbeline; Othello. v.6. Les comedies de 1'amour: La sauvage apprivoisee; Tout est bien qui finit bien; Peines d'amour perdues. v.7. Les amants tragiques: Antoine et Cleopatre; Romeo et Juliette. v.8. Les amis: Les deux gentilshommes de Verone; Le marchand de Venise; Comme il vous plaira. v.9. La famille: Coriolan; Le roi Lear. La societe: Mesure pour mesure; Timon d'Athenes; Jules Cesar. v.i i. La patrie: Richard II; Henry IV. . v.iz. La patrie (continued): Henry V; Henry VI (premiere partie). . v. 13. La patrie (continued): Henry VI (deuxieme partie [et] troisieme partie); Henry VIII. v.i4. Les farces: Les joyeuses epouses de Windsor; La comedie des erreurs; Le soir des rois; ou, Ce que vous voudrez. v.i 5. Sonnets. Poemes. Testament. v.i 6. Les apocryphes: Titus Andronicus; Une tragedie dans 1' Yorkshire; Les deux nobles parents. v.i7. Les apocryphes (continued): Pericles; fidouard III; Arden de Feversham. v.i 8. Les apocryphes (continued): La tragedie de Locrine, le fils aine du roi Brutus; La vie et la mort de Thomas lord Cromwell; Le prodigue de Londres; La puri- taine; ou, La veuve de Watling street. Shakespeare, William. 822.33 K4 Opere; traduzione di Giulio Carcano. I2v. 1875-82. Hoepli. v.i. Vita di Shakspeare. Coriolano. Giulio Cesare. Antonio e Cleopatra. v.2. Amleto. Cimbelino. Otello. v.3. Giulietta e Romeo. I due gentiluomini di Verona. II mercante di Venezia. v.4. Sogno d'una notte d'estate. Troilo e Cressida. Timone d'Atene. v.5. La tempesta. Misura per misura. Racconto d'inverno. v.6. Re Lear. Macbeth. Re Giovanni, v.?. Re Riccardo II. Re Arrigo IV. v.8. Re Arrigo V. Re Arrigo VI; parte prima; parte seconda. v.9. Re Arrigo VI; parte terza. Re Riccardo III. Re Arrigo VIII. Le donne allegre di Windsor. La notte dell* Epifania; o, Quel che volete. Commedia d'equivoci. Molto romore per nulla. v.i i. Pene d'amore perdute. La selvatica ammansata. Come vi piace. v.i 2. tutto bene quel che ben finisce. Pericle. Tito Andronico. I 5 88 SHAKESPEARE Shakespeare, William. 822.33 K6 Osszes szinmuvei. 6v. 1902. v.i-a. Tragedi.ii. v.3-4- Torteneti s/inmuvei. v.s. Vigjatekai. v.6. Reg6nyes szinmuvei. 822.33 K7 ,-pBDpyt? , BajuiaiFfc. 822.33 Nl coiHHenifl. 9 T. B-B 4. 1862-79. Partial collections Arnold, Cecil. r822.33 La Index to Shakespearian thought; a collection of passages from the plays and poems of Shakespeare, classified under appropriate headings and alphabetically arranged. 1880. Bickers. r822.33 LS Dictionary of Shakespearian quotations, exhibiting the most forcible passages illustrative of the various passions, affections and emotions of the human mind; selected and arranged in alphabetical order from the writings of the eminent dramatic poet. 1863. Bell. Binder's title reads "Shakespearian dictionary." Shakespeare, William. 822.33 M Shakespeare proverbs; or, The wise saws of our wisest poet col- lected into a modern instance by Mary Cowden-Clarke; ed. with intro- duction and notes by W. J. Rolfe. 1908. Putnam. Introduction contains sketch of Mrs Cowden-Clarke's life and an essay on proverbs. Single plays Shakespeare, William. 822.33 Sl2 Antoniusz i Kleopatra; dramat; przekJad Krystyna Ostrowskiego. Shakespeare, William. r822.33 873 Hamlet and the ur-Hamlet; the text of the second quarto of 1604, with a conjectural text of the alleged Kyd Hamlet preceding it, with an introduction by Appleton Morgan. 1908. Shakespeare Soc. (Bank- side-restoration Shakespeare.) Shakespeare,' William. 822.33 871 Hamlet, krolewicz dunski; przektad Jozefa Paszkowskiego. Shakespeare, William. 822.33 873 Hamletas, Danijos karalaitis; tragedija; verte K. S^mojauckas. 1909. Egan, Maurice Francis. 822.33 883 The ghost in Hamlet, and other essays in comparative literature. 1906. McClurg. Other essays: Some phases of Shakespearean interpretation. Some pedagogical uses of Shakespeare. Lyrism in Shakespeare's comedies. The puzzle of Hamlet. The greatest of Shakespeare's contemporaries. Imitators of Shakespeare. The comparative method in literature. A definition of literature. The ebb and flow of romance. SHAKESPEARE 1589 Johnston, William Preston. 822.33 885 Prototype of Hamlet, and other Shakespearian problems. [1890.] Belford. Contents: How to study Shakespeare. Macbeth. The significance of Hamlet. The authorship of Hamlet. The evolution of Hamlet. The plot of Hamlet. The proto- type of Hamlet. Lewis, Charlton Miner. 822.33 872 Genesis of Hamlet. 1907. Holt. Author is (1908) a professor of English literature in Yale University. Written to prove that Shakespeare's "Hamlet" was based upon a lost play by Thomas Kyd, who, in turn, derived much of his material from a histoire tragique by Francois de Belleforest Miles, George Henry. 822.33 884 Review of Hamlet. 1907. Longmans. Contains also: Macbeth; a fragment. A volume of Shakespearian criticism which, on its first appearance in 1870, received the high approbation of Edwin Booth and yet never became as widely known as it de- served. Werder, Karl. 822.33 882 Heart of Hamlet's mystery; tr. from the German by Elizabeth Wilder, with introduction by W. J. Rolfe. 1907. Putnam. Lectures delivered in the University of Berlin, 1859-60. Werder takes the opposite view from the one held by Coleridge and Goethe and very generally prevalent, that the tragedy of Hamlet was due to the weakness of his own character. He maintains that the difficulties which stood in the way of Hamlet's avenging the death of his father were purely objective. Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard. r822.33 Wi2 The character of Sir John Falstaff as originally exhibited by Shakespeare in the two parts of King Henry IV. 1841. Pickering. Shakespeare, William. 822.33 Tia Juliusz Cezar; tragedya; przekJad Adama Pajgerta. Shakespeare, William. r822.33 T32 King Lear, as performed by Tommaso Salvini, 1883 [Italian and English text]. 822.33 T4 Three essays on Shakespeare's tragedy of King Lear, by pupils of the City of London School. 1851. Bruce. Contents: A parallel between Shakespeare's tragedy of King Lear and the CEdipus in Colono of Sophocles, stating the general design of each play and constrasting the characters introduced in their points of similarity and dissimilarity, by J. R. Seeley. On the character of the religious belief and feeling which pervade the tragedy of King Lear, illustrated by short quotations, by William Young. On the tragedy of King Lear, quoting and illustrating such passages as allude to the usages of the times in which Shakespeare lived, by E. A. Hart. "List of works used or referred to in the course of [the third] essay, and contain- ing useful information on its subject," p. 149. Binder's title reads "Prize essays on Shakespeare's King Lear." The City of London School is a secondary school, nearly corresponding to our high school. 822.33 T51 npnyn Shakespeare, William. 822.33 Makbet; przektad Jozefa Paszkowskiego. : 59 o SHAKESPEARE Fletcher, George. 822.33 Character studies in Macbeth. 1889. Longmans. First published in 1846. Contends that Macbeth's nature was inherently evil and that Lady Macbeth urged him on to the murder of the king not to satisfy her own selfish ambition but merely to fulfil her husband's wishes. Oxon, pseud. 822.33 Analysis and study of the leading characters of Macbeth and As you like it. 1886. Sonnenschein. Author illustrates the points in his brief analysis by quotations. Contains a short comparison of the character of Macbeth with that of Hamlet and of Richard III. Porter, Charlotte, & Clarke, H. A. 822.33 Ts6 Shakespeare studies; Macbeth. 1901. Amer. Book Co. Studies the plot of Macbeth, its characters and their relations, the supernatural element, language, moot points and the sources. 822.33 P31 .' IIB oxDpnjn'K ,jTjwjni lie jKoanp ijn -ijnx , Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard. r822-33 P72 Introduction to Shakespeare's Midsummer night's dream. 1841. Pickering. Includes a short discussion of the date of composition, possible sources and various early representations. Shakespeare, William. 822.33 Otello; przeklad Jozefa Paszkowskiego. Shakespeare, William. r822.33 Othello; a tragedy in five acts, as performed by Salvini, 1884 [Italian and English text]. 1884. Spottiswoode. IIIeKcniip-B, BHJUiiaM-B. 822.33 T71 OTCJIJIO, ueHeniaHCKift Masp-B. 1899. 822.33 T72 ,TBDpJ? DKO -on nnu 07 iKDj'pSto .y . nun pnpj ,N'x:PlD Shakespeare, William. r822.33 Us Life of Timon of Athens; the text of the folio of 1623, with that as made into a play by Thomas Shadwell in 1678; with a critical and his- torical introduction in which the play as written by William Shake- speare is compared with it as altered by Thomas Shadwell, by Willis Vickery. 1007. Shakespeare Soc. (Bankside-restoration Shakespeare.) Shakespeare, William. 822.33 Twelfth night; adapted for amateur performance in girls' schools, by Elsie Fogerty, costume plates by Isabel Bonus. 1911. Sonnen- schein. (Standard plays for amateur performance in girls' schools.) SHAKESPEARE 1591 Plays ascribed to Shakespeare Shakespeare, William. r822.33 Z Supplement to the plays of William Shakespeare, comprising the seven dramas which have been ascribed to his pen, but which are not included with his writings in modern editions; ed. with notes and an introduction to each play by W. G. Simms. 1848. Cooledge. Contents: The two noble kinsmen. The London prodigal. Thomas, lord Crom- well. Sir John Oldcastle. The puritan; or, The widow of Watling street. The York- shire tragedy. The tragedy of Locrine. Poems. Sonnets Acheson, Arthur. 822.33 74 Shakespeare and the rival poet, displaying Shakespeare as a satirist and proving the identity of the patron and the rival of the sonnets; with a reprint of sundry poetical pieces by George Chapman bearing on the subject. 1903. Lane. The rival poet alluded to in the sonnets the author believes to be Chapman and the youthful patron the earl of Southampton. "On the whole Shakspearean students may well thank Mr. Acheson for the col- lection of a curious set of associated passages concerning two great poets, while they will probably reserve their judgment as to the convincing character of the evidence brought forward." Athenaum, 1904. Dictionaries. Indexes. Allusions to Shakespeare Clarke, Charles Cowden, & Clarke, Mrs Mary Cowden. r822-33 HZy Shakespeare key; unlocking the treasures of his style, elucidating the peculiarities of his construction and displaying the beauties of his expression. 1879. Low. Cyclopaedic reference book which brings together numerous illustrative passages under such headings as anachronisms, dramatic time, elliptical style, idioms, peculiar use of words, varied meanings, etc. Ingleby, Clement Mansfield, and others, comp. 1822.33 HX Shakspere allusion-book; a collection of allusions to Shakspere from 1591 to 1700; originally compiled by C. M. Ingleby and others, with the assistance of the New Shakspere Society, and now re-edited, revised and re-arranged, with an introduction by John Munro. 2v. 1909. Chatto. (Shakespeare Library.) "In a long and interesting introduction Mr. Munro gives us a history of the repu- tation of Shakespeare, of its development in times subsequent to his own, and of the large accretion of legend which grew up around the poet's name. A chronological list of the allusions follows; and then the text of the allusions, the main matter of the book. They open with a fragment of Spenser's 'Colin Clout's come home again' four lines of text and thirty lines of learned note by Miss Toulmin Smith and the famous denuncia- tion of Shakespeare by Greene. They end, so far as authors are concerned, with ex- tracts from John Downes' Roscius Anglicanus The whole is an impressive piece of scholarly spade-work." Outlook (London), /pop. O'Connor, Mrs Evangeline Maria (Johnson). r822.33 HZ6 Index to the works of Shakspere giving references by topics to nota- ble passages and significant expressions, brief histories of the plays, geographical names and historical incidents, mention of all characters and sketches of important ones, together with explanations of allusions and obscure and obsolete words and phrases. 1887. Appleton. ISQ2 SHAKESPEARE Celebrations Hunter, Robert E. 822.33 HR Shakespeare and Stratford-upon-Avon; a "chronicle of the time;" the salient facts and traditions, biographical, topographical and histor- ical connected with the poet and his birth-place, with a full record of the tercentenary celebration. 1864. Whittaker. Authorship. Bacon-Shakespeare controversy [Begley, Walter.] 822.33 AB4 Is it Shakespeare? the great question of Elizabethan literature an- swered in the light of new revelations and important contemporary evidence hitherto unnoticed, by a Cambridge graduate. 1903. Murray. An argument for the Baconian authorship, based mainly on the sonnets and poems. Booth, William Stone. q822.33 ABs Some acrostic signatures of Francis Bacon, baron Verulam of Veru- lam, viscount St. Alban, together with some others, all of which are now for the first time deciphered and published. 1909. Houghton. He does not attempt in any sense to treat the whole Baconian theory, but, accept- ing it, he has given us in this painstaking and ingenious book the most thorough dis- cussion we have yet had of concealed signatures in the work usually assigned to Shake- speare. Condensed from Nation, /pop. Durning-Lawrence, Sir Edwin. 822.33 ABg Bacon is Shake-speare, with a reprint of Bacon's Promus of formu- laries and elegancies; collated with the original ms. by F. B. Bickley and revised by F. A. Herbert. 1910. McBride. Argument for the Baconian authorship of the plays. Greenwood, Granville George. 822.33 ABy In re Shakespeare: Beeching v. Greenwood; rejoinder on behalf of the defendant. 1909. Lane. In an earlier book, "The Shakespeare problem restated," the author gave the chief arguments against the Shakespearian authorship of the plays. In the present book he is chiefly concerned in answering his principal critic, H. C. Beeching. Holmes, Nathaniel. 822.33 ABS Authorship of Shakespeare. 1866. Hurd. Argument for the Baconian authorship. Twain, Mark, (pseud, of Samuel Langhorne Clemens). 822.33 AB6 Is Shakespeare dead? from my autobiography. 1909. Harper. The subtitle is fairly descriptive, for the volume contains passages of autobiography not essential to the argument. The case for Bacon is presented clearly and forcibly, though no new points are made. Biography Furnivall, Frederick James, & Munro, John. 822.33 Bi8 Shakespeare; life and work. 1908. Cassell. (Century Shakespeare.) "Bibliography," p.2$8-262. The biography by Dr Furnivall is followed by a chapter on English drama before Shakespeare by John Munro. SHAKESPEARE 1593 Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard. r822.33 64 Life of William Shakespeare, including many particulars respecting the poet and his family never before published. 1848. Smith. "List of documents," p. 335-336. "The biography is remarkable as the first that made any just use of the Stratford records... As the biographer of Shakespeare Halliwell deserves well of his country, and his results may for the most part be regarded as final. The few errors detected in his transcription of documents do not detract from the value of his labours." Dictionary of national biography. Harris, Frank. 822.33 617 The man Shakespeare and his tragic life-story. 1909. Kennerley. Mr Harris holds that Shakespeare's purpose in writing was like Montaigne's, to reveal himself to us, and that it is possible, from his writings, to establish beyond doubt the main features of his character and the chief incidents of his life. Assuming that Hamlet was Shakespeare's most intimate and complete piece of self-portraiture, he goes through the plays examining all the principal characters in search of Hamlet traits. He pushes his theory to its extreme limit. Hazlitt, William Carew. 822.33 Bi6 Shakespear. 1902. Quaritch. Biographical and critical essay, including discussion of the sonnets. "Mr. Hazlitt is a literary student and antiquary of wide reading and multifarious information. His book furnishes many suggestions and side-lights for scholars of some attainment; it cannot be called a good handbook for beginners or for ready reference." Dial, 1903. Raleigh, Sir Walter Alexander. 822.33 615 Shakespeare. 1907. Macmillan. (English men of letters.) "It is in no sense a handbook or a detailed, critical biography, but a stimulating ac- count of the reaction of Shakespeare's creations upon a keen and sensitive mind, re- corded by a master of style." Nation, 1907. Portraits Boaden, James. r822.33 4 Inquiry into the authenticity of various pictures and prints which, from the decease of the poet to our own times, have been offered to the public as portraits of Shakspeare. 1824. Triphook. Contains five portraits. Corbin, John. 822.33 C2 New portrait of Shakespeare; the case of the Ely palace painting as against that of the so-called Droeshout original. 1003. Lane. Gives the history of these two portraits and discusses their respective claims to genuineness. Holds that the Droeshout original is probably a fabrication and that the Ely palace painting is a portrait from life. Friswell, James Hain. r822.33 Cs Life portraits of William Shakspeare; a history of the various repre- sentations of the poet, with an examination into their authenticity. 1864. Low. Criticism. Study Baker, George Pierce. 822.33 041 Development of Shakespeare as a dramatist. 1907. Macmillan. "Offers a somewhat more comprehensive survey of Shakespeare's growth as a playwright than has yet been attempted, inasmuch as it is not limited to the study of a few selected plays, but traces his development from the beginning to the end of his career." Nation, 1907. I 5 94 SHAKESPEARE Brink, Bernhard ten. 822.33 043 Five lectures on Shakespeare; tr. by Julia Franklin. 1895. Holt. Contents: The poet and the man. Chronology of Shakespeare's works. Shake- speare as dramatist. Shakespeare as comic poet. Shakespeare as tragic writer. Cox, William H. 822.33 I>3i Analyses of Othello, Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear. 1886. Cushings. Davidson, Mrs Hannah Amelia (Noyes). r822.33 Dg Studies of the historical plays of Shakespeare, no. 1-4, in iv. 1908. (Study-guide series.) no. i. The study of Shakespeare's King John. no.a. The study of Shakepeare's King Richard the Second. no. 3. The study of King Henry Fourth, parts 12. no.4. The study of King Henry Fifth. Each number contains "References for the study of the historical plays of Shake- speare." Davies, Thomas, 1712-85. 1822.33 D8 Dramatic miscellanies, consisting of critical observations on several plays of Shakspeare, with a review of his principal characters and those of various eminent writers as represented by Mr Garrick and other cele- brated comedians. 3v. 1784-85. Privately printed. Partial contents: v.i. [Shakespeare's plays.] v.2. [Shakespeare's plays.] Every man in his humour [by Ben Jonson]. Ben Jonson.-^-Rule a wife and have a wife [by Beaumont and Fletcher]. v.3- [Shakespeare's plays.] Dryden. Otway. Rival queens; or, Alexander the Great [by Nathaniel Lee]. The rehearsal [by the duke of Buckingham]. Congreve. Betterton. Colley Gibber. Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. r822.33 Dy Jahrbuch (ier-2er jahrgang), im auftrage des vorstandes hrsg. durch Friedrich Bodenstedt [1864-65]. 1865-67. Reimer. "Shakespeare-bibliographic, 1864 und 1865, Januar bis Juli," v.i, p.4i8~447; 1865, August bis December und 1866, Januar bis October, v.2, P-393-4O5- Dowden, Edward. 822.33 039 Introduction to Shakespeare. [1900.] Blackie. Includes a short biography and notes on the plays, a brief account of English, French and German criticism of Shakespeare and of the interpretation of his character? given by great actors from Burbage to Macready. Giles, Henry. 822.33 048 Human life in Shakespeare. 1868. Lee. Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard. r822.33 DS Curiosities of modern Shaksperian criticism. 1853. Smith. A reply to the reviewers of Halliwell-Phillipps's edition of Shakespeare's works. Hunter, Joseph. 822.33 DSO New illustrations of the life, studies and writings of Shakespeare, supplementary to all the editions. 2v. 1845. Nichols. v.i. Prolusions genealogical and biographical on the family of William Shake- speare and other families connected with him. The comedies. v.2. The English histories. The tragedies. Supplementary. Jacox, Francis. 822.33 ^49 Shakspeare diversions; a medley of motley wear, ist-2d ser. 2v. 1876-77. Daldy. v.i. Among the sonnets. Among the poems. King Lear. Hotspur. Falstaff. Shallow and Silence. v.a. From Dogberry to Hamlet. SHAKESPEARE 1595 Johnson, Charles Frederick. 822.33 ^45 Shakespeare and his critics. 1909. Houghton. "Object of this book is to give an outline of the attitude of the English and American literary world towards the plays of William Shakespeare from the seven- teenth century to the present time." Preface. Latimer, Mrs Elizabeth (Wormeley). 822.33 ^51 Familiar talks on some of Shakspeare's comedies. 1886. Roberts. Contents: The winter's tale. The tempest. Midsummer night's dream. Taming of the shrew. Much ado about nothing. As you like it. Twelfth night. The mer- chant of Venice. Cymbeline. MacCallum, Mungo William. 822.33 052 Shakespeare's Roman plays and their background. 1910. Macmillan. Contents: Introduction: Roman plays in the i6th century. Shakespeare's treat- ment of history. Ancestry of Shakespeare's Roman plays. Julius Caesar. Antony and Cleopatra. Coriolanus. Appendices: Nearest parallels between Garnier's "Cornelie" in the French and English versions and "Julius Caesar." The verbal relations of the various versions of Plutarch, illustrated by means of Volumnia's speech. Shakespeare's alleged indebtedness to Appian in Julius Caesar. Shakespeare's loans from Appian in Antony and Cleopatra. Cleopatra's One word. The "inexplicable" passage in Corio- lanus. The works of which Dr MacCallum writes are, he remarks, in a group by them- selves on account of a method of treatment peculiar to them. In founding himself upon Plutarch (as made accessible by the translators of the period, upon whom the author has two admirable chapters), Shakespeare was making use of work far more final and excellent than that of any other of the historical writers to whom he turned at one time and another; and in consequence he borrowed much more freely, and altered much less freely. The author's studies of the Roman plays, one by one, are pieces of minute scholarship, full of insight, and worthy additions to the study of the psychology of Shakespeare's men and women. Condensed from Outlook (London), igio. Swinburne, Algernon Charles. 822.33 D47 Three plays of Shakespeare. 1909. Harper. (Harper's library of living thought.) Contents: King Lear. Othello. King Richard II. Short critical essays. Tegg, William. 822.33 D46 Shakspeare and his contemporaries, together with the plots of his plays, theatres and actors. 1879. Tegg. Intended as a general introduction for young students of Shakespeare. Illustrated. Tolman, Albert Harris. 822.33 DSS Questions on Shakespeare, pt.i-2, in 2v. 1910. University of Chi- cago Press. pt. i . Introductory. pt.2. The first histories, poems, comedies. "Select general bibliography," pt. i, p. 103 197. Pt. i contains an outline and discussion of the most important topics for the study of Shakespeare's language, a similar outline for the study of his verse, and a general bibliography. Succeeding parts are devoted to study of the separate plays. Five kinds of exercises on each play are presented: (i) general questions, (2) questions on in- dividual acts and scenes, (3) character study, (4) the relation of the play to its sources, (5) questions concerning text or meaning. Tolstoi, Lyof Nikolaievitch, count. 822.33 040 Tolstoy on Shakespeare; a critical essay on Shakespeare; tr. by V. Tchertkoff and I. F. M., followed by Shakespeare's attitude to the working classes by Ernest Crosby and a letter from G. B. Shaw. 1906. Funk. 1596 SHAKESPEARE Warner, Beverley Ellison, comp. 822.33 Famous introductions to Shakespeare's plays, by the notable editors of the i8th century; ed. with a critical introduction, biographical and explanatory notes. 1906. Dodd. Contents: Introductory essay. John Heminge and Henrie Condell. Nicholas Rowe. Alexander Pope. Lewis Theobald. Sir Thomas Hanmer. William Warburton. Samuel Johnson. George Steevens. Edward Capell. Isaac Reed. Edmund Malone. Eleven of the prefaces to the chief editions, from the first folio to Malone, are here reprinted, with a general introduction, short biographies of the editors, and here and there an explanatory footnote. Dr Warner's idea, though a good one, has been anticipated by D. Nicol Smith's "Eighteenth century essays on Shakespeare" (822.33 DSO), which appeared in 1903. This latter contains the six most important prefaces reprinted by Dr Warner; the three valuable essays of Dennis, Farmer and Morgann; an introduction which is a real contribution to the history of Shakespeare's reputation, and a body of scholarly notes. Condensed from Atlantic monthly, 1906. White, Richard Grant. 822.33 D44 Shakespeare's scholar; historical and critical studies of his text, characters and commentators, with an examination of Collier's folio of 1632. 1854. Appleton. Wolff, Max Josef. 822.33 D2i Shakespeare, der dichter und sein werk. 2v. 1907-08. Beck. Not marked by any strong critical originality, nor does it throw any new light on the poet's life; yet it is a pleasing book, and is superior, perhaps, to any work on its subject accessible in English that attempts to combine both biography and literary criti- cism. The book has the advantage of representing the latest and best knowledge. Con- densed from Nation, 1907. Textual criticism Kilbourne, Frederick W. 822.33 2 Alterations and adaptations of Shakespeare. 1906. Poet Lore Co. Descriptions of the various acting and operatic versions of Shakespeare's plays, from the restoration to the beginning of the ipth century, with a general discussion of the literary tendencies displayed in these adaptations. The list includes nearly 90 dif- ferent alterations. Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford. 822.33 E The text of Shakespeare; its history from the publication of the quartos and folios down to and including the publication of the editions of Pope and Theobald. 1906. Scribner. History of the attempts to restore the text of Shakespeare. This involves a full treatment of the Pope-Theobald controversy and an account of the "Dunciad," its origin, growth and results. The introductory chapters give an admirable summing up of the circumstances surrounding the writing and printing of plays in the late i6th and early i7th centuries. The last 20 chapters clear up an obscure and tangled controversy, throw light on the character of the greatest poet and the greatest Shakespearean critic of the age, and do much toward the rehabilitation of Theobald. Condensed from Nation, 1906. Characters Goll, August. 822.33 GS Criminal types in Shakespeare; authorised translation from the Danish by Mrs Charles Weekes. [1909.] Methuen. Contents: Introduction. Brutus and Cassius. Macbeth. Lady Macbeth. Richard III. lago. Attempts to show that Shakespeare was one of the greatest exponents of the modern science of criminology. SHAKESPEARE 1597 Hazlitt, William. r822.33 G2 Characters of Shakespear's plays. 1818. Taylor. The same. 1848. Carey. (Miscellaneous works, v.3.) ... .822.09 Hs8 Bound with his "Lectures on the dramatic literature of the age of Elizabeth." "He has not counted syllables nor weighed various readings. He does not throw a new light upon delicate indications of thought and sentiment, nor philosophise after the manner of Coleridge and the Germans It is lago and Timon, and Coriolanus, and An- tony, and Cleopatra, who really interest him. He loves and hates them as if they were his own contemporaries; he gives the main outlines of their character with a spirited touch." Sir Leslie Stephen's Hours in a library. Jameson, Mrs Anna Brownell (Murphy). q822.33 Gi8 Heroines of Shakespeare. "The first work in which her powers of original thought became embodied ... These analyses of the great poet's heroines are unsurpassed for delicacy of critical insight and fineness of literary touch. They are the result of a penetrating, but essentially feminine, mind applied to the study of individuals of its own sex, detecting characteristics and defining differences not perceived by the ordinary critic, and entirely overlooked by the general reader." Encyclopedia Britannica. Kellogg, Abner Otis. 822.33 GS Shakspeare's delineations of insanity, imbecility and suicide. 1866. Kurd. Contents: INSANE: Lear, Macbeth, Lady Macbeth; Hamlet; Ophelia; Jaques; Cor- delia. IMBECILES: Bottom, Dogberry, Elbow, Shallow; Malvolio; Bardolph; Nym, Pis- tol; Launce; Caliban. SUICIDES: Othello. Appeared in the "American journal of insanity," 1859-64. Martin, Helena (Faucit), lady. q822.33 G4 On some of Shakespeare's female characters: Ophelia, Portia, Des- demona, Juliet, Imogen, Rosalind, Beatrice. 1885. Blackwood. Lady Martin, better known as Helen Faucit, was a noted English actress of the 1 9th century. "Further light can evidently be thrown upon the significance of the characters when they are explained by one who has studied them for the purposes of representation, and who can describe the emotions with which they are approached, and the way in which the mode of execution finally decided upon has been arrived at. Such is one of the aims of Lady Martin's book, but interspersed with the accounts of the plays in which she has appeared there are fragments of dramatic autobiography of much interest and value." Saturday review, 1885. Tales from Shakespeare Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller. 822.33 Hg Historical tales from Shakespeare. 1901. Scribner. Contents: Coriolanus. Julius Caesar. King John. King Richard II. King Henry IV. King Henry V. King Henry VI. King Richard III. Guerber, Helene Marie Adeline. 822.33 H2ic Stories of Shakespeare's comedies. 1910. Dodd. Contents: Midsummer night's dream. The tempest. As you like it. The mer- chant of Venice. The taming of the shrew. Twelfth night. The comedy of errors. Two gentlemen of Verona. Love's labour's lost. The winter's tale. The merry wives of Windsor. Much ado about nothing. All's well that ends well. Measure for measure. Guerber, Helene Marie Adeline. 822.33 H2it Stories of Shakespeare's tragedies. 1911. Dodd. Contents: Macbeth. King Lear. Othello. Hamlet, prince of Denmark. Romeo and Juliet. Coriolanus. Julius Caesar. Antony and Cleopatra. Titus Andronicus. Timon of Athens. Troilus and Cressida. Pericles. 1598 SHAKESPEARE Hoffman, Alice Spencer. 822.33 H2oh Story of Hamlet, from the play of Shakespeare, retold. 1905. Dent. (Stories from Shakespeare's plays for children.) Hoffman, Alice Spencer. 822.33 H2or Story of Romeo and Juliet, from the play of Shakespeare, retold. 1906. Dent. (Stories from Shakespeare's plays for children.) 822.33 H4 .'ma JIN ,-rt'a PK p'BK-uKo IMT BID ,p-iyn jN^nyiiyjD^K .1'^KOiyn .0 . Lamb, Charles, & Lamb, Mary. 822.33 HS Powiesci Szekspira; osnute na tie jego dramatow i tragedyi; prze- lozyt A. Lange. 1895. Language Browne, George H. 822.33 HA2 Notes on Shakspere's versification, with appendix on the verse tests and a short descriptiv bibliografy. 1890. Ginn. First published in 1884. Concise summary of the main features of Shakespeare's versification, designed as a text-book. Craik, George Lillie. 822.33 English of Shakespeare illustrated in a philological commentary on his Julius Caesar; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 1868. Ginn. Victor, Wilhelm. r822.33 HA2 Shakespeare's pronunciation. 2v. 1906. Elwert. v.i. A Shakespeare phonology, with a rime-index to the poems as a pronouncing vocabulary. v.2. A Shakespeare reader in the old spelling and with a phonetic transcription. Law. History. Natural history Heard, Franklin Fiske. qr822.33 HC2 Legal acquirements of William Shakespeare. 1865. Wiggin. Attempts to show by quotations from his plays that Shakespeare must have had both a legal education and practice in law. Warner, Beverley Ellison. 822.33 HD English history in Shakespeare's plays. 1906. Longmans. "Bibliography," p.297-298. "Addressed especially to those readers and students of English History who may not have discovered what an aid to the understanding of certain important phases of England's national development lies in these historical plays, which cover a period of three hundred years from King John and Magna Charta to Henry VIII and the Refor- mation." Preface. Grindon, Leopold Hartley. 822.33 HHs Shakspere flora; a guide to all the principal passages in which men- tion is made of trees, plants, flowers and vegetable productions, with comments and botanical particulars. 1883. Palmer. Elaborate analysis of the references, attempting to show the purpose and signific- ance of the terms used. SHAKESPEARE 1599 Folk-lore. Mythology Bell, William. ^22.33 HE Shakespeare's Puck and his folkslore; illustrated from the supersti- tions of all nations but more especially from the earliest religion and rites of northern Europe and the Wends, v.i-2. i852-[i864?] Private- ly printed. Gibson, John Paul Stewart Riddell. 822.33 Shakespeare's use of the supernatural; being the Cambridge Uni- versity Harness prize essay, 1907. 1908. Bell. Brings together passages in which Shakespeare deals with witches, ghosts and fairies and arrives at the conclusion that Shakespeare himself believed in the supernatural. Illustrations Boydell, John, comp. qr822.33 Illustrations of the dramatic works of Shakspeare, by the most emi- nent artists of Great Britain. 2v. 1852. Spooner. American edition. The same. 1874. Gebbie qr822.33 HKs Reduced and re-engraved by the heliotype process, with selections from the text. Title reads "Gallery of illustrations for Shakespeare's dramatic works." Dowden, Edward. qr822.33 HK2 Shakespeare scenes and characters; a series of illustrations, with explanatory text. 1876. Macmillan. The illustrations are all by German artists. The text consists of critical extracts from American, English, French and German writers. Stage representations Brereton, Austin. q822.33 HL>4 Shakespearean scenes and characters, with descriptive notes on the plays and the principal Shakespearean players from Betterton to Irving. 1886. Cassell. Forty engravings illustrating 29 plays, with brief accompanying text on the stage history of these plays. Brereton, Austin. 822.33 Some famous Hamlets from Burbage to Fechter, with an appendix giving extracts from the criticisms on Hamlet by Goethe, Coleridge, Schlegel, Hazlitt, Ulrici, etc. 1884. Bogue. Lee, Sir Sidney. 822.33 HL.2 Shakespeare and the modern stage, with other essays. 1906. Scrib- ner. "Serious and scholarly contributions to the literature of Shakespearean criticism. Several of the essays are concerned with the vexed question of the presentation of Shakespeare's plays on the modern stage; two of them discuss some aspects of Shake- speare's philosophy; and the remainder deal with a variety of subjects connected with Shakespeare's life and works." Spectator, 1906. i6oo ENGLISH FICTION Wood, Alice Ida Perry. 822.33 Stage history of Shakespeare's King Richard the Third. 1909. Columbia University Press. (Columbia University, New York. Studies in English.) "Bibliography," p. 172-1 78. Study of the romantic stage history of this play, of which the author says, "Pre- sented at first by the best company of London, and possibly at Court, it became the favorite of strolling comedians, inaugurated the Shakespearian drama in America in primitive colonial structures, was played for Cherokee Indians, before the Hawaiian King, in German-American theatres, as travesty, burlesque, circus attraction, by chil- dren's and by women's companies . . . and has probably launched a greater number of actors upon their career than any other play." The story of the development of its actual presentation down to the productions by Booth and Irving is told in detail. Shakespeare's England Morley, George. 822.33 HNu Shakespeare's greenwood; the customs of the country. 1900. Nutt. Study of modern Warwickshire, showing how much of the homely speech and customs which Shakespeare has woven into his works may still be traced as part of the living language and manners of the peasantry. Includes chapter on the native poets of the region and one on its great novelist, George Eliot. [Savage, Richard, secretary and librarian of r822.33 HN2 Shakespeare's birthplace, comp.] Catalogue of the books, manuscripts, works of art, antiquities and relics at present exhibited in Shakespeare's birthplace. 1910. [Stanley.] 823 English fiction Only works about English fiction are classified here. For works of fiction, see alphabetical list following the general class of Literature. Burton, Richard. 823 695 Masters of the English novel; a study of principles and personalities. 1909. Holt. Contents: Fiction and the novel. Eighteenth century beginnings: Richardson. Eighteenth century beginnings: Fielding. Developments: Smollett, Sterne and others. Realism: Jane Austen. Modern romanticism: Scott. French influence. Dickens. Thackeray. George Eliot. Trollope and others. Hardy and Meredith. Stevenson. The American contribution. Canby, Henry Seidel. 823 Ci6 The short story in English. 1909. Holt. Contents: The middle age to Chaucer. Chaucer to the Elizabethans. The renais- sance to the 1 9th century. The ipth century to the present time. "Notes, bibliographical and general," p. 35 1-365. Dawson, William James, & Dawson, C. W. 823 D33g The great English novelists, with introductory essays and notes. 2v. 1911. Harper. (Reader's library.) v.i. The growth and technique of the English novel. Love scenes. Historic per- sonages. Epics of conflict. v.2. The masters of the modern novel. Humour. High-water mark. Children in fiction. Dickens, Charles. qr823 DSS Cyclopedia of the best thoughts of Charles Dickens; comp. and alphabetically arranged by F. G. De Fontaine. 1881. Hale. First published in 1873. ENGLISH FICTION 1601 Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. 823 Appreciations and criticisms of the works of Charles Dickens. 1911. Dent. "These 'Appreciations and Criticisms' are the separate prefaces originally published to the works of Dickens in the 'Everyman' library . . . Considered as a criticism of Dickens' writings, this volume is extremely disappointing, but read as a series of essays by Mr Chesterton, the contents are. . .entertaining." Academy, 1911. Pierce, Gilbert Ashville. 823 Dickens dictionary; a key to the plot and characters in the tales of Dickens, with indexes and bibliography, with additions by W. A. Wheeler. 1894. Houghton. Smith, Mrs Mabell Shippie (Clarke), ed. 823 Studies in Dickens. 1910. Chautauqua Press. (Chautauqua reading circle literature.) Extracts from Dickens's various biographers and critics, with synopses of his novels. Williams, Mary. r823 DSSZW Dickens concordance; being a compendium of names and characters and principal places mentioned in all the works of Charles Dickens. 1907. Griffiths. Contents: List of the works of Charles Dickens. List of characters and places in the order of the books. Complete alphabetical index. Olcott, Charles Sumner. 823 E47zo George Eliot; scenes and people in her novels. 1910. Crowell. Contents: Warwickshire. Scenes of clerical life. Adam Bede. The mill on the Floss. Silas Marner. Romola. Felix Holt. Middlemarch. Daniel Deronda. George Eliot and Mr Lewes. The womanliness of George Eliot. Parkinson, S. 823 E4yzp Scenes from the "George Eliot" country. 1888. Jackson. "Attempt to throw light upon her writings by identifying her characters with living persons of whom she had knowledge, and her descriptions of places and scenery with por- tions of that Midland tract where she spent her youth and early womanhood." Preface. Woolson, Mrs Abba Louisa (Goold). 823 E4yzw George Eliot and her heroines; a study. 1886. Harper. Saxton, Eugene F. comp. r823 K27 Kipling index. 1911. Doubleday. "This index has been compiled from the authorized American trade edition of Rudyard Kipling's works, all of which are published by Doubleday, Page and Co. with the exception of the First and Second Jungle Books and Captains Courageous, which are issued by the Century Company." Foreword. Masson, David. 823 M46 British novelists and their styles; being a critical sketch of the his- tory of British prose fiction. 1859. Macmillan. Founded on lectures delivered before the Philosophical Institution of Edinburgh in 1858. Much space is given to Scott. Charles Kingsley is the latest writer considered. Bailey, Elmer James. 823 M6szb Novels of George Meredith; a study. 1907. Scribner. Contents: Introduction. The apprentice. The journeyman. The master-work- man. A list of the characters in Meredith's novels. "Consists of five chapters, dealing with the development of Meredith's genius, and a list of the characters in his novels... The new and interesting part of the book is a sketch of Meredith's influence upon other novelists." Nation, 1907. i6o2 ENGLISH FICTION Fay, Lucy Ella. r823 M6azf The chorus in the novels of George Meredith. 1902. "Bibliography," p.33-34- Thesis for M. A., University of Texas; reprinted from the "University of Texas record," June 1903. Henderson, Mrs May Gertrude (Sturge). 823 M6azh George Meredith, novelist, poet, reformer. 1907. Scribner. Chapters 14 to 17, in which Meredith's poetry is considered, are the work of Basil De Sclincourt. Detailed analysis of Meredith's writings, with estimates of his work and many ap- propriate quotations. The first chapter is biographical. McKechnie, James. 823 M63zmc Meredith's allegory "The shaving of Shagpat" interpreted. 1910. Hodder. Binder's title reads "The shaving of Shagpat, Meredith's allegory." "Mr. McKechnie does not claim to interpret the book finally and to the exclusion of the interpretation of other readers. He. . .interprets for himself alone; and, if the tone of his chapters is not a little didactic, that is the fault of his impossible under- taking." Saturday review, 1911. Moffatt, James. 823 M63zm George Meredith; a primer to the novels. 1909. Hodder. Outlines of the novels, prefixed by a brief sketch of his general aims and methods. Canning, Albert Stratford George. 823 S43zca Sir Walter Scott studied in eight novels. 1910. Unwin. Contents: Guy Mannering. The antiquary. The black dwarf. The heart of Mid- lothian. The bride of Lammermoor. A legend of Montrose. The pirate. The sur- geon's daughter. Concluding remarks. McSpadden, Joseph Walker. 823 S43zm Waverley synopses; a guide to the plots and characters of Scott's "Waverley novels." 1909. Crowell. The same r823 S43zm Places the stories in their proper historical sequence, gives the casts of characters and outlines the plots. Redfern, Owen, comp. r823 S43zre Wisdom of Sir Walter; criticisms and opinions collected from the Waverley novels and Lockhart's Life of Sir Walter Scott, with an in- troduction by John Watson (Ian Maclaren). 1907. Black. Quotations from the novels and from Lockhart, classified by subject. qr823 843 Waverley gallery of the principal female characters in Sir Walter Scott's romances, from original paintings by eminent artists, engraved under the superintendence of Charles Heath. 1860. Appleton. Mudge, Isadore Gilbert, & Sears, M. E. comp. 823 Tsszm Thackeray dictionary; the characters and scenes of the novels and short stories, alphabetically arranged. 1910. Routledge. "List of authorities cited," p.4i-42. The same r823 T33zm "Index to the characters and scenes in Thackeray's novels and short stories, with synopses and an appended list of the originals of the characters. The synopses are admirably done, and include pedigrees of the Newcome and Esmond families. The char- acters are described in concise summaries, and for the most important, quotations are added from the text; reference is made to chapters in which they are found, and to 'mentions' in other works." A. L. A. booklist, 1910. ENGLISH ESSAYS 1603 824 English essays See also English miscellany, 828 [Addison, Joseph.] 824 A22S2 Sir Roger de Coverley, consisting of the papers relating to Sir Roger which were originally published in the Spectator. Putnam. The same; ed. by Thomas Cartwright. 1908. Button J824 A22S The same, and other essays from the Spectator [by Addison and Steele], with illustrations by H. M. Brock. 1905. Dent 824 A22S3 Alison, Sir Archibald. 824 A4ie Essays; political, historical and miscellaneous. 3v. 1850. Black- wood. v.i. The reform bill. Military treason and national guards. The French revolu- tion of 1830. -The British peerage. The fall of the constitution. Negro emancipation. Ireland. The commercial crisis of 1837. Colonial government and the West India question. Lessons from the past. -Free trade and protection. Thirty years of liberal legislation. Fall of the throne of the barricades. The navigation laws. The crowning of the column and crushing of the pedestal. Crime and transportation. Free trade at its zenith. v.2. Montesquieu. Homer, Dante and Michael Angelo. The Greek drama. The Roman republic. Mirabeau. The British school of painting. The Tyrol. Hannibal. Napoleon. Partition of the kingdom of the Netherlands. The Athenian democracy. Robert Bruce. National monuments. The crusades. The Carlist struggle in Spain. The copyright question. The decline of Turkey. Lamartine. The Roman Campagna. France in 1833. The Afghanistan expedition. The old Scottish parliament. Ships, colonies and commerce. v.3- Chateaubriand. Virgil, Tasso and Raphael. Guizot. The romantic drama. Wellington. Humboldt. The British school of architecture. Sismondi. Poland. The year of revolutions. British history during the eighteenth century. Madame de Stael. M. de Tocqueville. Autobiography. Michelet's France. The fall of Rome. Karam- sin's Russia. The historical romance. The British theatre. Direct taxation. Macau- lay. Free-trade reform and finance. The royal progress. Arnold, Matthew. 824 A75e Essays in criticism, v.3. 1910. v-3. Introduction, by E. J. O'Brien. On the modern element in literature. Dante and Beatrice. Obermann [Senancour]. Sainte-Beuve. Renan. Johnson's Lives. A "Friend of God" [Tauler]. An Eton boy [A. C. B. Mynors]. The same. v.3. 1910 r824 A75e For v.i-z see preceding catalogue, first series. Bacon, Francis. 824 61363 Essays; ed. with introduction and notes by M. A. Scott. 1908. Scribner. Bayne, Peter. r824 833 Essays in biography and criticism, v.2. 1860. Gould. v.a. Charles Kingsley. T. B. Macaulay. Sir Archibald Alison. S. T. Coleridge. Wellington. Napoleon Bonaparte. Plato. Characteristics of Christian civilization. The modern university. The pulpit and the press. "The testimony of the rocks;" a defence. For v.i see preceding catalogue, second series. Beerbohm, Max. 824 638 Yet again. 1909. Chapman. Contents: The fire. Seeing people off. A memory of a midnight express. Porro unum. A club in ruins. "273." A study in dejection. A pathetic imposture. The decline of the graces. Whistler's writing. Ichabod. General elections. A parallel. A Morris for May-day. The House of commons manner. The naming of streets. On Shakespeare's birthday. A home-coming. "The ragged regiment." The humour of the public. Dulcedo judiciorum. Words for pictures. Subtly humorous and imaginative essays. 1604 ENGLISH ESSAYS Belloc, Hilaire. 824 6410 On everything. 1910. Dutton. Contents: On song. On an empty house. The landfall. The little old man. The long march. On Saturnalia. A little conversation in Herefordshire. On the rights of property. The economist. A little conversation in Carthage. The strange companion. The visitor. A reconstruction of the past. The reasonable press. Asmodeus. The death of the comic author. On certain manners and customs. The statesman. The duel. On a battle, or "journalism," or "points of view." A descend- ant of William Shakespeare. On the approach to western England. The weald. On London and the houses in it. On old towns. A crossing of the hills. The barber. On high places. On some little horses. On streams and rivers. On two manuals. On fantastic books. The unfortunate man. The contented man. The missioner. The dream. The silence of the battlefields. Novissima hora. On rest. Belloc. Hilaire. 824 641 On nothing & kindred subjects. [1908.] Methuen. Thirty-one little essays on old, familiar subjects seen in a new light and written in a sparkling style, humorous and frank. Belloc, Hilaire. 824 641011 On something. 1911. Dutton. "Fragments. . .but nourishing fragments are gathered together in this charming little book." North American review, igu. Benson, Arthur Christopher. 824 6443 Altar fire. 1907. Putnam. Might be described as a story that continually threatens to become a series of connected essays, or a series of essays on the point of becoming an introspective novel. It follows out the inner experiences of a man who, through joy and suffering, at- tains to peace and happiness of spirit. Benson, Arthur Christopher. 824 64431 At large [essays]. 1908. Putnam. Contents : The scene. Contentment. Friendship. Humour. Travel. Specialism. Our lack of great men. Shyness. Equality. The dramatic sense. Kelmscott and William Morris. A speech day. Literary finish. A midsummer day's dream. Sym- bols. Optimism. Joy. The love of God. Epilogue. [Benson, Arthur Christopher.] 824 B44g Gate of death. 1906. Putnam. The book is not a work of conventional piety, but simply a series of detached im- pressions, "the sincere and faltering thoughts of one who was suddenly and unexpect- edly confronted with death." Benson, Arthur Christopher. 824 6445 The silent isle. 1910. Putnam. Essays, much varied in subject, in the author's usual meditative and introspective vein, but more desultory and rambling than his former books. Besant, Sir Walter. 824 8460 Essays and historiettes. 1903. Chatto. Contents: King Rene of Anjou. The failure of the French reformation. Theo- phile de Viau. Alfred de Musset. Henry Murger. Froissart's love story. The story of a fair Circassian. Over Johnson's grave. The first society of British authors. Literature as a career. Born, Helena. 824 663 Whitman's ideal democracy, and other writings, with a biography by the editor, Helen Tufts. 1902. Everett Press. Other writings: Thoreau's joy in nature. Poets of revolt: Shelley, Whitman, Car- penter. Whitman's altruism. Individualism versus organization. Ingenuities of eco- nomic argument. The last stand against democracy in sex. Inequality in divorce. Marriage safeguards. Very brief essays. Author (1860-1901) was an English socialist, who spent the last years of her life in the United States. ENGLISH ESSAYS 1605 Brimley, George. 824 675 Essays, with an introduction by R. H. Stoddard. [1868.] Rudd. Contents: Tennyson's poems. Wordsworth's poems. Poetry and criticism. The angel in the house. Carlyle's "Life of Sterling." "Esmond." "My novel." "Bleak house." "Westward ho!" Wilson's "Noctes ambrosianae." Comte's "Positive philoso- phy." Bronson, Walter Cochrane, ed. 824 676 English essays; selected and ed. by W. C. Bronson. 1906. Holt. Contents: Francis Bacon: Of truth; Of innovations; Of nature in man; Of youth and age; Of negotiating; Of studies. John Milton: Freedom of the press. Sir Thomas Browne: Vanity of earthly monuments. John Dryden: Preface to the Fables. Jonathan Swift: The battle of the books. Sir Richard Steele: The club at "The trumpet." Joseph Addison: A very pretty poet; True and false humor; The vision of Mirzah; Dissection of a coquet's heart. Daniel Defoe: An academy for women. Sam- uel Johnson: Shakespeare. Oliver Goldsmith: Beau Tibbs, a character. Edmund Burke: England and the French revolution. William Hazlitt: On reading old books. Charles Lamb: New Year's eve; A dissertation upon roast pig; Poor relations. W. S. Landor: Petrarch attends the parish church. Thomas De Quincey: Levana and our ladies of sorrow; Literature of knowledge and literature of power. Thomas Carlyle: Biography; Heroes and hero-worship. T. B. Macaulay: Oliver Goldsmith. W. M. Thackeray: Oliver Goldsmith. John Ruskin: Selections from Modern painters; An idealist's ar- raignment of the age. J. H. Newman: The Roman Catholic church. Matthew Arnold: Hebraism and Hellenism. T. H. Huxley: On a piece of chalk. Walter Pater: Dionysus. R. L. Stevenson: JEs triplex. Early translations of the Bible: The Lord's prayer; The parable of the prodigal son. Sir John Mandeville: Of the hilles of gold. Sir Thomas Malory: The parting of Launcelot and Guinevere. Hugh Latimer: An arraignment of London. John Lyly: The character of Euphues. Sir Philip Sidney: Her lovers describe Urania. Richard Hooker: The majesty and beneficence of law. Brougham, Henry Peter, baron Brougham and Vaux. 824 677 Critical and miscellaneous writings. 2v. 1841. v.i. George the Fourth and Queen Caroline; diary of the time of George IV. The queen's letter to the king. Political characters; remarks on an article in the Edin- burgh review, by Sir Herbert Taylor. Public characters; review of Chatham's Cor- respondence. Congress of Verona, Chateaubriand and Talleyrand; review of Congres de Verone, by Chateaubriand. v.2. Public characters; Biographical treasury containing notices of the lives of eminent persons. George the Third and the Catholic question; review of Letters from His Majesty to Lord Kenyon on the coronation oath. Discourse on the objects, advan- tages and pleasures of science. Historical note on the discovery of the theory of the composition of water. Review of Black's Lectures on the elements of chemistry. Lon- don University and King's College; review of the second statement by the council of the University of London explanatory of the plan of instruction. Junius identified. Neutral question; review of a speech by John Randolph on the non-importation of Brit- ish merchandise. Revolution in France; review of Reflexions sur la France, by M. St. Maurice. Sketch of Brougham, v.i, p.25~36. Most of the articles appeared in the "Edinburgh review." 824 Ci4 Cambridge essays contributed by members of the university, 1855-58. 4v. in 3. [1855-58.] Parker. v.i. 1855. The life and genius of Moliere, by C. K. Watson. The English language in America, by C. A. Bristed. Notes on modern geography, by Francis Gallon. Limita- tions to severity in war, by Charles Buxton. On the transmutation of matter, by G. D. Liveing. The relation of novels to life, by Fitzjames Stephen. Future prospects of the British navy, by R. E. Hughes. Alfred Tennyson's poetry, by George Brimley. General education and classical studies, by W. G. Clark. v.z. 1856. Roman law and legal education, by H. J. S. Maine. One English ethnography, by J. W. Donaldson. Old studies and new, by John Grote. The taste for the picturesque among the Greeks, by E. M. Cope. Apocryphal gospels, by C. J. Ellicott. The Protestant church and religious liberty in France, by W. H. Waddington. The fly-fisher and his library, by H. R. Francis. The text of Shakespeare, by Charles Badham. Coleridge, by F. J. A. Hort. v.3-4. 1857-58. The characteristics of English criminal law, by Fitzjames Stephen. 1606 ENGLISH ESSAYS Cambridge essays continued. 824 Ci4 Agriculture in Britain at the present day, by Andrew Steuart. Telegraphic com- munication with India, by Francis Gisborne. Person, by H. R. Luard. Geology, by William Hopkins. The questions raised by the mutiny, by Charles Buxton. News- papers and their writers, by A. J. B. B. Hope. The national defences and organization of the militia of the United Kingdom, by R. A. S. Adair. Sir Philip Sidney, by William Stigant. The ancient Bashan and the cities of Og, by C. C. Graham. Commissioners and colleges, by W. M. Campion. Hieratic papyri, by C. W. Goodwin. Carlyle, Thomas. 824 C2ila Last words. 1892. Appleton. Contents: Wotton Reinfred; a romance. Excursion (futile enough) to Paris. Letters. Wotton Reinfred, which was Carlyle's only attempt at fiction writing, takes up the larger part of the book. The journey to Paris was made in 1851 in company with the Brownings, and the letters included in this volume were, with a very few exceptions, written by Carlyle to Varnhagen von Ense between the years 1837-57. "[Wotton Reinfred] is interesting as a historical document. It gives Carlyle be- fore he had adopted his peculiar manner, and yet there are some characteristic bits especially at the beginning in the Sartor Resartus vein. I take it that these are remi- niscences of Irving and of the Thackeray circle, and there is a curious portrait of Coleridge, not very thinly veiled. There is enough autobiography, too, of interest in its way." Sir Leslie Stephen. Roe, Frederick William. 824 C2izr Thomas Carlyle as a critic of literature. 1910. Columbia University Press. Undertakes to define Carlyle's critical ideals, to fix his place in the history of criticism, and to measure his achievement as a critic. Cecil, Algernon. 824 Csi Essays in imitation. 1910. Murray. Contents: A chapter in the English revolution. Gulliver Redivivus. In memory of the Rev. William Collins. Mrs Battle's opinions on bridge. Recollections of an old society hack. An essay in apology. The first essay, a Carlylean review of Mr Asquith's last administration, is a brilliant political squib. Both the style and spirit of Carlyle are amusingly reproduced, and the character-studies especially are done exactly in the manner of the author of "The French revolution." The second essay, in imitation of Gulliver, is a general satire on English manners. It would be difficult to find in modern English literature another book so gaily serious in tone. Condensed from Athenaum, 1910. Chambers's papers for the people. I2v. in 6. 1872. 824 Css Published by William & Robert Chambers, Edinburgh. Appeared in 1850-51 as a periodical. The same. I2v. in 6. 1850-51 r824 Css Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. 824 C42al Alarms and discursions. 1911. Dodd. Slight papers which, in a daily newspaper, doubtless served their purpose of enter- taining but which are of less interest for consecutive reading. Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. 824 C42a All things considered [essays]. 1908. Lane. "Comment in thirty-five little essays upon topics of the day ranging from fairy tales to phonetic spelling." Nation, 1908. Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. 824 C42O Orthodoxy. 1908. Lane. Contents: Introduction in defence of everything else. The maniac. The suicide of thought. The ethics of Elfland. The flag of the world. The paradoxes of Christian- ity. The eternal revolution. The romance of orthodoxy. Authority and the adven- turer. "An attempt 'to discuss the actual fact that the central Christian theology is the best root of energy and sound ethics.' " Athenaum, 1908. ENGLISH ESSAYS 1607 Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. 824 Tremendous trifles. 1909. Dodd. Reprints of some of his sketches in the "Daily news." They are entertaining in the same way as his previous volume, "All things considered," showing the same ingenious speculation and raising of the trivial to significance. Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. 824 C42W What's wrong with the world. 1910. Cassell. Contents: The homelessness of man. Imperialism, or the mistake about man. Feminism, or the mistake about woman. Education, or the mistake about the child. The home of man. Three notes. Cody, Sherwin, comp. 824 C6s Selection from the best English essays illustrative of the history of English prose style; chosen and arranged with historical & critical introductions. 1903. McClurg. Contents: General introduction: The English essay and English prose style. Bacon, master of condensation. Swift, the greatest English satirist. Addison, first of the humorists. Lamb, greatest of the humorists. De Quincey, inventor of modern "im- passioned prose." Carlyle, the latter-day prophet. Emerson, the lecturer. Macaulay, the rhetorician. Ruskin, the impassioned critic. Matthew Arnold, the intellectual critic. Collins, Mortimer. 824 Cyi Pen sketches by a vanished hand, from the papers of the late Morti- mer Collins; ed. by Tom Taylor, with notes by the editor and Mrs Mor- timer Collins. 2v. 1879. Bentley. v.i. A walk through Berks. A walk through Wilts. Towns on the Thames. A walk through Oxon. A walk through Bucks. A walk through Hants. A walk through Somerset. A walk through Surrey. Towns on the Avon. Two poets of Rome [Catullus and Horace]. Aristology. An essay on epigrams. v.2. The literary character of Mr Disraeli. Darwinism. The philosophy and poetry of marriage. What is betting? Why is it wrong? Dogs. Birds. Bohemia. Coleridge's country. Landor's country. Praed's country. Mrs Harris. John Collins. The Roman girl of the period. William Blake, seer and painter. Charity organisa- tion. Yachting. Corn and wine. Aristophanes. Conington, John. 824 C?5 Miscellaneous writings; ed. by J. A. Symonds. 2v. 1872. Longmans. v.i. English literature. Latin literature. General scholarship. Essays from the "Contemporary review." v.2. The poems of Virgil translated into English prose. APPENDIX: Epistola critica de quibusdam ..Eschyli, Sophoclis, Euripidis fragmentis. De parte Babrianarum fabularum secunda. "Memoir," by H. J. S. Smith, v.i, Creech, William. r824 C8y Edinburgh fugitive pieces, with letters containing a comparative view of the modes of living, arts, commerce, literature, manners, &c. of Edinburgh at different periods; to which is prefixed an account of the life [of Creech]. 1815. Fairbairn. Dasent, Sir George Webbe. 824 Jest and earnest; a collection of essays and reviews. 2v. 1873. Chapman. v.i. A fortnight in Faroe. Wildbad and its waters. England and Norway in the nth century. Origin of the English language. v.2. Latham's "Johnson's dictionary." The Greek and English quarrel. The story of free trade. How we were all vaccinated. Magnus the Good and Harold Hardrada. Harold Hardrada, king of Norway. Pickings from Poggio. 1608 ENGLISH ESSAYS Davis, Thomas. 824 032 Literary and historical essays. 1854. Duffy. Brief papers on subjects concerning ancient and modern Ireland which appeared in the "Nation," an Irish nationalist paper of which the author was one of the founders. Davis (1814-45) was a poet and politician, a man of much learning and intimately ac- quainted with the history and antiquities of Ireland. De Quincey, Thomas. 824 0441: Uncollected writings, with a preface and annotations by James Hogg. 2v. 1890. Scribner. Dilke, Charles Wentworth, 1789-1864. 824 058 Papers of a critic; selected from [his] writings, with a biographical sketch by his grandson, Sir C. W. Dilke. 2v. 1875. Murray. v.i. Memoir. Pope's writings. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Swift, &c. v.z. Junius. Wilkes. Grenville, &c. Burke. Articles contributed by Dilke to the "Athensum" and to "Notes and queries," 1848-63. "He commenced in the 'Athenaeum' of July 1848 by demolishing Britton's theory that Colonel Barre was Junius, and in the course of the five following years he wrote a series of reviews which form the most weighty contribution to the perennial controversy which has yet appeared. The study of Junius led inevitably to the study of Burke and Wilkes, and he was the first to rescue Wilkes from the obloquy that attached to his name." Dictionary of national biography. Dobson, Austin. 824 0650 Old Kensington palace, and other papers. 1910. Stokes. Other papers: Percy and Goldsmith. Mr Cradock of Gumley. Madame Vigee- Lebrun. Sir John Hawkins, knight. Laureate Whitehead. Lyttelton as man of let- ters. Chambers, the architect. Clery's journal. The Oxford Thackeray. The prison of the Temple. The last messages. Essays in the i8th century field, which Mr Dobson has made peculiarly his own. Distinguished both for their literary quality and for their discussion of somewhat un- familiar persons and places. Dowden, Edward. 824 Dj6e Essays, modern and Elizabethan. 1910. Dent. Contents: Walter Pater. Henrik Ibsen. Heinrich Heine. Goethe's "West-eastern divan." Goethe's "Hermann and Dorothea." Cowper and William Hayley. An eighteenth-century mystic [St. George de Marsay]. Some old Shakespearians [from Isaac Reed's ms. note-books]. A noble authoress [Anne, countess of Winchilsea]. Is Shakespeare self-revealed? Shakespeare as a man of science. Elizabethan psychology. The English masque. Elizabethan romance. Drake, Nathan. r824 DySe Essays, biographical, critical and historical, illustrative of the Ram- bler, Adventurer & Idler and of the various periodical papers which in imitation of the writings of Steele and Addison have been published between the close of the eighth volume of the Spectator and the com- mencement of the year 1809. 2v. 1809-10. Suttaby. Drake (1766-1836) was an English physician and essayist. His contributions to general literature consist chiefly of miscellaneous essays, critical, narrative, biographical and descriptive, which were favorably received at the time of publication. Condensed from Dictionary of national biography. Drake, Nathan. r824 DySes Essays, biographical, critical and historical, illustrative of the Tat- ler, Spectator and Guardian. 3v. 1805. Sharpe. Drake, Nathan. 824 Dy8 Mornings in spring; or, Retrospections biographical, critical and historical. 2v. 1828. Murray. ENGLISH ESSAYS 1609 Drake, Nathan. r824 078 Noontide leisure; or, Sketches in summer, outlines from nature and imagination and including a tale of the days of Shakespeare. 2v. in i. 1824. Cadell. Partial contents: The sheltered solitude of a summer's noon, favourable to the in- dulgence of fancy and meditation. Montchensey, a tale of the days of Shakspeare. Observations, critical and miscellaneous, on an anonymous version of "Les jardins," par M. 1'abbe de Lille. Notices, biographical and critical, of William Alabaster and Joseph Beaumont. Observations on a feature in the poetry of Horace. On the minor poems of Dr Beaumont. Duff, Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant. 824 D8y Miscellanies, political and literary. 1878. Macmillan. Essays on political subjects, on Emilio Castelar, Balthasar Gracian, a journey up the Nile, etc. Earle, Mrs Maria Theresa. 824 Eiy Letters to young and old. 1906. Smith, Elder. Virtually essays, covering a wide range of subjects. Impressions of Germany, views on health and food, and practical suggestions on gardening are included. Eliot, George, (pseud, of Mrs Mary Ann (Evans) Cross). 824 476 Essays and reviews, not hitherto reprinted, together with an intro- ductory essay on the Genius of George Eliot by Mrs S. B. Herrick. 1887. Aldine Book Pub. Co. Contents: The lady novelists. Weimar and its celebrities. Woman in France; Madame de Sable. Margaret Fuller.- George Forster. Silly novels by lady novelists. Carlyle's Life of Sterling. The grammar of ornament. Ferriar, John. r824 F4i Illustrations of Sterne, with other essays and verses. 2v. 1812. Cadell. Rambling, anecdotal comments on Sterne's writings. [Friswell, James Hain.] 824 Fgs About in the world; essays. 1864. Low. Philosophic and optimistic in tone. Deal with such subjects as "Dreams of world- happiness," "On being cheated," "On the faces around us," etc. Gibbon, Edward. r824 Gs6 Miscellaneous works of Edward Gibbon, with memoirs of his life and writings composed by himself, illustrated from his letters, with oc- casional notes and narrative by John, lord Sheffield. 5v. 1814. Murray. v.i. Memoirs and letters. v.2. Letters. v-3. Historical and critical. v.4. Classical and critical. v.s. .Miscellaneous. Gilbart, James William. 824 638 Lectures and essays. 1865. Bell. Contents: Lectures on the history and principles of ancient commerce. The social effects of the reformation. The preacher; or, Essays on preaching, with an appendix on the delivery of addresses from the platform. The philosophy of history. Giles, Henry. 1824 GSQ! Lectures and essays. 2v. 1850. Ticknor. v.i. Falstaff. Crabbe. Moral philosophy of Byron's life. Moral spirit of Byron's genius. Ebenezer Elliott. Oliver Goldsmith. Spirit of Irish history. v.z. Ireland and the Irish. The worth of liberty. True manhood. The pulpit. Patriotism. Economies. Music. The young musician. A day in Springfield [Mass.]. Chatterton. Carlyle. Savage and Dermody. Giles (1809-82), an Irish-American clergyman, was one of the most popular literary lecturers of his day. i6io ENGLISH ESSAYS Gleig, George Robert. 824 648 Essays, biographical, historical and miscellaneous; contributed chief- ly to the Edinburgh and Quarterly reviews. 2v. 1858. Longman. v.i. Dr Chalmers. Our defensive armament. Natural theology. Military bridges. The war of the Punjaub. v.a. The Puritans. General Miller. India and its army. The Madchenstein. Military education. Grote, George. 824 094 Minor works, with critical remarks on his intellectual character, writings and speeches by Alexander Bain. 1873. Murray. Hallam, Arthur Henry. 824 Hiy Remains in verse and prose, with a preface and memoir. 1863. Ticknor. Larger part of the book is devoted to his essays. "His powers of thought are shown in the essay upon Cicero, while his remarkable knowledge of Dante is displayed in an able criticism of Professor Rossetti's 'Disquizione sullo spirito antipapale,' chiefly intended as a protest against the hidden meaning found in Dante's writings by Rossetti." Dictionary of national biography. Halsham, John. 824 Hi8 Lonewood corner; a countryman's horizons. 1907. Dutton. Contemplative chapters, with the slightest thread of narrative. They contain some delicate descriptions of the English countryside and characterizations of people and books. Hannon, John. 824 H23 The devil's parables, and other essays. 1910. Washbourne. Other essays: The coming race. God and the rod. Boys. Gifts. The making of an anarchist. Animals. Socialism. Child-poetry. Man-made creeds. The priest as father and friend. Our Lady and some little angels. Harrison, Frederic. 824 H2gm Memories and thoughts; men, books, cities, art. 1906. Macmillan. "Unity of treatment cannot be expected, of course, from essays written to meet various demands. At one time Mr. Harrison goes to the bottom of his subject, at another he merely touches its surface. .. Still these 'Memories and thoughts' if ap- proached with an open mind, will be found to reflect seriousness of purpose and insight into life." Athencettm, /oo6. Harrison, Frederic. 824 H2gr Realities and ideals; social, political, literary and artistic. 1908. Macmillan. Contents: SOCIAL AND POLITICAL: England and France. The future of woman. The realm of woman. The work of women. Votes for women. Civil marriage. Re- ligious marriage. Marriage law conflicts. Funeral rites. Cremation. Centenaries. Modern pilgrimages. The use of Sunday. The veto on drink. Church disestablish- ment. The recognition of Anglican orders. The crisis in the church. Primary educa- tion. Metropolitan school board. Parliamentary candidature. Reform of the Lords. A true senate. The Lords once more. Parliamentary procedure. LITERATURE AND ART: The uses of rich men. The revival of the drama. Decadence in modern art. Art and shoddy. Thoughts about education. Education versus examination. Literature to-day. "Fors clavigera." The Century Club. Sir Leslie Stephen. F. W. Newman. Canon Liddon. Sir Charles Cookson. Sir James Knowles. Herbert Spencer. Herbert Spen- cer's "Life." Municipal museums of Paris. Paris in 1851 and in 1907. The Elgin marbles. A Pompeii for the aoth century. Essays, gathered from various sources and covering a literary period of more than 40 years. ENGLISH ESSAYS 1611 Hazlitt, William. 824 Hs8s Spirit of the age; or, Contemporary portraits. 1848. Carey. (Mis- cellaneous works, v.5.) Contents: Jeremy Bentham. William Godwin. Coleridge. Rev. [Edward] Irv- ing. Home Tooke. Sir Walter Scott. Lord Byron. Southey. Wordsworth. Sir James Macintosh. Malthus. Gifford. Jeffrey. Brougham; Sir F. Burdett. Lord Eldon; Wilberforce. Cobbett. Campbell; Crabbe. T. Moore; Leigh Hunt. Elia; Geoffrey Crayon. Hazlitt, William. 824 HaSa Table talk; essays on men and manners; ed. by W. C. Hazlitt. 1910. Bell. Contents : On the pleasure of painting. On the past and future. On genius and common sense. On the character of Cobbett. On people with one idea. On the ignorance of the learned. On the Indian jugglers. On living to one's self. On thought and action. On will making. On certain inconsistencies in Sir Joshua Rey- nolds's discourses.- On paradox and common-place. On vulgarity and affectation. On a landscape of Nicholas Poussin. On Milton's sonnets. On going a journey. On coffee-house politicians. On the aristocracy of letters. On criticism. On great and little things. On familiar style. On effeminacy of character. Why distant objects please. On corporate bodies. Whether actors ought to sit in the boxes. On the dis- advantages of intellectual superiority. On patronage and puffing. On the knowledge of character. On the picturesque and ideal. On the fear of death. Hazlitt, William. 824 Table talk; opinions on books, men and things. v.3~4, in I. 1848. Carey. (Miscellaneous works, v.2.) On the feeling of immortality in youth. On the want of money. On sit- mc iccuiig ui iiiiiuui taiiiy in yuuiu. v^ii uc wain ui inuiicy. vyii an- icture. Whether genius is conscious of its powers. On Londoners and Head, Sir Francis Bond. 824 Descriptive essays; contributed to the "Quarterly review." 2v. 1857. Murray. v.i. Cornish miners in America. English charity. Locomotion by steam. Brit- ish policy. The printer's devil. The red man. v.2. The air we live in. Memorandum on the battle of Waterloo. The London and North-western railway. The electric telegraph. The Britannia bridge. The Lon- don post-office. Author (17931875) served in the Royal engineers, was manager of the Rio Plata Mining Association and lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada. Helps, Sir Arthur. 824 H43S Social pressure. 1875. Roberts. Social, ethical and literary questions are discussed in the form of conversations carried on by a group of friends at a country house. Herschel, Sir John Frederick William. 824 H47 Essays from the Edinburgh and Quarterly reviews, with addresses and other pieces. 1857. Longman. 1612 ENGLISH ESSAYS Hueffer, Francis. 824 H88 Italian and other studies. 1883. Stock. Contents: The poets of young Italy. A literary friendship of the I4th century [Boccaccio and Petrarch]. The renaissance in Italy. Exhibitions of Rossetti's pictures. Troubadours, ancient and modern. Music and musicians. The literary aspect of Schopenhauer's work. Musical criticism. Mr Pepys the musician. Appeared in various magazines. Hunt, Leigh. r824 Hga Men, women and books; a selection of sketches, essays and critical memoirs from his uncollected prose writings. 2v. 1847. Smith, Elder. v.i. Fiction and matter of fact. The inside of an omnibus. The day of the disasters of Carfington Blundell, esquire. A visit to the zoological gardens. A man introduced to his ancestors. A novel party. Beds and bed-rooms. The world of books. Jack Abbott's breakfast. On seeing a pigeon make love. The month of May. The Giuli tre. A few remarks on the rare vice called lying. Criticism on female beauty. Of deceased statesmen who have written verses. Female sovereigns of England. v.2. Social morality. Pope, in some lights in which he is not usually regarded. Garth, physicians and love letters. Cowley and Thomson. Bookstalls and "Galateo." Bookbinding and "Heliodorus." Ver-wert; or, The parrot of the nuns. Specimens of British poetesses. Duchess of St. Albans and marriages from the stage. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Life and African visit of Pepys. Life and letters of Madame dc SMgot Hunt, Leigh. 824 The seer; or, Common-places refreshed. 2v. 1865. Roberts. Short, delightfully written essays, covering a wide range of subjects. Hunt, Leigh. 824 Wishing-cap papers; now first collected. 1873. Lee. Essays contributed to English periodicals, written in the author's happiest manner. They describe London sights, comment on the stage, review books, etc. Hutton, Richard Holt. 824 Hgye Essays in literary criticism. [1876.] Coates. Contents: Goethe and his influence. Nathaniel Hawthorne. A. H. Clough. Wordsworth and his genius. George Eliot. The poetry of Matthew Arnold. The same. (In his Literary essays.) ....................... 824 Hg7 Does not contain the essay on George Eliot. James, R. A. Scott-. 824 Ji64 Modernism and romance. 1908. Lane. Contents: What is romance? Democracy of letters. The borderland. Science and vandalism. Pessimism of Thomas Hardy. The decadents. The psychological novel. Popularity. Apostles of protest. Ingenious philosophers. The fugitives. The master mystic. The self-conscious poet. The new romance. The borderlanders. Personal note in criticism. The essays attempt to define the spirit of the age as reflected in contemporary literature. Jameson, Mrs Anna Brownell (Murphy). 824 Ji6m Memoirs and essays illustrative of art, literature and social morals. 1846. Bentley. Contents: The house of Titian. Adelaide Kemble and the lyrical drama. The Xanthian marbles. Washington Allston. "Woman's mission" and woman's position. On the relative social position of mothers and governesses. Jameson, Mrs Anna Brownell (Murphy). 824 Ji6v Visits and sketches at home and abroad. 2v. 1839. Saunders. v.i. Sketches of art, literature and character: Memoranda at Munich. v.a. Sketches of art, literature and character (continued) : Memoranda at Munich, Nuremberg and Dresden. A visit to Hardwicke. A visit to Althorpe. Sketch of Mrs Siddons. Sketch of Fanny Kemble. ENGLISH ESSAYS 1613 Jebb, Sir Richard Claverhouse. 824 J22 Essays and addresses. 1907. Cambridge University Press. Contents: The genius of Sophocles. Pindar. The age of Pericles. Ancient or- gans of public opinion. Lucian. Delos. Caesar; a sketch, by J. A. Froude. Erasmus. The speeches of Thucydides. Suidas on the change ascribed to Sophocles in regard to trilogies. Samuel Johnson. Humanism in education. On present tendencies in classical studies. The influence of the Greek mind on modern life. The work of the universities for the nation, past and present. An address delivered at Mason College. University education and national life. Jefferies, Richard. The hills and the vale, with an introduction by Edward Thomas. 1909. Duckworth. Contents: Choosing a gun. Skating. Marlborough forest. Village churches. Birds of spring. The spring of the year. Vignettes from nature. A king of acres. The story of Swindon. Unequal agriculture. Village organization. The idle earth. After the county franchise. The Wiltshire labourer. On the downs. The sun and the brook. Nature and eternity. The dawn. "Three unpublished essays are here, together with fifteen recovered from the ob- livion of the back numbers of magazines, where they have probably been little noticed since the time of their appearance. These papers were written between 1875 and 1885, and show like no other single volume of his, his development ... from a provincial re- porter to a poet." Academy, /pop. Kingsley, Charles. 824 Lectures delivered in America in 1874. 1875. Longmans. Contents: Westminster abbey. The stage as it was once. The first discovery of America. The servant of the Lord. Ancient civilisation. Knight, Charles. 824 K34 Once upon a time. 1859. Murray. Contents: The chapel. The Pastons. The discoverer of Madeira. The silent highway. The younger son. Hang out your lights. Evil May-day. Country way- farers. Philip Sidney and Fulke Greville. Shakspere's first ride to London. May- morning: its poetry and its prose. Amateurs and actors. Ben Jonson's mother. Eng- lish poets in Scotland. Robert Burton's poetical commonwealth. Milton, the Londoner. Lucy Hutchinson. Astrological almanacs. May fair. John Aubrey, and his Eminent men. The beginnings of popular literature. The first newspaper stamp. Trivia. Horace Walpole's world of fashion. Horace Walpole's world of letters. Fanny Burney at court. The farmer's kitchen. Windsor, as it was. ^rabbe's modern antiques. The leading profession. Dear and cheap. Suburban milestones. An episode of Vathek. The Eton Montem. Items of the obsolete. The first step into the world. Saint John's gate. The tail piece. Landor, Walter Savage. 824 L22a [Imaginary conversations, and other writings.] 5v. 1876. Chap- man. (Works and life, v.2-6.) v.i. Classical dialogues.- Citation and examination of William Shakespeare touch- ing deer-stealing. v.2. Dialogues of sovereigns and statesmen. The pentameron. v-3. Dialogues of literary men. v-4. Dialogues of literary men (continued) ; Dialogues of famous women. Pericles and Aspasia. v.5- Miscellaneous dialogues. Lang, Andrew. 824 L23le Letters on literature. 1889. Longmans. Contents: Of modern English poetry. Fielding. Longfellow. A friend of Keats. On Virgil. Aucassin and Nicolette. Plotinus (200-262 A. D.). Lucretius. To a young American bookhunter. Rochefoucauld. Of vers de societe. On vers de societe. Richardson. Gerard de Nerval. On books about red men. 1614 ENGLISH ESSAYS Le Gallienne, Richard. 824 1,540 October vagabonds. 1910. Kennerley. The October vagabonds of this idyl are the author and a congenial friend who tramped from their summer camp to New York about 400 miles. The account of their irresponsible journeying makes pleasant reading. Leith, W. Compton. 824 Ls6 Apologia diffidentis. 1908. Lane. A study of shyness, confessedly a record of actual experience. Mr Leith has un- common skill as a maker of phrases and much distinction of style. His attitude is one of graceful melancholy, of almost morbid introspection and gentle self-pity. Little, William John Knox. 824 L74 Sketches in sunshine and storm; a collection of miscellaneous es- says and notes on travel. 1892. Longmans. Contents: The martyr of Algiers [Geronimo]. The tombs of the kings [Monreale, Sicily]. The home of S. Nilus. The shrine of the sacrament [Orvieto cathedral]. The grave of Dante. Amalfi and its mountains. The heights and hollows of the Lebanon. The holy places of Palestine. Lubbock, 5"t> John, baron Avebitry. 824 Lg6p Peace and happiness. 1909. Macmillan. Essays on "Contentment," "Education," "Wisdom," "Peace of mind," etc. Lucas, Edward Verrall. 824 Lg6gc Character and comedy. 1907. Macmillan. Contents: "My cousin the bookbinder." A funeral. Meditations among the cages. Two Irishmen. From Persia to Aberdeen. The search and the gift. A philosopher that failed. A sketch book. The beating of the hoofs. Our gardeners and luck of the woods. Conjurer and confederate. Sister Lucie Vinken. Life's little difficulties. Lucas, Edward Verrall. 824 Lg6gf Fireside and sunshine. 1907. Button. Contents: From a country diary, i. The town week. A word on toast. Con- cerning breakfast. Footpaths and walking-sticks. Birds and their enemies. Benignus and the flor finas. The divine leaf. School-hampers and fireworks. The poetry of catalogues. Clothes old and new. From a seaside diary. Fires. The post. Inn- keepers and little carts. Cricket and the backward look. From a country diary, 2. Albums and crackers. A gentle adviser. Many of these essays appeared originally in the author's "Domesticities," and the rest were published in various magazines. "In Mr. Lucas's well-known vein agreeable, vivacious, with bits of interesting ob- servation of men, women, and beasts, and with touches of gentle humor. The matter, however, is rather thin. . .hardly worth preservation in permanent form." Nation, 7007. Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-, baron. 824 Lgg Caxtoniana; a series of essays on life, literature and manners. 2v. 1863. Blackwood. "Slight and cursory in form, yet thoughtful and full of matter, they are equal to anything he has before put forth in knowledge of men and books, acute analysis of motives, and critical elegance of taste." Saturday review, 1863. Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-, baron. 824 Lggm Miscellaneous prose works. 2v. 1868. Harper. v.i. The reign of terror; its causes and results. Oliver Goldsmith. Charles Lamb and some of his companions. Gray's Works. Sir Thomas Browne. Pitt and Fox. Pym vs. Falkland. The life of Schiller. v.2. Essays written in youth. The influence of love upon literature and real life. Mabie, Hamilton Wright, ed. 824 Mi 13 Essays that every child should know; a selection of the writings of English and American essayists. 1908. Doubleday. Contents: The Coverley Sabbath, by Joseph Addison. A day's ramble in London, by Richard Steele. A dissertation upon roast pig; Dream children, by Charles Lamb. Christmas day; Stratford-on-Avon, by Washington Irving. Sunday at home; The old ENGLISH ESSAYS 1615 Mabie, Hamilton Wright, ed. continued. 824 Mi 13 apple dealer, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Revolt of the Tartars, by Thomas De Quincey. Cinders from the ashes, by O. W. Holmes. Rain in the garret; School dreams, by D. G. Mitchell. Cats, by P. G. Hamerton. On vagabonds, by Alexander Smith. Mar- jorie Fleming, by John Brown. Being a boy; The delights of farming, by C. D. Warner. The little violinist, by T. B. Aldrich. Macdonald, Frederic William. 824 Mi4 Recreations of a book-lover. 1911. Hodder. Contents: Four letters to a friend on books and reading. Dr Johnson; personal and domestic. The religion of Dr Johnson. A literary diary; William Allingham. Carlyle and Allingham. The biography of Herbert Spencer. A Latin anthology. Second-hand book catalogues. In an old Scottish garden. Snowed up near Ambleside. Bishop Butler and John Wesley; a comparison and a contrast. The letters of Birkbeck Hill. "Beside still waters." From an old minister to a student at Dr Doddridge's academy, Northampton. Mallock, William Hurrell. 824 M2Q Atheism and the value of life; five studies in contemporary litera- ture. 1884. Bentley. Contents: Professor Clifford's Lectures and essays. Tennyson's Ballads and poems. George Eliot on the human character. Natural religion. Atheistic Method- ism; or, The beauty of holiness. Appeared in the "Edinburgh review" and in the "Nineteenth century." The fourth essay is a review of Sir J. R. Seeley's Natural religion (210 845) and the fifth an answer to criticisms made in regard to the author's own theory of life. Manning, Henry Edward, cardinal. 824 MSS Pastime papers. 1892. Burns. Contents: The editor's introduction. Honour. Consistency. Pride. Vanity. Popularity. Selfishness. Gossip. The fourth estate. About critics. Courage. The daemon of Socrates. These essays were published after Cardinal Manning's death. In his introduction the editor defines them as "the voice of the great Archbishop out of office hours," ex- plaining that they were the only writing which he ever did without a directly philan- thropic or religious intention. Martineau, James. 824 Essays, reviews and addresses. 4v. 1891-1901. Longmans. v.i. Personal. Political. v.2. Ecclesiastical. Historical. v-3. Theological. Philosophical. v-4. Academical. Religious. Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. 824 Meridiana; noontide essays. 1892. Blackwood. Contents: Ancient lights. A country member's moan. Manners. Customs. Con- trast. Civilisation. Mnemosyne. Imagination. Pleasure. Personal names. Birds. Education. Many of these essays appeared in "Blackwood's magazine." Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. 824 M523 Post meridiana; afternoon essays. 1895. Blackwood. Contents: Clothes. Games. Speech. Ornament. Bores. The conduct of friend- ship. The craving for fiction. The first English freethinker. Woodlands, with a post- script on London trees. Gardens. Trouting tattle. Salmon-flies. Appeared in the "Nineteenth century" and "Blackwood's magazine." Mill, John Stuart. 824 M68 Early essays; selected from the original sources by J. W. M. Gibbs. 1897. Bell. Contents: Essays on some unsettled questions of political economy. Corporation and church property. What is poetry? The two kinds of poetry. Tennyson's poems. Carlyle's French revolution. Bentham. Appendices to the foregoing article: Democ- racy and government; Remarks on Bentham's philosophy, by E. L. Bulwer-Lytton and J. S. Mill; Mill on Bowring's "Life of Bentham." 1616 ENGLISH ESSAYS Miller, Hugh. 824 M6gl Leading articles on various subjects; ed. by John Davidson. 1870. Nimmo. Contents: Thoughts on the educational question. Lord Brougham. The Scott monument. The late Mr Kemp. Annie M'Donald and the Fifeshire forester. A High- land clearing. The poet Montgomery. Criticism; internal evidence. The sanctities of matter. The late Rev. Alexander Stewart. The calotype. The tenant's true quarrel. Conclusion of the war in Affghanistan. Periodicalism. "Annus mirabilis." Effects of religious disunion on colonization. Fine-bodyism. Organship. Baillie's letters and journals. First principles. An unspoken speech. Disruption principles. Character- istics of the Crimean war. The poets of the church. The Encyclopaedia Britannica. A vision of the railroad. The two Mr Clarks. Pulpit duties not secondary. Dugald Stewart. Our town councils. Sutherland as it was and is; or, How a country may be ruined. Morley, John. 824 Mgi Critical miscellanies, v.4. 1908. Macmillan. v-4. Machiavelli. Guicciardini. A new calendar of great men; ed. by Frederic Harrison. John Stuart Mill; an anniversary. Lecky on democracy. A historical romance [Theophano], by Frederic Harrison. Democracy and reaction, by L. T. Hob- house. Appendix: notes to Machiavelli. For v. 1-3 see preceding catalogue, first series. Morley, John. 824 Mgil Literary essays. 1906. Humphreys. Contents: Byron. Carlyle. Macaulay. Wordsworth. On the study of literature. Murray, David Christie. 824 Mgy Guesses at truths, ethical, social, political and literary. 1908. Hurst. Appeared in the "Referee," under the pseudonym Merlin. Views of an English novelist and journalist on subjects of current interest. Many essays deal with the occult. Nicoll, Sir William Robertson. 824 Key of the blue closet. 1906. Dodd. Miscellaneous essays dealing in a sane, genial way with the conduct of life. The method is to take some phrase in common use or some significant incident, and to give it a general and wider application, always seriously and practically, but with much humor and a wide range of anecdote and quotation. Condensed from Nation, 1907. Noble, James Ashcroft. 824 Impressions & memories. 1895. Dent. Contents: The justification of impressions. The music of prose. O. W. Holmes. The charm of autobiography. Music and form. The burden of Christina Rossetti. Nathaniel Hawthorne's paradox. Some skylark poems. Annie Keary. The hypocrite of fiction. Mr Du Maurier's magic mirror. In Elleray wood. Lady of Shalott. Sandy combes. Two Thanet sketches: In Birchington churchyard; A Ramsgate Arabian night. Paget, John, 1811-98. r824 Pi4 Paradoxes and puzzles; historical, judicial and literary. 1874. Black- wood. Contains the "New examen," a collection of essays on historical subjects; "Vindica- tions," of Nelson, Lady Hamilton, Lord Byron and the Wigtown martyrs; "Judicial puzzles," dealing with the case of Elizabeth Canning, Spencer Cowper and others, and "Essays on art." [Paget, Stephen.] 824 Pi46i I wonder; essays. 1911. Macmillan. Contents: The way of wonder. The wonder of matter. The wonder of nature. The wonder of elf. The wonder of pain. The wonder of death. The wonder of beauty. The use of wonder. ENGLISH ESSAYS 1617 [Paget, Stephen.] 824 The young people, by one of the old people. 1910. Macmillan. Contents: Coming out. The day's work. At the play. Hora mortis. London. Sunday in London. Sunday out. Books and music. Doxologia. Faith. Hope. Non nobis. Postscript, Nov. 1910: The run of the streets. Digressive essays written primarily for lovers of young people. In the guise of one who resides with a happy family where are certain healthy, inquisitive youngsters who "want to know," the author distributes some excellent musing and philosophizing. Con- densed from Academy, 1911. Pearson, Charles Henry. 824 P35 Review^ and critical essays; ed. by H. A. Strong, with a biographi- cal sketch. 1896. Methuen. Contents: Personal memoirs. Caricatures. Cynicism in literature. Questions of casuistry. The grand style. Optimism. Pessimism. 1883; Sheridan, first notice. Sheridan; second notice. 1884; Bismarck. 1883; Emerson. Oct. 6th, 1883; Mazzini. 1890; History in state schools; lecture delivered in the New Training College, Melbourne. The court of Napoleon; first notice. The court of Napoleon; second notice. Scottish characteristics. Early life of Renan. The black republic. An agnostic's progress. 1884; High life in France. "Charles Henry Pearson; a biographical sketch," by H. A. Strong, p.i-38. Procter, Bryan Waller, (pseud. Barry Cornwall). 824 Pg64 Essays and tales in prose. 2v. 1853. Ticknor. v.i. Memoir and essay on the genius of Shakspere. The death of friends. The Spanish student. A short mystery. The portrait on my uncle's snuff-box. A day in Venice. The Stauntons. A chapter on portraits. The prison-breaker. The planter. Vicissitudes in a lawyer's life. The man-hunter. The two soldiers. v.2. The story of the back-room window. A chapter of fragments. The usher. Monsieur de Beam. The happy day. On English tragedy. On English poetry. A de- fence of poetry. Four dramatic scenes. Ritchie, Mrs Anne Isabella (Thackeray). 824 R4gb Blackstick papers. 1908. Smith, Elder. Contents: Introduction; Haydn. Felicia Felix. St. Andrews. Concerning Joseph Joachim. Egeria in Brighton. Nohant in 1874. Links with the past. Mary and Agnes Berry. Paris; prisms and primitifs. "Jacob Omnium" [M. J. Higgins]. Mrs Gaskell. Concerning Tourguenieff. Concerning Thomas Bewick. Rogers, Henry. 824 R6i Essays selected from contributions to the Edinburgh review. 3v. 1855. Longman. v.i. Life and writings of Thomas Fuller. Andrew Marvel. Luther's correspond- ence and character. Life and genius of Leibnitz.- Genius and writings of Pascal. Literary genius of Plato; character of Socrates. Genius and writings of Descartes. v.2. John Locke; his character and philosophy. Sydney Smith's lectures on moral philosophy. Structure of the English language. History of the English language. Sacred eloquence; the British pulpit. The vanity and glory of literature. Ultramon- tane doubts. Right of private judgment. v.3. Anglicanism; or, The Oxford tractarian school. Recent developments of trac- tarianism. Reason and faith; their claims and conflicts. Revolution and reform. Treatment of criminals. Prevention of crime. Sale, Mark. 824 Si6 A paradise in Portugal. 1911. Baker. First half of the book is an account of a year spent by the author on a Portuguese sea farm. The rest of the book consists of miscellaneous essays. Sharp, William. 824 85313 Silence of Amor, and Where the forest murmurs, by "Fiona Mac- leod." 1910. Duffield. "Bibliographical note," by Mrs William Sharp, p. 412-414. Essays on nature. 1618 ENGLISH ESSAYS Sharp, William. 824 8531 Where the forest murmurs; nature essays, by Fiona Macleod. 1906. Newnes. Contents: Where the forest murmurs. The mountain charm. The clans of the grass. The tides. The hill-tarn. At the turn of the year. The sons of the north wind. St. Bridget of the shores. The heralds of March. The tribe of the plover. The awakener of the woods. The wild apple. Running waters. The summer heralds. The sea-spell. Summer clouds. The cuckoo's silence. The coming of dusk. At the rising of the moon. The gardens of the sea. The milky way. September. The chil- dren of wind and the clan of peace. Still waters. The Pleiad-month. The rainy Hyades. Winter stars. Beyond the blue Septentrions ; two legends of the polar stars. White weather; a mountain reverie. Rosa mystica (and roses of autumn). The star of rest; a fragment. Sheehan, Patrick Augustine. 824 854 Early essays and lectures. 1906. Longmans. Contents: ESSAYS: Religious instruction in intermediate schools. In a Dublin art gallery. Emerson. Free-thought in America. The German universities. The German and Gallic muses. Recent Augustinian literature. The poetry of Matthew Arnold. Recent works on St. Augustine. Aubrey de Vere; a study. LECTURES: Irish youth and high ideals. The two civilisations. The fiftieth anniversary of O'Connell's death. Our personal and social responsibilities. The study of mental science. Certain ele- ments of character. The limitations and possibilities of Catholic literature. Smith, Alexander, 1830-67. 824 864! Last leaves; sketches and criticisms, ed. with a memoir by P. P. Alexander. 1869. Nimmo. Contents: Memoir. Scottish ballads. An essay on an old subject. On dreams and dreaming. Mr Carlyle at Edinburgh. Winter. Literary work. The minister- painter. Sydney Dobell. Essayists, old and new. A spring chanson. Edinburgh. Stevenson, Robert Louis. 824 88433 Across the plains; Essays and reviews. 1906. Davos Press. This volume contains, in addition to Stevenson's account of his journey in an emi- grant train from New York to San Francisco in 1879, over 50 short essays on places and people, life and literature. Symonds, John Addington. 824 Sg8e Essays, speculative and suggestive. 1907.- Smith, Elder. Contents: The philosophy of evolution. On the application of evolutionary princi- ples to art and literature. On some principles of criticism. The provinces of the several arts. On the relation of art to science and morality. Realism and idealism. The model. Beauty, composition, expression, characterisation. Caricature, the fantastic, the grotesque. Notes on style: History and usage of the word; National style; Per- sonal style; The art of style. Democratic art, with special reference to Walt Whitman. Landscape. Nature myths and allegories. Is poetry at bottom a criticism of life? a review of Matthew Arnold's selection from Wordsworth. Is music the type or measure of all art? The pathos of the rose in poetry. A comparison of Elizabethan with Vic- torian poetry. First published in 1890. 824 Ta3 Tatler; selected essays, with an introduction and notes by A. C. Ewald. 1888. Warne. Some i as selected numbers. Thackeray, William Makepeace. 824 Juvenilia; miscellanies. [1904.] Kelmscott Soc. Brompton edition. Contains Thackeray's letters to the "Constitutional." He was Paris correspondent of this Radical paper during its brief existence, 1836-37 and he wrote chiefly of French politics. ENGLISH ESSAYS 1619 Thackeray, William Makepeace. 824 Literary essays. [1904.] Kelmscott Soc. Contents: The French revolution. A word on the annuals. Our batch of novels for Christmas, 1837. Duchess of Marlborough's private correspondence. Eros and An- teros; or, "Love." The diary relative to George IV and Queen Caroline. Memoirs of Holt, the Irish rebel. Half-a-crown's worth of cheap knowledge. The poetical works of Dr Southey, collected by himself. Passages from the diary of the late Dolly Duster. The annuals. Tyler's Life of Henry V. Eraser's Winter journey to Persia. Count Valerian Krasinski's History of the reformation in Poland. Our annual execution. Fielding's Works. Dickens in France. Mr Macaulay's Essays. Jerome Paturot. Grant in Paris. A box of novels. A new spirit of the age. Coningsby; or, The new generation. Dashes at life with a free pencil. About a Christmas book. A brother of the press on the history of a literary man, Laman Blanchard. On some illustrated children's books. A grumble about the Christmas books. The dignity of literature. Dumas on the Rhine. Thurston, Ernest Temple. 824 T43 Patchwork papers. 1911. Dodd. Contents: The pension of the patchwork quilt. The mousetrap, Henrietta street. The wonderful city. Bellwattle and the laws of God. Realism. The Sabbath. House to let. A suffragette. Bellwattle and the laws of nature. May eve. From my port- folio. An old string bonnet. The new malady. Bellwattle and the dignity of men. The night the pope died. Art. The value of idleness. The spirit of competition. Bellwattle on the higher mathematics. The mystery of the vote. Ship's logs. Little sketches and essays passing fancies, bits of personal experience, reflections in serious mood. Whibley, Charles. 824 W62 Studies in frankness. 1910. Constable. Contents: Introduction. Petronius. Heliodorus. Laurence Sterne. Apuleius. Herondas. E. A. Poe. Lucian. Sir Thomas Urquhart. Whiteing, Richard. 824 W64 Little people. 1909. Cassell. Sympathetic essays on the world's nobodies and failures, the unassertive and un- ambitious of every class. Author is an English journalist and novelist, best known for his description of life in the London slums. Wilde, Oscar. 824 W7id Decorative art in America; a lecture, together with letters, reviews and interviews; ed. with an introduction by R. B. Glaenzer. 1906. Brentano. Contents: Decorative art in America. Joaquin Miller, the good Samaritan. Mrs Langtry as Hester Grazebrook. "Vera" and the drama. Mr Whistler's "Ten o'clock." The relations of dress to art. The tomb of Keats. Keats' sonnet on Blue. English poetesses. London models. "Dorian Gray" and its critics. Rudyard Kipling and the Anglo-Indians. "A house of pomegranates." The relation of the actor to the play. The censure and "Salome." Paris, the abode of artists. Sarah Bernhardt and "Sa- lome." The ethics of journalism. Dramatic critics and "An ideal husband." Notes. "Decorative art in America" was delivered in New York in 1882 and was suggested by his observations during his American tour. It is a plea for better taste in house decoration and furnishing, for schools of design and for handicraftsmen. The intro- duction is a sympathetic essay on Oscar Wilde himself. Wilde, Oscar. 824 Wyie Eszmek; angol eredetibol forditotta Kerner Laszlo. 1908. Wilson, John, (pseud. Christopher North). 824 Essays, critical and imaginative. 4v. 1856-57. Blackwood. (Works, v.5-8.) v.i. Streams. Meg Dods's cookery. There is death in the pot. Gymnastics. Cruikshank on time. Health and longevity. On early rising. Old North and young North; or, Christopher in Edinburgh and Christopher in London. The man of ton; a i62o ENGLISH ORATORY Wilson, John, (pseud. Christopher North) continued. 824 satire. The loves of the poets. Education of the people. The young lady's book. Days departed; or, Banwell hill. Wordsworth. v.a. Christopher at the lakes. Tennyson's poems. Memoir of Vice-admiral the Hon. Sir Henry Blackwood. American poetry; William Cullen Bryant. Poetry of Ebenezer Elliott. On the punishment of death. Anglimania. v.j. The genius and character of Burns. Speech at the Burns festival. Christopher on Colonsay. Coleridge's poetical works. Tupper's Geraldine. De Berenger's Helps and hints. Macaulay's Lays of ancient Rome. A few words on Shakespeare. v.4. Homer and his translators. Greek drama; The Agamemnon of ^Eschylus. Windsor, Arthur Lloyd. 824 Ethica; or, Characteristics of men, manners and books. 1860. Smith. Contents: The mental history of Montaigne. Milton; his politics, prose writings and biographers. Dryden; or, The literary morality of an epoch. De Foe and the rise of pamphleteering. Pope and Swift, Bolingbroke and Harley. Goldsmith and the history of prose fiction in England. Characteristics of ancient and modern orators. 825 English oratory See also 308 Goodrich, Chauncey Allen, ed. qr825 G62 Select British eloquence; embracing the best speeches entire of the most eminent orators of Great Britain for the last two centuries, with sketches of their lives. 1852. Harper. 825 128 Irish eloquence; the speeches of the celebrated Irish orators, Philips, Curran and Grattan, to which is added the powerful appeal of Robert Emmett at the close of his trial for high treason, selected by a member of the bar. 1841. Biddle. Paul, Herbert Woodfield, ed. 825 P3i Famous speeches; selected and ed. with introductory notes. 1910. Pitman. Contents: Cromwell. Sir Robert Walpole. William Pitt, earl of Chatham. Burke. William Pitt. C. J. Fox. Sheridan. Henry Grattan. Canning. Daniel O'Connell. Sir Robert Peel. Richard tobden. Abraham Lincoln. Benjamin Dis- raeli. John Bright. Robert Lowe. Gladstone. 826 English letters Holcombe, James Philemon. 826 H6g Literature in letters; or, Manners, art, criticism, biography, history and morals illustrated in the correspondence of eminent persons. 1866. Appleton. The "eminent persons" range from Anne Boleyn to Hannah More, from Oliver Cromwell to Lord Chesterfield. Chiefly English and American. Ingpen, Ada M. comp. 826 124 Women as letter-writers; a collection of letters. 1909. Baker. Representative selection from the i6th century to modern times. Knight, William Angus, ed. 826 Ks4 Memorials of Coleorton; letters from Coleridge, Wordsworth and ENGLISH SATIRE AND HUMOR 1621 Knight, William Angus, ed. continued. 826 his sister, Southey and Sir Walter Scott to Sir George and Lady Beau- mont of Coleorton, Leicestershire, 1803 to 1834, with introduction and notes. 2v. 1887. Houghton. Beaumont was a patron of art and letters, a close friend of the Wordsworths, by whom the larger part of these letters were written. Lucas, Edward Verrall, ed. 826 Lg6 The gentlest art; a choice of letters by entertaining hands. 1908. Methuen. Uncommonly entertaining anthology of letters, arranged in groups under such head- ings as "Children and grandfathers," "The news bearers," "The familiar manner," "The grand style," "Urbanity and nonsense" and "Shadows." The little book contains some of the most delightful bits from Lamb and the other famous letter-writers and also a few fictitious letters from the novels of Thackeray and Dickens. Condensed from Nation, 1908. Lucas, Edward Verrall, ed. 826 Lg6s The second post; a companion to "The gentlest art." 1910. Mac- millan. Delightful "second delivery" of letters. 827 English satire and humor Arbuthnot, John. 827 A66 Life and works, by G. A. Aitken. 1892. Clarendon Press. Contents: Life of Dr Arbuthnot [by G. A. Aitken]. Works: The history of John Bull; The art of political lying; Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus; An essay concerning the origin of sciences; Virgilius restauratus; The humble petition of the colliers; Reasons humbly offered by the company of upholders; Mr John Ginglicutt's treatise; A sermon preached at Edinburgh; An essay on the usefulness of mathematical learning; Gnothi seauton. Doubtful works attributed to Dr Arbuthnot. "Bibliography," p. 176-1 88. Arbuthnot (1667-1735) was an English physician and wit, a close friend of Swift, intimate with Pope, Gay and Parnell. His literary writings, chiefly political satires, were published anonymously and the authorship of many works attributed to him is uncertain. [Beresford, James.] 1827 645 Miseries of human life; or, The groans of Samuel Sensitive and Timothy Testy, with a few supplementary sighs from Mrs Testy. 2v. 1806-07. Miller. Humorous recital of the annoying little accidents and trials of daily life. The chief work of an English clergyman (1764-1840), which was praised by Scott and won considerable popularity. Burton, William Evans, ed. qr827 695 Cyclopaedia of wit and humor, containing choice and characteristic selections from the writings of the most eminent humorists of America, Ireland, Scotland and England. 1872. Appleton. Butler, Samuel, English poet. 827 Bg6c Characters, and passages from note-books; ed. by A. R. Waller. 1908. Cambridge University Press. (Cambridge English classics.) Satiric descriptions of various types of men. Ranked among the wittiest of the character-writings of the I7th century. Much of this work is now printed for the first time from manuscripts in the British Museum. 1022 ENGLISH SATIRE AND HUMOR Butler, Samuel, 1835-1902. 827 897 Erewhon; or, Over the range. 1910. Button. Philosophical satire in which is sketched an imaginary land where crime is counted a disease, and disease a crime. Through most of the work there is but a slight semblance of a story. Condensed from Outlook (London), lyoi. Butler, Samuel, 1835-1902. 827 6970 Erewhon revisited twenty years later, both by the original discoverer of the country and by his son. 1910. Button. An improvement in every way upon its predecessor "Erewhon." There is the same genial satire, the same power of presenting topsy-turveydom so that it seems perfectly natural, but there is also a cleverly constructed, and even dramatic, story, and the characters, including those who reappear from the former volume, take on flesh and blood. Condensed from Outlook (London), /po/. Graham, Harry. 827 G76b Bolster book; a book for the bedside (comp. from the occasional writings of Reginald Drake Biffin). 1910. Duf field. This book of nonsense is likely to have an exhilarating effect, rather than the soporific one promised by the title. Hazlitt, William. 827 Ha8 Lectures on the English comic writers; from the third London edi- tion, ed. by his son. 1848. Carey. (Miscellaneous works, v.4.) Contents: Introductory: On wit and humour. On Shakspeare and Ben Jonson. On Cowley, Butler, Suckling, Etherege, &c. On Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh and Farquhar. On the periodical essayists. On the English novelists. On the works of Hogarth. On the comic writers of the last century. First published in 1819. Hood, Thomas, 1798-1845. 827 H76p Prose works. 2v. 1843. Porter. v.i. Miscellanies. Hood's own. v.z. Whimsicalities. Whims and oddities. "Memoir of Hood," v. i, p. 5-20. Hook, Theodore Edward. 827 H77 Choice humorous works, ludicrous adventures, ban mots, puns and hoaxes. [1873.] Hotten. Contents: Memoir of Theodore Hook. The Ramsbottom papers. Political songs and squibs. Tentamen; or, An essay towards the history of Whittington, some time lord mayor of London. Miscellanies in verse and prose. Anecdotes, hoaxes and jests. [Howe, W. H. comp.] 827 H8s Scotch wit and humor; classified under appropriate subject headings. 1898. Jacobs. "List of known works and authorities quoted," p. 12. Jerome, Jerome Klapka. 827 J28id Idle ideas in 1905. [1905.] Hurst. The method is the same, but the old spirit is lacking in these rather laborious jests about things of the day. Jerrold, Douglas William. 827 J28afr Frau Kaudels gardinenpredigten; aus dem englischen iibertragen durch Carl Tornow. [1872.] Milne, A. A. 827 Myi The day's play. [1910.] Methuen. All these articles and verses have appeared in "Punch." "It is all pure fun... His pages are as unforced and as easy as good conversation ...Whether it b of cricket, or billiards, or bachelor-days, or the little Margery, it is the manner only which really matters essentially a glad manner and as yet unspoiled." Saturday review, tyio. ENGLISH MISCELLANY 1623 Morgan, James Appleton, comp. r827 M8g Macaronic poetry; collected with an introduction. 1872. Kurd. Burlesque verses, in which words of another language, in this case English, are mingled with Latin words or are made to figure with Latin endings and in Latin con- structions, with little regard to syntax. Swift, Jonathan, dean. 827 Sgyb Battle of the books, with selections from the literature of the Phalaris controversy; ed. by A. Guthkelch. 1908. Chatto. "Bibliography," p. 297-312. The same. [1909.] Dent. (In his Tale of a tub, p.i43- 168.) 827 Sg7ta Burlesque of the controversy raging at the time, about 1695, over the relative merits of the ancients and moderns. Swift, Jonathan, dean. 827 Sgyp2 Podroze Gulliwera do nieznanych krajow. 4v. in I. The same; w ukladzie dla mlodziezy; przeklad polski C. Niewiadom- skiej. 1899 827 Sg7p Swift, Jonathan, dean. r827 SQ7W Works; containing papers not hitherto published, with memoir of the author by Thomas Roscoe. 2v. 1870. Bell. v.i. Life of Swift, by Thomas Roscoe. Travels of Lemuel Gulliver. Tale of a tub. Battle of the books. A discourse on the operation of the spirit. Journal to Stella. Memoirs relating to the change in Queen Anne's ministry in 1710. A discourse of the contests and dissensions in Athens and Rome. The examiner. Tracts, political and historical. Miscellaneous poems. Miscellanies in prose. v.2. Miscellanies in prose (continued). Sermons. Tracts, religious and mis- cellaneous. Miscellaneous papers [including] Law is a bottomless pit. Miscellanies in prose, by Swift and Sheridan. Thackeray, William Makepeace. 827 T33C4 Miscellaneous contributions to Punch. 2v. Kelmscott Soc. Brompton edition. "Bibliography of the works of William Makepeace Thackeray," v.2, p.347~48s. [Thackeray, William Makepeace.] 827 Mrs Perkins's ball, by M. A. Titmarsh. [1898.] Smith, Elder. Exact reprint of the original edition published in 1847. 828 English miscellany JEsop. r828 A25 Bewick's Select fables of ^Esop and others, to which are prefixed the life of ^Esop and an essay upon fable by Oliver Goldsmith, with the original wood engravings by Thomas Bewick and an illustrated preface by Edwin Pearson. [1871.] Bickers. Contents: Fables extracted from Dodsley's. Fables with reflections in prose and verse. Fables in verse. Reprinted from the rare Newcastle edition published by T. Saint in 1784. Arvine, Kazlitt. qr828 A7Q Cyclopaedia of anecdotes of literature and the fine arts, containing a copious and choice selection of anecdotes. 1853. Gould. Chase, Edithe Lea, & French, W. E. P. comp. 828 Cs8 Waes hael; the book of toasts, being, for the most part, bubbles 1624 ENGLISH MISCELLANY Chase, Edithe Lea, & French, W. E. P. cotnp. continued. 828 gathered from the wine of others' wit, with, here and there, an occa- sional humbler globule believed to be more or less original. 1905. Grafton. Dickens, Charles. 828 Miscellaneous papers, and plays and poems. 2v. Chapman. (Works, v.35-36.) v.i. Miscellaneous papers. Miscellanies from the "Examiner." Miscellanies from "Household words." v.z. Miscellanies from "Household words" (continued). Miscellanies from "All the year round." Plays. Poems. Gadshill edition. Dickens, Charles. 828 055 Plays, poems and miscellanies. 1894. Houghton. (Writings, v.28.) Contents: Plays: The strange gentleman; The village coquettes; Is she his wife? Poems. Miscellanies; Sunday under three heads; The Mudfog papers; Stray chapters by Boz; Sketches of young gentlemen; Sketches of young couples; Contributions to "Household words;" Contributions to "All the year round." Goldsmith, Oliver. 828 Gs8p Poems, plays and essays, with a critical dissertation on his poetry by John Aikin and an introductory essay by H. T. Tuckerman. [1884.] Crowell. Gray, Arthur, b. 1859, ed. 828 G8i Toasts and tributes; a happy book of good cheer, good health, good speed, devoted to the blessings and comforts of life south of the stars. 1905. Rohde. Greene, Robert. r828 083 Life and complete works in prose and verse; collected and ed. with notes by A. B. Grosart. isv. 1881-86. Privately printed. (The Huth library.) v.i. Storojenko's life of Robert Greene, with introduction and notes by the editor. v.z. Prose: Mamillia; Anatomic of flatterie. v.3. The myrrour of modestie; Morando, the tritameron of loue; Arbasto, the anatomic of fortune. v.4. The carde of fancie; The debate betweene Follie and Loue; Pandosto, the triumph of time. v.$. Planetomachia; Penelope's web; The Spanish masqverado. v.6. Menaphon, Camillas alarum to slumbering Euphues; Euphues, his censure to Philautus. v.7. Perimedes, the blacke-smith; Ciceronis amor; or, Tullies loue; The Royal ex- change. v.8. Greenes Neuer too late; Francescos fortunes. v.9. Alcida, Greenes metamorphosis; Greenes Mourning garment; Greenes Fare- well to folly. A notable discouery of coosnage: The art of conny-catching; The second part of conny-catching; The thirde and last parte of conny-catching; A dispvtation betweene a bee and shee conny-catcher. v.i i. The blacke booke's messenger; The defence of conny-catching; Philomela, the Lady Fitr waters nightingale; A quippe for an vpstart courtier. v.i 2. Orpharion; Greens Groats-worth of wit; The repentance of Robert Greene; Greenes Vision. T.I 3. Plays: Frier Bacon and Frier Bongay; The historic of Orlando Furioso; The Scottish historic of James the Fourth ; The comicall historic of Alphonsus, king of Arragon. v.i 4. A looking-glasse for London and England; George a Greene, the pinner of Wakefield; Selimus, emperour of the Turkes; A maidens dreame. v.i 5. General index. Index of names. Special lists of plants, animals, etc. Thieves' vocabulary. Occasional notes and illustrations. ENGLISH MISCELLANY 1625 Jones, Sir William. 1828 J4i Works, with the life of the author by Lord Teignmouth. I3v. 1807. Stockdale. Distinguished jurist and orientalist (1746-94), the first English scholar to master Sanskrit. While judge at Calcutta he devoted much attention to Indian literature, lan- guages and philosophy, translated many classics and began a digest of Hindu and Mo- hammedan law. Besides these, his works include a Persian grammar, life of Nadir Shah in French, treatise on bailments, papers on Hindu music, the botany and zoology of India, etc. Kipling, Rudyard. r828 K.2? Writings in prose and verse (Outward bound edition), v.24-25. 1910. Scribner. v.24. Actions and reactions. v.25. Rewards and fairies. For v.i 23 see preceding catalogue, second series. Nash, Thomas. r828 Ni4 Works; ed. from the original texts by R. B. McKerrow. v.4~5. 1908-10. v.4. Notes. v. 5. Introduction. Appendices. Index. "Thomas Nash [1567-1600?] claims a place of no little importance in the history of English prose. His pamphlets. . .display a trenchant wit and a directness in the use of language, which were rare in that age. He was a born satirist, hitting hard, abstain- ing from rhetorical parades of erudition, sketching a caricature with firm and broad touches, and coining pithy epigrams which stung like poisoned arrows. No writer before Nash, and few since his death, have used the English language as an instrument of pure invective with more complete mastery and originality of manner." /. A. Symonds. For v.i-3 see preceding catalogue, second series. Nicoll, Sir William Robertson. 828 N32 Round of the clock; "the story of our lives from year to year." [1910.] Hodder. "Plan of the book is to chart out the course of normal years by the face of the clock beginning at six o'clock of a morning and counting five years for every hour and to talk of life from the standpoint it represents on the clock face. The result is a leisurely survey of life at every age from the cradle to the limits of old age." Outlook (London), 1910. "There are, I think," says the author, "not a few who like to know on their birthdays how others were faring at the same age, and for these this book has been published." Northcote, James, and others. r828 N45 One hundred fables; selected from Northcote, Bewick and others. 1836. Wardle. Illustrated with wood-engravings. In each case the moral application of the fable is given. Rice, Wallace de Groot Cecil, comp. 828 Rag Toasts and table sentiments; a collection to gladden dinners and aid the good work of digestion. 1909. McClurg. The same ................................................. r828 Ruslrin, John. qr828 R8g Works; ed. by E. T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn. v.i-37. 1903-09. Allen. (Library edition.) v.i. Early prose writings, 1834 to 1843. v.2. Poems. T.3 7. Modern painters. v.8. Seven lamps of architecture. 1626 ENGLISH MISCELLANY Ruskin, John continued. qr&28 R8g v.o-io. Stones of Venice. v.i i. Stones of Venice (continued). Examples of the architecture of Venice. v.ia. Lectures on architecture and painting (Edinburgh, 1853), with other papers, 1 844- 8S4- T.I 3. Turner: The harbours of England; Catalogues and notes. v.i4. Academy notes. Notes on Prout and Hunt, and other art criticisms, 1855- 1888. v. 15. The elements of drawing. The elements of perspective. The laws of Fesole. v.i 6. "A joy for ever." The two paths. Letters on the Oxford museum, and various addresses, 1856-1860. v.i 7. Unto this last. Munera pulveris. Time and tide, with other writings on political economy, 1860-1873. v.i 8. Sesame and lilies. The ethics of the dust. The crown of wild olive, with letters on public affairs, 1859-1866. v. 19. The cestus of Aglaia. The queen of the air, with other papers and lectures on art and literature, 1860-1870. v.2o. Lectures on art. Aratra Pentelici, with lectures and notes on Greek art and mythology, 1870. v.2i. The Ruskin art collection at Oxford; catalogues, notes and instructions. v.22. Lectures on landscape. Michael Angelo & Tintoret. The eagle's nest. Ariadne Florentina, with notes for other Oxford lectures. v.23. Val d'Arno. The schools of Florence. Mornings in Florence. The shep- herd's tower. v.24. Giotto and his works in Padua. The Cavalli monuments, Verona. Guide to the Academy, Venice. St. Mark's rest. v.25. Love's meinie. Proserpina. v.26. Deucalion, and other studies in rocks and stones. v.27-29. Fors clavigera; letters to the workmen and labourers of Great Britain; letters 1-96, 1871-1884. v.3o. The Guild and Museum of St. George; reports, catalogues and other papers. v.3i. Bibliotheca pastorum: The economist of Xenophon; Rock honeycomb; The elements of prosody; A knight's faith. v-32. Studies of peasant life: The story of Ida; Roadside songs of Tuscany; Christ's folk in the Apennine; Ulric the farm servant. v.33. The Bible of Amiens. Valle crucis. The art of England. The pleasures of England. v.34. The storm-cloud of the igth century. On the old road. Arrows of the chace. Ruskiniana. v.35. Prseterita. Dilecta. v -36~37- Letters, 1827-89. Russell, William Clark, comp. r828 Rgi Book of authors; a collection of criticisms, ana, mots, personal de- scriptions, etc. [1871?] Warne. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. 828 854 Prose works, from the original editions; ed. by R. H. Shepherd. 2v. 1906. Chatto. v.i. Zastrozzi. St. Irvyne; or, The Rosicrucian. An address to the Irish people. Proposals for an association. Declaration of rights. A refutation of deism. History of a six weeks' tour through a part of France, Switzerland, Germany and Holland. A proposal for putting reform to the vote. "We pity the plumage, but forget the dying bird;" an address to the people on the death of the princess Charlotte. Letters to Leigh Hunt. The Shelley papers. v.2. A defence of poetry. Essay on the literature, the arts and the manners of the Athenians. On The symposium or preface to The banquet of Plato. The banquet; ir. from Plato. Ion; or, Of the Iliad; tr. from Plato. Menexenus; or, The funeral ora- tion. Fragments from The republic of Plato. On a passage in Crito. The assassins. On the punishment of death. On life. On a future state. Speculations on meta- physics. Fragments. Ghost stories. Letters from Italy. Miscellaneous essays and letters. "Bibliography," v.2, p.397~4O4. ANGLO-SAXON LITERATURE 1627 Sterne, Laurence. r8a8 883 Complete works and life, with an introduction by W. L. Cross. 6v. 1904. Clonmel Soc. v.i-2. Life and opinions of Tristram Shandy. v-3. A sentimental journey through France and Italy. Letters to his most inti- mate friends. v-4. Letters (continued). v.s. Sermons of Mr Yorick. . v.6. Life, by Percy Fitzgerald including Memoirs of the life of the family of Laurence Sterne written by himself. Trevelyan, Sir George Otto. 828 The ladies in Parliament, and other pieces; republished with addi- tions and annotations. 1888. Bell. Other pieces: Horace at the University of Athens. The Cambridge Dionysia; a classic dream. The dawk bungalow; or, Is his appointment pucka? A holiday among some old friends. Wilde, Oscar. r828 W;i Complete writings (Library edition). [iov.] 1909. Pearson. v.i. [Oscar Wilde's] life, with a critical estimate of his writings. A house of pomegranates. The happy prince, and other tales. v.2. Epigrams. De profundis. v.3. Lady Windermere's fan. The importance of being earnest. Intentions. v.4. Lord Arthur Savile's crime. The portrait of Mr W. H. and other stories. Essays, criticisms and reviews. v.s. The picture of Dorian Gray. v.6. Poems, including Ravenna, The ballad of Reading gaol, The sphinx, etc., with an introduction by Richard Le Gallienne. v.7. Poems in prose. Essays and stories by Lady Wilde. v.8. Salome. The duchess of Padua.- Vera. v.g. What never dies; a romance by Barbey Aurevilly; tr. into English by Sebas- tian Melmoth (Oscar Wilde). v. 10. A woman of no importance. An ideal husband. 829 Anglo-Saxon literature Bibliography Ayres, Harry Morgan, comp. 1-016.829 Ag8 Bibliographical sketch of Anglo-Saxon literature. 1910. Lemcke. (Columbia University, New York Department of English and com- parative literature.) General works 2Elfric, abp. of Canterbury. r82Q A24 Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon church; the first part containing the sermones catholici, or homilies of JEltric, in the original Anglo-Saxon, with an English version by Benjamin Thorpe. 2v. 1844-46. (^Elfric Society. Publications.) These homilies are also attributed to jElfric, called Grammaticus (//. 1006). "They excited great attention about the time of the Reformation, and were appealed to especially the 'Paschal Homily' to prove that the doctrines of the English Church before the Conquest were at variance with those held by the Church of Rome." Encyclo- paedia Britannica. 1628 ANGLO-SAXON LITERATURE Beowulf. J82Q 8440 Beowulf; the Anglo-Saxon epic; tr. and adapted for school use by J. H. Cox. 1910. Little. Contents: Beowulf fights Grendel. The fight with Grendel's mother. Beowulf and his company seek Higelac. Beowulf fights the dragon. Beowulf. 829 Deeds of Beowulf; an English epic of the eighth century done into modern prose, with an introduction and notes by John Earle. 1892. Clarendon Press. Marshall, Henrietta Elizabeth. j82g 644111 Stories of Beowulf, told to the children, with pictures by J. R. Skel- ton. [1908.] Jack. (Told to the children series.) Cynewulf. 829 Cg8p Poems of Cynewulf; tr. into English prose by C. W. Kennedy, with an introduction and facsimile page of the Vercelli ms. 1910. Rout- ledge. "Bibliography," p.335~347- Exeter book. r82g 98 Exeter book; an anthology of Anglo-Saxon poetry, presented to Exeter cathedral by Leofric, first bishop of Exeter (1050-1071) and still in possession of the dean and chapter; ed. from the manuscript, with a translation, notes, introduction, etc. by Israel Gollancz. pt.i. 1895. (Early English Text Society. Publications, 110.104.) Haigh, Daniel Henry. 829 Hi4 Anglo-Saxon sagas; an examination of their value as aids to history, a sequel to the "History of the conquest of Britain by the Saxons." 1861. Smith. Mr Haigh believes that the early poems of adventure, centering about such heroes as Beowulf, Hrethel, Hrothgar, etc. are not fabulous at all, but true and authentic records of the events of Anglo-Saxon history during the period which preceded the establishment of the kingdoms of the Heptarchy. Condensed from Athenaum, 1861. Krapp, George Philip, ed. 829 K4i Andreas, and The fates of the apostles; two Anglo-Saxon narrative poems. 1906. Ginn. (Albion series of Anglo-Saxon and Middle Eng- lish poetry.) "Bibliography," p.73~78. Two Anglo-Saxon poems contained in the "Vercelli book," a famous volume pre- served in the cathedral library at Vercelli. The "Andreas" is a long poem devoted to the fabulous adventures of St. Andrew and St. Matthew in Mermedonia. Its authorship is uncertain, but it is most often attributed to Cynewulf. The "Fates of the apostles" is a shorter poem considered by many critics a fragment or epilogue of "Andreas." The two poems are here carefully edited, with a critical introduction, notes and a glossary. Sweet, Henry, ed. r82g 897 Oldest English texts. 1885. (Early English Text Society. Publica- tions, v.83.) "This collection is intended to include all the extant old-English texts up to about 900 that are preserved in contemporary MSS., with the exception of the Chronicle and the works of Alfred. Most of the texts have been published before but many of them, especially the glossaries, in a very inaccurate and defective form. All the text* here given have been corrected by the originals, except the runic ones." Preface. GERMAN LITERATURE 1629 Thorpe, Benjamin, comp. r82g T$i Analecta Anglo-Saxonica; a selection in prose and verse from Anglo-Saxon authors of various ages, with a glossary, designed chiefly as a first book for students. 1834. Arch. Contents: From the New testament. First chapter of Genesis. History of Job. ^Elfrici colloquium. Life of St. Hilda, &c. From King Alfred's Orosius. From King Alfred's Boetius: The stories of Orpheus and of Ulysses. JElf tie's preface. Homilies. Description of the Mandrake. Dialogue between Saturn and Solomon. The spell. From the Saxon chronicle. Homily for St. Edmund's day. Wills. The death of Byrhtnoth; or, The battle of Maldon. Judith, The grave. The history of King Lear and his daughters. From the Ormulum. 830 German literature Bibliography Brooklyn, N. Y. Public library. roi6.8s 677 German books in the Brooklyn Public Library. 1907. Buffalo, N. Y. Library. qroi6.8s B86 Books in German; printed by the German Young Men's Association for the Encouragement of the Reading of the German Language. 1908. English and German title. Gattiker, Emma, comp. 1-016.83 623 Selected list of German books recommended for a small public li- brary; comp. for the Wisconsin free library commission. 1907. A. L. A. Pub. Board. (American Library Association. Foreign book list no.i.) Milwaukee Public library. qroi6.83 Vollstandiger katalog der deutschen biicher in der ausleiheabteilung der Oeffentlichen Bibliothek zu Milwaukee. 1910. General works Martens, Kurt. 830.4 M42 Literatur in Deutschland; studien und eindriicke. 1910. Contents: Einleitung und schema. Vom genusse der dichtung. Ausgang des naturalismus. Helene Bohlau. Stil und konnen. Graf Eduard Keyserling. Ein stuck Leipziger dramaturgic. Frank Wedekind. Dichtkunst und ehrsames handwerk. Die gebriider Mann. Uber erotische dichtung. Gerhard Duckama Knoop. Ursprung der jungsten stromungen. Herbert Eulenberg. Der dichter als soziale erscheinung. Stael-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine (Necker), 830.4 877 baronne de. De 1'Allemagne; ed. by H. W. Eve. 1906. Clarendon Press. (Ox- ford higher French series.) "Works on Madame de Stael," "Chronological table and bibliography," p. 230-232. Pittsburgh, Germanische Gesellschaft. r830.6 P67 Satzungen, angenommen 1905; Bericht vom Januar 1908; Mitglieder- liste, stand vom Januar 1908. 1630 GERMAN LITERATURE Collections of German literature Collitz, Frau Klara (Hechtenberg). 830.8 71 Selections from early German literature. 1910. Amer. Book Co. "This anthology. . .will serve at least to give a glimpse into what otherwise might be a shelf of closed books to students who are not specialists in Germanics, but who wish to know something about the works they hear of in lectures or read of in literary his- tories." Nation, 1910. 830.8 F2i Familien-bibliothek der deutschen classiker; eine anthologie des besten ihrer werke, mit den biographien der verfasser. v.2, 15, 19, 21-22, 26, 31, 33, 40-41, 47- 1850. .2. Auswahl aus A. W. Iffland's schauspielen. .15. Geist aus den sammtlichen werken von Wilhelm Hauff. Anthologie aus den samn tlichcn werken von Blumauer und Frohlich. .19. v. ThummeFs beste werke. pt.i-3. .21. v. Thummel's beste werke. pt.6-7. .22. Ausgewahlte schriften von H. W. von Gerstenberg. Gessner's beste werke. .26. Gothe's genius; rhythmische und prosaische fragmente. Anthologie aus den sammtlichen werken von Christian Garve. .31. Moses Mendelssohn's Phadon. Lichtwer's fabeln. .33. Anthologie aus den sammtlichen werken von E. M. Arndt. Adolph v. Knigge. Ueber den umgang mit menschen (im auszuge). v.40. Anthologie aus den gedichten von den gebrudern Grafen zu Stolberg. An- thologie aus den gedichten von Louise Brachmann und v. Maltitz. v.4i. Anthologie aus den gedichten von I. H. v. Wessenberg. Anthologie aus den gedichten von F. v. Sonnenberg und Langbein. v-47. Anthologie von Zschokke's werken. Hoffmann, Franz, 1814-82, ed. J83O.8 H68 Neuer deutscher jugendfreund zur unterhaltung und belehrung der jugend [1906]. v.6i. Miller, Daniel, ed. 1830.8 M6g Pennsylvania German; a collection of Pennsylvania German pro- ductions in poetry and prose, with an introduction by J. S. Stahr. v.2. 1911. Privately printed. For v.i see preceding catalogue, second series. Miiller, Max, comp. 830.8 Mgs German classics from the fourth to the igth century, with biograph- ical notices, translations into modern German and notes; revised, en- larged and adapted to Wilhelm Scherer's "History of German litera- ture" by F. Lichtenstein. 2v. 1906. Scribner. Ramage, Craufurd Tait, tr. rSso.S Ri; Beautiful thoughts from German and Spanish authors. 1884. Rout- ledge. Quotations from German and Spanish authors, given in the original and in trans- lation. History and criticism of German literature Hillebrand, Karl. 830.9 HSS German thought from the Seven years' war to Goethe's death; six lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, May and June 1879. 1880. Holt. Contents: Introduction: On the part of the five great European nations in the work of modern culture, 1450-1850. The starting-point and first stages of modern Ger- GERMAN LITERATURE 1631 Hillebrand, Karl continued. 830.9 many, 1648-1760. The seeds of German thought, 1760-70. The reign of Herder, 1770- 86. The triumvirate of Goethe, Kant and Schiller, 1787-1800. The romantic school, 1800-25. "Young Germany" and "Little Germany," 1825-60. Holzwarth, Franklin James. 830.9 H75 German students' manual of the literature, land and people of Ger- many. 1910. Amer. Book Co. Concise text-book showing the relation between Germany's literature and history. Gives outlines, act by act, of the dramas of Lessing, Schiller and Goethe. Keller, Isidor. 830.9 Ki6 Bilder aus der deutschen litteratur. 1905. Amer. Book Co. History of German literature told by the recital of the chief works of the more important authors. The aim is to awaken the student's interest and give him at least a "speaking acquaintance" with the great writers and their works. Can be enjoyed by one with a fair reading knowledge of German. 'Klee, Gotthold Ludwig. 830.9 Grundzuge der deutschen literaturgeschichte, fur hohere schulen und zum selbstunterricht. 1909. Kurz, Heinrich. qSso.g K44 Geschichte der deutschen literatur, mit ausgewahlten stiicken aus den werken der vorziiglichsten schriftsteller. 3v. 1864-65. Priest, George Madison. 830.9 Pg4 Brief history of German literature; based on Gotthold Klee's "Grund- zuge der deutschen literaturgeschichte." 1909. Scribner. "Herr Klee and Mr. Priest have made no attempt at vital literary history. The book is a bare chronicle of facts interspersed with brief characterizations, which are either patriotic or empty. If, for a moment, the authors become interpretative, their phrases are stereotyped." Nation, igio. Thomas, Calvin. 830.9 T^j History of German literature. 1909. Appleton. (Short histories of the literatures of the world.) "Bibliographic note," p.4i 1-421. "The greater part of [his] work is most praiseworthy. His arrangement is clear and logical, and his judgments, which are necessarily succinct, are well considered and persuasive." Saturday rezneiv, /ooo. Author is (1909) professor of Germanic languages and literatures in Columbia University. Wernaer, Robert Maximilian. 830.9 Wss Romanticism and the romantic school in Germany. 1910. Appleton. "Bibliography," p.335-35<>. Deals with the earlier romanticists alone, that is, the Schlegels, Tieck, Wackenroder and Novalis, and incidentally with Fichte, Schelling and Schleiermacher. 831 German poetry Andriessen, Hugo. 831 Asy Poetische auslese. 1908. [Pittsburgh Printing Co.] Pittsburgh. Bopp, Fritz. 831 663 Wolken und sterne; neue gedichte. 1897. Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie (Dubsky), freifrau von. qjSsi 22 Hirzepinzchen; ein marchen. 1890. 1632 GERMAN POETRY Heinzelmann, Jacob Harold. 1831 Esgzh Influence of the German volkslied on Eichendorff's lyric. 1910. "Bibliography," p.po-pa. Thesis for Ph. D., University of Chicago. Riethmiiller, Richard Henri. qrSsi 648 Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim's imitations of the MHG. minnc- song. 1905. The aim of the author has been lo throw light on the revival of interest in the minnesingers which took place in Germany in the i8th century and to show the position which the German poet Gleim held in that revival. Quotations are given from his poetry. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. 831 Gedichte in einer auswahl, mit einer einleitung und erlauterungen von Karl Heinemann. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. 831 Herman es Dorottya; az eredeti versmertekben forditotta Lehr Albert. 1900. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. 831 Gssse Select minor poems; tr. from the German of Goethe and Schiller, with notes by J. S. Dwight. 1839. Hilliard. Golder, Gottlieb. 1831 657 Klange aus stillen stunden [lieder]. 1906. Pittsburgh Printing Co. Pittsburgh. Gudrun. 831 Ggsn Gudrun; a mediaeval epic; tr. from the middle high German by M. P. Nichols. 1889. Houghton. In English verse, preserving the original metre. Heine, Heinrich. 831 H/jid Dalok konyve; forditotta es jellemzo bevezetessel ellatta EndrSdi Sandor. Heine, Heinrich. 831 H4ile Letzte gedichte und gedanken. 1869. Short collection of Heine's poems, aphoristic comments on art, literature, life and philosophy, with fragments from his prose works and a few letters. Heine, Heinrich. 831 H4ipo Poems, complete; tr. into the original metres, with a sketch of his life by E. A. Bowring. 1866. Bell. Heitere bilder fiir unsere madchen. qj83i H42 Henckell, Karl. 831 H43 Weltlyrik; ein lebenskreis in nachdichtungen. 1910. Hepp, Carl. 831 H45 Paracelsus; dichtung. 1907. Heyse, Paul. 831 Der salamander; ein tagebuch in terzinen. 1908. Heyse, Paul. 831 Ein wintertagebuch, Gardone 1901-1902. 1903. GERMAN POETRY 1633 Lang, Georg. j8ai Wie das samenkorn zu brot wird; bilder von Otto Kubel, text von Georg Lang. Lohmeyer, Julius, & Flinzer, Fedor. qjSai LySk Konig Nobel; ein heiteres bilderbuch. Loskiel, George Henry. r8ai L8g Gedichte. Manuscript copy. Nibelungenlied. 831 NSI! Lay of the Nibelungers; tr. into English verse after Carl Lach- mann's collated and corrected text by Jonathan Birch. 1878. Acker- mann. Nibelungenlied. 831 N3inb The Nibelungenlied; tr. by J. S. Cobb. 1906. Small. The form employed by the translator is the rhymed four-line stanza. "All in all, this effort seems praiseworthy." Nation, 1907. Nibelungenlied. 831 Nsinbe Nibelungenlied; tr. into rhymed English verse in the metre of the original by G. H. Needier. 1905. Holt. Niembsch von Strehlenau, Nikolaus, called Nikolaus Lenau. r8si N33 Sammtliche werke; hrsg. von Anastasius Griin. 4v. 1855. Nietzsche, Friedrich. 831 N336 Gedichte und spriiche. 1901. Ruckert, Friedrich. 831 R82t Riickert-nachlese; sammlung der zerstreuten gedichte und ueber- setzungen Friedrich Riickerts; hrsg. von Leopold Hirschberg. 2v. 1910-11. Bibliography, v.i, p.6-8. Sachs, Hans. 831 Si2a Ausgewahlte werke; eingeleitet und in unserer schreibung heraus- gegeben von Albrecht Keller. 1908. Sachs (1494-1576) was a German poet and dramatist, the best of the "meister- singers." Saphir, Moritz Gottlieb. 831 824! Fliegendes album fur ernste und heitere declamation; ausgewahlte sammlung aus dessen friiheren dichtungen. 1863. Saphir (1795-1858) was an Austrian humorous writer. Scheffel, Joseph Victor von. 831 8313 Aus heimat und fremde; lieder und gedichte. 1902. Scheffel, Joseph Victor von. 831 Waldeinsamkeit; dichtung. 1903. Scheffel, Joseph Victor von, and others. 831 Gaudeamus! humorous poems; tr. from the German by C. G. Leland. 1872. Osgood. Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von. 831 S33k Koltemenyei; forditotta es bevezetessel ellatta Doczi Lajos. 1902. 1634 COLLECTIONS OF GERMAN POETRY Schlapp, George. 831 8338 Erzahlende dichtungen; gedichte und aphorismen. 1908. Schulze-Etzel, Theodor, (pseud. Theodor Etzel), & 831 8391 Ewers, H. H. Ein fabelbuch. 1901. Tiedge, Christoph August. 831 T44 Werke; hrsg. von A. G. Eberhard. 7v. in 4. 1827. German poet (1752-1841). "In his language he rather reminds us of Schiller, and in his 'Urania,' (1801) a lyrico-didactic poem on God, Immortality and Liberty, he takes us back to Klopstock and Haller." Schercr's History of German literature. Wolff, Julius. 831 W8sf * Der fahrende schuler; eine dichtung. 1900. (Grote'sche sammlung von werken zeitgenossischer schriftsteller, v.68.) Wolff, Julius. 831 W83fl Der fliegende Hollander; eine seemannssage. 1907. Wolff, Julius. 831 WSsp Die Pappenheimer; ein reiterlied. 1898. A poem on the Thirty years' war. Collections of German poetry 831.08 B2i Balladenbuch. 2v. 1907-08. (Hausbiicherei der deutschen dichter- gedachtnis-stiftung.) v.i. Neuere dichter. v.2. Aeltere dichter. Bithell, Jethro. 831.08 649 The minnesingers, v.i. 1909. Longmans. v.i. Translations. "Principal works quoted in the notes," p. 1113. Bithell, Jethro, tr. 831.08 6490 Contemporary German poetry. 1909. Scott Pub. Co. "Bibliography," p.2p-32. Consbruch, Maximilian, & Klincklieck, Friedrich, comp. 831.08 Deutsche lyrik des 19. jahrhunderts. 1909. Nicholson, Frank C. tr. 831.08 Old German love songs; tr. from the minnesingers of the I2th to I4th centuries. 1907. Unwin. Mr Nicholson has furnished an excellent historical introduction. "Clearly the work of a scholar equipped with a thorough knowledge of Middle High German, from the literary and the philological point of view." Athenaum, 11)07. Scholz, Wilhelm von, comp. 831.08 836 Deutsches balladenbuch; enthaltend die neueren deutschen balladen des 18. und 19. jahrhunderts von Burger bis Liliencron, mit einer ein- leitung. 1905. Thomas, Calvin, comp. 831.08 T37 Anthology of German literature. 1907. Heath. Chiefly devoted to selections from German poetry from the earliest times to the i6th century. GERMAN DRAMA 1635 [Wustmann, Gustav, comp.] 831.08 Wgy Als der grossvater die grossmutter nahm; ein liederbuch fur alt- modische leute. 1905. [Zeitler, Julius, ed.] 831.08 Z43 Der rosengarten der deutschen liebeslieder [gesammelt u. hrsg. v. Jul. Zeitler]. 1908. History of German poetry Taylor, William, 1765-1836. 831.09 T25 Historic survey of German poetry, interspersed with various trans- lations. 3v. 1830. Treuttel. "It is a patchwork. . .of his previous articles and translations, with digressions on Homer, the Zendavesta, and other literary gleanings, while the 'survey' itself was not brought up to date. But it shows what Taylor had been doing for German studies during a literary life of forty years, and its value is that of a permanent conspectus of his work." Dictionary of national biography. 832 German drama Benedix, Julius Roderich. 832 B43b Das bemooste haupt; oder, Der lange Israel; schauspiel in vier auf- zugen. Benedix, Julius Roderich. 832 6433 Doktor Wespe; lustspiel in fiinf aufzugen. Benedix, Julius Roderich. 832 B43h Haustheater; eine auswahl der besten einaktigen lustspiele, vor- spiele und soloszenen fur gesellige kreise und offentliche biihnen; hrsg. und mit vorwort versehen von C.W.Schmidt. v.i3. v.i3. 1813; kriegsbild in zwei aufzugen. Die Sonntagsjager; lustspiel in einem aufzuge. Benedix, Julius Roderich. 832 643 Die hochzeitsreise; ed. with notes and vocabulary by Natalie Schief- ferdecker. 1907. Heath. (Heath's modern language series.) Benedix, Julius Roderich. 832 643? Plautus und Terenz; Die sonntagsjager; two comedies; ed. with an introduction and notes by B. W. Wells. 1896. Heath. (Heath's modern language series.) Benedix, Julius Roderich. 832 57 Der weiberfeind; lustspiel in I aufzuge. Bound with Alexander Elz's "Er ist nicht eifersuchtig!" Dreyer, Max. 1805 P?4 v.i4 On probation [Der probe-kandidat; a drama; tr. from the German by Mary Harned]. (In Poet-lore, 1902-03, v.i4, no.2, p.4O-ii3.) Elz, Alexander. 832 57 Er ist nicht eifersuchtig! lustspiel in I akt. Holt. (College series of German plays.) 1636 GERMAN DRAMA Frenssen, Gustav. 832 Fga Das heimatsfest; schauspiel in fiinf akten. 1903. Freytag, Gustav. 832 Fg4Jo The journalists; a comedy in four acts; literally tr. from the German by Herbert Leslie. 1904. Hinds. Friedrich, W. 832 Ganschen von Buchenau; lustspiel in einem akt, with table of dif- ficulties by S. M. Stern. 1884. Holt. (Stern's selected German come- dies prepared for students.) Fulda, Ludwig. 832 Fg8d Der dummkopf ; lustspiel in fiinf aufziigen. 1907. Fulda, Ludwig. 832 Fg8k Die kameraden; lustspiel in drei aufziigen. 1895. Fulda, Ludwig. 832 Fg8u Unter vier augen, lustspiel von Ludwig Fulda; Der prozess, lust- spiel von Roderich Benedix; ed. with notes and vocabulary by W. A. Hervey. 1902. Holt. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. 832 Faust; a tragedy; ed. and annotated by F. H. Hedge; metrical ver- sion by Miss Swanwick, also a prose translation of the same by A. Hayward. 1882. Williams. Contains also: Clavigo. Egmont. The wayward lover. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. 832 Faust; freely adapted from Goethe's dramatic poem by Stephen Phillips and J. C. Carr. 1908. Macmillan. In mere style, rhythm and facility Messrs Phillips and Carr have produced the best version in English of Goethe's work. The condensation and adaptation of the poem to a workable drama have been skilfully managed. Condensed from Nation, 1908. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. 832 G$Sg Gotz von Berlichingen, mit einleitungen von Karl Goedeke. (Samt- liche werke, v.9.) With this are bound his Clavigo; Egmont; Stella; Die geschwister. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. 832 Iphigenie auf Tauris; Torquato Tasso, und Die natiirliche tochter. (Samtliche werke, v.u.) Davidson, Thomas. 832 Philosophy of Goethe's Faust; ed. by C. M. Bakewell. 1906. Ginn. "Its content, I believe, is the entire spiritual movement toward individual emancipa- tion, composed of the Teutonic Reformation and the Italian Renaissance in all their history, scope, and consequences." Preface. Griggs, Edward Howard. 832 Goethe's Faust; a handbook of ten lectures. 1906. Huebsch. "Book list," p.s8-63. Outline of each lecture is given, topics for study and discussion are suggested and references cited. GERMAN DRAMA 1637 Haskell, Mrs Juliana. 832 Gssfgzh Bayard Taylor's translation of Goethe's Faust. 1908. Columbia University Press. "Bibliography," p.po-no. Attempt to discover wherein this version fails, both -as an English poem and as a rendering of Goethe's work. 832 G55f9 .V KB , mtrnn*? aonu nnpjn nan) HMSN p Melzer, Ernst. 832 Goethes ethische ansichten; ein beitrag zur geschichte der philoso- phic unserer dichterheroen. 1890. Sonderabdruck aus dem fiinfundzwanzigsten bericht der Neisser Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Philomathie. Noe, Adolf Carl von. r832 Gsszn Das junge Deutschland und Goethe. 1910. "Bibliographic," p. 1013. Thesis for Ph. D., University of Chicago. Grillparzer, Franz. 832 Ggik2 Konig Ottokars gluck und ende; trauerspiel in fiinf aufziigen; ed. with introduction and notes by C. E. Eggert. 1910. Holt. "Bibliography," p.53-55. "An introduction of fifty pages not only presents us with a critical analysis of what is now universally regarded as one of the most powerful and most admirably constructed dramas in German literature, but furnishes one of the best short biographical and literary surveys of the poet in the English language." Nation, 1910. Williamson, Edward John. r832 Ggizw Grillparzer's attitude toward romanticism. 1910. University of Chicago Press. Thesis for Ph. D., University of Chicago. Gutzkow, Karl Ferdinand. r8os P74 v.y Uriel Acosta [a drama; tr. by Richard Hovey and F. S.Jones]. (In Poet-lore, 1895, v.7_) Hauptmann, Carl. r8os P74 v.i2 Ephraim's breite; a drama in five acts [tr. by Mary Harned]. (In Poet-lore, 1900, v.i2, p.46s-S36.) Hauptmann, Gerhard. rSos P74 v.i8 And Pippa dances; a mystical tale of the glass-works in four acts; tr. from the German by Mary Harned. (In Poet-lore, 1907, v.i8, p. 289- 34I-) Hauptmann, Gerhard. r8os P74 v.20 Assumption of Hannele; a dream-poem in two parts; tr. by G. S. Bryan. (In Poet-lore, 1909, v.2o, p. 161-191.) Hauptmann, Gerhard. r8os P74 v.20 Before dawn (Vor sonnenaufgang); a social drama; tr. by Leonard Bloomfield. (In Poet-lore, 1909, v.20, p.24i-3i5.) 1638 GERMAN DRAMA Hauptmann, Gerhard. rSos P74 v.i? Elga; tr. from the German by Mary Harned. (In Poet-lore, 1906, v.17, no.i, p.i-35-) 832 H35fu .nmjw .:nj?3DKj .1 .n n *ww* .JNDTI Hauptmann, Gerhard. 832 Griselda [drama, in German]. 1909. Hauptmann, Gerhard. 832 Kaiser Karls geisel; ein legendenspiel. 1908. "In a series of dissolving pictures, the dramatist has drawn contrasts between winter and spring, the frosts of old age, and the flowers of youth... The story gives the poet an admirable chance to depict the virility of the aged Prankish king." Nation, 1908. 832 H351o 832 H35wea nynjrn KH Feprap^i.. 832 H35wo FEojiHoe codpanie conHHenift. T. 1-3. 1908. T. 1. Feprapflt FaynTMaiit, aiio^t H. A. KorjinpeBCKaro. Ilepe^x BOCXO^OMT> cojiHn;a. TicaHH. Bo6pOBaH niy6a. KpacHufi ntxyxt. BosiHKt FeHinejiB. Posa THJII>. AnocTOJit. T. 2. IIpas^HHKi, Mipa. O,a;HHOKie. Kcuurera K KpaMept. FIoTonyBniift KOJIOKOJTB. FeftHpHXT>. T. 3. Ojiopianx Fettept. 3ajiOMCHHii;a Kapjia BejiHKaro. 3jii>ra. lUjnoKt H Hy. H FlHna njiHiuexx. EHiiio$c<5epra. Fejiioct. FlacxyinecKaH nicnt. Hebbel, Friedrich. r8os Py4 v.2o Agnes Bernauer; a tragedy in five acts; tr. by Loueen Pattee. (In Poet-lore, 1909, v.2O, p.i-6o.) Hebbel, Friedrich. 832 Hs8 Agnes Bernauer; ein deutsches trauerspiel in fiinf akten; ed. with in- troduction and notes by Camillo von Klenze. 1911. Oxford University Press. (Oxford German series.) "Bibliography," p. 175-1 78. Edition intended for students who have had at least two years of German. Intro- duction gives a brief biography of Hebbel and an account of his works. Wiehr, Josef. 1832 HsSzw Hebbel und Ibsen in ihren anschauungen verglichen. 1908. Thesis for Ph. D., University of Pennsylvania. Hirschfeld, Georg. 832 H6i Die mutter; schauspiel. 1900. GERMAN DRAMA 1639 Hirschfeld, Georg. 832 H6iw Der weg zum licht; ein Salzburger marchendrama in vier akten. 1902. Hirschfeld, Georg. 832 H6iz Zu hause; ein akt. 1896. Hofmannsthal, Hugo Hofmann, edler von. 832 H68 Electra; a tragedy in one act; tr. by Arthur Symons. 1908. Bren- tano. Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim. 3832 L64g Gesammelte werke. 2v. in I. 1855. Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim. 832 L64m2 Minna von Barnhelm; lustspiel in fiinf aufzugen. The same; ed. with introduction, notes and vocabulary by Josef Wiehr. 1910. (Oxford German series.) .................... 832 L64tn3 The same [ed.] with introduction, notes and vocabulary by A. B. Nichols. 1906. Holt ..................................... 832 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim. 832 Nathan der Weise; ein dramatisches gedicht [und Emilia Galotti, und Minna von Barnhelm]. (Dramatische meisterwerke.) 832 L64nat .lisa IIJ;DB> rmo pnyj .jj'DDj? 1 ? .y .j p^ono nm T ,Q3nn fDJ Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim. 832 L64P Poetische und dramatische werke. [1867?] Fischer, Ernst Kuno Berthold. 832 L64zf G. E. Lessing als reformator der deutschen literatur. 2v. 1904-05. v.i. Lessings reformatorische bedeutung. Minna von Barnhelm. Lessings Faust. Emilia Galotti. v.2. Nathan der Weise; die idee und die charaktere der dichtung. Study of Lessing's plays, first issued in 1881. Author is a noted German philosopher and literary critic. Moser, Gustav von. 832 MQ35 Der bibliothekar; ed. with an introduction and notes by B. W. Wells. 1907. Heath. Miiller, Hugo. 832 57 Im wartesalon erster klasse; lustspiel in I akt. Holt. Bound with Alexander Elz's "Er ist nicht eifersuchtig!" Rosen, Julius. 832 R?2 Ein knopf; lustspiel in einem act, with table of difficulties by S. M. Stern. 1883. Holt. (Stern's selected German comedies prepared for students.) Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von. 832 S33 yrojudb. Boft 6a6oHeKi>. FH- Co,a;oMa. HCCTL. T. 2. loaiiHt. OFHH HsaHOBoft HOHH. Tea. ^a s/jpaBcxByext Wiegand, Johannes, & Scharrelmann, Wilhelm. rSos Pj4 v.ig Wages of war; a play in three acts. (In Poet-lore, 1908, v.ig, p.129- 164.) Wilbrandt, Adolf. 832 W6gk Kriemhild; trauerspiel in drei aufziigen. 1877. Wilbrandt, Adolf. rSos P74 Master of Palmyra; a dramatic poem [tr. by H. S. Olive]. (In Poet- lore, 1901, v.i3, p.i6i-248.) Wildenbruch, Ernst von. 832 W7iha Harold; trauerspiel in fiinf akten. 1903. Wildenbruch, Ernst von. 832 Wyik Die Karolinger; trauerspiel in vier akten. 1898. Zechmeister, Alexander Viktor, (pseud. Alexander Wilhelmi). 832 237 Einer muss heiraten! lustspiel von Alexander Wilhelmi; Eigensinn, lustspiel von Roderich Benedix; ed. with notes and vocabulary by W. A. Hervey. 1907. Holt. History of the German drama Witkowski, Georg. 832.09 W82 The German drama of the igth century; authorized translation from the 2d German edition by L. E. Horning. 1909. Holt. "An attempt to pave the way for an understanding of the drama of the present day from an historical standpoint." Preface. 1642 GERMAN ESSAYS 833 German fiction Only works about German fiction are classified here. For works of fiction, see alphabetical list following the general class Literature. Taylor, Marion Lee. 833 M6szt Study of the technique in Konrad Ferdinand Meyer's novellen. 1909. University of Chicago Press. "Bibliography," p. 105 109. Dissertation submitted to the faculty of the University of Chicago. Thompson, Garrett William. r833 S^zt Inquiry into the sources of Charles Sealsfield's novel "Morton; oder, Die grosse tour." Thesis for Ph. D., University of Pennsylvania. 834 German essays Francke, Kuno. 834 F87g German ideals of to-day, and other essays on German culture. 1907. Houghton. Other essays: Three anniversary addresses: Goethe's message to America; Schil- ler's message to modem life; Emerson and German personality. The evolutionary trend of German literary criticism. The inner life in German sculpture. The study of na- tional culture. Sketches of contemporary German letters; Hauptmann's Fuhrmann Hen- schel; Sudermann's Die drei reiherfedern; Paulsen's Philosophia militans; Herman Grimm; an obituary; Hauptmann's Michael Kramer; Hauptmann's Der arme Heinrich; The struggle for individuality on the German stage; Widmann's Der heilige und die tiere. The future of German literature. By the (1907) professor of German literature at Harvard University. "The temper of these papers is frankly propagandist. They wish to arouse sym- pathy with German views of public life, education, literature and art; and they try to set forth some German achievements in various fields of higher activity." Preface. Kaboth, Hans. 834 Kn Aus meiner waldkanzel; jagerliches allerlei. 1905. Miinsterberg, Hugo. 834 Mg6 American problems from the point of view of a psychologist. 1910. Moffat Contents: The fear of nerves. The choice of a vocation. The standing of scholar- ship. Prohibition and temperance. The intemperance of women. My friends, the spiritualists. The market and psychology. Books and bookstores. The world language. Nietzsche, Friedrich. 834 Nsst Thoughts out of season [ed. by Oscar Levy]. 2v. 1910. Foulis. (Complete works, v.i-2.) v.i. David Strauss, the confessor and the writer. Richard Wagner in Bayreuth. v.a. The use and abuse of history. Schopenhauer as educator. v.i is translated by A. M. Ludovici and v.2 by Adrian Collins. Nietzsche, Friedrich. 834 NSSW Der wanderer und sein schatten. 1900. 834 N43pa 834 N43w .DP i-p .a IIB ta GERMAN SATIRE AND HUMOR 1643 Reich, Lucian. 834 R2g Wanderbliihten aus dem gedenkbuche eines malers. 1855. Herder. Contents: Das burgele. Pilgerfahrten durch das Breisgau und den Schwarzwald. Die familie des einungsmeisters. Die beiden schwestern. Hauschronik einer Schwarz- walder schildmalers- familie. Der arme Konrad und des vogts Mariann'. Johar.n Bap- tist Seele. Johann Nepomuk Schelble. Schlusswort. Scherr, Johannes. 834 Grossenwahn; vier kapitel aus der geschichte menschlicher narr- heit, mit zwischensatzen. 18/6. Contents: Mutter Eva. Konig Ian der gerechte. Die gekreuzigte. Das rothe quartal. Trendelenburg, Friedrich Adolf. 834 Ty2 Kleine schriften. 2v. in I. 1871. Contents: Zur vaterlandischen geschichte. Zu staat und recht Zur padagogik. Universitatsreden. Zur kunstbetrachtung. Weber, Max Maria, freiherr von. 834 W37a Aus der welt der arbeit; gesammelte schriften; hrsg. von Maria von Wildenbruch. 1907. 835 German oratory Tombo, Rudolph, b. 1846, & Tombo, Rudolph, b. 1875, ed. 835 TSQ Deutsche reden; speeches by Bebel and others. 1905. Heath. (Heath's modern language series.) Contents: August Bebel. Klassenpolitik und sozialreform. Rudolph von Bennig- sen. Die gemeingefahrlichen bestrebungen der sozialdemokratie. Furst Bismarck. Die deutsche kolonialpolitik; Die politische gesamtlage Europas. Robert Blum. Die pro- visorische zentralgewalt. Furst Bulow. Die wirren in China; Rede gehalten bei der enthullung des Bismarck-denkmals. F. C. Dahlmann. Die erblichkeit des reichsober- hauptes. Graf von Moltke. Das reichsmilitargesetz. Eugen Richter. Zum neuen flottenplan. Carl Schurz. Grass ans alte vaterland; Die deutsche muttersprache. Kaiser Wilhelm II. Rede gehalten auf dem studenten-kommers zu Bonn. Notes. Chronological table. 837 German satire and humor Fisher, Henry L. qr837 FSS 'S alt marik-haus mittes in d'r schtadt, un Die alte zeite; e'n cen- tennial poem in pennsylfanisch deutsch. 1879. Privately printed. [Klinger, Friedrich Maximilian von?] r837 ^32 Travels before the flood; an interesting oriental record of men and manners in the antediluvian world, interpreted in 14 evening conversa- tions between the caliph of Bagdad and his court; tr. from the Arabic. 2v. in I. 1797. Carlisle. Of the nature of a political satire. Reuter, Fritz. 837 Rs6 Aus der franzosenzeit, und Wie ich zu 'ner frau kam; ins hoch- deutsche iibertragen von Heinrich Conrad. 1905. (Meisterwerke, v.i.) Reuter, Fritz. 837 Rs6au Aus meiner festungszeit; ins hochdeutsche iibertragen von Heinrich Conrad. [1905.] (Meisterwerke, v.2.) 1644 GERMAN MISCELLANY 838 German miscellany Borne, Ludwig, (Lob Baruch). 838 B6ag2 Gesammelte schriften. 8v. in 3. [1878.] v. 1-2. Erzahlungen. Reisen. Vermischte aufsatze. Schilderungen aus Paris. Aus meinem tagebuche. Dramaturgische blatter. v.3-$. Nachtrage zu den dramaturgischen blattern. Kritiken. Briefe aus Frank- furt. Menzel der franzosenfresser. Fragmente und aphorismen. Franzosische auf- satze. Briefe aus Paris. v.6 8. Briefe aus Paris (continued). Nachgelassene schriften: Briefe und ver- mischte aufsatze aus den jahren 1819, 1820, 1821; Briefe und vermischte aufsatze aus dera jahre 1822. Vermischte aufsatze, fragtnente und aphorismen. Dietzgen, Josef. 838 Erkenntnis und wahrheit; des arbeiterphilosophen universelle denk- weise und naturmonistische anschauung iiber lebenskunst, okonomie, philosophic, religion und sozialismus; hrsg. von Eugen Dietzge'n. 1908. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. 838 Maxims and reflections; tr. by Bailey Saunders. 1893. Macmillan. Contents: Translator's preface. Life and character. Literature and art. Science. Nature; aphorisms. 838 H41wr CJIOB>) im .T II .pyrm Heine, Heinrich. 838 H4iw Wit, wisdom and pathos from the prose of Heinrich Heine, with a few pieces from the "Book of songs;" selected and tr. by J. Snodgrass. 1888. Cupples. Nietzsche, Friedrich. 838 Thus spake Zarathustra; a book for all and none; tr. by Alexander Tille. 1896. Macmillan. (Works, v.8.) The same; tr. by Thomas Common. 1911. Macmillan. (Complete works, v-4.) ................................................ 838 Rosegger, Petri Kettenfeier. 838 Ryas Sonntagsruhe; ein unterhaltungs- und erbauungsbuch, enthaltend gedichte in steirischer mundart, hochdeutsche gedichte, aufsatze iiber kinder, parabeln, legenden und weltbetrachtungen. 1904. (Ausgewahlte schriften.) 839 Minor Teutonic literatures 839.2 Old Saxon literature Salzwedel, R. A. r83Q.2 Si8 Der Heliand (seine entstehung und als germanisches epos); eine literarhistorische studie. 1910. Study of an Old Saxon epic poem of the ninth century relating the life of Christ. ICELANDIC LITERATURE 1645 839.3 Dutch literature Bowring, Sir John, & Van Dyk, H. S. cmnp. 839.3 B66 Batavian anthology; or, Specimens of the Dutch poets, with re- marks on the poetical literature and language of the Netherlands to the end of the I7th century. 1824. Taylor. Cats, Jacob. V^39-3 C28m Moral emblems, with aphorisms, adages and proverbs of all ages and nations from Jacob Cats and Robert Farlie, with illustrations freely rendered from designs found in their works by John Leighton; the whole tr. and ed. with additions by Richard Pigot. 1860. Longman. Selections from the emblematic works of Cats (1577-1660), long the most popular of Dutch poets. To most of the poems he appends pertinent quotations from classical writers and a number of popular proverbs, in various languages, bearing on the theme. In this edition are included also the poems of the Scottish emblematist,* Robert Farley, published in 1638 under the title "Lychnocausia." 839.6 Icelandic literature. Old Norse literature Cornell University Library. r83g.6 C82 Islandica; an annual relating to Iceland and the Fiske Icelandic col- lection in Cornell University Library, v.i-date. igoS-date. v.i. Bibliography of the Icelandic sagas and minor tales, by Halldor Hermannsson. v.2. The Northmen in America, by Halldor Hermannsson. v.3- Bibliography of the sagas of the kings of Norway and related sagas and tales, by Halldor Hermannsson. v.4. The ancient laws of Norway and Iceland, by Halldor Hermannsson. v.$. Bibliography of the mythical-heroic sagas, by Halldor Hermannsson. Edda. 839.6 E26e Elder or poetic edda, commonly known as Sasmund's edda; ed. and tr. with introduction and notes by Olive Bray. v.i. 1908. Viking Club. (Viking Club translation series.) v.i. The mythological poems. "Bibliography," v.i, p.zgS 304. Literal translation intended less for students and scholars than for the general read- er interested in Norse mythology. Gislis saga. 839.6 645 Story of Gisli the outlaw [tr.] from the Icelandic by G. W. Dasent. 1866. Edmonston. "The best of [Dasent's] Icelandic translations. . .The story is based upon a fusion of two Icelandic texts, and is one of the finest of the lesser sagas." Dictionary of na- tional biography. Hall, Jennie. J839-6 Hiy Viking tales. 1902. Rand. Viking adventures west-over-seas from Norway to Iceland, Greenland and "Wine- land the Good." French, Allen. J8sg.6 Ns7f Heroes of Iceland; adapted from Dasent's translation of "The story of Burnt Njal," the great Icelandic saga, with a new preface, introduc- tion and notes. 1905. Little. Tells of life in Iceland in the loth century, of the matchless champion Gunnar, the tragic fate of Njal, of Flosi's evil deed and of Kari's stern revenge. 1646 SWEDISH LITERATURE Viga-Glum's saga. 839.6 Story of Viga-Glum; tr. from the Icelandic with notes and an intro- duction by Sir Edmund Head. 1866. Williams. "This Saga contains important contributions to the history of manners, legislation, and religious ideas. It is composed in the pure old language, and is without doubt one of the earliest written narratives. The events are true." Mailer's Saga bibliothek. Vigfusson, Gudbrandr, ed. qrSsg.S V^zi Icelandic sagas and other historical documents relating to the settle- ments and descents of the Northmen on the British Isles. 2v. 1887. Eyre. v.i. Orkncyinga saga and Magnus saga, with appendices. v.2. Hakonar saga and a fragment of Magnus saga, with appendices. Vigfusson, Gudbrandr, & Powell, F. Y. comp. r8sg.6 Vs2 Icelandic prose reader, with notes and glossary. 1879. Clarendon Press. 839.7 Swedish literature Bibliography Palmgren, Valfrid, comp. 1016.8397 P J 9 Selected list of Swedish books recommended for public libraries. 1909. A. L. A. Pub. Board. (American Library Association. Foreign book list no.5.) General works [Schiick, Johan Henrik Emil, & Berg, R. G. ed.] ^39.7 838 Sveriges national-literatur, 1500-1900. v.i-25. [1907-12.] v.i. Ref ormationstiden : Olavus Petri; Gustaf II Adolf; Lars Wivallius. v.2. Svensk renassanslitteratur: Skogekar Bargbo; Georg Stiernhielm; Samuel Columbus; Andreas Arvidi; Urban Hiarne; Lars Johansson; Johan Runius; Haquin Spegel; Gunno Dalstierna; Israel Holstrom; Jacob Frese. v-3- Frihetstidens poesi: Triewald; Lohman; Dalin; Fru Nordenflycht; Creutz; Gyllenborg; Bergklint. v.4. Carl Mikael Bellman. Jakob Wallenberg. v.$. Gustavianernas poesi: Kellgren; Leopold; Oxenstierna; Thorild; Lidner; Fru Lenngren. v.6. I7oo-talets prosaforfattare. v.7. Sengustavianerna. I7oo-talets dramatik. v.8. Esaias Tegner. Erik Gustaf Geijer. v.9. Svensk romantik: Atterbom; Hedborn; Elgstrom; Afzelius; Eufrosyne. Svensk romantik: Ling; Stagnelius; Sjoberg; Nicander; Dahlgren. v.i i. C. J. L. Almquist. v.i 2. iSoo-talets aldre prosadiktare : Cederborgh; Crusenstolpe; Fredrika Bremer; Sophie von Knorring. v.i3. iSoo-talets aldre prosadiktare: Emilie Flygare-Carle'n ; August Blanche; Orvar Odd; Onkel Adam. v.i 4. Poeter frin iSjo-so-talen: Nybom; Wennerberg; Malmstrom; Silverstolpe ; Sommcnlius; Von Braun; Sehlstedt; F. A. Dahlgren; Strandberg; Sturzen-Becker. v.i 5. Viktor Rydberg. Pontus Wikner. v.i6. Svensk lyrik frin tiden efter 1860 ("Signaturerna" och andra) : Snoilsky; af Wirs6n; Backstrom; Bjorck; Gellerstedt; Melin; Anna Wastberg. v.i 7. August Strindberg. v.i 8. A. C. Leffler. Ernst Ahlgren. Alfhild Agrell. Georg Nordensvan. A. U. Baath. Ellen Key. v.ip. Gustaf af Geijerstam. Tor Hedberg. Ernst Josephson. v.20. August Bondeson. Ole Hansson. Sophie Elkan. Axel Lundegird. Daniel Fallstrom. DANISH AND NORWEGIAN LITERATURE 1647 [Schiick, Johan Henrik Emil, & Berg, R. G. ed.] continued. 1839.7 838 .21. Verner von Heidenstam. Oscar Levertin. .22. Selma Lagerlof. Gustaf Eroding. .23. Per Hallstrom. E. A. Karlfeldt. .24. i8oo-talets dramatik: Von Beskow; F. A. Dahlgren; Aug. Blanche; J. J. Wee sell; Frans Hedberg; Harald Molander. .25, pt.i. J. L. Runeberg. 25, pt.2. Finlandsk litteratur utom Runeberg: Stenback; Topelius; Von Quanten; Wecksell; Tavaststjerna; Lybeck. Bellman, Carl Michael. 839.71 641 Samlade skrifter. 4v. in 2. 1889. Bonnier. v.i 2. Fredmans epistlar och singer. Handlingar rorande bacchi ordenskapitel. v-3-4. Fredmans testamente. Dikter vid atskilliga tillfallen; Zions hogtid; Ofver- sattningar ur Gellerts fabler. Collected works of a Swedish lyric poet (174095). Stahl, Axel Ivar. 839.71 878 Svenska sangboken. 1903. Broberg. Strindberg, August. 839.72 Sgie Elf einakter; verdeutscht von Emil Sobering. 1910. Contents: Fraulein Julie. Glaubiger. Paria. Samum. Die starkere. Das band. Mit dem feuer spielen. Vorm tode. Erste warnung. Debet und kredit. Mutter- Hebe. Strindberg, August. r8os P74 v.i7 [Plays.] (In Poet-lore, 1906, v.17, no.i, p.47~So; no.3, 9.8-44.) Contents: The stronger. The outcast. Simoom. Debit and credit. Strindberg, August. 839.72 891 Swanwhite; a fairy drama; tr. by F. J. Ziegler. 1909. Brown. Hedenstierna, Alfred, (pseud. Sigurd). 839.78 Ljud och oljud; ofver vaxlande amnen. [1886.] 839.8 Danish and Norwegian literature Bibliography Kildal, Arne, comp. roiG.Ssg K25 Selected list of Norwegian and Danish books recommended for a small public library. 1908. A. L. A. Pub. Board. (American Library Association. Foreign book list no.4.) General works Aarets antologi. 1907. 839.8 An 839.81 023 Old Danish ballads; translated from Grimm's collection by an amateur. 1856. Hope. Prior, Richard Chandler Alexander, tr. 839.81 Pgs Ancient Danish ballads; tr. from the originals. 3v. 1860. Williams and Norgate. Well supplied with explanations and notes. 839.82 B51b .D ps Bxynjn i 'N ,tasip 1648 IBSEN Bjornson, Bjornstjerne. r8os P74 v.4 A glove [a drama; tr. by Thyge Sogard]. (In Poet-lore, 1892, v.4.) Bjornson, Bjornstjerne. 839.82 Sigurd Slembe; a dramatic trilogy; tr. from the Norwegian by W. M. Payne. 1910. Sergei. This drama has a semi-historical basis, the events upon which it is founded dating from the iath century. It will richly reward the attention of all those who can appre- ciate the romantic and poetic value of the ancient Norseland myths and sagas. The English version won the enthusiastic commendation of Bjornson. Condensed from Nation, 1911. Drachmann, Holger. r8os P74 v.ig "Renaissance;" melodrama; tr. from the Danish by L. M. Hollander. (In Poet-lore, 1908, v.i9, p. 369-419.) Ibsen Ibsen, Henrik. 1839.82 Ii2 Collected works; ed. by William Archer, uv. 1907-08. Scribner. (Copyright edition.) v.i. Lady Inger of Ostrit. The feast at Solhoug. Love's comedy. v.z. The vikings at Helgoland. The pretenders. v-3. Brand. v.4. Peer Gynt; a dramatic poem. v.$. Emperor and Galilean; a world-historic drama. v.6. The league of youth. Pillars of society. v.7. A doll's house. Ghosts. v.8. An enemy of the people. The wild duck. . v.Q. Rosmersholm. The lady from the sea. Hedda Gabler. The master builder. v.i i. Little Eyolf. John Gabriel Borkman. When we dead awaken. Ibsen, Henrik. 839.82 Ii2l2 Lady Inger of Ostrat; The feast at Solhoug, and Love's comedy; with introductions by William Archer and C. H. Herford. 1908. Scrib- ner. (Collected works, v.i.) Ibsen, Henrik. 839.82 Ii2li Little Eyolf; a play in three acts; tr. from the Norwegian by William Archer. 1895. The same. 1911. Scribner 839.82 Ii2li2 With this are bound his "John Gabriel Borkman" and "When we dead awaken." Ibsen, Henrik. 839.82 Ii2pu Ein puppenheim; schauspiel; deutsch von J. Engeroff. Ibsen, Henrik. 839.82 Ii2p2 Richard Mansfield acting version of Peer Gynt. 1906. Reilly. Ibsen, Henrik. 839.82 Ii2s Siaures karzygiai; keturiy veiksmy tragedija. 1908. Brandes, Georg Moritz Cohen. 839.82 Ii2zbr Henrik Ibsen, mit 12 briefen Henrik Ibsens. [1906.] (Die litera- tur sammlung illustrierter einzeldarstellungen.) "Bibliographischer anhang," p. 115-1 25. IBSEN 1649 Lee, Mrs Jennette Barbour (Perry). 839.82 Ii2zl The Ibsen secret; a key to the prose dramas of Henrik Ibsen. 1907. Putnam. Author is (1908) professor of English language and literature at Smith College. The "secret," according to Mrs Lee, is that Ibsen's social plays are constructed around a symbol which stands for a character in the play and for the meaning of the play as a whole. Wicksteed, Philip Henry. 839.82 Ii2zw Four lectures on Henrik Ibsen, dealing chiefly with his metrical works. 1892. Sonnenschein. Contents: The poems. "Brand." "Peer Gynt." "Emperor and Galilaean;" "Love's comedy;" The social plays. 839.82 I12c 839.82 I12do 839.82 I12eny 839.82 I121ie 839.82 I12ma H6cem>, IIojiHoe codpanie coiHHemft. 4 T. 1909. H6ceHi>, reHpHKt. KyKOJibHtift flOMt (Hopa). H6ceHi>, TeHpHKi.. Bpart napofla. (^OKTopt CxoKMain,.) H6ceHi>, TenpHK-L. 1895. 839.82 I12gh 839.82 I12he 839.82 I12wh TD 839.82 I121it 839.82 I12n 839.82 I12ene .a ]IB 839.82 I121a jyn ,^yon a'N ,QI s i-j-jsj if i6so FRENCH LITERATURE 840 French literature Bibliography Bracq, Jean Charlemagne, comp. 1-016.84 667 Selected list of French books. 1908. A. L. A. Pub. Board. (Amer- ican Library Association. Foreign book list no.3.) Thieme, Hugo Paul, comp. qroi6.84 TSS Guide bibliographique de la litterature franchise de 1800 a 1906. 1907. Welter. An alphabetical list of igth century French authors, with their works, date of publi- cation and publisher. After each author is given a list of references to him which may be found in books and periodicals. These references are not limited to works in the French language. Bibliographies of the history of the language, literature and civiliza- tion of France are included. General works Amicis, Edmondo de. 840.4 ASI Ritratti letterari. 1908. Contents: Alfonso Daudet. Emilio Zola, polemista. Emilio Augier e Alessandro Dumas. L'attore Coquelin. Paolo Deroulede e la poesia patriottica. France, Anatole, (pseud, of Jacques Anatole Thibault). 840.4 F86o On life and letters; a translation by A. W. Evans, v.i. 1911. Lane. Halden, Charles ab der. 840.4 His fitudes de litterature canadienne franchise. 1904. Contents: Introduction: La langue et la litterature frangaises au Canada; La famille franchise et la nation canadienne, par Louis Herbette. Naissance et developpe- ment de la litterature canadienne frangaise. Philippe Aubert de Gaspe. Octave Crema- zie. Gerin-Lajoie. L. H. Frechette. Chroniques canadiennes. Post-scriptum. Robinson, Agnes Mary Frances, afterward Mine Duclaux. 840.4 R54 The French procession; a pageant of great writers. [1910.] Duffield. Contents: In the distance. The romantics. The sons of science. Mme Duclaux regards the literature of a great nation as a glorious pageant, which she watches from her balcony, describing the figures which she finds most impressive. This fancy gives coherence to a seemingly miscellaneous collection of reviews of French writers from Ronsard to Anatole France. Thorold, Algar Labouchere. 840.4 T4i Six masters in disillusion. 1909. Constable. Contents: Fontenelle. Prosper Merimee. Ferdinand Fabre. J. K. Huysmans. Maeterlinck. Anatole France. Epilogue. Studies the progress of the skeptical spirit as illustrated in six French writers. Almanach des gens de lettres, 1908. 1908. r840.6 A44 Lists the members of the Academic Frangaise and the Academic des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres, and the prizes which they bestow for literary work; also the year's lec- tures at the Sorbonne, the College de France, the Academic des Goncourt, and other societies of men of letters. Robertson, Duncan Maclaren. 840.6 RSS History of the French Academy, i63S(4)-l9io, with an outline sketch of the Institute of France, showing its relation to its constituent academies. 1910. Dillingham. Biographical list of members, p. 280-368. FRENCH LITERATURE 1651 Fournier, fidouard, ed. r84o.8 F84 Varietes historiques et litteraires; recueil de pieces volantes, rares et curieuses en prose et en vers; revues et annotees par fidouard Four- nier. v.i-o. 1855-59. Ramage, Craufurd Tait, tr. r84O.8 Riy Beautiful thoughts from French and Italian authors, with English translations. 1880. Howell. History and criticism of French literature Almanach des lettres franchises, 1906. ire annee. 1907. r84O.g A44 Annual devoted to French literature and the stage. Contains a calendar of im- portant literary events, followed by surveys of the literary productions in different fields, and a section on the theatre. Cousin, Victor. 840.9 C84 La societe franchise au I7e siecle; ed. by Leon Delbos. 1909. Contents: Madame de Longueville. Conde. Hotel de Rambouillet. Angelique Paulet. Montausier. Mademoiselle de Scudery. Le Samedi. "Victor Cousin; sa vie et son oeuvre," par Leon Delbos, p. 5-31. "Bibliography," p. 280. Faguet, fimile. 840.9 Fi3l Literary history of France. 1907. Scribner. (Library of literary history.) Readable, well arranged and precise account from the middle ages through the igth century. Introduction treats of the influence of English literature, at various periods, on the literature of France. Konta, Annie Lemp. 840.9 KM History of French literature from the Oath of Strasburg to Chan- ticler. 1910. Appleton. "Bibliography," p.s24-S29. Pellissier, Georges. 840.9 Le mouvement litteraire contemporain. 1908. Contents: Le roman. Le theatre. La poesie. La critique. L'histoire. 841 French poetry Beranger, Pierre Jean de. 841 6443 Songs of the empire, the peace and the restoration; tr. into English verse by R. B. Brough. 1856. Addey. Botrel, Theodore Jean Marie. 841 664 Contes du lit-clos; recits et legendes bretonnes en vers, suivis de Chansons a dire. 1900. Bourdillon, Francis William. qr84i 665 Early editions of the Roman de la rose. 1906. (London, Biblio- graphical Society. Illustrated monographs, no. 14.) "Bibliography," p.9-68. Careful and exhaustive bibliography of this early French poem. Includes a general bibliographical account, a description of the 21 editions and their illustrations, and notes on the early texts. 1652 FRENCH POETRY Breton, Jules. r84i 873 Jeanne; poeme. 1880. Bruyant, Jean. qr84i 683 Le livre du chastel de labour, par Jean Bruyant; a description of an illuminated manuscript of the I5th century belonging to P. A. B. Widener, Philadelphia, with a short account and synopsis of the poem. 1909. Privately printed. This poem is also known by the title "Le chemin de povrete et de richesse." Old allegorical poem, with 46 highly finished miniatures surrounded with elaborate ornamentation, illustrating closely the matter of the poem. Coppee, Francois. 841 Cjgp Poemes modernes. 1870. Contents: Angelus. Le bane. Enfants trouvees. L'attente. Le pere. Le defile. La benediction. Furetiere, Antoine. 841 Fg8 Poesies diverses; a partial reprint from the edition of 1664; ed. with introduction, notes and glossary by Isabelle Bronk. 1908. Furst. Gautier, Theophile. 841 62468 Espana, and fimaux et camees; ed. by C. E. Delbos. 1908. Claren- don Press. (Oxford higher French series.) Stevenson, William Marshall. r84i 624 Der einfluss des Gautier d' Arras auf die altfranzosische kunstepik, insbesondere auf den abenteuerroman. 1910. "Untersuchte texte," p. 7-9. Inaugural-dissertation zur erlangung der doktorwiirde der hohen philosophischen fakultat der Georg-August-Universitat zu Gottingen. Heredia, Jose Maria de. 841 H46s Sonnets; done into English by E. R. Taylor. 1898. Doxey. By a French poet of Spanish parentage. La Fontaine, Jean de. 3841 Li4S Select fables; adapted from the translation of Elizur Wright, for the use of the young; illustrated by Boutet de Monvel. Lamartine, Alphonse de. 841 Li7 La chute d'un ange; episode. 1845. (CEuvres completes, v.6.) "La chute d'un ange vast in dimensions, fantastic in subject, negligent in style, is a work of Lamartine's poetic decline. We are among the mountains of Lebanon, where dwell the descendants of Cain. The angel, enamoured of the maiden Daidha, becomes human. Through gigantic and incoherent inventions looms the idea of hu- manity which degrades itself by subjugation to the senses." Dowden's History of French literature. Lamartine, Alphonse de. 841 Liyh Harmonies poetiques et religieuses. 1847. (CEuvres completes, v.3j "Most of the purely religious poetry of Lamartine's youthful period is, from its want of simplicity and real feeling, almost unreadable nowadays. It is not lyric; it is not concise; it is reflection without matter, meditation without thoughts, breadth with- out depth... What really lived and breathed in those early poems was something inde- pendent of their religious dogmatism, namely the whole emotional life of a gentle, yet dignified soul." Brandes's Main currents in jyth century literature. Lamartine, Alphonse de. 841 Liyj Jocelyn; ed. by fimile Legouis. 1906. Clarendon Press. (Oxford higher French series.) "Bibliography," p. 244. FRENCH POETRY 1653 Lamartine, Alphonse de. 841 Liyn Nouvelles meditations poetiques; Le dernier chant du pelerinage d'Harold; Chant du sacre. 1845. (CEuvres completes, v.2.) Lamartine, Alphonse de. 841 Liyp Premieres meditations poetiques; La mort de Socrate. 1848. (CEuvres completes, v.i.) Lamartine, Alphonse de. 841 Liyr Recueillements poetiques. 1845. (CEuvres completes, v.4.) "Lamartine's verse is exquisitely harmonious, and frequently picturesque; but it is deficient in vigour and brilliancy, and marred by the perpetual current of sentimental complaining." Saint sbury's Short history of French literature. McKibben, George Fitch. 841 Mi8 The Eructavit, an Old French poem; the author's environment, his argument and materials. 1907. Thesis for Ph. D., University of Chicago. The "Eructavit" is a religious poem, probably written by a Benedictine monk of Sens about 1185. The 44th psalm of the Vulgate is regarded as the base of the poem, although the author is supposed to have derived material from other parts of the Bible and from the writings of Gregory the Great and St. Augustine. Missouri University. qr84i My4 Studies; literary and linguistic series, v.i-2. 1909-11. v.i. Chevalerie Vivien, with an introduction and notes by Raymond Weeks. v.2. The cyclic relations of the Chanson de Willame, by T. E. Hamilton. Musset, Alfred de. r84i Mg8 Poems; done into English by M. A. Clarke. 2v. 1905. Hill. Roland. 841 R6sc La chanson de Roland; a modern French translation of Theodor Miiller's text of the Oxford manuscript, with introduction, bibliogra- phy, notes and index by J. Geddes. 1906. Macmillan. "Bibliographic," p. 91-160. French epic poem of the nth century, dealing with Charlemagne and his conflict with the Saracens. "As a literary production, the Chanson de Roland is worthy to be classed with two other great mediaeval epics, the Beowulf and the Nibelungenlied. . .In its rough grace, it excels them both in directness, and, above all, in the expression of a national spirit." New international encyclopedia. Sully-Prudhomme, Rene Francois Amand. 841 Poesies; stances et poemes, 1865-1866. 1872. Verlaine, Paul. 841 Choix de poesies. 1906. Collections of French poetry Bartsch, Karl Friedrich, comp. r84i.o8 628 Chrestomathie de 1'ancien franc.ais (8e-ge siecles), accompagnee d'une grammaire et d'un glossaire. 1866. La Villemarque, Theodore Claude Henri Hersart, vicomte de. 841.08 Ls8 Ballads and songs of Brittany by Tom Taylor; tr. from the "Barsaz[.nV]-Breiz" of Vicomte H. de la Villemarque, with some of the original melodies harmonized by Mrs Tom Taylor. 1865. Macmillan. La Villemarque was himself a native of Brittany and an authority on the Breton language and literature. 1654 FRENCH POETRY Legrand d'Aussy, Pierre Jean Baptiste. r84i.o8 Fabliaux or tales, abridged from French manuscripts of the I2th and I3th centuries; selected and tr. into English verse by G. L. Way, with a preface, notes and appendix by G. Ellis. 3v. 1815. Rodwell. Legrand d'Aussy (17^7-1800) was an authority on the ancient literature of France. Lucas, St. John Welles Lucas, comp. 841.08 Lg6 Oxford book of French verse, I3th century-ipth century. 1907. Clarendon Press. Prefaced by an excellent survey of French poetry. In the collection special promi- nence is given to the ipth century. "From the 'Belle Erembor" of the twelfth century to the 'Sagesse' of Verlaine in the nineteenth here is a stream of melody and grace, of gaulois humor, sly wit and pathetic revery which may stand beside the anthology from any language." Nation, 1908. Wyndham, George. 841.08 Wg8 Ronsard and La Pleiade, with selections from their poetry and some translations in the original metres. 1906. Macmillan. La Pleiade was the name applied to the group of seven French poets of the i6th century to which Ronsard belonged. Their aim was to revive the classic forms in French language and literature. "It is a piece of clear, brisk, scholarly writing, full of facts not generally known and of ideas not generally familiar Since Rossetti's translations from the Italian poets no such translations of lyric poetry have been done into English. . .nor such translations of sonnets as some dozen of the sonnets in this volume." Arthur Symons, in Saturday review, 7006. History and criticism of French poetry Besant, Sir Walter. 841.09 646 Studies in early French poetry. 1868. Macmillan. Contents: Froissart. Alain Chartier. Christine de Pisan. Eustache Deschamps. Charles of Orleans. Olivier Basselin de Vire. Martial de Paris. Francois Villon. Roger de Collerye. Baude. Guillaume Alexis. Guillaume Coquillart. The immor- tals. Maistre Pierre Pathelin. De Saint Gelais. Francis and Margaret. La famille Marot. Clotilde de Surville. English poems of Charles of Orleans. Sympathetic criticism of i$th and i6th century poets, giving many quotations from their works. Gautier, Theophile. 841.09 624! Trois grotesques; ed. by H. J. Chaytor. 1906. Clarendon Press. (Oxford higher French series.) Contents: Francois Villon. Cyrano de Bergerac. Paul Scarron. "Bibliography," p. 126. 842 French drama Banville, Theodore Faullain de. qr842 822 Gringoire; comedy in one act [French and English text]. 1888. Rullman. Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de. qr842 8350 CEuvres completes, precedees d'une notice sur sa vie et ses ouvrages par Saint-Marc Girardin. 1837. "Beaumarchais may have lacked elevation and delicacy, but he knew his craft as a dramatist, and left a model of prose comedy from which in later years others of his art and mystery made profitable studies. He restored mirth to the stage; he rediscov- ered theatrical intrigue; he created a type, which was Beaumarchais himself, and was also the lighter genius of France; he was the satirist of society." Dowden's History of French literature. FRENCH DRAMA 1655 Bell, Mrs Hugh. 842 B4i Petit theatre des enfants; 12 tiny French plays for children. 1904. Longmans. Beyle, Marie Henri, (pseud. De Stendhal). 842 646 Racine et Shakespeare; ed. by Leon Delbos. 1907. Clarendon Press. (Oxford higher French series.) "Bibliography," p. 199. Corneille, Pierre. 842 C82O CEuvres, avec les notes de tous les commentateurs. I2v. 1854. v.i. Avertissement de 1'editeur. tude de la langue de Corneille et du commen- taire de Voltaire. Vie de Corneille, par Fontenelle. Supplement a la Vie de Corneille. Nouveaux details sur la Vie de Corneille. Melite. Clitandre. La veuve. v.a. La galerie du palais. La suivante. La Place royale. Medee. v-3. L'illusion. Le Cid. Horace. v.4. Cinna; ou, La clemence d'Auguste. Polyeucte, martyr. Pompee. v.5. Le menteur. La suite du Menteur. Theodore, vierge et martyre. Rodogune, princesse des Parthes. v.6. Heraclius. Andromede. Nicomede. v.7- Don Sanche d'Aragon. Pertharite, roi des Lombards. CEdipe. Sertorius. v.8. La toison d'or. Sophonisbe. Othon. Agesilas. v.g. Attila. Tite et Berenice. Pulcherie. Surena. Psyche. v. 10. Limitation de Jesus-Christ; tr. et paraphrasee en vers franc.ois. v.i i. L'office de la Sainte Vierge. Les sept psaumes penitentiaux. Vepres et complies des dimanches. Instructions chretiennes. Prieres chretiennes. Les hymnes du breviaire remain. v.i 2. Poesies diverses. Poemes sur les victoires du roi. Louanges de la Sainte Vierge. Poesies latines. Discours, lettres, etc. Pieces concernant le Cid. Curel, Francois de. 1805 P74 v.20 The beat of the wing (Le coup d'aile); a play in three acts; tr. from the French by Alice Van Kaathoven. (In Poet-lore, 1909, v.2O, P-32I-375-) Dumas, Alexandre, the younger. qr&42 D8g Denise; a play in four acts [French and English text]. 1888. Rull- man. Feuillet, Octave. 842 F43 Scenes et proverbes. 1859. Contents: Le fruit defendu. La crise. Redemption. Le pour et le contre. Alix. La partie de dames. La clef d'or. Trifles, dramatic in form and narrative in substance. Hennique, Leon. r8o5 Py4 v.2O Death of the due d'Enghien; a drama in three scenes; tr. from the French by F. C. Evans. (In Poet-lore, 1909, v.2O, p.4Oi-43i.) Hervieu, Paul. rSos Pj4 v.2o In chains (Les tenailles) ; a play in three acts; tr. by Ysidor Ascken- asy. (In Poet-lore, 1909, v.2O, p.8i-H2.) Hugo, Victor. 842 H8gc Cromwell [in French]. [1827.] Bruner, James Dowden. 842 HSgzb Studies in Victor Hugo's dramatic characters, with an introduction by R. G. Moulton. 1908. Ginn. Contents: Introduction. The characters in Victor Hugo's Hernani: Hernani; Don Ruy Gomez; Don Carlos; P.ona Sol. The character of Victor Hugo's Ruy Bias. The villain in Victor Hugo's Ruy Bias. The character of Victor Hugo's Lucrezia Borgia. 1656 FRENCH DRAMA 122 L'lllustration theatrale; journal d'actualites dramatiques, publiant le texte complet des pieces nouvelles jouees dans les principaux theatres de Paris [monthly], Jan. u, igo8-date. no.77-date. igoS-date. Issued as a supplement to "L'lllustration." Labiche, Eugene Marin, & Delacour, A. (pseud, of 842 Lupe A. C. Lartigue). Les petits oiseaux; comedie en 3 actes, with English notes by Fer- dinand Bocher. 1864. Holt. (College series of modern French plays.) Lima, Archer de. 842 Lyi L'anti-homme, poeme dramatique; L'homme; La route glorieuse. Maeterlinck, Maurice. 842 M24b The blue bird; a fairy play in five acts; tr. by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. 1909. Dodd. The same; a fairy play in six acts; tr. by Alexander Teixeira de Mat- tos. 1911 .................................................. r842 M24 "Written with charming simplicity, and telling a story admirably suited to childish interests and understanding, it makes an equally strong appeal to adults by its imagina- tive symbolism, its freshness of humor and observation, and the inventive spirit which animates its parable. It deals with the dream adventures of Tyltil and Mytil, the chil- dren of a wood-cutter, who are commissioned by the fairy Berylune. . .to go in quest of the Blue Bird." Nation, /pop. Kt, Mopnct. 842 M24si nxHu,a. [1908.] 842 M24bl Maeterlinck, Maurice. 842 M24J Joyzelle; tr. by A. Teixeira de Mattos; Monna Vanna; tr. by Alfred Sutro. 1907. Dodd. The same. 191 1 ......................................... r842 M24J "A dream play... full of strange hypnotic action and phrases that haunt... It is confined to four characters, two of which carry the slight thread of story. In style it is midway between Maeterlinck's earlier manner and Monna Vanna [It] is little more than a series of situations in which the heroine is tested by the stern old enchanter Merlin." Huneker's Iconoclasts. Maeterlinck, Maurice. 842 Mary Magdalene; a play in three acts; tr. by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. 1910. Dodd. The same ............................................. r842 M24ma "As literature it is well worthy of the author's reputation, while as a study in the ennoblement of a woman's soul by spiritual ecstasy it is an intellectual achievement of a high order." Nation, lyio. Maeterlinck, Maurice. 842 M24mv "Monna Vanna;" is francuziskos verte A. Adata. 1906. Maeterlinck, Maurice. 842 M24O L'oiseau bleu; feerie en cinq actes et dix tableaux. 1910. The same; feerie en six actes et douze tableaux. (In L'lllustration theatrale, 1911, v.14.) .................................. qr842 122 v.i4 FRENCH DRAMA 1657 Maeterlinck, Maurice. 842 Pelleas und Melisande; deutsch von Friedrich von Oppeln-Broni- kowski. 1908. Maeterlinck, Maurice. r8os Py4 v.6 The seven princesses [a drama; tr. by Charlotte Porter and H. A. Clarke]. (In Poet-lore, 1894, v.6, p.2O-32, 87-93, 150-161.) Maeterlinck, Maurice. r8os P74 v-5 The sightless [a drama; tr. by Charlotte Porter and H.A.Clarke]. (In Poet-lore, 1893, v.5.) Title has also been translated "The blind." Maeterlinck, Maurice. 842 M24S Sister Beatrice, and Ardiane and Barbe Bleue; two plays; tr. into English verse by Bernard Miall. 1909. Allen. The same. 1911. Dodd ................................. r842 M24S The first play is based on the mediaeval legend familiar to modern readers as the "Ballad of a nun." It tells how Sister Beatrice flies from the convent with Prince Bellidor, how the Virgin takes her place for 20 years as doorkeeper, and when Sister Beatrice creeps back in haggard repentance it is to enjoy a wholly undeserved reputation for miraculous sanctity. The second play is based on the fairy tale of Bluebeard. Maeterlinck, Maurice. 842 Theatre, v.2. 1910. v.2. Pelleas et Melisande. Alladine et Palomides. Interieur. La mort de Tintagiles. For v.i and 3 see preceding catalogue, second series. Martel de Janville, Sibylle Gabrielle Marie Antoinette, 842 comtesse de, (pseud. Gyp). La bassinoire [a play]. Meilhac, Henri, & Halevy, Ludovic. qr842 Frou-frou; a comedy in five acts [French and English text]. 1880. Rullman. Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin. 842 M7gav L'avare; comedie. 1908. Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin. 842 M7gma2 Le malade imaginaire; comedie, melee de musique et de danses. 1910. [Michigan University.] Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin. 842 M7ga Moliere; a new translation, the verse plays being for the first time rendered into English verse by C. H. Page. 2v. 1908. Putnam. (French classics for English readers.) v.i. The affected misses. Don Juan. Tartuffe. The misanthrope. v.2. The doctor by compulsion. The miser. The tradesman turned gentleman. The learned ladies. "Bibliography," v.i, p.4i~52. Biographical sketch of Moliere, by Brander Matthews, v.i, p. 5-30. Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin. 842 M7QO QEuvres. 6v. 1828. v.i. Vie de Moliere, par Voltaire. L'etourdi, comedie. Le depit amoureux, come- die. Les precieuses ridicules, comedie. Sganarelle, comedie. Don Garcie, comedie heroique. v.2. L'ecole des maris. Les facheux. L'ecole des femmes. La critique de I'e'cole des femmes. L'impromptu de Versailles. La princesse d'filide. Le mariage force 1 . 1658 FRENCH DRAMA Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin continued. 842 M7go v.j. Don Juan; ou, Lc festin de Pierre. L'amour medecin. Le misanthrope. Le medicin malgre lui. M61icerte. Pastorale comique. Le Sicilien; ou, L'amour peintre. v.4. Lc tartuffe. Amphitryon. George Dandin. Intermedes de George Dandin. L'avare. v.s. M. de Pourceaugnac. Les amants magnifiques. Le bourgeois gentilhomme. Les fourberies de Scapin. v.6. Psyche. Les femmes savantes. La comtesse d'Escarbagnas. Le malade imaginaire. La gloire du Val-de-Grace, poeme. Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin. 842 M7gpl Plays; in French, with an English translation and notes by A. R. Waller and an introduction by George Saintsbury. 8v. 1907. Grant. v.i. 1655-36. Introduction, by George Saintsbury. The blunderer. Lovers' quar- rels. v.2. 1659-61. The affected ladies. Sganarelle; or, The husband who thought him- self wronged. Don Garcie de Navarre; or, The jealous prince. The school for hus- bands. The bores. v.3. 1662-64. The school for wives. The school for wives criticised. The im- promptu of Versailles. The compulsory marriage. The princess of Elis. v.4. 1664-65. Tartuffe; or, The hypocrite. Don Juan; or, The feast with the statue. Love's the best doctor. v.s. 1666-68. The misanthrope. The physician in spite of himself. Melicerte. The Sicilian; or, Love makes the painter. Amphitryon. v.6. 1668-69. George Dandin; or, The outwitted husband. The miser. Monsieur de Pourceaugnac. v.7. 1670-71. The courtly lovers. The citizen turn'd gentleman. The knavery of Scapin. Notes: Moliere's contributions to Psyche. v.8. 1671-73. The countess of Escarbagnas. The learned ladies. The hypo- chondriac. Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin. qr842 Les precieuses ridicules, et La joie fait peur [par Mme Delphine Gay de Girardin; French and English text]. 1888. Rullman. Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin. qr842 Mygt Tartuffe; or, The imposter; a comedy in five acts [French and Eng- lish text]. 1880. Rullman. Musset, Alfred de. r842 Mg8 Comedies; done into English by M. R. Pellissier. 3v. 1005. Hill. v.i. A Venetian night. Andre del Sarto. The follies of Marianne. Fantasio. No trifling with love. Barberine. v.z. Lorenzaccio. The chandler. Prudence spurns a wager. v.3. A caprice. The door must be either open or shut. Louison. One can not think of everything. Bettine. Carmosine. Musset, Alfred de. r842 Mg8p Posthumes; done into English by M. W. Artois and Simeon Seijas. 1905. Hill. Contents: A supper at Mademoiselle Rachel's. The dream of Augustus. The donkey and the stream. Faustine Odd poems. Familiar letters. The king's servant. The poet and prose-writer. Secret transactions. Racine, Jean. 842 Riaa Athalie; a tragedy [French text]; ed. with explanatory notes for the use of students by E. S. Joynes. 1892. Holt. The same. Lemerre. (In his CEuvres, v.4, p. 1 57-254.) . .842 Ri2ov.4 Rostand, Edmond. 842 Rysaig L'Aiglon; dramma in 6 atti in versi; tradotto in italiano da Mario Giobbe. 1903. FRENCH DRAMA 1659 Rostand, Edmond. 842 Ryscha Chantecler; piece en quatre actes, en vers. 1910. The same. (In L'lllustration, v.135, Feb. 12-March 5, 1910.) ................................................. qro74 122 v.i35 Rostand, Edmond. . 842 Rysch Chantecler; play in four acts; tr. by Gertrude Hall. 1910. Duffield. " 'Chantecler' is not. . .a mere fantasy derived from transitory likenesses between bird and man. It is a direct gaze at the possibilities of human nature when touched by imagination. From this the reader is never for a moment distracted, even by the great interest which the author has effected in the creatures themselves ... In the barn- yard he observed a complete miniature world, containing manifold foibles, poses, and ambitions; and in the cock both a practical ruler and a transformer." Nation, 1910. Rostand, Edmond. 842 Ryscyr Cyrano von Bergerac; romantische komodie in fiinf aufziigen; deutsch von Ludwig Fulda. 1905. Liberma, Marco Francis. 842 R75chz Story of Chantecler; a critical analysis of Rostand's play. 1910. Moffat. "Brief account of the conception, development, staging, costuming and first produc- tion of the play, with an analysis based on Rostand's own explanations of his meaning, and a sympathetic but not biased criticism." A. L. A. booklist, 1910. Rousseau, Jean Jacques. 842 [Lettres; Theatre.] 1817. (Oeuvres, v.8.) Contents: Lettre a d'Alembert sur son article Geneve et particulierement sur le projet d'etablir un theatre de comedie dans cette ville. Lettre a Vernes. Reponse a une lettre de Le Roy. Reponse a une lettre anonyme. De 1'imitation theatrale. Theatre: Narcisse. Les prisonniers de guerre; Pygmalion; L'engagement temeraire; Les muses galantes; Le devin du village; Lettre a Le Nieps; La decouverte du nouveau monde; Fragments d'Iphis; Fragments de Lucrece. Sardou, Victorien. qr&42 8240 Our boon companions (Nos intimes!); a comedy in four acts [French and English text]. Rullman. History and criticism of the French drama Doumic, Rene. 842.09 D76 De Scribe a Ibsen; causeries sur le theatre contemporain. 1901. Studies of ipth century dramatic literature in France. Includes chapters on Scribe, de Musset, Dumas, Vacquerie, Augier, Sardou, Meilhac and Halevy, Lemaitre, Lavedan, De Curel, Aicard, Ancey, Jullien, Denier and others, closing with an essay on Ibsen. Doumic, Rene. 842.09 0760 Essais sur le theatre contemporain. 1905. Contents: Alexandre Dumas. fidouard Pailleron. Victorien Sardou. Henri de Bornier. Francois Coppee. Alexandre Parodi. Jules Lemaitre. Henri Lavedan. Maurice Donnay. Francois de Curel. Richepin. Georges Rodenbach. Edmond Ros- stand. Maurice Barres. Pierre de Larivey. Picard. Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin. 842.09 815 Trois portraits litteraires; ed. by D. L. Savory. 1908. Clarendon Press. Contents: Introduction; Sainte-Beuve. Moliere. Pierre Corneille. Racine. i66o FRENCH ESSAYS 843 French fiction Only works about French fiction are classified here. For works of fiction, see alphabetical list following the general class Literature. Brunetiere, Ferdinand. 843 B2izb Honore de Balzac. 1906. Lippincott. (French men of letters.) "Bibliography," $.287-297. Penetrating criticism of the work of Balzac, concerning whom Brunetiere says: "If as a writer he is not of the first rank... such is not at all his case as a novelist... no greater has been known in European literature." Gillette, Fredericka B. r843 Baizg Title index to the works of Honore de Balzac. 1909. Boston Book Co. (Bulletin of bibliography pamphlets, no.ip.) Reprinted from "Bulletin of bibliography," v.s, no. 6-8, July, Oct. 1908, Jan. 1909. Roux, Fernand. 843 Baizr Balzac, jurisconsulte et criminaliste. 1906. Study of Balzac in this aspect. Derived from an analysis of his works. Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. 843 B2iz.t Balzac; a critical study; tr. with an appreciation of Taine by Lo- renzo O'Rourke. 1906. Funk. "It is to Taine's Essay on Balzac that the author of The Human Comedy owes it, from the point of view of literary history, that he was placed so entirely above the novelists who were his contemporaries." Brunetiere's Honore de Balzac. Le Goffic, Charles. 843.09 L54 Les romanciers d'aujourd'hui. 1890. Contents: Les naturalistes. Les impressionnistes. Les symbolistes. Les philo- sophes. Les rustiques. Les mondaines. Les nouvellistes. Les romantiques. Les eclectiques. Romanciers divers. Stephens, Winifred. 843.09 883 French novelists of to-day, with bibliographies. 1908. Lane. Contents: Anatole France. Marcel Prevost. Pierre de Coulevain. Paul Bourget. Maurice Barres. Rene Bazin. douard Rod. Pierre Loti. A plain account of the prominent French novelists and their work. The book makes no pretension to criticism. But it contains a list of each author's writings and sufficient comment to give a pretty good idea of his scope and the general estimate in which he is held at present. In addition, the biographical treatment makes the volume altogether a handy source of information. Condensed from Nation, /poS. 844 French essays Berthelot, Pierre Eugene Marcellin. 844 646 Science et morale. 1896. Deschamps, Gaston. 844 D45 La vie et les livres; ist-6th ser. 6v. 1894-1903. v.i. La guerre de 1870 et la litterature. Le roman d'un membre de 1'Institut. Gabriel Charmes. La conversion de M. Paul Bourget. Fin de race. Gabriel Bonvalot. Le roman historique. Sur la mort de Guy de Maupassant. Une nouvelle edition de Saint Francois de Sales. Litterature et politique. Les poetes de la Bretagne. Le Napoleonismc litteraire. Officiers et soldats. Le ne'o-helle'nisme. La vieille chanson. Ce que dit la Russie. Le culte de Chateaubriand. v.a. Renan. Taine. Leconte de Lisle. Anatole France. Le catholicisme lit- t^raire. La jeunesse blanche. v.3. J. M. de Heredia. Verlaine. L'historien de 1'impressionnisme. Les gens du FRENCH ESSAYS 1661 Deschamps, Gaston continued. 844 D45 monde et le roman contemporain. Paul Bourget retour d'Amerique. Gaston Paris. Gabriel Hanotaux. Henri de Regnier. J. H. Rosny. La litterature et la democratic. v.4. A la recherche de 1'energie. A la recherche du bonheur. A la recherche d'une politique. A la recherche de la beaute. v.S- Theophile Gautier. Prosper Merimee. Octave Feuillet. fidouard Grenier. Le due d'Aumale. Auguste Blanqui. fimile Deschanel. Trois etapes de M. Anatole France. M. de Vogue, romancier. Paul Bourget. Provinces et provinciaux. v.6. Le cycle de Napoleon. Le cycle de la guerre. L'exotisme colonial et pit- toresque. France, Anatole, (pseud, of Jacques Anatole Thibault). 844 F86 Garden of Epicurus [and other essays] ; a translation by Alfred Al- linson. 1908. Lane. Other essays: On nunneries. How I discoursed one night with an apparition on the first origins of the alphabet. Careers for women. Miracle. Card houses. In the Elysian fields. Aristos and Polyphilos on the language of metaphysics. The priory. Hello, Ernest. 844 H42 Z zycia i ze sztuki; studya i szkice, w przeldadzie i z przedmowa. Walerego Gostomskiego. 1901. Hugo, Victor. 844 H8g Choses vues. Fragmentary impressions committed to paper by Victor Hugo when struck by some passing event. They are unequal in value, but some of them bear the marks of his wonderful powers of observation. Maeterlinck, Maurice. 844 Measure of the hours [and other essays] ; tr. by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. 1907. Dodd. Other essays: Immortality. The gods of war. Our social duty. Our anxious morality. Rome.- The psychology of accident. In praise of the fist. The forgiveness of injuries. Concerning "King Lear." The intelligence of the flowers. Perfumes. The same .............................................. r844 M24m These 12 essays cover a rather wide range, including questions of morality, social duty, literary appreciation, scenery and popular science. Their aim is, however, essen- tially that of his earlier volumes to combat insensibility to the possibilities of unguessed mysteries in what lies around us. Condensed from Nation, iyo6. Also published under the title "Life and flowers." Monod, Gabriel. 844 M83 Portraits et souvenirs. 1897. Contents: PORTRAITS: Victor Hugo et son siecle. Michelet a 1'ecole normale. John Richard Green et L'histoire du peuple anglais. Georges Waitz et le seminaire his- torique de Goettingue. Victor Duruy. Fustel de Coulanges. James Darmesteter. Alex- andre Vinet. Un disciple de Vinet, Edmond de Pressense. Un explorateur philosophe, N. de Mikluho-Maclay. SOUVENIRS D'ALLEMAGNE: Richard Wagner et Bayreuth en 1876. Le jubile des Nibelungen, L'Allemagne en 1896. Le mystere de la passion a Ober- Ammergau. Musset, Alfred de. r844 Mg8 A medley of literature and criticism; done into English by M. W. Artois. 1905. Hill. Contents: The church picture. A fantastic review. Salon of 1836. Letters of Dupuis and Cotonet. Mademoiselle Garcia's court. Speech at French Academy. Mademoiselle Rachel. Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin. 844 8150 Causeries du lundi; tr. with an introduction and notes by E. J. Trech- mann. v.i-8. [1909-10.] Routledge. (New universal library.) 1662 FRENCH MISCELLANY Stapfer, Paul. 844 879 Sermons laiques; ou, Propos de morale et de philosophic. 1906. Contents: De la place que la poesie doit avoir dans la vie. La derniere pensee morale et religieuse de Victor Hugo. Les peres de la litterature (hommage a Leon Tolstoi). Une histoire de 1'education en Angleterre. La colonie agricole et peniten- tiaire de Sainte-Foy. L'ame franchise et 1'esprit franc.ais en 1898. La liberte d'en- seigner et la crise du liberalisme en France. Esquisse d'une morale du beau pour 1'an 1903. La v6rite du "pacifisme." Le secret du bonheur. 847 French satire and humor Assoucy, Charles Coypeau d'. r847 Aventures burlesques, avec preface et notes par fimile Colombey. 1858. Delahays. "Note bibliographique," p.27-28. The author was a French satirical writer of the i/th century. 848 French miscellany Angellier, Auguste. 848 As8 Pages choisies, prose et vers; ed. by fimile Legouis. 1908. Claren- don Press. (Oxford higher French series.) Contents: Introduction. fitude sur Henri Regnault. La vie de Robert Burns. Les ceuvres de Robert Burns. A 1'amie perdue. Le chemin des saisons. Dans la lumiere antique: Le livre des dialogues d'amour. Dans la lumiere antique: Le livre des dialogues civiques. Notes. "Bibliographic," p. 184. Desperriers, Bonaventure. 1848 047 CEuvres franchises; revues sur les editions originales et annotees par Louis Lacour. 2v. 1856. v.i. CEuvres diverses. Premiere comedie de Terence appelee 1'Andrie; nouvelle- ment traduite et mise en ryme franchise. Cymbalum mundi. v.2. Nouvelles recreations et joyeux devis. Florian, Jean Pierre Claris de. r848 F66 CEuvres; nouvelle edition ornee de figures et augmentee de la vie de 1'auteur, de Guillaume Tell et autres ouvrages inedits. 8v. 1805. Dufart. v.i. Estelle et Galatee. v.2. Numa Pompilius. v.3. Theatre. v.4. Theatre et melanges. v.5. Precis historique sur les Maures d'Espagne. Gonzalve de Cordoue. v.6. Gonzalve de Cordoue (continued). v-7. Fables et pieces diverses. v.8. Nouvelles. Hugo, Victor. 848 H8g Intellectual autobiography (Postscriptum de ma vie); being the last of the unpublished works and embodying the author's ideas on literature, philosophy and religion; tr. with a study of the last phase cf Hugo's genius by Lorenzo O'Rourke. 1907. Funk. Contents: Last phase of Victor Hugo's genius. Genius and taste. Promontorium somnii. Utility of the beautiful. Great men: The jubilee of Shakespeare; La Fon- taine; Voltaire; Beaumarchais. Genius. The French revolution. Things of the in- finite. Life and death. Reveries on God. An atheist. Supreme contemplations. Thoughts. "Written in the sad solitude of exile, in the middle of disappointment, gloom and illness, this volume of reveries and reflections could scarcely be representative of ITALIAN LITERATURE 1663 Hugo, Victor continued. 848 H8g Victor Hugo's genius. Yet, unlike other posthumous books... this one, insomuch as it shows Victor Hugo in a more or less new light, should not have been suppressed." Saturday review, 1901. La Bruyere, Jean de. 848 Luc Characters; newly rendered into English by Henri Van Latin, with an introduction, a biographical memoir and notes. 1885. Scribner. Bojitxepi., Opancya Mapn-Apya. 848 V37s Co6panie coHHHenift. 3 T. BT> 1. 849 Provencal literature Bartsch, Karl Friedrich, comp. r 849.1 628 Chrestomathie provengale, accompagnee d'une grammaire et d'un glossaire. 1868. Mistral, Frederic. 849.1 M?4 Mireio; a Provencal poem; tr. by H. W. Preston. 1890. Unwin. Smith, Justin Harvey. 849.1 865 The troubadours at home; their lives and personalities, their songs and their world. 2v. 1899. Putnam. "Authorities," v.i, p. 15-30. Aim has been to depict the personalities of some of the most famous troubadours and to reconstruct for the reader the environment in which they lived. Written in a popular style, but based on a scholarly knowledge of the subject. Translations of a number of their songs are included. Smythe, Barbara, tr. 849.1 S66 Trobador poets; selections from the poems of eight trobadors; tr. from the Provencal with introduction & notes. 1911. Chatto. (New medieval library.) Bibliography, p-7-p. 850 Italian literature Bibliography Fabietti, Ettore, & Locatelli, Agostino, comp. ro2O Fn Saggio di catalogo modello, per una biblioteca popolare di centro urbano e per una bibliotechina di piccolo centro rurale. 1908. Bound with Fabietti's "Manuale per le biblioteche popolari." General works Societa Nazionale Dante Alighieri. rSso.6 S6yr Relazione della presidenza del consiglio centrale al congresso (20- 21), 1909-10. 1909-10. 1664 ITALIAN LITERATURE Societa Nazionale Dante Alighieri. 1850.6 867 Societa Nazionale Dante Alighieri per la tutela e la diffusione della lingua e della cultura italiana fuori del regno. 1909. With this is bound "Che cosa e c che cosa vuole la 'Dante?'" [dalla conferenza tenuta dal socio prof. E. Zaniboni nella sede del Comitato napoletano della "Dante Alighieri" il 24 febbraio 1907]. Ausoni, Libero. 850.8 Ag3 Pensiero e volonta; corso di letture per la scuola primaria italiana. 1898. "Indice tnetodico," p. 135-1 36. Fornaciari, Raffaello, ed. 850.8 F?7 Prosa italiana del secolo 19; luoghi scelti, ordinati ed illustrati ad uso delle scuole. 1896. Guelfi, C. L. 850.8 GQS Coscienza; letture educative per il popolo, ad uso specialmente delle classi elementari superiori e delle scuole serali e festive, lettera-prefa- zione di Lino Ferriani. 1911. Guelfi, C. L. 850.8 GQSS Sangue italiano; nuovissimo corso di letture speciali per le scuole italiane all' estro, con nozioni di storia e geografia, educazione morale ed istruzione civile. 2v. in i. [1910.] Liotta, Calogero. . 850.8 L?3 Primi albori; corso di letture educative per le scuole elementari urbane, secondo i programmi e le istruzioni ministeriali del 29 gennaio 1905. 1907. Mazzoni, Guido, & Bianchi, Enrico, comp. 850.8 M54 Antologia italica; ad uso delle scuole secondarie. [1907.] Paroli, Eugenio. 850.8 P25 Umberto; ossia, II futuro cittadino (testo unico) ; manuale per 1'esame di proscioglimento. 1893. Pascoli, Giovanni. 850.8 P27 Fior da fiore; prose e poesie scelte per le scuole secondarie inferiori. Rinucci, C. 850.8 R47 Libro sereno; letture per le scuole elementari. 4v. 1904-07. San Giusto, Luigi di, pseud. 850.8 Sig Pagine azzurre; quarto libro di lettura educativa, ad uso della quarta classe elementare maschile. [1905?] San Giusto, Luigi di, pseud. 850.8 Sigp Pagine azzurre; quinto libro di lettura educativa, ad uso della quinta classe elementare femminile. [1905?] Signorini, Giuseppe. 850.8 857 Libro di lettura per la quarta elementare femminile. 1907. Soli, Giovanni. 850.8 S68 Cominciamo la vita! libro di lettura per la quinta classe elementare femminile, colle occasioni per lo svolgimento del programma governa- tivo 29 novembre 1894. 1900. ITALIAN LITERATURE 1665 Veniali, Giacomo. 850.8 Corso di letture per le scuole elementari maschili e femminili, urbane e rurali; libro per la quarta classe femminile. 1907. History of Italian literature Cantu, Cesare. 850.9 Ciy Delia letteratura italiana esempj e giudizj, esposti da Cesare Cantu a complemento della sua Storia degli Italiani. 1860. Emiliani-Giudici, Paolo. 850.9 58 Storia della letteratura italiana. 2v. in I. 1896. Fornaciari, Raffaello. 850.9 F77 Disegno storico della letteratura italiana dalle origini fino a tutto il sec. 19. 1906. Bibliography at the end of each chapter. Hauvette, Henri. 850.9 HSS Litterature italienne. 1906. Most of the volume is occupied by a study of the great authors, Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Machiavelli, Guicciardini, Ariosto, Tasso, Metastasio, Goldoni, Parini, Al- fieri, Monti, Foscolo, Manzoni, Leopardi and Carducci. Secondary writers are very briefly considered. Magni, Basilio. 850.9 M25 Studio della letteratura italiana. 1884. Sanctis, Francesco de. 850.9 821 Storia della letteratura italiana. 2v. 1910. Voigt, Georg. 850.9 Vay Die wiederbelebung des classischen alterthums; oder, Das erste jahrhundert des humanismus; besorgt von Max Lehnerdt. 2v. 1893. v.i. Francesco Petrarca, die genialitat und ihre zundende kraft. Die griinder der florentinischen musenrepublik, die wanderlehrer, die erweckung der klassischen autoren aus den klostergrabern. Das erste Mediceische zeitalter, der humanismus in den repub- liken Italians. Der humanismus an den hofen Italiens. v.z. Der humanismus an der papstlichen curie, das zeitalter Nicolaus' V, die hel- lenistischen studien. Propaganda des humanismus jenseits der Alpen. Tendenzen und leistungen des humanismus. First published in 1859. "The best authority on the revival of classical learning." Adains's Manual of his- torical literature. 851 Italian poetry Aleardi, Aleardo, originally Gaetano. 851 AaSc Canti di Aleardo Aleardi. 1911. Contents: Due pagine autobiografiche. Un' ora della mia giovinezza. Le prime storie. II monte Circello. Accanto a Roma. I fuochi dell' Appennino. Lettere a Maria. Le citta italiane marinare e commercianti. Raffaello e la Fornarina. Ore cat- tive. II comunismo e Federico Bastiat. Amore e luce. Elegie. Epicedio per una bim- ba. Canti patrii. I sette soldati. Canto politico in morte della contessa Marianna Giusti. L'obolo di San Pietro. Poesie volanti. In morte di Donna Bianca Rebizzo, let- tera a Raffaele Rubattino. Arnalda di Roca. Per nozze. A te. Le inondazioni. Aleardi, Aleardo, originally Gaetano. 851 Poesie complete. 1863. Alfieri, Vittorio, conte. 851 [Sonettij; Abele; tramelogedia. 1809. (Opere postume, v.3.) i666 ITALIAN POETRY Amicis, Edmondo de. 851 Poesie. 1901. Annunzio, Gabriele d', (pseud, of Gaetano Rapagnetta). 851 A6ie Le elegie romane. 1905. Includes a translation of the poems into Latin verse by Cesare De Titta. Annunzio, Gabriele d', (pseud, of Gaetano Rapagnetta). 3851 A6ii In morte di Giuseppe Verdi; canzone, preceduta da una orazione ai giovani. 1901. Annunzio, Gabriele d', (pseud, of Gaetano Rapagnetta). 851 A6il Laudi del cielo, del mare, della terra e degli eroi. 3v. [1908-10.] v.i. Maia. v.a. Elettra. v.3- Alcione. Annunzio, Gabriele d', (pseud, of Gaetano Rapagnetta). q8si A6io Ode a Vittore Hugo. 1904. Busolli, Giuseppe. 851 A6izb Gabriele d'Annunzio e sua evoluzione poetica. 1902. Bambagiuoli, Graziuolo de. 851 621 Trattato delle volgari sentenze sopra le virtu morali; emendato per 1'autorita di un codice. 1821. Belli, Giuseppe Gioacchino. 851 641 Sonetti romaneschi; pubblicati dal nipote Giacomo a cura di Luigi Morandi. 6v. in 3. 1896. "Da Pasquino al Belli e alia sua scuola," by Luigi Morandi, v.i, p. 135-286. Botti-Binda, Rachele. 851 664 Usque dum vivam et ultra; sonetti. 1901. Carducci, Giosue. 851 Cigp Poems, with an introduction and translations by Maud Holland. 1907. Unwin. "Miss Holland's verse translations from Carducci have more than common merit a fact obviously due to her appreciation of the poet's spirit no less than of his form." Saturday review, 1907. Carducci, Giosue. 851 Cigpo Poesie, 1850-1900. 1911. Chiarini, Giuseppe. 851 431 Poesie, con una lettera a Giosue Carducci. 1902. Chiggiato, Giovanni. 851 C43 La dolce stagione. 1901. Chiggiato, Giovanni. 851 C4sr Rime dolenti. 1898. Dante Alighieri. 851 D23com Commedia and Canzoniere of Dante Alighieri; a new translation, with notes, essays and a biographical introduction by E. H. Plumptre. 2v. 1896-98. "List of abbreviated references," v.i, Translation in verse which preserves the triple rhyme of the original. Though the spirit of the poem is sometimes lost in the slavery of the metre, the translation is rendered, in general, with skill and smoothness. ITALIAN POETRY 1667 Dante Alighieri. 851 D23CO Convivio; tr. into English by W. W. Jackson. 1909. Clarendon Press. A work of the first importance from the point of view of the serious student of Dante. An able introductory essay contains a clear exposition of the scholastic philoso- phy of the age, some acquaintance with which is essential to an intelligent appreciation of Dante's methods of composition. A full and clear summary of contents is prefixed to each book of the treatise and an index of subject-matter is appended. Dante Alighieri. 851 023 da Dante [Divine comedy]; tr. into English verse by I.C.Wright; illustrated with engravings after designs by Flaxman. 1861. Bohn. Dante Alighieri. 851 La divina commedia; ed. and annotated by C. H. Grandgent. v.i-2. 1909-11. Heath. (Heath's modern language series.) v.i. Inferno. v.2. Purgatorio. "Bibliographical abbreviations," v.i, p.8; v.2, p.6. "Intended primarily for the general literary public, though adapted also to academic use." Preface. Dante Alighieri. 851 D23in In the footprints of Dante; a treasury of verse and prose from the works of Dante; comp. by Paget Toynbee. 1907. Methuen. Collection of many famous and beautiful passages, mostly brief, chosen not only from the "Divina commedia" and the "Vita nuova," but from Dante's Latin works as well. Italian or Latin text and English translation are given in each case. Dante Alighieri. 851 0230? Le opere di Dante Allighieri; come le vede Paolo Molteni. 2v. in I. 1889. Contents: La commedia. II convito. Dante Alighieri. 851 D23po Poetische werke; neu iibertragen und mit originaltext versehen von Richard Zoozmann. 4v. [1908.] v.i. Die gottliche komodie; Holle. v.2. Die gottliche komodie; der Lauterungsberg. v-3. Die gottliche komodie; das Paradies. v.4- Das neue leben. Gedichte. Carroll, John Smyth. 851 D23zca Exiles of eternity; an exposition of Dante's Inferno. 1904. Gorham. Cunnington, Susan. 851 D23zcu Stories from Dante. [1910.] Crowell. An account of Dante, of the Florence of his time, and of Beatrice is followed by chapters on the Inferno, the guide Virgil, on Betrand de Born, the emperor Frederic II, Ser Brunetto Latino, Count Ugolino of Pisa and Guido Cavalcanti. The Purgatorio and the Paradiso are similarly treated. Griggs, Edward Howard. 851 D23zgr Divine comedy of Dante ; a handbook of six lectures. 1905. Huebsch. "Book list," p.39-45. Klaczko, Julian. 851 D23zkl Wieczory florenckie; dzielo uwienczone przez akademie. francuska., z upowaznienia autora thimaczyl St. Tarnowski. 1908. Criticism of Dante entitled "Florentine evenings." 1668 ITALIAN POETRY Reade, William Henry Vincent. 851 D23zre The moral system of Dante's Inferno. 1909. Clarendon Press. The most exhaustive analysis that has ever been made of the subject (1909). After a careful examination of two representative theories, those of Witte and Dr Edward Moore, and an elaborate comparison of the two bodies of moral teachings from which Dante drew directly, those of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, the author presents his own theory of Dante's principle: that the existing state of the agent's will at the time of the sin is the criterion of an act. Author is a tutor of Keble College, Oxford. Scartazzini, Johannes Andreas, comp. r8si 02323 Enciclopedia Dantesca; dizionario critico e ragionato di quanto con- cerne la vita e le opere di Dante Alighieri. 2v. 1896-99. v.i. A-L. v.2. M-Z. Snell, Frederick John. 851 D23zsne Handbook to the works of Dante. 1909. Bell. Its special value will be found in the attention it gives to Dante's works other than the "Commedia." Soldati, Federico. 851 D23zso II disegno morale della Divina commedia. 1903. Vecoli, Alcibiade. 851 D23zve Saggio di uno studio sul vario modo di nominare "Dio" nella Divina commedia. 1899. Dante Society, Cambridge, Mass. 1851 0237 Annual report (i6th-date), i897-date. i897-date. Fogazzaro, Antonio. 851 F68m Miranda [novella in versi]. 1905. Fogazzaro, Antonio. 851 F68 Poesie scelte. 1898. Foscolo, Ugo. 851 Fygc II Carme dei sepolcri, e altre poesie, con discorso, commento e ap- pendice bibliografica del Francesco Trevisan. 1909. "Appendice bibliografica del Carme," p.22i-24o. Foscolo, Ugo. 851 F7gl Liriche scelte: I sepolcri, e Le grazie, con commento di Severino Ferrari. 1910. (Biblioteca scolastica di classici italiani gia diretta da Giosue Carducci.) Fucini, Renato. 851 Fgj Le poesie di Neri Tanfucio (Renato Fucini). 1902. Fusinato, Arnaldo. 851 Fgg Poesie. 3v. in I. [1906.] Contains also his "Poesie patriottiche; con prefazione e note di Eugenio Checchi." Giannone, Pietro. 851 635 L'esule; poema, con aggiunte di altre sue poesie inedite. 1868. Tipo- grafia del Giglio. Graf, Arturo. 851 076 Medusa; poesie. 1890. ITALIAN POETRY 1669 [Guerrini, Olindo.] 851 695 Postuma; canzoniere di Lorenzo Stecchetti (Mercutio) [pseud.]; edito a cura degli amici. 1910. Leopardi, Giacomo, conte. 851 L6ac I canti; cOmmentati da Alfredo Straccali. 1908. (Biblioteca scolas- tica di classici italiani gia diretta da Giosue Carducci.) Marradi, Giovanni. 851 Poesie; novamente raccolte e ordinate. 1907. Mazzoni, Guido. 851 Poesie. 1904. Mazzoni, Guido. 851 M54V Voci della vita; versi. 1893. Meli, Giovanni. 851 Ms8 Opere poetiche; edizione curata da G. E. Alfano. 1894. Mercantini, Luigi. 851 M6a Canti, con 1'aggiunta di molte poesie inedite e un discorso di Gio- vanni Mestica. 1885. Taylor, John Edward. 851 M66zt Michael Angelo considered as a philosophic poet, with translations. 1852. Murray. Study of Platonic elements in his poetry, with translations of some of his sonnets. Milli, Giannina. Poesie. 2v. in i. 1862-63. Negri, Ada. Fatalita. 1908. Negri, Ada. Tempeste. [1909.] Parini, Giuseppe. Poesie scelte. v.i. [1909.] Contents: II giorno. Odi. Poesie varie. Ascanio in Alba. Pascarella, Cesare. 851 Pay Sonetti. 1909. Pascoli, Giovanni. 851 Payyc Canti di Castelvecchio, con appendice. 1910. (Poesie, v.4.) [Pascoli, Giovanni.] 851 P2jj Primi poemetti. 1907. Prati, Giovanni. 851 P88 Poesie scelte; cura di Ferdinando Martini. Tassoni, Alessandro. 851 Taag La secchia rapita, e altre poesie. [1910.] Fornaciari, Raffaello, ed. 851.08 F?7 Poesia italiana del secolo 19; luoghi scelti, ordinati ed illustrati ad uso delle scuole. 1897. Martuscelli, Francesco. 851.08 M43 Raccolta di scelte poesie; accomodata alle varie eta per esercizii di declamazione ed esempii di bello scrivere. 1892. i6/o ITALIAN DRAMA History and criticism of Italian poetry Ancona, Alessandro d'. 851.09 A54 La poesia popolare italiana; studj. 1906. Barbiera, Raffaello. 851.09 623 I poeti della patria. 1904. 852 Italian drama Alfieri, Vittorio, conte. 852 La finestrina; commedia [e] II divorzio; commedia. 1809. (Opere postume, v.7.) Alfieri, Vittorio, conte. 852 AaSo Opere. I3v. 1809-11. v. i . Filippo. Polinice. Antigone. v.2. Virginia. Lettera di Ranieri de' Calsabigi. Risposta dell' autore. v.3- Agamennone. Oreste. Rosmunda. v.4. Ottavia. Timoleone. Merope. Lettera dell' abate Cesarotti sulle tre pre- cedenti traeedie. v.s. Maria Stuarda. La congiura de' Pazzi. Don Garzia. v.6. Saul. Agide. Sofonisba. v.7. Bruto prime. Mirra. Bruto secondo. v.8. Filippo. Polinice. Antigone. v.9. Del principe e delle lettere. Delia tirannide. La virtu sconosciuta. v. ii. L'Etruria vendicata. Sonetti. v.i2. Versi di vario metro. L' America libera. Panegirico di Plinio a Trajano. v.i 3. Elogio a Vittorio Alfieri di Antonio Buccelleni. Quattro lettere di Ottavio Falletti di Barolo indirizzate a Prospeio Balbo in torno ad alcune opere postume di Vittorio Alfieri. Alfieri, Vittorio, conte. 852 AaStr I troppi; commedia [e] L'antidoto. 1809. (Opere postume, v.6.) Alfieri, Vittorio, conte. 852 As8u L'uno; commedia [e] I pochi; commedia. 1809. (Opere postume, v.5.) Nardi, Pietro de. 852 AsSzn Filosofia del genio di Vittorio Alfieri. 1904. Annunzio, Gabriele d', (pseud, of Gaetano Rapagnetta). r8os P74 v.i8 The daughter of Jorio; a pastoral tragedy; tr. from the Italian by Charlotte Porter and others. (In Poet-lore, 1907, v.i8, p.i-88.) Annunzio, Gabriele d', (pseud, of Gaetano Rapagnetta). r8os P74 v.i4 Dream of a spring morning [a drama; tr. from the Italian by Anna Schenck]. (In Poet-lore, 1902-03, v.14, no.i, p.6-36.) Annunzio, Gabriele d', (pseud, of Gaetano Rapagnetta). r8os Py4 Dream of an autumn sunset [a drama] ; tr. from the Italian by Anna Schenck. (In Poet-lore, 1904, v.i5, no.i, p.6-29.) Annunzio, Gabriele d', (pseud, of Gaetano Rapagnetta). 852 A6ifi La fiaccola sotto il moggio; tragedia. 1905. Annunzio, Gabriele d', (pseud, of Gaetano Rapagnetta). 852 A6in La nave; tragedia. 1908. ITALIAN DRAMA 1671 Annunzio, Gabriele d', (pseud, of Gaetano Rapagnetta). 852 A6iso Sogno